S-3/./CJ00 PRINCETON, N. J. H Purchased by the Mrs. Robert Lenox Kennedy Church History Fund. - FM'iO Division. ..3X15SZ Section . mb . Number . '■ I a Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/notitiarnonastica00tann_0 4 THOsnsis Tanner ?, plfaybenti# Episgopus Tn/tuzbw Ti/iUyuNafcs f)//Nr . t ^ _ .s' r > *•* •• • :; •; T .. \ t ■> ■ A. ' '"-.A '•■*:..*■ ;<■ i v.: a a "i a v.U . ; ■ A 7 ;! '■ ’7 Jo ' : 1 7 v i ■ c ;• a ■ - 7 ' - . ' ' ‘ " ft'- J, JL jl~- «. ( ~ - t- -v • v i • 7*7. j>w j. - • £ • • • ’ r . . * » 1 * i c * «. * ' A ' - ' ' * - " \ " ’ • - ; • - * - • . *■ T - r c: ; . ' •; a i- : •; ■ • • • • •; , a . j : • ' »: - • ■ : -j' THE PREFACE TO THIS EDITION IN the preface of the worthy editor of the former edi¬ tion of this book, compiled, as he informs us ", chiefly from the materials of the accurate and judicious author b, the reader will find an ample account of the firft rife of the Monaftic Orders, of the times of their introduction into this kingdom, and of their various fortunes till their final fuppreffion. This preface is here reprinted without alteration'. I have but few ob- fervations to add to it, and too confeious of my infe¬ riority in the knowledge of the fubjedt, to dare to ob¬ trude thofe few on the public as the fentiments of the learned author or his brother, I have printed them by themfelves ; they relate to (l) the ftate of the monaf- teries in England previous to the reformation made in them by K. Edgar; (2) to the general caufes of the decline of the monks in popularity; (3) *^c _Pr^v|" lege which fome abbats and priors enjoyed of fitting in parliament ; (4) and to the value of annual income of the monafteries at the time of their diflolution. I. As the firft preachers of Chriftianity to the Saxons were monks, fo the eftablifhment of monafteries in the feveral kingdoms of the Heptarchy every where ac¬ companied the converfion of the inhabitants. But it has been doubted how far the monks of thefe earlier times refembled in difeipline thofe of a later period : Mr. Wharton, no incompetent judge of thefe matters, was of opinion, that till the time ofK. Edgar, our mo¬ nafteries were nothing more than convents of married clergy. But I apprehend the two orders of Regular and Secular clergy were always diftindl, and tho’ mar¬ riage was permitted to the latter, celibacy always made part of the vows of the former. The want of precifion in the writers of that age in the ufe of the terms collegium and monajlerium J, will hardly be ad¬ mitted as a demonftrative proof, that the monk and the fecular canon were then the fame : and the in- ftance given of the abbefs of Vetadun (or Watton), whofe daughter was a nun in the fame houfe><, is equally inconclufive, fince this daughter was probably born before her mother took the veil. The opinion therefore of Mr. Wharton is unfupported by fails; and the gene¬ ral manners of thofe times, and the conftitutions of their prelates and fynods would lead us to a contrary conclufion. The legends of the Saxon faints are filled with extravagant encomiums and as extravagant examples of celibacy, which fo far from being ex¬ cluded the cloifter, was deemed the brighteft ornament not only of the reclufe, but even of the betrothed vir- * Vide infra p. Xxvii. a. The praifes art editor lavifties on the author whom he re- publiihes are feldom confidered as wholly difinterefted : I am therefore happy that the long eftablilhed reputation of Bifliop Tanner renders any' panegyric on my part unnecefiary. His judgement and accuracy have hitherto been called in queftion by no one but the lively and ingenious author of the Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, and a very fmall degree of at¬ tention would have difeovered to him, that the charge was groundlefs and the miftake his own. Of Queen Mary, the bi- lliop fays in his Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, p. 510, “ that “ lhe tranflated Erafnuis paraphrafe on St. John's Gofpel, and <4 a prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas. That there are extant fome ipeeches and letters of hers in Fox's Martyrology ; and “ the Hiftory of her life and death , alio an account of the 44 martyrs that fuffered in her reign printed in 8° London “ 1682.” Mr. Walpole is probably the firft per fon, whoever inferred from hence, that the biihop was fo abfurd as to make the queen authorefs of this hiftory. c The notes are confiderably enlarged from the mfT. additions of the former editor : one of which# 1 have fince difeovered to have been too haftily adopted from the laborious Hiftoriogra- pher of Oxford (p. xxiv. note •) who reprelents many of the monks as retiring at the dilFolution to Canterbury, Durham, Glocefter colleges, See. and continuing there till they were worn out or had gotten benefices : but all the colleges belong¬ ing to the Regulars were diflolved at the fame time as the monafteries, and granted away by the crown foon after. A * Vide infra p. iii. a. b. gin *. And the penitential of archbifliop Ecgbert, who prefided over the fee of York from A. D. 734 to A. D. 766. contains many things, which feem to in¬ dicate the fingle life of the monks and nuns of thofe days f. Such I doubt not was the original inftitutipn : but when amidft the miferies the kingdom fuffered from the repeated invafions of the Danes, the monaf¬ teries became almoft every where defolate and forfaken, the place of the monks and nuns were gradually ufurped by the fecular clergy, whofe ejection was the grand object of Edgar’s policy. So that he feems to have done nothing more, than reftored the monks, then few in number and for the moft part deprived of the opulent pofieffions of their predcccflbrs, to their antient feats and priftine fplendor : but there is 110 proof that he firft obliged them to add celibacy to their former vows, or that it had not always made part of their profeflion. II. In the following preface, the gradual progrefs of the Monkilh inftitutions is accurately marked, and an account given of the number of Religious founda¬ tions in each reign from the Conqueft, and it is ob- ferved that they were moft of them eftablilhed in the firft century and half of the Norman period ; “ after which, “ though there were many churches, frieries, hofpitals, “ and colleges founded, there were very few houies of “ monks, nuns, or canons ; fo that the nation in general “ feemed to have quite loft its tafte for thefe kind of infti- “ tutions a great while before the fubverfion of them i.“’ Of this change of fentiment the caufes are not affigned : but as they feem to lie pretty near the furface, and re¬ quire no great depth of obfervation to difeover, I fliall endeavour to fupply the omiffion. The very great wealth of the Religious Houfes rendered them ob¬ noxious both to the crown and the nobility h ; — to the crown, becaufe it enervated the military force of the nation, becaufe it diminilhed its revenues ', as often as the ecclefiaftics Iheltered themfelves, which they frequently endeavoured to do, under the papal authority in the denial of fupplies k, and more efpeciallv becaufe in the contefts with the fee of Rome, the Regular cler¬ gy invariably adhered to the interefts of the latter 1 : To the nobility, becaufe the heads cf thefe houfes were become their rivals in opulence, becaufe they ftifly maintained the many regalities and immunities annexed to their pofieffions, and were often at fuit with them on this fubjeft01. The monks loft the favor of the lower ranks of Society, becaufe they were auftere 5 See in the Ely hiftorians the legend of St. Etheldreda. f See Wilkins’ Councils, vol i. p. 130. t 16. p. 131. t> 18. p. 140. And alfop. 191. 9 6. p. 215. 4 4. p. 221. $ 63. s Vide infra p. viii. a. h Hence the many (latutes of mortmain, which our kings indeed frequently difpenfed with, but not without receiving large fums for fuch difpenfations. See original letters written during the reign of Henry 6, Sc c. publilhed by John Fcnn efc. vol. i. p. 166. i Of the dexterity of the ecclefiaftics in eluding the military fervices to which their eftates were iubjeet, fee mf. in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab. LI. i. 3. account of Cent abbey in Hutchin s foorfetlhire and Hume’s Hiftory of England, vol. ii. p.275. k The crown at length found the means of extrafting no inconfiderable revenue from the clergy, but it was often with difficulty, and it was fome time after the conqueft before it Was either regularly or eafily granted. 1 The monks had violently oppofed the crown during the weak reign of K. John, by joining firft with the pope and af¬ terwards with the barons. »’ The hiftory of a monaftery is little more than a narration of fuccefiive litigations : — nor were the monks fparing in em¬ ploying other means of atferting their rights : the Peterborough hiftorian relates of Abbat Benedict, “ omnia qux de jure per- “ tinebant ad eccleiiam Burgi n inliter rctinuit ; vel placitis “ aut armis iufte recuperavit : nam armaium ilium multi vi- “ derunt in ilia adquiiitione.” Heame s Benediiftus, Append, ad prsef. lix. lx. THE PREFACE TO THIS EDITION. tnafters, and fectncd to have adhered more pertlnaci- ou(ly than the laity to the rigid cuftoms of antient days ", The parochial clergy mull have viewed them with a jealous eye, as they were gradually ufurplng the bed part of their pofleffions : and the bilhops themfelves, though frequently taken from the cloifter, were no fooner inverted with the nlirre, than they found their intereft to be diftindl from that of the Regulars, and that the extenfive privileges and exemptions claimed by the latter, were as inimical to ecclefiaftical as civil authority ». The operation of thefe caufes was much accelerated by the introduction of the Mendicant or¬ ders, who held forth to the public the fame fpiritual advantages at a much cheaper rate, who foon furpaffed their rivals in their pretenfions to learning and piety and quickly fucceeded to the popularity the monks had formerly enjoyed. III. It has embarrafled our antiquaries to determine on what was founded the privilege enjoyed by feveral abbats and priors of a feat in parliament r : but this embarraffment feems chiefly to have arifen from apply¬ ing the ideas of modern to antient times : a feat in par¬ liament is now the moll diftinsuilhed privilege a fubjecS can enjoy ; but the ecclefiaftics of the middle ages viewed it in a different light and confidered it as a burden. Hence there is not, as far as 1 recoiled, a fingle inftance of its being granted by charter, but very many, of exemption from their attendance there q. Suit at the king’s court was a duty originally exa&ed of all that held in capite, but as thefe tenants became more numerous, it was demanded only of the greater who held per baroniam. So probably all abbats and priors were originally bound to attend in parliament, who either poflefled entire baronies, or held fmaller portions of land immediately of the crown. But as the attendance of the Heads of the fmaller houfes was bur- denfome to themfelves, and of little fervice to the crown, it was in many cafes tacitly difpenfed with, and they were no longer fummoned : in other this exemption was exprefsly granted by charter, and the reafon fome- time affigned, quia non tenet per baroniam q. It ought not therefore to be afked, how it happened that fome enjoyed the privilege of a feat in parliament, while others, who were equally opulent never obtained it ; but rather on what grounds the latter became exempt from a burden to which the former remained Aibjedt. K. Edward 3. greatly reduced the number of Regulars that (hould be fummoned to parliament', but no writer of that age has complained of his violating the privi¬ leges of the church by fo doing, which they would not failed to have done, had they confidered a feat in par¬ liament as one of thofe privileges : they feem thank¬ fully to have embraced his offer, and others to have fupplicated for the like indulgence: fo that out of above j6o that had at different times been fummoned' between 49 Hen. 3. and 23 Ed. 4. there remained only twenty nine 1 who retained their feats among the fpiritual lords till the diffolution. IVr. There is no fubjeft of Ecclefiaftical Antiquity, upon which writers have more differed, than about the annual value of the pofleffions of the Regular clergy at the time of their diffolution : notwithftanding there flill exifts a general furvey of their pofleffions taken 26 Hen. 8. The total of thefe valuations fomewhat n An antient canon forbad them to manumife their Haves. «< Abbati vel monacho fervum non licet facere liberum : im- “ pium eft, qui res ecclefias non contulerit, dampnum inferat.” And this unhappy race of men feems to have been longer per¬ petuated on the ’eftates of the monafteries than elfewhere, for in the furvey of Glaftonbnry, taken after its diffolution there is mention of 371 bondmen “ whofe bodies and goods are at « the kings highnefs’ pleafure.” Hearne’s Langtoft, p. 381. In almoft every city and great town, where there was a reli¬ gious houfe, we read of lalting enmities and contefts between the inhabitants and the monks, arifing from the rigid exercife of the privileges and powers, which the latter had obtained. O The archbifhops of Canterbury endeavoured in vain to emancipate themfelves from the control of the prior and monks of that church ; fee the articles Hakington and Lambeth in this book Mr. Wharton has obferved, that as the fecular chap¬ ters generally agreed with their prelates, fo the conventual chapters were as conftandy at variance with theirs. ? Vide infra p. xvi. note exceeded 140,000/”. hut bifhop Burnet fuppofes them to have been really worth ten times that Ann *. A very extravagant fuppofition, whether he means, that the commiffioners who took the furvey fo ill acquitted themfelves of their duty as to rate them only at one tenth of the true rent, or that thofe rents were fo fa¬ vorable to their tenants as not to exceed one tenth ol the real value of the land. It is not probable that any publick afleflment (hould be made precifely ad valorem. I will admit therefore that the monks were favored in this taxation: and it is not difficult to difeover with tolerable preciflon in what degree they were favored. After their lands came to the crown, the pofleffions of fome of the monafteries were again furveyed, and the fecond ellimates, though they exceed the firft, exceed them in a much lefs proportion than that which the bi- fhop has affigned. In fome cafes the rife is equal to one half of the former valuation, in others to one third, and in others dill lefs *. So that if we fuppofe the an¬ nual rental to have been then 200,000 /. we (hall pro¬ bably rather exceed than fall fliort of the truth : and this fum may be confidered as equivalent to two mil¬ lions in thefe days, eftimating the value of land to be now ten times greater than it was in the reign of Hen¬ ry 8. It has been faid on feeming good grounds that an equal land tax of two (hillings in the pound would raife the fame fum as the prefent taxation does at four (hillings, and confequently that the prefent rental of the kingdom is not lefs than twenty millions : from whence it will follow that the pofleffions of the Religious Houfes did not exceed a tenth part of the landed pro¬ perty of the times. Nor will this eftimate be much encreafed on the fecond fuppofition of their lands being let under their real value: for if they were held by leafe, and for long terms, their annual income would not receive any great addition from fines paid on re¬ newals, nor the value of their eftates be much greater from their reverfionary rights on the expiration of their leafes. There were then no reftraining ftatutes ; fo that their leafes were probably for a longer term than corporate bodies are now permitted to grant, and the intereft of money being alfo double what it is at pre¬ fent, thefe two circumftances mud confiderably have reduced the profits they could expedl from fines for renewals. Nor is it probable their referved rents lhould bear fo fmall a proportion to the real value of the land : no proof is brought of the affertion, nor has it even been (hewn, that the ruinous method invariably pur- fued for the two lad centuries by ecclefiaftics, of fines on renewals, was then eftablifned. Tl q thefe coiili- derations, may be added that no inconfiderable part of their lands was under their own culture and therefore their value could not be affedled by thofe caufes : fo that on the whole, the preceding Calculation feems to be as near the truth, as any that can be made /. To have followed the fame rule in the work itfelf as I have obferved in this preface, I found impradticable ; and I have been unavoidably obliged to blend my la¬ bors with thofe of the author. I am not fo prefiimptu- ous as to expedl that I have every where avoided falling into error, but I hope the errors will not be found to be numerous. The additions, I have made, confift either in accounts of houfes not noticed in the former q q Thus by pat. 15 Ed. 3. the prior oF Spalding who had been fummoned to parliament from 49 Hen. 3. to that time, was then excufed quia non tenet per baroniam : the prior of Sempringham, who had alfo been fummoned in like manner as far back as our records reach, obtained 9 Ed. 3 . a charter ete non weniendo ad parliamentum , and the abbat of Leicefter obtained a fimilar grant in the twenty fixth year of the fame reign. ' Vide infra p. xvi. b. • Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. Append, p i. > Vide infra p. . “ See the Valuations of the Religious Houfes, p. vii. a. w See his Hiftoryof the Reformation. x See GJaftonbury, Sec. in this book. y Mr. Hume makes the rental of the kingdom in the reign of Henry 8. to have been 3 millions, and eftimates the re¬ venues of the Religious Houfes at no more than 160,000/. or little exceeding a twentieth part of the whole landed property. edition, the Preface t edition, or in references to books and mff. relating to thofe that were. Of the former kind, the number can¬ not be expe&ed to be great; they chiefly relate to ob- feure cells and decayed hofpitals; for no conventual priory or incorporated charity could well efcape the repeated fearchcs of antiquaries for two centuries. The authorities, on which they are inferted, are every where given. If thofe authorities fhould in fome in- ftanccs appear flight and the exiftence of fuch cells du¬ bious, the reader will recoil eel that it was the plan of the learned author to give an account of all Religious Houfes that have been any where * mentioned as exit¬ ing in this kingdom, and that the former edition con¬ tains many reputed cells, of which he expreffed his doubts whether they ever really exifted z. But the greater part of the additions confift in refer¬ ences to books and mlT. “ I have made extradls of “ many.books ” (faith the worthy editor of the fecond edition3) “ and would have made more, if I had had, or “ could have borrowed books for it.’’ My fituation in the neighbourhood of the univerfity gave me eafy accefs to books, and I have not omitted confulting any that I knew related to the fubjeil ; and the many works, that have of late years been publifhed on Topo¬ graphical Antiquities have enabled me to make the re¬ ferences b much fuller and more complete than they for¬ merly were. The copy of the late worthy editor, with which I was favoured by Dr. Tanner, contained feveral addi¬ tional notes, and alfo an account of fome hofpitals in Devonlhire, Kent, and Middlefex, all which have been inferted in their refpeitive places. Had not death de¬ prived me of my valuable friend the reverend William Cole, M.A. F.A.S. his large colleftions relating to Monaftic Antiquities would have furnilhed me with * * See Gloeejler/hire xiii. 4. note 9. Somerfetjhire ii. note d. a See Preface, p. xxvii. a. b The references to Leland’s Itinerary are now made to the third and lall edition of that work : the firft edition, of which O THIS EDITION, many additional references : thofe collections are 1. .1 depofited in the Britilh MufieUm, there to remain m- accefliblc to every one for twenty years to be computed from his deceafe. The Univerfity of Cambridge pur chafed his copy of the Notitia, which contained no other mfT. addition than a few references to his own mlT. which I have preferved. In the former edition the feveral articles in each county were arranged in chronological order, in the prefent they are placed alphabetically. The chrono¬ logical method, as each county formed a diftinCl feries, added no light to the fubject, and was attended with this obvious inconveniency, that the accounts of the Religious Houfes in the fame city or town, inflcad of being collected together, were dilperfed into as many different places as there were different dates of their foundations. My grateful acknowledgements are due to the Uni¬ versity of Cambridge for the very liberal encou¬ ragement they have given to this work ; for which I beg that learned body to accept my fincere thanks. I am alfo much obliged to Richard Milles of Nac- kington in the county of Kent, efq for his generous continuance of that patronage to this undertaking which his late worthy father-in-law Dr. Tanner had in¬ tended. I am obliged to the Reverend Samuel Denne, M.A. and F.A.S. for the communication of many ufeful references to the archives of the fee of Chichefter. The Reverend Robert Masters, B.D. and F.A.S. favoured me with the fecond volume of Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies with the mff. notes of that eminent antiquary Mr. Thomas Baker. Thomas Astle efq. of the Paper Office will accept my thanks for his polite anfwer to my enquiries concerning the remains of Monaftic An¬ tiquity in his pofleffion. JAMES NASMITH. there were only 120 copies printed, being fcldom to be met with, and confequentJy the references to the pages of that edition lefs ufeful. P R E. ■ V ^ s • ■ v - '■ • ; : ■ . , ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ’>■ ’ . ... . * • - , . TIIE preface. TO make the following work the more ufeful and acceptable, I purpofe to give fome account I. Of the original, progrefs, and increafe of mona- ftcries in England and Wales. II. Of the different orders of monks, nuns, and friers. III. Of the difference of abbies, priories, &c. of the officers in thofehoufes; andfomething of the benefit and difadvantage of them to the nation. IV. Of the diffolution of thefe religious focieties. V. Of this work, and what the editor hath done towards it. I. As to the original of monks in this ifland, it hath been thought by fome to have been as early as the firft plantation of chriftianity therein ; for a very learned gen¬ tleman' tells us, “ It is probable, that fome of the “ Druids b, having been converted from the Pagan re- “ ligion (whereof they were the priefts) became our “ firft monks, being thereunto much enclined by the “ feverity of their former difcipline.” And (to omit, for the great improbability of it, what the Winchefter hiftorian c faith of king Lucius’ founding an abbey in that city for monks of the order of St. Mark the evan- gelift) authors of fome credit d have aflerted the college or monaftery of Bangor or Banchor in Flintfhire to have been as old as A. D. 182. though others, with greater probability, have placed it almoft three hundred years later'. It is not unlikely but that feveral Chriftians, to avoid the heat ofDioclefian’s perfecution, which raged fiercely here about A. D. 303 f. might withdraw themfelves into folitary places, and live there in an afcetic ways. The troublefome times, which foon after b followed by the Romans hard ufage of the Britains, and the invafions of the Scots from Ireland, the Pi&s and Attacots 1 from the north, and the Saxons and Franks from the eaft and fouth k, might poflibly further incline contemplative per- fons to flee into caves, forefts, and fuch like folitudes, and fpend their time there in reading the fcriptures, and other duties of religion, tho’ under no other tye or vow but what they impofed upon themfelves. But the learned bifhop Stillingflcct (to whom the church antiquities of this nation owe their greateft light) is of opinion, that the Britilh monafteries are no older than St. Patrick'; and tho’ Capgrave 1 and from him Bale and Pits fay, that Pelagius the heretic, who flou- rifhed about A. D. 400. was abbat of Bangor, that ju¬ dicious prelate faith"', « There is no probability at all “ in the monkifh tradition of Pelagius’ being abbat of “ Bangor ; and there is not much more of Bangor's be- “ ing f° famous a monaftery at that time, or of Pela- “ g‘us’ being a monk therein. For the Britilh mona- “ fteries were no older than St. Patrick’s time; and in “ Pelagius’ time thofe were called monks at Rome, “ who, having no office in the church, retired from the “ common employments of the world, for facrcd ftudies u and devotion : And where any number of thefe lived “ together, that was called a "monaftery.” This is confirmed by William of Malmlbury, who calls Glaf- tonbury the oldeft monaftery he knew in England ", and yet faith, it was formed into a monaftery by St. Patrick. “ For after St. Patrick (faith he) had con- “ verted the Irifh to the Chriftian faith, A. D. 433. he “ came over into this ifland, and finding at Giafton- “ bury twelve anchorites, he gathered them together; “ and making himfelf abbat, taught them to live ac- “ cording to monadic rules'.” The monaftic life is generally allowed to have been begun in the eaft p, and not to have been brought even to Rome itfelf till about A. D. 340 1. Some time after St. Martin of Tours carried it firft into France', and St. Patrick, being his nephew and having been with him in his journey to Rome, probably learned it of him, and was the firft au¬ thor ofit in England’ as well as Ireland. About A. D. 512. the Britilh hiftorians report, that St. Dubritius, archbifhop of St. David’s, founded twelve monafteries, and taught his monks to live, after the mariner of the Afians and Africans, upon the work of their own hands. The learned Mr. Camden thinks that Congellus ! firft brought the monaftic way of living into Britain a- a Sir George Mackenzy, in his Defence of the Royal line of Scotland, p. 13. “ In Anglia idem fuit monachifmi atque chrif- tianilmi initium, idem incrementum.” J. Malhami Propalm- um. — But he makes his computation from St. Auguftine’s con- verfion only b Vide Preface to Stillingfleet’s Original of the Britilh Church¬ es, p. 39. ' Tho. Rudburn, in Whartoni Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. i8j. <• Archbilhop Ulher’s Antiq. Eccl. Britan. fob p. 69. ' ' Stillingfleet’s Original of the Britilh Churches, p. 184, 185. 1 Fuller’s Church Hilt, book i. p. 17. S This feems to have been the true original of monkefy, “ The perfections, which attended the firft ages of the gof- “ pel. forcedtome Chriftians to retire from the world, and live “ in deferts and places molt private and unfrequented, in hopes “ to find the peace and comforts amongft hearts which were “ denied them amongft men : And this being the cafe of fome “ very extraordinary perfons, their example gave fo much re- “ putation to retirement, that the pra&ice was continued “ when the reafun ceafed which firft began it ; and after the “ empire became Chriftian, inftances of this kind became nu- “ merous, and thofe, whofe fecurity had obliged them to live “ feparately and apart, were united into focieties.” Dr Inet’s Church Hill. vol. ii. p. 208. See alfo Bingh.m, Book vii cap. 1. § 4. Pndeaux Connexion, vol. iii. p. s'u. Broughton’s Dictionary, fub vevbo Monks. b About A. D. 350. Echard’sHift. of England, edit. 1720. p. 14* 1 Wild Britains, as Stillingfleet’s Original of BritiHi Church¬ es, p. 287. They fecm to have been of the fame original with the bcots. Salmon's Geography, p. 232. n Which happened almoft together about A.D. 364. Rapin’s Hiftoi*y, fol. edit. 1732. vol. i. p. 22. 1 In Vita S. Albani, fol. viii. b. m Stillingfleet’s Original of the Britilh Churches, p. 184, 18 c. n De regibus, lib. i. cap. 22. 0 De antiquitate Glafton. Oxon. 1691. Capgrav. in Vita S. Patricu (ex regiftr. Glafton.) fol. cclxiii. b. and Mon. Angl. vol. 1. p. it. b P By St. Amthony; for though he was not the firft who re¬ tired into fohtude, yet he was the Srft who drew feveral per- lons together to unite in this kind of life. Dupin’s Hill. Cb. vol iu p i8r. St. Anthony began monaftic life A. D. 270. Ech, E. H. 4.13- m Egypt, Maimbourgh, Book vi. p. 288. rv prince of Mercia, who expelled the monks out of the monafteries in that province, and reftored the Secular canons ; and thereupon enfued fome (harp contcfts be¬ tween the monks and Seculars in the time of king Ed¬ ward the younger at the fynods of Winchefter n, Cain % and Ambrefbury "; where being either convinced by pretended miracles °, or over-ruled by the power of arch- bifhop Dunftan, and others of the monks’ party, the Seculars were filenced, and the monks quietly enjoyed their lands till the conqueft. But this muft be underftood of the ftate of monafte¬ ries in the fouth parts of the ifle. In the kingdom of the Northumbrians monafteries were more frequent even from their firft receiving Chriftianity. For the new converts here being mightily taken with the powerful preaching and exemplary lives of Aidan and the Scotch monks, were very zealous in building and endowing Re¬ ligious houfes ; arid they had fo great an opinion of the fan&ity of thefe monks and their way of living, that it was very ufual for their nobles r, and fometimes even for their kings and queens <1 to renounce the world (as they called it) and to put on Religious habits. As in the fouth parts it was ufual to fend their children into F ranee r to learn the monaftic way of living, fo in the north they were fent into Ireland to be inftru&ed in the monafteries there. But, as Simon Dunelmenfis faith s, “ After the “ devaftation of that country A. D. 867. by the Danes, “ who reduced the churches and monafteries toafhes, “ Chriftianity was almoft extinft, very few churches “ (and thofe only built with hurdles and ftraw) were re- e Leland Collect, vol. i. p. 9. Spelmanni Concil. vol. i. p, 434. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 218. But Ofbern, in his Life of St. Dunftan, Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 91. faith, “ Ea tempelUte Qlaf- “ tonia regalibus ftipeadiis addicta monaftic* reiigionis penitus “ ignara.” f Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 206. g Decern feript. col. 1643. ► h Ibid. col. 1645. See alfo Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 9 r . ■ London, 1623. p. 145. See an abftradt of it in Fuller’s Church Hift. book vi. p. *87. The beginning of it is alfo in Reyner’s Append. p. 77. k And intended to have founded three more, as Hewing, vol. ii. p. 518. i 1 Speed’s Hiftory of England, p. 355. Held A. D. 973. as Wilkins’ Councils, vol.i. p. 261. ” n A. D. 977. as Wilkins, vol.i. p.263. 0 The crucifix fpoke in favour of the monks at Winchefter ; and the floor of the chamber, wherein they were affembled, fell down at Caine, and the whole company with it, except Dun¬ ftan. Collier, vol. i. p. 191. Fuller’s Church Hift. book ii. p. 133- p Collier, vol. i. p. 124. from Bede’s Eccl. Hift, lib.v. chp. 24. '! Speed’s Hiftory of Great Britain, p. 243, 244. where is particular mention of eight kings and two queens that did to : But the preface to the Monafticon, p. 9. faith, that thirty Englilh Saxon kings and queens did fo in two hundred years. r Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 89. • Decern feript. col. 206. “ built. PREFACE. « built. But no monafteries were refounded for almoft « two hundred years after. The country people never “ heard of the name of a monk, and were frighted at “ their very habit, till feme monks from Winchelcomb “ brought again the monaftic way of living to Durham, “ York, and Whitby.” It may be neceffary here, firft, to obferve fomething concerning nunneries before the Conqueft. That we had nuns in the time of the Britains is very probable, becaufe the Irifh and Scots allowed of them before the coming of St. Auftin; and the conftitution ofthe Britifh churches was in a manner the fame with theirs. Lcland faith exprefly, that Merlin’s mother was a nun 1 at Cacr- marthen : And fome fay, that St. David’s mother was a nun u alfo. Whatever monaftic rules St. Auftin might introduce, we meet with none relating to Religious virgins, yet in the next century we find them very fre¬ quent amongft the Saxons. King Eadbald founded, about A. D. 630. a nunnery at Eolkeftone in Kent, which probably was the firft in England: And there¬ fore it was an overfight in Mr. Weaver* and Sir Wil¬ liam Dugdale * to fay that Berking in Eflex was the firft ; for that was not founded till A. D. 675. about which time there feem to have been a great many nuns. For St. Mildred before that time prefided over feventy in one houfe in the ifle of Thanetr. A. D. 694 a^- beffes were in fo great efteem for their fanftity and pru¬ dence, that they were fummoned to the council at Bec- canfield, and the names of five (and not one abbat) are fubferibed to the eonftitutions there made *. Bifhop Aidan made Hieu (who was afterwards foundrefs and abbefs of Hartlepool) the firft * nun amongft the Northumbrians, A. D. 640. And it was a cuftom in Northumberland and Scotland in ancient times, for monks and nuns to live together b in the fame monaf- tery, who were all fubjeft to the government of the ab¬ befs. It was thus particularly at Whitby', Repindon’1, Coldingham ”, Beverly f, and Ely *. Secondly, to give fome account of the Secular clergy, who are fo much fpoken of in the ecelefiaftical hiftory of the Saxon times, and for the mod part difadvantageoufly ; becaufe. we have no account of them but what is tranf- mitted to us by thqir bittereft enemies, the monks, and fuch as favoured the monks. But who, if we knew the truth, might perhaps have lived as much to the glory of God, and the good of mankind, as thofe who fpoke fo much againft them. And yet tis ’uncertain what the difference between the old Secular canons and the monks was. For hiftorians by calling the houfes of the monks, collegia h, and the houfes of Secular canons, monajleria in confound thefe two forts of Religious perfons, and make the opinion of Mr. Wharton k not unlikely, viz. That before the reformation by king Edgar and St. Dunftan, our monaftcries were nothing but convents of Secular married clergy. Nor is the marriage of monks and nuns in thofe ages unlikely '. For Bede tells us ”, that in John of Beverly’s time, the abbefs of a monaftery then called V etadun (fince IVatton) had a carnal daughter who was nun of that houfe. On the other hand, fome of the Seculars obliged tbemfelves to the vow of chaftity, and many of them obferved fome re¬ gular eonftitutions. For the canons of Durham ” read the pfalms in the fame order as was required by the rule of St. Benedict. At Peykirk they obferved the ca¬ nonical hours of the monks, and took the vows of chaf¬ tity and obedience”. And at Canterbury (as Gtr/a- fius obferves) they wore the habit of the monks, and partly conformed to their rule. So that in all likelihood the terms of monks and Secular canons were indifferent¬ ly ufed, or with very little diftinction till king Edgar’s time, when St. Dunftan enforcing a ftridler obferva- tion of St. Benedict’s rule, thofe, that were willing to retain their wives and parochial cures, were termed Se¬ cular clerks, and thofe were called monks or Regulars, who quitted both, according to the conftitution of that order. Thirdly, Let it be noted, that the monks of this iftand were never under one rule before the fecond re¬ formation. For, not to mention the difference between the Britifh, Scottilh, and Roman monks, we may ob¬ ferve, that almoft every abbat laid down particular rules of living for thofe under his jurifdiction; fo that we meet with the rules of St. Patrick, St. Congal p, St. Co- lutnbp, 3t. MolvaP, St. Columbans, St. Carthagus, Segenius, Furfaeus, St. Coman, and others amongft the Irifh and Scotch ; St. David, St. Afaph, St. Cuthbert, St. Adhelm, &c. amongft the Britains and Saxons. Neither did archbifhop Cuthbert’s regulation make an uniformity in thefe matters. For in king Alfred’s time there were “ diverfi generis monachi And even after the conqueft, at a general vifitation of Reli¬ gious houfes A. D. 1232. amongft the Benedictines, there were not two monafteries that lived after the fame manner s. At the Conqueft, monafteries had a deep {hare in the afflictions of the conquered nation ; fome of the beft of their manors were facrilegioufly taken away', their treafuries were rifled, and their liberties infringed by the infulting Normans. Moft of the Englifh abbats “ being depofed for little or no caufes, ftrangers were i Colled. vol. ii. p. 29. De feript. Britan, p. 43. « “ Cereticse provincial comitis adulteri films fuit David “ Menevenfis ex Mekaria virgine Veftali.” Godwin De prae- ful. p. 572. edit. 1742. ex Bateo. See alfo Fuller’s Church Hill, booki. p. 36. But Leland (De tempt. p 57 ) and Giral- dus Cambr (in Angl Sacr. vol. ii. p. 619 ) fay her name was Nonnita, and poffibly Ihc might be thought to have been a nun from thence. w Funeral Monuments, p. 599. “ Warwickshire, p. 1107. edit. 1730. but he placeth the foundation in A. D 666. r Reyner, tr. i- p 6a. 64. a Spelman’s Councils, vol. i. p. 189. Dr. Wilkins placeth this Council in A. D 69a. and hath omitted the fubferiptions. a Bede’s Eccl. Hift. book iv. chap. 43, s Ibid, book iv. chap. 7, c Ibid, book iv. chap. 43. d Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 2 Be. ex Leland. Co lie cl. vol. ii. p. *70- « Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 1051. f Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p. 34. t Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 59 9. 11 Bede Eccl. Hilt, lib iii. cap. 5. lib. iv. cap. it. Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p 60. “ Collegio inftituit monachico." Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 470. a. 1 Dn Frefne Glofiar. in voce Monafierium . In the fynod at Clovelho held A. D. 747. an order was made “ de monafteriis Ssecularium.” Spelm. Concil. vol.i. p. 447. Wilkinfii Con- cil. vol. i. p. 93. In K. Edward the Confeffor’s charter to Waltham, that houfe of Seculars is often called Monafierium ; and the canons, “ Fratres, et catcrvula fratrum fecundum auc- “ toritatem fandorum patrum canonicse regulse fubjeda.” Mon. Angl. vol. ii.p. u. b. If the charter ofK. Edgar, Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. ioo, be genuine, there were Seculars at St. Werburgh's, Chefter, in his time. Leland. Colled, vol. i. p.337. tells us, That the Secular canons at York Ir.cd in com¬ mon, like monks, in K. William the Conqueror’s time, and after. And in Angl. Sacr. vol i p. 559 we read the fame of thofe at Wells, for whom bifhop Gifo built a dormitory, cloyiter, and refedoty ; and thofe canons at Wets had lands in common as late as A. D 1140. as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. ;6t. That the Secular canons were generally married after the Con¬ queft. Wharton’s Hift. ofthe Bilhops of London, p 55 k Angl. Sacr. tom. ii. p. 91. and vel. i. p 602 it is laid, “ In Anglorum gente, Edredo regnante, coenobia ab utriufque “ fexus canonicis (nomine, non dignitate} erant , ccupata diu- “ tidin', r.” See alfo Inet’s Church Hiftory, vol. i. p 17?. I Dr Inet faith, they were often married and allowed to mar¬ ry when they thought fit. Church Hift. vol. i. p. 144. 147. 3»3- m Eccl Hift. lib. v. cap. 3. » Simon. Dunelm. in Prtefat. * Ingulf, edit. Oxon. p 40. p p p See the Introdudion to Monafticen Hibemicum, 8vo. Lond. 1744. 3 He went to France about A. D. 590. and, founded there the abbies of Luxueil, Annegray, and Funtaine, his life and rule are put into Hift. des Ordr. Monaft. vol. v. p. 65. r Decern feript. col. 134. * Mat. Paris, edit. L nd 1684 p 344. * Mat Paris, p. 7. Brady, p an See Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 248. of what was taken from Hyde near Winchefter; and ibid. p.957. of what was done generally ; but in the Appendix to Collier's Eccl Hift voi i n. vii. there is a writ of tile Con¬ queror’s to rertore the bifhoprics and abbies, “ Quiecunquc ** epifeopi et abbates, vel levitate, vcl timorc, vel cupiditate “ dederunt, vel ipfi vicecomites violentia abftulerunt ” * Spelman’s Councils, vol. ii p. 3, 4. Collier, vol. i. p. 241. preferred IV P R E F ACE. preferred to the richeft abbies in the kingdom, who in¬ troduced feveral new culloms to the grievance of the old Saxon monks. The firft thing, which feemed very hard, was the al¬ tering their miflals: Upon this account what great heats were there in the abbey of Glaftonbury ! when Thurftan the pragmatical Norman abbat would have forced the monks to lay afule the old Gregorian fer- vice w, which had been ufed there time out ot inind, to make ufe of the new devotions of William of Fifcamp. Thefe and feveral other innovations, which were bring¬ ing in upon them, were (lopped by the pains of Ofmund bifliop of Salitbury, who compofed a new ritual, after¬ ward known by the name of “Mill'ale inufum Sarum,” and generally ufed in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Secondly, another thing, which was a burden to the Religious, efpecially thofe of the cathedral convents, was the making Secular priefts bifhops of thofe churches. Of this the monks made loud complaints, becaufeit was rarely, or (as they pretended) never heard of in the Sax¬ on times, and even forbid by a pofitive canon made in the time of archbifliop Theodore, and afterwards con¬ firmed by king Edgar *. And therefore fome Seculars v, when elected into vacant biflioprics, would not be con- fecrated, till they had taken the monadic habit. And the monks, having an utter ditlike to be under the ju- rifdiction of the Seculars, feldotn lived peaceably with them ; who having never been ufed to the monkilh in- ftitutions, might probably be for altering fome things, whilfl the monks, being (Irongly devoted to them, and very jealous of their privileges, complained upon the lead occafion of the Secular bifhops afting contrary to the rules and immunities of their order. So that the learned Mr. Wharton faith z, the monks always quar¬ relled with their bifliops, and the Seculars generally agreed with them a. 3. A third diladvantage, occafioned in monaderiesby the Conqued, was the didindtion which was afterwards made between the lands of the bilhop and the convent. For, during the Saxon times, all the donations were made “ Deo et ecclelix b,” or to the bifliops, priors, and monks in common. But after the Conqued, the bifliops affigned what revenues they thought fufficient to maintain the prior and convent1, and referved the red, and generally bed, of the church lands to the ufe of themfelves and fuccelTors. This divifion fell hard upon the monks in many places. For the Canterbury hidorian d complains, that their archbifliop had retained the fervices and fees of the earls, barons, and knights, and allowed the monks none but thofe of yeomen and hufliandmen. This certainly gave occafion at fird for the diflindlion in other monaiteries between the lands of the abbat and the convent; and afterwards for the dillinft portions of the feveral great officers of the houfe. For we never read, till after the Conqued, of any grants w Reyner, tr. i. p. 4. ex Ordcrici Vitalis Hift. ad A. D. 1070. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. i. p. 253. from Brampton. * So Decern feript. col. 16.19. but I cannot find any fuch ca¬ non in either Spelman’s or Wilkins’ Councils. 1 When Odo bifliop of Sherborn was elefted archbifliop of Canterbury, A D 934 he declared himfelf unqualified for it, becaufe he had never been a monk ; molt of our writers indeed think, that he made this objedtion only from an unwillingnefs to accept that high Ration but he would not be confecrated till he received the Religious habit from the abbat of Fleury. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p 4. vol. ii. p. 91. Godwin. De prseful. p. 50. edit. 1741. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. i. p. 178. So like- wife when Eadmund was elected bifliop of Durham, A. D. 1020. he was made a monk,. “ ut anteceiToribus fuis, qui e mo- “ nafterio omnes prodierant, propius accederet.” Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 701. 2 Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 43J- ‘ Perhaps the more, becaufe the bifliops were generally Se¬ culars. “ Decern feript. col. 1310. c Angl. Sacr vol. i. p. 407. of bifliop Herbert’s making fuch divifion at Norwich; and vol. ii. p. 283. of bifliop Gundulf’s doing the like at Rochefter. a In Decern feript. col. 13 11. and in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 617. there is the like complaint againft Hervey bifliop of Ely. e The aflignment of particular lands to the abbat and great of¬ ficers of Bury St. Edmund's feems to have been made as late as A. D. ii8i. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 297, being made “ in ufum prioris, facriftae, clcemofynarii; “ cellcrarii, camcrarii &c. or as others run in more particular terms, “ ad veftitum monachorum, ad vic- “ turn, ad luminaria, ad hofpitalitatcm faciendam, ad “ fabricam ccclefiae, ad .reparanda ecclefix ornamen- “ ta,” and other ufes, to which the donors would have their gifts appropriated. 4. The lad grievance which (hall be mentioned (and which indeed affedled the clergy in general) was the Conqueror’s charging church lands with military fer¬ vices. This is taken notice of by Mathew Paris f, but I chufe to deferibe it in the words of a later writers. “ Whereas (faith he) before the Conqueror’s time, the “ clergy held all their lands by frank almonage, and “ fubjedl to no duties or impofitions, but fuch as they “ laid upon themfelves in their ecclefiaftical affemblies ; “ this prince finding above a third h part of the lands of “ the kingdom in the poffeffion of the clergy h, and the “ forces of the crown, which confided in knight’s fer- “ vice, leffened in proportion to their immunities : He “ reduced all their lands to the common tenure of “ knight’s fees and baronage, and thereby fubjefied “ them to an attendance upon the king in his wars, “ and to other fervices antiently due, and fometimes “ railed upon all lands that held in fee from the crown. “ This innovation touched not only the bifliops, but all “ the abbats throughout the kingdom, many of whom “ were endowed with great lands and revenues. But to carry on the account of the monaftics here in England. It was in K. William the Conquiror’s time, that the third and lad regulation of monks was made by archbifliop Lanfranc ‘ in the council held at London A. D. 1075. This reformation brought the Englifh monks nearer the Benediftines than ever they were before, I mean thofe of the old foundations ; for the Cluniac monks were brought into England about the middle of this reign, and met with patrons to build them live houfes : There were likewife founded in this king’s reign four houfes of Black canons, two or three hofpitals, thirteen Benedidline abbies and priories, and fix cells to them, and about fourteen alien priories ; whereof the king k himfelf built and endowed the great abbies of Battel and Selby, the priory of H inch inbrook, and tour or five alien priories. King William Rufus fucceeded heir to the vices, not the virtues of his father; for he miferably oppreffed the Religious, feifed upon the revenues of the vacant abbies and biflioprics, and would never let them be filled without fome fimoniacal bargain. In this king’s reign feveral of the bifliops ', of whom Walkeline bifliop of. Winchefter was the chief, made vigorous efforts to ex¬ pel the monks out of the cathedral churches, and to place Secular canons in their room. They got the king’s confent to it, and had probably accompliflied it, it archbifliop Lanfranc, “ a man of univerfal goodnefs f P. 7. Vide Collier, vol. i. p. 240. g Sir William Temple, in his Introdudtion to Englifh Hiftory, P- 17 5-. h h Sir Robert Atkins, in his Gloucefterfhire, p. 11. faith, that 28,000 knights fees belonged then to the clergy, out of 60,200. in the whole ; but both Sir W. Temple and he feem to fpeak of the revenues of the clergy in general, viz. Seculars as well as Regulars ; and do not fay what proportion the one bore to the other, nor mention how much was fhortly after taken away from them. The revenues of the clergy were laid at a fourth part only of the revenues of the kingdom in the. twenty feventh year of K. Henry 8. as Compl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 185. Mr. Collier, in his Eccl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 108. faith, the revenues of the monks never did exceed the proportion of a fifth part, and confidering the leafes they granted to laymen upon fmall rents and ealy fines, it may truly be affirmed their revenues did not exceed the tenth part of the nation. 1 Sec his conftitutions in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p 328. k At the end of an old mf of Ecclefiaftical conftitutions in the Bodleian library (J uni an. 121.) it is faid that pope Gregory 6. put this king upon conquering England, and under pretence of penance cauled him to give much lands to abbies, and that the king thereupon built many houfes of the order of Cluni, becaufe the pope had been a monk of Cluni; but I do not find that he ever founded any Cluniac houfe, unlefs Bermondfey may be faid to have been of his foundation, as is fuggefted in Mr. Hearne’s notes on Peter Langtoft, p. 84. 1 Decern feript. col 2363. Angl. Sacr. tom.i. p. 255. w and V P R E F u and approved wifdom"’,” had not oppofed it with crest courage ; and not only brought the king to change his mind, but alfo procured a bull from Rome, prohi¬ biting the like attempts for the future. In the thirteen years of this king’s reign there were founded about thirteen Benedictine houfes; five of the Cluniac order; two of Black canons; two colleges, two hofpitals, and five alien priories, whereof the priories of Armethwayte in Cumberland, and St. Nicolas in Exeter, and the hof- pital of St. Leonard in York were built and endowed by the king". K. Henry i. is recorded to have been a very pious and good prince, an encourager of learning and piety, and one that had a great efteem for the church and all Religious perfons. He founded nine or ten monafteries, viz. °the epifcopal fee and priory of Regular canons at Carlifie ; the abbies of Cirencefter and Merton ; the pri¬ ories of Dunftaple, St. Dennis near Southampton, Southwike, and Welhove of the fame order; the ftatc- ly Benediiftine abbies of Reading and Hide, and the alien priory at Steventon ; as alfo the hofpitals of St. John in Cirencefter, Le Mallardry in Lincoln, and St. Mary Magdalene in Newcaftle. No lefs than five new orders were brought into England in this king’s reign ; The Knights Hofpitalars in the firft year of it; the Auftin Canons about four years after ; the Ciftertians about A. D. 1128. the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, and the monks of Grandmont. And in the thirty-five years of his fitting upon the throne, there were founded above an hundred~and fifty Religious houfes, viz. about twenty alien priories ; twenty Benediiftine abbies and priories, and fifteen cells to them ; near fifty houfes of 'Auftin canons ; thirteen Ciftertian, and fix Cluniac mo¬ nafteries, three of Knights Hofpitalars, one for Canons of the Holy Sepulchre, one for the Grandmontenfians ; one college, and thirteen hofpitals. K. Stephen was virtuous, religious, and liberal ; and, after the wars between him and Maud the emprefs were ended, a great builder of Religious houfes. To him the Bcnediiftines at Carhow in Norfolk, and Hey- ham in Kent, the Black canons at Thornholm in Lin- colnfhire, and the Cluniacs at Feverfham in Kent owe their foundation and endowments ; and the Knights Hofpitalars their commandries at Crefling Temple in Eflex, and Egle in Lincolnfhire : The Knights Tem¬ plars were brought into this nation in the beginning of this reign; the Premonftratenfians came in A. D. 1 146. and foon after the Gilbertine order had its rife at Sem- pringham in Lincolnlhire. The troubles, which the kingdom was involved in for a great part cf this reign, could not reftrain the piety and charity of the people from building Religious houfes0; for in eighteen years and nine months there were now founded twenty two Benediiftine abbies and priories, and three cells to them ; five alien priories, thirty two Ciftertian abbies, twenty three houfes, and four cells of Auftin canons ; five Premonftratenfian, two Cluniac, and eleven Gilber¬ tine houfes; thirteen Preceptories of Knights Templars, one houfe for filters of the Hofpitalars, one for canons of the Holy Sepulchre; four colleges and twelve hof¬ pitals. K. Henry 2. was very obliging to the clergy, efpe- cially p after the murder of the foon canonized Thomas Becketarchbilhop of Canterbury. He founded the firft houfe the Carthufians had in England, vix. Witham in Somerfetlhire ; as alfo Waltham sin Eflex, Newftede in Nottinghamlhire, Ivychurch in Wiltftlire, and Mar- m Sir William Temple’s IntrodiiSion, p. 234. " He is faid in Angl. Sacr, ii. p. *83. to have been kind to bifhop Gundulf and the church of Rochefter. 0 Weaver faith (Funeral Monuments, p. 178.) there were more abbies built in K Stephen’s reign than in an hundred years before. If he thereby means more Religious houfes in general, we mult add “ in the like fpace of time,” to make it true ; for there were more built in the foregoing reign than in this. p Fuller's Worthies, iii. p.51. to expiate the blood of Bec- ket, he was contented to be melted into coin, and was pro • digioully bountiful to l'ome churches, as this writer expreileth it. s This was founded by earl Harold, A. D. 1062. for Secular canons ; and refounded for Regulars, and augmented only by K . Henry 2. ACE. ton in Yorkfhire of the Auftin order; Newftede in Lin- colnfhire for Gilbertine canons; Stoncly in Warwiek- fhire for Ciftertian monks, and the alien priory of Hugh in Lincolnlhire. In his reign were founded twenty eight ' Benediiftine, twenty feven Auftin, fixteen Pre- monftratenfian, one Carthufian, two Gilbertine, and five Cluniac monafteries, two collegiate churches, twenty nine hofpitals, ten preceptories (Buckland was made the general houfe for all the filters of the Hofpi¬ talars) twenty fix alien priories, and, what is more re¬ markable, nineteen Ciftertian abbies, notwithltanding it was contrary to a canon made at a general chapter held A. D. 1 1 51 '. wherein the crc£lion of any more abbies of that rule was exprefsly forbidden, becaufe there were then above five hundred 1 of them. In the time of K. Richard i. the humour of endea¬ vouring to recover the Holy Land from the Saracens mightily prevailed in England, as well as in all other parts of Chriftendoin : And yet, notwithltanding ihe money expended in thofe wars, and in ranfoming the king ; there were founded in this Ihort reign, of not full ten years, fourteen houfes of Benedictines, thirteen of Auftin canons, and eight of Premonftratenfians, three of the Gilbertine order, four preceptories of Templars, two alien priories, one college and feven hofpitals. We do not find that this king founded any monaftcry ; for he is faid to have diflikcd all the Religious, and to have mortally hated “the Black monks, Ciftertians, and Templars. K. John, though always prejudiced againft the ec- cleftaftics, however, founded a ftately abbey for the Ciftertians at Beaulieu in Hamplhire, to which he made Farendon in Berklhire a cell ; he built alfo the Benedic¬ tine nunnery ofLambley in Northumberland, and made Otterington in Devonlhire an alien priory w. In this reign of above feventeen years were founded eight houfes of Benediiftines, eight of Ciftertians, and three of Pre¬ monftratenfians, nineteen houfes of Auftin canons, fix of Gilbertines, one fmall Cluniac houfe and ten alien priories, three preceptories of Templars, four of Hof¬ pitalars, one college, and eighteen hofpitals. In the reign of K. Henry 3. the greatnefs and riches of the ecclefiaftics were fo much envied, that an aift of parliament was made in the ninth year 1 of it to reftrain people from giving lands to them. Iu the beginning of this reign alfo the Friers preachers and Friers minors came into England, and before the end of it eight forts of friers more came amongft us. And many of them, for the pretended feverity of their lives, and their fre¬ quent preaching, were at firft mightily admired by the people, to the great lofs of the Parilh priefts, as well as the Regulars. However, in this long reign of fifty fix years, there were founded nine monafteries of Bene¬ diiftines, twenty feven of Auftin canons, eight of Cif¬ tertians, three of Premonftratenfians, two fmall houfes of Cluniacs, of Carthufians and Gilbertines one each, three preceptories of Knights Templars, and two of Hofpitalars, twelve alien priories, feven colleges, and forty feven hofpitals ; befides twenty eight houfes of Grey friers, twenty five of Black friers, feventeen of White friers, four of Auftin friers, two of Maturine or Trinitarian friers; of Crofled friers, Bethleemite friers, Friers de Pica, and de Areno, one each ; fix houfes of Friers de Sacco, two of Brethren of St. Antony of Vi¬ enna, and one of Brethren of St. Lazarus : Of thefo the king founded the Ciftertian abbey of Nettely, the fmall Gilbertine priory of Fordham, the hofpitals of St. r Whereof twenty were nunneries, as were molt of the Bene¬ diiftine houfes founded after this time. ‘ Matt. Paris in anno njt. and Stevens, vol. ii. p. 26. But the Waverley Annals fay A. D. 1152. 1 Not in England, but in Chriftendom, where (as Stevens, vol ii. p. 26 ) there were, about A. D. i2jo eighteen hundred abbies of this order, molt of them founded before A D. 1200. “ Walt. Hemingford, lib ii. cap 73. « He is likewife faid, in Monaft Hibem p. 152, 133. to have founded, whilft eari of Morcton, a Benediiftine priory at Water¬ ford, and another at Cork in Ireland, and to have made them both cells to the abbey at Bath * See i) Hen 3. cap. 36. in the Statutes at large, vol. i. p 8. and in Gibfon’s Codex, p. 665. In Prynne s Records, vol. iii. p. 78. fee clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m 14 dorfo, to the fame effeft. b Bartholomew’s Vi P R E 1 Bartholomew's in Glouceftcr, Bafmgftokc, and Ofpring; and leveral of the frierics. K. Edward i. built the (lately abbey ofValc Royal, and there were built in his reign by others three Cif. tertian abbies more, five Auftin priories, one Gilber- tinc, and one Cluniac houfe, two preceptories, three alien priories, twelve colleges, and eighteen hofpitals ; befides thirteen houles of Black friers, eleven houfes of Grey friers, and two of minorelTes or nuns of Clare, thirteen of White friers, thirteen of Aullin friers, two ofTrinitarians, four of Crofted friers, two of Friers de Sacco, and one of Bonhommes. The affections of the people were now much alienated from the monks by the fermons, pamphlets, and l'ecret infinuations of the friers, and the generally received opinion of their ex- celfive wealth ; l'o that in the feventh year of this king, or A. D. 1279. another ftatute 1 was made to enforce the former, and prevent their growing richer, whereby it was enacted, that no Religious perfon fhould enter any fees, “ either to buy them, or to receive them of “ the gift of others, without licence 2 of the chief lords, “ upon pain of forfeiture.” And this was explained and enforced by feveral other flatutes » in this and the following reigns. The reafon given in the aft for this leftraint, is, becaufe the fervices due from fuch fees for the defence of the realm were thereby made void, and the lords loft their efcaets; but this, however true, feems to have been but partly the occafion of it ; and it was probably chiefly intended to prevent the donation of more lands to the Religious b, who many ways en¬ deavoured to evade the force of itc. But the Secular clergy reaped fome advantage from the multitude of chantries foon after founded. This king in the twenty fourth year ot his reign feiled all the alien priories dur¬ ing his wars with the king of Prance, and removed the alien monks twenty miles from the fea fide d, that his enemies in France mighthave no afliftance from them. In the reign of K. Edward 2. we find no great ftir about the monks or their lands ; the Knights Tem¬ plars were feifed, their lands and goods were confifcat- cd, and their order diflolved, on pretence of their vi- ‘ A C E. cious lives, and over great wealth and power, buf more likely at the inftigation ot the king of b ranee out of mere humour c. Their eftates were at fu ll feifed by the king and other lords of the fee, as efcaets f, and “ the juftices (or judges) preciicly affirmed',” that by the laws of the land they might warrantably hold them : But becaufe they had been given for pious and godly ends and ufes, “ It feemed good to the king, the no- “ blemen, and others aflcmbled in parliament, for the “ health of their fouls, and the difeharge of their con- “ fciences, to grant, that the aforefaid lands and tene- “ ments, in demefns, lordlhips, fervices, &cc. accord- “ ‘ng t0 the wills of the givers, fhall be affigned and “ delivered to other men of mod holy religion, to the “ intent, the fruits, obventions, and profits of the fame “ lands, tenements, and other things may be convert- “ ed and charitably difpofed to godly ufes f.” And they were thereupon given by aft of parliament s to the Hofpitalars. I do not meet with any monafterv found¬ ed by this unhappy prince, and indeed but one of the Benediftine and one ol the Auftin order in his nine¬ teen years reign ; but he is faid to have founded the White friers in Scardeburgh, the Auftin friers in Bof- ton, and the Black friers in Winchelfea: And there were founded in his time, five houfes of White friers, three of Black friers, fix of Grey friers, four of Auftin friers, one of Trinitarians, and one of Crofted friers ; two of the prefent colleges in Oxford, and fix others, and fourteen hofpitals. K. Edward 3. is charactered by the monks to have been a pious as well as valiant prince. For though his wars with France would not fuffer him to give much to Religious houfes, and forced him to be fevere upon alien priories b, yet he founded and liberally endowed the Auftin nunnery at Dertford in Kent, the two lar°e colleges of St. George at Windfor, and St. Stephen at Weftminfter, and gave to the abbey of St. Mary Graces by the Tower in London the revenues of twelve chantries, which were feifed for not having licence of mortmain1. And in his reign of fifty one years there were founded four houfes of Auftin canons, one of Gil- v See 7 Ed. 1. Stat. 2. in Pulton's Statutes, p. 47. Statutes at large, vol. 1. p. 83. Bifliop Gibfon’s Codex, p. 666. 2 When the king by fpecial licence difpenfed with this ftatute, there was a previous inquifition ad quod dampnura ; and a re¬ turn upon oath, that it would be no prejudice to the dignity and revenues of the crown. Kennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 381. And, belidcs fees, there might perhaps be a fine paid; for Newcourt tells us (from Stow) that king Henry 7. had 400/. for amortiBng the priory of Bykenacre to the hofpital of St. Mary Spittle. Repert. Lond. vol. i. p. 468. •* See 13 Ed 1. cap. 3*, 33. 18 Ed. 1. cap. 3. 27 Ed. 1. Stat. 2. 34 Ed. 1. Stat. 3. 18 Ed. 3. cap. 3. 15 Ric. 2. cap. j. in bilhop Gibfon's Codex, p. 667, 668, 669. 6 Uifhop Kcnnet in his Gloflary at the end of his Parochial Antiquities, under the word RjrligioJi , faith, before the ftatute of Mortmain, the nation was fo fenlible of the extravagant do¬ nations to the Religious, that in the grant and conveyance of eftates, it was often made an exprefs condition, that no falc, gift, or affignation of the premifes (hould be made to the Reli¬ gious, “ Tenenda (ibi et hseredibus fuis, vel cuicunque ven- “ dere dare vel affignare voluerint, exceptis Religiofis et Ju- “ dteis.” c See bilhop Rennet's Cafe of Impropr. p. 99. d Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 618. * They were greatly accufed, but there was but little pro¬ ved againft them, as appears from the whole procefs printed in Dr. Wilkins' Councils, vol. iii. from p. 329 to p. 401. “ Et- “ fi> inquit P. Clemens v. in concilio Vianenli, non per viam “ juftitise poteft deftrui,. deltruatur per viam expedientix, ne “ lcandalizetur filius nofter rex Francis.” Hacket’s life of archbilhop Williams, p. ii. p. 122. from Azorius Moral, tom. i. lib. 13. c. 6. The pope condemns them, not by a defini¬ tive lcntence, becaufe according to the examinations, & c. he could not legally pafs fuch fentence, but by way of apoftolical precaution or ordination. Aft a Reg. i. 145. f f_ f The words of the following aft. See Statutes at large, vol. i p.178. and bifliop Gibfon’s Codex, p 1226. % This was not made till 17 Ed. 2. or A. D. 1323. The or¬ der was diflolved A. D. 1312. and according to Rymer, vol. iii. P 323* pope Clement 5. granted the lands and goods of the Templars immediately to the Holpitalars; and the king con¬ firmed that grant Nov. 28. A. D. 1313. and, faving his own and his fubjedts rights, ordered polleflion to be delivered to them, as Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p.513. Rymer, vol. iii. p.452. But notwithftanding thefe grants, the king both before and af¬ ter granted fome ot the Templars lands to laymen and lay ufes, as particularly the king (per cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 40.) granted to Audomare de Valence earl of Pembroke, the place and houfes called the New Temple in London, with certain lands called Fleet Crofts, and all other the lands and rents in the city and fuburbs of London, which belonged to the Templars ; and I)€1- pat. 8 Ed. 2 p. 1. m. . he granted to Thomas earl of Lan- cafter the New Temple in London, with the manors of Thorp Watervile, Aldwinckle, and Achurch in Northamptonlhire ; and other lords of the fee probably did the like : For pope John 22. in his bull (dated A. D. 1322.) confirming the Templars lands to the Hofpitalars denounceth curfes and excommunica¬ tions againft “ Nonnullos comites et barones, nobiles, milites “ et alios laicos et (quod gravius mentem noftram amaricat) “ perfonas ecclefiafticas difta bona adhuc violenter occupantes This bull might perhaps be the occafion of this ftatute made the next year. But notwithftanding this aft the Hofpitalars were (fifteen years afterwards) obliged to give K. Edward 3, an hundred pound for the New Temple, as Mon. Angl vol.ii. P- 5t3. JI4- and ibid. p. 545. there is an account of the Hof¬ pitalars purchafing the manor of Ketcby in Liucolnfhire, which had been granted to laymen. Within two years after the aft of parliament before mentioned, K Edward 2. got a grant from the Hofpitalars of the manors oi Temple Newfon in York- fliire, Strode near Rochefter in Kent, and Denny in Cambridge- fliire, which had belonged to the Templars, and wrote to the i'heriffs of thofc counties to take them into their hands for his life, as Rymer, vol. iv. p. 81. K. Edward 3. granted Tem¬ ple Newfon and Temple Hurft, A. D. 1336. to Sir John Dar¬ cy and his heirs male, as cart. 11 Ed 3'. n. 15. and Dugd. Baron, vol i. p. 372. About five years after, the lame king granted to Mary St. Paul countel's of Pembroke in fee the manor of Strode, with all the liberties which the Templars had there. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. five penult. She bad likewife the manor of Denny; fo that there were pro¬ bably many of the Templars lands never enjoyed by the Hofpitalars. Give me leave to add, that the clergy ftem to have recovered the tythes of fuch of the Templars lands as came into lay hands alter the annihilation of the order, for by pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. the king confirms to the preben¬ dary of South Cave in the mctropolitical church of York the tythes of lands in Faxflete in the parifti of South Cave, which had belonged to the Templars ; the faid tythes having been be¬ fore adjudged to him in court Chriftian. h See in Rymer, vol. ii. p. 778. his direftions about feifing alien priories, the lands of which, or large penlions out of them, were granted to noblemen during the war, as Dugd. Baron, vol. ii p. 74. > Vide pat. 43 Ed. 3. m. 12. bertinesj preface. vu bertincs, two of Carthufian monks, feventeen hofpitals, one of the prefent colleges at Oxford, and twenty five others ; two houfes of Black friers, eight of Grey friers, five of White friers, eight of Aullin friers, and one of Bonhommes. In tlie time of K. Richard 2. WicklifF’s doftfines were greedily embraced, and the Mendicant friers be¬ gan to lofe their reputation11. The alien priories were fequeftered during the wars only, and the head houfes abroad had the king’s licence to fell their lands to the Religious houfes here1. There were only four Char- treufe houfes, fix hofpitals, fix colleges, befides bifhop Wickham’s two colleges at Oxford and Winchefter, one houfe of Grey friers, and three of Auftin friers, founded in this reign of twenty two years : For, after the reftraint laid upon endowing houfes for the Regular orders, the Secular priefts were more regarded ; it be¬ ing perhaps more eafy to get licences of mortmain for them, who had not fo many privileges as the Regulars had ; or elfe they were maintained by appropriations m, which were then no lay fees, and fo not within the reach of that ftatute ; or, laftly, it was no hard matter to enfeoffe a proper number of perfons with lands for the payment of certain annual ftipends to the deans and prebendaries. The eredting fo many chantries and hofpitals in the two centuries before the Reformation may alfo be afcribed to the fame reafon. This king founded no monaftery " or college; but gave feveral alien priories, which had been feifed by his grandfather, to the Carthufians at Mountgrace in Yorkfliire, St. Anne’s near Coventry, &c. K. Henry 4. began his reign with {hewing fome fa¬ vour to the alien priories ». In his fourth year, or A. D. 1404. was held at Coventry the parliament call¬ ed The Lack-Learning Parliament, becaufe no law¬ yers p were permitted to be chofen members of it. Me¬ thods were therein to be confidered of, for railing mo¬ ney for the defence of the realm againft the Welfh and Scots at home, and for carrying on a war again!! the Britains, Flemings, and Frenchmen abroad. And fome among the commons moved, That the clergy Ihould be deprived of all their temporal pofleflions to the relief of the king’s neceffitieS a. But archbifhop Arundel firewing what great fervice the clergy did to the crown for their lands that more of their tenants went to the king’s wars than of the tenants of the lay fees ; that they were always ready to afiift the king with their prayers, counfels and purfes, and defiring his ma- jefty to remember his coronation oath, to advance the honor of the church, and to maintain and cherifli its minifters, &c. the king gracioufly anfwered, That he was refolved to leave the church in as good a {late as he found it, or a better. The archbifhop thereupon told the commons, That the king and his predecelfors had k Patrick's Addit. to Gunton’s Peterborough, p. 321. and Speed’s Hiftory, p. 743. ex. Tho. Walfingham, p. 317. Afta Regia, vol. ii. p. 34. 1 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 943. 966. And fometimes to fell them to particular perfons, who wanted to endow Religious foundations, as Rymer, vol. vii. p. 697, See alio this book in Birjlal , Grofmont , &c. m When lord Zouch founded the Carthufian priory near Co ¬ ventry, he ordered his executors to pay an hundred marks out of his lands, 'till they could get as much in churches appropri¬ ated to it Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 964. Dugd. Warwicklhire, p. 205. edit. 1730. " -Lord Zouch dying before he had fettled the lafl-mentioned priory, K Richard faid he would be founder and complete it, but did little befides giving the alien priories. 0 In the firft year of his reign he reftored all the conventual alien priories, referring, in times of war to the crown, what they paid in times of peace to the foreign abbies. Rymer, vol. viii. p. 101. P Perhaps no pradtifing lawyers, “ Nolumus quod aliquis “ apprenticius, five aliquis alius homo, ad legem, aliqualiter “ fit eleiftus.” See fomething like this upon the parliament roll 43 Ed. 3. a Some attempt had been made towards it about twenty years before, viz. 9 Ric. 2. but it proved unfuccefsful. Stow’s An¬ nals ; Spelman’s Sacrilege, p. 179. r Walfmgham, p. 180. and Patrick in his Addit. to Gun- ton, p. 321. fay, that 2 Ric. 2. or A D. 1379. every mitred abbat paid as much to the tax as an earl, and 6 j. 8 d. for every monk in his monartery. In 18 Ed. 1. or A. D. 1289. the abbat ot Bury St. Edmund's paid 666/. 134. 4 d. to the fifteenth, as formerly been advifed lo feife the alien priories under pretence of being much enriched by their goods and pofleflions, which were certainly of great value: Bin that the king was not at that time half a mark the rich¬ er, becaufe they had begged them : And that their ad¬ vice to the king now, to feize upon the temporal ties of the clergy, was to enrich themfelves, and not him. For if the king fhould in this gratify their wicked de- fires, he would not be one farthing the richer the next year after. But, notwithflanding this repulfe and re¬ buke, the commons exhibited a new bill againft the bifhops, abbats, and priors, A. D. 1410. fetting forth, That by the feizure of their eftates, the king would be enabled to create and provide for fifteen * earls; fifteen hundred knights, fix thoufand two hundred efquires, and to found one hundred new hofpitals. But the king rejedled their propofal, and commanded them for the future never to meddle with any fuch matters'. This king built the college of Battlefield in Shropfhire, which with five colleges more, and about fix hofpitals, were all the Religious foundations in the thirteen years of his reign “. iNthefecond year of K. Henry 5. there was another attempt made againft the pofleflions of the church, which were now alfo faid to be of the fame value as in the lafh reign. But archbifhop Chichley fetting forth to that martial young prince his title to the crown of France, prefling him to aflert his right to it, and promifing in the name of the clergy fuch a benevolence for the vigo¬ rous carrying on the war, as fcarce ever had been given by the lubjeft ; the king readily embraced the propofal, and thefe revenues were once more preferved v. But in a parliament held this fame year at Leicefter, all the alien priories were given to the king*, with all their lands and revenues, except fuch as were conventual, or had the liberty of chufing their own priori But the greateft part of them were ftill continued for facrCd ufes, being beflowed on feveral monafteries and col¬ leges; fome of them were to remain to the king in fee Yi and very few of them only, either given or fold to the laity 2. In this king’s fhort reign were only founded two colleges, befides the Carthufian abbey at Sheen, and the abbey at Syon for nuns of St. Brio-et, which were built and liberally endowed bv the kino- himfelf. His fonand fucceffor K. Henry 6. a religious butun-. fortunate prince, founded Eaton college in Biickingham- fhire, and king’s college in Cambridge, and endowed them chiefly out of alien priories’. And there were founded by others in his reign three colleges and one hall at Oxford, three colleges at Cambridge, eight col¬ leges elfewhere, fifteen hofpitals, and one houfe of Grey friers. In the reign of K. Edward 4. there were founded Cowel's Interpreter lub voce %uinfteme. In Rymef, vol ii. p 7 s- and in Stevens’ Append, p. 108 we have the fummons of king Edward 1 to the abbats of Ramfay, Weftminfter, Glaf- tonbury, Sec. and to the abbefies of Shaftelbury, Berking,- Wilton, and Winchefter, to fend in their refpeftive quotas of men and arms towards the wars againft the Welfti . * So Walfingham exprefsly, p. 379. But Complete Hift. Echard, and Rapm fay, “ One hundred and fifty earls.” ‘ Walfingham, ibid. Collier, Eccl. Hift. vol, i. p 629. faith,- that when they were required to bring in a computation of the lands, and to prove that the fund would anfwer the length of the project, they failed in the computation. But in Fox's Ails and Monuments, p. 556, 557. edit. 1583. there is a compu¬ tation, which, by taking in lome of the temporalties of the bi- flioprics, feems to make the fund anfiverablt to the propofal. “ The pope enjoined this king to build three monafteries, Sec. and he promifed it, but did not do it. Angl. Sacr. ii. 871 v But in Ait, Reg. vol. ii. p. i95, I96. it is faid, this war was refolved upon before this motion. * See Rymer, vol. ix. p. 280. y Raftaf’s Entries, f 28. 32, See. Rymer. * Scarce any in fee, and not many for life or years; and thofe, to whom fuch alien priories were given, were obliged to find a mafs pried to officiate in fuch alien priories and pray for tlie king, and fortietimes for the founder, as Cotton s Abridg p.699. 6' a In purfuance of his father’s fcher.ie, faith Gafcoigrte, for K. Henry 5. defigned to appropriate all the alien priories to the foundation and maintenance of a noble college in the caftle of Oxford. Tho. Gafcoign mf. in verbo Rex. fix PREFACE. via fix colleges, befides Katharine Hall in Cambridge, and Lincoln college in Oxford ; and feven hofpitals or alms- houfes. K. Henry 7. founded feme few houfes of Obfervant friers, and began a noble hofpital at the Savoy, London, his worthy mother founded Chrift’s and St. John’s col¬ leges in Cambridge ; and others founded, in his reign, three hofpitals, and one fmall college. Within a few years after K. Henry 8. came to the throne, Brafen Nofe and Corpus Chrifti colleges were founded in Oxford, and Magdalene college in Cambridge ; and there were alfo five hofpitals founded before that deluge arofe, which at once fwept away what the miftaken zeal and piety of many ages had raifed. From this long (and I am afraid tedious) account of the rife and progrefs of monaftic affairs, give me leave to obferve, that the greateft and richeft monafteries, Weflrninfter, Glaftonbury, St. Alban’s, Chrift Church, and St. Auftin’s in Canterbury, Abindon, Shaftefbury, Peterborough, Ramfey, Croyland, Taviftoke, Bury St. Edmund’s, & c. were founded before the Conqueft z. Within an hundred and fifty years after the Con¬ queft, or before the firft year of K. Henry 3. there were founded and refounded four hundred feventy fix ■* abbies and priories, befides eighty one alien priories b. After that time there were many chantries, houfes of friers, hofpitals, and colleges founded, but very few houfes of monks, nuns, or canons ; I think but one Be¬ nediftine houfe, viz. that of Holand c in Lancafhire, after the death of K. Henry 3. and after the death of K. Edward 3. (which was about an hundred and fixty years before the diffolution) no monaftery for monks, or nuns, or canons, except Sion, and five Chartreufe houfes. So that the nation in general feemed to have quite loft its tafte for thefe kind of inftitutions a great while before the fubverfion of them. II. The orders'1 2 of perfons treated of in this book were either Religious or Military. Of the former were all monks, nuns, and canons. Of the monks the moft ancient are. The Benedictines, or thofe that follow the rule of 1 There were about one hundred monafteries at the Con¬ queft ; feveral of them very rich (there being nothing given to Glaftonbury after A. D. 1030. though many things taken away, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 9. a:) but feveral of them poor and mean, and fome of thefe being rebuilt and plentifully endowed, and having Religious of a different order put into them after the Conqueft, I reckon thofe amongft the four hundred and feventy fix founded or refounded after the Conqueft. 2 There were feveral monafteries founded, which did not laft till the general diffolution by K. Henry 8. Some have attributed the great number of monafteries, Ifounded in this period, to the ignorance of the age, as Popilh Tracts, tit. i. p. 283, 284. others to the belief of Purgatory, and mens opinion of the wonderful prevalency of the Saints lntereef- fion with God, as Burnet, Reform, vol. i. p. 188. others to the natural love of the Normans towards building churches and monafteries, which they are much praifed for by the monkilh writers. See Will. Malmfbury’s Hift. book iii. p. 37. And Dr. Inet, in his Church Hift. p. ii. p. 220. thinks it owing to the holy wars. “ Some men, faith he, who had made ralli 4< vows of going to the Holy Land, and had a mind to break “ them, were taught to commute with the bulding of mo- “ naileries. Others, who were going thither, being uncertain “ of their return to their eftates, prot'ufely gave them away to “ build or enrich monafteries. Others in memory of the de- “ iterances from the hazards that war had expofed them to, “ or in commemoration of their relations and friends, who “ had perilhed therein, followed their example. And within “ one hundred years after A. D. 1092. when the holy war •* was agreed upon in the council of Clermont, there were “ above three hundred Religious houfes founded and endow- *' ed in this kingdom.” But quaere, for there feems to me to have been no crufade in England ’till after the lofs of Jerufa- lem, which in Echard’s Hift. of England is placed about A. D. 1188. b I am not fatisfied of any alien priories being founded after the reign of K. Edward 1. and think the whole number of them was ninety fix, there being fifteen founded after king Heny 3. began his reign. In Aft. Reg. vol. ii. p. 193. and Complete Hift. of Engl. vol. i. p. 112. the number is faid to have been 110. but quare . c And this was not a new foundation, but a college or chan¬ try of Secular priefls changed into a Benediftine priory. d See Broughton for all the Orders, under BentdiSine, Sec. St. Benedict, who was born at Nurfia in the dukedom of Spoletto in Italy, about A. D. 480 and died about A. D. 543 r. He founded twelve monafteries in his own country, the chief whereof was at Monte Caflino ■, but his rule feems not to have been confirmed till fifty two years after his death, when pope Gregory die Great gave a fanftion to it. The habit s of thefe monks was a black loofe coat or a gown of fluff reaching down to their heels, with a cowl or hood of the fame, and a fcapulary ; and un¬ der that, another white habit as large as the former made of flannel, and boots on their legs h ; and from the colour of their outward habit they are generally called Black monks. This order is faid by many 1 to have been brought into England by St. Auftin the monk and his brethren A- D. 596. and to have continued from thence to the diffolution under feveral improvements : But others think k this rule was but little known here till king Ed¬ gar’s time, and never perfectly obferved till after the Conqueft. Some 'have faid, that St. Wilfrid brought it into England A.D. 666. and others m, with greater pro¬ bability, that he improved the Englifh church by it. It is exprefsly mentioned in K. Kenred’s charter " to the monks of Evefham, A. D. 709. and in the bull of pope Conftantine » granted in the fame year to that monaftery. But Bede, who hath given us a very accu¬ rate account of the ftate of religion in this ifland till A.D. 731. hath nothing of it. Nor is there any men¬ tion of it in the firft regulation of the monks in England by archbilhop Cuthbert in the great fynod at Clove- fhoe p A. D. 747. If Wilfrid really advanced this rule, it was not over all England, but in Kent only 1. And if the charter of king Kenred, and the bull of pope Conftantine be genuine (for all the ancient grants pro¬ duced by the monks are not for) this rule, which is there preferibed to the monks of Evelham, is however faid in the bull to “ have been at that time but little “ ufed in thofe parts So that, inftead of the Saxon monks being all Benediftines, there were probably but few fuch till the reftoration of monafteries under king Edgar', when St. Dunftan and St. Ofwald (who had been a Benediftine monk " at Fleury in France) not e Stevens, vol. i. p. 161. from Hiftoire des Ordres Monaf- tiques, vol. v. r Stevens, vol. i. p. 163. 8 Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 153. Newcourt, vol. i. p. 298. Stevens faith, vol. i. p. 164. that the form of the habit of thefe monks was at firft left to the diferetion of the ab- bats, and that St. Benedift did not determine the colour of it. h See the cut of a Benediftine monk in his habit, in Dugd. Warwicklhire, vol. i. p. ij6. * See Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 12. Reyner, tr. i. p. 202. Who there produceth a certificate of Sir Robert Cotton, Sir Henry Spelman, Mr. Camden, and Mr. Selden's being of this opinion. Stevens, vol. i. p. 164. k Sir John Marfham, in his Preface to the Monafticon ; bi- fliop Patrick, in his additions to Gunton, p. 234. 246, See. the learned Dr. Hickes, in his Differtat. Epift. p. 67, 68. and Dr. William Thomas, in his edition of Dugdale’s Warwick¬ lhire, p. 156. biihop Nicholfon, in his Hift. Library, p. 143. fol. edit. Somner in his Antiquities of Canterbury, p. 114. faith, “ It is a doubt whether the Benediftine rules were pro- “ feffed and obferved at Canterbury in the Ante- Norman “ times.” 1 Decern feript. col. 2232. 1,1 Quindecim feript. p. 58. Patrick’s Addit. to Gunton, p. 247- n Mon. Angl. vol i. p. 145. “ Ibid. p. 144. Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p. 71. and Spelman, vol. i. p. 213. P Wilkins, vol. i. p. 94. Spelman, vol. i. p. 245. 9 Patrick, p. 247. r And that thefe are much to be fufpefted, fee Collier, vol. i. p. 122. and Inet, vol. i. p. 149. ’ “ Regulam S. Benedifti, quas minus in illis partibus ha- <( betur.” It may admit of lome difpute. Whether by illis partibus , the pope meant England and the kingdoms adja¬ cent, or thofe parts of England, in which Evelham was. ' The Ely Hiltorian, in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 604. faith, that king Edgar gave Ethelwold the manor of Suthborne (now Sudborn in Suffolk) to tranllate the rule of St. Benedift into Englifh, which feems to confirm the opinion of its be¬ ing then but little known. “ Godwinus, in Vita S. Ofwaldi, in libro De prtefulibus Anglias. only PREFACE, IX only favoured the monks againft the Secular clergy, but fo much advanced the Benediftines, that William of Malmfbury » faith, “ This order took its rife here in “ England from St. Ofwald.” Of this order were all our cathedral priories, except Carlifle, and mod of the richeft 1 abbies in England. There were nuns of this order as well as monks: But the time and original of their inftitution is uncer¬ tain y. Their habit was a black robe, with a fcapulary of the fame, and under that robe a tunic of white or undyed wool. When they went to the choir, they had over all a black cowl like that of the monks z. The reformation of fome things, which feemed too remifs in St. Benedift’s rule, begun by Bernon abbat of Gigni a in Burgundy, but increafed and perfefted by Odo abbat of Cluni about A. D. 912. gave occafion to the rife of the Cluniac order ; which was the firft and principal branch of the Benediftines. For they lived under the rule of St. Benedift, and wore a black habit, but obferving a different difcipline, were called by a different name b. William earl Warren, fon-in-law to king William the Conqueror firft brought thel'e monks into England, and built their firft houfe at Lewes in Suffex about A. D. 1077 '• All the monafteries of this order in England were governed by foreigners d, had more French d than Englifh monks in them, and were not only fubjeft to the foreign houfes of Cluni, La Charite fur Loire, St. Martins des Champs at Paris, but could be vifited by them only3. None of their priors were elefted by their convents ■*, but named by the above mentioned foreign houfes. They could not receive the profeffion of their novices in England d, nor could fo much as any of their differences be determined here, but they were obliged in almoft all cafes to go to their fuperiors beyond fea ; by which means the greateft part of their revenues were carried to thofe foreign houfes e. And upon that ac¬ count, during the wars with France, the priories of this order were generally feifed into the king’s hands as alien priories. But after the petition to the parliament at Winchefter, 4 Ed. 3. thefe inconveniencies were by degrees removed : Some of their houfes were in that and the following reign made denizen r ; Bermondfey was made an abbey s ; and all of them at laft difcharged from all manner of f'ubjeftion and obedience to the fo¬ reign abbies h. There were twenty feven priories and cells of this order in England. The order of Grandmont 1 was inftituted at Grand- mont in Limofin in France about A. D, 1076. by Stephen k a gentleman of Auvergne ; the monks of it lived under the rule of St. Benedift, with fome little variation. They were brought into England in the reign of K. Henry 11. and feated at Abberbury in Shropfhire ; befides which, I find but two houfes of this order in England, viz. CrefleWel in Herefordfhire, and Grofmont or Efkedale in Yorkfhire. The Carthufian monks were alfo a branch of the Benediftines, whofe rule, with the addition of a great many aufterities, they follow. Their author was one Bruno born at Cologne in Germany, who firft infti¬ tuted this order at Chattreux in the diocefe of Greno¬ ble in France about A. D. 1080 m. Their rule, which was confirmed by pope Alexander 3. about A. D. 1174. is the moft drift of any of the Religious orders ; for they never eat flelh, and are obliged to t'aft on bread, water, and fait one day in every week. They always wear an hair fhirt next their fkins, and are only allowed to walk about their own grounds, once in a week; for none of them are ever permitted to go out of the bounds of their monafteries (which inftead of Chartreufe Houfes are corruptly called Charter Houfes) except their priors and procurators, and they only upon the neceflary af¬ fairs of their houfes. They were brought into England A. D. 1180 " or 1 1 8 1 °. by king Henry 2. and had their firft houfe at Witham in Somerfetfhire. Their habit was all white, except their outward plaited cloak, which was black f. There was no nunnery s, and but nine houfes of monks of this order in England. There was yet another branch of Benediftines' called Ciftertians from Ciftertium or Cifteaux in the bifhoprick of Chalons in Burgundy, where this order was begun, A. D. 1098’. by Robert late abbat of Molefme in that province ; but brought into repute by Stephen Harding an Englifhman ', third abbat of Cif¬ teaux, who is therefore reckoned the principal founder'. They were alfo called Bernardines “ from St. Bernard, who was abbat of Clairvaux or Clareval in the diocefe of Langres about A. D. iii6. and a great promoter of this order " ; and White monks *, from the colour of their habit, which was a white cafiock with a narrow fcapulary, and over that a black gown when they went abroad, but a white one, when they went to church '. Their monafteries, which became very numerous in a fhort time r, were generally founded in folitary and w Lib. iii. De geft. pontif. as quoted by bifliop Patrick in bis Supplement to Gunton, p. 247. x Reyner, vol. i. p. 217. faith, that the revenues of the Be¬ nediftines were almoft equal to thofe of all the other orders. The Benediftines were much againft all new orders of Religious : by the fecond Lateran council they were obliged to hold tri¬ ennial chapters, which thofe of this nation generally held at Northampton. Widmore, p. 79. 82. r Stevens, vol.i. p. 168. 1 Stevens, vol. i. p. 169. where there is a cut of fuch a nun without her cowl, as there is in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1. of one with her cowl. » Stevens, vol. li. p. 7, 8. from Hift. des Ordres Monalt. Vol. v. p. 184. “ Reyner, vol. i. p. 158. c Reyner, ibid. d d a j d Reyner, vol. ii. p. 164, 16 5. attd in Append, p. 147, 148, 149. and Stevens from him, vol. ii. p. 13. ' The houfes of Cluni had a penfion out of every houfe of that order in England called Apportus, which probably amounted in the whole to a great fum ; for Cotton, in his Abridg. p. 5 1. faith, the abbat of Cluni had a penfion from Eng¬ land of 2000 l.fer am. and, according to Rymer, vol. iii. p. 1009. and Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 386. 858. the foreigners fometimes demanded occafional fupplies from their houfes here; and even run them into debt, as Prynne, vol. iii. p. 750. < Mon. Angl. vol i. p.614. 618. 668. I 4 Ric. 2. asReyner's Append, p. 145. II But perhaps not till 36 Hen. 6 or A. D. 1457. when three monks were tent from Clugni to defire reftitution of thofe pofieffions, which had been long detained from them, and leave to enter all places depending upon their houfes : but inftead of obtaining any thing, were deprived of the fubjec- tion of all houfes of their order in England, as Reyner’s Ap¬ pend. p. 192, 193. ■ See Broughton, i. 462. k Weaver, p. 141. i Fullei s Church Hift. book vi. p, 267. faith, they were brought into England A. D. 1233. But Abberbury was found* ed temp. R. Hen. 1. ‘ s " So Mon- An?1- vol. i. p. 949. and Weaver, p. 144. But A. D. 1084 or 1086. as Stevens, vol. ii. p. 237. from Hift. des Ordres Mon. vol. viii. p. 366. and Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. 1. p. 578. from Hofpinian . De orig. monach. lib. v. cap. 7. In all which places the reader may find a larger account of thefe monks. " Reyner, vol. i. p. 161. 0 Brompton, col. 1142. P In Stevens, vol. ii. p. 234. and Moh. Angi. vol. i. p. 949. fee draughts of thefe monks in their habits. a Stevens, vol. ii. p. 239. faith, there were but five nunne¬ ries ot this auftere order in the world, and ‘but one hundred fixty feven houfes of thefe monks. • , „ • lncm> — . . 6“ ■- y. 092. lOUgU. w arwickflure, p. 2*1. But the account of their habit in Ste¬ vens, vol. ii. p. 29, 30. differs a little from this. „ SnM,on‘ Angl. vol. i. p, 69 5. Stevens, vol. ii. p 23. from Hift. des Ordr. Mon. vol. v. p. 341. ‘ ' Mon. Ang. vol. i. p. 700. Stevens, vol. ii. p. 25. a. Reyner, fpeaking of him, p. 161. faith, that “ D. Roberto “ reformatioms Ciftertienfis extitit fuafor et impulfor.” Ste¬ vens, voll. ii. p .j. 5 . b faith, he founded feveral abbies. FulLer* * his Worthies, iii. p. 164. makes the Bernardinet to be,'affe*fter fort of Ciftertians. w Stevens, vol. ii. p. 25. b. x Reyner, vol.i. p. 161. r See before, p. v. Stevens, vol. ii. p. 31, faith, if we thay believe the hiftonans of this order, they had in all fix thoufand houfes. c uncultivated PREFACE. uncultivated places1, and all dedicated to the blefled Virgin. These monks came into England, as was before ob- ferved, A. D. 1128. had their firft houfe at Waverley* in Surrey; and before the diffolution had eighty five houfes here. The order of Savigni or Fratres Grifei is faid by fome b to have been founded before the Conqueft of England, but was not really in being till about forty years after. The author, Vitalis, was born about the middle of tire eleventh century at Tierceville three leagues from Bayeux, and being made prebendary of the collegiate church of Mortain, obtained the name of Vitalis de Mortain0. He was a companion of Ro¬ bert de Arbriflel founder of the order of Fontevrauld, began to gather difciples in the foreft of Savigni about A. D. 1105. and by the encouragement of a nobleman named Raoul de Fugeres founded an abbey there A. D. tiJ2‘l. He gave his difciples the rule of St. Bene¬ dict c with fome peculiar conftitutions f, and they took a grey habits ; from whence they were frequently call¬ ed Fratres Grifei. Vitalis came into England A. D. 1 120h. and preaching here, and converting many, pro¬ bably introduced his order; which was fhortly after, viz. A. D. 1148. united to the Ciftertians ‘. The order of Tiron was inftituted by St. Bernard10, who was born in the territory of Abbeville in the pro¬ vince of Ponthieu A. D. 1046 >, and became a difciple of the before mentioned Robert d’Arbriifel, yet fet up a different fort of monks, who took their name of Ti- ronenfes m from their firft monaftery, which was found¬ ed at Tiron about A. D. 1109 ". They were reformed Benedidlines whofe habit was at firft a light grey p, which was afterwards changed into black. 1 find no houfe of this order in England, and only one abbey in Wales, viz, St. Dogmael’s, (where they were placed about A. D. 1126.) with its dependent priory at Pille, and cell at Caldey. T he orders of monks before mentioned were all 1 2 Stevens, vol. ii. p. 37. a. and p. 50. a. from A. Wood. AIT orders both of monks and friers were againft having an houfe of another order near them ; but the Ciftertians would not allow another houfe even of their own order to be built within fuch a diftance of them. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 891. a Which was founded A. D 1128. as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 703. Reyner, vol. i. p. 161. from Petrus BlefenGs, faith, thefe monks were brought into England, not by William Giffard bifhop of Winchefter, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 703. but by Walter Eipec, and had their firft houfe at Rievaux or Rie- val ill Yorklhire ; and Weaver, p. 136. follows him ; but Ric- val was not founded till A. D. 1131. and Waverley, A. D. 1128. See more under Rieval. See many bulls and privileges granted to this order, in Stevens’ Append, p. 219, &c. 0 Leland. Itin. vol. viii p. 66. and the author of Collect. Anglo-minorit. p. . ‘ Stevens, vol.ii. p. 253. from Hift. des Ordr. Mon. vol. vi. p. 109. '1 Stevens, ibid. e Mon Angl. vol. i. p. 704. f Stevens, ibid. p. 254 g « Eorum habitus grilius color erat.” Mon. Angl. vol. i. P- 7°4- .. •> Stevens, vol. 11. p 254. ■ Stevens, ibid. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 704. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 9. But fome diftinCtion was probably kept up for fome time ; for the monks of Nethe are called monks of Sa- vigni in king John’s charter, A. D. 1208 as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 719. And A. D. 1264. the abbat of Savigni writes to the abbats of Furnes and Byland “ ac univerfis generationis Sa- “ vigniacenfis coabbatibus per Angliam et Walliam conllitu- “ tis ” Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 700. But about A.D 1330. the Ciftertians took it ill to be called or thought Fratres Grifei, and faid, “ hiis diebus pauci vel nulli via inveniuntur de ordine “ Grifeorum." Mon Angl. vol.ii. p. 923. t This was a different perfon from St. Bernard of Clairnaux. Stevens, vol. ii. p. 256. 1 Stevens, vol. ii. p. 253. from Hift. des Ord. Mon. vol. vi. P IJJ- >n The Monafticon mentions the Monachi Savignienfes and Tyronenfes as the fame order, vol. i. p. 704. But others will not admit of it, as Reyner, vol. I. p. 160 and Stevens, v.ol. ii. p. 256. b. I11 the antient catalogue of Religious houfes, pub- bliihed in Stevens, vol. i p. 38 the monks of Tyrou at St. Dogmael s are called “ Monachi Albi,” whereas tliofe of Sa¬ vigni were “ Monachi Grifei.’’ And thefe probably were the “ Monachi Albi alius profeflionis quant Bcmardini,” mention¬ ed by Leland, Collect. vol iii. p. 13. " Steveps, vol. ii. p. 236. a. we had in England and Wales, except the Culdees or Cultores Dei, who were Scotch monks, and of the fame rule with the Irilh ones. The Scotch writers make them as antient as the converfion of their nation to Chriftianity in the times of the emperors Decius and Aurelian. But they are not mentioned by Nennius, who wrote in the feventh century, or Bede, who wrote in the eighth ; and the firft mention v/e have of them is. at St. Andrew’s, about the middle of the ninth cen¬ tury s. 1 meet with thefe no where in England but at St. Peter’s in York. The canons were either Religious or Secular ; the Secular 1 canons were clergymen, called Secular, be- caufe they were converfant in the world “, performed fpiritual offices to the laity, and took upon them the care of fouls, which the Regulars could not do without difpenfation. They differed in nothing almoft from or¬ dinary priefts, fave that they were under the govern¬ ment of fome local ftatutes : For though they were in fome places confined to live under one roof, as the monks and Regular canons did, yet they generally lived apart w, and were maintained by diftinffl prebends, al¬ moft in the fame manner with the canons and preben¬ daries of our cathedral and collegiate churches at this day u. Regular canons were fuch as lived under fome rule ; they were a lefs ftrift fort of Religious than the monks *, but lived together under one roof, had a com¬ mon dormitory and refedtory, and were obliged to ob- ferve the ftatutes of their order G The chief rule for thefe canons is that of St. Auftin, who was made bifltop of Hippo A. D. 395. But they were but little known till the tenth or eleventh century, were not brought into England till after the Conqueft, and feem not to have obtained the name of Auftin ca¬ nons till fome years after G Bale a indeed and Sir Robert Atkins b fay, that thefe canons were brought into England by St. Birinus in the beginning of the feventh century c : But tliofe were certainly Secular 0 Reyner, vol. I. p. 160. and Stevens, vol. u. p. 237. P So Stevens, vol. ii. p. 237. But probably very near white; becaufe they were fometimes called White monks. 1 Unlel's there were any Celefttne monks brought in by K. Henry 3. as Reyner mentions, tr. i. p. 166. from Walfing- liam, fub A. D. 1413. and Weaver, p. 138. but I know not upon what grounds. r Archbilhop Spotfwood faith, they are often called Keledei, from their living in cells, as he thinks. Hift. of the Church of Scotland, p. 4. Their name and order were extinguiihed in Scotland foon after A. D. 1300. as Spotfwood, p. 31. Kil as appears from the Scottiih hiftorians was a place of devotion, and from hence the clergy of that church were called Killedee j; from which title, the fiction of the antient Culdees came, as the bilbop of St. Afaph [Lloyd] hath truly obferved. Stilling- fleet’s preface to Original, &c. p. lvi. s Concerning thefe Religious, fee Uiher’s Antiq. Eccl. Britan, fol. p.333, 334- 346. and p. 638, 639. 639. of the 4to edition, and Collier's Eccl. Hift vol. i. p. 180. ■ In the preface to the Monafticon, the name Secular canonr is faid to be a contradiction. “ 11 Dugdale’s Hift. of Warsvickfhire, p. 429. edit. 1730. w William of Malmlbury, as cited by Godwin, De prteful. p. 400. edit. 1742. faith of Lefric bifltop ofExeter about A. D. 1030. that, “ EjeCtis fanCtimonialibus e S. Petri [Exon.] mo- “ nafterio, epifeopum et canonicos ftatuit, qui, contra morem “ Anglorum, ad formam Lothariugoruin lino triclinio comede- “ rent, uno cubicnlo cubitarent.” And Leland hath the fame words, ColleCt. vol. ii. p 253 though perhaps this might have been before attempted here ; for in the council of Asnhanr held A. D. 1009. a dormitory and refectory to deep and eat. together in is recommended to the canons of thofe days, whom I take to have been Secular canons,, and the rule there men- tioned to have been their local ftatutes. Spelm. Concil. tom. i. p.514. Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p.293. x «< Medium genus inter monachos ct canonicos, quos Secn- “ lares appellant.” Erafmus, in Peregrinat. religionis ergo. “ Canonicorum regula monaftica ilia paulo liberior.” Pnef. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. y Vide conftitutiones P. Bonifacii 12. fuper reformatione ca- nonicorum Regular, ord. S. Auguftini, dat. A. D. 1339. in Wilkinlii Concil. vol.ii p 629 Spelm. Concil. vol.ii. p. 311. Ordinationes pro canonicorum Regularium ordinis S. Auguftini in Anglia exiftent. meliori gubernatione per Thomam Wolfeunt card. &c. A. D. 1319. in Mon Angl. vol. ii. p. 364. * See Bingham, book vii. ch. 2. $. 9. or fol. vol. i. p. 230. » Cent. xiii. 4. and Preface to Mon. Angl. vol. ii. » Gloucefterlhire, p. 1. * A. D. 630 or 640. as Fuller, Church Hift. book vi. p. 268; canons P R E F A C E. xi canons whom he then placed at Dorchefter. And all other hiftorians agree that we had no Regular canons here till the eleventh, and probably not till the twelfth century. For though they differ about the place of their firft fettlement, yet the general opinion is, that they came in after K. Henry I. began his reign. Jof. Pamphilus d indeed faith that they were feated in Lon¬ don, A. D. 1059. but he feems to have been but an obfcure writer. Mr. Somner c faith, that St. Gre¬ gory’s in Canterbury, which was built by archbilhop Lanfranc A. D. 1084. was their firft houfe ; but Le- land’s faying r, that archbiftiop Lanfranc placed Secular canons at St. Gregory’s, and that archbiftiop Corboil changed them into Regulars, makes the authority of that judicious antiquary in this cafe doubtful. Rey- ner e faith, that they were brought into England by Athelwulphus or Adulphus confeilor to K. Henry 1. and had their firft houfe at Noftell in Yorkihire ; but they feero not to have been fettled there ’till Thurftan h was archbiftiop of York, and that was not ’till A. D. 1 1 14 *. Stow faith k that Norman was the firft canon Regular in England, and that thefe Religious were firft feated at the Holy Trinity or Chrift Church within Aldgate, London, A. D. 1108. but that houfe was not built till R. Beaumeis 1 was bilhop of London ; whereas the houfe of thefe canons at Colchefter was founded before the death of bilhop Maurice m his predeceftor, which happened Sept. 26 ". 1107. And therefore I cannot but think that John Rofle0 and pope Pafchalis 2 p, are right in placing them firft at Colchefter, though it could not be in Rofle’s year 1109. but was rather A. D. 1105 s. Mr. Stevens r tells us, that though there were Regular canons who embraced the rule of St. Auftin taken from his one hundred and ninth epiftle, in the eleventh century (as particularly at the abbey of St. Denis at Rheims about A. D. 1067.) yet the Regular canons did not make folemn vows till the twelfth cen¬ tury ; and. did not in general take the name of “ Re- “ gular canons of St. Auftin” till pope Innocent 2. ordained in the Lateran council A. D. 1139. that all Regular canons fhould fubmit to that rule of St. Auf¬ tin in his one hundred and ninth epiftle. So that thefe Regular canons certainly fall fhort of the time of their pretended founder, and therefore when Black or Re¬ gular canons are mentioned before A. D. 1105. the reader muft thereby underftarid Secular canons. For it was ufual in thofe days to call the Secular canons of cathedral and collegiate churches “ Canonici Re- “ gulares” to diftinguifh them from the common pa¬ rochial clergy, though probably many of thofe focieties might become Auftin canons afterwards. Their habit was a long black caftoc, with a white rochet over it, and over that a black cloak and hood «. The monks were always fhaved, but thefe canons wore beards, and caps on their heads. I find above one hundred feventy five houfes of thefe canons and canoneftes in England and Wales. But befides the common and general fort of thefe canons, there were alfo the following particular forts, vi®. First, Such as obferved St. Auftin’s rule accord¬ ing to the regulations of St. Nicolas of Arroafia ', as thofe of Harewolde “ in Bedfordihire, Nutley or Cren- don w in Buckinghamfhire, Hertland * in Devonfhire, Brunne 1 in Lincolnfhire, and Lillefhtil 1 in Shrop- Ihire. Secondly, Some of the rule of St. Auftin, and the order of St. Vidlor ; as at Keynfham a and Worfpring b in Somerfetfhire, and Wormefley c in Herefordftiire. Thirdly, Of the order of St. Auftin, and the in- ftitution of St. Mary of Meretune ; as at Buckenham * in Norfolk. Fourthly, Premonftratenfians, or canons who lived according to the rule of St. Auftin, reformed by St. Norbert 5 afterwards archbiihop of Magdeburgh, who fet up this regulation about A. D. 1120 '. at Pre- monftratum, in the diocefe of Laon in Picardy, a place fo called becaufe pointed out, as it was faid, by the bleii'ed Virgin to be the head of this reformed order5. Thefe canons were alfo called White f canons from their habit, which was a white caftoc with a rochet over it, a long white cloak and white caps e. They were brought into England Ihortly after A. D. 1140 h. and fettled firft at Newhoufe in Lincolnfhire L They had in England a confervator of their privileges1, but were neverthelefs often vifited by their fuperiors at Premon- ftre, who raifed great contributions out of them k, as the generals or foreign heads of the Cluniacs and Cif- tertians 1 alfo did, ’till reftrained from it by the parlia¬ ment at Carlifle, ult. Ed. 1. or A. D. 1307”. This ftatute did not reftrain the foreign heads from vifiting their charge in England, governing their monks, or exercifing the difcipline of their order, provided they carried no money away with them. So that the Reli¬ gious of this order in England continued under the ju- rifdi&ion of the abbat of Premonftre and the general chapter of the order ’till A. D. 1512. when they were exempted from it by the bull of pope Julius 2. con¬ firmed by K. Henry 8. and the fuperiority of all the houfes of this order in England and Wales was given to the abbat of Welbeck in Nottinghamlhire ". There were about thirty five houfes of this order. 11 In Chronic. Auguftin, as quoted by Fuller in the place laft cited. 5 Antiq. Canterb. p. 89. 1 Collect, vol. i. p. 89. s Apoftol. Benedict, tr. i. p. 157. h “ Eccl. Beat. Ofwaldi, in qua canonici Regulares per ma- “ nura venerabilis Thurftini Ebaracenfis archiepifc. conftituti o Cunt.” Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 34. a. 36. a. 1 He was elected in 1114. but not confecrated till 1119. Wil¬ lis’ Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 34. k Surv. London, p. 930, &c. 1 Who is faid to have been the founder, Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 80. m He is witnefs to one of the charters of K. Henry 1. to Col- chcfter. n Godwin, p.175. Ncwcourt, vol. i. p. 10. v Mon. Angl. vol.ii. p. 57a. p Mon. Angl. vol.ii. p. 45. ■> In which Fuller places the coming of thefe canons into England. Church Hid. book vi. p.268. r Vol. ii. p. 65. s Seethe draught of an Auftin canon in his habit, Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 1. and Dugdale’s Wanvicklhire, p. 237. and of a canonefs, in Stevens, vol. ii. p. 68. 1 See a ihort account of this regulation, in Stevens, vol. ii. P- 149- from Hift. des Ordr. Mon. vol. ii. p. 106. See alfo Bollandus’ Lives, at January 13. and Reyner, vol. i. p. 139. who there faith, thefe reformed canons were brought into England A. D. 1112. and firft placed at Nutley ; but that houfe was not founded ’till A. D. 1162. u Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 202. ” Ibid. p. 154. x Ibid, p.283. y Ibid. p. 235. z Ibid. p. 145. 5 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 523. b Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 271. 5 Regiftr. Carol; Booth epife. St. Auftin’s, Briftol, is faid in Fuller s Church Hiftory, book vi. p. 325. to be of the order of St. Vicftor. d Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 274. At Merton in Surrey there was a priory of Auftin canons dedicated to St. Mary; and inftead of Merton it was anciently wrote Meretune ; but whe¬ ther thofe canons were of any particular order, or whether that was the St. Mary of Meretune here referred to, I know not. 5 5 5 Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 380. 582, 583, 584. 386, 387. Weaver, p.139. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol.i. p.337. 1 So conftantly in Hen. Sulgrave. S See a copperplate of one of thefe cdbons in his habit for the choir, in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 589. and of one in his com¬ mon habit, in Stevens, vol. ii. p. 145. Thefe white veftments are likewife faid to have been preferibed by the Virgin Mary. Mon. Angl. vol.ii. p.382.383. h h See under Newhoufe* 1 Reyner, vol.ii. p. 131. k Prynne, vol. iii. p. 903. 1044. and pat. 7 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . “ De taxis intolerabilibus, qua: abbas Pramonftr. exigere folet “ a prioribus ejufdem ovdims in Anglia.” 1 Prynne, vol. iii. p. 1037. ™ Statutes at large, vol.i. p. i!7. Gibfon’s Codex, p. 7j et 1222. Rylci Plac. Parliam. fol. 312. Coke’s Inftit. p. 2. f. 380. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 6o7. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. p. 500. n Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 338. The PREFACE. Xii The Sempringham • or Gilbertine canons were in- ftituted by St. Gilbert at Sempringham in Lincolnfhire A. D. 1148 p. and confirmed by pope Eugenius 3 70k. They were called Dominicans, from their founder ; Preaching friers, from their office to preach and convert heretics1; Black friers, from their gar¬ ments; and in France, Jacobines, from having their fird houfe in St. James’s dreet at Paris. Their rule, which was chiefly that of St. Augufline, was approved of by pope Innocent 3. in the Lateran council A. D. 1215. by word of mouth, and by the bull of pope Ho- norius 3. A. D. 1216. At fird they ufed the fame habit with the Audin canons. But about A. D. 1219. they took another, viz. a white caflock with a white hood over it, and when they go abroad, a black cloak with a black hood over their white vedments m. They came into England A. D. 1221 ", had their fird houfe at Oxford ” that year, and at the diffolution had about forty three houfes here. There were nuns alfo of this order, but I think none in England °. For, though Thomas lord Wake intended to have brought fome of them hither, and had the king’s licence for it, yet he feems not to have done it. St. Francis, who was contemporary with St. Do¬ minic, but of another country, being born at Affile in Italy in the province of Umbria, and duchy of Spole- turn p, A. D. 1182. was founder of the Francifcan, Grey, or Minor friers s. The fird name they had from their founder ; the fecond, from their grey cloath- ing ; and the third they took out of pretended humi¬ lity. Their rule was drawn up by St. Francis A. D. 1209. approved of by pope Innocent 3. A. D. 1210'. and by the general Lateran Council A. D. 1215’. Their habit was a loofc garment of a grey colour, reach¬ ing down to their ank'es, with a cowl of the fame, and a cloak over it, when they went abroad. They girded themfelves with cords, and went bare-footed Da¬ venport faith, they came into England A. D. 1210'. But the general opinion is, that they came hither A. D. 1224 “. and had their fird houfe at Canterbury, and their fecond at London. Some confiderable relaxation having by degrees crept into this order, it was thought requihte to reform it, and to reduce it, as near as might be, to its fird rule and inditution ». Whereupon fuch as continued under the relaxation were called Conventuals, and fuch as accepted the reformation were called Obfervants or Recolledfs \ This reformation was begun about A. D. 1400. by St. Bernard >' or Bernardin of Siena, con¬ firmed by the council of Condance A. D. 1414. and afterwards by Eugenius 4. and other popes. King Edward 4. is commonly faid * to have brought them into England, but I find no certain account of their be¬ ing here till king Henry 7. built two a or three houfes for them a. At the diffolution, the conventual Fran- cifeans had about fifty five houfes, which were under feven cudodies or wardendiips, viz. thofe of London, York, Cambridge, Bridol, Oxford, Newcadle, and Worceder b. As to the Capuchins, and other diftineftions of the Francifcans beyond the Teas, they chiefly arofe fince the Engjifh Reformation, and never had any place here. The Trinitarians, Maturines, or Friers of the or¬ der of tne Holy Trinity for the redemption of captives, were indituted by St. John de Matha, and Felix de Valois c in France about A. D. 1197L Their rule was that of St. Audin, with fome peculiar conditu- tions d ; their order was confirmed by pope Innocent 3. who gave them white robes, with a red and blue crofs on their breads ; and appointed that all their revenues Ihould be divided into three parts, viz. one for their own fupport and maintenance, another to relieve the poor, and a third to redeem fuch Chridians as were or Ihould be taken captives by the infidels '. They were called Trinitarians, becaufe all their churches were to be dedicated to the Holy Trinity" 5 and Maturines, a Who is faid to have diflated the rules of this order. Ste¬ vens, vol ii. p. 231 0 Stevens, ibid. ‘ Stevens, ibid, from Hilt, des Ordr. Mon. vol. iv. p. jc, faith, about A. D. 1344- Newcourt, Itepert. vol. i. p ’7,r" from Trithemius faith, A. D. 1362. Weaver, p. 148. faith.’ A. D. 1376. ’ d Stevens, vol. ii. p. 233. Reyner, vol. i. p. 166. Wea¬ ver, p. 149 e Weaver, ibid. f Stevens, vol. ii. p. 232. faith, when a monaltery was built they were not to go into it ’till they made up this number. s In all eighty five, to reprefent Chrift s thirteen apoftles (in¬ cluding St. Paul) and feventy two dilciples, as Stevens, vol ii p.231. Reyner, vol. i. p. 166 and Weaver, p. 149. h So Stevens, vol. ii. p. 232. but Weaver faith, ruffet. There are draughts ot a monk and nuns of this order in their habits in Stevens. * 1 Of the Mendicants in general, fee Broughton, ii 81 82 k Stevens, vol. ii. p. 186. from Hilt, des Ordr. Mon vol ii’i p. 198. Newcourt, vol. i p. 280. from Hofpin. De orieine monach. cap. 4, s, &c : Collier's Eccl. Hilt vol. i p f- , Weaver, p. 134. r ' H ’* ‘ Pat. 8 Ed 1. m. 23. « Quod Fratres pradicatores prcedi- cent Judasis pro converfione eorum.” Pat. 14 Fd 2 pi m. 16. “ Salvns condudtus pro Roberto de Braybrook, Joanne de *to!’or> «t Roberto de Hatcomb Fratribus pradicatoribus proncifcentibus, et proponentibus prEedicare evangelium Sa- racenis. m Stevens, vol. ii. p' 189. Newcourt, vol. i, p 280 n " Reyner, vo1 ; p. 16 !. See alfo Dugd. Warwickthire, p. 462. Wood s Hilt, of Oxford, p. 6a. N. Trivet, p. 176. 0 The nuns ofDertford in Kent were fometime of this order. P Stevens, vol. ii. p. 1. from Hitt, des Ord. Monaft. vol.vii. p. I. Newcourt, vol.i. p. 3J9. from Hofpinian, p. 403, &c. a Blomfield, ii. 562. Broughton, i. 420. rr Stevens, vol.ii. p. 5. s Newcourt, vol.i. p. 360. Stevens, vol.ii. p.5. * Hift- Fratr. Minor p. 2. Stevens, vol. i. p. 109. vol. ii. p. r. a Stow s Annals, in anno, and Survey of Lond. p. 340 Somner’s Antiq. Cant. p. 54. Ant. Wood's Hilt, and Antiq. of Oxon. Weaver, p. 134. Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 182. Leland. Colleft. vol.ii. p. 341. w Stevens, vol. i. p. 93. Weaver, p. 138. „ * Sf,‘T,ns' vo1' '• P- 93- makes thefe to be the fame. See Cowell Tub verbo Friers Obfernant . y Stevens and Weaver, ibid. * Weaver, p. 138. Fuller's Church Hift. book vi. p. 271. Stevens, vol. 1. p. 93. faith, they were brought into England about A D. 1452. or 19 Hen. 6 - a Harpsfield faith, he bnflt fix houfes for them ; but I think not fo many. Stevens, vol. i. p. 96. faith, that K. Henry 7. placing obfervant friers in fix houfes, he was reckon¬ ed founder of them, though molt of them were built long before. ® b Stevens, vol i. p. 95. ' Stevens, vol. ii. p. 2J8. frofn Hilt, des Ordr. Monaft. vo . 11. p. 320, See. See alfo Weaver, p. 142. Newcourt, vol. 1. p. 655. from Hofpinian and others. d„d Newcourt, ibid. Stevens, vol.ii. p. 258. faith, A. D. 1198. Dugd. Warwickthire, p. 499. faith, A. D. 1194. Others place its beginning in A. D. 1208 and 1211. See New- court, ,vol. i. p. 6531. ' c Scc their rule, in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 829, &c, d from P R E F ACE. xiv from having their Juft houfe in Paris near St. Mathu- rint’s chapel They were brought A. D. 1724 s. into England (where the lands, revenues, and privi¬ leges of the canons of the H. Sepulchre were given them upon the decay of that order h) and had their firft houfe at Mottenden in Kent : Some fay, that their head houfe was at Ingham in Norfolk as long as that houfe was of this order, and that from thence they were then called, Of the order of Ingham. I find about ten or twelve houfes of thele friers in England and Wales ‘. ■Friers Robertines inftituted by Robert Flower the devout hermit of Knarefburgh, who lived in K. John’s k reign, are fpoken of by Leland 1 as a branch ol the Trinitarians; but I have hitherto met with fo little concerning thefe Robertines, that I can fay no¬ thing certain of them, and doubt whether there really was any fuch order m. The Carmelite or White friers " (the former of which names they had from the place of their firft refidence, and the latter from the colour of their habit) came next into this kingdom ; they were alfo called Brethren or Friers of the Bleffed Virgin, and pretended to great antiquity; but the firft certain account we have of them is at Mount Carmel in Paleftine, from whence they were driven by the hard ufage of the Saracens about A. D. 1238°. Their rule (which is chiefly that of St. Bafil) is faid to have been given them by Albert patriarch of Jerufalem about A. D. 1205 P. and ;to have been confirmed by pope Honorius 3. A. D. 1224 s. They were brought into England, A. D. 1240'. by the lords John Vefcy and Richard Grey, and had their firft houfes at Alnewick in Northum¬ berland and Ailesford in Kent ; at the latter of which places thefe friers held their firft European chapter A. D. 1245 s. Their garments are faid to have been at firft white ', but being obliged by the infidels 1 to make them party coloured, they continued the ufe of firch for fifty years after their coming into England, and about A. D. 1200°. made them white again. Of this order we had about forty houfes in England and Wales f Stevens, vol ii. p. 260. e Reyner, vol. i. p. 1 hi. Yet the hofpital of Thelesford in Warwickihire, of this order, was founded A D. 1214. as Dugd. Warwickihire, p. 498. edit. 1730. But probably it was not originally for thefe friers. Bale, cent iv. cap 82. in Append. 2. and Weaver, p. 142. by fome great miftake, place their coming into England in A. D. 1357. h Dugd. Warwickihire, p 434. 5 Newcourt, vol. i. p. 635. But Stevens, vol. ii. p. 260. faith, there were forty three of them. k Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 833. 1 Jtin. vol. i. p.. 98. m Robert feems (according to Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 833.) to have lived as an hermit only at Knarelburgh (as Ivo feems alfo to have done after hint) and if he got any aflbeiates they were probably Hermites only ; and their being called Trinita¬ rians feems to have been occalioned by that fort of friers being placed there by the earl of Cornwal many years after his death; for- Robert mull: have been dead before 12 Hen. 3. or A. D. 1227. when the grant in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 833. was made to Ivo : And Richard earl of Cornwal had not the grant of Knarefburgh ’till A. D. 1234. as Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 762. and did not place the Trinitarians there ’till about A. D. 1237. for his grant to them bears that date, Mon. Angl. vol ii. p. 834. Weaver, p. 142. faith, Robert's order was inftituted and confirmed about A. D. 1137. but that was fo long before king John’s reign, when Robert florifhed, that the year, at leaft, mult be falfely printed. n The Carmelite friers are the laft of the four Mendicant or¬ ders in the church of Rome, and are in all the general pro- ceftions forced to give place to the Dominicans, Francifcans and Auftins. Geddes’ Trails, vol. iii. 423. When they firft came into England, they are faid to have defpifed learning, but afterwards applied themfelves to it. Fuller's Worthies, iii. p. 124. They began to decay in England A. D. 1470. Fuller, ibid. p. 208. « Stevens, vol. ii. p. 137. from Hift. des Ordr. Monaft. vol. i. p. 1 £2. &c. But fee an account of thefe friers alfo in Newcourt’s Repertoiium, vol. i. p. 3 66. Dugd. Warwick- Ihirc, p. 186. edit. 1730. Weaver, p.139. Fuller, bookvi. p 271. f Stevens, vol. ii. p. 133. s Stevens, ibid. r Reyner, vol. i. p. 163. from Bale, cent. 4- Leland De feript. p, 293. Dugd. Warwickihire, p. 11 7, tirlt edition. jn The order of Crofted or Crouched friers * was iftj ftituted, or at leaft reformed, by one Gerrard prior of St. Mary of Morello at Bologna ; and confirmed, A. D. 1169. by pope Alexander 3. who brought them under St. Auftin’s rule, and made fome other con-* ftitutions for their government f. They came into England A. D. 1244*. and had their firft houfe at Colchefter \ At firft they carried a crofs fixed to a ftaffi in their hands ; but afterwards had a crofs of red cloth upon their backs or breafts. Their habit was appointed by pope Pius 2. to be of a blue colour b. We had not here above fix or feven houfes of thefe friers. T he original of the Auftin friers, or Friers Eremites of the order of St. Auftin, is very uncertain. Thev were brought into England about the year 1250 c. anil for their habit, had a white garment and fcapulary, when they were in the houfe ; but in the choir, and when they went abroad, they had over the former a fort of a coul d and a large hood, both black, which were girt with a black leather thong. They had about thirty two houfes jin England and Wales at the fup- preflion. The friers of the Sac and the BethJemite friers ap¬ peared in England both in the fame year, viz. A. D. 1257 I find no account of the original of either of them. The right ftyle of the former was Friers of the Penance of Jefus Chrift f. But they were more commonly called Friers of the Sac, from their habits being either Ihaped like a fack or made of that coarfe cloth called fackcloth. They feem to have had their firft houfe near Alderfgate, Londons. But their order was very Ihort lived here, being put down by the coun¬ cil at Lyons A. D. 1307 h. The Bethlemite friers had their rule and habit much like that .of the Dominicans, but were diftinguilhed from them by a red ftar of five rays, with a blue circle in the middle of it, worn on their breafts 1 in memory of the ftar, which appeared to the wife men, and con¬ duced them to Bethlehem k. They were placed in Trumpington ftreet at Cambridge the firft year they edit. 1730. it is A. D. 1230. by miftake. But Lambard and Weaver fay their firft houfe was at Newenden in Kent. s Stevens, vol. ii. p. 137. ' t Newcourt’s Repert. vol. i. p. 366. from Trithemius: But Dugdale, in his Warwickihire, p. 186. edit. 1730. faith, that the patriarch Albert preferibed them a party coloured man¬ tle of white and red, and that pope Honorius 3. diiliking it, A D. 1283. appointed that it fliould be all white. ■ Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 442. w Of thefe friers enlarging their houfe at Oxford, and getting many real eftates, fee Aylofte’s Hift. of Oxford, i. p. 33. * Mr. Morant, in his account of the Crofled Friers at Col¬ chefter [Book ii. p. 41. note R.] feems to think there was an order of Crofs-bearers different from the Crouched or Croffed Friers : but I know no ground for it. y Newcourt’s Repert. vol. i. p. 328. from Hofpinian de Orig. Monach. lib. v. cap. xv. 1 Mat. Paris, p. 372. and Reyner, vol. i. p. 164. from him. a So Newcourt, vol. i. p.. 328. and vol. ii. p. 166. In the former place he quotes Mat. Weftm. for it ; but Reyner feems to mention Ryegate in Surry as their firft houfe. b Newcourt, vol. i. p 328. c Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 1086. edit. 1730. from Mat; Weftm. fub anno 1230. The houfe of thefe fliers at Stoke Clare in Suffolk is faid to have been founded A. D. 1248. in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 333. Reyner, vol. i. p. 164. faith, they were fent hither A. D. 1232. and had their firft houfe in Wales, or rather in Shroplhire, at a village called Woodhoufe. Ant. Wood, in Antiq. Oxon. lib. i. p. 113. placeth their com¬ ing into England in A. D. 1231. f Stevens, vol. ii. p. 213. Their habit was a long gown with broad (leeves, and a fine cloth hood ; and under thefe black garments other white ones, and about their wafte a lea¬ thern girdle fattened with an ivory bone, as Newcourt, vol. i. p. 289. See the cuts in Stevens, vol. ii. p. 214. Dugd. Warw. p. 1083. * Fuller, book vi. p. 274. from Mat. Paris, p. 810. 812. < Newcourt, vol. i. p. 316. from Hofpinian. See alfo Stevens, vol. ii. p 273. and Ant. Wood’s Antiq. Oxon. lib. i. p. 1x1. « So Weaver, p. 143. h Leland, Collecft. vol. i. p. 443. Yet they had eight houfes. 1 Weaver, p. 144. Stevens, vol. ii. p. 274 from Hift. des Ordres Mon. vol. iii. p. 347. Mat. Paris, p. 813. But Fuller faith, on their backs. R Mat. Paris, p. 8ij. came XV P R E f* came over * ; and that feerris to have been the only houfe of thefe friers in England The order of St. Anthony of Vienna was inftituted A. D. 1095. for the help and relief of fuch perfons as were afflifted with that painful inflammation called St Anthony’s fire, from that faint’s being thought to eafe people under it, and deliver them from it m. The friers or brethren of this order followed St. Auftin s rule wore a black habit, with the letter T of a blue colour on their breafts, came hither early in the reign of king Henry 3. and had one houfe at London and another at Hereford. Of the friers De pica, who had an houfe at -Norwich, I have met with nothing but what the author there faith of them, unlefs they were the “ Freres pies,” a fort of Religious that wore black and white garments, mentioned by Walfingham, p. 124". . The laft order of friers0, which were brought into this kingdom, was that of Bonhommes or Good men, who were brought hither by Edmund earl of Cornwall, A. D. 1283 p, and placed at Alherug in Bucks. Be¬ sides which, I find but one houfe more of this order in England, viz. Edingdon in Wiltlhire 1. Thefe friers followed the rule of St. Auftin', and wore a blue habit*. The fuperiors of their houfes were called Redtors, and one of them was ftyled prefident of the order '. Of the military orders of the Religious there were but two in England, viz. Knights Hofpitalars °, and Knights Templars w. The firft of thefe orders began and took its name from an hofpital built at Jerufalem for the ufe of pil¬ grims coming to the Holy Land, and dedicated to St. John Baptift \ For the firft bufinefs of thefe knights was to provide for fuch pilgrims at that hofpital, and to protect them from injuries and infults upon the roadr. They were inftituted about A. D. 1092*. and were very much favoured by Godfrey of Bulloigne, and his fucceffor Baldwin king of Jerufalem. They followed chiefly St. Auftin’s rule, and wore a black habit with a white crofs upon it. They foon came into England, and had an houfe built for them in Lon¬ don A. D. 1 ioo*. And from a poor and mean be¬ ginning, obtained fo great wealth b, honors and ex¬ emptions0, that their fuperior here in England was the ACE. firft lay baron, and had a feat amongft the lords in parliament, and fome of their privileges were extended even to their tenants'1. There were alfo fillers of this order, but we had only one houfe of them in England, viz. Buckland in Somerfctlhire. The Knights Templars were inftituted A.D. 1 1 1 8 e. and were fo called from having their firft refidence in fome rooms adjoining to the temple at Jerufalem Their bufinefs alfo was to guard the roads for the fc- eurity of pilgrims in the Holy Land, and their rule, that of Canons regular of St. Auftin ; their habit was white, with a red crofs on their left Ihoulders. Their coming into England was probably pretty early in the reign of king Stephen h, and their firft feat in Holborne. They increafed very fall, and in a little time obtained very large pofleflions *. But in lefs than two hun¬ dred years, their wealth and power was thought too great, they were accufed of horrid crimes, and there¬ upon every where imprifoned; their eftates werefeizedj, their order fupprefled by pope Clement 5. A. D. 1309.. and totally abolilhed by the council of Vienna A. L>. 1312 k. The fuperior of this order was ftyled Matter of the Temple, and was often fummoned to parlia¬ ment l. The order of St. Lazarus of Jerufalem m (of which we had a few houfes) feems to have been founded for the relief and fupport of lepers and impotent perfons of the military orders ". III. Under the general name of Religious houfes in this work are comprehended, cathedral and colle¬ giate churches, abbies, priories, colleges, hofpitals, pre- ceptories, and frieries. Our cathedral churches (God be praifed) are yet remaining, and there is no occafion for me to fay what is meant by them ; but perhaps it may be proper to obferve, that in the conventual cathedrals, the bi- fhop was in the place of an abbat, and had the prin¬ cipal ftall on the right hand of the entrance into the choir ; as he ftill hath at Ely, and till lately had at Dur¬ ham and Carlifle. Collegiate churches and colleges confifted of a number of Secular canons living together under the government of a dean, warden, provoft, or matter j * Mat. Paris, p. 815. • 1 Stevens, vol. ii. p. *74. reckons St. Mary Bethlehem London ; but that was founded eleven years before this order came into England. - „ . m Newcourt’s Repert. vol. 1. p. 282. and A lhort Hiftory of monaftical orders by Gabriel d’Emillianne, 8° Lond. 1693. P*nI Vide Cowel, fub verbo Pies. See alfo Blom field, vol. ii. 556, 557. and in the fame author, p. 5 47* of the Friers of the order of our Lady. All thefe lefler orders were fupprefled m the council of Lyons, and their members obliged to join them- felves to fome one of the four general orders. o This was not a mendicant order, but both their houfes in England had ample endowments. p Kennet’s Paroch. Antiq p. 300. from Leland s Collett, vol. ii. p. 332- but Reyner, vol. i. p. 165. faith, A. D 129°* q Reyner faith there were no more; but Leland, Itin. vol.v. p 64. calls Gaunts in Briftol, Bonhommes. r Kennet’s Paroch Antiq. p.302. * Atkins’ Gloceft. p. 3. * Reyner, vol. i. p. 165. u They were at firft called Knights of St. John of Jerufalem ; but fettling chiefly at Rhodes, after they were driven out of the Holy Land, were afterwards called Knights of Rhodes; and after the lofs of Rhodes in A. D. 1522. and their having the ifland of Malta given them by the emperor Charles 5. they were called Knights of Malta, Stevens, vol. i. Prelim. Diflert. p. 8. Newcourt’s Repert. vol. i. p. 666. w No fooner were thele two orders eftabliihed by Papal Bulls than they grew rich and rivalled each other : nay they as often fought againft each other as againft the Mahometans. The white habit of the Templars and the black robe of the Hof¬ pitalars were continual fignals to battle. Voltaire’s I lift, of Crufades, p. 72. . , x Broughton, ii. 44. Selden’s Hift. of Tithes, p. 121. y Dugd. Warwickihire, p. 965. Bifliop Burnet’s Hift. of the Reformation, vol. i. p. 275. 2 Mon. Angl. vol. ii p. 500. ex Sethi Calvifii Chronico fub anno 1092. But others fay A. D. 1099. Stevens, vol, i. Pre¬ lim. Diflert. p. 8. Newcourt’s Repert. vol. i. p. 530. * Newcourt, vol. i, p. 666. b They are faid at firft to have had but one horfe between two of them ; but about an hundred and fifty years after their inftitution, they had nineteen thoufand manors in Chriftendom. c Their wealth and privileges probably made them fometimes infolent ; for by pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4* “ Rex con- “ ftituit Ricardum de Everton vifitatorem hofpitalis S. Joannia “ Jerufalem in Anglia ad reprimendam Religioforum infolen- « tiam, et ad obfervandam Religionis honeftatem.” Thofe of this order were all lay men, excepting two or three to perform divine offices. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 553. Willis' Hift. of Abbies, vol. i. p. 134. mentions two chaplains at their chief houfe in London. d The Hofpitalars ufed for their habit a black upper garment with a white crofs on the fore part of it. Willis, i. p. 129. from Stow’s Survey of London. c M. Paris,. p. 56. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 517, 518. f Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 518. But in p. 553. a. we read, il Ordo Templariorum inccepit A. D. mcxxiii.” but that may be a miftake for mcxviii. ? The Templars are called Red friers in Spotfwood, p. 51. where there is an account of their diffblution, the fuppofed oc¬ cafion of it, and their reputed innocence. b For they hadfeveral houfes and eftates here in that reign. 1 See their large rental of lands in England, A. D, 1585. int Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 526. In A. D. 1244- Mat. Paris faith, p. 544. that they had nine thoufand manors in Chriftendom ; and at their fupprefiion they had (according to Heylin’s Cof- mogr. lib. 3.) fixteen thoufand lordfhips, befides other lands. See Rapin, fol. vol. i. p. 403. k In Dr. Wilkins’ Councils, vol. ii. p. 320. there is a large account of proceedings againft the Templars in England* Scot¬ land, and Ireland; and of the archbiihop of York s caufing the fentence pafied againft them in the council of Vienna (which he had been prefent at) to be publifhed throughout his province. 1 Stevens, vol. ii. Append, p. 12. m Dr. Geddes calls this a military order under the rule of St. Auftin ; he faith it was inftituted to take care of the Tick, but chiefly of the lepers, and that its knights do only take the vow of conjugal chaftity. Tratts, vol. iii. p. 406. edit. 17.10. n See Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 399. a. I think thefe were all the orders we had in England and Wales. and PREFACE. xvt and having, for the more folemn performance of di¬ vine fervice, chaplains, Tinging men, and chorifters be¬ longing to them. An abbey was a fociety of Religious people, having an abbat or abbefs to prefide over them. And fome of thefe were fo confiderable, that the abbats of them were called to parliament0, and had feats and votes in the houle of lords. They had the power and autho¬ rity of bifhops within the limits of their feveral houfes r, gave the folemn benedidtion, conferred the lefler orders, wore mitres s, fandals, &c. and carried erodes or paf- torals s in their hands ; and fome of their houfes were exempted ' from the jurifdiffion, of both archbifhop and bifhop, and fubjedl to the pope only. Mr. F uller 5 faith, that 49 Hen. 3. fixty four abbats, and thirty fix priors were called to parliament. But this number 6 The oracle of the law, faith, a Inftit. p. 585. “ Twenty ft fix abbats and two priors had baronies, and thereby were “ lords of parliament.1’ In 1 Inftit. 97. he faith, « There “ "’ere an hundred and eighteen monafteries founded by kings " of England, whereof fuch as held per baroniam, and were ** called to parliament by writ, were lords of parliament, and 4t had places and voices there ; but not if they were not called “ by writ ; for Fcverlham was founded by K. Stephen to hold by barony ; but the abbat not being called to parliament “ by writ, did not fit there." This is alfo in Weaver, p. 1S3. Cowel, fub voce Mitred , faith, thefe abbats were not called to parliament becaufe they were mitred, but becaufe they re¬ ceived their temporals from the king. Collier, Eccl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 164. faith, they held of the king in capite per baro¬ niam ; their endowment being at leaft an entire barony, which confifted of thirteen knights fees, and thereby they were ad¬ vanced to the ftate and dignity of fpiritual lords : But of the parliamentary abbies, fome were founded by fubjeifts, fome by kings of Mercia, &c. and about eight only by kings of England. The abbat of Thorney pleaded, A. D. 1338. that he did not hold by barony, but by frankalmoine Colleift. Wren. vol. ii. p. 18. ex reg. Sim. epife. Elienf. and yet was then called to parliament, as Fuller, book vi. p. 192. and Stevens’ Append, p. ij. The prior of Coventry likewife pleaded, 14 Ric. 2. that he did not hold per baroniam, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 305. The abbey of Bardney was valued at no more than 429/. 7 s. od. per ann. in the whole, and 366/. 6 j. id . clear ; and there were feveral abbies and priories which had much greater temporals, and confequently were entire baronies, which were not parliamentary. ’Tis poffible thefe laft might not receive their temporals from the crown, nor hold them in capite, and Bardney might ; but I rather think this privilege was chiefly owing to the favour of the king, who might in other cafes as well as that of Taviftocke, call an houfe of the foundation of his anceftors, which was not really fo. Fuller’s Ch. Hift. book vi. p. 293. All the parlia¬ mentary abbats and priors had houfes in Weftminfter, London, or Southwark to live in whilft the parliament fate. P See the grant of a mitre to the abbat of Malmlbury, in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. iii. p. 142, 143. “ Abbas Samfon fecit 14 novum figillum, quod cum mitra efiet pingendum, licet “ predeceffores fui tale non haberent ; et primus inter abbates 4 Anglix impetravit, quod daret epifcopalem benediflionem “ folemniter ubicunque fuerit.’’ Joe. Brakeland in Chron. S. Edm. Bur. mf. He was abbat from A. D. 1182 to 1211 or 1212. “ Thomas de Merleberg abbas Evefham primo fculpfit iuper “ duas tumbas pnedecelforum fuorum ad honorem et often- “ fionem dignitatis ecclefias imagines epifcopales, et iibi ipli 44 cum eifdem fee it mau foleum et incidit in lapide marmoreo 44 fuperpofito imaginem epifcopalem ad honorem ecclelite. “ Obiit A. D. 1236.” The pope honoured the principal ab¬ bats in France with epifcopal ornaments, as a reward for fiding with him againft the emperor about A. D. iroo. as Father Paul of Benefices, p- 108. n. from Mezeray. The mitre, ftindals and gloves were firft granted to the abbats of St. Auftin’s, Canterbury A. D. 1059. but were foon laid afide, becaufe arch¬ bifhop Lanfranc would not fuffer them. But abbat Roger afferting his independence, and obtaining the Benediction from Rome, had alfo a grant of the epifcopal ornaments, A. D. 1179, from which time, they were ufed by him and his fuccdlors. Battely’s Additions to Somner, p. 163. 166. They were firft ufed at Abingdon A. D. 1268. Willis, i. p. 7. procured for Waltham Abbey, A. D. 1191. Willis, i. 193. for Weftminfter by abbat Laurence, who died A. D. 1167. Willis, p. 202. for the prior of Worccfter, A. D. 1351. Willis, i. 309. Taviftockhad them not till A. D. 1438. Willis, i. 174. s s But their mitres differed a little from thofe of the bi- fhops, who carried their crofiers in their left hands ; but the abbats carried them in their right hands, as Mr. Anftis, in Append, to Dr. Fiddes’ Life of cardinal Wolfey, p. 113. In the proceflion roll, 3 Hen. 8. the parliamentary abbats are drawn with barons caps, not mitres, as mf. Alhmol. Oxon. n. 13. But in the parliament houfe 15 Hen. 8. they are drawn with mitres on their heads, as Fiddes’ Life of Wolfey, p. 303. The mitred abbats were, by the decree of pope Cle¬ ment iv. to wear their mitres only embroidered with gold, to diftinguifh them from thofe of the bifhops, which were adorn- being too great, king Edward 3. reduced it to twenty five abbats and two priors5, to whom were afterwards added two abbats '. So that there were twenty nine in all, and no more that ftatedly and conftantly ? en¬ joyed this privilege, viz. the abbat of Tewkefbury,- the prior of Coventry, the abbats of Waltham, Ciren- cefter, St. John’s at Colchefter, Croiland, Shrewlbury,1 Seloy, Bardney, St. Bennet’s of Hulme, Thorney, Hide, Winchelcomb, Battel, Reading, St. Mary’s in York, Ramfey, Peterburgh, St. Peter’s in Gloucefter, Glaftonbury, St. Edmund’s Bury, St. Auftin’s in Can¬ terbury, St. Alban’s, Weftminfter, Abingdon, Eve¬ fham, Malmfbury, and Taviftock ; and the prior of St. John’s of Jerufalem, who was ftyled “ Primus An- “ giire barow but it was with refpect to the lay ba¬ rons only; for he was the laft of the fpiritual ones. ed with jewels. Broughton fub verbo Abbat. Yet even this diftindlion was not inviolably obferved : for the prior of Worce- fter, though he was enjoined to ufe in the bifhops prefence “ m'tra aurificata gemmarum et perlarum ornamentum non “ habente,” yet in the abfence of the bifhop, he was allowed, to wear “ mitram gemmarum et perlarum ornamentum ha- “ bentem.” Wilkins, iii. 201. r Cowel, voce Abbat, faith. Such as were mitred, were ex¬ empted from the juril'diftion of the dioctfan, having themfclv.es epifcopal authority within their limits ; and Godolphin, in Repcrt. Eccl. hath almoft the lame words ; but Reyncr, tr ii p.jj. faith, that St. Alban’s, Weftminfter, St. Auftin’s Can¬ terbury, St. Edmund’s Bury, and Evefham only were exempt, except perhaps Glaftonbury. It is more likely that feveral others of them obtained that privilege, as Burnet, Reformat, vol i p. 187. However, their exemption from their diocelans, being honoured with the mitre, and called to parliament, cer¬ tainly depended upon different grants ; for the abbat of Malmf¬ bury was one of the twenty five fixed upon for parliamentary abbats by K. Edward 3. as Fuller, book vi. p. 292. buthe had not a grant of the epifcopal ornaments and authority ’till 3 Ric. 2. though he was before that exempt from his dio- cefan, as appears from the grant in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. iii. p. 142. Peterborough was aifo allowed to be a parliamentary abbey by king Edward 3. as Fuller, book vi. p. 292. but Wil¬ liam Genge was, about 21 Ric 2. the firft mitred abbat; and both abbat and convent were vifited by the .bilhop of Lincoln above eighty years afterwards, viz. in A. D. 1483. as Gun- ton’s Peterborough, with Patrick’s Supplement, p. 49, 323 and 328. The abbat of Taviftock obtained the mitre 36 Hen. 6. but was not called to parliament ’till 5 Hen. 8. and was not exempted from the bifhop of the diocefe ’till three years after as Mr. Anftis, in Append, to Fiddes’ Life of Wolfey, p. n2. Thefe ornaments were by degrees granted to the priors. Som- ner’s Antiq. Canterb. p. 99, 100. Widmore, p. 29, 30. 41. 66. The priors of Chrift church Canterbury obtained them A. D. 1378. and from that time were called lord Priors. Somner) p. 147. Thefe priors were called to parliament, 49 Hen 3! to 5 Hen. 4. as Somner, p. 101. The prior of Durham had the ufe of the mitre and paftoral ftaff from about A. D. 1374 as Angl Sacr. vol. i. p.769. and Willis Abbies, vol i. p. 262) though never called to parliament ; and in the rtgifter of Oliv. King bifhop of Bath and Wells, there is a grant from pope Alexander 6. for the priors of Taunton (who were not parliamentary) having epifcopal authority, and all the orna¬ ments but the mitre, which 1 never met with another iu- ftance of, and therefore inl'ert an abftratff of the grant : «< Alex- “ ander epifeopus fervus fervorum Dei, diletfto filio Joanni “ priori et conv. de Tanton, falutem ; ut tu et fuccelTores “ tui annulo paftorali, baculo, almuciis, et aliis pontificiali- “ bus infigniis (citra tamen mitram) uti ; necnon in dido me- “ nafterio et prioratibus et eccleliis illi fubjedis henedidionem. “ folennem poll mifiarum, vefperarum, completorum, et di- “ vinorum olficiorum folennia (dummodo in benediftione hu- “ jufmodi aliquis antiftes aut apoftolicse fedis legatus pi sefens “ “on fit) populo elargiri ; canonicos quoque et chorales dit'i “ monafterii ad minores ordines prornovere ; licitc valcatis “ dat. 4 Non. Maii A. D. 1499." s s Church Hift. book vi. p. 292. I Viz. the abbat of Taviftoke and the abbat of Tev. klbury ; the former obtained this privilege 5 Hen. 8. but when the lat¬ ter obtained it, is uncertain ; he doth not occur in any fum- nions mentioned by Mr. Selden, Titles of Honor, p. 728. nor in Camden’s lift, in his Preface to the Britannia ; and is laid by Reyner, vol. i. p.212. not to have had a lcat in parliament ; but is in lord Herbert s and bifliop Godwin’s catalogues, and certainly fate in parliament in the reign of K. Henry 8. as Burnet, Reformat, vol. i. p.268. and the proceflion roll. II The abbat of Leicefter and the prior of St. James’ near Northampton were fometimes called after K. Edward 3. re¬ duced the number, as Fuller, book vi. p. 293. and the abbat ot Burton upon Trent fate 28 Hen 8. as Burnet, vol. i. p 268 In Stevens’ Append, p. 11. there is a lift of all the abbats anti priors that were called to parliament from 49 Hen. 3. to 23 Ed. 4. taken from Prynne’s Parliamentary Writs, p. 121. w Append, to Wolfey ’s Li e, p. 113. Xbsve PREFACE. XVII I have here fet down the firft twenty four of thefe * in the order they went to parliament 3 Hen. 8 *. Mr. Hearne thinks v that they took place in the houfe of lords according to the fenioritv of their creation. But John Anftis efquire, garter king of arms, is of opinion2, “ That fome of the abbats, like the bilhops, had by “ virtue of their abbies a certain fixed precedency, and “ that others of them took place according to the pri- “ ority of their creation/’ Many have affigned the firft place to the abbat of St. Alban’s a, becaufe St. Al¬ ban was the firft martyr in this kingdom. A priory was a fociety of Religious, where the chief perfon b was termed a prior or priorefs ; and of thefe there were two forts. First, Where the prior was chief governor, as fully as any abbat in his abbey, and was chofen by the con¬ vent ; fuch were the cathedral priors, and moft of the Auftin order. Secondly, Where the priory was a cell,fubordinate to fome great abbey, and the prior was placed and difplaced at the will of the abbat. But there was a confiderable difference between fome of thefe cells. For fome were altogether fubjedt to their refpedtive abbies, who fent them what officers and monks they pleafed, and took their revenues into the common flock of the abbies. But others confifted of a ftated number of monks, who had a prior fent them from the abbey, and paid a pen- fion yearly as an acknowledgement of their lubjedtion, but adted in other matters as an independent body, and had the reft of the revenues for their own ufe. Thefe priories or cells were always of the fame order with the abbies on whom they depended, though fometimes of a different fex c, it being ufual after the Conqueft for the great abbies to build nunneries in fome of their manors, which fhould be priories to them, and fubjedl to their vifitation J. Some of thofehoufes, which were originally priories, were turned into abbies, as particularly Wymondham in Norfolk • and Walden in Effex f. But this was looked upon as an injury to the patron s, and fome- times forbidden by the founder, as by the founder b of Cartmele in Lancaftiire : And 1 meet with one in- ftance of an abbey being reduced to a priory, becaufe the revenues of it could not fupport the ftate and dig- x x Sec the proceffion roll to that parliament, in mufeo Afh- mol. Oxon n. 13. in which the four laft abbats are not de¬ picted, probably becaufe abient. y In his Prelim. Difc. to Mr. Willis’s View of Mitred Ab¬ bies publ ilhcd in the Append, to Leland. ColleCt. p 82 83. 2 In his letter to Dr. Fiddes, publifhed in the Append, to card. Wolfey’s Life, p. 114. 2 Stevens, vol. i. p.170. Reyner, vol. i, p. air. Bodl. mf. A. 16. p. 124. “ Sicut B. Albanus protomartyr elt Anglorum “ vel Britannite, ita et abbas fui monafterii fedem primam ha- “ bet in parliamento.” Mr. Willis faith this precedency was granted to St. Alban’s by pope Adrian about A. D 1154. Iiift. of Abbies, vol. i. p. 13. See alfo Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 80. b. Fuller, book vi. p. 294. alligns the prior of St. John’s the firft place, the abbat of St. Alban’s the fccond, and to the reft fuch places as were appointed by the king. Fuller, in his Wor¬ thies, iii. p. 21. faith Glaftonbury was "the firft abbey as the antienteft, till pope Adrian gave the preference to St. Alban’s. b The heads of all religious houfes were called prelates. See Cowell in Prelate from Spellman’s Gloffary c As Sopewell nunnery in Hertfordfhire, cell to St. Alban’s. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 347. Newcourt, vol. i. p. 783. and Thetford nunnery cell to Bury. Reyner, vol. i. p.211. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 57. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol i. p. 431. d To be fent into a monaftery was in many cafes the pu- nilhment of an offending Secular prieft, as can. 61 et 77. of A D. 740 in Johnl'on’s Collect of canons. To be fent to a cell was in fome cafes the punifliment of an offending monk. Mat. Paris, p. 1046. Reyner’s Append, p. 125. 160 And that fome of them were there obliged to hard labour, ap¬ pears from the regifter of John Romane archbifhop of York, Anno primo pontif. “ Poenitentia injuncta monacho de No- “ voburgo, qui fub Religiofo habitu diutius vagus in feculo “ extitit : Moretur apud Hod cellum, ubi agriculture vacet, ” et caudam aratri teneat loco cujufdam mercenarii foliti “ hujufmodi officio deputari ; quarta et fexta feria, pane, “ cerevifia, et leguminibus tantummodo fit contentus ; tres “ difeipfinas in ebdomada recipiat a canonico prasfidente ibi- “ deiri And when a monk was refradtory or quarrelfome in his own houfe, he was fent to another to be punifhed, as Reyner s Append, p. 125. 160 “ Inobediens monachus de “ Tanton miffus ad prioratum S. Germani in Cornubia ad nityof an abbat ', viz. Cumbweil in Kent. Priories alien were cells to foreign monafterics : For when manors or tithes were given to foreign mo- nafteries k, the monks, either to increafe their own rule, or perhaps rather to have faithful ftewards of their revenues, built convenient houfes 1 for the re¬ ception of a fmall convent, and then fent over fuch a number as they thought proper, conftituting priors over them. And there was the fame difference in thefe cells “ as in the former. For fome of them were con¬ ventual and had priors of their own chafing and thefe were entire focieties within themtelves, and re¬ ceived the revenues belonging to their feveral houfes for their own ufe and benefit, paying only the ancient apport0, or what was at firft the furplufage p, to the foreign houfe. But others depended wholly upon the foreign houfes, their priors were fet over them s, their monks were often foreigners, and removeable at plea- fure ; and they returned all their revenues to the fo¬ reign head houfes. For which reafon their eftates were generally feifed during the wars between England and F rance, and reftored to them again upon the re¬ turn of peace. These alien priories were moft of them made ’ by fuch as had foreign abbies of their own, or fome of their family’s, foundation. Preceptories were manors or eftates of the Knights Templars, where eredfing churches for the fervice of God, and convenient houfes, they placed fome of their fraternity under the government of one of thofe more eminent Templars, who had been by the grand matter created “ praeceptores templi,” to take care of the lands and rents in that place and neigh¬ bourhood, and fo were only cells to the principal houfe at London s. Commandries were the fame amongft the Knights Hofpitalars, as preceptories were amongft the Tem¬ plars, viz. focieties of thofe knights placed upon fome of their eftates in the country under the government of a commander, who were allowed proper mainte¬ nance out of the revenues under their care, and ac¬ counted for the remainder to the grand prior at Lon¬ don >. By Hofpitals in the following work I mean fuch “ incarcerandum et pcenitendum.” Reg.Rad.de Salopia epife. Bath, et Wellenf. fub A. D. 1351. e Mon. Angl. vol i. p. 340. f Newcourt, vol. ii. p. 622. 8 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 455. a. h Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 301. 1 “ Propter tanti pradati fumptus.” See in this book under Cumhtwell. k Dugd. War. p. 33. edit. 1730. 1 Perhaps fometimes fuch houfes might be built by the donors of the land. See Dugd. Warwicklbire, p. 815. edit. 17 3°- m Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. i. p. 650. Fuller’s Church Hid. book vi. p. 303. n Mon. Angl. vol. i. p.305. 0 “ Antiquum apportum ad capitalem domum in partibus “ tranfmarinis.” Reyner, vol. viii. p. 101. P That this was the meaning of the word feems evident from what is faid, Mon Angl. vol. i p. 603. concerning the alien priory of Hagh, cell to Cherburgh, viz. “ Ita quod proficua “ manerii et ecclefire pradifl (foil, de Hagh) ultra fuftenta- “ tionem unius prioris et focii fui capellani divina in prioratu “ pnediit. celebratur. nomine apporti quolibet anno praefatis “ abbati et conventui (foil, de Casfarilburgo) in fubventio- “ nem fuftentationis fuas folverentur.” 4 They often fent over very mean perfons, ifbifhop Groftead be not too fevere, in epift. 53, 34. 108. ’ Dugdale’s Warwicklbire, p. 33. Reyner’s reflection upon thefe alien priories, who are faid by Mat. Paris, p. 740 to have had greater revenues in England than the king, is, “ Quorum tantus eft numerus, ut mirandum fit tantum cha- “ ritatis et hofpitalitatis in infula noftra inveniffe homines ex- “ teros, tantum divitiarum et opum tam nobiles conventus “ poffediffe, cum jam apud exteros vix poffimt Angli catho- “ liei vel unum vel alterum domicilium redditibus mediocri ■ “ bus dotatum obtinere, in quo fuum folentur ob fidei ca- “ tholicas profeffionem, exilium .” Trait, i. p.210. s Cowei's Interpreter, and Rennet’s Gloffary in verbo. Newcourt, vol. ii. p. 199. 1 Newcourt, ibid. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 606, See. e houfes PREFACE. houfes for the relief of poor and impotent people « as were incorporated by royal patents, and made capable of gifts and grants in fucceflion. Frieries were houfes ere£ted for the habitation of friers ; they were very feldom endowed", yet many of them were large and ftately buildings, and had noble churches, in which many great perfons chofe to be buried. Before I mention the officers of thefe houfes, give me leave to obferve, that the fame abbey or priory is many times faid in monaftic writers to have had dif¬ ferent founders. For we often meet with the firft, fecond, third, and even fixth founder x. But the firft only was properly the founder, and the others only great benefactors, who either reftored the old founda¬ tion, after it was greatly damaged by time, fire or the like, or made fome confiderable addition to it r. The fucceflors of the founders, and patrons, or chief lords of the fee z, are likewife many times ftyled founders In every abbey the chief officer was the abbat b or abbefs, who prefided in great pomp, was generally called Lord abbat « or Lady abbefs, and had a kitchen and other offices diftindf from the common ones of the fociety. In every priory the chief officer was the prior d or priorefs, who had the fame power in priories, as ab- bats and abbeffes had in abbies, but lived in a lefs fplendid and expenfive manner, though in fome of the greater houfes they were called Lord prior, and Lady priorefs. Next under the abbat in every abbey, was the pri¬ or', who in the abbat’s abfence had the chief care of the houfe, and under him was the fubprior, and in great abbies, the third, fourth f, and even fifth prior, who had their refpective fhares in the government of the monks, &c. and were removable at the will of the abbat, as all the other obedientarii or officers were. In every priory, next under the prior, was the fubprior, who affifted the prior whilft prefent, and adted in his Head when abfent. The fix greater officers in the monaftery of Croy- land 8 (and perhaps in moft others) were, I. Ma- gifter operis, or in after of the fabric, who probably looked after the buildings, and took care to keep them in good repair. 2. Eleemosynarius, or the almoner h, who had the overfight of the alms of the houfe, (which were every day diftributed at the gate to the poor) who di¬ vided the alms upon the founder’s day, and at other obits and anniverfaries, and in fome places provided for the maintenance and education of the chorifters 1 . 3. Pitantiarius, who had the care of the pie- tanciesk, which were allowances upon particular cc- cafions over and above the common provifions. 4. Sacrista, or the fexton, who took care of the veflels, books, and veftments belonging to the church, looked after and accounted for the oblations at the great altar, and other altars and images in the church, and fuch legacies as were given either to the fabric or utenfils ; he likewife provided bread and wine for the facrament1, and took care of burying the dead. 5. Camerarius, or the chamberlain, who had the chief care of the dormitory, and provided beds and bedding for the monks, razors and towels for fhaving them, and part of, if not all, their cloathing™. 6. Cellerarius, or the cellarer, who was to pro¬ cure provifions for the monks and all ftrangers reforting to the convent, viz. all forts of flefh, fifh, fowl, wine, » Befides the poor and impotent, there generally were in thefe hofpitals, two or three Religious ; one to be matter or prior, and one or two to be chaplains and confeffors ; and thefe obferved the rule of St. Auftin, and probably fubjedted the poor and impotent to fome religious reftraints, as well as to the local ftatutes. Hofpitals were originally deligned for relief and entertainment of travellers upon the road, and particularly of pilgrims; fee in this book. Knit, xii. 6. xxi. 3. ffanw. xxxi. 8. &c ; and therefore were generally built upon the road's fide; but of later years they have always been found¬ ed for fixed inhabitants. w Friers were by their profefiion Mendicants, and to have no property ; but moft of their houfes had fome (hops and gardens belonging to them ; and the Dominicans of Kings Langely, were endowed with 122 1 . per arm. This work doth not take in the many hermitages, chauntries, and free chapels in England and Wales, but fome of them being men¬ tioned in it, it may not be amifs to fay what they were. Hermitages were religious cells eredted In private and Soli¬ tary places for fingle perfons or communities, many times endowed, and Sometimes annexed to larger Religious houfes. Vide Rennet’s Glofiary in voce Heremitorium, Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 339. Thorelby’s Leeds, p. 91. The hermites of cells not endowed are fpoken of as common beggars, in pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 8. et p. a. m. 22. Chauntries were endowments of lands or other revenues for the maintenance of one or more priefts to fay daily mafs for the fouls of the founder, and his relations and benefadtors, fometimes at a particular altar, and oftentimes in little cha¬ pels added to cathedral and parochial churches for that pur- pofe. See Godolph. Repert. p. 3t9- Fuller, bookvi. p. 330. Weaver, p. 733- „„ . . Free chapels were places of Religious worlhip exempt from all jurifdidtion of the ordinary, fave only, that the incumbents were generally inftituted by the bifhop, and indudted by the archdeacon of the place ; moft of thefe chapels were built upon the manors and ancient demefnes of the crown, whilft in the king’s hands, for the ufe of himfelf and retinue when he came to refide there, as Rennet’s Glofiary in voce Demefne , and his Cafe of appropriations, p. 6. And when the crown parted with thofe eftates, the chapels went along with them and re¬ tained their firft freedom ; but fome lords having had free chapels in manors that do not appear to have been ancient demefne of the crown, fuch are thought to have been built and privileged by grants from the crown. See bilhop Gibfon’s Codex, P 237. Yet Mr. Newcourt faith, that A. D. 1521. bifhop Fitz James converted a decayed chantry at Rainham in Efiex, with the confent of the patron, into a free chapel to be held with all its rights, and governed by an honeft and literate layman, without mentioning any grant from the crown for it. See his Repert. vol. ii. p. 482. * See Blomfield’s Norfolk, i. p. 187. r Sir John Biconill was'admitted one of the founders of the Francifcan friers at Dorchefter, for having built mills near to, and for the benefit of theconvent, as Stevens, vol. i. p. 93. 1 When the founder's family was extindt, the lord of the fee became patron of courfe, as Rennet’s Glofiary, fub. tit. Advo^wfon of Religious Houfes. * In Leland. Colledt. we often meet with “ Fundator ori- “ ginalis, et fundator modernus ;” but the laft was the then patron only. S “ From Abba, pater, quia pater monachorum.” Godolph. Repert. p. 326. c They were generally wrote “ H. divina permifiione abbas.” Decern, feript. col. 2059 and 2157. and fometimes “ FI. Dei “ gratia abbas.” Decern, feript. col. 1982 and 2006. But even the meanelt magiftrates formerly ufed the fame ftile, as Somner Antiq. Cant, from Spelman’s Glofiary in Dei Gratia. Every prior was to be in prieft’s orders, by decree of the council at London, A. D H26. Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p. 408. Mr. Johnfon faith, that heads of monafteries were often called deans in the twelfth century. See his note on can. 4. of A. D. 1127. See alfo Angl. Sacr. vol. . p. 346. ' Of the prior’s office and power in abbies, fee Reyner's Append, p. 233. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 935. f “ Ad redtoriam de Whaddon (dime. Elienf.) prafentavit “ A. D. 1349. quartus prior Lewenfis, priore, fubpriore, et “ tertio priore mortuis.” Colledt. Wren, e regiftr. Elienf. “ In ecclefiis cathedralibus et prioratibus aliis, in quibus nu- « merus tricenarius exceditur, deputetur ad cuftodiam ordi- “ nis quartus prior. In abbatiis etiam ipfum numerum ha- “ bentibus tertius prior habeatur ad minus.” Reyner’s Ap¬ pend. p. 134. “ Et cuilibet decadi unus detur confefiarius.” Reyner’s Append, p. 120. 8 Ingulf, p. 498. h For thefe feveral officers fee alfo Blomfield, vol. ii. p. 439, 440, 441. The great officers of the convent [at Worcefter] were thefe, Prior, Subprior, Sacrift, Tumbarius, Magifter Ca- pellte, Hofpitalarius, Cellerarius, Camerarius, Pittenfarius, Coquinarius, Infirmarius, Eleemolinarius. Willis, Abbies.vol. ii. p. 263. Of thefe I never met with Tumbarius before. • “ Lego tenementum officio eleemofynarise didtse domus ad “ perpetuum incrementum fuftentationis puerorum, viz. cho- “ riftarum di<5tce ecclefias impertuum defervientium.” Regiftr. S. Trin. Lond. penes Jo. Anftis arm. k What thefe pietancies or pittances were, fee in Gunton’s Peterborough, p.297. Blomfield s Norfolk, vol.i. p. 233. in the note d. 1 “ Vinum et oblatas.” Mon. Angl. vol. i. p 298. See alfo Reyner’s Append, p. 236. But the bilhop of Coventry granted a very different facriftan to the abbey of Haghmon : “ Concedimus quod in monafterio de Haghmon, fit unus con- “ fratrum facrifta fub abbate, qui pofiit baptizare tarn Judaeos “ quam parvulos in didto monafterio, ethabeatjus parochiale « in familiares et domefticos ejufdem, miniftra'ndo eis eccle- “ fiaftica facramenta.” Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 934. b. At Bury, the Sacrift was by his office archdeacon of the exempt jurifdidtion, and had the probate of wills. Blomfield, i. p. 203. m Reyner, ibid. p. 236. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 148. 298. Fuller, book vi. p. . faith, he had the care of the treafury, and received and paid all the greater fums, as the chamberlain of London doth ; but quare. bread PREFACE. xix bread corn, malt for their ale and beer, oatmeal, fait, &c. as likewife wood for firing, and all utenfils for the kitchin Befides thefe, there were alfo Thesaurarius, or the burfar, who received all the common 0 rents and revenues of the monaftery, and paid all the common expenfes. Precentor, or the chaunter, who had the chief care of the choir fervice, and not only prefided over the finging men, organift, and chorifters, but provided books for them, paid them their falaries, and repaired the organs ; he had alfo the cuftody of the feal, and kept the Liber diurnalis or Chapter book, and provided parchment and ink for the writers, and colours for the limners of books for the library p. Hostilarius,' or Hofpitilarius, whofe bufinefs it was to fee ftrangers well entertained, and to provide firing, napkins, towels, and fuch like neceflaries for them L Infirmarius, who had the care of the infirmary, and of the fick monks who were carried thither, and was to provide them phyfic and all neceflaries whilft living, and to wafli and prepare their bodies for burial, when dead 9. Refectionarius, who looked after the hall, pro¬ vided table cloths, napkins, towels, difhes, plates, ipoons, and all other neceflaries for it, even fervants to wait and tend there ; he had likewife the keeping of the cups, falts, ewers, and all the filver utenfils whatfoever belonging to the houfe, except the church plate There was likewife Coquinarius s, Gardinarius, and Portarius' ; “ et in ccenobiis, quae jus archidiaco- “ nale in praediis et ecclefiis fuis obtinuerunt, erat mo- “ nachus qui archidiaconi titulo et munere infignitus u eft”. " Reyner’s Append, p. 237. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 149. 297. and the charge of the cellarefs of Barking. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 80. The cellarer of Peterborough is faid to have been “ Pater fecundus in monafterio,” and to have had great privileges, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 302. a. 0 For in thofe houfes which had particular revenues appro¬ priated to the ufe of the almoner, cellarer, facriftan, &c. I take it that thofe officers received every one their own rents, and accounted for them to the fociety ; and that the treasurer received fuch rents only, as were not appropriated. Bifhop Kennet faith, that conventual burfars made up their accounts every year, on the day after Michaelmas day. Paroch. Antiq. p. 570. and GlolT. in voce Burfaria. P Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 147. 299. Reyner’s Append, p. 235. 9 9 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 298. Reyner, Append, p. 238. the Infirmarius was likewife to fhave all that were in the convent, as Ingulf, p. 103. 131. r Account rolls of the priory at Norwich. 5 I know not what his office was, but amongft the monks of Hales that had penfions, John Silvefter kychynner is placed before Thomas Farr cellerer. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. to. 1 This office probably was more than that of a common ja¬ nitor; for in Mon. Angl. vol i. p. 932, 933. there is an ac¬ count of three perfons promoted from this office to be abbats of Ncwenham in Devonfhire. “ Hugo de Cokefwell portarius “ Belli Loci in abbatem creatus 14 Jun. 1262. Joannes de “ Geytingetone portarius Belli Loci in abbatem poftulatus “ A. D. 1324. Walter de la Hous hujus domus portarius in “ abbatem creatus 13 Maii 1338.” u The Worcefter hiftorian in Angl. Sacr. p. 547. See alfo Mon. Angl. vol.ii. p. 378. w Du Frefiie in voce, Mon. Angl, vol. ii. p. 726. In nun¬ neries there was a correfpondence of all thefe offices and of¬ ficers, abbefs, priorefs, fub-priorefs, facriftan or fexten, tre- lbrer, chamberefs, chappellan, & c. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. 1. 8. 20. * See the references in the windows at the library of St. Al¬ ban’s, Mon. Angl. vol.i. p. 183. y Weaver, p 566. See the catalogue of them in the Cotton library, Otba, B tv. 75. The feriptorium at St. Alban’s was built about A. D. 1080. by abbat Paul, who caufed many books to be tranferibed there. Mat. Paris, p. 1003. 1 A catalogue of them, ex regiftr. abb. Glafton. mf. was publiftied in the Preface to the firft edition of this book. a “ Duo molcndina in villa de Stow pertinent ad feriptorium “ ecclefia: S.Edmundi.” Reg. Nigr. St. Edm. f. 228. « Be- “ atus Ofwaldus conceffit villam de Bradicote Godingo pref- “ bytero pro feriptione librorum.” Mon. Angl. vol i. p. 131. b. Heming. p. 265. Archbifhop Walter Hubert gave the church of Hagelftad for buying of books and repairing the li¬ brary, Godwin, De prafulibus, p. 121. Nigellus “ Elien- “ fibus fuis contulit ecclefiam de Witlefey et Ympetone, &c. In every great abbey there was a large room called the Scriptorium w, where feveral writers made it their whole bufinefs to tranferibe books for the ufe of the library. They fometimes indeed wrote the leiger books of the houfe, and the miflals, and other books ufed in divine fervice ; but they generally were upon other works, viz. the Fathers, Claflics, Hiftories, 5fc. *. John Whethamfted abbat of St. Alban’s caufed above eighty books 1 to be thus tranferibed during his abbacy. Fifty eight were tranferibed by the care of one abbat at Glaftonbury z ; and fo zealous were the monks in general for this work, that they often got lands given, and churches appropriated for the carrying of it on In all the greater abbies, there were alfo perfons ap¬ pointed to take notice of the principal occurrences of the kingdom, and at the end of every year to digeft them into annals b. In thefe records they particularly pre- ferved the memories of their founders and benefactors c, the years and days of their births and deaths, their marriages, children, and fucceflors ; fo that recourfe was fometimes had to them for proving perfons ages •*, and genealogies ' ; though it is to be feared that fome of thofe pedigrees were drawn up from tradition only < ; and that in moft of their accounts they were favourable to their friends, and fevere upon their enemies. The conftitutions of the clergy in their national and pro¬ vincial fynods, and (after the Conqueft) even a£ts of parliament, were fent to the abbies to be recorded ; which leads me to mention the ufe and advantage of thefe Religious houfes. For, firft, The choiceft records and treafures in the kingdom were preferved in them. An exempli¬ fication of the charter of liberties granted by king Henry 1. was fent to fome abbey s in every county to be preferved. Charters and inquifitions relating to “ ad libros faciendos, viz. ad codices deferibendos.” Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p.619. in notis. But fee alfo p. 634 and 278. b “ Statutum eft convenienter in plerifque regionibus et ut “ audivi, is Anglia, quod unumquodque monallerium a regi- bus fundatum haberet de ipfo loco fuum certum feribam, “ qui omnia notibilia tempore regis, faltem in regno vel e vi- “ cinis contingentia, fecundum quod veritas fafii fe haberet, “ cum data annotaret, et ad proximum generale concilium, “ poft obitum regis, omnes illi chronographi convenirent, et “ fua verediita five feripta in medium producerent, et, eledlis “ e concilio fagacioribus et in talibus peritis et expertis, ferip- “ ta examinarent, et, diligenti habita collatione de congeftfs, “ fummarium extraherent, et chronicon compingerent ; ac in “ coenobiticis archivis librariorum pro authenticis chronicis, “ quibus fides daretur, feripta reponerent, ne temporis la- “ bilitate memoriae geftorum in regno deperirent. ’ Contin. Joannis de Fordun Scotichronici, p. 1348. edit. Heame. See alfo reverendiff. Gibfoni Prsefat. in Chron. Saxon. Chronica de Dunltaple, and many others have been publifhed. c Reyner, vol.i. p. 127. Angl. Sacr. vol. i, p. 2871 Ken- net’s GloiTary, in verbis Canon et Martyrilogium. Mr. Heame’s Prelim. Difc. tothefecond Appendixto Leland. Colledt. p. 77. d “ Dominus Robertus Fitz Walter probavit actatem per “ chronicas noftras (fcil. de Dunmow.”) Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 76. b. c a great many of thefe are printed in the Monafticon from the monaftic regiiiers. f See Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 8t. where he fhews a miftalce in the regifter book of Welbeck ; it is alfo to be feared that even the inquifition rolls fometimes took up the name or time of the founder by tradition; for in the rolls of 3 Ed. 1. the jury return, That Peter de Goufla founded Newhoufe in the time of K. Henry 2. Mon. Angl, vol ii p. 591. a. where¬ as it was founded feven or eight years before he came to the throne. In Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 542. a. the inquifition find Miffenden to have been founded A. D. 1293. which was founded an hundred and fixty years before, as in thisbook, Bucks. xviii note z. In Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 83. a. “Juratoresdicunt “ per facramentum fuum quod prioratus de Taunton eft de “ fundatione cujufdam Willielmi Giflard epife. Winton. ante “ tempus regis Edmundi Ironfide,” whereas William Giffard was not biihop of Winchefter ’till A. D. 1107. as Godwin, p. 213. and Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 934. b. The abbey of Haghmon, which was founded about 10 Hen. 2. as in this b^ok, Shrop. xii. is faid by the jury to have been founded 37 Hen. 2. See towards the end of Burton’s preface to his Leicefterfhire, where he faith, “ Offices and inquifitions are “ very uncertain, fometimes clean contrary to truth, which “ are palled and concluded with fuch proofs, as are for that “ time delivered.” s “ Fadtas iunt hujus tenoris tot charts: quot funt comitatus tl in Anglia. Tranfmiffe funt et pofttse in abbatiis iingulorum “ comitatuum ad hujufmodi rei perpetuandam manoriam.’' the XX PREFACE. the county of Cornwal were repofited in the priory of Bodmin 11 ; a great many rolls were lodged in the ab¬ bey of Leicefter and priory of Kenilworth, till taken from thence by king Henry 3 ’. King Edward 1. fent to the Religious houfes to fearch for his title to the kingdom of Scotland in their leigers and chronicles, as the moft authentic records for proof of his right to that crown k. When his fovereignty was acknow¬ ledged in Scotland, he fent letters to have it inferted in the chronicles of the abbey of Winchomb ', and the priory of Norwich and probably of many other fuch like places n. And when he decided the controverfy relating to the crown of Scotland between Robert Brus and John Baliol, he wrote to the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s London, requiring them to enter into their chronicles the exemplification therewith fent of that decifion The learned Mr. Selden hath his greateft evidences for the dominion of the narrow feas belonging to the king of Great Britain, from monaftic records. The evidences and money of private families were oftentimes fent to thefe houfes to be preferved p. The leals of noblemen were depofited there upon their deaths'!: And even the king’s money was fometimes lodged in them r. Secondly, They were fchools of learning and edu¬ cation ; for every convent had one perfon or more ap¬ pointed for this purpofe ; and all the neighbours, that defired it, might have their children taught grammar and church mufick without any expence to them’. Tho. Rudborne in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 274. So likewife Mat. Paris, p. 47. edit. Wats, and Brady’s' Append, p. 120. Exemplifications of Magna Charta, Charta De forefta, &c. were likewife fent to and kept in the chief monafteries : Some of thofe fent to Ofney are kill (as I have heard) in the trealury at Chrift Church Oxon, and feveral of thofe fent to Durham priory are faid to be yet in the dean and chapter's office. Mag¬ na Charta in the dean and chapter’s archives at Norwich. Pri- deaux’ Tithes, p. 268. !* Prynne, vol. iii. p. 203. 1 Madox’s Hilt, of the Exchequer, p.709. k Rymer, vol. ii. p. 559. Prynne, vol. iii. pt 489. 883. See alfo Decern fcript. col. 1962. 1 See Cat. mff". Cotton, p. 29. b. m Regiftr. priorat. Norvic. iii. f. 75, 76. " On July 9. 1291. K. Edward 1. fent a letter in French, touching the fubjedion of the kingdom of Scotland to the crown of England, to the archbilhop, the dean and chapter of York, requiring them to enter it into their chronicles.” Dr. Hutton’s Colled. ■> See Lambeth mf n. 8. after Rad. de Diceto. p Dodfworth’s mff. vol. cxliv. f. 105. Plowden, 311. Year Book, 1 vol. Ed. 3. p 159. “ Carta de privilegiis Hugonis “ de Albeniaco in hundredis de Smithdon Trithbridge, &c. (( Norf. depofitas funt in prioratu de Wymondham.” Quo war. indiv. com. temp. R. Joan, vel Hen. 3. rot. 4. In 1444. John Palton had at his death in Norwich priory 958/. i6j. 3 d. befides rings, & c. Blomfield, ii. 313. Deeds in Wymond¬ ham priory, Blomfield, i. 141. s Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 457. a. r Rymer, vol. v. p.430,431. 5 Fuller, book vi. p. 297. Collier, vol. ii. p 265. Stilling- fieet’s Orig. Britan, p. 206. Bilhop Lloyd of Church Govern¬ ment, p. r6o. This was provided for as early as A. D. 747. by the l’eventh canon of council of Clovelho, as Wilkins’ Coun¬ cils, vol. i. p. 95. See alfo the notes upon that canon, in Johnfon’s Colledion of canons, &c. In Taviftock abbey there was a Saxon fcliool, as Willis, i. 171. ' Fuller and Collier, as before ; bilhop Burnet (Reform, vol.i. p. .) faith fo of Godltow. Archbilhop Greenfield or¬ dered that young gentlewomen, who came to the nunneries either for piety or breeding, lliould wear white veils, to diftin- guilb them from the profeffed, who wore black ones, 11 Kal. Jul. anno pontif. 6. M. Hutton, ex regiftr. ejus, p.207. In the accounts of the cellarefs of Carhow near Norwich, there is an account of what was received “ pro prehendinationibus,” or the board of young ladies and their fervants for education, “ rec de domina Margeria Wederly prehendinat ibidem xi. “ feptimanas xnn. 1 yd. pro menfa uniusfamulae diftae Mar- “ gerias per iii. feptimanas vm d. per fept.” &c. “ Even kings lodged at them in their travels, Blomfield, ii. 126. Parliament at the Black friers London, Newcourt, i. w Burnet’s Ref. vol. i. p. 223. and Append, p. 139. Col¬ lier’s Eccl. Hilt. vol. ii. p. 163. Complaint was made to the parliament, 3 Ed. 1. that many abbies and priories had been thereby much oppreffed, and an aift was made to reftrain it, as Statutes at large, vol. i. p 43. When the clergy of the pro¬ vince ofYork granted a tenth in convocation, A. D 1408. they excepted the priories of Wirkfop and Newlted, “ pro eo quod “ in regia ftrata lituantur, propter quod hofpitum adventu ultra “ fuas facultates onerantur.” as Dr. Hutton’s collections, ex regiftr. Hen. Bowet archicpil’c. It was likewife fometimes al In the nunneries alfo young women were taught to work, and to read Englifh, and fometimes Latin alfo. So that not only the lower rank of people, who could not pay for their learning, but moft of the no¬ blemen and gentlemen’s daughters were educated in thofe places *. Thirdly, All the monafteries were in effeiE): great hofpitals, and were moft of them obliged to relieve many poor people every day. They were likewife houfes of entertainmeni for almoft all travellers. Even the nobility and gentry ", when they were upon the road, lodged at one Religious houfe and dined at another w, and feldom or never went to inns. In Ihort their hofpitality was fuch, that in the priory of Norwich one thoufand five hundred quarters of malt, and above eight hundred quarters of wheat, and all other things in proportion, were generally fpent every year *. Fourthly, The nobility and gentry provided not only for their old fervants in thefe houfes by corrodies r, but for their younger children * and impoverilhed friends, by making them firft monks and nuns, and in time priors and priorefles, abbats and abbefles a. Fifthly, They were of confiderable advantage to the crown, 1. By the profits received from the death of one abbat or prior to the eledtion, or ratter confir¬ mation, of another b. 2. By great fines p*d for the confirmation of their liberties c. 3. By many corrodies granted to old fervants of the crown d, and penfions to the king’s clerks and chaplains', till they got preferment. ledgeil by the Religious, in order to get a church appropriated to them, that their houfe lying near the road, was impover- ifhed by an over great refort of ftrangers. William earl War¬ ren prayed the bilhop of Norwich, that the church of Meth- wold might be impropriated to Caftleacre, to find firing for ftrangers and all the poor that refolded thither. Blomfield, i. JII. Tne church of Deepham was impropriated to the priory of Canterbury for the fuftenance of ftrangers and poor people that came to vifit Thomas-a-Becket’s fhrine. Blomfield, i. 7rj. * As appeal's from the cellarer’s account ; before the Re¬ formation there was in faft no affeffment upon parifhes for the relief of the poor (to which 800,000/. per arm. is now thought to be paid in the kingdom, as Collier, vol. ii. p. 163.) But I cannot think this to be fo much owing to the relief the poor received at the Religious houfes (as fome have done) as to the great difference between the general ftate of the nation now and then. It hath likewife been often faid, that the highways were repaired out of devotion before that time, and that there was no compulfive adt for the repair of them till 2 et 3 Phil ct Mar. which may be true, and yet not owing to the Reforma¬ tion, but to the finding the former method ineffedtual. y Or fet allowances of meat, drink, and cloathing, which the heirs of the founders had a right to for fo many of their fervants. Fuller, book vi. p. 326. Cowel’s Interpreter in vo¬ ce ; Collier, vol ii. p. 163. Burnet’s Reform, vol. i. p. 223. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 933 " For even the greateft and belt families of the kingdom pro¬ vided for fome of their children this way. Ralph earl of Weil- morland having twenty children, made three of his daughters nuns, and Iv. Edward 4. having four daughters, made one of them a mm at Dartford in Kent, as Fuller, book vi. p. 297. fee alfo p. 326. Henry lord of Harley had fix fons monks, as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 305. King Edward 1. made his daugh¬ ter Mary a mm at Ambrefbury, and thirteen noblemens daugh¬ ters. Ang. Sacr. vol. i. p. 308. And foon after Eleanor the faid lung s mother took the habit there. Ang. Sacr. ibid. And many other inftances may be feen in Dugd. Baron. * The nuns of Carhow complained to the pope, that the no¬ bility, whom they could not refill, obliged them to take in more filters than they could maintain. Blomfield, ii. 864. 1 The kings ufed to keep fome of them long void ; and thereby raffed a fair revenue, as Maddox afferts in Hilt. Ex¬ chequer, p.209. c s^e Madox’s Hilt. Exchequer, p.283, See. where he (hews that the abbat and convent of Battel paid fifteen hundred marks 14 Joan for the confirmation of their liberties, and that many other houfes frequently paid confiderable fums upon this ac¬ count, as particularly the abbat of Furneis paid, 1 1 Hen. 3 four thoufand marks for the confirmation of liberties for¬ merly granted to his convent, p. 286. “ Hiis diebus Wul. “ fricus Spot conftruxit abbatiam Burton vocatam, dcditque “ ci omnem luEreditatem paternam appreciatam ad Dec. li- “ bras ; et ut haec donatio rata haberetur, dedit Atlielredo “ rcgi ccc mancas auri, pro ejus confirmatione, unicuique “ epifeopov. mancas, et duobus archiepifcopis x. mancas, et “ unicuique abbatiie v. mancas; hoc fuit A. D. root. Tan- “ ti conftat unius monafterii confirmatio.” Collect! Brian Twyne y p 182. d Prynne, vol. iii. p. 381. ion. Leicefter’s Chdhire. p 211. * Prynne, vol. iii. p. 1106. 1010. Sixthly. PREFACE. xxi Sixthly, They were likewife of confidcrable ad¬ vantage to the places where they had their fites and eftates: i. By caufing great refort to them, and get¬ ting gants of fairs and markets for themf. 2. By freeing them from the foreft laws s. 3. By letting their lands at eafy rates h. Lastly, They were great ornaments to the coun¬ try; many of them were really noble buildings ; and though not actually fo grand and neat, yet perhaps as much admired in their times, as Chelfea and Green¬ wich hofpitals are now. Many of the abbey churches were equal, if not fuperior to our prefent cathedrals ; and they muft have been as much an ornament to the country, and employed as many workmen in building and keeping them in repair* as noblemens and gentle¬ mens feats now. On the other hand, it mull be confefled, First, That thefe Regulars were very injurious to the Secular and Parochial clergy : I. By taking many prebends and benefices. The abbats of Athelney, Mi- chelney *, and Becc Harlowin had prebends in the ca¬ thedral church of Wells annexed to their abbatfhips. And in the metropolitical church of York, the prebend of Salton was annexed to the priory of Hexam, and the prebend of Bramham to the priory of Noftel k. And fo many other priors and monks 1 of all forts, and even friers 1 got difpenfations to hold prebends and livings ; that at, or juft before the Reformation, bifhop Burnet faith m, “ They were every where pofTefled of Ibid. p. 292. chief P R E I chief intent of the cardinal and moll others in fup- refling thefe houfes, though probably fome perfons oth then and afterwards promoted it with other views : ,Archbifhop Cranmer particularly is faid to have been much for it, becaufe he could not carry on the Refor¬ mation without itc. And as the increafe of learning had rendered the corruptions of the church of Rome more vifible, many others might alfo be againft thefe houfes as nurferies of popifh fuperftition ; but other things concurred to bring on their ruin ; for, First, Many of the Religious were certainly loofe and vicious, and the denying them marriage proba¬ bly contributed towards it. I cannot believe they were in general fo bad as the vifitors represented them, be¬ caufe they, who are to be run down, are always to be fet forth in the Worfl light ; and lord Herbert tells usd, “ That fome focieties behaved fo well that their lives “ were not only exempt from notorious faults, but “ their fpare time was bellowed in writing books, “ painting, carving, graving, and the like exercifes c.” The preamble to the aft of 27 Hen. 8. c. 28. for fup- preffing the Idler monafteries faith, “ In the greater “ monafteries, thanks be to God, religion is right well “ obferved and kept up 5” and yet the vifitors charged a great many foul crimes on the monks of Battel f, Canterbury f, Abingdon, Bermondfey, and almoft all the greater, as well as lefler houfes. The large pen- fions and good preferments, which were afterwards given to a great number of them, is likewife an argu¬ ment, that, though many of them might be vicious, yet they were not in general fo bad as they were re¬ prefen ted s. Secondly, The calling off the pope’s fupremacy was urged for calling off the monks, who, notwith- flanding their fubfcriptions, were generally thought to be againft it in their hearts, and ready to join any fo¬ reign power, which Ihould invade the nation h, whilll the king was excommunicated by the pope. Thirdly, Their revenues not employed according to the intent and delign of the donors was alfo alledged againft them ; but the difcovery of many cheats in images ', of many feigned miracles, and counterfeit relicks brought the monks every where into great dif- grace, and contributed towards their overthrow : And perhaps the Obfervant friers being fo much againft the king’s divorce from queen Catharine k, might exafpe- rate him againft all monks and friers in general. But, not unlikely, Fourthly, The greateft caufe might be, the king’s want of a large fupply1, and the people’s wil- lingnefs to fave their pockets ; though it was certainly hallened by the account, which the vifitors gave of them. For, after fome debate in council1”, how to proceed with thefe houfes, the king appointed com- miffioners to vifit them, and they made fuch a bad re¬ port, that, when a motion was Ibortly after made in parliament, that, to fupport the king’s Hate and fup- c Bumet’s Hift. of Reform, vol. i. p. 190. See Strype’s life of Cranmer, p. 35. d Complete Hill. vol. ii. p. 186. e Erafmus commends the nuns of Denny, as much as he blames thofe of St. Rhadeguiid. Knight's life of Erafinus, p. 292. f 1 Speed’s Hift. p. 1027. Bifhop Burnet, Hift. Reform, vol. i. p. 241. faith, Battel abbey was reprefented to be a little So¬ dom, fo was Chrift Church in Canterbury, with feveral other houfes. But fee an anfwer thereto in the Specimen of Errors in that Hiftory, p. 47. Battely’s Antiq. of Canterbury, p. ii. p 119, 120. and Willis’ A-bbies, vol. i. p. 37. See alfo what Mr. Hearne faith in the defence of the monks, p. 84. of the Preface to the fecond Append, to Leland. Collect. _ e Willis’ Abbies, vol. i. p. 11. Dr. Battely feith, that arch- •bifliop Cranmer took eight prebendaries, ten petty canons, nine fcholars, and two chorifters into the new foundation at. Canterbury, who had been members of the diffolved priory. h Lord Herbert, in Compl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 267. In p. 223. of that book, Cromwell is laid to have called the Clergy in general, “ The king's halffubjedls only becaufe of their oath to the pope. And in Burnet’s Hift. Reform, vol. i. p. 123. and Fox’s Arts, Sec. p. 1053. edit. 1583. the king himfelf is laid to have efteemed them no more. 1 Burnet's Hift. Reform, vol. 'i. p. 242. vol. iii. p. 132. Lord Herbert, in Complete Hift. vol. ii. p. 191. 212. Col- r A C E. ixiii ply his wants, all the Religious houfes might be con¬ ferred upon the crown, which were not able to ex¬ pend clearly above two hundred pounds per ann. it met with but little oppofition “ in either houfe, and an aft was palled for that purpofe about March A. D. >535- By this aft and the proceedings of the vifitors, about three hundred and eighty 0 houfes were diflolved, and a revenue of thirty or thirty two thoufand pounds per ann P. came to the crown ; befides one hundred thoufand pounds in plate and jewels. Some fay, that ten thou¬ fand perfons were hereby fent to feek their fortunes in the wide world, without any other allowance than forty {hillings and a new gown to fome few of them s. Others fay, that fuch of the Religious as defired to con¬ tinue their profeffion, were allowed to go into the greater monafteries, and fuch as chofe to go into the world, being priefts, had every one the above men¬ tioned allowance, and that fome of them for their rea- dinefs to furrender, got fmall penfions for life rt And biftiop Burnet faith, he cannot find that any of thefe lelfer houfes were aftually diffolved ’till two years after the paffing this aft s. It is certain that thirty one of thefe lefler houfes had the king’s licence to continue fome time longer viz. Bittlefden in Bucks, Chatteris and Denny in Cam- bridgefhire, St. Mary’s in Chefter, Le Dale or Parco Stanley in Derbyftiire, Canon Leigh and Pollefhoo in Devonlhire, Bindon in Dorfetfhire, St. Mary’s in Win- chefter, Wormfley in Herefordlhire, St. Mary’s in Huntingdon, Cokerfand in Lancaftiire, Grace Dieu and Ulvefcroft in Leicefterfliire, Heynings and Kyme in Lincolnfbire, De la Pray in Northamptonfbire, Alne- wick and St. Bartholomew’s Newcaftle in Northum¬ berland, Newllead and Walingwell in Nottingham- fhire, Hepp or Shappe in Weilmoreland, Lacock in Wiltfliire, Cockill in Worcefterfhire, the Chartreufe houfe at Hull, Marike, Keling, Bilaund, Eggleftone, and Delaval “ in Yorkfhire, and Nethe in Wales. There were fome houfes diffolved before this aft ; for a general vifitation of all abbies, priories, and Reli¬ gious houfes having been advifed for the better efleft- ing their diffolution, commilfioners were appointed, inftruftions prepared for their proceeding therein, in¬ junctions drawn up to be given to the Religious of every houfe in the king’s name, and fuch vifitation was ac¬ tually held in October, November, &c. A. D. 1535. and fo managed by the commiffioners, that many of the Religious defired to leave their profeflion and habit ; and fome of them gave up their houfes, as the abbat and convent of Langden, the prior and convent of Folke- flon, Dover and Bilfington in Kent; the prior and con¬ vent of Merton in Yorkfhire, Horneby in Lancafhire, and Tilty in Effex, which were all refigned in Novem¬ ber, February, and March 1535. before the aft paired". And even three years before this, there was one houfe given up, upon I know not what motives, viz. the lier’sEccl. Hift. Vol.ii. p. 149. Fuller, book vi. p 23a. k Frier Peyto preached againft it before the king himfelf at Greenwich, and frier Elftow defended him. Stow’s Annals, p. 561. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 86. Rapin, vol. i. p 806. 1 Lord Herbert in Complete Hift. vol. ii. p. 191. 217. Col¬ lier’s Eccl. Hift. voLii. p. 109. m Rapin, vol. i. p. 109. See alfo Complete Hift. vol. ii. p. 185. 187. “ Burnet’s Reform vol.i. p.193. Dugdale, in his Warwick- ihire, p iiji. edit- 173°- reprefents the houfes as packed for the purpofe ; but in Spelsnan’s Hift. of Sacrilege, p. 183. it is faid, the bill ftuck long in the houfe of commons, and would not pafs, ’till the king fent for the commons, and told .them, he would have the bill pafs, or have fome of them heads. 0 It is generally faid three hundred fe-venty fine ; but I think they were more, including fuch as furreodered before the afl. P Burnet’s Reform, vol. i. p. 223. 1 Echard’s Hift. of England (in one vol.) p. 287. ' Collier’s Church Hift. vol.ii. p. 109. s Reform, vol. i. p. 23J. 1 Ibid, p. 224. and Append, p. 242. “ So in bHhop Burnet’s Append, p. 142. but I take it tohave been Beauvale in Nottinghamftiire, which is within the diocefe, though not the county of York ; there being no Xufih place as Delaval a Carthuftan manaftery in Yorkihjre. w Burnet’s Reform, vol.i, ,p. 191, the PREFACE. Rxiv the priory of Chrift Church near Aldgate in A. D. 1532 The fuppreffion of thefe houfes occafioned great ■ dis¬ contents, which were probably increafed by the Secu¬ lar as well as Regular clergy r, and fomented by the greater abbats r, and in Odtober 1536. broke out into a rebellion in Lincolnflfire, where doftor Makerel prior of Barlings, difguifed like a cobler, and ftyling himfelf Captain Cobler z, drew after him a great body of men, who were indeed foon difperfed upon the duke of Suf¬ folk’s coming with a fmall army againft them, and of¬ fering them pardon upon laying down their arms. But within fix days a after this infurreftion was appeafed, another broke out in Yorkfhire, called, The Pilgrim¬ age of Grace b, which grew very formidable, and was neither eafily nor quickly quieted. But when it was appeafed, and the king had by alliances fecured him¬ felf from the dangers threatened by the pope, and the expectations of Rome from the princefs Mary were much clouded by the birth of prince Edward c ; he refolved to fupprefs the reft of the monafteries, and thereupon, A. D. 1537. appointed a new vifttation, requiring the vifitors d to examine every thing that re¬ lated either to the converfation of the Religious, or their affeftion to the king and the fupremacy, or to their cheats, impoftures, or fuperftitions, or how they were afFefted during the late commotions, and to dif- cover all that was amifs in them, and to report it to the lord vicegerent. This caufed the greater abbies to be furrendered apace' ; for fome of them having been faulty in the late rebellion, were liable to the king’s difpleafure, and furrendered their houfes to fave their lives. Some began to like the Reformation, and were upon that account eafily perfuaded to it ; others, feeing their diflolution approaching, had fo much embezzled their revenues, that they were fcarce able to keep up their houfes. A great many monks were executed for being in the rebellion ; and no doubt but many were prevailed upon by the vifitors, who endeavoured both by threats and promifes to get their refignations f. Ma¬ ny petitions were made, even by thofe that were for the Reformation £, that fome of thefe houfes might be fpared, but a refolution being taken at court to extir¬ pate them all, the petitions were rejected. There was no law to oblige the abbats and convents to refign, but by fome means or other they were all wrought upon to do it ; and in the feffions of parliament which began 28 Apr. 1539. and in the thirty-firft year of the king’s reign, an aft pafled, by which all the Religious houfes, which fince the former aft were fupprefled, difl’olved, relinquiftied, forfeited, or given up, or which fhould thereafter be fupprefled, forfeited or given up, were confirmed to the king and his fucceflors, and all the rents, profits, and revenues of them given to be dif- pofed of by the court of Augmentation for the king’s x Stow’s Annals, p. 53 9. Burnet’s Reform, vol. i. p. 190. Some few houfes of Obfervant friers were put down 1 1 Aug. 1534. and the hofpital of St. James was fold to the king in A. D. 1331- , . y y Bnrnet’s Reform, vol. 1. p. 227. z Complete Hift. vol. ii. p. 205. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol.ii. p. hi. » Stow’s Annals, p. 373. h Burnet’s Reform, vol. i. p. 229. c Echard’s Hift. of England, p.289. edit. 1720. d Burnet's Hift. Reform, vol. i. p. 233. c Ibid. p. 236. s Collier, vol. ii. p. 137. 159. g Latimer defired that two or three might be fpared in every county. Complete Hift vol.ii. p.217. He likewife petitioned, that the houfe of Great Malvern in Worcefterfhire might ftand, and the ufes might be altered Burnet’s Reform, vol. i. p. 237. The vifitors themfelves interceded earneftly for Godftow, as Burnet, Ibid. p. 238. Dr. Parker pleaded for the college of Stoke Clare. Strype’s Life of him, p. 22. Archbiftiop Lee in¬ terceded for N oft el and Hexham. Burnet’s Reform, vol. iii. Append, p. 95. h Burnet, Reform, vol. i. p. 267. i Apr. 22. 1340. Ibid, p.273. k The fumma clara, in Stevens, of all the Religious houfes Is 131,607/. 6j. 4 d. ob. Take off 31,000. for thofe under 300 /. per ann. and there will remain 100,607/. dr. 42/. ob. 1 After the abbies were diffolved in 1333, 1 336, &c I find very many monks and other religious perfons, who had pen • Cons allowed them put of the exchequer, to retire to the uni¬ profit, excepting fuch only as were tome into the king's hands by attainder of treafon, which belonged to the exchequer. By this aft no houfes were fupprefled, but all the furrenders, which either were made or ftiould be made, were confirmed : The mitred or parliamen¬ tary abbies were all in being at the pafling of it, and eighteen abbats were prefent at the firft reading of it, twenty at the fecond, and feventeen at the third ; and yet none of them either oppofed it, or voted againft it ; but were every one fliortly brought to furrender, ex¬ cept the abbats of Colchefter, Glaftonbury, and Read¬ ing h, who could not be prevailed upon by any motives to furrender, and therefore were accufed of high trea¬ fon and executed, and their abbies were feifed as for¬ feited to the king by their attainder. The next year ‘ a bill was brought in for fllpprefling the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, and pafled in a fhort time, and thereby all their revenues were given to the king, who by the fuppreflion of thefe greater houfes obtained a revenue of about one hundred thoufand pounds per ann k'. befides a large fum in plate and jewels. But the Re¬ ligious of thefe houfes had almoft all of them fomething given them for their prefent fubfiftence, and penfions afligned them for life, or ’till they were preferred to fome dignity or cure of greater value than their pern- fions, which were generally proportioned according to their readinefs to promote the king’s meafures ; though fome, who oppofed them for a time, fared better than thofe who complied immediately *. Thefe penfions rofe fo high, that the king got very little out of fome ol thefe houfes, till the Religious either died, or were otherwife provided for; however out of what came to him, he founded fix new bifhoprics, viz. thofe of Weftminfter (which was changed by queen Elizabeth into a deanry and twelve prebends, and falaries for a fchoolmafter, uftier, &c.) Peterborough, Chefter, Gloucefter, Briftol, and Oxford m, the colleges of Chrift Church in Oxford, and the Holy Trinity at Cambridge, and finifhed King’s college chapel there. He likewife founded profeflorlhips of Divinity, Law, Phyfic, and the Hebrew and Greek tongues in both universities ; he gave the houfe of Grey friers, and St. Bartholomew’s hofpital to the city of London ”, and a perpetual penfion to the Poor Knights at Windfor ; and laid out great fums in building and fortifying many ports in the channel ; and intended to have done more ”, but whether out of policy, to give content to the no¬ bility and gentry by felling thefe lands at low rates, or out of eafinefs to his courtiers, or an unmeafured lavilhnefs in his expences, he foon difabled himfelf from it ; and having in the mean time had wars both with Scotland and France, there were granted to him, for a further fupply, by the parliament, which began in November A. D. 1545. all colleges, chantries, free chapels, hofpitals, and guilds ; fome of which had been verfity, and to fuch places therein as were nurferies for them, as Canterbury coll Glocefter coll. Durhamcoll. St. Bernard’s, St. Mary.s, &c. which were full of them, where they continued till they were warn out, or had gotten benefices. A. Wood, vol. i. Fafti col. 61. A. D. 1336, not one admitted in the canon law, not one fupplicated ; for religious houfes being about this time diffolvecl, there occurs not a third or fourth part of batchelors of the canon or civil law (efpecially the for¬ mer) as before. A. Wood, ibid. col. 38. “ In effeift thirteen of our prefent cathedrals are owing to king Henry 8. by his new founding of Canterbury, Winchefter, Durham, Worcefter, Rochefter, Norwich, Ely, and Carlide, and turning the priors and monks there into deans and pre¬ bendaries. n And thereby probably hath been the occafion of doing much more real good to mankind than K. Edgar did by founding forty feven monafteries, as Sir Richard Greiham faith in hi's letter to the king, in p. 130. of the Append, to Burnet’s Re¬ form. vol. iii. 0 Viz. to have founded bilhopricks alfo at Dunftable, Col¬ chefter, and Shrewlbury, as Strype’s Memorial, vol i. Ap¬ pend. p. 273, 276. Burnet, Reform, vol. i. p. 269. faith, he intended to have erefted eighteen billioprics, and to have founded an houfe for the ftudy of the civil law and the purity of the Latin and French tongues. This I only mention, be- caule, as Mr. Thorefby expreffes it, “ None that I have met “ with have taken fo much pains to fet forth this king’s good “ qualities, as his enemies have done to enlarge upon his vices.’’ Vicar. Leodenf. p. 41. before PREFACE. XXV before furrendered. This was made fo general, that even thofe great nurferies of learning, the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, with thofe of Winchcfter and Eaton, were included 3 and, upon the breaking up of the parliament in February, notice was fent to both univerfities., that their colleges were at the king’s dif- pofal ; this put them upon petitioning for mercy, which was foon obtained 3 and letters of thanks were fent for the continuance of them0. But the commiflioners named in this a £t for giving the king poffeffiofl of the colleges, &e. did not enter upon many of them before his death, which happened in January following ; and thereby moft of them remained ’till A. D. 1548 p. when, being granted by another a ar>d all or moll of the writers of thofe times were monks and Regular canons", till the rife of the Mendicant orders in the beginning of the reign of king Henry 3. In the preceding centuries, learning began to florilh in our univerfities ; though the reftau- ration (at leaft) of one of them was owing to the monks of Croiland ', and in them were taught divinity and canon law (then much in vogue) and the friers refort- mg thither in great numbers and applying themfelves clofely to their ftudies, outdid the monks in all fafhion- able knowledge. But the monks quickly perceived it, and went alfo to the univerfities and ftudied hard, that they might not be run down by the friers ». And as the friers got houfes in the univerfities, the monks alfo got colleges founded and endowed there w for the education of their novices, where they were for fome years inftructed in grammar, pllilofophy, and fchool divinity, and then returning home, improved their knowledge by their private ftudies, to the fervice of God and the credit of their respective focieties. So that a little before the Reformation the greateft part of the proceeders in divinity at Oxford were monks and Regular canons *. It is likewife obfervable, that, when printing was firft brought into England, the monks were great promoters of that ufeful invention: for Stow faith y, William Caxton firft praftifed the fame in the abbey at Weftminfter, and that afterwards it was likewife praftifed in the abbies of St. Auftin’s Canterbury, St. Alban’s, and other monafteries of England I hope therefore, that, notwithftandin vo1- '• P- m. and Stow’s Survey 1 St Adhelm’s Pfalter at Malmfbury, and St. Cuthbert’s Golpels at Durham were preferved till the diflolution, as Leland. De Icript- p. ioo. and SeldenAs Peface to Decern, icnpt. And Leland, Dc feript. p. 160. faith, that in Bath Ethelftan f°Und feveraJ books which were given by king m it i,r0n' Thorn, inter Decern feript. col. 2008. fed 7 s account of Church Government, chap. vii. 0 Bede’s Eccl. Hilt, book iv. cap. z. Sim. Dunelm. in De¬ cern feript. coll. 77 p Prasfat. Alfredi ad Gregorii Pallor, in Spelmanni Concil. tom, 1. p. 379 • q Angl; Sacr* voh "• P* 201 • of bifll0P Ofwald’s fetch¬ ing Abbo, a learned monk from Fleury, and putting him into Kamley abbey: “ Monachos docere, fcolas regere, et qui- bufeunque valeret cum in difciplina regularium turn in fei- entia literali proddle. Quod et fecit. Iiinc ergo proceflit, ut turn religiqms augmento liberales artes, qua? prius ob di- verfos cafus in negledum per Angliam venerant, quaqua ■ v.er. P1 Pa^r,s Ofwaldi induftria et folicitudine eventilatae mul- U1t and mod of our hiftorians. "y S S ° ’ Hohnglhead, 1 Ingulf, p. 1 14, monksebe^kfeariS’ P' “5’ ",0Ugh he fPeaks chiefly of Auguftme, Benedifline, Carmelite, and FAmcifcaTthonk38 ‘'d there were fchools alfo appropriated to IIiTS, r ’ and Religious houfes, as the DoXAr and Evn^A r0f,pa!tlCUJar The monks of Glouceller had Glo^o.ft/ ^ fchools> &c- novices of Perlhore an apartment in the fameXufe*’ SoAik^ ^;1.Aflbans,OI&c. Tnnefs &b7n’tiaWeftminftei land faith,’ Itin. vol vi. p 78 that at Lmfo74Vt,S° alf° Le; Peterborough Hall, SemPplingham, J la7mftudy!therthe Rdigi°US °fth0fe houf^ fJnUhelrfcho-’ x As appears from Wood’s Fafli Oxon y Annals, fol. 404. mtr. AtS the diflolurion'of'monafteriesMtTsA fencHhat'hAh a So Spelman, Concil. vol. i. D u, r aferibed it to Leland ; it is tranllated r f°?e -have at the end of Hnrpsfield s Church Hiftory and1thouvhPflntlfd m many places, commended in general. • ’ d though faulty ed PREFACE. xxvil ed it, the book, which was publiihed in his name, A. D. 1655 b. was very imperfedt. About the fame time was publifhed the firft volume of that noble work, Monafticon Anglicanum, containing the char¬ ters and muniments of moft of the houfes of the Be¬ nedictine, Cluniac, Ciftertian, and Carthufian monks. In A. D. 1661. the fecond volume was publifhed, con¬ taining charters and donations of lands made to moft of the houfes of the Auftin, Gilbertine, and Premon- ftratenfian canons, the Trinitarian friers, and the mi¬ litary orders of the Templars and Hofpitalars c. And about A. D. 1673. was publifhed the third d volume relating to cathedral and collegiate churches, with fe- veral deeds relating to the monks and canons of fome of the houfes mentioned in the firft and fecond volumes. But there being probably not many of thefe books printed c, and a great part of the impreffion of the third volume being burnt ", they are now too fcarce and dear to be of common ufe, and being in Latin are of no fervice to the Englifh reader. To remedy which inconvenience, an abridgment of the Monafticon in Englifh was publifhed A. D. 1693 f. But this being little efteemed, our author fhortly after drew up a brief account of thefe houfes, fetting forth when and by whom they were founded, to whom they were dedicat¬ ed, of what order their Religious, and of what value their endowments feverally were, and publifhed it A. D. 1695. when he was not twenty two years old. This was fo favorably received, that within twenty years it became very fcarce, and was feldom to be bought but at auftions, where it bore a confiderable price. So that at the requeft of his friends, he began to revife and enlarge it, about A. D. 1715. But hav¬ ing the care and good government of a large diocefe very much at heart, he could feldom fit clofely to it whilft he was chancellor of Norwich « ; and in his lat¬ ter days his infirmities made him lay it almoft wholly afide, and leave it at his death very far from being finifhed. In feveral counties, one place or other was omitted till he could fee fome book or get fome in¬ telligence he thought needful. Thefe therefore, Pe¬ terborough, and feven other places in Northampton- fhire, the latter part of Yorkfhire, and all Wales, are of my doing. A great many little notes were left for altering his account of feveral houfes according to fuch better informations as he received, after he was made canon of Chrift Church in Oxford, and had the ufe of many things there which he could not have elfewhere. I made all thofe alterations, and was for the moft part obliged to draw up the account of fuch houfes anew. I have added fome references, made extraifts of many books that were barely r-eferred to, and would have made more, if I had had, or could have borrowed, books for it. The author’s clofe writing, and frequent interlineations, obliged me to tranfcribe a great part of the work. The Preface to the firft edition of this book, with many references and ufeful hints left by the author for improving it, have furnifhed the bell materials for this Preface. It hath coft me fome pains b Which was twenty one years after his deceafe, as Athen. Oxon. vol. i. p. 235 . the title of the book is, Monafticum Bri- tannicum, or, An hiftorical narration of the firft founding and flourifhing eftate of the ancient monafteries, religious rules and orders of Great Britain in the times of the Britains, and primi¬ tive church of the Saxons, &c. c The two firft volumes are laid in the title pages to be the work of Roger Dodfworth and William Dugdale ; but they were chiefly the work of Dodfworth, for Dugdale did no more towards it, than putting the deeds into method and order, correcting the prefs, and making the Indexes ; Dodfworth died m Auguft 1654. before a tenth part of the firft volume was printed, and thereby probably loft the name and credit of the work, which Dugdale obtained by publiihing it. Sec Athen. Oxon. vol ii. Fafti, col 12. 14. Nicholfon’s Hid. Library, fol 144. Hearne’s Preface to Willis’ Mitred Abbies in Append, to Leland. Collect, p. 78, 79. Hickefii Epift. ad Shower, p. 18. The authors of Biographia Britannica fay, under their note F. p. 1819. the firft volumes were collected and totally written by Dodfworth : but Dugdale took great pains in me- thodizmg them, &c. But Dr. Hicks complains of the Saxon being very incorrectly printed. And if the reader confults the following pages, he will find feveral charters twice printed, vol. 1. p. 876 and 879. 658 and 898. 760 and 897. 829 and 926. to digeft and put them into order, and' to add as much to them as my few books and little knowledge in thefe af¬ fairs enabled me. In this fecond edition, the reader will find the errors of the firft corrected, the account of the houfes therein mentioned enlarged, and the ftate of them fet in a much better light than I believe was ever given of them at one view before; many colleges and collegiate churches are added, of which the author had then no knowledge ; and an account is given of all the houfes of friers and hofpitals, which was before, omitted. The references are fo much augmented, that there feems to be very little of any worth relating to thefe houfes, which is not here referred to ; and that the references might not be fearched in vain, there is for the moft part a Ihor° of abftracft what is to be met with in them, and the great- eft care hath been taken to make the whole c: orrect and ufeful. It is not however to be thought, that there are no miftakes and omiffions in this book, that being tmpoffible in any work, and efpecially in fuch an one as this. I hope there will not be either very many or very great errors found in any part of it, and feweft in the counties of Norfolk or Suffolk, which were fo well known to the author ; for a knowledge of the country, as well as fearching books, is very neceffary in works of this nature, and therefore fuch lovers of antiquities in every country, as find the accounts here given ol places near them erroneous or defective, are earneilly defired, for which they will be fmcerely thanked by the editor, to fend their corrections to him, though, from the many difficulties he had to get the prefent book printed, he thinks it no ways likely to be ever printed again. It muff indeed be acknowledged, that books of this nature have of late years met with much better reception than they did formerly; and that there have been many things publifhed upon this fubjedt, fince the author printed his Notitia Monaftica in A. D. 1695. For A. D. 1715. that indefatigable lover of antiquities Browne Willis efquire publifhed A View of the Mitred Abbies, with a Catalogue of their Refpedlive Abbats, in the Appendix to Leland’s Colle&anea. He republifhed it enlarged and corredted, A. D. 1718. with an Account of the Conventual Ca¬ thedral Churches ; and the next year he publifhed in a fecond volume in 8vo. a very ufeful Account of moft of the ieffer Abbies and Priories, with catalogues of ma¬ ny of their abbats and priors. About the fame time the Monafticon Anglicanum was publifhed in one vo¬ lume in folio, epitomized and tranflated into Englifh ; and A. D. 1722. John Stevens gent, publifhed in two’ volumes in folio, Lhe Hiftory of the ancient Ab¬ bies, Monafteries, Hofpitals, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with a large colleftion of Monadic deeds and charters, by way of addition to, and completin'* of the Monafticon Anglicanum h. So that, however wanting fomething upon this fubjeft might be, when the author firft wrote upon it, perhaps many may think there is no occafion for this large book now. But this work being a kind of abftraft and repertory vol. ii. 269 and 320. 381 and 400. 171 and 386. vol. ii. 744 and yol.111. p i. p. 67. And in vol. ii. p. i53. the fame deed is printed in both columns of the fame page. d This was publifhed in Dugdale’s name only ; but Mr. Wood thinks he was much indebted to Dodfworth s Colledtions for it. See Athen. Oxon. and Hift. Library in the places laft cited. He was afiifted in this third volume by A. Wood and by Sir Thomas Herbert, as Athen. Oxon. ii. col. 692. and Fail p. 15. e c Dr. Rawlinfon’s trandation of Frefnoy’s Method of ftudy- ing Hiftory, vol. ii. p. 484, 7 1 There is no name to this work, but it is faid to be done by James Wright efquire author of the Rutlandihire Antiqui. ties. Athen. Oxon vol. ii. col. 845. s Efpecially while he was at Norwich ; for he ufed to fay, he did as much bufmefs for himfelf in his fifty days refidence at Ely, as he did all the reft of the year at Norwich. b There have likewife been fome accounts publiihed of par¬ ticular places, as of Great Malvern, A. D. 1725. by Dr Tho¬ mas ; of Door, by Mr. Gibfon, 1727. and of Feverfham by Mr. Lewis, 1727. and about 1726. was publiihed Colled. An- glo-mmorit. or An account of the feveral houfes of friers Mi¬ nors or Grey friers in England. of xxviii P R E F of all the books before mentioned, will be more com- prchenfive than any one, and fupply the place of feveral of them, and I hope it will be found to have fome things in it not in any of the others. It was long frnce begun, and the author’s friends thought too well of it to let it be fupprefled. I am afraid, it will not be fo ufeful as it was intend¬ ed, becaufe the valuable colleiftion of mlT. which then belonged to Peter le Neve efquire, hath been fome time difperled into feveral hands ; and the much larger and more valuable colle£lion in the Harleyan library is foon like to have the fame fate. The author’s collec¬ tions alfo bound up in volumes marked JFilloughby , Jackfon , Appleton, Bri/fol, &c. and frequently referred ACE. to in the following book, fuffered in the unfortunate fall of his books into the water, and were thereby fome of them unbound, and perhaps may not yet be put to¬ gether again. I shall only add, that the books of precedents fome- times here referred to, are mf. books of precedents of fome eminent civilians which the author purchafed, and are now with his other m(T. in the Bodleian library at Oxford : And that I fhall always acknowledge myfelf under great obligations to the Society for the Encou¬ ragement of Learning, and to thofe worthy perfons who recommended the printing of this book to them ; and I hereby defire their acceptance of my fincereft; thanks for their favours tp me. J. TANNER. XLV. The Arms of Several of the Monaftenes, mentioned in thisWoric ‘-ti'-JCT&K I Northampton r. XL VI . J. XXIII JXXBT _p &iH'-7Zt/uZfn * _Zrf7ltfdcr/l ’ LXXV LXXW Xeedj MurJast/i/A lxxvh Caremefc. ’ j.xxvni ixxix Jt/irneJ IXXXIX xc ZctcmlcrM/mhi- OfrcjtvHS XCI W/ivJi-nyf XCH xcm XTIV xcv xcyr T/srn/on » ^ 4n/*<77u*J * xrvir xcvm -xcix. Jta+iaz- *to**~r*=n ct ex cm civ MimjS/iMt”* SSX~f**0-: cm cxiv J/eu/uflov j*7fb&£ CXV (XVI CXFH ‘Jbvm/ur/m 1 Cmf/fam ' 'AckAjm ■ cxvn (xix //-///•-! VAv.v/i-f a Inf A am •■ C XX ,Virr/i'n'AJ3rt*7ry CXXI (XXII CXXIIt (XXIV CXXX CXXVI (XXVE Tc/U7ttj/ ncffSrttJBbxA* ''X''''. M''"*/1-’*”1 u’ff- jrZLiw/iam • /fa/amyAam cxxvm 7ftru//z/iJ CXXIX (XXX CXXXI CXXXII (XXXIfl CXXXB &#r/mVOhmy ‘JfyumvU > .S^mLIIIII Zs’/'/'r"7 JTc«mrab ' cxxxvi WMtcls CXXXVH CXXXVDI CSXXK CXI. (XJI fG/Juo/t • CUruj S'FnJ.jm. Tame ’ (XIH JfaTcJ^wtvi ’ cxtth cxnr S//r/i*.‘7e/ry 77er/t/jcA 1 '-pzrfJrsTKi * • . * • . r } \ A\Mes _ - L„ _ , _ , SomerfetGiire r- xtvir. cxlv cxm cJJar/i - -AAAy CXEWL CXMI €£ru£tm ’ CXUX CL CIL (s/aJtertAwry t£54uM*hJJjrtJt&{ ZBufTcm ’ $%" - " iSjl CLiir CLIV CLV Tas/’ary CLVI CLVJI ^ButySf£drruifu^ ‘Jlu/A’y , CtVTK CLTX CIX cixxai JZv€jAo/7l ’’ CLxxvm am CLXXXI CISXXII ^7f<77lA‘2I?Y/£<7n 7 ZSt'/W/i/ti/A^/t7 CCK CCX Cacn/hirtAc/i ’ 75/’ / > -eu*j ' S’ ccxi crxir cJBaJuiymcrA^ Jfaiv/j&nA7 ccxnr ' rMW-z:.-. NOTES on the foregoing Arms, and the Arms of fome other Monasteries a. BEDFORDSHIRE. I. ' I"' HUS in the firft edition ; but a learned per- JL fon thinks it fliould rather be Sable, a pyle in point Argent, an horfefhoe conjoined Or, and in¬ terlaced with an annulet of the fecond pendant. A mf. of the late Mr. Le Neve’s hath the field Gules. II, According to one mf. the ftalks of the pears or wardens fhould have leaves on them ; and I am told that on the feal in the Augmentation office, a crofier is flruck into the lower pear. hi. See Leland Colle£t. vol. i. p. 55. For the feal of Newenham , fee Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 16. The arms of Newenham were “ a Lion “ rampant with a double tail,” as Mr. Edw. Rowe Mores. BERKSHIRE. iv. See Fuller’s Church Hift. book vi. p. 322. Rey- fides three efcallops in bafe, in chief two mitres, ner’s Apoftol. Benedift. tr. i. p. 215* For the feal of Hurley , fee Madox’s Formal. Angl. v. See Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 31. 69. Fuller, p. 250. p. 322. Reyner, p. 215. but in mf. Le Neve, be- BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. vii. This is the arms of the founder, Elias de Bof- co or Bois, as in Dugd. Warwicklhire, edit. 1730, P- 935- viii. See mf. Cole, vol. xxxii. p. 38, 39. x. See Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 47. but in a mf. in the Harleyan library, three bars wavy, and the cro- C A M B R I D xi. See Reyner, vol. i. p. 217. xil. See Reyner, vol. i. p. 216. Fuller, p. 323. fier in pale. In a mf. of Mr. Le Neve’s there is a quite different coat for this viz. Argent, a chevron Sable between three cocks Gules, on a chief Azure, a greyhound Or. For the feal of Mendham , fee Madox’s Formul. p. 360. G E S H I R E. For the feal of Denney , fee mf. Cole, vol. xlvi. p. 368. C H E S xiv. That the crofier Ihould be, not in bend, as in the firft edition, but in pale, fee Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 52. and it is placed in the finifter part, becaufe placed there in a mf. in the Harleyan library. CORN XIX. Ex informatione rev. Franc. Blomfield Norfol- cienfis. xx, xxi. Mf. in mufeo Aflnnol. Oxon. 763. But my friend Mr. Blomfield tells me, Tywardreth bore. Azure, on a chevron Argent, between three torteaux, three Cornilh crows Proper. St. German’s, “ The priory is the manfion of Mr. “ Elliot, in the great hall are the arms of the priory HIRE. XV, xvi. See King’s Vale Royal, p. . xvii. Thus Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 53. but I think the borders both of Norton and Vale Royal are omitted in King. WALL. “ in the painted glafs of a large bow window, viz. “ a fword and two keys endorfed in Saltire.” Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 347. a. It feems to be the fame with Plimpton, the fecond coat of Bath abbey, or the arms of the bilhopric of Winchefter, and might perhaps formerly be the arms of the bilhop of this diocefe b. CUMBERLAND. XXII. The arms of Tho. Percy, as Speed’s map of Woreefterfhire ; of Percy and Lucy, as Drake’s Antiq. of York, p. 535. xxiii. In Mr. Le Neve s mf. the efcutcheon in Bafe is not a Fret, but Frettre. The firft coat is that of I itzwalter, the fecond of Lucy c. The arms of Carlijle priory were, Argent, a Crofs fable d. a Several monalteries had no arms ; and of thofe that had, tew ufed them in the common feal of the houfe, that being ge- nerally the faint or faints to whom it was dedicated : though the arms are fometimes iound at the lower part of the feal, or uied as a counter-feal u. preface to firft edition, p 23, 24. 6 It certainly was the arms of the biflioprick till the reign of K. Henry 8. but it may be queftioned whether, this was the arms of the pnory, for this painting is impaled with the pater¬ nal coat ot bifhop Oldham, Ex informatione V. R. Caroli Lyttleton decan. Exon, poftea epife. Carliol. ‘ “ Three coats in one (liield, viz. 1. Or, a Fefs between ‘ *wo Chevrons Gules, for Fitzwalter. 2. Gules, three Lucies hauriant Argent, for Lucy. 3. Sable, a frett Argent for , SfrnnJ?on’ Mr' Cole from a mf- vifitation of the North by T°nS> alias Norroy king of arms A. D. 1530. in the pofleffion of the late Dr. Zachary Grey. d Mr. Cole ex mf. lupradifto. h DERBYSHIRE. XXX NOTES ON THE ARMS. DERBY xxvi. See Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 91. Andthatthis was the arms of the family of Griefely or Grelley, fee Dugd. Warwicklhire, p. 1134* Leland. Col- DEVON xxviii. See Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 80. xxix. xxxiv. Mf. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. 763. xxxii. This houfe was founded by R, Warlewaft, bi- fhop of Exeter : — and thefe were the arms of that fee till the Reign of K. Henry 8. fo that the arms of the priory are in this cafe, as in many others, the arms of the founder. xxxm. See Reyner, p. 214. Fuller, p. 321. Dunkefwell abbey bore two bends Wavy, as the feal in DORSE' SHIRE. left. vol. i. p. 49. makes the arms of the priory to have been a crofs Forme impaling this coat. SHIRE. the Augmentation office. Cowick priory bore Argent, three Cows pallant fable, collared Or, eyed Gules '. Buckland abbey bore. Quarterly Argent and Gules, in bend a crofier Or '. Poljloe nunnery bore. Gules, a fword between Catha¬ rine Wheels Argent '. For the feal of Churchill priory, fee Gentleman’s Ma¬ gazine for 1782. p. 221. ’SHIRE. xxxv. See Reyner, p. 216. xxxvi. See Reyner, p. 214. xxxvii. Reyner, p. 216. and Fuller, p. 322. xxxix. See Reyner, p. 216. Bindon abbey, as I am informed, bore the arms of the family of Mohun, viz. Or, a crofs engrailed Sable, which will be engraved as one coat of Bruton in So- merfetfhire f. DURHAM. XL. Reyner, p. 217. but it ought to have been as in ' ESS xliv. Reyner, p. 215. and Fuller, p. 321. The arms afcribed to this houfe in the firft edition were, Gules, within a bordure of mullets of fix points, a crofs, Or. XL vil. I-eland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 63. xlviii. Should have a label of three points over all, as Mr. Anftis. L. Reyner, p. 215. li. Fuller, p. 322. where there is alfo mention of ano- G L O C E S T HI. Mf. mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. 13. and a mf. of Mr. Blomfield. In the firft edition, it was, Gules, on a chevron Argent three rams heads Sable h. But on the authority of thofe good mff. I have ventured to alter it. liii. Reyner, p. 214. Fuller, p. 322. But there is added a fword palewife in one mf. Liv. The arms of the founder, only an horfefhoe added. H A M P lvii. In mf. Le Neve, the border is charged with be¬ zants, and the field is quarterly Argent and Gules. In the Harleyan mf. and on the feal in the Augmen¬ tation office, there is no border. he firft edition t. E X. ther coat, viz. two angels carrying a crofs in allu- fion to the legendary ftory of a crofs found in the weft, and brought hither by miracle. The priory of Coggejhall is faid to have had two fhields, viz. one with the arms of England and France quar¬ tered, relating to the founders; and another with three cocks, perhaps in allufion to the name of the place. E R S H I R E. LV. Mf. mufeo Afhmol. 13. Reyner, p.214. Fuller, p. 322. lvi. Reyner and Fuller; but in Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 599* e(bt. 1656. and p. 807. edit. 1730. there is another coat for this abbey, viz. Azure, on a Sal¬ tire Or, a crofs Gules. Lanthony priory bore, on a chevron between three birds as many Crofters *. SHIRE. Lix. Reyner, p. 215. Fuller, p.322. Rumfey bore as Madox, Formul. p. 242. Twinham or Chrijl Church, as Madox, F#rmul. Anel, p. 165. H E R T F O lxiii. Leland. Coiled!, vol. i. p. 55. Reyner, p. 216. Fuller, p. 322. HUNTING lxv . Reyner, p.215. Fuller, p. 323L LX VI. The arms of Simon Senliz the founder, as Speed’s map of Northamptonfhire. eee Ex informatione V. R. Caroli Lyttleton decan. Exon. See. f In Coker, the arms are, Or, four barrulets Gules, s In the mf. vifitation before cited, the arms of Durham are faid to be, Azure, a crofs flory or, between four Lions ram¬ R D S H I R E. The arms of Flamjled, as I am informed, were Ermine, on a Chief three lions faces. D O N S H I R E. For the arms of Stoneley priory, fee mf. Cole, vol. xxxi. p. 224. pant argent. h So Willis of Mitred Abbies, p. Sg. ‘ Ex informatione Mag. Edw. Rowe Mores. k See mlT. Cole, vol. xviii. p. 30. vol. xx. p. 34. vol. xxx. p. 9. KENT. NOTES ON THE ARMS. *xxi K E IXVIII. Reyner, p. 214. Lxix. Reyner, ibid, and Fuller, p. 322. But in mf. Le Neve, the archiepifcopal pall is put in the firft quarter. lxxii. In Reyner, p. 217. the crofs is Or as well as the faces k. Lxxiii. In Reyner, p. 2x7. three demi Ihips hulls L A N C A txxvil. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 102. The arms of the founder William Marefchal earl of Pembroke, as Speed’s map of Pembrokefhire. lxxviii, lxxix. On the feal of Furnes abbey, there were, as I am informed, three lions Paflant Gjardant, like the arms of England, on either fide of the pa- tronefs faint, in regard to the founder K. Stephen m. L E I C E S T rxxxin. Burton’s Leiccfterfhire, p. 64. In Leland. Colle£t. vol. i. p. 72. the lion only, being the arms of Mowbray the founder. On the feal, the lion on one fide, and the crofs, as a counter feal, on the other. ixxxiv. From mf. Le Neve. Lxxxv. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 100. The foun¬ der’s arms, with a crofier added to diftinguifh it from Leicefter St. Mary. ixxxvi. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 72. The arms of R. Beler the founder, as Thoroton’s Nottingham- Ihire, p. 302. plate 2. L I N C O L Xciii. Reyner, p. 215. Fuller, p. 323. But in mf. mufeo Afhmol. 763. there is another coat, viz. Gules, a crofs Flore Or, within a border Azure enaluron of nine crofs crofslets Argent, xciv. In the Harleyan mf. there is a crofier inftead of the pilgrim’s ftaff. xcv. In the Harleyan mf. the arms of Mortimer in three fhields, having between the two uppermoft a paftoral ftaff, are faid to have been the arms of this LONDON and xcvii, xcviii. were both afcribed to the priory in the firft edition; but are afcribed thus by Mr. Anftis. cii. EIJing Spittle is faid to have likewife born. Gules, three flower de liz on a bend between two cottifes. Or. CIII. Thus in the firft edition, but Mr. Fuller faith, “ The prior of St. John of Jerufalem gave Gules, “ a crofs Argent, which the lord prior fometimes “ impaled with (but before) his own coat, and fome- “ times bare it a chief above itp.” Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 106. hath the fame arms with Fuller, evil. Leland, Colledt. vol. i. p. 106. makes Gules a crofs Argent to have been alfo the arms of the Templars: And Gules a crofs Argent is found in k Mr. Lewis in his introduction, &c. p, 1. faith “ that the “ arms or device ufed by the priory of St. Martin at Dover, “ was a figure of St. Martin on horfeback giving half his cloak “ to a poor man,” of which he gives an impreflion ; and adds, “ that the arms below it of a crofs between three leopards’ “ faces, is the paternal coat of Robert prior of St. Martin’s at “ Dover, A. D. 1197.” 1 So Mr. Cole; from Mr. Lewis’ Introduction to his Dilfer- tation on Seals, p. 8. 10. m See mf. Cole, vol. xviii. p. 215, 216. There are two coats afcribed to this abbey in Mr. Cole’s extracts from the mf. vifi- N T. conjoined to the demi lyons, and the crofier in the middle. The college of Wye gave “ In two Gothic niches the “ figures of St. Gregory and St. Martin, and under- “ neath them in another nich of ftone work cardinal “ Kemp in a praying pofture SHIRE. Lxxxn. In the Harleyan mf. the crofiers are turned the other way. The feal of Manchejler college is a book expanded, having a candleftick with a lighted candle in it, above the book ; on the leaves "of the book thefe words ; “ Lucerna pedibus meis verbum tuum, et “ lumen femitis meis.” Pfal.-cxix. E R S H I R E. lxxxvii. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 72. Burton’s Leicefter, p. 22. the arms of Baffet of Weldon. In mf. Le Neve a crofier Argent bendwife over all, to diftinguifh it from the founder’s arms. Lxxxviii. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 73. lxxxix. Part of the arms of John of Gaunt, the chief founder, as Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 1124. xc. Leland. Colled!, vol. i. p. 72. xci. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 74. The arms of Roger de Qiiinci, as Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, plate 1. N S H I R E. abbey. The arms of Barlings , were a dexter hand grafping a crofier ". The arms of Bardney, were, “ a crofs Patee between “ four lions, being the arms of Ofwald king of “ Northumberland, to whofe honor this abbey was “ dedicated. The fame arms are alfo ufed by the “ fee of Durham M I D D E S E X. Balfbal church, &c. in Warwickfhire, as Dugd. Warwic. p. 969. But that was probably put up by the Hofpitalars when they put up their lord prior Wefton’s arms there. cxi. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. 100. cxi. Reyner, p. 217. Fuller, p. 322. London Bethleem , as John Anftis efquire Garter inform¬ ed the author, bore. Argent, two bars Sable, a la¬ bel of three points Gules, on a chief Azure, a comet with ten rays Or, opprefled with a torteaux Gules, charged with a plain crofs of the firft, between a chalice Or, with an hofty Argent, and a bafket of the fame. Syon, bore a plain crofs % but I know not the colours. tation before mentioned, viz. 1. Or, five fufils en fefs argent. 2. as Ixxix. in the plate. ° Ex informatione amicifiimi Br. Willis arm. 0 Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. i. Append, p. 54. Tie arms of Nojletl in Yorkjbire. See mf. Cole, vol. xxx. p. 6. where [as he faith] are the tiue arms of Bardney. p Church Hilt, book vi. p. 322 See an inltance of it in the arms of Welton lord prior, in Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 969. See other inltances in mf. Cole, vol. xxx. p. 30. s Ex informatione magiltri Willis. NORFOLK. XXXll NOTES ON THE ARMS. NORFOLK. cxv. Befides the arms engraven, Mr. Blomfield faith, he hath alfo feen, “ Argent, a crofs Gules upon a “ pedcftal of three fteps, with a greater and leffer “ tranfverfe at top,” ufed as the arms of this houfe, with relation probably to the holy crofs of Brom- holme ; and in a mf. of Mr. Le Neve’s there is given as the arms of this houfe, Argent, a crofs Sa¬ ble fimbriated Or, upon a pedeftal of one ftep, with¬ in a border Or. cxvi. The crofs chequie Or and Azure relates to the founder’s arms. cxvii. The lower head is only pierced with a crofier in mf. Dodfworth. 161. cxviii. Thus Reyner, p. 214. Fuller, p. 323. But Mr. Blomfield faith, thefe arms want “ an hand “ from a cloud ifluing fometimes from the dexter “ chief corner and fometimes from the finifter ; for “ in all the old Hone carving, the hand is always “ inferted in one of thofe places.” cxx. The dean of Norwich bears this coat now, and Mr. Blomfield allures me, the prior bore it for¬ merly. cxxn. See Mr. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 448. cxxm. In Mr. Blomfield’s Hift. of Norfolk, vol. i. p. 745. fee the feal of this houfe, on one fide of which are thefe arms of earl Warren their founder, and on the other fide, a crefcent and ftar, being a badge given to them, who had ferved in the Holy Land', as William third earl of Warren did ’. cxxiv. The arms of Shardelow the founder. See Blomfield, vol. i. p. 103. 628. cxxviii. For the arms of Holand and Penwortham in Lancafhire, and thofe of Caftleacre and Wendling in Norfolk, I am indebted to the rev. Mr. Parkins of Oxborough in Norfolk. Bromhill. See the feal of this convent, in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 479. Buckenham. The arms of this priory are faid by Mr. Blomfield, Hift. of Norfolk, p. 264. to have been three efcallops, but in the draught which he hath there given us of the feal, I obferve there are the arms of Albini the founder on one fide, and Tate- fhall a great benefadtor 1 on the other. Carbrooke , bore the head of St. John Baptift 11 . Langely, bore a paftoral ftaff, with a hand iftuing from either fide of the fhield, and holding a fword". Lynn priory bore the fame, which are now ufed by the town u. Rujbworth , on a bend three torteaux or fomething like them w. Thetford nunnery. The feal was St. George killing the dragon, with his crofs in a fhield on his right fide x. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. cxxx. Reyner, p. 215. Fuller, p. 323. Sulby. The feal was, the blefled Virgin with her babe cxxxi. Leland Colledt. vol, i. p. 48. in one arm and a branch in the other. NORTHUMBERLAND. cxxxii. Reyner, p. 216. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. cxxxiv. Thoroton’s Nottingh. p. 262. and mf. Dodfw. p. 160. cxxxv. Thoroton, p. 153. cxxxvi. Ml. Le Neve and Harleyan mf. cxxxvn. Leland. Colled!. vol. i. p. 49. Befides thefe two coats for Workfop, I have met with ano¬ ther, viz. Argent, a bend Gules between fix martlets of the fame y, over all a crofier Or z. cxxxix. The arms of Rob. D’oilly the founder. In bifhop Kennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 345. the feal of this abbey is faid to have been, “ the Virgin Mary “ fitting with our Saviour in her arms, and under- “ neath an ox.” cxl. In the firft edition this coat was Sable, a fefle The feal of the friers Carmelites at Nottingham had on it a Religious kneeling before the Virgin Mary, and holding up an efcutcheon, whereon were three bars with a label of three points in chief. Rufiord is faid to have born the lord Beaumont’s arms, viz. Azure, a lyon rampant, with flower de lis Or. But queer e a. . SHIRE. Argent, in chief three demi nuns veiled, in bafe an ox pafling a ford, as generally on the feals of the bifhops of Oxford. The prefent alteration is owing to a letter of Mr. Anftis’. There is no fefte in Reyt ner, p. 217. 1 OXFORD SHROPSHIRE. cxliii. Reyner, p. 215. Fuller, p. 223. In the firft edition; the border and lyon were Gules ; but they are both Or in Reyner and Fuller, and in the arms of Roger Montgomery the founder in Speed’s map ' Dudg. Warwickfh. edit. 1730. p. 846. See alfo Burton’s Leiceiterfhire, p.174. * Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 75. ' Blomfield, vol. i. p. 253. “ “ » Ex informations magiftri Blomfield. w E colleft. autoris. of Shropfhire. cxliv. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 193, Battlefield coll, bore, a chevron indented between three cocks b. * Blomfield's Norfolk, vol. i. p. 744. r The arms ofFurnival, as Dugd. Warwicldhire, p. nj8. 2 See mi Cole, vol. xviii. p. ira. a It is faid fo in the mf. vifitation before mentioned. h Mr. Loxdale from the feal. SOMERSETSHIRE. NOTES ON THE ARMS. xxxiii SOMERSETSHIRE. cki.v. Reyner, p. 217. cxlvii, cxlviii. Both thefe coats were ufed by the family de Mohun who refounded this houfe ; fee Speed’s map of Somerfetfhire, and Dugd. Warwick- fhire, edit. 1730. p. 587. cxlix. Reyner, p. 216. Fuller, p. 321. Butin mf. muf. Afhmol. 13. the crofs is plain. In mf. Le Neve, it is Botony, as here, but with a crown in the fecond, third, and fourth quarter. In the Har¬ ley an mf. the crofs is Flory. Jthelney bore two coats impaled, viz. the dexter part, a bend between two crowns above, and one beneath; the finifter part, quarterly; firft, three crowns in pale ; fecond, a crofs ; third as the fecond ; fourth, as the firft c. Kynjham , feven wrcfts d; S T A F F O R cli. The arms of Wulfric Spot the founder; fee Le- land. Colleft. vol. i. p. 27. Reyner, p. 217. and Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 1128. CLII. Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 72. cli v, clv. for the firft coat fee Leland Colleft. vol. i. S U F F CLVii Three crowns without arrows, in Reyner, p. 214. and Fuller, p. 322. And fo the abbey at firft certainly bore them. But for above an hun¬ dred 0 years before the diifolution, it conftantly bore them with arrows. In Rice’s Suffolk colledtions mf. there is another coat afcribed to this abbey, which perhaps might be the arms or feal of one of the greater obedientaries, viz. Azure, three pair of keys adorfed in triangle. Or. S U R clx. Mf. Le Neve. clxji. Reyner, p. 216. S U S clx vi. Thus in the firft edition ; but Mr. Anftis thinks, that inftead of the mounds, there fhould be two fwords in Pale, on both fides of the mitre5. W A R W I C clxviii. Leland. vol. i. p. 50. It is the arms of Buf¬ fet of Drayton, as Dugd. Warwickfliire, p. 1000. edit. 1730. clxix, clxx. Leland. Colledf. vol. i. p. 50. the for¬ mer is the arms of Clinton earl of Huntingdon, as Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 668. 1000. The latter of Cjinton, of Maxftoke, as Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 1000. 1002. Sir William de Clinton was founder. clxxi. Leland. Colled!. vol. i. p. 51. The arms of Ferrers earl of Derby and Nottingham, as Speed’s map of Nottinghamfhire. WILTS A print of the feal of St. Edmund’s college in Sarum is publifhed in the fecond Appendix to Leland’s Colled!, p. 283. and in the Englifh Topographer, p. 247. •On one fide of the patron faint, there is a fhield of three eftoiles or comets of twelve rays each. And c From the feal in the Augmentation office. d Mr. Willis from the feal. e Mr. Blomfield faith from the time of K. Henry 6. but, I believe, much earlier from many lingle crowns pierced with arrows upon the church of Beccles in Suffolk, which the abbat D S H I R E. p. 46. for the fecond (which is the coat of Ferrers earl of Derby, as Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 905.) fee Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 96. On the feal, they are empaled. O L K. clvii. The arms of Glanvile the founder, iri mf. Le Neve there is added a crofier bendwife. Ipfwich Trinity priory bore, “ Azure, a Trinity Ar- “ gent.” Gipp’s Suffolk Colleftions mf. Proba¬ bly the fame arms as thofe of London Trinity or Chrift Church priory f. The arms of Flixton nunnery were, “ Gules, a Catha- “ line wheel with a crofs Argent.” Blomfield, iii. p. 114. R E Y. clxiii. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 70. Mf. Le Neve. SEX. clxvii. Reyner, p. 215. Fuller, p. 322. and Mr. Le Neve hath the fame, fave that inftead of the old letter in the middle of the crofs he hath a mitre. K S H I R E. clxxii. See Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 1115. clxxiii. Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 813. Comb bore three lions of England, with a label of five points, as Speed’s catal. of Religious houfes. But tjuare ; for the arms of Camvil the founder were Azure, two lions paffant Argent, as Dugd. War¬ wickfhire, p. 807. 1128. The arms of Coventry , though a parliamentary priory, I cannot meet with. Fuller faith, Dugdale told him, there were no arms upon the priory feal. Church Hift. book vi. p. 322. HIRE. on the other fide, a fhield with a chevron between three caftles. Perhaps the arms both of the founder or founders, and of the college, as thofe upon feals generally were. and convent of Bury were patrons of, and, I believe, is as old as the reign of K. Richard 2. The fame on the tower of Great St. Maries church in Cambridge, fee mf. Cole, vol.ix. p. 51. f See mf. Cole, vol. xXviii. p. 183, 184. s Ibid. vol. xxx. p. 8. where are different arms. r WORCESTERSHIRE. XXXIV NOTES ON THE ARMS. W O R C E S T CLXxvii. Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 807. In the Har- leyanmf. inftead of the chain in chevron fafhion, a ftirrup in fefTe point and fafhion h. YORKS clxxx. Leland. Colle£t. vol. i. p. 54. clxxxi. Reyner, p. 216. clxxx vi. Append, ad Regiftr. hon. de Richmond, p. 254. There was a fecond coat for this abbey, in the firft edidition, viz. Gules a crofs Argent, be¬ tween four lions Argent, being the fame with Nof- tel, except that the crofs and lions of the latter are Or. Cxc. Inftead of the pilgrim’s ftaff, one faith a fcepter in pale. cxcil. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 39. cxciv. The arms of Bulmer the founder, as Drake’s Antiq. of York, p. 535. cxcix. The crofs and lions in St. Ofwald’s arms are Argent ; whether thofe in this coat ought to be fo, or were made Or for diftindtion’s fake, I cannot fa^ k. cci. The arms of Roald the founder, with the .addi¬ tion of a crofter, as Regiftr. hon. de Richmond, p. 81. 83. ecu. The arms of Meynil , with the like addition, as Drake’s Antiq. of York, p. 535. W A ccx. Ex colledt. autoris. Mr. Burton faith ", that the arms of monafteries were generally the fame with the arms of their foun¬ ders or very near them, and the reader hath here a great many inftances of it ; but it may be neceflary to obferve, that as the Religious acknowledged fometimes a fecond or third founder, fo they feem to have many times ufed the arms of fuch later founder, and not thofe of the firft, and fometimes to have put both of them upon- their feals, and to have impaled them in their arms. The latter arms of fome of thefe houfes being manifeftly different from thofe they firft ufed. The author had mod of the arms publifhed in the firft edition of this book, from an ancient mf. in the Mufeum Afhmoleanum at Oxford. I have fupported feveral of them with other authorities ; and put down my authorities for all the arms I have added or altered. Such as have no reference to fupport them reft upon the authority of the firft edition. i> This difference and feveral others were kindly communi¬ cated by Brown Willis efquire, who perufed the Harleyan mf. on this occafion. i Ex informatione rev. Francifci Blomfield Norfolcienfis. a k Mf. Cole, vol. xviii. p. 214. 1 See Beaulieu in Hampfhire. I think the author had this coat from Mr. Anftis. m m Ex informatione magiftri Willis. " In his Leicefterfhire, p. 153. “ Page 5 $3. p See the feal ofBuckenham priory in Blomfield’s Norfolk, q “ Habeat infuper dictum collegium (de Tonge) figillum “ commune, cum impreffione S. Bartholomxi apoftoli una cum “ imagine cujufdam militis ex una parte et imagine dominse « ex altera genilfiedtentium, et cum uno fcuto de armis Ful- ‘ conis de Penbrugge militis et mei pradidtre Ifabella: in eodem E R S H I R E. Per/hore. Sable on a chevron between three anthills Or, (each hill having on it four ants proper) three holly leaves Azure *. HIRE. ccv. Are the old arms of Percy the founder, as Drake, p. 535- ccvi. Reyner, p. 21 6> Fuller, p. 323. But my good friend Mr. Willis tells me there is another coat for this abbey in the Harleyan mf. viz. a miter with a crofter palling through it, as in the fecond coat for Bermondfey k. ccvn. Reyner, p. 216. ccviii. Drake’s Appendix, p. ci. Beverley bore Argent, a paftoral ftaff Sable, palling through a crown proper, with a bordure Sable be- zanted *. Jervaux bore quarterly, 1. Three water bougets. 2. Three bars within a bordure engrailed. 3. In chief a bar ; in bafe three braces. 4. Vayre Argent and Azure a fefle gules m. York , Holy Trinity, a cinque foyle m. Warter, the arms of this houfe, as engraved in the firft: edition, were exadtly the fame with thofe of Kirk- ham, and therefore now omitted. But Mr. Willis tells me, thefe arms ought to be gules, three water bougets in pale Argent, over all a crofs Or. L E S. ccxi. Ex informatione magiftri Willis. T he feals of many Religious houfes had nothing ort them, but the image of their patron faint, which Mat. Paris faith 0 was required “ ob majorem reverentiam.” Sometimes the founders were drawn upon the feals kneeling and praying to the patron faint, and had their arms either over their heads p, or underneath q. Mat. Paris fpeaks of breaking the feal of the abbey of St. Alban’s upon the death of abbat John, who died A. D. 1214. and abbat William, who died A. D. 1235. The feal or feals feem generally to have been in the abbat’s cuftody ' , and therefore the Monafticon fpeaking of an abbat of Hailes’s being deprived, faith, the feals were thereupon taken from him s ; but the feal of Bat¬ tlefield college was ordered to be kept in a cheft with three locks, the key of one to be in the patron’s hand, the key of another to be in the mailer’s hands, and the key of the other to kept by one of the chaplains '. “ figillo fubtus pedes imaginis didti apoftoli impreffatis.” Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. ii. p. 156. ' Befidcs the common. leal every abbat had a different private feal. Morant’s Colchefter, bookli. p. 36. b. s “ Qui legitime fuit depofitus ab ejus regimine, et figilla “ hujus domus ablata ab eo.” Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 932. a. <■ “ Volumus et ordinamus quod figillum a modo et imper- “ petuumfitin quadam capfula five ciftella fub cuftodia tiium “ clavium et ferarum ; quarum volumus quod magiftri didti “ collegii exnunc venturi unam clavem penes fe habcant, et “ Ricardus Hufee didti collegii patronus et hteredes patroni “ ibidem aliam penes fe habebunt clavem. Tertiaque clavis “ erit in cuftodia unius capellanorum didti collegii magis dif- “ creti et idonei.” Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. ii. p. 1S8. b. See before, his diredtions for the feal. A C A T A- A CATALOGUE of the Greater MONASTERIES, NOTE that by the a HEREFORDSHIRE. Acornbury priorefles. Joan Ledbury 1406. Agnes King 1465. Dore abbats. Adam the firft, Adam the fecond 1200. Gothefridus about 1240. Stephen de Wigorn 1251. Henry 1263. Hugh el. 1293. John el. 1298. Richard Straddel, D.D. 1330. John el. 1361. Richard Rowcefter el. 1440. Philip de Lluelhn el. 1478. John Glynn occurs 1523. Tho. Clebury died 1529. John Radborn fucceeded. Hereford. St. Guthlake’s priors. John about 1090. William about 1201. John Gamages 1285. Ralph Foreft 1293. William Irby 1321. Tho. Burghill about 1330. John Maugewin 1391. Wigmore priors. Andrew 1174* Simon fucceeded and then Ralph 1180. Richard Turveton 1335. Ralph Bromyer. el. 1388. Jeffry Colling el. 1389. Tho. Aftley fucceeded 1399. John Borrey el. 1406. John Burgh 1411. Walter Hopton’s fucceffor was John Smart 1518. HERTFORDSHIRE. St. Alban’s abbats. William Wallingford died 1492. Thomas Ramridge fucceeded 1492. and occurs abbat I5I4. Hertford priors. Ralph firft prior. Nigellus about 1244. William de Hertford 1270. John Longney 1338. Nicholas 1400. William Ellis 1423. John Wellys 1451. Thomas Hampton 1512. H U N T I N G D Huntingdon priors. Reginald Blontfham 1322. Thomas Forte bilhop of Achad in Ireland was prior commendatory 1492. St. Neot’s priors. Martin 1132. William 120b. K E Biisington priors. Henry de Sandwich 1293. John de Romeney el. 1342. Edmund de Cantuar was fucceeded by John de Aldenham 1361. John deRomene 1363. Tho. Brencheftre el. 1390. Tho. Broke el. 1411. William Piers el. 1427. Roger Erie el. 1435. William Mongeham el. 1439. O N S H I R E. Roger 1220. Reginald 1224. John 1294. Will, de Saint Vedaft 1 399. and 1416. John Eton .1448. William Eynefbury 1466. and i486. Thomas 1494. John Roundes 1534. N T. Laur. Watt. el. 1442. Paul Pyre el. 1458. Robert Carpenter el. 1460. Feversham abbats. Algarus 1188. Peter el. 1244. Tho. Wengham el. 1319. John de Ive el. 1326. John el. 1355. William Maidfton el. 1367. Ro¬ bert Feverfham el. 1369. Robert Elham el. 1400. John RELIGIOUS HOUSES. John Chartham el. 1427. Walter Gore fucceeded 1459. Canterbury, St. Gregory’s priors. Clement Hard¬ ing died 1507. Thomas epifcopus Sidon fucceeded 1507. William Braham el. 1528. Maidston college, Magiftri. Martin Ixning el. 1335. Simonde Bredon died 1372. Roger Heron occurs 1438. as does Thomas Boleyn 1459. Tho. Prefton fucceeded 1I470. Will. Comberton died 1506. L A N C A Cokersand abbats. R. 1205. Herward 1226. William 1240. Henry 1247. Robert 1289. Ro¬ ger 1311. Robert de Carlton 1353. Jordan 1354. Tho. Green 1410. William Bowland 1478. John Prefton 1487. Furnes abbats. Gerard Brilhalton about 1280. Ro¬ bert 1225. John Cokeram el. 1326. Alex. Walton L E I C E S T Burton Lazers hofpital, Magiftri. Hugh Mitchell 1347. Richard Clifford 1390. William Sutton 1456. Geo. Sutton 1491. Tho. Haringwold 1493. Sir Tho. Norton 1508. Gracedieu. Anno 1540. the church fold for 15/. the cloyfters for 3/. bs. Sd. Weight of the bells 900 lb. Launde priors. John 1125. Walkeline 1189. Adam about 1200. Gaufrid 1231. Robert de Martival 1248. Reginald 1269. Richard de Mar- tival 1272. John de Kirby 1 300. John de Burgo 1306. Henry de Brandfton 1339. Thomas Col- man was fucceeded 1339. by Walter Baldo'ck. Tho¬ mas Myles occurs 1458. John Lancafter 1513. L I N C O L Belvoir priors. Roger was depofed 1226. Martin el. 1226. Ralph 1264. William Huntingdon 1277. Minion de Barton was fucceeded 1284. by Roger de Hanfede. John Kendal about 1298. refigned 1332. Will. Belvoir, ftyled prior egregius, refigned about 1413. John 1415. and 1422. Robert Alh- by 1498. and 1513. Berlings abbats. Akardus 1190. Robert 1205. Ingeramus 1267. Richard 1300. Thomas de Maryng 1307. and 1334. Alexander de Ramfey I350- Sempringham priors. William Preftwold 1 373. and 1388. William Beverley 1403. Thomas 1508. Robert Holgate prior 1536. biftlop of Landaff. Swinshead abbats. Gilbert de Heyland 1199. Ro¬ bert Denton 1203. Lambert Abbas 1298. M I D D L Charter House, London, priors. John Lufcote 1378. and 14x5. John 1444. Richard Bofton J472. Richard Roche 1492. William Tynbigh 1499. died 1529. John Houghton fucceeded 1529. = Christ Church, London, priors. Will. Clerk died 144°. John Sevenock 1440. Thomas Pomeroy 1457. Thomas Percyel. 1481. Richard Charnock el. about I497. Thomas Newton fucceeded 1507. John Bradwell el. 1509. St. Stephen’s college, Weftminfter, Decani. John Prentys 1415. William Walelby about 1440. Ro¬ bert Kirkham el. 1456. Peter Courteney el. 1472. Edmond Marten 1496. John Fofter el. 1509. Tho. Hobbes occurs 1512. Syon abbeffes. Maud Newton firft abbefs 1417. Xliii Will. Grocyn el. 1506. died 15 19. John Penyton fucceeded 1519. Wengham college provofts. Peter de Gildeford 1294. John de Severlcy 1360. Matthew Alhton occurs 1433. Henry Edial died 1520. William Warham el. 1520. Edmund Cranmer el. 15^3. Wye provofts. Tho. Gauge 1450. John Godhew 1511. Will. Walcar fucceeded 1518. SHIRE. el. 1362. Will. Dalton 1412. Lancaster priors. Gernerus 1250. William Ree 1252. Ralph Bruno 1271. John Ree 1292. Gal- fridus 1322. Nigellus 1324. Adam Conratts 1330. John de Loget died 1399. Giles Lonnel fucceeded *399- E R S H I R E. Leicester, Newark college. Thomas Brightwell, D. D. decanus 1388. Robert Bohun el. 1522. on Will. Knight’s refignation. Noseley college. Roger Worthington refigned 1513. Richard Dodd fucceeded 1513. Osulston abbats. Odo firft abbat. Peter de Boke- land refigned 1235. Richard el. 1235. William de Flamfted 1264. Ivo de Cofleby 1268. John Chamberlain 1280. Robert de Lincoln 1286. Er- nald 1289. Richard de Bokefworth 1299. Roger Barkeby 1328. John Kebworth 1349. William Cotefmore 1355. Robert Novefly 1402. William Clipelham or Kilpefham 1420. Robert Kirkby 1467. Henry Medborn 1481. and 1494. N S H I R E. Spalding. Thomas Moulton prior 1473* Thornton abbats continued from the Monafticon. Thomas Gretham 1363. William Multon el. 1393. Geffry Burton el. 1422. John Hoton fucceeded 1439. William Multon 1443. William Medley 1473- John Beverly 1492. John Lowth 1C17. John More 1526. W ellhow, alias Gr imesby abbats. Simon was fuc¬ ceeded 1293. by William Cloxby. Thomas Wel¬ lington el. 1318. John Honton fucceeded 1341. John Utterby 1347. Henry de Aylington 1348. John Thorp el. 1374. Will. Cotesel. 1410. John Erimefby el. 1417. Henry Sutton 1421. John Aylefby fucceeded 1457. Richard Clare was fuc¬ ceeded 1477. by Richard Homylton. E S E X. Joan North el. 1430. Margaret Afbby el. about 1443. Maud Mufton 1448. Elizabeth occurs 1488. and 1502. as does Conftantia 1521. and Ag¬ nes Jordan 1531. furrendered 1540. This was re- ftored 1555. by queen Mary; and Kath. Palmer made abbefs. Westminster Abbey abbat. John Ifiip died May 1 2, 1532. and William Benfon lucceeded. In Rey- ner’s Hift. of the Benediftines in the Appendix, Apoft. xiii. p. 4. this note, fub anno 16I3. “ Sigebert Buckley, a monk of this houfe, the only “ furviving Benediaine monk then in England, by inftrument dated Dec. 15, 1609. transferred his priors. Robert about 3340. Philip 1375. Robert 3200. William 1238. Ste- phen 1233. Geffry 3254. Hamo 1265. Gilbert de Beaumont 1280. John 1295. Oliver de Cocrs *307. Geffry 3338, John de Cafiaco 1358. John de Caftello 1399. John Park 3455 and 1467. Tho¬ mas Darnton ,473. Robert Hallows occurs 1503. 1322. I374- J394- J437- Wales. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. Brecknock priors. Reginald 3248. Tohn rate John Hekington refigned 3433. 4JohnBeche fuc‘ T T*' refigned rW- John Lewis ceeded 3413. John Burgrove occurs 1426 died re’eH 397' rigne.d T499- William Weftfeild fuc- 1434. William" Walter fucceeded 143^ PhiftJ I499‘ abbat °f Batte11 *5°2. ceeuea 1413. Jotin Durgrove occurs 1426. died 1434* William Walter fucceeded 1434. Philip c A E R M A R T H ENSHIRE. mas Britt ^399- died' J^nMatAew fucSdl TAL™Ibba{s°hn w0?™*0'1 ^ I535> fix., f;3brf“c""*b“* .»<« wiu ■& “r H26- DENBIGHSHIRE. Denbigh. David ap Gerworth abbat of Valle Crucis Derhnm was made bifliop of St. Afaph anno 1500. John at I536' PEMBROKESHIRE. w 1S2, ,„d di„d IS°2> Richard Rayader fucceeded 150^. 9 John LEBECH‘ Thomas Weft preceptor 1534. n VALUATIONS VALUATIONS of the RELIGIOUS HOUSES. BY Statute 26 Hen. 8. cap. 3. §. 2. 9. the Firft Fruits and Tenths of all Bifhopricks, Monafteries, Colleges, Hofpitals, &c. were granted to the crown ; and by §. 10, ir. of the fame adl the chancellor was empowered to diredt into every diocefe commiffions under the great feal to the archbifhop or bilhop, and fuch other perfons as the king Ihould appoint, com¬ manding them to examine and enquire into the true yearly values, &c. and to certify under their feals as well the whole and entire value as the deductions al¬ lowed by the faid adt. Such commiffions a were ilTued the fame year, and the returns made to them are now preferved in the Firft Fruits Office, aud the whole feems very early to have been digefted into one vo¬ lume b “ fairly written, as tradition fays by a monk “ of Weftminfter,” who made two copies, one ftill remaining in the faid office, and the other faid to be depofited in the King’s Library c. That part of it which relates to the Cathedral and Parochial Churches, was firft publifhed by Mr. ECton in 8° under the title of Liber Valorum ct Decimarum, and palled through feveral editions. In A. D. 1754. Brown Willis efq. reprinted it in 4'°, with the addition of the names of the Saints to whom the churches are dedicated, of the prefent patrons, of the religious houfes to whom they were impropriated, and of the fynodals, procurations and penfions payable out of them. In A. D. 1786. John Bacon efq. gave a new edition, under the title of Liber Regis, much enlarged, in which appeared for the firft time, immediately from the original re¬ cords, the valuations of the Religious Houfes. Thefe indeed had long been publifhed by Dugdale d, Speed % and Stevens f, but they were all only copies of copies, varying from each other, and as it now appears, no lefs from the original record. The learned Author s of the following Book, with the accuracy which fo peculiarly diftinguilhes his works, has given under each Religious Houfe, the total value from Speed, and the clear value from Dugdale, and in the notes s has marked the variations in Stevens, and alfo in a mf. valor in his own pofteffion, and in another (if indeed it was not the fame 11 ) formerly belonging to archbi- fhop Sancroft. — From hence 1 conjecture he had no immediate tranfcript from the Firft Fruits Office ■ on which he could rely, as otherwife to retain all thefe difcordant valuations, could only ferve to perpetuate the errors and miftakes of former tranfcribers. On collating Mr. Bacon’s Edition with the Valors given in this work, I found the variations k very numerous, and it being too late to infert them in their proper places (the whole of this work being already prepared for the prefs, and the greateft part of it printed) I have drawn up a new catalogue of monafteries, colleges, hofpitals, &c. with their valuations annexed, as they ftand in the Liber Regis *. I have alfo added the valuations of thofe houfes which Mr. Bacon has omitted m ; and I have arranged the whole according to the feveral Orders to which the religious belonged, which I be¬ lieve has not been hitherto done in any former cata¬ logue, fo that it will give the reader a comprehenfive view of the number of houfes belonging to each order, and their comparative opulence. BENEDICTINE MONKS. Berks. Abingdon - - 1876 10 9 Hurley 121 18 5 Reading n - >93» 14 31 Bucks. Snellelhall 18 1 11 Cambr. . Ely0 t 1084 6 9j Thorney N J 1 Chejh . Berkinhead 90 13 0 Chefter - 1003 5 11 Cornw. Truwardraith 123 9 s Cumber!. St. Bees p 143 16 2s Wetherall 117 11 I Of Devon. Exeter - 147 12 0 Pilton 56 12 81 Tavyftock 1 * 902 5 n a See the form of the commiffions and the inftru&ions given to the commilfioners in Mr. Bacon's edition. *> We are not told whether this book is a literal copy or an abftraft of the feveral returns : Mr. Bacon fometimes refers to the book itfelf, fometimes to the original furveys for parti¬ culars. Neither are we informed when it was finifhed, it muft have been a work of time, and the alterations that quickly followed the execution of thefe commiffions, by the diflblu- tion of the monafteries, and alienations and exchanges made of the pofteffion s of the Secular Clergy, muft foon have ren¬ dered a great part of it ufelefs. ^uare therefore whether the valuations of the Religious Iloufes, &c. are all inferted in this book, or exift only in the original furveys. It favors the lat¬ ter opinion, that we are told the original valuation of the bi¬ shopric of Ely is now loft. See in tils book, Cambridgejhirey ix. 1. note x. c If by the King’s Library is meant that which now forms part of the Britifh Mulaeum, I cannot by the index to Cafley's catalogue difcover whether it ftill remains there. d In his Monafticon, vol. i. p. 1038. from a mf. in the Cotton Library. e In his Catalogue of Religious Houfes inferted in his Hiftory of Great Britain. f In his Supplement to the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 23. from mf. in bibl. Cotton. Cleopatra, E. iv. 11. p. 5183. This appears to be a different mf. from that which Dugdale copied, both from it’s infertion in this Supplement, and from the frequent variations of the one from the other. It may not be improper further to obferve, that Dugdale’s catalogue has only the dear values according to which the tenths were to be paid, and Steven’s both the total and clear values. K g Or his worthy brother, to whom probably many of the notes fliould be afcribed. h I am induced to think thefe were the fame, becaufe I do not recoiled that they arc ever both dted under the fame ar¬ ticle. 1 Rot. in Offic. Primit. is fometimes though rarely quoted in the notes : it not being done oftener ts to me a proof that biihop Tanner had only a copy of feme particular parts. k Thele variations are marked thus * in the following cata¬ logue, and where they are conliderable a note is added fhewing the old valor. 1 Except in fome few inftances, in which I think there is an error either of the prefs, or the tranferiber. Thefe are diftin- guifhed by this mark ||. and I have always given the fum as it ftands in Mr. Bacon’s edition in the notes* and my realbns for doubting the authenticity of it. m For thefe omiffions I am unable to account, there are few amongft the houfes of the Regulars thus omitted but very many of the Colleges and Hofpitals. The valuations thus added are diftinguifhed by this mark f and the authority for them given in the notes. — The reader will further obferve, that to avoid repetition I have frequently referred to the notes un¬ der each article in the following work, and of thofe* he will un- derftand fuch references, and not of the preceeding or fubfe- quent notes to this catalogue, unlefs exprefsly cited as fuch. 0 The Lib. Reg. agrees with Dugdale ; whofe valuations are on the whole more accurate than thofe in Stevens or the au¬ thor’ s mf. valor, fee note A . 0 Dugdale. P So alio inf. valor cited in note d. q There are three valuations of Tavyftock cited in this work, all varying from the above, and vmyiug only by the ifa&ion of i penny. Devon. religious houses. ii Devon. Totnefs ' * 124 9 2i Middl. Weftminfter* 4 3470 6 2I Dorfet. Abbotefbury - 390 19 n Monm. Bcrgavenny » - 129 5 8 Cern - 515 17 IOi Monmouth - 56 1 iz Milton - * 578 13 Il|r Stroguil <* • 32 3 0 Shirburn » - 682 14 71 Nor/. Hulme - 583 17 of Durham. Durham * II 1366 10 9 Binham - 140 5 4, Finchale - t i 22 15 3 Horlham • - 162 16 II. Jarrow t 38 *4 4 Norwich f * 874 14 6} Wermouth • t 25 8 4 Wymondhams - 211 16 6f EJJex. Colchefter * 523 16 of Northampi . Peterborough - I72I 14 of Colum - « - 156 12 4i Northumb. Farn-Ifland t 12 '7 8 Hatfield Peverell * 60 14 11 Lindisfarn t 48 18 it Hatfield Regis - 122 13 2i Tinmbuth 397 10 si Walden - 372 18 I Netting}]. Blyth h - 113 0 81 Qloceji. Glocefter • 1946 5 9 Marfhe 1 - t 6 7 2 Stanley - 106 17 0 Oxford. Egnefham - 44i 12 2f Tewkfbury - 1598 1 3, Durham coll. t ”5 4 4 Winchelcombe * 759 11 9i Shrop. Bromfield • • 77 18 Hamp. Winchefter * 1507 17 2i Morfield k t 15 0 J 0 Hyde - 865 18 °f Shrewfbury S32 4 10 Here/. Hereford “ * 212 3 3 Somerfet. Athelney - 209 0 3i Lemfter * t 122 12 0 Bath . 617 2 3 Herts. St. Albans - 2102 7 if Dunfter - 37 4 8 Hertford * 72 14 2i Glaftonbury 1 * 33H 7 4 1 Redburn * - 9 2 0 Michelney * 447 4 nl Huntingd. St. Neots * 241 11 4! Stafford. Burton m - 267 14 3 Ramfey * 1715 12 3, Tutbury - 199 14 10 Kent. Canterb. Chrift Church Z * 2349 8 5l Suff. Bury “ * 1656 7 3 St. Auguftines a 1413 4 ill Eye * 161 2 3I Dover - 170 14 Hi Hoxne “ « f [18 t oj Feverfham - 286 12 61 Surr. Chertfey 659 15 SI Folkftone - 41 i5 10 Suff. Battell * 880 14 7! Rochefter - 486 11 5 Boxgrave . * 145 JO 2| Lane. Holand - 53 3 4 Warn). Alenceafter 65 ■ 7 II Lythom t 48 19 6 Avecote _ 28 6 2 Penwortham - 29 18 7 Coventre t - * 538 4. O Lincoln. Bardney - 366 6 1 Wilts. Malmfbury .. # 803 17 71 Belvoir b + 98 19 5 Worcejl. Evefham _ 1183 12 / 4 Q Crowland * 1083 15 ioi Malvern Major * 308 I 4j Lincoln - 23 6 3 Malvern Minor * 98 10 Q1- Spalding * 767 7 11 Perfhore 643 4 71 Stanford . t 25 1 2* Worcefter i - I299 12 H r I have placed this among the Benedi&ine houfes, becaufe it is faid latterly to have been fubordinate, and to have received its priors from Chrift Church, Canterbury : fee note p. In Dugdale’s valuation, the firft figure is omitted probably through an error of the prefs. s So alfo Speed. I know not how to account for the grofs and clear valuation of this and many other houfes being the fame, but by fup'pofing the commiffioners varied in the form of their returns, and did not always ftate in one article the fum of the deductions allowed, but fubtradted them feparately from each particular. So large a rental muft have had fome reprifes. ‘ This is Dugdale’s valuation : in Lib. Reg. Durham priory with Finchale, Yarrow, Weermouth, Infula Sacra, Farn-Ifland, Lethom, Stamford, and Durham College, are rated in one fum at 1804/. 10s. 3 d. ob. the amount of the feveral valuations in Dugdale is only 1689/. jj. ii d. ob. u This, with the omiffion of the fraction, is the fame with Dugdale’s valuation, but in Lib. Reg. under Glocefter there is a fecond valuation of this cell, in which it is rated at 169/. 19 s. 6 d. ob. x From biffiop Fox’s regifter, where the grofs amount of the revenues of this cell is faid to be 660/. 16 j. Zd. and the re- wifes to be 448/. 4 s. 8 d. From its being omitted in Lib. Reg. and alfo in Dudgale and Stevens, I fhould have conjec¬ tured that there had been no feparate valuation of Lemfter, but the whole of its revenues included in that of Reading, had not its exiftence in biffiop Fox’s regifter been a proof that it was made 26 Hen. 8. See the note on this houfe in the pre¬ ceding catalogue of the Greater Monafteries. y There is no valuation of this cell in Dugdale, Speed, or Stevens. * Omitted in Dugdale. Stevens and the author’s mf. valor have 3387/. 13/. zd.ob. a variation not to be accounted for by any fuppofed error of the tranferiber, but more probably armng from thefe feveral valuations having been taken from different furveys. * By comparing this with Speed, Stevens and the author’s mr. valor, it will become doubtful whether Dugdale and Mr. Bacon have not taken the grofs inftead of the clear value : the latter in Stevens is 1374/. os. 10 d. ob. q. From the author’s mf. valor in Lincolnfhire, in the fame ml. it occurs again in Hertfordffiire, where it is valued as in iJugdale at 104 /. 19.1. 1 od. It is obfervable, that wherever there are two valuations of any cell in the fame catalogue, that placed under the head houfe. ufually exceeds that which was made in the diocefe in which the cell was fituated. See in this catalogue Hereford and Gwenny . * Dugdale has 347*^ but our author has in his notes cor¬ rected this and fome other valuations from the records in the Firft Fruits Office, fee above note 11 So alfo in note f. ' The fame in Stevens, as note h; f There is no valuation of this priory in Dugdale, the clear fum in Stevens is 895/. 14s. 6J. _ ‘ ;,*“/• ,6j' valor (ex offic. Prim it.) in regiftro tpiic. Norwic. as note. . h So alfo Stevens cited in note d. 1 There is no other proof of the exiftence of this cell, than the valuations of it in Dugdale, Speed and the author’s mf. Its not being mentioned in Lib. Reg. ftrengthens the doubt of its ever having exifted. k Ex regiftro Edw. Fox epife. Hereford, fee above note on Lemfter. 1 r a^ainder the laft abbat, a new furvey was made of the poffeffions of this abbey [printed by Mr. Hearn at the end of Langtoft s Chronicle, p. 343.] in which they are va¬ lued at the clear yearly fum of 4084/. 6 s. 8 d. q. • m iA° : hut in the following work, the records in the Firft Fruits Office are quoted for a very different valua¬ tion, viz. 413/. 6s. 10 d If this be fuppofed to be by a fe¬ cond valuation, yet ftill the increafe in the clear revenue is greater than I have elfewhere met with ; the reprifes arc in both valuations nearly the fame. n 1659/. 13J. ud. ob. Dugdale. The variation is hefe too great to be aferibed to the errors of the tranferiber, and vet the lmall excels above the valor in Lib. Reg. fcarce leaves room to fuppofe them taken from different ftirveys. 0 So valued 38 Hen. 8. when granted to Sir Richard Gre- lham. It is not to be found in the returns made 26 Hen. 8. (probably) becaufe its poffeffions were then included in the va¬ luation of Norwich priory, to which it was a cell. p 499/. 7s. 4 d. in the following work, but the learned au¬ thor has not intormed us from whence he took this valuation, there is none °f this priory either in Dugdale or Stevens. q ^ he lc^rned author has in this and fome few other inftan- ces rejected Dugdale’s valuation, for that in his own mf. valor and Stevens : but the former is generally th£ moft corned ; in the prefent cafe it varies from Lib. Reg. only by the fradion, and Stow s fum is quite accurate. See note 9. J "irk. iii V A L U A T I 0 York, Grofmont r 12 2 8 Middlefburgh - f 21 3 8 Richmond 43 16 8 Selby5 729 12 io| Whitby 437 2 9 York, St. Maries * 1650 7 °i Trinity1 f 169 9 10 Anglesey. Glannach 40 17 9l Brecknock. Brecknock - 112 14 2 Caermarth. Cadweli 29 10 0 Caernarv. Bardfey “ - - 46 1 4i Cardigan. Cardigan 13 4 9 Glamorg. Gwenny * - 59 4 0 Pembr. St. Dogmael / - * 87 6 8 Pembroke 57 9 31 Pilla 52 2 5 The preceeding catalogue contains the valuations of H3abbies, priories and cells, of which 53 were rec¬ koned amongft the Greater Monafteries, and the fum total of their revenues was a - 57892 1 11 BENEDICTINE NUNS. Bcdf. Elftow - 284 12 Mergate * 1x4 16 2 ’ Bucks. Ankerwyke - 32 0 2 Merlow * 23 3 7 Meurefley - H 3 1 Cambr. Chateris * 97 3 4 Ikelington - 71 9 10J Swafham - 40 0 0 Chejh. Chefter 66 18 4 Cumber 7. Armethwait * 18 16 8 Seton - 12 12 Derb. King’s Mead 18 6 2 Devon. Pollelhoo a * 164 8 Hi Dorfet. Shaftfbury - 1166 8 9, Effex. , Berking - 862 12 5* Hedingham - 29 12 10 Hamp. Rumefey - 393 10 i°i Wherwell * 339 7 7 Winchefter * 179 7 2 1 Herts. Ceftrehunt b - 13 i° 0 Flamfted * 3° 19 6i Sopewell - 40 7 10 Huntingd. Hinchingbrooke - 17 1 4 Kent. Canterbury, St. Sepulchres 29 12 5i Mailing - 218 4 Shepey * 129 12 JO Leicejl. Langley ~ 29 7 4i Lincoln. Fofle - 7 3 6 Grimefby - 9 14 7 Humberlteyn - 32 1 3 Stanfeld * 98 8 1 Stanford - 65 19 9 Middl. Kilborn - 74 7 1 r Clerkenwell - 262 >9 0 Haliwell c * O O CO 19 5 r This houfe, Creffwell in Herefordlhire, and Abberbury in Shropfhire were originally of the order of Grandimont and cells to an abbey of that name in Normandy. Creffwell and Abberbury were litpprefied with the other alien priories. Grofmont continued till the general dllfolution, free from any fubjedtion to the foreign abbey, who had licence 18 Ric. 2. to fell the advowfon : from which time, I apprehend, it may be conlidered as of the Benedi&ine order, from which that of Grandimont varied little. See the preface. s 733/. 1 2s. 1 o d. i in a fecond valuation, as note b « 1 Pugdale. « The order of this boufe is not mentioned, I have placed it amongft the Benedictines, to which from its high antiquity I conjecture it to have belonged. In Lib. Reg. under Glocefter, to which this priory was a cell, there is another valuation of it, in which it is rated at 71/. 6 s. 8 d. ob. y Of that ftriCt and reformed fort of Benedictines, called the Order of Tiron, fee note f. * Hoxne is not included, for the reafon given above in note and perhaps Lemfter, Marlhe and Morfield fhould alfo have been omitted, fee the preceding notes on thofe houfes. » This nearly agrees with Dugdale : the mf. valor and Ste¬ vens make it ao/. lefs. NS OF THE St. Helens d - * 320 15 84 Stratford - - 108 1 Hi Monm. Ufk - 55 4 51 Norf. Blackborough - 42 6 7i Cairo - - 64 16 6 Thetford - - 40 11 Northampt. Katebi ° ■ - « 132 1 III Northumb, Halyftane * 11 5 6 Lambley - t 5 i5 8 NefTeham - - 20 17 7 Newcaftle - 36 0 10 Nottingh. Walingwels . - - 58 9 10 Oxf. Godeftow f - * 258 10 61 Stodely s - * 82 4 4i Somerfet. Bearwe - * 23 r4 Canyngton - 39 15 8 Stafford. Brewood - - 11 1 6 Suff. Bungay - 62 2 n Redlingfield - . - 67 0 ii Suff. Eafeborne - - - 29 16 7 Rufpur h - - 39 13 7 IVarw. Heanwood - ■ - 21 2 ol- Oldbury 1 t [6 0 ioj Pollefworth - - 87 16 ■? Wroxhall - - 72 15 6 Wilts. Keinton , - 25 9 1* Wilton k * 601 1 if York. Arden _ 12 0 6 Arthington _ * 7 11 7i Brunnum . _ •- 8 1 II Handale . / _ 13 19 0 Kelynge - - 35 15 5 Mareis - & 21 16 6| Maryke - % 48 18 2 Molefby - - 26 2 10 Monketon - 75 12 4i Rofedale 1 - _ 37 12 5 Thickhed _ 20 18 10 York, Clementhorp m. * 68 1 1 8 Thefe 73 Houfes, of which only Ti were Greater Monafteries, had revenues amounting in the whole to 7985 12 1 And the total number of Monafteries of the Bene- diftine order, valued 26 Hen. 8. is 186. viz. 64 Greater or who had poffeffions rated at 200/. per ann. or upwards, and 122 lefler, and the fum of their yearly revenues was 65877 i4 tk' 0 CLUNIAC MO N its. Devon. Barnftaple " -J 1 122 6 7 Effex. Prittlewell 155 II 2! Heref. Clifford - 57 ’ 7 4 Kent. Horton * 95 2 2 Monm. Malpas - 14 9 ir Norf. Bromholm . 100 5 Caftleacre - 306 ii j* 4l Thetford * 312 4 4 b So alfo Stevens, as note r. c This valuation differs greatly from Stow, Stevens, and the author’s mf. valor : fee the note on St. Bartholomew’s in the catalogue of Houfes of Auftin canons. d 314/. 2J. 6 d. Dugdale. ' So alfo Stevens, as note “. f 274/. 54. io4i. Dugdale. s Thus in Lib. Reg. under the deanry of Woodjlock, nearly agreeing with Dugdale : but under the deanry of CuddeJ'don the • priory of Studeley is rated at 123/. i6j. 5 d. clear, whereas the grofs value in Speed is only 10 it. 6s. yd. ob. QutEre whether thefe different fums in Lib. Reg. both relate to this houfe; or whether the latter may not rather belong to Studley in Warwicldliire, which approaches the neareft to it in value. h Not 39/. 144. yd. as in note d. ■ Cell to Pollefworth, and not feparately valued 26 Hen. S. k There is alfo in Lib. Reg. “ Diaconus in mon. de Wilton “ 4/- 144. 4 d. Epiftolarius ibid. il. 94. 4 d." See in this book. Wills xxxvii. 2. 1 The monafticon faith thefe nuns were of the Benediainc order, Gervafc of Cant, and mf. Bodl. calls them C'jlertians. 01 See note k. “ “ Et 2. lib. Cera:.’’ Liber Reg. Northampt. RELIGIOU Northampt. Northampton - 263 7 4 Nottingh. Lenton 0 * 387 10 1 Sbrop. Wenlock t * 401 7 °4 Sbmerfet. Montacute * 456 14 34 Staff. Dudley - 33 1 4 Suff. Waiigford - 3° 9 5 Surr. Bermondfey - 474 *4 4x Suff. Lewes * 920 4 64 Wilts: Farteigh - 153 >4 24 York. Monk Bretton - 239 3 6 Pontefract a * 327 *4 Si CLUNIAC NUNS. Northampt. De la Pre - - 119 9 74 Of this order we have the valuations of 20 monafte- ries, viz. 10 Greater and 10 Leller, whofe clear yearly revenues amounted together to 4972 9 2\ CARTHUSIAN MONKS. Lincoln. Eppworth . 237 15 2x Middl. London » 642 0 44 Nottingh. Beauvale - 196 6 0 Somerfet. Henton - 248 19 2 Witham - 215 2S 0 Surr. Shene - 777 12 °x Wanv. Coventre - 131 6 4 York. Kingfton >74 18 4 Mountgrace - 323 2 10i The total amount of the revenues of thefe 9 monaf- teries r (6 of which had upwards of 200/. per aim .) is - - - 2947 15 4i CISTERTIAN MONKS. Bedf. Wardon - 389 16 64 Woburn * 391 18 74 Bucks. Bittlefden . 125 4 34 Medmenham - . 20 6 2 Chejh. Combermere - 225 9 7 Vale Royal - 518 19 8 Cumberl. Caldre - * 50 9 3 Holm Cultram 5 * 477 19 34 Devon. Bockland •. * 241 i7 94 Buckfaftre - * 468 U 22. Dunkefwell - 294 18 b* Ford * 373 10 64 Newenham . 227 7 8 Dorfet. Bindon >47 7 94 Effex. Coggelhale - 251 2 6 Stratford * 5ii 16 34 Tiltey - 167 2 6 Glocejl. Flexeiey - 1 12 3 1 Hayles' - 357 7 84 Hamp. Beaulieu - 326 13 24 Nettely - loo 12 8 Quarrer - *34 3 11 Heref. Dore . JOI 5 2 Huntingd. Saltrey - 141 3 8 Kent. Boxley 1 . . - 204 4 it Lane. F urnes - 80s 16 5 Whalley - 321 9 i4 Leicejl. Gerondon - >59 19 102 Lincoln. Kirkfted _ 286 2 72 Louth Park «. - 147 H 6* Revefby - 287 2 44 Swinelhed * 167 15 34 0 329 1, ijj. zod. tb. Dugdale. p See fiote p. ** 32-7/. 14^. 8^. Dugdale. r There Was no nunnery of this order in England. 9 427/. 19^. 3d. ob. q. Dugdale. 1 “ And 24 quarters of barley.” Lib. Reg. M 5 77{- 6*/. mf. in Offic. Primit. quoted in note 9. * s,ee this catalogue the note on the Auftin priory of Lan- tony in Monmouthlhire. y This is alfo Dugdale’s valor, which our author rejected on S H 0 USES. V audey 124 5 Iili n-I Middl. St. Mary of Graces « * 547 0 64 Monm. Grace Dieu - >9 4 4 Llantarnam * t 71 3 2 Tintern - 192 1 4* Northampt. Pipewell - 286 11 84 Northumb. Newminfter * 100 8 1 1 Nottingh. RufFord - 176 11 6 Oxf. Brueriay r * >34 10 10 Rewle » - >74 3 o4 Tame * 256 •4 i / i Sbrop. BildeWas - 1 10 19 34 Somerfet. Clyve * * 155 9 54 Staff. Crokefden - 90 5 11 Dieulacres - 227 5 0 Hultori1 * 76 H 104 Suff Sibton - 250 15 74 Stirr . W averley - J 74 8 34 Suff. Roberts Bridge - 248 10 6 Warm. Combe * 31 1 10 1 Mereval . 254 1 8 Storlely - 151 0 34 Wilts: Kingfwood a t 244 11 2 Stanlegh - 177 0 8 Worcejl. Bordeiley * 388 9 i°4 York. Byland * 238 9 4 Fountains - 998 6 84 Ioreval - 234 18 5 Kirkftall b t 329 2 11 Melfa - 299 6 44 River - 278 10 2 Roche - 224 2 Sallay - 147 3 10 Caermarth. Alba Landa 1 >35 3 6 Cardigan. Strata Florida - - 1 18 7 3 Denbigh. Maynan • 162 15 0 De Valle Crucis . 188 8 0 Flintjh 1 Bafingwerk - 150 7 3 Glamorg. Margan - 181 7 4 Neth - 132 7 74 Merioneth. Kinner . SI 13 4 Montgam. Yftrat Marchel - 64 14 2 Radnor. Cumhyre - 24 19 4 The annual revenues of the 75 Ciftertian abbies above enumerated (of which 36 were reckoned amongft the Greater monafteries) amount together to 17441 14 ot CISTERTIAN NUNS. Dorfet. Tafent . 214 7 9 Hamp. Winteneye - 43 3 0 Lincoln. Cotham - 46 17 7 Gokwelle - 16 12 10 Greenfield - 63 4 1 Heyninges - 49 5 2 Lekeburn • 38 8 4 Stykefwold - 114 5 2! Norf. Marham c * 39 0 ii Northampt. Sewardeiley * 12 6 7 Shrop. Brewood - 17 10 8 Warui. Pinley * 23 6 1 1 Worcejl. Cokehill - 35 9 3 Whifton • 53 3 7 York. Nun Appleton t 73 9 10 Bafedale • 20 1 4 Elreton - 15 10 6 Efleholt 13 5 4 Hanepole - 63 5 8 Keldon - 29 6 1 the authorities of Speed, Stevens and his own mf. which all make the “fummainde” or grofs value to be only 124/. ioj. to d. and the two latter the “fumma clara” the fame. See note f. 1 76/. 141. 11 d. ob. Rec. in Offic. Primit. as note ' a Dugdale. b See in this catalogue the note on Drax amongft the houfes of Auftin Canons. c 33^- 134. }d. ob. q. Dugdale. O Kirkleghes liv V A L U A T I O N S O F THE Kirkleghes . - * 19 8 2 Wormeleye - 83 10 2 Sinningthwait - 60 9 2 Herts. Royfton “ 09 10 0 Swinhey -• 82 3 9* Wymondefley * 29 19 ni Wyckham - 25 17 6 Huntingd. Stonely h 46 0 51 Cardigan. Llanleir - 57 5 4 Huntingdon “ 187 13 8i Monteom. Llanlugan - 22 14 8 Kent. Bilfmgton 1 81 i 4 Of thefe 26 Ciftertian nunneries, there was only one Canterbury 121 15 I endowed with more than 200V. per ann. and the revenues Cumbwell 80 17 51 of them all was no more than 1 1249 18 . 5s Leedes - 362 7 7 And thd number of Ciftertian houfes included in the Lane. Burfcough k t 80 7- 6 foregoing: valuations is xoi. of which 27 were Greater Conilhcved - 97 0 2 Monafteries, and the fum of their yearly revenues Kertmel - 91 6 3 1 8691 12 6 Leicejl. Bradley - 20 3 4 Bredon «. 24 10 4 Ulvefcroft _ 83 10 61 AUSTIN CANONS. Kirkby * 142 10 31 Landa - 399 3 31 Bed/. Biftemede - 71 13 9s Leiceftei 951 14 Si Caldwell - 109 8 5 Ofulvefton “ 161 14 2; Dunftaple - * 344 *3 31 Lincoln. Bourn * 167 14 01 Newenham - 293 5 .11 Elleftiam 7°. 0 8 Berks. Buftleham d || 285 1 1 oh Hyrft - 5 10 1 Bucks. Millenden ‘ * 261 14 61 Kyme IOI 0 4 Nodfele - 437 6 81 Markeby - 130 13 Camb. Anglefey - 124 .19 0 Newfted by Stanford • 37 6 0 Barnwell - 256 11 I Os N odfon 1 - 43 3 8 Chejh , Norton - 180 7 61 Thorneton * 594 17 sl Cornw. Bodmin - 270 0 11 Thornholm m * 155 19 64 St. Germans f - 227 4 8 Torkefey - 13 1 4 Launcefton - 354 0 1 is Wellow . - - 95 6 1 Cumber 1. Carlifle - - • 418 3 41 Middl. St. Bartholomews " * 693 Q ioi Lanercoft _ 77 11 11 Elfing Spittle “ * i93 15 61 Deri. Darley * 258 14 5 Monm. Lantony p - 99 19 0! Greifley - 3i 6 0 Norf. Beefton - 43 2 41 Repingdon • 1 18 8 6 Buckenham * 108 10 0-1 **4 Devon. Frethelftoke . 127 2 4i Cokesford - 121 18 lot Hertland - 306 3 2s Flitcham - 55 5 6-1 Plympton - 912 12 81 Hempton * 32 15 8 EJJex. Berden - 29 6 41 Hickling - 100 18 7+ Chich • 677 1 2 Pentney - 170 4 9l Colchefter - 113 I2 8 Thetford - 39 6 8 Dunmowe - 150 3 4 Waburn - 24 19 61 Lighes - 114 I 4 Walfinghams II 39i 11 7i Thremhall - 60 18 7 s Weftacre 1 - 260 13 7i Waltham - 900 4 3 Wey bridge - 7 '3 4 Gloceji. Cirencefter - 1051 7 U Northampt. Canons Afhby * 109 0 -4i Glocefter - 90 10 21 Chacomb - 83 18 91 Lantony s * 648 19 III Caflie Hymel - 56 10 iri Hamp. Bromere - 154 14 It Northampton i75 8 21 Motisfont * 124 3 5* Northumb. Bamburgh - 116 12 5 Portchefter * 257 4 41 Brekenburne - 68 *9 1 Southampton * 80 11 7 Hexham - 122 1 1 1 T winham - 312 7 Ovingham ’ - 11 2 8 Here/. Flanesford . - 14 8 9 Nottingh. Felley - 40 19 1 Wigmore - 267 2 ioi Newftead - 167 16 iif d 185/. its . od. ob. in Lib. Reg. I have preferred Dug- dale’s valuation, becaufe it agrees beft with the grols fum, which was. 317/. 4 s. 6 d as Speed, and becaufe. this ho ufe has always been reckoned one of the Greater Monatkeries. e Stevens' fand the author’s mf. valor makes the “ fumma “ clara” only 161/. 14 s. 6 cl. q. but the “ fumma inde” being 285/. 15 s. 9 d. I make no doubt that the Liber Regis and "Dugdale are right, it not being probable, the rcprifes ihould either, in this or the preceding houfe, be fo high as almoft to equal the clear revenue. f So alfo the author's mf. valor, and Stevens, Dugdale has 243/. 8j. which is the grofs value in Speed and Stevens. g This nearly agrees with Dugdale’s valuation, Stevens and the author’s ml. valor have 248/. 19 s. n d. ob h There are in Lib. Reg. two valuations of this priory, viz. one in the deanery of Leightonftone (as above) agreeing with Dugdale, and another in the deanery of Huntingdon, where it is rated at 56/. os. 5^. ob. This is the.fecond inftance of the fame houfe occurring twice in the valuations of the fame county. It does not feem probable, that it ffiould have flood thus in the original return; quaere, whether it may not be inv putedto an over light of the compiler of the Liber Regis, if the valuations be taken immediately from thence, or of the learned editor, if he copied them from the original iurveys. • 69/. 8j. mf. in bibl. Reg. and perhaps more rightly than Lib. Reg. or Speed and Dugdale who have 81/. is. 6 d. for I CHinnot but doubt the accuracy of the many valuations in which the “fumma inde” and “fumma clara” are laid to be the fame. _ k Notwithftanding the valuation of this priory is omitted in Lib. Reg. yet it is (or was formerly) to be found in the records of the Firft Fruits Office, as our accurate author in notes b c. 1 So alfo Stevens, note s. m Speed and Stevens (for they vary only by the fraction) make this the grofs fum, and the latter and mf. valor 105/. 13 s. the clear value. n The valuations of the feveral houfes in London vary fo much from thofe in Dugdale and Stevens, that they appear to have been taken from different Turveys. 0 I doubt whether this fhould not rather have been placed amongftthe hofpitals ; but I have followed the index to the for¬ mer edition, in which it is reckoned a priory. P So Liber Reg. in Glocefterfhire, agreeing with Dugdale and Stevens : but in Monmouthfhire it is valued, as in Speed and Rec. in Offic. Primit. quoted in note a at 71/. 3*. 2 d. only; which latter fum is alfo in Speed the valuation of the Ciftertian abbey of Llantarnam, omitted in Lib. Reg. 9 This is Dugdale’s valuation, belides which the offerings at our Ladies’ fhrine were valued at 260/. 12 s. Ad. ob. which two fums together make 652/. 3*. 11 d. ob. q. the valuation in Liber Regis. r There was in Yorkfhire a Gilbertine priory of this name, to which Dugdale gives the fame valuation, and to which pro¬ bably it belonged rather than to this (mall cell, not likely to be valued feparately : and it is obfervable that Dugdale omits the valuation of this priory in Northumberland, as Speed and Lib. Reg. have that in Yorkfhue. Shelford R E Shelford » Thurgarton ' Wirkefop Oxf. Burcefter Dorchefter “ Ofeney Wrox ton Rut!, Brooke - Shrop, Chirbury Haghmon Lillefhull Wombridge Somerfet. Barlynch Bruton Byrkley Keynftiam Taunton W orfpring * Brijlol. Great St. Auguftines Staff. Roucefter De Sards Stafford Stone T rentham / Stiff. Bliburgh a B utley Herlyngflete Ipfwich Ixworth Letheringham W oodbridge Surr. Aldebury Merton Reygate Southwark Tanregge Suff Haftin gs Michelham Tordngton W olinchmere Warw. Erdbury Kenilworth a Maxftoke Studley - Warwick Wilts. Bradenftoke Bradley Ivychurch York. Bolton Burlington Drax h F erreby Gifeburn Haltemprice Helagh park Kirkham Marton Newburgh Noftell L I G I 0 c - 1 16 0 8f * 359 9 4f - 239 15 5 - >47 2 10 * 217 5 9i - 654 IO 2f * 78 >4 3f - 40 0 0 - 66 8 7i - 259 >3 7f - 229 3 if ** 65 7 4 - 98 14 8f - 439 6 8 * 6 5 2 * 419 10 4i - 286 8 10 * 87 2 uf * 670 13 nf * 100 2 iof - 90 2 iof * 141 13 2f - ”9 14 Uf * 106 3 9 * 22 14 3 ~ 318 17 2f - 49 11 7 - 88 6 9 - 168 19 7f - 26 18 5 - 5° 3 5^ -* 258 11 uf - 957 5f - 68 16 8 - 624 6 6 * 78 16 ici •* 5i 9 5f - 160 12 6 * 75 12 6f S HOUSES. w * * Tockwith Warter Widkirkc Caermarth, Caermarthen Caernarv. Bethkelert Pembr. Haverford - ..J Of thefe 158 d Houfes of Auftin Canons, there were 49 whofe annual revenues exceeded 200/. and the amount of the whole is - 31422 17 3 8 r43 47 164 70 113 11 AUSTIN NUNS. 94 6 538 19 87 117 4i 12 10 212 19 3 180 10 I Of 122 18 212 2 547 6 104 14 60 1 628 3 100 o 72 10 269 >5i 5 367 >3 492 18 6 4 uf 9 2 4 3f 7 9 4 3 2 s So alfo in note * from mf. in Offic. Primit. * 259/. 9a. 4 d.ob. q. Dugdale and Stevens, “ fumma inde ” 3.59 I. iSs. 10 4. Speed and Stevens. Either Dugdale and Ste- vens or the editor of Liber Regis have probably miftaken the firft figure : it the former be right, the reprifes mult have been remarkably large ; if the latter be eorreft, they muft have been as remarkably Imall. j* Su/T15a ’nc*e J%s' oci‘ ?• fumma dara 190/. zs. 6 d‘ q‘ c^eVin-? and valor- If we may depend on the nafterie J °f the Llber ReS1S> thi' was one of the Greater mo- * See note T. y 6i Et quatuor fagittas barbatas.” Lib. Reg. z 48/. iod. Dugdale and Stevens. a So alio Stevens, as note n. 11,” “f ,fib> Reff- bl,t asit feems by miftake: for -ae lumma mde was only ui /. 18a. 3J. 0b. and the lumniii clara 104/. 14s- git. as Dugdale and Stevens: and in Lib?RegI'<' thevaIuatkm of KirkM, which is omitted : Dugdale has X7 A or. 4 d. for the clear value, but it is pro- baole an crior otthe prels : iee note b. * A nfKn r''S Iifl are c?mprebended not only the houfes of the it aC i oPf0ptr y lo called, but allb thofe belonging to the particular forts enumerated m the preface to this work/ex- Bedf Bucks. Devon. Heref. Kent. Leiceji, Norf. Harwolde Burnham Cornworthy Legh Acornbury Lym broke Dertford Grace Dieu Crabhoufe Northampt. Rothwell Oxf. " ■ Somerfet. Suff Wilts. Goring Buckland Campfey Flixton Lacock 40 18 51 2 63 2 >97 3 67 13 22 1 7 380 9 92 3 24 19 5 >9 60 5 223 7 182 q 23 168 2 4+ 10 1 2f 8 of 9i 6 8f 5 4i 5 if o In all 15. (of which 2. only were Greater Monafte- ries) and the fum of their annual revenues 1604 4 8 The whole number of Houfes of Religious of both Sexes belonging to the Order of St. Auftin was 173. namely 51 Greater and 122 Letter monafteries, en¬ dowed with poffeffions valued at the clear yearly fum of - - - - 33027 1 11 PREMONSTRATENSIAN CANONS. 72 15 I0f 1 4 3i 5i 2 Bucks. Deri. Devon. Effex. Hamp. Kent. Lane. Leiceji. Lincoln. Norf Northampt. Northumb. Lavinden Beauchief Le Dale Torr Bileigh Tychfeild Bradfole Langdon f Cokerfand Croxton Barlings s Hagneby Neubo Neus Tupholm Weft Dereham Langley Wendling Sulbyh Alnewick Blanca Landa * _ / * « 79 126 144 396 >57 249 98 56 >57 385 252 87 71 99 100 228 104 55 285 189 40 >3 8 3 3 12 o o ir 16 uf 16 3 9 2f 6 9 14 of o IOf 5 nf 11 4 8 6f 2 iof 14 10 o of 16 5f 18 4f 8 5 15 o o 9 cept the Premonftratenfians and Gilbertines, who being both more numerous and more particularly diftinguilhed by their ha- brts, rules, &c. are clafled by themfelves. . R ’3 480/. or. o d. oh. in Lib. Reg. but as I apprehend it ni an error of the prefs, the grofs fum being only 408/. as the mL™ °rra-ad. Sievensr- 1 have Placed this priory here as the nuns are faid to have fometime followed the rule of St. Auftin and the learned editor of the former edition faith in his preface’ there were no Dominican nuns in England. But quxre whether the in ftyK of thls nunnery might not arife from ty °f. tbe ‘w? orders, (St. Dominic's rule being chieflv taken from that of St. Auguftm) : and the nuns continue in’- E"ab'y h?m thei[ firft foundation to their diffohition, to fol- thF.f rule, though fometimes diftinguilhed by the name of the General Order to which they belonged 'St. Auftii si fometimes by the name of that branch of it (St. Domin icsV whofe particular rule they followed. See notes \ b. c ™ } but rnMn^l"1 3L“rurama >nde et fumma clara”^/. 6a. gd. 47/ 6a ni’ a;u E- manC\ the clear Yeariy value only 4jl.bs. sod. and quxre whether not rightly, for there were temie?>lfe8 ^ h3d "0t f°me rePrifes from their annual re- S' Stevens and the author’s mf. valor. The “ fumma mde ” was 307 /. 16a. bd. 238/. 8a. $d. Dugdale and Stevens. Nottingh. lvi VALUATIONS OF THE Nottingh. Shrop. Suf. Suf JVtJhnorl. York. Caermarth. Wellbeck Hales Leyftonc Dureford Hepp Corham Eglefton Richmond Tallagh 44-9 6 280 13 181 17 98 4 154 i? 160 18 36 8 HI iy 136 9 U H 5 7i 3 3 11 7 The fum total of the annual revenues of thefe 30 ab- bies of Premonftratenfian Canons, of which 8 were Greater monafteries, is - 4777 9 2 mits. Worcejl. Cambr. Middl. Suf. Ambrofebury Welhvood Total 495 75 825 15 2 18 11 8 6i MINORISSES. Denny - * *74 0 & London - ” 3*8 8 5 Brufyard - - 56 2 1 Total - - 548 10 0 PREMONSTRATENSIAN NUNSi Lincoln. Irford - - 1 3 1 9 9 Nottingh. Brodholm - - ib 5 2 In all - - 30 4 11 Total number of HoUfes of the Premonftratenfian order 32. viz. 8 Greater and 24 Lefter monafteries, having annual revenues to the amount of 4807 14 1 G I L B E R TINES' Bed/. Chickfand 212 3 5i Cambtr. Cambridge - * 14 18 H Fordham k - II 4° J3 4 Mirmaud - - 10 7 7 Herts. Hitchin - - 13 16 0 Lincoln. Alvingham - - 128 14 2 Bullington - - 158 7 11 Catteley - ’ - 33 18 6 Haverholm - - 70 IS iof Holland Brigge - 5 1 Lincoln - - 202 5 °s Newftede on AnColm - 38 13 5 Ormefby - - 80 1 1 10 Sempringham - 3i7 i4 1 Sixhill - - i35 0 9 Nor/ Shouldham - * 138 1 6 Nottingh. Matterfey - 55 2 5 Oxfordt Clattercote - - 34 19 11 Wilts. Marleburgh * - 3° 9 6 Pulton 1 - + 20 3 2 York. Ellerton - 62 8 10 Mai ton - * 197 10 O Oveton ra - t 1 1 2 8 W atton * 360 18 10 York " - t 47 14 3i Thefe 2C Houfes (of which 4 1 on! [y were greater monafteries) had revenues amounting to the clear yearly fum of “ • 2421 13 9 FONTEVR AULD NUNS. Warw. Nun Eaton - A 253 14 5* briggittines. Middl. Syon - * 173* 8 9I bonhommes. Bucks. EfTerug - - 4^ 4 Wilts. Edindon - - 442 9 7? Total - 859 5 n-£ KNIGHTS HOSPITALARS. London - 2385 19 ni Bed/ Melchburn 0 t 241 9 10I Cambr. Chippenham r t [33 6 8] Shengay q - 175 4 6 Chejh. Barow ? Dcrb. Yevele ) 93 3 4* Cornw. Trebigh I •f 81 8 c Wilts. Anfty j 1 J Glocejl. Quenington “ 137 7 ii Hamp. Badeifley * 1 18 16 7 Kent. Peccham - 63 6 8 Swingfield - 87 3 3‘ Leicejl. Dalby ' -1 Hether ' > • 231 7 10 Rotheley * Lincoln . T. Bruer - 184 6 8 Egle - 124 2 0 Wileketone - 174 11 ii Norf. Carbroke 3 * 76 5 3* Northampt . Dingley ‘ t 108 13 51 Shrop. Halfton * 160 14 0 Somerfet. Combe * 107 16 Hi Suf. Batisford “ H 53 10 0 . York. Beverley * + 164 10 0 Mount St. John * 102 *3 10 Newland - 129 14 JIi Ribftane - 207 9 7 Pembr. Slebach - 184 10 ni Total of the yearly revenues of the Knights Hofpi- talars r - . - 5394 6 5* ■ Moft of the Houfes of this order confifted of Religious of both ftxes. _ , , „ , it I have inferted Dugdale’s valuation, becaufe I fufpeit there is an error of the prel's in Lib. Reg. where it is rated at sol. 13a. 4 d. only. The grois value was 46/. 3a. 8 d. 1 From mf. Bened. as note !. There is no valuation of this priory in Lib. Reg. nor in Dugdale, Speed, or Stevens ; quxre, therefore whether it might not before the diffolution be annexed to fome other houfe of this order. n See above the note on the Aujlin priory of Ovingham. n There is no valuation of this priory in Lib. Reg. but in the deanry of Herthill there is “ Sempringham office of St. Gilbert “ 64 /. 13J. 4 d.” but what it belongs to I am unable to ex- plain. . . o Omitted in Lib. Reg. the above valuation is inferted from the following work, and is one of the few inftances in which the learned author has not quoted his authority, p Included in the valuation of Carbroke. q This agrees with Speed. Dugdale has only 171/. 4 s. 6d. X r r So alfo Dugdale ; but the feparate valuations of thefe preceptories, as given in the following work from a mf. valor, are Dalby 91/. is. Sal. Hether 39/. is. sd. Rothely 87/. 13 s. amounting in all but to 21 7/. 17J. $d. « This appears to be a different valuation from any cited in the following work. 1 Mff. Petri Le Neve arm. u Dugdale and Speed. 33/. ioj. Weaver, but 9/. ioj. sd. only in Lib. Reg. As I have met with no other inftance of a preceptory fo fcantily endowed, I have preferred Dugdale’s va¬ luation. x Dugdale* y Our valuations of the poffeffions of this order appear very imperfe<5t ; the learned editor of the former edition fays we have the valuations of twenty eight of their houfes in the country, but I can find only 27. and of thefe j. are omitted in Lib. Reg. ^Uctre whether the poffeffions of the reft of their preceptories, about 20 in number are included in the valuation of their head houfe in London, and of the preceptories above enumerated. I am inclined to think that they are not, and that their annual rental mull have been confiderably greater than is here ftated. E RIERS. F R I E R I E S x Bedf. Bedford, G. F 3. t 3 *3 2 Dunftaple, B. F. t 4 r8 8 Berks. Donington, Trin. F, - J9 3 10 Bucks. Aylefbury, G. F. - 3 2 5 Derb. Brifol », A. F. * 10 *7 xo Effex. Chelmesford, B. F. - 9 6 5 Colchefter, Cr. F. - 7 7 8 Maldon, W. F. - 1 6 8 Herts. Hitchin, W. F. - 4 9 4 Kings Langley, B. F. - 122 4 0 Kent. Muttinden', Trin. F. t 3° 13 Ox Middl. Hounflow, Trin. F. - 74 8 °s London, A. F. - 57 0 5 B. F. * 104 >5 0 G. F d. t 32 J9 10 W. F. - 62 7 3 Cr. F. * 52 >3 0 Norf. Burnham, W. F. - 1 10 8i Ingham, Trin. F. - 61 9 7i Lynn, A. F. t 1 4 6 BF. t 0 18 0 W. F. t 1 15 8 WaJfingham, G. F. t 3 O 0 Narthampt. Northampton, G. F c. t 6 13 4 B. F f. t 5 7 10 W.F. - 10 10 0 Wanu. Atherfton, A. F. - 1 10 2 Coventre, W.F. * 7 13 4 Thelesford, Trin. F. * 23 9 10 Warwick, B. F. - 4 18 6 Wilts. Efton, Trin. F. * 42 12 8 York. Knarefburgh - 35 10 11 Total of the revenues of the Frieries of which we have the valuations - - 809 1 1 8i N°ofHoufes. Annual Revenues. 186 BenediAines - 65877 14 O 20 Cluniacs - 4972 9 2i 9 Carthufians - 2947 15 4i JOI Ciftertians - 18691 12 6 173 Auftins - 33027 1 II 32 Premonftratenfians - 4807 14 I 25 Gilbertines - 2421 13 9 3 Fontevraud Nuns 825 8 61- 3 Minorifies - 548 10 6 1 Brigittines - i73i 8 9! 2 Bonhommes - 859 5 555 136710 14 _ 3 / + Knights Holpitalars - 5394 6 Si Frieries 809 11 8i Total 2 h I42914 12 9i RELIGIOUS HOUSES dissolved by CARDINAL WOLSEY'. Berks . Poughely, Aujl. Can. Wallingford, Ben. M. * 71 10 7 Bucks • Bradewell, Ben. M. - 53 1 r 2 Ravenfton, Aujl. Can, - 66 *3 4 Tykeford, Clun. Pr. - 126 17 O Effex. Biackmore, Aujl. Can. - 85 9 7 Horkefley, Clun. Pr. - 27 7 1 1 Stanefgate, Clun. Pr. - 43 8 6 Thoby, Aujl. Can. - 75 6 io£ Tiptree, Aujl. Can. - 22 16 4 Herts. Wikes, Ben. Nun. De la Pre, Ben. Nun. 92 12 3 Kent. Tunbridge, Can. * 169 10 3 Norf. Weftwood, Aujl. Can. Bromehill, Aujl. Can. Mountjoy, Aujl. Can. 186 9 0 Northampt. Daventre, Clun. Pr. - 236 7 6 Oxf Littlemore, Ben. Nun. - 33 6 8 Oxford, Aufl. Can. - 284 8 9 Stafford. Canwell, Ben. Ms Fairweld, Ben. Nun. * 25 10 3 Sandwell, Ben. M. - 38 8 7. Suff. Dodnalh, Aujl. Can. Ipfwich, Aujl. Can. Romburc, Ben. M. 42 18 84 Snape, Ben. M. Walton, Ben. M. - 99 1 ni Suff. Beigham, Prem. Carl. • - 152 9 4i Pynham, Aufl. Can. - 43 0 10 So that there were fupprefled by the Cardinal i :'>l houfes of the BenediAine order, 4 of the Cluniac, 13 of Auftin, and 1 of Premonftratenfian Canons, in all 29. We have the valuations only of 21, whofe annual reve¬ nues amounted to 1877 6 5 BISHOPRICKS1. Canterbury Bath and Wells Chichefter Coventry and Litchfield Ely1 Exeter Hereford Lincoln London Norwich Rochefter - ‘Salifbury Winchefter”1 t 3233 18 8 t 1843 19 4 t 677 x 3 t 703 5 2 t 2134 18 6i + 1566 14 6 t 768 io 7 t 1962 17 4t t 1119 8 1 t 978 19 4 t 41 1 on f 1367 ix 6 t 3885 3 3* *• Tlie Mendicant orders, as their name imports, fubfifted on charitable contributions and had in general no permanent re venues ; hence very few of their houfes are included in the fur- vey made 26 Hen. 8. The reader will find in the above cata¬ logue all the valuations of Frieries, that occur in Lib. Reg. or in the following work : and after the name of each place, are added the initials of the order to which it belonged. a Dugdale : from whom are taken all the valuations of Frieries omitted in Lib. Reg. except where other authority is quoted for them. b This is faid in the Index to the laft edition to have been a houfe of Auftin Canons , but it certainly originally conftfted of Auftin Friers , and the term “ confratrem ” ufed by the vifttors temp . Hen . 8. feems more applicable to the latter than the for¬ mer : our author’s expreflion that “ it continued till the diffo- “ lution a priory of the Auftin order ” is ambiguous. * The valuation of this priory being omitted in Lib. Reg. it is impoflible to decide whether Speed or Dugdale has been moft accurate ; one of them certainly miftook the firft figure, Speed’s valor being 60/. 133. ob. and Dugdale’s 30/. 13 s, ob. d e f It is not faid whence this valuation was taken, s I hope this eftimate of the annual revenues of the Regulars at the time of the difiblution will be found as accurate, as the materials from whence it was made will admit. — The reader, who choofes to fubmit to the labor, has it in his power to detect any error I may have inadvertently fallen into. — He will fee at the end of the preceding catalogue of Greater Monafteries a fimilar computation by the worthy editor of the former edition : in which the number of honfes exceeds mine by 5. which I at¬ tribute to my having ranked amongft the hofpitals fome houfes which from their being under the direction of Regulars, he confidered as monafteries. — Notwithftanding my catalogue contains fewer houfes, yet I make the total of their annual revenues greater than he has done: — the numerous variations in the valuations will account for this difference. h Bifhop Burnet has fuppofed this not to have been more than the tenth part of the real value : — a very improbable fuppofition, the king was defpotic, — the minifter vigilant, — the regular clergy no longer popular, — the commiftioners who furveyed theireftat.es, chiefly laymen; — the returns they made, approached in my opinion much nearer their real annual worth. If they were favored, and fome degree of favor will always be fliewn on thefe occafions, it was done with more caution : and I ihould conjecture that upon an average they were rated at not lefs than two thirds of their real income. I ground this conjecture on the fubfequent furveys that were made of the poffefftons of fome of thefe houfes, after they were come into the king’s hands, which in no inftance exceed the former in a higher proportion. See Preface to this Edi¬ tion. 1 See preface, p. xxii. k Having gone through all the Regular orders, I thought it would be acceptable to the reader, if I added the valuations of the Bifhopricks, Cathedral churches, Colleges and Hofpitals; none of the old valuations of the Bifhopricks are inferted in the printed edition of Lib. Reg. 1 This is the prefent valuation, the old one is faid to be loft. m There is no valuation of this bifhoprick in the Notitia, the a- bove is taken from the Englifh Abridgement of the Monaftic. p. 12. p Worccftei: Iviii VALUATIONS OF THE Bed/. Berks. Bucks. Camb. Worcefter St. Davids St. Afaphs Bangor LlandafFe York Carlifle Durham C O L L E Biglefwade ° Eaton P North well Shottefbrooke Wallingford Windfor s Eaton r Catharine-hall Chrift coll. Clare- hall Corpus Chrifti coll. Gonvile coll. Jefus coll. St. John’s coll. King’s hall King’s coll '. Michael-houfe Pembroke-hall St. Peter’s coll. Queen’s coll. Trinity-hall Chejh. Bunbury Chefter, St. John' Cornw. St. Burien u St. Karentoc Penryn Cumberl. Grayftoke * Kirk Ofwald Derb. Derby Devon. Chulmeleigh * Crediton Exeter, dean and chapter vicars choral Ottery Slapton z Dor Jet. W ilchefwood 1 Wimburn b Durham. Bilhops Aukland Derlington Langceftre Norton Staindrop - t 1049 17 3 Ejpx. Halfted - * 23 16 5 t 426 2 1 Plecy !39 3 10 t 187 1 1 6 Glocejl. Weltbury 232 14 oi - t 131 l6 4 Hamp. Winchefter, St. Eliz. * 1 12 17 4t t 154 14 2 Wykehams - 628 13 6 - t 2035 3 7 Heref. Hereford, dean and chapt. * 426 17 2j t 531 4 11 Kent. Cobham - * 128 2 I t 2821 1 5 Maidftone i59 7 10 G E S, t See \ 7 0 0 Lane. Leicejl. Wengham c - * Wye - ■* Manchefter Leicefter, St. Mary Newark 203 125 213 23 595 3 1 15 4i 1011 12 11 7 4 7 61 33 146 1396 996 39 190 84 83 99 87 507 211 851 IS 5 18 8 7 o! 7 if 12 oj 2 7i 10 iot 12 10 16 8 6 of 18 .3 12 ii£ 12 7 8x Noufely Lincoln. Lincoln, dean & chapter * Tatefhale - * Aliddl. London, St. Paul’s d f Guildhall c Poultney f Whitingdons - + WeftminfterSt.StephensS * Norf. Attilburgh. Heringby Newbridge h Norwich Chapel-field1 Rulhworth Thetford k Thomefton - 124 15 6 Northampt. Fodringhey * 153 *7 9 Higham Ferrers . 125 7 °4 Irtelingburgh - * 230 15 3 Northampton t 72 0 10 Nottingh. Bingham r t 48 2 8 Clifton - t 27 7 4 Rodyngton 1 t t 48 12 1 Sibthorp1" - - 89 15 8 Southwell " * - 205 10 6 Oxf. Banbury # t 40 7 8 Oxf, Chrift Church ° t * 27 8 0 All S.ouls t - 38 14 0 Ballol _ t t 4 8 4 Brafen-nofe t * 140 J3 5 Corpus Chrifti t * 1179 12 11 Exeter. t * 205 0 0 Lincoln t 3°3 i 9 Magdajen + - 63 6 2 Merton t ' t 12 16 4 New Coll. t 1 r3i 14 0 Oriel t - 100 7 2 Queen’s t - 36 8 4 Univerlity t t 49 3 4 Rutl. Manton r t - 34 13 4 Okeham s “ 126 5 10 Shrop. Battaylfield. 6 57S 348 725 13 7 S 7 4 2i 10? IOi 13 16 8 79 17 10 20 x 8 458 4 IOi 21 l6 4 23 6 Q 376 86 1 6 ol 85 15 oh 59 7 52 10 7I 419 11 1 of 4156 2 7j 64 12 10J *9 11 2 o 25 18 39 5 48 6; 455 13 10 ■392 ,2 3 1 4 20 3° 4 o 6 o 8 10. oi- 3< 74 113 382 » 8l IOI 1076 5 .354 2 .487 7 182 8 202 2 78 14 22 18 12 54 4 9 2 8 9 9 o 8 10 2 6 8 6 10 7 6 12 11 1 10 n The valuations of the collegiate churches convey very little information : — the members were taxed feparately ; and what we have publifhed by Dugdale, Speed, and the Editor of the Lib. Reg. is in fome cafes, the valuation of the common re¬ venues, in others of the deanry or provofWhip. 0 Speed. p Dugdale. q The valuation in note e nearly agrees with this. r 886/. in the following work, but no authority is quoted. » 751/. 8j. id. Ibid. t This was their common revenues, fee note 7. » When any of thefe colleges are faid to be omitted in Lib. Reg. I would be underftood to mean that they are not men¬ tioned with the other religious foundations : — the endowments of many of them confifted in impropriated churches, — or fome- times in diftimft portions in the fame church : — in which cafes the valuations of fuch churches may perhaps fometimes be found amongfl the parilhes, efpecially where the foundation ftill fubfifts and the churches remain in charge. * Mf. Sancroft. y See above note u. * No valuation of this college in the following work. , a Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire. b For this valuation our accurate author quotes Rot. in Offic. Primit. In Mr. Bacon it is 763/. ioj. 3d q ■ which is fo dif¬ ferent from the above, and fo much exceeds the ufual propor¬ tion of fuch endowments (this college had only a dean and four prebendaries) that I fufpe4 4 St. Maries * f !3 r 8 Tonge 22 8 1 Somerfet. Wells, dean and chapter - 729 3 4 Mountery coll. II 18 8 Vicars coll. 1 f 72 10 9i Briflol. Calendaries - 10 18 8 Staff. Gnoufhall 11 + 47 6 8 Litchfield, dean & chapter f 275 23 2 vicars + 173 18 1 chorifters + 25 12 61 Penkridge * + xo6 15 0 Stafford * 35 13 10 Tamworth 2 - + 61 H 4 Tetenhall 1 - t 23 0 5 Wolverhampton b t 66 0 0 Stiff. Denftoti 22 8 7 Metingham 202 7 5* Stoke - * 324 4 H Sudbury 122 18 3 Wingfield 69 14 5 Surr. Lingfield 75 0 0 SuJ. Arundell c - t 168 0 7i Chichefter, dean and ch. - 310 14 6i vicars f 31 12 6 Haftings d - It 61 13 s' Mailing e - || 104 17 Hi IVarw . Aftley 39 10 6 Bablake in Coventre f 45 6 8 Knoll 18 5 6 Stratford 123 11 9 Warwick 247 13 °i Wilts. Heightredfbury s f 38 7 6 Saliibury, dean & chapt. h * 601 12 1 St. Edmunds 94 5 0 Vaux coll. 78 1 84 Vicars coll. 236 11 8 Chorifters 35 17 84 York. Aulcafter 27 13 4 Beverley 1 - f 597 18 9' Hemingburgh f 84 .11 0 Howden k - -J- 63 18 4 Layfingby 1 - f 9 6 8 Pontefradt, Knolles * 182 14 7 Rippon m - f 445 15 9 Roderham - * 58 12 0 . Sutton - * 13 18 9 \ ork, dean and chapter " f 747 *3 1 r This is the fum of the valuations of the deanry and two prebends, fee note * Dugdale. T Sancroft’s mf. valor. u Sum of the valuations of the four prebends ex rec. in Offic. Priniit. x Sancroft’s mf valor. y This was the valuation of the deanry, the prebends were eftimated together at 38/. * From the particular valuations of the deanry, prebends and common revenue in this book. a Viz. Deanry 1 /. 13 s. 9 d. four prebendaries ai /. 6s. 8 d. b Sum of the valuations of the deanry and prebends as given in this book from Sancroft’s mf. valor, that of their common revenue is wanting : but the whole poffeflions of this college, when regranted 1 Maria:, were valued at 113/. 13 s. o d. q. c Rec. in Offic. Primit. d Sum of the valuations of the deanry and prebends : in Lib. Reg. there is only the valuation of the deanry, rated at 20/. and leafed to the earl of Wilts. c Sum of the valuations, &c. The Liber Regis has only the deanry rated at * 45/. 12 s. sd. ob. q. f I fliould conjecture this to be, as ufual, the valuation either of the mafterfhip or common revenue, for 37 Hen. 8. the pof- feffions of this college were eftimated at m l. 13 s. 8d . 8 Sum of the valuations of the prebends. b “ Keepers of the Fabrick” 76/. 16 s. 10 d. ob. Lib. Reg. 1 From the particulars given in this book, where (it may be obferved) there is no valuation of their common revenues, which probably were not inconliderable. k Sum of the clear values of the prebends. 1 Stevens. m Sum of the particulars given in this book ; but I fufpeCt there is an error in the valuation of Anwyke prebend faid to be rated at ml. quaere whether it fliould not be 22/. " Dean and refidentiaries. i • - ■' ' S HOUSES. lit vicars choral 0 t 136 5 5 St. Sepulchres - 138 J9 2 St. Williams t t 22 12 8 Knglefey. Holy-Head t 24 0 0 Caermarth. Abergwily - 42 0 0 Cardigan. Llandewi-brevi - 38 1 1 0 Glamorg. Llandaff, chapter t 87 12 11 Pembr. St. Davids, chapter t 193 J4 10 coll - 106 3 6 H O S P I T A L sf. Bedf. Bedford, St. Johns t 21 0 8 St. Leonards t l6 6 8i Berks. Wallingford - 6 0 0 Bucks. Newport 6 6 8 Wycomb - t 7 15 3 Camb. Ely - 25 5 ,1 Cbejh. Chefter, St. John * 13 7 II Cornua. Helfton - 12 16 4 Derb. Spittle on the Street - 2 0 0 Devon. Exeter, St. Johns - 102 12 9 Dorfet. Athelington t 7 8 4 Bridport pr ’. t 6 0 0 , bofp. - 8 6 1 Lyme ' - t 1 18 11 - Winburn ' t 1 9 8 Durham. Bernard’s Caftle * 5 9 4* Gatefhead - 6 2 4 Gretham - 97 6 3i Kypier - 167 2 11 Shirburn - 135 7 0 EJfex. Berking or Ilford t 16 r3 4 Colchefter - 11 0 0 Newport * 23 10 8* Glocejl. St. Bartholomew * 25 8 8 Stow “ * 6 13 4 Hamp. Portfmouth - 33 19 si Winchefter, St. Crofs - 84 4 2 Heref. St. Mary M. Ledbury 16 22 16 5 2£ 0 Herts. Clothale t 4 2 8 Rowheiny t 13 10 9 Huntingd. Royfton * 5 6 io* Huntingdon, St. Johns _ 6 7 8 Kent. Canterb. Eaftbridge - 23 18 9! St. Johns - 91 16 84 St. Lawrence ■ i. 31 7 10 St. Margarets * 10 13 ° The ifeXt yeah at 192/. 9/. 3d. and 37 Hen. 8. at 25//. 7 *. 8 which fo much exceeds the firft valuation, that I con¬ jecture the ftated- ftipends were deluded in the firft lurvey and included in the laft. P 27 Hen. 8. s The imperfeCt Rate of thefe valuations will, I hope, be a fufficient reafon for not giving the furri total : (which falls foihe- what fhort of 30,000/. per annum:) but when we confider that of the cathedral chufches and of many of the reft we have only the eftimate of the common revenues, and that of the numerous chantries then fublifting we have no eftimate at all, we may conclude that the fecular clergy, though inferior to the Regulars in opulence, poffefied at the reformation a very confiderable income. r The valuations of the hofpitals are as imperfeCt as thofe of the colleger : being frequently only the eftimate of their com¬ mon revenues after the ftipends of the matter, &c.. were de¬ ducted. It may alfo be obferved, that many of thefe hofpitals had a free chapel annexed, and it is probable that at their firft inftitution, the oblations in thefe chapels were applied to the fupport of the charity. s I have placed this houfc here, as its order is not afeertained by Mr. Hutchins, the only author who has mentioned it : on his authority it has been inferted in this edition, though it might perhaps be only a free chapel. Its different fituation and different valor prevent me from fuppofing it the fame as the hofpital. 1 1 Mr. Hutchins from the Chantry Roll. u This differs fo much from the other valuations, that it can no other wife be reconciled with them than by fuppofing that the fum in Dugdale (25 /. 14 s. 8 d.) is the amount of the whole revenues, and the valor in Lib. Reg. that of the ftirplus cr common revenue after the ftipends of the chaplain and paupers were deducted. x A. D. 156a. Dover, lx V A L U A T Dover, Godlhoufe * J59 18 6j Herbaldoun - * log 6 2 Sandwich, St. Bart. f 2 0 0 Strode 52 19 IOi Tanington - * 32 2 ii Lcicejl. Burton Lazars 265 10 2i Donington 3 13 4 Leicefter, St. Urfula 8 0 0 Lutterworth 26 9 5 Lincoln. Bofton y 24 0 0 Stanford 18 16 °T Middl. London, St. Anth1. + 55 6 8 St. Bartholomews * 3°5 6 5 St. Katharines 3>5 *4 2 St. Mary Spittle * 504 12 ni Savoy - * 529 »5 7i St. Thomas of Aeon b 277 3 6 Norf. Lynne, St. Johns 7 6 11 Norwich, St. Giles 90 12 0 Hildebronds 0 >4 2 Magdalen 0 f 10 0 0 Thetford, Magd. I *3 6i Yarmouth1 4 13 4 Northampt. St. Dewes - * 24 6 0 Northampton, St.Johns0 57 >9 6i St. Leon. 10 0 0 Northumb. Ellelhaugh 0 23 4 Newcaftle, St. Cath. 8 0 1 St. Mary 26 >3 4 St. Mary M. * 9 n 5i Nottingb. Blyth - * 8 >4 2 Nottingh. St. Johns 4 23 4 Plumtres * ir 1 oi Oxf. Banbury f - 15 1 10 Burford 23 6 6 Ewelme 20 0 0 Shrop. Bridgenorth 4 0 0 Ludlow 23 3 3 Shrewfbury, St. Johns 8 f 4 10 4 Somerfet. Bath, St. Johns 22 16 9» Bridgewater, St. Johns 120 19 ii Wells, St. Johns 40 0 H Bri/lol. St. Mary Magd h. 21 11 3 St. Catharines - 21 15 8 Gaunts 112 9 9 St. Johns - * 52 10 4i Staff". Lichfield, St. Johns 8 25 0 y There is no valuation of this hofpital in the following work. 2 So valued 3 j Hen. 8. but quaere whether its revenues are not included in the valuation of Windfor college, to whom the patronage of this hofpital belonged. a So alfo in note k, Dugdale has only 478/. is. id. *> So alfo note <1. * id Hen. 8. a The valuation of this hofpital is not given in this book. « This agrees with Sancroft's mf. valor (note ») where the clear revenues of this houfe are rated at 8 it. is. id. q. out of which was appropriated 24 I. is. id. and the remainder is the fum in Lib. Reg. < It occurs a fecond time in Lib. Reg. and is there valued at 53/. is. lod. ob. e Mf. in Offic. Primit. b Dugdale afligns this valuation to the Nunnery dedicated to the fame faint, which was fo reduced temp. Hen. 6. as to con- lift only of three nuns : but in Lib. Reg. it is given as the va- E R R Benedi&ine Monks, Hereford for Lemfter - IONS, See. Stafford. St. Leon *. t 4 12 4 Tam worth - 3 6 8 Suff. Bury, St. Nic. t 6 19 1 1 St. Peters t 10 18 Hi¬ Surr. Southwark, St. Tho k. * 266 >7 ll SuJ. Arundel * 23 0 Hi Bramher - 1 0 0 Chichefter, St. James - 4 3 9 St. Maries 1 t 35 6 3 Shoreham - 1 6 S IVarw. Bermingham t 8 5 3 Coventrc, St. Johns * 83 3 2 Warwick, St. Johns m - 19 3 9 St. Michaels - 10 1 8 TV ffmorl. Kirkby * 6 4 4i TV, Its. Cain - 2 2 8 Cricklade * t 4 IO 7i Heightredlbury - 38 4 7 f Marleburgh, St. Johns - 6 18 4 Salifbury " - 25 2 2 Wilton, St. Giles - 5 •3 4 St. Johns - 24 23 ioi JVorccJl. Droitwich p t 21 11 8 Worcefter, St. Ofwalds 13 14 4 1 St. Wolftans - 63 18 10 Tark. N. Allerton - 56 2 2 Bawtre - 6 6 S Beverley, St. Giles t 8 0 0 St. Nic s. * 5 0 10 Hedon - 11 18 4 Killingwoldgrove t 12 3 4 Kingfton, Poles - 10 0 0 Newton - 21 0 a Richmond, St. Nic. - 10 0 0 Rippon, St. Johns * 10 14 4? Magd. * 24 0 7i Sprotburgh r t 9 *3 11 Welle - 20 *7 11 York, Boutham - 11 6 8 Boutham - 9 6 8 F olfgate - 6 13 4 St. Nicholas - 29 1 4 St. Peters - 362 1 1 ii Glamorg. Swainfey s t 20 0 0 jPembr. Pembroke - I 6 8 Tenbigh - 2 0 0 luation of the hofpital. 1 Rec. in Offic. Primit. k This is nearly Dugdale’s valuation, as note Y. A different valuation is given in the text (viz. 309/. is 11 d.) laid to be taken from mf. valor, in Offic. Primit. quart whether they be not both from the fame furvey, the latter the whole of the clear revenue, and that in Lib. Reg. the remainder after the deduc¬ tion of the maftcr’s ftipend, &c. 1 Rec. in Offic. Primit. 11 L 1 is. 6 d. ob. Dugdale. n» So alfo in note n. n Dugdale. 0 But in an other place in Lib. Reg. 25/. 2 j. id. P So valued temp. Ed. 6. q 5/. 14s. 6d. in the whole and 6s. 6 d. clearly: but the learned author has not told us, from whence he took this va¬ luation. r Certified value 37 Hen. 8. • Dugdale. A T A. 212 3 3 read 121 3 3 122 12 0 212 12 0 NOTIT1A NOTITIA MONASTICA; ORAN ACCOUNT OF ALL THE ABBIES, PRIORIES, and HOUSES of FRIERS, FORMERLY IN ENGLAND and WALES. BEDFORDSHIRE. I. BEDFORD, olim Bedanford. i.Ti /Tonastery destroyed. Here feems to have been a monaftery pretty early in the Saxon iVJL times \ But who was founder, to what faint it was dedicated, or when and by whom it Was deftroyed, I have not yet met with any account, 2. Canons. Before the conqueft alfo there was a college of prebendaries in the church of St. Paul b here, who were changed ' into Regular canons by Roife, wife of Pain Beauchamp, temp. Hen. 2. and by their fon Symon de Beauchamp removed almoft a mile down the river to a place afterward called Newenham d. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. 238, 239. quaedam de Hi ft. Elienfis lib. ii. in capit. de Fordham. edit. Gale, fundatione et tranflatione canonicorum ex Lelandi p. 481. Colleft. vol.iii. p. 12. edit. Hearn, ex Itin.vol.i.p, in. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 390. de Sartebroc tent, edit. Hearn. de honore Bolonix pro 1. milite. Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 124. vol. viii. p. 28. 3. St. John’s Hospital. A priory, or hofpital, in the fouth part of the town, built and endowed by fome townfman ', as early as king Edward 2d’s reign, to the honor of St. John Baptift. It had, 26 Hen. 8. an yearly income of 21/. or. 8 d. Dugd. Speed, and ftill continues; confuting of a mailer, who is redtor of the parifh church of St. John adjoining, and ten poor men ; the patronage is in the mayor, aldermen, bailiffs, and common council of Bedford. Vide a particular of the hofpital of St. John in the town of Bedford, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiber . E. viii. 71. a Chron. Saxon, in anno 270. Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 81, out of a mf. in Merton college library, mentions the monaftery of Bedanford near the river Ouze, as the place, where the body of St. Ethelbert was preferved, tho’ molt of our other hiftorians and writers of faints lives (fee Capgrave in vita S. Ethelberti, Lelandi Coll. i. 210. ii. 331) with more probability report that holy king to have been enlhrined at Hereford. And that paflage is the more to be fufpeded, becaufe ’tis omitted in the Saxon account of the burial places of our Englifh faints, publifhed, with the notes of the late learned Dr. Hopkins, in botn editions of Dr. Hickes’s Saxon Grammar, which for the moft part agrees with that Merton ml. Perhaps Ethelberti name is there put for king GfFa’s. who was buried here at Bedford (fee Matth. Weftm. in an. 797. and Matth. Paris in vita Offas ii. p. 987.) and this monaftery was the church at Bedford, for which he defigned the feveral donations mentioned Spelm. Conc.t.i. p.319. Leland Itin. vol. 1. p. 113. vol. v. p. 109. vol. viii. p. 28. b Not the prefent church of that name, but an old church near the caftle, pulled down, temp. R. Joantiis> in order to en¬ large the fortifications : See Matth. Paris in an. 1224. and Mon. Angl. ii. 240. c That the Seculars were here A. D. 1164. fee Matth. Paris, p. 85. of Phil. Broc, canon of Bedford being then deprived of his prebend. d Yet there feem to have been fome religious here as late as A. D. 1240. For in that year the cuftos Sandi Pauli Bedford is named one of the pope’s fubdelegates in a caufe between the canons of Ofney and the redor of Bix. Regiftr. Ofney, f. 134. e Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 113. vol. v. p. 109. The traditionary account is, that this houfe was founded, A. D. 980. by one Rob. de Paris, who was the firft mafter. It ftood on the right hand at the fouth entrance of the town. A In I. BEDFORDSHIRE In bibl. Harleiana mf. 2101. f. 240. abftra&s of old deeds relating, to this priory. MS. Cole vol. xxxi. p. 88. In bibl. pub!. Acad. Cantab, mf. Dd. x. 28. f. 79. re- glllain fratrum hofpitalis S. Joannis Bedford. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 3. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 2 vel. 6 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 23. pro confirmations privilegiorum prioratus S. Joan. Bapt. in Bedford, eis concede per- regem Ed. 2.. Pat. 7. Ed 4. p. I. m. 16. pro priore S. Joan. 4. St. Leonard’s Hospital. Before 30 Ed. 1. was founded by fome townfman f, in the fouth part of the town, an hofpital, dedicated to St. Leonard, in which were fix chaplains ; the revenues of it were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 16/. 6s. 8 d. a. Dugd. Speed. Vide in Rileii placit. parliament, p. 603. petit, pro licentia perquirendi redditus. , Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 1 13. vol. v. p. 109. vol. viii. p. 28. In bibl. pub. Acad. Cantab, mf. Dd. x. 28. f. 82. or- dinationem hofpitalis S. Leonardi extra Bedford. Pat. 29. Ed. r. m. . . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 2. Ed. 2. m. 15. pro via per medium hofpitalis claudenda : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. t. m. 16. Pat. 3. Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. I m. . Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. pro tenementis in Bedford, Harwedon, Elneftow, Kerdington, Weft Hamfted, et Cotes. 5. Grey Friers. A houfe of Francifcan friers, in the north-weft s part of the town, found¬ ed by Mabiliah de Patelhull, lady of Bletnelhoe, who lies here buried, before 4 Ed. 2. It was valued at 3/. 13J. 2d. Dugd. 5/. Speed*; and granted, 31 Hen. 8. to John Goftwyke. Vide Leland, Itin. vol. v. p. no. Colle&anea Angl6-minoritica, vol. ii. p. 27. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro manfo elargando. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 23. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 32. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17 pro Bofomes Place et Curriefcroft. II. BIGLESWA.DE. College or Chantry. A college, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, valued at 7/. per ann. is faid by Mr. Speed to have been founded in the church of St. Andrew here ; but ’tis more probable, that here was only a chantry belonging to the gild of that name. So Mon. i. p. 1038. De gilda five fratern. apud Biglefwade, vide Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. III. BISSEMEDE or Bufhmead. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons founded by Hugh, fon of Oliver Beauchamp, [temp. Hen. 2k. ] and dedicated to St. Mary. Its annual revenue at the fuppreflion was 71/. 13s. 9 d. ob. Dugd. 81/. 13;. 5 d. oh. Speed: The houfe, and good part of the poirdlions, came by exchange to Sir Will. Gafcoign, 29 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 157. cartam Hugonis de Bello Campo de fundatione, ex autogr. penes Ed. dom. Vaux : p. 158. Confirmationem Rogeri de Bello Campo, fratris Hugonis : Aliam cartam Hugo¬ nis de Bello Campo : p. 159. Aliam cartam didti Hugonis, pro decimis parci fui de Etune : Cartam Ifabellae Pauncefoot pro manerio de Blayfworth : Confirmationem didti manerii per dominas de Stockton : p. 160. Bullam P. Gregorii. In Stevens’s Supplement, vol. ii. p. 97. an account (from the Cotton mf. Otho D. iii.) of William de Hurft’s granting the manor of Caldecote [Hertf] to the prior and convent of Byfhemead, and their releafing it to the abby of St. Albans. Lelandi Colledt. vol. 1. p. 71. In biblioth. Harleiana mf. 1885. f. 117. cartam Ricardi de Lega de terra in Bedeford *. In bibh Cotton Jugujlus ii. f. irr. bullam Gregorii papx confirm, privilegia hujus prioratus. Regiftrum penes Arth. Trevor arm. Interioris Tem- pli focium, 1640. Regiftrum, cartas, &c. penes .... Geary de Billemede. Plac. apud Huntingd. r4 Ed. r. affif. rot. 6. pro melT. et terris in Blayfworth. Plac. apud Bedf. 4 Ed. 3 quo war. rot. 39 d. pro libert. in Eton, &c. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 45 vel 46. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . . Pat. 1 1 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . . IV. CALDWELL, or Cawdwell m, near Bedford ". Austin Canons. Robert, the fon of William of Houghton, firft fet apart this place for the religious brethren of the order of the Holy Crofs in the reign of K. John % to the honor of the blelfed ' Leland! Itin. vol. i. p. 113. It flood at the right hand of the fouth entrance of the town, a little higher than St. John’s, and a little afide; and was granted by thetownfmeu to Sir Reginald Bray. Ibid. vol. v.p. I09. e North-efte, Leland, •> Margaret, Speed. * Stevens, vol. i. p. 2.3. makes pounds of thefe fhillings, and faith, “ Dominus fratrum minorum Bedford. Summa inde 100/. “ fumma clara 70/. jj. id.” k So Dugdale, Bar. i. nj. Mr. Speed faith temp. Will.Conq. miftaking probably the founder for the great Hugo de Bello Campo, who came over with the Conqueror.. 1 Extat inter excerpta ex cartulario de Dunftaple ad finem chronici ejufdem cosnobii a cl. Hearne edita. p. 705. ubi pro Bedeford legitur Bereford. ' m Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. nr. " Rymer’s Feeders, &c. vol.xiv. p. 301. It is within a quarter of a mile of Bedford, toward the fouth-weft, “ a little lower than it upon Ufe ripa citeriori.” Leland. 0 It occurs in anno 6 confecr. Hugonis Welles epifc. Line. fc. A. D. 1114. Colled. M. Hutton ex rotulis ejufd. in reg. Line. See Madox’s Form. Angl. p. 423. Mr. Burton or Mr. Speed makes this houfe to have been begun A. D. H32. 18. Steph. and cite Leland for it, in whofe works that date doth not now. ap¬ pear.. IV. BEDFORDSHIRE. ble/Ted Virgin Mary. B ut fome time before the diflolution it was a priory of about eight Auftm canons, dedicated to St. John the Baptift, and alfo to St. John the Evangelift ; and was valued 26 Hen. 8. at 109/. 8s. $d. per ann. Dugd. 148/. 15s. 1 od. Speed. The fite was granted, c El, 2 to Thomas Leigh. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 257. clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 38. direft. efc^tori, de fundatione- et ad- vocatione hujus prioratus : Cart. 57 Hen. 3. n. 9. confirm, donationem loci de Caldwell per Rob. filium Will, de Houton. Year-books, 9 Hen. 6. Mich. 1. - 34 Hen. 6. Pafch. 7. Newcourt’s Repertor. vol. ii. p. 602. and Morants E flex vol. i. p.393. of the advowfon of Tollefhunt- Major in ElTex. Lelandi Collect vol. 1. p. 73. vol. iii. p. 12. ejufdem Itin. vol. 1. p. 112. vol. viii. p. 28. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 15. of two yard lands and a half in Arnefby and the impropriate rectory : p. 290. of lands in Thurmalton. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes In pyxide Academic Oxon. legata ab Antonio Wood in mufeo AfhmoL Fin. Bucks, 29 Hen. 3. n. 55. pro advoc. ecclefise de Brofton : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 9. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. de terris et advoc. eccl. in Brimpton. Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. de manerio de Colluf- den, See. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40. de taxatioue temporalium : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 34. de ten. in Middleton, Ernefby, Ocle, Bromham, et Wotton : Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. pro eccl. de Ernefby appro- prianda; Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18 vel 28. pro eccl. de Sondey approprianda, Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 2. m 2. pro ten. in Carleton, Che- lmton, Sec. Efch. Bedford 21 Ed. 4. n. . . . V. CHIC KSAND. Gilbertine Priory. Pain de Beauchamp, and the lady Roais his wife, were, about A D 1150P, co-founders of a priory here for canons and nuns according to the rule of St Gilbert of Sempringham ; which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, and endowed at the fupreffion with 212/. 3s. sd. ob. per ann. Dugd. 230/. 3s. 4 d. ob. Spee'd. Ic was furrendered Oft 22 20 Hen. 8. by the iub-prior, fix monks, and eighteen nuns’, and its fne was granted 21 hL r to R. Snow. & 3 5 v Fide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 450, 451. et in tom. ii. p. 793. cartam Pagani de Bello Campo et uxoris ejus Rohaife comitiflae, pro ecclefia et terris in Chick- fand, grangia in Hagnes, molendino de Williton, See. _ P. 794. confirmationem Willelmi, filii Si- monis de Bello Campo : Et Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 29. licent. quod Joannes Blondel daret manerium de Chickfand. Lelandi Colleff vol. i. p. 73. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 112. vol. viii. p. 28. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 192. of the chapel of Eaftwick. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 747. of pofTeffions in Norwich. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 168. of a manor in Hargrave. In bibl. Harleiana mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem poflef- fionum prioris de Chikefonde in diocefi Londin. Cartas, &c. penes D. Joannem Ofborn, Bar. de eadem. Plac. coram R. 26 Hen. 3* rot. 22. pro advoc. capel¬ in de Eftwyke : Fin. Bucks 26 Hen. 3. n. 30. de terris in Winchindon : Fin. Bucks 29 Hen. 3. n. 26. pro advoc. eccl. de Lincelade [Bucks :] Plac. apud Bedf. 31 Hen. 3. coronal, rot. . . de com. paft. in Camelton. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 2. d. de ten. in Hartgrave : Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25. d. de ten. in Stockfield : Cart! 10 Ed. 1. n. 19 vel 20. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n 21 pro lib. war. in Chickfand, Hannes, Hoghton, et Maperdefhale : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. prope fin. Pat 29 Ed 1. m. prope fin. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4! Pat. 2 Ed 2. p. 2. m. 23 : Pat. i4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. de men. in Cantabr. Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 4. de maneriis de Meperthefale, Hawengrantte, et Wol- verton, et de bofeis de Apelbe et Inwode. Pat. 1. Ed. 3. p. 3. m 22. pro ten. in Camelton et Hannefs : Plac. apud Bedf. 4 Ed. g. quo warr. rot. 10 d et rot. 11 d. pro libert. in Chickfand, Ma- pertfhale, &c. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7. v ReCiu'p enhani en' 4' PafCh' ^ 39’ pr° Sr2nEia dc VI. dunstaple. I. Austin Canons. Here kingTIenry 1, toward the latter end' of his reien built and en. dowed a pnory °f BLck canons to the honor of St. Peter 5 whofe pofTeffions weremed in the vail Wed. T? "r ‘r f r °re th aC 344/- Hi- id. per ann. Dugd. 402/. 14, 7 J ob Speed . The fite of this monaftery was granted, 1 MarU, to fir Leonard Chamberlayne! ' Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 132. hiftoriam funda- tioms ex membr. in officio armorum : P. 133. cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. I. m. 27. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 1. de fundatione: P. 134. cartam Morini de Pine pro terra in Cateby. pear. Leland, Coll. vol. i. p. 73. indeed puts down Simon Bafket (it Ihou d be Barlecote) for firft founder, but he feems to have been only patron; tor it is exprefiy faid to be, Ex fundatione an- teceflbrum difti Simoms, clauf. 13 Ed. 3. Leland in another place, Itm.i. iia. faith this was ot the foundation of the Beau- Bmontis’ and Co Cl^' ul- P' IJ‘ he faith was Ex fundatione Bel- Il4^r',nPHe-ed^,''lcCCi tfl?.f™ndat:on °f this monaftery, temp. '• an,d.'" the, Erft edition of this book it was faid to be temp. rT^Ut 1,tf°U.ld.n,?Vbeo fo ear,y> becaufe the Sempringham order did not begin till K. Stephen's time, aud lady Roais could Chronicon five Annales prioratus de Dunffaple, cuin excerptis e cartulario ejufdem prioratus, edit, a cl. Tho. Hearne, in 2 vol. 8vo Oxon. 1733. e cod mfs. Harleyan. 4886, 1885. Year-books, n Hen. 6. Hill. 13. be t0 Pain Beauchamp till after A. D. Tr43. when (Mon. Angl. 1.448, 45o.) her firft huiband Mandevi] died- and Henry archbifliop of York is one of the witnefl'es to the found 1- tion charter, who was not confecrated till A. D. 1 147. 1 Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 2. et App. n.\. r Robert Brfhop of Hereford is one of the witnefi'es to the foundation charter, who was not made bifhop till the war 1 , , , ' ’ rtJ -J" 1° haV,e been a prior and twelve canons : Forfo many fubfenbed to the fupremacy, 0&. 17, rn4. and fo ma--- were penfioned at the furrendcr. tude Willis’s Hiftory of Abbit/ vol. u. p. 3. et Append, p. a. ' ^ODies, Lelandi VI. B E D F O Lelandi Colleft vol. i. p. 83. vol. iii. p. 12 ejufdem Itin. vol. vi. p. 69. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 74. of the church of Rufhden : p. 562. of the manor of Barwith in Studham. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 67. of the advowfon of the reitory of Cadeby. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 94. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wedon ; p. 188 of the fame at Newbottle : p. 260. of a manor in Cold Higham, and one moiety of the redlory : p. 268. of a moiety of the re&ory of Pate- fhull impropriated, and the advowfon of the vicarage. Regiftrum brevium fub titulo, De libertatibus allocan- dis, f. 263. b. Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 2. The names of fome priors out of the Regifters at Lincoln. Inbibl. Harleiana, mf. 604. f. 21. extra&a ex antiqua telligrapho de tenura hominum manerii de Houdon, de conftruiftione villae de Dunftaple, et de fundatione prioratus : mf. 6748. f. 4 & 5. cartam Henrici 1. Chronicon 1 five Annales prioratus de Dunftaplia ab initio mundi ad A. D. 1297. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiber. A. x. 3. Apographum hujus codicis in bibl. Harleiana mf. 4886. In eodem mf. Cottoniano, n. 10. placita litis inter comitem Warennum marefcallum domini regis et prioratum de tribus equis quos marefcallus vendi- cavit pro honorario, quando novus prior creatus eft : n. 11. placita aulse apud Wanburne de clerico mer- cati infra virgam ejus cum aliis placitis et aftis publicis ad eundem prioratum fpedantibus : n. 18. a&a in fcaccario 15 Ric. 2. de juribus et immuni- tatibus ejufdem. Cartularium hujus prioratus in cuftodia Mri. Willi. Duncomb, A. D. 1614. non ita pridem penes Joan- nem Clethero de Waliingham P. in com. Norf. cleri- cum, dein penes V. dodtilT. Humphridum Wanley, et tandem repofitum in bibliotheca Harleyana, 1885. Excerpta quaedam ex hoc codice extant in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth, vol. 39. f. 98. MS. Dodfworth vol. xxiv. f. 16. cart. 4 Ed. 2. Regiftrum coenobii de Dunftaple penes . Parfon, unum ex auditoribus fcaccarii regii, poftea penes Jacobum Mickleton de Furnivals Inn, Gen. Cartam de terris in Cateby conceffis huic prioratui, ex dono Mauricii de Pinn, mf. Macro. 12. II. 19. Cart. 5 Joannis p. 1. m. 17. n. 133. pro placea et gardino, ubi rex Hen. I. habuit domos in Dunftaple, RDSHIRE. m. 24. n. 208. pro dominico de Hoclon : n. 209. pro feria apud Dunftaple : Liberate 5 Joannis m. 13. Cart. 5 Joannis p. 2. n. 15. et. 19. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 18, 19. Fin. 1 r Hen. 3. m. 10. 19. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 14. Fin. Bucks 29 Hen. 3. n. 60,61. pro terris in Stokes. Fin. div. com.. 43, Hen. 3. n. 46. pro terris in Stodham et Barworth. Fin. div. com. 46 Hen. 3. n. 4. de reddit. in Stod¬ ham, et bofco in Tetero [Hertf.j Plac. affif. in div. com. 18 Ed. 1. rot. 5. de comrau- nia pafturae in Hoghton. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 2. Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15 vel 25. de terris in Bar- worth [Hertf.j Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 21 vel 22. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 20. pro manerio et burgo de Dunfta¬ ple cum mercato et quatuor culturis terrae circa villam, commun. paftur. in Hoifton, Cadenton, Kemfworth, Totenho, &c. Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 5. pro liber, warrena in Hoghton regis, Toternho, Eyton, Stodham, Fletwike, Pullokelhull, Segenhow et Wadelow [Bedf.J et Bare worth [Hertf.j Pat. 2 Ed. 3. m. 21. pro ecclefia de Rifhenden appro- prianda : Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 79. Placit. in com. Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo warranto rot. 36. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Cart. 14 Ed. 3. n. 20. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 37. de taxatione temporalium : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p- 3. m. 17. de allocatione bonorum felonum : Clauf. 40 Ed. 3. m. 6. [dorfoj de litibus inter priorem et conventum, et communitatem villas fuper libertatibus et confuetudinibus : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 42. de ten. in Stadham et Flitwyke : Pat. 43 Ed. 3- p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. Rec. in fc. 4 Ric. 2. pafch. rot 11. Pat. 10 Rich. 2. p. 2. m. 1. pro quarta parte manerii de Luton : Ibid. m. 29. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 14. de Concordia inter priorem et Burgenfes; Rec. in fc. 15 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 17. Rec. in fc. 18 Ric. 2 Trin. rot. 15. Mich. rot. 11. Hill. rot. 18. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 30. pro meff. in Luton, Todington, Flitwyke et Houghton regis : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3 m. 23. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 15. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. n. Rec. in fc. 4 Hen. 6. Mich, rot. 32. Rec. in fc. 12 Hen. 6. Hill rot. 2. pro manerio de Rokefokes. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 16. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 13 de eccl. de N. Marfton [BucksJ appropr. et dand3 capelke 8. Georgii Windfor. 2. Hospital: An hofpital, or houfe, for poor leprous perfons. Vide in Chronico de Dunftaple, p. 682. cartam prioris concefTa Roberto capellano ad terminum vita-, et conventus de Dunftaple de cuftodia hujus hofpitalis Pat. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 22. 3. Black Friers. Here was a houfe of friers preachers u who fettled in this town about A. D. 1259 w. It was valued at 4/. i8r. 4 d. Speed. 4/. i8r. 8 d. Dugd. and granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir William Herbert. Fide Lelandi Itin. vol. vi. p.69. Pat. 43 Hen. 3. m. 22. VII. EATON. 1. Hospital. In fome copies of the Lincoln taxation, made 20 Ed. 1. there is mention of an hofpital here *. 2. College or Gild. Mr. Speed mentions a college dedicated to Corpus Chrifti, but ’tis molt likely that this laft was only a gild, as in the Monalticon, i. 1038. to which belonged one or more chantry prielts. The lands of which are rated at 7/. 1 6s. per ann. Speed, yl. 15s, id. Dugd. Vide de gilda et cantaria ibidem, dotatis in Eaton et Wilboldefton : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28. t $u*re, Whether this Cotton mf. be the fame with the Chro¬ nicon Dunftaple, quoted by Mr. Thin at the end of Hollinihed, and Mr. Stowe in the beginning of the firft edition of his Survey of London, and archbithop Uilier, Hitt, et Ant. Brit. p.31. There was alfo Liber Prioratus de Dunftaple, mentioned by fir Henry Spdman, Gloffar. in verbo Dola, perhaps different from any that Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 12. Rot. pardon, a 1. ad 6 Ed. 4. m 13. I have put down. ” Mon. Angl. i. 1038. Speed: Tho’ in the mf. table’ of fur- renders they are calledFriers Minors, which fcems to be a miftake. w Vide Matth. Paris, in anno 1159, edit. Watts, p. 845. * Eton, in dec. Eton, et archid. Bedford, penfio vicarii debits hofpital. in ead. 11 marc. mf. Knight. VIII. ELS TOW. VIII. BEDFOR DSHIRE. VIII. E L S T O W olim Heleneftow, 1 Elnftowe, or Alneftowe. Benedictine Nuns. Here was an abbey of Benedi&ine nuns, founded, temp. IVtil. i. by Judith, niece to the conqueror, and wife to Waltheof earl of Huntingdon, to the honor of the Holy Trinity, St. Mary, and St. Helen. It was valued, 26 .Hen. 8. at 284/. i2r. nd. ob. q. per ann. Dug 1. 325/. 2 s. id. ob q. Speed; and here were twenty one nuns', befides the abbels, at the diffofution. The fue was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to fir Humphry Radclyff. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 359. notulam de fundatione ex Lelandi Colledt. vol. i.p. 41- et56. !*• 3^0- Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 88. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. confirmantem ecclefias dc Hiche et Wafton, et alias donationes. Ibid. p. 680. pro quatuor virgatis et dim. in Siwell : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 523. conventionem cum Templariis de Dynnefly de capellano inveniendo apud Prellon. In Newcourt’s Repertorium eccl. dioc. Londin. vol. ii. p. 349 and Morant’s EfTex. vol. ii. p. 174' °f the ma¬ nor and advowfoil of the rectory of Inworth. In Atkin’s Glouceftedhire, p. 693 of the impropriate reftory of Stonehoufe. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 390. of the impropriate rectory of Hiche. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 15. of 10 yard lands in Arnefby : p. 154. of lands and tithes in Knaptoft. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. 1. p. 494. of pofteffions in Hockwold : vol. iv. p. 716. of lands in Walpole. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 30. of 20s. yearly out of the redtory of Braunfton: vol. ii. p. 147. of lands in Sywell. In Willis’ Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 351. of the im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of iVeft Trig. Regiftrum brevium fub titulo Certiorari et pardon, utlagariae, f. 308. Ryleii Placita Parliam. in Append, p. 656. ubi petitio burgenfium de Bedford verl'us abbatidam de Elnllow de tertio denario redditus villte de Bedford; 11 Ed. 3. Eflon. 10 Ric. 1. rot. 22. pro advocatione cccleli* de Wimundele [Hertf.] Fin. Oxon. 6. Hen. 3. n. . . . pro advocat. ecclcf. de Godendon : Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 9. de ten. in Ald- manbury. Plac. forinf. apud Hertford, 6 Ed. I.rot. 35. de libcr- tatibus allocandis : Plac. in com. Eftex 13 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 34. d. pro advoc. eccl. de Ineworth 1 Plac. in com. Bedford 15 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 13. 29. pro libertat. in man. deMaldon : Pat. 32. Ed. 1. m. . . Fin. Bucks 1 Ed. 2. n. 19. pro terris et bofe. in Mulle- fho : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2 m. 26 vel 27. de xo. marc, ann. redd, in Thorp. [Line.] a priore dc Kync : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro eccl. de Elnftow appropr. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . . Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro ten. in Elnftow et Welfhamfted. Inquif. Bedf. 11 Hen. 4. n. 8. de omnibus maneriis, ter¬ ris, et redditibus ad hanc abbatiam pertinentibus. IX. EARLE*. Hospital. King Henry 2. gave this place to the great foreign hofpital of Santingfield \ near Wytfand in Picardy, fubordinate to which here were a mailer c, and brethren. This, as part of the poffeffions of the alien houfes, was given, 26 Hen. 6. to the provoft and fellows of King’s col¬ lege in Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p.404. rot. Franc. 1 Hen. 4. m. 12. per Infpex. recit. cartam Henrici 2. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 76. pro terra de Farley juxta Letton, Wiperley, tribus hidis in Lutegarlhall, et decern aCris foreftx ad aedificia fua facienda, &c. Cart. 13 Ed. 2. n 32. Plac. apud Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo warr. rot. 39. dorfo, pro libertatibus hofpitalis de Santingfield in Farley, &c. Cart 5. Ed. 3. n. 84. Efcaet. Bucks, 21 Ed. 3. n. 99. pro grangia de Lutgerlhall : Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1 3. pro cuflode hofpitalis. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 10, 1 1 vel 12. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. ni. 7. X. De la Grave d or Grove, now GROVEBURY in the parifh of Leighton, hence Jometimes called the priory of Leighton-Bufart. Alien Priory. King Henry 2. having given, before A. D. 1169. when Nigell bifhop of Ely one of the witneffes died, this manor in Leighton to the nuns of Fontevralt in Normandy (in lieu of part of a yearly penfion they were to receive out of the exchequer, given them by K. Henry 1.) here was fettled a convent of foreign monks, the prior whereof was, for the moft part, procurator-general e for all the concerns of that abby in England. It fuffered the fate of other alien priories, during the wars with France, and after feveral grants of it to private perfons for life, it was given, 25 Hen. 6. to Eaton college ; and, about 20 Ed. 4. by John Duke of Suffolk and Elizabeth his wife, to the dean and canons of Windlor, part of whofe poffeffions it ftill remains. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 975. cart, antiq. pp. n. 32. fcil. R. Hen. 2. donantis manerium de Lefton, in com. Bedf. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. It. recitant. et confirmant. donationem avi fui et aliorum ecclefi® Fontis Elroldi : Et ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 77. Pat. y Helenftow in Berklhire is put for this in Bedfordfhire, in the Monafticon, i. 359. There were fo many penfioned Aug. 26. 1540, (when this abbey was lurrendered) as in Mr. Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol.ii. p. 3. and Appendix, p. 1. where are alfo the names of fome abbefTes. a Near Leighton, as Mon. Angl. ii. 404. b Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. x. et Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. Mr. Speed men¬ tions an hofpital of Samftyngfeld near Wytfand in this county, cf the yearly value of 61/. 5* 8 d. ob. probably inftead of this at 19 Ed. 4. m. 5. p. 78. Pat. 20 Ed, 4. p. 2. m. 25. licent. Joanni duci Suffolc. concedendi manerium de Grovebury, &c. decano et canon. Windfor. In Hutchin’s Dorfetftiire, vol. 1. p. 78. of lands in Stan¬ ford forum, p. 98. in Langton. Farle ; tho’ qwere whether it uras of that value ? c This mailer is often mentioned, as in Tax. Lincoln, mf. jo Ed. 1. Magifter de Farle habet in Farle in decanat. Dunftaple, &c. In Prynne, vol. iii. p.591. Frater Joannes Rokele magifter hofpitalis de Farley et Lotegarihall : Et Pat. 1 Ric. a. p. 5. m. . . Rex ratificat Will, de Wenlock cuftodem hofpitalis de Farle, m com. Bedf. i Prior de la Grave often occurs in Tax. Lincoln, and in the Tower records. * Prynne’s Papal Ufurp vol. iii. p. 710. 1 133. B Rotulos, 3£. BEDFORD S H I R £. Rotblos, £tc. ad hoc monaft. fpettantes Ip archiv, colleg. Eton, Pixidd P.' ' Cart. 9 Joannis m. $. Placit. de Banco, 8 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 5. de Langmead in Eilmundftrel [Gloc.] rot. 6. de commun. paftur. In Leghton. Ibid. rot. 12. de advocatione ecclefi® de Adapertefhale : Effon. apud Newport-Patinel, 33 Hen. 3. rot. . quod mercatum levatum in Mureflegh eft ad nocumentum mercati prioris de Leghton in Leghton : Fin. Bucks 40 Hen. 3. n. 146* pro 2 acris pfati ibid. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m‘. 3 vel 4. pro fratribus Fontis Elraudi apud Gravam in Letton. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 2. d. Plac. apud Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo tvarr. rot. 16. pro li- bertat. Fontis Elraldi in manerio fuo de Leighton. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 20. pro cantaria ibidem facienda. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 14. conceff. Willielmo Wallh pro vita per abbatiffam Fontis Elraldi. Clauf. 14 Ric. 2. m. 2. conceff, Joanni Worfkip feuti- fero regis ad vitam. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 10. vel 11. quod abbatiffa de Fonte Elr. poffit concedere hoc manerium in feodo ditto Joanni Worfkip. Pat. i Hen. 5. p< 3. m. 42 vel 43. quod Joannes Phelip miles poffit perquirere hoc manerium in feodo : Ft p. 4. m. 24 vel 25< pro confirmatidne hujus manerii ditto Joanni. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 33 vel 34. pro eodem. Fin. div. com. 25 Hen. 61 n. 45. inter prxpof. et col. Eton qu. et Willielmum march, et com. Suff. et Ali- ciam ux. ejus def. de dome, manerio five dominio de Grovebury, al. ditt. Leighton-Bufard, in com. Bed¬ ford, See. quod cum prtedittl marchioet Alicia tenent ad terminum vitae Alici® omnia prsemiffa, reverlio- nem inde praedittis praepofito et collegio ex affigna- tione Will. Monford, Will. Peito, et aliorum, qui re- verfionem habuerunt ex affign. Will. Phelip mil. Sec. qui diftum manerium. Sec. concefferunt Joanni Phe¬ lip et ditt® Alici® tunc uxori ejus in tallio, qui qui- dem Joannes Phelip mortuus eft fine h®rede ex cor- pore fuo vel Alici®, pr®ditti marchio et Alicia con- ceffierunt prxpofito et collegio reddentibus 200 /. per ann. pro vita ditt® Alici®. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 4. Fin. 20 Ed. 4. n. 41. inter dec. et canonic. S. Georgii Windfor qu. et Joannem ducem Suff. et Eliz. ux. def. de dominio de Grovebury, Sec. datis canonicis in pu- ram eleemofinam: Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 25. de conceffione collegio de Windfor. XI. HARWOLDE on Harwood. Austin Nuns. Here was a fmall priory built, temp. Steph. to the honor of St. Peter, firft both for canons and nuns according to the inllitution of St. Nicolas of Arrouafia, but afterward it con¬ fided only of a priorefs and three or four nuns of the order of St. Aullin '. Sampfon le Forte is faid to have been the founder e of this religious houfe, whole lands were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 47/. 3s. 2 d. per ann. Speed. But the clear fum of its yearly value, omitted in the Monafticon, was h 40/. i8r. id. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to William lord Parr; and 2 Maria , to John Cheney and Ri¬ chard Duncomb. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 202. cartas Malcolmi regis Scotorum confirm, donationes tempore regis Davidis avi et comitis Henrici patris fui : Samfonis Fords confirm, conceffionem per Rob. de Bloflevilla de terris in Brawefeld et Harewold : Willelmi regis Scotorum confirm, donationes Samfonis Fortis et Roberti filii Pagani de Breufe : P. 203, confirmatio- nem R. Joannis de eccl. de Stivinton ex donatione Baldwini de Arda. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 39 vel 40. pro eccl. de Chakerftone approprianda. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 73. Regiftrum hujus monafterii mf. penes Walterum Clavel Arm. 1709. Cartas originales, computos, rentalia,&c. penes illuftriff. D. ducem Canti®. Cartam orig. unam et alteram de tenementis in Bedford ad hoc coenobium fpettant. penes V. cl. Petrum 1c Neve Norroy. In Cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. inter libros mf. autoris, p. 103, ordina- tionem Stephani archiepifcopi Cantuar. pro tribus marcis annuatim folvendis monialibus a vicario eccle- fi® S. Petri de Egethorn, et quietum clameum prio- riff® et conventus fattum archiepifcopo Cantuar. et , fnccefforibus de toto jure fuo in ditta ecclefia de Ege¬ thorn, quam habuerunt ex dono Radulfi Morin. Cart. 7 Joan. m. 1. n. 10. pro ecclefia de Stivinton. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 1. pro ten. in Harewold, Carle- ton, Wotton, Stacheden, &c. Efcaet. Bedf. 17 Ric. 2. n. 85. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de meff. et terris in Gilling et Heminford- Abby. XII. LEIGHTON -BUS ART. Cistercian Cell; Befides the beforementioned alien priory fubordinate to Fontevralt, there feems to have been in this parifh a houfe of Ciltercian monks, cell to Woburn Abby [temp. Hen. 2.] See Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 975, a. 39. b. 14. XIII. MELCHBURN or Mechelburn. Knights Hospitallers. The lady Alice, or Adelize, de Claremonte'countefs of Pem¬ broke (and, as in one place", Roger earl of Clare) gave, temp. Hen. 1. the manorand church here to the Knights Hofpitalers of St. John of Jerufalem, and fo here was fettled a preceptory, which had lands belonging to it valued at 241 /. gs. 10 d. ob. This houfe was, upon the refounding of this order, 4 e/ 5 Phil, et Mar. again made part of the endowment of it, and, 3 Ed. 6, was granted to John earl of Bedford. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 507. b. 510. a. 542. a. 546. b. 550. b. 552. a. Cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 43. Lcland. Itin. vol. i. p. 2. * Black nuns, mf. Gems Cant. % Leland. Colleft. vol.i. p. 73. * Mf. Valor, and Stevens’s Supplement, vol. i« p. 23. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 9. pro ecclefia de Melchburn ap- prianda. ‘ Mon. Angl. ii. p.507. b. k Mon. Angl. ii. 310. a. XIV. MERGATE XIV. BEDFORDSHIRE. XIV. MERGATE or Markyate, now Market-Street1. BtNF.DiCTiNE Nuns. In a wood near this place, within the parifh of Caddington, was a nun¬ nery m of the Benediftine order, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. Ralph the deari, and the chapter of St. Paul’s, London, lords of the foil, gave the fite and fome adjoining lands, A. D. 1145. but the buildings and endowment were chiefly owing to the care and bounty of Geffrey abbat of St. Albans". This priory was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 1 14/. i6s. id.perann, Dugd. 143/. i8j. 3d. Speed, and was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Geo. Ferrers °. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom.i. p. 350. quaedam de con- ftruftione et dotatione hujus prioratus, ex vita Gau- fredi Abbatis S. Albani xvi. edita ad finem Matth. Paris Hift. necnon capitula 4. de fanftitate, miraculis - et aftibus Roger! heremitae, et Chriftinae primae pri- . oriflie de Markyate,' et de caufis et fundatione domus de Markyate ex cod. Cotton. Claud. E. 4. Ibid. tom. ii. 872. cartam Radulfi decani et capituli S. Pauli de fundatione A.D. 1145. et confirmationem ejufdem per Alexandrum epifcopum Lincoln. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 83. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 1 16. Bp. Kennet’s Parochial Antiquities of Ambrofden, &c. p. 101. de fundatione terris in Burcefter, &c. p. 176. conceffionem priori!!® et conventus duorum felionum terra in Hodefham priori et convent, de Burcefter, in excambio pro una acra in Nyhenaker, et dimid. acra in prato vocat. Gilbertlham : Et p. 348. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 563. Mr. Newcourt’s Repertorium dioc. Londin. vol. i. p. 132. and Ste¬ ven’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 524. an account of this priory. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1586. of a penfion of 100 r. out of the manor of Stokefby. In Bridges’s Northamptonftiire, vol. i. p.477. of lands in Brington : p. 547. of tithes in Buckby. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire [edit. 1656. J of lands in Kinwaldfey and Didington, p. 709. of the church of Bickenhul! with the chapel of Kington, p. 714. of the church of Colefhull, p. 734. of Whitaker-Supe¬ rior, p. 750. Whitacre-Inferior, p. 752. Lea, p. 756. Kingfbury, p. 761, 764. Abftracts of feveral charters about the grant of the church of Sonenden, with certain lands near to the Chace there, by Richard and Gilbert, earls of Pembroke, In mf. penes R.V. Cox Macro, n. 12. II. 10. b. Rotulos curiarum, computos ballivorum, cartas, &c. pe¬ nes Joannem Coppin Arm. de eadem. Cartas quamplurimas originales ad hoc ccenobium fpec- tantes, penes Johannem Coker de Burcefter in com. Oxon. Gen. 1694. Fin. War. 3 Joan. n. . . pro advoc. eccl. de Whitacre: Fin.Northampt. 6 Joan. n. . . pro med. dec.eccl.de Bukeby: Plac. apud Weftm. 15 Joan. Trim rot. 10. pro eccl. de Kinfbury [Warr.J Fin. War. 5 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. . . pro advoc. eccl. de Kington : Fin. War. 15 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. . . . pro terris in Kinwaldfey et Didington: Plac. apud Weftm. 26 Hen. 3. pafch. rot. 3. pro advoc. eccl. de Lea [War.] Plac. apud Weftm. 33 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 39. pro advoc. eccl. de Kingfbury [War.] Fin. War. 36 Hen. 3. Trim rot. pro advoc. eccl. de Lea et Kings¬ bury : Fin. Bucks 56 Hen. 3. n. 140. pro melT. in Welpeley. Fin. War. 8 Ed. I. Mich rot. . . pro eccl. deColelhull: Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 4. Plac. apud Cantebr. 27 Ed. 1. querel. rot. 34. de libert. in Gamelgay: Pat 27 Ed. 1. m. . . Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . . Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 8. de melT. et terris in Kingfbury, King- ton, et Church-Bikenhull. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . . Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . , Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 21. pro med. eccl. de Kings¬ bury, appropr. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. pro ten. et red. in Stodham et Cadington. Fin. div. com. 17 Hen. 6. n. 27. pro terris in Stodham et Cadyngton: Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1. de deci- mis et quindecimis non folvendis de bofcis. XV. MULEBROC or Mylbrook; and MOD DRY fometitnes called BEAULIEU, or De Bello Loco. Benedictine Cell. Here was a fmall cell of Benediftine monks belonging to St. Albans, who were removed p by abbat Geffrey to the hermitage of Moddry, which was given to thac abby by Robert de Albini, and his mother Cecily, about A. D. 1 140. and from that time became a priory fub- ordinate s to S. Alban’s, till abbat Whethamfted ', by virtue of a bull from pope Eugenius 4. fup- preffed it, and united it to the abbey ; St. Mary Magdalen was the faint of this place. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 325. de prima donatione Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 45. pro feria apud Bellum Locum, et cell* de Moddry per Rob. de Albineio : P. 326. aliam lib. war. in Clophull, Cotes, et Melebrook. cartam ejufd. Roberti pro ecclefia de Bello Loco, quam Plac. apud Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo warr. rot. 7. pro liber- in parco fuo de Turnehall conftituerat. tat. allocand. Inbibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth, vol. lxxviii. f. 78. XVI. NEWENHAM near Bedford s. Austin Canons. Hither ' Simon Beauchamp ", according to the defign of his mother, the lady Roaile, removed the priory of Black canons from St. Paul’s in Bedford [temp. Hen. 2W] This new monaftery new priorefs. Kennet Par. Ant. p. 304. • guerre, if not granted firft to a fon of lord Berners, v. Leland. Itin. i. p. 1 16. P Matth. ParisinvitaGaufrediabbati$xvi.S.Albanip.ioo8.1.i?. 1 Mon. Angl. i. 178. 180. ' Sir Hen. Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 448. ■ Rymer’s Feeders, vol.iv. p. 374. It is a little below the town upon the north fide of the river Oufe. 1 Leland fays, that one of the canons having unfortunately killed a butcher, they were all obliged to quit Bedford. u Leland. Itin. vol.i. p. in. vol. v. p. 124. ” Mr. Speed or Mr. Burton makes this houfe founded temp. Hen. l. Tho this hamlet be partly in Bedfordfhire, and partly in llerttordlhire, yet the priory was in the former, (as Pat. a Ed. 6. p. . .) notwith Handing Sir H. Chauncy. m Mr. Speed mentions another nunnery at Merkyate, built 6 v. ^ Gilbert de Clare, earl of Glocefter, to the honor of ri aj’ V|1‘ ^is, I conceive, is the fame with De bofeo juxta tlamlted, not far from Merkyate, but in Hertfordlhire. n In the firft Edition following the Monafticon, i. 350. this nunnery- was faid to have been a cell to St. Alban’s, but without good authority ; for what fubje&ion was paid, was to the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, (as Monad, ii. 872.) and from them as founders or patrons, they had licence upon a vacancy to eletft 1 &VI. BEDFORDSHIRE. hionaftery was alfodedicated to St. Paul, and had yearly revenues atthe dilTolution worth 293/. 53. 1 id. Du«d. 343/. 1 5 j. $d. Speed. The fite of it patted from the crown, 32 Hen. 8. to Urian Brereton, and°to the lady Joan Bray his wife; and, 3 Ed. 6. to George lord Cobham; and, 2 Jac. 1. to Duke Brooke. Videm Mon. Angl. tom. ii: p. 238, 239, cjhxJarh de fdn- datore, ex Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 73. vol. in. p.12. ec Itin. vol. i. p. 1 1 1 . Cart. 1 1 Ed. 2. n. 87* per In^ fpex. recit. duas cartas Henrici 2. donatorum concef- fiones recit. et confirm, p. 240. Pat. 1 Hen. 3. tn.13. proeccl. deTindene: p. 241,242,243. Cartam Tho¬ rn* comitis Marefcalli et Nottyngham recit. et con¬ firm. donationes Will, de Bello Campo et quamplun- morum alioruin, dat. 15 Ric. 2. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 124. vol. viii. p. 28. Year-books. Bra£l:on de legibus, &c. lib. ii. c. 23. § 5. pro eccl de Sudmele : Ibid. lib. iv. c. 5. § 3. de ead. eccl. Ibid, lib. iv. c. 4. § 4.. pro eccl. de Hafpele. Cartas originales, &c. olim penes Thomam Ferrar Arm. In bibl. Harleiana, ml'. 60; f. 161 taxationem pofleffio- num prioris de Newnam. in dlocefi Londin. In bibl. Bodl. mf, DodfwOrth, voblxxvi. f. 40. cartam Willelmi de la Mara fattam Roberto epifcopo Lin¬ coln de terris in Kirington datis ecclefix de Neuham. Regiftrum penes V. dottifT. Huntfridum Wanleium, A. D. 1715. nunc ifi bihl. Harleiana 3656. Roberti ep. Lincoln epiftolam monitoriam ad priorem et conv. deNewenham, una cum attis vifitationis hujus conventus A.D. 1232. per archidiaconum Lincoln, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Othoy C. xv. 1,2. f in. com. ignot. 1 Joan. n. 6. de terris inScarnbroc. Fin. 8 Hen. 3. m. 3. Clauf. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 8. d. de de- cimis dominie, reg. in Bedford : Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 13. d. de 300. acris in Stagden : Fin. Bucks22Hcn, 3- n; to; pro 100. fol. redd, ex man. de Querendorl cone, per Humfr. com. Heref. l’lac. de Banco 34 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 26. Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. 2 vel 3. de4/. perann. exeunt, e manerio de Stanbrusne. Pat. 1 3 Ed. 1. m. . . Brevia in fcac. 6 Ed. 2. Mich. . . Brev. ibid. 8 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 1 1. Cart. 1 1 Ed. 2. n. 88. Plac. apud Bedford 4 Ed. 3. quo warr. rot. 9. de liber— tatibus in South- Yevele, &c. allocandis : Efch. Bedf. 5 Ed. 3. n. 18. pro duabus partibus decim. de Sulho et Haylwefton : Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . . Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 3. Efch. Bedf. 20 Ed. 3. n. 64. de ten. in Stachefden et Brunham : Efch. Bedf. 33 Ed. 3. n. 15. pro penfione in eccl. de Hove- den : Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 38. dorlo : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. Efch. Bedf. 50 Ed. 3. n. 44. pro red- dit. manerii de Scotfield : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17; pro ten. in Salpho, Stachden, et Goldington: Efch. Bedf. 51 Ed. 3. n. 18. Cart. 9 Ric. 2. n. 22. pro lib. warr. in Newenham, Bed¬ ford, Rouhale, Ravenefden, Bereford, Goldington, Wiliton, Sharnbrook, Stokefeld, Stackefden, Wotton, Bydenham, Kerdington, et Cotes.- Pat. ii Ric. a. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. i3Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 11. et 17. pro ten. in Bedford, Wotton, Merlhton, Eton, Chalftem, Houghton, Kcmpton, Ronhall et Scotfield. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. Rec. in fc. 13 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 8. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 30. Efch. Bedf. 22 Ed. 4. n. . . XVII. NORTHWELL, Norfhill, or Norrell, North Yevell, Dugd. Northyle, Speed. Collegiate ChurcH. The parifh church of St. Mary here was, 6 Hen. 4. made collegiate, and endowed for the fupport of a matter or warden, feveral fellows x, and iervants, by Sr. Gerard Braybroke knt. Thomas Pevre, John Hervey, John Ward clerk, Edm. Hampden, and John Hert- fhorne, for the fouls of Sr. John Traylly knt. and Reginald his Ion, to whom the fore mentioned fix were executors. There were, about the time of the dilTolution, belonging to this college, pofief- fions yearly worth 61 /, 51. 5 d. Dugd. Speed; which were granted, 2 Ed. 6. to William Fitz- william. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 141. pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. in. 16. licen. pro fundatione. Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies.vol. ii. App. p. 2. and 3. Bullam P. Gregorii 12. direttam archidiacono Bedford, cujus vigore excommunicandi fucre detentores poflef- fionum, decimarum, etc. ad magiftrum et capellanos hujus ecclefise fpettantium : Orig. in volumine car- tarum penes autorem notato Appleton, n. 49. mode in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. XVIII. O C C L E V E, or Hocclyff. Hospital. Here was an hofpital of a matter and feveral brethren as ancient as king John’s'/ reign; It was dedicated to St. John Baptift, Collett. M. Hutton ex reg. Lincoln. A. D. 1401. Vide Rot. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 2. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10. XIX. TODYNGTON. Hospital. John Broughton, 21 Hen. 6. had the king’s licence to found here an hofpital for a warden, being chaplain, and three poor men, to the honor of St. John Baptift *. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 478. pat. 21 Hen. 6.p.I. m. 10. licentiam pro fundatione. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17. dc redd, in Chalgrave, Hen. 1. but it appears by one of K. Henry i’s charters in the Mo- naft. that the canons were at St Paul’s in Bedford in lome part of his reign. And if the lady Roaife could not be married to Pain Beauchamp, till after A.D. 1 148. [as before in the notes of Chick- fand] her fon by him could not be of age to do this till A. D. 1170, or after. * Four priefts, fellows of this college, lived till 1553, and had penfions A.D. 1533. Willis’s Hill, of Abbies, vo). ii. p. 4- G rove, etc. Pardon, ab anno 1 ad 6 Ed. 4. m, 6. r Regiftr. Lincoln, anno 9 Hugonis Wells epife. Nicol. de Lui* ton inftitutus eft in ecclefiam de Hocclive ad prsefentat. Turoldl cuftodis holpitalis de Hocclive et ffatrum ejufdem loci ; ex Colli. M. Hutton. Before A. D. 1 240, as appears from Madox’s Form. Angl. p. 424. 1 “ Hofp. Todington, 8/. 134. 9 d. portio Johannis Dennet “ V- I3J- 4 d. portio Will. Tate 3/. 134. 4 d. portio Johannis “Fifli s'” EftonLib. Val. XX. WAR DON, XX. BEDFORDSHIRE XX. W A R D O N, or De Sartis \ Cistercian Abbey. A. D. 1 135. b Walter Efpec founded here an abbey forCiftercian monks from Rievaulx, and dedicated it to the blefled virgin Mary. Its annual revenues at the Suppreflion were worth 389/. 1 6s. 6d. q. Dugd. 442/. in. 1 id. Speed. It was furrendered by the abbat and fourteen monks c Dec. 4, 1538. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 784. cart. nEd. 1. n. 12. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Stephani ratific. donati- ones fundatoris et confirmationem donationum alia- rum per R. Ric, 1. anno regni 10. Catalogum quorundam codd. mf. in bibliotheca hujus abbatire, Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p. 12. Ibid. vol. i. p. 56. vol. iii. p. 73. ejufdein Itin. vol. i. p. 102. 104. In Chauncy’s Hertfordihire, p. 75. of the manor of Bradfield. Iri Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 646. of pofleffions in Norwich, vol. iii. p. 866. in Toftes. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 101. of lands in Alton : p. 103. of the manor of Welt Wardon : p. 122. of pofleffions in Eydon, p. 130. in Woodford: p. 164. of lands and tenements in Culworth, vol. ii. p. 142. of a manor in Edton. In Ryleii placit. parliam. p.262. de affignatione annui redd. 20 marc. [33 Ed. 1.] pro damnis in bofcis de Puttenho tempore obfid. caflri de Bedford. In bibl. Harleiana mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofleffionum abbatis de Wardone in diocefi Londin. mf. 6748. f. 1, 10, 17. cartas Hen. 2. Joanniset Ric. r. Cartam Roberti de Brus, in qua dedit monachis de War- dona terram de Sterth in com. Huntingdon, mf. bibl. Cotton. Nero, C. iii. 54. Regillrum mutilum penes cl. V. Petrum le Neve arm. Norroy : modo in bibl. Harleiana mf. 4765. Regiltr. honor, de Richmond, Ap. p. 53. de 3 acris ter- rae in Oxcroft, et de 2 hidis et 50 acris terra: in Burgo [Cantab.] Cart. [Hen. 2.] antiq. T. n. 33. Cart. R. Joannis de Grangia de Middlehow [Hunt.] antiq. G. m 24. An¬ tiq. Y. n. 4. Fin. Northton. 8 Joannis n. . . pro paltura 200 ovium in villa de Wardon concelfaper Wifchardum Lendet et uxorem : Cart. 8 Joannis n. 16. pro grangia de Middlehow et aflartis bofei de Perry: Fin. com. ig- not. 14 Joannis n. 62. de ten. in Sugemele. Fin. Northton. 7 Hen. 3. pro 30 acris terrae et com. palt. in Weft-Wardon: Fin. div. com. 18 Hen. 3. n. 57. Fin. SufF. 24 Hen. 3. n.46. de com. palt. in Liver- mere : Cart. 28 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro terris in Meperte- Ihall : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 15. Plac. coram R. 37 Hen. 3. rot. 11. dorfo, pro libert. in Stackefden, Dyl- lefwyk, &c. Fin. com. ignot. 40 Hen. 3. n. 31, et 35. de chacea in Putenho, Ruenhay, &c. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 3. dorfo, de ten. in Hendlawe : Plac. forinf. apud Hertford 6 Ed. 1. rot. 34. pro alloc, li- bertatum cone, per R. Ricardum . Plac. incom. Bed¬ ford, 15 Ed. i. aflif. rot. 19. d. de reparatione dimid. pontis de Skeyford per abbatem : Plac. apud Can- tebr. 27 Ed. 1. quo warranto pro libert. in Burffh, Calden, &c. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. . . Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 28. pro maner. de Ronhale et Melbroke cum ten. in Ame- t'hale, Stepinglegh, Preltlegh, et Fletwyke. Plac. in com. Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo warr. rot. 10. 19. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . pro med. man. ibid. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . Efch. Bedford vel Hunt. 30 Ed. 3. n. . . de bofeo de Middlehow: Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. pro medietate manerii de Wardon: Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro manerio de Gatelinef- bury in South Yevel : Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p, 2. m. 16. de ten. in Eafl-Deping, Brunne et Skeldingho : Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . de terris in Nether-Winchingdon [Bucks :] Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. vel 14. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 21. de ten. in Nether- Winchen ■ den : Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m.23. pro man. de Belton [Bedford] accepto in excambio pro grangiis de Ra- venlholt et Bouden [Cantabr.J Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 2. pro ten. in Goldington. Rec. in fc. 12 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 5. pro man. de Glallon- bury, Rowney, See. Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. Rec. in fc. 21 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 30 XXI. WOBURN. Cistercian Abbey. Near this place Hugh de Bolebecd A. D. 1 145. built an abby of Cifter- cian monks to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. The whole income of this monaftery was cer¬ tified 26 Hen. 8. to be 391/. i8j. 2 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 430/. 134. 1 id. ob. Speed. The fite with great part of the lands, were granted 1 Ed. 6. to John Lord RulTell, Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 829. annotatiunculam de fundatione, ex hill. Fontanenfis coenobii : Cart. 2 Jo¬ annis, n. 17. m. 50. pro man. deMedmeham [Bucks:] Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 50. per Infpex. recit. confirmatio¬ nem donationum per R. Henricum 2. et cartam Hu- gonis Maleth pro terris in Suaneburne et Murfele. Madoxii hiltor. Scaccarii, p. 470. de folvend. efeuag. ad fororem regis marittfhdam. Year-books. In Willis’s Hiltoryof Abbies, vol. ii. p. 4. the names of fome abbats. Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 55. vol. iii. p. 107. ejufdem Itin. vol. vi. p. 41. In bibl. Harl mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofleffionum ab¬ batis de Woubourne in diocefi Londin. Regiftra, computos, rotulos curiae, cartas originales &c. penes illuftriffimum ducem Bedford. 11 Lelandi Col. iii. 12, 73. — for De eiTartis or aflartis, becaufe it was built in a place which formerly had been a wood, but was afterward grubb d up and cleared ; now it is all meadow and pafture ground about a mile from Wardon parilli-chnrch. !) The annals of Norwich cited in the Monaft. make this ab¬ bey to have been founded in 1136. Leland, Collett, i. 56. iii.73. puts it in 1138. but K. Stephen’s charter of confirmation is dated De appropriatione eccl. deSulbury, A. D. 1501. inlibro memorand. Gul. Smith, epife. Lincoln, f. 92. Cart, antiq. [Joannis R.] I. n. 28. Fin. Bucks 3 Ric. 1. n. 35. pro terris in Swaneburn. Fin. Bucks 3 Joannis n. 34, 35. pro terris in Swane¬ burn. Fin. Bucks 3 Hen. 3. n. 24. vel 25. pro terris in Wen- grave: Fin. Bucks 6 Hen. 3. n. 32. pro com. palt. in Stivele : Fin. Oxon. 8 Hen. 3. n. . . pro com. palt. in Stokes : Fin. Bucks 8 Hen. 3. n. 64. pro terris in Celtrelham : F^n. Bucks 19 Hen. 3. n. 232. Fin. Bucks 20 Hen. 3. n. 44, 45, 55, 66, 73. pro terris in Crawell: Fin. Bucks 25 Hen. 3. n. 102, 107, 112, 1 15. pro eifflem : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 6. de capella apud veterem Woburn mercato et feria: Plac. de Banco 26 Ken. 3. rot. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 29 Hen. 3. anno regni primo et Domini 1135. ‘ Willis’s Hiflory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 4. fifteen monks men- tioned in the Append, p. 3. J Ifabei, daughterto Hugh vifeount Bolebec, was foundrefs of Woburn, according to Leland’s Itinerary, vol. vi. p. 41. but the charters in the Monaft. are more to be depended on. XXI. BEDFORDSHIRE. Hill. rot. . . Fin. Bucks 36 Hen. 3. n. 106 : Fin. com. ign. 36 Hen. 3. n. 21. de terris in Brickill m. Fin. Bucks 38 Hen. 3. n. 61. pro redd. inChatendon. Fin. Bucks 46 Hen. 3. n.6l : Fin. Bucks 53 Hen. 3. pro terris in Ceftrelham. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2, et 6 vely. Pat: 19 Ed. 1. m. . . Fin. Bucks 22 Ed. 1. n. 36. pro man. de Smewynf- grange : Cart 27 Ed. I. n. 2. pro lib. war. in Wo- born, Uttecote, Whitenho, et Middleton Brian. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . ; Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. de Brichemore ap- propriand. Brev. 9 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. g. Plac. apud Bedford* 4 Ed. 3. quo warr. rot. 14. pro li- bertat. in Woborn, Herlyndon, &c. Pat. n Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. de taxatione bonorum in diverfis archidiaco- natibus: Brev. R. il Ed. 3; Palch. rot. 1. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 31. de 5 hydis in Swaneburn : Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. de diftis 5 hydis tends de mi. iierio de Brehull: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 24 Ed. 3, p. 1. m. . . Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 45. pro ten. in Woburn chapel et Everfholt : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. I. rti. 22. pro ten. in Hufborn, Crauele, &c. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. i- m. 4-0. pro 2 melT. in par; S. Bene- di£ti, London : Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. Cart. 15 &c. Ric. 2. n. 24. pro lib. war. in Hare in par. deTudington: Pat. 18 Ric. i. p. 2. m. 37. de ten. in Linchlade et Southcote : Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. et p. 2. m. 14. dc me(T. et terris in Middleton Brian : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. i.tn.2i. pro ecclefia de Whitchurch appropriand. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 41. Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 37. pro manerio de Pottefgrave. Pat; 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3. About the abbey of St. Alban's ■placed in this county [Malmfbur. de Geftis Pontif. lib. iv.] fee below in Hertfordshire. BERKSHIRE, I. ABINGDON. i.TJEnedictine Abbey. An abbey of five hundred monks is faid 3 to have been here in the time JJ of theBritains, or Romans, wherein Conftantine the Great had his education* but it is more certain, that pretty early in the Saxon times, a fmall 6 monaftery was founded in Baglcy wood, up¬ on a hill called Abendune, two miles nearer Oxford than the prefent town of that name, near Bay- worth ' or Chilfwell d, by Cifia • viceroy of Wiltfhire, and great part of Berklhire, under Kentwin king of the Well Saxons, about the year of Chrift 675, at the requeft of a nephew of his, called Heane, who became the firft abbat. But the monaftery, not profpering there, was five years after removed to a place lower down upon the river of Thames, then named Sevekilham, fince Abingdon, where it was built and endowed to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary, by the endeavours and foli- citation of the faid Heane, and the munificence of Cedwalla and Ina kings of the Weft Saxons, and other benefaftors. This religious houfe being deftroyed in the Danilh wars, was, A.D. 955. reftor- ed by the care of Ethelwold its abbat, who was afterwards bilhop of Winchefter, and the bounty of K. Edred and K. Edgar. The monks here were of the order of St. Benedid, and their revenues were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 1876/. to s. gd. per ann. according to the clear valuation printed by Sir William Dugdale, at the end of the firft volume of the Monafticon* but, according to the°rofs valuation in Mr. Speed, at 2042/. 2 s. 8 d. ob. q. per ann. The fite of this abbey was wanted °Ed. 6. to Sr. Tho. Seimor, and, 5 Ed. 6. to Sr. Tho. Wroth. Vide in Mon. Ang. tom. i. p. 97, 98. ex hiftoria de pri- mis fundatoribus Abbendonis inbiblioth.Cotton.f7A7/. A. xiii. de loco prims fundationis ; de primo abbate ; de inventione nigrs crucis ; de obitibus Cifhe, Ced- walls, et Ins regum, eorumque benefaefionibus mo- nafterio ; de prima conftnnftione ccenobii apud Aben- don ; de villa de Gofie data per R. Offam, et de Sut¬ ton data R. Kenulfo pro infula Andrefis : Ibid. p. 99, etc. ex regiftro de Abbendon in bibl. Cotton. Clau¬ dius, B. vi. deferiptionem vills de Sevekefoam: Tef- tamentum Heani poitea abbatis : Cartam R. Ins dat. ann. 699. Privilegium Kenulfi R. Merciorum, anno 821. Cartam Ethelwulfi R. Occid. Saxon, dantisde- cimam partem regni fui ecclefiis, anno 854. Cartam Edredi R. anno 955. Metas xx. hidarum, quas Ced¬ walla R. dedit Abbendonis, Saxonice : Privilegium Edgari regis, ann0958.de S.Edelwoldo,etreftauratione abbatis, et orationem ejufdem fanfti pro eadem : Car¬ tam Will. R, de fylva apud Winkfield : Cartas tres R. Hen. 1. confirm, donationes abbatis, De terra apud Colebroc, quam Milo Crifpin dedit ; Quomodo Rob. de Oili reddidit Tadmerton ecclefis ; Privile¬ gium P. Eugenii 3, anno 1 146. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 30. per Infpex. rccit. cartam Kenulfi R. pro villa de Cul- lanham, anno 821. In Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 163, etc. hilloriam ccenobii Abendonenfis a prima ejus fundatione ad A. D. 1131. ex additamentisChronici Florentii Wigornienfis, auc- tore monacho Abbendonenfi, ex mf. cod. in bibl. Lambeth. Ibid. p. 169 qusdam hiftorica de cceno- bio Abbendon. exhiftoria Abbendon. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius , B. vi. In Hift. et Antiq. univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. j6i, 162, 163. de infultu oppidanorum Abbendonenfiurn in abbatiam! A. D. 1327. Reyneri apoftolat. Benedidtinorum, tra£E ii. p. 124. A view of the abbey of Abbington, with a catalogue of the abbats, by my honoured and learned friend Brown Willis of Whaddon Hall in Buckinghamlhire efquire, printed in the fecond Appendix to Leland’s Colledta- nea, publifhed by the induftrious and accurate Mr. Thomas Hearne at Oxford 1715, 8°. p. 188. This 3 Crefiy’s Church Hiftory, p. 121. out of the Abingdon chro¬ nicle ; but quart P for the paflage Mon. Angl. i. 99. a. will not juftify this afiertion. b “Modicum monafteriolum,” Leland Coll. vol. i. p. 8. vol. ii. p. 249. ** Ccenobium perexile.” Ang. Sacr. yol. i. p. 163. c Mon. Angl. i. 97. b. d Tho. Hearne, at the end of Leland. Itin. vol. v. $ 29 * Ci/ra was not father ofK. Ina, as Malmfbury, Rudborn, and others ; becaufe that monarch was fon of Cenred. Chron. Saxon, edit. Gibfon, p. 16. 47. Affer. Menev. etc. account I. BERKSHIRE. account of Abingdon (with the other Parliamentary mitred abbies) is reprinted, much corrected, and im¬ proved, London 1719 8°. p. 1. etc. In Stevens’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 506. an account of this abbey from Wharton’s Anglia Sacra, and of the abbats from Mr. Willis. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 8, 26, 77, 526. vol. ii. p. 253. vol.iii. p. 57, 74. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 42. vol v. p. 168. vol. vii. p. 73, 74, 75. vol. ix. p. 33. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 300. dimenfiones ec- clefise. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 1 8 1 . cartam abbatis de Ab- bendon de militibus fuis feoffatis : Append, p. 559. hiflorical account of the foundation of this abbey : p. 594. extracts from the regifter. In Selden’s Hiftory of Tithes, p. 298, See. abftrafts of feveral deeds relating to this abbey out of the chartu- lary in the Cotton library. In Atkin’s Glocefterfhire, p. 406. of the manor and ad- vowfon of the reftory of Dumbleton. In Formulari Anglicano, editore V. cl. ThomaMadoxio rei antiquarian peritiffimo,.nunc hiftoriographo regio, Lond. 1702. fol. p. 372. habetur quiet, clam, de ler- vicio quodam in Andebiria cone, per Robertum abba- tem Abbendoniae. In ejufdem doctifi. Madoxii Hiftoria fcaccarii R. Lond. 1 71 1. fol. p. 287. de libertatibus quibufdam huic ab¬ batiae conceffis, infra hundr. de Hornemere. Placita Parliamentaria edita a Will. Ryley, Lond. 1661. fol. p. 387. de compofitione de diviiione pofteflionum abbatiae inter abb. et conv. fine affenfu R. 14 Ed. 2. Year Books, 1 Hen. 7. Pafch. 15. et Trin. 1. de fandtu- ario abbatis de Abingdon apudCulnham incom.Oxon. ubi carta Kenulfi regis. Ibid. 10 Hen. 7. term. Pafch. 31. Trin. 14. Ibid. t6 Hen. 7. term. Mich. 1. de debito priori de Walingford pro frumento et brafeo. In eadem lite placita vide in Raftal’s entries, tit. Dette fur vend, § 5, 6. Dugdale’s Warwieklhire, of lands in Hull, p. 214 — 302.- in Little Chefterton, p. 384. Hilloriam five regiftrum magnum cartarum abbatiae Ab- bendonienfis, in principle imperfedfum, a Cedwallo rege ad tempora R. Ricardi 1. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius , B. vi. Donationes cxn. quae in hoc codice Saxonice habentur ligillatim recenfuit vir de Saxonica literatura praeclare meritus Humfr. Wanleius, inCa- talogohiftorico-critico librorum vett. feptentrionalium, Oxon. 1705. fol. p. 235, 236, 237. Hiftonam abbatiae S. Mariaede Abbendune in duos libros diftindtam, feriptam tempore Henrici 2. [3. Smith] regis Anglia;, in qua de fundatione etdotatione abba¬ tiae, de abbatibus et officiariis, de terris et tenentibus ejufdem, cum cartis regum, bullis paparum, etc. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius , C. ix. Syllabum cartarum xix. de donationibus terrarum, quarum metas five ter¬ mini Saxonice exarantur, in hoc codice contentarum fuppeditat cl. Wanleii catalogus, p. 226, 227. In cod. Cotton, mf. Augujius , 11. 35. cartam Ethelredi R. abbatiae Abbendon. anno 993. Ibidem, 36. dona- tionemxxn. cafiatorum in Rimetudaeccleliae Abben¬ don. per Eadgarum regem, anno 962. Chronicon SaxonicumAbbandonienic,mf. Cotton. Tiler, B. 1.4. Mifcellanea quaedam monafterii Abbendon. ibid. Julius , A. ix. De hiftoria monafterii de Abbendon, ex antiquo rotulo deferipta perNicolaum Charles fecialem, titulo Lan- cafter, in praedidta biblioth. Cotton. Julius C. vii. 9. Cartas de terris in Newnham in'eom. Oxon. perquifitis ab abbate et monachis Abendon. ibidem. Julius , C 11. 21. J Cartam R. Eadwigi. Vitellius, D. vii. 22. Regis Ethel¬ redi de Cyrna. ibid. 27. De primis fundamentis Abbendoniie, et de abbatibus, etc. ibid. Vitellius, A. xm. 6. f fjsjre, if this be not the Leiger Book, faid by Mr. Wood i his rafti, iub A. D. 1618. to be wrote by Francis Little M. about the year 1627. t Idem Brian. Fwyne in colledlaneis fuis in archivis Oxon. no c In biblioth. Harleiana mf. 209. f. 3. extraordinarias ex- penfas hujus abbatiae f. 1. nomina abbatum : f. 1 r, 12, 85. confuetudines abbatiae in diebus feftis. mf. 261. n. 4. notulas quafdam de fundatione. mf. 464. f. 75. Abingdonienfis chronici initium. mf. 862. f. 129. li- centiam concefiam priori ut confeffiones conventus audiat. mf. 2044. f. 1. how Lupus earl of Cheftcr gave his eftate in Scipena : Ibid, charter of Richard earl of Chefter of a hide of land in Wdemundellai : mf. 6072. f. 3. notes relating to fettlements and donations: mf. 6748. f. 8, 15. cartas Hen. 2. mf. 66. f. 15. mf. 294. f. 216. mf. 312. f. 1. mf. 2060. f. 261. mf. 2188. f. 66. mf. 5804. f. 102. excerpta ex diverfis re- giftris et hiftoriis hujus abbatiae. In bibl, Dodfworth, vol.lxxviii. f. 93. vol. cv. f. 1. vol. clii. f. 152. In mufeo Alhmol. mf. Wood ci. p. 130. mf. in collegio armorum n. 23. excerpta ex regiftris. Supervifum tarn omnium et fingulorum melfuagio- rum hofpitiorum tenementorum, etc. quam terra- rum pafturarum et reddituum infra villam de A- byndon, parcel!. pofTeffionum nuper monafterii B. Marias in Abingdon, factum per Rogerum Amyce 1 et 2 Phil. et Mar. mf. inbibl.publ. Acad. Cant. Gg. iv.21. Collectanea cl. Ric. Jamefii plurima, ex libris Abben- dunenfibus, mf. in bibl. Bodl. James, vol. viii. p, 71. vol xvii. p. 78. vol. xviii. p. 2. vol. xxiv. p. 3. De fundatione abbatiae de Abbendon, ibid. mf. Dodf¬ worth, vol. cxlv. f. 76. MSS. notes concerning the abbey of Abington, in mu¬ feo Afhmol. Oxon. Wood, vol.lv. p. 59. A Leiger Book, containing an account of the monaftery at Abbington f, etc. lying in the hall of Chrift’s hofpi- tal at Abbington, as Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 76. Excerpta ex libris Abbendunenfibus cum catalogo abba¬ tum et pluribus cartis ad hoc ccenobium fpedtantibus, in volumine fecundo collectaneorum V. doctifi". Briani Twyne, mf. in biblioth. coll. Corp. Chrifti, Oxon. vol. ii. n. 10. ubi laudatur codex cartarum Saxonica- rum Abbendonienfis penes magiftrum .... Powel de Samford s. Chronicon Abbendonenfe, mf. in bibl. publ.Cantabr. Chronicon Abbendonenfe ab Hengifto ad A. D. 1302. mf. in biblioth. coll. S S. Trinitatis, Cantabr. Chronicon Abendoni* feriptum a monacho ejufdem ab- batiie, quod incipit A. D. 1216. et definit in anno 1307. citatur a cl. S' pelmanno, inverbo Traylebajlon. Regiftrum monafterii de Abbendon, mf. olim penes .... Berry de Culham prope Abendon. Regiftrum aliud hujus abbatis, mf. olim penes . Wray de Ricot in com. Oxon. arm. In biblioth. Coll. Corp. Chrifti, Cant. mf. m. p. 147. reftitutionem 20. manfiuncularum per Eadwigum re¬ gem ; p.149. donationem 2ohidarumapudTadmasrton per eundem : p. 167. donationem 25. calfatorum apud Fifhidan per Eadgarum regem: p. 169. donationem 5. calfatorum apud Cyrne per Ethelredum regem : P- 1 71. cartam Ethtlftani regis de terris in Dumultun reftituris per Eadgarum regem. In archivis turris Londinenfis et Icaccarii regii Weft- monaft. recondita inveniantur quamplurima feripta ad terras et libertates hujus abbatiae lpcclanti a, et inter alia, cart. antiq. P. n. 28. [ 1 Ric. 1 . de hundr. de Horn- mere, decima venationum, mercato, etc.] T. n. 2. [lcil. Hen. 2. de filvade Cumenore et Bagelega] X. n. 8. [fcil. Hen. 1. de prato didto Kingfmede.]~ Plac. apud Weftm. 2 Joan. rot. 26. dorfo, de terris in Hulle [War.] Rot. clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro feria apud Shalingford : Plac. de Banco 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 11. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 4. de hundr. de Hornemere et bofe. de Shaghe: Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 9. 21. Fin. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. Fin. Warr. 18 Hen. 3. rot. ... pro terris in Hulle : Fin. Oxon. 31 Hen. 3. rot. . . pro terris in Watteie : Plac. apud Weftm. 34 Hen. 3. rot. 20. de terris in Hearft. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 20. Cart. 41 Hen. 3. tat. 5 169. 3o8,etc. excerpfit quaedam ex veteri regiltro Abbett- <‘°lemC’’JUS pnncipium’ “ Mons Abbemlonic ad feptentriooa- m. 7. I, BERKSHIRE. m. 7. Clauf. 51 Hen. 3. in dorfo : Plac. apud Glo- ceft. 53 Hen. 3. rot. 10. dorfo, de communia pafturx in Dumbleton. Pat. 1 Ed. I. p. 3. m.4. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. n. 20. dorfo. Pat. 3 Ed. I. m. 15. de commun. paftur. in Yatef- comb : Plac. in com. Berks, 12 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 30. de manerio de Eft Loking : Plac. apud Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 21. dorfo, de manerio de Leaknore : Plac. in com. Gloc. 15 Ed. 1. quo warranto rot. 14. de libertatibus in Dumbleton et Litlington : Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 53. pro feria ofto dierum apud capellam S. 'Edmundijn Abindon : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . . Plac. in com. Midlll. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 37. dorfo, de liber- tat. in Kenfington : Pat. 30 Ed. 1 . m. . . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . . Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 1 vel 12. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 1. pro terris in Bradele : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 29. et p. 2. m. 7. dorfo. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 4. Pat. 1 3 Ed. 2. m. 44. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 12. in cedula : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. m. 14. de ecclefia de Kenfington [Middl.] et compofit. cum priore de Coin: Rot. Rom. 15 Ed. 2. m. 14. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 25. et p. 3. m. 4. pro feriis, mer- cato die lunae, curia de Portmote, etc. Clauf. 3 Bd. 3* m. 8, 15, 19, et 28. Pat. 4Ed. 3. p. 1. m - pro kernellatione monafterii : Rot. Rom. 4 Ed. 3. art. 1 1 . Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 30. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . de penfione epifcopo Lin¬ coln. Ibid. m. . . d. de molendino apud Bottley : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. dorfo : Plac. in Banco, 27 Ed. 3. rot. 139. pro libertat. hund. de Hornmere : Pa t. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 47 Ed. 3 p. i.m. 25. Ibid. p. 2 m. . . Pat. 49 Ed. 3. n. 50. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5, 16. et p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 12. Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro terris in Comenore, Radele, etc. ex dono Thom* Hanney perfonae de Longworth : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 13 Hen. 41 p. 1. m. 22; Pat. 9 Hen. 5. art. 27. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 8. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. pro xx. damis ratione decimarum venationis foreftae de Windefor : Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1 1 . pro manerio de Wefton : Pat. 25 Hen. 6. m. 14. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 8. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 7. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 5. de manerio de Horfepath : Ibid. 17 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 9. Rot. Par- liam. 28 Hen. 8. n. 24. 2. St. Helen’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. Helen here was founded by Geffrey Barbar, and Sir John de S. Helena \ in the reign1 of K. Henry 5. There were in Leland’s time fix poor men and fix poor women maintained in it by the gild or fraternity of the Holy Crols k, which was found¬ ed for the building and repairing of bridges ‘and high ways, and the maintenance of poor people. But this gild being difiblved by the aft for taking away chantries, etc. Sir John Mal'on, one of the mafters of requefts, and a native of this place, obtained the lands, and therewith founded the prefent hofpital, called Chrilt’s Hofpital, 19 Maii A. D. 1553. for the maintenance of thirteen poor men and women. Vide Heylin’s Hiftory of the reformation, p. 141, 142. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 43. vol. iii. p. 1 37 • vol. vii. p. 8, 76, 80. Antiquities of Berkfliire, vol. i. p. 1 1 3. The mf. Leiger Book lying in the hall of this hofpital, mentioned in Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 76. A monument of chriftian munificence, wherein the hov norable memory of the chief benefactors, both to the old fraternity of the Holy Crofs, and the new founda^ tion of the hofpital of Chrift in Abingdon, is regifter- ed, &c. by Francis Little, 20 Sept. 1627. mf. olim penes Joannem Verney. 3. St.John’s Hospital. The hofpital of St.John Baptitt, without the abbey gate, over againft St. Nicholas church, faid by Mr. Leland to have been founded by one of the abbats m, for fix (or as in another place for twelve) poor men, under the government of a matter. It is yet in being, under the government of the mayor and aldermen, who maintain therein fix poor people. Vide Leland Itin. vol. ii. p. 42. vol. vii. p. 75. pro mefluag. et terris in Sogworth, ex dono Williel- RyleiiPlac. Parliam.14Ed.2-p. 391- , mi de Alnefcote. Rot. pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 11. Pat. 16 Ed. 1 1. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. 4. Alms-House. “ There is alfo another poore houfe, called the Olde Almes-houfe, ftandinge “ upon the ryver of Thames, wherein been xx poore creatures relieved at this prefent onelie by the “ charitable allowance of the good devout chriltian people of the towne of Abington.” Supervifus poflefT. abbat. infra vill. de Abingdon, mf. in bib. publ. Acad. Cant. Gg. iv. 21. II. BRADANFIELD, or Bradfield. Monastery Destroyed. A monaftery was built here by K. Ina before A.D. 699. as he himfelf tell us ", in his charter of that date to Abingdon, in Mon. Angl. Vol. i. p. 100. III. B R I M P T O N. Knights Hospitallers. Here feems to have been a houfe of the Knights Hofpitallers of St. John of Jerufalem, temp. Hen. 3 °. i> Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 8. > For Geffrey Barbar died A. D. 141 7> as Leland. Itin. vol. vn. P* 77- k Leland. Itin. vol. 11. p. 43* „ , c TU 1 Both thefe founders were famous for bridges: tor br. John of St. Helens was the firft beginner of Burford Bridge, towards the maintenance of which, and to this hofpital, he left 50/. per ann. Vid. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 76. And Geffrey Barbar was the principal founder of Culham bridge, towards which, and fi- nifhing Burford bridge, and making the caufey, hegaveathou- fand marks. Leland Itin. ibid. m So Leland. Itin. vii. p. 75. but vol. ii. p. 42. he faith, “ The “ kinges be countid for founders of this hofpitale.” n “ Bradenficld, — ubi monafterium erexi,” are the words of the charter ; and that this Bradenfield is Bradfield near Reading, fee Mr. Hearne’s Gloffary ad Petr. Langtoft, p. 597. 0 In cartulario de Reading, fol. 34. b. “ Quietum clameum « placiti inter ffatrem Lucam magiftrum et hofpitelarios de Brim- “ ton, et nos, de uno meffuagio in Redyng, A.D. 1254.” Nico¬ laus magifter de Brimpton is witnefs to feveral deeds of which the late Edward Rowe Mores efq; had copies. IV. BROMHALE, IV. BERKSHIRE. IV. BROMHALE, in or near Windfor Foreft Benedictine Nuns. Here was a fmall Benedidtine nunnery, dedicated to St. Margaret, founded before the firft year of K. John. But by inquifition taken 3 Martii, 13 Hen. 8. it was found that Joan Rawlins, late priorefs, having refigned, the only two nuns belonging to this houfe, had abandoned it, upon which this priory with the lands thereunto belonging were adjudged to be efcheated to the crown, from whence it was granted, 2 1 Oft. in the next year, by the intereft and procurement of bilhop Filher, to St. John’s college in Cambridge, which yet enjoys the fame. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. pi 899. cartam Henrici La¬ cy com. Lincoln, de c. acris in vafto de Aflerige cone, monialibus. In Mr. Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. App. 3. the names of feveral priorefles: In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 331. of the impro¬ priate reftory of Rockland S. Margaret. In Morant’s EiTex, vol. i. p. 219. of lands in Horndon on the hill. . Cartas, rentalia, etc. in archivis collegii S. Joan. Can- Epiftolam W. [fcil. Walteri de Cantilupo] epife. Wi- gorn. omnibus abbatibus, prioribus, archidiaconis, etc. infra dioc. Wigorn. ut colligant eleemofynas fidelium pro prioratu monialium S. Margaret* de Brumhale, Sar. dioc. nuper combufto, etc. mf. in bibl. Corp; Chrifti coll. Oxon. 154. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. ii. n. 72. pro ecclefia de Suning- hill: Cart. 6 Joan. n. 105. de virgata terrae in Win- dlelhore. ... Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 7. de l. acris brueriae de dommico regis de Windfor in Laverfett fuper aquam deBaglhot, xxx. acris in Hartle fubtus Chabeham, xx. acris apud Tettenhirft in parochia de Suninghill : Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 13. Pat. 16 Hen. 3. m. . . dc pelTona pro por- cis in forefla de Windfor. Cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 3. de cxn. acris in forefta de Windfor: Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro melTuag. in Windfor. Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. jo et 28. de terris in Suninghill : Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 2. de cli. acris terrae in Becknefeid et Warfield infra foreftam de Windfor, Pat. 1 1 Ed. j. m; penult, vel antepenult, pro alfartando c, acr. infra foreftam de Windfor : Pat. 1 3 Ed. 1. m. vel 8. confirmat. c. acr. vafti de AfTerigge, ex cone, enrici Lacyet Margaretae uxoris ejus. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro ecclefia de Aldworth ap- propriand. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. confirmat. ter- rarum et libertatum. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. pro manerio de Crechfeld [Berks:] Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro ecclefia de Abingdon juxta Northamp¬ ton appropriand. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. pro advocatione eccl. de Abina don juxta Northampton: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 29. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 36 vel 37. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 16. Rec. in fcacc. t6 Hen. 8. Triri. rot. 23, 24. Rec. iri fcacc. it Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 10. V. BUSTLESHAM Byfharri-montague. 1. Templars. Robert de Ferrariis, temp. Steph. gave the manor of Biftlelham r to the Templars* who thereupon made here a preceptory 8 for the knights of that order. 2. AtlSTiN Canons. Upon their diffolution, temp. Ed. 2. this feems not to have palled with the greateft part of their eftates to the knights of St. John of Jerufalem, for they had before granted it away in fee to Hugh de Spencer jun. ', afterwards it came to William Montacute earl of Salilbu- ry, who, A. D. 1338 u. built a priory here for canons of the order of St. Auftin, which was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 285/. 1 it. ob. per aim. Dugd. 327/. 4 s. 6d. Speed. The prior and convent hav¬ ing furrendered this monaftery 5 July 1536. K. Henry 8. in the year following refounded and more amply endowed it with the lands of the late diffolved abbey of Chertfey and the priories of Cardi- oan, Bethkelert, Ankerwike, Little Mario, Medmenham, etc. to the valueof 661 1. 14 s. yd. per arm. for the maintenance of an abbat, who was to have the privilege of wearing a mitre, and thirteen Be- nediftine monks. But this new abbey was of fhort continuance, being furrendered 19 June, 30 Hen. 8. and the fite of it was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Sr. Edward Hoby. N. B. In the charter of the firft foundation, this monaftery is faid to be dedicated to our Lord Jehus Chrift, and to the bleflcd Virgin his mother; and in that of the fecond foundation, to the blefted Virgin Mary, yet, in the time of Richard 2. and in both the furrenders it is ftyled the Conventual Church of the Holy Trinity. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 355. pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15 vel 25. recit. et confirm, fundationem et dota- tionem prioratus a Will, de Montacuto, 21 Jun. A.D. 1338. Ibid. p. 356. pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. pro manerio de Bulftrode [Bucks:] Pat. 8 Hen. 5. m. 4. licent. pro tranflatione offium Joan, de Monteacuto com. Sarum a Cirenceftre ufque ad Buftlefham : Ibid, tom. iii. p. i. p. 21. etc. pat. 29 Hen. 8. p. 4. m. . . de nova fundatione abbatbe: Ibid. p. 62. b. cartam Tho. de Sauridford pro capellano fuftentando in hac domo Templi. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 89. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 32. vol. ix. p. 49. In cl. Rymeri Feeder, etc. vol. v. p. 176. rot. Rom. 14 Ed. 3. m. 3. fc. epift. regis ad papam pro com. Sa¬ rum, fuper prioratu fiindarido. In Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. 649, 652. of fonte of the Montacutes being buried here, etc. p Tho’ Mr. Burton or Mr. Speed be miftaicen as to the founder (Edward the Black Prince) and tutelary faint (St. M. Magdalene) of this nunnery, yet their fituation of it is right, its donations be¬ ing in Aihridge wood, near Billingbury and the road to Reading, as in the Monalticon ; or, as others, in fome of the records re- ferr’d to in Sunninghill , in Windfor Foreft near Bagfliot, etc. fo that it is not wrong to place it in this county, as the editor of the Magua Britannia Antiqua et Nova, p. 19a. feems to think. Sir Charles Littleton informed the late Dr. Tanner, that it was cer¬ tainly lituated in Sunninghiil. s Ex informatione viri amiciffimi, et de antiquitatibus Canta- brigienfibus bene meriti, Thomse Baker S.T. B. The a b ft raft of this Inquifition is at the end of Mr. Baker’s notes in Cambridge- Ihire. r Mon, Angi. tom. ii. p. 5231 ’ Cambdenin Attrebat.—“ Blftleham niinc contiafte Bifliam, “ primumTemplariorum militum, inde Montacutorum, qui mo- “ nafteriolum extruxerunt et poftea patrimonium Dom. Ed. Ho- “ bei.” Et in mf. bibl. Bodl. Wood. X. f. a. “ Tho. de Santford “ dedit manerium de Santford et advocationem ecclefiae de Ble- “ bury fratribus militise Templi ad fubfidium terra fanfta, et “ ad fuftentandum unum capeilanum, qui miffam pro ftdelibus “ defunftis celebrabit in domo templi de Biiftelelham.” Carta hsec extat Mon. Angl. iii. p.i. p. 6a. 1 Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . . u Not 1138, as Antiquities of Berkihire, vol. ii. p. 463. D In V. BERKSHIRE. In Dr. Archer’s account of the religious houfes in the diocefe of Bath, printed at the end of Hearne’s He- mingford, p. 633. of the impropriate redtory of Curry- Revel. In Worfeley’s hiftory of the Ifle of Wight, p. 263. of the impropriate church of Shalfleet. Afhmole’s Berkfhire, vol. ii. p. 463. Nomina priorum mf. Cole, vol. xl. p. 293. Ordinationem vicarire ecclefiae de Eaft Claydon [Bucks] huic prioratui appropriat. A. D. 1421. in regiftro Ri- cardi Fleming epifc. Lincoln, f. . . Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1 n. 207. licent. Templariis pro terris in Buftleham aflartandis. Rot. pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 4. licentiam regispro fun- datione, etp. 3. m. 14. pro dotatione ad valorem ccc. marcar. per ann. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. m. 15. n. 35 et 37. Clauf. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 1. Cart. 13 Ed. 3. n. 1 1. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . . Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Fin. Bucks 36 Ed. 3. n. 80. de rcddit. in Merlaw, etc. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro ec- clefia de Eft Claydon approprianda. pat. 47 Ed. 3, p. I. m. 29- pro tenemento in London, prope Caftrum Bernardi : Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ii. pro ecclelia de Hermefton [Line.] Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. l- m. 9. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. ra. 21. pro ecclefiis de Coryryvell [Som.] et Mohant [march. Walliae] appropriandis : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. et p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro ecci. de Hilmorton appropriand. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 14. Rot. aflif. in com. Noting, vel Lincoln. 8 Hen. 4. rot. 95. de eccl. de Hermefton: Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18. pro eccl. de Eft Claydon appropriand. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 10. et p. 5. m. 20. pro eccl. de Schaldeflet appropriand. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 3. pro eccl. de Weft Wicomb. appropriand. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. I. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 24. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. . . m. 7 vel 8. etm. ult. vel penult. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 9. VI. C H O L S E Y near Walingford, dim Celefige, Ceolfige, Cealfeia, Celfey, cr Celcy. Monastery Destroyed. Here was one of the three old monafteries referred to in king Henry ill’s foundation charter of the abbey of Reading, as having been long before deftroved which perhaps happened to this when the Danes, in their irruption into Berldhire, A.D. 1006 *, burnt Reading, Walingford, “ Ceolefiam, vicofque, [not virofque] quamplures-,” as in Hoveden, edit. Francofurt. 1601. fol. p. 430. It was founded by King Ethelied about the year 986, to make fome atonement for the murder of his brother K. Edward the martyr r. The manor and impro¬ priation of Cholfey belonged to the abbey of Reading till the general diffolution, when there was a fine country houfe here, called The abbat of Reading’s place, which by that name was granted ta- Sr. Francis Englefield, 4. et 5 Phil, et Maria. VII. DONINGTON, near Newbury. 1. Trinitarian Friers. Here was an houfe of friers of the order of the holy Trinity *, found¬ ed by Sir Richard Abberbury knt. (who built the cattle here) 1 6 Ric. 1. which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 19/. 3 s. 10 d. per ann. as Dugdale, and 20/. i6r. 6d. as Speed. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 135. 2. Hospital. And near it was and is an hofpital for poor perfons, called God’s Houfe % ereft- ed and endowed molt probably by the fame Sir Richard Abberbury6: But fome fay by Thomas Chaucer0 efquire, who died A. D. 1434. and others by William de la Pole duke of Suffolk4, who married the faid Chaucer’s heirefs. It was reftored by the right honorable Charles Howard % earl of Nottingham, temp. Jac. 1. and is yet in being for a mailer and twelve poor men, who have each of them 61. 13 s. ^d. per ann. and every feventh year, when theleafeis renewed, almolt double. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 474. pat. i6Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 13. licentiam regiam pro fundatione hofpitalis, et donatione manerii de Yifteley. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 33. vol. iii. p. 135. Rot. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. de meftuagiis et terris in Thorp, Cudelington, et Sulthorn in com. Oxon. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. de terris in Neuberry, Do- nyngton, Eaft Henrith et alibi (qux prius per Ricar- cardum de Abberbury conceflae fuerunt priori S . Crucis Mon. Angl. tom. i. p.417. * Not long before that time there was a donation of certain lands in Walingford to this church by the laft will and teftament of iElfric, archbifhop of Canterbury, (cl. Geo. Hickefii Dilfert. Epiftol. p. 6a.) and about A. D. 990. is mention of German abbat of Celefige. Hiftor. Ramef. edit. Gale, cap. 65. 1 Chronica Joan. Walingford inter xv. feriptores Galeanos, p.546. 1 Leland. Itin. iii. p. 135. calls them Croflid Friers. And Speed faith they were “ ordinis fanftse Crucis.” But they are exprefly faid to be « ordinis fanftte Trinitatis” in the furrender, Rymer juxtaturrim London, et regi forisfaftx) conceflis per Thomam Abberbury haeredem dicti Ricardi Willelmo duci Suffolk. The ftatutes and ordinances made by Charles ear! of Nottingham, patron, and Richard James gent, mafter of the (aid hofpital, with the confent of George lord archbifhop of Canterbury, i6Jaci. Amongft the papers of archbifhop Sancroft, given by the author to the Bodleian library at Oxford. xiv. p. 6x3. And their head is there called Minifter, and not Prior, as the head of the Crofted or Crowched Friers generally was. * Camden, col. cxlii. edit. 1695. but called Queen Elizabeth’s ■ Hofpital in the Statutes made by the earl of Nottingham, etc. b Camden, Leland. Itin. iii. 135. and the royal licence in the Monafticon for founding it, is granted to him. c Leland. Itin. ii. p. 33. <* Leland. ibid. Dugd. Bar. vol. ii. p. 189. * Winchomb Howard Packer efquire is the prefent patron, and nominates the mafter and almfmen, A. D. 1739. VIII. FAR END ON. VIII. BERKSHIRE. VIII. FARENDON. Cistercian Cell: Some Ciftercian monks happening to fix here, king John, 2 Nov A D 1 203. gave : the whole manor to the head houfcof St. Mary at C.ftertium, or Ciceaux in France, upon condition that an abbey Ihould be forthwith built within the fame : But the fame king having found¬ ed in the next year a large monaftery of that order at Beaulieu in Hampfhire, it was agreed by all parties that this donation Ihould be transferred thither; fo that here were fettled only fome few monks, fubordinate to the convent of Beaulieu ; and, as parcel of the poffeffions of that abbey tlm manor, hundred, the fairs, and other liberties were granted to Sr. Fr Englefield 2 Maria Vide in Mon Angl. tom. i. p. 926. cartam anno 5 Joan, p. 1. n. 139. de fundatione. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 122. Taxationes, computes ballivorum, confuetudines tenen- tium, etc. in Farendon Magna et Parva, Sulfton, Langford, Inglelham, Weftbroke, Cokefwelt, et alia maneria dotnus de Farendon, mf. memb. in fol. inter codices mfs. Barlovianos in bibl. Bodl. n. 2. Cart. 5. Joan. p. 2. n. 38. pro meremio ad faciend. ber- carias et alia xdificia ; Rot. de terris Norman. 6 Joan. n- 93> et 22i. de terris in Selferton. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 14. pro feria ibidem : Cart. 1 1 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 3. pro feria : Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart 53 Hen. 3. m. 13. ° J C Faremlon2' 34‘ Pr° mercato et feria aPud Chepyng Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 4. Hil. rot. 2. Inquif. 2 Hen. 5. n. 8. de reparatione vis regia; inter r arendon et Radcote, per abbatem. IX. F Y F I E L D, or Fifhyde kJX1' h°rpital dedi“"d ” Sr' Joh" Bapt!l1' f0“ndtd 'T *he «««»« of John Golafre, Vide rot. pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 22 rfen. 6. in Chorlton, et pro meff et terris in Fifh „d, r p. 1. m. 24. pro man. de Baudwines-court et Wykes Waneting, et W. Hanney * ifhyde, Grove, X. H A M M E. Benedictine Nuns. Mr. Speed mentions, at a place of this name in this county amonalW afcHhed tnr S’ ?1CTr t0 SuMV MaSdalen’ which he had out of the catalogue of refigious houfes afcnbed to Gervafe of canterbury r, and if fo, mud be as old as K Tnbn’s 1-?;™ n 0 US r . account of this religious houfe hath not yet occurr’d either in the'/ecords, or°a‘ny otheJgood'au- XI. HELENSTOW', tinned till the wars between Offa king Sf Se Memian^ and K ^ Witteham where they con- about the year 780. when it being a frontier town a’nd Jinewulf king of the Weft Saxons, and retired other religions houfef. and never retZS^re SriLT ’ ' “”V'n‘ br°kC "P> >• P- 77- .Oh in. p. „. ex hbns Abbendunenfibus. P- 43- XII. hungerford. Hospital. An hofpital here is mentioned in the patent roll of n ev . ™ , ... . 1 Htn. 4. p. 1. m. . . where it is faid to be dedicated to Sc. John Baptift^' aRd 3 f° “ pat‘ XIII. HURLEY, dim Herleia. was dedteated to the Virgin Maty, and valued, a6 8. a. r'a?" n " JZ™. Z^d.' Vt dbdne^fmiice^thrkie^n^a week f MS. defeript. Anglise in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. Fordflhre^c fn Mon " A°n' 5a’-n°tes be,one!ng to Elnftow in Bed- roneouffy^fcribed^to tidrfnBerkilbire8 0bft"ed’ eI" * T’ L p • 77 • Itin- voL H- »• «• endoTved^thonf caru^teoYlaT tw ^ ^ i 11 Was cottages, (which were of theyearj^^fD^^ T.* BT4eSi°/ Ex informldonexS: Scacc. p. 498. ex memorand. 1 Joan. rot. 10. 1 “ ior. 8d. Xlli. BERKSHIRE. ios. 8 d. Speed. The fite, and many of the lands, were granted in exchange to the abbat and con¬ vent of Weftminfter m, 28 Hen. 8. but afterward to Leonard Chairiberleyn, 36 Hen. 8. fadi in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 363, 4, 5. ex regiftro de Walden penes com. Suffolk 1650. cartam fundationisr Cartam Gaufridi de Magna Villa temp. R. Steph. Cartam Will, epifcopi London; pro decimis in Wal¬ den, Sabridgworth, aliifque parochiis in dioc. Lond. Excambium inter priorem de Hurleia et abbatem de Waleden de eccl. de Stratteleya pro deciriiis iftiufmodi in Walden, etc. A. D. 1258. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 32. vol. vii. p. 70. vol. ix. p. 72. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Anglic, p. 37- cartam R. Hen. i. confirm, dohatlones Gaufr. de Magna Villa : P. 45. confirmationem R. Hen. 2. p. 48. cart. Will, comitis Effex de decimationibus : p. 54. confirmatio¬ nem Galfridi fil. Petri comitis Effexiae de Parva Wal¬ tham : p. 128. dimiflionem tenementi in Hedington: p. 239. cartam fundationis emendatiorem ex atitogr. p. 242. Gaufridi de Magna Villa etRoafix ux. dede- cima curiae monachorum : p. 246. W^ill. de Mande- vill com. Effex, pro decimatione nucum in parco fuo de Enfield. Ibid, ejufdem de bofcis de Herleia et Parva Waltham : p. 247. Agnetis filiae Will, conft. Ceftriae de 1 1 ; hydis in Periton et Claiora, etc. p. 249. Rad. prioris de Hurley de penfione iv. fol. de eccl. de Jez Hamftede : p. 251. Will, de Londonia de de¬ cimis in Efgarefton : p. 290. G. de Mandevilla fun- datoris prsepofito fuo, ne deftruat bofcum monacho¬ rum. In Afhmole’s Berkfiiire, vol. ii. p. 43 r . of the manor of Laurence Waltham. In Bridges’ Northamptonftiire, vol. i. p. 138. of a pen- fion of 2 marks out of the redtory of Ayiiho. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire.edit. 1730, p. 581. of tythes in the lordfhips of Great Compton and Wefton, and a penfiort. Computos, rentalia, cartas originales, etc. ad hunc pri- oratum fpefthnt. pCiles Rob. Gayer arm. Cart, antiq. EE. n. rr. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 5 vel 6. Fin. Oxon. 43 Hen. rot. . . de terris in Kayngham. Fin. div; com. 4 Ed. r. n. 39. de terris in Herefield : Plac. ih Com. Berks, 12 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 39. dorfo, et rot. 40. dorfo, de libert. ih Eft Hamftede; Plac! apud Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. dffif. rot. 2i. de man. de Uft Hamftede. Clauf. 16 Ed. 3. m. ig. dorfo, decantaria in cap. S. An¬ dre® de Maidenheth ordinanda per priorem de Hurley juxta teftamentum Joannis Hufband ; Pat 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m.34 vel 35. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 25. pro ten. inHurle: Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 7. de meff. terris et bofcis in Kurle ; Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. penult. Pat. 2 Hen. 4-p. 3. m. 16. licent. profternendi arbojes infra foreftam de Windfor. XIV. L A M B O R N. Hospital. An hofpital on the north fide of the church; founded by John Ifbury efquire, A.D. 1 502 ", for ten poor men, viz. fix nominated by the warden of New College in Oxford, and four by the family of Hippeiley in Lamborn. It is yet in being, and the ten poor men therein receive 12s. per week, three loads of wood, and .... Wheat and malt yearly, and a (hare of the fine paid every l'eventh year for renewing of the leafe. Vide Licentiam regis pro fundatione et ordinationes fundatoris, penes cuftodem Coll. Novi, Oxofl. XV. NEWBURY. Hospital. The hofpital here, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, is thought to have been founded by K. John, who granted a fair on St, Bartholomew’s day for the benefit of it. It was formerly un¬ der the government of a warden, mafter, or prior"; but, having efcaped the difiolution in K. Ed¬ ward 6’s time, it is now under the care and management of the corporation, who have lately rebuilt the houfes, and allow each of the fix men and fix women inhabiting them, 2 s. 6d. per week, befides 4 s. each on the fair day, 131. 4 d. at Chriftmas, one hundred faggots yearly, and a new coat or gown every two years. Vide cartas penes reciorem et guardianos ecclefis de Plac. apudWeftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 140. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. Newbury. m- 13‘ d°rf°- Rot. clauf. 17 Joan. m. 27. n. 38. pro feria apud Neu- Cart. 17 Ric. 2. n. 38. biry. XVI. POUGHELY, or Pochele, in or near the parijb of Chaddleworth L Austin Canons. In the place where an old hermitage had been at Ellenfordefmere or Clen- fordefmere, Ralph de Chadeleworth, about A. D. 1160% founded a priory for canons Regular, of the order of St. Auguftine, to the honor of St. Margaret, This was afterward called Poghele, and was endowed, temp. Ed. 4r, with 50/. per ann. or, as it was found a little before its fupprelfion, with 10/. per ann. in fpiritualities, and 61/. iu. yd. in temporal poffeffidns s, amounting in the whole to very near thefum mentioned in Speed, viz. 71 /. ioj. yd. It was one of the fmaller monafteries diffolved by cardinal Wolfey, but after his fall this was given, 23 Hen. 8. to the abbat and convent of Weftminfter in which church it has ever fince continued under all its feveral endowments. m For Hyde-park, etc. Widmore, p. 127. 59. was of pope Alexander 3. becaufe this priory is mentioned in n Antiquities of Berks, p. ii. p. 244. fay A. D. 1485. Others Gervafe of Cant, who lived temp. ‘Joannis, and was in being in fay A. D. 1507. that king’s reign, as appears by the pleadings in the Year Books. O “ Prior S. Barthol. Neubury,” Plac. ao Ed. r. et Prynne iii. ' Rymer, xi. 639. 911. ex Pat. 25 Ed. I. # MS. Valor. p Not the fame with Parley by Reading, as the author of 1 In exchange for 100 acres of land (part of which was made Magna Britannia Antiq. et Nova, p. 19a. into St. Jamesrs park) conveyed by the abbat and convent to the s It feems molt probable, that the bull in Mr. Rymer, vol. i. p. king. Widmore, p. 143. Fide XVI. BERKSHIRE, Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 266, 267. cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 26. perlnfpex. recit. cartam 32 Hen 3. confirman- tem conceffiones plurimorum donatoruni. In cl. Ryrrteri Foederum, etc. vol. ii p. 59. bullarh P. Alex. 3. de exemptione decimariim, et aliis privile¬ ges conceffis priori et fratribus S. Margarets de E- lenfordefmer Ibid. p. 607. bullam P. Alexandri 4. de privileges, A. D. 1256 w- Ibid. p. 610. bullam ali- am ejufd. papse de protedbione priori et conv. de Po- chele: Ibid. vol. xi. p. 639. difpenfationem papalem priori de Pochele ad retinendum beneficium eccleftaf- ticum cum prioratu. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 314.. literam Matildis de Clare comitiffie Glovernise de fervicio tenentis de Colemere Curiae fuae de Mapel Durham : p. 374. qui- etam clam. Ric; de Walton fadtam priori et cOnv. de Poghele, de redditu xxr. et quodam regali fervitio, 20 Hen. 3. Dr. Kennet’s Parochial Antiquities of Ambrofdetl, etc. p. 233, 234. two charters concerning the ferviee of a knight’s fee due for the lands this priory had ill Weft Batterton, dated 28 Hen. 3. Year Books, 2 Ed. 3. Trin. 1. affife de darrein prefent- ment pro ecCl. de Kingdom In cl. ftyleii Plac. Parliam. p. 124. de advocatione hu- ju$ prioratus cone, monialibus de Ambrelbury, 21 Ed. 1. Cartas, etc. inarchivisecclefixcoIlegiatseD. Petri Weft- monad. The Cardinal’s bundle, among the records in chancery, and amongthe bags belonging to the cardinal’s colleges in the Talley court, Weftminfter. Apographa quatundam cartarum ad hunc prioratum fpe&antium, inter collectanea V.do£ti(T. Ricardi James S.T.P; inbibl. Bodl. vol.xxvi. p. J73. Rot. cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 4. Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. de terris in Bagenore et Ha- delegh : Brev. Reg. 8 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 7. 9; Pat. 3 Ed; 3. p. 2. m. . . Pat. 23 Hen. 8. p. 2. XVII. READING. 1. Monastery destroyed. Here was in the Saxon times a nunnery, faid by Leland, and from him by Camden and Speed % to have been built by K. Edward the martyr’s mother in law, Q. Elfrida, for penance-, and to have been, as the conftant fame was, where St. Mary’s parifh church now is. But afterward Leland makes a query, “ Whether the old nunnery ftood not in the place “ wher’ the abbay of Readyng ftondith ? and whither St. Maries were not of a newer foundation?” This makes it probable, that there were two old nunneries in Reading, one (where the abbey after was) deftroyed, and the lands alienated, long before the time of K. Henry 1 y, and the other, either where St. Mary’s church now is, or in fome other part of the town, which was in being almofl: one hundred years after the foundation of the abbey; as evidently appears from Clauf. 7 Joannis, m. 11. “ Rex vicecomiti Berchefyre, falutem. Prscipimus, quod fine dilatione reddi facias prioriffe et mo- “ nialibus de Rading xil. folidatas redditus in Wallingford, unde difleifitae fuerunc,” etc. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 30. 2. Benedictine Abbey. A.D. 1I21. 1 king Henry 1 laid the foundation of a ftately ab¬ bey here to the honor of the Holy Trinity, the blelfed Virgin Mary, and St. John the evangelift, which in about four years he finithed, and amply endowed for the maintenance of two b hundred monks of the Benedidtine c order, whofe annual income at the difiolution amounted to d 1938/. 14J. 3 d. ob. q. Dugd. 2116/. 3 s. gd. ob. q. Speed. The fite of this monaftery was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Ed¬ ward duke of Somerfet, 1 Maria , to Hen. Jerningham, and 3 Jac. 1. to Sr. Edw. Pitt knight. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 417, etc. excerpta quae- dam ex W. Malmtbur. et Hen. Huntingdon de fun- datione : Cartam fundationis dat. A. D. 1125. ex re- giftro cartarum abbatix Readingenfis in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. A. 1. Cart. Antiq. X. n. 12. [fc. Hen. 2.] necnon quaedam de hofpitalibus S. Laurentii et S. Mariae Magdal. ex praefato regiftro. Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, of the church and lands in Rowington, p. 589. in Prefton Bagot. p. 590. edit. 1656. In Reyneri Apoft. Benedict, in Angl. tr. ii. p. 152,153. cartam fundationis per Hen 1. An account of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats by Brown Willis efquire, in the 2d Appendix to Le- land’s Colledlanea, Oxon. 1715. 8°. p. 183, etc. et Lond. 1718. 8°. p. 157, etc. Lelandi Collcft. vol. i. p. 31. ex carta donationis Hen. I . p. 69. nomina benefaftorum, vol. ii. p. 203. vol. iii. p. 73. ejufdemltin. vol. ii. p. 30. vol.iv. p. 93. of the cell of Leominfter, vol. ix. p. go. comment, in cyg- Thefetwoarein Stevens’s Appendix, p. 182, et 351. * Catalogue of rel. houfes, etc. In Mr. Speed’s Hiftory of Great Britain, Lond. 1614. fol. Butin the fecond edition, Lond. 1627. fbl. Mr. Burton, or whoever was the revifer, thought fit to leave this foundrefs out : for, tho’ mod of our hiftorians record the building of Wherwell and Ambrelbury nunneries by this queen Elfrida or Alfrith, the dowager of K. Edgar, to expiate her con¬ triving the murder of her fon in law K. Edward, A. D. 979. yet they are altogether filent as to this of Reading. Indeed Malmf- bury reports, that K. Henry i. built the abbey by way of pe¬ nance, De geftis pontif. lib. iL y Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 417. s Leland. Collett, iii. 73. ex Chronico Roffenfi : Chrori. Barth, u neam cantionem voce, Pontes. In Alhmolc’s Berklhire, vol. ii. p. 340. of the abbey : p. 309. of a manor in Eaft Hendred. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 37 of lands in Lenborough. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 572. of the manor of Wind- hill in All Hallows. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 307. of the townfhip of Wigfton Parva. * In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 177, 180. of the manor ot Groves in Sawbridgeworth ; p. 350. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Afton ; p. 575. of a burgage in Berkhampfted. In Blomefield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p.228. of lands irtQui- denham antiently : p. 448. of a penfion of 40 s. out of the church of Finchingfield in Suffolk. In the Hiftory of the Pope’s Ul'urpations, etc. by Will. Prynne efquire, vol. iii. Lond. 1670. fol. p. 177. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 34. P. 362. pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. 12. inced. E- 555- rot- Scotis 21 Ed. 1. m. 3. de prioratu de May monachis P.eading, dato a Davide rege Scotia; . Cotton. Chrori. S. Aug. Cantuar. a “ In obedience to the dying command of his father William “ the Conq.” Angl. Sacr. i. 262. “ for a penance.” Malmlbury. **. for joy that he had got the hand of St. James.” Hen. Hunt. If tins laft had been true, no doubt but this abbey had been dedi¬ cated to that apoftle. b So Hen. Huntingdon; but in inquif. 5oEd,-3. n. c8. only one hundred monks. 1 c Mon. Angl. i. 4i7. Pat. aaEd. i.m.8. Leland. Collett.iii. 73- out m Malmlbury, Mon.Ang. i. 689, &c. faid to be Clu- macs. * Rettius 1908 A 1 4j. mf. Valor, and fo Steens, vol. i. p. 3a. lumma inde aii6/. 3/. 9J. j. fumma clara 1908/. 14/. E P. 1208, XVII. BERKSHIRE. P. 1208. [extatetiaminRymeri Feeder, tom. ii. 615.] taxationem bonorum abbatis de Rading apud Wiche- biri^Ed. 1. P. 1251, 1252. de cuftodia manerii de Leominfter, ex bundela brev. 10 Ed. 1. In Mr. Madox’s Hitlory of the Exchequer, p.468. about this abbey’s lands being exempt from feutage, 15 Hen. 3. In Grotefti epiftolis in Appendice ad Fafciculum rerum expetendarum, etc. Lond. 1690. fol. epift. iv. p. 307. de annuo redditu execclefia de Albodel. Year Books, 3 Ed. 3. Mich. 22. 39 Ed. 3. Mich. f. 21. 44 Ed. 3. Mich. n. 8. 11 Hen. 6. Pafch. 17. In Ryleii plac. parliament, p.639,640. pet. pari. 4Ed,3. n. 58. de libertatibus. Regiftrum abbati® de Reading, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vef- pnf. E. v. Fuit olim liber Jofephi Holland [fc. 1604.] poflea Dom. Joannis Dodderige mil. Colle&anea ex hoc codice manu propria cl. V. Franc. Thinni ex¬ tant penes virum rei antiquari® et heraldic® peritiffi- mum, Joannem Anftis arm. regem armoruin princi- palem nomine Garter. Regiftrum alterum cartarum ad hanc abbatiam Sandl® Mari® Radingenfem fpedlantium, quod V. cl. Elias Alhmole dedit bibliothec® Cottonian®, not. Fefpaf. E. xxv. Regiftrum tertium abbati® Readingenfis in didta bibl. Cotton. Domitian, A. in. 2. De jocalibus et vafis pretiofis, qu® Ed. 3. agnofeit fe mutuo accepifte ab abbate^Redingenfi, ibid. Claud. F. vni. 7. Computes ballivorum, rentalia, etc. in baga quadam in- titulata, Reading Monajl. in fuperiori archa quint® arch® in officio nuper curi® augmentationis. Coileftanea V.cl. Antonii Wooderegiftroquodam coe- nobiiReadigenfis,mf.inMufeo Afhmol. Oxon.Wood. 51. p.358. Catalogum benefaflorum monafterii Radingenfis in bibl. Lambeth. 4'° n. xlvii. Regiftrum hujus abbati® olim penes . . . Davies de Pang- burn in com. Bercher. Regiftrum mutilum hujus abbati® penes Rob. Wood¬ ward, LL. D. nuper ecclefi® cath. Sarifburienfis de- canum, 1694. Quxreannon idem cum fragmento re- giftri Nicolai de Quaplode abbatis temp. Ed. 2. in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 82. Cartularium de omnibus terris, tenementis, redditibus, placitis, ecclefiis, decimis, etc. ad abbatem et con- ventum S. Mari® de Reading pertinentibus, manu antiqua membranis pulchre exaratum, continens pa- ginas 500, in folio minori. Hoc quantivis pretii co¬ dice mf. et aliis venerand® antiquitatis monumentis vir ampliffimus, natalium fplendore et optimis ftudiis nobilis, Henricus Worfley, olim ex aula S. Edmundi Oxon. nunc in aula regis Portugalli® orator Britan- nicus, auxit bibliothecam Harleyanam, mf. 1708. In eadem bibl. mf. 60. f. 14. taxationem pofleffionum abbatis de Redinge in dioc. Lond. mf. 862. f.209. li- centiam conceflam priori ut confeffiones conventus audiret: mf. 1110. f. 104. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p.2. m.8. de excambio terrarum inter abbatem et conventum de Redings et Edm. Pinfon: mf. 6748. f. 1. 15. cartas Hen. 1. Hen. 2. etRic. 1. Abbreviationem cartarum fere fingularum, et apographa quamplurimarum in fupra laudato regiftro Worfleiano contentarum, qu® inferuntur in voluinine colleftane- orum meorum notato f Ta col. 181 ad 226. modo in biblioth. Bodleian. Oxon. Reftitutionem abbati® Radingenfis per Henricum 1. et formam vivendi in eadem, et multa alia hiftorica de hac abbatia, mf. in biblioth. Coll. Jefu, Oxon. n. 79. In Archivis regni publicis, cart, antiq. x. n. 9 et 10. [fc. Hen. 1.] n. 11 et 13. [fc. Ric. 1.] Cart. 1 Joannis. p.2. m. 24. n. 44 et 11. 102. Fin. Bucks 3 Joan. n. 34. 40. de terris in Lithingbery: Fin. com. ign. 4Joan. n. 12. Cart. 6 Joan. n. 16. pro feria apud Reding : Ibid. n. 65. de XL. marcis ann. argenti de manerio de Hou, ex cone. Roberti Bardulf; Cart. 9 Joannis in. 3. n. 24. de hundredo de Reding, cum aliis libertatibus: fin. Oxon. 9 Joannis rot. . . de terris in Senewell. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 14. pro feria apud Thacham : Fin. Oxon. 7 Hen. 3. rot. . . de exxx. acristerr®inNewe- ham: Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 9. Clauf. 11 Hen 3. m. 17. quod fint quieti de navagiis : Cart. 55 Hen. 3. in. 2. pro mercato et feria apud Hou. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 13. dorfo, de com. paft. inEft-Henrede : Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. demelf. in Witele et Theilherft : Plac. apudWeftm. de banco 6 Ed. i.rot. 7. pro mo- lend. in Prefton [War.] Plac. apud Hertford, 6 Ed. I. rot. 37. de libertat. in com. Hertf. Plac. in com. SuiT. 7 Ea. 1. affif. rot. 17. de ten. in Sutton et Fram- herft : Plac. in com. Wilts, 9 Ed. 1. afiif. rot. 55. de returno brevium : Cart, q Ed. 1. m. 37. pro feria apud Leominfter: Plac. in com. Berks, 12 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 15. de terris in Offinton: Ibid. rot. 18,37, 46. Plac. in com. Warwic. 13 Ed. 1. quo warranto rot. 4. de libert. in Ruthinton: Cart. 35 Ed. 1. 11.31. pro libertat. infra Scotiam. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. de meffi et terris in Purleton et la Hyde : Fin. com. ign. 3 Ed. 2. n. 41. de privil. in Aldermafton : Pat. 3 Ed. 2. p. . . m. 7. pro eccl. de Thacham approprianda : Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 1. Pat. ioEd. 2. p. I- m. 3 vel 4. Ibid. p. 2. m. 8. de terris in Sulhamftede : Plac. apud London, 14 Ed. 2. rot. 22. dorfo, de ten. abbatis in London : Cart. 16 Ed. 2. pn. 30. de man. de Rifbury : Rec. in fcac. 17 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 7, 8. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. Plac. coram rege, 2 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 106. Plac. apud Bedford, 4Ed. 3. quo war¬ ranto rot. 8. de libertatibus in Hoftune : Petit. Pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 23. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . . Placit. com- munia coram rege 6 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 14. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . . Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . . Pat. ioEd. 3. p. 1. m. . . Efchaet. . . 10 Ed. 3. n. 81. de manerio deEfton: Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . Ibid. p. 3. m. 12 vel 13 de cuneo mone- tario ibidem, et aliis libertatibus : Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 18. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro terris in Row- inton [War.] Rec. in fcac. 20 Ed. 3. trin. rot. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. Inquif. 50 Ed. 3. n. 58! Cart. 5 et 6 Ric. 2. n. 24. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 38. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 16. confirm, libertatum, modo abbas infra unum an¬ num honefte repararet tumbamet imaginem R. Hen- rici fundatoris ibidem humati : Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . . dorfo, inquif. de thefauroabfeondito in quodam loco vocato Catelgrove in com. Southton. infra do¬ minium abbatis Reding. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 10. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 19. Inquif. 1 Hen. 5. n. 10. Rec. in fcac. 1 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 10, 11 vel 12. Clauf. 1 Hen. 5. m. 31. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p.2. m. 14. Rec. in fcac. 15 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 4. Rec. in fcac. 18 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 7. Cart. 18 Hen. 6. n. 34. Bund. plac. in cancell. temp. Hen. 6. n. 38. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p.2. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. in. ult. vel pen. pro hundr. de Wolfey [Heref.] Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 25. Rec. in fcac. 3 Ed. 4. Hill, rot. 16. Rec. in fcac. 13 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 32. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 13. de terris in Cookham, etc. 3. St. Laurence Hospital. About the year of our Lord 1190. Hugh the eighth abbat found¬ ed, without the gate of the monaftery, an hofpital for twenty fix poor people, and the entertainment of ftrangers and pilgrims palling that great weftern road, and obtained the church of St. Laurence in this town, to be appropriated toward the better fupport of it. Ztyare, XVII. BERKSHIRE. Qu*ere, Whether this was the old alms houfe for poor fillers, well north well of St. Laurence church, llippreffed by abbat Thorn', temp. Hen. 7. and afterward made a free fchool. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 419. cartam fundationis Apographa quarundam cartarum ad hoc holpitale fpcc- ex rcgiftro abbatix. tantium inter colledtanea noftra T T. notata, p. 225, Herne of charitable ufes, p. 172. of a gift to this hof- 226. pital. 4. St. Mary Magdalene Hospital. Before the year 1134. Aufgerus or Aucherius the le- cond abbat of Reading monaltery, near the fame, founded the hofpital of St. Mary Magdalen for twelve leprous perfons, and one or more chaplains. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 419, 420. de fundatione hof- pitalis, de fuftentatione et regula leproforum, ex mf. regiftro abbatiae inbibl. Cotton. Inquif. 1 Hen. 5. n. 10. contra abbatem de Reading, qui injufte retraxit holpitale in Radyng, ubi fultinere te- nebatUr x. leprofos, pro quo habuit cc. acras terra: ibid. viz. Spittlefield, Lecketfield, etc. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. . . Rex dedit fervienti fuo Joanni Beck cufto- diam hofpitalis S. Mai iae Magdalenx juxta Reading. 5. Grey Friers.^ A fair houfe of Grey friers on the north fide of theCaftleftreetf, built before A. D. 1400s. The fite of it was granted to the mayor and burgeffes of the corporation ; who have built their Bridewell on part of it. Vide in Lelandi CoHeA. vol. in. p. 57. catalogum quo- ratus. Ejufdemltin. vol. ii. 30. rundam codicum mfs. olim in bibliotheca hujus prio- 3 XVIII. SANDLEF ORDh, or Newtoun1, near Newbury. Austin Canons. Jeffrey earl of Perch, and Maud his wife, before A. D. 1205. founded a Dri- ory here for canons of the order of St. Auftin, which was dedicated to St. Mary and St. John Ban- tift. About the year 1480. the religious wholly forfook this little monaftery, whereupon K Edw a with the content, and at the inllance of the ordinary of the place, Richard Beauchamp bilhop of Sa- lilbury, and then dean of Windfor, annexed it to the collegiate church of Windfor* It is valued a' 10 /. per ann. among the poffelfions of Windlbr, 26 Hen. 8 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 481. cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 16. de lib. war. in dominicis de Sandelford et Endeburne: P. 482. cart. Saiheri de S. Andrea de 5 folid. reddit. in Littlemore. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 66, 67. exem- plificationem cartx fundationis per Stephanum archiep. Cantuar. recit. etiam confirmationemHuberti archiep. Cautuar. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 62. indenturam inter pri- . orem et conventum et Edm. Polhampton de terris in Eft Eneburn, 22 Ed. 3. Ibid. p. 126. conceffionem prioris et conv. de melf. et tribus crofds in Eft En- deburn Thorax Roger arm. A. D. 1457. Cartas, rentaiia, rotulos curiarum, etc. in archivis eccl. coll. S. Georgii Windfor. Rot. clauf. 6 Joan. m. 20. de molendino in Newbury, Norman, n. 223. Cart. 18 Hen. 3. n. 29. proferia ibidem : Cart. 30 Hen/ 3. in. V. de ten. in Penker. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. ^m. 18. de Clerwoodland juxta Kingf- Tie,r?'n ^>?t' ^ ^d.2.. p. 1. m. 15. de terris in Weft Hildelle, button, Woldham, etc. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m.q. de eccl. de Weft Hildelle appropriand. Pat. 1 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . Pat. t6Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 38 vel 39. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 44. pro eccl. de Hacknefton ap- propnand. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. de gurgite in Upton cone, per priorem de Newton, coll, de Eton, pro ct ann percipiendis de abbate Radingenfi. •XIX. SHOTTESBROOKE. Chantry or College. A chantry or college, confifting of a warden five Drieftc and two Banbft Tr A-D- ‘337- by Sir William Truifell of Cu bidden knt. to he honor of St John Baptilt. It was valued at42/. 2 s. 8d. m in the whole and 22/ c , j J ed, 2 Ed. 6. to Thomas Weldon and Edward WeTdon 33 clear> and Vide in Mr. Hearne’s Account of fome Antiquities b tween Oxford and Windfor, § 2, 3, etc. printed the end of the fifth volume of Leland. Itin. p. 12 128, etc. of the foundation and of the impropriati of the churches of Shottefbrook and Battlefden. Aflimole’s Berklhire, vol. ii. p. 485. Cartas autographas de fundatione et dotatione hujus cc legii penes Francifcum Cherry arm, A.D.1711. Apo¬ grapha iftarum cartarum, penes prxfatum virum fum- inte induftrix, et de re antiquaria bene meritum, Tho Hearne A. M. ex aula S. Edmundi, Oxon. Rot. pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. P* t* m. 11. de fundatione hujus cantarix : Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. Rot. fadt. apud Antwerp^ 12 Ed. e Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 30. f Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 30. s Leland. De fcnptoribus, p. 262. It was built much earlier, forinregiftro Mortival epilc. Sarum tom.ii. f. 186. « Warnerus « ^nfS. Ibid. 644. pleniorem adhuc indulgentiam ejufdem pa,- p® vifxtantihus eandem capellam, A. D, 1496 s, Ibid, p. 672. aliam indulgentiam Sca'ae Coeli pro ditta ca= pella, A. D. 1497- Ibid, vol. xiii. 60. tranfumptunt bullae P. Alexandri. In Mr. Newcourt’s Repertorium ecclef. paroch, Lon= dinenfe, Lond. 1708. fol. vol. 1. p. 299. de eccl, §; Eeneditti Fink, London : p. 723, 724. de eccl. et vi= cariis de Ryflip : p. 758. de vicariis de Twickenham ; p. 819. de eccl. de Cheilhunt. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 78, 80. of lands jq Blandford-forum : vol. ii. p. 204. of the impropriate reftory of Ewern-minfter. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 884. of the impro¬ priate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Riftgq Eall. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 51. cartamEdw. 3. de ecclefiis de Simonlbourn et Saltafh, In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 535. clauf. 6 Ed. 2. m, 2, d. de iv. prefbyteris in capelia S. Edwardi in caftro, Johnfon’s Affuranceof Abbey-lands, p. 44. Cartas regias, bullas papales, donationes benefaftoruiq, rotulos computi, rotulos curiarum, regiftra et alia mu- nimenta ad collegium S. Georgii fpeftantia, mf, pj thefaurario collegii. Colleftaneorum volumina quaedam de jurifdidtione, ftg- tutis, et dotationibus hujus collegiawe ecclefiae intgr codd. mfs. in mufteo Afhmol. Oxon, 7399, 7409, 7401, 7402, Catalogum decanorum et canonicorum Windfor, pef Tho. Frith S, T. B. mf. inter codd. Afhmol, et inter mfs, Barlovianos in bibl. Bodl. Oxon, Ejufdem apo- graphum cum continuatione et epitaphiis in capelia b, Georgii, in libro colleftaneorum meorum T.T. in- fcripto, p, 335, etc. Computum Alri. Chriflophori Urfewyke thefaurarii de receptis et expenfis a fefto S. Mich. A.D. 1495, ad idem feflum, A. D. 1496. mf. in bundello rotLiloruia meorum, D. n. . . Librum flatutorum communas cantariorum et choriftfl. rum collegii de Windfor concernentium, mf. in bibk publica Acad. Cantab. Dd. ii. 26. Statuta ecclefi® collegiat® infra caftrum de Windfor confirmata auftcritate P. Clementis 6. Injunctions made by Sr. Nicholas Bacon lord keeper, at the vib¬ ration cf the faid college begun 3 April 1570, mf, jq bibl. Cotton. VefpqJ. h . ix. 1, 2. In bibl. Harl. mf. 433. f. 31. Warrant to the chauner- lere for the confirmacion of all the old graunts to the collage of Windefoure: f. 173. warrant for 250 marks yearly out of the eftate of Lord Morley to¬ wards rebuilding this college: mf. 530. f. 1 14, frag- tnentum compoti thefaurariorum hujus collegii, pnc- < s Tliefe are alfo in archdeacon Wilkins’s Councils, vol, iii, p, 644. 645. e fertSm XXIV. BERKSHIRE. fertim de benefa&ionibus Radulfi de Wyndefore cl. Willelmi de Wykham epifc. Matilda: comitilfie Oxo n. &c. mf. 564. f. 1. cartam 22 Ed. 3. de additione cuf- todis 15 canonicorum, 24 militum pauperum, et ali- orum miniftrorum : f. 2. cartam Will, de Wykeham epifc. Winton: f. 13. formulas admiffionum et jura- mentorum : f. 15. ftatuta militum ordinis S. Geprgii: f. 22. ex bulla dementis papa: : f. 23. bullam unio- nis et annexionis coll, de Eaton : f. 22. cartas regum Ricardi et Henrici de oblationjbus, et allecibus, et gardinis. mf. 604. f. 20. Pat. Ed. 4. dc advocatione five prefentatione hofpitalis S. Antonii, London, mf. 7049. f. 379. fundationem, ftatuta, injunitiones, etc. Statuta Collegii de Windlor, mf. in bibl. Coll. S. Tri- nitatis, Cantab, n. 684. In bibl. Coll. Corp, Chrilli, Cant. mf. 170. p. 71. dif- penfationem Sixti 4. ut vicarii in capella regia de Windefore ex fundatione regis Edw. 4. bcnericium alterum quodvis cum vicariis fuis tenere pollint. Appropriationes ecclefiarum deWhaddonet Caxton huic collegio, A.D. 1350. in RegiftroTho. de Infula epifc. Elienfis, f. 23 et 29. De vifitatione hujus collegii per dom. cancellarium An- gliae, A. D. 1386. vide Regiftrum epifc. Elienfis, ii. p. . Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. de xm. capellanis et iv. cle- ricis in capella regis in parco de Windfor cclebranti- bus, quibus 156/. 131. 4 d. per ann. folvendi fuere de exitibus maneriorum de Langley-mareis et Sippenham. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. j, pro capellanis e parco in caftrum removendis : Pat 13 Ed. 3. P. 2. m. . pro vifitatione capellte : Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2 vel 3. m. 21. Fin. Buckingh. 22 Ed. 3. n. 55. de advoc. ecclefite de Olney : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36, 37, 38. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 37. et p. 2. m. 12 et 17. Cart. 25 Ed. 3. p. 14 et 18. pro mercat. et feria apud Eure [Buckingh.] et aliis libertatibus. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10 et 24. bullam P. Clement 6. pro confirmatione hujus ecclefiae collegiate : Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 30. Pat. Moriton. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 35 Kd. 3- P- 3- m- • Pat- 39 Ed. 3. p. 1 vel 3. m. 23. Clauf. 41 Ed. 3. m. 6. pro manerio de Euere : Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Pat 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. Cart. 47, &c. Ed. 3. n. 29. Rec. in fcacc. 49 Ed. 9. Mich. rot. 3. Cart. 1 Ric. 2. n. 1 et 2. Pat 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. de vifitatione fa&a in libera capella de Wyndefore juflii regis per Adam, epifc. Menevenf. cancellarium An¬ glia:, A. D. 1378 h. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. n. pro ecclefia de North Molton approprianda. Record. 15 Ric. 2. n. 89. de decimis filvte in Eure et Wi- rardefbury: Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. pro certis laftis halecum provenien. de Jernemuth : Clauf. 17 Ric. 2. m. 22. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18 pro paftu- ris in Bray. Pat. x Heu. 4. p. 5. m. 9. de oblationibus et pro laftis halecum Jernemuth. inter refidentes dividendis. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 15 et 16. pro lib. de duabus paftu- ris in Bray. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 8. et p. 3. n. 6. pro c. marc, annuatim e fcaccario: Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 10 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. pro vacua placea infra caftrum, vocat. Wodhaw, juxta magnam aulam. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 14 et 16. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 34. Rot. Pari, 8 Hen. 6, n. 31. Efchaet. Oxon. et Berkf. 14 Hen. 6. n. 36. Clauf. 14 Hen, 6. m. 3. de eccl. de Waneting, et portione vicarii: Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 11. Clauf. 18 Hen. 6. m. 23. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 2t Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Fin. Buckingh. 22 Hen. 6. n. 55. pro advoc. eccl. de ^ Olney : Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 104. Cart. 1 Ed. 4. p. 1 vel 2. m 7. pro prioratu de Okeburn, et pro mercato et feria apud Eure [Buckingh.] et aids libertatibus: Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 4. Hil. rot. 12. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. j vel 2 1. Rec. in fcacc 7 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 5. de manerio de Atherfton, &c. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1 et 2. pro maner. de Membury [Devon,] Prefton et Monkfilver [Som.] Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . pro nova capella conftruenda : Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 7. pro annexione decanatus de Wolverhampton, decano de Windfor, et fuccelToribus : Ibid. m. 8 et 13. Fin. 20 Ed. 4. bund. i. n. 41. pro maneriis de Grovefburv, alias Leigton Bufard [Bedf.] eccl. de Tintagell [Cor- nub.] &c. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3. 10. 23 et 26. I at. 21 Ed. 4. p, 1. m. 2 vel 3. de advoc, ecclefise de Sinmondlburn : Clauf. 22 Ed. 4. m. 4. de mane¬ riis de More Bufhy et Egware [Midi.] Ditton etDa- chet [Buckingh.] &c. datis dom. regi ; Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 20. de mercatis et feriis in Old Swinford et Sturbridge [Wigorn.J Rot. Pari. 22 Ed. 4. n. 18. m. 11. Fin. Buckingh, 2? Ed. 4. n. 55. pro advoc, ecclefise de Olney. Pat-. 1 E*c- 3- P- 4. m. 9. pro c. marc. ann. de firma villae de Northampton. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen 7. Hill. rot. 2. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 5. m. . pro reaoriis de Bradnynch, Northampton, Iplepen, &c. [Devon.] in excamb pro man. de Iver, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 6. Hill. rot. 46. Pat. 6 Ed. 6. p. 8. m, . pro reft, et advoc. vie. do Dunftaple et Houghton [Bedf.] XXV. W I T T E H A M, vide fupra Helenftow. KrUl’Jt xTft edxl°n °f thlS bo°^ uPon the authority of the MonaflicorC, Prynne k &c Noion and De Novo Mercato was placed, as an alien priory cell to St. Ebrulf, in this co’untv' wherein, it feems, it is not to be met with; nor indeed any where in England: But thofe are the names of two priories in Prance ', fubordinate to the great abbey of St. Ebrulf at Utica in Nor mandy, who had eftates in feveral parts of England, but chiefly here in Berklh.re, where the prior S H°r No£ne> as lome of the records call it, had manors and lands to a good value atEaft S’ ^nny’ &C- f°me °r a11 whlch given by K. Henry 5. to his new°erefted monaftery I K there77f an hofpital of St. John at Reading dependant on the abbey there follows “Mol r31^’- e^a[' f"' v' ab;er “ Reddituale Eleemofynarii abbatiae de Rading ” be the°amrSwith^t.^MaryCMrgdalena’srho^itaLr0reS “ **** * ^ F°r MvRRESLR Y p™ry (mentioned as in this county by Mr. Speed) fee below in Buckinghamshire, ^ This is printed in archdeacon Wilkins’ Councils, vol. iii. 1 Monaft. Angl. tom. i. p. 1036. k Prynne, vol. iii. p. 68j, 707. 1 Neuftria Pia, p. 112, h,, 9,0. m Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 975, BUCKING BUCKINGHAMSHIRE I. ANKERWYKE, olim Auncrewyke*. Benedictine Nuns. Here Sir Gilbert de Montfichet knt. and Richard his fon built a nun- nery b of the Benediftine order, to the honor of St. Mary Magdalen, temp. Hen. 2 c. About the time of the diffolution herein were maintained five Religious, and their eftate was valued at 28 l. per ann. Leland. 32/. os. 2 d. Dugd. 45/. 14.1. 4 d. Speed. It was granted 29 Hen. 8. to the abbey of Buftelelham, or Bifham in Berkfltire, and after the furrender of that houfe to Andrews lord Windfor, 31 Hen. 8. and to Sir Tho. Smith, 4 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 482. notulam ex Leland. Colledl. de fundatoribus ; et Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 3, recit. et confirm, donationes quamplurimas priorillie et monialibus : Ibid. tom. iii. p ■ i . p. 2.5 • Pat- 29 Hen. 8. p. 4. in dotatione novi monafterii de Bifham. Lelandi ColleiS. vol. i. p. 90. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 118. vol. ii. p. 28. In Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. iii. p. 1 50. of the manor of An- kerwyke in Egham. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 568. of lands in Takeley, Eflex. The names of fome priorefies in Mr. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 9. Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro LX. porcis in forefta regis de Windfor, fine pannagio aut herbagio : Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro decimis molendini regis in parco de Windfor : Clauf 51 Hen. 3. m. . d. de terris et te- nementis in Stanwell. Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. ult. de imparcando c. acr. vafti in Egware infra foreft. de Windfor : Pat. 29 Ed. 1. tn. . pro terris in Stanwell. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. de redd, in Stanes. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 2. Rec. in fcacc. Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 7. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . at. 13 Hen. 6. m. 9. Clauf. 21 Hen. 6. m. 8. de redd, e tenementis in par. S. Brigids, London. Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p, 2. m. 10. II. AYLESBURY. 1. Nunnery destroyed. “ Where the parfonage now is, as fome fay, was a nunnery “ or other houfe of religion. They were Maturines, alias Fratres ordinis S. Trinit. as Hounflow,” Thus Leland. [tin. vol. iv. p. 128. 2. St. John’s Hospital. An ancient hofpital dedicated to St. John, faid to have been founded by Robert Hale, William Fitz Richard, and other inhabitants of this town in the time of K. Henry 1. It was found upon an inquifition taken in 34 Ed. 3. that the buildings of this houfe had been in ruin eleven years, and that the endowment, valued at five nobles per ann, had been l'eifed by fome lay perfons. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 396. efcaet. 34 Ed. 3. Joan, de Kyngesfield per Jo. de Brantyngham. n. 56. Et efcaet. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 57. de fundatione. Pat. 2 Maria;, p. 2. m. . de prato voc. St. John’s Meade. Clauf. 46 Ed. 3. m. 16. de advoc. hujus hofp. cone. 3. St. Leonard’s Hospital. In this town was alfo another hofpital called St. Leonard’s. This was a houfe for poor fick lepers, faid to be of as ancient foundation as St. John’s, viz. temp. Hen. 1. and to have been built and endowed to the value of 20 s. per ann. by Samfon Fitzwilliam, Reginald Wancy, and other well difpoled inhabitants. This had fuffered the fame facrilegious fate with St. John’s, about the middle of K. Edward 3d’s reign. Thefe hofpitals feem to have been afterward united. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom ii. p. 396, ut fupra. Ailefbury, ratione cuftod. terr. et ten. Jacobi Butiller Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I- m. . rex dedit Waltero Bere clerico nuper comitis Ormond, defunfti. cuftodiam hofpitalis S. Joannis et S. Leonardi de 4. Grey Friers. At the fouth end of the town was a houfe of Grey or Francifcan friers, founded d by James earl of Ormond, 10 Ric. 2. valued at 3 1. 2 s. 5^. per ann. and granted 32 Hen. 8. to Sir John Baldwin, then lord chief juftice of the common pleas. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 129. vol. viii. p. 109. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2 m. 6. III. BITTLESDEN'. Cistercian Abbey. Ernald de Bofco, fteward to Robert earl of Leicefter, gave this village to the Ciftercian monks of Gerondon, to the intent that an abbey of the fame order might be founded here, which was accordingly begun A. D. 1147'. It was dedicated to St. Mary and St. > This fmall monaftery was fituate upon the banks of the Thames, in the parilh of Wyrardeibury, not far from Stanes. b Not Beneditline monks as Sulgrave mf, nor canons, as mf. C Or perhaps before, if Hugh abbat of Chertfey, who is men¬ tioned as one of the benefa&ors in K. Henry 3’s charter, be the fame who was made abbat A. D. 1107. Annaies Winton. in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. Speed faith, by Edith daughter of Frewald ; and the author of Collett. Anglo-minorit. follows him. Mr. Willis obferves, that this was the only place of friers in this county. Hill, of Abbies, vol, ii. p. 39. ‘ Placed by fome (Sulgrave, mf. Bodl.) in Northamptonlhire, on the borders of which county it is fituated. < Monafticon, et mf. chron. de Parcho Lude, not A. D. 1117, as in Speed. Nicholas, HI. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Nicholas * and had, at the diffolution, annual revenues rated ath 125/. 4 s. 3d. q. Dugd. 142/ vs' 3d. Speed. There then belonged to this houfe eleven monks and fifty one lervants The "lire paffed from the crown, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas Wriothefley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 783. hiftoriam funda- tionis, cartam fundationis, per Ern. de Bofco : P. 784. cartas Ern. de Bofco de Syrelham, de Ma- rielond in Syrelham, Roberti comitis Leicefter con- firmatoriam. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 46. . In Madox ii Formul. Angl. p. 277. pro reddit. 5 s. 6 d. annuatim percipiend. ab abbate et conventu de Brlieria. In Atkins’ Glocefterftiire, p. 425. of a plow-tillage in Ebberton, the impropriate re£tory and advowfon of the vicarage. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 284- In Bridge’s Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 37- of a manor in Charwelton : p. 80. of lands in Prefton Capes : p. 173. of a manor in Helmedon : p. 194- °fa manor in Sireiham : p. 210. oflands in Wapenham, p. 22r. in Whitfield : p. 257. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wedon Pinkeney : p. 374. of a tenement and lands in Houghton Parva. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 11. the names of the abbats, &c. In his Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 151. a full account of the foundation and endowment of this abbey, names of the abbats, & c. p. 279. oflands in Dodford, p. 289. in Thornborough. , Regiftrum de Bittlefden, penes Geo. ducem Bucking- harh. A. D. 1640. Regiftrum cartarum hujus abbatiae ufque 32 Hen. 8. in bibl. Harleiaha mf. 4714. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofleflionum abbatls de Butlefdene in dioc. Lond. mf. 66. f. 167. preceptum Hen. 2. pro abbate. Cartas quafdam originales ad hanc abbatiam fpeclantes, in archivis coll. Eaton, capfula 3. et in bibliotheca infigniiT. Harleiana, unde defcripfit cl. Jo. Anftis in Afpilogia, mf. n. 327. cartam Hen. de Ermentiers de molendino. Colleflanea ex cartulario de Bittlefden, miT. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth, vol. 105. f. 54. Fin. Northamt. 12 Hen. 3. n. . pro xi. virgatis terrae in Helmedon: Fin. Buckingh. 16 Hen. 3. n. 5. pro prato in Merton: Fin. Oxon. 31 Hen. 3. n. . pro mefli et terr. in Codesford : Fin. Buckingh. 35 Hen. 3. n. 99. pro terris in Dodford: Fin. div. com. 3S Hen. 3. n. 43. de terris in Thornbury: Fin. Buck- ingh. 38 Hen. 3. n. 6. de meiT. et terris in Dodford et Weftbury : Fin. Buckingh. 55 Hen. 3. n. 12. de meiT. in Cudelinton. Fin. 2 Ed. 1. m. 18 et 19. Pat 3 Ed. 1. m. 5. pro ter¬ ris in Whitfeld: Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 17. pro terris in Sireiham ex dono Rob. de Armenten : Pat. 20 Ed. 1 . m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. 8. pro aflart. xx. acr. in Syrelham intra metas foreftae de Whytlewode. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 22 vel 32. pro mere, et feria apud Bittlefden. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo warr. rot. 29 d. pro libert. in Helmedon, &c. Pat. 43 Ed, 3 p. 1. m. 16. pro redd, in Syrelham [Northamt.] Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 19. pro prioratu de Wedon Pinkney: Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. proeccl.de Eburton [Gloc.] ex concelT. Will, la Zouch de Haringworth, et man. de Hadle [Salop.] Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. Rec. in fcacc. 15 Ric. 2. Mich, rot. 27. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. pro prioratu de Wedon: Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 19. pro terris in Dodford. IV. BRADEWELL, in the par ip bf Wolverton. Benedictine Priory. Manefelmus k, or Meinfelln, baron of Wolverton ', founded here, temp. Steph.m a priory of Black monks", which was at firft a cell to Luffield. It was dedicated to St. Mary, and was one of the fmall monafteries mentioned in the bull of pope Clement 7. to be oranted to cardinal Wolfey °, \y Hen. 8. But 23 Hen. 8. it, being valued at 53 1. iij. 2 d. per ann. p came by way of exchange to the monks of Shene, and, as parcel of that abbey, was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Arthur Longfield. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 523. cartam Hamonis filii Menfelini concelT. eccl. de Thornberg monachis de Luffeld renunciantibus juri fuo in cella de Bradwell. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 15. In his Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 244. of the impropri¬ ate reiftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Padbury. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 205. of a pen- fion of one mark out of the reftory of Thenford, and the advowfon antiently : p. 406. of lands and mef- fuages in Billing Magna. The cardinal’s bundle, inter rotulos cancellable regiae. MS. in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab. Dd. x. 28. f. 74. car¬ tam prioris et conventus de Bradewell conced. eccle- fias de Chelfunt Stokehamme et Theneford epifeopo Lincoln. Fin, Buckingh. 3 Joan. n. 28. de terris in Calverton : Et n. 38 vel 39. pro advoc. eccl. de Padebury : Fin. Buckingh. 4 Joan. n. 23. pro advoc. eccl. de Cbalfhont. Fin. Buckingh. 37 Hen. 3. n. 116. de terris in Wolver¬ ton: Fin. Buckingh. 56 Hen. 3. n. 80. pro eifdem. Inquif. Buckingh. 4 Ric. 2. n. 101. de ecclefia de Wefton, terris in Padbury, Lughton, Stoke Gold- ington, & c. captis in manu regis, quia prior, et conv. de Bradwell eas perquifivit fine licentia dom. regis. Clauf. 1 Ed. 4. m. 1. de homagio Georgii filii Georgii de Longevile relpeftuat. pro man. de Wolverton, cum advoc. prioratus de Bradewell. V. BUCKINGHAM. Hospital. An old hofpital, of a matter and feveral infirm brethren, dedicated to St. Laurence. 8 So in an original charter in the hands of Mr. Le Neve Norry ; and Formul. Angl. p. io. which is the more obfervable, becaufe the Ciftertian abbies for the moft part had only the blef- fed Virgin for their patronefs. h This fumis 135/. in my mf. Valor, and fo Stevens, i. p. 34. “ Summa inde 142/. is. 3 d. fumma clara 135/. 4 s. 3d. q” The commifiioners for diffolving this houfe, reported the clear yearly value, by the firft furvey 130/. 4 s. 3d. by the fecond liirvey 138/. 7 s. 6 d. i Willis1 Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 13. k Speed. 1 “ Manefelmus fil. Thurftini.” Pip. rot. Buck. 2 Hen. 2 . Dugd. Baroti. tom. i. 543* m Hamo, fon of Meinfelin, lived at or before ’A. D. 1174, the date of pope Alexander 3d’s bull to Luffield moaaftery, wherein he is mentioned, as is the Locus de Bradewell, Mon. Angl. i. 521. So in all probability this was founded feme years before ; if not in K. Stephen’s, yet in the beginning of K. Henry 2d’$ time. n It is faid to have been an alien priory, mf. Cotton. Jtdius% C. 11. « Mon. AngLi. 1037. p Willis ex mf. Cotton. Fide G V. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. f'hte Willis’ Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 46. p. 2. in. . licent. magiftro Gilberto de Bukingham Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p.-i. m. 4. de prote&ione. concedendi tefr. et tan. ad annual* valorem detem Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . quod magifter et infirmi fratrcs marcarum. non habent fufficienter unde vivant: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. VI. BURNHAM. Austin Nuns. Richard, king of the Romans, A. D. 1265% began here a nunnery of the or¬ der of St. Auguftiner, which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, and confifted of an ablifrfs and feven or eight nuns*. Their yearly revenues, in tax. Line, amounted to 56/. i6t. ltd. in 26 Hen. 8 .'to 5 1 1. 2 i. 4 d. q. Dugd. 91 /. $s. 1 1 d. cb. Speed. This abbey was granted, 36 H.H. 8. to Will. Tyldefley. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 534. cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 7. per Infpex. recit. cartam fundationis dat. 18 Apr. A. D. 1266. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 90. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 521- Year Books, 18 Ed. 3. Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 147. of the manor ofSilvefton in Northamptonfhire, by the gift of William Molins. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 15. MS. Cole, vol. xxxii. p. 38. Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 7. de manerio de Branham, Chippe- ham. Stoke, &c. Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mercat. et feria apud Burnham. Brev. 5 Ed. 1. n. 79. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Plac. coram rege 34 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 330. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. vel 3. p. 1. m. 30. p. 3. m. 6. Fin. 3 Ed. 3. m. 15 et 17. Pat. gEd. 3. p. 2. m. 20. Clauf. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro maner. de Bulftrode : Pat. 11 Ed. 3. pro eodem concedendo Will. com. Sarifb. Ibid. m. . de Temple-wood in Stoke-pogeis : VII. CHET WOOD*. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 30 vel 31. de maner de Silve- fton [Northamt.] Ibid. m. 33 vel 34. Ibid. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. pro meffi et carucat terra; in Stoke-pogeis ex conceftl Henr! Battail : Pat. 13 Ed. 3. m. . Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. x" in. 29. pro man. de Holmere et Miftenden Parv. ex ConcefT. Rogeri le Strange : Clauf. 15 Ed. 3. p. r m. 42. de meff. in paroch. S. Andrea; de Holborn ; Ibid. p. 2. m. 34. pro maner. de Silvefton [Nnrthamt.J ex coticefT. Joannis de Molins ; Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p 2. m. iz vel 13. Rec. in fcacc. 40 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 12. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 7. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Ttin. rot. 12. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. I. if. 17. pro bonis felonum in Burnham, et villa de Beconsfield, qute eft membrum ejufdem manerii pfo mere, et feria apud Burnham et pro feria apud Beconsfield. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 37. Fin. div. com. 38 Hen. 6. n. 1 1 5. Austin Priory. A priory of the order of St. Auguftine, founded by Sr. Ralph de Norwich", A. D. 1244. to the honor of St. Mary and St. Nicholas'". The fite of this religious houfe, with all the eftate thereunto belonging, about r Ed. 4. came into the pofieflion of the abbat and don- vent of Nutley, after which the conventual church was made parochial, and here was only a cell of a canon or two from that abbey. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 339. licentiam Rob. Grafted epife. Lincoln, pro fundatione prioratus : Quxdam ex regiftro ejufdem epife. de fundatione he- remitagii SS. Stephani et Laurentii apud Chetwood : Pat. 40 Hen. 3. m. 15. pro caruc. terra; in Brehull ad inven. capellanum fui ordinis in eapella S. Wer- burgae ibid. P. 340. pat. 4 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro terra de Nethercotes in Stepel Alton ex dono Thomas Buffin: Pat. 1 Ed. 4, p. 5. m. 23. confirm, hujus prioratus canonicis de Notteley. Bp. Rennet’s Parochial Antiquities, p. 246. cart. 36 Hen. 3. pro heremitorio S. Werburgas de Brehull dufto prioratui concefib : p. 255. de xXi. acris aflar- torurtna rege: p. 257 et 674. de eledtlone priorum. Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 16. the names of fome priors, and a long deed for making rile con¬ ventual church parochial, dated March 14. A. D. 1480. In his Hift. of Buckingham, p. 36. of a wood in Len- borough, p. 135. of a manor in Barton, the impro¬ priate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage': p. 1 74. of the foundation and endowment of this priory: p* 379. appropriationem ecclefiae de Chetwood. Librum memorandorum tempore Joannis Chadworth q Ex regiftris Lincoln. r Rymer’s Fcedera, vol.xiv. p. 66a. Where it is laid to be of this order in the furrender : Therefore not Benediftines, as in the Monallicon. 5 At the furrender, an abbefs, nine nuns, and thirty feven fervants. Willis’ Abbies, ii. p. 16. t Not in Staffordlhire, where Mr. Speed places it. epife. Lincoln, f. 77. de appropriatione hujus priora- fus (propter paupertatem et deftitutionem canonico- rum) abbatiaede Notley, Jul. 28. A. D. 1460. Fin. Buckingh. 29 Hen. 3. n. 65, 66. de x. virgatis ter¬ ra: in Chetwode, Barton, et Godendon, q.uas Bad. de NorWico recogn. efte jus prioris et ecclefix : Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. 16. pro heremitorio S. Werburga: in Brehull * : Pat. 40 Hen: 3. m. 27. pro una carucata terra: aflartaiida, et pro quinque carredf, bofei in fo- refta de Bernwood1 anriuatim: Cart. 43 Hen. 3. de eapella de Brehull. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. deCombuftione hujus priora¬ tus (ecclefia excepth) per maievolos. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . pro I. meiT. iii. virgat. terra:, &c. in Middefton ex donatione Thomas de Somerton perfonae de Sfepeiefton : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. f. m. 20. de ecclefia de Chetwode: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro heremitorio pnedi&o etaiiis cMfUris in Brehull. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 26. Fin. Buckingh. 15 Ric. 2. n. 33. pro advoc eccl. de Chetwood : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 34. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. Rec. im fcacc. 14- Hbn. 8. Mich. rot. 5. » So Grofted’s regiher: But within' few years after, it was in the patronage of the crown, as Rennet’s Par. Antiq. in anno 1161. and it is faid to be “ de ftindatione progenitonim noilro- “ rum.” Cart. 8 Hen. 6. in mil Macro. v Mf. Alhmol. 789. et Paroch. Antiq; of Ambrofden, See. p. 6:74. 11 This is printed in Rennet’s Par. Antiq. p. 246. VIII. CRAWLEY. VIII. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. viii. Crawley. Monastery destroyed. The rnoridftery of St. Firmin at Cravelai is mentioned in the Domefday Book, as founded before K. Edward the Confefior’s time, and in being after the Conqueft y. IX. EATON ly Windfor, or Eaton-guildables. College. “ The kynge’s college of our lady by Etone, befyde Wyndefore,” was founded by K. Henry 6. anno regni 19. for a provoft, ten priefls, four clerks, fix chorifters, twenty five poor grammar fcholars, with a mailer to teach them, and twenty five poor old men; and, though fome of its endowment was taken away by K. Edward 4. yet it Hill continues (being particularly ex¬ cepted in the a£ts of difiolution) in a flourilhing ellate, with fome fmall alteration jn the number of the foundation, which now confifls of a provoft, feven* fellows, two fchool-mallers, two con- dufts, one organift, feven clerks, feventy king’s fcholars, ten chorifters, befides officers and fer- vants belonging to the college. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. as having in fpiritualties 547/. js. id. in temporalties 554/. 5s. 6d. inallnoi/. 13L 7 d. but clear, after reprizes and deductions, only 886/. i2r. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 195. pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 40. procuratorium regis ad dtcla- randam epifcopo et capitulo Lincoln, fundationem collegii, et ad petendam appropriationem ecelefice pa- rochialis, dat. 12 Sept. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. cartam fundationis, dat. 11 Oct. P. 197. cartam dotationis, dat. 25 Martii. Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. 90. ejufdem Itirt. vol. i. p. 12. of the lordlhip of Wedon : vol. iii. p. 48. of the pri¬ ory and impropriate parfonage of Modbury, vol. ix. p. 35. comment, in cygneam cantionem voce Aquadon. In Reverendi Wilkinfii Concilior. tom. iii. p. 536. in- dulgentiam vifitantibus ecclefiam collegiatam de Eton, A.D. 1442. Tom. iv. p. 495. petition of the pro¬ voft and fellows of King’s college, Cambridge, about the fellows of Eaton, 1634. p. 536. archbilhop Laud’s letter to the provoft and fellows of Eaton about the number of fellows, 1636. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 224. of Baldwin’s manor in Dartford. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 578. of the manor and advowfon of the redory of Piddle-hinton : vol. ii. p. 131. of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vicarage of Sturminfter-marlhall : p. 192. of a manor in Spettilbury. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 315. of the manor and advowfon of the redory of Eail Wrotham: vol. iii. p. 442. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Sporle : vol. iv. p. 1308. of the im¬ propriate reftory of Docking: p. 1309. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redory of Southmere : p. 1 330. of the fame at Tickwell. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 153. of a penfton of 131. 4 d. payable out of the priory of Thetford. In Dugd. Warwick, p. 581. edit. 1730. of the advow¬ fon of Long Compton [War.} Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 236. of the advow¬ fon of St. Alban’s Woodftreet: vol. ii. p. 22. of a penfton of 40 r. per ann. out of the church of Avely, Eftex : p. 423. of a penfton of eighteen marks out of the church of Moreton in Elfex. Regiftrum regale : five catalogum, 1. praepofitorum u- triufque collegii regalis Etonenfis et Cantabrigidnfts ; 2. fociorum collegii Etonenfis ; 3. alumnorum e col- legio Etonenft in collegium regale Cantabrig. per fin- gulos annos cooptatorum ab A. D. 1443. ufque ad annum 1774. Etome. 1774. 4to. Regiftra, rotulos curiarum, rentalia, cartas, et alia mu- nimenta in archivis collegii. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 791. f. t. etin'bibl. C. C.C. C. mf. J14. p. 23. vifttationem collegii de Eaton, A.D. 1561. Inter Colled. Milonis Windfor in bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti Oxon. vol. ii. copiam ultimi teftamenti Hen. 6. de fundatione : facilitates cj: itidblgbrttias apoftolicas : excerpta e ftatutis: rentale maneliowm et terrarum, A. D. 1 545, : catalogtim pripofitofum cum aliis notis ad hoc collegium pertinentlbns. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 1 18. p. 477. ftatdta cdllegii B. Mariae de Eaton. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. r8 vel ig. Pat. to Hen. 6: p. 1. m. 5. 17. Pari. 20 Hen. 6. n. 16. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. 37. Cart, it Hen. 6. n. 41. pro ii. feriis apud Eatdn : Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. pro maner. de Bekford [Gloc.J rn. 8. m. 33. |>ro ec- clefia de Bledlowdp'proprianda: Pari. 23 Heir. 6. n. 2f . Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 1. n. 2 et 31. p. 2. m. 5.7.9. Pat. 24 Herr. 6. p . i. rh. 2g. Path 25 Heh. 6. n. 13. Fin. div. com. 25 Hen. 6. n. 45. pro mantrid de Grovebufy [Bedf.] ecclefia de Tirrtagell [Corhdb.] &c. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . p. i. at. 34. Cart. 27 Hen. 6. n. 4.8. 55 et 98. Pat. Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. pro cuftodia hofp. S. Jacobi Weftm. Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1, 2. 6. 8, 9. Cart. 30 Hen. 6. rf. 28. pro mercat. apud Eaton, et feria : Ibid. n. 2.8. pro armis five in- fignibus coltegif : Ibid. n. 55. pro libeftate in aqua Thamefts : Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. p. 2. m. 13. 15- Pat- 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. 20. Clauf. 35 Hen. 6. m. 6. d. Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. [bis :} Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 49 Hen. 6. p. 1. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 24. Clauf. zEd. 4. m. i&. de advoc. eccl. de Eaton in excambio a Ricardo Lord pro ecclefia de Billing Magna : Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 7. pro prioratu de Goldclive [Monmouth.] Et m. 8,etg. quod prtepo- fiti in perpetuunf habeant omnia brevia,, cartas, &c. fub magno feu alio ftgillo regis m cancelfaria vel alia curia abfque feodo : p. 3. m. 13. pro hofpitali S. Jo- annis Baptiftae de Dorchefter [Dorfet.] Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 17. Rec. in fcacc. g Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 10. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. x. m: 22. pro prioratu de Begar [Ebor.J Ret. in fcacc. 13 Ed. 4. Trim rot. 3. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 10. 20. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. tg’. Ibid. p. 3. m. ult. vel penult, de quodam Wharfe in Le Vyhetree, London: Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 17. Pari. 4 Hen. 7. a. 37. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 28. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 6. Pat. 23 Hen. 8. p. 2. [16 Dec.] pro maner. de BaudWyns [Kane.] &c. in excambio: Pari. 23 Hen'. 8. rt. 4”. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 1 . m. .’pro reftofiis de Compton M. [War.] Bloxham [Oxon.] Bromham [Bedf] &c. in excambio pro maner. de Ciatfovd [Wilt.] Mii- bofn Beck, &c. r Domefday in the Exchequer, under Buccingham/cire, “ int terras Will, filii Afculfi in Tickelord.” * One whereof is the provoft. X. ESSERUG X. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, X. E S S E R U G, alias Aflieridge, in the parijh of Pitfton *. Bonhommes. Edmund earl of Cornwall, fon to Richard king of the Romans, founded here a College for a reftor arid twenty brethren or canons, called Bonhommes, in honor of the precious blood of the holy Jefus, A. D. 1283 b. Its pofieffions were, about the time of the i'upprefiion, ritimated at 416/. 1 6s. 4-d. per ann. Dugd. 447/. 18 s. o d. ob.c Speed. John Dudley, and John Ayfcobgh, 17 Eliz. had the fite and demelhes of this college in exchange with the crown for fome other eftate : It is now the feat of his grace the duke of Bridgewater. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 344, 345. cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 15. per lnfpex. recit. cartam fundationis : p.346. tie fepultura fundatoris in prioratu : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 67, 68. cart. 5 Ed. 3. m. 26. n. 70. per lnfpex. recit. iterum eandem cartam fund. P. 69. cart. 5 Ed. 3. m. 28. n. 72. recit; alter, cart, fundatoris pro man. de Ceftretone et Ambrofden [Oxon.] Lelandi Colleft, voh i. p< 21 ; 82. vohii. p. 222. eiuf- dem Itin. vol. i. p. 1 17; Steven’s Supplement, vol. ii. p. 277; In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 547. of a manor in Hemfted : p. 550. of a manor in Gadefden Parva. Ryieii Plac. Parliam. p. 245. de lite inter abbatiam et Ran. fil. Hug. de Marefchal. Bp. Rennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 300, 301. et paffim. Reyneri Apoftolat. Bened. in Anglia, tr. i. 165. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 9. Ordinationem vicariae de Ivingho appropriat. retlori et fratribus, A. D. 1420. mf. in regiftro R. P. Ric. Fleming epifc. Lincoln. Cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. penes prtenobilem du- cem de Bridgewater. Cart. 15 Ed. 1. n. 5. pro finibus et amerciamentis te- nentium in EfTerigge, Pilachefthorn, Hamelhamfted, et Gatefden. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 13. Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 10 vel 11. in cedula pro maner. de Ambrofden et Ceftreton [Oxon.] n. 55, 56, 57, et 58. Cart. 24 Ed. 1. n. 20. pro prifona apud Berchampfted, quod juftitiar. itin. teneant plac. apud Pichelefthorn, pro cofonatore et aliis libertatibtis. Cart. 3 Ed. 2. n. 6, 7 et 9. pro ecclefia de Hemelhaniip- fled approprianda, libera eledtione rcdloris, &c. Ibid, n. 26. pro libera war. in Alheridge, Pichelefthorn, Nettleden, et Hodenhale [Buckingh.] Hemelhamp- fted, Bovynden, Berklhampfted, Frychefden,et Gatef¬ den [Hertf.] Ceftreton, Ambrofden, et Blakethorn [Oxon.] Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 34 vel 35. pro ecclefia de Ambrofden approprianda: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. g. pro cuftodia hofpit. S. Thomae Aeon Londin. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 8 vel 9. Clauf. 17 Ed 2. m. 28. d. pro eccl.de Hemelhampfted : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. m. 13. Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. 69, 70, 71, 72. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32 vel 33. de vaftis manerii de Hemilhampfted : Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. 19. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. I Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 3. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 27. pro ecclefia de Pichelefthorn approprianda: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. pro eccl. de Cefterton ap¬ proprianda. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 30. pro eccl. de Evyngham ap¬ proprianda: p. 5. m. . pro advoc. eccl. de Ivingho, et appropriatione ejufdem, ex dono Henrici epifc. Winton. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 32. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 29. XI. G A R E, or Gore, in the parijh of Hanflapd. Nunnery destroyed. A Benedidline Nunnery dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen'. XII. H O G S H A W. Knights Hospitallers. A preceptoryf, commandryE, or hofpital’', belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, as antient as the reign of K. Henry 2. A. D. 1180. It was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Matilda Lane. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 547. 550. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 9. Jeruf. de terris Fin. Buckingh. 2 Joan. n. 29. pro terris in Hogfcagh. in Hogfhaw. XIII. L A V I N D E N. PremonstrateNsI AN Abbey. An abbey of the Premonftratenfian order, built and endowed by John de Bidun, about the latter end of K. Henry 2d’s reign ', to the honor of St. Mary k, and St. John Baptift. Herein were, a little before the diflblution, ten or eleven canons, whole yearly- income was rated at 79/. 131. 8 d. Dugd. 91/. 81. 3^. ob. Speed. The fite of this monaftery was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sr. Edmund Peckham. a The monaftery and church were in this county and parifti, but fo near the limits of both, that the outhoufes and part of the gardens were in the parifti of Little Gaddefden in Hertfordlhire. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. io. b Leland. Colled, ii. p. 332. It could not be founded fo early as A. D. 1276. becaufe Oliver bilhop of Lincoln, and Peter bi- Ihop of Exeter, are witnefles to the foundation charter, and nei¬ ther of them were bifliops till A. D. 1280. c Viz. in temporals 320/. as. and in fpirituals 127/. 13/. 4 d. See the particulars in Stevens’ Supplement, vol.ii. p. 279. with the particular reprifals. There were then a redor and fe- venteen brethren in this college. Stevens, ibid. a That judicious antiquary Browne Willis, efq. informed Dr. Tanner, that in this parifti, fituated on the edge of Bucking- hamfhire next Northamptonlhire, there is a very antient edifice, accounted extraparochial, and called Gore-chapel, which might probably be this nunnery. The late Mr. Cole wrote in the mar¬ gin of his copy, that it was part of the pofieffions of the abbey of De la Pre near Northampton, and refers to his ml', collec¬ tions, vol. xl. p. 1 19. e Gervafe of Cant. mf. Speed. f Mon. Angl. ii. 547. 550. E Pat. 35 Hen. 8. h “ Penfio hofpitalis in Hogfhaw in ecclefia de Adyngton, dec. Buckingh.” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. 1 Dugd. Baron, i. 599. St. Hugh, who was made biftiop of Lincoln, A.D. 1186. confirmed the church ofLavindento this abbey. k So Sulgrave mf. but quo-re ; for the dedication of the parifti church feems rather to have been to St. Mary, and of the con¬ ventual church to St. John Baptift. Vide y XIII. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 613. cart. 11 Hen. 3. m. 3 et 4. n. 38. recit. et confirm, donatorum con- ceffiones. Lelandi Collect:, vol. i. p. 73. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 165. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Eafton-manduit. In Dugd. Warwiclcfhire, of Shotfwell church, p. 415. - Baron, vol. i. 380. of the manor of Wardington. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 597. ex memo- randis 11 Hen. 3. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 23. MS. Peck in Mufeo Britan, vol. ii. Cart. 13 Hen. 3. in. 6. 9. de bofco de F.rnefdon : Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 57. pro redd, in Lavinden : Fin. Buckingh. 21 Hen. 3. n. g. pro advoc. eccl. S. Marioe de Lavinden : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 7. Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. Buckingh. 56 Hen. 3. n. 144. pro maner. de Lathbury. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 8 vel. 9. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Lathbury approprianda : Pat. 18 F.d. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro terris in Haverfham : Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 29. de terris in Lathbury. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . d. de leta abbatis apud Lavin¬ den: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 22. pro eccl. de Shotefwell [War.] Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. pro ten. et eccl. de Efton Manduit [Northamt.J Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. pro ten. in Wefton, Ful- grave, et Lathbury: Clauf. 41 Ed. 3. m. 14. pro 1. acra terrx et advoc. eccl. de Eafton Manduit, ex concefT. Joan, de Newenham cler. XIV. LUDGARSHALL, or Litherlall. Alien Hospital. K. Henry 2.> having given three hides of land here to the great hofpital of Santingfield, near Whitiand in Picardy, here became an alien hofpital or priory of a matter and brethren, fubordinate to that foreign houle, which was given 25 Hen. 6. to Kind’s college in Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 404. rot. Franc. 1 Hen. 4. Efc. Buckingh. 21 Ed. 3. n. 99. m. 12. perlnfpex. recit. cartam Hen. 2. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 10, 11 vel t2. Prynne’s Papal Ulurpations, vol. iii. p. 591. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. p. 2. m. 27. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 76. See Farle in Bedfordshire. Cart. 13 Ed. 2. n. 32. XV. M E D M E N H A M, or Mendham. Cistercian Abbey. This manor being given, before 2 Joan, by Hugh de Bolebec, to the Ciftertian monks of Woburn in Bedfordthire, they placed lome of their fociety here about A D 1 204 m. and it became a fmall abbey of that order ”, dedicated to the Virgin Marv, and valued 2 6 Hen. 8. (when here were but two monks) at 20/. 6s. 2 d. ■per ann. Dugd. 23// 17s 2d Speed In 29 Hen. 8. it was made part of the endowment of the new abbey atBuftlefliam, or Biiham in' Berldhire, and after the fuppreffion of that houfe it was granted to Robert Mone and others ’ 28 Hen. 8. ’ 6 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 829. cart. 2 Joan. m. 17. n. 50. confirm donationem H. de Bolebec: P.926, cart, antiq. i. n. 28. [eandem fcil. 2 Joan.] Ibid, tom. iii. p. i. p. 24. Pat. 29 Hen. 8. p. 4. de dota- tione abbatke de Bifliam. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 29. Lelandi Itin. vol. ii. p. 32. Oblat. 2 Joan. m. 28. Plac. apud Weftmon. 10 Hen. 3. Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. 169. pro terris in Hameldon: Fin. Buck- ingh. 41 Hen. 3. n. 6 et44- Pro ten. in Medmenham. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 13. d. pro ten. in Merlow P. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Fin. Buckingh. 31 Ed. 1. n* 323- Pro terris et bofcis in Afton Clynton. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17 vel 27. de advoc. eccl. de Dunyale °. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 26. pro me(T. et terris in Flete- merfton, Widemore, Sic. Pat. 24 Ed. q. p. t m. 13 vel 14. ■* XVI. LITTLE MERLO W, or Minchln Mario. NUNS‘ l The.Pri1ore(s ^d nuns De Fontibus- de Merlaw are mentioned in the Miffenden Regifter, as in being m the time of king John. Geffrey lord Spenfar is faid by Leland < to have been the firft founder. The countefs of Hertford and Glocefter, and Sr Ralph Dangers were patrons in the year 1244 k This nunnery was of the Benediftine order, dedicated to the Bleffed Virgin , and confifted only of four or five nuns, who had poffeffions valued at 23 / 31 7 da per ann. Dugd. 30/. Leland 37l 6s nd. Speed. It was alfo granted to Bilham abby 29 and afterward, 32 Hen. 8. to John Tytley and E. Reftwold. Y 9 8* Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. notulam ex Lelando Lelandi Colled, vol. defundatore: Ibid. tom. fii. p. ii. p. 24. Pat. 29 vol iv p 21 Hen. 8. p. 4. pro dotatione abbati* de Biiham. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 28. and Steven’s • p. 90. ejufdem Itin. vol.ii. p. 32. > Rot. pipas, 2 Hen. 2. Buckingh. et Bedfordfc. “ Hen. de “ Efiex r. c p. et in terris datis fratribus hofp. de Witfand in “ Bruhulla lx s. in Luitona xlj. et in Wendoura. et in Hodton. “ et in Edton c/. blanc.” Mf. Macro, f. 20. m A. D. 12 1 2. Annales de Parcoludo mlf. This might be the fecond colony, the firft which went A.D. 1204. feemed to be recalled, Monaft. i. 926. ex mf. Bodl. Digb. It was rather a daughter (as the writers of that order exprels themfelves) than a cell to Woburn, as Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 32. " Reyner erroneoufly faith, that it was of the Cluniac order. The abbat here was looked upon as epiftolar to the order of the Garter, and officiated as luch in the chapel at Windfor upon the feaft of St. George. 0 Or Dunyate ? „ n Mon. Angl. i. 803. a. Thefe nuns occur A. D. 121 7. in mf Collccft. Mattli. Hutton ex regiftr. Lincoln. 1 Colled!, vol. i. p. 90. but not temp. Hen. 3. as in Speed. This lord is not mentioned in Sr. William Dugdale’s Baronage. ' Regiftr. epifc. Lincoln, wherein is an account of application made to them, on a vacancy, for leave to eledt. Therefore enG bert earl otf Clare> or fome of the countefs of Hertford s anceftors were not founders. * Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. H Supplement, XVI. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Supplement, vol. i. p. 521. the names of fome pri- oreffes, &c. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 10. de melT. inCokeham: Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 11.de paf- tura in bofco de Benefeld : Fin. Buckingh. 16 Hen. 3. n. 16. pro terris in Wendover: Fin. Buckingh. 26 Hen. 3. n. 29. Fin. Buckingh. 32 Hen. 3. n. 73. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de annuo redd. xxs. epifc. Lincoln, folvend. e man. de Merlaw. Efcaet. Buckingh. 34 Ed. 3. n. 55. de ten. in Wendover: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. . XVII. MEURESLEY, alias St. Margaret’s, alias Ivingho'. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedi&ine nunnery founded by Henry de Bloisu, bilhop of Win- chefter, about A. D. 1160. to the honor of St. Margaret*. Herein were nine religious women, yet their poffelfions were valued, 26 Hen. 8. but at 14/. 3*. id. per aim. Dugd. °zzl. 6s. yd'. Speed1. They were granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Sr. John Dance. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. 490. cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 32. pro terris in Merewe. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 83. In Steven’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 526. names of the priorefTes from Willis. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro feria apud Ivingho: Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 13. n. 115. pro feria ibidem in vig. die et craft. S. Margaret®, et x. acris aifart. in Hemilhamfted : Clauf 11 Hen. 3. m. 16. de terris in Hemilhamfted : Clauf 14 Hen. 3. m. ij. de redd, in Mareto: Cart. 17 Hen. 3. in. 2. pro eccl.de Merewe: Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 13. dorfo. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. XVIII. xM I S S E N D E N. Austin Canons. Sr. William de Mifienden lent.1' A. D. n 33 L built here* dn abbey for Black canons’1, to the honor of the Virgin Mary, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 261/. 14/. 6d.q. per ann . c Dugd. 285/. 15 s. 9 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to John duke of North¬ umberland, and 16 Eliz. to Robert earl of Leicefter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 541. efcaet. 51 Ed. 3. n. 5. inquifitionem de fundatione : P. 542. de funda- tore et quibufdam fuccedentibus loci patronis : Cartam Will, de Feynes pro terra Wimundi in Wendover: Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 18. cartas tres, fcil. Joannae de Pedintona, Alberici comitis de Damarun, et Simonis de Geradmulin pro heremitorio de Mufewell in par. de Pidington, cum capella S. Crucis. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 47. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 129. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 295 et 1254. Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. 21. de protedlione : Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. 12. de eadem. Bp. Kennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 76, 77. 119. 124. de heremetorio de Mulfewella et decimis eidem perti- nentibus huic abbatiae conceffis. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 29. the names of the abbats, the penftons granted at the diftolution, &c. In his Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 47. of lands in Bore- ton: p. 165. of the manor impropriate redtory and advowfonof the vicarage of Caversfield. In Chauncy’s Hertfoidfhire, p. 575. of a burgage in Berkhampfted. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 463. of a rent of 40 s. out of lands in Snapes and Alburgh in Suffolk : vol. iv. p. 371. of rents in Brandefton. Year Books, 49 Hen. 6. Mich. 25. Bradton De Legibus, lib. ii. c. 23. de eccl. de Oulton [Norf. ] Ibid. lib. iv. c. 5. § 3. de ead. In Grotefti epiftola 84. in Append, ad Fafciculum re¬ rum, &c. p. 364. de eledtione paftoris. Regiftrum hujus abbatise antiquum penes Edw. Coke de Holkham in com. Norf. arm. in membr. contin. fol. 124. in 4"> A. D. 1715. Qutedam extradla ex hoc regiftro, in libro colledlaneo- rum meorum notatoT F. p. 385. 1 The different names of this fmall priory, which is fituate in Ivingho parilh, but near five miles from the parifli church, in the feveral lifts of religious houfes and taxations of the fame, oc- cafioned the multiplying it into three diftindt convents in the firft edition. Thefe nuns are called-, “ Moniales S. Margaret® de bofco de Ivingho.” Cart. 11 Hen. 3. u Leland. Colledt. i. 83. and the mf. catalogue of monafteries in Mr. Allimole’s Mufeum Oxon. w To St. Mar)'. Pat. 53 Hen. 3. * The commiflioners tor diffolving this houfe, reported the clear yearly value at the firft furvey 13/. 3 x. 4 d. at thefecond 19/. 8x. 91 i. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 23. y Camden and Leland fay, this houfe was_ founded by the D’Oileys, and endowed by the noble family lurnamed De Mif- e Librum cartarum hujus monafterii compilatum per fra- trem Robertum de Welwes, A. D. 1330, et poftea alia manu continuatum mf. in bibl. Harleiana 3688. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 14. taxationem poffeffionum abbatis de Miffendene in dioc. Lond. Regiftrum olim penes dominam Dormer. Munimenta qutedam hujus abbatire in mf. cartulario do- minorum de Borftall penes D. Joannem Aubrey de ead. bart. 1694. Collectanea ex libro Joannis Toftes prioris de Miffen- den, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth, vol. lix. f. 197. MS. Wood inMufeo Aftimol. vol. ci. p. 138. qutedam de hac abbatia. Cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. ad monaft. de Meffen- den fpe£lantia, penes Joannem Fleetwood de ead. arm. Fin. Buckingh. 9 Ric. 1. n. 27. pro terris in Kinebell. Fin. Buckingh. 3 Joan. n. 22. de iii. caruc. tens in Lega: Ibid. n. 36. de molend. in Ceftrelham. Fin. Buckingh. 3 Hen. 3. n. 41. de terris in Chalfont: Pla'c. coram rege, 4 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. Fin. Buck¬ ingh. 12 Hen. 3. n. 65. de terris in Hamden: Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. de ten. in Chalfhunt : Fin. North- amt. 18 Hen. 3. n. lt pro meff. et Lx. acr. terrs in Wapeham : Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 81. Et Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. 140. de terris in Ham¬ den : Fin. Buckingh. 44 Hen. 3. n. 52. de terris et bofeis in Miflenden P. Pat. 55 Hen. 3. m. 26. d. Fin. Buckingh. 1 Ed. 1. n. 3. de meff. in Wycomb : Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 17. d. pro ten. in Broughton : Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. d. Cart. 30 Ed. 1. n. 34. pro lib. war. in Meffenden, Leye, Peterley, Honore, Hugen- deh, Danrigg, Chalfhunt, Broughton, Kyntbele, Ca¬ versfield et NeiVland [Buckingh.] Podele et Shiplak [Oxon.] Pat. 21 Ed. I. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. fenden. z ThU6 the old Regifter Book of this monaftery in Mr. Coke’s poffeflion, and the deeds about Mufewell hermitage, in vol. iii. of the Monaft. and in Kennet’s Parochial Antiq. p. 76. being plainly temp. Hen. 1. (hew the falfity of the inquifition (Mon. 1. 542.) which places the foundation, A.D.1293. and of the other paper there printed, which places it, A. D. -1336. * “ A little by fouth without the town.” Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 429. b So always in the regifter and charters, though reckoned among the Benedictine houfes. Mon. Angl. vol. i. et iii. c Thefumma clara in my mf.Valor.is only 161 /. 14 s. 6 d. q. and fo Stevens, vol. i. p. 34, “ Summa inde 285/. 151. 9 fumir.a clara 1 6 1 l. 14x.fi d. q” ' ■ pro XVIII. BUCKIN pro eccl. de Glatton [Hunt.} approprianda : Fin. div. com. 31 Ed. 3. n. 32. Et 38 Ed. 3. n. no. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. de pardonatione abbatis con- viifli quod monetam R. falfificavit. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 16. de man. de Netherbury in GHAMSHIRE. Miflenden M. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. t. m. 23. de tern's et bofco in Chefliam. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1$. Rec. in fcaec. 1 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 38. XIX. NEWINTON-LONGAVILLE*. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Cluniac' monks, belonging to the abbey of St. Faith at Longaville in Normandy, to which this and feveral other churches and eftates in England were given by Walter Giffard earl of Buckingham, temp. Hen. 1. f K. Henry 6. anno regni 19. at the m (lance of Tho. Beckington, bilhop of Bath and Wells, gave this cell, and moit of the lands be¬ longing unto the fame, to New college in Oxford, who (till enjoy them. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. m. eartam Wai¬ ted Giffard com. Buckingham, confirm, donationes Waited Giffard patris et Agnetis matris ejuf. Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 32. In his Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 30. of tithes in Bore- ton : p. 128. of the manor and advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Akeby : p. 138. of tithes in Bechampton : p. 183. of6r. id. yearly out of the redtory of Edg- cote : p. 214. of tithes in Lillington Dayrell. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 691. of the advowfon of the rectory of St. John’s Maddermarket in Nor¬ wich : vol. iii. p. 131. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Stratton St. Michael, and of tithes there : vol. iv. p. 594. of tithes in Stratton, p. 606. in Boton, p. 61 1. in Corpefty : p. 360. of poffeffions in Alder- ford, p. 370. in Brandefton, p. 390. in Hackford, p. 410. in Ringland, p. 432. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Wefton : p. 441. of the ma¬ nor of Wichingham, the impropriate rectory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Wichingham Magna, and of the advowfon of the redtory of Wichingham Parva : p. 1585. of tithes in Stokefby. Raltell’s Entries, tit. Annuite vers corps politike , § 7. Rentalia, cartas, &c. penes R. V. V . cuttodem etiocios collegii S. Mariae Winton. in Oxon. Fin. 6 Joan. m. 13. de villanis manerii de Wichine- ham [Norf.] Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 25. Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3* n. 60. de virgata terrae in Horwood. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. pro eccl. de Henney appro- priand. Fin. 18 Ed. 2. m. 15, de man. in Wett- henny. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 28. d. de terris in Wychingham et W elton [Norf.] Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. Orig. 16 Hen. 6. rot. 47 et 49. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. i et 18. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 11. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 16. XX. NEWPORT PAINELL. *•, St. Margaret’s Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Margaret before A. D. 1240. Madox. Formul. Angl, p. 424. 2. New Hospital. Here was another hofpital, called the New Hofpital, A. D. 1240. Madox. 3. Hospital John de Somery s, about the ninth year of K. Edward 1. founded an hofpital here which was dedicated to St. John the Baptift, and St. John the Evangelift s, and rated, 26 Hen. i. at 61. 6s id. per ann. zs both Dugd. and Speed \ This was refounded by O. Anne, the royal confort of K. James 1. for three poor men and three poor women, who are above fifty years ot age, and is therefore fince called, Anne’s Hofpital. The vicar of Newport, for the time is annrunfpn rrtafrer r Vide eartam fundationis inter Colleftanea cl. Dodf- worthii, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cii. f. 135. of the ftate of this hofpital fince the Reformation, mf. ibid. f. 14 1. XXI. NOCTELE, Nuttley, or De parco Crendon, or De parco fuper Thamam1. Austin Canons. Walter Giffard fecond earl of Buckingham, and Ermengard his lady, A D 1 162 “ built and endowed here an abbey for regular canons of the order of St. Aumiftine ' which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and St. John Baptift, and about the time of theTdilTolution had eighteen monks-, and revenues certified into the exchequer to be worth 427/. 6r. id. ob. per ann. Dugd. 495/. i8r. 5d. ob. Speed. Thefite of this monaftery was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sr. William lager. 11 Reyner fallly places this priory in Norfolk, where indeed is Wefton-longvile, Witchingham, and fome other places former¬ ly belonging thereunto. * Prynne’s Ulitrp. vol. iii. p. 68a. * Perhaps earlier, for he died A. D. 110a. s Mr. Speed faith, u John de Peynton of Newport, founder, “ and dedicated to St. Leonard but the Newport hofpital, dedicated to St. Leonard, was at Newport in Effex; and, per¬ haps, John de Peynton, might be founder of that. This being certainly founded by John de Somery, whofe family prefented the maker, as appears from the Lincoln regifters, particularly tub anno A. D. 1 291. Here was alfo an houfe of lepers in this town, who had K. Edward ill’s licence to alk alms, &c. as „3,,V Perhaps more, for fo many fubferibed to the frmremacy. Sept. 6. 1534. as Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p.33. ’ Vide XXI. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom.ii. p. 154. captam fundationis ex bibl. Spelman. cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 16. n. 55. per Infpex. recit. duas cartas'Hen. 2. unam pro heremi- torio de Finemere, alteram confirm, fundatorum con- ceffiones: P. 155. cart. I Joan. p. 2. n. 123. con¬ firm. et concelT. duas bigas euntes et redeuntes in fo- refta de Brenwood pro bofco ad focum canonicorum : P. 156. cart. 2 Joan. n. 118. pro donatione baculi pafloralis hujus abbatiae : Confirmationem Jocelini . epifc. Sarifb. fuper donatione ecclefiae de Bradly [Wilt.] Literas ejufdem, quod capella leprof. de Bradele non fit ad dampnum matricis ecclefiae: Ibid, p. 340. pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 23. pro prioratu de Chetwood. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 43. In Steven’s Supplement, vol. ii. p. 148. an account of this priory from Reinerus. In Bp. Rennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 1 1 8. de fundatione et dotatione : p. 155. de ecclefia de Hilfdon : p. 188. de terris in Caverlham : p. 220. de pannagio in bofcis R. le Bigod de Merfton : p. 227, et alibi. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 33. the names of fome abbats, &c. In his Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 192. of the impropri¬ ate church of Hillefden, and of lands there. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 347. of the impro¬ priate church of Sheringham : p. 363. of tithes in Belaugh, p. 431. in Twiford, p. 570. in Iflington, p. 638. in Maffingham Magna, p. 654. in Middle- ton, p. 662. inPentney, p. 681. in North Rungton, p. 693. in Tilney, p. 1294. of the impropriate church of Chofeley. Cl. Rymeri Foedera, vol. ii. p. 965. . In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1106. clauf. 33 Ed. 1. m. 9-de decimisparci deRyfebergh. Raltell’s Entries, tit. Annuite vers corps politike, § 7. Reyneri Apoftol. Beneditt. tr. i. p. 159. Cartulariumde Nodtele penes .... comitem de Abing- ton: Rotulum magnum pergam. in quo defcriptae funt quam- plurimae carte ad terras et ecclefias abbatiae de Parco Crendon fpettantes, mf. in thefaurario /Edis Chrifti, Oxon. Collectanea ex eodem in bibl. Harl. mf. 2044. f. 7. MS. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. cx. f. 108. de mo- nafterio de Notley. ... • 1 Cartas quafdam originales hujus abbatiae in pyxide car- tarum mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. legatarum ab Ant. Wood, 1695. . , ■ Collectanea ex regiftro de Noteley inter codd. mfs. in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. foil. Dugd. vol. xxxix. f. 68. Alhmol. 844. 4. 846.17. Wood 32. >• 5°- Deappropriationeeccl.de Lillingfton [arch. Hunt. "] huic abbatiae, regift. Joan. Bokingham epifc. Line, f. 413. Cart, antiq. D. n. 44. E. n. 62. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 13. n. 86. Cart. Norman. 2 Joan. n. 118. Fin. Buckingh. 5 Joan. n. 92. de terris in Winchendon: Fin. 6 Joan. m. 7. Pat. 8 Joan. m. 2. n. 10. Plac. &c. 15 Joan. Mich, et Hill. rot. 13 et 17. d. de advoc. eccl. de Bodekelham [Cantabr.] Fin. Buckingh. 18 Joan> n. 1 13. pro med. man. de Winchedon. _ Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 4 et 10. pro focalibus in forefta de * i "'lour. 1 1 Hen. 2. m. 1 r. d. Pat. Hen. 3. n. 35. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. I. quo warr. rot. 2. d. pro manerio de Stagerthorp, ex donatione Walteri de Burgo: Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. i.affif. rot. 52. d. pro man. de Deverel Kingfton : Plac. in com. Berkf. 12 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 19. de libert. in Weft-wy tenham : Pat. 19 Ed. 5. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. de melT. in London. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 23. Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. rot. 88. quod canon, fint quieti de nundinis etferiis : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. I. pro ten. in Bredftreet et Fridayftreet, Lond. Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 28. pro decimis parci deRifebergh : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Clauf. 3 Ed. 3. m. 30. de patronatu hujus abbatte ; Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 39. Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 62. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 et 28. de terris in Beckingham, Thragelthorp, &c. [Line.] Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro ii. caredlis bofei mortui fingulis diebus e forefta de Bernwood: Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 23. pro eccl. de Lillingfton appropriand. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 38. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. de capella S. Annae in Caverlham [Oxon.] Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 35. de mefT. et terris in Nether- winchendon: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. XXII. RAVENSTON’. Austin Canons. K. Henry 3. about the 39th year of his reign, built here and endowed, out of the lands of Peter de Chaceport, reftor of Ivingho, archdeacon of Wells, and mailer of his ward¬ robe a fmall monaltery of Black canons, which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary p, and by the prior and four canons was furrendered, 16 Hen. 8. into the hands of the bilhop of Lincoln, as ordinary of the place. It was the next year, when it was valued at 57/. 15s. as in ones account, or at 66! 13 s. \d. as in another1, given to cardinal Wolley, toward the endowment of his col¬ leges •, and when, upon his fall, it came into the crown again, it was palled thence, 2 Ed. 6. to Sr. p’r. Bryan, and 4 Mar. to Sr. Rob. Throgmorton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 337. cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 4. de fundatione. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 34. The Cardinal’s Bundle among the records in chancery. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes, in pyxide cartarum mufeo Alhmolaeano, Oxon. lega¬ tarum ab Ant. Wood antiquario Oxon. Et mf. Wood, ibid. vol. xxxii. f. 58. Clauf. ss Hen. 3. m. 3. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. de xxx. acr. in Horton : Bat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 16 - de melT, et terris in Ravenfton: Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p- 2. m. 17. pro xx. acr. brufeeti in Ravenfton perquirendis de Drugone Barentyne : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 5. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. pro medietate manerii et advocatione ecclefiae de Stoke Goldington, et pro amortizatione xx. acr. brufeeti ex dono Drogonis Barentin : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5vel6. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. I. m. xoet 41. Rec. in fcacc. 38 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 16. Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 29. Efc. Buckingh. 5 Hen. 6. n. 32. de praefent. ad eccl. de Stoke Goldington. XXIII. MONK RISBURROW or Rifeburgh. Benedictine Cell, .ffifchwyn, bilhop of Dorchefter ’, having given this manor to the mo- n Now in the archdeaconry of Oxon. • It was in Lincoln diocefe ; but not in the county of Lin¬ coln, -as in the Monalticon. p Regiltr. Lincoln. . . 1 Mf. Inquif. penes magiftrum Willis. ' Mf. Valor. • Mon. Angl. i.ai. a. nailery XXIII. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. naftery of Chriftchurch in Canterbury about A. D. 991. Reyner' faith that here were for the molt part fourteen monks as a cell to that priory. But this feems to be a miftake. XXIV. SNELLESHALL. Benedictine Priory. Ralph Martel, before u 10 Hen. 3. gave this place (in the parilh of Whaddon) in honor of St. Leonard, to a fmall convent of Black monks, who were about the time of the diffolution but three in number, and endowed with no more than 18/. is. 11 d. per ann. Dugd. 24/. Speed. This priory was granted, 30 Hen. Palmer, and, 1 Maria, to Edmund Aylhfield. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 483. cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 10. recit. et confirm, donationes. Steven’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 497. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 36. the names of the priors, &c. In Bridge’s Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 287. of a mea¬ dow in Covefgrave. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 138. of lands in Bechampton. Inter excerpta ex cartulario de Dunftaple ad calcem cro- nici ejufdem ccenobii a cl. Thoma Hearne edita, p. 680. de duabus garbis decimx de dominico Thomse Manfell in Senle conceffis in perpetuum conventui de Snellefhale per conventum de Dunftaple pro tribus marcis annuis. Regiftrum hujus prioratus [in quarto contin. fol. 80.] penes Jacobum Selby ferv. ad legem, 1715. XXV. STONY S 8. to Francis Piggot, 2 Ed. 6. to Sr. Thomas Fin. Bucking!). 19 Joan. n. 97. de terris in Bechampton. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. jj. prohib. deftruftionis bofci de Totenho, quod habuit prior per cartam Rad. Mar- tell : Clauf. ti Hen. 3. m. 23, 24, 25. pro mercato die Jovis apud Snellefliall : Plac. de banco 14 Hen. 3. . . .rot. 16. de dim. hida in Bechampton ex dono Alex, de Tatenho et Cecilias uxorisejus: Fin. div. com. 22 Hen. 3. n. 23. pro terris in Bereford : Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. 139. pro mefl'. et terris in Stivele : Pat. 33 Hen. 3. m. . pro xxx. careftatis bofci per ann. e for. de Whittlewood : Fin. Buckingh. 38 Hen. 3. n. 21. 23. de redd. vm.r. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 2. d. de ten. in Wotton. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 10. de terris in Totenho. T R A T F O R D. Hospital. There is mention of an hofpital here before A. D. 1240. in Madox’s Form. Angl. p. 424. And in Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 3 vel 14. I meet with the chapel of the hofpital of St. John upon the cauleway w leading to the bridge at Stony Stratford. But more of it I cannot learn. XXVI. TYKEFORDx or Tickford, near Newport Painell, or Newport St. Maryr. Alien Priory. A cell of Cluniac monks, dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary, fubordinate to the abbey of St. Martin Majoris Monafterii, commonly called Marmonftier at Tours in France, to which this manor was given by Fulk or Fulcodius Painel in the reign of K. William Rufus. It was feifed into the king’s hands as an alien priory during the wars with France by K. Edward 3. but reftored 1 Hen. 4. fubjefted to the priory of the Holy Trinity at York, who prefented the priors A. D. 1475, 1499, and 1501. and was not diffolved till it was granted (with feveral other fmall monafteries) 17 Hen. 8. to cardinal Wolfey, in order to be fettled on one of his two intended colleges at Oxford and Ipfwich; at which time the fpiritualities of this priory were valued at 59/. 33. A.d. per ann. and the temporalities at 67/. 133. 8 d. in the whole at 126/. 17 s. per ann. Mr. Willis has a valuation of this houfe only at 97/. 133. 10 d. per ann. After the cardinal’s fall, this among other lands of religious houfes was granted to the bilhop of Lincoln, and other truftees for the ufe of the King’s college in Oxford, yet was afterward refumed by the crown, and by K. James 1. fold to Henry Atkins, M. D. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 685. pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3. per Infpex. recit. cartam Ed. 2. de fundatione et donationibus : Ibid, in tom. ii. p. gio. cartam Gervafii Paganelli dat. A. D. 1187. recit. et confirm, conceffiones donatorum monachis deTikford : P. 91 1. cartam Fulcodii Paganelli de eccl. de Bruggwalter [Som.] P. 912. cartas ejufd. Fulc. pro eccl. de Hunefpill, Hawifix Paynell duas pro terris in Tyke- ford, Will. Paynel pro man. de Brugge Walter, Ra- dulfi Manfell pro terra de Cuculmelho, &c. ex col- left. Rob. Glover [quondam Somerfet.] In Bridge’s Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 104. of two thirds of the advowfon of the reftory of Boddington. Year Books. In cl. Rymeri Feeder. &c. tom. ii.p. 44. tom. iv. p. 246. tom. viii. p. 105. 1 Apoftol. Benedift. tr. i. p. nz, 213. u How long before hath not yet occurred : And quare, Whe¬ ther this place had not once fome dependance on the abbey of Lavinden, which had, “ ex dono Sibillte de Aungervill locum “ de Snellelhall, et capellam de Tattenho, cum pertinentiis.” Mon. Angl. tom. i. 43. ii. 613. a. w Perhaps it might be on the Northamptonlhire fide of the river. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, &c. vol. iii. p. 1205, 1206. ex bundell. brevium 3 Ed. 1. pro abbate majoris mo¬ nafterii contra rebcllem priorem : Et p. 1291. breve 15 Ed. 1. de exemptione ab epife. Lincoln. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 650. de confirmatione pof- feffionum 1 Ed. 3. In Dugd. Warwick, of the church of Afton, p. 639. The names of fome priors, &c. in Willis’ Hill, of Ab¬ bies, vol. ii. p. 37. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes legatas mufxo Alhmol. Oxon. a cl. V. AntonioWood. Rentalia, computos, cartas, et alia munimenta penes ca- merarios fcacc. reg. in the cardinal’s bundle. Regiftrum hujus prioratus quondam inter mfs. Cecili- anos, nunc penes illuft. D. D. Henricum ducem Kantix. x Mon. Angl. i. p. 685. y Mon. Angl. ii. p. 910. but from the donations they appear plainly to have been made to the fame monaltery under two names ; though they are made different in mf. Bodl. Hen. Sul- grave, Sec. wherein Newport is placed in Bedfordlhire, and Tickford in Bucks. Thus alfo in the Year Books, 17 fid. 3. f. 1. the fame Cafe is reported againft the prior of Tikeford, which is f. 17. againft the prior of Newport Panell. In XXVI. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inbibl. Harleiana mf. 2188. f. 125. colleftanea ex re- giftro. In bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, mf. Dd. x. 28. f. 66. bul- lam Innocentii papx quod epifcopus Lincoln officium fuum in prioratu de Neuport Paynel cxercere queat. Fin. Buckingh. 1 Joan. n. 9, velio. pro terris in Brade- well : Clauf 9 Joan. m. 8. Fin. War. 15 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. . . pro advoc. eccl. de Efton : Fin. Buckingh. 38 Hen. 3. n. 19. pro ter¬ ris in Tykford, Shirinton, &c. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 23. d. de ten. inChetwell et Bradwell: Fin. Buckingh. 3 Ed. 1. n. 28. pro advoc. eccl. de Bradewell. Inqulf. Buckingh. 4 Ed. 2. n. 84. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 4. pro lib. war. in Thikthorn, Chechele, et Haremede : Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Pat" 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Clauf 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. pro eccl. de Afton [War.] appropriand. Clauf 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. de lite cum dom. rege fuper ec- clefia de Cofham : Clauf 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. de advoc. ecclcfiae de Yerdele [Wigorn.J Bundel. be- net. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Clauf. 18 Ric, 2. n» • de de- cimis in Craule P. et Wakesfee. Rec. infcacc. 3 Hen. 4. . . rot. 14. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p, 2. m. 3 vel 4. XXVII. W E N G E, dim Guinuga*. Alien Priory. The church and other lands here being given by Maud the emprefs to the monaftery of St. Nicholas at Angiers in France, a cell of Benediftine monks from thence fettled at a hamlet in this parifh, fince called Afcot. After the parliament had diffolved the alien priories, K. Henry 5*, anno regni 4". granted this of Wenge to the priorefs and nuns De Pratis near St. Al¬ ban’s, which was fuppreffed by cardinal Wolfev, in order to be annexed to his commendatory abbey of St. Alban, but he afterward getting a grant of it for himfelf b, upon his attainder, this manor and reftory were given, 23 Hen. 8. to John Pen, and, 35 Hen. 8. were granted as parcel of the late mo¬ naftery of St. Alban to Sr. Robert Dormer. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 1000. cartam Matildis Imperatricis de diverfis ecclefiis in Anglia conceffis S. Nic. Andegav. P. 1001. bullam P. Eugenii 3. confirm, eafdem. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 38. Cartas, rentalia, &c. penes .... com. Carnarvan. de eadem. Fin. Buckingh. 2 Joan. n. 25. pro dclx. acris in Wen- gia et Crofton, conceff. a Quintino Talebot eccl. Andegav. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. n Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Fin. div. com. 14 Ed. 2. n. 9. pro advoc. prioratus concelf. comiti Arundell. Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 20. Pat. 8 Hen. 5. m. 27. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 20 Hen. 8. p. 1. XXVIII. W Y C O M B. i. St. Margaret’s Hospital. An hofpital for lepers, founded before 13 Hen. 3. and de¬ dicated to St. Margaret and St. Giles c. Vide Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro feria in vigilia et die Hen. 3. m. ij. S. Margarets: Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. Pat. 13 Pat. 15 Ric. 2. 2. St. John’s Hospital. Here was alfo an hofpital fora mafter, brethren, and filters, de¬ dicated to St. John Baptift, founded before 20 Hen. 3. It was in the patronage of the mayor and burgefiesof this town, A. D. i344d. And though after the diffolucion, Q^Mary granted it to Sr. Robert Throgmorton, Elizabeth granted it, anno regni 4. to the corporation, and refounded the hofpital % which is yet in being under the government of the mayor, aldermen, and bailiffs, for four poor perfons, &c. One of the hofpitals at Wycomb was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 8/. 6s. icd. ■per ann. in the whole f and 7/. 15J. 3 d. clears, but was not for Black monks, as Speed hath it. Vide the Year Books, 34 Hen. 6. n. 6. Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 46 et 67. pro mefi'. in Wycomb: Cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro feria ibidem in vigilia et die S. Thomas martyris : Fin. Buckingh. 52 Hen. 3. n. 98. et 54 Hen. 3. n. 113. pro decimis bladi de Walyngford in Owyng, &c. conceffis per Walterum Champyun magiftris et fratribus infirmo- rum de h Wycomb et Cromerlh. N.B. The priory of St. Margaret at High Wycomb, mentioned in Magn. Brit. Antiq. et Nov. p. 215. is a mifiake for St. Margaret's in Ivingho. For the monaftery of Thame placed in this county [Mon. Angl. i. 802.] fee below in Oxfordshire. For Bordesley [Speed] fee below in Worcestershire ; and for Sandwell fee in Staffordshire. 1 That is the name it generally goes by in the French Charters. * Rot. Pat. b Rymeri Feeder, tom. xiv. p. 1143. « There might be one hofpital here, dedicated to St. Giles, and another to St. Margaret. But they rather feem to have been the fame. For, 5 Hen. 5 . the king gave the cultody of St. Giles’s hofpital juxta Wycomb, to Tho. Gyles. The next year he grants the cuftody of St. Giles’s apd St. Margaret’s hofpital to Hen. Swain, as vacant by the refigilation of Tho. Gyles, as Dr. Hutton’s patents. But the gift of the mafterlhip is laid to have been afterward in the collegiate church of Windfor. Frith’s catal. mf. d Collett, cl. Matth. Hutton ex regiftr. Thom® Beck epife. Lincoln. c See Willis’ Not. Parliam. in Append, ad vol. i. p. 7. though the free fchool is there faid to be made out of fome part of this hofpital. * Sancroft’s mf. Valor. e This is the valuation ofDugdale and Speed. h It is uncertain to which of the hofpitals in Wycomb this was given. CAMBRIDGE- CAMBRIDGESHIRE I. ANGLESEY. Austin Canons. K. Henry i.* founded here a priory of Black canons to the honor of the bleffed Virgin b, and St. Nicholas'. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 124/. 19s. per arm .4 or as in Mr. Speed, at 149/. i8r. 6d. about which time there were eleven canons in this monaftery^ the fite whereof, and good part of their lands, were granted, 30 Hen. 8. to John Hynde. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 258. cartam Eliz. de Burgo dom. de Clare de licentia eligendi priorem, A. D. 1333- indenturam inter eandem Elizabetham et priorem et conventum de Anglefey, de 20. libris annuis in Lakenheth ad inveniendos duos capellanos divina celebrantes in ditto prioratu, 6 Ed. 3. aliam indenturam de eadem cantaria, 29 Ed. 3. Newcourti Repertorium, vol. i. p. 799. de manerio de Greenbury in Barley, in com. Hertford. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 47. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 166. conceffionem ter- rarum et tenement, in Hafelingfield et Hardelefton per priorem et conv. de Anglefey Willielmo Sterne, in excambio pro duobus melT. et fbopis in Cantab, et Bernwell, et xxiv. acr. et iii. rodis terrae in campis de Bernwell, Cantab, et Hynton : p. 310. cartam epifc. Elienfis de appropriatione eccl. de Suaffham : p. 355. cartam Walteri fil. Andreae de Staunfor de tenemento apud Mordune. Year Books, 21 Hen. 7. Hill. n. 13. The names of feveral priors in Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 45. 323. et App. p.4. Acquietantiam pro pecunia depoljta in theiauraria beat® Marite de Anglefcia, A. D. 1267. mf. in bibl. Cot¬ ton. Nero, C. iii. 37. Fin. com. ign. 16 Hen. 3. n. 55. deterris in Wilberg- ham : Fin. 19 Hen. 3. n. 60. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 2. d. et m. 6. pro tetris in Bodekelhara : Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25. d. de ten. et com. paft. in Wikes: Plac. apud Hertford. 6 Ed. I. affif. rot. 3. de terris in Berlec : Plac. apud Cant. 27 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 13. de terris in Bodekelham. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Fin. Suff. 5 Ed. 3. n. 120. de reddit. in Lakingheath : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Plac. in banco 5 Ed. 3. rot. 352. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. x. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vel 28. Brev. reg. i5Ed. 3. p. 2. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. de taxat. temporalium abbatiae : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 17. pro ten. in Braughm [Hertf.] Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro ten. in Walftngham [Norf.] Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . II. BAREHAM, Bercham, or Bergham, in the parijh of Lynton. Crossed Friers. A priory here of Crouchid or Croffed friers, cell immediately to Welnetham in Suffolk, which houfe alfo was fubordinate to the great houfe of that order in London f, is met with as early as 2 1 Ed. 1 . and was granted as parcel of the abovementioned London friery, 3 2 Hen. 8 . to Philip Paris, and afterwards to John Millecenc efquire. Vide Efcaet. Cantab. 21 Ed. 1. n. 89. pro priore de Wei- Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 26. pro melT. et hi. acris terrae, netham Magna, de capella de Bergham. et falda ibidem pro cxx. ovibus ex conceffione Joan- Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 21 1. of a melluage and nis Furneaux. lands in Bergham. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . III. BARNWELL. Austin Canons. In or near the church of St. Giles in Cambridge, Picot a Norman lord of Bourne, and many years fheriff of Cambridgelhire, at the inftance of Hugolina his wife, began a religious houfe for a prior and fix Regular canons6, A. D. 1092 h, which was twenty * years after removed to a place on the other fide of the river called Barnwell, by Pain Peverell, that famous foldier, who was ftandard bearer to Robert duke of Normandy, in the holy wars. Here he new built and enlarged the priory, in honor of St. Giles and St. Andrew, defigning it for thirty canons of the order of St. Auftin *. At the dilfolution its yearly revenues were valued at 2 56/. 1 u. 10 d. q. Dugd. 351/. 151. 4 d. Speed. And its fite was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Antony Broun; and, 6 Ed. 6. to Edward lord Clinton *. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 29, 30. 33. Leland. Colletft. de fundatione et fundatore ex veteri cod. Bernwellenfis monaftcrii, de variis rebus memorabili- bus Grantebrigienfis provincial ex libello de prioribus Bernwellenfibus [eadem fufiora habentur in edit. Hearn. Oxon. 1715. vol. i. 433, &c.] P. 31. cart, antiq. K. n. 38. [fcil. Hen. 1. de loco ad eccl. fun- dandam circa fontcs de Bernwell ;] Cartam Will. fil. Otonis pro eccl. de Berton [Line.] Cartas Afcelinae 2 Hen. Knighton De eventibus Anglite, lib. ii. c. 9. inter De¬ cern Script, col. 2384. So that Ric. de Clare, mentioned in Le¬ land. Colled. i. j 7. and in Mr. Speed, as founder, feems to have been only patron, as was Edm. Mortimer earl of March, temp. Hen. 5. Mf. Harley, 59. c. 9. h Liber teftam. in regiftr. epifc. Norwic. Popy, p. 1 55. c CoUedt. amiciflimi Tho. Baker. d This was the fumtna clara of the valuation of this priory in Stevens, vol. i. p. 14. and a mf. of good note, and is more agree¬ able to the grofs fum than that in Dugd. where the tranferiber or printer feems to have left out the firft figure, e de Waltervilla, et Matildis de Diva, pro ead. Cart, antiq. F. F. n. 12. et cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 3. fcil. Hen. 3. conf. villam de Cefterton ex dono R. Joan. P. 32. ex rot. hundred, in com. Cantab. 3 Ed. 3. de tundatione et dotatione : Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 21. recit. et confirm, ordinationem inter priorem et conv. et Gilb. Pecche de eleclione prioris fadtam A. D. 1256. Fuller’sHiftoryoftheUniverfityofCambridge,p. 3. 5,6. ' Mf. in bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. Mifcell. G. 319. But Mr. Willis, in his Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 45. faith, a prior and eight canons only. f Colled, amiciflfimi V. Petri le Neve arm. Norroy. 8 Not monks, as Parker’s Scelet. Cantab, edit. Hearne, p.191. h 1093. Leland. Coll. ii. 335. butnot in the reign of Will. 1. as Magn. Brit. Ant. etNova, p. 261. 1 Yet Hen. Huntingdon, who wrote temp. Stcph. mentions this church of St. Giles. k Not Black monks, as in mf. Bodl. 1 !pu 51* 1 33> I34- Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 213, Ac. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 427. In Blomfield's Norfolk, vol. i. p. 164. of lands and te¬ nements in Barningham [Suftolk] : p. 217. of Mor¬ timer’s manor inNewenham [Cambridge] and a wa¬ termill there : p. 479. of an annual rent of 100/. out of the manor of Weting, and of the advowfon of the redtories of Weting All Saints and Weting St. Maries : p. 488. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wilton : p. 493. of Carte’s manor in Hockwold and the advowfon of the redlory : p. 619. of a tenement in Totington: vol. ii. p. 820. of the advowfon of the redtories of St. Clement and, p. 841. St. Mary Coflany in Norwich : p. 884. of lands in Worlingham [Suffolk]: vol. iii. p. 9. of the advow¬ fon of the redtories of Great Melton, p. 2t. Hetherlet, p. 125. and Stratton St. Maries : p. 3S3. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Fuldon: p. 731. of a manor in Burnham-Thorp : p. 740. of tithes in Burnham Overy : vol. iv. p. 3. of the advowfon of the redtory of Blofield : p. 79. of lands in Denver and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 137. of the manor of South Rungton : p. 1040. of the advowfon of the redtory of Patelley : p. 1207. of Vide Hiftory of the College of Corpus Chrifti and the B. Virgin Mary (commonly called Ben’et) in the Univerfity of Cambridge, by Robert Mafters B. D. Cambridge 1753. Catalogum librorum mff. quos Collegio Corporis Chrifti etB. Maris Virginis legavit Matth®us Parker archi- epifeopus Cantuar. edidit Jacobus Nafmith A. M. Cantab. 1777. 4'“; Fuller’s Hiftory of the Univ. of Cambridge, p. 43, Ac. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 207, Ac. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 425, 426. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol i. p. 430. of the ad¬ vowfon of St. Mary Abchurch, London. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 244. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Stalbridge. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 786. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Fulmodefton cum Croxton : vol. iv. p. 430. of the advowfon of the redtory ot Thurning. In Lelandi Collect, vol. iii. p. 17. catalogum quorun- dam codicum mff. olim in bibliotheca hujus collegii. Hiftoriolam hujus collegii per Jofcelinum, in bibl. Har¬ leiana mf. 7053. p. 174. et inter colledt. Baker, ibid, vol. xix. p. 1 15. vol. xxii. p. 271. 563. Letters and particulars concerning Corpus Chrifti Col- leo-e, inter eadem colledt. [in bibl. Harleiana] vol. iv. p.°99. vol. vi. p. 4. 29. 36. vol. xix. p. 97. 153. 9. God’s-house, vide Christ’s College. , N. B. This was before Caius’ benefadtion, which came in about 1 557. as Fuller, c the IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Matefhale. . In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 337. of the manor and advowfon of the reitory of Bincomb : p. 420. of the advowfon of the rectory of Broadway. In Lelandi Collett, vol. iii. p. ig. catalogum quorun- dam librorum m/T. olim in bibliotheca hujus collegii. MSS. Baker [in biblioth. Harleiana] vol. iv. p. 116. 211. voh xviii. p. 43. [in bibl.publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxix. p. 263. 295. vol. xxx. p. 41 1. vol. xxxv. p. 437. vol. xl. p. 71. 257. letters and particulars concerning Caius College. In bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, mf. Mm. iv. 20. ftatuta hujus collegii. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 497. 557. flatum Auhe de Gonvile : p. 559. ftate of Gonvile and Caius College. Regiitra, cartas, et alia munimenta in archivis collegii. Cartam Will, epifc. Norwic. de fundatione et inftitu- tione collegii, dat. 21 Dec. 1351. Et licentiam epifc. . Elienfis pro capella erigenda, dat. 1 Apr. 1353. ‘n re" giltro Simonis de Montacuto epifc. Elienfis, f. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. liccnt. fundandi collegium xx. fchol. in Lurteburgh-lane concert. Edmundo de Gonevile: Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro eccl. de Mutford [Suff.] approprianda : Ibid. p. 2. m. 8. pro eccl. de Fouldon et Wilton [Norf.] a priore et conv. de Lewes pcr- quirendis et appropriandis. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. r; m. 32. pro eccl. de MatteihalM. [Norf.] appropri¬ anda : Ibid. p. 2. m. 39. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . Clauf. 18 Ed. 4. m. 3 vel 4. pro redd, e man. de Newenham pro cantaria dominie Ann* Winfield, fili* dom. Roberti de Harlyng: Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 5. pro ten. in Totington. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 8. 11. Jesus-College. Here, near Greencrofr, was a Benediftine nunnery, if not fo early as A. D. 1130'. yet about the middle of K. Stephen’s reign, which was much enlarged in its revenues, and, with the addition of a new conventual church, dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary and St. Radegund, by Malcolm 4. king of Scotland, about A. D. 1 160. But this houfe being greatly dilapidated in its buildings, goods, &c. and forfaken by the nuns, was, A. D. 1497. converted by that excellent prelate John Alcock bifhop of Ely (with the licence of K. Henry 7. and approbation of pope Alexander 6.) into a college for a mailer, . . . fellows and ftudents, which is commonly called Jefus college-, the revenues of which were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 87/. i8j. 3 d. ■per am. But there are now a mafter, fixteen fellows, thirty fcholarihips, and two exhibitions. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 480,481. cart. '7 Ed. 2. n. 18. perlnfpex. recit. et confirm, cartas R. Stephani et R. Henrici 3. P. 481. veredidtum de fundatione et pofleffionibus hujus prioratils ex rot. hundred. Can- tabr. et Hunt. 3 Ed. j. imperfecte ; fupplendum ex rotulo vel tranfcripto in Dodfworth, vol. lxxxix. f. 98. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 47, 48. 323. the names of moft of the prioreifes. Fuller’s Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cambridge, p. 84, 85, 86. Ricardi Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, edit. Hearn, p. 229, 230, 231. In cl. Rymeri Feeder. See. vol. xii. 653, 654. pat. 12 Hen. 7. p. 2. m. 14. fcil. licent. ad prioratum fuppri- mendum et collegium fundandum. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 532. a fhort account of this nunnery, and the names of the priorefles ; and in the Appendix to vol. ii. p. 213. pat. 12 Hen. 7. for fuppreffing the nunnery, and ere&ing the college. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 243. 245. of the advowfon of Elmftead red. in Eflex, belonging to this college. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1210. of the advow¬ fon of the redory of Reymerfton, antiently belonging to the nunnery. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, App. 53. de 12. acris terrae in Oxcroft, p. 55. de odava parte 1 feedi in Abington. MS. Baker in bibl. Harleiana, vol, xvii. p. 1. ftatuta collegii Jefu cum interpretationibus vifitatorum, &c. Ibid. vol. vi. p. 50. vol. xi, p. 357. vol. xix. p. 173. [et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxvii. p. 53. vol. xxx. p. 421 . particulars concerning Jefus College, In bibl. C. C. C.C. mf. 108. p. 537. 551. ftatum col¬ legii Jefus. Aborigines Jefuanos, five Hiftoriam collegii Jefu Can- tab. adornatam ftudio Joannis Sherman collegii prre- fidis, mf. Indulgentiam pro reparatione campanilis S. Rhadegun- dis, A. D. 1457. *n regiftro Will. Gray epifc. Elienfis. Cartas, rentalia, et alia qu*dam munimenta ad coeno- bium S. Rhadegundis fpedantia, in archivis collegii Jefu Cantab, repofita. Fin. Norf. 2 Hen. 3. n. 7. de advoc. eccl. de Reimer- fton : Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 10. Plac. de banco 16 Ed. 1. Pafch. Norf. 14. pro advoca- tione ejufdem ecclefi* de Reimerfton : Plac. apud Cantab. 27 Ed. 1. afiif. rot. 4. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. hi.. 1 1 vel 12. Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 27. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 27, Cart. 16 Hen. 6. n. 47. pro teria in Cantab. Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 3. m. . [5 Maiij pro advoc. de Gravely, Fordham, Swavefey, Witlesford, See. . I2- St. John s College. An old hoipital for a mafter arid brethren1', founded by Nigellus u 01 ratber by one Hen. Froft* burgefs of Cambridge, in the time of Nigellus, to the honor of St. John the evangelift, which was laid to have been at firft endowed with 140/. per ann. but, by a very accurate account of the revenues taken juft before the fuppreflion of this houle, they amounted to no more than 80/. (J. i0d. ob. A. D. 1281. Hugh de Baliham bilhop of Ely ob¬ tained licence from the king to turn this hofpital into a college of ftudents, “ fecundum regulam lcolarium Oxon. qui de Merton cognominantur,” pat. 9 Ed. 1. Which project did not take ehcct , io that ft continued till K. Henry 7’s time, when, by reafon of the alienations and ill beha¬ viour of the then members, it was furrendered or diffolved , and the fite and lands were granted, 2 Hen. 8. to the executors of the lady Margaret countefs of Richmond, in order to the ere£tin<* a college, to be dedicated to St. John the evangelift, in the fame place, according to the will of that 1 So Parker and Fuller, which Dr. Sherman will not allow. “ This feems to have been a houfe of Seculars, not Regulars (as Speed, Parker, Fuller, &c.) for it is upon the Ely regifters, \nd other muniments, ever called an Hofpital, and not a Priory ; the head was callefl Magilter, not Prior ; the members, Fratres, not Canomcn w A-E>. 1 1 34* Parker; 1145. Fuller; both out of Godwin. De prasful. Elienf. but the Liber Elienfis, Angl. Sacr. and other authentic hiftories, which are otherwife very particular in the afts of this bilhop, are filent as to this foundation. * Inquif. 3 Ed. i* (as Mr. Baker.) good IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. good lady and great encourager of learning, which was ffiortly after done : And, by the munificence of the foundrefs and other benefadtors, herein are now maintained a mailer, fifty four fellows, above eighty fcholars, befides officers and fervants. Their revenues were valued, 26 lien. 8. at 507/. 12 s. jd. Vide Ric. Parked Scelet. Cantab, p. 236, &c. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 275. pat. g Ed. 1. m. 28. Year Books. Fuller’s Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cambridge, p. 94, 95, 96. Mr. Le Neve’s Faft. Eccl. Angl. p. 432. The preface to the Funeral Sermon of Margaret countefs of Richmond, Lond. 1708. 8°. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 323, 324. a lift of the mafters of the hofpital. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 593. of the manor and advowfon of Thurrington in Eflex. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 35. of the manor of Ker- bies in Afhwell. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 530. of tbe priory and church of Higham: vol. ii. p. 717. of lands in Feverlham : p. 802. of the hofpital of Ofpringe. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 157. of the rectories ofLopham, vol. iii. p. 172. of Forncet, p. 239. and of Aldburgh to which a fellow of this college is al¬ ways to be prefented : vol. iv. p. 125. of the im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Marham : p. 821. of the advowfon of the rectory of Great Snoring : p. 823. of the fame atThursford. A fuccindt and impartial account of St. John’s Houfe and St. John’s College, mf. Baker in bibl. Harleiana, vol. i. Statutes of St. John’s College, with an account of pri¬ vate foundations, mf. Baker ibid. vol. xxiii. Inter Colledt. ejufdem ibid. vol. xii. vol. xvi. p. 219. 226. vol. xix. p. 201. vol. xx. p. 61. 65. 191. [in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxvii. p. 73. 95. 109. 257. 329. vol. xxviii. p. 255- vol. xxix. p. 111.405. vol.xxxii. p. 538. vol.xxxiii. p. 389. particulars re¬ lating to St. John’s College: Ibid. vol. xxix. p. 1. ftatuta collegii S. Joannis. In bibliotheca Harleiana, mf. 97. f. 73. of the manors of Ramerwyke and Blouneham and lands in Wylfom- ftede in Hertfordihire and Bedfordlhire : mf. 79 r. F. 30. articulos declarand. in vifitatione hujus collegii. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. f. 504. 553. ftatum col¬ legii S. Joannis. Regiftra, cartas, Sic. penes R R. V V. magiftrum et fo- cios collegii S. Joannis, Cantab. Plac.de banco, 3 Joan. Mich. rot. 1. de eccl. S. Petri Cantab. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 103. confirm, compofitionem inter fcolares Elienfes et fratres hofpitalis : Plac. apud Cantab. 27 Ed. 1. aftif. rot. 12. pro melT. in Horn- ingefey. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 18. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. de tenementis in Cantab. Tofte, Horn- ingefey, Trumpiton. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 38. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 3. Bell. Sign. 14 Hen. 8. p. 2. pro prior, de Bromehall [Berk.] et Higham [Kane.] Fin. et recup. in com. Nott. et Derb. 19 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 147. pro man. de Tux- ford P. et cccc. acr. ibid, et in Markham, &c. 13. King’s-Hall. Thirty two fcholars having been maintained in this univerfity by the royal bounty of K. Edward 2. probably fome in one college or hoftle, and fome in others ; K. Edward 3. pitched upon a place in the pariffi of All Saints near the hofpital of St. John, whereon he built and endowed a college for the like number of ftudents, naming it King’s hall, under the government of a mailer or warden. It isfaid to have been begun in A. D. 1332. but not finilhed till the year 1376. It was made a part of Trinity college by K. Henry 8. and its revenues, valued at 21 il. 12 s. 7 d. per am. given thereto. Vide Fuller’s Hiftory of Cambridge, p. 39, 40. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 243, 244. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 436. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, & c. vol.v. p. no. clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 2. pro decern quercubus fucciden- dis et cariandis pro conftruftione domus : Vol. vii. p. 239. pat. Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1 2. fcil. ordinationes five ftatuta pro fcholaribus hujus aulre. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 791. of the advow¬ fon of the rectory of Fakenham. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 357. of the im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Grendon. In Lelandi Collect. vol. iii. p. 17. catalogum quorundain librorum mlT. olimin bibliotheca hujus aulse. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1619. f. 1. Ihort notes touching the foundation : mlT. Baker ibid. vol. xvii. p. 269. ftatuta Aulas Regix a Ric. 2. edita : vol. xx. p. 277. 324. vol. xxii. p. 4. [et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxv. p. 435. particulars concerning King’s-Hall. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 552. ftatum Aula: Kegis. De vifitatione hujus aulae ex mandato dom. regis per epifeopum Elienfem, A. D. 1384. in regiftro Joannis Barnet epife. Elienfis, f. 106. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 24. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro conceffione iv d. per diem cuftodi, et cuilibet xxxil. fcholarium ejufdem domus nd. per diem per manus vicecomitis Cantab, et pro ecclefia de Faken- hamdam [Norf.] Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. pro manfo aulee elargando : rat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. pro annuatim percipiendo de abbatede Waltham Lv/. et de vicecomit. Cantab, et Hunt. liv/. xs. Ibid, p. 3. m. 1. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. pro ftatutis, ordinationibus ftabiliendis : Ibid. m. 40. pro ecclefiis de Felmerlham [Bedf.] Hintlefham [Suff.] Grendon [Northamt.] S. Mariae Cantab, appropri- andis : Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21 et 34. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. pro ten. in Wendey: Rec. in fcacc. 38 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 4. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. p. 2. m. 1. [bis.] Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 48. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . d. de collegio viiitando. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 34. pro advocatione eccl. de Fakenhamdam [Norf.] Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 17. pro ecclefiis de Fulbornet Honingham. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 20. pro eccl. de Chefterton approprianda : Pat. 19 Hen. 6 p. 3. m. ii.et m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 25. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 26. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 5. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ric. 3. Hill. rot. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 3. Pat. 32 Hen. 8. p. 6. [Apr. 8.] pro rcdloriis de Bott- fham et Arington. 14, King’s College. K. Henry 6. A. D. 1443. built and amply endowed here a college for a IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. a peovoft, feventy fellows, one hundred and twenty fcholars, to the honor of the bleflcd Vif. gjn, and St. Nicholas (upon whofe fellival he was born) called King’s college, its revenues were . at 751 /. os. 1 a. per anrt. Vide Fuller’s Hiftpry of Cambridge, p. 73, See. Parkcri Scclet. Cantab, p. 222, &c. In. Mr. Le Neve’s Faili, p. 428. the names of the pro- vofts. In Morant’s ElTex, vol. i. p. 220. and Newcourt’s Re- pertorium, vol. ii. p. 230. of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Dunton. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 329. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Todbere. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 109. of the manor of Bigging in Anltie : p. 138. of the. manor of Ballance in Hormead Parva. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 318. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of WeftWrotham: vol. iii. p. 572. of the fame at Coltefhall : vol. iv. p. 237. of the fame at Hadefco; p. 272. of the manor of Toft and two thirds of the redtory impropriate : p. 876. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Lefingham : p. 1362- of the fame at Horflead. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 257. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wedon Pinkeney. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. iii. p. 103. of Fordingbridge hofpital. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 812. [edit. 1730.] of the advowfon of the vicarage of Wotton Wawen : p. 817. of the manor of Mockley. Regiltra, cartas, Sec. penes prrepofitum et focios. Catalogue of provolts and fellows, by Thomas Hatcher, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 6114. Statutes of King’s College, and an account of the foun¬ dation, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 7323. warrant 1 Ric. 3. for 300/. out of the temporalities of the bilhoprick of Exeter towards building the church within the king’s college at Cambridge, mf. ibid. 433. f. . MSS. Baker, ibid. vol. xix. p. 163. 167. extradts from the regifter: vol. xxi. p. 65. of priories alien belong¬ ing to King’s College : vol. xviii. p. 473. [et in bib!, publ. Acad, Cantab.] vol. xxv. p. 435. vol. xxviii. p. 255. vol. xxxvi. p. j. particulars relating to King’s College. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 504. 549. ftatum col- legii regalis. In bibl. Coll. Caio-Gonvellenfis, mf. 54. n. 6. catalogue of the provofts, fellows and fcholars. Inter Colledt. mlT. Milonis Windefor in bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti Oxon. vol. ii. copiam ultimi teftamenti Hen. 6. de fundatione, cartam fundationis 27 Hen. 6. facul- tates et indulgentias apoilolicas. Delineationes facelli et campanilis B. Marias regii col- legii, Cantab, mf. bibl. Cotton. Augujius, A. 1. 2. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Ibid. p. 3. m. 18. pro fun¬ datione et dotatione collegii prioratibtis de Wengwi, et Willoughton [Line.] et Allerton Malleverer [Ebor.J Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 3. pro Monte S. Michael. [Corn.] Tylefide et Colham [Wilt.] Felfted [ElTex.] &c. Pari. 20 Hen. 6. art. . Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. et m. 25 vel 26. pro man. de Brightefton Devercll [Wilt.] Ibid. m. ult. ve! pen¬ ult. Cart. 21, Sec. Hen. 6. n. 4 et 38. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6, pro priorat. S. Jacobi, Exon; Sec. Ibid. m. 15. pro manerio de Atherfton, &c. Pari. 22 Hen. 6. m. 22. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. t. m. 1 Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. pro uno dolio vini percipiind. annuatim in portu de London, vel Lynn : Ibid, pro eccl. de Ringwode approprianda : Ibid. m. 24. pro decan. S. Butien. [Corn.] et eccl. de Prefeote [Lane.] appropriandis : Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25 et27- Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 60. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . [bis.] Ibid. p. 2. m» ult. Pat. 27 Hen. 6; p. 1. m. 23. de praebendis de Chalk [Wilt.] et Ewerne [Dorf.] appropriandis : Ibid. m. 27. pro eccl. de Weemlbury [Staff.] appropri¬ anda : Ibid. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. Cart. 27, &c. Hen. 6. n. 13. pro mercat. in Prefeote [Lane.] et n. 49. pro armis five infignibus collegii, fcil. in campo nigro tres rofas argenteas : Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 3. pro ma- ner. de Dounton [ElTex.] Ibid. p. 2. rm 18. pro Ifel- ham et Tadlow [Cant.] Pat. 31 Hen. 6- p. 1 . m. 20. pro prioratibus de Brifet [SufF. J et Berden [ElTex.] Ibid. p. 2- m. 5. de eccl. S. Joannis Bapt. Cantab. Ibid. m. 24. pro eccl. de Stow Qui : Clauf. 34 Hen. 6. m. 5. pro reverfione maner. de Grancellre : Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. pro advoc. eccl. de Kingfton : Ibid. m. 14. quod prtepofiti imperpetuum Tint juft itiarii pads tarn in villa quam in com. Cantab. Ibid, m. 15 vel 16. confirmat. compofit. inter univerfit. et colleg, Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. pro priorat. de Allerton Malleverer : Ibid. m. 9 vel 10. et p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Cart. 37 Hen. 6. n. 13. pro mercat. apud Prefeote; Pat. 49 Hen. 6. m. 6. pro priorat. de Stratton Mar¬ garets [Wilt.] Paunsfield [ElTex.] &c. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 23. pro maner. de Rullep et aliis parcellis prioratus de Okeburn; Rec. in fcacc. iEd.4. Hill. rot. 14. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 22. relax, ab- batilfe de Syon prioratus S. Michael. [Corn.] redtorim de Felftede [ElTex ] et maner. de Tydolvelhede [Wilt.] Clauf. 8 Ed. 4. in. 29. de eadem relaxat. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 34. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 7. pro appropriatione prebends de Chalk [Wilt.] Pari. 4 Hen. 7. n. 37. Pat. 36 Hen. 8. p. 9. [21 Jun.] pro maner. de Barton, &c. 15. Magdalen-College. Upon parting with their habitation to bifhop Bateman, the monks of Ely are faid to have fixed themlelves on the other fide of the Cam with thole of Ramfey, Wal¬ den, and other Benedidtines, in or near the place where the priory of St. Giles formerly flood. Hence called Monks college, which being begun to be rebuilt and better endowed by Edward Stafford duke of Buckingham about A. D. 15x9. it was from him called Buckingham college1 •, which name was but of fiiort continuance, for, A. D. 1542. Thomas lord Audley, lord chancellor of England, obtained the fite, and thereon founded St. Mary Magdalen college, wherein are now a mailer, fixteen fellows, thirty one fcholars, &c. d'ide Fuller’s Hillory of Cambridge, p. 99. 120. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 240, &c. Le Neve’s Falli, p. 434. MSS. Baker in bibl. Harleiana, vol. iv. p. 197. et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxx. p. 291. letters and par¬ ticulars concerning Magdalen College. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mi. xo8. p. 545. 551. ftatum col. legii Magdalenfis. 16. Michael House. About the year 1324. Herveus * de Stanton chancellor of the exche- ' The rev. Mr. Baker of St. John’s college, Cambridge, kindly favoured the editor with an account of the number of lellows and fcholars in molt of the colleges of this univerfity. ^ probably was the houfe of Black monks in Cambridge S .fn. was prior, 1536. [Angl. Sacr. i. 550.] But the ftudent monks of this order had no houfe A. D. 14*3 and 1426. but lived difperfed up and down the town : as Reyner. Append, p. 176 ct 187. a So fuller. But it is Henry in Parker and’Le Neve ; Michael in Pat. 17 Ed. 2. and Her view in the famous Dr. Hutton's colleftions. quer IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. quer founded an houfe or college of a mafter and feveral ftudents, to the honor of St. ic me , ■which, with all its revenues, valued, 16 Hen. 8. at 124/. 15 s. 6d. per ann. was inclu e in t it- royal foundation of Trinity college, by King Henry 8. A. D. 1546. Fide Fuller’s Hiftory of Cambridge, p. 36. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 242, 243. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 435. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &e. tom. xiv. p. 759, &c. pat. 34 Hen. 8. p. 6. m. 7. pro manerio de Barvngton. Inbibl. Harleiana, mf. 1619. f. I. fhort notes touching the foundation : mf. Baker ibid. vol. xxii. p. 7. et ml. C. C. C. C. 108. p. 504. 555. ftatum domus S. Mi- chaelis. MSS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxi. p. 151, 160. vol. xxxii. p. 231- 401. vol. xxxiv. p. 4.53. particulars concerning Michael Houfe. Regiftrum Joannis Fordham epifc. Elienfis, f. 212. de indulgentia huic domui concefTa a papa Bonifacio 9. Ibid. f. . licentiam celebrandi divina in capella domus fux, A. D. 1390. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de fundatione per Mich, de Stanton: Pat. igEd. 2. p. 2.m. 12. pro ecclefia de Bokefworth concelf. per Roger, de Huntingfield ap- proprianda : Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 7 vel 8. [bis] pro ma- ner. de Barenton et advoc. eccl. et pro advoc. eccl. de Chedle- [Staff.] Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. pro ecclefia de Barenton ap¬ proprianda : Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. I - m. I vel 2. et m. 34. ibid. p. 2. m. 12 et 34. Pat- 3 3- P- m- • p. 2. m. . Efcxt. Cant. 18 Ed. 3. n. 47. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. P. 2. m. 23. pro maner. de ikelmgton ex con- ceft Joannis de Illegh : Pat. 19 3* P* 11 m- 5* Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 2b Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. pro ecclefia de Grundilburgh [Suft] approprianda: Clauf. 27 Ed. 3. m. 10. relaxat. advoc. de Grundefburgh per Rober- tum filium Thomre de T udenham mil. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ig. pro maner. de Barenton. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro hofpit. vocat. St. Mar¬ garet's Hojile. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. i- m. 7. de foftato quodam dimilf. a majore, &c. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 34. Rec. in fCacc. 21 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 20. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 43. proprioratu alienig. de Wenghale: Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 24. , „ . Pat. 34 Hen. 8. p. 6. m. 7. pro maner. de Barrington. 1 7. PeMBROKE-Hau. The lady Mary, daughter of the earl of St. Paul, and relift of Adomar de Valentia earl of Pembroke (foundrels of the abbey of nuns at Denny) in the year 1343. began, without Trumpington gates, an houfe for a warden and ftudents, to be called the College or Hall of Mary de Valence, but now commonly Pembroke hall. It confifts of a mafter, nine actual, and two tanquam fellows, and twenty fcholars, and had revenues, 26 Hen. 8. valued at 153/. 1 7 s- 9 a. Fide Fuller’s Hiftory of Cambridge, p. 41, 42. Ric. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 199, See. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 423, &c. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 488. of the ad- vowfon of Rawreth rectory. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 543. of the right of nomination to the reiftoryof Cawllon : p. 704. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Saxthorp: vol. iv. p. 424. of the advowfon of the- redtory of Salle : p. 694. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tilney. In Lclandi Colledt vol. iii. p. 17. catalogum quorun- dam librorum m(T. olim inbibl. hujus collegii : App. 1. p. 382. Bifhop Wren’s account of the makers ot Pem- broke-Hall, with a lift of the fellows. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1619. f. 1. fhort notes relating to the foundation : m ft. Baker ibid. vol. ii. p. 205. vol. xix. p. 140. 150. vol. vi. p. 295. de cuftodibus et fociis Aulse Pembrochianse : vol. vii. p. 124. fta- tuta: vol. xvii. p. 125. colledtanea cx regiftro veteri: vol. iv. p. 169. vol. vii. p. 142. vol. xviii. p. 55. vol. xx. p. 48. [et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxxv. p. 337. vol. xxxvi. p. 97. letters and par¬ ticulars concerning Pembroke-IIall. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 505. 554. ftatum Aube Pembrochianx. Regiftra, cartas, &c. in archivis collegii. Licentiam celebrandi divina in veftiario capellx annexo, A. D. 1398. in regiftro Joannis de Fordham, f. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 6 vel 7. pro advoc. eccl. de Saxthorp [Norf.] Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 7. m. 18. pro terris in Repindon [Derb.J et Wiffendon [Rutl.] Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. pro eccl. de Warefle [Hunt.] approprianda: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. I. m. {7. pro advoc. eccl. de Tilney [Norf.] Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro meff. et terris in Burwell et Wykes. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 31. pro manfo elargando : Re¬ cup. in com. Nottingh. et Derb. 6 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 96. de annuo redd, a priorede Repindon [Derb.J Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 16. pro xvx. marc. redd, in Grantefden [Hunt.] perquirend. de priore de Re¬ pindon. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. pro redd. xxvm/. exeunte de eccl. de Soham prope Ely: Ibid. m. 23. pro pen- fionc exeunte ex eccl. de Fulburn. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro maner. de Overton, Watervile [Hunt.] Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 8. 18. St. Peter’s College. About A. D. 1284. Hugh de Ballham bifhop of Ely removed the fcholars which he had fome years before placed in the holpital of St. John, to two hoftles ad¬ joining to the church yard of Sc. Peter, in Trumpington ftreet, without the gates of the town, and o began the foundation of St. Peter-houfe or college, fometime called the Houle of St Mary, or Auh B Marias de Gratia, which, by the charity of the faid right reverend founder, and other be¬ nefactors has been fince fo well endowed as to maintain a mafter, nineteen fellows, twenty nine bible clerks, eight poor fcholars, &c. The revenues of this college, 26 Hen. 8. were rated at 125/. 7 5‘ °d’ ?• Vide Fuller’s Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cambridge, P- 3°> 3‘> 3.2> 33- - Rict Parkeri Seel. Cantab. p. 192, Ac. Mr. Le Neve’s Fafti eccl. Anglic, p. 420. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 324.' of the manor and advowfon of the reiSlory of Knapton. In Lelandi Colleft. vol. iii. p. 21. catalogum quorun- Jam librorum mft. olim in bibliotheca hujus collegii. Inbibl. Harleiana, mf. 791. f. 30. articulos declarand. in vifitatione hujus collegii : mft. Baker ibid. vol. v. p. 187. vol. xix. p. 132. ltatuta coll. D. Petri : vol. iv. p. 147. vol. v. p. 242. vol. xviii. p. 27. vol. xx. p. 91. [et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxxi. p. . . vol. xxxii. p. . . vol. xxxiv. p. 435. vol. xxxv. p. 205. letters and particulars concerning St. Peter’s College. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 517, 554. ftatum col¬ legii S. Petri. Cart. J2Ed. i.n. 103. pro confirmatione compofitionis fa£tx IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE; fjcbe per epifeopum Elienf. inter fcholarcs Elienfcs Cantab, et fratres hofpitalis S. Joannis. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2- m. 6. pro meff in quibils Fratres de penitentia Jcfu inhabitare folent. Pat. >2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. pro eccl. de Hynton, ex dono Simonis epife. Elienfis : Ibid. p. 2. m. 7, 8. de fcholaribus admifiis per epifeo- pum Elienfem : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Hinton : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. pro eccl. de Hinton approprianda. Pat. ij Ric. 2. P- 2. m. 4. pro eccl. de Hinton appro¬ prianda: Ibid. nrf. 16. pro meit et terfis in Fenny Ditton: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Regiftra, cartas, rotulos computorum, &c. in archivis collegii. Colledtanea quaedam e nigro codice, aliifque munimentis ad hoc collegium fpeeftantibus, manu propria RR. P. DD. Matthaei Wren epife. Elienfis, tranferipta, penes V. rev. Sam. Knight S. T. P. candnicum Elrenfem. De appropriatione ecclefiae de Hinton, A. D. 1395. re- giftrum Joannis Fordham epife. Elienfis, f. 214. 216 vel 217. jg. Queen’s College. Queen’s college in this univerfity owes its original to the piety and charity of the lady Margaret of Anjou, queen to K. Henry 6. (founder of King’s) about A. D. 144S. This was dedicated to St. Margaret and St. Bernard, and confifts of a mafter, nineteen fello ws, and forty fivelcholars. Its revenues, 26 Hen. 8. were rated at 230/. 15s. 2 d. ob. per a>in. Vide Fuller’s Hiftory of Cambridge, p. 80, 8r. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 225, &c. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 429. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 331. of the advowfon of the redtories of Rockland, p. 493- of Oxburgh, vol. iv. p. 555. of Grimfton, p. 1497. of South W al¬ lham St. Lawrence. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. iii. p. 17. catalogum librorum mlT. olim in bibliotheca hujus collegii. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 59. licence to purchafc land not exceeding 700/. f. 68. grant of feveral manors and of an annuity of 1 10/. f. 87. privy feal for amend¬ ment of their patent: f. 96. pardon of 20/. due to the king for licence to accord with the queen in a-pleaof covenant of 4000 acres of land, 2 Ric. 3. Inter colled!. cl. Thomae Baker, ibid. vol. xi. p. 237. names of the prefidents and fellows: vol. xxi. p. 1. concerning the foundation, endowment, benefactors, he. vol. iv. p. 179. vol. xx. p. 89. [et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxv. p. 405.435. vol. xxxvi. p. 75. letters and particulars concerning Queen’s College. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 504. 558. ftatum col¬ legii reginalis : mf. 118. p. 385. complaint and ap¬ peal of the fellows again!! Mr. Peacock their mailer : p. 395. depofitiones tedium in prima et fecunda vifi-c tatione temp. Reginse Mariae. Statuta Collegii Reginalis ibid. mf. 118. p. 335. et mf. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxii. p. 241. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 38. de licentia fundandi : Cart. 26 Hen. 6. n. 37. de fundatione et licentia perqui- rendi terras, &c. ad ann. valorem cl. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 22. licent. perquirendi terras, he. ad ann. valorem cc /. Clauf. 10 Ed. 4. m. 16. pro rnaner. de Horfham in Bumftcde Helyon [Effex.] Cowles, &c. Efcaet. Kant. 12 Ed. 4. 11. . pro maner. de S. Nicholas ... in infula de Thanet: Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 17. pro manerio de Foulmere. Fin. div. com. 1 Ric. 3. n. 1. pro terris in Sheldinv- thorp, Market Deping, Bargham, et Stow [Line.] maner. de Cofgrave, et lx /. redd, in Aylelbury [Buckingh.] Buckby [Northamt.] l/. redd, in Ram- fey [Hunt.] maner. de Stanford [Berkf.] Neweton, he. [Suff.] ex conceffione Annie reginae : Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 3. m. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ric. 3. Mich, rot. 7. Pat. 2 Ric. 3. p. 1. m. . pro maner. de Covefgrave [Buckingh.] Scheldingthorp, he. 20. Trinity-Hall. William Bateman bilhop of Norwich* in the year 1347. founded a hall in this univerfity for a mafter and fellows, ftudents in the canon and civil law, dedicated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity. Its revenues were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. 3172/. os. 1 od. per ann. and it hath now a mafter, twelve fellows, and fifteen fcholarfhips. Vide Fuller’s Hiftory of Cambridge, p. 47, 48. Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 210, 21 1. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 426. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 138. of the manor of Quinbury in Hormead Parva. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 749. of the impropriate rediory of Kimberly: vol. iv. p. 417. of the impro¬ priate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Swa- nington.: p. 460. of the fame at Wood-Dalling : p. 887. of the fame at Stalham : p. 909. of the im¬ propriate church of Bruningham : p. 91 1. of the im¬ propriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Burfton. MSS. Baker, in bibl. Harleiana, vol. ii. p. 385. ftatuta AulaeTrinitatis: vol. iv. p. 125. 369. vol.xviii. p. 65. [et in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab.] vol. xxvii. p. 317. vol. xxx. p. 441. vol. xxxvi. p. 45. letters and parti¬ culars concerning Trinity-Hall. vol. xxxviii. p. 426. cart. fund. 24 Ed. 3. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 108. p. 485. 552. ftatum Aulae S. Trinitatis. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. pro eccl. de Kimburle et Brifton [Norf.] appropriandis : Ibid. p. 3. m. 1. et 5. pro eccl. S. Trin. Cantab, et Briningham [Norf.] appropriandis: Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m: 14 vel 24. pro eccl. de Wooddallyng [Norf.] approprianda: Ibid. p. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Cowlyng [Suff.] a Joan, et Tho. de Shardelow fratribus donata, approprianda : Ibid. m. 16. pro eccl. de Stalham [Norf.] appropri¬ anda: Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. pro manfo elargan- do : Pat. 36 F.d. 3. p. 1. m. 15. pro eccl. de Swaning- ton [Norf.] approprianda: Plac. coram rege apud Weftm. 48 Ed. 3. Hill. Norf. 40. pro garbis apud Wooddalling. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. pro hofp. S. Margarette juxta Huntingdon. Ibid. p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. S-Edwardi in Cantab. Cart. 27, he. Hen. 6. n. 42. pro Collefplace, et aliis terris in Rypton Abbats et Rypton Regis [Hunt.] et liber- tatibus. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 12. pro hofpitali S. Margaretae [Hunt.] Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 15. pro ten. in Rip- ton Abbatis et Ripton Regis [Hunt.] Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. I. m. . Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 3. m. . [6 Martii] pro ad- voc.- vicariarum de Stewkley M. Hemynford Grey, Fenny Stanton [Hunt.] Gafely [Suff.J Wetherfeld [Effex.] 21. St. John’s Hospital, vide St. John’s College. 22. St. Anthony’s Hospital. John Fordham bilhop of Ely granted, A. D. 1392. an in¬ dulgence IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. dulgence to all fuch well dilpofed perfons asfhould contribute to the relief of the poor brethren and lifters [lepers] in the hofpital ot Sc. Antony and St. Eligius in this town. mf. regiftf. inftit. &c. temp. Joan. Fordham epifc. MSS. Cole, vol. xxiv. p. 220. vo!. xli. p. 237, 238. 23. Hermitage and Lazar-house. The heremitage of St. Ann, and the hofpital of Lazars thereby, were built by Henry Tangmer, one of the burgefies of Cambridge and alderman or the Corpus Chrifti gild, before the year 1397. Vide mf. hiftoriolam Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant, et regiftr. Elienf. MS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxv. p. 454. 24. Austin Friers. No Friers Heremites of the order of St. Auguftine occur in the famous inquifition about the Religious in this town, 3 Ed. 1. nor are found to have been here till about A. D. 1 290 b. Their houle was then in the parifh of St. Edward, in or near the Peafe-market c and was founded by Sr. Jeffrey Picheford knt. and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Will. Keynlham. ’ Vide titulos librorum quorundam mlT. olim in bibl. Au- guftinenlium Cantab, in Leland. Colle£b vol.iii.p. 15. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 22. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. ult. [bis.] Clauf. g Ed. 3. pro elargatione domus per me/T. et pla- ceam terras extenden. a Lurteburgh-lane ad domum ex dono Rob. de Comberton : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2, propefinem: Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15! Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Ed, 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. ig Ed. 3. p. j. in. . Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. 25. Black Friers. The priory of the Black, Dominican, or Preaching friers, was founded before the year 1275. by the charity of feveral devout people, and afterward much enlarged by Alice the widow of Robert de Vere fecond earl of Oxford'. This houfe, upon the diffoLcion was granted to Edward Elrington and Humfrey Metcalf, 35 Hen. 8. and from them, their heirs’ or affigns, it came into the poffeffion of Sr. Walter Mildmay, who upon the fite of this friery built Emanuel college, A. D. 1584/ Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 41. Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . In ejufdem Colledt. vol. iii. p. 15. catalogum librorum Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. quorundam miT. olim in bibliotheca fratrum. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vel 28. In bibliotheca Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 52. grant of an Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. j. m. ult. vel penult. Tbis 1 annuity of 25 marks 1 Ric. 3. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . L J 26. Grey Friers. Here was a houfe of Mendicant friers of the order of St. Francis com¬ monly called Grey friers or friers Minors, who were firtt placed, temp. Hen. 3. 8 by the mamftrates of the town in an old fynagogue near the common prifon, which being very inconvenient they re¬ moved to the place whereon Sidney college hath been fince built. K. Edward 1. (who is laid to have been their founder11) was probably the donor of this new fituation, and a great benefaftor to their church and other buildings here. The fite of this friery was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to the matter and fellows of Trinity college, of whom it was bought by the executors of the lady Frances Sidney in the latter end of queen Elizabeth’s reign. ’ Vide Colleft. Anglo-minorittca, p. ii. p. 16, 17. Leland. Colledl. vol. ii. 342, 343. ex Chronico Tho. Ecclefton, vol. iii. 16. catalogum quorundam libro- ruin rhfT. olim in bibliotheca hujus domus. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. 155. Hiftor. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. 68. Fulkr’s Hiftoryof the Univerfity of Cambridge, p. 29. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 3 1 > grant of an annuity of 25 marks. 27. White Friers. The Carmelites, or White friers, firtt: lived at Chefterton, and afterward, viz. A. D. 1249. Mich. Malherb', gave them an habitation at Newenham without Cambrido-ev where they continued forty two years, from whence, A. D. 1291. they removed themfelves into tire parilh of St. John Miln-ftreet, where K. Edward 1. Sr. Guy de Mortimer, and Tho. de Hertford, were founders or great benefactors to them. The fite of this religious houfe (being where De confecratione ecdefke, altarium, ccemeterii, &c. Dec. 28. A. D. 1348. Regiftrum Thoms de Infula epifc. Elienfis. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. de manfo fuo elargando. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . Pat. 1 Ric. 3. m. 15. pro xxv. marcis annuatim perci- piendis ad icaccarium dom. regis. b In which year there was a compofition between thefe friers and the canogs pf Barnwell. Colled. Wren, mf. col. 57. c Parker, p. 190. Fuller’s Hilt. Cantab, p. 29. d Clauf. 9 Ed. 3. m. 15. c Leland. Itin. vol. vi. f. 41. where fhe is called Ifabelle, and is faid to have founded this houfe in her widowhood ; whereas it was in being 3 Ed. 1. (as appears from the Inquilition of that year, tranfcribed out of the tower records, by Mr. Robert Hare) and this lady was not a widow till A. D. 1296. i Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 190. 248. g The year of thele friers firft coming to Cambridge hath not yet been met with, but probably thdy were not long from Cam¬ bridge after fome of their order had fettled in Oxford, A. D. 1224. It is plain from what Bale himfelf [Centur. 4. n. 12. in. Vincent. Covent.] owns, that the Francifcans were in Cambridge before the Carmelites. h Speed, Fuller, Parker. Blit quaere, Whether king Henry 3. was not founder. See Leland. Itin. vol. ii. Append, p.99. 1 Collett. RR. P. Matthafi Wren quondam epifc. Elienfis ; et collett. viri dottiflimi Thomas Baker, e libro memorandorum ecclefias de Barnwell, ubi habetur, •* Compofitio inter priorem “ et conv. Barnwellenfem, et Carmelitas, pro indemnitate ec- “ clefise S. Joannis, A. D. 1291.” now IV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. now the provoft of King’s garden is'% near Queen’s college) was granted to John Ever, 36 Hen. 8. 0 Vide Leland. ColleCL vol. i. 442. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 16. de tribus mcff. concefT. per Will. Hamelton : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro quadam venella contigua domui perquirenda et claudenda: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10 vel 1 1. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. r, m. . 28. Bethlemite Friers. Another fort of Mendicant friers, called Bethleemites, fixed them- felves, A. D. 1257. in a houfe in Trumpington ftreet. Vide Matth. Paris in anno 1257. 29; Friers De Sacco. In the fame ftreet [viz. of Trumpington] on ground fince annexed to Peter-houfe, ftood the church and houfe of Friers De penitentia Jefu Chrifti, or De facco who were here in A. D 1258 ', and owed their fettlement to the benefactions of Ric. Hekingham and others, but are laid to be of the foundation of K. Henry 3m. They continued till the fupprdfion of this order at the council of Lyons, A. D. 1307. Vide Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. 443. vol. iii. p. 24. MSS. Cole, vol. viii. p. 52. vol. xlii. p. 21. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. iii. p. 137. pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 12. confirm, donationem Joannis Roofe pro area elarganda. e m' Fra11'res S- £^e parifh of All Saints, near the caftle, was the houfe Fratrum S. Mans, who were fixed here in the time of Hugh de Balfham bilhop of Ely, and before 3 Ed. 1. Vide colleCt. amiciffimi Tho. Bakeri ex libro Bernwel- Inquif. 3 Ed. 1. inter collect. Roberti Hare. en"- MS. Cole, vol. lx. p. 159. v. c H A T E R I s. Benedictine Nuns. Alfwen wife to Ethelftan earl of the Eaft Angles", and nurfe to E 98°‘ a nunnery for BenediCtines, to tfu/honor of the bleffed Virgin. K. Henry 1. gave the patronage of this abbey to Hervey bilhop of Ely % and to his fucceflors in that fee. At the fuppreffion it was endowed with 97/. 3s. 4. Mon. Angl. 1. *31. She was not wife of Ailwin, the founder of Ramfey, as Camden, Speed, &c. but his mother. «< ° “agn,j r0t‘ P'?*’ temP- Hen. 1. “ Grentebrugefcira: epif- « f, debet cclx/. ut rex clamet eum quietum de “ quSd“3^arpeU"/P,fC0PatUS’ 61 Ut abbatia de Cattriz fit and abb^> M Pat. VI. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Pat. I Ed. i. p. 2. m. 13. de ptote&ione pro fratribus affif. rot. 2. d. rot, 17. d. rot. 21. d. rot. 27. de com. infirmis hie commorantibus : Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 79. part, in la Lefe in Silverley. pro lib. warr. ibid. Plac. apud Cantab. 27 Ed. 1. VII. DENNY, dim Daneig. x. Benedictine CELL, t About A. D. 1160. Robert the chamberlain to Conan duke of 2. Templars. SBritanny and earl of Richmond, became monk at Ely, and gave a 3. Minorisses. J fmall ifland called Elmeney % in the parifh of Beche to that convent, whereupon a cell of their monks was placed there, but they being mightily incommoded by the water, Aubery Picot gave them fome acres on a higher fituation in the ifle of Deneye’, where they fettled, and had a church dedicated to St. James and St. Leonard, before the death of bifhop Nigell, which happened A. D. 1169. Thefe Benedidtines from Ely do not leem to have continued here loner, for in the next century here were perfons of another order, viz. Templars, for in the taxation of this diocefe of Ely, made A. D. 1255. the Templarii de Daneye, or the Fratres de Daneye’, occur often as owners of lands in feveral parifhes within the deanery of Chefterton, Within lefs than a hundred years after that, we meet with a third fort of Religious at this place; for K. Edward 3. having given the manor of Denny to Mary de S. Paulo widow to Adomare earl of Pembroke, fhe firft defigned to give it to the abbey of Waterbech, but afterward altered her mind, and,^ 15 Ed. 3. founded here a monaftery for an abbefs and nuns Minoriffes, to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary and St. Clare, to which, within a few years, Waterbech was united. So that abouc the time of the general diffolution, there were in Denny abbey twenty five nuns, who were endowed with lands to the yearly value of 172/. 8r. 3 d. ob. Dugd. 218/. os. id. ob. Speed ; the greateft part of which, with the fite of the monaftery, paffed from the crown, 31 Hen. 8. to Edward Elrington. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 492. quaedam de mo- nachis Elienfibus apud Denney, una cum carta Ni- gelli epife. [dat. A. D. 1169.] confirm, donationes : P. 493. pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. confirm, funda- tionem Minoriffarum : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. pro maneriode Strode [Cant.] Pat. 20 Ed. 3. m. 32. de advoc. abbatiae de Waterbech : P. 494, 495. cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 4. n. 5. m. 10. recit. et confirm, quatuor cartas regis Ed. 3. Mariae de Valentia de manerio de Denny, et affignationibus ejufdem. Ibid. tom. ii. 883. cartas Roberti camerarii com. Rich¬ mond de duabus partibus de Elmeney, necnon de ter- risin Beche, et de ecclefiis de Wendeya, Wilburham, et Kirkby, ccenobio de Denney conceffis ; Conani ducis Britannias et com. Richmond, confirm, dona¬ tiones Roberti Camerarii ; Alberici Picot de tranfla- tione monachorum ab Elmeneia ad Deneyam. Colledt. Anglo-minoritica, Append, p. 2. In Lelandi ColleA. vol. i. p. 57. 98. de tranflatione a Waterbeche, deque manerio de Hifton : p. 99. de ec- clefia de Goderfton [Norf.] de maneriis de Hihall et Denye [Cantab.] et manerio de Strode [Cant.] p. 600, 601. de cella apud Denye ecclefne Elienfi pertinente. Mr. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 489. of the redfory and advowl'on of the vicarage of Redgewell, EfTex. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. 1. p. 160. a fhort account of this houfe, from Mr. Parker’s View of Cambridge, under Pembroke hall. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 551. of the manor of Stroud. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 404. of the impropri¬ ate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Goodefton. Inter Colledt. cl. Thomas Baker in bibl. Harleiana, vol. xiv. p. 1. particulars concerning Denny-abbey. Inter Colleft. cl. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxiv. f. 74. cart. 42 Ed. 3. Cartas quamplurimas originales hujus abbatiae penes Rob. Chefter de Cokenhatch in com. Hertford, arm. Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 10. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 20. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Clauf. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. pro advoc. eccl. de Goderefton [Norf.] Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro advoc. eccl, de Grantefdon [Hunt.] ex donatione Eliz. de Burgo: Pat. 21 Ed. 3, p. 2. m. 7. pro eccl. de Ceftreton : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 25 Ed. 3-_p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. de ten. in Cantabrigia : Cart. 34 Ed. 3. n. 12. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. de habitatione vicarii de Waterbech : Ibid. p. 2. m. 12. de ten. in Middleton, Landbetch, Hifton, See. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. m. 39 vel 40. Cart. 42 Ed. 3. n. 2. pro lib. warr. in Denny, Waterbech, et Landbech : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 34. pro manerio de Eyhale. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. pro man. et eccl. de Hifton S. Andres. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 28. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Hyfton approprianda. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2.111.27. de terris in Ceftreton. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 9. Clauf. 20 Ed. 4. m. . de com- munia paftune in campis de Hifton et Impyton : Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 19. exemplificat. decreti pro divif. manerii de Hifton. VIII. ELTESLEY. Nunnery destroyed. An old nunnery near the vicarage (where St. Pandiama, the daughter of a kino of Scotland, is faid to have been buried ') deltroyed before or about the time of the Con- queft, whereupon a new nunnery was eredted not far off at Hintchmbrook in Hunungdonlhire. Vide Leland Itin. vol. I. p. I. vol. viii. p. 96. qq Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p* 6a8, 629. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. 6°°'4hl church of Wendy being given to Denny, while in pof- feffion of the monks of Ely, perhaps the « Templam de eadem ( mentioned below in Shengay) were the fame with the lem- « nlarii de Daneye.” But farther, the “ Templam manentes u apud Denney” are mentioned in an old cartulary ot the bi- lhoprickof Ely, as holding lands in the manor of Stretham. See alio cart. 37 Hen. 3. referred to in Pat. j Ed. 4. • Both valuations being exprefsly put down in the firft edition of this book, there was no occafion for the colleftor of the Anglo-minoritica to correft me in that refpeift. 1 One Richard, parifh prieft of this town ofEltefiey, is faid to have writ the life of this faint, [Leland. De feript. edit. Hall, p. 359.] whofe memory was long preferved in a well, near the church of this place, bearing her name; but who Ihe was, or when (he lived, the Scotch writers themfelves feem to be igno¬ rant. DemllerHift. Scot. p. 513. IX. ELY. IX. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. IX. ELY. i. Benedictine Priory and Cathedral. The tradition about K. Ethelbert’s “ founding, at the inftance of St. Auguftine, a church or monaftery here, or at a place about a mile from hence called Cradindene, feeming not to be well grounded; Etheldreda, one of the daughters of K. Anna, and wife firft to Tombert prince of this country, and afterward to Egfrid king of Northumber¬ land, may morejuftly be accounted the firft beginner of a very famous religious fociety here, about A. D. 675. This firft church was dedicated to the blefifed Virgin Mary, and in it the fervice of God was performed both by monks and nuns, who lived together under the government of an ab- befs, according to the ufage in thefe early times, at Coludefbergh (where the royal foundrefs and firft abbefs made her profeflion of a monadic life) and other Saxon monafteries ; and in this ftate probably it continued near two hundred years, till this country was over-run, and all the houfes of religion deftroyed by the heathen Danes about A. D. 870. Some few years after, a fmall num¬ ber of the religious men, that had efcaped the maflacre, returned hither, and repairing fome part of the church and buildings, lived here as Secular priefts under the government of provofts or arch- priefts for about one hundred years. But, in the year 970. Ethelwold bifhop of Winchefter intro¬ duced an abbat and Regulars, nobly re-edified the monaftery, and amply endowed the fame, partly by his own purchafes, and partly by the munificence of K. Edgar, and other benefactors. A. D. 1 108. the fee of a new bilhoprick, taken out of the diocefe of Lincoln, was eftablilhed here w, which occafioned a divifion of the lands of this rich abbey between the bifhop (who was to be in place of the abbat) and the prior and monks; the fhare of the bifhop was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 2134/. i8.r. 6d. ob.x and what remained to the convent was reckoned at 1084/. 6s. yd. ob. -per ann. Dugd. 1301/. 8t. 2 d. Speed. This monaftery was dedicated to St. Peter and St. Etheldreda, commonly called St. Audrey, and in it were a prior and between thirty and forty monks of the order of St. Be¬ nedict. Upon their furrender, K. Henry 8. placed here, A. D. 1541. a dean and eight Secular canons or prebendaries, with vicars, lay clerks, chorifters, a fchoolmafter and ufher, and twenty four king’s fcholars, Sfc. and endowed them with the fite and greateft part of the lands belonging to the priory. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 87 — 92. qutedam hifto- rica de fundatione et reftauratione abbatiae, et de vita S. Etheldreda;, &c. ex Hiftoria Elienfis eccl. in bibl. Cotton. Nero , A. xv. Ibid. p. 93, &c. ex Hift. Eli— enfi in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Laud. L. lvii. Privile- gium regis Eadgari de poflefiionibus et libertatibus : Cartam regis Edwardi confefforis : Bullas P P. Vic- toris et Pafchalis : Cartam Hen. 1 . de tranfmutatione abbatiae in epifcopatum : Ibid. p. 95. cartam Hen. 6. [anno 24 regni] dc prioratu de Mullicourt anneftendo. The Hillory and Antiquities of the Conventual and Ca¬ thedral Church of Ely, by James Bentham A. M. Cambridge, 1 77 1. 4'°. In Whartoni Anglia Sacra, vol. i. p. 593, &c. Thomae monachi Elienfis Hiftoriam a prima ecclefiae Elienfis fundatione ad A. D. 1107. [in epitomen redactam.] p. 615, &c. Ricardi prioris Elienfis continuationem Hiftoriae Elienfis ab anno 1107. ad annum 1169. p. 631, &c. anonvmi monachi Elienfis continuatio¬ nem Hiftoriae Elienfis ab anno 1 169. ad 1388. p. 666, &c. monachi Elienfis continuationem Hiftoriae Elien- lis ab(anno 1388. ad annum i486, p. 678, &c. Ro- berti Steward prioris ultimi, et primi decani Elienfis ecclefiae, continuationem Hiftoriae Elienfis ab anno i486, ad 1554. p. 682. Thomae monachi Elienlis fragmentum de dignitate abbatis Elienfis. p. 683, 8cc. fucceflionem priorum ecclefiae Elyenfis, a cl. Whar- tono concinnatam. Hemingum, p. 568. de carta R. Eadgari, dat. A. D. 970. pro vii. cafliitis terrae apud Befantune. Pliitoriae Elienfis librum primum, five De vita et mira- culis S. Etheldredae [imperfefte] edit, inter Adla Be- nedi&inorum feculi xi. a cl. Jo. Mabillonio, Parif. 1669. fol. p. 739, &c. Hiftoriae Elienfis libri fecundi partem magnam, fcil. uf- que ad tempora Normannorum, quam evulgavit doc- tiff. Galeus e Theatro Sheldon. Oxon. 1691. fol. p. 463. 489. Privilegia ecclefiae Elyenfis per cartas regum Saxonicorum conceffa, ibid. p. 516. Cl. Seldenum in Spicilegio ad Eadmerum, p. 210, &c. Clem. Reyneri Apoftolat. Benedict, in Anglia, Duaci, 1626. fol. tr. i. p. 36, &c. tr. ii. p. 142, 143. Libros annuales rerum judicatarum, &c. vulgo The Tear Books, 1 Hen. 6. Mich. 32. Cl. Rymeri Fcedera, &c. vol. vi. p. 539. Ibid. vol. viii. p. 328- Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. t. m. 8. pro appropriatione de Hadenham in confirmatione com- pofitionis inter epifcopum et archidiaconum. Mr. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 57. of the recovery of the manor of Stoke from Roger Mount- chenfi and his wife, 14 Hen. 2. p. 301. Inquif. 4 Joan. Whether the market at Lakingehee y, be to the pre¬ judice of the town and market of St. Edmund’s bury. In his Formulare Anglicanum, p. 371. de jure patro- natus ecclefiae de Oreford. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, App. p. 53. de fep- tima parte bofci in Stachworth : p. 54, de advocatione ecclefiae de Teverfham. InLibro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 248. cartam epifcopi Eli¬ enfis de militibus fuis foeftatis. In Mr. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 430. pat. 16 Joan. m. 5. pro patronatu abbatias de 1 homey : p. 918. long bull of pope Boniface, confirming the election of Robert Orford to the bilhoprick. In Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 8. de reftitutione ccenobii ab Ethelwoldo: p. 28. e donatione Edwardi Confef¬ foris: p. 1 16. hiftoriolain fundationis monafterii, nec- non inftitutionis fedis epifcopalis et edificationis ec- clefis : p. 343. nomina epifcoporum : p. 444. de ter- tia parte foed. mil. in Ovir, de 1. feed. mil. in Impi- ton et 1. feed. mil. in Rampton: p. 588. de funda¬ tione et variis fortunis domus, deque fucceffione ab- batum et epifcoporum et eorum geftis ex annalibus Elienf. vol. ii. p. 271. de fundatione &c. ex Gul. Malmfburienfi. vol. iii. p. 163. catalogum quorun- dam librorum mlf. olim in bibliotheca monachorum Elienfium. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, Lond. 1718. 8° vol. i. p. 265. an account of this conventual church, with a catalogue of the priors. In his Survey of Cathedrals, Lond. 1730. 4'° vol. ii. P-331- an account of the church, and bilhoprick, names of the bilhops, deans, archdeacons, preben¬ daries, &c. u A. D. 607. Hift. Elienf. in Angl. Sacr. i. 594. or A. D. 617. as Mon. Angl. i. 87. v The annual revenues of the abbey then amounted to 1400/. e 'It, >s fo rated now, but the original valuation is loft. See Willis Cathedrals, vol. if. p.338. r Lakingheath. Godwinum IX. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Godwinum dc epifcopis Elienfibus, in Commentario dc of Sheringham : p. 409. of the impropriate redtory pnefulibus Angliie, p.303. and advowfon of the vicarage of Ringland : p. 629. In Mr. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 68, &c. an account Of the of the fame at South Lynn; p. 1141. of the impro- bilhops, deans; archdeacons, and prebendaries of this priate redtory of Langley : p. 1148. of the impropri- church. ate redtories and advowfon of the vicarages of Lod- TnWilkinfii Conciliorum, tom. ii. p.237,238. archi- don, p. 1277. of Hunftanton, p. 1302. of Shern- epifc. Cantuar. literas dom. regi pro revocation gra- bourn, p. 1414. of Dilham, p. 1424. of Honing, vaminum illatorum ecclefiae Elienfi, prrefertim quoad p. 1453. ofWitton, p. 1468. of Halvergate, p. 1477. ccclefias de Wifebechet Fofton, A.D. 1298. Tom. iii. of RanJworth, p. 1492. of Upton, p. isSl.ofRun- p. 59. adta fynodi a Simone Langham epifc. Elienfis ham : granted to the fee of Ely in exchange. , habitae A. D. 1364. p. 87. P. Urbani 5. licentiam Ibid. vol. iii. p. 272. of lands and a manor in Pulliam ; epifeopo Elienfi de alienatione manerii de Streetlce, p. 671. of lands in Wolterton : p. 678. of pofleffions A.D. 1370. p. 712. conftitutiones fynodi Elienfis in Wickmere, p. 681. in Mannington : vol.iv.p.94. habitre in ecclefia conventuali deBernwell, A.D. 1 528. of lands in Downham, p. 104. in Fincham and Wer- In Appendice Codicis Juris Eccleiiaft. per R. P. D. ham: p. 1 1 1. of the lordfhip and impropriate church epifc. London, p. 33. commiffionem pro augmenta- of Fofton: p. 113. of pofleffions inFordham, p. 186. tione vicari* de Foxton edclefise Elienfi appropriat. in Upwell : p. 2x9. oflands in Wireham : p.296. of A.D. 1302. pofleflions in Berningham Northwood, p. 301. in In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 391. an account of Berningham Winter, p. 334. in Plumfted, p. 390. the rnonaftery, abbelfes, abbats, and priors, from in Hackford, p. 424. in Salle, p. 429. in Thurning, Angl. Sacr. i. 594, See. and the dimenfions of the P’436, in Wefton, p. 460. in Wood-Dalling, p. 628. church from Mr. Willis: In Appendice ad vol. ii. in South Lynn : p. 701. of lands in Tyrington, p. 419. p. 96. privilegium Eadgari R. abbatiae de Ely, A. D. of the advowfon of the church of Whitinton : belong- 970. Aliud privilegium ejufdem regis, A. D. 970. 1 ing to the priory. Privilegium BEthelredi regis: Cartam Cnuti regis Ibid. vol. i. p. 98. of a lordfhip in Thelton : p. 161. of donantis villam de Dittune, et accipientis villam fil- a manor in Norton : p. 170. of the manor of Gar- vofam vocat. Ceaflea, A. D. 1022. boldfham : p. 191. of a carucate of land in Rulh- I11 Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 829. of the manor worth: p.234. of a manor in Banham : p. 298. of of Much-hadham in Hertfordlhire, by the gift of the manor of Bretenham: p. 400. of pofleffions in K. Edgar: vol. ii. p. 291. of the manor and advow- Thetford : p. 476. of lands in Weting : p. 507. of fon of the redtory of Hadftock in Eflex : p. 393. of the lordfliips of Methwold, p. 521. of Cranwich, the manor and advowfon of the finecure redtory of p. 534. of Mundford : vol. iii. p. 124. of lands in Littlebury: p. 490. of the manor and advowfon of Stratton, p. 143. in Hardwick, p. 215. in Billing - Rattendon: p. 504. of pofleffions at Rodings by the ford, p. 232. in Starfton, p. 237. in Aldeburgh : gift of earl Leofwine. p. 725. of the lordfhip ofBrunfthorp : vol. iv. p. 68. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 322. of the lordfhip of of the lordfhip of Bexwell : p. 103. of a manor in South Fambridge: vol. ii. p. 125. of the lordfhip of Fincham: p. 112. oflands in Fordham, p. 116. in Terling : p. 448. of the manor of Chaureth : p. 564. Helgey : p. 120. of the lordfhips of Marham, p. 724. of the lordfhip of Amberden : all antiently belonging of Walfoken : p. 753. of lands in Weftacre : p. 1010. to the church of Ely. of a lordfhip in Oxwick : p. 1155. oflands in Mund- In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 295. of the manor and ham, p. 1163. in Thurton : p. 1 174. of the lordfhip advowfon of the redtory of Bridgham : p. 298. of the ofBcrgh: p. 1204. oflands in Matefhale : p. 1208. advowfon of the redtory of Bretenham and of lands of the lordfliipof Calvely : p. 1227. oflands in North there: p. 417. of the advowfon of the redtory of Tudenham: p. 1231. of the lordfhip of Weftfield: St. Ethelred in Thetford and of a mill there : p.497. p. 1241. of lands in Yaxham : antiently belonging to of the manor of Feltwell : p. 502. of the advowfon of the abbey of Ely. the redtory 'of Feltwell St. Nicholas: p. 513. of the In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 84. of the manor and manor and advowfon of the redtory of Northwold : advowfon of the redtory of Kelihall : p. 152. of the! vol. iii. p- 263^ of the fame at Pulham : vol. iv. p 72. manor of Hadham Parva : p. 304. of the manor of of the advowfon of the redtory of Bexwell: p. 179. Toteridge: p. 306. of the manor of Hatfield, of a manor in Upwell : p. 192. of the advowfon of the Librum Elienfem, venerandae antiquitatis codicem mf. redtory of Outwell : p. 521. of the manor of Emneth in bibl. eccl. cath. Elienfis aflervatum, in tres partes and the advowfons of the finecure redtory and vicarage divifum, quarum prima conftat, De ftatu infulae et de of Elme cum Emneth : p. 570. of a manor in Ifling- gloriofa regina Etheldreda, et de fuccedentibus fandtis ton : p. 699. of the manor and advowfon of the rec- virginibus, quibufque infortuniis inlula fubjacuit, uf- tory and vicarage of Tyrington : p. 707. of the manor que ad ingreffionem monachorum in Ely; fecunda, of Walpole : p. 720. of the advowfon of the redtory De temporibus monachorum in Ely, et de libertate of Walpole St. Peter : p. 732. of a manor in Weft- loci, et quomodo ecclefia renovata fuit, et de obfi- Walton, and the advowfon of a mediety of the rec- dione Normannorum ufque ad tempora epifeoporum ; tory : p. 1062. of the manor of Hoo : p. 1173. of the tertia vero, De temporibus epifeoporum; definit in lordfhip of the hundred of Mitford : p. 1181. of the morte Nigelli epifeopi, et paffione S. Thomas Can- manor and advowfon of the redtory of Eaft Dereham: tuar. archiepifc. Duarum partium pofteriorum apo- p. 12 1 1. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of graphum penes autorem. Shipdam : belonging to the bifhoprick. Regiftrum unum et alterum [imperf.] cartas originales. Ibid. vol. i. p- 146. of the impropriate redtories and ad- rotulos curiarum, computes ballivorum et obedien- vowfon of the vicarages of Kenninghall, p. 544. of tiarorum, rentalia, et alia quaedam munimenta de ter- Stanford, p. 571. of Grifton: vol. ii. p. . . of the ris, tenementis, ecclefiis,&c. ad hunc prioratum fpec- .nomination of the chaplain to the church of St. tantibus, in archivis hujus ecclefiae cathedralis. George’s Tombland in Norwich : vol. iii. p. 206. of Elienfis infulae et ecclefiae a tempore R. Lucii, A. D. the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage 156. Hiftoriam, a quodam monacho Elienfi ferip- of Tharfton: p. 365. of the fame at Newton : p.525. tarn; in cujus parte prima continetur. Series abba- of the impropriate redtory of Narford : p.602. of the turn, et epifeoporum a Brithnodo primo abbate ad impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Rob. Orford epifeopum ; in parte fecunda, Hiftoria Tutington: vol. iv. p. 75. of the fame at Crimple- epifeoporum a Joanne Betene ad Joannem Morton fham:°p. 224. of the impropriate redtory of Weft inclufive, foil, ad ann. 1478. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Briggs: p. 304. of the impropriate redtory and ad- Nero, A. xv. xvi. vowfon of the vicarage of Shipden : p. 342. of the Librum fecundum Hiftoriae Elienfis, mf. in ead. bibl. fams at Roughton : p. 347. of the impropriate redtory Otho, E. v. Titus, A. i. 1. z Both-’thefe are different from this king’s grant in the Monafficon. Librum IX. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Librum fectindum et tertium Hiftorite Eiienfis, mf. in ead. bibl. Fefpaf. A. xix. I, 2. in quo codice etiam habentur, Arbitrium inter cpifcopum et priorem, et conventum Elienlem, n. 4* Index tenementorum ecclefiae Eiienfis, n. 5. Epiftola R. Henrici priori et conventui de adminiftratione Eiienfis ecclefiae con- cefla per papam Ludovico archiep. Rotomagcnfi, n. 6. A book entituled, Rrjlauratio ecclefue de Ely , “ which “ Mr. Cotton lent me, and Mr. Cope now hath,” faith Mr. Agard, in Gale’s Appendix to the Honor of Richmond, p. 10. Cartas pontificum, regum, epifcoporum, &c. a funda- tione monafterii Eiienfis ad tempora R. Stephani, mf. inead. bibl. Cotton. Titus , A. 1.2. Chronica abbatvm et epifcoporum Elieniium a Brith- nodo ad mortem Philippi Morgan, 1433. ibid. Titus, A. 1. 3. Hiftoriam infulae et ecclefue Eiienfis; ubi De fitu in- fulae, vita et miraculis S. Ethelredse, abbatiffis et ab- batibus, et de reftauratione ccenobii, per S. Ethel- woldum, ibid. Domitian. A. xv. 2. Regiftrum chartarum de maneriis, terris, libertatibus, aliifque ad jura epifcopi et conventus Eiienfis fpec- tantibus; ubi inter alia R. Henrici 4. confirmatio pri- vilegiorum et donationum huic ecclefiae concefl'orum et recitatorum per Infpeximus, mf. ibid. Domitian. A. xv. 3, 4. Inquifitionem terrarum ecclefi® Eiienfis, temp. Will, conq. per facramentum vicecomitis fcirae et omnium baronum et eorum Francigenarum et totius centu- riatus, prelbyteri, praepofiti, et vi. villanorum uniuf- cujufque villae, mf. in ead. bibl. Tiberius, A. vi. 4. Hujus apographum penes autorem. Inquifitionem de carucatis ad ecclefiam Elienfem fpec- tantibus, necnon de terris ecclefue faepe dicte a laicis injufte direptis, mf. in eod. cod. Cotton, f. 76, &c. Hujus etiam apographum penes autorem. Cartas regum Edgari, Ethelredi, &c. necnon paparum et epifcoporum, defcribentes privilegia et donationes iftius ecclefiae, mf. ibid. Tiberius, A. vi. 5. Regiftrum de inquifitionibus tnaneriorum, de advoca- tionibus ecclefiarum, de feodis militum, placitis, &c. ad epifcopatum et ecclefiam Elienfem fpedlantibus, mf. inead. bibl. Cotton. Claudius , C. xi. 2. Regiftrum cartarum ecclefiae Eiienfis, et ubi erant re- pofitae, mf. in ead. bibl. Nero, C. ill. 45. - Regiftrum aliud cartarum hujus ecclefiae, mf. Fefpaf. A. vi. 7. Librum de inquifitionibus maneriorum epifcopatus Eli- enfis; Taxationem ecclefiarum per totam dioecefin ; Finales Concordias ; Cartas, et alia munimenta ad epifcopos et monachos Elienfes fpe£lantia, mf. ibid. Tiberius, B. II. 3, 4, 5, 6. Confirmationem terrarum et libertatum monafterii Eii¬ enfis, cum recitatione priorum cartarum per R. Hen- ricum 6. anno regni 2. mf. in ead. bibl. Augujlus, ii. 12. Epiftolam Joannis epifc. Eiienfis direftam Joanni papae, de vexationibus fuae ecclefiae, et contra provifiones papales, mf. in ead. bibl. Fitell. E. iv. 13. Excerpta e libro Eiienfis ecclefiae, mf. ibid. Claudius, A. viii. 15. ex hiftoria Elienfi mf. ibid. Fitellius, D. vii. 74. Hiftorias epifcoporum et ecclefiae Eiienfis mlT. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Laud. L. LVH. 69. Cartarum quarundam antiquarum de terris et privile- giis monafterii Eiienfis mf. in ead. bibl. Dodfworth. vol. xcvii. f. 68. Ex hiftoria Eiienfis ecclefiae, ibid, vol. cviii. f. 1. et mf. James, vol. x. f. 148. Regiftri ecclefiae Eiienfis folia fere centum in pergam. mf. in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. 801. V. In bibl. coll. Jefu Oxon. mf. 80. n. 1. de vita S. Ethel- redae: n. 2. de miraculis ejufdem : 11. 3. hiftoriam ecclefiae five prioratus Eiienfis. Cartas donationum monachis Elienfibus, inter collec¬ tanea cl. V. Roberti Hare, mf. in bibl. coll. Caio- gonvil, Cantabr. vol. i. p. 70, &c. Regiftrum antiquum maneriorum epifcopatus et priora- tus Elienfium, mf. in ead. bibl. Caio-gonvil. Supervifum maneriorum de Glemesfdrd, Hertliyrft, Rat- tlefden, Hecham, Berking; Wetheringfete, Brandoil et Bramford in com. Suffolk; mf. in bibl. pub). Aaiad. Cantab. Dd. vm. 24. • Hiftoriam Elienfem continentem, 1. vitam et miracula B. Etheldrithle, 2. vitam ejufdem per Gregorium monachum Elienfem verfifice compofitam, 3* de- fcriptionem fitus infute Eiienfis, 4. vitam B. With- burgae, mf. in bibl. C. C. C. C. 393. Hiftoriam epifcoporum Elienfium ab Haryaso ab Phi- lippum Morgan, cum catalogo eorUndem ad Ricbar- dum Cox, ibid. mf. 287. n. 4, 5. Ibid. mf. 120. p. 207. ftatuta ecclefiae Eiienfis edita per R. Elizabetham : p. 221. articles or injundtions given by archbifbop Parker’s commiffioners to the dean and prebendaries of Fly : p. 247* ftatuta ecclefiae Eiienfis edita per Hen. 8. anno regni 36te. P- 288. order of the dean and chapter A. D. 1551. concerning the no¬ mination of certain romys and offices: p. 291. the boke of the erection of the king’s new college at Ely with the names and portion of living affigned to the dean and all other officers « : p. 307. incorporationem et fundationem ecclefue cathedraiis Eiienfis 33 Hen. 8. p. 313. fummam cartae dom. regis de dotatione eol- legii Eiienfis: p. 319. letter of Henry 8. for tbq- af- fignment of proper dwelling-houfes to the dean and prebendaries, See. out of the buddings belonging tq the late difTolved priory: p. 323. valorem omniuift et fingulorum dominiorum, maneriorum, terrarum et pofleffionum quorumeunque, tam temporalium quam fpiritualium, verfus dotationem novi collegii dom. regis in Ely, in diverfis comitatibus fubferiptis jacen- tium, affignatorum, una cum omnibus foedis, vadis, penfionibus et aliis denariorum fummis de eifdem ex- euntibus : p. 339. decree of the dean and chapter for diftribution of 20/. yearly to the poor: p. 341. in¬ ventory of all the plate, jewells, ornaments of the church, implements of houfhold, corn, cattle and other things belonging to the late priory of Ely : p. 359. excerpta ex vetufto codice ecclefue Eiienfis- Regiftra duo cartarum, dimiflionum terrarum, &c. ad epifcopatum et ecclefiam Elienfes pertinentium, mf. perg. in fol. quondam penes RR. P. D. D. Joannem Moore nuper epifeopum Elienfem. Literas patentes conceflas 2 Hen. 8. Jacobo epifeopo Elienfi et Roberto priori et conventui ejufdem loci, mf in bibl. Coll. Sidneio-Sufiex. Cant. K. iv. 7. Hiftoriam de fundatione monafterii Eiienfis ; Succeffi- ones abbatum et epifcoporum continuatas ad tempora reginte Marise 1. per Robertum Steward ultimum priorem, mf. in bibl. Lambeth. 4'°. 124. Cartularium de terris, eccleliis, libertatibus, placitis, &c. ad prioratum Elienfem fpedfantibus, mf, in membr. contin. f. 600. olim penes .... Glapthorn de Wit- tlefey arm. nuper penes Tho. Witfton de ead. arm. nunc penes R R. P. D. D. Will. Fleetwood epifc. Elienfem. Privilegia Elienfia ; Tranfcriptum libri didfi Domefday, quantum ad eccl. Elienfem pertinet ; Hiftoriam Eli¬ enfem per Thomam monachum ; Defcriptionem ter¬ rarum ecclefia; Eiienfis, mlT. haud ita pridem penes doiftilT. V. Thomam Gale decanum nuper Ebor. Chronicon ecclefite Eiienfis ad A. D. 1467. in bibl. Har- leiana mf. 3721. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 1 1 . temporalia prioris Eiienfis : mf. 258. f. 80. 87. excerpta ex hiftoria Elienfi in bibl. Bodl. mf. 329. f. 1. compofitionem inter Joannem Ford- ham epifeopum et priorem et capitulum : f. 10. no- mina tenentium tam epifcopi quam prioris in villa de Ely, 4 Hen. 5. f. 33. computum prioratus : f. 36. cartas fpedtantes ad terras et tenementa infra vel juxta villam de Ely: mf. 358. f. >. brief note of privileges granted by feveral kings and laftly by queen Elizabeth to the bilhops of Ely : f. 28, 29. de fundatione eccle- fiae Eiienfis : mf. 589. f. 95. patent of king Henry 8. for the new endowment of the cathedral church of Ely : mf. 645. f. 88. cartam Edwardi j. mf. 6.598. copies of old charters granted to this church : mf. 6748. * Printed in Mr. Bentham’s Hiftory of this cathedral; N f. 8. IX. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. f. 8. cartam Will. Lanel et Ric. i. Willelmo de Longo Campo epifcopo Elienfi : mf. 7520. fucceffio- nem epifcoporum et priorum. MSS. Baker in eadem bibliotheca, vol. v. p. 361. mif- cellanea de ecclefia Elienfi: p. 413. cartas compofi- tiones, die. epifeopi et archidiaconi : vol. vii. p. 53. colledtiones ex duobus veteribus regiftris olim ad pri- orem et conventum pertinentibus : vol. xv. p. 201. a£ts, inftruments, &c. taken from the bifhop’s regif- ter: p. 327. particulars concerning the fee of Ely: vol. xxi. p. 339. colle&iones ex cartulario ecclefia; lienfis: vol. xxii. p. 11. ftatutes of the church of ly. In bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxviii. acta et inftrumenta ad ecclefiam et diocefin Elienf. perti- nentia: vol. xxviii. p. 128. 284. vol. xxx. p. 1. vol. xxxi. p. 209. vol. xl. p. 135. excerpta e regiftris epifcoporum Elienf. vol. xxxii. p. 285. ftatuta eccle- fue Elienf. A. D. 1666. cum aliis ad eandem eccle¬ fiam pertinentibus : vol. xxxviii. p. 107. excerpta e veteri regiftro prioratus Elienfis olim penes dom. Will; Wyndham de Orchard in agro Somerfet; Regiftrum dimiflionum, prsfentationum, manumiflio- num, confirmationum; &c. fub figillo prioris et con- ventus Elienfis expeditarum, olim penes dodL .... Smith. Colleftanea ex hiftoria quadam Elienfi in manu dom. Lindfell, mf. in bibl. coll. Trinit. juxta Dublin. E. ccxc. Ordinationes vicariz eccl. de Wifbech prioratui appro¬ priate A. D. 1252 et 1275. in regiftro Joannis Ford- ham epife. f. 212. Cl. Br. Twyni excerpta quamplurima ex antiquo mf. de prioratu Elienfi, quern fibi mutuo dedit magifter Chriftoph. Lacy, in vol. colledlaneorum notato 0X0 p. 457—484- Libertates epifeopi Elienfis infra hundredum de Mitford [Norf.J ab Henrico Sharrington ballivoetcoronatore epifeopi, ibid. mf. penes Thornaugh Gordon de Let- ton [Norf.] arm. A. D. 1711. De antljuis poJfeJfumibusy libertatibus , Sjfc. epifeopatus Eli¬ enfis. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 247. de libertatibus : p. 249. de i feod. militum in Madyngle, &c. p. 628. pro terris in Pamperworth. Libros quofdam, rotulos, &c. in archivis epifeopi apud palatium Elienfe, necnon in aedibus Holbornienfibus, London. Plac. apud Weftm. 1 Joan. Mich. rot. 5. Norf. pro terris in Marham : Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 131, 132, J33i I34‘ Pro mercati aPud Somerfham [Hunt.] af- fartis apud Hadeftoke, Littlebury, &c. Cart. 2 Joan, m. 34. n. 192. confirmat. paflagii de Brandon [SufF.] concefT. per Euftachium epife. Elienfem Wimaro de Brandon : Pat. 3 Joan. m. 4. pro ecclefia de Oreford [SufF.] Pat. 5 Joan. m. 2. pro bofeo de Rattinden includendo: Cart. 8 Joan. n. 14. pro lib. ... in bofeo de Somerfham, &c. Cart. 15 Joan. n. 12. pro patro- natu abbatiae de Thorney : Pat. 16 Joan. 11. 50. pro eodem. Cart. 5 Hen. 3. m. 20. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 13. Fin. Northamt. 8 Hen. 3. n. . de h. acris in Fulham [Norf.] Plac. de banco 8 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 17. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. pro mercat. apud Ely : Ibid. m. 24. pro Iibertat. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro feria apud Berking [SufF.] Ibid. m. 17. pro mercat. et feria apud Hatfield: Ibid. m. 18. pro mercat. apud Berk¬ ing: Fin. 10 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart, n Hen. 3. m. . pro mercat. et feria apud Balfham : Cart. 17 Hen. 3. m. 3. de forefta de Somerfham : Cart. 29 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro mercat. et feriis apud Balfham [Cant.] et Shipdham [Norf.] Pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. . de parco de Ratendon infra metas foreft. de EfTex, Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 6. de Iibertat. apud Bramford [Suft.] Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro lib. war. in Littlebury et Hadeftoke [Efl'ex.] Tatterigge, Hadham, Kelfhall, et Hatfield [Hertf.] Balfham, Ditton, Horningfey, Shelford, Triplow, Herdwik, Grantefden, et Wive- Jingham [Cantab.] Walton, Walpole, Enemethe, Walfokne, Tirington, Hakebeche, Norwold, Felt- Well, Dereham, Shipdham, Brigham, et Pulham [Norf.] Brandon, Glemsford, Harthurft, Hecham, y Ratlefjen; Berking, Bramford, et Wetheringfet [SufF. J Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 35 Hen. 3. n. 2. Plac. coram rege apud Northamt. 50 Hen. 3. rot. 78. Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. . pro mercatis et feriis apud Walton [Norf.] Brandon [SufF.] Ditton [Can- tabr.] Pati 2 Ed. 1. m. 20. dorfo, de terris in Gedeminftrc, Rothing St. Margaret, kc. [EfTex.] Pat. 4 Ed. I. m. 25. pro manerio de Ditton claudendo et kernel- lando : Plac. forinf. apud Hertford, 6 Ed. 1. rot. 5. d. de libertatibus in Hatfield, Hadham, Kelefhall, &c. Plac. iri com. Norf. quo war. rot. 36. Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. 1. de chafea fua de Beynwike. Pat. 11 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 12. de fervitiis Nic. Oldhall in Mattefhall, Eft Dereham, et Yaxham [Norf.] Ibid. m. 22. de maretto et redd, in Wifbech et Walfoken [Norf.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 25. pro cuftodia bol'ci de Hecham [SufF.] Pat. 12 Ed. 1. in. . d. de limitibus inter co- mitatus Cantabr. et Huntingdon. Plac. in com. Efl'ex. 13 Ed. 1. affif.rot. 31. 41. Plac. apud Hunt! 14 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 10. de libertatibus in Somer¬ fham, Coin, Bluntfham, kc. Fin. div. com. 16 Ed. 1. n: 58. de maner. in Dodington [Hunt.] North- wynne [Line.] kc. Plac. apud Cantabr. 21 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 16. pro reparatione calceti de Ely Heth per epifeopum Elienfem : Plac. ccram rege 25 Ed. 1. rot. 43. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. coram rege 32 Ed. 1. Hill. rot. 73. per monftrationem chartarum ab Eadgaro ufque ad regem nunc. Plac. coram rege 2 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 91. Trin. rot. 71. Plac. coram rege 3 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 38. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. u vel 12. de terris in Eft Durham [Norf.] Ibid. m. 21 vel 22. Concordia inter epifeo¬ pum et Galfrid. de Colvile de vifu franci plegii in Walfokne : Ibid. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. pro cuftodia bof- corum et paftur. epifeopi in Hecham [SufF.] Pat. 12 Ed. 2, p. 2. pro coronatore et returnis brevium in hundredo de Midford [Norf.] Ibid. m. 15 vel 16. pro via includenda : Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m. 8. de returnis brevium in dido hundredo: Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 29. pro feria apud Ely; N. 40, 41, 42. pro libertatibus; N. 46. pro mercat. el feria apud Boudeby [Line ] N. 54. pro mercat. apud Balfham [Cantab.] et pro mercat. et feria apud Hatfield [Hertf.] N. 79. pro mercat. et feria apud Erith [Hunt.] Cart. 13 Ed. 2. n. 12. pro mercat. et feria apud Solyhull [War.J N. 22. pro mercat. et feria apud Somerfham [Hunt.] et apud Brandon-ferry [SufF.] Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. rot. 13. de ten. in fuburb. Lond. Plac. coram rege 15 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 8. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p 1. m. 4. quod epif- copus Elienfis poteft fecum retinere homines ad arms pro cuftodia infulae : Plac. coram rege 18 Ed. 2. Mich, rot. 44. de libertatibus apud Wifbech, Elme, kc. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 62. pro feria apud Wilbich : Indent, cart. kc. 2 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 9. de libertatibus apud Brandon [SufF.] Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. n. 31. in ced. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 72 et 78. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Ibid. m. . d. de wrecco maris in Tirrington et Wal¬ pole [Norf.] Fin. div. com. 4 Ed. 3. n. 78. pro man. et advoc. ecclefiae de Berklow: Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. tn. • Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de ponte de Wif- bich : Plac. de banco 5 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 541. alb- cat. Iibertat. epife. in Leverington : Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ed. 3. Mich. . . Cart, ri Ed. 3. n. 3. pro mercat. et feria apud Hadftoke [ElFex] et Iibertat. in aliis ma- neriis : Plac. coram rege 12 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 73. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro mercat. apud Walpole [Norf.J Plac. coram rege 13 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 54. Plac. coram rege 14 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 92. Pat. 1 ; Ed. 3. p. I. m. 13. pro manerio de Northwold [Norf.] Plac. coram rege 16 Ed. 3. HiH. rot. 11S. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 14. Plac. coram rege 19 Ed. Hill. rot. 69. Plac. coram rege 20 Ed. 3. Midi, rot. 44. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. Plac. coram rege 21 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 127. Mich. rot. 20. pro Littleport: Cart. 22 Ed. 3. 11. 11. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3- Trin. rot. . Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. Clauf. 31 Ed. 3. m. 12. et m. 24. d. de temporalibus epifeopatus in man. regis captis : Efc. Norfolc. 32 Ed. 3. n. 90. de confuctudinc tenentium ifi IX. CAMBRIDGESHIRE; /In manerio de Eaft Dereham [Norf.] Pat. 40 vel 41 Ed. 3. p 2. m. 18. de allocatione libertatum : Rec. infcacc. 42 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 20 vel 26. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. rn. 25.de dccvi /. xun. ivi 1. ex fcac- cario regis folvend. pro redimendo ftauro epifcopatus, deftruflo per diutinam moram Thom* nuper epifcopi in curia Romana, et celebrando anniverfario regis : Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 34. de ftauro epifcopatus viz. CCCCLxxi. bovibus, ccxcn. ftottis, xli. equis, ca¬ red. &c. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 34. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. de reddit. manerii de Stretle : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. Rec. in fcacc. 47 Ed. 3. Hill, rot. 7. Clauf. 51 Ed. 3. m. 19. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p- 3- m. 10. pro manerio de Chateris [Cantab.] Clauf. 3 Ric. 2. m. 9. quod juftitiarii regis fe non intromittant intra infulam Elienfem : Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 29. Clauf. n Ric. 2. m. 23. Clauf. 12 Ric. 2. n. 3. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 40. de parco de Somerfham elargando : Pat. J5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro manerio de Chateris: Efc. Norf. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 104. pro mefl'. et terris in Fofton, Garbiefthorp, libeitat. fald* ibid. &c. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 10. Cart. 21 Ric. 2. n. 3. pro lib. war. et chacea in Dodington, Littleport, et Dounham : Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. de elargatione parci de So- merftiam. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. de jurifdidtioile archidiaconi : Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 15. Pat: 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 21. de pif- caria vocat. Depwafe in Wifbech, et pro meff. vocat. Pikerells. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 33. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. 45. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. 5. confirrhat. com- pofitionis inter epifcopum et priorem. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 4. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. pro mercat. et feriis apud Somerlham et Brandon : Pat; 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 25. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. . Cart. 5, &c. Ed. 4. n. 12. pro mercat. et feria apud Hatfield epifcopi. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 22. Pat. 30 Hen. 8. p. 3. [Dec. 30.] pro maneriis de Swafham, Iklington, &c. in conlideratione manerii de Hatfield [Hertf.] De maneriis, terris, libertatibus, & c. prioratus Elienjis. Cart, antiq. A. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 7. n. 32. pro feria apud Laking- heth [SufF.] Cart. 2 Joan. p. 2. n. 131. de domo in London. concelT. Joanni Marifcall. Fin. SufF. 21 Hen. 3. n. 13. pro advoc. eccl. de Berg- ham : Fin. SufF. 28 Hen. 3. n. 23. pro pifcariis et marifc. in Lakmgheth : Cart; 30 Hen. 3. n. . de ten. in Lakingheth : Cart. 36 Hen. 3; m. 1 1 . pro lib. war. in omnibus maneriis. Plac. in com. SufF. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 8. d. de feifta villae de Cretingham ad hundredum de Lofe ■ Ibid, rot. 11. d. pro feda vill* de Ludham ad hundred, de Wilford : Ibid. rot. 13. d. 15, 16. de libertatibus: Plac. in banco 20 Ed. 1. rot. 41. de ecclefiis de Wyfe- bech et Foxton appropriandis : Pat. 26 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. de pardonatione pro appropriatione ecclefiar. de Wyfbech et Foxton fine licentia regis, propter quam folutus fuit finis D. marc. Plac, apud Cantab. 27 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 29. dorfo, allocat. libertatum , in Swafham, Ifelham, Steuchword, &c. Clauf. 2 Ed. 2. m. 9. et m. 31. in ced. Cart. 3 Ed. 2. n. 29. pro mercat. et feria apud Swafham j et n, 30. pro mercat. et feria apud Lakingheth. Pat. 5 Ed. 2, p. I. m, 17 vel 18. Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 20. pro mer¬ cat. et feria apud Sutton. Efc. SufF. 6 Ed, 2. n. 63. de terris in Erefwell. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 3. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. licent. pro terris perquiren- dis in Ely, Wicham, Dounham, &c. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 27. de paftura fepties viginti acr. voc. Julike in Wyfbech : Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 40, 41, et 42. Efc. Cantab. 12 Ed. 2. n. 24. et pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 32. de terris in Melburn et Roifton : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15 vel 16. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. m. 7. p. 2. m. 19. de mefT. et terris in Ely et Lakyng- heth : Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 31. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 72 et 78. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. m. 8. de ten. in Wooddalling [Norf.] Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 8. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Litlington, ex donatione Elizabeth* de Burgo appropr. Rec. in fcacc.' 7 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . pro eccl. de Bricham [Norf.] ex dono Elizabeth* de Burgo, p. 2. m. . Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 3. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . . de manerio de Northwold [Norf.] Cart. 1 7 Ed. 3. n. 14. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11 vel 12. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. ii, Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 21. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. Efc. Cant. 35 Ed. 3. n. 50. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 25. pro man. de Mephale. Pat. 37 3\P» !• m- l6- fat- 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. pro ten. in Wichford, Wentworth, See. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. pro cuftodia epifcopatus tempore vacationis : Clauf, 51 Ed. 3. m. 19. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 34. in qua recitatur carta Edgari: Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 13. Cart. 7 Ric. 2. ri. 29. Clauf. 10 Ric. 2. m. 33. de mefT. See. in Sutton : Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 18. pro batello in mara de Saham : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. tn. 1. de ten. in Foften et Garbiefthorp: Ibid. m. 34. de man. de Bluntfham : Cart. 21 Ric. 2. n. 22. Pat. 21 Ric 2 p. 3. m. 15. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 5. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. i. pro man. de Wratting : Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 15. pro firma de Dunwich. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 33. Red. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. 45. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. 5. in qua inquif. de ten. prioris in Ely expreffis per metas: Clauf. 6 Hen. 5. m. 14. d. pro man. de Lollworth legato prioratui per W. Caftleacre mil. F Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 4. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. g. pro Mullicourt uniendo : Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. proprioratu de Spinney uniendo. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 21, &c. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 11 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 23. Rcc. infcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 53: Rec. in fcacc. 33 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 51 et 80. Pat. 33 81 P* 2. [to Sept,] pro dotatione decani et capituli. 2. St. John’s Hospital. An ancient hofpital here, founded probably by fome of the bifhops, and partly maintained out of the revenues of the bifhoprick, occurs, 16 Hen. 2. in the account of the vacancy upon the death of biihop NigelH. But it is not evident whether the hofpital of Ely, there mentioned, was that of St. John Baptift, or that of St. Mary Magdalen c, two holpitals, both in Ely, which were united by biihop Hugh Norwoldd, about A. D. 1240. and managed by’ fome of the monks of the priory till the year 1438', when biihop Will. Gray made one of his Secular chaplains mailer or warden. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 2 5/. 5*. %d. ob. q. per am. and, 4 Eliz. fettled on the mailer and fellows of Clare hall in Cambridge Fide b Mr. Madox’s Iliftory of the Exchequer, p. 210. z This feems to have been the molt confiderable, and had the rertory of Littleport appropriated to it by Geffrey de Eurgo biihop of Ely, about A. D. ihj. Cartular. Elienfe mil d Idem Cartular. mf. f. 186. e Angl. Sacf. i. 6ji, 1 Liber confirm, indent, epifcopal. per capitulum Elienfe, mf. in thefaur. Elien.f. 75. In the Paper office is a petition to this effeft : “ Whereas Edward Leeds clerk [the laft mailer of this hofpital and mailer of Clare hall] ■* meaaeth to allure the hofi- “ pita! IX. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Vi it in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, mf. Baker, vol. xxviii. f. 65. ordinationem fundationis hofpitalis S. Joannis et Mariae Magdalena; et unionis eorundem, A. D. *409. Plac. apud Cantab. 21 Ed. l. rot. 19. quod fratres hof¬ pitalis S. Joannis Bapt. debent reparare duo pontella apud Detherfden, inter Ely et Wychford. Efcait. Cantab. I Ed. 3. n. 133. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. de terris in Dounham perquirendis de Walt. Finger, &c. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro ten. in Ely, Litelport, Dodington, &c. Efc. Cantab. 44. Ed. 3. n. 6. de mefl'. et terris in Hadenham : Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 5 vel 6. de terris in Hadenham. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ir. Compofitionem vicarise de Littleport huic hofpitali ap- propriat. in libro iii. regiftri dom. epifc. Elieniis, f. 49. a. . Regulam hofpitalis S. Joannis in Ely. Regiftr. Ford- ham epifc. Elienfis, f. 218. X. F O R D H A M, alias Bigynge'. GlLBERTlNE Priory. In a field near this town Henry the rural dean of Fordham began a re¬ ligious houfe, to which Sr. Hugh de Malebifie was a confiderable benefaftor ". But K. Henry 3. anno regni 12. giving the church of Fordham to the order of Semplingham in Lincolnihire, not long alter a final! convent of Gilbertine canons was fettled here. St. Peter and St. Mary Mag¬ dalen k were the tutelar faints of this priory, which was endowed at the fuppreffion with 40/. 13L 4 d. per ann. as Dugd. 46/. 3.1. 8 d. as Speed, and was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Philip Parry. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 791. cartam 12 Hen. 3. m. 13. donant. eccl. de Fordham ordini de Sem¬ plingham '. Eelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 57. Year Books, 44 Ed. 3. Mich. 14. Regiftrum Honor, de Richmond. App. p. 54. de 50 acris terra: et 50 r. annui redditus in Lanwade. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25. de terris in Ifelham ; Plac. apud Cantab. 27 Ed 1. quo warrant, rot. 31. dorfo pro libertat. in Fordham. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 et 18. pro vicaria ecclefie. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. XI. H O R N I N G S E Y. Monastery destroyed. Here was a monaftery of fome note in the early Saxon times'”, but ruined in the devaftation made hereabout by the Danes A. D. 870. XII. IKELINGTON, or Ickleton. BENEDICTINE Nuns. Aubery de Vere, the third of that name, and firft earl of Oxford", temp. Hen. 2. or Sr. Will, de Cantelupe knt. 0 father to Euphemia, his firft wife, was founder of the Benedittine nunnery here dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen p. It confifted of a priorefs, and ten or eleven nuns; was rated, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 71/. 9/. 10 d. ob. per ann. Dudg. 80/. is. 10 d. ob. Speed, and was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to the bilhoprick of Ely, in exchange lor Hatfield, &c. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. habetur tantum an- notatiuncula de fundatore, ex Leland. Collect, i. 55. Newcourti Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 119. de manerio de Impey-hall in Butfbury, et Stock [Eflex.] &c. Lelandi Itin. vol. vi. p. 40. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 194. de reddit. in Iclinton tent, de honore Boloni®. Plac. in com. Eflex. temp. Hen. 3. affif. rot. 5. de ten. in Gynges Joyberd : Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro mer- cato apud Icklington : Cart. 11 Hen 3. p. 1. n. 95. pro mere, die Jovis apud Icklinton : Cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mere, die Jovis apud Hervvardltoc [Eflex.] Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 9. Plac. in com. Cant. 27 Ed. 1. quo warr. rot. 28. d. pro mercato et feria, et aliis libert. in Ikelington. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. XIII. I S E L H A M. Alien Priory. There was a priory herd, dedicated to St. Margaret, cell (as Lynton" was) a pital of St. John Baptift in Ely unto Clare hall, for the found- “ ine of ten fcholarlhips in the faid college for ever, and hath « redeemed, to that end, the certain advowfon . thereof, and “ intendeth to procure the affent of my lord bifhop with the “ dean and chapter, for the confirmation of that purpofe, he «< defireth alfo to have the queen’s majefties grant thereof. The “ faid hofpital is worth, above all charges, 20/. by the year. Ex informatione amiciflimi Thom® Baker S. T. B. g So in the furrender, 1 Sept. 1538. Rymer, xtv. p. 608. and Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. si- where Rob. de Fordham and Camefike knts, are fatd to have been founders of this priory ; but Hen. de Kemefeg appears only as one of the witnefies to Hugh de Malebiffe’s gift. a Ex colledtaneis R. Parker Elienfis, ex cams familne de Peyton, mf. penes Petrum le Neve arm. , 1 in cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 15. this is reckoned amongft the houfes of this order “ de novo fundatas.” a Rymer, xiv. p. 608. .. . . 1 Swere, If there was not a former grant of Fordham to the order of Semplingham ; for it is mentioned, Mon. Angl. 11. 803. in the bull of pope Innocent 3. who died A. D. 1215. m « Apud Horningfey monafterium regue dignitatis ext it it. “ eratque ibidem non parva congregatio clericorum.” Ml. hb. Elienfis, lib. ii. cap. 32. et exinde dpdtiff. Caius in Antiq. Cantab. acad.Lond. 1368. 12°. p. 218. n Sir Will. Dugdale in his Baronage, vol. 1. p. 191- But Leland Itin. vol. vi. p. 40. relates many paffages concerning Aubery 3. or the Grymme, founder of this houfe, which are confident only with the times of Aubery 2. and he makes Aubery 4. to have been the perl'on that was created earl of Ox¬ ford by K. Henry 2. So that if Leland be right, the foundation of this priory muft be placed higher, Aubery 2. being killed A. D. 3 140 or 1141. The mf. hiftory of religious houfes and their founders, colledted by Mr. Stow, aferibes the building this nunnery to Aubery 2. It was of the foundation of the bilhops of Ely, as it is faid in fome of the Ely regifters. The manor of Ikelington belonged to the priory Domus Dei de monte Maurelio in Normandy, and was purchased of them by Adomar de Va¬ lencia earl of Pembroke. Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. 0 Mill’s Catalogue of Honor, Lond. 1610. fob p. 6 7 6. P Collect, mf. RR. Matth. Wren epifc. e regiftris Elienlibus. >1 Rymeri Fcedera, vol. iv. p. 544. ex clauf. 7 Ed. 3. m. 23. T Ifelham priory was generally accounted part of Lynton priory, both being dependent on the fame foreign monaiterv ■ and I am doubtful whether there ever were two diftindt cells at thefe two places. It feems more probable, that the priory was firft feated at Ifelham (the prior of Ifelham being mentioned in the deed above referred to, and his right to tithes in Lynton being alfo mentioned in the lame colledtion, p.449.) and that i! was afterwards removed to Lynton, as an appurtenance to which Ifelham appears to have palled, there being no exprefs mention of the latter in the two grants of Hen. 6. to Pembroke-Haii. There was alfo a free chapel at Little Ifelham, dedicated to' St. Nicholas. to XIII. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. to the abbey of St. Jagitto', or St. Jacutus in Britanny, and granted by K. Henry 6. * to the mailer and fellows of Pembroke hall, being then valued at 10 l. 13 s. 4 d. Vide in Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p.435. controver- turn S. Jacuti fuper dccimis A. D. 1219. liam inter perfonam et vicarium de Ifelham et conven- XIV. LEVERING TON. Hospital. There was an old hofpital at Leverington long fince decayed, and the endowment fwallowed up. Vide mf. return of hofpitals, A.D. 1686. XV. L Y N T O N AlieN Priory. An alien priory, fubordinate to the abbey of St. Jacutus de Infulaw, in the diocele of Dole in Britanny, occurs temp. Hen. 3. x It was feized into the king’s hands during the French wars7, and after the fupprdlion of thefe houfes (about which time this was valued at 23/. 8 s. 10 d.) it was granted by K. Henry 6. about 1450 z. to the mailer and fellows of Pembroke hall in Cambridge. Vide mf. Cole, vol. ix. p. 243. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 6. Mich, rot, 2. Rot. pat. 20 Ed. 3. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. XVI. M I R M A U D, Marmonde, or Welle*. Gilbertine Priory. A fmall priory of Gilbertines b, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary t, and cell to Sempringham, to which it was given by Ralph de Hauvill, temp. Ric. 1. vet Joannis d. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 10/. 7 s. yd. per ann. Dugd. 1 3 /. 6s. id. ob. Speed, and granted, 10 Eliz. to Percival Bowes and John Mofyer. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 826. cart. 5 Joan. m. 5. n. 28. confirm, donationes Radulfi Hauvil ordini de Semplingham: Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 107. cartam magiftri et canon, de Semplingham fubjicientium lo¬ cum de Mirmaude Euftachio epife. Elienf. iicut Dicecefano. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 196. of the founda¬ tion and endowment of this priory: vol. iii. p. 781. of the impropriate rectory of Dunton: p. 830. of the XVII. N E advowfort of the reftory of Rainham St. Margaret : vol. iv. p. i8o. of lands in Upwell, p. 730. in Wal- foken. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro advoc. eccl. de Rein¬ ham Parva : Fin. Norf. 11 Ed. 2. n. 33. de ead. ex concellione Thom* de Hauvil : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. , Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9 vel 16. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. xa. W T O N. College. A college or large chantry in the chapel of St. Mary fuper cofteram maris within this parilh, confillingof a warden, arid leveral chaplains, founded by Sr. John Colvill lent. ' temp. Hen. 4. and being particularly excepted in the aft ot Diffolution 1 Ed. 6. the lands became annexed to the reftory of Newton. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 144. of the manor of Sybeton-hall in Thorpland and Wallington. Cartas, rotulos, &c. penes . . . Colvile de ead. arm. Statuta hujus collegii mlT. penes V. dodtiff. Joannem Anftis arm. princ. regem arm. nomine Garter. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 27. pro cantaria etigenda, et XL. ann. redd, perquirendis: Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. pro ten. in Walfoken, Walton, Enmeth, Wifbech, Leverington, et Newton : Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 3. de advoc. eccl. concelf. per epife. Elienfem : Pari. s Mf. Dodfworth. vol. cv. f. 77. * Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 200. ^ Placed in Somerfetihire [Mon. Angl. i. 1036.] but in the writ of reftitution, i Hen. 4. [Rymer, viii. 103.] it is exprefly faid to be in the diocefe of Ely ; to alfo mf. Dodfworth, vol. cv. f. 77, &c. w The church of Lynton is faid to have been given to this ab¬ bey by an earl of Britanny. Vid. Inquif. gen. com. Cantab, temp. Ed. 1. x Taxat. Norwic. dioec. Elienf. A. D. 1255. y Prynne, vol. iii. 1021. z Regiftr. Boucher, epife. Elienf. et Parkeri Scelet. Cantab, p. 200. 13 Hen. 4. art. 24. quod nullus ibidem dotetur vica- rius, non obftante ftat'utp ; etde numero fratrum, &c. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 21. de pife. de Depowere in Wifbech. Clauf. 8 Hen. 5. m. 18. Efc. Cantab. 8 Hen. 6. n. 43. de quinque melT. et tertis et pife. voc. Lilifield in Newton concedcndis cuftodi, &c. per Jo. Colvyle mil. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. i. m. 18. pro man. de Thorpland voc. Si it on hall , et ten. in Walfoken, &c. Rot. pardon. 49 Hen. 6. m. 5. * Not in Lincolnfhire, as Mon. Angl. ii. 826. nor in Norfolk, as Speed, Dugd. val. but it is in that part of the parilh of Well, or Upwell, which is in the ifle of Ely and county of Cambridge, though in the diocefe of Norwich. b Nuns, as Speed. There might be Tome nuns herein, as well as canons, as in molt houfes of this order; but the govern¬ ment of it was under a prior. See Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 620. c Lib. inftit. Norwic. vi. 164. d Not temp. Ric. 3. as Mag. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 261. d He new built the chapel of St. Mary in the place of an old one, A. D. 1401. and his firft defign was to eredt near it an hof¬ pital of one chaplain and twelve poor old people ; as Dr. Hutton ex regiftr. Hen. Bowet archiepifci Ebbr. o XVIII. SHEN- XVIII. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. XVIII. SHENGAY, near Wendy f. KniGiiTS Hospitalers. A preceptory of Knights Hoipitalers of St. John of Jerufalem, given to that order by Sibylla de Raynes,. daughter of Roger earl of Montgomery, A. D. 1 140 s. Ic was worth, at the iupprdTion, 171/. 4 s. bd. per aim. Dugd. 175/. 4 s. 6d. Speed, and was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Richard Longe. Plde cartas origin ales, rentalia, & c. penes praenobilem Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 441. V. Edwardum comitem Orford baronem de Shengay. XIX. S O H A M, dim Seham. Monastery destroyed. H6reh S. Felix the apoftle1, and fir ft bilbop of the Eaft- Angles, is laid, about the year 630. to have founded a monaftery k, and to have placed the epifcopal fee1, which was afterward removed to Dunwich. And hither that holy man’s body was brought fome time after his death and- buried, though his bones were at length tranflated from hence to Ramfey abbey m, when the great church here11, built by a noble Saxon called Luttingus, was burnt; and the monks, a famous 0 cohvent of whom ftourifhed here under abbat Werefnd, were killed by the Daniftt army under the condudt of lnguar and Ubba, A. D. 870 p. XX. SPINNEY, or De Splneto, in the parijh of Wykes or Wicken. Austin Canons. Sr. Hugh de Malebiffe'1, having married (temp. Joannis) Beatrix', lady of the manor of Wykes, they, in the beginning of K. Henry 3d’s reign, built and endowed here a priory for three Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin, to the honor of the blelled Virgin Mary, and the Holy Crofs. This manor, with the advowlon of the priory, defeended afterwards to Mary Thornton', who married Sr. Humphry Baftingborn; after whofe deceafe, ihe augmented this mo- naftery with lands for the maintenance of four canons more, about 31 Ed. 1. and there were other benefaftors to thishoufe; which, however, being much run to decay, both in its revenues and buildings, was, A.D. 1449. perpetually united to the cathedral monaftery of Ely, (wherein the founders were buried) by W after bifhop of Norwich, ordinary of the place', with the leave of K. Henry 6.- and the content of the patron John Tiptoft earl of Worcefter, and fo it continued till the difiolution, after which, 36 Hen. 8, it was granted, as parcel of the poffeftions of Ely, to Geo. Carleton in truft, as it feems ', for Sr. Edw. North. fide in Mon. Angl. torn. ii. p. 320,321. clauf. 7 Hen. 5. m. 17. d. recit. cartam Ric. Aithalwald de South Creyk, et Matildis uxoris, heredis dominarum de Wyken Beatricis Malebiffe et Marine Baflingburn fundatricium, relevantis prioratum de quibufdam one - ribus : P. 322. pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. licent. regia dandi prioratum, &c. ecclefiae Elienfi. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 28. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, App. p. 56. de uno meffuagio et 8 acris terras in Lanwade : ibid, de di- niidia carucata terra; in Wikes et Fordham. Regiftrum prioratus de Spinney penes Ifaacifm Barrow deea4. arm. A.D. 1638. Dodfworth. Collect. vol. xli. f. 65.- Colledtanea ex eodem, mf. in bibl. Harletana, 294. b X74- f So Leland. Collefl. i. 441- But that Wendy itfelf belonged (o this preceptory of Shengay is plain from the Nomina Villarum mf. 9 Ed. 2. and Mon. Angle ii. 546. However there leem to have been Knights Templars at Wendy, before the inppreflion of that order, diftinft from the Hofpitalars of Shengay. For in an old mf. roll of the Norwich taxation of the dioceic of Ely, A.D. 1255. after the valuation of Wendy, follows, “ Templarii “ de e idem x. marc.” and in the fame roll, under Senegn f, are put “ Hofpitalarii and the “ Fratres hofp. de Senegyc” oc¬ cur in other places: Mr. Speed faith, “ There were firit Tem- “ plars at Shengav but upon what good authority doth not yet appear. That here were fome time lifters of the order of St. John, fee Mon. Angl. ii. jfo. . , r Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 546. but in p. 510. of that tome, an earl of Glocefter is joined with Sibylla in the donation of Shen • gay Mr. Camden placeth the beginning of this houfe A. D. 1130. and fo doth Mr. Speed: But it is not clear who the foun- drefs was, or who her father. She is not mentioned by Sr. Will. Dugd. in his Baronage under this name, as the wife of John de Reynes (as Camden calls her;) and then the mult have been the widow of Rob. Fit/ Hamon, if Ihe was Sibyll the daughter of Roger Montgomery earl of Shvewlbury and Arundel ; or file might" be Sibyll the daughter of Roger of Poiftou, third foil to Regiftrum olim penes dom. Symondfium Dewes de Stow Langtoft in com. Suff. In libro irrftitutionum, See. temp. Walt. Lyhert epife. Norwic. in regiftro principali dom. epife. Norwic. p. 278, &c. Donationem XL. acr. in Wyfebech-fen, fub figillo Laur. Flete rnflitis, priori St canon, de Spyney, in volumine cartarum mearum orig. notato jippleton, n. igi. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. prone finem. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 38 vel 39. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1 . m. 4. pro ten. in Sneylwell. Inquif. in- com. Cantab. 1 Hen. 4. n. 1. quod Tho. Cotton, Sec. poflit dare advoc. ecd. de Kingfton. Fin. div. com. 1 Hen. 6. n. 5. de advocat. that Roger Montgomery. See Baronage, i. 329. h “ Seham, qua; eft villa juxta ftagnum, locus ad introitum “ infultc,” Liber Elienfis, mf. penes dec. et capit. lib. i. c. 6. et Leland. Colleft. ii. p. 247. “ Regia et eximia villa.” Cap- grave, f. 146. b. * Beda;, lib. ii. c. 14. k Lib. Elienfis, ut fupra. ILiftor. Ramelb. edit. Gale. cap. 82. 1 Angl. Sacr. tom. i. 403. Leland. Colleft. vol. i. f. 349. m Leland. Colleft. i. 209. ii. 247. n “ Magnum et famofum monafterium.” Lib. Elienf. 0 “ Non minima congregatio monachorum.” Capgrave. P Capgrave et Leland. Coil. i. 221. t Henry de Malebiffe (perhaps related to Sir Hugh) occurs prior here in the laft year of K. Henry 3. Cartular. Elienf. mf. " Ex cartis penes inagiftrum Worthington. ’ This priory, with Soham, Fordham, and Mirmaud, though all in Cambridgelhire, are within the great ditch, and fo part of the old kingdom and bilhoprick of the Eaft -Angles, and of the prefent bifhoprick of Norwich. ■ Becaufe in the exemplified copy of the lands belonging to the monaftery of Ely, in the treafury of the church of Ely, againft Spinney lands, toward the top is put “ Referv. pro do- “ mine rege,” and a little lower, “ Conceff. domino Ed. North.” XXI. S TERES- Xkl. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. XXI. STERESBERCH, or Sturbridge, near Cambridge, [Barnwell 9. Marias Magd.“] Hosi'iT al. The hofpital of St. Mary Magdalen for lepers here was anciently in the difpofal of the burgefles of Cambridge, bin, about the year 1245. Hugh de Norwold bilhop of Ely got the patronage of it, which was enjoyed by his fuccelfors, who collated the mailer or warden till the fuppreflion. The profits and endowments of this hofpital, or free chapel, were leafed firft for 99 years, A. D. 1497 and then, 36 Hen. 8. to the mayor, bailiffs, &c. of the town of Cambridge tor fixty years ; and were granted, 4 Jac. 1. to John Shelbury and Phil. Chewte gent. Vide Leland. Collect, i. p. 444. Collationes cuftodum in regiftris epifcoporum Elienfium. Inquif. 3 Ed. 1. inter collect. Rob. Hare. Plac. de flallagio fuper terra voc. Chapel Yard, quod cuftos recuperat contra ballivos, 14 Hen. 4. In re¬ giftro Fordham epifc. Elienfis, f. 228. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 12. d. pro inquirendo de terns huic hofpit. pertinentibus. Librum confirmationum indenturarum, &c. concefT. per Thomdm epifcopum Elienfem ab anno 33 Hen. 8. in atchivis dec. et capit. Elienfis. XXII. LONG STOW. Hospital. Walter, vicar of this place, founded here, ternp. Hen. 3. or before, an hofpital of poor fillers, which was dedicated to the blelfed Virgin". Vide Inquif. generalem hujns comitatus temp. Ed. 1. Pat. 2 Ed. J. m. 22. dorfo, pro magiftro holpitalis. XXIII. S W A F H A M, or Sopham-bulbec. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedidline nunnery, dedicated to St. Mary*, of the foundation of one of the Bolebecs, or Bulkbecks y (a family once of great note in thefe parts) was here before K. John’s reign \ At the dilfolution a priorefs and eight nuns a were maintained here with effaces valued at 40/. per ann. Dugd. 46/. lor. 8 d. Speed, which wefe palfed to the bifhop of Ely and his luccelfors, upon an exchange, 3c Hen. 8. Vide Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 57. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, App. p. 54. de 24 , acris terra in Swaffham-Pfioris. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 646. of poffeffions in Norwich. In bibl. Harleiana; mf. 5019. notes taken out of the regifter. Cartam fub figillo h'ujus priotatus de tenemento quodam in civ. Norwic. in volumine cartarum mearum ori- ginalium, notato Hobart , n. 70. Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 56. de redd. inLivermere. Efcset. Suff. 28 Ed. 3. n. 41. de ten. in Mildenhale : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro eifdem : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 38. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 43. pro ten. in Hardwick et T olt; XXIV. SWAVESEY. Alien Priory. The church of Sc. Andrew here, with the tithes thereunto belonmno-, being given, temp. Will. Conq. by Alan Rufus, or la Zufche, or Zouch, earl of Britanny and°RichmondI to the abbey of St. Sergius and Bachus b, and St. Briocus at Angiers, it became a cell of Benedidline monks c to that foreign monaltery. After that the alien priories, during the wars with France were often feifed, this was given, or rather fold, by the French abbac and convent to the priory of St. Anne near Coventry, by licence from K. Richard 2. and after confirmed by authority of parlia¬ ment, 6 Hen. 4. d 1 r Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 572, 573. ex regiftro de Swavefey, tranlcripto per St. Lo Knyveton,- et inter ejus colledt. reperto, cartas Alani Rufi comitis Bri- tanniae, Stdphani comitis Britanniae, et Will, filii Rogeri la Zouche. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 48. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, App. p. 56. de j. carucata terri in Swavefey. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth, vol. cxxx. p. 68. exlibro prioratiis de Swavefey. Cartas quafdam originates ad hunc prioratum fpeflantes, in archivio apud palatium epifcopale Elienf. Harum apographa penes autorem. Fin. 10 Ric. i. m. . de virg. terra et advoc. eccl. de Fen Drayton. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 32. d. pro prioratu, man. de Dry Draiton, decimis, &c. ad firmam dimittendis pro cl. per ann. Pat. 57 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. quod abbas S. Sergii poftit amortizare priori Carthuf. juxta Coventre : Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 16. Inquif. 7 Hen. 4. n. 25. Regiftr. Joannis Alcock epifc. Elienfis. " “ Sorores de Stow inter ferjeantias arrentatas per Robe turn de PalTelew, temp. Henrici regis, filii Joannis.” Exca tis magiftri Worthington. 6 J x Cart, in arch. dec. et capit. Elienf. y Leland. Colleft. vol. i. 57. occn the old catalogue of religious houl afcnbed to Gervafe of Canterbury, or Hen. Sulgrave. The nuns are alfo mentioned in the Norwich taxation of this diocefe, A. D. 12 S5-' a MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. b Not St. George and Bathe, as in the faulty edition of the learned Sr. Rob. Cotton’s Abridgement, by Mr. Frynne. Lond« 1657- fob p. 440.' 1 c Not Black canons, as in Speed. d Cotton’s Abridgement, ut fupra. o XXV. THIR- XXV. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. XXV. THIRLING'. Vriory. A (mail priory near Upwell. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 180. of lands in Upwell. XXVI. THORNE Y, dim AncarigE 1. Benedictine Abbey. Saxulph, the firft abbat of Pete'rburgh, is faid, with the confent of Wulpher king of Mercia, to have built here a monaftery, or rather a heremitage, as early as St. Etheldreda’s times ; and here were a prior and ieveral anchorites A. D. 870 \ but this houle having been deftroyed by the Danes, Ethelwold bifhop of Winchtfter, A. D. 972. refounded it tot Benediftine monks, to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary1. 1 he patronage of this abbey was granted By K. John, anno regni 15 k vel 16 '. to Euftace then bifhop of Ely, and his fuccefTors. Its poflcffions were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 411/. 123. 11 d. per ann. Dugd. 508/. 12 s. gd. Speed; great part of which, with the fite of the monaftery, were given, 3 Ed. 6. to John earl of Bedford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 242. quaedam de funda- tiOne, renovatione, et dedicatione hujus monafterii, ex Drderici V italis hift. eccl. et ex regiftro abbatia; penes comitem IVeftmorl. A. D. ,1638. P. 243. cartam R. Edgari de fundatione, dat. A. D. 973. P. 244. de heremitorio de Trokenhalt, five Everde- wyk : P. 245. cartam Nigelli epifc. Elienfis de eo- dem : Cartas Will. Peverel donantis Oddewic in villa de Wildene; Pagani de Bello Campo et comitiflae Rohefiae conf. terras in Colwurth et Cayfho ; Do- tnime Adelizae matris com. Gileberti pro terris in Luffewyke et Randa [Nortliamt.] P. 246. cartas Hugonis et Will, de Bello Campo de redd, in Eton ; Gafffidi de Trailli pro eccl. de Giveldene; Odonis Revelli pro decimis in Ceftreton ; Will. Peverel pro eccl. de Bolehurft [Bedf.] Rogeri de Stivinton, Henr. de Merch, et Euftachii pro eccl. de Stibenton [Hunt ] P. 247. confirm, per Robertum epifc. Lincoln, eccl. S. Jacobi et S. Gutblaci in Deping [Linc.J et alia- rum donationum ; Will. Peverell de terris in Cap- thorn, et prato de Botulfbrigg ; Will, de Albeneio Britonis dc terris in Stokes et pypewell [Northamt.] Alexandri epifc. Lincoln, de eifdem. P. 249. Ran- rlulli com. Ceftr. confirm, de eifdem; Adeliciae ma¬ tris com. Gilberti confirm, de terris in Rande ; Ric. de Clare com. Glovern. de eifdem; Alberici regis camerarii de terra in Twywell, et decimis in Iflyp [Northamt.] Rob. filii Alberici, de eifdem : de terris et tenementis quondam Johannis Play in Twywell : P. 249. cartas Thurftani de Monteforti et Joan, de Stutevil demedietat. villae et eccl. de Wenge [Ruth] De Cuninton in Norman-crofs hundred, qusdam non invent, in Dom'cfday : Privilegium P. Alexandri 3. dat. A. D. 1162. P. 251- feriem abbatum ufque ad annum 1450. Omnia praemifla munimenta evulgata funt e regiftro antiquo hujus coenobii (continente partes ix.J vulgo vocato The Red Back of Thorney , olim penes dom. Fr. Fane, nunc penes pnenobilem Thomam comitem Weftmorland. quern confulat' leftor antiquitatum Thorneienfium ftudiofus. Lelandi Coliedb. vol. i. p. 4. 5' 8. 26. 28. vol. ii. p. 272. de fundatione, &c. vol. iii. p. 30. catalogum quorun- dam librorum rnffi olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatiae. Ejufdem Itin. vol. viii. p. 71. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 25 pat. 16 Joan. m. 5. de patronatu abbatire concelfi epifc. Eli- enli et fuceeflbribus. e X cannot give any account either of the foundation, or va¬ luation of this priory ; and yet it was in being 20 Hen. 8. for I find it mentioned that year in the following manner: “ There is “ a drayne from Upwell to. Welney, and begmneth at Thirhnge- « gate, which the prior of Mermaud and the chanon of Thir- “ lin^e mult clenfe. The river from Erith to Benwick, from “ Kirkewere to Dodney Cote, Mr. Croft lhall clenfe; and from “ thence to the willow in Fages-fenne, the prior of Thirling (hall “ clenfe; from Mermaud to Thirling lake, the prior of Thirling, the cellerer of Bury, and the prior of Mermaud lhall clenfe.” A manor in Thirling and Upwell, with feveral melfuages, lands, &e. in Thirling and Upwell were granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Tho¬ mas Meggs, as part of the'poffeflions of the priory of Ixworth in ■Suffolk ; unlefs it be a miftake in the abftrads I have procured. Mr. Gunton’s Hiftory of the Church of Peterburgh, with Dr. Patrick’s Supplement, p. 5, 6. 120. 318. In Reyneri Apoftolat. Bened. tr. i. p. 12, 13. cartam R. Eadgari de fundatione. Some account of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats, by Brown Willis efquire, in his Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 187, inis earns R. Stephan 1 : inf. 07 r. f. 182. ex libro abbati* de Thorney : mf 1808. f. 92. bullam Gregorii papx 9. de confir- matione privilegiorum cum quinque earns confirma- toriis archiepifcopi Cantuar. et epifeopi et capituli Lincoln, de eifdem. . In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 297. n. 10. proceflum placm inter abbatem Thorneye querentem et abbatem de Burgo S. Petri deforciantem de quodarrl chimmo in¬ ter ripam de Nene et villam de Eye, A. D. 1 3°4* Cart, antiq. Y. n. 20. , . ,, Ma b « *°r the moft part under the PS WUh Llchfield- and 10 that at length was united j but after the Conqueft, bilhop Peter So Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 56. but the grant of free elec¬ tion for a prior, the diftindt valuation of its poireffions, both in I ax. Lincoln, and 26 Hen. 8. make me doubt much whether this was a cell to Chefter. Can ^an°nS ^le orc^er °f St. Auftin, mf. Corp. Chrift. Coll. k Reputed value to8/. Compend. Compert. mf. 80/. iir mf. Corp. Chrift. col. Cant. * Hence this place is often called Spittle Boughton. King’s Vale Royal, p.u. p.J3. i,7. i03. b s fin1mbe^i,NomicUm loc.orum explicationem per cl. Gibfonum ad tinem Chron. Saxon, m voce Brunanburgb. It is much more reafonable that this town fhould be placed in this part of the n?5oT’. Wrherr t,hlsJlady re-edified fo many places, than in h ) _ „™„pas Leiand. Collefl. i. 194.] where ihe feems to have n n J? . J f ’ ond whereln 1S the name of no village like it " Dedlca[ed to St. Barnabas, as Mr. Mores. g 13 u * ? * „cr* so. and Leland. Coll. i. ?8. the faun- dation charter is tefted 12 March 1386-7 3 t0 n y p Angl. Sacr. i. 450. Bunbury is faid to be a contradion of •Boniface Bury, Fuller's Worthies) p. 182. 1 Compend. Compert. mf. Rec- in officio Primitiarum. It was 54/, os. 84. in the whole, as mf. Saner. e s Jo. Bromtort. col. 869. Chron. Sax. * Camden, &c. HenMJradffiaw°mon". Ceftn " P< 6°‘ “ ViU S‘ Werb^ P« »Kmg>s Vale Royal p.i. p. 26. Will. Malmibury (De pon- rn ib‘ 1V n m?,kes WerburS to have been a mm or abbefs It Chefter; but Capgrave, and all other hiftorians and writers of her life, are filent in this particular, though they fpecify other p aces of her abode, viz. Ely, Wedon, and Trikb.gham, where le died, and Heanbury, where ihe was buried; from which laft Hated to Cheften° hUndred yearS after> ^ tel’iques we tra^ * Angl. Sacr. tom.i. p. 424. 427. and VII. CHESHIRE and his fuccefior Rob. deLimefy*, removing wholly from Lichfield, fixed their refidence for almofl: thirty years here at Chefter in St. John’s church, where bifhop Peter was boried, till A. D. 1102. when bifhop Robert, taking greater liking to the rich monaftcry of Coventry, made that one of his cathedrals, and left Chefter1. 2. Benedictine Abbey. In this city there was pretty early in the Saxon times a religious houle, probably a nunnery1, and dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paulb, whither, as to a place of fafety, the remains of St. Werburg were brought from Heanburgh A. D. 875 c. But this monaf- tery was ruined* by the wars or injury of time, and in the reign of K. Ethelftan re-edified for Secu¬ lar canons d, by the noble Elfieda countefs of Mercia % and afterwards it was more amply endowed by the munificence of K. Edmund f, K. Edgar?, earl Leofrich, and other benefactors, in honor of the above-mentioned royal holy virgin St. Werburg. In the year 1093. at the inftigation of the famous Anlelm after archbifhop of Canterbury, Hugh Lupus earl of Chefler expelled from hence the Seculars, and fettled here an abbat and convent of Benedidtirie monks from Bee in Normandy, ]n whole pofTefTiOn St. Werburgh’s church continued till the general diffolution of monafteries in England by K. Elenry 8. who, anno regni 33. reftored the fame (which was to be thenceforth ftyled the Church of Chrift and the blelfed Virgin) to a dean and fix prebendaries, and made this city once more the feat of a bifhop. The yearly revenues of the abbey were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 1003/. 53. nd. Dugd. 1073/. ijs. yd. ob. y. Speed*. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 199. colledtanea quae- dam hiftorica ex Will. Malmfb. et aliis feriptoribus de conftrudtione et reftoratione monafterii : P. 200 et 201. cartam fundationis abbati* per Eadgarum re¬ gem anno 858. Cartam Hugonis comitis de dona- tionibus fui ipfius, et baronum fuorum, A. D. 1093. Ibid. p. 985. ex cart. 13 Ed. 1. m. 11. n. 38. per Infpex. cartas Ricardi com. Ceftri*, A. D. 1119. P. 986. Ranulphi Mefchyn com. Ceftri* de theo- loneo et nundinis : Ranulphi filii Ranulphi Mefchines confirm, nundinas, tentoria mercatoria, forum ante portam monachorum, &c. P. 987. ejufdem cartam pro decimis omnium reddituum in civit. Ceftri* : Ejufdem cartam pro decimis omnium molendinorum Ceftrefir* et de Leec : Ejufdem cartam donantis Eft- ham et Bruneburgh : Cartam Ricardi de Rullas et Roberti fratris de villa de Granefbi. In Sr. Peter Leycefter’s Hiftorical Antiquities, &c. Lond. 1673. fol. p. 109, no, et in. an exemplifi¬ cation of that charter of Hugh Lupus’ printed in the Monaft. i. p. 200, 201. Ibid. p. 117. the charter of earl Richard, A. D. 1119. printed in the Monaft. i. 985.- Ibid, p. 127. the charter of Ranulf de Mefchines, Mon. Angl. i. 986. Ibid. p. 130. car¬ tam Hugonis 2. com. Ceftr. pro eccl. de Preftbury: Ibid. p. 150. cartam Joannis com. Ceftr. circa A. D. 1233. Ibid. p. 397, 398, 399, 400. exemplar libri de Domefday de terris epife. de Ceftre, five fandti Ceddae, et ecclefi* five canonicorum S. "Werburg* in Ceftrefcire. A Difcourfe of the foundation and endowment of the abbey of St. Werburg in Chefter, by N. N. pub- lifhed in Mr. King’s Vale Royal, Lond. 1656. fol. part i. p. 26. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 249. 325. et in App. p. 66. an account of this abbey, with a cata¬ logue of the abbats. In his Survey of Cathedral Churches, Lond. 1727. 4'0. p. 317, & c. of the diocefe of Chefter; of the cathe¬ dral church, and fome perfons buried there ; of the endowment of the bifhopriclc, and alienations from it ; of the endowment of the dean and chapter ; an account of the abbats of Chefter, the bifhops, arch¬ deacons, and prebendaries, See. In Mr. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 341, Sec. an account of the bilhops and deans. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 301, an account of r Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 433, 434. . , 2 Though afterward ieveral of the bilhops of Lichfield and Coventry writ themfelves, and are ftyled by others, bilhops of Chefter. 3 Malmfbury, ut fupra. » Leland. Colleft. ii. p. 60. This is the molt probable way to account for the college ot St. Peter and St. Paul there men¬ tioned, though this title was probably in after times fwallowed tip in that of the new patronefs St. Werburg. i Jo. Bromton. c. 810. Higdeni Polychr. edit. Gale, p. 240. ^ Polychr. p. 240. Here were Secular canops when the the abbats and the dimenfions of the church from Mr. Willis. Leland. Colled!. vol. i. p. 38. vol. ii. p. 60. 267. In Atkins’ Glocefterlhire, p. 31 1. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Campden. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. ii. p. 232. of the advowfon of the redtory of Denford antiently. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 290. pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. 9. P. 306. clauf. 11 Ed. 1. m. g. pro de¬ cimis venationis in forefta de Mere. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, Si c. vol. xiii. p. 573. li- teras pap* cardinali Eborum fuper lite in curia Ro- mana inter epifeopum Cov. et Lichf. et Joannem ab- batem S. Werburg* de ufu mitrae, baculi, etaliorum pontificalium, A. D. 1516. Ibid. vol. xiv. p. 717, &c. pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 33. de eredtione epif- copatus Celtri* : Ibid. vol. xv. p. 78. de diftribu- tione xl /. annuatim in eleemofynis. In Wilkinfii Conciliorum, tom. iii. p. 433. abbas Cef- tri* excommunicatur pro eo quod perfonaliter citatus noluit comparere in convocatione, allegans quandam exemptionem ; comparens abfolvitur, A. D. 1425. In the Parliament Rolls, an adtof parliament 33 Hen. 8. cap. 31. for annexing Weftonhoufe to the bilhoprick of Chefter ; and for diflevering the bilhoprick and diocefe of Chefter from the province of Canterbury, and uniting it to the province of York. Librum Rubeum, et alia regiftra, rentalia, cartas ori¬ ginates, See. de terris et pofleflionibus hujus abbati* epifeopatus et ecclefi* cathedralis, penes RR. DD. epifeopum, decanum et capitulum Ceftri*. Fundationem S. Werburg*, five de operibus pietatis ab Hugone comite Ceftrenft geftis ab anno 1093. pr*cipue in fundatione et dotatione ecclefi* et mo¬ nafterii S. Werburg* in civit. Ceftri*, quam poftea alii auxerunt, cum confirmationibus, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujiina , B. viii. 4. Annales Ceftri* ad A. C. 1255. mf. in ead. bibl. Otbo , B. iii. 1. Extradtum chronicarum Ceftrenfis eccle¬ fi*, mf. ibid. ViteUius, D. xii. 1. Ex annalibus S. Werburg* Ceftrenfis, mf. James, in bibl. Bod!, vol. xxviii. f. 91. Confirmationes libertatum,. hiftoriam abbatum, ct alia hiftorica ad hanc abbatiam fpedtantia, inter collecta¬ nea cl. Rog. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxxi. f. 1. &c. vol. xxxix. f. 152. vol. c. f. 104. vol. exxii. f. 98. Domefday Boole was made. ' Leland. Colledt. ut fupra. f Ibid. R The fpurious foundation charter printed in the Monafticon [vol. i. p. 200.] led me (and Mr. Willis, and the editor of the Magna Britannia Antiqua et Nova, who followed me) into a great miftake about the reftoration of this church by K. Edgar to the honor of St. Werburgh, feveral years before the tranlla- tionof her bones hither, or that king was born, h Leland. Coll, ut fupra. t They arc laid to have been worth 800/. Comp. Co®- pert. mf. Librum VII. CHE SHIRE. Librum irrotulatorium monafterii S. Werburg® civita- tis Ceftri® ad initium ufque rcgni R. Edwardi i. cum additionibus quibufdam, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1965. Regiftrum ejufdem monafterii, vocatum Prifca Sanao- rum, ibid. mf. 2062. _ Apographa literarum atque brevium una cum regefto placitorum forenfium ad abbatiam S. Werberg* Cef- trenfis pertinent, ibid. mf. 2148. Deeds and other charters of the foundation and dona¬ tions to the abbey and bifhoprickof Chefter, ml. 2071. In eadem bibl. mf. 1967. f. 170. mf. 1989. f. 442. mf. 280. f. 51. nomina abbatum: mf. 1988. f. 12. notes relating to the monaftery of St. Werburga Chefter- f. 145. donationes quas abbati® S. Wer¬ burg* conceflerunt vel confirmarunt comites Ceftri* vel eorum barones. mf. 1989. f* 45^* °fthe erection of a monaftery in the city of Chefter. mf. 1994. f. 262. Plac. 16 Ric. 2. de advocationibus ecclefia- ruin abbati® pertinentium : f. 265. decimas domini- cas vocat. le Bordland de parochia de Kirkby: f. 267. fines fadtos abbati per tenentes fuos, 16 Hen. 8. f. 28 5. redditus et receptiones decimarum garbarum, &c. cum enumeratione folutionum ab abbatefaciend. f. 287. rentale terrarumet tenementorum, 19 Hen. 6. f. 291. computum prioris, 14 Hen. 7. mf. 2016. f. 90. rental of all and Angular manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of the late abbey of St. Werberga. mf. 2057. f. 155. notes relating to the abbats right to a poltern gate in the walls, mf. 2060. p. 60. 75. colledtanea ex libro rubro remanente in cuftodia de¬ cani et capituli Ceftri®: p. 68. colleflanea e libro •vocato Prifca Sanaorum, de terris datis abbati® Cef¬ tri® : p. 86. colleftanea e libro evidentiarum olun fpedlante monafterio Div® Werburg® Ceftrenfis pe¬ nes RicardumBerkenhead : p. 87. excerpta dele Cow- cher-book abbatis de Ceftre: p 1 15. collectanea ex cartis autographis olim monafterio Div® Werberg® Ceftrenfis fpectantibus : p. 123. copies or extrads of original deeds relating to the faid monaftery in the cuftody of John Edwards: p. 128. more copies or extracts of old writings concerning the fame : mf. 2072. f. 18. law-fuit between the abbats of Chefter and Bafingwerk for the advowfon of Weft-Kirby : f. 28. agreement between the abbat and citizens concern¬ ing the annual fair: f. n, 12. privileges and immu¬ nities claimed by the abbat: mf. 2074. f. 198. boun¬ daries of Chelford : f. 202. grant of a market and fair in the manor of Bromburge, 8 Ed. 1. f. 262. part of a chartulary relating to lands in Elton : f. 238. cartam de conceffione officii fenefchalli monafterii Thom® comiti Derbi®, 1 Hen. 8. mf. 2101. f. 202. confirmationem Gregorii pap® 9. fuper appropria- tionibus ecclefiarum de Preftbury, Bruera, Nefton, Eaftham, Bunnbrough, et Kirkby. f. 203. de dona- tione eccl. de Bruera et Pulford. mf. 2103. f. 24. agreement between the abbat and convent and the mayor and citizens for the reparation of St. Ofvvald’s church, A.D. 1488. f. 50. rentale omnium et fin- gulorum mefluagiorum terrarum, &c. monafterio pertinent, infra civitatem Ceftri® et fuburbia ejuf- dem, 30 Hen. 8. f. 168. cartam Willelmi epifc. Covent, de appropriatione vicari® altaris S. Ofwaldi et capellarum de Brueria et Wyrvin : ordinationem Simonis de Balidon fuper vicaria S. Ofwaldi : mf. 21 1 5. f 61. Breve de quo warranto contra abbatem, 27 Ed. 3. mf. 2159. f- 74- of the firft building of churches and the erection of the monaftery in the city of Chefter and the fucceffion of,the abbats. f. 95. award between the abbat and the mayor, 1 Hen. 8. f. 100. covenant between the abbat and the parilh- ionersof St. Ofwald: mf. 2179. f. 17. appellationem re&oris ecclefi® de Bebyngtone in litem vocati per abbatem et conventum de fubftra&ione annu® pen- fionis ii. marcarum. mf. 2149. f. 118. fuits of the abbats ofChefter : f. 182. charter of the confirmation of their liberties, 6 Hen. 5. mf. 5019. f. 33. 143. 232. notes taken out of the regifter : mf. 1195. f- 145- colleftanea de fundatione et indotatione. Ibid. mf. 1994. f- 327. draught of the foundation of the bilhoprick, 33 Hen. 8. mf. 2103. f. 102. cartam do- tationis decani et capituli, 33 Hen. 8. f. 106. cartanl dotationis decani et capituli, 22 Eliz. mf. 2015. f. i< mf. 2103. f. 138. mf. 2159. f • 78. ftatuta ecclefi* cathedralis Ceftrenfis data per R. Hen. 8. mf. 2060. f. 90. narration of the diflblution of the monaftery and foundation of the cathedral church and of the fuits that followed between the grantees : mf. 2016. f. 82. et feq. a long account of the fuit between the deqn and chapter of Chefter and the fee-farmers, mf- 21 55* f. 81. hiftorfcal notes relating to the bilhops ana bilhoprick of Chefter. Bullam P. Clementis 3. confirm, terras, ecclefias, de¬ cimas, et libertates abbati® S. Werburg®, in libro exhibitorum in dioec. Litchfield, mf. penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve arm. f. 294. a. MS. olim penes pr*hon. comitem de Clarendon, 46. f. 13. ex chartis monafterii S. Werburg® Ceftri®. Cart. 15 Joan. n. 20. Cart. 16 Joan. m. 4 vel 6. n. 18. de Wefton [Derb.J Fin. 7 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro mere, apud Wefton [Derb.J Cart. 28 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 2. do mere, et feria apud Elton [Derb.J Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 5. .... Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 10. de conceffione domus inter cimite- rium et magnam ftratam, et de muro penetrando : Cart. 6 Ed. 1. n. 18. pro mere, et feria apud Brom- burgh: Pat. 6 Ed. 1. m 2 vel 3. de quodam aqu®- ductu afonte voc. Newton’s well-, et m. 19 vel 20. de una leuca in bofeo de Swerdwode, pro merernio, buf- co, etcarbonibus : Pat. 7 Ed. 1. m. 24. de fubjedtione capell® de Maclesfeld matrici ecclefi® de Preftbury: Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 11.de aqu®dudtu faciendo a fonte in campis de Caftleton : Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 38. de decimis de Efton, p rodelham, Weverefham, &c. pifeium captione in aqua de Dee, et quod barones Ceftri® darent abbati® poll obitum tertiam partem totius fubftanti® fu®, & c. [ill® liber¬ tates non memorantur in Mon. Angl. ergo lector con- fulat rotulum :] Ibid, pro mere, et feria apud Alton infra maner. de Wefton, peffionem et comm in fo- reftis de Englefield et Ceftrefire, &cc. pro villis do Chellford, Afthull, et Witinton : Ibid. n. 79. provi. damis et vi. damabus fingulis annis e forefta de la Mare, pro uno cervo in fe'fto S. Werburg* cum dC- cima venationis regi® per totam Ceftrelhire : Pat. 17 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 23 Ed. 1. n. 12. pro lib. war. in Wefton, Alton, Scardelow, Wylene, Morlegh, Smalley, et Kydefley [Derb.J Preftbury, Laweton, Gorltre, Berlelhaw, Leghes, Idinghale, Ordrychefcotes, Boghton, Neweton, Up¬ ton, Wirnew, et Morefton [Ceftr.J Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. de terris in Morfton, Lanton, et Cherleton : Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. de terris in Kirkby, in Whalley : Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 23. Fin. 2 Ed. 3. m. 2. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 23. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 49. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. de eccl. de Campden [Gloc.J approprianda : Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 26 vel 27. pro abbatia kernellanda. Cart. 2 Ric. 2. n. 7. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. pro eccl. de Alton et Wefton [Derb.J appropriandis : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. pro eccl. de Aftbury et S. Mari® fuper montem appropriandis. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. rri. 19 vel 20. quod abbas poffit kernel- lare maneriade Salghton, Sutton, etlnis. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 1. Fin. et recup. Derb. 6 Hen. 4. rot. 39. Ibid. 7 Hen. 4. rot. 26. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 9. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Hen.. 6. rot. 2. Fin. et recup. Derb. 36 Hen. 6. rot. 61 1. pro annua penfione v. marcarum ex eccl. de Alton fuper Trent. Fin. Derb. 6 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 451. de eadem pen¬ fione: Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 2. [4 Aug.] pro fitu mo¬ nafterii conceit, decano et capitulo : Ibid. p. 7. [5 Aug. J pro dotatione epifeopatus, decani et ca¬ pituli. Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 12. m. . [5 Feb.] pro ad- vocatione prebendarum ecclefi® cathedralis, et ec- Q clefiarum CHESHIRE. VII. clefiarum de Cartmead et Childwell concefla epif- copatui. Pat. 7 Ed. 6. p. 5. [14 Maii] licent. reg. decano et capitulo pro dimiffione terrarum H. Cotton. 3. Benedictine Nuns. The monaftery of St. Mary, not far from the church of St. John, is mentioned in the Domefday book k, made temp. Will. Conq. which might be propably the original of that priory of Benedifline nuns thought to have been founded by Randal lecond earl of Chefter', to the honor of the blefied Virgin m. This was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 661. 18 s. \d. per ann. Dugd. 99/. i6r. 2 d. Speed ", and granted to Urian Brereton fen. and Urian Brereton jun. 33 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 507. cartam (qux voca- tur) fundationis per Ranulphum com. Ceftr. ex rot. pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 4. per Infpex. InPrynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 104. pat. 31 Hen. 3. m. 8. de quarta parte decim. omnium vidlua- lium regis, five comitis Ceftrix, quamdiu Tint in caftro Ceftrix, juxta cartam Hugonis comitis : Ibid, p. 291. pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. 8, 9. confirmationem liber- tatum et pardonationem quintxdecimx ratione eccle- fix de Overe. In Formul. Angl. p. 163. excambium unius bovatx terrx in Lache, cum abbate et conv. de Valle Regali pro bovata in Dernhalle, circa 10 Ed. 1. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 139. f. 29. de terris huic prio- ratui pertinentibus : mf. 1249. p. 158. de penfionibus ex ecclefia de Langathen folvendis : mf. 1994. f. 428. 455. privileges of the nuns of Chefter and of their fermors and tenants : mf. 2060. p. 28. abftradls of feveral charters of the earls of Chefter: mf. 2101. f. 117. 180. 188. 193. extracts from divers charters and royal patents touching the foundation and privi¬ leges of this nunnery: mf. 2115. p. 52. charter of Edward the black Prince, 32 Ed. 3. p. 59. breve de quo warranto contra priorilfam, 15 Hen. 7. MS. Cole, vol. xliii. p. 447. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 13. Inquif. de decimis foeni apud Overe efc. 3 Ed. 1. n. . Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 11. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. 2 Ed. 3. m. 2. dexc. fol. annuatim percipiendis de caftro Ceftrix ex eonceflione regis Ed. 1. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. m. 26. de manerio de Wulrefcot, et falina in Northwich : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 30. quod nec moniales nec tenentes fint infra gildam mercato- riam civitatis, et alias libertates : Pat. 1 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de eccl. de Llangathon approprianda : Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de eccl. S. Beblicii in Arnon ap¬ proprianda : Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . de terris et ten. in Ceftre, Claverton, et Lache. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p 7. m. 19. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. 4. St. Michael’s Monastery. The monaftery of St. Michael0 here occurs not only in the charter of Roger conftable of Chefter, but allb in that of K. Henry 2. (ante ann. 1162.) to the canons of Norton. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 185, 186. 5. St. John’s College. The ancient collegiate church of St. John Baptift, in the eaft part of this city, is Laid by Giraldus Cambrenfis to have been founded hy K. Ethelred A. D. 689P. but more probably Ethelred earl of Mercia, A. D. 906. founded, or however new built it, with the reft of the citys. For, not long after, here was a noted church or monaftery dedicated to this faint', which was repaired in the next century by earl Leofrics, and appears to have been endowed with houfes and lands at the time of the Conqueror’s furvev '. When Peter bifhop of Litchfield re¬ moved the epifcopal fee hither, he is reported to have made this church his cathedral °. Here was, till the fuppreffion, a dean and feven prebendaries or canons (who were in the collation of the bifhop of Litchfield") befides feven vicars, two clerks, four chorifters*, fextons and other fer- vants. Their yearly income, 26 Hen. 8. was 88/. 1 6s. 8 d. but after reprifals there remained clear only 27 l. 17 s. 4 d.y The king was accounted founder C Some part of the buildings, and fiteof this college, was granted to John Fortelcue, 4 Eliz. Vide Leland. Collett. vol. ii. p. 59. 317. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2159. f. in. rental of lands be¬ longing to this college. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. de ecclefia de Pleymundftoke approprianda: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 21. de frater- nitate S. Marix et S. Annx fundanda in capella S. Annx infra collegium S. Joannis : Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 1. 6. College of the Holy Cross. Ey the Lincoln taxation of the temporalities of the k Sr. Peter Leycefter’s Hift. Antiq. p. 398. %uuetre, Whether this be the hofpital mentioned pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . . and, with the free chapel of St, Nicolas here, valued, 7 Ed. 6. at 7/. 10 s. perann. mf. Mafiey. i Not far from Runcorn, and by Halton in Bucklow hun¬ dred, not in the extremity of Wirehall, where, in Mr. Speed’s maps, is placed “ Norton priory decay’d.” Leland places it, “ right again Lyrpoole 2 miles over Merfey.” Itin. vii. 31. Its reputed value was 260 /. per ann. and the king was ac¬ counted founder at the time of the vifitation of the monafteries by Dr. Lee and Dr. Layton. Compend. Compert. mf. William Fitz Nigell"', A. D. 1133. built here a s This deed is alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 339; 1 So Mon. Angl. tom.i. p. 890. King’s Vale Royal, p.ii.p. 61. But the year of the foundation is made 1158. Mon. p. 891. et Annales de Parcolnde, mf. which is probably too late, becaufe earl Randal the fecond died A. D. 1133. and his famous impri- fonment (during which this abbey is laid to have been begun, Mon. Angl. i. 890.) was A.D. 1145. “ King’s Vale Royal, p. ii. p. 94. and Magna Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 185. but I much doubt it, no mention being made of her ere&ing any monaftery here by thofe many hiftorians, who give an account of her building this and leveral other towns. * Mr. Mores calls him William Fitz Nele, and faith the foun¬ dation was in 36 Hen. 1. or after Aug. 1. 1135* R priory XVII. CHESHIRE. priory for Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin, who, temp. Steph. * were removed by his fan William conftable ofChefter to Norton. XVIII. S T A N L A W, or Locus Benediftus de Stanlawe. Cistertian Abbey. John conftable5, ofChefter and baron of Halton founded here, A. D. 1172 % an abbey for forty Ciflertian monks to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary; but upon a reprefentation to pope Nicholas 4. that, by reafon of its low fituation, this monaftery was often much incommoded by the overflowings of the lea, or water of Merl'ey, he gave leave to translate thefe Religious to Whalley in Lancaihire, where they had a better habitation provided for them by the pious munificence of Henry Lacy earl of Lincoln, about the year 1296 ■«. There were only four monks left here, where a final! cell feems to have continued till the di Ablution b. Stanley- grange in Chefhire, parcel of the polTeffions of the late difiolved monaftery of Whalley, was "ranted 7 Ed. 6. to Sr. Robert Cotton lent. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 896, 897. duas cartas Joannis conftabularii Ceftriae de fundatione : P. 899. de conceffione et appropriatione ecclefi® de Whalley monachis de Stanlawe : P. 901. bullam P. Nicholai 4. de tranflatione monaft. de Stanlawe, et cartam Henr. com. Lincoln, de advoc. eccl. de Whalley, concelT. monachis de Stanlawe, et de amovendo monafterio illic, A. D. 1283. P. 905. genealogiam fimdatorum : P. 907. epitaphium commendationis loci de Stanlaw carmine. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 52. In Lcycefter’s Hiftorical Antiquities, &c. p. 131. the deed of Hugh the fecond earl of Chefter, quitting thefe monks of paying any toll in Chefter : p. 144. three charters of Randal duke of Britanny and earl of Chefter, one confirming all the liberties, Sic. granted by his father Hugh ; another, pro quietantia de beftiis fylveftribus occifis ; the third, quitting them from the toll of fait, & c. within all his county; p. 267. the foundation charter of conftable John, dated 1178. as in the Monaft. In Mr. Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 5. a letter of John de Lafcy earl of Lincoln to Alex, hifliop of Coventry, fignifying his gift of the advowfon of the church of Hecles [Lane.] to thefe monks: p. 59. confirmation by John de Lafcy conftable of Chefter, of all his father Roger’s and his grandfather John (the founder’s) gifts to this abbey : p. 256. confirmation by Johnde Lafcy earl of Lincoln, of the moiety of the church of Blake- burn, with his body to be buried there : p. 26r, 262. the grant by Hen. Lafcy of the church of Whalley, and about the tranllation of the monks thither, dated A. D. 12,83. [printed before in the Mon. Angl. i. 901.] p. 303. the appropriatiqn of the church of Ec- cles by Alexander bilhop of Litchfield and Coventry: p. 31 1. the appropriation of the moiety of the church of Blakeburn, by Roger bifhop of Litchf. and Cov. A. D. 1259. Chronologiam abbatiae de Stanlaw in aedihus Arunde- lianis, A. D. 1647. Collettanea ex eadem, inter mlT. Dodfworth. inbibl. Bodl. 58. f. 133. Quaere an idem cum cod. mf. Cotton. Chop. C. iii. 25. intitulato Chronicon Abbatia: de Stanlaw; et in eod. codice Cotton, n. 24. habentur qusedam fpeftantia ad fami- liam Laceiorum et abbatiam de Stanlaw. Quredam hiftorica de abbatia de Stanlaw, cumcatalogo abbatum, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Titus, F. iii. 6. Genealogiam fundatorum monaft. de Stanlawe et Whal¬ ley, fecundum chronicos, mf. in ead. bibl. Cotton. Fefpaf. D. xvii. Colledfanea hiftorica de abbatibus et abbatiis de Stan¬ law et Whalley, ex cartulario prioratus de Ponte- fradlo, mlT. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. 159 vel 161. f. 7. Ex antiquo libro mf. in cuftodia Ric. Lucy arm. ibid. f. 15. F cartulario, forfan majori libro [Leycefter 144.] de Whalley in com. Lane, penes Rad. Albton baron. 1647. ibid. f. 44. From a fe¬ cond Coucher of Whalley, penes eundem, ibid. f. 91. Ex tertio libro de Whalley, ibid. f. 104. Ex cartis apud Whalley, ibid. f. 9. Et adhuc plura ex quo- dam cartulario hujus abbatia?, ibid. f. 128. 217. Et mf. Dodfworth. 9. f. 219, &c. 238, &c. Apographa cartarum ad hanc abbatiam fpefiantium in bibliotheca infignilT. Harleiana, mf. 2064. Ibid. ml. 280. t. 77. nomina quorundam abbatum: mf. 2079. p. 67. notes touching the foundation and endowment. MS. Cole, vol. xxxv. p. 215. Ir. Thynni V. cl. colledtanea ex regiftro de Stanlaw, mf. penes V . cl. Joannem Anftis arm. regem arm. titulo Garter , &c. Cartam Rogeri de Lacy pro terra de Meiland, in Afpilogia ejufd. cl. V. n. 356. Rot. pat. 6 Joan. m. 2. n.4. pro maner. de Wulveton. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 7. d. de com. part, in Witemill : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 26. de com. paft. in Quelton : Pat. n Ed. 1. m. is vel 16. et m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Cart. 23 Ed. r. n. n. pro eccl. de Whalley approprianda, et abbatia illic transferenda.’ XIX. T A R V I N. Hospital. Here was an hofpitalc endowed out of the tithes of the parifh church by Alex. Stavenlby bilhop of Litchfield, about A. D. 1230. Vide Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 446. XX. VALE ROYAL, or De Valle Regali. Cistertian Abeey. Prince Edward, eldeft fon to K. Henry 3. began in his father’s life time viz. A. D. i266d. an abbey in his manor of Dernhale, for one hundred monks of the Ciftertian * Before A. D. 1148. when Roger bifhop of Chefter died [Leycefter, p. 264.] A. D. 1135. [Leyceft. 325.] y His l'on Roger was the firft of this family that alTumed the furname of Lacy. Leycefter, p. 267. z So the Burton Annals (though in ... . edition falfe printed Stant ) Annales Celtr. and lib. de Stanlaw, mf. Probably begun that year, though perhaps not fully finifhed till 1178. when the foundation charter is dated. * So Mon. Angl. i. p. 906. and this probably might be the a year of the aftual removal of the convent, though the tranllation was defigned, and preparations made, and the papal licence was obtained before; for pope Nicholas 4. died in 1292. See alio earl Henry's charter in 1283. b For, in Compendio Compert. mf. Stanlaw, « Fundator do- “ minus rex : redditus annuus x /.” c It was dedicated to St. Andrew, as Mr. Mores. d Annal. Mon. de Parcolude, mf. order. XX. C FI E S H I R E. order. But when he became king, 1277. he laid the foundation of a (lately monaflery not far from thence, in a more pleafant fiuuation, which he called Vale Royal: hither the monks removed about the year 1281. but were forced to live in mean and flrrait lodgings for feveral years, till their great abbey and all its offices (which in this cheap country cod. 32,000 /: in building) were finilhed A D. 1330. The conventual church here was dedicated to our Lord Jefus Clirift, the Virgin Mary, Sl Nicholas, and St. Nichaftus ; and it was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with lands and revenues to the* clear yearly value of '518/. 19*. 8 d. or, according to Mr. Speed, of 54° A 6s. 2d. 1 Me fite of this abbey was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Tho. Holcrofc. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 936. cartam fundationis ex cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 2. Ibid. pat. 55 Hen. 3. m. 24. fcil. literas regis commendatorias pro libris aliquibus theologicis monachis hujus loci conferendis : Ibid. p. 937, 938, 939. cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. 27. de tranflatione abbatite ad Valient Regalem, cum dona- tionibus et libertatibus. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 176. cartam abbatis et conventus con- cedent. haiam de Langwath prioratui de Wartre : p. 921. de fundatione abbatiie ex voto principis in tempeftate : p. 922. de regis aflumptione conventus e monafterio de Dora, &c. p. 923. de parva abbatia, in qua monachi habitabant per tempora quatuor ab- batum, &c. p. 924. de vifione paftorum in loco ubi abbatia nunc eft ; de portione ligni crucis ; de terra fandta per regent adquifita et, cunt aliis rebus, monaf¬ terio collata : p. 925. de ecclefia de Kirkham monaf¬ terio a rege collata, et de placito inter regem et Theo- baldum le Botiller de advocatione, et de bulla appro- priationis impetrata ab Honorio 5. per Ottonem de Grandifono; de confecratione loci per Antonium epife. Dunelm. p. 926, 927. de quatuor printis ab- batibus, ipforum geftis, et converfatione : p.928. de deliberationibus denariorum antiquitus fadtis novo operi. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 39. In King’s Vale Royal, p. ii. p. 108, 109, &c. the foun¬ dation charter ; the recommendation of K. Hen. 3. for books, and the tranflation of the abbey, 27 Ed. 1. in Englifh, from the Latin in the Monaftieon, vol. i. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 217. cart. 6 Ed. I. m. 3. de advoc. eccl. de Efheburn concefT. per R. Hen. 3. abbatite de Dernhall nunc reftaurata decano et capitulo Lincoln, p. 373. cart. 15 Ed. 1. m. 2. de patronatu eccl. val. c. marc, anneftenda archidiaconatui Richmond, in recompenfat. appro- priationis de Kirkhant. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 63. cartam Edwardi [principis Nigri] confirm, donationem Edwardi 1. regis de dolio vini [rot. cart. 4 Ed. I. n. 12.] et do- nantis aliud dolium vini 27 Ed. 3. p. 163. cartam de excambio bovatae terrse in Laches cum bovata in Dernhall inter abbatem et conv. et moniales de Ceftria. Regiftrum abbatia: de Valle Regali, penes Thomam Merbury de Merbury in com. Ceftr. arm. A. D. 1658. 1666. A copy of this book among the evidences of . . . Dut¬ ton of Dutton, A. D. 1666. Leycefter, p. 220. Colleftanea de fundatione, &c. ex eod. regiftro, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. no. f. 80, &c. Apographum regiftri hujus abbatiae penes dom. Thomam Mainwaring baronettum A. D. 1662. in bibl. Har- leiana mf. 2064. f. 241. In eadem bibl. mf. 139. f. 27. concerning the manor of Parme and iv wych-houfes given by the lord of Bollock: mf. 280. f. 77. nomina quorundam abba- tum: mf. 1249. f. 96. cartam Thom*- Faftolfepif- copi Menevenfis de appropriatione ecclefi® de Lampa- davvaar: mf. 2010. f. 250. complaint of the men of Middlewich againft the abbat of Darnchale : mf. 2060. p. 159. notes relating to the monaftery and manor Qf Dernhale and to Over which was formerly a part of it: p. 174. analedfa ex libro abbatite de Valle Regali vocat. the Leger booke or Green booke, penes Tho¬ mam Marburie: mf. 2072. f. 43. particular privilege granted to this abbey by the king its founder : mf. 2074. f. 202. grant of a market and fair in the manor of Owere in Cheftiire, 10 Ed. 1. mf. 2079. p. 124. de catallis deodandis infra dominium abbatis : mf. 2115. f. 158. plea of the abbat to a quo warranto, 24 Ed. 3. Cart. 4 Ed. 1. n. 11. pro manerio de Cormvardefley : Ibid. n. 20. pro maner. de Weverham deafforeftando : Pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 22 vel 23. pro deafforeftatione om¬ nium terrarum, com. paftune, eftoveriis, et quarrera infra foreftam regis in com. Ceftriae : Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 7. pro Wetenehalews et Munichenwro, locis ad fundandum domum : Cart. 8 Ed. 1 . n. 49. pro maner. de Geyton in Wyrhale : Pat. 9 Ed. 1. pro M. marcis ann. ad operationes abbatise: Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 44. de terra in Thramlawe : Ibid. n. 88. pro eccl. de Kirkham approprianda: Ibid. n. 106. pro mere, et feria apud Overe: Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 15. pro minera de Englefield- Cart. i2Ed. 1. n. 46, 47. pro ten. in Morebarewe, et pro lib. war. in Cunewardefley, Stanthorne, Weverham, Morebarewe, et Twenilawe [Ceftr.] Cart. J3Ed. 1. n. 34. pro terris in [Nether] Littlemare Bradford, Sutton, &c. Cart. 15 Ed. 1. n. I . pro approprianda eccl. de Kirkham : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. 23. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. d. de maner. de Overe et Overham: Clauf. 5 Ed. 2. m. 21. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9 vel 10. pro uno dolio vini de prifis vinorum apud Ceftre: Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 33. pro libertatibus et confirm, excambii maner. de Geyton et Leche cum Ran. de Merton, pro maner. fuo de Merton, in forella de la Mare. Fin. 2 Ed. 3. m. 2. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 et 22. pro eccl. de Lampadernvaur in archidiaconatu Car¬ digan. approprianda. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 43. Rot. pardon. 11 Ed. 4. m. 26. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 23. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. pro mercato et feria apud Kirkham [Lane.] Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 30; Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 26 Heq. 6. p. 2. m. 39. Fin. et recup. Derb. 5 Hen. 8. Pafch rot. 320. XXI. WIBBYNBURY. Hospital. Here was an hofpital of a matter and brethren, dedicated to the Holy Crofs and St. George, before A. D. i464f. For the old monaftery of Banciior placed in this county by Magna Britan. Ant. et Nova, 289. fee in Flintshire. For Dieulacres [ibid. p. 290.] fee in Staffordshire. c In Dugd.Mon. Angl. i. 1039. it is only 118/. but that is a this miflake this houfe is not reckoned among!! the greater ab- falfe print, the record in the Firft Fruits Office being 518/. And bies in the common catalogues of them. fo in Stevens, vol. i. p. 37. Mona!!. de Valle Regali, fumma f Among!! the author’s papers was a letter of confraternity “ inde 5401. 6 s. id. Summa clara 518/. i9j. 8 dF Through granted to John Fenton and Agnes his wife, of that date. CORNWALL. ALL. C O R N W I. St. ANTONY, or Antonine. IN this county were two priories of this name, which are often confounded by fome of our writers. , i. Benedictine Cell. One was a cell of Black monks of Angiers, belonging to Trewardreth priory *, and being mentioned in Gervafe of Canterbury’s catalogue mull be as early as K. Richard ill’s time. The redlory here, as parcel of the poUeffions of Tywardreith, was granted, 6 Eliz. to William and John Killigrew. 2. Austin Cell. The other, St. Anthony’s near St. Mawes, was a fmall priory of two Auflin canons lubordinate to Plimpton b, and as parcel of the fame was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Thomas Goodwin. II. . St. BENNET’S, in the parijh of Lanivet. Nunnery. The tower whereof is yet Handing'. III. St. BLAISE near Fowey, in the deanry of Poudre. Almshouse. An old almlhoufe j. IV. BODMIN, olim Bofmanna'. l. Austin Canons. The body of St. Petroc being removed f to this place, there was a church built to his memory, and the epifcopal fee for Cornwall was therein placed by K. Edward the elder and archbilhop Plegmund, A. D. 905 s. Here K. iEthelftan is reported to have met with old Saxon, or rather Britifh, monks following the rule of St. Benedict, to whom he granted fo great privileges and endowments, that he is accounted founder of the monallery here, about A. D. 926. That iet- tlement was deftroyed by the Danilh pirates, A. D. 981. yet the Religious continued here under feveral fhapesh, and much alienations of their lands, both before and after the Conqueft, till about the year 1 120. when one Algar, with the king’s licence and the confent of Will. Warlewall bilhop of Exeter, re-ellablifhed this religious houfe, and placed therein Regular canons of the order of St. Aultin, who continued till the general fupprelTion, when it was ftyled the priory of St. Mary and St. Petroc1, and was valued at 270/. or. 1 1 d. fer ann. Dugd. 289/. tir. 1 1 d. Speed. The fite, with the demelnes, were granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Tho. Sternhold, one of the firft tranflators of the Plalms into Englifh metre. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. 213. ex Leland. ColleA vol. i. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 18. pro manerio de Neweton. p. 75, 76. Et ibid. p. 227. cartam Ethelredi regis de Cart. 1 3 Ed. 1. n. 9 et 66. pro pifcaria in Alan, bofco epifcopio Cornubire apud S. Petrocum, etlibertatibus in Bodan, et aliis libertatibus. eidem conceffis. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 5. cart. 57 Hen. 3. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 1. m. 9. confirm, caftam Eadredi regis priori etcanoni- Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 41. pro emptione ftanni : Pat. 19 cis de Bodmine, de manerio de Niwetone. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . d. de vifu franci plegii infra villam : Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 114. vol. iii. p. 12. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. de xlj. redd, exeunt, de In Itinerario Will, de Worceftre, p. 100. in. de fun- burgo, et bofcis deKingfwood et Kellcritho. datione et dimenfiones ecclefine : p. 107. excerpta ex Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. kalendario principalis Libri Antiphoner : p. 1 1 1. no- Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 34. mina nobilium et generoforum in kalendario memo- Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 24. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 11. ratorum: p. 112. ex regiftro. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 1. ra. . Cart. Antiq. D. n. 40, 41. 2. Hospital. About a mile from Bodmin is St. Laurence k, a poor hofpital or lazarhoufe ‘, on the eafl:-, well endowed for nineteen leprous people, two whole men and women, and a pried to miniller unto them m. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 1 15- vol. iii. p. 12. » Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. i4- Taxat. Lincoln, p. 367. In regiftr. Bronfcomb. the vicarage of St. Antonine in the patronage of Tywardreth. t> Leland. Itin. vol. 111. p. 30. vol. vn. p. 119. et Taxat. Lin¬ coln, p. 638. c Tonkin, Quxre. a Camden, edit. Gibfon. e i. e. “ Manfio monachorum.” Leland. Colledt. vol. i. 75. f Hoveden, p. 567, 568. g Will. Malmfbur. de Pontif. lib. . . What Leland faith of this monaftery [Itin. vol. ii. 114.] is very obfervable, viz. “ That in St. Petroc’s church at Bodmin “ were firft monks, then nuns, then Secular priefts, then monks « again then canons; the laft foundation was by Will. Warle- “ waft bifhop of Exon.” Mr. Speed farther adds, that after the canons were Grey friers (hut thefe laft were in a diftincft houie of their own in this town ; vide infra J he alfo tells us of a priory of Black canons founded by K. Ethelftan to the honour of S. Petrorli at Bonury in this county, which in all probability was the fajne with this of St. Petroc at Bodmin. ' This priory church is faid to be now the parilh church, [Tour through Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 4.] and the priory flood at the eaft end of the churchyard. [Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. u ) k Mr. Willis’ Parochiale, p. 179. has St. Laurence chapel and hofpital in the parilh of Lanivet and deanry of Pider. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 15. mf. Davies. 01 Magn. Brit. Antiq. et Nov. 3. Almshouse. C O R N ‘ W A L L. IV. 3 Almshouse. At the weft end of the town was a chapel and an almlhoufe", but not en¬ dowed with lands Fills Leland.'Itin. vol. ii. p. 115. 4 Grey Friers. A houfe of Grey friers on the fouch fide of the market-place, begun by John of London a merchant, and augmented by Edmund earl of Cornwall ?. After die difiblu- tion this friery was granted tK> one William Abbot, 37 Hen. 8. and in Elizabeth’s time it was made the houfe of correftion for the county Fide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 115. vol. iii. p. 12. In Itinerario Will, de Worceftre, p. 99. dc fundationc Stevens’ r Supplement, vol. i. p. 154. et excerpta qu;edam ex kalend'ario. V. St. B U R I E N, in the deanry of Trigge Minor. COLLEGE. King Ethelftan is faid to have built and endowed a collegiate church almoft at the Land’s End5, and to have granted the benefit of a fandtuary and other privileges to the fame, in honor of St. Buriena or Beriana a holy woman from Ireland, who had an oratory and was buried here. At the Conqueft here were Secular canons', as there were a dean and three prebendaries at the time of making the Lincoln taxation 20 Ed. 1. and alfo down to 26 Hen. 8. though this deanry was feized into the king’s hands temp. Ed. 3. by reafon that Mr. John de Maunte then incumbent, was a Frenchman; and as alien, was given, 24 Hen. 6. to King’s college in Cambridge, and after¬ ward by K. Edward 4. (anno regni 7.) to Windfor college"; yet neither of thofe focieties long en¬ joyed, or had any benefit from it; for it was all along, and ftill continues, an independent deanry, in the gift of the crown or of the duke of Cornwall, of exempt jurifdiftion as a royal free chapel w. The deanry or reftorv, 26 Hen. 8. was valued at 48 1. 12 s. i d. per ann. Prebenda parva 2 1. 8r. 4 d. Prebenda de Relpernel 7 l. 6s. 8 d. Prebenda de Tirthney 7 /. Fide Coke’s Inftitutes, vol. i. p. 344. Roll’s Abridgment, p. 2. f. 341 . Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 933. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 18. vol. vii. p. 117. Inbibl. Harleiana, mf. 980. p. 212. of the exemption of the dean from epifcopal jurifdiftion and proceedings thereon, 26 Ed. 3. mf. 7048. p. 343. colleftiones e chronico eccl. S. Burianae. Deexemptione hujus eccleftae ajurifdiftione epife. Exon, plac. term. S. Hill. 8 Ed. 2. mf. penes V. cl. Andr. Fountaine equ. aur. p. 167, &c. Fragmentum regiftri hujus collegii tempore Roberti Knollys decani, viz. ab anno 1473. ad annum 1485. mf. haud ita pridem in bibl. R R. P. D D. Joannis Moore epife. Elienfis, nunc in bibl. publica acad. Cantab. E e. -v. 34. Cart. 15 Joan. m. 2. n. 42. Cart. 30 Ed. 1. n. 26. pro mercato die Sabbati, et feria in vigilia, die, et craft. S. Martini in hieme apud S. Burien. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. IO vel 20. Plac. coram rege, 12 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 128. Ibid. 17 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 90. Pat. x Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. de prebenda de Trethin, &c. Clauf. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Plac. coram rege, 13 Ed. 3. . . . rot. . Efcset. Corn. 20 Ed. 3. n. 32. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 7. m. 15. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. g. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 28. pro appropriatione hujus decanatus collegio S. Nicholai in Acad. Cantab. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 24. VI. C O N S T A N T Y N, in the deanry of Kerryer. This feems to have been a church of more than ordinary note, by what is faid in Domefday Book under the title Ecclefns aliquorum Sanflorum ; fcil. “ S. Conftantinus tenet dim. hidam terras, quse “ fuit quieta ab omni fervitio T. R. E. fed poftquam comes terram accepit, reddebat geldum in- “ jufte, ficut terra villanorum.” This church was afterwards appropriate to the dean and chapter of Exeter, who are ftill the patrons of it. VII. E N D E L L I O N, in the deanry of Trigge Minor. College. In the parilh church here, dedicated to St. Endelienta, were three prebends or portions before 20 Ed. 1. * and fubfift to this day, and have incumbents under the titles of Bod¬ min or the King’s prebend, Marney’s prebend, and Trehaverock prebend, taxed each at 5/. per ann. 26 Hen. 8. n Square, Whether this was St. Antony’s or St. ’George’s hofpital ; for the will of John Killigrew, proved A. D. 1500. gives legacies u Pauperibus S. Antonii de Bodmyn ; pauperi- “ bus S. Georgii de Bodmin ; pauperibus S. Laurentii juxta “ Bodmin.” Lib. Moore, Qu. xx. 0 Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 115. P Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p.115. q Carew, f. 124. a. T Mr. Stevens has erroneoufly placed this houfe in Devon- Ihire. * Leland. Itin. vol- iii. p. 18. Camden. Britan, edit. Gibfon. ad Burien » 1 Domefday, Cornwall tl Canonici S. Berlanae terierit Eglof- “ berry, qu2e fuit libera T. R. E. Ibi eft una hida, &c.” u Mr. Afhmole’s Hiftory of the Garter, cap. 4. et Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 73. w The dean is instituted and takes the oaths before the king as ordinary. x In Taxat. Lineoln. mf. 11 Ecclefia S. Endelientas taxatur “ prout fequitur : Prebenda dom. Pagani de Lilkered in eadem u lx j. prebenda H. de Monkton iv /. x/. prebenda dom. Regi- w naldiiv/. iij.” s VIII. St. VIII. C O R N W ALL. VIII. St. GERMANS. Austin Canons. Here was a collegiate church of ancient foundation in honor of St. German* one of the famous French bilhops, who came over into Britain to oppofe the Pelagian herefy. K. Ethelftan is faid to have made one Conan bilhop here, A. D. 936. though it feems more pro¬ bable that the epifcopal fee for Cornwall was not fixed here till after the burning of the bifhop’s houfe and cathedral church at Bodmin ; after which K. Canute more amply endowed this church of St. German; and, about A. D. 1050. Leofric, who was bilhop here and of Crediton, having united both bifhopricks in the church of St. Peter at Exeter, changed the Seculars y here into Regular canons*. The yearly revenues of this priory were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 243/. 8s. Dugd. Speed. 227/. 4 s. 8 d. Clare, mf. Valor. The fite was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Kath. a Champernoun, John Ridgway, &c. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 213. ex Leland. Colleft. i. 75. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 5, 6. inquif. 32 Ed. 3. ex rot. pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 24. de fundatione et dota- tione. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 40. vol. vii. p. 122. Cartas, &c. penes Edw. Elliot de eadem. Fin. 6 Hen. 3. m. 5. de mercat. ibid. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 1. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. de mercato et feria in villa S. Germani, et de lib. war. in Lamafh: Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. pro ten. in Lanrake: Plac. coram IX. H E L S T O N, in the deanry of Kerrier. Hospital. A priory or hofpital at the weft fouth weft end of the town, of the foundation of one Kyllegrew b, dedicated to St. John Baptiftc. It was endowed only with 12/. 1 6s. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 14/. y s. 4 d. Speed. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 23. Regiftrum Edm. Stafford epifc. Exon. f. 135. re£. 37 Ed. 3. rot. 9. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 46. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23 vel 43. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 47. pro ten. in Pollerfek, Trew- int, Todisford, Lancottok, &c. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . rex reftituit prioratum S. Germani (qui fuit de fundatione Leofrici epifc. et quern rex recuperaverat in curia fua adverfus Jo. Grandifon epifc. Exon.) epifc. Exon, et fuccefforibus : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. de redd, in Trethinek, Morna, &c. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. pro ten. in Frogwell, Tenepath, Sec. X. St. KARENTOC, or Crantoc, near Padftow, in the deanry of Pider. College. Here were Secular canons d temp. Edw. Conf. who continued till the general difio- lution, when its yearly revenues were valued at 89/. 15 a. 8 d. which were divided amongft the dean, nine prebendaries', and four vicars choral f. This collegiate church was dedicated to St. Carantocus, faid to be a difciple of St. Patric, and was in the patronage of the bilhop of Exe¬ ter g, but now in John Buller of Mowall efq. Vide in Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. ii. p. 736. Pat. 29 Hen. 3. m. 7. clauf. 34 Hen. 3. m. 15. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. XI. L A M M A N A. Benedictine Cell. The abbey of Glaftonbury had fometime a cell here, dedicated to St. Michael. Vide Adami de Domerham hiftoriam de rebus geftis Glaftonienfibus, p. 423. ut prioratus de Baffelake et de Lamena ad ordinacionem conventus pertineant. Et in Auftuario eidem hiftoriae annexo, p. 599. car- tam Halluti filii Johannis de Solenneio de infula de Lamana : p. 600. Roberti de Cardinay de uno fer- lingo terrae de Trewodlowan: p. 601. Rogeri filii Willelmi de terra de Lamman : p. 602. compofitio- nem inter conventum Glafton et conventum de Lan- ftaventone de decimis in dominico Odonis de Portlo : p. 603. cartam Ricardi comitis Cornubite de Lam- mana. XII. LANACHEBRAN, or Lan-a-Kebran, alias St. Kevranh, in the deanry of Kerrier. CisteRTIAN Cell. Here was a fociety of Secular canons, at or about the time of the Con- queft, dedicated to St. Achebran ■ : and afterwards here was a cell of Ciftertian monks, fubordinate y Thus the inquifition, Mon. Angl. ii. p. s- but Leland, Coll. i. p. 7 j. faith, the Regulars were introduced by Bartholo¬ mew bilhop of Exeter, who lived temp. Hen. 2. v They were Benedi&ine monks according to Ryley, Plac. Pari. p. 466. But that is not right, for here were a prior and eight Black canons at the dilfolution. Vide Willis, ii. Ap. p. 7. » Mr. Mores faith John Champernoun, fed quaere. ■> Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 13. c Mf. Valor. “ St. Mary Magdalen,” Regiftr. Stafford, f. 135. “ Domefdei, “ Canonici S. Carentoci tenent Langorock, et tenebant T. R. E. Sunt iii. hidae, &c.” « So in my mf. Valor. f Eight prebendaries, without a dean. Tax. Lincoln, mf. A dean and ten prebendaries. Mf. Le Neve. s Prynne, ii. p. 736. many grants of the deaniy and prebends here by the kings appear upon the rolls, but feem to be made during the vacancy of the fee of Exeter. “ A.D. 1315. Feb. 2 2. “ Walterus epifc. Exon, contulit Joanni de Sandale cancellario “ regis prabendam in ecclefia S. Karantoci.” Wharton de decan. Lond. p.216. h In the former edition this church was confounded with that of St. Pieran : the late learned prelate Dr. Charles Littleton bilhop of Carlifle informed Dr. Tanner of the miftake, and the account of both churches inferted in this edition are agreeable to the information communicated by him. * Domefday, “ Canonici S.Achebranni tenentLannachebran.” CO. XII. CORNW ALL. to Beaulieu abbey in Hamplhirek, and the manor here, as parcel of the pofiefiions of Beaulieu, wa i granted, 2 Eliz. to Francis earl of Bedford. Vide in regiftro W. Bronfcomb epifc. Exon, ordinatio- Pafch. rot. 230. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. nemvicariae S. Keverani, quam abbas de Bello Loco 19 Ed. 3. m. . Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. io. pro pri- habet in proprios ufus. vilegiis allocandis. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. Plac. coram rege, 16 Ed. 3. XIII. L A U N C E L S, in the deanry of Trigge Minor. Cell to the abbey of Hertland'. XIV. LAUNCESTON, olim Lanftaveton, i.e. Fanum S. Stephani. 1. Austin Canons, There was a college of Secular10 canons before the Conqueft, in the church of St. Stephen”, about half a mile from this town, which being given to the bifhop and church of Exeter by king Henry i.° it was* fuppreffed before A. D. 1126. by Will. Warlewaft bifhop of Exeter, who in lieu of it founded in the weft fuburb under the caftle hill p, a priory for canons’ of the order of St. Auftin, which was alfo dedicated to St. Stephen, to which he gave the belt part of the college lands”. The yearly revenues of this monaftery were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 354/. os. nd. q. Dugd. 392/. iu. 2 d. q. Speed*. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 107. qua; Leland. in Itin. vol. ii. p. no, habet de Launcefton; etcart. 13 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 10. recit. per Infpex. cart. R. Joan, anno regni primo. Lelandi Coiled!, vol. i. p. 76. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 109. vol. iii. p. 132, 133. vol. vii. p. 123. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre^ p. 134. dimenfiones ec- clefix, de fundatione, excerpta ex kalendario. In Auctuario ad Adamum de Domerham, p. 602. com- pofitionem inter abbatem et conventum Glafton, et priorem et conventum de Lanftaventone de decimis in dominico dom. Odonis de Portlo. Regiftrum hujus prioratus, penes magiftrum Ric. Efcot de hofp. Lincoln. Regiftrum prioratus de Launcefton, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Tanner. 196. Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro maner. de Clovefton. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24. de terris in Tottefden: Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro ten. in Newport; Ibid, p. 3. m. 19. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. . Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro melT. voc. Shiphoufe in Tre- burdelk: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 31. de meff. et ter¬ ris in Newland, Landren, Lelkard, &c. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 35. pro vicariis S. Tallin!, de Tal- lam S. Mellorii, &c. Pari. 4 Hen. 4. petitionem contra priorem de vicariis de Lyfkeret, Larkinham, et Tallum. Inquif. Corn. 1 Hen. 5. n. 51. de Bernhay; Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m.32 vel 33. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 5. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 5 vel 6. 2. St. Leonard’s Hospital. An hofpital for lepers in this town, dedicated to St. Leonard, is mentioned' pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. 3. Friery. Mr. Carewu mentions a friery to have been here, befides the abbey or priory. XV. L E S K A R D, or Minhenned, near Lelkard. Hospital. Here was anciently a houfe for lepers’", for there is an indulgence granted by Edm. Stafford bilhop of Exeter, to all thofe who Ihould contribute to the hofpital of St. Mary Magdalen at Lelkard, about A. D. 1400 *. XVI. St. MARTIN’S. Nunnery r. XVII. MARY WEEK, in the deanry of Trigge Minor. College. A college” and fchool here, as Carew. k Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 2 5. vol. vii. p. 118. Tax. Line. mf. 1 Carew’s Survey, f. 118. a. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 76. not Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin, as Magn. Brit. Antiq. et Nov. p. 333. n Domefday, “ Canonici S. Stephani tenent Lanftaveton. Ibi “ funt iv. hida» terras, &c. De hoc manerio abftulit comes 4( Moriton unum mercatum, quod ibi erat T. R. E,” 0 Plac. coram rege, 2 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 30. P Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 109. q Not friers, as Magn. Brit. Antiq. et Nov. p. 333. r “ And took the refidew himfelf, faith Leland [Itin. vol. ii. p. no.] But in the recital of the donors and donations of this priory, made in the charter of king John, there is no mention at all of this bilhop j but therein Reginald the fon of K. Henry 1. and earl of Cornwall feems to make the greateft figure, and he was certainly a confiderable benefa&or, if not founder of this new houfe, as he is faid to be by Camden. 3 Here could not be lefs than twelve canons, for the prior and eleven fubferibed to the fupremacy, A.D. 1534. as Willis’ Ab- bies, vol. ii. p. 53. 1 And alfo in the regifter of Edm. Lacy bilhop of Exon, marked Lacy, vol. iii. u Survey, f. 81. b. f. 116. b. w Carew, f. 68. a. x Lib. prseced. B. 85. y Carew’s Survey, f. 81. b. z Quar e. Perhaps the fame with St. John Baptift chantry ifl this church. Willis> Abbies, yoL ii. p. 54. XVIII. St. XVIII. CORNWALL. XVIII. St. MATTHEWS, forfan St. Mawes\ %u. In the cart. r6ll of the fifteenth year of K. John, rw. 2. n. 42. there is a grant of a hundred (hiE lings per amt. out of the church of St. Berian in Cornwall to the mtenks of St. Matthew. I have not yec found any monaftery eliewhere in England dedicated to that Apoftle. XIX. St. MICHAEL’S MOUNT. Alien Priory. A priory of Benediftine monks placed here by K. Edward the ConfefIbrb, but before A. D. 1085. annexed to the abbey of St. Michael in periculo Maris in Normandy, by Robert c earl of Moreton and Cornwall. After the iuppreffion of the alien priories, this was given firft by K. Henry 6. to King’s college Cambridge, and afterward' by K. Edward 4! to Sion abbey in Middleiex. At the firft leizure of it by K. Edward 3. the farm of it was rated but at 10/. per arm. but in the time of K. Henry 8. the lands belonging to this houfe, as parcel of Sion, were va¬ lued at no/. 12 s. od. ob. per ann. Vide in Moh. Angl. torn. i. p. 551. cartam S. Ed- wardi R. et cartas Roberti comitis et Liurici epifc. Exon. Ibid, in tom. ii. p. 901, 902, 903. cartam Edmundi comitis Cornwal recitantem et confirman- tem donationes Ricardi patris: Cart. Alani comitis Britannia: de xs. annui redditus de feria de Merdrefem : Cartam Ricardi regis Romanorum de feriis in Mar- hafgon: Cartam Conani ducis Britannia de Wath : Et bullam. P. Adriarii, A. £>. 1155. confirtnarttem omnes pofleffiones tarn in Normannia quam in Anglia cuin anathemate. Du Monftrier, Neuftriam piam, p. . Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 17. In Itin. Will.de Worceftre, p. 101. indltlgentiam con- ceflam vifitantlbus hanc ecclefiam: p. 103. dimen- fiones ecclefia : p. 129. excerpta eX kalefidario. In Madox’s Formulate Anglicanum, f>- 59- Rdgeri de Daledich confirmationem donatioiiis vir. Vin d. per- cipiend. annuatim. de foedo de Wifcottib per Henri- cum de Wilcomb fadtie. In Dr. Archer’s account of the religious hoiifes in the diocefc of Bath printed at the end of Hearne’s Hem- ingford, p. 637. of a penfion of xl. marks out of the rectory of Mertock. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol.viii. p. 102. 340, 341. pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 21. pro reftitutione liujus priora- tus, qni drcltur “ efle tempore guerrae fortalitium toti patriae circumjacenti.” Regiftrurfi hujus prioratusi olirn penes Will. com. Sarifb. Excerpta exifto regiftro penes V. ch Joannem Anftis Arm. Computos, A c. in officio Curiae Augment, fub titulo Syon Monafterium. Rot. fin. 13 Ed. 2. m. 3: de terfis in Lambedon: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. de terris in Otfriton mona- chorum. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. de te‘h. in Trevemerty, Pol- ker, et Breglis : Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. penult. Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. ult. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 3. de concefflone hujus prloratus redtbri et fcholari- bus S. Nicholai Cantab. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Ibid. p. 3. m. 1. Claufi 2 Ed. 4. ri. 13. quiet, clam, prrepofiti S. Nich. Cantab, abbatifiae S. Salvatoris de Syon de hoc prioratu. XX. MINSTER, or Talcarn d, in the deanry of Trigge Minor. Alien Priory. An alien priory to the abbey of St. Sergius and Bachus at Angiers Vide Mon. Angl. i. p. 1036; ex pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. mi 3, “ Prior de Minftre habet apud Pilesfunte de redditu “ xx. fol.” Taxat. Lincoln. In Bundell. benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. “ Minfter prior alienigena habet “ in proprios ulus ecclefias de Minfter et Bode- “ caftelh” In the account of knights fees in Mr. Carew’s Survey of Cornwall, f. 41. b. “ Prior de “ Minftre tenet, i. par. feod. mort. in Polifant, x Hen. 4.” Year Books, 32Hen.fi. 13, 14. XXI. NEWPORT near Latincefton. Hospital. Here is an old hofpital for lazars, dedicated to St. Thomas, which was well en¬ dowed and governed in Mr. CaretV’S time '. XXII. NYOTT, olim Neotftoker, or Neotftow, or St. Gueiir, in the deanry of Weft. Monastery destroyed. Here was a monaftery f or college e founded in honor of St. Neotus, » St. Mawes appears in the Exeter Regifters and in Leland’s Itin. to be no other than a corruption of St. Mauduits. See Lacy’s Regifter, vol. iii. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 29. and Willis’ Not. Pari. vol. ii. p. 166. s Domefday, “ Ecclelia S. Michaelis tenet Triwal, Brifmar “ tenebat T. R. E. Ibi funt ii. bids, qute nunquamgeldaverunt, « See. de his ii. hidis comes Moriton ablhilit 1. hidam.” c Not William, as Mr. Camden and Mr. Speed ; this lad author mentions the monafteries of S. Michael de Monte, and S. Michael de Magno Monte, as diftinft religious houfes in this county, for which I have not yet met with any other authority. <1 That Talcarn is the lame with Minftre appears from the re¬ gifters of the bilhops of Exeter ; where in the regifter of Bilhop Branfcomb, fol. 27. b. mention is made of “ Talthar or Tal- << karne acell to Tywardreth;” and in Bilhop Stapeldon’s re¬ gifter, fol. 82. b. it is ftiled “ ecclefia de la Minftre alias de « Talcarne.” Gervafe of Canterbury, among other Cornilh monafteries in his time, reckons Talcam and St. Mary de Valle e as cells of Black monks to Angiers, but I know hot where the latter was fituated, unlefs it was the feme with St. Michael de Valle a priory in Guernfey. Mr. Burton and Mr. Speed have alfo thefe two houfes, but they miftook the reading in the mf. of Gervafe of Cant, who, in the column of the orders, hath, againft thefe two and St. Antony “ mon. n. de Angs.” which they tr, inflated “ Black monks of the Angells,” an order no where elfe to be met with. Black monks of Angiers feems molt pro¬ bable, and that they were cells to that foreign abbey, as Ty¬ wardreth certainly was, on which Talcarn appears to have been dependent. c Survey, f. 68. << Crefly’s Church Iliftory, p. 768. Leland. Colleft. vol. iii. P- 131 e Domefday, “ Cienci S. Neoti tenent Neotefton, et tene- “ bant T. R. E. Ibi lunt ii. hidse, qua nunquam geldaveruvrt; “ iv. bordafii, &c. Totam hanc terram prater i. acram, quam « prelbiteri tenent, ahftulit comes ab ecclefia.” brother XXII. CORNWALL. h to K Alfred, who was here buried, which continued till after the Conqueft, The church here belonged ‘to Montacute priory in Somerfetfhire. yuu in Joanne Glaftonienfi, p. in. hiftoriolam funda- Stevens’ Supplement, vol. !. p.ai7- tionis hujus monaftcrii* XXIII. PETROCSTOW, or Padltow, olim Loderic, or Laffenac, or Adelfton1, in tbs deanry of Pydre. Monastery destroyed, St, Petroc, a religious man born in Wales, but coming from Ire- land is faid to have built a monaftery on the north coaft of Cornwall, about A, D. $20. and to have been there buried ks his body was afterward removed to Bodmin, XXIV. PENRYN, alias Glafeney, in the parijh of Gluvias and deanry of Kerrier. College Walter Bronefcomb the good bilhop' of Exeter-", about the year 1270", built a collegiate church on a moor called Glafemth, at the bottom of his park at Penryn, to the honor of * PfeiTed Virain Mary and St. Thomas of Canterbury. It confided of a provoft, a facrift, eleven p« & and 0* choriitcrs i and *5 Hm. 8. ,o be «onh ,.o /. j 2 s. 2 d. per arm, in lots. 205 /. 10 s. 6 d. dare. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ill. p. ih P- S6- pat. 18 Ed. z. p m» 17* appropriationem ccclcji® o. Alurri in Cornubia. . ... Lelandi Collefl. vol. i. p. 115. ejufdem Itin. vol. m. p. 27. vol. vii. p. 120. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. iZZ. 120. de funda- tione collegii de Penryn, Jn bib!, Harleiana, mf. 86a. f. 118. inftrumenta fpec- tantia ad ecdefiam collegiatam de Glafney. Ren-iftrum hujus collegii, penes . . . Parfons un, audit, (caccarii, A. D. 1706. poftea penes Jacobum Mic- Ideton dehofp. Grayenft afm, Videtur efle idem cum regiftro penes Joannem Row nuper de medio Tem- plo London, arm. unde quamplurima excerpfit V. el. Joannes Anftis arm. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. 17. 20 et 27. Pat. 10 Ed. *,• p. 1, m. 19. de vicariis ecclefise. Fin. 2 Ed. 3. m. 6. in cedula: Pat, 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. pro ten. etecel, in Lamerock: Pat. 2$ Ed. 3, p. 3. m. 21. pro ecel. S. Jufti in Penwith approprianda ; Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1, m, 40. d. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. et p, 2. m. 3. Pat. 45 Ed, 3. p. 1. m. 40. d, Pat. 8 Hen. 4, p. %. m. 9. pro ten, in Trewtham pro cantaria apud Bodrygames alter in hoc collegia. XXV. St, PIERAN in Zabulo, in the deanry of Pydre. College In the days of K. Edward the Confeffor here were a dean and canons 1, endowed with lands and the privilege of a fanftuary ’> The church* was given by K. Henry 1. to the bilhop and church of Exeter, who ftill enjoy the great tithes and the advowfon of the vicarage. XXVI. St. P R O B U S, in the deanry of Powdef. College Here was a collegiate church of Secular canons before the Conqueft*, which was Given to the bilhop and church of Exeter by K. Henry j.» Here was once a dean*': Four pre¬ bendaries or portionifts occur here upon the Lincoln taxation, and fome time after-; but, 26 Hen. 8- the olebe and tithe of St, Probus, as part of the endowment of the treafurerlhip of the cathedral church of Exeter, to which it Hill belongs y, is valued at til. 10 s. per ann.z XXVII. SALTASH, in the deanry of Eaft. Abbey. The abbey* of Saltafh in com, Devon, is mentioned in the Year Books, 2 Hen. 4, Mich. 45. h John of Glaftonbury faith of St. Neot, that he was “ digms «■ parentibus editus;” but his whole narrative is inconfiftent with his being of royal birth. i Lateft edition of Camden’s Britannia, col. 13. k Creffy’s Church Hiftory of England, p. i34- from arch- biftiop Ulher and Capgrave. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. *7. m Not of Oxford, as Speed. " NotA.D. ij88. as Mr. Camden and Speed ; became bilhop Bronfcomb the founder died in 1180. . 0 One of thefe prebends was annexed to the dignity of the archdeaconry of Cornwall. Leland faith there were twelve pre¬ bendaries. Itin. vol. iii. p. *7. p « Thirteen vicars.” Cart, fund, « Prebendaries, and other *< minilters. This college is ftrongly walled and incafteil’d, hav- “ ing three ilrong towers, and guns at the but of the creke.” Leland. Itin. iii. 37. , a Domefday, “ Canonici S. Pierani tenent Lanpiran, qua: “ libera fuit T. R. E. De hoc manerio ablats lunt ii. hidse, qua: « reddebant canonicis T. R. E. firmam quatuor feptimanarum, “ etdecanoxx. fob” t Leland. Itin, vol. iii, p. 34. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius, Q. vi. * Plac. coram rege, * Kic. x. 1 Domefday, “ Canonici S. Probi tenent Lantrebois. Jbi eft *< una liida,” See. “ Plac. coram rege, * Ric. a. * “ A.D. 1x38, dorp, epife. Exon, contuht cuftodiam deea- “ natus eccleliaj S. Probi magiftro Henrico de Bolilh,” Reg. Bronfcomb. epife, Exon. - Pat. 3 Hen. 4. a grant of a prebend in the church of S. Probus i four had penlions at the luppreflion. Y And fo it feems to have done, even at the time of the Lin¬ coln taxation, ao Ed, t, where, among the dignities of the church of Exeter, “ Thefauraria, prater ecclefiam S. Probi “ (quffi taxatur in archidiac. Cornub.) xx/.” x Mf. Valor, in offie. Primitiarum, » future, Whether it ought not rather to be the reflory of Saltafli in Cornwall, which now belongs; to Windior college. T XXVIII. XXVIII. c o R N -W ALL. XXVIII. S Y L L Y. Benedictine Cell. In the biggeft of the Sylly Hands, called Inifcawb, was a poor cell of two Benediftine monks dedicated to St. Nicholas, belonging to Taveftok abbey, even before the Conqueft, and confirmed to them afterward by K. Henry i. Reginald earl of Cornwall, &c. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 516. cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. ig. m.65. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. et ibid. p. 1002. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 155 et 219. de decimis forefts Cartas RR. Hen. 1. Ed. 1. Reginaldi com. Cornub. de Guffaer. et Barthol. epifc. Exon, ex regiftro Taveftochienfi. XXIX. St. SYRIAC', St. Cyriac11, St. Carricius', St. Karrocusf, St. Cyret, and Julette e. Cluniac Cell. Here was a fmall religious houfe of two Benediftine h or Cluniac 1 monks, as early as K. Richard ill’s timek, cell to Montacute1 in Somerfetfhire ; and as parcel of the poffef- fions of that priory it was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Laurence Courtney. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 670, 671. tom. ii. p. 9x0. Willelmo comiti Sarilb. per priorem et conv.de Leland. Itin. vol.iii. p. 37. vol.vii. p. 121. Monteacuto. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. de conceffione hujus cellae XXX. St. THETHA, St. Teath or St. Etha, in the deanry of Trigge Minor. College. The parifh church here is fometimes on the records called collegiate1", and confifted of two prebendaries " or portionifts °, who leem to have been collated by the bilhop of Exeter. XXXI. TREBIGH, or Turbigh. Knights Hospitalers. A preceptory of Knights Hofpitalers of St. John of Jerufalem, to which Henry de Pomerai and Reginald Marfh were confiderable benefaflors [Mon. Angl. tom.ii. p. 551.] It was valued at 60/. -per ann. [mf. Le Neve] but this with Anfty [Wilts.] was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 90/. it. yd. in toto. 81/. 8r. 5^. clure. [mf. Valor, in off. Primit.] This among other poffeffions of the old Knights, then undifpoled of,' was regranted to the Hofpitalers upon their reftoration, 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. and alter their diffolution, 16 Eliz. to Henry Wilby and Geo. Elyth. XXXII. T R E G O N Y, in the deanry of Powder. Alien Priory. The advowfon of the priory of Tregony, as belonging to the abbey de Valle in Normandy, is mentioned fin. div. com. 52 Hen. 3. n. 18. This priory with the advowfons of the churches of Tregony and Biry were made over A. D..1267. by the abbat and convent de Valle in dicec. Bajoc to the prior and convent of Merton?. Vide inter munifflenta eccl. cath. Exon, cartam abbatis et conventus de Valle, de refignationehiijus prioratus. XXXIII. TRURO. Bi.ACK Friers. In the latter end of K. Henry 3d’s reigns, a convent of Black friers fettled in Kenwyn ftreetr. Rauf Refkiner left a benefaction, 2 Ed. 4. to this houfe, of which his anceftors had been founders. It was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Edward Aglianby. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 27. vol. vii. p. 120. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 128. excerpta ex kalen- ' dario. b Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 19. c Gervafe of Cant, et Speed. d Hen. Sulgrave, mf. c Mon. Angl. f Taxat. Lincoln, mf. 8 Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 37. h Gervafe of Cant. “ Monachi Nigri.” 1 Montacute was of this order. k Becaule mentioned by Gervafe of Cant. The church of St. Carrie or Karentocus was given to Montacute by their founder; as Mon. Angl. ii. p. 910. J Leland. Itin. vol.vii. p. 121. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. pro manfo elargando. Clauf. 2 Ed. 4. n. 101. d* m Pat. 25 Ed. .3. p. 1. m. . where is the grant of a prebend in this church by the crown, “ Ratione temporalium epifeopatus “ Exon, in manu regis exiften.” The advowfon of the vicarage is certainly in the bifliop of Exeter. n Taxat. Lincoln, mf. 20 Ed. 1. ® Portionarius ecclefix S. Tethas Cornub. 25 Ed. 1. Prynne, iii. p.703. p Ex informatione Reverendifiimi Caroli nuper Epifc. Carlio*. 1 Their church was confecrated in the fecond year of bifliop Walter Bronfcomb. Regiftr. Bronfcomb. r Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 27. where he calls them White friers ; but he mentions them as Black friers, Itin. vol. vii. p. 120. XXXIV. XXXIV. CORN W. 33- v°l. vii. p. 120. For Talcarn fee Minstre in this county. Sr. Mary de Valle is omitted, as it probably was not in England, fee under Mi nil re note d. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 131. de 1 feed. mil. tent, de comite Reginaldo. In Rymeri Foeder. See. vol. iv. p. 24.8. vol. viii. p. 106. Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 16. pro mere, et fer. apud Eowey, et lib. war. in Tywardreith, Trerant, Tremaynon, et Carigog. Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 27. de ten. in Favvy. CUMBERLAND. I. ARMETHWAIT’. Benedictine Nuns. A fmall Benediftine nunnery, built and endowed by K. William Rufus anno regni 2. dedicated to Chrilt Jefus and his mother St. Mary. About 'the time of the difib- lution here were only a pnorefs and three nuns, who had lands for their maintenance, valued at 18/. 18s. 8 d. per ann. This priory was granted, 6 Ed. 6. to'William Gryme alias Carleil Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. 324, 325. cartam fundatio- nis ex pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 4. per Infpex. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. m. 5. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 13. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 429. of the foundation and revenues of this priory: p. 343. of the manor of Nunclofe in Hefket : p. 428. of lands in Kirk Ofwald : p. 431* the impropriate church of Aiiiftable: App. p.556. cartam fundationis. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 25* pro pallura in forefta de Inglewood. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ed. 4. Trim rot. 9. II. St. BEE voBE f t /r-CEI'LV Bnga’ an,1holy.WOman from Irelanc1’ is faid t0 hsve founded, about the year of our Lord 650. a fmall monaftcry in Copeland, where afterward a church was built in me- religious hoiile joeing deftroyed by the Danes, was reftored by William fon to 1 p Mtfchin earl of Cumberland, temp. Hen. 1. and made a cell of a prior” and fix Bene- chcTne monks to the abbey of St. Mary at York. It was endowed (at the dilution) with ,4 / , 7 ob' D“gd‘ «497- }9S- Speed, and granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Sr. Tho. Chul- loner, but 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. to the bilhop of Chefter and his fucceffors. fundationis et duas alias cartas ex autographis olim in turre B. Maria: Ebor. Cartam Will, dc Fors com. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 389. 395. qutedam de b. Bega ex Leland. Collea. vol. iii. p. 39. Cartam 8 Regiftr. Exon. 1 Tax. Lincoln, mf. " ,peS*r- Exon. Ryley, p. 466. et Rot. 22 Ed. 1. but Leland t , t- I- ~6. Itm. vii. 120.] faith they were Cluny monks, by winch name the foreign Benedictines were often called. w Bcgiftr. Exon. Rymer, iv. 248. clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m 12 Not to St Peter fuper Dynam Sagienfis dicec. as Rymer, viii 106. et Mon. Angl. 1. 1036. * Leland.Itin. vol. iii. p. 14. y ^l-dbp‘6‘ Arundel of Lanhern of late taken to be founder. a Ml. Stow. * Mf. Corp. Chrilt. coll. Cant. ATm 8 .iUI?ery isJn or near the forcft of Inglewood, and prouably the lame which Gervafe of Cant, or Sulgrave and Ste- \cin, i. 38. call ‘‘ Prioratus de Inglcfwode S. Marias, moniales In 1 gras. Dr. Burn and Mr. Nicholfon in their hiftory of 4- nClwnty’- Pi,' X9- fay’ that was fituated in the parifh of Amftable, nigh the water called Croglin. a » This, being within a mile of Egremont, is the fame monaf- tery probably, which Gervafe of Cant, or Sulgrave and Stevens vol. 1. p<3.8- deferibeby “ Prioratus de Egremunde S. Brigids monachi Nigri, in Richmondlhire ; but that it is not, though within the archdeaconry of Richmond. CrefTv will have St. Bee’s to have been the fame monaltery with Heortii, but Leland Coll m. D. 39- makes them different ; and both Leland and Camden think Heortu to have been Hartlepoole. cJtn Pq‘t°Ry V Nudiri!mJn ™er is faid to have b“n n«de a cell to St. Bee s, by John de Curcy, temp. Hen. 1. Dugd. Bar. c The prior of St. Bee’s having lands in the ide of Man, was kings°o.0Ld th andf anK 0bliged,t0 attcmi a* fuch upon the kings 01 loi da thei eof, whenever they required it, or at lead upon every new fucceflion in the government, upon penalty of 18 1'lte7? “It f nllds’ Kins’s Account of the ilk of Man at the end of his Vale Royal, p. 9. ■> It is but i6r. in the mf. Valor. AlbemarJ. II. CUMBERLAND. AIbcmarl. cx autogr. in bibl. Hatton. Et Pat. 9 Hen. 4. m. 21. de capella de Staynburne. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 24. de tenemento in Arlough- den. Ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 59- In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland* vol. ii. p. 40. of the foundation and revenues of this priory: p. 35. of the advowfon of the redtory of Egremont : p. 36- of the manor of Ennerdale: p. 38. of a capital melfuagc in Helton: p. 39. of the church of Arlochden anti- ently : p. 41. of the impropriate church of St. Bee’s : p. 61. of pofieffions in Lovvefwater : App. p. 528. cartam fuudationis. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 80. of the foundation with the arms. Regiftrum hujus prioratus olim penes D. Joanneni Lowther de Whitehaven, poltea penes rev. V. Joan- nem Strype, nunc in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 434. Cartas quamplurimas originales ad hoc et alia Cumbriae coenobia fpedlantes, penes Francifcum Salkeld de Whitehall in com. Cumbr. arm. III. C A L D R E° in Copeland near Egreraond f. CisTertiA N Abbey. Ranulph fecond earl of Chefter and Cumberland s, founded here A. D. 1 1 34 h. an abbey for Ciftertian monks to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, which was endowed at the luppreftion, with 50/. 9J. 3 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 64/. 3s. yd. Speed. The fue was granted, 30 Heih 8. to Thomas Leigh. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 774. cart. ' 15 Hen. 3. m. 9. et appropriationes ecclefiarum de Beckermet et Arlokden ex regiftro Galfridi archiepifc. Ebor. Leland. Itin. vol. vil. p. 5g. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 27. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey : p. 29. of the impropriate churches of St. Bride and of St. John of Beckermet: p. 36. of the impropriate church of Cleator : p. 113. of a moiety of the manor of Dere¬ ham: p. 1 15. of the manor and impropriate redtory of Gilcruce: p. 117. of the manor of Wardhole. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 80. of the foundation and arms of this abbey. Cartas quafdam originales penes Ric. Patrickfon de ead. arm. Plac. in com. Cumbr. 6 Ed. 1. rot. 2. pro meremio ex bofco de Rutholm : Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro vi. mefT. cxlviu. acr. terra-, cclx. acr. pafturse in Gilhous, Seton, Bolton, Gosford, &c. IV. C A R L I O L. 1. Bishoprics and Austin PrIoRY. Several writers of St. Cuthbert’s life tell Us of that holy man’s founding here, A. D. 686. a convent of monks, a fchool, and an abbey of nuns ; but from Bede’s life of St. Cuthbert, cap. 27. it feems as if the monaftery here, to which Q^Ermenburga retired, was in being before St. Cuthbert’s coming to Carliol. But all thefe ecclefiaftical buildings, with the city and adjacent country, being laid watte in the Danifli wars, the city was rebuilt and for¬ tified by K. William Rufus, and Walter a Norman prieft (being made by that king governor of the city) began k a monaftery to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, which was finifhed and endowed by K. Henry 1. who placed Regular canons therein1 •, and when he had eftablitlied the bifhop’s fee here made this church a cathedral : But it is obfervable, that this was the only epifcopal chapter in England of the order of St. Auftinm. The revenues of the bifhopric were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 577V in the whole-, and 531/. 4-f. nd. clear. And the revenues of the priory were then valued at 418 /. 31. 4 d. ob. q. as Dugd. and 482/. 8r. id. as Speed. The priory was diffolved Jan. 9. A.D. 1540 by K. Henry 8. who fhortly after founded here a dean, four canons or prebendaries, eioht minor canons, a fubdeacon, four lay clerks or Tinging men, a mafter of grammar, fix cho- rifters, a mafter of the chorifters, fix almfmen, one verger, two fextons, &c, and granted them the fite of the priory and the greateft part of the revenues of it. In this new foundation the church is called, “ The Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft.” Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 73, 74, 75. duas cartas" Hen. 2/ pro ecelefiis de Novo Caftello, Niweburna, Wercheorda, Colebrugge, Wittingeham, et Rode- beria: Aliam cartam donationes recit. et confirm. Cartam Ed. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Soureby: Cartam Ed. 2. donationem Joan, de Curceio recitantem et confirmantem. In Lelandi Colleff. vol. i. p. 120. de fundatione, de eccleliis monafterio appropriate, et de inftitutione fedis epifcopalis : p. 189. de indotatione epifeopatus : p. 345. de lucceflione epifeoporum. Leland. Itin. vol. v. 112. of the impropriate re&pry of Corbridge: vol. vii. p. 57. « Not ill Lancaihire, as In Mi'. Speed. I Leland. Itin. vii. p. 39- s Men. Angl. tom. l. p. 711. . t. Men. Angl. tom. i. p. 710, 711. Annales S. Werburgx, Chronicon de Parcolude, ml'. So that it could not be founded by Ranulph 1. as in Baron, vol. i. p. 38. becaufe he died A. D. * ^Printed in Burn and Nicholfon’s hiftory of this county, vol. ii. App. p. 524. . _ . _ , , „ . , k Leland. Collett. 1. 120, 121. Godwyn Dc praful. Carleol. I The priory feems to have been reltored before the placing yf the bilhopnc here in A. L>. 1133. for William bifliop of Win- In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. vii. p. 104. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 39. pat. 1 Hen. 3. m. 3. dorfo: Ibid. p. 409. de decimis foreftae de Inglewood, ex Plac. pari. 18 Ed. i.n. 34. Ibid, p. 673. clauf. 24 Ed. I. m. 4. de venatione in difta forelta: Ibid. p. 1192. pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 17. de ad¬ voc. eccl. de Somerby. In Godwini libro De praefulibus Angliae, p. ii. p. 143. epifeoporum Carleolenfium catalogum, See. In Willis’ Survey of Cathedral Churches, vol. i. p. 284, &c. an account of the building of the church, and the endowment of the bifhopric, dean and chapter ; a ca¬ talogue of the bifhops, deans, prebendaries, &c. chefter, who is witnefs to a grant of K. Hen. 1. to the canons here [as in Mon. Angl. ii. 73.] died A. D. 1128. Fordon [in Scotichr. edit. Hearne, p. 862.] faith, this bifhopric was not eredted ’till the time K. Henry 2. and that till then, it was part of the diocefe of Glafcow j but this is not the only miftake which he hath made in his account of our Englilh affairs. m Leland. Itin. vii. p. 57. the priory of Toberglory in the county of Downe in Ireland, was cell to this houfe ; as Dugd. Bar. i. 431. " Thefe are alfo in Burn and Nicholfon’s hiftory of this county, vol. ii. App. p. J40. Ia IV. CUMBERLAND* In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 229. the names of the priors. In Le Neve's Fafti, p. 332, Ac. an account of the bifhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Hiftory of Weftmorland and Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 229. of the foundation of this bilhoprick and its revenues: p. 251. hiftory of the bifhops. Vol. i. p. 336. of rents in Colby: p. 415. of the advowfon of the re&ories of Clifton, p. 457. of Cliburn, p. 513. of Ormftde, p. 588. of Mufgrave : p. 600. of a penfion of 4/. out of the rec¬ tory of Warcop. vol. ii. p. 87. of the advowfon of the vicarages of Croftwhaite, p. 115. of Gilcruce, p. 125. of Torpenhow: p. 134. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Calbeck: p. 156. of the advowfon of the vi¬ carages of Afpatric, p. 168. of Bromfield, p. 191. of Wigton: p. 31 1. 321. of the manor, impropriate reftory and advowlon of the vicarage of Dalfton : p. 395. of the impropriate church of Newton: p.401. of a manor in Penrith, the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 417. of the advowfon of the vicarages of Lazonby, p. 437. of Onlby : p. 453. of the manor of Linftock : p. 455. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stanwix: p. 456. of the fame at Crofby: p. 459. of the advowfon of the redtory of Scaleby, p. 501. of Nether Denton and of a penfion of 2 marks and a half out of the fame : all belonging to the bilhoprick. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 229. of the foundation of the priory : p. 331. names of the priors: vol. i. p. 336. of lands in Colby, p. 345. in Crackenthorp : p. 437. of one third of the church of Lowther : p. 454. of two ox- gangs of land in Meburn: p. 455. of lands between Bolton and Colby: vol. ii. p. 62. of a manor in Lor- ton: p. 107. of the impropriate church of Cammer- ton: p. 128. of ahoufe in Irby : p. 129. of the impro¬ priate church of Irby: p. 134. of a manor in Cal¬ beck: p. 139. of tithes in Weftward: p. 156. of the impropriate redtory of Afpatric: p. 160. of the im¬ propriate church of Crofs-Cannonby and a carucate of land there : p. 205. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Thurlby: p. 223. of the impropriate church of Rocliffe : p. 325. of a manor in Serbergham and the impropriate church : p. 338. of the impropriate church ofHelket: p. 346. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Sowerby: p. 391. of the advowfon of the rectory of Hutton and of a carucate of land there: p. 412. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Edenhall: p. 436. of lands in Onlby and a penfion of vi s. viii d. out of the redtory: p. 443. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vi¬ carage of Kirkland : p. 449. of the manor of Little Salkeld: p. 450. of the impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Addingham: p. 477. of the advowfon of the redtory of Bewcaftle: p. 494. of the impropriate churches of Cum-Whitton, p. 506. of Kirk Cambock, p. 511. of Cumrew: p. 512. of the advowfon of the redtory of Caftle-Carrock: p. 514. of the impropriate church of Hayton ; all belonging to the priory. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 415. of the church of Salkeld impro¬ priated to the archdeaconry of Carlille. Ibid. vol. ii. App. p. 546. cartam Edw. 1. de decimis in forefta de Englewood: p. 541. cartam Henrici regis de manerio de Dalfton: p. 542, 543. binas car¬ tas ejufdem de privilegiis epifeopi et prions. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 120. of the im¬ propriation and advowfon of the churches of Cor- bridge, Warkworth, Whittingham, and Rothbury, p. i70.2ig.ofNewburnand S. Nicholas inNewcaftle. The Year Books, 1 Ed. 3. f. 166. Notitiam ecclefia: cathcdralis Carliol. cum catalogo pri- orum et decanorum per Hugonem Todd S. T. P. ejufdem ecclefiae canonicum, mf. in bibl. eccl. cath. Carliol. n. 3. Hiftory ot the diocefe and bifhops of Carlille by the fame, mf. ibid. n. 4. Colledtanea ex regiftris Epifcoporum Carliol. per eun* dem. mf. ibid. n. 5. Placita 21 Ed. 1. de maneriis de Penrithe, Sowerby, et Queenlhames : computum Walter! Storye colledtoris epifeopi, 22 Ed. 4. computum Ricardi Stanley re- ceptoris ejufdem, 22 Ed. 4. 1 Ric. 3. mf. ibid. n. 2. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 48. grant of two tonnes of rede wyn by the hands of the chief buttelere of Englande, Ac. for ufing divine obfervances and alfo to have the tithes of the mylles of Karlil and all things within the cite of Karlil with other new privi¬ leges, 1 Ric. 3. f. 1 74. grant of the tythes of the king’s nulls at Carlille given of the king of his fpecial grace for the relief and fuccour pf the priory, 1 Ric. 3. f. 166. grant of 20/. yearly, mf. 669. f. 175. objec¬ tions procuratoris Willelmi de Dalton per feruti- nium in priorem Carliol. canonice electi contra Tho- mam de Warthe pretenfum eledtum et fautores ejus, A. D. 1374. mf. 1499. f. 82. of the foundation of this priory. In bibl. Col. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 170. p. 179. commilfionem in partibus pro caufa audienda et de- terminanda inter priorem et conventum eccl. Carliol. et firmarios eorundem ac vicarium de Lazynby de de¬ cimis cujufdem parcte. Seriem priorum Carliolenfium, &c. in volumine collec- taneorum meorum notato T. T. p. 686. De antiquis libertatibus , pojfejjionibus, &c. epifeopatus et prioratus Carliolenfts. Fin. 2 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro ten. maner. de Salghill : Clauf. 3 Hen. 3. m. it. Pat. 7 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro advoc. eccl.de Penred : Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 6. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 14. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro foka de Horncaftle0, pro feriis apud Horncaftle [Line.] et Meleburn [Derb.] Ibid. m. 7. dereddit. in Salkeld: Ibid. m. 10. pro Dalfton: Ibid. m. 11. de Horncaf- tro : Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart 19 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 22 Hen. 3. rri. 2. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 1 1. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 9 et 10. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 26 et 32. Plac. in com. Cumbr. 6 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de commun. paftur. in Seburgham: Rot. 3. pro viii. bovatis terrse in Blencarn : Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. , de priore et eccl. Carliol. amerciandis D. marc, eo quod elegerunt epife. fine licent. regis: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 26, 27. pro confirm, compofit, inter epife. et priorem et conv. fuper divifione terra- rum, ecclefiarum, nemorum, &c. ad eccl. Carliol. fpedtantium : Ibid. n. 39. pro lib. war. in Dalfton et Linftock [Cumb.] Fintenine [Weftm.] Horncaftle [Line.] Ibid. n. 40. pro ecclefia de Rothbury: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 20. pro penfione de eccl. de Rothbury: Ibid, p m. 54. pro eccl.'de Werkworth, Colebrugge, Wittingham, Rodeburia, de Novo Caftro fuper Ti- nam, etdeNueburn: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . de aquae- ductu ad molendinum fuum juxta caftrum de Roos : Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 66. pro ftauro fedi epifcopali relin- quendo, fcil. libros in theologia et jure canonico, civ. boves, xvi. afros, Ac. Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 34. pro terris in fuburbiis Carliol. et Dalfton : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . pro libertat. in forefta de Englewode : Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat.- 29 Ed. 1. m. . pro appropriat. eccl. de Dalfton: Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . pro ecclefiis de Routhbury et S. Marias Carliol. appropriandis : Pat. 32 Ed. 1, m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. in. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 44 et 45. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. m. 22. pro ecclefia de Braumwra : Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Soureby approprianda : Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 22 vel. 23. Pat. 7 Ed 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. de Roubery approprianda: Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 25. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m 17. pro eccl. de Horncafter cum capella approprianda : Cart. 1 1 Ed. 2. n. 74 et 76. pro deafforeftatione maner, et bofei de Dalfton et aliis libertatibus : Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 17. pro libertatibus apud Horncaftle: Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1* m. 25. confirm, excamb. decimarum inter epifeopum et priorem. P Perhaps this Ihould be Cart. 18 Ed. 1. ii. 54, * Vide Camden’s Britan, p, 478. edit. 1695. Efcret, IV. C u. M B E R L A N D. Efcaet. 3 Ed. 3. n. 34. Clauf. 3 Ed. 3. m. 12 et 22 « Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 31. Petit, parliam, 4 Ed. 3. m. 19. 11. 68. 89. Rec. in fcacc. 'Erin. rot. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8, 9. pro confirmationc libertatum amplif- fimar. et decimarum de terris aflartis in foreiia de Inglewood: Clauf. 5 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. 57. Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. n. . Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 30. pro eccl. de Aldingham cum capella de Salkeld approprianda : Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. dedecimis extra parochial, in foreiia de inglewode: Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 29. Pat. 8 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. . pro eccl. de Routhbiry: Ibid, p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. pro eccl. de . . . . Rec in fcacc. 8 Ed. 3 Mich . Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 29. pro d. .... ttrrx in regno Scotine epifcopo conceffis : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p 1. m. 26 Vel 27. quod epifcopus poffit kcrnellare man- furti fuum de la Ros : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. in 48. Cart. igEd. 3. n. 3. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro kernellando manfo de la Rofe : Rec. in fcacc. 29 Ed. 3. Pafch. et Trin. rot. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8 vel 9. pro elargatione parci de . . . . Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 14. pro ten. in Carliol, Caldicote, Carleton, Burftaw, &c. Pat. 44 Ed. 3, p. . m. 21. pro ten. in Huntercomb. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro eccl. de Routhbiry ap¬ proprianda : Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p- 2. m. 34. Pat. 26 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . quod tenentes epifcopatus perquin- quc annos pro focali et haybote poffint in forefta de inglewode tuccidere mericam, rufcariam, et juncos; Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 36. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 7. pro eccl. de Horncaftle ap¬ proprianda: Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. de hofpitio epifc. extra barrain Novi Templi London. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 14 de ecclefia de Kirkland ap¬ proprianda : Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 23. pro eccleiiis de Calbeck et Rothbury [Northumb.] appropriandis : Cart. 25, &c. Hen. 6. n. 18. pro bonis felonum, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 5. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 22. pro ten. et eccl. S. Andrete et commun. paftur. in Thurefby: Efctet. 16 Ed. 4. n. . Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 16. pro hofpitali S. Nicolai. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 9. [6 Maii] pro dotatione decani et capttuli Karliol. Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 13. [7 Mart.] pro advoca- tione quatuor praebend. in eccl. cath. . . Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 4. [14 Nov.] pro advoc. eccle- fiarum. 2. St. Nicholas Hospital. The hofpital of St. Nicholas, near this city, founded by fome of the king’s anceRors before 21 Ed. 1. for thirteen leprous people. It was granted to the prior and convent or the cathedral church here 17 Ed. 4. and arterward, 33 Hen. 8. made part of the en¬ dowment of the dean and chapter. Vide in Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 250. of the revenues of this hofpital : p. 210. of a mediety of the redlory of Ivirkbampton impropriated to the fame. Regiilrum brevium tit. Prohibitiones, f. 40. b. Pat. 2l Ed. 1. m. . rex recuperat advoc. hujus hofp. Verfus epifc. Carliol, et dedit cuftodi quafdam decimas extraparochiales in forefta de Englewode. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 48. (exemplar, ftatutorum :) Efcset. 31 Ld. 3. n. 53. Inquif. de travis garbaruni eid. pertinentibus ab antiquo. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. . m. . Orig. 17 Ed. 4. rot. 18. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 16. 3. Black Friers. Here was a houfe of Black friers s, founded before 53 Hen. 3r. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 57. <*-»•*- rv 4. Grey Friers. Here wasalfoa houfe of Grey or Francilcan friers’, before A. D. 1390'. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii, p. 57. V. D A C O R. Monastery destroyed. Bede, in his ecclefiaHical hiHory, book iv. ch. 32. mentions a monaltery, which being built near the river Dacore took its name from it, over which the religious man Suidbert prefided-, and Camden in Cumberland, and Leland. Colleft. ii. p. 152. fpeak of it from him : But it doth not appear from any records to have been Handing fince the Conqueft, as is noted at the bottom of Gibfon’s Camden, col. 83 1. edit. 1695. VI. G R A Y S T O K E. Collegiate Church. The parifh church u here feems to have been collegiate A. D. 1359. for in that year bilhop Welton confirmed a grant made by William lord Grey Hock to a matter (the reftor) and fix chaplains. In A. D. 1382. archbifhop Nevill, then legate, gave the 1'anCtion of the papal authority to this efiablifhment : from whofe confiitution it appears, that the mafier was en¬ dowed with the rethory, and the chaplains with the feveral chantries then exifiing in this church w. Ic was valued at 40/. js. 8 d. per am. clare. 82/. 14 s. total*, and granted 6 Etiz. to Win. Grice •and Ant. Fofier: but their title being litigated, and it being proved, that this college had never been confirmed by the crown, nor the mailer and fellows ever had any common leal, the church was adjudged to be Hill reftorial and parochial w. Fide Burn and Nicholfoifs Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 362, 363- 4> 9 Leland. Itin. vii. 57. t Mon. Angl. i. 654. « Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 57. and in the Catalogues of the frkries of this order under the Cuitody of Ne'Weaftlt. Judge Dyer’s Reports, f. 81. Sir Edward Coke’s Reports, p. iv. f. 107. * Dodiworth’s m(f. colleft. in bibl. Bodl. vol. 99. f. 40. “ Dedicated to St. Andrew, as Mr. Mores. w* Burn and Nicholfon’s. Cumberland, vol. ii. n. 462, 461. * Sancroft’s mf. Valor. VI. CUMBERL'-A n d.. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. de advoc. eccl. ct ten. in Pat. I 'Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Newbigging: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. VII. HOLM CULTRAM. Cisteptian Abbey. An abbey of the Ciftertian order, founded byy Henry fon to David king of Scotland, A D. 1150*. It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 427/. 19s. 3d. ob. q. per amt. Dugd. 535/, 33. q d. ob. q. Speed2.' Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 885, 886. cartas Henrici filii Davidis regis Scotia; b, Hen. 2.'et Ric. 1. regum Anglia;, de inlula de Holm Cultram, Raby, et May- remio, izc. in forefta de Inglewood : Cartam R. Hen. 3. recit. et confirm, donatorum conceftiones : Inquifi- tionem 6 Ed. 3. de una acra terrae, et eccl. de Wiggc- ton, ad cantariam fundandam. Ibid. tom. iii. p. 34. cartam Davidis R. Scotia; donatiot'.em filii fui con¬ firm. b Cartam Malcolmi R. Scotiae donationem Henrici patris fui confirm. Quietam clamationem Willielmi de.la Fcrte de quodam vafto juxta Kirke- bride : Cartas Anthonii de Luci de mortuo bofco fuo in Allerdale : Joannis R. Angliae de heremitorio S. Hildte in forefta de Englewode, anno regni 16. P. 35. appropriationetn capellte de Arloftc per Joan- nem epifc. Carliol. A. D. 1304. P. 36. cartas Ri- cardi de Luci et Joannae fil. Hug. de Moreville, con¬ firm. donat. eccl. de Burgo per Hugonem de More¬ ville faddam ; Thomse fil. Cofpatrici de grangia de Flemingby: P. 37. cartas Cecilias comitifiae de°Albe- marle, donationem Cofpatrici fil. Orm. de medietate villa; de Kelton confirm. Gilberti de Culwenne ; Joanna;, fil. et hamedis Adse de Millomet relicftae Jo¬ annis de Huddlefton, de terra de Kekelay-; Thoms: de Multon confirm, donationem Lamberti de Multon de quatuorduodenis minae ferri in Coupland; P. 38. cartas Willielmi comitis Albemarliie dc una forgia in Winefel, et mina apud Egrcmond; Willielmi regis Scotorum donationem Walteri de Berkele confirm. Chrittiani epifc. Candida: Cafae, de Grangia de Kirkewinny ; Roberti regis Scotorum de annua firma decern librarum: Bullam P. Lucii 3. donatorum con- cefliones recit. et confirm. A. D. 1185. Lelandi Colieft vol. i. p. 33. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmorlar.d and Cumber¬ land, vol. ii. p. 171. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey ; vol. i. p. 345. of lands in Cracken- thorp, p. 365. in Newbiggin, p. 375. in Kirkby, Thore and Hale. vol. ii. p. 17. of lands in Lekely, p. 25. in Dreggc; p. 1 88 . of the manor and chapel of Flimby ; p. 142. of the hermitage of St. Hilda, and of meftuages and tenements in'ilekirk: p. 163. of a mefluage and tenement in Alanby: p. 165. of the fame in Langrigg: p. 165. of a manor in Brom- field: p. 178. ol the impropriate redtory and advow- fon of the vicarage of Holm Cultram; p. 189. of lands in Blencogo, p. 190. in Dundrake : p. 191. of the impropriate redtory of Wigton: p. 219.. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Burgh: p. 413. of lands in EdenhalJ, p. 418. in Lazonby. Ibid. vol. ii. App. p. 523. cartam Guinildae fil. Henrici fil. Arturi de terris in Lekely: p. 530. cartam Cof- patricii fil. Ormi deFlimbi: p. 531. cartam Edwardi regis de libera warenna in Flimby; p. 532. bullam Innocentii papae de capella de Kirkewynwy: p. 534. cartam Bncii de Penreth de terra vocata, St. Swi thin’s Holme : p. 533. bullam dementis papae de confirma- tione polTellionum et privilegiorum. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 331. of being free from toll, &c. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 5s. names of the abbats : et in Appendice, vol. ii. a p. 263 ad 269. bullas paparum Alexandri 3. dementis 3. Innocen- tii 3. Gregorii 9. Innocentii 4. Honorii 3. et Inno¬ centii 5. de privilegiis huic abbatix concelfis : p.269 ad 273. cartas regum Angliae, viz. Joannis, Ricardi, Henrici 3. et Edwardi 1. de donis, &c. huic abba- tiae ; Et a p. 273 ad 289. plus minus quadraginta cartas de terra fubtus ICirkbride, de pratis in Waura et Crombroc, de ecclefia de Burgo, et de terris et communia pafturae ibidem ; De pifeatione fuper Edene, de terra in Layfingby, et pafiura pro D. ovi- bus, decern bobus, decern vaccis, &c. De xxiv. acris terra: in villa de Edenhale, de terra in S. Swith- infholm vel S. Wilfredfholm, de communia pafturae in mora de Brechton: De manerio de Fleiningbyj De pifearia fuper aquam de Aine; De terris in Alne- burg, Lekeley, Harrays, Diftington, Wygeton, Blen- coggon, Brunfeld, Neuby, et capella de Kirkwenny, &c. ex regiftro d five cartulario hujus abbatis pexjes Joannem Warburton arm. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth, vol. xxxii. f. 62. fundationem cantariae duorurn capellanorum fecula- rium et quatuor monachorum in hac abbatia, 6 Ed. 3. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae olim penes Will. dom. Howard de Nawortfi, nuperin bibl. eccl. cath. Carliol. Catal. mlT. Oxon. penes R R. P. Will. Nichollon epifc. Car¬ liol. 1709. Thorefby’s Leeds, p. 91. Bina Regiftra hujus abbatiae in bibl. Harleiana, mlT, 3891. 3911. Apograpna cartarum ad hoc monafterium fpeefantium in cadem bibliotheca, mf. 1881. In eadem bibl, mf. 294. f. 203. colleddanea ex regiftro penes dom Howard: mf. 1499. f- 82. of the founda¬ tion and arms of this abbey. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 10. n. 5. m. 18. n. 63. Oblat. 2 Joan. m. 9. Clauf. 16 Joan. m. 7. Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 18. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 12. de heremitagio S. Hilda; in Englewood: ibid, m 29. Fin. 9 Hen. 3. m. 4. Cart. 1 1 Hen. 3. n. 79, 8oj 81. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 4 Cart. j2 Hen. 3. m. 9, Fin. 12 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 16 Hen. 3. m. . Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. 6 vel 7. Plac in com. Cumbr. 6 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 5. de man. de Flemingby ibid. Corona; rot. 26. de wrecco maris; et ibi dicitur quod infula de Holm Cultram fuit do- minica regis Henrici fenioris, qui fundavit abbatiam ibidem; fimihter (itus prioratus de Carliol de funda- tione ejufdem : Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 54. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m' ■. -rSart' 29Ed. 1. n. 43. pro villa de Skirburgh, quod lit liber burgus, See. Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 2S et 39. Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 53. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 6. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 28. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p, 1. m. 21. y Founded by K. David himfelf. Fordoni Scotichronicon, 5dd' mvTne’ Vo56?' 68f ' And Henry his fon a great benefac- tor. Ibid. p. 5 68. As others, it was founded by our K. Henrv 1 Waldeff Co,? •d|Le‘and the foundation *> Alan fon of VValdelt, Colledt. 1. 3;. but the account, given in the hiftorv nrobabl?-WwY-7 and Mr- Nicholfon, feems the mi probable, which is, that Henry prince of Scotland, having ob- thiseabhevS1 Cumbe.rla.nd from king Stephen, firft founded K Davkl^hn fhPtr«U1'Cd “ to ,'?e confirmed by his father K. David , but that Henry 2. on his acceffion to the throne of England having reaffumed this grant, became patron of the ab- foeunderd ^ thCl“efore acknowledged by the monks as their by theabbat and twenty bb Printed in Bnrn and Nicholfon, Vol. ii. App. 321. churlh W 18 PPOfed t0 h3Ve alfo had the ^Propriate ^rKJSsat* S •**» «• «- pro/ VII. CUMBERLAND. pro infulis de Holm Cultram et Raby, meremio, pc- tra, &c. pannagio pro porcis, et paftura pro haracio inter Calder et Alne, pro heremitorio S. Hilda: ; ct vaccaria iv. vaccarum in forefta de Inglewood. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. a- m. id. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 13. de eccl. dc Arlofke conftruenda: Cart. 20 Ric. 2. i). 6. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 9. pro eccl. de Wigton appropri- anda. Cart. 1 Hen. 6. n. 25. pro returnis brevium, bonis felo- num, &c. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 1. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 28. Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 8. VIII. KIRK OSWALD. College. A college of twelve Secular priefts % founded 20 Hen. 8. by Robert Threlkeldk About the time of the dlflolution lord Dacres 2 was accounted founder ; and 26 Hen. 8. it was valued 3127/. 17 s. per ann, clare. 78/. 17 s. in toto. Its poffeflions were granted, 30 Eliz. to Edward Dowrlinge and Miles Doddinge gent. Vide Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 426. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 240. of the furrender of of the foundation: p, 380. of the impropriate redtory this college, 1 Ed. 6. of Dacre. IX. L A N E R C O S T, or De Valle S. Marise Magdalena; \ Austin Canons. Rob. de Vallibus lord of Gillefland, built here, A. D. 1169. a monaftery of the order of St. Auftin, which was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, and endowed (at the fup- preffion about which time were herein a prior and feven canons’) with the yearly revenue of 1 7l llci' Duod. 79/. 19 s. Speed. The fite was granted to Thomas lord Dacre, at that time accounted patron or founder of this religious houle, as being heir to Robert de Vallibus. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 130, 131, 132. cartam fundationis, ct progeniem fundatoris, necnon connr- mationem donationum per R. Ric. 1. ex cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 58. per Infpex. .. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 103. ejufdem Itin. vol. VH. p. 59. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1 1 59. 1192. rot. Rom. 34 et 35 Ed. 1. Et pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 25. In Rymeri Foeder. & c. tom. ii. p. 1147. rot. Rom. 35 Ed. 1. m. 3. .... c In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. u. p. 495. ot the foundation and revenues of this priory: p. 227. of the impropriate church ofGrinfdale: p. 417. of the impropriate redtory of Lazonby: p. 426. of a manor in Kirk Ofwald : p. 436. of lands in Onfby : p. 481. of the manor and impropriate church of Walton- p. 483. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of lrthington: p. 492. of the fame at Bampton: p. 507. of the fame at Parlam : p. 509. ot the impropriate church of Over-Denton: p. 509. of a penfion of two marks and a half out of the redtory of Nether Denton : p. 509. of the impropriate church of Carlatton. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 324. cartam Edw. 1. de eccleftis deMitford et Carleton. Chronicon de Lanercoft, mf. in bib!. Cotton. Colledlanea ex eodem, mf. in bibl. eccl. cath. Carliel. n. 6. Cartularium de Lanercoft, olim penes Will. dom. Howard de Naworth, nunc penes Comitem de Car- lifle. Collectanea ex eodem, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 294. f. 200. et mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth, vol. xlv. f. 7. Fin. 16 Joan. m. . d. de terris in Cleburn. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 24. proadvoc. ecclefiarum de Carlton [Cumb.] Mitford [Northumb.j Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. r. m. 24. de ten. in Prefton: Ibid. p. 2. m, 22. pro mefl'. in civit. Carliol. X. PENRITH. Friers. A houfe of Auftin or Grey friers”, Hen. 8. to Robert Tyrwhit efquire. Fide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 58. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. ... . • E feast. Cumb. 7 Ed. 3. n. 36. pro 11. aens contigms founded temp. Ed. 2. or before; granted, 34 manfo prioris et fratrum ord. S. Auguft. dc Penreth, ex dono Joannis de Crumbwell : Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . XI. S E T O N, alias Lekelay . Benedictine Nunnery. A nunnery of Kirkbym, was accounted founder or patron aboi only at 12/. 12 s. o d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 13/. Hugh Alkue. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 482. de conceffione hof- pitalis S. Leonardi Lancaftriae huic pnoratui per Hen- ricum ducem Lancaftriae: De eadem donanone vide e Among the reprifes in the Valuation are the ftipends of two t'icars and five chaplains. . , f Qne Rowland Threlkeld was laft warden of this college, and tiad a penfion. & Compend. Compert. mu h Fin. 16 Joannis. 1 Compend. Compert. mf. Benediftines dedicated to St. Leonard : Henry it the time of the diftblution, when it was valued lys. 4 d. Speed; and was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to etiampat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, p. 17. of the foundation : p. 24. of the impropriate church of Irton. it Leland. Itin. vii. 58. and from him, the author of Colleft. Anglo-Minorit. fpcak of a houfe of Grey Friers here : but no fuch houfe is mentioned under any of the leven cuftodies of thefe Friers in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 76. and the Efcset. Roll. 7 Ed. 3. exprefsly calls them Aitjlin Friers. 1 Collefl. V. cl. Matth. Mutton en regiftri? Richmond, w Compend. Compert. mf. XI. CUMBERLAND. In reeiftro . • • • Gray archlepifc. Ebor. f. . de appro- mond) priorifiae ct monialibus de Lekclay, A. IE priatione cccl. S. Mich, dc Yirreton (archidiac. Rich- 1227. XII. WETHERAL L". Benedictine Cell. A cell of a prior and eight Benediftine monks to the abbey of St. Mary at York, to which it was given by Ranulph de Mefchin earl of Cumberland, temp. Will. Rv.fi , or Hen 1.° It was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, St. Mary, and St. Conftantine ; and rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 117/- nr. 10 d. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 128/. 54. 3 d. ob. Speed; and was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to the dean and chapter of Carliol. H.de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 389. notulam donationis redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of St. Michael - ■ hums maner. &c. S. Marise Ebor. P. 397, A'c. car- in Appleby: p. 341. ordinationem Thoms epifc* tam (ut dicitur) Will. Conq. fed quaere: Notulam Carliol. de vicaria ibidem: p. 398. of 20 cart-loads de fundatore et tempore fundationis : Quatuor cartas of fire- wood yearly out of the foreft of Wynfal . p.443. Ranulfi de Mefchines : Cartam Davidis regis Scotise : of the impropriate rettery and advowfon of the vica- Cartam A. epifc. Carliol. Duas cartas Alexandri de rage of Morland and of two carucates of land there : Crevaquer ; et cartas aliorum. p. 44&- cartam W. prioris de Wetherall et Alexandri In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 516. names of the de Windefore de partitione bofcide Morland: p. 450. oriors: vol. ii. App. p. 305. confirmationes regum of lands in Thrirnby, p. 454. in Meburn : p- 455- Hen I et 2. P- 206. duas cartas R. Henrici de mo- of five tenements in Bolton: p. 495. of a penfion of lendinode Wederhale et ecclefiis de Horneby et Ap- 3/. 6 s. Sd. out of the rectory of Crofby Ravenf- oelbv: P. 208. confirmationes ecclefiarum et pofief- worth and of other polieffions there, vol. 11. p. 329. fionum priuratus de Wederhale per epifcopos Carleol- of the impropriate church of Warwick : p. 338. of enfes • per P. Honorium: p. 310. per priorem et the fame at Wetherall: p. 416. or tithes in oalkeld : conventum Carliol. p. 309. bullam P. Gregorii pro p. 426. of lands in Kirk Ofwald. impropriatione ecclefite S. Michaelis de Appelby : In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 209. 214. collettanea ex Ordinationem vicariae in dicta ecclefia per Thomam rfegiftrO penes dom. Howard, mf. 2044. f. 105. tran- epifcopum Carliol. A. D. 1255. p. 320. divifionem fcripts and extracts from original deeds relating to terrarum inter prioratum et vicarium de Appelby : this priory. p. 310. quietam clamationem epifc. Carliol. dejure Rcgiftrum prioratus de Wetheral, penes 'Will. dom. ciiftodi'se prioratus in fingulis vacationibus : p. 312. Havard de Naworth 1638. nunc in bibl. eccl. cath. compofitionem de marifco de Wederhale: p. 314. Carliol. finalem concordiam 19 Hen. 3. de duabus bovatis Notitiam hujus prioratus cum catalogo benefattorum, terrs in Wederhale : p. 311. 313. et a p. 315 ad 322. &c. per V. rev. Hugonem Todd S. T. P. mf. in contenta quamplurimarum aliarum cartarum, ex bibl. eccl. cath. Carlioh tranfcripto regiftri de Wetheral penes rev. virum Apographa cartarum plurimarum ad hoc coenobiolum Hum Todd. S. T. P. fpettantium in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1881. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 59. Collettanea cl. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. x. f. 17L In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmorland and Cumber- vol. clix. f. 188. land, vol. ii. p. 329. of the foundation and revenues Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 38. of this priory : vol. i. p. 88. of lands in Stirkeland : Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. 66. pro omnibus libertatibus quas ec- p. 218. of the impropriate rettory and advowfon of cleliae S. Petri Ebor. vel S. Joannis Beverlac habent the vicarage of Belham and of lands at Halfrebek : pro mortuo bofco in forefta de Carliol, paftura inter p. 321. of=the impropriate redtory and advowfon of Edene et regiam viam a Carliol ad Apelby, &c. Pat. the vicarage of S. Lawrence in Appleby: p. 322. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. cartam Hugonis epifcopi Carliol. de ecclefiis impro- Pat. 40 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 34. d. Clauf. 43 Ed.' 3. priatis S. Michaelis et S. Laurentii in Appleby : m. 33. P- 335- of lands in Colby: p. 341. of the impropriate Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 20. XIII. W I G T O N. Hospital. An hofp.ital' or free chapel dedicated to St. Leonard, valued at 40 s. per ann p. It was granted, 3 Ed. 6. to Thomas Dalfton efq. and William Denton gent. Vide Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 193. n Ealfely placed in Yorklhire by Reyner and Speed ; it lying on the river Eden three miles above Carlifle; as Leland. ttin. vii. P*59. 0 There feems to be great confufion in the memorandums and charters printed in the Monafticon out of the regifter of this priory, concerning the time of its foundation: i. There is a charter of K. William the Conqueror confirming this cell to St. Mary’s and its abbat Richard; whereas St. Mary’s was not founded under Will. Conq. nor was Richard abbat till 12 Hen. 1. and among the witnefies Lucia his wife and Henry his brother being named (hew plainly, that this could not be a grant of the Couqueror’s. 2. This priory is faid to have been founded temp « Will. Rufiy and we are referred to the charter of Ranulf for proof ; which charter, with the fame witnefies, and infcribed “ Carta prima de Wetheral,” being printed in the other co¬ lumn, mentions exprefly the giving of this manor of Wederhall to St. Mary’s, “ pro anima domini mei regis Henrici.” p Mf. Valor. Sancroft. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 56. x DERBY DERBY SHIRE. I. DE BELLO CAPITE, or Beauchief near Norton. PREMONSTR atensi an Abbey. An abbey of Premonftratenfian or White canons, founded A. D. 1 183“. by Robert fil. Ranulphi, lord of Alfreton, one of the executioners of Thomas Becket archbifhop of Canterbury, to whom, canonized, this monaftery was dedicated. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 12 61. 3*. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 134/. Leland\ 1 57/. 10 s. 2 d. Speed, and granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Sr. Nic. Strelley. Jride in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 607, &c. de fundatione, ex colleiftaneis St. Lo Kniveton : Duas cartas Thomas de Chawortb, unam de toto hameletto de Grenehull, alteram confirm, donationes antecefTorum fuorum: Et pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 3. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 268. 270. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 94. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 310. of lands in Wimef- would and the impropriate rectory. In appendice ad Joannem Glaftonienfem, edit. Hearne, p. 557. excerpta ex vetufto quodam kalendario fpec- tanti olim monafterio de Bello Capite. Kalendarium monafterii de Bello Capite, inter mfT. Dugdal. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. n. 34. p. 12. Regiftrum hujus abbatfe, mf. in pergam. cont. fol. 113. in 410. penes . . . Davies de Lanerch in com. Den¬ bigh arm. Cartas quafdam originates hujus abbatiae inter muni- menta illuftrifT. ducis Norfolcfe. Apographa quarundam cartarum ad monaft. de Bello Capite fpedantium, inter colledanea dom. Gul. Haward mil. quondam in bibl. Petri Le Neve arm. Norroy, quern penes fuere tres cartae fub figillo hujus coenobii. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck. vol. i. epiftolas aliaque inftrumenta de ftatu hujus abbatiae, etde vifitationibus ibidem fadtis, annis 1461, 1472, 1475, et 1501. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 5. de tenements in Waldfhere et Haulegh : Plac. apud Derb. 53 Hen. 3. affif. rot. 20, de commun. paftur. in Teverfhall [Nottingh.] Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 32. d. pro ten. in Burton: Efcaet. Derb. 29 Ed. 1. n. 109. pro x. toftis, XI. bovatis terrae, &c. in Alfreton, Norton, &c. ex concefl'. Thomae Chaworth : Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro eccl. de Dronheld ap- proprianda: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . Rec. iji fcacc. 21 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 11. deterris in Brampton. Plac. in com. Derb. 1 Hen. 4. affif. rot. 65. pro terris.in Brampton: Fin. et recup. Derb, 3 Hen. 4. rot. 170. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. pro tenementis in Chefterfield, Bramp¬ ton, Newbold, Boythorp, Haflelend, et Le Heathe. II. BENTLEY and Alkmonton. Hospital. There was an hofpital of St. Leonard between thefe two towns, to which Walter Blount lord Montjoywasa benefadior, A. D. 1474k III. B R I S O L L, Breydefale, or Bredfall Park. Austin Friers. Here was an houfe of Friers Heremites, temp. Hen. 3. It afterward, till the diffolution, continued a fmall priory of the Auftin order, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, valued only at 13 1. os. 8 d. per ann. in toto. 10I. 1 y s. yd. clare d. It was granted, 6 Ed. 6. to Henry duke of Suffolk. Vide cartas prioratus de Brifele, mf. Dodfworth in bibl. Oxon. vol. cviii. f. 23'. Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 17. pro fratribus heremitis de Bryde- Ihall. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. de i. meff. et xx. acris terrae in Horfiey et Herefton. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro tenementis in Derby, IV. C l Chaddefden, Sponden, Duffield, Winely, Breydefale, Morley, et Hafelwood. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 7. pro tenementis in Moging- ton, et med. eccl. ibid. Fin. et recup. Derb. 17 Hen. 6. rot. 1 19. pro med. eccl. de Mogynton. L K E. Austin Cell. Maud widow of Ranulph the fecond earl of Chefter, had, before the death of Walter bifhop of Coventry, which happened A. D. 1161. fixed here a convent of Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin, but afterward Ihe removed molt of them to the priory of Repindon, to which this houfe at Calke, dedicated to St. Mary and St. Giles, continued a cell till the diffolu¬ tion, and, as parcel of the poffeffions of Repindon, was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 97. cartas Matildis comitilfe et filii fui Hugonis comitis Ceftrfe, ex au- tographis penes dom. Joannem Harpur de Calke baron. A. D. 1664. Dr. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 24. of lands in » Mf. Afhmol. n. 1519. “ Ric. Chaworth habitus eft patronus “ area A. D. 1480.” Ibid. b Leland. Colleft. i. 94. There belonged fourteen Religious perfons to this convent. Willis’ Abbies, ii. 56. c Dugd. Baron, vol.i. p. 530. a Said to be founded by the anceftors of John Dethick, as Speed; or John Dink, as the Compend. Compert. mhcalls him. Weftlec, and the church of Leke. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 82. excerpta e cards huic monafterio fpedlantibus penes Sam. Roper de Monks-Kirby in agro Warwicenfi arm. It feems at laft to have bad a prior only in it; for the return made by the vifitors of K. Henry 8. of the ftate of this houfe, wa6, “ Prior non habet conventum, aut confratrem unum.” Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 56. « I am in doubt whether thefe charters do not belong to the alien priory of Bnfete in Suffolk. V. CHESTER- D E R B Y 8 H I R E V. V. CHESTERFIELD. i. HOSPITAL. A very ancient hofpital for lepers, founded before io Ric. i f. to the honor of St. Leonard, which contiuued till the time of K. Henry 8 8. yide Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 75. of Joan princefs of Wales feifmg this hofpital, 9 Ric. 2. Conventionem inter fratres hofp. et Petrum fil. Rogeri de tribus pratis in Kalehale, Mich. A. D. 1 223. Mf. orig. nuper penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Cart. 9 Joan. m. 8. pro vll. per ann. percipiend. e firma de Cefterfield. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 14. de ii. quercubus liberandis e forefta regis pro reparatione capellae : Clauf. 1 4 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro vi. acris paftune in forefta de Pecco. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 11 et 27. d. de aflifa pro tenementis in Ceftrefeld verfus Baldwinum Wake : Efczet. Not- tingh. etDerb. 11 Ed. 1. n. 2. de arreragiis vi/. an- nui redd, e manerio de Ceftrefeld folvendis per Nic. Wake leprofis S. Leonardi. 2. Gild. A college dedicated to St. Mary and the Holy Crofs, valued at 19/. per ann. Thus Speed ; whereas here was only a gild or fraternity b, of that dedication and value, begun temp. Ric. 2. who maintained two or three priefts in the parilh church here. Vide pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . VI. LE DALE, or De Parco Stanley, in the deanry of Derby. Premonstratensian Abbey. Serlo de Grendon’, temp. Hen. 2k. firft placed a prior and convent of Black canons here in Depedale, from the monaftery of Calke, but they continued not long, and were fucceeded by two fets of Premonftratenfians, one from Tupholm, the other from Welbeck; but thefe alio forfaking the old place, upon part of the neighbouring park at Stanley William Fitz Rauf1 fenefchal of Normandy, and Jeffry de Salicofa Mara, who married Maud his daughter, founded A. D. 1204”*. an abbey of the Premonftratenfian order, from Newhoufe, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. It was endowed with eftates to the yearly value of 144/. 121". at the diffolution, when Gervas Kingflon efquire 35 Hen. 8. granted to Francis Poole p. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 616, &c. fundationis hiftoriam, et cartas Willielmi filii Radulphi de terra fua de Stanley, et de bofco de Okebrok; Galfridi de Salifcofamara de parco de Stanley ; Willielmi de Grendon de terra de Okebroke ; Galfridi de Salif¬ cofamara et Matildis uxor is ej us confirm, donationem Will, de Grendon de dominio de Depedale: Et cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 2. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 72. catalogum abbatum, et cartas Huberti fil. Radulphi de donatione quam Will, de Grendone fecit de villa de Okebroke: Confirm. Ser- lonis de Grendon de tota terra de Okebroke : Cartam Matildis de Salicofamara de toto dominio fuo cum prato et paftura in villa de Afwoldeftone. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 56. the names of the abbats, &c. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 216, 217. of lands in Trowell: p. 229. of a wood in Coflale : p. 250. of lands in Paynefthorp and Selfton: p. 340. in Ker- fall : p. 348, 349. in Mufkham, Holme, and Bathe- ley ; and of the mill of Batheker. Hiftoriam monafterii de Parco Stanley, mf. Cotton. Julius , C. vii. 6. Regiftrum cartarum hujus abbatiae olim penes Anchi- tellum Gray de Riiley arm. nunc in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. xxvi. Quaere annon idem cum regiftro hujus monafterii penes Sam. Roper de Heanore in com. Derb. Hiftoriam monafterii de Parco Stanley, in bibl. Har- leiana, mf. 5804. f. 63. Colledtanea de hac abbatia, mfT. in' bibl. Bodl. Oxon. was the reputed patron”; the fite was afterward. Dodfworth. vol. cii. f. 4. vol. cxli. f. 54. Eleftionem Will, de Horlleye in abbatem et qusdam de interno ftatu abbatiae, mf. Peck in Mufaeo Britannico, tom. ii. Fin. div. com. 13 Hen. 3. n. 19. pro terris in Notting¬ ham, Alwoldefton, et med. man. de Burgo : Clauft 30 Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. div. com. 31 Hen. 3. n. 10. Fin. div. com. 6 Ed. 1. n. 66. Affif. Derb. 15 Ed. 1. rot. 3 et 4. Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 8. pro lib. war. in Stanley, Okebroke, Brybagh, Alwoldefton, Kirk- hadune, et Griffe [Derb.] et Bethlegh [Nottingh.] Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. Brev. R. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 5. Brev. R. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 9. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . de terris in Grefley [Not¬ tingh.] cum advoc. eccl. ex conceffione Nic. de Cantilupo: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9, 10 vel 11. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. de eccl. de Eggington : Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 11. pro ten. in Triwell, Lam- bercote et Radcliff : Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 43. pro ten. in Stanton, Alwafton, Thurlefton, Bolton, Stan¬ ley, Kirk Hallum, et Spendon: Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. pro eccl. de Ilbefton approprianda : Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 20. de mefT. in Nottingham. Fin. et recup. Derb. 28 Hen. 6. rot. 131. de terris in Etwall. Efcaet. Derb. 13 Ed. 4. n. . Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 10. de ecd. de Honor appro¬ prianda. f In computo W. Briwere in magno rot. pipae io Ric. i. “ Fratribus leprofis de Ceftrefield vi/. quas affignatce fuerunt eis- “ in excambium ferine fuse.” Mi. Dodfworth. Le Neve. The fame in rot. pipse i Joannis. g “ Chefterfield hofpit. S. Leonardi modo in lite inter comi- “ tem Salop et archidiaconum Coventr. et Litchf. ratione cujus, “ valor non perfcrutabatur coram nobis.” Certif. valor. 26 Hen. 8. in officio Primit. In Taxat. Lincoln. 20 Ed. 1. “ Tem- “ poralia S. Leonardi de Ceftrefeld valent per ann. x. marc.” h Pat. 8 Jac. 1. r 1 He is witnefs to a deed 25 Hen. 2. [Thoroton’s Nottingham¬ shire* p. 81.J but %ua:re9 Whether it was Serlo the father or the fon. See Mon. Angl. iii. p. i. p. 72. k Willis faith, In the reign of K. Richard 1. A. D. H95. Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 57. 1 Said to be founder, mf. Aihmol. 839. m Mf.Afhmol. 1519. n Dugdale’s valuation is 114/. 12s. but perhaps it may be falfe printed. “ Sumraa inde et fumma clara 144 /. 12J.” Ste¬ vens, vol. i. p. 35. 0 “ Ann. redd, cxl/.” Compend. Compert. mf. p It was furrendered 0<5t. 20. 1539. by John Staunton laft ab- bat, and fixteen canons. Willis, ii. p. 58. 1 VII. DER- VII. DERBYSHIRE VII. DERBY. 1. Cluniac Cell. A fmall houfe of Cluniac monks 9, dedicated to St. James, cell to Ber- mondfey in Surrey r, to which abbey the church of that faint in this town was given by Waltheof fil. Sueni, before A. D. 1140. in which year K. Stephen confirm’d his grant *. It was protected as a poor hofpital 14 Hen. 3 k and in the next reign reckoned among the alien priories11; but it continued till the general diffolution, temp. Hen. 8. when the king was accounted founder, and the yearly income thought to be about 10/. w Vide cart. 16 Joan. p. 2. m. i. Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. 2. Austin Canons, vide Little Derby. ' 3. Benedictine Nuns, vide King’s Mead. 4. All Saints College. The parifa church of All Saints here, being a royal free chapel, was collegiate *, and had, befides the mailer or reftor (who feems to have been the dean of Lin¬ coln y) feven prebendaries; but all their revenues amounted, 26 Hen. 8. to 39/. 12 s. per ann. only in the whole, and 38/. 14 s. clear. It was granted, 1 Maria , to the bailiffs and burgeffes of the town of Derby. Fide in Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, p. ii. p. 1047. pat. jurifdiiftioiie epifc. Coventr. et Litchf. archidiaconi 53 Hen. 3. m. 9. d. Ibid. p. iii. p. 229. pat. 7 Ed. 1. Derb. et eorum official2, m. 18. de exemptione hujus libera; capellae ab omni 5. St. Leonard’s Hospital. An old hofpital of royal foundation, confiding of a mader (whofe place was in the gift of the crown) and feveral leprous brethren, dedicated to St. Leonard2. Vide pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 24. de ftatu hujus hofpitalis Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. examinando- Affif. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. rot. 69. Pat. 1 Rio. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de quibufdam terris et tenementis in Derby : Pat. 5 6. Maison Dieu. Here was an hofpital for leprous perfons, called Maifon Dieu or God’s Houfe, under the government of a mader, as old as the time of K. Henry 2. Fide rot. pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3 et 11. Brev. R. 2 Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. pro confirmatione libertatum, Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 1. Rec. infcacc. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. &c. eis conceflaruin a RR. Hen. 2. etHen. 3. rot. I. Ibid. 18 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . 7. BLACK Friers. A priory of Preaching or Dominican friers, dedicated to the bleffed Vir¬ gin ; which after the furrender was granted to John Hynde, 35 Hen. 8. Vide efcxt. Derb. 21 Ed. 1. n. 117. “ Non eft ad Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. de x. acris pro roanfo fra- “ damnum ft rex concedat magiftro Andreas Le Jo- trum elargando perquirendis de Rad. de Pecco. “ rene licentiam dandi fratribusb de Derby i. pratum Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . “ cont. iii. rodas et dimid. in Derby.” VIII. LITTLE DERBY, Derlega, or Darley. Austin Canons. Robert de Ferrariis, fecond earl of Derby, partly out of fome of the crown monies granted him by K. Henry 1 c. or K. Stephen, and partly out of his own 'eftate, founded a relio-ious houfe near the town of Derby, dedicated to St. Helen; but pretty early in the next reign the greateft partd of thefe canons, and their endowment, were tranfiated to Little Derby, a q Not Black canons, as in Speed. r Reyner Apoft. Bened. Leland. Colled!, i. 89. s Collect. Franc. Thin ex libro de Bermondfey inter m(T. V. cl. Joannis Anftis arm. Garter. 1 Pat. ejufd. anni. ■ u Prior S. Jacobi Derby de Aldenna inter alienig. 25 Ed. 1. Prynne, vol. iii. p. 707. w Compend. Compert. mf. * Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . “ Rex ratificat Thomse Codeburgh « pre’oendariam prxbendae de Parva Ceftre in ecclefia collegiata “ de Derby.” y « Decanus Lincoln, perfona hujus ecclelise pro fe et cano- “ nicisejufdem libers capells.” Pat. 53 Hen. 3. as Prynne. And though this reftory be not valued among the pofleflions of the deanry of Lincoln, 26 Hen. 8. yet in pat. 7 Ed. J. m. 18. it is exprefly faidthat, “ Ecclefia Omnium Sanctorum inDerbeia, “ cum prebendis et pertinentiis fuis, eft libera capella nollra, et m ab omni jurifdidtione ordinaria exempta, et dom. paps im- “ mediate lubjedta ; et ex donatione prsdecefl'orum noftrorum « regum Anglia: ad decanatum Liucolnis pertinet.” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. faith, this church “ eft prtebendalis, valoris xxxviii. “ marc.” 2 Printed alfo in the preface to Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. i. p. 7. a uitre , Whether this be not the fame with the Maifon Dieu; for pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. is placed to both of them. 11 Quxre, An fratribus pried, an fratribus hofp. c The foundation charter in Mon. Angl. ii. p. 231. is very un¬ certainly worded or badly tranfcribed, being printed thus, “ Rob. comes de Ferrariis Waltero Coventrienli epilcopo, &c. “ Ego fundavi domum unam religionis in Derby, in fifco regio, “ concenlii, et confirmatione regis Stephani, et concenfu regis “ Henrici.” I guefs it ihould have been “ confenfu regis Hen - “ rici, et confirmatione regis Stephani,” for Mon. Angl. iii. p. i. p. 59. there is a concord between the abbat of Derley and others, dated A. D. 1 121. and, if that be a right date, this houfe mult have been founded in the reign of K. Henry 1. a There were either fome Religjous left here, or here was an hofpital, or fome filch houfe, as late as 20 Ed. 1. for in the Lin¬ coln taxation then made, there is, “ Magifter domus S. Helens “ Derbeyre,” diftimft from the abbat of Derley. pleafant VIII. DERBYSHIRE. pleafant place not far off, fituate on the river Darwent, which was given them by Hugh' the pritft, clean °f Herby, whereon an abbey of that order was built to the honor of the bleficd Virgin Mary, whole yearly revenues were, at the fuppreffjun, worth 258/. 134. 5 d. Dugd. 285/. 9/. 6d. eb'. "Ml', in off. Primic. The fice of this monaftery was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sr. Will. Wefts. yide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 506. extenta terrarum ad abbatiam de Derly pertinentium, ex efcaet. 15 Ed. i. n. 34. Derb. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 230, 231. cartam Hugonis de funda- tione ; et cartam confirmutionis per R. Henricum 2. ' ex rot. plac. 7 Ric. 2. Pafcli. n. 28. Derbi Cartam Roberti de Ferrariis de fundatione prims abbatiae ; Cartam Huberti filii Radulfi de ecclefia de Cruche : Controverfias de bofeo de Cruche, et manerio de Cruche. Ibid. tom. iii. p. 57. quiet, clamat. Rob. de Sauche- verel de ecclefia de Bolton, A. D. 1271. p. 58. con¬ firm. advoc. eccl. S. Petri in Derby: Duas cartas Radulfi fil. Stephani de Rippeley et Pentriz: Aliam ejufdem Radulfi de ecclefiis de Pentriz et Winnefeld : Ejufdem Radulfi conceffionem totius terne de Wain- grif hofpitali Jerufalem, A. D. 1147. Concordiam inter abbatem et canonicos de Derley, et domum hof- pitalis Jerufalem fuper terra de Waingrif, A. D. 1121. p. 59. cartas Henrici del Luy de'Rippele et Pentriz ; Huberti fil. Radulfi de advoc. eccl. de Scardecliff; Hamundi de Mafcy de Aldewerk et Sewelledale ; "Willelmi Peverel de eccl. de Bollifovere; Aviciae Peverel de eadem ; Rogeri Burton de moiendino de Idorfeleya : p. 60. cartam Roberti comitis de b erra- riis de ecclefiis de Uttoxeteret Cruche ; Ejufdem fu¬ per decima totius redditus in Derby: Confirm. Will, de Ferrariis comitis Derbire de eccl. de Bollifovere: Confirmationem Hugonis de Ferrariis de omnibus quae Rob. de Ferrariis, et Willielmus avus,et Williel- nius pater ejus dederunt : p. 61. confirm. Walteri, Coventr. epifc. fuper diverfis donationibus : Cartam Burgenfium de Derby de Parv. Derlega : Confirm. Ricardi epifc. Coventr. de eadem. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 34. 94. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 206, 207. of the lands of Pentric, Rippele, Ulkerthorp, Ciiillewelle, & c. In Dumiale’s Warwickshire, edit. 1656. p. 103. 475. 786.° MS. Peck, in Mufseo Britannico, vol. iv. conventionem inter Walterum abbatem et Nicholaum Balle de 2 bovatis terra apud Wy ftanton : conventionem fadfam, 39 Hen. 3. inter Walterum abbatem et Henricum de Keryz, de homagio et fervitio abbatis ratione diver- farum terrarum apud Wiftanton : conventionem fac- tam, 4 Ed. 1. inter Joannem de Keryz et Henricum abbatem de communi paftura in Wiftanton et Bra- kenthweyt: conventionem faftam, 14 Ric. 2. inter Thomam abbatem et Joannem de Stepul, de ponte ultra aquam de Derwent exftruendo. Regiftrum hujus abbatise in bibl. Cotton. Titus, C. ix. 2. Regiftrum, cartas, rotulos, & c. ad hanc abbatiam fpec- tantes, penes .... Clay de Criche in com. Derb. Regiftrum de Derley penes Rob. com. Kingfton, A. D. 1630. citatum in Dugd. Warwick, p. 781. Regiftrum citatum a dotflore Thoroton, Nottinghamfcir. P- 43- Ex’radta e regiftro de Derley per St. Eo Kniveton, penes Petrum Le Neve Norroy. Extracts from the regifter book of the abbey of Darley, mf. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. Ixxxii. f. 45. Cart. 16 Joan. p. 2. m. 1. pro ii. molendinis voc. Le Cajicl Mills in Derby, ex dor.o Will. fil. Jofeph. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 11. de bovata terra vocata Brokcle in Bolofover : Cart. 14 Ed. 3. m. 7. de eadem: Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 1. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 26 et 27. de mere, et feria apud Ryppe- lcgh: Cart. 52 Hen. 3. tn. 10. Cart. 57 Hen. 3. m. 26. pro terris voc. Aidworth ex dono Sewaldi de Etendunh. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 35. de tenementis in Derby et Lud- church : Affif. in com. Derb. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 8. de ad¬ voc. eccl. de Bolton et modo decimandf ibidem : Efcret. in com. Nottingh. et Derb. 15 Ed. 1. n. 34. Efcaet. Derb. 26 Ed. 1. n. 63. pro terris in Lang- croft: Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m ig. de 1. mefT. cc. acris terra, &c. in Burlegh : Plac. aflif. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. rot. 7. de pifearia in aqua de Darwent : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2 m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21. de ten. in Derby, Alwafton, Normanton, et Willing- ton : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 47. pro ten. in Cruche, HafIewade,etDuffield : Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p 2. m. penult. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. pro ten. in Lutechurch, Wefton, Mogginton, Normanton, Spomion, Chad- defdon, et Parva Cheftre. Pat. 2 Ric 2. p. 2. m. 1 5. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. pro ten. in Thurlefton, Alwafton, et Ambafton: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 2. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 11. Pat. n Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18. pro ten. in Rippele, Waring-grene, Codnore, et Derby. Plac. in cancell. temp. Hen. 6. n. 17. Fin. et recup. Derb. 7 Hen. 6. rot. 454. Ibid. 21 Hen. 6. rot. 29. Eftrat. Derb 17 Ed. 4. n 64. Fin. et recup. Derb. 9 Hen. 7. rot. 429. Fill, et recup. Derb. 2 Hen. 8. rot. 600. Pat. 10 Hen. 8. p. 2. ni. . IX. GREISLEY, juxta pontem de Burton, in the deanry of Repindon. Austin Canons. A fmall priory of canons of the order of St. AuftirH, founded by William fon of Nigell de Greifley, temp. Hen. k. dedicated to St. Mary and St. George1, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 31/. 6s. per atm. Dugd. 39/. 134. 8 d. Speed. This monaftery was granted, 3^ Hen. 8. to Henry Cruche. Vide Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 49. Quaedam ad hunc prioratum fpedtantia inter mlT. Afhmol. Oxon. 41. 833. f. 430. Extrafts from the regifter, mf. in collegio armorum, n. 23. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 19. de eccl. de Lillington appropri- anda: Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. ' Mr. Speed faith, he was a blackfmith of Derby, and his fumame was Dean, but in his foundation charter lie is exprefly called Pried, and feems to have been rural dean of Derby (I fear there was no dean of the college of All Saints fo early) and in Mun. Angl. tom. ii. p. 231. he is faid to be in holy orders, before the tailing of which he had a fon called Henry ; but he might have been a tradefman in his younger days. f 1 he firft of thefe was the clear, and the laft the total value. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. pro ten. in Hathcote, Swardlingcot, et Church-greifley. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 2. de terris in Oke- thorp et Dunthorp. Fin. et recup. Derb. 22 Hen. 8. rot. 405. de melT. in Swardlingcote. s It was furrendered 0&. 22. 1439. by the abbatand thirteen monks. Willis, vol. ii. p. 58. h Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p.619. edit. 1730. ‘ Mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Oxon. n. 154. k Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 49. which agrees with the time of Will. Fitz Nigell the founder of Norton priory in Chellure, who might be the fame perfon. 1 Pat. 37 Ed. 3. Y X. KING’S X. DERBYSHIRE. X. KING’S MEAD, or De Pratis Domini Regis, near Derby"1. Benedictine Nuns. The abbat of Derley founded here a fmall priory of Benedidtine^nuns about the year n6on. It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. only at 18/. 6s. 2d. clare. Dugd. 21/. i8a 8 d. intoto"1 ; and granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Francis earl of Shrewfbury. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 505. cartam R. Hen- rici 4. ex plac. 3 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 4. pro c. fol. annuatim percipiendis e feodi firma villae de Notting¬ ham antea conceffis ab Henrico 3. In Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 897, 898. pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 33. per Infpeximus recit. duas cartas Hen. 3. de uno mefluagio et xn. acris terrae in Briftallegh et A {hop, et xxvii. acris terrae cum pertinentiis in fo- refta de Pecco, et commun. paftur. in Farefield in eadem forefta, et de c. fol. praedift. Clauf. 8 Hqn. 3. m. 18. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 2. de mefli in Biftaleigh. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. II. de terris in Longeley et TrufTeley excambiatiscumabbate de Crokefden. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. pro diverfis meffi qt terris in Afton fuper Trent. XI. L O K H A Y. Alien Hospital. A preceptory or hofpital, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, faid to be of the order of St. Lazarus of Jerufalem, and fubjeft to a foreign houfe in France, to which was annually paid from hence a rent of 20 1. which, upon the wars with France being feized upon by the crown, was given by K. Edw. 3. to King’s hall in Cambridge. Vide pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21 et 34. Fin. 21 Ed. 3. m. 18. XII. REPINGDON or Repton, dim Hieopandune. Austin Canons. Here was, before A. D. 660. a noble monaftery” of religious men and women p under the government of an abbefs% after the old Saxon way, wherein feveral of the royal line were buried'. But this being deftroyed by the Danes ; about the year 1172. Maud, widow* to Ranulph the fecond earl of Chefter, built here a priory for the Black canons, whom lbe had firft placed at Calk, to the honor of the Floly Trinity and St. Mary. This was endowed at the diffolution with n 8/. 8a 6d. ter am. Dugd. 167/. 18 a 2 d. Speed, when it confided of fifteen' Religious. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 280. notulam de funda- tione ex colleftaneis Henrici Ferrers arm. Cartam Hen. 3. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Cartam Ed. 2. alias donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Lelandi Collea. vol. i. p. 49. vol. ii. p. 170. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 96. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Admefurement de Pajture, de com¬ mun. paftur. in Crophull. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 24. de manerio et ecclefia de Baddow Magn. in com. Efiex. In Morant’s EflTex, vol. ii. p. 20. of the impropriate reiftory and ad vowfon of the vicarage of Great Badow : p. 25. of the advowfon of the church of Little Badow. In bibl.’ Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 82. excerpta e cartis ad hunc prioratum fpeftantibus incuftodia Sam. Roper de Monks Kirby in com. Warwic. arm. mf. 2179. f. 142. inftrumenta varia fuper refignatione Wiftani Pcrte prioris et eledlione Johannis Overtone, In Mufaeo Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. iv. Inquif. 11 Ric. 2. de terris et tenementis in Affiby de la Zouch. Cartas quam plurimas autographas huic prioratui fpec- tantes penes Thomam Altle arm. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 2. XIII. S P I T T Plac. de juratis, &c. apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Leke M. Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Efcaet. Nottingh. et Derb. 12 Ed. 1. n. 81. de c. fol. ann. redd, in Repindon, et de terris in Her- tiffiorn dandis per Bernard. Brule et Rogerum de Hertifliorn: Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Efcait. Nottingh. et Derb. 18 Ed. 1. n. 113. pro terris inEngleby ex donatione Rob. de Somervile : Pat. 18 Ed. i, m. 20. pro eildem : Cart. 25 Ed. 1. n. 15. pro lib. war. in Repindon, Calk, Engelby, et Tikenhall [Derb.] et Granfden M. [Hunt.] Plac. in com. banc. 27 Ed. 1. rot. 100. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 43. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. de med. man. de Potlock. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. Fin. et recup. Derb. 6 Hen. 4. rot. 96. Affif. in com. Derb. 8 Hen. 4. rot. 68. de bofeo de Southwood : Pat. 12 Hen. 4. p. . m. 16. de man. de Grantefden. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. g. de quarta parte raa- nerii de Repindon : Clauf. 3 Hen. 5. m. g. d. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 10. de redd. voc. Common Fyne. EL on the Peak. Hospital. On the high Peak between the villages of Hope and Caftleton ”, was an hofpital m® Rot. val. in offic. Primitiarum. _ Speed’s value is 318/. >j. a d. In Stevens, i. 35. the fumma inde, and lumma Clara "n ^Before the death of Walter bilhop of Chefter. Mon. Angl. PThoP Ruiiburn Hilt. Winton. in Angl. Sacr. vol.i. p. 196. P Leland. Colle vol. 1. p. 97- o 21. Speed and Stevens have confounded the hofpital ot Sf. John, as to the founders, dedication, and value, with this tione, fundatoribus et benefaAoribus e mf. Cottoni- ano: mf. 6748.6 19. cartam R. Joannis. Colleffariea ex regiftro Fordenfis abbat!®, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth, vol. xx. f. 88, &c. vol. cii. f. 44. vol. cxiv. f. 5. cartam R. Joannis, ibid. vol. xxv. f. 145. Eflon. 10 Ric. 1. rot. 16. pro ii. feod. milit. in Strete et Elfled [Somerf.j Cart. 6 Joan. (Oft. 10.) in baga in fcacc. Cart. 7 Joan. n. 96. Cart. 8 Joan. n. 9. Bund. fin. div. com. 11 Hen. 3. n. 9. et 12 Hen. 3. n. 16. Plac. apud Exon. 54 Hen. 3. rot. . Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 22. pro mercat. et feria apud Cerne- mue [Dorf.j Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 26. pro part. D. oviuffl apud Brough¬ ton, et aliis libertatibus : Ibid. n. 36. pro mercat. et feria apud Thorncomb: Brev. orig. 8 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20, 21. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 24. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 34. pro terris in Windfor P. Cherne- muth, &c; Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 15. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 60. pro terra in Strete : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. pro ad- voc. ecrl. de Burghftock. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 15. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . d. pro mercato apud Ford. Inquif. 4 Ed. 4. n. 66. rriery. a SShtj-re, Whether this defign ever took effect, t Said to be in Dorfetlliire, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 78.5. It is indeed in the farthefl: limit between Dorfetfhire and Somerfet- tliire, but in all civil matters ever belonged to Devonfhire, and in eccleliaftical was fubjeift to the biihop of Exeter. XXII. FRETHEL- XXII. DEVONSHIRE. XXII. FRETHELSTOKE or Friftoke", in the deanry of Hertland. Austin Canons. Here was a fmall houfe of Auftin canons from Hertland, founded by Sr. Robert Beauchamp knt. before 8 Hen. 3. It confifted only of a prior and four or five Religious about the time of the difToLution ; whofe yearly revenues were then valued at 127/: 2 s. 4 d. q. Du«d. Speed. This monaftery was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, St. Gregory, and St. Ldmund'-, and^ granted, 29 Hen. 8. to- Arthur vifcount Lifle. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 326. efcaet. 15 Ed. I. five inquif. de fundatore. Lelandi ColkcTu vol. i. p. 79.' ejufdera, Itin. vol. ii.. p. 108. vol. iii. p. 131. Cartas quamplurimas ad hunc priorqtum fpeiSantes in • cartulario fanjtfiai de Bello Campo, ml', in officio XXIII. GILD Hospital. An hofpital for lepers dedicated Vide rec. in fcacc. 7 Ric. 2. n. 16. de c. fol. annuatinv folyendis per majorem et burgenfes de Dunkeved de XXIV. H ACC OMB, Curke Augment. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. de maner. et cccl. de Brod- wood' Wiger concefl. pro cantariis Walt, de Staple- don epifc. Exon. Pat. It Ed. 3, p. 3. m. 2G Prc> eccl. de Eft-water et terri? in ead. villa pro cantariis concelT. executoribus fficti epifc. Walteri. M A R T Y N\ to St. Leonard. exitibus pafTagii aquae de Tamar. in the deanry of Kenne. College. In the church of St. Blafe here was a college or large chantry of five priefls, under the government of an archiprefbyter, in the time of K. Edward 3. Vide pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. et m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25 vel 26. XXV. HERTLAND7, in the deanry of Hertland, and archdeaconry of Barnftaple. Austin Canons. Githa wife to earl Godwin is faid to have placed Secular priefts in the church of St. Nedtan here, who enjoyed the prebends of it till the time of K. Henry 2. when Jeffrey de Dinham, by the authority of that king, and of Bartholomew bifhop of Exeter, and by the a f- fiftance of Richard archdeacon of Poi&iers, changed the Seculars into an abbat and convent of Black canons, whofe revenues were rated, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 30 61. 3 s. 2 d. a. Dugd. and Stevens j 30 61. 131. id. q. Speed, per ann. and granted. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 285. cart. 38 Ed. 3. n. 1. per Infpex. recit. cartam Hen. 2. confirm, do- nationem ecclefite S. Neiftani, quam fecit Gaufridus de Dinam Ricardo Pi&avienfi archidiacono, ut ibi ordo canonicorum regularium inftituatur: Ibid, ex pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. cartam Ric. 1. recit. et confirm, fundationem et donatoturn conceffiones. In Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 79. de fundatione: vol. iii. p. 153. catalogum quorundam librorum mff. olim. in bibliotheca hujus prioratus. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 130. 37 Hen. 8. to Will. Abbot. Rifdon’s Devonfhire, vol. i. p. 78. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p.i 70. Raftal’s Entries, tit. b^ttare Impedit de un Abbey. Year Books, 22 Hen. 6. Mich. 46. Cart, antiq. H. 14. fcil. R. Joannis, in bibl. Harleiqna, mf. 6748. f. 19. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. Brev. in fcacc. i5Ed.2. Mich. rot. 2. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro ecclefiis de Moldland et Knoufton appropriandis. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. XXVI. H O N I T O N. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for leprous perfons dedicated to St. Martin2, founded by Thomas Charde abbat of Fordea. XXVII. INDIO, in the pariflo of South Bovey. Priory. Once a priory, now the feat of the Southcots b. XXVIII. IPELPEN' in the deanry of Ipelpen, and archdeaconry of Totnefs. Alien Priory. This manor was given by the Conqueror to Ralph de Fulgeriis ; and, by one of that family, the church and fome lands here were given to the priory of St. Peter de Fulgeriis in u Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 108. w Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 79. But faid to be dedicated to St. Nicholas, in mf. Bodl. to St. George, in Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. 506. x Perhaps in Cornwall. y The pariili church of Hertland is commonly called Stoke, and the abbey itfelf from thence is fometimes (tiled the abbey of Stoke. z In regiftro Brentingham epifc. Exon. fol. 54. a Falti, vol. i. col. 12. b Rifdon, i. 51. c Not Spelepenne, as Mon. Angl. i. 1036. Britany ; XIX. DEVONSrtlRfi. thedral churchyard, built temp. Ed. i ’. and, upon the diffolution; granted to John lord Ruffe!, now called Bedford houfe. Vide in Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. mo. pat. 33 Ed. i. p. 2. m. 15. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 409. (from Izaack, p. 41.) of a conteft about the burial of Sir Henry Rawley, A. D. 1301. In Lelandi Colled, vol. iii. p. 151. catalogum libro- rum quoriindam mfT. in bibl. fratrum pnedicatorum Exon. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 60. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35 vel 36. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. nr. 8. de manfo eoruni elar- gando. 17. Grey Friers. The Francifcan or Grey friers were firft feate.d near the town wall, between the north and weft gate, in a place called Freren Hay; but temp. Ed. 1. they were removed by bifhop Button to a houle by him built for thefe Mendicants without the fouth gater, where they continued till the diffolution, after which the fite of their houfe was given to Humphry Rolles. Vide Godwyn. De prxfulibus in vita Petri Quivil epifc. Exon. Colled. Anglo-minoritica, p. ii. p. 21; 22. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 5g. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 157. Literas J. Peckham archiepifc. Carituar. decano et ca- pitulo Exon, pro permutatiOne cujufdam areae, 19 Ed. 1. in Wilkinfii Concil. vol. ii. p. 175. Efcset. Devon. 20 Ed. 1. n. . Inquif. de quadam area pro fundatione domus fratrum Minorum. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 2. de aquredudu in vico vocato Botehul Strete, et fubtus portam Auftralem. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. de quadam placea terrae eif- dem fratribus per redorem S. Stephani relaxata. XX. EXETER DIOCESE. Charter-House. Richard Stapleton, 5 Ed. 3. obtained the king’s licence to build an houfe for Carthufian monks upon his own ground, any where within the diocefe of Exeter, and to en¬ dow the fame with rents and advowfons of churches to the yearly value of one hundred marks, for the foul’s health of Walter Stapleton bilhop of Exeter8. Vide pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. j XXI. FORD', in the parifh of Thorncomb, and deanry of Honiton. CISTERTIAN Arbey. Richard Fitz-Baldwin de Brioniis baron of Okehampton and Iheriff of Devonfhire, A. D. 1136. brought an abbat and twelve Ciftertian monks to Brightley in this county who, ’not liking that barren place, removed to Ford, which was given them, A. D. 1141. bv Adelicia filler and heirefs to the Laid Richard. By the piety and charity of thefe founders, and other benefadors, this abbey, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, was before the diffolution en¬ dowed with 374’/. 1 or. 6 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 381/. -or. 6d. ob. Speed. The fite was oranted, 32 Hen. 8. to Richard Pollard. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 785, &c. fundatioms et fundatorum hiftoriam ex cod. mf. in bibl. Cotton, Julius, B. x. Cartas Jocelini et Joanms de Pome- rei, de villa de Tale: Confirmationem donationum per R. Ric. I. ex cart, antiq. S. n. 21. Rifdon’s Antiquities of Devonfhire, vol. 1. p. 25. Year Books, 18 Ed. 3. f. 50. Ill Lelandi Colled, vol. r. p. 66. hiftoriolam fundatio- nis: vol. iii. p. 150. catalogum quorundam librorum mff. olim in bibliotheca hujus ccenobii. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 242. of lands inBnd- port : p. 254. of a burgage and garden in Lyme Regis : p. 261. of the manor of Catlley in Corfcomb : p- 31 1- of the manor and impropfiate redlory ot Burdock . p 21s. of the manor and advowfon of the redory of Charmouth : p. 367. of the manor ofLittle Windfor: n C2Q. of a manor in Toller-porcorum : vol. 11. p. 160. of lands in Shillingfton: p. 169. of the manor of Turnworth : p. 172. of the manor of Thorncomb: p.410. of lands in Sturminfter Newton. In Dr. Archer’s account of religious houfes, &c. in the diocefe of Bath, printed at the end of Hearne’s Hem- ingford, p. 638. of eftates belonging to the abbey of Ford in that diocefe. Regiftrum hujus abbatiie penes 1 . . . Rufwell de . . . . in com. Somerfet. Regiftrum olim penes dom. Willi Drake, nunc penes Franc. Gwynn de ead. arm. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1178. f. 97. hiftoriam de funda¬ tione, fundatoribus et benefadoribus e mf. Cottoni- ano: mf. 6748. f. 19. cartam R. Joannis. Colledanea ex regiftro Fordenfts abbatise, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth, vol. xx. f. 88, &c. vol. cii. f. 44. vol. cxiv. f. 5. cartam R. Joannis, ibid. vol. xxv. f. 145. Efl’on. 10 Ric. 1. rot. 16. pro ii. feod. milit. in Strete etElfled [Somerf.] Cart. 6 Joan. (Od. 10.) in baga in fcacc. Cart. 7 Joan. n. 96. Cart. 8 Joan. n. 9. Bund. fin. div. com. 11 Hen. 3. n. 9. et 12 Hen. 3. n. 16. Plac. apud Exon. 54 Hen. 3. rot. . Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 22. pro mercat. et feria apud Cerne- mue [Dorf.J Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 26. pro paft. D. oviutn apud Brough¬ ton, et aliis libertatibus : Ibid. n. 36. pro mercat. et feria apud Thorncomb: Brev. orig. 8 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20, 21. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 24. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 34. pro terris in Windfor P. Cherne- muth, &c. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 60. pro terra in Strete : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. pro ad- voc. ecrl. de Burghftock. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 15. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . d. pro mercato apud Ford. Inquif. 4 Ed. 4. n. 66. Perhaps by Sr. Oliver de Dineham, or Ifabella Courtney countefs of Devonihire his wife, who were both buried here. M°Ldannd. itinfvol. iii. p. 59- Rifdon’ voL ’• P- 97- .^aack, p. m. Speed and Stevens have confounded the hofpital of gj, John, as to the founder dedication, and value, with this friery. s Qucrrey Whethef this defign ever took effeft- t Said to be in Dorfetfhire, Mon* Angl. tom.i. p. 785. It is indeed in the farthefl: limit between Dorfetfhire and Somerfet- fhire, but in all civil matters ever belonged to Devonfhire, and in eccleliaftical was fubjeft to the bifhop of Exeter. XXII. FRETHEL- XXII. DEVONSHIRE. XXII. FRETHELSTOKE or Friftokc u, in the deanry of Hertland. Austin Canons. Here was a fmall houfe of Auftin canons from Hertland, founded by Sr. Robert Beauchamp knt. before 8 Hen. 3. It confilfed only of a prior and four or five Religious about the time of the diflbLudoo ; whole yearly revenues were then valued at 127/: 2 s. 4 a. q. Ducrd. Speed. This monaftery was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, St. Gregory, and St. Edmund"’, and° granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Arthur vifcount Lifle; Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 326. efcset. 15 Ed. I. five inquif. de fundatore. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 79.' ejufdern, Itin. vol. ii. p. ro8. vol. iii. p. 131. Cartas quamplurimas ad hunc prioratum fpe&antes in • cartulario familisi de Bello Campo, mf. in officio Curias Augment. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. de maner. et cccl. de Brod- wood- Wiger concefi. pro cantariis Walt, de Staple- don epifc. Exon. Pat. 11 Ed. 3, p. 3. n>, at-, pro eccl. de Eft-water et terris in ead. villa pro cantariis conceff". executorihus dicti epifc. Walteri. XXIII. GILD M A R T Y N\ Hospital. An hofpital for lepers dedicated to St. Leonard. Vide rec. in fcacc. 7. Ric. 2. n. 16. de c. fol. annuatim- exitibus paflagii aqua de Tamar, folyendis per majorem et burgenfes de Du:. keyed de XXIV. HACCOMB, in the deanry of Kenne. College. In the church of St. Blafe here was a college or large chantry of five priefts, under the government of an archiprefbyter, in the time of K. Edward 3. Vide pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. r. et m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25 vel 26. XXV. HERTLAND ", in the deanry of Hertland, and archdeaconry of Barnftaple. Austin Canons. Gicha wife to earl Godwin is faid to have placed Secular priefts in the church of St. Ne&an here, who enjoyed the prebends of it till the time of K. Henry 2. when Jeffrey de Dinham, by the authority of that king, and of Bartholomew bifhop of Exeter, and by the af- ftftance of Richard archdeacon of Poi&iers, changed the Seculars into an abbat and convent of Black canons, whofe revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 30 61. 3 s. 2 d. q. Dugd. and Stevens j 30 61. 131. id. q. Speed, per ann. and granted. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 285. cart. 38 Ed. 3. n. 1. per lnfpex. recit. cartam Hen. 2. confirm, do- nationem ecclefne S. Nedtani, quam fecit Gaufridus de Dinam Ricardo Pi&avienfi archidiacono, ut ibi ordo canonicorum regularium inftituatur : Ibid, ex pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. cartam Ric. 1. recit. et confirm, fundationem et donatorum conceffiones. In Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 79.de fundatione: vol. iii. p. 153. catalogum quorundam librorum mff. olim. in bibliotheca hujus prioratus. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 130. 37 Hen. 8. to Will. Abbot. Rifdon’s Devonfhire, vol. i. p. 78. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. P.-170. Raftal’s Entries, tit. bQtiare Impedit de un Abbey. Year Books, 22 Hen. 6. Mich. 46. Cart, antiq. H. 14. fcil. R. Joannis, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6748. f. 19. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 15. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. Brev. in fcacc. 15 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 2. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. prq ecclefiis de Moldland et Knoufton appropriandis. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. XXVI. H O N I T O N. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for leprous perfons dedicated to St. Martin1, founded by Thomas Charde abbat of Fordea. XXVII. INDIO, in the parifi of South Bovey. Priory. Once a priory, now the feat of the Southcots b. XXVIII. IPELPEN ', in the deanry of Ipelpen, and archdeaconry of Totnefs. Alien Priory. This manor was given by the Conqueror to Ralph de Fulgeriis •, and, by one of that family, the church and fome lands here were given to the priory of St. Peter de Fulgeriis in u Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 108. w Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 79. But faid to be dedicated to St. Nicholas, in mf. Bodl. to St. George, in Maen. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. 506, x Perhaps in Cornwall. y The parilli church of Hertland is commonly called Stoke, and the abbey itfelf from thence is fometimes ftiled the abbey of Stoke. z In regiftro Brentingham epifc. Exon. fol. 54. a Fafti, vol. i. col. 12. b Rifdon, i. 51. c Not Spelepenne, as Mon. Angl. i. 1036. Britany ; XXVIII. DEVONSHIRE. h tSritany ; fo it became a cell to that houfe. This alien priory was given afterward by K. Henry 6. partly to the college of St. Mary Ottery, and partly to King’s college in Cambridge d. Vide mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. cXx. f. 6. fcollegio de Ottery t Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. Itj^de Rot. pip. 13 Ed. 3. confirm, terr. in Ipelpen collegio S. Nicolai Cantabr. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 2. pro ecd. de Ipelpen approprianda Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 2. XXIX. LEGH', Leyef, Canonleigh or Mincheneleya8, in the pdrijh of BUrlefcombe or Berdlefcombe, in the dcanry of Tiverton \ Austin Nuns. Walter Clavell; temp. Hen. 2 *. founded here a priory for canons of the order of St. Auitin, who were changed by Maud de Clare countefs of Hereford and Glocefter, in the beginning of the time of K. Edward 1 k. into an abbefs and nuns, or canoneffes, of the fame order. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary, St. John the evangelift and St. Etheldreda, and val lued, 26 Hen. 8. at 197/. f. id. per ann. Dugd. 202 1. 15 s. 3d. Speed; about which time there were eighteen Religious in this f+ioriaftery ; the fite of which was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sr. John St. Leger, in exchange for other ellates. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 204. ex cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 18. cartas regum Hen. 3. et Ed. 1. recit. et con¬ firm. donatorum conceffiones : et pat. 18 Ed. r. m. 18. pro manerio de Dunesford et advocatione ec- clefiae per Petrum Exon, epifcopum conceffis : p 362. ex Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 81. nomina fiindatofum. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 188. of the impro¬ priate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Eaft Morden. Ill Dr. Archer’s account, &c. printed at the end of Hearne’s Hcmingford, p. 633. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Sampford. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 421. of the founding this priory, the manor of Mannytree alias Schidington, and a mefluage in Miftley, Efl'ex : p. 98. of lands in Little Bromley: and p. 373. of lands in Lawford, Eftex, belonging to this abbey. Cartam originalem Matildis de Clara co'mitiflae Gio- ceftriae et Hereford donantis manerium fuum de Sydynghaw abbatiffie et canonicabus. Regiftrum cartarum monafterii B. Mariae et S. Joan- nis Bapt. de Leghe in Devonia, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 3660. Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. T9, pro feria apud Leyath : Carf. in tranfmar. 14 Ed. 1. n. 5. pro mercato apud Leigh Canon : Et pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. , pro eodem mercato. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. u. de eccl. de Donesford appro¬ prianda; et de manerio de Northley concefl. per G. de Clare com. Gloceftriae. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. pro maneriis de Donesford et Hokkeford : Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. de ecd. de Rokbeare. * XXX. MARS CHE near Exeter, between Exeter and Exmouth '< Austin Cell. Here was a fmall priory of Black canons, temp. Hen. 3. cell to Plympton, de¬ dicated to the blefled Virgin. It was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to James Coffyn and Tho. Godwyn. Vide Mon. Angl. tom.ii. p. 10. Taxat. Lincoln, mf. “ Cuftos loci S. Mari* de Mafifco.” XXXI. MODE UR Ym, in the deanry of Plympton. Alien Priory. A cell of Benediftine monks to the abbey of St. Peter fur Dive in Nor¬ mandy as early as K. Stephen’s time0, to which it was given by . Ruan or ... . Exton p. It was dedicated to St. Gregory?, and of about 70/. per ann. value’. Upon the diffolution of the alien priories K. Henry 6. gave this to his college at Eaton. K. Edward 4. gave it to Taviftock abbey, but afterwards it reverted to Eaton’. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 507. memorandum de advocatione hujus prioratus. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 198. donationem ejufdem collegio Etonenfi, ex pat. 19 Hen. 6. et pat. 7 Ed. 4. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 47. Cartas, rentalia, &c. inter munimenta coll. Eton, cap- fula 20. In bundello beneficiorum alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de appro- priatione ecclefiae parochialis monachis ibidem. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 18. de concert*, abbatiae deTavy- ftoke : Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 5. d To Wind for college; Rifdon, ii. 202. « Cart. Matildis de Clare. f Not in the ifleof Guernfey, as Mon. Angl. ii. 104. s Taxat. Lincoln. &c. So called from the Minchins or Nuns it then belonged to, as it was formerly from the canons named Canon Leigh. •» So the mfT. additions of the learned editor of the former edition; and therefore it is very probable (as the atithor had conjectured) that this is the fame with the priory of Black Ca¬ nons placed at Berlelton in this county, in Gervafe of Cant, or Henry Sulgrave’s catalogue of religious houfes, fuppofed to be made temp. RJc. 1. For there is no parilh or place in Devon- fhire of the name of Berlelton; and this priory of Canons- Leigh, being lituated at Berdlefcombe might be deferibed in the old catalogues by the name of the parilh inftead of the local name (Leye, then in being, not being mentioned at all in them) and Be rlelton be a miftake of the tranferiber for Berdlefcombe, 1 “ Founded not long after the ConqueR.” Rifdon, i. 43. k “ AITenfu noltri” Cart. Ed. 1. anno regni 14. Mon. Angl. ii. 204. So not temp . Hen. i. as Mr. Speed. 1 Leland. ColleCt. vol. i. 80. m Corruptly called Molerey in Speed’s catalogue. n Mon. Angl. i. p. 1036. Rymer, viii. p. 102. But quarey for fin. 2 Hen. 3. is “ Pro mercato apud Modbury in Devon. “ concefi'o abbati de Valle Torta.” 0 William prior of Modbury is, in the extended tranfeript mf. penes V. R. Cox Macro S. T. P. 12. ii. 18. one of the wit- nefles to the charter of William Avenel to the priory of Plymp¬ ton, which was made temp. Baldovini comitis , who died 1 Hen. 2. Mon. Angl. ii. 9. pp Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 47. q Willis. r Rifdon, vol. i. p. 145* XXXII. SOUTH SHIRE XXXII. t) E V O N XXXII. SOUTH MOULTON. College. A college here, to which the reftory was appropriate*. Mr. Willis’ Parochiale, p. XXXIII. NEWENPIAM or Neuham, in the parijh of Axminfter', in the deanry of Honiton. PtsteRTIaN Abbey. Reginald de Mohun earl of Somerfet, with leave from K. Henry 3. r mHed A. D. 1246“, at this place*, within his manor of Axminfter, an abbey for Ciftertian monks to the honor of the Virgin Mary, which at the diffolution was endowed with 227/. 7 j. 8d. w ann. Dugd. 231/. 14 s. 4 d. Speed. Its fite was granted, 5 EM to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 928. cartam fundatioms ex cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 5. per Infpeximus: P.949, confirmationem terrarnm et libertatum per R. Ed. 3. prout in pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. P. 93°- P™ge- niem Alicia: de Mohun ex regiftro abbatue de bibton ; De fundatoribus ; Nomina abbatum, &c. ex regiftro de Newenham. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 32- 81. ejufdem Itirt. vol. ill. p. 73. . In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 90, 91. excerpta ex ka- lendario martirologii hujus abbatiae : p. 92. longitudi- nem ecclefiae. In Prynne’s Records or Papal Ufurpations, vol. 111. p. 578. pat. 21 Ed. I. m. 7. de advoc. eccl. de Axminfter. An account of the abbats, and fome other memoirs ot this monaftery in Mr. Prince’s Worthies of Devon- An account of the abbats in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbles, vol. ii. p. 62. In bilhop Gibfon’s Appendix to the Codex, p. 34. de augmentatione vicariae de Lovepitt, A. D. 1385. In Hutchin’s Dorfetftiire, vol. i. p. 254. of a burgage in Lime-Regis: p. 323. of rents in Stockland. Regiftriim abbatiae de Newenham. olim in bibl. Arun¬ del. nunc in bibl. regiae focietatis London, inter codd. Norf. n. 147. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae penes Robertum Roll de Hean- ton Sackvile arm. A. D. 1606. cujus apographum extat. in mufeo V. doitiffimi et amiciflimi Joannis Anftis arm. Garter-, ubi etiam extant collectanea ex quodam regiftro hujus abbatiae per Franc. Thynne. Notes out of the abbey book of Newenham, mf. haud ita pridem penes dom. Hen. St. George mil. regem ar- morum titulo Garter. A. 42. Excerpta ex regiftro et nomina abbatum, mf. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lv. fol. 50. Colledtanea ex regiftro, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 2044. F. 36. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro maner. de Axeminllre : Plac, Devon. 56 Hen. 3. rot. 223. Cart. 4 Ed. 1. n. 18. Pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 18. Pat. :8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9, et 17. Pet. pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 64. de jure patronatus abbatite, et pro eccl. de Axminftre approprianda: Plac. de banco, 7 Ed. 3. rot. 262. Pat. 8 Ed. 3, p. I. m. . p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. de advoc. eccl. de Axminftre: Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. I vel 2. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 33. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 3. pro eccl. de Lovepitt approprianda; Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. de eademeccl. Ibid. p. 2. m. 41 vel 42. Pat. ig Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 38. d. Cart. 30 Ed. 3. n. 1. pro feria apud Plenynt. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. dehundredo de Axminfter, et advoc. eccl. de Norton. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. %■ m. 26. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 6. de Middelwold in Moreftowe: Clauf. 16 Hen. 6. m. 17 vel 18. pro advoc. eccl. de Loveputt. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 17. XXXIV. OTTERY, in the deanry of Ailefbear. COLLEGE. In the old catalogue of religious houfes, fuppofed to be made by Gervafe of Can¬ terbury or Hen. Sulgrave, temp. Ric. 1 x. we find mention of a priory here of Black monks dedi¬ cated to St. Mary ; and the editors of the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 1036. have made it an alien priory, cell to St. Margaret y, or, as p. 549. to the abbey of St. Mary’s in Roan ; whereas there was no monaftery of either of thofe denominations at Roan, but the church of St. Mary there, being the cathedral of the archbifhop, confifted of Secular canons; to which the manor and church of Ot- tery were given either by K. Edward the Confeffor, about the year of our Lord I060. or by Otho carl of . before the Conqueft2. They were farmed at fixty fix marks, 7 Joannis, and taxed, 20 Ed. 1. as worth 45/. per ann. In 8 Ed. 3. the dean and chapter obtained the king’s leave, and in the next year adtually fold this manor, &c. to John Grandilon bifhop of Exeter, who, A. D. 1337. founded a college in the parifh church here for a warden3, eight prebendaries, ten vicars, a mafter of mufic, a mafter of grammar, two parilh priefts, eight fecondaries, eight chorifters and two clerks, to the honor of Chrift Jefus, the bleffed Virgin Mary, St. Edward King and Confeffor, and All Saints. This college b was endowed at the diffolution with 338/. 2 s. gd. per ann. total. 30 3/. 2s. gd. clarec ; ahd the fite of it was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Edward earl of Hertford. • Queers. In this church were two or three chantry priefts. Baronetage, vol. ii. p. 126. and Wood’s Athene Oxon. vol. ii. col. 1026. « Mon. Angl. i. 930. A. D. 1241. Annales Ceftr. mf. 1226. Annales de Parcolude, mf. But it could not be fo early, be¬ cause Richard bifhop of Exeter is one of the witnefies to the foundation charter, who was not confecrated till 1245. w Mr. Rifdon, vol. i. 30. faith, that this monaftery was founded firft at Luppit ; but there feems to be no ground for that aflertion in the hiftory of the foundation given us in the Monafticon. * Mf. Bodl. y Rifdon, i. 141. z Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p« 1017. a Leland. Colle<5t. vol.i. p. 81. b The Notes on the laft edition of Camden make this college to have been diflolved among the alien priories, in the parliament at Leicefter, temp. Hen. 5 . c Mf. Valor, in officio Primitiarunn Vide o XXXIV. DEVONSHIR E. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom.i. p, 549. pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. in quo per infpeximus carta R. Ed^vardi Con- fefloris di&i: Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p..2. m. 27. de mancrio de Otery et advocatione cccleiiae alienandis: Pat. n Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. pro collegio canonicorum fecula- riuin apud Ottery fundando. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 1017. clauf. 7 Joann, m'. i.d. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 59,60. pat. 1 1 Ed. 3; p. 3. n». 4. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. per Infpex. recit. cartas alienatioms 9 Ed. 3. et fun- dationis collegii 11 Ed. 3. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p.i.m.12. pro ecclefia de Northam approprianda. Lelandi Collcdt vol. i. p. 81. ejufdem; Itin. vol. iii. . P- 65. Rymeri Feeder, vol. iv. p. 466. De eccl. S. Maris Otterey fafta collegiata, mf. in bibb eccl. ca'th. Exon. n. 23. 'Kot. clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro mercat. etferia ibid. Pat. 4Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. Je eccl. de Nortbam ab abbate et conv. de Cadomo per- quirenda et approprianda: Ibid. p. 2. m. 19. de ad- vocationibus eccleliaruin de Brideftow, Bratton, et Ilftyngton. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Cart. 1 Ric. 2. n. 12. pro mercat. et duabus feriis apud Ottery: Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p.\ m. 20. pro eccl. de-Teynton approprianda.: Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 20. Pat; 21 Ric. T. p. 2- rrr. 15. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 4. de mtdietale maaerii de Winford. Rot. franc. 8 Hen. 6. rot. 8". Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 2. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Pat: 1 Ed. 4„p. 2. m. 2. de appropriati'one’ eech de Ipel- penne, Chelworth, &c. XXXV. OTTERINGTON or Otterton, in the deanry.of Ailelbear. Alien Priory. K. William the Conqueror gave this manor to the monies of St. Michael in Periculo Maris 3 in Normandy, whereupon it became an alien priory of Black monks, ftibjfrfit to that foreign abbey. After the fuppreffion of thefe houfes this elfate was given to the monaftery of Sione 1 °Ed. 4. and being valued at 87/. ior. 4 d. per annf. was, as parcel of Sion, granted to Richard Duke 31 Hen. 8-. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 569, 57°' Pat< 5 Ed- 3- p. 1. m. 29. Claul. 6 Ed. 3. m. 19. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 72. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 198. de tenemento in civit. Exon, et p. 307. de manfo et terra in manerio de Ertecumba. In cl. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iv. p. 247. clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m.22. In vol.. vi. p. 31 1. pat. 35 Ed. 3. m. . Collediones per Galfridum Montis S. Miohaelis mona- chum de maneriis ad didtum ccenobium pertiiientibus in com. Devon. A. D. 1260. mf. penes cl. Joannem Anftis arm. Garter regem armorum. Computos, rentalia, &c. in officio nuper Curiae Aug¬ ment. in cilia notata Sycn manajierium. Rot. clauf. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 23, 24. de mora de Buketon juxta Exon. Fin. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 8. 10. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. Efcaet. Devon. 6 Ed. 3. n. 132. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. XXXVI. P I L T O N, near Barnftaple. 1 Benedictine Cell. ABenediftine priory founded by K. Ethelftant, and dedicated to the blelied Virgin Mary h. It was accounted a cell to Malmfbury abbey in Wiltfhire', confifted only of a prior and three monks k about the time of the diffolution, when its yearly revenues were valued at 56/. 12 s. 8 d. oh. Dugd. Speed. Vide Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 79. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. priores de Pilton et Bernflaple: Cart. 18 Ed. 3. n. 6. p j pro mercato et feria apud Pilton. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. Se excambio inter 2 Hospital. An hofpital here for leprous perfons dedicated to St. Margaret is mentioned in Bp. Brentingham’s regifter, fob 57. XXXVII. PLYMMOUTH. 1. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for leprous perfons, dedicated to the Holy Trinity and St. Mary Magdalen. Vide Regiftrum epife. Exon, Brentingham fob 53. b. 2. Grey Friers. A houfe of Grey friers m here, founded 7 Ric. 2. Speed. Vide rot. pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 38 vel 39. <1 Not to Mountborow abbey, as Leland. Itin. 111. p. 72. C So pat. 1 Ed. 4. but perhaps he only confirmed the grant of K. Henry 6. who is faid by Rifdon, vol. i. p. 34- to have given it to Syon. , - , f When this priory was feifed by K. Edward 3. it was farmed at 120/. ter arm . Coll. mf. V. cl. M. Hutton e reg. epife. Wellenf. g Leland. Collett, i. 79. Spted, See. h Mon. Angl. i. 54. 1039* , . , ' . i So Mon. Angl. i. 54* a- Said to be given to it before A. D. 1248. so Leland and Speed. But yet there is no mention of this priory in K. Ethelftan’s, or any other’s grants to Malmfbury. By the charters it feems to bear relation to Barnftaple; for Joel fil Aluredi exprefly gives them “ Piltonam cum bofeo et ma- “ rifeo.” Mon. Angl. i. 684. and the manor of Pilton, with the wood there called Yearn wood, was granted 29 Hen. 8. to Wil¬ liam lord Howard, as part of the pofleflions of Barnftaple; but it is taxed diftintt from both in all the Valuations;, and though Barnftaple had certainly pofleflions in this parifh, it is very un¬ certain whether it had any power over the priory. k Mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. 1 Not 156/. as Rifdon, vol. i. p. 108. One of thefe houfes (but I know not which) was rebuilt in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 4. For, pat. 3 Hen. 4. p.a. m. 12 vel 13. is, “ Quod vicarius de Sutton Plimpton pol- “ fit litem fuam profeaili verfus fratres ibidem, eo quod ip I* “ contra voluntatem fuam de novo conftruxerunt domuni “ fuam.” 3. White XXXVII. DEVONSHIRE* White Friers. The priory of White friers'" in the eaft part of the town " was grantoi, $$ Hcn. 8. to Giles Ifelham. p'ide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 43 • XXXVIII. PLY MPT ON, in the dednry Plympton. A rrsTiN CANONS. A free chapel or college, of the foundation of one of the Saxon kings % ,1- A a dean or provoft, and four prebendaries with other mimfters p, which being diilolved KhewillWWaHewaft fcfilhop^of Exeter, heVettled here, A. D. mi', a priory of canons Regular of d ' 0f Sr Auftin, and dedicated the fame tb the apoftles St. Pettr arid St. Pauk Its ye r y £££ byiekne&aion, of earl Bald»i„ de R.dverira', and .rhers exceeded Tavdlok^or any other monaftery iii the diocefe of Exeter, being valued at 912/. 12s. 8 d. 0 . q. granted, 2 Biz. to Arthur Champernoon. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. IOOO. conventionem inter monafteria de Tavyftoke et Plimpton fuper capel lade Plimftocke : p. 1001. recogmtionem prions dfe Phm- ton domui de Tavyftoke, A. D. I3°4- . , Ibid. tom. ii. p. 6, &c. hiftoriamfundat.on.s ex Leland. Itin. vol. iii. Plac. coram rege, 2 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. ,20. Devon. Cart 2 Ed. 3. m. 13. n. 46. recit. cartam Hen. 1. quod canomci fint immunes de geldis, et cartam Hen. 2. cOnfirmantis plurimas donations : Cart. Antiq. Z. n. 12. [nempe Hen. 2.] confirm. ferram de Newton per Robertum de Ponte- Arche da- - - ram ■ Cartam Will, de Curchi de terra de Pofterigg, ,Inquif. Devon. 11 Ed. 2. n. 27. ex autograph, in bibl. Hatton: Cartam Roberti epifc. Cart._2 Ed. 3. n. 46. Pat. 4 • 3- P Exon confirmantis donationem eccleil® de caftello Exon per Will. Avenel faftam, ex autogr. in officio armorum. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 20. de vicario et ca- pellano in eccl. de Landaho conftituendis. Cartam Tuliance vidua: Willelmi le Bret confirm, conceffionem terne de Poftrigge Waltero de Kentlelbery per ca- nonicos faftam, ex autogr. in bibl. Hatton. _ In Lelandi Collett vol. i. p. 79- de fundatione : vol. in. p. 152. titulos quorundani librorum mil. olim. in di- bliotheca hujus prioratus. Lelandi Itin. vol. ii. p. 1 10. vol. in. p. 43- 4S- In libronigro Scaccarii, p. 1 16. de quarta parte I. feed. mil. tent, de epifeopo Exon. Prvnne’s Papal UfurpatiOns, vol. iii. p. 1191. Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. f. 57. Lib. affif. f. 284. Yhe names of the priors in Willis Hiftory of Abbie^, vol. ii. p- 63. Regiftrum prioratus de Plimpton. . Rentale de terris, tic. in Newton, Dent-pridr, bcheagh, Priorton, Thryfcheton, Waterfall, Tamerton, et Martinfton, ad hdc monaft. fpeAant. 9 Hen. 4. mf. in bibl. Harleiana. In eadem bibl. mf. 862. p. 248. de refeaione cancelli ecclefiae de Sottone. . ■ In Mufeo Britannico, inter Collect. Francifci 1 eck, vol. iv. notificationem indulgentiarum conceftarum a diveriis potitificibus eis qui vifitaverint capellam de Plymbridge per Johannem How priorem de Plymton. Rot. clauf. s Hen. 3. n. . Rot. Vafcon. 38 Hen. 3. m. . demercat. et feria apud Sutton. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. CJ o r, nn j. ... m— j r 2* m- • Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. deeccl. de Landeho: Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. n. 40. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m.7 vel 8. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1 . m. 3jj. de eccl. de Neweton S. Cyric. Ibid. p. 3. m. 16. de eccl. de Brydeftow: Elac. coram rege, 37 £8. 3. Hill. rot. 22. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. P* r* m?44. Rec. in fcacc. 40 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 9. Brev. feg. 2 Ric. 2. n. 43. de jure patrortatus hujus pri¬ oratus inter regem et epifeopum Exon. Pat. 8 Ric. 2; p. 2. m. 16. Rec. in fcaCc. 9 Ric. 2. de libertatibus villa: de Sutton-prior: Clauf. 15 Ric. 2. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ric. 2. Trin. rbt. 7* Rot. pari. 3 et 14 Ed. 4. n. 48. Cart. 6 Ed. 4.^ n. 9* Cart. 22 Ed. 4. n. 2. de feria ibidem in fefto S. Jo- annis Bapt. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 7. de patronatu prioratus inter regem et epifc. Exon. Rot. pari. 25 Hdn. 8. n. 1. difeharging the town of Plimmouth of the payment of 29/. 6 s. 8d. per ann. to the priory, and in lieu thereof appropriating the churches of Ugburgh and Blackeaveton. 2. Hospital. An old hofpital for leprous people, under the government of a matter or priqr, before 44 Ed. 3 '. XXXIX. POLLESHOO, olim Poleflowe. BeNEDIctine Nuns. A nunnery of the Benedi&ine order, eretted temp. Ric. 1 “. or before'”, by William Briwere-, perhaps the nobleman above and after mentioned as founder of Torre and Donkelwell abbies, rather than the William Briwere" who was bifhop of Exeter; becaufe he was not confecrated till A. D. 1224. It was dedicated to St. Katharine, and had a priorefs and about thirteen nuns, whofe revenues were rated at 164/. 8s. 11 dy. per ann. Dugd. 170/. 2 s. 3 d. q. Speed. In the time of K. Edward 6. anno regni 3. this priory was granted to John earl of Warwick. * Leland. Itin. iii. 43. 0 It was in being; temp. Eadgari reglsy who was a benefactor to it, if the record be true. Mon. Angl. ii. 9. p Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 45* q Regiftrum mf. It is laid, that this bifhop when he grew old and blind refigned his bifhopric, and became canon of this houie, in the chapter houfe whereof he is buried. r He was not founder temp. Hen. 3. as in Speed. • 91a /. its. 8 cl. dim. q. Stevens. The abbat arid twenty canons fubferibed to the fupremacy. Willis, ii. p. 64. < Lib. Aflif. f. 284. a It is not only mentioned in Gervafe of Canterbury, but in bifhop Bekingtoir s regifter is the return of a writ, by which that bifhop certihes the king, “ quod priorifla et moniales de Poll- “ fhoo fcxon. dioc. habent et tenent, et a diu habuerunt et te- « nuerunt, viz. a 9 Ric. 1. eccleiiam parochialem de Merfton, “ dioc. Bath, et Well, in fuos proprios ufus, fuitque vicaria in « eadem ecclefia ordinata, et ad fummam xii. marc, a tempore “ regis Henrici 3. dotata.” Mf. collect. V. doftilT. Matth. Hut¬ ton S.T. P. e regiftris Wellenfibus. w Among the muniments of the dean and chapter of Exeter is a deed of the abbefs pf Poleflowe, dated 16 Hen. a. cr A. D. 1169. Ex informatiorie Reverendiffimi Caroli Littleton nuper epifeopi Carliol. x As Leland, Speed. , . y In a good mf. Valor the fumma clara of this priory is 14.1 /. 8 s. nd. And lb iri Stevens, vol. i. p*. 34. “ Summa inde 170/. “ 2 sk 3^. q . fumma clara 144/; 8j. lid. q” XXXIX. DEVONS H- I. R E. ' Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. ex Leland. Colleft. Hearne’s Hetninglord, p.636. of the imj.ircpciale i. p. 80. reftory of Merfton Magna. Rifdon’s Devonfhire, vol. ii. p. 150. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . In Dr. Archer’s account, &c. printed at the end of Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 22. XL. R E D L E I G H. Alien PRIORY. An alien priory dedicated to St. James *. XLI. S I D M O U T H, in the deanry of Ailefbear. A.LIEN Priory. An alien priory, cell to Mountborow in Normandy', or rather to St. Michael in Periculo Maris, for to this laft mentioned monaftery the manor of Sidmouth was given by K. William the Conqueror". It was fometimes reckoned as part of Otterton priory, and, with that, after the diffolution of thefe foreign houfes, was given to Sion abbey. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 72. mentationis fub titulo Syon monajter'ium. Computos ballivorum, &c. in officio nuper Curiae Aug- XLII. ‘SLAPTON, in the deanry of Woodleigh. College. Sr. Guy de Brien' knt. founded, A. D. 1373. a college or chantry of a redtor and four fellows, priefts, within the chapel of our Lady, adjoining to the parifh church here d, which was furrendered 37 Hen. 8. and in the fame year granted to Thomas Arundel ; but 6 Ed. 6. it was granted to Sr. Will. Petre. Vide Year Books, 31 Hen. 6. Pafch. I. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 53. Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. xv. p. 70. Hiftoriam fundationis, mf. in bibl. Bodl. inter libros ab Ant. Woodemptos, n. 3. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. i3veli4. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 34. pro maner. de Chiltern Wagg. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2.m. 32. proeccl. dePounftote: Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29. de tenementrs in Norton, Warledon, Tafleland, et Kenne; Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 20. deecrl. de Slapton approprianda. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. Clauf. 4 Hen. 4. m. 26. Inquif. 7 Hen. 4. n. 7. de maner. de Cramwell in 1 Melford- [Suff.] Clauf. 12 Hen. 4. m. 34. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. r. de eccl. de Tallagham in Wallia approprianda. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 19. de eccl. de Ladefwell ap- proprianda. XLIII. STOKE in Tynhide, in the deanry of Kenne. College. John de Stanford obtained leave of K. Edward 3. to found a religious houfe in this town to the honor of the Virgin Mary and St. Andrew, for a warden and feveral chaplains, to whom he gave licence of mortmain to hold che manor of Stoke and the advowlon of the church c. Vide pat. 23 or 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m.*8. XLIV. TAVYSTOKE or Taveftockf, in the deanry of Taviftock, and archdeaconry of Totnefs. * Benedictine Abbey. An abbey of Black monks, begun here by Ordgar earl of Devonlhire A. D. 961 e. and finilhed by his fon Ordulf, to the honor of the Virgin Mary and St. Rumon. It was endowed at the fuppreffion with 902/. 5s. yd. q. per ann. Speed. 902 1. 53. 7 d. Dugd. 902/. 5 s. yd. dim. q. Stevens, i. 34. and the fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to John lord Ruffe!. Vide in Mon. AnglX^om. i. p. 217, 218, 219. cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 38. m. 17. in qua per infpeximus recenfentur et confirmantur carta; regum Ethelredi, Henrici 1. et Henrici 2. Et ibid. p. 995. hifto¬ riam fundationis: p. 997. cartas Will. 2. de Wlu- rintona; Odonis le Arcedeakne mil. de Weftlyde- ton: p. 998. cartarn abbatis et conventus Tavifto*- chite de redditu de Weftlydeton dato in augmenta- * “ Redleigh priorat. alienig. S. Jacobi habuit portionem in « eccl. de Tiverton.” Bundell. prior, alienig. 48 Ed. 3. But qneere in Taxat. Lincoln. Whether this did not belong to the priory of St. James, Exeter; and fo ought not to be made a diftindt alien priory. a Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 7*. t> Mon. Angl. tom.i. 369. c Leland. Itin. vol. iii* p. 33. ■1 Catal. fnffi Oxon. p. 371. But pat. 2 Ric. a. “ In capella “ B. Maria infra manerium .didti Guidonis in Slapton.” e G>u ecclefia de Autone. Cartularia duo hujus abbatix, ml T. penes illuftriil. ducem Bedford. Rot. fin. 4 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mere, et feria apud He- therlegh : fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mcrcato apud Wolrinton. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 21. d. de eccl, de Lamerton : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 8. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 24. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 54 vel 55. pro mere, et feria apud Deven- bury -. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 30 Ed. 1 . m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. de terris in Okebere : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 31 de lib. war. in Devenbury? Pat. i4Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. de eccl. de Devenbury approprianda. Fin. 2 Ed. 3. m. 14. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 24. Brev. ref. 4 Ed. 3. n. 13. de tenementis in Abbotfham : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n.' 38. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 39. Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. quod abbas de Tavi¬ ftock poffit procurare bulks papales pro licentia utendi mitra, fandaliis, &c. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. II. pro prioratu de Cowyke : Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 18. pro prioratu de Modbury: Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 6. Hill. rot. 5. Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Orig. 16 Hen. 7. rot. 85. 2. Hospital: There is mention of an hofpital here, in pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. and alfo in bifliop Lacy’s Regifter, vol. iii. by which it appears to have been founded for lepers, and dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen. . 3. Austin Friers. A houfe of friers Auguftines here, mentioned pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29. XLV. TAWTON, or Bifhop’s Tawton, in the deanry of Barnftaple. Bishop’s-Seat. Eadulphus or Werftan the firft bilhop of Devonfhire, about A. D. 905. and Putta the fecond bifhop, for fome time had their fee here, before it was removed to Crediton, as Camden in Devonjhire, Godwyn De praefulibus, p. 45°* an<^ others, allert, XLVI. TIVERTON, in the deanry of Tiverton. College. The redtory being divided into three portions1*, and thefe fometimes granted by the name of prebends, upon the patent rolls the church has been efteemed collegiate. XLVII. TORR) in the deanry of Iplcpen. Premonstratensian Abbey. William Briwer, A. D. ii96k. founded here an abbey of the Premonftratenfian order to the honor of our Holy Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and the Holy Trinity, which juft before the fupprefiion was endowed with 396/. os. nd. per ann. Dugd. Speed1. The fite of it was granted to Sr. John St. Leger, 35 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 652, &c. fex cartas, fcil. 1. Will. Briwer fundatoris; 2. Regis Joannis ; 3. Beatricis de Valle uxoris fundatoris; 4. Will. Briwere jun. 5 et 6. Reginaldi Mohun. Lelandi ColledE vol. i. p. 29. 80. 122. h “ Clare portioin eccl. de Tiverton valet per aim. 47/. Pitt *< portfo valet 36/. et Tidcomb portio l.” Efton’s Valor, 6j, 66. i See pat. 13 Ed. r. &c. k Mf. Alhmol. 1319. So not temp. Hen. 3. as Mr. Speed, Leland. Itin. vqI. iii. p. 51. of the impropriate parfonage of Tunftale : p. 54. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 683. de mer- cat. apud Wlinberge. Year Books; 21 Hen. 6. Pafch. 21. 1 396/. IIJ. Stevens, i. 34. About A. D. 1300. here were feventeen Religious, befides the abbat. The abbat and fifteen furrendered, as Willie’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol.ii. p. 63. The ab¬ bat and thirteen had penfions, as Willis’ Append, to vol. ii. p. 7. Evidentias XLVII. DEVONSHIRE. Lvidentias hujus abbatix penes magifirum Ridgeway, A. D. ISQ9- Colleftanea ex eifdem penes cl. Joan- nem Anftis arm. Garter . Cartam Roberti de Courtney pro prebenda de Afticlift't, A. D. 1242. in Afpilogia praenominat. Joh. Anftis, n. 209. Regiftrum abbatiae de Torr, mf. in fcaccario penes re- memoratorem regis: et cartas autographas huic ab- batix fpe&antes penes eundem. In bibl. Bodl. m(T. Dodfworth, vol. lxvi. f. 101. vol. cii. f. 89. et mf. in bibl. coll, armorum, n. 23. excerpta e regiftro. In Mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. ii. epiftolas aha- que inftrumenta de difeordia orta inter abbatem et conventum, circa A. D. 1456. Cart, antiq. G. n. 16. K. n. 11. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 29. n. 155. Cart. 9 Joan. n. 72. pro eccl. de Shefter. Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 15. Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro feria apud Wulvelegh: Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. div. com. 12 Hen. 3. n. 15, 16. Plac. coram rege, 25 Hen. 3. rot. 18. pro libertatibus in Dartmore • Plac. ibid. 26 Hen. 3. rot. 28. de fe£ta molendini de Broworthy: Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 4.. Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro mcrcat. et feria apud Sliirburn Newton. Pat. 8 Kd. 1. m. 2 vel 3. de libert. in Haggelegh : Pat, 13 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 45. pro villis de Welleburgh, Grendall, North-Sillenford, et Hagge- legh, eccleftis de Torre, Welleburgh, et Broworthv terris in Coleton, Uggeberton, Braworthy, et Kingi- were, cum commun. paftur. in Dertmore. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 3. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Brev. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 12. Hill. rot. 4. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 41. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m, 15 et 18. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. io Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 3. de terris in Daccomb. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 6. de me(T. et terris in Torr Mohun. Pat. 32 Hen, 6. m. 20. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 10. XLVIII. TOTNESS, in the deanry of Totnefs. 1. AlIeN PKtoRY. An alien priory, cell to the abbey of St. Sergius and St. Bachus at Angiers, to which the church of St. Mary here, and feveral other lands, were given by Johel fil. Aluredi ”, temp. Will. Conti. The monks here were of the Cluniac" or Benedi&ine order0, and were not dif- iolved temp. Hen. 5. but continued till the general fuppreflion p, when the yearly value of this priory (which confided of about fix Religious) was rated at 24/. 9*. 2 d. ob. Dugd. *24/. ior. id. ob. Speed ■>. The fite of it was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Kath. Champernon and others. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1023. cartam Joheli fun- Itin. vol. iii. p. 49. datoris ex autographo Andegav. et notitiam de prio- Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 39. de ten. in Gavefton et Afh- ratu T otnefio. printon. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 80. vol. iii. p. 131- ejufdem 2. Hospital. “ There is an hofpital by the church-yard.” Leland. Itin. vol. iii, p. 49. 3. LazAR-House. “ There is a Lazar-houfe on the fouth part of the town endued with fome « lands.” Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 49. XLIX. LITTLE TOTNESS. Trinitarian Friers. Delabout lord of Little Totnefs erefted here a cell of “ freres ord. “ S. Trinitatis,” which was fupprefled by Oldham bilhop of Exeter, who gave the lands to the vicars of the cathedral church of Exeter. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 49- 65. L. T U N S T A L L, in the deanry of Totnefs. Alien Priory. An alien priory or cell of French monks, where the parfonage houfe now isr, but afterward it belonged to Torr abbey1. LI. W E R L A N D, juxta Totnefs. Trinitarian Friers. A houfe for a minider and friers of the order -of the Holy Trinity, dedicated to the Holy Spirit, founded by Walter bilhop of Exeter, temp. Hen. 3. Vide pat 17 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 9. de 1. melT. et 1. ferling. per Will. fil. Joannis Pipard. tenx in North-bovy, et advoc. eccl. ibid, conceffis LIE Y O D B Y. Monastery. A monaftery in the diocefe of Exeter*. m He was before R oger de Novant (who is called Newman or Newatts by Speed and Rifdon) faidby Leland. (Collea. 1. oo.) to be founder. n Mon. Angl. i. 1023. 0 Reeiftr. Exon. . ,, p They feem, after the feifure anddiflblution of the alien prio¬ ries to have been in fome fort fubordinate to Chrift Church Can- terbury, who, A. D. 1416 and 1436- nominated the pnors of Totnefs out of their own monks. Hen. Whartoni coll. mf. F. p. iii. ex libroThomse Caufton,De monachis ejufdem ecclefise- s Summainde, and fumma clara both 124/. ioj. 2 s, ob . ** Stevens, vol.i. p. 34. r Leland. Itin. iii. 51. Mon. Angl. i. 1036. • Rifdon, i. 62. Leland. Itin. iii. 51. 1 Regiltr. epife. Exon. mf. N.B. The DEVONSHIRE XT n The abbey of Saltafh in com. Devon, in the Tear Books, 2 Hen. 4. Mich. 45. is a mifiahe for the ' ' reflory of Saltafli in Cornwall. The priory of Berdlefcombe, infer ted in the former edition, is omitted in this as being the fame with 1 * Canons-Leghe. Tor Clive S. Michael’s Mount Christ Church Twinham Syon Monafleries, placed in this county by Mr. Speed, fee below in Somersetshire* above in Cornwall. below in Hampshire. below in Middlesex. DORSETSHIRE. I. ABBOTESBUR.Y, dim Abbodeibirig, in the deanry of Bndport. TIenedictiNe Abbey. Orcius, or Orking, Reward to K. Canute, about the year 1026. inftU 15 tilted a fociety of Secular canons here, who were by him or his widow named Tola (temp. Ed. Confef ) changed into a monaftery of the Benediftine order, and dedicated to St. Peter. By the bounty of its° founders, and fucceeding benefadors, the yearly revenues of this abbey were m- creafed to 390/. 191- 2 d ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 485/. 31. 5 d. ob. q. Speed. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Giles Strangwaies. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 276, &c. cartam regis Canuti : Et inftitutionem fraternitatis per Orcium Saxonice: Cartas R R. Edwardi Conf. et Will. Conq. Saxonicas, ex rot. cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 15. per Infpex. Inquifitionem de prrediis, &c. Abbotefburi- enfis ccenobii ex efcaet. Dorfet. 53 Hen. 3. n. 40. Ordinationem cantarim voc. Strangivais Chantry, A. D. 1505. Reyneri Apoftolat. BenediA. traA. li. § 6. m. 3. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 768. In Lelandi ColleA. vol. i. p. 66. nomina fundatoris et bertefaAorum : vol. iii. p. 149. catalogum quorun- dam librorum mlT. olim in bibliotheca hujus cce¬ nobii. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 76. cartam abbatis de Abbodefberi de militibus feffatis abbatite. It Hutchin’s Dorfetihire, vol. i. p. 532. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this abbey : p. 124. of a rent in Weft Chaldon : p. 222. of lands in Swanwich : p.242. of mefluages and lands in Bridport : p. 255. of lands in Lyme-regis : p. 305. of the manor and advowfon of the reAory of Witherfton • p. 306. of lands in Wraxhall, p. 310. in Waldich : p. 330. of the manor of Wotton-abbas : p. 340. of the manor of Grave- fton : p. 381. of a mcfluage and lands in Dorchefter : p. 414. of tenements in Melcombe : p. 419. of a meffuage in Broadway: p. 466. of lands in Winter- burn St. Martin, and the impropriate reAory : p. 497. of the manor, impropriate reAory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tolpiddle : p. 530. of lands in Toller- porcorum, the impropriate reitory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 532. of the manor of Abbotfbury : p. 538. of the manors of Eaft Bexington, Eaft II- worth, and Lower Looke : p. 540. of the impropriate reAory and advowfon of the vicarage of Abbotfbury : p. 533. of the manor of Portifham : p. 556. of the manor of Shilvington: p. 557. of the impropriate reAory and advowfon of the vicarage of Portifham : p. 561. of the advowfon of the reAory of Weft-Bex- ington : p. 564. of lands in Winterborn Stepleton : p.°584. of lands in Portland, p. 601. in Wyke-regis. Vol. ii. p. 230. of the manor of Milton on Stour: p. 270. of a clofe in Mapouder : p. 406. of a capital meffuage and lands in Lollbrooke : p. 418. of the manor of Helton : p. 495. of lands in Holwell : Ap¬ pend. p. 406. ordinationem vicarire de Toipudie. Cartularium hujus abbatim olim penes dom. Joannem Strangwaies. Rot. cart. 45 Hen. 3. m. 4. Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 13, 14. Cart. 56 Hen. 3. n. 3. pro mercat. die martis, et feria in vigil, die et craft. S. Mariae Magdalenae, apud Helton [Dorfet.] Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 55 vel 56. pro mercat. apud Abbo- defbury: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 25 Ed. i.rri. 12. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 5. Inquif. ad quod damnum, 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 81. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. et m. ig. d. de wrecco maris : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 41. pro lib. war. in Abbotefbury, Portefham, Lanke, Gravefton, Woddeton Abbatis, Finlegh, Withefton, Helton, Tolepiddie, et Ram- mefbere [Dorfet.] Holewale [Somerfet.] Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. m. 16. 20. d. et m. 22. pro terns in Odeftoke [Wilt.] Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro terris in Odeftoke, et pro advoc. eccl de Swintenetolre conceff. huic abbatiae per Will. Edindon epifc. Winton. pro anniverfario fuo cele- brando : Clauf. 36 Ed. 3. m. 12. de terris in Svvine- tolre, et advoc. eccleiiae : Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 16 Rio. 2. p. 1. m. 27. pro maner. de Bromlegh Caftle. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. xo. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 23. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. g. 13. pro terris in Holewale [Somerfet.] excambiatis. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. de maner. de Skilgate, Milton, See. Pat. x Ed. 4. p. 3. m, 19. de hundredo de Uggef- comb. II. A T H E L I N G T O N. Hospital. Here was an hofpital or lazar-houfe dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen : Mr. Coker fays it was founded by the Chidiocks : others fay it was founded, or rather better endowed, by John Holtby canon of Sarum and warden of the college de Vaux. It was valued at the fuppreflion D d at II. DORSETSHIRE. at y i. Si. 4^. and was granted, 3 Ed. 6. to Sir Michael Stanhope and John Bellow, and ft* fame year to Giles Kelway. r * u Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 309. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 71. III. B I N D O N, dim Benindon. Cistertian Abbey. Robert de Novo Burgoa, and Maud his wife, built here an abbev of the Ciflertian order, to the honor of St. Mary b, A. D. 1172. which was valued, 26 Hen 8 at 147/. 7 s. gd. ob. q. per am. Dugd. 229/. 2*. id. eb. Speed. The fite of this religious houfe (wherein uled to be an abbat and nine monks) was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Poynino-s Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 91 1, 912. cartas tres Hen. 3. confirmantis donatorum conceffiones et ac- ceptantis advocationem abbatiae. Cartas Alianora reginae de tenementis et terris in Welles, et Roberti de Novoburgo de manerio de .Wolavefton, ex rot. cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 90. m. 13. per Infpex. Et pat. 7 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 1. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 82. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 129. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this abbey : p. 66. of lands in Winterborn Whitchurch : p. 124. of the manor of Eaft Chaldon : of lands in Weft Chaldon, the im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage : ' p. 128. of lands in Welle : of the manor of Bindon : p. 132. of the manor of Bovington and the grange of Woodftreet : p. 155. of the manor of Hethfelton : p. 156. of lands in Rulhton: p. 162. of the manors of Eaft Burton and Weft Burton and Eaft Forfehill, of lands in Weft Forfehill and Eaft Knighton, and of the manor of Langcotes, all in the parifh of Win- frith Newburgh : p. 162. of the manors of Weft Lull- worth, Little Bindon and Burngate, and of the grange of Hamburgh: p. 203. of the manor and grange of Creech : p. 227. of pofleflions in Worth Matravers : p. 381. of two mefluages in Dorchefter : p. 407. of burgages in Weymouth : p. 414. of tenements in Melcomb : p. 561. of the manor of Weft Bexington : p. 576. of mills in Fordington: vol. ii. p. 151. of lands in Edmundelham : p. 272. of a manor in Pul- ham. Append, p. 502. pat. 28 Hen. 8. de hac ab- bathia reftituenda. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 771. Cart, antiq. D. n. 26. CL n. 17 et 18. Y. n. 28. Cart, et lib. 5 Joan. m. 1. n. 7. pro molend. et terris in Craneby: Cart. 6 Joan. n. 112. pro molendino extra Dorchefter. Plac. de banco, 4 Hen. 3, cartam Hawifia: de Gertenay fadfarn monafterio S. Salvatoris de Benindon de eccl. de Inglelcomb [Somerfet,] Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. x\ m. 4. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 11. d. Plac. coram R. apud Weftm. 25 Hen. 3. Dorfet. rot. 10. pro corn- mun. paftur. in Wynfrod, et pifcaria in aqua de Brome : Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 14. de maner. de Wynford; ibid. m. 32. Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 1 et 3. pro mercat. et feria apud Welle: Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . de 1. caruc. terra in Welle infra manerium de Wynford: Rcc. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 15. de patronatu abbatiiE con- ceffi Alienorae reginae per Hen. de Novoburgo. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 12 et 15. confirm, terrarum et redd, in Lull worth, Bixinton, Notington, Heth Felton, Chalveton, Wynfroud, &e. molendinorum de For¬ dington, Cranburn, et extra Dorceft. ecclefiarum de Chalvedon, Harang, et Forefthill, mercat. et fer. apud Welle [Dorfet.] lib. war. in Stockwood, Wodilert, Welle, Brunnegate, Lullworth, Bindon, Bonington, et Hechfeld : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 11 et 28. Inquif. Dorfet. 8 Ed. 2. n. 168. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 7. pro mercat. et feria apud Welle: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 25 Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vel 28. pro maner. de Bay- worth [Berkf.] Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . d. pro mo- nachis quibufdam apoftatis hujus ccenobii capiendis et reducendis: Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. n. de redd, xx /. per ann. e man. de Lulleworth : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 5 vel 6. Cart. 25 Ed. 3. n. 25. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. de terris et redd, in Eft Burton. IV. LONG BLANDFORD. Hospital. A houfe of lepers here is mentioned in an old deed, 10 Ed. 1. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 98. V. BLAKEMORE-FOREST, near Dorchefter. Austin Friers. Here was formerly a ho A. D. 1300. in which year died Edmund earl not founder of it. But the convent feems to hav> after that time, it is fpoken of as a free chapel', priefts, till it was annexed to Cern abbey 5 Hen. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. ii. p. 473. Rot. pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . qua rex conf. fratribus heremitis de Blakmore fitum heremitagii infra foref- tam cont. x. acr. quse tenent in capite de Edm. com, Cornub. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 28. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 13. * William de Glaftonia firlt built, or began to build it, at Little Bindon ; but Robert de Newburgh removed it to this place. Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 129. b St. Salvator. Cart. Hawifise de Gertenay. c Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . “ Rex dedit Willelmo Brown cufto- a diam domua live capellse vocat* Le Priorj Hermitage juxta. ife of friers Heremites, who were fettled before of Cornwall, who had been a great benefactor, if : forfaken this habitation about A. D. 1460. For, the malterlhip of which was bellowed on Secular 8. It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Efcaet. Dorfet. 2 Ed. 3. n. 147. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 35 vel 36. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 7. pro capella voc. Le Heremitage fuper Blakemore concefla monafterio de Cern. “ Dorchefter.’ Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . “ Willelmus Brown “ magifter libera: capella: B. Mari® Virginis vocat. Le Hererm- “ tage in vafto foreft® de Blakemore.” Thefe feem to be tile “ fame. However quaere. Le Prion Heremitage juxta Dor- “ chiller concelT. Roberto Both LL.'D.” Pat. 13 Ed. 4. VI. B R I D VI. DORSETSHIRE* VI. B R I D P O R T. i PRIORY. The priory of Sc. John Baptifb flood at the eaft end of the town, and was valued; 26 Hen. 8. at 61. per am. It is not known to what order ic belonged; it is now a dwelling-houfe; and is called St. Jones. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 24r. 2. Hospital. Over the bridge, a little by weft in the town, is the chapel of St. Johnd, which is probably the fame with the hofpital = of St. John Baptift at this town, valued, 26 Hen. 8. at al. os. 8 d. per am. total; Si. 6 s. id. clear f. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 241. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 75. VII. CAMESTRUM, or Camefterne e. Nunnery. A monaftery of White nuns in this county, mentioned in Gervafe of Canterbury^ mf. catalogue: So muft be as ancient as the time of K. Richard 1. It was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen h. O VIII. C E R N, or Cernell. Benedictine Abbey. Where the parifli church is now was anciently an heremitage, afcer that a fmall monaftery of three Religious', founded pretty early in the Saxon times by a rich man, named Egelwardk, to the honor of St. Peter. But Ailmer earl of Cornwall began *, temp. Edgan, and finifhed, A. D. 987. a noble abbey here for Benediftine monks, which was dedicated to St. Mary, St. Peter, and St. Benedict; and, in later ages, to St. Edwoldm, or Athelwold. It is faid to have been deftroyed by K. Canute", but, by the piety and charity of thofe old times, recovered itfelf fo well, that, at the general diffolution, it was endowed with 515/. lys. 10 d. q. per ann. Dugd. 623/. 1 3 r. 2 d. ob. q. Speed”. The fite of it was granted, 17 Eliz. to John Dudley and .... Afcough. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 253,254. cartam Ailmeri five Aethelmeri fundatoris ex cart, antiq. W. n. 16. et qujedam ex Will. Malmefbur. et Leland. Collect, de hac abbatia. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 26. 66. 285. vol. ii. p. 252. vol. iii. p. 67. ejufdem Itin. vol. viii. p. 74. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 76. cartam abbatis de Cernell de militibus fceffatis abbatiae. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 287. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this abbey and names of the ab- bats. Vol. i. p. 59. of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Bloxworth : p. 71. of the manor, impropri¬ ate rectory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Affpid- dle: p. 128. of poffeffions in Welle: p. 150. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory ofPoxwell: p. 167. of the fame at Woodford: p. 189. of lands in Corfe : p. 192. of the manor and impropriate church of Great Kimeridge: p. 218. of the ifland of Brownfea: p.228. of lands in Rentfcombe : p. 262. of a penfion of ys. 6 d. out of the re£tory of Corfcombe : p. 294. of the ma¬ nors of Long Bridy and Little Bridy : p. 302. of the advowfon of the rectory of Long Bridy and a penfion of fix marks out of the fame : p. 303. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Winterborn-Abbas : p. 319. of the fame at Simondfbury: p. 362. of the manors of Weft Milton and Nettlecombe : p. 363. e Leland. Itin. vol. Hi* 75. c John Shapwyk prior of this hofpital, it Hen. 4. is mentioned in Mr. Madox’s Formulare, p. 15. I Mf. Valor. r 44 Our accounts of this houfe are very imperfect and ob- “ fcurc : I am inclined to fix it at Cripton (anciently a manor “ and vill belonging to Winterborn Came) as Winterborn Came “ entirely belonged to the abbey of Caen and priory of Framp- 44 ton: Cripton might be called anciently Winterburn Hunding- 44 don, and this might be a cell to Tarent, and Cameftrum a “ corruption for Kainefton near which it flood. Or the diffe- 44 rence of the dates of thefe two foundations may be reconciled “ by luppofing the nunnery of Tarent-Kaineflon to have been 44 founded firft at Cameftrum, and removed to Tarent in the 11 hext ffntury. But if you fuppofe them to have been of the 11 Benedictine order (Leland calls them moniales nigrx, which “ was the habit of the Benedictines, that of the Ciftertians was “ black in pubbek but white at home) it might ftand in Came, r of one mark yearly out of the vicarage of Poorftock : p. 381. of lands and mefluages in Dorchefter: p. 410. of the manor of Melcomb-Regis anciently: p. 414. of tenements in Melcomb : p. 416. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Radipole : p. 476. of the manor of Milborn St. Andrew: p. 518. of a manor in Maiden Newton: p. 527. of a manor in Toller- Fratrum: vol. ii. p. 286. of the manor, impropriate redtory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Cern : p. 296. of the manorand impropriate church of Nether Cern: p. 298. of a mefluage and lands in Godmanfton: p. 299. of the manor and advowfon of the reeftory of Hawkchurch: p. 465. of lands in Yateminfter : p. 475. of the manors of Great Mintern, p. 476. of Middlemarfh, p. 478. of Tiley : p. 479. of the ad¬ vowfon of the rectory of Great Mintern. Librum affifarum, f. 303. Year Books, 13 Hen. 4. Mich. 28. Cartam Hen. 2. huic abbatise conceffam, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth, vol. xxv. f. 38. Cartas Hen. 1. et TEthelmari, mf. in bibl. Harleiana 6748. f. 7. 10. Brevia regia, placita, cartas, &c< ad monaft. de Cern fpedlant. mf. in- bibl. R R. P. Joannis Moore nuper epife. Elienfis, n. 113. nunc in bibl. piibl. acad. Cantab. L 1. i. 3. “ and be under the patronage of the abbey of Caen.” Such is the fubftance of the late ingenious Mr. Hutchin’s conjectures re¬ lating to this nunnery, which after all leave the matter in the fame obfeurity as he found it. h Speed. See alfo Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65 . 1 Leland. Colleft. iii. 67. k Ibid. i. 26. et Will. Malmlbury; but if any credit is to be given to the legendary (lory in Capprave’s Life of St. Auftin, that this monaftery was originally founded by Auftin the monk, it ought to be placed mpeh higher. It muft be confefied, that Reyner, trad. ii. p. 138. and Camden in his Britannia, at Cm:. feem to believe this ftory ; and that Camden quotes Will. Malmf- bury for it. But querc. 1 Leland. Coiled, iii. 67. ” Hen. Sulgrave. Rymeri Feeder. & c. vol. xiv. 637. Sneed " Leland. Collect. iii. 67. 1 ° It was furretidered March ij, i539. by the abbat and ftxteen' monks. Willis Abbies, ii. 69, Cart, VIII. DORSETSHIRE. Cart, antiq. Q. n. 15. R. n. 28. Fin. Dorfet. 7 Joan. m. 6. Cart. 9 Joan. m. 6. n. 59. Fin. 9 Joan. m. I. Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24. d. de wrecco maris in Brunkerey et Remefcumb infra libertatem Caftri de Corf:- Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . de commun. paftur. inter divifas manor, de Rippel etMelcomb: Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 42. Rec.‘ in fcacc. 23 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 1. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 6. et p. 2. m. 6. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 34. pro lib. war. in Cern, Nethercern, Mintern, Middlemerfh, Wintreburn, Hacheton, Wirdeford, Paddle, Palington, Littilbridge, Pokef- well, Wellbrigge, Blockefworth, Hungerhull, Win- frede, Simondberwe, Wotton, Haukechirch, Brunke- fey, Rappele, Mopercome, Nettlecome, Milton, et Langbridge [Dorfet.] Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 13. Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 13. pro lib. war. in maner. de Simonburgh. Cqrt. 4 Ed. 3. n. 60. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34vel 35. Efcaet. Dorfet. 5 Ed. 3. art. 7 et 8. pro libertatibus hundred, de Tolreford, Ekerdonc, Gothernthorne, Uggfcomb, &c. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 15 vel 16. pro maner. de Mulcborn et Micklefton : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. pro tenementis in Litelpride. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro maner. et eccl. de Stoke juxta Bindon: Pat. 10 Rie. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. n Ric. 2. p. I. m. 33. pro terris in Mintern et Werde- ford: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 7 et 26. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. pro terris in Simondfburgh : Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 8. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 32. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 22. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Cart. 37 Hen. 6. n. II. pro terris apud Cern et Haukechurch. Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 8. de tertia parte manerii de Maids Newton: Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 9. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 7. pro capella vocata Le Hermitage fuper Blakemore. IX. CRANBURN, in the deanry of Pimpern. Benedictine Cell. One Aylwardus Snew p, about the year of our Lord 980. built here an abbey of Black monks, in honor of St. Bartholomew \ to which at firft the priory of Teukefbury in Glocefterihire was fubjeft : But, A. D. 1102. Robert Fitz Haimon having much augmented Teukefbury both in building and revenues, abbat Girald and his convent thought fit to remove thither, leaving here at Cranburn only a prior and two monks ; lb it continued till the diffolution a fmall’cell to Te'wkefbury, now made a famous abbey, and, as part of its pofleffions, was granted, 2 Eliz. to Thomas Francis, and afterward, 5 Jac. 1. to Robert earl of Salifbury. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 154. 163. dation : vol. i. p. 201. of tithes in Knoll : p.483. of Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 82. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 87. 301. yearly out of the vicarage of Milburn St. vol. vi. p. 78. Andrew. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 141. of the foun- X. DORCHESTER. j gT John’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. John Baptift here, commonly called St. John’s Houfe was founded before 17 Ed. 2. and granted 29 Hen. 6. to Eaton college; which grant was confirmed 7 Ed. 4r. but 1 Ric. 3. it was given to the Friers Minors of Dorchelter’. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 398. Rot. pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28. de c s. redd, conceil. per W. Marefchall. Inquif. efcaet. Dorfet. 33 Ed. 3. n. 88 et 98. de redditi- bus, terris, &c. hofpitalis, et alienationibus inde fac- tis : Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. confirm. concefT. coll. Eton. 2 Lazar-House. Here was alfo anciently another hofpital or houfe for lepers, confining of ten poor men; they had no land, but received an annual rent of forty {hillings for gowns. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 382. „ Grey Friers. A houfe of Francifcans' or friers Minors, founded by the anceftors of Sr. John Chidiok ", before 4 Ed. 2 w. which, after the diffolution, was granted to Sr. Edm. Peckham, 35 Hen. 8 *. Vide Colleft. Anglo-minoritica, p. i. 208. p. n. 23. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 379. of the founda¬ tion and benefa&ions to this priory. In Mr. Stevens’ Supplement to the Monafticon, vol. 1. p. 93. an ordination made between Sr. John Beconyl knt. and the guardian and convent of the friers Minors of Dorchefter, concerning the profit of the mills built on the water near their houfe, A. D. 1485. XI. FRAMPTON or Frompton, in the deanry of Dorchefter. Alien Priory. A priory of Black monks, cell to the abbey of St. Stephen, at Caen in Nor- r He is often furnamed Meow, but Sneau feems more right if “ lie didtus ab Albedine,” as Leland lias it, Itin. vol. vi. 78. He Is called earl of Glocefter in Leland. Colledt. vol. 1. p. 8a. q « St. Mary and St. Bartholomew,” Leland. Itin. vol. vi. ' < iiatre, Whether thofe grants ever took effeA; for this hof- Iiitai being of royal foundation, the mailers or wardens were from time to time put in by the crown, and fo appear tq have been 49 Hen. 6. and all the reign of K. Ed. 4* s Mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 433. 1 Not friers Preachers, as Year Book, 38 Ed. 3. n. 28. u Speed. . - _ , w Extradt of the will of Rob. de Bingham, dated 4 Ed. *• wherein he gives 6 s. to the friers Minors of Dorchefter. x When the fite and demefnes were of the clear yearly value of 35/. Hutching PorfetlUire, vol. i. p. 379* , mandy, XI. DORSETSHIRE. ,v t0 which it was given by king William the Conqueror. During the wars between England ^ France, this, with other alien priories, was feized into the king’s hands, and fometimes farmed 3 P hundred and twenty marks per ann. but, upon the fuppreflion of thefe foreign houles, this *' Of Sr: Stepl,™', Wdhnintot, and, a, pared of their polMiom, was granted, 14 Eliz. to Sr. Chriftopher Hatton, who fold tttojohn Brown elqtnre. the vicarage: p. 381. of lands in Dorcheftcr. P* 4^4* of tenements in Melcombe. Pat. de terr. Norman. 6 Joan. n. 75- Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 8. Cart. 25, &c. Ed 3. n. 34. pro mercat. et fena apud Frampton : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. de naan, de Benecumb, et confuetudinibus tenentium . Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. t9. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. d. de coniuet. maner. de Benecumb : Efcaet. Doriet. 5<5 Ed. 3. n. 55. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. . m. . Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 10. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 40 vel 41. pro Joanne fratre regis, de omnibus maneriis, &c. hujus prioratus per- nf ‘Burton Burltock and advowlon or rne rcciuiy. quirendis. . _ - , p. 345. of the fame at Winterborn Came: p. 346. of Pat .16 1 Hen. 6. p. 1. m- 14. de annex, collegio S. Steph. hinds5 in Eaft Compton : p. 349- °f *<5 man°r of. Weftm’ Pat’ 23 Hen- 6‘ P‘ 2‘ m’ 8’ Frampton, the impropriate rectory and advowlon ot Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 57*- Pat- 2 Hen; 4- P- • m. 23. in qua perlnfpex. recitata eft perampla conhr- matio terrarum et libertatum per R. Richardum 1. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 956- cartam R. Will. Conq. de fun- datione, ex vetufto exemplari in bibl. Cotton. Et confirmationem Hen. I. ex cart, antiq. S. n. 22. In Afhmole’s Berkfhire, vol. iii. p. 363. of lands in Eaft Henreth. , , . , In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. 1. p. 351. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priofy: p. 222. of lands in Swanwich, p. 242. in Bridport: p. 262. of 35 r. yearly out of the redory of Corfcomb: p. 336. ot the manor and advowfon of the redory of Bettefcombe . p. 337. of the fame at Bincomb : p. 338; of the manor of "Burton Burftock and advowfon of the rectory : XII. HOLME, or Eaft-holme. Cluniac Cell. Here was, before 20 Ed. 1 *. a cell of a prior and fome few Cluniac monks, fubordinate to the monaftery of Montacute in Somerfetfhire*, and as luch granted to Edward duke of Somerfet 1 Ed. 6. and to John Hannam 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 671. 1036. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iv. p. 545* c^au^* 7 3* Leiand. Itin. vol. iii. p. 83. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 66. of lands and tithes in Winterborn Whitchurch : p. 155. of lands in Eft- Binnegar: p. 159. of tithes in Warmwell: p. 185. of lands in Corf: p. 192. of the manor of Holm: p. 227. of lands and tithes in Worth Matravers: p. 363. of one mark yearly out of the vicarage of Poorftock: p. 493. of 6 s. 8 d. yearly out of the rec¬ tory of Piddleton : p. 548. of one mark yearly out of the redory of Langton-Herring : vol. ii. p. 254. *>f lands in Plulh. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 1 7. XIII. HORTON, in the deanry of Pimpern.’ Benedictine Cell. Here was an abbey dedicated to St. Wolfrida a, founded by Ordgar earl of Devonfhire, before A. D. 970. the remains of which were annexed by Roger bifhop of Salifbury to Sherburn, A. D. 1 122 b. io it became a priory fubordinate to that monaftery c, and, as parcel of it, was oranted, 1 Ed. 6. to Edward duke of Somerlet, and, after his attainder, to William earl of Pembroke, 7 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 62. 220. quaedam de fundatione ex Gul. Malmfb. et Leiand. Collett, i. 82. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 82. vol. ii. p. 256. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 87. Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. ii. p. 58. Rot. pat. 11 Ed. 3. p 2. m. 1 vel 2. Ibid. p. 3. m. 2. de eccl. de Perle. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 40, 41 vel 42 XIV. L O D R E S, in the deanry of Bridport. Alien Priory. An alien priory, fubordinate to the abbey of Mountfburgh in Normandy, to which this manor was given by Beneditt or Richard de Redveriis, temp. Hen. 1. on which account the abbat of that foreign monaftery was prebendary in the cathedral church ot Salifbury, and had a houfe in the clofe there. K. Richard 2. bellowed this cell, being then worth 80/. per ann. on the priory of St. Anne near Coventry, during the war between England and France; but 1 Hen. 4. it was reftored to its old owners. After the diffolution of thefe houles, temp. Hen. 5. Lodres was made part of the endowment of Sion abbey in Middlefex. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 570. cart, antiq. R. n. 23. fcilicet Hen. 1. de manerio de Lodres. Ibid. p. 966. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 992. cart. Hen. 2. et pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. viii. p. 102. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 356. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory: p. 280. of the im¬ propriate redory and advowfon of the vicarage of Bradpole : p. 358. of the fame at Lodres : p. 359. of the manor and impropriate church of Baunton. Computos, cartas, rentalia, &c. in officio Curiae Aug¬ ment. fub titulo Syon monajterium. Pat. de terr. Norman. 6 Joan. n. 79. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 104. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . de donatione ejufd. monafterio de Syon. r Taxat. Lincoln, mf. J Leiand. Itin. vol. iii. f. 83. Reckoned among the alien priories, Mon. Angl. i. 1036. which it could be no otherwife than all the reft of the Cluniac houfes. a Ex informatione Edw. Roe Mores arm. b Annal. Margan. in anno uai. c Cell to Shirburn. Leiand. Itin. vol. iii. f. 87. d Perhaps this may relate to Horton in Kent. Ee XV. LYME. XV. DORSETSHIRE, XV. L Y M E. 1. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for lepers, dedicated to St. Mary and the Holy Spirit, to which indulgences were granted A. D. 1336. for repairing the fabric and bell-tower. In the chantry roll it is valued at 38 s. 11 d. Vide Hutchin’s Dorferfhire, Vol. i. p. . . . 2. White Friers. About A. D. 1322. William Tay' had leave to give a mefluage and eight acres of land in Lyme to the Carmelite or White Friers. Vide Ad quod damnum rot. 15 Ed. 2. XVI. M A Y N E, or Fryer-mayne. Knights Hospitalers. A preceptory belonging to the Knights Hofpitalers, and as fuch recited among the lands reftored to them upon the new foundation of the priory of that order, et q Phil.et Maria \ but granted, 6 Eliz. to William Pole and Edward Downing s. Vide in Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 426. of the pre¬ ceptory and advowfon of the reftory of Knighton : p. 93. of a tenement in Hamoon: p. 381. of lands in Dorchefter: p. 465. of the impropriate redtory and XVII. M E L C O M B, advowfon of the vicarage of Strusford : p. 556. of lands in Weft Waddon: vol. ii. p. 254. of lands in Plufh. Milton, or Weymouth. Black Friers. “ There was a fair houfe of freres in the eft part of the town; Rogers of “ Brianfton near Blandford was founder and patron of it,” faith Leland h ; and, upon the fupprel- fion, this friery was granted to Sr. John Rogers of that family, 35 Hen. 8. The Religious here were Black, not Grey friers. Vide Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 413. Rot. pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 79. 135. rn. 25 vel 26. XVIII. MIDDLETON1, or Milton Abbats. Benedictine Abbey. K. iEthelftan, to expiate the murder of his brother Edwin, about the year of Chrift 933 k. built here an abbey to the honor of St. Mary, St. Michael, St. Samfon, and St. Branwalader. The monks were ot the Benedi&ine order, and their revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 578 /. 13/. 11 d. per ann. Dugd. 720 1. 4 s. id. Speed. Their houfe was granted, 3 1 Hen. 8. to Sr. John TregorAall. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 193, &c. quiedam de na- tivitate regis Athelftani fundatoris ; et De fundatione abbatise : Cartam R. Athelftani, Saxonice, et confir- mationem ejufdem per regem Henricum : De reliquiis quas Adelftanus huic monafterio contulit ; et quae- dam alia ex regiftro abbatiae. Lelandi Colle. 3. Austin Friers. The provincial of the friers Heremites of the order of St. Auftin, ob¬ tained leave of archbifhop Nevil, in the vacancy of the bilhopric of Durham, A. D. 1381. to build a frierv and chapel upon ground given by Tho. Beauchamp earl of Warwick in his lordlhip of Cattle Bernard, within the parifh of Gaynford, as appears by Dr. Hutton’s extracts out of archbifhop Nevil’s regifter. But whether this took effedt, I know not. IV. CHESTER ON THE STREET, olim Cunaceftre. College. Bifhop Eardulfus being forced to fly with the body of St. Cuthbert from Lindif- farn, fixed his epifcopal fee here A. D. 883. which, being by the bounty of good people endowed with great revenues and privileges, had probably a chapter of monks, or rather of Secular canons attending it here alfo, tranflated with the bilhopric to Durham A. D. 995. But, in memory of St. Cuthbert’s body having been fo long in this church. Ant. Beck bifhop of Durham, A. D. 1286. made it collegiate, confuting of a dean, feven prebendaries, five chaplains, three deacons, and other minifters. The prebends of the feven portionifts, with the vicarage of this church, were taxed in the Lincoln valuation, 20 Ed. 1. at'146/. 13 s. 4 d. but 26 Hen. 8. the deanry and feven prebends were valued at no more than 77/. 12 s. 8 d. in the whole, viz. the deanry, 41 /. prebend of Lamley, 5/. 1 6s. 8 d. Welton, 5/. 16 s. 8 d. Chefter, 61. Lamyfley, 10/. Tanfield, 3/. 6s. 8 d. Byrtly, 3/. 6s. 8 d. and CJrpeth, 2 /. 6 s. Vide Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 699. 701. 785. Godwinum De pnefulib'ds, in vita Ant. Beck. Ip Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 44, 45, 46. cartam In Prynne’s Papal Ul'urpations, vol. iii. p. 460. cart. 20 fundationis, &c. confirm, per cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 27. Ed. 1. n. 27. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 102. Rot. pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. V. DERLINGTONf. College. A collegiate church of a dean and threes prebendaries was founded here by Hugh Pufarh or Pudfey bifhop of Durham, and dedicated to St. Cuthbert. In the Lincoln taxation thefe four portions are valued at 73 l. 6s. 8 d. per ann. But in 26 Hen. 8. at 51 /. 8 s. 4 d'. only, clear of reprifes; viz. the deanry, 36/. 8 a 4 and the three prebendaries together at 15/. Vide Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 724. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 333. 377. 385. ejufdem Itin. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. vol. i. p. 72. VI. D U R H A M. Cathedral and Benedictine Priory. Upon the removal of the bilhop’s fee hither by bifhop Aldwin about the year 995. there feem to have been in this cathedral a provofl, and Secular canons, who being, by bifhop William de Carilepho, with confent of the pope and king, expelled, a prior k and convent of Benediftine monks were placed herein1, who continued till the general dif- folution in the time of K. Henry 8. when the bilhopric was valued at 3138/. Vide Wilkins’ Councils, vol. ii. p. 613. where this advowfon is confirmed by King Edward 3. 'with licence to appropriate. Clauf.- VI DURHAM. Clauf. 4 EJ- 2- m- 7 Ed- »• P- *• m- *3- Vat 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m.21 vel 22. Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 55.^ Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. jj. 15 et 18. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 1. Pat. 16 Ed 2. p. »• m- 281 Pat‘ J7 Ed- 2- P- 2- m- 22- CtalJf! 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10 et 12. et p. 2. m. 20 et 23. Pat 5 Ed. 3. p- I. m. 22 vel 23. Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p 1. m. 28. dorfo, p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. iti. 17- Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. Efc®t. Dunolrn. }j Ed. 3. n. 85. pro paffagio ultra Twede: Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. I- m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . dorfo, pro wrecco apud Houden : Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17- Clauf. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro tribus cu'neis pro fterling. monetis regis faciendis : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . Pat. „g £d. 2. p. 2. m. 26. pro mineracarbonum in campo de Gatefhead : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 38. dorfo, de aqua de Twede : Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. dorfo. Brev. reg. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 7. Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 18 et 25- Pat. 7 Ric- 2. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Cart. jj Ric. 2. n. 29. Cart. 8 Hen. 4. n. 3. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 5. Bat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 37 vel 38. de terris in North¬ allerton excambiatis inter epifcopum et vicarium ibi¬ dem: Cart. I Hen. 5. p. r. n. 15. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. Rot. pari. 1 1 et 12 Hen. 6. n. 23. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 28. Cart. 17 Hen. 6. n. 52. Cart. 27, &c. Hen. 6. n. 52. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 1. mr!2. pro fabricanda moneta obo- lorum infra libertatem fuam regalem Dunolm. Rot. pari. 28 Hen. 8. n. 16. de excambio domus vocat. DureJ'me Place , cum rege. Rot. pari. 7 Ed. 6. pro dilfolutione epifeopatus Dunelm. Pat. 1 Mari®, p. 14. (Jan. 1 8. ) pro dotatione epifeopatus Dunelm. feu reftaurationc pofleffionum ablat. 7 Ed. 6. Pat. 5 et Phil, et Maria:, p. 2. m. . pro reftaurationc Durham-place in paroch. S. Martini in Campis, poft mortem dornin* Elizabeths fororis regin*. De antiquis poJJcJJienibuS) &c. ecclejiee cathedralis Dunelm - enfis. Cart. Antiq. B. n. 4, 5. N. n. 40. A A. n. 15. E E. n. 17. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 13. n. 108,109. Cart. 10 Joan. m. 2. n. 29. pro bofeode Han worth, &c. Clauf. 14 Joan, m. 5. Ciauf. 17 Joan. m. 2. n, 7. de pifearia de Pole ex conceffione Hen. Horde. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. mi 14. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 14* Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 7. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . pro terris in fuburbiisOxon. Cart. 21 Ed. r. n. 5. pro manerio de Howaler Cart. 23 Ed. I. n. 19. pro mercat. et feria apud Hemingburgh [F.bor.] Pat. 25 Ed. 1 . m . . s pro maner. de Werlc in Tindale ex conceffione Joannis de Baliol. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . pro duabus bovatis terra: in Morpeth, cum advocatione ecclefi*: Cart. 28 Ed. 1. n. 23. 28 et 39. Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 55. pro mercat. et feria apud Coldingham. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 26. Cart. 13 Ed. 2. n. 19 et 34. Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 64, 65. Cart. 4 Ric. 2. n. I. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 36 Hen. . p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 9. [Maii 26.] pro dotatione decani et capituli. VII. EBBCHESTER. Monastery destroyed. St. Ebba daughter of Ethelfrid king of Northumberland, after¬ ward abbefs of Coldingham, built here, upon the banks of the Darwent, a monaftery before the year of Chrift 660. which was afterward deftroyed by the Danes. Vide Crefiy’s Church Hiftory, lib. xviii. c. 14. VIII. F I N C H A L E. Benedictine Cell. Randal bilhop of Durham gave the heremitage here, before A. D. 1128. to the monks of Durham, by whofe confent the holy man Godric (afterwards canonized) enjoyed the fame many years, and devoted the place particularly to the fervice of St. John Baptift. Upon Godric’s death, A. D. J170. fome monks of Durham retired hither, and had fome allowance made them towards their fupport by Hughr [de Puteaco] bifhop of Durham. Henry de Pirteaco fon“ to the bifhop, about the year A. D. 1196. very much increafed the revenues, and thereupon a prior and monks of the Benediftine order, fubordinate to Durham, were fettled here. But their income is valued diftinft, 2 6Hen.S. at ml. 15J. 3d. per ann. Dugdh and at 146/. lys. 2 d. as Speed. It. then confided of a prior and eight monks ", and foon after the diffolution was regranted to the dean and chapter of Durham. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. 512. de S. Godrico, ex Will. Neubrigenfis hiftoria, lib. ii. cap. 20. Cartas Ranulphi et Hugonis epife. Dunelm. ex archivis dec. et capit. Dunelm. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 724. 726, 727. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 103. 333. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 53. vol. viii. p. 9. MS. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. xlv. p. 80. de prio- ratu de Finch ale. Rot. cart. 9 Joan. m. 6. n. 54. Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 40. pro xxr. annui reddit. e mo- lendino de Emildon. Cart. 3 Ed. 2. n. 21. [Quaere.] Cart. 17 Ed. 2. n. 12 v. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. de grangia de Efhwell. IX. GATESHEAD, Gatefhide, Goatfhead, oltm Ad Caprete Caput. 1. Monastery destroyed. Here was a monaftery, whereof Uctan * was abbat before A. D. 653. Vide Bed® Hill. Eccl. lib. iii. c. 21. Leland. Collect, ii. p. 140. Ejufdem Itin. vii. p. 64. *1 %u#re, If not the fame patent mentioned under the bifliop- fhould not have been v. 4 lie, and whether wrongly placed there or here. w If this doth not rather belong tA Finimeved in Godwyn, De prcefulibus, makes him the founder. Northamtonfhire. « Brother. Leland. Collett, vol. viii. p. 9. x The monaftery of Uttanus was where Mr. Riddle’s or 1 Summa clara is 120/. 15 s. 3 d . only, in Stevens, vol. i. p. 16. Gatefhead houfe now is. Bourn’s Hiftory of Neweaftle, p. 166. u So the Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. But Leland. Itin. vii. But the tradition in Leland’s time placed this monaftery, where p. 53. faith, xiii, monks. tPuetre, Whether the firft numeral afterwards was the fite of St. Edmund’s hofpital. Itin. vii. p. 64. - H h , 2. Nun- D U H A M. IX. R 2. Nunnery. Mr. Wallis fays that here-was a cell to the Benedi&ine nunnery -at Newcaftle. Vide Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 307. 3. St. Edmund s Hospital. An hofpital for four chaplains, founded by Nicholas de Farneham bifhop of Durham, about A. D. 124.7*. and dedicated to St. Edmund the biihop *. It was granted ■with all the lands belonging to it, 27 Hen. 6. to the priorefs and nuns of St. Bartholomew’s in New¬ caftle •, yet is valued, 26 Hen. 8. as having in yearly revenues 10 9/. 4 s. 4 d1. according to Speed- 5/. 9 s. 4 i%. according to Dugdale; and 6/. 2 s. 4 d. clear, according to the mf. Valor. And the patronage ot it leems to have been granted, 7 Ed. 6. to the mayor and burgefles of Newcaftle. The bifhops of Durham were formerly patrons. Vide the Hiftory of Newcaftle upon Tyne, by Henry Bourne M. A. curate of All-hallows, Newcaftle, printed at Newcaftle, 1736. fol. where, p. 169. is biihop Nicholas’ charter of foundation and endow¬ ment confirmed by the prior and chapter of Durham : P. 170. the ordination of this hofpital : P. 171. biihop Hatfield’s deed for making John de Appilby mailer, A. D. 1353. A memorandum of one meftuage and fixty acres of land in Kyoleche held of this hofpital : P. 207. biihop Shirlaw’s grant of the mafterlhip to Reginald Porter vicar of Pittington, A. D. 1404. P. 21 x. biihop Langley’s grant of it to John Hey- 4. Trinity Hospital. Here was an hofpital dedicated to the Holy Trinity, in the beginning of the reign of king Henry 3. to which Henry de Ferlinton gave his farm at Kyhou to find a chaplain, and maintain three poor men, as appears by Simon de Ferlinton’s confirmation of his brother’s gift, and the biihop of Durham’s deed thereupon. Vide Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 58. worth vicar of St. Nicholas in Newcaftle, A. D 1435. P. 213. biihop Nevil’s appropriation of this hofpital and all its revenues, to the priorefs and con¬ vent of St. Bartholomew’s in Newcaftle, on account of their poverty, they finding two priefts to officiate in the chapel of the hofpital, Oil. 7. A. D. 1448. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 271. the mailer of the hofpital’s grant of the hofpital, and all the lands, &c. belonging to it, to the priorefs and convent of S t. Bar¬ tholomew’s, May 1. A. D. 1449. p. 69. biihop Nevil’s confirmation of the mailer’s grant, Oil. 7. 1449. X. G R E T H A M. •*» Hospital. Robert de Stichill biihop of Durham built and endowed here, A. D. 1262. an hof¬ pital for a matter and brethren, in honor of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 100 1. os. 3d. ob. in the whole, and 97/. 6s. 3d. ob. clear. It leems to be yet in bein», and the mafterlhip of it to be in the gift of the biihop of Durham b. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 457. cart. 23 Hen. 6. Lelandi Golleft. vol. i. p. 102. 334. Ejufdem Itin. n. 30. recitantem per Infpex. cartam fundationis et vol. viii. p. 9. dotationis. Cart. 9 Ed. . n. 52. XI. HARTLEPOOL E. 1. Monastery destroyed. At or near this place was the ancient monaftery called Heorthu, founded upon the firft converfion of the Northumbrians to chriftianity, about A. D. 640. by a re¬ ligious woman named Hieu, or, as fome copies have it, St. Bega c, whereof St. Hilda was fome time abbefs. Vide Eedae Hill. Eccl. lib. iii. c. 24. lib. iv. c. 23. Capgravii Vitam S. Hildas. Leland. Collcfl. ii. 150. iii. 39. 2. Grey Friers. An houfe of Grey friers, founded before A. D. 1275 d. and after the dilfo- lution, viz. 37 Hen. 8. granted to John Doyley and John Scudamore. Vide pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. XII. J A R R O W, clim Gyrwi. Benedictine Cell. This was an ancient monaftery, which owed its original to the bounty of K. Egfrid', and the care of abbat Benedift, about A. D. 684. It was dedfcated to St. Paul, was of the fame order, governed by the fame abbat, and had the fame fate with Wermouth, be¬ coming at laft a cell to Durham; valued at 38/. 14 s. \d. per ann. Dugd. 40/. 7 s. 8 d. Speed, y There is no date to either the foundation or ordination deeds ; but this biihop refigned his biihopric A. D. 1249. as Willis’ Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 239. and prior Bertram, who con¬ firmed thofe deeds, was not prior till 1245. Willis’ Abbies, vol. i. p. 260. z It is fometimes called the chapel of St. Edmund and St. Cuth¬ bert, as Bourn, p.170.211. ** The only way I know of to reconcile the great difference between thefe two valuations is to fuppofe it written originally 109 j. e,d. and that Speed’s tranferiber miftook, and put pounds for fhillings. b See Willis’ Cathedrals, vol.i. p. 232. c Leland. Coll. ii. p. 150. iii. p. 39. d In which year the will of Walter of Merton was made, who left therein ten marks to thefe friers. Dr. Hutton. c Leland alcribes the firft foundation of this monaftery to ab¬ bat Ceolfrid in the fixteenth year ofEgfrid’s reign, Collett, i. 102. y and Xll. DURHAM. and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to William lord Euref. The learned and venerable Bede had his edu¬ cation in this houfe. Vidt Mon- Angl. i. 41, 42. et 384. Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 63. de privilegio monaf- Lelandi Collect, vol. 1. p. 102. 370. vol. iii.p. 42. 70. terii SS. Petri et Pauli concellb, a Sergio papa, &c. Venerabdis Bedae Vnas Abbatum. A. D. 700. ex mf. Uflerii. XIII. KYPIER or Kepire, near Durham. Hospital. Randal bilhop of Durham built an hofpital here, A. D. 1112. fora mafter and brethren, in honor of St. Giles, which, by the bounty of Hugh bilhop alfo of Durham, and other benetadtors, was lo well endowed as, 26 Hen. 8. to be rated at 186/. os. iods. in the whole, and at 167}. is. iid. per ann. clear. It was furrendered Jan. 14. 36 Hen. 8. and granted that fame year to Sr. Will. Pager. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 90, &c. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 20. recit. per Infpcx. cartas Ranulphi epifc. Dunelm. de fundatione : Hugonis epifc. Du- nelm. de libertatibus et tofto in qualibet villa ubi ha- bent decimas: ejufdem de villa de Cliftone et trava bladi de unaquaque caruca de dominicis epifcopi : Radulphi de Epplyndone de curucata terrae in Ep- plyndone : Gilberti de Haunfard de tota terra fua de Aymundeftone et quinque bovatis in Hurtheworth : Walteri de Wi£ton de terra de Frofterley : Hugonis epifc. Dunelm. de Quilleley et Swyneleys ; Johannis de Romefeye de medietate villas de Claxtone : Roberti Ccrbeth et Sibillae filite ejus de Hunftanworth: quie- , tam clamationem ejufdem Roberti de terra inter Knokedenburne et Derewentam et communi paftura in Hunftanworth: cartas Roberti epifc. Dunelm. de t^nemento in Crawcrok, bofco vocato le Fright , et villa de Ineftan: Radulfi de Mundavill de trava bladi de fingulis carucis in Stotfold: Gilberti Camerarii de ftagno molendini de Kypier fingendo fuper terrain fuam: Willelmi de Hcrz de 2 bovatis terra: in Clax- tone : Quenildae uxoris Ricardi de Lokes de xii. acris terrae in Medmefley et communi paftura ibidem : compofitionem inter priorem et conventum Dunelm. et procuratorem hofpitalis S. Egidii de decimis in Cliftone et Newtone : cartas Henrici de Lyghfot de terra apud Bernecrok : Inhabitantium de Bedelvng- tonlhyre de novem folidis pro travis carucarum ibi¬ dem : Stephani capellani de terra in vico S. E°-idii de Southcrof. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 122. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. . . of a thrave of corn out of every plowland in Bedlington. Ror. pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 23. n. JJoMe paftura jn ^tifford. XIV. LANGCESTRE. College. A collegiate church h for a dean and feven prebendaries founded by Antony Beck bilhop of Durham, A. D. 1283. R was valued, in the Lincoln taxation, at 90/. 13 s. 4 d. But 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 49/. 3s. 4 d. and was granted, 7 Ed: 6. to Simon Weldburyand Chrif topher Moreland. 1 Videm Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 38, 39. cart. 20 Eandem cartam in Prynne, vol. iii. p. 462. Ed. 1. n. 26. in qua recenfentur ordinationes et fta- Lelandi Collect, i. 242. tuta fundatoris. XV. NORTON near Stockton. College. An ancient collegiate church, dedicated to St. Mary !, of eight prebendaries or nor tiomfts, in the patronage of the bilhop of Durham. Leland k conjeftures thac thefe prebends and thole of Derlmgton and Aukland were founded by bilhop William de Carilepho, for the fupport of the Secular canons, whom he removed out of the cathedral church of Durham But the two latter colleges being known to be of later date, it may be prefumed that this of Norton was not fo early; the firlt mention of prebends here, which hath yet occurred to me, beino- A D 12271 Thefe prebends were valued, in the Lincoln taxation, A. D. 1291. at 61. each; but 2 6 Hen 8 at no more than 4/. 6s. 8 d. each, and 34/. 13 s. 4 dm. in the whole. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 9. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. XVI. SHIRBURN near . Durham. Hospital. An hofpital for lepers, founded by the before-mentioned Hugh de Puteaco Pufar or Pudley, bilhop of Durham, temp. Hen. 2. and dedicated to St. Mary Mao-dalen " The'vearlv revenues of this houle were certified by the commillioners of K. Hen. 8. to be worth 142/. os. 4 d° in the whole, and 135/. 7 s. clear; and therewith were maintained fixty five lepers, befides a f $uxre, If not granted afterwards, viz. 7 Ed. 6. to Simon Welbury and Chriftopher Moreland, s Sancroft’s mf. Valor. l> Dedicated to All Saints, as Mr. Willis. 1 Dr. Hutton ex pat. 20 Ed, ;. p. 1. “ Collect. vol.i. p.332. 385. ‘ In °r- Hutton’s colleftions, ex regiftro Gray archiep Ebor. It occurs again in 22 Hen. 3. or 1337. in Prynne’s f cords, vol. 11. p.496. ’ m Sancroft’s mf. Valor. n Pat. 10 Ed. 2. 0 Sancroft’s mf. Valor, mafter XVI. u R A M. D H matter and feveral priefts. It is yet in being % and the mafterthip of it is in the gift of the bithop of Durham’. Vide Mon. AnM. tom. ii. p. 437. exhiftoriaDunelmenfi Camden. Britan, in epifcopatu Dunelm. edita in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 723. Godwini vitam Hugonis de Puteaco in libro De prtefu- Collections relating to Sherburn hoi'pital in the county libus Angliae. Palatine ofDurham, (hewing the foundation thereof, Taxat. beneficiorum 20 Ed. I. inhyperoo Bodl. Oxon, by Hugh Pudfey biftiopof Durham, &c. 1773. 4'°. n. 129. f. 24.” a. Lclandi Colled. vol. i. p. 102. 333. XVII. STAINDROP. College. Ralph Nevil earl of Weftmorland founded here, temp. Hen. 4. a college for a matter or warden, fix priefts, fix clerks, fix decayed gentlemen, fix poor officers r, and other poor men, to the honor of the Virgin Mary. It was endowed, at the diffolution, with 170/. 4*. 6d. per arm. in the whole, and 126/. 51. 10 d. clear. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 142. pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. in qua recenfetur carta Thomae epifc. Dunelm. de licentia fundandi. In Formul. Angl. p. 432, &c. teftamentum praenobilis fundatoris. Leiandi Colled. vol. i. p. 102. Ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 86. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 6a. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Brigham. In regiftro Hen. Bowet archiepifc. Ebor. appropriatio- nem ecclelimde Lethomhuic collegio, 6 Mart. 1412. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 4. proeecl. de Latham. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. pro eccl. de Brigham. XVIII. WERMOUTH. Benedictine Cell. K. Egfrid gave this town to the famous abbat Benedict Bifcopius, who, A. D. 674. founded a monaftery here, and dedicated it to St. Peter. It fuffered in the Daniffi wars, and was burned down in the inroad made by Malcolm king of Scotland, A. D. 1070.- but was af¬ terward begun to be re-edified by Walcher bilhop of Durham s, whofe fucceffor Will, de Carilepho, about A. D. 1083. removed moft of the monks to Durham, to which Wermouth became a cell for three or four Benedictine monks. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 25/. 8r. 4 d. per a?ig. Dugd. 2 61. Speed1 •, and was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Tho. Whitehead. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 96. ex Matth. Weftm. MS. in bibl. Harleiana 261. f. 107. de fundatione eccle- in anno 703. et Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. 348, 349. fiarum de W eremouth et Girvrn. vol. iii. 42. For Egleston and Oveton placed in this bifhopric by the Mon. Angl. vol. ii. 196. 825. fee in Yorkshire. For Allerton hofpital , fee alfo Yorkshire. For Nesseham, fee in Northumberland. For Stamford, ~t r Lincolnshire. Letham, > cells of Durham priory , fee < Lancashire. Durham coll. ' t Oxfordshire. p “ Port: varias rixas conftitutum eft hofpitium (per ftat. 17 “ Eliz.) pro magiftro et triginta fratribus (Cambden. Britan. ,f col. 949.) idque nomine holpitii Chrifto dicati. 7 Richardfon s notes to Godwyn’s life of Bilhop Pufey. q Willis’ Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 232. 276. T M Sex pauperes valetti.” Gentlemen were formerly •valett 1 or valecli: But perhaps never but when they had fbme office or employment under a fuperior. » Leland. Collett, i. 383, 384. 1 The fumma inde is alfo 26/. in Stevens, vol. i. p. 26. but 26/. 9 s. 9 d, in mf. Valor. ESSEX. E S X; S E I. ASHEN, or Efle\ ^Vustin Friers. Here was a priory of Auftin friers 17 Ed. 2. Vide tot pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. dorfo, ubi affifa verfus pnorem de commun. paflur. in Beachamp S. Pauli. II. St. A Y L O T S. Priory. “ St. Aylots is a farm belonging to the earl of Suffolk in the way from Walden to Camps : it hath been a cell or priory.” Morant’s Elfex. But queers. III. BARROW. Benedictine Cell. A cell of one Benedi&ine monk to the abbey of St. John in Colchefter, as Leland. Colled!:. i. p. 6 3 b. IV. B E R D E N, or Bierdon'. Austin Canons. Here was, in the beginning of the reign of Henry 3. an hofpital or priory of canons and brethren of the order of St. Auftin \ dedicated to St. John the Evangelift. Will. Bohun earl of Northampton and Eliz. his wife had licence, 17 Ed. 3. to give the advowfon of this priory to the abbat and convent of Walden. Its yearly revenues, 2 6 Hen. 8. were computed at L/ 6s 4 d. ob. Dugd. 31/. 5s. id. ob. q. Speed. The fire was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Henry Parker; and, 5 Ed. 6. to Sr. Tho. Wroth, who alienated the fame to Thomas Avery and Margaret his wife’ by licence dated March 1 7, 1 Maria, and 25 Eliz. it was fettled on the holpitals of Chrift Church, Bridewell, and St. Thomas. pick in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 463. pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. . , In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. 11. p. 54, 55. ot the church and priory of Berden ; p. 325. of lands at Hen- ham : p. 402. of lands in Manuden : p.493. of lands at Ridding : p. 497" lands at Rochford. In Morant’s Effex,-vol. ii. p. 616. of this priory and its revenues. Stevens’ Supplement; vol. i. p. 294. MSS. .Cole, vol. -xxxii. p.207. vol. xliii. p. 460; Cartam Stephani prioris domus hofpitalis de Berden, et canonicorum et fratrum, fattam Joanni filio Robert! de uno canonico habendo in ditta domo, mf. Dodf- worth, vol. lxxiv. f. 46. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 3. de feria concefla priori : Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. de terris et advoc. eccl. de Berden conceffis per Rob. Rochford, cum licentia npproprianda : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. V. B E R K I N G, olim Berechinga or Bedenham e. ■i. Benedictine Nuns. Erkenwald fon of Anna king of the Eaft Angles, and afterward bifhop of London, founded here a monaftery of Religious virgins A. D. 675 f ; which continued till the general diffolution, temp. Hen. 8. when it appeared to be endowed8 with 862/. 12 s. 5 d. ob. per annT as Dugd. and 10S4/. 6s. 2 d. ob. q. as Speed. It was of the order of St. Benedict, and dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary, and St. Ethelburgha or Alburgh the firft abbefs, fitter to the founder. The fue of this houfe was granted, 5 Ed. 6. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide ;n Mon. Angl. «>m/i. p- 79 , &c. cart. 4 Ed. 4. n. 22. in qua recenfetur donatio Hodelredi patris Sebby registft Saxonum ; et “ The charge long- “ ynge to the ceilarelfe of Barlcingc,” ex codice mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius, D. vni. ,9. A compleat Hiftory of the abbey of .Barking from its foundation, mf. inter collett . Lethieullier de Alderlbrook-in com. Ellex.arm. Beds Eccl. Hid. lib. iv. c. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Reyneri Apoftol. Beneditt. traft. i. p. 64. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 26. 47. vol. iii. p. 70. Ejuf- demltin. vol. viii. p. 75- In Libto Nigro Scaccarii, p. 393. de Havekifbir. tent, de honore Boloniae pro tribus partibus 1. mil. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 32, 33, &c. an account of this abbey : and vol. i. p. 239. 242. of the feftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Allhallows Barking, London : vol. ii. p. 106. of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Bulvan in Eflex : p. 202. of the manor, rettory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Dagenham : p. 330. of the like at Hocklie: p. 342. of the rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Horn- don on the Hill : p. 460. of the ljke at Mucking : p. 498. of the manor and advowfon of the rettory of > This Allien or ElTe is juft over againft Clare in Suffolk. Therefore qiutre, Whether this might not be. the fame with the friers Auftin of Clare, who had lands, in this town. i> Ghisrc, Whether it be not the lame with Bedefmanes Burgh In Writtle parilh, faid to be a cell or chapel in the patronage of that abbey , as in Newcourt, vol. ii. 688. = Tbia monaftery being iitualetfupontbe-borders of Hertford- fhire, quaere. Whether not the fame with Harden or Burton placed m that .county. :Mf..coll..Corp. Chrift. Oion. n. 154. ■* Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 79. f So Leland. Collect. 1. 26. and iii. 76. Not A. D. 630.’ as in Reyner: Erkenwald. was not made bifhop of London till A. D. 675. ‘And though the Chertfey Book (Mon. Angl, i. 75, 76.) faith, that he founded that monaftery, and this before he was billiop, viz. A. D. 66'6. yet even then it could not be the firft nunnery in England, as Weever (Fun. Mon. p. 399.) Dug-dale (Warwick, p. 1107.) and Newcourt affert, that of Fplkeftput being founded A. D. 639. s This couldnotbc the richeft.punuKry in England, as Magn. Britan. Antiq. et *R>,v. ^yon.hnd fee»g much- richer. I i Reding E S V. SEX. Coding Abbots: p. 601. of the manor,' reftory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Tollelbury: p. 640. of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Great Warcly: p. 662. of the like at Wigborow, belong¬ ing to this minnefv. b In Morant’s Eftex ^ vol. i. p. 2. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey: p. 1. of the lordfhip of the hundred of Becontre : p. 9. of the impropriate rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Berkino- : p. 23'6. of the manor, kc. of Mucking: p. 244. °of the manor ofiHawklbury in Fobbing: p. 262. of the lordfhip of South Bemflet anciently : \*ol. ii. p. Q{ the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Ingatftoiie : p. 49. of a manor in Butfbury. The 'names of the abbelTes In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies vol. 11. p. 76. and Stevens’ Supplement, vol i p r28’ In doftiffimi Hickefii epift. dilfert. ad Showerum, p. I0! cyrographum de decima, quam obtulit filius Leomari de Cochefelda S. Aranas de Berchincres. In Rymeri Feeder, kc. vol. v. p. 95. pat. 12 Ed. 2. m. 2. quod abbatifla et moniales habeant iibertatem de' ph- citis foreft* ', &c. r Brafton De legibus, &c. lib. ii. c. 16. Year Books, . . Ed. 3. vol. i. f. n. 25 Ed. 3. f. 80. 6 Ed. 4. m. 19. Raftal’s Entries, tit. Droit de Advowfon , § 1. MS. Wood, in Mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. vol. xxx. f. 33. les nommes des abbelTes de Berking, qe ont eftee de- puis la fondacion del hofpital de llleford : de les fe- pultures des abbelTes de Berking: f. 54. ftatutes of . the abbey of Berkyng made by the lady abbefs Sybill, A. D. 1444. Librum obitualem abbatite Berkingenfis prmfixum mif- fali in ufum abbatifla: de Berking, cui annexa qu$- dam de eleftione abbatifls, et de geftis abbatiflarum, mf. in bibl. coll. Univerf. Oxon. I. iii. 3. Librum abbatite de Berking in bibl. Cotton, ex quo plurima excerpfit cl. Dodfworth. in collect, fuorum vol. x. Ifte tamen codex non memoratur. in catalogo Smithiand. MSS. in bibl. Cotton. Augujlut , ii. 26, confirmationem terrarum per Sebbi regem. Vefpafian , A. ix. 3. car- tarn Erkenwaldi epifeopi de fundatione. Vefpafian, B. xv. 15. excerpta ex regiltro. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 10. fpiritualia atque tem- poralia abbatiflae de Bcrkinge : mf. 261. f. 1O7. de fundatione ecclefia; de Berking: mf. 433. f. i02. confirmation of an annuity of 15/. granted by Dr. Talbot parfon of Berking in London to the abbefs and her fucceflors, 1 Ric. 3. Regiftrum curiarum tent, apud Warley in com. Eflex, a tempore regis Ricardi 3. cum reddituali ejufdem fhanerii olim ad hoc ccenobium pertinentis, mf. in • bibl. CottorJ.' ex dono cl. dolt. Gale. Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mercat. apud Salcot : Clauf . Hen. 3. m. 2. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 14. Fin.j? Hen. 3. m. 11. pro includend. txil. acr. afTart. in Glrtges. Cart. 18 Ed. r. n. 88. pro lib. war. in Lichimr^,, [Bedf.] et Hockele [Eflex.] Pat. ig Ed. f. ^ Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . debofeisde Inholt et Alfreton." ” Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de cc. acris terr* in Dakeni ham : Clauf. 9 Ed. 2. m. 7. dorfo, conventio de re- parat. pontium et calcet. de Stratford per abbatiflam" Pat. gEd. 2. p. U m. 17. de eccl. de Mocking api proprianda : Efcset. 17 Ed. 2. poft mort. com. Pemb de reddit. in Dagenham : Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m 8 et 32. Pat. 4 Ed. 3: p. 1. m. . Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. m. 7 fvel g Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. n. 33. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. m. ig( 20 vel 21. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . ' walliis apud Wolwich fuftentandis : Pat. 14 Ed. •> p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. Clauf. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. if Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. m. 17. pro ten. in Litlington : Pat. 40 Ed. 3‘. p‘ 2 m. 44. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 23. de exonerat. reparat. cecCLXvn. perticat. claufur* parci de Havering' Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. pro eccl. de Hockele ap- proprianda : Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 33. pro hundred, de Bardftaple et Begehowa • Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro eccl. de Berking! Lond. prope turrim approprianda : Pat. 15 Ric. 2.* p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 22. de return! brevium, kc. infra hundred, de Becontre: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 9. pro xvii. melT.iit Veter. Judaifmo Lond. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. n. 1. Rec. In fcacc. 1 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 22. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. j. m. 8. pro patronatu hofpit. de Ilford : Inquif. 3 Hen. 4. n. 10. Clauf. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 32. et p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Litlington ap¬ proprianda. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 34. de Dakenham Merfh fub- merfo: Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. i.n. 1. et p. 3. m. 34. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 12. Clauf. 1 Ed. 4. m. 6 et 8. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. to. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 19, 20. 22. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 63. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 4, Mich. rot. 9. ^ Rot. aft. parliam. 7 Hen. 7. n. 7. Rec. in fcacc. 27 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 2. clameum e comput. vicecomitis Eflex. 2. Hospital. Adeliciak the abbefs, and convent of Berkyng, about the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 2. or the beginning of that of K. Richard 1. founded upon the London road at Ilford1 in the panfli of Berkyng1, to the honor of the blelTed Virgin, an hofpital for their leprous tenants or iervants; which confided of a Secular mafter, a leprous matter, and thirteen brethren lepers ; two chaplains and one clerk. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 21 1. 3 s. Ad. in the whole and at 16/. 1 3s. 4 d. clear. It was refounded by queen Elizabeth, and is yet in being. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 390, 391, 392. ordina- tiones de regiminehujus hofpit. per Radulph. de Strat¬ ford epife. Londin. In Newcourt’s Repertorrum, vol. ii. p. 346, 347. of the firft foundation, and the change made by queen Eliza¬ beth to a mafter and fix poor people. Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 8. MS. Cole, vol. iii. p. 494. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 25. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p, r„ m. 16. r Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. VI. BILEIGH near Maldon”. Premonstratensian Abbey. There was anciently at Perendune, or Parndon M. in this h To avoid repetition, Mr. Morant^ hiftory of this county is referred to for fuch particulars only, as are not mentioned in the references to Newcourt’s Repertorium. i Thisisalfoin Stevens’ Appendix, p.212. k So the learned Mr. Willis (Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 76.) out of a nfif.’ in mufeo AihmoL And it -is evident from the Monaft. t°i!TI* 9I* that, ^1S was being temp, R. Joan, when William was bilhop of London, and Mabilia de Bofehara abbels of Berkyng. 1 ' and K°,rd wf re not dimn« hofpitals, as in Speed. ™ The abbeT ,?f Maunden, otherwife Bileigh juxta IVLddon. Newcourt, vol. 11, p. 398. county, VI. ESSEX. county, an houfe of Premonflratenfian " canons, who removed to Bileigh, where A. D. 11S0. Robert Man tell ° built a mdnaftery for them to the honor of St'. Nicholas '. About the time of the diffolution this abbey was rated at 1 57/. i6r. nd. y. per ann. Dugd. 196/. 6s. $d. Speed, and maintained nine canons ; it was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sr. John Gate. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 626. pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 30. per Infpex, recitantem cartam regis Ricardi 1. , . . * . In Newcourt’s Repertorium, of this abbey, and fomeof its pofleflions, viz. Vol. ii. p. 399, 400. of the abbey: p. 83. of the marfh called Colewerd in Bradwell : p. 284. of lands in Goldbanger: p. 317. 615. of controverted tythes in Hatfield Peverel and Ulting: jp. 357. of the advowfori of Laihgdon Hills: p. 371. of the impropriation and advowfon of St. Laurence Dengy: p. 398. of the churches of AU Saints and St. Peter’s in Maldon : p. 462. of the firft houfe at Parndon Magna: p. 610. of lands in Totham Magna: p. 614. of the church of Uiting: p. 618. of the church of Much Wakering: p. 657. of xLr. yearly rent, See. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 334. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey: p. 306. of the impropriate redtory of Great Wakering : p. 333. of the impro- riate rectories and advowfon of the vicarages of All aints and St. Petef in Maldon : p. 368. of a tene¬ ment in Afheldham: p. 374. of the advowfon of the reftory of St. Lawrence: p. 389. of the manors of Folifaunts and Fawlty in Goldanger : p.403. of the manors of Gorwell and Prentifes in Toliefbury: vol. ii. p. 137. of the advowfon of the redtory of Ulting : p. 494. of a manor in Great Parndon. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 63. vol. ii. p. 412. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 1461 an account of this priory from Newcourt. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1 190. Clauf. 35 Ed. 1. m. 6. Inbiblioth. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. temporalia abbatis de Byleghe : mf. 869. f 50. pat. . . Hen. 8. de deci- mis in Purley in com. Eflex. MS, Peck in Mufeo Britannico, vol. i. excerpta ex re- giftro Premonftrat. de interno ftatu hujus abbdtiae. Rot. cart, antiq. E. n. 30. 59. Pat. 54 Hen. 3. m. 28. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 4. pro marifeo vocat. Coleurde in Bradwell, ex dono Hugonis filii Ottonis defunct! : Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 26. pro terris in Wakering, una cum advoc. eccl. ibidem, ex cOncellione Hugonis de Nevill : Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . pro advoc. eccl. de Ulting ex dono Roberti filii Walteri. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. de terris in Maldon Parva, et Tollefbllry : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 13. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. pro tenementis in Purle Magna, Perndon, et Maldon : Cart. 38 Ed. 3. n. 16. Clauf. 39 Ed. 3V m. 10. de advoc. prioratus ad dom, Joannem Bourchier fpedlante. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 20 Ed. 4* p. 2. m. 10. de hofpitali S. Egidii Maldon uniendo. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 30. pro terris in Wodham Walter et Curie. Clauf. 8 Hen. 8. m, 16. de advoc. abbatire. VII. BLACKMORE. Austin Canons. An heremitagei or priory of Black canons built by Adam r and Jordan de Samford, to the honor of St. Laurence, before or in the beginning of king John’s reion. This was one of the fmall monafteries which cardinal Wolfey procured to bediffolved 17 Hen. 8. in or¬ der to the endowment of his two colleges at Oxford and Ipfwich, at which time the earl of Oxford claimed to be founder, and it was valued at 8 5I.9S. yd. per ann. viz. in fpiritualties, 4.1 1. 13s. ^d. and in temporalties, 43/. 11 s. 3d. Upon the attainder of the cardinal, this priory was granted in exchange, 23 Hen. 8. to Waltham abbey; and, after the general fuppreffion, to John Smith 32 Hen. 8. ’ d Vide Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 63, 64. of the priory and its foundation: vol. i. p. 695. of the church of Tybourne alias Marybone in Middlefex: P. 834. of the redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Great Hormead, Hertfordfliire : vol. ii. p. 95, of lands in Bromfield Eflex: P. 405. of the redlory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Margetting : P. 669. of the ad¬ vowfon of Willinghale Spaine R. belonging to this priory. In Morant’s Eflex; vol. ii. p. 56. of the foundation and revenues of this priory: p. 476. of lands in Shellow Bowells: vol. i. p. 119. of lands in South Weald. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 106. fome account of this priory from Newcourt. Year Books, 21 Ed. 4. Pafch. 6. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prloratum fpedlantes in pyxide cartar. Ant. Wood, in bibl. Aftimol. Oxon. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 7022. n. 3. inquif. pro terris iii Eflex.. The Cardinal’s bundle amongft the records in chancery. Fin. 5 Joan. n. , ■' ’ Cart. 16 Hen. 3. n. . pro feria ibidem. Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pjac. in banco regis apud Ebor. 17 vel 27 Ed. 1. rot. 20. de terris in Bromfield : Ibid! rot. 39. de terris in Shenfield. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. de terris in Fingreth : Pat. ir Ed. 2. p. I. m. 6. et p, 2. m. 17. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 37. de feria ibidem per tres dies: Ibid. p. 6. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. licent. recipiendi lx. acr. prati, See. in Gynge Margaretae ad celebrand. pro animabus Nicolai filii Ricardi et Alici® uxorisejus. VIII. BOOKING. Hospital. John Doreward efquire founded here an hofpital called Le Meafon Dieu or God’s Houfe, for a provoft or maker, and fix poor perfons* 18 Hen. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom, ii. p. 477. pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 2. fcilicet, licentiam regiam pro fundatione et dotatione. n Leland. Colle<5t. vol. ii. p. 412. * “ M80. comes Eflex fundator habitus eft.” Mf. Alhmol. 1519. p St. Michael , as in Mr. Le Neve’s tranfeript. of cart, antiq. E. 30. The Virgin and Sts Nicholas , as fn MS. Peck in Mufeo Eritan. vol. 1. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 7a. Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 388. Rot. pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. i. m. 13. Pari. 33 Hen. 6. n.47 s Pat. 3 Ed. 3. See of the hermitage of Blakmore above in Dorfetjhire. ’ S° in Newcourt; but Speed hath only Jordan. Richard St. George efq. in his collections f. 141. as cited by Mr. Moraut lays, it was founded about the reign of K. Henry 2. bv Sir yohft de Saundford. ; J IX. CHELMES- ESSEX. IX. IX. CHELMESFORD. taLACK FRIERS. An houfe of Black or Dominican friers in this town, or rather in an adjoining hamlet called Fulfham or Mulfarn', which might be very ancient, but could not be founded (as Mr. Camden, Speed, &c. fay) by Malcolm king of Scotland ; for the laft of that name died long before thele friers were known in England. They were found 26 Hen. 8. to have revenues worth only 9/. 6s. sd. per atm. Dugd. Speed; and their priory was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Anthony Bonvixi. Fide Morant’s Effex; vol. ii. p. ■$. P- 13°- , . In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 208. an account of Lelandi Colledt. vol. 1. p. 47. this priory from Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. Rot. pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 43vel44. X. C H I C H. l. Nunnery destroyed. If there be any truth in the legendary writers, this was the mod ancient monaftery in this county, here being, as they fay, a nunnery dedicated to St. Peter and St Paul, built by Ofitha, daughter of K. Frithwald, and queen to Sighere king ot the Eaft Saxons, who herfelf lived as a Religious herein, till foe was martyred by the Danes A. D. 653'. 2. Austin Canons. It is more certain that, before 1118". Richard de Belmeis, the firft of that name, bifoop of London, in honor of thofe two great apoftles, and the faid holy woman St. Ofith built a religious houfe here for canons of the order of St. Auftin. This abbey was en¬ dowed 26 Hen. 8. with lands to the yearly value of 677/. is. 2d. Dugd. 758/. $.s. 8 d. Speed*-, and the fite of it was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Cromwell, and after his attainder to Sr. Tho. Darcy, 5 Ed. 6. who was that year made a baron by the title of lord Darcy ot Chich. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 182, 183, 184. notulas quafdam ex Will. Malmfbur. et Lelandi Itin. de fun- datione: cartas Ranulphi de Mandevill deterris voca- tis Weftfields etDira: Bartholomxi de Crec de red- ditu in Kambell : Alberici de Vere de terris in Dal- ham et Tunftall, ex autographis penes . . . Poley arm. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 31. per Infpex. recitantem confir- mationem conceflionum per Hen. 2. Donationem advocationis hujus abbatix epife. Londinenfibus a R. Joanne, ex cart, antiq. Z. n. 32. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 455, 456. an ac¬ count of the abbey and the abbats of it, and of fome of itseftates, as vol. ii. p. 3. of the manor and advow- fon of Abberton in Effex: p. 8. of the rectory and advowfonofthe vicarage ofAlthorn: p. 152. 154. of the redtories and advowfon of the vicarages of Great Clafton, and Little Cladon: p. 243. of the reaory and advowfon of the vicarage of Elmfted : p. 333. of the impropriation of Little Holland: p. 41 1, ot the reaory and advowfon of Little Mayland, and a tenth part of the manor there: p.417. ot an hundred acres of land, and three acres of meado-w in Melting, of the gift of Robert de Reynes: p. 484. of the reaory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ramfey: p. 519. of a portion of tithes in Shelford: p. 531. ot the reaory and advowfon of the vicarage of Shopland : p. 535. of the like at Southminfter: p. 576. ot a portion of tithes at Tendring : p. 606. of the alternate prefenta- tion to Tollefhunt Knights: p> 6x3. of and advowfon of the vicarage of Ugley : p. 646. of the chapel of Bruntwood. In Morant’s Colchefter, p. I35- of the manor of Eaft Milend: in his Eflex, vol. 1. p. 456. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this abbey: p. 124. of the manor of Brentwood: p. 361. of the manor, &c of A - thorn: p. 294. of the manor of Brooke-hall in I ol- lefhunt Knights: p. 419. of lands in Peldon, , p. 429- in Eaft Merfev: p. 460. of the manor of kfonKS in Miftley: p. 476. of a manor, &c. in Great Clafton . p. 47gy of tht manor, &c, of Little Holand : p. 483- of the manor of Birch-hall in Kirby . p. 494- 0 * manor, &c. in Ramfoy : vol. it. P- 5- of a chapel and tithes in Moulfham : p. 377. of the manor ot Strat¬ ford. Lelandi Colkft. vol. i. p. 43. 62. vol-. in. p. 247. In Leland. Itin. vol. viri. p. 43. de prima fundatione a S. Ofitha, deque fecunda fundatione a Ricardo de Belmeis, et de benefadtionibus huic coenobio fadtis. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 49. de feedo dimid. milit. tent, de epifeopo London, p. 39 1 - B'foho et IJor- feca tent, de honore Bolonix pro I. milite. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 1 12- ot this abbey and its abbats from Newcourt: vol. i. p. 40. taxa- tionem fpiritualium et temporalium hujus abbatia in dice. Cantuar. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 80. the names of the abbats, from Newcourt. Year Books, 3 Hen. 6. term. Hill. 21. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. temporalia abbalis S. Ofithae. Cartas, rotulos curia-rum, rentalia, &c. penes prxnobi- lem comitem Rivers. Cart, antiq. A. n. 20. E. n. 22. 24. Cart. 7 Joan. m. 3. n. 24. de advocatione hujus abba¬ tix concelfa epilcopo Londin. Fin. Suff. 7 J03n- n. 54. Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 10. de mercat. apud Bois Arfe (vel Bruntwood:) Cart. 11 Hen. 3. m. 3. n. 23. pro mercat. die Martis et feria in vigilia et die S. Thomx Martyr, apud Boifars: Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 9. Fin. II Hen. 3. m. 5, de eodem mercat. die Jovis, et pro feria ibidem ill die tranflationis S. Thomx Mart. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 15. Fin. com. ignot. 19 Hen. 3. n. 63. de terris in Merfey: Fin. SufF. 24 Hen. 3. n. 97. Plac. coram rege, 25 Hen. 3. rot. 19. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 12. Fin. Suff. 42 Hen. 3. n. 12. Fin. Suff. 46 Hen. 3. n. 126. de maner. de Stutton: Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 6. Fin. Suff. 12 Ed. 1. n. 21. pro advoc. eccl. S. Marix in Stow-mercat. Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 14. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 26. de terris etten. in Burnt Uleigh : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 31. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 15. de molendino aquat. &c. in Stowmarket: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Plac. apud Weftm. 5 Ed. 3. rot. 171. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat, 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. 123. pro 1 Capgi-av^Nova Legenda Anglias, f. *46- b. Harxus in ' » jjtcaufe Weaver, Fun. Mon. p. 60;, faith, thatK. Henry h confirmed and augmented the bifliop’s donation, annoregmt<)‘ w The abbat and twenty monks of this convent iubienbed the iupremacy July 9, 1524* Willis of Abbies, ii. 81. mercat. X. E S merest, et feria apud Stow-mercat. Plac. de banco, 28 Ed. 3. rot. 197. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. pro ten. in Adburton, Althorn, Colchefter [Elfex.] ct in I5albam, Tonftall, et Ovefdon [Suff.J Cart. 37 Ed. 3. n. 4. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 23. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 12. de eccl. de Elmfted approprianda : Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8- Pat- 10 R'c- 2- P- 2- m- !5- Clauf. 10 Ric. 2. m. 27. de medietat. maner. de Rufhale: Pat. 16 SEX. Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 5. de mefT. ct terris in Claketon M. et Claketon P. Plac. coram rege, 6 Hen. 4. Pafch.rot. 7. pro maner. de Stofv-hall in Stow-market. Cart. 3 Hen. 5. n. 7. Pat. 3 et 4 Hen. 5. m. 4. Clauf. 9 Hen. 5. m.8. dorfo, de medietat. maner. de Ryvers- hall in Eaft Mcrfey, ex dono Ric. Sutton mil. Clauf. 16 Hen. 6. m. 3. pro dimilT. maner. de Birchoo. XI. COGGESHALE, or Coxhall. CISTERTIAN Abbey. King Stephen and Maud his queen founded here, A. D. 1 142 *. an ab¬ bey for Giftertian or White monks7, which was dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary, endowed at the diffolution with 251/. 2 s. pet am. Dugd. 298 /. Br. Speed; and was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Sr. Tho. Seymor, and 1 Mar. to Dorothy Leventhorp. Vide in Mon. Atigl. tom. i. p. 821, 822. cart. 19 Fd. 2. n. 20. recit. per Infpex, cartam Matildis fundatricis : Et Efc. 51 Ed. 3. m. 13. Effex. de manerio vocatd Tyllingham-hall. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 158. of the ab¬ bey: p. I43i J44- ®e manor of Tillingham in the parifli of Childerdich, Effex, and the impropriation and advowfon of the vicarage there : p. 603. of a manor or grange in Tollefliuht Major, belonging to this abbey. In Morant’s Elfex, vol. ii. p. 163. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey : p. 9. of the manors of Spring- field-Barnes and Kewton in Springfield: p. 161. of the manors of Great and Little Coggefhall. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 63. de fundatione : vol. iii. p. 162. catalogum quOruiidam: codd. mff. In bibl. hujus abliatiie. In Libro Nigro Scacearii, p. 394. de Coggefhale tent, de honore Bolonire. Stevens’ Supplement,- vol. ii. p. 49. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 618. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 280. of en- clofing their wood in Coggffha}; and making a park. In Prynne’s Papa! Ufurpations, vol. iii. 867. brev. reg. 28 Ed. 1. de corrodio conceddndo. Year Books, Ed. 3. vol i. p. 102. Collefitanea e regi'ftro1 monafterii de Coggelhale,' mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius , E. ix. Chroriicon cujufdam monachi de Coggefhale ab A. D. 1 1 14 ad 1 155. in ead. bibl. Vefpaf. D. x. 2. Chronicon Radulfi abbatiS de Coggefhall ab anno 1066 ad temp. R. Joanhis, mf. ibid. Vefpafian , D. X. 4. Apographum cartarum de fundatione, donationibus, et privilegiis hujus abbatia:, ex archivis ducatus Lan- caftriae : Viginti fchedis, penes Nic. Jekyll de Caftro Hedingham in com. Elfex. arm. mf. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 17. n. 137. Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. ix. Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 11. de Chilfendich : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. go. pro maner. de Coggefhall, &c. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 33. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. quod abbas non tenetur reparare pontem inter Branktree et Coggefhall : Ibid. m. 38 vel 39. Cart. 16 Ed. 3. n. 22. pro maner. de Tollefhunt: Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. rii. 21 vel 22. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. . Pat, 8' Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 22. Inquif. 3 Hen. 4. n. 10. [Effex.] de mora de Tiptree: Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 38 vel 39. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. 01. . XII. COLCHESTER. 1. Benedictine Abbey. Eudo, a great officer in the courts of K. William the Conqueror, and of his two fons arid luCceffors, began to build here, A. D. 1096 z. an abbey of the order of St. Benedict, to the honor of St. John Baptill, which he finiffied in the year 1 J04. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 523/. 17 s. od.q*. Dugd. and granted, 1 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii.- p. 889, &e. hiftoriam fun- dafionis abbatite e cod. mf. Cotton. Cartam funda- tionis e regiftro abbatiae penes Joannem dorii. Lucas : Cartam Will, de Hauvill deeccl. de Takeleex auto¬ graph, in bibl. Hatton. Cart. Hen. 2. excart, antiq. T. n. 38. quietum clam, tributum de Danegeld, &c. Et p. 885. car'tSm: ab'Batis et conv. quietam clam, eccl. de Heohato [Cant.] in excamb. pro terris in Doniland. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 354. a proxy for others to appear for the abhat in parliament. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 390. de Hegham tent, de honore Bolor.iae pro quarta parte 1. mil. In NeWcourfs Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 170, 17 1 . an ac¬ count of this abbey and the abbats of it: Vol. i. p. 459. of the advowfon of St. Mary Woolchurch Haw, Lon¬ don: p. 538. of St. Stephen’s Walbrooke: p. 800. ot the manor, redtory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Barkeway [Plertf.] Vol. ii. p. 11. of the advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Ardley in Effex: p. 31. of the manor and advowfon of Little Bardfield : p. 56. of lands in Bergholt : p. 78 and 691. of a moiety of the reiftory of Boxted : p. 93. of the manor and reftory of Brickelfea: p. 168. of St. Giles’s church in Col- ehefterr p. 173. of the advowfon of St. Leonard’s : p. 177. of St. Nicholas : p. 18 1. of the Holy Trinity church in Colchefter: p. 214. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of Eaft Doniland : p. 286. of the like at Grinfted : p. 295. of a manor and portion of tythes in Hallingbury Magna : p. 342. of a portion of tythes * So the chronicle of this h.oufe ; though the foundation of it is placed A. D. 1140. by Weaver, ex Chron. S. Aug. Cant. A. D. H41. Leland. Collett, i. 63. A. D. 1137. Annales de Parcolude, mf. ’’ Not White monks of the Cluniac 6rder, as Weaver and Newcourt ; for the Cluniacs were all Black monks. The fa¬ mous pat. roll of 72 Ed. 1. and other evidence thew this houfe to have been of the Ciltertian order. 1 Mon. Angl. ii. 89o; Lelahd. Collett, iii. 73. Blit A. D. 1095. Leland. Collett, ii. 4x0. and (perhaps by miltaluiig the figure) A. D. io8j. Madox’s Exchequer, p. 34. - In Speed it is valued at 8/. xs. 84. only; and fo in the Va¬ luation publifiied by Stevens, vol. i. p. 3o. <> Efi'ex, Monaft joanms Colceftr. Summa inde SI. is. 84. fumma data “ !>• 7-t. 84.” But this was the valuation of the Crofied Friers in Colchefter. Stevens blames Mr. Willis for faying this abbev maintained about twenty monks, and faith, it is more likely to have had double that number, none of the greater abbies having to few as twenty. But according to Mr. Morant, Bookrii. p Vj°- there were no more than that number. XII. E S S £ X. kt Horndon on the Hill: p. 372. of a mefluage called Eaft Newland In St. Laurence Dengy: p. 373. of a mefluage called Alibats in Lawford : p. 376. of a tnanor (tiled Ryes in Layer de lay Hay: p. 388. of a portion of tythes in Lexden : p. 420. of a yearly pen- lion of xiii s. iv d. out of the redtory of Miftley: p. 427. of the manor, redtory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Mundon : p. 468. of the advowfon of Pitfey : p. 551. 568. 691. of an ancient right in the church of Takelcy: p. 552. of lands in Stanway: p. 559. of a portion of tythes in Stanefgate : p. 576. of the manor called Wolfes in Tendring: p. 607. of a portion of tythes in Toppesfield : p. 632. of the like in Great Waltham: p. 665. of the manor of Wi- leigh : p. 675. of a portion of tythes in Witham, Ef- fex, belonging to this abbey. In Morant’s Colchefter, p. 139. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey and names of the abbats : p. 8. of the chapel in the caftle of Colchefter: p. 116. of the advowfon of the redtory of the Holy Trinity: p. 1 17. of two tenements in St. Nicholas: p. 137. of the manor of Berechurch or Weft Doniland and advowfon of the chapel : p. 1 53. of St. Helen’s chapel : App. p. 25. indicem donationum huic abbatiae fadta- rum ex duobus regiftris penes prasnobilem comitem de Hardwic. In his Hiftory of Eflex, vol. i. p. 255. of the manor, &c. of Pitfey: p. 262. of lands in North Bemflet : p.373. of the manor of Eaft Newland: p. 409. of tithes in Layer Breton : p. 438. of lands in Lawford : vol. ii. p. 68. of the hermitage of Bedemannefberg in Writ- tie : p. no. of a mefluage and lands in Witham: p. 172. of the manor of Howchings in Ferring : p. 193. of the manor of Gofebec in Stanway and tithes there: p. 224. of lands in Bures, p. 233. in Worm- ingford : p. 572. of a manor and tithes in Takeley. In Chauncy’s Hertfordftlire, p. 96. of the manor of Ab- botlbury in Barley. In Hafted’s Kent, Vol. i. p. 529. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Higham. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 28. of tithes in Int- wood, p. 79. in Wrenningham: vol. iv. p. 1216. of pofleflions in Shipdam. An account of this abbey and its abbats, by Browne Willis efquire, in his Hiftory of Mitred Abbies, p. 64. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 294. an account of this abbey and its abbats from Willis and Newcourt. Year Books, 39 Ed. 3. p. 19. 2 Hen. 4. Trin. 14. 8 Hen. 6. Hill. 8. 21 Hen. 6. Mich. 8. 49 Hen. 6. Mich. 20. Raftal’s Entries, tit. Annuite vers corps polltike, § 15. de penfione e vicariade Aldeburgh [Sufi.] InLelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 63. de fundatione : vol. ii. p. 410. excerpta e chroniro veteri, monacho Colcef- trenfi autore: vol. iii. p. 162. codices quofdam mlT. olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatite. De monafterio Coleceftrenfi et ejus fundatore, cum fi- gura ejus, et nominibus abbatum ab Hugone Ebor. abbate primo ad Thomam Marfnal abbatem tricefi- mum, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Nerc$ D. vm. 13. Rcgiftra duo hujus abbatix penes illuftrifT. dom. duceih Cantiie, mft. (Horum unum fuit codex cl. Cecilii ) nunc penes praenobilem comitem de Hardwic. Apographum Cartularii hujus abbatite in tribus volurni- nibus penes Thomam Aftle arm. Cartas originates ad hanc abbatiam fpedtantes, in volu, minibus cartarum mearum notatis Ajlley, g, 10. k, 25- 43> 44- 5°- 52. 57> 58. 69. 73. 78. 83. 88. 92' Crane, 63. 67, 68. 72, 73. 77, 78. 84, 85. 88. 92. 1 13. 120. Jackfcn, I. 3.6. 10. 16. 19. 21. 24. 31, 33. 36. 42, 43. 46, 47. 49. 57, 58. 64. 69. 73. 82’ 83. 90. 93. 98. Hobart, 24. 58. 92. 106. 109. ii,, 1 18. 158. 164. 167. Appleton, 10. 63. 72. 113.161. 163. 221. Collectanea qusedam feledta ex regiftro mf. five armario monaft. S. Joannis Baptift. Coleceftriae fpe&ahte ad Joannem Lucas arm. 1633. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodf- worth. vol. xxxviii. f. 9. De fundatione ejufdem, e libro tertio monafterii Coleceftrenfis, mf. ibid, vol cii f. 83. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 11. temporalia abbatis de Colceftre : mf. 294. f. 176. mf. 298. f. 58. mf. 312. f. 71. mf. 639. f. 12. colledtanea ex regiftro hujus abbatiae penes Johannem Lucas arm. mf. 6748. f. 10. cartam Henrici 2. Cart, antiq. T. n. 22. Fin. Suff. 4 Joan. n. 10. de advoc. eccl. de Hemino-- fton. Fin. div. com. 16 Hen. 3. n. 45. Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. 1. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 106. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 14. pro libertat. in Eftwood et Rayleigh. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. de terris in Brightlingfey, Grene- fted, &c. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Rec. infeacc. 40 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 10. Rec. in fcacc. 44 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 9. Rec. in fcacc. 46 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 20. pro maneriis de Brightingfey et Wiley: Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 25. Cart. 7 et 8 Ric. 2. n. 28. pro lib. war. in Wyleg, Brightling, Donylond, Mundon, Piches, Heghtes, et Manefter [Eflex.] in Wykham et Benyngham b [Suff.] Berle [Hertf.] Wylee, Brightlingfey, Eaft- Donyland, Lakeford, Grenefted, et Takelegh [Eflex.] feria apud Wyvenho, et aliis amplis libertatibus : Clauf. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . dorfo, de portione deci- marum in Witham et Crefling. Cart. 6 et 7 Hen. 4. n. 6. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. de manerio de Tendring. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . de limitibus monaf¬ terii et fan&uarii ibidem. 2. Austin Canons. One Eynulfus or Ernulphus, pretty early in the time of K. Henry ic. founded, on the fouth part of this town, a monaftery for Auftin canons, dedicated to St. Julian and St. Botulph, and became prior of it himfelf. It was looked upon as thed firft houfe of that order in England, and, at the iuppreflion, was valued at 113/. 121. per am, Dugd. and Speed', The fite of it was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Audley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 44, 45, 46. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. recit. per lnfpex. cartas tres R. Hen. 1. de decima dominii lui de Hetfelda, de terris in Col¬ chefter et tertia parte molendini, et de terra et do- mibus in Cantorberia. Cartam R. Ric. 1. recit. et confirm, donatorum concefliones, et Bullam P. Paf- chalis 2. de privileges, ex vetullo rotulo in bibl. Cotton. b tpuj're. If not Bedyngham. c Before the death of Maurice bifhop of London, and the foundation of Trinity priory, London, both in the year 1107. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 165, 166. of the priory : p. 1 1. of lands in Ardeley : p. 102. of a por¬ tion of tythes at Buers on the Hill : p. 140. 143. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Chig- well: p. 163. of the advowfon of All Saints in Col¬ chefter: p. 169. of St. James’: p. 176. of St. Mar¬ tin’s: p. 178. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of St. Peter’s in Colchefter : p. 268. of lands as appears from Mon. Angl. ii. 44. 46. See the preface, p. xviii- d Bulla Pafchalis P. ibid. p. 45. e Edit. 1631. in m e s SEX, in Grliifled : p. 275. of the advowfon of Frating Rj 715. of a penfion of iii/. per arm. from Hatfield Regis priory : p. 376. of lands at, and the impro¬ priate tythes of, Layer de Hay: p. 419. of the ad¬ vowfon of Milend near Colchefter : p. 575. of the rcdlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Marks Tay : p. 589- of lands in Thurrock Parva. In Morant’s Colchefter, p. 146. of the foundation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors : p. 1 12. of the manor of Dilbridge: p. 136. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Grinfted and of lands there : In his hiftory of Eflex, vol. i. p. 412. of the ma¬ nor of Blind Knights in Layer de la Haye: p. 414. of lands in Abberton. vol. ii. p. 207. of a manor in Great Tay : p. 220. of the manor of Shreves in Colne Engaine : p. 233. of lands in Wormingford. Lelandi ColleA. vol. i. p. 62. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 107. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 391. de Colun et Legre tent, de honore Bolonite pro fcedo 1. mil. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 344. Sir Thomas Audc- ley’s releafe of the iii /. penfion paid by the prior of Hatfield Regis, for a portion of tythes there, dated 29 Hen. 8. Apographa cartarum regum Stephani, Hen. 2. et Ric. 1. huic prioratui, in vol. collcdl. autoris notat. T. I', p. 674, &c. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 9 et 10. Brev. Orig. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 17. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. r. m. ult. et p. 2. m. 16. pro eccl. S. Petri Colceft. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 37, 38, 39. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. m. ult. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. . Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 31. [bis:] Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. de decern libris annuatim folvend. ab- bati Weftmon. e manerio de Leyre de la Hay: Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. t6 vel 17. 3. Hospital. The abovementioned Eudo, founder of St. John’s abbey, at the command of K. Henry 1. ere&ed alfo juft without the town, towards the fouch eaft, an hofpital for a mafter and feveral leprous people, which was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, and valued, 26 Hen. 8.' at 1 1 /• per ann f. It was refounded by K. James 1. in A. D. 1610. for a mafter and five unmarried poor perfons, and is ftill in beings. Vide in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 396. cartam Hen. 2. de venues of this hofpital and names of the mailers : prote&ione, et vi/. de Brytlingefeya: Et cart. Ric. 1. App. p. 7. inquifitionem captam 14 Eliz. de poflef- pro feria in vigilia et die S. Mariae Magdalenae. fionibus hujus hofpitalis. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 175. fome ac- Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 6. de feria alias concefla ibid, count of this hofpital: p. 94. of an annual rent of Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 4'6. pro vi/. redd, in Britlingfey. vi /. from Bricklefea to this hofpital. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 33. In Morant’s Colchefter, p. . . of the foundation and re- 4. Crossed Friers. Without the walls of this town, toward the fouth weft, was an hofpital or priory of Crolfid or Crouched friers, who came into England A. D. 1244. and this is faid to have been the firft houfe of that order in this ifland h. It was valued at 7/. 7 s. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. Speed, and granted to Thomas lord Audley 35 Hen. 8. Vide in Morant’s Colchefter, p. 149. of the foundation and pofleflions of this priory, and names of the priors : App. p. 12. indulgences granted to this houfe about A. D. 1401. p. 14. cartam ballivorum et communi- tatis villae de Colceftre de 2. mefluagiis et 4. acris terrae, dat. 14 Hen. 7. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 166. and Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 270. Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 4. de protectione pro fratribus hof- pitii S. Crucis, Colceftr. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. advoc. hofp. S. Crucis con- celf. in auxilium reparationis murorum villae. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 14. 5. Grey Friers. About A. D. 1309’. Robert lord Fitzwalter built a priory here for Fran- cifcan or Grey* friers near the eaft gate, and is faid, fome fhort time before his death 1325. to have taken upon himfelf the habit of that order. After the fupprelfion this houfe was granted by K. Hen. 8. regni 36. to Fra. Jobfon, Andr. Dudley, &c. by K. Edw. 6. to John earl of Warwick1. Vide Morant’s Colchefter, p. 15 1. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 167. CollefE Anglo-minoritica, p. ii. p. 18. Stevens’ Supplement to the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 156. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 613. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Rot. pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. de iv. acris terra con- ceffis per regem pro manfo fuo elargando : Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 26. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 20, 21, vel 22. XIII. C O L U M, Colun, or Earles Colne. Benedictine Priory. Albericus de Vere, the firft of that name, erefted a priory here for Black monks from Abington, in the beginning m of the reign of K. Henry 1. and became a monk f Sancroft’s mf. 8 Morant’s Colchefter, Book ii. p. 22. h Mr. Morant contends, that the foundation of this hofpital was prior to the year 1244. and, as he thinks, is to be afenbed to William de Lanvallei, lord of the manor of Stanway : this priory, as is ufual with fimilar foundations, is fometimes called an hofpital, fometimes a free chapel ; though it may be doubted from the inftitutions, whether the chapel and hofpital were not diftin&ly prefented to. Being fallen greatly into decay, it at length became the feat of the opulent gild of St. Helens in A. D. 1407. when the friers feem to have been turned out j but they o were again reftored in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 7. and continued here till the dilTolution. 1 So from the Dunmowe Chronicle, Mon. Angl. ii. 77. Wea¬ ver, Newcourt, &c. but by the rolls they feem to have had a fettlement here a little fooner ; and this date will refer to the foundation of their conventual church. k Not Black friers, as in Speed’s maps. 1 %u-e realbn to be¬ lieve that Speed miftook 26 r. 84. for 26/. 8 4. The iumma in de and clara being, in Stevens, vol. 1. p. 3°- b°th 1/. 6s. Sd.and thefe Mendicants not being capable ot pofleflfag lands, bad id dom any thing to be valued but fome few contiguous houfes 01 '-Pe[hcao Hen 8 to Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. 'ii. p/956, 957. cartam Will. Conq. de fundatione et dotatione abbatiie S. Stephani Cadomenfls : Et cartam Hen. 1. confirmantem con- celEones eidem ex veteri exemplar: in bibl. Cotton. Et tom. i. p. 571. confirmationem Hen. 4. ex pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 33. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 407. of the foundation of this cell : p. 416. of the manor, impropriate rec- tbry and advowfon of the vicarage of Felfted : vol. i. p. 146. of the impropriate reiftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Moreton. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 459, 460. an ac¬ count of this priory: et p. 423. of the redlory of Moreton, which was appropriated to it. An extrail: of Newcourt in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 298. Rymeri Feeder, &c. vol. ix. 281. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. temporalia prioris de Paunefeld. Cartam originalem edneeflionis hujus manerii abbatiae Cadomenfi, per Waleranum filium Ranulfi, penes V. rev. Ant. Holbrook redtorem de Paunsfield !?k An ancient terrier of Pansfield priory in Effex, with a rental of the lands thereunto belonging, made by Tho Goldwell prior of Canterbury, 25 Hen. 8. mf. penes Crul. Wright arm. recordatorem civit. Oxon. Hiftoriam ampliorem hujus prioratus, aliarumque ec- cleliarum et villarum intra centuriatum de Hinkford expeaent eruditi Audio perfcrutatoris antiquitatum Ellexienfium indefeiB Gulielmi Holman de Hallfed. Cart, antiq. S. n. 22. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 17. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 25. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 39. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p, 3. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 3 Hen. c. o. 1 m. 2 vel 3. 0 F • Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3 de conceffione ecclefne Chrifti Cantuar. Pat. 22 Ed 4. p. 2. m. 17. '** XXXI. PERENDUNE, or Parndon M. vide B I L E I G H. ! v‘de teflamentum zEthelfledx filix Algari cui R. Edgarus dedit Chelel\vorch, &c. 962. ^ ic jean Jrej- lan&ep zc PJnjinjpaho Bteopheno’ge /Ealtepman q nune rp^lcep hijie ter. -1 open Inpe b£5 mco Sea; Ptecpef cypcan tee CDyptrj-- Whf‘her ,rt.wa* not aftenvards confirmed or re- leaild by fome that claimed under him ; for according to pat 21 Ed. 4. m Bowyer, it was amortized to Canterbury bv Gri- fold the wife of John Ilendefen. 1 y °rl M m XXXII. PLECY, XXXII. ESSEX. XXXII. P L E C Y, or Plelhey. College. Thomas of Woodftock duke of Glocefter, 17 Ric. 2. built here a college for a mailer and eight Secular prielts', two clerks, and two choriflers, to the honor of the Holy Tri¬ nity. At the luppreffion it was valued at 14371 i2j, pd. ob". in the whole, and 139/. 3 s. 10 d. per aim. clear-, and was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to John Gates, and 6 Eliz. to Will. Pole and Ed. Downing. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p- ii. p. 120, 121. pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 39 et 41. de fundatione et dota- tione ejufdem. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 469, 470, 4^1 . of the college: p. 38. of the minor of Bafnfton : p. 408. of lands in Malhbury. In Morant’s Eifex, vol. i. p. 453. Of the foundation and revenues of this college : p. 323. of the manor of South Fambridge. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhirc, p. 408. of the manor of Wells in Offley. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 371. of the manor of Bock- irigfold in Brenchley. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 29. 63. Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 166, 167. of Humphry duke of Buckingham’s adding three prielts, &c. In blbl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 88. grant of the rever- fion of the manor of Stafford Barningham, 1 Ric. 3. A box of evidences concerning the college of Plecy in Effex in the office of the Duchy of Lancalter. In mf. arch. Seid. B. 21. f. . bullam P. Bonifacii abba- (ibiis de Weltmbn. Waltham, See. de ftatutis facien. dis, mutandis, &c. pro collegio de Plecy. Of the appropriation of the church of Whitellaple in Kent to this college fee archbilhop Bourchier’s and archbilhop Warham’s regilter, p. . Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. pro maner. de South Flambergh : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Clauf. 27 Hen. 6. m. 4. dorfo. Pari. 3 et 4 Ed. 4. m. 33. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . pro maner. de Chilham. Xxxm. PRITTLEWELL. Cluniac Priory. The church of this place being given to Lewes in Suffolk by Robert Ficz fewain w, temp. Hen. 2. here was placed a priory of Cluniac monks (fubordinate to that great mo- nailery)’ which was dedicated to St. Mary, and in the time of K. Edward 3. made denifon. Here were about leven monks, whole income was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 155 /. 1 ir. 2d. ob. per am. Dugd. 194/. 14J. 3 d. ob. Speed. This houle was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Audley, and 5 Ed. 6. to Sir Richard Rich. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 618, 619. pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. quod fit indigena: Ex rec. 6 Hen. 4. term. Mich. rot. 27. cartam Roberti fil. Sueni de fundatione. Eelandl Colled, vol. i. p. 63. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 472, 473. of the priory and its priors*, p. 45* lands in North Bem- fiete: p. 109. and in. of tythes in Bumfted Helion and Bumfted ad Turrim: p. 119. of the church of Canewdon: p. 155. of the church of Clavering: p. 239. of the church of Eaftwood : p. 334. of the church of Horkefly Magna : p. 41 3* c^urch of Eaft Merfey: p. 458. of tythes in Packlelham : p. 473. of the church of Prittlewell : p. 482. of the church of Rawleigh : p. 488. of the church of Raw- reth : p. 527. 529. of the churches of North and South Shobery : p. 586. of the church of ThUnder- ftey: p. 619. of tythes in Wakering Magna: p. 640. of tythes in W arely Magna granted to the reft or for a yearly penfion of xxi. p. 654- °f tythes in We¬ thersfield, and of the church of Wickford. Morant’s Effex, vol. i. p. 297. of the foundation and re venues of this pribry, and of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vicarage of Prittlewell: p. 84. of lands in Alveley : p. 255. of the advowfon ol the redories of Wickford, p. 226. of Thunderfley, p.278. of Raley: p. 283. of the impropriate redory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Eaftwood: p. 286. of the advowfon of the redory ofRawreth : p. 293. of priors manor in Prittlewell : p- 301. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redory of South Shoebury : p. 303. of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vicarage of North Shoebury: p. 317. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Canewdon : p. 430. of the advowfon of the redory of Eaft Merfey: vol. ii. p. 239. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redory of Great Horkedey : p. 614. of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Clavering. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 254. of lands in Shipbcrrne. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 16. an account of this priory and its priors from Newcourt. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 606. In Rymeri Feeder, he. tom. iii. p. 755. rot. Rom. 12 Ed. 2. m. 9. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii- p. IigOi clauf. 35 Ed. 1. m. 6. Year Books, 35 Hen. 6. term. Mich. 47. Hill. 13. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. II. temporalia prions de Prilewelle. Plac. apud Weftm. 6 Ric. 1. rot. 5. de advoc. eccl. de Wvkeford, ex dono Rob. de Effex fil. Sweni. Plac. coram rege, 27 Hen. 3. fot. 18. de advoc. eccl. de Canewdon. Brev. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 8. Rot. pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 19. de maner. de Shobery : Pat. 18 Ed. i. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 1. pro eccl. de Eftwode et North Shobury appropriandis. XXXIV. SEDEBURBROOK, Sidebournebrook \ Soutbbournbrooke, or Brookftreet, near Brentwood, in the parijh oj Southweald. Hospital A free chapel, and an hofpital of a mailer or warden and divers poor people lepers, dedicated to Sc. John the Eaptift, fixed here before 20 Ed. ib This fpittle with all the lands thereunto belonging, were granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Sir Ant. Brown and Rich. Wefton. In Lcland’s time, only/.r. Colleft. i. p. 29. o Sancroft’s mf. Valor. ,, T „ , « « Robertus de Effex et Emma ejus uxor fundatores. Le-i landi Collect, vol. i. p. 63. * Regiftr. Inftitut. Norvic. iii. 21. y Founded by the Bruin family of South Oxenden,' as Mr. Morant. XXXIV. ESSEX. ' * " - Vide Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 647. Rot. plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 39. Morant's Eflex, vol. i. p. 122. XXXV. S T A N E S G A T E, in the parijh of Steeple. CluNIAC Priory. Here was a priory of monks of the Cluniac order founded, as Mr. Speed Ins it, by the predecefl'ors of the priors of Lewes, to which monaftery it was fubordinate. St. jyjary Magdalen was the tutelar faint of this houfe, which was in being A. D. 1176. and made riorattis indigena temp. Ed. 3. but was fupprelTed by cardinal Wolfey 18 Hen. 8. when its fpiritu- alties were valued at 5/. or. 3d. and its temporaries at 38/. 8r. 3d. Upon the cardinal’s at¬ tainder, this cell was granted, in confideration of the exchange of fome other lands, to the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, and after, 35 Hen. 8. as parcel of their pofieffions, to Edm. Mordaunr. Hie in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 618. pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 7022. n. 3. inquif. pro terris in , m. 10. P- 623. cartam conventlonis cum monialibus Eflex. de Clerkenwell. Cartas quafdam originales ad prioratum de Stanefgate Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 350. Ipeftantes, in pyxide cartarum ab Antonio Wood le- Newcourt’s Repertorium eccl. Lond. vol. ii. p. 558, gat. Academic Oxon. in mufeo Alhrnol. ibid. Vide 55a. and Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 270. etiam ibid. mf. Wood, 32. f. 58. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. xiv. p. 180. 182. The Cardinal’s bundle among the records in chancery. XXXVI. BISHOP STORTEFORD, or Stratford*. College. Ralph de Stratford bifliop of London; 2 6 Ed. 3-. obtained the king’s licence to found and endow a college or large chantry of Secular prietts to be governed by a provoft, within the chapel of St. Paul in his cattle here. Vide pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. XXXVII. STRATFORD Langthorne, or at Bogli, in the pariflo of Weft Ham*. Cistertian Abbey. William of Moritfichet built here, A. D. 1 1 3 4 b. or 1135'. an abbey for monks'* of the Ciftertian order, dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary and All Saints. This houfe being fituated low among the marlhes, the Religious were obliged, by reafon of the floods, for fome time to remove to a cell or grange called Burghfted near Billericay; but, by the care of one of the king Richards', their damages were repaired, and they were brought back to Stratford, which was endowed at the diflolution with 51 il. 1 6s. 3d. per ann. Dugd. 573/. 15 s. 6d. ob. q. Speed; and was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Peter Meawtis elquire. Vide iii Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 883. cartam fiindationis ex autographo in bibl. Deuvefiana : Et cart, antiq. X. n. 14. nempc R. Hen. 2. confirm, donatorum con- cefliones. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 55. vol. iii. p. 73. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 10. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 597. another charter of the founders, &c. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 305. of the ab¬ bey : p. 1 1 5. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Great Burfted : p. 141. of lands in Chigwell : p. 193. in Coringham : p. 299. in Chald- well : p. 300. of the redtory of Eaft Ham, and lands there : p. 302. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Weft Ham: p. 345. of the advowfon of Ilford Parva: p. 380. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Layton : p. 403. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Maplefted Magna: p. 589. of lands in Little Thurrock : p. 645. of the manor of Calcott or Caldecott in South Weld: p. 679. of the farm called Buckhurft or Monkenhill in Woodford, belonging to this abbey. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 18. of the foundation and endowment of this abbey: p. 13. of the manor; im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Fait Ham : p. 16. of the manor of Weft: Ham : p. 26. of the manor, &c. of Ilford: p. 82. of the manor of Buijifted in Alvelcy : p. 231. of the manor of Biggihg in Chadwell : vol. ii. p. 44. of the manor of Cow- bridge in Mountneys-ing : p. 30. of the manor of Buckwyns in Butfbury. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 45. oflands in Woolwich: p. 74. of the manor of Billingham. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 49. Year Books, . . Ed. 3. vol. i. f. 203. 29 Ed. 3. f. 39. 35 Hen. 6. Mich. 10. 10 Hen. 7. Mich. 13. Biihop Gibfon’s Codex, Append, p. 32: de appropria- tione ecclefi^ de Eaft Ham, et ordinat, vicariae ibi¬ dem, A. D. 1300. MS. in bibl. Cotton. Nero, C. iii. 44. breve Ricardi epilcopi London, de approprianda ecclefia de Burge- fted. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. temporalia ahbatis de Stratford: mf. 6748. f. 14. cartam R. Hen. 2. Cart, antiq. E. n. I, 2. 12, 13. 19. X. n. 24, 25, 26; 27. NN. 54, 55. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 25. n. 231. Fin. 9 Joan. m. 12. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 19. Plac. de banco, 14 Hen. 3. rot. 16. de commun. paftur. apud Wanfted: Cart. 29 Hen. 3. m. 5. Pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. 6. de bofed maner. de Layton: Clauf. 35 Hen. 3. m. 1. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 12. de mercat. etferia apud Burghfted M. et libertatibus in aliis maneriis. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 21. dorfo : Cart. 4 Ed. 1. n. I. Pat 4 Ed. 1. m. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. 4. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 42. pro mercat. et feria apud Burghfted M. pro 2 This town is In Hertfordfhirc, but the caftle being on the eaft fide of the river (as Newcourt, i. 893.) was prdbably in T.lfex. - Hence this monaftery is fometimes called Hamm , as Mon. Angl. i. 433. 883. Weaver, 597. 0 Leland. Collett, iii. p. 73. ex vet cod. Roffenf. c Annales de Parcolude, mf. et Monaft. ex chron. S. Wer- burgse. Certainly before A. D. 1140. wherein Leland, (Collett, i* 55*). Speed, and Weaver place this foundation, becaufe Will, archbifhop of Canterbury, who died 1136. is mentioned in Montfichet’s firft Charter: d Nuns , Leland. Collett, i. 55. in margin, by miftake perhaps for Stratford Bow. c Richard 2. as Mr. Morant. impaf- XxxVii. e imparcatione bofci de Bokcrft, pro lib. war. in Weil Hamm, Leyton. Chigwell, Wydeford, Ginges Moun- teney, Wande, Ginges Radi, D.urtton; Eftethornedon, Caldwell P. Turrok, M. Burgh (ted, Ginges Laundy, et Ginges Joyberd [EiTex.] Ibid. n. 44. pro paftura dccc. ovium ct aljis libertat, in forelta de Windle- Ihoce: Brev. 23 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. . pro Sudbury in Weftham ex dono regis Joannis.: Rec. in fcacc. 23 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. . Ibid. Hill. rot. 12. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m: 6. Ciauf. 9 Ed. 2. m. 7. dorfo, de conventione inter ab- batem de Stretford et abbatidam de Barking fuper pontibus et calcet. reparandis : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 13. et p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12 et 32. Ibid. m. 34. de regia ftrata emendand. per ab- batem : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. Cart. 13 Ed. 2. art. 20. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Pat: 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 20. pro ten. et redd, in Berking, Illeford M. et Illeford P. Ibid. 11. 43. pro me(T. et terris, &c. in Wolwich : Efc. 9 Ed. 3. n. 6. de maner. de Eft Ham habend. poll mortem Joannis Lancafter : Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7, 8 vel g. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4, 5 vel 6. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. de ten. in Wolwich: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. XXXVIII. T A S S E X. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. hi. ig et 22. Ciauf. 27 Ed. 3. m. 17. dorfo : Ciauf. 32 Ed. 3. m. ib. Pat. 33 Ed. 9' p. 1. m. 13. pro fen. in Burfted M. Ciauf. 44 Ed. 9' m. 19. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35. pro maner. de Eft-hamme. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3, m. g. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 41. pro ten. in Alvethek- Upminftre, Chaldwell, E. Tilbery, W. Tilbery, et Thurrock P. Cart. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 46. Ciauf. 8 Hen. 4. m. 3. Ciauf. 10 Hen. 4. m. 33. Pat. 8 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 23. qupd Thomas de Bernwell poffit concedere abbaii manerium de Weft-hamm in excambio pro Erles in Havering. Pat. 4 Ed. 4'. p. 3. m, 12. Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . pro merest. et duabus feriis apud Billerica [EiTex. j Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 29. de cccclxxii. acr. infra fo¬ re ftam de Melkelham [Wilt.] et de ten. in Fittelton • Ibid. m. ult. pro duobus doliis vini annuatim in portu London. Ciauf. 19 Ed. 4. m. 2o._ubi base abbatia dicitur efle “ de fundatione nobilium progenitorum “ noftrorum, et de noftro patronatu Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 6. pro reddit. x/. e com. Wilt. Rec. in fcacc, 24 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 28 et 30. K E L E Yf. Alien Priory. An alien priory to the abbey of S. Valery in Picardy, to which this manor was given by king Henry 1 s. After the diffoliition of fuch alien priories it was made part of the endowment of New college in Oxford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1036. et in tom. ii. p. 1003. cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 10. recitant. per In- fpeximus cartam Hen. 2. donatorum conceffiones re- citantem et confirmantem : Et ciauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 42. de manerio de Takely : et p. ro04- inquif. ad quod damn. 3 Ed. 3. n. 88. de eodem. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 573. of the foundation and revenues of this priory: vol. i. p. 369. of a ma¬ nor in Dengey : p. 446. of a manor in Lindfell : vol. ii. p. 508. of a manor in Hatfield Broadoak : p. 567. of a manor in Widington: p. 575. of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Birchanger. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 569. of this priory: vol. i. p. 622. of the redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hampton in Middlefex : p. 644. of the like at Hefton : p. 675. of the like at Iileworth : p. 757. of the like at Twickenham belonging to this priory. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 298. Rot. brev. 4 Ed. 3. n. 72. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. Pat. Moritonii, 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 48 Ed 3. p. I. m. 3 vel 4. XXXIX. T H O B Y, near h Gingeatteftane, or IngarEone. Austin Canons. A priory of Auftin canons, placed here temp. Steph'. by Michael Capra, Roife his wife, and William their fon. It was dedicated to St. Mary and St. Leonard k, and, be¬ ing worth in fpiritualties 18/. 13*. 4 d. and in temporalties 56/. 13 s. 6d. ob. in all 75/. 6s. 10 d. ob. per amt. was fnpprelfed and granted to cardinal Wolfey 17 Hen. 8. and after his attainder to Sir Richard Page knt. 22 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 96. cartam funda- tionis ex autogr. penes Ant. Wood, A. D. 1668. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, p.428. of this priory: p. 429. of the redlory and advowfon of Ginge Mun- nafing belonging ro it : p. 1 15. a fettlement of fome difputed tithes between the vicars of Burfted and Ginge Munnafing. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 45. of the foundation and revenues of this priory: p. 11. of lands in Spring- field : vol. i. p. 197. of a manor in Great Burghfted. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. in. an account of this priory from Newcourt. ' “ Manerium de Takele eft in com. Eflex ct hundred, de “ Odelesford, bene conftruitum et edificatum, quod eft S. Wale- “ rici in Picardia, ubi quidam prior cum uno monacho confue- vit commorarc.” Ex extent, terrarum, &c. Religioibrum, qui funt de regno Francire, 22 Ed. 1. s As Newcourt, vol. ii. p. 569. But by William Conq. as Hift. and Antiq. of Eflex, p. 101. *> This priory or hofpital, being founded in the wood of In Rymeri Feeder. See. vol. xiv. p. 408. pat. 22 Hen. 8. p. 2. in. 32. Cartas quafdam originales ad hoc coenobium fpedlantes, inter alias acad. Oxon. legatas ab Ant. Wood, nunc in bibl. mufei Afhmol. confervatas. Bund. fin. Suff. 3 Hen. 3. n. 13. de advoc. eccl. de Widefkelho. Rot. plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 20. de advoc. eccl. de Ginge Mountney: Ibid. rot. 39. de xx, acris terra in Shenfield. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 4. de concefi'. Thoms card. Ebor. Ginges, was fometimes called Ginge or Gingeattaflon priory, though it is in the pariih of Ginge Mountney or Munnaiynge : and the fame was more generally called Thoky, perhaps from Tobias the firft prior ; fo that they are not two diftinot mona- lleries, as in Speed. ‘ Between the years 1141 and 1151. in the time of Robert bifliop of London. 14 St. Margaret . Speed. XL. TI1RE M- XL. ESSEX, XL. TIIREMIIALL, or Trenchale, in Stanfted Montfichet parijh. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons, founded by Gilbert de Montefixo or Montfi- chet1, who came into England with tlve Conqueror, to the honor of St. James. It was rated at 6ol- 1 8 j. 7 d- °b- Ver ann- Dtigd. 70/. tgj. 3d. ob. Speed, and granted, 28 Hen. 8. to John Cary and Joyfe Walfingham. ]ride in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 23, 24. e vet. membranis in bibl. Hatton, cartam Ric. de Munfichct de terris in Stanftede: Partem ftemmatis famili there is great reafon to think them the the fame. And I am confirmed in this opinion by Mr. Bowyer’s abftradt of the patent rolls, mf. in biblioth. officii Armorum, f. 823. where the patent 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. (which recites the three charters of K. Hen. 2. in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 294. by Infpeximus) is ftyled “ Ampla confirmatio maner. terrar. et “ libertat. pro priore de Bykenacre five de Wudeham in com. “ Eflex.” c Before A. D. 1156. when Hugh monk of Weftminfter, men¬ tioned as a benefadtor (Mon. Angl. ii. p. 294.) was made abbat of Bury. d Dugdale in his Baronage, vol. i. p. 259. mentions Robert Ferrars earl of Derby as founder, who, according to Newcourt, vol. ii. p. 680. was a benefadtor. O o money. XLIX. ESSEX. money, which otherwife he mud have paid into the Exchequer out of the ferms and profits of hi- bailywic '. This houfe, being almoil forfaken, was, about the latter end of the time of f K. Hen¬ ry 7. annexed to St. Mary Spittle without Bifhopfgate, London ; and, as parcel of the poffefilons ot that hofpical, was granted, after the general diffolution, viz. 31 Hen. 8. to Henry Pol lied. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 294. cartam regis Hen. 2. pro immunitate heremitagii de Wodeham: Et duas alias cartas ejufdem rccit. et confirm, donationes S. Joanni de Wodeham: Et tom. i. p. 88g. aliam car¬ tam Hen. 2. (ex cart, antiq. G G. n. 4.) donatorum concefliones recit. et confirm. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 468. and vol. ii. p. 205, 206. of the priory, and its being annexed to St. Mary Spittle: p. 406. of lands in Hannifield and Ging : p. 558. of the mediety of the advowfon of Stanefgate : p. 680, 68 1. of the church and manor of Woodham Ferrers. Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 33. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 108. an account of this priory from Newcourt, and catalogue of the priors, from Dr. Hutton’s Colleftions. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 391. de Bikenacre tent, de honore Bolonise pro dimid. i. mil. Cartularium hujus prioratus penes dominum Barring¬ ton, 1723. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxv. f. 116. cartam Hen. 3. Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. . Cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. Pat. iqEd. 1. m. . pro imparca- tiofte lx. acr. vafti in Wodeham Ferrers et Dan¬ bury : Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 20. de xc. acris terrae cum pertinentiis in Wodeham Ferrers et Daningbury ex donationibus Rob. de Maprefhale Joannis de Langhurft, et Joannis de Mullho. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. m. 1. Clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 39. Efc< Eflex. 17 Ed. 2. port mortem comitis Pembroke. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 44. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 20. pro terris in Danbury: Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. de hofp. S. TEgidii, Maldon, huic coenobio concefio. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 52. For Rumbukgh, Mon. Angl. i. 1037. fee below in Suffolk; and there alfo for Snape , falfely placed in this County by Mon. Angl. ii. 844. GLOCESTERSHIRE. I. BECCANFORD, or Bekeford. Monastery destroyed. Here probably was one of the Saxon monafieries about which IV JL the conteft was in the lynod of Clovelho, A. D. 803. between the bilhops of Worcefter and Hereford a. 2. Alien Priory. It is more certain that this manor being given, temp. Hen. i. to the abbey of St. Martin and St. Barbara in Normandy, commonly called St. Barbe en Augeb, by Rabellus Camerarius; a prior and canons were fent over, and it became a cell to that foreign houfe, which was of the order of St. Auftin. Upon the fuppreffion of alien priories, this was bellowed by K. Henry 6. on Eaton college, when it was reckoned to them at the yearly value of 53/. 6 s. %d*. but afterwards, by king Edward 4. on Fodringhey. And, as parcel of the poffefiions of this lad: mentioned college, it was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Richard Lee. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1035. tom. ii. p. 1010. cartam Hen. 2. confirm, (inter alia) manerium de Beccheford in valle Gloceftriae abbatiae S. Martini et S. Barbarae in Normannia: Tom. iii. p. ii. p. 200. de conceff. priorat. alienig. de Bekeford collegia de Eton. Art. du Monflrier Neuftriam Piam, p. 718, 719, 720. 722. 724. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 258. of the foundation of e “ Mauritius de Tiretai rcddit compotum de cc. et qnatuor •* xx/. et vi s. et viiirf. Blfancis] de veteri firm a de Eflex et “ Hurtfordlcira, de quibus attornatus fuit ad faciendam unam “ abbatiam ; in thefauro c. et vj. et xd. et in perdonis per breve “ regis ipfi Mauritio cc. et 1 xxv/. et i xd. Blfanci] pro ecclefia “ canonicorum de Wudeham, quae amodo eft dominica regis “ eleemofyna.” Magn. rot. 22 Hen. 2. rot. 1. a. EJJ'ex et Hert - fordfcira. Hanc notulam communicavit amicus humaniflimus et rerum fifcalium fcientiflimus Tho. Madox hiftoriographus regius. ' Mr. Davies’ mf. Stow placeth this anno 22 Hen. 7. and faith, the prior of St. Mary Spittle gave the king cccc/. for amortizing this priory to his hofpital. So alfo Newcourt, this cell : p. 259. charters concerning it. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 98. Rot. claui. 9 Hen. 6. m. 8. Efc. 16 Hen. 6. n. 27. ubi extenta terrarum hujus prioratus in com. Gloceft. et in Colftreworth com. Line. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. de conceffione praepofito Etonae : Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 17; vol. i. 468. “ Spelm. Concil, tom. . p. 326. and Wilk. Concil. tom. i. 168. Hemingi Cartular. eccl. Wigor, p. 50. b Notwithftanding the Monaft. vol. i. p. 1035. and vol. ii. p. 1010. exprefly mentions Bekeford as cell to St. Martin and Barbara ; yet cart. 46 Ed. 3. m. 6. “ Rex reftituit abbati et “ conventui de Corineliis in Normannia eccldiam de Bekeford ** cum pertinentiis.” And amonglt the lands in England con¬ firmed to the abbey of Cormeil, Mon. Angl. ii. 96a. there is, “ Ecclefia de Bekeford cum capellis, decimis, et cseteris perti- “ nentiis fuis.” %u*re9 If the fame Bekeford ; or, Whether both thofe abbies had not pofieffions in this pariih. c Mon. Angl. tom. ifi. p. ii. p, 300. II. BERKLEY, II. GLOCESTERSH1RE, n. BERKLEY. i Monastery destroyed. Here was an old religious houfe long before the Conqueft, mentloned >'« «he adts of another fynod at Clovefho, l. D 824 V But 'V^m°red°ubtfu whfher 't confifted of monks, as Mr. Collier % or nuns'; vho iTofX m Map£.6 V ^ G0dw,n’ ,a+ Ed ■ C°"f- 33 related by Camden, and Others mune ; ea tamen conditione, ut monachi de Bercleia In HeT! fai g0rn‘ P' IOl- car‘ ^Ethelredo vicilHm dent xu. hidas apud Stoke et tam /Ethe redi ducts Merctorum, qua monafterium xxx. mancufas ami P apud bercleiam ab omnibus veftigalibus reddit im- Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. ?2. 2* ^T‘ JAMES Hospital. The hofpital of St. James and St. John here is mentioned cart, 12 Hen. 3. m. 4. wherein is a confirmation of leveral parcels of land wherewith it was endowed in Stocking, Kingfham, Wytefeld, Litelhey, & c. 3. Longbridge Hospital. A priory or hofpital founded at Longbridge in this parilli by Maurice lord Berkley, temp. Ben. 2. and dedicated to the Holy Trinity % which was afterward augmented with two chantry pnefts, 8cc. by William marquis of Berkley. Vide Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 352. 366. Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 272. III. B O X W E L L. Nunnery destroyed. “ Here were nunnes, deftroyed, as fum fay, by the Danes 5 it lon^ “ ith now to the abbey of Glocefter.” Leland’s Itinerary, vol. vi. p. 74. 0 IV. B R I M S F I E L D, or Bromfeud \ Alien PrIory. An alien priory of Benedidtine monks, cell to the abbey of St Stephen at Fountenay 1 in Normandy. It was given to Eaton college by K. Henry 6. and confirmed thereto by K. Edw. 4. anno regni 7. but granted by hint, amis 14 et 17. to the'dean and chapter of Wind- for j though thefe laft never enjoyed it k. Pit ie in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 75. pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. viz. conceffionem hums prioratus colleeio de Windfor. Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 300. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 272.’ Rot. pat. 35 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. . m. 14. Pat. 44 Ed. Pat. 14 Ed, 4. p, 1, 3- m. P- 3< 1, v. cheltanham. Monastery destroyed. Here was a monaftery A. D. 803. Spelman’s Councils, vol. i. p. 326. Heming. de redditu ecclefiae Wigorn. p. eo Wilkins Councils, vol. j. 108. ° r D VI. CIRENCESTER. College destroyed. Leland' faith that “ there was afore the Conqueft a fair and rich “ college of prebendaries in this toune, but of what Saxon’s foundation no man can tell"’.” d Spelm. Concil. tom. i. p. 335. et Mon. Angl. tom. i. 125. e Eccl. Ilift. vol. i. p. 15 2. and this may be confirmed from Tilhere’s (who was made bifhop of Worcefter A. D. 744. as Mon. Angl. i. 120. or A. D. 778. as Angl. Sacr. i. 470.) being laid, in the laft mentioned places of the Monaft. and Angl. Sacr. to have been before abbat of Beorclea. And fo likewife Ethel - dune, who was made bifhop of Worcefter A. D. 915. is faid to have been fir ft abbat of Beorclea, Angl. Sacr. i. 472. and there is farther mention of the abbat of Beorclea in Mon. Angl. i. 139. The charter of Ethelred alfo exprefsly calls them monks, He- mingus, p. 103. f Some memory of nuns feem to have been preferved after the Conqueft in this charter of Adeleid or Adelicia relift of K. Henry 1. “ Adelicia Dei gratia Symoni eadem gratia Wi- l»0l7* eP^c* &c* Sciatis me conceffifle et dediffe ecclefias de n t* iJ1}^ ^c* ecdeHas de Berkelei hern, fcil. ecclefiam de Joerkelei cum prabendis eidem ecclefize pertinentibus et pre- bendis duarum monialium, et ecclefiam de Chamma, &c.” cartular. mf. Worflean, f. 6. a. And Leland fays, the tradition m his time was that it had been a nunnery, Itin. vol. vi. p. 72. Bu‘ ,hl4.fhu^h afterw?rds belonged to St. Auftin’s in Briftol .. g. TTho* Thar?e Pnor five magifter hofpitalis S. Trinitati* “ de Langhrugg juyta Berkeleigh, Wigorn. kioc. 1 40I.” Co f LincHn C ' Matth?Cl Hutton> ex reSift™ Hen. Beaufort epife. I1 So Prynne, out -of the Tower records of jr Ed. i Thn’ Middleton and fome other lands that belonged to it were in M iltihire, yet this priory is falfcly placed in that county, Mon- Sto-opfljife.103'5' Mr' Speed Conf°unds il with Urol, field in' ‘ There are feveral things relating to this abbey in Mon A kSMr°nF 97,3’, 974‘ t'10«ShJnothing about this manor. ’ . "*!> s catalogue of the deans and canons of Windfor. mf. King Edward the Fourth’s grant of it to Windfor is in Stevens Supplement, i. iyt. from Sir Robert Atkvns. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 49. vol. v. p 65 " Remedius chancellor to S.Edward'the'king is faid to have been founder. Reyner, trait, i. 159. King Henry x. on mak- iL" coT “T’8rk away a11 tbdr old chartos- ^ 2. Austin VI. G L O C E S T E R S H I R E. 2. Austin Canons. K. Henry i. built here, A. D. 1117". to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary, a (lately abbey for Black canons, which he endowed with the lands of the Secular priefts and other revenues and privileges, which were fo much encreafed by fome of the fucceeding kings, that, 26 Hen. 8. it was valued at 1051/. 73. id. ob. per ann. Dugd. Speed; but the fite, Sec. was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Tho. Seymor; and 6 Eliz. to Richard Mailers. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 89, 90. cart. 10 Ed. 3. 11. 28. recitant. cartam fundatoris anno regni 33. Cart. Joan, regis, ex cart, antiq. G. n. 9. MM. n. 12. I11 Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 99- an account of this abbey and its abbats from Atkyns and Willis. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 46. 84. vol. ii. p. 203. 357. vol. iii. p. 158. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 49. vol. v. p. 65. In Itin. Will, de Worceltre, p. 278. dimenfiones ec- clefiae. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 341. of the foundation of this abbey and names of the abbats: p. 351, 352. charters of K. Edward 3. and K. John: p. 125. of lands in Glocefter : p. 21 1. of lands and tithes in Aldfworth : p. 220. of the manor and impropriate church of Amney-Mary : p. 257. of the fame at Baunton : p. 347. of mefluages and lands at Ciren- cefter : p. 361. of tithes in Coats: p. 375. of lands in Cranham : p. 402. of lands in Down Amney, the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 405. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Driffield : p. 408. of N utebean farm in Duntelborn-Leer: p. 441. ot the church of Frampton : p. 559. of the manor of Minety : p. 606. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Prefton : p. 628. of lands in Rodmer- ton : p. 647. of two yard-lands in Shipton-Moign : p. 699. of a plow tillage in Stratton. In Hutchins’ Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 271. of the manor and advowfon of Pulham : p. 495. of the advowfon of the rectory of Holwell. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 306. of the advowfon of the redtory of Paflenham : vol. ii. p. 62. of a manor in Rothwell, the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 43. of the advowfon of the redtory of Lodington : p. 55. of the fame at Oxenden. In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houfes, &c. printed at the end of Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 633. of the advowfons and impropriate redtories belonging to the abbey of Cirencefter in the diocefe of Bath and Wells. Year Books, 18 Ed. 3. f. 1. 13. . In Madoxii Hilt. Scacc. p. 517, 518. de tallagio tenen¬ dum abbadae. Formul. Angl. p. 377. conventionem cum abbate de Brueria de fedla curiae. In Stevenfii Appendice ad vol. ii. p. 363. conventionem inter abbatem et conventum de Cirenceftre, et prio- riflam et conventum de Lacock, de curia ad Hetherop. Regiltra duo olim penes Will. Matters de Cirenceftr. arm. , , _ « Reriftrum penes dom. Hen. Pool de Saperton, poltea penes dom. Rob. Atkyns, et nunc penes Ed. Carta- ret. arm. , , , A regifter of the prefentations and other grants made from this abbey, beginning A. D. 1421. and ending 1528. mf. penes Ric. Parfons L/L. D. cancel!, (jlo- ceftr. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem pofteffionum abbatis de Cirenceftre : mf. 1975- ft 41 • copy of a roll relating to the manor of Driffield in com. Gloc. mf. 6748. f. 15. cartas R R. Ric. x. et Joannis. mf. 7520. nomina abbatum. MS. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxiv. f. 74. cartam 42 Ed. 3. MS. Wood in mufeo Aflimol. vol. ci. p. 173. ex re- giftro hujus abbadae. Cart, antiq. fcil. Ric. 1. S. n. 12. Ibid. fcil. R. Joan. Z. n. 20. Cart. 1 Joan. p. I. m. 24. n. 68. et n. 152. Oblat. I Joan. m. 17. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 2. n. 7. Fin. Buck- ingh. 5 Joan. n. 100. Cart. 8 Joan. n. 12. Cart. 17 Joan. n. 19. pro feria apud Cirencefter. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 30. Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. rot. 28. de fervidis hominum villse de Cirencefter: Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 8. dorfo, de x. hidis in Efton [Berkf.J Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 10. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro feria: Cart. 42 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 42 Hen. 3. m. 29. Fin. com. ignot. 43 Hen. 3. n. 44. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 5. Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . [bis.J Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. Brev. reg. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 17. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. et p. 2. m. 4. lbiu. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Amney approprianda : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 17 et 18. Clauf. 10 Ed. 2. m. 10. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 26. Cart. 15 Ed. 2. n. 33. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. et p. 2. m. 12. de medietate ecclefire de Hakeborn approprianda : Clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 29. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 8. Brev. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 13. pro eccl. S. Joannis Bap- tiftae, cum capellis de Banditton, Wigwold, et S. Cecilias, ac hofp. S. Joannis, et S. Laurentii cum pertinentiis, bofeo de Okley, Minty, feptem hun¬ dreds, returno brevium, &c. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32 vel 33. Ibid. p. 2. m. . n. 4. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3. pro eccl. de Benefeld [Berkf.J appropri¬ anda: Cart. 30 Ed. 3. n. 11. pro libertat. in maner. de Bradewell [Oxon.J Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 39 vel 40. Cart. 42 Ed. 3. n. 6. mlT. Dodfworth. 24. f. 74. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. Rec. in fcacc. 46 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 7. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11 vel 12. Rec. in fcacc. 49 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 11. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 36 vel 37. Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 9. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 6. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 25. pro ii. feriis apud Ciren¬ cefter. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 21. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. de fervitiis tenentium in Cirencefter. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10 vel 11. et 13 vel 14. Ree. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 2. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . St John’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. John the Evangelifi: here was founded by K Henrv 1 0 for three poor men and three poor women. It is yet in being; the fix poor people have each an’allowance of 20 d. weekly, and a (hare of the fines when they happen. The mafter- (hip (which K. Edw. 3. gave to the abbat and convent) was difpofed of by the crown, 21 Eliz. as Rymer, vol. xv. p. 788. Fide in Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 346. of this hofpital : p. 606. of a meftuage and half a yard-land in Prefton : p. 699. of lands in Stratton. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 50. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 13. de advocation? hujus hofpitalis concelf. abbatis. Leland. Collett, vol. ii. p. io3. 357- So Leland. Itin. vol. 11. p. $0. Founded by an abbat ot U rencelter. Speed. 4. St. VI. glocestershire. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 13. de advoc. hofpit. S. Laurentii concedenda abbati de Cirencefter. , ,4' S/w^AlHREfnr ' *fS H°SPIT.AL- St- Laurence’s hofpital was founded, temp. Ed. 3. by Edith lady of Wi old for a matter and two poor women, and is yet in being. The matter, formerly week each! ^ prefented by the king- The two poor women have now about Vide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 50. Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 346. c-5wSn; mHNnrrfnS,|H0SPirA^: j ^ Ihomas hofPItal was founded for four decayed weavers by Sir William Nottingham, who died A. D. 1427 s. This alfo is yet in being under the government of the weaver s company. 1 6 B Vide Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 346. VII. COMBE, in the parijh of Campden. CiSTERTiAN Cell. Hugh, furnamed ICeveliok, earl of Chefter, gave to the abbey of Bor- defley his lordlhip of Combe, to maintain fix monks there perpetually : but whether that abbev had a cell here for any length of time, I have not been able to difcover. y Vide Nalh’s Worcefterlhire, vol. ii. p. 405. VIII. CLIVE, or Wendefclive Monastery destroyed. Here was an ancient monaftery dedicated to St. Michael the arch angel in the time of K. Offa, about A. D. 790. which feems to have been annexed to the bilhoo or church of Worcetter before A. D. 888. ^ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 124. cartam Offa; regis, de Timbingeton huic monafterio conceffo. In Hemingi libro de terr. et reddit. monafterii Wigor. p. 1 1 8. cartam Werfrithi epifc. Wigorn. de Almund- ington quondam ad monad, de Cliva pertinente, dat. A D. 888. p. 245. limites five terminos terr* de Clive [Saxonice.] IX- DAEGLESFOR D, or Deilesford. Monastery destroyed. Ethelbald king of Mercia gave this place, A. D. 718 to one Beeia ' that a monaftery might be built here. This was granted afterwards to the church of Worcetter’ firft by Beortwulf, and then by Ceolwulf, kings of Mercia. But in king Edward the Confeffor’s time the monks of Evefham obtained it by the gift of duke Alfgar, and kept it till the diffolution Vide in Hemingi libro de terris et redditibus eccl. Wi¬ gorn. p. 57. cartam Ceolwulfi regis Merc, de Daegle- ford conceff. Werfrido epifc. et famili* in Wigorn- cefter, dat. A. D. 875. p. 68. cartam Athelbaldi regis fervo Dei Begia de terra juxta vadum Deglef- ford, A. D. 718. p. 69. cartam Beortwulfi R. Hear- berhto epifc. dat. A. D. 741. p. 211. cartam Ofwaldi epifc. Wigorn. de Deiglesford, dat. A. D. qyq. p. 270, &c. de confliAu Wolftani epifc. Wi?ri * Haec carta extat etiam in libro Hemingi, p. 447; h it was probably Co called, becaufe (ituated in the forelt ot Dean ; it is in the diocefe of Hereford. , . c Sir Robert Atkyns makes this abbey to have been ioundect temt!. Hen. i. but I have continued it as in the former edition ; Roger not being earl of Hereford till 9 Steph. as Dugd. Bai on. 1. Jj8. 4 Quaere, Whether this be not owing to the minute io the kalendar of the donations to Glocefter, that Frouceftre was given “ tempore clericorum ibidem degentium” (as Mon. Angl. i. 1 14.) viz. in the time that the Secular prierts had the church of St. Peter at Glocefter, and not when there were priefts living in a collegiate way at Frouceftre. = Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 81. nus XIII. glocestershire. nus ' to have been tranflated from the bifhoprick of Glocefter to the archbiftioprick of London A. 0. 553. But this probably ended when the heathen Saxons over-run this country about A. D. 570. yide Ufierii Antiquitates Eccl. Britam edit. Dublin. Camden’s Britan, edit. Gibfon, 1695. col. 236. 247. 1639. 4t0- P* 68. 340. 526 et 1138; Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 993. 2. Benedictine Abbev. Wulphere the firft Chriflian king of Mercia is faid to have begun', and Ethelred b his brother and fucceffor (who was afterward monk and abbat of Bardney) to have carried on and finifhed, about the year of Chrift 680, a monaftery here to the honor of St. Peter, chiefly by the care of Ofric his nephew and at that time his viceroy in thefe parts, but afterward king of Northumberland. There were probably Religious of both fexes in it, under the govern¬ ment of an abbefs, and this church was honored by having three queens fuccelTively prefiding over it above ninety years : after which, by reafon of the civil wars and other iniquities of thofe times, this monaftery became defolate, and continued fo fifty years, when, about A. D. 823. K. Bernulph placed herein Secular priefts, who were turned out and Benedi&ine monks put in A. D. 1022. by the command of K. Canute, at the inftigation of Wolftan bifhop of Worcefter. His fucceflbr bilhop Aldred, about the year 1058. new built the abbey church in a place nearer the city than it formerly ftood •, and, after the Conqueft, abbat Serlo, the Conqueror’s chaplain, much increafed the number of monks and the revenues of this monaftery k, which amounted, at the difiolution, to 1946/. 5s. yd. per ann. Dugd. 1 1550/. 4 5. 5 d. ob. Speed. This church, A. D. 1541. was made one of the new eredted cathedrals of K. Henry 8. dedicated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity; and the fite, with great part of the lands of the abbey, were granted for the habitations and main¬ tenance of the bilhop, a dean, an archdeacon, and fix prebendaries, fix Minor canons, fix lay clerks, • eight chorifters, two mafters, &c. J^ide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 108, Ac. de fundatione monafterii ex annalibus de Winchcombe, W. Malmf- bur. et chronicis hujus Gloceftr. ccenobii, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Domitian. A. vm. 23. Ibid. p. hi, _ &c. de donationibus omnium maneriorum, terrarum, &c. alphabetice ex eifdem chronicis Gloceftr. Ibid, p. 993. memoriale eccl. cathedral. Gloceftr. com- pendiarium, ex cod. mf. penes dec. et capit. Gloceftr. Habetur etiam inter mil’, cl. Ant. Wood in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. n. no. Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p- 7- cartam Stephani regis donationes huic ecclefiae facias recitantem et confir- mantem, ex autogr. in bibl. Cotton. Parochial Antiquities of Ambrofden,&c. p. 75.194. 223. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. no. fome ac¬ count of this abbey, and the abbats of it. In his Survey of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 691. of the cathe¬ dral, and perfons buried there : of the endowment of the bifhoprick and chapter ; with a catalogue of the bilhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries, &c. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. IOI, &c. a catalogue of the bi¬ lhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 43. of the bilhoprick : p. 44. charter of foundation, 33 Hen. 8. p. 51. char¬ ter of endowment, 33 Hen. 8. p. 58. names of the bilhops : p. 126. of the cathedral church, abbats, &c. p. 129. of the fame out of the m(T. in cuftody of the dean and chapter: p. 133. of Glocerter monaftery by Sir William Dugdale : p. 138. donations of all the goods temporal and fpiritual belonging to this mona¬ ftery : p. 149. charter of K. Stephen : p. 15 1. charter of the endowment of the dean and chapter, 33 Hen. 8. p. 164. llatutes for the government of the faid cathe¬ dral : p. 185. dimenfions of the cathedral : p. 125. of lands in Glocefter : p. 186. of the advowfon of the rectory of St. John Baptift : p. 185. of the church of St. Mary de Load in Glocefter : p. 21 1. of the manor of Aldlworth : p.215. of a yard-land in Alveton : p. 219. of lands and tithes in Amney-Crucis ; p. 221. of the manor and impropriate church of Amney- Peter : p. 238. of the manor of Badfworth’ anciently : p. 251. of the manor and impropriate church of Barn- wood : p. 255. of the manor of Barton-abbots and tithes there : p. 274. of the advowfon of the rectory of Beverfton : p. 297. of the manor of Boxwell : p. 298. of lands and woods in Brimpfield : p. 304. of the manor of Brookrupp : p. 305. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Buckland : p. 325. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of South Cerney: p. 336. of the manor of Trithampton : p. 337. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Churcham : p. 338. of the ma¬ nors of Highnam and Ovir : p. 348. of the tithes of Chefterton : p. 358. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Clifford Chambers : p. 363. of the ma¬ nor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Coin St. Alwyns : p. 366. of the manor of Coin Rogers : p. 374. of the impropriate redlory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Cowley: of the manor of Cranham : p. 377. of a manor and tithes in Cubber- ley : p. 380. of lands in Dean: p. 382. of Hope- Malerfel in the foreft of Dean : p. 395. of the manor of Leddington : p. 406. of a meadow in Dumbleton : p. 408. of the manor of Duntelborn : p. 41 r. of the rectory of Durdey : p. 419. of a mill and filhery in Framlode : p. 423. of the nianor of Eaft-Leach Mar- tine, received in exchange for the manor of Glalbury : p. 429. of lands in Elmore: p. 434. of 14 plow- tillages in Farmington anciently : p. 445. of the im¬ propriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Frocefter: p. 449. of lands in Temple Guiting : p. 450. of a mill in Ford: p. 452. of lands in Hamp¬ ton : p. 455. of the manors of Rudge and Farley, and tithes in Hardwick : p. 456. of 6 yard-lands in Haresfield: p. 458. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hartpury: p. 459. of the advowfon of the redlory of Harfcomb, and lands and tithes there : p. 463. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Hatherop : p. 467. of the manor and advow¬ fon of the chaple of Waft : p. 480. of the manor anj f So Godwyn calls him, in libro De prxful. p. 227. but in Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 6. it is “ Cerno a lede Glo- “ ceftrenfi in archicpifc. London, tranflato anno Gratia: 553.” Uiher calls him Theonus, and placeth his tranflation in A. D. 342. p. 68. and in A. D. 544. p. 1138. It is laid to have been an archbiHioprick, Mon. Angl. i. p. 993. s So Mon. Angl. i. 993. but not, as there, A. D. 679. becaufe Wulphere died in 67 r. _ h The expcnces of the building and endowment were this king’s, therefore he is put down as founder rather than Ofric, who feems only to have been chief director and fupervilbr. By applying what Malmlbury faith of St. Ofwald’s to St. Peter’s, Ethelred earl of Mercia is made founder in Mon. Angl. i. 108. * I.eland. Collect, i. 240. k Walter Frowcefter or Froucefter, who was made abbat A. D. 1381. and died A. D. 1402. procured from the pope a grant of the mitre and ufe of the pontificals, by the intereft of the duke of Glocefter. Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. i, p. n6. 1 Dugdale is probably miftaken in this fum : his, being the clear valuation, is generally lefs than Speed’s ; and in my mf. Valor the grot's fum is as in Speed, but the fumma clara is only 1430/. 4-r. id. And fo in the Valor publilhed in Stevens’ Sup¬ plement, vol. i. p. 33. “ Monad. S. Petri Glouceftr. fumma “ inde 1330/. 41. 34. ob. fumma clara 1430/. 4 j. 3 ,t.” advowfon XIII. GLOCESTERSHIRE. advovvfon of the redlory of Hinton : p. 450. of the impropriate reftorv and advovvfon of the vicarage of Kcmpsford, and of lands and a mill there: p. 528. of lands in Lalfington : p. 55 1 . ol the manor of Matfon : p. 55a. of the manor and impropriate church of Mayfemore : p. 557. of a meffuageand lands in Min- fterworth : p. 564. of lands in Moreton- Valence : p. 572. of the advowfon of the re&ory of Newinton- Bagpath and of lands there : p. 576. of the manor of Rudle: p. 580. of lands in Nimpsfield and the ad¬ vowfon of the redtory: {7. 582. of the manor, impro¬ priate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Nor- leach: p. 584. of the vineyard and park in the north hamlets ot Gloceftpn: p.^88. of the manor of Od- dington anciently: p, 595. of the manor of Ebworth : p. 603. of the manor of Pitchcomb : p. 607. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Prefton: p. 613. of tithes in Queenington : p. 617. of the impropriafe church of Randwick : p. 630. of the manor of Rudford : p. 632. of a manor and tithes in Saintbury : p. 635. of the manor of Abbey-load in Santhufft : p. 639. of die impropriate church of Saul : p. 648. of tithes in Shipton-Olive, p. 650. in Shipton-Solers : p. 677. of the manor and tithes of Tuffley: p. 678. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Standifti : p. 693. of mills in Stonehoufe: p. 709. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Tainton: p. 792. of the manor and impropriate church of Up-Leaden: p. 794. of the impropriate church of Upton St. Leonard’s : p. 800. of the manor of Rodley anciently : p. 842. of the advowfon of the redtory of Winterborn fometime : p. 851. of tenements in Wotton under edge. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 615. of a portion of tithes in St. Peter’s of Mancroft in Norwich, and the advowfon of the redtory. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iv. p. 337. pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro eccl. de Wyrardefbury, Chipping Norton, et Camine approprianda : Ibid. p. 353. Rom. 2 Ed. 3. m. 3. vol. xiv. p. 724. de eredtione epifeo- patus eteccl. cath. Gloceftr. ex pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 10. vol. xv. p. 297, &e. 320. de conceffione hujus epifeopatus domino regi per Hooperum epifeopum et unione fedi Wygorn. Clauf. 6 Ed. 6. p. 3. n. 15. 27. Pat. 6 Ed. 6. p. 1. m. 14 et 34. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 640. et edit. 1656. p. 486. of lands in Aylefton received in ex¬ change for Piuntreu in Devonthire. In archdeacon Wilkins’ Councils, vol. iv. p. 145. the injunctions of bifhop Brooks to his clergy, A. D. 1 556. p. 344. the archbifnop of Canterbury’s letter to the bilhop of Glocefter for an account of his clergy, A. D. 1592. p. 518. archbifhop Laud’s orders to be obferved by the dean and chapter, and others of the cathedral church of Glocefter, A. D. 1635. In Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. things excerpted out of certain writings in the wall of the north ile of the cathedral church of Glocefter : Ibid. p. 79. the names of noblemen buried in the monaftery of Glocefter : vol. viii. p. 32. 35. ex inferiptionibus in occidentali parte et in capitulo eeclefite : houfes belonging to the abbat : vol. ix. p. 52. comment, in cygneam cantio- nem voce Claudia. In ejufdem colledt. vol. i. p. 26. 83. 140. 240. vol. ii. p. 262. de fundatione, &c. vol. iii. p. 159. catalogum librorum quorundam mil', olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatis. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 420. de eccl. S. Martini in Vinetria, Lond. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, &c. vol. iii. p. 126. pat. 1 Ed. 1. m. 18. In bifhop Gibfon’s Appendix to his Codex, p. 35. de manfo pro vicario de Chepyng Norton [Oxon.] edi- ficando 1410. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 266, & c. of the foun¬ dation and endowment of this abbey, the eredtion and endowment of the bifhoprick, with a catalogue of the abbats. Regiftra, rentalia, rotulos curiarum, See. penes R. P. dom. epife. Gloceftr. et penes rev. dec. et capit. Gloceftr. Hiftoriam abbatum S. Petri Gloceftriae a Petro abbate fecundo poft Conqueftum ad Walterum Frouceftre vigefimum, A. D. 1381. Kalendarium etiam mane- riorum, ecclefiarum, tenementorum, Sec. ad hanc ab- batiam fpedtantium ordine alphabetico digeftum cum nominibus benefadtorum, See. mf. olim penes Henri- cum Jackfon redlorem de Meifey Hampton in com. Gloceftr. ejufque fuccelforera rei antiquaris peritiflL mum cl. Will. Fulman, dein penes V. R. Timotheum Halton S. T. P. et coll. Reginae Oxon. prtepofitum digniffimlim, poftea penes dodtiff. Ant. Hal! A. M. collegii Reginenfis focium, modo in bibl. iftius cot- legii. Donationes omnium bonorum monafterii S. Petri Glo- ceftrice tarn temporalium quam fpiritualium, niff. jl( bibl. Bodl. Marfhall. 45. Queere annon edit, in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 113. Colledtanea cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. ex chro- nicis S. Petri Gloceftr. vol. Ixxviii. f. 123. vol. cv. f. 8g. In ead. bibl. Bodl. collect, doftifi'. Ric. Jame^, e regiftro quodam Gloceftr. eccl. colledta, A. D. 1397. vol. viii. p. 51. Colledtanea cl. Br. Twyne in bibl. Corp Chrift. coll. Oxon. vol. iii. f. 17 1. e libro quodam Gloceftrenfi. MS. in bibl. coll. Caio-Gonwellenfis, Cantab, n. 53. p. 63. an account of the foundation of the abbey of Glocefter, in Englifh verfe, by William Malverne. An account of the firft foundation of the abbey of Glo¬ cefter, mf. penes R. V. Rich. Parfons, LL. D. nuper dicec. Gloceftr. cancellarium. Chronica abbatis dc Glouceftria, quae citantur in Mon. Angl. i. 413. Fundationem et eredtionem ccenobli S. Petri Gloceftr. in eccl. cath. per R. Hen. 8. cum cartis dotation^, Sec. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Catal. Smith, p. 158. a. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 15. penfionem abbatis de Glovernia: mf. 294. f. 194. colledtanea ex libro mf. in bibl. Cotton, de prima fundatione hujus ecclefis : mf. 433. f. 40. grant of 20 1. yearly out of the fee- farm of Glocefter: f. 85. grant of an annuity of 4/. till they fhall be recompenfed for lands incluifed to the park of Oketry by K. Edward 4. mf. 539. f. ijj. a poem on the foundation of this abbey and the changes of the fame, compiled A. D. 1524. by Wil¬ liam Malverne abbat : m. 627. f. 8. fyllabum libro¬ rum quos ecclefis S. Petri Gloceft. contulit Ricardus de Stowa. Rot. clauf. 2 Hen. 3. m. 10. de pannis fericis captis a priore ad coronationem regis apud Gloceftr. Fin. 4 Hen. 3. pro mercat. apud North-leach : Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Hamedon : Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 12. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. n. 95. Ibid. n. 98. pro mercat. die Mercurii et feria in vigilia et fefto S. Petri et Pauli apud Nordlegh : Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 7. Pat. 29 Hen. 3. m. 3. de aflartis de Linkhoit: Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 30. Clauf. 54 Hen. 3. m. 9. Fin. 2 Ed. 1. m. 28. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25 et 27. Fin. div. com. 8 Ed. 1. n. 20. de advoc. eccl. de Burnham [dioec. Bath.] Pat. 9 Ed. I. m. . de bofeo de Hope Malvifel in forefta de Dene: Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 18. de penftone xl. annuatim ex eccl. de Burnham : Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. ult. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Efc. 4 Ed. 2. n. 51. pro maner. de Efterlegh: Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. g. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. x. m. 9. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 30. Fin. 10 Ed. 2. m. 11. pro hundred, de Dodfton : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. et p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Ibid. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Haitherope approprianda ad inve- niend. capellanos in Le Charnel Houfe conftrudt. per Petrum Fox in cimiterio abbatis : Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 21, 22. 24. pro BridewooJ et aliis bofeis abbatis in forefta de Dene. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. X. m. . prope fin. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro impar- catione lxxx. acr. in Chircham : Ibid. p. 3. m. . Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m, 12 vel 13. pro imparcatione lxxxiv. acr. in Upledene : Clauf. 7 Ed/ 3. p. 1. m. 26. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . [bis :] Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. pro bofeo de Hopemalynlell in forefta dc Dene : XIII. GLOCESTERSHIRE. r>ene: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 17 Kd 3 p. i. m- 35- certificat. taxationis omnium ter- raruin : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Cart. Ed. 3. n. 12. pro manerio de Barton, gurgite de Minftreworth, &c. Clauf. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. Pat 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Efc. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. n*i6g- Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Cart. 28 Ed. 3- n. 4- pro lib. war. in Berton Regis, Ber- ton Abbatis, Abbelode, Beridrode, Upton, Pinknaftre, Brokethorp, Tutteley, Rugge Farley, Standifhc, PL chene, Combe, Ebworth, Frouceftre, Boxwell, Dun- tclburn, Amney, Caine S. Delwini, Caine Rogeri, Burythorp, Aldefworth, Northleghe, Cobberley, et Hyneledene [Gloceftr.] Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 42- Pat- 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 et 20. pro liber- tate in aqua de Fulbrook: Pat. 51 Ed. 3. in. 33 vel 34' Pat. vel cart. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. Rec. juft. itin. 8 Ric. 2. n. 26. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. S. Marne juxta portam abbatire approprianda : Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17. pro meffl et terris in Ayleftort: Ibid. p. 2. m. 17. pro eccl. S. Trinitatis Gloceftr. approprianda: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 41. pro pratis in Hyde P. Monkehyde, et Cowern : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro melT. et terris in Maiefmore et El¬ more : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 20. pro melT. et terris in Brockworth : Clauf. 21 Ric. 2. p. J. m. 16. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 2. pro hundredo de Dodefton, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 16. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. Cart. 5, &c. Ed. 4. n. 20. pro feria apud Berton Regis. Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 4. m. 24. pro xx. marc, annuatim ex feodi firma lxv/. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 2. 4 Sept, pro dotatione epifeopatus Gloceftr. Ibid. 3 Sept, pro eredtione decani et capi- tuli : Ibid. p. 7. 4 Sept, pro dotatione decani et capi- tuli : Pat. 38 Hen. 8. p. 8. 21 Maii, pro manerio de Tulwell [Gloceftr.] in confideratione manerii de Lykenholt [Southamt.] 3. Austin Canons. Some of the legendary writers report that Merwald™ viceroy of the weftern part of Mercia, and his wife Domneva did, about the year 660. build a (lately monaftery here in honor of St. Olwald the king and martyr. It is more certain that, A. D. 909. Ethelred earl of Mercia, and the famous Elfleda (daughter of K. Alfred) his countefs, tranflating the relicks of that canonized prince from Bardney to this place, fouhded here a Religious houle, front whence the monks being forced to fly in the Danilh wars, it became a college of Secular priefts, which was accounted a free chapel royal, exempt from the jurildidtion of the archbifhop of Canterbury, or the bilhop of Worcefter ; but K. William Rufus gave it to the archbilhops of York in lieu of their claims to Lindefv and fome parts of Lincolnfltire", which they quieted to the bilhop of Lin¬ coln. Henry Murdac archbifhop of York, A. D. 1153 °. placed here Regular canons of the order of St. Auftinp, who continued till the dilTolution, at which time here were about feven of them, and their revenues were valued at 90/. tor. id. ob. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to John Jennings. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 108. ex Malmfbur. [falfo S. Petri monaft. afeript.] Tom. ii. p. 28. paucula ex Leland. Itin. et Colleft. Tom. iii. p. i. p. 131. car- tam Will. Rufi de conceffione hujus ecclefnE S. Petri Ebor. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 65. vol. ii. p. 60. 262. ejuf- dem Itin. vol. iv. p. 81. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 187. of the foundation of this priory, and of the impropriate redtory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage of St. Catharine’s in Glo- cefter: p. 125. of lands there: p. 229. of lands in Cold Afhton: p.255. of tithes in Barton-abbots, p. 324. in Calmfden : p. 336. of the impropriate rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Churchden and Hucklewt : p. 367. of the fame at Compton Abdale : p. 404. of the church of Down-Hatherley : p. 541. of lands in Purton : p. 566. of the manor of Aylf- worth: p. 584. of tithes in Longford, Twigworth, Kingfholm and Wotton : p. 586. of the manor, im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Priors Norton : p. 636. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Santhurft : p. 648. of lands in Shipton-Olive and Haumpen : p. 659. of a tenement in Slimbridge : p. 707. of the manor of Swindon: p. 851. of lands and tithes in Wotton un¬ der edge. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 857. clauf. 28 Ed. 1. m. 2. dorfo: p. 984. clauf. 31 Ed. 1. m. 12. dorfo: p. 1026. clauf. 31 Ed. 1. m. 17. dorfo: Clauf. 32 Ed. 1. m. 2. dorfo: p. 1027. clauf. 32 Ed. 1. m. 12. dorfo. In foliis rejedtitiis praefixis Polychronico, mf. nuper penes autorem, nunc in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. recogni- tionem terrarum et redditur.m in villis de Kingston, Goffington, et Dudley tentis de priore et conventu S. Olwaldi, anno 18 Ed. 2. Necnon placitum de fedta hundredo de Wakerefcomb, et curiae de Wydingdon, quam epifeopus W|gorn. clamavit pro terris et tene- mentis prioris in Cold-afton, 14 Ed. 1. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. i. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 et 20. pro ten. in Parton, Brighthampton, et Upton S. Leonardi : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33. Fin. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 10. confirm, terras, &c. prius fcholas Gloceftr. per Hen. 1. conceftas : Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 15. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 17. pro eccl. de Minfter- worth approprianda. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. 21. 4. Austin Priory. A priory of Black canons Auguftines, founded by K. Ethelftan ^ m Leland. Collett, ex vita S. Milburgje, vol. ii. p. 170. n Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 13 1. Regiftrum antiq. mf. ec- cleftae Lincoln, penes reverendiff. P. D. D. Guliel. archiepifc. Cantuar. 0 Leland. Collett, vol. ii. p. 364. p Who were very different from Friers' Preachers, though Speed confounds them. <1 An unwillingnefs to omit any Religious houfe mentioned in Speed and later writers, is the occafion of my inferting this, for which I have yet met with no good authority. Sir Robert Atkyns, and from him the editor of the Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. confound this with the houfe of Dominicans or Black friers, in the parifh of St. Mary Cript, which order was not in being till fome hundred years after Ethelftan. Qq 5 • St. XIII. glocestershire. 5. St. Bartholomew s Hospital. King Henry 3. founded' in the parifh of St. Nichola near the Weit-bngg a priory’ or hofpital dedicated to St. Bartholomew, for poor infirm brother and fillers under ihe government of a prior or mailer. Here were once maintained fifty-two non men'; but in Leland’s time it confiited of a mailer, three brethren*, and thirty-two poor men anH women. In Dugdale and Speed’s valuations there are two St. Bartholomew’s hofpitals in Glocefter one rated at 44/. ys. id. per am. and the other at 25/. ur. id. autre”. The fite was granted’ 6 Eliz. to the mayor and citizens of Glocelter, and is Hill continued for a minilter, phyfician mailer and lurgeon, twenty- tour poor men, and thirty poor women, and the revenues of it are fair? to be about 500/. per ann. u Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 456. efc. 30 Ed. 3. n. 65. de fundationc. Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 149. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 84. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. vol. viii. p. 34. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 354. of lands in Cowley given by Thomas earl of Berkeley, who died A. D. 1309. Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4 et 5. Pat. 49 Hen. 3. n. 34. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. pro eccl. de Newenham: Pat 33 kd. 3. p. 1. m. . dorfo, de l'upervidendo ftatu hof." pitahs : Efc. 53 Ed. 3. n. 34. de terris in Merton Eoliot et Langedon. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. dorfo, de vifitatione ejufdem : Pat 11 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 30. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. de eccl. S. Nicholai Glo¬ ceftr. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 22. Pat. 34 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10. 6. St. Margaret’s Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Margaret*, in the north fuburb of this city, and in the parifh of St. John Baptilt, founded for lepers before 1 3 Ed. 2 Herein are Hill nine poor men maintained at is. per Week?. Vide Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 186. Gloceftr. perquirend. de Petro Winebaud. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. vol. viii. p. 34. Efc. 30 Ed. 3. n. 65. Rot. pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 10. de me ft. et toft. ir. fuburbio 7. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. “ Somewhat more by north than St. Margaret’s is “ another poor hofpital of St. Mary Magdalen now commonly called St. James’, in°St. John Baptilt parifh, which maintains nineteen poor people at is. 6d. per week*, and has a chapel be¬ longing to it b. Vide Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 186. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. vol. viii. p. 34. 8. Black Friers. A houfe or college of Black* friers near the callle yard, founded by K. Henry 3. and Sir Stephen de Hernefhull, about A. D. 1239. After the diffolution it was granted' 31 Hen. 8. to Thomas Bell, who made it a drapering houled. Vide Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. . Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 10 vel 11. licent. conceff. priori Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. vol. viii. p. 34. et fratribus pnedict. Gloceftr. pro manfo ipforum Rot. pat. 42 Hen. 3. m. 5. elargando. 9. Grey Friers. One of the lord Berkleys founded here', not far from the fouth gate, in the parifh of St. Mary Cript, an houfe of Grey friers before A. D. 1268 f. which, after the difTo- lution, was granted to John Jennings 35 Hen. 8. Vide Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 188. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. pro aqusedu£hi : Pat. 3? Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. vol. viii. p. 34. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 25. Pat. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 154. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. pro manfo elargando. Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. 366. 10. White Friers. A priory of Carmelite or White friers in the fuburb, without the north gate6, faid to be founded by Ch Eleanor, Sir Tho. Gifford, and Sir Tho. Berkley h, temp. Hen. V. It was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. r It appears from the inquifition, 30 Ed. 3. printed in the Monafticon, that William Mifperty, a citizen of Gloccfter, built here, temp. Hen. 1. a houfe for the ufe of Nicholas Walred chaplain, the builder of the Weft Bridge, and of the workmen employed under him : and that it continued as a habitation of poor or lick workmen under the government of a chaplain, till K. Henry 3. gave it to the brethren and filters of this hofpital. s So called often in the records, and in bifhop Booth’s re- gifter of Hereford, mf. in anno 1517. See alfo Prynne, iii. 714. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. u Leland. Colled:, vol. i. p. 84. In Sancroft’s mf. Valor, it is “ 2 5/. 6s. 3d. toto. 4/. ioj. c‘ 11 d. ob. clare. xxxiv. pauperes et mulieres in hofpitali com* “ morantes.” x The matter and brethren of the hofpital of St. Margaret of Duddefton in the county of the city of Glocelter, in Atkyns, p. 16 1. y Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 767, and Atkyns, p. 186. who faith, it was formerly a priory to which the abbey of G)o- cefter did prefent. z Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. Of this hofpital the priory of I. anthony was reputed founder, and was wont to maintain it with certain charity of bread. Leland. ibid. a Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 767. b Sir Robert Atkyns, p. 186. c This houfe is confounded with St. Ofwald’s priory by Speed ; and is faid to have been of Black canons, and of king Ethelftan’s foundation by Sir Robert Atkyns and the editor of Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 817. d Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. Fuller faith, that he converted it into a beautiful houfe for himfelf, and hard by ereCted an almlhoufe and endowed it. Fuller’s Worthies, p. 36a. c Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. f Dugd. Baron, i. 227. But if Ralph Maydeftan bilhop of Hereford was a frier here after his quitting the bilhoprick, as Leland. Itin. viii. p. 39. this houfe muft have been founded be¬ fore A. D. 1244 or 1239. (in which, according to Leland, the bilhop took the habit) as in Collect. Anglo -minorit. vol. ii. p. 21. e Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. h So Mr. Speed, and from him Sir Robert Atkyns ; but fome mf. collections of Mr. Stow make Sir Tho. Berkley foie founder. « Becaufe mentioned in the will of Walter Beauchamp, A. D. 1268. as Dugd. Baron, vol. i. 227. And William Giftard arch- bilhop of York granted thefe friers leave to build an oratory in Brook ftreet without Glocelter, 15 kal. Feb. A. D. 12C9. as Dr. Hutton’s collections, ex regiftro Giftard. Vide XIII. glocestershire. fide in Atkyns’ .Glocefterihire, p. 1 88. of the founda¬ tion: p. 125- °f a meadow in Glocefter : p. 537. of lands in Leygh. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 78. vol. viii. p. 34. Regiftrum brevium fub titulo. Ad quod damnum, f. 248. a Rot. pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. confirm, eifdem car- tilagium, &c. in fuburbio Gloceftr. concelT. per Hen. de Oke. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. XIV. MINCHIN HAMPTON. Alien Priory. “ Here were nunnes alfo,” faith Leland. Itin. vi. p. 74. And from him Camden, Speed, and others, fay that there was a nunnery here; but I cannot find any; and be¬ lieve this place was called Minchin Hampton only, becaufe the manor was given to the nuns or Minchins of the Iloly Trinity at Caen in Normandy by K. William the Conqueror k. And after the feizure of the lands of the foreign monafteries was given by K. Henry 6. and K. Edward 4. to the nuns of Sion in Middlefex, and, as parcel of Sion, it was valued at 117/. 1 6s. lid. per arm. and granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Andrews lord Windfor. fide in Atkyns’ Glocefterihire, p. 234. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Avening : p. 410. of the manor of Penbury : p. 451. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Hampton. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 8. de mercato et feria concelT. ab- batiifie et monialibus de Cadomo in manerio fuo de Hampton Monialium in com. Gloceftr. Cart. 33 Ed. 3. n. 9. Pat- 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. licent. Joanni Phelip militi perquirendi in feodo maner. de Minchin Hamp¬ ton parcel, pofleflionum abbatia: de Cadomo. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. . m. 6. et p. 2. m. 11. pro maner. de Minchin Hampton concedendo abbatiifie et con- ventui de Syon port mortem Alicia: uxoris, Will, de la Pole comitis SufF. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 15. XV. HASELDENE, or Hefledon, in the parijh of Rodmarton. Cistertian Abbey. The Ciftertian monks of Kingfwood in Wiltfhire having obtained this place partly by purchafe from John St. John, and partly by grant from the right owner, Reginald de S. Waleric, about the latter end of K. Stephen’s reign, tranfiated their abbey hither, and ac¬ knowledged this lafb mentioned nobleman for their founder, who in a little time removed it a^ain (upon the monks complaint for want of water) to his park at Tetbury, where it did not continue long, on account of the fcarcity of wood; but, temp. Hen. 2. was replaced at Kingfwood. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 811, 812, 813. hiftoriam Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 34. ex libro donationum mona- fundatioms, et cartas quafdam ex regiftro de Kingf- fterio de Kingfwood. wood, penes Joannem Smith de Nibley in com. Glo- Atkyns’ Glocefterihire, p. . ceftr. arm. 1651. Kennet’s Parochial Antiquities, p. 126. XVI. HAYLES, or Tray1. Cistertian Abbey. Richard earl of Cornwall, and afterward king of the Romans and em peror of Germany, began here, A. D. 1246'. and finilhed, at the expence of ten thoufand marks'"* A. D. 1251. a noble abbey for monks of the Ciftertian order brought from Beaulieu in Hampftlire, It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and All Saints, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 357/ 7 s 8 id oh per arm. Dugd." The fite was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Tho. Seymor, and, after his attainder to William marquis of Northampton, 4 Ed. 6. ’ Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 928. qmedam de funda- tione ex Matth. Weftm. Matth. Paris, &c. Cartam fundationis ex cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 2. In Atkyns’ Glocefterihire, p. 469. of the foundation of the abbey, and of the manor of Hailes : p. 47 1. char¬ ter of foundation: p. 125. of lands in Glocefter: p. 336. of 100. folidates of land in Brickhampton : p. 390. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advow- lon of the vicarage of Didbroke : p. 535. of lands in Lechelade : p. 543" *-he manor, impropriate rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Longborouofi : p. 603. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Pinock: p. 705. of the manor of Lower Swell: p. 707. of the advowfon of the redtory of Upper- Swell: p. 781. of the impropriate redtory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Todington. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 56. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 98. vol. ii. p. 340. vol. iii. p. 74. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 1. Hiltory of the parilh and abbey of Hayles, folio, 1768. An authentick evidence concerning the relick of the Blood of Hailes ; with proper remarks upon it, Ihew- ing that by the help of this evidence the miftakes of feveral hiftorians may be reftified, and fome of the many calumnies, that have been thrown upon Reli¬ gious houfes, detedled. Printed by Mr. Hearne, at the end of Benedidtus Petroburgenfis, p. 751. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iii. p. 4, pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1 m. 17. ’ Chronicon monafterii de Hailes ad A. Ch. 1314. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Cleop. D. iii. 1. et mf. in bibl. Har- leiana 3725. n. 1. [Citat. cl. UlTerius De Brit. eccl. primordiis, cap. v. et Chronica de Hales, et Chroni¬ con genealogicum monafterii de Hales.] In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 8. cartam 10 Ed. 2. pro abbate et conventu de Hailes - f. 35. cartam 2 Ed. 3. pro eifdem. Cartas, rentaha, rotulos curiarum, et alia munimenta ad hanc abbatiam fpectantia, penes pnehonorabilem Ciriilielm. dom. Tracy. Cart, antiq. Hen. 3. H. n. 13. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 17. Can. 17 Hen. 3. m. 3. Plac. '= Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 9Jg. Annales Waverle in anno 1246. Vide etiam in anno tinn Adr>haC abbal1?’n The Parcolude mf placeth this founda- tion A. D. 1240. N. B. Whatever is met with upon the records hiltorians about Hales abbey, before A. D. 1246 or 1240. belongs to Hales Owen in Shropihire. ” Matth. Paris in anno 1251. ex ore fundatoris. n 35 7 /• 7/-. 7 d. ob. Speed and Stevens. The abbat and twen- u'ft"6: o v ous Ye.re Penfi°ned at the diffolution. Willis’ xlilt. or Abbies, vol. u. Append, p. 10. apud XVI. GLOCESTERSHIRE. apud Weftm. 27 Hen. 3. n. 12, 13. Cart. 29 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 37 Hen. 3. m. 15. de terris in Pinnoks Church: Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 3. ne ponantur in placitum nifi coram ipfo rege Cart. 6 Ed. 1. n. 7. pro eccl. de Hemelhampfted [Hertf ] etNortheley [Line, dioec.] Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 64. pro manerio de Langbergh : Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1 . rot. 45. de vifu franci plegii in Netherfwell : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . pro licentia kernellandi: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 42. pro manerio de Lechelade in feod. firm, pro c. marcis. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6 et 8. de terris in Netherfwell: Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 22. pro advocatione hofpitalis et vicaria? de Lechelade, et libertatibus : Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 5. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. de ponte apud Wermington Magna per abbatem reparando : Pat. ri Ed. 2. p. I. m. 28. pro ten. in Gloceftre; Ibid. m. 36. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 23. de maner. de Sodington et decern marc, redditu in Chelfworth [Wilt.] perquirend. in excamb. pro manerio de Le¬ chelade: Pat. 14 Ed, 2. p. 1. ra. 22. de mefluag. in Haule [SufF.] et in Pifiey, Totington, et Sudele : Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 6. de terris in Haughele [SufF,! Inquif. 16 Ed. 2. n. 61. [SufF.] Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. de advoc. eccl. de Longberwe et Rodborn tWilt. ] ex dono Hugonis le Defpenfer: Cart. 19 id. 2. n. 2. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 40. Efc. 3 Ed. 3. n. 93. de capella de Shelland [SufF.] Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. 13. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1 1. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Langborn : Ibid. m. 25. pro eccl. de To- tindon approprianda. Pat. 1 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 17. pro ten. in Rodborn, Netherfwell, et Longberew • Ibid. p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. de Todington, cum ca¬ pella de Stanley. Clauf. 1 1 Hen. 4. m. 1 7. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 13. pro terris in Pynnockfhier. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 23. Rec. in 1‘cacc. 9 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 7. pro maner. de Redburn [Wilt.] XVII. H E T H O R P, Aitherop, er Locus Dei. Carthusian Priory. William Longefpe earl of Salifbury gave this manor, A. D. 1222. to certain monks and brethren of the Carthufian order, afligned part of his revenues toward the building of a monaftery for them here, and, by his will made A. D. 1225. he bequeathed to them church plate, veftments, reliques, and a flock of cattle. But thele Religious, after fome few years flay, not liking their habitation, prevailed with the countels Ela, relidt of their founder, to remove them to Henton in Somerletlhire. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. 960. tom. ii. p. 341. 931. XVIII. HORKESLEGH, or HorfleyL Alien Priory. Roger of Montgomery earl of Shrewfbury, temp. Will. Conq. endowed the abbey of St. Martin, which he had founded at Troarn in Normandy, with this manor; and here were fettled a prior and monks dependant on that foreign monaftery, till the prior and convent of Bruton in Somerfetlhire gave fome lands they had in France to the abbat and convent of Troarn in exchange for this and other eftates in England, and then Horfley became a cell to Bruton'1, but afterward "was quite diffolved, having neither prior nor canon; however it continued parcel of the eftate of Bruton monaftery, and as fuch was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Sir Walter Dennys. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 604, 605. pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 5. m. 37. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Edwardi de conceffione hujus prioratus conventui de Bruton : Tom. ii. p. 1002. pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 6. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. Du Monftrier Neuftriam Piam, p. 563. Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 482. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 335, 336. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 16. Rot. cart. 5 Joan. m. 7. n. 61. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 81. confirm, excambium abbatis et convent, de Troarn. de eccl. de Wichurft et Horfely, et maner. cum pertinentiis concefT. priori et conven¬ tui de Bruton pro eccl. et maner. de Lyon fuper Mare ... in Normannia : Plac. coram rege, 10 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 18. Pat. :i Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. recit. car¬ tam Hen. 1. Rec. infcacc. 7 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 4. XIX. HOW. Almshouse. William Cheftre, citizen and fkinner of London, by his will dated May 5. A. D. 1476. diredls, that out of the rents of his poffdTions in Southwark ground be purchafed, as njcrh the church of How as can be had, to build an almlhoufe with eight manfions for eight vir¬ tuous poor men and women ; every one of them to have weekly eight pence, or a man and his wife dwelling together twelve pence, and a woman to walh and attend them every week, and to have for herTabour eight pence r. But qu Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 24. pro xiv. acrls terra;, et prato, parcell. capellx quondam voc. Maudeleyns, hi confideratione quod reparent Maudetein Bridge in Hib Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 5. de arboribus fuccidendis et habendis a bofeo de Buckolt in Brimsfield tam pro monafterio quam manerio de Brokworth : Rec. fcacc. 20 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 8. pro decimis in Newton Stacy [Southamt.] Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . Origin. 1 Hen. 7. rot. 77. de libertatibus infra foreflam de Dene ; Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 42. dc manerio de Barton Stacy [Southamt.] XXII. LECHELADE. Hospital. A priory of Black canons or rather an hofpital of a mafter or prior and certain poor and inhrm brethren, dedicated to St. John Baptift, was founded here upon a piece of ground called Lade, near the great bridge over the Thames, (from hence called St. John’s bridge) given to that good ule by the lady Ifabel Ferrers ", fometime wife of Hugh Mortimer, before 30 Hen. but this houle being run into great decay, K. Edward 4. anno regni 12. gave his mother Cicelv duchefs of \ork leave to get it difTolved, and then to apply the revenues of it to the endowing 0f a perpetual chantry of three priefts at the altar of St. Mary in the parifli chuch here, which conti¬ nued till dean Underwood*, letup. Hen. 7. found means to place two of thefe chantry priefts at Walingford college, and let the third remain at Lechlade; and fo the fite of this priory, as parcel of the poffeflions of Walingford college, was granted to Dennis Tappes 14 Eliz. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 218 et 222. paucula de fundatione ; Ibid. p. 451. cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 8. con¬ firm. fundationem: Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro here- mitagio de Lovebyri, cum pertinentiis in forefta de Wicbewode huic hofpitali concedendo: Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 28. pro mutatione hujus hofpitalis in canta- liam trium capellanorum. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 535- of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Lechelade. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 47. Inter Colleft. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. v. ordinationem Cecilia; duciilx Ebor. de can- taria B. Mariae de tribus capellanis, necnon de can- taria S. Blafii de uno capellano, in ecclefia parochial! de Lechelade, 13 Ed. 4. Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 6. de Lodenmill paftura v. vacc. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. de terris in Up-lamboura perquirend de Joanne Swine, temp. Ed. 1. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 22. de advocatione hofpitalis concefla per Edm. comitem Cornubiae abbatix de Hayles. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. pro ten. in eadem villa. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 19. de terris in Borownefton [Berkf.J XXIII. L O R W I N G, between Berkley and Durfley. Hospital. Maurice de Berkele, founder of Longbridge hofpital in Berkley, is alfo faid to have founded an hofpital here temp. Hen. 2. XXIV. MAGNUSFELDE, or Mangersfeld. Nunnery destroyed. “ Here was once without fayle a nunnery, part of the cloyfter ftand- “ ith yet.” Thus Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 72. But no other account of any Religious houfe here hath yet occurred. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. mentions a chapel here belonging to the church of St. Peter near Briftol, but faith nothing of any Religious belonging to it. XXV. MARSHFIELD. Nunnery destroyed. “ Here was, as it is fayde, a nunnery.” Leland’s Itinerary, vol. vi. p. 92, XXVI. N O E N T, Newent, or Newenton. Alien Priory. King William the Conqueror, at the inftance of Roger of Montgomery, gave this manor to the abbat and convent of Cormeile in Normandy, who thereupon fent over a prior and fome Benedidtine monks, and it became a cell to that foreign monaftery. When, during the wars with France, this alien priory was feized by the king, it was farmed at one hundred and ninety marks by the year, and, after the fuppreflion of thefe houfes, was granted by K. Henry 4. and K. Henry 5. to the collegiate church of Fodringhey in Northamptonfhire ; and, as parcel thereof, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Richard Lee. a So Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 47. » So exprefsly Mon. Angl. ii. p. 222. and cart. 30 Hen. 3. Sir Rpbert Atkyns makes Richard earl of Cornwall founder ; but that cannot ftrittly be inferred from K. Henry the Third’s confirming the foundation at the inftance of this his brother. In Collins’ Peerage, vol. ii. p. 4. Peter Fitz Herbert is faid to have been founder before it Hen. 3. * Leland, ibid. Hde XXVI. GLOC ESTER SHIRE. yidt in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 962. bullam P. Alex- andri 3. Cart. 2 Ed, 2. n. 27. recitantem cartam r Jl. Hen. 2. confirm, donationem manerii de Newent, necnon dc diverfis terris et ecclefiis in com. Gloc. Heref. Wigorn. Monemuth et Suthampt. Ibid, tom. iii. P- P- >59- Pat- J3 Hen. 4- P- I- ">• 14- de conceflione hujus prioratus collegio de Fodringhey. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 569. tranflations of the charters in the Monafticon : p. 233. of the advowfon and tithes of Afton under hill : p. 258. of the church of Becford : p. 359. of ten hides of land in Clifton : • p jgj. of the impropriate rcdtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dimmock: p. 567. of the manor, impro¬ priate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of New¬ ent: p. 601. of the Impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Pauntley. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 273. Sir Robert Atkyns’ account of this houfe; pope Alexander’s bull; and K. Henry’s charter. Year Books, 44 Ed. 3. f. 32. Cart. 9 Joan. n. 59. pro hundred, de Modbery et Tot- tecumb. Rot. clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 8. de feria ibid. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro mercat. et feria ibidem. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 29. pro mercat. et feria apud Newent: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. pro eccl. de Bekford. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 38. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 18. XXVII. Q^UEININGTON. Knights Hospitalers A preceptory of Knights Hofpitalers of St. John of Jerufalem, to whom this manor was given by Agnes de Lafceo or Lacy, and her daughter Sibylla before 1 Jo- atwis. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 209/. i6j. mf. Le Neve, at 137/. js. id. ob. per ann. Dugd. Speed; but in my mf. Valor, at 25/. 1 6 s. 6d. only; and granted, 37 Hen. 8. firft to Sir Richard Morifme, and then to Sir Ant. Kingdom Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 510. 548, 549. Rot. efc. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. poll mortem Joan. Norman. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 448. of lands in Farmcot, Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. p. 613. in Queinington. XXVIII. STANLEY. Benedictine Cell. Here was a fmall monaftery of a prior and canons”, founded in the church of St. Leonard, which, being given by Roger Berkley, A. D. 1146 s. to St. Peter’s in Glo- cefter, became a cell of Benediftine monks to that abbey. About the time of the diffolution here were only three monks, and the annual revenues of the houfe amounted to 71/. 6s. 81 i. mf. Bened. 100/. Leland. Collett, i. 83. 106/. 1 ys. mf. Valor. 12 61. or. 8 d. Speedb. The fite, as parcel of Glocefter abbey, was granted to Sir Antony Kingdom Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 118, 119. qurndam ex kalendario terrarum ad abb. S. Petri Gloceftr. fpect. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 64. confirmationem ecclefiarum per Theobaldum archiepifc. Cantuar. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 682. of the foundation, and of the manor and impropriate church of Stanley : • p. 683. tranflation of archbilhop Theobald’s confir¬ mation: p. 223. of the impropriate reftory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Arlingham : p. 308. of the fame at Cam: p. 597. of the advowfon of the redtory of Ozleworth : p. 658. of the advowfon of the rectory of Slymbridge fometime: p. 791. of the advowfon of the rectory of Uley. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 275. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 165. de 1. virgata terra tent, de Rogero de Berchley. Cartas rentalia, Sic. penes Ric. Sandford de ead. gen. Originalem ordinationem five laudum fadtum per Will. Wigorn. epifc. in controverfia inter monachos et Will, de Berkele, fuper advoc. eccl. de Cudberleia, et peniione ex eadem, fub figillo Will de Berkele, in volumine cartarum mearum notato Jackfon , n. ix. Rot! cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 1 et 6. Brev. orig. 32 Ed. 1. rot. x. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. XXIX. STOW ON THE WOULD, or Stow St. Edward. Hospital. An old hofpital faid by Mr. Speed to have been founded by Ailmar earl of Corn¬ wall and Devonlhire, who flourifhed about A. D. 1010. It was dedicated to the Holy Trinity', and intended for the maintenance of poor women, and a chaplain c to perform divine fervice to them. The revenues of it amounted to 25/. 143. 8 d. per ann. as Dugd. and Speed; and to 25/. 4 j. 4 d.c as my mf. Valor. Vide rot. pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. quod forores ejuf- Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 18. rex conceffit abbati de Eve- dem fint quiets de decimis, et quindecimis, a-uxi- Iham d unum mercatum et duas ferias apud burgum liis, &c. fuum de S. Edwardes Stow [Gloceftr.] XXX. T E T T A N, Tettebun, or Tetbury. 1. Monastery destroyed, Amongfl: tl 680. there is a gift of fifteen caffates of land, y This is alfo in Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 8. z So exprefsly in archbilhop Theobald’s confirmation of its churches. Mon. Angl. iii. p. 1. 64. a Thus Mon. Angl. i. 119. But yet it is confirmed to Glo¬ cefter. in K. Stephen’s charter, dated A. D. 1138. Ibid. vol. iii. p. 1. p. 7, 8. b “ Summainde 116 1. or 8 d. fumma clara 106/. 17 r.” Ste- donations to the abbey of Malmfbury, A. D. juxta Tettan monafterium ;” or, as it is in the vens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 33. cct “ Hofpitale pauperum et fervitii S. Trinitatis in Stow “ com. Gloceftr. valet in terris et tenementis, ad ufilm paupe- “ rum et capellani ibidem, 2 $1. ns. 4 d.” 11 %ua:re, Whether this hofpital was not fome way dependant on the abbey of Eve fliam ? confirma- XXX. GLOCESTERSHIREi confirmation both of the deed and gift, “ juxta Tettebilry,” which feems to imply that there was then a Religious houle at this place, though we have no farther account of it. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 51. 2. ClSTERTI AN ABBEY, vide HASELDENE. XXXI. THEOKESBtJRY, or Tewkefbury. 1. Benedictine Abbey. A monaftery here firft built and endowed by two brothers, Oddo and t)oddo, duke3 of Mercia, A. D. 715. to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary, which having un¬ dergone many calamities during the civil and Danifh wars, about the year 980. became a priory lubjeft to Cranburn in Dorfetlhire. But Robert Fit2 Haimon, a noble Norman, who came in with William the Conqueror, enlarged the buildings and increafed the pofleflions of Teukefbury fo much, that the monks of Cranburn chofe, about A. D. 1 102. to remove hither and make this the head houfe. After which it became a great abbey of Benedidtine monks, who at the l'uppref- fion were poffeffed of revenues yearly worth 1598/. ia 3d. Dugd. Speed; or, according to the valuation in Burnet, 1595/. 15 s. 6d.' The fite of this monaftery was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Tho. Strowde, Walt. Erie, and Ja. Paget. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 153, Sic. chronica de fun- datoribus et de fundatione ccclefne Theokefbury, e libro mf. Cotton. Cleop. C. iii. 12. Cart. 28 Ed. 1. m. 3. n. 16. per InfpeX. recit. cartas RR. Will, et Heti. i. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 5. recit. tres alias cartas Hen. 1. In Atkyns’ Glocefierfhire, p. 713. of the foundation of this abbey, the genealogy and hiftory of its founders, and charters of feveral kings : p. 209. of the lordfhip of Alderton anciently : p. 218. of the manor and im¬ propriate redtory of Amney Crucis : p. 224. of tithes in Aih-church : p. 225. of the manors of ftamington and Fiddington: p. 234. of lands in Avening: p. 237. of the manor of Poulton : p. 256. of lands in Battef- ford, p. 259. in Becford : p. 290. of the impropriate church of Boddington: p. 292. of tithes in Bourton: p. 321. of a meffuage in Broad Campden : p. 354. of lands in Cleeve : p. 355. of the manor of Southam anciently: p. 357. of a manor in Gotherington : p. 358. of vil. hides of land in Clifford anciently: p. 430. of the impropriate redtory of Elmfton ; p. 432. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Fairfoid: p. 438. of the manor and impro¬ priate church of Forthampton: p. 533. of the fame at Lemington: p. 5S0. of the impropriate church of Nibley: p. 590. of lands and tithes in Oldbury: p. 595. of the manor of Oxinton anciently, and of the impropriate church : p. 606. of the manor of Pref- cot: p. 620. of lands in Rendcomb : p. 643. of the advowfon of the redtory of Shenington : p. 680. of lands in Oxlinch: p. 685. of the manor of Stanway : p. 766. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Thornbury, and a tranflation of the impropriation and endowment : p. 779. of tithes in Toddcnham : p. 780. of free warren in Todington: p. 787. of tithes in Tredington : p. 788. of a meadow in Turley: p. 794. of a manor in Walton Cardiff', and the impropriate church: p. 797. of the manor and impropriate church of Great Wafhbom : p. 804. of the manor of Rodland: p. 825. of tithes in Gree- ton: of the manor of Stanley: p. 850. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wotton under edge. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 216. of tithes in Langton Maltravers : p. 505. of the advowfon of the redtory of Frome St. Quintin: vol. ii. p. 134. ofAfh- more: p. 141. of the manor and cell of Cranborn : p. 143. of the manor of Upwinborn Monkton: p. 147. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Cranborn: p. 155. of lands in Hamprefton : p. 159. of the advowfon of the redtory of Pentridge : p. 17 1. of tithes in Thorncomb : p. 210. of the ma¬ nor and advowfon of the redtory of Chettle : p. 212. of the manor of Tarent-monachorum, the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage. In Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. p. 181. of the manor and impropriate church of Bulhley : vol. ii. p. 257. of a manor in Piriton. In Dr. Archer’s Account, Sec. p. 637, 638. of the ma¬ nor and advowfon of the redtory of Burnet. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 176. an account of this abbey, and its abbats. In bifliop Burnet’s Hiftory of the Reformation, vol. i. Append, p. 151 f. an inventory of the goods, Si c. be¬ longing to this abbey at the diffolution. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 83. de fundatione et ec- clefiis impropriatis : vol. ii. p. 262. vol. iii. p. 160. codices mff. olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatix. In his Itinerary, vol. ii. p. 47. of the parfonage and lands at Fairford: vol. iv. p. 73. of the manor-place of Stanway : vol. vi. p. 77 to 88. ex libello de antiqui- tate Theokefbirienfis monalterii : p. 89. manor-places belonging to the abbat : p. 91. of the foundation. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 485. of the church of Atherfton : p. 547. of tithes in Bickmerlh. Year Books, 8 Ed. 3. Mich. § 29. 8 Hen. 7. Trin. § 1. In Appendice ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 186 ad 208. plus odtoginta cartas ex regiftro mf. in bibl. Cotton. Cleop. A. vil. 3. viz. de eccleffis huic abbatix pertinentibus in dioec. Landav. Exon. Sarifb. et Wigorn : de ca- pella de Cogan : de decimis de Dinas Powis, et in forefta de Bibur : de terra de Wcrfton et Pulton : de capella de Suelle, et decimis dominii ibidem : de ec- clefiis S. Audoeni et S. Trinitatis, et aliis ecclifiis in Briftol: de terra in Strengefham, et inCraumera: de villa et ecclefia de Amenell : de ecclefia de Froma, et decimis de Caldewalle et Fifhide: de ecclefia de Pentrith, de Merlave, de Hameled, de Hedelega, de Ffcromovilla : de vicaria de Craneburn : de terra in Ailefwrthe, in Dunnecheuelle, in Godrintona: de decimis manerii de Oxenduna : de privilegio abbatix puniendi latrones. Sec. Regiftrum hujus abbatix, olim in bibl. Selden. aliud penes St. Lo Kniveton, mf. Vincent, n. 218. Seri cm fundatorum monafterii de Theokefbury, in bibl. Cotton, Otho, D. 1. 10. Annales monafterii de Theokefbury a rege Edw. Conf. ad A. D. 1263. in eadem bibl, Cleop. A. vn. 2. Regiftrum ejufdem monafterii continens cartas dona- tionum et confirmationum terrarum, Sec. in ead, bibl, Cleop. A. vii. 3. Collectanea de fundatione abbatize de Tewkefbury, in ead. bibl. Claud. A. vm. 12. Excerpta ex hiftoria hujus abbatize, ibid. V tellius, E. xi v. 22. 17. Regiftrum hujus abbatix penes . . . dom. Spenfer. * It was furrendered Jan. 9, 1539. by the abbat and thirty- five monks. Willis’ Mitred Abbies, p. i8G. < This inventory, and Mr. Willis’ account of the abbey and abbats, is alfo in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. .513. Collect. XXXI. GLOCESTERSHIRE. Colleft- cl. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. lxxviii. f. 30. gt vol. cii. i* lb* " Col]eaanea cl. Jamefii, in cadem bibl. vol. xvin. p. 163. vol. xxvii. P- IS6- . Inter colledtanca magiftn Habington antiquarn V igorn. 1 nf. in coll. Jefu Oxon. p. 75, &c. ex cod. mf. penes He'11. Ferrars de Badefley, qu:edam de fundatione huius abbatis ; catalogum abbatum ; cartas quafdam de pifcariis et aliis donationibus. Cartam donationis ecclefis de Hacklington monafterio per Gilbertum de Clare comitem Gloceftris, mf. Macro, 12. ii- 16. _ Anns taken out of the windows and tombs in Tewkf- bury abbey, mf. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. 11. 845. Notes concerning this abbey, ibid. mf. Wood, vol. lv. p. 95. Remftriim Tewkfburienfe fecundum originale vere et perfedte examinatum, mf. penes Hen. St. George mil. 1695- Catal. mlf. Angl. p. 112. Apoo-raphum perambulationis fadlae 31 Hen, 8. inter terrain abbatis Glafton. de Domerham in com. Wilt. Ct terrain abbatis de Tewkefbury de Bowrigge in com. Dorfet. mf. in volumine colledl: meorum notato T.T. p. 83. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 11. penfionem monacho- rum de Tewkyfbury : mf. 692. f. 220. de fundatione hujus monafterii : f. 248. ex hiftoria Theokelbcrienfis monafterii : mf. 433. f. 92. licence to make exchange of certain lands of the queen’s foundation 1 mf. 6748. f. 8, 9. cartas Hen. 2. mf. 7520. nomina abbatum. Cart, antiq. K. n. 31. T. n. 23. 32. Plac. de banco, 10 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 11.de manerns dc Mideland et de Lefebech : Bund. fin. div. com. 22 Hen. 3. n. 18. de advoc. de Kilhampton [Corn.] et Biddiford [Devon.] et terris in Campden P. Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. 164. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. dorfo: Cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. 1 et 15 vel 16. Cart. 28 Ed. 1. n. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro eccl. de Thornbury et Fairford appropriandis : Fin. 15 Ed. 2. m. 5. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 16. de vn. mefT. cclxvi. acr. terra, &c. in Amnev Crucis. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro bofcis de Muthwode im- parcandis: Plac. de banco, 6 Ed. 3. rot. 136. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 35 vel 36. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. pro eccl. de Llantriifan : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. vel pe¬ nult. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 28. pro ten. in Morton Foliot, Langdon, et Brutes Morton: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. pro capella de Mangotesfield : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 41. pro ten. in Waftborn Abbatis: Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro ten. in Briftoll : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro ten. in Ford- hampton. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 43. pro medietat. maner. de Walton Kardiff: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 26. pro eccl. de Tarrent Monachorum et S. Philippi Briftol appropriandis: Rec. infcacc. 12 Ric. 11. Hill. rot. 8. pro exitu terrarum in Orchard et Purbeck [Dorfet.] Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 27. recit. et confirm, donationes Edmundi comitis Marchis in com. Wilt. Dorfet. &c. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. pro prioratu de Goldclive approprianda : Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. de prio¬ ratu de Goldclive : Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2, m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. nr. 5. et p. 4. m. 23. pro prioratu de Goldclive : Pat. 3 Ed. 4 p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Clauf. 3 Ed. 4. m. 21. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 5. pro prio¬ ratu de Derehurft: Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 1. pro prioratu de Derehurft: Efc. 15 Ed. 4. n. . pro ten. in Northye juxtaTewkfbury : Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 20. Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro ma¬ ner. de Sevenhampton concetti in excambio pro ccc. acris paftura infra parcum regis de Blakedon [Do rf.] Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 1 vel 14. revoc. ejufd. conceiT. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 1, m. 1. pro maner. de Baltesford, Dodes, et Puryton. Fin. Staff. 11 Hen. 7. n. 2. de maner. de Kynfare et Stourton, &c. Bill, fignat. 15 Hen. 7. n. . de appro- priatione eccl. de Toyton in com. Oxon. 2. Hospital. The houfe of lepers here occurs cart. 1 Joannis, p. 2. n. 162. XXXII. WESTBURY ON TRIN or TRY MMEE, olim Weftminfter\ 1. Benedictine Cell. 7 A monaftery here is mentioned in the afts of the fynod of Clovefho 2. College. J A.D. 824'. which, with feveral lands hereabouts, was given by Ethelric fon of Ethelmund, after the death of his mother, to Worcefter. But Ofwald bifhop of that fee, A. D. 983 k replaced the monks, who being partly removed to Ramfey ', and partly driven away by the wars, this Religious houle was, A. D. 1093. re-edified to the honor of the bleffed Virgin, the old poirdlions were recovered, new were added, and the monks reftored by Wulftan"* biftTop’ of Worcefter, who made it a cell to the priory of Worcefter. But his fucceffor, bifhop Samplon, temp. Hen. 1. revoked the faid grants, and removed the monks. From which time no¬ thing occurs of any Religious houfe in this place till about A.D. 1288. when Godfrey Giffard bifhop of Worcefter endeavoured to make feveral churches in thefe parts of the patronage of the fee of Worcefter prebendal to this of Weftbury, which, after great oppofition from the prior and Convent of Worcefter, he eftefted ", and here became a college for a dean and canons (in the gift of the bifhop of Worcefter) dedicated to the Holy Trinity °; which was afterward augmented by the benefadtions of John Carpenter bifhop of Worcefter p, who fometimes ftiled himfelf bifhop of Weftbury, Richard duke of Yorkq, K. Edward 4. Sir William Cannings knt. r who was after¬ wards dean here, and others, fo as to be valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 232 /. 14 r. o d. a. per ar.n. Dugd. Speed; and was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Ralph Sadler. z Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 503. vol. xv. p. 12. Wejibury in SaJ/o Marifco. Heming. p. 532. *> Mon. Angl. i. 125. 127. * Spclm. Concil. vol. i. p. 335. Wilkinfii Concil. vol. i. 175. k So Angl. Sacr. i. 472. ii. 199* Not A. D. 883. as Mon. Angl. i. 120. If Ofwald lent the monks from Weftbury to Ramfey A. D. 972. as Mon. Angl. i. 231. Weftbury mult have been fettled fooner. But Angl. Sacr. i. 4^3- placeth the foun¬ dation of Ramfey (perhaps by the printer putting the figure laft which ftiould have been hr ft), A. D. 986. only ; whereas Mon. Angl. i. 231. placeth it A. D. 869. 1 Hilt. Rainf. inter Qmndecim feriptores, edit. Gale, p. 394* 399- m Angl. Sacr. ii. Leland. Collect, ii. 261. n The deanry and five prebends are taxed in the Lincoln va¬ luation made 20 Ed. 1. And 2 j Ed. 1. the dean and canons had protections, as Prynne, iii. 718. 0 Dodfworth’s mlf. vol. cxx. f. 17. Rymer, xv. 12. Prynne, iii* 7i3* „ p Vide Godwyn. De praefulibus, in vita Joannis Carpenter. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 105. Additions to Camden. 4 Sir Robert Atkyns faith he founded this college ; yet men¬ tions it as in being 48 Ed. 3. r Who is faid to have rebuilt this college. Dugd. Warwick, edit. 1730. p. 634* Vide Ss XXXII. glocestershire. in,.IVi°n- Angl. tom. i. p. 125, 126, 127. adta fynodi Clovelhocnfis : Cartas Oft-e regis, Wolftani cpifc. et Ethelrici filii Ethelmundi : In tom. iii. p. ii. p. 202. pat. 4 Ed. 4. m. 20. de maner. de Elmftree. In Atkyns’ Gloccfterfhire, p. 200. of lands in Wykc: p. 282. of two parts of the impropriate reftory of Bidey: p. 360. o( the impropriate church of Clifton: p. 399. of lands in Dowdefwell : p. 544. of the ma¬ nor of Southfield : p. 676. of a capital melTuage in Old Sodbury: p. 713. of the manor of Elmftree: p. 787. of the manor of Upper Turk-Dean : p. 846. of the manor of Fufcot. I11 Nath’s Worcefterlhi re, vol. i. p. 251. 0fthe manor of Groveley in Crofton Hacket: vol. ii. p. 21. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Kemfey : p. 28. appropriationem ejufdem ecclefne. Lelandi Colledtanea, vol. i. p. ug. vol. jj. p. 2(,It ejufdem I tin. vol. iv. p. 178. vol. viii. p. 105. Ii’JcclcfiWill‘ de Worccftre> P- 1 33- 202. dimenfiones Antiales Wigornenfes, in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 474- 509, 510, 511. 518. 541, 542. ' 47 ’ Hemingi librum de terris eccl. Wigorn. p. 101 10Q 407- 421- 532- ‘ 9' rrynne s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 427. Brev. rev 18 Ed. 1. ' £• Dugdale's Warwickfhire, p. 487. edit. 1730. of lands in -Darford. Cartas antiquas huic monafterio coriceflas, mf. in bibl Cotton, Nero, E. i. 129. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. n de pnebenda de Aufte. Pat 4 Ed. 4 p i. m . 20. pro maner. de Aylminfter [Wigorn.] Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 6. de cuftodia hof pitalis S. Laurent, de Briftol : Cart. 8, &c. Ed n. 4. pro prioratu de Aftley [Wigorn.] ' 4' XXXIII. WINCHELCOMBE. fame Saa^D m 'll “.^ve bruilt a nunner7 here A- D. 787. and in the , P 1 ^ Xenulph laid the foundation of a {lately abbey for three hundred monks and commended it to the patronage of the bleffed Virgin Mary; but, in procefs of time lrifhnnhnfPWffi°ft ^ S^Cular;]’ °r otherwile was almoft wholly decayed; when, A. D. 985VOfwald w«Xt reformed the difcipline, and recovered the lands of this Religious houfe, which vas dedicated to St. Kenelm (the martyred fon of the founder) and continued in the poffeffion of Benedictine monks till the general diffolution, when it was rated at 759/. ,1, 97 Vann and rS lord Ch^os." ^ 4 * * “ ^ of^orthamptL /andT^ Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 187, 188, 189, 190. qus- dam de fundatione hujus monafterii ex annalibus et regiftro de Winchelcombe, ex Will. Malmlhur. ct ex Leland. Colleft. vol. i. Et cartam regis Kenulphi fundatoris, dat. A. D. 81 1. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 854, 855. 856. bullam P. Alexandri 3. ecclefias villas et redditus Winchelcumbienfis eccl. recit. et confirm. Cartam Ricardi epife. Wigorn. de appropriationibus ecclefiarum, et quoedam hiftorica de abbatibus, ex regiftro de Winchcomb penes Will. Morton equ. aur. A. D. 1659. Hie magni valoris liber per yen. P. Rich. Kederminfter abbatem iftius ccenobii dignifiimum compilatus A. D. 1523. in flammis Londinenfibus periit A. D. 1666. Hujus operis quinque fuere partes. “ 1. De fundatione sedis “ et Uude fundatoris. 2. De privilegiis, portionibus, “ et penfionibus ejufdem. 3. De privilegiis et Cartis “ regum. 4. De fingulis dominiis et pofteffionibus “ monafterii a regibus, principibus, aliifque fidelibus “ chriftianis per tempora et vices eidem conceflis. “ 5- De abbatum nominibus” [a Gepmano A. D. 988. fcil. ad Rich, autorem A. D. 1487.] « et qua; “ quifque eorum in commodum et utilitatem domus “ noftra; contulerit.” Hate ex praefatione in Mon. Angl. i. 188. In Atkyns’ Glbcefterfhire, p. 821. of the foundation of this abbey: p. 826. tranflations of the charters in the Monafticon: p. 231. of tithes in Alton Somervil, p. 232. in Alton Subedge, p. 256. in Battesford : p. 289. of the manor of Bledington fometime, and of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 301. of the lordlhip ofBroadwell anciently: p. 306. of tithes in Buckland : p. 327. of the manor and im¬ propriate church of Charlton-abbots : p. 357. of the manor of Stoke-archard anciently: p. 370. of tithes in Condicut : p. 372. of the manor of Cow-Honiborn and tithes there: p. 443. of tithes in Frampton Cote- rell : p. 461. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Hallcton : p. 462. of the manor of Yanworth : p. 467. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Hawling: p. 468. ol the manor and church of Roell : p. 544. of tithes in Longborough : p. 550. of the ma¬ nor and advowfon of the redtory of Long Marlton : P- 55S- fkhes' in Mickleton : p. 565. of the manor of Naunton: p. 582. of iv/. yearly out of the manor of Norleach : p. 615. of the manor and chapel of Adminton : p. 632. of tithes in Saintbury, p. 641. in Seifincot : p. 644. of the manor of Sherborne : p. 660. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Snowlhill : p, 684. of the manor of Staunton : p. 703. of the advowfon of the redtory of Swidley : p. 706. of the manor of Upper Swell aiici- ently : p. 789. of the manor and impropriate redtory of Twining: p.809. of tithes in Wefton-fubedve • p. 814. of lands in Whittington : p. 821. of the ma¬ nor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Winchcomb : p. 824. of the manor of Coats- p. 846. of lands in Withington. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 98. 409. vol. ii. p. 26?. vol. iii, p. 71, i6r. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 74, vol. viii, p. g-g, ‘ In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 160. cartam abbatiae de Winchecumba de militibus fuis feffatis. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, p. 209. an account of this abbey, and a' catalogue of the abbats. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 275. a catalogue of the abbats from Mr. Willis. Year Books, 7 Hen. 4. Hill. 12. Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 619. of lands in Great Alne. Regiftrum penes R. V. Sam. Fell S. T. P. A. D. 1630. mf. Excerpta ex hoc regiftro, mf. penes dom. Jac. Morton, et inter colledt. cl. Dodfworth. mf. Bodl vol. I xv. f. 1. Annales mf. de Winchelcomb ab incarnatione Domini Chrifti ad A. D. 1205. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius , E. iv. 1. Walteri de Wykwane abbatis de Winchcomb perquifita fpintuaha et temporalia, una cum ejufdem monafterii conftitutiombus et ordinationibus per eundem fadtis, mf. in ead. bibl. Cotton. Cleop. B. ii. 15. Colledlanea Briani Twyne, £ 533, &c. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 261. f. 137. de’ dedicatione ec- ciefiJE de Winchelcombe : mf. 7520. nomina abbatum, A book of the poflefiions of Winchelcombe Abbey, by inquifition, temp . Hen . 8. in the Remembrancer's office. Regiftrum dom. Joan. Chettingham abbatis Wynche- - Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 473. Before A. D. 974. Hilt. Ramef. inter Viginti feript. edit, per cl. Galeum, p. 400. 412- combe, XXXIII. G L d C E combe, faftum per eundem abbatem, A. D. 1422. continens cartas 515. paginas 505. in fol. pergam. mf. Rentale maneriorum monafterii Winchombie fadlum A- D- *355 ,. Rentalia dommiorum, maneriorum, redtoriarum, firma- rum, terrarum, et tenementorum pertinentium eccle- fiae .B. Mari® Virginis et S. Kenelmi regis et mar- tyris de Wynchecombe renovata ad fcftum S. Mi- chaelis Archangeli, anno regis Hen. 8. primo, mf. Thefe three laft mil', with feveral original charters relating to this monaftery, are in (jhe hands of Sir John Dutton of Shireburn in Glocefterfhire. Cart, antiq. E. n. 8. fcil. regis Joan, confirm, donatio¬ ns Gulielmi Atrebatenfis de Halyngs, Hafelton, &c. Pat. 8 Hen. 3. m. 11. Fin. 8 Hen. 3. m. 10. Pat. 12 Hen. 3. m. 1, Pat. 16 Hen. 3. p. 2. m, n.de firma villas de Winchomb, hundred, de Kpftefgate Holford, et Gretefdon : Cart. 35 Hen, 3. m. 6.° ’ Pat. 3 Ed. i. m. 23. dprfo, de communia pafturas in Rowenalne: Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Enneftan appro- prianda: Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22 vel 27. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. pro manerio de Rowell perquirendo ab abbate S. Ebrulfi : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. xi. de medietate gurgitis de Framelode in aqua Sabrinae. STERSHIRE. Pat. 3 Ed.3. p. 2, m. . Pat. 13 F.d. 3. p. 2. m. 17. pro ten. in Dry-merfhton : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. fn. 13. in qua recitaqtur carte du® regjs Hen. 3. quod Tint quieti de theolonio: Pat. 23 ^d. 3. p. 1. m. 25. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p x. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 3. in. 3. pro ten. in Snowfhull et Wor- mington P. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 24. pro eccl. de Twening approfirianda : Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. Pat 43 Ed. 3. p. x. m. 34. pro ten. in Honeybourne. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 25. Pat 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28c tic. 14 Rm, 2. n. 132. Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 7. pro hundredis et aljis Hbertatib^xs : Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. ra,. .4, Cla,uf. xj Ric. 2. . m. 9. de hundredis de Kif- telgate, Halford, et Gretton : Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m, 13. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 14. pro ten. in Cotes : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. in. . Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 18. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 16. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. pro eccl. de Bladington appropnanda : Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 20. Pat 10 Hen. 4. p. i m. 13. pro ten. in Wynnch pro cantar. dotanda : CJauf. 12 Hen. 4. m. 20. Pap I2wqu 6 • P- ?• «• Clauf- 3* Hen. 6. m. . 1 at. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. in. 2. Rec. in fcacc. i Ed. 4 Hill. rot. 15. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p , m. 4. Ong. 9 Ed. 4. rot. 27, 28. Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. 1, in.. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . * p rema!n«P|!^L‘ “ Thtre W2S °nCC an hofpital in this town> but now the name of Spittle only XXXIV. WOOD CHESTER. Monastery destroyed. Gueta wife to earl Godwin is faid to Have built a Religious houfe here to make amends for her hufband’s fraud at Berkley 0 e XXXV. WOTTON UNDER EDGE. Crossed Friers Licence was granted, 23 Ed. 3. to . to found here, and endow with lands to the yearly value of ten pounds, a houfe of Croffed or Crouched Friers. h Fide in Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 852.' ex rot. pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. de quadam domo fcolarium ibidem facienda, et pro ten. ibid, cumb, et Woodmancote. et in Ruttele, Stan- For GolDcliff placed in this County, Mon. Angl. fee below in Monmouthshire! For Kingswood fee in Wiltshire. For Heanbiri fee in Worcestershire. HAMPSHIRE. I. A N D E W E L L, or Enedwell\ A^HerHo^rA n Cel1 t0 TY™™ ™s fruate in this county between Bafingftoke rail ot 22 S ° T ge‘ 7c 15 Pr!°ry IS me,ntioned in the Lincoln taxation, and in the ffmous but fhnnl7^7 \ FhisandS. Crofs are reckoned among the houles of the Benedidtine order Rymer iv. ** °f ^ Clftertian’ lf cells t0 Tyrone> as theY are accounted Mon. Angl. i. lQ36, ^AnSh11, a,i£m'S‘ 48 Ed- 3‘ de de In Hutchin's Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 4+7. 0f the advow. ion of the redlory of Bradford Peverell. 1 Iceland. Itin. vol. iv. n ne . 4, . J ■ J - “ reg* r. te"S °f thC °f K- HCnry * Dr- « Baftt to thei^S rtSoVC/oKr " ^ ^ ^ II. ANDOVER, tl. HAMPSHIRE. II. ANDOVER. t. Alien Priory. The church of St. Mary here, with the appurtenances, viz. a hyde of land, feveral rents, &c. being given to the French abbey of St. Florence at Salmur in Anjou by K. William the Conqueror, it became a cell to that monaftery. It was with other alien priories feized into the king’s hands during the wars with France, temp. Ed. 3. but reftored, 1 Hen. 4. and finally diffolved by the ftatute 2 Hen. 5. in which fame year it was granted to the college of St; Mary near Winchelter, and confirmed by K. Edw. 4. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 552. pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. et pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 23. recit. per Infpex. donationes Will. Conq. et aliorum. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 135- pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 7. m. 31. confirm, hunc prioratum collegio Winton. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. viii. p. 102. pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. de reftauratione ejufdem. In Cowell’s Interpreter, &c. Loud. 1701. f. in verb. Appertain. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 532. f- 49. recorda nonnulla de ecclefia de Andeura. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 18. Plac. in com. Southamt. 20 Hen. 3. rot. 18. Plac. foreftae in com. Southamt. temp. Ed. 3. rot. 16. dorfo, et rot. 21. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 28. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 27. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 23. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. 2. Hospital. An hofpital here dedicated to St. John and St. Mary Magdalene', as ancient as the reign of K. Henry 3. It confifted of a matter, and both brothers and filters. Vide pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. 8. Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 14. rex conceffit clerico fuo Joanni de Derby cuftodiam quod poffint includere placeam ex oppofito hofpitali hofpitalis fui S S. Joannis Baptiftse et B. Mariae Mag- pro capella conftruenda : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . dalenre de Andover. III. APELDERCOMB, or Apple Durwell, in the ijle of Wight. Alien Priory. This manor being given about the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 3. to the abbey of St. Mary de Montilburg in Normandy by Ifabella de Fortibusd, it became a cell of^ Benedidtine monks to that monaftery', and had the fame fate with other alien priories, of having its lands feized during the wars with France, and of being diffolved 2 Hen. 5. After which, in 20 Hen. 6 f. it was given to the Minoreffes without Aldgate, and confirmed to them 1 Ed. 4. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 571. rot. Aleman. 13 Rot. pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 10 et 26. Ed. 3. m. 6. dorfo. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 992. pat. 7 Ed. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 7. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 27. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 104. p. 1. m. 8. In Worfley’s Hiftory of the Ifle of Wight, p. 181. of Pat. I Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 10. the foundation and endowment of this priory. IV. SOUTH BADEISLEY. Templars. A preceptory of the Knights Templars, and after of St. John of Jerufalem, valued at 118/. i6r. 7 d. per ann. granted to Sir Tho. Seymor 31 Hen. 8. and to Sir Nicolas Trock- morton, 5 Ed. 5. but reftored to the Hofpitalers 4 and 5 Phil, et Mar. Vide in Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 216. of tithes in Langton Matravers. Excerpta ex regiftro penes praenobilem . ducem Portlandiae, cui titulus Kalendarium omnium carta- rum et munimentorum de Godesfeld, Badellegh et Rughenham, et omnium aliorum maneriorum ad dic¬ tum manerium de Godesfeld pertinentium in com. Southampt. renovat. per Will. Hulles preceptorem de Badellegh, 21 Ric. 2. mlT. in bibl. Harleiana, 6602, 6603. n. 2. V. BASINGSTOKE. Hospital. K. Henry 3. founded an hofpital here, A. D. 1261. at the inftance, and upon the eftate of Walter de Merton, who gave by his will four hundred and fifty marks to purchafe lands for the better endowment of it, for the maintenance of aged and impotent priefts ; and after the foundation of Merton college in Oxford the incurable fcholars or fellows of that college were par¬ ticularly to be fent hither b. It was dedicated to St. Mary and St. John Baptift. The mafterlhip was very early annexed to the wardenfhip of Merton college, Oxon. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 459- clauf. 52 Hen. 3. This is alfo in Prynne’s Records, vol. ii. p. 1038. m. 5. dorfo, pro cantaria in didto hofpitali fundanda. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. clauf. 9 Ed. 1. m. 8. C MS. St Lo Kniveton, penes Pet. Le Neve arm, Norroy. * Mr. Speed makes one Nicholas Spencer and Margaret his wife to have been founders of this priory : but I find no men¬ tion of them except in pat. i Hen. 4. p. x. m. 26. which is a confirmation of a leafe made by one of the priors here to Nic. gpenfer. c Here were only a prior and two monks in the thirteenth year of K. Edward 3. Mon. Angl. i. 571. f Collect, magiftri Stow ex rec. in Turri, mf. penes Jo, Anllis arm. s “ Si regritudo [fcholaris] fit incurabilis, per qnod ad viflum “ fuum alias confequendum aptus non fuerit, in hofpitali de “ Bafingftoke, quod dominus rex in meo territorio precum “ mearum inftantia cenfuit fundandum, fuftentationem perpe- “ tuam pro viribus hofpitalis habeat competentem.” Statnt. coll. Merton, cap. iv. See alfo cap. xxxix. Rot. V. HAMPSHIRE. Rot. clauf. 46 Hen. 3. m. 2. de fundatione. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 17. dc me(T. et cl. acris terrae, &c. in Ivvoode. Brev> 7 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 9. Clauf. 3 Ed. 3. m. 17. Clauf. 10 Ed. 3. m. 29. quod cuftos fcholarium de Merton fit magifter hofpitalis : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . rex revocat praefentationem fuam faclam Joanni de Hamclton ad cuftodiam hofpl- talis S. Joannis de Bafingftoke, quia informatus fuit cuftodiam ejufdem pcrtinere cuftodi et fcholaribus domus de Merton in Oxon. et pertinuifte a tempore fundatioms. Inquif. Southamt. 4 vel 5 Hen. 4. n. 12. VI. DE BELLO LOCO REGIS, or Beaulieu, in the New Foreft. CisTERTIAN Abbey. Here K. John, A. D. 1204 h. built and endowed an abbey for thirty Ciftertian monks, to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary, whofe yearly revenues, at the diflolu- tion, amounted to 326/. 13.1. 2 d. ob. q. Dugd. 428/. 6s. 8 d. q. Speed. The fite was granted, 30 Hen- 8. to Tho. Wriothefley efquire. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 925, 926. notulas duas de fundatidne, ex miT. Cotton. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 24. n. 80. per Infpex. recit. cartam fundationis: P. 931. nomina abbatum, ex regiftro Newenhamenfi mf. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 92r. clauf. 6 Joan. m. 13 et 19. dorfo, pro mdificatione abbatiae promovenda. In Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 44. excerpta ex carta fun¬ dationis: vol. iii. p. 149. catalogum quorundam codd. mlf. in bibl. hujus abbatiae. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 204. et App. 24. the names of fome abbats. In Prvnne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 180. pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 14- In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 537. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Minfterworth. Year Books, 8 Hen. 6. Hill. n. 19. Regiftrum cartarum monafterii B. Mari* de Bello Loco in agro Southamptonenft de maneriis, redditibus, con- , fuetudinibus, appropriationibus ecclefiarum, compo- fitionibus, privileges, aliifque ad idem monafterium pertinentibus, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Nero , A. xu. 1. Excerpta ex regiftro hujus abbatiae penes illuftriffimum ducem Portlandiae, in bibl. Harleiana, miT. 6602, 6603. n. 3. In eadem bibl. mf. 433. f. 133. letter to the abbat of Beuley to appear before the king and council with all and every fuch muniments and writings, by which he claimed to have a fanctuary at Bewley, 1 Ric. 3. mf. 892. p. 90. of the converfion of the abbats dining- hall into the parilh church: mf. 6748. f. 17. cartam R. Joannis: mf. 6805. n. 7. charter containing the grant of a free warren and other privileges. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. lv. f. 53. no¬ mina abbatum: vol. cx. f. 123. de abbatia de Beau¬ lieu. In mf. Dodfworth. vol. lxxviii. f. 116. citatur liber ab- b atis de Bello Loco R. in bibl. Cotton. Vitell. F. 1. fed deeft in catalogo Smithiano. Cartas quafdam originales hujus abbatiae, penes V. cl. Joannem Anftis arm. quern penes collectanea qusdam magiftri Thynni de abbatibus. Cart, antiq. R. Joan. G. 15. Rot. de terris Norman. 6 Joan. n. 221. de terris in Selferton: Clauf. 6 Joan, m. 20. de manerio de Selftone [Oxon.] Plac. apud Weftm. 13 Joan. Hill. rot. 12. de advoc. eccl. de Stanton : Cart. 16 Joan. m. 4. n. 22. de fervitio Ro- geri de Kively burgenfis Briftol. Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 2. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 4. de com- mun. paftur. in Nova Forefta: Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 14. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 1. de Soberton et Flex- lond : Pat. 19 Hen. 3. m. 2 vel 3. de carucat. c. terrae in Nova Forefta: Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 3. de ccxxxix. acris in Nova Fo¬ refta, et libertatibus in Farendon: Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 13. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. pro aflartis et includendis lx. acr. vafti apud Nutley juxta Norbiry: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed 2. p. I. m. 22. de me(T. et terr. in Wipping- ham : Ibid. m. 24. de me(T. et terr. in Catfield : Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. de terris in Upton et Holebury : Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n 35. Ibid. n. 40. pro mercat. apud Cheping Farendon [Berkf.J Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 4. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 13. Ibid. p. 2. m. 12. de decern marc, reddit. in Helfton [Corn.J Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 33. de melT. et terr. in Hippele et Suthinton: Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. de terr. in Hippele: Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 6. de terris in Schulton, Farndon, &c. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 19, 20. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. de eexx. acris vafti in Nova Forefta: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24.. dorfo. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 80. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 27. de appropriatione eccl. de Kaverham ' [Corn.J et de reddit. in Helfton : Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33 vel 34. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. S. Kyerani [Corn.J Clauf. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. de maner. de Inglilham et Farendon: Efc. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. n. 122. de feodo ducis Lancaftr. in Telton : Cart. 39 Ed. 3. n. 6. pro lib. war. in Ide, Ippele, Holebury, Coleburye, Sober¬ ton, Burgate, Upton, et Wippingham [Southamt.] Cokefwell Magn. et Parv. Wyke, Inglelham, Faren¬ don P. et Shulton [Berkf.J et Tregonan [Corn.] Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten in Wippingham et Middleton: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. hr. 17. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. de libertat. m S. Kyverano [Corn.] Plac. de foreft. [Southamt.] temp. Ed. 3. rot. 13. dorfo, et rot. 18 et 21. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. rrt. 16. Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 11. de commun. paftur. in forefta de Bere pro tenentibus abbatis in Soberton : Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 4. de Caldecote et mo- lendino vocat. Kymuemxill [Berkf.J Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m, 2. Inquif. Cornub. 5 vel 8 Hen. 4. n. 7. de terris et bonis abbatiae vaftatis: Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 21. pro eccl. de Newchurch [Ve£L] approprianda : Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Clauf. 11 Hen. 4. m. 1. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 29. de manerio de Soperton. Inquif. Berkf. 2 Hen. 5. n. 8. de manerio de Wike, gaola de Ferendon, et reparatione vise regiae inter Farendon etRodcote: Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 5. Hill, rot. 47. de Caldecote juxta Farendon et moldndinO ibidem : Ibid. 5 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 26. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 2. Efc. Southamt. n. 71. de manerio de Eft Ramelford [Veift.J perquifito in ma- num mortuam fine licentia : Rec. in fcacC. 6 Hen: 6. Pafch. rot. 10 et 11. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 25 vel 26. Cart. 8, &c. Ed. 4-. n. 7. pro mercat. infra clauftmi monafterii, feria apud Cheping Farendon, pro commun. paftur. in foreftis de La Bere et Porcheftre, wrecco maris, et aliis liber¬ tatibus. J1 A. D. 1201. Mf. Annal. Parcolude. 1205. Matth. Paris; A. D. 1246. where I find that the church was not finilhed and dedicated till * Forfan reflius Kyeraru Tt VII. BRO- VII. HAMPSHIRE. VII. B R o M E R E. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons founded by Baldwin de Redveriis or Riveriis and Hugh his uncle*, about the latter end of the reign of K, Henry i‘. St. Michael was the patron iaint of this monaftery m ; which, about the time of the fuppreffion, confifted of a prior and nine canons", and was endowed with 154/. 14 s. id. ob. per ann. Dugd. 200/. 5 s. id. ob. Speed The fite and great part of its pofleffions were granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Henry marquis of Exeter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 201. cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 43. recit. confirm. R. Hen, 1. Ibid. p. 202. cartam Ma- nafleri Bifet, ex autogr. in officio Armorum. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 82. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 100. of the manor of Pimpern. In Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 193. of the impropriate redtory of Brading. In cl. Madoxii Formulari Anglicano, p. 22. compofi- tionem inter domum canonicorum de Brumore et do- mum mulierum leprofarum et fratrum de Bradeleia, fuper ecclefia de Rocheburna : p. 368. quietam cla- mationem de eadem ecclefia: p. 39. cartam Henrici epifc. Winton. de confirmatione omnium privilegio- rum : p. 84. conventionem inter priorem et conven- tum ac Rogerum De la putte et Editham uxorem ejus, de tenemento in villa de Brunmore : p. 92. indentu- ram de duabus croftis in Godelhulle et una acra et dimidia terras in Brommore traditis Alicix Monek : p. 129. demiflionem tenementi inPortebury: p. 135. cartam Willelmi de Brinkewrthe de tota terra fua in Rokeburne: p. 163. excambium propartis terra, bofci et paftura in Cuffifwode cum acra terra in Roke- burne inter priorem et conventum et Johannem Byfet militem : p. 180. cartam Robert! filii Ligerii de ven- ditione cujufdam gravre : p. 292. cartam Henrici epifc, Winton. de ecclefia de Rocheburne : p. 298. cartam Walteri filii Gerardi de Chelca de dimidia virgata terra: p. 313. cartam Alionora reginae ut prior et conventus poffint includere et habitare IV acras terr* in balliva de Godefhulle. In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houfes, &c. printed at the end of Mr. Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 633. of 20 s. yearly from the parfonage of Stanton- Drew : p. 638. of 9. marks yearly from the manor of Portbury. Rot. cart. 20 Hen. 3. n. 5. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. n. u. Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 38. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . [bis.] Inquif. 6 Ed. 2. n. 175. de decimis xci. acr. in Bolre infra Nov. Foreftam : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Bording in Infula Ve£tis approprianda. Plac. foreftae in com. Southamt. temp. Ed. 3. rot. 13. 19 et 21. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. de ten. in Ford, Netherbugate, et Baymore. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 34. Efc. 14 Hen. 6. poll mortem Joannis ducis Bedf. de vm. quart, falis in granario com. Sarifb. apud Cane- ford percipiendis : Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. VIII. BURTON, or Berton, in the •parijh of Wipingham, in the Ifle of Wight. College. About A. D. 1282. John de Inlula redlor of Shalfleet and Thomas de Winton reftor of Godfhill founded here an oratory dedicated to the Holy Trinity, confiding of fix chap¬ lains and one clerk, who were to officiate for the living and the dead under the rules of St. Au- guftin. The bifhop of Winchefier was patron, into whofe hands it was furrendered 18 Hen. 6. and by his procurement was granted to Winchester college. Vide Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 177. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 103. Rot. pat. 13 Ed. j. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. . Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. pro terris in Wipingham concefT. per Jo. de Cho- kenhall. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. m. 14 vel 15. Efc. Southamt. 7 Hen. 6. n. 65. Clauf. 7 Hen. 6. m. 10. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. Clauf. 19 Hen. 6. m. 35. dorfo. IX. CARESBROOKE , m the Ifle of Wight. Alien Priory. William Fitz Olbern, kinfman and marffial to K. William the Conqueror, and earl of Hereford, having founded” the abbey of Lyre in Normandy, endowed the fame about A. D. 1071. with federal polfeffions in England, among others, with the church of St. Maryp in Carelbrook, wherein a prior and fome Black monks from that foreign monaftery were foon after fettled. This alien priory, with all its pofleffions, was feized by K. Edward 1. and 3. and by K. Richard 2. it was given, during the wars with France, to the abbey of Mountgrace in Yorkffiire. K. Henry 4. reftored it to its own prior, that king granted it to the Charter houfe at Shene. Tide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 968. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 11. de conceffione hujus prioratus coenobio de Mountgrace : P. 975. Cartufienfibus de Shene, ex cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 5. m. 8. Ibid. tom. ii: p. 905, &c. progeniem fundatoris: Cartas Baldwini com. Exon, confirm, omnes pofleffiones ab- batiae de Lyra in infula Wiht; Will, de Vernun de duabus marcis annuatim percipiendis in Novo-Burgo; Will. com. Devon, confirm, pofleffiones; et R. k Hugo de Courtney was patron A. D. 1327. reg. Winton. 1 The confirmation charter in the Monafticon, laid to be king Henry the Second’s, will appear to be king Henry the Firft’s, not only from the ftyle of the king, but from the Tefte ; Milo de Gloucefter conftable being dead long before the reign of K. Henry a. g dmolved by adt of parliament, temp. Hen. 5. by him founded. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, donatorum conceffiones, ex regiftro cartarum Carefbrocenfis coenobii in infula Ve&is: P. 985. habetur ex regiftro Lirenli eadem carta R. Hen. 2. et p. 987. confirmatio Henrici epifc. Winton. In Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 163. of the foundation and endowment of this priory, and tranflations of the charters- of K. Stephen, K. John, and William de Vernun : p. 185. of the chapel of St. Auftin pro le- “ He only has hitherto occurred to me as fuch iu the charters in the Monaft. and Madox, and elfe where ; but Mr. Speed hath joined the Holy Trinity and St. Mary. n MS. Corp. Chriit. coll. Cant. ® Du Monftrier’s Neuftria Pia, p. 5^4. p Reg. Winton. Not St. Mary Magdalen, as Speed. profis: IX. H A M P H I R E* S nrofis: p, 204. of the churches of Newchurch, p.211. and of Niton: p. 212. of the manor and church df (Jodfhill, p. 22 J- of the churches of Arreton, p. 228. of Whippingham, p. 268. and of Frefhwater: Ap¬ pend. p. cxx. cartam Richerii Triftram de terris in Affeton. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. viii. p. 104. pat. t Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. Cartularium hujus prioratus penes dom. Ric. Worfeley baronetum. Rot. pit. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2- rrt. 2. Efc. 19 Ed. 3. n. jii ubi inquifitio de valore terrarum tenem. et omnium reddituum ad hunc prioratum pertinentium : Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. I. rri. 14. Quxre, De Iibro vetiifto prioratus de Carefbrook, quem dom. Rob. Gloverius Somerfet oftendit cl. Camdcno. Camd. De infulis Britannicis. X. C H A L E, in the IJle of Wight. Hermitage. An hermitage upon an hill here is mentioned in the Winchefter regifters A. D. H12’* XI. St. CROSS, in the Jfe of Wight. Alien Priory. Before A. D. 1155'. here was a priory or hofpital dedicated to the Holy Crofs, which occurs in the Lincoln taxation, 20 Ed. 1. and, amongft the alien priories, 25 Ed. i*. it was* a cell to the abbey of Tirone in France ; and on the fupprelfion of thefe houfes was granted to the college of Winchefter. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1036. ex rot. Pipae, 13 Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10 vel 11. £3 Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . rex dedit Joanni de Cowefhall Rymeri Feeder, vol. iv. p. 248. ex clauf. I Ed. 3. cuftodiam hofpitalis S. Crucis in infula Vedlis ad to- p, , 22. tam v>tam. V/orfeley’s Ille of Wight, p. 181. XII. E L I N G H A M. Alien Priory. The tithes of the parifh church of All Saints, with the chapel of St. Mary1 here, were the firft and chief endowment of an alien priory, cell to Saviour’s Le Vicomte in the diocefe of Conftances in Normandy ', to which it was given by William de Solariis, A. D. 1 163 u. After the fuppreftion of thefe houfes, the rent referved to the crown out of this was given by king Henry 6. to Eaton college", to which K. Edward 4. gave the redtory of Elingham. Vide cartas, &c. in archivis coll. Eton, pyxide 12. clamat privilegia infra Novam Foreftam, &c. et Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 40. oftendit cartam dom. Hen. regis, &c. Eat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. Plac. foreftx in com. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 24. Southamt. temp. Ed. 3. rot. 16. prior de Elingham XIII. FORDINGBRIDGE. Hospital. An old hofpital dedicated to St. John, annexed to St. Crofs in Winchefter x, as Speed and Godwyn, or given to King’s college in Cambridge, as Leland r. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 103. XIV. GODESFIELD. Knights Hospitalers. Henry de Blois bilhop of Winchefter2 gave this place to the Knights of St. John at Jerufalem, whereupon it became an Hofpital or Preceptory of that order. Vide in Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 276. a grant of an Efc. Southamt. 46 Ed. 3. n. 71. poft mort. Eliz. de acre of land from this houfe. Windfor, de terris in Afheje. XV. G O D S H I L L, in the Jfe of Wight. College. The parifh church here was early appropriated to the abbey of Lira, or to Caref¬ brook its cell. But Mr. Speed mentions as here alfo a college and a grammar lchool founded by John Worlley. ft “ Id. Ott. A. D. 1312. Walter de Langfterell admiftus ad “ heremitorium fupra montern de Chale in infula Vettis.” For Girard prior de S. Cruce is one of the witnefies to a grant made by Will, de Vernun fon of earl Baldwin (who died A* D. 1155.) to the monks of Quarrar. Anftifii Afpilog. mf. •348. ex bibl. Harl. 55 D. 22. s Prynne, vol. iii. p. 713. 'Hence fometimes, “ S. Salvatoris de Conftantino,” or, “ in “ Conftantino.” Collett. Tho. Martin, ex archivis Eton. p. 69. * Mon. Angl. iii. p, ii. p. 199. XVI. HAILING, * The mafter and brethren of St. Crofs granted (among other things) the advowfon of this hofpital to William biihop ot Win¬ chefter, as appears by clauf. 34 Hen. 6. m. 1. But the Win¬ chefter regifters fpeak of this hofpital as apciently in the pa¬ tronage of the bilhops ; vide regiftr. fcpiic. Pontiffara in A. D. 1283. ^ y Itin. vol. iii. p. 103. * Mon. Angl. ii. 510. This was probably afterwards annexe.d to BaddefTey ; for 21 Ric. 2. the cartulary of Godesfeld, Bade- flegh, and Ruggenham, was renewed by W. Hulles preceptor .of Badddley, as mfif. in bibl. Harleiana, 6602, 6603. XVI. HAMPSHIRE XVI. HAILING, olim Haringeye. Auen Priory. K. William . . and afterwards K. Henry i. having given the church, tithes and greateft part of the land in this ifiand to the abbey of St. Peter at Gymeges in Normandy, it became a cell of Benedi&ine monks thereunto. After the fupprefiion of the alien priories, K. Henry 5. beftowed this on his new foundation of Carthufians at Sheene, and when that was difiolved K. Henry 8. anno regni 33. granted the priory of Hailing to the college of Arundel, in exchange for forne other eftate. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 975- tom. ii. p. 977. et p. 978. cartam de Haringey per regem Henricum primum. Neuftriam Piam, per du Monftrier, p. 324. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Ayde de Roy, § 5. In Dr. Archer’s Account, Sic. p. 635. of the impro¬ priate reftory of Chewton. Plac. de banco, 26 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 26. de decimis infulse contra vicarium. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. . m. . Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 1. XVII. H A M E L E, or Hamelrife. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Ciftertian a monks, cell to the abbey of Tirone in Franceb, dedicated to St. Andrew'. Thefe monks were fettled here in the time of Henry Blois bilhop of Winchefterd ; and, after the foreign houfes were fuppreffed, this came to New college in Oxford'. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 103. log. m. 1. 10, xi, 12. Rot. pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. XVIII. St. H E L E N’S, in the JJle of Wight. Alien Priory. A priory of Cluniac monks f, before A. D. 1155 s. who being aliens, their revenues were feized by KK. Edward 2. and 3. during their wars with France, but reftored by K. Henry 4. After the difiblution, the rent of it for a term of years was given by K. Henry 6. to Eaton college, and the priory itfelf was granted thereto 7 Ed. 4. But the lame K. Edward 4. anno reg. 14. gave it to Windlbr college. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 199. Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 199. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. ii. p. 840. Rymeri Feeder, vol. iv. p. 247. et vol. viii. p. 824. Year Books of Ed. 3. vol. i. f. 201. Cartas, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpe&antes, inter muni. menta collegii Eton, pyxide 13. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6- Trin. rot. 14. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. r. m. 1, XIX. HYDE, vide WINCHESTER NEWMINSTER. XX. MEREWELLE, or Marwell Park. College. A college of four priefts founded by Henry of Blois bilhop of Winchefter, and augmented by Peter Roch and Henry Woodlock, two of his fuccefiors". In the chapel in the park was a chantry till the difiblution, which, with the lands thereunto belonging, was granted 5 Ed. 6. to Sir Henry Seymor. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 55. pat. 18 Ed. 2. 44 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 4. dorfo, de nominatione cape!- p. 2. m. 14. recit. cartam fundationis et ordinationes lani per regem, durante vacat. fedis Winton. ftabilitas per Petrum de Rupibus, A. D. 1226. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. pro eccl. de Stoke Epifcopi. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. ii. p. 979. clauf. XXI. MOTISFONT. Austin Canons. A priory of Auftin canons founded by William Briwere', in the beginning of K. John’s reign, and dedicated to the Floly Trinity. The number of Religious, which, by the foundation, were to be eleven , being reduced to three A. D. 1494. K. Henry 7. procured a bull * Speed calls them Cray monks, and not improperly; for fome of the Ciltertians were called Monachi Grifei, as thefe of Hamele particularly are. Leland. Itin. viii. 65. Blit this is no ground for the Colledt. Anglo-minorit. tr. ii. p. 140. to fettle a convent of Francifcan friers here at Hamele. b Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1035. c Gervafe of Cant, or Hen. Sulgrave’s mf. Leland. Itin. viii. p. 63. a The monks of Hamele, as holding the chapel of Brixenden, are mentioned in a charter of his to St. Crofs’ hofpital. Car- tular. S. Crucis, mf. p. 13. e Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 103. ' The Year Book hath “ The priorefTe of St. Helen but it Is falfely printed. s William prior of St. Elen’s being witnefs to a grant made to Quarrer abbey, before the death of Baldwin earl of Devon- lhire. Anftifii Afpilog. n. 340. ex.bibl. Harleyana, 33 D. it. h Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 316. 1 Founded by Ranulph Flambard bilhop of Durham, Richard de Ripariis earl of Devon, and Will, de Brewere, temp. W:U. Rujt. Speed. So alfo the author of Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. makes that bilhop of Durham to have founded four monks in this houfe of canons ; of which there is no mention in the Angl. Saer. among the adts of. that bilhop. It was in the pa¬ tronage of Maud daughter and heirefs of Patrick de Cadurcis, then a minor. Pat. iz Ed. 1. And lliortly after Henry earl ot Lancafter was patron, as reg. Winton. from XXI. H A M P S H I R E. from pope Alexander to fupprefs it, defigning firft to change it into a collegiate church for a dean and prebendaries , afterward to annex it to a chantry and hofpital he was about to build at Wind- 0IY’ ron vei^f3 hadhlf-avpn^A^ 'A mind' and thac ftately chapel at Weftminfter, the abbar and con ent had leave, A . D. 1500. to take poffcfTion of this monaltery : yet neither of thefe at¬ tempts eerns tohave taken effect ; but this houfe continued till the general fupprefTion, when Soeed and 28 H "7°™' 1UL ^ ^ oL P* DuS- 167/. ,5r. Satdyt SP d’ d’ 8 Hen‘ 8‘ “ W3S granted’ ln exchange for other eftates, to William lord Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 322, &c. ex cod. mf. in fcaccario penes rememoratcrem regis, de prima fun- datione et dotatione domus: cartas Willelmi Briwere de decimis dc eflartis fuis in Cadeber : ejufdem Wil- lelmi de terra in manerio de Muchelmare : ejufdem Willelmi de tota terra fua de Hulle : Margerii de la lerte nlias praedidti Willelmi donationes anteceflorum fuorum recit. et confirm. Hugonis de Coluncis con¬ firm. donationem Willelmi Briwere : P. 325. ex au- tog. penes Sam. Roper arm. cartam Pagani de Cha- vorciis de protedione. Notulam de hmredibus Will, de Breufe, ex Le Domsfday Books : Cart. 6 Joan. n. 85. donatorum concelliones recitantem et confirmantem. Year Books, 11 Hen. 4. Pafch. 14. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. xii. p. 562. 738. duas bullas P. Alexandri pro prioratu fupprimendo k. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 83. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 97. vol. iv. p. 10. Ill bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. Ixxvi. fol. 4. conventionem fa&am 21 Ed. 1. inter Reginaldum de San&o Martino et Robertum Walround ex parte una, et abfcatem 1 et conventum de Motesfont ex altera de paftura in Weft-Dean. Ibid. 'vol. Ixxi. f. 1, Sec. cartas quafdem Will. Briwere: Ibid. vol. Ixxi. f. 32. conventionem originalem inter Joannem de Burling¬ ton et conv. de Motesfont 22 Ed. 1. Ibid. vol. xcvii. l. 81. memorandum de Will. Briwere fundatore. Rot. clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 3. de bofeo de Smalecroft: Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 8. pro cc. acris in Wolton [Wilt.] Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 4. n. 41 et 42. Clauf. II Hen. 3. m. 12. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 30 Ed. i. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 23. de me(T. et terr. in Netherheldon et Bofinton: Ibid. m. 26. de eccl. S. Melani in Karrier [Corn.] Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. de terns in Berton Sacy : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. ig Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Efc. Southamt. 19 Ed. 3. n. 70. de libertatibus in maner. de Eling, Durley, Tumberbury, & c. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro ten. in Hakefton et Fitelton [Wilt.] Weft Foreft- bury [Berkf.] Bendy, Eftdene, &c. [Southamt.] Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. pro ten. in Motisfount, Romfey, Langftoke, &c. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 33 Vel 34. pro eccl. de Eerwik S. Jacobi approprianda. XXir. NETTELY , Lettely , Edwardftow0, or De loco S. Edwardi juxta Southampton. Cisterti AN Abbey. K. Henry 3. A. D. 1239P. founded an abbey here for Ciftertian* monks from Beaulieu r, and commended it to the patronage of St. Mary and St. Edward. About the time of the diffolution here were an abbat and twelve monks8, whofe poiffcllions were then valued at too/. 121. 8 d. per anti. Dugd. 160/. is. qd. ob. Speed. The fite was oranced, 28 Hen 8 to Sir Will. Paulet. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 933. cart, antiq. Hen. 3. anno 35. L. n. 26. de fundatione et dotatione hujus abbatire. Cart. Joan, de Warenna confirm, donatio¬ nem Rogcri de Clere de maner. de Schire, et autogr. in bibl. Hatton. 1640. In Madoxii Hift. Scaccarii, p. 468. ex plac. com. Mich. 34 et 35 Ed. 1. p. 1. rot. 14. de terris in Gomeftiulne [Surr.] ' Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 6g. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhirc, vol. i. p. 414. of tenements in Melcombe : p. 416. of lands in Radipole : vol. ii. p. 192. of mefl'uages and lands in Charlton. Rot. cart. 24 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart. 25 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. Vafcon. 26 Hen. 3. m. 2. Clauf. 30 Hen. 3. m. 20. Pat, 32 Hen. 3. m. 6. de aflartis in Welewe: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro mercato apud Hune, feria apud Weluwe, et lib. war. in aliis maneriis : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. n. 26. pro mercat. apud Weluwe. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . pro uno dolio vini annuatim : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 18. pro terris. See. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de terris in Weld et Lime: Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Hill, rot. 9 et 1 1. Plac. foreft. in com. Southamt. temp. Ed. 3. rot. 14 et 19 et 21. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. g. pro maner. de Manebngge perquirend. de com. Oxon. Pat. 4 Ed. 3 p. 2. m. . Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 89. Cart, c Ed. 2. n a! Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. ,2 Ed. 3. p 3, m ^ vel 5. Efc. Southamt. 32 vel 37 Ed. 3. n. 28. quod abbas tenet manerium de Tounhall per lerv. reparandi pontem de Mannefbrigge. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 35. recit. cartam 24 Hen. 3. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 18. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 14. pro iii. carucat. terrae, quarum quaelibet continet. c. acras, in Nova Forefta includendis, Sec. et ibid. m. 33. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 32. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 26. i?n.e ^efe is in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 349. , u h's. '? 'he only inftance I have met with, of the head < this houfe being (tiled abbat , which is probably a miftake of tl tranlcnber, or of the compilers of the catalogue of Oxford ml "> Neblele fuper Mare. Angl. Sacr. i. 5oj. Locus S. Edwara quam moderru Natele vocant. Madox’s Exchequer, p. 46. Eatale, Mf. tax. Lincoln. “ hl°"- Angl. and Leland. De Leto Loco, Speed, ho Godwin in the life of Peter de Rupibus bilhop of Wir Shelter, whom he makes founder; as doth Leland. Cclleft. i. 69. He might intend, or perhaps begin, this monafterv, but died" 5 Id. Jul. 1338. and hence Weaver makes this bilhop Peter founder of the priory of Edwardfton in Suffolk. P Annal. Waverly, et Anna!. Parcolude mf. s Not Auguftin friers, as Speed. r Annal. Parcolude mf. ‘ MS. Corp. thrill, coll. Cant. U U XXIII. PORT- XXIII. HAMPSHIRE. XXIII. PORTC HESTER, or Southwyke'. Austin Canons. K. Henry i. A. D. 1133“. founded in the church* of St. Mary at Por- cefter a priory of canons of the order of St. Auftin, which feems to have been not long after re¬ moved to Southwyke, where it continued till the dilfolution, when it was valued at 2 57/. 4s. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 314/- tjs. l°d. ob. Speed; and the fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to John White. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 134. clauf. 53 Hen. 3. m. 8. recit. cartam R. Hen. 1. fundatoris. In Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 85. de fundatione : Vol. iii. p. 149. titulos quorundam codicum olim in biblio¬ theca hujus prioratus. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. T 1 5* Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 115. In Atkyns’ Glocefteifhire, p. 380. of lands in Dean. Fragmentum regiftri hujus coenobii, in bibl. Harleyana, mf. 317. Cartas, rentalia, computes, et alia munimenta ad hunc prioratum fpettantia, penes Ricardum Norton arm. de ead. Cart, antiq. R. Joan. C. 24. F.jufdem regis antiq. AA. n. 29. Cart. 5 Joan. p. t. m. 5. n. 32. pro terra de Dena: p. 2. n. 104. libertate 5 Joan. m. 7. Plac. apud Weftm. 4 Hen. 3* Hill. rot. 22. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 11. de mercat. et feria apud Suthwic. Pat. 6 Ed. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 18 Ed. I. m. . Com- tnun. de term. Hill. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 10. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 24. pro terris et eccleftis : Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 32. pro lib. war. in Southwyke, Weftbor- hunt, Bafevill, Hippley, Crotton, Stibinton juxta Portefey, Nova Terra, Anedefmere, Mundefmere, Elfefield, Dene, et Colmere [Southamt.J Fifhburne [Suflex.] et Clenfield [Oxon.j Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. de terris in Wanftede et Southwike: Ibid. m. 9. pro ecclefia de Swindon approprianda. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. in. 24 vel 2$. Pat. io Ed. 3. p, r> m. 37 vel 38. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. ni. 17 vel 18. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. rn. 10. de terris in Cronker et Farlington: Efc. 21 Ed. 3. Southamt. 11. 21. Cart. 25 et 26 Ed. 3. rh. 9. pro mercat. et feria apud Southwike et aliis libertatibus : Cart. 27 Ed. 3. m. g. n. 19. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p 3. m. 14. pro ten. in Por- tefmuthi Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. pro eccl. de Swindon: Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. pro manerio de Burhunt, &c. ten. in Portchefter, &c. eis amortizat. per Will. Wickham epifc. Winton. Plac. de forefta in com. Suthamt. temp. Ed. 3. rot. 21. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. de redditu in Stobirigtons Ibid. p. 3. m. 37. de maner. de Derte et Colmere: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. de maneriis de Hoo et Hannington : Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 32. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. Cart. 24 Hen. 6. n. 7 et 17. pro commun. paflur. in foreftis de Southbere et Porceftre, et aliis libertatibus : Cart. 25 Hen. 6. n. 25. de cuftodia prioratus tempore vacationum: Ibid. n. 34. de libera chacea et commun. paftur. in forefta de Southbere, et aliis libertatibus: Rec. in fcacc. 25 Hen. 6. rot. 12. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 22. XXIV. PORTESMOUTH. HospitAL. Peter de RupibUs bifhop of Winchefter founded here*, temp. JoanrnS, a famous liofpital y called God’s houfe, which was dedicated to St. John Baptill and St. Nicholas, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 33/. 1 gs. 5 ‘bid. p. 699. where fee an a A for finding a mafs pneft to ling in the faid priory. XXX. HAMPSHIRE. Cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. in archivis coll. Re¬ gius Oxon. Qusdam in archivis coll. Eton. mf. |%c. apud Weftm, 13 Joan. Mich. rot. 2. Cart, antiq. Q_Qi n. 48. de libertatibus in forefta de Pember. Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro ii. care£E bofei mortui fin- rruiis feptimanis in forefta de Pember. Rot. pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 32. de ii. caredf. mortui bofei fingialis feptimanis de ead. forefta pcrcipiendis. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. Efc. 13 Ed. 3. n. 59. ubi extenta ampla mancrii et ter- rarum et tenem. in com. Southamt. et Berkf. ad hunc prioratum fpedlantium : Bundcll. Benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. quod habent ad proprios ufus ecclefias de Brok- Iey, Whitcherch, Upton, et cap. de Chimbam. Clauf. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. . . Ed. 4. p. 4. m. . XXXI. SOUTHAMPTON. 1. Austin Canons. K. Henry 1 °. built a priory of Black canons upon the river almoft two miles above the town p, to the honor of St. Dionyfe or Dennis about the year 1124s. Here were a prior and nine Religious at the diflolution r, who were endowed with 80/. nr. 6d. per arm. Dugd. 91 /. 9s. Speed. The fice was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Francis Dawtrey. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 108, 109. cartas R. Hen. I. de dotatione hujus prioratus: R. Hen. 2. pro capellis in burgo de Hamptona: R. Stephani confirm, donationem Roberti de Limefeia de terra Betheflega: R. Ric. 1. pro Kingefland et bofeo vocato Portef- warde, ex cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 15. Cartam Gundredre de Warenna pro eccl. de parva Fageham, ex autogr. in bibl. Hatton: Cartam Humfridi de Bohun pro eccl. de Cheleworth, ex autogr. in officio armorum. Cartas Willelmi Mufard pro iii. folidatis redditus in Elleden : Walteri de Chalke pro duobus bifantiis an- nuis : Godefridi epife. Winton. confirm, donationem Willelmi Aliz. ex autographis in curia Augment. In Madoxii Formulari Anglicano, p. 39. cartam Hen- rici Winton. epife. de terra de Norham : p. 121. de- miffionem tenementi in Southampton: p. 196. car¬ tam Michaelis le Fraunces de tribus ftagiis in South¬ ampton : p. 241. cartam abbatis et conventus Rome- fienfis de corredio conceflo monachis S. Dyonifii: p. 248. cartam Galfridi Hofati de terris in Edboldin- ton : p. 278. conceffionem mefluagii in Southampton Ranulpho le Noreis : p. 358. cartam Arnoldi de la Mole de dimidia marca annuatim folvenda e meflua- gio in Southampton : p. 378. quietam clamationem Thomoe Daunger et Matillis uxoris de terris in South¬ ampton: p. 382. cartam Johannis de Bynedon de re- nuncialione juris fui in muro lapideo. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 69. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 110. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1761. f. 97. de fundatione can- tari^ per Gibertum filium Giberti de Popham. Cart, antiq. (Ric. 1. dat. Norvici) X. n. 30. Rot. cart. 2 Joan. n. 45. pro Kingfland, et bofeo vocat. Portefuiode, See. Clauf. 2 Ed. 1. m. 7. dorfo, de terris in Bereford : Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24. dorfo, de molendlno fubtus caftrum Sarifb. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. ult. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1 vel 2. m. 11. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 1. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 7. Cart, to Ed. 2. n. 17. pro terris, ecclefiis, Sec. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. licent. pro eccl. S. Crucis (tunc in medio vico fituat.) in alio loco conftruenda : Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 14. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 18. de manerio de Bereford. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 41. dorfo : Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 54. pro uno dolio vini rubei pro celebratione miflse an¬ nuatim percipiend. in portu de Southamt. a pincerna regis ibid. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. pro hofpitali S. Mariae Magda- lenae : Pat. 23 Ed. 3 p, 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. pro exemptione a reparatione pontis de Kingfmill fubtus Vet. Sarilb. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. ni. 37. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 41. dorfo. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. dorfo, et p. 3. m. 29. Cart. 11 Ric. 2. n. 7. Clauf. 13 Ric. 2. in initio: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 37. de hofpitali S. Mariae Mag- dalenae. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 6. pro capella S. Mariae Mag- dalenae : Ibid. m. 28. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18. Inquif. 10 Hen. 4. n. 4. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9, 10, vel 11. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ric. 3, Trin. rot. 20. pro terris in Bemerton [Wilt.] 2. God’s-house. Two merchants being brethren, one called Gervafius, (perhaps Gervafe of Hampton !) the other, Protafius, caufed the houfe wherein they dwelt in the i'outh eaft corner of this town to be turned into an holpital for poor folks, and endowed it with fome lands temp. Hen. 2. This was augmented by feveral benefactors ; its chapel is dedicated to St. Julian, from whence It is often called the hofpital of St. Julian, but generally God’s houfe. The patronage and mafter- fnip was given by K. Edward 3. at the inftance of his queen Philippa, to the provoft and fellows of Queen’s hall or college in Oxford, which fhe had founded, in whom it continues to this day. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 439. pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Ibid, p. 440. cartam ejufd. regis, anno 17. de cuftodia hof- pitalis concefla aulte Reginas Oxon. Ibid. p. 441, clauf. 8 Ric. 2. m. 9. dorfo, de immunitate decima- rum et quintarum decimarum. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 13. pro prioratu de Shirburn. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 107. Ryleii Placita Parliamentaria. ° King Richard 1. founder. Speed. P Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. no. s After Will. Corboil was archbilhop of Canterbury, viz. A. D. 1 in. and before William bilhop of Wincheftcr died, in A. D. tn8. ' MS. Corp. Chrilt. coll. Cant. 1 Founded by Gervafe Le Rich burgefs of Southampton, who Cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. penes rev. V V. prtepo- fitum et focios collegii Reginenfis Oxon. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 14. Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. 5. pro cuftodia hofpitalis concefta collegio Reginas Oxon. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p, 2. m. 38. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ig. Clauf. 8 Hen. 4. m. . Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. iri. . made his brother firil warden.. It could not be founded by queen Philippa, as Magir. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. u. 800. be- caufe it was in being in the time of Peter de Rupibus bifhop of Wmchelter, who died feveral years before Ihe was born, viz. A. D. 1238. for in the plea recorded in Ryley there is mention ot a writing between that bilhop and the town of Southampton, relating to this hofpital. r X X 3. St. XXXI. HAMPSHIRE 3. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. The hofpital of St. Mary Magdalen here, for lepers, according to Mr. Speed, was confirmed by P. Alexander1 in the year 1179. but he is miftaken in making ft to be rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 1 61. i6r. 2 d. per ann. which was the valuation of an hofpital of the fame name in Winchefter; for this Maudlin hofpital in Southampton was long before an¬ nexed to the priory of St. Dennis. Vide Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 399. a yearly rent of initio: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 37. xii d, referved to this houfe. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 6. Inquif. 10 Hen. 4. n. 4. de Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . terris et redditibus ad hoc hofpitale olim pertinenti- Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 41. dorfo. bus, tunc fubftrattis. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. dorfo: Clauf. 13 Ric. 2. in 4. Grey Friers. Here was, in the fouth eaft part of this town, next the wall" an houfe or college of Francifcan or Grey friers, who were fettled here A. D. 1240*. Upon their diffolution the fite was given, 36 Hen. 8. to John Pollard ; and 5 Ed. 6. to Arthur Darcy. Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 156. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 122. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 107. Rot. pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 24. de quodam fonte in maner. de Shirle fratribus minoribus conceffo per Nich. de Barnflet, et licent. claudendi eundem muro lapideo, et aquam ducendi per aquoeduttum fubterraneum ufque ad fontem Achardi, et ab illo fonte ad ecclefiam dittorum fratrum, &c. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro manfo fratrum elar- gando. Regiftrum brevium fub tit. Ad quod damnum , de conduttu aquae a fonte vocat. Calwell. XXXII. T W I N H A M, -or Chriftchurch. Austin Canons. In the church of Chrift or the Holy Trinity here was a dean and twenty- four Secular canons in the time of K. Edward the Confeffor, who continued after the Conqueft, their college being new built by Ranulph Flambard bilhop of Durham, fometime dean here, and much encreafed in revenue by the elder Richard de Redvers earl of Devon, temp. Hen. 1. but earl Baldwin, fon to the faid Richard, about A. D. 1 1 50. procured that the Seculars fhould be changed into Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin x. The yearly revenues of this priory were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 312 1. 7 s. q. Dugd. 544/. 6s. SpeecD; and the fite of it was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to the inhabitants of the town ; and, 37 Hen. 8. to Steph. Kirton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 177, &c. hiftoriam fun- dationis, et cartas quatuor Ricardi, Baldvini, et Ri- cardi jun. comitum Devon, ex regiftro de Twinham in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius, D. vi. [quod videat lettor.] P. 179. progeniem fundatoris ex alio cod. Cotton. Vi 'tell. F. VIII. f. 104. b. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 45. cartam Henrici epifc. Win- ton. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm, ex bibl. Cotton. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. pi 68. vol. iii. p. 149. Year Books, 2 Hen. 4. Mich. 15. In Madoxii Formul. Anglican, p. 164. indenturam de meifuagio, terra, molendino, & c. in Thorp conceffis priori et conventui ecclefise Chrifti per abbatem et conventum de Quarreria pro annuo redditu xi. lib. fieri, p. 293. conceffionem unius hidae terrae in Hal- tuna Ida: de Haltuna. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 30. of the manor of Weftport: p. 83. of the impropriate rettory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage of Blandford-forum : p. 189. of lands in Corfe : p. 227. of the manor of Eafting- ton in Worth-Matravers : p. 486. of the manor, im¬ propriate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Piddleton : p. 544. of the manor and impropriate church of Fleet: vol. ii. p. 57. of 103*. and two quarters of corn yearly out of the manor of Hinton Martel: p. 84. of the manor of Barnfley: p. 119. of the manor of Henbury: p. 155' °f tithes in Ham- prefton: p. 189. of lands in Spettifbury : p. 212. of 50 r. yearly out of the manors of Tarent Monacho- rum and Chettle : p. 274* of lands in Wotton Glan- t It was in the patronage of the bifhops of Winchefter about A. D. 1300. “ Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 107. W Compare Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 196. with p. 179. con¬ cerning the time of the mayoralty of Bened. fil. Azonis, when this houfe was in being ; yet Stow, Leland, Speed, &c. make K. Henry 7. founder of this priory, which might perhaps be reformed by him into Obfervants. The collector of the Anglo- minoritica, p. ii. p. ii. makes K. Henry 3. to have built this houfe A. D. 1225. But quxre, for that was the firft year of vill, p. 313. in Child Ockford : p. 322. of the ad¬ vowfon of the rettory of Shrowton. In Worfeley’s Ifie of Wight, p. 207. of the manor of Apfe: p. 260. of the manor ofNingewood: p. 264. of tithe rabbits in Thorley and the advowfon of the church. In cl. Anftifii Afpilogia, n. 199. cartam Hadewifiae de Courtenay confirm, terram de Wicham : et n. zio. cartam Hugonis de Courtenay comitis Devon, ie Ed. 3. Cartas quafdam originales ad hoc coenobium fpettantes, penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy. Excerpta ex regiftro hujus coenobii, mf. in bibl. Cot¬ ton. Claudius , A. vui. 13. Ex regiftro hujus ccenobii vocato Speculum Prioris, et compofito A. D. 1372. collettanea cl. Rog. Dodf- worth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. lxxviii. f. 21. vol. cii. f. 94. Cart. 15 Joan. n. 7. pro manerio de Fleta: Cart. 16 Joan. m. 3. n. 17. de manerio de Fleta. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 5. pro lib. war. in Hurne, La Grave, La Brendefield, Welhampton, Henton, Apfe [South- amt.] Piddelton, Ilfyngton, et Fleet [Dorfet.] Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 25 Ed. 1. n. 7. Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 33. pro mercat. et feria apud Piddletoun [Dorfet.] Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 5. Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 17. 20 et 21. pro terris, ecclefiis, et libertatibus : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 20. et p. 2. m. 3- Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 15 Ed. 2. Pafch. . Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 9. Efc. Dorfet. 4 Ed. 3. n. 61. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17 their coming into England. Stevens likewife attributes the foundation of this houfe to K. Henry 3. and faith it was of the invocation of St. Mary. Bale, De Script, cent. v. 61. mentions an houfe of Dominican friers here at Southampton, which I have not yet met with in any other author. * This houfe was reckoned among thofe of the Premonftra- teniian order in the famous cart. 21 Ed. 1. y At the diffolution here were at lead eighteen canons befides the prior, who was John Draper bifhop of Neopolyton, for fo many were penfioned. Willis of Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. 24. vel XXXII. H A M P S H I R E. vel 1 8. de advoc. S. Leonardi de Rilhton : Cart. ( Ed. 3. n. 26. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 25. Clauf. j2 Ed. 3. m. II* de annuo redditu 20/. pro manerio Pid'dleton: Cart. 15 Ed. 3. n. 11. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p 1. m. 32 ve! 33. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 24 vel 2r. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 14. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. rn 8. Pat* 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. rn. 30. Plac. foreft*, in com. Southampton, temp. Ed. 3. rot. 13 et 18. p3t. a Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 6. pro lib. war. in Somerford, Aifhe, Baillokefley, Mulle- ford, Sirery, et Knapp [Southamt.] Hampfted et Ningwode [Inful. Vettis] Hyde, Pydelbardolf, et Little Pydell [Dorfet.] Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 24. et Hill, rot. 15. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 19. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 40. pro eccl. de Blanford ap- proprianda : Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 8. de molendino vocat. Knapmill: Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. X. m. 8 vel 9. et 28. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 11. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 3. XXXIII. TY CHFEILD. Premonstratensian Abbey. Peter de Rupibus bifhop of Winchefter having obtained of K Henry 3. a grant of this manor, built an abbey here for Premonftratenfian canons1, to the honor of the blelfed Virgin Mary, A. D. 1231 ’. At the fuppreffion there were an abbat and twelve canons in it, endowed with 249 /. i6r. id. per arm, Dugd. 280/. 19*. 10 d. ob. Speed. It was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Wriothefley, who built here “ a right (lately houfeb.” Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 660. Ex magno rot. Pip*, 9 Ed. 2. Southamt. Cart. R. Hen. 3. fattarn Petro de Rupibus de manerio de Tichfeld ad fundan- dam abbatiam et de diverfis privilegiis conceffis cano- nicis. P. 66 r, &c. pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartas Ev* de Clinton do- nantis totas terras fuas in Cadelawe, Huth, Stane- wood, Wudecote et Feld; Reginaldi de Albamara confirm, donationem Ev* de Clinton ; Thom* de Efcures donantis curiam fuam et domos in Cade- lande ; Baldewini de Ripariis confirm, donationem Ev* de Clinton ; Gilberti le Manfell donantis terras in Ingepenne ; Petri de Sukemund donantis terras ibidem; Rogeri de Someri confirm, eafdem terras; Petri epifc. Winton. donantis terras in Cornhampton ; Willelmi de Clare confirm, eafdem ; Willelmi de Rayni donantis totam terram fuam in Stubynton ; Matildis Bret donantis terras in Chark ; et Joannis de S. Joanne dom. de Bafynge ut fint quieti de fettis curi* pro terris in Stobynton. P. 665. inventorium bonorum hujus abbati*, A. D. 1420. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 85. 114. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. III. . Collett. Francifci Peck in Mufeo Britannico, vol. ii. In bib!. Harleiana, m(T. 6602, 6603. n. 1. excerpta ex reAftro hujus abbati* penes ducem Portlandi*. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 18 Ed. r. m. ult. vel penult. Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 13. de lib. war. et aliis privilegiis abbati conceffis in maneriis de Tichfield, Poftbrook, Swanewyke, Stubinton, Lye, Chark, Walefworth, Colham, Cornhampton [Hantf.] Inge¬ penne [Berkf.] Brev. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. ir. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 7. 9. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Ibid. p. 2. m. 15. pro maner. de Walefworth: Cart. 1 1 Ed. 2. n. 44. pro terris et libertatibus in foreftis, &c. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Clauf. S Ed. 3.-p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. de terris in Ingepenne: Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 72. pro parco includendo apud Tichfield, et pro lib. war. in Crofton et Myratell [Southamt.] Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. de terris in Charks, Stobing- ton, Crofton, &c. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 29. dorfo, de hameletto de Cadeland : Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31 vel 41. pro ten. in Stobington, Crofton, Lee, Chark, Niwetton, et Prallingworth : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33. pro maner. de Portefey : Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 7. pro ten. in Frogmore et Froft- burieftland : Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 1. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 13. Cart. 25, &c. Hen. 6. n. 27. pro feria apud Tychfield, uno dolio vini rubei Gafconii in portu Southamton, wrecco maris, jurif- ditt. admiral, et aliis libertatibus : Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 2. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 25. XXXIV. WHERWELL. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedi&ioe' nunnery of the foundation of Elfrida queen dowager of K. Eadgar, about the year 986. to expiate d for her being concerned in the murders both of her firft hufband Ethelwolfe, that fhe might be queen, and alfo of her fon in law K. Edward, that her own fon Ethelred might be king. Herein Ihe fpent the latter part of her life very penitently, as it is faid, and was here buried. This abbey was dedicated to the Holy Crofs and St. Peter, and en¬ dowed, at the fuppreffion, with 339/. 8j. yd. per ann. Dugd. 403/. 12 s. 10 d. Speed. It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Weft lord de la Ware. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 257. ex Will. Malmfbur. et Jo. Tinmuth mf. de fundatione hujus ccenobii : Cart. 44 Hen. 3. m. 6. recit. per Infpex. cartam R. Ethelredi, dat. A. D. 1002. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 9. bullam P. Gregorii 9. donato- rum conceffiones recit. et confirm, ex regiftro ab¬ bati* de Wherwell penes pr*nobilem Carolum dom. de la Ware, A. D. 1669. In Reyneri Apoftol. Beneditt. tratt. ii. p. 127. cartam regis Ethelredi, dat. A. D. 1002. ex pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 2. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 68. 75. vol. ii. p, 250. vol. iii. p. 74. In Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 637. of the impro¬ priate rettory of Bathwyke and Woolly. Worfeley’s Hie of Wight, p. 205. of the manor of Afhey. Year Books, 7 Hen. 4. Mich. 31. 15 Hen. 7. m. 6. z Not Cijiertian monks, as Speed. a So mf. Alhmol. 1519. which date agrees better with the grant of K. Hen. 3. than placing the foundation in K. John’s tune, as Leland. Collect. i. 85. Speed, &c. b Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. in. c Not. of the order of St. Auguftine, as Speed. d Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 33. Higdeni Polychronicon, edit. Gale, p. 368. This was the lady that caufed alfo Bnthnode the firft abbat of Ely to be murdered. Vide Hilt. Elienf. Jib. ii. edit. Gale, p. 49J, 49a. Cartularium XXXIV. HAM P S H I R E. Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. n. pro lib. war. inWherwell, Mid¬ dleton, Aslhes, et Langbridge : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. , m. 18, 19, vel 20. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. patj 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6, 7, vel 8. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2 m. . dorfo, de bolco de Harewode : Pat. 38 Ed. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Ibid. p. 2. m. 40. pro ten. in Middleton et Newton Say: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. K m. 33. recit. cartam regis Ethelredi. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. rn. . Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 7. m. . pro quatuor damis e forefta de Chuyte : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. de privilegiis abbatilfx infra hundreduni de Meftone. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 5. Pafch. rot. 1. de terris in Wherwell et Belindon. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 13. pro ten. in Botteley et Matoksford : Pat. 22 Hen. 6* p. 2. m. 23. pro prebenda five ecclefia de Godewottli approprianda. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 18. HESTER. 1. Oldminster, or Cathedral and Benedictine Priory. Here is laid to have been a monaftery very early, founded by K. Lucius, for monks following the rule of St. Mark', which was deftroyed in Diocletian’s perfecution, A. D. 266 f. but reftored under Deodatus the abbat in honor of St. Amphibalus8, about the year 300. after which it continued above two hundred years, till the monks were killed, and their church turned into a Pagan temple, for the idolatrous wor- fhip of Dagon, by Cerdic king of the Well: Saxons h. Thefe and other matters relating to Reli¬ gious men in this city being fo particularly and pofitively afferted by Rudburn and the Winchefter annalift could not well be here omitted, though they feem to be very fabulous. It is more likely that Kynegilfe, the firft Chriftian king of the Well: Saxons, began a cathedral church here1, which might be finilhed by his fuccelfor Kinewalcus, and monks placed herein by bifhop Birin in the year 646. Thefe were deftroyed by the Danes A. D. 867 k. and in the next year Secular priefts took pofTeffion of this church and the lands belonging to it, and kept the fame till A. D. 963. when bilhop Ethelwold, by the command of K. Edgar, expelled them, and placed here monks of the order of St. Benedict brought from Abendon. This church was anciently dedicated to the Holy Trinity1, or to St. Peter m, or, as others, to St. Birin, St. Swithin, and St. Ethelwold"; but in later times St. Swithin the bilhop was chiefly accounted the tutelar faint of this priory, which was o-enerally diftinguilhed by his name. It was endowed, at the general luppreflion, with 150 7/. iys. 2d. per ann. Dugd. Speed ; after which the fite and great part of the revenues were fettled by K. Henry 8. anno regni 32. on a dean and twelve prebendaries, for whom, and the fix minor canons, ten lay clerks, eight chorifters, and other members, this cathedral was then relounded, and dedi¬ cated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 31, &c. ex annalibus Wintonienfis ecclefiae ab anno 608 ad 1036. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Domitian. A. xm. P. 36. cartam Ed- wardi fen. ex autographo penes decan. et capit. Win- ton. A. D. 1640. P. 37. cartam Eadgari R. dat. A. D. 975. ex vet. exempl. penes Thomam dom. Brudnell, 1652. P. 979. fundatores principals eccl. S. Swithini Winton. ex Leland. Colleift. vol. i. p. 428. P. 980. duas bullas Innocentii papre: P. 981. duas cartas Eadgari regis, ex autographis Cotton. P. 982. cartam Edwardi fen. de Hufborne. In Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 179, &c. Thomte Rudburn hiftoriam majorem de fundatione eccl. Wintonienfis, et fucceffione epifcoporum ejufdem ad annum 1138. ex cod. Lambeth. Ibid p. 287. ejufdem prologum in hiftoriam fuam minorem. Ibid. p. 288, Sec. monachi Wintonienfis annales eccl. Winton. ab anno 633 ad annum 1277. ex cod. Cotton. Domitian. A. xm. Ibid. p. 315. cl. Whartoni continuationem hiftorix Wintonieniium epifcoporum ab anno 1277 ad I540, Ibid. p. 320, &c. epiftolas tres de monachis Winton. non ejiciendis ; fcil. i.Monachorum ad Alexandrum fecundum papam; 2. P. Alexandri refcriptum ; 3. Ejufdem ad Lanfrancum archiepifc. ex cod. Cotton. Vitellius, E. IV. Ibid. p. 323. fucceffionem priorum ecclefis Wintonienfis a cl. Whartono concinnatam. * Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 181. f Ibid. p. 183. * Ibid. p. 185. Ufler De Britannicarum eccl. primordiis, cap. 8. l> Angl. Sacr. i. 189. 1 Ibid. p. 190, 191. 288. Mon. Angl. i. 31. The Hiftory and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchefter, containing all the infcriptions upon the tombs and monuments, with an account of the bilhops, priors, deans and prebendaries, begun by the right honorable Henry late earl of Clarendon, and continued to this time by Samuel Gale gent. Lond. 1715. 8". An account of the conventual cathedral churches, with a catalogue of their refpeftive priors, by Browne Willis efquire, Lond. 1717. 8°. p. 296, See. In Lelandi Colleft, vol. i. p. 26. 68. 137. 355. 408. vol. ii. p. 249. et vol. iii. p. 70. de fundatione: vol.i. p. 76. de occidua ecclefite parte a Wickham edifi- cata : p. 116. de edificatione diverfarum partium ec¬ clefiae: p. 341. nomina epifcoporum: p. 428. de principalibus benefadforibus et donationibus ab eifdem fadtis. In his Itinerary, vol. iii. p. 82. of the advowfon of Port¬ land : p. 99. of the cathedral and palace : p. 102. ex libello donationum Winton. eccl. p. 105. of Hurflry park: p. 1 15. of the manor place of Waltham: vol. iv. p. 21. of Bitherne, Inltin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 140. dimenfiones ecclefix. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 69. cartam epife. Winton. de militibus fuis feffatis. App. p. 808. cartam R. Stephani de manerio de Sudtona dato epifeopo Win- v Angl. Sacr. i. 203. 1 Ibid. vol. i. p. 190. m Chron. Sax. in anno 643. et Hen. Sulgrave mf. n Angl. Sacr. i. 320. Cartularium hujus abbatix penes Jolhuam Iremonger R. S. S. Excerpta ex cartulario penes .... Topham. Cl. Ricardi Jamefii colledlanea ex regiftro quodam hujus monafterii in manibus 1 homae Noy, ml. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. James, 8. p. 341. Cart, antiq. K. 14. rot. cart. 9 Joan. m. 6. n. 56. pro feria apud Wherwell, &c. Clauf. 16 Joan. m. 5. de feria apud Wherwell. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 13. de bofeo de Harewood : Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 23. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 19. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 9. Pat. 29 Hen. 3. m. 6. de affartis infra forelt. de Southel: Cart. 44 Hen. 3. m. 1 et 2. n. 3. Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 6. de mercato apud Wherwell. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 22. de terris in Bachewyke: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Ibid. p. 2. m. 3. de terris in W. Bolingdon: Clauf. i4Ed. 2. m. 10. Pat. iyEd. 2. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. XXXV. W I N C ton. XXXV. HAMPSHIRE. ton. in excambium pro manerio de Mordona. In Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 637. of an eftate in the deanry of Axbridge. ]n Afhmole's Bcrkfhire, vol. ii. p. 424. of the lordlhip of the hundred of Wargrave. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 403. of the manors of Portland and Wilces, and the ports of Waimuth and Melcomb anciently : p. 589. of the advovvfon of the redory of Portland : p. 602. of the fame at Wyke- regis. In Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 225. of the parilh of Binftead : p. 254. of the manor and advovvfon of the church of Calborne : In Append, p. xvn. cartas R. R. Will. 2. et Hen. 1. et Ricardi de Redveriis de dimidia hida terne in infula Vedtae. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1216. com¬ plaint of the convent againft the bifhop, 4 Ed. 1. In Wilkinfii Conciliorum, tom. ii. p. 1 14. quod epifco- pus Winton. eft fubdecanus provinciae Cantuar. fede London, vacante : p. 276. archiepifc. Cantuar. epi- ftolam fummo pontifici ne privilegium exemptionis ab epifcopo Winton. impetratum confirmaret, A. D. 1303. p. 293. conftitutiones fynodales per Henricum Woodlocke epifc. Winton. A. D. 1308. tom. iv. p, 517. archbilhop Laud’s injundions to the dean and chapter of Winchefter in his metropolitical vifitation, A. D. 1635. In Hickefii Grammat. Saxon, p. 137. cartam R. Wil- helmi Conqueft. epifcopo Wintanceaftre de terris ad Butafmare. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 217. an account of this priory and church, and the priors. Bifhop Godwin’s account of the bifhops of Win¬ chefter. In Mr, Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 283, &c. an account of the bifhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries of this cathedral. Regiftra, cartas originales, rotulos computi, obedientia- riorum, curiarum, rentalia, & c. penes R. V V. deca- num et capit. Winton. Annales a Bruto ad mortem R. Hen. 5. in quibus con- tinentur antiquitates quaedam ad fundationem eccl. Wintonienfis fpedantes, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Galba , A. XV. 1. Annales Wintonienfes a Lucio R. ubi agitur de prima fundatione et antiquitate eccl. Winton. et de ejufdem prafulibus ufque ad Henricum Beaufort, mf. in eod. cod. Cotton, n. 2. Fragmenta quaedam hiftorica de rebus ad ecclefiam V en- tanam fpedlantibus, mf. Cotton. Vefpafian. D. IX. 2. Chronicon Wintonienfis monafterii a nativitate Chrifti ad annum 1277. mf. Cotton. Domilian. A. xm. 1. Annales Wintonienfis monafterii a Chrifto nato ad an¬ num 1186. mf. in ead. celeberrima bibl. Cotton. Vitellius, A. xvn. 1. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cant. mf. no. p. 258. brevem delineationem hiftoriae ecclefiae Winton. a tempore Lucii regis ufque ad tempus Eadgari regis, et fucceffio- nem epifeoporum a S. Berino ad Cardinalem Beaufort : p. 260. librum hiftorialem et antiquitatum domus S. Swithuni Winton. feriptum per Joannem Exceter ejufdem loci commonachum, A. D. 1531. p. 279. breve chronicon regum Angliae, et de donationibus quas fecerunt veteri monafterio Winton. autore Wil- lelmo Woddefon : p.287. cart. Ed. 1. confirm, et recit. cartas R. R. Joannis et Hen. 3. p. 294. bul- lam P. Innocentii confirm, privilegia: p. 297. de ecclefia S. Swithuni, deque quarta et ultima intro- duiftione monachorum : p. 299. cartam R. Eadgari pro renovatione terra: de Chiltecumbe et pro reintro- dudtione monachorum : p. 300. bullam P. Joannis xm. de introduftione monachorum : p. 301. cartam R. Edwardi fenioris de Hufbourne : p. 303. compofi- tionem fadtam A. D. 1284. inter epifeopum ac prio- rem et conventum : p. 305. confirmationem privile- giorum prioris et conventus per epifeopum: p. 307. confirmationem compofitionis precedentis per R. Edwarduin : p. 308. compofitioncm fadtam inter ar- chiepifcopum Cantuar, et priorem et conventum eccl. cathedralis Cantuar. ac priorem et conventum eccl. cathedralis Winton. A. D. 1531. de cura ct cuftodia eeclefiarum de Eftmenes et Hameldon, fede Winton. vacante: p. 314. chronicon de hiftoria Angliae prae- fertim coenobii Winton. a Lucio ufque ad initium regni regis Hen. 6. Ibid. mf. III. p. 351. a copy of the firft, fecond, third and fourth foundation of the cathedral church of Winchefter : p. 355. inventory ® of the cathedral church of St. Swithin in Winchefter. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 127. cart. 10 Ed. 2. pro conventu S. Swythini Winton. MS. in bibl. eccl. cathed. Lichfield, n. 18. adt of par¬ liament 8 Hen. 2. relating to the manor of South¬ wark, with fome orders of a court-leet, 37 Hen. 6. Extracts out of the Leiger Book of Winchefter, mf. in bibl. hofp. Lincoln. B. 100. A petition of the prior and convent of St. Swithin’s Winchefter to Sir William Paulet, A. D. 1535. wherein is contained an account of the foundation of that monaftery, with a copy of K. Edgar’s charter. Excerpta ex duabus ecclefiae Wintonienfis hiftoriolis, mf. in coll. S. Trin. Dublin. G. 65. n. 290. Chronicon ccenobii S. Swithini Winton. mf. penes rev. V. Hen. Jones redtorem de Suningwell in com. Berkf. Statuta hujus ecclefiae injundta per Will, de Wykeham epifc. Winton. in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 328. Ibid. mf. 261. f. 1. notulas de fundatione: f. 107. de eadem: de divifione epifeopatus Winton. in duas pa- rochias : de reftitutione monachorum : de expulfione monachorum et collatione clericorum : mf. 315. f. 46. tranferipta ex publicis regni recordis de libertatibus et allocatione cartarum hujus ecclefiae: mf. 358. f. 16 et 60. certificationem prioris et conventus factam Thomae Cromwelle generali vifitatori de diverfis fun- dationibus et deftructionibus hujus ecclefiae: f. 65. hiftoriam ecclefim Winton. mf. 539. f. 114. of the feveral foundations of the cathedral church of Win¬ chefter, ex libro fpedfante ad W. Bafinge ecclefiae commonachum: f. 1 1 6. inventory of the veflels be¬ longing to this church : mf. 589. f. 92. ftate of the queftion for lands fometime belonging to the fee of Winchefter, alfo what the intereft of them is: mf.;8i3- f. 100. 102. tranfiation of the charters granted bv Edward the Confeffor, William the Conqueror and Henry 8. mf. 1761. f. 36. pat. 12 Ed. . de libertati¬ bus prioratus S. Svvythuni : f. 67. plac. 23 Ed. 3. inter epifeopum ac majorem et communitatem civi- tatis Winton. debundis folo cimeterii ecclefiae cathe¬ dralis, ubi aliquando ftetit novum monafterium : f. 76. nomina fundatorum et benefadtorum : de veteri ftatu ecclefiae Winton. f. 77. bullam P. Joannis ad Eadga- rum regem pro ejectione canonicorum : feoda mili- tum qu;e tenentur de epifcopo : f. 78. nomina cum taxatione et vero valore omnium eeclefiarum in epif- copatu Winton. quas epifeopus conferre debet. f. 164. cartam R. Hen. 3. de libertatibus epifeopi et prioris : • mf. 5804. f. 17. cart. R. Stephani pro manerio de Sudtone: mf. 7520. fuccelfionem epifeoporum et priorum. Computum ballivi manerii de Chilbolton, A. D. 1365. necnon computum manerii de Manydoun, A. D. 1485. ad hunc prioratum fpedlantium, in duobus ro- tulis pergam. mff. in bundello rotulorum antiquorum, A. n. . penes autorem. De antiquis pojpjfonibus , libertatibus, &c. epifeopatus Win¬ tonienfis. Cart. 1 Joan p. 2. n. 65. pro mercato apud Alresford, n. 88. pro maner. de Menes et Weregrave, &c. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 87. pro mercat. apud Havant: Clauf. 9 Joan. m. 10. Cart. 10 Joan. n. 21. Pat. 15 Joan, m. 7. de eccl. de Crundel : Cart. 16 Joan. p. 2. m. 1. de manerio de Hales in com. Salop. Clauf. • This inventory is printed in the Appendix to Strype’s Memorials of archbilhop Cranmer, p. 34. and in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 333. Y Y 17 Joan. XXXV. HAMPSHIRE. 17 Joan. m. 13. pro mercat. die Jovis apud Farnham: Ibid. m. 14. de fcodo militis in Stockton [Wilt.] Ibid. m. 22. pro mercat. apud Scauburn. Pat. 8 Hen. 3. m. 11. pro eccl. de Henlee: Cart, it Hen. 3. p. I. n. gg. Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro feria apud Witney [Oxon.] Ibid, de maneriis de Swane- wic et Porceftre: Cart. 17 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro advoc. cccl. de Bafings, Bafingftoke, et Selburn : Clauf. 30 Hen. 3. m. 17. de terra in Merdon : Cart. 31 Hen. 3. n. 11. pro mercat. et feria apud Overton: Cart. 3g Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mercat. et feria apud Sweynfton : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro mercat. apud Halveldon : Ibid. m. 14. pro feria apud Hille- land in maner. de Taunton : Cart. 42 Hen. 3. m. 3. Pat. 43 Hen. 3. m. 4. Cart. 3 Ed. 1. n. 10. vel 1 1. Cart. 12 Ed. 1. n. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Pat. 12 Ed. j. m. . de maner. de Bitterne, Falele, &c. in hundr.ed. de Waltham : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. p. 2. n. 13. et n. 97, g8, gg. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . pro chacea fua de Witteney [Oxon.] Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. de duobus molendinis ante domum epifeopi: Cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 1. pro mer¬ cat. in Hamelhunt, et feriis apud Witney, Taunton, et Hamelden: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. de manerio de Norton : Rec. in fcacc. 12 Ed. 2. Mich, rot. . Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 48. pro mercat. et feria apud Ivingho [Buckingh.] Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. pro cuftodia hundred, de Fernham et Crundall : Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. ult. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. pro chaceis fuis : Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. 1. pro duabus feriis apud Hindon [Wilt.] Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro includenda via in Elher : Ibid, p. 3. m. . pro flauro epifeopatus : Cart, g Ed. 3. n. 40. Rec. in fcacc. 11 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 3. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel g. pro xx. marcis annuatim ab archidiacono Surrey: Ibid. p. 2. m. 12. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 42. pro feria apud Holte [Wilt.] Cart. 23 Ed. 3. n. 2. pro feria apud S. /Egid. per xvi. dies, quo tempore major et ballivi Winton. deliberabunt fenefcallo epifeopi claves portarum civitatis, et, du¬ rante feria, didtus fenefcallus habeat cognitionem om¬ nium placitorum tain infra quam extra civitatem per feptem leucas, &c. Pat. 2g Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. de reddit. in Taunton: Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 2g vel 30. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17 vel 18. de maner. de Elinden [Wilt.] Ibid. p. 2. m. ult. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 42 vel 43. Ibid. p. 3. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. n. 7. g, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Clauf. 11 Ric. 2. m. 12. pro advocatione hofpitalis S. Joan. Portefmouth. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. g. Pat. 11 Hen. 4, p. 1. m. . de libertatibus in Taunton. Cart. 5 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 13. Cart. 21, &c. Hen. 6. n. 12. Cart. 27, &c. Hen. 6. n. 34. pro mercat. et feria apud Havant. Clauf. 34 Hen. 6. m. 1. de fundo quodam infra pnecindtum hofpitalis S. Crucis, et de maneriis de Hempftrig et Charlton Camvile [Somerfet.] Ambrefbury et Win- terburn Erles [Wilt.] Tarent Lanfton [Dorfet.] &c. epifeopis ab hofpitali conceffis. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. . Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 6. p. 6. m. . [18 Jun.] pro reftoriis de Bre¬ mer, &c. Pat. 1 Maris, p. g. m. . [4 Mart.] pro manerio et parco de Elhere [Surr.] Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 7. m. . [3 Jun.] pro manerio de Marden, &c. Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 4. m. . [13 Nov.] pro advoc. eccl. De antiquis pojfejjionibus, libertatibus , £5 'c. prioratus S. Swithini Winton. Plac. coram rege apud Weftm. 6 Ric. 1. rot. 8. pro wrecco maris in Portland [Dorfet.] Rot. clauf. g Hen. 3. m. 8. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. n. gg. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 14. dorfo, de paftura in Hamme: Cart. 25 Hen. 3. m. 16. pro mercato a.pud Whit¬ church: Plac. coram rege, 25 Hen. 3. rot. ig. pro commun. paftur. fuper Montem de Bledon [Somer¬ fet.] Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 4. de mercat. et feria apud Whitchurch, necnon in Weymouth: Cart 43 Hen. 3. m. 5. de excambio infulae de Portland cum membris de Wyke, Weymouth, et Hallywell cum Ricardo de Clare comite Gloceftriae pro maner de Maplederham : Cart. 47 Hen. 3. m. 11. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 1. dorfo, de terris in Crundale: Pat 3 Ed. 1. m. 2g, 30. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 31. Cart 12 Ed. 1. n. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Cart. 13 Ed. ,‘ n. 13, 14. et 97, 98, gg. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Carr. 18 Ed. 1. n. 23. pro chacea de Crundall : Ibid. n. 28 pro eccl. de Enford et Overton [Sarifb dioec.] pat" 25 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. ig. pro advoc! eccl. de Wotton: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. et prone finem rot. . Cart, ag Ed. 1. n. 54. pro lib. war. j„ maneriis fuis de Berton juxta Winton, Ellon, Little, ton, Avynton, Cumpton, Silkefted, Muchelmareis Hoghton, Scutefhilling, HulTeburn, Whitchurch' Wyke, Chilbolton, Wenfington, Weftmoens, Exton' Henton, Crundall, Sutton Yatle, Heddington, Wot¬ ton, Haniton, et Maplederham [Southamt.] Eneford Overton, Selkelei, Fifhide, Aulton, Stokton, Stpwell' Pateney, Hamme, Wrfton, Weltwode, Hyneton' Bilhopefton [Wilt.] Bledon [Somerfet.] Wlfrichefton [Berkf.] Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2.' m. 22. de terris in Weltwood: Brev in fcacc. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 5. et Trin. rot. 7. Pat! 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 2, 3, 4, 5,5! 7. g. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2g. Ibid. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. et m. 23. de xxx. marcis percipiendis de redditu feriie S. Egidii : Ibid. m. 25. de maneriis de Bledon, Weftwood, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Clauf. 10 Ed. 2. m. 26. Clauf. n Ed. 2. m. 25. de terris in Avinton : Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 36. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 17 et 25. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. de maneriis de Brandlbery et Ford: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. in. 22. de terris in Overton et Huf- born : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. de melT. et terris in Sparkford, Horfeley, et Compton: Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 21. Pat. ig Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. 85. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 vel 15. de eccl. de Woufington appro- prianda: Pat. g Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. Ibid. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3 et 30. Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 40. Pat. 10 Ed. 3! p. I. m. 43, 44, vel 45. Rec. in fcacc. 11 Ed. j. Mich. rot. 3. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. de eledtione epifeopi fine licentia regis : Cart. 23 Ed. 3. n. 2. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 5 vei 8. de via publica pro claufura prioratus amovenda. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 12. Cart. 4 Ric. 2. n. 7. 9, 10. 12, 13, 14. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 7. de terris in Weftmeane : Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 26. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. pro ma¬ ner. de Upfomborn: Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 6. de penitentiariis convent, inter monachos et epifeopum Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 14. Brev. reg. 17 Ric. 2. de reparatione murorum civitatis per monachos. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. r. n. 9. et p. 2. n. 9. m. 24. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 15. confirm, indenturae cum cuftode collegii S. Maris: Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 18. pro terris in Wotton et Church Okelegh. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 27. de maneriis de Lemington et Draiton: Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 13. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1 1. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 7 ;. ubi exempli ficantur privilegja prioratus in hundredo de Elftob : Cart. 21 Hen. 6. n. 12. Cart. 24 Hen. 6. n. 12. m. 14. Rcc. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot, 3. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 6 et 12. Pat. 32 Hen. 8. p. 6. [28 Mart.] pro fitu monafterii concelf. dec. et capit. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 9. [1 Maii] pro dotatione dec. et capit. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 2. m. . pro reftoriis de Gresford [Denb.] Crookhern [Somerfet.] et Lawhern [Car¬ digan.] in excambio pro maneriis de Overton, &c [Wilt.] 2. NUNNA- xxxv. Hampshire. 2. Nunn AMIN sterp. In the eatt part of this city was a nunnery built’ or rather begun by K. Alfred or hts queen Alfw.tha', about the end of the ninth century, and finilhed by their fon K. Edward the Elder . This houfe was alio new modelled and enlarged by bifhop Ethelwold * It was of the Benediftine order, and dedicated to the bleffed Virgin and St. Edburg*, daughter of the faid K. Edward, who was a nun, and, as fome fay, abbefs here The yearly revenues of this abbey, z 6 Hen. 8. amounting to no more than 179/. ys. 2 d\ per ann. Dugd. Speed, it was liable to be difiolved in 27 , j}' c* 2^- but the king, by his letters patents dated 17 Auguft, anno regni 28. continued the abbels and nuns, and the whole houfe in the fame (late (with the lofs of a manor or two) as it was at the beginning of that leffion of parliament. However, this houfe was three years after furrendered into the king’s hands, when the abbefs and twenty-one nunsx had penfions-, and great part of the aobey, if not the whole, was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to John Bello and John Broxholme. 0 J Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 212. colledtanea qu*dam de fundatione hujus coenobii ex annal Winchcomb. mif. ex Hovedeno et Lelando. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Verdit in CrJJavit, § 4. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 9. 26. 68. 277. vol. ii. p. 249. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 99. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 54. of a mettuage and lands in Blandford St. Mary. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 532. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. xiv. p. 574, See. pat. 128 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 15. de non fupprimendo mona- fterio B. Mari* in Wintonia inter monafteria qu* non habebant polTeffiones ad clarum annuum valo¬ rem c cl. Rot. clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro maner. de Gretford : Cart. 18 Hen. 3. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 14. de liber- tat. in maner. de Gretford [Line. ] Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 23. de terris in Minchen Cheverell : Pat. 4 Ed. I. m. 34. dorfo, de commun. paftur. in Alkannings : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 18. pro lib. war. in Erchesfont [Wilt.] Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 13. Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 36. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. pro terris in Erchesfont [Wilt.] ex dono magiftri Rob. Wamburgh archidia- coni Wellenfis: Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro ecclefia de Froyle approprianda : Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 33. de terra in Alcannings : Clauf. 28 Ed. 3. m. 3. Pat. 35 Ed. 3- P- I- m- ’6. Elcaet. 41 Ed. 3. n. 70. Hants, poft mortem R. . de Windfor : Pat. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 38. pro libertat. pro tenentibus de Gretford. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. pro tenentibus fais in Erchesfont et Cannings [Wilt.] Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m- 7- Pat. 6 Hen. 4. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 3. pro libertat. in maner. de Gretford, &c. Pat. 7 Hen. 5. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. pro libertat. apud Erchesfont et Cannings [Wilt.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro maner. de Gretford: Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 3. pro vifu franci plegii, &c. in Erchesfont et Cannings [Wilt.] cum hamfetis, et de quieta fefta ad hundred, de Swanebergh : Rec. in fcacc. 11 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 3. Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ric. 3. Pafch. rot. 39. Rec. in fcacc. 9 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 15. Clauf. 15 Hen. 7. m. 6. pro feria apud Chalborough Down juxta Wanyfdich in parochia de Alcannings [Wilt.] in die et craflino S. Ann*. 3. Newminster, or Hyde. K. Alfred founded here firfl only a houfe and chapel 2 for the learned monk Grimbald, whom he had brought out of Flanders, but afterwards projected3, and by his will ordered a noble church or Religious houfe to be built in the cimitery on the north fide of the old min Her or cathedral, and defigned that Grimbald fiiould prefide over it. This was be¬ gun A. D. 901. and finilhed to the honor of the Holy Trinity, Virgin Mary, and St. Peter, by his fon K. Edward, who placed therein Secular canons-, but A. D. 963. they were expelled, ’and an abbat and monks put into poffeflion by the often mentioned bifhop Ethelwold b. Now the churches and habitations of thele two focieties being fo very near together, the differences, which were occa- fioned by their finging, bells, and other matters, arofe to lo great height, that the Religious of the new monaltery thought fit, about A. D. 1 no. to remove to a better and more quiet fituation with out the walls, on the north part of the city, called Hyde, where K. Henry 1. at the alliance o? Will. Gifford bilhop of Winchefter, founded a llately abbey for them. St. Peter was generally accounted patron, though it is fometimes called the Monaftery of St. Grimbald', and fometimes of St. Barnabas d. It was valued, before the diffolution, at 865/. 18 a. ob. q. per ann. Du^d. 864/ is. 6d. ob. q. Speed'-, and the fite was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Richard Bethell. ° 0 ' Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 208, &c. de fundatione hujus abbati* : Nomina regum fundatorum et bene- faitorum, una cum deftrudfione abbati*, ex Will. Malmibury, et codd. Cotton, mff. Vitellius , E. xn, &c. P. 211. cartam regis Eadgari. dat. A. D. 966. de villis vocat. Dunkitone et ecclefia ibidem ; terris in Suife et ecclefia ; et terris in Tittlefcumb et Win- terbornf, ex VeJ'paf. A. vm. Cart, antiq. (Hen. 1.) V . ig. de eccl. de Kinglclere et Aweltona: Cartam 16 Ed. 4. m. 9. recit. per Infpex. cartam Hen. r. de conventione inter Willielmum epife. Winton. et ab- batem S. Petri. An account of this abbey and the abbats of it, in Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 122. and in the Appendix to Leland. p. 229. Out of this is taken the Hiftory of Hyde Abbey, at the end of Mr. Gale’s Hiftory of the Cathedral Church of Winchefter. And the account of this abbey in Stevens’ Supple- p Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 189. Leland. Collett, i. 9. a Leland. Collett, i. 413. Malmibury De pontif. lib. ii. " Leland. Collett, i. 377. _ n^L0t- tounded by him,_ as Capgrave, f. 144. and Leland. Collett. 1. 26. “ Fuerat ibi ante hoc monalteriolum, fed tunc Pcae deftruttum.” Leland. Collett, vol. ii. p. 249. 1 Malmibury ut fupra. Angl. Sacr. i. 209. This was a dif¬ ferent perron from S. Eadburg daughter of Ethelbert king of ft-ent, whofe life is in Capgrave, f. 101. “ Ecclefia S. Edburgx Winton dedicate eft A. D. 1108.” Mf. chron. Barth. Cotton. “ Leland. Colled, i. 413. * 7 r. c d. ob,” Stevens, i. 83. x Willis of Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. 35. y This is alfo in Stevens’ Append, p. 214. z Leland. Collett, i. 18. a Malmibur. De pontif. lib. ii. b Angl. Sacr. i. 289, 290. c Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 297. ^ ^ngl- s° F 11 i8 faid t0 be dedicated ^ and S. Columbanus. Hen Sulgrave mf. e This is the clear fum in Stevens, i. 8a. f This charter of king Edgar’s is alfo in Spelman’s Councils, vol. 1. p. 443. and m Wil kina’ Councils, vol. i. p. 344. ment, XXXV. HAMPSHIRE. ment, vol. i. p. 501, of penfions granted to the monks of Hyde at the difTolution. Willis’ Abbies, i. Append, p. 62. Lelandi Colleift. vol. i. p. 18. 68. 277. 376. vol. iii. 71. 148. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p- 102. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 139. cxcerpta ex kalen- dario. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 72. fummam militum ab- batix de Hida. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 480. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Piddle Trenthide. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 365. pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. 18. de ecclefiis de Pewfey et Colingborn [Wilt.] p. 709. pat. 25 Ed. 1. m. 15. dorfo. In Rymeri Feeder, vol. viii. p. 541. pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 16. In Spelmanni Conciliorum, vol. i. p. i. p. 435. et in Wilkinfxi Concil. vol. i. p. 240. leges ab Eadgaro rege novo monafterio Winton. quod modo Hidam vocant, datas A. D. 966. In Madoxii Hilt. Scacc. p. 332. de removendo quofdam monachos qui funt contra abbatem : p. 423. de feodis militum abbatix. Year Books, vol. i. temp. Ed. 3. f. 318. 24 Ed. 3. f. 34. 2 Hen. 4. Mich. 55. 2 Hen. 5. Trin. 11. 13 Hen. 7. Trin. 6. Chronicon monafterii de Hida juxta Winton. a temp, regis Ethelftani ad R. Ed. 3. exferiptum per Hen. Bowfer J. C. ex Inter. Templo, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Fitellius, F. ii. 7. Librum privilegiorum et cartarum hujus abbatix aureis charafteribus exaratum, mf. in ead. bibl, V ejpaf A. viii. Regiftrum cartarum hujus abbatiae de Hida, mf. ibid. Domitian. A. xiv. 2. Annales monafterii de Hida extra Winton. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. N E. A. 3. 19. Ibid. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxv. f. 83. cartam R. Hen. 2. Regiftrum penes Ch. Hatton, mil. _ Librum abbatiae de Hide tranferiptum per Joannem Stow, anno 1572. mf. penes Hen. St. George mil. 1697. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae, mf. penes Walterum Clavel arm. 1710. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae, quondam penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, modo in bibl. Harleiana mf. 1761. in quo inter extera occurrunt, f. 36. compofitio inter reftorem de Wherwelle et abbatem fuper decimis ecclefix de Wherwelle : f. 66. ordinatio vicarix de Muchul-Devere : de quibus terris vicarius de Michel- Devere percipiet decimas garbarum : f. 81. compo- fttio pro ecclefia de Aultone cum capcllis fuis de Ha- libourne et Beneftede : f. 148. carta de ordinatione vicarix de Colymbourne. In eadem bibl. mf. 261. f. 107. de fundatione novi mo¬ nafterii Winton. mf. 313. f. 35- nomina tenemium terras de hac abbatia temp, regis Henrici : t. 38. ra- tiocinium auxilii ab abbate foluti. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae penes Thomam Aftle arm. Bund. fin. com. ignot. 9 Hen. 3* de ten. in Stanham: Rot. cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 41 Hen. 3; m. 7. de terra in Hoggendcn contigua manerio de Coling- bourn: Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 4. de Kingfclere ct Aulton. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. , de ecclefiis de Colingbourn et Pevefey; Plac. apud Ciceftr. t6 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 38. de terris in Suthys et Tetelefcomb : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Cart. 34 Ed. 1. n. 34. pro lib. war. in Pydele et Thryttyhide [Dorfet.] et Chefclden [Wilt.] Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10 vel ix. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 26. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 5. Pat. 6 Ed. 2, p. I. m. 13. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 3. de maner. de Sanderftede [Surr.] Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. de marifeo in Andever : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. de terris in Stonham. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 18. pro lib. war. in Michcldeure et Abbotefamme : Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 35. pro lib. war. in Stratton Laverftok, Wodemancote, Abbots Worthy, Abbots Berton, North Stonham, Foghlertou, Lek- ford, Werktyng, et Byketon [Southamt.] Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Rom. 4 Ed. 3. m. 4. pro eccl. de Pidde, Trenhide, Chifelden, et Stonham approprian- dis : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Efcaet. 9 Ed. 3. n. 64. pro bofeo de Waldrefey, Wolvely, Nordon, et Ston¬ ham includendo, et parco faciendo : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Rom. 20 Ed. 3. m. I. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 16. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . de Moneford et Peufev [Wilt.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 9. de deafforeftatione bofei de Lanemore, et aliis libertatibus : Ibid, p.' 6. m. 36. de maneriis de Sowefie et Tetelefcomb [Sufiex.] Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. x. m. . Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. de terris in Micheldevere : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. pro melf. et cccxcm. acris terrae in Lamere, Preylhaw, & c. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 37. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 26. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9 vel 10. Ibid. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl. de Colingborn abbatis [Wilt.] appropr- anda: Clauf. 27 Hen. 6. m. 2. dorfo. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 5. pro ecclefia de Peuefey [Wilt.] anneiftenda vicario ibidem: Tat. t6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 28. 4. St. James’ Monastery. A monaftery built by one Adam Martin to the honor of St. James E. 4 St Elizabeth College. In the meadow of St. Stephen, over againft the gate of t - bilbop’s palace here, called Wolvefey, John de Pontoys, bilhop of Winchefter, built, about A. D. 1 200; a college confiding of a provoft, fix chaplains, priefts, fix clerks, and fix chorifters to the honor of S. Elizabeth, daughter to a king of Hungary. Which was endowed, at the diflolution, with 112 /. 17s. 4 dper am. and granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Wnothefley, who lold the feite to the warden and fellows of Winchefter college lor 360/. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 4.6. ftatuta, ordi- nationes, et dotationes, ex pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 24. Lelandi Colle£t. vol. i. p. 85. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 100. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1076. pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. I. m. 12. licent. R. pro fundatione. Rot pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro maner. et advoc. de Bottele, et terris in Kingfcleare, Shidefeld, et Tich- field : Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. et p. 2. m. 11 et 15. de Norton S, Walerici: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5* t This is mentioned in mf. Alhmol. 839. but I fear it is a miftake, not having met with it elfewhere. Perhaps it might be the free chapel of St. James Winchefter, the advowfon de terris in Overland: Ibid. p. 2. m. 13. Par. 12 Ed. 2. p. i. rn. 20. pro eccl. de Crundale appropii- anda: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 28. dorfo, de bofev infra foreft. de Clarindon. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3, m. 11. pro maner. de Norton b. Walerici. / Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p 1. m. '3. pro lib. war. mercat. et feria apud Bottele. whereof was granted by the matter and brethren of St. Crofs ta William bilhop of Winchefter, as clauf. 34 Hen. 6. m. 1. 6. St. XXXV. HAMPSHIRE. 6- St- M™J*TTR C^tEGEn Thr prior and brethren of the fraternity of St. Peter in the chuici . aunce, an the college of St. Mary Kalender, are mentioned in an efchaet. Southamt. 25 . 3- p- 44- 1 tie mdluages, lands, &c. belonging to the college of St. Marv Kalender in Winchefter, were granted to the mayor and commonalty of the fame 1 and 2 Phi et Mar. Vide pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. 7. Tium-TY College. A warden and feveral priefts founded in the fair chapel of the Holy Tnmty in the north fide of the churchyard of St. Mary abbey, by John or Roger Inkpenne citi¬ zen of Winchefter, about A. D. 1318. D 1 Vide Leland .Itin. vol. iii. P. too. Pat. ,2 Ed. 2. p. x. m. j3. Pat. ,9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. Rot. pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. deix. mefT. in fuburbiis: Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. V ^ 8. WYKEHAM College. That munificent prelate William of Wykeham birtiop of Win- chefter, about the year 1387. began to build in the fouth fuburb of this city a new and noble col lege to the honor ot the bleffed Virgin Mary, which was to confift of a warden, ten perpetual chaplains or tellows, and feventy fcholars in grammar, befides condufts, clerks, chorifters &c It was, 26 Hen. 8. endowed with lands worth 628/. 13 s. 6d. per ann. Duo-d 620/ 8/ nd Speed; and being particularly excepted in the aft 1 Ed. 6. c. 14. for the diffolution of colleges7 it flourifheth to this day, and is an excellent feminary for that other ample foundation of the iaid’bi . lhop Wykeham, St. Mary Winchefter, commonly called New college in the univerfity of Oxford Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 106. pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro fundatione. Ibid. p. 133. pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 7. m. 31. recitantem cartam Ric. 2. dat. 28 Sept. 19 regni pro fundatione et dotatione. In archdeacon Wilkins’ Councils, vol. iv. p. 8. in- junftions given to Winchefter college by the vifitors of K. Edward 6. A. D. 1547. p. 434. archbilhop Bancroft’s orders to be obferved by the warden and fcholars of Winchefter college, A. D. 1608. p. 517. archbilhop Laud’s orders to be obferved by the mafter, warden, fellows, chaplains and others, of Winchefter college, A. D. 1635. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. of the impropria¬ tions and advowfon of the vicarages formerly belong, ing to this college, viz. p. 622. of Hampton; p. 644. ofHefton: p. 675. of Ifleworth ; p. 757. of Twick¬ enham. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 69. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 100. Cartas, regiftra, rotulos curiarum, rentalia, et alia mu- nimenta, penes R. VV. cuftodem et focios hujus collegii. Rot. pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 22. pro eccl. de Dounton approprianda ; Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m, 4. pro maner. de Meanftoke, Eling, et Windfore, et Combe BafTet [Wilt.] Ibid. m. 6. pro maner. de Aulton, Shaw [Berkf.] Wheton [Buckingh.] Fat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. et m. 10, 1 1, 12. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro tenem. in Meonftoke, Roppele, Sutton, Biketon, Draiton, Wynhale, et in Nova Alresford: Ibid. m. 14. pro ten. in Ceftreton: Cart. 18 Ric. 2. n. 8. Pat. 22 ^‘c 2' f" 2- m" J4- pro m. de Dyrinton et med. m. de Fernham. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. ir. Fin. div. com. 2 Hen. 4. n. 28. de manerio de Dirynton [Wilt.] Fernham [Southamt.] See. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. t. m. 22. pro manerio de Shaw. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. ii. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 27. Cart. 2 Hen. 6. n. 26. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1 vel 2. m. 4. Clauf. 8 Hen. 6. m. 10. dorfo, de terris in Hermen- defworth, Sibfton, Longford, &c. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 6. Mich rot. 80 8r, 82. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. i. m. 2. Pat. 17 Hen. 6* p. 2. m. 2$. Clauf. 19 Hen. 6. m. 35. dorfo, prd maner. de Burton [Wight.] Rec. in fcacc. 21 Hem 6 Pafch. rot. 18. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. de licen- tia perquirendi c. marc. ann. terr. ratlone deperditd- rum fuorum in combuftione villarum de Andover et Nova Alresford; Cart. 21, &c. Hen. 6. n. 26. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m 3, pro maner. de Farnhall et Aldington : Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. Pit; o. Hen. & p. 2. m. 4. pro ten. in Wippingham et Ca- retbrook [Wight.] Romefey, Stanbridge, Okley Mayhenfton, Wells, Hamelrife, Wynnale, et in civic Wintori. Pau 1 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. et p. 7. m. ult. vel penult. Rec, m fcacc, 3 Ed. 4, Pafc. rot. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Fa. 4. 1 rin. rot. 10. Pat. 35 Hen. 8. p. 8. [12 Jul.] pro maner. de Moun- delmore, Stubbinton, Wqodmancote, See. in confi- aeratione pro maner. de HermondeUvorth, See. B,?ZE"”op teH°„ShPfdSd A. O ”* ~ « ** «*» <* “X Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 61. 100. 10. St. Cross Hospital. Without the walls,- toward the fouth weft ftands tho i,™, r„ hofpital of St. Crofs founded by Henry de Blois bifhop of Winchefter and brother to K Stephen1, A\Df thV whole maintenance ot thirteen poor brethren in lodging, clothino anddiet’ and tor the dining of one hundred poor perfons every day. It was at firft governed °by a vrior and put under the management of the mafter and Knights Hofpitalers of St! John of Jerufalem , h Vcre was a vault under it for a carnary : but it feems to have been different from the “ chapelle with a carnary at- the weft end of the cathedral,” they being mentioned diftinaiy by Leland. Itin. iii. 100. ’ ani!l vo*' ”*• P- ex vita S. Brinftani. But auttre, : Ct°eJ.u-USi- !vas_not John’s hofpital, wherein was the »goJ?fihls Ifnt Brmftan. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 100. tiled <( Hofpitale S. Crucis de Sparkeford juxta Winton. £d' T” Cartuiar. mf. p. 87. It is faid Mori. Angl. K. that there was anciently at Winchefter an houfe of canons of the order of the Sepulchre, called by fame the order of St. pital of St oZr’ Whether that was an>’ other ft'an this hof- it 68' and Spced- But in-Angi. Sacr.i. „t4. who XXXV. HAMPSHIRE. who quitted their intereft herein upon valuable confiderations, A. D. n85m. when Richard bifhop of Winchefter made provilion for the dining of another hundred poor perfons. 1 here were then herein, befides the poor, a mailer and four chaplains in the nomination ot the lord biihop of Win¬ chefter. A confiderable addition was made temp. Hen. 6. to the old foundation both in buildings and revenues, to the yearly value of 158/. 13 J. 4 d. by cardinal Beaufort, or his executors, for a redlor, two chaplains, thirty-five poor men", and three poor women. Yet the whole annual in¬ come of this hofpital, 26 Hen. 8. was returned but 84/. 4*. 2d. Dugd. 184/. 4 s. 2d. Speed”. This well endowed houfe is ftill in being. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 480, &c. pat. 33 Hen 6. p. 2. ill. 18. de incorporatione pauperum, &c. de fun- datione Henrici Beaufort cardinalis. A catalogue of the mailers of this hofpital, in Mr. Willis’°Mitre- Pavments out of it 197/. 9‘- ^d. Clear 84/. 4 s. id. p Saner oil’s mf. Valor, q MS. Rivers. . ‘ This is alfo the valuation in Mon. Angl. 1. 1 040. » Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 100. 1 MS. collefl. ex rec. per Jo. Stow. 1 Mr. Speed, Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. &c. make tneie ers to have been founded temp. R. Joan, in whofe reign tins iler was not known in England, whither they were brought D. ml. by this then powerful biihop, who might probably w Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. too. x Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 100.- y The guardian of the friers Minors at V< inchelter is jnen tioned pat. . . Hen. 3. m. 10 et 11. d. Stevens, vol. 1. p- 95- faith, this houfe was dedicated to St. Francis. been XXXVi HAMPSHIRE. , en foimded by Peter re&or of St. Helen’s Winchefter, A. D. 1278. Speed. The fite was, afcef the diffolution, granted to Winchefter college. yide Year Books, I7 Ed. 3. Mich. n. 58. XXXVI. W1NTENEYE, near Hertford Bridge *. CiSTERTiAN Nunnery; A Ciftertian' nunnery built (as it is faid temp. Will ■ Conq.h ) to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene', or St. Mary Magdalene and John the Riptift d. Jeffrey the fon of Peter is faid, by one', to have been the founder, and Roger Colrith efquire, and Thomas his fon, by another f. Herein were a priorefs and feventeen nuns e about the time of the diffolution, but the value of their lands, & c. was only 43/. 3 s. per arm. as Dugd. and 59/. ir. as Speed. The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Richard Hill efqdire, ferjeant of the king’s cellar. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 483. cartam 9 Ed. 1. n. 11. confirm, donum Ric. Mackerel de terris in Sudethorpe, et Eflande, cum bofeo de Petfete, &c. Notas Tho. Hearnii ad finem annalium Joannis de Trokelow, &c. Oxon. 1729. f. 382, &c. ubi, inter alia, Nomina benefactorum, aliorumque qua: com- memorantur in ecclefia monaft. de Winteney edita e kalendario mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius, D. iii. 3. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 69. MS. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxiv. f. 72. cart. 19 Ed. 1. pro monialibus de Wynteneye. Fin. div. com. 8 Hen. 3. n. 30. de reddit. in Bedefoht. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. pro ecclefia de Heryard : Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 62. de comtiiun. paftur. pro bovi- bus, porcis, bidentibus, & c. fuper dominicis Hugonis de Wingham et Alicite de Byflete, et in maner. de Welle. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. For the monafiery c/Durford, as Mon. Angl. i. 545. or Deretford in the IJle of Wight, as Mr, Speed, fee below in Sussex. HEREFORDSHIRE. I. A C L E Y\ or Lyre Ocleb. Alien Priorv. This manor' being given to the abbey of Lira in Normandy by one of the anceftors of Robert Chandos before A. D. 1160. it became an alien priory of Benediftine monks. After the diffolution of thofe houfes, this was given to Shene ; and, as parcel thereof, was granted, 33 Hen, 8. to Sir Philip Hobby. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 985, 986. cartam Ro- Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 63. berti de Chandos confirm, donationes antecefforum Regiftrum brevium, fub. tit. De prefentatiombus, f. 305. in Acla et Sutton, eccl. de Hopa et Salpertona, et b. de vicaria prsbenda: de Lyra in eccl. cath. Here- decimam de Credenele : Cartam Gilberti epife. He- ford. reford, confirm, ecclefias in epifeopatu Hereford, foil. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Efcaet. Heref. de Marchelai, Lintun, Wilton, de Fonte David, Ta- 31 Ed. 3. n. 59. de eccl. de Fowhope cum capellis. metberia, Hopa, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 21. II. ACORNBURY, or Cornbury'*. Austin Nuns. K. John gave the foreft of Acornbury to Margery' the wife of Walter de Lacy, that fhe might therein found a nunnery, which fhe did about three miles fouth of Hereford, to the honor of the Holy Crofs f. This priory or hofpital s confided of a priorefs and feven nuns h, of the order of St. Auftin * and was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 67/. 13s. 2 d. per ann. Dugd. 75/. 7 s. $d. ob. Speed. It was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Hugh ap Harry. <* So Mon. Angl. ii. 33 1, 332; Prynnc, iii. 13 r. * One Matilda Walerie is faid to be foundress. Leland. Itin. viii. 36. f This occurs molt ufually, though fome of the charters in¬ timate its being dedicated to St. Mary, others to St. John ; and Mr. Speed, and mf. Bodl. to St. Katherine, g Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 332. h MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. 1 Mon. Angl. ii. p. 330. Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 317. Not White nuns, as in Speed. They were firft of the order of the hofpital of St. John of Jerufalem, but abfolved from it, and re¬ duced to that of St. Auftin, by Otho the pope’s legate, about A.D. 1237* Prynne, iii. 131, 132. fide 2 Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 69. a So the Winchefter regifters. But placed amongft the Bene¬ dictines in the Monafticon. b %u “ Milfridus et Quenburga.” Leland. Itin. iv. 86. c In many grants it is called the church of St. Mary and SI. Ethelbert. d Leland. Colleft. i. 210. Itin. v. 10. e Leland. Colledt. ii. 194. f Leland. Itin. iv. 86. g Willis’ Survey, vol. i. p. 506. where are the particulars. h MS. Valor. The printed, in Edton, is 375/. 13s. lid. ob. and 18/. is. 4 d. only for the minor canons. dral, XIII. HEREFORDSHIRE. dra!, in Mr. Gibfon’s View of Door, &c. London, J7271 4t0- In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 452. of the ad- vowfon of St. Mary Mounthaw London, and the bilhop’s houfe near it. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 604. of the manor of Crawley Bury in Chrifthall. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 604. of the manor of Prefbury: p. 657. of lands in Eyeford, p. 707. in Swindon and Clopley : p, 857. of the manor of Se- venhampton : belonging to the bilhoprick. Ibid. p. 296- °f the impropriate church of Briaval : p. 81 1- °f the impropriate reftory of Whaddon : be¬ longing to the dean and chapter. In Nalh’s Worcefterlliire, vol. i. p. 117. of the church of Bockleton appropriated to the treafurer of this church : vol. ii. p. 6. of the manor of Inteburgh for¬ merly belonging to the bilhoprick. Regiftrum Caroli Booth, Edv. Fox, et Edm. Boneri epifcoporum Hereford, ab. A. D. 1516. ad A. D. 1539. incluftve, mf. pergam. folio nuper in bibl. Joannis Moore epifc. Elienf. modo in bibl. publ. Cantab. Rentale mar.eriorum ct reddituum fpeftant. decano et canonicis de Hereford, mf. in bibl. publ. Acad. Can- tab. D d. x. 18. Regiftrum pervetuftum eccl. cath. Hereford, temp. R. Ed. 1 vel 2. penes praehonorabilem Thomam viceco- mitem Weymouth. Computos maneriorum epifcopatus Hereford. 26 Ed. 3. penes eundem. Colledtanea ex regiftro penes vicecomitem Weymouth, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 6203. Ibid. mf. 396. f. 9. mf. 4343. n. 1. et mf. 6726. n. 2. ftatuta ecclefiae Hereford. Ibid. mf. 396. f. 57. pofleffions of the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Hereford, 26 Hen. 8. mf. 6748. f. 22. cartam R. Joannis. In bibl. coll. Corp, Chrifti Cant. mf. 120. p. 483. con- fuetudines et ftatuta ecclefiae Hereford, p- 516. in- junftions given by Q. Elizabeth’s vifitors to the dean and chapter of Hereford. In bibl. Cotton, mff. Vitcllius, E. IX. Adami Herefor- denfis epifcopi quaedam ad Joannem de rebus quibuf- dam et controverfiis ad ecclefiam fuam fpedtantibus. Ibid. FauJiina , B. ii. 33. appropriationem ecclefiae de Lugwarden decano et capitulo Hereford. Inquifitiones et literas patentes ad ecclefiam Hereford, fpeftantes, mf. Jones in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. n. 21. Cartas, &c. penes epifcopum, decanum, et capitulum. Cart, antiq. B. 59. 152. BB. 33. Liberat. 3 Joan. m. 5. pro mercat. apud Ledbury : Clauf. 17 Joan. m. 21. de paftura de Hegefell et Links. Cart. 25 Hen. 3. m. x. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Rofs, Berton, Eton, Sheldenk, Topellee, Hampton, Outon, Bromyard, Wyleburn, Frome, Rofebury, Grendon, Cole well, Credele, Eftnoure, Ledbury fub Malvern [Heref.] North Ledbury [Salop.] Prelbury et Senehampton [Glouceftr.J Ibid. m. 3. pro feria apud Hereford : Ibid. m. 5. Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. x. pro mercat. in North-Ledbury, et pro mercat. et feria in Prelbury. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 143. pro mer¬ cat. et feria apud Credele. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 9. de villis de Multon, Alton, &c. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21 vel 22. pro chacea cpif- copi juxta Malvern: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. m. 4. de gurgite infra manerium de Hampton Epifcopi. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de terris in Chopeley, Seven- hampton, et Whitburn pro anniverfario Ricardi Swin- feld nuper epifcopi celebrando in capella epifcopi : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p 1. m. 15. confirm, libertatufn, et m. 16. de ten in Whitborn dat. in excambio. Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 12. pro mercat. apud Ros, et apud Ledbury, pro feria apud Hereford, et pro lib. war. in maneriis de Berton, Eton, Shelwykc, Topefle, Hamp¬ ton, Opton, Bromyard, Whitburn, Frome, Rofebury, Grendon, Golewell, Credel, Eftnoure, et Ledbury [Heref.] Ledebury North [Salop.] Prelbury et Se- venhampton [Gloceftr.] Cart. 18 Ric. 2. n. 13 et 14. et n. 17. pro mercat. apud Prefbury, et mercat. et feria apud Caftell. Epifcopi [Salop.] Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 3. Inquif. Heref. 6 Hen. 4. n. 31. extenta omnium terrarum epifcopatus in comi- tatu Hereford. Efc. 14 Ed. 4. n. 22. Heref. et Gloceftr. De antiquis pojjljfwnibus decani et capituli eccl. cath. Here¬ ford. Cart. 5 Joan. n. 217. Clauf. 14 Joan. m. . Cart. 33 Hen. 3. n. . pro mercat. et feria apud Prefton Canonicorum. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 19. pro penitentaria ecclefiae : Pat. 7 Ed. 1. m. 13. pro lib. war. in prxbenda de Berton: Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro ecclefiis de Holmar, Long Stanton, et La Pipe concedendis et appropriandis : Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 19. Brev. reg. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 7. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. de ecclefia de Kingfton approprianda: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. et 18. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 35. pro cantaria ad altare S. Annae: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de fubfidio procu- rando per totum regnum ad feretrum S. Thomae He¬ reford : Ibid. m. 23. pro ecclefia de Sheningfield cum capella de Swalefield annex, approprianda. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. et p. 3. m. 12. pro eccl. de Lugwarden cum capellis donandis a Johanna de Bo- hun ad inveniendum o£to capellanos et duos diaconos approprianda: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 27. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 23 Ed- 3- P- 3- m. 12. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro cantaria in capella extra oftium boreale : Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 38. de duabus acris prati vocat. Smalmere in Home Lacy'. Cart. 5 Ric. 2. n. 8. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. et 18. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 36. de praebenda de Bertonlham, vel de Boling- hope, vel Huntingdon unienda officio decani : Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. pro claudendo cimi- terio : Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro advoc. eccl. . de Wefebury, &c, Cart. 18 Ric. 2. n. 13 et 14. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 3 et 15. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro cantaria in capella S. Annae : Pat. 5 vel 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. pro cantaria in capella S. Jacobi. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 39. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 26. pro cantaria ad altare S. Georgii : p. 3. m. 24 vel 25. de contentione inter epifc. eccl. et cives, A. D. 1262. et confirm, libertatum. 2. Vicars Choral. The vicars of the cathedral church were, temp. Ric. 2. incorporated and made a college; and continue fo, as I am informed, at prefenc, having a common hall, a war¬ den, &c k. Fide Injunfiiones five ftatuta magis peculiariter ad vica- rios chorales et alios miniftros collegii Hereford, fpedlantia, mf. in bibl. Harleiana 396. f. 40. Rot. pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 26. pro ten. ibid, et in Werham et Blinghope : Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro ten. in W eftbury, et pro eccl. ibid. Pat. 1 6 Ric. 2. P- 2. m. 30. pro div. melT. in Hereford. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. de confirm, incorporationis : Ibid. p. 2. ’ Mr. Gibfon’s View of Door, Home Lacy, and Hempfted. Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. p. 919. « Adjoining to the m. 36. de advoc. eccl. de Weftbury. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 41. pro terris in Bryn- ton : Claul. 33 Ed. 3. m. 24. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. pro ten. in civit. et fiiburb. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 22. pro manfione ipforum amo- venda propius ecclefiam. “ church is a college for ij vicars and the chorifters, who lead “ an academical life.” Tour through Great Britain, p. 349. 3. Bene- XIII. HEREFORDSHIRE. 3. Benedictine Cell. In the chapel of St. Cuthbert1 here were of old time prebendaries who were tranflated to the church of St. Peter within the city built by Walter de Lacy, temp. Will. Conq. and endowed by him with leveral eftates. Which collegiate church, with all the revenues belonging to it, being given A. D. 1101. by Hugh de Lacy fon of the faid Walter, to the abbey ol St. Peter at Glocefter, the provoft and Secular canons were changed into a prior and Benedictine monks™, who were removed into the eaft fuburb without Bilhopfgate, where Robert Betun" bifhcip of Hereford gave them the ground, whereon was built the monaftery of St. Peter and St. Paul and St. Guthlac, which was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 121/. 3 s. 3 d. ob. per am. Dugd. Speed. The cell of St. Guthlac near Hereford, parcel of St. Peter’s Glocefter, was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to John ap Rice. Fide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 113. 115. u8. ex chronicis In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 699. of tithes in Stratton. Gloceftr. P. 406. clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 22. et p. 726. Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 34. de molendino fubtus muros de In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iii. p. 292. clauf. 5 Ed. 2. Hereford. m- 19- Rot. pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 84. 87. vol. v. p. 11. p. 1. m. . 4. St. Anthony’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. Antony at Vienna had a grant of the church of All Saints in Hereford, and the chapel of St. Martin there, per cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 2. and thereupon probably had fome of their houl'e here to colleCt their dues, who might live together and form themfelves into a fmall hofpital ; for the mafter of the hofpital of St. Antony at Hereford had the king’s letters of protection, 22 Ed. 1. as Prynne, vol. iii. p. 590, 591. Vide in Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 799. of the impropriate reflory and advowfon of the vicarage of Weltbury. 5. St. Ethelbert’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. Ethelbert in Hereford was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 10/. is 10 d. per ann. ° and feems to have been dependant on one of the dignitaries of the church. Vide in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 396. f. 50. et mf. 4343. n. 2. ftatuta hofpitalis S. Ethelberti Hereford. 6. St. Giles’ Hospital. In the fuburb without St. Andrew’s gate, as Leland calls that which in Speed’s map is called St. Owen’s gate, “ there is an hofpital of St. Giles, which once were “ friers Grifey p, and then Templars. K. Richard gave this chapel to the towne, and then it was “ made an hofpital.” 7. St. Giles’ Lazar-house. “ There is alfo in the fuburb without Inn-gater a chapel of “ St. Giles, firft founded for lazers, now converted to the ufe of other poor folke. The burgeffes “ be patrons of it S. St. John’s PIospiTAL. In Wydmer ftreet or the fuburb without the north gate', “ there “ was an hofpital of Sr. John, fometime a houl'e of Templars, now it is an almefhoufe with a cha- “ pel".” This, I conceive, is the hofpital at Hereford", which K. Richard 1. gave to the precep- tory at Dynmore, which was of Hofpitalers, not of Templars ; and was, as parcel of Dynmore, reftored to thofe Knights 4 and 5 Phil, et Mar. and, as parcel of the poffeflions of the late Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, granted, 6 Eliz. to Robert Freke and John Walker. 9. St. Thomas’ Hospital. The prior of fthe hofpital of St. Thomas here is mentioned in fome mff. collections made by St. Lo Knyveton efquire out of the records. 10. Hospital. There was alfo an hofpital near the bridge over the Wye in Hereford as early as A. D. 1226. Vide cart, n Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 71. rex confirmat dona- hofpitali juxta pontem de Waye in civitate Hereford. tionein faCtam per Willielmum filium Warini Deo et de molendino de Mawortham, .et diveriis aliis. 11. Black Friers. The friers Preachers came hither firft in the time of St. Thomas Canti- lupe bifhop of Hereford, about the year 1280, and fet up a little oratory at Portfield in the Inn- gate fuburb ; they were afterward removed into the north fuburb, where Sir John Daniel or Dein- vile knt. began a new priory and church for them, which were finilhed by K. Edward 3. This houfe was granted, 5 Eliz. to Elizabeth Wynne. 1 Leland. Itin. iv. 84. ni Not Nuns, as Gervafe of Cant. mf. Nor was the priory of St. Guthlac for Francifcan friers, and the priory of St. Peter and St. Paul for canons Auguftines, as in Mr. Speed; for this was but one priory, though called fometimes by the name of one faint, and fometimes by that of another, and often by the name of all three, as Rymer, vol. iii. Regiftr. Fox mf. &c. ’• Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 87. Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. i. p. 8. ® MS. Valor. p “ Monachi Savignienfes.” Colledt. Anglo-minorit. See the preface. s Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 87. r So Leland calls it. But more probably Eynegate. ’ Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 86. • Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 14. m. . “ Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 87. v Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 549. 553. Vie XIII. HEREFORDSHIRE. p.j Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 24.0. of tha lady Beau- cliamp’s being to be buried here, &c. i riand. Itin. vol iv. p. 86. vol. vju. p. 36. I rl Rymeri Conventionum, etc. vol. vn. p. 71 1. In . 'u[ , e Rie. 2. m. 9. pro controverfia fedanda inter hos fratres et fratres Minores London, de fepultura Toannis Haftings nuper com. Pembr. Rot pat. 13 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 34 vel 35. pro ten. con- cefT. pet Phil. Wales. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. et ro. 36 vel 37. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. pro excambio terr* in We- linton: rat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. et p. 2. m. 28. pro venella vocat. Frog- lane. Pat. 3 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro ii. funajgiis vocat .femes de focali percipiend. quotidie de bofco dc Hcywode pro term. xx. ann. 12. Grey Friers. “ The college of Grey friers', without Frere-gate, was founded by Sir .. will- Pembrugge, temp- Ed. 1 L The bilhop of Hereford gave them fome lands*.” This houfe was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to James Boyle. yide Colleft. Anglo-minoritica, p. ii. p. ai. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. I S4* XIV. HOME LACY, or Hamm. Premonstratensian Abbey. William Fitzwain founded an abbey here in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3. for Premonftratenfian canons, to the honor of the blefled Virgin and St. Thomas Becket, and endowed the fame with lands in Hamm, and the manors of Albritton and Hudlesfeld, and the rents and fervices thereto belonging. Fide Mr. Mat. Gibfon’s View of Door, &c. p. 118. And the foundation charter in the Appendix No. v. XV. K I L P E C K E, or Chilpeec. Benedictine Cell. The church of St. David here being given by Hugh the fon of Wil¬ liam the Norman (whofe family afterward afiumed the furname of Kilpec) to the abbey of St. Peter at Glocefter A. D. 1134. it became 3 cell of Black monks to that monaftery, till it was “ fup* « pretty d in Tho. SpofFord bilhop of Herford’s tyme, and clerely united to Glocefter. The priory «* flood from the cattle a quarter of a myle'.” This manor and reftory (as parcel of the pofleflions of Glocefter abbey) were granted, 33 Hen. 8. to the bilhop of Glocefter and his fucceflfors. Fide Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 116. vol. iii. p. i. p. 8. XVI. LEDBURY. 1. College. The redtory here was anciently divided into feveral portions or prebends t>, as the prebend of Over-hall, the prebend of Nether-hall, &c°. But about A. D. 1400. a college for a matter and eight Secular priefts was founded in the parilh church of Ledbury by John Trevenanc bilhop of Hereford. Vide rot. pat. I Hen. 4. p. 2. rp. 20. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 4 et 15. 2. Hospital. An hofpital for a mafter, redlor or prior d, and feveral poor brothers and fillers, built by Hugh Foliot bilhop of Hereford', to the honor of St. Katherine, A. D- 123^ f. which met with feveral benefadlors but the revenues of it were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 32/. 7 s. nd. per ann. in the wholes, and 22 1. 5s. clear \ It is yet in being, having been refounded by queen Elizabeth1, A. D. 1580. for a mafter k (who is nominated by the dean and chapter of Hereford) and feven poor men widowers, and three poor women widows, who are nominated by the mafter, and have each an allowance of 61. 13 s. 4 d. per ann. befides deaths and firing. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 452. pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. leyth ex dono Galfridi de Longo Campo, et confirm, m. 21. perlnfpex. recit. cartam Hugonis epife. Here- donationes Joannis de Stanford de redditibus inHida: ford, de fundatione, et ecclefiis de Wefton et Yark- Rogeri de la Berehe de reddit. inBerehe: Simonis hull ex dono Walteri de Lacy, et eccl. de Kenepe- de Wefton, de terra in Wefton: Petri de Donington, * Mr. Speed, in his map, placeth White Friers without Frere- fate, and in his catalogue calls the founder Sir Henry Pem- ridge, dedicates it to St. Guthlac, and endows it with tal/. 3-t. 3 d. ob. per ami. but certainly by miftake. One Sir Richard Pembridge was knight of the garter in the time of K. Edward 3. and is buried under a (lately monument in Hereford cathedral. But he could not found this houfe, becaufe y It was in being A. D. 1193. as appears from the Worcefter annals in Angl. Sacr. i. jiy. - I.eland. Itin. vol. iv. p, 86. a Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 58. b See in Newcourt’s Repertbrium, vol. i. p. 60. 220. 339. the names of fome who had thefe prebends or portions. c Cart. 2 Joan. m. 19. * “ Prior hofpitalis Ledebury.” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. * Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 41 et 57. Not (as in Speed) John bifhop of Hereford, who was founder of the college here. 1 This date is upon the hofpital ; but it is probably the time when finilhed : for it feems to have been begun before A. D- 1230. and the founder died in July or Auguft 1334. e Sancroft’s mf. Valor. r- This is the valuation in both Dugdale and Speed. * It was properly refounded or reeftablifhed by aft of parlia¬ ment obtained by the care and pains of the dean and chapter of Hereford ; but queen Elizabeth encouraging it, hath her name fet upon the hotpital as the reftorer of it. k A place of good profit, not below the dignity of the vice- chancellor of Oxford ; as the author of Magn. Britan. Antiq. et Nov. faith, p. 937. of Dr. Thornton, who was vicechancellor there, and mafter here, in the reign Of B- James j. and a pen- fiderable benefaftor to the hofpital. de * Bbb XVI. HEREFORDSHIRE. oc molcndino apud Malmefpol : Matildis Pache, de terra in Herefordia : Will, de Ankcrug, de meffi et terris in Ankerug : Joannis Gerfant de reddit. in Eftcmore. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 139. pat. 2 Hen. 3. p. 3. m. 15. pro fundatione et dotatione. Iceland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 41. 57. Rot. pat. 49 Hen. 3. n. 55. prb fe£la hominum de Kem- pele ad hundred, de Bottclow [Gloccftr.] Pati j Hen. 3. n. 114. Efcaet 6 Ed. 3. n. 99. Heref. de redditu xl j, in Cow erne: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10 vel ji. Pat. 37 Ej " p. 2. m. 30. pro ten. ibid, et in Dcntzein, et LeJel bury Forrein. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 20. pro ten. in Markle Parva Rot. pari. 22 Eliz. pro hujufmodi hofpitali reftabilienj0 XVII. LENA1, Monekellen, Monkenlane, or Munkland, . Alien Priory. Ralph Tony the elder having given, temp. Will. Rufi, the manor end church here to the abbey of St. Peter at Caftellione or Conches in Normandy, it became a cell of Bene diftine monks to that foreign houfe. It was fometime reckoned as parcel of the alien priory 0f Wotton-wawen in Warwicklbire, and as fneh was granted, during the wars with France, to the Carthufians at Coventry, 22 Ric. 2. but, after the fuppreffion, this priory of Monkenlane, with all its appurtenances, was annexed to the dean and chapter of Wind for, 13 Ed. 4. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 559. Radulphi de Tony donationem manerii et eccl. de Lena abbatiae de Ca¬ ftellione: P. 597. Willelmi epifc. Hereford confirma- tionem hujufmodi donationis: P. 966. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. five conceffionem hujus prioratus domui Carthuf. S. Anna: juxta Coventre. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 74. pat. Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. five conceffionem hujus prioratus eccl. coll, de Windfur Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 11. Pat. 20 Hen. 6 p. 3. m. 5 vel 6. de eonceffione hujus manerii Ro¬ lando Lenthall et aliis. XVIII. LEOMINSTER, or Lemfter, ollm Leonis Monafterium m, Leof", or Llanlienis °. Benedictine Cell. Merwald king of the weftern part of Mercia firft built a monaftery here to the honor of St. Peter p, about A. D. 660. which being deftroyed in the Danilh wars, here was a college of prebendaries ’, and after an abbey of nuns, who were all difperfed, and their lands pofTefTed by laymen long before the year 1125 r. when K. Henry 1. gave this monaftery, with every thing belonging to it, to the (lately new abbey which he had founded at Reading in Berkfhire. After this it became a cell of Benedi&ine monks, fubordinate thereunto, and was, A. D. 1536. endowed with the yearly revenue of 660 1. 16 s. 8 d. out of which there was paid to Reading and in other reprifes to the value of 448/. 4L 8ds. The greateft part of the fite of this priory was granted, x Maria , to the bailiffs and burgefies of the town. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 417. cartas regum Hen. 1. et 2. P. 420. cartas Ricardi et Hugonis epifcoporum Herefordenfium, ex regiftro abbatiae de Reading in bibl. Cotton. Domitian. A. iii. [quod confulat lector.] P. 421. quaedam ex Lelandi Colledl. et Itin. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 177, 178. pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 34. Ibid. p. 362, 363. pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. 12. Ibid. p. 1251, 1252. bund. brev. 10 Ed m. Lelandi ColledL vol. i. p. 53. vol. ii. p. 169. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 91, 92. vol. v. p. 11. vol. vii. p. 158. Selden’s Hiftory of Tithes, p. 319. Cartularium penes Thomam Blount de Orleton arm. A. D. 1669. Regiftrum penes Thomam comitem Conyngefby A. D. 1719. Computos ballivorum, &c. in baga intit. Richmonds , in fuperiori archa quintae archae in officio curire Aug¬ ment. Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 37. et Cart. 10 Ed. 1. n. 12. pro feria ibidem: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 38. de ead. augend. Plac. in banco, 7 Ed. 3. rot. 263. Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 32 [ pro mercat. apud Leominfter : Pat. 38 Ed. 3, p. j, m. 28. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 19. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. XIX. LYMBROKE, or Lingebrooke. Austin Nuns. Here is faid to have been an alien priory, cell to Aveney in Normandy1, as Mon. Angl. i. 1036. ex pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 26. but it is more certain, that about a quarter of a mile from the left bank of the river Ltigg'was a priory of nuns “ of the order of St. Auftin"', founded by fome of the Mortimers’1 as early as Ric. u. which continued till the general fuppref¬ fion, when it had fix nuns2, and was endowed with 22 /■ 171-. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. 23/. ijs. 8d. Speed. It was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to John Weft and Rob. Gratwick. 1 Not Leva, as falfely printed in the Monaft. p. 559. b. i. 7. m Sim. Dunelm. Leland. Colieft. vol. ii. p. 169. where, and in Capgrave’s Life of St. Milburg, fee the ftory of the lion. » Jorvall, Knighton, Polyehr. ° This Leland (Itin. iv. 91.9 and Camden make the Britilh name ; which, they fay, figmfies the place or church of nuns : and this may be the reafon why they are both fo pofitive that there were nuns placed here at firlt. But from Eadfrid, who converted the founder to chriftianity, being made head of this Religious houfe, it is more probable that it was originally for men; and I chufe to. place the Secular priefts here before the nuns, who were here laft before the Conqueft and diflolution ; as is evident from Swane earl Godwin’s fon corrupting Eggiva the abbefs here, temp. Ed. Conf. (Mon. Angl. i. 133.) which might occafion the ruin of this nunnery, as a like trick of his father’s had that of Berkley. ' • P Capgrave ut fupra, and Mon.. Angl. Not St. James, as Speed. a Qutere, Of the dean and chaplains here temp. Ed. 1. Prynne, iii. 177. r Mon. Angl. i. 417. a Regillr. Ed. Fox epifc. Hereford, mf. f. 14. 1 No fuch monaftery occurs in Du Monftrier’s Neuftria Pia, unlefs in Mon. Angl. it be falfely printed for Aulney, which had a cell in Lincolnlhire called Limbergh. “ Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 89. * Regiftr. Car. Booth epifc. Hereford, mf. f. 167. The Mo- nafticon placeth Benedidtines ; and Speed, mf. Bodl. and Gcr- vafe of Cant, make them White nuns. x Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 11. y Becaufe mentioned in Gervafe's catalogue. » MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. Vide XIX. HERiPdRDSFilRB. Vide ill Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 474- inquif. 24 Ed. 3. n. 33. Hercf. de mancr. de Brokkefwode Power. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 89. 92. vol. v. p. ir. Jn Nafh’s Worcefterlhire, vol. i. p. 248. of tile impro¬ priate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Clifton. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. tn. 20 vel 21. Pat. lo Ed. 1. rh. . Rot. pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. rri. 2. pardon, prioriffie pro ad- qhif. eccl. de Stoke Blcze fine licentia regis. Pat. io Ed. 3. p. 21. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 31. licent. perquirendi manet. de Brokefwode : Pat, 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro ten. in Draycote pro anni- verfario Wi'l. de Waldfheof. XX. T I T L E Y, or Tutele*. Alien Priori. An alien pfiory, cell to the abbey of Tyrone in France. Fide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 624. 1036. Rot.. pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 17. XXI. W I G M O R E\ Austin Canons. A fmall college of three prebendaries founded in the parochial church here A. D. 1 ioo. by Ralph de Mortimer, which dropped upon the founding of the abbey. This owed its foundation originally to the directions which the laid Ralph left upon his death-bed with his ion and heir Sir Hugh de Mortimer; purfuant whereunto Sir Oliver de Merlimound their Reward began a Religious houfe at Scobbedon or Shobdene, temp. Hen. r. and having made fome fmall en¬ dowment procured a prior and two canons from St. Vidor at Paris to come hither. The want of water, and other inconveniencies, made them remove to Eye near Aylmyfter upon the river Luo-o- Hence they went to Wigmore, then to Beodune, and. back again to Shobdon, but were finally fettled A. D. 1 1 79 c. in a noble monaftery ■* (about a mile beyond Wigmore town and cattle in the marlli ground toward Shrewlbury) built, and fo amply endowed as to be made an abbey at the foie expence of the faid Hugh Mortimer. It was of the order of St. Auftin', commended to the pa¬ tronage of St. James, and rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 267/. 2 s. 10 d. ob. pet- ann. Dugd. 302/ 12/ 3 d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Sir Tho. Palmer, 3 and 4 Phil, ft Mar. to Philip Cockeram. * Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. a. p. 213. ad 229. fun- dationis et fundatorum (fcil. familias Mortimeriame) hiftoriam tam Gallice quam Latine, ex vet. Cod. mf. penes dom. Bruce, 1656. [Quaere annon fit mf. car- tularium hujus abbatiae in audtione Ceciliana emptum ab illuftrifl’. duce Canute.] Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 114. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 10. 88. vol. v. p. 11. vol. viii. p. 39. In Nalh’s Worcefterlhire, vol. ii. p. 271. of the advow¬ fon of the rectory of Ribbe-ford. Cartularium abbatiae Wigmorenfis, olim penes dom. Ed. Harley de Brampton Bryan in com. Heref. forfi- tan nunc confervatum ill bibl. praenobilis Roberti com. Oxon. et Mortimer, baronis de Wigmore. Extraitum ex hiftoria fundationis abbatiae de Wigmore, cum genealogia fundatorum didtae abbatiae (diverfa ab imprefla in Mon. Angl.) mf. penes Dodt. Macro, mile. vii. f. 58, &c. I11 bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 189. mf. 3648. mf. 5804. f. 35. mf. 5855. f. 87. colledtanea ex tegiftro et ar- chivis hujus abbatis: mf. 2060. p. 259. genealogiam fundaforum. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. cx, f. 124. 127. de abbatia de Wigmore : in mufeo Aftimol. ibid, mf. 846. extradlum ex abbatia de Wigmore. In bibl. Cotton, mf. Cleopatra , C, iii. 20. excerpta e cronico abbatiae de Wigmore. Inter m(T. Antonii quondam com Kantiae, n'. ii. cartes de l’abbaye dc Wigemore et Mortimer. Rot. cart. 49 Hen. 3. m. 3. de libertat. in maneriis de Shobdon [Heref.] Kayham et Walton [Salop.] Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 35. Brev. 9 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 16. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. pro maner. de Cockelhale- Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro maner. de Netherlee [Heref.] Low et Hintis [Salop.] Pat. 3 Ric 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro maner. de Chelmerfh • Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 31. pro maner. de Letton et ten. in Attfarton, Leintwardin, Merlow, WItton See. Pat. 22 Rid. 2. p. 2. m. 29. de maner. de Low* Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 6. Ibid. 3 Hen c Hill. rot. 16. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 7. XXII. WORMELEYE, or Wormefly, olim De Pyoniaf. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons s, of the order of St. Vi&orh, dedicated to St Leonard', founded by Gilbert Talbotk, in K. John’s time1, or in the beginning of K. Henry ?’ About the time of the diffolution here were feven canons, and it was valued at 83 /. ior 2 d per ann. Dugd. Speed. The fite was granted, in exchange for fome other lands, to Edward ’lord Clinton, 37 Hen. 8. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 26r. cartam Stephani de Ebroicis de molendinis in Lenbale, &c. a'd fuftent. trium capellanorum : P. 263. cartas Gilberti de Lacy et Will, de Ebroicis confirm, donationem Stephani a Prynne, v°]. iii. p. 707. Rymer, vol. iv. p. j48. Tax. Line. 20 Ld. 1. mf. b Exprefsly faid in the aft of furrender to be in this county, Kymer, xiv. 614. But Mr. Speed places it in Shfopfhire, upon ne borders of which it is, and in the archdeaconry of Salop, it is thought to have been in the parilh of Leintwardin. A. D. 1172. Annales Wigorn. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 88. vol. v. p. 11. f p g,reat jbbey of White canons. Leland. Itin. v. 11. * ei naps becaufe near within half a mile of the parilh church de Ebr. ex cod. mf. Cotton. Ft ell. F. viii. Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 60. fecit, cartam Edm. filii R. Henrici de advoc. eccl. de Dylun. Ibid. tom. iii. p. f. p. 48, &c. ex regiftro de Worm'ely de Pyonia Regis, now King^ Pa»on. g Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. ii. et Mon, Angl. iii. h Regiftr. Car. Booth epife. Hereford, mf. ■ “ St Mary and St. Leonard.” Regitlrum in bibl. Harleiana. r xv S £?Larld‘ IUnV‘ lv* r24* but Perhaps only the great bene- I h Tv' *r ?fte"'ne"ti°ned in the Monaft. Ri€h^rd Mdbmf Stow f Pain wtke founder> according to mf. AfnmoL 1 Becaufe it is not in Gervafe of Cant. mf. penes XXIf. HEREFORDSHIRE. penes Ed. Harley mil. Cartas Joannis de Bafkcrvlle, de terris in Stanley : R. Edwardi, pro conceflione ter- rarum in Wormley et Bourhulle per Rob. Stanton et Gilb. Talbot: Stephani de Ebroicis, de dim. virg. terrae in Lconhales : Roberti Boter, de heremitorio Edwini : Walter! Mucegrofs, Joannis Le Strange, et Rogeri de Mortuo Mari, de heremitorio S. Kenedri in infula de Winfretone: Gilberti Talbot, de molen- dino de Coketon et advoc. eccl. de Credenull : Ge- rardi de Eylesford, de advoc. eccl. de Pyonea Regis: Steph. de Ebroycis, de advoc. de Leonhales ; Petri epifc. Hereford, de approprianda eccl. de Wormefley : Joannis Bromwych, de advoc. eccl. de Almaly : Ba- filiae de Bourhull, de cantaria facienda. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. n. Regiftrum S. Mariae et S. Leonardi de Pyonia five de Wormefley, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 3586. Regiftrum de Wormefley, mf. in bibl. Lambeth. Cartas quamplurimas originates ad hunc prioratum fpe£lantes, penes Ric. Danfy de Brunfhope arm. Rot. pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 23. dorfo, de ten. in Clehanger: Pat. 3 Ed. 1 . m. 30. dorfo, de eodem : Plac. in com. Hereford. 20 Ed. 1. affif. rot. Jl. dorfo, de terris in Clehanger: Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. de advoc. eccl. de King's Peon perquirenda. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. pro ten. in Worm- fly, Winfreton, Leonhales, Cokton, et W alford : Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2 • m. 33. pro ten. in W. King’s Peon, Litledelow, et Micherdelow : Par. 47 Ed. 3. p. m. 29. pro eccl, de Credenhall approprianda. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Leonhales, Doni- ton, Webley, See. Ibid. m. 36. pro eccl. Almalie approprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 6. Mich. rot. 24. de terris in Wal- ford. For the monajlery of Cheshunt placed in this county, Mon. Angl. i. 512. and Ware, ibid. 1036. fee below in Hertfordshire. HERTFORDSHIRE. I. St. A L B A N’S. *• "Denedictine Abbey. At a place called Holmhurft, near the ancient Roman city of Veru- -D lam, known after in the Saxon times by the name of Verlamceafter or Watlingceafter, K. Offa, A. D. 793. founded a noble abbey for one hundred Benediftine monks, to the honor of St. Alban the protomartyr, among the firft Chriftian Britains who fuffered here. This monaftery had very great privileges and exemptions, and alfo revenues valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 2 102 1. ys. id. ob. q. per am. Dugd. 2510/. 6s. id. ob. q. Speed. The church, fince made ufe of as parochial, and great part of the fite were granted, 7 Ed. 6. to the mayor and burgeffes. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 176. colkAanea de fun- datione abbati*, ex Matth. Weftm. Will. Malmfbur. Lelandi Colleft. Hift. Aur. Joannis Tinmuth, et chron. Joannis Bever: P. 177. cartam Off* regis, dat, A. D. 793. P- 178. aliam cartam ejufd. Offce, dat. A. D. 795. Cart. 1 Joan, de libertatibus : P. 179. bullam P. Honorii, de privileges, dat. A. D. 1218. P. 181, Sec. metra in fenellris clauftri et librarii, ex mf. Bodl. Laud, E. IV. Vitas duorum Offarum regum Merciorum et viginti trium abbatum S. Albani, una cum libro additamen- torum, per Matth. Parifienfem, editore Willielmo Watts S. T. P. Lond. 1640. fol. et 1684. fol. Reyneri Apoftol. Benedict, tract, ii. p. 97. 120, &c. et in Appendice feriptorum, p. 40. In Spelmanni Concil. tom. i. p. 309. 313, &c. de ex- quirendo loco S. Albani fepulturae, fundatione et do- tatione abbatiae. In Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 631. modum conftitu- endi abbatem exemptum apud Anglos poll concilium Lateranenfe fub P. Innocentii 3. prout habetur in exemplo conftitutionis Joannis fecundi abbatis S. Al¬ bani 23. A. D. 1235. Ibid. tom. iii. p. 632. dom. archiepifc. Cantuar. monitionem pro vifitatione ab- batix S. Albani, et corrigendis moribus abbatis et commonachorum virtute bullae papalis, A. D. 1489. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 234. the privileges belonging to the church of St. Alban’s, as they were fettled A. D. 1 257. And the lives of the abbats of St. Alban’s, out of Matth. Paris. » So in Stevens, p- 35 and 36. but that was long before St. Alban’s was founded. As I take it, Ecfrid or Ecferth fucceeded Offa (who died A. D. 794*) and reigned but fix months. It mull be whilft Athelward was archbilhop of Canterbury, for both In Appendice ad vol. ii. p. 35. cartam Ecfridi R. Mer¬ ciorum pro terra in Pinnelesfeld, A. D. 1716a. p. 36. aliam cartam ejufdem regis, pro terra inThirefeld: Cartam regis Ethelredi, pro terra in Etbirftane, &c. A. D. 996. p. 37. aliam cartam ejufdem regis, pro terris in Fleamflede et Verulamio: p. 38. cartam .... Wulf, pro terris de Eftun et Qxawica: Tefta- mentum Ethelgivae pro Gatefdene, &c. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 910. pat. 29 Ed. r. m. 8. de temporalibus durante vacatione : p. 930. pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 27. p. 1216. clauf. 30 Ed. 1. m. 16. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. i. p. 774. bullam P. Urban!. Ibid. vol. v. p. 662. bullam P. Clementis confirm, eledtionem Thomx abbatis b, A. D. 1349. Ibid, vol. viii. p. 138. clauf. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 19. de arraiatione facienda contra inimicos villas maritimas invafuros b. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. praef. p. xviii. de bofeo da Nordhag : p. 336. conceffionem fraternitatis dom. Joanni Say mil. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 521, &c. de fubjedtione bur- genfium abbati S. Albani. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftpry of Abbies, vol. i. p. 13. an ac¬ count of this abbey, the dimenfions of the church, and a catalogue of the abbats. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 552, &c. an ac¬ count of St. Alban, of this abbey and its abbats, and of many perfons buried here : p. 559. the bulls of pope Alexander 3. and pope Clement 3. concerning the charters are figned by him, and that was from A. D. 79 J- to 803. b b Theft art alfb in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 39. compofitioa I. HERTFORDSHIRE. compofition between the churches of Lincoln and St. Alban’s. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 26. vol. ii. p. 269. vol. iii. p. 69, 70. de fundatione: vol. i. p. 55. nomina eella- jarum S. Albani et fundatorum earundem : vol. iii. p. 163. codices mlT. olim in bibliotheca hujus ab- batire : p. 164. excerpta et Mattheo Parifienfi, ex antiqua tabula, et ex hiftoriola quadam gallice feripta. App. ii. P- 278. de manerio de Makeryende. Vallans apud Lelandi Itin. vol. v. pref. xvii. ibid, vol. ix. p. 10 1. comment, in cygneam cantionem, voce Verolamium. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p 244. cartam abbatis S. Al¬ bani de militibus fuis feffatis : p. 387. de Goflehunte et Goldhangre tent, de honore Boloniae pro iii. mili¬ tibus. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, p. 63. de vii. caru- catis terrs in Norton: App. p. 56. de uno melfuagio et xii. acris terrs et in. acris prati in Everfdon. Walterum de Hemingford, edit. Hearne, in appendice ad pnefationem, p. cxli. proceflum fub brevibus, fuper modo et forma, quibus Johannes Whethamftede fuit iterum port: refignationem in patrem ac paftorem ec- clefis S. Albani reeledtus. InChauncy’s Hertfordlhire c, p. 428. to p. 451. a large account of this abbey, &c. p. 42. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Reedvvell : p. 44. of the church of Bigrave : p. 47. of lands in Wallington, p. 270. in Stapleford : p. 277. of tithes in Eflingdon, p. 281. in Beyford: p. 386. of a tenement and lands in Willien: p. 460. of the manors of Newland Squil- lers, Butterwick and Beech, p. 463. of Kingfbery, p. 464. of Gorhambury, p. 465. ofChildwick, p. 475. of Abbots Langley, p. 483. of Calhiobury, p. 484. of Garfton, p. 485. of Meriden, Caroland, Byrfton and Oxey, p. 490. of Aldenham, p. 494. of Elftree, p. 505. of Apelbery : p. 514. of the manor of Brant- held and the impropriate church : p. 535. of the ma¬ nor of Shenley : p. 538. of lands in Theobald ftreet. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 778, &c. of the abbey: p. 495. of the advowfon of St. Michael’s Woodftreet: p. 520. of St. Peter’s Weftcheap: p.798. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Alton Abbats [Buckingh.] p. 804. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Cheping Barnet [Hertf.] p. 824. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Codicote : p. 832. of the redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Little Harwood [Buck- ingh.] p. 833. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hexton [Hertf.] p. 840. of the advowfon of Idelftree redtory and lands there : p.841. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Langley Abbats : p. 848. of the like at Newnham : p. 849. of the manor of Northal! and a wood there: p.851. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Norton: p. 857. of the redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Redburne, and the manor of Aignell there: p. 862. of the manors of Rickmanf- worth, Crofley, and Michelfeld, the redtory of Rick- manfworth and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 863. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ridge: p. 881. of the like at Sandridge : p. 882. of the like at Sarret: p. 884. at Shephall : p. 898. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wal¬ den St. Paul: p. 905. of the like at Watford : p.911. at Window : Ibid. vol. ii. p. 505. of a portion of tithes at Roding St. Margaret’s [Eflex.] all belong¬ ing to this abbey. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 185. of tithes in Lubben- ham. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 517. of tithes in Horpole. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 298. of tithes in Bre- tenham: vol. ii. p. 724. of pofleffions in Norwich. Selden's Hiftory of Tithes, p. 324. Regiftrum brevium judicialium, f. 43. a. Year Books, Ed. 3. vol. i. f. 180. 38 Ed. 3. f. 3. 8 Hen. 4. Hill. 1. 11 Hen. 4. Mich. 9. 9 lien. 5. Mich. 17. 35 Hen. 6. Mich. 4. 37 Hen. 6. Trin. 21. 12 Ed. 4. Mich. 18. 15 Ed. 4. Trin. 5. 11. 2iEd.4. Pafch. ig. 22 Ed. 4. Trin. 20. Mich. 9. 15 Hen. 7. Trin. 12. Regiltra cartarum monafterii S. Albani, de terris et praediis, eorundcmque donationibus, &c. m(T. in bibl. Cotton. Julius , D. iii. 1. Tiberius , E. vi. Otho, D. iii, Nomina fratrum de profcllione S. Albani defundtorum a fufeeptione fratris Joannis de Wallingford in eod. or- dine A. D. 1231. et excerpta de geftis abbatum S. Albani, mf. in ead. bibl. Julius, D. vn. 18 et 20. The fums of money given to this monaftery by Humfry duke of Glocefter for his fepulture, perpetual malles, and other obfervances, mf. in ead. bibl. Claud. A. VIII. 22. Epiltolas et adta Joannis Whethamftcd abbatis S. Al¬ bani, m(T. in ead. bibl. Claud. D. i. 1, 2. Otho, B. iv. I, 2, &c. Rentale de terris et tenementis de novo adquifitis, per Tho. Ramryge abbatem renovatum 27 Hen. 7. mf. Claud. D. i. 4. Gefta abbatum S. Albani a Willegodo ad Thomam de la Mare 3oom. Proceflum rebellionis tenentium mo¬ nad. S. Albani contra abbatem et monachos, temp. Ric. 2. Taxam bonorum abbatis: Beneficia eccle- Aaftica ad collationem five prefentationem abbatis fpedtantia: Poflefliones abbatiae pod ftatutum de terris non amortifandis datas et perquifitas : Solutiones ab obedientiariis et prioribus cellarum abbatis perfolven das: Reliquias repofitas in monafterio S. Albani, et indulgentias pro vifitatione earum conceflas : Vefti- menta facra, jocalia, et vafa: Modum eligendi abba¬ tem: Conftitutiones quafdam fvnodales jurifdidtionis S. Albani, mlT. in ead. bibl. Claudius, E. iv. 7. 10, I I, 12, &c. Vitas OfFarum regum et abbatum S. Albani, per Matth. Parifienfem, cum hiftoricis additamentis huic abbatis pertinentibus, mf. in ead. bibl. Nero, D. i. Horum quamplurima edidit cl. Watfius. Catalogum benefadtorum et omnium eorum qui in ple- nam fraternitatem monafterii S. Albani recepti erant, cum compendiariis hiftoriis eorundem et elegantiffimis pidturis, mf. in ead. bibl. Nero, D. vn. Nomina abbatum a Willegodo ad Joannem, qui erat xxiiius. abbas, mf. ibid. Fitellius, A. xx. 7. Excerpta ex regiftris et libris m(T. Cottonianis, per cl. Rog. Dodfworth. de hac abbatia, ejufque cellis, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. lxxviii. f. 4. 60. 68. 1 31. Ejufd. argumenti colledtanea dodtilf. Ric. Jamefii, mfl'. in ead. bibl. James, viii. p. 119. x. p. 103. xix. p. 1. xxx. p. 74. mf. Wood, in mufeo Alhmol. vol. ci. f. 113. et mf. Clarendon, n 14. f. 69. Metra in feneftris monafterii S. Albani, mf. Laud in bibl. Bodl. E. 31. Colledtanea hiftorica Auguftini Baker ordinis S. Bene- didti generalis, mf. in coll. Jefu Oxon. n. 81. Nomina abbatum S. Albani, et qusdam de cellis qui- bufdam ejufd. abbatis, mf. in coll. S. M. Magd. Oxon. 53. Chronicon de rebus abbatis S. Albam temp. Joannis Whethamfted abbatis, olim in bibl. Arundel, nunc in bibl. coll. arm. Lond. n. 91. Librum de benefadtoribus monaft. S. Albani compen- diofe confedtum, una cum vitis Thoms de la More et Joannis Moote abbatum, et eledtione Gulielmi Heyworth, mlT. ad finem Supplemehti Hiftoris Aures, mf. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. n. 7. Fundationem monafterii et nomina abbatum. mf. in bibl. coll. Caio-Gonvil. 55. p. 70. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 10. temporalia abbatis et conventus S. Albani: mf. 66. f. 1. excerpta ex hifto- ria S. Albani feripta temp. Hen. 3. et ex cartis regum Anglo-Saxonum abbatis conceffis : mf. 139. f. 97, 98. de natalitiis Johannis Whethamftede, alias diet. Bollock abbatis, et refignatione ejufdem: mf 261. »nLT.° rePetition, thofe pofleffions only of the abbey are here referred to, which ences to Newcourt’s Repertorium. C c c are not mentioned in the following refer- f. 107. I. HERTFORDSHIRE. f. 107. de fundatione eccl. S. Albani, et inftitutione monachorum ibid. mf. 247. 1. 184. royal confirma¬ tion of ftatutes concerning the election of the abbat : mf. 312. f. 68. et mf. 6853. f. 372. colleftanea ex regiftro : mf. 433. f. 69. grant of annual rent of 40 marks, I Ric. 3. mf. 3775. n. 8. nomina illorum qui fraternitatem S. Albani fufceperunt ab anno 1421. ad annum 1430. n. 12. de fpoliatione abbatia: per Wil- lelmum Conqueftorem : n. 15. monumenta ecclefix S. Albani : mf. 6598. copies of old charters granted to this abbey: mf. 6748. f. 10. cartam R. Hen. 2. mf. 7032. p. 273. mf. 7520. et mf. 3775. n. 14. no- mina abbatum. Indent, quadrip. 20 Hen. 7. de anniverfario pro rege, regia fobole, et regno in ecclefia S. Albani celebran- do, ibid. mf. 28. Inter Colleft. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. in. nomina quorundam abbatum et priorum ex obituario de Belvoir : Bullain Urbani iv. ut abbas cum profeffis et non profefiis, fententiis fufpenfionis interdifti vel excommunicationis ligatis, difpenfare poflit. Regiftrum abbatix S. Albani penes dom. Rad. Star- kium. Reyner Apoft. Bened. tr. i. 78. Regiftrum imperfeftum hujus abbatix penes .... Degge arm. (fil. D. Simonis) 1723. Formularium five regiftrum de diverlis commiflionibus, procuratoriis, cartis, &c. editum per fr. Williclmum de Wynterfhulle dom. Thomx abbatis S. Albani ca- pellanum, A. D. 1382. in quo plurimx habentur cartx, ecclefiarum appropriationes, &c. ad abbatiam S. Albani fpeftantes : f. 186, &c. bona abbatis et conv. S. Albani in dioec. Lincoln. London. Dunelm. Ebor. Norwic. Elien. et Ciceftr. de quibus decima dari debet: f. 198. particulx compoti colleftorum auxilii R. Ed. 3. ad primogenitum fuum militem fa¬ ciendum anno 20. conceffi in com. Hertford, f. 208. taxatio reftoriarum et vicariarum ad eccl. S. Albani collationem pertinentium : f. 21 1. de terris et poflef- fionibus poll: ftatutum de Mortua Manu eccl. S. Al¬ bani datis vel perquifitis, mf. pulchre in pergam. ex- aratum, fol. olim in bibl. RR. P. D D. Joannis Mori, nunc in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab. E e. iv. 20. Extrafts out of the Leiger Book of St. Alban’s made in the year 1597. mf. in ead. bibl. E e. iii. 44. Regiftrum abbatix S. Albani, penes . . . Gwyn de hof- pitio Furnivalr Regiftrum Joannis Frumentagii five Whethamfted, nec- non magiftri Thomx Ramp de terris ad monafterium S. Albani pertinentibus, mf. in bibl. Regix Societatis, London, n. 34. Hittoriam monafterii S. Albani, cum locis fepulturx abbatum, aliorumque in eo fepultorum, mf. penes Jo. Warburton Somerfet. Librum memorandorum D. Joannis Moot prioris, co- quinarii, refedtorarii, infirmarii, et elemofinarii 1110- nafterii S. Albani, in quo quam plurima fcripta ad ilia munera fpeftantia irrotulantur, non folum temp. Ed. 3. et ejufdem Joannis fed fuccefforum fuorum ufque ad regna R. R. Ed. 4. et Hen. 7. in bibl. Harleiana, ml. 602. Vellum mf. relating to feveral manors of this abbey for¬ merly in the pofleffion of Dr. Rawlinfon. Inter recorda in turri Londinenft confervata. Cart, antiq. B. 1. (1 Joan.) T. 36. (Hen. 2.) Cart. I Joan. p. I. m. 22. n. 136. pro mercat. die Jovis apud Bernet: Oblat. 3 Joan. m. 7* Plac. de banco, 3 Joan. Mich. rot. 3 et 11. pro advoc. eccl. de Wengrave : Fin. div. com. 4 Joan. n. 29. de fof- fiato inter bofcos de Boreham et Hendon: Fin. Buck- ingh. 7 Joan. n. 49. de terris in Winflaw. Plac. apud Weftm. 4 Hen. 3. Hill, de terris in Luton [Bedf.] Fin. Buckingh. 21 Hen. 3. n. 5. de advoc. eccl. de Dachet : Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 5. Plac. apud Weftm. 34 Hen. 3. Pafch. rot. 20. de eccl. de Wein- grave [Buckingh.] Pat. 41 Hen. 3. m. 10. Cart. 42 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro mer¬ cat. apud Codicote: Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mer¬ cat. apud Bewyke [Northumb.] Cart. 56 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mercat. et feria apud Codicote. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. 16 vel 17. pro coronatore fuo eligen- do: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 18 vel 19. de advoc. prioratus de Tinmuth : Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 20. pro feria apud S. Albanum, et aliis libertatibus : Ibid. n. 21. pro terris et ecclefiis: Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1, p, 2, m. . Efc. Norf. 33 Ed. 1. n. 128. pro ten. in Ger- nemutha Magna [Norf.] Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . pat_ 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 8. 38 et 39. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. de terris in Rickmanf. worth, Oxey, Cailho, &c. Ibid. m. 22. de melT. terris et columbari in villa S. Albani, et in Sandrug, Red- burn, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. dorfo, et p. 2. m. 22. de fefta molendinorum, et contra molas domefticas ereftas in prejudicium libertatum ecclefix: Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 34, Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. de manerio de Calde- cote, cum advoc. perquirenda de Ada Newenham: Pat! 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 26. de lxxx. acris in Ty- denhanger: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18 vel 19. Claufi 18 Ed. 2. m. 28. de maner. de Thorp Ballet: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 2. confirm, compofitionis inter epifc. Lincoln, et abbatem S. Albani de exemptione ab¬ batix et xv. ecclefiarum e jurifdiftione epifcopali, pro qua conceditur epifcopo maner. de Tinghurft, &c. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . [bis :] Plac. de banco, 5 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 469 et 479. de portione decimarum in Trumpington : Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. m. 15. pro eccl. de Cunfcle approprianda: Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 12. pro dua- bus feriis apud Watford : Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20 vel 30. pro terra vocat. la Troyc in Sarret : Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 13. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. et m. 39 vel 40. de advoc. eccl. de Dachet donanda cuftodi et capellanis Windfor. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro medietate maner. de Norton, et ten. in Coudeby [Ebor.] Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6 vel 7. Clauf. 38 Ed. 3. m. 29. de bundis erga parcum regis de Langely : Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 26. de bofco de Nordhagh : Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 40. pro reddit. tenentium domus de Merton-hall Oxon. in Watford, &c. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. pro tenementis in villa S. Albani, et in Rymerfworth, Cailho, Sic. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5 et 9. pro maner. de Weftwick: Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. Cart. 6, &c. Hen. 4. n. 7. Plac. coram rege, 10 Hen, 4. Mic. 12. de libertatibus in Watford. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 7. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 3. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. pro ten. in Sandridge, Chidlefwick Hay, &c. Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. pro tenementis ibid, et in Slapwalden in ex- eambio pro tenementis conceffis hofpitali S. Antonii London. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 4. pro maner. de Bledlow: Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. pro ten. in Rad well et Norton: Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 7. pro prio- ratu de Pembrook : Rec. in fcacc. 19 Hen. 6. Hill, rot. 12. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 22. pro eccl. de Tenby et Menerbury [Pem¬ brook.] Cart. 25 et 26 Hen. 6. n. 11. Cart, ab anno 27 ufque ad 39 Hen. 6. n. 40. Pat. 34 Hen. 6. m. 8 et 13. de melt cum kaio in paroch. Omn. Sanftor. ad Fxnum London. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 10. pro prioratu de Pembrook: Cart. 2, &c. Ed. 4. n. 9. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . pro xx. marcis annuis e manerio de Bulhy: Rec. in l'cacc. 17 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 23. Rot. aft. pari. 23 Hen. 8. n. 5. Pat. 23 Hen. 8. p. 2. (23 Dec.) pro monafterio de pratis, &c. in excambio pro aliis terris : Pat. 24 Hen. 8. p. 1. (17 Oft.) pro ecclefiis de Afton Ravant et Stokenchirch [Oxon.] cum licentia appropriandi. 2. Bene I. HERTFORDSHIRE* 2, Benedictine Nuns, fee De la Pray. St. Julian’s Hospital. Jeffry the fixteenth abbat, temp. lien. i. founded near this town* on the London road, at a place then called Heved or Eywode, an hofpital for leprous men dedi¬ cated to St. Julian1*. It confided of a mafter and four other chaplains, and fix poor lepers, was in St. Stephen’s parilh, and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Richard Lee. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 376. cartam fundatoris : Cartam R. Hen. 2. et articulos quofdam inter fratres profeilos obfervandos, ex cod. Cotton, Nero , D. 1. Eafdem cartas et alias ad hofpitale fpeftantes, una cum ftatutis ordinatis a Michaele abbate S. Albani, A. D. 1344- Videat leftor in additamentorum auc- tario ad finem Hiftori® Matth. Parif. edit® per cl. Watfium, p. 1157, &c. Eelandi Colled!:. vol. i. p. 47. Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 459. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 782. of this hofpi¬ tal : vol. ii. p. 390. of a portion of tithes at Lindfel [ElTex.J Rentale hujus hofpitalis renovatum, 22 Hen. 7. mf. Cot¬ ton. Claudius, D. r. 3. Epiftolam Michaelis abbatis S. Albani de ftatutis con- ftitutionibus et regimine hujus hofpitalis, mf. ibid. T'iberius, E. xi. 4. cartam Galfridi abbatis de funda- tione cum chartis confirmatoriis et privilegiis ejuf- dem, ibid. n. 5. conftitutiones Michaelis abbatis, mf. ibid. Claudius, E. iv. 18. MS. Cole, vol. ii. p. 35. of a houfe in Cambridge. Rot. clauf. 1 Ed. 1. m. 7. pro xxxj. ann. folvendis le- profis S. Juliani, de exitibus comitatus Hertford. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ig. pro capella S. Juliani ap proprianda abbati®. II. B A L D O C K. Lazar-house. An houfe of leprous brethren here, temp. Hen. 3. perhaps of Templars, to whom this manor belonged of the gift of Gilbert earl of Pembrooke. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 552. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 19. de feria fratribus leprofis apud Baldoc concefla. III. BARDEN'. Austin Canons. A priory for canons f of the order of St. Auftin, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The bifliop of London was accounted founder or patron. One .... Battell alfo claimed to be fo. There was a priory of Berdon granted to King’s college Cambridge *. Vide Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 56. IV. berkhamstede. Hospitals. Here were, in the time of K. John\ two hofpitals of poor and infirm perfons,' one dedicated to St. John Baptift, and the other (which was of both brothers and filters lepers) to St. John the evangelift : the cultody of both which was granted by Jeffry Fitz Pierce earl of Elfex to the houfe of St. Thomas of A.con in London. There was alfo in this town, temp. Ed. 2. an hofpital of St. Thomas the martyr*. Upon the diffolution, St. John the Evangelift Spittle, or Le Over Spittle houfe, and Le Nether Spittle houfe k, or St. Leonard’s Spittle (which was at the fouth eaft end of the High ftreet1) with all the lands belonging to them in North Church, Hemelham- fted, &c. were granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Robert Hordern. Sir Henry Chauncym mentions alfo an old hofpital called St. James’, from St. James’ Well at the farther end of the High ftreet". Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 41 1, cartam Galfredi fil. Petri, ex rot. pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. per Infpex. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 19. pro fratribus de Berkhamfted, de decimis molendini in Hemel Hamfted : Cart. 1 1 Hen. 3. n. 63. de protedlione pro magiftro, fratribus, etfororibus hofpitalis S. Joannis Evangelift:®, eorum- que pofleflionibus. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. licent. perquirendi x /. per ann. in mortua manu: Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 35. con¬ firm. hofpitalis S. Joannis Baptift® de Berkhamfted magiftro, &c. hofpitalis S. Thorns Aeon. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . rex dedit cuftodiam hofpitalis S. Joannis Evangelift® juxta Berkhamfted Willelmo S. Poole. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 5. de conceffione hofpitalis S. Thom® Aeon. In the laft edition of Speed is mention of the hofpital of St. Johan near St. Alban’s, valued at 135/. rod. which was a revenue much greater than this poor houfe could pretend to ; and ihould perhaps belong to Belver, or fome other of the cells to St. Alban’s abbey. * Leland and Speed call it Burton. Between Puckeridge and Berkway, as Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 56. But there is no mention of any fuch place in Chauncy. See above Berden in EJJix. Quxre, Whether not the fame. 1 Monks, as Speed. t Pat. 31 or 36 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. ao. h Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 70 3. 1 Pat. rr Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. But perhaps it might be called St. Thomas’ hofpital, becaufe under the management of St- Thomas of Aeon. k Pat. 36 Hen. 8. p. 9. * Chauncy’s Hertfordihire, p. 586. “ Ibidem. ” The chapel of St. John is ufed only by the mafter, uftiers and fcholars of the free-fchool. St. Leonard’s hofpital was at the fouth-eaft end of the High ftreet, and St. James’ hofpital at the other end. Tour through Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 181. V. BIGGING, V. HERTFORDSHIRE, V. B I G G I N G, in the parijh of Anfty. Hospital. An old priory or hofpital0 dedicated to St. Mary, for a matter and chaplains be tides poor people. It belongs now to King’s college Cambridge t. Jride rot. pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Hormead M. et P p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. 16. pro ten. in Chilfull Magna: Braughing, &c. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro ten. in Buntingford, Ric. Mocking cuftos capellae B. Mariae de Bifo-ino Barkway, Hormede, Braughing, Bokeland, &c. Pat. Lond. dioc. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. 60 0 VI. CESTREHUNT, or Chefthunt. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedi&ine nunnery’, dedicated to the blefied Virgin, founded be¬ fore A. D. 1183. augmented with the lands and tenements of the canons of Cathale 24 Hen. 3. but yet, 26 Hen. 8. it was valued only at 14/. is. per ann. Dugd.r. 27/. 6s. 8 d. Speed. It was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Sir Antony Denny. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. 512. cartam R. Hen. 3. ex pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. per Infpex. pro omnibus terris nuper canonicorum de Cathale. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 526. In Mr. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 433. Liberate, 18 Ed. 1. m. 1. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 551. an abftradt of the charter of K. Henry 3. Sir Henry Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 301. Mr. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 823. Bullam P. Lucii 3. concelTam huic prioratui in regiftro Ricardi Fitz James epifc. London, p. 35. Rot. clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. n. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 16. de virgata terras in Fletham: Cart. 24 Hen. 3. m. 1. Fin. Norf. 34 Hen. 3. n. 102. Pat. 8 Ed 2. p, 2. m. 9. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 6. Ibid. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. Cart. 32 Ed. 3. n. 5. pro lib. war. in Chefthunt: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 17. etp. 4. m. 25. Pat, 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . VII. CHILLE and C H I L T R E. Monasteries destroyed. Two houfes of Black nuns mentioned to have been in this county in the old catalogue of Religious houfes afcribed to Gervafe of Canterbury, mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant, and all'o in Speed : but I have yet found nothing farther of them in any other authors printed or mf. Sir H. Chauncy, p. 371. mentions a manor called Cheles, belonging to the Hofpitalers. VIII. C L O T H A L E*. Hospital. In that part of this paritti which is next Baldock was a free chapel, college or hofpital of a matter, brethren and fitters, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, of ancient foundation, •which was valued at 4/. is. 8 d. mf. Saner, and continued till the general diflolution. It was granted from the crown, 2 Jac. 1. to ... . Vide Year Book, 21 Hen. 6. term. Mich. n. 2. Rot. pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 29. de vico regio inter clauftim In Sir H. Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 52. the epitaph of magiftri et ecclefiam mutando. Tho. Dally fon matter, 1541. IX. D E LA P R A Y E, St. Mary de Pree, or De Pratis, juxta S. Albanum. Benedictine Nuns. As there had been builf at St. Julian’s a place for leprous men, fo about A. D. 1x90. Garinus or Warine, abbat of St. Alban’s, thought fit in the adjoining meadows to found a houfe or hofpital for poor fick and leprous women dedicated to the blefied Virgin; which in procefs of time became fo well endowed, that in it were maintained a priorefs and feveral nuns of the order of St. Benedidt. Cardinal Wolfey, commendatory abbat of St. Alban’s, A: D. 1528. procured a bull from P. Clement 8. for the fupprefling this nunnery, and annexing the fame to the monattery of St. Alban’s ; but 6 Jun. 20 Hen. 8. he obtained a grant of it with all the lands there¬ unto belonging for himfelf'. After his attainder the king put it off by way of exchange to St. Alban’s abbey0, and, as parcel thereof, it was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Ralph Rowlet efquire. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 347. cartam Garini ab- Matth. Parif. [integrant videat leftor in Vitis Abba- batis et conv. S. Albani de fundatione imperfedf. ex turn S. Albani, edit. Watfiana, p. 1041.] Cart. 5 Joan. « “ Ricardus prior de la Byggynge juxta Anfty, A. D. 1368.” Reg. Norv. v. 84- p Hiftory ofEfiex, p. 127. a. q The difference of the order makes it improbable that this priory fhould be cell to Kattely in Lincolnfhire, as Newcourt; who are ftiled “ San&imoniales de Catleia,” Mon. Angl. ii. 814. and fo feem different from the “ canonici de Cathale,” who were fupprelTed 24 Hen. 3. before which time the nuns of Chefhunt were in being, as is evident from Newcourt, and the e rolls referred to ; though Sir H. Chauncy has it otherwife. r The clear fum is but 13/. 10 j. in Stevens, i. 33. 9 This is faid to be in Bedfordfhire in Sancroft’s mf. Valor. 1 Rot. pat. ao Hen. 8. p. 1. Mr. Mores faith, that this houfe was diffofved on the death of Alionora Barnard priorels on ac¬ count of its poverty, and there being no Religious in it to choofe a fucceffor. u Pat. 23 Hen. 8. p. 2. «*} IX. HERTFORDSHIRE. ex cart, antiq. M. n. 18. Ibid. p. 830. a. de virgata tcrra: in Murfele donata ab Hugone Malccli. telandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 47. Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 459. Mewcourt’s Repertorhim, voL i. p. 783. Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. i. p. 606. 614. 616. ubi trcs bull;e F. Alexandri 4. pro hoc monaiterio ; vol. xiv. Ii^Appcndice ad Stevenfii vol. ii. p. 217. bullam P. dementis 7. pro fupprimendo hoc monaiterio, et unione ejufdem abbatise S. Albani. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth. vol. Ixxviii. f. 96. de cella de pratis de Kinglbirie. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 52. confirmation of the grant of a fair, 1 Ric. 3. Rot. cart, antiq. (1 Joan.) M. ig, 20. Cart. 5 Joan, m. 7. n. 44. pro feria, et pro afl'artis xxx. acrarum in Eftrebec : Cart. 8 Joan, n. 15. pro xxx. acris alfartis in Eftbroke. Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 20. Pat. 8 Hen. 5. m. 27. pro ma- ner. five prioratu de Wenge [Buckingh.J Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 38 vel 39. Pat. 1 Fd. 4. p. 2. m. 11. I he Cardinal’s bundle among the records In chancery. X. TEMPLE D V NNESLEY, in the pariJJ: of Hitchin. TEMPLARS. Bernard de Balliol, temp. R. Steph. gave feveral lands in Wedele, Prefton and other hamlets, belonging to Hitchin, to the Knights Templars, whereupon this place became a preceptory of that order, and afterward of the Hofpitalers, who enjoyed it till the diffolution by K. Henry 8. from whom, anno regni 33. Sir Ralph Sadler obtained a grant of this houfe and manor. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 523, 524. cartam Bern. deBalliolo: Conventionem cum abbatifla de Elneftow de capellano apud Prefton : De duobus capellanis apud Dynnefiey: Confirmationem R. Stephani : P. 531. de redditibus in Prefton: Ibid. p. 543. 552. Sir Henry Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 396, 397. Madoxii Formulare, p. 185. de molendino de Flieta. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iii. pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 3. de libertatibus conceflis fratribus mil. Templi in Dunefte, Stagenho, Prefton, Chalton, Walden, et Hichen [Hertfi] S toft on P. Sharnbrook, &c. [Bedf.J A furvey of the lands belonging to the preceptory of Dynefley, penes prsehonorabilem comitem Conyn- gelby, A. D. 1720. XI. FLAMS TED w. Benedictine Nuns. In this parilh, at a place formerly called Wodechurche, after St. Giles in the wood, and lately Beachwood, Roger de Toney, temp. R. Steph. founded a fmall priory for nuns of the order of St. Benedict, which was dedicated to St. Giles, rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 30/. igs. 8 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 46/. i6j. id. ob. Speed; and granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Page. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 503. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 5. per Infpex. recit. cartam Agathae Gatefden, de terris in Hamelhamfted : Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 2. per Infpex. recit. cartam Ifabellae fil. Bernard! fil. Nicolai, de terris in Edelefbure : P. 545. notulam de funda- tore, ex Lelando. Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 83. Sir Henry Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 567. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 494. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dallington. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem pofleflio- num monialium S. Egidii S. Markezate in dioceli London. Regiftrum, cartas, &c. olim penes Thomam Sanders arm. nunc penes dom. Tho. Sebright bar. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 8. de terris in Hamelhamfted: Fin. Buckingh. 28 Hen. 3. n. 47. Ibid. 40 Hen. 3. n. 147. Ibid. 55 Hen. 3. n. 134. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro eccl. de Dalington [Northamt.J approprianda. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36 vel 37. de advocatione. XII. HERTFORD. 1. Benedictine Cell. A priory of Benedi&ine monks, fubordinate to the abbey of St. Alban, built in the latter end of William the Conqueror’s reign, or the beginning of William Rufus1, by Ralph de Limefie*’, to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. It was endowed, at the dilTolution, with 72/. 14 s. 2 d. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 86j. 141. 8 d. Speed; and granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Sir Anthony Denny, and Joan Champernoun his wife and their heirs. names of nine priors. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 229. fome account of the priory and the priors, from Chauncy and Willis. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 292, 293. of a por¬ tion of tithes in Woodborough and Eperfton. Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 340. edit. 1730. of the ad¬ vowfon of Stockton R. p. 342. 345. of Long Itch- ingdon, for a time : p. 942. ot a penlion of two marks out of the church of Solihull. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 792. of the reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Amwell, In Appendice ad Codicem Juris Ecclcf. per R. patrem Edm. Gibfon epife. London, p. 33. de augmentations vicariae de Piriton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 331, 332, 333. cartas Radulfi de Limefy, et Alani filii ejus: Gerardi de Limefey, et Joannis filii ejus, de terra in Hertford, eccleliis de Amwelle, Pifiton, et Ichentun, duabus partibus decimarum de Kavendilhe, Hoftetune, Yken- ton, et Hulverly z, terra in Bradwell et Hickleford, &c. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 55. Vallans apud Leland. Itin. vol. v. pref. p. xii. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 256. of the foundation: p 399. of tithes in Almeihoe : p. 401. of the impro¬ priate reftory of Piriton. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth. vol. Ixxviii. f. 70. de cella de Hertford. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 93 et 237. the This is fometimes. confounded with the neighbouring nun* 'V : Holy Trinity, in the wood near Merkyate in Bed* t>0£ d ruewcourt’s Repertoriurri, vol. i. p. 865. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. ioi. In bibl. Cotton, mf. Augujlus , ii. p. 118. bullam Lu- eii papas cohftituentem prioratum Crucis Roafite, A. D. 1184. f. 125. bullam Celeftini papae. MSS. Baker in bibl. Harleiana, vol. xiv. p. 5. particu¬ lars concerning this priory. Cartas quamplurimas originales, rotulos curiarum, &c. penes .... Chefter de Cokenhatch arm. Plac. in term. S. Mich. 8 Joan, rot. 12. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 24. de via claudenda: Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro feria apud Royfton; Cart. k eVner- Apoft. Bened. tr. ii. p. an. et mf. catal. cellarum. 1 11 ' VJ'i lot°i ant^ x3 A ioj. 9 d. dare , as mf. SanCroft. 1 Tve !"m as co-founder, being informed by my I*?'? ?^r'Baker, out of Mr. Chefter’ s evidences, that th , ■* ^ . ^"1S conventual church, and placed feven canons I “ quibuB _priorem praetecit.” He is alfo mentioned by ti aS feCOnd founller> L'olledt. i. 56. f cl'arter of Richard 1. reciting the foundation and do- ears date in the fourth month after that king came to the throne ; fo that probably it was founded fome time before • in which I am confirmed by what Mr. Baker hath obferved to me, that this priory was in being temp. Gilbert; epife. London. who died two years before K. Richard was crowned. The Icing prelented to it in right of the honor of Clare, as Dr. Hutton, ex pat. 43 Ed. 3. " The church was purchafed by the inhabitants, and made a panili church. 35 Hen. 3. XX. HERTFORDSHIRE. 35 Hen. 3. m. 7. Efcaet. 56 Hen. 3. n. 54. Cart. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. 56 Hen. 3. m. 5. Pat. 1 Ric. a. p. 4. m. . et p. 5. m. 22. Rec. in fcacc Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 1. Pat. lgEd. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 1. 7 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 26. Ibid. 10 Ric. 2. Mich! m. . Efcaet. Suff. 21 Ed. 1. n. 121. Fin. SufF. rot. 23. 22 Ed. 1. n. 164. de terris in Codenham: Pat. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 8. 30 Ed. 1. tn. . Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 16. Ibid. p. 5. m. 8 vel g. Cart. 18 Ed. 3. n. 7. pro mercat. et feria apud Royfton: Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 31. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 6. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 2. de ten. in Cokenach et Hill. rot. 18. de exitibus mercat. ibid. Rede: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m, 17 vel 18. Pat. 32 Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 7. Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 et 37. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. Statute 32 Hen. 8. c. xliv. [in Raftall’s edition] about de ten. in Roifton etBokelond: Ibid. p. 2. m. 31. de the priory church being made the parilh church by ten. in Holborn : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8 et 9. Pat. the name of St. John Baptift. 2. St. Nicholas Hospital. Here was an hofpital dedicated to St. Nicholas in the time of K. John. Fide rot. cart. 14 Joan. m. 3. n. 1 1. de feria in vigilia Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. confirm, feriae fupradi&e. die et craftino S. Nicolai conceffa fratribus hofpit. Efcaet. Cantab. 38 Hen. 6. n. . S. Nicolai de Cruce Roefia. Efcaet. Cantab. 20 Ed. 4. n. 58. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. affif. de tenementis in Whaddon. 3. St. John’s Hospital. Here was, as old as the time of K. Henry 3. a free chapel or hof. pical dedicated to St. John and St. James0, in which was a mafter or warden, and feveral brethren; Richard de Argentein was patron A. D. 1388 p. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. ac 61. 1 3 s. 2 d. per annF in the whole; and 5/. 6s. 1 od. clear; and granted, 5 Jac. to Roger Alton. Fide cartularium hujus hofpitalis, penes Joannem Wild- de proteftione pro cuftode et fratribus huj us hofpi- bore de Foxton in com. Cant. mil. 1635. talis. Colledtanea ex eodem cartul. mlf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. licent. perquirendi terras ad Dodfworth. vol. cliii. f. 61. ann. val. c. fol. Rot. pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. n. Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 20. XXI, SAWBRIDGEWORTH. Benedictine Cell. There were monks in the church here about the latter part of K. Henry 1. or in K. Stephen’s reign; probably a cell to Weftminfter abbey. Fide in Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 82. the charter of Will, de Albini Brito to the monks here. XXII. SOPEWELL. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedidtine nunnery near and fubjedt to the abbey of St. Alban, built by Jeffry the fixteenth abbat thereof about A. D. 1 140 r. to the honor of the blefied Virgin. Herein were formerly thirteen nuns, but about the time of the fuppreflion only nine, who then had yearly revenues valued at 40/. js. 10 d. Dugd. 68/. 8s. Speed". The fite being within the parilh of St. Peter, was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Lee. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 347, &c. quaedam ex Matthaeo Paris de fundatione : Cartas Henrici et Ro- berti de Albincio, et Ricardi de Tany, et confuetu- dines monialium renovatas per Michaelem abbatem, A. D. 1338. e libris mfT. Cottonians. Vitas abbatum S. Albani, per Matth. Parifienfem, p. 1009. 1171. Sir Henry Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 460. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 783. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 55. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofieflionum priori (lie de Sopewell in diocefi London. Cart. orig. Joan, de Shelford mil. fadlam monialibus de Sopewell, inter mlf. cl. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. n. 76. f. 103. De fundatione hujus cellae, ibid. vol. Ixxviii. f. 83. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. no. de vafto in bofcis de Shenly. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. in cedula, pro redd, in Harpf- field. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 7. de vm. mefif. in villa S. Al¬ bani : Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. n. XXIII. S T A N D O N. 1. Knights Hospitalers. Gilbert de Clare having given the church of Standon, with one hundred and forty acres of land and his vineyard, to the Knights Hofpitalers, temp. R. Steph. here was a preceptory or place of refidence for fome of the filters of that order, till they were all put together at Buckland in Somerl'etfhire A. D. 1180. The manor', reftory, and advowfon of the ° Walter de Gray archbifliop of York granted thirteen days indulgence to fuch as fliould contribute to the fupport of the weak and lick brethren in the hofpital of St. James Royfton 5 Id. Julii, A. D. 1227. p Regiltr. Inflitut. Norvic. vi. f. 136. q Sancroft’s mf. Valor. . r This year is the earlieft mention of this houfe in Matth. Paiis ; though Sir W. Dugdale mentigns, a donation to it temp. Ben. 1. s In the mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 33. $8 /. 8j. is the fumma inde. So Speed feems to have miftaken the figure. * They are all included in the fame grant to Sir Ralph Sadler. And though Chauncy and Newcourt feem to think that the manor did not belong to- the Hofpitalers, it is mentioned as theirs in clauf. 10 Ed. 3. m. 13. vicarage I XXIII. HERTFORDSHIRE. vicarage of Standon, as parcel of the pofTeffions of St. John of Jerufalem, were granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Ralph Sadler. & 3 Vide Mon. Angl.. tom. ii. p. 507. 510 et 550. Sir Henry Chauncy’s HertfordfhLre, p. 218, &c. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. 885, 886. 2. Hermitage. There was alfo an hermitage in this parifh founded by William an anchorite; which Richard de Clare earl of Hertford gave to his monks of Stoke by Clare in Suffolk temp. Hen. 1. who are faid to have had a cell hereu, which feems in after times to have become a Secular free chapel, and to have been the fame with the chapel at Salburn in this parifh, dedicated to St. Michael, and in the patronage of the earl of March \ XXIV. STANSTED LE THELE, orSt. Margaret’s. College. Sir William de Goldington knt. A. D. 1315. founded a college or chantry for a matter and four Secular priefts at the altar of St. Mary in the church of St. Margaret here; but William Grey biihop of London, finding in his vifitation, about the year 1429. that the revenues were alienated and divine fervice neglected, obtained the king’s leave to diffolve this college, and annex all the pofTeffions thereunto belonging to the priory of Elfing Spittle in London, from which houle afterward were lent two Regular canons to refide here, and perform divine offices. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. igo. pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. de poffeffionibus hujus ecclefix hofpitali de Elfing Spittel transferendis. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. n8. In Morant’s Ettex, vol. ii. p. 5. of mefliiages and lands in Chelmsford and Bromfield. Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 284, 285. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 891, 892. and 347. of this college, and transferring its revenues to El¬ fing Spittle : vol. ii. p. 5. of the redtory of Aldhatn [Eflex.] Rot. pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 33. de terris in Thele Am- well, et Bures Giffard, et licent. appropr. eccl. de Thele et Aldham [Eflex. J Fin. div. com. 3 Ed. 3. n. 41. pro advoc. eccl. colle- giatas: Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35. pro melf. et terris in Chelmsford et Bromfield conceff. per Phil. Anver: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in Stanfted, Hod- defden, &c. XXV. WARE, olim Waras, or Guaris. 1. Alien Priory. Hugo de Grentemaifnil, who was lord of this town, and had other great pofTeffions in thefe parts, gave, before A. D. 1081. to the monks of St. Ebrulf at Utica in Nor¬ mandy x, the church of Sc. Mary here, with the tithes thereunto belonging, and two carucates of land. Whereupon it became a cell to that abbey, and, in procefs of time, was fo well endowed that upon the feifure of the alien priories by K. Edward 3. during the wars with France, this was farmed at 200/. per ann. After the fuppreffion of thefe foreign houfes this was given, 3 ’Hen. 5. to the monks at Shene. K. Henry 6. for ibme time annexed it to the abbey of S. Mary near Lei'cefter but it was afterward reftored to Shene, and, as parcel of its pofTeffions, granted by K. Henry' 8* to Trinity college in Cambridge. ' Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 975. tom. ii. p. 966. car- tam R. Will. Conq. de terris quam plurimis in Anglia abbatix S. Ebrulfi conccflis. P. 967. cartas Robert! comitis Leiceltriae de diverfis ecclefiis terris et deci- mis infra comitatum Leiceftrix; Roberti fil. Roberti com. Leiceftr. confirm, antecefforum donationes. Newcourt’s Repertorium, p. 904, &c. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 468. of the manor and church of Roell : p. 469. of lands in Hailes. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 107. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Byfield : p. 123. of a penfion of xmr. 1 w d. out of the redtory of Eydon : p. 18 1. of the manor, impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Merfton St. Law¬ rence: p. 184. of a manor in Middleton Chenduit, and the advowfon of the redfory: p. 193. of the im¬ propriate church of Radflone. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 39. of lands in Belgrave, p. 249. in Shevefby: p. 256. of three virgates of land in Eaft Shilton. Dugdale’s War wickfhire, p. 473. of lands in Overpil- lerton. Year Books, vol. i. Ed. 3. fol. 43. 44 Ed. 3. f. 43 22 Ed. 4. Hill. 6. J * *■*' In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. temporalia prioris de Ware. MSS. Peck in Mufeo Britannico, vol. iii. pat. 33 Ed. r Inquif. 8 Ed. 2. de terris in Peatling Mao-na" et Carleton. 0 Rot. pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. de vr. acris terra; in Rufton • Affif. com. Wigorn. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 4. pro ccc. acris bofci in Alvinton. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. 11. 16. Pat 35 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. 14. Clauf. 44 Ed. 3. m. 3. ubi de penfione x. marc. ann. folvend. vicario de Ware. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 30. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 41. 2. Grey Friers. In the north part of this town was an houfe of Grey or Francifcan friers r which, 36 Hen. 8. was granted to Tho. Birch. ’ Vi de u So Weaver, Funeral Monuments, p. 594. But if it was a cell to Stoke, which was then of the order of St. Benedict, it could not be, as he laith, an houfe of Auftin friers. W ^ ^c* 2* P* “ 21 Od. rex dedit Symoni Bynham ti ^aPe ano. capellam S. Michaelis de Salburn m parochia de ‘ Standon in com. Hertford, vocat. Heremitagium, ratione ter- rarum comitis Marchisc in manu dom. regis ratione minoris abatis, ita quod lpfe moretur apud didam capellam vel here* “ mitagium, et fuftentet divina fervicia ibidem.” x The Year Books fay “ St. Oftrice in France.” r Who was the founder or founders of this houfe, I have not yet met with. It could not be founded, (as Weaver, p. j44.) XXV. HERTFORDSHIRE. Vide colleflanea Anglo-minoritica, p. ii. p. 12, 13. Sir Henry Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p, 208. Lclandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 47. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 157. Rot. pat. n Ed. 3. p. r. m. 32 vel 33. pro oratorio faciendo: Pat 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. de iv. meffua, giis pro manfo elargando. XXVI. WYMONDESLEY PARVA. Austin Canons. An hofpital* or fmall priory of Black canons built by Ric. Argentein temp. Hen. 3. to the honor of St. Laurence b. It was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 29/. 19 s. 11 d. ob. pe'r ann. Dugd. 37/. 10 s. 6d.ob. Speed; and granted, 29 Hen. 8. to James Nedeham furvevor of the king’s works. Vide in Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 361. of the founda- of Beeflon belonging to this priory, tion of this priory: p. 397. of the fcite of the caftle Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. of Denfley. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 97. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 26. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m, 2?. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 210. of the manor pro iv. meff. in ShefFord. For the priories of Mersey, placed in this county by Mr. Speed, fee above in Essex, where alfo is an account of Hatfield Peverel, faid to be in Hertfordshire, Mon. Angl. i. 330. For the preceptory of Buckland, Chauncy’s Hertfordshire, p. 114. fee below in Somerset¬ shire. And for De Bosco juxta Mergate, Chauncy, p. 563. above in Bedfordshire. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. I. HINCHINGBROOKE, near Huntingdon3. Benedictine Nuns. K. William the Conqueror is faid to have removed the nuns of Eltefley in Cambridgelhire to this place b, and is therefore reckoned the founder of the little priory here, which was of the Benedidtine order, dedicated to St. James, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 17/. is. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 19/. 9s. 2 d. Speed, here being only four nuns. The fite was granted to Richard Williams alias Cromwell 29 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 530. notulam quandam Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 15. de quercubus liberandis extra de prsefectione prioriffe, e regiftro Ric. Gravefend foreft. de Weybridge. Rot. cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. r. epifc. Lincoln. . quod prioriffa et moniales habeant unam care&am Lelandi CollefL vol. i. p. 48. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. I. bofci qualibet feptimana ex forefta de Wauberg. Regiftra cartas, &c. penes praehonorabilem com. Sand- Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. de terris in Kingsfield. wicenfem. II. HUNTINGDON. 1 Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons dedicated to St. Mary, and founded in or near the parochial church of St. Mary % before A. D. 973 d. which was removed to a place with¬ out the town' by Euftace de LuvetoU, temp. R. Steph. vel Hen. 2. -where it continued till the dif- folution ; when it confided of a prior, eleven canons, and thirty-four fervants e, and the revenues of it were valued at 187/. 131. 8 d. q. per ann. Dugd. 232/. 7 s. ob. Speedh. The fite of tins Religious houfe was alfo granted to Sir Richard Cromwell alias Williams 33 Hen. 8. by baron Wake, temp. R. Joan, for till after his reign there were none of this order in England. Nor was it by Margaret counters of Leicefter, 18 Hen. 3. for her refidence was in, and her benefactions to, the other priory of alien Benedictine monks f which was of the foundation of her anceftor) for thefe Francit- cans were not capable, by the rules of their order, or the laws of the land, to hold tithes or impropriate churches ; with Tub- miff, on to Sir Hen. Chauncy, p. 208. Thomas ear of Salifbury was a benefaftor to thefe friers, as by deed 10 Hen. 4. Mi. Macro 12. ii. 5. a. . , . , - a « Hugo epifcopus Lincoln, anno confecratioms decimo (vel “ A D. 1218.) ad refignationem magiftri Will, de Argenten “ perfonse et Thoma: vicarii de Wimundele Parv. injunxit R. «> archidiacono Huntingdon, ut magiftrum hofpitalis de Wimun- << dele Parv. in plenam ejufdem ecclefias poflemonem mducat. Mf. Hutton, ex reg. Lincoln. b MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Oxon. n. 154- Not to St. Mary, as Sir Henry Chauncy, who placeth here canons Regular of the order of St. Benedid, and faith, that this priory was cell to St. Alban’s, and founded before Hen. 1. plainly miftaking it for Wimundham in Norfolk. . _ „ . . , c. a Hence called fometimes, The priory of Huntingdon St. James, and The nunnery of Huntingdon. v b Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 1. Camden. c Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p. 14. Itin. iv. p. 31. d See king Edgar’s charter of that date to Thorney abbey. Mon. Angl. i. 244. a. according to which, this priory lhould have been fubjed to Thorney ; for the king therein confirms to Thorney, “ duas manias juxta Huntandune et monafteriolum « S. Mari® extra oppidum dedicatum fupradichirn.” c So Leland, in the places before cited exprefsly : but ac¬ cording to the laft quotation from Mon. Angl. i. 244. it wa9 then without the town. And Camden faith, it was out of the town ealtward. f So Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 14. Itin. iv. 31. et Mon. Angl. ii. 224. But Leland, Colled, i. p. 71. Camden, and Speed, make Maud the emprefs co-foundrefs with Euftace Love- tot, which perhaps might be occafioned by what is faid in Mon. Angl. ii. p. 25. of Maud the firft queen to Henry 1. being a benefadrefs to this houfe. It was in the patronage of Hugh D’audele jun. 15 Ed. 2. as Dr. Hutton. g Appendix to Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 11. h The rental of this houfe was 217/. 6 nd . Willis ibid. Vitlc II. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Vie in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 24. ftemmata Euftachii ‘ dc Luvetot fundatoris : P. 25. cartam R. Hen. 1. tfcil. cart, antiq. H. n. 8.) donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. P. 26. aliam cartam ejufdem regis ffcil. cart. antiq. H. n. 9.) quod canonici fint quieti Je geldis: Notulam ex Leland. Colledt. vol. iii. p. 14. edit. Hearne : Bullam P. Eugenii 3. donatorum con¬ ceffiones recit. et confirm, dat. A. D. 1147. P. 27. bullam P. Martini pro appropriatione eccl. de Southo, cum capella de Harlewefton : Cart. R. Hen. 3. do¬ natorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Lelandi Colle<&. vol. i. p. 35. 71. vol. iii. p. 14. ejuf¬ dem Itin- vol. iv. p. 31. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 259. de foedo dimid. mil. tent, de Willelmo de Say. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 166. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Evenle: vol. ii. p. 70. of a capital meffiiage in Rulh- ton: p. 108. of the advowfon of the redtory of Lower Ilham anciently : p. 169. of a penfion of vi s. vuid. out of the rectory of Hargrove. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 485. of a meffiiage and tithes in Weting St. Mary. Year Books, 46 Ed. 3. f. 28. 21 Ed. 4. Hill. 38. 2 Hen. 7. Trin. 1. 12 Hen. 8. Mich. 1. Regiftrum cartarum conventus canonicorum S. Maritfi de Huntendcn, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Fauji. C. 1. 1. Extracta ex cards quorundam regum Angliae, huic coe- nobio conceffis, mf. in ead. bibl. 'Julius, C. ii. 18. Plac. coram rege, 1 Joan. Pafch. rot. 23. dorfo, de hida terrae in Croxton. Rot. cart. 5 Hen. 3. m. 13. Fin. div. com. 43 Hen. 3. de advoc. prioratus. Pat. 2 Ed. j. m. 9. dorfo, de terris in Hargrave : Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 36. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 7 et 11. Pat. IS Ed. 2. p. r. m. 20, de meff. et terris in Papworth Anneis: Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 28. de maner. de Papworth et Croxton. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 39 vel 40. Pat. 30 Ed, 3. p. 3. m. 20. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. pro eccl. de Southoo, cum capella de Halywefton appropriandis : Efc. Hunting¬ don. 51 Ed. 3. n. 18. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. m. 1. pro ten. ibid, et in Stivecle Magn. Alkmanbury, Wode- wefton, Copemanford, &c. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 1 Ed 4. p, 6. m. 35. 2. St. John’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. John Baptift here is faid to have been founded by David earl of Huntingdon, temp. Hen. 21. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 9/. 4 s. per ann. in the whole, and 61. Js. 8 d. clear ". fide efc. Huntingdon. 5 Ed. 3. art. 98. pro ponte ibid. fuper pontem et hofpitalem S. Joannis. reparando: Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. pro capella 3. St. Margaret’s Hospital. An ancient hofpital dedicated to St. Margaret for a mailer and brethren, and feveral leprous and infirm people; to which Malcolm king of Scotland and earl of Huntingdon (who died A. D. 1 1 65.) was a great benefaftor, if not founder. This was annexed by king Henry 6. anno regni 24. after the death or cefiion of the mailer to Trinity hall in Cam¬ bridge, and confirmed by K. Edward 4. anno regni 1. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. 417. cartam regis Ed. 3. Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. n. 55. recit. et confirm, donationes Malcolmi regis Scotite, Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 14. de vifu franci plegii tenentium Ifabellre, Roberti et Bernardi de Bruys, et Nicol. contra Bernardum de Brus. Caperon in Konitone, Baldwynefhowa, Stiveclya, &c. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. Cart. 27 Hen. 6. n. 42. Rot. pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 12. 4. Austin Friers. At the north end of the town1 was a houfe of friers Auguftines founded before 19 Ed. 1 m. Which being fupprefied, was 32 Hen. 8. granted to Thomas Ardern. Vide pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . faciendo: Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. pro 1. ca- Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 16. de ii. meffi. et aliis minutis par- ruca ad iv. equos bofci habenda fingulis hebdom. in cellis terrte perquirendis. foreila de Wabrudge : Clauf. 46 Ed. 3. dorfo. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16, 17, vel 18. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. Clauf. 7 Hen. 4. m. . p, I. m. 37. pro aqux conductu fubterraneo ibidem III. St. IVES, olim Slepe. Benedictine Cell. About A. D. 1001. the relicks of St. Ivo, a Perfian archbilhop, being difcovered in this town then belonging to the abbey of Ramfey, Ednoth the abbat built a church here to the honor of that holy man n, wherein were placed a prior and fome Benediftine monks, fubordinate to Ramefey, and, as parcel of that houfe, was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Audley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 255. de S. Yvone epifc. ex hill. aur. Joan. Tinmuth : Confirmationem prio- ratui eccl. dc Ellefworth, Cnapwell, et Slepe per Urbanum papam: Inquifitionem de juribus eccl. paroch. S. Ivonis cum capellis et dotatione vicariae, 36 Hen. 3. ex regiltro Ramef. in fcaccario, De hoc prioratu confulenda funt regillra et alia muni- menta abbatiae Ramefienfis. 1 The mafterfhip of this hofpital was in the gift of the bailiffs and commonalty of Huntingdon, A. D. 1394. Regiftr. Inftit. Norvic. vol. vi. f. 190. k Sancroft’s mf. Valor. 1 Speed. m Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 431. About A. D» Capgravi Legendam in S. Ivone, f. 199. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 320. a grant to cut un¬ derwood in Okelee wood. Several deeds belonging to this priory in the Talley court Wellminfter, in the bag of Huntingdonlhire, Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 6. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 2. pro mere. 1483. probably, for Joannes Romanus archbilhop of York granted an indulgence that year to fuch as fliould contribute towards the fabric. " Earl Adelmus, A. D. 1017. is faid by Mr. Speed to have been the founder of this priory. IV. St. IV. HUNTINGDONSHIRE IV. St. N E O T ’ S, olim Eynulfefbury, or Henulvefbiri. Benedictine Priory. If credit may be given to the Ely hiftorian, St. Neot0 firft placed monks here, who being difperfed by the Danes, were afterward reftored, and the monaftery again endowed by the bounty and piety of one Leofric p, and his wife Leofleda, upon the encouragement of Et'helwold bilhop of Winchefter, and Brithnod abbat of Ely. It was a priory of Black monks fubordinare to Ely, till, after the Conqueft, Gilbert of Clare violently expelled thofe Religion’ But about A. D. 1 1 13. Rohefia wife of Richard, fon to the faid earl Gilbert, gave this manor to the abbey of Bee in Normandy, to which it became a cell. It was feized during the wars with F ranee among other alien priories'), but made “ prioratus indigena” by K. Henry 4. being then in the patronage of the earl of Stafford r. Its revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 256/. u. oh. per ann. Speed. 241/. 11s. 4 d. Dugd. and the fne was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Sir Ric. Will liams alias Cromwell. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 368, &c. notulas quafdam de S. Neoto, ex Leland. Colledl. vol. iii. de Eynol- vefberi, ex regiftro Elienfi in bibl. Bodl. De S. Neoto, ex Hill. Aurea Joannis Tinmuth mf. Cartas Joannis epife. Norwic. Hugonis epife. Lincoln. Rogeri Bur- nard, Will, de Albineio, Matildis de S. Lizio, et Rogeri fil. Rogeri, ex regiftro hujus monafterii mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujiina , A. iv. et Bullam Celeftini papae ex autog. in eadem bibl. Et ex eodem regiftro in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 877. habentur cart* Wi- donis fil. Tezonis de ecclefia deEverdon; Tedbaldi de Efcalers de terra ex utraque parte Madeldene ; Rogeri com. Hertford, de ecclefia de Bertona ; Walt, fil. Roberti de ecclefiis de Oveftona et Henelinghama ; Will, de Albineio Britonis de ecclefia de Cratfield ; Roberti Wafte de duabus partibus decimae de Were- Jlai j et Petri de Montefort antecelforum donationes confirm. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 71. vol. iii. p. 13. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. ii. p. 214. of the advowfon of the reftory of Barnwell All Saints. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 605. of polfeffions in Norwich : vol. iv. p. 50. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Barton St. Andrew : p. 59. of tithes in Be- champell : p. 186. of pofleifions in Upwell. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 138. of the advowfon of the redtory of Winge. Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 472. of the church of Pil- lerton. V. RAMSEY. Benedictine Abbey. An abbey of Benedi&ine monks built by Ailwine alderman of all England % duke or earl of the Eaft Angles, A. D. 969'. to the honor of St. Mary and St. Bene¬ dict Its yearly income, about the time of the diflolution, was rated at 1J16I. 12 s. 4 d. Dugd. '983/. 15 s. 3 d. q. Speed; and the fite, with feveral of the manors, was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Rich. Williams alias Cromwell. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 231, See. ex regiftro de Ramfey in fcaccario dom. R. ex parte rememoratoris revis, qusedam de fundatione : Genealogiam comitis Adwini : De fitu Inful*, et etymologia nominis : Donationes R. Edgari, S. Ofwoldi, et ducis Ethel- wini: Cartam R. Eadgari : Confirmationem R. Ed. Conf. Cartam R. Ed. 2. recit. duas cartas Hen. 3. Leland. Colledt. i. 580, See. ex libello donationum Ramef. monafterio, et ex libro de anniverfariis : Et, ° If the S. Neot from whom this place hath its name was, as Malmfbury, De geftis pontif. lib. iv. faith, a fcholar of Ercon- wald bithop of London, he mult be different from, and have lived near an hundred years before that learned S. Neot who flourifhed in K. Alfred’s time. However neither of them could have been fo late as the year 991. according to Mon. Angl. i. 369. becaufe this monaftery of his name had been fome time before in being, as appears not only from the Ely book, but alfo from the hiftory of Ramefey, edit. Gale, cap. lvii. p. 423. p So the Monaft. vol. i. p. 368. But one earl Alnc is faid to have been the original founder in Leland. Collect, i. 71. and Colledt. iii. 13. this monaftery is faid to have been the palace of one earl Elfrid. The verfes on the wall in St. Neot’s church in Cornwall aferibe this foundation to earl Alfric : and amongft the particulars of the valuation of St. Neot’s priory in the Firft Fruits office- there is, “ S. Neot. eleemofin. ad orandum pro <{ animabus Aylrici comitis primi fundatoris et Elfleda uxoris ex regiftro Ramefienfi fupra memorato, hiftoriam ab- batum ab Ednetho ad Jo. Crowland inclufive. In Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 869. de Guifcardo de Lymolin hujus abbatise benefadlore, et ejus progenie, ex col- ledtaneis Rob. Glover, mifcell. i. Lclandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 26. 91. nomina fundatorum et benefadtorum : p. 580, See. excerpta ex libello de donationibus Ramefienfi monafterio, ubi de funda¬ tione, prscipuis benefadtoribus, de terris ab eifdem “ ejus.” s Rymer, vol. viii. p. 103. r Cotton’s Abridgment, p. 541. s The Ramfey abbey of nuns faid to have been founded by K. Edwy, and reftored by K. Edgar in Leland. Colledt. i. 323. belongs to Rumfey or Rornfey in Hantlhire. 1 This is the date according to Ramfey books, which hath feveral circumftances to fupport it rather than A. D. 986. ac¬ cording to the Worcefter annals, (Angl. Sncr.) though this hit agrees better with the bringing monks hither from Weftbyri, if Weftbury was not filled with monks before 983. as in the lame annals. Weftiponaft. faith, Ramfey was founded A. D. 968. Bollandus corredts Sim. Dunelmentis for faying, that Ramfey was confecrated Id. Nov. 991. and in Vita S. Oiwaldi apud Ada. SatiSorum, Feb. 28 vel 29. faith, Ramfey was five years in build¬ ing, and dedicated 6 Id. Nov. A. D. 974- Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuite per ou vers corps palitika § 13. de penfione ex ecclefia de Wimbilh [EfTex.] * Regiftrum S. Neoti penes illuftrilT. dom. ducem Can- tiae, olim in bibl. Ceciliana mf. Regiftrum penes Thomam Aftle arm. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2273. f. 82. excerpta ex regiftro hujus prioratus. Fin. Suff. 7 Joan. n. 56. de terris in Ubbefton [SufF. 1 Plac. apud Weftm. 13 Joan. Mich. rot. 2 et 10. de advoc. eccl. de Pilardinton : 14 Joan. Trin. rot. 3. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 15. de Langelond, Sec. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24. dorfo, de ten. in Paxton Parv. Plac. in com. Huntingd. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 14. pro terris in Offord Danys : Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. de c. fol reddit. in villa S. Neoti et Hardwike. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 16. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. pro advoc. eccl. de Brampton [falva penfione c. fol.] Bundel. benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de eccl. de Crat¬ field, Ubfton, et Berton [dioec. Norvic.] in proprios ufus : Clauf. 49 Ed. 3. m. 31. de terris in Win- tringham. Pat. io Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 23. pro indigenatione. Rot. pari. 2 Hen. 5. art. 25. pro eadem: Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. II. de nundinis apud S. Neo- tum. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 23. V. HUNTINGDONSHIRE* , tis annuifque eorundem redditibus: vol. ii. p. 269. <;/ |jj_ p- 4- 1 . codices mil', olim in bibliotheca hujus T LeUnd! Itin. vol. i. p. 3. of pofleffions in Bernwell : lnvQi ‘vii. p. 86. of the lordfhip and impropriation of Steeple Afcheton. u T, Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 19S. de foedo 11. mditum 1 tent, de Waltero de Bolebec: p. 256. cartam abbatis Ramefciae de militibus fuis feffatis. Revneri Apoftol. Bened. tr. ii. p. 149. et in Appen- dicefcript. 41. cartam fundatioms per Eadgarum K. Ibid. 42. confirm, ejufd. per Eadwardum Conf. Hiftori'am Ramefienfem, five librum de fundatione et benefaftoribus coenobii Ramefienfis, edidit cl. Galeus, inter Hiftori* Britannicae, &c. fcriptores XV. Oxon. ,6qi. fol. p. 385. ex cod. mf. qui fervatur in regio fcaccario Wettm. a parte rememoratoris, et continet partes iii. et cap. 121. Quarta pars ab ingreffu Nor- mannorum (cujus meminit autor in procemio, et qua: laudatur ab H. Spelmanno in Gloflario voce Hujiin- pum) inedita adhuc delitefcit, et deeft in cod. mf. fcaccarii : Excerpta non pauca rnanu cl. Rob. Gloveri fcripta A. D. 1585. de rebus et cartis Ramefienfibus extant in volumine colledtaneorum in mufeolo meo, p, 41, &c. Gunton’s Hiftory of the church of Peterburg, p. 4. Year Books, vol. i. Ed. 3. f. in. 320. 366. 30 Ed. 3. f. 2. 38 Hen. 6. Mich. 33. 39 Hen. 6. Hil.. 14. 12 Ed. 4. Mich. 15. 21 Hen. 7. Hill. 13. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 79. concordiam inter ab- batem et Fulconem filium Edithae de S. Ivone, de inanfo et terris abbati et conventui a Fulcone refti- tutis, deque officio collocutorii eidem Fulconi affig- iiato. p. 82. conventionem cum abb. et conv. Bur- genfi: p. 87. de ten. in Aylinton : p. 134. de terris in Shitlington et Upwode : p. 218. de v. hidis in Berkford: p. 221. de terris in Gilling : p. 224. de mefr. in Shitlingdon : p. 243. cartam R. Steph. de maner. de Rippeton : p. 343. de prox. advoc. eccl. de Over [Elienf.] In ejufdem Hiftoria Scaccarii, p. 278. de libertatibus : p, o. de amovendo archiepifc. Nazareth, qui per- hendinavit ibidem : p. 520. de tallagio de King’s Rep- ton: p. 620. quod elongatio nundinarum apud S. Ivoiiem eft contra libertates hominum regis de Hun- tedon. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. 1. p. 151. an account of this abbey u, and the abbats of it. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 404. a catalogue of the abbats: p. 406, &c. the privileges and liberties of this abbey : an account of the churches belonging to its patronage : the bounds of their lands, &c. out of Sprottus, publifhed by Mr. Hearne : Appendix to vol. ii. p. 108. an account of the lands belonging to this abbey in Northamptonfhire, in K. William the Conqueror’s time, out of Domefday Book. In cl. Grotefti epift. in Append, ad Brownii Fafcicu- lum, p. 326. ne abbas de Ramefey exerceat officium iufti’tiarii itinerants, licet per breve 20 Hen. 3. ad idem promovetur: p. 347- de dedicatione eccl. conv. de Ramfey. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 86. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Tharfield : p. 400* °f the manor of Romerick in Ickleford. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 440. of ahoufe in Northampton: vol. ii. p. 107. of the lordfhip of Ifham anciently. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 538. 646. of pofTef- fions in Norwich : vol. iii. p- 727. of the manor of Brancafter-h'all in Burnham Depedale, and of a por¬ tion of tithes and the advowfon of the rectory : p. 742. of the advowfon of the recEtory of Burnham Sutton, and of a portion of tithes and penfion out of the fame : vol. iv. p. 43. of the lordfhip of the hun¬ dred of Clackclofe : p. 50. of pofleffions in Barton, p. 70. in Bexwell, p. 78. in Denver, p. 8$. in Weft Dereham : p. 93* ®f ^ manor in Downham and the advowfon of the rectory : p. 1 1 5. of the fame in Hil- gey: p. 137. of pofTeffions in South Rungton: p. 179* of the lordfhip of Upwell and Outwcll : p. 189. or the advowfon of the rettory df Upwell : p. 199. of lands in Watlington : p. 225. of the manor of Witn- botfham and of tithes there: p. 723. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Walfoken: p. 1255. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Brancaftcr and of a portion of tithes there: p. 1279. of lands and tithes in Holme: p. 1286. of the manor of Ringfted Magna and of the advowfon of the redlory of Rmg- fted St. Peter. Ibid. vol. iv. p. 76. of lands in Toimere, p. 97- in Fincham, p. 1 13. in Fordham, p. 695. in Fyrington, p. 1261. in Hitcham; all anciently belonging to this abbey. Nomina monachorum de Ramfey, rentale terrarum ad abbatiam pertinentium, &c. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius., F. ix. 1. 4. 8. Bullam Innocentii papte confirm, privilegia, mf. ibid. Augujius, ii. 1 12. Inquifitionem, quam fecit Gulielmus abbas de Ramefey de feodis et tenuris militum fuorum, cum multis aliis ad eandem abbatiam fpedtantibus, mf. in ead. bibl. Galba, E. x. 2. Excerpta ex regiftro Ramefienfis ccenobii, mf. ibid, Otho, D. iv. 9. Chronica monaft. Ramefienfis, ab A. D. 1341* ad 1401* mf. ibid. Otho, D. vill. 32. Inquifitiones faftas temp. R. Hen. 3. de terris prsdiis et fervitutibus, quas beneficiarii et tenentes in comi- tatibus Huntingdonienfi et Bedfordienti abbati et mo- nachis de Ramefey debent, mf. ibid. P Jpaftan, E. ii. 3. Nomina et gefta abbatum Ramef. ab Ednotho ad Joan- nem de Sautre : Epiftolas et cartas plurimas de rebus et pofleffionibus abbatiae de Ramefey, mf. ibid. V ’jpaj' A. xviii. 8. 11. 22, 23. Regiftrum cartarum abbatiae de Ramefey tranferiptarum per Rob. Dodford clericum, ufque ad 30 Hen. 3. mf. in ead. bibl. Cotton. Fefpaf. E. ii. x. » Extrafta e regiftris coenobii Ramefienfis, mf. In bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. lxvi. f. 124. vol. cviii. f. 104. James xxvii. f. 166. Mf. in bibl. Alh mo! . Oxon. Dugdale, xxxiv. f. 16. xxxix. f. 10. Wood, ci. f. 117. e libro antique mf. pergam. traftante praefertim de homagiis et feftis abbati de Ramfey debitis, et de limi- tibus marifeorum, in cuftodia Roberti Hewes de hofp. Grayenfi Lond. 1638. nunc in bibl. Harleyana, 39 C. 8. Mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. xli. p. 48. ex hift. abbatiae de Ramefey, penes Hen. Spelman mil. mf. ibid. Dodfworth. vol. lxviii. f. 42. vol. cxiii. f. 68. 71. E libro de Ramfey in cuft. Joannis Hare mil. mf. in eod. vol. Dodfworth. f. 50. Copy of the hiftory of Ramfey out of the Cottonian library, with fome other matters relating thereunto, collefted by father Auguftine Baker, mf. in bibl. coll. Jefu Oxon. n. 82. Collectanea ex regiftris hujus abbatiae, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 179. mf. 298. f. 62. mf. 311. f. 14. mf. 312. f. 37. mf. 1178. f. 18. et mf. 5019. n. 2. In eadem bibl. mf. 60. f. 14. taxationem pofleffionum abbatis de Ramfey in dioc. Lond. mf. 433. f. . breve de feribenda acquietancia pro Johanne abbate de Ramfey, qui xx v /. regi perfolverat ratione foedi firms feriae villae S. Ivonis: mf. 50 1 9* 94* ofKipton in Huntingdonfhire given by K. Stephen : mf. 6748. f. 4. cartas Hen. 1. et Ric. 1. mf. 6839- f* 186. con¬ firmation of the foundation by Edward the Confeilor. MSS. Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. iii. cartam ab¬ batis ut Thomas de Burger poffit erigere capellam iti Upwell, A. D. 1260. Cart. 8 Ed. 21 recit. et confirm, cartas RR. Edwardi Conf. Will. 1. Hen. 2. Ric. 1. Joannis, Hen. 3. et Edw. 1. Regiftrum abbatiae Ramefienfis, penes Hen. Cromwell arm. A. D. 1650. mf. Regiftrum finium tenentium in getfumn folut. tempo- ribus Thomse et Joannis Stow abbatum, olim penes V . amicitf. Petrum Le Neve arm. 1703. mf. nunc in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 445. F ff * See alfo the Appendix to Leland’s Calleft. p. isj. Regiftrum V. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Regiftrum p.lrvum cartarum abbatix de Ramfey, mf. in eadem bibl. 5071 w. Regiftrum mf. penes Walt. Clavell, arm. Cartam longam libertatum et terrarum concelT. ct con¬ firm. per Will. Conq. A. I). 1077. tranfumptam ex hiftoria Ramef. penes Hen. Spelman mil. in volumine colledlancorum meorum notato T.T. p. 670. modo in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Cartas originates quamplurimas ad hanc abbatiam fpeiEt- antes in curia Recept. fcaccarii dom. R. Librum cartarum et terrarum abbatix Ramefienfis cum indice terrarum in com. Norf. infula de Ely, &c. mf. penes rememoratorem fcaccarii. Cart, antiq. C. 13. fcil. 1 Ric. 1. de cuftodia bofeorum fuorum in com. Huntingdon, et I. n. 22. fcil. 4 Joan, de libertatibus. Fin. com. ignot. 1 Joan, de turbario in Stow, n. g. Ibid. n. 10. de terr. in villa S. Ivonis. Cart. 2 Joan, m. 24. n. 96, 97, 98. pro feria apud Slepe, hundr. de Clacklofe [Norf.] pro mercato apud Dunham : pro libertatibus in maneriis de Walton, Hunflanton, Bran¬ caftre et Ringfted [Norf.] Ripton mercat. apud Ram- fey, &c. Cart. 9 Joan. m. 7. n. 69. de hundr. de Herftingeftun, et licentia aflartandi lx. acras : Fin. 9 Joan. m. 9. Fin. Norf. 4 Hen. 3. n. 97. de terris In Walfoken [Norf.] Plac. in com. Huntingdon. 18 Hen. 3. Fin. com. ignot. 31 Hen. 3. n. 7. de terris in Ellefworth : Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 3. Plac. coram rege, 36 Hen. 3. rot. 10. de feria S. Ivonis : Cart. 42 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. Norf. 44 Hen. 3. n. 9. Plac. in com. Hunting¬ don. 45 Hen. 3. Fin. com. ignot. 45 Hen. 3. n. 46. de reparatione walliarum apud Walfoken; Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro mercat. et feria apud Ramfey. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 21. affif. de ten. in Ringfted M. Fin. com. ignot. 2 Ed. 1. de terris in Wardebois: Fin. com. ignot. 3 Ed. 1. n. g. pro terris in Aylington ; Cart. 6 Ed. 1 . n. 19. pro mercat. et feria apud Berne- well [Northamt.] Fin. Norf. 7 Ed. 1. n. 45. Pat. 1 2 Ed. 1. m. 14. dorfo, commiffionem fuper contro- verfia inter epifeopum Elienfem et abbatem Ramef. de marifeis in confinio comitat. Huntingdon, et Can- tab. Fin. diverf. com. 14 Ed. 1. n. 37. Plac. in com. Huntingdon. 14 Ed. 1. de brevibus infra baleu- cam placitandis coram juftitiariis abbatis : Plac. in banco regis, Pafch. etTrin. 17 Ed. 1. rot. 36. Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ed. 1. Pafch. . . . Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 48. Cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 26. pro mercat. apud S.Ivonem: Plac. de banco, 27 Ed. 1. Mich, rot. 127. de Wal¬ foken; Fin. Norf. 28 Ed. 1. n. 38. de advoc. eccl. de Walfoken pro c I.Jlerling perquifit. a Rogero Col- vile: Plac. in banco regis, 32 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. 70. Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro terris in Haughton et Witton conceff. per Rogerum Norton: Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 19. de me(T. et ten. in Cranefield : Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro ten. in Hertmangrove et S. Ivone : Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Plac. in banco regis, Mich. 7 Ed. 2. rot. 91. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. dorfo, de inquirendo de quadam baJxna in terram projedla apud Brancaftre [Norf.] ubi abbas habet wrcccum maris : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Cart. 8 Ed. 2 n. 6. 28, 29. Efc. Norf. 9 Ed. 2. n. 172. Pat Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de ix. meff. in S. Ivone et Un. well: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p, , m. 15. de ierr. et ten. in Slepe. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Widow, Heminj. ford, Broughton, Wardeboys, Ripton, &c. Rec. fc left. temp. Ed. 3. p. 12. n. 70. Plac. in banco regis 5 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 141. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m dorfo : Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Cart* 8 Ed. 3. n. 6. et n. 28, 29. pro ampliffimis liberta- tatibus : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . dorfo, de riota inter abbatem et monachos de Thorney, et abbatem et mo- nachos de Ramfey: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3, ^ vej 7. [bis :] Ibid. p. 2. m. . Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 21. pro libertatibus: Rec. in fcacc. 13 Ed. 3. Hill. . Ciaul 13 Ed. 3. p 1. m. 38. Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24! relaxat. maner. de Bernwell et Hemyngton, cum ad- vocatione: Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro baleuca abbatis, et libertatibus fuis in forefta et marifeis, &c Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Efcaet. Suff. 25 Ed. 3. n. 27. de terris in Lawlhull : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. de advoc. eccl. de Helgay [Norf.] Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21. pro maner. de Woldhirft, &c. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro ten. in Ramfey, Heymangrove, Berie, Upwode, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 33 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. pro manfo vicarii de Ramfey: Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 38. pro ten. in Cranficid, Allington, Halliwell, Nedingworth, See. Rec. in fcacc. 43 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 13. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. et p. 3. m. 18. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. de terris in Therfield [Hertf.] Pat. 1 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2, m. 3. pro eccl. de Shutlingdon et Therfield appropriandis, et quod abbas poffit amortizare epifeopo Elienfi maner. de Chateriz, cum marifeis de Holode, &c. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. Plac. coram rege, 10 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 9 et 62. pro reparatione fofi'ati vocat. Pokeditch [Norf.] ratione terrarum in Walfoken: Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. j. m. 2. pro mercat. apud villam S. Ivonis, et p. 2. m. 25. de terris in Brancaftre. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 56. Cart. 1 Hen. 6. n. 6. Rec. in fcacc. 9 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 4. de terris in Stukle Parv. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 23. pro decimis non colligendis : Rec. in fcacc. 20 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 10. Ibid. 26 Hen. 6. Mich, rot. 59. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 5. licent. pro terris perquirendis ad valorem c. marcarum ann. et p. 2. m. 30. pro maner. de Ravele et ten. in Sautre. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 6. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 21. Efcaet. Huntingdon. 1 Ric. 3. n. . Pat. 1 Hen. 7. p. 3. m. . pro mercat. die Mercurii, et feria die S. Petri apud Upwell [Norf.] Bill, fignat. 3 Hen. 8. n. . de feria apud S. Ivonem. VI. S A L T R E V, or Sawtre. ClSTERTl AN Abbey. Simon earl of Northampton1 brought hither, A. D. 1 146 r. a convent of Ciftertian monks out of the abbey of Wardon or Sartis in Bedfordfhire, and eredted a monaftery for them here to the honor of the bleffed Virgin. Here were an abbat, twelve monks, and twenty- two fervants, who were endowed with 141 /. 33. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. 1 99/. 11 s. 8 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Richard Cromwell alias Williams. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 850. cartam fundationis et dotationis per Simonem comitem Northamptonix: P. 851. cartam Malcolmi regis Scotix de fundatione: Cartam Alexandri Maufe, de terrarum bundis : P. 854. finalem concordiam de lada monachorum apud Wal¬ ton, 3 Ric. 1. Supplement to Gunton’s Pcterburgh, p. 313. concern¬ ing fuit to Caftor court, &c. In Append, ad Regiftr. Honor, de Richmond, p. 56. de terris in Hattele [Cantab.] Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. f. 60. 22 Ed. 4. m. 15. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 71. de fundatione: vol. iii. » Edidit cl. Tho. Hearne ad ealeem Sprotti Hiftoris. r So the Annales de Parcolude mf. and Leland. Colleft. vol. i. * Fordon’s Scotichronicon, edit. Hearne, p. 3 68. 71. et vol. iii. p. 73. A. D- 1147. Annal. Petriburgh. p. 47. vi. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. p 47. codices m(T. olim in bibl. hujus abbatite. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 32. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 647. of pofTeffions in gallon : p- 685. of a manor in Huningham, the im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage : vol. iii. p. 501. of the manor of Priors-thorp in Swaf- ham: vol. iv. p. 410. of tithes in Ringland. Cartas quamplurimas originales ad hanc abbatiam fpedt- antes, in cl. bibl. Harleyana. In eadem bibl. mf. 60. f. 14. taxationem pofleffionum abbatis de Sawtre. Bullas papales de libertatibus hujus monafterii, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Augujlus , A. ii. p. 105. 109, no. 121, 122,123. 125, 126. 116, 117- Cart. antiq. Joan. K. n. 27. Cart. 7 Joan. m. 10. n. 84. pro bofeo iuode Saltry claudendo: Fin. 7 Joan. m. 17. Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 6. et 152. de tenementis in Lynn : Fin. Norf. 31 Hen. 3. n. 20. de ten. in Swaf- ham. Fin. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. n. 83. de advoc. eccl. de Honing- ham : Plac. de banco, 23 Ed. I. Pafch. rot. 1 13. <1 de firma eccl. de Fulburn. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro manfo elargando: Fin. 18 Ed. 2. m. 9. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1, de metis et bundis, ibid. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6 vel 7. Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. de firma eccl. de Fulburn Omn. Sailor. Hu¬ ningham, Coftefey, et Fendraiton pro LX. marc, ab- bati de Bona Requie : Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. m. 27. de eifd. eccl. pro lxxx. marc. Clauf. 38 Ed. 3. m. 30. dorfo, pro eifd. pro eodem redditu. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 38. pro ten. in Wodewalton et Huntingdon. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 15. pro ten. in Grafham, Perry, et Bokeden : Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 25. pro ten. in Gamlingay et Sautrey: Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. j.m. 19. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 23. de xx. marc, conceff. per Rog. Pigot. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 7. Hill, rot. 8. pro maner. dc Grofham. VII. S T O N E L Y, near Kimbolton. Austin Canons. Will. Mandevile earl of ElFex, who lived about A. D. 1180. is faid by Leland *, to have been the firft founder of the priory of canons here of the order of St. Auftin, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary. This houfe confided of feven canons, and was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 46/. 3d. ob. per am. Dugd. and Speed; but my mf. Valor makes that to be the fumma clara , and the fumma inde to be 62 1. 12s. 3d. ob .» It was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Oliver Leder. Vide Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 319. ubi habentur tantum duo excerpta ex Leland. Collect, et Itin. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 71. ejufdemltin. vol. i. p. 3. In bibl. Bodl. O*on. mf. Dodfworth. vol. lxxvi. f. 100. cartam Will. Mandevill donantis Werkemelle prio- ratui de Stonely. Plac. in com. Huntingdon. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 7. pro melT. et terr. in Longftow. Brev. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot, 11. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 8. pro tenementis ibidem, et in Kenebauton et Catworth: Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. i.m. 35. etp. 2. m. 40. pro eccl. de Kembauton approprianda, quam Hum- fridus de Bohun comes Herefordite eis dederat. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 34. pro melT. et tenementis ibidem et in Kinebauton et Neweton, et in Tvlbroke [Bedf.j 1 Rec. ip fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 10. Qu3°3- Ejufdem adtus pontificum Cantuarienfis ecclefix, ibid, col. 1629. Evidentias eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. chronologice ab anno 616. ad R. Hen. 1. et Anfelmi feculum, ibid. col. 2207. Compofitiones et alia quxdam de prioratu S. Trinitatis, five eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. in chronicis Will. Thorn, ibid. col. 1760. 1820. 1885, 1886. 1888. 1944. 1958. 2063. 2142. . " Thus the mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 32. It is omitted m Dugdale. b The old value of the archbifhoprick is faid to have been y In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 53- fummam militum ar¬ chiepifcopatus Cantuar. Inter fragmenta Sprottiana, edit. Hearne, p. 127. tem- poralia archiepifcopi et prioris Cantuar. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 4. de vinea apud. S. Bficium: p. 40. de terra de Diepham : p. 47. de mo- lendino duarum rotarum de Salisfort concello per pri- orem et conventum Alexandro de Barentin : p. 74. de maner. de Beeching cum Wudeton: p. 115. de managio in Cantuar. p. 177. de domo in Lond. juxta eccl. S. Mari® de Bothache : p. 238. de terris apud Wimbife Saxonice: p. 293. de hida terrx in Halton: p. 297. de terris et marifcis in Cherteham. In ejus Hift. Scacc. p. 78. de annuali redditu xx/. ex villa de Suttchirch: p. 138. de terra juxta turrim ex- cambiata: p. 501. quod prior non debet talliari pro tcnementis in villa Cantuar. p. 526. cartam R. Jo- annis, quod centum modii vini quos rex Francix de¬ derat monachis lint in perpetuum liberi de Omni con- fuetudine. In Spelmanni Concil. tom. i. p. 1 16. eccl. Chrifti Can¬ tuar. totius Angli® metropolis a S. Auguftino ordi- natur, A. D. 603. p. 130. P. Bonifacii 4. decretum pro monachis regularibus introducendisj A. D. 610. p. 320. regis Kenulfi epiftolam pro archiepifcopatu Lichefeldenfi abolendo, et dignitate eccl. Dorober¬ nenfis reftituenda, A. D. 801. p. 432. regis Edgari cartam pro primatu, A. D. 959. p. 519. privilegium regis Asthelredi eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. A. D. 1006. p. 533. R. Canuti cartam de primatu et libertate eccl. S. Salvatoris in Dorobern. A. D. 1018. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 5. fententiam concilii Windlefhorx de fubjedtione archiepifc. Eborac. archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1072. Ibid, confirmationem ejufdem per Wil- lielmum regem: p. ij. confirmationem ejufdem in concilio Londinenfi, A. D. 1075. p. 21. literas P. Pafchalis 2. pro primatu eccl. Cantuar. A. D. 1100. p. 30. Thom® archiepifc. Ebor. eledti profeflionem fubjedtionis archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. nog. p. ng. Gaufridus archiepifc. Ebor. Anfelmo archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. canonicam obedientiam fecit. A. D. 1189. p. 725. exemplar conftitutionis fuper caufa de primatu ordinat®, A. D. 1072. p. 130. P. Innocentii 3. fen¬ tentiam definitivam in controverfia fuffraganeorum Cantuar. eccl. cum monachis ibidem de archiepifc. eledtione, cui fuffraganei contendebant fe debere in- terefle, A. D. 1206. In Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 35. P. Honorii epiftolam Honorio archiepifc. Cantuar. concedentis ei primatum eccl. Britannic®, A. D. 634. p. 41. P. Vitaliani epi¬ ftolam Theodoro archiepifc. Cantuar. de primatu eccl. Cantuar. A. D. 668. p. 160. P. Leonis 3. de jure et privilegiis archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 797. p. 323. quod terrx archiepifc. Cantuar. funt liber®, in placito inter Lanfrancum archiepifc. et Odonem epifc. Bajoc. A. D. 1070. p. 378. P. Pafchalis 2. epiftolam eccl. Cantuar. privilegia priftina confirman- tem, A. D. 1100. p. 546. R. Joannis conceflionem patronatus epifcopatus Roffenfis archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1214. p. 74. bullam P. Conftantini de privile¬ giis eccl. et monachorum, A. D. 713. p.328. epi¬ ftolam Alexandri P. ad Lanfrancum archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. de confervando monafterio, A. D. 1072. Ibid. Lanfranci conftitutiones pro regimine monachorum. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 98, 99. epiftolas duas Joannis Peckham archiepifc. de jure eccl. Cantuar et caufis prim® in- 3233/. i8r. 8(/. the prefent value in Edton is 2682/. Hi. 2 d. notwithilanding the many things taken from it. ftanti® XII. K. E N ’T. ftantis in curiam archiepifc. tradtis, A. D. 1283. p. 123. quod tenentes archiepifc. et eccl. Cantuar. lint quieti de theoloneo, ftallagio, &c. p. 440- P • Clc- mentis bullam quod archiepifc. Cantuar. poflit pro- movere clericuin in fingulis ecclefiis cathedralibus et collegiatis funs provinciae, A. D. 1314* vi8e etiam p. 43° et 445. p. 51 1. catalogum archiepifc. Can- tuarfa Thoma Becket ad Walterum Raynold, A. D. 1321. p. 585. literas R. Edwardi 3. ad cardinales fuper prsrogativa eccl. Cantuar. A. D. 1337' P- 43- 1 19. 488. 128. 255. de lite inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et Ebor. de crucc archiepifc. Ebor. ferenda infra pro- vinciam Cantuar. p. 448 • R* Edwardi 2. literas pro Cantuar. archiepifc. fuper bajulatione crucis infra provinciam Ebor. A.D. 1314* P* 2I7* vifttatione prioris et conventus eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. per Rob. Winchelfey archiepifc. A. D. 1295. p. 244. ftatuta dom. Rob. Winchelfey archiepifc. in vifitatione fua: p. 577. de vifitatione prioris et capituli per Joannem Stratford archiepifc. A. D. 1334- p. 739- proceflum contra priorem et conventum de Dovorre fuper obe- dientia eorum praeftanda, A. D. 1348. p. 3 32. 185. 292. 423. 425, 426. 744- de jurifdidtione prioris et capituli Cantuar. fede archiepifcopali vacante: p. 113. 287. de epifcopis provinciae Cantuar. non confecran- dis extra eccl. metropol. Cantuar. Ibid. vol. iii. p. 8. R. Edwardi 3. literas pro jure archi¬ epifc. Cantuar. in quolibet epifcopatu fux provinciae fede vacante, A. D. 1368. p. I44- E • Urbani 6. ljcen~ tiam archiepifc. Cantuar. ad exercendam jurifdidtio- nem in villa Calefiae, A. D. 1379- P- I79- diverfa privilegia ab eodein papa archiepifc. Cantuar. concell. A. D. 1383. p. 188. archiepifc. Cantuar. epiftolam paps Urbano 6. pro defenfione privilegiorum eccl. Cantuar. A. D. 1384. p. 194. proteftationem dom. archiepifc. Cantuar. de privilegiis eccl. Cantuhr. A. D. 1386. p. 552. cartas de monetariis archiepifc. Cantuar. confirmatas a rege Henrico 6. anno regni 25. p. 641. P. Alexandri 6. confirmationem, et novam conceffionem praerogativse eccl. Cantuar. pro appro- batione teftamentorum, A. D. 1494. p- 31. compofi- tionem inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et Ebor. fuper ba¬ julatione crucis confirmatam per P. Innocent. 6. A. D. 1354. p. 126. P. Urbani 6. bullam ut prior et capi- tulum Cantuar. non teneatur ad concilium generale ire aut mittere, A. D. 1377. P- 643. P. Alexandri bullam pro eccl. et capit. Cantuar. A. D. 1494, Ibid. vol. iv. p. 177. Philippi et Maris R. et R. con- ceffionem archiepifc. juris patronatus rectpriarum et vicariarum de Hernehill, Folkefton, Reynham, Bred- gar, Sellinge, Smerden,Graveney, Sitingborn, Lydde, Tilmanfton, Kennington, Maydefton, Nonnyngeton, Godnefton, Afhe, Whiteftable, Leede, et Salmifton, cum Deane in com. Kant, et dicec. Cantuar. A. D. 1558. p. 275. injundtiones R. Matthsi Parker archi- . epifc. in vifitatione eccl. cathedral. Cantuar. A. D. x573' P- 525. the archbifhop of Canterbury’s right to vifit the two univerfities debated and determined in council, A. D. 1636. p. 528. literas R. Caroli de vifitatione univerlitatum Oxon. et Cantab, per. archi- epifcopum Cantuar. A. D. 1636. p. 529. epiftolam Gerardi Jo. Voffii ad archiepifc. Cantuar. dejure vifi- tandi academias Anglite: p. 597. Gilberti Sheldon archiepifc. Cantuar. epiftolam ad archiepifc. Gnef- nenfem de privilegiis archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1676. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 377, &c- fcme ac- . count of the priory : of the priors : of the church : of the manors belonging to the priory, &c. p. 39. fpiritualties and temporalties of the archbifhop and prior, vol. ii. Append, p. 77, &c. pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 28. de exoneratione xxxm. doliorum vim annua- tim ex dono regum Francis de cuftumis et fubfidiis : Cartam R. Cnud pro portu de Sandwich et exiubus inde. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum RofFenfe, p. 434' excambium inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et epifc. Roffen. cujufdam bercariae in infula de Grean pro parte curix apud Lamhethe: p. 677. cartam Alienors. regime donantis advoc. eccl. de Wefterham priori et conventui : car- tara R. Ed. 1. confirm, eandem donationem : p. 678. diverfa inftrumenta de appropriatione ejufdem ecclcfix et oi'dinatione vicaris. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 244. of the ad- vowfon of Allhallows Bread-ftrcet : p. 249. of All- hallows the Great : p. 33.3. of St. Dunftan’s in the Eaft : p. 343. of St. Edmund’s Lombard-ftfeet p. 435. of St. Mary Aldermary: p. 438, of St. Mary le Bow : p. 485. of St. Michael’s Crooked-lank; p. 517. of S. Pancrafe Soper-lane : p. 564. 0f St! Vedaft Fofter-lane: p. 635. of the manor and ad-! vowfon of the redtory of Harrow on the Hill [for¬ merly.] p. 639. of the manor of Hayes [Middlefex] and the advowfon of the redtory and vicarage there [formerly.] Ibid. vol. ii. p. 67. of the advowfon of Bocking [in Eflex] deanry : p. 69. of Bocking redtory: p. ^ of Lachingdon redtory, with the chapel of Lawlmg ■ p. 534. of Southchurch redtory: p. 561. of Stifled redtory, belonging to the archbifhop: and vol. i. p. 253. of the advowfon of Allhallows Lombard- ftreet: p. 330. of St. Dionis Backchurch : p. 373. ot- St. John the Evangelift : p. 390. of St. Leonard’s Eaft Cheap : p. 446. of St. Mary Bothaw : p. ^go. of St. Michael Royal : p. 448 and 556. of Holy Tri¬ nity the Lefs : vol. ii. of the manor of Bocking in Eflex: p 75. of the manor of Borley: p.157. of pof- feflions in Coggefhall: p. 353. of the manor of Law- ling: p. 534. of Southchurch : p. . of Stilled, belong¬ ing to the prior and convent, or the dean and chapter now. „ In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 296. of the manor of Mil- ton-hall in Prittlcwell : p. 320. of lands in Little Stan- bridge anciently : p. 373. of the manor of W eft New- land : vol. ii. p. 29. of a manor in Danbury. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 546. of tithes in Weft Toftes: p. 694. of pofleffions in Wiclewood: p. 713. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Depham: vol. ii. p. 646. of pofleflions in Norwich : vol. iii. p. 50. of the lordlhip of Mul- barton fometime : vol. iv. p. 1246. of tithes in Bir- chain Toftes. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i.' p. 127. of lands in North Ockholt: p. 133, of the manor of Orpington : p. 138. of the advowfon of the redtory: p. 142. of lands m Hockindene, p. 159. in Bexley, p.204. inCrayford: p. 245. of the manor of Darent, p. 247. of lands there, p. 253. in Littlebrook : p. 293. of the manor of Horton : p. 300. of lands in Farningham, p. 305. and the impropriate redtory : p. 306. of lands in Eynsford: p. 309. of the redtory: p. 315. of the ma¬ nor of Shoreham: p. 319. of the advowfon of the vicarage : p. 320. of lands of Halfted : p. 321. of the advowfon of the redtory: p. 322. of the manor of Ottford : p. 323. of the palace there : p. 326. of the impropriate parionage ! p. 338. of the manor of Se- venoke : p. 339. of the manor of Knole : p. 352. of a meffuage and lands called Britaym in Sevenoke: p. 357. of the advowfon of the rectory and vicarage of Sevenoke: p. 358. of the manor of Chcvening: p. 367. of the advowfon of the rectory : p. 367. of the manor of Sundrifh : p. 374. of the advowfon of the redtory: p. 375. of the manor of Brafted : p.381. of the advowfon of the redtory: p. 389. of the impro¬ priate redtory of Wefterham : p. 407. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Chidingftone: p. 416. of the manor of Penftiurft-halimote : p. 419. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Penfhurft : p. 439. of the manor of Northfleet : p. 444. of the impropriate redtory p. 4.65. of the manor of Meepham: p. 468. of the impropriate redtory: p. 531. of the manors of Cliff, and of Mollond and Deansfee in Clift : p. 535- of Herfmg marfti and Bifhops marfh : p. 537. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Cliff: p. 540. of lands and a free warren in Cowling: p. 578. of lands in Stoke: vol. ii. p. 80. of the manor of Gillingham : p. 90- of the manor of Graine : p. 91. of lands and maifhes there : p. 95. of the manor and palace at Maidftone:_ p. 120. of the advowfon of the redtory: p. 136- ot the manor of Detling: p. 138. of the manor of Lole: p. 142. of the manor of Eaft Farleigh: p, 212. of the r manor XII. K E N 'T, manor of Eaft Mailing: p. 222. of the manor of Off- ham : p. 234. of the manor and palace of Wrotham : p. 243. of the advowfon of the redlory and vicarage : p 273- °f die manor of Eaft-Peccham : p. 278. of the borough of Stokenbury: p. 279. of the impro¬ priate redlory: p. 290. of the manor of Teflon : p. 294- of the manor of Weft-Farleigh : p. 298. of the manor of Hunton : p. 301. of the advowfon of the redtory: p. 384. of the manor of Horfemonden : p, 395. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Hedcorne: p. 419. of the manor of BoytOn in Eaft Sutton: p. 421. of the manor of Ulcomb : p. 427. of the ma¬ nor of Boughton Malherb • p. 443. of the manor of Eaft Lenham: p. 463, of the manor of Hollingborne: p. 469. of a meffuage and xn. acres of land there : p. 488. of lands in Borfted : p. 546. of the manor of Berkefore in Halllow : p. 548. of the impropriate redtory of Halftow : p. 582. of the advowfon of the redtory of Tunftall: p. 650. of rents in Riffenden : p. 669. of the manor of Leyfdown : p. 680. of the manor of Tenham : p. 735. of the manor of Elwerton in Stone: p. 736. of a meffuage there: p. 770. of the manor of Leveland : p. 805. of the manors of Corton Prefton and Selgrave in Preftor. : p. 813. of the rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Prefton. In Lewis’ Thanet, p. 32. of the manor of Downe Bar¬ ton : p. 34. of the manor of Monkton and the im¬ propriate redtory: Append, p. 13. ordinationem vi- carias ibidem. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 270. of lands in Berkley and Beenham. In Prynne’s Records, vol. ii. p. 477, 478. clauf. 21 Hen. 3. m. 10. 15 et 16. de life cum archiepifc. de patronatu ecclefiarum : vol. iii. p. 2 et 1303. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 197, See. of the foundation of this church, and many perfons buried in it. In the Antiquities of Canterbury, by William Somner, Lond. 1640. 4to. and as revifed and enlarged by Ni¬ cholas Battely A. M. Lond. 1703. fol. a large account of this church and priory. The antiquities of the cathedral church of Canterbury, by the rev. John Dart M. A. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 235. an account of the priors. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. r, See. and p. 525. an account of the archbilhops, deans, archdeacons and prebendaries of this church. Year Books, vol. i. Ed. 3. f. 188. 44 Ed. 3. f. 41. Regiftrum brevium, f. 252. b. Raftal’s Entries, tit. Trefpas per ou cejly que clayme chimin , §2. In Hickefii praefat. ad Adamum Otteley, p. xvi. cartam regis Wilhelmi Conq. [Saxon.] in favorem arebie- pifeopi : Ibid, cartas regum Hen. 1 et 2. in favorem eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. in differtat. ad Showerum : p. 30. Thurftani donationem teftamentariam de prx- dio quod Wymbifts eft eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. in prasfat. ad Pakington: p. 157. cartam Egelredi regis de Sandwich et Eftree. In epiftolis Grotefti epife. Lincoln, in Appendice ad Brownii Fafciculum : p. 313. de confecratione epif- coporum extra eccl. metropol. Cantuar: p. 384. con¬ tra priorem et conventum Cantuar. qui, Cede archie- pifcopali vacante, quofdam epifeopos fufpenderunt et excommunicaverunt : Vide etiam p. 374. Regiftra, rentalia, terraria, rotulos curiarum, computos ballivorum, cartas originales, et alia munimenta ad hunc prioratum fpedtantia, penes R. V V. decanum et capitulum. • Eighteen -volumes of old regifters belonging to the church of Canterbury, in the ■ library of °the faid church. Catal. mff. Angliae, &c. tom. ii. p. 389. I he fame probably which are mentioned by Mr* John Le Neve, in the preface to his Fafti Eccl. Angl. under thefe diftindt titles, Regiftrum eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. ab anno 1320. ad annum 1370, c A great many of the deeds in the Cotton Regiftrum epiftolarum Roberti prioris Cantdar. Nomina monachorum eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. ab anno 1207 ad i486, quo die profeftl funt : No¬ mina corundem ab anno i486 ad 1507. quo die finguli obierunt, per dom. Tho. Cawfton mo- nachum. Liber de computis eccl. ab anno 1400 ad 1420. Regiftrum circa A. D. 1375. feriptum. Regiftrum eccl. temp. Will. Warham archiepifc. Cantuar. in quo habentur plurimx epiftolx de . corpore S. Dunftani, et lite ea de re orta inter archiepifcopum et monachos Glafton. Regiftrum ab anno 1340 ufque ad 1504. Expenfe Henrici prioris per xxxvn. annos regi- minis fui, ab anno nempe 1285. Regiftrum epcleiix, temp. Henrici Chichely archi¬ epifc. Regiftrum in vacatione fedis annis 1553, 1554, )555- . Regiftrum ab anno 1506 ad annum 1531. Regiftrum aliud de negotiis eccl. temp. Hen, 8. Regiftrum quod incipit ab anno 1390. Regiftrum eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. poll obitum Jo-* annis Stretford archiepifc. Affif. fcacc. eccl. Chrifti Cant, anno 1336, &c. In eadem bibl. mf. 20. inventarium capellte S. Michaelis archangeli: dedicati.onem altaris in officio S. Tho mm Cantuar. inventarium rerum in officio cuftodis mar- tirii S. Thomae: recepta ejufdem cuftodis. See. Ibid, mf. 27. articulos quibus conclufum erat, priorem et capitulum Cantuar. Cede vacante liciio jure, vifitaffe collegium omnium animarum Oxon. Ibid. mf. 28. computum thefaurariorum eccleftse Chrifti Cantuar. per integrum annum: Ibid. mf. 29. regiftrum dom! Will. Selling precentoris a 30. die Aprilis A. D. 1521. Ibid. mf. 30. inventarium omnium bonorum Henrici prioris eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. A. D. 1331. Ibid. mf. 39. redditus ecclefiae Chrifti Cantuar. com¬ putum thefaurariorum 2 Joannis : gabelum de diverfis terris : extract, de Domefday-book de terris archie-1 pifeopi et monachorum Cantuar. inquifitionem fadtam fuper reddit. de Cheffham : redditus de Coltuna et aliis parochiis : rentale de Godmerfham et aliis locis. Ibid. mf. 44. redditus et gabella diverforum locorum: Ibid. mf. 53. nomina monachorum ecclefia: Chrifti Cantuar. ab anno 1240. ad dift'olutionem : Ibid, mf. 56. de maneriis et militibus archiepiicopi et mo¬ nachorum. Ibid. mf. 75. librum reddituum locabi- lium prioris ecclefia: Chrifti Cantuar. Catalogum librorum olim in bibl. eccl. Chrifti Cantuar* mi. in bibl. Cotton c. Julius , C. vi, 4. Hiftoriam archiepifeoporum Cantuar. ab Auo-uftino ad Gul. de Witlefey, mf. ibid. Julius, B. iii. ° Cartas originales donationum ‘terra: in Allington anno 839. et de terris in Wimbife, et aliis pertinentibus ad eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. mf. in ead. bibl. Augujhts ii. i. 23. 31. 33. 42. 50. 60. 62. 65. 67. 74. 85. 91.’ Rinas literas R. Canuti de libertatibus conceifis QSthel- notho archiepifcopo, mf. ibid. Tiberius, B. iv. 2-. Libertates eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. mf. Tiberius , C ix 2 4> 5- . Privilegia cum prxdiis.conceffa a regibus Aiwlis et con- firmata a pontificibus eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. partim Latine partim Saxonice, mf. in ead. bibl. Claudius A. iii. Nomina martyrum, confefforum et virginum, quorum corpora in eccl. metropolitica Cantuar. fepeliuntur mf. ibid. Claudius, B. ix. 2. Nomina ecclefiarum, quas prius ablatas ecclefix Chrifti reddidit Willelmus rex Anglorum ; ac etiam indicu- lum focietatum, virorum, et feeminarum pro quorum animabus monachi eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. tenentur prxllare miffas j et de donatione Ludovici rems Franc, erfdem monachis, mf in ead. bibl. Chuducs C. vi. 6, 7. 9, 10. ’ Obituarium hujus eccl. mf. ibid. Nero, C. jx. 1. Literas procuratorias et libellos ex parte prioris et conv. Cantuar. contra Ric. de Feringes archidi-ac. Cantuar, library are printed in Mr. Dartfs Antiquities of Canterbur Hhh et XII. KENT. it proceftus litis inter cofdem de jurifdidlione, mf. , ibid. Nero, C. IX. 16. Catalogum benefa&orum eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. et quo tempore hunt de eo commemorationes, et alia qus- dam de archiepifcopis et eccl. metrop. Cantuar. mf. ibid. Galbu , E. iii. 2. 6, &c. Regiftrum five mcmoriale Henrici prioris hujus eccl. in quo habentur plurima de officiariis, petifionibus, reJditibus, maneriis, domibus, placitis^ privileges, taxationibus temporalium et fpiritualium, appropria- tionibus ecclefiarum, Sec. mf. ibid. Galba, E. IV. Compofitiones inter priorem et conv. eccl. Chrifti Can¬ tuar. etHubertum archiepifc. de edific. eccl. apud Lam- heth, 2 Joan. Inter eofdem et Edmundum archiepifc. fuper advocationibus ecclefiarum, maneriis, Si c. anno 1237. Inter eofdem et epifeopum London, aliofque fuifraganeos fuper exercitio jurifdidtionis, fede vacante anno 1278. Inter eofdem et Bonifacium archiepifc. et comitem Gloccftr. 42 Hen. 3. Inter eofdem et abb. et conv. S. Augullini anno 1287. mf ibid. Fi- teilius, A. VIII. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Varias donationes regum Saxonicorum eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. Obituarium hujus eccl. See. inter colledfa- nea Laurentii Norvell, mf. ibid. Fitellius, D. vil. 1 3» 14- 3°> 3>- 36- 4°- 44- , Feoda comitis Gloceftr. et heredum fuorum in mtrom- zatione archiepifcopi, mf ibid. Fitellius, E. xvii. 5. jura ecclefias Chrifti debita poll mortem fuffraganeo- rum fuorum, ibid. n. 7. compofitionem inter archie- pifeopum et conventum ecclefiae Chrifti Cantuar. ibid. n. 8. feriem archiepifcoporum, ibid. n. 9. Epiftolam capituli eccl. Chrifti Cant, de litibus fuis cum Edm. de Abindon archiepifc. Cant, mf ibid. Vefpaf. A. xvni. 18. Imaginations Gervafii Dorobern. pro et contra abb. ST Auguftini quafi in confiftorio Alexandri P. mf ibid. Fefpaf. A. xix. 2, 3. De ecclefiis, terris, et domibus, quae pertinent ad eccl. Cantuar. in civit. London, necnon de terris ejufd. eccl. in Elwardinton, mf. ibid. Faujiina , B. vi. 19,20. Hiftoriolam de refignatione prioratus Cantuar. per "I ho- mam, qui habitum album Ciftercienfium induebat, et de controverfiis inde ortis, A. D. 1284. mf ibid. Cleop. C. vil. 12. Joannis Stoni monachi librum de obitibus et alns me- morabilibus fui ccenobii ab anno 1415* ^tl ann. 147^' mf. inbibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. 417. In eadem bibl. mf. 63. n. 18. ftatuta prteferipta priori et conventui eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. per Lanfrancum archiepifeopum : n. 20. epiftolas et alia inftrumenta ad monafterium Chrifti Cantuar. pertinentia: ml. 76. n. 1. Radulphi de Diceto annales de Dorobernenfibus epifeopis ab Auguftino ad Hubertum: mf 120. n. 1. incorporationem eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. per R. Hen. 8. n. 2. ftatuta eccl. cath. Cantuar. . data per eundem reeem : n. 3. order of the vifitation of archbilhop Parker: n. 4. injunctions given to the dean and chap¬ ter of Canterbury by the king’s vifitors, 1 Ed. 6. n. 6. injunctions given by archbilhop Cranmer to the dean, prebendaries, &c. n. 8. injuntions given to the fame A D 1560. by archbilhop Parker’s commiflioners : n." g.' injumffiones datas A. D. 1570. in vifitatione Matthaei Cantuar. n. 10. injuntiones ejufdem archi¬ epifc traditas decano et prebendariis in vifitatione fua A. D. 1574- n. 11. the ftipends due to the dean and prebendaries and to the other mimfters of Chnlt s church in Canterbury, with the fees ordinary and extraordinary, mf. 288. n. 1. epiftolas Alam prions ecclefias Chrifti de jure et poteftate fedis metropoli- tance in epifeopum et fedem Roffen. mi. 298. n. 2. colletanea quaedam de archiepifcopis Cantuar. et de prioribus eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. n. 3. donationes et acquifitiones maneriorum cum ecclefiis totius prio¬ ratus eccletiae Chrifti Cantuar. concelLs et conftr- matas ufque ad annum 17 Ric. 2. n. 6. de prioribus eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. et nomina eorundem : n. 9. nomina monachorum eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. a tem¬ pore exilii eorundem A. D. 1207. ad A. D. 1527. mf. 349. n. 5. doubts arifing about the interpretation of a paffige in the incorporation of the cathedral of Canterbury by K. Henry 8. n. 8. ftipends of the dean, prebends, &c. n. 9. injunctions given by the commiflioners to the dean A. D. 1569. n. 10. cartam permutationis, 37 Hen. 8. n. 11. cartam fundationis, 32 Hen. 8. n. 12. cartam dotationis, 33 Hen. 8. n. 13. adtnifliones prebendariorum : mf. 438. n. 7. decimam omnium bonorum temporalium et fpiritua¬ lium eccl. Chrifti Cant. extratam de rotulis dom. regis A. D. 1402. perThomam Chillendene priorem: mf. 462. n. 2. cartam R. Hen. 1. de donatione ec- clefire B. Mariie Doveriae conventui eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. n. 3. confirmationem ejufdem perlnnocen- tium papam : n. 5. confuetudines Lanfranci epilcopi. Colletiones ex libro mf. prioratus Chrifti Cantuar. quern habet dom. Hen. Finch ferviens ad legem, viz. taxationes; donationes terrarum ; confirmationes ; falaria officiariorum et famulorum ; conventus; in- ventorium ornamentorum, reliquiarum fantorum, librorum in bibl. &c. per Auguft. Baker, mon. ord. S. Benedict, mf. in coll. Jefu Oxon. n. 79. Regiftrum cartarum, epiftolarum, &c. de negotiis ad ecclefiam Chrifti Cantuar. fpeCtantibus, tempore Henrici prioris, fcil. ab anno 1285 ad 1327. fol. mf in bibl. RR. DD. Joannis Moore nuper epife. Eli- enfis, nunc in bibl. publ. Cantab. E e. v. 31. Expenfas monafterii eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. ab anno 1257 ad annum 1391. mf. in 2 vol. folio, in bibl. palatii Lambethani. Librum obitualem Iftius eccl. mf. in ead. bibl. Lam¬ beth. f. 20 d. Regiftrum five obituarium prioratus S. Trinitatis Can¬ tuar. inter mlf. Norfolc. in bibl. focietatis Regalis Lond. n. 68. Librum cartaceum mf. olim ad Joannem vel Brianum Twyne fpeCtanlem, nunc in bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Oxon. n. 256. in quo continentur, f. 34. conven¬ tion's et computus receptorum et expenlbrum Ber- thonarii prioratus eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. temp. Hen. 6. f. 80. nomina priorum ad annum 1447. f. 82. dona¬ tiones et adquifitiones maneriorum cum ecclefiis pri¬ oratus' : f. 88. profetus omnium maneriorum, eccle- fiarum, Sec. totius prioratus anno 1427. cum nutnero fervorum et ftipendiis, aliifque notis hiftoricis de rebus iftius prioratus: f. 145, &c. computus cuftodum an- niverfariorum in hac eccl. ab anno 16. ad 22 Hen. 6. f. 163. expenfa et recepta alia prioratus: f. iSo. fcrip- turre et imagines in feneftris pitis eccl. Chrifti Can¬ tuar. et alia extrata ex archivis iftius eccl. In colletaneis mif. Briani Twyne notat. S. p. 205, &c. quamplurima pro jure archiepifc. Cantuar. in vifita¬ tione acad. Oxon. Regiftrum Will. Molalh prioris, anno 1427, Sec. penes Gul. Bowyer, A. D. 1566. deinde penes rev. admo- dum DD. Tho. White epife. Petriburgenf qui idem dono dedit A. D. 1686. reverendilf. Gul. Sancroft archiepifc. Cantuar. poftea penes autorem, et modo, ex dono ejus, in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. In eadem bibl. mft. Dodfworth. vol. xlvii. f. 101. milites tenentes de archiepifeopo Cantuar. in com. Kant. Sur. SuiL Middlefex, Bucks, et Suff. vol. lv. f. 91. ex quodam libro mf. continente adtus curiae Cantuar. temp. Winchelfey archiepifc. in bibl. Lambeth: f. 104. ex regiftro five martirologio hujus prioratus olim penes dom. Symonds. Dewts. a MS. Lamb. 20. fol. continet inter alia, fecundum R R. San- crofti catalogum, . 1. “ Conftitutiones five ordinationes monafterii eccl. cnruti Cantiiar.^m fraternitatis Carthufiani ordinis conceflam mo- <« nachis eccl. Chrifti. „ _ . . ... * 0 o “ Literam capituli de bene ficus fpiritualibus conceffis R. Edwardo et uxori ejus pro mmm. marcis pardonatis pro tranl- “ grefiione prioris impofitis. , o. “ Mortilogium vel obituarium Cantuarienle, h. e. Kaicn- a darium oftendens quo die quifque benefadtorum ejus con- «< ventus obierunt, monafterio quid dederint, See. 10. “ Compofitionem inter monachos eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. n et S. Auguftini ibid, de quibufdam beneficiis fpiritualibus. c Extant etiam in mf. Dodlworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. XII. K Ibid. mf. James, vol. vii. f. 21. ex regiftro S. Trin. Tn^ufcoAflimoI. Oxon. mf. Afhmol. 794. regiftrum 1 |jtt.rarum emanantium fub figillo reverend, patris et conventus ecclefix Cantuar. anno 1381. Regiftrum quoddam hujus prioratus in bibl. Harleyana, Odus tripartitum exhibens univerfas literas btillatas, aliafque epiftolas ac refcripta undique tranfmiflas, oc- calione litis exorte inter Baldwinum archiepifcopum eiufque fucceflorem Hubertum ex una parte, ac prio- rem et conventum Cantuar. ex altera, e codice Lam- bethiano defcriptum, ibid. mf. 788. In eadem bibl. mf. 60. f. 17. temporalia archiepifcopi Cantuar. in dioc. London, mf. 261. f. 106. de funda- tione ecclefiae Chrifti Cantuar. mf. 358. f. 18. jura ecclefite Chrifti debita poll: mortem luffraganeorum : nif. 420. n. 1 — 12. colledtanea ex hiftoriis et archivis eccl. Cantuar. de vitis ac privilegiis archiepifcoporum : mf 539- ft 93" extra 14- pro morcat. de Orpintpn: Clauf. 17 Joan. m. 7. de mqiip.r. de Wells. Fin, div. com. 7 Hen. 3. Jig. 2. n. 24. de maneriis de Walworth et Neweton: Clauf. ji Hen. 3. m. 13 et 20. de confuetudinibus et mpreat, apud Sandwich et Stanmore: Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 3. de coramun, paftur. in Sture et Edgarinton ; et m. 4, de commun. paftur. in Bleane : Clauli 13 Hen. 3. m. 17. pro confuetud. recipiendi duos denarios de fingulis doliis vini in portu de Sandwich : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. ip. 9, pr(o feria ad eccl. S. Maria: de Halo.weftow:- Fin. Norf. 53 Hen. 3. n. 148. pro advoc. ecci. de Depham. Pat. 3 Ed. i,. m. 27 . de compaftura, in Blean et Herbal- don, et Ill. 28. de bofeis in Purley, et m. 27. dorfo, de ten. in. Rifebergh : Liberat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 9. Pat. 6 Ed, 1. m. 15. confirm, partitionis inter ipfos et priorem de Leeds de Bat- 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. Jop'riamla2' W eCCK ' C Ai So alfo in Stevens, vol. i. p. 31. Selden's XII. KENT , ’« Hiftory of Tithes, p. 321. ■ lim five reeiftrum camerarii monaft. S. Au- Cantuar. mf. in fcaccario Weftmonaft. ex gUrte'rememoratoris dom. regis. P*. eUtn abbatum S. Auguftini Cantuar. Bulks pa- m cartas regum et archiepifc. Cantuar. conven- ^nes’donationes, placita, rentale, et alias evidentias £10fd ’monafterii ufque ad tempus R. Hen. 3. mf. in uj;w Cotton. Julius, D- "• *• 6> 7. 8- l3- 2I- r rtain archiepifc. &c. in fynodo Clovefhoenfi, A. D. 8 . ie juribus hujus monafterii confervandis, mf. ibid Augujius, ii. 5b. ...M( abbatum S. Auguftini Cantuar. ab anno 607 ad Vl ‘ r Quaere annon Will. Thorn] In fine accedunt bulls papales ad hanc abbatiam fpedtantes, mf. in ead. bibl. Tiberius, A. IX. 12. N mina confedorum quiefcentium in monall. S. Au- uftini extra muros Cantuar. mf. ibid. Claudius, B ix. 3. Reeiftrum cartarum monaft. S. Aftiguftini, vulgariter appelktum ob tegmen rubrum The red book of Canter- lury", mf. ibid. Claudius , D. x. 2. Epitomen privilegiorum hujus monafterii, collcdftam tempore R. Hen. 5. mf. ibid. Otho, A. vni. 12. Compofitionem inter abbatem et conv. S. Auguftini, et priorem et monachos eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. fuper quibufdam, terris, redditibus, &c. A. D. 1287. mf. ibid. Vitellius, A. vni. 9. Excerpta ex annalibus eccl. S. Auguftini Cantuar. mi. ibid. Otho, D. iv. 10. Regiftrum monafterii S. Auguftini Cantuar. ab anno 1434 annum 1491. mf. ibid. Otho , B. xv. Bulks, cartas regum, et alia diplomata ad hoc cceno- bium fpedlantia, mf. ibid. Vitellius, A. ii. 3. Alia duo regiftra hujus monafterii, mf. ibid. Vitell. D. x. et Faujlina, A. r. Chronica monafterii S. Auguftini Cantuar. per Tho. Sprott monachum ejufdem abbati*, mf. ibid. Vitell. D XI. 9. [Quaere annon fit codex quern laudat cl. Reynerus, tunc penes reverendilT. D D. Georgium Abbat archiepifc. Cantuar.] et Vitell. E. IV. 7. Excerpta ex chronico monaft. S. Auguftini Cantuar. ab Auguftini adventu ad A. D. 1406. in bibl. aul* S. Trin. Cantabr. et ex aliis chronicis hujus coenobii, mf. ibid. Vitell. E. xiv. 3. 5. 8. Ordinale eccl. S. Auguftini Cantuar. viz. de difciphna monachorum, confuetudinibus, facris ritibus, fervitiis in feftis diebus, &c. mf. ibid. Vitell. D. xvi. Cl. Gul. Lambardi analefta de eccl. S. Auguftini Can¬ tuar. mf. ibid. Vefpaf. A. v. 27. The names and arms of the abbats of St. Auguftine, by Mr. Francis Thynne, mf. ibid. Cleop. C. iii. 10. Colleftanea V. cl. Ricardi James, ex regiftro quodam monaft. S. Auguftini Cantuar. olim inter libros ma- o-iftri Allen ex aula Gloceftr. mf. in bibl. Bodl. James, 8. p. 164. Ex annalibus S. Auguft. Cantuar. mf. in Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. ibid. James, 16. p. 9. Ex mf. in bibl. coll. Magd. de monaft. S, Petri et Pauli Cantuar. ibid. James, 22. p. 102 n. Ibid. mff. Dodfworth. vol. xlii, f. 79. colle&anea qu*- dam feledta ex cartulario in bibl. Cotton, vol. cxv. f. no. clamiam libertatum abbatis in maneriis fuis in Cantio, 7 Ed. 3. inter mifcellanea colled!, per magiftrum Rob. Hare, mlT. in bibl. Caio-gonvil. Cantabr. D. 21. p. 59. haben- tur verfus de fundatione monafterii S. Auguftini Can¬ tuar. In ead. bibl. E. 56. p. 147. mf. de concordia fafla inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et abbatem S. Au¬ guftini per R. Henricum : mf. ibid. E. 43. confue- tudines fratrum in monaft. S. Auguftini degentium. Annales abbati* S. Auguftini Cantuar. In fine accedunt confuetudinarium, et multa alia ad hanc abbatiam fpedlantia, in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. 301. In eaden bibl. mf. 101. p. 31 1. convivium in inftalla- tione Radulphi de Bourne abbatis, A. D. 1309. mf. 189. n. 4. dimiflionem omnium ecclefiarum mona¬ fterii S. Auguftini fadlam per Simonem Langhammc archiepifc. Cantuar. n. 12. terram monafterii S. Au¬ guftini menfuratam : mf. 286. n. I. conventionem Saxonice feriptam, quae facia fait inter Wulfricum abbatem et Eilredum Lifingi filium : n. 2. teftamen- tum Eathburgi, in quo recitantur quae Iegavit mona- fterio S. Auguftini : n. 3. redditionem terrae de Wi- cham per Robertum Frefloe temp. Hen. I. n. 4. conventionem inter Ofbernum de Ripla filiofque ejus et abbatem de annua penfione X vl s. wind, folvenda ex terra de Ripla : n. 6. concelfionem collis, qui eft proximus Sakenhethe, Jacobo filio Gilrici per abba¬ tem et conventum, ea conditione ut diclus Jacobus ibi faciet unam falinam et reddet annuatim ad curiam de Ciftelett ii. ferendellos falis et v. folidoS : n. 7. concelfionem vil. acrarum terrae In Becclelhanger Willelmo filio Hugonis, refervata penfione xlii d. curiae de Norb annuatim folvenda: n. 8. concelfionem mefluagii Columbino clerico refervata penfione x r. n. 9. concelfionem x. acr. terrae et dimid. in villa de Eftbottlelhen Hamoni filio Willelmi de Becclelhanger per Robertum elemofinarium cum confenfu abbatis et conventus : n. 11. concelfionem horti Willelmo filio Johannis de Fenglelhem per didtum elemofina¬ rium: n. 12. concelfionem mefluagii Benedidlo filio Radulphi refervata penfione xivr. Codicem mf. perpulchre exaratum ante annos trecentos a monacho quodam monafterii S. Auguftini Cantuar. in folio (ut loquuntur) grandiore pergam. jam nunc confervatum in bibl. aul* S. Trinitatis Cantabrigi*; in quo continentur; hiftoria fundationis et dotationis iftius abbati*; bull* papales ; epiftol*; cart* regum, archiepifcoporum, et aliorum benefaftorum; chrono- logia Auguftinenfis a cl. Twyfdeno inter Decern feriptores edita; et plurima alia memorabilia de geftis abbatum, maneriis, ecclefiis, et pofleflionibus quibuf- cunque abbati* donatis, confervatis et perquifitis : In principio iftius quantivis pretii libri habetur h*c notula haud vulgaris : “ Liber ifte quondam fpeftavit “ ad ccenobium beatorum apoftolorum Petri et Pauli, “five Auguftini, juxta muros civitatis Cantuari* : “ Ipfo autem monafterio fub regimine regis Henrici “ odlavi fublato, bonifque omnibus monachorum fpo- “ liatis, et in ufum regium converfis ; idem liber for- “ tuito pervenit ad manus magiftri Roberti Haer, qui “ dedit eundem collegio five aul* S. Trinitatis Can- “ tabr. ibid, tuto et fecure cuftodiendum; hac tamen “ conditione ut fi impofterum (Deo favente) mona- “ fterium illud re*dificari contigerit, tunc magifter “ et focii collegii five aul* S. Trinitatis pr*di£be “ eundem librum monachis ejufdem coenobii reftitui “ facerent.” Plura de hoc codice videat lector in Librorum vet. l'eptentrionalium catalogo per erudi- tum V. Humfr. Wanleyum, p. 172, 173. et in pr*fat, ad Adam. Ottely, f. ix. Hujus praeclari regiftri Au- guftiniani apographum confervat infignis bibl. Har- leyana, mf. 686. Fragmentum regiftri hujus abbati*, in eadem bibl. mf. 337. Colledtanea ex regiftro Byholte appcllato et ex regiftro in bibl. Cotton, ibid. mf. 294. f. 155. 231. mf. 312. f. 27. 66. 83. ex annalibus eccl. S. Auguftini Can¬ tuar. ibid, mf. 539. f. 90. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 14. taxationem pofleflionum abbatis S. Auguftini Cantuar. in dioc. London, mf. 692. f. 186. literas procuratorias Thom* abbatis et conventus pro componendis litibus inter Johannem de Stratford archiepifcopum et conventum, dat. A. D. J335. mf. 2188. f. 103. de fundatione : mf. 5019. n. 2. notes taken out of the regifter: mf. 6748. f, 20, 21. cartas RR. TEthelberti, Canuti et Will. Conq. Cartularium hujus abbati* mf. olim penes dom. Will. Howard de Naworth Caftro, nunc inter codd. Nor- folcianos in bibl. focietatis Regalis London, n. 300. ""In mf. Twyne y p, 407. is mention of “ Matricula Tho- mf. book in 4to. with a red cover, lent Mr. Twyne by Dr. “ mx de Thanet, fcilicet de variis cartis, libertatibus, privile- Richard James. %uare, Whether not the fame with the Red “ giis et pofleflionibus monafterii S. Auguftini Cantuar.” be- Book, ginning, “ In nomine domini noftri Jefu Chrifti,” &c. a thick Deckrationem XII. KENT, Dcclarationcm valoris oninium maneriorum, terrarum, et tcncmentorum monafterii S. Auguftini extra muros Cantuar. ubicunque infra regnum Anglia:, mlf. in bibl. eccl. metropoL Cantuar. n. 58. Librum firmariorum', bcdellorum, aliorumque officiario- ruro abbatia: S. Auguftini Cantuar. anno 1 1 R. Hen. 8. mf. ibid. n. 71. Regiftrum hujus abbatia:, Byhalt appcllatum, mf. penes dom. Hcneagium Finch de R'avenfton in com. Buck- ingh. 1646. Colledtanea inde in bibl. Dewefiana. Excerpta ex regiftris abbatis S. Auguft. Cantuar. per Fr. Thinnum, penes V. cl. Joannem Anftis arm. Bullas, cartas, privilegia, &c. ad abbatiam S. Auguftini fpedlantia una cum catalogp tenentium iftiiis abbatis in fcutagio temporibus R R. Hen. 3. et Edv. 1. miT. . non ita pridem in biblioth. D. Cholmely Dering bar. Inter collectanea rev. Aug. Baker ord. S. Bened. in Anglia generalis m(T. in biblioth. coll. Jefu Oxon. n. 79. extant, 1. Hiftorica narratio fundationis ab- batice S. Auguftini Cantuar. 2. Vitae abbatum ejufd. abbatiae per Will. Thorne : 3. Privilegia et exemp- tiones plurium pontificum et regum pro eadem abba¬ tia, una cum chartis donationum terrarum per diver- fos reges, &c. 4. Vita S. Auguftini per Jocelinum monachum : 5. Idem Jocelinus de tranflatione S. Au¬ guftini et fociorum ejus: 6. Traftatus de ordine, dil- ciplina, et moribus monachorum abbatia: S. Auguftini, five liber ordinis de librario S. Auguftini Cantuar. de adquifitione' fratris Joannis Maffingham. Chronicon S. Auguftini Cantuar. ad annum 1220. cum ferie abbatum, mf. in bibl. Lambeth, 4to. 95. Regiftrum et tranferipta cartarum olim penes Hen. com. Clarendon, nunc in bibl. praenobilis D D. Jacobi com. Caernarvan. Several original deeds belonging to this abbey in the clofet of the library at the Herald’s office. Hiftoriam mf. de abbatibus S. Auguftini ufque ad Hu- gonem 3. in bibl. publ. Cantabr. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. (in bibl. Bodl. Oxon.) p. 177. cartam regis Hen. 2. confirmantis compofitionem inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et Rogerum abbatem et convent. S. Auguftini fuper privilegiis fadlam A. D. 1182. p. 177. compofitionem inter Edmundum archiepifc. . . . archidiac. Cantuar. et Robertum abbatem et convent. S. Auguftini fuper cccl. de Ciftelet et jurifdictione in clericos et homines abbatis faiftam A. D. 1237. p. 301. confirmationem ejufdem per papam Gregorium : p. 183. concordiam inter eofdem de divifis cujufdam morte et brochi in Sirle, dat. A. D. 1240. p. 341. bullam P. Bonifacii 8. explanatoriam exemptionum S. Auguftini Cantuar. p. 342. bullam P. Benedifti fimilis argumenti. Cartas huic abbatiae fpe&antes penes rememoratorem dom. regis in fcaccario. Cart, antiq. R. Ethelberti, I. n. 18. pro villa de Stu- riage alias Cifteleth, et tota terra S. Mildrypae Vir- ginis infra infulam Thanet et extra : Cart, antiq. Canuti R. Saxonice et Latine, I. n. 17. Edwardi Conf. antiq. I. n. 12. Cartas Will. 1. I. n. 3. 8. 13. R. Will. 2. I. n. 4. 14. R. Hen. 1. I. n. 5, 6. 9. 15. R. Hen. 2. I. n. 10. R. Ric. 1. 1. n. 7. 11. 16. Rot. cart. 5 Joan. m. 25. n. 218. pro libertatibus : n. 219. pro rnercat. apud Stanores in infula Thanet : n. 220. pro tota terra de Stanores et toto littore ufque in medietatem aquae : n. 221. pro eccl. de Mid¬ dleton et Favereftiam, et decimis villarum et mane- riorum °. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro feria apud Salemanltone : Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 18. pro decimis in Middleton et Feverefham : Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro eifdem et mercato in infula Thanet". Cart. 23 Hen. 3. com- pofit. cum archiepifc. et archidiac. pro eccl. de Cifta. let: Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 9, pro mercat. apud Plum- fted, et aliis libertatibus. Plac. in banc. reg. 2 Ed. 1. Hill. rot. 8. Pat. 4 Ed. r m. 33. dorfo, de ten. in Newton juxta Sydingborn ■ Ibid. m. 36. de tenement, in Werehorne, &c. pat' 13 Ed. I. m. . pro hundredis Ringefta, Blengate et Dunhamford pro redd, v l. per ann. Pat. 21 Ed. j- m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 28 Ed. i, Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. ult. pro kernellatione portarum abbatia:. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 13. de terris in Eft. futton et molendino in Stury: Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. r. m. 10. pro terris in Menftre in infula Thanet, et in Litelbum : Ibid. m. 12. pro eccl. de Soury et ICe- nington appropriandis : Brev. in fcacc. -6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. g. C^rt. 6 Ed. 2. n. 3. pro mercat. et feria apud Plumfted, et lib. war. in maneriis, &c. de Minftre in Thanet, Ciftelette, Sturey, Stodmeres Littleburn, Kenington, Swayes, Bureware-mareys, Lenham et Plumfted [Kane.] Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. pro terris in Menftre, &c. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. j, m. 13 et 23. de terris in Bregge : Ibid. m. 30. Ibid, p. 2. m. 7. de terris in Littleburn : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 27. de marifeo in Chiftelet: Ibid. m. ult. ibid. p. 2. m. 9. de clvii. acris in Stury, Chiftelet, &c. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 31. de mercat. apud Minftre, et de malefactoribus in maner. de Salema. ftone, et de manfo abbatis apud Clivefhend : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14 vel 18. de molendino et terris in Stury: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 13. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Ibid. p. 2. m. 2, 3. de excambio cum priore eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 4 et 18. de reparatione pontis de Stury: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 19. de terris in Stury: Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 15. de vifu franci plegii et aliis libertat. in maner. eccl. Cart. 20 Ed. 2. n. 6. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. . prope fin. rot. Cart. 22 Ed. 2. n. 24. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. m. 7. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pet. pari, 4 Ed. 3. n. 107. de paffagio Thamefis apud Plaifted: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 29 vel 30. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 18. pro feria apud Lenham : Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. de annuali redd. xl. et cafeis exeuntibus de Middleton- Plac. in , banc. reg. 20 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 17. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 31. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. pro ten. in Plumftede : Cart. 29 Ed. 3. n. 12. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33. pro ten. in Kenington, Sutton, Stelling, &c. Cart. 34 Ed. 3. n. 1 1. Cart. 36 Ed. 3. n. 2 et 3. Clauf. 36 Ed. 3. m. 31. dorfo, pro maner. de Dene, & c. in infula de Thanet : Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 26 et 28. pro eifdem. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. r6 Ric. 2. p. 2; m. 23. pro ten. in Thanet: Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29. pro meff. in St. Mary Wolchurch London : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. de meff. in St. Dionys Back- church London. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. rri. 23. pro melf. in Fordwich: Cart. 8 Hen. 4. n. 1. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. pro pere- grinatione abbatis verfus Terram San&am. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 35. pro ten. in Litei- burn, Chriftlet, &c. Cart. 21 Hen. 6. n. 11. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 16. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 29. 3. St. Gregorie’s, Austin Canons. In the north gate ftreet, over againft the hofpital of St. John, archbilhop Lanfranc founded an houfe for Secular priefts A. D. 1084 p. to the honor of St. Gregory, but archbilhop William, temp. Hen. 1. made it a priory of Black canons. About the time of° the diffolution here were thirteen Religious, who were endowed with the yearly revenue of O Vide etiam cart, antiq. A. A. n. 3, 4, 5, 6. cur more than once, and « xii prebends” in the charter of P Hence in the Domefday Book, “ Clerici S. Gregorii” oc- Hubert. 121^- XII. KENT. , i j$s. i d. per ann. Dugd. 1 66/. 4 s. gd. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 2S Hen. 8. to the lord archbifhop of Canterbury in exchange for Wimbledon, &c. fUe Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 373. de fundatione ejufd. ex Eadmeri Hift. Nov. lib. i. p. 9. Cartam Lanfranci jmperfetfam : P. 374- cartam Huberti archiepifc. et taxationem prioratus, A. D. 1384. Battely’s edition of Somner’s Canterbury, p. 1. p. 48, &c/in Append, numb. 14. p. ii. p. 164, 165. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 443. of vni. acres of corn in Northfleet: vol. ii. p. 444. of the tithes of the manor of Eaft Lenham : p. 682. of the tenth of wine in Tenham: p. 731. of the impropriate parfonage of Ore: p. 761. of the impropriate reftory of Stalisfield : _-2, of the reftory of Leveland. Eelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 89. vol. ii. p. 221. ejufdem Itin. vol. viii. p. 82. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 40. taxationem fpi- ritualium et temporalium prioris in dioc. Cantuar. Begiftrum antiquum cartarum et conceflionum faftarum canonicis S. Gregorii Cantuar. fol. pergam. mf. non Ita pridem in bibl. R R. P. D D. Joannis Moore, n. 283. nunc in bibl. publ. Cantab. LI. ii. 15. Rentale hujus prioratus, in bibl. Harleyana, mf. 1833. Ibid. mf. 7048. f. 349. colleftiones e cartulario. Cartas quafdam originates in bibl. coll. Armorum Lond. In cartulario archiepifcopatus, p. 49. cartam prioris et conventus concedentium archiepifc. Cantuar. terram fuam de Ramftede. Cart, liberat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 9. de vlir. acris terrae fuc- cifae in Northflete. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 15. de terns in Natyngdon. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. licent. perquirendi x/. per ann, in manum mortuam : Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 32 vel 33. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. pro x. marc, exeunt, de maner. de Elmftede. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 32. pro terris in Chertham, Herbaldon, &c. 4. St. Sepulchre’s, Benedictine Nuns. In the fouth eaft part of this city was a Bene- diftine nunnery founded by archbifhop Anlelm about A. D. iioo’. It was called St. Sepulchre’s, had a priorefs and five or feven nuns, who were found about the time of the diffolution to be pol- fefied of 29/. 1 2 s. 5 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 38/. 19 s. yd. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. in lieu of fome other lands to the archbilhop of Canterbury, but afterward, 38 Hen. 8. to James Hales. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. notulam tantum de fundatione, per Will. Calvel civem Cantuar. ex Le- land. Colleft. vol. i. p. 89. Chronicon W. Thorn inter Decern feript. col. 1834. proeccl. S. Edm. de Ridingale: col. 1893. de funda¬ tione et fidelitate abbati S. Auguftini. Somner’s Antiquities, p. i. p. 36, &c. p. ii. p. 174. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 136. Pat. 40 Hen. 3. m. 1 vel 2. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 518. an account of this nunnery from Somner. Rot. liberate, 3 Ed. 1. m. 9. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro terris in Roking, Rofe- land, &c. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 3i Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in Cokering. 5. Monastery destroyed. In the early Saxon times it is faid, that within the walls, on the fouth part of this city, was a monaftery built in honor of St. Mildred, whofe laft abbat’s name was Alfwic r; of which neither Mr. Somner nor Mr. Battely give us any account. 6. Eastbridge Hospital. The hofpital of Eaftbridge or Kingfbridge in this city is guefied to have been of archbifhop Lanfranc’s foundation *. However, if the confirmation of what Robert Drus gave to the church of Eaftburch, and the Regular brethren there mentioned by Mr. Speed belong to this place, it was as ancient as K. Henry 1. and fo before Tho. Becket’s time, who is by fome faid to be the founder1; but whoever founded it, it was called immediately after the ca¬ nonization of the laft mentioned archbifhop, the Hofpital of St. Thomas the Martyr. Archbifhop Stratford did fo much for it, as to be ftiled the fecond founder. It was originally for the entertain¬ ment of pilgrims, and the revenues of it, 26 Hen. 8. were 23/. i8r. yd. ob. q. per ann Dugd. Speed. It was preferved upon the Reformation, but being like to be fwallowed up in CL Eliza¬ beth’s time, archbifhop Whitgift recovered the fame, and made ftatutes, which are confirmed by aft of parliament, whereby here are eftablifhed a mailer, a fchoolmafter, five in- brothers, and five in-fifters, and as many out-brothers and out-fillers. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 458. pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. 31. de unione hofpitaliura S. Catharinae et S. Ni¬ colai. Somner’s Antiquities of Canterbury, p. i. p. 60, &c. in Append, n. 17. ordinationem faftam per Joannem Stratford archiepifc. A. D. 1342. n. 18. de appropr. eccl. de Cofmus Bleane, A. D. 1375. n. ig. de fun¬ datione cantariae in hofp. per Sim. Iflep archiepifc. Part ii. by Mr. Battely, p. 170. in Append, n. 36. the names of the makers : n. 37. (a) the ordinance of archbifhop Parker concerning this hofpital, A. D. 1569. (b) The foundation of two fcholars at Ben- net college out of this hofpital, 11 Eliz. n. 38. (a) the ordinance of archbifhop Whitgift, A. D. 1584. (b) Aft of parliament for the better foundation and relief of this hofpital, 27 Eliz. c. 43. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 136. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem pof- feffionum hujus hofpitalis in dioc. Cantuar. Strype’s Life of archbifhop Parker, p. 114. and Append, n. 58. In Strype’s Appendix to the Life of archbifhop Whit¬ gift, lib. iv. n. 31. A. B. C. three papers concerning the ftate of this hofpital. Cartularium domus de Eaftbrigge, mf. fepiffime cita¬ tum a cl. Somnero. Cartas, &c. in cifta penes magiftrum hofpitalis. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. pro eccl. S. Nicolai de Herbaldoun: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. 6 vel 7. Pat. ' Weaver makes this houfe to have been founded by one of the abbats of St. Auftin’s ; but the chronicle of that houfe ex- prefiy faith that Anfelm the archbifliop was founder, ' Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. a6, a. s Batteley, p. 170. 1 See Stratford’s Ordin. u The total value was 43/. lu. id. per am. as Sancroft’s mf. Valor. K k k 29 Ed. 3. xn. K E N T. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. pro ten. in Recolver, Hyerne; Cantuar. Pat. 4? Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Swaleclyve, &c. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. pro ten. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 12. quod magifter hofpitalis in Blean: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1. pro ten. in Her- debet fuftentare pontem de Eltbrigge. baldon: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14; pro ten. in civit. 7. St. James’ Hospital, vide Tanington. 8. St. John’s Hospital. Without the north gate of this city, Lanfranc archbifliop of Cun terbury”, about the year 1084. founded and endowed with 70/. per aim. an hofpital for poor in¬ firm, lame, or blind men and women, dedicated to St. John Baptill. It was. under the govern¬ ment of a prior; and its revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 93 1. 151. in the whole, and qx/ 1 6s. 8 d. ob. per ann. clear*. It is yet in being, and the lateft account that hath been given of it faith, that it contains a prior, a reader, eighteen in-brothers, twenty in-fifters, and the like num¬ ber of out-brothers and out-fifters; and that the revenues in the whole are 195/. 8j. qd. T'ide Eadmeri Hill. Nov. lib. i. p. 9. Somner’s Antiquities of Canterbury, Lond. 1703. fol. * p. i'. p. 43. 48. 50. p. ii. p. 164, 165. in the Append, numb. 35. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 115. vol. ii. p. 221. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 136. vol. viii. p. 82. Strype’s Life of archbilhop Parker, p. 75. and the fla- tutes in the Appendix, numb. 12. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 422. pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 26. de revocatione appropriat. eccl. de Raculver. Ordinationem Rob. archiepifc. Cantuar. pro centum marcis annuatim folvendis centum pauperibus hujus hofpitalis ex eccl. de Reculver, A. D. 1276. in car- tulario archiepifcopatus mf. p. 134. Revocationem et annullationem appropriation^ didbe eccl. de Recul¬ ver, et ordinationem pro folutione pauperum ex ca¬ mera archiepifc. per Nicholaum papam ad rcquifiti0. nem Joannis archiepifc. Cantuar. ibid. p. i^i. Cartas, rentalia, &c. in cilia intra hofpitale. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. ult. Rot. pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. r. ( et 14. pro redd. lolv. per reel, de Reculver: Rec.'in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p.’ m. 11. et m. 15. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 43. pfo ten. in Well: Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10, pro ten. in Hakcndon, Hern, &c. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. f m. 25- Pat. 1 Ric. 2- p. 3. m. 36. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 8. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 21. et p. 3. m. 39. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 11. 9. St. Lawrence’s Hospital. On the right hand of the way from this city to Dover, in the fouth eaft fuburb, Hugh1' the fecond of that name, abbat of St. Auguiline’s, built to. the honor of St. Laurence*, A. D. 1137. an hofpital for the relief of leprous monks, or the poor parents and relations of any of the monks of that abbey. It confided of a warden or keeper, a prieft or chap¬ lain, one clerk, and fixteen brethren and fillers and the chief or fenior of thele filters was fome- fimes called the priorefs. The revenues of this houfe were .valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 39 /. 8j. 6d. in the wholes and'31/. 71. 10 d. clear. It was alienated in the time of K. Edward 6. to one TipfaD, and after by Q^Mary granted to Sir John Parrot. Ylde chronicon Will. Thorn, inter Decern feriptores Hill. Angl. edit, per dom. R. Twyfden, Lond. 1652. fol. col. 1810. ubi carta Hugonis de fundatione, et carta Rogeri de Marci donantis terram de Doding- hale. Somner’s antiquities of Canterbury, p. i. p. 38, 39, 40. in Append, n. 11. a. b. de decimis de Hawfield, Mil- field, et Dodingale: p. ii. p. 173. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, See. p. 255. Strype’s Life of archbifliop Parker, p. 113. 10. St. ’Margaret’s Hospital. In the pa'filh of St. Margaret, before the year 1243 c. Simon de Langton archdeacon of Canterbury founded an hofpital for poor infirm aged prielts, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 28/. 1 6s. id. in the whole, and 10 1 13 j. 8 d. per ann. clear. It continued undiffolyed till 17 Eliz. when it was lurrendered by the then mailer, archdeacon of Canterbury as patron, and archbifliop as ordinary, whereupon the queen granted the fame with all its lands and appurtenances to the mayor and commonalty of the city for the ufe of the poor, and the fite of it is now their Bridewell. Hide Somner’s Antiquities of Canterbury, p. i. p. 70, Chronica W. Thorn, col. 1892. 1897. Ac. et in Append, n. 23, 24. a. b. 25. a et b. part ii. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 136. p. 172, 173. 1“ Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem pof- A Leiger Book of this hofpital is cited by Mr. Somner. The evidences of this houfe were thought to be in the hands of Mr. Troyn or Mr. Johnllon of Whitllable 1557- Bullam P. Eugenii de confirm, hofp. S. Laurentii juxta Cantuar. in mf. regillro abbatim S. Aurruftini Cant, in bibl. aulae S. Trin. Cantab, f. So. Fundationem hofpitalis S. Laurentii juxta Cantuar. mf. in bibl. eccl. cath. Cantuar. n. 81. w Leland. Collett, vol. i. p.115. * 80/. per ann. of this fum was a ftipend paul by the aren- biftiop. ... ... . . , r Thus Thom’s chronicle, to which more credit is to be given thin to the traditionary report in queen Mary s time, ai- cribing the foundation to K. John, from whence it was called “ The King’s Hofpital.” . z j %u edit- 1631- is | bar°netage, vol.i. p. 506. v r'XtZ’ a?.Le'L's> or French nuns, as Harpsfield. Newenham efl' N’C‘ BatteIey ex chartis Joannis Hulle de 5/f4/.S°aBM?nt’4P' l3.0' .°nc of tbat name flourilhed temp. R. therivS. rf ^i;^nS‘i *• ,.But he is not mentioned amongft givers of lands, &c. to this houfe in the Monafticon. The value of this houfe hath not yet occuired. Mr. Lambert iaith it was efcheated to the king before the valuation was made, for want of a due number of nuns. x Lewis’ Hiftory ofFeverlham, p. 78, 70. y Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. ;a6. * The prefent worthy incumbent of Derent informs me. that he cannot trace tire leaft veftige of any Religious houfe in this parifli . it IS probable, he fays, that fome of the monks of P,o- chefter might occafionally vifit the manor, and refide upon it, w!7i,d'd upon,their Principal eftates ; but it could not pi?oiy enCe> 3S aPPreilc^ds> be confidered as a fubordinate L 1 1 XX. DERT- XX, KEN T XX. D E R T F O R D. 1. AUSTIN Nuns. About A. D. 1355. K. Edward 3. founded and endowed a fine nunnery here under the patronage of St. Mary and St. Margaret. The priorefs and nuns were firft of the order of St. Auguftine*, then of St. Dominic b, after that Auftin’s', again at the diffolution Do- minicans d, but under the government of Black friers, and thofe of Langley in Hertfordlliire fiem to have had that care. Ladies of leveral noble families have been priorelfes and Religious in this houfe, which was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 380/. 9s. o d. ob. per ann. as Dugd. or 408/. as the mf. Valor'. It was granted to Edm. Mervyn 36 Hen. 8. but 5 and 6 Phil, el Mar. it was with all its lands fettled upon the priorefs and convent of Langley Regis. Dorman faith that Qh Mary reftored the nuns of Dertford, but 1 have not yet met with any record to juftify that afiertion. After the fupprefiion, it was again made a royal palace, and l'o continued till K. James 1. ex¬ changed it with the earl of Salisbury. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 357. cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 8. per Infpex. recit. cartam 30 Ed. 3. pro eccl. de Whittley [Surr.] cartam 33 Ed. 3. confirm, fundationem et dotationem; et cartam 8 Ric. 1. de manerio de Maflingham. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 313. literas regias epifcopo Roffenfi fuper fundatione : mandata epifcopi priori et capitulo Roffen. et vicario de Dertford: certificatorium prioris et capituli : et refcriptum epif¬ copi ad regem. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 219. of the foundation of this priory : p. 9. of the manor of Hatcham in Dept¬ ford : p. 157. of lands in North Cray: p. 164. of a mefTuage in Bexley: p. 165. of a wood and farm there: p. 221. of the manor of Portbridge in Dart- ford: p. 224. of the hamlet of Stoneham in Dartford: p. 233. of lands in Wilmington : p. 241. of the ma¬ nor of Gildenhill in Sutton-at-hone : p. 263. of the ferry of Greenhythe and manor of Ingrefs in Swanf- combe: p. 270. of lands in Southfleet: p. 308. of the manor of Crokenhill in Eynsford : p. 314. of tene¬ ments in Lullingftone p. 566. of lands in Halftow : vol. ii. p. 219. of tenements in Town-Mailing: p. 249. of the rhanor of Shipborne : p. 598. of the manor of Pits-court in Bapchild. In Atkyns’ Glocelterlhire, p. 584. of lands in Longford: p. 635. of two yardlands in Santhurft. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 319. of the manor of Little Wrotham: vol. iv. p. 631. of the manor of Maflingham Magna. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 89. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 334, 335. Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 439. de duobus mefluagiis in Wodeftrete London. Rentale five terrarium omnium reddituum, mefiuagio- rum, tenementorum, &c. ad monaft. de Dertford fpeftantium, in bibl. Arundel. A. D. 1645. nunc in¬ ter codd. Norfolc. in bibl. regalis focietatis London. n. 61. Rot. pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Cart. 30 Ed. 3. n. 2. Clauf. 30 Ed. 3. m. 7. pro ten. in civitate Lon¬ don. ex dono Matildis Waleys : Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. licent. perquirendi ccc /. per ann. in manum mortuam: Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro eccl. de Whitley [Surr.] approprianda : Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro maner. de Shibborn [Kane.] et m. 13. pro reverf. maner. de Norton, Bilney, Emwell, et Trowe, et m. 25, 26 vel 27. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m 10. pro ten. apud Billingfgate, Pudding-lane, &c. in Lon¬ don : Clauf. 36 Ed. 3. m. 43. relaxat. per Hawifiam reliclam Rogeri de Bavent mil. in maneriis de Nor¬ ton Bavent, Tifhide, Knowell, Billeeh, Trowe, et Withihull [Wilt.] Burton et Naflr [Dorfet.] Pitte- fold et Hackefham [Surr.] Shibborn [Kane.] Bran- defton et Combs [SufL] Colvenfton [Glamorgan.] 5 Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 357. et clauf. 30 Ed. 3. b Mon. Angl. ii. 159. et pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. n). . “ Domus o pro priori (Ta et fororibus ordinis prtcdicat. de Dertford de novo fundat. per regent pro fuftentatione quatuordecim foro- 11 rum et fex fratrum, quibus rex dedit cc. marc. fcil. pro quo- <. bbet fratrum et fororum x. marc, percipiend. fingulis annis “ ad fcaccarium regis in perpetuum, vel quoufque, pro fuften- “ tatione aliter, rex duxerit ordinand.” The king, in his letter to the bifhop of Rochefter concerning his intended foundation, Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Clauf. 37 Ed. 3. m. ^ de ten. in London. Fin. SufF. 37 Ed. 3. n. 208. de maner. de Brandefton-hall in Waldingfield Magna : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro maner. de Portbrigge et advoc. capellae S. Edmundi regis in Dertford: Ibid, p, 2. m. 10. de bofeis in Dertford, Wilmington, ct Stone : Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 6. de maner. de Haile- fham, et m. 16. de xvr. acris in Dertford: Efcaet. Dorfet. 43 Ed. 3. n. 4. poll mortem Thomte Brid- port: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. de omnibus maneriis et terris feil'andis in manus regis : Clauf. 45 Ed. 3. m. 6/ prioriffa et conventus relaxarunt domino cegf ten. in Dertford, Stone, Wilmington, et Southflete, maner. de Sbilborn, et ten. in Mailing [Kane.] Haitelham [Surr.] Brandelton et Combs [Suff.] Norton et Fyfhyde [Wilt.] Belftede Magna, et eccl. de Walhbrook, et Felchurch [Suff.] Cart. 46 Ed. 3. n. 2. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. concelf. ampliff. pro maneriis reflituendis et confirmandis: Clauf. 46 Ed. 3. m. 32. pro eifdem : Efcaet. 47 Ed. 3. n. 4. Dorfet. et Wilt, de maner. de Fifhyde [Wilt.] et de Bradele in Purbeck [Dorfet.] Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro eccl. de Bokefworth approprianda ; et m. 32. pro eccl. de Skydmore approprianda; et m. 34. pro eccl. de Chiltern Langley : Clauf. 48 Ed. 3. m. 32. dorfo, dc ten. in London: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro meff. et fhopis in Cordwainer-llreet, London : Clauf. 49 Ed. 3. m. 34. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 1. Pat. 4 Ric. 2- p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 31. pro ten. in Dertford, et fuper le Haywharf, London Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 35. pro eccl. Wylye juxta Baldock approprianda in ulum fratrum de Chiltern- langley : Pat. ig Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. de cuftodia ca- pellte S. Edmundi : Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 15. pro maneriis de Prefton, Overland, Elmefton, Woode- ling, Pakemafton, Heritlham, Godemeflon, &c. con¬ ceit’. prioriflse ct convent, de Dertford in ufum fra¬ trum prmdicat. de Langely “juxta voluntat. avi “ noltri R. Edwardi 3.” Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 2. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 15. Fin. Norf. 7 Hen. 4. n. 61. de terris et ten. in Ell et Well- wrotham: Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 29. de ten. in Well- wrotham ; et р. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Sutton; et m. 15. pro maner. de Portbrigg. Pat. j Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 32. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. x. in. 13. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 30. Rec. in fcacc. 34 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 21. Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. de ten. in Prellon, Aflie, Slape, Wengham, & c. in ufum prioris de Chiltern Langely: Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. pro ten. in paroch. S. Maria: de Arcubus London : Clauf. 37 Hen. 6. m. 7. de eodem tene- mento: Rec. in fcacc. 37 Hen. 6. Trim rot. 22. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 7. m. 16. Cart. 5, &c. Ed. 4. n. 1. calls it, “ une maifon des foeres del ordre de prechours. Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 312. с. Cart. 7 Ed. 4. <•’ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 491. 526. ■ r , e So in Stevens, vol. i. p. 32. “ Summa inde 408/. clara 380/. “ 9 j. o d. ob .” In Speed 400/. 8j. is put againft the next place inftead of this. The priorefs and twenty-three nuns were pen- fioned at the furrender. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, in Append. P- 1 3- prster XX. K ENT. hreter confirm, quod ipf® per nomen priorifl* mo- P ft S Mari® et S. Margaret® Virginum dc Dert- cA et eiufdem loci conventus fororum ordinis b. Amiftini fecundum inftituta, et fub cura fratrum A^fnis pr®dicat. fint habiles, &c. Cart. 7 Ed. 4. °r s et pro nova incorporationc : Inquif. Kane. 11 Ed. 4. n. . Efc. Kant. 19 Ed. 4. n. . pro ten. in North-cray, Wilmington, &c. Priv. Cigill. 2 Hen. 8. p. 2. pro mancr. de Maffingham et Weft-wrotham [Norf.] Rec. in fcacc. 9 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 15. Trinity Hospital. Anno 31 Hen. 6. licence was granted to John Bamburgh, Will. \ , R0eer Jones and Thomas Booft, or the furvivor of them, to found here, in honor of the j-ltyTrinity, an hofpital for five poor perfons. The vicar and churchwardens for the time being to be m afters. fj£ in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 479. pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 227. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. Here was alfo an hofpital for lepers before A. D. 3qI which probably was the fame with that dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen mentioned in the wifi of William Quoyf A. D. 1491s. ' XXL DOVER. Benedictine Priory. Before A. D. 640. K. Eadbald built a chapel within the caftle *• d therein placed a college of twenty-four Secular canons, who were removed down into wnwn to the old church of St. Martin near the market by Wiftred king of Kent about the year ; V" where they continued above four hundred years *, till, in the time of K. Henry 1. complaints l9 a made of fome irregularities, he gave their houfe with all their lands and revenues to Wil- r!m Corboil archbilhop of Canterbury, who, A. D. 1131. began the foundation of a new church ■Vh intent to fettle in the fame a convent of Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin from Mer- in Surrey but his fucceffor archbilhop Theobald, A. D. 1140. brought in a prior and twelve r nediftine monks, who were fubordinate to the monaftery of Chrift Church in Canterbury; al- hou^h their poffefiions were valued diftinft, 26 Hen. 8. (about which time here were thirteen monks) at ijol. 141. 11 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 232/. is. sd. ob. Speed. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. I. hiftoriam fundationis, ‘Gallic®, ex bund. brev. reg. 14 Ed. 2. Leland. Col- left. p- 3- cartam Hen. 1 . donantis ecclefiam S. Mar¬ tini" Willelmo archiepifc. ad ordinem canonicorum rcmilarium ibidem conftituendum ; et confirmationem eiufd. a papa Innocentio: P. 4. pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. ni 12. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. confir- mantis eandem ecclefiam Theobaldo archiepifcopo, ct ftatuentis ut ordo S. Benedifti in ea confervetur: Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 3. de unione hujus prioratus eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. Chronicon Gervafii Dorobern. inter Decern feript. col. &c, Chronicon W. Thorn, ibid. col. 1895. ubi compof. cum abb. S. Auguftini fuper decimis de Horyngbrok. In Wilkinfii Concil. tom. 11. p. 739. procefium contra priorem et conventum de Dovorre fuper obedientia eorum prsftanda priori et capitulo eccl. Chrifti Can¬ tuar. vacante fede archiepifcopali, A. D. 1348. Lelandi Colleft. vol. 1. p. 88. vol. iii. p. 11. 50. 70. 119- Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 6. vql.vn. p. 127. 131. vol. vm. p. 82. vol. ix. p. 58. comment, in cygneam cantio- nem, voce Durobernum. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 39. taxationem fpiri— tualium et temporalium prioris de Dover in dioc. Cantuar. In Rileii Plac. Pari. p. 393. procefium inter monachos S. Martini Dover et priorem eccl. Chrifti Cant, de priore eligendo, 14 Ed. 2. In Battelcy’s Cant. Sacr. p. 108. fome account of this priory, and names of nine priors. Lewis’ Differtation upon Seals, p. 42. Year Books, vol. 1. Ed. 3. f. 188. Lambard’s Perambulation of Kent, under Dover. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 268. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 917. et in p. 1289. duas cartas Ed. 3. ex bund. brev. 15 Ed. I. p. 1304, 1305. duas petitiones, Gallice, de exemp- tione prioratus a jurifdiiftione archidiaconali, et intro- miflione indebita prioris Cantuar. ex bundela petit, et brev. 22 Ed. 1. in turri London. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 162. In cartulario archiepifc. Cantuar. (in bibl. Bodl. Oxon.) p. 39. cartam regis Willielmi Conq. confirmantis Lanfranco archiepifc. jus quod anteceflores ejus ha- buerunt in eccl. S. Martini de Dofria : p. 50 et 51. tres cartas regis Hen. 2. p. 137. cartas Theobaldi et Huberti archiepifcoporum : p. 267. bullam P. Inno- centii A. D. 1238. p. 268. bullam P. Lucii dat. A. D. 1144. p. 271. bullam P. Alexandri : p. 289. aliam bullam P. Alexandri Ricardo archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. de prioratu S. Martini Dover. Chronicon five annales S. Martini Dovor. ad ann. 1286. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius, D. v. 2. Chronicon Dovor. a Bruto ad Hen. 2. mf. Ibid. Vefpaf. B. xi. 3. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 261. f. 107. de fundatione ec- clefi® Dovorenfis: mf. 433. f. . . privy feal for cl. of the king’s gift towards their buildings, 1 Ric. 3. mf. 532. f. 49. recorda nonnulla de eccl. de Dovera. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. mf. 59. n. 27. tefti- monium libertatum et immunitatum ecclefi® S. Mar¬ tini infra Dover. Matriculam five catalogum librorum in bibl. prioratus Dovor. compilatum A. D. 1389. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. in arch. B. 24. Indicem regiftri prioratus de Dovor. mf. in bibl. eccl. metropol. Cantuar. n. 86. Cartularium donationum, placitorum, &c. hujus prio¬ ratus ad annum 1376. mf. in bibl. dom. archiepifc. Cantuar. fol. pergam. Some original deeds belonging to this priory in the clofet of the library at the Herald’s office. Rot. clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 7 et 10. de marifeo vocat. Menajey , in paroch. de Worth: Cart. 12 Hen. 3. f Lib. Teh. i. fol. 2. a. This could not be the fame with Trinity hofpital, which was not founded till fome years after : 2nd therefore Mr. Hailed is probably miftaken, when he faith, the latter “ feems afterwards to have been ufed as a fpittel “ houfe for lepers.’1 E Lib. Tell. v. fol. 261. b. 11 Not 613. as Leland. Colleft. iii. p. 70. ■ See Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 74. and Dr. Gale’s excerpts, out of the Domefday Book, Quindecim feript. p. 761. when there feem to have been but three canons. m. 2. XXI. K ENT. m. 2. Cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro eccl, S. Martini ibidem. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. et p. 2. m. g. de advocatione hujus prioratus recuperat. per archiepifc. contra prio- rem et convent. Cantuar. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29 et 42. et p. 2. m. 28. confirm, juris archiepifc. Cantuar. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 20. de judicio quodam contra priorem Chrifti Cantuar. Ibid. m. 34 vel 35. et p. 3. m. 31. de medietate exitus portus de Dover, et theo- lon. mercat. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. Pat 2, Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ,S.‘J ten. in Hykne, Dene, &c. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32 pro eccl. de Boclond appropriand. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 15. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p, 1. m. 6. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 21. pro mefT. et terris in Hugham, Alkham, Cantuar. &c. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 11 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 7. 2. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. An hofpital for poor leprous perfons begun about the year 1141. upon the folicitation of Ofbern and Godwin, two monks of St. Martin’s, who fubiefted the fame to the difpofal of their prior. It was dedicated to St. Bartholomew, and, after the diflo lution, granted to J. Bowie for life, and 6 Ed. 6. to Sir Tho. Palmer in fee. Vide regiftrum hujus hofpitalis concinnatum A. D. 1373. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37 vel 38. in fine mutilum, mf. penes Walt. Clavel arm. 1709. 3. God’s House. The hofpital of St. Mary, otherwife called the Maifon de Dieu or God’s houfe, was eredted and endowed for the relief of pilgrims and feveral poor brethren and filters k under the government of a mafter, in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3. by Hubert de Burgo earl of Kent1. Its revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 231/. 1 6s. yd. in the whole and 159/. 18 a 6 d. per arm. clear; which laft is the valuation in Dugdale and Speed m. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 423. cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 9. pro decimis paflagii portus: Cart. 13 Hen. 3. p. 3. m. 9. pro xl. per ann. ex exitibus porc tus de Dover. Ibid, in tom. iii. p. i. p. 86, 87. pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 8 et 9. recit. ofto cartas regis Hen. 3. de terris et eccl. S. Jacobi in Warden, maneriis de la Ryvere, Eftbrigge, Derfingham, et Homechild, decimis om¬ nium proventuum portus de Dovere, et fuper elec- tione et admiffione magiftri. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 590. of the manor of Kingf- down: p. 668. of lands and rents in Warden: p.669. of the advowfon of the reftory. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 88. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 127. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 50. grant of certain lands lyinge in the ifle of Thenet, and of a pafture in the parifhe of Ryvers juxta Dover. Cartam Huberti de Burgo fundatoris donantis maner. de Eftbrug cum advoc. eccl. in cl. Anftifii Afpilo- gia, n. 27. Rot. pat. 6 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro eccl. de Sellings : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 105. pro terris in Whitefeld, Self, Dyfing, &c. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 9 et 13. de xxii /. xi. annuatim percipiendis de proventibus paf- fagii: Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro terris in Shepey: Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro confirmatione electionis cuftodis: Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro eccl. S. Jacobi de Wardune in Scapeia, et m. 9. de maner. de Dar- fingham et Colrede [extat impreila in Monaft. iii. 87,] et m. 12. de reddit. 11. annuatim de exitibus portus: Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 9. [extat in Mon. iii. p. 87. b.j et m. 19. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 9. Pat. 32 Hen. 7. m. . Pat. 51 Hen. 3. n. 88. Cart. 14 Ed. 1. m. 6. pro lib. war. in Colredde, Kin- gefdune juxta Middleton, et Whitefeld : Efc. Kane. 29 Ed. 1. poll mortem Roberti Haghan. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23. de terris ad valorem c. fol. perquirendis : Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 25. Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ann. redd. xnl. xr. de exitibus portus: Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 5. pro maner. de Eftbrig, &c. Ibid. n. 33. Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. 16. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. S- n>. 26. pro magiftro eligendo fine licent. regis, et m. 31. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 42, pro ten. in Newchurch et Hope: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. r. et 10 vel 20. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. . m. . Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 21. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m.4.' Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 15. et p. 3. m. . Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 3. m. . pro terra in Birchington, Ri¬ ver, See. XXII. E A S T R Y. Monastery destroyed. Crefly, out of Harpsfield, makes K. Egbert, who died A. D. 673. to have built here, for his filter Ermenburga, a monaftery dedicated to St. Ethelbert and St. Ethelbright, which feems to have been a miftake of the Itory of St. Ethelbert and St. Ethelred, brothers of Domneva here murdered, and for the expiation of which crime the abbey of Minftrc was founded. XXIII. E L F L E E T, or Elflit. Monastery destroyed. Mr. Speed places -here a nunnery of Domneva’s foundation; which, if at all, feems rather to have been at Ebbsfleet in the ifle of Thariet. k Knights Templars as Weaver and Speed. See below in Slvingfield. 1 Founded by K. Hen. 3. as Weaver and Speed, and pat. Hen. 6. But the charters of K. Henry 3. fpeak of Hubert de Burgo as founder. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. itj. faith, that Hu¬ bert de Burgo was founder of the old church or Maifon Dieu; and K. Henry 3. founder of the new church. m Lambard faith uo/./w am. XXIV. FEVER XXIV. ken t. xxiv. feversham. Benedictine Abbey. In the year 1147". K. Stephen and Maud his queen0, built an abbey here for monks of Cluni p, who, being afterward releafed from all fubjedion to the foreign mona- ftery, became Benedidhnes: it was dedicated to our Holy Savior, and was found, 26 Hen. 8. to be worth 286/. 12 s. 6d. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho¬ mas Cheiney. I’iie in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 687. cart, antiq. R. Steph. N. 38. de fundatione : Cart, antiq. Hen. 2. n. 39. de confirmatione : P. 688, &c. cart, 9 Ed. 2. n. 48. per Infpex. recit. cartas RR. Stephani, Joan- nis, et Hen. 2. Matildis regime, Will. com. Boion, Rob. de Betun, abbatis de Cluniaco, et prioris de Caritate. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 160. clauf. 3 Ed. I. m. 2. dorfo : p. 161. pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 13. p. 988. clauf. 31 Ed. 1. m. g. dorfo, de advoc. eccl. de Tring. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. So. de fundatione : vol. iii. p. 6. codd. mif. olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatiat. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 147. I11 Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 39. taxationem fpiri- tualium atque temporalium abbatis de Feverlhain in dioc. Cantuar. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 394. de Benedifle in ElTex q. valet xv l. tent, de honore Boloniie. In Hid. et Antiq. Oxon. p. 163. de certamine inter municipes et monachos, A. D. 1327. In Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. ico. a lift of the abbats. In Hailed s Ivent, vol. ii. p. 698. of the foundation of the abbey: p. 700. names of the abbats: p. 708. of the jurifdidlion of the abbat: p. 425. of the manor of Kingfnorth in Ulcomb : p. 504. of lands in Burd- field : of the manor of Monketon in Otterden : p. 592. of lands in Kingfdowne : p. 630. of the filhe- ries of Milton: p. 672. of lands in Leyfdowne: p. 676. in Harty: p. 677. of the manor of Abbotfcourt in Harty: p. 705. of the manor of Ewell in Faverlham: p. 707. oflands there: p. 713. of lands and tenements granted to the abbey for the foundation of a fchool : P-.733- oflands in Luddenham : p. 734. of a penfion of lxvis. viii rl. out of thfe redtory of Luddenham : p. 748. of a penfion of xxxm s. 1 v d. out of the rec¬ tory of Newenham : p. 794. of lands in Ofpring : p. 800. of the borough of Chetham in Ofpring : p. 81 1. oflands in Preilon : p. 813. of the impropriate reftory of Prefton : p. 816. of a mill at Godnefton. In Chauncy s Hertfordlhire, p, 592. of the manors of Tring :_ p. 593. 0f Mifl'ewell and Bunftrux. Madox’s Hill, of the Exchequer, p. 285. pro habenda confirmatione donationum ex rot. 3 Hen. 3. Reyneri Apollo!. Benedidl. vol. i, p.212. et Append, p. 56. •Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 277, 278. Newcourt’s Repertorium, See. vol. ii. p. 478. of lands in Radivinter ElTex. Monafticon Faverlhamenfe, ora Survey of the Monaflery of Feverlham,by Fho. Southoufe, Lond. 1671. i2mo. The Hiftory and Antiquities of the abbey and church of P averelbam in Kent by John Lewis, A. M. Lond. 1727. 4to. Weaver (Puneral Monuments, p. 330.) cites a Leiger Book of this abbey, as then in the Cottonian library, which doth not appear in the late catalogue of the mlT. there. Regiftrum hujus abbatire quondam penes Joannem Collelock unum de juratis de P'everlham, mf. Regiftrum penes com. de Rockingham 1726. Regiftrum mf. penes .... Diggs fil. et hxr. dom. Dudl. Diggs. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 13. temporalia abbatis de Feverlham. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. iii. p. 280. cartam fundatio- nis per R. Stephanum. Rot. cart. 7 Joan. m. 13. n. 117. pro pifearia de Mid¬ dleton. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. 126. Pat. I Ed. 1. m. . de cuftodia abbatioe tempore vaca¬ tionist Cart. 25 Ed. 1. n. 4. pro lib. war. in Fevere- Iham et inTrenge [Hertf.] et in Bendilh [ElTex.] Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. confirm, concordiam inter abbatem et communitatem de Feverefham : Cart. Ed. 2. n. 53. pro mercat. et feria apud Trenge : at. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro maner. de Trenge: Pat. 12 vel 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . pro ten. in Stikepath [Devon.] Petit, parliam. 4 Ed. 3. n. 1. pro maner. de Treno-e et advoc. eccl. Ibid. n. 69. de reddit. . . in Badlefrnere : Ibid. n. 93. de pifearia in Middleton: Cart. 11 Ed. 3! n. 23. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. et p. 2. m. 8 et 11. pro ecclefiis de Bofton under Ble, et Prefton juxta Offspreng eis concelT. ab archiepifc. Cantuar. in excambio pro maner de Treng : Inquif. 46 Ed. 3 n. 62. [Kanc.J Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 39. pro terris in Ulcomb. Cart. 1, Sec. Hen. 6. n. 4. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 25. et p. 3. m. 6. XXV. FOLKSTONE, olim Folcanftan ’. 2. AuenEpIiorSyTR°YED‘ 1 li Eanf'^ha; daughter to Eadbald king of Kent, choofing a re- «f her i 1 Y: I ^g'ous life, her father, about A. D. 630. built here for the ufe wai asCarnr COm.Pan*?ns’ achurJch and nunnery dedicated to St. Peter, which, in procefs of time Danes P°raVC ’ lvvalJ°wed up by the fea, but, as others have it', was deltroyed by the Se Connuefl Nr S£ntcd K‘ Et,he'ftan’ A- D’ 9 V- to Chrift Church Canterbury. After of Of m , de Munewell" was lord of Folkfton, and about A. D. 1094. gave the church fome Benech£lind St‘ ^ani-wide l?ere t0 the abbat and convent of Lonley in Normandy, whereupon Lenedidbne monks from thence were placed here firft in the caflle, and 'afterward in a bufld- <*efterdi™wC° 'a' K P’ ^ and "** out of the Ro- Cl.ircml-ild ?n H ■' a"d Th°,rn placeth the benediction of abbat Be^ondfev a’ a°l V,’ But the <*™nides of Dover, next vc,-. I- whenr’fa’ S Cant‘. refer the foundation to the mondfey hither ^ Wenbald went with twelve monks from Ber- Somner ft as 'V.f,? men‘fon the king as foie founder; but Mr. in an old mf of of <’ant‘ part i. p. 134.) finding mention “ verefliam incenit ” q Maud’ “ Tiae monafterium de Fa- Mr. Lewis alfn R'Vi ■! have,now Put her in as co-founder. K. Stephen. h| 11 was founded by Q. Maud as well as p in many of their charters and bulls they are called Clu- niacs ; but in Regift. Iftip, fob 113. there is “ Confirmatio ‘ eleflioma abbatis Feverfham ordinis S. Benedidi,” and fo ibid: to!. 114 et 189. and in the furrender, and all the later inftru- ments in Southoufe and Lewis, they are called Benedidines. s Spelm. Concil. tom. i. p. 190. in the ads of Beccanceld council, A. D. 694. when this monaftery was in being r is buried here, as Cartular. archiepifcopat. f. 24. s In vita S. Eanfwidre, f. 97. 4 * Mon. Angl. i. p. »o. Decern feript. col. 1220. F?Ti Monuments, p. 270. aferibes the feconj foundation to Jghn Segrave and Julian his wife, temp. Hot. 2. which he feems fo have no good authority for. See Stevens’ Supplement, vol. 1. p. 399. ' M m m ing XXV. KENT. ing nearer the church. This alien priory had the fate of all other fuch like houfes, to be feifed during the wars with France, into the king’s hands'*, but was afterwards made denizon, apd con¬ tinued till the diffolution, when it was valued at 41/. 15s. 10 d. ■per ann. Dugd. 63/. or. 7^ Speed. The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 85. cxcerpta ex Joannis Capgravii Vitis Sandorum : p. 560. cartam Will, de Abrincis confirmantis fundationem, ex rec. term. S. Mich. 4 Hen. 4. dorfo, in fcaccario. Lelandi Colled:, vol. i. p. 88. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 140. vol. viii. p. 73. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem poflef- fionum prioris de Folkfton in dioc. Cantuar. p. 399. fome account of this priory from Weevcr. XXVI. G R E In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. mf. ior. p. 135. qU0(j ecclefia de Haveking injufte et invito legitimo pa_ trono data eft prioratui de Folk, per Will, de Aver- anches. Cartam TEthelftani regis donantis Folkeftan ecel, Chrifti Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius , A. ij. « et in cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. f. 25. Bundell. benef. alienig. 46 Ed. 3. Pat. 8 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. . ; N W I C H. Grey Friers. Weaver tells us of a priory here of friers aliens Minorites (Dominicans accord¬ ing to Philpot) belonging to Gaunt, and given afterward to Shene. The manor of Greenwich did indeed belong to Gaunt, though not by the gift of K. Edward 3. but of more ancient donation, and was part of the endowment of their cell at Lewfham, and with that was fettled upon Shene. Mr. Speed faith, K. Edward 3. and Sir John Norbury founded a houfe of Grey friers here A. D. 1376. and the obfervants that came and fixed in the chapel of the Holy Crofs here temp. Ed. 4. and were a branch of the fame order, had an apartment built for them near the palace by K. Hen. 7*. Thefe laft were reftored by Q^Mary twenty-four years after they had been fupprefled by her father, but were expelled again by CL Elizabeth A Whether the former were two diftindt houfes, as Weaver p. 339. is uncertain. Vide in Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 30. of the feveral foun¬ dations and diflolutions of this priory. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 156. Philpot’s Villare, p. 163. Weaver, p. 339. Lelandi Colledf. vol. i. p. 96. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. mf. 170. p. 72. tefti- monium fundationis domus fratrum minorum de ob- fervantia in villa de G. Roff. dioc. per R. Edwar. dum 4. A. D. 1482. p. 73. confirmationem ejufdem domus per epifc. Rolf, virtute commiffionis a fede apoftolica. XXVII. HAKYNGTON, near Canterbury. College. In the churchyard here, A. D. 1187. Baldwin archbifhop of Canterbury began a chapel in honor of St. Stephen and St. Thomas of Canterbury, wherein he propofed to found a noble college of forty Secular priefts, and that the king and every one of his iuffragan bifhops fhould have a prebend, every one to be worth forty marks per ann. but the prior and monks of Chrift Church made fuch vigorous oppofition to this defign in the court of Rome, that, after the archbilhop had in the next year fettled fome Secular canons here, he was forced to defift, and the chapel was, by the pope’s command, levelled with the ground A. D. 1191*. XXVIII. HERBALDOUN. Hospital. About a mile from the weft gate of Canterbury, in the wood of Blean* for the relief of poor infe&ed leprous perfons, archbilhop Lanfranc erefted and endowed an hofpital to the honor of St. Nicholasb-, the poffelTions of which were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 112/. 1 5s. yd. in the whole', and at 109/. ys. 2d. per ann. clear, Dugd. Speed. It was not fupprefled temp. Ed. 6. A. D. 1574. it confifted of fifteen in-brothers, and as many in-fifters, who had 4/. a piece yearly, befides two loads of wool -, out-brothers and out-fifters in like number, who had il. 14 s. a piece; the whole revenue 160 1. The governor was fometimes called the Dean, fometimes Prior J, and now the Mafter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 418. pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 30. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. pro xx. marc. redd, in Cantuar. In Battely’s edit, of Somner’s Antiquities of Canter¬ bury, p. i. p. 42, &c. p. ii. p. 169, &c. fome account of this hofpital: In prima Append, numb. 14. fundat. cantariae per W. Wittlefey, et cart. R. Hen. 1. de tcrris in bofco de Blen : In fecunda Appendice, cart. w Prynne, vol. iii. p. . Rymer, viii. 103. * Camden calls thofe Mendicants whom K. Henry 7. built an houfe for ; and lb Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 96. but Stow calls them Franci/cans; and Erafmus, in his epiftle to Jodoc. Jones, p. 579. calls them alfo Franci/cans. Reyner. ii. 166. fpeaks of a priory of Cluniacs at Greenwich ; but 1 know nothing more of it. r Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 136. z See the whole ftory in Gervafe of Canterbury, &c. Anti- quitates Britannics, &c. Et in cartular. archiepifcopatus, p. 306, Ricardi archiepifc. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 1 15. vol. ii. p. 22T. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 679. of lands in Harty: p. 816. of rents in Goodnefton. In Wilkinfii Concil. vol. iv. p. 230. the ftate of this hofpital A. D. 1561. Prynne, vol. iii. p. 422. as above in St. John’s. In cartulario archiepifcopatus, mf. in bibl. Bodl. p. 133* See. bullam paps Gregorii. . . „ * Hence in fome deeds called, “ Hofpitale de bofco de blear). But it is poflible that the hofpital of Blean (which I have no good account of) might be different from that of Herbaldoun. b Weaver confounds this with the hofpital of St. John, an annexes a priory to it without authority. , c Sancroft’s mf. Valor, 80/. of which was the archbilhop alms. a Rot. in turre Londin. ordinationem XXVIII, ENT, ft ordinationem Roberti archiepifc. de’magiftro hujus hofpitalis, et fuftentatione ejufdem ex frudtibus eccl. de Reculver, A. I). 1276. p. 1 3 1 . revocationem ejuf- Jem automate P. Nicolai ad requifitionem Joannis archiepifc. In the Append, to Rtrype’s Life of archbimop Parker, p. 20. ftatutes for the government of this hofpital. Cartas, rentalia, regiftra, &c. penes magiftrum et fratres hujus hofpitalis. Rot. cart 4 Ed. 1. n. 10. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. ult. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 et 14. pro redd, folvend. per red):, de Recolver: Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 11. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 36. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 8. p. 6. m. 35 vel 36. pro xx. marc. ann. de reddit. Cantuar. cis concelT. per R. Hen. 1. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 21. et p. 3. m. 39. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 30. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 2. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. n. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 7. pro dec. exo- nerandis. XXIX. H I T H E. 1. Monastery destroyed. “ It evidently apereth that wher the paroch chirch is now was “ fumtyme a tayr abbay, and therby ruines of howics of the office of the abbey.” Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p- I4I* 2. St. Andrew’s Hospital. Hamo biffiop of Rochefter and the communality of the port of Hithe founded in the pariffi of St. Leonarde here A. D. 1336. an hofpital, dedicated to St. An¬ drew f, for the maintenance of ten poor men and women, who were to receive, befides cloathing, four pence each weekly. Yide in Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 413. cart. Ha- monis epifc. Roffen. et communitatis portus de Hethe de fundatione. In Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 468. pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. viz. licentiam regiam pro fundatione. Lelandi ColledL vol. i. p. 120. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 141. Strype’s Life of archbifhop Parker, p. 114. Wilkinfii Concilia, vol. iv. p. 231. 3. Hospital. Here was alfoffiefore A. D. 1336 s. another hofpital for the reception of lepers’1. XXX. MONKS HORTON. Cluniac Cell. A cell of Cluniac monks to the priory of Lewes, who had the manor here pretty early in the time of K. Henry 2. by the gift of Robert de Vere conftable to the king of England. It was dedicated to St. Mary, St. John the Evangelift and St. Pancras, made by K. Ed¬ ward 3. “ prioratus indigena’,” and lb continued till the general diffolution, when it was valued at 95/. 12 s. id. -per ann. Dugd. ml. 1 6s. nd.ob. Speed. The fite was granted, op Hen. 8. to Richard Tate, and after to ... . Mantell. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 621, 622. cartas tres Rob. filii Bernardi de Ver. Lelandi ColledE vol. i. p. 88. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 40. taxationem pof- feffionum prioris de Horton in dioc. Cantuar. Newcourt’s Repertorium, p. ii. p. 475. de advoc. eccl. de Purleigh [Elfex.] Regiftrum penes .... Rooke de eadem, nuper penes Will. Somner de Cantuar. Colleft. ex eodem cod. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. lv. f. 86. Colledtanea ex regiftro quodam hujus abbatise mfT. nuper in bibl. dom. Cholmundley Dering bar. Colledlanea ex cartulario hujus prioratus in bibl. Har- leiana, mf. 2044. f. 54. Rot. pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. de maner. de Tyn- terdon et reparatione walliarum in marifeo de Ro- menal. XXXI. WEST LANGDON* Premonstratensi an Abbey. Will, de Aubervill built, A. D. ii92k. an abbey here for White canons, from Leyfton in Suffolk, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary and St. Thomas * 11 Super aream qua nos epifeopus antedidtus et parentes “ noftri duximus originem,” cart, fundationis in Reg. RofF. P-413*. f So in the charter of foundation : but Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 120. and archbithop Parker in his certificate printed in Strype and VV ilkins fay to St. Bartholomew. There is alfo “ Hofpitale St. Bartholonjei in Saltwode,” mentioned in Sancroft’s mf. Valor, and valued there at 4 /. 6 s. per ann. in the whole, and 3/. 12 s. 4 d. clear. With which clear valuation agrees the tenth of 7-r. 2 (1. paid out of the “ hofpitale S. Bartholomei prope “ Hythc,” as in archbifhop Parker's certificate. Leland. Itin. *°1- v*u P* I4I* faith Hithe is but a chapel to Saltwood, “ and 1 not far of was an hofpital of a gentilman infedted with lepre.” rroin biihop Hamo being mentioned by Leland and alfo by archbiihop Parker as founder of St. Bartholomew’s hofpital, it has been confounded with that of St. Andrew, but the local nluations were plainly different. St Andrew’s was built in the ♦ITT- ^^e, formerly large and populous, on the fpot where e biihop was born : St. Bartholomew’s, as was ufual in houfes 1 eltined for the reception of lepers, in a retired fituation with¬ out the town : and I conjecture it to be the leper houfe men* tioned as already exifting in the foundation charter of St. An¬ drew’s. In the courfe of two centuries thefe hofpitals might become united, and the foundation of St. Bartholomew’s be from thence aferibed to the fame prelate, s “ Ordinamus 135’ Decern fcript. Col. . Ad R. P. Gibfoni Cod. Juris Eccl. Append, p. 8r. In Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 132, 133. pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. I. m. u. licent. regis fundandi collegium. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 32. per Infpex. recit. cart. Ric. 2. de advoc. de Croundale, et maner. deTremworth et Fannes: Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. pro adquifttione maner. de Wightrefham. Rot. pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17. pro maner. de Trem- worth, &c. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 25. de meff. et terris ibid. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 2. Clauf. 23 Hen. 6. m. 23. 2. Grey Friers y. K. Edward 3. founded a convent of Grey friers here. fide Stevens’ Supplement to the Monafticonj vol. i. p. 155. out of Francis de S. Clara’s Hiftory of Fryers Minors. XXXIX. M A L L I N G. Benedictine Nuns. Gundulf bifhop of Rochefter, temp. Will. Rufiz, built here an abbey for nuns of the order of St. Benedict, in honor of the blefied Virgin Mary, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 218/. 4 s. 2 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 245/. tor. 2 d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted in exchange to the archbifhop of Canterbury 32 Hen. 8. but in the beginning of Elizabeth was refumed and granted, 12 Eliz. to Henry Cobham alias Brook. Yide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 352. cartam R. Ead- mundi donantis Meallingas epifc. Burrico : P. 353. cart.3 21 Ed. 3. n. 22. recit. cartas R R. Will. 2. Hen. I. et Hen. 2. de fubjedlione abbatiflae de Mai¬ ling epifcopis Roft'enfibus, ex textu Roffenft : P. 354. cart. 7 Joan. m. 2. n. x 1. pro eccl. de Eaft-malling. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 176. cartas Wil- lelrni de Ludefdone donantis decimam feodi fui de Bocland, et Willelmi de Boclande confirmantis ean- dem : p. 480. cartam R. Joannis de eccl. de Eft Mal- linges: cartas Guallerani, Benedidti et Ricardi, epif- coporum Roffen. necnon prioris et capituli Roften. confirmantium ecclefias decimas et poffefliones hujus abbatiae: p. 483. plac. 7 Ed. 1. de libertatibus : p, 484. ordinationem vicariae de Mallinges : p. 486. cartam Simonis archiepifc. Cantuar. confirm, poilef- fiones: p. 488. augmentationem vicariae de Mal¬ linges: p. 489. prefentationem prebendae magnae miflae majoris altaris monafterii de Weft Mailing ; commif- fionem fuper jure patronatus ejufdem, et inquifitio- nem ex inde faitam : p. 694. memorandum de deci- mis in Woldham : p. 695. cartam prioris et capituli Roffen. de XLr. annuatim folvend. ex manerio de Woldham. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 216. of the foundation and endowment of this abbey: vol. i. p. 473. of one acre of land, and the tithes of the manor of South Buclarid in Luddefdon : p. 486. of tithes in Cookfton: vol. ii. p. 160. of tithes in Woldham : p. 176. of a meftuao'e and lands in Aylesford : p. 212. of the manor of Eaft Mailing: p. 214. of the impropriate reftory: p. 216. of the manor of Town Mailing: p. 220. of the im¬ propriate rectory : p. 368. of the manor of Parrock in Brenchly. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. e78. of lands in Cor- nerd [Suff.] Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 27. vol. iii. p. 73. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 40. taxationem fpiri- tualium atque temporalium abbatiflie de Mailings in dioc. Cantuar. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. p. 89. car¬ tam T. archiepifc. Cantuar. concedentis P. Mailing monialibus pro lirma annua x. librarum. In regiftro Hamonis de Hetheepifc. Roffen. f. 245, 246. forrnam eligendi et pr-eficiendi abbatiffam. Rot. pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28. pro meff. et terris in Cornerd M. Newton P. et Bures [Suff.] perquirendis a Thoma Gray. Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. z8 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 13 vel 14. Clauf. 24 Hen. 6. m. n. relaxat.’ de maner. de Greys in villis de Bures, Newton, &c. y I find no mention of this houfe but what is taken from S. Clara. Stevens’ making Edmund earl of Cornwall to be brother to K. Edward 3. (and cofounder of this friery) is certainly a miftake. The collector of the Anglo-minoritica, who alfo men¬ tions this convent in p. ii. p. 39. out of S. Clara, more truly calls Uie brother of K. Ed. 3. who was earl of Cornwall, John* , n pIain his charter in the Monafticon ; but in Le- land. Colled, vol. 111. p. 73. the year of this foundation is fixed f.1 A* ?;• II06*, .makes it A. D. 1090. perhaps begun in this latter, and finifiied m the other. « Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 224. XL. MELTONj XL. KENT. XL. MELTON, prope Gravefend. Hospital. Here was a free chapel or hofpital'1 under the government of fome regular frier« c which was granted to Sir Henry Wyat \ rsC’ XLI. M E P H A M. Almshouses. Archbifhop Courtney, who died A. D. 1396. built Mepham church, and f new almlhoufes near it for the poor. \ ’ 0Ur Vide Harris’ Kent, p. 554. XLII. MUTTINDEN, or Modenden, in the parijh of Hedcorn. Trinitarian Friers. A priory of Trinitarian d friers founded by Sir Michael de Ponvn*es = knt. about A. D. 1224b dedicated to the Holy Trinity6. It was endowed with 60/. 13 r. 'ob°t,£r ann. as Speed, with 30/. 13 s. ob. as Dugdaleh; and granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Crom¬ well, and, after his attainder, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Anthony Aucher. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 833. notulam de fun- datore ex Leland Colleft. vol. i. p. 88. Reyneri Apoftol. Benedift. tr. i. p. 162. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 391. of the foundation of this priory: p. 176. of lands in Aylesford, p. 798. in Ofpring, p. 81 1. in Prefton. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem poflef- fionum prioratus de Muttinden in dioc. Cantuar. In regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. f. 73 — 75. appropriatio- nem eccl. de Lawnfyng : f. 76. ordinationem vicariae ibid. In regiftro Hadriani de Caftello epifc. Bath, et Wellenf. f. . copies of feveral pardons and indulgences granted by feveral popes to the benefa&ors of the « Place 0. “ Motynden in the Shere of Kent.” Rot. Vafcon. 38 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro feria apud Mot- tindene. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 6. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . de terris in Eylesford. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 et 17. pro eccl. de Launfing [Suflex.] approprianda : Clauf. 38 Ed. 3. m. 31. de advoc. eccl. de Launcing: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. pro ten. in Cranbrooke, Benindene, Ofspring, Prefton, Sutton Valens. ’ Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 42. pro terris in Stapelherft, &c. XLIII. NEWINGTON. Monastery destroyed. There is in W. Thorn’s chronicle of St. Auftin’s Canterbury, Col. 1931. a traditionary account of an old nunnery in this town, and that, upon occafion of the priorefs’s being ftrangled in her bed, the nuns were removed to Shepey ; that after this K. Henrv 2. out of their eftate founded here a college of feven Secular canons, but one of them bein°- murder¬ ed, four oLthe brethren were found guilty, upon which the two innocent canons conveyed their two parts to the abbey of St. Auftin’s, and the other five parts were granted by the king to Ri- chard de Lucy. It is alfo faid, that fome writings aflign this misfortune among the prebendaries to have happened temp. Will. Conq. and indeed, col. 1788. it is pofitively aflerted that the Conqueror gave to the faid abbey of St. Auftin’s eight prebends in Newington. Vide in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 530. an account Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 550. of this houfe from Thorn and Fragment. Sprottian. XLIV. O S P R I N G, or AwfTprenge, near Feverfham. Hospital. An old hofpital or Maifon Dieu, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary!, and founded by K. Henry 3. about A. D. 1235 k. It confided of a mafter and three Regular brethren of the order of the Holy Crofs, and two Secular clerks 1 ; but falling into decay about the latter end of the reign of K. Edward 4. it was, by the procurement of bifliop Fifher, granted by K. Henry 8. anno regni 7. to St. John’s college in Cambridge m. Vide in Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 801. of the foundation, tenements in Chatham: p. 394. of the manor of endowment and diflolution of this hofpital : p. 71. of Rifhford in Hedcorn: p. 395. of the impropriate b Morant’s Efiex, vol. . . p. 252. note A. c Mr. Baker in his mf. notes on the firft edition of Notitia Mon. Mon. Angl. i. p. 1041. and Reyner, i. 162. But Leland calls them Ordinis S. Crucis , Collect, i. p. 88. and the Bennet college mf. calls them Cruciferi . Therefore quare , Whether they might not change their order before the dilTolution. c So the Chichefter regifter C. f. 73~75* an authority^ fupe- rior to that of Leland, after whom the foundation was alcribed in the former edition to Sir Robert de Rokefiy. f For they came into England that year, and this was the firft houfe of their order, as Reyner, i. 162. £ So in pat. 13 Ric. 2. But Speed faith to Holy Crofs. h The firft figure is probably miftaken by one of thefe au¬ thors. j Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 594. k Mr. Lewis faith about 1245. hut it is mentioned earlier in the records. The lateft edition of Camden placeth the founda¬ tion in the twelfth century. 1 It might have been alfo originally for leprous perfons, as Mr. Philpot, befides thofe others. The laft edition of Camden faith it was founded for receiving Knights Templars going Out and coming in to the kingdom. And fome fay it was a precep- tory of Templars founded by Lucas de Vienna, and belonged afterwards to the Hofpitalars. But this I have met with no ac¬ count of, either in the Monafticon or records ; and I think it not reconcileable with the account of this houfe and its revenues efeheating to the crown on the failure of its members: for then it would have gone into the general income of the order, m Leland. Itin. vii. p. 144. reJlory : y XLIV. K re&ory: p. 652. of tenements in Minder: p. 748. of lands in Newenham: p. 795. of the manor of Eloy- land in Ofpring : p. 803. of the impropriate redtory. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 144. _ jn Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem pof- feffionum hujus hofpitalis in dioc. Cantuar. Cartas, &c. penes rev. V V. magiftrum et focios col- "legii dom. Joan. Evangeliftse apud Cantabrigienfcs. Chronica Will. Thorn, col. 1893. u^‘ compofitio de fepultura fratrum, &c. fadta per abbatem S. Auguftini Cantuar. A. D. 1245. The preface to the funeral fermon of Margaret countefs of Richmond, &c. Lond. 1708. 8vo. p. xli, xlii, xliii. Mr. Lewis’ Hiftory of Feverfnam abbey, c. vii. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. inter mlT. autoris jn bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. go. augmentationem vicariae de Hedcorn fadlam A. D. 1267. Per magiftrum et fratres. Rot. cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 7. de feria apud Merew : Cart. 24 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro dom. in S. Marias Cole- church London, et terra in Everland in Scapeia: Cart. 24 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro eccl. de Hedcorne, et terris in Denne, Twitham, Edelham Wingham, &c. Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 8. Cart. 34 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mercat. et feria apud ENT. Hedicrum: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. r. Pat. 37 Hen. 3, m. 21. de fedta curiae relaxanda pro terris in Tran- p “u": Cart. 42 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 11. i) ° 01? 2' P' m’ ’ ^at‘ 7 Ed* 2. p. 2. m. 2i. i at. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Clauf. 10 Ed. 2. m. 24. dorfo: Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . I at. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. g, Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 34. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. 3- P- *• !• pro ten. in Newenham, Chatham, &c. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro ten. in Minitre. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 37. recit. cart. 50 Hen. 3. Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 3. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. I. pro melT. et terris in Feverfham, Bodton fubtus Blen, Ofpreng, &c. Pat. g Hen. 4. p. j. m. 19. I at. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 3 Hen. e. p. 2. m. 22 vel 33. o Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 2. Pat. 8 Hen 6 p. 3. m. 2. Pat. 8 Hen. 8. p. 1. bill, fignat. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8. Trim rot. 23 et 24. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 10. de concelT. colleeio S. Toan. Cantabr. XLV. OTTEFORD. Hospital. An hofpital or houfe of leprous perfons here is mentioned in the rolls of 13 Hen. 3. fide Liberat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 11. XLVI. WEST PECCHA M, or Little Peccham. Knights Hospitalars. Here was a preceptory belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerulalem, valued, 26 Hen. 8.- at 63 1. 6s. 8 d. per ann. as Dugd. and Speed, or 60L as Le Neve’s mf and the manor, as parcel of the pofleffions of that order, was granted from the crown to Sir Rub. Southwell 33 Hen. 8. It ts more uncertain by whom and when it was given: Mr. PhilDOtn faith it was founded by John Colepepper for the Templars before their difiolution 1 Ed 2 and that afterward it came with the reft of their lands to the Hofpitalars. Mr. Speed and Weaver fay that the founder was the fame with John Colepeper, who was one of the juftices of the common pleas in the time of K. Henry 4 It might probably be a late donation, becaufe not mentioned in the account of the Templars and Holpitalars lands in the Monafticon, tom. ii. XL VII. PUCKESHALL, in the farijh of Tong, near Sidingborne. Hospital. Here was an hofpital, dedicated to St. James, which was granted by K Henry 7 child'" to Sir John Parot30 ’ 3 " 4 ^ ^ W‘th 'CS aPPurtenances lying in Tong and Bap- Fiie Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 27. Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 606. XLVIII. RECULVER, olim Raculf0, five GenladeL nn^o0tNbSTERJ DESTRoVED- . Egbert king of Kent gave, A. D. 669 ’. to one Baffe, formerly one of his noblemen, now a pneft, fome lands here, whereupon he built a monaftery which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary. It was, A. D. 949. annexed to Chrift Church in ^nterbury m ik" °T' Ldred’ when Probably the abbat and Black monks were removed; yet it l'eems after, viz tbout A ‘d il™™ ^ °rdmary n°K> Under the government of a dean many years hie Mon. Angl. tom. i. 19, 20, 21. 26. Et in p. 86. cartam R. Eadredi, cum limitibus terrarum ex autogr. Eotton. Augujius, ii. 52. e andi Colledt. vol. i. p. 97. cjufdem Itin. vol. vii. P- 136. J ^bfcldwi^^611^ V<4’ °f xn- pHwlands in In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. prref. p. xxi. cartam Egel- L c- Dicitur etiam in antiquis cartis “V* eJ‘re et Racutfimnflre. H c ngton Vit. Arch. Cant. Angl. Sacr. i. 3. juxta oftiura nothi archiepifc. confenfu Giveheardi decani, quie etiam habetur in Append, ad Somneri Antiq. Can¬ tuar. p. 424. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. habentur, p. 11. carta Lotharii regis Cantuar! donantis Weftanea et Sturege monafterio de Raculf, A. D. 679. p. 14. carta Eadberti R. Cantias pro tri¬ bute unius navis in portu de Fordwic, A. D. 747. fluminis Genlade. Bed. ’ Chron Saxon, in anno 669. But that K. Ethelbert founded a monaftery here, as Creflv, p.300. doth not appear to me from any good authority: all agree he built a palace. ^ 0 0 Edmundi XLVIII. KENT. Edmundi R. Cantise donantis Scilwith, A. D. 784. p. 27. cart* Eardulfi R. Cantiae donantis terram i. aratri in Perhamftede, Heahberto abbati et familise fuae in Raculf, et Eadredi R. donantis Raculf cccl. Chrifti Cantuar. A. D. monad. Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 262, 263. Rot. pat. 8 Ed. x. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m Leland. Itin vol. vii. p. 125. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 39 vel 40. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 184. Lilt. S E V E N O IC E. Hospitals. William Sennock furnamed from this town, where he was taken up an infan left expofed by his unnatural parents in the ftreets, when he afterwards became lord mayor of London, founded, A. D. 1418. an hoipital for the relief of twenty poor men and women and free fchool in this town, which was afterward more liberally endowed by Sir John Potkyn.’ 3 But here was alfo a more ancient hofpical dedicated to St. John Baptift, in the gift of the arch bifhop of Canterbury. For by pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . “ Rex conceflit Joanni de Tamworth “ cuftodiarri hofpitalis S. Joannis Baptiftse de Sevenoke ratione vacat. archiepilcopatus Cantuar “ 7 Aug.” The advowfon of this hoipital was conveyed by archbifhop Cranmet to K. Henry s' who, anno regni 31. procured from John Cleyton maker a furrendry of it, with all the lands, rents' &c. belonging to it in Sevenoke, Otford, and elfewhere'. ’ * Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 324, 325. out of Lambard’s Perambulation. Stow’s Survey, p. 88. LIV. S H E P E Y, or Le Mynftre, in Shepey. Benedictine Nuns. Sexburg widow to Ercombert king of Kent and mother of K. E»bert obtained land of her fon in this ifland, whereon to found a monaftery, which Ihe finilhed, and oot well endowed for feventy-feven nuns, about the year 675 f. The Religious fuffered much here Upon the Danilh invafions, by whom at lad their houle was wholly deftroyed. But it was re-edified and replenilhed with Benedidtine nuns by William archbilbop of Canterbury, A. D. 1130. and de¬ dicated to St. Mary and St. Sexburgh. Here was a priorefs and ten nuns about the time of the dilfolution, when their annual revenues were accounted worth 129/. 7 s. 10 d. ob. Dugd. Speed or 122/. 14J. 6d. ob. as in two rnf. Valors; and the fite was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to S?r Thomas’ Cheiney in exchange. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 88. et in p. 152. pat. x Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 8. recit. per Infpex. cartam 18 Hen. 3. in qua donationes enumerantur et confir- mantur. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 647. of the foundation and endowment of this priory : p. 85* of the manor of Upberry in Gillingham: p. 88. of the impropriate reftory: p. 92. of the impropriate redlory of Graine: p. 559. of half a fuling of land in Newington : p. 567. of pafture for lx. fheep in Borden : p. 580. of the manor of Woodftock in Tunftall: p. 590. of lands in Milfted, p.629. in Milton: p. 639. of the impro¬ priate redfory of Bobbing: p. 653. of the impropriate rectory of Mynfter : p. 660. of the chapel of Queen- borough. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 89. vol.'ii. p. 224. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem fpiri- tualium atque temporalium priorifTae in dioc. Can¬ tuar. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 283. Kalendarium in quo annotantur dies obitus fororum, prioriflarum, et benefaftorum monafterii de Shepey, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujlina , B. Vi. 20. Rot. cart. 5 Joan. m. 9. n. 69. de bofcis et terris in Kinglefdune : Cart. 6 Joan. n. 12. in qua dotatio par- ticulariter defcripta eft. Pat. 31 Ed. t. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 38 et 48. Plac. in banco, 7 Ed. 3. rot. 165. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 19 vel 20. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 17. pro feria apud Minftre in Shepey, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 10. pro capella de Wicheling: Ibid. p. 2. m. 39. de terra et reddit. in Minftre : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p, 2. m. 24 et 28. pro terris in Middilton : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. pro duobus ftagnis juxta aquam de Swale, et p. 3. m. 22. pro ten. in Minftre. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 19. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 37. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 11. LV. 'The New Work8 at STRODE, near Rochefter. HbSPiTAL. About the year H94h Gilbert Glanvill bifhop of Rochefter* built here an hofpi- tal dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary k, for the reception of poor travellers and the relief of other indigent perfons. Here were a maker or warden, and feveral priefts, endowed with 52/. 91. lod. ob. per ann. Dugd. Speed. This houfe was furrendered 33 Hen. 8. to the prior and convent of Rochefter. In the time of K. Edward 3. Mary de St. Paul countefs of Pembrook intended to build a Religious houfe in her manor here, but altered her mind and built at Denny in Cambridge- fhire, to which abbey (he gave this manor. d Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 125. Rymer, vol. ix. p. 385* e Hafted’s Kent. f Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 89. Speed, & c. make Sexburgh to have founded this place A. D. 710. which is too late; it being plain from the Monaft. &c. that it was begun before the death of king Egbert in A. D. 673. and finifhed before her going to Ely, where /he was fome time before the death of St. Etheldred in A. D. 679. A monaftery here is alfo mentioned in the ads of the council of Beccanceld, A. D. 694. g Perhaps fo called to diftingui/h it from a houfe which the o 1 Templars had in this town, called the Temple, this manor hay¬ ing been given to thofe Knights by K. Henry 2. (Mon. Angl. ii. p. 526. 552.) and afterwards to the Hofpitalars. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. 3. h In the time of K. Richard’s imprifonment, not temp* Hen. 2. as Speed. 1 So Godwyn, but founded by K. Richard 1. as Hams, p. 303. But quatre. k St. Andrew y Speed, and Leland, Colled, i. 89. contrary to the charters in the Monaft. Vide LV. K yjt in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 434. pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. ' m ,g. recit. et confirm, cartas Gilberti fundatoris, Radulphi prioris RofFenfis, Huberti archiepifc. Can- tuar et R. Rio- I* al,no 5- fed- cart. antiq. F. n. 15. de bofco juxta Mailing: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. In Thorpe’S Regiftrum RofFenfe, p. 147. teftificatio- neni Huberti archiepifc. Cantuar. de duabus partibus bofci in Aillesford conceffis per regem Ricardum : n. 148. cartas Cecilia: filiae Herberti de Ponte de medietate molendini ibidem : Galfridi filii Godelcu de eadetn : Mabilire filias Godithre de parte mefl'uagii ibidem: p- 149- cartam Galfridi filii Godeleu de mef- fuagio ibidem : ordinationem vicariae de Aylesford et capdl* de Codingtfone : p. 150. arbitrium fuper or- dinatione di£lm capellte: p. 151. relaxationem inven- tionis unius capellani in cantaria S. Michaelis de Cofyngtone per Stephanum de Cofyngtone: p. 152. confirmationem ejufdem relaxationis per Thomam Thowe: appropriationem ecclefise de Aylesford, cum confirmationibus prioris et conventus RofFen. Hu¬ berti archiepifc. Cantuar. et R. Ricardi 1. p. 257. cartas G. epifc. Roffen. et Thomx perfonre eccl. de Cocleltane de xi. annuatim : p. 258. cart. G. epifc. Roffen. de deciinis militum fuorum in Hallynge, Hol- berghe et Cuckleftan : ejufdem epifcopi recit. et con- hrm. cartam Ricardi Cementarii de annuo redditu in Knokeflane: p. 259. conventionem inter redforem de Cudeftane et magiftrum hofpitalis de Strode fuper decimis fa£t. A. D. 1267. p. 260. cartam reftoris ejufdem eccl. confirm, annuam penfionem xi. dat. A.D. I29S- p. 392. cartam Hugonis archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. confirm, prebendam de decimis militum epifcopi Roffen. in Halinge, &c. p. 398. cartam Gulielmi de Botlefham epifc. Roffen. donantis ecclefiam de Hai¬ ling, cum confirmationibus Huberti archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. et R. Ricardi 1. p. 400. ordinationem vicarire de Hallinges : p. 510. cartam G. epifc. Roffen. de decimis in Ocholt : p. 530. cartam Gilberti epifc. Roffen. de eccl. S. Margareta: in fuburbio civitatis Roffen. p. 548. conventionem inter magiftrum et fratres hofpitalis de Strode et vicarium eccl. S. Mar- garetse fuper meffuagio in Roffa : p. 63 1 . cartam fun- E N T. dationis: p. 632. cartam R. Ric. 1. confirmatoriam) p. 633. cartam prioris et conventus Roffen. concea dentium partem cujufdam prati : eorundem confirm, fundationem : p. 634. cartam Huberti archiepifc. Cantuar. confirm, eandem : p. 635. Brevia regia de libertatibus : p. 636. literam declaratoriam Gilberti epifc. Roffen. fuper carta fundatoria : p. 637. novam ordinationem hofpitalis de Strode per Hamonem epifc. Roffen. p. 639. cartam Gilberti epifc. Roffen. do¬ nantis ecclefiam S. Nicholai cum cartis confirmatoriis archiepifc. Cantuar. et R. Ricardi : p. 640. cartam R. Ricardi de eccl. S. Margaretae : p. 641. cartam ejufdem regis confirm, omnes poffeffiones : ejufdem de eccl. de Hailing: abbatis de Lefne de decimis in Ocholt: p. 642. cartam R. Ricardi de bofco juxta Mellinges : bullam P. Celeftini confirm, poffeffiones: p. 643* bullam P. Innocentii de eodem : p. 651. re- fignationem feitus et procinctus hofpitalis de Strode et omnium pofleffionum ejufdem priori et conventui de Rouceftria per Johannem Wylbor cuftodem et confratres ejufdem, 33 Hen. 8. p. 687, 688. cartas Gilberti epifc. Roffen. Huberti archiepifc. Cantuar. R. Ricardi 1. et Gilberti perfonae de Sutton de deci¬ mis in Wilmington et Warenteford. I11 Halted s Rent, vol. i. p. 553* °f the foundation and endowment of this hofpital : p. 555. names of the mafters: p. 235. of tithes in Wilmington: p. 479. of the impropriate reflory of Hailing: p. 485. of a rent in Cookftone : p. 486. of tithes there : p. 552. of the manors of Boncakes and Hawkins in Strode: p. 556. of the impropriate church of Strode : p. 563. of ccl! acres of Marfh in Hoo : vol. ii. p. 176. of a wood, a mill and meffuages in Aylesford : p. 179. of the im- propriate reftory: p. 214. of a wood in Eaft Malline. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 89. Angl. Sacr. tom i. p. 346. 353. 389, 390. Martas, rentalia, &c. penes decanum et capitulum Rof- fenf. ^Meffing 30 Hen’ 3 m" ^ part‘bus bofc‘ Juxta Clauf. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. 19 et 24. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. LVI. SUTTON de la Hone, or at Hone1. 1. Hospital. Jeffry Fitz Piers earl of Effex gave all his eftate in this town to William de Wrotham archdeacon of Taunton, temp. Ric. 1. vel Joannis, that he might here found an hofpital in honor of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, St. Mary and All Saints, for three chaplains and thirteen poor brethren. ^ 2. Knights Hospitalars. About this time or a little before, Robert Bafinoe gave the manor here to the Knights Holpitalars of St. John of Jerufalem, who had a commandry here the houfe being yet called St. John’s. 1 * Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 437. cartam Galfridi fil. Petri defundatione hofpitalis, ex cart, antiq. M. n. 8. Ibid. p. 544. de donatione manerii hofpitalariis. Chronica Will. Thorn, inter Decern feript. col. 2 1 50. Cart, antiq. 15 Joan. M. n. 7. Will, de Wrotham con¬ firm. fundationem hofpitalis : Antiq. p. 30. cart. Ric. 1. concefT. Will, de Wrotham clerico terras in Sutton de la Hone. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 4. Clauf. 6 Joan. m. g. Plac. apud Roff. temp. Ed. 2. rot. 14. de libertat. pri¬ ons S. Joan. Jeruf. in Sutton at Hone, Dertford, .Leden, See. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 19. pro me(T. et terns concelT. Jeruf. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m 24 Clauf. 10 Ed. 3. m. 13. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. P. 2. m!’i4. LVII. SWINESTRE”. Hospital. A grant was made, 9 Hen. 3. to the mailer of the hofpital of the Holy Crofa here to have a fair at the chapel of Swineftre on the eve and day of Holy Crofs. 1 Vde rot. clauf. g Hen. 3. m. 22. ,.l,£ait* antlq- M. n. 7. exprefsly mentions Sutton de la Hone e P ace °f this hofpital ; fo that Dugdale feems to be wrong in placing it in Yorkihire, Mon. et Baron, i. p. 70?. “ Whether this be not the lame with Swingfeh}. / LVIII. SWING- LVIII. KENT, LVIII. SWINGFIELD, near Dover". Knights Templars. At Swinfield was an houfe of the fillers of the order of St. John of Jerufalem before they were all placed together at Buckland A. D. 1180°. Whether this was that Swinfeld is uncertain-, but here was certainly a preceptory of Knights Templars before A. D. ug0 to which Sir Warefius de Valoniis, Sir Robert de Clotingham, Arnulf Kade, and others were benefactors. It became afterwards part of the pofieflions of the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem and as fuch was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at ml. 12 s. 8 d. as a mf. Valor of Mr. Le Neve’s; but at 87/. 3 a 3eH-nhTAl? met Wldh no othcr account. VV lllis Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 14. Inter Colleft. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cxlii. f. 1. colledtanea ex regiftro in offi¬ cio ducat. Lancaftr. vol. cxlv. f. 103. de prioratu de Burfcough. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. . Rot. pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. ig. pro terr. et meff. in Edale. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3; m 10 vel 11. Rec. in fcacc. 41 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 19. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 5. pro eccl. de Radcliff [Not- tingh.j Clauf. 11 Hen. 4. m. 1. pro ead, eccl. * b Summa clara.7 A/rr . c In toto. J in offici° Pnmitiarum. d This is mentioned in Rennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 307. II. COCKER- II. LANCASHIRE II. C O K E R H A M. Priory. Vide regiftrum prioratus Lancaftriae penes comitem Oxon. teftibus ordinationi vicariae de Pulton, A. D. 1275. dom. abbate de Cokerfand, dom. priore de Cokerham, &c. Idem regiftrum, teftibus carts Henrici filii Henrici de Wytington, de cantaria in capella fua de Carleton, dom. H. tunc clerico archidiacono Richmond, Thoma perfona de Houton, tunc decano Lancaftris, Henrico priore de Cokerham, & c. In taxat. Lincoln. 20 Ed. 1. inter temporalia re!igi0f0_ rum infra archidiac. Richmond, “ cuftos domus de “ Cokyrham' XIII III. COKERSAND. Premonstratensian Abbey. Here was firft an hermitage, and then an hofpital for feve- ral infirm brethren under the government of a prior, dedicated to St. Mary, and lubordinate to the abbey of Leyceftre, founded perhaps, or howfoever chiefly endowed, by William of Lancaftre, temp. Hen. 2 f. but about the year 1 190. it was changed into an abbey of Premonftratenfian canons®, to which there feems to have been united another abbey of the fame order, which Theobald brother to Hubert Walter archbilhop of Canterbury fome few years after h built, or defigned to build at Pyling to the honor of the blelfed Virgin. The- abbey of Cokerfand confided, about the time of the dilfolution of twenty-two Religious and fifty-feven fervants', and was then found to be worth 157/. 141. od. ob. per ann. Dugd. 228 1. $s. 4 d. oh. Speed. 282/. y s. yd. ob . according to a fecond valuation11. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to John Kechin. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 631, &c. cartam Theob. Walteri de fundatione abbatis Premonftratenfis in Haya de Pyling: Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. I. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 8. n. 26. et cart. 17 Joan. m. 4. n. 23. et cartas Willelmi de Lan¬ caftre et aliorum donatorum hofpitali et abbatis : Compofitiones inter priorem de Lancaftr. et abb. de Cokerfand de decimis paroch. de Lancaftre, Pulton, Sic. A. D. 1216. et de fepultura et oblationibus, A. D. 1256. et de paftura in Pulton, A. D. 1271. Stemma fundatoris, fcil. Will, de Lancaftre : Cartam Will, fil. Mich, de Furnefio: Notulam de fundatione ab¬ batis, et cartam Will, de Lancaftre de Afkelcrofs ad hofpitale manutenendum. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 102. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 98. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 132. of lands in Strickland, p. 261. in Middleton. Regiftrum de Cokerfand, mf. vel penes Rob. Dalton de Thornham in com. Lane. arm. vel in bibl. Hatton. Colleft. mflf. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cxviii. f. 41. vol. cxlv. f. 41. 96. et vol. cxlix. f. 122. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f- 69. touching the foun¬ dation and ereftion of this monaftery : mf. 2063. p. 178. colledtanea ex cartulario ejufdem : mf. 6461. f. 10. hundreds and villages, out of which lands were given to it. MS. Cole, vol. xviii. p. 215. MS. Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. i. epiftolam unam et alteram vifitatoris ordinis Premonftr. de abbate ab officio depofito. Apographa cartarum hujus abbatis penes Thomam Aftle arm. In regiftro Ricardi Scrope archiepifc. Eborac. ordina- tionem vicaris in eccl. de Mytton huic monafteria appropriat. A. D. 1301. Rot. fin. 17 et 18 Joan. m. 7. Cart. 7 Joan. m. j. n. 27. de Newbigging juxta Singleton: Ibid. n. 20. pro advoc. eccl. de Gerftang. Fin. 7 Hen. 3. m. 5. de duabus carucatis terrs in New¬ bigging : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. I. m. 21. Fin. div, com. 31 Hen. 3. n. 7. de terris in Wenynton et Whynfel. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 6. dorfo, affif. inter abbatem et per- fonam de Wiggan pro ten. in Halghton in Shalde- fordfhire. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. m. 57. pro mercat. et feria apud Ger¬ ftang : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 15. pro eccl. de Mit- ton approprianda. Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 59 et 62. pro mefT. in Catton: Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel 36. pro maner. de Bai¬ ley: Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro tertia parte manerii de Middleton: Ibid, m. 40. pro eccl. de Mitton approprianda: Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. m. 3. de ten. in Lupton et Luidhoufe. IV. c O N I S H E V E D. Austin Canons. Gabriel Pennington1 built, temp. Hen. 2. upon the foil, and by the encou¬ ragement of William of Lancaftre baron of Kendale, (who was a very great benefaftor) an hofpital and priory of Black canons to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary : which priory confifted of a prior and feven Religious, and forty-eight fervants-, and was valued at 124 h ts. id. per am. Speed. 97/. or. 2d. Dugd. which was the firft valuation ; but, upon a fecond valuation, 161/. 5s. gd\ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 424, &c. pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 22. recit. et confirm, concefftones quamplu- rimorum donatorum ; et cartam Magni regis Man- nis pro immunitate tolneti, A. D. 1256. ex autogr. Hatton. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland and Cumber¬ land, vol. i. p. 75. of the patronage of the hofpital of Kirkby: p. 124. of lands in Patton: p. 208. of the filhery of Levene : p. 226. of the manor of Haver- brack: p. 481. of the impropriate redlory and advow- fon of the vicarage of Orton, and of lands there vol. ii. p. 16. of the impropriate church of Whitbcc.. e It cannot be the abbey of Coverham, for that is alfo men¬ tioned. f Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 98. g Not Cluniac monks founded by Ranulph de Mafchines, as Camden, Speed, and Reiner. h Not till after his brother was archbilhop, A. D. 1 193- under which ftyle he js mentioned in the charter of foundation. l Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. fi. Append, p. 1 5. k MS. Dodfworth. xxvi. f. 22. 1 MS. Dodfworth. vol. cxxxi. p. . Gamellus de Pennington occurs in the charter of king Edward 2. printed in the Mona- Iticon. .... m Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. 11. Append, p. 15- n MS. Dodfworth. xxvi. p. 21. IV. LANCASHIRE. p 2I. of the fame at Muleafter : p. 25. of the chapel ofDrogg0: p. 27. of the impropriate church of Pon- fonby : p. 31. of the impropriate church of Hale. Fin. div. com. 54 Hen. 3. n. 41. pro advoc. eccl. de Overton [Weftm.] Muleafter [Cumbr.J Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 23. dorfo, de curfu aqus in Withely. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. de terris inTorncrghe. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . V. F U R N E S p. CisTERTl AN Abbey. The monaftery begun at Tulket in Amoundernefs, A. D. 1124. for the onks of Savigny in Franceq, was, after three years, viz. A. D. 1 127. removed to this valley then m]led Bekangeigill. Stephen then earl of Morton and Boloigne, (afterward king of England) was f0Under of this abbey, which was of the Ciftertian order, and commended to the patronage of \ e hefted Vifgin Mary. It was endowed, at the difiblution, with 805/. 1 6s. $d. per ann. Dugd. '966l. 7 s • 10 d' SPe?d'- ir«!e in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 704, &c. ex regiftro de Furnes compofitO a Will. Dalton abbate in officio ducatus Lancaftris, fundationis hiftoriam, et feriem abbatum: Carmina hiftorica de fundatione Furnefi- enfis coenobii : Progeniem R. Stephani : Cartam Ste. phani comitis : Cartas Will, de Lancaftria 3. et Ag- netis uxoris: Duas Michaelis Flemengi : Divifionem inontanorum Furnefii inter monachos, et Will. fil. Gilberti confirmatam per R. Hen. 2. et finalem cone. Ric. I. Conventiones inter monachos Furnefis et Lancaftris de decimis grangis de Bello Monte : Bullam P. Eugenii 3. De fucceffione abbatum : Mo- nafteria Alias F urnefti. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 286. pro habenda confirma- tione carts Stephani comitis Moritonii de forefta de Furneis, et cartarum regum Henrici, Ricardi, et joannis ; et pro habendo homagio Michaelis le Fle- rneng, ex rot. pips 1 1 Hen. 3. Lane. p. 290. pro innovatione cartae dom. regis anno regni 11. ex rot. pip*, 19 Hen. 3. Lane. p. 366. de amerciamento abbatis pro forefta, ex rot. 8 Joannis Lane. In Gale’s Appendix to the Regifter of the honor of Richmond, p. 70. of the tithes of Stapleton Feme in the parifti of Bolton. In Burn and Nicholfort’s Weftmoreland and Cumber¬ land, vol. i. p. 152. of the churches of Bardfey and Urfwich exchanged for Ros and Cornelton : p. 159. of the manor of Coningfton: vol. ii. p. 10. 18. of a carucate of land called Monksforce, and of the churches of Bootle and Whitcham : p. 14. of an impropriated mediety of the church of Milium and the advowfon of the vicarage. Lei and i Collea. vol. i. p. 103. 357. Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. n. 14. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1085. ex bund. brev. 33 Ed. 1. de abbate et monachis excom. deliberandis. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 105. the names of the abbats. Regiftra duo hujus abbatis in officio ducatus Lan- caftris, unum penes cancellarium, alterum penes au- ditorem. Excerpta ex fecunda parte cartularii penes auditorem, mff. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxxiii. f. 14. vol. xxxix. f. 38. vol. lxvi. f. 125. vol. cxviii. f. 107. vol. cxx. f. hi. vol. cxlv. f. 88. Ex rotulo feriptorum monafterii de Furneys, ibid. vol. cliv. f. 13. Excerpta ex regiftris de Furnes, mf. Cotton. Otho, D. tv. 8. Colleflanea plurima ex regiftro per Will. Dalton, ab- batem digefto, A. D. 1412. extrafla per V. cl. Ro- bertum Glover, m(T. nuper in mufeolo autoris nunc in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 280. f. 77. nomina fundatorum et benefaflorum : mf. 294. f. 187. colleflanea ex re¬ giftro hujus monafterii, parte fecunda per Johan- nem Stell monachum ibidem, A. D. 1412. exarata: mf. 948. f. 51. adnotationem de determinatione qusf- tionis inter abbatem de Waverleia et abbatem de Furnefio fuper gubernatione elemofins, et in guber- natione Saviniacenftum monachorum in Anglia : mf. 1499. f. 79- of the foundation and arms of this abbey: mf. 5019. f. 33. 143- 232. notes out of the regifter: mf. 5855. f. 45. grants, donations, &c. from the regifter. Cartularium hujus abbatis olim penes dom. Hen. Spel- mart. Gloflar . 431. Cartularium hujus abbatis penes doft. Rawlinfon, A. D. 1742. Hiftoriam hujus abbatis laudatum a cl. Camdeno in com. Lancaftr. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 6. n. 43. m. 10. n. 69. pro ma¬ teria ad sdificand. e forefta de Lancafter. m. 19. n. 37 et 38. Oblat. 2 Joan. m. 4. de terris in Stablethorp: Cart. 17 Joan. m. 7. n. 30. pro Brotherdale : Fin. 17 et 18 Joan. m. 8. Pat. 11 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. 11 Hen, 3. m. 9. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 16. Fin. 12 Hen. 3. m. 5. Pat. 12 Hen. 3. m. 5. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 10. Cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro feria apud Dalton : Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 6. Plac. affif. apud Lancaftre 30 Hen. 3. rot. 14. de terris Michaelis Flandrenfts : Ibid, 31 Hen. 3. rot. . de forefta de Furnes, Ulmefton, &c. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 23. Pat. 51 Hen. 3. n. 12. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 5. et m. 28. dorfo, pro ten. et com- mun. paftur. in Flafeby: Car.t. 9 Ed. 1. m. 22. pro lib. war. in Wintreburn, Heton, et Flafcheby [Ebor.J Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . [ter.] Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 30. dorfo, de pifearia in aqua de Lone: Inquif. 19 Ed. 2. n. 184. [Lane.] Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34 vel 35. Efc. Lanceftr. 6 Ed. 3. n. 133. de maner. de Bello-pecco, &c. in Hibernia: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 9. de turno viceco- mitis : Ibid. m. 42 vel 43. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 10. pro lib. war. in Haukefhead, Somer, Clouf, Graith- waite, Saterthwayte, Grifdale, Finnelhewaite, Ha- verthwaite, Roleflonde, Bouthe, Colton, Neburth- wayte, Kunyngfton, Skathwaite, Lyndale, Dalton, Killerwike, Merftre, Irlithe, Howehome, Soler, New¬ ton, Fermerybouth, Cokaine, Sandefcale, Baverye, Ros, Oryvelton, Salthoufe, Wagheray, et Angerton- neffe [Lanceftr.] Neuby, Hardacre, Selflette, Sowte- fkales, Winterfkales, Birkwith, Wintreburn, et Flaf- ceby [Ebor.] Borowdale, Botherulke, Meles, et Salt¬ houfe [Cumbr.] Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 3. n. 31. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1 m. 32, 33, et 34. pro ten. in Drog¬ heda [Hibernia] pro meremio in forefta de Lancaftre, et de imparcatione bofeorum de Ramefhad, Soureby, Kowhead, &c. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 25. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 43. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. pro ten. in Drogheda et Lowth [Hibern.] Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. pro meff. in civit. Ebor. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. pro medietate maner. de Ulverfton : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. de vifitatione abbatis: Rec. in 0 £>uare, Whether this was not the church of Dregg, which land, as Cambden. was impropriated either to this priory or to the abbey of Calder. a Leland. Colledt. vol. ii. p. 357. f Out of this place, the bifhops of the Ille of Man (which lies ' The abbat and thirty monks furrendered this convent Apr. 9, over againft it) were formerly wont to be chofen ; this being 1337. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 106. the mother of many monafteries both in that ifland and in Ire- Rrr fcacc. V. LANCASHIRE. fcacc. 44 Ed. 3. Pafch, rot. 2. de grangia de Win- terborn. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 22. pro me(T. in Dalton et Furnes: Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 35. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 21. de burgagio in villa de Lancafter. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 2 vel 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. in^WapCntaGHs de Sawcliffct jbriendlefs [Ebor.J Cart. 13 Hen. 4. n. 8 p c 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. pro terris 'fu« 7' Craven. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. I. m. 7. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. m. 16. ’ 3< VI. HOLAND’. Benedictine Priory. Here was, in the chapel of Sf. Thomas the martyr, a collene chantry, confining of a dean and twelve Secular priefts, who were changed, A. D. 13*0. by W*\ ter lord bifliop of Litchfield, at the petition of Sir Robert Holand then patron, and, as 1 conceiv original founder, into a prior and Bendiftine monks. Here were, about the time of the ftipDref’ fion, five Religious, and twenty-fix fervants. This houfe was valued at 53/. gs. 4 d. ter an Dugd. 61/. 3^ 4 d. Speed, and at 78/. 12 s. o d. according to a fecond valuation. It granted, 37 Hen. 8. to John Holcroft. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 544. ordinationem Wai¬ ted epifc. Cov. et Litch. de ecclefiis et terris facer- dotum fecular. transferendis in monachos ord. S. Be- nedi&i, ex pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3, Ibid. tom. ii. p. 889. petitio dom. Rob. Holand patron! Waltero epifc. in hujufmodi negotio, dat. A. D. 1318. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 22. vol. vii. p. 46. VII. H O R N E B Y. i • , Premonstratensian Cell. An hofpital or cell, of a prior and three Premonftratenfian canons, to the abbey of Croxton' in Leicefterlhire, of the foundation" of the anceftors of Sir Tho¬ mas Stanley lord Montegle, to whom the fite and demains of this priory (as parcel of Croxton') were granted, 36 Hen. 8. It was dedicated to St. Wilfrid, and endowed with lands to the value of 26 1. per ann u. Vide inter Colleft. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britannico, Croxton petit terras in Wretton ut jus hofpitalis fui vol. ii. epiftolam Thoms abbatis de Croxton ad obe- S. Wilfridi de Horneby, et pro aliis terris et privile- dientiarios fuos de Horneby. giis : Ibid. rot. 29. 53. et plac. quo warranto, rot. 11. Plac. affif. in com. Lane. 20 Ed. x. rot. 12. abbas de Rot. pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 3. pro cantaria xm. capellano. rum in capella S. Thoms Mart, de terris in Holand et advoc. eccl. de Childwick conceff. per Rob. Ho¬ land. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 3. Hill, rot. . Pat. x8 Ed. 3, p. r m. 2. pro eccl. de Whitewick : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. { m. 24. pro ten. in Pemberton. VIII. K E R S H A L L, or Kyrkfliawe. Cluniac Cell. K. Henry 2W. granted, and K. John, anno r eg. i. confirmed to the rnona- ftery of Lenton in Nottinghamihire the heremitage here, which thereupon became a fmall houfe of Cluniac monks, and as cell to that priory was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Baldwin Willoughby. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 647. cartam R. Joan, ex Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 16. rot, cart. 10 Ed, 2. n. 50. per Infpex. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 9. Dr. Thoroton’s Nottinghamihire, p. 340. Pat. 32 Hen. 8. p. 8. m. . IX. K E R T M E L, or Cartmele. Austin Canons. William Marefchall the elder earl of Pembroke founded here, A. D. 1188. a priory of Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin, which was dedicated to the blefled Virgin, and rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 91/. 6s. gd. per ann. Dugd. 124/. is. id. Speed, ml. nr. 10 d. fecond valuation. Herein, about the time of the difiolution, were reckoned ten Religious and thirty-eight fervants \ The fite of this monaftery was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas Holcroft. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 300, 301. cart. 17 Ed. 2. n. 28. per Infpex. recit. cartam fundationis, necnon conceffiones terrarum in Winfterthwaites, Petilftall, et Madonftales : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 45. recit. cartam Will. Marefchalli com. Pembr. de eccl. de Balifax et villa de Kilros in Hibernia. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 102. ejufdemltin. vol. i. p. 88. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 90. 210. of the chapel of Stainton. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 285. pro emendanda carta fua de libertatibus ex magn. rot. 7 Hen. 3. Lancaftr, Cartas quamplurimas ad hunc prioratum fpedlantes, in bibl. Harleyana, 1710. In eadem bibl. mf. 1499. f. 69. of the foundation and arms of this priory. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cant. mf. 170. p. r23* citationem Milonis Burre et Willelmi Payne canoni- corum de Cartmele ad comparand, coram archiepif- copo Ebor. et refpondend. Willelmo Hayll priori fuo, A. D. 1501. Ibid. p. 144. commiffionem in partibus • It is called Holand in Wigan in the grant of it to Holcroft. > ' So Mr. Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. So. Leland. Collecft. i. p. 72. and the patent roll, 36 Hen. 8. p. 10. m. . but the prior and convent’s furrender of this houfe under their common feal, in Rymer’s Feedera, vol. xiv. p. 557. three years before the fur- render of Croxton, feems to make it a diftindt houfe. ” “ Compend. Compertor. mf. w Before the year 1184. when Barth, bilhop of Exeter (who is witnefs to the charter) died. * MS. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. xxvi. f. 21. pro IX. LANCASHIRE. r0 caufa audienda inter Willelmum Hale priorem de <3artmelc et archidiaconum de Richmond. got fin. div. com. i Ric. I. bund. 5. de pifcatione aqu* de Kent. Rot cart. 1 Joan. p. I. m. 27. n. 59. 161. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 21. n. 180. tin. div. com. 9 Joan. n. 48. Cart. 17 Joan* m- 5' n< 43- Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. ji. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. ai Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Ibid. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. pro ten. in Broughton. Pat. 1 Ken. 4. p. 6. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 44. ' Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 3. X. L A N C A S! T E R, 1. ALraN Priory. Earl Roger of Poi&iers gave, A. D. 1094. the church of St. Mary, with fome other lands here, to the abbey of St. Martin de Sagio or Sees in Normandy; whereupon a prior and five Benedidtine monks from thence were placed here, who with three priefts, two clerks and fervants made up a fmall monaftery l'ubordinate to that foreign houfe, which was endowed with the yearly revenue of about 80/. fterling. After the difiblution of the alien priories, this, with the lands thereunto belonging, was annexed by K. Henry 5. or his feoffees, to the abbey of Sy0nr in Middlefex, and, as parcel of the fame, was granted to ... . Vide in Mon. Angl. tom.;i. p. 566, &c. pat. 15 Ric. 2. 1. m. 18. recit. et confirm, cartas Rogeri com. Piftavenfis, et Joannis com. Moritonii : Bullam P. Urbani . . . proviforiam Gul. Raymbant de priorratu : Cart, antiq. Z. n. 26. fcil.. quietam clam. Henrici abbatis et conventus Sagienfis fuper eccl. de Mel- lings, et conceffionem capeHae de Guerfingham : Ap- propriationem eccl. de Lancaftre cum capellis, A. D. 1246. Genealogiam fundatorum et benefadtorum abbatire de Sagio [Gallice:] Ibid. p. 709. conven- tiones inter monacbos de Furnefio, et S. Mariae Lan- callrise pro decimis grangiae de Bello Monte, A. D. 1305. 1 Ibid. tom. ii. p. 634. tres compofitiones inter monachos de Sagio five Lancaftrise et canonicos de Cokerfand. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 52. confirmationem deci- marum dominiorum Joannis comitis Moritonii inter Rible et Merfe per H. epifc. Covent. A. D. 1193. p. 55. cartam regis Joannis confirm, priorem cone ef- iionem : p. 100. fequeftruin durante lite de decimis ecclefiarum tempore vacationis prioratus inter archi¬ diaconum Richmond, et abbatiflam et convent, de Syon, A. D. 1428. p. 270. conceffionem prioratus Lancaftrise abbatiflae et conventui de Syon per Tho. Dunelm. et Eo'm. Exon, epifeopos anno regni 10 Hen. 6. juxta literas patentes Hen. 5. regis : p. 313. proteflionem prioratui conceffi per Edmund, filium R. Hen. 3. p. 358. obligationem Roberti de Marifco priori et conventui : p. 372. quietam clameam Petri de Hull de cartis, &c. p. 375. quietam clameam Warini de Walton de eccl. de Eccleftori2. In ejufd. Hift. Scacc. p. 81 et 277. ne ponantur in placi- tum nifi coram ipfo rege, ex magn, rot. 2 Joan. Lane. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 102. ejuldem Itin. vol. v. p. 99. Regiftrum hujus prioratus in pergameno continens fol. 82. (fol. minori) in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 3764. Comput. ballivorum, rentalia, &c. in officio nuper curim Augmentationis, fub titulo Syon monajhrium. MS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxv. p. 217. colled!, e veteri regiftro hujus prioratus penes P. N. S. T. P. ' Cart, antiq. R. Joan. D. n. 38 et 39. Z. n. 26 et 27. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 21. n. 139. Clauf. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 23. dorfo, de decimis in Salford, Deres, Hales, Walton,' &c. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 30. dorfo, de pifearia in aqua de Lone. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. x. m. 12 vel 13. Clauf. 33 Ed. 3. m. 28 et 32. dorfo, dimiffionem omnium decimarum in Pulton Magna et Parva, Thornton, Stanolf, Holms, Brune, Rulhall, &c. reddendo c. marc, annuatim : Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. pro terris et decimis in¬ ter aquas de Merfey et Wyre : Pat. 43 vel 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. JBrey. reg. 2 Ric. 2. n. 42. concord, cum abbate de Furnes de pifearia de Lone: Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. pro tenentibus de Bulke: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro maner. de Adeliff: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 1 8. confirm, carta: Walteri archiepife. Ebor. fuper eccl. de Lancaftre, et medietat. eccl. de Pulton, et capel. de Riftophan, A. D. 1249. Pat. 4 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 22. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. pro terris in Newton. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 8. et p. 5. m. 14. 2. Hospital. An hofpital for a mailer, chaplain and nine poor perfons, whereof three to be lepers, was founded on the ... . fide of this town by K. John a, while he was earl of Morton, which was afterward, by Henry duke of Lancaller, annexed to the nunnery of Seton in Cumber¬ land, about 30 Ed. 3. Ic was dedicated to St. Leonard. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 482. cartam Henrici ducis Lancaftria:. Inquif. ad quod damnum 17 Ed. 2. n. 72. Lane. Rot. clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 13. quod leprofi S. Leon. Lan- caftr. habeant in forefta R. de Loundefdale pafturam pro animalibus, bofeum ad ardendum, et meremium pro edificiis: Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 8. Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 8. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 9. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14. 3. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Dominican or Black friers, founded about 44 Hen. 3s. by Sir Hugh Harrington kntc. which was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas Holcroft. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 99. Pat. 44 Hen. 3. m. 18 vel 19. at. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. licent. pro manfo elargando: rat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. pardonat. pro perquifit. duarum acr. terrae pro manfo elargando. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 3. ?. 1° w,rlc^ contmued a cell till the general diffolution. nf .:.k • °J P'A 24‘ 8t. 1 15. of the church of Dudlebury, ai nes in Aunngueton, Orewell, Studefton and Donguechal b i 2FnE to the abbeY of Seez. of nr, tom' '• P- 566* They pretended to have a bi pope Celeltme 3. (who was pope from A. D. 1191 to 119! confirming their privileges and donations. Cartular. prioratus Lancaftrias mf. b The Prior is mentioned, A. D. M69. in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 653, 654. c MS. Dodfworth. 131. 4. Grey X. LANCASHIRE 4. GREY Friers. A Francifcan convent near the bridge. fide Collect. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 37. [But quxre.J XI. LANGRIGH, now Longridge. Hospital. An ancient hofpital under Longridge hills, of a mailer and brethren, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and our Holy Savior. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 454. cartam Alani de Cartam etiam Will, filii Walteri Mutun de terris in Singleton filii Ricardi de iv. acris terrae in Dilworth: Ribelcefter. XII. L Y T H O M, or Lethum'. Benedictine Cell. Richard Fitz Roger, in the latter end of the reign of K. Richard ^ gave lands here to the church of Durham, with intent that a prior and Benedidtine monks mioht be fettled here in a cell to the honor of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert. Its annual revenues, at the fuppreffion, were worth 48/. 19 s. 6d. Dugd. 53/. 15 J. tod. Speed. The fite, as parcel of Durham, was granted, 2 Maria?, to Sir Tho. Holcroft. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i..p. 499. cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 65. quod fit prior perpetuus, ex pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m, recit. cartam fundationis, et cart. 2 Joan. n. 2. con- Year Books, 39 Ed. 3. Mich. fol. 24. firm, duas carucatas in Lythom. RegrftrUm penes Tho. Clyfton de Lythom. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. xi. p. 48. pardo- Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. de wrecco maris: Pat. 33 nationem priori, eo quod obtinuit bullam papalem Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. XIII. MANCHESTER. College. Tho. de la Ware clerk, fometime redtor of the parifh church here, (having the barony and ellate of his family by the death of his brother John lord de la Ware without heirs) obtained leave of the king, 9 Hen. 5. to make it collegiate, to confift of a warden and a certain number of priefts f. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin, and endowed with revenues to the yearly value of 200/. or, as they were returned into the Firft Fruits office, 26 Hen. 8. 22 61. 12 s. §d. in the whole, and 213/. 10 s. 11 d. clear. This college was diffolved in 1547. by K. Edward 6. but refounded firft by Mary, and afterwards by Q_ Elizabeth A. D. 1578. and again by K. Charles 1. A. D. 1636. for a warden, four fellows, two chaplains, four finging men and four chorifters-, being incorporated, as they were before by Elizabeth, by the name of “ the warden “ and fellows of Chrift Church in Manchefter Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 174. pat. 9 Hen. 5. time. London, 1773. 8vo. p. 1. m. 13. five licentiam regiam pro fundatione. MS. Cole, vol. xxxiii. p. 160, See. Fuller’s Worthies, p. iii. p. 120. Regiftra, cartas, Sic. penes R R. V V. cuftodem ct Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 102. focios. An account of the wardens of Chrift’s college in Man- Rot. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . chefter fince the foundation in 1422 to the prefent XIV. PENWORTHAM. Benedictine Priory. Warine Bufiel having given the church and tithes of this place, with feveral other eftates in this country, to the abbey of Evefham in Worcefterlhire, temp. Will. Con q. here was Ihortly after a priory eredted, and feveral Benedidtine monks from Evelham placed in it. This priory was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 29/. 18 s. yd. per am. as Dugdale in one place1, and 99/. 5 s. 3d. as he faith in another k, and at 114/. 1 6s. yd', per am. as Speed. The fite was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to John Fleetwood. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 360. cartam fundationis per Ric. fil. Warini Bufhell; et confirmationem per Hugonem Bulhell : Cartam M. abbatis Evelhamenfis de Hokewike ad hanc cellam fpe&ante : Cartam Ra- nulphi confulis Ceftriae de eadem : Nomina benefac- torum; et clameum puturae m in hoc prioratu, 17 Ed. 3. ex regiftro de Evefham penes Ric. Fleetwood de Penwortham, A. D. 1628. quod uti etiam aliud regiftrum Evefhamenfe in bibl. Cotton, confulenda funt de cards et pofleffionibus hujus ccenobii. d Rymer, vol. xi. p. 48. falfly printed Lychne, Angl. Sacr. i. 478. and erroneoufly Lyth'mne, ibid. p. 76a. « For king John is called earl of Morton, in the foundation charter. f A warden and eight vicars, 16 Hen. 8. mf. in offic. Primit. g Compend. Compert. mf. 11 Tour through Great Britain, vol. iii. p. 444. > See his Valor in Luncajbirc. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 852. In Appendice ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 135, 136. cartam Henrici ducis Lancaftrix pro quadam parte vafti in Martynns, Bothomny, et Brandelegh quod vocatur Whadye the grenes. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 97. Rot. pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. de terris in Penwor¬ tham, Faringdon, Tallingdon, &c. Rom. 4 Ed. 3. m. 3. pro eccl. de Leilond approprianda: Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. n. 61. de dimilf. dominicorum k In his Valor under Evejham in Worcejlerjhire. 1 The fum total in Stevens, vol. i. p. ay. and the Firft Fruits office is 114/. 16 j. 9 d. and the clear fum 49/. 18 s. jd. and the chief reafon of this great difference is, that among!! the re- prifes, the prior here paid 63 l. per ann. by way of compolitioa to the abbey of Evelham. Mf. in offic. Primitiar. « See Cowell’s Interpreter fub verbo putura. manerii XIV. LANCASHIRE. manerii de Penwortham redd, xxxvi /. ann. Pat. equis, et garcionibus didli fenefchalli per i. diem et i/. >8 Ric. 3- P- m< 33' 9u°d fit libera de una putura noftes de 3 fept. in 3 fept. viz. de efculentis et po- pro fenelcallo libertatis de Penwortham, et miniftris, eulentis. XV. PRESTON, in Acmunclernefs. x Hospital. An ancient hofpital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen occurs in the Lincoln Taxation, A. D. 1291. The mafterfhip was in the gift of the king. fide pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. I0. 2. Grey Friers. The original builder of the Grey friers college on the north weft fide of this rnwn was Edmund" earl of Laneafter, fon to K. Henry 3 \ The fite of which was granted, Hen. 8. to Tho. Holcroft. Vdt Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 22. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 154. XVI. WARRINGTON. Austin Friers. At the bridge end, near this town, was a priory of Auguftine friers p, founded before A. D. 1379’. which, 32 Hen. 8. was granted to the often mentioned Tho. Holcroft. l~,de Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 22. vol. vii. p. 47. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 229. XVII. Locus Benediftus de W H A L L E Y. CisteRTIAN Abbey. Henry Lacy earl of Lincoln having given the advowfon of the parifh church of Whalley to the White monks of Stanlawe in Chefliire, they procured the fame to be ap¬ propriated to them, whereupon, A. D. 1296. they removed their abbey hither, and encreafed the number of their Religious to fixty. There was another removal propofed to a place called Toc- ftathe by Thomas earl of Laneafter, A. D. 1316. but it feems not to have taken effeft. Whalley was dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary, and, at the fuppreffion, had revenues to the yearly value of 321/. 9s. 1 d. ob. Dugd. 551 /. 4 s. 6d. Speed. It was granted to Richard Alhton and John Braddyll 7 Ed. 6. Yide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 897. querelam abbatis de Salleye de tranflatione abbat. de Stanlawe ad eccl. de Whalley, et concordiam ejufd. querelas per abbates de Ryevalle et Bellalanda, A. D. 1305. ex regiftr. de Whalley, penes Rad. Alhton bar. A. D. 1627. Ibid, p. 898. de eccl. de Whalley data et poftmodum ab- repta prioratui S. Joan, de Pontefra&o et data abbati de Stanlawe: Ibid. p. 899. de ftatu de P.lagbornef- chire; fundatione eccl. de Whalley per S. Augufti- num, fucceffione decanorum in eadem ; ejufque ap- propriatione, ex earns ad hanc abbatiam fpedtant. penes dom. Rad. Alhton: P. 901. bullam P. Nic. 4. de appropriatione eccl. de Whalley, et tranflatione monafterii : Cartam Hen. com. Lincoln, de advoc. diflae ecclefi®, dat. A. D. 1283 r. P. 902. memo¬ randum de capella S. Mich, in caltro de Cliderhow per vim a matrice eccl. de Whalley capta ; et refti- tutione ejufd. per R. Ed. 3. anno regni 8. P. 903. indenturam inter Henricum ducem Lancaftri® et abb. et conv. de Whalley, de quodam reclufo in cimiterio eccl. parochialis de Whalley fupportando: P. 904. Cartam Thom® com. Lancallr. de loco qui vocatur Toxhathe, pro fitu abbati®, cx pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. in. 5, 6. P. 905. genealogiam fundatorum, ex mf. Cotton. Clenp. C. 3. P. 906, 907. ex eodem cod. Cotton, epitaphia Rogeri Lacy, Joannis Lacy, et Edm. Lacy. Chronologiam hujus abbati®, ex cod. mf. in ®dibus Arundelianis, A. D. 1647 'n bibl. Bodl. Dodf- worth. vol. lix, f. 133. inftrudlions to the vifitors of Whalley, temp. Hen. 8. ibid. vol. lxi. f. 25. Cartas et alia memoranda fpe&ant. ad mon, de Whalley, " Probably between A. D. 1284. when he was made earl of Laneafter, and A. D. 1295. when he died, as Dugd. Baron, vol.i. p.„9. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 12. and in Stevens, vol. i. p. 154. " “ ^ratres herem. ordin. S. Auguftini de Warrington.” Mf. Dodfworth. vol. cxliv. p. 208. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 22. vol. vii. P' 47- Not Franci/cani, as Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 254. ibid. f. 28. Excerpta quamplurima per cl. Dodf¬ worth. e cartulario de Whalley, penes Rad. Alhton bar. ibid. vol. ix. f. 219 — 238. vol. xxxiii. f. 23. vol. cxvii. f. 23. vol. clix. f 9. 128. 217. E fecundo cartulario de Whalley, penes eundem, ibid. f. gi. E tertio libro de Whalley, ibid. f. 104. Hiftoriam de Whalley ante Conqueftum, ex antiquo libro mf. in cuflodia Ric. Lucy arm. ibid. f. 15. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 102. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 23, Colleft. e chronico abbati® de Whalley, mf. Alhmol. Oxon. 844. 3. Chronicon hujus abbati® mf. Cotton. Clcop. C. iii. 25. Genealogiam fundatorum, Vefpaf. xvn. 1. Hift. fundationis, &c. in bibl. Harleyana, mf. 1830. Apographa cartarum in ead. bibl. mf. 2064. In eadem bibl. mf. 139. f. 242. hiftorica qu®dam de hac abbatia: mf. 1499. f. 68. of the foundation and arms: mf. 2060. p. 146. abftrafts or copies of feveral writings relating to the monaftcry of Stanlowe or Whalley: p. 273. Ihort notes relating to the fame : mf. 2063. p. 180. colleftanea ex libro de Whalley: mf. 2077. p. 490. 521. abftrafts of original deeds re¬ lating to this abbey: mf. 2101. f. 230. abftrafts or copies of divers original charters relating to the fame : mf. 7017. n. 61. extraft. de content, in libro cro- nicarum apud monafterium de Whalley, quem mo- nachi ibidem habent, de fundatoribus fuis apud Stanlaw. Computos ballivorum hujus abbati®, he. in officio nuper Curi® Augmentationis in baga intit. Hunger- ford’s lands , in fuperiore archa quint® arch®. A particular account of the lands belonging to Whalley and Colleft. Anglo-minoritica, p. ii. p. 40. ex Davenport. But qu.cre. Whether this friery was not on the Chelhire lide of the bridge. 4 Sir Peter Leicefter’s Antiq. p. 253. ’ This charter is printed from the original in the Augmenta¬ tion office by the accurate Mr. Madox, Formul. Angl. p. 261. 5 s s abbey. XVII. LANCASHIRE. abbey, mf. in bibl. officii Armorum Lond. inter m(T. dodl. Keurden, vol. v. Rot. cart. 23 Ed. 1. n. 1 1. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro meffi in Watheworke : Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 19. de grangia de Merland. Fin. 2 Ed. 3. m. 2. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. Efcaet. Lane. 6 Ed. 3. n. 87. de maner. de Cho et Billington perquirend. de Galfrid Le Scrope: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. tti. i vel 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 39. de vafto in forefta de Penhal vocat. Brendwode in Roflendale, et de exemptione a putura pro eadem: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Ibid, p. 3. m. ult. vel penult. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 9. pro iriercat. et feria apud Horderne in Amouridernefs : Cart. 23 Ed. 3. n. 7. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34 et 36 vel 37. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. pro jure Cn, lationis ad capellam S. Michaelis infra caftn,m j Clyderhow : Efcaet. Lane. 34 Ed. 3. n. 60. de V® voc. Romefgrene, et Standen, Holcroft, &c p 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. 'm at- pro ten. in Cliderhow, Wadington, Penhulton nil.' ton M. Blackborn, et Wlypfhire. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 15. Pat. 16 Rjc p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . pro libert-?,' in Whalley et Billingddn. F Crtat- Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. t8. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. j, m ,, de Preftlond et Caftleton in W. Wallia. ’ * Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. pro ten. in Wigan et Bit lington: Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 1. Pat. 16 Hen. 6* p. 2. nt. 20. pro ten. in Cliderhow. XVIII. WIERSDALE. Cistertian Abbey. A colony of Ciftertiari monks from Furnes for fome time fixed here but about A. D. 1188. they removed over into Ireland, and founded the abbey of Wythney. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 710. ex regiftro Furnefii. LEICESTERSHIRE. I. BRADLEY. Austin Canons. A fmall priory of the order of St. Auftin, founded by Robert Bundy or Burneby, temp. R. Joan. It had but two canons about the time of the fuppreffion, whole lands were valued at 20/. 3s. 4^. per ann. Dugd. 20/. 15 s. 7 d. Speed: and were all °ranted 29 Hen. 8. to Thomas Nevell efquire. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 334. notulam ex Leland. Colled!, de fundatoribus: Efc. 19 Ed. 3. n. 61. quod Will. le Scrope fuit patronus. Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 52. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 74. Inter Colled!. cl. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iva. inquif. g Ric. 2. de manerio de Blefton, et terris in Halughton et Halyok : inquif. 16 Ric. 2. de meffuagiis et terris in Halioc, Slaufton, Holt, Preft. grave, et Blefton. Rot. clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 9. licet domus de Bradley lit in parochia de Medburne prior et fratres habent fepul- turam propriorum fratrum. Clauf. a 1 Ed. 2. m. 20. de molendino ventrit. in Holt. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m, 39. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. II. B R E D O N. Austin Cell. The church of St. Mary and St. Hardulf here, with fome lands being given by Robert Ferrers earl of Nottingham, about A. D. 1144. to the priory of St. Ofwald at Nofthel! in Yorklhire, here was loon fixed a cell of Black canons lubordinate to that monaftery. This was a fmall houfe, confiding of a prior and five Religious b, and, about the time of the diffolution, here were only two canons', when all the lands and tithes belonging to them were rated at 24/. ioj. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 25/. 8;. id. Speed; and, as parcel ot St. Ofwald’s, it was granted to John lord Grey 7 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 39, &c. ex regiftro S. Ofwaldi de Noftel in bibl. Hatton, cartam fundatio- nis : Cartas Will. com. de Ferrariis, et Hug. de Ferrariis : Ordinationem capellx de Stanton : Con- ventionem inter prior, et conv. de Noftel, et Walt, de Tatefhal de eledlione prioris de Bredon. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p 62. cartam Will, de Ferrariis com. Derb. confirmantem priores donationes, ex re¬ giftro de Bredon penes Rob. Shirley de Stanton Ha¬ rold bar. anno 1670. quod inveftiget et confulat ledlor antiquitatum Bredonenfium ftudiofus. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 23. compofitionem de de- cimis de dominio de Tunga, et in Wivelefton inter conventus de Bredon et Langley. Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 34. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 53, 54. of this cell : p. 88. of tithes in Difeworth. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. g. of lands in King- fton given by Peter Picot. MS. Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iv. cartam 4 Ed. 3. de feria apud Bredon : Cart. 3 Ric. 2. de libera wa- renna ibid. a Thefe volumes not being paged, the editor could not make 6 Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 54. his references to them more particular. c MS. Bened. Cant. Excerpts II. LEICESTERSHIRE. F ccrpta ex regiftro prioratus de Bredon, mf. Cotton. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 53. pro fcria apud Bredon. A. viii. 7- Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 14. pro lib. war. in Bredon. Rot inquif. ad quod damnum Leiceftr. 17 Ed. 2. n. 201. III. BURTON LAZARS. Hospital. Roger de Moubray, temp. R. Steph. giving two carucates of land, an houfe, mill, &c here, to the lepers of St. Lazarus without the walls of Hierufalem, laid the foundation of a well endowed hofpital d, confiding of a mailer, and eight found', as well as feveral poor leprous, brethren, which was the chief of all the Spittles or Lazar houfes in England, but dependent upon the oreat houfe at Hierufalem. This was alfo dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary and St. Laza- rus.> poflelFions, 26 Hen. 8. were valued at 265/. 10 s. 2 d. ob(. per ann. as Dugd. and Speed; and' the houle itfelf was granted to John Dudley lord Lille 36 Hen. 8. rule in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 397, &c. ex regiftro de Burton Lazers in bibl. Hatton. A. D. 1640. cartas (ex foil- Rogeri de Moubrai, de terris in Burton ; bJitrelli de Moubray, de decimis potus et cibi domus fus • Rogeri fil. Rog. de Moubray, confirm, dona anteceflorum ; R. Joan, anno primo regni confirm. Will. Burdet, de terris in Newton, et eccl. de Loufe- hy, Ganby, et Hafelbech, et hofp. de Tilton; Tur- berti de Rochebi, de crofto in Kirkby Beller: Jo- hannis dc Diggeby mil. de dim. acrae terrae in Bil- lefdon : Ibid. p. 399. pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 7. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartas R R. Hen. 2. et Ed. 3. de exemptione decimarum, tallagiorum, &c. P. 400. cartam 27 Ed. 3. pro cullodia hofpitalis S. Egidii extra London. Lelandi ColleiS. vol. i. p. 72. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 105. In Burton’s Leiceflerlhire, p. 63. of the foundation of this hofpital: p. 45. of xiv. yard-lands in Bittefwell : p. 83. of lands in Dalby Magna : p. 1 14. of the ad- vowfon of the redtory of Goulby • p. 183. of the impropriate redlory of Loufeby : p. 225. of lands in Quemburrow. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 723. of a cell in Wind¬ ham and lands there ; vol. iii. p. 842. of pofleffions in Ryburgh Magna. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 493. of a mef- fuage in Dallington. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 137. of lands in Belton, Whitwell, and Alhwell. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 28. compofitionem de decimis ii. molend. in Melton; p. 30. de decimis in Dalby, A. D. 1229. Year Books, Ed. 3. vol. i. f. 209. 232. fcil. 6 et 7 Ed. 3. 9 Ed. 4. term. Trin. n. 21. de annuo redd. XL. fol. jure eccl. de Trikenham [Line.] eis appropriatae. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 602, 603. de deci¬ mis et patronatu vicariae de Feltham [Middlefex.] Regiftrum car^tarum hofpitalis de Burton S. Lazari de jerufalem in Anglia, cum evidentiis et bullis papali- bus ad idem hofpitale fpeftantibus, colledlum et ordi- natum, A. D. 1404. (olim librum dom. Hattoni) m(T. in bibl. Cotton. Nero, C. XII. I. In bibl. Bodl. Qxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxv. f. 139. cartam R. Hen. 2. de ecclefiis de Hall, Hekington, Trykinfham in com. Lincoln, et ecclefiis de Hafele- berg, Loufebie, Cambey, Sponden, et Caftleford, Cart. 2 Joan. n. 170, 171. 174, 175, 176, 177. Rot. pat. 3 Ed. 1. de ten. in Birmingham: Pat. 4 Ed. r. m. 35. dorfo, de melT. et terris in Burgerfalhe; Plac. afiif. in com. Leiceftr. 12 Ed. 1. rot. 15. de cuftodia janute hofpital. de Burton: In com. Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 5. Plac. quo war. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 1. dorfo, de privilegiis in Haren, Dytheburn, Nutford, &c. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . de hofp. S. Egidii extra London. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 9. de terris in Spondon : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 31. de melT. et carucat. terrae in Kirkby fuper Wrethek. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 81. Plac. de quo war. in com. Not- tingh#3 Ed. 3. rot. 14. Ibid, in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. rot. 14. dorfo : Plac. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. rot. no. dorfo: Plac. de banco, 5 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 322. pro advoc. eccl. de Brafingburgh [diaec. Lincoln.] Efc. 35 Ed. 3. poft mortem ducis Lancaftr. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 26. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 3 Hen. 6- p. I. m. 5. de cuftodia hofp. S. Egidii Lond. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. g. Pat. Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 8. de hofp. S. Innoc. Lincoln. Ibid. p. 5. m. 23 vel 24. Rec. in fcacc. 36 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 1. Inquif. de terris et redditibus iftius hofpitalis in com. Leyceftr. et Derb. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 6. Mich. rot. 83. Ibid. 3 Ed. 6. Pafch. rot. 8. Ibid. 7 Ed. 6. Pafch. rot. 24. IV. V. CHARLEY5 and ULVESCROFT1, or Oulefcroft1. Austin Canons. Two folitary places in the foreft of Charnwood, in each of which were fettled thn.e friers Heremites, by the lavor of Robert Blanchmainsk earl of Leicefler, temp. Hen. 2. But, by the confent of the earl of Winchefter, patron of both houfes, temp. Ed. 2 *. they were united at Ulvefcroit, where continued a priory of canons Regular, of the order of St. Auftin, till the diffolution, when there were eight Religious in it m, who were endowed with 83 1. 10s. 6 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 101 /. %s. 10 d. ob. Speed. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, and the fite rt 4‘ A very faire hofpital and collegiate church.” Leland’s Itin. vol. v. p. 105. c Leland. Collett. vol. i. 72. f This wa3 the clear value, as Sancroft’s mf. Valor; the total being 336 /. 6j. o d. ob. 8 Charley feems at firft to have belonged to Luffield priory in Northamptonlhire. For pope Alexander 3. A. D. 1174. con¬ firms to them ** Locum S. Marias de Charleia cum omnibus “ pertinentiis fuis.” Mon. Angl. i. 521. b. h Wolvefcroft priory, about a mile from Bradgate, Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 100. 1 So in the rolls often, at leaft in Bowyer’s abftratt of them. So Mr. Burton, and the bull of pope Alexander. Leland, Collett, i. 74, makes Roger Quincy earl of Winchefter firft founder of W olvtfcroft, whereas he was only patron in right of the marriage of his anceftor with the heirefs of Robert Fitz Parnel earl of Leicefter. 1 So Rentale abbatise S. Marias Leiceft. per Will. Charite, mf. Bodl. fol. 34. b. But this union doth not feem to have taken full effett till a long time after; for, pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . “ Rex pnefentat Ricardum Hatley ad prioratum de Charley, “ Line, diccc. ratione cuftodia? terrarum et hasredis Henrici de “ Beaumont chevalier, defuntti.” And in libro memorandorum temp. Joannis Chedworth epife. Lincoln, fol. 95. “ Dec. A. D. “ 1465. uniuntur prioratus de Charley et Ulvefcroft de confenfu “ patronorum, viz. Joannis Bourgchier mil. et dominas Eliz. “ uxoris haeredis domini Ferrers de Groby.” Dr. Hutton. m So the Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. But Mr. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, (vol. ii. p. 114. faith, the prior and nine fubferibed the fupremacy A. D. 1534. and that the prior and eleven bre¬ thren furrendered the convent Sept. 15. A. D. 1539. was IV. V. L E I c E S T E R S H I R E. was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Thomas earl of Rutland, and twice afterwards, viz. 1 Maria and 3 an .1 4 Phil, et Mar. to Fridefwide Strelley, widow. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. notulam tantum de fundatorc, ex Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 74. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 20. vol. viii. p. 100. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 69. 295. of the founda¬ tion of this priory: p. 231. of the impropriate redlory of Ratcliffe: p. 207. of iv. virgates of land in Staunton. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 229. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfliire, p. 3, 4. of lands in Stanford. MS. Peck in mufeo Britan, vol.. iv. Inquif. 34 Ed. 1. de terris in Melnelcyghes : Inquif. 30 Ed. . de x. marcis annui redditus in Corleton Curley : Inquif. 17 Ed. 2. de terris in Groby et advocatione ecclefiae de Sithefton : Inquif. 34 Ed. 1. de terris in Groby: Inquif. 16 Ed. 1. de terris in Annefty: Inquif. 21 Ed. 1. de terris in Anefty et Thurkeletefton : In¬ quif. 42 Ed. 3. de terris in Anfty, Cropfton, Sithefton, Bradgate, et Stanton under Berdon : Inquif. 45 Ed. 3.', de terris in Scheinton : Inquif. 15 Ric. 2. de terris in Sithefton, Colynton, et Charnewode. Bullam P. Alexandri 3. confirmantem donationes comi- tis Leiceftr. priori et fratribus de Ulvefcroft, penes V. doeftiif. Humfr. Wanley. Cartas quafdam originales hujus coenobii de Ulvefcroft penes Jo. Hare arm. Richmond. Rot. pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 14. pro xxx. acris in I Milneleghes concelT. priori de Charley per Will \ Eerrariis, et 1. melf in Shepilheved et advoc. de Mainfield concelT. per Alanum la Zouche. Plac. de banco, 4 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. 80. de advoc. eccl de Stanford [Nottingh.] Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. g vel i0" Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. de lxx. acris in Grobv advoc. de Sithefton. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p r m. 8. pro eccl. de Bonye: Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. i. m ’ " vel 18. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. de Sithe¬ fton approprianda : Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. j. m, ^ ' ten. in Anfty, Cropefton, Sithefton, Bradgate, eC Santon: Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. pat 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in Stanford fuper Sore [Nottingh.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Sheinton Efcaet. Nottingh. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. n. 115. de melT. et terris in Stanford [Nottingh.] Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p , m. 12 et 34. pro melf et terris in Sithefton, Coiins;' ton, et Charnwood : Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. p^0 meff. et terris in Staunford. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 6. pro ten. in Bonye [Not¬ tingh.] Fin. Nottingh. 5 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 78. pro iii. bovatis terrae in Bonney [Nottingh.] VI. C R O X T O N, or De Valle in Croxton. Premonstratensian Abbey. William Porcarius11 de Linus built here, A. D. 1162% an abbey of Premonftratenfian canons to the honor of St. John the Evange!iftp. It was endowed, at the fupprellion, with 385/. or. 10 d. obsq. per ann. Dugd. 458/. 19*. 1 1 d. ob. q. Speed’, and granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Thomas earl of Rutland in exchange for other lands. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 603. ex regiftro abba- tite penes comitem Rutland apud caftrum de Belvoir, quredam de fundatione et dotatione ejufd. necnon ftatura villae de Croxton, quae eft de honore de Eya : P. 605. cart. 9 r Ed. 1. n. 68. per Infpex. recit. cartas R. Ric. 1. et Rob. filii Galfridi Luterell, donatorum conceffiones confirmantes. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 73. ex vet. cod. mf. penes com. Rutland, olim fpedtante canonicis de Croxton, pro- geniem Will. Paynell donatoris de Befcaudeby et Wlvefwong. Leland! Collect. vol. i. p. 72. de fundatione hujus ab- batiae : p. 421. de terra a Johanne rege moribundo data. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. no. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 148. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 197. of lands in New¬ ark. In Burton’s Leicefterfliirc, p. 79. of the foundation of the abbey, and of the impropriate redtory of Croxton: p. 57. of lands in Broughton: p. 75. of the manor of Claufton: p. 80. of the advowfon of a mediety of the reftory of South Croxton: p. 265. of the impropriate redlory of Sproxton: p. 293. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Tugby: p. 296. of lands in Waltham on the Wolds,. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. ii. p. 224. of lands and tenements in Barton Latimer: p. 259. of a ma¬ nor in Thingden, the impropriate redtory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage. Raftal’s Entries, tit. Briefe dentre en le Poji , § 2. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. v. p. 729. Clauf. 25 Ed. 3. m. 5. de exoneratione abbatis de Croxton a eollec- tione decimae, ratione abbatiae per incendium etpefti- lentiam defolataes. The names of fome of the abbats in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 109. Inter collect, cl. Dodfworthii in bibl. Bodl. vol. lxxxv. f. 62. habentur quaedam ex cartulario hujus abbatis in armario apud Belvoir, et in eod. vol. f. 66. ex quodam alio libro de Croxton apud Belvoir in modum hiftoriae compofito. In regiftro Joannis Gynewell epife. Lincoln, f. 34. ap- propriationem eccl. de Thingdon. ' MSS. Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. i. ex codd. m(T et cartis huic abbatiae fpedtantibus penes illuftriffimum ducem Rutlandiae apud Belvoir, De fundatione et praecipuis benefadtoribus ecclefiae de Croxton : De fundatore et ejus profapia: Statum villarum de Crox¬ ton et Segbrok, quae funt de honore de Eya : De terris quas habuit ecclefia de Croxton de liberis ho- minibus ejufdem villae : Fin. 5 Hen. 3. de molendino et terris in Croxton : Admenfurationem pafturs ma- nerii de Croxton, 19 Hen. 3. Fin. 30 Hen. 3. inter abbatem et Nicolaum de Cryoll de confuetudinibus et fervitiis, quas idem Nicolaus exigebat de abbate de libero tenemento fuo in Cryoll : Statum villa de Croxton Cryoll, 42 Hen. 3. De quibufdam terris ccenobii de Croxton in territorio ejufdem villa: De privilegiis quibufdam papalibus ecclefiae et conventui de Croxton conceffis : De cartis et privilegiis a qui¬ bufdam Anglia regibus eidem ecclefia conceffis : De ecclefiis quas in proprios ufus per fedem apoftolicam et alios patronos datas habet coenobium de Croxton : Inquif. 18 Ed. i. de terris in Brodton, Croxton Criol* et Sceftington : Inquif. 17 Ed. 3. de terris in Howes, r Portarius. Mf. Peck. Henry 3. ° So ml'. Afhrnol. 1519. 9 Hen. z. mf. Dodfw. lxxxv. f. 62. P The blefled Virgin and St. John. Mf. Peck. But the great encouragement given to it by William earl Mori- ‘, vel 8. Ibid. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. j, m j ' et p. 2. m. 10 vel II. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. j. m, vel 32. de advoc, eccl. de Stapletord. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. tri vel 10. Clauf. 28 Ed. 3. m. 17. Cart. 33 Ed. 3. n.’,_ Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 6. de advoc. eccl. de Clip((on excambiata cum priore S. Joan. Jeruf. pro advoc. eccL de Bokeminfter. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 8. pro eccl. de Garthorp ap_ proprianda ; et pro terris in Nottingham, Rempton Bony, &c. Ibid. m. 13. pro ten. in Leicefter, Stuple- ford, Wimundham, Leuelthovp, &c. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 17. pro terris in Afhfordby. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 22. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 3, Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 15. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 23 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 34. XIV. L A N D A, Lautide, or Lodinton1. Austin Canons. Richard Ballet m and Maud Ridell his wife, in the latter n part of the reign of K. Henry 1. founded here a priory of canons of the order of St. Augulfine, to the honor of St. John" Baptilt. Its yearly revenues, at the fuppreffion, were worth 399/. 3 j. 3d. ob. q. Dugd. 510/. 16 j. 5d. ob. q. Speed. The fite was granted. 31 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Cromwell. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 90, 91. cartas duas R. Hen. I. et unam R. Hen. 2. fundatoris^donationes recit. et confirmantes, ex rot. cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 5. per Infpex. In Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 72. de fundatione: vol. in. p. 47. catalogum codd. mlT. olim in bibliotheca, Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 106. Jn Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 210. de iii. carucatis tent, de Galfrido Riddel: p. 211. de x. carucatis in Lo- dington, et I. carucata iii. bovatis in Danbus: p. 212. de I. carucata in Wefton, et vm. carucatis in Frefebi. In Madox’s prelim. Diflert. to his Formul. Angl. p. xiv. a final concord concerning the moiety of the adv. of the church of Reirebi between this convent and that of Chacomb, 1 Ric. 1 . Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 380. of their ereamg a chantry for Ralph BalTet their benefaftor. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 158. of the foundation of this priory: p. 10. of the church of Abkettleby : p. 22. of the impropriate reftory of Alhby Folville : p' 109. of the impropriate reftory of Frifby : p. 126. of lands in Halfted: p. 179. of the manor and im¬ propriate church of Lodington: p. 212. of the church of Oudeby : p. 216. of the advowfon of the redlones of Pending parva, p. 238. of Rotherby and, p. 256. of Shouldby : p. 292. of the impropriate reftones of Tilton, p. 301. and of Witham : p. 302. of lands in Whatbergh: p. 314- of the advowfon of the mediety of the redtory of Withcock. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 17. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Afhby Lexers: vol. ii. p. 3. of the advowfon of the redtory of Arthingworth : p. 6. of the advowfon of the redfory of Bowdon parva anciently. In Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 23. of the tithes of Bel¬ ton and lands and tenements there : p. 65. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Glaifton : p. 133. of the advowfon of the reftory of Wardly fometime. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. n. p. 138. an account (from Mr. Wright) of fome revenues in Rutlandihire belonging to this houfe. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 80. 82. of lands at Colefton BalTet, the redtory and advowfon of the vi¬ carage : p. 296. of lands at Salterford. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2077. p. 8. abftradts from deeds relating to the parochial church of Rofthorne belong¬ ing to this priory. MS. Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iv. Cart. 32 Hen. 3. de libera warenna in Lodington, ac de bofeo fuo claudendo : Pat. 34 Ed. 1. de terris in Frifeby fuper Wrethek : Inquif. 2 Ed. 2. de excambio terrarum in Halftede et Skeftington: Cart. 7 Ed. 2. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. pro terris ip Frifeby et Helleftede: Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. doiu- tiones Ricardi BalTet breviter recit. et confirm. Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. pro priore, ut acquietaretur de fc-cta ad curiam de Barewe. Inquif. 7 Ed. 3. de meffuagiis et terris in Ell Norton, Witham, et Lodington: Inquif. n Ed. 3. de terris in Tilton ac Skeftington. Efchaet. 41 Ed. 3. de terris in Frifeby et Tilton: Pat. 2 Ric. 2. de eccl. de Afliby Folville apprepri- anda: Pat. 20 Ric. 2. de eccl. de Ab-Keti!by appro- prianda: Pat. 24 Ed. 2. de eccl. de Oudeby appro- prianda: Inquif. 17 Ed. 4. de terris et tenementis in North Merfield, Halfted, et Whatborough : Pat. 18 Ed. 4. de eildem: Inquif. 21 Ed. 4, de terris in Mel¬ ton Moubray et Frifeby: Cart. R. Hen. 2. donato¬ rum conceffiones recit. et confirm. Fin. Oxon. 25 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Clayndon. Plac. de banco, 27 Hen. 3. rot. 5. de commun. paftur. in Coleton [Nottingh.] Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 2. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 1 1. de ten. in Frifeby fuper Wrethek: Plac. affif. in com. Line. 9 Ed. x. rot. 77. de molend. in Paunton P. Plac. affif. in com. Leic. 12 EJ. 1. rot. 2. de advoc. eccl. de Outheby: Ibid. rot. 7. de advoc. eccl. de Wyderdele : Cart. 29 Ed. 1. m. 27. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de redd. v. marc, relax, in Halfted et Skiflington : Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 38. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. de ten. in Tilton, Frile- by, & c. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. pro terris in Frifeby: Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. pro eifdem : Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 38. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32 vel 33. Pat. il Ed. 3. p. 3. m, . Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. pro eccl. de Patingham cum capella de Patefliull : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . prope finem : Pat. 24 E'j. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro fundatione cantariae pro uno cuftode et duobus capeHanis in eccl. 1 So in one of the charters of K. Henry 1. perhaps becaufe ♦his monaftery was in the parilh of Lodington. m The patronage was in the heir of BalTet of W eldon, m the twelfth year of K. Richard a. Vid. patents of that year. n If not before A. D. 1 1 15. as Stow, Surv. Loud. p. 116. yet before 1125. as ibid. p. 931. , XIV. L E I C E S de ChaddefJen [Derb.J pro anima Ilcurici dc Chad- defden nupcr archidiac. Lciceftr. plac. apud Weft i)i. 13 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 28. de eccl. de Archingworth [Northamt.] Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ,6. pro eccl. de Alhby Folvile approprianda: Pat. Ric. 2. p- 3- rn'- 23. pro eccl. de Apketilhy ap- prpp'riand. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 32. pro eccl. de T E R s II I R E. Wardcley [Rutl.J et Haverfeg appropr. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. in. 27. pro eccl, de Oudeby ap¬ propr. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Efc. 17 Ed. 4. n. 59. Leic. Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 13. pro ten. in Merefeld, N. Halftcd, et Watborow : Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 15. de maner. de Luditon tt imparcatione bofci in forefta de Rote-land. X\ . LANGLEY, near Bredon. Benedictine Nuns. William Pantulf and Burgia0 his wile, in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 2 r. or before, built a priory for Benediiftine nuns here to the honor of the bleffed VirMn Marv. Its yearly revenues were rated but at 29/. j s. 4 d. ob". Dugd. 34/. 6 s. 2 d. Speed; yet herein were maintained eight Religious r. The lire was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Thomas Grey. Hde in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 481. efcaet. 34 Ed. 1. n. 119- Leiceftr. Inquif. dicunt, “ quod prioratus eft u de fundatione antecefibnim F.oberti de Tatefale, “ fed moniales non petunt licentiam eligendi in vaca- “ tione.” Dugdale’s Baronage, tom. i. p. 434. b. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 49. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 156. of the foundation of this priory: p. 83. of the church of Dalby Parva: p. 88. of lands in Difeworth and the advowlon of the redtory: p. 263. of the impropriate redtory of Somerby. In Madoxii Formal. Angl. p. 10. certificationem Oli- veri epife. Lincoln, de redtore de parva Dalby a pri¬ ori (Ta. et conventu de Langley prefentato : p. 23. compofitionem cum canonicis de Bredona de carucata terrae in Wivelefton, et decimis de Tony : p. 60. confirmationem fundationis per Robertum cpifc. Lin¬ coln. p. 88. compofttionem cum vicario de Sumer- deby fuper ii. virgatis terrae, A. D. 1258. p. 243. cartam Bafiliae de Holmia pro dimid. mille auquilla- rum de pifeatura fua in Stockes: p. 248. cartam Ra- dulphi de Holm de iv. folid. reddit. in Gateleia. Rot. pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Dalby Parv. Clauf. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. pro ten. in Dif- worth concelT. per Ivor.em Le Preft. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 10 vel 11. XVI. LEICESTER. 1, Austin Abbey of St. Mary Pre, or De Pratis juxta* Leicefter. An abbey of Black canons founded by Robert Boflu earl of Leicefter in honor of the Aftumption of the blefled Virgin Mary, A. D. 1143- L wa^ endowed with 951/. 143. 5d. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 1062/. os. 4 d. ob. q- Speed; and the fite was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to William marquis of Northampton. fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 308, &c. ex regiftro hujus abbafite in b;bl. Bodl. hiftoriam de terrarum donationibus : Epitomen cartarum fundatoris, Ami- c\x comitiftie, Roberti filii fundatoris, Roberti filii Petronilla;, Petronil|ae comitiflae, Margarets; de Quin¬ cy, Rogeri de Quincy, Saerii de Quincy, Symonis de Monteforti, Alani la Zouche, Ernoldi primi de Bofco, Ernaldi tertii de Bofco, Ernaldi quarti de Bofco, Ste- phani regis et Hcnrici 2. regis : Necnon hiftoriam fundationis et progeniqm fundatoris : Ibid. p. 313. de fundatione et dotatione abbatiae ex cart, antiq. C. C. n. 23. P- 314. cart. R. Hen, 2. donatorum concef- fiones recit. et confjrm. ex cart. 10 Ed. 3. m. 2. n. 1. per Infpex. P. 315. cartam R. Joan, anno 6. n. 44. et cartam Rob. hi. Radulfi de eccl. de Cnipctone et Areftone. A catalogue of the abbats of this houfe in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. no, 1 1 1, 112. and a letter in the Appendix, p. 15. concerning the value of the plate, lead, &c. and taking down the buildings. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 398. conventionem de toftis duobus in Teigworth. In regiftro brevium, f. 259. b. allocat. libertatum in com. Lancajlr. Year Books, 1 Lien. 5. Hill. n. 2. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 73. In Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 16. of this abbey: p. 22. of the lordlhip of Ingrefby ; vol. vii. p. 6. of the impro¬ priation of Brakele. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 162. of the foundation of this abbey: p. 8. of houfes in Leicefter: p. 11. of lands in Anfty: p. 29. of the manor and impropriate redtory cl Barkby : p. 30. of the impropriate redtory of Barrow: p. 43. of the fame at Billefdon : p. 45. of vii. yardlands in Bittefwell and the impropriate rectory : p. 43. of the advowlon of the rectory of Blaby : p. 49. of free warren in Hufband Bofworth : p. 75. of the impropriate redtory of Colby: p. 79. of the advowfon of the redtory of Croft : p. 88. of tithes in Difeworth: p. 93. of the impropriate redtory of Eaton: p. 128. of the advowfon of the rectory of Harfton : p. 101. ot the impropriate redtories of En- derby, p. 103. and of Evington : p. 129. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Hatherne : p. 139. of the church of Humberfton: p. 142. of the church of Hungarton and lands there: p. 144. of the manor of Ingarfby: p. 148. of lands in Kelly: p. 149. of the advowfon of the redtory of North Kilworth : p. 153. of lands in Kirkby MalOry : p. 157. of the advowfon of the redtory of Church-Langton : p. 164, 165. of the impropriate redtories of St. Mary, St. Nicholas, St. Leonard, St. Clement, All Saints, St. Michael, St. Martin, and St. Peter, in Leicefter: p. 180. of lands in Lokington and the impropriate redtory : p. 206. of xx s. yearly out of the redtory of Norbur- rough : p. 225. of the impropriate redtory of Quem- burrow : p. 250. of the impropriate redtory of Shepe- ftiead: p. 274. of the grange of Stoughton: p. 282. of the impropriate redtory of Thedingworth : p. 284. of the impropriate redtory of Thorneton : p. 285. of the impropriate redtory of Thorpe-Ernald : p. 290. ot lands in Thurmarfon : p. 291* of the impropriate redtory of Thurneby : p. 297. of the advowfon of the chapel of Wanlip: p. 302. of the redtory of Whatton: p. 303. of ii. virgates of land in Whefton : p. voq. of tithes in Willoughby. ° OneBurg-a was admitted priorefs of this houfe, anno 20. Hugonis epilc. Lincoln, when Robert de Tatelhall was patron. Regiftr. Lincoln. P Sir William Dugdale, Baron, vol. i. p. 434. placeth this nobleman in this king’s reign. The roll of 5 Hen. 3. mention- |ng that, “ moniales de Langley habuerunt eccleliam de Somer- * ®y in proprios ufus ab antique, feems to make them more ancient; gnd though not fo early as king Canute, accqrding to Mr. Burton, yet certainly before A. D. 1167. when Robert bilhop of Lincoln, and Richard abbat of Leicefter, who attefted the confirmation (as Madox’s Form. Angl. p. 60.) died. s 21)/. 12 s. j)d.ob. Stevens, vol. i. p. ’ MS. coll. Ben. Cant. s “ Extra portam aquilonarem Legeceaftrite,” in epitome cartarum Rob. com. Leiceftrise penes Cox Macro S. T. P. mife. vii. 33. a. U u u In XVI. LEICESTERSHIRE In Bridges’ Northamptonftiire, vol. i. p. 138. of vir. Vine/. yearly out of the redtory of Aynho : p. 150. of lands in Brackley, the impropriate redtory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage: p. 169. of a manor in Far- ningho and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 194. of the fame at Sireftiam : p. 549. of a penfion of xxj. out of the redtory of Clay-Coton, and the advowfon anciently: p. 573. of the impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Lilburn. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 123. of the advowfon of the redtory of Adftock fometime. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 9. edit. 1730. of the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Clifton: p. 12. of the chapel of Brownfover : p. 23, 24. of the church of Rugby : p. 34. of the chapel of Stokin- forth : p. 57, 58. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Bulkinton : p. 62. of tithes in Rieton : Ibid, of a mill and lands in Bramcote: p. 63. of lands in Merfton Jabet: p. 64. in Bernacle: p. 308. of the yearly rent of ixr. out of lands in Shuckborough Superior : p. 8S6. of common pafture in Berwode : p. 920. of a portion of tithes in Wigginlhil : p. 925. 927. of the manor of Berwode, and an hermitage there, and lands in Curdworth, with the advowfon of the church: p. 926. 932. of lands in Berwode: p. 1070. of lands in Stockingford. Rentale novum generale reddituum, &c. abbatise S Ma¬ ri^ de Pratis juxta Leyceftr. infcriptuir. ab autore “ Memoriale Fratris Willelmi Charite Prioris,” in- ceptum A. D. 1477. continens fol. 214. in membr. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Laud, H. 72. Ejufdem Will. Charite prioris regiftrum librorum omni¬ um et jocalium in hoc monafterio confervat. 8 Hen. 7. mlT. ibid. Laud. I. 75. Colledtanea dodtifl. Ric. Jamefii, ex regiftro Leice- ftrenfi, mil'. Bodl. James, 24. p. 113. Analedta et tranfcripta ex duobus regiftris abbatis de Leiceltria de terris, &c. eidem conccflis in com. Warwic. mlT. in mufco Alhmol. Oxon. Dugdale F. 2. p. 327. Repertorium chartarum abbatite de Leicefter, continens privilegia apollolica ; nomina fundatorum et benefac- torum ; et donationes illorum ; et confirmationes et libertates regum abbati et monachis conceffas ; et nomina abbatum, compilatum per fr. Will. Charite, A. D. 1487. et poftea continuatum ad annnm 1496. mlf in bibl. Cotton. Vitell. F. xvn. Taxationem bonorum fpiritua'. et temporal, abbatis et conv. Leiceftr. per Oliv. epilc. Lincoln. A. D. 1292. m(T. in ead. bibl. Nero, D. x. 8. Librum de terris dominical, (cum earundem Iimitibus) pertinent, ad hoc monafterium, mlT. ibid. Galba, E. iii. 13. An abbey book of Leicefter in the cuftody of Sir Tho. Cave, mf. Vincent, in bibl. Her. n. 218. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrilt. Cant. mf. in. p. 244. car- tam fundationis per Robertum com. Leiceftr. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem poffeflio- num abbatis Leiceftre : mf. 433. f. 79. licence for a fair within the abbey, and in the parilh of St. Leo¬ nard in Leicefter : f. 97. licence to appropriate the church of Stoke, 2 Ric. 3. mf. 2060. p. 257. fhort notes of the foundation of this abbey: mf. 6068. f. 19. petitionem parliament, de terris conceffis ab¬ bati de Leiceftre, 26 Ed. 3. mf. 6748. f. 13. cartam R. Ric. 1. In mufeo Britan. mfT. Peck. vol. ii. de decimis in Ey- ton : vol. iv. Inquif. 17 Ed. 2. de meftuagiis et terris in Burftall et Staunton juxta Berdon: Inquif. 8 Ed. 3. de meftuagiis et terris in Shepefheved : Inquif. 11 Ed. 3. in Skeftington: Pat. 26 Ed. 3. quod abbas not: teneatur venire ad parliamentum : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. de feptem meftuagiis et diverfis terris in Babbegrave, Stocton, Colleby, et Thorp juxta Northburg, et manerio de Ingwardby dandis a Simone de Iflip archi- cpifcopo Cantuar. ad cantariam fundandam : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. de manerio et ecclefia de Kirkeby Malore ct terris in Bickmefwell : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. de terris et tenementis in Cokerham, Leicefter, Humberftan, Burftall, Barkeby, et Lokyngton : Clauf. 19 Ric. 2. Egidio de Lughtburg, ut dccimas de Woodhous infra porochiam de Barwe fuper Sore abbati reftitui faciat- Concordiam inter Johannem Lich. et Cov. epifcorm,, et abbatem S. Mariae de Pratis, de ch vifa et bumli territoriorum fuorum in villis de Sallowe et Lokyno- ton: Pat. 5 Ed. 4. de inquirendo an caenobium ft Maria: de Pratis exoneratum eft de corrodiis conce" dendis ad requifitionem regis ; quibus explicatur ex cujus fundatione ipfa domus eft ; quomodo per rebel lionem Simonis de Monteforti ejufdem patronatus ad manus regis pervenerit; et quibus tamen pauperibu. quamvis domus haec corrodiis non eft oneranda, ex complacentia abbatum ad rogatum regis corrodia aliquando concefta fuerunt; ac etiam de quibus rebus eo tempore corrodia eadem conftiterunt • Cart. Hen. 2. donatorum concefliones recit. et coal firm. Cart, antiq. 11 Hen. 3. A. 28. Hen. 2. X. n. m Ric. 1. n. 20. et CC. n, 21. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 25. n. 61. Plac. 2 Joan. Mich, rot. 26. d. de advoc. capell. de Rokeby: Fin. North- amt. 12 Joan. n. . de capella de Cotes : Fin. Buck- ingh. 14 Joan. n. 143. de adv. capellre S. Leonardi de Ceftrelham. Fin. Northamt. 4 Hen. 3. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Eyn- don- Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro ccc. acris inforefta juxta Leyceftre : Pat. 52 Hen. 3. n. 36. de maner. de Mebburn : Fin. div. com. 53 Hen. 3. n. 34. de terris in Cofyngton : Pat. 54 Hen. 3. m. 4 vel 5. de cuftodia abbatire, temp, vacationis : Pat. 55 Hen. 9 n. 36. Pat. 1 Ed. 1. m. 17. de commun. paftur. in Brackele: Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 8. dorfo, m. 17. d. m. 22. d. Plac. affif. in com. Leiceftr. 12 Ed. 1. rot. 5. de molendino in Shepefhead : Ibid. rot. 15. de advoc. eccl. de Ey- ton : Ibid. rot. 23. Plac. quo warranto in com. War¬ wic. 13 Ed. 1. rot. 3 et 4. de privilegiis tenentium in Condeworth : Plac. affif. apud Leiceftr. 24 Ed. 1. rot. 11 et 12. de fex virgatis terra: in Kirkeby: Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 27. de lib. war. et aliis privilegiis in maneriis abbatiae, fcil. de Leiceftre, Stodlon, Thur- mefton, Barkby, Quenyburgh, Lokinton, Bytmefwell, Borefworth, et Pineflade [Leiceftr.] Farnymhow et Syrefham [Northamt.] Cokerham [Lanceftr.] Com- befbury et Madulplet [Derb.] Clifton, Bulkinton, et Bramcote [Warw.] Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. quod abbas non tenet de rege per baroniam : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . prope finem. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. de terris in Roteby: Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Mich, rot. 12. Efc. Leiceftr. 7 Ed. 2. n. 36. de dimid. feodi mil. in Loginfton : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. de maner. de Lokington : Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 10. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. de libert. in com. Lanceftr. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. de tenementis in London. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2 vel 25. de terris in Bur- ftnll, Stouton, juxta Berden, &c. Clauf. 3 Ed. 3. m. 18. Plac. de quo war. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. rot. 13. de privilegiis in Faring- ho, Swefham, &c. Ibid. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. rot. 3. dorfo: Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25 vel 26. et m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. de Hun- garton approprianda : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. pro ten. in Babbegrave, Stodlon, Colleby, Thorp, et Ing¬ wardby : Ibid. m. . de cantaria fundat. per Simon. Iflip archiepifc. Cantuar. Ibid. m. 22. de abbate non vcniendo ad parliamentum : Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 15. Efc. 35 Ed. 3. poft mortem ducis Lancaftr. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. pro eccl. de Kirkby Malory approprianda. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 28. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p- 1. m. 41, Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro ten. in Cokerham, Humberfton, Burftall, Barkby, et Lokynton : Clauf. 19 Ric. 2. m. 12. de decimis hamleti de Woodhoufe pertin eccl. de Barwe fuper Soram. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 9. pro maner. de Cokerham [Lanceftr.] Ibid. p. 6. m. ult. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p- I- m. 14. concord, cum epifc. Litchf. de divifts inter maner, de Salow et Lokinton fuper la Trent. Plac. XVI. LEICESTERSHIRE. Plac. coram rcge, 2 Hen. 5. rot. 62. de advoc. eccl. de Blaby. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 41. pro prioratu de Ware an- nettenda: Fin. Derb. 2 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 452. pro inaner. de Medowplec et terris in Cankerbury : Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 4. de terris in Hum- berfton. Ibid. 8 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 18. de terris in Kirkby Mallory, &c. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 20. 2. College of St. Mary the Less. “ There was afore the Conquefte a collegiate chirche “ of prebends intra caltrum', which was, during the wars in the time of K. William 1. deftroyed together with the city and caftle, but was re edified A. D. 1,07. by Robert earl of Mellent and Leicefter, for a dean and twelve prebendaries, and dedicated, as the old church was, to Sr. Mary The greateft part of the lands and tithes belonging to this college was, by Robert Boffu earl of Leicefter, alienated and annexed to his new abbey of St. Mary de Pratis. However here “ conti¬ nued a mailer and leven fellows w, or rather a dean and leven prebendaries1, whofe houfe was called the college of St. Mary the Lefsx, and whofe revenues were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8 ac 24/ izs udz. per ami. in the whole, and at 23/. izs. nd. clear. ’ ^ 2 yide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 312. de fundatione ex regiftro S. Marias de Pratis et Hen. Knighton: P. 313. de dotatione ejufd. ex cart, antiq. C C. n. 21 et 23. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 28. 74. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 162. of the foundation: p. 165. of the chapel of St. Sepulchre in Leicefter. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 490. of the manor of Kempsford. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 9. edit. I730. of the church of Clifton’s being formerly a prebend to the church in the caftle, and afterwards given to the new abbey : p. 1 3. of lands in Bigging granted to thefe canons by Henry de Rokeby, in confideration of their granting the chapel of Rugby to him. In regiftro Joannis de GyneWell epifc. Lincoln, f. 170. appropriationem eccl. de Hegham Ferrars [North- amt.] huic eccl. collegiatae, A. D. 1357. In mufeo Britan, mf. Peck, vol. iv. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. de mefluagiis in Leicefter: Pat. 33 Ed. 3. de lij. vud. ob. annui redditus a decano et canonicis Novi Collegii dandis et affignandis. Pat. 28 Ed. r. m. . Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p 1. m. 41. pro eccl. de Hathern ap- propriata S. Marite in Caftro. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8. pro nonnullis tenementis in villa de Leiceftre conceffis decano, facriftse, et cano¬ nicis S. Marix de Caftro in Leiceftre. 3 Newark St. Mary the Greater College. On four acres of ground near the caftle Henry earl of Leicefter and Cancafter, A. D. 1330. began to build an hofpital to the honor of the annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary, for a mailer and certain chaplains and poor per- fons, which was fo much augmented by his fon Henry duke of Lancafter, that about the year G55- 11 was turned ^0 a noble college, called the Newark or Collegium Novi Operis or Sr Mary’s the Greater ; and it was fimftied or farther improved both in buildings and endowments bv the famous John of Gaunt (fon of the laft mentioned Henry) duke alfo of Lancafter and his exe cutors. The whole foundation confided of a dean, twelve » Secular cartons or prebendaries twelve vicars, three clerks, fix chor.fters, fifty poor men, and fifty poor women, ten nurfes, with proper officers and attendants, all plentifully provided for, and the houfe was much favoured by K Henry 4. and his luccefibrs of the Lancaftrian line. Its poflefiions were rated 2 6 Hen 8 at 800/ " L and the records above referred to. Mirv P„ "rs ftem t0 have been in the gift of the abbat of St. DrebLa, <.’-f°r *7 Pat- 11 Ed- 3- and Pat- “ Ed. 3. are given “ “ ,n eecleha S. Maria: juxta caftrum Leiceftril ad .< r, ™ rJ-Sls> ratione abbatix S. Marix de Pratis vacan- as Ur. Hutton. r Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 74. Speed. * Sancroft’s mf. Valor. The latter fum is the valuation in Dugdale. Speed puts no valuation to the college, but makes thl,s enV,UatT°n, °fia larSebofPital near Leicefter caftle. So Knighton, Leland, and Burton. But regiftrum Gvne- well makes thirteen prebends and thirteen vicars, and the h^n- dred poor peop e to be all men. Leland, Itin. vol. i. n. T- “'col’lege ”WaS 3 86 3 °fe h°ufe 'vilhin the area of the de XVI. LEICESTERSHIRE. de molcndif'o et dimidia liyda tcyrsE in Havindon : Cart. 8 Hen. 4. de privilegiis : Cart. 9 Hen, 4. de ii. meHuagiis et ii. toftis in Eeiccftria: Cart. 1 Hen. 6. de privilegiis : Cart. 1 Ed 4. Rcgiftrum Gynewell epifc. Lincoln, mf. f. 278, ad f. 293. et F. 355. de fundatione et ftatutis hujus col- legii. In libro de warrantis, temp. R. Men. 5. in officio duca- tus Lancaftrite, F. 9. 11 ct 61. pro maneriis de Kil- merFord et Chcdworth [GloceiFr.] Hanningdon et Inglefliam [Wilt.] Rot. pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 12. pro eccl. de Duffield : Rat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro eccl. de Irenceftre : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 22. pro mailer, de Ingleffiam, Woollafton, Kenemeresford, et Cheddefworth, et pro eccl. de Thorp Edmore, Wimundlham, Higham Fer¬ rers, Raundes, et Prefton appropriandis : Cart. 30 Ed. 3. n. 14. pro lib. war. in maneriis de Kynemerei- Ford ct Chedworth [Gloceftr.] Hanyngdon et lngle- ftiam [Wilt.] et Wolafton [Northamt.] Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro M /. redd, exeunt, de maner. de Gimingham, Tunfted, &c. Ibid. m. 20. pro ma¬ ner. de Haningdon: Ibid. m. 21. pro lioFp. 8. Mariae transFercndo in eccl. collegiatam : Claul. 30 Ed. 3. ni. 12. dorFo, confirmationem indenturse inter Hen. due. Lancaftr. et decanum collegii : Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 31 et 32. pro eccl. de Thorp Edmere et Wimund&am : Ibid. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 3c. de eccl. appropriatis : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8 et 41. pro eccl. de Llandetheley approprianda : Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. j, m Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro maner. de ElmeFalc* Ibid. m. 32. pro maner. de Cranellcy [Northamt 1 Claud 15 Ric. 2. m. 32. pro maner. de Wolafton ■ Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 12 et 34. Pat. 22 Ric p. 2. m. 37. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 22. Ibid. p. 6. m. 6 vel Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p 2 m. 35. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 7 Hen / p. I. m. 22. Ibid. p. 2. m. 44. pro maneriis’ de Tilibertfcomb et Greyelcourt Southorp [Gloceftr 1 Cart. 8 Hen. 4. n. 2. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. j, m Rec. in Fcacc. 10 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. g. pat Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. et p. 2. m. 18. pro maner. d, Draicote [ Warw.] Ibid. m. 23 vel 24. pro div. tei 1 in le Strande London: Ibid. p. 4. m. 1. pro eccl de Arnale approprianda: Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m jj' pro maner. de Draicot ; et m. 10, 1 1. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 20. Rec. in Fcacc. 2 Hen. e Hill. rot. 14. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 19. pro eccl de Bradford [Ebor.] Cart. 1, &c. Hen. 6. n. 11. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1, m. ig et p. 3. m. 23. pro ten. in Ollellhorpe : Ibid. m. 2c’ pro ten. in Leicefter et Littlethorp : Pat. 17 Hen. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. de c. marc" redd, exeunt, de maner. de Werkefworth, &c. Cart" 20 Hen. 6. m. 15. n. 1 1. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Hen. Hill. rot. 7. Clauf. 25 Hen. 6. m. 27. pati 2 Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . licent. pro alienatione eccl' de Midlynton [Oxon.] et Sudbrook [Lincoln.] epift Lincoln, et fuccefloribus : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m - pro eccl. de Stainton: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . prope finem rot. Efcaet. Line. 19 Ed. 3. n. 69. Cart 20 Ed. 3. n. 21. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel g. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . [bis :] Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14 vel 15, Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. t'_ m. 23. pro mefl. in paroch. S. Andrere Caftle Bar¬ nard London: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 35. Pat, jg Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. [bis] pro eccl. de Barlyng appro. prianda. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m; 32. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 5. de mefl’. in Revefby : Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro ten. in Lincoln,. Quarding, &c. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. ig. pro maner. de Ryfum. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 32. pro eccl. de Roffam ap- proprianda : Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 9 vel 19. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 16. pro ten. in North Carleton, Ryfum, &c. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20 vel 28. Rec. in fcacc. 29 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 16. V. B A R R O W E, olirn At Barwe. Monastery destroyed. Wulpher king of the Mercians gave to that pious man Cead or Chad, about the middle of the feventh century, the land of fifty families, as Bede tells us, to build a monaftery at a place called. At Barwe, that is, at the Wood, in the province of Lindfey; forne appearance of which, Bede faith, remained in his time. Vide Bede’s Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, book iv. chap. 3. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 118. vol. ii. p. 278. VI. BELVOIR, srBEVER’, Pulchrum Vifur. Benedictine Cell. A priory of four Black monks near the caftle, fubordinate to the abbey of St. Alban in Hertfordlhire, to which it was annexed by its founder Robert de Belvedeir or dc Todenei5, temp. Will. Conq. It was dedicated t Dugd. 129/. ijs. 6d. Speed, 135/. Leland; Rutland and Robert Tirwhit. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 327. conventionem inter Paulum abbatem S. Albani et Robertum de Belve¬ deir, et alia de fundatione et dotatione hujus cells, ex regiftro cartarum abbatiae de S. Albano in bibl. Cotton, f. 120. P. 328. nomina fundatorum, advo- catorum, et benefa&orum, cum locis fepulturarum, P So Stevens, vol. i. p. 25. “ Summa inde 307/. i6j. 6 d. “ fumma clara 242 /. 5 j. 1 1 ,1. ob." But this is omitted in the valuation at the end of the firft volume of the Monafticon. 2 This cell being in the valuations fet under its head Mona- Jlery St. Alban’ is by forne placed in that county. Mr. Burton is willing to have it in Leicefterfliire ; but the patent rolls fix it in Lincolnihire. ' Leland. Collect, i. 93. > St. Mary, valued' at 104/. 191. 10 a. per ann. and was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Thomas earl of ex quodam regiftro prioratus de Belvero penes Tho- mam dom. Brudenel : P. 329. cartas Radulfi de Reynes et Joannis de Daiencourt, ex autogr. in bibl. Hatton, de terris in Stachederne et Grenebi : Car¬ tam Thomae dom. de Ros, 8 Hen. 6. Cartas Ro- berti deToteneio de xxx. fticcis anguill. in Aburn; » So the Monaft. and Matth. Paris, p. 1002. 1005. Therefore Mr. Burton’s conjecture that it ihould be Rob. de Aiblne'h is groundlef6. 1 In the mf. Valor in Hertfordfhire, “ Summa inde 1 J.rt- « 1 od.” fumma clara” as in Dugdale. In Lincolnihire tins priory is again valued “ Summa inde” as iu Speed “ funur1 “ clara 98 1. 19 s. j d.” Agnetis VI. LINCOLNSHIRE. Avetis de Toteneio, de terris in Aflakeby ; Hen. de Rya, de decimis de Allacheby ; Will, de Albeneio Britonis, de manfura capellae fute ; Will, de Albi- neio 3- pro *• garba de qualibet acra dominii fui in Belvero Wlftrop, Botelsford, Ofkinton, et Stoltes. Iftae fex cartae editae funt ex regiftro de Belvoir, penes Matth. Hales de hofp. Line. arm. 1629. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 53. 95. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 104. of the patronage of this priory: vol. viii. p. 27. excerpta ex antiquo codice monafterii de Bello Vifu. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 636. of a plow-tillage in Saperton. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 43. of the foundation of this priory: p. 32. of the impropriate reftory of Bar- fton: p. 50. of tithes in Bottisforth : p. 75. of the impropriate reftory of Claufton : p. 128. of tithes in Harfton: p. 136. of the impropriate reftory of Horn- ingfield : p. 1 38. of the impropriate rectory of Howes : p. 193. of tithes in Mufton: p. 210. of the advowfon of the reftory of Norton juxta Twicrofs: p. 221. of the impropriate reftory of Plungar : p. 233. of the advowfon of the redtory of Redmild. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 153. of a penfion of xnr. out of the redtory of Yoxford. Selden upon Tithes, p. 251. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. no. of lands at Granhy: p. 114. at Sapertun: p. 119. at Thoroton. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 251. cartam Philippi de Kyma ad fodiendum fingulis annis fepties viginti kirvas turbre in marifeo de Kyma: p. 294. cartam Hen. de Ri, de terris in Lodtuna, et decimis in Hofe- lockbi. Cartularium penes ducem Buckinghamite, 1680. Hiftorias, cartularia, &c. abbatiae S. Albani in bibl. Cotton, et alibi. Collectanea cl. Rog. Dodfworthii, ex libro cenfuali prioratus de Belvere tranferipto per Tho. baronem de Brudnell, vol. lv. f. 140. Ejufd. excerpta e cartulario de Belvoir, vol. lxvii. f. 203. vol. lxxviii. f. 70. mlT. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Apographa quarundam cartarum ad hunc prioratum fpedtantium, m(T. in mufeo Aflimol. Oxon. Wood, xxxii. f. 65. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 96. colledtanea ex re¬ giftro. Inter Colledt. cl. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. ii. de ecclefia de Howes et v. bovatis terrae ibi¬ dem. vol. iii. 1. necrologium, five obituarium fun- datorum, advocatorum, benefadtorum, aliorumque fratrum cells B. Maria; Virginis de Belvero ex mf. Gale. 2. cartam Will, de Albineio de ecclefia de Redmelina: 3. Simonis comitis Northamptoniae de iv. bovatis terrae in Waltham: 4. cartam Henrici de Ria de decimis in Aflakebi, Saitrun et Hortune : 5. Simonis de Roppefle de III. toftis et vi. bovatis terrs in Claxton : 6. confirmationem ejufdem donationis per Will, de Albineia: 7. cartam johannis de Fole- vile de una tofta in Claxton: 8. cartam Oliveri Dein¬ court confirm, donationes diverfarum terrarum in Grenebi et Sutton : 9. cartam Gaufredi de Chaveni de 1. bovata terra: et 1. tofta in Barkefton : 10. car¬ tam Johannis de Chaveigni de hi. acris terrae ibidem: 11. cartam ejufdem Johannis de quieta clamatione Robert! fil. Gladewini de Bareheftona hominis fui : 12. cartam Iweni de Albineio et Gaufredi de Cha- venei de ecclefia de Plungard: 13. cartam Radulfi de Hotot de 1. bovata terrae et tofta in Plungare: 14. cartam Rogeri de Hotot de 11. felionibus terrs in campo de Bottesford : 15. cartam Ricardi fil. Matthaei de Belvero de iv. felionibus terras ibidem: 16. duas cartas Petri de Bottesford de xil. denariis annui reddi- tus: 17. cartam Willelmi de Stodham de xx. felio¬ nibus terrae in Bottesford: 18. cartam Hugonis Wad* de 11. acris terrae ibidem : 19. cartam Willelmi fil. Ranulfi de Lutipati de ii. felionibus terrae in Mufton: 20. cartam Johannis fil. Johannis de i. felione terrae ibidem : 21. cartam Johannis de Chaveni de 1. tofta in Stakederna: 22. cartam Rogeri fil. Willelmi fil. Rogeri de Offinton de i. mefTuagio in Stanford : 23. renunciationem decimarum feni in villa de Howe fact am a priore et conventu ad ufum abbatis et con¬ venes de Croxton: 24. cartam Willelmi de Albineio tertii de donatione fpinarum in warenna fua de Beau- ver : 25. cartam ejufdem Willelmi de ecclefia de Redmild : 26. compofitionem inter priorem et con- ventum et reftorem de Bottisford de decimis de Bot- tisford et de decimis feodi de Stodham: 27. compo¬ fitionem inter priorem et conventum ac Robertum de Ros et Ifabellam uxorem ejus de advocatione ec- clelia; de Redmild : 28. conventionem inter Radul- fum priorem et conventum de anniverfario ejufdem Radulfi : 29. literas teftimoniales Roberti Kilwardby archiepifc. Cantuar. fuper infpexione munimentorum prioris et conventus de appropriationibus ecclefiarum de Claxton, Howes, Plungard, Barkefton, Talinton, Auburne et Horningwand : 30. cartam Will. Horn de Redmild de uno obolo redditus in Mufton : 31. cartam Thomas de Winebys de vi. deneratis redditus -in Bottesford : 32. de celebratione anniverfarii Rogeri abbatis de Sancto Albano, necnon de beneficiis ejus in prioratum de Belver : 33. cartam Thomae Bouche de xiii. felionibus terrae in Barkefton: 34. Placit. 16 Ed. 1. de terris in Aflafton : 35. conceftionem prioris et conventus magiftro Roberto de Redmyld reftori ecclefiae ibidem de anniverfario ejus celebran- do, ratione cujufdam fervitutis graviffimie a cuftuma- riis de Talinton olim exaftce et per eundem Robertum redemptae: 36. fimilem cartam conceffionis Eufta- chiae dom. de Fanecourt, ratione priorum beneficio- rum : 37. cartam Alicia; quondam uxoris Thomae Bouche de tenemento inBarkeftone: 38. concordiam inter priorem et conventum ac reftorem de Stake- derne de decimis de Stakederne : 39. feriptum Wil¬ lelmi de Ros dom. de Belver de appropriatione eccle- fue de Wulftorp: 40. cartam Willelmi dom. de Kyma confirmantis donationem dom. Philippi de Kyma an- teceffons fui: 41, Placit. 5 Ed. 3. de mefTuagio in Staketherne : 42. compofitionem inter priorem et conventum ac reftorem ecclefia; de Saperton de de¬ cimis ibidem : 43. confirmationem ejufdem compofi- tionis per epifeopum Wigorn. 44. inquif. 15 Ric. 2. de ecclefia de Hogges Norton approprianda: 45. car¬ tam Thoma; dom. de Roos fa clam 8 Hen. 6. de con- firmatione omnium donationum antecelforum fuorum : 46. bona prioris de Belver in com. Lincoln, ad deci- mam taxata : 47. de libris a dom. Ricardo de Luton prioratui collatis : 48. nomina priorum: 49. declara¬ tion of Richard Bevyr alias W yn one of the monks, touching the convents right to the vicarage of Clax¬ ton, as alfo the condition of the priory at the fuppref- fion of the monafteries and fome time before. Rot. pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 1. dorfo, de terris in Horingwold: Pat. 3 Ed. I. m. 81. de terris in Granebye : Plac. in com. Leyceftr. 12 Ed. 1. rot. 7. de fervitiis in Braufton, et advoc. eccl. de Norton : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. de femita in Talington clau- denda: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. de terris in Wel- ftorp, Barkefton, Rodemill, &c. Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 36. pro terris et ecclefiis : Pat. n Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. Fin. Nottingh. 1 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. 137. pro annua pen- fione e reft, de Colwyke. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 4. Nottingh. VII. LONG VII. LINCOLNSHIRE. VII. LONG BENYNGTON. Alien Priory. The church and four carucates of land in this town being given by Ralph de Filo-eriis or Fulgeriis“ to the abbey of Savigney in Normandy" before A. D. 1175*. here be¬ came an alien priory of Ciftertian monks fubordinate to that foreign monaftery. During the wars •with France it was feifed into the king’s hands, and given by K. Richard 2. to the Carthufians of St. Ann near Coventry, being then valued at 50 l. per arm. But after the fuppreflion of thefe houfes this was given, 9 Hen. 5. to the priory of Mountgrace ; and, as parcel of the polfeflions of this laft mentioned monaftery, this manor of Long Benington was granted to the dean and chapter of Weftminfter 34 Hen. B. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 597. cartam Rad. de Filgeriis, ex autogr. in bibl. Cotton, et ex rot. hun¬ dred. 3 Ed. 1. Lincoln, de eccl. de Belintone et iv. carucatis terrae ibidem. Ibid. p. 966. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 997, 998. cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 33. m. 10. per Infpex. recit. et confirmant. cartam R. Hen. 3. anno 19. et alias donationes. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 254. cartam Willi- elmi de Filgeriis, dat. A. D. 1201. p. 255. cartam Ranulphi comitis Ceftriae et Lincoln, p. 257. cartam Clcmentiae filix Will, de Filgeriis quondam fponfe VIII. B I T H A M, or Biham. Cistertian Abbey removed to Vandey. IX. B O N D E B Y, or Bonby. Alien Priory. The churches of Bondeby, Saxelby, and Stanford All Saints being granted to the priory of St. Fromund in Normandy by the prior and convent of Merton in exchange for other revenues, in the beginning of king John’s reign, there was Ihortly afterwards an alien priory erefted at Bondeby, which was granted, 4 Hen. 4. to the Chartreux houfe at Beauval in Notting- hamlhire. Vide in Madoxii Formul. Angl. p: 24. compofitionem Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. n. 57. inter priorem et conventum S. Fromundi ac mortiales Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 31. 7 de priorat. de Bondeby Car- S. Michaelis de Stanford fuper ecclefia omnium Sane- Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 30. 5 thuf. de Bello Valle conced. torum in Stanford. X. BOSTON. 1. FIospital. Here was a well endowed hofpitaly for poor men before 10 Ed. 1 L which was in being in Leland’s time, as appears from his ltin. vol. vii. p. 39. Ranulfi com. Ceftrix de terris in Benington, Fofton, &c. Cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes in archivis eccl. S. Petri Weftmonaft. Rot. cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 3. de terris in Forfton, Be¬ nington, Hames, &c. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 12. dorfo, de affif. panis : Cart. 12 Ed. 1. n. 34. Clauf. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 19. 2. Austin Friers. The priory of Auftin friers here feems to be of the foundation of king Edward 2. This houfe was with the White and Grey friers, granted to the mayor and burgeffes of the town 37 Hen. 8. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 39. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 34. quod poflint acquirere pla- ceam ufque ad quinque acr. et ibidem domos con- ■ftruere ad inhabitandum : Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. Rot. Rom. 11 Ed. 2. m. 8. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 26. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. 3. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Black1 friers before A. D. 1288 a. which was granted 32 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 57. vol. vii. p. 39. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . u The hundred rolls make Olive the daughter and heir of William de Feugeriis to have heen the eiver of thefe lands, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p* 5 William the fon of Rod been the giver of them. . . « 9uare> If Savigney be not rather in Bntanny. x Perhaps long before j for in the bifhop,s palace at Ely there is an original compofition between A. abbat of S. Sergius and Bachus Andegav. and S. abbat of Savignei concerning the tithes of Benigtona, which the monks of Savigney were to have, pay¬ ing 32 j. yearly at Michaelmas to the monks of Angiers, viz. «« Priori et ecclefise de Swavefey.” This was confirmed by B. abbat, and the convent of Ciftertium. Now, if by this B. ab¬ bat of Ciftertium be meant Bernard ; and by S. abbat of Savig¬ ney, be meant Serlo , Benington mutt have been given to Savig- 97. And Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 997. land of Sutton is expreily faid to have ney in the reign of K. Stephen, or perhaps Hen. 1. y y Vide in Galaei Append, ad Honorem de Richmond, p. 31. “ Extenta didti honoris in com. Lincoln, fadlce anno 10 R. Ed. 1. “ in Ledenham et Brackeland. Magifter hofpitalis de S. Bo- “ tulfo tenet medietatem feodi, quse valet xxx/. per ann. et in « Skirebek et Frampton magifter hofpitalis de S. Botulfo tenet « medietatem feodi quas valet per ann. xxx/.” And “ Penfio « fratrum hofpitalis S. BotuTphi in eccl. de Kyrketon, dec. Hay- « land,” occurs in the taxat. Lincoln. fadt. 20 Ed. 1. z Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 57. et vol. vii. p. 39. a « For, “ A. D. 1288. combufta fuit eccl. fratrum prscdica- « torum apud fandtum Botolfum una cum refedtorio et aliis « domibus.” Ex chronico quodam mf. penes rev. virurn Cox Macro, S. T. P. notat. Mifc. vii. f. 82. 4. Grey X. LINCOLNSHIRE. 4, Grey Friers. The houfe of Grey or Francifcan friers here was founded by the Efterling merchants, as Leland 6 ; but Mr. Stow' faith, by John le Pytehede. This was alfo granted to the mayor and burgeffes 37 Hen. 8. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 57. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 30. pro ten. in Skirbech ad Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. i* rn. • Eat. 20 Ed. 3* P* 1 2. pro manfum elargandum. manfo elargando. White Friers. In that pare of the town which is on the weft fide of the river*1 was the priory of Carmelite friers founded by Sir . . . Orreby lent, about A. D. 1300'. The fite whereof was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to the mayor and burgeffes of Bofton. yide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 104. vol. vii. p. 35. 9 Ed, 2. p. 1. m. 14. pro eodem; et p. 2. m. 2?. Pat. 33 Ed- T P* 2* m- • Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed- 2- P- 2- m- rS- Pro manfo elargando: Pat. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. XI. BOURN, olim Briinne. Austin Canons. Baldwin fil. Gifleberti, in or before the year U38f. fettled here an abbat and canons of the order of St. Aultin. This monaftery was dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, and under that ftyle (without the name of any place) is rated in the mf. Valor, and in that at the end of the Monafticon, at 167/. 14 s. 6d. ob. q. per ann. This the “ fumma clara the “ fumma “ inde” was 197/. 17 s. 5 if. q. and, as Leland has it in a round fum, 200/. Herein were main¬ tained eleven canons. The lite was granted, 30 Hen. 8 to Richard Cotton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 235, &c. cart, x Ed. 3. n. 41. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartam Baldwini fil. Giileb. [dat. A. D. 1138.] et alias donationes : Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 24. de cuftodia abbatiie tempore vacationis : Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 26. de decimis, &c. infra manerium de Brunne. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 123. de terris in Ciceitrenli civitate. Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 77. Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 96. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 29. of the lordfhip of Willesford. Colled!, e rotulis hundred. Line. 3 Ed. 1. mf. Dodf- worth. vol. lxxxix. f. 55. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 72. de advoc. eccl. de Helpringham. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro melT. et terris in South Willoughby, Dembleby, &c. Clauf. 8 Ed. 2. m. 10. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 20. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 38. 47. Efc. 4 Ed. 3. n. 52. [Line.] de bofeo et pannagiis porcoruin in Brunna : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10, ir, vel 12. de excom. Simonis Walton abbatis per epife. Lincoln. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. pro ten. ibid, et in Morton, Berham, et Thurleby. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 17. pro eccl. de Helpringham approprianda : Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 20. pro eccl. de Southam approprianda : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 37. et p. 3. m. 8. quod Thomas de Holland comes Kan- ciae poffit amortizare prioratum de Willesford abbatim de Brunne. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ult. pro prio- ratu alienig. de Willesford annedtendo. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 2?. pro Willesford: Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. j. m. 17. Pat! 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 32. de prioratu praed. annedt- endo. . Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 5. Ibid. 6 Hen. 7. rot. 25. XII. TEMPLE BRUER, or Bruern5. Templars. Here was before A. D. u85h. a preceptory firft of the Knights Templars, and after of the Hofpitalars, who had annexed fuch poffeffions to it, as were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 184/ 6s. id. per ann. as Dugdale and Speed ; and 195/. zs. id. ob. q. as in another valuation' It was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 534 et 547. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 30. In Wright’s Rutlandfbire, p. 1 1 8. of xxi. yearly out of the redtory of Thifsleton. Colled!. Dodfworthii e rot. hundred. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. vol. lxxxix. f. 47. wapentag. de Langou, item [jura- tores] dicunt, quod templarii de Bruer tenent in cam- pis in Scaupewyk fuper Bruer unam bercariam et duas carucatas terrae, de quibus elemofynantur, ex dono Joannis Deyncourt veteris, elapfis c. annis. In muleo Britan, mf. Peck, vol. iv. conventionem fa£!am 42 Hen. 3. inter magiftrum militias Templi et fratres iuos ac Henricum de Coleville dc excambio terrarum in Normanton in parochia de Botisford: cartam Will. de Esfhebia de quadam terra valla fuper Brueriam et de iv. bovatis terra: in Eslhebia: cartam Simonis’ Tulhet de diverfis terris in Aslhebia : finalem con- cordiam 6 Ric. 1. de advocatione ecclefue de Esihe- by: conventionem fadtam A. D. 1221. inter magi¬ ftrum et fratres templi ac dom. Jordanum de Alketiy de paftura ccc. ovium in Alkeby : finalem concordiam 32 Hen. 3. de paftura cccc. ovium, vm. bovum et c. porcorum in Asftiebi : Pat. 34 Ed. 1. de kernellanda magna porta apud manerium de laBruere: Inquif. 1 Ed. 2. de terris et tenementis ad domum templi de la Bruere pertinentibus : computum ballivorum, 33 Hen. 8. colledtanea plurima de familiis de Afhbyet de la Launde, et de benefadtionibus eorundem in pre- b Itin. vol. vi. p. 57. He alfo faith, that the Tilncys were taken for founders of three of the four houles of friers at Bofton. Itin. vol. vii. p, 153. c MS. ex rec. 22 Ed. 3. d Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 39. * Speed. f In this year the charter of Baldwin the founder is dated; ^vhich inclines me to believe, that the 145 years mentioned in , tnquifition, 17 Ed. 2. A. D. 1323. fliould be 185. otherwile tne inundation will be brought as low as A. D. 1178. JLeland. Collett, vol. ii. p. 287. , \ Tbat the abbey c.al,ed Bu™, ^ which earl Ralph was buried A. D. 1079. IS a miftake for Burgh S. Petri. See Flor Wigorn. Speed in Goda filia reg. Ethelredi. • S The Tf*nfhr of ?mer a"d,its appurtenances were probably given to the Templars by Robert de Everyngham. See Mon. Angl. tom. 11. p. 547. " See the note at Gokwelle. It mult have been as early as A. u. 1174. if one hundred years before 3 Ed. 1. Z z z ceptonam XII. LINCOLNSHIRE. ccptoriam de Temple Bruer, necnon de controverfiis exortis inter fratrcs et Thomam de la Launde. Rot. cart. 43 Hen. 3. m. 3. dc ten. in Lymbergh, et m. 4. de mercat. fingulis feptimanis die Mercurii et feria die, in maner. de Bruere conceffis fratribus mil. Templi. XIII. BULLINGTON, or Bolyngton. Gilbertine Priory. Simon Fitz William or de Kyma, temp. R. Steph'. built in his park here a Religious houle for a prior and convent of both lexes under the rule of St. Gilbert of Sem- prineham, to the honor of the blelfed Virgin Mary, which before the diffolution was endowed with 1584 ys’ nd. per ann. Dugd. 187/. ys. 9 d. Speed; and was after granted to Charles duke of Suffolk, 30 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 794, &c. ex vetufto ro- tulo pergam. in bibl. Deuvefiana, 1648. cartam fun- dationis: Cartas Will. fit. Phil, de Kyma confirm, fitum abbatiae et alias pofieffiones, dat. A. D. 1256. Roberti de Putrel de eccl. de Houton [Leiceftr.] Elis fil. Ankitelli de eccl. de Preftweld : Simonis de Kima confirm, donationem tofti in Bure : Philippi de Kyma confirm, donationem Philippi avi fui de terris in Hotofte : Alexandri de Crevequer de XL. acris in Hachethorn et Sutton : Ibid. p. 796. &c. ex rotulo cartaceo in eadem bibl. Deuvef. ftemma Regin. de Creuker baronis de Redburn : Cartas Phillippi de Kyma et Hahewifise uxoris confirm, donationes Si¬ monis patris ejus, et donantium ecclefias de Sprid- linftune, Winetorp, et Frefchenei: Philippi de Kima de terris in Hotofte : Simonis de Crevequer confir- mantis donationem Rogeri patris fui de xl. acris in Haccatorn : Philippi de Kime confirmantis donatio¬ nem patris fui de eccl. de Bulington et Langetune: R. de Crevequer de infulis de Tunftall et Hade: Prioris et conventus de Sixhill de eccl. de Nettilton, dat. A. D. 1469. In Burton’s Leicefterftiire, p. 223. of the advowfon of the redlory of Preftwold. Rcgiftrum honoris de Richmond, Append, p. 35. de terris in Lee. In Leycefter’s Antiq. of Chefhire, p. 131. is a charter of Hugh fecond earl of Chefter to this houfe de ftagno fuo in Duninton, ex autogr. penes dom. Sim. D’Ewes EE. n. 6. ex quibus autographis cl. Dodfworthius in colledl. mf. Bodl. vol. xxx. I. 9, 10, II, 12, 13* 23. 24, 25, 26, 27. 42. 57, 58. 79. 80, 81. 83. plurimas defcripfit hadtenus ineditas, utpote Hug. de Nevil, de villa de Liffington : Philippi de Kyma, de terris in Hemingby, &c. [Qusre annon carts hujufmodi originales rotuli, &c. olim in bibl. Deuvef. modo in bibl. Harleyana confervantur ;] vide mf. Harley- 38 C. 6. Colle&anea ex regiftro de Bolington, penes Rob. Me- tham de eadem 1642. mf. penes Joannem Anllis garter. Evidentias ad hunc prioratum fpedlantes, penes Mon¬ tagu com. Lindfey apud Grimfthorp in com. Line. A. D. 1646. nunc in bibl. Harleyana. In eadem bibl. mf. 2044. f. 105. tranferipts and extracts from original deeds relating to this priory. Colledl. Dodfworth. vol. Ixxxix. f. 45. de vin. bovatis in Cokewald : f. 46. de fervitiis in Burgo : f. 83. de bovatis in Horkefton. Ibid. vol. xxx. f. 3. 23. Rot. pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 8. de ten. in Langeton. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 7. de ten. in Houton; et m. 27. dorfo, de commun. paftur. in Spridlington : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 33. dorfo: Plac. apud Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. n et 78. dorfo, de terris in Newton juxta Toft: Quo war. rot. 7 et 17. Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 8. pro eccl. de Ingham juxta Line, approprianda : Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. de toftis et melt in Coningfby et Burgh : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. de eccl. de Preftwold [Lanceftr.] appro¬ prianda: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. de terris in Hakethorn, Oxcomb, Eftbarkworth, &c. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. de melT. et terris in Wefterington: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. de terris in Burgh juxta Wainflete, Skeynes, &c. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. de meff et terris in Cotes P. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. n vel 12, Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. XIV. B U R W E L L. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benediftine monks, given by fome of the lords of Kyme to the abbey of St. Mary Silvas Majoris near Burdeauxk. After the general feifing of thefe houfes, this came fo the college of Tatefhall; and as part of the polfeffions thereof was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Hide in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 579. ex autogr. Deuve- Majoris de vacatione prioratus. fianis A D 1648. [forfan modo in bibl. Harleyan.] Cartas ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes, penes com. Lind- cartam Joannis ‘ filii Joannis de Haya, de commun. fey, A. D. 1646. nunc in bibl. Harleyana, 38 C. 6. paftur. in Burwell conceff. monachis : Literas Gil- In eadem bibl. mf. 2044. f. 105. tranferipts and extracts berti de Umfranvill comitis Angos, abbati de Silva from original deeds relating to this priory. XV. CAMERINGHAM. Alien Priory. An alien priory to the Premonftratenfian abbey of Blanche Lande in Nor¬ mandy”, the manor here being given thereunto by the founders Richard de Haya and Maud his wife" pretty early in the reign of K. Henry 2. About 19 Ric. 2. Elizabeth widow of Sir Nicholas Audley, purchafed this priory of the foreign monaftery, and, by the king’s licence, fettled iron the abbey of Hulton in Staffordfliire, and, as parcel of the poffeffions thereof, the manor and church here were granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Robert Tirwhite. i Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 620. K' 16 Ed. 3. the fequeftration was taken off this priory “ quia « fuit de ducatu Aquitaniae, tt non de dominico et poteftate Francia2.” 1 10 Ed. 1. as Dodfworth’s mlf. vol* xxx. f. 105* m In Conjlance , as fome. . . n They founded that abbey about A. D. 1155. as Neultna Pia, p. . however, this donation of Cambringham was made be¬ fore 1167. becaufe Robert fecond bifhop of Lincoln is wilneis. m XV. LINCOLNSHIRE, Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 943. clauf. 19 Ric. 2. m 15. dorfo, de prioratu de Caineringham abbatiae de Hilton concelTo: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 1015. cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 72. per Infpex. recit. cartas Ricardi de Haya de villa de Cameringham et Nicholai filii fui confirmantis donationem patris ; Dodonis Bafdi de redd. iv. marc, in Folingham, et Ric. de Haia de molcndino de Welleton. Fin. div. com. 18 Ed. 2. n. 49. de patronatu. Rot. pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 6. quod abbas de Blancheland poffit amortizare abbatiae de Hulton prioratum de Cameringham cum omnibus maneriis. XVI. C A T T E L E Y°. GlLBERTiNE Priory. Peter de Belingey built a priory here, temp. R. Steph p. for nuns and brethren of the Sempringham order, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin, which was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 33/. 18 s 6d. per ann. Dugd. 38/. 13 s. 8 d. Speed; and was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Robert Carr of Sleford, whofe father was a> rich merchant of the ftaplef Yide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 813, 814. cartam funda- tionis per Petrum filium Henrici de Bilingeya : Car¬ tam Petri filii Petri de Belyngey antecefToruin dona- tiones confirm, ex exemplificat. inter memorand. fcaccarii, 8 Hen. 4. rot. ir. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 27. Colledt. e rot. hundred. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. mf. Dodf- worth. vol. lxxxix. f. 47 et 48. de eccl. de Belin- gay, &c. Plac. apud Line. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 14. de liber- tatibus in Derington, Dunby, Sic. conceffis per R. Henricum 3. XVII. C O T H A M, or Nun Cotun. Cisterti AN Nuns. Alan Muncels or Munceaux in the latter part of K. Henry 1 r. or begin¬ ner of the reign of K. Stephen, built a Ciftertian nunnery here to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. Herein were, about the diffolution, a priorefs and twelve nuns, but their revenues were rated only at 40/. per ann. Leland. 4 61. 17 s. yd. Dugd. Speed. The fite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Edward Skipwith. yide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 922, &c. ex regiftro hujus prioratus penes Dudleium North mil. de Bal- neo, 1652. Cartas Alani de Muncells et Engelrami filii fui, de villa de Coton, eccl. de Cuckewald, Sec. Bullam P. Alex. 3. plurimas donationes recit. et confirm. Cartas Henrici de Scruby, de terris in Swalve ; R. Hen. 3. de exemptione monialium ordi- nis Ciftertienfis a decimis [anno 53.] Ibid. p. 924. conftitutiones Hugonis epife. Lincoln, in vifitatione. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 93. Colledtanea ex libro de Nun Cotton mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. lxxiv. f. 21. 29. vol. lxxxix. f. 145. Et in eodem vol. lxxxix. f. 67. 70. 72, 73, 74. 76 et 78. de terris in Thong Cafter, Killingholm, Bro- clefby, Habure, Kelebi, Cadney, et Hufum. Rot. cart. 2 Joan. p. 2. m. 14. n. 33, 34. Plac. apud Line, g Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 13, 14. deliber- tatibus in Kelby, Kilingholm, &c. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 11. Pat. 31 Ed. i» m. 1 1 vel 12. Clauf. 1 Ed. 2. m. 2. de maner. de Skedelby. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. g. de eccl. de Keleby appro- prianda. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 12. XVIII. COVENHAM. Alien Priory. Some lands here being given, about A. D. 1082. to the abbey of St. Kari- lefus in the diocefe of Mains by K. William the Conqueror, at the inftance of William bilhop of Durham % here were fettled a prior and Benediftine monks from that foreign monaftery, to which it continued a cell under the patronage of the bilhops of Durham till it was made over, 31 Ed. 1. to the abbat and convent of Kirkftede, in whom it continued till the diffolution ; after which, as parcel of that monaftery, it was granted to William Skipwith. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 555. pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. 17. Rot. pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. 18. in qua recenfetur carta Will. Conq. P. 556. efcaet. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro ecclefia de Covenham Line. 31 Ed. i. n. 73. pro collatione hujus prioratus approprianda. coenobio de Kirkfted. XIX. CROWLAND. Benedictine Abbey. Ethelbald king of Mercia built here, A. D. 716. an abbey for Black monks to the honor of St. Mary, St. Bartholomew, and St. Guthlac. After the murder of the Religious, and the burning of the monaftery by the Danes A. D. 870. K. Edred, about the year 948. by the perfuafion of Turketule his chancellor (and after abbat here) reftored the lands, and encouraged the rebuilding this abbey, which continued in great fplendor and wealth till the general 0 “ This priory is about a mile from Hather.,> Leland. Itin* vol. i. p. 27. Quecre, Whether Leland is not here miftaken, the adjoining towns, as deferibed in the Monafticon, being Belin- gay, Walcote, &c. p In the bulls and charters of the Sempringham order this priory is placed before all others in this county, except Sem¬ pringham and Haverholm, on the account, I conceive, of its Minority, which the time of Peter Bilingay (who was witnefs to a deed of Roger Moubray’s, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 395.) will alfo allow. Leland. Itin* vol. i. p. 27. r The founder’s mentioning his gifts to be among others, “ pro falute Steph. com. Albemarle et Hawilia? uxoris,” not “ pro falute animx,” makes it probable that this houfe was built during the life of that earl, who does not occur after A. D. 1129. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 6. And its being confirmed’ by pope Anaftafius A. D. 1154. is good reafon to "place it higher than formerly. 3 Who had formerly been monk of that abbey, and from thence was furnamed William de S. Carilepho. diffolution. XIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. diffolution, when the manors and eftates belonging to it were reckoned worth 1083/.' 15^, lQj ob. per ann. Dugd. 1217/. 54. 11 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 163. notulas hiftoricas de fundatione, ex Gul. Malmfbur. Ingulpho, et Le- land. Colleft. P. 164, &c. cartas regum Ethelbaldi, OfFae, Witlafii, et Eadredi, ex hiftoria Ingulphi. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 853- cartas duas, unam Fregifti mil. dat. A. D. 819. de maner. de Langtoft, alteram Al- gari mil. dat. 825. de maner. de Bafton ccenobio Croylalidenfi concCffis. Ingulphi Hiftoriam Monaft. Croyland, ab anno 664 ad arnium 1091. inter Scriptores rerum Anglicanarum poll Bedam, editos a cl. Savilio Lond. 1596. f. . et juxta exemplar Savil. Francof. 1601. fol. dein audtio- rem et emendatiorem cum continuationibus hiftoriae hujus ccenobii per Petrum Blefenfem et anonymos monachos ufque ad A. D. i486, cura dodtilT. Ful- manni Oxon. 1684. fol. [Quaere de chronicis Croy- landiae citatis in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 291.] In Reyneri Apoftol. Bened. trail, ii. p. 139. et Append, p. 45, 46. quredam de fundatione et rcftauratione ab. batiae, ex Ingulpho. In Gunton’s Hiftory of the church of Peterborough, many things relating to this neighbouring monaftery (taken chiefly from Ingulph) particularly p. 291. 307. 329. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 72, Ac. an ac¬ count of this abbey, its church and perfons therein buried, with a catalogue of the abbats. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 279. ex magn. rot. pipae, 4 Joan, de marifco contra priorein de Spal- ding; p. 367, 368, 369, 370. ex Hill, commun. 12 Ed. 2. rot. 23. et 15 Ed. 2. rot. 48. b. de clameo ab- batis de Croyland quod non debet amerciari tanquam baro pro injufta detentione advoc. eccl. de Wigtoft. In the Appendix to Mr. Gale’s Honor of Richmond, p. 32. de lxvi. acris in Holbech. In Spelmanni Concil. tom. i. p. 336. cartam Witlafii R. Merciorum : p. 344. cartam Bertulphi regis ino- nafterio Croylandenli ; eafdem habeat ledtor in Wil- kinfii Concil. Vol. i. p. 176 et 1 8 1 . In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. from p. 354 to 377. an account of this abbey, and of the abbats, from In¬ gulph, the Cotton, mf. Vejpaf. B. xn. 4, Ac. In the Appendix to vol. ii. p. 65. cartam R. Kenulphi ; p. 66. R Bernulphi: p. 68. R. Beoredi ; p. 69. R. Edgari de terris et immunitatibus hujus abbatiae : p. 70. confirmationem cartarum regum Edredi et Ed¬ gari fub cenfuris ecclefiafticis per Dunftanum Can- tuar. et Ofketulum Eborac. archiepifc. et alios, A. D. 966. p. 71. cartam Cnuti R. cum calice aureo, A. D. 1032. p. 72. cartas regum Edwardi Conf. etWil- lelmi Conq. p. 73. cartam R. Henrici 6. p. 74. pof- fefliones hujus abbatiae in com. Northamt. temp. Will. Conq. ex libro Domefday. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 26. 91. vol. ii. p. 270. 325. vol. iii. p. 29, 30. In Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 143. e libro de abbatibus Croylandenfis monafterii et rebus ab cis geftis. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 39. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Beby : p. 246. of iv. virgates of land in Sharneford : p. 276. of lands in Sutton Chainell. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 19. of the ma¬ nor of Badby anciently: vol. ii. p. 149. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wellingborough: p. 204. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Addington Magna : p. 269. of mills in Woodford. Year Books, 7 Ed. 3. Mich. 30. de tertia parte maner. de Stanford, 17 Ed. 3. Hill. 35. Vitas abbatum Croylandije a Kenulpho et Turketelo ad Ricardum de Upton, A. D. 1427. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. B. xi. 4. > 1803/. in Dugdale, by mifplacing a figure; but 1083/. only, in my mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 24. and even the Firlt Fruits office. Regiftrum penes Robertum com. Ailefbur. Cartularium penes . . . comitem Exon. Cartularium penes dom. . . . com. Cantiae, emptum in audtione Ceciliana. Regiftra bina penes Mauricium Johnfon de Spalding- mil. Colledtanea quamplurima exeifdem, mf. Cole, vol. xliv In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 194. colledtanea ex re- giftro hujus abbatiae: mf. 604. f. 1. adnotationes de donationibus Withlafi regis Merciorum : f. 3. ex_ cerpta ex regiftro de homagiis quorundam abbatum Croylandenfium abbatibus S. Petri de Burgo preftitis pro tenementis in Paykwke, ct de diverfis donationi¬ bus abbatiae Croylandenfi conceffis: mf. 1756. f. j0- terrarium terrarum de feodo Rogeri Bordeance in Thyftyltone, de quibus abbas de Croyland decimam frugum feni et pecudum habere debet : mf. 5855. f. 96. extradts from the regiiter : mf. 6072. n. 63. fucceflionem abbatum. Cart, antiq. 5 Ric. 1. R. n. 13. . . Hen. 2. R. n. 14, Cart. 2 Joan, p, 1. m. 6. n. 39 vel 59. pro rnercat. die Merc, apud Wendlingburgh : Oblat. 2 Joan. m. 5. Oblat. 3 Joan. m. 6. de marifco inter Croiland et Spalding: Plac. de banco, 3 Joan. Mich. rot. 1. fuper eccl. de Fokeworth, Fordinton, et Ulfeby [Huntingt.] Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 9. Plac. apud Weftm. 14 Hen. 3. rot. 7. de advoc. eccl. de Quaplode : Clauf. 19 Hen. 3. m. 21. pro c. porcis in forefta de Clive habendis. Plac. Weftm. 25 Hen. 3. rot. 25. de commun. paftur. concefla per abbatem de Croyland redtori eccl. de Peychurch : Fin. in com. Northamt. 31 Hen. 3. n. . de terris et marifco in Peychurch : Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 1. de lib. war. in Croyland, Langtoft, et aliis ma- neriis : Cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro rnercat. et feria apud Quappelode : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 1. de mer- cato et feria apud Bafton: Fin. Northamt. 45 Hen. 3. n. . Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 8. dorfo, de limitibus inter villam de Croiland et hundredum de Naffaburgo: Pat. 53 Hen. 3. n. 21. de controverfia inter ipfos et abbatem de Burgo S. Petri, de placea inter Nen et Welond aquas. Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 4. de marifco de Holbech : Ibid, quo warranto, rot. 4. de libertati- bus in Croyland, Spalding, Ac. Plac. in com. Hun¬ ting. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 7 et 8. de mell". et terris in Thirning: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . [bis :] Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. 1. Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 4. pro terris et tenementis in Gedeney, Quaplode, et Holbech, cum eccl. de Frifton, Butterwike, Tofte, Wernebury, Stoniweftria, et Burtuna, pro rnercat. et feriis apud Quaplode, et Dafton [Line.] pro lib. war. in Croyland, Lange- tofte, Theford “, Baftone, Buchorp, Quaplode, Hole- beche, Doneditch, Buckwall, et Halinton [Line.] pro rnercat. apud Wendleburgh ; pro xm. hidis et dimid. hidae in Cant. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 4. pro maner. de Dovedike et ad¬ voc. eccl. de Sutterton: Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 2. pro bofeo de Gotefle infra foreftam de Rokingham. Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. rot. 65. de terris in Wendlingburgh : Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1 vel 2. m. 7. pro eccl. de Drayton [Cantab.] Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. m. 11. de melf. in Rokingtonw: Cart. 35 Ed. 3. n. 4. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 1. pro ten. in Quaplode, Ac. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 31. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p- 3* m. 4. pro ten. in S. Martini Magn. Lond. Ibid, m, 7 vel 8. et m. 33. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 6. pro manerio de Bafton concert', per H. Bellamonte : Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 21. de rnercat. apud Croyland et Bafton: Pat. v Forfan Sleford. w Hokington juxta Cantab, as Mr. Cole. 13 Hen. 4. XIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. , Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 9. pro ten. in Frefton: Ibid. m. 23 vel 24. confirm, con- ceilionis inter abbatcm et tenentes fuos de Wendling- burgh. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 24. pro jure abbatis in infula de parceint, ut in folo fuo feparale, contra homines de Wefton et Multon. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. pro duobus mcfluagiis in Cantabr. pro manfione monachorum ibidem ftuden- tium : Rec. in fcacc. 11 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 9. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 22. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 31. de terris in Elmingham; Ibid. 16 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 72. XX. D E P I N G. r Benedictine Cell. Here was a cell of Black monks to Thorney abbey, whereunto it was given by Baldwin fil. Gifleberti A. D. 1139*. Sc. James was the tutelar faint of this fmall priory, which, as parcel of Thorney, was granted to Thomas duke of Norfolk 32 Hen. 8. yide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 469, 470, ex regiftro de Thorney, cartam Baldwini Wac confirm, donationes avi fui Baldwini fil. Giflebert et patris fui Hugonis Wac: Bullam P. Innocentii 3. de eccl. S. Jacobi. Recfiftrum cartarum prioratus S. Jacobi de Deping cum calendario compofitum A. D. 1332. in bibl. Harlei- ana, mfi 3658. Colledtanea ex eodem, mf. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxv. p. 339. Rot. clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 23. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. quod in cella de Thorney fton eft aliquod temporale, fed totum fpiritua-le. XXI. DUNSTANE, or Dunfton. • Hospital. An ancient hofpital for leprous perfons temp. Hen. 3. £>u l2’ 83> 84- * terris in Jierva, Wacton, Ouzenby, Severby, Ketelby, WoU rickby, Bemetby, Elleftiam, Saxby, Bondby, et Bar¬ ton, ex rot. hundred. Line. 3 Ed. r. Tranfcripts and extrafts from original deeds relating to this priory, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 2044. f. 105 In Afpilogia Anftis, n. 304. ex cartis Harleyanis con- firmationem Adas de Amundevil filii Beatricis funda- tricis de omnibus donationibus : n. 305. obligationem C^Mtm. Angl. tom. i. iji. et Annales de Thorney, mfli y $il“rre, If here was not an hofpital for fick and infirm Tem¬ plars, as well as a commandry ; for, in the third year of K. toward 1. the jury for the wapentake of Gralhaw prefent that Templarii de Eykel modo tenent manerium de Eykel cum ^°'ca bil. Evkel, Swynderby, Scarle, Wrodhus, &c. et «i {, • Templarii liabuerunt dieftum manerium ex dono Ste- phani regis ad fuftinendum quoddam fermerarium ad opus “ fratrum aegrorum ejufdem ordinis apud Eykel, et tenent ma- nenum iflud de rege in capite, et fuitinent illud fermerarium Coffiib l! Bno0d,.qvot ri°xixW“ nefdUnt” Dodf"ortt‘ ' Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 94. and Itin. vol. i. p. j8. where he faith, “ Aildham priory was by Thorney, (i. eiThornetcni “ Curtoife, and of the Diffeneys foundation." 1 noraet°n.) a Sell, tempore Robert! de Cayneto epil'c. Lincoln. A a a a Goflani XXIII. LINCOLNSHIRE. Goilaiii filii Eli* de Amundevil, quod nunc hoc hof- pitale fubponerct fratribus hofpit. Jerofolem. Tat. 31 Ed. 1. tn. . quod ipfi poffint dare advocationem eccl. de Snarlford fubdccano Lincoln, et fucceffb- ribus. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. de terris in Bondeby : Pat. g Ed. 2. p. 1. m. . [bis ;J Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro ten. ibidem et in Eft Ranedalc: Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 vcl 7. pa[ 42 vel 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. pro ten. ibid, vocat. Fromland. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. rti. 8 vel 18. pro ten. et terr. iu Wolriiby. XXIV. THE PRIORY IN THE WOOD, or The lioufe of the Vifitation of the Blelled Virgin, near Eppworth, in the ijle of Axholm. Carthusian Priory. “ By Millwood park fide0 Rood the right fair monaftery of the Car- “ thulians, founded about 19 Ric. 2. by Thomas Moubray earl of Nottingham and earl marfhal “ of England, (after duke of Norfolk and commended to the patronage of St. Mary, S(. John “ the Evangelilt, and St. Edward the King and Confefibr.” The yearly revenues of this priory were worth at the diffolution 237/. 15 s. 2 d. ob. q. as Dugdale, and 290/. nr. yd- eb. q. Speed. The fue of it was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Mr. John Candifh, “ who hath now turned the mona- “ fterie to a goodly manor place b.” Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 961, See. pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro fundatione et dotatione ccenobii : Bullam paps Bonifaciug. conced. eandem indulgen- tiam vifitantibus. See. capellam B. Mari* intra hunc prioratum die vifitationis S. Mari*, fcil. 2 Julii, quam vifitantes ecclefiam S. Mari* de Angelis juxta Affi- flum confequuntur per bullam P. Honorii 3. concel- fam beato Francifco. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuite fur Compofition , de com- mun. paftur. de Wolney Beth in com. Warwic. 12 Hen. 7. f. 31. a. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 106. cartam Katerin* duciff* Norfolc. A. D. 1472. de paftura et bofeo vocat. Coliar Copy, et gara in Methelwold Park : p. 393. quietam clameam ab abbate et conventu de Sulby huic priori et conventui, 38 Hen. 6. Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 51, 52. edit. 1656. p. 76, 77. edit. 1730. of the foundation and endowment of this priory. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 172. commandment to the fteward of the lordlhip of Epworth to fuffer the prior to receive his rents within the faid lordlhip, temp. Ric. 3. Cartas, rentalia, See. in officio nuper curi* Augmenta- tionis. Rot. pat. 19 Ric. 2 p. 1. m. 26. licent. fundandi do- mum religiofam ordinis Carthufiani, et de perquirendo prioratum de Monks Kirkby [Warw.] Cart. 21, &c. Ric. 2. n. 2. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 21. de terris et ten. in Oufton, Haxey, Epworth, et Belton; et p. 3. m. 2. pro eccl. de Withebrook [Warw.] ap- proprianda. . Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 5. Cart. 10, itc. Hen. 4. n. 6. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. in. 39. de prioratu de. Kirkby Monachorum cum maneriis de Newbold, Coppefton, et Walton an- nedfendis. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 6. Trin.Tot. 9. de maner.de Walton juxta Kirkby: Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. pro eccl. de Sileby ap- proprianda: Clauf, 28 Hen. 6. m. 5. dorfo, de dimif- fione terrar. et reddit. abbatis de Selby pro reddit, x/. in Axholm et Stockwith pro c. annis: Ibid. m. 11. de dimiffione maner'. de Wode et Thornholm pro c. annis per abbatem de Selby. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. ult. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 16. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 6. confirm, priorat. de Kirkby monachorum : Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 9 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 22. pro maner. de Outethorne ct tenementis in Withernfey. Fin. Line. 1 Ric. 3. n. 4. de terris in Nether et Upper Barnham, Weftwood, Oufton, Epworth, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 41. XXV. FOSSE, near or without Torkefey'. Benedictine Nuns. A fmall Benedi<£tined nunnery begun by the inhabitants of Torkefev upon fome demain lands belonging to the crown, pretty early in K. John’s time, but K. Henry 3. confirming it, is faid to have been the founder'. It was dedicated to the Virgin Maryf, and had in it eioht nuns about the time of the diffolution; when their revenues were rated but at yl. 3J- 6d. per ann. Dugd. 81. 51. 4-d. Speed5. This priory was granted, 5 Ed. 6. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 502. pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. I. m, 3. per Infpex. recit. cartas 21 Hen. 3. et . . Joan. Lelandi Collcdt. vol. i. p. 94. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 34. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck. vol. iii. inquif. 17 Ric. 2. de terris in Shcpeye. Cart. ?. loan. n. 41. de ii. marcis argenti, pro monia- libus de Torkefey. Rot. cart. 2t Hen. 3. m. 1, 2, et 5. Rot. hundred, in com. Line. 3 Ed. 1. wapent. de Gre- Ihaw de iv. bov. terr* in Hadinton ex dono Walteri Chamberlain. Pat. 12 Ed. I. p. 1. m. 23. pro eccl. de South Kelcfey approprianda. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. de advoc. priorat. concefla Joan. Darcy. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. pro cccl. de Shepey M. approprianda. bl> I.eland. Itin. vol. i. p. 39. c Hr nee fometimes called Torkefey nunnery, as in K. John’s cjiarter in the Monaft. “ By olde Torkefey ilandith fouthely “ the ruins of FoITe nunnery, hard by the Hone bridge over “ Fofiedikc.” Leland. Itin. i. 34. ■1 So the Monad. But it leeins rather to have been Cijlertian, unlefs “ Ordinis S. Bernardi,” (in the lurrender, Rymer, vol. xir. p. 662.) be a miftake of the tranferiber or printer, for “ Ord. “ S. Benedidli.” c Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 178. Thefe nuns occur A. D. i»*7- Coll. Matth. Hutton, ex reg. Line. 1 St. Nicholas, as mf. Cole, vol. xl. p. 107. I 81. Leland. XXVI. FRISETUN, XXVI. LINCOLNSHIRE. I XXVI. F R I S.E T U N, or Frelton11. Benedictine Cell. Upon the laying the foundation of the new abbey church at Croyland, A. D. 1 1 14- Alan de Croun gave thereunto the advowfon of this church of Frifton !, and in fome little time after fome other lands and churches hereabout, and placed here a prior and fome Black monks Tubordinate to that great monaftery, whom he farther endowed before his death, temp. R. Steph. This Cell was dedicated to St. James. f,de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 443, 444. ex vetufto ex¬ emplar! mf. penes Ric. Townley de Notion Park in com. Line. arm. duas cartas Alani de Creone; unam de fundatione prioratus; alteram, de tribus hydis terra in Crudelhale, cum eccl. de Suth Werhburn [Hartt.] necnon genealogiam fundatoris. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 69, 70. notulam hiftoricam, de ftirpe fundatoris, et de fundatione hujus cell®. In Petri Blefenfis Hiftori® Croyland. Continuatione edit. Oxon. p- 126. cartam aliam Alani Creoun et Muri- elis uxoris. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 45. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 104, vol. viii. p. 101. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 273. of the impropriate rettory of Stonefby. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 105. ttanferipts and ex- tradts from original deeds relating to this priory. Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 4. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . p. 2. m. . Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 1. vel 2 et m. 9. pro ten. ibid. XXVII. GLANFORD B R I G G Ek, in the parijh of Wrauby. Hospital. An ancient hofpital founded by 1 the anceftors of Ralph Paynel, probably Adam Paynel, in K. John’s time, fubordinate to the abbey of Selby in Yorkfhire. One of the monks hereof was mafter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 456. ex regiftro Rob. Alexandri abbatis Selby, de cuftode non amorendo Grofteft epifc. Line. Bullam P. Gregorii : Cartam XXVIII. GOKWELLE, Gaukevel, or Gowkefwell. CisTERTIAN Nuns. A Ciftertianrt nunnery founded by William de Alta Ripa before A D 1185”. It had a priorefs and fix nuns about the time of the difiblution, whofe yearly income was then rated at 16/. 12 s. 10 d. Dugd. 19/. 18;. 6d. Speed. 20/. Leland. This monaftery was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Will. Tyrwhit. ' rule in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 945. ubi nomen funda¬ toris, ex Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 94. Rot; cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 1; Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. t. m. 17. de ten. in Hilbaldeflok : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. tie melT. et ten. in Berghton juxta Salby. ttu^ber* 3’ P’ * m‘ 24' Pr° t6n‘ ‘n Barton fuPer Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 25. pro ten. in Clixby. XXIX. GRANTHAM. Grey Friers. Here was built, an houfe for Francifcan or Grey friers, A. U. 1290°. the fite whereof was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Robert Bocher and David Vincent. Vide inter Collett. cl. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. v. licentiam Ricardi de Kellawe epifeopi Dunelm. de aqu®du£tu faciendo per campum de Gunwardeby ad manfum fratrum in Grantham, dat. 7 Ed. 2. In- quif. 7 Hen. 5. de privilegiis et immunitatibus hujus prioratus tanquam loci confccrati 5 et quod non fit licitum, latrones aut malefaftores qui illuc fugerunt, vi abftrahere: Cartam 5 Hen. 8. de condohatione omnimodarum tranfgreffionum. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 11. pro 32 i quarteriis brafii percipiendis de molendino de Grantham, conceflis per Joannem de Waren co- mitem Surrey, dominant manerii, ad voluntatem. XXX. GREENFIELD. Cisterti an Nuns. Before A. D. 1153 p- Eudo de Greinelby and Ralph de Abi his fon built a priory here for nuns of the Ciftertian orders, to the honor of St. Mary, wherein were about the time of the fuppreffion, ten nuns, who had an eftate worth 63 1. 4 s. id', per ann Dugd 7Q / 15L 1 d. Speed. This houle was granted to Charles duke of Suffolk, and 12 Eliz. to Sir Henrv otanley km. lord Strange and Margaret his wife. * 1 ide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 880, &c. cartas Radulfi de Abi, Hugonis epifc. Lincoln. Eudonis de Grei- ‘“Three myles bynethe Bolton toward the fe.” Leland. Collett, vol. iii. p. ar. ‘ Petri Blefenfis Hilt. Croyland, edit. Oxon. p. 119. Placed in Yorklliire, Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 456. Founded by Will. Tirwhit. Speed. 1 Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 914. j eoovfe mentioned in the rental of the Templars lands . UP I"31 year tor a rent due from thefe nuns, Mon. Angl. nefby, et Will, de Greinefby ; et de cantaria Toan fil. Ad® de Welle, A. D. 1348. J°an’ 0 Collett. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 20. ex Francifoo d,. Q nr. p Becaufe Randal earl of Cheiter died this year iioh d confirmed to thefe nuns fome lands, as appears5 by the charts of h,s fon Hugh, extant in Sir Peter Leycefter's^ntiquSe" 1 Not Black nuns, as Speqd, nor Black canon:, as mf. Bodl Sulgrave ; but CiJierUan rums, Mon. Ang. i. 1 6 3I. 4 s. 44. Stevens, vol. i. p. jj. In XXX. LINCOLNSHIRE. \ In Leycefter’s Antiquities of Chefhire, p. 131. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 105. tranfcripts and extra&s from original deeds relating to this nunnery. Cartas ad hoc ccenobium fpeftantes, penes Montagu com. Lindfey apud Grimefthorp 1646. poftea in bibl. Deuvefiana modo in Harleyana, ubi vide mf. 38 C. 6. Rot. G. 28. Cartas Matildae prioriflbe Joanni de Nevil, et Ric. de Haia, de terris in Merfton, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodf- worth. vol. xxx. f. 56. Rot. pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. dorfo, pro terris in Lang¬ holm et Torletoft. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. X. m. 31. de meiT. reddit. et quibuf- dam cuftumis vocatis Ploughjilver, Sykel/ilver, he. i,, Wylkelby, Moreby,Wodenderby,&c. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16 et 20. de maner. de Market RayfIn, pT m. 8. pro terris in Holbech. XXXI. G R I M E S B Y. l. Benedictine Nuns. A Bened'nftine nunnery, dedicated to St. Leonard, was founded here ’ before the year 1185', wherein, about the time of the fuppreflion, were a priorefs and feven or eight nuns, yet endowed with no more than 9/. 14 s. yd. per ann. Dugd. 10/. Leland. i2l. 3 s. yd. Speed. This fmall Religious houfe was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to the dean and chapter of Weftminftcr; and 38 Hen. 8. to the mafter and fellows of Trinity college Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 898. pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. Rot. cart. 43 Hen. 3. m. 5. de f.gno pifcatorum et'mer- m. 23. confirmantem cartas donationum terrarum, catorum in portu vocat. Blakeman concelT. per regem. he. per lubitum ignis infortunium nuper arfas et de- Cart. 6 Ed. 1. n. 2. pro advoc. eccl. de Cotes P. ftru&as. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Cotes P. appro- In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 52. prianda. cartam 8 Ed. 3. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. licent. perquirend. x/. i„ Cart. 2 Joan. n. 35. de relaxatione xxvn s. ann. redd. manum mortuam. •2. Austin Friers. We meet with an houfe of friers Heremites or Auftin friers in this town about A. D. 1304. which was granted 34 Hen. 8. to the dean and chapter of Weftminfter, and 38 Hen. 8. to Auguftine Porter and John Bellow. Vide pat. 33 Edi 1. p. 2. m. penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. x. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. Efcaet. Line. 15 Ed. 3. n. 71. Ibid. 16 Ed. 3. n. 74. • m. 21. licent. perquirendi placeam terrte pro manfo Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. elargando. 3. Grey Friers. Here was alfo a convent of Francifcan or Grey friers founded in the begin¬ ning of the reion of king Edward 2. if not before; the fite whereof was alfo granted upon the diflolution to the dean and chapter of Weftminfter, and, 38 Hen. 8. to John Bellow and Robert Brokefby. Vide pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. pro aquxduftu faciendo m. 22. pro manfo elargando. de Holm ufque ad prioratum: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. I. XXXII. H A G H, Halgh, or Howghe on the Mount". Alien Priory. About A. D. 1164. K. Henry 2. gave this manor to the abbey of St. Mary \ Qto at Chcrburgh in Normandy, (which was founded by his mother the emprefs Maud and himfelf) fo that here was an alien priory of fome Auftin canons fubordinate to that foreign mona- ftery This cell, valued at 20 1. per ann. was feifed into the king’s hands, and granted by K. Ri¬ chard 2. during the wars, firft to the priory of the Spittle on the Street in this county, and after to the Carthufians of St. Ann’s near Coventry. It was reftored, i Hen. 4W- to Cherburgh, but was with the reft of the alien priories, totally fupprefled in the next reign, and granted, 9 Hen. 5. to the priory of Montgrace in Yorkfhire, and, as parcel thereof, was granted to John lord Ruffel 33 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 602. rec. 6* Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 24. recit. donationem R. Hen. 2. Ibid, p. 603. efcaet. Line. 22 Ed. 3. n. 72. fcil. inquifi- tionem de ftatu prioratus : Ibid. p. 966. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. de conceffione Carthufianis Coventr. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 1009. cart. 1 1 Ed. 2. n. 55. per In- fpex. recit. cart. R. Hen. 2. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, in Append, p. 32. de ieodo mil. et dim. val. xxxvi /. in Hagh et Genelfton. Cart, antiq. R. Hen. 2. D. n. 37. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. m. 3. et n. 24. Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 5. confirm, hujus manerii abbati de Cefanfburgo : Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 12. de libertat. concelT. abb. in Hagh, Braundon, Glenefton, et Ringfton. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m 17. de terris in Brandon: Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. afiif. rot. 29. dorfo, ubi abbas de Grimefby petit verfus abbatem de Cherburgh mane- rium de Hagham cum pertinent. Ibid. rot. 60. dorfo: Ibid, quo war. rot. 9. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. in. 3. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 19. Extenta terrarum, he. ad hunc prioratum fpedtar.t. Elc Line. 15 Hen. 6. n. 48. • « Ex fundatione progenitorum noftrorum.” Pat. 7 Hen. 4. t My worthy friend Mr. Anltis informed me, that he had feen a bull of pope Lucius 3. to thefe nuns dated in that year. I am told alfo by another good hand, that this monaftery will appear to have been founded A. D. 1123. by fome charter in the Harleyan library, 44 E. 20. but Gervafe of Canterbury’s cata¬ logue fuppofed to have been drawn up temp. Ric. t. mentions i *, fo that R. Grofteft could not be the founder, as Mr. Speed. “ In the deanry and hundred of Loveden in Kefteveu. » Rymer, vol. viii. p. 103. * Forfan 3. XXXIII. hagham. XXXIII. LINCOLNSHIRE. XXXIII. H A G H A M, Hacharn \ or Hayham \ N priory. Here was an eftate and priory belonging to the Cluniac* or Benedictine ab- gt Mary San Sever in the diocefe of Conftance, which was of the foundation of Hugh the bey 0 defter. This cell, then valued at twelve marks per ann. was, about 20 Ric. 2. tetded firl e3,he Carthufian priory of St. Ann near Coventry, and as parcel thereof was granted to J. Bel- gTand J- Broxholm, 37 Hm. 8. ■ Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 965. pat. 20 Ric. 2. Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. j. quo war. rot. 3. dorfo. J/ule m ^ licent. abbati et conventui S. Severi, In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 105- tranferipts and ex- ^oncedendi hunc prioratum conventui Carthufiano tradls from original deeds relating to this priory, juxta Coventriam: Ibid. p. 1035. XXXIV. H A G N E B Y, or Haughnaby*. PreMONSTRATENSIAN Abbey. Herbert, fil. Alardi de Orreby and the lady Agnes his wife .. £ Q. 1175. a Premonftratenfian abbey here to the honor of the then new faint Thomas of r te rbury b ; wherein, a little before the fuppreflion, were nine canons, whofe poffelTions were In valued at 87/. in. 4-d. per ann. as Dugd. and at 98/. 7 r. 4 d. as Speed. The fite was err anted, 30 Hen. 8. to John Freeman of London, gra . vu in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 616. hiftorica qusedam de fundatoribus et pracipuis ejufd. ccenobii benefaft- nribus ex chronicis de Hagneby in bibl. Cotton. ' " lunt in A. D. 1307. gnebi, mf. James, in bibl; Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxvii. p. 42. et mf. Clarendon 36. MS Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. ii. ceflionem abbatis de Vtfpaf. B. XI. 1. quae oeiir Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 93 _ _ ph chronicis de Ha Hagneby necnon eledlionem novi abbatis, 19 Ott. A. D. 1475. Rot. pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 36. de terris in Harne, Markeby, Sutton, See. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. de tenementis in Hagh- neby, Hannay, Beleby, Trufthorp, Foulfthorp, Sut¬ ton, See. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. XXXV. HAVERHOLM. GiLBERTiNE Priory. This place was firft given by Alexander bilhop of Lincoln to the Ciftertian monks of Fountains in Yorldhire', about A. D. 1137. that they might build an abbey of that order, but, after having made fome progrefs in the fame, they pretended not to like the fituation, and thereupon removed to Louth park. The good bilhop quickly difpofed of the illand here to the nuns and canons of the new and ftridt order of St. Gilbert of Sempringham, who fet¬ tled there A. D. 1139- and continued till the general diffolution, when their income was rated at 70/. 151. 10 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 88/. 5 s. 5 d. Speed. It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 792, 793. cartam funda- tionis per Alex, epife. Lincoln, dat. A. D. 1139* cx autogr. in bibl. Cotton. Year Books, 18 Ed. 3. Mich. n. 85. Lelandi Collett. vol. lii. p. 106. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 267. of lands In Sta- therne. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 1 18. of lands at Thoroton: p. 15s, 156. of the founder and lands at Staunton: p. 179, 180. of the advowfon of Thorpe by Newark: p. 439. of lands in Orfton. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. pi 264, See. the deed of Adam Fitz Peter for one carucate of land at Nor- ford, and two carucates and a mill at Kikely : A con¬ tract between the convents of Haverholm and Rirk- ftall about thofe lands: Adam Fitz Peter’s confirma¬ tion of that contrail, from the records at York. Regiftrum penes Edw. Lynald de Heling in com. Line. Collettanea ex cartulario prioratus de Haverholm in com. Lincoln, in manibus hon. V . Roberti com. Kingflon fibi mutuo dato per Gerv. Holies de Grimfby M. 1634. mlT. in bibl. Bodl. vol. cxliv. f. 8 1. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. iv. cartam Simonis T ufliet de quadam terra a Lyngho ad Merlhowe, et xxviii. acris culture fine, et v. acris Lyfwini pra- pofiti fui, et de brueria quse fuit Fifiri Cum prato et manfura fua, Omnibus in villa de Aslhebi exiftenti- bus : Conventionem et excambium inter Willelmum de Aslheby et conventum de Haverholme de quibuf- dam terris in Aslheby: Cartam Willelmi de Aslheby de diverfis terris et ecclefia de Aslheby : Cartam Wil¬ lelmi de la Launde de marifeo de Oufthorp: Finalem concordiam 7 Joan, inter milites templi de la Bruere et conventum de Haverholm de v. acris terra et communa juxta grangiam de Lyngho excambiatis pro v. acris et iii. perticis terra et communa in Af- Iheby : Cartam Willelmi de la Launde de remiffione annui redditus iv. folidorum, deque communi paftura per hundreda de Ywarby et Oufthorp : Concordiam inter priorem et conventum de Haverholm et dom. Ifabellam de Longo Campo filiam et heredem Jordani de Alkeby de quibufdam debitis et annuo redditu in Afkeby, 26 Ed. 1. Plac. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. aflif. rot. 18. de terris in Harsford et Kikhele : Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. lig. E. de ferviciis in Horfeford. Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. lig. B. n. 100. de me(T. et terris in Dodington: Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 50. pro terris In Hegham, quo war. rot. 7 et 21. dorfo. Ji This is confounded in the Monaft. vol. i. p. 603. 1035. With Hagh in this county, cell to Chedburgh, which had indeed a manor called Hagham belonging to it ; but they were both in Loveden deanry and hundred ; whereas this is in Louthelk hun¬ dred. “ Prior de Hacharn tenet manerium de Hacharn de com. “ Line.” Dodfworth. Collect, e rot. hundred Lincoln, in wa- pentac. de Flaxwell, vol. lxxxix. Prynne, vol. iii. p. loai. 1 Prynne, vol. iii. p. 590. and Reyner. a Near the fea coaft, a mile from Markeby, as Leland. Col¬ lect. vol. i. p. 93. not Haghneby near Bullingbrook and Revelby abbey. b MS. Aflrmol. p. 15 19. c Leland. Colleft. tom. iii. p. 106. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 74 j. B b b b Clauf. XXXV. LINCOLNSHIRE. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 23. de terris et ten. in Willing- hote: Cart. 20 Ed. 2. n. 1. de lib. war. in Haver- holm, Rilkington, Arnewike, Welingore, et Dyrinton [Lille.] Pat. t Ed. 3. p. 1, m. 4 vel 5. Plac. in com. Not- tirigh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 24. Cart. 1 1 Ed. 3. n. 38. Pat. 22 Ef 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro eccl. de Thorp juxffi Newark: Plae. in com. Line. 32 Ed aflif. rot. 64. pro pifearia in aqua de Iwardby. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 4- Pafch. 7 vel 8. rotulas de ift0 monaflerio. XXXVI. HEYNINGES, or Hevenynged. CistertiAn Nuns. A Ciftertian' nunnery founded by Reyner Evermue about A. D. ng0 It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary, had a priorefs and twelve nuns, maintained with the yearly revenue of 49/. 5 s. id. Dugd. 58/. 13s. 4 d. Speed'. The fite was granted, qi Hen « to Sir Tho. Henneage. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 815. cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 3. per Infpex. recit. cartas Reyneri de Evermue et Odonis de S.Cruce, de nemore, turbaria, &c. in Heyninges, pifearia de Northe, eccl. de Uptone, et terris ibid. &c. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 94. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 420. of lands in Mifterton. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. r. affif. rot. 76. de commun paftur. in Kneve, et rot. 78. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. pro eccl. de Wilmerflee, p. ^ m. 5. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 37. pro eccl. de Knayth : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro uianer. de Ledenham, Brayland, &c. Plac. affif. in div. com. temp. Hen. 4, rot. 98. de redd in fuburb. Lincoln. XXXVII. H O L B E C H. Hospital. Near the parifh thurch s in this village Sir John de Kirketon knt. founded an hofpital for a warden, and fifteen poor perfons to the honor of All Saints about 1351. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 469. pat. 26 Ed. 3. tali conceffis. p. 3. m. 15. licent. regis pro fundatione : Pat. 32 Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro diverfis terris ibidem hofpi- XXXVIII. HOLLAND B R I G G E l, or Bridge End1, or De Ponte Aflaci. Gilbertine Priory. A Gilbertine priory, founded temp. R. Joank. by Godwinus a rich citizen of Lincoln to the honor of our bleifed Savior. It was valued at 5/. it. 11 d. ob '. per am. , mf. Valor, and as parcel of Sempringham was granted to Edward lord Clynton, 33 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 8r5. clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 24- ubi de fundatione et reparatione calceti et pontium. Dugdale’s Hiftory of Imbanking, p. 234. MS. Cole, vol. xliv. p. 63. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 194. licence for the priour of St. Salvatoire called at the Briggs End within the countie of Lincoln, to beg for vn. years throughout XXXIX. HUMBERSTEYN"1, England, for money towards the repairing of xvi. briggs and brigge-ditches, to which the faid houfe was bound by the firft ordynaunces and foundation thereof, 2 Ric. 3. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Cart. 30 Ed. 3. n. 13. pro mercat. et feria apud Holland Brigge: Cart. 31 Ed. 3. n. 5. pro ii. feriis ibidem. Umberftane", Homer (Ion, or Hunfton. Benedictine A.bbey. An abbey of Benedidtine monks, built to the honor of St. Mary and St. Peter, temp. Hen. 2. by William fil. Radulphi fil. Drogonis fil. Hermeri. Herein were but four0 monks, whofe yearly income, 26 Hen. 8. was rated at 24/. as Leland, at 32/. is. 3d. Dugd. and at 42/. nr. 3d. as Speed. The fite was granted to John Cheke efquire, 5 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. nomen tantum fundatoris ex Lelando, quod emendatur ex plac. in com. Line. 29 Hen. 3. aflif. rot. 12. quern confulat le£tor, uti etiam plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 43. dorfo, de advoc. eccl. de Humberftan. Leland. Collect. vol. i. p. 93. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p 2. m. 12. pro terris in Tetney: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. de eccl. de Wefthall [Suff.'j alienanda priori de Norwic. d Two miles from Gaihfborough, (Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 94.) near Knathe. e So Leland ; and in the Surrender faid to be “ Ord. S. Ber- 4‘ nardi,” (Rymer, vol. xiv. 667.) though in a mf. copy of the Surrenders it is corre&ed into ** Ord. S. Benedidti u*re. Here were at firft Religious of both fexes, like one of the Gil¬ bertine houfes, and it is reckoned as fuch in the Monaft. but without good authority. f 50/. Leland. g Where now the Chequer inn is. See Dr. Stukeley’s Itin. Curioium, p. ao. h Near Horblin. 4 Corruptly Briggerd, in Mr. Speed. k Probably before \ for it is mentioned in cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 14. n. 88. 1 This is alfo the value in Stevens, vol. i. p. 25. Speed hath 101/. probably for 101/. m Taxat. Lincoln, mf. n Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 93. But quaere , Whether he be not miftaken in placing this monaftery only three miles from Berton on Humber, it leeming to have been about three miles fouthward of Grimlby. The earl of Chefter and Lincoln was patron of this Humberfton monaftery in the beginning of the reign of X. Henry 3. as Dodfworth. ex regiftr. Hug. Wells epife. Lincoln. 0 So the Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. But Mr. Willis, Ab- bies, vol. ii. p. 118. faith, the abbat and five others of this houfe fubferibed to the lupremacy Aug. 19, 1534. XL. H Y R S T, XL. LINCOLNSHIRE; XL. H Y R S T, in the IJle of Axholm. Austin Cell A cell of one or two Black canons to the abbey of Noftell in Yorkfhire, to which it was given by Nigel de Alb.n. temp. Hen. i. This (null houfe was dedicated to the Virgin *3t£i John.M rfVrtic'k': e‘r D"Sd- U- Sp"d- “ ~ NofthellTn 6X T^'0 S' SPride ^bny, * nemore in Hirft, pifcariis in Ofwald. de Nofthe 1 m b.bl Hatton. Cartas tres, aqu1S de Don et Yddel, redditu in Belton, &c. unam Nigeln de Albim, de fundatione, et duas Ro- ’ XLI. I C A N H O C, or Ycannop. Monastery destroyed. St. Botolph built a monaftery here, A. D. 6541. upon a defert piece of ground faid to have been given him for that purpofe by Ethelmund king of the South Angles , which continued till that devaftation of thefe countries by the Danes, A. D 870 fo fatal to thefe old Religious houfes. '■ u 14l-dl Vide Lelandi Collett. vol. ii. p. 214. vol. iii. p. 33. Leland. Itin. voi. i. p. 32. vol. viii. p. 71. XLII. I C K H A M. Alien Priory. An alien priory partly in Lincolnlhire and partly in Oxfordlhire, granted to the college called God’s Houfe in Cambridge, 2 Ed. 4. ° 10 Vide pit. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. XLIII. I R F O R D, or Urford. Premonstratensian Nuns. A fmall priory for nuns of the Premonftratenfian • order founded by Ralph de Albim, temp.Hen. 1 It was dedicated to the Virgin Maryt, had in it fix oreight Religious about the tune of the difiblution, when the revenues of it were reckoned at , , / 1 9S gd perann. Dugd. 14/. i 3s. Ad. Speed, 14/. Leland. It was granted to Rob. TirVhit Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. nomen fundatoris tantum, ex Leland. Collett. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 9 j. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 104. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, Append, p. 36. de terris in Killingholm. Rot. pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 47. pro advoc. eccl. de Wragby. PaK 5uRiD2- P' ID' m l6' Pro ten- ibid- « in Bin- ^r°nki'mat,D5 R‘C'r,2-' P- 2‘ m' 4- Pro ten- et terris in Belelby; Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 17. pro eccl de Wragby appropnanda. ' V ' 0 XLIV. K A R L E D A L E, &c. t tide L E K E B U R N, XLV. K I R K S T E D. Cistertian Abbey. Hugo Brito fil. Eudonis lord of Tatelhall founded a Cidmbn ,'J39i ” 1 h0nn °fHth' V:r wl’of' 26 //„, 8. were SSS SiCsIT DUSd' 338i ’3!- Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 806. quaedam de funda¬ tione, ex mlT. in bibl. Cotton, et penes dom. Wil¬ loughby. P. 807, &c. ex regiftro de Kirkftede in bibl. Hatton. A. D. 1640. Cartam fundationis per Hug. p Corruptly called Wenno, Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 88. a. This place is thought by many to he at, or near Botolph’s Town or Billion in this county, which probably had its name from this Cunt. But it hath not yet appeared to me in any ancient hifto- mn, that here was his monaftery and place of burial. R. Hig- ikn Polychr. edit. Gale, p. 336. placeth it “ ad orientem Lin- “ c0]mffi i” which, if fome diftance of miles be allowed, is re¬ concilable to Bofton. But Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 32. and Col- a‘t. in. p. 33. takes a place “ in the eaft fuburb of Lincoln city, ‘ ,nt “al‘ a mi|e from the minfter, to be Icanno, where was a houfe of monks in Botolph’s time, fpoken of by Bede.” ^ where. And there feems to be fome refemblance of tne name in Wickanford, upon which part of the city of Lin¬ coln was rebuilt by the Saxons. See Camden, s So Uiromcon Saxon, in anno. Annales S. Neoti, Sec. n r ''ftave *n v‘ta S. Boltulfi. But this king and kingdom V .a aPPeaJ any where but in the legends. Ethelmund ‘tuke, of Mercia till near one hundred and fifty years otolph. But I fufpett that Smith jingles is a miltake fil. Eudonis: Cartas Will, de Dentuna de nemore de Langhage : _ Robert, fil. Hugonis confirm, dona- ryrv fU‘u £>ufdem Roberti confirm, donatio- nem Willelmi de Dentun fratris fui : Girardi de Fur- for South Hymbres, by which name the people of LincolnlW wSs ““ are °ften called “ SStoSS An/ vol “i P!aCed a?°.ng the Benedia™ monafteries, Mon Anf \nl 1 P'545’ bu‘ an?°nS the Prettionjlrafenfian. Mon AngL vol. 1. p. 1042. the laft is moll probable ; becaufe it fcJnl to have had fume dependance upon Newhotife (which was uT questionably Premon/tratenfian) the feal of the abbat of New' houfe being put in behalf of thefe m1nD *■ . -tNew- made with'tfe Line. ml. penes reverendiff. Gul. Wake nuDer arrhif u-r' tuar. f. 149. But the mf. in ftennet college library at Camb S3"' wherein the number of the Religious is out down r -*t bndge' they were Prnnonjlrateujian nufs, whLrLing o’nh Uon of bt. Auftin’s rule, it is eafy to account for r mg laid to be “ Ordinis S. Auguftini” in Ryme “ vof xit°p 6^' ‘ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 667. ' > vul- xlv- P- 067. “ 403/. hi. id. ob. mf. in bibl. Harleiana, r44. nivall XLV. LINCOLNSHIRE hi vail dc medietnte molendini deWdchus: Ejufdem Girardi confirmantis plures donationes : Ricardi de Luvetot de hermitorio S. Joanuis in Ecclesfeld : Wal¬ ter! de Aencourt confirmantis varias donationes in Chotes, dat. A. D. 1140. Joannis fil. Walteri de Aencourt de it. carucatis terrae in Branftun, dat. A. D. 1149. Philippi de Kyma confirmantis dona¬ tiones Simonis patris et aliorum, dat. A. D. 1162. Roberti de Arci de tota terra, qua- pertinet ad Noche- tunam et Duneflunam, dat. 14 Steph. Thomae filii Roberti de Arci de eadem, dat. A. D. 1163. Thoms filii Thoms de Arci de relaxatione dimidis marcs annui rcdditus pro eadem : Omnifii abbatis Begar et Conani ducis Britannis de Gaitona : Rad. fil. Gilberti et Roberti com. Line, de terris in Scamtonia : Ri¬ cardi de Builli de managio in Kymberwrth ad iv. Ibrgias faciendas, et minera ad fodiervdum, &c. dat. A. D. 1 16 1. Et Guarini fil. Geroldi de quarrera in Waftenbroc. Lelandi Collcdl. vol. i. p. 92. vol. iii. p. 106. In Append, ad Regiftrum lion, de Richmond, p. 34. 4!. de terra apud Gayton in Lindfey : p 103. cartam Conani ducis Britannis de terra in Suthorp juxta Gayton: p. 104. aliam cartam ejufd. de terra in Gay- ton, ct eccl. ibid w. p. 269. chirographum inter mo- nachos de Kirkfted et homines de Holthaim de taca- mento et ftagno molendini fuper Beinam, A. D. T 163. p. 104. Philippi Marmyon donationem fontis in mora de Ruftona, cum aqus condudlibus ab eodem ad abbatiam, A. D. 1265. De prima fundatione abbatis de Kirkftede, A. D. 1139. et de terris et juribus ad iftam abbatiam fpeftantibus, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiber. C. Tin. 3. Regiftrum cartarum abbatis de Kirkftede in com. Line, mf. in ead. bibl. Vefyaf. E. xvm. [Quaere annon horum unum fit regiftrum Hatto- nianum.] In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxx. f. 12. cartas fpeiftantes ad conventual de Kirkfted : Ibid, vol. lv. f. 124. vol. lxxxix. f. 47, 48. vol. cv. f. 23, &c. colleftanea exregiftro de Kirkftede : Ibid. vol. lxxi. f. 25. cartam Roberti Marmiun de vi. bovatis terrs in Rufton : vol. lxxvi. f. 18. cartam originalem Phil, de Marmiun monachis de Kirkftede. Evidentias ad hanc abbatiam fpedlantes, penes Monta¬ gue com. Lindfey apud Grimefthorp in com. Lin¬ coln. 1646. nunc in bibl. Harleyana, ubi de hac ab- batia conlule mf. 35 B. 27. 3^ G. h. G- 20, 21. L. 20. O. 5, &c. unde cl. Anftis in Afpilogia fua deferipfit, n. 299. cartam Helis de Albeni pro Erlefholm: 11. 325. Hoberti Calf, pro molendino, &c. Rental of the demeans late belonging to the abbey of Kirkfted: appropriations belonging to the fame; fur- vey of lands and tenements ; annuities and corrodies granted by the abbat : mf. in eadem bibl. Harleiaua, 144. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem poflellionum abbatis do Kirkeftede in dioc. London, mf. 2044. f. 87. i0- 156. 158. colledlanea e regiftro et cartis hujus abba¬ tis: mf. 6748. f. 1. cart. R. Ric. 1. Computos ballivorum, rentalia, &c. in baga de Berkleys Lond. &c. in inferiori archa tertis archs in officio nuper curis Augment. Colledlanea e regiftro de Kirkftede per Fr. Thynne penes V. cl. Joan. Anftis arm. garter. Fin. div. com. 9 Hen, 3. 11. 40. de marifeo voc. Wild- more in Cuningfby. Rot. fin. in com. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 182. de com- mtin. paftur. in Kumbreworth : Plac. de banco, apud Weftm. 14 Hen. 3. rot. 16. Plac. apud Cantab. 31 Hen. 3. rot. . de commun. paftur. in Steynelby, Horncaftle, et in La Wildmore : Elfon apud Hert¬ ford, 32 Hen. 3. pro commun. paftur. in La Wild- more : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. g et 16. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 3 dorfo, de ten. in South Langton ; Pat. 3 Ed. 1, m. 35. dorfo, de commun. paftur. in Humbelock ; et m. 27. de commun. paftur. in Lang¬ ton : Plac. apud Line. q Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 8. de terris in Thimelby et Cuningfby, et furcis ibidem : Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. r. m. . pro imparcatione bofei de Beltelholm: Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 6. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro eccl. de Covenham approprianda, et eccl. de Thimelby alienanda: Inquif. Lincoln. 16 Ed. 2. n.44. de marifeo de Cuningfby juxta Taterfhale, et dominio de Wildmore, commun. herbagii et turbar. in foca de Horncaftre, et de vaccaria in Kenefby vocat. More- houfe. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. dorfo, de pifearia juxta Horncaftle et Canwike: Ibid. m. 25 vel 26. de maner. de Heddingley : Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. . m. 17. de marifeo de Wildmore olim perquifit, a Rudulpho de Rodes. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Mich, rot, . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. pro duabus partibus manerii de Wodehall: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . dorfo, de paftura in Wildmore: Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. pro ten. in Marton, Langton, &c. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 14 et 15. pro terris et ten. in Scampton, Coningfby, et baillio de Lincoln, et p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Wodehall approprianda. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3, m. 21 et 22. pro eccl. de Wifping- ton approprianda: Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. 6. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 15. XLVI. K Y M E. Austin Canons. Philip de Kyme, temp. R. the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. It confiltt of lands and rents at the diffolution worth 101/. 140/. Leland. The fite was granted, 33 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 245. habentur tantum notula una et altera de hoc prioratu ex Leland. Col- left. vol. i. p. 93. et ex rotulo hundred. 3 Ed. 1. In^Grotefti epiftolis in Append, ad Brownii Fafcicu- lum, p. 330. epiftolam excufatoriam nobili viro Phi- lippo de Kima patrono prioratus de Kima, quod pri- orem ibidem conftituerat fine licentia ejus. Rot. pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 35. dorfo, de ten. in Ofbernby et Newton: Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 40. w This is a different grant from that in the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 810. The originals of both thefe grants of Conans are in the Harkyan library. Hen. 2 x. built here a priory of Black canons to d of about eight Religious *, and was poffefied or. 4 d. per amt. Dugd. 138/. 4 s. gd. Speed, to Thomas earl of Rutland and Robert Tirwhit. de terris in Horbling, et rot. 63. dorfo: Pat. 13 Ed. I. m. . Plac. apud Ebor. 27 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de terris apud Endon. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. de decern marcis annuatim e manerio de Thorp abbatifls de Elneftow: Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro ten. in Immyngham. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. pro vicariis de Crofte et Thorp appropriandis. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 6. et p. 7. m. 28. pro eccl. de Iwardky approprianda. x Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 61c. Madox Formul. Angl. p. rjt. y Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 119. faith this houk was furrendered by the prior and nine canons. XLVII. LEK£- XLVII. LINCOLNSHIRE, XLVII. LEKEBURN, Leighbourne, or Legborn. CisTERTiAN Nuns; As early as A. D. 1 1501. there was a nunnery at Karledale*, Kedington and Halington fucceflively (if they were not all the fame place) which feems to have been removed to Lekeburn by Robert Fitz Gilbert of Lekeburn or Tadwalle before the firft year of K. John. j-jere were ten nuns of the Ciftertian11 order, whofe revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 38/. 8r. i.d> per ann • Dugd. 57/. 13L $d. q. Speed. This priory0 was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas Heneage. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 894, 895. ex regiftro de Lekeburn penes Geo. Hennage eq. aur. A. D. 1649. cartam Roberti filii Gilberti de Tadwelle j et duas cartas Will, de Lekeburn filii et haeredis Roberti filii Gilberti, de fede abbatiae et aliis donationibus ; Cart. 1 Joan, p- 2. n. 93. 26 B. pro eccl. de Retheby, Fa- leflhorp, Halington, Salfletby S. Petri, et Sumercotes. Colleft. ex prxfato regiftro, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodf¬ worth. vol. lxxv. f. 23. et vol. lxxxix. f. 140. Fin. com. ign. 2 Joan. n. 49. pro advoc. eccl. de Cu- ningefholm. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 5. de mefT. in Thetilthorp, et m. 23. dorfo: Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. afljf. rot. 53. de x. carucatis in Carledale, Lekeburn, Somercotes, et Salfletby,_ cum advoc. eccl. de Somercotes. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1, m. 16. XLVIII. LIMBERGH MAGNA. Alien Priory. Richard de Humet conftable of Normandy, temp. Hen. 2d. gave the church' here to the Ciftertian abbey of Aulnay or Aveney in Normandy, to which this became an alien priory, till it was fold by thole foreign monks to the Carthufians of St. Ann near Coventry, ,6 Ric. 2. and, as parcel of the poffeftions of this laft mentioned monaftery, Moungath in Limbemh M. with the reftory and the advowfon of the vicarage, was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Bellow and others. lruk in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 965. pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. et conv. de Alneto. m. 26. licent. adquirendi hunc prioratum de abbate In Du Monftrieri Neuftria Pia, p. 758, &c. XLIX. LINCOLN. 1. Nunnery destroyed. “ Where the dean of Lincoln’s houfe is, in the mynfter clofe of « Lincoln and thereabout, was a monaftery of nuns afore the time that Remigius be»an the new “ minfter.” Leland. Itin, vol. viii. p. 4. 2. Cathedral. When, by the conftitutions of the provincial fynods in the year 1072, -75 and -78. the epifcopal fees were decreed to be removed into great towns and cities, Remiffius’then bilhop of Dorchefter fixed upon this place, and, in the Conqueror’s time, bought the oround for the cathedral church, bifhop’s palace, and houfes for the dignitaries and officers belonging to the fame, and began the buildings f, which were not finiffied till fome years after by his fuccefTor Ro¬ bert Bloet, who doubled the number of the prebends, making them in all forty-two. Remigius died four days before the confecration of the cathedral, A. D. 1092. which was dedicated to^the bleffed Virgin Marys. The revenues of this biffioprick were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 2095 l. \z s Sd. in the whole, and at 1962/. 17;. 4 d. ob. clearh ; and the common revenues of the chapter" exclufive of the feparate corpfes, at 575/. 8 s. 2 d'. But a great many of the old manors and eftates being granted from the 'biffioprick (chiefly temp. Ed. 6.) it is now rated only at 830/. x8r id. obk. and the dividend money of the chapter (from which little or nothing feems to have been taken) at 546/. 2 s. 6d'. There now belong to this noble cathedral, befides the biffiop, a dean precentor, chancellor, fubdean, fix archdeacons m, fifty-two prebendaries, four prieft vicars, eiffiit lav vicars or fingingmen, an organift, feven poor clerks, eight chorifters, feven Burghurft chanters &c 2 By a charter of Robert fil. Gilberti de Thadwell, to the mins of Karledale, directed to Robert bifhop of Lincoln, and tefted by Alelm dean, Humphry fubdean, and Hamo chancellor of Lincoln, this houfe mull have been in being about tin's time. This deed is in Dodfworth, vol. lxxv. f. 23. where, and in the following pages are leven or eight charters, belonging to this houfe not printed in the Monafticon. a This houfe was firft founded at Karledale or Careldale, ac¬ cording to Dodfworth’s extracts out of the Lincoln regifters, vol. lxxxix. f. 140. The Monafticon fpeaks of its being firft at Kedington; and amongft the charters relating to this houfe in Dodfworth, vol. lxxv. one is “ Berengarii falconarii fan&imo- nialibus abbatiae de Halington.” b .So the Monafticon exprefly, vol. i. p. 924. and the pro¬ tections, pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. 8. But Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 94. faith, of the order of St. Aujlin; and quare^ Whether it was not of thofe reformed Auftins, the Premonjiratenfiam ; for “ Ma- “ gifter, priorilfa, et fandimoniales de Lekeburn, ” occur twice, viz. m regiftro Lincoln, nuper penes reverendilf. D. D. Wake, *• 91* and Dodfworth, vol. lxxv. f. 27. c It is called an abbey in feveral deeds, but the governefs is conitantly filled Prtortjfa , in taxat. Lincoln, mf. Dodfworth’s du S’ Yo1* ^xxix. and all other records I have yet feen. | He died A. D. 1180. or 1181. a monk at Aulney, as Du Monftrier. e The manor belonged to the Hofpitalars, according to clauf. 18 Ed. 3. p. i, m. 6. And Dodfworth, vol. lxxxix. f. 76. from the hundred rolls, faith the Templars had, in the third year of K. Edward 1. thirty-one ox-gangs in this town of the gift of Walter de Scrop, forty-two years before. f See Bromton about the foundation of this cathedral ad ann. 1088. 9 s But fometime called the cathedral of St. Hugh, as Rvmer vol. xiv. p. 734. 7 9 h Record, in officio Primit. 1533/. 6u tod. ob. q. as Leland. Collett, vol. 1. p. 90. 1 540/. as Leland, ibid. p. 95. k So my copy: but 8*8/. 4J. 9 cl. ob. only in Eifton. I Mr. Speed, in his catalogue of Religious houfes, reckons the revenues of this church at 1333 1. per cm. But the common and feparate revenues of the dean, and all the archdeacons pre¬ bendaries, and vicars choral, as fet down in EPton, amount to little more than 1300/. . - Viz. the archdeacons of Lincoln, Huntingdon, Leicefter, Buckingham, Bedford, and Stow. And, before the reformation, the archdeacons of Oxford and Northampton belonged to this di?cefe- And here was alfo another dignitary, called the Treafurer. C c c c jr,it XL1X. LINCOLNSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 257, &c. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de fundatione, ex Hift. Angl. De¬ cern. Script. Lond. 1653. fol. col. 217. 490. 782. 983. 1034. et ex Matth. Paris [edit. 1640.] p. 571. Ibid. p. 258, & c. pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. to. recit. et confirm, cartas R. Will. Conq. de tranflatione fedis epifcopalis a Dorceftria ad Lincolniam, et dotatione ejufdem Lincoln, ecclefiae ; ejufdem regis ut epifeopus vel archidiaconus non placitet in hundredo; R. Will. Rufi confirmantis donationes patris et alias addentis : ejufdem regis pro difeordia fedanda inter archiepifco- pum Ebor. et epifeopum Lincoln, ejufdem regis de ecclefiis de Ofchintono, Chefterfeld, Efeburn, et Man- nesfeld: quatuor cartas R. Hen. 1. quarum, 1. de maner. de Bichelefwade, 2. de Netilham, 3. de Ti- chefoura, 4. de feria apud Newere in die S. M. Mag- dalenae : Ibid. p. 262, &c. ex vet. mf. in bibl. Cot¬ ton. quinque cartas R. Will. Rufi, de terris in Efcote, et Binnebroc, de eccl. S. Martini, et libertatibus : Triginta et quatuor cartas R. Hen. 1. viz. 1. de eccl. de Pecco; 2. de eccl. de Cucuwald, Kirkebi, et Ho- ningeham ; 3. de faciendo exitu in muro caftelli fui ; 4. de forisfatura non venientium ad wapentachia epifeopi ; 5. de wapentachio de Newark ; 6. de vinea apud Lincoln. 7. de eccl. de Barfebi ; 8. de warenna in foca de Newark et Stou ; 9. de eccl. de Caftre et Chirchetonaj 10.de divifis inter maneria de Tor- chefi et Stou; 1 1. de protetione; 12. de libertate de Welletona; 13. de maner. de Welltuna in preben- dam ; 14. de eccl. de Suttona etHornleia; 15.de eccl. de Wichefort; 16. de eccl. de Coringeham ; 17. de eccl. de Hempingeham ; 18. de telonio in feriis de Stou ; 19. de eccl. de Derbeia et Werche- forda ; 20. de Barchetona et Offintona ; 21. de eccl. de Neflintona, Niwentona, Tanefoura, et Sutwica; 22. de vi. bovatis terra; in burgo, et vi. in Wel- lingeham ; 23. de omnibus ecclefiis in burgo Lin¬ coln; 24. de foflato et calceta vivarii de Niwerca; 25. de ponte fuper aquam de Trente ad caftellum de Niwerca ; 26. de porta de Eftgata : 27. de tertia parte fervicii militum epifeopatus re mi (fa ad ponen- dum earn ad caftellum de Werca; 28. de eccl. Om¬ nium Santorum et de Grimefbeia; 29. de eccl. S. Margeretae et de Halfeby; 30. ut pons fuper Tren- tain non noceat civitati Lincoln, neque burgo de Notingham ; 31. de concordia fata inter epife. Lin¬ coln. et abbatem de Burgo fuper eccl. paroch. de Burgo ; 32, 33. de warenna in tota terra epife. de Lincolefcira et Nottinghamfcira ; 34. de villa de Afgherbie : Duas cartas R. Steph. fcil. de prebendis de Bramton et North Kelfey : Decern cartas R. Hen. 2. fcil. 1. de domibus quae fuerunt fratrum Templi in Londonia; 2. de folfato et muro ballii Lin¬ coln. ad faciendam portam ; 3. de mercato apud Ban¬ bury die Jovis; 4. de eccl. de Langeford; 5. de eccl. de Bramtone ; 6. de una carucata terrae in Kales; 7. de manerio de Kildefbi ; 8. confirm, varias dona¬ tiones ; 9. de eccl. de Derebia de Werefworda; 10. de concordia inter epife. Lincoln, et abbatem S. Al- bani : Bullas P. Honorii [dat. A. D. 1125.] et P. Innocentii [dat. A. D. 1 138.] Ibid. p. 270. pat. 40 Hen. 3. m. 22. dorfo, de eccl. Lincoln, elonganda vefiius orientem: Ibid. p. 271. feriem decanorum eccl. Lincoln. Ibid. p. 272. an inventory of all the jewells, veftments, and ornaments in the reveftry of this ca¬ thedral, A. D. 1536. Ibid. p. 286. commiffion of K. Henry 8. to take away the Ihrines and jewels out of this church: P. 287. inventory of all the plate, &c. in this church, 7 Ed. 6. P. 293. the fame, A. D. 1557. Lelandi Collet. vol. i. p. 26. 90. 95. et vol. iii. p. 33. 69. de fundatione et prtecipuis benefatoribus : vol. i. p. 344. nomina quorundam epifeoporum : p. 444. de feodo ii. milit. in Hifton. In Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 23. of the manor place of Luddington: p. 28. of the prebend of Sleford: vol. ii. p. 37. of the advowfon of Milton and of lands there : vol. iv. p. 31. of the palace at Buckden: p. 60. of the prebend of Banbury and the lordfbip there : p. 128. of the impropriate parfonages of Aylefbury and Tame: vol. viii. p. 2. nomina epifeoporum Lin¬ coln. p. 3. perfons buried in the cathedral. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 260. cartam Roberti epifc Lincoln. de militibus fuis feftatis : p. 400, 401 .- ' 403. 405, 406, 407. 41 1. 413. 419. 422. de terris com: Lincoln. The fucceffion of the bilhops, deans, precentors & in Mr. Le Neve’s Fafti Angl. p. 137, See. ’ Godwyn de prrefulibus Lincolnieniibus, in libro I), pnefulibus Angliae. Mr. Willis’ Survey of Cathedrals, Lond. 1730. 4to vol. ii. p. 1. In Prynne’s Papal UfurpationS, vol. iii. p. 217. car(. 6 Ed. 1. m. 3. de advoc. eccl. de Elhebum decanatui de Lincoln approprianda. In Angl. Sacr. tom. ii. p. 325. Ridardi Bardenienfis librum de vita Roberti Grofthead epife. Lincoln et alia opufcula de vita et feriptis ejufdem Roberti- p. 410. Giraldi Cambrenfis librum de vitis epifc0pa rum Lincoln. In Rileii Plac. Parliam. p. 4. de confirmatione cancel- larii univ. Oxon. per epife. Lincoln. 18 Ed. 4, Ibjj p. 41. contra provifiones prebendarum de Naffington et Fenton ecclefiis et hofpitali in urbe Romana 18 Ed. 4. Ibid. p. 249. pro iibertat. dec. et capjf. m Navenby, 33 Ed. 1. In Wilkinlii Concil. tom. i. p. 406. bullam P. Honorii confirm, privilegia eccl. Lincoln. A. D. 1125. p. 5?^ conftitutiones eccl. de Lincoln, de refidentia, A. D 1212. p. 537. cartam eccl. Lincoln, de coniuetudi- nibus et libertatibus ejufdem, A. D. 1212. p. 5^ bullam P. Alexandri 3. decano et capitulo Lincoln, confirm, privilegia a Roberto epife. Lincoln, con- cefla : Aliarn bullam ejufdem eifdem de refidentia: p. 627. inquifitiones per archidiaconatus epife. Lin¬ coln. a fingulis archidiaconis faciendas, A. D. 1230. p. 756. compofitionem litis inter Bonifacium archie- pife. Cantuar. et capitulum Lincoln, fuper jurifdic- tione fede Lincoln, vacante, A. D. 1261. vol. ii. ■p. 127. archiepifc. Cantuar. literas epife. Lincoln, pro vifitatione univerfitatis Oxon. A. D. 1287. p. 571. ftatuta confiftorii epifcopalis Lincolnienfis, A. D. 1334. p. 751. privilegium epifeopo Lincoln, a P. Clemente 6. conceflum, A. D. 1349. vol. iii. p. 3. de confirmatione cancellarii Oxon. per epife. Lin¬ coln. p. 29. bullam P. Innocentii 6. retratantem privilegium a P. Clemente 6. conceflum, A. D. 1352. vol. iv. p. 487. bilhop Williams’ objections againft the archbifhop’s vifiting the diocefe of Lincoln. A. D. 1633. p. 488. attorney general Noye’s opinion in favour of the archbifhop, A. D. 1634. In Madoxii Hift. Scaccarii, p. 287. pro abolendo mer- cat. de Wardun et confirmandis mercat. epifeopi ad Tame et Bikelefwade, ex rot. pipae, 1 1 Hen. 3. Line, p. 289. quod epifeopus Lincoln, et fucceflores fui, quocunque anni tempore ipfe vel aliquis fucceflbrum fuorum decefl'erit, habeat omnia bona fua mobilia, et omnes frutus tarn de bladis feminatis, quam virgul- torum vinearum eodem anno ufque ad feftum S. Mi- chaelis prox. poft mortem eorundem, ex rot. pips, 15 Hen. 3. Line, dorfo: p. 631. de clameo epife. Lincoln, pro catallis hominum fuorum fugitivorum et fufpenforum, ex memorandis 38 Hen. 3. rot. 2. b. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 25. of the advowfon of the rectory of A florby : p. 155. of the townfhip of Knighton: p. 159. of lands in Leare : p. 165. of the advowfon of the vicarage of St. Margaret in Lei- cefter: belonging to the bilhoprick. Ibid. p. 165. of the impropriate retory of St. Margaret in Leicefter : belonging to the chapter. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 63. of the ad- vowfon of the retory of Farthingftone : p. 73. of the manor of Kilfby: p. 205. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tories of Thenford : p. 212. and of Wapenham: p. 569. of the manor of Hollowell : p. 604. of tne advowfon of the retory of Winwick : vol. ii. p. 97. of the advowfon of the retories of Harrington, p. 10 8. of Lower Ilham, p. 129. of Waldegrave, p.229. and of Cranford St. John’s : belonging to the bilhoprick. Ibid. vol. i. p. 74. of the impropriate retory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Kilfby : p. 179. ot the fame XLIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. fame at Kings Sutton: p. 181. of a manor in Mer- fton St. Lawrence anciently : vol. ii. p. 243. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Lilford : belonging to the dean and chapter. I Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 73. of the manor of Ly- dington : belonging to the bilhoprick. Ibid p- 47- impropriate redtories and advowfon of the vicarages of Empingham, p. 69. of Hamble- ton, p. 73- of Ketton, p. 80. and of Lydington : be¬ longing to the dean and chapter. Tn Willis’ Buckingham, p. 37. of lands in Gawcot: 76. ordinationem vicarix de Buckingham: p. 332. of the advowfon of the redtory of Twiford. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, of things belonging to the bifhoprick, viz. p. 185 and 187. of the lordlhips 0f Winthorpe, Barneby, and Coddington: p. 190. of a claim in North and South Collingham : p. 192. of poffeflions in North and South Clifton : p. 193. in Spalford and Thorney: p. 194. in Hareby : p. 156. 106. of the Wapentake and manor of Newark: p. 244. of lands in Aldefworth : p. 353. of the lordlhip of Crumwell: p. 361 and 365. of the lordfhip of Flad- burgh: p. 117. 126, 127 and 155. of the reHory of Orfton, and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 436. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Edin- flow, belonging to the dean and chapter : p. 272, 272. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Maunsfield : p. 406. of South Legerton : p. 420. of the advowfon of Claworth redtory belonging to the dean: p. 179- 1 86. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stoke belonging to the chancellor : p. 183. of the redtories of Farneton and Balderton belonging to the prebends of Farneton and Balder¬ ton: p. 1 g 1. of the redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of South Scarle, belonging to the prebend of South Scarle : p. 193. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Clifton, belonging to the prebend of Clifton. In epiftolis vigilantiffimi iftius epifcopi Lincolnienfis, Roberti Grotefti, in Append, ad Brownii Fafciculum, &c> p, 231. ad decanum et capitulum Lincoln, quod non permittant feftum ftultorUm in die Circumcifio- nis Domini: p. 352. 357. 358, 359. 361. 368. 370, 371- 373* 391- de vilitatione eccl. cathedral. Lin¬ coln. et ecclefiarum prebendarum, et de commun. p. 399. P. Innocentii 4. epiftolam pro inveftitura Frederici de Lavania impuberis in canon, eccl. Lin¬ coln. cum refcripto Roberti epifc. Lincoln. [Haben- tur etiam in M. Paris et annalibus Burton.] In Rennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 117. of the bifhops hav¬ ing free warren at Banbury and Tame, 7 Hen. 2. p. 347. of putting down the new market at Haden- ham [Buckingh.] being to the prejudice of the bi- Ihops market at Tame, 30 Ed. 1. p. 353. a valua¬ tion of the revenues of the bilhoprick amounting to mcccxxxi /. os. id. 35 Ed. 1. Quxdam de civitate et epifcopis Lincoln, mf. Cotton. Titus, A. xix. 2. Regiftrum cartarum eccl. B. Mariae, Lincoln, mf. Cot¬ ton. Vefpaf. A. xvi. 1. Statuta conliftorii epifcopatus Lincoln, per Henricum epifcopum, A. D. 1334. ibid. Vitell. A. x. 4. Cartam decani et capituli de eccl. de Swainton, mf. Julius, F. ix. 3. Concordiam inter Bonifacium archiepifc. Cantuar. et Robertum de Marifcis decanum et capitulum Lin¬ coln. de conditionibus in eledtionibus epifcoporum Lincoln, obfervandis, mf. Cleopatra, E. 1. 28. Remiffionem mantelli eccl. Lincoln, mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxv. f. 105. In bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, mf. D d. x. 28. f. 63, &c. privilegia a fede apoftolica epifcopis Lincoln, indulta: f. 66. bullam Innocentii papae quod epifcopus Lincoln, oflicium fuum in prioratu de Neuport Paynel exer- cere queat : f. 69. compofitionem inter abbatem S. Albani et epifcopum Lincoln, f. 74. cartam prioris et cohventus de Bradewell concedentium ecclefias de Chelfunt S. Egidii, Stokehamme, et Theneford epil- copo Lincoln, f. 81. et feq. repertorium de ordina- cionibus vicariarum Lincoln, dioc. fadtis temp. Hu- gonis Welles et fuccelTorum fuorum epifc. Lincolm In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. mf. 108. p. 207. taxa-> tionem prebendarum ecclefix cathcdralis Lincoln, fecundum quam folvuntur feptimix non refidentium : p. 216. a declaration of the revenewe appcrtayning to the cathedral church of Lincoln, with the allow¬ ances and yearly charges ilTuing out of the fame, made A. D. 1559. p. 219. a declaration of all the reve¬ newe belonging unto the fabrick of the cathedral of Lincoln : p. 221. the fum of all the lands and livings appertaining unto the vicars of Lincoln : p. 223. re- venciones domus choriftarum ecclefix Lincoln per annum: p. 225. penfions and other duties due unto the dean and chapter, not paid fince the difiolution of the abbies and chantries: p. 233. penfions belong¬ ing to the chorifters unpaid : p. 240. valorem poftef- fionum decanatus Lincoln, et pfebendx de Coring- ham : p. 247. ftatutum de canonico mortuo et de firmis ecclefix : p. 255. excerpta ex nigro libro, qui dicitur regiftrum' vetus : p. 265. injundtions given to the dean and chapter by K. Edward 6. p. 273. regi¬ ftrum W. de Alnewyke epifcopi Lincoln, five novam formam ftatutorum cum aftenfu decani et capituli ftabilitam, A. D. 1440. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 261. f. 106. de fundatioue ec¬ clefix Lincoln : mf. 6748. f. 6. cartam R. Joannis epifeopo Lincoln pro manerio de Winnelthorp juxta Neworch : ejufdem regis pro ecclefia B. Marix de Lincoln. In mufeo Britan, mf. Peck. vol. v. inquif. 49 Ed. 3. de maneriis de Watton, Dounton Ballet, et Wikighes affignandis cantarix Bartholomei de Burghurft. Regiftra, cartas, &c. in archivis tam palatii epifcopalis Bugdenx quam eccl. cath. Lincoln. Regiftrum pervetuftum tempore Remigii feriptum penes R. R. V. V. Decanum et capitulum. Regiftrum vetuftum mf. eccl. cath. Lincoln, penes re- verendilf. D D. Gulielmum Wake archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. A. D. 1717. fol. Colledtanea ex rotulis hurtdredorum in com. Line. 3 Ed. 1. mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lxxxix. f. 42. 68. 70, 71. 79, 80. Colledtiones ex rotulis et regiftris Hugonis Wells, Hen. Lexinton, Ric. Gravefend, Oliveri Sutton, et Joannis Dalderby epifc. Lincoln, foliis 220. mil. in ead. bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. evii. Computum Thomx Hall rec. generalis temporalium Joannis epifc. Lincoln, per unum annum, fed. a fefto S. Mich. 32 Hen. 8. mf. in bibl. eccl. S. Marix Warwic. n. 29. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 259. compofitionem fuper exercitio jurif- didtionis fede epifcopali Lincoln, vacante inter archi¬ epifc. Cantuar. et decanum et capitulum Lincoln. A. D. 1261. p. 256. proteftationem archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. contra officialem Lincoln. A. D. 1300. p. 194. fubmiffionem controverfix inter archiepifc. et capit. Lincoln, duobus arbitris, A. D. 1253. De terris et maneriis antiquis fedis epifcopalis Tinatin. Rot. pat. 5 Joan. m. 5. n. 20. de caftris de Newerc Banbury, et Lufford : Cart. 5 Joan. n. 53. pro villa de Eflefordby, cum ndvoc. eccl. terris in Segrava, Ac. Fin. Buckingh. 6 Joan. n. 41. Ibid. 7 Joan. n. 42. Cart. 16 Joan. m. 5. n. 25. de maner. de Winthorp juxta Newark, et includendo bofeos de Liddiimton, Bugden, &c. Cart. 17 Joan. m. 7. n. 48. pro bofco de Hercey [Hunt.] Pat. 2 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro caftro de Newark : Pat. 5 Hen. 3. m. 7. de advocatione de Acle : Fin. Oxon. 5 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Banneburia : Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. m. 3. n. 30 et 31. et n. 75. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro parcis de Bug¬ den, Spaldwic, et Lidington : Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 5. de mercat. de Wardon [Northamt.] Fin. Northamt. 44 Hen. 3. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Farthingftone. Plac. in com. Bedford, 4 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 17. de libertat. in Biglefwade : Plac. in com. Northamt. 8 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 4. Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 46 et 55. Quo war. rot. 18. 20 2i.dorfo: Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 12 Ed. 1, n. 24! de XLIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. de maner. de Netelham : Plac. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2, 3. 18. 34. de hundredis de Thame et Banbury: Plac. aqud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 105. Clauf. 1 Ed. 2. m. 13. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. ji. de eccl. de Puttenham [Hertf.] Ibid. m. 14. pro medie- tate eccl. de North Ferriby: Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 26. de eccl. deEfington: Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de eccl. de Kirkby juxta Repindon approprianda : Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 10. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. de advoc. de Shering- ton, m. 15. dorfo, de libertatibus in Banbury : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de advoc. abbatiae de Eyn- fliam : Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 16. in cedula pro refti- tutione temporalium, viz. Stuting etTunftall [Kant.] Vetus Templum London. Bukeden et Spaldewic. [Hunt.] Biglefwade [Bedf. ] Tinghurft et Woburn [Buckingh.] Tame et Dorcheftre [Oxon.] Leding- ton [Ruth] Kildefby [Northamt.] et caftra de Sle- ford, Newark, et Banbury: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. de me(T. et terris in Roppelle. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 et 5. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. ra. 4 vel 5. pro elargatione palatii epifcopalis Lincolniae : Ibid. m. 15. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 2, 3. 10. pro mercat. et feria apud Newark, n. 12. pro feriis apud Banbury et Newark, n. 20. 49, 50, 51. Plac. in com. North¬ amt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 13. de lib. war. in Kil¬ defby: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 28. de ballivo wapentachii : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . quod liceat epifcopo ecclefias ad valorem annuum cc. marc, fibi et fucceiforibus appropriare: Ibid. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. pro imparcatione bofcorum de Tinge- hurft et ccc. acr. in com. Buckingh. de Luda et ccc. acr. in com. Oxon. de Long Stow et c. acr. in com. Hunt, de Crouch apud Banbury et ccc. acr. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 63. pro maner. de Thorle et advoc. prioratus de Minting: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro elargatione parci de Luddington [Rod.] Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. de terris in Netelham: Ibid. m. 22 vel 23. de terris in Haldingham et Nova Lafford ; et p. 3. m. . Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. et m. 23 vel 24. pro excambio cum priore de Markby; et p. 2. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro advoc. eccl. de Midlington et Sudbrook ; et p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. et 13 vel 14. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19, 20. et m. 25 vel 26. ubi pavagium pro villa de Newark : Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 3. de cuneo monetario apud Newark : Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro manfis maner. de Stow B. Mariae et Netelham [Line.] et de Lidington [Roth] kernellandis : Ibid. p. 2. m. . pro terris in Torkfey: Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. pro xxs. an- nuatim exeunt, e maner. de Merlaw : Efc. 17 Ed. 3. n. 78. de maner. de Waretoft: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. de prebenda de Langford; et m. 28. de colla- tione pnebend. de Leighton Bufard : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro advoc. prebendae de Ketene : Rec. in fcacc. 31 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 et 30. dorfo, de feria in Lydington. Cart. 2 Ric. 2. m. 4. pro feria apud Newark, et aliis libertatibus : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. de libertat. in Sleford : Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. in. 38. de immuni- tate palatii Lincoln. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 1. Ibid. p. 2. m. 5. pro feriis apud Sleford et Bikelefwade. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 3. et p. 3. n. n. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2 et 26. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13 et 18. pro ten. in Woburn Epifcopi. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 14. Clauf. 5 Ed. 4. m. 13. de maner. de Kirketon : Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. pro feria apud Lowth, Fin. Hunting. . . Ric. 3. n. 1. de maner. de Nix, Preft- ley, Clarifax, Denys, Beaucharupfted, &c. Fin. Nottingh. 6 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 251. pro mefT. in Newerk. Bagam in fcacc. intitulat. Tenures et Inquif. lig. Lin¬ coln. rot. 5. Quod epifeopus Lincoln, tenetur re- parare pontem fubtus bofeum de Louth vocat. Le ate Undbrigg et pontem vocat. Sbeepbrigg in le Wed de Lowth. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 5. m. . pro coll, de Thornton, re£> riis de Morton Northorp, &c. in confiderationf* °~ nerii de Dorchefler, &c. Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 4. m. . 9 Nov. pro aj catione ecclefiarum. De maneriis et terris ccclefia cathcdralis Lincoln Cart. 5 Joan. m. 7. n. 53. et m. 8. n. 60. de maneri™ et advocat. ecclelix de Eft Ferriby [Leyceftr 1 p ° 7 Joan. m. 1. de conftrudtione novi operis. (j at‘ 9 Joan. n. 29. de prebenda de Karleton. P]^ aart: Weftm. 13 Joan. rot. 5. de medietate eccl. de*Ta fover [Northamt.] Cart. 17 Joan. n. 20. pro ^ cat. et feria concefl'. thefaurario Lincoln, in nreh.„j' fua de Ledton. “a Fin. Oxon 34 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Middleton Pat. 40 Hen. 3. m. 22. dorfo', de elongatione eccl’ verfus orient, per remotionem muri orient, civitatis ’ Pat. 7 Ed. 1. m. 18. in fehed. de exemptione eccl. Oni nium Sanft. [Derb.] decanatui Lincoln, annex pat" 8 Ed. 1. p. 1 . m. . Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 51. pat ' Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed f* Quo warr. rot. 3. de clameo quod juftitiarii regis ve" nirent ad januas eccl. fuse. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel " Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . pro prscinflu eccl. muro inclul dendo. Pat. 14 Ed. 1. in. 25. de eccl. de Alkeby" Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . de prebenda de North Mufkhani" Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 19. pro m,[ ner. de Navenby : Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel ncnrlT Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . pat_ Ed. 1. m. ult. ve! penult, pro advoc. eccl. de Bo- tonesford juxta Maffingham. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. r m. 14 vel 15. Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 2. de eccl. in com. Derby et Nottingham: Pat. 7 Ed. 1 p. 1. m. 2. de eccl. de Normanby: Pari. 8 Ed." 2. m. 4. de pannagio: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. u' et p. 2. m. 2. de prebenda de Eylefbury : Pat. 9 Ed! 2. p. 1. m. 1. de prebenda de Welton Wefthall; et m. 2! de mefl. in civit. Lincoln. concefT. per Hen. Benina- well ; et m. 7. de manfo choriftarum elargando • et m. 18 et 31. de praecindlu eccl. cath. clauden’do- Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 27. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de eccl. de Thimelby ; et m. 31. de melf. in Gretton: Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 68. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. g! de terris et eccl. de Brimpton: p. 1. m. ir. de pra! benda de Milton : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. de melf et terris in Harington et Afwardby ; Ibid. p. 2. m. 6. de pnecin&u eccl. muro claudendo : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. de maner. de Ouneby; et p. 2. m. 19. de terr. et eccl. de Tanefour; et m. 22. de mefT. in fuburb. Lincoln, et in Newton: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. ult. Efc. Line. 1 Ed. 3. n. 48. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2i. pro eccl. de Reform, in fuburb. Lincoln, appropri¬ anda; et p. 3. m. 8. dorfo; et m. 21. de baillio caftri concefio per regem ; et p. 3. m. . " pro melf in fub¬ urb. Lincoln. concefT. per Michael. Haynton cancel- lario eccl. Lincoln, ad fcolas pro pueris in grammat. informandis, et pro inhabitatione magiftri: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. I. dorfo, de libertatibus in Edenftow, Orfton, See. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 2, 3 et 51. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro una bo- vata terra: in Lincoln, concefla per Tho. de Luda ad cantariam faciend. in eccl. de Dalderby: Efcaet. 4 Ed. 3' n* 62. [Lincoln.] de parco de Eyton : Par. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Ibid. p. 2. m. 36 vel 37. de relax, cr. ann. redd, per priorem de Wartre : Petit, pail, apud Winton. 4 Ed. 3. n. 2. de prebenda de Naffing- ton : Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. J Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. pro parco de Eyton: Ibid, p. 2. m. . pro vicariis choralibus; et p. 2* m, . pro eccl. de Rettam ; et p. 3. m. 5. de prebenda de Lan- gedale : Rom. 6 Ed. 3. m. 2. de refidentia decani et pauperibus quotidie pafeendis : Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . et p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. et m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 9 Ed. " Forfan 19 vel 20. aLIX. LINCOLNSHIRE, Ed. 3- P I- m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 22 vel 23. ct m. 30. vel 31. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de vj. marc, reddit. exeunt, e maner. de Hemel- hamfted : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10 vel 11. et m. 40 vel 41. Eat- IS Ed. 3 P- 3- m- 4- Pr° terra in Edcn- ftoiv : Ibid. m. 15. pro eccl. dc Naflington: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . pro melT. in Lincoln, ex dono liugonis de Walonsford: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. j. m. j0 vel 11. de XL. marcis decano et capitulo amortizandis pro cantaria Barthol. de Burgherit; m. 18. de pre- lienda de Langford ; et m. 30. de prcbenda de Leigh¬ ton Bufard: Ibid. p. 2. m. . pro lx. libris per ann. perquirendis pro fuftentatione quinque capeflanorum cclebratur. ad altarc S. Katerinae pro anima Henrici de Burgherft nuper epifcopi : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. pro cantaria ad altare S. Egidii: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. et p. 2. m. 18. dc xlvii/. exeunt, e firma civitatis: Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. g. pro feria apud Navenby: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. in. 26. de prebenda de Sutton: Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. pro decimis omnium foreftarum regis in com. Northampton, Huntingdon, Buckingham, et Oxon. et m. 36. de cuftodia epifcopatus tempore vacationis ; et p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. de xin/. exeunt, e temporalibus prioratus de Shelford : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. pro ten. in Lincoln, Louth, Welton, Scrouby, Hefelburgh, Bofton, &c. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. pro maner. de Normanby, ten. in Ouneby, Crockton, Afwardby, &c. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. pro ten. in Wolingham, Rynthorp, &c. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. pro vicariis choralibus : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m 1 et 3. et p. 2. m. 34. Cart. 38 Ed. 3. n. 14. pro parco in prebenda de Leighton [Hunting.] Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 38 vel 39. de reftitutione capitis S. Hugonis per fures ablati et regi forisfafti: Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32 et 41. et p. 2. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro ten. in Leott: Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 9. pro ten. in Welburn. Clauf. 1 Ric. 2. m. 23 et 31. de cantaria fundanda per Barthol. Burgherlh: Cart. 2 Ric. 2. n. 5. Clauf. 2 Ric. 2. m. 28. de maner. de Navenby : Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 3 et 5 et 25. et p. 2. m. 5. de eccl. de Sutton et Kildefby anneftendis praecentori et can- cellario : Pat. 3 Ric. 2 p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. de Irby approprianda magiftro choriftarum : Ibid. p. 3. m. 8. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. Clauf. 5 Ric. 2. in. 7 et 9. de libertate claufi contra majorem civitatis: Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 13. pro mercat. et feria in prebenda de Leighton: Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro maner. de Stretton: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. et p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 6. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. de eccl. de Lilleford approprianda pro cantaria Joannis Bokingham epifcopi : Ibid. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2, m. 35. pro melT. in Lincoln. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 46. ct p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 16 Ric. 2 p. ii m. 5. pro terris in Paxton Magn. m. 12. pro ten. in Sutton; et m. 14. pro ten. in Louth: ibid. p. 3. m. ult. vel penult, de diflentionibus fcdandis inter dc- canum, et majorem civitatis : Pat, 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 2. ct Pafch. rot. 18. proxvm/. anmfatim ex decima firma: civitatis: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 13 ct 17. pro eccl. de Somercot. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 32. pro prebenda de Heydon ; p. 7. m. 24. dc prebenda de Leghton, manerio, et conceflione ferim in die inventionis S. Crucis et ii. diebus fequentibus : Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 20. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. j. n. 1. et p. 2. n. 5. Clauf. 4 Hen. 4 . dorfo, de ordinatione Ravenfer’s Chan¬ try : Plac. aflif. in diverf. com. 4 Hen. 4. rot. 89. pro xl. annualis redditus exeunt, e prioratu de Tor- kefey. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 3. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 18. pro inaneriis de Glentham et Fillingham ad anniver- faria regis Henrici 4. et Joannis ducis Lancaftrise cuftodiend. et p. 4. in. 5. -de prebendar. de Banbury capiendo terras et redditus pro cantaria in capella S. Marioe in eccl, de Banbury: Fin. Derb. 3 Hen. 5. rot. 7. de melT. in Chefterfield : Pat. 9 Hen. 5 p. 2. m. 13. confirmat. compolitionis inter epifcopum et eccl. cath. de jure vifitationis, &c. et de controverfiis inter decanum et prrefidentes ejufdem ecclefia;. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 1. m.' 5. pro eccl. de Welton [Ebor.J approprianda; Pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 22. Fin. Derb. 24 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 131. pro melT. in Cheft¬ erfield : Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. recit. et con¬ firm. cartam regis Stephani de maner. et prebenda de Leghton: Pat. 32 Hen. 6. m. 18. de Macuiortk Inn nunc vocat. Bernard’s Inn in Holborn : Clauf. 34 Hen. 6. m. 17. relaxat. ejufdem hofpitii per Hen. Macworth: Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . pro unione prebendae de Stoke cancellariatui. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 14. Fin. Derb. 4 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 44. pro penfione xx. marcarum e vicaria de Wyrkfworth : Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. et p. 3. m. 24. Clauf. 5 Ed. 4. m. 13. Pat. 11 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 15. de vicariis eccl. cath. in- corporandis: Fin. Derb. 15 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 1x9. pro penfione de Wyrkyfworth : Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 7. pro maner. de Gret- well, &c. Fin. Derb. 26 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 121. et Mich, rot. 134. de annuo redditu xx/. e vicaria de Chefter- ; , 33 Hen- 8. p. 3. (17 Jul.) pro recloria eccl. de Bykar cum advocatione vicaria: : Rot. pari. 34 et 35 Hen- 8. n. 36. for granting the-pBbnage of Scrubby late parcel of the pofleffions of the priory of Marklye to the dean and’ chapter of Lincoln : Pat. 36 Hen. 8. p. 21. ro. 11. pro redloria de Scrubby0. 3. Gilbertine Priory. In the fouth fuburb on the fouth weft fide of Barr oate was a nriorv for Gilbertine canons - dedicated to St. Catherine, founded (foon after the confirmation of that omer, viz.) in A. D. 1148. by Robert fecond bifhop of Lincoln. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8 at dSkeofSiffV*’ ^ a,m' DUSJ' 2?01’ 1S' 3d' SFedi and granted> 3° Hen. 8. to Charles Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 814. cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 28 per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. confir- mantem fundationem et donationes. In 1 boroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 136. of a claim to the church of Hawkfworth : p. 146. of lands in New¬ ton upon Trent: p. 183. of lands in Balderton : f. 185. of the yearly rent of xxivr. in Codington: p. 191. of lands in Wiggefley : p. 197. of pofieffions of Newark. In Gale’s Appendix to the Regifter of the honor of Richmond, p. 32. of lands in Coleby. Vitam Roberti de Cheineto epifc. Lincoln, per Giral- dum Cambref. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 417. Regiftrum Brevium, Lond. 1595. f. 36. b. tit. Prohi- bitiones. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpatiops, vol. iii, p. 269. pat. 9 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 22. de fratribus vagabundis cafti- gandis. Induigentiam pro hofpitali S. Catherine extra Lincoln. Elienf’ ^ £pifC‘ Ellenfem> A‘ D> I454- Regiftr. Dodfworthii mlT. vol. xxiv. f. 47. pro priore et cano- as* “■ bi * **■*•> » *“» -™ « 1 ct canomci j and fometinaeS) i( Laici f^atres.,, ^u<£rey Dddd nicis XLIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. nicis S. Kath. Lincoln, vol. Ixxxix. f. 43 de caru- cata terrae in Staplelord : f. 44. de terris in Ycom: {. 47. in Kanewyk: f. 58 in Bonington: f. 64. de decern bovatis in Sydeftown. Inter colletf. Nic. Charles in bibl. coil. Reg. Oxon. f. 134. cartam U'abellae uxoris Hamelini com. Warren concedentis t'ratribus et pauperibus holpitalis S. Catli. Lincoln, quod habeant liberum ingrelTum et regref- fum per calcetum cjus vocat. Cabrigge. Pat. 1 Ed 1. m. 17. dqrfo, de ten. in Newerk Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 33 dorfo, de ten. in Seleby : Plap. co- ton* apud Nottingham, 8 Ed. 1. rot 42 de xx. bo- vatis terras in Codington: Plac. apud Lincoln, q Ed 1. alfif. rot. 76. de terris in Saxby : ibid, quo war. rot. 7. dorfo, ct 15. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . de nova eonftruc- tione molendini in viridi extra portam prioratus: Pat. iq Ed. 1. m . Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 1. pro advoc. eccl de Northorp, ex dono Hen. Newark decani Ebor. Pat. 22 Ed. x. m- penult vel antepenult. Cart sq Ed. 1. n. 40. de meff. in civitate Lincoln, quondam Haggaei Judaei : Rec. in fcacc. 2q Ed. 1. Trin. rot. . Ibid. 31 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. et m penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. x Ed 2. p. 2. m. 21. de terris in Alford: Pat. 6 Eld. 2 p. 1. m. 15 pro eccl. de Stapleford appro- prianda: Brev reg 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. n. . Pat. q Ed. 2. p. 1. in. 3. et p. 2. m. 31. de redditu in YValton: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p 1. m. 31. de terris in Lincoln, Bultham, et Navenby ; et p. 2. m. 15. de molendino in Barton fuper Humber excambiat. cum Henrico de Bcllomonte : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1 m. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 15 Ed. 2. Mich, rot. . de maner. de Saxby: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. dorfo; et m. iq. de pifcaria et paflagio in aqua de "Wyme apud Tymberland. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. et 5 vel 6. de eccl. de Saxby approprianda, et de c. acris pafturs in Skeldingthorp • Ibid. p. 3. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 2 Ed 3. p. 3. m ' Plac. apud Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 26. dq libertatibus in Newark, et Codington : Cart. 5 Ed. n. 28. pro lib. war. in Canewikes, Bracebri^’ Hermefton, Colby, Bothbye, Navenby, YVeling°re’ Scaupewike, Blaunkneye, Sichefton, Belton, Welle.’ by, Hogliton, Bynyngton, Stapelford, Northikham' Whifeby, Bultham, Saxby, Toftenueton, Scryvelby’ Hagworthinghain, et Beltesford [Line.] Codyngton et Wiggefle [Nottingh.] Gaye et Brampton [Ebor.] Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 yd 3. Pat. q Ed. 3. p, m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 27 vel 37] pro cantaria in eccl. de Beltesford: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. £fc>" Lincoln. 4q Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 70. de quarta parte feod'i militis in Hermefton. Pat. q Ric. 2. p 1. m. 25. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. et p. 2. m. 2 vel 12. pro med. eccl. de Hackthorp approprianda: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 13. pro eccl. de Mere approprianda: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 35, de ten. et meff. in civit. Lincoln. Ibid. p. 2. m. 2, pro eccl. de Hermefton approprianda: Pat. 22 Ric. 2< p. 3. m. 3. quod prior fit perfona eccl. S. Mari* Magd. de Newark, et de ejufd. appropriat. Ibid, m. 20. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 22 vel 23. Plac. aflif. in com. Line. 7 vel 8 Hen. 4. rot. q5. de eccl. et meff. in Hermefton. Fin. Nottingh. 6 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 251. de meff. in Newark. 4. Benedictine Cell. In the large confirmation by K. Henry 2. of the lands and houfes, which h ut been given to the church Oh'S!. Mary’s at York, are feveral donations in the city aad fields' ot Line In ; one of which was probably the place whereon was built the priory of St. Mary Magdalene 1, a cell ot two or three Bened.ctine monks to the aforementioned abbey. Leland' calls it St Bto-es’, and faith, “ it was in one of the eaft fuburbs, fcant half a mile from the minfter.” It wV valued, 26 Hen 8. at 23/ 6s. 3d. per ann Dugd. 2 61. is. 3d. Speed; and granted, 37 Hen 8 «s parcel of St. Mary’s York, to John Bellow and John Broxholm. Vide Man. And. tom. i. p. 3Rq 1045. fuburb. Lincoln, conceff abbati S. Mari* Ebor. ad Lelandi Colled, vol. iii. p. 33- ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 32. inveniendum duos monachos ibidem continue cele- luquff. Line, 7 Hen. 4. n. IQ. de quadam placea in braturos. r St. Bartholomew’s Priory. The priory of St. Bartholomew here is mentioned in Prynny* vol ii. p. *40. as a place whither the convert Jews were lent 39 Hen. 3. But 1 have not met with it eiicwhcre. 6 Cantilupe College. Within the clofe, about A. D. 1355 V was founded by Sir Ni¬ cholas dr Cantilupe knt. a college of priefts to celebrate at the altar of St. Nicholas in the cathe¬ dral church here. F,dt appropriationcm ecclefise de Leek huic collegio, A. D. 1366. in regiftro Joannis Bokingham epife. Lincoln. 7. Beningworth’s Hospital. In the eleventh year of K. Edward 3. Henry de Bening- worth lubdcan of Lincoln had licence to (ettle lands and tenements in the city and fuburbs of Lin¬ coln upon the dean and chapter of the cathedral church there, for the maintenance of certain poor men and one chaplain ; but whether it took effeft I know not. Vide pat. II Ed. 3. p. I. m. • 8 St. Giles’ Hospital. A little without this city on the north eaft was the hofpital of :>t. Giles, the mafterfhip of which was annexed by Oliver dean of Lincoln, about A. D. 1280. to the vicars who performed divine offices in the cathedral. q Leland. Colie A. vol. i. p. 35. vol. iii. p. 33. Prynne, vol. 111. p. 71 1. ex pat. 15 Ed. 3. m. 13. %uterey Whether this cell was not built on thg. ruins, of the ancient monastery of lcanhoc. r itin. voi. i. p. « 9a*re, Whether this be not a miftake for St. Bcge s or S • Bees in Cumberland ; which was a cell to St. Mary’s at 101 • t Collect, d. V. Matt. Hutton e regiftris Lincoln. Pat. % Jac- / XLIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. Vidt pat* 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. recit. et confirm, dona- canus ct capitulum dicbe ecclcfiae domum vicariis t|oneS quamplurimas fadtas fratnbUs domus S. Egidii aflignahant, &c. Lincoln, antequam cura didtx domus ad dccanum et Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. |. m. 24. capitulum Lincoln, fpedabat; poftea Olivcrus de- q Holy Innocents’ Hospital. Remigius bifhop of Lincoln u, is faid to have been the fliil builder of the houfe for leprous perfons near this city, to which he afligned thirteen marks vearly revenue w. 1 his probably was the fame with the hofpltal of the Holy Innocents called Le jvlallardry * without Lincoln, or elfe gave occafion for the founding and endowing this laft men¬ tioned hofpital by K. Henry 1. for a mailer, warden, two chaplains, one clerk, and ten lepers, who, temp. Ed. 3. had lands and rents to the vaiue of 30/. per ann. This was annexed to the hof¬ pital of Burton Lazars, 35 Hen. 6. for the better maintenance of three of the king’s fervants that ihould happen to be lepers, either here at Lincoln, or in the hofpital of St. Giles near London, and, as parcel thereof, was granted to Sir William Cecil, 7 Ed. 6. y]/ie in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 388, 389. inquif. de fundatione et dotatione hujus hofpitalis, ex brev. reg. et rec. de temp. R. Ed. 3. bund. 2. n. 6. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. P- I- m- 23. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartam R. Hen. 2. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. de conceffione magiftro ord. de Burton Lazari. Refiftrum brevium, f. 43. a. et 303. b. deocuftodia in donatione domini regis. Cart. 6 Joan. n. 14. de 1. carucat. tcrrte in Norcote in Coca de Horncaftre. Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. de proteflione: Cart. 14 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 1. de terris in Norcote, Hundegate, Brace- brigg, &c. Efc. Line. 2 Ed. 1. n. 77. Inquif. lo Ed. 2. n. 170. [Line.] Cart. 4 Ed. 3. m. 13. confirm, terraruin, kc. Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. n. 91. pro ten. in Bultham : Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 36. de terris in Bultham, Algarkirke, Holme, &c. Efc. Line. 10 Ed. 3. n. 62. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro reclufa ibidem : Efc. 45 Ed. 3. n. 7 1. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 8. de concelf. hujus hofp. hofp. S. Egidii extra London. Orig. 1 Ed. 4. rot. 49. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 15. 10. St. Marie’s Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin or St. Mary Magdalene under the government of a prior or warden. Vide regiftrum brevium, tit. De Irigreffu, kc. f. 230. b. priore hofpitalis S. Marix Lincoln, de carucata terra; Plac. in com. Line. 7 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 17. pro in Stapeltord, ex dono Joannis rectoris de Norton. 11. Holy Sepulchre Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre L It was of the order of Sempringham, but diltindt from the priory of St. Katherine’s, to which the care and government of this houie was committed by Roberc fecond bifhop of Lincoln, who was probably the founder of both. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 94. a. 805. a. 814. b. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 148. Conventionem inter decan. et capit. Lincoln, et fratres hofpitalis S. Sepulchri Lincoln, de molendino in Walton juxta Grantham, A. D. 1198. mf. in regiftro eccl. Lincoln, penes rev. D.D. Gul. Wake archie- pife. Cantuar. Fin. in itin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 1. jus p ioris hofp. S. Sepulchri Lincoln, in 1. tofto et 1. bovata terrx in Bafebrigge. 12. Austin Friers. On the fouth fide of the fuburb adjoining to Newport gate1, was an houfe of Augultin friers as early as A. D. 1291. The fite whereof was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to John Bellow and John Broxholm. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 33. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. pro manfo elargando. Fat. 20 Ed. I. m. . Pat, 22 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. 13. Black Friers. On the eaft part of the city was a priory of Black or Preaching friers as early as 12 Ed. 1. which was after the diffolution granted to John Bellow and John Broxholm 37 Hen. 8. Vide pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 11 Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. vel 12. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. 14. Grey Friers. In or before the year 1230. the Grey friers or friers Minors came to this city, and had a place given them to dwell in by William de Beningworth a, near which the citizens of Lincoln gave them a piece of ground belonging to their gild hall b, and thereon the church and houie of thele Francifcans were built. The fuc of which was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Pope. u Who died A. D. 1092. Angl. Sacr. tom. ii. p. 415. w Giraldus Cambrenlis in vita epifeoporum Lincoln, in An¬ glia Sacra, tom. ii. p. 417. x Le Maladne in pat. 7 Hen. 4. v ^uare. Whether the “ Canonici hofpitalis Lineolniae,” A. D. 1185. Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 536. belonged to this houfe, the members whereof are ftiled “ Canonici Hofpitalis S. Sepul* “ chri Lincoln/' in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 94. 2 Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 33. a MS. Stow, ex recordis. But in Leland. Itin, vol. i. p. 33. Reginalds Mo/endariuj merchant of Lincoln is faid to be foun¬ der, and Henry Lacy earl of Lincoln, and Nunny his almoner to be great benefadors. Mr. Speed faith, John Pykeryng of Stamwyke was founder. b In Speed’s map this houfe of Grey friers is placed without Newport gate, where Leland feems to put the Auftin friers. %uxre, Whether the place in the eaft part of the city there called the Little friers, might not have been the place of thele Grey friers. Fide XLIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. F,dt Le'and. Itin. vol. i. p. 33. Pat. 15 vel 55 Hen. 3. p. 1. in. 5. Pat. 42 Hen. 3, m Stevens* Supplement, vol. i. p. 154; ' n’ 5* 15. White Friers. “ On the weft fide of the high ftreate in the lower part of the to “ called Wvkerford were the White fryers founded by Gualterus caullid Dorotheusc dene of Li ^ “ coin, a Sccttifli man ” Leland, Itin. vol. i. p. 32, 33. But Speed faith, this houfe was found^i by Odo de Kilkenny d a Scot, A. D. 1269. It was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Broxholin. C 16. Friers de Sacco. In one of the fuburbs of this city was an houfe of the friers De facco or De poenitenda Jefu Chrifii, before the diflblution of that order. In 5 Ed. 3. leave was grant H to the vicars of the cathedral church of Lincoln to take the church of Reffam in mortmain^ UDQ condition that they kept three chaplains conRantly to officiate in the chapel, which fome time be longed to thole friers, for the foul of K. Edward 1. In 32 Ed. 3. Joan, who had been the wife of Sir Nicholas Cantilupe, had leave to found a college or large chantry of five priefts, in honor of St. Peter, upon the ground where formerly the houfe of the friers De facco ftood. Vide pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . L. LOUTH PARK, or De Parcolude. Cjstertian Abbey. Alexander bifhop of Lincoln, A. D. 1139. built an abbey in the Da I- near Lowth for the Ciftertian monks, whom he had brought from Fountains to Haverholm. Tl as moft of the monafteries of this order, was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the time of £ Henry 3. herein were no fewer than fixty-fix monks, and one hundred and fifty Converfi; where' as, about the time of the fuppreffion, here were not above twelve Religious, who had lands and rents worth 147/. 14.S. 6 d. per arm. Dugd. 169/. 5s. 6d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted 30 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk, and 12 Eliz. to Sir Henry Stanley knt. and Mar„.' ’ his wife. & Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 805. hiftoriolam de fun- datione ex libro Fontanenfi mf. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 17. per Infpex recit. eartam 8 Hen. 3. confirmantem concefliones donatorum. Leland. Colledt vol. i p. 93. vol. iii. p. 106. Annales coenobii de Parcolude ad A. D. 1349. mlT. in arebivis civitatis Norwic. quorum apographum forfan in bibl. Bodl. e mufeolo autoris. Rot. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 11. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 35. dorfo, de ten. in villa S. Botulphi: Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 27. de ten. in Winn: Plac. apud Lincoln. 9 Ed. i. aflif. rot. 6 et 52. de terris in Fule- ftow, quo war. rot. 6. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 26, 27, 28, 29. 31. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 4. Pat. 1 5 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. . de ten. in Luda. Plac. in com. Dcrb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 19. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 13. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro imparcatione cxl. acr. paftur. et terrae in Fuleftow; et xxx. acr. marifei in Farlefthorp : Pat. 12 Ed p. 1. m. 36 vel 37. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. t. m. 4I'4j 42. quod abbas non tenetur reparare calcetum de Flixburgh [Ebor.] Ibid. p. 3. m. 9. pro commun paftur. in m. acr. terrae in Cokerington : Efc. Line 16 Ed. 3. port mortem Eliae Rabayn : Pat. 19 Ed. 3' p. 3. m. 15 de maner. de Cokerington conceff. Pec' Hen. le Vavafor cler. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . 'pat 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7. licent perquirend. ten. in Sal- fletby, Kedington, & c. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. j. m Pat. 40 Ed. 3. P- L m' 41 • Pro ten. in Cokerington: Rec. in turre, 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. de reparatione calceti in Cokerington, &c. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. pro eccl. de Fouleftoweap- proprianda; et m 79. de taxatione bonorum abbatia;. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 9. pro eccl. de Herpelwell ap-’ proprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. 23. pro terris j« Eaft Ravendale. LI. M A L T E B Y, near Lowth. Templars. A preceptory of the Templars, and after of the Hofpitalars. Randal earl of Chefter was the firft donor. It was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 547, 552. Cartas in bibl. Harleyana, 44 E. 21. LII. M A R K E B Y, or Merkeby’. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canon the honor of St. Peter. It was rated, 26 Hen. Leland. 163/. 17s. bd ■ Speed; and granted, ; Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. nomen tantum fundatoris. Lelandi ColledL vol. i. p. 93. In Regiftro hon. de Richmond, Append, p. 36. de terris c No fuch name occurs in Le Neve’s catalogue of the deans of Lincoln. 13 By his furname he fhould rather be an Iriiliman. c In the marihes two miles from Hotoft Creek. Leland. Col¬ lect. vol. i. p. 93. Note, That the priory of Marejby, faid to be in Lincolnjbire , Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 811. ttiould be Materfej ; built before 5 Joan', by Ralph Fitz Gilberts to 8. at 130/. 131. o d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 160I. ;o Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. in Leggefby. In Bradton De legibus, &c. lib. ii. c. 23. memoratam litem prioris de Markeby, 4 Hen. 3. term. Trin. de advoc. eccl. de Wichine. in Not 'ting/: cimjbire, f Madox’s Hi (lory of Exchequer, p. 421, g %u feofavit dictum hofpitale, xxx. annis elapfis per fer- Vum duodecim lettorum infirmis in perpetuum in eadem domo inveniendorum.,, Dodfvvorth. Collett. ex rot. hundred. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. vol. Ixxxix. * Dr. Hutton. Collett, e rot. anni 12. R. Grot, epife. Lincoln. 1 This hofpital (which was certainly different from the temple at Mere) is thus expreily mentioned in the compofition between the archbilhop and dean and chapter, made A. D. 1261. Car- tular. archiepifc. p. a6. m Not Richard, as Baron, vol. i. p. 36. n Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1021. 0 Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 19. P Gouteby , as Mr. Cole. 1 MS. Afhmol. n. 1519. And “ Canonici de Neuboth” oc¬ cur 1 Joan, in Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer. This abbey is not to be met with in Speed’s Maps ; but according to the records it mould be near Grantham. E e e e In LV. LINCOLNSHIRE. In Madoxii Hill. Scacc. p. 529. ut fint quieti ile cuftu- mis ex oblat. 2 Joan. m. 7. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck. vol. ii. dimiflioncm ii. bovatarum terra in Muftone dom. Johanni de Char- neles in o£tennium. Rot. cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 22. et m. 26. Cart. 57' Hen. 3. n. 22. Plac. de banco, 1 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 82. de advoc. eccl. de Knyvcton [Nottingh.] Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. de excambio cum perfona de Bergbby: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 2. de terris in Adelington. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 25. pro eccl. de Kneveton [Nottingh.] et m. 28. de taxatione temporalium hujus abbatite : Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. jg. pro in Allington ct Gunwardby: Pat. 43 Rj. ,, ' m. 21. pro ten. in Segbrook, Cafthorp, See p.1' 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33. pro ten. in Cafthorp, et Roppelay. ' Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro eccl. de Northorp a,, proprianda: Pat. 4 Ric. 2- p. 2. m. 12. Efc. tingh. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 95. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. >, m. 21. pro terris in Kneveton, Fillinghara, et Se . brook. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. '2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Allington per_ quirenda ab abbate de Thurgarton. LVI. NEUS‘, NEUAHUS', or NEWHOUSE", or Newefham, or Newfome. PREhfoNSTR AT ENSIAN Abbey. Here was the firft monaftery of the Premonftratenfian order in England, which was built by Peter de Gouda or Goufel, A. D. 1143. as fome", and A. D. n^g as others1, to the honor of St. Mary and St. Martial r. In it were maintained, about the time^of the diffolution, an abbat and eleven canons, having yearly revenues worth 99/. is. 10 d. ob. Duod, 114/. is. 4 d. ob. Speed1. This with many other Religious houles in Lincolnlhire, was grantecho Charles duke of Suffolk 30 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 589, 590. ex autogra- phis in bibl. Deuwefiana [modo in bibl. Harleyana] cartam fundationis, quod Petrus de Goufla fit parti- ceps omnium beneficiorum conventus : Cartam Will, com. Lincoln, confirm, conceff. Petri de Goufla et aliorum donatorum : Cartam Heliae de Albeniaco, uxoris, et filiorum de tertia parte eccl. S. Botulfi de Saxelbi : Cartam Hugonis de Baiocis confirmantem donationes infra feodum fuum : Quasdam de feodis militum ad hanc abbatiam fpe&ant. ex libro rubeo et rot. hundred. 3 Ed. 1. Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. 93. Librum Nigrum Scaccarii, p. 275. Regiftrum hon. de Richmond, Append, p. 36. de terris in Killingholm. In bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. xxx. f. 19. 23, 24. 26, 27. 41. 43. 45- 57> S8- 64, 65. 81, &c. apographa quarundam cartarum ad hanc abbatiam fpedlantium, ex autographis Deuvefianis non' in Moil. Angl. edi- tarum ; fcil. Simonis de Broibrof, de terris in Nor- manby; Nich. Malemain, de redd, in Rothwell ; Lamberti de Scotegnia, de terris in Herndale et Lim- bergh M. Hen. Nevill, de med. eccl. de Brochefby ; Hugonis Nevil de eccl. de Kirington, et aliorum : vol. Ixxxix. e rotulis hundred, in com. Line. f. 66, 67. 69, 70. 73, 74, 75, 76. 81, 82. 85. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 105. tranferipts and ex¬ tracts from original deeds relating to this abbey. MS. Peck, in mufeo Britannico, vol. ii. refignationem Thoms Afchton abbatis, et eleftionem Joannis Swyfte abbatis de Bello Capite in abbatem de New- hous A. D. 1478. necnon vifitationem abbatise eodem anno factam. A large regifter of all the lands, farms, tenements, &c. that were given to the priory of Newfon in the county of Lincoln, penes dominam .... Pelham de Brock- lefby in com. Line. A. D. 1696. with a tranflation of the fame into Englifh for her Ladyfhip’s ufe. Ox¬ ford catal. of mfT. p. ii. p. 360. Cartas ad mon. de Newhoufe lpeflantes, penes hon. Montagu com. Lindfey apud Grimefthorp, A. D. 1646. nunc in bibl, Harleyana; unde cl. Anftis in Afpilogia fua mf. deferipfit tres, n. 297. 321 et 332. Harum poftrema eft: Randulfi de Baiocis pro bovata terrae in Carborna, quamdiu ordo Pramonftrateniis ibi teneatur. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 20. n. 167. de eccl. S. Mich. Glent- worth, S. Helenae de Kairington, &c. Plac. in com. Line, g Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 5. pro meff. et XVI. bovatis terra in Killingholm: Ibid. rot. 18. de terris in Hale P. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. prbpe finem. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 1. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. de terris in Killingholm: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 2. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 29. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. I Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro maner. de Hanbergh; et p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 41. pro eccl. de Brbklefby. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. pro maner. de Hotoft. LVII. NOVUS LOCUS, or Newftede on Ancolm3, near Glanford Bridge h, or in Lindefeyh GiLBERTiNE Priory. K. Henry 2. gaved to St. Gilbert and the canons of Sempringham, aa ifland called Rucholm, within the bounds of Cadney, thereon to found a priory of their order, which was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and endowed, at the diflolution, with 38/. 13s. Hel¬ per am. Dugdc. 55/. is. 8d. Speed. It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Robert Henneage. r So in the margin of Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 6ia. • Chron. Mailros. ’ * Cart. Harleyan, Afpil. Anftis, n .332. u This name is moft ufual in the oldeft deeds and records. Neus occurs for Nehufe in chron. Mailros. w MS. Afhmol. 1519. 6t chron. Mailros. x Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 587. Reyner, vol. i. p. 161. In Dugd. Bar. vol. i. p. 573. it is faid to have been founded in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 1. r Not St. Michael , as mf. Aftimol. p. xao- * 100/. Leland. ' t\! . . a On the river fo' called, not in Axhohn ijlaml , as in Speed. b c< Prior de Novo Loco juxta Glanford brigge.,, Rcgd”' Album Burg. S. Petri. , c So in carta Joannis, to diftinguilh it from Newftede by Stanford. # . • d Before A. D. 1173. as appears by the witnefles to ■ charter. . c ■ c The grofs fum in the mf. Valor is 45 /. rr s. 8 l. ii. p. 27. of lands in Braunfton. In Wright’s Rutlandlhife, p. 36. of the lordfhip Of Caf- terton Parva, and the advowfon of the rectory fome- time. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 91. 96. ejufdem Itin. VOl. i. p. 104. vol. Vi. p. 28. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. i. m. 15. pro medietate eccl. de Gretigham ex dono Will, de Rofs. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 22. pro eccl. de Carterton. Plac. cOram rege, 49 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 14. quod prior tehetur reparare calcetum inter pontes de Stanford et Swafbridge. LIX. N O C T O N. Austin Canons. In the park here Robert de Areci or D’Arcy, temp. R. Steph. built a priory for Black cahonS to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene. It had, about the time of the difibiution five canons, who wefd maintained with poffdlions worth 43/. per ann. Leland. 44/. 0 s. 8 d. *9S- 2d.ob, Speed. 57/. igs. 2 d. ob. mf. Val, e The fite Was granted to Charles duke or Suffolk, 30 Hen, 8. and 12 Eliz. to Sir Henry Stanley knt. lord Strange. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 211, 212. ftemma fun- datoris ex libro de Alvingham: C’artam Thorn® D’Arcy de eccl. de Noctoi:, et progeniem Darceio- rum: Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 6. recit. et confirm, dona¬ tiones. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 95. In bib] . Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 7. excerpta e earns huic prioratui fpedlantibus penes Chriftoph. dom. ^ Hatton. MS. Dodfworth. vol. lxxxix. f. 47, 48, 49. de terris in Noclon, Metheringham, et Haneworth. Efcaet. Line, 55 Hen. 3. n. 40. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. dorfo, pro ten. in Stratton: Plac. apud Line. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 14. dorfo, de ID bertat. in Navenby, Metheringhatn, See. Pat. iq Ed. 1. m. . * Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro ten. in fuburb. Lincoln, Hanworth, Doufton, &c. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m, 5. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p, . m. 24. de xk /. per ann. perqui- rendis : Pat. 32 Hen. 6. m. 13. pro ten. in Chancery Lane, London. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 16. pro maner. de Ofbernby; pro ten. in Potter, Hanworth, Rilkington, Arhwike, et maner. de Water Willoughby. LX. NORTH ORMESBY, or Nun Orniefby, Gileehtine Priory. William earl of Albemarle and Gilbert fon of Robert de Ormefbv lounded here, temp. R. Steph. a mortaftery for nuns and brethren of the Sefnprinrrham order It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, and valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 80/. m. 10 d. per ann. Dumd 08/ Speed. 1 he fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Robert Henneage. 3 ’ y ■ ' tide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 809, 810. ex regiftro de Ormefby penes Rob. Rockley de Rockley in com. Ebor. A. D. 1638. Cartarh Grlberti fil. Roberti de Ormelby de dotatione hujus prioratus : Cartas duas Roberti Dapiferi, de eccl. et paftur. ovium in South Elkinton 1 de eccl. de Grimeiby P. cum confirms- tione Will, de Kyma : Ibid. p. 816. b. cartarh Will, de V efci pro heremitorio de Spalding Holm. ,j Thornton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 114. and the records fix , f houle “ Ad pontem de Walk inter Stanford et Offinton.” « 1 £.0 VoI'.,Vi' P- faith’ “ That Newftede is withyn bcneth Stanford, but not hard upon the vei , buildid by one of the Albeneys, who lay communely “ yJfinSt°n> °f jf hichthey were lords ; and here was buried the fecond, third, and fourth of the Albeneys.” s “ Summa inde 57/. 19s. id. fumma clara 43/. 3,. 8 4.” Stevens, vol. 1. p. is. J “• Regiftrum LX. LINCOLNSHIRE. Regiftrum honoris dc Richmond, Append, p. 34. de tcrris in Cadeby: p. 36. de terris in Cadney. Collett. cl. Dodfworthii ex cartular. de Ormeihy, penes Roakby de Skyres, A. D. 1632. mf. in bibl. Bodl. vol. cxxxv. f. 139. et in vol. lxxxix. f: 77* ®4' de terris in North Kelfey et Barton. Extratta quamplurima e regiftro hujus coenobii, in libro collett. dom. Gul. Heyward intit. Gaunt , mil. nuper penes Petrum Le Neve arm. et ab ipfo donat. Joanni dom. Somers. Rot. clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. dorfo, de ten. in Freedom Inquif. Line. 30 Hen. 3, n. 30. pro villa de North Kelfey: Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 15. de foka de Cadre Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. pro eccl. de Luthburgh ap. proprianda. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. in. 14. LXI. P E A R T A N, or Peartenei. Monastery DESTROYED. A monaftery of this name, in the kingdom of the Mercians, under the government of an abbat, is more than once mentioned by Bedeh, in the feventh century-’ and is thought to have been at Partney k in this county, where, as old as the time of K. Henry j’ there certainly was an hofpital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene1. The fame venerable hiftorian" alfo tells us, that in thefe ancient times there was another monaftery near this, over which prefided the abbefs Edelhild. Vide mf. Cole, vol. xllv. p. 49. LXII. WEST RAVENDALE. Alien Priory. Alan" the fon of Henry earl of Britanny gave, A. D. 1202. this town and church to the Premonftratenfian abbey of Beauport in Britanny 0 ; and fo it became a cell to that monaftery. This alien priory being valued at 14/. per arm. was, after its diffolution, 17 Hen. 6. granted by that king to the collegiate church of Southwell in Nottinghamlhire. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 1016. cartam Alani filii com. Henrici de eccl. de foka de Waltham in epifeo- patu Lincoln. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. IS- pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 2. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. de conceffione hujus prio- ratus eccl. de Suthwelle. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Square impedit pur gardein de col- lege, § 2. de advoc. eccl. de Waltham. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 622. of tithes in Great Riffington. Plac. in com. Line. 29 Hen. 3. affif. rot. 12. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. de eccl. de Briggefle. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. . m. 42. Efcaet. Line. 15 Hen. 6. n. 48. extenta terrarum, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpettant. LXIII. R E V E S B Y. ClSTERTl AN Abbey. William de Romara earl of Lincoln founded here, A. D. 1142 p. an abbey of Ciftertian monks % which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Laurence r, and en¬ dowed, at the fuppreffion, with 287/. 2 s. 4 d. ob. per arm. Dugd. 349/. 4 s. 10 d. Speed-. The fire was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl.. tom. i. p. 822, &c. ex vetufto ex- emplari penes V.' cl. Hen. Spelmannum, nunc mf. penes Cox Macro S.T. P. mifcell. vol. vii. f. I, &c. Cartam Will, de Romara de fundatione : Nomina eorum qui terras vel libertatem de codem acceperunt in Revefbia, Stickefbia, et Thorefbia: Cartas duas alias fundatoris: Cart. Will, de Romara nepotis fun- datoris : Cartam Ranulphi com. Ceftriae : Cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 4. n. 12. per Infpex. recit. confirmationem donationum per Ricardum 1. anno regni 10. Lelandi Collea. vol. i. p. 37. 92. de fundatione: vol. iii. p. 32. codd. m(T. olim in bibliotheca. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 265. de relaxatione feod. 1. mil. tent, de Willelmo de Romara. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, Append, p. 35. de ii. bovatis terra: in Spridlington. The pedigree of the founders of this monaftery out of the records of the abbey figned by the abbat and his monks, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius, E. viil f. 28. * Ecclef. Hift. lib. ii. c. 26. lib. iii. c. II. . i But Dr. Crefiy feems to place it too early, viz. A. D. 628. v Vide Explicationem Nominum Locorum ad finem Chron. Saxon, in voce Beardenig. Mr. Camden’s confounding this with Bardney (as Bollandus alfo doth) feems to have been owing to the copy of Bede ufed by Leland, and his correttions in his ^olledt. vol. ii. p. 138. 1 Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 142* b. tom. 11. p. 849. b. m Ecclef. Hift. lib. iii. cap. 11. n Dodfworth. vol. lxxxix. f. 45* e rot. hundred. Line, wapen- tak. de Hawardhou [juratores] dicunt, “ Quod abbas de Bel- loportu tenet totam villam de Weft Ravendale cum advoca- « tione ecclefiarum de foca de Waltham, fcil. Waltham, Brig- •f gefle, Barnolby, Haddeclif, Belefby, Harwardby, Befebyet, u Dodfworthii Collet, vol. lxxxix. f. 54. de terris in Claxby, e rot. hundred. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. vol. cii. f. 120. Rot. fin. 7 Joan. m. 1. de foflatae claufura, et marifeis in Hilledoc. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 36. dorfo, de commun. paftur. in Tolefby: Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 11. de exclufis in Kirkby fuper Bains: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. pro terris et pratis in Claxby et Pluckacre: Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 6. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. de reparatione calceti de Northdyke, et fundatione. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. in. 8 et 11. quod abbas non debet reparare pontem et calcetum de Nordykes [Line.] Efcaet. 3 Ed. 3. n. 64. [Line.] de commun, paftur. in bofeo de Turn- by: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. de taxatione tempor. “ Alwaldby, ex dono Alani com. Britannia;, et valet per ann. “ xl.” and fo plac. aflif. 29 Hen. 3. But quxre, as to the date in the Monaft. A. D. 1202. which is not reconcileable with Sir William Dugdale’s account of the earls of Britanny of that name. 0 Not in Normandy , as in the Monaft. P So the Monaft. The annals of Parcolude fay A. D. 1143- q Not a Nunnery , as in Speed. The founder turned monk, and was buried in this monaftery, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 305. r Hugh, abbat here, fubferibes as witnefs to a grant to Foun¬ tains abbey. u Hugone abbate de S. Laurentio,” See. in car¬ tular. abbatiiE de Fontibus mf. in bibl. coll. Univ. Oxon. * 280/. Leland. abbatiz : LXIII. LINCOLNSHIRE. abbati*: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vc! 28. Ibid. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 78 Ed. 3- P- 2- m- 20. Pat- 45 3- P- m. 15. pat. 6 Ric. 2. p- 1. m. 10. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. pro mercat. et feria apud Marom : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. i) 1. m. 35- «t p. 2. m. 10. de ten. in Marum : Pat. iS RR- 2- P- 2- m- 7- Pro ecc*- Thedcl thorp ap- proprianda: Clauf. ig Ric. 2. m. 20. dorfo, de redd. viii. marc, de maner. de Claxby: Clauf. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. dc maner. de Toftgrange, Sukeney, et Sibfey. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. pro eccl. de Fodringham approprianda : Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 16. Clauf. 12 Hen. 4. m. j. dorfo, de iii. petris cer* folvendis vie. de Frifkeney. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. Rec. in fcacc. 36 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 12. LXIV . SANDETOFT, or Sauntoft. Benedictine Cell. Roger de Moubray or Gosfridus de la Wyrch' gave this ifland with feveral fisheries upon the borders of Yorklhire, to the abbey of St. Mary’s at York in the begin¬ ning of the reign of K. Henry 2. or fooner, whereupon another contiguous eftate called Henes” (which that abbey had before by the gift of William earl Warren, temp. Will. Rufi) being joined to it, here was fettled a fmall Benedidtine priory cell to St. Mary’s aforefaid. f,de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 405. cartas Roger! de Hamelini com. Warren, dc xxx. breifnisj Will. JVloubray, de ,infula voc, Santoft , et de fervitiis in com. Warren de Henes. Wroth j Thom* Darcy, de terris in Brunnum, &c. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. LXV. SEMPRINGHAM. GilBERTINE Priory. Sir Gilbert fon of Sir Joceline de Sempringham knt. redtor of the church of St. Andrew here, (having inftituted a new model of a Religious life, from him and this place called the Gilberdne or Sempringham order) about the year 1139”. obtained by the gift of Gillebert de Gaunt after earl of Lincoln, three carucates of larid, on which he built a priory for his nuns and canons, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. This was the head houfe of the order, where their general chapters were held, and had revenues, 26 Hen. 8. to the yearly value of 3 1 7 1. 4 s. id. Dugd. 359/. 12 s. yd. Speed. The fite of this monaltery was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Edward lord Clinton. fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 669, &c. vitam S. Gile- berti cohfefloris : Ibid. p. 699, &c. inftitutiones B. Gileberti et fucceftbrum ejus per capitula generalia inftitutas, et de exordio, ordinatione, et inftitutione ordinis canonicorum et famftimonialium, fratrum et fororum laicarum ordinis de Sempringham, de elec- tione magiftri et ejus automate, Sec. ex mf. cod. penes Rog. Twyfden de Eft Peckham in com. Cant, bar. Ibid. p. 789. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de Gil- berto primo ordinis inftitutore : P. 791. qu*dam de pofleflionibus hujus ccenobii infra com. Line, ex ro- tulis hundredorum in arce Londin. 3 Ed. 1. Line. Cartam Hugonis de Baiocis, de terris in Sempring¬ ham et Billingburgh : Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 11. de eccl. de Fordham: P. 792. de maner. in paroch. S. Petri Stanford : Ibid. p. 803. de eccl. monialibus dc Sempringham appropriatis : P. 805. confirmatio- nem terrarum et poileffionum ecclefi* de Sempring¬ ham, et aliis ejufd. ordinis ccenobiis per P. Innocen- tium 3. ex regiftro de Alvingham. Lelandi Colleift. vol. i. p. 49. In Reg. hon. de Richmond, Append, p. 3r. de terris in Fulbeck. In cl. Rymeri Feeder. See. vol. iii. p. 606. et vol. v. p. 248. pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro priore de non veniendo ad parliamentum • vol. vii. p. 29. bullam P. Gregorii pro magiftro gen. ord. contra epife. Lin¬ coln. A. D. 1373. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 190. pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 4. de bladis fuis non capiendis pro exerc. regis. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 286. of the church of Thruftington, and lands there. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 663. of the impro¬ priate rectory of Buxton. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. ii. p. 97, of the ad- vowfon of the re£tory of Hanington. ’ Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 389. a. 64. 1 Yrhtfc *ecm to. have been only one cell, and except in Le- land. Collett, vol. i. p. 25. where occurs “ Prior de Sandetoft u a* Y ne'u’n *he former place is only mentioned as “ Cultos de Santoft,” Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 406. “ Mouachus de Sauntoft,” Tax. Lincoln, mf. In Wright’s Rutiandihire, p. 135. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Whitfun- dine. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. ii. Ap¬ pend. p. 518. cartam Henrici regis de privilegiis or¬ dinis de Sempringham. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 35. of lands in Wil¬ loughby : p. 63. in Ketton, Cotefmore, Sec. p. 209. of lands in Bramcote : p. 217. of lands in Trowel and a moiety of the advowfon. Madox’s Hiltory of the Exchequer, p. 467. of efeuage from the lands in Boleby, which this priory had of the gift of Nigell Fitz Alexander. Vitam S. Gilberti de Sempringham per fratrem ordinis inferiptam Huberto archiepifc. Cantuar. cum epiftolis et referiptis quorundam epifeoporum et indultis papa- rum ad confirmanda coenobii Sempringhamenfts pri¬ vilege, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Cleop. B. 1. 3. Indulgentiam conceflam magiftro et ordini de Sem¬ pringham per Hugonem epife. Elienfem, A. D. 1268. Original, extat. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. ixxvi! f. 41. Of the privileges of Sempringham, and its ceils, mf. ibid. vol. exxv. f. 148. Dc terris huic conventui fpebtantibus in Wilethby et Silkely, mf. Dodfworth. vol. lxxxix. f. 42. Ibid, f. 45. in Ringefden : f. 62. in Wefthorp: f. 83. de redditu in Ferriby. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofleflio- num prioris de Sempringham in dioc. Lond. mf. 2044 f. 105. tranferipts and extradts from original deeds relating to this priory. Inter Colledt. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iv. cartam Will, de Fuigeres de demenia, manfura ii! bovatis terr*, et paftura c. ovium in [longs] Be- ningtona. Cart, antiq. 1 Joan. B. n. 21. G G. n. 20. w Some place the beginning of this order to the year n?I others to the year 1148. The firft of which times feems to refer to Gilbert’s putting, in a private manner, his women under fome rule ; and the lalt to his haring finilhed his model, and got it allowed and confirmed by the pope. See the preface. F fff Cart. LXV. LINCOLNSHIRE. C ut. i Joan. p. i, m. 14. n. 88. et m. . n. 132. Cart. 5 Joan. in. 5. n. 28. I in. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 103. do dimid. feodi militis in Crancwell: Cart. 11 Hen. 3. n. 132. de protefti- oiie: Fin. Ebor. 14 Elen. 3. n. 69. de terris In Wilg- hcby et Silkcby: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. n. 15, 16. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 16. Cart. 52 Hen. 3. pro feria apud Stow. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24. dc ten. in Thragclthorp : Piac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. aiTif. rot. 15. dorfo, de me(T. et terris in Weft Chillewell * : Plac. in com. Line. g Ed. 1. affif. rot. 18. dorfo, rot. 47. dorfo: Quo war. rot. 2. 7. 16. dorfo: Plac. in com. Leyceftr. 12 Ed. 1. ailil. rot. 1. de terris in Thurftenton: Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 68. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Pat. 19 Ed. 1. Ill. . Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 87. de lib. war. apud Biltord : Cart. 21 Ed. 1. 11. 12. pro feria apud Wrightebald, et libertat. in aliis maneriis : Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. ult. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. diV. com. 32 Ed. 1. n. 25. pro ten. et redd, in Keton et Cotefmore: Brev. reg. 35 Ed. I. Trin. n. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro eccl. de Thurftanton et Norton appropriandis: Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 31. pro ad- voc. eccl. de Waffingdon: Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. pe¬ nult. Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 3. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 16. proeccl.de Harrington approprianda: Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 2. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Ibid. 19 Ed. 2. rot. 3 et 5. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 30. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 £j quo war. rot. 22. de libertat. in Bramcote T™ 2' Chilwell, &c. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 vel2? r ■ ' 4 3' n3- Cart- S £d' 3- n' 3°- Rec- ftacc' 7 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . contin. extenta manerii de Se pringham: Ibid. 15 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Pat, rr Ed'"' p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ,3 et 'J' pro eccl. de Pordham [Cantab.] Clauf. 17 Ed ° m. 2. pro eccl. de Wiftendon : Rec. in fcacc ’ 3‘ Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . de priore non veniendo ad pari'7 mentunt : Pat. I7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 23 Ed *a~ p. 3. m. 19. pro eccl. de Hacomby : Pat. 24 Ed " p. I.m. . Ibid. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. Plac. in com Leyceftr. 30 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 32. pro redditu in wcl’:,Part- 35 3. p. 2. m io. pro medietat. feodi in Thurfington: Pat. 36 Pd. 3. p. 1. m. It paf 37 Ed. 3. p- 1. m. 14. p. 2. m. 14. de ten. in AHak' by, Avelthorp, &c. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 Vel Cart. 2 Ric. 2. n. 6. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. j. m. 22 4 Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 12. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. I. m. 9. Lib. de war. ducatus Lancaftrite, temp. Hey. Officio 51 *• 09. de ferviciis pertinentibus ad manerium de Wyfow [Nottingh 1 Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. j. m , Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. Cart. 20 Ed. 4. p. t, n j*' Rec. in fcacc. 19 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 40. de ten. in Wif! loughby. LXVI. S I X H I L L, or Sixle. GiLBeRtine Priory. A Gilbertine priory of nuns and canons dedicated to the blelfed Vir¬ gin, laid to have been founded r by . . . . Grelle or GreOei1. Its revenues were, 26 Hen. S. valued at 135 /. gd. per ann. Dugd. 170/. 8 s. gd. Speed. The fite was granted to Sir Tho. Henneave 30 Hen. 8. 0 ’ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 810. notulam de extenta manerii, 15 Ed. 2. Cart. 7 Joan. m. 6. n. 44. de maner. de Ludford ex donatione Agnetis dePercv; Ex rot. hundred, in com. Line. 3 Ed. 1. de terris in Melton, Heryewike, et Wvcham: Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. licent. pro maner. de Hotham perqui- rendo: Ibid. p. 798. cartam prioris et conv. de Sixill conced. priori et conv. de Bolyngton bovatam terriE et advoc. eccl. de Nettilton, A. D. 1469. I11 Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iit. p. 451. clauf. 19 Ed. 1. m. 10. de maner. de Toft. Plac. apud Weftm. 6 Ric. 1. rot. 5. pro advoc. eccl. de Cateby. Plac. de banco, 10 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 12. de molendino in Nettlcton : Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 8. dorfo, de com- mun. paftur. in Ocham : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro mercat. et feria apud Ludford, et libertatibus in aliis maneriis. Plac. apud Line. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 5 ct 66. de fe£ta curiiE de Binbrook : Pat. 20 Ed. x. m. . pro maner. de Tofte. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. I. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de terris in Thevelby : Brev. reg. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. n. . Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6 et 8. de redd. XL s. in Wive- lingham. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. liccnt. perquirendi terras in Wintlingham, Afthorp, Thymelby, Binbrook, &c. Efcaet. 14 Ed. 3. [Line.] poft mortem Hen. de Bel- lomonte pro terris in Eaft Rafyn : Efcaet. 40 Ed. 3. n. 13. [Line.] de terris in Belefby: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. pro redd. ann. v/. de terris in Weftling- ham et Leggefby relaxat. per redlores ecclefiarum ibidem. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. Inquif. Line. 12 Ric. 2. n. 125. de maner. de Hotham in Lindfey, terris et ten. in Houton in Le More, Enderby, Braytoft, et Thetilthorp. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 5. pro redd. vm. marc. voc. Percy Fee, de terris in Ludford relaxando. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 17. LXVII. SKIRBEKE, near Bofton. Hospital. Here was an old hofpital for ten poor people dedicated to St. Leonard, which being; given with the manor A. D. 1230. to the Knights Hofpitalars of St. John of JerufalenT by Sir Thomas M niton lent, fome of that order, fhortly after, fettled here. The hofpital was there¬ upon called St. John Baptift’s, and temp. Ed. 2. was returned to be endowed with lands fufficient to maintain three pi iefts here, and one at Flete, and to fuftain twenty poor people in the infirmi- tory ot the houfe, and to relieve forty more every day at the gate. It was granted, as parcel of the preceptory of Malteby, to Charles duke of Suffolk, 33 Hen. 8. lride in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 547. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 569. Stukeley’s Itin. curiofuin, p. 22, 23. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. ii. p. 74. of the lordfhip of Skyrbec, the chapel of Wyneftow, and advowfon of the church of Kirketon. Rot. efcaet. Line. 15 Ed. 2. n. 45. Ibid. 19 Ed. 3. poll mortem Thomse Lucy. x See Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 107. y Probably temp. R. Stepb , becaufe it is generally placed after Bolington, and before all other priories of this order in Lincoln- Ihire. The canons here are mentioned in the great pipe roll, 3 Ric. 1. Lincoln. z Square, Whether the founder of Swinfhead or his fon. a This feems to have been “ Ecclelia hofpitalariorum junta “ S. Botulfum,” mentioned in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 898. LXVII 1. SPAL- LXVIII* / LINCOLNSHIRE. LXVIII. SPALDING. Benedictine Abbey. Thorold de Bukenhale brother to the charitable countefs Godiva gave a place here, A. D. 1052. for the habitation, and lands for the maintenance, of a prior and five monks from Croiland, who were forced to abandon this cell after the Conqueft, by reafon of the barbarous ufage they met with from Yvo Tailboys earl of Angiers, then lord of this town, and great part of the adjacent country. The faid Yvo, about the year 1074. gave the church of St. Mary and the manor here to the abbey of St. N'cholas at Angiers, from whence were fent over fome Benedictine monks, and fo it became an alien priory to that foreign monaftery, dedicated to St. Mary and St. Nicholas. It was given, 20 Hen. 6. to King’s college in Cambridge, and 1 Ed. 4. to Sion abbey-, but being made “ prioratus indigena,” and even at laft an abbey, it continued till the general fupprefiion; when its yearly income was rated at 767/. 8r. n d. Dusd. 878/. i8r. id. Speed. The fite was granted, 3 Ed. 6. to Sir John Cheke. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 306. quxdam hiftorica de fundatione hujus cell* ex annal. Petriburg. Car- tam Thoraldi, de fundatione b, ex Ingulfo: P. 307, &c. ex veteri apographo penes Jo. Oldfield arm. loci dominum, A. D. 1648. cartam R. Will. Conq. Car- tarn Ivonis Taleboy, A. D. 1085. Confirmationem RR. Will. I et 2. et Hen. 1. Cartas Ivonis Taleboys de decimis telonii, falinarum, pifcium marinorum, &c. Lucix comitiffx, et Thomx de Multon, de eccl. de Wefton: P. 302. 310. cartam 1 Joan. R. ex cart, antiq. B. (redtius D.) n. 5. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 871. de inchoatione five fundatione Spaldingenfis coenobii ex regiftro penes Joannem Oldfield arm. In Ingulphi, et continuatorum fuorum, hiftoria Croy- landenfi, edit. Oxon. 1684. f. 65. 72. 86. et p. 453, &c. procefium litis cum Croylandenfibus, de marifco inter Croyland et Spalding : Ibid. p. 476. finalem concordiam de eodem, 18 Hen. 3. Leland. Colledl. vol. i. p. gi. vol. iii. p. 32. In Reg. hon. de Richmond, Append, p. 32. de xxiii. acris terra: in Holbeche. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. vi. p. 629. clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 1 1. de xlI. annuatim retinendis in ufum regis, et non folvendis abbati S. Nicolai Andegavenfis. In Reynerii Apoftol. Bened. tr. ii. p. 156. epiftolam W. prioris de Spalding prxfidentibus capituli gene- ralis ordinis S. Benedidli de fubjedtione prioratus, ab- batix S. Nicholai A.ndegavenf. et proteftantis contra vifitatores ordinis : Ibid, in Append, p. iii. feript. 82. petit, regi de penfione annuali XL l. abbati Andega- venfi. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 285. 352. quxdam ex magn. rot. 3 Hen. 3. rot. 10. b. Lincoln, pro libdrtatibus conceffis per cartas R R. Ricardi et Joannis ; et pro hominibus prioris de Pincebec et Multon. The names clAfome of the priors of Spalding, in Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 122. and Ap¬ pend. p. 17. Seriem priorum Spaldingenfium per Joannem abbatem Petriburgenfem, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius , A. v. 1. Pro priore et conventu de Spalding, cartam 4 Ed. 2. mf. Dodfworth. xxiv. f. 16. Chronicon prioratus de Spalding, ad A. D. 1419. cui prxfixx funt cartx quamplurimx, mf. in bibl. Caio- Gonvil. Cantab. C. 18. Librum prioratus de Spalding, mf. in cadem Gaio-Gon- vil. bibl. Moor. D. 1 17. Commiffionem ad privandum priorem de Spalding in bibl. Yelverton, vol. xxv. Regiftrum penes Joannem Oldfield arm. A. D. 1659. nunc penes Mauritium Johnfon. Regiftrum prioratus de Spalding olim dom. Ricardi Ogle, nuper penes RR. DD. Edwardum Stilling- fleet cpife, Wigorn. nunc in bibl. Harleyana, mf. 742'. Aliud regiftrum de Spalding in bibl. Harleyana, 39 B. 18 L Regiftra bina cum cartis quamplurimis tam originalibus quam apographis ad hunc prioratum fpedtantibus penes Mauricium Johnfon de Spalding gen. Cart, antiq. 1 Joan. D. n. 6. de deaffbreftatione, Ac. G. G. n. si. P. P. n. 21. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. . n. 17. pro villis de Spalding et Pencebec, &c. Ibid. m. 12. n. 79. de eccl. de Wefton, Pinchbeck, &c. Oblat; 3 Joan. m. 6. Cart, ji Hen. 3. m. 4 et 5. n. 43 et 44. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart. 26 Hen. 3. pro mercat. apud Spalding : Pat. 37 Hen. 3. m. 28. pro viculo extra muros prioratus : Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 17. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 23. dorfo, de ten. in Holbech : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 28. de melT. et terris in Oberton : Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 28. 30. 50 et 52! et quo war. rot. 13 et 17. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 48. Plac. in com. North- amt. 28 Ed. 1. rot. 20, 21. de commun. paftur. in Peychurch. Pat. i Ed. 2. p, 1. m. 6. in cedula: Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. r. m. 21. licent. perquirendi xx/. per ann. in manum mortuam : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 34. dorfo : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. iq. de terris in Wefton: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 42. confirm, compofitionis cum abbate Andegavenfi de folvenda annua penfione xl l. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. de marifeis in Spalding et Pinchbeck: Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. de terris in Surflete. PaL 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 20. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 95. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. rat. 7 Ld. p. i. m. 18 vel ig. pro prioratu kernellando : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. Cart. 13 Ed. 3. n. 12. pro mer¬ cat. et feria apud Pinchbeck: Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro ten. in Pinchback, Wefton, Multon, &c. Ibid. p. 3. m. 11 vel 12. quod abbas non tenet per baromam : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m, 10. pro eccl. de ■ Sibery approprianda. Pat. 4 Ric. 2 p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28. Clauf. 18 Ric. 2. m. 33. de libertat. et metis terra- rum . Pat. 1 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de melT. terris, et molend. in Spalding et Surflete, Sec. Clauf. i Hen. 4. p. j. m. 34. de metis deafforeftationis ibidem : Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 9. de metis et divifi9 inter Spalding et Pinchbeck: Plac. in com. Line 10 Hen. 4. affif. rot. 99. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. j. m. . pro deaftoreftatione villarum de Spalding et Pinchbeck Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. !9 vel 21. Pat. ,4 Hen 6. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. . Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 25. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. Sec. 29. Clauf. 8 Ed. 4. m. 29. * 4 Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 3. m. 22. LXIX. SPILLESBY. Coi.lege. A chapel in the parilh of Erelby, which was made collegiate for a matter and ‘ 1Th.i‘’ ‘E„£r? ln Stevens, vol. ii. App. p. 71. « de Spalding.” entitled in the catalogue “ Partes ivta et vta regillri a This mf. is not mentioned in the catalogue. twelve LXIX. LINCOLNSHIRE. twelve priefts by Sir John Willoughby 22 Ed. 3. It was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and granted, 4 Ed. 6, to the duchefs of Suffolk. Vide Dugd. Baron, tom. ii. p. 83, 84. 87. Stikcford, Foletby, et Stikefwold, ex dono Joannis Rot. pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40. de eccl. de Erefby, filii Joannis Willoughby: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. m Over Tainton, et Kirkby appropriandis : Pat. 24 vel 6. Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. et p. 2. m. 28. pro feptem meflu- Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. agiis et tredecim carucatis terra: in Spillefby, Groby, Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 14. LXX. SPITTEL ON THE S T R E T E, in the parifi of Helmefwell. Hospital. A chapel and hofpital dedicated to St. Edmund, founded before 16 Ed. 2. and augmented by Thomas Alton canon of Lincoln, temp. Ric. 2. It is yet in being, and under the care of the dean and chapter of Lincoln. Vide pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 28. de toftis et terris in Herpefwell et Helmefwall conceffis per Joannem vicar, de Threvelby pro cantaria in dirfto hofpitali facienda. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 26. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 20 et 32. et p. 2. m. I. de tofto et xxx. acris terrae conceffis per Tho. Afton ad faciendum manfum pro inhabitatione pauperum ■ Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 3. pro quatuor mefluagiis ibidem et in Hermefwell et HelpefWell, et de advo- catione eccleliarum de Skeldingthorp, et Carleton Parva. LXXI. STANFELD, Staynesfeld, or Stelnfield'. Benedictine Nuns. Henry Percy f in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 2 «. built and endowed here a priory for nuns of the Benedidtine order', which, at the fuppreffion, had belong¬ ing to it fixteen Religious. Their poffelfions were then valued at 9 SI. 8r. per am. Dugd. 112/, 5 xh. Speed. 120/. Leland; moft of which, with the fite of the monaftery, were granted to Robert Tyrwhit 29 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 506, 507. notulam de fundatione ex Leland. Collect. Literas Walteri Ebor. archiepifc. de eccl. de Gifburn in Craven, terris et decimis in Swinden, &c. Elcaet. 51 Ed. 3. n. 22. Line. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 15. per Infpex. recit. cartam 21 Ed. 1. de lib. war. in Staynfeld et Ap- peley. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 92. Cart, antiq. L. n. 24. H H. 3. Cart. 10 Joan. n. 5. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. . de libertatibus : Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. lig. E. de rationalibus eftoveriis, fcil. ad edificandum, &c. in bofeis de Skyrdence. Cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 23. Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. penult, et antepenult. Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 79. de terris in Northifton. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 4. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 18. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro eccl. de Gifburn [Ebor.] Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. j vel 2. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 37. pro eccl. de Quadring ap- proprianda : Cart. 5 Ric. 2. n. 17. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 1. LXXII. STANFORD. 1. Benedictine Cell. On the fouth eaft fide of the town, in that part which is called Stan- ford-baron in the county of Northampton ‘, William de Watervile k abbat of Peterburgh/'built, temp. Hen. 2'. a Benedidtine nunnery to the honor of our Lady St. Mary and St. Michael m. This priory was fubordinate to the abbey of Peterburgh, and had at firft forty nuns, which number was much leffened before the fuppreflion, when the whole revenue of the houfe amounted only to 65/. 191. gd. per ann. Dugd. 72/. i8j. 10 d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Richard Cecil. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p.’488. notulam de funda¬ tione ex regiftro Burgi S. Petri : Cartam Will, ab- batis de fundatione: Cartam Luciae uxoris Will. Humet: Cartam R. Joannis confirm, donationem Will, de Humeth: P. 489. recognitionem A. prio- rifise et fan&imonialium dc fubjeftione abbatiae de Burgo S. Petri: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 880. ex regiftro prior. S. Michaelis juxta Stanford penes Galfr. Min- Ihull mil. A. D. 1657. Cartas Will, de Langvale, pro eccl. S. dementis ; Achardi de Stanford, pro eccl. Oran. Sanftorum ; Ric. de Humet, pro eccl. S. Andrei, A. D. 1170. P. 881. cartas Willelmi abbatis de Burgo, pro eccl. S. Martini cum confir- matione Oliveri epife. Line. A. D. 1279. Rogeri de « « Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 91. faith, It was alfo called Standeley, and that it was originally for men. Leland, Dugd. and Speed, fay it was of the BenediBine order. But yuan-, Whether it was not of the Gilbertine. For, in Dodfworth s col- lettions out of the regifters of Hugh Wells bifliop of Lincoln, there is this note, “ Anno xiv. epifeopi, pndie non. April. Ro- »< hertus de Saumur quondam monachus de Whitby, per prio- “ rifiam et moniales de Steinfeld, de confenfu Ricardi de Percy 41 patron!, in magiilrum ejufdem domus admiifus eft/’ f So Leland, Speed, and the Monaft. vol. i. p. jo6. But there is a note towards the bottom of that page in the Monaft. which feems to make William de Percy (founder of Sallay) founder of this houfe. s Becaul'e confirmed by K. John for his father K. Hen. 2. as Speed; and K. Henry 3. confirmed to thefe nuns all the liber¬ ties which K. Henry his grandfather had granted them. h ml. os. $d. Stevens, voi. i. p. ay. ‘ I have here inferted the account of this nunnery as alfo of St. John’s hofpital and the lazar-houfe, which were all fituated in that part of Stanford, Which belongs to Northamptonihire, that the reader might at one view fee all the Religious houfes in this town : a liberty which it is hoped will appear juftifiable, as the learned author has in the fimilar cafe of Thetford, litu- ated partly in Norfolk and partly in Suffolk, placed his accounts of the religious foundations in that town, all under the former county. k So the Monafticon and the Peterburgh chronicles and Inilc- rians : but from the cart of abbat Robert in Madox’s Forma- lare, p. 371. it feems as if thefe nuns were fettled here in the time of abbat Marlin predeceflbr to William Watervile. 1 Before A. D. 1170. as Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 880. m So in Madox’s Formulate, p. 1 to. Torpel, LXXII. LINCOLNSHIRE. Torpel, pro cccL S. Joan de Corby ; Matildis de n;va, pro tertia parte eccl. de Corby [Line.] Hugo- . e’;pc_ ct capit. Lincoln, de duabus partibus eccl. ']lS Corby : P- 882. cartas Radulphi de Diva, pro tntia parte ejufd. eccl. et capella de Upton; Willelmi /jhatis de Burgo, pro eccl. S. Firmini de Thurleby rLiiic.] Afcelinae de Watervill, pro medietat. capellae V Unton ; Willelmi com. Warren pro redd. xlj. e molendino de Wakefield. r Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 24. compolitionem inter 11 riorem S. Fromondi et moniales de eccl. Omn. San£t. P- !50- dimiflionem proficuorum, indulgen- ti'arum, &c. 19 Hen. 8. p. 155. excambium viii. acr. terrre inter moniales et Galfridum fil. Lenverici de Brun : p- 303. praefentationem monialium ad medie- tit eccl. de Upton [dicec. Lincoln.] a Matilde de Diva eis appropriat. p. 334. licent. concefT. perepife. Lincoln, pro ecclefiis fuis ad firmam dimittendis: 371. relaxationem annui cenfus vocat. Landgavet, pro exxiv. acris terree in campo de Stanford per ab- batem et conv. Petriburgenf. Bifhop Patrick’s Supplement to Mr. Gunton’s Hiftory of the church of Peterborough, p. 328, 329. Lelandi Collea. vol. i. p. 17. Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, Book v. p. 4. Bookvi. p. 10. 15. Book vii. p. 3, 4. 12. Book viii. p. 7. 10. 13. Book ix. p. 4. 14. 29, 30, 31. 40. 47, 48. 55- 58- Book x. p. 17. Book xi. p. 1. 12. 29. jIt 59. Book xiii. p. 3. Mr. I- order’s Letter annexed to Peck’s Annals, p. ir. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. lxxvi. p. 27. indenture between Margaret Gudchepe priorefs of St. Michael Staumford and Will. Brewftcr of Wyr- thorp. Literas epifeoporum Lincoln, monialibus de Stanford mlT. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. lix. f. 165. An original deed concerning the grievances of thefe nuns, with their redrefs by the priors of Leiccfter, &c. ibid, vol. lxxvi. f. 1. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 12 vel 15. pro un. carcft. bofei fingulis diebus iniperpetuum e forefta de Clive; Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. de terris apud Bergheiam et Bre- hillam. Plac. in com. Leiceftr. 12 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 1. 3 et 4. de mefT. terris et fervitiis in South Croxton : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 54. pro una ca- redlata quolibet die de fpinis vel de mortuo bofeo in forefta de Cliva ex dono regis joannis, et de una alia careclata fimiliter ex dono regis Henrici. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro c. fol. ann. folvendis priori de Malton. Pat. i7.Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. pro unienda domo monialium de Wirthrop. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. t. m. 5. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 37. pro iii. careft. bofei fingulis feptimanis et viii. arboribus mortuis vocat. Rawers e forefta de Clive. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. 2. Benedictine Cell. A priory" of Benediftine monks cell to the monaftery of Durham, dedicated to St. Leonard0. It was valued at 25/. u. 2 d. ob. per am. as Dugdale; and 3 61. iysf. per am. as Speed, and granted, 5 Ed. 6. to Sir William Cecill. It is now a farm houle belong¬ ing to the earl of Exeter, and with the fmall manor adjoining is ftill called St. Cuthbert’s Fee. Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 229. Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, Book ii. p. 6. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 8. dorfo, de terris in Repinghale. Book iv. p. 7. Book x. p. 12. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 96. Mr. Forfter’s Letter, p. 9. 3. GILBERTINE Priory. Robert Luttrell reftor of Irneham, 20 Ed. 1. gave a manor houfe which he had in the parith of St. Peter here to the priory of Sempringham, whereupon here was fettled a fmall convent of Gilbertine canons Undents in divinity or Philofophy. This is the molt early certain account of the univerfity at Stanford. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 792. cartam Joannis Hift. et Antiq. Oxon. p. i. p. 167. Daldreby epife. Lincoln. A. D. 1303. et cartam pri- Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, Book ix. oris et conventus de Sempringham. p. 23. 50. 4. Ai.l Saints’ Hospital. The old Beade houfe or hofpital, for a warden, one chaplain, twelve poor old men and a nurle, founded and liberally endowed by William Browne merchant of theftaple, A. D. 1493. It was dedicated to All Saints, and valued at 18/. 16;. ob. q. per ann. as Dugdale, but had in the whole 54/. 12 s. 2 d. per ann a. It is yet Handing. Vide Butcher’s Survey of Stanford, p. 32, 33. Mr. Forfter’s Letter at the end of Mr. Peck’s Annals, Leland. Itin. vol, vi. p. 27. p. 11. 5. St. John and St. Thomas’ Hospital. At the fouth end of the bridge, where fince the lord Burley’s alms houfes have been built, ftood the ancient free chapel r or hofpital of St. John Baptift and St. Thomas the martyr, confiding of a matter and brethren, founded in the latter end of king Henry 2. or beginning of the time of king Richard 1. by Richard de Humet, Bertram de Verdun Syward or Brandon de Fofiato. It was in the patronage of the abbats of Peterburgh. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 403. cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 2. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Ric. 1. confirm, fundationem : Bullam P. Alexandri Brandoni funda- tori. Patrick’s additions to Gunton’s Peterburgh, p. 328, 329. Mr. Peck’s Annals, Book v. p. 11. Book vi. p. 8. Book vii. p. 12. Book ix. p. 32. 34. Book xiv. p. 19. 21. Mr. Forfter’s Letter, p. 11. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro viginti careflatis mortui bofei e bofeo de Doddingtons. Injunftiones et adfa in vifitatione iftius hofpitalis, A. D. 1300. per Godefridum abbatem de Burgo S. Petri, inter colleAanea e regiftr. albo Petriburg. "penes R. V. Sam. Knights S. T, P. p. 149. , R Is about a furlong diftant from Newfted. Mr. Peck fays, Air -j l*fl ce^ vvas f°unded by bilhop Wilfrid, on lands given by pin id fon of Oiwi king of the Northumbers, and that having een dellroyed by the Danes, it was rebuilt by K. William I. o rnlePh bdhop of Durham. f ®acr* v°l* i- P* 762. and Dodfworth’s mlf. vol. evii. • is. where you may find the admifiion of a prior in A.D. 1224. p This feems to be a miftake for 36 /. 17 d. for the Valor in a good mf. and Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. is 36/. 11. 5 d. Note, That in all the Valors this is placed under the bilhoprick of Durham. s MS. in officio Primitiarum. ’ Lib. penfionum A. D. 1555. penes Petr. Le Neve arm. s Vide Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 57S. G ggg 6. Lazar- LXXII. LINCOLNSHIRE. 6. Lazar-house. An houfe of lepers here belonging to the abbey of Peterborough in fi time of Robert Grofthead bilhop of Lincoln, is mentioned in bilhop Patrick’s Supplement ,C Gunton, p. 328. tT"*nent to Vide Mr. Peck’s Annals, Book vi. p. 3. Book vii. p. 12. Book ix. p. 53. Mr. Forftcr’s Letter, p. 7- Austin Friers. Near the green ditch in the weft fuburb of this town, hard by St PetP > gate, was the priory of friers Auftins, faid to be begun' by one Fleming, and fin idled by an arV deacon of Richmond. It was in being before A. D. 1340 and 6 Ed . 6. was granted to FdwraJ* lord Clinton. uwafa V,dt Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 228. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro manfo elareando Leknd. Itin. vol. vi. p. 27. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. Mr. r oriter’s Letter, p. io. 8. Black Friers. On the eaft fide of the town near the river, was the convent of Domini can or Black friers'1 founded before A. D. 1240". The ruins of it were granted to Robert BorlJ" and David Vincent 33 Hen. 8. lcr • t'lde Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 208. Mr. Forfter’s Letter, p. 9. Peck’s Antiquarian Annals, Book viii. p. 4. 38. 9. Grey Friers. On the eaft fide of the town, north of St. Leonard’s, without Paul gate flood the houfe of the Grey or Franciican friers, founded before 48 Ed. 2. The fue whereof,.,,’ granted to Charles duke of Suffolk 32 Hen. 8. Was Vide Stevens’ Additions to the Monaft. vol. i. p. 157. Book xi. p. 4, Coiled. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 28. Mr. Forfter’s Letter, p. 9. Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, Book viii. p. 55. 10. White Friers. An houfe of White or Carmelite friers, founded, as Mr. Speed has it by K. Edward 3. but more likely by X. Edward 1. in whofe* time it occurs. Hide Stevens’ Supplement, Vol. ii. p. 184. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, Book viii. p. 44. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8 et 14. Mr. Forfter’s Letter, p. 9. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m.’ 27. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p, 2. m, . 11. 12. 13. Befides the above, Mr. Peck mentions three other Religious foundations as for¬ merly exifting in this town, viz. (11.) An Abbey of White Monks, for which he has no other authority than a charter of K. John confirming a grant made by William Humet to the Ciftertian monks of x. marks to be annually received in the town of Stanford : but as Stanford is mentioned in this charter only as the place of payment of an annuity iffuing out of the demefncs of the grantee who was lord of the town, it is more probable that this donation was made to the head houfe of the order at Ciftertium or Citeaux in Burgundy, fince this potent nobleman had poffeftions in France. (12.) A Priory of Canons Regular of the Order of the Hole Sepulchre ; in proof of which he cites a grant of a Religious houfe in this town called St. Pul- ehers to the abbey of Burgh by Richard t. but I recoiled no fimilar inftance in which canons Re- gular were made fubjed to monks of a different order, and I fhould conjedure that the houfe thus granted was rather an hofpital than a priory. The abbats of Peterborough were patrons of St. Thomas’ hofpital and of the Lazar-houfe here. (13.) St. Logar’s Hospital, which Mr. Peck fuppoles to have been founded circa 9 Joannis by William earl Warren, who gave lands without the eaft gate, “ for a place of burial for excommunicated perfons, and to build there a chapel and “ hofpital for poor brethren.” LXXIII. STOWE*', Marieftow*, i.e. S. Mariae Locus’. Monastery destroyed. Here was a church or minfter for Secular priefts built to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary by Eadnoth bilhop of Dorchefterb, and much augmented by the benefadions of earl Leofric and his lady Godivac. After the conqueft, the Religious here were changed into Benedidine monks, under the government of an abbat, by bilhop Remigiusd, who 1 1 Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 27. u Founded as Mr. Peck conjetfures by Will, de Fortibus fecond earl of Albemarle. Annals, Book viii. p. 38. w Madox’s Formulare, p. 425. whefe a fmall legacy is left to them in a will of that date. “ Emma uxor dom. Galfridi de “ S. Medardo obiit apud Ofgotby, et fepulta fait apild fratres i( prsedicatores Stanfordias, A. D. 1278. Collect. R. Glover penes Petrum Le Neve, p. 204. ^ ^Leland. De fcriptoribWs in Guh Lullengduno, p. 341. edit. y “ Sub promontorio LincoTniie,” faith Huntingdon, by which one would guefs that this place was under Lincoln hill ; but it is pretty evident from Pet. Blefenfis Contin. Ingulfi. p. 127. that it was in the bi (hop’s manor near the Trent tide. 2 Rad. de Diceto Abbrev. Chron. col. 477. a Hoveden, Sim. Dun. See. b Quarej Whether bilhop Eadnoth 1. about A. D. roio. of Eadnoth 2. about A. D. 1040. Probably the laft. c Leland. Colledt. vol. i. 158. ii. p. 317. d This is all that is to be meant by Malmlbury, who frith that Remigius reftored Bardney, but “ de novo fecit cccnobium “ apud Stou.** For monks were placed here before A. D. 10 76. as is plain from Ingulf, p. 76. got LXXIII. LINCOLNSHIRE. got for them, of William Rufus, the then defolate abbey of Eynfham in Oxfordlliire, whither his lucceflor Robert Bloet removed this abbat and his monks, referving Stow, Newark, and fome other eftates to the fee of Lincoln, for which he gave them in exchange °Charlebury, &c. y,Je in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 262. qu:edam de funda- tione hujus ccenobii ex Will. Malmfb. Hen. Hun¬ tingdon, et Rog. Hoveden, paftum inter Wulvium epife. Leofricum comitem et Godivam ejus Uxorem, de redditibus ordinandis inter epifeopum et prefbyte- tos, [Saxonice:] Cartam Godivs comitiflae : Duas cartas Will, regis : Confirmationein Remigii epife. dat. A. D. 1091. Cartam Will. 2. R. Roberto epife. Lincoln, de excambio. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 259. b. cartam R. Will. Rufi de abbate conftittiendo in eccl. S. Maria; de Stou per Remigium. Lelandi Colled. vol. i. p. 26. 49. 158. 285. vfld. ii. p. 268; 317. LXXIV. S T Y K E S W OLD, or Stixwould. CisTERTiAN Nuns The countefs Lucy relifl of Yvo de Tailbois, Roger de Romara, and Ra- pulf the -firft earl of Chefter, built here, temp. R Steph. a monaftery of Ciftertian' nuns under the direction of a matter f. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, and had in it thirteen nuns, whofe poffetTions were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 114/. 5s. id. ob. per am. Dugd. 163 A is. 2 d. ob! Speed. It being one of the leffer monafteries came to the crown by the aft 27 Hen. 8. but that king was pleal'ed, anno regni 29. to refound the fame for a priorefs and nuns of the Premonftratenfian order which continued only two years, till the diffolution of the greater abbies, and was oramed* 32 Hen. 8. to Robert Dighton. Vide in Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 486. ex rot. hundred, de com. Lincoln, temp. Ed. 1. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 809. ex eod. rotulo de quibufdam poffeffionibus hujus cce- nobii; Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 81. cartam fundationis per R. Hen. 8. ex rot. pat. 29 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. . Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 92. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 31 1. of lands in Wi- mondham. Regiftrum penes Joannem Coventre arm. filium Thomas dom. Coventre, mf. Collect, e rot. hundred, in com. Lincoln, mf. Dodf- worth. vol. Ixxxix. f. 61. f. 83 et 84. de terris in Horkefton, ex donationibus Euftachii Le Fleming,- . Godwin; filii .... Radulphi fiiii Gilberti ; etf. 88. b. Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 20. Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 43. pro lib. war. in Stykefwold et Thorp [Line.] Brev. reg. 51 Ed. 1. rot; 49. re- cit. cartam fundationis. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. x. m. . Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. i Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro eecl. S. Mari* de Wainflete. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. . m. 6. LXXV. SWINESHED. CiSTERTIAN Abbey. An abbey of Ciftertian monks was founded A. D. 1134*. in thd marfhes near this place by Robert de Greftei, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. Herein were, about the time of the diffolution, eleven Religious, whofe yearly revenues were worth 80 1. Leland. \6jl. 15s. 3d. Dugd. 175/. i$j. 10 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 5 Ed. 6. to Ed vard lord Clinton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 773. cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 47. per Infpex. recit. confirm, donationum per R. Hen. 2. quse habetur etiam inter cart, antiq. Y. n. 12. Leland. Colleift. vol. i. p. 92. Regiftr. han. de Richmond, Append, p. 33. de terris in Stevening. Year Books, 5 Ed. 3. Mich. n. 39. Dr. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 75. of lands in Newbold : p. 83. of lands in Cotgrave, and the moiety of the church there. Dodfworth. vol. Ixxxix. f. 42. de terris in Hail, ex rot. bund, in com. Line. 3 Ed. 1. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 67. de proteclione. Rot. pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 8. de molendino irt Siiwelb Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2. de terris in Hekynton, Burton, Halep, & c. Cart. 26 Ed. 1. n. n. pro feria apud capellam S. Salvatoris in Swin- fhed. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16, 17, 18, 19. et p. 2: m. 15. Rec. m fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. . Nottingh. Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 3. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 13. de libertatibus. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 28 vel 29. LXXVI. TATESHALE, Tatterfhall, or Tottefhall. College. A college for a mafter, or warden, fix priefts, fix clerks, and fix chorifters and an almlhoufe next the church yard for thirteen poor perfons, built and endowed by Sir Ralph Cromwell knt. 17 Hen. 6. to the honor of the Holy Trinity, St. Mary, St. Peter, St. John Evan c Thus the charter of Hen. 3. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 924. and Leland. Colled:, vol. i. p. 92. but the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 486. placeth it among the Benedictine monafteries ; and ibid. vol. i. p. 1041. and vol. ii. p. 809. amongft the Gilbertine ; and fo doth Mr. Speed. The laft foundation was undoubtedly Pre- monftratehfian } which makes it probable that the old monaftery was fo too. But it is neither to be found in the protections of that order, 22 Ed. 1. nor in the vifitations of bifliop Redman. Mb Afiimol. 1519. In the old catalogue aferibed to Gervafe of Canterbury or Hen. Sulgrave here are placed canons and nuns as at Sempringham, Haverholm, and other Gilbertine mona- •teries ; but it not being mentioned among the houfes of that order, either in Mon. Angl. vol. 1. p. ?88. 6r any of the bulls and confirmation of the Sempringham houfes, there feems to be molt grounds to make it Ciftertian. f For fo in the records, “ Magifter moniales de Stikef- woM ; or, « Magifter monialium de Stikefwold ; but ac¬ cording to Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. n7 here were more men befides the mafter or prior. Leland (Colled: vol. 1. p. 92.) faith, that there were formerly, as he had heard* brethren in this houfe, which feems to imply that at the diflb- lution it con filled only of females. 1 10 8 So the annals of Peterburgh, and Parcolude mf. but the Fumes book placeth this foundation in A. D. 1148. LXXVI. LINCOLNSHIRE. geiift, and St. John Baptift. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 348/. 5s. n dh. per ann. as Dugda)e and Speed, and at 500 marks, as Leland 1 ; and 36 Hen. 8. was granted to Charles duke of Suffolk Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 194. pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. licent. pro fundatione et incor- poratione. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 92. In Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 70. of the manors of Kel- thorpe, p. 86. of Manton, p. 126. of Tixover. Statuta collegii penes Montague comitem Lindfey apud Grimefthorp in com. Lincoln. A. D. 1646. Rot. pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. ult. pro cantaria in eccl. de Tattefhal : Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. ult. five pen¬ ult. Licent. Radulpho dom. Cromwell ad acceptand. bullas papales pro eredtione collegii : Pat. 32 Hen. 6. m. 6. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. pro maneriis de Brinkell Foletby, Thorp juxta Wainflete, Salfetby, Bafton Afkeby, Winthorp, Withcall, Binbrook, Cal thorp, Meningfby, Woderby, Moreby, &c. ’ Fin. 3 Ed. 4 bund. 1. n. 16. de Dryby, Brinkhill, et aliis maneriis et advoc. collegii : Clauf. 3 Ed. 4. n g dorfo, pro manerio de Afkeby Puerorum, in Grethatii Parv. &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro maner. Manton et Tokefore [Rotel.] Fin. div. com. 1 Ric. 3. n. 4. pro maner. de Byrton Coleby, et Wadington, terr. et ten. in Kyrton, Hoi’ land, Wyberton, &c. Fin. Line. . . Ric. 3. n. 9 terris in Tatefhale et Thorp juxta Tatefhale. Pat. 35 Hen. 8. p. 16. [13 Jul.J pro maner. de Man thorp, Burthorp, Langeton, See. in confideratione maner. de Knevet, &c. LXXVII. THORNETON UPON THE HUMBER, or Thornton Curteis, olim Torington. Austin Canons. William le Grofs earl of Albemarle and lord of Holdernefs founded, A. D. 1 139. a monaftery 1 of Black canons here, and commended it to the patronage of the bleffed Viro-in. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 594/. 17J. iod. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 730/. 17*. 2 d. ob. Speed. After the lupprdTion of the abbey, K. Henry 8. anno regni 33. referved the greatefi: part of its polTefTions for the endowment of the college by him erefted at this place for a dean and . . , m pre_ bendaries, to the honor of the Holy and Undivided Trinity; but this continued but till 1 Ed. 6. when it w^s diflblved, and the fite granted in exchange to the bifhop of Lincoln. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 198. de prima fundatione coenobii et obitibus abbatum ad A. D. 1301. ex chro- nicis hujus abbatiae penes Gerv. Holies de Grimfby arm. 1640. Ibid. p. 199. cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 25. per Infpex. recit. cartam 1 Ric. 1. confirmantem concef- fiones donatorum: Ibid. p, 201. pat. 6 Ed. 3. m. 9. de advoc. abbatiae. In Rymeri Feeder. Sec. vol. v. p. 248. pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro abbate de non veniendo ad parliamen- tum. Ibid. vol. vi. p. 629. clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. ir. de non lblvendo penfionem ann. xx/. abbati de Al- bamarlia. Ibid. vol. xv. p. 78 et p. 91. Year Books, 10 Hen. 7. Pafch. n. 4. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuitie per ou vers corps politikes , § 4- Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 94. de fundatione : vol. iii. p. 34. codd. miT. olim in bibliotheca. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 291. of lands and tithes in Barrow. Extradla cartarum quarundam de eccl. de Woodbridge donata canonicis de Thornton a quodam Sayero de Sutton mil. in mf. Macro, 12. ii. 21. 23. Cartas quafdam ad abbatiam de Thornton fpedtantes, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 240. vol. xxv. f. 70. vol. lxxxix. f. 43. 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. 74. 78. 80. 82. Extradta e libro abbatiae de Thornton penes Thomam HirfI clericum, A. D. 1640. viz. feriem abbatum, celerariorum, camerariorum, eleemofynariorum, fa- criftarum, & c. penes V. cl. Joannem Anftis arm, garter principalem regem armorum. I-Iiftoriam abbatiae five monafterii de Thornton fuper Humbrum in com. Lincoln, mf. Tanner in bibl. Bodl. n. 166. Cart, antiq. R. Hen. 2. X. n. 21. Rot. fin. in com. Ebor. 10 Ric. 1. n. 21. de terris in Faxfleet, ex cone. Philippi epife. Dunelm. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 18. n. 62. Fin. in com. Ebor. 4 Joan, n. 147. de terris in Faxfleet: Fin. in com. Ebor. 8 Joan. n. . de tv. bovatis terr* in Ottringham. Fin. in com. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 269. de terris in Bi¬ ford : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 19. de terris in Garton : Aflif. novae difleif. in div. com. 40 Hen. 3. fc This was the clear value; the total was 484/. 9 s. 5 d. San- croft’s mf. Valor. 1 Collett. vol. i. p. 92. ' Monafterium Spinodunenfe according to Leland’s fanciful u rot. 18. de prato de Goufel : Plac. in com. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. aflif. rot. 29. dorfo, rot. 50 et 55. de ten. in Arnehale : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 50. 73. 07.' de terris in Nutele. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 17. de ten. in Hamby: Ibid. m. 18. et m. 23. dorfo, et m. 12. dorfo, de mefT. in Hedon: Fin. div. com. 4 Ed. 1. n. 50. de maner. de Carle- ton juxta Baflingham : Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 25. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 22. de terris in Seyn- ton, Othewald : Ibid. rot. 38 et 54. Ibid, quo war. rot. 13. 17. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Plac. in com. Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. Aflif. rot. 26. 40. 44. de com- mun. paflur. in Beford. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . [bis] Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 61. pro manerio de Halton ex conceff. Hen. Lacy com. Lincoln. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 26. pro mercat. et feria apud Faxfleet et lib. war. in aliis maneriis, fcil. Thornton, Brunnum, Wotton, Goufle, Barwe, Killingholm, Ulfeby, Limberg Parv. Grefleby Outherby, Alderly, Ourefby, et Stainton [Line.] Faxfleet, Frodingham, Humbleton, Thorningcroft, Wynnefeles, Kylnefle, Arnehale, et Skirlagh [Ebor.] Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . [bis] Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 1 1. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. rn. 3 et 12. de terris in Goufil : Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12 et 13. de terris de W. Parrok et Flinton : Ibid. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro terris in Killingholm: Plac. coram rege, 11 Ed. 2. Hill, rot. 48. Line. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. de terris in Barow: Pat. r8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. de terris in Goufale, Halton, et Thornton. Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. m. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 3. Hill, rot. . Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. pro ten. in Gouthill: Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. in fine, de feodis militum in com. Ebor. n. 75. licent. perquirendi maner. de Barrowe; Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 38 vel 39. de cantaria de Brokelfby : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10. de eccl. de Thornton et penfione inde: Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. m. 38. pro maner. de Carleton re- ftituendo. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 41. pro ten. in Goufhill et Lim- bergh M. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. way, Colledt. vol. ii. p. aoo. 1 Firft a priory, but made an abbey A. D. 1148. Mon. Angl. Nineteen members of this college had penfions A. D- 1 SS3- Willis. p. I. LXXVII. LINCOLNSHIRE. m 22. de nova domo defuper et juxta portam ..nbatis'kernellanda : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 37. Pat. c Ric. 2. P- 2- m- 9- Pat‘ 16 R|C‘ 2‘ p- I- m‘ 7> ie terris in Humbleton, Plantflet, Grimfton, et He- ion • Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 4 Hen. 4- P- «• m- 3- Pro tcn- in Gnmeiby, Ba- Pat°20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 13. licent. perquirendi xx/. ann. redd, Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. I- m. 12. pro ten. ill Thornton, et apud Flinton in Holdernefs : Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Pat. 25 Hen. 6 p. 2. m. . Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 7. [17 Jan.] pro dotatione collegii. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 5. m. . pro redloriis de Flamftcd [Hertf ] et Holm [Ebor.J in excambio pro mailer, de Car- leton. LXXVIII. THORNHOLM, or Thorneham”. Austin Canons. A priory of canons of the order of St. Auftin, founded by K. Stephen, to the honor of the Virgin Mary0, and endowed, at the fuppreflion, with 100 1. per ann. Leland. 105/- I3S‘ °d?- c*are Valor. 1 55/. 19 s. 6 d. Speed, It was granted to Charles duke of Suf¬ folk, 3° Hen‘ 8‘ vjji in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 230. plac. apud Line. 4 Joan, affif. rot. 1. dorfo, An de fundatione dom. reg. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 94. In Remftro honoris de Richmond, App. p. 36. de xxi. bovatis terra; in Kadenaye. In cl. Anftifii Afpilogia, n. 308. licentiam conventus pro fundatione capellae apud Orreby A. D. 1297. In Dodfworth. mf. colled, vol. lxxxix. f. 41. de terris in Appleby, ex dono Galfridi de Ncvil : f. 77. de terris in North Kelfey, ex dono Hugonis de Nova Villa : f. 82. de terris in Saxby : f. 84. de terris in Barton. Rot. fin. Ebor. 11 Joan. n. . pro tertia parte advoc. eccl. de Lund. Plac. apud Line. 9 Ed. t. affif. rot. 19* Pat. 13 Ed. I. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . de advoc. eccl. de Botonesford juxta Meffingham. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 25. pro eccl. de Langton approprianda: Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 28. pro lib. war. in Apclby, San- ton, Rydyngs, Ryfeby, Meffingham, Raventhorp, Treiftonts, Feriby, et Kington [Line.] Clauf. 10 Ed. 2. m. 14. de terris in Appleby et Rifby : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. . Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 5* deeifdem terris in Appleby et Rifby. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. de tofto in Appleby: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. IS Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5- Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. pro eccl, de Scalby: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. de taxatione temporalium. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 15 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 8. LXXIX. THWAITES. Priory. “ The priory of Thwaites in Lincolnfhire, a cell.” Viie mf. catal. monafterior. et cellar. fupprelT. virtute actus parliam. anno 27 Hen. 8. ex offic. Cun® Aug. LXXX. TORKESEY. Austin CANOffs. On the11 eaft fide of the new town flood a priory of Black canons built by K John' to the honor of St. Leonard. It confided only of four Religious about the time of the diffolution, when it was valued at 13/. n. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 15/. Leland. 27/. 2 s. 8 d. Speed. It was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Philip Hobby. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 278. cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 2. confirmant. fitum prioratus, et ccccxcviii. acras terr®, et L. tofta in Torkefey, et inquif. five efcaet. de eifdem, 32 Ed. 3. bund. 2. n. 3. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 94. ejufdemltm. vol. 1. p. 34. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, Append, p. 35. de xvi. acris prati in Lee. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 81. ex magno rot. 3 Joan, ne ponantur in placito nifi coram ipfo rege. InThoroton’sNottinghamfhire, p. 193. oflands in Clif¬ ton: p. 405. in Cothame: p. 422. in Saundby. Cart, antiq. E. 18. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 18. n. 64. Pat. 11 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro eccl. B. Mari®, et Omnium Santtorum de Torkefey. Plac. apud Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 4. Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 37. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 8. de terris in Willingham et Hertwick, et m. 25. pro eccl. de Torkefey approprianda. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. de advoc. ejufdem con- cefla Joanni Darcy: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 28. de reddit. et fervitiis in Torkefey. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. pro eccl. S. Petri de Torkefey approprianda: Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 19. de feodi firma x /. annua- tim ad fcaccarium : Plac. affif. in com. Line, vel Nottingh. vel in div, com. 4 Hen. 4. rot. 89. LXXXI. TUNSTALL, tiear Redburn. GlLBERTiNE Nuns. On an ifland here was fometime a houfe of Gilbertine nuns founded by Reginald de Crevequer, temp. R. Steph. which feems to have been united to Bolington by his fon Alexander. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 796, 797, 798. Mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxx. fol. 70. n Leland. Collett, i. 94. 0 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 501. p This valuation is omitted in Mon. i. 1041. Here could not be lefs than ten Religious, for the prior and nine fubferibed to the fupremacy, A. D. 1534. Willis* Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. P* la3- , <1 Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 34. r Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 94. and Speed. H h h h LXXXII, TUP- LXXXIL LINCOLNSHIRE. LXXXII. T U P H O L M, or Tupham. t 1 ^i'lI|IV\70NSTR^ rEN®.IAN Abbey An a^t>ey of Premondrarenfian canons dedicated blefled Virgin Mary, founded by Alan de Ncvill and Gilbert his brother, temp Hen 2 T t,le about dae time of the d.ffolut.on, were nine Religious, who had the yearly income of ton/'"* i°d. Dugd. 1 19/. 2s. 8 d. Speed. The file was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. HennV' Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 596. cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 9. recit. donatorurti conceffiones, ex rot. hundred. 3 Ed. 1. Line. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 92. de fundatione : vol. iii. p. 32. codd. quofdam mfT. olim in bibliotheca. Rot. pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. de tfen. in Bureth : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 11. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 16. quo war. rot. g. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Stratton priShda. n ^Pro- Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. pro maner. de Bureth . in Southerny: Efcaet. Line. 5 Ed. 3 m ’ 1 ten' maner. de Randeby: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m.^p Pro 7 lid. 3. p. 2. m. . rat* Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 14. pro maner. de \Ve,k» ringham. me- LXXXIII. V A U D E Y, or De Valle Dei. CiSTERTi AN Abbey. About A. D. 1147 William earl of Albemarle brought, from p, tains in ^orkmire to Bitham or Biham in this county, a convent of Ciftertian monks who fome5 inconvemencies there, quickly removed their abbey to a more pleafant place in the Dari^r Edenham called Vaudey or De Valle Dei, given them by Jeffry de Brachecourt, or bv hi, ° J Gilbert de Gant earl of Lincoln, by the charity of whom and other benefactors here were ab the time of the iuppreffion, maintained an abbat and thirteen monks, whofe yearly revenues Ut worth 80/. Leland. 124/. 5,. 11 id. q. Dugd. ,77/. ,5j. yd. ob. a. Speed. It was clcJic.red to the Virgin Mary, and the fite of it was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 747. 831. de fundatione de Bitham, ex mf. Fontanenfi hiftoria: Ibid. 831, 832. cart, antiq. W. n. 6. fcil. 1 Ric. 2. confirm, donationes : Ibid. 833, 834. progeniem Gilberti de Gant. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 95. vol. iii. p. 107. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 25. In Burton’s Leiceflerfhire, p. 61. of tithes in Bukmin- fter : p. 286. of lands in Thorp Sachevile : p. 294. in Twiford. Inter Colledt. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iv. inquif. 34 Ed. 1. de terris apud Seufterne, Bockmin- {ler et Lftwelle in com. Leiceflr. Evidentias ad hanc abbatiam fpedtantes, penes Mon¬ tague com. Lindfey apud Grimefthorp, A. D. 1646. [Quaere annon nunc in bibl. Harleyana;] ubi confu- lat ledtor mf. cod. 38 C. 6. f. 101. Colledt. e rot. hundred, in com. Lincoln, mf. Dodf- worth. vol. Ixxxix. f. 62. de terris in Roppele: f 6? de terris in Linfthorp. ' Ca.rt' " H'n> 3- P- 1. m- 34- « p: 2. m. 7. de maner. de Edenham : Plac. apud Weftm. 14 Hen. 3. rot. 6 Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 7. de nemore de Ouftiche: Fin’ Norf. 4r Hen. 3. n. 30. pro mefT. et ii. carucat’ terras in Barton. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 15 et4o. de terris inlrneham: Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . proxxx. acris con- tiguis abbatiae includendis : Cart. 27 Ed. 1. m. 2. pro lib. war. in Edenham, Welleby, Ropefle, Byrton Coreby, et Byham Parv. Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . ’ Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. Clauf. 1 g Ed. 2. m. 12. de maner de Linef- thorp. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. pro ten. in In'golilby, Le- vington, et Creton. LXXX1V . WELLOW crWELHOVE, near Grimefby. Austin Canons. K. Henry 1 '. built here and endowed an abbey to the honor of St Au- guftine for Black canons, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 95/. 6s. id. per ann. Du"d. i":/. ys. 4 d. Speed, and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Hennesge. Vi de in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 316. cart. 8 Ed. 3. m. 7. n. 16. per infpex. recit. cartam regis Hen. 2. in qua confirmantur donationes R. Hen. 1. et aliorum benefadtorum. Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. n. 29. II Hen. 4. Trin. 14. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 93. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 264. de feodo 1. milit. tent, de Willelmo de Romara. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 281. about the exemption of their tenants from fuit at the Borough court. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 185. clauf. 4 Ed. 1. p. I. m. I. de capella ruinofa S. Andreae extra Grimefby. Colledt. ex rotulis hundred, in com. Line. 3 Ed. 1. mf. Dodfvvorth. vol. Ixxxix. f. 74. de terris in Stal- lingburc. MS. in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab. Dd. x. 28. f. 83. cartam abbatis et conventus de Welhove de cantaria Colby vocat. Ibid. f. 84. cartam prioris S. Aug. de Clare et conventus de Grimfby de annuo redditu vit. vmd. abbati et conventui de Grimfby [five Wel- hovve] folvendo, et de juribus ecclelue parochialis S. Jacobi illrefis fervandis. Cart, antiq. E. n. 32. L. n. 34. foil. 2 Joan, de eccl. S. Jacobi in Grimefby, Clee, Laifeby, ike. Cart. 2 Joan. p. I. m. 4. n. 56. Oblat. 2 vel 6 Joan, m. b. Cart. 9 Joan. m. 7. n. 74. quod habeant eaf- dem libertates quas burgenfes de Grimefby. Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 29. pro maner. de Hagham. Pat. 24 Ed. 1 . m. 3 vel 4. pro maner. de Wvvelefbv. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. g. de redd, in Thorgramby et Hadcliff : Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. de meff. in Ciee et Elolm : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro melf. et ten. in Cle Holm. Plac. in com. Line. 28 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 52. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. de • Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 9 s> 96. Leland. Colled, i. 93. and Speed. ■ Hen. Knighton, Decern feript. col. ij84- Not K. John, as relax. LXXX1V. LINCOLNSHIRE. relax. VII. marc, de eccl. de Hotoft : Efc. 41 Ed. 3. n. 13. Line, de maner. de Waltham: Pat. 43 Ed- 3- p. 2. m. 2. p. a m. 13 vel 14. Efc. 46 Ed. 3. n. 67 69. [Line ] Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 41. de ftatu monaftern et vafto fadto per Jo. Utterby ab- Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1 m. 35. pro mancr. de Wivelfby: Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. batem: Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. I- m. IO vel 11. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Inquif. Line. 9 Ric. 2. n. 97. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 6. pro melT. in Grimelby : Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. ab- Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1. pro eccl. de Clce appropri- anda : Rec. in fcacc. 9 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 11. Ibid. 10 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 5. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 15. pro melT. et terris in Clee, Weleiby, et Holm : Pat. 39 Hen. 6. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 24. LXXXVJ WENGHALE, W enhale, or Wyngall, in the farijh of South Kelfey. Alien PRIORY. An alien priory dedicated to St. John-, cell to the abbey of Sees in Nor¬ mandy, to which it belonged in the beginning of the reign ol; Henry 3 \ It was Mven bv K Henry 6. anno regm 19. to King’s college in Cambridge, who exchanged the fame for feme tene¬ ments in School ftreet, 2 1 Hen 6. which were confirmed to them by that king, anno regm 32. after the death of Sir Thomas Comberworth; and this priory was thereupon immediately granted to Michael houfe in Cambndge, and thereby became afterwards part of the endowment of Trinity college; but was, A. D. 1606. exchanged with Sir Tho. Mounfon for the manor of Trittnn in Tydd S. Mary in this county *. n ln 9 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 18. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. Fide plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 5. de carucata terrse in Kelefey. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. ' Pat. m. 43 Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m, 24, LXXXVI. W ILLESFOR D, or Wivelsfordr. Alien Priory. Hugo de Evermue* or Wake, gave this manor to the abbey of Becc in Nor mandy, temp. R. Steph. whereupon a priory of Benedidine monks from thence were fixed here It being felled into the king’s hands during the wars with France, it was at length bv the favor of Tho. Holland earl of Kent, fettled upon the abbey of Bourn in this county; and7 as parcel thereof granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. ^ ^ de Holland comes Cantiae poteft amortizare priora- tum de Willesford abbatiae de Brunne : Pat. 22 Ric 2 p 1. m. ult. Pat. 2 Hen 4. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2 m. 32. o ‘v r Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 5. Ibid. 6 Hen. 7. rot. 25. ' Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 584. qumdam de hoc pri- oratu ex rot. hundred. 3 Ed. 1. Lincoln. De terris in Kelleby, Willesford, et Ancafter, mf. Dodf- worth. vol. lxxxix. f. 42. 64. Rot. pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. de ten. in Ancafter et Wile- ford. Cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 55. pro mercat. et feria apud Wil¬ lesford. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 37. et p. 3. m. 8. quod Tho. LXXXVII. W I L E K E T O N E, Willoughton, or Wyllyton. ,. Alien Priory. Here is faid to have been an alien priory*. Maud the emprefs did indeed give the church or a moiety of it, to the abbey of St. Nicholas by Angiers”; and that abbev had a penfion out of ic« And a manor in Willoughton, lately belonging to that abbey, was wanted by K. Henry 6. to King s college Cambridge d. But it is not certain that there was a priory of monks here. r ' Vide pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 14. confirm, terras in Crotton et Willughton abbati S. Nicolai Andegavenfis. 2. Templars. Roger de Buflei and Simon de Canci, temp. R. Steph. gave the moiety of the church here, and the greateft part of the town to the Knights Templars, from whom it came after wards to the Holpitalars ; and here was a preceptorv of that order valued 26 Hen 8 at 17W us. id. ob' per arm. as Dugd and Speed ; and at 209 /. 19 j. 8 d. as Le Neve’s mf. Valor which was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to John Cock and John Thurgood. Fide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 531. 535. 547. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 193. of lands in Spaldford belonging to this preceptory. Colieft. Dodfworthii ex rot. hundred. Lincoln, vol. lxxxix. f. 40 et 59. de terris templariorum in Wilke- h Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1037. w Colled. Dodfworth. ex reg. Lincoln, vol. evii. f. 19. * Ex informatione amiciflimi Tho. Baker S. T. B. et libri mf, penes rev. V. dod. Rudd red. de North Rundon Norf. y Prynne, vol. iii. p. 1021. * written Everume in Croyland Regifter, mf. Cole, voL xllv. p. 7g. & 9 ton, Sageby, et Calkewell. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. to. quod vicarius de Thorp juxta Mow debet percipere de preceptore de Willoughton quinque marcas annuatim. ' ° a Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1037. b Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 1000. ‘ Taxat. Lincoln, mf. in decanat. de Aflackhow d Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. . * ™s clear value; the total was ioc/. „ 0j oi as mf. m offic. Primit. 2 s' 0 “• ob' lxxxviil w I t h a m. LXXXVIII. LINCOLNSHIRE. LXXXVIII. W I T H A M, or South Wytham. Templars. Here was a preceptory of Knights Templars as ancient as A. D. 1164 f. to which Margaret de Perci, and Hubert de Ria were great benefa&ors, if not founders. It came alter wards to the Hofpitalars ; and, as part of their poffeflions, the lands called Great Temple in South Witham Lincolnlhire, were granted 5 Eliz. to Stephen Holford. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 547. For Maresey (Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 8x1.) fee below in Nottinghamshire. For Raveston (Speed) fee above Ravenston in Buckinghamshire. §u*re, De priore de Kirketon, 5 Joannis, Madox’s Excheq. p. 421. And for the monaftery of Rookesby in this county. For in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius, E. V. 63. there is a mf. pedioree and defcent of the founder of the monaftery of Rookelby com. Lincoln, figned by the abbat and monks. St. John’s Hospital near Bofton, (Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 569.) feems to have been the fame with Skirbeck. And Hospitale de Wrauby in com. Lincoln, fundat. per Will. Tirwhitt militem, in pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . was probably a chantry only, or the fame with the hofpital of Glanford Bridge in that parilh. MIDDLESEX. I. BENETHLEYA, or Bentley. CANONS. Matthew Paris in the year 1248. tells us of the unfortunate end of a priory of canons at BenethleyS not far from St. Alban’s. In pat. 38 Hen. 8. p. . there is a grant to one Henry Nedeham of the priory of Bentley in Middlefex, late parcel of the poffeflions of the arch- bifhop of Canterbury. II. HAMPTON, near Kingfton. Knights Hospitalars. The lady Joan relidt of Sir Robert Gray knt. gave this manor to the Knights Hofpitalars ; and here feems to have been a houfe for fome filters of that order, before they were all removed to Buckland A. D. 1180. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 543. a. 550. a. b. maner. de Hampton : Similiter, Fin. div. com. 27 piac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 6. pro Ed. 1. n. 45 et 57. III. HERMONDESWORTH. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benedi&ine1’ monks to the abbey of the Holy Trinity', on the hill of Sti Catharine near Roan. The king, A. D. 1391. gave the abbat there leave to alienate and fell this manor to William Wickham bilhop of Winchefter, who made it part ol the endowment of his college near Winchefter, from which, by way of exchange, it came to the crown 35 Hen. 8. and was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir William Paget. Vide in Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. vii. p. 697. pat. 14 Ric, 2. p. 2. m. 32. pro licentia alienandi. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 633. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 591- of a manor ln Saham-Tony and the advowfon of the rectory. Ret. pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 4. Plac. in Middlefex. 22 Ed. t- affif. rot. 90. pro meffi. et terris in Hermondefworth. Rot. pipae, 13 Ed. 3. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. et m. 10, 1 1, 12. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. Clauf. 8 Hen. 6. m. io. r « Anno ipfo quo Thomas Cantuar. archiepifc. difeeffit a “ domino rege, Northampt.” Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 54 7* a Mr. Mor es faith, it was a cell to St. Gregories at Canter¬ bury. t> Cart. 11 Ed. i. c Taxat. Lincoln, mf. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1036. Rymer* iv. 247. vii. 697. But Mr. Newcourt faith it belonged to St. Aiuhen another abbey at Roan. IV. HIGHGATE IV. MIDDLESEX. IV. H I G H G A T E HILL. i. Hermitage. “ In ancient times upon the top of this hill was an hermitage; one of the “ hcrmites whereof caufed to be made the caufeway between Highgate and Iflington.” 5« STtteVeignrf'k™' ^ Cr°Wn> f0U"d'd **« *** bdow «• yide Stow’s Survey, Append, p. 21. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 499. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. . Oa. 26. rex conceflit novam domum ^ePri°k’m de Hygate in com. Middlefexiae Roberto Wilfon pro termino vit*. V* HOUNDESLO W, or Hounflow. Trinitarian Friers Here was a minifter or matter, chaplains' and brethren, or a prior and convent of friers, of the order of the Holy Trinity, for the redemption of captiVes, before 3 f Wnh° Wfe endowfd’ ilC, th5 ^elution, with 74 1. 8 o d. ob. per an*, as Dugdale, and 80/. 1 5*- °b- as Speed- The fice of this houfe (by the name of Le Fryers Houfe] was want ed, 4 and 5 Phil, et Maria , to William lord Windfor. ' o a c Vide Newcourt’s Repertorium, p. 655. of this order: p. 656. of this houfe: p. 574. of the rectory of Bed- font and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 688. of the advowfon of Litlington redtory. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 27. Plac. in Lond. et Middlefex. 3 Ed. 1. rot. 2. dorfo, pro xxx. acris terra in Worton: Cart. 24 Ed. 1. n. 21. pro mercat. et feria in vigilia, die, et craftino S. Tri- nitatis, et per quinque dies fequentes apud Hounde- flow conceffis fratribus S. Trinitatis ibidem f. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 9. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. pro maner. de Bed- funt [Middlefex.] et advoc. eccl. olim concefT. per Jo. Nevill : Ibid. p. 2. m. 25. de terris in Babworth [Nottingh.] Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7 et 28. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 et M- pro ten. in Stanwell et Eaft Bedfont: Pat. 2° 'Ed. .3. p. 2. m. 21. pro terris in Kingfton fuper I hamifim : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. pro ten. in btaynes: Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in paro- chia S. Botolphi London. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. et p. 2. m. 4. de loco vocat. Hatton’s Grange. 1 at. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. pro eccl. de Littleton juxta Chertfey [Middlefex.] approprianda. Rec. in fcacc. r6 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 83. de c. acris terra in Stanwell. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 12. de xxl. annui redditusexe- unt. e villa de Kingfton fuper Thamefim : Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. .'r. ,‘n fcacc- Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 15. pro feria ibidem. VI. knightsbridge. Hospital. An ancient hofpital. Vide Newcourt, vol. i. p. 694. VII. KYLBORN5, olim Cuneburna. Benedictine Nuns. In the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 1. Herebert abbat Olbert de Clara prior and the convent of Weftminfter, granted an heremitage, which had been built here by one Godwin to three Religious women, whereupon here was a nunnery of the order of St. Bened.ft, founded to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary and St. John the Baotift which in many relpefts fubordinate to the faid abbey. It was endowed at theJ fuppreffionMth noffeffions to the yearly value of 74/. 7{- Dugd 121/. 16V. Speed; and was granted by aft of par- liament, 28 Hen. 8. to the piior of St. John of Jerufalem in exchange for Paris Garden and odier eltates ; but coming again to the crown, it was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. / ide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 361. hiftoriam de prima fundatione monialium ; et cartam Hereberti abbatis et conventus Weftm. de terra in Knightbrigg ex re- giftro quodam coenobii Weftm. in bibl. Cotton. P. 362, 363. ex cod. Cotton. Fefpaf. A. xlx. cartam Gilberti epifc. London, de fubjeitione hujus cells abbatiae Weftmonaft. Compofitionem de jurifdiftione in eadem inter epifc. London, et abbatem Weftmo¬ naft. A. D. 1231. Lib. aflif. f. 271. r‘ B™|flncken withleprofy, he buUt this hofpital for per- lons afflicted with the fame diftemper. u,aAer anl brethren, molt common ; but matter, chaplains, Wil, fw"’e-mKPlac- 3 Ed' *• and Pat- 7 Ed- The mlf Stow “at ,thls home was dedicated to St. Robert : but New- Apj; ’ * K P* 656. faith, that all the houfes of this order were r ^L'd to the Holy Trinity. Tjns is printed in the Appendix to Stevens’ vol. ii. p. 387. me nuns ofHolborn, mentioned in the account of the an- Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 681, 682. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 526. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 125. of one acre of land in t^owdnam and the impropriate re&ory In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 264.' appropriatio- nem ecclefise de Cowdham : p. 266. pat. 1 c Ed pro eadem. 3 ' ■>* In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1604. f. 1. narrationem de fun¬ datione : f. 2. cartam Hereberti abbatis Weftmon de terra in Knygbtbrigg : f. 3. de jurifdichonc abl niverfary of Walter abbat of Weftminfter, in biihoo P.fflA’. Supplement to Gunton, p. a98. Ihould, ! concei'vtCthefeVf of;L^rSagPe/Godbom.the ^ ^ and the f°-d- > Weaver, p. 536. faith 861. 7 a. 6 d. and Stevens vol ; £*’■ “ Summa inde 86 ^ hd. lumma clara )\ {. Ii batis VII. MIDDLESEX. batis Weftmon. f. 4- contentionem cellx de Kille- bourn inter capitulum S. Pau(i et ecclefiam Weftmon. In cartulario archiepifc. Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 87. cartam, qua priorifla et conventus tenen- tur annuatim reddere archiepifc. Cantuar. v. marcas pro ten. in Herewe et Hefe. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 29. Plac. apud turrim, 14 Ed. 2. affif. rot. 28. de ten. in London. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p m. 8. pro ten. Ledrede [Surr.] Pat. 49 Ed. 3. f' m. 22. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. pro eccl. de Code.! ham [Kane.] Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. I. Clauf. 2 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 19 et 21. dorfo, de ten. i„ Tokington et Herwe [Middlefex.] Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 37. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 28. VIII. LONDON. 1. St. Paul’s Cathedral. The abbat Mellitus was, A. D. 604. confecrated bifhop for the kingdom of the Eaft Saxons by St. Auflin archbifhop of Canterbury, and the epifcopal fee was fixed at London in a church k founded by Ethelbert king of Kent, to the honor of St. Paul on or near the place where flood the temple of Diana (as fome conjecture) or a Capitol, as bifhop Stil- lingfieet. This church was much improved in its buildings and revenues by Erkenwald 1 the fourth bifhop, and rebuilt in the time of bifhop iElfflan the third, about A. D. 961. which being burnt down, Maurice bifhop of London, temp. Will. Rufi , began that magnificent old fabrick, which flood till the dreadful fire in the year 1666. and then with the greatell part of the city was reduced to allies. But A. D. 1675. was begun, and, by the blefiing of God, and the piety and munificence of the government hath been fince finifhed, the mofl regular, (lately, large, and coflly pile of building that has been erefled to the fervice of God in any part of Chrillendom fince the reformation. This cathedral hath at prelent belonging to it a bifhop, a dean, a precentor, chan¬ cellor treafurer, five archdeacons, thirty prebendaries, twelve petty canons, (of whom one is fubdean, two are (tiled cardinals, one is gofpeller, and another epittler) fix vicars choral, ten fing- i0T men (five in orders and five laymen) ten chorifters, an organift, &c. The revenues of the biihoprick were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 1207/. i6j. yd. per ann. in the whole, and at 1119/. 8j. j d W dear; and, befides the diflinft and feparate revenues of the dean and other members of the chapter, their common revenues were then valued at 1485^ or. yd. q. per ann. in the whole, and at 72 5/. 7.1. 10 d. q. clear n. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 298. de origine fedis epifcopalis in civit. London. Epiftolam P. Gre- gorii Mellito abbati de fanis idolorum ex H. Hun¬ tingdon : P. 299. cartam Ethelberti regis, de maner. de ^Tillingham : Bullam P. Agathonis Erkenwaldo epifeopo: Vitam S. Erkenwaldi : P. 301. cartam R. Ethelftani, de terris apud Sandone, Rode, Ardele, Luffenhale, &c. P. 302. aliam cartam R. Ethelftani, de privilegiis Sax. et Lat. Cartam Eadgari regis pro maner. de= Naftoke: P. 303. cartam Egelfledoe R. de terris apud Lagefare et (Jochamfted Lat. et Sax. Confirm, ejufd.'per R. Ethelredum: Aliam cartam R. Ethelredi, confirm, terras a fe vel a predeceflori- bus fuis collatas: Cartas duas Canuti R. de lmmum- tatibus : P. 304. cartas duas R. Edwardi Coni, qua- rum una de terris apud Berlings et Chingford, altera de libertatibus: P. 305. cartas tres R. Will. Conq. viz. unam confirm, donationes terrarum apud Na¬ ftoke Lagefare, Coccamftede et Runwell; et duas alias 'de libertatibus : Prredia ad eccl. S Pauli, ex libro cenfuali vocat. Doomfday Book : P. 307. confti- tutiones Lanfranci archiepifc. Dorob. in conciho in eccl. S. Pauli, A. D. 1170. P. 308. cartas duas R. Will Conq. unam quod nullus epifeopus live archi- diaco'nus amplius in Hundret. de legibus placita tene- ant . Alteram de caftfo de Stortford conceii. Mauri- cic epife. London. Cartam regis Hen. 1. de claudendo cimit S. Pauli muro: P. 309. quietam clamat.onem Euftaqhii com. Bolonise, de terris infra raurum cimi- lerii" Inventarium morluum, phialarucn, valorura fac return, crucium, calicum, textuum, feretrorum, caoarum, mitrarum, baculorum, fandalium, pulvina- jium veftimentorum, ftolarum, tunicarum, cafula- rum, corporalium, librorum, baudekinorum, panno¬ rum, &c. in thefaurario, in capellis, et ad altaria eccl. S. Pauli London, A. D. 1295. P. 332, &c. inven¬ tarium reliquiarum in diifta ecclefia : P. 334. expenfas aurifabri circa tumulum S. Erkenwaldi, 3 Hen. 4. P. 335. excerpta e vet. cod. mf. penes Willelmum Pierpoint, de dignitate epifeopi, creatione et officio decani et aliis officiariis hujus ecclefiae: P. 345. clauf. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. de forma refidentiae ftatuemla arbitrio regis : P. 346. de numero canonicorura : P. 347. ftatuta exhibita a decano Collet cardinal! Ebor. 1518. P. 354. ftatuta quxdam fadla perTho- mam cardinalem Ebor. et quaedam de officiis fervien- tium ecclefiae: P. 355. the ftate of the londes of the church: P. 357. nomina praebendariorum et ecclella- rum infra civit. London, ad patronatum decani et capit. fpedlant. An inventory of the plate, jewels, &c. 7 Ed. 6. P. 358. ordinationem capellx in magno cimiterio fuper olfamenta mortuorum per executor. Ric. Whitingdon, A. D. 1430. P. 359, See. kalen- darium de omnibus libris exiftentibus in nova libraria per Walterum Shirington inchoata fuper clauftrum in Pardon Chirch-hawe, A. D. 1458. P. 364. libros repertos in thefaur. S. Pauli, A. D. i486. P. 365- books belonging to the church delivered to dean Mey, A. D. 1559- Nomina epifeoporum et decanorum Londonieniium : P. 367. John Lydgate’s tranflatton of Machabree’s Daunce of Death, as painted on the walls of the cloyfter in Pardon church-hawe on the north fide of S. Paul’s. The Hiftory of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, from its foundation until thefe times ; extrafted out of ori¬ ginal charters, records, leiger books, and other manu- feripts ; beautified with fundry profpedfs of the church, figures of tombs and monuments ; by William Dug- v 1 have taken no notice of the old Britilh archbifhops of London, as being of uncertain authority, and the place of their reo r moiiuii church unknown. But filch as defn e it, may hnd 3:1 account of them in Spelman’s Councils, vol. 1. p. 13, etc. X\“'['hc kgcndofTbds'bifiiop’s burial expreflv calls the then nofi i brs ot this church canons. Mon. Angl. vol. 111. p. 300. V 1 rn 1 Collect- iii. 85. faith, that here were monks in the time Of e bba k ing of the Ealt Saxons. But this feems fcarce pro- habTe became we hear no m re of them; tor they would not tart been thrown out without much Ihuggbng, and would probably have been reftored by king Edgar and bifhop Ethel- wold, it' they had ever had footing in this cathedral. .Nor is of much weight, that in the charters of the Saxon kings, ana the bull of pope Agatho printed by Dugdale (if all, V them, be genuine) and in the Saxon chronicle, anno 1057. 1 called Monajlerium ; for in the writings of thofe times, often fiernifies no more than a Minjlcr or Church. - i» Now valued at m /. per ann . only in Edton, on acco the alienations fince made from it. n MS. in offic. Primit. VIII. M I D D j,)e, Lond. 1658. fol. “ containing 300 pages, above iOO of which is the Appendix of the very fame deeds, which were after reprinted in the third tome « of the Monafticon, and of which there is a parti- « cular account above °.” A account of the cathedral church of St. Paul in Lon- h don with the hiftory of the bifhops, deans, dignita¬ ries' and prebendaries of the fame, is prefixed to the volume of that ufeful work, Repertorium Eccle- fiafticum Parochiale Londinenfe, by the laborious lylr. Newcourt, Lond. 1708. fol. (71 Hen. Whartoni Hiftoriam de epifeopis et decanis Londinenfibus, cum Appehdice infirumentorum, Lond. 1695- 8vo. ]n Godwini libro De praefulibus Angliae, p. 226. de epifeopis Londinenfibus. In Rjmeri Feeder. &c. tom. vi. p. 677. pat. 45 Ed. 3. p j. m. 34. fuper nefandis abufibus in ecclefia S. Pauli London, tom. viii. p. 74. clauf. 22 Ric. 2. p, j. m. 4. de forma refidentiae in eccl. S. Pauli Lon¬ don. tom. xv. p. 223. de unione epifeopatus Weft- monaft. et quorundam locorum exempt, diocefi Lon- dinenfi: p. 226. de terris epifeopatus alienatis five excambiatis. In Prynni Recordor. tom. iii. p. 7. pat. 6 Joan. m. 10. de non invadendo terras epifeopi London, vel eccle- fuefuae: p. 345- pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 15. de cimiterio S. Pauli London claudendo: p. 1261. Ricardi de Gravefande epife. London, epiftolam ad regem Ed- wardum 1. in partibus tranfmarinis, de terra ecclefiae fus per majorem et commun. civ. London, per falfas fuo-o-eftiones a rege obtenta. In dodliffimi Wilkinfii Conciliorum tom. i. p. 3S9. de pallio abepifeopo London, petito, A. D. 1109. p. 758. compofitionem de jurifdiitione fedis Londinenfis va- cantis exercenda inter Bonifacium archiepifc. Can- tuar. et decanum et capitulum S. Pauli London. A. D. 1262. tom. ii. p. 26. compofit. inter R. Kil- wardby archiepifc. Cantuar. et decanum et capitulum S. Pauli London, fuper exercitio jurifdidtionis, durante vacatione fedis epifcopalis Londin. A. D. 1273. p. 91. fententiam archiepifc. Cantuar. contra facinorofos qui in eccl. S. Pauli London, enormia fcelera patrarunt, A. D. 1282. tom. i|i. p. 78. de ftatu decanatus S. Pauli London, et praebendaria decanatui annexanda, A. D. 1368. p. 134. P. Urbani 6. et Simonis archi¬ epifc. Cantuar. confirmationes flatus et gradus mi- norum canonicorum S. Pauli London. A. D. 1378. tom. iv. p. 226. queen Elizabeth’s and the archbi- fhop’s letters about the repair of St. Paul’s, A. D. 1561. p. 433. king James’ letter to the bifhop of London about the repair of St. Paul’s Church, A. D. 1608. p. 486. archbifhop Laud’s letter to the bifhops to make collections for repairing this cathedral, A. L). 1633. p. 492. K. Charles’ letter to archbifhop Laud about that repair, A. D. 1634. The archbifhop’s letter to the lord mayor of London to defire the citi¬ zens contributions towards it : p. 524. the petition of the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s London againft archbifhop Laud’s vifiting them ; and the king and council’s opinion of the archbifhop’s right to vifit them, A. D. 1637. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, fome account of the an¬ cient and prefent rights and pofleffions of the bi- fhoprick, as vol. i. p. 55. of the patronage and ad- vowfon of the five archdeaconries : p. 99. of all the prebends : p. 259. of the redlory of P St. * Alphage : p. 266. of St. Andrew Underfhaft : p. 267. of St. Mary Axe: p. 278. of St. * Anne’s Alderfgate: p. 31 1. of St. Botolph’s Bifhopfgate: p. 322. of St. Chriftopher’s : p. 326. of St. * Clement’s Eaft Cheap : p. 343. of St. *Ethelburgh : p. 366. of St. * James Garlickhith : p. 347. of St. * Katherine Coleman ftreet: p. 396. of St. * Magnus: p. 405. of St.*Mar¬ L E S E X. garet New Fifh ftreet : p. 415. of St. Martin Ltid- gate: p. 474. of St. * Matthew Friday ftreet in Lon¬ don : p. 569. of lands at Aclon in Middlefex, and the advowfon of the church there : p. 573. of the ad¬ vowfon of St. Anne’s Weftminfter: p. 574. of the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of f Bedfont : p. 604. ot the advowfon of Finchley: p. 608. of the manor and advowfon of the finecure redlory at Ful¬ ham : p. 61 7. of the manor and advowfon of the fine- cure redlory of Hackney : p. 626. of the manor and advowfon ot * Hanwell, with the chapel of Brentford : P- ^45- °f the redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of fHefton: p. 647. of the advowfon of Hillingdon : P‘ JM2' fbe manor and advowfon of Idornfey: p. 660. of two parts in three of the advowfon of St. James Weftminfter: p. 679. of the advowfon of Kenlmgton: p. 690. of St. * Martin’s in the Fields: Pr ZT0I-,°f, the rea°ry and advowfon of the vicarage of Nonhall: p. 703. of the manor, redlory, and no¬ mination to the curacy of * Paddington : p. 77- cf the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Stepney : p. 744. of the manor of Sudbury: p. 761. of the ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Yealing in Middlefex- p. 790. of the manor of Aldbury in Hertfordfhire ! p. bog. ot the church of Broxborne and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 826. of the advowfon of Gedlefton • p. 830. of a manor at Little Hadham, and the ad- vowlon of Great Hadham: p. 863. of the manor, rectory, and advowfon of the vicarage of * Rickmanf- P1 of the advowfon of the vicarage of * S abridge worth : p. 897. of the advowfon ofThor- n cm're- VO'- "• P- 6‘ of the “dvowfon otAldham in Eflex: p. 17. of Afheldham vicaraoe ■ p. 22. of Avely vicarage : p. 50. of Great Bentley vicarage: p. 72. ot Boreham vicarage: p. 70. of Box - ted vicarage: p. 86. 88. of a manor at Braintree, and the advowfon of the vicarage there: p. 94. of the ad¬ vowfon of Brickelfea vicarage: p. 95. of Bromfield vicarage: p. 117. 0f Burfted Magna redlory: p. 120 of Canewdon vicarage: p. I28, 129. of the manor and advowfon of Chelmsford: p. 152. of the manors T ^rr2t ^ adocn ^nd Auleton Park in Eflex, and Loddefworth m SufTex : p. ,59. 0f the advowfon of oggefhall. p. 174. 0f St. Mary’s in Colchefter : p. 191. ot the manor and advowfon of Copford : p. 196. of the advowfon of * Crefliall vicarage: p. 224. of f Great Dunmow vicarage : p. 240. of a portion of tithes in Eaftwood : p. 248. of the advow¬ fon of bairfted vicarage : p. 259. of the manor, rec- tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ferine : p. 208 ot the advowfon of Halfted vicarage : p. 301. of Eaft Ham vicarage : p. 351. of the manor, reaory and advowfon of the vicarage of Keldon : p. 3^. 0f a portion of tithes and advowfon of Laingdon R. cum Baiildon : p. 410. of nominating a clerk to be pre- fented to the vicarage of Matching; and p. 44,. 0f the like to Notley Alba vicarage: p. 417. of a por. tion of tithes at Meffing : p. 454. 0f the advowfon of Oilett R. p.458. of * Packlefham R. p.464 of ratfwick curacy : p. 492. of Rickling vicarage : p. 535. of the manor of Southminfter: p. 568. of the advowlon of Takely vicaraae: p. r74_ Gf f Tav Parv. R. p. 619. of Wakering Mag. vicarage^ p. 043. of an alternate prefentation to North Weld Baffet vicarage: p. 645. of the advowfon of South Weld vicarage: p. 651. of Wennington redlory P-' 657-°f Wfokham Epifc- R_ p_ 66g of nominaJ tion to Willingale Spaine R. p. 677. of the advowfon or YVitham vicarage. In the faid Mr. Newcourt’s Repertorium, fome account of the ancient and prefent rights and poilbffions of the dean and chapter of the faid cathedral ; as vol i p. 283. of the advowfon of St. AntolineV’ p 28- of St. Auguftine’s: p. 300. of St. Bennet Gracechu.ch • 0 This was publifhed again, A. D. 1716. with a brief account of the cathedrals of York, Durham, See. p The places thus marked * in this page, belonged molt of them to the abbat and convent of Weftminfter, and were grant¬ ed to the biihop of London by K. Edward 6. and confirmed nLrsof^X^rvT&l ^ f“r A.+DT^tTnr«Sged ^ the bin“°Prick ^ *■«“ Elizabeth, p. 301. VIII. MIDDLESEX. p. 301. of St. Bennct’s Paul’s Wharf: p. 309. of St. Botolph’s Billingfgate: p. 349. of St. Faith’s: p. 355! of St. t Giles’ Cripplegate: p. 359. of St. ^ Grego¬ ry s by St. Paul’s : p. 363. of St. J Helen’s : p. 375. of St. John Zachary p. 416. of St. Martin Orgar: p. 470. of St. Mary Magdalen Milk ftreet: p. 471. of St. Mary Magdalen Old Fifli ftreet: p. 478/ of S t. Michael Baffifhaw : p. 4S7. of St. Michael Queen- liithe : p. 488. of St. Michael Querne : p. 308. of St. Nicholas Olave’s: p. 516. of St. Olavc’s Siiver ftreet : p. 527. of St. Peter’s Paul’s Wharf: p. 528. of St. Peter’s le Poor : p. 550. of St. Thomas Apoftle in London : p. 569. of poileflions at AcSlon in Mid- dlefex : p. 588. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of } Chifwick : p. 596. of the like at t VV eft Draiton : p. 599. of the redtory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage at Edmunton : p. 606. of the ad¬ vowfon of J F riarne Barnet: p. 607. of lands in Ful¬ ham : p. 682. of Kingfbury curacy : p. 704. of St. Pancras : p. 744. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage at Sudbury : p. 760. of the like at Willefdon in Aliddlefex : p. 899. of the manor, redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Walden St. Paul, in Hert- fordfhire : vol. ii. p. 22. of the redtory of Aveley : p. 36. of the manor and advowfon of J Barling : p. 43. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of J Belchamp St. Paul : p. 72. of the rec¬ tory of Boreham: p. 93. of Bri ckelfea : p. 108. of Bumfted Helion : p. 146. of a manor at Chingford : p. 193. of a buck and doe from Coringham • p. 232. of the advowfon of || Eafter Alta: p. 248. of lands in Fairfted and Boreham : p. 264. of a farm called Dig¬ ging, and the manor of Boyton hall in Finchingfield : p. 328. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of J'Heybridge: p. 343. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Horndon upon the Hill : P- 344 the advowfon of Hutton vicarage : p. 358. of Laingdon cum Weftley redtory: p. 426. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of || Mucking : P; 433- °f the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Naveftock : p. 509. of the manor of Run- well : p. 599. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tillingham : p. 352. 585 and 637. of the manors, &c. of Kirkby, Thorp and Walton, in Le Soken : p. 658. of the manor and advowfon of Wick¬ ham St. Paul : p. 665. of a manor at Wiley. In Morant’s Eftex, voi. i. p. 199. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Little Burghfted : p. 202. of the manor of Ramfden Belhoufe anciently: p, 222. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Orl'et : p. 226. of the lordfliip of Little Thurrock anciently: p. 241. of the lordlhip of Corringham anciently: p. 247. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Langdon Clay: p. 381. of the fame at Wickham Bi- fhops : p. 405. of the lordfliip of Layer Marney an¬ ciently: p.475. of the advowfon of the redtory of Wiley : p. 475. of the lordfliip of Little Cladton an¬ ciently: vol. ii. p. 50. of the manor and park of Crondon : p. 183. of the advowfon of the redtory of Great Birch : p. 427. of the alternate right of pre- fentation to the vicarage of Great Dunmowe : p. 575. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Takely : belonging to the biflioprick. Ibid. vol. i. p. 54. of the manor of Chingford St. Paul’s: p. 1 14. of the lordfliip of Little Warley anciently: p. 130. of the manor of Folyots in High Ongar : p. 132. of the manor of Norton Mandeville anciently: p. 170. of the finecure redtory of Chigwell : p. 247. of the manor of Weft-Lee and advowion of the rec¬ tory of Langdon-Hills : p. 284. of tithes in Eaft- wood : p. 418. of the lordfliip of Peldon anciently: p. 481. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Thorp : p. 483. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Kirby: vol. ii. p. 241. of a mediety of the impropriate redtory of Boxted : p. 259. of the impropriate redtory of Halfted : p. 533. of the impropriate redtory of Bumfted Helion r time : belonging to the dean and chapter. ‘0lnc' In Chauncy’s Hertfordftiire, p. 16a. of the" 1- in . Bifhop Storford: belonging to the biflioprick ^ °f Ibid. p. S3- °f the manor, impropriate rcaory’ana , vowfon of the vicarage of Ardely : p. 80. of- . ^.ac!- at Sandon: p 140. of the impropriate ’reftorV^ advowfon of the vicarages of Lrent Pelham ^ ^ of Furneux Pelham p. 150. of AIbury, p’. L'45, Bifhop Storford, p. 562. of Kenfworth and /h of nor : p. 563. of the manor of Cadingtone: belnn to the dean and chapter. onging In Madoxii Formul Angl p 33. compofitionem fUD, via per campos Cartufienflum de BlemondflL P'A manenum pnebendm de Totenhale, 2 Ric , y ad In ejufd. Hift. Sc.cc p. 134. de terra’ifi Edbmgheton, ex dono Ranulfi Peurelli ad ufum luminarium A n’ 1142. p. 417- ^ writ for the dean and chapter of St' Paul s London, to be quit ot the aid « ad nrinm - “ tarn regis Edwardi 1. filiam maritandamP’ ex br"'' 9 Ed. 2. rot. 8. a. Drevr- In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, &c. p &_ account of the foundation of this church ; of ‘ perfons buried in it, and their epitaphs; of feVe" I chapels and chantries belonging to it, 5cc In Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. °p, r«. 0"r a _l.„, founded in the chapel of St. Jolm Baptift neir th north door for Sir Richard de Burley km. 40 Hen ^ Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 25. 54- nomina pne^ rum benefadtorum: p. 321. 339. 353. epifeoporum • P- 355- decanorum: p 357. ex libro de antiquity uhnae ecclefiae et rebus 111 ea geftis, ubi piurima; donationes recenfentur : p. 360. ecclefias et preben das, quE pertinent ad ecclefiam S. Pauli: vol ii' p. 47. catalogum quorundam librorum mlf. olim j„‘ bibliotheca hujus ecclcfiE. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 49. cartam epifeopi Lon- don. de nnlitibus feflatis et feodis totius epifeopatus In Itinerario Will de Worceftre, p. I42. de fundatione capellE cum libraria apud Portam S. Pauli : p. 166 dimenfiones ecclefiae. 1 In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 40. taxationem fpiri- tualium et temporalium in dicec. Cantuar. In Heylin’s Life of archbifhop Laud, p. 204. fome ac- count of this church. In bifhop Stillingfleet’s Difcourfe of the true antiquity of London, at the end of his Ecclefiaftical cafes, pub- hfhed in two volumes 8vo. 1704. § 3 et 4. of Diana’s temple, and the foundation of St. Paul’s cathedral. In Stow’s Survey of London, corredled and enlarged and brought down to this prefent time by John Stfype M. A. London. 1720. 2 vol. fol. Book iii. p 141 &c. an account of this church. Monuments, Infcriptions, and Epitaphs of kings, nobles, bifhops, &c. in the cathedral church of St. Paul, ^ondon, until the year 1614, with the foundation of the church, and a catalogue of the bifhops, by Hugh Holland, Lond. 1614. 4to. b Tombs, Monuments, and fepulchral Infcriptions vifible lately in St. Paul’s cathedral, and St. Faith’s under it; with feveral hiftorical difeourfes, by Payne Fifher, Lond. 1684. 4to. 1 In Le Neve s Fafti, p. 74, &c. an account of the bi¬ fhop?, deans, archdeacons (of London, Eflex, Mid- dlefex, Colchefter, and St. Alban’s) precentors, trea- furers, and chancellors of this church. Regiftra, cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. penes rev. in Lhrifto patrem D. D. epife. et R. V. V. decanum et capitulum. Cartas R. Kenrici 1. et aliorum regum conceflas epif- copo Londinenfi et eccl. S. Pauli London, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius, F. x. I. Rentalia et cartas quafdam ad eccl. S. Pauli Lond. fpedfant. mf. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. 8or. De longitudine, latitudine, et altitudine eccl. S. Pauli Lond. mf. in bibl. coll. Univ. Oxon. G. 4. t Thefe places are under the peculiar jurifdiftion of the dean and chapter, who are ordinaries aDd give inltitution, as well as prefent, to them. II Thefe two were granted to St. Paul’s only, 1 Ed. 6. the former belonging before to Walden, and the latter to Barking. Librum VIII. MIDDLESEX. Librum ftatutorum cccl. cath. S. Pauli London, fcrip- tum ad mandatum magiftri Thomae Lyfeux ejufdem eccl. decani A. D. 1450. cum confuetudinibus ejuf¬ dem ecclefne, qux funt extracts' ex pluribus libris antiquis et monumentis in archivis ipfius ecclefne cxiftentibus, ipfas confuetudines fparfim praeter cer- tum ordinem olim confufe continentibus, in prxfens opulculum feriofius redadtas per recolendx memoriae Radulphum de Baldoc tunc decanum cum capitulo jpfius ecclefne, cum quibufdam injundlionibus et de- clarationibus pod fecutis in feptem partes diftribut. Accedit carta libertatum ejufd. eccl. per regem Hen- ricum 6. cum tabula libertatum earundem ; item, cantariae extra ecclefiam S. Pauli, nominaque obi- tuum; et carta de temporalibus vacante epifeopatu London. Cod. mf. membr. in folio, haud ita pridem in bibl. R. P. D. D. Joannis Mori nuper epife. Eli- enfis, nunc in bibl. publ. Cantabr. E e. v. 21. Injundtiones decano et capitulo S. Pauli datas a Ric. epife. London. A. D. 1298. mfT. in libro pneceden- tium notato B. p. 257. Inter libros autoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mfT. Dodfworth. vol. xxv. f. 144. cartam R. Joannis de manerio de Stoke juxta Guil¬ ford: vol. cxiii. f. 33. fucceffion of the deans: vol. cxl. f. 21. catalogue of the deans. Ibid. mf. James, vol. vii. f. 120. excerpta ex antiquo regiftro S. Pauli London. MS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxvi. p. 267. de cantariis fundatis in ecclefia D. Pauli. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 170. p. 118. indulgentias xl. dierum conceflas per archiepifeopum Cantuar. et epifeopos London. Winton. et Elienf. omnibus qui vifitaverint capellam S. Annie et S. Thomae fundatam a dom. Tho. Moor decano ecclefiae S. Pauli in eadem ecclefia: p. 126. prefentationein Roberti Dykar ad ecclefiam S. Thomae Apoftoli per Johannem Forfter et Willelmum Lichfield, folos ca- nonicos et ftagiarios ecclefiae S. Pauli, capitulum ejufdem non expedlato decano facientes : p. 133. in- hibitionem officialis curiae Cant, ad inftantiam prae- didtorum canonicorum, ne Johannes Perot, qui a R. Sherbourn decano fecus ac permittunt confuetu¬ dines ejufdem ecclefiae deputatus ejus nominatus eft, jura eorum moleftet et infringat. MS. Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. v. cartam Beatricis (quondam uxoris dom. Thomae dom. de Roos de Hamelake mil.) aliorumque de cantaria fundanda in capella S. Joannis Baptiftae ad oftium boreale eccl. S. Pauli pro anima Ric. de Beurley mil. 10 Hen. 4. Extrails from the Regifters of the bifhops of London, m(T. in bibl. Harleiana, 6955, 6956. Regiftrum cartarum cantariae S. Pauli Lond. ibid. mf. 4845- In eadem bibl. mf. 60. f. 2. penfiones et temporalia capituli S. Pauli : f. 3. temporalia mag. W. de Monte- forti quondam decani S. Pauli : f. 23. praebendas ca¬ nonicorum : mf. 261. f. 107. de fundatione ecclefiae S. Pauli Lond. mf. 980. p. 179. that the church of St. Paul’s hath had before the Conqueft two cardi¬ nals, which office ftill continues therein : mf. 2273. f. 364. nomina decanorum a conqueftu ad A. D. 1553. mf. 2296. f. 136. leafe of the old palace in St. Paul’s churchyard: mf. 6598. copies of old charters granted to this church: mf. 6748. f. 3. 5. cartas RR. Will. 1. Hen. 1. et Joannis- mf. 7041. p. 21. particulars of the church of St. Paul’s, the epifeopus puerorum, the elemofinary there, &c. De maneriis , terris, libertatibus, tffc. epifeopatus London, Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 95. pro mercat. apud Chelmsford; et p. 2- n. 105. de terris apud Chelmsford et Bran- ketre : Cart. 2 Joan. n. 28. pro feria apud Chelms¬ ford : Cart. 5 Joan. m. 8. n. 68. pro bofeis includen- dis apud Borham [Elfex.j et parco faciendo : Pat. 5 Joan. n. 7. pro bofeo de Ratinden imparcando : Fin. 6 Joan. m. 2. et clauf. 6 Joan. m. 3. et Cart. 6 Joan, n. 23. pro maner. de Stokes juxta Guildford: Cart. 6 Joan. n. 80. pro bofeo de Crunden indudendo, et n. 107. pro decimis venationis regiae in com. Eltex. Pat. 6 Joan. m. 10. n. 25. pro eadem decima : Cart. 7 Joan. m. 3. n. 24. pro advoc, abbatiie de Chith : Ibid. m. 12. pro Merfey, Fingringho, &c. et pro li- bertat. in Orfet, Turrock, et Chaudwell [EfTex.] Cart. 8 Joan. n. 1 et 2. Pat. 15 Joan. m. 10. n. 32. de reparatione caftri de Strotford : Clauf. 17 Joan. m. 22. et Cart. 17 Joan. m. 7. pro libertatibus in Clakinton, Walton, et Thorp. Clauf. 3 Hen. 3. m. 24. de mercat. die Jovis apud Southminfter [EfTex.] Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m 14. Pat. 5 Hen. 3. m. 5. de maner. de Clakinton, Suthmin- ftre, et Southam : Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 26. pro feria apud Braintre [EfTex.] Fin. div. com. 10 Hen. 3. lig. 2. n. 3. de terris et molendino in Stratford : Pat. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro decima venationis in foreftis regiis intra com. EfTex. Fin. div. com. 15 Hen. 3. lig. 2. n. 36 vel 136. de terris et advoc. eccl. de Hackney [Middlefex.j et terris in Orfet: Pat. 43 Hen. 3. m. 13. de inflauro epifeopatus: Cart. 44 Hen. 3. m. 3. de bofeo apud Leyndon [EfTex.] in- cludendo, et parco inde faciendo. Plac. in com. SufTex. 7 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 55. Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 25. dorfo, de libertatibus et purprefturis in Guildford, et rot. 31. dorfo: Plac. in com. EfTex. 13 Ed. 1. afiif. rot. 53 et 55. de libertatibus in Orfeth, Leyndon, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 4 vel 5. de vifu franci plegii in Orfet, Leyndon, et Chelmsford: Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 19 Ed, 1. n. 60. Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 92. de Malden : Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 13. dorfo; rot. 22. dorfo; rot. 24 et 26. et quo war. rot. 60. Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 60. de terris in Alberton : Cart. 27 Ed. 1, n. 6. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 5. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. de excambio xx. acr. in Stebunheth: Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 2. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 13. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 20 vel 22. pro fir- matione caftri de Storteford : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro eccl. de Storteford approprianda : Rec. in fcacc. 27 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 18. Cart. 28 Ed. 3. n. 6. Plac. coram rege, 29 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 31. quod epifeopus non tenetur reparare pontem inter Adton et Nottinghill, fed tantum liberare meremium : Cart. 29 Ed. 3. n. 7. pro mercat. et feria apud Orfete [EfTex:] Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro parco ccc. acr. apud Wickham [EfTex.] includendo. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 8. pro eccl. de Stebenheth : Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro tribus quarterns frumenti pro fuftentatione prifonum apud Stortford : Rec. in fcacc. 12 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 9. Cart. 18 Ric. 2. n. 11, Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 1. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 22. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 30. de libertatibus conceffis per epifeopum inhabitantibus de Maldon [EfTex:] Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 25. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 2. et p. 2. n. 1. Plac. coram rege, 2 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. . quod epifeopus tenetur ratione manerii de Stebinhith reparare pontem de White Chapel: Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. S. Chriftopheri in Broadftreete. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 23. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 15. Cart. 16, &c. Hen. 6. n. 12. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4.. m. 8. Cart. 1 Ed. 4. p. 1. n. 10. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 2< vel 26. Pat. 4 Ed. 6. p. 4. m. . [12 Apr.] pro maner. de Qren- ford, Cornwell, Drayton, &c. Pat. 1 Marias, p. 4. m. . [3 Mart.] pro maner. de Gren- ford,&c.*Pat. 5 et 6 Phil. etMar. p. 2. m . . [14 Nov.] pro advoc. ecclefiarum. De maneriis , terris, libertatibus, CSV. ecclefia cathedralis &. Pauli London, Compofitionem inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et capitulum S. Pauli London, fuper exercitio jurifdidtionis fede cpifcopali London, vacante, A. D. 1273. in cartular. archiepifcopat. mf. in bibl. Bodl. p. 225. 235. Cart, antiq. A. 1 — 12. 26. D. 25. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 15. n. 95. pro mercat. apud Chelmesford : Ibid. p. 2. m. . n. 22 et m. 8. n. 105. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 28. pro feria apud Chelmsford: E- k k k Cart. VIII. MIDDLESEX. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 8. pro cccl. de Sording ad facirti- dam prccentoriam : Cart. 6 Joan. n. 23. Pat. 11 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro bofco de Chingford: Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro medietate villx de Mealden : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 11. pro mancr. deBerling: Fin. Buckingh. 24 Hen. 3. n. 23. pro carucata terra in Merlaw Parva: Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 5. de libertati- bus in Cadington et Sandon : Pat. 49 Hen. 3. m. 5. ro mera extra raurum civitatis London, ex parte oreali anneftenda prabend® de Haliwell : Pat. 53 Hen. 3. n. 31. Clauf. 57 Hen. 3. n. 6. pro mora extra murum London, ex parte boreali. Plac. in Lond. et Middlefex. 2 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 8. de terris in Shoreditch: Fin. div. com. 2 Ed. 1. lig. 1. n. 17. pro maner. de Naftock [Eflex.J et Bernes [Surr.] Plac. forinf. apud Hertford. 6 Ed. 1. rot. 37. de libertatibus : Plac. apud Hufteng. Lond. 7 Ed. 1. rot. . pro ix. marcis annui redditus ex conceffione Rogeri de Ley, archidiac. EfTex. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 15. de cimiterio ecclefi® muro lapideo includendo : Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 22. pro ma¬ ner. de Drayton; et rot. 26. dorfo: Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . pro melT. in civit, Lond. concelT, per Jof. Lovell. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. de villa et ecclefia de Ylling approprianda cancellario ecclefi®, ita quod publice legeret in theologia : Brev. 3 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro cantaria Joannis de Munden : Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. de melf. in pa- rochia S. Sepulchri : Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. de providentiis regiis non faciendis in maneriis ecclefi®: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Ibid. p. 2. m. 18. de cancellariatu : Brev. 9 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 2. [bis :] Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 31. pro lib. war. in Sutton, Aketon, Drayton, Willefdon, et Shaldwell [Middlefex.] Bernes [Surr.] Kadington, Kenefworth, Erdley, Saundon, et Luffcnhale [Hertf. ] Beauton, Beauchamp, Wik- ham, Weftle, Fayrftede, Tillingham, Barking, Rune- well, Tideroldington, Waleton, Kirkby et Thorp [EfTex.] Ibid. n. 37. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. pro terris in Sutton: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 14. dorfo, pro maneriis de Bernes et Wickham : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 18. de eccl. de Hoton et terris ibidem: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 2. 4. 7. 10. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30. pro cantaria Ric. Gravefend quondam epifc. London. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 15, Clauf. 20 Ed. 2. m. 2. Efcaet. ElTex. 2 Ed. 3. n. 72. de terris et ten. in Co- ringham. Fobbing, Standford, Eft Lee, et Weft Lee: Plac. apud Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 16. de libertat. in Eaftbury, Cadington, &c. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . pro cantaria Walteri de Thorp : Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15 vel 16. Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17 vel 18 9. pro advoc. eccl. de Grandefdon [Hun¬ ting.] ex conceffione Eliz. de Burgo: Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. pro cuftodia epifcopatus vacantis, pro eccl. de Bricham [Norwic. dicec.] ex concelT. Eliz. de Burgo: Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 13. Pat. 15 gj p. 2. m. 40 et 47. de precentoria : Pat. 16 Rj ’’ p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m ' prebenda de Ealdelond : Cart. 28 Ed. 3. n. q" " mercat. et feria apud Hebrug [ElTex.] Pat. 36 p. 2. m. 6. pro ten. in Brig ftrete et Pater-nofte^* row; et m. 40. pro molendino et ten. in Naftock' Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. pro diverfis cantariis ecclefia uniendis: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 3 1 vel ' de bracino reconftruendo : Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. t ’ 2 * de cifta Michaelis de Northburgh epifcopi Loiic]o°' in thefauraria ecclefi® contin. m. marcas mutuo d das, &c. u Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3 m de eccl. de Stebenheth approprianda : Pat. 5 Rjc ’ ' p. 1. m. 16. Cart. 11 Ric. 2. n. 22. Pat. 14 R;^ 2‘ p. 2. m. 8. de plurimis cantariis ibidem per epifconm uniendis. ^ 1 Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. pro caflatione decreti regis Ric. 2. de refidentiis, fuperfluis expends &c Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. V 2‘ m. 26. 33 et 35. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1 . m. 1 1 de cuiloJ dia temporal, epifcopat. durante vacationc fedis: Pat 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 2. 6, 7, et 13. pro ten. in ward] de Weft Chepa, pro anniverf. Joannis de Gaunt ducis Lancaftri® et Blanchi® uxoris ejus: Ibid. m. ig. pro manerio de Bernes : Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 2. pru cantaria in capella S. Thom® Mart, fundat. perexe- cutores Thom® Eure decani : Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2 m. 33, 34 et 36. pro cantaria fundata per executorcs Joannis de Gaunt. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 3. Cart. i,&c. Hen. 6. n. 12. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 29. p. 3. m. 15. et p. 6. m. . Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. j. m. 4. Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2! m. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 23. Cart. 21 Hen. 6. n. 13. pro mercat. die Veneris, et duabus feriis apud Cheppyng Lamburn [Berk.] de- canatui annex. Ibid. n. 36. pro libertatibus: Rec. in fcacc. 22*Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 28. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 27. et p. 2. m. 1 et 18. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1. pro cantaria in capella S. Georgii fundat. per fraternitatem Armurariorum London, Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. Cart. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. n. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 4. rot. 39. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 26. et p. 5. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 4. m. 25 vel 26. pro fundatione cantariae ad altare S. Trinitatis in nave ecclefi® per Thomam Kemp epifc. London. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 2. pro prebenda S. Pancrafii approprianda penitentiario: Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro augmentatione canta- ri® Kemp ad altare S. Trinitatis. Rot, adt. pari. 11 Hen. 7. n. 27. Pat. 27 Hen. 8. p. 1. [20 Feb.] pro redloria de Alve- thely [ElTex.] Pat. 36 Hen. 8. p. 21. [Jun. 9.] pro maner. de Haukefbury [ElTex.] &c. in confideratione maner de Thorp, Yelden's, &c. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 5. m. . pro redtoria de Charyng [Kane.] &c. in excambio pro maner. de Rumwell. 2. St. Bartholomew’s Priory, or Great St. Bartholomew’s. Raherer, the founder of St. Bartholomew’s hofpital, began A.D. 1123'. and about the year 1133. finilhed on the eaft fide of Weft Smithfield a church or monaftery for Black canons in honor of St. Bartholomew, whole yearly revenues at the diffolution were 653/. 15s. as Dugd. and 757/. 81. 4 d. ob. q. as Speed1. The fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Rich : But Q^Mary placed here a convent of Black or Preaching friers, who“, under father Perfon, began to rebuild the nave of the church, which had been pulled down, but were turned out 1 Eliz. and the lord Rich again put into pofieffion. q Et forfan m. 27 vel 2$. t He was the firft prior here, and governed the houfe twenty- two years. K. Henry 1. is faid to be the founder, (Leland. Col¬ led. vol. i. p. 54.) as giving the ground on which both the hof¬ pital and priory were built, and lome churches in Suffolk. And it rauft be confefled, that notwithftanding Rahere is fo much cried up in the monkifh legend in the Monafticon, there is no mention of him (but as prior only) in the charter of K. Henry 1. And nothing is faid of his being either founder or confiderable benefador in the charter of K. Henry 3. But by his means and folicitations very probably both the priory and the hofpital were begun, the buildings carried on and fome endowment fettled. 5 This date feems to be plain from Mon. Angl. tom. iit p. 169. a. and could not be before, if it was, (as it is there faid to be) in the time of William Corbuil archbifhop of Canterbury- t The total value of this monaftery was 773/* os. id.ob.q • and the clear value 693/. os. 10 d. ob. q. according to the records in the Firft Fruits office. But, according to Stevens, vol. i. p- 29. the fumma inde was (as above) 757 /. 8;. 4 d.ob.q. and the fum- ma clara 653 /. 14/. 9 d. q. u Stgw mf. Vuii VIII. M IDDLESEX. yide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 166, &c. ex cod. Cot¬ ton Vcfpaf. B. ix. legendam five hiftoriam Raheri, capituiis xi. P. 1 71. cartam 6.Ric. 2. h. 7. recit. per Infpex. cart. R. Hen. 3. anno regni 37. recit. et confirm, donatorum conceffiones : P. 386. eandem cartam R. Hen. 3. ex cart, antiq. L. n. 14. et ex eif- dem L. n. 1. cart. R. Hen. 1. de privilegiis, dat. A.D. 1133- ik'd" tom- *"■ P- '• P- 126. cartam prioris et conventus concedentium epifcopo Ciceftrenfi et fuc- cefioribus menagium in parochia S. Sepulchri Lon¬ don. Scow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 235. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 436. Leiandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 54. 99. excerpta e cards, et nomina ecclefiarum appropriatarum. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 101. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 293. of the priory : p. 295. of the church of St. Bartholomew’s the Greater: p. 410. of the advowfon of St. Martin’s Ironmonger Lane : p. 530. of the redlory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of St. Sepulchre’s : p. 570. of lands at Adlon in Middlefex: Vol. ii. p. 80. of the redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Bradfield in Ellex : p. 156. of lands in Clavering and Langely-: p. 203. of the advowfon of one mediety of Danbury: p. 582. of the church of Theydon Bois. In Morant’s Ellex, vol. ii. p. 585. of the manor of Shotgrove in Newport: p. 614. of the manor of Langley. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 274. of a carucate of land in Tewing, and the advowfon of the rectory : p. 324. of the manor of Great Aiot. Year Books, i. 120. 11 Hen. 4. Trin. 2. 14 Hen. 6. .. 43. 34- Hen. 6. Mich. 39. Hill. 2. Injundhones fuper vifitatione prioratus per Walterum Schirington cuftodem fpiritualium fede epifcopali London, vacante, A.D. 1439. in libro mf. praeceden- tium, B. p. 244. in bibl. Bodl. inter m!T. Tanner. Librum fundationis eccl. et prioratus S. Barthplomsei in Weft Smithfield London. Ladne et Anglice, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. B. ix. Cartularium hujus prioratus olirn penes dodtorem Raw- linfon, In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 6. fpiritualia et tempo- ralia prioris S. Bartholomei : mf. 380. f. 38. cartam R. Hen. 1. fundatoris (fcil. cart, antiq. L. n. 1.) Cart. andq. L. n. 1 — 9. 11. Rot. oblat. 3 Joan. m. 4. pro eccl. de Hemelhamfted [Hertf.] Cart. 5 Joan. m. 16. n. 131. de protedlione et libertatibus. Plac. de banco, 8 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 14. pro eccl. de Bradfield [Eflex.] Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro eccl. de Gorlefton, Jernemutha Parva, Loweftoft, et Bel¬ ton: Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 76. de terris in Mcntmore: Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. ioi. Plac. apud Hertford, 6 Ea. 1. rot. 35. de libertat. Plac. ad Huftengum London. 7 Ed. 1. dexcut. vmJ. ex dono executor. Jacobi Stanes : Fin. SufF. 15 Ed. 1. n. 112. pro eccl. S. Petri de Wenhafton: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 16 et 17. ubi de privilegiis feriae in vi- gilia et die S. Bartholomtei, &c. Plac. in com. Mid¬ dlefex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 13. pro terris in Stanmere Parva; et rot. 37. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. ji. de ttielT. et terris in Stan¬ mere Parva: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. loEd. 2. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. quo war. de feria in Smith- field per tres dies: Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. ii. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. Cart. 17 Ed. 2. n. 2. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 28. dorfo, pro eccl. de Hemelhampfted : Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. de terris in Adton: Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 vel 23. Ibid. p. 2. m. 17. pro eccl. de Theidonbois: Rec. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 3. Mich. . . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. pro ten. in Adlon : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. in. 31 vel 32. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. de terris in Acton, Kentilhtown, et Ifeldon [Middlefex.] et Theydon bois [EITex.] ex dono Edmundi de Gry- melby pro anniverfario ejus: Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 16. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. pro maner, de Stanmere Magna : Rec. in fcacc. 37 Ed. 3. Mich, rot. 23. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. pro tenemento in Eggefware: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 et 28. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro maner. de Tewing et ten. in Welwen, &c. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 20. Cart. 5 Ric. 2. m. 7. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. pro eccl. S. Martini Ironmon- gerlane approprianda : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. pro maner. de Wallhall [Hertf.] et m. 36. Ibid, p. 2. m. 26. pro maner. de Stanmer Magna [Mid¬ dlefex.] et Wallhale [Hertf.] perquirendis de abbati S. Albani. Pat. 5 Hen. 5. m. . Pat. 7 Hen. 5. m. 19. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 4. Clauf. 5 Hen. 6. m. 5. de redd. xx. marc, conceit decano et capit. Ebor. Pat, Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. at. 11 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . pro aquaedudlu a villa de Ifeldon: Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 40. de corrodiis non praeftandis: Pat. ig Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14 vel 1 c. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. 3. Charter-PIouse. Sir Walter de Manny, one of the firtl knights of the molt noble order of the Garter, in the year of the great plague 1349, bought a piece of ground without Weft Smith- field bars, which he incloled and got conlecrated for the burial of the dead. It was thereupon called the New Chirche hawe, and a chapel was built, wherein, about the year 1360. the above mentioned knight intended to found a college for a warden or dean, and twelve Secular priefts ; but in the next year that defign was altered, when Michael de Northburgh bilhop of London joined with him in the building and endowing a priory in this place for double the number of Carthufian monks, which was to be called The Salutation of the Mother of God, and was finilhed about A.D. 1370. The yearly revenues of this houfe (which was furrendered June 10, 1535.) were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 642 l. os. 4 d. ob w. Dugd. 7 36/. 2 s. yd. Speed. The ii te was firft granted (as it is faid) to Sir Tho. Audley *, but to Sir Edward North knt. 36 Hen. 8. and 1 Marine. Upon which fite Thomas Sutton efquire, temp. Jac. 1. founded and largely endowed a molt magnificent hofpital, confiding of a mafter, a preacher, a head fchoolmafter, and lecond mailer, with forty-four boys, and eighty decayed gentlemen, who have been foldiers or merchants, befides phyfician, chirurgeons, regilter, and other officers and fervants of the houfe. “The greateft and moft bountiful gift (faith “ Mr. Stow) that ever at any time was given in England, no abbey (at the firft foundation thereof) “ excepted, or therewith to be compared, being the gift of one man only.” w “Summa clara 643/. os. 4 d. ob .” Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. * So Mr. Herne, but quare. The grants to Sir Edward North appear upon the patent rolls of thofe years. Mr. Herne is certainly miftaken in making this Sir Tho. Audley fpeaker of the parliament which diflolved the religious houfes. Dr. Bear- croft faith, it was firft granted June 12. 1542* to John Bridges and Thomas Hale for their joint lives; and April 14. 155c. to Sir Edward North, who was made a baron, 1 Maria: his fpn Roger lord North fold it May 31. 1565. to the duke of Norfolk for 2500/. whofe fon Thomas Howard earl ©f Suffolk fold it, 9 Jacobi , to Thomas Sutton efiq; fpr 13000/. Flit . VIII. MIDDLESEX V, de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 961. pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. pro licentia fundandi : Bullam P. Urbani (anno primo) pro unione beneficiorum non exceden- tium valorem annuum cc. marcV. Stow’s Survey of London, Book iv. p. 61. Dugdale’s Hiftory of St. Paul’s Cathedral, p. 34. Doraum Carthufianam, or an account of the founder and foundation of the Charter Houfe London, by Sam. Herne, Lond. 1677. 8vo. An hiftorical account of Thomas Sutton efq; and his foundation of the Charter-houfe by Philip Bearcroft D.D. 1737. p. 164, ice. Newcourt’s Repcrtorium, vol. i. p. 579, ice. of both foundations: vol. ii. p. 87. of the re£tory and advow- fon of the vicarage of Braintree in Eft'ex. In Halfted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 199. of lands in Erith : p. 528. of premifles in Highham: vol. ii. p. 71. of lands and tenements in Chatham. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 304. of the impro¬ priate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ship- den- p. 1232. of the manor of Weftfield: p. 1544. of lands in Somerton. Lelandi Collefl. vol. i. p. 105. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 241. an account both of the old and new foundation, from Stow, New- court. Hern, &c. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 32. compofitionem inter priorem et conventum domus Cartufienfis ac deca- num et capitulum S. Pauli fuper diverfis viis per ma- nerium et campum de Blemundefbury, fadtam A. D. 1379. p. 33. pro annuo redditu quinque marcarum folvend. redtori S. Margaretae in Bryg ftreet, A. D. 1444. p. 67. de advoc. eccl. S. Criftoferi London. 2 Hen. 5. p. 146. de acra terrae prope Trylmylne Broke in paroch. S. Andreae : p. 267. pro cella et portione clauftri pro habitatione unius monachi qui celebrabit pro animabus Thomae Aubrey et Felicia: uxoris ejus, A. D. 1 378. p. 268. pro tribus acris terrae in paroch. S. Sepulchri, 16 Ric. 2. p. 269. pro melT. in villa Rouceftriae [Kane.] exconceflf. Ricardi Clyderhow arm. p. 353* Pr0 liberatione prioratus et maner. de Okeburn, 12 Hen. 8. p. 365. obligatio- nem pro arbitrio inter priorem et Conventum, et Pc trum Pekham arm. de terris in campis de Holborn" p. 390. generalem relaxationenr et quietam clamat' Joannis Stow et Margaretae uxoris ejus : p. 39- re‘ laxationem annui redditus exeunt, ex ecclehis He is faid to have been founder, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 80. c Not Francifcans , as Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. ii. p. 7a. <1 The foundrefs’ devotion to the Holy Trinity is much in¬ filled on in the Hiftory of the foundation in Mr. Anftis’ regi- ller j but this, as well as Canterbury, Norwich, Ipfwich, and u ftachii com. Boloniae, pro terra de Cornea, ex cart, antiq. N. n. 8. et ex eifdem, N. n. 7. Confirm, maner. de Bracching ex dono R. Stephani per Ma- tildem reginam : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 34. recit. et confirm, donatorum concefliones. Stow’s Survey of London, Book. ii. p. 3. 55, &c. where are many things relating to the foundation of this priory, and the charters of f£. Henry 1. K. Ste¬ phen, Geffrey earl of Eflex, &c. in Englifh out of the book C. and Dunthorne in the guild hall, London. Maitland’s New Survey, p. 179. 780. ii. p. ion. In Newcourt’s Repcrtorium, vol. i. p. 557, See. of the other churches of this dedication, foon came to be called Chrift Church even in charters, as Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 81. a. b. Stow, p. 931, 93a. c This is not confident with the State of the houfe repre- fented in the furrender as almoft ruined with debt, Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 41 1. f It was furrendered Feb. 4, 1531. by Nich. Hancock prior, George Grevil and feventeen more of the convent, who faid they did it, becaufe their houfe was much involved in debt, and the revenues and profits funk, and in effect come to nothing- Maitland, ii. 1109. R Fuller’s Church Hiftory, book vi. p. 306. h Layfton in Hertfordfhirc. priory VIII. MIDDLESEX. nriory, with an account of the priors: p. 256. of the advowfon of Alhallows on the Wall, London : p. 258. of St. Auguftine Pappey: p. 307. of St. Botolph’s Ald^atc : p. 343* °f St. Edmund near Graftchirch : oDrj. of St. Gabriel Fenchurch ftreet; p. 379. of Sr Katharine Chrift Church : p. 599. of lands at Edmonton in Middlefex : p. 753. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tottenham: p. 807. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Braughing in Hertfordfhire : p. 814. oflands in Buck- land and T'hrocking : p. 843, 844. of the manor of Corney, the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Layfton : p. 910. of lands in Corney and Widihale : vol. ii. P- 9S> °f the fcftory and advowfon of the vi- carao-e of Bromfield in Elfex : p. 303. of a penfion cf iv. marks from Weft Ham : p. 360. of a portion oftythes inLambourne: p. 381. oflands in Layton: p 4.42. of the advowfon of Black Notley: p. 555. of tythes in Stapleford Abbots : p. 634. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Walthamftow: p. 639. of a portion of tythes in Wanfted. In Morant’s Eftex, vol. i. p. 31. of the manor of Can- hall in Wanfted, the impropriate redtory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage. In Chauncy’s Hertfordihire, p. 114. of the manor of Hodenhoe in Buckland : p. 1 19. of the manor of Ber- ’ kefdon: p. 120. of the manor and impropriate church of Wakely : p. 132. of the chapelry of Aft wick. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 166. of the impropriate redtory of Bexley : p. 199. oflands in Erith. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum RofFenfe, p. 325. cartas Ricard: de Luci donantis ecclefiam de Lefnes ; R. Stephani confirmantis eandem: p. 326. bullam Innocentii paps confirm, ecclefias et terras: p. 327. cartas Walteri epifc. RofFen. Gaufridi de Lucie, Thoms archiepifc. Cantuar. et Godfridi epifc. Winton. confirmantium ecclefiam de Lefnes: p. 329. plac. 21 Ed. 1. verfus priorem, quod fecutus fit placitum de advocatione ec- clefise in curia chriftianitatis: p. 330. compofitionem inter priorem et conventum ac parochianos de Lefnes fuper inventione ornamentorum et librorum in ecclefia de Lefnes. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. tom. i. p. 7. P. Innocentii 2. bullam pro protedtione, A. D. 1137. p. 9. P. Euge- nii 3. bullam pro protedtione, A. D. 1 147. p. 20. P. Alexandri 3. bullam pro exceffibus corrigendis per priorem. A; D. 1162. p. 22. ejufdem P. bullam, de taxatione ecclefiarum deputat. in ufum prioris et con- ventusj A. D. 1162. p. 122. P. Innocentii 3. bul¬ lam, A. D. 1201. p. 314. P. Gregorii 9. bullam de protedtione papali, A. D. 1230. p. 390. ejufdem pa¬ ps bullam pro capellis S. Catharins et S. Micha- elis London, et decimis de Walemers, A. D. 1240. p. ‘458. relaxationem * excOmmunicationis contra priorem et conventum, A. D. 1 250. p.511. P. Inno¬ centii 4. bullam pro priore S S. Trinitatis London, A. D. 1254. p. 539. P- Alexandri 4. bullam pro pri¬ ore et conventu SS. Trinit. London, fuper ecclefia de Bixle dioc. Roffenf. A. D. 1255. p. 637. literas definitivas fuper qusftione de eccl. de Bixle, A. D. 1257. p. 640. bullam* confirmationis fententis fuper ecclefia de Bixle, A. D. 1257. p. 787. P. Urbani 4. bullam pro priore et conventu S. Trinitatis diredtam abbati et conventui Glovernis, et aliam diredtam re¬ gins Anglis, pro hofpitali S. Katherins, A. D. 1264. p. 788. ejufdem paps bullam pro eodem conventu de teftimonio perhibendo in caufis propriis: Ibid. vol. ii. p. 23. P. Gregorii 10. bullam de protedtione, A. D. 1274. p. 194. bullam* fuper ecclefiis de Lefenes et Bixle, A. D. 1282. p. 202. pro monafterio S S. Tri¬ nitatis London. A. D. 1282. * Ibid, pro eodem mo¬ nafterio contra parochianos S. Katherins et S. Mi- chaelis, A. D. 1285. Ibid. vol. vii. p. 632. P. Ur¬ bani 6. bullam contra occupatores et detentores pof- feffionum, & c. prioratus SS. Trinitatis London. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 812. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 188. of a rent of 25/. per ann. granted by Henry 1. out of the farm of the city of Exeter. Year Books, xvii. 32. xxiv. ji. 53. xxix. 28. 39. 21 Hen. 6. Trim 6. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 127. the names of the priors. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol ii. p. 74. of the founda¬ tion of the church, &c. p. 76, & c. an account of Norman and all the priors ; of many of the pofieffions of this houfe, and Of the knightengild : Three char¬ ters of K. Henry 1. one granting feveral privileges} another, leave to enclofe a way; and the other relat¬ ing to the foundation of this priory: The bull of pope Innocent 3. The charters of king Stephen, K. Hen¬ ry 2. K. Henry 3. and K. Richard 2. to the priory : The charters of king William Rufus and king Hen¬ ry i. to the knightengild; and an account of many donations to this priory out of Mr. Anftis’ mf. Lelandi Collcdt. vol. i. p. 107. nomina prscipuorum benefadtorum : vol. iii. p. 73. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 390. de Cornheia tent, de honore Bolonis pro dimid. milit. p. 393. de 1. mem¬ bra in Ceia tent, de eodem. Cartularium k hujus prioratus mf. penes V. cl. rei he- raldics et patriarum antiquitatum peritiffimum Joan- nem Anftis arm. regem armorum principalem titulo Garter. Cartularium olim penes Dodt. Bateman, poftea penes Thomam Aftle arm. et nunc in mufeo cl. Gulielmi Hunter M. D. Fragmentum regiftri penes praenobilem Marchionem de Lanfdown. Rentale penes rememoratorem regis. Cartas quamplurimas ad hunc prioratum fpedfantes in bagis penes vicecamerarios fcaccarii, A. D. 1697. Ordinationem de miffis celebrandis in hoc prioratu pro magiftro Joanne Young officiali curiae Cantuar. A. D. 1368. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Nero, C. iii. 5. Ibid. n. 9. donationem eccl. de Toteham per Simo- nem com. Northampton: Ibid. n. 25, 26. acquietan- tias fadfas priori S. Trinitatis per quofdam judjeos Latine et Hebraice: Ibid. Claudius, D. ii. 52. cartam R. Hen. 3. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cant. mf. 170. p. 197. fup- plicationem R. Ed. 4. ad papam pro Tho. Pomeray, priore ecclefiae Chrifti Lond. et ex officio primo poll: majorem civitatis Lond. aldermanno, ut concederetur ei ufus mitrae baculi et pontificalium. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 7. fpiritualia et temporalia prioris S. Trinitatis : mf. 544. f. 76. perfons of note buried in this priory: mf. 433. p. . . licence to grant an annuity of xx/. to the abbefs of Berking. Cart, antiq. N. n. 1 — 23. Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de terris in Brakking et Bor- defden [Hertf.] Affif. in com. Eftex. temp. Hen. 3. rot. 2. pro annuo redditu ex molendino in Stratford : Plac. coram re»e, 14. Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 10. pro eccl. de Bramfield [Eftex.] Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 12. Fin. com. ignot. 42 Hen. 3. n. 40. de ten. in Weft Melne : Ibid. 46 Hen. 3. n. 6. de terris in Edelmeton [Middlefex.] Ibid. 49 Hen. 3. n. 61. de ten. in Edelmeton. Plac. in Lond. et Middlefex. 2 Ed. 1. rot. 5. dorfo, pro bofeis et redditibus in Edelmeton: Plac. apud Hertf. 6 Ed. 1. affif rot. 1 et 8. pro terris in Braching : Ibid. rot. 17. 23. 26 et 38. quod prior tenetur repa- rare duos pontes in loco vocat. St. Mary Hope juxta Leyton: Plac. in com. Eftex. 13 Ed. j. affif rot. 44. pro cx. fol. redditus pro decimis maner. de Bendilh : Pat. 20 Ed. r. m. 19. de pardonatione priori cl. Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. i. affif rot. 20. d. pro bofeis in Edelmeton: Rec. in fcacc. 23 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. I. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro terris in Edelmeton; Fin. 12 Ed. 2. m. 13. de 1 Note, That all the bulls, &c. here faid to be in Rymer, are 1 Many of the charters in this book are tranflated into Eng- likewife printed in p. 323, &c. of the Appendix to vol. ii. of lilh, and printed in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. from p. 76. Stevens’ Supplement, except only thofe four marked thus *. to p. 94. \ ten. VIII. MIDDLESEX. ten. in Braghinge, Corney, Barkcden, et Milkeley: Plac. apud turrim London. 14 Ed. 2. aflif. rot. 46. dorfo, quo war. rot. 100; Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. 4 Vel 5. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. de taxatione temporalium : Brev. reg. 15 Ed. 3. de terris et ten. in dioc. Lon¬ don. Lincoln, et Roffenf. viz. in Wanfted, Welcom- Itow Parv. Waltham, Kentilhtowne, Britholt, Afpe- den, Walceley, et Lefnes : Clauf. 19 Ed. 3. m. 21. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 36. et p. 6. m. 5. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 2. pro mercat. et feria apud Corneye, et aliis liber— tatibus : Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ric. 2. de exitibus terras nuper Willielmi de Bohun com. Northampton : Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2 p. 3. m. . Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. in. 13. Pat. 1 Hen. a. p. 8. m. 32. pro ten. in Bokeland Lc<- fton, Wydyhall, All'wick, et Buntingford : pat ' ’ Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 40. ' 2 Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 6. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 2. m , de ten. in Oxon. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 6. Mich' rot. 21 pro meir. et terris in Braghing et Standon [Hertf.J Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . de cuftodia do mus ad inopiam redaftse commifla prrefidenti ordin' " &c. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. pro eccl. 8. Ed’ mundi Lombardftrete London, approprianda. Rot. aft. pari. 25 Hen. 8. n. n. for the afl'urance of the priory of Chrift Church in London td the kin It is faid, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 505. this nunnery was founded before the houfe of St. John of Jerufalem ; yet in the firlt charter, which occurs, of the grant of Jordan Brifet to Robert his chaplain, is mention of the hofpital, and of the Hof- pitalars of Jcrulalem, as already fixed in the neighbourhood, which feems as irreconcileable as the death of this Jordan in A. D. 1 1 10. Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 505. and a charter of his directed to Robert biihop of London, Ralph dean, & c. (Mon. p. 420. of the advowfon of the reftory of Broadway In Atkyns’ Glocefterfliire, p. 219. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Amney Crucis: p.418. of the advow¬ fon of the reftory of Eafington. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 54. of lands in Eltham : vol. ii. p. 618. of the impropriate reftory of Sitting, borne. Selden’s Hiftoryof Tithes, p. 319. Year Books, 34 Hen. 6. Mich. 40. 4 Ed. 4. Mich. 40, In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 428. an account of this priory. Regiftrum cartarum prioratus S. Mariae de Clerkenwell de praediis, privilegiis, &c. cum nominibus priorifla- rum, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujlina, B ii. 3. Ibid. Vefpaftan , B. xv. 8. ex libro monialium de Cler¬ kenwell. Excerpta e regiftro de Clerkenwell, mf. in bibl. Bodl. inter colleft. V. cl. Ric. Jamefii, vol. vii. p. 3. et inter colleft. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. ibid. vol. lxxviii. f. 37. vol. cxviii. f. 66. vol. exxi. f. 144. Franc. Thinni V. doftilfi colleft. e libro de Clerkenwell, mf. penes Joannem Anftis garter. See. Cartas quafdam ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes in bibl. Harleyana. In eadem bibl. mf. 877. f. 1. cartam prioriflse et con- ventus de Clerkenwell de fundatione cantari® in ec- clefia B. Mari® de Wolnoth. Rot. clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 12. Fin. Oxon. 32 Hen. 3. n. . de meffi et 1. hyda terra: in Newenham ex con- ceffi Margeri® de Ripariis. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p 1. m. 17 vel 18. Ibid. m. 30. de redd, in Manekefey [Suflex.] Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. aflif. rot. 3. dorfo; et rot. 26. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. m. 61. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. Clauf. 8 Ric. 2. m. 3. de ten. in paroch. S. Mariae de Arcubus Lond. Pat. 21 Ric. 2- p. 3. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 22. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 9. Plac. coram reg. 10 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 2. pro repa- ratione pontis lapidei apud Trylmvlftrete. Angl. tom. i. p. 428.) which mull be after the year 1140. N.B. The houle of the Knights Holpitalars of St. Jolin of Jerufalem was fometimes called the Hofpital of Clerkenwell. Madox. Hill. Exch. p. 424. Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 106. n So the fumma clara in the Firft Fruits office. But 256/. 54. 8 A in my mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. 6. East- VIII. M I D D L E s E X. 6 Eastminster, New Abbey, or St. Mary of Graces". In the new church yard of the Holy Trinity, eaftward of the Tower of London, K. lidw. 3. founded a Ciltei tian abbey -A. D. 134 9~5oP- an^ rna(^e 'c a r°yal ^ree chapH- Hie abbat and monks were pofl'dTcd, at the difiblu- tion, of 546/. os. lot/." per ami. Dugd. 60 il. 1 1 s. lod. ob. Speed; and the lire of their houfe •was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Sir Arthur Darcy; in place of which is now, on 'l ower hill, the victu¬ alling office of the royal fleet. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 943, &c. pat. 22 Ric. 2. ' j_ m. 26. recit. cartam fundationis; £t alias dona- tiones avi fui R. Ed. 3. viz. maner. de Gravefend, Touches, Layburn, Watingbury, Gore, Bykenore et Parroke [Kane.] Gornffiulf [Surr.] Scow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 13. Maitland’s New Survey, p. 1022. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 465, 466. of the abbey: p. 255. of the church of Allhallows Staining: p 290. of the advowfon of St. Bartholomew Ex¬ change : p. 837. of the manor and advowfon of Hor- mead Parva in Hertfordfhire : p. 847. of the manor and advowfon of Mefdon thereunto belonging. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 230. of the manor and advowfon of the reffory of Weftmill. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 45. of rents in Woolwich : p. 281. of the advowfon of the reftory of Ridley: p. 442. of the manor of Lynches in Northfleet: p. 443. of a mill there : p. 446. of jhe manor of Gravefend : p. 452. of the advowfon of the reflory : p. 456. of the manor of Paddock in Milton: p. 501. of lands in Cobham : vol. ii. p. 208. of the manor, caftle and advowfon of the redlory of Leyborne : p.270. of the manor of Fowkes in Mereworth : р. 280. of the manor of Watringbury: p. 517. of the manor of Bicknor : p. 518. of the advowfon of the redtory : p. 542. of the manor of Gore in Up¬ church : p. 544. of a marfh in Upchurch : p. 584. of the manor of Swanton-court in Bredgar : p. 675. of a penfion of xl s. out of the rectory of Emley. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 268. pro annua penftone с. marcarum, 3 Ric. 2. p. 338. de anniverf. Rob. Rede mil. juftitiarii regis, uxoris ejus, et amicorum, 18 Hen. 7. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 375. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 26. recit. et confirm, cartam R. Ed. 3. de manerio de Gravefend. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 105. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 48. an account of this abbey from Newcourt. Year Books, 34 Hen. 6. Pafch. 8. 10 Hen. 8. Mich. 15. 15 Hen. 8. Hill. 6. Rot. pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 24. et p. 2. m. . Clauf. 25 Ed. 3. m. 20. dorlo, et m. 35. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. [bis:] Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 35 Ed. 3, p. 2. m. 23. pro bracinio vocat. Le Ram apud Tower Hill : Ibid. p. 3. m. 35. pro mclTuagio apud Le Salt Wharf, London : Par; 36 Ed. 3. p. ,. m. 2 1 • et p. 2. m. 9 et 28. pro ten. in London. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 et 31. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. et p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. et 13 et 9. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. pro advoc. cccl. de tanes Cherch et Barthol. Parva : Ibid. p. 2. m. &c. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 9. Pat. 47 Ld. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 28. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. de ten. redtoris de Roderhith : Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. et p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. et p. 2. m. 16. pro maneriis de Weftmilne, Hormede Parva, et Mefden [Hertf.] et m. 30. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 35. pro domo in paroch. S. Antonii London. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 5. m. 4. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 37. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. pro cl. ann. redd, exeunt, e maneriis de Gravefend, Leuches, &c. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. et p. 2. m, 18. pro eifdem mane¬ riis reftituendis: Clauf. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. re- laxat. pro eifdem maneriis per Walteriim de Sondey et 1 homam de Sakevill : Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 40 vel 41. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. et. p. 2. m. 1. et p. 3. prope finem rotuli: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 15. et m. 25 vel 26. de dimif- iione maner. de Rotherhitfi priori de Bermondfey pro xx l. per ann. Pat. I Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 28. et p. 7. m. 29 et 38. et p. 8. m. 5. et 25. [bis:] Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. j. m. 10. pro diverlis maneriis in com. Devon. Cornub. So- merfet, &c. Ibid. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 3r. Clauf. 6 Hen. 5. m. 15. de maner. de Popeller, cix. acris terrte, cxx. acris paftur. &c. in Stebenhith, Efthamme, Stratford, &c. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 28. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 6. Mich,, rot. 12 et 13. pro maner. de Pountnes: Clauf. Hen. 6. m. 1 3. dorfo, pro maner. et advoc. eccl. de Meafdon [Hertf.] Pat! 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. in fcedula : Fin. div. com. 21 Hen. 6. n. 10. de melT. et terris in Hadley, Enfield, et Barnet: Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 25. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1 . m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 1 Ed. 4* p* 6. m, 8. Pat. 8 Ed, 4. p. 2. m. 20. Clauf. 12 Ed. 4. m. 13 Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 23! 7. ElsiNG Spittle, near Cripplegate. On the confines of the pariflies of Aldermanbury r and St. Alphage r. Will. Elfing citizen and mercer of London', A. D. 1329. founded a colleoe for a warden, four Secular priefts and two clerks ; and an hofpital furnifhed for the lodging of one hundred old, blind and poor perlons of both fexes; blind, paralytic and difabled pridt? tcTbe pre¬ ferred: but, A. D. 1340. he changed the college of Seculars into a prior and five Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin. This houfe was dedicated to St. Mary, and had in it nine canons be¬ fore the difiblution, when it was found to be endowed with 193 /. 151. 5 d. per ann. Ducrd. 220/ 13 s. nd. Speed. It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Sir John Williams mafter of the king’s" jewels •* and the next year, on Chriftmas eve, it was burned down, he then living in it. Sinc/wliich in the place of this priory and hofpital, is now a college, called Sion College, for the clergy of the city of London, incorporated 6 Car. 1. at the charge of Dr. Thomas White, who alfo here founded and endowed almfhoules for twenty poor perfons. 0 This abbey, S. Marias de Gratiis (as is obferved under the Minories) was different from the abbey de Gratia B. Maria:, though they were both if extra muros civitatis London/' and near the Tower. p Not 1359. as Mr. Stow. But it feems not to have been quite finilhed till the reign of K. Richard 2. K. Edward in¬ tended to endow it with one thoufand marks per ann. as Ma . dox’s Form. Angl. p. 268. * “ Summa clara 577/* o s. 6 d. ob Mf. in offic. Primit. 546/. os. 6 d. ob. Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. r r Hence in the records this houfe is foinetirhes called “ The “ hofpital of St. Mary in the parifh of Aldcrmanburv •” and fometrmes “ St. Mary's in the parifii of St. Alphage ” ,s Mr. Stow and Leland fay, that here was formerly a houfe ot nuns. But quart; for there is not the lead mention of thent in the charter of foundation ; but Elfing faith, that he founded this college and holpital on feveral tenements of his own in thWV two paii flies.' c VuU VIII. MIDDLESEX. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 462, &c. ex autogr. in bibl. Hatton, cartam fundationis, et ordinationes five ftatuta collegii-et hofpitalisj dat. 1 Jun. A. D. 1331. P. 466; licentiam Radulphi epifc. London, pro com- mutatione facerdotum fecularium in canonicos regu- lares, dat. 4 Non. Nov. A. D. 1340. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 190. pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. licent. reg. de pofleffionibus collegii de Thele [Hertf.] huic hofpitali transferendis. Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 260. Book iii. P- 73- Maitland’s New Survey, 11. p. 909. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 64. 107. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 30. Newcourt’s Repertorium, Vol. i. p. 347. *7. P- 2. at. 17 . m. Year Books, 7 Hen. 4. Mich. 21. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. m. 11. vel i2. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. p. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 44 Ed. 2. p. m vel 16. et p. 2. m. 15 vel 19. Clauf. 45 Ed. 3. m . ■* pro ten. in parochia S. Laurentii in Veteri Judaifmo ex conceflione Will. Wingfield mil. et Joann® uxoris ejus: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14, Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 1. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4i pro xxx/. per ann. conceff pro anniverfario Will. Elete: Pat. 34 Hen. 6. m. 1/ Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 11. pro ten. in Hendon. Rot. pari. 28 Hen. 8. n. 10. 8. Haliwei.L. A Benediftine nunnery on the weft fide of the ftreet leading from Bifhopfgate to Shoreditch church', fo called from a iountain or well reputed holy; which, with the field or rnoore wherein it arole, being given before A. D. 1127“. to fome Religious women by Robert Fitz Gelran canon of St. Paul’s London, here was a priory built to the honor of St. John Baptift. This was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 293/. per ann. Stow, Its fite was granted to Hen. Webb 36 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 531. cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 32. per Infpex. recit. cartas duas R. Ric. 1. unam anno regni primo, alteram anno fexto, confirm, antiquas donationes : P. 532. de tends in Camerwell, ex cod. mf. Cotton. Vitell. F. 8. Stow’s Survey of London, Book iv. p. 50. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 427. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 71. In Chauncy’s Hertfordshire, p. 225. of the manor of Gatefbury in Braughing. In Haited’s Kent, vol. i. p. 383. of a manor in Afh. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 586. of poffeffions in Norwich. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 664. of the nunnery: vol. ii. p. 380. of lands in Layton, Effex. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 525. fome account of this nunnery: in the Appendix to vol. ii. p. 212. a grant from the prior and convent of Chrift Church, London, of lands in Alfewick to the nuns of Ha- li well. Year Books, xxii. 12. 294/. 6 s. 1 dw. mf. Valor. 347/. is. 3 \d. Speed. Colledtanea qu®dant ex regiftro de Holywell, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. cii. f. 90. Cart, antiq, W. 8. Effon. 10 Ric. 1. rot. 26. de red Jit. ir. Eflewell [Hertf.1 verfus Eulconem filiutri Theobald! quos Theobaldus pater eis dedit. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 9 et 10. Fin. Surf. 25 Hen. 3. n. . Fin. com. ignot. 44 Hen. 3. n . 57. de ten. in Southminfter. Fin. Suff. 1 Ed. f. n. 151. pro advoc. eccl. de Bramp¬ ton [Suff.] Fin. Suff. 12 Ed. 1. n. 7. de eadem: Plac. apud Cantuar. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 9. de terris in Afhe juxta Mepham. Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Trim rot. 8. Plac. apud Roff. temp. Ed. 2. rot. 5. de libertatibus in Afhe: Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. quo war. rot. 87. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. Plac. apud Bedf. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 12. Cart, io Ed. 3. n. 32. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35. pro eccl. de Trumpington [Cantab.] 9. St. Helen’s. In a court on the eaft fide of Bifhopfgate ftreet was a priory of Benediiftine nuns, dedicated to the Holy Crofs* and St. Helen, which was founded by William Fitz William)' a ooldfmith, about the year 1210 *. It had, before the diflolution, pofieffions worth 314/. 2 s. 6d. per ann. Dugd. 37 61. 6s. Speed, The fite1 was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Cromwell alias Williams. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 894. licentiam Alardi decani et capituli S. Pauli Willielmo fil. Willielmi de conftituendo moniales in eccl. S. Helen®: P. 895. conftitutiones Reginaldi Kentwode decani et capit. S. Pauli fadtas pro monialibus in vifitatione ccenobii A. D. 1439. Lelandi ColledE vol. i. p. 71. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 524* account of this priory from Newcourt. Stow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 100. 105. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 363, &c. of the priory and church of St. Helen’s : p. 345. of the ad- vowfon of St. Ethelburgh, London: p. 371. of the advowfon of St. John Baptift: p. 462. of the advow- fon of St. Mary Wolnoth. In Morant’s Effex, vol. i. p. 23. of the manor of Marks in Layton. < The remains of it are in IC. John’s court in Holiwell lane, as Maitland, p. 1368. It is faid in Blomfield, vol. i. p. *19. to have been refounded by Sir Thomas Lovel, but Weaver faith he was a great benefadtor only, and Leland, Coll. i. p. 71. that he rebuilt it. . u In which year Richard Belmeis bifhop of London died; who was a benefadtor to this houle ; whereupon Mr. Stow might ground his opinion, that a billiop of London was the founder of it. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 15 1. of the manor of St. Helen’s in Eaft: Barming. Year Books, 21 Ed. 4. Mich. 60. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 307. cartam de dimif- fione tenemcnti cum fhopa in Friday ftreet. Plac. coram R. 14 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 13. de molendino fuper Leyam vocat. Eldford Milne : Pat. 33 Hen. 3. m. 8. Plac. in London, et Middlefex. 2 Ed. 1. rot. 5. dorfo, pro meff. et terris in Edelmeton : Plac. in Middle¬ fex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 21. dorfo, pro molend. et prato in Stebenheth : Quo war. rot. 51. pro libertat. in maner. de Brainford : Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 49. pro mercat. et feria apud Brainford [Middlefex.] Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p- 2* m. 10. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pet. pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 13. Pat. w Summa clara in mf. Val. and Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. Dugd. hath no valuation of it. 51 Colledt. R. P. Matth. Wren e regiftris Elienf. p. 137. y Not by Will. Bajing dean of St. Paul’s (there having been none of that name) as in Stow and Speed, who miftook pro¬ bably for one of both thofe names who was Iheriff of London, 2 Ed. z. and a great benefadtor to this nunnery. 2 Viz. temp. Alardi dec. S. Pauli. * Leatherfeiler’s hall is faid to be built upon it. 8 Ed. 3. VIII. MIDDLESEX. 8 I'd 3. p- 1 vel 2- Pro me^'- et ten- ‘n Eyworth Pat. 27 Hen. 6. rBedford.] Clauf. 12 Ed. 3. m. 9. dorfo. Rec. in fcacc. 2 *- ✓ d:- r. 1. m. e. nro ten. in Ware et Am- Evwortb. at. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. ec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 2. pro terris 111 Eyworth. rBedford. J Claul. 12 fid. 3. m. 9. aono. Tat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. pro ten. in Ware et Am- wcll [Hertf.J St. Tames* Chapel on the Wall. There was as early as the time of K. Edward 1. hermitage or chapel dedicated to St. James, called St. James’ chapel on the Wall; becaufe f mate in or near London wall at the north corner of Monkfwell ftreec, in the weft fide thereof, 11 Criopleeate, which ftreet took its name from the monks of this hermitage, and a well pertain- ne them. This hermitage belonged to the abbat and convent of Gerondon in Leicefterlhire, ‘Hhn kept two Ciftertian monks of their houfe here, to pray for the fouls of Audomare de Valencia, Mary his wifeb; and, after the diffolution, was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to William Lamb Cloth- tvorker, from whom it hath fince been called Lamb’s chapel, and by whom it was given to the company of Clothworkers, who are patrons of it c. Vide Leland. Collett. vol. i. p. 1 12. Show’s Survey, Book iii. p. 128. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 368, 369. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. de heremitagio S. Jacobi juxta Crepilgate London. 11 St. John of Jerusalem, or St. Jones. In the north fuburbs of the city of London, near Weft Smithfield, the beforementioned Jordan Brifet, by fome called a knight, by others a , ron erefted A. D 1100. or fome few years after an houfe or hofpital for a new Religious order, then famous in Chriftendom, viz. the Knights Hofpitalars of St. John of Jerufalem, who, by the liheralitv of the kings and nobility of England, and the acceffion which was made to them upon the fuoprefiion of the Templars, temp. Edw. 2. were endowed at the fuppreffion with lands to the vearlv value of 3040 marks, according to Mr. Leland. 2385/. 12 s. 8 d\ Dugd. and Speed. ' » ^ jqi. 2d. Stow. The lord prior here had precedence of all the lay barons in parliament, and chief power over all the preceptories and lefier houfes of this order throughout England. The fire of this priory was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to John vifcount Lille-, and great part of the church, with the fine bell tower, was blown up 3 Ed. 6. But K. Philip and CL Mary, 4 et 5 regni, re- eftabliftied a lord prior and fome brethren of the order here, repaired the houfe and reftored many of the old eftates in divers counties to the fame, who were again fupprefled in the nrft year ot Qj_ Elizabeth. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 505. de fundatione do- mus, cum ftemmate fundatoris ex regiftro in bibl. Cotton. P. 506. de xiv. acris terra: in campo juxta fontem clericorum datis per Jordanum filium Radul- phi. Cartam Rob. le Fun, de heremitorio de Yevelie [Derb.] Cartam Petri de Ardinton de ii. bovatis terra: in Ardington: P. 507. inquif. in com. Cantab. 13 Ed. 1. n. 83. de ii. feodis milit. in Alhele et Sil- verle concedendis per Rob. com. Oxon. Cartam Roberti filii Bernardi, de manftone S. Joan. Bapt. fuper Howth ; Beatricis de Boilers, pro eccl. de Here- feld ; Confirmationem ecclenarum de Staundone, Melchburn, Rifeley, Dene, Suldrope, Chaureth, Hadlow, Kerebroc, et Badele per Ric. de Clare com. Hertford: P. 508. cartas Will. com. de Ferrariis, pro eccl. de Turrok Grey ; Walteri fil. Roberti, pro eccl. de Wodeham ; Hugonis de Beliocampo, pro villa de Grutford ; Aluredi de Bendavilla, pro eccl. de Chaureth, A. D. 1151. Gilberti de Montfichet, pro medietat. maner. de Ginghes : P. 509. cartas Roberti de Ferrariis, pro eccl. de Stebbyng ; Rogeri le Pevtevin, pro eccl. de Normanton, et terris in Altofts, A. D. 1256. Will. fil. Audelini, pro eccl. de Mapeltreftede P. A. D. 1186. P. 510. cartam aliam ejufd. Will, pro villa de Mapeltreftede: Cart. Joan. p. 1. m. 17. n. 114. recit. donatorum concef- fiones: P. 51 1. pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 32. dorfo, pro cor- poribus defunttorum fepeliendis : Clauf. 7 Ed. 2. m. 15. in ced. de terris quondam templariorum hof- pitalariis liberandis: P. 512. pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. fimiliter de terris tem¬ plariorum : P. 513. pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. de maner. Novi Templi London, holpitalariis concefto : P. 524. inquif. 21 Ed. 3. de duobus capellanis inve- niendis apud Dynnelley: P. 541, &c. librum, quern compilavit fr. Joan. Stillingflete, de nominibus fun- datorum hofp. S. Joan. Jerufalem in Anglia ac data- rum ecclefiarum, maneriorum, domorum, terrarum, &c. tarn hofpitali prsefato et ejufdem praeceptoriis quam domui olim Militia: Templi in Anglia, A. D. 1434. ex cod. mf. in officio Armorum, L. 17. P . 555- pla’c. incerti temp. R. Joan rot. 12. Cart. Rob. Fof- fard, pro terra de Batwin. In Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 108. pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 14. m. . de nova fundatione five reftaura- tione hofpitalis [imperfi] Stow’s Survey of London, Book iv. p. 62. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 665. of the order : p. 667. of this priory, and its priors : p. 630. of the church of Harefield in Middlefex: p. 809. of Brox- born in Hertfordfhire : p. 885. of the redtory of Stan- don, and advowfon of the vicarage: vol. ii. p. 126. of the church of Chawreth alias Broxted in Eftex : p. 263. of lands in Finchingfield : p. 404. of the church of Maplefted Parva: p. 508. of lands in Roy- don : p. 516. of the manor of Friers in Samford Par¬ va: p. 556. of the church of Stebbing : p. 588. of Great Thurrock, and lands there: p. 684. of the church of Wodeham Walter. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 196. bullam P. Bo- nifacii 8. fuper appropriationibus ecclefiarum de Ra- venfthorp Lincoln, dioec. et Burgham RofFenf. diaec. ordinationem vicarire de Burgham : p. 197, 198. duas cartas prioris S. Joannis Jerufalem in Anglia de eadem ecclefia, dat. A. D. 1332. 1335. p. 199. inquifitio- nem capt. A. D. 1445- fuper jure patronatus etdota- tione vicarice de Burgham : dimiffionem redtorire de Burgham Ricardo Ware ad terminum xxi. anno- rum, fadt. A. D. 1509. p. 201. dimiffionem capellre nuncupata: Capell Thoma: Starkey capellano ad ter¬ minum vifce, fadf. A. D. 1507. p. 381. appropria- tionem ecclefire de Hadlow et ordinationem vicariae : p. 665. cartas duas Rogeri de Clare com. Hertf. de advocatione ecclefiae de Tonebrigge cum confirma- b Burton’s Leicefterfhirc, p. 113. c Maitland, ii. 908. « in the record at the Firft Fruits office the clear fum of the yearly revenues belonging to this priory was 138 5/. 19^. 11 d. q. The reprifes were ac 5/. 0/. 7 d. and fo the grofs fum 2591/. O S. 6 d. q. M m m m tionc VIII. MIDDLESEX. tione epifcopi RofFen. p, 668. bullam Clementis papa; de appropriatione ejufdem ecclelite : p. 675. leafe of the parfonage of Tunbridge to Richard Fane, 15 Hen. 8. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 90. 106. In Libro Nigro Seaccarii, p. 153. de fcodo 1. milit. tent, de Bauclero de Monemuda : p. 157. dimid. mi- lit. tent, de Ricardo de Candos : p. 220. I. milit. tent, de Willelmo comite de Ferrariis. In Appendice ad Robertum de Avefbury, edit. Hearne, p. 34.6. de tcnemento in Wodeftok. In perambulatione foreftarum regiarum in com. Somer- fet. apud Adamum de Domerham, p. 199. enumera- tionem quarundam pofl'effionum hujus prioratus infra bundas didt. foreftarum. In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houfes, &c. printed at the end of Mr. Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 634, 635. of the advowfons, impropriations and penfions belonging to the Knights Hofpitalars in the diocefe of Bath and Wells. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 430. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol, i. p. 129. an account of this houfe, and a catalogue of its priors. In reg. brev. 20. b. 39. a. 280. a. 282. b. Year Books. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. iii. p. 323. bullam P. de¬ mentis 5. de terris templariorum fratribus hofpitalis S. Joannis Jerufalem concedendis, A.D. 1312. p.452. cartam five proteftationem R. Edwardi 2. de dona- tione earundem eifdem : p. 956. bullam P. Joan. 22. cpnfirmantem conceffiones terrarum Templariorum Hofpitalariis, A. D. 1322. Ibid. vol. v. p. 779. clauf. 28 Ed. 3. de ponte Novi Templi reparando: Ihid. vol, vii. p. 57. epiftolam P. Gregorii dom. Edwardo regi Anglite de arreftatione bonorum : p. 529, &c. peramptam confirmationem privilegiorum ex rot. Vafc. 10 Ric. 2. m. 10. Ibid. vol. viii. p. 15. 6. . j Hen. 4. m. 34. prohibit, priori et fratribus ne divertant verfus partes exteras abfque licentia regis. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 278. procartis confirmandis, terra Ads Coci, et terra de Totingwich: p. 426. de Dec. marcis donatis dom. regi per priorem et fratres hofpitalis, pro defenfione regni, confirmatione Magns Cart®, Sic. In Galsi Append, ad Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 53. de una hida terrs in villa de Burgo: p. 56. de terris in Brune et Caldecote [Cantab.] In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 113. of the advowfon of the redtory of Addington. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 436. of lands in Oufby. In Hutchin’s Dorietlhire, vol. i. p. 222. of lands in Swanwich: p. 523. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tollerfratrum : p. 541. of the manor of Chilcombe anciently, and of the advowfon of the redtory : vol. ii. p. 190. of lands in Spcttifbury and Charlton-fields, p. 319. in Shrow- ton : p,. 332., of the manor of Sputell. In Morant’s Eftex, vol. i. p. 84. of lands in Alveley : p. 93. of the manor of Purflest in Weft Thurrock : p. 95. of Peverel’s manor in Grey’s Thurrock, the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 98. of lands and tenements in Stifford: vol. ii. p. 55. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Frierning: p. 415. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stubbing : p. 449. of the fame at Broxted. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 257. of lands in Baunton, p. 324. in Calmfden : p. 409. of xiu t. iv d. yearly out of the rectory of Duntefoorne Roufe : p. 448. of lands in Temple Guiting and the impropriate church: p. 465. of lands in Hawkfbury, p. 579. in Nibley: p. 622. of lands in Great Riflington, and the advow¬ fon of the redtory: p. 649. of the manor of Hampen: p. 652. of the manor and impropriate redtory of Sy- dington Peter: p. 678. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Southropp : p. 701. of lands in Lipiat. In Chaiincy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 288. of the manor of Brockburn, p. 371. of Cheles. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 236. of the manors of S ton at hone and Halgell : p. 244. of tithes the!"' p. 284. of the manor of St. John’s in Afh : p e‘ of lands in Kingfdown : p. 400. of the manor of V" John’s in Cowden: vol, ii. p. 164. of the impropr' redtory of Burham : p. 243. of lands in Wrotha"6 p. 255. of the chaple of Shipborne: p. 258, of- Iai : manor of Weft Peccham : p. 270. of the manor' Swanton -court in Mereworth: p. 319. of the im ° priate reftory of Hadlow: p. 321. of the impropr;a“' redtory of Capell : p. 349. of the impropriate reftorv of Tunbridge: p. 595. of the impropriate redtorv 0f Rodmerfham : p. 598. of lands in Bapchild : p, 1 of the manor of Ore : p. 759. of the manor of v°" lisfield. ta' In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 15. of ix. yard-lands ' Arnefby : p. 25. of the advowfon of the redtors of Alb* bvParva: p. 35. of lands called Beaumond-leys: p 1 " of lands in Broughton : p. 61. of the advowfon 0f the redtory of Buckminfter : p. 69. of the manor of Cad wall: p. 75. of iii. virgates of land in Cofby- p n ~ of the manor of Gaddelby : p. 129, of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Hether : p. 144. Gf ^ manor of Keame : p. 152. of iv. virgates of land in Kirkby-Malory : p. 159. of lands in Leare, P. 2If,‘ in Peatling Parva, p. 225. in Quemburrow, p. 2.2‘ in Saxilby, p. 246. in Sharneford, p. 249. in She- vefby : p. 268. of ii. virgates ^of land in Staunton" p. 274. of a carucate of land in Stormefworth; p. 2-g’ of the impropriate redtory of Swinford : p. 296 of lands in Ifely Walton: p. 300. of the manor of Wart- naby: p. 308. of the townlhip of Wikeham : p. otI of lands in Wimondham. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 221. of lands in Whitfield: p. 231. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Blakefley • p. 234. of the manors of Wodende, p. 236. and of Rookby : p. 271. of lands inTeffield and the advow¬ fon of the rectory: p. 275. of a mill, lands and tene¬ ments in Towcefter: p. 286. of lands in Covesgrave and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 297. of lands in Fortho: p. 325. in Stoke Bruere: p. 536. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ravenfthorpe : p. 538. of lands in Coton, p. 551. in Cold Afhby, p. 566. in Guilfborough, and of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 601. of lands in Weft Haddon : vol. ii. p. 2. of lands in Arthingworth, p. 6. in Bowdon Parva, p. g. in Baybroke, p. 14. in Clendon and the advowfon of the redtory: p. 19. of the advowfon of two-thirds of the rectory of Clipfton : p. 26. of Pielton’s manor in Defborough: p. 32. of the advowfon of the redtory of Eaft Farndon : p. 33. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Harrington : p. 35. of the manor of Newbottle : p. 41. of lands in Kelmarlh, p. 73. in Sibertoft : p. 100. of the advowfon of the redtory of Hardwick : p. 146. of the advowfon of the redtory of Holcot : p. 217. of a mefluage and lands in Barton Segrave : p. 252. of lands in Slipton. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 175. of the ma¬ nors of Fenham and Threpewood near Maiden- bridge : p. 230. of the chapel of St. Lawrence in Newcaftle. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 14. of the manor of Thrumpton: p. 35. of a brdlhip in Willoughby: p. 67. of the church of Flawforth : p. 79. of lands in Owthorpe : p. 84. 140 and 147. of the manor of Shelfords in Cotgrave : p. 169, 170. of the advowfon of Sibthorpe exchanged for lands in Miggeham and Wolevington in Berks: p. 185. of the manor of Flau- fore in Barncby, See. p. 188. of lands in Landford and Barneby: p. 339. of lands in Kneefale: p. 355. of the manor and advowfon of Oflington. In Wright’s Rutlandfliire, p. 1 35. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Whitwell. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 965, &c. of the order, and this chief houfe at London : p. 46. of lands at Rieton: p. 64, at Bernacle: p. 227. at Bin- Iey : p. 720. of the manor, redtory and advowfon of the VIII. MIDDLESEX. the vicarage of Temple Grafton : p. 983. of lands at Barfton. Computos, rentalia, cartas. &c. ad domum S. Joannis Jerufalem in Clerkenwell et prsceptorias ejufdem fpeftantia in duabus bagis intitulatis S. Jo. Jeruf. in ffiperiori archa quints archs in officio nuper curiae Augment. _ , Remftrum, cartarum, indenturarum, &c. de domibus et terris hofpitalis S. Joannis Jerufalem in Anglia ad firmam dimiffis ab anno 1503 ad annum 1526. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius, E. vi. £)e terris in Marewe conceffis per priorem et fratres Willelmo capellano, mf. ibid. Nero , C. iii. 39. Regiftrum cartarum fratrum domus hofpitalis Jerufa¬ lem, de terris in Chippenham, Afhley, et Silverle, et de earundem redditibus, libertatibus, &c. ml', ibid. Nero, C. IX. 5. Aliud regiftrum hujus prioratus ineceptum A. D. 1442. cum nominibus magiftrorum hofp. Jerufalem, et pri- orum hofp. in Anglia, mf. ibid. Nero, E. vi. Regulam et ftatuta fratrum hofp. S. Joannis Jerufalem per varios magiftros variis temporibus facta, cum ufuagiis et antiquis confuetudinibus ejufdem domus, modo recipiendi fratrem, eligendi magiftrum, cafti- gationis fratrum delinquentium, &c. et chronica ma- giftrorum defundtorum ad Petrum Cornelianum 28. mf. ibid. Galba, A. XVII. 3, &c. Colledtionem inftruffionum, narrationum, et literarum a magiftris hofpitalariorum et ad ipfos feriptarum, de negotiis ordinis ab anno 1510 ad 1540. mf. ibid. Oth 0, C. IX. Stephani epife. London, mandatum ad decanum et ca- pitulum eccl. cath. S. Pauli pro Hofpitalariis, mf. ibid. Vitellius, E. IV. 11. Inter m(T. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxv. f. 147. cartam R. Joan, de maner. de Blaculveftle concefTo Hofpitalariis: Ibid. vol. lxxvi. f. 1 12. concef- fionem terrs in Gaton Hofpitalariis : Ibid. vol. lxxviii. f. 153. excerpta ex regiftro hofp. S. Joan. Jerufalem. Ibid. vol. cxlv. f. 105. ex quodam mf. in bibl. Cot¬ ton. de terris hofpitali S. Joannis Jerufalem fpedtant. Nomina fundatorum hofp. S. Joan. Jerufalem, necnon magiftrorum ejufdem, et collectanea varia ex regiftro mf. in rnufeo Afhmol. Oxon. Dugd. vol. xxxix. ft 41. 46 et 57. De maner. Novi Templi London, priori S. Joan, de Jerufalem in Anglia conceffo, ibid. mf. Alhmol. 826. 53. Form of election of the mafter, with an account of the knights, ibid. mf. Alhmol. 1149. 10 et I2> Indulgentias concefias benefatftoribus fratrum hofpitalis S. Joan. Jerufalem, mlf. in bibl. Gonvil et Caii Can- tab. D. 21. p. 121. Annuities and penlions given to the prior and brethren of St. John of Jerufalem upon the difloiution, mf. ibid. D. 22. p. 156. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Cantab, mf. 170. p. 116. bullam paps Alexandri 6. ad priorem et receptores donorum hofpitalis S. Joannis Jerufalem regni Anglis, quod poffint ecclefias parochiales adire pro fuffragiis et clemofinis colligendis. Cartas quamplurimas ad hoc hofpit. fpe&antes in cl. bibl. fiarleyana. Excerpta ex regiftro penes ducem Portlandis, cui titu- lus, kalendarium omnium cartarum et munimentorum de Godesfeld, Badellegh et Rughenham, et omnium aliorum maneriorum ad didtum manerium de Godes¬ feld pertinent, in com. Southampt. renovatum per W. Stalles preceptorem de Badellegh, 21 Ric. 2. mlT. in eadem bibl. 6602, 6603. n. 2. Ibid. mf. 696. f. 122. narrationem placiti de quo war¬ ranto luper libertatibus in terris in Wallia temp. R. Ed. 3. mf. 785. f. 83. placitum de quo warranto tent, per jufticiarios Edwardi principis Wallis fili i R. Ed. 3. contra priorem et confratres ejus : mf. 858. E 100. copiam privilegiorum et franchefiarum con- celfarum militibus de Rodes in Anglia per R. Ed. 2. P}f. 980. f. 177. touching the pofleffions of the Rnights Hofpitalars : mf. 2009. p. 326. concerning the inftitution and privileges of the Knights Hofpi¬ talars: mf. 2101. f. 230. abftraits or copies of divers original charters relating to this priory: mf. 2115. f. 169. plea of the prior to a quo warranto, 15 Hen. 7. mf. 6748. f. 10. 20. cartas R. Ric. 1. In Afpilogia V. dodtiftl Joan. Anftis, n. 7. cartam de terris in Rodefeld [ Cantab, j Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n.105, ib6, 107, 108, 109, no, iii. Fin. Buckingh. 2 Joan. n. 29. pro terris in Hogfcagh : Fin. Weftmerl. 2 Joan. n. . pro terris in Newby: In magn. rot. pips, 5 Joan. Nottingh. irro- tulatur carta Walteri Mallet conced. maner. de Of- fington : Cart. 7 Joan. m. 3. pro eccl. de Runerye [Cornub.J Fin. Northamt. 7 Joan. n. . de melT. molendino et terris in Blaculvefle M. Pat. 7 Joan. m. 4. pro eccl. S. Maderi de Runnery [Cornub.J Cart. 8 Joan. n. 18. pro maner. de Blacolvefle: Fin. . Oxon. 9 Joan. n. . de vm. virgatis in Sutton : Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de melT. in Killington: Fin. com. ign. 14 Joan. n. 63 vel 163. de molendino in Welton excamb. pro reddit. in Swinford et W ale- cote. Fin. div. com. 2 Hen. 3.' n. 1. de molend. et terris in Afpeden [Henf.J Clauf. 3 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro maner. de Harwood [Heref.J Fin. Oxon. 4 Hen. 3. n. . pro eccl. de Dry Stoke : Pat. 5 Hen. 3. m. 5. Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mercat. apud Efingwold : Fin. Ebor. 5 Hen. 3. n. 22. pro maner. de Copgrove : Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 11. de terris in Grenham [Berkf.] Ibid. rot. 15. de terris in Rind- comb [Gloceftr.J Ibid. rot. 18. de advoc. eccl. de Sadlecomb [Suftex.] Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 4. pro melT. et terris in Wakefield et Herdelaw : Ibid. n. 56. cart, n Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 28. n. 97. Fin. n Hen. 3. in. 10. Fin. div. com. 12 Hen. 3 n. 18. pro pifearia in aqua de Nailing apud Brokeburn : Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro maner. de Hetherington concelT. per Joannem de Monteacuto: Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro advoc. eccl. de Capell Ifold [Hib.J Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 8. Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 47. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 1 1. pro bofeo de Ginges [Eflcx ] claudendo: Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 116. pro xn. bovatis terras in Thurmodefton : Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 285. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 130. Fin. div. com. 26 Hen. 3. lig. 3. n. 51. pro terris in Geyflingthorp [Eflex.] et Hemingfton [SufF.J Cart. 28 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro maner. et eccl. de Serninvton [Southamt.J et melT. in Thurmodefton [Nottingh. J Fin, war. 31 Hen. 3. Mich. n. . Fin. Buckingh. 33 Hen. 3. n. 185. pro terris et bofeis in Merlow : Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 47. pro melT. et xx. acris terrs in Kerbrook M. Fin. Surr. 52 Hen. 3. n. . pro melT. in Southwerk : Plac. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. affif. rot. 25. dorfo, pro toftis, &c. in Swinderby: Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart. 56 Hen. 3. m. 3. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 1. dorfo, pro ten. in Rifeley [Bed.] Ibid. m. 7. dorfo, pro foflato apud Baffingburn [Can- tab.] Ibid. m. 10. dorfo, pro curfu aqus in Nether- ton [Gloceftr.J Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 29. dorfo, et m. 36. dorfo, de ten. in South Kenelworth ; et m. 35. de ter¬ ris in Whitewell : Cart. 4 Ed. 1. m. 10 vel 11. Plac. apud Hertford. 6 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 12. de melT. in Standon ; et rot. 33. de libertatibus : Plac. apud E- bor. 7 Ed. r. quo war. rot. 6. Plac. in Kancia, 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 55. quo war. rot. 22. Cart. 8 Ed.i , n. 43 et 44. Plac. apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2. de libertatibus in Cottington et Winterburn : Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 1. proad- voc. eccl. de Cheddefey ; et rot. 7. et rot. 60. Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 2 et47. dorfo: Cart! 9 Ed. 3. n. 79. Plac. apud Exon. 9 Ed. j. affif. rot. 1. pro advoc. eccl. de Brendon : Plac. in banco 10 Ed. 1. Tiin. rot. 44. de molendino, &c. in Rie- ton [Warw.] Inquif. Cantab. 12 Ed', r. n. 83. pro terris in Alhele : Rot. Wallis, 12 Ed. 1. m. 5. n. 24. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Eftex. 13 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 29. de terris in Bun- fted Helion; et rot. 39 et 43. dorfo: Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. 20. pro terris inRieton [Warw.] Plac. in com! Huntingdon. 14 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2. Plac. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 9. de terris in Abberford: Ibid. rot. 32 et 33. dorfo: Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 8. pro lib. VIII. MIDDLESEX. lib. war. in Newington [Middlefex.] Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 8. de libertat. et ten. in Winchomb: Plac. apud Shirburn, 16 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 4. pro me(T. et terris in Stotingway [Dorfet.] Cart. 17 Ed. I. n. 2. pro mercat. et feria apud Ginge Attefton [Effex.] Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 80. pro mercat. apud Hanfe [Somerfet.] Cart. 19 Ed. 1. m. . dorfo, pro ampliflimis libertatibus : Plac. in com. Hereford. 20 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 14. pro fumma frumenti perci- pienda ad grangiam de Ham Lacy ex dono Stephani de Evereux: Plac. in com. Lane. 20 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 7. de libertat. in Werington; et rot. 11. 26, 27. 35 et74- quo war. rot. 12. Plac. in com. Weftmorl. 20 Ed. I. aflif. rot. 17. dorfo, de advoc. hofp. S. Leo- nardi de Hoton ; et rot. 20. dorfo, et quo war. rot. 4. dorfo: Plac. apud Carliol. 20 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 63. dorfo ; et rot. 78. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2. dorfo, de libertat. in Totcrington, Gunwarton, Corbridge, &c. Inquif. Cantab. 21 Ed. I. pro terris in Afliele ex dono Galfridi Arfilc : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 6. dor¬ fo, pro maner. de Hampton ; et rot. 7 et 37. quo war. rot. 53. dorfo: Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel pe¬ nult. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. 21. pro maner. de Sobington [Buckingh.] Plac. apud Cantab. 27 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 2. dorfo; et rot. 17. dorfo, de terris in Arnington ; rot. 21. dorfo; rot. 27. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. div. com. 27 Ed. 1. n. 45. et 28 Ed. 1. n. 51. de duabus partibus manerii de So¬ bington [Buckingh.] cum maneriis de Rainham [El- fex.] Hampton [Middlefex.] &c. Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 18. de commun. paftur. in Wmckton: Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 33 Ed. I.p.2. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. I, 2 vel 3. Cart. 2 Ed. 2. n. 45. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 22 vel 23. Ibid. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. Clauf. 7 Ed. 2. m. 12. dorfo. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro eccl. de He- therington, Ravenfthorp, et Kirketon, [in dioec. Line.] et Normanton [Ebor.] appropriandis : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. Ibid. m. 30. pro eccl. S. Maderni [dioec. Exon.] Horkeftow[Linc.] Bourg- ham [Rolf.] et Wodecote [Winton.] appropriand. Brev. 10 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 12. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 2. pro eccl. de Ellemers [Wall.] Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. Ibid. p. 2. m. 19. pro maner. de Hetherington, et p. 3. m. 3. pro maner. de Strode iuxta Roffam: Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. de meffuag. et terris in Clening juxta Bruneby: Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m.25. de molendino, &c. in Grimefby: Pat. i3Ed.2. m. 31. quod omnes domus et fratres ordinis in Scotia et Wallia fint fubjedti priori hofpital. in Anglia: Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 19. de meffuag. et terris in Sut¬ ton at Hone, et m. 26. pro terris apud Anfty [Wilt.] Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. pro meffuag. et terris in Herdwick [Bedt.] Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. I. 4* 7* ^3* Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. pro maner. de Adwarthorp et Withele [Ebor.] olim Templariorum: Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 4 et 17. de molendino et terris in Charle- ton et Hiche ; et m. 24. de terris in Sutton at Hone: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 17. pro maner. de Flansflore. Cart. I Ed. 3. n. 21 et 32. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. I- m. 28 pro eccl. de Brampton Brian approprianda: Ibid. P. 3. m. 1-8 vel 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p 2. m. 8 vel 9. et m qi. pro appropriat. eccl. de Llanftephan [dioec. Menev.] Rot. Rom. 2 Ed. 3. m. 2 et 5. pro jure praefentandi ad eccl. de Blebury [Sarifb.] Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 37. de meff. et terris in Chalfhunt S. Petri : Efcaet. Gloceftr. 2 Ed. 3. n. . Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m 5 pro lib. chacea in Suth Wallia et North Wallia, See. et m. 7 vel 8. Plac. apud Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 25. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 93. dorfo, pro meff. et terris in Ravenfthorp, &c. quo war. rot. 3. 12. 19 et 2r. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . de Slebechia : Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 69, 70. pro praebenda de Ma- hertheven in eccl. coll, de Aberguilly: Plac. apuj Bedford. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 3. 28. Plac. apuJ Derby, 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 1. Clauf. 5 vel 1 1- Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 41. Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. „. 1. pr£ terris in Chalfont S. Egidii : Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. - de terris in com. Somerfet. et m. 33. Pat. 6 Ed. 9 p. I. m. 4 et 5. pro eccl. de Llandridan [Wall j Ibid. p. 3. m. 1 vel 2. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. ni. It et 13. Clauf. 10 Ed. 3. m. 13. dorfo: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31 vel 32. Clauf. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m> Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Ibid. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. prp maner de Strode; et m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 12 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. I. pro eccl. de Southwick [Ciceftr.] I|y1(j m. 17. pro eccl. de Down Amney [Gloceftr.] Ibid p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. pro maner. Novi Templi Lon¬ don. et m. 30 vel 31. Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 42. dorfo, de maner. de Withimere [Buckingh.] Efcaet Ebor. 14 Ed. 3. n. 83. inquif. de maner. de Stein- ton : Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro eodem ma- nerio: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. et p. 3. m- 4, 5, et 33. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18, 19, 20'. [bis] de maner. de Leftarnon; et de Saltu Salmonum in Hibernia: Efcaet. Line, et Nottingh. 18 Ed. 3. n. 97. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. et m. 46 vel 47. de excambio cum priore S. Auguftini Briftol. Clauf. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. de maner. de Lymbergh Magn. [Line.] Ibid. m. 10. pro maner. de Acle : Cart. 19 Ed. 3. n. 11. pro eredtione capellae et domorum, et pro mercat. et feria apud Swinderby Mere : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. de terris in Wycomb: Clauf. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 et 5. pro maner. de Fit- ling in Holdernefs : Ibid. m. 15. pro molendino de Pontelflete in Weft Thurrock [Effex.] Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro terris reftituendis in Wycomb [Buckingh.] Ibid. p. 3. sn. 17. pro maner. deTolre et Childcomb: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 17. Clauf. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. 27 et 34. et p. 2. m. 14. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 30. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . [bis : J Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. Brev. reg. 26 Ed. 3. p. r. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 et 14. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. pro maner. de Keleby reftituendo : Ibid. m. 28. pro ten. in Kingfbury et Hendon: Ibid. p. 3. m. 2. vel 3. Clauf. 34 Ed. 3. m. 9. pro maner. de Shobinton [Buckingh.] Ibid, m. 27. pro maner. de Merew [Surr.J Efc. Sufi'. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 42. inquif. de eccl. de Oxburgb [Norf.] Efcaet. Northamt. poll mortem Kat. Laty- mer, 35 Ed. 3. p. I. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. pro medietat. eccl. de Derfeld approprianda : Clauf. 38 Ed. 3. m. 22 et 33. dorfo*, pro eccl. de Derfield et o£to marcis inde folvendis archiepifc. et capit. Ebor. Rec. in fcacc. 39 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 28. Efc. Line. 39 Ed. 3. n. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 40 Ed. 3. Hill, rot. 15. Efcaet. Ebor. 42 Ed. 3. n. 48. de ten. in Snaynton: Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Ellerton et Stepil Morden [Cantab.] Rec. in fcacc. 43 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 6. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. et m. 14. pro ten. in Sutton at Hone: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. pro ten. et commun. paftur. in Iftelworth et Cranford: Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro ten. in Aylesford : Efcaet. Wilt. 46 Ed. 3. n. 10. de dimid. feodi militis in Chiriton : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 et 4. pro maner. de Eicle : Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 38. de eodem. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 29. R«c. in fcacc. 3 Ric. 2. n. 48. de praebenda de Blebury; et n. 59. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 22. pro mercat. apud Wytham, et pro feria apud Neulond: Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. Cart. 4 Ric. 2. n. 8. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 3. Clauf. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1- m. 2. dorfo, de via a maner. de Mapilftred ad Ode- well : Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 35. Rot. Vafc. 10 Ric.2. m. 10. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 9. l’at- 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 7. de tofto et terris in Mere; et p. 2. m. 33. de meff. et terris in T emplecomb [So¬ merfet.] Clauf. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. * Fur fin rcciiui “ r.a 22. dorfo, et 33.” Recap. VIII. MIDDLESEX. Recup. i Hen. 4- Mich. rot- 29- Pat- 1 Hen' 4- P- 7- m -2, Affif. in com. Lincoln, i Hen. 4. rot. 87. de" me(T. et terris in Mauthorp : Phc. affif. in div. com. 5 Hen. 4. rot. 20. pro terris in Cofgrove rNorthamt.] Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. pro denariis vocat. Refponc. Affif. in div. com. 9 Hen. 4. rot. 14- pro meff. et terris in Reynham [Effiex.] Clauf. 9 Hen. 4. m. 16. de jure magiftri de Rhodes conferendi prioratus, prteceptorias, ballivatus, &c. infra dominia regis Anglite, et alia regna chriftiana : Plac. coram rege, 10 Hen. 4. rot. 2. Mich. . de re- raratione pontis lapidei apud Trylmylftrete [Middle¬ sex,] Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 27. pro maner. de Morton juxta Eycle [Line.] Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. I. m. 2. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. jr. pro eccl. de Normanton approprianda : Rec. in feacc. 5 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 17. pro meffi in Killington [Ebor.] Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. 19. pro terris in Morton [Line.] Pat. 1 Hen. 6 p. 5. m. 34. Clauf. 4 Hen. 6. m. 5. pro maner. deUpleden [Heref.] Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 9. pro maner. de Sanford [Oxon.] Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 15. pro melT. juxta Charing Croffe : Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 6. Mich, rot. 29. de ten. Othwell in Geiflingthorp : Petit, pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 35. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17. Cart. 27, See. Hen. 6. n. 39. pro duobus mefcatis, et duabus feriis apud Swinderby [Line.] Claul. 49 Hen. 6. m. 16. dorfo. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 2. Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4 et 16. pro eccl. de Bolton ap¬ proprianda, et de quibufdam tenementis ibidem : Clauf. 20 Ed. 4 m. 26. de Beamond Leyes [Leiceftr.] excambTat. pro eccl. de Bofton, approprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 1. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 1. pro libertat. in maner. de Ore juxta Feverlham [Kane.] Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 21. de maner. in com. Warvvic. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 9. de terris in Hoglhaw [Buckingh.] Rot. a£t. pari. 23 Hen. 8. n. 7. confirm, excambii terrarum cum rege: Pat. 23 Hen. 8. p. 2. [19 Dec.] pro prioratu de Stanefgate [Effiex.] in excambio pro aliis terris: Rot. pari. 28 Hen. 8. n. 4. Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 14. m. . [Apr. 2.] pro refli- tutione ordinis. 12. The Minories. Blanch queen of Navarre, wife to Edmund earl of Lancafter, having encouraged fome poor ladies of the new order of St. Clare or Minorifles to come into England, the faid Edmund obtained leave of his brother K. Edward 1. A. D. 1293. to build on the eaft fide of the ftreet leading from the Tower to Aldgate, without the walls of the city ' an abbey for thole nuns f. the honor'of the blefled Virgins and St. Francis. Its annual revenues, at the fuppreflion, were worth 311/. 15*. id. mf. Val. 318/. 8 s. sd. Dugd. 342/. 51. 10 d. ob. Speed. 418/. 8;. 5 d. Leland and Stowh. The fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to the bilhop of Bath and Wells and his fuccefiors, in confideration of their capital mefiuage without Temple bar, but in 6 Ed. 6. to Henry duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 542. pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. II. licent. pro domo fundanda. Stow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 14. Maitland’s New Survey, ii. p. 1023. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 107. 356. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 562. Colled. Anglo-minorit. Append, p. 1. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. ii. p. 608. pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 11. pro placea terrae ad domum conftruendam : p. 664. pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. 2. pro diverfis terris et tenementis in London. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 159. and Appendix to vol. ii. p. 26. Pat. 21 et 22 Ed. 1. ex Rymeri Foeder. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 685. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 242. of lands in Sutton. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 506. of an annuity of xx. marks out of lands in Congham Norfolk, and a like annuity out of lands in Combs and Helming- ham Suffolk. Commiffionem jurifdidionis fadam abbatiffae1 et con- ventui temp. Hen. 8. mf. in bibl. Yelverton xxxv. Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. et m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 24 Ed. 1. m. penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. quo war. rot. 92. dorfo : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. de meffuagiis in diverfis parochiis in London. Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. m. 19. pro annua penfione XL. marc, conceff. per Jo. filium Roberti de Thorp mil. et xx. marc, per Robertum de Martham : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18 vel 48. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. pro eccl. de Framf- den et Keffingland [Suff.] et Walton fuper Trentam [Derb.] Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult, et p. 3. m. 33. Rec. in fcacc 26 Ed. 3. Pafch rot. . Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. Clauf. 33 Ed. 3. m. 17. de advoc. eccl. de Keffingland [Suff.J Ibid, m. 23. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. pro ten. in Hertingdon [Derby.] Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 18 Ric. 2- p. 2. m. 1. pro eccl. de Potton [dioec. Lincoln.] appro¬ prianda: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 10. pro maner. de Apeldre- ' comb: Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 7. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 25. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 14 Vel 15. pro xx. marcis ann. de maner. de Wetherf- field [Elfex.] Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 15. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 8. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 10. pro prioratu de Apelder- comb : Efc. 7 Ed. 4. n. . de meffuagio vocato Hartef- horn in paroch. S. Marias Matfellon, ex dono Nic, Wallhe : Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 18. Rot. pari. 31 Hen. 8. n. . 13. Temple. The order of Brethren of the Temple of Solomon at Hierufalem, commonly called Templars or Knights of the Temple, (which began in the year 1118.) being fpread over the weftern parts of Chriftendom, and having feveral manors and eftates given them in leveral counties in England in K. Stephen’s time, it is not improbable that in the beginning of his reign they were fettled in the chief houfe of their order in England, viz. the Old Temple without Holborn bars, on the louth fide of the ftreet near Southampton buildings. Here they continued till the year 1185. when was finifhed a more commodious habitation for them at the weft end of Fleetftreet, f The Little Minories are the buildings eredted on the feite of the abbey of nuns called Minorites, containing two or three courts all well inhabited. Maitland, ii. p. 1019. s Hence called “ Abbatia de Gratia B. Marine extra Aldgate.” Reg. Trin. f Anftis] et pat. 49 Ed. 3. And “ De Gratia B. Ma- “ rise extra muros London.” Plac. 14 Ed. 2. h “ Summa inde 342/. 5*. 10 d. ob. fumma clara 3 1 1 /. 15/. «• 1 d.” Stevens, vol. i. * Stevens, vol. i. p. 139. faith it is a grofs miftake to call this an abbey and the governefs abbefs ; for that this order doth not ufe thofe names. Nnnn which VIII. MIDDLESEX. which was called the New Temple, where they flourifhed in great wealth and honor under the go¬ vernment of a mafter, who was head of all the preceptories and houfes of thefe Knights in Eno. land, but he himfelf fubjeft to the grand mafter of the order. This whole Religion (as it was called) or order, was by the contrivance chiefly of pope Clement 5. and Philip king of France, extirpated all over Europe about the year 1312. Among the greateft part of their lands, this their houle in London (after it had been for fome time in pofiefflon of the earl of Pembroke and of Hugh Defpenfer jun.) was granted to the Knights Hofpitalars of St. John of Jerufalem, who leafed the fame to the ftudents of the common law, in whole ufe it ftill continues, though divided into two inns of court, viz. the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 5 1 1 . clauf. 7 Ed. 2. m. 15. in cedula, de terris Templariorum Hofpitalariis liberandis: P. 512. pat. 6 Ed. 3. m. 7. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. de eifdem terris: P. 513' Pat' 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. de maner. Novi Templi Lon¬ don Hofpitalariis conceffo: P. 517, &c. excerpta quae- dam hiftorica de ordinis Templariorum inftitutione et deletione: P. 521. exregiftro hofp. S. Joan. Jeruf. in bibl. Cotton, cartas R. Hen. 3. anno ig. de fepul- tura fua in domo Templi London. Alienone regime de fepultura fua ibidem : R. Hen. 3. anno 2 1 . de tribus capellanis inveniendis in Novo Templo London. P. 522. cartas Idoniae de Veteri Ponte pro xm. bo- vatis terras in Oiftrefeld ; R. Hen. 2. pro loco fuper Flete pro molendino faciendo ; aliam ejufd. R. de donatione eccl. S. Clementis Dacorum: Lullam P. Innocentii, de protedtione confugientium ad domus Templariorum: P. 523. cartas R. Hen. 3. pro ma¬ ner. de Lillefton, anno 22. R- Steph. pro maner. de Buftelefham ; Bernardi de Balliolo, de terris in Dyne- fley et Hichen [Hertf.] Conventionem cum abbatiffa de Elneftow, de capellano apud Prefton : P. 52 4* cartas R. Steph. duas, de terris in Hichene, et pro eccl. de Langford; Gul. Marefcalli com. Pembroke, pro eccl. de Wefton et burgo de Baldoc ; duas Phi¬ lippi de Harecurt decani Lincoln, et epifc. Baiocenfis, pro villa et eccl. de Shepeley, et pro eccl. de Sump- tynge: P. 525. cartas duas Simonis comitis, pro eccl. de Southwike et Wodemancote; duas etiam R. Steph. pro maneriis de Creffing et Witham : P . 526. cartam R. Joan, anno 1. pro terra de Berecholt; et ex cod. mf. in fcaccario penes remem. R. inquihtio- nem factam A. D. 1185. de terrarum donatoribus et earum polfelToribus, ecclefiis, molendinis, redditibus, affifis, &c. per Angliam in diverfis bailliis ad ordinem Templariorum fpedfemtibus : P. 554- cartam Hen. Lacy confirm, donationem \Vill. de Vilers in Nieu- hus, Sheltone, Choletune, et Witecherche : Cartam Rogeri de Moubray, de terra in Keteby infra infulam de Axholm: P. 555. cartas Galfridi Say duas pro maneriis de Weft Grenewich et de Sadelefcumb ; Margarets' comitiftre Warvic. pro villa de Lammodoc duas: P. 556. cartas Hauwifise de Grantevil, de terris in Scheltuhe et Wynhill; Henrici Laci de terra in Hurft ; Joannis de Curteney, de terris in Eft Hyrft : P. 337. finem levatum 19 Hen. 3. fuper eifd. terris in Eft Hyrft: Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 22. m. 32. pro infula de Lundeia: Cartam Rob. de Rofs, pro maner. et eccl. de Ribftan et Walleford : P. 558. cart. 11 Hen. 3. m. 33. de privilegiis : P. 559, &c. bullam P. Clementis : Articulos contra Templarios, et quaf- dam examinationes ex proceffu contra Templarios, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. P. 943. mandatum Wal- teri archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1319- in 9U0 conti- netur bulla P. Joan, pro Templariis ad aliquam aliam relimonem ingrediend. cogendis : P.945, mandatum ejufd. archiepifc. dat. A. D. 1320. rec*t. bullam aliam P. Joan, pro liberatione bonorum Templariorum Hofpitalariis. In Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 62. ex cod. mf. penes Ant. Wood Oxon. (nunc in bibl. Bodl. mf. Wood 10.) cartas Thoms Santford, de terra in Santford, k There are many other things in Rymer, vol. iii. relating to the cuftody and maintenance of the Templars, and carrying them before the inquilitors, See. too tedious and frivolous to mention. But perhaps it ought to be obferved that the king at firft favoured the Templars, and on Dec. 4, I3°7- wrote to the kings of Portugal, Cattile, Sicily, and Arragon, and Dec. 10. y et pro advoc. eccl. de Blebury ; Adas de Pyriton, pro maner. de Saunford : P. 63. cartas R. Matildis uxoris R. Stephani, pro maner. de Couele [Oxon.] R. Ste. phani confirm, eandem donationem ; Will. Marefehalli com. Pembrochiae, patris et filii, pro advoc. eccl. de Spenes: P. 64. cartas Willielmi de Vernon; Bald- wini Cantuar. archiepifc. Godefridi epifc. Winton Radulfi Malkerell, et Willelmi com. Davers de fun- • datione hofpitalis apud Eremnam, et donatione ejuf- dem fratribus Templi : Cartam Henrici de! Alney, pro capella de Sibbeford. , In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. i. p. 30. bullam P. Alex- andri 3. pro privilegiis concedendis templo quod fitum eft Jerofolymis, immunitate fratrum Templi, et eorum gubernatione, A. D. 1172. p. 54- P- Lucii 3. con- firmationem privilegiorum Templariis a P. Alexandra concelT. A. D. 1181. p. 61. confirmationem initE pacis inter fratres Militias Templi, et fratres Hofpi¬ talis, A. D. 1182. p. 258. bullam P. Honorii 3. de infolentia Templariorum reprimenda, A. D. 1223. P- 574. 575. 576. 577- 579 et 582. pro privilegiis et immunitatibus Templariis et confugientibus ad eos pro falute concedendis, annis 1255 et 1256. tom. iii. p. 30. P. Clementis 5. bullam, et p. 34. R. Edwardi 2. et concilii ordinationem, de univerfis Templariis uno die capiendis, A. D. 1307. p. 43. literas R. Edwar¬ di 2. vicecomiti Ebor. de cuniftis per Angliam Tem¬ plariis in craftino Epiphanim capiendis, A. D. 1307. eodem modo mandatum eft vicecomitibus omnium et fingulorutn comitatuum Anglise. p. 45. ejufdem regis mandatum de Templariis in Scotia, Hibernia, et Wallia, attachiandis, A. D. 1307. p. 101. P. Cle¬ mentis bullam five deputationem inquifitorum fuper negotio Templariorum, A. D. 1308. p. 130. regis mandatum thefaurario et baronibus fcaccarii, de terris Templariorum extendendis, A. D. 1309. p. 133. re¬ gis commiffionem Ranulpho de Monte Canilio, et Joanni de Kirketon de inquirendo pro rege de mane¬ riis Templariorum, A. D. 1309. p. 178. regis com¬ miffionem Alano de Golddyngham et Joanni de Medefeld, de inquirendo fuper bonis Templariorum elongatis, A. D. 1309. p. 323. bullam P. Clemen¬ tis 5. de terris Templariorum fratribus Hofpitalis ' concedendis, A. D. 1312. p. 452. cartam et protefta- tionem R. Edwardi 2. de donatione earundem terra- rum Hofpitalariis, A. D. 1313. p. 956. bullam P. Jo¬ annis 22. confirmantem hujufmodi donationes cum anathematibus contra detentores, A. D. 1322 k. In Wilkinfii Conciliorum, tom. ii. a p. 329 ad 393. Acta contra Templarios in regnis Angliae, Scotire, et Hiberniae, A. D. 1309. ex mf. in bibl. Bodleiana Oxon. p. 393. proceffum in concilio provinciali Ebo- racenfi in eccl. B. Petri Ebor. contra Templarios celebrato, A. D. 1310. p. 394. proceffum in fecuntlo concilio provinciali Ebor. in ecclefia B. Petri Ebor. contra Templarios, A. D. 1311. p. 401. publicatio- nem caffationis ordinis Templariorum per Willclmum archiepifc. Ebor. A. D. 1311. p. 499. Walteri archi¬ epifc. Cantuar. literas cuilibet fuffraganeo contra de¬ tentores bonorum Templariorum, A. D. 1320. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 22. de terris in Couton: p. 39. in Burton in Bifchopdale : p. 40- ,n to the pope himfelf, not to believe the ftories which were railed againft them, as Rymer, vol. iii. p. 35. 37. But upon receiving the pope’s bull Ihortly after, he lent out writs for attaching them on December 15. as Rymer, vol. iii. p. 43* and Dec* 3 writes to the pope, how willing he was to aft againft them. VIII. MIDDLESEX. Maftam et Burton Parva: p. 43. in Fcncotes Magna et Parva, Scorveton ct Walburne : p. 46. in Ayfcough et Leminge. p. 48. in Bowes et Bolron: p. 51. in ICerkan: p. 52. in Staynwigges : p. 55. in Kyplynge cum Staynhowe: p. 57. in Couton: p. 58. in Croft: p. eg. in Multon : p. 61. in Kyrtelyngeton : p. 62. jpYarnewik: et in Appendice, p. 31. de fexdecim bovatis terrm in Fulbeck [Lincoln.] et de terris in Ledenham et Brachelande : p. 35. de decern acris terrs 'n Lee [Line.] et de una bovata terras in Hemf- well. p- 43- de c. fol. e terris in Ceftrehunt, &c. [Hertf.] ]n Madoxii Hiftoria Scaccarii, p. 181. de manerio de Cheryton, Wilt. p. 277. pro cartis confirmandis, 2 Joan, p- 331- pro literis de proteflione, et ne po- nantur in placitum nifi coram rege vel capitali jufti- tiario, 3 Joan. p. 426. de dono dcc. marc, per ma- cdftrum ct fratres Militite Templi domino regi pro defenfione regni, et confirmatione Magnse Carte, &c. 25 et 26 Ed. 1. In ejut'dem Formul. Angl. p. 185. cartam Aimerici de Sanfto Mauro magiftri militia: Templi, de mefluagio juxta molendinum de Fleta concefTo monachis de Brueria. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. 1. p. 544. of the order of the Knights of the Temple; of their houle at London called the Temple; and fome perfons buried In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 88. of the manor of Ber¬ wick in Rainham. vol. ii. p. 105. of the lordlhip of the hundred of Witham : p. 106. of the manor of Witham : p. 149- of lands in Rivenhall : p. 308. of the manor of Odewell in Geftingthorp : p. 491. of the manor, impropriate re&ory and advowlon of the vicarage of Roydon. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 225. of the manor of Newington : p. 253. of a court-leet in Great Bar¬ rington : p. 399- of the manors of Lower Dowdef- weU, Pegfworth and Amford: p. 402. of the church of Down-Amney : p.441. of lands in Frampton: p. 448. of lands in Temple Guiting and the impro¬ priate church : p. 553. of a court-leet in Meyfey Hampton : p. 562. of the manor of Wifhanger : p. 589. of the manor of Oldbury : p. 624. of lands in Little Riffington : p. 629. of the manors of Cuck- erton, p. 633. of Saperton, p. 649. of Hampen : p. 825. of a court-leet in Greeton: p. 850. of the manor of Wormington. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 42. of a mill in Reed- well : p. 269. of the manor of Temple Chelfin in Benjeho: p. 371. of the church of Wefton and the manor of Lannock there: p. 376. of the manor of Baldock : p. 384. of the manor of Letchworth : p. 396. of lands in Mendefdene : p. 397. of the manor of Denfley. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 2. of the manor of Weft Greenwich: p. 218. of lands and the manor of Tem¬ ple in Dartford : p. 551. of the manor of Strode. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 207. of lands in Nor- manton : p. 282. of the manor of Temple. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 191. of lands and poffeffions belonging to the Templars at Gretton: p. 352. at North Carleton. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 962. edit. 1730. of the order of the Templars, and this their chief houfe at London: p. 964. a general account of lands in War¬ wickfhire, belonging, fome of them, to the precep- tory at Balfhall, and others to the order in general, with the names of the donors of moft of them ; and more particularly, p. 68. oflands at Wolvey: p.263. of a chantry and lands at Fletchamfted : p. 300. of the manor of Cubington : p. 353. of lands at Her- berbury : p. 363. at Radford Simely : p. . of houfes and lands in Warwick: p. 471 and 477. oflands in Chefterton: p.485. in Tachebrook Malory : p.487. in Barford: p. 493. in Morton Merhull : p. 496. in Newbold Pacy: p. 521. inDercet: p. 525. in Herd- Wick: p.544, inTifoe: p.547. in Compton Win- yate : p. 667. of the manor, rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Shirburne: p. 742. of lands at Stndlcy or Holt in Stodelcgh, as p. 747. p. 828. at Edfton : p. 983. at Barfton : p. 1071. at Chilverfcoton. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Wcftmoreland, vol. i p. 381. of the manor of Temple Sowerby : p. 271. of a moiety of the manor of Wycum in Buckinghamfhire. In W orfcley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 198. of lands in Kerne : p. 252. of the manor of Uggeton. In Nath’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. p. 455. of lands in Flavell, p. 549. in Hanbury : vol. ii. p. 3ro. of the manor of Templars Lawern. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 368. finalem con- cordiam, 6 Hen. 3. inter fratres militia: Templi ct priorem Roffenfem de fectis faciend. ad hundredum de Scamele, et de fleta in Strodes. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 441. of the Tem¬ ple church, and fome perfons buried in it: p. 71. of the extirpation of the order. Stow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 270. Book iv. p. 69. Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 107. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 220. de feod. 1. milit. tent, de Willelmo comite de Ferrariis : p. 315. de feod. 1. milit. tent, de Henrico de Laci : p. 388. 394. de terris in Witham tent, de honore Boloniae. Inter codd. mfT. Cotton. 'Julius , B. XII. 12. inquifitio- nem de gubernatione Militum Templariorum in An¬ glia: Ibid. Nero, E. VI. nomina magiftrorum quon¬ dam Templi in Anglia, et alia quamplurima ad Tem- plarios fpedtantia in regiftro hofp. S. Joan. Jerufalem : Ibid. Otho , B. iii. 7. quxdam de flagitirs Templario¬ rum, et inquifitiones de eifdem in cone, provinciali, temp. R. Ed. 2. Ibid. Nero , C. ix. 4. regiftrum cartarum regiarum, bullarum papatium, Sec. de terris et privilegiis in Wilburgham et Carleton. Afta contra Templ'arios in Anglia et Hibernia, viz. commiffiones papas dementis 5. Roberti archiepifc. Cantuar. Sic. de inquifitione in vitam et mores frngu- lorum fratrum ejufdem ordinis facienda, deque fratri- bus fuper certis articulis examinandis cum eorum refponiis, et excommunicationibus pluribus inde ha- bitis, A. D. 1309, &c. per notarios publicos in for- man authenticam digefta, mf. in bibl. Bodl. NE. F. v. 2. pergam. fol h Simonis epifeopi de Sarum decretum contra Templa- rios, et annullationem ejufdem ordinis, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Digby, 154. Apographa quarundam donationum fratribus militite Templi Salomonis, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfwortn. vol. viii. f. 173, Sic. Cartas R R. Hen. 2. et Ric r. de aflartis quibufdam ; et R. Joannis de maneriis de Wykam et Stroda, mf. ibid. vol. xxv. f. 148. Ex- cerpta e quodam rotulo in cuftodia clerici Pips? apud Weftm. tangente terras Templariorum, temp. Ed. 2. mf. ibid. vol. xxxv. f. 46 ad f. 72. nomina magiftro- rum Templi, mf. ibid. vol. lxxviii. f. 106. Tranfcripta quasdam ex libro de computo terrarum Templariorum; et computum de eifdem terris in com. Warwic. mf. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. Dugd. A- 2- f- 333- 337- Proceflum contra Templarios, in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. cxxxviii. n. 13. Confeffionem Ten - plariorum, ibid. mf. ci. n. 55. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 97. cartam de xxxm. VIJI d. annui redditus, et aliis ferviciis debitis archiepifcopis Can¬ tuar. ad curiam fuam de Croidon e terra in Adington Templariis donat. a Waltero de Morton. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6748. f. 9. cartas R. Ric. 1. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 7, 8. 12. 119, 120, 121, 122. 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213. de terris in Witham et mercat. ibid, de nundinis et mercat. apud Baldoc, domo et feria apud Briftol, &c. Fin. Oxon. 2 Joan, n. . de terris in Ivetelay, ex dono Ric. fil. Nigelli : Cart. 3 Joan. n. 20. Fin. Buckingh. 4 Joan. n. 77. de mefl. et terris in Stivele: Ibid. n. 88. de commun. 1 This is printed in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. ii. p. 329, &c. paftur. VIII. MIDDLESEX. paftur. ccc. ovium in Fugelmore: Cart. 5 Joan, p. r. n. 195 et 198. m. 24. n. 214. pro villa de Weft- erdale [Ebor.] et m. 26. n. 239, 240. pro eccl. de Dynington: Ibid. p. 2. n. 80. Ibid. p. 3. n. 3. 13. Liberat. 5 Joan. m. 1. et m. 8. Clauf. 6 Joan. m. ig. de terris Will, de Ripariis in Edrikefton [War.] Fin. Northamt. 8 Joan. n. . pro melT. et terris in Oggerefton, Wirmiton, &c. Cart. 14 Joan. m. 4. n. 22 et 23. de domibus in Coningftret Ebor. &c. et de mercat. et feria apud Wulnesford in par. de Wi- tham : Cart. 15 Joan. p. 1. m. 4. n. 6. pro maner. de Newland: Ibid. p. 2. m. 16. Cart. 16 Joan. p. 2. m. 2. n. 4, 5 et 6. pro mercat. apud Novum Burgum, Sic. Ibid. m. 5. pro terris in Radenach [Buckingh.] Clauf. 16 Joan. m. 4. de placea in Northamt. quse fuit Aaronis de Lincoln: Ibid. m. 11. de Radenach: Cart. 17 Joan. n. 17. de terra de Harewood. Fin. Norf. 3 Hen. 3. n. 24. Fin. Oxon. 3 Hen. 3. n. . pro molendino in Sanford : Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 17. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 20. de c. fol. redd, e maner. de Waffingburgh [Line.] Fin. 9 Hen. 3. de terris in Clenefwell [Berkf] Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 18 et 19, de terra Petri de Malo Alneto in Wilburgham [Cantab.] Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 22. pro xiv. bovatis terrae in Cauz: Clauf. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 7 et 16. de terris in Cainho [Bedf.] et de bofeo vocat. Kingf- wood in Carleton [Kant.] Ibid. m. 15. de mercat. et feria apud Walleford [Ebor.] Cart, n Hen. 3. n. no. de maner. de Ribftan ; n. in, 1 12 et 136. m. 29. et m. 32. pro mercat. et hundred, de Witham, Baldock, &c. Fin. n Hen. 3. m. 7. Ibid. m. 9. pro villa de Riblefton, et feria de Walford: Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 4. de terris in Wycomb [Buckingh.] Fin. Ebor. 13 Hen. 3. n. 95. pro iv. bovat. terrae in Hayton : Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 18. dorfo, de ponte proilrato apud Wallifen: Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 10. et n. 85. pro terris in Carleton: Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 4. de terris in Chiriton: Fin. Ebor. 16 Hen. 3. n. 129. Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 238. Cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 1. de affords in for. de Feckenham : Fin. Ebor. 22 Hen. 3. n. . de melT. et xvn. bovatis terrae in Wetherby: Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 89. 105. 151. 195. 197. 203. 219. 227. 240. Cart. 24 Hen. 3. m. 3. de terris includendis inter maner. de Blakemore et Sudinton : Ibid. m. 4. de terris in Recham: Fin. Northamt. 24 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Elton : Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. 147. pro terris in Silefton : Cart. 25 Hen. 3. m. 6. de mercat. et feria apud Wal- lesford transferendis ad Werreby: Fin. Surr. 25 Hen. 3. n. . pro carucat. terrae in Adington: Fin. in div. com. 26 Hen. 3. lig. 3. n. 53. pro redd, et fervi- ciis in Harewold [Bedf.] et Pydington [Northamt.] Cart. 28 Hen. 3. m. 3. de terris in Meauton [Lei- ceftr.] Fin. War. 29 Hen. 3. n. . pro terris in Weft- acre: Fin. Oxon. 30 Hen. 3. n. . de v. virgatis terrae in Couele: Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 2. de commun. paftur. in Merfton [Bedf.] Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m, 4. de liber- tat. in Ballhall, Newfom, Ribftan, &c. Fin. Ebor. 35 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. . de terris in Folketon : Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. 34. de terris in Willing- hovere : Clauf. 51 Hen. 3. n. . de decern damis fing. annis ex foreftis regis ex dono R. Joan. Plac. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. affif. rot. 26. de ferviciis in Byford et Dudington: Fin. 52 Hen. 3. lig. I. n. 133. pro terris in Ofmundefthorp, &c. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 4. de libertat. in Guyting, Berton, Kinton, Herford, Wefton [Gloceftr.] Upleden [Heref.] et I [Wig.] Plac. foreft. in com. Oxon. 56 Hen. 3 i/"5 Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 20. de commun. paftur. in Theterle1' Ibid. m. 22. dorfo, pro ten. in Aflackby [Line I J curfu aquae in Legh [Salop.] et de ten. in HaddefJ! [Norf.] Fin. war. 2 Ed. 1. n. . Pat. 3 Ed. j, m et 28. pro maner. de Dodefwell [Gloceftr.] et m de ten. in Pekelefworth [Gloceftr.] Plac. in Loiid' et Middlefex. 3 Ed. 1. rot. 1. dorfo, pro terris i Hamftede. Ibid. rot. 4. dorfo: Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m 2" et 28. de terris in Thorp juxta Stow et Navenby' m. 33. dorfo, de ten. in Bereford : Plac. in Kant 7 EL I* affif. rot. 55. Plac. in com. Ebor. 7 Ed. t quo war. rot. 4. dorfo, pro quatuor bovatis terrte in Warblington; et rot. 5. dorfo : Ibid. rot. 28. dorfo pro mercat. et feria apud Wetherby : Fin. Ebor' 8 Ed. 1. lig. B. n. 108. pro melT. et terris in South Cave: Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 103, 104, 105. Pat. ,2 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. r. affif rot. 4. pro terris et advoc. eccl. de Bradewell ex dono Hugonis de Dodinglelle ; et rot 6. dorfo' et rot. 14. Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 1. de terris in Stonle : Plac. apud Huntingdon' 14 Ed. r. affif. rot. 10. pro ferv. apudPaxtone: ffiac_ apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 31. de molend. apud Walesford; et ibid. rot. 50. Plac. apud Bedf. 13 Ed. 1. rot. 26. dorfo, pro libertat. in Stockden, &c, Plac. apud Doncaftre, 15 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 24 et 25. pro vi. bovatis in Eftruton, Sic. Plac. apud Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 4. pro lib. in Temple Cut¬ ting, Newenton, &c. Pat. r8 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. Ebor. 18 Ed. 1. lig. C. n. 114. pro melT. et terris in We¬ therby, &c. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 19 Ed. 1, n. 17. pro mercat. et feria apud South Cave: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Plac. apud Karliol. 20 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 70. Plac. in com. Weftmorland, 20 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. i et 2. Plac. apud Cantuar. quo war. rot. 1 et 4. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 6. dorfo, pro furcis et aliis libertatibus in Thornton, Heley, &c. Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 38. de libertat. inLillefton: Pat. 26 Ed. 1. 111. . Plac. apud Cantab. 27 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 31. dorfo, de libertat. in Wilburgham Magna : Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 31 Ed. 1. n. 46. pro libertat. apud Lydele [Sa¬ lop.] Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. I . p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. et m. 12 vel 13. Ibid. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. quod poffint imparcare bofeos de Midleherft et Weftwoode: Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 1 Ed. 2. m. 12. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. I. m. . dorfo, de kaia pro molendinis fuper Thamaftm juxta Caftrum Bernardi: Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. . quod cuftodes Templa- riorum fmt intendentes inquifitoribus regiis : Clauf 3 Ed. 2. m. 3. de terris in Wycomb [Bucking.] et m. 11. 15. ig. 21. Clauf. 4 Ed. 2. m. 17, 18. Clauf 5 Ed. 2. m. 17. 21. 31. Clauf. 6 Ed. 2. m. 7. 9. 13. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. art. 41. Clauf. 7 Ed. 2. m. 15. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. art. 42. Clauf 18 Ed. 2. m. 39. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. exemplificat. terrarum ad Templarios fpeclantium, 8 Ed. 2. in com. Nottingh. et Lincoln, viz. Cottington, Thorp juxta Newark, Stoke, Si- refton, Eilefton, Spaldeford, Gretton, Colingham, Sibthorp, Flanfore, Bekingham, &c. cum metis et bundis. 14. Barking College. The chapel of our Lady within t lie church of Allhallows Barking was firft founded by K. Richard 1. and augmented by K, Edward 1. John earl of Worcefter ob¬ tained licence from K. Edward 4. to found here a Brotherhood for a mailer and brethren, and gave to them part of the poffefilons of the alien priories of Totingbrooke and Okeburn ; and finally K. Richard 3. rebuilt the chapel, and founded therein a college confiding of a dean and fix canons, which was difiolve'd 2 Ed. 6 m. Vide Stow’s Survey, Book ii. p. 326. Maitland’s New Survey, vol. ii. p. 1039. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 240. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. no. m Weaver, p. 411, Weaver’s VIII. MIDDLESEX. Weaver’s Monuments, p. 4M- Prian Twine’s mf. marked b. p. 35J- , ?' Tibi. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 103. fundac.on made of a dean and chanons of Berking, 1 Ric. 3. grant of lands to the fame : appointment of Edmond Chatter- tone to be dean, and Thomas Cowtone and others canons. Holme’s College. Mr. Roger Holme chancellor of the cathedral of St. Paul (who died A D 1 395 "•) partly out of the eftate of Adam de Bury fometime lord mayor of London (to whom 1 was executor) and partly out of his own, fettled an endowment for feven priefts, who were to lebrate divine fervice in a certain chapel dedicated to the Holy Ghoft fituate near the north door Cr this cathedral, toward the building of which this chancellor Holme had contributed largely. The lodgings and’ common hall belonging to thefe priefts were in the parilh of St. Gregory on the fouth fide of the cathedral; and were called Holmes or Hoorne" college, which was granted, 2b Aug. 2 Ed. 6. to John Hulfon and W. Pendred. Vide S tow’s Survey, Book iii. p. 145. Dugdale’s Hiftory of St. Paul’s, p. 35, 36. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 113. Maitland, ii. 947. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. tog. 16 Jesus Commons. A college of priefts fo called in Dowgate ward near Skinner’s Hall. yide Stow’s Survey, Book ii. p. 201. Maitland, ii. 920. Nelfon’s Lex Teftam. p. 531. 17 Lancaster College. Lankefter college, in the parilh of St. Gregory’s near the cathe¬ dral of St. Paul London, was granted, 9 Sept. 2 Ed. 6. to Will. Gunter, and was, I conceive, the lodgings and common hall of the chantry priefts eftablifhed by K. Henry 4. and by the executors of John of Gaunt duke of Lancafter in a chapel on the north fide of the choir of St. Paul’s. Vide Maitland, ii. 947. Dugdale’s Hiftory of St. Paul’s, p. 37, 38, 39. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 35. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 33. Pat. 2 Ed. 6. p. . 9 18. Leadenhallp College. Sir Simons Eyre merchant, who had been fome time lord mayor of London, built on the eaft fide of the quadrangle here, about A. D. 1419. a beautiful and jarge chapel, and gave three thoufand marks to the company of Drapers in London, upon condi¬ tion that they fhould, within one year after his deceafe, eftablifh and endow perpetually a mafter or warden, five Secular priefts, fix clerks and two chorifters, to fing daily fervice by note in this chapel ; aud alfo three fchoolmafters and an ulher, viz. one mafter with an ulher for grammar, another mafter for writing, and the other for finging. The mafter’s falary to be ten pounds per ann. every other prieft’s 8 1. every clerk’s 5 1. 6 s. 8 d. and every chorifter’s five marks. If the drapers refufed to do this within one year, then the three thoufand marks to remain to the prior and convent of Chrift’s Church London, to eftablifh and endow as aforefaid within two years. This was never done: but about A.D. 1466. a fraternity of fixty priefts’ (befides other brethren and filters) was founded here by William Roufe, John Rilby, and Thomas Alhby, priefts. Vide Stow’s Survey, Book ii. p. 85. Maitland, ii. p. 1000. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 526. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. III. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 421. 19. London or Guildhall College. A college confining of a warden, feven priefts, three clerks and four chorifters, founded in the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene and All Saints near the Guildhall *, by Adam Francis and Henry Frowick' A.D. 1368. It was valued only at 12/. 18 s. yd. “ per ann. Dugd. Speed, and granted 4 Ed. 6. to the mayor and commonalty of the city of London ". Vide Stow’s Survey, Book i. p. 262. Book iii. p. 42. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. . pro coll. Animarum, London. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 361. 20. St. Martin Le Grand, within Aldersgate. Though there is no great ftrefs to be n So founded before A. D. 1400. as Leland, vol. i. p. 109. 0 % 'uare , Whether this was not alfo called Peter College, and was not afterwards granted to John and Richard Kyme. For, 24 Nov. 2 Ed. 6. “ Rex conceffit Joanni et Ricardo Kyme do- “ mum vocat. Peter College et gardinum inclufum vocat. Brick - “ wall in parochia S. Gregorii London, nuper parcel, pofleffio- “ num de Peter College.” Lit. pat. iftius anni. Or perhaps this Peter college might be the fame with Lancafter College. “ The Byble, &c. imprinted at London by Ihon Daye dwelling “ at Alderfgate and William Seres dwelling in Peter Colledge “ towarde Ludgate mdxlix.” Lewis edit, of Bible, p. 179. William Seres kept his fhop in Peter College, a place fo called on the weft fide of St. Paul’s church. Ames of Printing, p. 247. P Weaver calls it St. Trinit atis in Leadenhall* 1 The mf. Stow calls him Symkyn Eyre* r Some of whom were to perform divine offices every market day, to fuch perfons as frequented the market. Maitland, i. 187. ii. 1001. 3 On the eaft fide of Guildhall yard and north fide of Black- well hall, now denominated Guildhall chapel. Maitland, p. 1 1 2 1. ' Peter Fanlore a founder alfo, as Newcourt. u The total value was 37/. 7 s. 4 d. per ann. and the clear 13/. 16/. 8 d. as Sancroft’s mf. Valor. If the wardenffiip of this college was not filled up within twenty-four days after every vacancy, the bifliop of London, or his vicar general, when the lee was full, and the dean of St. Paul’s, when the fee was vacant, was to prefent the warden, as the notes to Dr. Knight’s Life of dean Colet, p. 85, 86. See there alfo of four chantries 111 this college. w Newcourt, p. 132. 217. O 0 0 0 hid VIII. MIDDLESEX. laid upon thofe authorities which afcribe the foundation of this college to king Cadwallein *, 0r fome ancient Britains? in memory of that king, about A. D. 677. yet there is good reafon to fay it was founded lhortly after, viz. about A. D, 700. by Vi&red or Wythred* king of Kent; but rebuilt and chiefly endowed by two Saxon noblemen, Ingelricus and Edward or Girard his brother1 about A. D. 1056. It was confirmed by king William the Conqueror A. D. 1068. and the colle. giate church, being a royal free chapel, had feveral great privileges conferred upon it, and the ad¬ joining precimft by him and many of his fucceffors, fuch as fanftuary, exemption from ecclefiaftj. cal and civil b jurifdidtion, &c. Here were a dean and feveral c Secular canons, till the church and all the lands belonging to it were given by K. Henry 7 d. to the abbat and convent of Weftminfter A. D. 1502. and, as parcel of that monaftery, it was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to the dean and chapter of Wefiminfter, as part of their endowment, as it ftill continues. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 26, 27. pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 4. pet Infpex. recitant. cartam R. Willelmi Conq. de fundatione per Ingelricurn, et pro diverfis privilegiis. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 424, & c. an ac¬ count of this college and mofl of the deans of it : p. 260. of the advowfon of St. * Alphage, London : p. 277. of St. * Anne’s Alderfgath : p. 306. of St. Botolph’s Alderfgate : p. 377. of St. * Katharine Coleman ftreet: p. 396. of $t. Leonard’s Fofter lane : p. 507. of St. Nicholas Cole abbey : vol. ii. p. 233. of lands at Good Eafter in Eflex ; the reftory and advowfon of the vicarage there : p. 437. of the rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Newport : p. 197. 675. of the reflory of Witham and chapel of Crefling, belonging formerly to this college. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 334 of the impropriate church of St. Mary in Malden: vol. ii. p. 149. oflands in Rivenhall. Ill Stow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 102, See. an ordinance concerning fandluary men here made by K. Henry 6. and his council A. D. 1457. p. 917. extracts of the charters of king William the Con¬ queror, K. Henry 3. K K. Edward 1 and 2. and K. Henry 6. concerning the liberties of this college, and a declaration of William Benfon abbat of Weftmin¬ fter concerning his title to the privilege and fandtuary of St. Martin’s Le Grand in London, with the pre- cindts, circuit, and bounds of the fame. Maitland’s New Survey, p. 191. 226. 767, Sec. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. no. 512. vol. iii. p. 70. In Prynni Recordor. vol. ii. p. 358. de exemptione hujus liberae capellae regite: p. 496. pat. 22 Hen. 3. m. to. de ftatu et exemptione : p. 828. clauf. 39 Hen. 3. m. 8. de amerciamentis tenentium hujus ecclefiae re- fpedtuandis : p. 835. pat. 39 Hen. 3. m. 13. de pro- tedtione et exemptione : vol. iii. p. 62. clauf. 9 Hen. 3. p. i. m. 8. quod decanus non folvat procurationes archidiacono Colceftriae pro eccl. de Newport in Eflex. p. 228. brev. 7 Ed. 1. de juribus et privilegiis hujus liberae capellae : p. 619. clauf. 23 Ed. 1. m. 7. p. 994. clauf. 31 Ed. 1. m. 17. de exemptione hujus capellre a vifitatione archiepifc. Cantuar. p. 1028. clauf. 32 Ed. 1. m. 6. dorfo, prohibitio pro capella regis S. Martini London: p. 1181. clauf. 35 Ed. 1. m. 11. dorfo, de procurationibus a liberis capellis regis non petendis : p. 1288. de exemptione ecclefiae de Chriftenhall a vifitatione archidiac. Colceftriae, et folutione procurationum. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. tom. xi. p. 49. R. Hen. 6. licen- tiam decano S. Martini fignificandi excommunicatos dom. cancellario Angliae, dat. A. D. 1443. pro ter- mino viginti annorum tantummodo duraturam. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. praef. xxv. cartam Galfridi de Martel: p. 40. cartam R. Stephani pro marifeo in Maldon. In ejufdem Hift. Scacc. p. 23. praediflam cartam R. Steph. p. 74. cartam G. comitis Eflexiae, pro refti- * The author of Scalx Chronic, as in Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. SI2. But this is by others aferibed to St. Martin’s Ludgate, as Weaver, p. 386. Y Leland. Colled, vol. ill. p. 70. ex veten codice Roffenl. 2 Regiftrum mf. hujus collegii in bibl. ecclef. collegiat. Well* mon. fol. 42. in margine. a They are called the firlt founders, Leland. Colledt. vol. 1. p. no. t> It is ftill exempted from the jurifdidtion of the lord mayor tutiont bladi de Godiceftra, See. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 131. the names of the deans. Regiftrum hujus ecclefiae collegiatae in pergameno cont ioo. fol. penes decanum et capit. W eftmonaft. A, d" 1734* . Cartas, rotulos, See. in archivis decani et capituli Weft, monaft. Regiftrum hujus collegii penes Joannem Hopwood de Stanway in com. Eflex. arm. In Colledt. m(T. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxiv. f. 57. cattam R. Ed. 2. In bibl. Cotton. Claudius , D. ii. 51. cartam Hen. 3. fadtam decano S. Martini. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 9. fpiritualia atque tem- poralia decani et capituli S. Martini: mf. 26r. f. 107. de fundatione ecclefiae S. Martini : mf. 6748. f. . . cartam R. Joannis. In regiftro Joannis Fordham epife. Elienfis, f. 218. ap- propriationem eccl. de Baffingburn [Cant.] huic col- legio, A. D. 1400. Cart, antiq. H. 1. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 8. dorfo : Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 2. Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 10. Pat. 41 Hen. 3. m. 12. dorfo: Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 13. dorfo, pro bofeis de Meflebury, Norton, Sec. Plac. in com. Eflex. 13 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 40. dorfo: Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 34. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Cart! 2 Ed. 2. n. 2. 4, 5. pro mcrcat. et feria apud maner. de Godycheftre [Eflex.] et aliis libertatibus : Clauf. 7 Ed. 2. m. 16. dorfo: Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 9. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. Brev. 9 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 3. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 10. d. Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. rot. 86. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. . de vifitatione hujus collegii. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 4 et 5. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 34. Cart. 12. Ed. 3. n. 13. Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Cart. 14 Ed. 3. n. 40. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. pro vico obftruendo : Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 21. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . pro eccl. de Wytham approprianda : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. In- quif. 34 Ed. 3. n. . Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro reaedificatione capellx, Sec. per Willielmum Wykeham, tunc decanum, pro ten. in London, et cantaria Joannae Hemenhale : Ibid, m. 30. pro ten. in Dertford et Bixle : Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro cantaria Joannis Baude: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. . dorfo, de vifitatione hujus cob legii. Cart. 1 Ric. 2. n. 6. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26.- Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. pro eccl. de Baflingburn ap¬ proprianda : Clauf. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . de portione decimarum in villis de Witham et Crefling: Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in Bredftrete et Queen- hith: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 7. Petit, pari. 4 Hen. 4. n. 70. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. et p 2. m. 3. pro ten. in Fulham et Chel- and (heriffs of London, and under that of the dean and chaptei of Weftminfter. . . c I cannot find the exadt number, but have met with eiglit, viz. Prebend, de Pafiows, Embers, Fauconers, et Bowers m Good Eafter, (as Newcourt, vol. ii. p. 234*) prsebenda de Cowpe, de Keton, Criftehale, et Toleihunt. a For keeping his anniverfavy, as Widmore, p. 121, T33‘ # # # Thefe three belong now to the biihop oi London. chi the : VIII. M I D D L E S E X. chithe : Ibid. m. 20. pro eccl. S. Botolphi extra Al- Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. ra. 5 vel 6. quod dccanus poffit derfrate approprianda : Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 19. fignificarc excommunicatos canccllario Atogli*. Cart. 1 ’, &c. Hen. 6. n. 16. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 3. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 3. 21. St. Michael Crooked Lane. William Walworth' merchant, after lord mayor of London, A. D. 1380. by uniting feveral chantries in this church, and adding other eftates and an houfe near the church for the habitation of a mafter and nine priefts, inftituted a college in the lime, which continued till the diffolution. This collegiate houfe, with the cloyfter, See. was cr ranted, 1 Maria, to George Cotton and Thomas Reeve. plrle in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 104. pat. 4 Ric. 2. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 484. p. 2. m. 12. pro fundatione. Lelandi Coljedt. vol. i. p. no. ejuldem Itin. vol. vi. Stow’s Survey, Book ii. p. 185. p. 4. 22. Petty Canons College. The twelve Petty or Minor canons belonging to the cathe¬ dral church of St. Paul’s were incorporated and made a body politick, having a warden and com¬ mon feal. See. 18 Ric. 2 f. They had formerly houfes in or adjoining to the precindts of the cathe¬ dral, and their common hall was on the north fide of the church, near the Pardon chirch haugh. J/ide Stow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 144. Dugdale’s Hiftory of St. Paul’s Cathedral, p. 24. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 232. 359. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. no. Rot. pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 31. pro ten. in Lond. in auxilium fuftentationis minorum canonicorum eccl. S. Pauli in aula juxta Pardon chirchyard. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p.' 1. m. 18. pro collegio xii. min. canon, in eccl. S. Pauli incorporando et ordinando. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 14. pro confirm, fundationis et incorpor. prsedift. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. pro eccl. S. Gregorii Lond. approprianda ad ufum xii. min. canon. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 27. pro eadem. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 8. de cuftode et min. canon, eccl. S. Pauli. 23. PoulTNEY or Pountney College. Sir John Poultney, who had been feveral times lord mayor of London, A. D. 1332. procured the king’s letter to the pope for appropriating the church of St. Laurence in Candlewick (now Cannon) ftreet, and another church, toward the en¬ dowment of a chantry of feven priefts by him intended to be founded; which he afterward, about 19 Ed. 3. perfected and increafed to a college confifting of a mafter or warden, thirteen priefts, and four chorifters, to the honor of the Holy Jefus and Corpus Chrifti. They had (tails and per¬ formed their divine offices in the chapel of Jelus s adjoining to the church of St. Laurence afore- laid, from this founder called St. Laurence Poultney, and corruptly Pountney. The income of this college was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 79/. 171. 1 was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to the earl of Suffex; and other parcels to Olbert Mundford and Tho. Fide Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 261. Book ii. p. 289. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. no. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 388. of the college: p. 430. of the patronage of St. Mary Abchurch. In Morant’s ElTex, vol. i. p. 223. of the advowfon of the rectory of Weft Tilbury fometime. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 72. of the manor of Cat- ford: p. 428. of the manor of Speldhurft : p. 435. of the advowfon of the reftory : vol. ii. p. 507. of lands in Otterden : p. 758. of the advowfon of the redtory of Ealling. Dugdale’s Warwickfliire, p. 224, 225'. of the redtory of Napton, and advowfon of the vicarage. In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 615. appropriatio- nem ecclefiae de Speldhurfte: p. 618. renunciationem ejufdem appropriation^ per magiftrum et capellanos collegii S. Laurentii de Pulteneye. Rymeri Feeder. See. vol. iv. p. 525. id'', per ann. Dugd. 97 1. Newcourt. The houfe the church and redtory, 1 Ed. 6. to John Cheke ; Gawdy, 2 Ed. 6. Statuta hujus collegii, mf. in mufeo A(hmol. Oxon. vii. 801. Rot. pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro cuftodia hujus capellae : Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 15. Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult, p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. pro maner. de Catford [Kane.] Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. pro eccl. de Shenle, Spelthurft, Weft Tilbury, Chevele, et Napton [War.] Clauf. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15 et 16. pro eccl. de Eftling. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 34. pro eccl. de Napton [War.] Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. pro iv. marcis ann. folven- dis prifonibus de Newgate: Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 18. de redd. 1 x /. mr. 1 v d. folvendo eccl. S. Pauli pro cantariis dom. Jo. Pultney : Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 11. de advoc. eccl. S. Marias Abchurch con- ce(T. per march. Suffolc. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 22. pro eccl. S. Marise Abchurch approprianda. Rot. pari. 31 Hen. 8. n. 17. 24. St. Thomas on the Bridge. Stow and Newcourt fpeak of a chapel on London bridge k dedicated to St. Thomas the martyr, founded by a mafon, and endowed for two priefts, lour clerks, Sec. in which Peter Colechurch the founder of the bridge was buried, A. D. 1205. but I have met with nothing more relating to it. e Wand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 14. faith, “ John Lofkin was foun- ’ der of the college of the Chirch of St. Michael by Crokid m c,e"” ’n Stow’s tranfeript of Leland is this note by Mr. Stow’s own hand. “ W. Walworth founded the colledge, ‘‘ peradventure for John Lofkin his mafter,” as the note at the bottom of Itin. vol. vi. p. 24. !. Founded by K. Richard 2. in honor of queen Anne his wire, as Stow, p. 264. qua-re. ? This chapel was founded by Thomas Cole for a mafter and cnaplains, and w-as with the redory appropriated to the new college. Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. no. h 79/. 17 s. 10 d. is the clear valuation ; and 89/. 8 s, the total in the Firft Fruits office. 1 It is p. 337. of edit. 1730. k This chapel ftood on the great pier of London bridge, fronting the tower ; it was 60 feet long and 26 wide : a print of it was publiffied in the Gentleman’s Magazine for Sept. 1753. and the infide view of the under chapel of St. Thomas in the fame Magazine for Nov. 1753. and the foundation is there faid to have been laid A. D. 1076. and the work finiftied A.D. 1109. Fide • VIII. MIDDLESEX. Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 54. Itin. Simonis Simeonis, p. 5. Maitland’s Survey, p. 43. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 301. 25. College in the Tower. In the royal free chapel of St. Peter within the Tower r London K. Edward 3. ere&ed a fort of college, fettling therein four chaplains under the gover 1 ment of a reftor. K. Edward 4. intended to endow the fame for a dean and three canons, one t' be fubdean, another to be treafurer, and the other to be precentor. But this feems never ’m L, ° been finilhed. nave Vide Stow’s Survey, Book i. p. 68. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. 26. Whitingdon College and Hospital. In the church of St. Michael Royal London •which had been new built by the famous Sir Richard Whitingdon, feveral times lord mayor of London, was founded by him, and finilhed by his executors A. D. 1424. a college dedicated to the Holy Ghoft and the Virgin Mary, for a mailer and four fellows, all to be mailers of arts b- Tides clerks, chorifters, &c. And alfo on the eaft fide of the college they endowed an hofpital for thirteen poor people, the chief of whom was to be called tutor. In the third year of K. Henry 6 there was allowed by the executors 63/. per arm. toward the fupport of the college till it could be better endowed ; yet, after all the benefadlions, the whole revenues of it were valued, 26 Hen. 8 at no more than 20 1. is. 8 d. per arm. The fite of the college1 was granted to Armigel Wade 2 Ed. 6. The almlhoufes for the poor men continued m. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 99. pat. 10 Hen. 6. A. D. 1424. p. 2. m. 5. recit. per Infpex. fundationem et ordina- Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 261. Book iii. p , tiones pro diflo hofpitali, dat. 21 Dec. A. D. 1424. Weaver, p. 407. *•*’ Ibid. p. ii. p. 177. pat. 5 Hen. 5. p. 2. rn. 13. per Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 490, &c. Infpex. recit. ftatuta collegii edita per Henricum ar- Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 64. no. chiepifc. Cantuar. dat. 17 Dec. A. D. 1424. Ibid. Rot. pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 12. de pecia terrs pro p. 189. pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. per Infpex. recit. eccl. et coll, fundandis. cartam executorum Ric. Whitingdon de ampliori do- Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. I. m. I et 4. Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p 2 tatione collegii et novis ordinationibus, dat. Feb. 13. m. 8. 27. Hospitals in Holborn, Aldersgate street, and near Cripplegate. Mr. Stow faith ”, that there was one hofpital in St. Andrew’s Holborn, another in the ftreet without Alderf- gate0, and another near Cripplegate p, cells to the houfe of Cluny in France, which were fupprelfed 3 Hen. 5. among the priories alien. If there were fuch, probably they were founded before the reign of K. Edward 3. whofe feizure of all eftates belonging to the French abbies difcouraged all foundations of that kind. Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 124. Book iii. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 207. 27?. -?c6. p. 248. Book iv. p. 61. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 113. 28. St. Antony’s Hospital. On the north fide of Threadneedle ftreet, in the parilh of St. Bennet Fink, was a fynagogue of the Jews A. D. 1231. which was given by K. Henry 3. to the brethren of St. Antony of Vienna’ in France, who fettled here in an hofpital confuting of a matter, two priefts, a fchoolmafter, and twelve poor brethren, befides their proftors and ocher officers and fervants. It being alien, was often feifed during the wars with France. K. Richard 2. gave it to Mich, de la Poler, and the patronage of it was given by K. Edward 4. to the dean and chapter of Windfor, who made one of their canons matter, though the fchool continued after in great repute-, and there were feveral poor men maintained, whofe eftate was valued, 35 Hen. 8. at 55/. 6 s. 8d.perann‘. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 74. pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 5. de conceffione patronatus hujus hofp. eccl. coll. S. Georgii Windfor. Stow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 120. Maitland, ii. 844. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. gi. de fundatione bujus hof- pitalis, et donationibus eidem fadtis per R. Hen. 6. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 313. of lands in Fel- br‘gg- Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 285. oS the hofpital: p. 299. of the church of St. Bennet Finke. MS. jn bibl. Bodl. Oxon. N. E. F. XI. 13. n. 44. bul- .lam papalem, dat. A. D. 1442. ut fratres hujus hof- pitalis audiant confefliones in quinquennium, See. Rot. pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. . m. 18. quod praeceptor S. An- tonii teneatur folvere dom. regi xx. marc, durante guerra inter Angliam et Franciam : Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . de defeat, regiminis ibidem. Pat. 2 Hen, 6. p. 1. m„ 22. de annua penfione re&ori S. Benedidli Finke: Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. con¬ firm. excambium pro manfo elargando, cum abbate S. Albani pro tenementis ibid, et in Child wikehay, 1 Qu&re, Whether this college was not reftored by Q^Mary. See Wood’s Fafti, i. 143. 159. 217. m And are ftill under the diredion of the company of Mer¬ cers, who, befides a handfome room to each of the penfioners, allow them 3 s. lod. per week, and the men every third year coats and breeches, and the women gowns and petticoats. Maitland, p. 1325. « Davies’ mf. Stow. 0 Maitland, ii. 765. faith, that part of this is ftill in being at the north eaft corner of Little Britain ; and that K. Henry 5. granted it to the pariihioners of St. Botulph, to found a frater¬ nity of the Holy Trinity. p In White Crofs ftreet, turned into a brotherhood of St. Giles by K. Henry 5. as Maitland, ii. 912. q “ Ordinis S. Auguftini per canonicos Regulares regi con- fuet.” Pat. 13 Ric. 2. 1 Cotton’s Abridgment, p.316. 8 This hofpital was in being A. D. 1560. but foon after ruin* ed, as Stow (edit. 1633.) p. 19 1. See alfo Wood’s Fafti, i. col. 94. The church is now the French church, as Newcourt, i. 386. Stapewalden, VIII. MIDDLESEX. ..„l,|pn &c. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 20. et ^tal>em -22. pro eccl. S. Benedidti Fink approprianda: P • 2* * ^ r _ „ « nrA mnnpr P/~»tmr»rr_ P,t 20 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 5. pro maner. de Poining- ton Dorfet. ad manutenendum quinque kholares in Univ. Oxon. qui prius apud Eton cducati fucre: Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 3. m- . Pat. 34 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. de patronatu hofp. pro cpifc. Norvic. Clauf. 15 Ed. 4. m. 17. eT Bartholomew’s Hospital, or Little St. Bartholomew’s. Raherus, a likable perfon in the court of K. Henry 1. for making jefts and mirth, being grown erious, rern - i 0f that king the grant of a void fpace of ground in the weft fuburbs of London f hfield and on the fouth fide thereof he built an hofpital’ for a mafter, brethren and fifters Sl"i1 for the entertainment of poor difeafed perfons till they got well, of diftrefied women big a"d)(J t,u they were delivered and able to go abroad ; and for the maintenance (til the age of feven ch'S of all fuch children whofe mothers died in the houfe. It was given to the ne.ghbounng ye- and in many things fubjeft to it, but had a diftinfl eftate, which was valued, 26 Hen. . tdT^d.perann. arDugdale, and 371/. i3s. 2 d. as Speed. It was g.ven, in the year 1546. h Henry 8. to the lord mayor and citizens of London for an hofpital, and ftill continues , to the comfort and relief of great numbers of diftrefied people every year. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 386. cart. antiq. L. n. J. fcii. R. Henrici 1. anno regni 33. de diverfis liberta- tibus prioratui et hofpitali conceflis : Clauf. 26 Ed. 3. in. 28. pro exoneratione hofpitalis de decimis et quin- decimis. ... glow’s Survey of London, Book 111. p. 232. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 435. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 64. 112. Newcourt’s Repertormm, vol. 1. p. 296, 297. of this hofpital and the church of Little St. Bartholomew : n 108 of lands in Portpoole belonging to it: vol. 11. p! 620. of the reiflory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wakering Parva in ElTex. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. i. p. 221. of the manor of Friern in Dunton. Year Books, 22 Ed. 4. Trin. 43. 16 Hen. 7. Trin. 12. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 296. de fundatione ca- pells five cantariae per Ricardum Sturgeon. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 15. Fin. div. com. 24 Hen 3. n. 35. deten. in Fernham, Birchangre, Strotford, &c. [Effex. et Hertf.] Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. m. ult. Pat. 9 vel 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. de bladis in manerus fuis de Hathfield, Wakering, Reinham, et Dunham [Eflex.] et Alrichefbury [Middlefex.] Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p 2 m. 9. de mefT. in fuburbio London, legatis a Will. Langlegh : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. et p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. et m. 34. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 3. Pafch.^rot. . Rec. m fcacc. 10 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40 vel 41. Clauf. 15 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 37. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 3. pro maner. de Streteley [Can- tab.] Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. pro terris conceflis a Joanne Tamworth clerico: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de vifitatione hofpitalis per commiflarios epifcopi. . Pat. 16 Ric; 2. p. 1. m. 2. pro ten. in Denham et Ramefdon [Eflex.] Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . Alexander Swerford benefactor h’uic hofpitali : Pat. 1 1 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3. de aqute- duftu a Canonfbury ducendo: Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. jn. 5. pro ten. in Hendon. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. I. m. . Pat. 36 Hen. 8. p. 24. [23 Jun.] pro nova ereihone hofpitalis. 20 St. Mary of BeTHLEM, or Bedlam. Simon Fitz Mary alderman and fheriff of Lon¬ don wave A.D. 1247. to the bifhop and church of Bethlem in Holy Land, where our Saviour was born’ all his houfes and grounds in the parifli of St. Botolph without Biftiopfgate, that there might be thereupon built an hofpital or priory for a prior, canons, brethren and fifters of the order otMlethlem or the Star, wherein the bifhop of Bethlem was to be entertained when he came in^° England, and to whofe vifitation and correftion all the members of this houfe were fubjected. In the year 1403. moft of the houfes belonging to this hofpital were alienated, and therein were no brethren or fifters, but only the mafter, who did not wear the habit of the order. However, it continued till the diffolution, after which K. Henry 8. gave it to the city of London, who have of late years built upon the old fite a moft ftately hofpital for the reception and cure of lunatics or diftrafted perfons. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 381, 382. clauf. 4 Hen. 4. m. . recit. cartam fundationis. In Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 380, 381. of lord Baf- fct’s benefadlion, and a chantry here for him. Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 260. Book ii. p. 94. Maitland, p. 796, 797. Lelandi Colled. vol. i. p. 113. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 464. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 274. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 539. f. 95. of the foundation of this hofpital : mf. 862. f. 131. licentiam ad colligen- das eleemofinas. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Bundel. benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 6. de cuftodia commifla Roberto Dale capellano: Pat. 49 Hen. 6. m. 14* de cuftodia commifla Ricardo Sneeth clerico. 31. Beech Lane Almshouse. The almlhoufe in Beech lane was erefted by the company of the Drapers about the year 1540. purfuant to the will of the lady Anne Alkew, relidt of Sir Chriftopher Alkew, who was mayor of London A. D. 153L f°r eight poor widows, members of the laid fraternity, who are allowed 3 /. per annum each, and half a chaldron of coals. 1 Raher’s vow to build an hofpital being more early than the vifion of St. Bartholomew, (which legend may be read in the Monafticon) he is faid, in performance of it, to have built the hofpital before the priory, (Newcourt, vol. i. p. 294*) but in >vhat year is not certain. Leland, Stow, and their followers, make both the hofpital and priory to have been founded, or be- un at leaft, A. D. 1102. which cannot be the exa»5t time, if it e true (as Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 169.) that the intereft of Ri¬ chard bilhop of London was made ufe of by Raher to procure the king’s favour for the ground to build on, for then it muft not be till A. D. 1108. or alter, Richard being not made biftiop till that year. P p p p Vidt VIII. MIDDLESEX. Vide Maitland’s Survey of London, p. 912. 1290. 32. Charing Cross Hospital. Stowu, and from him Newcourt * and Stevens* fpe 1 an houle in the parifh of St. Martin’s in the Fields near Charing Crofs for lunatick and diftrff people, of an uncertain foundation and continuance. Ult* 33. Almshouse, near Crutched Friers. Adjoining to the Crutched Friers cJiurch 1 the eafl end thereof, were fourteen almfhoufes founded by Sir John Milborn lord mayor of I 0L ^ A. D. 1535 r. who left houfes and lands to the company of Drapers for the maintenance of the f °n for ever; they are yet in being, and are dedicated to the Virgin Mary L anie Vide Stow’s Survey, &c. Book i. p. 263. Book ii. p. 74. 78. Maitland, p. 786. 1318. 34. Denton’s Hospital. Robert of Denton a clergyman in the year 1369. obtained th king’s licence to found an hofpital in honor of the Virgin Mary within the parilh of Berkyi "C Chirche (now Alhallow’s Barking) for fuch poor priefts or other poor men and women as Ih'ouM be diftradted, till they got well again and recovered their wits and memory. This good delin' could not then be brought to bear; fo that the faid Mr. Denton was obliged to change his mind and give the meffuages he defigned for this hofpital to St. Catharine’s near the rowerf toward the maintenance of a chantry pried. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 467. pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. Stow’s Survey, &c. Book ii. p. 37. 52. m. 12. pro licentia fundandi : Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. Newcourt, vol. i. p. 243. m. 38. pro affignatione mefluagiorum, &c. hofpitali Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 114. S. Katerinas. Rot. efcaet. Lond. 44 Ed. 3. n. 33. 35. St. Giles’ without London, or without the Bar op the Old Temple. hofpital for a mader and feveral leprous perfons* in the fields beyond Holborn, founded bv the religious and charitable lady Maud, fird queen to K. Henry 1 a. the maderfliip of which ms 27 Ed. 1 b. granted to the houfe of Burton Lazars in Leicederfhire ; and from that time, till the difiolution, this hofpital feems to have been fubordinate to Burton: for the grant of it to the abbey of Grace near the Tower, 15 Ric. 2. feems either never to have taken efFedt, or to have been re¬ voked by K. Henry 6. it being granted, after the difiolution, as parcel of the pofiefiions of Burton Lazars to John lord Dudley 36 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 381. notulam ex Le- lando de fundatrice : Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 26. per In- fpex. cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes avite fuse Matildis fundatricis et aliorum : P. 400. cartam R. Edwardi 3. de cuftodia ejufdem hofpitalis concefla magiftro ordinis de Burton S. Lazari, anno regni 27. Stow’s Survey of London, Book iv. p. 74. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 500. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 112. 418. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 602. 61 1. of the hofpital and the reitory, with the advowfon of the vicarage of Feltham thereto belonging. Regiftrum cartarum hofpitalis leproforum S. Egidii juxta Londinum, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 4015. Librum cartarum et munimentorum hofpitalis S. Egidii feriptum A. D. 1402. mf. olim penes doftorem Raw- linfon. Cart. 10 Joan. n. 26. pro lx. fol. annuis e ripa reginae London. Liberate, 1 Ed. 1. m. 2. et liberat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 8. pro lx. fol. e fcacc reg. pro cantaria facienda in capella hofpitalis: Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 21. Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 6. dorfo, pro ten. in Edelmeton : Pat. 27 Ed. r. m. . pro magiftro de Burton Lafari : Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . dorfo, de exemp- tione ab archiepifcopo. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro via in villa de Felcham: Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11, Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. Plac. apud turrim London. 14 Ed. 2. affif. rot. 8. pro ten. in London. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40 vel 41. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . de vilitatione hofpitalis: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. i, m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 17. et m. 20 vel 21. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 5. Clauf. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . de eleemofynis in civitate London. Pat. ij Ric. 2. p. . m. 26. de conce/T, hujus hofpitalis ab- bati et monachis de Graciis. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 5. Rec. in fcacc. 28 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 5. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. de con- ceflione ejufdem hofpitali de Burton. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 8. pro hofpitali S. Innocentium Lincoln. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 15. pro hofpitali S. Innocentium Lincoln. 36. St. Giles without Cripplegate. An hofpital of the French order, temp. Ed. 1. de¬ dicated to St. Giles in White Crofs ftreet, which being difiolved by K. Fienry 5. he gave the houfe and lands to a brotherhood of St. Giles to be there kept. Vide Stow’s Survey, Book i. p. 124. Book iii. p. 88. Cart. 19 Ed. 3. n. 18. rex confirmat cuftodi capella: " Survey, Book vi. p. 2. w Repert. vol. i. p. 464. x Supplement, Vol. . p. 275. y y Over the gate this infeription remains, “ Ad laudem Dei tl et Gloriofse Virginis Marise hoc opus erexit dom. Johannes “ Milbourn miles et alderinannus A. D. 1535.” Maitland, 786. *ji8. * “ Magifter, fratres et forores,” cart. 4 Ed. 3. u juxta Crepilgate locum in angulo verfus occiden- tem juxta Crepilgate infra muros civitatis London. a Stow and others after him make this hofpital to have been founded A. D. 1117. the year before the foundrefs died: but in the chronicle, which Leland abridged. Colled:, vol. i. p. 418’ the foundation is placed before A. D. 1109. b The Monafticon and Newcourt fay Edward 3. But, ac- coiding to the Tower Rolls, it was tirft granted by K»£*0 ward 1. quiet. E X. VIII. MIDDLES quiet, ab omni fervitio. But quart, whether this on the Wall; doth not rather belong to the chapel of St. James 37. Almshouses near Grocer’s Hall. About A. D. 1429. were feven almfhoufes built for the relief of lo many poor aged brethren of the faid company. Yule Stow’s Survey, Book iii. p. 30. 38. St. Katharine near the Tower. A royal free chapel or hofpital founded by Q. Maud, wife to K. Stephen, before A. D. 1148'. augmented afterward by CL Alianor widow to K. Henry 3. Eleanor wife to K. Edward 1. Q^Philippa wife to K. Edward 3, &c. The yearly income of this houfe was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 31 5/. 14 j. 2 d. per ann *. This hofpital is yet in being under the patronage of the queens' of England, and conlilting of a mafter, three brethren priefts, three fillers, and ten bedefwomen, with officers and fervantsC Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 81. cartam Matildis re- ginae confirm, excambium cum priore S. Trin. Lon¬ don. de vi. libratis terrae in Bracching [Hertf.] pro molendino et terra juxta turrim, ubi hofpitali fecit; Ibid. p. 460. cartam Alianorae reginae pro terris in Renham et Herclope [Kane.] Roed [Hertf.] et in Eft Smithfield, dat. A-D. 1273. fcil. cartam 10 Ed. 2. n. 8. Ibid. p. 467. pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 38. pro mefTuagiis hofpitali Freneticorum in paroch. de Bark¬ ing Church per Rob. Denton cler. defignatis, con- ceflis huic domui pro cantaria. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 381, 382. where are the names of feveral mailers. Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 204. Book ii. p. 6. Maitland’s New Survey, vol. ii. p. 1014. 1118. In Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 113. de fundatione et do- tatione hujus hofpitalis. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, Append, p. 472. pat. 30 Hen. 3. pro cuftodia pontis London, in quinquen¬ nium. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem pof- feffionum hujus hofpitalis in dioc. Cantuar. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 81. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 93. of the manor of Reed. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 534. of the manor of Queen’s court with Berengrave in Rainham : p. 544. of lands in Upchurch ; p. 650. of the manor of Rufhindon in Minder. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 445. of the ad- vowfon of the reftory of St. Peter’s in Northampton. Cartas originales, rentalia, rotulos curiae, regiftra, et alia munimenta penes magiftrum et fratres. Rental of the lands and tenements belonging to this hofpital, late in bilhop Moore’s ftudy, now in the publick library at Cambridge, n. 439. Apographa quarundam cartarum ad hoc hofpitale fpecl- antium, penes V. cl. Joannem Anftis Garter. Munimenta qutedam de cuftodia hujus hofpitalis con- cefla a fundatrice, priori et canonicis S. Trinitatts London, in libro S. Trinitatis London, f. 172, 173, a '74' Account of the revenues of the hofpital of St. Katharine near the Tower, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 5097. In eadem bibl. mf. 544. f. 90. cartam Alionorae uxoris R. Hen. 3. f. gi. cartam Philippas uxoris R. Ed. 3. f. 95. charter of liberties granted 20 Hen. 6. furren- dered and granted anew 8 Eliz. mf. 2211. f. 35. fragmentum cartx R. Elizabethae. Pat. 46 Hen. 3. n. 28. pro tt. annuatim e fcaccario : Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 129. pro cuftodia pontis London, per quinquennium. 39- St. Martin Outwich Almshouses. , ' "Pbe charter mentioning this hofpital as already founded, Lnon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 81.) lias among other witnet.es Robert . ti ■ Hereford, who died in that year 1148. Inis is the clear value: the total was 138/. 3 j. 4 d. per **»• Mf. in offic. primit. ^ Tlie prior and convent of Chrift Church (upon whole Plac. apud Hertford. 6 Ed. 1. rot. 35. de Iibertat. PJac. in com. Kane. 7 Ed. r. quo war. rot. 60. Cart. 20 Ed. 1. confirm, donationes Alienorae reginae, et quod regince Anglia: fuccedentes habeant patronatum di£ti hofpitalis. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. mi 10. pro eccl. de Wlnterftaw per- quirenda, et eadem approprianda ; Ibid. m. 19 vel 20. Rec. in fcacc. 1 1 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. . Plac. apud turr, Lond. 14 Ed. 2. affif. rot. 36. Liberat. 18 Ed. 2. m. 2 et 5. Liberat. 19 Ed. 2. m. 3 et 4. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 1. pro advoc. eccl. de North¬ ampton S. Petri, cum capellis de Kingfthorp et Upton conceffis per Ifabellam reginam: Ibid. p. 2. m. 2. pro approprianda eccl. de Frethenfted [dioec. Cantuar.] Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 et 25. Plac. coram rege, 7 Ed. 3. T rin. rot. 117, Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. de fundatione per reginam Katerinam, et de poteftate reginarum Angliae in hoc hofpitali ; Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 31. pro bofeo et meremio capiendo in vafto regis de Leinton intra foreftam de Eflex. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 et 20. pro eccl. S. Petri Northamt. cum capellis de Kingfthorp et Upton (cum revoca- tione prioris conceffionis earundem) magiftroetfeho- laribus . . Univ. Cantab. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 35. et p. 2. m. 1 et 5. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro pecia terra: gardino hofpitalis contigua. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 19, 20. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 2. de vifitatione hofp. per Adam epife. Menev. cancellarium Anglioe ; Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro maner. de Carleton [Wilt.] et eccl. de Upchurch [Kane.] ad faciend. cantariam iii. capellanorum • Ibid. p. 2. m. 10. de melT. in London. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. pro maner. de Rifhingdon [in Shepey] et ten. in Menftre. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 10. pro elargatione gardini juxta turrim; et m. 11. pro maner. de Rylhenden, et terris in Minftre [Kane.] Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. . de pa- tronatu conceflo Joannae comitiflie Hereford, durante vacatione reginarum. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2 vel 3. m. 13. pro maner. de Che- fingbury [Wilt.] et Quarley [Southamt.] Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 1 1 . pro feria tenenda fuper Collem Turris ad feftum S. Jacobi, et aliis libertatibus. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 8. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 59. Pat 15 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 12. pro terris in Reynham [Kane.] in ex- camb. pro meffi in Lombard ftreet. Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 4. m. ig. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 5. de Iibertat. eC franchefiis. Seven almfhoufes founded here about 6 Hen. 4. ground this houfe was founded) were originally patrons, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 82. See before Rymer, in ChriJ! Church. 1 The mafter and three brethren have 40 1. per ami. each; three fitters 20 1. (each I fuppofej ten beadfwomen 8/. per ann. each ; but the other profits ariling from their eftates are divided between the mafter and brethren. Maitland, p. 1118. by VIII. MIDDLESEX. by the matter and wardens of the guild of St. John Baptift, (fince called Merchant Taylors) to h maintained out of the meffuages and ibops given to them by John Churchman. ; be Fide Stow’s Survey, Book ii. p. 118. 40. St. Mary Spittle, or New8 Hospital of our Lady without Bishopsgatf A priory of canons and hofpital for poor brethren of the order of St. Auftin, was be»un to K» built in honor of the blefied Virgin A. D. 1 197 h. The ground was given by Walter Fitz Ealdr 1 one of the aldermen of the city for that purpole to Walter Brune citizen, and afterward one of fheriffs, who with Roefia his wife finifhed the lame*, by whofe and other benefadtors liberality r| 1' endowment of this priory with-the hofpital amounted, 26 Hen. 8. to 478/. 6s. 6dk. per ann. Du ^f 557^ I4J< l°d. Speed. The fite was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Stephen Vaughan1, Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 383. ex mf. in Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant, cartam Walteri Bruni et Roifise uxoris de fundatione et dotatione : P. 385. compofi- tionem inter priorem et conv. et reftorem S. Botol- phi, dc decimis et juribus parochialibus, temp. R. Hen. 3. Nomina fundatorum: Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 49. pro terris in Shaldeford, et advoc. eccl. de Shaldeford, Woghenerlh, Puttenham, et Duntesfield [dioec. Winton. Stow’s Survey of London, Booki.’p. 260. Book ii. p 97. Book iv. p. 50. Maitland’s New Survey, p. 794. Lelandi ColleA. vol. i. p. 36. 64. In Morant’s ElTex, vol. i. p. 224. of the manor of Sa- bur-hall : p. 252. of the manor of Frerne in Newen- den : p. 256. of the manor of Chalvedon in Pitfey. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 464 et 466, &c. Year Book, 9 Hen. 6. Mich. 31. 9 Ed. 4. Mich. g. Literas patentes R. Ed. 2. de confirm, terrarum hofp. B. Mariae extra Portam Epifcopi, London, cum ih- dice benefadlorum et terrarum ejufdem, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Nero , C. iii. 53. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 472. f. 33. antiquity, &c. of the hofpital called St. Mary Spittle. Pat. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. ad hull. London. 9 Ed. 1. m. . pro ten. in paroch. S. Botolphi Bifhopgate : P|ac • com. Efiex. 13 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 5r. pro lib. in Chil- vedon : Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. i2' pro me(T. et c. acris terrre in Newenham : Plac, Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 21. dorfo, pro redd in paroch. S. Egidii Cripelgate. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. pardonat. de xxl. redd, in London, perquifit. per Joannem Tavy pro cantaria facienda: Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 12. Pat. n Ed. 2. p. 2 m. 24. Plac. apud turrim London. 14 Ed. 2. rot 87 Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Pat. 18 Ed. 2 p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 35. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p, r m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 16. Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. pro ecc 1. de Duntesfeld [Winton.] et Puttenham: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 vel 29. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. u vel 12. de diverfis terris in Shorditch, Hakeney, et Stebunheth : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25 vel 26. Pat 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. o’, pro ten. in Hackney, Shoreditch, Stebenheth, &c. Fin. 2 Hen. 4.* m. 30. de bracino voc. Le Cok on the Hope , in paroch. S. Petri Weft Cheap : Rec. m fcacc. 2 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 33. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 25. de priorat. de Bikinaker [ElTex.] approprianda. 41. Papey. An hofpital belonging to the fraternity of St. Charity and St. John the Evano-e- litt, near the church of St. Auguftine’s in the Wall*", for poor impotent priefts and brethren of the Papev", founded A. D. 1430. by William Oliver, William Barneby, and John Stafford, chantry priefts in London. Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 73. 87, 88. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 258. Lelandi Colledf. vol. i. p. in. Fundationem et ftatuta fraternitatis in honore S. Cari- tatis et S. Joannis Evangeliftae in fubfidium et fuften- tationem pauperum facerdotum in eccl. Auguftini de Pappey infra Bilhopfgate, cum carta donationum, &c. necnon nomina magiftrorum et gardianorum ejufdem fraternitatis ab A. D. 1442. ad annum 1548. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Ft tell, F. xvi. 2, 3. 42. St. Paul’s Hospital. Henry de Northampton canon of St. Paul’s founded an hofpital within the precindts of that cathedral church; to the augmentation of which the tithes of St. Pan- eras or Kentifhtown were given by the dean and chapter about A. D. 1190. Vide Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 169. 212 et in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 4080. 70S- Computos eleemofynarite D. Pauli London, mf. in bibl. Regiltrum cartarum eleemofynariae D. Pauli London. coll. S. Joan. Cantab. 43. The Rolls, dim Domus ConversoRum. In the then fuburbs of London, on the eaft fide of New ftreet (now called Chancery lane) K. Henry 3. A. D. 1231 °. began a Religious foun¬ dation for the inftrudtion and maintenance of all fuch Jews as fhould be converted to the Chriftian faith ; which he endowed with a yearly penfion of feven hundred marks to be paid out of the ex- g Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 383. a lin. 31. p. 385. b. 1. 18. h Stow’s Survey and Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 385. fay, “ Anno tl Gratias 1197. 18 Julii Walterus archidiac. London, jecit pri- “ mum lapidem novi hofpitalis extra Bilhopfgate London, tem- « pore Willielmi de S. Marias ecclefia epife. London.” But this William was not bifliop till A. D. 1199. as Wharton and Godwin. Mr. Davies’ mf. Stow placeth this adt of archdeacon Walter’s 18 Kal. Julii A. D. 1172. » Perhaps about the year 1235. when they are faid by Weaver, p. 427. to have founded it. k The clear value was 504/. 12 j. jid. ob. and the total 562/. 13/. 6d. according to the return in the Firft Fruits office. 1 In the place of this hofpital and near adjoining aie now built many handfome houfes for merchants and others. Mait¬ land, p. 799. m Near the north end of St. Mary Axe ftreet. Maitland, p. 781. n It confided of a matter, two wardens, priefts and chaplains, brethren and filters. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. m. 0 Leland. Colledt. vol. ii. p. 414. Which agrees better with the charter of 16 Hen. 3. than the year 1233. when Stow and others fay this houfe was founded. chequer VIII. M I D D L E S E X. Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 114. Maitland, p, 841. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 288. Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 365. Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 109. Catalogum quorundam codd. rnlT. in bibl. Auguftiniano- rum Londini (quam Joan. Lous epifc. . . conftruxit) in Leland. Colledt. vol. iii. p. 54. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 221. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 544. f. 78. ct mf. 6033. f. 31. names of perfons of note buried in this priory. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. i. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2t vel 22. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. 51. Black Friers. Thefe Black, Preaching or Dominican friers came into England A. D. 1221. and very foon after obtained an habitation near Holborn, on the weft fide of Chancery lane, on or near the place where Lincoln’s inn now is. Here they lived about fifty-five years, and then they begged or bought' fome ground near Caftle Baynard within the city, where, by the help of K. Edw. 1. and his queen, Rob. Kilwartlby archbifhop of Canterbury, and many other benefactors, they built a handfome church and convent. They had by houfes and (hops within their precinCts rents to the value of 104/. 15s. 4 d. per ann. at the fuppreflion. All which, with the fite, were afterward granted to Sir Thomas Cawarden. Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 62. Book iii. p. 177. Book iv. p. 72. Maitland, ii. 951. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 108. de fundatione; vol. iii. p. 51. codd. mlT. olim in bibliotheca hujus prio- ratus. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 280, 281. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 202. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 544. f. 78. et mf. 6033. f. 30. names of perfons of note buried in this priory. Pat. 46 Hen. 3. m. 3 vel 4. Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 36. pro fitu Caftri Baynardi : Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . . Cart. 9 Ed. r. n. 86. pro melT. ibidem: Cart. 15 Ed. 1. m. 6. pro dimiffione loci juxta Hol¬ born, ubi prius habitare confueverunt, Henrico de Lacy com. Lincoln. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23. Ibid. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Efc. 24 Ed. 3. n. 49. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. '5. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 4 vel 5. pro priore S. Andre* de Baynard’s Caftle London. Cart. 11 Ric. 2. n. 21* 22 et 24. de fitu Caftri Baynardi, et de libertat. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 18. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1 . m. . pro xx l. annuis e fcacc. 52. Grey Friers. Thefe were Mendicants of the order of St. Francis, and called alfo Fran- cifcans or Friers Minors. They came out of Italy into England in the year 1224. and were lodged fome fhort time with the Dominicans near Holborn, and then John Travers one of the fheriffs provided them an houfe in Cornhill, which being too ftrait for them, John Ewin mercer and citi¬ zen of London f, purchafed a large void place of ground in the now demoliihed parilh of St. Ni¬ cholas, at the fhambles near Newgate, where by his and other wealthy citizens munificence they erefted a noble church, and all other offices belonging to a Religious houfe, and they continued till the diflblution. The fite of the priory was given, 38 Hen. 8. to the city of London, and, in the reign of K. Edward 6. it began to be repaired and furnilhed for the maintenance of poor father- lels children, and to be called Chrift’s hofpital, which ftill continues, and may it long do fo. In the valution of 26 Hen. 8. thefe Grey friers are returned at 32/. 191-. 10 d. Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 129. Maitland, ii. 943. Colled. Anglo- minorit. p. ii. p. 2, &c. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 360. Mr. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. iii, &c. Year Books, 11 Hen. 4. Mich. 57. Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 108 et 109. vol. iii. p. 49. de libris quibufdam mil', olim in bibl. Francifcanorum London. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 544. f. 43. large extradts from the regifter of this priory : ibid, et mf. 6033. f. 34. lift of perfons buried there. Rot. pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. et m. 19 vel 20. de dimiffione place* terr* ex auftrali parte ecclefi* infra Newgate, majori civit. London, ad fuftentationem pontis. Regiftrum eorum qui fepeliuntur in ecclefia et capellis fratrum Minorum Londini, mf. in bibl. Cotton, fi- tellius , F. xii. n. 12. Primam fundationem fratrum Minorum Lond. ubi agitur de fundatione ecclefi* veteris et nov*, de aqu*dudu, et de fundatione bib¬ liothecae, cum catalogis fundatorum et benefadorum, mf. ibid. n. 13S. 53. White Friers. The houfe of thefe Carmelite or White friers was on the fouth fide of Fleet ftreet, between the New Temple and Salilbury court. Their church h was builc about the year 1241. by Sir Richard Gray knt. anceftor to lord Greys of Codnor. K. Edward 1. gave a good addition of ground for the enlargement of their other buildings. Though they were Mendi¬ cants, yet 26 Hen. 8. they were found to have rents to the yearly value of 63 l. nr. 4 d. mf. ValL c Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 356. They purchafed in 1276. and began to build in 1279. f About A. D. 1230. not temp. R. Joan . as Speed. The au¬ thor of the Colledt. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 38. talks of a fecond convent of Francifcans, founded in Smithfield, London, by archbifhop Kihvardby : and Godwin, De prafulibus Anglice, p. 138. fpeaks of that archbifhop’s being a great favourer of the Francifcans, and building them a houfe in London ; but doth not fay where : and other authors are filent. Bifhop Burnet y (Rift. Reform, vol. ii. p. 340.) fpeaks of queen Mary’s building an houfe for Francifcan friers at London, A. D. 1556. But qua:re. g This regifter is tranflated into Englifh, and printed in Ste¬ vens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 112, & c. h Robert Mafcall, bifhop of Hereford, built the choir, prefbi- tery and fteeple. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 42. * So Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. 62/. ) VIII. MIDDLESEX. 62 /k. ys. 3 d. Dugd. Leland. The library and other parts of this priory were granted, 32 Hen o to Richard Morelyne, the chapter houfe and fome other parts to William Butts. Vide Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 108. de fundatione, &c. vol. iii. p. 52. dc codd. mu, olim in bibl. Carmdita- rum Lond. Leland. Itin. vol viii. p 42. Stow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 267. Maitland, ii. 992. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 177. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 568. Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 366. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 544. f. 77. mf. 6033. f. 29. et mf. 6069. f. 23. 27. 29. 46. 57. 59. 61. 66. 72. 75. 78. names of perfons buried in this priory. Rot. pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. pro venella includenda'vocat' Cokeres lane ; et p. 3. m. 19. Pat. 24 Ed. 3 „ ' m 4. Efc. 24 Ed. 3. n. 49. de melT. conceffis Der Joannem Fencotes mil. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. -2. m. 12 et 37. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 23. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. pro quodam hofpitio vocat Le Bolt en ton. 54. Crossed or Crutched Friers. The houfe of friers of the Holy Crofs was founded ' the parifh of St. Olave Hartftreet near Tower Hill, about the year 1298. by Ralph Hofier an"! Will. Saberns, who both afterwards became friers in this houfe : which, at the diffolution was endowed with 52/. 13 s. \d. per ann. and was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Tho. Wyat1. Vide Leland. Collefl. vol. i. p. 109. Stow’s Survey of London, Book ii. p. 74. Maitland’s New Survey, p. 782. . Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 328 Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 268. In plac. apud turrim London. 14 Ed. 2. rot. 50 et 51. litem de fitu hujus prioratus cum abbatifla de Barking. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro meff. et ten. in Aketon et Waldingfield [Suff.] con- celT. per Andream de Bures ; et p. 3. m. 9 vel 10 Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 10 Ed. p. I. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. Pat 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. u m. 11. licent. perquire.ndi terras in Oxon. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2g' Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. de terris in Doninnon Newbury, et Eft Henred. 55. Friers of the Sack. Thefe friers de Sacca (from the fackcloth they were obliged to wear) or De Poenitentia Jefu Chrifti, came to London A. D. 1257. and fettled without Al- derfgate, but K. Henry 3. anno 56. gave them the Jews fynagogue on the fouth fide of Lothbury" where they continued till their order was diffolved in the council of Lyons A. D. 1307. ’ Vide Stow’s Survey of London, Book iii. p. 53. Maitland, ii. 894. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 515, 516. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 272. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. quod poffint dare capellam fuam in Coleman-ftrete, quae dudum fuit fynagoga Judteorum, Roberto filio Walteri, ita quod inveniat duos capellanos divina iingulis diebus cele- braturos. IX. RISELIPP, olim Roufelep, RufTelep, or Rullepe. Alien Priory. The manor and church here being given by Ernulph de Heding or Hefding, temp. Will. Conq m. or Will. Ruf, to the abbey of Bee in Normandy, a cell of thofe foreign monks was fent over hither, who continued many years under a diftindt prior". But in procets of time this eftate and priory was made parcel of, and FubjetSt to, Okeburn in Wikfhire °, the chief of all the houfes of Bee in England. After the fuppreffion of thefe alien priories, the re&ory here, with other of the fpiritualties belonging to Okeburn, came to Windfor college, and were valued, 26 Hen. 8. amongft the Windfor pofTeflions, at 18 V. per ann. But the manor was granted to’ the univerfity of Cambridge 16 Hen. 6. and 1 Ed. 4. to King’s college there. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 954. b. 59. [Suff.] Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 11. de eifdem. Cart. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 723. of this 37 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro lib. war. in Riftep. church and manor : p. 638. of a penfion of viii. . . Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. g. Catr. 6 Ed. 3. n. 44. out of the church of Hefe : vol. ii. p. 231. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Rot. clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 15. de terris in Blakenham Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 33. X. STRATFORD at Bow ’ or Bromley. Benedictine Nunnery. A Benedidtiner nunnery dedicated to St. Leonard, and founded k Stow and from him Newcourt make it only 26 /. 7 s. 3 d. the figures being, by miftake, probably tranfpofed. 1 Maitland faith, p. 782. that there are now no remains of this houfe, but in the place thereof Hands the navy office ; but p. 1160. he faith, on the weft fide of Woodrofte lane, in the place called Savage Garden, was fituated the priory of Crolled, vulgarly Crouched Friers. 111 Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 117. n “ Procurator monachorum Beccenfium apud Rifelip temp. ct Hen. 2.” Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 954. a. 1. “ Dec. clare “ Wratting magna portio prioris de RufTelep 28 j.” In taxat. Norvicenfi, A. D. 1225. (( Richard de Flammavil prior of Rife- “ lip, A. D. 1259*” Newcourt, vol. i. p. 638. Contentio inter “ priorem de RufTelep et Thomam Ardern.” Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 15. 0 In Taxat. Lincoln. A. D. 1291. tc Bona temporalia prioris u de Okeburn in Rouflej) archidiac. Middlefex. de terris, red- “ dit. confuet. et feetu animalium 51/. 2 s. 4 d. Ecclcfice de “ RufTelep appropriata priori de Okeburn valet 25 marc.” P SancrofCs mf. Valor. 1 The abbey of Stratford Langthorn is fometimes alfo thus called in the records. This priory was in the parifh of Brom¬ ley, but To near to the hamlet of Stratford Bow, that it is moft commonly fo called. r Mr. Weaver placeth White monks here, but they belonged to the abbey of this name in Efiex. by X. M I D D L E S E X, l,V William biiliop of London temp. Will. Conq. Herein were a priorefs and nine nuns, whole revenues were raced, 26 Hen. 8. at 108/. u. nd. ob. as Dugdale, and 12 1 /. 16 s. o d'. as Speed. The fxte was granted, 30 Hen. 8. co John Mewtas, and 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Ralph Sadler. ptft in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 443. cart. 14 Ric. 2. j. recit. per Infpex. cartam R. Steph. confirm, donationem Chriftiante de Sumery de terra de Hafe- lingefelda: Cart. R. Ric. 1. confirm, donationem G aliens, &c. de eccl. de Northim. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 576, 577. an ac¬ count of this nunnery, and the church of Bromley belonging to it : p. 676. of the redtory of Iflington, and advowfon of the vicarage: vol. ii. p, 118. of the church of Butlbury in Eflex : p. 360. of lands in Lambourne : p. 440. of the church of Norton Man- devile : p. 503. of the church of Roding Berners. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 541. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 55. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 525. Jbot. cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 4 vel 5. de libertatibus : Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro terris in Havering, Eflex. Plac. in com. Middlefex. 22 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 38. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 7. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 4. Plac. apud turrim, 14 Ed. 2. aflif. rot. 12. 28 et 50. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29 vel 30. pro excambio mane- rii de Hafelingfield [Cantab.J pro eccl. de Rewen- hale : Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. de reparatione wal- larum vocat. Prions Wall, in marifeo de Weft Ham: Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro ten. in Brembeley : Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Cart. 39 Ed. 3. n. 6. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. Cart. 10 Hen. 4. n. 12. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 4 vel 5. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 36 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 30. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 18. XI. S Y O N“, in the manor of Iftlevvorth, in the parijlo of Twickenham, near Brentford. 1. Brigitine Nunnery. K. Henry 5. founded here, A. D. 1414. a monaftery of the order of St. Auguftine as reformed by St. Brigit queen of Sweedland, which confifted of eighty-five w perfons aniwerable to our blefled Saviour’s thirteen Apoltles (including St. Paul) and feventy-tvvo dil'ciples, viz. of fixty nuns or filters, whereof one to be lady abbels, thirteen priefts (one to pre- fide over the men by the name of confefTor) four deacons, and eight lay brethren. It was dedi¬ cated to our Holy Saviour, the blefled Virgin Mary, and the abovenamed St. Brigit ; was at firft endowed with one thoufand marks payable before all other fums, even to the king’s own ufe, at the receipt of the exchequer; but afterwards with lands, tithes, &c. (moftly l'uch as had belonged to alien priories) to the value of 1731/. 8 r. 4 d*. ob. q. per ann. as Dugd. and 1944/. 1 1 s. 8 d. q. as Speed. The fite was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Edward duke of Somerlet, and 7 Ed. 6. to John duke of Northumberland. In 4 and 5 Phil, et Marine an abbefs and nuns were replaced here, buc lent away again 1 1 Eliz. Villein Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 360, 361. cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 28. n. 9. de fundatione, dat. 3 Martii. Ibid, tom. i. p. 974. de dolio vini a camerariis villae de Lenn epife. dato monialibus. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 527. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 47. Lelandi Itin. vol. iii. p. 72. of the priory of Axmouth: vol. ix. p. 96. comment, in cygneam cantionem voce Syon. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 751, 752. an ac¬ count of the monaftery: vol. ii. of the redtory and advowfon ot the vicarage of Felfted. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 416. of the manor, he. of Felfted. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 234. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Avening : p. 332. of the manor and hundred of Cheltenham and the impro¬ priate church: p. 410. of the manor of Penbury : p. 451. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Hampton: p. 627. of lands in Rodborough : p. 653. of the manor of Lower Slaughter. In Halled’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 768. of the alien priory of 1 hrowley : p. 769. of the impropriate redtory. In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houies, he. .* belaud. Colledl. vol. i. p. 53. The fame probably that ob tained of the Conqueror great privileges for the city of London, there being no other bilhop of that name before K. Stephen, in whofe time this houfe was in being. Mr. Davis’ mf. Stow faith it was founded by K. Henry a. anno reeni primo. But it was in being before. ) “ Summa inde 121/ is. nd. fumma clara 99/. 8j. 7 d. ob.” mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. u This abbey is fometimes called Sheen , as Rymer, vol. ix. Pt*75- and fo confounded with the priory of Carthufian monies ot that name, on the other fide of the river in Surrey. “ Sion 3u°d vulga’riter vocatur Scheen , eo quod monaflerium Syon prius edificatum fuit juxta villam vocatam Sheen.” Mf. not. uoet^Gafcoign in cod. mf. Balliol. 205. catal. James. * ”be abbefs and fifty-one nuns, four lay filters, twelve reli- p. 636. of the impropriate redtory of Yeovil. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 233. an account of this houfe. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 100. arbitramentum ar- chiepifc. Ebor. inter archidiaconum Richmondite et abbatem et conventum de Sion, de proventibus, de- cimis, &c. prioratus Lancaftriae, A. D. 1428. p. 149. dimiflionem manerii et redtoriae de Yevel [Somerfet.] p. 270. confirm, manerii de Tylelhide : p. 271. con¬ firm. prioratus de Lancaltria, 10 Hen. 6. p. 397. quietam clamat. Nicolai Tufton pro duobus marifeis vocat. Gatebarwe Marjch et Sion Marfcb , 23 Hen. 8. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. ix. p. 617. P. Martini 5. bullam approbantis fundationem domus de Sion, et approprianti9 duas ecclefias eidem monafterio, A. D. 1418 *. p. 681. bullam indulgentite pro eadem do- mo, &c. Bullam fupranominatam P. Martini 5. de approbatione, he. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius, B. vi. 15. et mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 419. f. 55. In eadem bibl. Harleiana, mf. 670. f. 196. evidenciam contra prioriflam de Syon, portionem decimarum ha¬ bere pretendentem in parochia de Ovynge Ciceftr. dioec. mf. 955. f. 72. indulgentias monafterii de Syon. gious men, and five lay brethren, in all feventy-three, were penfioned at the difiolution. Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. 30. x So mf. in offic. Primit. but fumma clara 1736/. 4 j. yd. ob. Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. and mf. Valor. y They went with their molt portable treafure to Zurickzey in Zealand, thence to Macklin in Brabant, thence to Roan in Normandy, and at laft fettled at Lilbon, (as Fuller’s Church Hiltory, book vi. p.362.) where this monaftery Hill fiourilhes, and retains its own appellation of Syon ; feveral of the (tones, with which it is built, were brought along with the nuns from England, as Mr. Cole. . * This is printed alfo in p. 376. of the Appendix to Stevens’ vol. ii. Rrrr The XI. MIDDLESEX. The indulgences a of the monaftery of Syon, mf. in bibl. mufei Aftimol. Oxon. 750. X. Regiftrum librorum mlT. olim in bibl. monafterii dc Sion, mf. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. 141* A roll of the letters patents of liberties to this monaftery granted by king Edward 4. penes Petrum Le Neve, Norroy, A. D. 1720. Orders and conftitutions of the nuns of Sycm, cap. 58. mfT. olim in bibl. Arundel, nunc in mufeo regalis focietatis London, inter mfT. Norfolc. 143. Cartas, rentalia, computes, &c. penes illuftriffimum Carolum ducem Somerfet. Arcam five ciftulam in offkio nuper cutis Augmenta- tionis intitulat. Syon Monajiertum , in qua computi, rotuli, &c. eidem fpe&ant. Inj unftiones Roberti epifc. Londin. fuper vifitatione monafterii de Syon, dat. 1 die Jul. A. D. 1446.. mf. in libro prscedentium B. inter libros mfT. audtoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. f. 212. Ibid. f. 259. certificato- rium, de electione Margarets Afhby in abbatifiam, A. D. 1448. Rot. cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. n 9. Inquif. 4 Hen. 5* n. 16. Cart. 4 Hen. 5. n. 19. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. I vel 2. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Trim rot. 13. Pari. 2 Hen. 6. n. 33. de fundatione et dotatione ejufdem : Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3’ m. 21. Pari. 6 Hen. 6. n. 26 et 33. Pari. 10 Hen. b. n. 22. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. ult. Fin. div. com. 22 Hen. 6. lig. 3- n. 22. pro maner. de Brede, Sten- ings, Charlton, YVormenhurft, See. [Suflex.] Pat. 22" Hen. 6. p. I. m. 9. de tallagio xxl. folvendo per tenentes abbatiffie rela'xando : Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p , m. 9. pro maner. et eccl. de Chilham et Trevrteioh [Kane.] Ibid. m. 21. pro confirmatione donatio, num : - Ibid. p. 2. m. 9. pro maner. de Uphate i,', Hinton, et ten. in YVilburgham [Cant.] Ihitl. m u pro maner. de Minchinhampton [Gloceftr.] p0[j mortem Aliciae comitiffie [Suffolc.] Pat. 23 Hen 1, p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Cart. 25, &c. Hen. fc>. n. ' Pat. 49 Hen. 6. m. . Pat. x Ed. 4. p 2. m. 8. pro prioratu de Monte S. Mi. chaelis, &c. Cornub. Ibid. p. 3. m. 1. Ibid, p, , m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Trill, rot. 40, Mich. rot. 7. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 22. pro pri0( ratu de Monte S. Michaelis [Cornub.] reiftor. de Felfted [EfTex.] et maner. et Tydelfide [Wilt.] Itjj p-. 2. m. 17. Pari. 3 et 4 Ed. 4. n. 43. Pat. 4 Ed. / p. 4. m. 20. Cart. 3, &c. Ed. 4. n. 19. Clauf, 8 Ed. 4. m. 28 vel 29. pro prioratu de Monte S. Mich. [Cornub.] maner. de Tydelfide [Wilt.] et Felfted [EfTex.] &c. Franc. 8 Ed. 4. m. 36. de pro. tectione cujufdam navis ob reverentiam abbatiffe et conventus de Syon, ut diftum monafterium, quod magnis et fumptuofis sdificiis, operibus, et artificiis indiget, citius perficiatur : Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 22 vel 24. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 16. pro feria in Winchelfey. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 15. pro maner. de Minchelhampton [Gloceftr.] Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 14. Rot. aft. pari. 19 Hen. 7. n. 6 et 7. Pat. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. p. 13. m. . pro Syon Park, &c. in Iftleworth, Sic. 2 Syon b, or Brentford c Hospital. In a chapel at the wed: end of this town was found- ed '2 3 Hen 6. bv John Somerfet chancellor of the exchequer and the king’s chaplain a i'riery d, ho'fpital % or fraternity of the nine orders of angels, confining of a matter and leveral brethren, which was able to difpend 40/. per ann. as mf. Stow; and granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Edward duke of Somerfet. and feven poor men by Weft Brainford bridge in Middlefex, for fupport of whom are engaged the ma¬ nors of Ofterlec, Wyke, and Portpole called Grey’s Inn, dated 21 Hen. 8 f. mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 4640. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 9. Pat. x8 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. Vide Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 753. Year Book, 22 Ed. 4. Mich. 13. Raftall’s Entries. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 528. Leland. Itin. vol. in p. 27. „ An original deed of fettlement for two Secular priefts XII. WESTMINSTER, olim Thorneie. 1 Benedictine Abbey. A minfter or church, dedicated to St. Peter, was built here (on the ruins of an old temple of Apollo, as it is faid, which had been alfo a Chnftian church m K. T uciir’ time') by Stbert king of the Eaft Saxons, about A. D. 610. upon the encouragement of h:s mother, brother, and fovereign K. Ethelbert, and of Mcllitus bifhop of London. This being deft-oved in the Danilh wars, was reftored by K. Edgar and Dunftan then bifhop of London in the year 038 when twelves monks were placed in ir, who were but meanly provided for, till K. Edward the Confeflor began, A. D. 1049 \ to rebuild this church and abbey which lie fimflicd and royally endowed before A. D. 1066. from whence it continued in the hands of monks of the order of St Benedict till the general diffolution, when its poffeffions were valued at 3033/. 171. od a' ter am*, mf. Val. 347I',k- 2 ^ ?• Dugd- 3977 l- 6 *• 4 d. ob. q. Speed. K. Henry 8. anno re? ?2 eTefted here a biftiop’s fee (to whole diocefe was affigned the county of MiddJefex) and a “cathedral confifting of a dean and twelve prebendaries. The bifhoprick was funk in the xcco but the chapter continued fix years after, when they were forced to give place to the abbat and Black monks, who were re-eftabliflied here by K. Philip and Q. Mary. In 1560 it was ao-ain changed into, and yet is, a collegiate church, confifting of a dean and twelve Secular pre¬ bendaries to which alfo belong petty canons and other members of the chcur to the number of thirty; two fchool matters, forty king’s fcholars, twelve almfmen, and many officers and fervants. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 55, &c. ex hiftoria ab- bati* Weftmonaft. per Ricardum Sporley monachuin ejufdem loci, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius, A, vTn. capitula feptem, quorum fex priora de fundatione ecclefiae et dedicitione ejufdem per ipfum Petrum apoftolum ; in capitulo feptimo habetor bulla P. Ni- > Quart, Whether thde are not the fame with the Pardon of the fnonaftery of Shene which is Syon, publifiied in the Ap- nendix toTordon’s Scoti chronicon, Oxon. 1733. 8vo. p. 13*9. which bv the regard paid therein to St. Briget Teems to have hclotreedte this houfe cf Syon, and not to the Cartbufian priory at Shene, to which it is aferibed by the learned editor, b Pat. 18 Ed. 4. •c By the Bridge, mf. Stow. n Speed. • Raltail’s Entries, ,p. '68. a. . f Quart, Whether this deed relates to this hofpital, or w fome new foundation in the fame neighbourhood. e Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. syo. h Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 72. . i “ Summa clara 3307/. 17 j. od. g.” Stevens, vol. n P- >• t ujoi. mf. in off. Primitianrm. ... ■* ' cholai 2. xii. Middlesex. cholai 2. R. Edwardo de libertate et digrajtate iftius ecclefi* : Ibid. p. 59, bo, Sic. cartam rcgis Edwardi Conf. de reftauratione et dotatione abbati* Weftmo¬ naft. dat. 5 Kal. Jan. 1066. in quo recitatur bulla P. Leonis g. pro conftruiftione ejufilem. Ibid. toin. ii. p. 847. licentiam Philippo et Mari* reo-i et regin* Angli* a cardinali Polo concefl'am pro reftitutione ecclefi* S. Petri Weftmonaft. abbati et monachis, dac. 17 Cal. 0£l. 1556A Reyneri Apoftol. Benedict, tr. i. p.. 65. 232, 233. de inftauratione abbati*, ex pat. 3 et 4 Phil, et Mari*, p. 12. m. . tr. ii. p. 158 et 168. ubi cacta R. Hen- rici 6. pro maner. de Ledcomb Regis [Berk.] et Oftbrd Cluny [Hunting.] concelT. monachis Weft- monad. Cl. Camdeni librum, cui titulus, Reges, regln*, no- biles, &c. in ecclefia B. Petri Weftmonaft. fepulti ufque ad annum 1606. una cum ejufdem ecclefi* fundatione, Lond. 1606. 410. An account of Weftminfter abbey. See. by John Ei- chorn, Lond. 1 6 1 8. i2mo. An hiftorical account of the original, increafe, and pre- fent ftate of St. Peter’s, or the abbey church of Weft¬ minfter, by Henry Keepe, Lond. 1683. 8vo. The antiquities of St. Peter’s, or the abbey church of Weftminfter, containing all the inferiptions and epi¬ taphs upon the tombs and grave-ftones. See. Lond. 8vo. 1711 and 1713 and 1722. in two volumes 8vo. f The antiquities of Weftminfter abbey, with the monu¬ ments finely engraven on copper, & c. by the rev. Mr. Dart, Lond. 1724. 2 vol. fol. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 709, See. an ac¬ count of the church, and hiftory of the abbats and deans; and amongft the Addenda, p. 921, Sic. fojne account of the prebendaries from A. D. 1560 to 1700. ft In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 363, &c. the fucceflion of the deans and prebendaries of Weftminfter. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 196. a view of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats. In cl. Rymeri Feeder. Sfc. tom. i. p. 596. tom. ii. p. 198. tom. viii. p. 76. teftamentum regis Ricardi 2. de nova fabrica navis eccl. S. Petri Weftmonaft. per- ficienda, et fuftentatione quindecim leproforum et unius capellani pro anima ejus in eccl. S. Petri Weft¬ monaft. celebraturi ; tom. xi. p. 89. pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 18. de terris et tenements abbati et conven- tui Weftmonaft. conceflis, pro ultima voluntate R. Hen. 6. perimplenda ra : Ibid. p. 451. Franc. 38 Hen. 6. m. 23. de falvo condufto pro lapidibus de Cadomo ad monafterium reparandum : tom. xii. p. 739. P. Alexandri 6. bullam pro prioratus de Mo- tiftonte et Lufteldia fupprnnendis, et capell* regi* Hen. 7. apud Weftmonaft. annexendis, A. D. 1500™. tom. xiii. p. 97. bullam P. Julii 2. pro unione prio¬ ratus Luffeldi* et capellarum S. Martini Magni et Tykhill, capeli* regis Hen. 7. apud Weftmonaft. A. D. 1504™. p. 100. aliam bullam ejufdem pap* pro conftrmatione et exerriptione ejufd.em regi* ca¬ pell*, A. D. 1504”'. p. t02. aliam bullam ejufdem pap* de indulgentis Seal* Coeli eidem capell* con¬ cede, A. D. 1504"'. tom. XV. p. 590. pat, 2 Eliz. p. 23. m. 5. de eredfion.e monafterii B. Petri Weft¬ monaft. in ecclefiam collegiatam, A. D. 1559 in. In Prynni Recordor. tom. iii. p. 272. clauf. 9 Ed. 1. m 11 et 12. p. 365. pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. 22. p. 386. claul. 17 Ed. 1. m. 4. pro abbate Weftmonaft. de o£to damis annuis fibi conceflis ; p. 410. querelam abbatis Weftmonaft. contra regis juftitiarios [de qua vide etiam Rylei Plac. Parliam. p. 57, 58. fcil. anno r8 Ed. 1. m. 39 ] p. 458. cart. 20 Ed. 1. m. 4. de terris conceflis per regem, pro anima regin* confortis fu* : p. 571. clauf. 21 Ed. 1. m. 5. de fexdecim da¬ mis e forefta de Windfor: p. 672. clauf. 24 Ed. 1. m, 6 de damis: p. 765. clauf. 25 Ed. 1. m. 8. 10 et 22. p. 1003. Pat- 31 kd. 1. m. 23. de inquirendo de tliefaurarla regis fradta1': p. 1279. epiftolam regis Ed. 1. in partibus tranfmarinis locum tenenti in Anglja pro abbate Weftmonaft. Year Books, vol. i. p. 150. 380. xxi. 30. xxii. 1. xliv. 34. 11 Hen. 4. Hill. 13. 14 Hen. 4. Mich. 8. 7 Hen. 6. Mich. 13. 8 Hen. 6. Hill. 18. 35 Hen. 6. m. 2. 1 Hen. 7. Hill. 11. Lib. aflif. 79^ Reg. brev. 107. a. 241. b. 290. b. Judic. 35. a. Raftall’s Entries, fol. 130. tit. Copy ho Ida, relating to co¬ pyholds of the manor of Hendon. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. pr*f. xix. cartam confirma- tionis Ricardi epife. London, pro eccl. de Sebrik- tefwrde : pr. xxi,. de villa de Benflet : pr. xxii. de maner. de Powica dimifTo ad firmarn rponachis de Malvern : p. 1. cartam R. Edw, Conf. de duabus hidis et dimid. terrx apud Wurmleam datis a Leoftio Duddefune. p. 36. cartam regis Ed. Conf. de burgo et eccl. de Wininton [Saxonice:] Ibid, cartam R. Will. Conq. de Wininton: p. 37. ejufdem pro ma¬ ner. et eccl. de Leofne : Ibid, cartam R. Will. Rufi, pro eccleftis de Rotelande: p. 39. cart. R. Hen. 1. pro terris et libertatibus in London: p. 217. finalem concordiam pro tenemento in Paddington: p. 220. de advoc. eccl. de Perham : p. 238. cartam R. Will. Conq. pro viii. hidis de maner. de Pinford infra fo- reftam de Windlefore : p. 239. cart. Gosfridi de Magna Villa pro eccl. de Hurleia : p. 290. cart. R. Will. 1. pro decimis de Rotelande: p. 291. cartam R. Hen. 1. confirmant. libertates: p. 293. cartam R. Stephani, pro fex hidis et dimid. in maner. Weftmo- naft. et pro libertatibus : p. 421. teftamentum Leof- wini [Saxonice] in quo legatur terra de Cynlaudyne, Sic. In ejufd. Hift. Scacc. p. 388. de foflato fa£to ad dam¬ num abbatis Weftmonaft. apud Becham, et diruto per jufticiarios : p. 435. cart. Hen. 1. quod terra ab¬ batis et monach. Weftmonaft. in Peritona lit quieta de feutagio, &c. p. 459. pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro 2591/. concelT. ad fabricam ecclefi* Weftmonaft. p. 575. final, concord. 3 Hen. 3. pro penfione ex eccl. de Holewell : p. 622. quod abbas Weftmonaft. participet cum priore de Derehurft in amerciamento murdri, et aliis amerciamentis in hundredo, ex iric- morand. 14 Hen. 3. rot. 10. a. p. 706. pro libertat. in nemoribus de Perfhore, ex magn. rot. 4. Joan. rot. 2 Wireceftr. In Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 316. cartam R. Ed. Conf. eccl. S. Petri Weftmonaft. (in qua epiftola P. Leonis 9-) dat. 5 Cal. Jan. A. D. 1066. p. 319. aliam cartam ejufdem regis (in qua epiftola regis ad P. Nicolaum 2. et bulla P. Nicolai pro privilegiis) dat. etiam 5 Cal. Jan. 1066. p. 418, 419. duas pap* Innocentii 2. epiftolas, unam de quxmnoniis mona- chorum Weftmonaft. fuper terris ablatis et detentis, audiendis ; alteram de canonizatione S. Edwardi Conf. A. D. 1138. p. 530. P. Innocentii 3. indul- gentiam omnibus qui annuatim acceflerint ad eccle¬ fiam S. Edwardi Weftmonaft. A. D. 1208. p. 598. decretum Stephani archiepifc. Cantuar. et aliorum arbitrorum, de exemptione monafterii Weftmonaft. et paroohi* S. Margaret*, a jurifdiftione fedis Lon- din. et de limidbus di£l* parochi*0, A. D. 1222. tom. iii. p. 132. archiepifc, Cantuar. mandatum ad dcnunciandum interfedlores confugientium ad faniftu- arium in eccl. Weftmonaft. excommunicatos, A. D. 1378. p. 365. fupplicationem dom. pap*, ut olTa R. Hen. 6. transferantur a Windefora ad ccenobium Weftmonaft. A. D. 1494. p. 648. bullam P P. Ju¬ lii 2. pro capella R. Hen. 7. coofirmanda, A. D. 1 504- In Newcourt’s Repertorium, fome account of the rights and polleflions, as vol. i. p. 315. of the advowfon of Not 1546. as in the print. n p ^ afe alf°, 'n Stevens’ App. to vol. ii. p. 41, Sic. en m.»npC7nin?^tIlls (fuppoled to be done by the monks of 1 convent) fee alfo Rymer, vol. ii. p. 938. and Coke, 4 Ini y p. in. o Fil'd printed by Mr. Wharton, De epife. et decan. Lond. et Afiav. p. 247. p See Rymer, vol. xiii. p. ioo. t St. Bride’s : XII. MIDDLESEX. St. Bride’s : p. 326. of ’ St. * Clement’s Eaft Cheap : p. 367. of St. * James Garlickhithe : p. 396. of * St. Magnus alternately with the abbat of Bermondfey : p. 405. of St. * Margaret’s New Filh ftreet : p. 41 3. of St. * Martin’s Ludgate: p. 474. of St. * Matthew Fridayftreet: p. 583. of Chelfey in Middlefex : p.6t4- of lands at Greenford Magna, and the advowfon of the church : p. 625. of the lordlhip and advowfon of Ham- fted : p. 626. of the advowfon of * Hanwell cum Brentford: p. 641. of lands at Hendon, and the ad- • vowfon of the reftory : p. 683. of the advowfon of Lalam vicarage: p.691. of St. * Martin’s in the Fields vicarage: p. 703. of the manor and reftory of * Paddington: p. 721. of the advowfon of St. Mar¬ garet’s Weftminfter: p. 725. of lands in Sheperton: p. 731. of the lordlhip, rectory, and advowfon of Stanes: p. 743. of lands in Sudbury-: p. 755. of the manor and church of Tuddington in Middlefex: p. 819. of the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Chelhunt in Hertfordlhire : p. 870. of the reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of * Sabridgeworth: vol. ii. p. 47. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of South Bemflete in Eilex : p. 62. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the rectory at Birdbroke : p. 132. of the manor and advowfon of Chelterford Magna : p. 156. of the manor of Bullington in Clavering: p. 195. of the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of * Cre- fhal: p. 258. of the manor, redtory, and advowfon of the vicarage of *Fering: p. 350. of the manor, rec¬ tory, and advowfon of the vicarage of * Eafterford alias Keldon: p. 399. of St. Mary’s church in Mal- don : p. 457. of the advowfon of * Packlelham rec¬ tory: p. 464. of * Patfwick curacy: p.573. of*Tay Parva redtory: p. 638. of the manor of Wantted : p. 651. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of * Wennington. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 322. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Turwefton. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. ii. p. 177. of lands and tenements in Long Crichell. In Morant’s Ellex, vol. i. p. 13. of the lordlhip of Ham anciently: p. 28. of the lordlhip ofWanfted ancient¬ ly: p. 65. of the manor of Geddy-hall in Havering anciently : p. 85. of the manor [anciently] and ad¬ vowfon of the redtory of Wenington : p. 102. of the lordlhip of North Oxendon anciently: p. 185. of the manor of Kelvedon Hatch fometime : p. 262. of the manor, Sec. of South Bemflet: p. 31 1. of the manor, of Pakelelham: vol. ii. p. 2. of the manor of Moullham: p. 3. of the manor of Bekefwell : p. 173. of the manor and advowfon of the chapel at Patef- wic: p. 204. of the manor and advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Little Tay: p. 555. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Great Chef- terford : p. 6 1 8. of the manor of Bolington in Ugley : p. 622. of the manor of Pinchpole in Manuden. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 291. of the manors of Heydon and Bourton on the Hill: p. 371. of the ma¬ nor of Corfe-Lawn : p. 386. of the manor of Deer- hurlt anciently: p. 387. of the manors of Apperley, Walton and Hardwick: p. 430. of the manor oi Elmllon: p. 460. of a manor in Hasfield: p. 562. of the manor of Moreton Hindmarfh: p. 704. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Sutton under Brayles: p. 778. of the fame atToddenham : p.788. of the manor of T urley. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 33. of the manor, impro¬ priate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Alb- well : p. 50. of lands in Cley-hull : p. 264. of lands in Am well : p. 282. of the manor of Amwell Magna: p. 326. of the manor of Datchvvorth, p. 358. of Ste¬ venage, p. 523. of Whethamltede, p. 547- Hem- llede. In Halled’s Kent, vol. i. p 87. of lands in Beckenham: p. 181. of the manor of Borltall : p. 198. of lands in Erith : p. 203. of the impropriate redtory : p. 319. of the impropriate redtory of Shoreham, p. 326. and chapel of Otford : p. 383. of the manor of Welter, ham: vol. ii. p. 732. of lands in Luddenham. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 515. of the impro. priate redtory of Swat ham : vol. iv. p. 68. of tithes iu Buckton, p. 157. in Shouldham, p. 219. in Wireham In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 254. 0f the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Sudborounh. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 2. of a grant of the county of Rutland by Edward the ConfelFor : p. 19. of the manor of Okeham cum Barleythorp : p. 98. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Okeham: p. 132. of the advowfon of the redkiry 0f Uppingham. In Nalh’s Worcelterlhire, vol. i. p. 76. of the lordlhips of Besford, p. 81. Birlingham, p. 179. Broughton Hocket, p. 253. Great Comberton, p. 255. Little Comberton, p. 289. Deffbrd, p. 467. Grafton, vol. ii. p. 1 17. Madersfield, p. 164. Merton Holyntree p. 184. Naunton, p. 187. North Piddle, p. 257. Pj’ riton, p. 260. Pibleton, p. 262. Powyke, p. 343. ge, ven Stoke, p. 390. Strenlham, p. 437. Upton Snodf- bury, all anciently belonging to this abbey. Ibid. vol. i. p. 368. of the manor of Eckington : p.455. of the manor of Flavell fometime : vol. ii. p. j06. 0f the manor of Longedon (anciently) the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 106. varia inltrumenta de appropriatione ejufdem ecclelire et or- dinatione vicarix. In Dugdale’s Warwicklliire, of lands given by king Ed. ward 1. for his queen, viz. p. 722. [edit. 1730.] in Arderns Grafton; p. 950. in Langdon ; p. 958. in Knoll, Alfpath,&c. in Warwicklhire, Briddebroke in Ellex, Welterham, and Edulnebrugge, in Kent, and Turvelton in Bucks; where is alfo an account of what was to be done in this abbey in memory of that queen. In Stow’s Survey of Lotuon, edit. 1633. fol. p. 39. the charter of K. William the Conq. about Buttolpfgate: p. 497, See. ofbuilding the church and die monuments therein ; and more fully in Mr. Strype’s edition, 1720. Book vi. p. 7. Maitland’s Hiltory of London, p. 1329, &c. Hacket’s Life of Archbifhop Williams, p. 45. b. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 450, See. of the founding and rebuilding this church ; of many perfons buried here, and their epitaphs. In bilhop Patrick’s Supplement to Mr. Gunton’s Hiftory of Peterborough, p. 297, 298. of the manner of keep¬ ing the anniverfaries of abbat Walter, and abbat Crokedey: p. 327. of celebrating here certain fellivals in copes. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 26. 100. 242. vol. ii. p 250. 329. vol. iii. 69. 71. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de hac ecclefia : vol. iii. p. 48. catalogum quorundam librorum mlT. olim in bibliotheca Petrina Weftmo- nafterii: Append, p. 171. pat. 51 Hen. 3. dejocali- bus deputatis de feretro B. Regis Edwardi in monaf- terio Weftmonafterienli, pro regis neceflitatibus op- pigneratis. Leland. Itin. vol. ix. p. 97. comment, in cygneam can- tionem voce Thorneya, In Stevens’ Supplement, vol, i. p. 278. an account of this church, the abbats and deans of it: p. 40. taxa tionem fpiritualium atque temporalium abbatis Weft- mon. in dicec. Cantuar. In Append, ad Stevenfii vol. ii. p. 40. pat. 3 et 4 Phil, et Mariae, pro inftauratione abbatias Weftmonafts- rienfis : Ibid, cartam R. Hen. 3. quod monachi Weft¬ monaft. habeant liberam admmillrationem bonorum fuorum durante vacatione abbatiae, falva domino regt cullodia bonorum abbatis : p. 49. polfelliones mona- fterii Weftmonaft. in com. Northampton, temp. R. Will. Conq. ex libro Domefday: p. 175. ordinatio- nem decimarum de curia Henrici de Harleye inter abbatem et conv. Weftmonaft. et eccl. de Per- Ihore. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 51. cartam abbatix Weft- « All the places thus marked *, belong now to the biflioprick of London. jnon. XII. MIDDLESEX. mon. de militibus feffatis ex veteri feffamento et novo: 21-2. de feodo I. milit. tent, de Roberto Foliot. 1 Annalibus Willelmi de Wyrceftre fimul cum eodem lnLibro Nigro editis, p. 528. notas aliquot ad mona- fterium Weftmon. pertinentes. In cl. Hickefii Graminat. Saxon, p. 158. cartam R. Ed. Conf. pro pnedio ad Cealchylle cum privilegio te- nendi curiam ad cognofcendas caufas inter vafallos et colonos, &c. Regiftra, cartas, rotulos, computes, &c. in archivis hujus ecclefix collegiatx. Toannem Flete, de fundatione et dedicatione eccl. Weft- J monaft. mf. in bibl. eccl. n. 63. MSS. codd. in bibl. Cotton, notatos, Julius , D. ii. 17. de vilitatione monafterii Weftmonaft. Augujlus , B. ii. in quo n. 45. bulla P. Eugenii 3. Gervafio abbati Weflmonaft. qua privilegia, et pofleffiones abbatix coofirmat, &c. dat. 8 Id. Mart. A. D. 1145. Ibid, n. 49- cartam R. Will. Conq. conformant. libertat. et privilegia eccl. Weflmonaft. dat. A. D. 1081. Ibid, n. 33. cartam R. Edwardi Conf. de privilegiis ab¬ batix Weflmonaft. A. D. 1045. Ibid. n. 76. dona- tionem terrarum apud Wormelea abbatix Wellmo- naft. per R. Edwardum: Claudius, A. viii. 2. conti- nentem compilationes de fundatione, dedicatione, libertate, dignitate, et privilegiis abbatix Weftmo- naft. ex bullis papalibus, reliquiis famflorum, et in- dulgentiis, colledlas per fratrem Ric. Sporley mona- chum Weflmonaft. Ibid. n. 3. de abbatibus ejufdem per eundem, h. e. ab Orbritho ad Joannem Eftney : Ibid. n. 4. nomina abbatum eccl. Weftmonaft. manu antiqua ab Orbritho ad Georgium Norwich : Ibid, n. 5. the names of the deans and prebendaries inftalled at the eredlion of the college of Weflminfter, A. D. 1560. and fmee to the year 1620. Otho, C. xi. quar- tam partem libri confuetudinarii feriptam A. D. 1226. a Gul. de Hafeleia fuppriore Weftmon. Otho, D. xi. 2. de dedicatione eccl. B. Petri Weftmonaft. Ibid, n. 3. de renovatione ejufdem per R. Eadgarum et S. Dunflanum : Ibid. n. 4. cartam R. Eadgari : Vitel- lius, A. xvir. n. 4. ubi P. Innocentii 2. bulla facul- tatem concedens Henrico epife. Winton. audiendi querimonias monachorum Weftmonaft. et debitam eis juflitiam exhibendi: Vitellius, D. vu. n. 29. inter col- ledlanea V. dofliff. Laurentii Noelis, cartam R. Ead¬ gari eccl. Weftmonaft. Vefpaf. B. xv. 4. excerpta e regiflro! Vefpaf. E. ii. 2. cartam R. Hen. 3. de liber- tatibus abbatix Weflmonaft. Fauftina, A. iii. memb. 4. regiftrum cartarum regalium et pontificalium, pri vile— giorum, compofitionum, et confoederationum epifeo- porum et abbatum eccl. Weflmonaft. cum prologo de conftruiflione eccl. Weflmonaft. autore Sulcardo monacho ; vide etiam ibid. Titus, A. viii. Syllabum xxvii. cartarum five certificationum R. Edwardi Conf. et vu. cartarum R. Will. Conq. de terris et privilegiis datis eccl. Weflmonaft. in hoc codice con- tentarum, videat leftor in dodlifT. V. Humfridi Wan- leii Librorum vett. feptentrionialium catalogo, Oxon. 1705. fol. p. 246, 247. De dedicatione eccl. Weftmonaft. per Petrum apoflo- lum angelis eidem miniftrantibus, et de revelatione ejufdem defuper mf. in bibl. Bodl. NE. B. 1. 6. Colleftanea plurima e regiftris Weftmonaft. abbatix, mf. in ead. bibl. James, 23. From a leiger book of the abbey of Weflminfter in the cuflody of Mr. Ocklee a fcholar of Mr. Bufby of Shropshire, 1649. Ibid. mf. Dodfworth. vol. lxxxix. f. 120. Ibid. vol. xc. f. 29. cartam abbatix Weft¬ monaft. de militum feodis ex Libro Rubro fcaccarii : Ibid. vol. cviii. f. 35. ex cartulario abbatix Weftmo- nafl. Ibid. vol. cxiv. f. 17. concordiam inter Ricar- dum fil. regis et Roafiam uxorem ejus et abbatem Weflmonaft. de terris in Lel'nes et Hamme [Kant.] 26 Hen. 3. MS. in bibl. coll. Jefu Oxon. vol. 79. n. 15. tertiam cartam de donatione Edmundi regis et confefi'oris monafterio Weftmon. et alia eidem monafterio per- tinentia. Regulas et inflitutiones ecclefix collegiatx B. Petri Weftmon. ex mandate Elizabethx Reginx, mf. olim Antonii com. Kant. n. io. MS. in bibl. Harleiana 1498. et mf. in bibl. Bodl. Baf-* lov. 12. Four original indentures between king Henry 7. and the abbat and convent for keeping an¬ niversaries, &c. in remembrance of the faid king and his mother ; for which he grants to them the advow- fon of the deanry of St. Martin’s le Grand London, and of all the canonries, prebends, churches and cha¬ pels (except the prebends of Newlonde founded by Herbert) and the lands, tenements and pofleffions of the fame to the clear yearly value of 266/. 13 s. 4 d. as alfo the prebend of Tikehille Yorkfhire, the par- fonage of Swafham-market Norfolk, the parfonage of Stamford Berkfhire, the free chapel of Up-Lam- bourne Berkfhire, the free chapel in the manor of Plefhe Effex, and the free chapel of Playdon befides Rie Suflex, of the clear yearly value of 130/. 131. \d. as alfo the lately diflolved priory of Luffelde with its pofleffions in Northamptonfhire, Oxford- fliire and Buckinghamfhire, particularly the advow- fons of Dodford Northamptonfhire, and of Thoref- burghe Buckinghhmfhire, of the yearly value of 40/. and alfo ih ready money 5150 /. to purchafe with, and with which they had already purchafed the manor of Eftwardlerfoke with lands in Southloke, Wheteley, Stretton, South Levertoh, Fenton, Coton, Clare- brugh, Wellum, Moregate, Evenley, Wiflon-Wode- houfe, et Litelbruge Nottinghamfhire, and the ma¬ nors of Halton, Aulcebarrow, Burton-Stather, the third part of the manor of Belchefelde, with lands in Halton, Aukebarrowe, Burton-Stather, Wynterton, Theilby, Hailbaleftede, Burnaby, Eirby, Conyfby, Crefleby, Einmote, Bolcheforde and Dymmyngton Lincolnfhirc, rated at 64/. per annum ; and likewife the manor of Chefterford Effex and the advowfon of the church of the yearly value of 66/. 13 s. 4 d. and likewife the manors of Pynchepole and Bolyngton with lands and tenements in Claveryng, Langley, Barden, Wykyn, Maneden, Ugley and Fernam Effex, and lands and tenements in Clecheden, Henham and Elfyngham Eflex, of the yearly value of 20 /. and the manor of Borftalle with lands in Plumftede, Lefnes, Borftalle, and Erith Kent, of the yearly value of 20 /. and likewife the manors of Fenn and Skreyng with lands in Fenn, Skreyng, Boflon, Skyrbek, Fryflon, Butterwyk, Bennington and Sybfey, with the advow¬ fon of the church of Fenn Lincolnfhire, of the yearly value of 34/. and likewife an annual rent of 26/. I3r. 4 d. payable out of the manor of Stanewell Glocefter- fhire: the total amount of grants and purchafes 668/. 131. 4 d. per annum, out of which they were to pay for the faid anniverfaries, &c. 582/. Or. 8 d. per an¬ num : the king alfo gives them licence to impropriate the faid church of Chefterford and the church of St. Bride’s London. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 1. penfiones et temporalia monachorum Weftmon. mf. 66. f. 11. excerpta ex regiftro abbatix per Sulcardum monachum tempore abbatis Vitalis compilato: mf. 261. f. 106. de funda¬ tione ecclefix : f. 107. de inftitutione monachorum ibidem : de reparatione et amplificatione monafterii per Edwardum Confeflorem : mf. 540. f. 51. king Edward the Confeflor’s charter for conferving the faneftuary : mf. 544. f. 75. perfons of note buried in the abbey: mf. 1604. f. 5. de fundatione e variis codd. Cottonianis: mf. 2273. f. 163. e regiftro quo- dam hujus abbatix: mf. 6067. n. 11. charter of K. Richard 2. mf. 6748. f. 3. 10. 13. cartas RR. Edw. Conf. Will. 1. et Ric. 1. mf. 7520. nomina abbatum. Rentale eccl. S. Petri Weftmonaft. [imperf.J mf. in bibl. coll. Univ. Oxon. I. 10. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 120. p. 89. ftatuta collegii B. Petri Weftmon. a regina Eliza - betha fundati, A. D. 1560. mf. 170. p. 56. indulgen- tiam conceflam ab Alexandra papa, iis qui vifitave- rint aut de bonis fuis contulerint capellx B. Marix in monafterio Weftmon. a rege Henrico erigendx : p. 138. bullam P. Alexandri 6. pro priorat. de Mon- tisfonte et Luffeldia fupprimendis, et capellx regix Hen. 7. apud Weftmon. annexendis : mf. 287. °li- brum breviter compilatum de fundatione et eredlione ecclefix Weftmon, autore Johanne Flete. S s s s Extenta XU. MIDDLESEX. Extent* maneriorum de Todyngton, Echelesford, Ham* fted, ike. mf. in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab. Kk. v. 29. Rentale, ftatuta, cartas, et alia ad hiftoriam hujus ec- clefisp fpeiSantia, confarcinatore Henrico Keep, m(T. 4 vel 5. voluminibus, olim penes V. cl. Hen. Worfley, nunc in bibl. Harleyana r. Volumen cartarum de fan&uario five afylo eccl. Weft¬ monaft. olim codicem dom. Henrici Spelman, penes Thomam vicecomitem Weymouth, A. D. 1710. Rotulos curiarum diverforum maneriorum abbatiae Weftmonaft. fcil. de anno primo et fecundo R. Ric. 3. in officio Armorum London. Regiftrum abbatis et conventus monafterii Weftmonaft. folio majore in pergam. mf. in bibl. R. P. DD. Jo- annis Moore epife. Norvic. A. D. 1697. nunc in archivis eccl. YVeftmonaft. In cl. Anftifii Afpilogia, mf. n. 348. cartam Herberti abbatis de donationibus, ex orig. inter cartas Har- leyanas, 84 F. 46. Cart, antiq. L. n. 15. Plac. apud Weftm. 6 Ric. r. rot. 3'. pro eccl. de Do- dington [Line.] Plac. in banco, 3 Joan. Mich. rot. 11.de fe£ia maner. de Aldham [Hertfi] ad hundred. S. Albani : Cart. 6 Joan. n. 84. pro maner. de Gitelellep [Oxon.] Fin. 6 Joan. m. 12. Fin. 7 Joan, m. 7. de maner. de Seperton : Plac. apud Weftm. 13 Joan. Hill, rot. 18. de vi. hidis in Pelham [Suflex.] Clauf. 14 Joan, de firma maner. de Halegefield. Fin. Surr. 3 Hen. 3. n. . pro terris in Popping: Fin. Oxon. 11 Hen. 3. n. . pro una carucata terra in Fencote : Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 22 et 25. pro mer- cat. apud Morton [Gloceftr.] Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m.g, pro feria apud Stanes : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 4, 5 et 7. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 21 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro penfione annuali viginti fol. refervat. ex ecclefia S. Dunftani London. Plac. apud Weftm. 25 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 2. Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. de venella in paroch. de Bereman Chirch, fcil. S. Martini de Vine- tria London. Cart. 29 Hen. 3. m, 3. pro feria apud Weftm. Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro mmdxc. libris datis ad fabricam ecclefixs : Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro domo in London, juxta Elbegate : Plac. coram rege, 34 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. . de terris in Steveneth [Hertfi] Pat. 34 Hen. 3. m. 1 vel 2. de feria abbatis per xv. dies in fefto S. Edwardi transferenda a cimi- terio abbatix ufque Le Tothull: Fin. Buckingh. 35 Hen. 3. n. 98. pro maner. de Cippenham : Ibid, de libertat. in eodem manerio: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro bofeo de Berkele in forefta de Windfor, et libertatibus : Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. . Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 3 et 6. Pat. 37 Hen. 3. m. 20. quod longa ca¬ mera prioris non capiatur ad ufum regis : Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 39 Hen. 3. m. 14. pro arreftatis infra libertates monafterii in prifona confervandis : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 14. pro mercat. et feria apud Touthill: Plac. in com. Surr. 47 Hen. 3. quo war. rot. . de Piriford : Affif. apud Lambeth, 48 Hen. 3. rot. . Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 84. Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 31. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro feria apud Morton Hen- marlh : Pat. 54 Hen. 3. n. 2. dorfo, de maner. de Einfeld prope Hertford ex conceft. Radulphi de Limefy. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 23. dorfo, pro ten. in Ottendon : Plac. in Lond. et Middlefex. 2 Ed. 1. rot. 6. dorfo, pro terris in Knightefbrig et Wefton : Ibid. rot. 17. de libertat. in hundred, de Iftelworth : Ibid. 3 Ed. 1. rot. 3. pro terris in Stanes: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 7. de commun. paftur. in Perlhore: Ibid. m. 32. dorfo, de ten. in Amwell: Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 30. de libertat. in Pireford, Horilhull, &c. Cart. 9 Ed. 1, n. 45. pro mercat. et feria in maner. de Styvenachet [Herifi] et n. 92. 94. 97, 98, 99, 100. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 39. pro furcis, return, brev. et aliis libertatibus in lflip: Pat. 13 Ed. i. m. . de maner. de Halghford: Plac. in com. EfTex. 13 Ed. 1. affif rot. r0 a. pro carucata terra in Whatlegh : P]ac, corn cora. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. rot. . de libertatibus in P ton et Thodenam : Plac. in com. Suflex, 16 Fd' rot. 3. de reddit. in Cholington : Plac a/r.r ■ ,, 1 - com. 18 et 19 Ed. 1. rot. 4."de maner. de Dp'k'V‘ [Buckingh ] Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . pro eodem m"ham Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 3, 4, et 63. Plac. in com Kt 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 18. dorfo, pro libertatih,,* ' hundred, de Wefterham : Plac. in Middlefex S W Ed. 1. affif. rot. 13. dorfo, pro maner. de Yeven 22 et rot. 22. dorfo; rot. 27. dorfo; quo war. rot dorfo; et 50, 51. 54 et 60. dorfo: Cart. 23 Ed n. 3. pro maner. de Hendon: Rec. in Race ' Ed. 1. Hill. rot. 10. pro libertat. tenentium de Thurefton [Buckingh.] Cart. 26 Ed. 1, n. 7 Cr' feria apud Weftminfter: Cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. y'^0 libertatibus in eadem feria: Pat. 27 Ed. i.m. '/ vel pro maner. de Bridebroke [Eftex.l Weft-ri,. [Kane.] Hendon [Middlefex.] &c. pro anniverfJ" regime Alianore : Ibid. m. 8 vel 9. de maner d Derhurft et iv. hamletis, et quarta parte hundred^ et pro terris in Hamfted : Ibid. p. 2. m. i vel ’ Ibid. in. 7 vel 8. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . pro feria apud Weftminfter per xxxn. dies: Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m dorfo, de thefauraria regis infra abbatiam Weftmjn' fter fradfa, et abbate et L. commonachis incareeratis in turre London, defuper. Clauf. 1 Ed. 2. m. 8. pro maner. de Enewell [Hertfi r.ffignando in fubfidium cellerarii : Plac. in coni Kant. temp. Ed. 2. rot. 2. pro libertat. in Wefter’ ham, Edelinebrigge, Combe, &c. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p, m. 17. pro maner. de Hendon: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p 7 m. 32. pro maner. de Knoll cum Grafton: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 31. pro nonnullis maneriis in comi- tat. Eflex, Buckingh. Karaite, et Warwic. concelT. dudum per R. Ed. 1. pro anima Alianora regins' Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 20 vel 21! Plac. apud turrim London. 14 Ed. 2. rot. 101. dorfo- Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 27. dorfo, pro maner. deDer- herft : Rec. in fcacc. 1 5 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . de certis terris datis pro eleemofynis faciendis pro anima Alie- nora: Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 26. pro decimis villse de Wichio: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro maner. de Neyte juxta Weftmonaft. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. f. m. 30. Plac.’ m com. Northampton. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 42. pro libertat. in Deen et Sudburgh, &c. Pari, apud Win- ton. 4 Ed. 3. n. 70. de return, brev. in maner. de Hendon : Plac. apud Bedford, 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 29. pro libertat. in Hallewell Magna : Plac. de banco, 5 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 319. Pat. 5 Ed. 3 p. 2. m. 12. pro eccl. de Kelvedon, Langdon, et Sabrichef- worth : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. , Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. io. quod abbas habeat fingulis annis ofto damas in forefta regis de Windfor: Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 50, 51, 52. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10 vel 11. Ibid. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Ibid. Hill. rot. . Pat.i2Ed.3. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33. Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. de Iflip et Morecotc: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1. pro libertat. in Fering et Melfham : Clauf. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 43, Plac. co¬ ram rege, 16 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 61. quod abbas tene- tur reparare pontem de Sticlingdon [Middlefex.] Ibid, rot. 62. de reparatione pontis de Perlhore [Wigorn.] Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro maner. deTurwefton [Buckingh.] et p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. pro libertat. in Fe- ringe et Melefham [Eflex.] Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . et p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Clauf. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. Cart. 25, &c. Ed. 3. n. 32. pro mercat. et feria apud Wefterham [Kant.] Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 30 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Efc. Suff. 32 Ed. 3. n. 90. de lxxvi. acris terra in Sudbury et Holgate conceft. conventm per Ric. Rook fen. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. de ' In the catalogue of the Harleian library, mf. 1680. n. 7. appears to be only a fingle traft confining of eight or ten leaves. “ Collectanea Henrici Keep de fundatione eccl. Weltmon.'’ • Printed in Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 547. capite XII. MIDDLESEX. capife S. Benedifti : Ciauf. 33 Ed. 3. m. 33. pro maner. de Cobbecomb : Rec. in fcacc. 33 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. > Pat 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. Cart. 34, &c. Ed. 3. n. 15. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. [bis:] Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . de capite S. Benedifti do- nato a rege : Cart. 36 Ed. 3. n. 20. Cart. 38 Ed. 3. n. 4. pro mercat. et feria apud Iflip: Ciauf. 38 Ed. 3. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. pro excommuni- catis capiendis ad fignificavit abbatis : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 et 34. et p. 2. m. 18. pro ten. in Sutton [Gloceilr.] Denham [Buckingh.] Pireford [Surr.] Stanes et Lalain [Middlefex.] et m. 30. de ten. in Hendon, Wandlefworth, &c. Ciauf. 40 Ed. 3. m. 29. Rec. in fcacc. 40 Ed. 3. Mich, rot: 34. de Alden- ham, indentur. inter abbatem et conv. et Joannem Dutton: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Ciauf. 41 Ed. 3. m. 16. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro ten. in Langdon: Plac. coram rege, 45 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 11. pro reparatione de Cokeflefbrigg, ratione manerii de Baderlhay [Surr.] Brev. reg. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. Rec. in fcacc. 47 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 5. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. de decima abbatis: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 18. Ciauf. 49 Ed. 3. m. 37. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. pro manerio de Donne. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 5. m. 21. pro maner. de Berlingham: Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 15. 18. 21. In baga Rageman temp. Ric. 2. Buckingh. rot. 12. quod abbas debet mundare aquam vocat. Bayard'; Watering Place in paroch. de Padyngton : Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 10 et 11. ratificat. excambii de terris in Sudbury, cum cuftode S. Gregorii ibi¬ dem, pro meif. et fhopis in paroch. S. Michaelis London: Ibid. m. 23 et 27. pro ten. in Mulfham, Batrickfey, Wandfworth, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ric. 2. Pafcfi. rot. 8. de melT. et terris in Iflip: Cart. 11, &c. Ric. 2. n. 17. Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 8 et 36. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. pro eccl. de Aldenham ap- proprianda: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ric. 2. Kill. rot. 6. Cart. 18, &c. Ric, 2. n. 19. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. confirm, com-' pofitionis inter abbatem et decanum S. Stephani : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. pro ten. in Stanes, Eg- ham, he. quse fuere Nicolai Brembre attinfti ; et p. 3. m. 5. pro bonis felonum : Cart. 21, &c. Ric. 2. n. 6. 8, 9, et 13. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. pro ten. in Morton Foliot, Longdon, &c. [Wigorn.] Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 10. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 12. pro ten. ibidem. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 35 vel . . de maner. de Stein- ington [Berkfi] et Weftbury [Wilt.] Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 3. et p. 3. n. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 11 et 13. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 9. Ciauf. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Plac. de affif. in div. com. 8 Hen. 4. rot. 9. pro curfu aqua: ad duo molendina in Mulfham Magna [Eflex.J Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. pro fignificavit excommunicatorum : Ciauf. 14 Hen. 4. m. 13. dorfo, de aflenfu R. Ric. 2. pro fepultura Cor¬ poris Joannis Waltham nuper epife. Sarum infra re- giam fepulturam. Ciauf. 1 Hen 5. m. 25. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 4 vel 5. pro M. marcis an* nuatim concedendis ad perfeftionem navis ecclcfiae Weftmonaft. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 5. Hill. rot. 14. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 2, 3, &c. ufque 11. Rec. in fcacc. 9 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 17. pro maner. de Deene [Northamt.] Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. Ciauf. ig Hen. 6. m. 39. Rec. In fcacc. 22 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 20. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 18. pro maneriis de Ledecumb Re¬ gis [Berkfi] et OfFord Cluny [Hunt.] Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10. pro mercat. et feria apud Stevenache: Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 58. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9 vel 10. de dormitorio monafterii per fubitum ignis infortunium combufto : Rec. in fcacc. 29 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 21. Rec. in fcacc. 32 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 20. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 28. Ibid. p. 7. m. 17 vel 18. Cart. 2 Ed. 4. n. 5. pro maneriis de Ledecumb Regis [Berkfi] Oft'ord Cluny [Hunt.] &c. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 22. Ciauf. 3 Ed. 4. m. g. Ciauf. 5 Ed. 4. m. 261. Efcaet. . . 16 Ed. 4. n. . pro eccl. S. Mari* de Hendon cum capella de Hamp- fted approprianda : Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro maner. de Cradely et Hagaley [Wigorn.] ad requi- fitionem Elizabeth* reginae: Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 25. de excommunicatis capiendis ad fignificavit abbatis Weftmonaft. Fin. Ellex. 19 Hen. 7. n. 26. pro maner. et eccl. de Chefterford Magna: Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 7. Hill, rot. 4. pro maner. de Luffield. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 4. 15, 16. Rot. aft. pari. 23 Hen. 8. n. 1. pro excambio terrarum : Pat. 23 Hen. 8. p. 2. [23 Dec.] pro priorat. de Poghley [Berkfi] &c. Rot. aft. pari. 28 Hen. 8. n. 12. about the exchange of Convent Garden for Hurly Wood in Berkfhire: Ibid. n. 31. Pat. 28 Hen. 8. p. 2. [3 Jul. J pro monafterio de Hurley, he. Pat. 32 Hen. 8. p. 7. [20 Jan.] pro dotatione epifeopatus: Pat. 34 Hen. 8. p. 5. [5 Aug.J pro dotatione decani et capituli eccl. cathedral. Weftmonaft. 2. St. Stephen’s. K. Stephen is Paid to have begun a chapel in the old royal palace here, in honor of the proto-martyr of that name, which being finiffied or rather rebuilt by K. Edward 3. in the year 1347. it was made collegiate, and that king therein eftablifhed a dean, twelve Secular canons, thirteen vicars, four clerks, fix chorifiers, and other officers and lervants, whofe feveral ialaries were at firft paid out of the exchequer, but afterward the founder and the fucceeding kings and other benefactors endowed them with lands and ocher good rents to the value of 1085°. ior 5d. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The fite was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Sir Ralph Fane; and 6 Ed. 6. to Sir John Gate, l he chapel of this college hath been uled many years for the place where in par¬ liament time the houfe of commons fit and difpatch their great affairs. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 61. pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. de hofp. in Lombard ftreet, et eccl. de Wakefield et Dewftmry [dioec. Ebor.] P. 62. pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 27. per Infpex. recit. quatuor cartas R. Ed. 3. ( 1 . ) anno 25- pro aflignatione fuper firma civit. Ebor. (2.) anno 30. pro eccl. de Britone [Ebor.] approprianda: (3.) anno 32. pro Sewtes Tower apud Bokeleibury London. (4.) anno 43 pro hofpitio vocat. Le Reole in London. P. 63. pat. i Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 3. per Infpex. recit. cartam Ed. 3. anno 25. pro advoc. eccl. de Bledelow [Buckingh.] Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro ampliori dotatione colltgti, et exemptione a deCimis, he. P. 64. pat. 2- P- 1. m. 1. pro reftitutione maner. de Airhalesford, Barton, Bucwell, Efling, Meere, Lan- gcle, Ellwm, et Colbrugg [Kane.] et Winchelfield [Southamt.] P. 65. pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 3. per Infpex. recit. cartam 21 Ric. 2. conced. praedifta maner. in completionem ultirme voluntatis R. Ed. 3. Stow’s Survey of London, Book vi. p. 54. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 745, he. where is an account of all the deans and canons, temp. R. Ed. 3. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 164. of Cowdinge-farm in Bexley, p. 309. of meadow-land in Eynsford : vol. ii. p. 401. of the manor of Langley and advowfon of the reftory : p. 425. of the manor of Huntingfield in Ul- comb: p. 433. of the manor of Colbridge in Bough- ton Malherb : p. 509. of the manor of Wichling: p. 527. of the manor of Bredhurft: p. 532. of the manor of Meres-court ip Rainham : p. 547. of lands in Halftow, p.641. in Iwade, p.677. in Harty: p. 751. of the manor of Eafling : p. 787. of the ma¬ nor XII. MIDDLESEX nor of Huntingfield in Sheldwich : p. 791. of the manor of Queen’s-court in Ofpring: p. 793. of Plum- ford and Painters in Ofpring. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 319. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Geyton: p. 628. of a mefluage and lands in South Lynn : p. 767. of lands in Wigenhall St. Marie’s. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 33. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. i. p. 42. of the impropriate church of Sandon, p. 43. of Wakefield. Raftall’s Entries, f. 34. a. Year Book, 20 Hen. 6. Pafch. 15. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. v. p. 631. pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. de capella regis fumptibus confummata : p. 670. pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. de piftoribus eligendis: vol. vi. p. 417. pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. de piftoribus pro operationibus in capella capiendis : vol. vii. p. 202. . . 2 Ric. 2. pro decano et canonicis S. Stephani. Regiftrum liberae capellae regiae S. Stephani infra pala- tium Weftmonafterii, cui praefixum eft obituarium benefadtorum, decanorum, et canonicorum ejufdem capellae, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujiina , B. vm. 1, 2. Bullam originalem P. Clementis, anno 8. de fundatione capellae S. Stephani Weftm. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodf- worth. vol. lxxvi. f. 38. Rotulos in bibl. Harleyana, N. 19. In eadem bibl. mf. 1619. f. 1. fhort notes touching the foundation of this college. De appropriatione eccl. de Bledlow [Buckingh.] A. D. 1413. Regiftrum Philippi Repindon epifc. Lincoln. Fin. iibor. 17 Ed. 3. rot. 32. pro advoc. eccl. de Peny- fton: Rot. cart. 25, &c. Ed. 3. n. 4. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro eccl. de Sandale [Ebor.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 12. pro quiet, de decimis, &c. Ibid. p. 3. m. 8 vel 9. pro terra in villa S. Albani : Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 7. pro eccl. de Birton [Ebor.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. de capella juxta Recept. fcacc. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. g. pro Sewtes1 Tower in Bucklerf- bury London: Ibid. m. 27. pro eccj. de Penyfton [Ebor.] approprianda : Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 28 et 34. pro eccl. de Ble- delows [Buckingh.] approprianda: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15 vel 19. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 21. Rec. in fcacc. 48 Ed. 3, Hill. rot. 5. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . dorfo, de capella vifitanda. Cart. 1 Ric. 2. n. 3 et 4. Pat. 1 Ric. a. p. 2. m. ->< Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. et p. 3. m. . pro reftitu- tione jocalium, &c. qute nuper extra clofettam regiam B. Marias de la Pew furata fuere : Pat. 18 Ric. 2 p. I. m. 1. pro eccl. de Fenny Stanton approprianda- Ibid. p. 2. m. 24, 25, et 26. pro confirm, compofil tionis inter decanum et abbatem Weftmonaft. pat 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 18 et 20. Pat. 2 Hen. 4, p, m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 41. Pat. 14 Hen. 4 m. 6. pro eccl. de Penifton approprianda. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 5. Pat. 1 Hen. 3. p. 3. m. 15, Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 30 vel 31. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 3. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 6 vel 7 Orig. 16 Hen. 6. rot. 24. pro dx/. concefiis decano et canonicis ex certis terris et ten. ibidem fpecificatis: Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. pro maner. de Framp- ton [Dorfet.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. j. m. 14. Pat-23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich, rot. 58. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. de cuftodia horologii : Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. Rot. pardon. 49 Hen. 6, m. 1. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 2 et 5. Rec. in fcacc. 2 u Ed. 4, Hill. rot. 2. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 16. pro incor- poratione vicariorum, clericorum, et choriftarum: Clauf. 3 Ed. 4. m. 17. Cart. 5 Ed. 4. n. 17. proferia et aliis libertatibus apud Efhatisford [nunc Afhford, Kane.] Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3 et 33. et p. 3. m. 21. Clauf. 6 Ed. 4. m. 14. Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 5 et 20. pro maner. de Well Hall [Norf.j Rec. in fcacc. 9 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 2. pro eodem prioratu de Well : Cart. 9 Ed. 4. n. 13. pro feria apud Elham [Kane.] Clauf. 12 Ed. 4. m. 14. dorfo: Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 17. pro vicario de Afhford [Kant.] Clauf. 14 Ed. 4. m. 18 et 20. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 3. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. n. pro nova incorpora- tione, &c. et concefT. decanatus de Wolverhampton [Staff.] Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 23 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 23. pro maner. de Cold Norton. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 49. 3. St. James’ Hospital. At a diftance from the city, in the fields near Weftminfter, fome well difpofed citizens of London, beyond the memory of man, and (as fome think) long before the conqueftw, founded an hofpital for the reception and maintenance of fourteen* leprous women, to whom were afterwards added eight brethren to minifter divine fervice A This houfe was dedi¬ cated to St. James, and rebuilt in the time of K. Henry 3 2. It was under the government of a mailer (though the abbat of Weftminfter claimed a jurifdidion over ita) till K. Henry 6. granted the perpetual cuftody of it to Eton college, who furrendered it to K. Henry 8. anno regni 23. (when it was valued at 100/. per aim.) in exchange for Chattifham, &c. in Suffolk. On or near the place where this hofpital flood, hath been fince built the prefent royal palace of St. James. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 402. plac. in com. Mid- dlefex. 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 38. dorfo, de libertatibus et feria. Stow’s Survey of London, Book i. p. 260. Book vi. p. 4. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 448. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 1 12. 122. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 662 and 236. Year Books, 22 Ed. 3. 5. Munimenta penes praepofitum et focios coll. Eton. : Se metes in B. n Forfan Hen. 4. w Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 112. Speed. But quare. * Su Leland, Weaver, Newcourt, &c. But in the accounts of this hofpital amongft the Eaton college evidence, there were but four filters only 21 Ed. 4. 1 Ric. 2. 3 Hen. 7. who received every one 52 s.per ann . y Stow. z “ Tempore Ricardi Berking abbatis Weftmonaft. (fcil. inter “ A. D. 1222 et 1258.) edificata eft domus five hofpitalis S. Ja- “ cobi ibidem ; ct ex afienfu R. Iienrici 3. et ejufdem regis con- pyxid. 59. 63, 64. Rot. cart. 5 Joan. m. 14. n. 1 13. de libertat. et terris in Hamfted, Northefel, &c. Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. de ten. in Bredftreet London. &c. pro leprofis puellis S. Jacobi juxta Weftmonaft. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 52. pro feria ibidem in vigilia, die et craftino S. Jacobi, et per quatuor dies fequentes duratura, et de libertatibus : Plac. in com. Middle- fex, 22 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 3. 5. et 19. dorfo; et 57. dorfo. Placi coram juftit. de banco apud Ebor. “ cilii ordinatas erant per pradieftum abbatem quaedara confti- “ tutiones a fratribus et puellis ejufdem hofpitalis firmiter ob- “ fervandte.” Chronicon Joannis Flete mf. That this could not be the firft foundation of this hofpital, appears from the fame chronicle, which faith in another place, That Walter ab¬ bat of Weftminfter (inter A. D. 1176 et 1191.) “ ecclefiam b. “ Albani in Wodeftrete, hofpitali S. Jacobi prope Weftmon. “ pro xiii s. ivd. per ann. conceflit.” As within the parilh of St. Margaret’s Weftminfter. There were great fuits about it “ temp. Ed. 3. et Thomae Henle ab- “ batis, inter ipfum et Thelaurarium regis,” as Flete. ; XII. MIDDLESEX. Ed I rot. 4. de quinque virgatis terrx in Chelfee : Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. de conceffione perpetux p"t o'c Ed. 1. m. penult, vel antepenult. cuftodix iftius hofpitalis collegio de Eton port mor- a ' fcacc. 12 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Pat. 21 Ed. 3. tem Thomx Kemp cuftodis. pT mt t de advoc. eccl. S. Albani Woodftreet. Almshouse. Within the almery of the abbey over-againft the old chapel of St. Ann, the 1 dv Margaret mother to K. Henry 7. erefted an almlhoufe for poor women, which is now turned inro lodgings, for the Tinging men of the college. full Stow’s Survey of Weftminfter, Book vi. p. 56. 64. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 498. 5. Almshouse. On the fouth fide of the gatehoufe K. Henry 7b. founded an alrnlhoufe for thirteen poor men, one of them to be a prieft. Vide Stow’s Survey, Book vi, p. 56. 64. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 498. 6. Friers de Areno. The friers of the order of St. Mary de Areno had (near Durham hou'fe probably) an habitation by the gift of Sir William de Arnaud or Amand lent. 51 Hen. 3. where they continued after the fupprefiion of the lefler Mendicant orders in A. D. 1307. till the death of Hugh de Ebor, the laft frier of this kind here, 10 Ed. 2. Vide rot. pat. 54 Hen. 3. n. 30. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 19. de manfo quondam prions et fratrum ordinis S. Marix de Areno apud Weftmo- naft. abbati Weftmonaft. relinquendo tanquam efcaet. pro eo quod fratres prxdi£li ceflarunt ; et de quodam redditu inde folvendo epifeopo Dunolm. et prioriflx de Kilborn. For the -priory of Stanes [Speed’s catal.] fee below in Staffordshire; and for the priory at Uxbridge, fee Woodbridge in Suffolk. MONMOUTHSHIRE. I. EASSELECH, or Baffile’. Benedictine Cell. Here was a priory of Black monks, cell to the abbey of Glaftonbury, to which the church of this place was given by Robert de Haya and Gundreda his wife be¬ tween A. D. 1101. and H20b. This cell, which was dedicated to St. Bafilius, feems to have gone to decay long before the general diflolution of Religious houfes ■. Vide in Audtuario ad Hiftoriam Adami de Domerham de Rebus Geftis Glaftonienfibus, p. 604. cartam Roberti de Haya et Gundredx uxoris ejus de ecclefia de Baflelech : p. 607. cartam Rogeri de Berecheroles de terra in Baflelech: p. 608. cartam Hoeli filii Jor- northi filii Oenis de terris datis monachis Glafton. apud Baflelech, pro commutatione decimarum de Lantarnam: p. 609. cartam Ifabellx comitiflx Gloc. et Eflex. de tribus acris terrx : p. 610. compofitionemi inter abbatem et conventum de Karlyon et priorem et monachos de Baflelech de decimis : ordinationem vicarix de Baflelech. II. B E R G A V E N N Y, or Abergavenny. Benedictine Priory. Hamelin Balon, or Baladund, one of thofe who came over with the Conqueror, founded, in the latter end of his reign or the beginning of William Rufus, a priory here to the honor of the blefied Virgin. One of his pofterity Will, de Breola, temp. R. Joannis, gave the tithes of the caftle and other privileges, on condition that the abbat of St. Vincent at Mans would fend over hither a convent of their Benediftine monks. So it feems to have been for fome time an alien priory cell to that foreign houfe. However, it was not diffolved till the general fupprefiion, at which time here were a prior and four monks, whole revenues were worth 129/. 5s. 8 dc. per ann. as in Dugdale, and 59/. 4 s. as Speed. b The almfhoufe, fituate in the little Almonry Weftminfter, was founded by K. Henry 7. for the accommodation of twelve poor watermen and their wives, who annually receive of the dean and chapter of Weftminfter 7/. zj. 4 d. each couple, and a purple gown every other year, and fome perquifites when any of the nobility are buried in the abbey. Maitland’s Hift. of London, p. 1131. ^uare. a MS. Sulgrave et Leland. Itin. vol. vlii. p. 75. b Becaufe Herlewin was then abbat of Glaftonbury. c The monks were probably foon recalled to Glaftonbury j for abbat Michael, who attained that dignity in 1235. let to farm the church of Baflelech, which feems a convincing proof that there were no longer ahy of their own convent refident here. Adam de Domerham, p. 517. 6 “ Hameline de Barham founder.” Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 13. e The total value in the record in the Firft Fruits office is faid to be 135/. 4 s, zd. and the clear 129/. 5 s. 8 d. The fumma inde and fumma clara ini Stevens, voL i. p* 36. are both, as in Speed, 59 /. 4 s, Vide Tttt II. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 556, 557. hiftoriam fun- dationis cum genealogia fundatoris ex vet. memb. penes Hamonem le Strange mil. P. 557. inquif. 5 Ed. 3. n. joi. in qua carta Will, de Breofa: Ibid, tom. ii. p. 904. cartam H. de Bellocampo confirm, donationes antccctforum. LelandiColleft. vol. i. p. 104. ejtrfdem Itin. vol. v Rot. clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. t. n. . pro xx/. ann. rodd V3' unte e maner. de Pemros in Wallia olim conc-ir XC' Jo. de Raftings: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. TO_ , pPer 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro x/. red. exeunt, de ner' quifitis curiae caftri. 1 r' III. CAERLEON, or Caerufke f. Cistertian Abbey. It is faid by Jeffrey of Monmouth*, Giraldus Cambrenfis*, ancj ti • followers, that in this old city were built by the Britains long before the coming of \he Sa ^ three magnificent churches, one of the martyr Julius, adorned with a convent of Religiously'"5 gins ; a fecond, dedicated to the honor of his companion St. Aaron, graced with a noble choir canons ; the third was for monks, and was the metropolitan church of all Wales, till that ho °f was tranflated by St. David to Menevia. It is more certain that after the Conqueft there was"” Karliun or Karlynn an abbat and monks of the Ciftertian order, whom K. John, whilft earl 3f Morton, privileged to be free of paying toll at Briftol1; and they had leave to appropriate th church of Llankathelen. e Vide in Aufluario ad Adamum de Domerham, p. 610. decimis. compofitionem inter abbatem et conventum de Kar- Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28. lyon et priorem et monachos de Baflelech fuper IV. G O L D C L I F F. Alien Priory. Robert de Chandos, A. D. 1 1 1 3 k. founded the church of St. Mary Magda¬ lene1 here, endowed it with feveral lands and poffdfions ; and then by the perfuafion of K. Hen¬ ry 1. gave it to the abbey of Bee in Normandy, whence was to be fent hither a prior and twelve Black monks. After the fuppreffion of alien priories, Henry Beauchamp duke of Warwick ob¬ tained of K. Henry 6. the patronage of this priory, and leave to annex the fame to the abbey of Tewkefbury-, which being accordingly done, it was made a cell to that monaftery A. D. 1442 but three years after the Wellhmen drove away hence the Tewkelbury prior and monks, who fet¬ tled again here A. D. 1446. However this priory was granted, 29 Hen. 6m. to Eaton College- to Tewkefbury again 1 Ed. 4m. to Eaton again 7 Ed. 4m. which ftill hath it"; and in the valua- tion of that college, 26 Hen. 8. this priory is rated at 144/. i8r. id. per ann °. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 155. 159. ex chronicis Theokefberienf. Ibid. p. 590. cart. 18 Ed. 1. m. 10. n. 30. recit. donationem Robert! de Candos: P. 591. cart. 2 Joan. n. 59. de confirmatione : Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. per Infpex. recit. bullam P. Eugenii, pro unione prioratus abbatiae de Tewkefbury: Ibid, tom. ii. p. 904. titulum Ric. ducis Ebor. ad patrona- gium prioratus de Goldclive, ex chron. de Eantony. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 424. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. viii. p. 106. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 53. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 6. vol. vi. p. 79. 86. vol. viii. p. 26. In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houfes in the diocefe of bath and Wells, printed at the end of Mr. Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 634- of the advowfons and impropriations belonging to the priory of Goldcliff in that diocefe. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 66. f. 169. cartam R. Edwardi 2. pro priore de Goldclifte. Cartas, rotulos curiae, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpeclantes in archiv. coll. Etonienfis, pyxide 21, 22. Rot. cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 29 et 44. pro feria apud Gold- clyve, et lib. war. in Goldclyve, Caudrey, Ereme, et Chrifti Ecclefia in marchiis Walliae. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. dorfo : Fin. 12 Ed. 2. m. 7. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 11. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. dorfo, quod prior eft dominus marchiae: Fin. 18 Ed. 2. m. 2. Pat, 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. Efcaet. [march. Wall.] 11 Ed. 3. art. 26. Clauf. 11 Ed. 3. m. 3 vel 31. pro maner. de Caudray [march. Walliae] Membury [Devon ] Prefton et Selvers [Somerfet.] Fin. 16 EJ. 3. m. 27. pro eccl. de Stawey et Wollavington in Purton; Plac. coram rege, 14 Ric. 2. rot. 15! de quiefatione de decimis infra maner, de Prefton in paroch. de Milverton [Somerfet.] Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. de laboratoribus levandis pro reparatione domus per tempeftatem everfae : Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. de con- ceffione et unione hujus prioratus abbatiae de Theo- kefbury, ita ut inveniat quendam virum religiofum de ordine S. Benedi&i, qui prior hujus prioratus dativus et amotivus exiftat ad voluntatem abbatis et conven- tus : Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. de conceflione hujus prioratus collegio de Eton. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 5. et p. 4. m. 23. de unione cum Tewkefbury: Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 7. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 10. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. de Membury, Prefton, et Monkfelver parcell. hujus priorat. concefT. dec. et coll. Windfor: Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 17. V. G R A C E. D I E U, De Gratia Dei, Trodyp, Stow’, or Newham. Cistertian Abbey. A fmall abbey of the Ciftertian order, built A. D. 122 6r. by John of f Tho. Rudburn Hift. maj. Wint. Angl, Sacr. vol. i. p. i8j. 282. Leland. Colled, vol. ii, p.418.425. g Tho. Rudburn, ibid. p. 282. h Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. 90. * Cart- 36 Hen. 3. m. 5. k Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 155. Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 79. 1 Their common feal had the effigies of both the blefied Vir¬ gin and St. Mary Magdalene, y m m m R0t. pat, iftorum annorum. n Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 8. Mf. Afhmol. n. 1114. fpeaks of its once belonging to Windfor. But quart, 0 Rot. Primit. et Decim. P Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 90. Fin. 12 Ed. 3. r Annales de Waverle et Parcolude mf. Not A. D. r«9* 35 Mon. Angl. becaufe in being jo Hen. 3. as rot. clauf. Monmouth V. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Monmouth knt to the honor of the blcffcd Virgin*. Here were Hen. 8. only two* monte, and pofleffions to the value of 19/ 4, 4ty. per ann. as I>ugd. but 26 l. is. 4*. in the whole-. It was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Tho. Herbert and W. Bretton. y,dt in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 927 . notulas <3uas hifto- ricas ex Leland. Itin. et annalibus Waved, de fun- datione abbatia: et everfione ejufd. A. D. 1233. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. de cantaria duorum monacho- ruin ex heremitorio S. Briavelli ad abbatiairi remo- venda. Lelandi Itin. vol. iv. p. 90. vol. v. p. 13. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 295. of lands in St. Briavals. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6082. F. 3. 8,9. 18. 21. ex- tradls out of the regifter of the abbey of Neuham w. Cart, antiq. QJL n. 27. de heremitorio S. Briavelli cum terra vocat. Pater-nofter. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 8. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 13. 19 et 20. pro bofco de Peniard in forefta de Dene : Fin. I1 Hen. 3-ni- 3 et 11. de eodera bofco et heremitorio S. Briavelli; Plac. de forefta, li Hen. 3. m. 2. de terra et bofco in Peniard. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p.2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Elcaet. Walliae, 11 Ed. 3. n. 24. pro xxxvi. acris vani in foreila de Dene in Wyget et Langfield : Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 71. de maner. de Peniard et Lee [Gloceftr.J et Eft Hamptonette [Sufi'ex.j deaffo- reftandis; Pin. 12 Ed. 3. m. 33. de predi£tis xxxvi. acris vafti. VI. St. K I N M E R C Y, or St. Kynemark. Priory. The priory of St. Kinmercy, S. Kumerici, or St, Kynemark, was in being before A. D. 1291 x. and with the chapel annexed, is returned in the valuation of 26 Hen. 8. at 8 l 41 8 d. per anrt. as Dugdale, Speed, and mf. Valor. VII. LLANHODENEI, Lantony, or Lantonia Prima. Austin Canons. Here, in a very folitary valley, not long after the year 1108. was fettled a priory of canons Regular, of the order of St. Auftin, dedicated to St. John Baptift \ who ac¬ knowledged Hugh Lacy for their founder1. In the beginning here were above forty Religious, but, by reafon of the hard ufage tiiey met with from the rudenefs, poverty, and barrennefs of the neighbouring country and people, the greateft part of them removed, firft to the bilhop’s palace in Hereford, and after, viz. A. D. 1136. to a place near Glocefter, which was alfo called from this mother-monaftery Lantony (and fometimes for diftin&ion’s fake Lantony the Second) fo that only thirteen canons were left here, which number in procefs of time decreafed, and the houle was almoft ruined; when K. Edward 4. (anno 21.) gave leave for the annexing this priory to Lantony near Glocefter, here being to be maintained a prior dative and four canons: but it is to be doubted whether this union ever took full effedt, becaufe the eftate of Lantony the Firft is valued diftindt in 2 6 Hen. 8. at 87/. 91. sd. per ann. mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. 99/. 194. od. ol. Dugd 71/. 31. 2d. Speed. 112/. os. sd\ furnma inde mf. Val. The fue was granted, 28 Hen S to Nic. Arnold. c 4 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 58, &c. ex chronico de Lanthony in bibl. Cotton. ‘Julius , D. ii. hiftoriam fundationis, et poftea tranflationis canonicorum : P. 70. cartam Milonis conftabularii Gloceftriae : P. 71. pat. 14 Ed. 3. n. 26. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Joannis donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. P. 72. pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. per Infpex. recit. cartam Walteri de Lacy, de diverfis ecclefiis et terris in Hibernia: Cart. 28 Ed. 3. n. 1. recit. cartas alias duas Walteri de Lacy eccl. Lanthonire Primie : P. 72. pat. 2r Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. licent. R. pro unione pri- oratuum. Vide fupra in com. Glocestri.® fub Lantonia Secunda. Lelandi Collett. vol. ii. p. 88. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 15. vol. viii. p. 61. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. P- 164- de annua folutione xx. lib. cere vel xi, ecclefue Menevenfi facienda. I11 Afpilogia cl. Jo. Anftis, n. 273. confirm, donationum per Sibillam de Ewvas. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 12 Ed. 1. n. 38. pro lib. war. in valle Lanthoni, Ewyas, p rome Canonicorum et Falley in Suth-wallia: Cart. 18 Ed. 2. n. 11. Pat 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23 vel 24. VIII. LLANGKYWAN, or Llangwin, near Grefmond. Alien Priory. This manor and church being given before A. D. 1183. t0 the abbey of Lira in Normandy, here was placed a cell of Black monks fubordinate to that foreign houfe. After the diflolution of alien priories, this came to Shene in Surrey, and, as parcel thereof, was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to John Doyley and John Scudamore, s Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1046. 1 Leland. Colledl. voL L p. 104. * MS. in offic. Primit. w Quarry Whether thefe do not rather relate to the abbey of ■Newenham or Neuham in Devonlhire. * ^ being mentioned in the Lincoln’ Taxation; where mongft the fpiritualties in the deanry of Netherwent diccc. ^andaff, “ Ecclefiae de S. Kynemark, S. Aron et PortaiTet valent vi. marc. Prior dc Sco Kynemark eft redor.” And monglt the temporalties of the diocefe of Landaff, the prior of 1S foid to have at Kynemark, Landerfton, Strogoil, ocawere, lands and rents to the value of 7/, % j. 10 d. per arm . y In mlT. Macro, n. ia. ii. »i, 22, 21. are Engliffi extrads of the grants of Walter de Lacy, and Gilbert de Lacy to Our Lady and St. Florence of Lanthony, and to the monks there fervmg God, of rents and lands in Wandesford, &c. z William a military retainer of Hugh de Lacy and Ernifius chaplain to queen Maud retired hither A.D. 1103. and built a church and hermitage, which Ernifius obtained to be converted mto a priory of Regular canons, of which he became firft prior Anglia Sacra. r a In the records of the Firft Fruits office, the total value is 79/. 3 * 4 clear value 71/. 3 j. 2d. In Stevens’ Supplement the iumma inde is (as in mi. Valor.) nil. os. 5 d. and fumma clara (as in Dugdale) 99 /. 19 s. o d. ob. Vide VIII. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 580. cart. 54 Hen. 3. libertatibus. m. 3. per Infpex. recit. cartam Edmundi fil. R. de Ibid. tom. ii. p. 906. 985. 989. IX. L L A N T A R N A M. Cisterti AN Abbey. An abbey of the Ciftertian order b. Here were fix' monks, whole yearly income was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 71/. 3s. 2d. Speed, mf. Valor. The fue was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to John Parker, and 1 Maria to Tho. Carpenter and Will. Savage. Vide Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 104. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 8. 13. X. M A L P A S‘, near Caerlion. Cluniac Cell. A cell of two Cluniac monks to the priory of Montacute in Somerfetlhire which probably was the Terra de Cairlion granted to that monaftery by Winebald de Baeluna’ temp. Hen. 1. It was valued at 14/. 9 s. nd. per am. Dugd. and at 15/. 6s. 8 d'. in the whole- and granted, as parcel of Montacute, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir William Herbert. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 671. bullam P. Hortorii De patronatu hujus cells in Edm. com. Stafford, mf. Urbano epifc. Landav. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Harley, 59 C. 5. de advoc. hujus cells commiffa Willielmo de Mon- Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 5. teacuto com. Sarifb. XI. MONMOUTH. 1. Benedictine Priory. Wihenoc de Monemue or Monmouth, temp. Hen. 1. brought over a convent of Black monks from St. Florence near Salmur in Anjou, and placed them firft in the church of St. Cadoc near the Cattle, and after in the church of St. Maryf here. It was, among other alien priories, feifed by the crown during the wars with France; but was reftorede again, made denifon, and continued *1 till the general fuppreffion temp. Hen. 8. when it was valued at 56/. u. 11 d. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The lite was granted, 4 and 5 Phil, et Mar. to Richard Price and Thomas Perry. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 600. cartam Wihenoci de Monemue, de fundatione et ecclefiis monachis conceffis: Cartam Baderonis de Monemuta fratris Wihenoci, pro tribus forgiis : P. 601. cartas Hugo- nis Laci, de redditu in Lidenei : Ricardi de Corme- liis, pro eccl. de Wefton [dioec. Wigorn.] Cartam Joannis de Monemuta filii Joannis, de hofpitali S. ' Joannis apud Monmouth : P. 602. cartam Edmundi hi. R. Hen. 3. de x. acris bofci in Bocholte, et ii. acris de vafto de Codytham ad grangiam faciendam. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. II. 13. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 545. of the impropriate reftory of Longhope. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 7. cartam J. epifc. Lan- davenhs quod vicarii ecclefiarum fuarum appropria- Hospitals. John Monemue, founder of Grace-Dieu in this county about the year 1240. founded the holpital of the Holy Trinity in Monmouth. He alfo founded the holpital of St. John there, which was given by his fon to the Benediftine priory in the fame town. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 601. cartam Joannis de MSS. in bibl. coll. Jefu Oxon. n. 100. Monumeta, ex autogr. in officio armorum. XII. NEWPORT. Friers There was in this town “ a houfe of Religion by the key beneth the bridge1.” It was probably of Friers Preachers", for fuch an one was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Ed. Carn. tarum debent fuftinere onera ordinaria, A. D. 1250. Ibid. p. 240 et 241. duas cartas Ricardi de Corme- liis, de eccl. de Wefton et Tadinton : Cartam Bade¬ ronis de Monemuta, pro quibufdam decimis in Monemuta. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. Ixiii. f. 104. cartas quafdam fpediantes ad prioratum de Mon¬ mouth. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. In bundello benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de eccl. de Monmouth, Stretton, Alperton, Dixton, Tatington, Llanrethell, Caftro Godrich, &c, prioratui alien, de Monemuta appro- priatis. Rec. in fcacc. 33 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 12. t> Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 104. C MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. „ d 11 Celia de Malpas prope Newport juxta aquam de Like. Mf. Valor. « Mf. in offic. Primit. ... f So the Monaft. in feveral places, and RymeD vo1- vm- p. 104. but Mr. Speed makes it dedicated to St. Katharine. g 1 Hen. 4. Rymer, vol. viii. p 104. h In the catalogue of bilhops of Exeter (Holhngfhead, vol. 11. p. 1284.) it is faid that Geo. Nevill archbilhop of York, 4 Ed. 4- procured of that king the priory of Monmouth to be annexed to the abbey of St. Alban’s. But quare> Whether it be not a miftake for the priory of Mounkton near Pembroke ; for this of Monmouth continued independent under its own prior con¬ ventual, as appears by the regifters of Hereford (in which dio- cefe it was) and the valuation 16 Hen. 8. * Leland. Itin. vqI. iv. p. 35. k Though I meet with one John Gregory frater Auguftin. de Newport. Mf. in bibl. coll. Univ. Oxon. XIII. STROGUIL, XIII. MONMOUTHSHIRE. XIII. STROGUIL, Strigule, or Chepftow'. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benedi&ine monks to the abbey of Cormeil m in Nori mandy, as early a3 K. Stephen’s reign". It was dedicated to St. Mary, and feifed by the crown, but reftored i Hen. 40. King Edward 4. anno regni 2. granted it to the college called God’s ploufe in Cambridge; but that grant feerhs not to have taken effect, becaufe here was a priory till the diffolution, when it had three Religious, and was valued at 32/. per ann. as Dugd. and 32/. 4 s . as Speed p. yide in Itincrario Will, de Worceflre, p, 133. dimen- fiones ecclefiae. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 5. 13. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 240. of tithes and rents in Badgworth. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 1. rex confirmat pardonationem quam rex Ricardus 2. [anno regni 22 ] conceflit Be- hediftd Cely rhiliti marefcallo hofp. regis pro acqui- rendo fibi fine licentia regis prioratum de Chepftow alienig. de abbate et conventu de Cormeil in Nor- mannia. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. . Pat 9 Ed. 4. p. . XIV. T I N T E R N. Cisterti AN Abbey. Walter de Clare founded here, A. D. 1131’. an abbey for Ciftertian monks, which was dedicated to St. Mary. Herein were thirteen Religious about the time of the diffolution, when the eftaies belonging to this monaftery were rated at 192/; is. 4 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 256/. 11J. 6d. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Henry earl of Worcefter. yide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 721, &c. cartam Willelmi marefcalli Anglic com. Pembrochise recit. et con¬ firm. fundationem et donationes anteceftbrum : P. 724. cartam Rogeri le Bigod com. Norf. pro haya de Porcaflek, &c. Genealo^iam fundatoris, ex cod. Cotton, t'iiell. F. IV. et ex chronicis abbatire de Tin- tetn excerpt. Fr. Thynni; Cleop. C. iii. 17. In Prynne’s Papal (Jfurpations, vol. iii. p. 1192. Ia Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 328. the dimen- fions of the church out of William of Worcefter. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 57. the ichnography and weft end of this church. In Lelandi Coiled:, vol. i. p. 104. de paternali domu et filiabus domibus de Tintern. Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 6. 13. vol. vi. p. 22. In Itinerario Will, de Worceftre, p. 77. de obitibus fundatorum, et de genere propinquo eorum ex anti- quo kalendario : p. 78. de dominio de Eccle ac ec- clefia S. Edwardi de Halberyate : p. 83. dimenfiones ecclelix: p. 132. de nova ecclefia. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 296. of the manor of Bickfwear: p. 849. of the impropriate reftory of Wollefton and a grange there. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1459. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Acle: p. 1468. of the impropriate reClory of Halvergate. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1087. f. 55. mf. 3648. et mf. 5804. f. 55. colle&anea e cronicis et regiftro hujus abbatiae. Analedla e chronicis de Tintern, mf. Afhmol. Oxon. 846. necnon in mf. Macro, vol. viii. mifc: f. 55, &c. Diverfa ad monafterium de Tintern fpeffantia inter codd. mlf. n. 19. quos focietati regali de naturali fci- entia promovenda dedit Henricus dux Norfolci*. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 8. Cart. 30 Ed. 1. n. 5. de ex- cambio maner. de Platteland cum maner. Rog. Bygod de Aluredefton ; et n. 8. cdnfirm. concefT. manerii de Acle [Norfolc.] per Rog. Bigod corh. Norfolcire: Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Fin. Norf. 31 Ed. 1. n. 38. pro maner. et advoc. eccl. de Acle : Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 3. 14. 21 et 23. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 7. Cart. 18 Ed. 2. n. 10 vel n. pro libertat. in Acle [Norf.] Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 8. de medietate gurgitis de Bythekes. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 41. pro redd, de Hawoldesfield : Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 3. rot. . pro fnaner. de Acle [Norf.] Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. de ferviciis tenentium in Acle: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. pro eifdem; et quod te- nentes ibidem funt villaiji prioris : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. pro eccl. de Kinwith [Hibern.] Clauf. 8 Ric. 2. m. 3. dorfo, pro eccl. de Magor [Wall.] ad feodi firth, de abbate et conv. de Gloria Dei in partibus Italite. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 26. pro maner. de Ocle [Norf.] et advoc. eccl. de Halvergate : Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 17. pro ten in Acle. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 27. Clauf. 3 Ed. 4. m. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 24. de inquif. in fufficiencia maner. de Acle. XV. U S K, or Cairufk \ i. Benedictine Nuns. A priory' of five Benedi&ine nuns founded before A. D. 1236'. who were endowed with 55/. 4.1. $d. obi per ami. Dugd. 69/. 9 s. 8 d. Speed. It \Vas granted to Roger Williams 36 Hen. 8. 1 Tholigh there is a place riot far from Chepftow named Stri^- hal, yet the monafteries of Strigule and Chepftow feem to have been the fame; for that in the ancient valuations where Strigule is valued, there is no mention of Chepftow; and in the late valuations where Chepftow is valued, there is no mention of Strigule. Nor is there any mention pf Chepftow amongft all the donations to Cormeil ; but Striguil with its chapels and ap¬ purtenances is thereto given; as Mori. Angl. vol. ii. p.964. The founder of Tintern abbey is called in Lelarid’s Itin. vol. vi. p. 22. “ Dorn, de Stroghil alias Chepftow. ” And I am in¬ formed that Chepftow is called Striguile in old writings, arid that the manor court is held by that name now. m Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1035. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 5 et i 3. faith, it was a cell to Bermondfey. But among the repriles iii the valuation in the Firft Fruits office, there is no rent or pen- fion by way of acknowledgment to Bermondfey. n “ Odo prior Strigulienfis” being mentioned in Formul. Angl. p. 241. with peffons who lived in that time. Sturgoyl priory occurs likewile in Hen. Sulgrave. 0 Kymer, vol. viii. p. 105. p «• Summa inde 36 /. 4 s. Zd. fumrna clara: 32/. 3 s. odd* Mf. in offic. Primitiar. a So the Monafticon feveral times, vol. i. p. 724. but Leland. Itin. vol. Vi. p. 22. faith he died that year. r Leland. Collett, ^of. i. p. *04. 5 Situated upon the river, a rfighf Ihot from the caftle, as Leland. Itin. voi. v. p. 13. • Annal. Wigorn. in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 4g0. They ac¬ counted Sir Richard de Clare and Sir Gilbert his fon earls of the marflies for their founders, and prayed for them as fuch ; for which there is an allowance made amonglt the reprifes. Mf. in offic. Primit. U u u u yid. XV. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 7. 13. in Sheernton. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 240. of the manor, im- Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 29. de advoc. concefla Hugoni ls priate re&ory and advowfon of the vicarage of Badg- Spencer, worth: p. 532. of tithes in Lekhampton : p.642. 2. Hospital. An old hofpital here, the patronage of which, as well as the priory, was granted to Hugh le Spencer. Vtde cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 29. In an old Valor of the diocefe of Landaff at the end of Liber Landavenfis, under the deanry of Usic, there is “ Fratres de Everbthyn pro fpiritual. et temporal, ivr. xi d. ob. fcil. integra decima! But I can find nothing more of either the place or Religious. N O 1. R F O A L D E B L Y. K. Benedictine Cell. Bilhop Herbert3 or Agnes de Belfob or Bellofago' the wife of Robert de Kia, temp. Hen. 1. gave the church of St. Mary here to the cathedral monaltery at Nor¬ wich, whereupon here were placed a prior and three Black monks as a cell to that houfe, who con¬ tinued till the diffolution. This priory and the impropriate redtory thereunto belonging were made part of the endowment of the dean and prebendaries of Norwich by king Henry 8. and king Edward 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. tantum annotatiun- dation of this cell. culam de fundatrice, ex Leland. Colledt. tom. i. p. 60. Computos priorum five cuftodum cell® de Aldeby, mlT. In Blomfield’s Norfolk d, vol. iv. p. 230. of the foun- in archivis eccl. cath. Norwic. II. A T T I L B U R G H. College. Sir Robert Mortimer' knt. defigned the foundation of a chantry or college in the parilh church here to the honor of the Exaltation of the Holy Crofs ; but being prevented by death f, his executors or truftees built and endowed the fame for a mailer or warden and four Se¬ cular priefts about 7 Hen. 4. It was valued, 26 and 21/. 1 6s. od. ob. as Speed; and was granted. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 142. pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. licent. reg. pro fundatione ct dotatione collegii, et appropriatione eccl. de Eling- ham Magna. In Blomfield’s Hiftory of Norfolk, vol. i. p. 365, &c. the foundation deed, ftatutes, and ordinances by Si¬ mon reftor of Scoulton, the furviving truftee, with an account of the wardens or mailers : p. 329. of a Hen. 8. at 21 1. 1 6 s. gds. per arm. as Dugdale, , 33 Hen. 8. to Robert earl of Suflex. manor in Great Ellingham, the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 47. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abides, vol. ii. p. 143. the names of the matters. In libro inftit. &c. (Joannis Wakering epifc. Norvic. fcil.) viii. f. 139. bullam P. Joan. 22. de eccl.de Elingham Magna approprianda, A. D. 1411. III. B E E S T O N, near or upon the Sea. . . f ■ ' ■ .. ' ' / - Austin Canons. The lady Margery11 de Creffy, in the latter end of K. John’s reign or the beginning of king Henry 3. built in a meadow* near this town a fmall monaltery for a prior and a Regiftr. prior. Norvic. vol. iv. f. 16. b Regiftr. prior. Norvic. vol. iii. f. 57. c Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 60. d The hiftory of this 'county was undertaken by that diligent and accurate antiquary, the Rev. Francis Blomfield reiftor of Fersfield, who died before he had compleated the third volume: his papers, after palling through the hands of the Rev. Charles Perkins re1 Vel 1. • P. 2. m. 26 vel 27. B. k This is evident from the mention of K. Henry’s licence, and of his queen Maud in the charter of foundation, to which Ro¬ bert abbat of St. Edmund’s, (who died in 1106. or no?.) and Richard abbat of Hulme (who was elefted after not.) are wit- in Wood-Dalling : p. 478. of tithes in Babingley : p. 510. of a manor in Derfingham, th«^impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 628. of pofleffions in South Lynn, p. 776. in Wolferton : p. 785. of tithes in Wigton : p. 787. of the manor, impropriate reclory and advowfon of the vicarage of Binham: p. 789. of the fame at Berney: p. 819. of pofleffions inStivekey: p. 823. of lands inThursford: p. 829. of tithes in Warham : p. 829. of a manor and tithes in Great Walfingham: p. 842. of the fame in Welles: p. 916. of the fame in Edgefield: p. 922. of a manor in Gunthorp: p. 934. of a manor in Kelling: p. 939. of pofleffions in Letheringfet, and the advowfon of the mediety of the reftory : p. 955. of tithes in Saxlingham : p. 969. of lands in Wive- ton: p. 1044. of tithes in Patefley: p. 1285. of lands and tithes in Ingaldefthorp : p. 1302. of tithes in Shernbourn. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 55. 60. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 495. In Matt. Paris Hift. Angl. anno 1250. bullam P. Inno- centii 4. de eccl. de Weftle [dioec. Elienf.J In ejufd. Vitis abbatum S. Albani, p. 51. 106. nefTes. Matth. Paris (in Vitis abbat. S. Albani, p. 1002.) makes a cell here temp. Pauli abbatrs, who died A. D. 1093. And the founder (Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 343. a.) faith that “ AiTenfu et “ licentia regis Willelmi hoc opus incepi.” But if begun then, it was not probably finilhed till the reign of K. Henry 1. See Matth. Paris, p. 1006. X x x x In VI. NOR FOLK. In Rcyneri Apoftol. Benedict. tr. ii. p. 121. mandatum regis vicecomiti Norfolcire ad arreftandum priorem et tredecim monachos, eofdetnque abbati S. Albani libcrandos, fed. clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 17. Year Books, prior dc Bingham verfus priorem de Mer¬ ton de quinque marcis ct quinque Col. redd, in Salt- liotife et Kelling, 46 Ed. 3. Pafch. 17. 3 Ed. 4. Mich. 17. 18 Ed. 4. Hill. 2. 19 Ed. 4. Mich. 7. 13. Hill. 8. 20 Ed. 4. Hill. 1. 21 Ed. 4. Mich. 31. Pafch. 8. 22 Ed. 4. Pafch. 6. 38. 2 Ric. 3. Mich. l° 47-. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. iii. p. 764. rot. Rom. 12 Ed. 2. m. 9. Newrouit’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 524. Regiftra abbatia: S. Albani mil. Regiftrum cartarum prioratus de Binham in agro Nor- folc. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claud. D. xin. ex dono dom. Joan, lc Cjard de Ganton in com. Ebor. qui duxit filiam dom. Thomae Widdringtoni, quern penes extitit regiftrum hujus prioratus, A. D. 1652. Mon. Angl. Vol. i. p. r 78. Regiilrum de Binham penes 1 autorem Mon. Angl. A.D. 1648. Colleft. e regiftris de Binham mil in bibl. Bodl n Dodfworth. vol. lix. f. 1. 21, &c. vol. Ixxviii fXqn* et in bibl. Afhmol. Dugd. vol. xxxix. f. I2, ’ ’ Sl’ Qusedam de fundatione hujus prioratus et terris'in B ham, Stukei, &c. ex rotulo dom. Rogeri Townf"1! 1625. in vol. colled, autoris notat. T. T „ r'o &c. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. ' 1 In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 970. p. in. colledanea ex Ca tulario hujus prioratus: p. 113. nomina priorum Inter colled. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britannic vol. iii. nomina quorundam priorum. Cart, antiq. Hen. 1. n. 41. Hen. 1. R. 21. de mereit die Mercurii et nundinis in vigiliis et quatuor dieli ' S. Maria:. Cart. 17 Hen. 3. n. . Fin. Norf. 46 Hen. 3. n. go. pr medietat. eccl. de Laringfet, ex dono Reginald; j Bacoun. e Plac. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 5. voi. xiv. p. 240. and Stevens, vol. ii. Append. f cat; V Hen* 8* P- *• tefte 2 Jan. 00 i fuppofe, for rot. pari. 37 Hen. 8. n. 34- is, “ An aft “ for the afTurance of the manor of Bromhill to the king and “ his heirs. g Fuller s iiiltory of Cambridge, p. 91. .h h Dl}?d‘ Baron- v°i- »• P- 4 23- makes fhefe two diftinft pri- ones, which they certainly were not. But it is not clear whether \\ llham de Glanvil did not fettle the Caftleacre monks in Baketon town, and his foil Bartholomew remove them to the extremity ot the pari Ih, or rather into the then neighbouring, and now united pariih ot Kefvvik, to the place called Bromholm, where they continued till the diftblution. Speed and Weaver mention two monaftenes at Bromholm, one of Cluniacs, dedicated to ht. Sepulchre ; the other of Benediftines dedicated to St An¬ drew ; but feemingly without good authority. Richard and Jbdmuna earls of Cornwall occur as patrons. p. 906. X. NORFOLK. •p. 906. of pofleffions in Bodham: p. 1135. of tithes in Hedenham : p. 1342. of pofleffions in Felthorp, p. 1347. in Croftwick: p. 1391. of tithes in Barton: p. 1401. of the manor, impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Badton : p. 1409. of the impropriate church of Kefwick : p. 1410. of a manor in Edythorp: p. 1413. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dilham : p. 1423. of the fame at Honing: p. 1432. of the fame at Pafton: p. 1435. of pofleffions in Sloley: p. 1436. of the ma¬ nor of Ridlington, and a mediety of the redtory im¬ propriate: p. 1440. of lands in Swafield : p. 1443. of pofleffions in Tunftede: p. 1447. of a manor in North Walfham: p. 1449. of a manor in Weftwick : p. 1452. of a manor in Witton, the impropriate rec¬ tory and the advowfon of the vicarage : p. 1455. of a manor in Worftede : p. 1467. of a manor in Fifhley : p. 1508. of lands in Burgh: p. 1530. of pofleffions in Repp, p. 1544. in Winterton. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 308. dimenflones ec- clefiae. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 60. In prxfatione cl. Thomm Heame ad Hiftoriam Adami de Domerham, p. Ixviii. cartam Ricardi de Pafton pro diverfis redditibus datis in emendationem libro- rum conventus. Matth. Parif. Hift, Angl. in anno 1223. de delatione crucis dominicae apud Bromholm. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 857, 858. Year Books, 2 Ed. 3. Hill. 3. 5 Ed. 3. Trin. 48. Mich. 21. Chronicon de Bromholm citatum a magiftro Stow. Regiftrum prioratus de Bromholm, nuper penes R. P. D D. Joannem Moore epifc. Elienfem, nunc in bibl. publ. acad. Cantab, mf. in folio, M m. ii. 20. Rot. clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mercat. die Lunae apud Bromholm: Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 30. pro feria ibi¬ dem: Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3. n. 8. de terr. et redd, in Burgo : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Burgh in Lothingland: Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 94 et 322. Fin. SufF. 42 Hen. 3. n. 32. Fin. Norf. 52 Hen. 3. n. 149. pro confuet. et fervitiis in Winterton et So- mcrton : Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. u6, p|ac reg. 53 Hen. 3. rot. . pro maner. de Burgo -C°p-m Suft. 55 Hen. 3. n. 144. de terris ibid. fcil. fn Fin. Norf. 1 Ed. 1. n. 6. pro eccl. de Hanings- po' n. 27. pro eccl. de Dilham: Plae. apud Nn • 14 Ed. 1. Coron. rot. 45. dorfo, pro liberta?^* Kefewik : Affif. rot. 36. de redd, in Hevyneha m Rot. 66. dorfo, de wrecco maris apud Baketon ■ pi"1 ‘ in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. Affif. rot. 26. dorfo, pro T voc. eccl. de Berdwell : Quo war. rot. 46. deTh tat. in Burgo: Coron. rot. 27. de ferjeantia inv ^ endi unum baliftarium inexercitu regis in Walli Cm' maner. de Burgo: Efcaet. Norf. 31 Ed. j. n 3 pro terris in Witton et Ridlington, et advoc' e-r'Jj' Baketon: Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed.'r. m dc Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 16. de maner. de Baketon,' et nri’.' legiis ibidem, et pro feodi firma xxl. annuatim • p"' 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. de prima fundatione, et janit”’ Ibidem per regem conftituendo tempore vaca'tio ^ Inquif. ad quod damnum Norf. 6 Ed. 2. n. 123 Fh 6 Ed. 2. m. 4. pro maner. de Baketon: Fin. 7 Ed ^ m. 4. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 14. pro maner ’ de Baketon: Inquif. Norf. 7 Ed. 2. n. 62. de maner.’ de Baketon: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten Norwico: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. n Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. pro reddit. odto marcarum in Maffingham Magna: Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. j, m pro ten. in Wode Norton et Geiftwait : Ibid, m \ j" pro ten. in Baketon et Witton: Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n, n’ Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 4. pro terris in Burgo: Pat. j, Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de xx/. annuatim folvendis com Suffolcia; pro maner. de Baketon : Pat. 16 Ed. / p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Pat’ 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12. pro eccl. de Warham appro- prianda: Rec. in fcacc. 41 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 10. pro terris in Witton : Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro de. cima parte maner. de Baketon, et ten. in Kefewik et Witton [Norf.] et Carleton Colvile fSuff.l Efcaet Suff. 48 Ed. 3. n. 22. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. de Berdwell [Suff,] approprianda : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 17. XI. OLD BUCKENHAM. Austin Canons. Will, de Albini earl of Chichefter or Arundel, temp. R. Steph1. built here a priory of Black canons, and commended it to the patronage of St. James k the apoftle. About the time of the diffolution here were a prior and eight1 canons, who had revenues to the yearly value of 108/. 10 s. 2 d. Dugd. 13 1 /. 11a. Speed. The fite of this houfe was granted, 2 Maria, to Sir Thomas Lovell m. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 274, 275. cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 49. m. 10. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartas Will. com. Ciceftriie, de fundatione: Will. com. Suffex. pro eccl. de Keningale, aliifque donationibus. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 261. of the foundation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors : p. 41. of a manor in Brifingham : p. 66. of lands in Fersfield : p. 86. of the manor of Melding-hall in Burfton : p. 146. of the redtory manor, and impro¬ priate redtory of Keninghall : p. 163. of pofleffions in Norton, p. 210. in Weft Herling, p. 225. in Eaft Herling, p. 226. in Quiddenham : p. 260. of Clofe, Grange and Priors manors in Buckenham : p. 265. of the impropriate churches of St. Andrew and All Saints in Buckenham : p. 268. of a manor and the impropriate church of St. Martin in NeW Bucken¬ ham: p. 288. of lands in Snetterton, p. 302. in II- lington: p. 306. of pofleffions in Shropham, p. 321. in "Rockland Tofts, p. 330. in Great Ellingham : p. 334. of lands in Befthorp, p. 364. in Attleburgh : p. 564. of pofleffions in Stow : p. 570. of the impro¬ priate redtory of Grifton, and a manor there : vol. ii. p.646. 663. 724. of lands and rents in Norwich: p. 663. of the impropriate church of St. Benedict there: p. 851. of pofleffions in Heigham : vol. iii, p. 85. of pofleffions in Carlton Rode, p. 86. in Bun- well, p. no. in Tacolneftone, p. 115. in Hapton, p. 173. in Forncet, p. 187. in Tibenham, p. 20J. in Tharlton : p. 230. of lands in Rufhall : p. 387. of lands in Cley: p. 391. of the impropriate church of Cley St. Peter: p. 404. of pofleffions in North Pick- enham : p. 460. of the impropriate redtory of Weft Bradenham: p. 724. of pofleffions in Barmere: vol.iv. p. 454. of lands in Wood Norton : p. 675. of poffef- fions in Rifing: p. 1160. in Seething: p. 1252. of lands in Berwick, the impropriate redtory and the advowfon of the vicarage: p. 1321. of pofleffions in Stanhow. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 61. Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 75. de l. acris terrae in Cley juxta Pikenham. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 27. pro eccl. de Grifton appro¬ prianda: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten. in Weft Bradenham: Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. pro bofcis in Old Buckenham: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. pro * This foundation feems to have been about 1146 or 1147. in < Ten was the full number, as Mr. Blomfield. the beginning of bifhop William Turbe’s time. m Sir Thomas Knevet, as Mr. Blomfield. The Knevets were ^ “ St. Mary, St. James, and all the Saints,” as Mr. Blom- certainly patrons of this houfe, as Leland. Colledt, vol. i. p. *i> field. ten. xi. Norfolk. ten. in Tybenliam [Norf.] et C rat field [Stiff.] Rec. in fcacc. 44 Ed. 3- Mich. rot. 19. p^t. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 5. pro c. acris fubbofei in Old Buckenham : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 23. pro terris et libera falda Ibid, ex conceff. Joan. Moiljitncy : Efcaet. Norf. 14 Ric. 2. n. 114. xii. Burnham Norton. White Friers. About the year 1241 n. here was a houfe of White or Carmelite friers founded by Sir Ralf de Hemenhale and Sir William de Calthorp knts°. It was valued at 2/. 5 s. 4 d. pir nnn. Speed, ll. 10 s. 8 d. ob. Dugd. and granted, 33 Hen. 8. to William lord Cobham. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 735* °f the fotin- a Walt. Calthorp : Pat. 26 Ed. 1 . m. 6 vel 7. dation of this priory. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro manfo elargando. Efcaet. Norf. 25 Ed. 1. n. 86. de conceff. priori de Br. XIII. CARBROKE. Knights Hospitalars. Maud countefs of Clare having given the churches of St. Peter and St. John Baptift here to the Knights of St. John of Jerulalem, temp. Hen. 2 p. fome filters of their order were placed in an hofpital near the lefier church, but afterward they were removed to Buckland, and a preceptory of a mailer and feveral brethren continued here till the difTolution, when the eftate belonging to it was valued at 65/. 2 s. nd. per ann. as Dugd. Speed; and 69/. 4 s. yd. mf. Val. It was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Grelham and Sir Richard Southwell. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 508. 546. 550. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 605. of the foundation and revenues of this preceptory: p. 43. of rents in Brifingham : p. 575. of lands in Ovington : p. 599. 604. of the impropriate reifories of Great and Little Carbroke, and the advowfon of the vicarage : vol. ii. p. 583. 810. of pofleffions in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 20. of rents in Hetherfet, p. 613. in Ingworth : p. 6x7. of a manor in Olton : vol. iv. p. 684. of lands in Sandringham : p. 902. of tithes in Blakeney, p. 957. in Sharington: p. 985. of poffeffions in Colkirk : p. Z132. of tithes in Hardley, p. 1456. in Worftede. XIV. CASTLEACRE, or Eftacre’. Cluniac Priory. William Warren firft r earl of Surrey, in or before the year 1085 s. began to found near his caftle here a priory for monks of the Cluniac order, who were fubordinate to the houfe of Lewes in Sufiex. This was dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary'; valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 30 61. nr. 4 d. ob. q“. as Dugdale, and 324/. lys. sd. ob. a. as Speed; and granted, 29 Hen 8* to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 574, 575. de renuncia- tione maner. de Wella, et eccl. de Geyton monachis Cadomenfibus, et penfione inde prioratui de Caftle- acre : P. 615. cartam Willelmi primi comitis War¬ ren, de fundatione monafterii de Lewes, in qua de Acra: P. 618. pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. de indige- natione : P. 624, &c. cartam Willelmi com. primi, de donatione ecclefiarum de Acra, Methelwold, Ro- ings, Wickmere, &c. Cartas quatuor Willelmi com. fecundi : P. 627. cartas Rogeri filii Wimeri dapiferi de eccl. de Kemfton, Dunham, Eft Lexham, See. Ejufd. de crofto in Kemefton ; Alani filii Flaaldi, de terris in Kemeftone, Sparle, et Newton ; Rogeri da¬ piferi de molendino in Lecheiham ; Drogonis filii Willelmi dapiferi, de ecclefiis, terris, et decimis in Eft Lexham, Dunham, Wefenham, Congham, &c. P. 628. cartas Rogeri filii Willelmi dapiferi de Weft Milne in Lechefham, Sic. Ofmundi de Stutevile, confirm, donationes in honore de Greffenhale: Yfa- bellae uxoris Berengeri de Crefli, de ten. in Wefen¬ ham; Roberti de Vallibus, pro Middel Milne in Pen- teney, &c. Willelmi de Vaux, pro eifdem : P. 629. cartas Nicholas de Haia, confirm, donationes prre- decefforum ; Brienni filii Scollandi, pro eccl. de Mel- fombi, et decimis in Bedale, &c. [Ebor.] Conftantiae filise ejufd. Brienni, et uxoris Radulphi filii Roberti de Gofeberchurche, pro redditu in Bicra; et Ranulfi filii Roberti de Gofeberchurche, pro eodem : P. 630. cartas Hereberti et Ebrardi epifeoporum, de eccl. in dioc. Norvic. religiofis iftius prioratus donatis: Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 19. quod prioratus non eft alienigena: P. 632. compofitionem inter monachos de Acra, et domum de Mendham [Suff.] P. 633. duas compo- fitiones inter domus de Acra et Bromholm: P. 638. pro eccl. de Melewode approprianda. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 490. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. i. p. 292. of tithes in Lerling: p. 323. of lands and tithes in Rockland : p, 474* ef tithes in Santon: p. 501. of lands in Feltwell : p. 505. of tithes in Feltwell St. Mary: p. 511. of the impro¬ priate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Meth- wold: p. 513. of tithes in Northwold : p. 515. of other poffeffions there : p. 521. of lands and tithes in Cranwich : p. 525. of a rent in Coulfton: p. 530. of lands in Ickburgh : p. 543. of tithes in Stanford, p. 555. in Santon, Feltwell and Northwold, p. 571. in Grifton: p. 617. of lands in Affiill : p. 620. of the advowfon of the rectory of Threxton fometime : p. 625. of tithes in Thompfon : p. 694. of lands in " MS. Joan. Balei 4to. in bibl. Bodl. ex dono DD. Hans Sloan. 0 Speed, who calls one of them Hampnall: but Hemenhale was the right name, to which family belonged a manor and the patronage of one moiety of the church of this town. p Although Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 546. makes this donation to be 5 Ric. 1. yet it mult be placed earlier becaufe of the men- tion made of the fillers here about A. 1). 1180. Ibid. p. 550. a. b. s Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 337. b. ' Not William de Warren the fecond, as in Leland, (Colleft. TOl. 1. p. 138.) and Weaver. 9 Mat th.Wefl min iter, and the Norwich Annals, place the emulation in A. V. 1090. whereas the Monalticon, vol. i. p. 616. hath the grant of the church of Acre, and lands here to the priory of Lewes before the death of Gundreda the founder’s lady, which was in A. D. 1085. as Baron, vol. i. p. 74. And hkewife an account of monks being in the chapel of the caftle here before the death of William de Warren the firft, which happened A. D. 1089. So that the year 1090. mult refer either to the entire finifhing the buildings, or the founding of their new church by earl Warren the fecond, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 624. ' ~St- Peter and St‘ PauU” Hift- Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 4Qo. “ The clear fum is only 396 /. in. 4 J ob. q. in Stevens, vol. 1. p. 29. and mf. Valor, Yy y y Wiclewood ; XIV. NOR Yviclewood: p. 705. of tithes in Motley: vol. ii. p. 822. of pofleffions in Norwich : vol. iii. p. 86. of tithes in Bunwell, p. 187. in Tibbenham, p. 213. in Earlham : p. .364. of the impropriate re£tory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage of Newton : p. 378. of tithes in Fouldon : p. 394. of lands in Ne£ton : p 412. of tithes and lands in Southacre : p. 419. of the lazar- houfe there: p. 455. of lands in Eaft Bradenham : p. 461. of a turbary and meadow in Narburgh : p. 502. of lands and tithes in Swaffham, p. 524. in Narford: p.561. of tithes in Marlham : p. 671. of pofleffions in Wolterton, p. 674. in Wickmere: p. 724. of a manor in Barmere- p. 729. of tithes in Burnham Depedale : p. 731. of lands and tithes in Burnham Thorp: p. 742. of tithes in Burnham Sut¬ ton, p. 747. in Burnham Weftgate : p. 749. of the manor of Bagthorpe, a portion of tithes there, and the advowfon of the redfory: p. 753. of the manor,^ impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage ot Weft Bariham : p. 757. of pofleffions in North Bar¬ iham and tithes there : p. 759. of lands in Eaft Bar¬ iham, the impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 779. of a manor in South Creak, the impropriate redtofy and the advowfon of the vicarage: p. 784. of the advowfon of the redfory of Fulmodefton cum Croxton, and a penflon of xiii. marks out of the fame: p. 831. of lands in Rainham St. Margaret : p. 835. of pofleffions in Eaft Rudham : p. 836. of a manor and tithes in Weft Rudham: p. 845* °f poflef- fions in Ryburgh parva: p. 853* °f lands and tithes in Sediftern1: p. 856. of pofleffions in Snoring parva: p. 858. of a wood and tithes in Staberd : p. 862. of lands in Tatterfete, and of the advowfon of the redto- ries of Taterfete All Saints and Taterfete St. An¬ drew, and of tithes there: p. 870. of tithes in Water- den : vol. iv. p. 13. of the advowfon of the redfory of Burlingham St. Peter: p. 97- of lands and a mill in Fincham : p. 109. of the advowfoh of the redfory of Fincham St. Martin, and a portion of tithes in the fame: p. 114, of pofleffions in Fordham: p. 116. of rents of eels in Hilgey : p. 122. of tithes in Marham, p. 149. in Shouldham, p. 163. in Shingham: p. 186. of lands in Upwell, p. 198. in Watlington : p. 219. of lands and tithes in Wireham : p. 227. of tithes in Wimbotfham : p. 301. of pofleffions in Berningham Winter: p. 320. of tithes in Greiham : p. 330, a mill in Mundefley: p. 334. of pofleffions in Plum- ftead, p. 340. in South Repps : p. 357. of a portion of tithes, and the advowfon of the rectory of Trunch : p. 366. of tithes in Billingford, p. 373. in Elfmg : p. 403. of pofleffions in Kerdefton : p. 427. of tithes in Themilthorpe : p. 440. of a rent in Whitwell : p. 454- of tithes in Wood Norton: p. 47^- rents in Bawfey: p. 489. of the impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Caftleacre : p. 501. of lands and tithes in Clenchwarton, p. 508. in Cong- ham: p. 528. of tithes in Flitcham : p.533. of pof- feffions in Gaywode : p. 535. of lands in Minding : p. 540. of tithes and lands in Geyton : p. 553. in Grimfton : p. 559. of lands in Harpley : p. 565. of lands and tithes in Hillington : p. 586. of a hoga [or hill] in Lynn: p. 619. of lands in Weft Lynn: p. 628. of tithes in South Lynn : p. 632. of a manor and tithes in Maffingham magna : p. 644. of poflef¬ fions in Maffingham parva: p. 701. of tithes in I y- rington: p. 733. of a marih in Weft Walton : p.741. of lands in Eaft Walton : p. 748. of tithes in Weft Winch: p. 753. of pofleffions in Weftacre : p.756. of the manor, impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wigenhale St. Mary Magdalen, p. 785. of tithes in Wighton, p. 794. in Dalling, p. 812. in Holkham, p. 902. in Blakeney: p. 906. of lands in Bodham : p. 912. of tithes in Cley : p. 927’ of a mill and tithes in Holt: p. 969- tithes in Wiveton: p.977. of pofleffions in Beefton: p.981. in Brifley: p. 993. of tithes in Dunham magna, and the advowfon of the redfory: p. 1001. of lands and tithes in Franlham magna, p. 1008. in Gately, p. 1019. in Greflenhale, p. 1021. in Horningtoft: p. 1023. of the manor, impropriate redfory and advowfon ot the folk. vicarage of Kempfton : p. 1027. of tithes in We([ Lexham : p. 1030. of the advowfon of the redfory 0f Eaft Lexham: p. 1033. of lands and tithes inLitcham p. 1051. in Rougham : p. 1060. of tithes in Seam¬ ing: p. 1060. of a manor and tithes in Dillington • p. 1062. of lands in Hoo : p. 1069. of a mill and lands in Worthing: p. 1076. of tithes in Titlefhale - p. 1080. ofamanorand tithes in Weferiham : p. ioqo of tithes in Wiffingfet: p. 1092. of a manor in Wend- ling: p. 1095. of lands and tithes in Kirtlintr • p. 1126. of lands in Helgheton, p. 1211. in Reymer] fton: pi 1214. of tithes in Shipdam: p. 1229. ofp0f_ feffions in North Tudenham : p. 1258. of lands in Frenge: p. 1263. of pofleffions in Hitcham: p. ij0g. of tithes in Docking: p. 1315. of pofleffions in Snet- teftiam, p. 1321. in Stanhow: p. 1383. of tithes m Tavtrham: p. 1452. of rents in Witton : p. 156^ of the advowfon of the redfory of Heringby fome. time. Year Books, 33 Hen. 6. Mich. 12. de annua penfione xxvir. vni d. folvend. per priorem et conv. de Butly ex eccl. de Afpal [Suff.] Ibid. 36 Hen. 6. . , 8. de eadem. Matthrei Weftmonaft. Hiftoriam, in anno 1090. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuite vers corps politique , § De penfione quinque marcarum ex eccl. de Geyton. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 815, 816. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 27. 59. de prcecipuis be- nefadtoribus hujus prioratus, et donationibus ab ipfs fadtis : vol. iii. p. 29. codd. mfli olim in bibliotheca. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, v.ol. ii. p. 31. of a porticn of tythes in Little Bradfield, Efiex : p. 506. of tl e advowfon of the church of Leaden Roding, and a penflon out of the fame. Regiftrum prioratus S. Mari* de Caftleacre, in bibl. Deuvefiana, A. D. 1644. [ex hoc codice mf. carta: in Mon. Angl. edit*, tranfumptae funt] modo in cl. bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2110. In eadem bibl. mf. 970. f. 49. 83. mf. 1967. f. 27. mf. 2044. f. 144. mf. 6079. f. 92. excerpta ex car- tulariis hujus prioratus : mf. 970. f. 94. nomina pri- orum :. mf. 980. p. 266. of the redfory of Eaft Bar¬ iham. Cartularium hujus prioratus penes rememoratorem regis in fcaccario, A. D. 1638. Excerpta ex eodem in mf. Dodfworth. vol. cx. f. 29. vol. exxx. f. 155. necnon inter codices Stillingfleet. Cartularium de Caftleacre penes cl. Rogerum Dodf¬ worth. Colledl. in bibl. Bodl. vol. Ixvii. f. 208. Vide etiam quamplurima e cartulariis hujus prioratus deferipta, in ejufd. cl. V. colledt. vol. xxx. f. 108. no. vol. xcvii. f. 72. 87. vol. cii. f. 122. vol. exxx. f. 155. Regiftrum penes dom. Thomam Widdrington. Rentale ccenobii de Caftleacre, penes virum amicifli- mum, et de hiftoria et antiquitatibus Norfolcienfibus optime meritum, Petrum Le Neve arm. regem ar- morum, titulo Norroy, 4to pergam. Nomina priorum, et colledtanea ex regiftro de Caftle¬ acre, m(T. penes rev. V. Cox Macro S. T. P. Rot. fin. Norf. 7 Ric. 1. n. 5. de XL. acris terras in Feltwell: Ibid. 8 Ric. 1. n. 44. pro eccl. de Hailef- dunc et Heringby. Clauf. 6 Joan. m. 1. Fin. Norf. 7 Joan. lig. 3. n. 50. pro eccl. de South Creik. Fin. Norf. 4 Hen. 3. n. 100. pro advoc. eccl. de Ful- merfton: Fin. Norf. ig Hen. 3. n. 70. de terris Jn Franlham: Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3. n. 27 et 63. Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 4. pro eccl. de Eaft Lexham: Ibid. n. 123. de ten. in Wiggenhall: Fin. Norf. 44 Hen. 3. n. 12. de reddit. in Geyton: Fin. Norf. 53 Hen. 3. n. 132. pro terris in Caftleacre. Plac. coram rege, 8 et 9 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 8. deeccl. de South Creyk; Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. Coron, rot. 46. dorfo, de Weftmilne brigge in Weft Bariham et North Bariham reparando per priorem de Caftleacre: Ibid, affif. rot. 15. deeccl. de South Creik: Rot. 17. de terris in Dunham: Rot. 37. dorfo, de eccl. de Weft Bariham: Efcaet. Norf. 18 Ed. i. n. iii. de terris in Weft Rudham- Plac, XIV. NORFOLK. Plac. fie banco, 18 Ed. i. Mich. Norf. 24.5. pro commun. in mora de Dunham : Plac. affif. in com. Norf. 29 Ed. 1. rot. 52. pro mcff. et terris in Cong- ham: Ibid. rot. 81. de commun. paftur. in Bere- mere: Efcaet. Norf. 30 Ed. 1. n. 83. Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. • Pat. 31 !• m- 1 Plac. coram rege, 35 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 62. de eccl. de South Creik. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. pro eccl. de Threxton, cum peniione concedenda epifcdpo Norvic. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. in. 8. pro eccl. de South Creik ap- proprianda: Pet. pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 4 vel 14. pro eccl. de Sutton in Holand concedenda per coniitem Lin¬ coln. Pat. 44 Ed. 3; p. 1. m. 10. pro ten. ibid, ct in Wigenhall et Wendling. Efcaet. Suff. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. inquif. pro eccl. de Haverill; Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 1. pro eccl. de Haverill et Eaft Bariham appropriandis. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. j. m. 8. de eccl. de South Creik: Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 27. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. i. m. 10. pro ten. ibid, et in Wig- genhale, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 76. XV. C A S T R E, by Yarmouth. College. There had been an ancient free chapel in the manor hotife here dedicated to Sr; John Baptift, as early as the reign of K. Edward 1 w. wherein Sir John Falftoff (who died 38 Hen. 6.) intended to have erefted a college for leven monks or Secular priefts, (one of whom to be head) and feven poor men x ; and to endow the fame with one hundred and twenty marks rent charge, out of feveral manors, which he gave or fold to his coufin John Pafton fen. efquire, charged with this charity. This Mr. Pafton fenior laboured to eftablith this pious foundation according to Sir John Falftoff’s defign till his death 6 Ed. 4. as did afterwards his fon and heir Sir John Pafton knt. But whether ever it was incorporated and fully fettled I much doubt, there being no further mention of it either in the rolls or in the bilhop of Norwich’s regiftry ; only in the valuation, 26 Hen. 8. there is faid to have been a chantry in Caftre hall, of the foundation of Sir John Fal¬ ftoff knt. worth 2 /. 1 3 s. 4 d. per ann. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1557. defuper, &c. Inter cartas autoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. petitioned! Rot. efcaet. Norf. 6 Ed. 4. port mortem Joannis Pafton, Joannis Pafton regi Edwardo4. pro collegio fundando de quodam collegio monachorUm five feptem fecula- juxta teftamentum Joannis Falftoff, et inquifitionem rium prefbyterorum fundando in maner. de Caftre. XVI. C H O S E L L, near Ringftead. -Lazars. This manor was given by Walter Giffard, the earl of that namer, to the brethren of St. Lazarus1, who had a mafter or preceptor3 of that order here to look after this eftate, and fome others at Brifton, Little Ryburgh, Bryningham, &c. valued in the Lincoln taxation, temp. Ed. i. at 13/. i8r. 2 d. per ann. This was afterwards" annexed to Burton lazars in Leicefterlhire, and, as parcel of the poffefiions of that great hofpital, was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Dudley vifcount Lifle. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 907. of pofTef- Hunwdrth, p. 960. in Stody : p. 1293. of the manor fions in Burgh parva, p. 909. in Bruningham, p. 910. of Chofell. in Burfton and tithes there: p. 931. of poffeffions in XVII. COKESFORD. 1. Austin Canons. In the church of St. Mary at Eaft Rudham William Cheny (De Quer- ceto or Kayneto) founded a priory of Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin early in K. Ste¬ phen’s' reign, which was, about the beginning of the time of K. Henry 3. removed to the extre¬ mity of the parifh eaftward to a place called Cokesford, which was alfo dedicated to the bleffed Virgin: and here a prior and about nine Black canons continued till the diffolution, when their income was valued at 121/. i8r. 10 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 153 /. 7 s. id. Speed J. The fite was granted?- 29 Hen. 8. to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 234. cartam Joannis de Querceto, de donationibus quibufdam : P. 235. cart, antiq. 1. 1, n. 18. fcil. Hervei Belet de maner. de Rudham. In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 144. the names of fome priors. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 832. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors : vol. i. p. 368. of a manor in Kilverftone : vol. ii. p. 838. of the impropriate church of St. Mary w Regiftr. Norvic. * The mafter was to have 10/. per ann. every prieft ten marks, every poor man 40 s. and the fourth part of the great manfion here for their habitation, r Hiftory of Norfolk. 1 “ Fratres S. Lazari de Code,” are mentioned in the taxa¬ tion of Walter bilhop of Norwich, A. D. 1256. . a “Ricardus preceptor deChofel, A. D. 1378.” Lib. teftam. in regiftro Norvic. Heydon. 155. " “ Spiritualia hofpitalis S. Lazari, quondam bona magiftri Coflany in Norwich: p. 559. 586. 646. 814. 830. of other poffeffions there : vol. iii. p. 399. of lands in Nedton: p. 533. of poffeffions in Heydon: p. 566. of the rectory of Hautbois fometime impropriate : p. 61 1. of poffeffions in Corpefty, p. 617. in Olton : p. 723. of a manor in Barmere and the impropriate church : p. 727. of the impropriate rectory of Brunf- thorp and of lands there : p. 747. of a mediety of the rectory of Burnham Weftgate : p. 757. of poffeffions in North Bariham, p. 766. in Eaft Bariham, p. 780. “ de Choilee.” Tax. bon. relig. in com. Norf. A. D. 1418. mf. penes Jo. Anftis arm. c Not “A. D. 114.3- by John Cheney, as Weaver, p. 866. more likely to be A. D. 1143. or before: For, in the regifter is a grant of bilhop Ebrard’s fans date, and a bull of pope Lu¬ cius 2. dated A. D. 1144. d In A. D. 1428. their temporalties were valued at 143/. igj. 4 d. their fpiritualties at 78/. 13,1. nd in all 122!. 12s. %d; Hift. of Norfolk: 111 XVII. NORFOLK. in South Creak : p. 801. of the impropriate reftory of Houghton and of lands there : p. 835' of the im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Eaft Rudham : p. 838. of lands in Weft Rudham, and of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 853. of pofteffions in Sediftern : p. 859. of lands in Tatterford: p. 860. of a manor in Taterfete: vol. iv. p. 1 14. of pofteffions in Fordham, p. 122. in Marham : p. 341. of a filhery, &c. in Roughton : p. 344. of pofteffions in Runton: p. 353. of the ma¬ nor, impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Thorp-market : p. 377. of lands in Folfham: p. 424. of pofteffions in Salle, p. 455. in Wood Nor¬ ton, p. 460. in Wood Dalling : p. 476. of rents in Bawfey: p. 509. of lands in Congham : p. 541. in Geyton: p. 549. of a manor in Grimfton : p. 559. of pofteffions in Harpley: p. 565. of lands in Hil- lington : p. 1010. of pofteffions in Oxwick, p. 1051. inRougham: p. 1 074. of lands in Titlefhale : p. 1225. of pofteffions in Eaft Tudenham: p. 1260. of lands in Frenge: p. 1393. of a mediety of the reftory of Bradfield. Lelandi Colleft, vol. i. p. 59. Regiftra duo, cartas originates, computos, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpeftantia, penes praenobilem Carolum vicecom. Townfhend apud Rainham hall. Collectanea ex regiftris hujus monafterii, mf. inter col- left. cl. Dugd. in bibl. Afhmol. Oxon. vol. xxxix. f. 101. et in colleft. autoris notat. T. T. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. f. 394 ad f. 418. et f. 689, &c. MS. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 4. cart. 13 Ed. 1. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2296. f. 126. 133. particulars relating to lands formerly belonging to this priori- Plac. apud Weftm. 7 Ric. 1. rot. 7. de ftagno mtJi„ dini de Thorp : Fin. Norf. 10 Ric. r. n. 84, jc n n’ rilco in Brunfthorp : Ibid. n. 198. de terris in R™? ham. ud' Plac. apud Weftm. 2 Joan. Mich. rot. 13. pro eccl d Hautbois. ' Fin. Norf. 7 Hen. 3. n. 147. de ten. in Kilvardefton- Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 7. n. 61. Clauf. n Hen. m. 12. pro feria apud Rudham in fefto Tranflat S Thomre Martyris: Fin. Norf. 17 Hen. 3. n. ao n ' maner. de Weft Rudham: Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m j Fin. Norf. 34 Hen. 3. n. 151. pro quarta parte? feod. mil. in Kilverdefton: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m IQ‘ pro feria in Rudham : Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3, de ten. in Folfham: Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. de mercat. in Penfthorp ad nocum. mercat nrinri in Eaft Rudham. ' F Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 17. dorfo, pro ten. in Eaft Rudham- Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 70. Efcaet. Norf. 17 Ed. 1. n- . ' de terris in Tittlefhall. "• 33- "•.33- Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 29. de feparali pifgaria apud Thorp-market et Rughton : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2 m. 22. pro meft. et terris in Grimfton, Sic. conceff per Matild. de Thoney. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Efcaet. Norf. 9 Ed. ?. n. . de maner. de Weft Wretham Thorp, ex dono Thoms de Nethergate : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de eodem manerio. Fin. div. com. 19 Ric. 2. n. no. Clauf. 11 Hen. 6. m. 29, de advoc. prioratus. 2. Hospital. On the weft part of Boytefdefwade, near this place, Hervey Belet, in the be- ginning of king John’s reign, founded an hofpital for a warden, being a prieft, and thirteen poor people, dedicated to St. Andrew, which he put under the government of the prior and convent of Cokesford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. li. p. 235. cartam Hervei Ordinationem hujus hofpitalis, et cartas de donationibus Belet de maner. de Rudham conceffo ad fuftentatio- in cartuiario prioratus de Cokesford penes prahono- nem hujus hofpitalis. rabilem Carolum vicecomitem Townfhend. XVIII. CRABHOUSE, or Wigenhale. Austin Nuns. In an old hermitage' dedicated to St. John the Evangelift, on the fouth part of the parilh of Wigenhale St. Mary Magdalene, was a nunnery of St. Auftin, founded with the confent of William de Lifewis chief lord of the foil, by Roger prior, and the convent of Reynham about A. D. 1 1 81 f. It was by Godfrey fon of William de Lifewis given and made fubordinate to Caftleacre ; there were in it a priorefs and fix or feven nuns, but their revenues were returned 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 24/. 19 s. 6d. per ann. as Dugdale, and 31/. 16s. yd. as Speed. This houfe was granted, 1 Maria, to Sir John Gage. mea mflf. paroch. dicec. Norvic. p. 1674. Codicem mf. caenobioli de Crabhoufe citat. non femel dom. Hen. Spelman in Gloftario, p. 33. 457. 474. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 25. pro eccl. de Wigenhale ap- proprianda: Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. fat- 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 48. pro xxxviii. acris in N. Clenchwarton ex dono Joannis perfome S. Edmundi de Caftre. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro meft. et terris in Thorpland, Tilney, &c. ex conceft. Nic. Beaupre et aliorum: Efcaet. Norf. 15 Ric. 2. n. 95. pro pifcaria in Wigenhale. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 42. pro terris in Wigenhale. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 1, m. 25. licent. perquirend. x/- per. ann. “ hale quod Joannes Heremita tenuit.” ‘ Regiftr. Caftleacre, f, MS- b. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 637. ex regiftro de Caftle¬ acre, cartas Rogeri prioris et canonicorum de Reyn¬ ham, Lenae moniali ; Willelmi de Lifewis et Matil- dis uxoris ejus confirm, donationes ; Reginald! fil. Hamonis, de terris in Thorpelond. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 760. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priorefles: p. 145. of lands in Thorpland, Wigenhale and Tilney: p. 186. of pofteffions in Upwell: p. 500. of lands in Clenchwarton : p. 768. of a mediety of the impropriate reftory of Wigenhall St. Peter. Compofitionem inter priorem et canonicos de Reinham \ et priorem et conv. de Caftleacre, de capella monia- Iium in Wigenhale faftam per Joannem primum epifc. et Thomain archidiac. Norwic. inter colleft. e William de Lifewis in his charter Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 637. calls this “ Heremum.” But p. 638. it is called “ Heremito- rium de Wigehale,” and p. 636. « Heremitorium de Wige* XIX. CREYK. XIX. NORFOLK. XIX. C R E Y K. Austin Canons. On a clofe of forty acres near North Creyk, called Lingeres croft, was, 'n 1206. a church built to the honor of the Virgin Mary by Sir Robert de Ncrford chief go- A' in'r of Dover caftle, who forne time after founded here alio a chapel dedicated to St. Bartholo- VCZ with an hofpital for a mailer, four chaplains, and thirteen poor lay brethren, which being f rher endowed by dame Alice Nerford, widow to the faid Robert, and daughter to John I ou- fah„rd it Was changed into a priory of Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin about A. D. 1226. The Patronage of this houie being granted by the faid lady to K. Henry 3 «. he, anno regn^ 15. Vic ain abbey, and it was ufually ltiled “ Abbatia S. Marias de Pratis inter Creyk et Burnham " Thorp ” About the twenty-fecond year of K. Henry 7h. this monaflery was looked upon as rUflblved becaufe the abbat died without a convent to eleft another, whereupon the lands and revenues by the procurement of that king’s mother the lady Margaret countefs of Richmond, were fettled upon Chrift’s college in Cambridge, being of her foundation. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 327. fundationis hifto- riam : P. 328. cartam Alicia: de Nerford, de funda- tione et ordinatione hofpitalis de Lingerefcrolt : P. 320. cartam -cjufdcm Alicia: de tota terra luaj in Creke et Burnham conceff. canonicis: Cart. 13 Ed. 1. 22. per Infpex. recit. cartam 15 Hen. 3. per quam conceffit vurias libertates abbatia: : Cartam Radulphi de Gatele mil. pro terris in Gatele, et advoc. eccl. S. Elenx ibidem. f , In Blomfie'd’s Norfolk, vob.iii. p. 774- tof the founda¬ tion and revenues of this abbey, and names ot the abbats: vol. ii. p. 646. 719- 724- 739- of poffeffions in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 48. of poffeffions in r Jordon, p. 70. of a mediety of the rectory of Wrenningham fometime impropriate: p. 114. of the impropriate church of Hapton: p. 205- of poffeffions in 7 hariton: p. 730. of lands in Burnham Thorp : p. 757. ot pol- feffions in Nortli Barlham : p. 778. of a manor in South Creak : p. 845. of poffeffions in Ryburgh parva : vol. iv. p. 376. of lands in Folfham: p. 469. of poffeffions in Anmere: p. 559- in Harpley : p. 644. of lands in Maffingham parva, p. 804. in Holkam : p, 81C. of the manor, impropriate re£tory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage of Quarles: p. 1003. of poffel- fions in Franlham magna: p. 1009. of lands in Gate- ly, and of the impropriate reaory and advowlon ot the Vicarage : p. 1290. of the advowfon of the rettory of Ringltead St. Andrew: p. 1308. of in Docking: vol. ii. p.791. in notes, of Sir William Calthorp’s gift of lxxiv l. vis. to make and adorn the choir and prefoitery of this abbey, and the chapel there, where his anceftors lie buried. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 144- of the townihip of Ilfton. , , In Bridges’ Northamptonftiire, vol. 1. p. 300. ot x/. f yearly out of the manor of Rotherfthorp. Regiftrum hujus coenobii penes Hen. Dereham de Weft Dereham arm. A. D. 1632. . Colleftanea ex libro hujus abbatix penes Tho. Dering mil. mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. exxx. f. 3. Partem regiftri hujus abbatix, foil, de terris in Gatele et Ryburgh, penes R. P. D D. joannem epifeopum Norwic. A. D. 1698. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 148- colleflanea ex libro irrotulario cartarum hujus abbatiae penes Hen. Der- ham: mf. 433. f. 153. gift of xlvi /. xmr. iv d. towards the re-edifying the abhey lately by misfor¬ tune burnt down, 1 Ric. 3. mf. 7036. p. 23J. dona- tionem abbatix de Creyk collegio Chrifti Cant. Tranfcripta e regiftro quodam hujus coenobii in volu- mine collcclaneorum meorum notato T. T. a p. 498 ad p. 527. Regiftra, cartas, rotulos curiarum, &c. ad hanc abba- tiam fpedlantia in archlvis coll. Chrifti Cantabr. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 15 et 22. pro feria apud hofpitale S. Marix de LLngerfcroft, in vigilia et die Annun- ciationis B. Marix conceffa Alicix qux fuit uxor Roberti de Nerford: Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 10. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 14. n. 119. pro quatuor feriis apud Lingerfcroft conceffis fratribus ibidem, foil, in feftis Annunciationis, Tranfiationis S. Thomx Mart. S. Bar.tholomxi, et S. Nicholai : Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart 15 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. Norf. 31 Hen. 3. n. 6. de ten. in Holkham : Ibid. n. 13. pro eccl. de Quarles : Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro meff. et terris in Suth Creyk. Plac. de banco, 2 Ed. 1. Pafch. Norf. 6. pro eccl. de Hapeton: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 35. d. pro ten. in Ilme- fton: Plac. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. Coron. rot. 47. pro iv. feriis in anno apud Creyk, foil, in feftis An¬ nunciationis B. Marix, Tranfiationis B. Thomx, S. Bartholomei, et S. Michaelis : Quo war. rot. 5. pro eccl. de Gatele : Ibid. rot. 10. de x. fol. in South Creik. Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 25. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 3. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. m. . Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 97. pro reddit. decern marcarum in Recherefthorp : Efcaet. Norf. 4 Ed. 3. n. . de meff. et xi. acris in North Creyk, ex dono Jacobi le Porter: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Plac. apud Weftm. 9 Ed. 3. Trin. Norf. 22. de corrodio non concedendo: Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33. pro ten. in Ring- ftede Magna: Rec. in fcacc. 44 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 9. pardon, pro perquifitione terrx line licentia. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 2. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 15 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 42 et 46. de con- ceffione hujus abbatix per R. Hen. 7. cum omnibus pertinentiis collegio Chrifti Cantabrigix. XX. EAST DEREHAM. Monastery destroyed. St. Withburga, the youngeft daughter of king Anna, having founded a nunnery here*, was buried in the churchyard A. D. 743. but removed into the church fifty- five years after, and from thence, in the year 974. tranfiated to her fillers at Ely; the mona- ilery here beino deftroyed by the Danes. But the memory of this virgin faint was preferved here in a cha.pel-gild-lfoht, and more particularly by a famous well, which, as it is faid, fprung up in v lien. Knighton (inter Decern^ Script, col. 2384.) afcribes the fe undation of this Religious houie at Creke to K. Henry 1. !l Out of the copy of a bill in chancery exhibited on the part of bifliop Nix againft Chrift’s college, ml. in archivis eccl. cath. Nuvvic. i The time of this foundation is not mentioned, but in all probability was not before her elder filter Ethelred had built Ely A. D. 673. though it is faid (Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 594.) that upon the hearing of her father’s death (which was in 654.) St. Withburgh turned nun. Z z z z the XX. NORFOLK the churchyard in the place where (he was firft buried, all dedicated to St. Withburo-h thn this laft is now corruptly called St. Winifred’s Well. ° Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 176. ex Leland. Collect. J. Capgravii legendam, in vita S. Withburgs f vol. ii. p. 166.. Ibid tom. ii. p. 853. ex mf. hiftoria 316. ’ ' 3l5» eccl. Elienfis, in bibl. Cotton. Titus, A. 1. de tran- Lelandi Collect:, vol. i. p, 594. flatione corporis S. Wythburgx dc Dereham ufque Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1191, ad Ely per Brithnodum abbatem. Reyner, I. 37. XXI. WEST DEREHAM. Premonstratensian Abbey. Hubert, A. D. 1 188 k. then dean of York, afterward bi(h of Salifbury, and at lad archbilhop of Canterbury, built at this the place of his nativity an abh P for Premonftratenfian canons from Welbeck to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. It was 1 ed, 26 Hen. 8. at 228 l. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 252 /. 121. 11 d. ob. Speed ; and the fite was m-JnA to Thomas Dereham 31 Hen. 8. S ted Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 624. cartam fundationis: Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 10. n. 65 vel 156. confirm, donationes. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 854, 855. where alfo is the charter of foundation. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 73. where of a knight’s fee in Walton, 8 Ric. r. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 32. 58. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 394. de dimidia hida in Iclinton tent, de honore Boloniae. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 496. names of fome of the abbats from Mr. Willis. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 87. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey, and names of the abbats : vol. i. p. 617. of pofleffions in Afhill : vol. iii. p. 387. of Langwade manor in Cley: p. 401. of pofleffions . in Caldecote : p. 484. of lands in Oxburgh, and the advowfon of the reftory : vol. iv. p. 47. of a manor and the chapel of St. John in Barton: p. 59. of poflef¬ fions in Bechamwell, p. 67. in Buckton: p. 75. of lands in Crimplefham : p. 8 r. of the lordlhip of Weft Dereham: p. 96. of pofleffions in Downham, p. 104. in Fincham, p. 114. in Fordham: p. 116. of a cot¬ tage and filhery in Hilgey : p. 134. oflands in Rifton: p. r35- of a mefluage and lands in Roxham : p. 163. of pofleffions in Shingham : p. 1 76. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stradfet: p. 184. of a manor in Upwell : p. 199. of a lordlhip in Wellington : p. 221. of the impropriate church of Wretton: p. 409. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Ringland, and of lands there: p. 427. of pof- feffions in Themilthorpe : p. 436. of lands in Wefton : p. 502. of pofleffions in Clenchwarton : p. 546. of an impropriated mediety of the rectory of Geyton Thorp : p. 565. of a manor in Hillington: p. 573. of poflef¬ fions in Iflington, p. 62T. in Weft Lynn, p. 623. in North Lynn : p. 686. of a manor in Tilney, p. 738. in Eaft Walton: p. 762. of lands in Wigenhall: p. 805. of pofleffions in Holkam : p. 8r2. of the im¬ propriate redlory : p. I05r. of pofleffions in Roug- ham: p. 1098. oflands in A(hby: p. rri5. of poflef¬ fions in Claxton : p. 1116. of lands in Carlton: p. 1275. of tithes in Hunftanton : p. 1425. of vir. vin ® Probably the fame which is in Madox. k MS. Aflimol. 1519. 1 The fame which is printed in the Monaft. m. n. XXI. NORFOLK. m. ,11. pro ftn- in Derham, Wirham, Crimplefham, et Bekcfwell : Pat. 47 Ed. a. p. 2. m. 29. pro me- dietat. maner. de Denver: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 6, proeccl. de Grimfton approprianda : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. pro eccl. de Oxburgh approprianda. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 16. pro tcrris in Holkham et pifcaria in Marchcford. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 6. pro eccl, de Grimfton juxta Geyton. XXII. D o C K r N G. Alien Priory. In the charter of endowment of the college of Eaton is mention of the alien priory of Dokkyng in this county n. If there were ever any foreign monks refidirig here, in all probability they were of the abbey De Ibreio in Normandy, to which the parilh church of this place was appropriated. Vide in Blomfield s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1263. of tithes Southmere, and a portion of tithes there: p. 1330 of jnHitcham: p. 1308. of the impropriate reftory of the fame at Titchwell : belonging to the abbey De Docking: p. 1309. of the advowfon of the reftory of Ibreio. XXIII. NORTH ELMEHA M, or Helmham. BISHOPRICK. The kingdom of the Eaft Angles, which from its firft converfion by Felix had been under one bilhop, was, about the year 673. divided into two diocefes, when one of the epil- copal feats was fixed in this ancient0 town. Here was a conftant fucceflion of ten bilhops till the martyrdom of Humbert by the Danes with K. Edmund A. D. 870. About the year 950. the fee of Dunwich appears to have been united to this of Elmham, whofe jurildidion extended again over that which was formerly the whole kingdom of the Eaft Angles. This biihoprick was tran- flated from hence to Thetford A. D. 1075. and from thence it was quickly removed to Norwich, whofe firft bilhop Herbert rebuilt the parilh church here* and this manor continued part of the polfelTions of the biihoprick of Norwich till 27 Hen. 8. Vide Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 403, &c. porum Relmhamenfium. In Lelandi Collcift. vol. i. p. 322. 349. nomina epifco- XXIV. FEILDALLYNG. Alien Priory. Maud de Harfcolye, temp. Hen. 2. gave a manor here to the abbat and con¬ vent of Savigny in Normandy, whereupon there came over hither fome Ciftertian monks of that houfe, to which this is fometimes mentioned as a cell or priory of itfelf, and fometimes as parcel of Long Benington in Lincolnlhire. Upon the diffolution of alien priories, this was given firft to Epworth, then to the Spitle on the Street [Line.] after that to the Carthufians near Coventry by K. Richard 2. and afterward to the priory of Mountgrace, and, as parcel of this laft mentioned monaftery was granted, 2 and 3 Phil, et Mar. to Martyng Haftyngs and James Borne. Vide Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 966. 1035. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 795. of the founda- Inquif. quo war. 2 Hen. 4. n. . Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. tion of this cell: vol. ii. p. 846. of pofteffions in Nor- m. 7. wich: vol. iv. p. 796. of tithes in Field Dalling: Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 19. p. 953. of lands in Saxlingham. XXV. F L I T C H A M, St. Mary at the Welle p, or Domus S. Mariae ad Fontes de Flitcham’. Austin Cell. A priory or hofpital' of the order of St. Auguftine, fubordinate to Walfino- ham, to which it was given by Darhetta de Flitcham niece to Emma de Bellofago, temp. Ric. 1°, It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, and endowed, at the diffolution with 55/. 5 s. 6d. eb.q.peram. Dugd. 62/. 10 s. 6d.ob. Speed, and granted as parcel of the poffeffions of Wal- fingham monaftery, 30 Hen. 8. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 530. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors : vol. i. p. 330. of a mefluage and lands in J litcham, Attleburgh, Great Ellingham, &c. p. 695. of lands in Wiclewood, p. 705. in Morley: vol. iv. p. 529. of the impropriate church of Flitcham: p. 467. of lands in Appleton, p. 468. in Anmere, p. 565. n Mqn. Angl. voL iii. p. ii. p. 198. b. 0 I his feems to have been a place of note even in the Roman mes, from the many urns due ud here. p Pat. 9 Hen. 6. 9 Regiftr. Norvic. , r Pegiftr* Norvic. vol. viii. p. 130. but in other places upon the books they are called fometimes “ Prior et confratres,” tometimes “ prior et canonici ord. S. Auguft.” but no mention yrunty as in Speed. of poffeflions in Hillington, p. 675. in Rifing, p.684. in Sandringham, p. 745. in Eaft Winch, p. 1220. in Wood-ryfing. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 495. Plac. de banco, 27 Ed. 1. Hill. rot. 77. d. et 28 Ed. r. Pafch. rot. 178. de advoc. hujus prioratus : Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . de excambio cum priore de Weftacre. • Colled. Petri le Neve ex regiftro Walfingham ; but Rob. de Aguylyon, temp. Hen. 3. is laid to be founder, Plac. de banco, 17 Ed. x. Mich. rot. a7. And in a return made into the exchequer, 4 Hen. 5. (regiltr. Norvic. vol. viii. p. IJ0.) this priory is faid to have been founded A. D. 115 1. And An¬ drew de Saukewill recovered the advowfon of this priory againft William de Anemere, as heir to Aguillon, plac. a8 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. 77. ap cited in Hift. of Norfolk, vol. iv. p. Si0. Pat. XXV. NORFOLK. Pat 6 Ed. 2. p. J. m. 14. pro terris in Apelton : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Ibid. p. 2. m. 3. vel 4. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 18 vel 24. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. pro ten. in Hillington, Apel¬ ton, &c. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. pro quarta parte maner. de Flitcham: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro ten. in Anmere pro cantaria facienda. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. rn. 15. pro melT. et terris in ,/U-] ton, Hillington, Depham, Morle, Attleburgh,\viic' wood, &c. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 3, m. 29. pX0 vicarise eccl. paroch. pnoratm. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 7, 8, g. pro (jCc|_ mis exonerandis. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. i. m. 8. pro unione vicaris. XXVI. H A D E S C o E. Templars. Here was a preceptory of Knights Templars, to which K. Henry 3, was a con- fiderable benefa&or. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 238. 292. XXVII. H A R D W I C, or Herdewyk, in the parifi of North Rungton. Hospital. At the dam or bank here was an hofpital for leprous1 perfons dedicated to St. Laurence, the advowfon whereof was in Matthias Herlewin 12 Ed. 3 . XXVIII. H E M P T O N, Fakenhamdam, or Dammefende. Austin Canons. Upon or at the end of the caufey or dam between the towns of Fakenham and Hempton was an ancient hofpital dedicated to St. Stephen, which afterward became a lmall priory of three or four” canons of the order of St. Auftin. Roger de S. Martino - is faid to be the original founder, temp. Hen. 1. The earls of Oxford were afterwards patrons. Its pafleflions were returned to have been worth 32/. 143. ‘id. per atm. Dugd. 39/. or. 9 d. Speed 1, and were granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Sir Will. Fermer. Vtdem Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. notulam quandam de fundatore, ex Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 60. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 792. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory: p. 613. of Hoes manor in Ing worth : p. 617. of a mill and lands in Olton : p. 643. of lands in Erpingham : p. 687. of polleffions in Iteringham, p. 705. in Saxthorp, p. 754- in Weft Barfham : p. 780. of lands in South Creak, p. 788. in Fakenham : p. 792. of the manor of Hemp- ton: p. 793. of the impropriate church of Hempton: p. 795. of polleffions in Helgheton, p. 803. in Ket- tleftone, p. 805. in Norton, p. 830. in Rainham St. Mary: p. 842. of lands in Ryburgh magna: p. 849. of polleffions ip Sculthorp, p. 850. in Shereford, p, 858. in Staberd : p. 866. of the manor of Toftes : p. 869. of lands in Waterden: vol. iv. p. 186. of polleffions in Upwell, p. 384. in Geift, p. 454; in Wood Norton, p.530. in Flitcham, p. 919. in Edge- field, p. 924. in Hemftede, p. 927. in Holt, p. 957. in Sharington, p. 974. in Bittering : p. 975. of lands in Bilney: p. 985. of polleffions in Colkirk, p. 1006. in Franlnam parva, p. 1010. in Oxwick: p. 1040. of lands in Mileham: p. 1089. of pofteffions in Wiffing- fet: p. 1445. of lands in North Wallham, p. 1450. in Weftwick : p. 1454. of a manor in Worftede. Rentale hujus prioratus mf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 2. n. 43. pro feria conceffii die Martis in feptimana Pentecoftes hofpitali S. Stephani juxta calcetum de Fakeham. Fin. Norf. 54 Hen. 3. n. 3. pro terris in Toftes: Ibid, n. 47. plac. de banco, 4 Ed. 1. Mich. Norf. 62. pro advoc. eccl. S. Andrece de Hempton : Plac. i.p com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. Coron. rot. 47. de mercat. quolibet die Martis in Hempton, et duabus feriis, fcil. in die S. Martini, et in craftino Pentecoftes: Efcaet. Norf. 28 Ed. 1. n. 61. de curfu aquae divertendo ad molcn- dinum de Fakenham: Plac. affif. in com. Norf. Sic, 29, & c. Ed. 1. rot. 1 12. pro commun. paftur. in cc. acris terrae arabilis poll blada afportata, et cc. acris paftur. Efcaet. Norf. 1 Ric. 2. n. 154. Fin. Norf. 1 Ric. 2. n. 34. de maner. de Hempton, Waterden, &c. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. . pro priore de Dammefende de F'akenham. XXIX. H E R I N G B Y. J Hospital A college or hofpital called God’s poor almlhoufe, ordered to be founded here by the laft will and teflament of Hugh Attefenne, made A. D. 1475- f°r a mafter, three priefts, eight noor men and two fervants, which was performed not long after by his executors. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 23 l. 6 s. 5 d. per am. as Dugdale and Speed ; and granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Sir 1 ho- mas Clere. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1563. of the foundation and revenues of this hofpital : p. 49. of lands in Barton : p. 886. of a manor in Stalham : p. 1391. of a manor in Barton: p. I410- °f t"e ma" nor of Hawbones in Edythorp. Cartas originales de fundatione, dotatione, &c. penes camerarios fcaccarii regis. t “ Hofpitale leproforum de Herdwick 1397.” i;b. in l-egiftr. princ. epife. Norvic. Harfyke, f. *34- U Finf Norf. 11 Ed. 3. n. 210. “Jus Mathim Herlewin in “ advoc. liofp. S. Laur. de Hardwicdam.” , » The prier and three fubferibed to the fupremacy. Willis HUVory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 146. * Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 60. But Weaver, p. 824- aferibes the foundation to one Richard Ward, who took upon him no y orders, and lived here. , y In A. D. 1428. their fpiritualties were valued at 08 j. K.l." and their temporalties at 29/. is. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. m* P- 793- XXX. H I c K- XXX. N O R F O L K. XXX. H I C K L I N G. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons dedicated to the Virgin Mary, St. Auftin, and <\11 Saints, founded A. D. 1185*. by Theobald de Valentia orValoins*. Herein were nine or [en Religious, who were, 26 Hen. 8. endowed with 100/. 18 s. yd. ob. q. per ann. Dugd. 137/. os. id. ob. q. Speed. This priory was fettled by ad of parliament 27 Hen. 8. on the bifhops of Norwich and their fucceffbrs in part of the exchange for the old lands of the bilhoprick, but was foon after alienated to Sir William Woodhoufe. Pide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 319. cart. 5 Joan. m. 15. n. 117- confirm, donationes Theobaldi de Valentia, Will, de Munchenfi, magiftri Roberti de Waxton- fham, &c. Cartam Theob. de Valoins et Avicias uxoris, pro eccl. Omn. Sanftorum de Dittona. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 857. of the founda¬ tion and endowment of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. ii. p.646. 662. 674. 719. 724. 738. 747. 7 83. 810. 814. 864. of pofleffions in Norwich, p. 854. in Earlham: vol. iii. p. 355. of lands in Shote- ffiam, p. 357. in Stoke: p. 563. of pofleffions in Lammas, p. 600. in Scothowe, p. 652. in Coleby : vol. iv. p. 6. of pofleffions in Bokenham-Ferry, p. 15. in South Burlingham : p. 322. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hanworth : p. 436. of pofl'effions in Wefton: p. 853. of lands and tenements in Eccles: p. 860. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hickling: p. 866. of the fame at Horfey: p. 876. of pofl’effions in Lefingham : p. 879. of a manor in Palling, and of the impropriated church: p. 1199. of pofleffions in Hardingham: p. 1420. of lands in Hofton: p. 1439. of pofleffions in Smallburgh : p. 1446. of lands in North Waltham: p. 1515. of pofleffions in Clippefby, p. 1532. in Rolletby: p. 1544. of lands in Somerton : p. 1555. of pofleffions in Caltor: p. 1562. of lands in Filby. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 60. Codicem mf. in folio conti nentem folutiones et expenfas pro ftauro, trituratione bladorum, emptionibus diver- farum rerum pro hutbandaria, emptionibus necefla- riorum hofpitii, ftipendiis fervientium, emptionibus pannorum pro liberaturis officiariorum et fervientium, feodis concilii, folutionibus forinfecis, fcil. donis, ex- penfis in lege, &c. peniionibus canonicorum, pen- iionibus epifeopi, vicariorum, &c. reparationibus ec- XXXI. H I T C H A M, or Hecham. Cluniac Cell. Here is faid to have been a cell of Cluniac monks to Lewes1’, to which monaltery this town was given by their founder William de Warren earl of Surrey' in the begin¬ ning of the reign of K. William Rufus. After the diflfolution the manor and church here, with feveral other elfates belonging to that priory in Norfolk, were granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide cart. 56 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro mere, ct feria apud Hicham [Norf.] concetT. priori de Lewes. XXXII. GREAT HOBBESSE, or Hautboys, or De Alto Bofco. Hospital. At the head of the cauley in this parilh. Sir Peter de Altobofco knt. in the reion °f king John or king Henry 3. founded an hofpital or Maifon Dieu for a matter and feveral poor people. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, and made fubordinate to the hofpital at Horning, which was under the government of the almoner of St. Benet’s abbey. pitalis ex regiftro S. Bened. Cotton. Ibid. f. 1549. bullam P. Alexandri 4. pro campana habenda in ca- pella hofpitalis, ex regiftro S. Bened. penes dec. et capit. pro anno 1632. in caufa Byng contra Beales. But the Hicham priory mentioned in Mr. Willis’ Hilt. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. i-6. is a falfe print for Flitcham in this county. c Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 616. A a a a a XXXIII. HORN- Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 567. of the foundation and revenues of this hofpital. Inter colleifl. mea dioec. Norwlc. f. 1751. cartam Petri de Altobofco, de dotatione et fubjeifione hujus hof- 1 MS. Stow, ex libro Bromholin. 1 So Leland, Speed, & c. or, as others fay, by u William •* Albini lecond earl of Arundel.” Weaver, p 81 8- b Lib. depofitionum in regiftr. principali dom. epife. Norvic. clefii, domorum, clauforum, &c. apud prioratum et alibi, farculationibus bladorum, cuftibus autumni victualibus emptis, &c. folutas et fadtas per manus dom. Roberti Wymondham alias Botyld prioris de Hickling, occupantis officium celerarii prioratus prae- didfi ab anno primo ad annum dccimum tertium R. Hen. 8. inter libros, &c. mffl autoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 15. n. 1 16. pro mercat. die Veneris et feria apud Hikling. Fin. Norf. 4 Hen. 3. n. 87. pro advoc. eccl. de Hor- fey: Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. :6. n. 142. pro feria apud Hachefton: Clauf. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 26. pro feria apud Hachefton, vigilia, die, et craftino Animarum : Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 62. pro advoc. altern. eccl. de Waxtonefham. Inquif. ad quod damnum, 2 Ed. 2. n. 78. de liv. acris in Hikling ex concefl". Nicolai de Bofco. Pat. n Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. 5 vel b '. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 32. pro maner. de Palling et ten. in Horfey: Ibid, p. 3. m. 20. pro eccl. de Palling approprianda : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. pro eccl. de Shipden appro¬ prianda. Fin. Norf. 1 Ric. 2. n. 43. pro maner. de Netherhall in Hikling: Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. pro ten. in Palling et Waxtonfham : Ibid. m. 39. pro maner. de Hickling Netherhall: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro Netherhall in Hickling et Boylands in North Wal- fham: Pat. 23 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 3. pro mercat. et feria apud Hickling. Clauf. 7 Hen. 5. m. 4. de ann. red. xx. marc. concelT. Ludovico ClifFort. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 16. pro terris in Stoke S, Crucis et Shotelham. 1 XXXItl. NORFOLK. XXXIII. HORNING. HOSPITAL. At the head of the caufey going down to St. Bennet’s abbey, was in the bem ning of the reign of K. Henry 3. an hofpital dedicated to St. James, under the government of3?' almoner of the laid monaftefy d ; which, with the reft of the eftate of that abbey, wa& given to 1]^ bifhop of Norwich in exchange. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 14.31. XXXIV. HORSHAM, of St. Faith’s. 1. Benedictine Priory. A priory of Black e monks dedicated to St. Faith the Virgin Martyr by Robert Fitz Walter' and Sibill (de Cayneto) his wife, A. D. 1105 6- It was at° fir ft cell to the abbey De Conchis in Normandy; but, i6 Ric. 2. was made “ prioratus indioena * and appeared, 26 Hen. 8. to have been endowed with 162/. 19 s. 11 d. obh. per ann. D, t’i 193/. 2 s. 3 d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Edward Elrington and Richf,. j Southwell. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 414. fundationis hifto- riam [Anglice:] P. 415. genealogiam fundatoris : Cartam fundationis, per Rob. fil. Walt, et Sibillam uxor. P. 416. buliam P. Alexandri 3. A. D. 1163. confirm, donationes. Year Books, 1 1 Hen. 6. Pafch. 22. 1 5 Ed. 4. Mich. 5. Newcourt’s Repertorium, tom. i. p. 403. de eccl. 8. Margaretce in London. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 61. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 370. dimenfiones ec- clefiae. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1359. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. i. p. 126. of tithes in Dickleburgh : p. 364. of pofleffions in Windham, p. 634. in Barn- ham Broom, p. 639. in Bowthorp, p. 694. in Wicle- wood, p. 705. in Morley : vol. ii. p. 573. of the im¬ propriate church of St. Martin in the Bailey in Nor¬ wich : p. 583. of tile impropriate church of St. Mi¬ chael at Thorn : p. 809. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tory of St. Botulph’s Fybridge gate: p. 369. 579.. 584. 586. 605. 646. 703. 719. 724. 738. 747, 748. 809. 822. 829, 830. 832. of other pofleffions in Nor¬ wich : p. 862. of pofteffions in Brakendon: vol. iii. p. 5. of lands in Colney: p. 26. of pofleffions in Cringleford : p. 27. of lands and tithes in Intwood : p. 30. of the fame in Kefwick : p. 42. of pofleffions in Swainfthorp : p. 45. of tithes in Newton: p. 53. of lands in Mulbarton : p. 64. of rents in Ketering- ham: p. 77. of pofleffions in Nelonde: p. 187. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tibbenham: p. 220. of lands in Brockdifh, p. 231. in Rulhall : p. 307. of pofleffibns in BiXley: p. 343. of tithes in Saxlingham : p. 533. of pofleffions in Heydon, p. 600. in Scothowe, p. 606. in Boton : p. 612. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Corpefty: p. 795. of lands in Helghe- ton and the impropriate reftory : p. 830. of poflef¬ fions in Rainham St. Mary : p. 837. of a manor in Weft Rudham, p. 845. in Rybiirgh parva : vol. iv. p. 18. of the impropriate retftory of Frethorp: p. 292. of pofleffions in Beefton Regis, p. 360. in Alderford, p. 361. in Baldfwell, p. 370. in Brandefton : p. 397. of the impropriate rectory of Haverlond fometime : p. 415. of pofleffions in Sparham, p. 429. in Thurn- ing, p. 436. in Wefton : p. 439. of tithes in Whit- well : p.451. of .pofleffions in Wichingham parva, p. 460. in Wood Dalling: p. 813. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Houghton : p. 831. of tithes in Walfingham : p. 924. of poflef- fions in Hemftede, p. 960. in Stody: p. 97g. of|an(] in Betely, ftlmham and I ybenham: p. 1030. of p0f feffions in Eaft Lexham : p. 1081. of tithes in \y°f lingham: p. 1150. of pofleffions in Kirkfted, p. II7 " in Wooton, p. 1336. in Beefton, p. j344. jn p7e] ' thorp, p. 1345. in Frettenham, p. i34g. jn H ford, p. 1353. in Haylefdon : p. 1357. 0f the impro- priate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Horf ford: p. 1359. of the impropriate church of Horlham' p. 1371- of pofleffions in Spixworth : p. 138- 0j- tithes in Taverham : p. 1470. of pofleffions in Hem- lington : p. 1544. of tithes in Winterton, p. jr(>[ in Filby: p. 1569. of pofleffions in Maltby: p. jrg0' of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Runham. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 153. of a penfion of xxx ;. out of the redtory of Darlham. Rotulos curiae, &c. necnon regiftrum hujus prioratus penes Joannem Hobart bar. Terrarium campi de Horlham S. Fidis renovatum 20 Ed. 4. tempore Joannis Ryflee prioris, fol. ml', papyr. penes Franc. Long de Spixworth arm. In bibl, Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. fpiritualia prioris S. Fidis in Horlham. Rot. fin. Norf. 8 Ric. 1. n. 62. de c. acr. in Alington: Ibid. n. 68. de terris in Colney. Fin. Norf. 12 Hen. 3. n. 38. pro molendino in Doke- ton: Ibid. n. 182. pro advoc. ii. part. eccl. de Ty- benham: Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 58. pro terris in Horlham : Fin. Norf. 31 Hen. 3. n. 14. pro advoc. eccl. de Runham : Fin. Norf. 34 Hen. 3. n. 37. pro advoc. eccl. de Heveringland : Ibid. n. 74.. pro com- mun. paftur. in Horlham : Plac. apud Norvic. 34 Hen. 3. rot. . de commun. paftur. infra parcumde Horfted. Plac. in com. Norf. 14. Ed. 1. Coron. rot. 39. de nun- dinis per cartam R. Hen. 1. conceffis : Ibid, quo' war. rot. 7. Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 69. pro lib. war. in Horlham. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 19. pro ten. in Tibenham: Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 29. Efcaet. Norf. 5 Ed. 3. n. 100. de terris in Houghton, W. Rudham, &c. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 39. quod fit prioratus indi- gena. Pat. It Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. Fin. div. com. 26 Hen. 6. n. 63. Clauf. 33 Hen. 6. m. 1. pro ten. in Friday ftreet London. 2. Hospital. An hofpital in this town belonging formerly to the Knights of St. John of ‘i Regiftr. abbatiae S. Bened. de Hulnio In bibl. Cdtton. f. 67. 8 MS. Chrori. Barth. Cotton. e Aujlin canons , mf. in Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. Mifc. G. h “ Summa clara 162 /. 16 s. nd. ob” Stevens, vol. i. p. aS* p.320. * “162/. 17 s. id” Mf. Valor. t {{'alter Jil. Rogeri Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 61. Jeru fakir1, XXXIV. NORFOLK. Jerufalem, and by them granted to the prior and convent of St Faith’s of P. Alexander 3. A. D. 1 163. ' * Vide in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 416. a. 52. Blomfield’s Norfolk’, vol. iv. p. 1361. is mentioned in the bull xxxv. horstede. Alien Priory. The alien priory here is part of the endowment of King’s colleoe in Cam¬ bridge, as pat. 1 Ed. 4 p 3. m. 23. The manor and advowfon of the church belonged to the abbels and nuns of the Holy Trinity at Caen in Normandy, by the grant of King William Rufus. ^ the confirmation of K. Hen. 1. of his brother’s In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. ,362. of the manor gift, in Mon. Angl. tom. 11. p. 958. ex cart, antiq. and advowfon of the re&ory of Horftead : p. 1277. 37* of the manor of Stanninghall. XXXVI. INGHAM1. College A college or priory of the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of cap¬ tives founded by Sir Miles Stapleton 1 of Bedale in Yorkthire (who was lord of this town by his marriage with Joanna the daughter and foie heirefs of Sir Oliver de Ingham) about the year 1360 in the parifh church here, which he rebuilt and got to be made collegiate. This Relialous fociety confifted of a prior, facrift and fix canons'”, who were endowed at the fupprefllon with 61/ as -jd. ob. q. per arm. Dugd. 74/. is. yd. ob. Speed. The fite of this priory, with the impropriate rcftory, and fome other parts of its poffefiionS, came 36 Hen. 3. to the bifhoprick of Norwich in exchange tor other eftates. Pide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 833. ubi habetur tantum annotatiuncula ex Leland. Coiled!, vol. i. de funda. tore hujus ccenobii. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 86r. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 60. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 874. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. iii. p. 386. of the manor of Cley, and of the advowfon of the redlory of Cley All Saints : p. 600. of a meffiiage and lands in Scothowe and Worfted, p. 671. in Buxton: vol. iv. p. 50. of lands in Barton, p. 59. in Bechamwell, p. 864. in Higham Potter: p. 872. of the impropriate church of Ing¬ ham : p. 884. of lands in Stalham : p. 892. of the impropriate church of Walcote: p. 1454. of a manor in Worftede. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. cxxx. f. 1. de ecclefia de Ingham. Eredtionem eccl. paroch. de Ingham in eccl. collema- tam ad petitionem dom. Milonis Stapleton, una cum ftatutis et ordinationibus pro gubernatione domus per Thomam epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1360. In libro in¬ fill- See. in regiflro Norvic. v. f. 2, 3. Confirmatio- nem per Joannem epifc. Norvic. cujufdam compofi- tionis de quibufdam Iuminibus inveniendis per prio- rem et conv. in cancello eccl. in honorem S. Joannis Baptift*, A. D. 1422. Ibid, in libro inftit. viii. Cartam Thoms Gryme, de omnibus terris fuis in Ing¬ ham, Hemiled, et Waxtonefham concellis priori et conyentui 8 Hen. 7. in volumine cartarUm mearum originalium notato Clark , n. 259. 33 3* P* I- m- 30. pro eccl. de Ingham appro- prianda: Efcaet. Norf. 34 Ed. 3. 11. 9. Pat. 34 Ed. ?. p. 2. m. 26. pro cantaria fundanda, et quinta parte maner. de Stalham concedenda: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro manfo prioratus elargando: Pat. 39 Ed. .3. p. 2. m. 29. pro via ibidem divertenda. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 39, pro ten. in Worfted et Scottow: Efcaet. Norf. 2 Ric. 2. n. 125. de meif. et terris in Worfted, Scothow, &c. ex concelT. dom’ Rogeri Boys: Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 37 vel 33’. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 35 vel 36. pro maner. de Thorney: Efcaet. Norf. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. n. pro eccl. de Hemftede ex conceiT. Hugonis de Creffing- ham : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. pro maner. de Cockly Cley, et viii. meff. ccxxxvn. acr. terra;, &c. in Ingham, Walcote, Hickling, Catfield, Hor- ley, Rollefby, Sutton, et Brunfted, et pro appropria- tione eccl. de Walcot: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 10. pro cantaria fundanda. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 39. pro ten. in Stalham et Wal¬ cote : Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Wal¬ cote, marier. de Cockly Cley, &c. XXXVII. LANGLEY. Premonstratensian Abbey. An abbey of Premonftratenfian canons", built and endowed A. D. 1198". by Robert Fitz -Roger Helke or de Clavermg, to the honor of the blefied Viroin jL Here were fiLeen Religious, whofe yearly revenues werfe valued, 16 Hen. 8. at 104./ i6r 5 <2. ob. Dugd. 128/. 194. gd. ob. Speed. The fite was granted to John Berney 38 Hen. 8. Fir/e in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 659. cart. 13 Hen. 3. P- 2. m. 11. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Joan, anno primo, confirm, fundationem. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 825. Prynne’s Papal Uiurpations, vol. iii. p. 188, 189. out CoileA. vol. i. p. 60. calls this place Little Ingham, 7,11 IT t0 dlftlnSul(h it from a market to.wn in this bounty I, “ Ingkam. But this laft is ever called Hmgham, and the W ,'vhcre ,th.e Pnory was is always called limply Ingham, without any addition. n " ’ m and Mr. Speed miftaking Ingham for Binham, have 3 «ii of Black monks to St. Alban’s and dedicated J.° , “ • Marf • M'gre waf a ci‘aPel of St. Mary , but the church Jnd priory were dedicated to the Holy Trinity. of Will. Thorn, col. 1925. of the privileges of this abbey and order. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 61. In Blorfi field’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1137. 0f the founda¬ tion and revenues of this abbey, .and names of the 1 Leland and Speed name the founder of this houfe Sir Wm Stafferton, ' - They were defigned to have been made up to the number of th.rteen, it the revenues increafed fo as ten marks perann could be allowed to every Religious. * ■ Reyn^r 1 33 ‘n Speed’ n01‘ of the CIuniac or^r, as in per Ri-dum **■ abbats ; XXXVII. NORFOLK.- abbats: vol. i. p. 200. of lands in Bowthorp: p. 647. of pofleffions in Eafton, p.662. in Coffey : p.698. of rents in Brandon: vol. ii. p. 53^- 542, 544- 548- 569. 646. of pofleffions in Norwich: p.851. of lands in Heigham, p. 854. in Earlham: vol. iii. p. 126. of pofleffions in Stratton: p. 170. of the advowfon of a mediety of the reaory of Shelton fometime : p. 231. of a manor in Rulhall, the impropriate rettery and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 238. of pofleffions in Aldburgh, p. 243. in Redenhall, p. 297. in Fram- lingham-Earl : p. 303. of the manor of Poringland : p. 306. of lands in Bixley: p. 318. of a manor in Surlingham : p. 322. of pofleffions in Bramerton : p. 326. of a manor, the impropriate rectory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Kirkby Bedon St. Mary : p. 330. of the manor of Rockland, and of a mediety of the rectory impropriated : p. 337. of pofleffions in Yelverton, p. 343. in Saxlingham : p. 351. of a ma¬ nor in Shotelham : p. 359. of pofleffions in Stoke, p. 583. in Irmingland : vol. iv. p. 20. of the impro¬ priate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Lim- penho: p. 21. of meflnages and lands in Ling wood : p. 233. of pofleffions inEllingham, p. 242. in Hales: p. 243. of the manor, impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Heckingham : p. 25a. ot lands in Kirkby Kam : p. 259- of pofleffions in Stock- ton : p. 263. of lands in Raveningham : p. 273. of pofleffions in Toft, p. 275. in Whetacre, p. 277. in Winfton, p. 361. in Baldfwell : p. 73^- lancb in Ealt Walton : p. 902. of the advowfon of the reitory of Blakeney : p. 905. of the redtory ot Bodham fome¬ time impropriate : p. 992. of pofleffions in Dunham magna, p. 1009. in Gately, p. 1030* in Eafl: Lex- ham: p. 1 1 15. of lands in Claxton, p. 1 1 18. in Carl¬ ton, p. 1121. in Chatgrave, p. 1131. in Hardley : p. 1135- of pofleffions inHedenham: p. 1144' °f a manor in Loddon, the impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage: p. 1150. of pofleffions in Mundham, p. 1158. in Seething: p. 1162. of lands in Sifeland : p. 1163. of lands in Thurton, and of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 1165. of lands in Thwayt: p. 1171. of pofleffions in Wooton, p. 1353. in Haylefdon : p.1475. of Tunfted manor in Randworth, and of tne impro¬ priate redtory : p. 1482. of a marfli in Reedham . p. 1508. of the advowfon of the reaory of Burgh St. Margaret: p. 1581. of a marfh inRunham: p. 1587. of the impropriate reflory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Thrickby. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 149. of a penfion of vmr. from the abbey of Langley to the priory of St. Mary in Thetford, out of the reaory of Thurfton. Reo-iftrum abbatise de Langele [imperf.] cont. fol. 147. in pergam. in bibl. R R. P. D D. Joan. Moore nuper epifc. Elienfis, nunc in bibl. publ. Cantab. Annales abbatiae de Langley, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Weaver, p. 825. Excerpta ex eifdem, mf. in bibl. Harleiana 972. p. 79' In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. ii. commiffionem ad vifitandain hanc abbatiam, A. D. 1502. In libro inftitutionum, &c. temp. Antonii Bek epifc. Norvic. [foil, tertio] f. 76. appropfiationem ecclefc de Bodham huic abbatiae nuper fpoliate de boni^ valorem dcc /. una cum ordinatione vicariae in eadem 0 A. D. 1338- Cart. 1 Joan. p. I. n. 1 75 p. Ibid. p. 2. m. 8. n. 101, pro mdrcat. et feria ibidem. Fin. Norf. 3 Hen. 3. n. 18. pro eccl. de Trvbbv Ibid. n. 22. pro eccl. de Ranworth : Ibid. n. 30. p'rcj terris in Walton: Fin. Norf. 8 Hen. 3. n. 157. pro terris in Rufhall: Fin. SufF. 19 Hen. 3. n. jy2. Je terris de Helegheton : Fin. div. com. 20 Heij. 3. n pro eccl. de Lympenho: Fin. Norf. 20 Hen. 3. n. -3 pro terris in Erleham : Fin. Norf, 24 Hen. 3. n, 46. pro marifco in Redhatn : Ibid. n. 72. pro ec,cl, de Hekingham: Ibid. n. 103. pro eadem: Fin, Norf. 31 Hen. 3. n. 7. pro ter. in Rufhall : Fin. Norf. 34 Hen. 3. n. 13. pro ter. inRokeland: Ibid. n. i<2. pro terris et advoc. eccl. S. Margarets in Seenges: Fin. Suff. 38 Hen. 3. n. 213. pro meffi et faldis in Berningham: Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 50, dv ten. in Langele et Stratton: Ibid. n. 1 1 7. pro ten. m Thurton, Berghapton, See. Fin. Suft, 42 Hen. 3. n. 40. pro terris in Berningham: Fin. Norf. 50 Hen. j. n. 5. pro ten. in Thw.eyt : Fin. Norf. 52 Hen. 3. n. 12. de Stodholm in Whetacre: Ibid. 11. 125. pr® marifco in Redebam : Fin. Norf. 54 He». 3. fl, 7 de Hekingharp. Fin. Norf. 7 Ed. 1. n. 30. pro ten. in Chetgrave: PLC. de banco, 7 Ed. 1. Mich. Norf. 35' 44' advoc. eccl. de Lodne: Plac. de banco, 9 Ed. 1, Pafch. Norf. 59. de advoc. eccl. de Heckingham : Efcaet, Norf. 29 Ed. 1. n. 151. pro ten. in Norvico: Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. ult. [bis:] Rec. in fcacc. 31 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. . pro libertatibus allocandis. Inquif. ad quod damn. 3 Ed. 2. n. 39. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro terris in Buttele: Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p, 2. m. 9. pro mefL et terris in Langele, Lodne, Hardele, Thweit, &c. Inquif. 6 Ed. 2. n. 75. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. [5. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. ult. Inquif. Norf. 9 Ed. 2. n. 177. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 30. pro meffi. in Yarmouth Magna: Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 27. pro mefl'. in Whetacre, Chetgrave, &c. ex dono Roberti Banyard : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 4 Ed. 3, p. I. m. . Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro eccl. de Bodham: Fin. Norf. 12 Ed. 3. n. 104. pro meffi. et terris in Lodne, Chetgrave, &c. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. pro eccl. de d hurton : Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1 . m. 40. de taxatione temporalium abbatis : Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. 11. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. pro eccl. de Sniterle, cum capella de Glanford appro- prianda: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. pro eccl. de Burgh approprianda : Ibid. in. 35* Pro ten. in Nor¬ wich et Sniterle. Plac. coram rege, 3 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 18. pro advoc. eccl. S. Margarets de Burgo: Cart. 6 et 7 Hen. 4. n. 8. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. pro eccl de Rufte- fliall s. approprianda per Waltcrum Hungerford. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. Fin. div. com. 26 Hen. 6. n. 63. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 2, m. 5. XXXVIII. LANGWADE. Lazar-house. “ About two miles eafl: of Oxburgh, in the road to Cley, a little before you “ come to Langwade-crofs, was a houfe of lepeis.” Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 4S4. XXXIX. LESINGHAM. Alien Priory. This manor being given by Girard de Gournav', temp. Gul. Rufi\ to the abbey of Becc in Normandy, here became an alien priory, which was fubord mate to that was made in the en- t N 1 ?f thls fee tcmP- Hm- *• namely, that were granted in fee, or otherwife alienated before the reign of Henry 8. but chiefly in a much earlier pe¬ riod, when ecclefiaftical eftates were made fubject to militant tenures. ‘ of LI. N O R F O L K. of a marfh in Surlinghatn, p. 332- p. 354. of tithes in Shotfham : p. 359 in Rockland : of the impro¬ priate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage ot Stoke, and of lands there : p. 426. of the manor ot Great Creffingham, and of a penfion of IV. marks out of the re&ory \ p. 435* lands in Little Crefiingham, p. 524. in Narford: p. 563. of pofleffions in Lammas : p. 583. of tithes in Irmingland, p. 664. in Buxton: p. 67I. of pofledions in Wolterton, p. 678. in Wick- mere : p.684. of the impropriate church of Weft Becham: p. 757. of iiir. yearly out of a mill in North Barfham : p. 772. of tithes in North Creak: vol. iv. p. 2. of tithes in Blofield : p. 6. of pofleffions in Bo- kenham-Ferry : p. 22. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of rlumlted rnagna : p. 24. of a mill in Plumfted parva. p. 31* of the manor of Caton: p. 32- of tithes in Poftwick. p. 35. of lands in Strumpfhaw: p. 38. of priors ma¬ nor in Thorp, and of tithes there: p. 114. of a me- diety of the impropriate church of Fordham : p. 132. of the impropriate church of Rifton: p. 186. of poflei- fions in Upwell : p. 230. of the manor, impropriate church and cell of Aldeby : p. 239. of pofleffions in Hadefcoe, p. 256. in Norton Soupcors, p. 264. m Raveningham : p. 271. of lands in Thurverton . p. 274. of pofleffions in Whetacre, p. 281. in Al- burgh, p. 334. in Plumftead: p. 358. of the advow¬ fon of the redtory of Alderford: p. 384. of pofleffions in Geift, p. 385. in Geyftweyt : p. 400. of the ma¬ nor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Hilderfton : p. 410. of pofleffions in King- land: p. 414. of tithes in Sparham : p. 429. of rents in Thurning: p. 436. of pofleffions in Welton : p. 448. of tithes in Wichingham rnagna : p. 451- ot the lordfhip of Wood Norton : p 460. of pofleffions in Wood Dalling, p. 476. in Bawfey, p. 501. in Clenchwarton, p.518. in Derfingham: p. 531. ot lands and tithes in Gaywode : p- 531. °f lands lrt Minding and the impropriate church P- 559- ot rents in Harpley: p. 573. of pofleffions in Blington: p. 588. of the impropriate church of St. Margaret in Lynn, and of the cell there, and names of the priors : p. 623. of pofleffions in North Lynn: p. 654. ofuthes in Middleton, p. 662. in Pentney : p. 741- 1 3‘ Pol: l who were en- dowed, 2 6 Hen. 8. with '64/. 1 6s. 6d. per ann. Dugd. 84/. 12s. id. ob. a. Speed. It was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir John Shelton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 426. memorandum de fundatione: Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10. per In- fpex. recit. cartas R. Stephani, de donatione terr. in campis pro fundatione ecclefia-, et R. Joan, pro feria iv. dierum in fefto Nat. S. Maria: : P. 427. cart. 13 Hen. 3. n. 12. Inquif. Norf. 10 Ed. 3. n. 3. de terris in Wroxham, Rakheth, &c. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 862. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priorefles : vol. i. p, 619. of pofleffions in Toting- ton : vol. ii. p. 337. of the advowfon of the redtory of St. Edward in Norwich, p. 544. of St. Julian, p. 579. of All Saints: p. 588. of the impropriate church of St. Catharine in Newgate : p. 680. of St. Gregory: p. 537. 542. 544. 5+7, 548. 559. 562. 572> 573- 579- 5^6. 589. 605. 646. 662. 664. 671. t>74- 747- 7^3- 809, 810. 814. 822. 829, 830. 832. 837' 846. ot other pofleffions in Norwich: p. 854. ot the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Erlham : p. 861. of pofleffions in Lakenham, p. 862. in Brakendon : p. 862. of the impropriate church of Carrow: vol. iii. p. 15. of lands in Algars- thorpe: p. 33. of the impropriate redtory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Swerdefton : p. 45. of poflef- fions in Newton : p. 79. of the advowfon of a me- diety of the redtory of Wrenningham, and of tithes there : p. 236. of pofleffions in Starfton, p. 243. in Redenhall, p. 302. in Great Poringland : p. 306. of lands in Bixley : p. 312. of pofleffions in Willingham, P- 3[5- in Trowfe Newton: p. 316. of the impro¬ priate church of Surlingham St. Savior, and the im¬ propriate redtory of Surlingham St. Mary: p. 322. of pofleffions in Bramerton, p. 328. in Kirkby Bedon, p. 332. in Rockland, p. 343. in Saxlingham, p. 355. in Shotefliam, p. 4.50. in Houghton: p. 574. of a tenement and lands in Coltefhall: vol. iv. p. 3. of pofleffions in Blofield, p. 15. in South Burlingham, p. 96. in Downham, p. 104. in Fincham : p. 135. of tithes in Riflon : p. 173. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stow Bardolf : p. 247. of the advowfon of the redtory of How: p. 271. of pofleffions in Thurverton : p. 384. in Geifl, p. 656. in Weft Newton: p. 746. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Eaft Wynch : p. 884. of tithes in Riflon Eaft: p. 1033. of pofleffions in Litcham, p. 1057. in Seaming: p. 1 1 01. of tithes in Bergh-Apton : p. 1131. of pofleffions in Hardley, p. 1202. in Hockering: p. 1273. of lands in Hun- ftanton : p. 1336. of pofleffions in Beefton : p. 1347. of a manor in Croftwick: p. 1353. of pofleffions in Haylefdon: p. 1367. of lands in Rackheath : p.1385. ot the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wroxham: p. 1387. of pofleffions in Sallow, p. 1462. in Wood-Baftick: p. 14.68. of tithes in Halvergate. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 61. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 857. a bull of P, Gregory X. about the number of nuns. Cartas, rotulos, &c. penes Nath. Axtell arm. Analedta e cartulario quodam de Carhow, in colledt. meorum volumine T. T. notato, f. 484, &c. Rotulum vet. penes Joannem Whiting gen. 1650. [Dugd.] Fin. Norf. 10 Ric. 1. n. 81. pro redd, in Melton. Cart. 7 Joan. m. 8. dorfo pro feria: Fin. com. ignot. 8 Joan. n. 51. de Torpingefmerch. Fin. Norf. 6 Hen. 3. n. 121. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 13. Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 26. pro lx. fol. redd, in Trowfe et Newton: Fin. Norf. 34. Hen. 3. n. 53. pro advoc. eccl. de Erlham : Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3' n. 86. pro ten. in Lenn: Fin. Norf. 50 Hen. ?. n. 3. pro medictat. advoc. eccl. de How: Fin. Norf/52 Hen. 3. n. 60, 61. pro ten. in Lenn: Cart. 56 Hen. 3. n. 2. Cart. 56 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro feria ibidem. I lac. in com. Norf. 14. Ed. 1. affif. rot. 76. de theolo- neo bladi venditi in Norwico tempore nundinaram de Karhow: Rot. 84. de ten. in Lenn: Efcaet. Norf. 18 Ed. 1. n. 89. de terris et meffi in Wroxham, Rackheyth, &c. ex dono Joan, de Hecham : Pa’. *• m* • Cart. 31 Ed. 1. n. 47. pro lib. war. in Wroxham, Rackheth, Croftweyt, Beefton, Bra- kendale, Melton Magna, et Rokeland juxta Lanvely- Plac. coram reg. apud Ebor. 31 Ed. 1. Trin. Norf. 33! pro pifearia feparali apud Flegfdam in AYroxham : Ibid. 32 Ed. 2. Norf. 29. pro advoc. eccl. de Sur- lmgham : Efcaet. Norf. 35 Ed. 1. n. 136. pro terris in Wroxham : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Surlingham approprianda. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 26. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. j. m. 28. pro ten. in Lakenham, Brakendale, Earlham, &c. fnml CH^PEL the Fields. About the year 1250L was builc a chapel in the fields on the °r CfihffiClty’ ,derdlca'ed “ tbe bIefed Vlrgin Mary, by one Sir John Broun or Brom ko? ’S h f firJl WaS, def,gned 01lly for an hofpital r, but in a fhort time became a noble col- other f|ftlnf °-f 3 ^ Che,tOUnT bein§ thefirfl) chancellor, precentor, trealurer, and four* ier prebendaues, fix chaplains, &c. It was valued, 2 6 Hen. S. at 86/. 16s od obb an! granted 37 Hen. 8. to Dr. Miles Spenfer the laft dean. ' and in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 607. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this college, and names of the deans and prebends : vol. i. p. 642. of the impro- * Colled. T.T. f. 485. b 4 ' t" Ho‘P?taIe 8’ Maria: de Campis in Norwico.” Ex col- Joan. Kirkpatrie ex archivis civit. Norvic. and* Colled, vol. i. p. 61. Lib. teftam. in regiftro prin- priate church and manor of Bowthorp: p 646 of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ration: p. 649. of a manor there: p. 685. of pol- cipali epife. Norvic. notat. Harfyke , f. 581. * Seven, as Blomfield, vol ii. p. 607. b. J)1S; y*J°r. Mr. Blomfield faith, 4nly 8.; /. 10 7. 3 d. viz. 1/. in fpmtualties, and 4 /. 107. 3 d. in temporalties. feffions 79 LI. NOR FOLK. fcffions in Huningham: vol. ii. p. 6 1 8. of the impro¬ priate churcli of St. Peter’s of Mancroft in Norwich, p.699. of St. Andrew’s : p.713. of the church of St. Chriftopher: p. 721. of the advowfoq of the rec¬ tory of St. 'Peter of Hungate : p. 743. of the impro¬ priate church of St. George's at Tomhland: p. 814. of the advowfon of the redtory of St. Mary Unbrent: p. 542. 544, 545. 559- S&9- 582. 589- 605. 662. 671. 674. 703. 739. 807. 810. 830. of other pofleflions in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 38. of lands in Dunfton: vol. iv. p. 796. of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vicarage of Field Dalling : p. 1472. of the fame at Moulton. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 6l. Regiftrum brevium, f. 250. a. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 149. the names of the deans. Appropriationem ecclefiarum S. Georgii ad portas, et S. Andreae in Norvico, per Will, epilc. Norwic. A. D. 1350. In libro inftitutionum, &c. in regiftro princ. epifc. Norvic. vol. iv. f. 9. Ibid. f. 33. ap¬ propriationem medietat. eccl. de Frefingfield [Suff.] decano et canonicis : In libro inftit. See. vi. f. 343. appropriationem eccl. de Fieldallyng per km v Norwic. A. D. 1384. In lib. viii. f? 137. tionem alterius medietat. eccl. de Frefirxrfirla Joan, epifc. Norvic: A. D. 1420. 0 l)er Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1 1 vel 12. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. D m. 27. pro eccl. S. Andrea: et S. Georgii in No • appropriandis: Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. pr07'C‘ in Norvico et eccl. de Mouton et Frefmgtield ■ p n‘ 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro ten. in Bouthorp ‘fh ham, et Bauburgh: Pat 39 Ed. 3. p. j. mP2&_ ' ' eccl. de Elton, et ten. ibidem. ° u Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 15. pro eccl. S. Andre® ,. S. Georgii Norvic. et de Fieldallyng appropriandis Pat. 7 Ric. 2,_p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. S. Petri de Maru croft: Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2., pro mefT. et term in Norwich et Heigham, ex concefT. Ric. Blaken Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 25. pro melT. et terrisT Efton et Coftefey, ex concefT. Henr. Lyminour ™ Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 29. pro ten. in Efton, Heigham Coftefey, Ringland, Helmingham, Colton, Marline’ ford, Melton, Bauburgh, et maner. de Bouthorp ° Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 12. pro eccl. de Frefingfield approprianda. 0 5. St. Giles’ Hospital. Walter de Suffield alias Calthorp bifhop of Norwich, before the year 1249. built anc' endowed an holpital near his palace to the honor of St. Giles0, for a maker . . prielis, and ... lay brethren d. It was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 102/. 15s. 2 d. ob. mf. Valor* 90/. 12 s. Dugd. Speed. Was furrendered 1 Ed. 6'. and granted in the fame year by that kirw to the mayor, citizens and commonalty of the city of Norwich f ; who now maintain in it fifty a°ed men and fifty aged women *. Vida in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 461. notulam de fun- tore ex Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 61. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 753. of the founda¬ tion arid revenues of this hofpital, and names of the ntafters: vol. i. p. 662. of the impropriate church of Colley: vol. ii. p. 547. 557. 579. 582. 646. 699. 724. 739. of pofleflions irf Norwich: p. 854. of lands in Erlham : vol. iii. p. 2i. of lands in Hetherfet : p. 23. of Berford’s manor in Cringleford : p. 24. of Heylefdon rrianor there: p. 25. of the impropriate church: p. 28. of lands in Intwood : p. 65. of the advowfon of the reftory of Carleton St. Mary : p. 7 1 . of Briton’s manor in Hcthill : p. 314. of Rokele’s manor in Trowfe Newton: p. 671. of lands in Wol- terton : p. 687. of rents in Iteringham : p. 720. of a manor in Calthorp, the impropriate rectory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage : vol. iv. p. 272. of the ad¬ vowfon of the reftory of ThurVerto'n fometime im¬ propriate : p. 1 1 31. of lands in Hardeley, and of the impropriate church : p. 1153. of lands in Mundham, and of the impropriate churches of St. Peter and St. Ethelbert : p. 1160. of the impropriate church of Seething: p. 1498. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of South WaFlham St. Mary: p. 1530. of the impropriate church of Repps cum Baftwick, and of lands there: p. 1532. of a manor in Rollelby. Year Books, 13 Hen. 8. Pafch. 2. 14 Heri. 8. Mich. 2. Cartas originales, regiftra, rentalia, rotulos curiarum, eorriputos, Sec. in archlvis civitatis Norwich Fin. N6rf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 124. pro advoc. eccl. S. Ma- riae de Wallham : Fin. Norf. 52 Hen. 3. n. 124. jus magiftri in eccl. de Hardele : Fin. Norf. 53 Hen, 3 n. 139. pro advoc. eccl. dc Repps, cum capella de Baftwyk. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. pro uno mefluagio et cen¬ tum acris terra in Eriham concelF. per Joannem Cuftin pro cantariafacienda in hofpitali: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2- m. 19. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33 vel 34. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p, r. m. . p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Thurweton : Pat. 9 Ed. 3, p. 1. m. 13. pro eccl. de Mundham: Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl, de Sething. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro ten. in Calthorp, Lodne, Mundham, Sillond, Hardele, Coftefey, et Repps: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17. pro melT. et lhopis in Norwico ex concelT. Joannis Frode. Plac. coram reg. 10 Hen. 4. Trin. n. 13. pro advoc. eccl. de Mundham, Sething, et Hardele: Inquifi Norf. II Hen. 4. n. 23. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. pro maner. de Cringelford, cum eccleiia ibidem, See. pro cantaria Joannis Derlyngton quondam magiftri. Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1. de numero fratrum et foro- rum, ftatu hofpitalis, Sec. et licent. perquirendi xft>. per ann. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 6. pro terris in Eft Carleton et Hethill : Ibid. rot. 26. pro hofpitali S. Mariae Magd. Norwic. 6. GoDSHouse. This was fituated in St. Giles’ ftreet, and was given for an almfhoufe by John le Grant temp. Ed. 1. It was rebuilt by bifhop Lyhert, whole fuccefifors in the fee had the nomi¬ nation of the poor people who inhabited it; till it was alienated with the other revenues of the bithoprick, and fo became private property. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 661. c “St. Mary, St. Ann, St. Giles and All Saints.” Founda¬ tion deed. d “ A matter, iii. priefts, and xii. poor women.” Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 61. “ For iv. chaplains, and all poor and de- “ cayed chaplains in the diocefe, who had not wherewith to “ maintain themfelves, and xiii. poor brethren.” Foundation deed. “ Afterwards for a mailer, iv. chaplains, ii. clerks, iv. “ lifters, &c.” Blomfkld’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 757. e Rymer, vol. xv. p. 168. f It was valued 3 Ed. 6. when confirmed to the mayor and cofpofation, at 142/. 19 s. 2 d. ob. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 76 For its revenues A. D. 1728. fee ibid. p. 766. e There is likewife a mafter, who provides tor and governs the poor, and a chaplain. Ibid. p. 753, &c. h xx /, as Blomfieid, vol. ii. p. 761. 7, Hvlde- LI. NORFOLK. y, Hyldebrond’s Spittle. On the weft fide of Conisford ftreet was Hilburn or Hylde- brond’s Spytell. fometimes called Ivy hall, or St Edwafd’s1 hofpital, founded about A. D. 1200 k. by Hildebrond le Mercer citizen of Norwich1, to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary", for a mafter or warden, (which place was in the collation of the bilhop of Norwich) and fome brethren ", But afterwards it was chiefly for the reception of feveral poor perfons, who wanted habitations, and then had for fome time fire, lodging, and provifions here”. It was fo decayed, 26 Hen. 8. that the rents and pofieflions then belonging to it were valued at no more than 141. 2 d. per ann p. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 538. of the founda- p. 646. of pofleflions in Norwich, tion of this hofpital, and names of the matters : 8. Lazar-Houses. About the latter end of the reign of K. Edward 3. mention is made*!, of feveral hofpitals, fpittles or lazar-houfes, places for the reception of leprous people without the gates of this city, which were every one under the government of a mafter, guider or keeper, and lupported by the voluntary alms of the inhabitants and of travellers. There was one without St. Auftin’s gate, which was fometimes called the Hofpital of St. Mary and St. Clement'. This re¬ mains ftill an habitation for poor difeafed people, and is now called the Peft houfe !. There was another juft without Fibriggate or Magdalene gate, which feems to have had a chapel1 belonging to it. A third without Weftwyk or St. Bennet’s gates u. The fourth without St Giles’s gates". The fifth without Nedham or St. Stephen’s gates, and was accounted parcel of the pofieflions of the priory of Horlham St. Faith’s, and as fuch was granted, 5 Jac. 1. to Edmund New¬ port, &c*. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 605. 661. 664. 806. 821. 852. 9. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. An hofpital for leprous perfons under the govern¬ ment of a mafter or warden, built and endowed about half a mile out of the city toward the north eaft, by Herbert y bilhop of Norwich, to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene. It was united, 22 Hen. 7. to the hofpital of St. Giles in Norwich, but feems to have been feparated again quickly by the different mailers collated by the bifhops of Norwich, who were patrons of both, arid the diftindt valuations 2 6 Hen. 8. when this hofpital or free chapel of St. Mary Magdalene was rated at 10 /. per ann. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 807. of the foundation and benefadlions to this hofpital: p. 671. 747. 829. of pofieflions in Norwich. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 26. pro unione cum hofp. S. Egidii. Cartam Cunei fil. Joan. fil. Meghi, de xud. ann. red- dend. fuper altare eccl. S. Mariae Magd. apud Nor- vic. fratribus et fororibus ibi Deo famulantibus, in vol. colled!. meorum notato T.T. f. 484. 10. Normanspitel. The hofpital of St. Paul (called Normanfpitel from Norman* the monk, the firll procurator or mafter of it) was begun by the prior and convent of Norwich in the latter part of the time of bilhop Herbert’, and finilhed in the time of bilhop6 Ebrard, viz. between the years 1121 and 1145. Herein were at firft both men and women, but in latter times only women, fourteen in number, feven called Whole filters, and Even Half fitters of the Normans, under the government of a mafter or warden, appointed by the monks of the cathedral. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 461. notulam de fun- datore ex Lelando. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 43. car¬ tam Johannis epife. Norvicenfis recit. et confirm, cartas prioris et conventus Norvic. de decimis in 1 It was fituate to the north of St. Peter’s of Southgate, in the old parilh of St. Edward (now part of St. Julian’s) on the fouth fide of the church yard. Domefd. Book, penes dec. et capit. Norvic. mf. k MSS. collect. Joannis Kirkpatrick. J Inquif. 3 Ed. i. Norf. in baga de tenuris. Collect. Le Neve, m Regiltr. epife. Norvic. n Mafter and Brethren occur in the bailiff’s accounts of the city, A. D. 1262. and other evidences temp. Hen. 3. as Kirkpa¬ trick’s mf. collect. 0 Domefday Book, ut fupra. P The mafterfhip was valued at 5/. and the other revenues at 14 r. 2 d. as Blomfield, vol. ii. p 538. 1 In the Will Books remaining in the lord bifliop of Nor¬ wich’s principal regiftry, fcarce any citizen of note died after A. D. r373. without leaving fome legacy to the lepers at the Five gates at Norwich. See the Will Book, Heydon, f. 42, & c. All thefe five houfes were in being, and had relief out of the Treafury, for the King’s bench and Marfhalfea for the county of Norfolk, A. D. i6o2.and 1604. ' Mr. Strype’s Life of archbifhop Parker, f. 272. s The lepers dwelling without St. Auftin’s gate, occur as early as 6 Ed. 2. The prefent houfes called the Pelt houfes were new built A. D. 1637. as Mr. Kirkpatrick’s collections out of the city records. It was founded by fome bifltop of Norwich, as Mr. Blomfield. 1 “ Legat 6.r. id. ad fabricationem nova capellx pro leprolis Marfham et Blikellneger, et terra de Sproufton et de Foflis; eorundem de annuo cenfo reddendo ab eis, qui terram ad manendum acceperunt in crofto hofpi- talis ; Ricardi archidiaconi de ecclefiis et decimis de “ extra portas de Fibriggate conftruendx A. D. 1448.” Lib. teitam. Aleyn, f. 9. This feems to have been a different place from the hofpital of St. Mary Magdalene, mentioned above : but qiuere. This Lazar houfe was in being A. D. 1625. “ A.D. 1585. the city purchafed the Lazar houfe without St. Bennet’s gates of Meif. Thomas and Nicholas Laver; and it was in ufe till A. D. 1697. < r after, as Mr. Kirkpatrick. " Anno 2 Ed. 2. Walter Knot granted to Richard de Ely his feven cottages in which the leprous people dwell, lying toge¬ ther without St. Giles’ gate, on the north fide of the king’s highway. This Sick houfe was in ufe A D. 1625. as Mr. Kirk¬ patrick. It was founded A. D. 1343. by Balderic de Taverham, as Mr. Blomfield. * This was made ufe of for keeping difeafed perfons in, till after the reftoration. Mr. Kirkpatrick. r Regiftr. prior. Norvic. vol. ii. p. 2. f. 1. “ Herbertus epif- “ copus operibus mifericordite feduliter infiftens, ad fufeeptio- “ nem leproforum quandam doraum extra civitatem Norvic. in “ folo ecclefire fuse m honorem B. Mariae Magdal. fundavit, et “ ad eorum fuftentationem quafdain terras dedit.” z Regiftr. prior. Norvic. vol. i. p. 239. a In reg. prior. Norvic. vol. i. p. 238. and in cartular. Nor¬ vic. penes Edm. Thcmilthorp gen. 1 714. is a grant of fome tithes in Taverham to this hofpital, dated A. D. 1119. b Regiftr. prior. Norvic. vol. ii. p. 2. f 8. This bilhop Ebo- rard was the founder, according to Leland, Colled!. vol. i. p. 60. E e e e e Ormefby ; LI. NORFOLK. 'Ormefby ; Ad* de Bellofago confirm, eandem dona- tionem ; indulgentiam XL. dierum conceflam per Eborardum epifcopum Norvicenfem benefa&oribus hujus hofpitalis ; cartas Morelli de Merlai de duabus partibus decimae fuae de Fileby ; Thom* Norvicenf. epifc. confirm, terras et decimas; R. Hen. I. de di- urna liberatione iii. denariorum per vicecomitem de Norf. folvend. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 799. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this hofpital, and names of the matters: p. 810. of pofleflions in Norwich: vol. iii p. 64a. of tithes in Blickling: vol. iv. p. 39. of tithes in Thorp, p. 1383. in Taverham, p. 1561. in Filby • p. 1 575- of the impropriate rectory of Ormefby. ' ' Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 60. Cartas, computos, &c. in archivis decani et capituli Norwic. Bullam P. Gregorii de hofp. S. Pauli apud Norwic. mf Cotton. Jtilius , F. viu 7. 11. St. Savior’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. Savior in Coflany was founded in the be¬ ginning of the reign of K. Edward 1. by Richard de Brekles chaplain, and in A. D. 1304, Was confirmed by the fame king ; but how, or when it was dilfolved, is not known. fride Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 846. i2. Austin Friers. The Friers Auflins came hither early in the reign of Edward i and fettled in the parilh of St. Michael in Conisford, in a meffuage belonging to Roger Miniotd, who from thence is called by fome their founder; but Mr. Speed afcribes the foundation to one of the bilhops of Norwich, Mr. Stow to one . Remigye, and others to K. Edward 1. who granted them their firft charter A. D. 1293 '. In the next century, having acquired the church of St. Mi¬ chael and a confiderable part of that fmall parifh, they pulled down the church and their old con¬ vent, and built upon the fcite a noble cloifter and conventual church. Alter the diffoludon, this priory was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Sir Thomas Heneage knight, Catharine his wife, and William lord Willoughby '. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 548. of the foun¬ dation of this priory: p. 551. perfons buried there: p. 552. names of the priors. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 307. 369. excerpta ex kalendario hujus prioratus et dimenfiones ecclefi*. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 804. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2386. f. 67. de fundatione hujus prioratus circa, A. D. 1291. per Rogerum Mynyot. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro manfo elargando. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. I. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 6. 13. Black Friers. The Black friers began to live in this city A. D. 1226b and were firft feated in the church of St. John’Baptift, between the pariffies of St. Clement’s Fibriggate, St. George’s Colgate, and St. Mary Unburnt, by the favour of Sir Thomas Gelham knt. and other benefactors. "But about 1 Ed. 2. they obtained, by the gift of that kings, the ground on the fouth fide of the river in the parifh of St. Andrew, where the Friers de Sacco had their houfe. And here thefe Black friers built a noble church, and all proper offices for the convent. All which were granted, 32 Hen. 8. to the mayor and citizens. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 725. of the foun¬ dation and principal benefadtors to this priory : p.727. perfons buried there : p.728. names of the priors: p. 821. of a houfe in Norwich. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 370. dimenfiones ec- clc(l£. In Lelandi ColleA. vol. iii. p. 28. codd. mlT. olim in bibliotheca hujus prioratus. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 805* where are the names of many remarkable perfons buried here. Cartas, &c. ad prioratum fratrum prmdic. fpeclantes in archivis civ. Norwic. in le Gildhall. Efcaet. Norf. 28 Ed. 1. n. 87. pro me(T. in Norwico, ex concelT. Joan. Le Clerk: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Efcaet. Norf. 1 Ed. 2. n. 19. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. de placea, quam Fratres De penitentia Jefu inhabi- tare folebant, conceffa Fratribus praedicatoribus : Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 9. de domibus et placeis pro manfo eorum elargando ; Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 25. ejufd. tenoris. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17 vel 18. de domo per fubi- tum ignis infortunium miferabiliter combufto. 14. Grey Friers. According to the Norwich annals by Bartholomew Cotton h, in A. D. 1226. the Grey friers came to this city, and fettled between the churches of St. Vedaft and St. Cuthbert in Conisford, in a houfe' given to them by John de Haftingford or Haflingford, who from thence is efteemed their founder. The fcite of this priory was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 563. of the foun¬ dation and principal benefa&ors to this priory : p. 564. perfons buried there : p. 566. names of the priors. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 306. 308. c c MS. colleft. ex rec. in turre London, mf. penes Jo. An- ftis arm. d Blomficld. c Thefe premifles being afterwards conveyed to the duke of Norfolk, he converted them into a garden, which thence ac¬ quired the name it (till retains of my lord’s garden. < Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 398. t Who is thereupon by Weaver called their founder: but the ColleA. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 17. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 329. the dimen- fions of the church, See. in Latin out of William of Worcefter. The fame in Englifh in Stevens’ Sup¬ plement, vol. i. p. 158. building and maintenance of thefe and moft other friers were owing to the charitable contributions of the well difpofed citi¬ zens, and gentlemen of the country ; many of whom are heiei buried. h Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 398. . 1 Upon or near the place where Mr. Cook’s hofpital has bee fince built. Efcaet. LI. NORFOLK. Efc«»t. Norf. 13 Ed. 1. n. no. de venella prope do- JO Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 2 vei 3. Pat. mum eorum includenda: Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . [bis.] 15. White Friers. The White friers fettled in this city A. D. 1256 k. Philip fil. Warini fil. Adte Arnald alias Philip Cougate a merchant1 in Norwich is faid to have been the founder of their houfe ; which was between the river and St. James’ church on the eaft fide of a ftreet anciently called Cougate. After the fuppreffion this friery was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews and Leonard Chamberlayn. y\ie in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 789. of the foun¬ dation of this priory : p. 790. perfons buried there : p. 794. names of the priors. In Lelandi Colleft. vol. iii. p. 28. codd. mfT. olim in bibliotheca hujus prioratus. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 306. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 805, 806, 807. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 329. and in Ste¬ vens* Supplement, vol. ii. p. 185. the dimenfions of their church out of William of Worcefter. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30. pro manfo elargando. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 vei 23. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vei 3. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 vei 5. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro quodam mefliiagio, et gardino ad manfum elargandum. 1 6. Friers DE Domina. The friers de Domina were fettled in the pariffi of St. Julian before A. D. 1290. and continued there, till the great plague in the reign of K. Edward 3. rendered their houfe defolate ; it afterwards became private property, and as luch has continued ever fince. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 548. 17. Friers of St. Mary. In the church-yard of St. Martin in the Bailey was a priory of friers, ftiled the prior and brethren of the fraternity of the Blefled Mary and St. Nicholas and All Saints, who, on the reduction of thefe fmall orders, were united to to the Carmelites. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 573. 18. Friers de Ptca. The friers de Pica™ were fettled in a houfe at the north eaft corner of the churchyard of St. Peter per Mountergate, upon their being obliged to join one of the four principal orders, this houfe came to the hofpital of Bek in Billingford, the matter of which made it his city houfe, and entertained a number" of chantry priefts or fecular chaplains, who ferved in this church or any where elfe, and lived together in a collegiate manner till the difiblution Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 557. 19. Friers de Sacco. The friers de Sacco, or de penitentia Jefu, fettled here about A. D. 1250P. in a houfe, oppofice to the fteeple of the church of St. Peter of Hungate, given them by William de Giffinthe clerk , which, with feveral adjacent tenements conferred upon them by other benefadtors, became, on the fuppreffion of this order, part of the new fite of the Black friers. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 725. De penitentia Jefu inhabitare folebant concefla Fra- Rot. pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 14. de placea quam Fratres tribus praedicatoribus. LII. P E N T N E Y. Austin Canons. Robert de Vallibus or Yaux, one of thofe who came over with kino- Wil¬ liam the Conqueror, built’ here a priory of Black canons to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene. About the time of the fuppreffion here were twelve' canons, who had yearly revenues to the value of 170/. 4 s. gd. q. as Dugdale, and 215/. i8r. 8 d. as Speed, the lands belonging to their cell at Wirmgay being included. The fite was granted to Thomas Mildmay 30 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 19. cartas Roberti de Vallibus, de fundatione : Willelmi de Vallibus filii Roberti, pro confirm, donationum : Progeniem fun- datoris de Pentney. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 58. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 104. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 658. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. i. p. 575. of pofieffions in Ovington: p. 588. of lands in Watton: p. 699. of pofieffions in * MS. colleft. loannis Balei (quondam Carmelitae Norvic.) in bibl. Bodl. ex dono dom. Hans Sloan. Cart, in archivis civit. *'"0r''rC* Not “ in A. D. It68.” as Speed and Weaver. .•n ”ot; " m,y°r °f Norwich,” for there was no fuch officer till many years after this foundation. m This was a diftinft houfe from that of the Fratres de Do- Inina. • ^ Fr°m "umber of Rails in the chancel, they are con¬ jectured to have been twenty-four. • Having no endowment, there is no mention of them in Brandon : vol. ii. p. 572. 646. 809. of pofieffions in Norwich : vol. iii. p 59. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Keteringham : p. 64. of a manor there; p. 204. of the impropriate rediory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tharfton : p. 297. of pofieffions in Framlingham Earl: p. 351. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vica- of Shotelham All Saints, p. 352. of Shotefliam St. Mary, p. 354, of Shotelham St. Botulph: p. 474. of any publick record. p So Biomfield, but A. D. is66. as former edition ex Colleft. Joan. Kirkpatrick, ex archivis civit. Norwic. 1 Perhaps temp mil. Conq. for it is placed almoft at the be¬ ginning of the fecond volume of the Monalticon, as one of the oldeft houfes. ' So the Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. But Mr. Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. iji. faith, the prior and thirteen , fubferibed to the fupremacy. lands LIII. NORFOLK. Sands inNarburgh: p. 502. of pofleffions in Swaf- ham, p. 524. in Narford : vol. iv. p. 70. of lands in Bexwell, p. 135. in Roxham : p. 439. of the impro¬ priate reftory of Whitwell : p. 471. of pofleffions in Wylcen : p. 482. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Weft Bilnev : p. 502. of pofleffions in Clenchwarton, p. 509. in Congham: p. 545. of the manor, and a mediety of the advowfon of the redlory of Geyton-thorp: p. 565. of pofleffions in Hillington, p. 621. in Weft Lynn, p. 675. in Rifing, p. 681. in North Rungton : p. 690. of lartds in Tilney, p. 739. in Eaft Walton: p. 745. of the manor of Eaft Winch : p. 759. of pofleffions in Wi- genhall, p. 780. in South Wotton, p. 827. in War- ham: p. 1003. of lands in Franlham magna: p.1202. of pofleffions in Hockering: p. 1225. in Eaft Tuden- ham: p. 1229. of Belhoufe manor in North Tuden- ham, and the advowfon of the mediety of the redlory: p. 1302. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Shernbourn : p. 1445- of lands in- North Walfham: p 1454. of a manor in Worftede. Codicem mf. five regiftrum hujus prioratus penes du- cem Rutland. s apud caftrum de Belvoir [Dugd. ] Rot. fin. Norf. 9 Hen. 3. n. 165. pro advoc. eccl. S. Mariae de Warham : Fin. Norf. 12 Hen. 3. n. 5. de ten. in Lenn: Fin. Norf. 13 Hen. 3. n. 123. de ten. in Worllede: Ibid. 17 Hen. 3. n. 38. de ten. in Thorp: Ibid. 18 Hen. 3. n. 61. de ten. in Eft Winch: Ibid. 34 Hen. 3. n. 61. pro medietat. advoc eccl. Omn. Sandlorum in S(iotelham : n. go prj bofeis et reddit. in Ketteringham. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 14. dorfo, de ten. in Eft Winch- Plac. apud Weflm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 103 et 109. dj commun. paftur. in Aylyfwithorp : Plac. de banco 26 Ed. 1. Hill. rot. 123. pro terris in Ell Winch’ Efcaet. Norf. 33 Ed. r. n. 209. Pat. 33 Ed. j. p 2 in . ult. Fin. Norf. 5 Ed. 2. n. 238. pro eccl. S. Mariae de Shoteftiam : Inquif. Cantab. 9 Ed. '2. n. 30. pat 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 32. de dimid. aerte et advoc. eccl" de Abiton', ex concelT. Petronillae de Nerford. pat" 1 1 Ed. 2. p. r. m. 3. de terris in Fincham et Stradel fet: Fin. Norf. 15 Ed. 2. n. 163. pro maner. de Av. lifwythorp : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. pro maner. de Aylwifthorp, terris in Geyton, Eft Walton Til' ney, &c. perquirendis de Joanne Thorp. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl. de Abington Parva [Cantab.] Efcaet. Norf. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pat 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. pro maner. de Weft Bilney- Fin. Norf. 40 Ed. 3. n. 58. pro eodem: Pat. 43 Ed. V p. 2. m. 3. pro maner. de Belhoufe hall in North Tuddenham: Cart. 44, &c. Ed. 3. n. 9. pro lib. war in Weft Bilney, Pentney, et Thorp juxta Geyton. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 5. LIII. PETERSTONE, Petrefton, of De Petra S. Petri, in the parijh of Burnham St. Clement, or Overy. Austin Canons. Before the year 1200". here was a houfe of canons of the order of St. Au(linw, who were under the patronage of St. Peter, and fubordinate to the monaftery of Wal- fingham ; to which this priory or hofpital (being fallen into decay) was wholly annexed A. D. 1449. and, as parcel of the pofleffions of Walfingham, was granted in augmentation of the revenues of the bilhoprick of Norwich 4 Ed. 6. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 738. an account of the donations to this priory, and names of fome of the priors: vol. ii. p. 646. 703. of pofleffions in Nor¬ wich : vol. iii. p. 740. of one fourth part of the ad¬ vowfon of the redlory of Burnham St. Andrew: p. 757. of pofleffions in North Barlham, p. 866. in Tofts: vol. iv. p. 199. of lands in Watlington, p. 798. in Egmere : p. 805. of a manor in Holkam : p. 815. of lands in Quarles '• p. 819. of pofleffions in Stivekey, p. 827. in Warham, p. 981. in Brifley, p. 1009. in Gately, p. 1019. in Greflenhale : p.1027. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Weft Lexham: p. 1051. of pofleffions in Rougham, p. 1292. in Ringftead parva: p. 1336. of the advowfon of the redlory of Beefton, and of an impropriated mediety of the fame. In libro inftitutionum, &c. tempore Walteri Ly Hert epife. Norwic. in regiftro principali Norwic. xi. f. 278. unionem five appropriationem hofpitalis de Petreftone prioratui de Walfingham per Walterum epife. aflenfu regio prius obtento, A. D. 1449. LIV. R A C H E N E S S, in Southacre. Hospital. Here was temp. Hen. 2. an hofpital for the reception of leprous people, fubordi¬ nate to the priory of Caftleacre, to which lands in this parifli and elfewhere were given for the lup- port of the lepers dwelling therein. Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 419. Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3. n. 79. de ten. in War-fles: Fin. Norf. 54 Hen. 3. n. 2. pro medietat. eccl. de Befton: Fin. Norf. 56 Hen. 3. n. 60. pro terris in Brunham. Plac. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 9. dorfo, pro commun. paftur. in le Northfield de Burnham : Ef¬ caet. Norf. 29 Ed. 1. n. 121. pro terris in Egmere: Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . de excambio cum priore de W eftacre. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 7. licent. perquirendi xx. marcas annui redditus : Ibid. p. 2. m. 3. de melT. et terris in Holkam: Fin. Norf. 12 Ed. 3. n. 72. pro melf. et terris in Quarles. Pat. to Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 15. pro meffi et terris in Holk- ham, Burnham Thorp et Burnham S. Clem, ex con- ceffi Simon. Baret et aliorum. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 7, 8, 9. pro deci- mis exonerandis. Fin. div. com. 26 Hen. 6. n. 63. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 18. pro annex, et unione prioratui de Walfingham. a “ Fundator modernus,” as Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 58. 1 Forfan redius Abinton. u When the church of Befton was appropriated to this priory. Lib. Inilitut. Norvic. vol. viii f. 130. w So the records, and all our entries in our inftitution books, except, lib vi. f. aio, where it is twice called, “ Ordinis S. Pe- “ tri,” which feems to have been a miftake in the feribe. Who the founder of this Religious houfe was, I have not yet met with. But it feems to have been fome of the anceftors of the Cheyneys ; for that family had the advowfon temp. Hen 6. ^Wrr, Whether this houfe was not originally the fame with “ Hofpitale S Nicolai litiim inter Ilolcham et Burnham,” to which “ et fratribus 'ibidem Deo fervientibus, Ricardus filius “ Roberti Hacon de Holcham confirmavit unam acram in cam- “ pis de Holcham, quam Avelina mater ejus dedit." For this deed (which is fans date and in the hands of Lee Warner efq; of Walfingham) is thus endorfed, “ Holkham, confirmat. unius “ acne terne dat. hofpitali S. Nicholai in Petrefton.” LV. RAVE N- LV. NORFOLK LV. raveningham. College removed to Norton Soupcors. LVI. EAST RUDHAM. Austin Priory removed to Cokesford. LVII; RUSHWORTH. College. About A. D. 1342. Sir Edm. de Gonvile* prieft, reftor of this parifh (who was alfo founder of Gonvile hall in Cambridge) upon the fite of the parfonage houfe built a chapel and college for a matter or warden and fix* Secular prietts. It was dedicated to St. John the Evange- lift, rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 85/. 15*. o d. ob. per ann. and was granted 33 Hen. 8. to Henry earl of Surrey, and 4 Ed. 6. to Sir John Cheke. y,de in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. no. duas cartas five licentias regias pro ampliori dotatione hujus col- legii, ambas notatas Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. qua- rum prior eft eauem verbatim cum carta originali fub magno figillo, penes Petrum Le Neve arm. regis Ed- wardi 4. dat. 1 Jul. anno regni 22. Ibid. p. iii, ftatutaet ordinationes pro gubernatione hujus collegii perThomam epifc. Norwic. 14 Jul. A. D. 1360. In Rymeri Foeder. &c. vol. xiv. p. 742. refignationem per magiftrum et confratres in manus dom. regis fitUs collegii et maner. de Rufhworth, Brettenham, et Larlingford [Norf.] et Elvedon [SufF.] In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 193. of the foundation and revenues of this college and names of the mafters : p. 201. of a fat lamb yearly out of the manor of Wefthorp in Weft Herling: p. 289. of the manor LVIII. S H E R I N G and advowfon of the rectory of Lerling : p. 300. of a manor in Bretenham. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 41. 57. Terrarium camporum de Rufhworth (in quo de terris ad collegium fpectantibus in quolibet ftadio) factum 20 Hen. 6. mf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. pro advoc. eccl. de Lerling. Efcaet. SufF. 13 Ric. 2. n. 139. pro terris in Elveden: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 36, pro ten. in Rufhworlhj Brettenham, et Elveden, ex concefT. Thornae Fuller: Efcaet. SufF. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. n. 63. Pat. 11 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 10. licent. perquirend. terras ad valorem XL. marc, per ann. Clauf. 18 Ed. 4. m. 5. dorfo: Efcaet. Norf. 21 Ed. 4. n. 62. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 14. pro maner de Rufhworth et Lading '. HAM, olim Siringham. Austin Cell. The church of this place being given1 by Walter Giffard earl of Bucking¬ ham, temp. Hen. 2. to the abbey of Nuttele in Buckinghamfhire, and appropriated thereunto, here was l'ome time a cell of Black canons to that abbey b. LIX. SHOULDHAM, or Suldham. Gilbertine Priory. Jeffrey Fitz Piers' earl of Eflex, temp. Ric. 1 i. founded a Gilbertine monaftery here for canons and nuns under the government of a prior'. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin f, and endowed at the fuppreffion with 138/. 18s. id. per ann. Dugd. 1 7 1 /. 6s. 8 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Thomas Mildmay. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 820, 821. cartam fun- dationis ex rec. 8 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 10. Notulam de fundatione ex Cartulario de Walden. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vbl. iv. p. 151. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. i. p.515. of pofTeflions in Northwold: p. 543. of the impropriate rectory of Stanford : p. 599. of poffeffions in Little Carbroke : vol. ii. p. 799. of pofTeflions in Norwich : vbl. iii. p. 65. of the advow¬ fon of the rectory of Carleton St; Peter fometime im¬ propriated: p. 372. of pofTeflions in Bodney: vol. iv. p. 68. of pofTeflions in Buckton, p. 70. in Bexwell ; p. 104. of lands in Fincham, and of the impropriate reflory of Fincham St. Martin : p. 1 1 1, of a carucate of land inFofton: p. 114. of pofTeflions in Fordhami p.145. in Thorpland and Watlington: p.148. of the manor of Shouldham : p. 158. of the impropriate churches of Shouldham All Saints, Shouldham St. Margaret, and Shouldham Thorp: p. 16 1. of the manor of Totenhill: p. 163. of Cavenham manor in Stoke Ferry, and of the impropriate church : p. 176. of pofTeflions in Stradfet : p. 199. of lands in Wat¬ lington: p. 215. of Cavenham manor in Wireham, arid of the impropriate church : p. 270. of pofTeflions in Thorp, p. 480. in Babington and Wdifreton : p. 501. of a manor in Clenchwarton : p. 514. of a manor in Derfingham: p. 621. of pofTeflions in Weft Lynn; p. 628. of lands in South Lynn, p. 680. in Sechey : p. 768. of a manor in Wigenhall St. Peter, the mediety of the impropriate rectory, and the ad- x Mr. Speed makes Sir Robert Wingfield knt. to be founder, ■ u e a TTcat while after, and was at molt but patron, in right of his wife Anne, who augmented this college. See Le- land.Colledt. vol. i. p. 4i. ^ 1 So many defigned at firft, though afterward there were but 1 Perhaps the fame with that in Mon. Andl. tom. iii. p. ii. P- no. ® r Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 155. a. 1 he « Canonici de Schyringham” are mentioned in the orwich taxation of Sparham deanry, A. D. 1156. And the mts cue to that abbey from Middleton near Lynn were made at Sheringham, as appears by fome leafes in Regiftr. prior, de Blackbtirgh mf. c Not Robert de Montealto , as Weaver, p. 865. for he was not buried here till A. D. 1329. d He is mentioned as living in the charter of foundation which Mr. Speed placeth in K. John’s time. e There is in fome few places mention of a priorefs, and the nuns are fometimes fpoken of as making the greateft part of the convent ; but in their prefentations and publick inftruments it is always “ prior et conventus.” It was furrendered by the prior, nine monks, and feven nuns, as Willis’ Hift. of Abbics, vol. ii. p. 15 1. f And the Holy Croft , as Speed and Weaver. F ffff vowfon LIX. NORFOLK. Vowfon oF the vicarage: p. 776. of lands in Wolfer- ton: p. 1554. of the impropriate rciftory of Caftor Trinity. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 58- In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 397. [edit. 1730. of the church of Neketon in Norfolk. Year Books, 27 Ed. 3. Pafch. h. 6. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem poffeffio- num prioris de Suldham in dioc. London. Cart. 1 Joan. m. 14. n. 88. Plac. apud Weftm. 8 Joan. Mich. rot. 5. d. de libertatibus, Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 17. Plac. div. com. 24 Heii. 3. rot. 33. pro commun. paftur. in Wireham : Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 36. pro terris in Shouldham : Ibid. n. 86. de ten. in Wreftone: Cart. 32 vel 33 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mercat. et feria apud Stoke Ferry: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro libertat. in Shouldham, Thorp, Fodefton, Totenhill, Wirham, Wretton, Stoke, et Buketon. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 22. dorfo, pro ten. in Stoke Ferry: Plac. de banco, 4 Ed. I. Mich. Norf. 62. pro eccl. de Stanford : Fin. Norf. 4 Ed. I. n. 83. de terris in Wolferton, cum bundis marifei ibidem: Plac. coram reg. 6 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 15. Fin. Norf. 10 Ed. 1. n. 129. pro advoc. eccl. Omn. Sandt. de Shouldham: Fin. Norf. 12 Ed. 1. n. 24. pro ten. in South Lenn: Fin. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. n. ill. pro advoc. eccl. de Stanford: Ibid. n. 188. de ten. in Gatefthorp: P];l(. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 5, d0rf„' de eccl. Omn. Sanft. de Shouldham : Efcaet. Norf’ 20 Ed. 1. n. 56. Plac. coram reg. 26 Ed. 1. rot ' dorfo, pro terris in Wigenhall : Plac. de banco 32 Ed. 1. rot. . Inquif. Norf. 6 Ed. 2. n. no. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m_ pro terris in Wigenhale, Werham, Stoke Ferry, &c Inquif. Norf. 7 Ed. 2. n. 90. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Stanford approprianda, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Ibid. p. 2. m. 5, pro eccl. de Fincham S. Martini : Plac. coram re^ 28 Ed. 3. Pafch. Norf. 32. de foffato apud Walfin.?.! ham: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21. pro eccl. de Caftm approprianda: Fin. Norf. 36 Ed. 3. n. igo. de ad. voc. eccl. S. Trinitatis de Caftre: Pat. 38 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. 7. pro confirm, cartae R. Ricardi 1. p/t' 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro ten. in London. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 22. pro meiT. et terris in Shouldham: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 30. promarifcis in Wolferton: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. pro eccl. S. Trinitatis de Caftre. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. pro mercat. et feria apud Stoke Ferry. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. LX. SLEVESHOLM, or Slewfham5. Cluni AC Cell. On a place fo called, then an ifland, in the fens belonging to the parilh of Methvvold olim Melewde, William earl Warren about A. D. 1222 h. placed a prior and fome Clu- niac monks. This priory, cell, or hofpitaH, was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary1, and fub- ordinate to Caftleacre, and as parcel of that monaftery was granted, 23 Eliz. to Ofbert Mundeford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 639. literas Will. com. Warren Pandulfo epife. Norvic. de proteftione : Cartam Joan. com. Warren, 3 Ed. 2. recit. cartam fundationis, et conced. collationem priorum de Sle- velholm prioribus de Caftleacre. In Blomfield’s Hiftory of Norfolk, vol. i. p. 312. an account of this priory with the names of four priors. LXI. SNORING PARVA. Lazar-House. There was a lazar-houfe at Quenegate in this parilh A. D. 13 So . Vide Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 857. LXII. WEST SOMERTON. Hospital Here was an hofpital for thirteen leprous perfons, founded by Ranulph de Glan- vil and Berta his wife, temp. Hen. 2. and by them put under the government of their monaftery at Butky in Suffolk, to which it was annexed 1 Hen. 4- Fide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1535. of the foundation of this hofpital. In regiftro coenobii de Butley, confirmationem P. Inno- centii 3. fuper hofpitali de Somerton. Inter rotulos antiquos in bibl. Harleiana, n. 20. Plac. coram reg. 19 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 9. 20 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 48. Ibid. 23 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 52. Ibid. 28 Ed. 1. Pafch. 43. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . dorfo, de vifitando hofpitali de Weft Somerton. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 11. LXI1I. S P O R L E; An alien priory of Black1 monks belonging to the abbey of St. Florence ledicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary ". After the diffolution of thefe houfes K. of the endowment of Eaton college - anno regni 19. and it was con- Alien Priory. hear Salmurm, Henry 6. made this a part firmed to the fame 1 Ed. 4. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 367. of poffef- fions in Holm Hale, p. 407. in North Pickenham : t % So called in the pat. 13 Eliz. for granting it to Mr. Mun- h After Pandulf was created biihop of Norwich, which was m i^This ifland and Religious houfe was dedicated to her ; but the parilh church of Methwold was dedicated to St. George, t Teftam. Alexandra . . * reftoris de Snoring Parva, in lib. p. 419. of tithes in Southacre: p. 442. of the im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage ot teftam. Heydon, f. 171. “ Item leprofis manentibus inparocbia “ mea apud Quenegate.” 1 Cart. 22 Eel. i. m Before 1256. Taxat. Norwic. n Regiftr. Norwic. iuftit. ii. 70. ® Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. ii. p. 198* Sporle; LXIII. N O R F O L K. Sporle : p. 443. names of the priors : p. 447. of pof- fe (lions in Great Palgrave: p. 447. of the impropriate church of Little Palgrave: vol. iv. p. 122. of a tur¬ bary in Marham : p. 746. of tithes in Eaft Wynch, p. 992. in Dunham magna, p. 1043. in Mileham : p. 1263. of pofleflions in Hitcham: p. 1275. of tithes hi Hunftanton, p. 1281. in Holme. Cartas, & c. penes praepofitum et focios coll. Eaton, in pyxide 58. Bundel. benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3 Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24- Efcaet. Norf. 15 Hen. 6. n. 48. port mortem Joann® Reginae Angliae, ubi extenta omnium terrarum, red- dituum, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpectantium : Rcc. in fcacc. 33 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 31. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. LXIV. T H E T F O R D. 1. CluNIAC Priory. In this then famousP town was a fociety of Religious perfons ’ in the church of St. Mary' as early as the reign of King Edward the Confeffor, if not before. Hither* Arfaftus or Herfaftus bifhop of the Eaft Angles removed his epifcopal feat from North Elmharn, A. D. 1075'. But it continued here only nineteen or twenty years, and then was tranflated to Norwich. After which, that great nobleman" Roger Bigod or Bigot, by the advice of bifhop Herbert" and others, built a monaftery here about A. D. 1104*. and fhortly after brought Clu- niac monks from Lewes in Suflex, and placed them in it, making it lubordinate to the abbey of ciuny in France. But this houfe and place being found inconvenient, the fame generous noble¬ man began on the other fide of the water, a little without the town, a moil llately monaftery and church to the honor alfo of the bleffed Virgin Mary. But dying fhortly after, prior Stephen * carried on the work, and met with fo much encouragement, that he finifhed it in about fevdn* years, and removed his convent into it on the feaft of St. Martin, A. D. 1x14“. This priory vvas made denifon 50 Ed. 3 b. and 26 Hen. 8. was found to be endowed with 312 /. 14L 4 d. ob. q. ■per ann. as Dugdale, and 418/. 6 s. 3d c as Speed; and was granted in exchange, 32 Hen. 8. to its patron Thomas duke of Norfolk, who was once intended to refound herein a college d of Se¬ cular priefts. Vide Angl. Sacr. tom- i. p. 406. de tranflatione fedis epifcopalis ab Helmham ad Thetfordiam, et a Thet- fordia ad Norvicum. In Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 664, kc. ex collect. Jacobi Strangeman in bibl. Cotton. I'itell. F. iv. cartas Ro- geri Bigot, de fundatione ; Willelmi Bigot filii Ro- geri, pro maner. de Snarefhelle, et multis aliis ; R. Hen. 1. confirm, donationes ; Robert! de Reinis, pro eccl. de Brifeth Parva [Suff.] Theobaldi de Scalariis, pro eccl. de Dulingham [Cantab.] Rogeri de M011- tebegonis, pro eccl. de Suftorp et Nortorp, et terra vocat. Tarlton , kc. in com. Lane. Prioris et con- ventus de Thetford conced. Tarlton, kc. abbnti® de Colcerfand: Cart, antiq. G. G. n. 2. fcil. R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, donatorum concefHones. In cl. Camdeni Britannia (ad Thetford) cartam Hugo- nis Bigot dapiferi regis. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 827, 828, kc. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 261. of the church of Finchingfield in Efiex: p. 441. of the church of White Notley: p. 467. of a portion of tithes in Pentlow, Efiex, belonging to this houfe. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 439. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: p. 65. of tithes in Fersfield, p. 78. in Shelf- hanger, p. 120. in Winfarthing: p. 145. of a rent out of Kenninghall park : p. iSr. of South Lopham church fometime impropriate : p. 163. of tithes in Norton St. Andrew: p. 166. of the advowfon of the redlory of Gatefthorp, and of lands there : p. 178. of pofl’efiions in Garboldfham, p. 183. in Ridlefworth : p. 191. of lands in Rulh worth and a manor there: p. 198. of the impropriate church and other pofief- fions in Snarefiiill : p. 202. of a rent of iir. out of the manor of Wefthorp .in Weft Herling : p. 293. of a rent in Rowdham: p. 298. of tithes and a manor in Bretenham : p. 305. of a penfion of viiir. out of the rectory of Shropham, and of lands there : p. 31 1. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Great Hocham : p. 314. of the impropriate church of Little Hocham: p. 327. of a meafure of wheat out of the manor of Rockland St. Peter : p. 334. of tithes in Befthorp: p. 367. of Monkfhall manor in Kilverftone: p. 410. of the manors of Hal- wicke, kc. in Thetford: p. 416. 420, 421. of the impropriate churches of St. Mary, St. Michael and St. Nicholas in Thetford : p. 471. of lands in Crox- ton : p. 474. of the manor of Santon : p. 545. of lands in Weft Tofts : p. 549. of the manor and im¬ propriate church of Linford : p. 569. of pofleflions in Little Ellingham: p. 574. of tithes in Ovington : p. 585. of a manor in Watton, Jthe impropriate rec- r Huntingdon, lib. ii. f. 318. mentions a council held by arch- bifliop Theodore at Tedford. And, if fo, here were then pro¬ bably monafteries and churches. But perhaps the hillorian or his editor might mi Hake the town’s name for Heortford or Twyford. s Leland, Collect vol. iii. p. 25. faith, They were Secular canons: the charters in the Monafticon of Roger and William Bigot feem to favour the opinion for monks. They could not he Friers Preachers, as Mr. Weaver, p. 817. makes them : for fuch were not heard of in England till two hundred years after. Monks here were in fome place of this town, if not at St. Ma¬ ry’s, before the year 1076. when Ingulf, edit. Oxon. p. 76. tells us, That of the fixty-two monks whom he then found at Croyland, fifteen were of Thetford. r Though this old church of St. Mary be on the Suffolk fide, et the greateft part of the prefent town, and the corporation eing now ufually reckoned in Norfolk, I fliall here under Norfolk, fpeak of all the Religious Houles within the liberty of Thetford. “ To the church of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary , faith Weaver. Leland and the charter of Hugh Bigot in Camden exprefiy place the epifcopal fee in the church of St. Mary ; not hut that here was a church of the Holy Trinity of fome fame, as Hen. Huntingdon, lib. v. edit. Francof. p. 356. 1 Yet Egelmere is Itilcd bilhop of Thetford in the time of K. Edward the Confeffor, and Eadfius archbifliop of Canter¬ bury, (who died A. D. 1049.) 'n Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 184. b. u Not Hugh, as Camden and Weaver. Nor was this Roger buried here, notwithftanding his epitaph, and the teftimony of feveral hiltorians; but at Norwich, as appears from a famous adtion which thefe monks brought agamlt bifhop fftrbert for their founder’s body before K. Henry 1. in which the bifhop call them, and got his charges, and a fubmiffion, as appears from Regiftr. iii. prioris et convent. Norvic. mf. f. 56. w So the Monalticon ; but Leland, Colledt. vol. i. p. 350. and ii. 248. makes the bifhop founder. x The Monafticon faith A. D. 1103. y Who is therefore often called founder. z “ A. D. 1107. obiit Rogerus Bigot principalis fundator mo- nafterii B. Mari® Thetfordi®.” Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 640. * “ A. D. 1104. et 4 R. Hen. 1. conftrudtum eft monafterium “ B. Mari® de Thetford. Et in A. D. 1106 fuit introdudtio “ monachorum apud Thetford, et dom. Stephanus fundator “ ibidem fadtus eft prior primus. . et A.D. 1 114. monachi Thet- “ ford, intraverunt fuam novam ecclefiam in fefto S. Martini.” Colledt. Franc. Thynni e regiftro de Bermondfey, penes Joan. Anftis Garter. b Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 668. 1 Here were feventeen monks, as Compend. Compert. The prior and thirteen furrendered. Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. App. p. si. b Strype’s Life of Arcbbifhop Parker, p. 31. tory LXIV. NORFOLK. tory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 613. of tithes in Afhill : p. 619. of lands and tithes in Totington : p. 623. of poiTeffions inThrexton: p.628. in Thomp¬ son: p. 705. of tithes in Morley: vol. iii. p. 30. of tithes in Kefwick, p. 45. in Newton, p. 48. in Flor- don ; p. 49. of rents in Keningham : p. 59. of tithes in Keteringham, p. 72. in Hethill: p. no. of poffef- fions in Tacolneftone, p. 115. in Hapton: p. 117. of the manor and impropriate church of Aflafton : p. 126. of poiTeffions in Stratton : p. 136. of tithes in Great Moulton : p. 140. of lands and tithes in Tafe- burgh : p. 145. of poiTeffions in Hardwic : p. 173. of poiTeffions in Forncet, and the advowfon of the rec¬ tory fometime : p. 199. of tithes in Waflon magna : p. 205. of poiTeffions in Tharfton, p. 207. in Frit- ton : p. 220. of lands in Brockdiih, p. 235. in Star- fton: p 296. of the advowfon of the reftory of F'ram- lingham earl, and of tithes there: p. 300. of the fame in Great Poringland: p. 371. of the manor of Bodney: p. 831. oflands in Rainham: vol. iv. p. 186. of poiTeffions in Upwell, p. 326. in Matlaik: p. 350. of the impropriate church of Suited : p. 384. of pof- feffions in Geift: p. 690. of rents inTilney: p. 805. of poiTeffions in Holkam: p. 880. of tithes in Palling, p. 907. in Burgh parva : p. 1030. of poiTeffions in EaftLexham: p. 1 163. of lands in Thurton: p.1239. of poiTeffions in Wood Ryfing : p. 1321. of lands in Stanhow. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 112. a full account of the foundation of this priory: p. 125. of its benefaftors taken from the regilter of the fame in the Cotton library, Vitcllius , F. iv. fince burnt : p. 148. an ac¬ count of its fpiritualties from the records in the court of firft-fruits and tenths: p. 150. of its temporalties : p. 152. yearly payments made by the prior: p. 158. names of the priors: p. 162. a brief declaration of the arms that have been in the late priory of Thet¬ ford : p. 1 16. cartam Rogeri Bygot de fundatione: cartas R R. Hen. 1. et Hen. 3. de confirmatione: p. 158. cartam prioris et conventys de conceffione decimarum in Croiley et Twicrofs abbati et cano- nicis de Ofeney. In Append, p. 29. fragmentum hiftoriae hujus coenobii ex cod. mf. in bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cant. p. 35. cartam Huberti epifc. Norwicen. de confirmatione : p. 54. cartam Elizabeths reginae recit. et confirm, cart. R. Hen. 8. de donatione hujus prioratus Thoms duci Norfolc. in excambium : p. 62. indenture, 30 Hen. 8. between the prior and convent and the mayor and commonalty of Thetford for the repair of the bridges called The Nuns-hridges : p. 65. leafe of Santon manor, 26 Hen. 8. to William Toppyng: p. 69. fententiam definitivam officialis curis Cantuar. de decima filvs cedus in Fychyng- feld : p. 77. petition of the prior and convent to be made denizen': p. 79. deed of furrender, dated 16 Feb. 3r Hen. 8. p. 81. an account of the ereft- ing the chapel of the BlefTed Virgin from a mf. in Bene’t college library: p. 87. fchedule of the will of [ohn Brygges of Quiddenham concerning the manor of Lynford. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedift. Append, fcript. p. 8r. petitionem regi Edwardo 3. pro indigenatione e. Lelandi Colleift. vol. i. p. 44. 350. vol. ii. p. 248. et vol. iii. p. 25. de fundatione et indotatione hujus prioratus : vol. i. p. 57. nomina fundatoris et princi- palium benefaftorum, cellarumque eidem pertinen- tium : vol. iii. p. 25. codd. mlT. olim in bibliotheca. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, Append, p. 32. de iv. bovatis terrs et falina in Holbeche. Bradton, lib. v. tradf. iv. cap. 15. § 14. pro eccl. de Rufh worth. Cartas quafdam ad hunc prioratum fpedlantes in pyxide cartarum legata academis Oxon. ab Ant. Wood et in mufeo Afhmol. repofita. Regiftrum mf. olim penes Gul. Le Neve Clarent. reg. armorum. Regiftra bina mf. penes virum amiciffimum Petrum Le Neve Norroy regem armorum, A. D. 1719. Regiftrum hujus prioratus penes prsnobilem Ducem d Grafton. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 460. n. 5. fCI) tentiam excommunicationis latam A. D. 1358 epifcopum Norwicenfem in fpoliatores monafterii Thetfordienfis. Plac. apud Weftm. 6 Ric. 1. rot. 3. pro terris in Bern- ham, ex dono Radulphi le Brun, temp. R. Hen. 2 Plac. apud Weftm. 7 Joan. Pafch. rot. 13. de levatioiie falds verfus Norfolk per priorem S. Sepulchri. Fin. Norf. 3 Hen. 3. n. 65. pro advoc. eccl. de Thar¬ fton : Fin. Suff. 8 Hen. 3. n. 149. de una carucata in Derfham: Plac. de banco, 10 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 7 de Willelmo de Hifpania prsfcntato ad capellam de Finchingfield, falva antiqua penfione prioratui : Fin Suff. 12 Hen. 3. n. 8. de terris in Syleham : Fin Norf. 12 Hen. 3. n. 2. pro advoc. eccl. de Hocham' Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 82. de quatuor bovatis terrs in Thetford: Ibid. n. 153. de terris in Ixning: Fin. Suff. 22 Hen. 3. n. 25. pro advoc. eccl. de Belinvs Parva : Ibid. n. 28. de duabus carucatis terrs ia Glemham : Rot. Vafc. 38 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. g. Fin. Norf. 41 Hen. 3. n. 108. de terris in Aflaketon: I in. Suff. 55 Hen. 3. n. 145. pro advoc. eccl. de Ofton. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 10. dorfo, pro advoc. eccl. deNorthales: Fin. Suff. 14 Ed. i.n, 70. pro advoc, eccl. de North Hales: Plac. in com. Norf. 14 vel 15 Ed. 1. Coron. rot. 5; de libertat. in Kinardefton: Rot. 9 et 10. de libertat. in SnarelhilL Rot. 33. de Weftwyk five Faverettfeld, ex dono Ro¬ geri Bigot dapiferi R. Willelmi Conq. Affif. rot. 31. et rot. 51, 52. de ten. in Totyngton: Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 10. pro advoc. eccl. de North Hales verfus Joannem de Bifkele : Quo war. rot. 46. de libertat. in Derlham : Rot. 48. dorfo, de libertat. in Brom. Coron. rot. 7. dorfo, de eifdem: Rot. 11. dorfo, de fofl'ata levata in Ofton: Rot. 35. de libertat. in North Glemham: Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. ult. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 25. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de maner. de North Glemham, Derfham, et Yokesford, cum ecclefiis dimiffis pro annuo redditu cclxx, mar- carum: Ibid. p. 2. m. 26. pro advoc. eccl. de Yokef- ford ; et m. 29. pro advoc. eccl. de Poringland. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Derfham [Suff] Pat. g Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. de hofpitali con- ceffo : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro libertat. apud Brom juxta Eye: Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. quod prioratus fit indigena. Plac. coram rege, 2 Ric. 2. Hill. Norf. ig. pro feparali pifcaria apud Sileham [SufF.j Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de indigenatione: Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 21. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. pro meff. vocat. Li Grange , Le Cajlleyerd , dccccxl. acris terrs, &c. conceffis per ducem Lancaftriae: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 20. de excambio molendini vocat. Bread Mill, &c. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 12. pro vicaria eccl. dc North Hales reftituenda et rehabenda : Inquif. Suff. 13 Hen. 4. n. 12. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 15. pro ten. in Thetford, Croxton, Newmarket, Downham, Sic. et m. 31. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 28. pro terris in Bo- kenham, Rufhworth, et Bridgham. Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 15. pro maner. de Santon, et ten. in Weft Tofts: Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 34. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 14. pro maner. de Bodney: Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 14. pro maner. de Lind- ford, et ten. in Thetford. Cart. 12 Ed. 4. n. 13. de lib. war. in omnibus nja- neriis. Pat. 26 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. . pro eccl. de Walton, Felix- flow, Faltenham, et Bedingfeld [Suff] appropriandis: Rot. aft. pari. 27 Hen. 8. n. 5. for the exchange ot lands between the king and the duke of Norfolk, and the prior and convent of Thetford. « = Printed alfo in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. is- 2. Canons LX1V. NORFOLK. Canons of the Holy Sepulchre. A priory of canons Regular of the order of the , , lv Sepulchre, or the Holy Crofs, founded in the church of St. Sepulchre here by William ■ : Js earl of Warren, temp. R. Steph s. Herein were fixh Religious, who had at the fuppreflion 1 ’ i g,. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. 49/. i8j. id. Speed1. This houfe was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Richard Fulmerfton efquire. Vide in Mon.,AngI. tom. ii. p. 574, 57 5. cartam Joan, com. Warren [dat. A. D. 1315.] recit. et confirm, fex cartas Willielmi, Hamelini, et Willielmi com. Warrenniae de fundatione et dotatione hujus prio- ratus. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 435. of the founda¬ tion and benefadlions to this houfe, and names of the priors: p. 163. of pofleffions in Norton: p. 292. of lands in Lerling : p. 321. of pofleffions in Rock¬ land Tofts : p. 414. 419, 420, 421. of the impro¬ priate churches of St. Cuthbert, Holy Trinity, St. Edmund, St. Lawrence, St. Andrew, and St. Giles in Thetford : p. 685. of a tenement and lands in Huningham and Thorp: vol. ii. p. 674. of pofleffions in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 367. of pofleffions in Holm- Hale : vol. iv. p. 320. of the advowfon of the reftory ofGrefham fometime impropriate: p. 322. ot tithes in Hanworth: p. 759. of pofleffions in Wigenhall, p. 1006. in Franfham parva. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 174. of the foundation of this priory: p. 176- of its benefaftors and revenue: p. 180. furvey or rental of its pofleffions taken A. D. j 338. p. 189. names of the priors: p. 153. of a pen- fion of v /. payable by the prior of the Cluniac monks in Thetford: p. 154. of a penfion of Xlis. for lands in Thetford and Croxton : of a penfion of I /. for lands in Croxton called Sibtori : rent : p. 175. confir- mationem comitis Warren de terris in Thetford et Favertonfield : cartam R. Hen. 2. de eifdem. In Append, p. 90. licence to earl Warren to grant the advowfon of the church of Grelham : bull of P . Bo¬ niface 9. to the fame purpofe. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. $7. Apographa cartarum et confirmationum domus S. Se- pulchri canonicorum de Thetford [foliis 14.J inf. penes Jo. Anftis arm. G. 6. Plac. apud Weftm. 7 Joan. Pafch. rot. 13. de levatione fald as Mr. Blomfield, p. 430. m In the old catalogue of Religious houfes afcribed to Ger- vafe of Canterbury, the nunnery at Thetford is faid to be dedi^ cated to St. Gregory; in which miftake he is followed by Leland, Speed, Weaver, &c. n Regiftrum Rubrum abbatise de Bury, mf. f. ao, ai, &c. But quxre, Whether there were not fome few nuns left at Lyng; for in plac. coron. in com. Norfolc. 34 Hen. 3. rot. 22. in hun¬ dred. de Eynsford, there is mention of “ Domus monialium “ de Lynge.” 0 Regiftrum Album five Pinchbeck mf. f. 203. p Vide et Appendicem, ad Jo. Battleii Autiquitates S. Ed¬ mundi Burgi, p. 149. lows, G g g g g LXIV. NORFOLK. lows, dedicated to St. Mary, and valued at 109/. os. 7 d?. but at no more than 5/. 9 s. 7 d\ ter 'as Dugdale : but it was more properly a free chapel, wherein was a gild confiding of mem- bers of both fexes, who maintained a mader and two prieds to celebrate divine offices; it Was fuuated in the Bayly-end, and was fird founded, temp. Ed. 1. by Sir Gilbert de Pykenham fenior; by fubfequent benefactions, the annual revenues amounted 25 Hen. 5. to about 40/. but bein» under the management of its lay members, the mayor and principal inhabitants, they were mifap'? plied and alienated. It was refigned A. D. 1547. into K. Edward’s hands, and the next year the demeans belonging to it were granted to the duke of Norfolk, and on his forfeiture to Sir Richard Fulmerdone, who fold the fcite to Nicholas Wood, and 7 Jac. 1. it was granted to Francis Morice and Francis Philips gent. Vide in Martin’s Thetford, p. 203. of the foundation, Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 425. principal benefactors and revenues. Lelandi ColleiSt. vol. i. p. 57. 5. Godshouse. Here was an hofpital called Domus Dei or God s Houfe, fuppofed by fome to have been founded foon after the removal of the epilcopal fee to Norwich , but certainly long before the reign of Edward 1 '. the patronage was 9 Ed. 3. m John Warren earl of Surrey, who then granted it with all its podeffions to the prior and canons of Thetford’, and 22 Ed. 3. Henry earl of Lancader confirmed this grant, except the fite, which he gave to the Black friers \ Vide Martin’s Thetford, p. 92. Blomfield’s Hilfory of Norfolk, vol. i. p. 424. Efcaet. Norf. 24 Ed. i. n. 82. pro melT. et terris in Thetford dandis Domui Dei de Thefford. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. pro priore de Thef¬ ford de hofpitale voc. la Mazon de Dieu de Thefford ei per Jo. de Warren com. Suff. concelfo. 6 St. John’s Hospital. This hofpital was feated on the Suffolk fide of the river between the canons and the red cadle", and had formerly been a parochial church, which being given by John of Gaunt duke of Lancader to the Audin friers, and the parilh being united to that of Holy Trinity, they made it a houfe of lepers and a chapel * ; the patronage belonged to the fuc- ceffive lords of the manor of Thetford, and it was granted 32 Hen. 8. to Richard Fulmerdone efq«. Vide Martin’s Thetford, p. 97. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 423. 7 St. Mary and St. Julian’s Hospital. This hofpital, fometimes called the hermitage Of St Julian, was, as fome think, founded by K. Henry 1. the prefentation to it was veded in earl Warren as lord of the manor of Thetford, and its endowments were by 110 means con- temptible. Vide in Martin’s Thetford, p. 95- an account of the feveral benefactors to this hofpital. 8. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. An hofpital was founded here by John de Warren earl of Surrey, and had the church or chapel of St. Mary Magdalen annexed to it, from which it took its name; it dood at fome didance from the town near the road to Norwich. The f°’Jn°ei' endowed it with feveral parcels of land to a confiderable value, and by degrees it became ponefied of 260. acres of land, and 604. acres of padure and heath, and liberty of 4. foldcourles in Thet¬ ford, Kilverdone, Croxton, and other places: the advowfon of it belonged, 35 Ed. 3. to Henry duke of Lancader r. It was valued 26 Hen. 8. only at 1 1. 13 J. 6d z. ob. and was granted 3 Ed. 6. with all houles, lands, &c. thereunto belonging, and all fairs and markets yearly held on the feait of St. Mary Magdalen, to Sir William Fermour, who Sept. 28. eodem anno relealed all the pre- miffes abovementioned to Sir Richard Fulmerdone. Vide Martin’s Thetford, p. 90. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 422. of the church of St. Mary Magdalen, and of the foundation and en¬ dowment of this hofpital: p. 47 lands in Croxton. Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3. n. 17. pro jure cuftodis hofpi- talis S. Mari* de Thetford in melT. et terris in Crox¬ ton et Norwik. Extenta terrarum abbatise de Sibton, mf. penes Tho. Martin de Palgrave gen. wherein the mailer ol the hofpital of St. Mary Magdalene in Thetford, is laid to hold lands in Croxton of the abbat of Sibton, 15 Ed. 2. p Weaver faith 109 /. 7->. o d. Speed 109/. or. ni. q If we may fuppofe that the valuation of this college in the mL ufed by Mr. Speed and Mr. Weaver was written 109 j. j d. the difference may eafily be accounted for ; though I have feen in the bifhop’s regiftry at Norwich another valuation ot it at J7 /. 6 J. 8 d. viz. the matter's portion 6/. 13 a. 4 «• and the two chaplains 5 /. 6j. 8 d. each , r Mr. Blomfield thinks it as old as K. Willtam Ru/uj reign ; and faith it flood on the Suffolk fide, having its Eaft part front¬ ing the ftreet, and the river on the North of it. 3 3 Martin's Thetford. t Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. “ Martin’s Thetford, p. 97. W Ibid. p. 68. The Auftin friers might firft convert the church into a free chapel, and annex it to the hofpital ; t>u 1 is certain that the latter was in being at an earlier period, being mentioned in an affeffment made 35 Ed. 1. Mr. field fuppofes it to have been founded by Roger Bigot, ana have been fuppreffed by earl Warren on his founding the «n- pital of St. Mary Magdalen; but when or by whomfoe founded, it is evident from the abovementioned affeffment other records quoted by Mr. Martin, that it continued ion. after the erection of Magdalen hofpital. « Martin’s Thetford, p. 97. r Fin. div. com. 35 Ed. 3. n. ;8. * Valor in the bilhop’s regiftry. 9. St. Mar- LXIV. NORFOLK. 9. St. Margaret’s Hospital. The church of St. Margaret here, firft appropriated to the priory of Lewes, was afterwards converted into an hofpital. Fide Martin’s Thetford, p. 69. dierum conceftam largientibus elemofinas leprofis in I11 Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 420. hofpitali S. Margaretae Thetfordiae dcgentibus. In regiftro Fordham epifc. Elienfis, indulgentiam xl. I 10. Austin Friers. In the time of K. Richard 2. here was an houfe of Friers Auguftines founded by John of Gaunt duke of Lancafter'; the fite whereof was granted, with fome other Religious houfes, to Richard Fulmerfton 32 Hen. 8. yidc in Martin’s Thetford, p. 195. of the foundation and benefactors to this priory: p. 198. deed of fur- render: p. 69. of the church of St. John. ]n Blomfieid’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 429. of this priory : p. 419. of the impropriate church of St. John in Thetford: vol. iii. p. 671. of lands in Buxton: vol. iv. p. 1202. of tenements in Hockering, and lands in Thetford. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. j. m. 19 vel 20. pjo meiTuagio, ca- pella, et heremitagio quodam in Thetford et Bern- ham, cum feria ad eadem pertinenti. 11. Black Friers. The houfe of Friers preachers here is laid to have been founded b by Henry earl and afterward duke of Lancafter toward the beginning of the reign of K. Edward 3. It was granted to Richard Fulmerfton 32 Hen. 8. Fide in Martin’s Thetford, p. 166. of the foundation of Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 208. this priory: p. 169. benefadlors, and perl'ons buried Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. t. in the church : p. 170. deed of furrender. m. 17. Blomfield’s Hiftory of Norfolk, vol. i. p. 427. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Clauf. 10 Ric. 2. m. 19. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 303. notulas de libro Pat. 1 Hen. 4, p. 7. m. 26 vel 27. cronicarum : p. 310. Jongitudinem ecclefiae. LXV. THOMESTON, or Tompfon. College. In 23 Ed. 3. Sir Thomas de Shardelow knt. and his brother John eftablilhed and endowed a perpetual chantry or college of a matter and five0 chaplains in the parifh church of this place, to the honor of the blefled Virgin and All Saints'*. It had yearly revenues valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 52 l. 15s. 7 d. oh. Dugd. Speed, and was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Edmund Knyvet. Fide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 626. of the im¬ propriate church of Thompfon, and of the founda¬ tion, revenues and matters of this college : p. 305. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Shropham : p, 309. of Bradgar manor there : p. 546. of lands in Weft Tofts, p. 593. in Saham T ony. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 6r. Appropriationem ecct. paroch. de Thomfton magiftro et capellanis, A. D. 1350. per Willelmum epifc. Nor- vic. In libro inftit. &c. in regiftro Norvic. iv. f. 24. Appropriationem eccl. de Shropham huic collegio per LX VI. MON K’s, T O F P. Bonifaclum; et ordinationem vicarim : Ibid. lib. inftit. vi. f. 361. Lib. vii. f. 69. Lib. viii. f. 151. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. pro cantaria ibidem fundan- da: Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro meff. et xlviii. acris terrae inThomefton ex dono Joannis Shardelow et Thomae fratris, Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. pro maner. in Shropham vocat. Bradeker ball : Efcaet. Norf. 13 Ric. 2. n. 142. pro iv. toftis et lxxx. acris terrae in Bretenham ex conceiT. Will, de Shelton: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro maner. de Shudicamps et Horfet [Cantab.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. pro eccl. de Shropham. T E, or Toftes Monachorum. Alien Priory. An alien priory to the abbey of St. Teter and St. Paul at Preaux (De Pra- tellis) in Normandy, to which this manor and the church of St. Margaret here were given by Ro¬ bert earl of Mellent and Leicefter, temp. Hen. 1 '. After the lupprellion of thefe houfes K. Henry 5. annexed the revenues of this cell to the Carthufians at Witham in Somerfetfhire, and K. Henry 6. to the college of Eaton, but K. Edward 4. gave them to King’s college in Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 598. cart. 13 Ed. 1. m. 21. n. 69. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. P. 599. cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 26. per Infpex. recit. cartam Rob. com. de Mellent et Leiceftr. fundatoris : Ibid. tom. iii. 2 Speed. Weaver, p. 828. adds “ and Blanch his wife, and “ others fay by Henry earl of Lancafter and Leicefter and makes the valuation of this houfe 312/. 14a. 4 d. which was one valuation of the Cluniac priory here. b Mr. Stow’s mf. and Mr. Speed, who confounds this friery with the old priory of St. Maries. Sir Edmund Gonevile, par- ion of Terington, fteward to earl Warren, and afterwards to Henry earl of Lancafter, was the principal promoter of this foundation : the priory was built on the ruins of the church of St. Mary the Great, which was made by billiop Arfaft the ca¬ thedral of his fee, and had been afterwards intended for the lite of the Cluniac monks. Martin’s Thetford. p. ii. p. 198. pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. de conceff. hujus prioratus collegio Etonenfi. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 237. of the lordihip and advowfon of the rectory of Hadefcoe : p. 271. of c Thus in the foundation; and fo many appeared in the bilhop of Norwich’s vifitation of tills college A. D. 1314. But Leland, Colledt. vol. i. p. 61. faith, here were but a mailer and two brethren d So in the recital of the foundation, lib. inftit. Norvic. iv. 24. but lib. vi. p. 237. exprelly called “ Collegium S. Martini de “ Tomefton.” * Pretty early in his reign, if not temp. Will. Ru t, there being twice mention of domini regis Willelmi , and not the leaft re¬ membrance of K. Henry, in the earl’s grant of this place to Preaux. lands LXVI. NORFOLK. lands in Thurverton: p. 272. of the manor of Tofte, and two thirds of the rectory impropriate. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 535. edit. 1730. of War- mington, parcel of the poffeffions of this priory. Plac. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. Coroti. rot.-2l. Affif. rot. 6. dorfo ; rot. 8. dorfo ; et rot. 69. Quo war. rot. 2. dorfo: Efcaet. Norf. 21 Ed. 1. n. 102. de terris in Aldeby : Efcaet Suff. n. 92. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 22. Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Fin. War. 33 Ed. 3. m pro maner. five prioratu de Warmington rWarw l^' Efcaet. War. 7 Ric. 2. n. 108. Pat. 14 Ric. 2 m. 21. Efcaet. Norf. 18 Ric. 2. n. 83. pro conr-ir Ludovic. de Clifford. H ncelf- Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 20. de hoc prioratu conceffo Carthufianis apud Witham in Selewode. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 23. de donatione hums priorat,,, collegio S. Nicolai Cantab. J ^ tus LXVII. W A B U R N. Austin Canons. Sir Ralph Meyngaryn kntf. temp. Hen. 2. founded a fmall priory of Black canons s here, which was at firft fubordirtate to Weftacre. This houfe was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary and All Saints, and rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 24/. igs. 6d. ob. per arm. Dugd. 28 l. 2 d. Speed. The fite of it was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Richard Heydon. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 490. notulam de funda- tore, ejufque progenie. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 60. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 966. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: vol. ii. p. 545. 548. 810. of poffeffions in Nor¬ wich : vol. iii. p. 583. of poffeffions in Irmingland, p. 611. in Corpefty, p. 617. in Olton, p. 622. in Binham, p. 651. in Alby, p. 652. in Cbleby, p. 671. in Wolterton, p. 681. in Mannington, p. 705. in Saxthorp : vol. iv. p. 290. of the impropriate church of Eaft Beckham, and of lands there : p. 300. of lands in Berningham Winter : p. 320. of poffeffions in Grefham, p. 334. in Plumftead: p. 347. of a lord- fhip in Sheringham : p. 847. of poffeffions in Brun- ftead, p. 899. in Bayfield, p. 902. in Blakeney, p. 903. in Glanford, p. 910. in Burfton, p. 924. in Hemftede, p.927. in Holt, p.931. in Hunworth : p. 933. of lands and tithes in Kelling : p. 030 ot poffeffions in Letheringfet, p. 957. in Sharington- p. 986. of the rectory of Colkirk fometime impro¬ priate. Compofitionem inter fuppriorem et canon, de Wabrun et priorem et conv. de Weftacre, A. D..1314, m. 7. pro bofeis in Litelhey, et Halfow quondam Saeri com.Winton. aflartandis : Fin.div. com.2oHen 3. n. 5. Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 42. pro terris in Eftwic : Fin. div. com. 20 Hen. 3. n. 5. pro grova juxta Brackele : Fin. Northamt. 31 Hen. 3. n. Aflif. in com. Northamt. 49 Hen. 3. rot. 20. pro ii. melT. et 1 virg. terras in Whitfield ex donatione Gil¬ bert! de Monte. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. n. n.d. Rec in fcacc. 8 Ed. 1. Mich, rot. . pro aflarto in Littlehey infra foreftam de Whit- tlewood: Inquif. Northampt. 14 Ed. 1. n. 60. de concelT. Elena: la Zouch x. marc, reddit, in Brakele ad fuftentationem ii. capellanorum : Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 7. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. et p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 6. Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 11. pro ii. melT. in Brackele: Clauf. 4. Ed. 3. m. 27. dorfo, de ten. vocat. Blake hall: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. 16 vel 17. El'caet. Buckingh. 10 Ed. 3. n.48. de terris in Weftbury. Cartas, rentalia, rotulos, he. ad hoc hofp. fpeclant. in archivis coll. S. Marias Magd. Oxon. 2. St. Leonard’s Hospital. Here was an hofpital fituated without the town, about half a mile dittant from the church of St. James, dedicated to St. Leonard : it was founded before A. D. 1291 ', and was in the patronage of the lords of the manor. Vide colled. cl. M. Hutton e regiftr. Hen. Beaufort In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 152. fome ac- epife. Lincoln. count of this hofpital, and names of the matters. 3. Crossed Friers. There was in Brakely a place of “ Croflid friers,” faith Leland. Itin. vol. vi ii. p. 101. where in the margin is “ hofpitelarii.” Therefore, quare, whether not the fame with the hofpital of St. John, above mentioned. VI. BRICCLESWORTH, Bredon, Wermundfey, Repingas, and Wockingas. Monasteries destroyed. Thefe are all mentioned as daughter abbies that had their rife from Medefhamftede, and were cells to it or dependents upon it in the time of Cuthbaldus the fecond abbat, or about A. D. 690. and are fuppofed to be near Peterborough, though the parti¬ cular fituations of them are not now known"1. Bredon feems to have been the chief of them, for that had a charter of privileges granted to it by Berthwulfus king of the Mercians, A. D. 844. But they were all deftroyed by the Danes in 870. and never reftored. * This is all the authority I have for this college, unlefs pat. i Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. belongs to it. b Not “ Robert earl of Mellent, temp. Hen. 1.” as in the Baronage, from Knighton, col. 2345. for the foundation char¬ ter has the abbat of Leicefter, (which abby was not founded till 1147.) and Alexander abbat of Bitlefden, who was not fo till after 1151. witnefles to it. J Not “ Black canons dedicated to St. Mary, and in Ox* “ fordfliire,” as Mr. Speed out of Gervafe of Cant. k “ A college founded by lord Zouch.” Camden. “ A church ‘‘of St. John and St. James in the middle of the town of the “ foundation of the lordLovel’s, fometyme a college and bofpi- “ tale.” Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 6. 1 Dodfworth. Colled, rot. 107. m Perhaps Bricklefworth , Bredont and JVock'mgasy may be Brix- worth , Braden > and Wickens. m VI. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Vide Gunton’s Hiftory of Peterborough, p. 6. 127. 238, and in p. 342. Berthwulf ’s n charter to Bredon. 239, 240. 242. where all thefe houfes are mentioned; Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 5. VII. C H A C O M B or Saucomb0. Austin Canons. Hugh deChacomb, temp. Hen. 2P. founded here a priory of Black canons, and dedicated it to St. Peter and St. Paul11. Its yearly revenues, about the time of the fupprelTion (when there were nine canons) were worth 83/. i8r. 9 d. ob. Dugd. 9 2/. 6s. 3 d. ob. Speed; and it was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Michael Fox. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 279. pat 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36. recit, et confirm, conceifiones fundatoris, et aliorum donatofum. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 30. conventionem de de¬ cimis in Dalby : p. 65. de firma maner. de Chacomb, 3R1C. 2. p. 158. de excambio terrarum in Rotherbi, cum terris in Apeltre : p. 250. cartam Hugonis de Chaucomb, de fundatione: Pnef. p. xxiv. in mar- gine, de eccl. de Ferlerworth. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 82. of the manor and im¬ propriate reftory of Dalby Magna : p. 1 to. of the ad- vovvfon of the reftory of F rolefworth : p. 249. of lands in Shevefby. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 155. of the foundation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors: p. 101. of lands in Alton : p. 103. of the manor of Apeltre : p. 156. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Chacomb : p. 207. of a meffuage and lands in Thorp Mandeville : p. 218. of lands and tenements in Warkworth : p. 315. of five mefluages in Plumpton-pyrie : p. 517. of lands and tenements in Horpole. In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 312. edit. 1730. of the manor of Granborough for a time: p. .326. of the manor of Marton: p. 467. of lands in Longbridge near Warwick. The priory book of Chacomb, mentioned in Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 238. Extenta terrarum ad prioratum de Chacomb fpedtan- tium, mf. pergam. 8vo. in officio Augmentationis. Regiftrum Hen. de Burgherlh epife. Lincoln, de can- taria quatuor canonicorum fundata in prioratu de Chacomb celebratur. pro Edm. de Bereford clerico, qui dedit maner. de Greneburgh fub archidiaconatu Northampton A. D. 1339. Rentale terrarum ad monaft. de Chacomb fpedlantium, in officio Armorum London. Compofitionem A. D. 1439. cum abbate et conventu de Ofney fuper terris et decimis in Bereford, in re- giftrode Ofney in thefaurar. Addis Chrifti Oxon. f. 95. Regiftrum Phil. Repyndon epife. Lincoln, fol. 395, &c. de appropriatione eccl. de Bereford, et ordinatione vicarix, A.D. 1412." In Afpilogia cl. Joannis Anftis, n. 318. cartam Ricardi de Amundevil, pro terris in Warwic. et parco juxta Warwic. Clauf. 1 Hen. 3. m. 15. pro terris in Marton [Warw.j Fin. Oxon. 46 Hen, 3. n. . pro una virgata terrae in Wardington [Oxon.] Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 23. dorfo, de curfu aqure in Bereford [Oxon.] Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 39. de melT. et terris in Rulhale : Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 10. pro lib. war. in Caldwell in paroch. de Wallhall [Staff-.] Inquif. ad quod damn. 18 Ed. 2. n. 162. [Buckingh.] Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. pro eccl. de Bereford et la Penne appropri- andis. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aifif. rot. 8. dorfo, pro reddit. in Lychebarwe : Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. pro maner. de Greneburgh: Plac. de banco, 5 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . pro maner. de Greneburgh [Warw.] Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. Plac. in com. Northamt. 32 Ed. 3. aifif. rot. 10. pro reddit. in Lychebarew : Pat. 36. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro maner. de Greneburgh: Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. VIII. C O T E S r near Rockingham. Lazar-house. There is mention of ahoufe of leprous perfons here in rot. pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7, IX. COTHERSTOKE. College. John Gifford clerk, canon of York, about the year 1336. began a college or very large chantry, confift ing of a provoft, twelve chaplains and two clerks !, in the church of St. An¬ drew here ; which was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Robert Kirkham. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 96. pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 17. recit. per Infpex. licent. R. Ed. 3. pro fundatione. Lelandi Itin. vol. iv. p. 32. Regiftrum Hen. Burgherlh epife. Lincoln, mf. in ar- chidiac. Northampton, de fundatione collegii, et ap¬ propriatione ecclefiae. Regiftrum Thomas Beck epife. Lincoln, mf. fol. 66, &c. 79, 80. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1 . m. ult. vel penult, de fine pro maner. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 40. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. in. 2. de n This is a very different charter from that granted by this king to Bredon in Worcelterlhire. 0 Gervafe of Cant. mf. Hen. Sulgrave. Mr. Speed hath alfo placed a monaftery of this name and order dedicated to St. Mary in Oxfordfhire, by miftake probably for this which is on the edge of that county. ? In an old rental now in the herald’s office, this priory is faid to have been founded by Hugh de Anefy or de Anaff, a Norman knight, who came in with the Conqueror : and poffibly the founder might be defeended from this Hugh de Anefy, but that the convent itfelf was not in being till towards the latter end of the reign of Hen. a. may be gathered from the witnefies to the terris in forefta de Rokingham; et p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 15. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 et 14. et p. 2. m. 15. Cart. 14 Ed. 3. n. 31. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 39. pro decimis aflartorum et vaftorum in forefta de Rokinham : Clauf. 17 Ed. 3. m. 5. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. pro eccl. de Bar- neby fuper Donne: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 27. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. vel 10. Efcaet. Northamt. 39 Ed. 3. n. 6. pro eccl. de Thorp. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1 . m. 24. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 10. charter of foundation, printed in Madox’s Formulare, p. 150. two of whom are Walkelin abbat of St. James, in Northampton, and Alexander prior of Canons Afhby: now Walkelin was chofen abbat *6 Hen. 1. and fat till ^ Joannis, and Alexander was cotem¬ porary with him. a MS. Marco 12. ii. 33. where is the abltrad of a grant of lands m Rokeby, « Ecclefiae apoftolorum S S. Petri et Pauli in Shau- comb,” by Ralph Baffin. Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 77 faith, to St. John and St. Mary. ’ ’ ^ uxre , Whether Cotingham. • A mailer, three priefts and three clerks. Leland. X. DAVENTRE. e X. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, X. DAVENTRE. Cluniac Priory. Hugh de Leycefter ', the (heriff of the county, and fteward to Maud, filler of earl Symon Seynliz the firft, in the latter end of the Conqueror’s reign, or beginning of William Rufus, placed in the church of Prefton Capes, or Weft Prefton“, four Cluniac monksw; who labouring under want of water, and other inconveniencies, were in a few years removed to the town of Daventre: where the laid Hugh, near the parilh church (wherein were then four Se¬ cular canons) built a priory to the honor of St. Auguftine the monk, fubordinate to St. Mary De caritate*. This was one of the firft and biggeft of the monafteries diffolved by cardinal Wolfey, its fpiritualities being valued at 1 1 5 /. 17 a 4 d. per ann. and the temporalties at 120/. tor. 2 d. in the whole 23 61. js. 6d. The fite and greateft part of the lands and churches belonging to this monaftery were granted by K. Henry 8. to Chrift Church in Oxford. Vide in Mon. Angi. tom. i. p. 672, &c. ex regiftro pri- oratus de Davintre penes Joannem Rulhworth, de hofp. Lincoln. 1651. De prima fundatione prioratus: Donatores omnium fpiritualium monad, S. Auguftini de Davintre : Cartam Joannis Poherii, de eccl. de Haddon, Caldefleby, Eltyngton, et Suthtrop : P. 673. cartas R. Hen. 1. de eccl. et terris in Falwefley; Robert! filii Vitalis, pro reftauratione ecclefiarum baronire de Foxtone, fcil. Lubenho, Guthmundeley, Scaldeford, Bitlilbroc, et Braibroc ; Simonis filii di£ti Roberti, de eifdem : P. 674. cartas Ricardi filii didli Simonis de Foxton, pro eifd. eccl. 1 Ric. 1. Alani Ballet mariti Annse filiae Ricardi de Foxton; Henrici de Oyri ; Simonis com. Northampton, pro eifd. eccl. P.675, cartas Stephani de Welton, A. D. 1161. et Rogeri de Welton, pro eccl. S. Marias de Staverton; Matildas de Senliz, pro molendinis et terris in Davin¬ tre, Drayton, &c. P. 676. cartas Waited fil. Roberti, pro eifdem ; Henrici de Nuiers et Roberti Nuiers, Ricardi Vernon, et Willielmi Gulafre, pro eccl. de Norton : P. 677. cartas Laurentii prioris Coventr. pro eccl. de Cold Afl'eby, A. D. 1150. Galfridi Male- fours, pro eccl. de Walgrave ; Thomae de Braybroc, Steph. Roberti fil. Vitalis, pro eccl. de Braybroc; rogeniem Vitalis Palfrey; P. 678. genealogias de Welton, Latimer, et Braybroc : Literam prioris de Coventre, de relevio in Weft Haddon : Inquifitionem 54 Hen. 3. pro iii. virg. in Fawefle: P. 679. cartas Nicolai prioris pro lib. capella in Prefton; Rad. Cheynduit, pro eccl. de Prefton. In Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 157. the names of fome of the priors. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 48. In Burton’s Leicelterlhire, p. 108. of the impropriate reftory of Foxton: p. 124. of the advowfon of the reftory of Gumley ; p. 185. of tithes inLubbenham: p. 242. of the church of Scaulford. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 46. of the foun¬ dation and endowment of this priory, and names of the priors : p. 48. of the impropriate church of Da¬ ventre ; p. 49. of the manor of Drayton; p. 58. of lands inEverdon: p. 68. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Fawelley ; p. 78. of the fame at Norton : p. 83. of the fame at Prefton : p. 87. of the fame at Staverton : p. 97. of the fame at Welton : p. 207. of the fame at Thorp-Mande- ville : p. 552. of the fame at Cold-Aftlby : p. 588. of a meadow in Watford : p. 600. of the manor im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Weft-Haddon. Vol. ii. p. 12. of a penfion of 44s. out of the reftory of Braybroke and of the advowfon anciently; p. 129. of the advowfon of the reftory of Waldegrave anciently. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 34. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Byfbrook. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 36. edit. 1730. cartam Stephani de Welton, de eccl. de Staverton [North- amt.] p. 159. of this prior and convent’s agreement with the monks of Coventry about the churches of Afhby and Haddon, and other matters. Regiftrum prioratus de Daventrie ml. donavit Joan. Legard de Ganton in com. Ebor. baron, bibl. Cotton. Claudius, D. xii. Librum monafterii de Davintre in officio Ducatus Lan- caftr. apud hofp. Grayenfe Londini. The cardinal’s bundle among the records in chancery. Cartas quamplurimas ad hoc ccenobium fpeftantes in thefaurario TEdis Chrifti Oxon* Cartas quafdam originates in pyxide, quam cl. Ant. Wood, acad. Oxon. moriens legavit. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. colleft. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. ex cartis ad prior, de Daventre fpeft. penes Chriftoph. dom. Hatton, vol. lv. f. 2. vol. lxxv. f. 57. ex regiftro de Daventre, vol. cviii. f. 52. 57. et vol. cxvii. f. 1. ex libro Davent. in the Dutchy office. In bibl. Harleiana mf. 2044. f. 7. excerpta e cartis penes Chriftoph. dom. Hatton. Cart, antiq, E. n. 25. Fin. Northamt. 10 Ric. 1. n. . pro v. virg. terras in W. Haddon. Fin. Northamt. 6 Joan. n. . pro terris in W. Haddon: Plac. de banco, 9 Joan. Mich. rot. 2. de advoc. eccl. de Trop: Cart, vel Clauf. 30 Hen. 3. m. 13. dorfo: Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 3. dorfo, pro commun. paftur. apud Baddebury : Fin. Northamt. 39 Hen. 3. n. . pro v. carucat. terras in Daventre. Cart. 20 Ed. I. n. 50. pro mercat. et feria apud Weft Haddon: Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 4. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. de terris et pratis in Draiton, Welton, Norton, W. Haddon, et Ravenfthorp : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. iS vel. 19. Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 4. pro libertat. in Falwefle, Everdon, W. Haddon, &c. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 9. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. pro ten. in Draiton Parva, See. Efcaet. Northamt. 5 Ed. 3. n. 85. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 2 vel 3. XI. D E A N E. Monastery destroyed. Here was an ancient priory before the Conqueft, which was a cell to the abbey of Weftminfter*, and was fupprefied Ihortly after the Conqueft by the confent of the abbat and convent of Weftminfter, who accepted of a yearly rent for the revenues of ltL Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 13. t The fame probably with Hugh ip Fawelly. Leland. Col- leit. vol. i. p. 48. “ Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 678. ww Reckoned among the Benediitine priories, cart, ai Ed. 1. yet in the record 18 Hen. 8. exprelly called “ Monafterium S. “ Marise De caritate de Daventre.” Reyner, Trail ii. p. 141- faith, the monks of Daventre were duniaci at firft, and after¬ wards turned BenetMHnes : fee alfo Trait, i. p. aio- But ere, Whether they were not Cluniacs to the laft. , . < So Domefday. “ Northantonfcire in Corbie ftund‘ ; ibbatia S. Petri de Weftminfter tenet Dene. In dominio _ "eptem villani cum preibytero, fex bordarn, et duo tratre . ' Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. .3. “ Yve lord/ ftDene had Mta ands of a priory fumtime there, celle to Weftminfter, „ uppreflid of the abbate of Weftminfter apon a certen XII. St. D E W E s XII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. XII. St. D E W E S or St. David in or near Kingfthorp, or Holy Trinity, •without Northampton. Hospital. At the petition firft of Peter fil. Adae de Northampton, and then of Henry, fon of the faid Peter reftor of Kingtlhorp, Walcer the prior and convent of St. Andrew’s Northamp¬ ton, A. D. 1200. fettled their houfe in the parifh of Thorp for an hofpital for the reception of pil¬ grims and poor indigent and fickly perfons, to be taken care of by a procurator, two chaplains, and lix lay brothers. There were two chapels in this houfe, one dedicated to the Holy Trinity1, and the other to St. David1, from whence arole the different names. The chief perfon in this hofpital was ftyled in the records fometimes prior, and fometimes mafter*. It was valued at 32/. 4 s. 2 db. in the whole; 24/. 6 s. id. -per arm. clear. The fite and lands were granted, 4 et 5 Phil, et Maria, to the mafter of the Savoy. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 682,683. cartam funda- tionis ex regiftro S. Andrew Northampton. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 416. of the foundation and revenues of this hofpital, and names of the matters : p. 25. of half a mark yearly out of the recftory of Barby 4 p. 531. of a watermill in Kif- lingbury. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. xv. p. 467. confti- tutionem Hugonis Zulley clerici in cuftodem hujus hofpitalis, 25 Jun. 1557. Fin. Northamt. 12 Joan. n. . jus prioris hofpitalis S. Trinitatis extra Northampton in cv. acris terrae in Buketon. Fin. Northamt. 37 Hen. 3. n. . pro molendino in Abinton. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat, 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 pro ten. in Kingfthorp. XIII. D I N G L E Y. Knights Hospitallers. A preceptory belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem temp. R. Stcphani had lands belonging to it valued 26 Hen. 8. at 108/. 13 s. p,d. obz. per ann. and was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Edward Griffith. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 546. a. Buckby : vol. ii. p. 31. of lands in Eaft-Farndon. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 160. of lands In Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 115. of lands in Stoke-dry and tenements in Croughton : p. 547. of lands in and the advowfon of the redlory. XIV. DORMUNDECASTRE', Dormancafter °, Kuneberceafter f, or Caiftor. Monastery destroyed. Elere was an ancient monaftery founded about the middle of the feventh century e. It had S. Kinneburga daughter of king Penda and wife of Alfred king of the Northumbers for its firft governefsh, and continued till A. D. 1010. when it was deftroyed by the Danes. Vide Lelandi Collect, vol. :. p. 48. XV. EVERDON1. Alien Priory. This manor being given by . before A. D. 1217 k. t0 the abbey of Bernay in Normandy, it was fome time a diftinft alien priory, at other times reckoned as parcel of Creting in Suffolk, which was the chief cell in England to that abbey. It was given, 19 Hen. 6. and afterward, 1 Ed. 4, to Eaton college. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1035. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 198. ex pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 58. of the ma¬ nor and advowfon of the rettory of Everdon. Rymer, vol. iv. p. 248. Cartas ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes in archivis coll. Eaton, capfula ii, Plac. in com. Northamt. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 3. Sim. de 2 z See the records; and hence probably Mr. Speed, from the old catalogue of Gervale of Cant, hath in this county, “ St. “ Davy, a priory of black canons dedicated to the Holy Trinity “ and the blelfed Virgin.” It is called, “ Hofpitale S. Trini- “ tatis et S. David juxta Kingfthorp prope Northampton,” in the Lincoln regifters : and the mafterfhip of it was in the gift of the prior of St. Andrew’s, A. D. 1492. as Dr. Hutton’s collections ex regiftr. Lincoln. i4" “ Penfio magiftri S. David extra Northampton in ecclefia “ de Beronby [dec. Davintre].” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. b Sancroft’s mf. Valor, where king John is faid to have been founder. c MSS. Petri Le Neve, arm. d So Capgrave in Vita S. Kinneburgs. Leke terlet i. mefT. et i. virgat. terrae in Everdon de abbate de Berney in villenagio, et non ut liberilm tenementum. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 127. et 135. de mefT. et terris abbatis de Berney in Everdon. Quo war. rot. 16. dorfo, pro libertat. ibidem : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14, Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. . e Camden’s Britan, p. 4.45. edit. 1695. f Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 48. In Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 64. it is called Monajlerium Kyneburgenfe. 8 It muft be founded before A. D. 664. becaufe it is men¬ tioned in Wolfere’s charter to Peterburgh of that date as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 64. Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 48. faith that Kinneburga was firft foundrels and firft abbefs of this houfe : but Capgrave in her Life, faith only that a monaftery being built here (without men¬ tioning by whom) Kinneburga retired from the world, and be¬ came abbefs of it. 1 Not in Norfolk , as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1035. k Dr. Hutton’s collettions out of the L ncoln regifter. XVI. F O- XVI. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. XVI. fodringhey. i. FiUNNERV DESTROYED. Here was in ancient time, faith Leland1, a nunnery the were tranflated to De la pre near Northampton; of whom and their houfe I have met with Ln?ns ther account. 1 no «r- 2. College. In this town, upon a parcel of ground containing fix acres, between the r at and the parfonage, procured from Edward duke of York, king Henry 4. in the year k e a noble college to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary and All Saints, for a mafter twelve lSaa lams or fellows, eiglnclerks, and thirteen chorifters. But the buildings and endowment h P' chiefly owing to the find duke of York, he is to be accounted co-founder, and is here buried t§ 26 Hen. 8. it was feifed of lands to the yearly value of 499/. 15*. gd. in the whole1" aiqY n 10 d. ob. clear. It was not fupprefied till the time of K. Edward 6. The fite was ^ranted /It' Phil, et Maria to James Crew. 0 ’ -> et ° Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 158, &c. pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 14. de prima fundatione et dotatione ejufdem cum prioratibus alienigenis de Newent in com. Gloceftr. et Heref. Anebury in com. Wilts, &c. P. 162. pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 43. pro ampliori do¬ tatione ejufdem : Conventiones de nova ftrudtura navis ecclefire collegiatae, dat. 13 Hen, 6. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. ix. p. 203. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 43, Ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 5. In Atkin’s Gloucefterfhire, p. 225. of lands in Alton upon Carent : p. 258. of the manor, impropriate redtory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Becford : p. 567. of the fame at Newent : p. 593. of tithes in Tockington: p. 601. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Pauntley. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 501. of lands in Felt- well. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 33. of the manor of Byf- brook. In Nafh’s Worcellerfhire, vol. ii. p. 397. of tithes in Suckley and the advowfon of the redtory. Statuta collegii de Fodringhey, mf. in officio curiae Augment. 1721. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth, vol. Ixiii. f. 98. a roll of the foundation of this college in the augmentation office. Rot. cart. 13 Hen. 4. n. 6. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. dorfo, de quodam folo vi. acr. jacentium inter caftrum et redtoriam pro collegio ibidem conftruendo. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 7. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 13. Cart. 1 Hen. 6. n. 17. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m pro eccl. paroch. de Fodringhey; Pat. 4 Hen 6 ^ 2. m. 1. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 6. Mich, rot h Clauf. 11 Hen. 6. m. 1. de c. fol. ann. per Ric du cem Ebor. impendendis pro conftrudlione : Pat Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 9. pro xx. acris vafti in Shortwode in balliva de Kinglclive infra foreftam de Rokingham • Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 14. de bofeis in forelta de Rokingham. Cart. I Ed. 4. p. I. n 7. de fundat. olirn per Edw ducem Ebor. de novo incorporanda : Rec. in fcacc" 2 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. x. m. 8. de terris et furno ad combur. ealeem in Wood New ton; Ibid. p. 2. m. 17. pro maner. de Beckford, &c Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 33, Pat. 5 Ed. V p. I. m. 17. pro prioratu de Charleton in com. Wilt! Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro Ixxxvi. acris terre in¬ fra foreftam de Rokingham conceffis: Pat. 20 Ed. 4 p. 2. m. 21. + Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ric. 3. Pafch. rot. 20 et 27. Rot. pari. 1 Ric. 3. n. 13. de confirmatione. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 61. Rec. in fcacc 24 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 45. Pat. 37 Hen. 8. p. 7. [8 Sept.] pro maner. et eccl. de Wilburgham Magna [Cantab.] et Hemyngford Ab¬ bots [Huntingdon.] in confideratione maner. de Ave¬ bury [Wilt.] Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 2. m. . pro redtoriis de Trynge, Co- dicote, &c. [Hertf. ] in excambio pro maner. de Newent, See. [Gloceftr.] XVII. HIGHAM FERRERS. 1. College. The moft reverend and munificent prelate Henry Chichele archbifhop of Can¬ terbury, founded a college at this place of his nativity for eight Secular chaplains or canons (one whereof to be mafter) four clerks, one whereof to be grammar mafter, and another mufick mafter, and fix chorifters, in the laft year of the reign of king Henry 5. It was commended to the pa¬ tronage of the Virgin Mary, St. Thomas of Canterbury, and St. Edward the Confelfor, and its revenues were valued a little before the difiolution at 1 56/. is. yd. ob. per ann. The church, redtory,, chapel of Jefus, and the greateft part of the college lands were granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Robert Dacres, but the capital mefluage was in the crown till 6 Eltz. when it was granted to John Smith and Richard Duffield.. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 175, &c. pat. 10 Hen. 5. m. 3. pro fundatione et prioratu de Merfey : Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 14. pro maner. de Overdene [Bedf.] Swinfhed et Chellerton [Hunt.] et maner. de Veiles in Bereford juxta Newenham : Pat. 13 Hen. 6. m. 20. pro melT. vocat. Le Swan on the Hope in Higham et Newenton. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, p. 265, 266. of the manor, redtory, and advowfon of Fingringho [Effex.] p. 414, 415. of the priory, manor, and church of Weft Mer¬ fey [Ellex.] belonging to this college. 2 Almshouse. Dependent on the college was an almfhoufe (ftill fubfifting) founded by the* fame munificent prelate,, for twelve men and one woman, with a daily allowance of one penny to each of them. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 29. 115. In Bridges’ Northamptonfture, vol. ii. p. 177. of the foundation and revenues of this college. In bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. iii. p. 2+5- cartam fundationis per Henricum archiep. Cantuar. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. pro xl. marcis annui redditus in manum mortuam perquirendis : Clauf. 5 Hen. 6. m. 8. pro prioratu de Merfey ; Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. in. 22, 23 et 24. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 6 et 8. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . Vide 1 Itin. voL L p. j. "i Sancroft’s mf. Valor. XVII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. yidc Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 178. 3- Hospital. Before thefe foundations of archbifhop Chichele, there was here an hofpital dedicated to S. James, of which Margaret de Ferrers, countefs of Derby, was patronefs, A, D. 1258. Vide Regiftrum Ric. Gravefend epifc. Lincoln, citat. apud. Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 178. XVIII. CASTLE HYMELor Finnefhed Austin Canons. A priory of black canons founded by Richard Engain the elder lord of Blatherwike, in the beginning” of king John’s reign, and dedicated to the bleffed Virgin. It was rated, 26 Hen. S. at 56/. ioj. 1 1 d. ob. per ann. Dudg. 62I. 1 6 s. Speed; and was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to John lord Ruffel. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 296. cartam Ricardi Engaynejun. de fundatione, et confirm, donationem patris : P. 297. fundationis hiftoriam, et fundatoris progeniem : P. 298. cartam Joannis Engayne, de maner. de Wode Newton, eccl. Omn. Samftorum de Laxton, et aliis donationibus. In Formul. Angl. p. 304. cartam Ricardi filii Ricardi Engayn, de procuratore et clericis in capella S. Ma¬ ri* de Caftro Hymel, qui fidelitatem facient matrici eccl. de Laxton. Lelandi Colletft. vol. i. p. 48. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 47. of lands in Maidwell. Colledlanea e cartulario prioratus de Fynifhed in com. Northamt. in cuftodia Roberti Kirkham arm. 1640. mlT. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. Ixxxv. f. n. Pat. 12 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 13. qua rex confirmat locum qui dicitur Caftrum Hymel juxta Fynifhed, et unum equum itinerantem in forefta de Clyve pro mortuo bofeo : Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro terris in Hoyle et Leckhamfted : Pat. 31 Hen. 3. m. 7. de affarto decern acrarum quod fuit Roberti Biitonis : Fin. Northamt. 32 Hen. 3. n. . pro alterna advoc. eccl. de Nordburgh : Pat. 39 Hen. 3. m. 9 ve] 10. de acra terrae in forefta de Clyve. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Cart. 17 Ed. 2. n. 12. pro bofeo in Welden Parva, et aliis terris et libertatibus. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 21. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 27. dorfo, de duabus carucatis in Kirkby. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 23. pro maner. de Bretons in Blathewyke: Ibid p. 3. m. 21 vel 22. XIX. IRTELINGBURGH, Erlingworth, or Artleboro. College. John Pyel, temp. Ed. 3. intended, and after his deceafe his executrix, temp. Ric. 2. perfected a college for fix Secular canons or prebendaries (one whereof to be dean) and four clerks in the parochial church of Sc. Peter here, which being in the gift of the abbat and convent of ieterbiirgh they obtained the patronage of the canonries alternately with the founders heirs This collegiate church was endowed, 26 Hen , 8. with 70 /. 1 6s. 10 d. ob. in the whole, and 64/ I2J 10 d- ob- cIear5 and was granted, 23 Eliz. to Edward Downing and P. Afhton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 108. pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. five licentiam regis pro fundatione. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 237. of the foundation: p. 259. of lands in Thingden. Bifhop Patrick s Supplement to Gunton’s Peterborough, P- 319- Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. pro eccl. coll. ibid, facienda. XX. KALENDA or Kaylend in the parijh of Cotelbrooke. Premonstratensian Cell. This place was given by William Buttevillan p to the abbat toStC' JolT ^ SU by’ Wh° PlaCed 3 CeU °f Premonftratenfian canons hefe, which was dedicated Tide Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 17. 22. 26. vol. ii. p. 629. hi Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 557. of the foundation and revenues of this cell XXI. K A T E B I or Katefby. Benedictine Nuns. Robert the fon of Philip de Effeby s (as early at leaf! as the time of mund^1C Trrd l ^ JUlk ,here ® p^0Tfo.r Benedidtine • nuns to the honor of St. Mary and St. Ed- ' Ic ^as endowed at the difiblution (when herein were ten religious) with 132/ 103 11 d ? - per ann. Dugd. i45 l os. 6d. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to John Onley , . Ii Was Pour|ded at Caftle Hymell in the pariih of Laxton, ' „ en£.e removed to Finnefhed near Blatherwik in the fame triburgh c0 e^* rev- admodum Wliite Kennet epifeopi Pe- 0 The founder died A. D. 1208. o the fame with the founder of Pipewell. bamfhirc°bp "a m" °f Phil’P ^ Bafeford” Th°™ton’s Notting- Becaufe mentioned in Henry Sulgrave or Gervafe of Cant. See alfo Madox’s Pref. to Form. Angl. p. 41. » ■ So in pope Gregory’s bull. But Mon. Angl. tom. i 1043. and Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 77. make it of the r v; wder Gentafe of Cant, calls them Gilbcrttes ; and Sp^d fa S MarfZ jfefdanS’ and umackeS f l° h3Ve been dedicatee St. Mary and St. Thomas; and the Bodleian mf. agrees with I p. 6^1. CC Mr‘ HearnC’S g,omir>- «>» Peto Langt " “ Sumclar. 13*/. 14. n d. j.” Stevens, vol. i. p. 2,. XXI. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. it. p. 896. cart. 57 Hen. 3. m. 25. recit. et confirm, conceffiones benefacforum : P. 897. cartam Joannis de Vallibus, pro dominio de Botendone: Bullam P. Gregorii 8. confirm, eccl. de Catefby, Eflebi, et de Eliden, &c. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. diflertat. prxfat. p. xxi. quietum clameum Simonis Clerici de terris in Eflebi : p. 120. dimiflionem de Cotecroft in Staverton, 28 Ed. 3. p. 156. cartam Leodegarii de Diva, de ex- cambio terrarum in Efleby pro terris in rhurborn : p. 223. final, concordiam 43 Hen. 3. de mefl. et duabus carucatis terrx in Dodington. Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. ii. p. 112. and alfo His Warwickfhire, p. 890. edit. 1730. of the church of Yardley in Worcefterfhire, by the gift of Giles de Erdington : et mf. Dodfworth, vol. lxiii. f. 103. In Willis’s Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 350. of the aflarts of the park and wood at Weftbury. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 24. of 5 yard lands in Afhby Magna and the impropriate redlory. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 32. of the foun¬ dation and endowment of this priory, and names of the priorefl'es : p. 32. of the manor, impropriate rec¬ tory, and advowfon of the vicarage of Catefbi : p. 36. of the manor of Newbold : p. 72. of lands in Hellidon and the impropriate reftory : p. 86. of lands_ in Staverdon : p. 105. of one-third of the redlory of Boddington: p. 107. of lands in Byfield: p. J2g. of pofleflions in Sulgrave. Bullam papx Innocentii 4. monialibus de Catefby, mf in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth, vol. lxiii. f. 7g. Pat. 17 Hen. 3. n. 34. pro una caredlat. bofci diebus in bofco regis in Beifcwood : Clauf. 30 Hen. ? m. 20. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro mercat. apuj Catteby : Fin. Northamt. 31 Hen. 3. n. . pro reddit. in Staverton : Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro feria apiui Cateby: Fin. Buckingh. 36 Hen. 3. n. 108. pro terris in Dodford : Fin. com. ignot. 36 Hen. 3. n 23. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 25. Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. , ' Aflif. in div. com. 49 Hen. 3. rot. 13. pro commun’ paftur. in Catefby: Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 12. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 11. pro ten. in Staverton: Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. . pro bofco in forefta de Whittlewood. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 118. pro red¬ dit. inNorthamton. Plac. forefta: de Shirwood, 8 Ed. 3. rot. 26. 31 et 42. quod habent unam care£hm itinerant, femel in die pro ficco bofco in bofco de Befkwood : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 43. de reddit. in Weftbury. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 15 vel 16. de care&at. bofci e Berfkwood. Fin. Nottingh. 20 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 424. pro me(T. in Nottingham : Pat. 36 Hen. 6. m. 14. XXII. LUFFIELD”. Benedictine Priory. A Benedictine1 priory founded by Robert BofTn earl of Leicefler, 24 Hen. 1 r. to the honor of the Virgin Mary, which being fallen into decay, and the revenues not being fufficient to maintain the prior and two monks that were left, there was an attempt in the time of king Henry 6. to unite it to Magdalene college in Oxford ; but at length, upon the requeft of king Henry 7. it was fupprefied A. D. 1494. by pope Alexander 6. who annexed the fame with its pSflcffions to the collegiate church of Windfor, toward the better fupport of a chantry and hofpital, which were to have been founded therein-, but the king changing his mind, and building his fine chapel at Weftminfter. this monaftery was given A. D. 1500. to the abbat and convent there, and confirmed to them by pope Julius 2. A D 1504 The rental of the priory of Luffield made 8 Ed. 4. amounted but to 19/. 19J. 2 d. The fite thereof, as parcel of Weftmin- fter was granted, 5 Ed. 6. to Sir Nicholas Throgmorton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 520. ex regiftro penes decanum et capit. Weftmonaft. A. D. 1641. cartam Roberti com. Legeceftrix Malgerio monacho : P. 521 cartas R. Hen. 1. ejufque regime Matilda ; R. Ed. 1. pro heremitagio de I lechamfted: Privilegium P. Alex. 3. anno 1174. P- 522- cartas et confirm. Radulfi de Chaines, pro eccl. S. Marix de Dodford ; Alexandri et Hugonis primi epifc. Lincoln, pro eadem, et eccl. de Thomberge, et medietat. de Bcchampton ; Hugo¬ nis de S. Martino, pro capella S. Joan. Bapt. in Lil- lingfton ; Will. fil. Willielmi, pro eccl. de Stratford ; Roberti archidiac. Buckingh. pro capella de Ever- fhaw: P. 523. -cartas Roberti le Fitz Nigel, pro do- tatione capelix de Chalden, et appropriatione eccl. de Bcchampton, A. D. 1329. Ricardi Chaynes, de eccl. de Dodford; Hamonis filii Meinfelini, pro eccl. de Thorneberg; Will. fil. Hamonis, pro eadem, et mo- lendino in Wolverton; Joannis fil. Joan, confirm, donationes anteceflorum : P. 524. pat. 56 Hen. 3. m. 27. pro libero chiminagio in forefta de Whittlewood ad finem quinque annorum. In Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 24, &c. a good account of the priors, with many things concerning the hiftory of this monaftery. In his Hiftory of Buckingham, p. 376. of the foundation and revenues of this priory: p. 46. of pofleflions in Buckingham : p. 142. of the advowfon of a mediety of the reftory of Bechampton : p. 207. of lands in Lekhampfted, p, 214. in Lillington, p. 256. in Shal- fton, p. 278. in Langport : p. 287, 288. of Hie impro¬ priate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Thorn- borough, and of lands there: p. 351. of lands in Weftburgh. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 245. of the foundation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors : p. 55- of the impropriate reftory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Dodford : p. 278. of the manor of Challock. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 47. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 349. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 8. certificatonum Ko- berti archiepifc. Cantuar. de eccl. S. Marix deDode- ford, et S. Marix de Thornebergh, et capella S. Ni¬ colai de Everfham appropriate huic prioratui : p- 253- cartam Willelmi de Mandavilla com. Eftex. In ejufd. Hift. Scacc. p. 3. cartam Hamonis filii Mcm- felini, pro decima panis domus fux, et eccl. de 1 orne- berga : p. 77. de duodecim folidatis redditus exeunt, e terra prioratus in Selvefton. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. xii. 562. 739- x”'' 97- . In Stevens’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 498. an account 0 the priors from Mr. Willis, vol. ii. Append, p. 1 79- Bullam P. Alexandri 6. pro fupprimendo prioratum de Luffield, et annexendo collegio Windeforx, A. 1494. ex Rymeri vol. xii. p. 563. Hiftoriam fundationis prioratus de Luffield infra mie- ftam de Whittlewood in com. Northamt. cum regi ftro cartarum, &c. anno 8 Ed. 4. pulchre deft rip °i w Though the village of Luffield and part of the priory build¬ ings were in Buckinghamffiire, yet the church being in North- amptonffiire, and the priory ever reckoned in the regifters of the bilhops of Lincoln within the archdeaconry of Northamp¬ ton, it teems more proper to place it in this county. Camden placeth it in Buckinghamffiire, and faith, that the monks dying of the plague, caufed the houfe to be defevted. x So the bull of pope Alexander in the monafticoti, ,x. Formul. p. 8. though Mr. Speed, out of the old ml. cat. gue hath made it Premonjlratenfian. » p. 1 Hiftory and Antiquities of Buckingham, p. s> > aD 133. as Mr. Mores. ;a XXII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. in foliis plufquam 160. pergam. penes RR. VV. de- canum et capitulum eccl. Weftmonaft. A. D. 1714. Collectanea magiftri Fr. Thinni, de fundatione mona- fterii de Luffield in agro Northamt. mf. in bibl. Cot¬ ton. Chop. C. iii. 26. Colleit. e regiftro de LufBeld, mf. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. Dugdal. xxxix. f. 131. Regiftrum penes . . . Okeley de . . . in com. Salop. 1649. plac. apud Weftm. 6 Ric. 1. rot. 9. pro medietat. mo- lendini de Heyford. Fin. Northamt. 5 Joan. n. . pro iii. virgatis terras in Silvefton. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 11. pro feria ibidem: Fin. Bucking. 23 Hen. 3. n. . pro meff. et terris in Thorneburgh : Fin. Buckingh. 25 Hen. 3. n. 108. de terris in Lil- lingfton : Fin. Bucking. 26 Hen. 3. n. 26. Fin. Northamt. 29 Hen. 3. n. . pro terris in Silvefton : Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 20. Plac. apud ... 20 Ed. j. rot. 124. de molenJino apud Heyford P. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. ji. de feria apud Luffield: Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12. pro ten. inTowceftre: Eflon. apud Newport Painell, 33 Ed. 3. n. . de commun. paftur. in Singlebergh. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. de terris in Silvefton et nun- dinis apud LufBeld : Brev. reg. 15 Ric. 2. n. 98. de libertatibus. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p 1. m. 16. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 11. recit. et confirm, privilegia conceff per R. Hen. l. in forefta de Whittlewood: Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 16. licent. conceff collegio S. Mar. Magd. Oxon. perquirendi fcitum et poffefBones hujus prioratus. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 25. de conceff pri¬ oratus de Luffield abbatiae Weftmonaft. XXIII. L U F F W I C K. College or Chantry. In the parilh church of Sc. Peter here was a college of Secular priefts, or rather a chantry, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, which owed its foundation to fome of the an- ceftors of ... . Stafford earl of Wiltfhire in or before the reign of king Edward 2. It was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Sir Edward Montague lord chief juftice of the common pleas. Vide pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 25. XXIV. NORTHAMPTON olim Hamtone. 1. Cluniac Priory. On the north1 part of this town was, as early as A. D. 1076 a. the priory of St. Andrew b, which was repaired, endowed, and replenifhed with Cluniac monks fubordinate to the foreign houfe of Sc. Mary De caritate by Simon Seinliz the' fir It c earl of Huntingdon and Maud his wife, A. D. 1084. This houfe had the fame fate with other monafteries of this order, to be often feifed into the king’s hands during the wars with France'1, but was made denifon 6 Hen. 4. and appeared at the dilfolution to have been endowed with 263/. 7 s. id. q. per am. Dugd. 344/. 13 s. yd. Speed. The fite of it was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Sir Thomas Smith. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 679. ex regiftro hujus prioratus in bibl. Hattoniana, hiftoriam fundatoris et fundationis : P. 680. cartas Matildis de Mundevil pro Sivvella ; Confirm. R. Stephani ; Davidis R. Scoto- rum, pro Scaldeford ; Simonis comitis primi funda¬ toris, et aliorum benefaitorum 8 Hen. 1. P. 681. confirm, eccl. Omn. Sanitorum, Northamton, S. E- gidii, S. Michaelis, S. Sepulchri, S. Maris, S. Gre- gorii, S. Petri, aliarumque ecclefiarum et donationum per Hugonem primum epifc. Lincoln. P. 679. ex re¬ giftro S. Andrex Northampton penes JoannemTheyer ' de Coupers Hill juxta Gloceftre, cartam Simonis primi comitis et Matildis uxoris, de fundatione : P. b§2. eonfirmationem R. Hen. 1. de concefl'. variis : Cartam Walter! prioris de fundatione et fubjeitione hofpitalis de Kingfthorpe. Cl. Reyneri Apoftol. Benednft. tr. ii. p. 106 et 129. et Append, p. 61. Raftall’s Entries, p. 36. b. de annuo redditu xl s. e vi- caria S. Sepulchri in Northampton. Lelandi Colleit. vol. i. p. 40. 73. Ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 9. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 242. of lands in Scaul- ford: p. 265. of tithes in Sproxton. In Bridges’ No^thamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 452. of the foundation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priors : p. 127. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Sulgrave : p. 202. of the manor and advowfon of the reitory of Stotef- bury: p 234. of lands LnFoxley, p. 245. in Silvefton: p. 340. of the impropriate reitory and advowfon of the vicarage of Brayfield : p. 359. of a manor in Har- dir.gftone, the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 374. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Houghton parva : p. 378. of lands in Piddington : p. 382. of the impropriate reitory'and advowfon of the vicarage of Prefton: p. 384. of the advowfon of the reitory of Quinton : p. 391. of lands in Wotton : p. 397. of tithes in Yard- ley-Haftings : p. 406. of poiTelfions in Billing magna : p. 409. of lands in Billing parva and the advowfon of the reitory: p.419. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Moulton : p. 442. et feq. of the impropriate rectories and advowfon of the vica¬ rages of All Saints, St. Giles and St. Sepulchres, and the impropriate churches of St. Bartholomew, St. Edmund, St. Gregory, St. Mary and St. Michael in Northampton, and of the advowfon of the reitory of St. Peter there fometime : p. 469. of the advowfon of the rectory of Wefton Favell : p. 508. of poiTelfions in Flore: p. 531. of tithes in Killingbury: vol. ii. p. 100. of the advowfon of the reitory of Hardwick fometime: p. no. of rents in Ilham and 131. 4 d. yearly out of the reitory : p. 146. of a meadow in Holcot: p. 147. of the manor and advowfon of the reitory of Sywell : p. 150. of lands in Wellingbo¬ rough : p. 1 6 1. of a penfion of two marks and a half out of the reitory of Bofiate : p. 201. of tithes in Woollafton. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 53. of the impropriate reitory and advowfon of the vicarage of Exton : p. 62. of lands and tithes in Ezenden : p. 113. of the im¬ propriate reitory and advowfon of the vicarage of Ryall. Regiftrum hujus prioratus penes rev. admodum Ric. Neale epifc. Dunelrn. citatum a Reynero. * Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 9. On the north-eaft part of the town, near the wall and bordering on the river. Bridges’ Northamptonihire, vol. i. p. 452. * Ingulph. p. 76. faith, that among other monks which he found at Croyland, A. D. 1076. there were two that had been profeffed at St. Andrew’s Northampton. b St. Mary and St. Andre%u. Leland. Colleit. vol. i. p. 40. c Fordun’s Scotichrom p. 568. faith, by Simon Sen/iz the ftcond earl of Huntingdon and Northampton. 11 Prynne, vol. iii. p. 682. Rymer, vol. viii. p. 103. — L Cartularium XXIV. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Cartularium penes Joannem Lamb mil. A. D. 1641. Colleft. ex eodem inter mlT. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lxxix. f. 1, &c. et vol. c. fol. 1, &c. Regiftrum cartarum, &c. ad hunc priorat. fpeftantium in bibl. regia, n. 158. olim peculium Joan. Theyeri. Rotulos in cl. bibl. Harleyana, K. 7, 8. Regiftrum cartarum S. Andreae Northampton olim in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. xvii. Rot. fin. Northamt. 20 Hen. 3. p. . pro advoc, eccl. de Prefton. Plac. apud Huntingdon. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 5. dorfo: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 1. de quodam aquaeduftu. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 1. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. pro placea terrae in Sywell concedenda perfonae pro manfo reftoriae elargando : Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . . Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 39. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed ? quo war. rot. 36. dorfo, pro libertat. in mailer ’ t Stuteburs : Petit, pari, apud Winton. 4 Ed. ? n' pro dimid. villas de Sulgrave : Cart. 10 Ed. 9. n’ Aflif. in com. Northamt. 22 Ed. 2. rot. to 2^' meii. et 111. virg. terra;, xx. acris prati in Bylline P recup. 1 a ' Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 25. quod pro indigena repute tur ifte prioratus. * Plac. coram rege, 2 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 76. de furrl fione fubbofci in Sulgrave. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2 m. 21. pro molendino vocat. Thorp Mill. Rot. aft pari. 4 Hen. 7. n. 35. 2. Austin Canons. In the extreme part of the weft fuburb' was built by William Peverell natural fon to William the Conqueror before A. D. 1112 f. an abbey of Black canons to the honor of St. James; which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 17 5/. 8r. 2 d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 213/. 17^ 2J, ob. Speed, and granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Nicholas Giffard. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 49. cart, antiq. T. n. 30. fcil. R. Hen. 2. confirm, eccl. de Dunfton, locum abbatias et alias donationes Will. Peverell. Year books, 11 Hen. 6. Trin. 9. Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 10. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 126. of lands in Halfted. In Bridges’ Northamptonlbire, vol. i. p. 63. of lands and tenements in Farthingftone : p. 76. of lands in Lichborow and the advowfon of the reftory : p. 90. of 20 s. yearly out of the reftory of Stowe : p. 266. of lands in Patelhull : p. 303. of lands in Hartwell and the chapel there : p. 320. of lands in Rhode and two-thirds of the reftory impropriated : p. 322. of the manor of Hyde : p. 325. of lands in Stoke Bruere : p. 351. of pofieffions in Collingtre, p. 356. in Gren- don : p. 369. of the impropriate reftory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Horton: p. 371. of lands in Houghton magna, p. 376. in Milton : p. 386. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Rotherfthorp : p. 392. of pofieffions in Wotton, p. 406. in Billing magna: p. 465. of a mefluage and lands in Spratton, and of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 477. of lands in Bring- ton : p. 481. of meiliiages and lands in Althorp: p. 490. of lands in Church Brampton, p. 493. in Dal- lington: p. 499. of lands in Dufton and of the im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 501. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey, and names of the abbots : p. 508. of rents in Flore and a penfion of 20 s out of the reftory: p. 513. of lands in Harlefton : p. 521. of pofieffions in Nether Heyford, p.531. in Kifiingbury, p.540. in Upton : p. 547. of a mefluage and lands in Buckby : p. 588. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Watford and of lands there : vol. ii. p. 3. of a mefluage and lands in Arthingworth : p. 41. of lands in Kelmarlh, p. 73. in Sibertoft: p. 158. of the manor, impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Bofiate. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 466. of being free from fcutagc : p. 622. de molendino in Upton et prato vocat. T atholm, ex dono Roberti filii Sweyn. Regiftrum cartarum, &c. ad eccl. S. Jacobi extra North¬ ampton fpeftantium, conditum A. D. 1313. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiber. E. v. Colleft. magiftri . . . Vincent ex libro hujus abbatie olim penes magiftrum Rob. Tanfeld de . . . Templo London. mlT. in bibl. coll. Armorum Lond. n. 218. p. 37. n. 402. p. 49, &c. Cartas quamplurimas originales, rotulos, computes, &c. ad iftam abbatiam fpeftantes penes R. V. . . . Gifford nuper reftorem eccl. paroch. de Ruffel in agro Wilton. Colleft. e cartulario hujus ccenobii mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. lxi. f. 120. vol. cii. f. 71. in mufeo Afhmol. 844. 4. Cart, antiq. H. n. 18. Fin. Northamt. 8 Ric. 1. n. . pro terris in Dufton. Fin. Northamt. 24 Hen. 3. n. . pro eccl. S. Joan, de Cranford : Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro feria apud Northampton. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. ri. pro eccl. de Wichleia et Watch- ford : Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 34. Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. XI. confirm, donationis R. Ed. 1. de domo in Northampton, quse fuit fchola Judteorum: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 30. pro eccl. de Horten, Thorp, et Sprotton, et terris in Wulmerlhale, & c. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 28. pro melT. et terris in Bofeyate et Dufton: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 15. de terris in Bofeyate, et bofco de Hyrnwood ; p. 2. m. 5. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 43. dorfo, pro terris in Flore, &c. Ibid, quo war. rot. 10 de appropr. eccl. de Sprotton : Cart, jo Ed. 3. n. 25. Plac. co¬ ram reg. 25 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 6. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro melT. voc. St. 'James’s End: Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 36. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. Pat 16 Ric: 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro melT. et terris ibid, et in Bofeyate, Wihele, Dufton, &c. Clauf. 4 Hen. 4. m. 18, pro feria apud abbatiam: Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. pro feria ibidem per tres dies: Affif. in com. Northamt. 5 Hen. 4. rot. 19. pro red- dit. in Nether Heyford. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 17. pro ten. inLichbarow et Fardingftone: Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. de fundatione per Will. Peve¬ rell com. Notting. pro exoneratione de corrodio verfus dominum regem : Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 18. 3. De la Pre or De Pratis without Northampton , Cluniac Nuns. An abbey for nuns of the Cluniac5 order, founded temp. R. Steph. by Simon Seinliz fecond earl of Northampton, and dedicated to St. Mary. About the time of the fupprdlion here were ten nuns, who were endowed with 1 1 9/. gs. 7 d. q. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The fite of this houfe was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to John Merlhe. « Leland. Itin. vol. i. n. so. 5 So the Monaft. but in cart, it Ed. t. it is faid to be Ord. S. f In which year the founder died, as Dr. Thoroton hath it Benedict. out of the regifter of this houfe, Nottinghamlhire, p. 488. XXIV. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. yide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. ioii ad 1019. cart. 2 Ed. 3- n. 47. fcil. peramplam recitationem et confir- inationem cartarum R. Stephani et aliorum donato- rum: P. 1019. cartam Sim. de S. Licio de prato in Cumton. Lelandi Colle£t. vol. i. p. 48. Jn Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 364. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey, and names of the abbefles : p. 27. of lands in Braunfton : p. 123. of the advowfon of the redtory of Eydon : p. 264. of a penfion of one mark out of the redtory of Gayton : p. 303. of lands in Hartwell : p. 359. of a manor in Hardingftone: p. 362. of the manor of Weft-Cotton : p. 499. of a mefluage in Dufton : vol. ii. p. 29. of the advowfon of the redtory of Draughton : p. 69. of lands and mefluages in Rufhton : p. 82. of lands in Brix- worth : p. 85. of lands and tenements in Broughton and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 139. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Barton-comitis and of lands there : p. 140. of the im¬ propriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dodington : p. 201. of the fame at Wollafton. Fin. Northamt. 50 Hen. 3. n. . Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 3. dorfo, pro ten. in Dufton. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 128. dorfo, pro molendino in Hardingfthorn : Ibid. rot. 154. et quo war. rot. 18. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten. in Bourton. Plac. affif. in Northamt. 1 Hen, 4. rot. xi. de ten. in Northamt. 4, College. The college of All Saints here was founded 38 Hen. 6h. it confided only of two fellows, and was valued at 2 /. 13 s. 4 d'. per ann. in the whole, and 1 /. 19 r. 4^. clear. The fice of it was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to William Ward and Richard Venables. Vide Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 458. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 1. 5. St. John’s Hospital. An hofpital for poor and infirm perfons near the fouth gate", de¬ dicated to St. John Baptift, in the patronage of the bifhops of Lincoln, founded about the ’year 1137. by 'Walter archdeacon of Northampton. Its polfeffions1" were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 2 kI. 6 s. 2d. ob. q. per ann". Dugd. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. notulam de funda • tore ex rot. efcaet. 1. Ed. 3. n. 142. Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 10. „ In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 456. of the foundation and revenues of this hofpital, and names of the mailers: p. 174. of the advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Hehnedon : p. 271. of the manor of Tiffield : p. 303. of lands in Hartwell : p. 376. of pofleffions in Milton: p. 378. of the impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Piddington : p. 386. of lands in Rotherfthorp, p.392. in Wotton : p. 481. of pofleffions in Althorp : p. 493. of lands in Dalling- ton : vol. ii. p. 253. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Slipton and of lands there: p. 262. of lands in Twywell. 1 Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1086. clauf. 33 Ed. I. m. 2. dorfo, de deliberatione magiftri etfratrum e prifona. Fin. Northamt. 6 Joan. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Pi- dington. Fin. Northamt. 24 Hen. 3. n. . pro xxivr. reddit. in Irkelham : Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 90. P*t. 3 Ed. 1. m. 35. dorfo, pro ten. in Pidington : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. 32 vel 33. pro terris ex dono Will, de Brampton : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 42 vel 43. Pat. u Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6- pro melT. et terris in Pidington ex dono Roberti de Olendon : Efcaet. Northamt. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. n. . poll mortem Kath. Latymer dc reddit in Upton. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 27. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 33. 6. St. Leonards Hospital. On the fouth fide of the town, in Eaft-Cotton, a hamlet to the par.lh of Hardingftone was an hofpital dedicated to St. Leonard, for a mafter and leprous brethren and fillers. It is faid to have been founded by William the Conqueror, and under the kings his fucceffors the. mayor and burgeffes of Northampton were patrons ”. It was valued 26 Hen. 8. at 10 1. per ann. as Dugd Mon Angl. tom. i. p. 1043. but at 12/. 4r. 8 d. in the whole and 1 1/. 6 s. 8 d. clear, as Sancroft s mf. Valor. Ulc’ Vide in regiftro Oliveri Sutton epifc. Lincoln, compofi tionem inter vicarium de Hardingfthorn, magiftrum et fratres hofpitalis S. Leonard!, et majorem et bur- genfes villte de Northampton, dat. A. D. 1282. In Bridges Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p 363. of the foundation: p. 461. of lands in Pisford. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 72 7. St. Thomas’s Hospital. 1450 p. by the citizens. St. Thomas’s hofpital near the weft gate founded about A. D. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 10. Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. P- 457- John In Bri§g ftreet?; the fouth gate, over againft St. John’s' hofpital - and °ngVl e ’ tA‘ -D- t322- gave a melTuage with the appurtenances whereon to build a chaDel and a priory for Friers Auguftmes L Their Lite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Robert Dighton P h Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 418. ■ Sancroft’s mf. r J ihire^vo]111^ ^ $ 6 Br‘dge-ltreet. Bridges’ Northampton- Itin Vl“r S‘ ’ C!erC arctldeacon Df Northampton. Leland. p. 10. « ' f Ma«lft,crret confratres hofpitalis S. Joannis Northampton patroni ecclefiae parochialis de Helmedon, A. D. 1494.” Col¬ led, mf. Hutton, ex regiftr. Lincoln. 9 . Bancroft s mf. Valor makes the whole revenues of this houfe 10 have been xooX. or. 4 d. q. and the dear value 8a /. 6 1. 1 d. q. out of which 24 /. 6 r. 8 d. was appropriated for the maintenance °f,fl a’jr P?or men and four poor women, of the foundation nf John Dalhngton clerk confirmed by Henry billrop of Lincoln, 0 Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. q6i s WantcolHl™fi?p“ndred ^arS'before Wrote.” r Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. io. 5 Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. I22. Willi^AUfles^ vol.^p.Ij6o." by th* Pr‘°r a"d nine brethren. Vide XXIV. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Vide Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 122. Ejufdcm Itin. vol. i. p. I0* , Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. 1. p. 450. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 5. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 84. Pat. .Jjy 3. p. 1 . m. . Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . [bis :] Pat. 28 Ed 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro manfo elargando: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2t. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. o. Black Friers, In the horfe market" was the houfe of Friers preachers, who were fettled here before A. D. 1240”. John Dabyngton x was founder, or a confiderable benefa&or. lt was valued at 5/. 7 1. 10 d. per ann. and granted to William Ramefden 36 Hen. 8. Vide Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 10. gatione domus verfus orientem ex dono Roberti Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 455. _ Kyn"e: „ T Rot pat. 7 Ed. 1. m. . pro fonte de Floxwell: Pat. 19 Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 23. pro Ed. 1. ra. . Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 26 vel 27. pro elar- manfo elargando. 10. Grey Friers. The Friers Minors, not long after their coming into c-ngland, A. D. 12241. endeavoured to fettle in this pleafant town, and hired firft an habitation in the parilh of St. Giles, blit fixed afterwards northward of. the market place, where they had the largeft and belt houle of all the friers in Northampton2, built upon ground given them by the town, and there¬ fore the inhabitants were faid to be founders2. It was valued at 61. 13s. 4 a. per ann. and granted to Richard Taverner 36 Hen. 8. Vide Lelandi Collett, vol. ii. p. 342. Ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 10. Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 455. Steven’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 153. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . de curfu aquae vocat. Erywell. 11. White Friers. Above the Gtey friers b was the priory of the Carmelites or White friers, founded by Simon Montfort and Thomas Chitwood, A. D. 1271 c. It was valued at 10/. 10 s. o d. per ann. and granted 36 Hen. 8. to William Rameiden. Vide Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 10. £at- 37 Ed. 3- P- *• m- IS- Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 455. Pat- 4 K-1C- P- x* m' 3- Rot. pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . 12. St. Cross. Dr. Rawlinfond had formerly in his pofTefiion a feal with this infcription, “ Simllum S. Crucis in Muro Northamptonite but to what foundation it belonged 1 am unable to al'certain. XXV. O U N D L E olim Undola. 1 Monastery destroyed. There was certainly a monaftery at Undola near Stanford or upon the river Nen, before A. D. 711. when Wilfrid archbilhop of York died there '. But whe- her it was founded by him, as the writers of his life infinuate', or was before that time a cell to Peterborough *, and part of the poffeffions of that abbey, as it certainly was afterwards ", I can¬ not determine. Vide Bratton De legibus Anglia:. 2. Almshouse. “ A praty almofe houfe in the church yard founded by Robert Viate A.D. “ 1485.” faith Leland, Itin. vol. i. p. 4. XXVI. O X N E Y. Benedictine Cell. Here was a priory of Benedittine monks dedicated to Vir¬ gin Mary before the time of king Edward 1. It was a cell to Peterborough, and, as parcel there of, was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Roger Horton. Vide Gunton’s Hiftory of the church of Peterborough, p. 40. 45. 1 58. (ubi carta Hen. 3. pro fena ibidem) 294. 3°7- XXVII. PETERBURGH olim Medefhamfted. 1. Benedictine Abbey. This place was originally called Medefhamfted. Peada king of the u Leland.,Itin. vol. i. p. 10. w Madox's Formul. Angl. p. 424. » Stow’s mff. ex record. 24 Ed. 3. y Leland. Collect, vol. ii. p. 341, 34-. as Madox’s Formul. p. 424- X Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 10. ■ Stevens’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 153. norit, ii. 29. t> Leland. Itin. vol. 1. p. 10. < Speed’s catalogue. « Before A.D. 1240.” et Colleft. Anglo-mi- SsWSSSoSft* f 1 18. mention “ Monafterium diftum Undola ad aquam 1 the place where St. Ceat was buried. . . . < Tho. Stubbs in Vita Wilfridi inter Decern fcnpt. cob i^9 8 Patrick’s Additions to Gunton s Hiftory of Peterb E *39- , . h Leland. Itin. vol. 1. p. 4- . • , XXVII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Mercians began to build an abbey here about A. D. 655 >. But dying foon after, Wolfcre his brother finifhcd it by the help and affiltance of his brother Ethelred and his filters Kinneburga and Kinnelwitha k, and the care and overfight of Saxulph1 (who was made firlt abbat) (hortly after the year 660 m. It was dedicated to St. Peter, and from thence the place was afterwards called Peter- burgh Pope Agatho is laid to have conferred great privileges upon this abbey, and king Ethel- dred and his nobles to have confirmed them A. D. 6 80. in a council called for that purpofe at Hatfield0. After it had fiourifhed about two hundred years, it was deftroyed by the Danes A. D. S70 p. and lay in ruins till A. D. 970’. when Ethelwold bilhop of Winchefter afiiftcd by king Ed¬ gar r and his chancellor Adulf (who fhortly after turned monk, and was made abbat of this place) rebuilt it in a more ftately and magnificent manner. The abbats were called to parliament in the time of K. Henry 3'- but had not the honor of the mitre till near A. D. 1400'. There were about forty” monks in it of the Benedidtine order at the difiolution, when king Henry 8. converted it into a cathedral w, placing therein a bilhop, dean, fix canons or prebendaries, a divinity reader, eight minor canons, eight lay clerks or finging men, eight chorifters, and a mailer of the chorift- ers, two fchool mailers, twenty fcholars, fix almfmen, and fome other officers x. The revenues of this abbey were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 1721/. 14/. o d. ob. q. per ann. as Dugd. and 1972/. 7 s. o d. ob. qr. as Speed ; and the bilhopric is now charged in the king’s books at 414/. 1 73. 8 d. ob. per ann. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom; i. p. 63, Stc. hiftoriam funda- tionis ex regiftro de Peterburgh : *Cartam Wulferi regis dat. A. D. 664. * Cartam Edgari regisj de libertat. eccl. Burgi : Bullam Agathonis papre : Con- firmationes regum Edvardi, Ethelredfi Chnuti, Ed- vardi Conf. et Willelmi Conq. * Hiftoriam de- vaftationis hujus monafterii A. D. 870. et hifto¬ riam fundationis olim in feneftris vitreatis clauftri depiiftam. Ingulphi hiftoriam Croylandenfem, p. 1. de fundatione : p. 46. de reftauratione hujus coenobii, A. D. 970. p. 471, &c. de limitibus abbatiarum Petroburgi et Croy- landite : p. 583, &c. de appropriatione eccl. de Bryng- hurft alias Efton in com. Leiceftriae. The hiftory of the church of Peturburgh, by Simon Gunton prebendary there, with large additions by Dr. Patrick, London. 1686. fol. Chronicon Angliae per Joannem abbatem Burgi S. Pe¬ tri quo continetur feries abbatum Petroburgenfium et priorum Spaldingenfis ecclefite : Hugonis Candidi Ccenobii Burgenfis hiftoriam : Roberti Swaphami hiftoriam Coenobii Burgenfis : Walteri de Whitlefey hiftoriam Ccenobii Burgenfis : Hiftoriae Coenobii Burgenfis Continuationem per Anonymum : Hifto¬ riam veterem Ccenobii Petriburgenfis verfibus galli- canis : e Cod. Cottonianis et Petroburgenfibus edidit Jofephus Sparke in fol. Lond. 1727. In Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 142. and Ap¬ pend. p. 64. the dimenfions of the church, and fome other parts of the abbey ; and an account of the abbats. And in his Survey of Cathedrals, vol. ii. p. 475. an ac¬ count of the monuments in this cathedral ; of the en¬ dowment of the bilhop, dean, and chapter ; of aliena¬ tions from the bilhopric, with a catalogue of the bi- fhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries, the names of all the parilhes in the diocefe, &c. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 239. a catalogue of the bilhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries. In Godwini libro De pnefulibus Angliae, p. 539. quae- 1 Or rather before, according to the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 63. But p. 67. it is fixed to the year 654. Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 91. faith it was begun A. D. 546. and finifhed A. D. 633. and Camden follows him. But the firft date was before Peada’s birth, and the latter before he became Chrittian. In A. D. 636. Reiner, tom. i. p. 19. k So Camden and Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 3. The Mona¬ fticon, vol. i. p. 63. and Leland in the laft quoted place, make Ofwy alfo a promoter of this work. 1 So Wolfcre in his charter, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 64. But Saxulph is called founder, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 67. and by Le¬ land, Coiled, vol. i. p. 36. ii. p. 146. and iii. p. 70. m For in that year Wolfere fent to the archbilhop and bilhops to appoint a day to meet together to confecrate it, as in Wil¬ lems s Councils, vol. i. p. 37. and in Wolfere’s charter in the Monafticon and Gunton, dated 664. it is faid to be fully fiuilli- ed, and that the monks were fettled in it. n But not till after it was rebuilt by Ethelwold. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 70. It is called Burch or Burgh in king Edgar’s char¬ ter, and L«Iand, Colled, vol. i. p. 7. faith it was called Gilden dam de coenobio; et nomina epifeoporum. In Stevens’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 469, &c. a catalogue of the abbats ; large extradls out of Gunton ; and a leafe from the abbat and convent to Sir William Tyr- whit of the manor of Scotton in Lincolnlhire : and in the Appendix to vol. ii. p. 160. privilegium a papa Eugenio 3. concefT. A. D. 1146. p. 163. a particular of the pofleftions of this abbey, temp. Will. Conq. out of Doomfday Book. In Wilkenfii Concil. tom. i. p. 48. privilegia monafte- rio Medehamftedienfi a P. Agathone concefla A. D. 680. et in concilio Hatfeldienfi a rege, &c. confir- mata : P. 49. R. Lotharii donationem terrarum : vol. iv. p. 521. archbilhop Laud’s orders for the cathedral church of Peterburgh, A. D. 1635. In Lei and i ColIe<5t. vol i. p. 1. et ieq. plurima de fun¬ datione et hiftoria hujus abbatise, inter quae, p. 4. li- mites terrarum Medelhamftedenfis monafterii; p. 5. ecclefias quae appendent eidern : p. 1 1 . terras temp. Adulfi abbatis datas : p. 16. nomina tenentium terras in foedo ejufdem monafterii: vol. iii. p. 31. catalo- gum quorundam librorum m(T. olim in bibliotheca Petroburgenfi, vol. i. p. 26. 91. vol. ii. p. 226. 269. 146. vol. iii. p. 70. Ejufdem Itin. vol. ix. p. 88. comment, in cygneam cantionem voce Petropolis. In trailatu anonymo ad ealeem Sprotti Chronici edito, quiedam de hoc coenobio. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 209. foeda abbatis de Burgo : p. 400. 404, 405. de terris in com. Lincoln. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 54. of the manor and im¬ propriate re&ory of Bringhurft. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 186. of pofieffions in Up well. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 440. of fifteen houfes in Northampton : p. 493. of the lordihip of Dallington antiently: vol. ii. p. 121. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Pighte.ley: p. 194. of the fame at Stanwick : p. 203. of the loriihip of the hundred of Huxlow : p. 204. of lands in Adding- Burgh or the Golden City, from the large donations made to the abbey. ° Vide Wilkins’s Councils, p. 48. Leland. ColleA. vol. i. p. 3 and Gunton, p. 133. But Collier, (Church Hiftory, vol. i. p. 107.) thinks this grant fpurious. P Ingulph. p. 34. 9 Ingulph. p. 45. ' Camden’s Britan, p.436. edit. 1693. 5 Page ia. of the Appendix to Stevens, vol. ii. ■ Gunton’s Peterborough, p. 49. But fee alfo p. 333. “ J°hl1 Chambers laft abbat, John Walpool prior, and thirty- feven more fubferibed to the fupremacy A. D. 1334. as Rymer vol. xiv. p. 303. ' ’ " This abbey was furrendered A. D. 1339. and erefled into a bilhopric Sept. 4, 1341. as Rymer, vol. xiv. p. . * Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 731. 1 1979/. as Leland. ColleA. vol. i. p. 91. * . . Thefe are in Gunton’s Peterborough, as well as in the Monafticon. — D ton- XXVII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. ton magna antiently : p. 206. of the manor of Ad¬ dington parva antiently: p. 209. of lands in Ald- wincle antiently: p. 217. of the lordfhip of Barton Scgrave antiently: p. 235. of the manor and advow- fon of the rebtory of Irtlingborough : p.241. of the fame at Kettering : p. 265. of the lordfhip of Wood¬ ford antiently and a penfion of five marks out of the redlory. Morton’s Northamptonfhire, p. 534. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 190, 19 1. of poflef- fions at Colingham. In Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 70. of the lordfhip of In- horpe: p. 124. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Tinwell. Reyneri Apoftol. Benedift. tr. ii. p. 148. Regiftrum brevium, p. 231. a. 294. b. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 675 et 910. Year Books, I. 205. 263. 284. L. 23. In Madoxii Hid. Scacc. p. 283. pro cuftodia abbatiae committenda priori fingulis vacationibus : p. 284. pro privileges in NafTo Burgi : p. 399. de lx. marcis folutis pro lx. feodis militum ad maritandam filiam regis Hen. 2. In ejufd. Formul. Angl. p. 82. conventionem inter do- mum Burgenfem et domum Ramefienfem de mutua focietate. Regiftrum mf. Willelmi abbatis de Burgo S. Petri, vo- cat. The White Book, penes Robertum Wingfield mil. , l636' Collectanea mfT. ex regiflro Roberti de Swapham nuper penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Regiftrum fratris Georgii Fraunceys facriftae monafterii de Burgo S. Petri fadtum menfe Julii, A. D. 1404. penes prxhonorabilem .... ducem Montague, 1714. Confuetudinarium eccl. Petriburgenfis, feu formulam omnium ceremoniarum in eodem inonafterio ufurpa- tarum in diebus dominicis et feftis, 2 vol. fol. pergam. Lambeth. Patric. 324. Regiftrum penes decanum et capitulum Petriburg. Regiftri terrarum monafterii Burgi S. Petri partem pri- mam in bibl. Cotton. Cleop. C. i. 2. Partem fecun- dam in eadem bibl. Cleop. C. ii. j. Reddituale et defeript. terrarum cum eorum fitu et menfuratione ad abbatiam S. Petri de Burgo perti- nentium, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Nero , C. vn. 14. Regiftra duo in bibl. Cotton. Fefpaf. E. xxi et xxii. ex dono dom. Hatton. Excerpta ex eifdem in bibl. Harl. mf. 294. f. 183. 185. mf. 298. f. 71. et mf. 312. f. 52. 54. Catalogum librorum mfT. abbatum Burgenfium in bibl. Cotton. Faujlina , B. iii. MS. in eadem biblioth. Otho, A. xvii. 1. cereorum et hida rum numerum quae ad coenobium Petroburgenfe fpedtant : n. 7. regiftrum terrarum et praediorum ad idem ccenobium fpedtantium cum nominibus tenen- tium et confuetudinibus et fervitutibus debitis. Fau¬ jlina, B. iii, 2. nomina abbatum. n. 3. varia inftru- rnenta de donationibus terrarum, &c. praecipue de Pillegate, Badington, Barnacke, ct Stamford. In bibl. Harl. mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofleflionum abbatis de Burgo Petri in diocefi Lond. mf. 245. f. 32. de foedis et ferviciis militum et aliorum tenen¬ dum : f. 39. cartas Sybillre de Gyminges et Radulfi filii Willelmi de Gyminges. mfT. 261. f. 107 et 6148. f. 55. de fundatione hujus abbatiae. mf. 645. f. 149. 151. clameam libertatum abbatis S. Petri de Burgo. mf. 673. f. 45. comment le abbe de Burg Seynt Pere porta fun bref de entre fondu fur difeyfune vers Adam de Jernemuta et Johanna uxore ejus. mf. 6748. f. 16. cartam Ric. 1. mf. 7520. nomina abbatum. In biblioth. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth, vol. Ixxv. f. 81. ex regiftro penes Chriftoph. Hatton mil. vol. Jxxxvi. f. 1. excerpta ex regiftro penes Rob. Wingfield mil. vol. cv. f. 36. ex regiftro Swaffham nuncupato. vol. cviii. f. 1. ex cartulario in bibl. Cotton, vol. cliii. f. 46. ex regiftro penes dom. Rob. Cotton baronett. vol. cliv. f. 133. cartas abbatiae de Burgo. mf. Wood in mufeo Afhmol. vol. 63. colledtanea ex albolibro penes dom. Hatton. MS. in collegio armorum, n. 23. extradts from thP gifter. • rc- In bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti Cant. mf. 53 n 2 1 vem hiftoriam cumobii Petroburgenfis a prim3a f datione ad annum 1400. mf. 120. p. c2? Un" define Petroburgenfis mf. 297. n. 10. proceffum"^' citi inter abbatem Thorneye querentem et abln^ j Burgo S. Petri deforciantem de quodam chimino in£ ripam de Nene et villam de Eye, A. D. i >04 UCr Cart, antiq. C. 14, 15, 16. G. 7. X. 1, 2, 3 +" Cart^ 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 30. n. 59. pro terns 'in Sutton Werminton, binelwald, & c. Cart. 2. Joan m n. 54. pro agiftamentis in bofeis de Undale, CotinJ' ham, Efton, &c. Ibid. n. 59. pro mercat. thelon?o Burgi, et aliis libertatibus : Oblat. 2 Joan. m ,« pro xxx. acris terras in Northtorpe : Fin. Northamt" 6 Joan. n. . pro terris in Peichirche : Fin. 7 j0 . ' m. 15. pro xi. bovatis terras in Colingham: Clauf 16 Joan. m. 5. pro aflartis in NaiToburgo, Cotino-- ham, Efton, & c. °* Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. pro decimis venationis in f0_ reftis de Northampton : Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 7 pr" c. acris aflart. in Nafioburg. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p , n. 133. pro mercat. et nundinis odto dierum ad feft S. Petri et Pauli apud Burgum; mercat. apud Un¬ dele, mercat. apud Scotera cum nundinis trium die¬ rum in fefto apoftolorum S. Petri et Pauli : Pat m Hen. 3. m. 8. de commun. paftur. in Bcrnak: Ibid m. 11. abbas fecit finem mcc /. cum rege pro deaft'o- reftando Nafloburg. Efton. apud Oxon. 31 Hen. 1 n. . de una virgata in Peychurch et de bundis marifci: Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro feria apud Oxeney: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro libertatibus : Cart. 52 Hen. 3 m. 5. pro mercat. apud Alwalton [Huntingdon.] pro feriis apud Peterburgh et Undele : Pat. 53 Hen. 3 n. 21. Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 7. Fin. div. com. 7 Ed. 1. n. 4. pro fervitiis in Filingele [Warw.] Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 3. de wrecccr maris et libertatibus in Goleber- kirk, &c. rot. 11 et 19 dorfo : Plac. apud. Hunt. 14 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 3. pro mefll &c. in Ceftreton; rot. 4. dorfo, pro terns in Botilbregge : Quo war. rot. 1 1. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . de metis commun. paftur. inter abbatem de Petri Burgo, et abbatem de Berlings: Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. apud Weftm. 2oEd."i. rot. 99. de maner. de Bigging : Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 44. Pat. 24 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 110. de fradtione ftagni abbatis in Tynewell: Cart. 28 Ed. 1. n. 21. Cart. 32 Ed. 1. n. 50. pro libertat. in Undele et Bigging juxta Undele: Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 4. dorfo, de ma¬ ner. de Torpel et mm. acris ibidem inclufis : Ibid. p. 2. m. . Cart. 34 Ed. 1. n. 36. pro mercat. et feria apud Northolm juxta Eye [Northamt.] Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 24. pro bofeis de Lyes, Rode, et Tonge, infra foreftam de Rokingham includendis. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . pro kernellatione portarum ab¬ batiae : Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 1 et 2. pro licentia inclu- dendi bofeos de Leyes, Rodes, &c. infra foreftam de Rokingham, feria apud Kettering, feria apud Oxney, mercat. et (eria apud Alwalton [Huntingdon.] et pro mmmm. anguillis in villa de Wale: Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 7. pro maril’co in Glatton, et communi pifearia in Witlefmere, cum licentia includendi eandem: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. . Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro faltatorio in parco de Bigging infra foreftam de Rokingham : Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 33 et 34. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 16. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aftif. rot. 76. pro terris in Pafton, &c. Ibid. rot. 91. dorfo; rot. 98. dorfo; rot. 106, 107 et 174. Quo war. rot. 30. 56 et 60. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 18. de libertat. in maner. de Long-colingham : Plac. in com. Bedford. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 35- de libertat. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. in. pro catallis felonum, &c. infra odlo hundreda : Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. pro excambio cum redtore de Irtlingworth : Efcaet. Line, g Ed. 3. n. 67. de ten. in Quadring in Holand: Pat. 12 Ed. XXVII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 12 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. pro terris in Gofeberkirk : Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. pro pifcaria vocat. Le Flete in Colingham : Efcaet. Leiceftr. 21 Ed. 3. n. 104. de confuetudine et fervitio tenendum maner. de Elion vel Eton, et de pifcaria in North Mufkham et Codngham : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14. pro ten. in Bernack, Suthorp, Walcote, Caftre, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 1. pro advoc. eccl. de Bringhurft [Leiceftr.] Rec. in fcacc. 36 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in Wermington et Aylington : Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 43. pro ten. in South Elingham : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult, et p. 2. m. i. dorfo, de vifu franci plegii in omnibus maneriis. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. pro ten. in Doddifthorp, Carton, Pafton, Newerk, et Lullington : Baga intit. Tenures et Inquif. 15 Ric. 2. rot. 1. quod abbas de Burgo debet emendare et fquirare feweram vocat. Skotere : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 10. pro mefl'. et gar- din. in Fleetftreet Lond. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 24. confirm, compofitionis inter abbatem de Burgo et perfonatn de Oundell, pro bofco annuatim percipiendo pro focali fuo: Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. pro mefl". et terris in Sutton et Pafton. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 1. Recup. in com. Nottingh. et Derby, 10 Hen. 4. rot. 230. pro terris in Coling¬ ham : Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. . dorfo: Plac. affif. in com. Nottingh. 12 Hen. 4. rot. 86. pro terris in Long-colingham. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. n. 5. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 34. pro bofcis in forefta de Rokingham in- cludendis: Cart. 25 Hen. 6. n. 21. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 8. pro eccl. de Oundell approprianda : Clauf. 17 Ed. 4. m. 7. de terris in Cotingham concedendis dom. regi. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 2. quod abbas de Burgo habeat juftitiarium ad gaolam deliber. et coro- natores. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 72. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 3. [4 Sept.] pro dotatione epifcopatus : Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 3. [5 Sept.] pro dotatione decani et capituli. 2. St. Leonard’s Hospital. The fpittle or hofpital of St. Leonard1 for lick and leprous perlons dependent upon the abbey, occurs as early as K. Stephen’s time. Vide Mr. Gunton’s Hiftory of the church of Peterburgh with bilhop Patrick’s additions, p. 38. 281. 285. 317. 3. St. Thomas’s Hospital. Benedict abbat of Peterburgh, who had been formerly prior of Canterbury and chancellor to Thomas Becket archbiihop, founded, about the year n’So. an hofpital at the gate of the abbey to the honor of his old matter, who now began to be accounted a faint and a martyr. Vide bilhop Patrick’s Supplement to Mr. Gunton’s Hiftory of Peterburgh, p. 286, 287. 292. XXVIII. P E Y K I R K, olim Pegekyrke. Monastery destroyed. St. Pega upon the death of her brother St. Guthlac at Croyland about A. D. 714. fettled herfelf in a cell here2, which was afterwards improved into a monaltery, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and endowed by Edmund Atheling. It buffered very much from the Danes A. D. 870. and the next year had its lands feifed by Beorredus 6, king of the Mercians, was deftroyed again by the Danes A. D. 1013. But however fubfifted till A. D. 1048. when the abbat of Peterborough, by the judgment of the king’s court, got thehoufe and all its revenues an¬ nexed to his abbey, and the monks thereupon removed to Croyland. Vide in Gunton’s Peterborough, p. 251, 252. a full ac¬ count of this houfe : p. 344. Edmund Atheling’s re¬ markable charter to it. Ingulphi hiftoriam, p. 5. de cella S. Pegae : p. 25. de Beorredi vi : p. 56. de devaftatione a Danis Swano duce : p. 62. de judicio curiae regis. In Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 305. notatiunculam ex chro- nico Petriburgenfi de judicio regis Hardecanuti con¬ tra Wulgatum abbatem de Peykirk. XXIX. PIPEWELL, olim S. Maria? de Divifis. Cistercian Abbey. William de Boutevylein founded here', A. D. 1142 A an abbey for Ciuertian monks, which was dedicated to the blefied Virgin, and had revenues yearly worth 286/ mj. 8d. ob. q. Dugd. 347/. 8 s. od. ob. Speed'. TheTite was granted to William marquis of Northampton 1 Ed. 6. n Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 815, &c. hiftoriam fun- dationis, et de bofcorum deftrucftione, ex regiftro in bibl. Cotton. P. 819. genealogiam dominorum do- minii de Braibrook: Cart, antiq. LL. n. 32. fcil. R. Henrici, pro landa de Benifeld. Year Books, 7 Ed. Mich. § 84. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 190. Pat. 5 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 3. Lelandi Collea. vol. i. p. 48. Ejufdem Itin. vol. v p. 107. Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 149. of a virgate and a half of land in South Kilworth. Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 799. 0f poffelfions in Norwich. ... '? fa,d m Gunton, p. 281. to have been built by William Waterville abbat. But that muft not be underftood of the firft founding it, becaufe it occurs before his time. In the memo¬ randum book of John Dalderby biihop of Lincoln, f. 246, and ajo. there is an inhibition dated 6 Id. Aug. A. D. 1313. againft iiperftitious running to the grave of one Laurence de Oxon. Who had been hanged, and was buried, “ in hol'pitali infirmo- 1 rum juxta villam de Peterburgh.” 2 It was then inhabited by women, as Camden’s Britan n 438. edit. 1695. but afterwards by men. ’ 6 He is fometimes called Gorredu j, as Gunton, p. 241 c It hood at the very end of Rockingham foreft. Yeland Itin. vol. V. p. 107. -wciaiiu. d “ A. D. 1141.” in mf. annal. de Parcolude. c 347 /. or. 8 d. ob." Stevens, vol. i. p. 29. Bridges’ XXIX. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, Vbl. i. p. 521. of a mill and tenements in Nether^-Heytord ■ p* 55 t^le manor of Cold Afhby : p. §65. of the manor and impropriate church of Eltirtgton : p. 584. of lands in Thurnby : p. 601. of pofieiftons in Weft Haddon: p. 603. of a ' mcfluage dnd lands in Winwick. vol. ii. p. 10. of a manor in Braybroke : p. 16. of tithes in Clendon: p. 41. of pofleflions in Kelmarfh: p. 72. of the im¬ propriate church of Barford. Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 35. of lands in Caldecot. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, pi 23. edit. 1730. of lands in Rugby : pi 27. in Bilton: p; 29. in Church Lawford : p. 32. in Long Lawford : p. 95. in Newbold fuper Avon : p. 99. in Little Lawford : p. 283. of the ma¬ nor of Dunchurch : p. 286. 379. 926. of lands in Caufton : p. 287. in Thurlefton. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 466. of a knight’s fee in Thirneby. Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 27. concordiam inter abba- tem et Rogerum Pantolf de mora de Longa Lalleford, et de fpineto Thirne molendini, anno 1 1 R. Joan, p. 31. compofitionem inter abbatem et reftores de Thirneby et Eltend, et vicarium de Cold Efl'eby* de decimis lanae agnorum, ladlis, &c. A. D. 1280. p. 81. de tofto Kalkelli et una virgata terra in Longa Lal¬ leford. p. 87. de terris in Newbold: p. 91. de bladis manerii de Caufton, 15 Ed. 2. p. 133- de xls. an- nualis redditus in Thurneby, A. t). 1238. p. 219. finalem concordiam de terris in Turnebi, 2 Joan. p. 244. cartam Joannis de Sutevill conCed. ii. virgatas terrae in Lallefor : p. 259. pro virgata terrae in Wyne- wyk ex dono Steph. de Blukeville : p. 324. de annua penfione xx. marc. concelT. Roberto epiic. Cov. et Litchf. 5 Ric. 2. p. 373. relaxationem dotis in Cold AiTeby : p. 402. de terris in Weft Haddon. Cartularia iftius abbatiae m(T. in bibl. Cotton. Julius , A. 1. 5. Caligula , A. xii. 2. A. xiii. 2. Apographum cujufdam regiftri penes Chriftophorum dom. Hatton. In biblioth. Harl. mf. 294. f. 146. colledlanea compen- diofa felefta ex tribus voluminibus cartarUm hujus monafterii in bibl. Cotton, mf. 624. t. 18. chronica monafterii de Pipewell ex regiftris in bibl. Cotton : mf. 6748. f. 13. cartam Ric. 1. Colleft. ex regiftris de Pipewell mil. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. x. f. 206. vol. cviii. f. 39. vol. cxxviii. f. 7 1 . vol. cxxxvi. f. 49. MS. Dodfworth, vol. xxv. f. 143. cartam Hen. 3. Ibid. mf. Dugdale, 12 F. I. p. 187. tranfcripta quiedatn et analedfa ex regiftro abbatix de Pipewell diverfifque autographis eandem abbatiain taugentibus, Warwici comitatum praecipue fpe&antia. Appropriationem eccl. de Geytingdon priori et mona- chis, A. D. 1357. in regiftro Joannis Gynewel epifc" Lincoln, f. 170. Cart, antiq. W. n. 18, 19. Fin. Northampt. 9 Ric. 1. n. . pro eccl. de Alhe. Fin. Warwic. 1 Joan. n. . pro terris in Tulavefton. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 5, 6. de terris in Belton, Sec [Warwi] 7 et 12. pro aflartis in Yungewode: Cart 23 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro bofeis claudendis : Pat. 30 Hen" 3. m. 2. de ten. in Bruton . Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. c pro aflartis in Defburgh et Oldford : Fin. Northamt'. 31 Hen. 3. n. . pro commun. paftur. in Defbur»h ■ Cart. 36 Hen. 3. n. 13. Pat. 5 Ed. I. m. . quod lint quieti de chiminagio infra foreftam de Rokingham : Plac. in com. Line, g Ed. 1 aflif. rot. 16 et 211 pro me(T. in Quaplode : Cart, u Ed. 1. n. 33. pro lib. war. in Eltindon [Northamt.] Caufton, Donechirch, Lalleford, Thirnemulne, Thor- laweftonj et Newbold [Warwic.] Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 68. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 31. de via a bofeo de Oldfield per medium foreftte de Rokingham. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 100. pro mefti in Weft Haddon ; quo war. rot. 6. Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 54. Plac. in com. Bedford. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 17. Plac. de banco, 6 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 18. pro advoc. medietat. eccl. de Alhele : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. pro eccl. de Wicheham: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. j, m. 18 et 43. pro eccl. de Hinxworth : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 42 vel 43. Clauf. 30 Ed. 3. m. g. dorfo: Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. II vel 12. de excambio land® de Benefeld in forefta de Rokingham cum rege pro eccl. de Geitingdon: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31, Efcaet. Northamt. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. poll: mortem Gil¬ bert Inworth, de ten. in Okele Magna : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 40 vel at. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. pro cuftodia lands de Benyfelde ac paftura ccl. averiorum in eadem: Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 7 vel 8. XXX. P I R R H O, or Peryhoe. Hospital. A free chapel or hofpital founded by ... . Knyvet, but united 12 Ed. 3. to the adjacent college of Cotherftoke f. Fide Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 96. pro eodem dando prspofito et capellanis de Cother- Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 40. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 15. ftoke. XXXI. PRESTON CAPES, or Weft Prefton. Cluniac Priory, removed to Daventre. f XXXII. ROTHWELL. Austin Nuns Here was a fmall priory of Nuns of the order of St. Auftin, dedicated to St. John Baptift: it was probably founded by the Clare family, whofe fucceffors in the manor were patrons of it. It was valued at 5/. 19 s. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. 10/. 10 j. 4 d. Speed-, and was granted 37 Hen. 8. to Henry Lee. Fide Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. ii. p. 26. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Defborough. f The patent for this union was then granted ; but it feems not to have taken effedt till fome years after : for 3 Kal. Febr. 1347. “ Joannes Carpenter eledtus in priorem et cuftodem hof- “ pitalis S S. Joannis Baptiftas et Martini epifc. de Piryhow, XXXIII. SEWARD- Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. pro eccl. de Delburgh ap- proprianda. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. i. m. 1 vel 2. “ Lincoln dioc.” Collett. M. Hutton, ex regiftro Gynewel!. But « Maii 9. A. D. 1443. Ric. Andrews prafentatus per pi*- « nofttum et confratres de Cotherftoke ad pnoratum holpitans “ de Phiriho.” Collett, ejufd. ex regiftr. Alnwyk. XXXIII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. XXXIII. SEWARDESLEY, Sewefley, or Sufeley. Cistercian Nuns. Richard de LeftreE, temp. R. Hen. 2. built here a priory for Ciftcrcian * Nuns to the honor of the Virgin Mary1, but their revenues were reduced fo low 23 Hen. 6. that at the petition of Sir Thomas Green their patron, the bilhop of Lincoln appropriated this priory to the monaftery of St. Mary de la Pre near Northampton, as not being iufficiently endowed for the fupport of the nuns and repairs of the hoiife11. A little before the difiblution here were four religious, whofe yearly income was valued at 12 1. ‘6 s. yd. q. Dugd. 1 2 /. nr. 2 d. Speed. The fite was granted 4 Ed. 6. to Richard Fermer. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 496. pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 32. per Infpex. recit. cartam Symonis de Pynkeny, pro tefris in Efleby : Cart. 2 Ed. 3: m. 7. licent. pto excambio melT. et terr. in Efleby Canon, cum maner. de Eaft Nefton. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. przef. p. vii. de bofco de Middleton et Colintre : p. 424. de fepultura W. de Paveli in hac domo fandtimonialium, A. D. 1240. hi Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 295. of the foundation and revenues of this priory, and names of the priorefles: p. 221. of lands in Whitfield, p. 227. in Aftiby : p. 290; of the impropriate rectory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage of Efton-Nefton : p. 406. of a cottage and lands in Billing Magna: p. 513. of mefliiages and lands in Harlefton. In Dugdale’s Warwicklhirc, p. 457. of lands in W:l- lington. Cartas, &x. penes praenobilem dom. W. Fermer baro- nem de Lempfter. In bibl. Harl. mf. 2044. f. 105. tranfcripts and extracts from original deeds relating to this priory. Cartam Galfridi de Infula monialibus de Sewardfley, mf. in Bibl. Eodl. Dodfworth. vol. xxx. f. 50. Rot. clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 18. recit. et confirm, cartam Henrici avi domini regis huie prioratui • Fin. div. com. 4,5 Hen. 3. n. 76. pro terris in Holecote et Eaftnefton, Roberto de Paviley et Joanna: ux. tunc patronis. Pat. 2 Ed. i. m. 22. dorfo, pro ten. In Cotes et Ham- wik: Pat. 3 Ed. t. m. 35. pro ten: in Stoke-Gold- ington: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 11. pro tetris in Weft Pery. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 29. pro eccl. de Eaft Nefton juxta Toceftre. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. pro maner. de Eaft Nefton in excambio pro vf. me(T. et iv. virgat. terrx in Canon Efleby: Pat. 16 Ed, J. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. pro ten. et redd, in Northampton. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. rri. 28. pro eccl. de Eaft Nefton ap- proprianda. XXXIV. S U L B Y, or Welleford. Premonstratensian Abbev. William de Wideville 1 gave the thdrch of Welleford and nine carucates of land in the adjacent parilh of Sulby to Robert de Querceto bifhop of Lincoln”, in order to found an abbey of the Premonftratenfian " order about the year 1155 °. which was after¬ ward much increafed by Sir Robert de Pavely knt. who bellowed the church and manor of Sulby and other eftates on this houfe. It was dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary, valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 258 1. 8l $d. per ann. Dugd. 305/. 8 a. 5^. ob. Speed, and granted to Sir Chrillopher Hatton io Eliz. Vtde in Mon. Angl, tom. ii. p. 627, &c. quaedam de fundatione ex Leland. Colledl. Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 5. per Infpex. recit. cart. R. Ric. 1. de libertatibus : Cart. Roberti de Pavely pro maner. et eccl. de Sulby : Confirm, eccl. de Herfwell per Galfr. archiepifc. Ebor. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. recit. et confirm, concefliones donatorum. Bilhop Patrick’s Supplement to Gunton’s Peterborough, p. 317. of the manor of Adington Parva. Rclandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 29. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 251. cartam Roger! de Molbray de pifearia in Trenta vocat. Doddefgard , & c. p.260. de terris in Welleford: p. 351. procurato- rium pro appropriatione eccl. de Wapyngbury [War- wic.] A. D. 1453. p. 393. quiet, clam, priori de Ax- holm : p. 417. donationem Roberti de Walton. In Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 585. of lord Haftings’s gift of money and lands with the churches of Willow and Lubenham. In his Warwickfhire, p. 295. edit. 1730. of the redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wappenbiiry : p. 360. of the church or chape! of Honingham. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 18. of the church of Haddun by the gift of William de Diva. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. ij; of a yard land in Ar- nelby: p. 45. of a yard land in Bittefwell: p. 149. of 3 virgates of land in North-Kil worth : p. 185. of the impropriate redlory of Lubbenham : p. 225. of lands in Quemburrow : p. 274. of the manor of Stormef- * According to the charter fent me by Mr. Madox. ' Placed among the BenediEUnes in the Monaft. but in the re¬ aders of Lincoln they are exprelly laid to be Cijlertians. * St. Mary Magdalene. Gervafe Cant. k Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 295, 1 Leland. Collett. vol. i. p. 19. Stow’s mf. catalogue of reli- WOrth. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 598. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey, and names of the abbots : p. 505. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Eaft-Haddon : p. 538. of a mefluage and lands in Coton : p. 563. of poifeflions in Great Creyton : p. 567. of a penfion of 53 r. 4 d. out of the redlory of Gilfborough : p. 571. of poflef- fions in Nortoft, p. 577. in Nafeby : p. 584. of lands in Thurnby, p. 588. in Watford : p. 594. of a manor in Welford, the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 597. of the lordlhip and free chapel of Sulby: p. 601. of pofleflions in WeftHaddon: vol.ii. p. 75. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Sibertoft, and of lands there: p. 104. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Harrowdown : p. 206. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Addington Parva: p. 218. of lands in Barton Segrave. 3 In Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 161. the names of fome abbats. Cartas, rentalia, computos, &c. ad abbatiam de Sulby prope Welleford fpedtantia, penes Chriftoph. Hatton mil. de Balneo, A. D. 1635. nunc forfan in archivis pnenobilis dom. Hatton apud Kirkbv: Colledl. ex eifdem mlT. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. cliii. f. 52. Fin. Northamt. 8 Joan. n. . pro tribus virgatis in Wel¬ ford. gious houfes. “ MS. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant, mifcel. G. » So in the Monaft. and Surrender, Rymcr, vol xiv. p not Black monks, as in Speed and Hen. Sulgravc. ° MS. AibmoL 1519. — E Fin. XXXIV. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Fin. Northamt. 24 Hen. 3. n. . pro una virgata in Adington Parva : Plac. de banco apud Weftm. 27 Hen. 3. rot. 5 et 16. de fervitiis in Barefworth [Lei- ceftr.] Afiif. in com. Northamt. 14, &c. Ed. 1. rot. 4. pro ten. in Sulby : Plac. de banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 86. de vafto manerii de Thedingworth : Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 23. pro lib. war. in Sulby, Welleford, et Adyngton: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl. de Sibertoft approprianda. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 22 vel 23. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 54. dorfo, pro meff. et terris in Sulby; quo war. rot. I et 13. dorfo, pro eccl. faithy that he could not learn upon what authority Sir William Dugdalc, and after him Dr. Tanner, have made Wedon a ceil to the abbey of Bee; for that he 'no where found, that there Was any monaftery here fince the Conqueft, or that the monks of Bee had in England any other cell belides the priory of Oke- btrrn in Wiltfhire. I have met with no direct proof, that the monks of Bee, who were certainly poflefied of the manor, had any cell here ; Leland in his Itinerary faith he could not learn- It is however undoubted, there were in England many other cells, belides that of Okeburn, belonging to them. . a There is no date to any of the grants in the Monafncon , but the Baronage, vol. i. p. 556. exprefsly faith, that Gilo de Pinknev gave certain lands here to St. Lucian’s temp- I: hindering XXXVII. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. hindering the monks of St. Lucian from enjoying the revenues of it, they fold their right therein y\. D. 1392- to the abbat and convent of Bittlefden in Buckingharrlfhire, who enjoyed it not long. For about A. D. 1440. it was made part of the endowment of All Souls college in Oxon. yide in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 584, &c. cartam Gilbert! de Pinkeni confirm, unam hidam terras ex donis Gi- lonis avi et Roberti jtatris, et concedentis duas caru- catas terra; ex dono proprio ; aliam cartam ejufdem Gilberti confirm, decimas Odonias : Cartam Henrici fil. Gilbert^ confirm, dona praedidta : Cartam Ro¬ berti de Pinkonio fil. Henrici pro terris apud Gamel in campis de Wedon: Refignationem prioratus de Wedon abbatix fit convcntui de Bittlefden per abba- tem et conventum S. Luciani, dat. 20 Maii, A. D. 1392. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 256. of the foundation and revenues of this cell, and names of the priors: p. 210. of tithes in Wapenham: p. 255. of the advowfon of the rectory of Plumpton fometime : p. 257. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wedon Pinkney. Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 556. of the family of Pinkney, and their beforementioned gifts. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 19. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. pro conceflione iftius prioratus abbatiae de Bittlefden. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 11. et p. 3. m. . et 9. pro concefT. iftius prioratus cuflodi et fociis collegii Om¬ nium Animarum Oxon. XXXVIII. W I T E R I N G. Priory. A priory as early as A. D. 1308. Yide pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 1. dorfo, Northampton. Gilbertus Wytering arriavit verfus magiflrum Henricum Sam- de Leuknore et Joannes de Metingham conftituti ad fon de tenemento in Wytering. affifam novae diffeifinae capiendam, quam prior de XXXIX. WYRTHORP, or Woolfthrop near Stanford. Benedictine Nuns. Here appears to have been a fmall Benedi&ine nunnery dedicated to St. Maryb as early as the time of king Henry 1 c. The patronage was in the earls of Kent, and by a daughter and heirefs came to Sir Thomas Holland, at whofe petition this priory (wherein there was but one nun left) was united 28 Ed. 3. to St. Michael’s near Stanford, and as parcel of the fame was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Richard Cecil. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 489. pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 26. pro licentia reg. uniendi prioratuum. Mr. Peck’s Antiquarian Anrtals of Stanford, Book iv. p. 19. Book xi. p. 51. Mr. Forfter’s Letter, p. II. Munimenta penes honoratifT. com. Exon. Cartam epifc. Lincoln, de uniOne prioratuum dat. 3 Id. Jun. 1357. mf. in regiftro epifcopatus Lincoln, penes reverendiff. Will, archiepifc. Cantuar. Indenturam inter Agnetem Boves priorifiam et Alanum Brotherton, 27 Ed. 3. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. lxXvi. f. 6. Affif. in com. Northamt. 28 Ed. 1. rot. 22. prioriffa de W. recuperat feifmam fuam de lx. acr. terrx et vi. acris prati in Welton juxta Stanford. Pdt. 28 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 16. pro unienda domo de Wyr- thorp cum prioratu de Stanford. For Gare, placed in this county in the former editions, fee in Buckinghamshire. For Stanford fee in Lincolnshire. NORTHUMBERLAND. I. A L N E W I C K. t. Oremonstratensian Abbey. An abbey for Premonftratenfian canons founded by X Euftace Fitz John A. D. 1147 ». It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, and valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 189/. 15s. per ann. Dugd. 194/. 7 s. 110ns. The fite of this houfe was granted, 4 Ed. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 591. diploma Henrici Percy com. Northumbriae, recit. et confirm. Cartam fundationis : Cartas tres Will, de Vefcy filii Eufta- chii ; unam pro eccl. de Chetton ; alteram pro eccl. de Chaulingham ; tertiam pro eccl. de Alneham : P. 592. flemma fundatoris ex rot. efcaet. 8 Ed. 2. n. 63. in cedula, Lelandi Colledl. vol. ill. p. 73. In Wallis’s Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 386. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey. e MS, Dodfworth, p. 76. f. 6. Petri Blef. Contin. Ingulfi, edit. Oxon. p. it?. * Chronic. Mailtos in anno. Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p, 73. Speed, about which time here were thirteen ca- 6. to Ralph Sadler and Laur. Winnington. In Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 142. of four tene¬ ments and a garden in Newcaftle, belonging to this abbey. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 337. of the church of St. Dunftan in the Weft, London, being impro¬ priated to thefe monks on account -of their frequent fufferings by the incurfions of the Scots. Regiftrum et cartas penes Franc. Brandling de ead. mil. A.D. 1639. Colledl. exeifdem, mf. Dodfworth. vol. xlix. f. 11, &c. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 386. where this is faid to have been the firft houfe of Premonftratenfians in England; tout AVudwi* in Lincolnfliire was certainly before it. Chronicon t. NORTHUMBERLAND. Chronicon monafterii de Alnwike, mf. in bib!, coll. reg. Cantab, hujus apographum in bib!. Stillingfleet, nunc Harleyana mf. 692 ; et eXcerpta ex eodem mf. Cotton; VitelL E. xiv. 22. 10. In bibl. Harleiana mf. 2044. f- 10^. tranfcripts and ex- traiSs from original deeds relating to this abbey. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 12- n. 13. pro turbaria xxiv. acra- rum inter Yerlefleter et divifas de le Morton et Ede- lingham. Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 27. de commun. paftur. in Edelingham : Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 25. recit. et confirm, donationes. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. de Wollore concefT. per Nic. Graham: Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. oi „ eccl. de Chectam : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. de terns ibidem, et in Falendon. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ve] 10. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. Efcaet. Northumb 50 Ed. 3. n. 56. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. pro hoi- pitali S. Leonardi ibidem annedtendo. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. pro eccl. S. Dunftani in Fleteftreet Londini approprianda. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 9. Fin. 2 Hen. 4. m. 3. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. ult. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 4. pro eccl. de Lakcnfeld approprianda; et p. 2. m ,0 et 37. 2. Hospital; The hofpital of St. Leonard here was of the foundation, and in the patronage of the noble family of the Percys, and was, by Henry lord Percy afterwards (the firft of that name1) earl of Northumberland, annexed to the abbey 50 Ed. 3. Vide efcaet. Northumb. 50 Ed. 3. n. . Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. II. A L W Y N T O N. Hospital. Here was an hofpital fubordinate to the nunnery of Halyftane. Vide Wallis’s Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 513. III. BAMBURGH. 1. Austin Cbll. K. Henry 1. having given the churches of St. Ofwald and Sr. Aidan here with their chapels b to the priory of Nofthell in Yorkfhire, fome Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin were fettled here as a cell c to that Religious houfe, who were endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 116/. i2j. z,d. per ann. Dugd. 124/. 15s. yd. Speed. This, as parcel of St. Ofwald of Nofthdli was granted to John Fofter 37 Hen. 8. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 64. Cart. 17 Joan. n. 11 ct 46. 2. College. “ There was a fayre college in the erl’s of LanCaftre’s time a little without Ban- “ burrow in Northumberland, now clene down.” Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 107. 3. Hospital. Here was an old hofpital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. Vide pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. Efcaet. Northumb. 59 Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. nl. 41. Ed. 3. n. 56. 4. Black Friers; An houfe d of Friers preachers was founded here by king Henry 3. in the latter part of his reign ; the lite of which was granted, 2 Eliz. to Thomas Reeve and Nicholas Pinder. Vide rot. pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 14. [bis ;] et n. 125. Cart. conftruendum : Pat. 51 Hen. 3. n. 38. pro eifdem. 51 Hen. 3. m; 4. pro decern acris terrae ad oratorium Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . prope finem rotuli. IV. BERWICK. 1. Nunnery. David, king of Scotland, (who died A. D. 1153.) 's faid to have founded in or near South Berwick a Benedidline nunnery. Vide Forduni Scotichron. edit; Hearne, p. 684. Ibid. Append, p. 1559; 2. God’s HotlSE. The mafter and brethren of God’s houfe here are mentioned in clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 16. and had a grant of twenty marks per ann. out of Wetherborn by pat. 21 Ed. 3. m. 2i. and pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . “ Rex protegit Willelmo de Emeldon datum quern habet in hofpitaii “ Domus Dei de Berwico.” 3. Hospital. An hofpital here is mentioned in rot. pat. 29 Ed. r. m. . prope finem, as de¬ dicated to St. Mary Magdalene. In Rymer, vol. iii. p. 786. fuch an hofpital is mentioned as near this town'. In the efchaet rolls for Northumberland 41 Ed. 3. n. 39. there is mention of the hoi b Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 34. 36. miftake a college, which had been a century or two in ruins, « Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 64. for a priory lately dilfolved. d This, fays Mr. Wallis, is the fair college, a little without e In Sancroft’s mf. Valor, under Kepjer near Durham , there Bamburgh, mentioned by Leland : but I cannot agree with the is faid to have been an hofpital near Berwick dependent on learned hiftorian in this opinion. Leland was too correct to Kepyer, to which it paid an annual rent of ao s. IV. NORTHUMBERLAND pital of Segedon here, and an inquifition concerning the lands belonging to it. In pat. 16 Htn. 6. p. i. m. • the former is called a free chapel, and the latter an hermitage, and thele are faid to be united f. 4. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Friers preachers' before the year 1291. 5. Grey Friers. An houfe of Grey friers. Vide the catalogue of the order Under the cuftody of Newcaftle; and, from it, Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 31. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. v» p. 104. mandatumh R. Ed. 3. anno regni 13. de folvendo guardiano etFratribus de ordine Minorum in villa de Berewico commorantibus viginti marcas per ann. de ftrma difbe villae de elcemofina regum Scotis ab an- tiquo conftituta. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 158. 6. White Friers. Sir John Grey founded here, A. D. 1270. an houfe of White friers'. Vide rot. pat. n Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. quod Fratres Car- wick et habeant confuetum ftipendium. melitae deferviant in capella regia in caftro de Ber- 7. Trinitarian Friers. Here was an houfe “ ordinis S. Trinitatis,” fupprefled11 by An¬ thony Bee bifhop of Durham. Vide Lelandi Itin. vol. viii. p. 23. V. BLANCA L A N D A, or Alba-landa. ' PreMonstratensian Abbey. Walter de Bolebec, A. D. 1165', built a Premonftraten- fian m abbey here ” to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary °. Herein were fourteen canons juft before the diffolution, when its yearly income was taxed at 40/. or. yd. Dugd. 44/. 94. id. ob. Speed. It was granted to John Bellow and John Broxholm 37 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p 611, 612. cart. 54 Hen. . m. 13. per Infpex. recit. cartas duas Walt, de olebec fundatoris, unam de fitu abbatiaj ; alteram de eccl. de Hedone • Cartam Hugonis de Bolebec, de diverfis terris et pafturis juxta flumen Derwent, &c. conceflis. Lelandi Itin. vol. vii. p. 64. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 155. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this abbey. In Bourn’s Hiftery of Newcaftle, p. 142. of an houfe in Newcaftle, In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth, vol. xxiv. f. 81. cart. 11 Ed. 2. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 2. n. 208 Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 54. Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 72 K Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2?« Clauf. 31 Ed. 3. m. 16. de advocatione abbatiae. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 27 vel 28. VI. B O L T O N.\ Hospital. A collegiate church r or rather an hofpital founded by Robert Roos of Hamlake before the year 1225. for a prior* or rnafter', and three chaplains, thirteen leprous men “, and other lay brethren. The abbat of Ryevall and the prior of Kirkham were by the founder ap¬ pointed governors of this houfe, which was dedicated to St. Thomas” the martyr, or rather to the Holy Trinity". Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 458, 459. cartam Ro- berti de Roos de fundatione bujus hol'pitalis. Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 104. vol. vii. p. 64. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 495. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this hofpital. In majori rotulo Walteri de Gray archiepifc. Ebor. n. 50. confirmationem hujus fundationis. Colleft. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lxxxv. f. 58. et in vol. vii. p. 102. de terris in Elvele et Swaneflond ex doi)o Roberti de Roos. Cart. II Hen. 3. n. 89 et 90. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 13. n. 90. in cedula pro terris in Bolton, Killum, Strou- fton, &c. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 14. pro ext. acris bofei de Bolton in forefta Northumb. Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. j. aflif. rot. 13. pro feiffa molendini de Mindrom. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 35. pro villa de Bolton, terris in Swanefland, &c. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. m. j, Plac. de banco, 5 Ed. 3. rot. 315. Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. dorfo: Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 58. pro lib. war. in Bolton, Middleton, Killum, Palkefton, et Branlcefton [Nor¬ thumb.] Straunfton Magna, Paunton Magna et Paunton Parta [Lincoln.] f “ Rex dedit Nicholao Neuton cuftodiam liberas capelltE S. “ Mariae Magdalente juxta Berevyic et heremitagii de Segden “ eidem annex.” Pat. 16 Hen. 6, ex collect, (d. M. Hutton. x Prynne, vol. iii. p. 513. h This is alfo printed in the Appendix to Stevens’ Supple¬ ment, vol. ii. p. aj. * Speed. k Square; For bilhop Bek died A. D. 1111. and clauf. a Ed. 3. m. 16. is.“ pro miniftro et fratribus S. Trinitatis pontis Ber- “ wici.” 1 Chronica de hlailrofs. nl Not Ci/lertian , as Speed. " It itood on the farther fide of Darwent. Leiand. Itin. vol. vii. p. 64. 0 Or, as fame, to St. Nicholas. P B p Qua re. Whether thefe belong to this houfe, or to ano¬ ther of the lame name. ’ In Cakedak, Leiand. Itin. vol. vii. p. 64. In Akndaic. ibid, vol. 1. p. 104. ' Leiand, ibid, ’ Cart. 19 Hen. 3. praefentatus ad idfworth, ex tq- 3]. I. U, 199. □!. vii. p. ioa. ;ium S. Trinitatis “ eccl. de Syreftaen, 10 Hen. 3.” Collei tulo Hugonis Wells epife. Lincoln. b “ Leprofi de Bolton.” Leiand. Coll v As in former note, and mf. Dodfwo * In pat. 3. Ed. 3. it is ftiled “ Hofpit; de Bolton fuper moram juxta Alnwick.” — F VII. B R E K E N- I VII. NORTHUMBERLAND. \ II. BREKENBURNE, Brinkburne, or Brincaburg r. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons founded temp. Hen. i. by Olbertus Colutn • upon a piece of ground which was given him by William Bertram. This houfe was under patronage of St. Peter*, about the time of the difiolution confided of ten Relicrious who h , yearly income of 68/. 1 9s. id. Dugd. 77/. Speed. It was granted to John earl of War w id 4 6. ^ ^ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 203, 204- cartas Will. Bertram primi advoc. Will, de Guaren com. North- umbriae, pro falina apud Werkworth ; et Henrici com. Northumb. pro eadem: Cart. 43 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro cxl. acris terras in Evenwode, commun. focalium in turbaria de Glantley, vafto de Framelington, See, Lelandi Itin. vol. vii. p. 64. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 518. of the foun¬ dation and advowfon of this priory; p. 207. 351. of the impropriation and advowfon of Long Horfley. Regiftrum hujus prioratus penes dom. Will. Howard de Naworth mf. 1638. Excerpta ex eodem inter Collect. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. xlv. f. 1. Regiftrum penes Arth. Agard, A. D. 1604. Collectanea ampla ex eodem per Franc. Thinn, mf. penes jo. Anftis arm. Inbibl. Harl. mf. 294. f. 186. ex regiftro hujus pri0 ratus Bertram nuncupato, f. 194. ex regiftro penes dom. Howard de Naworth. mf. 5855. f. j. exf n out of the legend of this mortaftery. Cart, antiq. F. 9. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 4 vel '5. dorfo, m. 4 et 11. n A. ii. „. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. inter mil". collea. Roger! Dodf worth, vol. xv. excerpta ex cartis dom. Joan. Fen- wike ; and out of the Black Book of Hexham, con taimng the rental of the lands of the priory made A. L). 1479. Ibid. vol. cxvm. f. 101. principium, conti- nuationem, et finem epifeopatus Haguftaldenfis, cum numero epifeoporum et eorum armis, &c. ^ Leland. Collect, vol. ii. p. 2 ro. vol iii n mn CrelTy, Church Hift. vol. xv. c. 3. i j6 f , tmu ot this monaftery to have been earlier, ™ bv K ne' n But lee Spelman’s Councils, vol i n ! I the foundation. ’ P‘ J0> wh«e Wilfrid claims m Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. 1. p. l40. Fin. XV. NORTHUMBERLAND. 20. pro eccl. de Stanfordham : Cart. 34. Ej. n pro eccl. de Aldolvifton : Cart. 35 Ed. x. n. 22 Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. pro eccl. de Stanfordham ap proprianda: Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro maner* de Hoton Parva : Pat. 16 Rd. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Pr0 terri* in Kirk Hoton, Nelbit, Stewik, &c. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. I. m. It. dorfo, de perambulationc inter terras prioratus, et Henrici de Percy in Corbrii.» et Amwyke. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 18. pro eccl. de Qvirigham et Ilkeley [Ebor.] appropriandis : fat. 10 Ric.°2. p. 2. m. 9. pro le Peyle de Staworth. Fin. Ebor. 1 1 Joan. n. . pro terris in Eddefton. Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 81. pro medietat. maner. de Heton Parva. „ , ... Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 14 Ed. I. . n. 13. pro lib. war. in Bires, Walden, Colden, Chefeburgh, Matfenner, Milburne, &c. North Saulton, et Broughton [Ebor.J Plac in con). Cumberland. 20 Ed, 1. quo war. rot. 66. de terris in Iihale; rot. 75. de advoc. eccl. de Aldenefton et Ifhale ; Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 20. dorfo; quo war. rot. 1. dorfo; Plac. in com. Ebor. 21 Ed. j. quo war. rot. 5. dorfo: Fin. Ebor. 22 Ed. I. lig. E. n. 48. de fervit. in Broghton; Plac. coram juftit. de banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 99. pro terris in Allerwarke : Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 3 Hospital. An houfe" for leprous perfons as old as king John’s time; the fame probably with the hofpital of St. Giles here, which was in the gift of the archbijhop of York. It had reve- nues valued at four marks per arm . and was granted with the fite of the priory to Sir Reginald Carnaby 30 Hen. 8. Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 57. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 89. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 2. n. 7. 4. Spittle. There was an hofpital for the Tick called the Spittle, dependent on the priory, fituated about a mile weft from the town, on a pleafant lhady eminence by the Tyne. Vide Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 89. XVI. HOLM, near Alnwick. White Friers Here was one of the firfl 0 houfes of the Carmelite or White friers in Eng- land, who were brought over by Johnr lord Vefci about A. D. 1240. and placed here near Hul- park within the lordfhip of Alnwik. The fite of the Black friers (probably a miftake for White friers) was granted to Thomas Reve, William Ryvet, Sec. 6 Eliz. Vide inter m(T. bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. xlv. f. 15. excerpta ex cartulario Carmelitarum de Aln- wyke nuper in cuftodia dom. Will. Howard dom. de Naworth, modo penes Joannem Warburton arm, Somerfet Heraldum, A. D. 1720. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 103. Wallis’ Northumberland, yol. ii. p. 389. Regiftrum hujus prioratus in bibl. Harleiana mf. 3897. Ibid. mf. 294. f. 214. colledanea ex eodem. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 3. pro confirmatione donation™ Joannis de Vefcy et aliorum. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . XVII. J E S M O N T. Hospital “ A mile from Newcaftle a road branches off on the right hand to Jefmont, ft- « mous for its chapel and hofpital, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, which were granted 3Ei 6. «« t0 the corporation of Newcaftle, and by them affigned over the following year to Sir Robert “ Brandling knight Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 267. XVIII, LAMBLEY UPON THE TYNE. Benedictine Nuns. An abbey of Benedidtine nuns founded by king John or Adam de Tin- dale s. Its tutelar faint was St. Patric. It had fix Religious women m it ^ouc the nme 0 the diffolution, when its yearly revenues were accounted worth 5I. 15 s. 8 d . This houle was Dran ed, 7 Ed. 6. to John duke of Northumberland. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 17. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this abbey. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 506. cart. 2 Joan. m. 12. n. 9. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 20. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 103. XIX. LINDISFARNE, or Holy Ifland. Rishoprick and Benedictine Cell. In the year 635. upon the firft coming of St. Aidan onr of Scotland to plant Chriftianity among the Northumbrian Saxons, king Ofwald gave him X„d w“ “ was fixed the feat L himfelf and fucceffors bilhop. of thefe nor. hern pa„. w « had here alfo a chapter of an abbat and monks •. The cathedral church was dedicated to St PeW, and continued in great efteem till bilhop Eardulf was forced to leave it for fear of the Danes A. n In a ftreet called Gilligate, Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. il' F See the notes at Ntwenden and Ailesford in Kent. p So in Dodfworth’s extracts ; but W’illiam was lord Vela A D. 1240. according to Dugd. Baron. Others fay, thefe friers were" placed here by Ralph Fnrjborn or Freeborn. See New- court’s Repertorium, vol. 1. p. } 67. s One lord .... Lucy founder, as Camden and Speed. King founder, as Compend. Compert. ' Compend. Compert. . . ,,, » « Abbatis et monachorum locus. Beds Hift. J1 , t p0j. et in vita S. Cuthberti. « Nobile monalterium. W»“u- leift. vol. ii. p. 173. ex Rogero Hovedeno. 1 Beds Hilt. lib. iii. c. 24. ^ XIX. NORTHUMBERLAND. 875. Upon the fettlement of the monaflery at Durham by bifhop William de Carilefo A. D. 1082. the old epifcopal church u here with all that belonged to it was made part of the endowment, upon which here was afterward a cell of Benedidtine monks, fubordinate to the priory of Durham, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 48/. i8j. 11 d. per ann. Dugd. Col. 57. Speed. It Bill continues part of the pofieflions of the dean and chapter of Durham, being granted to them 33 Hen. 8. Vide de epifcopis Lindisfarnenfibus cl. Whartoni Angl, Sacr. tom. i. p. 691, &c. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 347. of the bifhops. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 320. nomina epifcoporum. vol. ii- p- 142. de conftrudtione ecclefiae. vol. ii. p. 136. vol. i. p. 327. 365. ex libro incerti autoris de epifcopis Lindisfarn. vol. ii. p. 173. vol. i. p. 362. ex libro dEthelwolphi alias Lupi monachi cell* five cce- nobii S. Petri de rebus in eo geftis. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 417. of ihe bi- Ihops of Lindisfarn. Ethelwoldi epifc. Winton. tradlatum de abbatibus Lin¬ disfarnenfibus, A. D. 980. Pitf. 178. Codicem mf. de exordio et ftatu Lindisfarnenfis eccle- fise. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 845. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. . recit. cartam R. Ed. 3. XX. M I T F O R D. Hospital or Free Chapel. Here was antiently an hofpital or free chapel w dedicated to St. Leonard, founded and endowed with lands for one chaplain by Sir William Bertram baron of Mitford. It was found by inquifition 47 Ed. 3. that the lands belonging to it were in the pofTef- fion of the abbot of Newminfter, but they were reftored 1 Ric. 2. Vide apud Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 326. in- conceffione hujus hofpitalis Johanni de Wendlings ad quifitionem fuperius memoratam ex bundello efcaet. terminum vit*. in turri London, n. 84. necnon cartam 1 Ric. 2. de XXI. MORPETH. Hospital. Here was an ancient hofpital for fick perfons, to which William de Merlai oave a carucate of land. c Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 801. cartam ex autogr. in bibl. Hatton. XXII. N E S S E H A M, or Nefham x. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedidtine nunnery dedicated to the bleffed Virgin. It had eieht Religious, and was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. (about which time the lord Dakersf was accounted founder or patron) at 20/. ijs. 7 d. per ann. Dugd. 2 61. ys. yd. Speed; and was granted, 32 Hen 8 to James Lawfon. 3 ' Vide Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan, de terris in Thornton ; Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 29 vel 30. XXIII. NEWCASTLE. 1. Benedictine Nuns. This place is faid to bear fuch relation to the monks, that, before the Conqueft and the building of the caftle there by Robert fon to William the firtt it was cal ed Monkecefter, 1. e. “ Caftrum vel civitas monachorum * But of thefe old monks here I have yet met with no particular account. Near this town appears to have been a fmall Benedidtine nunnery as old as the time of William the Conqueror*. It was dedicated to St. Bartholomew b, had a little before the diffolution ten nuns, when it was valued at 36/. or. xod. per ann. Dugd. 27/ aj 2 d Speed; and 36 Hen. 8. it was granted to William Barantyne and others. Vide in Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 50. cartam Hugonis cpilc. Dunelm. de terra in Burgo Dunelm. p. 132. priorifl* et conventus dimiffionem xx. acrarum terras in Haliwelle: p. 271* conceffionem omnium terra- rum hofpitalis S. Edmundi de Gatefhend prioriA* et conventui de Newcaftle'. p. 69. Roberti epifc. Du¬ nelm. confirm, di£t* concelT. p. 287. priori/!* et conventus dimiffionem terr* in Gatefhend: p. 375. relaxationem priori/T* et conventui de uno mefiua^io cum pertinentiis in Novo Caftro. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 41. vol. ii. p. 198. In Steven’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 318. fome notes con¬ cerning this monaftery from Leland. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 206. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this priory. In Bourn's Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 47. of houfes in Newcaftle belonging to this nunnery: p. 48. cartam regis Henrici 2. confirm, donationes, viz. eccl, S. Bar- tholomaei, hofpitale S. Mari*, et terram, &c." xx. acras de fcala, ix. tofta et Horfeyol, &c. p. 49. 0f the manor of Stelley : p. 150. of Nun Moor : p. 194 the priorefs and convent’s grant of a booth to John “ Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 43. , w b? the grant to Wendlings it is exprefsly called an hofpital, though in the inquifition the lands are faid to be given “ ad in- <1 '’ienLm!um l'hum capellanum divina celebratm-um in capella de Mitford:” it avas therefore probably a free chapel, with ome kind of hofpital annexed to it, and fupported by the obla¬ tions there made. x Taxat. Lincoln, mf. bcen^i ^omiRrt* "brre the yearly value is faid to have z Leland. Collefl. vol. ii. p. iq8. vol. iii. p. 4a et lie * Ibid. vol. i. p. 53x David king of Scotland, who died A. D irj3. is laid to have founded a nunnery here at Newcaftle anH* two other monafteries, one for Benedidtines, and the other for Prremonftratenfians, in the Append, to Gordon’s Scotichrom edit. Hearne, p. 1554 et 1559. but quare . b Leland. Colled:, vol. i. p. 41. the of the hofpital’s grant, See before at Wedirhall : XXIII. NORTHUMBERLAND. Wedirhall : p. 215. their bond to pay iii j. \v d. per of St. Bartholomew’s in Newcaftle, on account of tl , . aim. to the prior and chapter of Durham out of the mean and low condition their houfe was then in hofpital lands at Gatefhead: p. 213. biftiop Nevil’s Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. i.affif. rot. i? d r appropriation of the hofpital of St. Edmund at Gate- rot. 15. 22. dorfo ; et 24 dorfo; y r °> fhcad, and all its revenues to the priorefs and convent 2. St. Catherine’s Hospital. In the time of king Hehry 4. Roger Thornton1* merchant built in a place called the Sandhill, an hofpital to the honor of St. Catherine, which was to confijf of a warden (being a prielT) nine poor men brethren, and four poor women filters. It was valued 26 Hen. 8. at 12/. 31. 10 d. in the whole, and SL os. 1 d. clear'. p'ide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 474, 475. licentiam regis Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 216. pro fundatione, ex pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 38. pro pecia terra conceit Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 124. pauperibus Domus Dei per Rog. Thornton editicate Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 114. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 8 vel 9. 3. St. Mary the Virgin Hospital, Near the weft gate was an hofpital f of St. Mary the Virgin, confifting of a mafter and fix brethren, as old as the time of king Henry 3 e, which had revenues, 26 Hen. 8. valued at 2 61. 13 s. 4k d. per ants. Vide Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 31. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 6. de pofterno faciendo in muro civi- Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 213. tatis : Plac. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. c In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p.624. letters of pro- dorfo, de melT. in Novo Caftro : Pat. 32 Ed. i. m. teftion for the mafter of the hofpital of St. Mary of Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p, , Weftgate in Newcaftle, 24 Ed. 1. m. 20. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. io vel 20. pro terris Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro libertatibus. in Newbigging : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. u. 4. St. Mary the Virgin Hospital. There was alfo another hofpital of St. Mary the Virgin in this town founded, as it is thought, in the time of king Henry 1. but enlarged or re¬ founded by one Affelack of Killinghow, about the latter part of the reign of king Henry 2. which feems to have had fome dependance on the nunnery1. This hath been long annexed to St. Mary’s of Weftgate. And by virtue of a charter granted 9 Jac. 1. there is now one hofpital of St. Mary the Virgin confifting of a mafter and .... poor perfons, put in by the mayor and burgeffes of the corporation. Vide Mr. Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 30, 31, &c. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 207. 48. 150. 5. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. A priory k or hofpital (without the walls of the town ') of a mafter and brethren dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, and founded, as Speed faith, by king Henry 1. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 9/. iij. 4 d. per ann. as Speed. And though granted away in the time of queen Elizabeth k, yet was re-eftabliihed in the ninth year of king James 1. when the hofpital or chapel of St. Thomas on the bridge over the Tyne was annexed to it. It confifts now of a mafter and three poor brethren, who have each of them 3/. 6 s. 8 d. per am. and is under the patronage and government of the mayor and burgefles of the corporation. Vide Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 131 et 151. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 212. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 35. pro advocatione ejufdem. 6. Maison Dieu. John Ward, a rich merchant of Newcaftle, made a Maifon Dieu for twelve poor men and twelve poor women by the Auguftin Friers. Vide Leland, Itin. vol. v. p. 114. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 218. 7. Brigham’s Hospital. Chriltopher Brigham, a merchant of Newcaftle, founded a little hofpital by the Grey Friers. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 114. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 218. 8. Austin Friers. “ Lower in the ftreet, [than the Grey friers] not far from Pandon gate, “ a little within a lane, was the Auftin friers m, founded by the lord Rofs”.” Which houfe, after the diffolution, was granted to John duke of Northumberland, 5 Ed. 6. Vide Bourn’s Hiftory, p. 135. Leland. Idn. vol. vi. p. 60. vol. viii. p. 7. d He died 1429. as Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 597* e Bancroft’s mf. Valor. f Founded by the townfmen, as Bourn, p. 31. g It might be older, but then it occurs upon the records. Bancroft* s mf. Valor. i It is mentioned amongft the pofTefTions of the nunnery, in the charter of confirmation granted by K. Henry 2. Wallis* Wallis, Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 209. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 207. k k Pat. 24 Eliz. 431* 1 It flood without Pilgrims gate, near the Barrow’s bridge, on thefummit of a hill. Wallis* Northumberland, vol. ii.p.aia* m Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 7. In the manour chare formerly called Cowgate. Wallis. n Ibid. vol. vi. p. 60. XXIII. NORTHUMBERLAND. Pat. n Ed. 2. p. t. m. 23. de terra in Cowgate con- p. 2. m. 15. pro manfo elargando. tefla Fratribus S. Auguftini per Will. Roos de Ha- Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 43 melake : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. In. 4 vel 5. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. vel 44. 9. BIack Friers. Between Newgate and Weftgate0 was the houfe of the Black friers p of the foundation of Sir Peter and Sir Nicholas Scot knts. father and fon i, about the year 1260. or Ihortly after; which was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to the mayor and burgefles of this town. Fide. Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 19. Pat. 48 Hen. 3. n. 85. Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. vol. viii. p. 7. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 208. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. ti Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30 In Madox’s Formulare, p. 127. dcmiffionem claufi extra vel. 31. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. muros Novi Caftri. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. • 10. Grey Friers. “ By Pandon gate' flood the Grey friers houfe, a very fair thing1, of the “ Cairluelles foundation',” before A. D. 1300“. After the dilTolution it was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to ... ; earl of ElTex, James Rockby, &c. Fide colleft. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 30. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 20?. Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 83. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 59. vol. viii. p. 7. 11. White Friers. Between Weftgate and the fide of the river Tynew was the houfe of the White friers’1, founded by K. Edward 1. as Speed, but as others by Roger Thornton merchant *. It was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Grefham and Richard Billingford. Vide Bourn’s Hiftory, p. 11. 38. 141. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 4 vel 3. Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. vol. viii. p. 7. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18 vel ig. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 210. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . 12. Friers de PoeniTentia. Here was; temp. Hen. 3. a friery of brethren De poenitentia Jefu Chrifti, fituated in a place called the Conftable Gerth z. Vide Bourn’s Hiftory, p. 38. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 210. Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. . pro placea fua elarganda. 13. Walknoll or Trinitarian Friers. On the fuppreftion of the houfe ordinis S Tri- mtatis at Berwick, William Wakefield the mailer came to Newcaftle, and by the aid of William and Laurence Adlon brethren, or as Leiand in another place a, of Laurence Aflon mavor of New¬ caftle, built a houfe near Pandon gate1- for a mailer or warden ' and feveral brethren, of the order of St. Robert11 or of the Holy Trinity, for the redemption of captivesj It was dedicated to the Ho y 1 trinity, or, as others, to St. Michael % and granted 37 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Grelham and Richard Billingford. Fide in Mr. Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 139, 141, 142. and, in his Appendix, the foundation charter dated A. D. 1360. and confirmed by the bifhop and prior and convent of Durham; by which it appears, that this houfe was founded by William de Acketon burgefs of Newcaftle, for three chaplains of the order of the Holy Trinity (whereof one to be warden) three poor perfons, and three clerks to teach fchool : and that this houfe was to be fubjeft to the vifitation of the mafter of St. Robert’s at Knarelburgh. Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. vol. viii. p. 7. 23. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 216. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 27. pro ten. in Gelweycroft, Shelfield, et Bikre: Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro ten. in Novo Caftro : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. XXIV. NOVUM MO NASTERIUM, or New Minfter near Morpeth f. Cistercian Abbey. Ranulph de Merlay and Julian his wife (who was daughter of Cofpa- 0 Leiand. Itin. vol. viii. p. 7. P It confifted of a prior and twelve brethren, and was de¬ pendent upon Tynemouth. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. io8. s Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. ' By a lane now called High Frier Chare. Wallis’ Northum¬ berland, vol. ii. p. 107. * Leiand. Itin. vol. viii. p. 7. where they are called Obfervant freres, as they might be after that reformation of this order be¬ gan about A. D. t40o. 1 Ibid. vol. vi. p. 59. Of the family of Carliol’s foundation, faith Bourn, p. 8.;. “ If it be true that the famous Jo. Duns Scotus was a frier of this houfe before he went to Oxford, as Cave’s Hift. Lit. vol. i. Append, p. a. Bourn laith, thefe friers were fettled here before A. D. 1167. w Leiand. Itin. vol. viii. p. 7. x Mr. Wallis faith, that the White Friers had two houfes in Newcaftle, the one almoft at the foot of Weftgate, near the White Friers tower, (which feems formerly to have been the file of the friers de penitentia) which confided of a prior, feven brethren, and two noviciates, and was valued at the dilTolution at 9/. 1 r r. 4 4. the other founded either by Laurentius or Roger de Thornton, fituated on the WalknowD, and dedicated to St Michael, from whom and the height of its fituation it had the name of St. Michael’s Mount, and at the dilTolution was CTanted to S11 John Grefham alderman of London. I very much donht the accuracy of this account, as I have met with no other in. fiance of two houfes in the fame place belonging to the fame mendicant ol der : and I conjecture the priory on the Walknmvli to have been the fame with that of the Holy Trinity r Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. and Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. d I At the foot of Weftgate, near the White Friers w Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. JI0. tower‘ a Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. b Ibid. vol. viii. p. 7. c Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 624. II MS. Bened. c MS. Dodfworth. vol. xxxii. f. 133. f Not in Yorkjhire, where placed in the Monaflicon. trie XXIV. NORTHUMBERLAND. trie earl of Northumberland) built here6, A. D. 1138 h. an abbey of Ciftercian monks from Foun tains to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary. It had at the luppreffion about fifteen Religiou ' and pofiefiions of the yearly value of 100/. 8s. id. Dugd. 140/. tor. 4 d. Speed. The fite w'’ granted, 7 Jac. 1. to Robert Brandling. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 800. annotatiunculas quafdam hiftoricas de prima fundatione, ex Leland. ColledE vol. ii. p. 362. et cod. ml", de origine Fonta- nenfis ccenobii: Cartas R. Hen. 1. Ranulpho de Merlay ; Ranulphi de Merlay monachis, et Will, de Merlai : Cart, 39 Hen. 3. m. 3. confirm, donationes Rogeri Bertram, Roberti de Grayftok, et Gilbert! de Umfranvile, de Mereden divifa inter baronias de Midford et Morpeth, &c. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 916, 917, 918. quasdam de fundatore et prtecipuis benefaftori- bus abbatiae de Newminfter, ex martyrologio ejufdem domus. Lelandi Colledl. vol. ii. p. 362. vol. iii. p. 106. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 62. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 304. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this abbey: p. 284. of the ad- vowfon of the church of Stannington: p. 307. Car- tam Radulphi baronis de Graiftok de terris in Stan¬ nington : Joannis de Plelfeto de molendinis ibidem : p. 310. Joannis de Graiftok de communi paftura in Stobbiford et Ulgham. In Bourn’s Hiftory of Newcaftle, p. 142. of fix houfes in Newcaftle. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae, mf. penes dom. Will. Howard de Naworth. Martyrologium abbatiae de Newminfter, quondam inter mlT. Cecilianos, nunc in bibl. ducis Cantiie. Collectanea ex regiftro et martyrologio per Fra Thinn, mf. penes Jo. Anftis arm. C‘ In bibl. Harleiana mf. 247. f. 102. extrafts from th booke of the new monaftery. mf. 294. f. 214. colleA^" anea ex cartulario penes dom. Howard de Naworth " Fin. div. com. 8 Joan. n. 47. de commun. Daft,,, •„ forefta de Roitberi. Cart. 28 Hen. 3. m. 1. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 12. Cart 55 Hen. 3. m. 5 et 6. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 63. de lib. war. in Horton, Filtnn Newton, Weft, et Eft Ritton, Keftern, Ulgham et Rothely [Northumb.] Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed* 1 rot. 1 17. de cclVji. acris, &c. in Rocheby : P]ac" com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 6. dorfo, de ten in Bolum ; rot. 13 et 18. dorfo j quo war. rot dorfo: Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 34. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. j. m. vel 8. de limitibus terrarum dominicalium abbatke/ ' Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 85. Clauft 4 Ed. 3. m. 37. pro advoc. eccl. de Stainington: Pat. 8. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro eccl. de Whelpinton- Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 38 Ed. p. 2. m. 20 vel 2i. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. XXV. O V I N G H A M. Austin Cell. A cell of three Black canons belonging to Hexham of the foundation of . . . . Unfranvile*. The eftate belonging to it was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at ill. 2 s. 8 d. per am. clarev. 1 3 /. 4 s. 8 d. Speed. Vide in Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 161. of the Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 28. pro eccl. de Ovingham ap- foundation and revenues of this cell. proprianda priori de Hexham. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 115. XXVI. PONTELAND. College. This church feems to have been collegiate, for in the Lincoln taxation made about A. D. 1291. it is thus put down : “ Ponteland redtoria xxx/. xn d. “ Prebenda domini Caroli de Bellomonte in ead. XXII /. “ Prebenda Philippi de Wyleby in ead. xxl. xj,” XXVII. TINMOUTH, olim Dunemuth ', or Donnemade “. Benedictine Cell. Among the monafteries and churches founded by St. Ofwald " the firlt Chriftian king of Northumberland, this is reckoned to be one ; though others aferibe its founda¬ tion to king Ecgfrid. It is evident that St. Herebald, the companion of St. John of Beverley was monk0 and abbatP here in the beginning of the eighth century, and before the end of itq this mo- naftery was plundered by the Danes, as it was again by them under Hunguar and Hubbar in the next century, and by the fame Pagans a third time in the reign of K. Ethelftan. The old church was dedicated to the blefied Virgin 8, and feems to have lain defolate till the finding of king Olwin’s relicks here a little before the Conqueft, when, to the honor of St. Mary and that king, Tofii earl of Northumberland repaired and endowed this Religious houfe. Upon the banilhment of Tofti this country was given by the Conqueror to Robert de Moubray, who thereupon became earl, and placed in the church here (which had been given by Waltheof earl of Northumberland to the monks at Yarrow, and by earl Albry to Durham) Black monks from St. Alban’s in Hercfordlhire, to which abbey this priory was fubordinate; though 26 Hen. 8. it was found to have a feparate % A quarter of a mile out of Morpeth, on the hither fide of Wanfpeke. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 62. h “ A. D. 1139.” in the mf. annals of Louthpark, “ A. D. 1137.” in the mf. annals in the library of the church of Weft* minfter, wherein are many things relating to this houfe. j Leiand. Itin. vol. v. p. 115. fc MS. Valor. 1 Leland. Colled. vol. ii. p. 174. 297. m CrefTy, p. 625. n Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 43. 0 Ibid. vol. iii. p. 104. p Ibid. vol. ii. p. 408. vol. iii. p. iol. q Ibid. vol. ii. p. 297. 388. r Ibid. vol. iii. p. 43. 114. * Ibid. vol. iii. p. 114. yearly XXVII. NORTHUMBERLAND. yearly revenue of 397 1. 10 s. $d. ob. Dugd. 51 1 /. 4 s. id. ob. Speed'. The fice and moft of the lands were granted, 5 Ed. 6. to John duke of NofthUmberlartd. yiJe in Mon. Angl. tom; i. p. 42. donationerrl cccl; S Mari* de Tinmuth monachis apud Girve faftarn a Waltheofo com. Nortfiumbr. P. 45. de revocatione iftius donationis, ex munimentis Dunelm. Ibid. p. 333 et 334- ex Leland. Colled, vol. iii. f. 177. de vita S Ofwini, ejufque tranfiatione : P. 335, &c. cartas Will. Conq. Hen. I. duas ; Davidis regis Scotorum unam ; Henrici 2. unam ; Joannis regis unatn ; Ri- cardi Bertram de garbis in Bothall : Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 3. de libertat. Relandi Colled, vol. i. p. 55. 103. 418. vol. iii. p. 43. 1 14. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 112. of the impropriate church of Corbridge. Matth. Paris Vitas Abbatum S. Albani, p. 51. 55. 1 1 5. 118, 119, 120. 198, 199. Matth. Weftmonaft. Hiftoriam in anno 1090. The Hiftory of Newcaftle upon Tyne, or The ancient and prefent Rate of that town, by the late Henry Bourne M. A. curate of Allhallows in Newcaftle ; Newcaftle, 1736. fol. p. 179, 180. of this monaftery : p. 1 16. of two third parts of the tythes of Bothal by the gift of Richard Bertram : p. 142. of feventeen ir.elTuages in the town and fuburbs of Newcaftle: p. t46- of Warden’s Clofe, belonging to this priory: p, i6t. of the difpute between the burgeftes of New¬ caftle and the prior of Tinmouth, 20 Ed. 1. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 255. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this priory : p. 166. of the townofWylam: p. 177. ofthevill ofElfwick: p. 260. cartam Radulphi baronis de Graiftok de libero tran- fitu in moris de Benton, deque efca pafturae pro qua- tuor-viginti animalibus in eifdem : cartam prioris et conventus de Tinmouth de cantaria fundata in eodem prioratu perRadulphum baronem de Graiftok: p. 280. of the manor of Bebfide : p. 561. of the manor of Waliington. In Eibro NigrO ScaCcarii, p. 334. de feptima parte fuedi unius militis tent, de Radulfo de Wircefter. In Madoxii Hift, ScaCc. p. 279. pro libertat. confir- mandis [bis:] Vide etiam p. 414. Selden’s Hift. of Tythes, p. 325, &c. Year books, xvni. 20. De ecclefiis collatis prioratui de Tinmouth, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vitellius, A. xx. 10. Exccrpta ex antiquo regiftrO prioratus de Tinmouth re- mancnte apud comitem NorthUmbrix, mf. in bibl. Cotton. ViteUiut , E. V. 9. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499- f. 49. of the foundation with the arms. mf. 2223. f. 213. colle&anea brceiuf- cula de libro de Tynmouth. ml. 6784. /. 17. cartam Joannis regis. MS. Peck in Mufeo Britannico, vol. iii. nomina priorum. MS Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. Ixxviii. fol. 80. de cella de Tinmouth. Regiftra abbatite S. Albani. Cart, antiq. G. 21. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 12. n. 99. Clauf. 6 Joan. m. 5. quod monachi lint quieti de cornagio. Plac. de banco, 10 Hen. 3 Hill. rot. 18. pro mancr. de Cherinton : Cart. 53 Hen 3. m. 2. pro mcrcat. apud Bewvke : Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 4 et 7. de libertatibus. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Northumb. 2t Ed. I. affif. rot. 2. dorfo, rot. 8, 9. dorfo ; rot. 21, 22 et 24. dorfo; et 26, 27. de maner. de Weftcherton: Cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. 31. Cart. 32 Ed. 1. n. 14. pro feria apud Tinmouth : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. rh. . Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. dorfo, pro return, brev. Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 39. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 35. pro melf. et terris in Bokeworth, Moreton, Whitby, et Milne- ton ; et p. 2. m. 4. pro me!T. in Novo Caftro. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 75. Clauf 2 Ed. 3. m. 35. Pat. 2 Ed. 3, p. 1. m. 35. pro ten. in Woodham et Seton : Pat. Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . at. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. pro ten. in Weft Morton, Eaft Bakworth, Weft Bakworth, Prefton, &c. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro ten. ill Wolfington, Morton, et Middle Cherton. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro ten. in Seton Monachorum, Eft Chirton, Eglingham, Denton, &c. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. pro eccl. de Hautwyflell in Tyndale approprianda : Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. pro melf. in Novo Caftro : Ibid. m. 12. pro aliis mef- iiiagiis ibidem : Ibid. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p 1. m. 6. pro ten. in Elftwick, Newbigging, Wod- rington, Cuppon, & c. Cart. 2 Hen. 4 p. 1. n. 4. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 35. pro maner. de Whitley. Pat. 3 Ed. 4 p. 3. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. x 1 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 24* XXVIII. TWEDEMOUTH. Hospital. An old hofpital dedicated to St. Bartholomew ; the mafterthip of which was in the bilhop of Durham. Vide pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . rex dedit clerico fuo maei de Twedemouth ratione vacationis epifcopatus Roberto Gerlethorp cuftodiam hofpitalis S. Bartholo- Dunelm. XXIX. VEGNALECH", Pegnalech, or Womalet”. Monastery destroyed. A monaftery, wherein Tuda bilhop of Lindisfarn was buried A. D. 664. Vide Bed* Hift. lib. iii. cap. 26. XXX. WARMINGTON. Benedictine Cell. A cell of Benedidtine monks to St. Mary’s abbey in York*. # * This priory was furrendered iz Jan. 1539. by the Prior and u Leland. Collect, vol. ii. p. 149. eighteen Religious, who had all penfions, as Willis’ Abbies, w Hen. Huntingdon, lib. iii. vol. ii. p. 165. and Append, p. ax. * Reyneri Apoftol. Benedict, tr. ii. p. an. -H XXXI. WERK- XXXI. NORTHUMBERLAND. XXXI. WERKWORTH. Benedictine Cell. A cell of two Benedittine monks from Durham, for whofe. mainte¬ nance here Nicholas de Farriham biflaop of Durham, who died A. D. 1257. appropriated the church Of Brankefton, which was confirmed by Walter de Kirkham his fucceffor. Vide Angh Sacr. torn. i. p. 738. Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 355. XXXII. W O L L O R E, or Woller. Hospital. Philip lord Darcy died, 12 Ric. 2. feifed of the advowfon of the hofpital of Wol- lore in Northumberland. Vide Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 373. and Collins’ Peerage, vol. ii. p. 451. from efcaet. 22 Ric. 2. n. 17. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. I. B E A U V A L E, or Pulchra Vallis in Parco de Grelleley. Carthusian Priory. Nicholas de Cantilupo, 17 Ed. 3. founded here a Carthufian mo- naftery to the honor of the Holy Trinity. Herein were at firft a prior and only twelve monks, but they increafed to nineteen before the diffokuion, when their poffeffions were certified to be worth 196/. 6 s. per ann. Dugd. 227/. 8 s. Speed; the greateft part of which with the fite were granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Sir William Huffy and his heirs male, and 4 Ed. 6. in reverfion to Richard Morifon. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 962. cartam fundationis dat. 9 Dec. 1343. Succeffionem progenitorum Ni- cholai de Cantilupo fundatoris, qui obiit A. D. 1355. P. 963. conceffionem de duobus monachis celebran- tibus pro animabus Will, de Aldeburgh et Edwardi Baillol : Licent. reg. Ricardi 2. pro eadem cantaria fundanda. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire,. p. 240, 241, 242. of the priory: p. 238. of lands in Newthorp : p. 239. in Grefely: p. 242. in Watnow: p. 243. in Kimber¬ ley: p. 251. in Sellefton. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 245. an account of this priory from Dr. Thoroton. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 17. of the priors doing homage to John lord Grey: p. 108. of lands pur- chafed in Hilton : p. 327. John duke of Lancafter’s grant of a tonel of Gaifcoign wine yearly, as long as he lived : p. 420. the prior and convent’s manumiifioa of one of their bondmen. In Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 167. the names of fomc priors, and Append, p. 23. In Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 64. de fundatore et bene- fadtoribus prrecipuis hujus caenobii. Regiftrum prioratus de Grefely five Bellavalle a. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dod (worth, vol. cii. f. 1. excerpta ex regiftro.. Pat. 1 3 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 21. de fundatione: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. t2. Cart. 18 Ed. 3. n. 16. Cart. 19 Ed. 3. n. 21. Rot. Cales, 21 Ed. 3. m. 15 et 21. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 30. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p r. m, 13. pro eccl. de Farnham [Ebor.] Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. n. Efcaet. Nottingh. 3a Ed. 3. n. 6. Pat. 33 Ed. 3 p. 2. m. 9. pro maner. de Kymark : Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro haia de Willawe. in Sherwode: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. et p. 2. m. 24vel 25. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. pro maner. de Etwell [Derb.] Cart. 2 Ric. 2. n. 8. pro libertat. necnon pro dolia vini in portu de Hull: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. pro terris in Sillefton, Wandfley, Brimefley, &c. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. Fin. Ebor. 18 Ric. 2. m. . pro reddit. XLr. e maner. de Kirkby Overblawers- Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3 et 31. pro priorat. alienig. de>Bondeby [Lincoln.] Pat. 1 Hen. 5 p. 3. m. 1 et 3. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. I.m.30. pro prioratu de Bondeby. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 23 Hen. 6. Triri. rot. 15, 16. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 6. Mich, rot. 5. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 36. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 10 vel 1 1 vel 12. II. BINGHAM. College. Mr. Speed mentions a college of St. Mary here, valued at 40/. 11 /. In the valu¬ ation in the Monafticon, it is only called a Gild, and rated at 4/. 1 1 s. Here was a chantry in the chapel of St. Elen. Vide efcaet. Nottingh. 29 Ed. 1. n. I04. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 31. III. B L Y T H, Blia, or Blida. r. Benedictine Priory. A priory of Benediftine monks \ built by Roger de Builly and Muriel his wife, about A. D. 1088. to the honor of the bleffed Virgin. It was in fome relpetts » Citat. in Mon. Angl. et Thoroton. _ dugujlin Canons, as mf. coll. Bull- ► Not Cluniac monks, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. i°aj- Nor fubordinate III. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. fubordinate to the abbey, of the Holy Trinity, “ in monte S. Catherine c,” near Roan in Nof* man iy. however was not ieifed among the alien priories, but continued. till the general diflplutjon temp- Hen. 8 when the- yearly revenues of this iioule were found to be worth 1.13 1. 8 s. o A. ob *. Du d. 12 61. 8r. 2d-. ob. Speed. The-fite of it was granted, 35 Hen. 8-. to Richard Andrews and ■Will iam- Ramelden. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 553. cartam Rogeri de B'aliaco et Munelis uxoris, defundatione A. D. 1088. P. 554. confirm. R. Hen. 2. de mercat. feria, theo- ]oneo, paflagio, et aids libertat. Cartas duas Ydoneae de Veteriponte filise Joannis de Builli, de terra Leo- nini de Dumo ; et de capellis de Oyfterfeld et Bautre: P 553. cart. 2 Joan m. 24. n. 102, confirm, capel- lariam de Blya, cccl. S. Marine Rothomagi : P. 777. conventionem cum abbate et monachis de Gerondon, de terris in Cortingftoke. Ibid. tom. iii. p. 1. p. 19. bullam Honorii papte de immunitate praftandi deci- mas : P. 20. ordinationes Walteri Giffard archiepifc. Ebor. fadtas in vifitatione prioratus de Blida, 7 Id. Dec. A. D. 1277. 1J. 134. prohibitionejn Matildis reo-inte ne monachi de Blida intromittent fe in deci- mas de Lefton praebendte eccl. Ebor. appropriatas. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 49. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. P I08‘ In Burton’s Leicefterfttire, p. 1 14. of tithes in Gar- thorpe, p. 239. in Saltby. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 47.2, 473, 474. of this priory : p. 28. of lands, &c. belonging to this priory, in Cottingftoke: p. 71. in Clipfton : p. 112, 113. in Ellton : p. 143, 144. of tithes in Bingham: p. 149. in Eft Briggeford : p. 288. in Ludham and Gunnethorp: p. 362. in Wefton: p, 385. in Eft Markham : p. 438, 439 in Boughton: p. 444, 445. at Merriel Bridge and Elkefley : p. 467, 468. in Hodfok : p. 470. in Oulcotes and Styrap : p. 475. in Torworth. . In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 458* an account this priory from Dr. Thoroton. , Regiltrum prioratus de Blida, penes dom. Gervaf. Clif¬ ton; bar, 1660. Regiftrum five rotulum cartarum ccxix. ad hoc coeno- bium fpedtantium, penes Will. Saunderfon de Blyth vel Serleby arm. 1629. Regiftrum hujus prioratus in bibl. Harleiana mf. 37.59’ Excerpta ex regiftro five, rotulis hujus prioratus, mil. in bibl. Harleian. 245. f. 5. 2101. f. 245; m(T. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. lxviii. f. 17. vol. cviii. f. 45* vol. clii. f. 128. 144. vol. civ. f. 139. inter colledt. Rad. Brook penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 5. dorlo, pro terris in Ulnefton. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. pro ten. in Blida: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 1. pro mercat. feria, Sec. apud Blidam: Plac. apud Weftm, 20 Ed. I, rot. 46. pro feria in fefto S. Dionyfii: Efcaet. Nott. 26 Ed. 1. n. 58. pro mclf. et terris in Ulkotes : Pat. 28 Ed. I. m. ult. vel penult. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 15 dorfo; et rot. 22. dorfo ; et rot. 56. et quo war. rot.’ 5 Pat, 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. pro maner. de Elton. Pat. 8. Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Plac. in com. Not¬ tingh. 12 Hen. 4. aflif rot. 85. de corrodio v marc. Ciauf. 12 Hen. 6. m. 9. de le Haule-place- in Barneby. Fin. Nottingh. 22 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 31. de melT. in Blyth. 2. Hospital. An hofpital for a warden, three chaplains, and fcveral leprous people, founded; by William de Crefly lord of Hodefac, . and dedicated to Sc. John the Evangdill'. It was valued* 26 Hen. 8. at 8/: 14 s:. Speed, Dugd. and mf. Sancroft. Vide i-n Mon. Angl. tom. iil. p. i. p. 19. bullam P. Ho- Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. norii, de immunitate praftandi decimas de hortis vir- Efcaet Nottingh. 9 Ed. %. n. 107. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. guftis, feu- animalidm mitriment-is. m. 18. pro vn. me(T. et iv. bovatis terrae in Blyth et Thornton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 468. 474. where, this Hodfac conceflis ab Hugone Crefly. hofpital is mentioned as in being when that book was Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35. printed. IV. BRADEBUSK', or Brodebulke in Gonalfton* pariJJo. Hospital. William Heriz, temp. Hen. 3. built here an hofpital to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene, which is ftill in being, and called Gonalfton Spittle,. Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 301. In Dodfworth. colledt mft. vol. viii. p. 108. ordina- tionem cantariie hofpitalis S. Marise Magdalenae de Bradbulk fundatae per Joannem fil. Joan, de Heriz patronum hofpitalis, A. D. 1326. p. 284. cartam Joannis de Heirez, pro quatuor bovatis terra in Go¬ nalfton, et licentiam capellanis cantariae de Bradbufk celebrandi, fine prejudicio ecclefise parochialis, per Alexandrum archiepifc. Ebor. A. D. 1386. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. V. B R O D H O L M, or Broadham. PreMonstratensian Nuns. Agnes de Camvile wife to Peter Goulla h, (the founder of Newhoufe for Premonftratenfian canons) placed here a priorefs and nuns ‘ of the fame order k, about the latter part of the reign of king Stephen. This fmall monaftery (fituated upon the borders of this county next Lineolnfhire) was dedicated to the bleflfed Virgin Mary, and had pofTefTions, 26 Hen. 8 rated only at 16/. 5 s. 2d', per atm. Dugd. Speed. 18/. Leland. It was granted, 6 Eliz. to John Coniers and William Haber. c Rymeri Feeder, vol. vii. p. 697. That foreign monaftery benefaftrefs, and confirms the gifts of her father and mother; removed and put in the prior, as regiftr. Grenfield archiepifc. but there is no mention of either of them being founders. Ebor. p. ii. p. 150, iji. ' The-chief of this houfe was always the priorefs, and is gene- 4 “ Summa clara 113 L at. Zd^ob.” Stevens, i. 24. rally joined with “ moniales.” But fome chartera run “ tra-, • The BapHff. Index vec. in tune Londin. “ tribus et fororibus de Brodholm.” f So fpelled in the York regifters. k So pat. 13 Ed. a. and Regift. Inftitut. Norvic. vol. x. p. aj, r « Eccle&a de Gonoldefton, praster portionent domus de But there is no mention of this houle in the viiitation book of “ Bradebuike indecimabilem, xii marc.” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. the Premonftratenfian order in England, mf. Afhmol. 1519. And A. D. 1191. in archidiac. et decanat. Nottingham. it is laid to be of the order of. Sr. Auji'ui in. the Bennet coll. mC h Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 94. Ift the Monafticon, Sara 1 This is the clear valuation, but the grols one ft ill. 11 1. daughter to this Agnes and Peter feems to have been the greateft to d. Mf, in offic. Primit. ' Vide V. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. vol ii. p. 646, 647. pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. j. in. 9. recit. et confirm, conceffiones donatorum, fcil. Radulfi de Albeniaco, Sarae fil. Petri de Goj'da, Petri Champagne, et Petri filii fui, Walter: de Clif¬ ford, &c. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 193. 195, 196. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 94. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. de ten. in Brodholm con- cclT. abbati de Newhoufe, et fratribus de Brodholm : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 29. Clauf. 19 Ed. i. m. 5 d terris in Saxclby [Lincoln.] Pat. 1 Ed. 3; p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. et p. 2. m, 20 d eompohtione cum abbate de Newhoufe : Pat. 3 Ed p. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 42. Pat. 30 Ed.' 2 p. 3. m. 11 vel 12. ‘ •*' Rot. redilT. 6 Hen. 5. de annuo redditu unius quarterii frumenti, et unius quirterii filiginis in Wiagefle [Line.] oS VI. CLIFTON. College. A frnall college for a warden and two priefts dedicated to the Holy Trinity, beoun by Sir Robert, and finillied by his Ion Sir Gervafe Clifton, temp. Ed. 4m. valued at 21/. 2:. 6dn in the whole, and at 20/. 2 s. 6d. per ann° . clear. Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 55. 57. VII. E E L L E Y. Austin Canons. Ralph Brito with Reginald de Annefley his fon, A. D. 1156P. gave the church and an old hermitage in this place to the monaftery of Radford or Wirkfop, whereupon a convent of Black canons1 ffom thence were placed here, who not long after got themfelves relealed from all fubje&ion to that houfe. This priory was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary; had five or fix Religious, who had for their maintenance, 26 Hen. 8. 40/. 19L id. per ann. Dugd. 61 1. 4 s. 8 d. Speed ; and was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to William Bolles ; and, 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. to An¬ thony Strelley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 53, 54 ct 56. quaedam cx regiftro de Wyrkfop de eccl. de Felley: P.57, ofdinationem Will, archiepife. Ebor. A. D. 1343. de appropriatione eccl. de Adingburgh, ut, ubi hadlenus quinque duntaxat fuere canonici, alii quatuor reci- piantur. Dr. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 253, 254, 255. of the priory: p. 206. of Adinburgh [Church :] p. 229. of tithes in ColTale : p. 249. of lands in Wandefley: p. 251. in Selfton: p. 252. in Annefiy: p. 265. in Kirkby Wodehoufe: p. 268. in Teverfale. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 131. an account of the priory from Thoroton. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1106. Regiftrum hujus prioratus penes Gilbertum Millington de ead. arm. 1697. Plac. in com. Derb. 9 Ed. 1. coron. rot. 12. de terris inTybefelf: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 6. Efcaet. Nottingh. 21 Ed. 1. n. 1 12. pro terris in Terfhalle: Efcaet. Nottingh. 28 Ed. 1. n. 112. pro terris in Tyverfolc: Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 6. prodecimis aflart. haiarum de Lindeby, Rumwood et Willey. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. n. dorfo: Petit, pari, apud Winton, 4 Ed. 3. n. 25. pro decimis etcommun. paftur. in haia de Lindeby: Fin. Nottingh. 13 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. '. Mich. rot. . pro advoc. eccl. de Adingburgh : Pat. 13 td. 3. p. f, m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25 et 26. pro eccl. de Adingburgh approprianda. VIII. FISKARTON upon the Trent. Austin Cell. This manor having been given to the priory of Thurgarton by Ralph de Ayncourt the founder, in the court or manor houfe were foon after placed fome few Black canons belonging to that monaftery, who had a chapel here dedicated to the blelfed Virgin, and feveral benefactions made to them. Fifcarton Grange, as parcel of the polfcffions of Thurgarton priory, was granted, 3 « 4 Phil, et Mar. to Edward Fynes lord Clinton and Thomas Morrilon. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 95. Di. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 97. 307. IX. L E N T O N \ 1. Cluniac Priory. In the beginning5 of the reign of king Henry 1. William Peverell built a priory here to the honor of the Holy Trinity, and made it fubjedt to the great foreign abbey of Cluny. It was accounted among the alien priories, and had their fate till the Cluniac' monks here got it to be made denifon %T>y which means it continued till the general diflolution, temp. Hen. 8. when the yearly revenues of this houfe were found to be worth 329/. 15 s. 10 d. ob. Dugd. 332 /. Leland"; 417/. 19/. 3 d. Speed. Vide in Mon Angl. tom. i. p. 645, 646, 647. cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 50. recit. ct confirm, ipfam fundationis « Begun about 1 7 Ed. 4. the licence was granted in i6Ih, and Sir Robert died in 18 Ed, 4. n Sancroft’s mf. 0 Dugd. p It is 1152. in the Monafticon ; but probably falfely printed. *\ Not Black Monks , as in Speed. r This monaftery being near Nottingham, Dr. Thoroton, p. 491. thinks that “ Monachi de Nottingham/’ mentioned in the roll s Steph, were the Religious of this houfe. Put fee the t was granted, 5 hltz. to John Harrington. cartam, cartas regum Hen. 2. quinque, et Joannis tres, ct aliorum benefactorum donationes : P. 648. notes below at Nottingham Cajlle, * Before A. Dw 1108. when Girard archbifhop of York (who is one of the witnefles to William Peverel’s foundation charter) ^cd. 1 They were Benediftines according to Ingulf’s Contin. Hitt- Croyland, p.514. u 16 Ric. a. w Collect, vol. i. p. 94. cartam IX. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. cartam R. Hen. I. de fubjeftione hujus monafterii abbati* Cluniacenli: Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 30. cartam R. Stephani faftam monachis Cluniac. de eccl. S. Tri- nitatis Lenton. In Guichenoni bib!. Segufiana, Lugd. 1 660. 4to. p. 442. ex cartulario antiqnarum eccleiiarum Cluniacenlium: Confirm. R. Henrici ecclefiae S. Trinitatis, quae eft in Lentona, monachis Cluniacenfibus. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 57. oflands in Broughton and the advowfon of the rcftory : p. 106. of the ad- vowfon of the redtory of Fofton- p. 154. of tithes in Knaptoft : p. 306. of the church of Wigfton. In Bridges’ Northamptonihire, vol. i. p. 337. of a pen- fion of 16 s. out of the redtory of Blifworth : p. 352. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Cour- tenhall : p. 513. of the advowfon of the redfory of Ilarlefton: vol. ii. p. 180. of the advowfon of the rectory of Irchefter fometime : p. 192. of the advow¬ fon of the redfory of Rulhden. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamftiire, p. 218, 219. of the priory: p. 5. of lands in Normanton: p. 28, Ac. in Cortingftoke : p. 38. in Thorp : p. 42. in Keyvvorth : p. 43. 46. in Boney : p. 49. in Bradmere : p. 51. in Barton [Church :] p. 81. in Colefton Ballet: p. 82. in Cotgrave: p. 84. in Tollerton [Church :] p. 102. in Langar [Church:] p. 137. in Alladfon : p. 188. in Mering: p. 205. in Atenburgh [Church:] p. 206. in Chilwell : p. 207. in Touton: p. 212. in Staple- ford [Tythes :] p. 219. in Radford [Church :] p. 220. in Sutton Pafl'eys : p. 231. in Bilborough : p. 232, 233. in Broxtow and Bafeford : p. 237. in Eaftwood : p. 278. in Newthorpe: p. 245. in Nuthall: p. 258. in Belkwood and Lindeby: p. 288. in Gunthorp : p. 355. in Ofcinton. See alfo p. 65, 66. of lands, &c. in Rodinton belonging to this priory: p. 209. in Bramcote : p.210 in Beefton : p. 223. in Wollaton : p. 242, 243. in Watnow and Kymberley : p. 244. in Aldefworth : p. 256. in Hucknall : p. 260. in Paple- wick : p. 277. in Nottingham and Sneyton : p. 299. in Gunnalfton : p. 273. in Almton. In Dering’s Nottingham, p. 18. of the churches of St. Mary, St. Peter, and St. Nicholas, in Nottingham. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 18. an account of this priory out of Dr. Thoroton’s Nottinghamftiire. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedict. Append, p. 6r. pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. X- m. 8. recit. perlnfpex. cartam funda- tionis. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 94. Year Books, 3 Hen. 6. Mich. 9. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 240. and 570. Rymeri Feeder, &c. vol. ii. p. 453. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 301. of the church of Nutehal given by Geoffrey de St. Patric. In appendice ad Thomam de Elmham, edit. Hearne, p. 345. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. de temporalibus hujus prio- ratus reftituendis Johanni de Elmham Priori. Dugdale Origines Jurid. p. 68, &c. Regiftrum hujus prioratus, quondam penes dom. Franc. Willoughby. Regiftrum penes Sam. Roper de Heanore in com. Derb. arm. 1677. Regiftrum in bib!. Cotton. Otho , B. xiv. Computos, rentalia, &c. in baga intit. Hungerford lands , in archa quinta in officio curise Augmentationum. In bibl. Harl. mf. 362. f. 20. tranferipta Moreteinorum familiam tangentia ex regiftro hujus prioratus : mf. 2. Hospital. An hofpital of St. Anthony Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamftiire, p. 46. of lands in Boney : p. 49. of feven bovates of land in Bradmere, 3. White Friers. An houfe of Carmelite lride pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. . m. 35 vel 36. 1499. 42- die foundation and arms : mf. 6748. f. 11. et 17. cartas Hen. 2. et Joannis. MS. Cole, vol. lix. p. 188. de heremitagio de Kerlhall. Appropriationem eccl. de Wigfton, A. D. 1508- in libro memorandorum tempore Gulielmi Smith epife. Lincoln, f. 190. Cart, antiq. B. n. 34, 35. G. 20. F. 6. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 2. n. 14. pro eccl. de Maperts- hall etFalmerfton; et pro caredt. mortui bofei ca- pienda e Berkfwood : N. 16. pro Cart Hall, Kerlhall heremitag. Blacklyet molend. & c. Plac. de banco, 9 Joan. Mich. rot. 11. pro eccl. de Eft Clanefton : 10 Joan. Pafch. rot. 9. Fin. 10 Joan. Mich. rot. . de terris et eccl. de Oflington : Cart. 14 Joan. n. 13. pro decima venationis in com. Nottingh. et Derby. Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro care£ta itinerant, finguli* diebus pro mortuo bofeo ad Bafcwood : Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro feria ibidem : Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. dorfo, de me(T. et terris in Cotgrave : Cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro eccl. de Mapertfhall et Falmer- fton: Cart. 51 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. pro eccl. S. Marise de Nottingham. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed.i. afiif. rot. 19. dorfo, de terris in Brademere : Efcaet. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. n. 67. de venatione nomine decima: in com. Not¬ tingh. ex dono R. Joan. Cart. 11 Ed. 1. n. 2. pro excambio advoc. eccl. de Horfele [Litchf. dioec.] et Felmerfham [Lincoln, dioec.] Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Orig. brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro me(T. in Nottingham : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. I. m. . pro eccl. de Rilhenden : Ibid. m. 5. pro maner. de Cottenhale. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 15. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 65. quo war. rot. 19. Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. n. 21. de decimis pifeationis regiae apud Nottingham: Plac. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. . de maner. de Blackwell : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro eccl. de Wick- ingfton [Leiceftr.] Plac. foreftae apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 31, 32 et 34. pro eccl. de Mapertlhall, et Falmerfton: Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. ir Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 et 24. pro eccl. de Horflee [Derb.] Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. pro maner. de Curtenhall: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. pro ten. et reddit. in Newthorp : Cart. 30 Ed. 3. n. 7. pro feria in Cowtehala, affartis ibidem, et aliis libertatibus. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. ig. quod reputetur pro indigena. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 35. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. pro heremitagio de Kerlhall [Lane.] Recup. Nottingh. 23 Hen. "6. Trin. rot. 364. de melT. in Nottingham. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 14 et 16. pro capella infra caftrum de Tikhull, in excambio pro le Roche Cha¬ pel, et le Roche Clofes, et tribus caredlat. bofei per diem in Reftwick infra foreftam de Sherwood, &c. Claul. 14 Ed. 4. m. 21. de eodem excambio. Recup. Nottingh. 5 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 305. de ann. reddit. VIII. marc, folvendis prelbyt. cantar. in eccl. de N. Winkfield [Derb.] Fin. Ebor. 21 Hen. 7. n. 6. pro advoc. eccl. de Arkefley [Ebor.] Recup. Nottingh. 1 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 517. Hill. rot. 406. Ibid. 20 Hen. 8. Pafch. 539. de melT. in Not¬ tingham. within the court or churchyard there. given to this hofpital for the fuftentation of fuch as mould be troubled with St. Antony’s fire. friers here. — I X. M A R S H E. X. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. \ X. M A R S H E. Benedictine Cell: In the valuations of the Religious houfes in this county, there is men tioned a cell to York in the Marfh at the chapel of St. Thomas, valued at 61. 7 s. 2 d tier „ Dugd. and mf. Valor, and at 63/. 6 s. 8 d. Speed. But quare. ' nn' XI. MATT ERSE Y, Maderfey, or Marefay *. Gilbertine Priory. A priory of fix Gilbertine canons r, dedicated to St. Helen, founded by Roger fil. Ranulphi1 de Marefay, before the year 11921. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 2 s. $d. per aim. Dugd. 61 /. 1 7 s. yd. Speed ; and granted, 3 1 Hen. 8. to Anthony Nevill efquire Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 81 1 . cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 50. recit. cart. Ifabellae de Chancy fili® Thom® de Mare- fey confirm, donationes antecefl'orum. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 480. of the priory : p. 397, 398. of lands in Gamejfton, and the advow- fon of the rectory: p. 417. of lands in Sturton : p. 420. in Claworth: p. 421. in Wilton: p. 426. in Everton : p. 430,431. of the re&ory and advowfon of the vicarage of Myfi'en : of lands in Finningley. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 16. of lands in Wood- thorp, Lincolnlhire. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 266. Dr. Thoroton’s account of this houfe. Regiftrum penes Joannem Nevill arm. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth, vol. xxiv. f. 14. cartam 4 Ed. 2. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 22. dorfo, de ten. in Morton: Cart 35 Ed. 1. n. 17. pro lib. war. in Matherfai et Thorp Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 2. pro confirm, donationum. P Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 9. quod canonici fint quieti de theoloneo, &c. Pat. 18 Ed ■> p. 2. m. 44 vel 45. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m, Ig_ ‘ £ eccl. de Mifin approprianda. Efcaet. Nottingh. 4 Hen. 4. n. 22. pro mercat. et feria apud Materfey : Fin. Nottingh. 7 Hen. 4. m. 5. pat 7 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 14. pro maner. de Myfin. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 3. pro c. fol. ann. folvendis pro cantaria in Thurgarton. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 4. pro ten. in Claworth. XII. NEWARK. 1. Hospital. An hofpital in or near Newark, dedicated to St. Leonard, was founded by Alexander bilhop of Lincoln in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 1. or beginning of that of K. Stephen, and confirmed by Philip bilhop of Lincoln. Perhaps this might be the chapel or hofpital dedicated to St. Leonard in Newark, which, 26 Hen. 8. confifted of a mailer, one chap¬ lain, and three poor perfons, and had revenues then valued in the whole at 27/. 13 s. yd. ob.per ann. and at 17/. is. 9 d. ob. clear6. Vide regiftr. Phil. Repyndon epifc. Line. f. 399. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. Mf. valor, in offic. Primit. 2. Hospital. Here was an ancient hofpital for fick perfons, belonging to the Knights Tem¬ plars, before the year 1x85'. Queere, Whether after the diffolution of that order it was not an¬ nexed to St. Leonard of Stoke, who at the farther end of the Northgate ftreet here had a great houfe called The fpittle, which belonged to the Conltables, and after to the earls of Exeter ; but was burned down in the late civil wars. Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 197, 198. 3. Austin Friers. Here was an houfe of Aultin friers, which was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews. Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 197. and Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 228. 4. Observant Friers. K. Henry 7. about the year 1499. *s fa*d t0 ^ave founded here a convent of Obfervant friers. Vide colleft. Anglo-minorit. p. i. p. 21 1. p. ii. p. 39. in Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 168. “ Gabriel was In Dodfworth’s mlT. vol. xeix. f. 200. occurs, “ Ga- “ warden of the Obfervants here, A. D. 1532.” « briel fader of the Obfervant friers at Newark and XIII. N E W S T E A D, or De Novo Loco in Shirwode'1. Austin Canons. A priory of Black' canons built about the year nyoh by king Henry 2. x Not in Lincolnjhire, as in the Monafticon. y Not Black canons , as in mf. Bennet. . ■t Mr. Newcourt, from Mr. Speed, hath confounded this priory with Merefy in Effex, as to the founder and dedication : the founder moft probably belonging to this houfe, according to Thoroton, p. 430. but in the mf. Valor, in offic. Primit. this houfe is faid to be “ ex fundatione Willielmi Merfey mil. a Thoroton, p. 430. , b Still in being, the mafterfhip in the gift of the bilhop. Willis’ Cath. vol. ii. p. 547* c “ Fratres infirmi Newerchias.” Mon. Angl. ii. p. S32’ a* lin. 38. d Near the end of the foreft. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 105. c “ Ordinis S. Auguftini,” as pat. 22 Ed. 1. Monaft. &c. But Leland, Collett, vol. i. p. 94. faith, they were Prscmon^ Jlratenfes. f Before A. D. 1174. when Geffrey archdeacon of Canter¬ bury, one of the witneffes to the foundation charter, was made bilhop of Ely ; and perhaps before 1164. See Thoroton, p. to XIII. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. Its yearly revenues at the diffolution were worth 167/. j 6s. lid. ob. Dugd. 219/. 18 s. 8 d. ob. Speed. 220/. Leland. The fite, &c. was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir John Byron. Villein Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 646. b. cartam R. Hen. 2. de excambio terr. in Papplewich cum canon, de Len- ton: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 317. cartam R. Hen. 2. de fundatione : p. 318. memorandum de vaftis de Kygell et Ravenfhede, monafterio adjacentibus, eorumque bundis : Cart. 6 Joan. n. 42. confirm, fundationem et dotationem: P. 319. pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 2. pro eccl. de Egmanton approprianda. Dr. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 260. of this priory: p. 67. of lands, &c. in Rodington : p. 95. in Lam- cote : p. 21 1, 212. in Stapleford : p. 228. in Collide: p. 247. in Butwell-wood : p. 256. in Huckenhale : p, 259. in Lindeby Park: p. 260. in Paplewick: p. 289. of rent in Loudham : p. 325. of lands in Starthorpe: p. 341, 342. in Caunton : p. 348, 349. in North Mulkham : p. 360. in Sutton upon Trent: p. 379, 380. of the redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Egmanton: p. 382. of lands in Tuxford: p. 396. in Upton : p. 426. in Walkringham : p. 429. in Mifterton : p. 484. of the advowfon of Babworth reftory belonging to this priory. Lelandi Colled!:, vol. i. p. 94. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 105. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 518. of tallage to be paid to the prior by the tenants of the manors of Waltringham, Mifterton, and Papewyk. Regiftrum in fcaccario penes rememb. dom regis. Librum Roberti Cutwolf prioris de Novo Loco temp. Hen. 6. cartas, rotulos curiarum, computos, et alia munimenta ad hoc ccenobium fpedtantia penes hon. virum. . . dom. Byrom. Regiftrum in bibl. coll. Armorum Lond. donatum a Nicolao Burton Derbienfi, A. D. 1712. Regiftrum penes Robertum com. Kingfton, vide Spelm. GlofT. p. 458. Colled!, cl. Rog. Dodfworth. e cartulario de Novo Loco in Shirwode mfT. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xc. f. 50. vol. cxviii. f. 130. In bibl. Harl. mf. 380. f. 173. notes concerning the fa¬ milies of Willoughby, Morteyn, Montbocher, and Perepont, from the regifter of the priory. Fin. 10 Ric. 1. n. . pro eccl. et terr. in Stapleford. Pat. 29 Hen. 3. m. 3. de reddit. xl s. et quarter, fru- menti e maner. de Kirkby: Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro fitu et donationibus quamplurimis : Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro haia de Lindeby : Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 36. pro cuftodia domus tempore vacationis. Plac. de banco, 2 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 92. pro advoc. eccl. de Huckenale: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. afiif. rot. 5. pro advoc. eccl. de Stapleford : Efcaet. Nottingh. et Derb. 16 Ed. 1. n. 40. de poflelfionibus hujus prioratus : Plac. coram rege, 18 Ed. 1. Mich, rot. 68. de terris in Mifterton : Efcaet. Nottingh. 19 Ed. 1. n. 24. de xl. acris bofci in Shirwood pro- fternendis : Orig. 32 Ed. 1. rot. 1. Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . de cxx. acris foreftx de Shirwoode, pro iv/. per ann. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. pro molendino in Walkring- ham : Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 6. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 25. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 3. m. I vel 2. pro maner. de North Mulkham: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. Efcaet. Notting. 3 Ed. 3. n. 109. de terris ;n Collide: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 20. dorfo, pro libertat. in maner. de Papwik : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro lxxx. acris vafti in haia de Lindfey* [Shirwode:] Plac. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 8. pro parco de Scardeclyff: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. pro terris in Lindeby ex concelfione Jo- annis de Crombwell : Efc. Nottingh. 6 Ed. 3. n. 86. de terris in Bulwel : Plac. foreftae apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 27. 29 et 33. pro clxxx. acris in haya de Lindeby infra foreftam de Shirwode : Efcaet. Not¬ ting. 8 Ed. 3. n. 45. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. Efcaet. Nottingh. 9 Ed. 3. n. 31. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1. pro maner. de N. Mulkham : Fin. Nottingh. 16 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. pro maner. de North Mulkham ad cantariam fundandam in eccl. de Eden- ftow : Plac. apud Weftm. 17 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 143. de reddit. apud Mifterton: Fin. Nottingh. 18 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 vel 23. pro maner. de North Mulkham: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro eccl. de Tuxford: Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 25 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Efcaet. Nottingh. 26 Ed. 3. n. 67. pro concelT. Willielmi de Wakebrigg in Walkringham, &c. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 2. pro ten. in Walkringham, Tuxford, Wefton, et Staple¬ ford : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Bad- worth approprianda: Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro advoc. eccl. de Tuxford: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. de relaxatione reddit. pro cc. acris terne in haiis de Lindeby et Bullwell infra foreftam de Shirwode. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 7. pro ten. in Caunton, Scarthorp, & c. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 10 Hen. 4. affift ret. 82. pro melT. in Rodinton. Recup. Derb. 8 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 122. de bofeis in Hethe juxta Stainlby. Pat 15 Hen. 6. m. 13. Recup. Nottingh. 20 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 336. de terris in Walkringham : Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 3. pro ten. in Scarthrop, Holme, Walkringham, Mifterton, Papinwick, et Hockenhale [Nottingh.] ScarclifF, Langwath, Milnhoufe, Palter- ton, Routhorn, et Batell [Derb.] Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 22. licent. profternendi xl. acr. bofci in forefta de Shirwoode: Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 5. dorfo, de vaftis in forefta de Shirwode, vocat. Kigell et Ravenjhedd. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 19. pro xl. acris infra foreftam de Shirwode. XIV. NOTTINGHAM. 1. St. Mary’s Cell. In the time of king Henry 3. here was a cell of two monks in the chapel of St. Mary on the rock under the caftle h. 2. St. Sepulchre’s. In the fame reign we alfo meet with “ fratres S. fepulchri de Nottin°-- 11 ham,” in pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 24. 3. College. And there feems about this time alfo to have been a college of Secular priefts in the caftle here. Vide pat. 3 Ed. 1. rex confirmat. Willielmo de Hake- habuit in caftro de Nottingham, burn praebendam, quam Roger, de Hare well defundus Pat. 5 Ed. 1. rex dedit Nicolao de Clere prxbendam * Forfan reftius Lindeby. “ pella S. Maris de Rupe fubtus caltrum de Nottingham, vi /. h “ In ftipendiis duorum monachorum miniftrantium in ca- “ is. viii d.” Collett. Dodfworth. e magn. rot. pips 39 Hen. 3. capella* XIV. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. capcllse fuse infra caftrum regium de Notingham va- cant, per refign. Will, de Hakeburn1. 4. St. Jones’ Hospital. On the north part of this townk is St. Jones’s, an ancient hofpi. tal 1 for a mafter or warden, two chaplains, and fcveral fick poor perfons, dedicated to St. John Baptift. It was in being temp. R.joannis , but found, 26 Hen. 8. to be endowed only with c/ 6j. 8 d. per ann. in the whole, and 4/. 13 s. etdm. clear. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 447. ftatuta pro ordina- tione fratrum et fororum hujus hofpitalis edita per Walterum Grey archiepifc. Ebor. A. D. 1241. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 25. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 491, 492. Dering’s Nottingham, p. 52. Regiftrum Walteri Grey archiepifc. Ebor. f. 98. MS. Dodfworth. vol. lxi. f. 167. ordinem et regulam hofpitalis S. Joannis Nottingham. Pat. 3 Joan. m. 3. de reparatione pontis de Nottingham Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. Plac. foreftae apud Notting. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 31. recit. car- tam Hugonis de Nevil concedentis fratribus S. Jo annis de Nottingham duas caredfatas lignorum quali- bet ebdomada in bofco fuo de Archdale. 5. St. Leonard’s Hospital. Here was alfo another hofpital in this town as old as the be¬ ginning of the reign of king Henry 3. if not older, dedicated to St. Leonard. Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 492. pro mortuo bofco ad Belkwood : Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. Dering's Nottingham, p. 153. m. 9. pro eftoveriis mortui bofci e forefta de Not- Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro carefta. itin. fingulis diebus, tingham. 6. Plumtree’s Hospital. John Plumtree of this town obtained the king’s leave, 16 Ric. 2. to found an hofpital here at the bridge end for two chaplains, whereof one to be mafter, and thir¬ teen" poor old widows, to the honor of the Annunciation of the Bleffed Virgin. Its income was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 13/. 91. 4 d. per ann°. in the whole, and at ill. is. od. clear p, and it is yet in being. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 448. pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. Joan. Plumptre fundatorem, A. D. 1400. m. 28. licent. pro fundatione : Ordinationem can- Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 494, 495, 496. tariae ad altare Annunciationis in didto hofpitali per Dering’s Nottingham, p. 145. 7. Grey Friers. In a place called Broadmarfh'i in the weft part of the town, not far from the caftle r, was the houfe of the Grey friers, laid to have been founded by king Henry 3. A. D. 1250 s. which was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Thomas Henneage. Vide Dering’s Nottingham, p. 52. Dam per aqutedu&um fubterraneum ducendo: Pat. Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 106. 31 Eft. 1 m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Efcaet. Nottingh. 31 Ed. I. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. de aquaedu&u fubterraneo. n. 65. de curfu aquae fontis in Athelwell ad domum 8. White Friers. In St. Nicolas pariffi1 was the houfe of Carmelite or White friers, of which Reginald lord Grey of Wilton, and Sir John Shirley knr. were reputed founders, about A. D. 1276". The fue of it was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to James Sturley. Vide Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 491. Dering’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 53. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 184. Clauf. 2 Ed. 2. m. 12. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. de capclla S. Jacobi concedenda pro manfo elargando : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 31. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30 et 35 vel 37. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. Co- ron. rot. 7. de capella S. Jacobi ; Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. XV. R O D Y N G T O N. College. William Babington efquire, by licence of king Henry 6. founded here a college for a warden and four chaplains, which he endowed with revenues valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 30 l.per ann. as ml", in officio Piimitiarum. But at 14/. 13s. 4 d. in Sancroft’s mf. Valor. i Ex Collect, cl. M. Hutton. Quare, Whether the “ Mona- “ chi de Nottingham, 5 Steph.1’ which Dr. Thoroton, p. 491. thinks to be meant of the monks of Lenton, becaufe near Not¬ tingham, might not really be fome of thefe. But that pipe roll, wherein the Iheriff of Nottingham is allowed in his account XXV s. paid “ monachis de Nottingham,” is thought by Mr. Madox to belong to fome year of Hen. 1. and by Mr. Prynne is fixed to 18 Hen. 1. Mf. Colled. Rog. Dodfworth. ex rot. pipse penes Cox Macro, S. T. P. f. 2. k Without the town. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 25. 1 It feems to have been a common fpittle houfe, not parcel of the pofieffions of the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, as Thoroton, p. 491. but under the government of the burgefies of the town, who fubmitted it to the ordination of archbilhop Grey, A. D. 1234. as regiftr. Grey. m Sancroft’s mf. Valor, and mf. Valor, in offic. Primit. n Afterwards reduced by the founder himfelf to feven, but fince reftored to the original number, through the pious care ol -his defcendants. 0 MS. in offic. Primit. P Sancroft’s mf. *i Without the town. Dering’s Nottingham, p. 52. r “ There hath been three houfes of friers, whereof two “ ftood towards the weft of the town, and not far from the “ caftle.” Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 106. 8 Ifaackfon’s Chronology. 1 Between Moothall gate and St. James’ lane. Dering’s Not¬ tingham, p. 53. . u Surrendered Feb. 5, 1539. by the prior and fix friers. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 168. XVI. rufford, XVI. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE XVI. R U F F O R D, Ruchford", Rutherford1, or RumfordL Cistercian Abbey. Gilbert earl of Lincoln founded here, A. D. 1 148 ». an abbey for Cifter- tian monks, (a colony frorrl Rievaulx in Yorkfhire, to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 17 61. 11 s. 6 d. per ann. Dugd. 2 54/. 6s. 8 d. Speed; about which time were fifteen Religious in this houfe. The fice and the greatefi: part of its poflefiions were granted in exchange to George earl of Shrewfbury. jr,de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 848. cartas Gilberti com. Lincoln, de fundatione; Roberti de Gaunt; Hugonis £1. Rad. de Wilcheby, de molendino in Alreton : Abbreviationes aliarum donationum ; Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 34. Per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 3. anno 36. confirm, donationes et libertates, et recit. cart. Joan, de Vefcy conced. maner. de Roderham [Ebor.] In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 433, 434, 435. of the abbey: p. 134. of lands in Flintham : p. 187. in Winthorp [Filhing :] p. 323. in Rollefton : p. 324. in Starthorp: p. 325. in Egrom: p. 156 and 330. in Kelum: p. 332, 333. in Hoclcerton : p. 336. in Ma- pilbech : p. 340. in Kerlhall: p.341. in Caunton: p. 345. in South Mulkham : p. 349. in North Mulk- ham: p. 368. in Eykering: p 370. inCratela: p. 372. in Ampton: p. 177, 178. in Kirketon, &c. p. 381. in Tuxford: p. 388. in Dunham: p. 440. in Walefby: p. 445. in Elkefley. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 54. an abftradt of Dr. Thoroton’s account of this abbey. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 103. Year Books, I. 246. Regiftrum penes . . . Strelley mil. 1633. Regiftrum penes Sam. Roper de Kirkby monach. in com. Warw. Apographum regiftri cartarum per dom. Joan, abbatem compilati A. D. 1471. mf. inilluftriffi bibl. Harleyana, 1063. In quo gazophylacio etiam refervantur cartae quamplurimse originales ad hanc abbatiam Ipeclantes, quondam penes honoratilT. Georgium inaichionem Halifax. Ibid. mf. 1499. f. 42. of the then founder of the abbey, mf. 6111. f. 168. grant of lands from Euftatius Rofpear. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxv. f. 99. cartam Hen. 2. Cartas quafdam ad abbatiam de RufFord pertinentes, penes illuftrilT. Thomam ducem Norfolciae, A. D. 1709. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, A. D. 1717. Cart, antiq. 18 Hen. 2. C C. n. . Clauf. 6 Joan. m. 7. pro tofto in Grimefby : Pat. 6 Joan, n. 42. pro tofto ibidem: Fin. 13 Joan. Mich. fot. . pro terris in Egrom. Pat. 17 Hen. 3. m. 5. n. 15. pro aflart. bofci in Shir- wode forefta: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 22. Efchaet. Nottingh. 36 Hen. 3. n. 46. de hbertatibus in forefta de Shirwode. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 28. de communia paftura in Barton fuper Humber: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. Affif. rot. 14. pro ten. in S. Mulkham : Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . de trenchia per terras fuas in forefta de Shir- wood : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 78. 80. pro libera warrena in Cratele, Eykering, Almeton, Kirketon, Tokesford, Foxholes et Morton, [Nottingh.] Brampton et Bri- chefeld, [Derb.] Roderham et Carlecotes [Ebor.] In baga de quo warr. in com. Ebor. 13 Ed. 1. rot. 3. dorfo, de libertatibus et confirmat. cart. Joannis Vefcy: Plac. in com. Ebor. 21 Ed. :. quo warr. rot. 5, 6. dorfo, et 18. Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 18. de grangia de Ekering, et commuma pro porcis in Winkeborn. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5 et 6. de meir. et toftis in Ro¬ derham, &c. Pat. 3. Ed. 2. m. 1 8. pro bofco de Bey- ftall in forefta de Sherwode: Fin. Ebor. 3 Ed. 2. lig. A. n. 57. pro melT. in Roderham, &c. Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 38. pro mercat. et feria apud maner. de Roderham: Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 13. dorfo, de me- dietat. mercat. et feri:e in Roderham relax, per Edm. de Dacre: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Plac. in com* Not¬ tingh. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 41. pro terris in Kirketon; quo war. rot. 13. dorfo: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. pro medietat. eccl. de Roderham : Plac. foreftse apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 26. pro viridi in bofco fuo infra foreftam de Shirwode: Ibid. rot. 31, 32 et 34. fiepe: Cart. 21 Ed. 3. n. 12. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39. de licentia fuccidendi et afportandi brueriam, &c. e bofco fuo in Shirwode forefta: Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 11. de annua penfione xx/. quam abbas de Ruftord tenebatur fol- vere abbati de Claravalle, retinenda ad opus regis. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. Clauf. 20 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 11 et 18. dorfo, confirm, concordis cum restore de Knefale de decimis grangise de Almeton. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. de Beftall in forefta de Shirwode. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 20. XVII. SHELFORD. Austin Priory. A priory of the order of St. Aullin built by Ralph Manlelyn, temp. Hen. 1. to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. Not long before the fuppreflion here were twelve canons who had lands and tithes to the yearly value of 116/. “Dugd. 1 5 1 /. 143. id. Speed. The flee of this Religious houfe was granted, 29 Hen. 8. and the greateft part of its poflefiions, 31 Hen. 8. to Michael Stanhope. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iiii p. i. p. 65, 66. plae. co¬ ram reg. 14 Ed. 2. Mich. n. 153. ubi veredidlum juratorum quorundam 42 Hen. 3. de fundatione hujus prioratus. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 147. of the priory: p. 146. of lands in Saxendale, and the church there : p. 281. of lands in Shelford and Stoke Bardolf : p. 282. of one mediety of the reclary of Gedling, and the advowfon of one mediety of the vicarage : p. 285. of the redtory of Burton and advowfon of the w Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 848. * MS. Chronic, de Parcolude. y Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 103. * So the Chelter Chronicle cited in the Monallicon ; but the vicarage : p. 289. of rent in Loudham : p 347. 350. of a rectory and advowfon of a vicarage in North Mulkham. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 49. Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro xn. bovatis terra in Shel¬ ford : Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 6. dorfo, de eccl, de Bloke- fham : Fin. div. com. 47 Hen. 3. n. 13. pro advoc. medietat. eccl. de Gedling, Stubeton, Rouceby, Di- rington, & c. Efcaet. Nottingh. 9 Ed. 1. n. 1. de ten. in Shelford et mf. Chronicle of Louth Park faith, this hbbey was founded A. D. 1146. ’ - “ Summa Clara 1 16/. or. id. ob." Mf. in offic. Primit. “ 1 16/. i j. i d. ob, Stevens, vol. i. p. aj. ^ Laxton : XVII. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Laxton: Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 59. pro terris in N. Reinteby : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 39 vel. 40. Efcaet. Nottingh. 32 Ed. 1. n. 118. pro melT. in Saxendale : Pat. 33 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. r. m. 20. pro medietat. eccl. de Ged- ding appropriarida : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. pro medietat. eccl. de Weftburgh approprianda. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 4. dorfo, pro melT. in Nottingham : Plac. t'oreft® apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 26. dorfo, 31 et 33. pro bofco in Ged- ding, vocat. Prior’s Park., infra foreftam de Shirwode : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. pro eccl. de Burton-joice Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. de reddit. vi /. xiuj. lVri folvendo dec. et capit. Lincoln. Efcaet. Nottingh" 40 Ed. 3. n. 18. pro maner. de Saxendale. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m pro terris in Stoke-bardolf [Nottingh.] et in Alwalto " [Derb.] Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro melf e"t terris in Loudham, Gunthorp, et Cathorp : pat‘ Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 16. pro medietat. eccl. de Weftbiireb [Lincoln.] approprianda. c XVIII. S I B T H O R P. College. In the chapel of St. Mary, within the parifh church of St. Peter here, was be»un temp. Ed. 2. a chantry of leveral priefts by Geffrey le Scrop, which in the beginning of the next reign was augmented to a confiderable collegiate body, confiding of a warden and eight or nine chaplains, with three clerks, &c. by the munificence of Thomas de Sibthorp (probably a native of this town) reftor of Beckingham in Lincolnfhire. The yearly valuation of it, 26 Hen. 8. was in grofs 31 /. is. zd. and 25/. i8r. 8^. clare. It wasb lurrendered 17 Apr. 37 Hen. 8. and banted that fame year to Richard Whalley and Thomas Magnus'. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 89. licentiam R. Ed. 3. anno 10. Thom® de Sibthorp, pro dota- tione ejufdem. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 170, 171, 172. of the college : p. 119. of lands in Thoroton : p. 136. in Hawkefworth. Regiftrum collegii de Sibthorp, mf. penes V. eruditum Rob. Thoroton M. D. de antiquitatibus Notting- hamienfibus bene meritum, 1677. Inter Collect. Francifci Peck in Muf®o Britannico, vol. v. cartam Willelmi de Ros dom. de Hamelake confirm, donationem Simonis de Sibthorp de diverfis terris et tenementis in Orfton et Staunton in aug- mentationem cantaris ex fundatione Thom* de Sib¬ thorp. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 12 et 20. Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. m. 14. dorfo: Efcaet. Nottingh. 2 Ed. 3. n. 35. de terris in Sibthorp et Syrefton: Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 36. dorfo, pro ten. ibidem et in Eylfton : Pat 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. et p. 2. m. 10. pro terris in Sirefton : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Efcaet. Notting. 9 Ed. 3. n. 25. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 11 Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. j. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. s] m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 4. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. et p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel. 31. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8 Clauf. 21 Ed. 3. m. 6. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. 28 et 43. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 et 28. p. 2, m. 22. p. 3. m. 5 et 24 vel 34. Clauf. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. Fin. div. com. 23 Ed. 3. n. 40. Plac. de banco, 23 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 75. pro terris in Syrefton: Pat! 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. i. m. i vel 21. XIX. SOUTHWELL. 1. College. The collegiate church of St. Mary here is faid to have been founded by Paulinus archbilhop of York about A. D. 630. and feems to have been always under the patronage of the prelates of that fee, though the firft grant which we meet with of this place is by king Eadwy to archbilhop Ofcytel A. D. 958. It appears by Domefday Book that here were leveral canons at the Conqueft, but the number of fixteen was not fettled till the next century, and fo many continue to this day : For though the then archbilhop and prebendaries furrendered d this church into the hands of king Henry 8. A. D. 1540. yet he refounded the chapter Ihortly after', and endowed ic with the greateft part of its ancient poffeffions •, and though it luffered again in the time of king Edward 6. it was reftored by queen Elizabeth, and confirmed by king James 1. The common revenues of this collegiate body are rated at 69/. or. id. per am. in the wholef, and 39/. 51. 6d. ob. clear. The particular prebends in the Lincoln taxation are valued at 316/. 133. 4 d. and in the printed Valors amount to about 287/. 5s. o d. And both ihele with all the relt of their reve¬ nues for their vicars choral, & c. were valued in the whole, 26 Hen. 8. at 516/. 1 s. Sd. q%. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 129. cart. R. Ead- wardi, de xx. manfis apud Sudwellan : P. 134. cart. R. Hen. 1. de libertat. Ibid. p. ii. p. 10. terras ar- chiepifc. Ebor. et eccl. S. Mari® de Sudwelle ex libro Domefday: Cart. Turftini archiepifc. qua ad- didit pr®bendam de Bekingham: Bullam P. Alex- andri 3. de privilegiis, A. D. 1171. P. n. aliam bul¬ lam ejufdem P. Alex, de privilegiis: P. 12. cartas ries, fix vicars choral, an organift, fix tinging meD, fix cho- rifters, and fix boys who attend as probationers. On a pillar in the church is this infcription, t> MS. in offic. Primit. C Who was laft warden, as Willis’ Abbies, vol. 11. p. 168. a Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 674. _ , . « Rot. ad. pari. 33 Hen. 8. It confifts of fixteen prebenda Hanc Collegiatam et parochialem ecclefiam Religiofa antiquitas Fun davit Rex Henricus 8. 1 reltauravit 1 Edwardo Lee archiepifcopo I t t Illuftriffimus J ij43- I Ebor. piiflimo S v fancivit 1384. f Sancroft’s mf. Valor. Regina Elizabethan Keligiofiffima I Monarcha Jacobus 7 ftabilivit Prxpotentiffimus J 1604. ] EdWiE°bor! dtniffimo epifC" 1 -tercedente. 7 Henrico Howard com.North- 7 . 1 amptonienfi prsenobiliffiino 5 1 ’ s MS. in officio Primitiarum. XIX. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. tres R. Hen. i. de confirm, et de praebendis dc Dun¬ ham, Legreton, et Beckingham : Cart. Joan, archi- pil'c. Ebor. de prsbenda de Bekingham, 1291. P. 13. bullain P. Urbani 3. de prrebenda de Halton : Cart, loan, archiepifc. Ebor. de praebenda de Eton, A. D. 1289. Rob. Malluvel, de praebenda de Rampton: Pat. o Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. per Infpex. recit. ordinationem joannis archiepifc. Ebor. fitper portionibus garbarum et fceni in Upton, A. D. 1291. P. 14. pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 34. per Infpex. recit. cartam Alexandri archiepifc. Ebor. de novo manfo provicariis conftru- endo in angulo cimiterii, A. D. 1379. P. 15. pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. pro prioratu alienig. de Ra- vendale [Line.] P. 16. pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. pro Ravendale, et terris in North Carletor., Batheley, N. Mufkham, et Holme: Statuta hujus eccl. coll, capitulis xxvi. ftabilita regia autoritate 27 Eliz. In the Antiquities of Nottinghamfhire illuftrated by Rob. Thoroton M. D. Lond. 1677. fol. p. 310, &c. of the collegiate church ; its privileges and revenues in general. For particulars belonging to it, fee p. 46. of the church of Boney formerly : p. 72. of lands in Hickling : p. 95. of lands in Crophill, the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 145. of lands in Newton : p. 166. of the advowfon of Kilvington rec¬ tory : p. 185. of the redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Barneby in the Willows : p. 275. of the like at Blud worth: p. 290. of lands in Woodborough; the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 296. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Calver- ton : p. 297. of the like at Oxfton : p. 309. of lands in Gourton ; and the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Blefby : p. 321. of the redtories and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarages of Southwell, Farnesfield, Edingley, and Upton : p. 324. of the like at Rolle- fton : p. 332. of lands in Hockerton : p. 340. of the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Kneefale: p. 342. of the like at Caunton : p. 345. of a manor in Mufkham : p. 347. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of North Mufkham : p. 349. of South Mufkham : p. 350. of the manor, redtory, and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Nortwell : p. 38b. of the redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dunham : p. 394. of the like at Ramptom : p. 399. at Etton : p. 414. at North Leverton : p. 419. at South Wheat- ly : p. 423. at Beckingham. In Willis’ Survey of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 222. a lift of the parifhes in the peculiar jurifdidtion of the colle¬ giate church of Southwell. In Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 122. paucula de fundatore et benefadtoribus : p. 338. de privilegiis. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p'. 104. Regiftrum Album, et alia regiftra et munimenta ad hanc ecclefiam fpedtantia in archivis capituli. MS. Peck in Mufeo Britan vol. v. excerpta e ftatutis. Cart, antiq. D. D. n. 5. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 4. prd mercat. et feria in Southwell: Ibid. rot. 22. dc iv. fellion. terrae in Oxton : Pat. 18 Ed. I. m. II. pro praebenda de Mufcamp. Cart. 3 Ed. 2. n. 2. de libertat. pro pribenda de North- well: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. II. pro eccl. de Boney approprianda ad cantariam faciendam in capella B. Maria; pro anima Willelmi archiepifc. Ebor. Hugonis Defpenfer jun. &c. ex dono Roberti de Wodehoufe clerici praebendarii ibidem. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot 38. de maner. de North Mufkham: Ibid. rot. 59. Ibid, quo war. rot. 5. 15. lg. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de praebenda de Northwell : Ibid. p. 2. m. 33 vel 34. pro pribend. de Oxton et Crophill: Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Plac. foreftae apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 25. 31 et 33. dorfo : Efcact. Nottingh. 10 Ed. 3. 11. 60. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . pro archiepifc. Ebor. quod ipfe poffit dare duo mefluagia, Sic. ad manfum pro mora vicariorum eccl. facien¬ dum : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Bar¬ neby juxta Newark approprianda: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro ten. in Kelin pro vicariis ecclefiae. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 10. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1 m. 33 vel 34. pro ten. ibid, et in Halom, Holbeck, Edding- ley, Eftmonthorp, Kirklington, &c. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 34. pro mefT. et terris in Ramerfh, Over- halgh, et Netherhalghe. Recup. in com. Nottingh. 6 Hen. 4. Trin. rot. 357. Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 587. de terris praebenda; de alyfhall in Northwell : Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 44. pro ten. in Kertlington, Rutheby, Bole, Burton fuper Trent, et N. Mufkham. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 31. pro ten. in Bekingham et Normanton. Recup. in com. Nottingh. 5 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 112. pro mefT. et terris in Halum, Hedingley, Ofmund- thorp, See. Confimile 7 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 315. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 3. in. 2. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p; 3. m. 11. pro ten. in N. Carleton, Batheley, N. Mufkham, et Holme: Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. . Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Pat. 32 Hen. 6. p. . m. 24. de praebenda de Wodeburgh : Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. pro eccl. de Knefale ap¬ proprianda. Recup. in com. Nottingh. 17 Ed. 4. Pafch. vel Trin. rot. 138. de ann. reddit. xxm. marc, verfus perfo- nam de Braneburgh : Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 9. de ii. cantariis ibidem faciendis per executores Laurentii Both archiepifc. Ebor. Recup. in com. Nottingh. 1 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 70. de terris praebendae de Palyfhall in Wodehoufe juxta Northwell. Rot. pari. 33 Hen. 8. (Brev. de Certior. n. 57.) for the ftanding of this collegiate church, and for its conti¬ nuing in fuel) perfedt ftate as 1 June 32 Hen. 8. 2. Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene in or near this place occurs as early as A. D. 1313. Vide colledt. cl. M. Hutton ex regiltr. archiepifc. Ebor. et Joan. Rokingham epife. Lincoln. XX. S T O K E, by Newark. Hospital. 1 Here was a very ancient11 hofpital dedicated to St. Leonard, in the patronage of the bifhop of Lincoln !. It confifted of a mafter and brethren, chaplains and feveral fick perlons ; but was valued, 26 Hen. 8. only at 9/. per am \ After the luppreffion of thefe houfes, temp. Ed. 6. this was refounded 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. But the fite of this hofpital with the lands, See. were granted 18 Eliz. to John Merfh and Francis Greneham. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i- p- 3°- ordinationem quandam de lx. miflis per magiftrum celebrandis con- firmatam a Gulielmo archiepifc. Ebor. A. D. 1332. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 177. 197- Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. in. 7. pro mefT. et terr. in Balderton et Houton- Elcaet. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 2. n. 141. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro terr. ibid, et in Eilefton : Clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 9. de xx. quart, frumenti et xx. h It being mentioned in Ralph de Ayncourt’s foundation charter, temp. Hen. 1. of Thurgarton priory, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 92. 1 Pat. 16 Ed. 1. when the gift of the malterlhip was laid to be in the king, “ ratione vacationis fedis Lincoln/’ a MS. in officio Primit. quart. XX. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Buart. fili»inis fingulis annis de granario epifc. Lin- Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 2. Efcaet. Nottingh. 16 Ric, 2. ? Ed. 2. d. 1. m. 2. Pat. p. 2. n. 112. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. quart. iuigiu» - . _ : =» d . coin, percipiendis : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. n. 21. Pat 7 Ed. 3. P. 2. m. . Efcaet. Nottingh. 12 Ed. 3. n. 4. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Efcaet. Nottingh. 21 Ed. 3. n. 89. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 29 vel 30. ^ r’ * . . o p. 2. n. 112. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. Rec. in fcacc. 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. inquifitionem de terris ad hoc. hofpit. fpeiftantibus : Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 5. m. . 13 Jul. XXI. THURGARTON. Austin Canons. Ralph de Ayncourt, about the year 1130'. placed here a prior and convent of canons of the order of St. Auftin, who were endowed at the fuppreffion w.th 259 /. 9r. 4 Lob. ^ 2 Dugd- 359/. 15J- iod. Speed. St. Peter was the tutelar faint of this houfe, which was granted, 30 Hen. 8. co William Cooper. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 92. cartas Radulfi de Ayncourt, de fundatione ; Will. Samfon, de terra in Crefwell ; Huberti fil. Radulfi, de terris in Scarth- clive ; Mathei de Vilers, de terris in Lund, et eccle- fiis de Warington, Titheby, et Outhorp ; WilL Pin- cernae, de eifd. eccl. Adae Tyfum, de terns m Egrum : p. 93. cartas Henrici Hofe ; Henrici Bifet, de eccl. de Athelington ; Will. Carpentaria, de mo- lendino in Cliva ; Hugonis de Chifneto et Hen. Bilet, de bovata in Saxindale ; Oliveri de Aincourt, de ca- rucat. in Brancefton; Adae et Ricardi de Herthill de terris in Derlefthorp, Dornthorp et Colingham : P. 94. pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. per Infpex. recit. et < :on- nrm . cartam R. Hen. 2. Donationes Rob. \ llers. Rad. de Bellofago, Girardi de Phanecourt, &c. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 302, 303, 304, 305. of the priory: p. 13. of lands in Thurmefton : p.41. in Keyworth : p. 73. in Hickling: P. 78. in Outhorp: p. 94. in Radcliffe : p. 97 and 147. in Crophill : p. 98, 99, 100. in Titheby : p. 103. 105. in Langar : p. 1 10, &c. in Granby [Church :] p. 134, 135- in Fhntham: p. 136. in Hawkefworth: p. 143. inBingham : p. 146. in Saxendale: p. 150. in Briggford : p. 174. in Cot- ham: p. 177. in Stoke: p. 180. in Houton : p. 266. in Sutton: p. 288, 289. in Ludham [Church:] p-2g5. in Crefwell : p. 307, 308. in Fifkerton : p. 309. in Gourton: p. 334. in Hokyrton. And alfo p. 124. in Carcolfton : p. 185. in Codington: p. 190. in Dernethorpe: p. 265. in Kirkeby : p. 280. in Carle- ton : p. 292. in Woodborough : p. 299. in Gonnol- fton: P. 323. in Rollefton: p. 325. in Egrom: p. 349. in North Mufkham : p. 405, 406. in South Leverton : p. 421. in Saundeby. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. the names of feme priors, from Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. 11. p. 169. Inhdadox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 416. °f not paving towards the marriage of the king s daughter. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 49- ltln- voL v' Regiftrum hujus prioratus penes comitem de Chefter- field. . „ Regiftrum penes Cecilium Cooper gen. Collettiones e veteri cartulario prioratus de f hurgarton mf. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, voi. xxxu. P- 341- Inter collett. cl. Dodfworth. mfT. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cv. f. 94. from the tranfeript of a cartulary of the priory of Thurgarton by the earl of Kingfton, 1642. Vol. exxvi. f. 123. e tranferiptis cartarum et munimentorum pertin. ad monaft. de Thurgarton, penes dominant Stanhop, 1615* quorum apographa habentur in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 972. p. 107. Ibid. mf. 3374. colle&anea ex regiftro. mf. 6748. f. 16. cartam R. Joannis. Cart, antiq. A. 18 vel 19. G. 14. Plac. ... 9. Joan. Mich. rot. 7. in dorfo, de advoc, eccl. de Hawkefworth. Fin. div. com. 42 Hen. 3. n. 38. de terris in Hocton: Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro mercat. et feria apud Filkerton. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 36. dorfo, de ten. in Haneworth : Efcaet. Nottingh. vel Derb. 8 Ed. 1. n. 32. de terris in Wiverton: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 1. pro mercat. apud Filkerton: Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. I. quo war. rot. 15. pro novem bovatis terra: in Marton: Efcaet. Nottingh. 31 Ed. 1. n. 103. pro terris in Eperfton : Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 14. Brev. orig. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. fot- 5. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. de terris in Elmeton: Cart. 17 Ed. 2. n. 5. . Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 4. Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 18. dorfo; quo war. rot. 15. Plac. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 11. dorfo : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. Cart. 12 Ed. 3* n* 2. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. Efcaet. Nottingh. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 20. de mefl'. et terris in Eperfton: Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 29. pro ten. in Thurgarton et Hofpell : Ibid. p. 3* !■ Pro Ien- Hoveringham : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 26 vel 27. Efcaet. Nottingh. 41 Ed. 3. n. 36. Efcaet. Nottingh. Pat,^ 2 Ric! 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Radchff fuper Trent- Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro ten. in Rolfton, Suthwell, Eddingley, Farnsfield, Blelby, Goverton. , , Recup. Nottingh. 10 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 302. de redd, ann. folvendo capellanis in capella S. Mich, in eccl. de Ceftrefeld : Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. q Hell. 6. p. 1. m. 3. de c s. folvendis prion de Markeby: Fin. Nottingh. 9 Hen. 6. m. 3. pro can- taria fundanda per Alic. ux. Will. Deyncourt. XXII. T U X F O R D. College. Joho de Lungvi,ers, « leave3 '» P™.^. ,he' fi"d five Ch""1' F““S' viz. three at Tuxford, and two in their own conventual church. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. hi. p. ii. P- 9°- Pa^ 3'^ 3- p!"! pro3 coilegio ibidem fan- p. ,. m. 25. hcentiam dand. advocat.onem de Tux- ^^^-3 P 3.^ ^ 1 V ^ ^ ford prioratui de Novoloco. XXIII. WALING- XXIII. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. XXIII- WALINGWELS, or Wellendwell, or S. Maria de Parco, or De Parco dc Carleton Benedictine Nuns. Ralph de Capreocuria or Cheurolcourt, temp. R. Steph n. built and en- lowed a fmall Benediftine® nunnery here to the honor of the Virgin Mary, which was valued at Cg/ gs. io d. per am. Dugd. 87/. lit. 6d. Speed; and granted, 6 Eliz. to Richard Pype and Francis Bowyer. fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 502, 503. cartam funda- toris, cum profapia ejufdem. Dr Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 463, 464. jn Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 527. an account of this nunnery from Dr. Thoroton; and the priorefs’s leafe of Fenwick tythes to G. Haftings efquire, 24 Hen. 7. fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 43. pro advoc. eccl. de Can- telege [Ebor.] Plac. in com. Leiceftr. 31 Hen. 3. affif. rot. 13. XXIV. W E Plac. in com. Lincoln. 20 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 1. dorfo, de advoc. eccl. de Wefoley. Pat. 3: Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Littlewell, Oflet, et Stanley. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 30. pro ten. in Carlton et Welcum; Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 11. pro relaxat. xxxvi s. reddit. exeunt, dc bofeis et terris juxta do- mum fuam. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 24. pro eccl. de Camfate [Ebor.] approprianda. L B E C K. PreMonstRATENSIAN Abbey. An abbey for Premonftratenfian canons p from Netvhoufe in Lincolnfhire, begun in the parilli of Cukenay, 18 Steph. A. D. 1 1 53 q. and finifhed in the reign of kincr Henry 2 r. by Thomas fil. Ricardi fil. Jocei le Flemangh ’. From whole heirs and delcend- antr John Hothom bilhop of Ely, A. D. 1329. bought the whole manor of Cukenay, with other lands and the advowfon of this abbey, the former ot which he fettled upon the abbat and convent, who thereupon added eight canons to their former number, the latter he annexed to the fee of Ely; and fo his fucceffors bifhops of Elv were after that time accounted founders or patrons ' of this houfe which was dedicated to St. James “, and made the chief abbey of the Premonitratenfian order in England, A. D. 1512". It was, 26 Hen. 8. rated at 249/. 6s. 3d. per ami. Dugd. 29S/. 4 a g d*. Speed; and granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Richard Whalley. Yiie in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 597. ftemma fundatoris : P. 398. hiftoriam fundationis, et fundatoris proge- niem : Cartam fundationis : p. 599. cartam Thomas fil. Ricardi de Kukenai, de lx. acris terra; in Kuke- ney : Cartas Thomte fil. Ricardi fil. Ricardi De haya de Cukeney; Simonis fil. Simonis, de molendino; Walteri et Stephani de Fauconberge et Walteri de Kiboef, et uxorum, de confirmatione ; P. 600. car¬ tam Hen. de Fawconberge mil. fadtam Joanni Ho- tham epife. Elienfi de maner. de Cukeney, et terris in Holbeck, x Sept. 1329. Conceffionem didti ma¬ ner. et terr. abbati et conv. ab epife. 4 Dec. 1329. P. 601. compofitionem inter abbatem et epifeopum Elienfem, de odto canonicis divina quotidie celebran- tibus, dat. 29 Dec. 1329. P. 602. progeniem Will. Bruere : Confirmationes Leonite de Raynes et Hen- rici de Stutevill, de villa de Dukmanton [Derb.] Cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 27. n. 87. per Infpex. recit. car¬ tam R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes, &c. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 450, 451, 452. of the abbey: p. 127. 130. of lands, &c. belonging to this abbey, in Screveton: p. 133. 135. in Flintham : p. 137. in Allacton: p. 140. 143. in Whatton: p. 153. inKneveton: p.286. in Bulcote : p. 288. of a pal'- fage over Trent: p. 298. in Oxlton: p. 322. in Kert- lington: p. 331. in Keblom : p. 362. in Wefton: p. 405. in Cottham: p. 407. in Retford: p. 414. in Litfleburgh : p. 436. in Carberton : p. 430. 444, 445. in Bothumfel andElkefiey: p. 446. in Gledthorp and Warfop : p. 448, 449. in Cukenay : p. 464. in Carle- ton : p. 470. in Oulcotes : p. 480. of free paflage at Matherfey Ferry: p. 483. of Billeby Mill. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 146. an account of this abbey from Dr. Thoroton. m “ Locus in parcho meo de Carletuna juxta fontes et rivum “ fontium,” cart, fundationis in Mon. Angl. " Gale’s Append, to the Honor of Richmond, p. 258. 0 “ Ordinis S. Auguftini.” Mf. Bennet. r Not a priory of Black canons, as Speed, and Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1043. s MS. Alhmol. 1519. ' Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 598. s “ Thomas de Cuckneya” Kalend. Mon. de Bello Capite ad ealeem Johannis Glafton a cl. Hcarne edit, p.562. ' MS. AlhmdI. 1519. et regiftr. Joannis Gray epife. Elienf. In Willis’ Hiltory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 170. 332. the names of fomc abbats. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. jox. Year Books, xxxviii. 27. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 72. Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. xiii. p. 338. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae penes Rob. com. Kingfton, 1630. Regiltrum penes Ric. Whalley de Screton, 1613. Regiftrum cartarum ecclefise S. Jacobi et Canonicorum de Welbecke, mf. in bibl. Harleiana 3640. Cartas, rotulos curiarum, computos baliivorum, obedi- entiariorum, &c. penes . . . In bibl. Harleiana mf. 1499. f- 363. of the founderftiip with the arms. mf. 3374. collectanea ex regiftro. Calledtanea e regiftro de Welbec, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. x. f. 132. vol. cxxxv. f. j, &c. Analecta ex libro abbatiae de Wellebec, mf. in bibl. mufei Alhmol. 844. 3. MS. Peck in Mufeo Britan, vol. ii. citationem Johannis de Spalding abbatis eletfli ad refpond. de diverfis cri- minibus A. D. 1341. Reeledtionem Johannis Grene in abbatem A. D. 1450. Vifitationem huius abbati.e factani A. D. 1472. Trunfumpta quarundam cartarum ad banc abbaiiam fpedlantium, penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy regem armorum. Appropriationcm eccl. de Oufton, et ordinationem vi- cari;e, A. D. 14.18. in regiftro Henrici Bowet ar- chiepilc. Ebor. f. 127. Cart, antiq. D. 11. 47. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 1. n. 2. pro Huncrettuna: Ibid, m. 2. n. 3. pro haia de Cukehay, et paftur. d. ovium : Ibid. n. 4. pro paftur. dc Cruchill, &c. Fin. 12 Joan. u Thoroton, p. 143. v Rymcr, vol. xiii. p. 338. * Amonglt the revenues were then valued, “ the procuracy “due at the general chapter here holden every fourth vere, “ i. e. ten Ihillings of every houfe within the Religion, xiv /. x * “ which draweth yerely lxxiij. vi d. alio tile oilicc of gci'n i d “ vilitorfliip of this Religion within England and Wales, bv [lie “ yerc xiv/.’’ Ml', in olKc. Primit. In the time of K. HcnVv -. here were accounted twentv.-two Religious, as Willis' Ablins' vol. ii. p. 170. Hill. — L XXIV. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Hill. rot. . de cccl. de Screvcton : Cart. 16 Joan, p. 2. m. 2. n. 7. pro bundis paftur. de Crichill et EfTop. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. n. 82. Clauf. n Hen. 3. m. 13. Fin. 1 1 Hen. 3. nr. 6. pro molendino in Radford : Affif. nova; diftcif. capt. in itin. R. verfus Scotiam,28 Hen. 3. rot. 1. pro commun. paftur. in Rughmares pertin. ad ten. in Wctccroft : Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 1. de aflartis apud Cruchclc in forefta de Pecco [Derb.] Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. pro ten. in Blida : Brev. commun. 4 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 1. dorfo, pro molendino in Ret¬ ford : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Plac. apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 10. pro ferviciis Will, de Faucun- berg in Cokeney, Norton, Holebeck, &c. Ibid. rot. 1 5. de maner. de Kingfhagh : Ibid. rot. 22. dorfo : Plac. in com. Line. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 9. Jorlo, pro terris in Alkburne: Cart. 13 Ed. 4. n. 26. pro paternitate abbatix de Tallaghkan in Wallia: Affif in corn. Derb. 15, &c. Ed. 1. rot. 6, pro commun. paftur. in cl. acris morxin Halwynfield; Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 49. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Whitin, Filingham, Ingham, et Cotes in com. Line, de Whatton, Aflac- ton, Flintham, Kneveton, Iverfagh, Gledethorp, Hat- tefield. Herd, Belgh, Colingthweyt, Cukeney, Lang- wayth, Clonne, Milnethorp, Swaynthorp, Ulecotes, Stirap in com. Nottingh. de Dukemanton, Winetord, Newbold, et Crefwell in com. Derb. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . de parte bofei de Rouwood : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Efcaet. Nottingh. 35 Ed. 1. n. 125. de mefl'. et duabus bovatis terrX in Cukeney, ex dono Ben. Thornebury. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 17. de molendino in Rctfurd Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. pro ten. in Duckmanton Newbold ; Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . Rcc :n C 18 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . 1Cacc- Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. Efcaet. Nottingh. 3 Ed n. 108. pro maner. de Cukeny, ex conccffi' [n ‘ L Hotham epife. Elienfis; Plac. in com. Nottin h* 3 Ed. 3. affif. rot. 14. de maner. de Cukeney et terris in Holbech ; quo war. rot.’ 3. dorfo ; et 16 Pat. 3 Ed 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m.' , p, ' in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3.- quo war. rot. 5. jorp0 1 Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. quod Rouwood bofeus abbatis fit extra regard, forefta: de Shirwode : p u 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. pro bofeo de Roumwode' Plac. foreftx apud Nottingh. 8 Ed. 3. rot. 2c 0 ‘ dorfo, et 34. pro parte bofei et foli de Roumwode forefta de Shirwod, infra bol'cum abbatis et Damn, Thomas de Furnivall: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p, j. m '* pro imparcatione dictx partis, + ' Pat. 1 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. in. . pro eccl. de Flintham appro- prianda : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro ten. in Eft Retford, Crefwell, Whitwell, & c. Pat. 1 7 Ric. 2. „ 2 m. 31. pro eccl. de Oufton approprianda ; Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 13. pro meiT. et terris in Duckuian- ton, &c. Ibid. p. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Owfton [Ebor.] Cart. 21 Ric. 2. n. 24. pro commun. paftur. ad omnimoda averia fua, infra haias regis de Bilha°li Birkland, et Romerode infra foreftam de Shirwode Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 3 vel g. de terris in North Langwith. XXV. WIRKESOP, or Radford y. Austin Canons. William de Luvetot, 3 Hen. 1. founded here a priory of Black canons, which was commended to the patronage of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert, and endowed at the diilu- lution with 239/. 15s. 5 d. per ann . Dugd. 302/. Cs. 10 d. Speed2. It was granted in exchange, 33 Hen. 8. to Francis earl of Shrewlbury, then (by defeent from Furnival and Luvetot) patron or founder of this houfe. 1 Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 50. notulam hiftoricam de fundatione, ex chronicis de Wirkfop penes St, Lo Kniveton arm. [qua: citata funt etiam in Thoroton, p. 456.] Cart. Will, de Luvetot primi fundatoris : Confirmationem dom. Ricardi de L. filii fundatoris : P. 51. confirm. Ricardi filii Nigelli de Lovetot, et Matildis filix Will, de Lovetot : p. 53. quietam cla- mationcm ejufd. Matildis, de fe£ta curix : Confirm. P. Alexandri fuper cartis fundatorum, A. D. 1161. P. 54. cart. 9 Ed. 2. m. 10. n. 33. recit. cart, duas R. Hen. 2. et confirm, alias donationes ; Ibid. p. 937. ftemma fundatorum prioratus de Wyrkfope carmine Anglicano. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. ii. p. 70. of the ad- vowfon of the reiftory of Rufhton All Saints. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 453, 454. of the priorv: p. 31,32- 34- of the church and lands in Wifliou: p. 35. in Wylloughby: p. 121. 126. in va Colefton or Carcolfton : p. 359, 360. in Sutton : p. 361. inNormanton: p. 363. in Marneham : p. 399. in Eton : p. 404. in Tirefwell: p. 408. in Retford: p. 409. in Bollome : p. 410. in Wellome: p. 411. in Hayton: p.413. in Clavcrburgh : p. 417. in Burton: p. 421. in Wifton : p. 424. in Gringeley: p. 426. in Walkeringham : p. 428. in Mifterton : p. 445. in Elkefley : p. 463. in Clumber : p. 464. in Carleton. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 134. f^r- Fhoroton s account of this priory. -Lelandi Colleift. vol. i. p. 49. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. IOI . vol. v. p. 102. . Regiftrum de Wirkfop olim in bibl. SeldonMna, hujus apographum per St. Lo Kniveton, A. I . I horoton, p. 31. Regiltrum penes Geo. Lafcells de Kniveton in com. 'Nottingh, Regiftra, cartas, rotulos curix, &c. penes Thomam du- '..it- ' y Called generally JVorkfop Priory , but it was fituate at Rad¬ ford near Workfop. . cem Norf. Regiftrum de Wirkefop olim penes Thomam com. Pembroch. Vincent , mf. n. 218. Inter colled!, mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. viii. p. 76. cartain Joannx de_Evermeles, pro prato de Brampton, A. D. 1259. vol. cxvii. f. 75. et vol. cxix. f. 73. from Mr. Hen. Lilly’s notes out of the coucher of Wirkfop ; vol. exxvi. f. 140. 147. e regiftro de Wirkfop. In bibl. Harl. mf. 1499. f. 43. of the foundation of this abbey. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro chimino divertendo: Claul. 9 Hen. 3. in. 21. Fin. Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. n. 118. pro advoc. eccl. de Wyrkrefly : Fin. Northamt. 20 Hen. 3. n. . pro advoc. eccl. Omn. Sandlorum de Rifton ; Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 152. 170. pro terris in Deingby : Plac. in com. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. aflif. rot. 1 1. dorfo ; et rot. 31. dorfo, de terris in Angetby : El- caet. Nottingh. 52 Hen. 3. 11. 27. quod prior habc.it fingulis diebus duas caredtat. bofei, bruerix in forefta de Shirwode : Pat. £2 Hen. 3. n. S. pro didlis carec- tatis bofei, Sic. Plac. in com. Derb. 53 Hen. 3, affif. rot. 19. de commun. pifeandi in aquis de W. Burton. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 2. dorfo, de commu’n. paftur. in Ol- gotby : Ein. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. 11. 7. pro molendino in Denygby : Efcaet. Nottingh. 8 Ed. 1. n. 72. pro de- citnis bralii, pannagii, gallinar. ovorum, Sic. in tna- ner. de Grengele : Plac. in Com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. I. affif. rot. 4. pro advoc. eccl. de Wyleby : ibid. rot. 5. pro eccl. de Walkringham: Cart. 14 Ed. 1. m. 29- pro lib. war. in Walkeringham et Herthewykc [Not¬ tingh.] Brampton et Shirakes [Ebor.] Plac. de banco, 15 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 13. pro -eccl. de Eton: l’at. 19 Ed. 1. m. , Plac. in com. Ebor. 21 Ed. i* 4IIU war. rot. 30. Efgaet. Nottingh. 31 Ed. I. n. 102. dc appropriatione cccl. de Suttoii fuper Trent: Efcaet. 1 It was furrendered Nov. 15, 1539, by the prior and fifteen canons, as Willis’ Hijt. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 1 to. ' - ■» “Nottingh. XXV. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Nottingh. 32 Ed. 1. n. 110. de advoc. eccl. de Tiref- Well : Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. et m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. ult. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 29. pro meff. in civitate Lincoln. Ibid. m. 31. pro eccl. de Kercolfton approprianda: Plac. de banco, 19 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 31. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. pro aflartis, et includendo fex acras in Rumwode. Brev. reg. I Ed. 3. p. 3. n. . de redditu ex Walkering- ham maner, de Gringelay: Plac. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. aflif. rot. 32. de terris in Walkringham: Ibid, quo war. rot. 23. Plac in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 22. pro alloc, libertat. Efcaet. Nottingh. 4 Ed. 3. n. 95. Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. x. in. 27. Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 37. de molendino de Gringelay, olim concelT. per Matild. dc Luvctot, et de fcdta indc fub- ftrafta: Plac. foreftx apud Nottingh. 8 Ed, 3. rot. 25. 27. dorfo ; et 34. bis, de lx. acris bofci apud Rom- wode in Shirwode : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro paftur. xt. aver, in parco de Wirkfop: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 30. pro eccl. de Kercolfton juxta Shelford: Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Willoughby ap¬ proprianda : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro me(T. in Eft Retford : Efcaet. Nottingh. 8 Ric. 2. 11. 54. pro eifdem. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 34 vel 35. Recup. Derb. 29 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 33^* Pr0 ann. redd, xl s. recuperat. de perl'ona de Clowne. OXFORDSHIRE. I. BANBURY. i y^ioLLEGE. According to Speed, here was in this town a college dedicated to St. Mary, and V>l endowed with 48/. 6s. per ann. Dugdale mentions a gild or that valuation, and perhaps there were no other than the chantry priefts belonging to that gild. tl . ' •* - 2. Hospital. In or near this town1 was an hofpital in the reign of king John*’, dedicated to St. John, confifting of a prior or matter, and feveral leprous brethren and filters. It had reve¬ nues,' 26 Hen. 8. valued at 15/. is. 10 d. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The maiterlhip was in the gift of the bilhop of Lincoln'. • - t yide Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 220. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 3. Pat. 31 Ed. I. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. I. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 9. Fin. Oxon. 43 Hen. 3. n. . p. 2. m. . pro una virgat. terrx in Bodicote. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. II. B R U E R I A, or Bruerne. Cistercian Abbey. An abbey for Ciftertian monks, founded by Nicolas Bafietd A. D. 1147 ' to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary. Its yearly revenues at the diflblution amounted to 124/. 104. 10 d!. Speed; and the iite was granted to Sir Anthony Cope 8 Jac. 1. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 835. cart. 6 Joan. n. 37. confirm, donatorum conceffiones. In Madox’s Formulare Anglicanum, p. 27. compofi- tionem inter abbatem et canonicos de Ofncya et ab- batcm et canonicos de Bfueria de duabus portionibus decimarum dominii de Trentona et ecclefia ibidem: p. 46. cartam Willelmi com. Gloc. confirm, dona- tionem Roberti de la Mara de una manfura et crofta et nemore in territorio fuperioris Rundecumbx : p. 1 31. Ricardi de Dittlefdbna de dimidia hida terrx in Hunchewic : p. 1 57'. excambium duorum mefliia- giorum in villa de Seffiecot fadtum inter abbatem et conventum et Feliciam relidtam Willelmi de Camera; p. 1 6 1 . excambium terrarum in Cundicotc factum inter abbatem et conventum et Ricardum filium Ce- cilix de Cundicota: p. 162. excambium terrarum in Inilade factum inter abbatem et conventum et Joan- nem Tylly ; p- 183. cartam Thomx de la Mere de viraata terrx in Overindecumba : p. 185. Aimerici de Sandto Mauro magiftri militix templi de mefluagio juxta molendinum de Fleta : p. 218. finalem concor- diam de 2 hidis terrx in Midelton : p. 252. cartam > Probably on the Northamptonihire fide of the river ; for fat. ii Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . “ Rex dedit Galfrido Stokes clerico “ cuftodiam hofpitalis S. Leonardi juxta Banbury in com. “ Northamt.” It ftood at the foot of the bridge, within the bounds of Warkworth; but as it received its denomination from Banbury, the account of it has been placed, as in the former editions, under Oxfordlhire. b It was in being A. D. 1209. as Brian Twyne, a* 29. r CollcCt. M. Hutton, ex reg. Lincoln. Roberti De la Mara de manfura, crofta et nemore in Rindecumba : Hugonis de Condicota de una cultura de terra Pailafgar nominata: p. 253. Humfridi filii Toki de una acra terrx: p. 257. Matildx de Wate- villa de claulo et efiartis in Collefburna : p. 258. Ri¬ cardi de Stoches de terra in Snalewclive : p. 274. Willelmi de la Mare de Overindecumbe : p. 278. Willelmi Camerarii militis de relaxatione fervitii pro una hida terrx in Eftlech : p. 299. Walter! Looht de paftura cclx. ovium in Coleburn : p. 300. Willelmi fil. Willelmi de Sceldefleia de duabus turbariis : p. 302. Johannis lc Brun dd fervitio et homagio Willelmi le Brun de Longeberuwe : p. 309. indulgentiam con- cefi’am per A. epifcopum Afaphenfem villtaturis altare B. Marix in capella de Brueria : p. 313. de elonga- tione gabali bovarix de Eftlech: p. 331. cartam ab- batis et convcntus de cuftodia et maritagio Eliza- bethx Upton conceffis Thomx Rofe : p. 356. Cartam Reginald! filii Ethewi de Ffthall de arrearagiis piperis folvendis : p. 371. Johannis de Perfore de non vex- ando abbatem et conventum fuper claufis circa ber- carias fuas apud Gelewtord fadtis : p. 37'd. quietam d So I.eland, Colledf. vol. i. p. 77. iii. r6r. But I much doubted it, his name not beiivg mentioned in the Monaflicon nor in the many charters publilhed by Mr. Madox in his Form. Angl. till the Cart. Antiq. T. n. 29. cleared up this particular. c Annales de Parcoludo mf. et Leland. Collect, vol. ii. p. A,s. , f This is both the fumraa clara and fumma indc in die mf! Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 75. So that Dugdale’s making 4 134/. feems to have been a falfe print. clamationeni II. O X F O clamationcm Roberti de Eftrop dc terra de Middel- tune quam inonachis de Brueria dedit Robertus de Whitfield: p. 375. rclaxationcm fervitii de una hida terra: in Eftlech : p. 377. quietam clamationem ab- batis et conventus de Cirenceftcr de fedta ad hundre- dum de Brightwaldefberewe : p. 379. quietam clama¬ tionem Simonis filii Willelmi Barri de claufura fuper bercariam de Eftlech. Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. 77. vol. ii. p. 415. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 73. In bilhop Rennet’s Parochial Antiquities, p. 298. de in- hokio facto in campis de Dunthorp. In Atkins’ Gloucefterlhire, p. 253. of lands in Little Barrington : p. 424. of a manor in Eaft- Leach Tur- vil : p. 447. of lands in Guiting-Power, the impro¬ priate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 020. of the manor of Marifden in Rendcumb : p. 621. of lands in Broad Riffington : p. 624. in Little Rif- iington : p. 641. of tithes in Seifincot: p. 650. of a mefluage in Shipton Solers: p. 656. of a mefluage in Slaughter Solers : p. 695. of lands in Stowe : p. 697. of the manor of Maugerfbury : p. 805. of a tenement in Weftcot: p. 846. of lands in Little Colesiborn. In Dr. Archer’s account of religious houfes, Ac. in the diocefe of Bath, printed at the end of Hearne’s He- mingford, p. 638. of three marks yearly from Bed- minfter. In Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 379. edit. 1730. of the manor of Merfedene, given by Roger earl of War¬ wick. Cartas quamplurimas originales ad hanc abbatiam fpeift- antes, in officio nuper Curia: Augmentationis. Munimenta quaedam hujus abbatiae in thefaurario coll. TF.nei Nafi Oxon. In Afpilogia cl. Anftis, n. 283. cartam Almarici com. Gloceftr. de terris in Eft Lech [Gloceftr.] qua: extat etiam cum duabus aliis ad hoc coenobium fpedantibus in mf. Macro 12. II. 2. a. 16. b. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6748. f. 9. cartam Hen. 2. Cart, antiq. R. n. 1. fcil. Ric. 1. confirm, (mf. Dodf- worth. vol. xxv. f. 49.) T. n. 29. fcil. Hen. 2. con- R D S H I R E. firm, donationes Nicolai Baflet de Loco in 01m batia fundata eft, Ac. qU0 ab‘ MSS. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. jg. cartam 49 pj vol. lxxvi. f. 109. cartam IV ill. fil. Will. 3 deflegh. Fin. 6 Joan. m. 4. pro una hida in Lccb. I in. Oxon. 6 Hen. 3. n. . pro vi. virgatis terra Duntrop: Fin. Oxon. 14 ct 15 Hen. 3. n. . pro J' dem: Cart. 17 Hen. 3. 11. . Fin. Oxop. 2< et 7" Hen. 3. 11. . pro virgat. et dimid. in Middleton ; p“.° 30 Hen. 3. m. 4. quod habeat abbas finaulis ditbus duas carectat. bofei in iorefta de Whichwood. Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. r. quo war, rot. ig 1, fe£ta ad hundred, de Wutton: Pat, 27, Ed 7 ° Pat. 35 Ed. I. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 21. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. pro eccl. de Denchefworth [Berkl.] approprianda : Cart. 39 Ed. 3. n. 1. lib. war. in Bruer, Treton, Sambroke, Nethercote* Tengle, Iddeburye, Fifhide, Shupton, Middleton’ Ewelme, Field, Charlebury, Shorthampton, Churc- hull, Cerceden, Hethrop, Duntrop, Swalcliffc, Hole- well, et Sewell [Oxon.] Pridye et Herpetre [Somer- fet.] Rindcomb, Meriden, Chedworth, Querryrind- comb, Colefburne, Shupton, Solers, Aftleghte, Guy. ting, Guytingpoer, Shel'necote, Hunchewyke/Laiw. berew, Wynchcomb, et Cornden [Gloceftr.] pj) 39 Ed. 3- p. t • m. . Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. ra. 22 vcj 23. et p. 2. 7. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. d. de furcis apud Eaft Lech : Cart. 46 Ed. 3. n. 7 et 9. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 8. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 5. pro terris in Lyneham : Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. in. 2'1. pro manor, de Fifhyde : Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29. pro eccl. de Grimefby [Lincoln. J approprianda: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. de prato vocat. Capron'Mead in Shipton Underwood: Ibid. p. 2. m. 27. de reddit. in Broad Ryfington [Gloceftr.] Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 8. pro advoc. eccl. de Wot- ton juxta Woodftock ex dono regis cum licentia ap- propriandi. Rec. in fcacc. 15 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 61. pro terris in Felde. III. BURCESTER, cr Berneceftre. 1. Austin Canons. Gilbert Baflet baron of Hedingdon, built a monaftery here A. D. 1182. for a prior and eleven Black canons to the honor of St. Mary and St. Eadburgh. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 147/. 2 s. rod. per ann. Dugd. 167/. 2 s. 10 d. Speed s; and granted, 30 lien. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 283, 284, 285. pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 19. per Infpex. recit. cartas Gile- berti Ballet, Will. Longefpy, ct Philippi Baflet, de fundatione et prima dotatione iftius domus. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 77. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 4. Parochial Antiquities attempted in the hiftory of A111- brofden, Burcefter, and other adjacent parts in the counties of Oxford and Bucks, by White ICennet vicar of Ambrofden, Oxford 1695. 4“’. In this cu¬ rious and laborious work, the learned (and fince right reverend) author hath with great pains and judgment wiven his readers all that he could meet with out of The original charters in the hands of Sir William Glynn, and other mlT. and printed books concerning this priory, its foundation, endowment, and hiftory to the year 1460. and therein hath faithfully publilh- ed, p. 135, 136. 151 and 162. five charters of Gil¬ bert Baflet the founder: p. 172. grant by Richard de Camvile of the tithe hay of his demefn in Burcefter, Stratton, and Wrcchwic : p. 173. by Egelina de Courtnai, of the moiety of Wrcchwic: p. 175. by Ric. de Camwile of a mefluage : p. 176. by James le Bret of a meadow in Gore: p. 179. confirmation by Ric. de Camvile of the moiety of Wrcchwic: p. 183. grant by James le Bret of a meadow called Kinh- theam: p. 185. by Rob. Fitz Michael of two acres in Bancroft; and of two acres in Fortfurling: p. 180. by Sibil de Caversficld of a yardland in Stratton; for the maintenance of one canon : p.201. by Walter de Kirilington of a new mill at Kirtlington : p. 205. the arbitration of the bifliops of Lincoln and Bath concerning the advowfon of the church of Compton Baflet [Wiltf.j p. 232. grant by Philippa Baflet comi- tefs of Warwick of a rent in Stodlegh : p. 234. bv Ralph de Cheftcrton of the fervice of one knight's fee in Betterton : p. 236. by Will. Lungfpe of Heefcroft, a mill, Ac. p. 241. by Philip Baflet of fixteen acres and four mefliiages in Burcefter : p. 270. bv Ifubcll countefs of Albemarle of five quarters of bread corn to make hofts, out of the manor of Heyford Waryii ; p. 277. by Ela de Audley of the other moiety of Wrechwic : p. 280. by the fame lady of two caru- cates more in that manor : p. 343. agreement between this priory and Ofney abbey, concerning the tithes of demefn in Burcefter A. D. 130c. p. 41 1. between the fame houfts concerning a portion of tithes in Ar- dington : p. 428. demife of lands in Dadington : p. 499. competition about the mill at Kirtlington : p.529. terrier of all their lands in Burcefter field: p. 557. grant of Cowbrigmede by Ric. L’Eftrange lord of Knokin, A. D. 1411. p. 559. the ordination of the vicarage of Burcefter : p. 570, Ac. the account i “ Summa inde et fumma clara 167/. n. ro ' Bedae lib. 3. cap. 7. w Capgrave in vita S. Birini. To be certain not Regular ca¬ nons, as John Bale and others. x MS. Harley, 93. A. 26. f. 34. b. There is fcarce any point of fo late hiftory wherein the chronicles fo much vary as in the year of this trandation, fome placing it in 107a. [Ingulf] lome as low as 1092. [Chron. Mailros] and others in feveral of the intermediate years. The refolution of removing hence might probably be taken immediately after the decree of the council 1072. And many years might be fpent in finding out a proper place, fettling the claim of the archbilhop of York, building, & c. It is certain that the cathedral of Lincoln was not confecrated when Remigius died A. D. 1092. However, the fee was tranf- lated in the time of king William the Conqueror, as appears by his charter, Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 2J3. And I have there¬ fore placed it in the latter part of his reign. Jo. Brompton, who is pretty particular on this occafion, makes it in the year 1088. See Hift. Angl. Script, x. col. 983. y The foundation charter is dated in A. D. 1146. (as Mr. Mores.) * Speed, and my mf. Valor, in which laft the dear value, omitted in Dugdale, is 1 90 /. is. bd. q. per arm. So alfo Stevens, vol. i. p. 34. » St. Mary and St. Eadburgh. Paroch.. Antiq. p. 138. But quare. 6 Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 264. But I do not find that Stow ever was cell to this abbey, as it is faid to have been, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 262. and Paroch. Antiq. p. 34. Robert XII. OXFORDSHIRE. Robert Bloet bifliop of Lincoln, in the beginning of the reign of king Henry i. gave to this place in exchange for Newerk and Stow. This monallery was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 421/. 1 6s. id ^ q. per ami. mf. Val. and Speed, 2d edit'. 441/. 121. 2d. ob. q. Dugd. 441/. 16s. id. Speed’s firft edit', and was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Edward North and William Darcye. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p, 258, Sec. cartam R. Ethel- redi, dat. A. D. 1005. recit. et confirm, fundationem et dotationem hujus coenobii, cum limitibus fundorum apud Eynefham, Sceaptun, Scypford, Micclantun, Maranclivam, /Efceron, Diiftunam, &c. [Saxonice:] p. 265. cartam R. Hen. 1. de redintegratione abbatix, novifque donationibus terrarum, dat. A.D. 1109. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 77. vol. iii. p. 161. codices mfr. olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatix. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, tom. ii. p. 176. a catalogue of the abbats. In bifhop Rennet’s Parochial Antiquities, p. 46. of the foundation and part of the endowment of this abbey : p. 90. mandatum Alex, epifc. Lincoln, pro eccl. de Meriton: p. 133. placitum fuper maner. de Erdin- ton, tetnp. R. Joan. p. 13401403. cartam Hen. de Oily, pro iv. hidis apud Ceiterton A. D. 1181. p. 139, 140. confirmationem ecclefiarum de Stanton, Meriton, Sulethorn, Newenton, Barton, Heyford, Horton, Cornwell, & c. per Hugonem epifc. Lincoln. A. D. 1184. p. 140. cartam Walchelini Wareng do- nantis eccl. de Horton: p. 144, 145 et 405. compo- litionem fuper decima garb, in domin. de Stratton pro penfione xn. fol. A. D. 1188. p. 156. cartam Thomx de S. Walerico confirm, eccl. de Tettebury [Gloceftr.] terram in Stokeline, eccl. de Norton, et villam de Woodeaton: p. 351. plac. in banco, 33 Ed. I. Trin. . de advoc. eccl. de Soulthorn : p. 481. appropriationem eccl. de Meriton per Joannem epif- copum Lincoln. A. D. 1357. p. 514- cartam Petri de Mara donantis medietat. eccl. de Heyford ad Pon- tem : p. 54. of lands in Fulbroc: p. 168. in Erdin- ton: p. 86. 89. of the church of Merton : p. 109. of the church of Comb. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 107. cartam prior, et conv. de Burcefter pro xxi. ann. redd, folvend. ab- bati et conv. et Eynefham de maner. de Clyfton et molendinis ibid. 1 Ric. 3. In Raftal’s Entries, tit. ^uare impedit concernaunt pro- chein avoidance , § 9. Plac. 21 Hen. 7. rot. 566. fuper prefent. ad vicariam de T. (forfan Tetbury) in com. Gloceftr. Year Books, 29 Ed. 3. Hill. 4. de feria apud Stow. In Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 378. and Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 80. of lands in Chinalton given to this abbey by Ralph Ballet. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 402. an account of the manor of Erdington, the names of the abbats, See. And in his Appendix to vol. ii. from p. 98. to 108. extradls out of the chartulary of Eynfham (printed from the Cotton, mf. Vefpnf. B. xv. 2.) concerning lands and rents in the county of Oxford ; the churches of Tettebury, Meriton, and Newenton ; the chapel of Cherfington ; lands in Flawfore ; the church of Comb ; a market at Eynfham ; the warren of Mucle- ton * the church of Marfton ; the mills of Wigge- wald; the churches of Sultholm, Cornewelle, and Witeford; lands in Cotefton, Mullesford, and Efton; and many other things belonging to this abbey. In Atkins’ 'Gloucefterfhire, p. 554. of the manor, im¬ propriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Micldeton : p. 615. of tithes in Queinton : p.711. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Tetbury. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 80. of tithes in South Croxton. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 221. of the advowfon of the rectory of Whitfield fometime im- propriate. Regiftrum hujus abbati?e, penes decanum et capitulum eccl. Chrift. Oxon. Collect. ex eodem, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. Iv. f. g. vol. lxxviii. f. 13. In ee “ Summa inde et fumma dara 421/. 16 j. id. ob. q.” Ste¬ vens, vol. i. p. 3J • mufeo Afhmol. Wood, mf. Iv. 2. In bibl. Harleian, mf. 258. f. 1. 10. In bibl. Bodl. etiam confervant,,! colled. V. dodiir. Ric. Jamefii e regiftro monafter de Eynfham in manibus magiftri Phil. Kino- Jam " vol. viii. f. 1. ex ftatutis mil', moil, de Enfharn, ibid’ vol. xxx. f. 79. In archivis acad. Oxon. inter col" led. Br. Twyne, 7 43, & c. Colled, ex duobus libriv monafterii Eynfhamenlis fibi accommodatis a mao-lft. Phil. King. s“tfo Plurima munimenta de rebus fpedantibus ad hanc ab batiam, olim inter mfT. Gul. Glynn baronetti n Joannis de Wodeton librum ftatutorum huius monafL' rii, mf. in bibl. Bodl. IsE. F. iii. 7. Excerpta ex cartulario de Eynfham, mf. in bibl. Cot ton. Claudius, A. viii. 17. Fefpaf. B. xv. 2d ’ \t~ C. IX. 8. ' eyero. Regiftrum in bibl. Cotton. Fefpaf. A. xv. In jbibl. C. C. C. C. mf. m. p. 225. teftificationem donationum Ergwini Wiciorum epifeopi: mf. 2a- p. 237. excerpta ex inftitutionibus Kthelwoldi epifi copi Winton. compilata in ufum fratrum Egnefharn- nenfium per rElfricum abbatem. Quamplurima ad hanc abbatiam fpedantia, in d. bibl Harleyana, rot. E. 17, See. F. 1, Sec. G. 1, Sec. Regiftrum hujus abbatix, penes D. R. Bele, A. D. icftq. Collcdanea ex eodem per Robertum Glover Somerfet donata collegio Armorum London a dom. Hen* Slingfby, mfT. et tranferipta eorundem per Radulphum Brooke, upper penes Petrum Le Neve Norroy, in codice mf. notato X. p. 259 ad 295. De appropriatione eccl. de Newenton Jewel [Bedf.j A. D. 1417. in regiftro Philippi Repyndon epifc. Lin¬ coln. f. 397. Fin. Oxqn. 2 et 3 et 6 Joan. n. . pro xx. acris terra in Eynfham ; Fin. Buckingh. 4 Joan. n. 38. de terris in Fulbrook: Fin. 7 Joan. m. 6. pro ii. carucat. in Edinton. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 14. de advoc. eccl. de Comb : Fin. Oxon. 7 Hen. 3. n. . de mefT. in Oxon. Fin. Oxon. 9 Hen. 3. n. . de quarta parte feodi militis in Wode¬ ton : Fin. Oxon. 14 Hen. 3. n. . de mefT. in Oxon. Pat. 17 Hen. 3. m. 5. de fe£la facienda pro maner. de Rollendright : Fin. Oxon. 19 Hen. 3. n. . de hida terra, Sec. in Garing : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro bofeo in Blokefham : Fin. Oxon. 22 Hen. 3. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Niwenton : Fin. Oxon. 45 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Eynfham : Plac. foreftx in com. Oxon. 56 Hen. 3. rot. 1. pro aflart. terra inter Bla- don et Chiminum Petrinum : Fin. Buckingh. 57 Hen. 3. n. 87. de duabus carucatis terra in Fulbrook. Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 4. 13. dorfo 18. de terris in Einfham : Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. 1 . quo war. rot. 3. dorfo, pro libertat. in hun¬ dred. de Wytlackford : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 41. pro eccl. de Charlbury, cum capellis fuis appropriandis : Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 36. de bofeis de Enefham et Chalbury in forefta de Whichwood, et de Eton in forefta de Shotovre. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 6. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. pro duabus virgatis terra in Whitfield, et advoc. eccl. ibidem : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. de advoc. abbatix per¬ tinent. ad epifc. Lincoln. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. de terris in South Abbot Stoke : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 8. pro mefT. et terris in Stoke Abbats: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. et m. 28 vel 29. Efcaet. Gloceftr. 4 Ed. 3. n. 54. de fedfa tenentium maner. de Mukel- ton ad hundred, de Kiftegate : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. et m. 42 vel 43. Cart. 14 Ed. 3. n. 24. Cart. 20 Ed. 3. n. 24. pro landa et terris in forefta de 4 Printed in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 98. XII. OXFORDSHIRE. tie Bloxham: Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. pro eccle- iiis de Mukelton [ Wigorn. dioec.] et Meriton [Lin¬ coln. dioec.] appropriandis: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. pro decimis infra parcuni de Cornbury, jure ecclefi,\ flow, Toroldefham, et Eton. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. . Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Pat 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 20. pro terris in Hampton Gay et Water Eton : Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26 Pat 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. pro ii. molendinis juxta Oxon. et de prato voc. Kingfmede juxta Ofney: pat 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2 et 4. pro ten. in Thorp et Cudelington : Ibid. m. 25. pro ten. in Stone et Cud lington : Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 20 Ric. 2' p. 1. m. 24. pro eccl. de Buckenhull et Cornwell" in excambio pro eccl. de Mixbury. Cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 4. n. 7. de cuftodia abbatite durante vacatione. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 26. pardon, pro ten. quibuf- dam in Oxon. perquifitis abfque licentia regia, et quod abbas non fit colleftor decim. vel quintadecim. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 9. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Ed. 1 Pafch. rot. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 8. XXII. O T T E L E Y, vide TAME. XXIII. OXFORD. 1. St. Frideswide’s, now Christ Church. About the year 730. Didanust, a petty kino in thefe parts, is laid to have founded a nunnery here to the honor of St. Mary and All Saint? which confided of twelve Religious virgins of noble birth, under the government of his own daughter Fridefvvide, who being buried here and afterward canonized for a faint, this monaftery in procefs of time was dedicated to her memory, and called almoft always by her name1. But the nuns having been difperfed by the Danifh wars, this church came into the poffeffion of Secular canons, and was burned to the ground A. D. 1004. afterwards it was rebuilt and better endowed for them by king Ethelred. A certain king, before the Norman Conqueft, is faid to have expelled thole canons, and to have given this monaltery to the monks of Abbendon % for fome few years, and then to have reftored the canons b. After the Conqueft the Seculars were again ejected c, and an abbat and monks were here for fome time; then the priefts got in once more, and continued till A. D. 1 md. or ii2ie. at which time Roger billiop of Salilbury placed in this church a convent of Regular canons of the order of St. Auftin, under the care of Guimond a learned clerk and chaplain to king Henry 1. who became the firft prior. The annual revenues of this Religious houfe before its fuppreftlon were valued at 224/. 44. 8 d. Speed; but a mf. valuation that I have feen makes them 284/. 8 s. yd. viz. in lpiritualties 69/. ijs. nd. and in temporalties 214/. ioi. 10 d. This priory was fupprelfed by virtue of a bull from pope Clement 7. dated 3 non. Apr. 1524. allowed of and confirmed May 10 by king Henry 8. who by letters patents dated July 1, 1525. granted the fite and lands to cardinal Wolfey, who thereupon began the foundation of a noble college for a dean, fubdean, one hundred canons, thirteen chaplains, profelfors in divinity, law, phyfic, and all the liberal arts, and for other perfons, to the number of one hundred eighty-fix, which was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary, St. Fridefwide, and All Saints. But before this and other his vaft defigns could be perfefted, he fell in the year 1529. not only out of the king’s favour, but alfo into a praemunire, upon which all his eftates, real and perfonal, be¬ came forfeited ; and among his other lands, thofe appointed for the better endowment of this col- lecre, which however continued in being .15 Jan. 15301s. On or about 17 July 1532. it was augmented with Canterbury college and Peckwater inn, and re-eftabli(hed for a dean, twelve canons, &c. under the ftyle of “ Kynge Henry the eighthis college in Oxford,” which was fur- rendered up again into the king’s hand 18 July 1545. But the fee of the bifliop of Oxford being y He is called Didacus in Br. Twyne’s mf. p> 4. x In fome few of the old charters, temp. Hen. i. it is called “ The church of the Holy Trinity in Oxford,” as Brian Twyne p. 1 15. ex regiftro S. Fridifwida®. a Capgrave in vita S. Fridifwidse. b This may perhaps account for that in Leland. Collett, vol. iii. p. 72. out of the Rochefter chronicle, viz* “ A. D. 1049. “ inititutio canonicorum S. Fredefwidas.” 1 c But not probably till after the making of Domefday Boole ; for there, “ Canonici S. Fridifwidte tenent iv. hidas de rege “juxta Oxenford,” as Brian Twyne, $ 319. d Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 174. c Ibid. p. 984. et mf. Brian. Twyne $ p. 4. ex regiftro S. Fri* difwidae. g Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 409. the XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. the next year removed from Ofeney, this priory church was made his cathedral, by the name cif Chrift Church; and king Henry 8. refounded h the chapter and college, which at prefent confifts of a dean, eight canons, one hundred and one ftudents, eight chaplains, eight clerks, eight cho- rifters, twenty-four almfmen, &C; Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 173. hiftorica quaedam de S. Fridefwida et fundatione prioratus, ex Gul. Malmtburienfi, Leland. Colleft. et Joan. Tinemu- thenfi: P. 174. cartam R. Ethelredi ex regiftro Of- neyenfi: Cartas duas R. Hen. 1. P. 175, 176. con- firmationem P. Adriani : Cartas Matildis imperatri- cis, pro eccl. de Acleia, cum capellis de Brehull et Borftall ; Comitis Simonis, pro villa de Pidentona; Rad. Foliot, pro eccl. de Fretwelle; Robert! fil. Heliae, pro eccl. de Wrmehale; Emm® de Peri, pro eadem ; Roberti fil. Rob. com. Legreceft. pro villa de Edmetona ; Hugonis de Elfefield, pro capella de Elfefield. P. 983, 984. limites antiquos terrarum ad monafterium pertinentium in Winchendon, AYiht- hull, Bolles, Covele, Hedyndon, Cudeflowe, temp. R. Ethelredi : Pat. 5 Hen. 5. m. 3. per Infpex. recit. cartas Matildis imperatricis et Joannis regis, 29 Sept, anno 1. confirm, donationes quamplurimas. Hiftoriam et antiquitates univ. Oxon. per Ant. Wood, Oxon. 1674. fol. lib. i. p. 47, 48. 189. 249- 252. 254. lib. ii. p. 246, &c. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 281, — 329. vol ii. p. 182, &c. fome account of this church, and of the priors. In his Survey of Cathedrals, vol. ii. p. 402. of the erec¬ tion and endowment of the bifhoprick, and alienations from it; of the endowment of the chapter; a cata¬ logue of the bifhops, deans, archdeacons, and canons, with the names of all the churches and chapels in the diocefe, their dedications, &c. Lelandi Colledf. vol. i. p. 46. 279. 326. 418. vol. ii. p. 268. vol. iii. p. 72. In Itinerario Will, de Worceftre, p. 281. dimenfiones ecclefi®. In Le Neve’s Fafti, &c. p. 228, &c. a catalogue of the bifhops, deans, archdeacons, and canons. In bifhop Godwin De praefulibus, p. 585. fome account of the monaftery, bifhops, and deans. In Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 410 and 727. of Si¬ mon de Montacute’s lady being buried here, and a chantry, &c. In Ryley’s Plac. Parliam. p. 644. petition to the king, 4 Ed. 3. n. 62. concerning tithe wood in Bernwood foreft, belonging to their church of Acle. In Prynne’s Records, vol. ii. p. 381. a prohibition, 5 or 6 Hen. 3. about the advovvfon of the church of Acle. Dr. Leonard Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 296, &c. publifhed by the learned Mr. Tho. Hearne at the end of Textus Roffenfis, Oxon. 1720. 8vo. In bifhop Kennet’s Parochial Antiquities, Oxon. 1695. 4to. p. 74. cartam Simonis comitis, pro villa de Pydenton : p. 98. cartam R. Stephani, pro capella de Brehull [Buckingh.] p. 99. Matildis imperatricis, pro eccl. de Acleia cum capellis: p. 1 16. bullam p. Alex. 3. pro villa de Pydentona, et eccl. de Fret- well et Wrmhala: p. 123- certific. R. Archidiac. Oxon. de portione decim. in Fretwell : p. 324. car¬ tam Malcolmi R. Scotorum, pro villa de Pydenton : p. 331. de hofpitio fenefchalli honoris S. Walerici in manerio prioris apud Knittington, Inquif. 26 Ed. 1. p. 371. cartam Hugonis de Pluggenant, pro infula vocat. Langeneia: p. 373. brev. rcg. 19 Ed. 2. pro advoc. eccl. de Acleia cum capellis : p. 374. appro- priationem dift® ecclefi®, cum capella, per Henri- cum epifcopum Lincoln. A. D. 1316. p. 382, 383. confirm. R. Hen. 2. Thomae archiepifc. Cantuar. Simonis com. Northamt. et P. Alex. 3. de Fiding- ton : p. 408. decret. delegat. pap. fuper decimis de Fretwell, A. D. 1233. p. 409. confirm, appropria- tionis eccl. de Fretwell per Rob. epifc. Lincoln, p. 410. compofitionem cum rectore de Beckley fuper decimis bofci vocat. Godjiow-wood in Oakley confirm, per Hen. epifc. Lincoln. A. D. 1328. p.411. car¬ tam Thomae Agath pro reftit. mefl. et medietat. 1. acr. in Oakley, 3 Ed. 3. p. 413, &c. plac. in banco, 4 Ed. 3. Trin. de maner. de Pydington verfus Joan- nem de Handlo : p.416. petit, pari, apud Winton. 4 Ed. 3. n. 62. pro decimis fubbofci in forefta de Bernwode : p. 425. 445, 446. 474. 477. 480. 484. 486. 488. 512. plac. et brev. temp. Ed. 3, pro refti- tutione maner. de Pydington : p. 455. ordinationem vicariae de Acle, A. D. 1343. p. 495. extenta et con- fuet. maner. de Pidington, A. D. 1363. p. 506. affif. pro bonis felon, in Over Winchendon: p. 515. aug- mentationem vicariae de Elfefield, A. D. 1295. p. 615. compofitionem inter inhabitantes de Borftall et Oak- ele fuper erecftione capellae in Borftall, A. D. 1418. p. 660. confirmationem jurium capellani de Borftall per Will, epifc. Lincoln. A. D. 1449. P- 92, 5H- of their church and chapels of Hedington, Merfton, and Binfey: p. 99. 192. 196. 407. 615. of their parifh church of Oakley, with the chapels of Brill and Bor¬ ftall : p. 1 16. of their manor of Piddington : p. 118. of their manor of Knyton or Knittington [Berkf.] p. 326. of the church of Elsfield : p. 304, 505. of the church of Churchill. In Year Book, 5 Ed. 3. Pafch. 1. lib. affif. f. 304. 46 Ed. 3. fuper ultima praefent. ad eccl de Churchill: Year Book, 8 Ed. 4, Mich. 22. de corrodio. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, literarum, &c. tom. iii. p. 214. bullam P. dementis pro monachis hujus loci, dat. A. D. 1310. Tom. xiv. p. 15. pat. 16 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 2. aHenfum regium pro fuppreffione monaft. recit. bullam P. Clement. 7. p. 39. pat. 17 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 23. licent. reg. pro fundatione coll. Cardi- nalis Oxon. p. 155. pat. 18 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. 4. con- cefT. terrarum et libertat. di£to collegio : p. 138. pat. 18 Hen. 8. p. x. m. 8. de libertat. ampliffimis con- ceffis pro collegio memorato : p. 172. pat. 18 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. 22. de reftoriis quibufdam in com. EfTex. et SufF. appropriandis collegio: Ibid. m. 23. pro aliis refloriis in com. Kant. Surr. et SufT. p. 173. pro rectoriis in com. Oxon. p. 174. pro aliis redloriis in com. Northamt. Leiceftr.'Bucking. &c. p. 179.181. 183. clauf. 18 Hen. 8. m. 10. d. relaxat. epifc. et eccl. Ciceftr. fuper patronatu prioratus de Calceto [Suflex.] Ibid. m. g. relaxat. prioris et conv. de Lewes, pro prioratu de Stanefgate [EfTex.] p. 197. permutationem cum hofpitalariis pro praecepta Fran- cofordi® : p. 246, 247. bullas P. Clement. 7. pro dilmembr. pofieffiones de Snape Dodnefh, Wikes, Horkefle, et Tiptre nuper prior, a coll. Cardin, in Oxon. et applicando eafd. collegio Cardinalis in Gipef- wica: p. 249. bullam ejufd. pap®, pro prioratu de Walingford alienando a monaft. S. Albani : p. 250. aliam bullam ejufd. pap®, pro unione pr®bend® de Wetwang in eccl. Ebor. decanatui collegii Cardin. Oxon. p. 251. aliam bullam confirm, priores dona¬ tiones : p. 252. bullam ejufd. pap® de exemptions collegii a jurifdiftione archiepifcoporum, epifcoporum, &c. p. 254. bullam ejufd. pap® indulgentiarum con- ceffi vifitantibus collegium: p. 255. bullam aliam confirmatoriam : p. 265. pat. 20 Hen. 8. p, 1. m. 8. h The bifhoprick and chapter were twice founded, as appears from the foundation charters in the inner treafury at Chrift Church, N°. 5,6. In the firft foundation, the church is called “ The cathedral church of Chrift and the blelTed Virgin Mary,” Robert King is made bifhop, John London LL. D. dean, and fix canons only. In the fecond foundation, dated Nov. 4, 1546. the church is called “ The cathedral church of Chrift in Ox* “ ford ; Robert King is made hifhop, Richard Cox dean, and eight canons: and December ii. following, the king made a new endowment to the value of ajoo /. The clear yearly value ot the King’s College in Oxford, a6 Hen. 8. was 455 /. j . ioj as mf. Valor, in offic. Primit. but in Brian Twyne, p> 804. the" value is 703 /. 8 1. j d. ob. q. which might be the grofs fum. pro XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. pro cccl. de Rudby [Ebor.] approprianda: p. 409. clauf. 22 Hen. 8. m. 9. d. concert'. dom. reg. maner. de Samford, &c. p. 443. pat. 24 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 35. pro dotatione collegii Regis in Oxon. Ibid. tom. xv. p. 75. pat. 37 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 36. pro ratificatione libertatum epifc. Oxon. port tranflationem. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 102. an account of this priory, and the converting it into a college and cathedral ; with a lift of the priors and bifhops, from Dr. Hutten, Mr. Wood, Mr. Willis, &c. And in his Appendix to that volume, p. 329. bullam P. Cle- mentis5. A.D. 1310. p. 330. bullam P. Clementis 7. de fupprimendo monafteria ad annuum redditum trium millium ducatorum in ufum collegii S. Fridefwidae Oxon. A.D. 1524- p. 331. affenfum regium pro tali fuppreffione : Literas R. Hen. 8. et bullam P. Cle¬ mentis 7. pro fuppreffione monafterii S. Fridefwidae Oxon. p. 333. literas regias de fundatione collegii Cardinalis pro monafterio S. Fridefwida: fupprefl’o, A. D, 1525. In Wilkiniii Concil. tom. iii. p. 51. mandatum archie- pifc. Cantuar. de querela conventus S. Fridefwidre Oxon. contra priorem, A. D. 1362. Ejufdem man- datum de vifitatione conventus S. Fridefwidae eildem. Johnfon’s aflurance of abbey lands, p. 49. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 454. of the advowfon of the rectory of Wood-Norton : p. 741. of lands in Eaft Walton : p. 961. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Swanton Nowers. Regiftra, computos, rentalia, cartas originales, et alia munimenta mffi ad prioratum S. Fridefwidae fpedtan- tia, penes R R. V V. decanum et capitulum eccl. cathedral. Chrifli Oxon. Regiflrum hujus prioratus mf. olim in manibus VV. cl. Thoms Allen et Briani Twyne, nunc, in bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift. Oxon. 160. Procelfum fatis longum inter reftorem eccl. de Ger- lyngdon Oxon. et priorem et conv. S. Fridifwidae, A. D. 1359. in regiftro Sim. Iflep archiepifc Cantuar. f. 1 15. Ibid. f. 189, 190. vifitationein hujus prioratus per didtum archiepifcopum. Inter memoranda Hen. Beaufort epifc. Lincoln, p. 2. conceffionem XL. dierum indulgentiarum vifitantibus feretrum S. Fridifwids, feftumque ejus in ditto mo¬ nafterio celebrantibus. Collett. Ric. James e codice ftatutorum coll. Cardinalis Oxon. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. James, vol. vii. p. 88. ex regiftris abbatiae S. Fridefwidae, ibid. vol. vi. f. 38. vol. xxvi. f. 137. vol. xxix. f. 66. Inter Collett. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth in eadem bibl. vol. xxv. f. no. cartam R. Joannis: vol. lv. f. 17. excerpta ex regiftro: vol. cxv. f. 83. petitionem ab- batis et conventus in parliamento, 4 Ed. 3. Ant. Wood’s Hiftory and Antiquities of the city of Oxford, mf. in muleo Alhmol. Oxon. inter codices bibliothecae ibidem legatos a feipfo, n. 29. f. 230. Inter eofd. codd. etiam habentur, n. 16. collett. Will. Wyrley, de fundatione hujus coenobii : N. 51. 54. 55 et 64. collett. V. cl. Ant. Wood e regiftris, char- tis, &c. ad hunc prioratum fpettantibus : N. 79. fta- tuta quaedam five decreta decani et capit. iEdis Chrifti Oxon. Ibid. n. 80. catalogi varii epifcoporum Oxonienfium, decanorum, canonicorum, alumnorum, &c. AScjs Chrifti Oxon. ufque ad annum 1619. col¬ lect! a magiftro Watkins. Catalogum librorum monafterio S. Fridefwidae, A. D 1520. venditorum, mf. in bibl. coll. Corp. Chrift" Oxon. 131. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 79. f. I. narrationem de Ma» Gimundo primo priore canonicorum fecularium ui hoc ccenobio: mf. 258. f. 16. excerpta ex retr|flro penes magiftrum et focios coll. Corp. Chrifti CIxon mf. 261. f. 107. de inftitutione canonicorum. The Cardinal’s Bundle among the recoids in chancerv Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 8. n. 54. recit. et confirm, priores donationes. Fin. Oxon. 3 Hen. 3. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Fretwcll- Fin. Oxon. 10 Hen. 3. n. . pro eccl. de Fretwell- Fin. Oxon. 11 Hen. 3. n. . pro molend. in Water Eton: Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 8. Clauf. 14 Hen. ■>. m. 16. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 12. Fin. Oxon. -±c Hen. 3. n. . de me(T. &c. in Oxon. Fin. Oxon. ?j Hen. 3. n. . de meffi. in Oxon. Fin. Oxon. 37 Hen. ? n. . pro lii. acris in lkeford : Plac. forefta jn com" Oxon. 56 Hen. 3. rot. 1 . de metis bofci fui de Gery. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 3 et 13. d. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 34. d. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 22. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 7. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. in. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 21. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 2. c. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 89. Clauf. u Ed. 2. m. 10. pro eccl. de Acle, cum capellis de Borftal Brill, &c. [Buckingh.] Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23! Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 87. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. x. m. . pro eccl. de Churchill approprianda: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p, 2. m. 6. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 17 et 26. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. m. n vel 12. pro xi. VI. acris prati vocat. Stockwell Mead, now Chri/l’s Church meadow, conceffi per Eliz. de Monteacuto : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. x vel 3. m. 30. pro advoc. eccl. de Shaw : Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro maner de Ellesfield ; Ibid. m. 36. pro melf. in Oxon. Clauf. 49 Ed. 3. m. 6. pro maner. de Hudden et Edenton ex dono Edm. com. Lancaftr. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 et 28. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. 23. pro excambio cum abbate de Ofney, de terris in Godeftowe, Eton, &c. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. . Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 17. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 23. pro cantaria fundat. per Eliz. Montacute : Brev. 3 Ric. 2. n. 5 et 49. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . et ult. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 2. de reddit. x. marc. ann. conceff. a R. Henrico: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 5 Hen. 5. m. 2 vel 3. in quo recitantantur carta: R R. Edelredi, Stephani, Matildis imperatricis, &c. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 27. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 52. Rec. in fcacc. 23 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 17. pro maner. dePidington. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 5. Pat. 24 Hen. 8. p. 1. [18 Jul.J pro fcitu monafterii S. Fridefwida concedendo decano et canonicis : Pat. 34 Hen. 8. [15 Sept.] pro dotatione decani et capituli : Ibid, p. 1. [25 Sept.] pro dotatione epifcopatus Oxon. Pat. 38 Hen. 8. p. 8. [1 1 Dec.] pro dotatione decani et capituli : Rec. in fcacc. 38 Hen. 8. p. 4- rot. 40. Ibid. p. 5. rot. 5. Pat. 38 Hen. 8. p. 10. [4 Nov.] Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 3. m. . pro dotatione epifc. Oxon. Pat. 2 Mar. p. 1. m. . [7 Jul.] pro rettoriis de Tryng et Wiggynton [Hertf.] 2. St. George’s. Robert D’oily and Roger Iveri founded, A. D. 1074'. and endowed out of their eftates the collegiate church of St. George within the caftle for Secular canons, who were dil- perfed about A. D. 1 149 k. when this church with all its revenues was annexed to the houie ot Regular canons at Oleney. The buildings were afterwards ufed for ftudents, and there were for fome time the warden and fcholars of St. George within the caftle of Oxford1. It is faid that king i So Glover’s m(T. Colledtions, and the Monalticon: but Wikes makes it A. D. 1075. k So regiftr. Ofeney in thefaurar. sedis Chrifti Oxon. and Glover's mlT. Colledtions, for it certainly continued fome time after the foundation of Ofney, which was in 1129. See Paroch. antiq. p. 90. , , . . 1 Before the diflolution there was a pretty chapel joymng to the caftle, wherein were twelve perfons or fcholars main- tained to ferve God twice a day, and allowance out of Olney abbey for their diet and their lodgings, but fmall wages lave for dyrges. A ledture was read to them dayly, and to go to exercife as they thought good. Br. Twyne’s Colledtions, R-ao4- Henry XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. Henry 5. intended™ to have built a noble college both for artifts and divines within this cattle, and to have endowed the fame with the revenues of the Alien priories, but was prevented by death. Vide Hiftor. et antiq. univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. 48. lib. ii. p. 337- Lelandi Colledt. vol. ii. p. 331. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 43. vol. iv. p. 169. In bilhop Kennet’s Paroph. antiq. p. 60. the charter of Roger de Iverei to this church ; and p. 90. 174. 196. 513. of the abbat of Ofeney’s enjoying all the lands belonging to it. 13r. Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 31 1. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 1 1 5. an account of this houfe, both whilft the canons and fcholars had it, from a mf. of Mr. Wood. Librum ilatutorum hujus collegii olim penes Tho. Allen, dein penes Ant. Wood mf. MS. Wood, vol. xxix. f. 206. In colled!, mil'. Rob. Glover e regiftro Ofneienf in mufeolo meo, f. 72. b. cartam Roberti de Olley cano- nicis eccl. S. Georgii, pro ecc). S. Marite Magda- lenae in fuburbiis Oxon. tribus hidis terrae in Walton, &c. Cartam Roberti de Iverey eifdem. 3. Monastery. “ Eft in civitate Oxenford monatterium quoddam S. Aldati epilcopi vene- “ rationi confecratum,” & c. inquit vetus mf. codex AbenJonenfis, cujus principium, “ Mons “ Abendoniae,” &cc. idque fub A. D. 1122. “ Quamobrem monalterium diceretur (nifi forte quod novitiis Abendonienfis ccenobii monachis “ illic in academia recipiendis inftituendifque de more infcrViret) haud in promptu dfe opinor”.” 4. All Souls College. Henry Chichley archbilliop of Canterbury, in the year 1438. founded in the parifh of St. Mary the College of the fouls of all the faithful deceafcd, for a warden and forty fellows, befides chaplains, clerks and chorifters. Its endowment was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 392 /. 2 s. 3 d. per cinn Vide Hill, et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 172, See. Fuller’s Church Hiftory, book iv. p. 181, 182. Le Neve’s Fafti, See. p. 491, 492. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 324. I11 Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 297. dimenfiones ec- clefiae. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 34, 35. of the impropriation and advowfon of the vicarage of Berk- ing in Effex, belonging to this college. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 317. of the advowfon of the re£tory of Wellwin. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 132. of the redtory of Chelf- field: vol. ii. p. 462. of the advowfon of the redtory of Harrietfham : p. 543. of the manor of Horfham in Upchurch, and the impropriate redtory: p. 547. of lands in Halftow : p. 675. of the advowfon of the redtory of Emley. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 256. of the manor of Wedon Pinkeney. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 245. of the manor of Pad- bury. Catalogum librorum mfT. in bibl. coll. Omn. Anim. Oxon. in catalogo mff". Angliae et Hiberniae Oxon. 1697. fol. tom. i. p. ii. p. 44. 88. Cartas originales, regiftra, computos, &c. in thefaurario collegii. The names of feveral of the ancient fellows, with col¬ lections out of the ftatutes and charter of foundation, mf. in bibl. mufei Alhmol. Oxon. Wood, vol. xxviii. f. 140. Ibid. vol. Ii. f. 137. 147. Statuta collegii, mf. in bibl. Regime focietatis London, inter codd. Norf. 144. Articulos, quibus conclufum erat (archiepifcopali fede vacante) priorem et capitulum Cantuar. vifitare po- tuifte et poffe collegium Omn. Anim. Oxon. mf. in bibl. Eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. n. 27. Cart. i,&c. Hen. 6. n. 1. conceft. libertatum peramplilT. fcil. catalla felonum, &c. in maneriis : Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 24. de fundatione: Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. et m. 24. pro redtoria de Upchurch [Kant.]. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 22. pro eccl. de Lewknor: Ibid. p. 2. m. 11. pro maner. de Wedon et Welton [Northamt.] et m. 17. pro prioratu de Rumney et eccl. de Upchurch: Ibid. p. 3. m. 1. pro prioratu de Wedon Pinkney; et m. 9. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 12. pro prioratu de Abberbury: Pat. 20 Hen. 6, p. 1. m. 27. Cart, ab anno 1 ad 20 Hen. 6. n. 1. de libertatibus: Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 27. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 15. pro prioratu de S. Claro in Suth Wallia: Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7. pro maner. de Scoteney, Bleching, et Okeholt, in Lyde et Promhill [Kant J et pro advoc. eccl. de Heryet- fharn et Elmely [Kant.] Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 10. pro prioratibus de Rumney, Wedon Pinkney, Abberbury, de S. Claro, et Llange- nith : Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 47. Rot. adt. pari. 4 Hen. 7. n. 29. 5. Baliol College. This owes its beginning to the exhibitions which Sir John de Balliol about A. D. 1268. allowed to certain poor lcholars, till he could fix a place for their habitation, and procure a lettlement of lands for their perpetual maintenance, which was accomplifhed by the lady Devorgilla his relidt, A. D. 1284. and dedicated to the Holy Trinity, St. Mary and St. Ca¬ tharine. Its revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 74/. 33. 4 d. per ann. It now confifts of a mailer, twelve fellows, fourteen fcholars, & c. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 69, 70, &c. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 481, 482. a feries of the matters. Balliofergus, or a commentary upon the foundation, founders, and affairs of Balliol college. Sic. by Hen. Savagp D. E). mafter, Oxon. 1668. 4to. Librorum mff. collegii Balliolenfis catalogum, in cata¬ logo librorum mff. Angliae et Hiberniae, edit. Oxon. 1697. fol. tom. i. p. ii. p. 6. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. iii. p. 60. catalogum quorundam codicum mff. olim in bibl. hujus collegii. m So Br. Twyne, ft ro3- from John Rofs (who pretended to have feen, when he was a lad at Oxford, that king’s direc¬ tions about the fame) and p. 117. “ ex didtionario Tho. Gaf- Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. . p. 384, &c. of the im¬ propriation of the church of St. Laurence Jewry to this college, and the advowfon of the vicarage. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 49. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Bere-rems. In Wallis’ Northumberland^ vol. ii. p. 252. of the church of Long Benton, and of lands there. Regiftra, cartas, &c. in thefaurario collegii. In Mr. Ant. Wood’s mf. colleftions in the Afhmolean muleum, vol. xxviii. are, i. a catalogue of the fel coigne, in verbo Ilex.” “ Bryan Twyne, mf. coll. 0X0 p. i. 0 393 /• jj. 3 d. as Mr. Twyne. lows. XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. lows, with the times of their ele&ions and refigna- tions from the year 1502 till 1682. 2. a catalogue of all maftcrs of arts belonging to this college from 1607 to 1642. 3. the cafe between Balliol college and the halls, about the pro&orftlip in the year 1688. 4. nomina fundatorum et benefaftorum, quae a junior i focio quolibet die Veneris recitanda funt; 5. an ab- ftradt of the wilt of John Snell of Uffeton com. Warwic. efq; concerning the foundation of the Scotch fellowfhips in this college: Ibid. vol. xxxiii. f. 107. arms in the windows of this college: Ibid. vol. li. f. 107. 274. collect, ex evidentiis, rotulis, &c. in thefaurario hujus collegii. Indicem accuratiflimum omnium mil. in bibl. hujus collegii a cl. Gerardo Langbain contextum, contin. p. 387. in 4to. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Statuta collegii Balliolenfis, mf. in bibl. eccl. cath. Exon. n. 30. Appropriationem eccl. de Alboldefly [Lincoln, dioec.j A. D. 1361. et ocdi nation em vicariie, in regiftr, J„„ annis Gynewell epifc. Lincoln, f. 367, he. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 3 vcl 4. Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. . pro ad. voc. eccl. S. Laurentii in Judaifmo, ex dono Huo-ojiis d'e Vienna : Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 19. pro fliopis et melT. in Oxon. legatis a magiftro Wakero Burnell Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 2. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. %. pat> 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 13. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 24 vel 25, de terris in Steple Alton : Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. n. . dorfo' Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. j j m. 15 vel 16. et m. 39, 40 vel 41. pro terris in Mikej Berton, et advoc. eccl. ex done Phil, de Somervil ■ Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. de advoc. eccl. de Filing! ham, Brockelby, et Refoun [Line.] Pat. 18 Ed, 2, p. 1. m. 37. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. pro elargatione domus ; Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. I- m. 11. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3, m. 26 vel 27. pro amortizatione domus pro manfq vicarii eccl. S. Laurentii in Vet. Judaifmo London, 6. St. Bernard’s College. This college dedicated to St. Bernard was founded in the parifh of St. Mary Magdalene, A. D. 1436. by Henry Chichley archbilhop of Canterbury, for ftudent monks of the Ciftertian order?. After the dilTolution the fite was granted to the dean and chapter of Thrift church Oxford, 38 Hen. 8. and being purchafed of them by Sir Thomas White km. he thereon built and endowed a college to the honor of St. John Baptift, A. D. 1 555- Vide Dr. Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 330. The Hiilory and Antiquities of the city of Oxford, mf. in mufeo Alhmol. \Vood, vol. xxix. f. 248. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 52, an account of this college from Mr. Wood’s mf. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 125. 230. letters to the abbats of the Ciflercian order about their annual com tributions towards the building of this college. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 3 et 4 Phil, et Mariae, p. 3. rot. 4. 7. Brasen-Nose College. William Smith bifliop of Lincoln and Sir R.ichard Sutton’, A D. 1511. obtained the king’s licence to found upon the tenement called Bralen-nofe hall, and other adioin'ino houfes, a college for a principal and feveral Undents. It was dedicated to St. Hugh and St. Chadch and valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 1 13 /. 9 s. 2d. per aim r. It now confifts of a principal, twenty fellows, and thirty-five exhibitioners. Hide Hift. et Antiq, Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 212, he. Fuller’s Church Hiftory, book iv. p. 155. In Le Neve’s Fafti, he. p. 494. catalogue of the prin¬ cipals. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 305. of the manor of Jen- nen’s-court in Yalding. Librorum mlT. in bibl. collegii catalogum, in catalogo mff. Anglim et Hibernix, Oxon. 1697. fol. tom. i. p. ii. f. 48. . . r Regiftra, cartas, computos, et mummenta cujulcunque generis ad terras et reddit. collegii fpeftantia, in the- iaurario hujus collegii. Statuta collegii in bibliotheca. An account of the confecration of the chapel with the cloyfter adjoining, by Walter lord bilhop of Oxford A. D. 1666. Dies, nomina, patriam, et flatus funda¬ torum et benefadtorum coll. JEnei Nafi; ambo mil, in bibl. mufei Aflimol. Wood, 28. f. 158. Colleft- anea ex munimentis hujus collegii, ibid. 51. p, 290, Compofitionem cum ahbate et conv. S. Petri Gloceftr, de decimis manerii five prioratus de Cold Norton, A. D. 1518. in regiftro Will. Atwater epifc. Lin¬ coln. ad flnem. Pat. 3 Hen. 8. p. 3. in capite rotuli : Rec. in fcacc, 13 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 50. pro fundatione. 8. Canterbury College. The mod reverend father Symon de Blip lord archbilhop of Canterbury compafiionately confidering the deftriitftion, which the two great peftilcnccs A. D. 104.0. and 1360. had made amongft the clergy all over England and of the lcholars 111 this umver- fitv in the year 1361. bought in feven or eight old hoftles in the parifh of St. Mary, and obtained thekine’s licence to found an houle for ftudents both Religious and Secular’, chiefly in the canon and civil law’ to be called Canterbury hall. This he finiflied and endowed for the maintenance of a warden and eleven clerks about the year 1363. Shortly after, he appointed the famous Mr. Tohn Wiclive to be head of this fociety, who, with the reft of the fellows being Seculars was oy fentence in the court of Rome, at the inftance" of the founder’s fucceffor Symon de Langharn then cardinal, removed, and the government and revenues of this hall put into the hands of four monks of Canterbury, one of whom was to be warden. From that ume this houle became P Hill, et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 3°*- 338- was Pro¬ bably through the archbifhop’s intereft that the licence for founding this college was obtained, and a pre ateofhis munifi¬ cence might alfo contribute towards the building ; it appears, however* from the letters above referred to in the Harleian library, and from Mr. Wood’s account printed in Stevens Sup¬ plement, that it was neither built at the foie expence of the archbilhop, nor did he endow it with any permanent revenue, but that the feveral monafteries of the Ciftercian order paid ail annual contribution, firft towards the eredtion of the college, and afterwards towards the fupport of the ftudents in it. s Bilhop Smith began this college, but dying before he had done much towards it, left Sir Richard Sutton his executor ; who not only faithfully laid out all the money the bilhop left, but a great deal of his own. Fuller’s Worthies, p. 8a. ’ Brian Twyne hath it, hi/, o j. 3 d. ob. * Leland. Colledt. vol. ii. p. 379. ' Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 46. , “ The account Leland gives, from fome additions to ™ Polychronicon by an anonymous author, is fomevhat dinerf > he fays, that the original foundation was for monks oK 1 Church Canterbury and feculars, amongft whom the 'non were to have the principal fway ; but that after the death o founder, the monks being expelled through the partialiLy ■ • fucceffor archbilhop Langham, appealed to the fee of Rom recovered the college. Colledt. vol, ii. p. 3791 , . habitation XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. habitation chiefly for the ftudent monks of Canterbury, and was fubjeft to the archbdhop and to the prior and convent of that metropolitica} church w ; and, as parcel of the pofleflions of the Driory of Chrift Church in Canterbury, this college was granted to the dean and chapter ot Can¬ terbury 33 Hen. 8. But, 38 Hen. 8. it was granted to the dean and canons of Chrilt cnurcn Oxford, and is now part of Chrilt Church college. Vide in Hilt, et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. 185. car- tam de praefecftione Joannis Wyclive in gardianum hujus anise per Simonem archiepifc. Cantuar. funda- torem, A. D. 1365. Lelandi CoHeA. vol. i. p. 276. vol. ii. p. 379. Ant. Wood’s Hiftory and Antiquities of the City of Oxford, mf. in bibl. Aflimol. Oxon. Wood, vol. xxix. f. 260. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 344.. an account ot this college from Mr. Wood’s ml. Dr. Huttcn’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 326. Statuta aulre Cantuar. Oxon x. in regiftro Sim. Illep archiepifc. f. 213. Rotulos computi, cartas, Ac. in archivis eccl. inetro- politicae Cantuar. fpeciatim in Iibro five regiftro no- tat0 ®* r-i r ox In libro collect, cl. Brian. Twyne notato A, f* 286. proceftuin ,in caufa collegii Cantuar. Oxon. contra magiftrum Joannem Wiclift et complices fuos in curia Romana, A. D. 1369. Ibid. f. 299. bullam I. Urbani executoriam in dihla negotio : Ibid. f. 3°3* mandatum archidiaconi Oxon. unius executor, luper executione diiftse bulke, dat. 27 Maii 1 3 7 0 * fhid. f. 309. ftatuta coll. Cantuar. Oxon. edita a Will. Courtney archiepifc. Cantuar. dat. Jan. 6. 1383. Ibid. f. 321. bullam P. Gregorii quod cuftos et mo- nachi hujus collegii recipiantur ad magifterium in theologia, quamvis non texerint in facultate artium : Ibid. f. 323. cartam t;egis Ed. 3. dat. 8 Apr. anno regni 4.6. de pardonationc ob exclufionem fecujarium contra primam licentiam pro fundatione-, Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. pro eccl. de Pageham appro- prianda: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. t8. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. X. m. 46. q Corpus Christi College. Richard Fox bilhop of Winchefter, in the year 1513. begat? a college which he at firft defigned for ftudent Black monks, as a feminary to the cathedral priory of Winchefter, but was diffuadcd from fettling it fo by Hugh Oldham bilhop of Exeter, who be¬ came a o-reat benefadtor to the buildings of this houfe, which was fimfhed in the year 1516. and dedicated to the honor of the molt Holy Body of Chrift, of St. Peter and St. Paul, St. Andrew, St Cuthbert and St. Swithin, the patron faints of his four bilhopricks, Exeter, Wells, Durham and Winchefter. This college was endowed with lands which amounted, but few years after, to the yearly value of 382/. 8t gdr. It now confifts of a prefident, twenty fellows, and twenty fcholars, two chaplains, two clerks, &c. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 227, Ac. Fuller’s Church Hiftory, book v. p. 166. In Le Neve’s Fafti, Ac. p. 495. feries of the prelidents. In Atkins’ Glocefterfhire, p. 409. of the manor and ad- vowfon of the redtory of Duntelborne Roufe. Librorum mff. 271. in bibl. hujus collegii catalogum, in catalogo mlf. in Anglia et Hibernia, Oxon. 1^97. fol. tom. i. p. ii. p. 50, Ac. MS. James in bibl. Bodl. vol. xvii. f. 168. excerpta ex ftatutis. Regiftra, cartas originales, rotulos computorum, Ac. in thefaurario collegii. Statuta hujus collegii, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Laud, I. 56. Collectanea ex regiftris collegii, per Ant. Wood, mf. in bibl. mufei Alhmol. Wood, vol. Ii. p. 609. Pat. 8 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 11 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 19. Trin. rot. 32. ubi licent. amortizandi terras et tenementa ad valor, ann. cccl /. pro dota- tione collegii : Pat. 30 Hen. 8. p. 1. 8 Feb. pro re£t. de Warborowe in confid. terrarum in Walton et Willey [Surr.] Clauf. 30 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. . Clauf. 33 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. . 10. Durham College. About the year 1290. Richard de Hoton prior, and the monks of the cathedral convent of Durham, purchafed ground and built a college for their young ftudent monks on Canditch; which was afterward increafed in buildings, revenues and books by Richard de Bury, the learned bifhop of that fee ; but better fettled and more amply endowed for eight Bene- diftine monks, and eight Secular fludents, &c. by Thomas Hatfeld lord bilhop of Durham A. D. 1370. It was dedicated to their patron St. Cuthbert, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 11 5/. 4 s. 4 d. per annz. Speed and Dugd. Upon the diffolurion it was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to the dean and chapter of Durham, and came afterwards into the pofleffion of Sir Thomas Pope knt. who on the fite thereof founded a college for a prefident, twelve fellows, and eight fcholars, (2 et 3 Phil, et Mar.) now called Trinity college. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 48. 293. 337. In Stevens* Supplement, vol. i. p. 343* an account of this college from Mr. Wood’s mf. Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 748. 763. 770. 772, 773. Dr. Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 327. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 67. of the rectory of Rodington. In dodfiffimi Wilkinfii Concil. tom. ii. p. 613. regis Ed. 3. relaxationem eccl. de Simonbourn, cum li- centia appropriandi Ricardo de Bury epife. Dunelm. fub conditione fundandi domum, Ac. p. 614. ftatuta hujus collegii ex codice mf. in bibl. eccl. catb. Du¬ nelm. p. 617. P. Urbani 6. bullam fuper appropria- tione ecclefiarum de Frampton, Fiftielake, Rodington etBofi'al, dat. A. D. 1387. p. 618. papas Bonifacii 9. bullam de comparendo in fynodis ratione iftarum ec¬ clefiarum per procuratores, dat. A. D. 1396. p. 619. ejufdem P. bullam, pro reformatione iftius collegii, dat. A. D. 1403. p. 622, ejufdem papse licentiam ad dimittend. proventus, Ac. collegii laicis ad firmam. In regiftris mif. prioratus Dunelmenfis ftatuta hujus col¬ legii ; obligationem prioris etconventus Dunelmenfis ad folvendum cc. marcas annuatim cuftodi, fociis, et fcholaribus hujus collegii ; et alia munimenta ad hoc w Reyner, in his Appendix, p. 188. faith, it was fubjedt to the general chapter ot the order. But quj:re. He is certainly wrong in faying Wicliff was an heretic, becaufe he intruded up- c ,1 tlie wardenfhip ; for he was placed in it with a great elogium by the founder himfelf, as Wood’s Hift. Univ. Oxon. p. 185, * Tiiefe ftatutes are printed in Dr. Wilkins’ Councils, vol. iii. p. 53, &c. y 401/. 84.114 Fuller’s Worthies. * Brian Twyne faith, 111 /. 131. 7 d. collegium XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. collegium pertinentia. Mr. Wood’s Hiftory and Antiquities of the City of Oxford, mf. f. 260, &c. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 20. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . pro terris in fuburbiis Oxon. ex concefT. Rogeri Semer, Thoms Lyfevvys, &c. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. 1 at. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 32. pro tribus bovatis terra: in Rodyngton et Claxton, et advoc. eccl. de Rodvm,.„ Caffchall, et Filhelake. ynSt0n> Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . pro appropriatione eccl Brantingham. c Rec. in fcacc. 1 et 2 Phil, et Mar. p. 1. rot. 1 3 r 11. Exeter College. Walter Stapledon bifhop of Exeter, in the year 1314 beean eh foundation of a college or hall called from him Stapledon hall, on or about the place whe ^ Hart hall is now lituated, from whence he removed his fcholars in the next year to a more 00^°^ nient habitation near the Turl gate. It confided at fird only of thirteen fellows or fcholars f whom twelve were to be born within the diocefe of Exeter. Its revenues were valued, 26 Hen x at 81/. 91. od “. per ami. It hath now a redtor, twenty-two fellows, .... fcholars. ' ' ' Vide Hid. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. gq &c. Le Neve’s Fafti Eccl. Angl. p. 485. Ayliffe’s Ancient and Prelent State of Oxford, vol. i. p. 277. Fuller’s Church Hiftory, book iii. p. 101. In bibl. Harl. mf. 1619. f. 1. ftiort notes touching the foundation. In bibl. eccl. cath. Exon. mf. 36. ordinationes Walteri Exon, epifeopi fuper ftatu icholarium de Stapylton- hall facias, A. D. 1316. Regiftra, cartas, computos, &c. in thefaurario vel fcac- car'10 iftius collegii, penes R. V V. redlorem et focios. Colledl. e diftis regiftris, Ac. mlT. Ant. Wood. vol. li. P-71- 3°6- 3H- 3l8- 356- Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. licent. fundandi concelf. epife. Exon. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 16. pro aula S. Ste phani in Oxon. ex dono Joannis de Skelton •' P , " 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m rV pro eccl. de Weft Wittenbam [Berkf.] appropri- anda : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3 et 4. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. de excambio eccl. de South Tanton [Devon.] cum eccl. de W. Wyttenham Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 37. pro Hamenry-hall et Cul- verd-hall in Oxon : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. j. p.,t 12 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 28. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 20. pro meff, vocat. Cheker. hall et Gyngefmere place in Oxon. ex dono Fannie Coulyng, See. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. 2 m- 3‘ 12. Glocester College or Hall. Sir John Gilfard b lord of Brimsfield gave, A. D. i2gn ' a piece of ground and feveral tenements in Stockwell llreet, which he had purchafed of the Knio-hts Holpitalars andpthers, to the monks of the Benediftine order within the province of Canterbury for an habitation for their ftudents in this famous univerfity. The prior and firft twelve monks being taken from Glocefter abbey d, it had thence alfo its name. It was dedicated to St. Mary St. John the Evangelift, and St. Benediift. After the fupprefiion king Henry 8. granted it for the houfe or palace of the bilhop of Oxford, not only while the fee was at Ofney, but in the firft grant alfo after the fee was removed to Oxford ; but it was foon taken away, and in the beginning of queen Elizabeth’s reign fold to Sir Thomas White, who gave it to his college of St. John Bap^ tiff, and ordered it to be continued for an houfe of learning'. It hath lately been made a college by the name of Worceller college. Tide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 540 et 541. notulam de fundatione, ex Leland. Cart. Joan, abbatis et con- ventus S. Petri de Gloceftria : Cartam R. Ed. 1. anno regni ig. pro licentia dandi in manum-mortuam : Cartam Joannis Giffard fundatoris : Dictas tres car¬ tas f una cum decreto generalis capituli, e cod. Cot¬ ton. mf. Tiberius , A. iv. 15. videat etiam ledlor in Reyneri Append, ad Apoftol. Benedidl. p. 53, &c. Leland. Collect. vol. i. p. 247. Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 338. 380. Dr. Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 324. In Rymeri Conventionum, See. tom. xiv. p. 754, Sec. pat. 34 Hen. 8. p. 6. m. 9. de ereilione epifeopatus Oxon. et aftignatione manfionis vocat. Glouccjlre Col¬ lege , pro habitaculo five palatio epifeoporum Mr. Ant. Wood’s Hift. and Antiquities of the City 13, Lacy College. About the year 1305. Henry Lacy earl of Lincoln intended to found a college for thirteen ftudents in this univerfity, and to endow the fame with feveral advowlons of churches in his patronage; but this good defign feems never to have taken effedf. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 337. writ Ad quod damnum , and the inquifitions upon the In Rennet’s Parochial Antiquities, p. 352, 353. are the fame, about amortizing to this college the advowfons of Oxford, mf. in bibl. mufei Afhmol. Wood 20 f. 260, Sec. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 337, Sec. a large ac¬ count of this houfe, Sec. from Mr. Wood’s mf. and the Cotton, mf. Tiberius, A. iv. 15. and from the faid Cotton, mf. in the Appendix, Sec. to vol. ii. p. 64, cartam Joannis abbatis Gloceftrenfis renunciantis omni juri, quod poftit conventui fuo competere in collegio Gloceftrenfi Oxonii praetextu monachorum ibidem primo morantium : Cartam Henrici de Helm prioris et conventus collegii Gloceftrenfis Benedidti- norum Oxonii, quod monachi a quibufeunque domi- bus iftius ordinis infra provinciam Cantuar. ad diftum prioratum, caufa ftudii deftinati, abfque difficultatc admittantur, A. D. 1291. a 81/. j j. only, in Twyne. b So Leland, the Monafticon, and Anglia Sacra 1. 507. But Br. Twyne, 506. Ex ftatutis aulas Gloceltr. faith, “ Gilber- “ tus de Clare dux Glovernite, filius Robert! Haymonis comitis Glovernire, primo inftituit collegium Gloceftrenfe.” c Thus Mon. Angl. from Leland, Colledt. vol. i. p. 247. and Mr. Wood from mf. Chron. S. Petri Gloceltr. in bibl. Cotton, but the mortmain is 19 Ed. 1. and the firft mention of it in Reyner A. D. 1290. a But the abbat and monks of Glocefter early difclaimed any property in this houfe, which belonged to the whole order within the province of Canterbury, and was entirely fubjedt to the regulations of the general chapters of that order, as may he feen in Reyner’s Appendix. « This may appear partly (faith “ Dr. Hutten) from thofc diverfe falhions and names of build- “ ings, which are yet extant in this hall, fome being called “ Glocefter lodgings, fome Weftminfter lodgings, lbme Winch- “ comb lodgings,” &c. “ Glocefter hall,” faith Br. Twyne, (3 304. “ conteined five or fix halls in it belonging to divers “ abbies, who feverally kept houfe by themfelves.” c Alyffe’s State of Oxford, vol. i. p. 457. f Thefe three charters are alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 6.1. of XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE of the churches of Wadington, Wyvelingham, Tho- and confirmed pat. i Ed. 2. p. i. m. 15- but further refhy, Halton [Lincoln.] Buckeby [Northamt.] See I have yet met with no account, pat. 34. Ed. 1. p. I. m. . this mortmain was granted 14. Lincoln College. Richard Fleming bifhop of Lincoln obtained, A. D. 1427. the king’s licence to make All Saints parifh church in this city collegiate, and near it began to build a college for a reftor and feven lcholars, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary and All Saints, which was afterward finillied and augmented by the charity of feveral benefaftors, among whom Thomas Rotheram bilhop of Lincoln and afterward archbifhop of York was fo confiderable, that he is de- fervedly accounted as co-founder. Its yearly revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. but at 101I. 8 s. jo d. It now confifts of a redtor, twelve fellows and .... fcholars. Yide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 159, 160. Le Neve’s Fafti, &c. p. 490. Fuller's Church Hiftory, book iv. p. 168, 169. Librorum manufcriptorum cxiii. in bibl. coll. Lincoln. Oxon. catalogum, in catalogo mlf. Oxon. 1697. f. tom. i. p. ii. p- 39. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 304. of the advow- fon of the reftory of Winterborn abbas. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 332. of the impropriate church of Twiford. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Barlow, n. 13. indenture concerning 40/. given to this college by Audeley bilhop of Sarum. Hiftory of the foundation, benefactions, rights and pri- leges of this college, mf. in the Harleian library 6664. Ibid, inter Collect, cl. Thomx Baker, vol. ii. p. 477. ftatuta coll. Lincoln. Regiftra, cartas, rentalia, rotulos, &c. in thefaurario hujus collegii confervata. Catalogum fociorum a fundatione ad ann. 1681. mf. in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. Wood, vol. xxviii. f. 126. ColleCt. ex evidentiis collegii hujus, ibid. Wood, vol. Ii. p. 51. 65. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. pro fundatione et unione ecclefiarum S. Mildredae, Omnium SanCtorum, et S. Michaelis ad portam borealem : Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10. pro ten. inLittlemoie, Yeftly, Coule, et Bottley : Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. licent. perqui- rendi l /. terr. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. B. Marias de Twy- ford [Buckingh.j et Longcomb [Oxon.] appropri- andis: Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 31. pro eccl. de Twi¬ ford et Comb appropriandis : Ibid, m. 32. confirm, libertat. 15. London College. From the year 1421. when Richard Clifford bifhop of London be¬ queathed a legacy of one thoufand marks to the fcholars of Burnell’s inn in St. Aldate’s parifh, that old houfe began to be called London College, and was inhabited both by Black £ monks, and by Secular clerks ftudents in the civil law, till its fuppreffion, which was pretty early in the reign of K. Henry 8 h. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 12. 248. 337. 16. Magdalen College. William Patten alias Wainflet bifhop of Wincheffer, A. D. 1448. founded without the eaft gate an hall for ftudents, and contiguous to it, in or near the place where the old hofpital of St. John flood, he built, A. D. 1458. a fine college for a prefident, forty fel¬ lows, thirty fcholars called Demies, four chaplains, eight clerks, fixteen chorifters, &c. to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene, St. John the Baptift, St. Peter and St. Paul, and St. Swithin. By the valuation of 26 Hen. 8. it feems to have been better endowed than any other college in this univerfity, being rated higheft, viz. at 1076/. §s. 2d. per ann'. Fide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 187, &c. Fuller’s Church Hiftory, book iv. p. 188. Lift of the prefidents in Le Neve’s Fafti, &c. p. 493, 494. Inltin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 166. dimenfiones ecclefise. Year Books, 11 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 30. de capella S. Katherinre de Wanburgh [Wilt.] In Atkins’ Glocefterfhire, p. 615. of the manor of Queinton. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 542. of lands in Bo- ton Salle and Caufton : vol. iv. p. 369. of the manor of Guton in Brandefton and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 861. oflands in Hickling : p. 1329. of the manor of Tichwell : p. 1464. of a manor in Boyton. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 166. of the impropriate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Evenle. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 151, 152. of the al¬ ternate prefentation to the reftory of Eaft Bridgeford, belonging to this college. In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 281, 282. of the ad- vowion of Willoughby reftory. Catalogum librorum mif. 239. coll. S. Marix Magda- lenre in Oxon. in catalogo mlf. Anglia; et Hiberni* Oxon. 1697. fol. tom. i. p. ii. p. 71, &c. Cartas originales, regiftra, rotulos, et alia munimenta in fcaccario collegii. Statuta collegii, mfT. in bibl. Harleiana, 1235. 6282. Regifter of the records of Magdalen college, ibid. mf. 4240. n. 1. Colledtanea ex evidentiis collegii per Ant. Wood, mf. in bibl. mufei Alhmol. Oxon. Wood, vol. xxviii. p. 148. vol. Ii. p. 151. 161. For the right of the college to prefent a principal to Magdalen hall, ibid. Wood, vol. ci. f. 47. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 127. papers relating to the controverfy between Dr. Oglethorp prefident and the college. De exemptione hujus collegii a jurifdidlione epifc. Lin¬ coln. per cartam Thomae epifc. Lincoln. 6 Jul. A. D. 1480. Vide librum memorandor. Thomas Rotheram epifc. Lincoln, f. 15. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 33. licentiam pro fundatione, et perquirendi terras ad annuum valorem cl. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1. prohofpitale S. Joan, extra por¬ tam Orient. Oxon. Ibid. m. 16. licent. perquirendi fitum prioratus de Luffield. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 12. confirm, pro hofp. S. Joannis Oxon. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. pro maner. de Dodington juxta Wakerle : Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ed. 4. e Append, ad Leland. Itin. vol. iv. edit. Hearne, p. 169. 171. h Tor 17 Hen. 8. the mafter and fellows of Balliol college grant to the dean and canons of Cardinal college among other things, “ one toft with a curtilage, upon which was built a “ certain inn for the ftudy of civil law, called London college, “ extending north and louth from the civil fchool lane to S Fri- “ difwide s lane.” * 1066/. 5 s. id. as Brian Twvne. Trin. XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. Trin. rot. ig. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. pro maner. de Candelefby: Ibid. p. 2. m. 31. pro maner. de Multon hall in Frampton, et de Salfletby, et pro ad- voc. eccl. de Somercot et Bafmgham : Efcaet. Norf. 18 Ed. 4. n. 53. pro maner. et terris in Titchwell, Brancafter, Holme, Brandefton, Beyton, Salle, Cau- fton, Acle, Birlingham, Hickling, Ermingland [Norf.] Caldecot in Fritton, Spitling in Gorlcfton et At thorp in Loweftoft [SufF.] Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p’. 2. £*e* pro maner. de Titchwell, Brandefton, &e Kr ' ?• Lincoln. 19 Ed. 4. n. 78. ‘ aet‘ Pat. 1 Ric 3. p 2. m. . pro iii. virgat. terra in Weft qote [Warw.j clu 17. St. Mary College. Thomas Holden efquire and Elizabeth his wife gave, A. D n 3 t tenements and ground in the parifhes of St. Peter in the Bayly and St. Michael Northo'ate' for rh' founding a college for ftudent canons of the order of St. Auftin. It was dedicated to the blelf H Virgin Mary, and fubjeft to the general chapter of the order1. The fite of it was granted 28 «■„„ Hn. Oxon. 28 Hen. 3. n. . pro duobus mefT. in fub urbm Oxon. ex aflignatione Thomx de Valeys : Pat 29 Hen. 3. m. 6. de infula in fluvio Thamiiis : Ibid m. 9 et io. Pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. 7. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 9. 14 et 33. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24 b Vel Hen. 6. c She was accounted their foundrefs. anno ij 43. and Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 41. See Matth. Paris in <1 Speed faith, that K. Henry 1. was founder of this houfe hui the order was not in being in his time. ‘ ’ b vel XXIII. OXFORDSHIRE. Vel 25. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 44. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 1. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . pro L. marcis annuatim e fcac- cario: Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33, Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 1 Hen. 8. p. 1, m. . de conceflione l. marcar. an nuatim. 29. White Friers. The Carmelite or White friers firft fettled in this city about A. D. i2r.e Their habitation at firft was near the river oppofite to Rewley f, in an houfe given them by Nichoi las de Meules or Molis, fometime governor of the caftle of Oxford* on the weft fide of Stockwell ftreet, now part of Glocefter hall. But, fixty years after, king Edward 2. gave to twenty-four of thefe friers the royal palace of Beaumont, which king Henry 1. had built in the north part of the city. Here they continued till the general difiolution, and then this friery, with all its appurte¬ nances, was granted to Edwards Powell of Sandfofd, 33 Hen. 8. Vide Hill, et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. tom. i. p. 99, 100, &c. Dr. Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 343. Hiftory and Antiquities of the city of Oxford, m(T. in bibl. mufei AfhiTiol. Oxon. Wood, vol. xxix. f. 180. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 177. an account from Mr. Wood. In Lelandi Collect, vol. iii. p. 59. titulos quorundam librorum olim in bibliotheca fratrum. In regiftro epifc. Lincoln, inter memoranda Joan. Dal- derby epifc. Lincoln, f. 388. confirmationem carta- rum quarundam de fundatione et privilegiis hujus domus. J Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 3. et p. 2. m. 1. pro ii. meff. in paroch. S. Mariae Magd. Oxon. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1 m. 16. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10 vel n. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. x. m „ vel 15. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. Ibid. p. 3, m, vel 31. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p, m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. 30. Crouched Friers. The Crouched or Crofted friers had, in Grantpount not far from Broado-ate hall in the parifli of St. Michael at Southgate, an habitation of the gift of Richard Cary, fometime mayor of the city, temp. Ed. 1. but about the year 1348. they procured an houfe and chapel in the parifli of St. Peter in the Eaft, near that church. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. tom. i. p. 170, 171. p. 269. and a farther account from Mr. Wood’s mf. The fame in Englilh in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. in the mufeum at Oxon. cod. 8491. 31. Friers de Sacco. Juft without the Weftgate, near the caftle, in a place where formerly the church of St. Benedict or St. Budoc flood, king Henry 3. placed the friers De penitentia Jefu or De facco, who continued here till they were fupprefied with fome other Mendicant orders A. D. 1307. and then the fite of this houfe and their other pofleflions were annexed to the Grey triers. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. tom. i. p. ill. Mr. Wood’s mf. hiftory of Oxford city, f. 205. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 273- an account from Mr. Wood. Pat. 46 Hen. 3. n. 11. Pat. 49 Hen. 3. m. 24. Xrin it Y-House On thefouth fide of the ftreet without the eaft gate, over againfl Mam. dalene hall Edmund earl of Cornwall founded a fmall houfe and chapel for Trinitarian friers of the Redemption of captives A. D. 1291. where, and in the chapel of the Holy Trinity within Eaft oate, the brethren of this order and feveral poor fcholars, who lived by alms, continued till near the time of the general difiolution. Vide in Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. 133, &c. cartam fundationis *. Epiftolam Rob. Gagvini maj. miniftri, dat. A. D. i486. The fame in Englilh in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. 1. p. 261. Mr. Wood’s Hiftory and Antiquities of the City cf Oxford, mf. f. 201. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Clauf. 15 Ric. 2. m. I. XXIV. REWLEY, or De regali loco, in North Ofeney juxta Oxon. CiSTERTl AN Abbey. Richard king of the Romans having by his willjdiredled a foundation for fome Secular priefts to pray for his foul, his fon and heir Edmund earl of Cornwall thought his father’s defire would be better fulfilled by Regulars and therefore in the year i28ok. he built a monafterv here for an abbat and fifteen monks of the Ciftertian order1. Its tutelar faint was the bleffed Virgin Mary. It was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 174/. 3 s. od. ob. per amt. Dugd. Speed; and e So Wood; but Bryan Twyne faith, their firft coming hi- ther was from Cambridge, 12 cal. Sept. 1256. <§> 95* f Jo. Roflus in Ric. 1. g Edmund , as Mr. Twyne. , h Brian Twyne’s collections, £ 204. There feem to have been fome remains of thefe friers after the reformation ; for in Brian Twyne’s collections, ^ 589. there is this extract ou the city Council Book. “ July 6. 5 Eliz. The four Trinity men “ appointed to be bedels of the beggars ; every one of them to u take a ward every Friday to beg in ; and to wear a badge ot <* tin with a red oxe.” _ 1 • 1 Annales Wigorn. in anno 1281* Leland. Collect, vol. 1. k So the mf. annals of Louth park, which might be confiftent with the firft defigning it in 1279. (as Paroch. Antiq. p- and the finifhing the buildings and dedication of the church an 1281. (ibid. p. 297. and Mon. Angl.) but the foundation ot this abbey by Richard king of the Romans (as J.Rofs has it) who died in the beginning of the year 1272. is reconcilable with uone of thofe dates. „ . . 1 This houfe is in fome of the Ciftertian annals often ltywa “ Stadium Oxonise,” and feems to have been tne only place tor the monks of that order to improve in academical learning* arghbiftiop Chichley founded St. Bernard’s. granted, XXIV. OXFORDSHIRE. granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Dr. George Owenj and 38 Hen. 8. to the dean and canons of the king’s New college, or Chrift church in Oxford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 934. notulam de funda- tione, ex hill. Jo. Roffi : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. 16. per Infpex. recit. cartam Edm. com. Cornub. de dota- tione: P. 935. pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. per Infpex. recit. conceffionem abbatis et conv. de Pyneto, de terris fuis in Soham prope Ely, cum jure patron, eccl. pro annuo redd, xuij. marcar. Maii, A. D. 1285. Efcaet. Oxon. 21 Ed. 1. n. 128. de fedla ab¬ batis ad comitatum Oxon. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 46. 85. 247. 332. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, tom. iii. p. 426. brev. 18 Ed. 1. pro recip. facr. abbatis : Ibid. p. 904. clauf. 29 Ed. 1. m. 16. d. prohibitionem abbati de Pyneto de proventibus eccl. de Saham. In Ryleii Plac. Parliament, p. 105. de fedta ad curiam epifc. Lincoln, pro maner. de Erdington, 20 Ed. 1. In Hearne’s Antiquities in or near Oxford at the end of Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 125, &c. And in Hutten’s Antiquities of Oxford, p. 329. publilhed by Mr. Hearr.e at the end of his Textus Roffenfis, fome ac¬ count of this houfe, and feveral draughts of the ruins and remains of it. In Willis’ Hiltory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 186. the names of fome abbats. I11 Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 50. an account of this abbey from Mr. Wood’s mf. in the mufeum at Oxon, Mr. Hearne, See. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem pofleffionum abbatis de regali loco. In libro inftitutionum, &c. temp. Walteri Lyhert epifc. Norwic. f. 272. cartam abbatis et conv. conced. eccl. de Saham, &c. magiftio et fcholaribus aula; B. Maria: de Valentia Cantab. 26 Hen. 6. Plac. ad Hufteng Lond. 10 Ed. 1. rot. 1. pro domibus in paroch. S. Thom* Apoftoli ex dono Edm. com. Corn. Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 39. pro maner. de Williamfcot: Cart. 17 Ed. I. n. 10. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. 10. d. et m. penult vel an¬ tepenult. Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. ult. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 33. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 4. Brev. 8 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 5, 6. Pat. ti Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. de terris in Williamfton ; Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 22. de melT. et terris in North Ofeney et Erdington : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30. d. de terris in Nettilbed et Benfington : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 34. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 1. in cedula, de terris in Benfington : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . pro advoc. eccl. de Ste- chient [Corn.] in excambio pro maner. de Netilbed conceffo principi Walli*: Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 33. pro ten. in Colemanftrete [Lond.] Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. pro ten. in Coventre. Brev. 2 Ric. 2. n. 26. de melT. &c. in London : Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. XXV. SAUNFORD. Templars. The good queen Maud, wife to king Stephen, gave the manor of Temple Co- vele or Cowley in this county to the Knights Templars, who made it a houfe of their order"1, and placed a preceptor there", who was afterwards removed to Saunford ; which manor thefe Knights got poffefled of by the bounty of Sir Thomas de Saunford knt. {temp. Ric. 1. vel Joan °.) and loon after fixed here, as upon their difiolution did the Knights Hofpitalars, this being the chief refi- dence of a preceptor and brethren, that had under their management moft of the eilates in Oxford- Ihire, Berkfhire, Wiltlhire, &c. belonging to that order. This houfe was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Edward Powell. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 528. 544, 545. 551. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 62. cartas Thom* de Santford, de terra fua in Saunford, cum advoc. eccl. de Ble- bury ; Ad* de Pyriton, confirm, donationem Th. de Saunford avunculi : P. 63. cartas Matild* regin* et Stephani regis, de maner. de Covele; Will. Maref- challi com. Pembr. fen. et jun. de eccl. de Spenes. Mr. Hearne’s Account of Antiquities in and about Oxford, p. 93. In bifhop Rennet's Parochial Antiquities, feveral deeds belonging to the eftates of the Knights Templars within the baylywick of Saunford, viz. p. 109. the charter of Simon earl of Northampton, giving them the manor of Merton in this county : p. 1 16. the con¬ firmation of the fame by Malcolm K. of Scotland : p. 120. Guy of Merton, granting them two acres in Merton: p. 121. John del Offe, of fome acres in Long Comfho, Mercot, and Swetmancroft : p. 125. Simon de Merton granting the vaffalage of Agnes de Merton : p. 126. of Sawall de Offevill granting Eaft Lyot : p. 129. the leafe of one virgate in Merton from the Templars to Hugh de Merton : p. 132. confirm, of the manor of Merton by Simon the third earl of Northamton: p. 142. of the fame by Aubrey earl of Dammarton : p. 153. of John de Polya for half a yard land in Cherleton : p. 158. of three acres in Me- riton granted Rob. de Meriton ; and of a melT. and half yard land in the fame town by the fame Robert. Year Books, 9 Ed. 3. Trin. 24. of the advowfon of the church of Saundford. Tranfcripta cartarum et aliorum inftrumentorum balliv* de Saunford ordinata et coadunata tempore fratris Roberti le Efcrop tunc [fcil. A. D. 1274.] pr*cep- toris ibid. cont. fol. 113. mil, in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Wood, 10. Rentale de novo renovatum tempore ven. fratris Thom* Docwra prioris hofpitalis S. Joannis Jerufalem in Anglia, coram Fhoma Lelond mil. tunc tempore milfo per fpeciale mandatum di£li prioris, ad inqui¬ rendum et renovandum diitum rentale per facramen- tum tenentium et refidentium infra dominia pnecep- tori* de Saumpford, 14 Feb. 1512. fol. mf. penes V. rev. Ric. Davis de Sanford, 1697. nunc in bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Oxon. Fin. Oxon. 3 Hen. 3. n. . pro molendino in Sandford : Fin. Oxon. 30 Hen. 3. n. . pro v. virgat. in Covele. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 26. d. de terris in Over et Nether Holpath et Sandford. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. et p. 2. m. 43. Clauf. 15 Ed. 3. m. 41. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 9. pro maner. de Sandford. m “ Domus temp, de Covele.” Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 528. n “ Preceptor de Covele.” Hilt, et Antiq. Oxon. tom. ii. p. 8, 9. Parochial Antiquities of Ambrofd. p. 121. 0 The learned Mr. Hearne makes this grant in king Stephen’s Urne ; but I choofe rather to put it thus late, becaufe William Marelchall earl of Pembroke (who was not fo till i Ric j ) js witnefs to one of Thomas de Sanford’s grants, and the coiifir- mations of his next heirs are temp. Hen. 3. -s XXVI. S T O D E L Y, XXVI. OXFORDSHIRE. XXVI. S TOD ELY, or Eflodely, in the parijh of Beckley. Benedictine Nuns. Bernard de S. Walericop, about the middle of the reign of kina Henry 21. built and endowed here a priory for Benedidtine nuns to the honor of the bldled Vir ° Mary. About the time of the fuppreffion herein were fifteen nuns, who had revenues amountin'1 to 82/. 4j. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 102/. 6s. yd. ob. Speed. It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to John Croktf Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 486. cartam Bernard! de S. Walerico, pro dim. hyda terras in Horton: Car¬ tam Thom* de S. Walerico confirm, donationes pa- tris fui : P. 487. memoranda quasdam de quibufdam aliis conceffionibus huic prioratui : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1 . m. 12. per Infpex. recit. cartam Godefridi de Crau- comb de maner. de Craucomb : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 13. pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 5. m. 9. de praefedlione pri- oriflae. Lelandi Collett. vol. i, p. 77. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. 4. Dr. Archer’s account of religious houfes, &c. printed at the end of Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 637. of the advowfon of the rettory of Crocomb, and fix marks yearly from the manor of Trent. In Kennet’s Parochial Antiquities, &c. p. 139. the char¬ ter of Bernard of S. Walery : p. 286. the grant of a fchool in Oxford by Will, de Pylla : p. 457. of a mefluage and lands in Eft Claydon, &c. to be given by John Freland, A. D. 1344. p. 460. about the" tax¬ ation of fome of their eftate : p. 511. of the elettion of a priorefs, out of Mon. Angl. vol. iii. In Atkins’ Glocefterfhire, p. 633. of the impropriate church of Salperton. Dugdale’s Warwickfhirc, p. 579. edit. 1730. of their pofleffions in Long Compton: p.651. in Halton. See alfo notes to p. 382. and quare, of lands in Shot- fwell, p. 533. Regiftrum hujus coenobii olim penes V. dodtiff Tho Allen, ex aula Gloceftrenfi. Excerpta ex eodem, inter collett, Brian. Twyne, 3 61.2 Fin. Buckingh. 14 Hen. 3. n. 87 et 98. de advoc. eccf de Ilmere : Fin. Northamt. 16 Hen. 3. rot. o. terris in Farningho: Catt. 17 Hen. 3. n. Cart 27 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro maner. de Corflegh [Wilt 1 Fin. Oxon. 42 Hen. 3. 11. . de terris in°Gathelay ■ Pat. 50 vel 52 Hen. 3. m. 25. de maner. de Crau¬ comb [Somerfet.j Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. aftif. rot. 7. d. et rot. 34. dorfo, de terris in Weylone : Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 20. pro ii. virgat. terr* in Corflegh: Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. 1. quo war rot. 4. de libertat. in Compton Magna. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 9. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 23. d. Cart, i Ed. 3. n. 3. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Paq 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 3. m. 13 et 18. pro eccl. de Beckley approprianda: Clauf. 44 Ed. 3. m. 4 Inquif. Oxon. 7 Ric. 2. n. . de decimis parci regii apuj Beckly debitis eccl. de Beckley appropriate moniali- bus : Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro reddit xxj. folv. per Winchefter coll, in Oxon. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m 17. pro melT. et terris in Aylhe infra foreft. de Bernwode. XXVII. TAME. 1. ClSTERTiAN Abbey. There was at Otteley, in the parilh of Oddington in this county, an abbey of Ciftertian monks founded by Sir Robert Gait, who were fhortly after removed on ac¬ count of the low and unhealthy fituation to Tame; where Alexander bilhop of Lincoln gave them his park to build a monaftery on, A. D. 1137'. or 1138’. It was commended (as mod of the Religious houfes of this order were) to the patronage of the blefled Virgin Mary, and endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 256/. 13 s. yd. ob. per ann. as both Dugdale and Speed. The fite was granted to the bilhop of Oxford and his fuccelfors 34 Hen. 8. and afterward, 1 Ed. 6. to Edward duke of Somerfet. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 802. notulam hiftoricam de fundatione ex mf. Cotton. Cartam Roberti Gait fundatoris, de terra in Ottendune : Cartam Edith* uxoris Roberti d’Oilleio, de duario fuo in Wefton fratribus de Ottelei : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 26. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. comfirm. dona¬ tiones : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. m. 21. aliam confirm, dona- tionum : p. 868. de Wurda membro manerii regis de F erendon donato huic abbatite, temp. R. Steph. fed ablato temp. R. Hen. 2. et ab eo conceflo abbati* de Stanlegh [Wilt.J Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 77. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 127. In bilhop Kennet’s Parochial Antiquities, p. 93 et 94. habetur carta abb. et conv. de Waverley conventui Oteleiae de 1. hida in Nortuna : p. 109. confirm. Re- ginaldi de Gait, de tota terra in Ottenden mona- chis de Tame: p. 164. de vm. acris in Stoke Tal- mach. Year Books, 4 Ed. 3. Mich. 18. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 220. de 1 feod. mil. tent. de Willelmo comite de Ferrariis. A catalogue of the abbats in Willis' Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 1 87. T This foundation is afcribed to Thomas de S. pf'a/erico. In¬ quif. 7 Ed. 1. Burg. Oxon. ©-4. Peter Corbuchon is faid by Leland (Colled, vol. i. p. 77.) and Speed, to have been founder; by miftake, probably, for Peter de Studly founder of the canons at Studley in Warwicklhire. s The learned author of the Parochial Antiquities placeth this foundation in A. D. 1184. But I conceive it was fomewhat Abftraft. cartarum abbatis de Thame, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. cxli. f. 41. cartam Hen. 2. ibid, vol. xxv. f. 71. Tranfcripts of feveral charters be¬ longing to Thame abbey, mf. in mufeo Alhmol. Wood, vol. xxxii. Ibid. Wood, vol. lv. f. 85. Manuale orationum monachorum de Thame, mf. in bibl. nuper D D. Joan. Mori epife. Elienfis. Cartas ad mor.afterium S. Mariae de Tame fpettantes, mf. in bibl. Cotton. 'Julius , C. vii. 8. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem poflef- fionum abbatis de Thame in diocefi London. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae penes honoratilf. Thomam vicecom. Weymouth, 1712. Fin. Oxon. 1. 2 et 5 Joan. n. . de XL. acris in Ben- fington. Fin. Oxon. 3 Hen. 3. n. . pro bercaria, &c. in Ceftre- ton : Fin. Oxon. 9 Hen. 3. n. . pro virgat. terrae in Tettlefworth : Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. Buck¬ ingh. 16 Hen. 3. n. 13. de virgat. terrae in Quenton: Fin. Oxon. 25. 31, 32 et 36 Hen. 3. 11. . pro terris in Talemach: Fin. Buckingh. 38 Hen. 3. n. 25. de prato in Shipden : Fin. Oxon. 46 Hen. 3. n. . pro XL. fol. reddit. in Ettinden : Fin. Buckingh. 46 Hen. 3. n. 66. Fin. Oxon. 46 Hen. 3. n. . pro cccl. earlier, the convent feeming to have been fettled before the grant of the half hide in Horton, to which •• Robertus vice- “ comes” was one of the witnelles ; and, if that perlbn was Robert dc Turvill (herif of Oxfurdlhire, the date is as high as A. D. 1176 or 1179. ’ MS. annales de Parcolude. s Annales Waverl. XXVII. OXFORDSHIRE acris in Wyfand : Fin. Buckingh. 49 Hen. 3. n. 80. pro carucat. terra in Eye Parva et Theufeley. In baga de tenuris temp. Ed. 1. Oxon. rot. 6. de me- dietate maner. de Chinnore : Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 2. 8. 15. dorfo, pro medietat. maner. de Chinnor: Cart. 17 Ed. 1. n. 11. de fe£ta tenentium ad curiam et hundred, de Stoke Talmach, &c. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. de terris in Lache- ford, ex dono Henrici fil. Nigelli. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro advoc. eccl. de Chal- grave, et eadem approprianda pro fuftentatione vi. monachorum (ultra numerum) celebratur. pro ani- mabus dom. regis et Petri de Gavefton nuper com. Cornub. ex dono dom. regis: Ibid. m. 13. de via regia ex parte occidentali domus obftruenda : Ibid, m. 21 vel 31. Cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 34. Rot. Rom. 12 Ed. 2. m. 7. dorfo: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. in. 15. de melT. in Fleetftreet, London. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 26. pro eccl. de Chalgrave ap¬ proprianda: Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33 vel 35. pro eccl. de Chalgrave : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Fin. Bucking. 12 Ed. 3. n. 139. de maner. de Four- fey: Clauf. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. pro meff. in S. Sepulchr. Lond. conceit', per Willielmum Sharethull : Clauf. 29 Ed. 3. m. 38. Cart. 39 et 40 Ed. 3. n. 20. pro lib. war. in Morton, Ottinden, Thame, Hornegrange, Sidenham, Tettf- worth, Stoketalemache, Wyfeale, Otteley, Brinef- norton [Oxon.] Shipdon, Tourefey, et Saunterle [Buckingh.] Cranford [Middlefex.J Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. de metT. et terris in Stoke Talmage: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 30. pro reftitu- tione maner. de Shipdon. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 7. de melT. et terris in Oddington. 2. Hospital. In the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 6. or K. Edward 4. Richard Qua- termain founded an hofpital in this town near the church, and endowed it with lands. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 36. vol. viii. p. 5. XXVIII. THUSFIELD, or Thuffield*. Trinitarian Friers. An houfe of brethren or friers of the order of the Holy Trinity, founded before 33 Ed. 3. Vide rot. pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. pro xx. acris terra Ed. 3. n. 13. pro feria ibidem concefla Fratribus. ad celebrandam miflam in eccl. ibidem : Cart. 40 XXIX. WOODSTOCK. Hospital. There is mention of an almfhoufe built near the king’s manor place here in rot; clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 1 1. Queers, Whether this be the fame with the hofpital of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Mary Magdalene in Woodftock, for which a proteftion and licence to beg were granted by pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. XXX. W R O X T O N. Austin Canons. A priory of canons of the order of St. Auftin, founded in the beginnino- of the reign of king Henry 3 \ by Mr. Michael Belet, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin°Mary. Herein were about ten Religious, whofe yearly revenues were but 78/ 14/. 3 d. Speed”. The fite and lands of this monaftery were granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Thomas Pope, who bellowed the fame or great part of them on Trinity college in Oxford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 326. ex com. rec. in fcacc. 19 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 7. d. cartam fundationis per. M. Mich. Belet: Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 43. recit. cartam 36 Hen. 3. terras et libertates canonicis de Wroxton conceflas ratificantem. P. 327. quietamcla- mationem Baldwini Pigot fuper advoc. eccl. de On- nelby, 32 Ed. 1 . Leland. Colledt. vol. i. p. 77. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 61. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 122. of poftef- fions in Eydon, vol. ii. p. 66. of the manor of Thorp Belet. Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, of fome lands in Long Comp¬ ton, p. 444. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, f. 467. ex com- inun. 27 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 8. de maner. de Torp [Northamt.] ex dono Joannis de Monteacuto. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 334. the names of fome priors. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem poflef- fionum prioris de Wroxfone in dioc. Lond. Cartas, computos, rentalia, &c. penes V V. rev. prs- fidentem et focios coll. S. Trinitatis Oxon. Cartas, &c. penes hon. Franc, com. Guildford. Fin. Oxon. 20 Hen. 3. n. . pro una virgat. terra in Wroxton: Fin. Oxon. 25 Hen. 3. n. . pro iii. vir¬ gat. terra in Wroxton : Clauf. 30 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro terris in Thorp Belet [Northamt.] Pat. 31 Hen. 3. m. 7. de aflarto in Thorp: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 21. Pin. Oxon. 48 Hen. 3. n. , pro molend. et vi. vir¬ gat. terra in Wroxton. Plac. in com. Oxon. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 18. pro furcis, Sic. in Wroxton. rat. 14 h-d. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro terris in Cifton et Bel¬ ton perquirendis : Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. pro melT. et terris in Balfcote. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 16. dorfo de libertat. in maner. de Topleleth: Pat. 10 Ed 3’ P'n2’ mry-Pf ?°DEd- 3' £ *• m' 31- pro eccl! 3; bifton [Leiceftr.J Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. I3 vel I4_ 1 Ho place of this name occurs in the Index Villare, as be¬ longing to this county, in which it is placed by Bowyer’s, and the other index of the Tower records, ^ua-re, therefore, Whe¬ ther it be not a miftake for Thelcsford , an houfe of this order in Warwicklhire. u Leland, Colled, vol. i. p. 77. makes this foundation temp, R. Joan . but the charter reciting that it was founded “ pro “ animabus” (among others) “ Joannis regis” it feems to have been alter his death ; if it had been in that king’s life it would have run « pro falute.” Mf Wood xciv. f. m^kes It founded 3 w x^'-b m K !n,ient f™!“ th/ records> ‘bat it was earlier. Stevens voiaif°p°35 ^ t0U a“d C ear fum in mf’ Valor’ and Pat. XXX. OXFORDSHIRE. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 19. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33 vel 34. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11 vel 12. Cart. io, &c. Hen. 4. n. 3. pro lib. war. in Wrovrn [Oxon.] Thorpe Underwode [Northamt 1 et Sift " [Leiceftr.] Pat. 12 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 41 vel'* 311 Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. For Saucomb [Speed, and Gervafe of Cant.] fee above Chacomb in Northamptonshire For Crowmersh hofpital fee above in Wycomb, [Bucks.] RUTLANDSHIRE. I. BROOKE, olirn Broc, or Broch. Austin Canons. A fmall priory of three or four canons Regular of the order of St. Audi founded by Hugh Ferrers temp. Ric. 1. It was fubordinate to the monaftery of Kenelworth in Warwicldhire, dedicated to the blefied Virgin, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 40/. per am. Du Reg. Lincoln, and Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 86. per IV; RUTLANDSHIRE. per dnn. Dugd'. The prior and convent of St. Ann’s near Coventry were governors of this houle, and paid out of the manor of Edywefton the yearly penfiond of 16I. 13s. 4 d. which was the whole endowment'; but the diipoial of the places was, 26 Hen. 8. in Richard Flower of Whitwell*. yule in Mon. Angl. tom. ii: p. 473. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p, 2. m. 4. licent. pro fundatione. Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 101. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. I. m. iB et 19. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 27. confirm, indenture cum priore domus Carth. Pat. 8 Hen. 5. m. 7. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 31. Claul". 17 Hen. 6. m. 32. de xl/. ann. reddit. percipiendis de priore S. Ann* Coventr. v. RUTLAND. Black Friers. The Black friers were fettled y,ic in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 105. grant to the pryour and convent of the frere prechours in the here in the reign of Richard 3. towne of Rutlande for fiflhing with oon nette in the water of Clowde from Rutlande to the fee, 1 Ric. 3. SHROPSHIRE. I. ALBERBURY, or Abberbury. ALIEN Priori . Warinea the fheriff of Shropfhire and a great warrior aoainft the Welfh founded, near this place, the New abbey " for Black monks of the order of Grandmont in Limofin c, temp. Hen. 1. It was fupprelTed among the alien priories, and beftowed by K Henrv 6 anno regni 19. at the requeft of Henry Chichele archbifhop of Canterbury, on All Souls 'colleee in Oxford. 6 Vide in Mon. Artgl. tom. i. p. 6.05. cart. 17 Hen. 3. m. 14. recit. et confirm, donationes Fulconis fil. Wa- rirli, de loco ubi fundata eft domus, &c. Ibid. p. 606. cartam Thom* Corbeth, dat. A. D. 1262. confirm, terram de Pakenhale et advoc. duarum prebendarum in eccl. de Alberbury. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 231. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 89. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 302. of lands in What- berg. In Weaver’s ‘Funeral Monuments, p. 141. bullam P. Gregorii g. confirm, polleffiones. Cartas et munimenta ad hunc prioratum fpedlantia, in thefaurario collegii Omn. Animar. Oxon, in pyxide Abberbury. Brev. reg. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 12. II. BATTAYLFIELD, or Battlefield. College. In a field within the parilh of Aldbrighton, about a mile north of Shrewfburvd whereon k. Henry 4. fought and overcame Henry Percy and other rebels on the eve of St Marv Magdalene, A. D. 1403 the faid king, anno regni 11. or rather Roger Ive clerk, eredted and eh dowed a little college of a matter and five Secular chaplains' to jhe honor of St. Mary Magdalene, together with an holpital for fevera poor perfons. Their yearly revenues were worth, 26 Hen l' 56/. is. 4 d. in the the whole r, and 54/. u. 10 d. clear. * Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 185. pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 10. per Infpex. recit. licentiam regis Hen. 4. Rogero Ive re&ori capell* S. Joan. Bapt. de Albrigh- ton Hufee, pro fundatione et dotatione collegii, dat. 27 Maii, anno regni r I. p. 186, &c. clauf. 24 Hen. 6. m. 26. d. recit. teftamentum dicti Rogeri Ive, de ampliori dotatione, ac etiam fuper ordinationibus five ftatutis collegii et hofpitalis : Bullam P. Joannis, pro appropr. eccl. de Michael’s Kirk fuper Wyr, et Id- defale [Ebor. dioec.J et capellae S. Julian* Salop, in regiitro Hen. Bowet archiepifc. Ebor. f. 268 Lelandi Colled, vol. 1. p. 34. ejufdem Itin. ’vol. iv. p. 100, 101. Cart. 10 Hen. 4. n. 4. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. III. B E R *T O N. Hospital. Leland, Itin. vol. vii. p. i47. fpeaks of an hofpital at Berton in Shroplhire.’ c ii/. 131. id. ob. Efton. a Mr. Wright fays forty pounds. ' ' Sancroft’s mf. valor. This houfe is yet in being (Univerfal Magazine for Dec. 1757.) but greatly decayed, impoverilhed, and different from its firlt inftitution,. (Additions to Camden.) * Thus Leland, Colled:. vol. i. p. 13 1. out of the Geftes of Guarme and his fons ; which feem a little romantic ; and per¬ haps may miltake as to this foundation, which the charters in the Monalticon afcribe rather to Fulk his fon ; and then the time of its building mult not be placed higher than the reign of K. Henry a. 0 <1 AkK1SnCalIe'?»in H}e reeoi-ds, “ Prioratus novas abbatis iuxta Abberbury, which makes it probable, that the Album Mo- naflenum within a mde of this place, mentioned by Leland IUn vol. V. p. 89. jhould rather be Novum Mona/lerimi. ' ?° thf charters in the Monallicon, IHthout any exnrefs mention of its being direftly given to that foreign abbL v et R feems to have been a cell to it ; becaufe in the r™. 1 . lt; U.e head is ftvled either Cufios’or PrZl^ taXat‘°n d Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. i0i. » They m-e fometimes called Combretbren. oancrott s mf. and Valor in offic. Primit — T IV. B I L- IV. SHROPSHIRE. IV. BILDEWAS, or Bultlewas. ClSTERTlAN Abbey. Roger bifhop of Chefter5 (the fame fee with that which is now callei Coventry and Litchfield) built here, A. D. 1135*. an abbey tor monks of the order of Savienv (united afterwards to the Ciftertians) to the honor of Sc. Mary and Sc. Chadd. Herein were twelv ’ monks1 about the time of the lupprefiion, who were endowed with no/. 19 s. 3d. ob. per aim Dugd. 129/. 6s. 10 d. as Speed. The fite with all the lands belonging to this monaftery 'in Shropfhire, StafFordfhire, and Derbyfhire, were granted to Edward lord Powis 29 Hen. 8. Y Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 779, &c. confirm, fun- dationis per R. Steph. A. D. 1139. Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 39, 40, et 41. per Infpex. recit. cartas Gilberti de Lacy pro Hcrncge ; Ofberti fil; VVillelmi, pro capit. mefl'. in Stirthelege ; Abbatis de Crokeiden, pro ex- cambio grangia? dc Caldon cum villa de Edewenny ; Petronillae de Monteforti filue Walt. de Dunftanvile, pro villa de Upton : Cartas tres Roberti Corbet de Hulemore, de molendino de Wontenoure et de tota Rittona ; Ricardi filii Ric. Corbet, pro villa de Kyne- werton : Galfridi Randulf, pro capitali mefluagio de Bikedone ; Ricardi de Leghton, pro Moferuding in Leghton ; Hamonis de Walton, pro medietat. villae de Walton ; Roberti Treynel, pro medietat. villae de Hatton : Roberti de Afton pro terra de Raggedon : P. 782. cart, antiq. R. n. 20. fcil. regis Ric. 1. con¬ firm. donationes : Ibid. p. 783. ex cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 48. per Infpex. cartam R. Hen. 2. de fubjedtione monafterii S. Marlae juxta Dublin abbatiae de Bil- , dewas. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 914. cartam Hugonis epife. Conventr. pro hofpitio in Lichfield monachis de Bildwas con¬ certo: p. 915. cartam Willielmi fil. Alani, pro villa de Bildewas Parva et nemore de Wroxcelire, una cum quietis clamationibus Galfridi de la Holte, et Edmundi de Leynham et Aliciae uxoris : Relaxat. Hamonis de Benthale de quadam liberatione et ftipen- dio, 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 916. quietam clam. Philippi domini de Benthale, de jure fuo in Hermiteflield et Holwe- ruding : Cartam Henrici com. Lincoln, confirm, permutatlonem grangiae de Caldon [Staff.] pro terris in Edwinney, dat. A. D. 1287. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 44. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 102. vol. viii. p. 36. 52. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 619. edit. 1730. of the land of Ivenbroc. Year Book, 8 Ed. 3. Trin. § 13. In Append, ad Stevenfii Suppletorium, vol. ii. p, conventionem inter abbatem et conventum de Lillef hull et Edelinam filiam Durandi, de duobus meffua giis in Novo Burgo, ex orig. penes Rad. Thorefby arm. Cartam Roberti Wudechot, de terra in Saker- lawe : Cartam Milifant viduae praedi&i Roberti de terra in Horfelawe, ex orig. penes Jo. Smith de Ac¬ ton Burnell arm. In quibufdam antiquis catalogis mfT. in bibl. Cotton hiftoria fundationis hujus abbatiae dicitur repofita" Nero, C. 3. Sed in catalogo accuratiore per cl. D Tho. Smith, tantum habetur carta originalis R. Ste- phani, qu;e edita fuit in Mon. Angl. tom. i. Cartam quandam orig. R. Ric. 1. de conceff. huic ab¬ batiae, inter mfT. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxv. f. 42. Cartas quafdam penes Joannem com. Bridgwater [Dugd.] Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. pro ten. in Stirkeley : Pat, 4 Ed. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. de lx. acris in Shirchefley includendis : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n, n, pro lib. war. in Walton et Wilbrichton : Pat. 13 Ed. 1, m. . Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Plac. fori-nfeca in div. com. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de tnaner. dc Adeney juxta Eymundun : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . de maner. de Bildewas. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. de bofeo in parochia de Leghe. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 17. d. de vifitatione abbatia; de Strat Marcell : Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . d. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. pro Kynnerton, Ruton, et Sterefle datis in excamb. pro eccl. de Conede. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 25. pro eccl, de Rufhbury ap« proprianda. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 10. V. B R E W O O D, Byrwoodde*, or Btiwerne’. CisteRtian Nuns. A priory of white or Ciflertian m nuns dedicated to St. Leonard", as old as the reign of K. Richard 1. or K. John. About the time of the general diffolution it con- filled of fix Religious ", and was valued at 17/. ior. 8 d. per arm. Dugd p. 31/. n. 4 d. Speed. The fite was granted to William Whorwood, 31 Hen. 8. and is ftill called White Ladyes, the fame that is mentioned in the accounts of the famous efcape of K, Charles 2. from Worcefter fight, being near Bofcobel and the Royal Oak. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 22. Cart. 14 Joan. n. 26. quod vi. bovatre in Calverton [Nottingh.] lint quiette de cariagiis. Cart. 25 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro iii. acris apud Brennon in Shirewood: Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 2. de terris in Brome. Affif. in com. Salop. 28 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 15. prioriffa Albarum monialium de Brewood recup. comrriun. paftur. in Rugg juxta Claverlegh, et prioriffa Nigra- rum monialium de Br. in mifericordia : Pat. 32 t “ Matilda de Bohun wife to Sir Robert Burnell, founder “ of Bildevais abby, thowgh fome, for the only gift of the lite “ of the houfe, toke the bylhope of Cbefter for founder.’] Le¬ land. Itin. vol. viii. p. 5a. But among all the charters in the Monatticon, there is no mention of this Matilda or Sir Robert: but the foundation is in two or three places exprefsly alcribed to Roger billvop of Cheltev. h MS. chronic, de I’arcolnde. 1 MS. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. roil. Cant. k Leland. Itin. vol. vii, p. 22. « In the very marche of Shrop- “ (hire toward Darbylhire.” This parifli is part in Stafford- fhire, and part in Shropfhire, fo that the White Ladies here, and Ed. I. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 35 et 41. pro terris in la Bold cum advoc. eccl. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 17. pro eccl. de Tibbetfhelf [Derb.] approprianda : Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 80. pro libertat. vi. bovat. terrae in Calverton: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 16. pro includ. terris in bofeo fuo de Branhow in Calverton in forefta de Nottingham, et apud Brennon in forefta de Shirwode. the Hack Ladies mentioned In Staffordlhire, were in the fame parilh, though in different counties. 1 Corruptly in Gervaf. Cantuar. Hen. Sulgrave mf. 171 So Leland, Records, &c. and yet in mf. Aflimol. n. 1517- (which is an old regifler of the church of Litchfield) f. 65. is, “ Carta . . . prioriffie Albarum Monialium eccl. S. Leonard!, de ** Brewoode et conventus ord. S. Auguftini,” dat. A. D. 131"- n Cart. 14 Joan. &c. 0 MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. p “ Summa clara 17/. 13 s. 84.” Mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 3 a. VI. bridge- VI. SHROPSHIRE. VI* BRIDGENORTH, olim Bruges. i College Roger of Montgomery or Bellefm' earl of Shrewfoury, temp. Will. Rufi , built at Quatford in this county a church or chapel dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, and endowed it with great ponefllons, at the dcfire of Adelaifa his fecond wife, who made a vow thereof in a tempt u ‘it lea upon her firft coming to England. But this foundation' was foon removed or an- nexed to Lndgenorth, where, in the cattle, the faid earl Roger began, and his fon Robert de Be- khno nl hvd a collegiate church, of a dean and five* or fix1 prebendaries, to the honor alfo of T lagdaleneu. I his Continued, and was accounted as a royal free chapel till the general di'flolution w. It was granted, 21 Eliz. to Sir Chriflopher Hatton. Vide in cl. Rymeri Convcntionum, See. tom. i. p. 436. • bullam P. Innocentii nc archidiac. Stafford procura- tiones extorqueat ab hac capella, A. D. 1245. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 220. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 103. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 149. Cart. 9 Joan. n. 1. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 19. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 10. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 21. Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 10. d. pro exemptione. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. n. 39. de exemptione a jurifd. ordina- rii : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de medietat. villae de Erdington : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 38. Ibid. p. 3. m. 32. de preb. de Momerfield: Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. de preb. de Arnethley conceff. Will. Wick¬ ham : Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. de preb. de Er- di.igton : Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35. Efcaet. Salop. 46 Ed. 3- n. 64. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . d. de ca¬ pella regia, infra caftrum de Bridgenorth, vifitanda. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 34. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 29. de capellis de Quatford, Bobing- ton, etClany decanatui annexis : Ibid. m. . d. de h- bertat. tenentium decani in forefta rema de Bride- north. 0 S Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 12. d. de commun. paftur. et eftoveriis in forefta de Morfeld. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 16. 2. Hospital. Ralph le Strange, who died temp. Ric. 1 \ founded here an hofpital for a prior or matter, and feveral lay brethren, to the honor of the Holy Trinity, St. Mary, and St Tohn Baptift r. It was in the low town beyond the bridge*. The mafterfhip of it was, temp. Ed. 4. an¬ nexed to the abbey of Lyllefliul, and, as parcel of the pofTeflions of that houfe, it was granted to Leon. Edwards, 31 Hen 8. There is, in the mf. Valor % an hofpital of St. James at Bridgenorth, rated at 4/. per ann. ^ueere, Whether the lame. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 433. cfcaet. Salop. 14 Ed. 4. n. . Inquif. de fundatione et patronatu. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro terris in Quatford et Woxfield : Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p, 2. m. 24. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. II vel 12. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 5 Ric. 2.- p. 2 m. 31. pro mortuo bofeo in forefta regis de Morsfield, prout in cart. 16 Hen. 3. Bat. ii Ed. 4 p. 2. m. 16. de cuftodia hujus hofpitalis concefla abbatise de Lillefliul. T l TRfKVrFRI!RSc Jn tc;wn wasrran h°uk Grey friers, founded (as Speed faith) by l?L ^ "To r„hnl“Ur?' V““Cd “ »hidl - r-U VII. BROMFIELDb. Benedictine Cell. Here was temp. Hen. ic. a little college of prebendaries'1 or Secular canons, who m the year 1.55. turned Benedifline monks, and yielded up their church and all their lands to the abbey of St. Peter at Glocefter, whereupon were placed a prior and monks here T continued till the dilution. It was dedicated to W Virgil Mary, Ld valtd in one P ^ at 45 1- tis. 8 d. per ann*. and in my ml. Valor and Stevens, vol. i p o2f at 78/ <• w r C inde; 77l. 18 1. 3d. fummaclar l It was granted to Charles F^' 4 V 53. \tMur, Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 464. notulam ex chro- nicis Gloceftr. de monaebatione canonicorum : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 5. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, duas cartas regis Hen. 2. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 81. 97. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. S Chron. Jo, Bromtort. Decern, feript. col. 988, 989. Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 220. Not by Robert de Belefm, as Leland, Itin. vol. iv. p. 103. ' There is mention Of a prebend or two in the church of Quatford, as belonging to Bridgenorth, in the Lincoln taxation. • So Bromton and Leland, Collcft. ut fUpra, and the Lincoln taxation names only five ; but fix are mentioned. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 703. “ Prynne, vol. iii. p. 797. and Rymer, vol. viii. p. 300. w It was taxed at eighty -two marks in the valuation of 20 FJ. 2. But there is no valuation of 26 Men. 8. printed in Dug- dale or Speed. In the Firft Fruits office I find the prebend of Ludfton annexed to the deanery, which had alfo the church of Claverly annexed to it, and was valued at 40 /. per arm. But there are only two prebends more mentioned, viz. the prebend ofAlftely, valued at 1;,/. 6 j. ?,d. And the prebend of Erding- ton, valued at 20/. The prebend of Momerfield in this chapel occurs in Newcourt’s Repertor. Vol. i. p. 339. and 739. * Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 663 1 ®° thtI?1°n®ftico,!s Pryme, amongft his proteflions. ‘‘ BfidgVnorth.’’ 6 " P‘tali8 S’Joaimis Evangelic £ z Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 104. a MS. in offic. Primit. b This has been often confounded with Brimsfield the alien pnory m Glocefterfture. Mr. Leland does fo when he G.fford gave it to Glocefter abbey, (Itin. vol. iv. p. 97.) whereal the Giffards had nothmg to do here, but at Brimsfield! II. regis^avi^noftnd'SCart.°Hen.^2!1U And^Mo^Anef^om0"* b;foreA°D^i48ri0rdeBrUnfieId U witnefs a de'ed made d Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 81. 07. c Regiftr. Ed. Fox epilc. Heref. f. \e corny wkhSfebey.UfUal t0 ** tb”eU “ the VIII. BUR- I VlII. SHROPSHIRE. VIII. B U R F O R D. Collegiate-Church. In this parifh church were three prebendaries or portioniftse in the beginning of the reign of K. Edw. i h. And in 13 Eliz. the college or collegiate church here was granted, with all that belonged to it, to Will. Jeames and John Grey. VUe pat. 3 Ed. i. m. 33. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. IX. C H I R B U R Y. Austin Canons. There was at Snede or Snet in this county a priory of Black' canons founded by Robert de Boulers, in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3. which before the eleventh of that king was tranflated to Chirbury ; where they i'eem to have continued till the di(To- lution k. It was dedicated to St. Michael; confifted of a prior and five or fix canons1, and had lands to the yearly value of 661. 8s. 7 d. ob. elate™. 87/. 7 s. 4 d. total as in Speed. The fite was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Edward Hopton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 500. pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. 19. licent. reg. de prioratus Chirbury tranflatione ad Snede, ubi primum inftitutus. Eadem carta habetur in Prynne, vol. iii p. 270. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 18. In Madoxii Formul- Angl. p. 29. compofitionem inter priorem de Chirbiri et perfonam eccl. de Novo Mon- gomeri, de cantaria ibidem et fepultura mortuorum : p. 136. conventionem inter priorem et Ricardum fil. Joan, de Lampad, de terra vocat. Pratum Remfrey : p. 424. de legatis quibufdam huic prioratui in tefta- mento Hengeromi de Budlees. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 5 et 15. Cart, n Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 2 et 6. pro decimis in Montgomery: Plac. de banco, 34 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 26. de terris in Che- luwe. Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 28. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro capella de Hufington approprianda. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. m. 15. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5, X. DRAYTON, in Hales*. White Friers. Roger de Northbrough bilhop of Coventry and Litchfield, and ldrd keeper of the great feal, is fpoken of by bilhop Godwin, as having done no publick aft (that he could hear of) to perpetuate his memory. But about A. D. 1354. he took out the king’s licence to found an houfe of Carmelite or White friers in this place ; though, from my meeting with nothing further of it, I quellion whether any fuch houfe was ever aftually founded. Vide pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . licent. concefT. Rogero tiis in eadem villa dare poflit, ad ecclefiam et domos epifeopo Cov. et Litchf. quod ipfe quandam domum pro inhabitatione fua ibidem sedificandas ; dat. 30 ordinis Fratrum de monte Carmeli apud Drayton in Junii. Dr. Hutton’s patents. Hales fundare, et quatuor acras terrre cum pertinen- XI. D U D E L E B Y R I, or Didlefbury. Alien Priory. Leland0, among the monafteries in the diocefe of Hereford, reckons “ Dude- “ lebyri, an howfe of Grandimontenfes in Cornedale, now united to the church of Hertford.” The a'obat and convent of Sagium or Seez in Normandy had the patronage of this church, and a penfion out of the fame. It ieems alfo as if this church was given in the foundation charter to the abbey of Shrewlbury p, and was appropriate to the fame’. Vide in Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 6. ordinationem Ra- A. D. 1236. dulfi epife. Hereford, de patronatu hujus ecclefiae et Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 63. penfione annua decern marcarum monachis de Sagio, XII. H A G H M O N. Austin Canons. William Fitz Alan of Clun, A. D. mor. founded here an abbey for Re¬ gular canons of the order of St. Auguftine, which was dedicated to St. John the Apoftle and Evan- crelift, and had, at the difiblution, revenues yearly worth 259/. 13*. 74. q. Dugd. 294/. 12 s. <)d. Speed. The fite was granted to Edmund Lytellton, 32 Hen. 8. t << Burford, prima portio 9/. 13.1. 4 d. fecunda portio 8/. “ tenia portio 8/. 13J. 4 d.” Efton. h They are mentioned ill taxat. Lincoln, a o Ed. I. Eat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . “ Rex dedit magiftro Rogero de Sutton “ prebendam, quam magifter Joannes de Bedwardin nuper ha¬ lt buit in ecclefia collegiata de Burford [Heref. dioec.] ratione t( cuftodize terrarum et hzeredis Galfridi Cornwaill defundi. i The editors of the Mon. Angl. have placed this among the BenediEl'me houfes ; but both charters in Madox call them prior and canons, (fo alfo Leland, Itin. vol. vii. p. 18.) and the Bennet inf. faith they ivere Augujlines ; fo doth cart. 22 Ed. 1. k Under this name it was valued 26 Hen. 8. and 20 Ed. 1. and is lb ftyled in all the intermediate charters, notwithftanding the licence to remove back to Snede 9 Ed, 1. Vide 1 MS. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. m MS. Valor in offic. Primit. et dec. n Draiton, the market town in this county, upon the edge of Staffordfhire, is thus called in Dr. Plott’s map of Staffordlhire. 0 Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 63. p Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 379. in cart, fundat. abbat de Salop, p. 381. in cart. Will. R. p. 382. in cart. R. Hen. 3. q Leland. Colled, vol. 1. p. 27. r Colled, rev. patr. Whiti epife. Petriburg. ex mf. chron. The Monafticon, vol. ii. p. 46. placeth the foundation in A.D. 1 100. But that was before thefe canons were brought into England. And it could not be fo late as 37 Hen. 2. as the in- quifition, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 934. XII. SHROPSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 46. notulam de funda- tione : Cartam Will. fil. Alani, de fede abbatiae : P. 47. pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 12. recit et confirm, dona- tormn quamplurimorum conceffiones : P. 49. cartam Will, le Zouche, confirm, donationem antecifforum de molendino de Rochesford : P. 933. cartam R. Hen 2. de cuftodia abbatiae temp, vacationis concefFa Will. fil. Alani : ConcefTionem corrodii Thomae Lee, 3 Hen. 5. P. 934. inquifitionem de cuftodia abbatise et jure fundatoris : Privilegium facramenta miniftran- di conceiF. a Ricardo epifc. Coventr. Ordinationem Nicholai abbatis, pro nova coquina conventus, dat. A.D. 1332. P. 935. ordinationem Ricardi abbatis, pro officiis prioris et fupprioris, A. D. 1459. P. 936. privilegia concefia per P. Alex. 3. A.D. 1172. per PP. Honorium 3. Nicholaum 3. Bonifacium 9. et Martinura 4. P. 940. compofitionem inter canonicos de Haghman ct Ronton : Submiffionem ordinationi Rogeri epifc. Coventr. A. D. 1246. P. 941. ordina¬ tionem penfionis centum folidorum annuatim juxta ordinationem difti epifcopi folvend. per canonicos de Ronton, ad pietantiam conventus de Haghman, A. D. 1252. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 32. The names of nine or ten abbats, in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. igi. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1275. of the impro¬ priate reftory of Hunftanton. In Dugdale’s Warwickftiire, p. 557. edit. 1730. of lands in Winderton given by Robert de Clifford lord of Weftmorland. Excerpta e pulcherrimo mf. libro cartarum abbatiae de Haghmond, com. Salop, penes Walt. Berker ejufd. loci dominum, 1639. mf. inter codd. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. x. f. 140. et vol. cx. f. 139. Ibid. vol. lxxix. f. 142. a letter from John Langley to Mr. Dodfworth, with a tranfcript of fome part of the Ledger Book of Haghmon, dated at Trentham 2 Oft. 1639. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2188. f. 123. colleftanea ex ar- chivis hujus monafterii : mf. 6ob8. f. 10. cartas di- verfas ad lianc abbatiam fpeftailtes. Regiftrum penes dom. Margin. Berker, 1653. Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 933. nunc penes Joannem Kyna- fton arm. Eragmcntum regiftri hujus abbatiie, mf. in pergamcno, penes Petrum Le Neve arm. 1697. modo ex done) difti Petri in bibl. Harleyana, 446. In cod. a'ntiquo mf. exhibitorum in vifitatione quadam epifc. Litchf. et Cov. penes Petrum Le Neve Norroy, 1721. f. 16. Cartam Joannis Extranei donantis eccl. de Chefwordyn, cum confirmatione Joannis fil. ejufd. Cartam Wydonis de Sauberia donantis eccl. de Sau- beria et virgat. terr* ibid. f. 17. Appropriationem ecclefiarum de Saghaberi cum capcllis, et de Chele- wordyn, per Hugonem et Ricardum epifcopos Co¬ ventr. Cartam Ricardi epifc. Coventr. confirm, ec¬ clefiarum donationes : Cartas Ricardi epifc. pro eccl. de Saghebury; et Alexandri epifc. Coventr. pro penfione iv. fol. ex eccl. de Staunton: Cartas duas Hugonis reftoris de Stanton, de difta penfione : f. 18. bullam P. Alexandri 3. confirm, donationes terrarum et ecclefiarum privilegia. &c. Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. . pro affart. et iv. acris bofci in fo- refta de Bputewode includendis : Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 1, m. 1 vel 2. pro imparcatione xx. acrarum bofci de Haghmon infra metas foreftar. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . pro affart. et includ. lx. acr. bofci in forefta de Haghman: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28. pro eccl. de Pontefbury et maner. de Walcote perquirendis et appropriandis : Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. de bofco de Upton et terris in Halghton per¬ quirendis : Cart. 13 Ed. 2. n. 5. pro mercat. apud le Leye in Bodewode. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro eccl. de Staynton fuper Henheth et Wroxeter appropriandis : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Wroxcefter: Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10 vel ii. de terris in Coderidge: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. de Hanemere approprianda : Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. et m. 30 vel 31. pro eccl. de Lydurn : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. de reddit. c. fol. exeunt, e ma¬ ner. de Burton juxta Condovre, ex dono Steph. de Salop, et Ric. Dudington. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 9. XIII. HALES, or Halefoweyne \ Premonstratensian Abbey. K. John anno regn't 16. gave the manor and advowfon of the church here to Peter de Rupibus bithop of Winchefter, for the endowment of an abbey for canons of the Premonftratenfian order, which feems to have been begun and finilhed at the cl/aro-es of the crown though the bifhops of Winchefter had the patronage. It was dedicated to the Hefted Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelift", and was poflefied, at the diflolution, of yearly revenues to tne value of 280/. I31. 2 d. ob. Dugd. 337/. 15 s. 6d. ob. Speed. The fite and moft of the lands belonging to this monaftery were granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir John Dudley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 655. clauf. 16 Joan, m. 18. pro conceff. maner. et advoc. eccl. ad faciend. domum Religionis: Pat. ii Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. re¬ cit. cartam R. Hen. 3. confirm, donationem patris 1 Cart. Will. Ruff mil. donantis eccl. de Walelhale: Appropriationem ejufd. eccl. et ordinationem vicarim per Rogerum epifc. Cov. et Litchf. A. D. 1248. Ibid. p. 656. ordinationem vicariae de Hales per Godefridum epifc. Wigorn. A.D. 1270. Affigna- tionem conventus pro uno capellano canonico ad ce- lebr. pro anim. Joannis de Hampton et Alian. uxoris ejus, A.D. 1331. P. 657. cartas Joannas de Bote¬ tourt, donantis maner. de Werveley, 11 Ed. 3. Jo¬ annis de Botetourt, donantis advoc. eccl. de Clent et Rauley, 14 Ed. 3. Relaxat. Joannis de Botetourt, de cantaria 1. canonici in abbatia, 29 Ed. 3. P. 658. ordinationem vicarite de Clent per Wolftanum epifc. Wigorn. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 39. In Nadi’s Worcefterlhire, vol. i. p. 461. of the chapel of hrankley; p. 510. of the foundation of this abbey and of the manor of Hales : p. 518. of the manor of Romiley and of St. Kenelms chapel : p. 522. of the manor of Warley Wigorn: p. 531. of the impro¬ priate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hales¬ owen : vol. ii. p. 80. of lands in Lench. Append, p. xvi. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Clent. p. xix. a full account of the foundation and revenues of this abbey by the right reverend Charles [Littleton] lord bilhop of Carlifle: p. xxv. diverfas cartas, computos, aliaque munimenta huic abbatiae fpeftant. MS. Cole, vol. xl. p. 65. nomina abbatum. H bibl. Harleiana, mf. Peck, vol. ii. provifionem fratris 1 . de Leche in abbatem, A. D. 1322. Cartas originates, rotulos, computos, &c. ad hoc coeno- bium fpeftantia, penes . . . dom. Dudley in caftro s Placed alfo in Worccjlerjhirc by Mr. Speed ; and valued both by Dugdale and Speed, and in almoft all the catalogues of the greater abbies, under both counties ; and indeed it is in a part of Shroplhire which is encompafled with Worcefterlhire. 1 There was 17/. 3.1. \d. impreiled to the bilhop of Win- chefter, toward the building of this abbey in magn. rot pin ^ ,Jned fifcS “ MS. Alhmol. 1319. — V Regiftrum XIII. SHROPSHIRE. ftegiftrum olim penes Hen. Littleton bar. Rotulum ballivi hujus abbatize in bibl. Societatis Anti- quariorum Lond. Cart. 17 Joan. n. 24. Fin. 4 Hen. 3. m. 3. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 17. pro mercat; et feria apud Hales: Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 83. recit: et confirm, donationes : Clauf. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 20. dorfo, de ten. et molend. in Chattell et Lapell: Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 2. de commun. paftur. in Ha- belinche : Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 6. Efcaet. Salop, vel Staff. 4 Ed. 1. n. 9. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. Affif. rot. 26. de meff. et terris in Walefhale: Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 21. de ten. in Blakeley. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro maner. de Wernley [Wigorn.] Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 40. pro maner, de Hales, eccl. de Wallefhale, advoc. capellae de Wod- nefbury* &c: Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3. n. 28. pro maner. de Rowley: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. , j jrj p. I. m. 9 vel 10. et p. 2. m. 7. pro maner de \v J' vcrley [Wigorn.] ex conceff. Joann® Botetourt ad inveniendum tres canonicos capellanos: Pat. 14 Eh p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Clent et Rowle • Car^ j8 Ed. 3. n. 27. pro mercat. et feria apud Halefo- weyne : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 18. pro maner. de Row ley: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 21. pro eccl. de Rowk et dent. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 20. pro .meff terris in Warneley: Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m‘ c vel 21. ' 20 Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 21. pro patronatu de DodfoM [Wigorn. dioec.] Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. I2. pro tend in Lichfield, Corbinch, Elmhurft, Streteclev et F.,l' fen [Staff,] Pat 13 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 8. XIV. RALSTON", or Hawfton’. TeMPLARS; A preceptory, which belonged firft to the Knights Templars, and afterward to the Holpitalars. It was dedicated to the bleded Virgin Mary, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 160/ i4.r. 10 d. per ann. This houfe a'mong other old eftates was regranted to the prior and brethren 0? the order of St. John of Jerufalem, 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. and 5 Eliz. to one William Horne. XV. D E CASTRO HOLGOOD, or Caftle Howgate. Collegiate Church. In the church here were, 20 Ed. 1. three portionifts who were in the gift of the lord bilhop of Hereford. XVI. LILLESHULL, near Duninton1. Austin Canons. Richard de Belmeis1, the laft dean of the collegiate church of St. Alcmund in Shrewlbury, about the year 1145. with the confent of pope Eugenius and king Stephen, fur- rendered up that church with all the lands and churches belonging to the fame to the ufe of fome Regular canons of the order of St. Auguftine, who came from Dorchefter, and began to build an abbey to the honor of the bleffed Virgin upon one of the prebendal eftates here in the wood of Lillefhull, to which his kinfman Philip de Belmeis was an early and great benefadtor. And by the charity of thele and other pious perfons before the diffolution, this monaftery was endowed with lands to the yearly value of 22 9/. 3 s. id. ob. Dugd. 327 /. 10 s. o db. Speed. It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to James Levefon. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 144. hiftoriam funda- tionis : Cartam R. Hen. 1. Ricardo de Belmeis: P. 145. cartas Philippi de Belmeis, de fundatione, et pro eccl. de Aeffebi ; Walteri epifc. Coventrenfis con¬ firm. reformationem Ricardi de Belmeis decani S. Alcmundi ; Alani le Zouch, confirm, eccl. de Effebi, &c. R. Stephani confirm, prebend. S. Alcmundi ca- nonicis de Duninton : P. 246. confirmationem Thec- baldi archiepifc Cantuar. Cartas Joan. Extranei, pro eccl. de Hulmo [Norf.j Hilariae de Truffebut, de terra fua de Arkendene ; Ejufd. de terra fua in Bran- defton : P. 147. cartam R. Hen. 3. recit. et confirm, donationes : PA943. fupplicationem canonicorum de Lillefhull ad papam pro appropriatione eccl. de Hulme. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. iv. p. 403. rot. Rom. 3 Ed. 3. m. 1. fcil. epiftola regis ad papam in gratiam Joan, de Chedewind abbatis de Lillefhull, pro difpenfatione fuper defettu natalium. In Append, ad Stevenfii vol. ii. p. 330. conventionem inter abbatem et conventuin de Lillefhull et Edelinam filiam Durandi facerdotis de duobus meffuagiis in Novo Burgo: Cartam Roberti Wudechot, de terra w Placed by Mr. Speed in TVmtfmre. x Thus wrong fpelled in the valuation, Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1046. and reckoned there in the diocefe of St. Afaph. r i Taxat. Lincoln. “ Joannes Hope prebendarius prebend® “ fubdiaconatus in ecclefia collegiata de Holgot [Heref. dioec.] A. D. 135a.” Reg. Norvic. Inftit. iv. f. 141. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . “ Rex dedit Joanni de Redgrave clerico prebendam, <<" quam magifter Tho. Trilleg nuper obtinuit in eccl. coll. « Caltri Holgod [Heref. dioec.] ratione epifcopatus Hereford. “ vacantis.” M. Hutton, in Sakerlawe : Cartam Milicent® uxoris praedifii Roberti, de terra in Horfelawe. Lelandi Coiled!. vol. i. p. 52. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. In Burton’s Leicefferfhire, p. 17. of the impropriate redfory of Afhby de la Zouch : p. 46. of the lordfhip of Blangherby. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1281. of the impro¬ priate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hulm. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 27. of lands in Braunfton. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1656. p. 413, 414. of the patronage and incumbents of Farnburgh: p. 749. of lands in Whitacre Superior: p. 807. in Frefeley. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 277. pro cart, de commun. libertat. et quietantiis, ex magn. rot. 2 Joan. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae, mf. penes Ric. Levefon de Trenthairi. in com. Staff. 1604. Colledt. ex eodem per Fr. Thynne, penes Jo. Anftis Garter, B. 2. f. 143- 148. per Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mil. Dodfworth. vol. cx. f. 113. et in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2060. p. 54. 1 Hence upon their firft foundation the Religious here were fometimes called “ Canonici de Dunintona,” as in the charter of K. Stephen. 2 He was nephew to Richard Belmeis the firft of that name, bifhop of London, who founded the abbey of Chich for tkefe Regular Auftin canons, and was fo fond of their order, that he ihtended to quit his bifhoprick and take it himfelf. / “ 337 /. oj. 10 d. only in Stevens, vol. i. p. 3a. and mf. Valor. Proceffum XVr. SHROPSHIRE. Frocefftim efe&ionis Willelmi de Peyntone in abbatem poft mortem Rogeri Norreys circa A. D. 1421. mf. in bib!. Harleiana 2179. f. 145. In regiftro eccl. Litchfeldenfis penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve Norroy, prater cartas regis Stephani, Waltcri epifc. Coventr. et Theobaldi archiepifc. Cantuar. in Mon. Angl. cvulgatas, habentur carte RR. Hen. 2. ct Joan, confirm, donationes; Hugonis epifc. Co¬ ventr. pro appropriatione eccl. de Lylleftiull ; Ricardi et Alexandra epifcoporum Coventr. pro eccl. S. Alc- mundi Salop. Confirmationes Bonifacii, et Huberti archiepifc. Cantuar. pro eccl. S. Alcmundi Salop, et Lillelhull : Bulla P. Honorii, perample recit. et con¬ firm. donationes ecclefiarum, terrarum, &c. De appropriatione eccl. paroch. de Holm juxta mare in com. Norf. abbatiae de Lyllelhull per Henricum epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1398. in libris inftitutionum, Sic. vi. f. 360 et 361. De appropriatione eccl. de Farnburgh et ordinatione vicariae ibidem, A. D. 1345. per Rog. Norburgh epifc. Cov. et Litchf. in regiftro principali epifcopo¬ rum Cov. et Litchf. Northhurgh, f. u6. b. Cart, antiq. EE. n. 16. Cart; 1 Joan. p. I. n. 99. Ibid. m. 16. n. 121. Cart. 15 Joan. n. 1. de terris in Kirkedon, Arkenden, Sic. Aflif. apud Salop. 4 Hen. 3. rot. 4. de terris in Ed- brightley fecundum finem tentis per Will. Burnell canon, de Lillelhull ; Plac. in com. Salop. 6 Hen. 3. aflif. rot. 3. de ponte fadlo per abbatem apud Atting- ham, et de captione unius denarii de qualibet caruca tranfeunte : Pat. 34 Hen. 3. m. . de afl'artis in Lil- leihull et Haghman ; Plac. in com. Salop. 40 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. . pro eftoveriis et bofco in Tong: Ibid, perambulatio per metas inter terram abbatis in Ukin- ton, et terram Joannis fil. Alani in Wroxcefter : Fin, div. com. 45 Hen. 3. n. 70. de reddit. in Warenford [Salop.] et Hales [Staff.] Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro terris apud Attingham. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 6. dorfo, de ten. in Mokelefton : Plac. de banco, 3 Ed. 1. Trim rot. . pro advoc. eccl. de Hulmo [Norf.j Cart. 4 Ed. 1. n. 9. pro feria apud Attingham : Pat. 8 Ed. 1 . m. . Cart. 1 1 Ed. 1 . n. 43. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 5 et 77. pro lib. war. in Langdon, Cold Acton, Okenton, et Hennecote : Fin. Norf. 14 Ed. r. m. 137. pro jure abbatis in advoc. eccl. de Holme: Plac. in corn- Norf. 14 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 17. pro ead. eccl. Plac. in com. Northamt. 14, &c. Ed. t. aflif. rot. 14. de maner. de Brandefton juxta Davin- tre : Plac. de banco, 17 Ed. 1. Pafch. Norf. 30. Ibid. 18 Ed. 1. Hill. Norf. 34. pro didta eccl. de Holme. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. de advoc. eccl. de North Moulton [Devon.] perquirendo ab Alano Zouch, et de ead. eccl. approprianda : Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. 2. rot. 57. de libertat. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36 vel 37. pro excamb. terrarum in Morton Cor¬ bet et Charleton : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24. pro eccl. de Farnburgh: Ibid. p. 2. in. 31. pro eccl. de Badminton: Fin. Warw. 14 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . pro advoc. eccl. de Farnburgh. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 17. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 3. pro ten. in Coton et Caftleforgate : Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 27. pro ten. apud Lillelhull, et pro eccl. de Holm [Norf.] approprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 4. Cart 21 Hen. 6. n. 47, 48. pro bonis felonum et aliis libertatibus ; Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 8. Clauf. 2 Ed. 4. m. 25. pro bofco vocat. Perfon’s wood in Weft park in North Malton [Devon.] Rec. in fcacc. 9 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 27. Pat. 11 Ed, 4. p. 2. m. 16. pro cuftodia hofp. S. Joan, de Brugenorth, XVII. LUDLOW. i. College. Leland, defcribing Ludlow in his Itinerary, vol. iv. p. ii. p. 95. hath thefe words, “ There is but one paroche church in the towne ; but that is very fayre and laroe, and “ richly adorned, and taken for the fayrcft in all thofe quarters. It ftandeth even in the middeft “ of the town, and is in the higheft ground of it. This church hath been much advanced by a “ brotherhood therein founded in the name of St. John the Evangelift. The original thereof was “ (as the people fay there) in the tyme of K. Edward the ConfelTor, and it is conftantly affirmed “ there, that ihe pilgrims, that brought the ring from beyond the lea as a token from St. John “ the Evangelift to K. Edward, were inhabitants of L.udlow. This fraternity hath a gardian chofen “ yearly among the burgefles ; and to this college belong now about ten priefts, partly found by the “ endowment of laads, partly by gatherynge the devotion of people thereabout. And thefe priefts “ have a fayre houfe at the weft end of the paroch churchyard; and by it is an hofpital or almef- “ houfe of about thirty poor folks for the moft part, and fometimes more, maintained partly by “ the fraternity, and partly by money given for obiits.” 2. Hospital. Befide.the church or college of St. John the Evangelift in the midft of this town, “ there is, faith Leland c, on the north fyde of the brydge, in ripa finiftra Teme, a church “ of St. John Handing without Broadgate, fometime a college with a dean and fellows of one “ Jordan’s foundation.” This feems to be the fame with the hofpital for a prior d, warden or matter, and feveral poor and infirm brethren, with one Peter Undergod, in the la\ter end of K. John, or beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3 built and endowed to the honor of the Holy Trinity, St. Mary, and St. John Bapdft. This was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 13/. 3*. 3d. clare per ann. 27/. 1 6s. 10 d. total', and was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. t Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 449. cartam Petri Un¬ dergod, de fundatione ; et cartam R. Hen. 3. anno regni 5. recit. confirm. Walteri de Lacy. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. pro molendino et terris in Lodeford : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39 vel 40. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p 2 m. 10. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. ’ Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 11. pro vifu franciplegii in ma¬ ner. de Lodford, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 7. Hill. rot. 17. * Itin. vol. iv. p. 97. d So ftyled in the records* e So in the Firft Fruit’s office, not “ 17/. 3^. 3 n Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 381. e Regiftr. Ed. Fox. epife. Hereford, f. 153. b. p Giraldi Cambrenfis Itin. ^ The town called Album Monajlerium feems different from XXIII. Q.UAT- XXIII. SHROPSHIRE. XXIII. QJJ ATFORD, vide BRIDGENORTH, XXIV. RATLINGCOPE, or Rotelynghope Austin Cell. This manor being given to the monaftery of Wigmore, here were, temp. R. Joan, a prior and a few Black canons, as a cell w to that houfe, and, as parcel of the fame, was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Robert Long. J/ide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 336. literas Llewelini fil. Gervafii principis Wallix, de protedlione canonicorum ibidem. XXV. SHREWSBURY. u Benedictine Abbey, Roger* de Montgomery earl of Arundel and Shrewlbury, and Adelaila his wife, A. D. 1083''. builc in the eaft fuburb beyond the river.*, an abbey for the Bene¬ dictine monks from Sagium or Seez in Normandy, to the honor of St. Peter and St. Paul*. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 532/. 4*. 10 d. per am. Dugdb. 61 5/. 4 s. %d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted to Edward Watfon and Henry Herdfon 38 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 375. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de fundatione, ex W, Malmfbur. et Ode- ricoVitali: P. 376. fundationis et dotationis hifto- riam ex regiftro ; P. 379. cartas Rogeri com. Salop, de fundatione, et Hugoriis com. Salop, confirm, do- nationes : P. 380! Cartas Waited de Clifford et Ma- tildis de Longefpe filiae ejus, de bofco in Luhton fof- fando ; Godefridi vicecomitis de eccl. S. Mariae de Walton ; Rogeri . Piclavenlis, de pifcaria de Tera- wclla ; Duas Willielmi archiepifc. Ebor. pro reftitu- tione eccl. de Kirkham : Ex pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 19. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Will. Rufi p. 381. genealogiam fundatoris, ex mf. Sagienfi Cart. Walcheiini Maminot, de villa de Lega: P. 382 cartas Will. Peverell, pro vllli§ de Wlurunton) &c Ric. fil. Alani, pro dccl. S. Ofwaldi de Albo Mona fterio ; et R. Hen. 3. anno regni 11. confirm, con- cefliones donatorum quamplurimorum : P. 892. con- ceilionem firim villarum de North Brec et Bifcop- ham Parvae abbati et conventui de Dieulacres per abbatem et conv. Salop, pro vm. marcis annuis. Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 27. 122. 390. vol. ii. p. 266. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 23. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbics, vol. i. p. 167. Append, p. 68. an account of this abbey, with a catalogue of its abbats. In cl. Rymeri Conyentionum, See,, tom. i. p. 595. bul- lam P. Alexandra (anno 1256.) de litigatione pro eccl. de Stodinton. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 357. fin. 14 Ed. 1. m. 7. de aiienatifiiie melt, et carucatae terrae in Mere. Year Books, 2 Ric. 3. Mich. 9. de exoneratione abbatis a collections decimarum per clerum concetT. Regiltrum hujus abbatiae penes dom. Ric. Levefon c de Trentham equitem 1638. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2063. f. 266. colledt. ex didto regiftro : mf. 6690. f. 45. cartam Rogeri comitis de pfima fundatione ac alias cartas illuc fpeclantes : mf. 6748. f. IS- cartam Ric. 1. Collect, cl. Rog Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cx. f. Z4. ex cartis monalterii de Salop, mf. in manibus Hcnrici Lilly: Ibid. f. 52. ex cartulario hu¬ jus abbatiae penes Ric. Levefon equit. Balnei : Ibid, vol - cxxxv. f. 91. ex libro abbatiie S. Petri et Pauli de Salopia, penes Hen. Spciman mil. Tranfcriptum hujus libri dicitur effe in cuflodia magiftri Hockwell de hofp. Lincoln. In bibl. publ. Acad. Cant. mf. Dd. ix. 62. apographa diverfarum cartarum, viz. 1. Rogeri comitis de fun¬ datione : n. 2. 3. Hugonis com. fil. Rogeri confirm, et de privilegiis et pofleffionibus : n. 4, 5. R. Hen. 1. n. 6. R. Hen. 2. n. 7, 8. conventlones inter abbatem et conventum et Alanum le Suez de Wilawfcott de limitibus terrarum et de fe£ta curiae apud Adbrighton : n. 9. R. Ric. . . de bofco feu haya vocat. Lythwood. n. 10. peramplam cartam R. Stephani de libertatibus : n. 11. R. Hen. , . de libera Warenna : n. 12, 13, 14. Walteri de Clifford, de 100. acris bofei, fexies xx. acris terrae, et paftura caprarum in Loughton : n. 15. Matiidx de Longefpe filiae Walteri confirm, n. 16, 17. Johannis Wiarle de affartis et foreftaria de Lugh- tone; n. 18. abbatis et conventus de mefliiagio apud Loughton conceflo Thomae Botterell : n. 19. Adae de Beyfin de terris in Walkeftone: n. 20, 21. Wil¬ lielmi de Bardeley de villa de Preftcote. In bibl. C. C. C. C. mf. 101. p. 138. teftimonium di¬ verfarum donationum fa£t. ecclefiae et conventui S.S. Petri et Pauli Salop, fub figillis Ricardi epifeopi Lond. et Walteri coneftabulatoris. In antiquo mf. pergam. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, cartas Rogeri epife. Ceftriae, Ricardi epife. Coventrenfis, Thomae archiepifc. Cantuar. et Joannis Peckham archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1280. confirm, donationes decimarum et penfiones ecclefiarum. Cart, antiq. P. 12. foil* Will. R. de fundatione : X. n. 14. fell. Ric. 1. de Eftone. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 14. de domibus edificatis fuper pontem de Salop, per abbatem : Plac. apud Salop. Jo Hen. 3. rot. 1. de maner. de Boyton, et advoc. eccl. de Alington : Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 4. quod fer- vientes vocat. Gridferjeants non intrent feodum fuum : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 6 et 7. de libertat. et pro feria ibidem per tres dies, fcil. in vigil, die et craftino S. Petri ad Vincula : Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. 5. de advoc. eccl. de Walton [Lane.] Cart. 51 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 1. pro maner. de Bafchurch : Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro cuftodia abbatiae tempore vacationis. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 6. d. pro ten. in Tughfeld et Luhton: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25. d. de ten. in Wineflegh : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . bis : Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 26. pro terris in Albrighton, Hufe, et w w Taxat. Lincoln, mf. * Not Roger earl of Montgomery, as Malmfbury calls him. * So Odericus Vitalis. The hiltory of the foundation in the Monafticon placeth it in 1087. but it certainly was before, in the time of 1 eter bifliop of Chelter, who died in 1085. and be¬ fore the making of Domefday Book, wherein it is mentioned. It might perhaps be thought on, in 14 Will. Conq. but could r. ,-.t then be built (as Bromton and Leland, Colleft. vol. i. p. 419. will have it) by Warin earl of Shrewlbury, through there was about that time one Warin who was lheriff or vicecomes of Shroplliife, and a benefaftor to this monaftery. 1 Leland calls the place Foriet. Collect, vol. i. p. 112. * Such was thd dedication of a linall church, which the earl found in this part of the town, before he founded the abbey. Its dedication to St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Milburgh, I find no where but in Gervafe Cantuar. b This is the dear value in' the Firft Fruits office, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 32. fo that 132/. as in Dugdale, is a miftake of the prefs. c Regiftrum penes Ric. Lee equ. 1638. in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p.379. Teems to be the fame book; Lee being miftaken for Levefon. Harlefton : XXV. SHROPSHIRE. Harlcfton: Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p» 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Condovre approprlahda : Clauf.' 1 1 Ed. 2. m. 5. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 31 d. tlduf. 3 Ed. 3. m. 15. de maner. de Wolfton, placea vocat. IViUgrenQ et pifcarla in Merfee [Lane.] Pat.' 4 Ed. 3. p. 1 m. . p. 2. m. . pro maner. de Gerftan, cecl. de Walton, dec. de Newton, & t. ex concert'. Ranulti com. Ceftrim: Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 4. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 17 Ec[, 3. p. 1. m. 10. de rtagno de Norton et pifearia in Tyrne: Efcaet. Sa- lop. 18 Ed. 3. n. 98. quod abbas pofiit incladere bol- cum de Lithwode cont. ccxl. acr. et parcum ibi facere: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 19 Ed. 3, p. 2. m. 22. vel 23. de maner. de Burton juxta Condover, ex dono Stephani dfe Salop, et Ricardi de Dudington ad inveniendam cantariam pro lalubri ftatu, Sic. Radulphi de Salopia epife. Bath, et Wel- lenf. Cart. 20 Ed: 3. n. is. pro lib. war. in Eoryet Monachorum, Baflechirch, Betton fubtus Lunam, Wulfreton, Slepe, Kynardefley, Aftlegh, Duddlewic, Tuggeford, Brompton, Eminftre, Betton Parva, Ed- bryton, Ofbertoir, Eyton, Wynellegh, et Albo Mo- nafterio [Salop.] de Loco S. Joan. Bapt. in bofeo d> Suthofi [Staff.] Northbrach et Willegrene fLanr 1 Ifleham et Tadlaw [Cantab.] Pat. 20 Ed. o. n , m. 15. ■*’ ' Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 6. in. 21. de bofeo de Lichwode cccclix. acr. imparcando : Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 26 Cart, ii Ric. 2. n. 20. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ‘ et m. 13. de terris in Foreyate Monachorum. 5’ Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 7 Hen. 4, p. 2 m. 42. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 15, pr* terris in Drayton: Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 19. . Cart. 2i,&c. Hen. 6. n. 28. quod abbates flnt juftitiaril pads infra monafterium, et habeant goalamfuam &c Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. pro eccl. de Waiton" cum capellis de Liverpoole, Derby, Kirkley, et Fornes annexis appropriandis : Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. j. ; Pat. 32 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Cart. 1 Ed. 4. n. 14. Cart. 5, &c. Ed. 4. n. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 20. pro annua Co . lutione vi/. 2. St. Alcmund’s College. Elfkda the famous queen or princefs of the Mercians is faid to have founded a collegiate church in this town to the honor of St. Alkmund, fon of Alured kino- of Northumberland, (who was killed in the year 800. and was buried firft at Lillefhull' or Whit¬ church ’ and afterward at Derby) which was afterward more amply endowed by king Edgar for the maintenance of ten prebendaries. And fos it continued till Richard de Belmeis the laft dean, by the content of the pope and king Stephen, conveyed this church and all the lands thereto belong¬ ing to d monaftery of Regular canons erefted in the wood of Lyllelhull, which was one of the pre¬ bends of this church. lrule Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 144, 145. 3. St. Chadd’s College. “ This principal church of the town was collegiate; in it were a “ dean and ten prebendaries of the patronage of the bifhop of Litchfield h.” It was as ancient as the time of king William the Conqueror’; valued, in the Lincoln Taxation, 20 Ed. 1. at twenty- eicrht marks; but,- 26 Hen. 8. only at 14/. 14A 4 d. per annk. The fire was granted, 3 Ed. 6. to John Southcote and John Chadderton. PHe Mon. Angl. tom. }. p. 781. Regiftrum judiciale, f. 80. b. Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. Hill. n. 40: de prefentat. ad Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. cantariam in hac eCClefia. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 34. pro cantaria in eadem. Remftr. brev. f. 40. b. fub titulo Probibitiones. 0 T .1 4. St. George’s Free Chapel. This was a free chapel in Frankvil, annexed to St.John’s hofpital. Vide pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . hofp. S. Joan. Baptife, cum libera capella S. Georgii eidem annex in Frankvil infra libertatem villas de Salop. 5. St. Julian’s Free Chapel. This was a royal free chapel1, which was at laft annexed to St. Michaels’". 6. St. Michael’s ColIege. This was a collegiate church or royal free chapel in the caftle" of Shrewfbury. It leems co have' been mentioned in the Conqueror’s Domefday but was granted by K. Henry 4. to the new college at Battlefield p. 7. St. Marie’s College. The church of St. Mary here, which is now parochial, was col¬ legiate formerly, probably as early as king Edward the Confeffor’s time1, and fo continued till the “ Salop.” Mr. Hutton's patents. n‘ Clauf. 4 Hen. 5. m. 20. • n Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 185. Leland. Colletf. vol. 1. p. 34. , , 0 Domefday, Sciropfcire. “ Ecclefia S. Michaelis tenet de (( comite Pufietorn et Sculeton.” p Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 185. But quaere ; for John Repynton warden of this free chapel, with the chapel of bt. Julian, refigned the fame into the king’s hands. Claul. 4 Hen* 5* m. 20. . 3 Domefday, Sciropfcire. “ Eccl. S. Mariae tenuit tene “ Burton, Hefleia, Brunlield.” In taxat. Lincoln. 20 Ed. i* « Decanatus Salop, ecclelias B. Mariae Salop, prebendalis elt, et « valet xxxiv. marc, et dim.” “ Joannes de Witham decanus Salop. 25 Ed. 1.” Prynne, vol. iii. p. 5 general >1 m. IS Tel 16. Bowyer. . Lehnd.Collea.vol.Lp.41J- f Ibid. vol. ii. p. 373. , _ ,, .. g Domefday. “ Sciropfare, eccl. S. Almundi tenet in Sci- “ robefberie u. hidas de c. hidis, quE computantur in geldo “ civitatis.” I. Ldard. Itin. vol. iv. p. xoo. But in the regilter of writs it Is faid to be of royal foundation. ‘ Domefday, Sarop/cire. “ Ecclefia S. Ceddte tenet Eton, Merton, Bichelon, Larton.” a Bancroft’s mf. Valor. Yet the penfiorts to the prebendaries, viqars choral, and other members of this college, amounted to about 32/. as Willis’ Abbi'es, vol. ii. p. 192. 1 Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . “ Rex conceffit Joanni de Wyn- “ vvyk liberam capellam regiam infra caftrum de Salop. 1 jul. “ eddem die dedit eidem liberam capellam regiam S. Juliani XXV. SHROPSHIRE. ..eneral diffolution. Leiand' faith, that in his time it had, “ a dean and nine poor prebends, and “ the king” 'was patron.” Here were alfo fome vicars choral, though the whole yearly revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. but ac 13/. 1 s. 8 d‘. Good part of the lands and tithes belonging to this college were granted, 6 Ed. 6. to the grammar fchool here founded, but the fite and the dean’s houfe were granted, 1 Maria, to Thomas Reeve and George Cotton. Vide in Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. no. plac. 38 Year Books, 4 Ed. 3. Mich. § it. Hen. 3. rot. 7. contra abbatem Salop, de exemptione Cart. 5 Joan. m. 7.1. n. 185. pro concelT. decanatus capellre de Fylefho ad hanc capellam liberam perti- Henrico archidiac. Stafford, cum donatione prae- nentis : Ibid. p. 296. et p. 1253. Pat* 10 E<1. I. m. 15 bendae. et 17. de concelT. decanatus. Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 2. Leiand. Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. Clauf. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 22. 8. St. Chadd’s Hospital. “ Here is an hofpital of St. Chadde. The fociety of the mercers “ of Shrewfbury maintain the hofpital u.” See the foundation and dotation of the fraternity or gild of the Holy Trinity for the clothiers in Shrewfbury, in order to the maintenance of a chaplain and l'everal poor menw. This was in being A. D. 1686. and probably is fo at this time. 9. St. Giles’ Spittle. Without this town, in the eaft fuburb, was an old hofpital for le¬ prous and infirm people, dedicated to St. Giles. It was in being in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 2. and I believe ftill continues. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 405. pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 33. perlnfpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 2. proxxxr. per ann. de firma fua de Salopefcira : Cartam R. Joan, (anno 5.) pro palmata duarum manuum de quolibet facco bladi, et pro palmata unius manus de facco fa¬ rina expof. ad vendendum in merest, de Salop. Cart. R. Hen. 3. anno 16. pro uno equo fingulis diebus itinerante pro rnortuo bofeo in Lynewode ad focum filum. Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 39. pro bofeo in Lynewood : Cart, xi Ed. 2. n. 16. pro palmatis bladi et farinte in mer- cat. de Salop. Efcaet. Salop. 18 Ed. 3. n. 98. Inquif, de fummagio unius equi pro rnortuo bofeo in Lythwode concelT. per progenitores dom. regis. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 37. 10. St.John’s Hospital.- In the weft fuburb called Frankevile was an ancient hofpital* dedicated to St. John Baptift. It was in being temp. Ed. 2. and continued till the general diffolu- tion ; about which time it was valued at 4/. ior. 4 d. per ann. clare’'. Vide pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. nr. 20. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. . m. 14. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. 11.. St. Marie’s Hospital. “ One Degory Walter, a merchant of Shrewfbury, in hominum “ memoria, made an hofpital at the weft end of St. Mary’s church.” Leiand. Itin. vol. iv. p, 100. 12. Austin Friers. “ The Auguftine friers here were of the foundation of the Staffords*. " It ftood a little beneath the Welfh bridge, on the weft fide of the town.” It was granted to Richard Andrews and Nic. Temple 35 Hen. 8. Vide Lelandi ColledL vol. i. p. 52. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. p. 100. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. m. 3. et p. 2. m. 8. pro manfo elargando. 13. Black Friers. “ The houfe of the Black friers was of the lady Genevile’s foundation*, “ and this ftood a little without the wall on the Severn fide, at the end of Marwell ftreetb.” The fite of this priory was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. Vide Lelandi ColleiSt. vol. i. p. 52. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. 53 Hen. 3. n. 46. p. 100. Cart. 20 Ed. 3. n. 8. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. pro Pat. 42 Hen. 3. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 47 Hen. 3. n. 38. aquaedu&u habendo per quandam terrain vocat. Mcn- Pat. 49 Hen. 3. n. 92. Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 113. Pat. kefmere: Cart. 49 Ed. 3. m. 5. 14. Grey Friers. Upon the Severn bank, a little above the bridge of five arches, flood the houfe of the Grey friers % founded temp. Hen . 3 d. by Hawife wife of Charleton lord of Powys', which upon the diffolution was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. * r Itin. vol. iv. p. 1 00. s In fome of the Tower records it is called 11 Libera capella “ regis.’ * 1 bo Dugd. Speed, and Sancroft’s mf. Valor. But the pen¬ sions afiigned come to more, as Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 192. So that perhaps the corpfes of the dean and prebendaries were valued in fome other place feparately, and this was only the valuation of the revenues which were in common. u Leiand. Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. w Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 6. x This items to have been the fame with the priory of St. John, mentioned by Mr. Willis in his Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 192. It is fometimes ftyled, “ Hofpital. S. Joannis juxta por- “ tarn, quze dicitur H'aljbgate, in villa Salop.” as pat. 1 < Ric, 2. y MS. in offic. Primit. 2 Leiand. Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. a Speed faith, of the foundation of the Charktons. b Leiand. Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. c Leiand. Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. 1 Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. ls3. and Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. r4r. ' Leiand. Itin. vol. vi. p. 5a. Speed faith, by Geffrey lord Poms ; and Leiand, Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. by the Charlctons. XXV. SHROPSHIRE. Vide reg. brev. f. 52. b. tit. Confultationes , 13 Ed. 3. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 153. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 100. Eat. 51 Elen. 3. n. 15. 15. White Friers. Speed mentions a priory of White friers in this town of the foundation of the Jenevils. But quaere. XXVI. S N E D E, vide GHIRBURY. XXVII. T' O to G E. College. Dame T fabei relidt to Sir Fulk Penbridge knt. William Swan clerk, and William Moffe clerk1', having bought, A. D. 1410. the perpetual advowfon of the parochial church of St. Bartholomew here, made it collegiate for a warden, four Secular chaplains, priefts, and two clerksj with an almfhoufe for thirteen poor perfons, who were endowed, 2 6 Hen. 8. with 45/. 91. l0J total; 22/. 8i. id. per ann. clare. The flte of this college with moft of the eftates belonging to the lame were granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Richard Mannofs knt. Fide’ inMon. Angl. tom. ill p. ii. p. 143. pat. 12 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. licent. pro fundatione : P. 145, &c. pat. Hen. 5. p. I. m. 6. pro maner. five prioratu dc appele [Staff.] P. 147, &c. ftatuta et ordinationes pro gubernatione hujus collegii, dat. 9 Mart. 1410. et confirm, per Joannem epife. Cov. et Litchf. anno 1411. 27 Martii. Lelandi Coll. vol. i. p. 52. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. p. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 13 vel 20. Cart. 25, &e. Hen, 6. n. 2. de libertat. conceff. cuftodi et fociis. XXVIII. WENLOCK, dim Wimnicas®. 1. Nunnery destroyed. 7 St. Milburga daughter to K. Merwald\ founder of Leominfter 2. CluniaC Priory. land niece to Wolphere king of Mercia, ere&ed a nunnery1 here about the year 680. and prefided as abbefs over itk. It was deftroyed by the Danes, but re- ftored by Leofric earl of Chefter 1 temp. Ed. Conf. and being again decayed and forfaken, Roger of Montgomery ra earl of Arundel, Chichefter and Shrewlbury, a perfon of vaft pofleffions in thefe parts, rebuilt and endowed this monaftery, 14 Will. Conq. placing therein a prior and convent of Cluniac monk?, who were looked upon as a cell to the houfe De caritate" in France, and luffered the fame fate with other alien priories, till it was made “ prioratus indigena” 18 Ric. 2. It was dedicated to St. Milburg, who was faid to have been here buried, and, 26 Hen. 8. had revenues to the yearly value of 401/. or. yd. q. clear, as Dugd. and 434^ !•*« id. ob . in the whole; and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Auguftino de Auguftinis. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 613. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de fundatione monaltcrii et de S. Milburga,- ex Will. Malmfbur. Jo. Capgrave, et Joan. Leland. Colled. Et pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. recit. et con¬ firm. cartam Yfabellae de Say donantis eccl. S. Geor- gji de Cluna,cum feptem capellis. Ibid. tom. ii. p.907. cartam Willelmi de Boterell mariti dnftat Ifabella; confirm, eandem donationem. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. vii. p. 79^* clauf. 18 Ric. 2. m. 8. d. fcil. feriptum oblig. con¬ venes pro anniverfariis regis et regime celebrandis, eo quod eos indigenavit rex. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 14. feven deeds tran- fiated into Englilh from the Latin originals in the hands of Francis Canning efquire of Foxcote in the county of Warwick, viz. the deed of Geoffrey de Say for the manor of Dodintun : Confirmation of that deed by K. Henry 2. Another deed of K. Henry 2. that thefe monks might always enjoy the faid manor, unlefs he or his heirs gave them xi /. per ann. in churches or other things in lieu of it : Charter of R. Henry 3. to them for the faid manor, anno regni 46. p. 1 5. the deeds of William Mittleton and Adam Fitz William, about a yardland in Mitleton : A compofi- tion between Simon dean of Brug, and the prior and < So the Monafticon : but Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 13. faith, it was of the ancient foundation of the Yernons of Haddon in the Peke. And in colleft. Rob. Glover, mf. Afhmol. 844. it is faid to be founded by Sir Henry Vernon , who died A. D. 1515* but it was in being long before that time. Vide mf. Cole, vol. g Capgrave in Vita S. Milburgte, and Leland. Collect, vol. ii. p. 170. In after times the legal ftyle of this monaftery was IVenlock Magna or Mocbe Wenlock , as Plowden’s Reports, 1. 187, 1S8. . . , 11 Founded by Merwald, as Reiner. 1. 63. i Will. Malmfbur. De geftis pontif. lib. iv. convent of Wenlock, about the chufeh of Dudinton 5 Affd the names of the priors from Willis. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 52. 144. 219. 390. vol. ii, p. 266. In Plowden’s Reports, p. 187, &c. de tenementis qui- bufdam in Brofele'y. The names of feme of the priors, in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 192, 193. 335. In Burton’s Leiceftcrfhire, p. 245. of 8r. 4 d. yearly out of the reftory of Nether Seile. In Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 193. of the advowfon of the rectory of Brading fometime. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 280. f. 77. nomina priorum et fundatorum, mf. 2115. f. 167. plea of the prior to a quo warranto, 15 Hen. 7. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 18. pro mercat. die Jovis in ma¬ ner. de Eton, et die Luna; apud Wenlock, et pro feria die S. Joan. Bapt. apud Wenlok : Fin. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 9. Efcaet. Salop. 31 Hen. 3. n. 42. de confuetu- dinibus tenentium : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 27. pro parco de Oxenbol et domo de Maddele : Plac. de fo- refta, 36 Hen. 3. m. 5. de parco de Oxenbol clau- dendo : Plac. apud Salop, 40 Hen. 3. rot. . de ii. ca- rucatis in le Hothe: Ibid. rot. . perambulatio in Alton et terram prioris in Broughton, &c. et de bofeo de k Capgrave. 1 Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 144- ra So Malmlbury; but Bromton, col. 977. and Leland, Col¬ left. vol. i. p. 219. 390. fay IVarin earl of Hbreujbwy was n Rymer, vol.vi. p. 311. this was the fecond houfe of that order ; but in Prvnne, vol. iii. p. 682. Wenlock is mentioned as a cell to Cluny abbey. , o Thus in the Firft Fruits office. Speed hath “ 434'- °s- \ ■" Stevens faith, “ Summa clara 401/. 6 s. iut. ob. fununa inde “ 434/- 14. I d.” Spexhull; XXVIII. SHROPSHIRE. Spexhull : Efcaet. Salop. 43 Hen. 3. n. 43. quod Tint quieti de vifu viridariorum et foreftariorum : Pat. 46 Hen. 3. n. 17. Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro maner. de Dudinton: Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 108. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro mercat. et feria apud Maddele. Pat. 11 Ed- I. m. 1 vel 2. pro imparcat. bofei de Mad¬ dele infra foreftam de Monte Gilbcrti : Plac. in com. Salop. 17 Ed. 1. affif. rot. . pro me(T. et carucat. terra; in Peffelowe: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 33. pro mer¬ cat. et feria apud Wenlock, mercat. apud Eton, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 21. de maner. de Cakeley concelT. per Will. Brifeburn: Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 8. pro lib. war. in Wenlock, Stoke S. Milburgh, Bochinton, Neuton, Kineftanton, Dounton, More, Wefton Mo- nachorum, Mughale Monachorum, Bourton, Cal- weton, Hopton, Oxenbold, et Shipton [Salop.] Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. penult, vel antepenult. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 22. pro includendis parco de Oxen¬ bold, bofeis de Madde, &c. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8, et 30 et 36. de Madelee et Stoke Milburg ; Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult, de excambio tenementorum in Wenloke cum Joan. Skynner; Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. de vicaria de Clones bury; Ibid. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 34. recit. et confirm, cartas Ricardi epife. Lon¬ don. et Willielmi epife. Hereford, pro ec « Anno 114a. 4 Idus Augufti, fundata eft Religio Canom- €1 corum regularium in ecclelia de Bruiton.” Collett. Br. Twyne J 8. ex annalibus de Bruton, mf. Allen. The foundation char¬ ter is diretted to Robert bilhop of Bath, who was made fo A. D. 1136. and died about 1163. But there is no mention in it of monks or change of the order, as in Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 74. But this Mohun feems to have been the original founder. There Is indeed another charter referred to in Leland’s Collett, vol. i p. 40. But it could not be dated at Shepton on the Sunday after the feaft of St. Dunftan, 28 Ed. 1. or A. D. non as In Mr. Stow’s mf. J * Mf. Alhmol. p. 763. where he is ftyled “ epifeopus Mayor- “ enfis.” 1 k Wood’s Athens Oxon. p. 664. 2d edit. 1 Which Mr. Strachey, p. 650. faith was a cell to St. Martin de Toriano m Normandy. But quarc* m Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 98. Knightj X. SOMERSETSHIRE. Krights ", but afterward they difengaged themfelves and became a diftinfl0 priory or hofpitai of nuns of the order of St. Auguftine. This was dedicated to St. John Baptift1’, and endowed, at thc fuppreflion, with 223/. 7 s. 4 d. per am. Dugd. Speed, and the fite of it was granted, 3 s'llen s to William earl of Elfex, James Rockby, &c. There was alfo at this place a preceptory f Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, whole houfe was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Alexander Pooh-,? and William Halley 1. 1 11 Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 438. cart. 12 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 6. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartam Lo- rettae comitiffie Leiceftriae, de terris in Notefton, Ynesford, Rudefcoke, &c. P. 510. b. confirmationem R. Joan. P. 550. a. b. 551. a. 553. b. de fundatione, tranflatione ordinis et dotationibus r. Sir Hen. Chauncy’s Antiquities of Hertfordfhire, p. 1 14, ii5- Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 98. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 542. of the manor of Chilcombe: vol. ii. p. 394. of the manor of Primelley. Year Books, 4 Ed. 3. Mich. § 52. de inveniendo ca- pellano in capella de Leeke. Brafton. lib. v. trail. 5. de exceptionibus, cap. 18. Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious houfes in the diocefe of Bath and Wells, p. 608. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 652. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 63. cartam II Hen. 3, Pat. 12 Hen. 3. m. 2. de 1. care£E bofci mortui fin?uIi9 feptimanis capienda, ex parco regis de Newton : pat 13 Hen- 3- m- 4- pro iv. den. per diem recip. rfj vicecom. Hertford, profuftent. iii. puellarum: Clauf 13 Hen. 3. m. 3, 4. 10 et 12. pro iii. carcdt. bofci fing. fept. in parco de Newton. Pat. 34 Ed, 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. de redd, in Hamme. Pat. It Ric. 2. p. 1. in. 36. de iii. careit. bofci fingulis feptimanis, et eftoveriis capiendis in parco de Pe- derton. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 28. de iii. careift. bofci finir. fept. ex parco de Pederton : Pat. 10 Plen, 4, p, m. 10. de eifdem. Pat. 6 Hen. 5. m. 10. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 5. de bofco in parco de Peder¬ ton: Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. k * XI. BYRKLEY, alias Sprawlefmede, now Burtle-houfe, in the parijh o/'Merlynch. Austin Priory. An hermitage or fmall priory founded by William fon of Jeffrey of Edyn- don in the year 1 199 s. Ic was of the order, of St. Auftin ‘, and dedicated to St. Stephen “. It was valued at 61. 5 s. id. ob. per ami'", and, as parcel of the poffeffions of the monaftery of Bath * it was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to John and James Biffe. Fide cartas quafdam ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes regi- ftratas in cod. quodam membr. mf. in officio curiae Augmentationis. In Aucftuario ad ealeem Adami de Domerham, edit. Hearne, p. 654. cartam Bonifacii archiepifcopi Can- ■ tuar. recitantem cartam Willelmi filii Gaufridi de fundatione, necnon cartam Roberti fil. Willelmi con- firmatoriam : p. 656. recognitionem Ant. de Brad- XII. NORTH neye quod patronatus de Bercley pertinet ad abba- tiam Glafton : p. 657. recognitionem Stephani prioris de Spraulifmead de i'olutione decimarum ecclelise de Merlinch. Dr. Archer’s Account of the Religious houfes in the diocefe of Bath and Wells, p. 597. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 649. CADBURY. College. K. Henry 5. anno 4. gave licence to dame Elizabeth Botreaux, relift of Sir Wil¬ liam Botreaux the elder, to found and endow in the parifh church here, (which that lady had then new built) a college for feven Secular chaplains, one of whom to be reftor, and for four clerks. It was to have been dedicated to St. Michael ; but quaere, Whether it ever was fettled. It feems not to have been done in 37 Hen. 6. and that the fame defign was then refumed by her grandfon William lord Botreaux r, but never perfe&ed; for Leland, who palled through this town, men¬ tions 1 nothing of it, nor is any thing of it found in the valuations, or in the grants of colleges and college lands upon the patent rolls alter the diffolution. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 173. pat. 4 Hen. 5. regiam. part. unic. m. 1. de fundatione et dotatione licentiam Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 654. n “ PriorilTa et forores de Buckland funt obedientiarias priori « hofpitalis S. Johannis Jerufalem.” Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 553. Dr. Archer, p. 609. faith, That the preceptor was in feme mea- fure vifitor of the nunnery. See alfo Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 438. and 530. though even there the priorefs and convent feem to have been a diftind fociety from the preceptory. O For in the furrender, in Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 634. the ftyie is “ PriorilTa domus five hofpitalis S. Joanms Baptiltce de Buck- « iand ordinis S. Auguftini et ejufdem loci conventus.” And there is no mention of their being fubordinate to any other Re¬ ligious. And in the patent rolls, the fite of the late monaftery of Buckland, and the fite of the preceptory of Buckland, late parcel of the pofieflions of St.John of Jerufalem, are granted in the fame year, by different patents to different perions. Mr. Strachey faith, That the nunnery was not at Bucklaiul St. Mart’s, but in the parifh of Ling, four miles from Bridgwater, and two miles from Boroughbridge, in the hundred ot North Petherton, and tithing called Buckland, Fee. p So in the Surrender in Rymer. But to St . Mary and St. John , Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 438. and p. 510. “ Locum de u dockland in qu 0 ecclefia S. Marise et S. Nichglai bta eft. It doth not appear when or by whom this preceptory was founded, but fome have thought it more ancient than the Nunnery. T Square, Whether the donations mentioned in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 530. b. do not alfo belong to this Buckland. 8 “ Fadta fuit hcec donatio A. D. 1199. innovata A.D. 1210.” Cart. fund. 1 Dr. Hutton, e regiftr. Wellenf. et Archer. u St. Stephen and St. Mary, ibid. w Archer. x So in the patent roll of 7 Ed. 6. But the abbat and con¬ vent of Glaftonbury were vifitors of it, and prefented the prior, upon vacancies, as appears from the Glaftonbury and Wells regifters. y Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 630. b. z Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 75. Indeed Mr. Wood, in his Fa Hi, fub anno 1516. faith, that James Fitz James was re&or ol the collegiate church of North Cadbury ; and Newcourt from him aflerts the fame, vol. i. p. 161. But perhaps he might only be rettor of the parish. In XII. SOMERSETSHIRE. In bibl. Cotton. Cleopatra, C. iv. 44. epiftolam Johannis dom. de Bettehaux commutavit ct erexit in collegi- epifcopi Bathon. et Wellen. de ecclefia parochiali de atam. Northadabney [North Cadbury] quam Elizabeths Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. XIII. CANYNGTON. Benedictine Nuns. Here was a Benedifline nunnery founded by Robert de Curcy (who was fewer to Maud the emprefs1 in the beginning of the reign o t king Stephen. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin b, confided of a priorefs and fix or feven nunsc, whole yearly revenues were rated at 39/. 15*. 8 d. per arm. This ntonaftery was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Edward Rogers. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. tantum notulam ex Leland. Colledt. vol. i. quod “ Rob. Curci fuit pri- « mus fundator modernus comes Northumbria;.” Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 98. In Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 609. a lift of the pri- oreffes. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 653. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 493. of one mark yearly out of the reftory of Piddleton. Cartas penes hon. dom. Clifford. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1. pro eccl. de Witherig [Devon.] appro- prianda. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. pro dicta eccl. de Witherig : Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro ten. in Paulet. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Pafch. rot. 14. de terris in Pederdam et Comb. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 21. XIV. C L Y V E, or Cliff1. Cistertian Abbey. William de Romare, youngeft fon', or rather nephew f of William de Romare earl of Lincoln, before A. D. 11888. built a Ciftertianh abbey here to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. In it were, not long before the diffolution, feventeen monks’, who were endowed with 1 55/. 9*. sd. per am. Dugd. Speed. The fite, with great part of the lands, was granted to Robert earl of Suffex and Mary his wife 33 Hen. 8. and to Thomas earl of Suffex 14 Eliz. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 530. genealogiam funda- m. 10. toris, et hiftoriolam de fundatione [Anglice,] ex cod. Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. apud Exon. 9 Ed. r. quo war. mf. Cotton. Tiber. E. vm. P. 531. cart. 11 Hen. 3. rot. 19. de libertat. in hundred, de Bramton : Pat. p. 2. m. 3. recit. et confirm, donationes Huberti de 20 Ed. 1. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 24 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. . Burgo: Fin. 23 Hen. 3. m. 7. de maner. et hundred. pro libertat. in maner. de Bramton, Hacharden, Sec. de Bramton. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 78. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 11. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 2. In Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 100. of the fcite : p. 105. of Mich. rot. . de maner. de Bramton : Cart. 12 Ed. 2. poffeflions in Plympton. n. 37. pro eod. maner. et hundred. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 610, 611, 612. Mr. n. 30. de libertatibus : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Strachey’s Lift, p. 656. de maner. de Lufcote et Branton. InMadox’s Formul. Angl. p. 1 13. a covenant, 29 Hen. 8. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18 vel ig. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. between Robert earl of Suffex and Sir Tho. Arundel m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. about fuffering a recovery of the fite of this monaftery 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10. and feveral lands thereunto belonging. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. In appendice ad Adamum de Domerham, p. 203. ordi- Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. nationem vicarite de Eaft-Cammel. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 36. Clauf. 13 Hen. 4. m. 27. Regiftrum abbatite de Clive penes Wadham Windham de ten. in Wecheford. juftit. ad plac. A. D. 1662. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 5. Pafch. rot. 9. Pat. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 3. de maner. de Treglafton et Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 5. pro terris et Rochewel [Corn.] Cart. 13 Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 4. de ten. in Dunfter : Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. firma maner. et hundred, de Brampton pro xxii /. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 2. pro mercat. et ii. feriis, fcil. annuis conceffis per regem: Fin. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. diebus S. Jacobi et Exaltationis fanfta: crucis : Pat. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 39 Hen. 3. m. 16. pro 8 Ed. 4. p, 2. m. 20. libertat. in Brampton [Devon.] Cart. 51 Hen. 3. XV. TEMPLE COMB. Knights Hospitalers. Before the year 1185. Serlo fil. Odonis gave this whole village to the Knights Hofpitalars of St. John of Jerufalem, and thereupon it became a preceptory of that order, which had lands annexed to it, valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 107/. 1 6s. 11 d. per ami. as Dugdale and Speed, and 128/. ys. yd. as mf. Le Neve. The fite was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews, and Leonard Chamberleyn. a Baron, vol. i. p. 45 1. William de Romara is faid to have been founder by Mr. Speed in his firft edition. b MS. Bodl. and Speed. “ The nuns chirch was annexed to 11 the eft of the paroche chirch.” Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 98. c MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. d Speed placeth this abbey in Devonjbire , and afcribes the foundation to “ Ailmer earl of Cornwall before the Conqueft j” but without good authority. c Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 530. f Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 305. viz. fon of Roger de Romara, brother to William earl of Lincoln, whofe fon William died before him. s See the annals of Waverley in that year. The mf. annals of Parcolude place it in A. D. 1198. and the Mooafticon, vol. i. p. 531. 9 Ric. 1. h MS. annals of Parcolude, where it is faid that thefe monks were a colony from Revelby, who were Ciftertians, founded by his father or uncle. Leland, Colled:, vol. i. p. 78. faith they were Bernardines ; the fame appears from the Waverly annals in A. D. 1 188. Upon which grounds I have differed from the editors of the Monafticon, who make them Beneditdinei. 1 MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. Dr. Archer faith, That this abbey was a cell to the abbey of Bee. And that William dc Romara earl of Lincoln having given the church of Old Clyve, A. D. 1188. to Savaricus bilhop of Bath and Wells, he made it a prebend in the cathedral church of Wells, and annexed it to the abbat of Bee and his fuccefibr$. But SaYancus was not confecrated till A. D. 119a. — Fide XV. SOMERSETSHIRE. Vide Moij. Angl. tom. ii. p. 530. a. lin. ult. et p. 551. a. Pillefdon. Dr. Archer's Account, p. 628. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. de melT. ct terris in In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 317. of lands in plecomb. iem XVI. CONGRESBURY. College. It is reported in one of the Glaftonbury chronicles k, that St. Fagan and St. Der vian founded the fee of the bilhop of Somerletlhire at this place in the year 167. and that it coi T nued here fix hundred years1, till it was removed to Wells. But Capgrave faith ra, that this w a very folitary place, and had its name and renown from a Religious hermite called Cunoar wj^ by the* gift of king Inan had the adjacent territory, and here, about the year 7110. founded ° collegiate church for twelve canons, to the honor of the Holy Trinity, which, as is faid, was farS ther endowed by K. Edgar. This village was given by K. Edward the ConfeiTor to the bifhonrirb of Wells p. See more in Mr. Strachey’s Lift, &c. p. 655. ^ v XVII. St. CROSS, in Chewftoke. Nunnery. “ By tradition here was a little cell for four nuns, founded by Elizabeth de Sancla “ Cruce, whofe family were lords of Moreton hard by, but I find no record of it, and it nuift “ have been fupprefied before the general diffolution.” Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 654. XVIII. D O D E L Y N G, or Dodelinch. Canons Regular removed to Worfpring. XIX. D U N S T E R. Benedictine Cell. Sir William de Mohun the elder q, temp. Will. Conti, built a priory of Benedidtine monks on the north weft fide of the caftler here to the honor of St. George, and an¬ nexed it as a cell to the abbey of St. Peter at Bath8. About the time of the fuppreffion it con- fifted but of three monks', whofe maintenance was valued at 37/. 4 s. 8d. per arm. Dugd. Speed. The fite of this houfe was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Humfry Colies. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 477. pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. per Infpex. recit. cartam Joannis de Mooun dom. de Dunfter confirm, donationes anteceflorum fuorum, 15 Ed. 3. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 612. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 656. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 101. In bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti Cant. mf. in. p. 95. do- nationem ecclefire S. Georgii de Duneftorra et de¬ cimae ejufdem villae, et totius villre Alcuine cum per- tinentiis, fcilicet r. hida terrae, et dimidiae partis de¬ cimae de Manheafe, et totius decimae de Bradunde, et omnis decimae de Carentuna fibi pertinentis, et totius decimae de Niwetunae, et dimidiae decims de Brunfield, et totius decimae de Stokeland, et totius de Kilveftune, et duorum pifcatoriorum, et totius de¬ cimae equarum fuarum de Moris, monafterio Bathon. ad conftruendam ecclefiam B. Georgii per Willel- mum de Mojone. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p, r. m. 32. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 7. de terris in Sparkeys nuper Petri de Bratton. XX. E N D E S T O N, or Eyneftane". Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benedidfine monks, cell to St. Sever in Normandy. This was granted, 7 Ed. 4. to Eaton college, but exchanged away with the king, temp. Ed. 6. for Bloxham, &c. Vide plac. in com. Som. 8 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 22. pro terris ibid. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. . m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. . m. . XXI. F R O O M E. 1. Monastery destroyed. An old monaftery founded by S. Aldhelm" to the honor of St. John Baptift before the year 705 x. The Religious were probably difperled by the Danilh wars, but the church continued till William of Malmfbury’s time. k See it quoted by archbifhop Ufher in his Primordia, p. 65. and by Mr. Wharton in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 553. 1 Or more , faith that chronicle ; but this is not to be recon¬ ciled with the time of its being firft placed here, and removed hence. m In vita S. Cungari. n Who did not begin to reign till A. D. 688. and yet Cap- grave makes Cungar, juft before his death, to have had the bleffing of St. Dubritius bifhop of LandafF, who quitted that fee A. D. 512. And in that bifliop’s time archbifliop Ufher (Pri- mord. p. 473O placeth this faint. ® Crefiy’s Church Hiftory. p Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 558. 9 Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 497. and Leland’s Colled, vol. i. p. 20 3. Not John Mohun, as in Speed. r Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 10.1. s Leland. ibid, et Dugdale, ibid. Not an alien priory , as in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1035. * MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. u In the enumeration of the alien churches in the diocefe of Bath and Wells, A. D. 1343. in the regifter of bifliop Radulph de Salopia, there is no mention of this ; nor in Stracney. w Capgrave in vita S. Aldhelmi, f. 10. c. Will. Malmf. De pontif. lib. v. edk. Gale, p. 343, See. five in vita S. Aldhelmi in Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 8. 18. x Reyner De antiquitate Benedidin. trad. i. p. 21. where AldlielnTs charter is different from that of the fame date m Will, of Malmfbury, in Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 21, 22. If P°Pe Sergius7 bull be genuine, this monaftery was founded before A. D. 690.- * * ’ 2. Nunneries. XXI. SOMERSETSHIRE. 2. Nunneries. Mr. Strachey mentions a priory and cell of nuns on St. Catherine’s hill, and a nunnery belonging to Cirencefter at Cayford in this parilh. But I have met with no charters or records relating to them, and therefore fufpeft them to be traditionary ftories only1'. XXII. GLASTONBURY, , Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 27. 2. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Friers preachers founded before 11 Ed. 1. Xhe fite of the Grey friers here was granted to William Hodges 37 Hen. 8. I conceive ic wds the fame friery n. Fide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 91. Whytbred : Cart. . . Ed. 1. m. 13. provenella et in- Pat. 11 Ed. I. m. I. de duabus acris ex dono Joannis cludenda area eis per burgenfes villae concelfa. XXVIII. KEYNSHAM0. Austin Canons. An abbey of black canons p, founded by William earl of Glocefter, about the year 1170’. and dedicated to the Virgin Mary and to St. Peter and St. Paul'. It was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 419/. 14 s. 3 d. -per ann. Dugd. 450/. 34. 6d. Speed; and granted, 6 Ed. 6. to Thomas Bridges efquire’. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 298. cartam Willielmi com. Glouccftrite, de fundatione : Ibid. p. 299, 300. cartam Gilbert! de Clare com. Gloceftr. et Hertford, recit et confirm, donatorum conceffiones, ex pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. In Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 29. 84. de fundatione: vol. iii. p. 68. titulos quorundam librorum mil', olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatiae. Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 80. 92. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 618. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 654. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 359. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 285. of lands in Button: p. 286. of the manor of Hannam : p. 397. of a ma¬ nor in Doddington and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 548. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Marfhfield. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 61. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Eltham. Quaedam ad hoc coenobium fpe£lantia in cartulario ab- batiae de Hyda juxta Winton. in bibl. Harleyana, mf. 1761. Rotulum membran. de elecflione cujufdam abbatis de Keynfham, temp. Hen. 8. mf. quondam in bibl. R. P. D. D. Joannis Moori, n. 499. nunc in bibl. publ. Cantab. Dd. iii. 60. In cartulario afchiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. inter libros audloris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 88. cartam Willelmi com. Gloceftr. donantis eccleiiam de Bradfted : Car¬ tam abbatis et conventus de Keynfham ratam haben- tium ordinationem S. archiepifc. Cantuar. fuper eadem eccl. p. 89- teftimonium Willelmi epifc. Wigorn. de eadem ecclefia. In regiftro Radulphi de Salop, epifc. Wellenf. mjunc- tiones abbati et monachis in viiitatione monafterii, A. D. 1352. . Regiftrum abbatix de Keynfham faepius citatum apud Jo. Stow in Vita Ed. 1. et Camden, edit. Holland, p. 368. Cart. I Joan. m. 20. n. 118. piac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 7. pro una vif- gata in Blackwell: Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 11. dorfo, de maner. de W ymborn : Ibid. m. 15. de quarta parte maner. de EfTemete : Clauf. 16 Hen. 3. m. 7. de terris in Febbelaw: Fin. Buckingh. 20 Hen. 3. n. 33. de ten. in Hameldon. Fin. Somerfet. i-Ed. 1. n. 1. pro maner. de Leflon: Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 34. dorfo, de commun. paftur. in Breftleton: Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. 19. de paftur. vocat. JFmterley infra chaceam de Briftoll includenda et co- nigeria facienda : Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 6. d. pro mercat. feria, et aliis libertat. in Marfhfield [Gloceftr.] Cart. 31 Ed. 1. n. 43. pro mercat. et feria apud Keinfham : Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. de terris in Littleton cum advoc. eccl. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. pro terris in Stockwood: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro mefll et terris in Southington et Stapleford : Ibid. m. 13. de meff. et terris in Leighton: Pat. 15 Ed. 2V p. 1. m. 12. 'de reddit. in Maple Durham: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro mefT. et terris in Marfefeld et Compton. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15, 16 vel 17. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 10 vel 11. et m. 14 vel 41. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 35. pro eccl. de Weft Harptree : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. et m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. Rot. Calef. 21 Ed. 3. m. 10. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro ten. in Filton, Marl- field, &c. El'caet. Dorfet. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 46. pro feodo mil. in Stokwood. Brev. reg. 2 Ric. 2. n. 34, 35. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro ten. in Button et Upton: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. pro vicaria ibidem approprianda : Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 9. pro eccl. de Dongarnon ap¬ proprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 9. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. de mercat. apud Keinfham : Cart. 2, Sic. Ed. 4. n. 15. pro mercat. et duabus feriis infra maner. de Marfhfield [Gloceftr.] Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 21 vel 22. XXIX. LANGEPORT. Hospital. The houfe of poor lepers at Langeport, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, is mentioned in the regifter of biftiop Drokensford, A. D. 1310. and in another regifter, A. D. 1337'- * Suxre, Whether not the fame with the friers of Ycvel, mentioned in Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 17a- Ne,th^r are mentioned in the Colleit. Anglo-minont. amongft the Grey o Not in Glocejierjh'ire , as Mon. Angl. tom. ia p. 298. p “ Ordinis S. Viftoris et regulas S. Augulhni, Kymer, t0q Between the years 1167 and 1172. as by the witnefies to the foundation, and probably foon after 1167. For Robert, only lbn and heir of this earl died A. D. 1166. (as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p- *55> 156.) and he defired his father upon his death-i bed to build and endow this houfe. But according to the ac¬ count which Leland gives in his Itinerary, vol. vi. p. 92. here was a fmall priory before the death of Robert, where his father “ caufiid him to be buried, and after he newly repayred and “ endowed it, making it an abbey of canons regular.” r Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 629. * The prior and fifteen monks of this houfe fubferibed to the fupremacy. Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 198. ■ Dr. Hutton’s collections out of biftiop Drokensford’s regi¬ fter, Sec. Vide XXIX. SOMERSETSHIRE. Vide Dr. Archer’s Account, p. 619. domus feu hofpitalis B. Maria: Magdalen® de Ling- In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 862. p. 132. indulgcntiam con- port. cedant per . . . Metforde epifc. Sarum bcnefadloribus XXX. M A R T O C K. Priory. Mr. Strachey, in his lift of the religious houfes in this county, p. 659. fays here was a priory belonging to Syon-monaftery : for that 34 Hen. 8. lands in Cote lately belonging to Syon, as of the priory of Martock, were granted to Humfry Colies. But it is probable that here was only an eftate originally belonging to St. Michael’s Mount “ in Cornwall, which, on the fup- prefiion of the alien priories, palled with the reft of its poffeflions to the abbey of Sion. XXXI. CHARTER-HOUSE ON MENDIP. Cell to Witham, granted 36 Hen. 8. to Robert May. Vide Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 664. XXXII. MICHELNEYW, or Muchenay. Benedictine Abbey. A Benedidline abbey built by K. Aithelftan*, A. D. 939% to the honor of St. Peter and St. Paul*. Its yearly revenues at the fuppreflion were worth 447/. 4 s. 1 id. ob. Dugd. 498/. 1 6s. 3d. q. Speed. The fite and lands belonging to this monaftery were grant¬ ed, 29 Hen. 8. to Edward earl of Hertford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 197. notulam de funda- tione ex Will. Malmefbur. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 26. 78. 414. vol. iii. p. 71. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 150. dimenfiones ec¬ clefi®. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 89. cartam abbatis Mid- cellani® de militibus fuis feffatis. In Anglia Sacra, vol. i. p. 563. de prebenda de Ilmeftre in ecclefia Wellenfi abbati de Michelney ejufque fuc- ceftoribus in perpetuum data. Adami de Domerham hiftoriam de rebus Glafton. p. 1 16. de fubjedione hujus abbati® ecclefi® Glafton. Ibid, in prefatione et appendice cl. editoris ex duobus an- tiquis breviariis abbatibus Micheln. olim fpedantibus penes Carolum dom. Bruce, p. xxv. abbatum quo- rundam laterculum : cartam abbatis et conventus de Hilcombe: p. lxvii. taxationem fpiritualium et tem- poralium abbati®, et excerpta ex Domefday de terris et foedis : p. lxxi. cartam Edw. 3. de manerio de Dounhevede : p. lxxiii. cartam Alexandri clerici et Willelmi Derby de eodem : p. lxxiv. placita, See. de communa paftur® de Kyngeimore in manerio de So- merton : p. lxxx. corrodium conceflum Radulfo Drake cantori : p. lxxxii. prefentationem ad cantariam S. Martini in eccl. cath. Wellenfi: p. lxxxiii. compo- fttionem Muchelney pro vicaria : p. lxxxvi. cartam Johannis de Burtone de terris in Drayton et Bortone : p. lxxxvii. de manerio de Mertok : p. lxxxviii. de communi paftura de Whattmore : p. lxxxix. duas cartas de jure et libertatibus ecclefi® de Meryeth et perfon® ejufdem : p. xci. compofitionem inter con- ventum de Muchelney et rectorem de Weft Cam- melle: p. xcii. decerpta ex kalendario. Ibid. p. 189. in perambulatione foreftarum regiarum, &c. recen- fentur qu®dam pofleffiones hujus abbati® infra bundas foreft. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 337. de fine foluto per abba- tem pro faifina terrarum fuarum habenda, 3 Joannis. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 620. 660. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 261. f. 107. de conftrucfione ecclefi® de Mychelneye. Fin. 6 Joan. m. 16. Cart. 7 Joan. m. 7. n. 62. pro li- centia faciendi parcum in bofeo fuo de Muchelney. Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. x. affif. rot. 13. quod abbas debet reparare pontem de Illeford : Ibid. rot. 1 5. d. pro viii. acris terr® in Ilminftre : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 22. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro maner. de Dounhed : Fin. Somerfet. 33 Ed. 3* 44* Pro e°d. maner. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 42. pro maner. de Middlechildcomb : Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. pro maner. de Wefterns-hall et Etterns-hall. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. pro eccl. de Meriet appro- prianda : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 30. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 14. de eccl. de Weft Cammell et commun. paftur. ibidem. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 23. pro ten. in Drayton et Burton. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 5. de bofeo infra foreftam de Nerechurch. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 10. XXXIII. MONS A C U T U S, or Montacute1. Cluniac Priory. K. William the Conqueror is faidb to have firft founded the priory here, but William earl of Moreton c feems to have more amply endowed it, and granted it to the monks of Cluny in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 1. It was dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, made denifon 8 Hen. 4. and found, 26 Hen. 8. to be endowed with 456/. 141. yd. q. per aim. Du<*d! » St. Michael’s Mount had a yearly penfion of xl. marks out of the parlonage of Mertock. Dr. Archer’s Account, p. 637. w Erroneoully placed in Dorfetlhire by the editors of the Monafticon. * Will. Malmlb. Leland. Collett. vol. 1. p. 414. and iii. 71. But in other places Leland makes this abbey much older, and faith, Collett. vol. i. p. 78. that it was founded by king Ina; or, as ibid. p. 26. by king Alfred. y It is A. D. 839. in Leland’s Collett, vol. iii. p. 71. by the ♦million probably of one of the numeral C’s. 2 Surrender. Dr. Archer, p. 660. faith the abbats were pre- bendaries of Cudworth (or Ilnunfter) in the cathedral church of W ells till the diflolution. 1 ms is placed in HcrefordJJnre by Reyner, vol. i. p. aio “ Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 17. b. et Hiflor. Glafton. per Joan- nem monachum, p. 135. though not the lead notice is taken of his donations to this houfe in the grants and confirmations of lung Henry 1. or a. or of William earl of Moreton ‘ ?.aid t0 be founder, Leland. Collett, vol. iii. p.’I?0 et Itin vol. 11. p. 92. r j • ~Cc 524/. XXXIII. SOMERSETSHIRE. ejufdem ■ i99- 524/. us. 8 d. Speed. The fite and many of the adjacent lands and manors were granted, 33 //w_ g to Sir Thomas Wyatt; and 16 Eliz. to Robert earl ot Leicefter. 39 Hen. 6. m. 20. pardonationem priori Levvenfi pro nominatione ad hunc priorat. contra ftatutum de pro vifionibus : Ibid. tom. xii. p. 186. pat. 1 Ed. 5. m 4 de reftitutione temporalium Joanni Water nrinr'i eledto, A. D. 1483. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 622. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 659. Tranfcripta plurimarum cartarum ad priorat. dc Mon. tacute pertinentium (quae in Mon. Angl. non extant) penes V. R. Andr. Pafchall redtorem de Chedzey prope Bridgewater, 1692. ’ Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 8. 11. 55. pro parcojuxta mona- fterium : Pat. 9 Joan. m. 4. n. 23. de deprivatione Durandi prioris. Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro feria apud capellam S. Michaelis : Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro lib. war. in Monteacuto, Cynnok, Tytenhulle, Clonefworth Criche, Modiforde, et Tuthington : Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro mercat. et feria apud Criche: Cart. 53, Hen. 3. m. 8, 9, 10. Plac. in com. Somerfet, 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 63. alloc, libertatum : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 43. pro mancr. eccl. et hundred, de Titenhella, maner. de Bifhop- fton, &c. Cart, ig Ed. 1. n. 19. pro advoc. eccl. de Evilton conceff. epifc. Bathon. et Wellenf. Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. Somerfet. 31 Ed. 1. n. 112. pro advoc. ii. partium eccl. de Odecumb. Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m. 8. d. de maner. de Tutinhall et Eft Chinnok, et advoc. ecclefiarum : Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 8. de maner. de Eaft Chinnok. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Efcaet. Somerfet. 6 Ed. 3. n. 127. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. pro eccl. de Chirche : Pat. 15 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. 5. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 et 2. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. de eccl. de Criche approprianda : Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Clauf. 46 Ed. 3. m. 12. Bund, belief, alienig. 48 Ed. 3. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 29. Pari. 8 Ric. 2. n. 14. re- verfing a judgment given in the king’s bench touch- ing Tyntenhull manor. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. xi. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 10. pro indigenatione : Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 6. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 38. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 9. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 25. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 668. quaedam hiftorica de fundatione, ex Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 7 7 • £t vol. iii. p. 255. I tin', vol. ii. f. 92. P. 669. pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 11. per Infpex. recit. cartas R. Hen. 1. et R. Hen. 2. P. 670. cart. 34 Hen. 3. re¬ cit. duas alias cartas RR. Hen. 1. et Hen. 2. P. 671. bullam P. Honorii Urbano epifc. Landav. de terra de Carlion, ex dono Winebaldi de Baalon : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 7. de advoc. et cuftodia hujufmodi prioratus et cellarum commiffa Will, de Monteacuto com. Sarilb. Tom. ii. p. 909. cartam fundationis hujus prioratus per Willielmum com. Moriton, ex orig. penes Geo. Stroude de hofp. Lincoln, arm. qua: ad- huc extat penes Geo. Stroude mil. 1697. Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 81. vol. iii. p. 150. Itin. vol. ii. p. 92. In perambulatione foreftarum regiarum, &c. p Johannis Glaftonienfis hiftoriam, p. 155. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 199. a catalogue of the priors from mf. Cotton. Tiberius , A. x. 25- In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 155. of lands in Eaft Binnegar: p. 192. of the manor and cell of Holme : p. 229. of tithes in Worth Matravers : p. 601. of lands in Wyke-regis: vol. ii. p. 160. of lands in Shillingfton and the advowfon of the moiety of the redtory : p. 225. of lands in Gillingham : p. 464. in Melbury-Ofmond. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 331. de non reftituendo Durandum priorem 10 Joan. In Prynne’s Papal Ulurpations, vol. ii. p. 256. Pat. 9 Joan d. m. 4. n. 23. Ibid. vol. iii. p. 324. clauf. 12 Ed. 1. m. 2. Lib. affif. 29 Ed. 3. n. 8. p. 157- de corrodio. Year Books, 29 Ed. 3. Hill. . Quare impedit. fuper pre- fent. ad eccl. de Chirke, f. 2. et f. 7. Ibid. 7 Hen. 6. Mich. 17. de amerciamentis in Leta villae de Mon- teacuto. _ In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. iv. p. 469. Rom. 5 Ed. 3. m. 5. literas R. paps fuper provifione ad hunc prioratum de P. cardinali S. Steph. in Ccelio monte, et didto cardinali fuper eod. negotio : Ibid, tom. v. p. 123. de advoc. priorat. conceff. com. Sa- rifb. 13 Ed. 1. Ibid. tom. vi. p. 311. pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro prioratu reftituendo poll pacem cum rege Francise: Ibid. tom. viii. p. 103. pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. de prioratu reftituendo et de exemptione a firmacom. Sarilburienfi : Ibid. tom. xi. p. 464. pat. XXXIV. MORELYNCH, on Poledon hill. Cell to Glafton. Vide Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 660. XXXV. R E G I L L, on Broadwell Down, fix miles from Briftol, in Nemnet pari 11;. Cell to Flexley in Glocefterlhire, granted . . Hen. 8. to Sir Antony Kingfton. Vide Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 661. XXXVI. S E L W O O D. Hospital. “ Domus leproforum de Selwood” hath a legacy in the will of Hugh Wells bifhop of Lincoln, made A. D. 1212. Vide Dr. Hutton’s Colle&ions. XXXVII. STAVERDALE, or Staffordell. Austin Canons. A fmall priory of canons of the order of St. Auftin% faid to have been d Vide infra. • And regulation of St. Vidlor, as Dr. Hutton. built XXXVII. SOMERSETSHIRE. built by Sir William Zouch*, to the honor of St. James8. It was annexed, 24 Hen. 8. to the priory of Taunton, and, as parcel thereof, this houfe with the lands thereunto belonging were granted, 36 Hen ; 8. to John earl of Oxford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 306. efcaet, Somerfet. 24 Ed. 3. n. to. de molendino et terris in Preftley per Ric. Lovel mil. concedendis : Ibid. p. 307. pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro vicaria de Wynkalton ap- proprianda. In perambulatione foreftarum, &c. p. 188. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 330. of a rent in Buckhorn Wefton. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 623. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 662. In regiftro Joannis Stafford epifc. Bathon. et Wellenf. commiffionem Joanni nuper Olen. epifc. ad dedican- dum navem cum choro et cancello eccl. convent, de Staverdale, a Joanne Stourton nuper reaedificat. et conftruit. dat. 4 Jun. A. D. 1443. Plac. in com. Suffcx. 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 5. pro fervitiis quibufdam in Rakynton : Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 18. pro terris in Cutelelham, &c. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. de me(T. et terris in Bat- cumb : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12 et 13. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 14. de terris et ten. in Preftley. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 21. pro iii. part, maner. de Thorncoffin et aliis tenementis. Pat. 24 Hen, 8. p. 2. m. . de unione hujus prioratus monafterio de Tanton. XXXVIII. STOKE CURCY, corruptly Stoke Gurfeyh. Alien Priory. The church of St. Andrew here, and feveral other lands and tithes here¬ abouts being given* to the abbey of L’onley or Lolley in Normandy, temp. R. Hen. 2. A prior and convent of Benedi&ine monks were fent from thence to fettle as a cell to that foreign houle which continued till the fupprefllon of alien priories'1, and then was given by king Henry 6. to his college at Eaton. It was accounted worth 58/. per- am. in the valuation taken of the lands be¬ longing to Eaton college, 26 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 577. informationem Ric. Armys prioris, de fundatione, ex rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. . Ibid. tom. iii. p 2. p. 199. de donatione collegio Eton, ex pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 624. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. viii. p. 104. de reftitutione hujus prioratus alienig. 1 Hen. 4. Cartas, rentalia, &c. inarchivis coll. Eton.juxta Wind- for. Colle£t. Thomas Martin de Palgrave gen. ex eifdem. Efcaet. Somerfet. 1 Ed. 1. n. '6. Clauf. 2 Ed. 1. m. r. de tertio denario in Wyke, Radeway, et Stokecurfy. Efcaet. Somerfet. 49 Ed. 3. p. ^. n. 4. inquifitionem de omnibus terris, &c. XXXIX. STOKE, under Hampden. College. In the caftle or manor 'place here was a very ancient free chapel, in which was founded, A. D. 1304. by Sir John de Bello Campo1 or Beauchamp lent, with the confent of Cicelv his mother, a college or large chantry for a provolt and four prieits. It was dedicated to St. Ni¬ cholas1", and granted, 2 Eliz. to Cuthbert Vaughan. fit ax Ed^/'m V01' P‘ 93’ 94" V01' VL P" 64' Pat’ 1 Ed’ 3’ P’ m. 5. Pat. ro Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2I. p • i \ ' ■ , , „ . . confirm, fundationis, ordinationum, &c. S MEd'l,t Pf' aI l6- Y Cape"?1S ,n «Pella pat. 17 Ric- 2. P. 1. m. 11. pro terris in Stoket. S. Nicolai, et de terris et advoc. eccl. conceiT. per Pat. 6 Hen. c m 1 oro ecrl He E'lnr^n Af- Joannem Beauchamp : Clauf. 8 Ed. 2. m. 14 et i 5. prianda. P " M ^ appr°' de melT. et iv. virgatis terrae conceiT. per R. Ed. 1. XL. Taunton. wVrATTffN A u m0NS' r the iaft Part of this town was a ptiory of Black” canons eredted bv Wilham GifFard bilhop of Wmchefter ", temp. Hen. 1. to the honor of St. Peter and St. Paul It f « Here was a chantry, in the parilh church, of the founda- “ Uon of lord Zouch.” Mf. penlion. penes Pet-rum Le Neve. s MS. Affimol. et regiftra Bathon. ct Wellenf. In the time of K. Ric. i. Richard St Maur was patron, and the houfe was f;ud to have been founded by his anceltors (Nic. St Maur temp Ell. 1. having married one of Wie heirefles of Alan la Zouch) long before the ftatute of Mortmain, as Mon. Angl. vol. ii p. 307. Sir Richard Lovel patron, A. D. 1309 and 1333. as Dr Hutton, e regiftr. Wellenf. A. D. 13Z2. the king gave a licence" to deft a prior, “ ratione cuftodife Ricardi filii et htePedis Ni- “ cholai de S. Mauro et Murielis uxdris ejus,” as Dr. Hutton ibid. ; !* Not in De-vonfhire , as the Monafticon and Baronage. 1 In Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 451. William de Curcy, fewer to king Henry 2. is faid to have founded this houfe. But in-page 588. Hugh Nevil is exprelly faid to have founded it. And by nis being placed firft in the record in the Monafticon, he lhould leem to have been founder; but according to the Baronage, I, P-.?88: he did not flourith, nor did this eftate come into that family till the time of king Henry 3. In Martin’s eXtrafts out ot the Eton college muniments, it is faid that William de I'aieha and Geva his wife gave this church with feveral lands to l °nlcy .! a"d there are feveral confirmations ot their grant ; hut nothing is there recorded to have been given 'by William de curcy the king’s fewer, but a mill at Northampton. So that WilUam de Falefia and bis wife feem to me to have molt right to be accounted founders. Robert Fitz Pain was patron A. Lb « n TIj°uSh bu.t in a Poor condition. For 6 Mail A. D rijX Facilitates .prioratus de Stoke Curcy adeo fiiere exteniilte." quod pnori ct uno monacho et corum famife vix fofficerent- ii ff,u‘.dam tamcn de monachis ibidem, incontinent® dfenatl « "i ?°fberti Pa*am putroni ej-ufdem, ad ablm- « e ° '‘'“fnuttuntur ; etjpnor et unus monachus WeBenfibus. °y rc',nquuntHr- Dl- Hu«o>b ex regift, -is « L‘‘ pundaI'° cantari=e de Stoke fubtus Hamden. Dorn, foan- nes de Bello Campo mil. ad Iiberam capellam S. Nicolai in cum lua de Stoke fubtus Hamden ad fuftentat. quinS^ ’ pellanorum, quorum uiius prcepolitus. a Non. WA n V°fc eRe*“r- Joannis D'-^ensford epifc. Bathon a WH " lenf. Mr. Speed makes one . . . Gurnay founder, fome of which name^were buried here, as Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 9”%t vol ,U m Not St. Andrews, as in Speed. ” So in the Surrender, Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 6,e Not K/ 2 monks, as mf. Bodl. or Black mws, as SpeedP 33" ® ‘ k ° His fucCeflors the hifhops of Winchefter werepatroos of this priory a great while ; but Robert Fite Pain W M Lc patron A. D. r3J7. as Dr. Hutton from was XL. SOMERSETSHIRE. was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 286/. 8 s. 10 d. per atm. Dugd. 438/. gs. ldi. Speed j and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Matthew Colehurft. jr,dt in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 83. efcaet. Somerfet. 10 Ed. 2. n. 272. de prima fundatione : Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 12. per Infpex. recit. confirm, fundationis et do- nationes per R. Hen. 2. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. recit. dimiflionem maner. et hundred, de Dulverton priori per Will. com. Sarifb. 11 Ed. 3* In Lelandi Collea. vol. i. p. 81. de fundatione: vol. iii. p. 153. titulos quorundam codicum mfT. olim in bibl. hujus prioratus. In perambulatione foreftarum, &c. p. 193, 194. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 626. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 662. 2. Hospital. Here was an ancient leper houfe near the chapel of St. Margaret, the advow- fon and patronage of which was granted, about the year 1280. to the abbat and convent of Glaftonbury, by Thomas Lambrizt. Vide cartularium Glafton. mf. Macro, f. 119. b. Cart, antiq. Z. n. 16. [fcil. 6 Joan.] Cart. 6 Joan. n. III. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 35. de commun. paftur. in Oggefele &c. Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. is' pro mefT. et terris in fuburb. de T anton : Pat. 1 8 Ed 1 m. 18. Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 12. Clauf. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. pro reddit. pro maner. et hundred, de Dylverton : Pat 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. j, m g" Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 24 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. . de prioratu de Staverdale uniendo, 3 White Friers. In this town was an houfe of White or Carmelite friers, founded by Walter de Meryet. Vide pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 44 vel 45. XLI. TORRE, in Infula Glafton. Cell. Here was fometime a monaftery or cell, dedicated to St. Michael, which belonged to the precentorlhip of the abbey. Vide in auftuario ad hiftoriam Adami de Domerham, rium Sandti Michaelis de Torre in infula Glafton. p 598. cartam R. Hen. 3. pro feria apud monafte- quod pertinet ad cantariam abbatite Glafton. XLII. WELLS, olim Weluuep, Wieleap, Tethifcine’, Tudington\ Theodo- rodunumr, Fonticuli*. 1 Cathedral; It is faid that king Ina', about the year 704. founded a collegiate church here to the honor of St. Andrew the apoftle, and removed hither the epifcopal feat from Congref- burv- but other hiftorians with greater certainty affirm, that Athelmus was tne firft bilhop of Wells, placed here by king Edward and Plegmund archbiffiop of Canterbury A. £. 909“. The old number of canons or prebendaries here were increafed by bilhop Gifo temp. Will. Conq. who Maced a head over them, then called a provoft"; but afterward by bilhop Robert*, about the vear 1 iaq the deanry and other dignities were founded, and the eftates of the church divided into nrebends not much different from what they are at this time. The revenues of the bilhopnck were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 1939/. 12s. 8 d. in the whole, and at 1843/- Ad per ann. clear. But many alienations having been fince made from it, they are now valued in the kings books at 3; . , i,er ann. only. The common revenues of the church were then valued at S97 /. 5s. Ad ' ter atm. in the whole, and clearly at 729/. 3s. 4 d. which is the prefent valuation of them. The members of this church are, the bilhop, dean, precentor, chancellor, three archdeacons, (viz of Wells, Bath, and Taunton) treafurer, fubdean, forty-nine prebendaries, orgamft, four pneft vicars, eight lay vicars, fix chorifters, &c. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 186. cartam Cynewlphi regis Occid. Saxonum, A. D. 766. P. 187. cartam R.°Edwatdi Conf. anno 1065. In cl. Whartoni Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 553. canomci Wellenfis hiftoriam de epife. Bathon. et Wellenf. a prima fedis fundatione ad annum 1423. p. 572. con- tinuationem hiftorix de epife. Bathon. et Wellenf. ab anno 1423. ad annum 1 540. p. 588. fucceffionem decanorum eccl. Wellenfis. Godwin. De praefulibus Angliae, p. 413- ... Le Neve’s Fafti Eccl. Angl. p. 31, &c. wherein is the fucceffion of the bilhops, deans, precentors, treafurers, chancellors, and fubdeans of the cathedral church of Wells, and of the archdeacons of Wells, Bath, and Taunton. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 12. clauf. 9 Joan. m. 3. Ibid. p. 165, 166. de electione Rob. Burnell in epife. Bath, et Wellenf. ex pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 31, 32. et 34. Ibid. p. 167, 168. de efcambio patronatus abbatite Glafton. pro civitate Bathon. &c. ex clauf. 3 Ed. 1. m. 6. d. et pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 19. Ibid. p. 348. clauf. 13 Ed. 1. m. 10. d. de bonis fe- lonis intra prior, de Tanton. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. iv. p. 19. literas f. p Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 186. Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 33- as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 353- r Leland. * Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 44- , . t Leland. Colled, vol. 1. p. 78. 317. Angl. Sacr. vol. 1. P-.553- Rifhnn Godwin, and from him the editors ot the Monafticon, halc pubUlhed the fpurious charter of Kenulph king of the Weft Saxons, of donation to the monaftery or minfter here (fee above) dated in A. D. 766. of which fee preface to Hickes Saxon 1 he- - faurus, p. 136. “ Angl. Sacr. vol. I. p. jji. w Ibid. p. 559. 1 Ibid. p. 561- papz XLII. SOMERSETSHIRE. paps regi Angl. de amotionc epifc. Bathon. anno 1 523. Ibid. p. 21- Iiteras regis papx, de Joanne epifc. Bathon. rebelle amovendo et abbatem de Langedon prxficiendo, A. D. 1323. fcil. rot. Rom. 17 Ed. 2. m. 7. d. Ibid. p. 27. refponfionem papa;, fuper tran- flatione epifc. Bathon. A. D. 1324. Ibid. tom. vi. p. 587- pat. 42 Ed- 3- P- i- m. 24. de temporalibus reftituendis Joanni de Harewell epifc. ante fidelitatcm faflam, A. D. 1368. Ibid, p.603. rot. Vafc.v42Ed 3. m. 2. commiffionem fuper receptione juramentorum fidelitatis, renunciationis, &c. ab eodem epifeopo. tom. xi. p- 3 1 1 - pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. de Thoma Bekinton epifc. non veniendo ad parliamen- tum : tom. xiii. p. 108, 109. pat. 20 Hen. 7. p. 1. m. 8. de reflitutione temporalium epifeopatus Hadri- ano cardinali, una cum renunciatione ejus de verbis prejudicialibus regi in bullis papalibus et juramento fidelitatis : tom. xv. p. 169. pat. 2 Ed. 6. p. j. m. 44. collationem epifeopatus Willelmo epifc. Meneuenfi : p. 171. clauf. 2 Ed. 6.. p. 4. m. 2. de feripto epifeopi irrotulato, pro excambiatione maner. de Claverton, Hampton, Lydiard, Compton Magna et Parva, Chard, Cheddre, Hewyfh, hofpitali S. Joannis Wellenfis [So- merfet.] Poculchurch, Wefterleigh [Gloceftr.] Bath Place five Le Minoryes London. &c. pro reftoriis S. Joannis et S. Benigni Glafton. Bradley, Welt Pennard, Northlode, Eft Brent, Eft Pennard, et Wefton. In dodtilT. Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 683. ftatutum Jocelini epifc. Bathon. qui eccl. S. Andrex Wellenfis rexdificavit, de diftributione communs quotidianx in pane, A. D. 1242. tom. ii. p. 71 1. Radulphi epifc. Bathon. et Wellenf. ordinationem de diebus fellis in diocefi fua obfervandis, A. D. 1 344. p. 735. ejufdem epifeopi conftitutiones, A. D. 1347. p. 745. ejufdem mandatum de confeffionibus, tempore peftilentix, A. D. 1348. tom. iii. p. 49. ejufdem epifeopi man- datum contra officium epifeopale exercentes in dioc. Wellerrfi, A. D. 1362- tom. iv. p. 414. archbifhop Bancroft’s mandate and commifiion for the vifitation of the diocefe of Bath and Wells, A. D. 1605. p.415. articles for the cathedral church of Wells, to be en¬ quired of in his grace’s metropolitical vifitation A. D. 160S. In Leland. Colleft. vol; i. p. 33. Cynwelpi regis do- nationem : p. 78. de fundatore et benefadtoribus : p. 317. de prxfulibus eccl. Fontanenfis : vol. iii. p. 44 et 156. de libris mff. olim in bibliotheca. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. ii. p. 70. of the bifhop’s pa¬ lace and prebendal houfes : p. 95. of lands in North Carey and Stoke Gregory: vol. iii. p. 122. of the building of feveral parts of the cathedral and the mo¬ numental inferiptions there: p. 125. palaces belong¬ ing to the bifhop. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 133. 151. 290. dimen- fiones ecclefix: p. 134. de fundatione : p. 285. di- menfiones aulae epifeopi et manfionum vicariorum : p. 286. de ecclefia et operibus Wellenfibus a Boking- ton epifeopo edificatis : p. 291. de pifeatione aquae currentis de Woky-hole. In additamentis ad biftoriam Johannis Glafton, p. 326'. indenturam inter decanum Wellenfem et dominum de Edyngton de communi paftura in inoris de Thurle- mere et Edyngton-more : p. 328. inquifitionem fuper communam de Therlemere. Ad finem primi voluminis Adami de Domerham, ex re- giftris ecclefix Wellenf. p. 214. of the endowment of the provoftlhip of Wells and in what manner and with what ftock the manors Ihould be tranfmitted to his fucceflors : p. 215. de implementis in ftauro re- manentibus poft mortem Johannis de Godeby decani Wellen. p. 229. cartam Hen. 2. confirmatoriam de donatione ecclefiarum de Pilton et South Brent fadta ecclefix Wellenfi per Robertum abbatem Glafton. p. 232. cartam Henrici abbatis Glafton. de ecclefia de Pilton : p. 234. cartam ejufdem de ecclefia de South Brent: p. 235. cartam Reginald': epifeopi Ba¬ thon. confirmatoriam de eifdem ecclefiis : p. 236. cartam Savarici epifeopi Bathon. de ecclefia de Pil¬ ton : p. 252. cartam Jol'celini epifeopi Bathon. de manerio et ecclefia de Wynefcumbe. Ibid. p. 1S9* 197. in perambulatione foreftarum, &c. In Newcourt’s Rcpertorium, vol. ii. p. 518. of the pre¬ bend of Shalford in this church. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 332. of a mediety of the impropriate rectory of Whitchurch-canonicorum : vol. ii. p. 259. of the impropriate redtory and advow- fon of the vicarage of Buckland abbas : belonging to the dean and chapter. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 548. of the manor of Marfhfield, anciently belonging to the bifhoprick. Ibid. p. 610. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Pucklechurch belonging to the , chapter. _ . , , In Hickefii Grammat. Saxon, diverfas cartas ex archivis Wellenf. fcil. p. 136. cartam Edvardi regis Conf. de terris ad Hlytton : p. 144. aliam cartam regis Ed¬ vardi Conf. p. 160, 1 6 1 . quatuor alias cartas ejufdem regis, de terris ad Wedmore et Hlytton et privilegiis: p. 162. aliam cartam ejufdem, de terra ad Chyw: p. 162, 163. duas cartas Eadithx relidtx R. Edvardi Conf. pro terra de Merke et Milverton : p. 162. car¬ tam Haroldi R. pro fac et foe, toll et theam, &c. p. 177. bullam P. Nicolai 2. de privilegiis conceffis Gifoni epifc. A. D. 1061. De antiquis pojjejjionibus epifeopatus Bathon. et Wellenf. Regiftra, carta, computes, rentalia, &c. in cartophylacio infra palatium epifeopale Wellenfe, necnon in regiftro principali dom. epifc. Wellenfis. Colled!, e libris epifeoporum Bathon. et Wellenf. de in- ftitutionibus ad beneficia ecclefiaftica intra civitatem et dioc. Wellenfem, opere V. doctilT. Matthxi Hut¬ ton S. T. P. in v. vol. mlT. in bibl. Harleyana, 6964 -6968. Librum comput. maneriorum epifeopatus Bath, et Wel¬ lenf. temp. R R. Ric. 3. Hen. 7. et Hen. 8. per Thomam vicecom. Weymouth R. P. dom. epifc. Bath, et Wellenf. reftitutum A. D. 1709. Librum de tranllatione epifeopatus Wellenfis, mfT. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. n. 99. Cart. 5 Joan. n. 29. Cart. 9 Joan. m. 6. n. 57, de li- bertat. in Dogmeresfeld; et m. 7. n. 63. de parco apud Wells ex parte auftrali villx : Pat. 9 Joan. n. 25. de via includenda infra parcum de Wells; Cart. 15 Joan. n. 147. Clauf. 16 Joan. m. 3. Cart. 16 Joan. m. 5. de patronatu abbatix Glafton. Pat. 16 Joan. n. 27. de unione eccl. Bathon. et Wellenf. Pat. 10 Hen. 3. m. 6. de advoc. eccl. de Milverton, ex concelT. Will. Briwer : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. n. 11. de eccl. de South Bowy; et. m. 3. n. 28. pro Purywode bofeo claudendo : Ibid. m. 36. pro maner. de Winef- cumb, Pukelefcherch, &c. et de patronatu abbatix Glafton. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 19. Fin. n Hen. 3. m. 9 vel 10. pro deafforeftatione maner. de North Curry et Congrelbury : Fin. 12 Hen. 3. m. 4. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 4. de terris in Congrelbury; et m. 5. de Pukelefchirch deafforeftanda ; et m. 12. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. de maner. de Ceddre cum mercat. de Axbridge : Liberat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 5 vel 6. pro hun¬ dred. de Ceddre et Winterftoke; et m. 12. Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 5. Cart. 17 Hen. 3. m. 2. Clauf. 19 Hen. 3. m. 25. pro bofeis de Ceddre aflartandis : Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 8. de maner. de Perreton ; et m. 10. de patronatu abbatix Glafton. Pat. 19 Hen. 3. n. 16. pro bofeis et bruilliis in Ceddre: Cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 6 vel 7. Plac. de banco, 27 Hen. 3-.Trin. rot. 7. pro advoc. eccl. de Whitcherch : Cart. 30 Hen. 3 m. 11. de parco de Dogmeresfeld augmen- tando : Plac. coram rege, 38 Hen. 3. rot. 8. de liber- tat. in Dultyng, Melnes, See. Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro lib. war. in Welles, Evertre, Cranemere, Woky, Blakeford, Congrelbury, Jatton, ChaffVeton, Hamp¬ ton, Hewilh, Kinkelbury, Cerd, Welington, Wyve- lefcomb, et Lydeyard [Somerfet.] Puklefchirch [Glo¬ ceftr.] Dogmeresfeld [Southamt.] Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 2. d. de Mernhull: Fin. div. com. 3 Ed. r. n. 29. de maner. de Pokelelchirch [Glo¬ ceftr.] Wynefcomb, Blakford, Cranemere [Somer¬ fet.] Camelarton [Dorfet.] Alhbury [Berkl.J et de — D d advoc. 3CLII. SOMERSETSHIRE, idvoc. eccl. de Kington et Crift Malford [Wilt.] Badbury, &c. [Berkf.] parcell. poffeff. abbatix Gla- fton. concell'. epifc. Bathon. et Wellenf. Cart. 3 Ed. 1. n. 3 et 5. pro civit. Bathon. et fuburbiis ; Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 1 et 21. Pat. 5 Ed. i. m. 22. pro affar- tandis lx. acris infra foreftam de . . . . Cart; 6 Ed. 1. n. 20. pro feria apud Dogmeresfeld [Southamt.] Pat. 6 Ed. 1. m. . pro mercat. et feria apud Kefterle in Pocklechurch : Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 24. pro feria apud Axbridge : Rec. in feacc. 7 Ed. 1. Mich, rot. . de maner. de Mertok : Cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 89. Pat. cj Ed. 1. m. . pro wrecco maris et aliis libertatibus infra hundred, de Wintreftok, Ceddre,' Watton, et Chew : Rec. in fcacC. 10 Ed. r. Mich. rot. . de libertat. in hundred, de Winterftok, Ceddre, &c. Cart. 12 Ed 1, n. 17. pro mercat. et feria apud Pucklechurch : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 9. pro mercat. et feria apud Wyvelef- COmb : Fin. Somerfet. 14 Ed. 1. n. 89. pro maner; de Radewell et meff. in Compton, &c. Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 18. pro advoc. eccl. de Bournham ; n. 19. pro ad- voc. eccl. de Evildon, et n. 45. pro mercat. die Lunx et feria fex dierum in nativitate et annunciatione B. Mari* apud Lydyard: Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . de meff. et terris in Ceddre. Brev. 7 Ed. 2; Trin. rot. 2 et 4. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. de excambio cum magiftro domus S. Mari* Briftol : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. m. 19 et 25. dorfo ; de Ged- rey Moore ; m. 22. de parco de Dogmeresfeld : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p.- I. m. 4. et m. 10 vel 1 1. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 10. Cart. 18 Ed. 2. n. 13 et 15. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 33, de meff. et terris in Banwell. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 18. pro libertat. in hundred, de Win- terftoke, Ceddre, Y acton, et Clyve, et pro parco apud Ceddre, & c. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 4 vel 5. pro ad- Voc. eccl. de Weft Harpetre conceff. Waltero Rod¬ ney pro terris in Wourthe : Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 22 et 39. pro duabus feriis apud Wells : Ree. in fcacc. 10 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 5 et 13. de deafforeftatione maner. de Ceddre: Clauf: 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. relaxat. cuftodis foreftx de Ceddre: Rec. in fcacc. 13 Ed. 3, Mich. rot. . Pat. i6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3. pro terris in Pokelefchirch : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. rft. . pro return, brev. in civit. Bathon. et Wellenf. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Cart. 20 Ed. 3. n. 6. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. de limitibus inter Langherlegh et Bachingwere : Clauf. 29 Ed. 3. m. 14 vel 24 et 25 vel 28. de maner. de Ceddre deafforeft. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 4 vel 5. Rec. in fcacc. 39 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 20. 23. Efcaet. London. 42 Ed. 3. n. 31. de ten. in paroch. S. Clementis London. Cart. 43, &c. Ed. 3. n. 5. pro ii. mercat. apud civ. Bathon. Efcaet. Somerfet. 45 Ed. 3. n. 66. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro maner. de Wodervvyke. Pat. 4 Rie. 2. p. I. m. 38. pro prxpofitura eccl. ca¬ thedral Wellenf. cum prebend a unienda epifco- patui. Cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 4. n. 4. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 9. Cart. 9 Hen. 4. n. 5. pro return, brev. et aliis liber¬ tat.' in maner. Rec. in fcacc. 1 1 Hen. 4. Mich. rot. 31. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 4. rot. 12. Cart. I Hen. 5. p. 3. n. 7. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 5 vel. 6. et m. 12. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 27 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 14. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p, I. m. 10 vel 11. de certis vacuis areis in civ. Wel- lenf. conceff. Thom* Boleyn. Orig. 4 Ed. 4. rot. 45. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 6. p. 3. m. 24. Aft. pari. 31 Hen. 8. , . . for the affurance of the bifhop of Bath’s capital meffuage to the earl of South¬ ampton, and the bifhop in confideration to have the minories without Aldgate : Pat. 32 Hen. 8. p. 4. [27 Sept.] pro hofpitali S. Joannis Wellenf. in con- liderat. maner. et redtorix de Dogmeresfield. Pat. 2 Ed. 6. p. 7. m. . pro redloriis de Glafton. S. Jo¬ annis, Bradly, W eft Pennard, & c, in confideratione maner. de Clavertori; Hampton, &c. Pat, , p. 2. m. . pro maner. foro, et hundred, de VVcIf maneriis de Chard et Hewifh, in confideratione N ner. de Congrefbury et Yatton, &c. conceff ,w' Pat. 6 Ed. 6. p. 9. m. . [1 Aug:] pro fcitu'voc„ The Bijhop’s Palace in Wells, maner. et hundred d' Wells, et maner. et pare, de Weftbury in conliderJ decan. Wells, maner. de Weft Coker, &c ‘ Pat. 2 et 3 Phil, et Mar. p. 8. m. . [23 Apr.'] pro ner. et parco de Banwell. De pojpfiionibus ecclefia calbedralis Wclltnfts. Cartiilaria, rotulos curiarum, computos ballivorinn ren talia, cartas orlginales, Ac. in archivis eCclefire De " R. V V. decanum et capitulum. Librum ftatutorum eccl. cath. Wellenfis, A. D. 1 quondam penes V, cl. Hen: Worfeley arm. niinr ?’ bibl. Harleyana, mf. 1682. Fines terrarum et tenementorum decani et Capituli ecr! cath. S. Andre* Wellenfis, ab anno 24 Hen 7 a 23 Hen. 8. mf. in bibl. Aflimol. Oxon. n’. 115/ Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 6. n. 44. pro maner. eccl et hundred, de North Cory, &c. Cart. 7 Joan. n. pro mercat. apud North Cory die Mercurii. ^ Plac. de banco, 27 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 7. pro advnr eccl. de Whitchurch. Cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 89. Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. r affif. rot. 22. de terris in Eicle : Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m pro cimiterio ecclefi* et prxcindlu domorum canonU corum muro includend. murumque kernelland. pau 34 Ed. 1. rrt. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 25. pro c. acris morx in North Curry in recompenfat. commun. paftur. Pat. 9 Ed. 2 p. 1. m. 25. et 23. d. de inquirendo pro malefadlori- bus in villis fuis de Merfke, Modefle, Wedmore et Bidefbam : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p: I. m. 15. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 19. Cart. 18 Ed. 2. n. 15 et 16. Pat. 19 Ed: 2. p. 2. m. 1 1. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 34. de lib. war. in prebenda de Wi- velfcomb : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 39 vel 40. pro bofeo prxb. de Wivelfcomb imparcando : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 38 vel 39. Ibid. p. 2. m. . d. de riparia vocat. Tone in villa de North Cory : Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 20. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13 vel 14. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 5. pro lib. war. in North Cory, Stoke, et Hache: Ibid. n. 44. pro mercat, apud Wedmore : Cart. 13 Ed. 3. n. 8. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 13 vel 14. pro ccemiterio eccl. muro lapideo includendo: Cart. 15 Ed. 3. n. 35. pro lib. war. in Wedmore, Modeflev, Chirchlond, Merke, et More: Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 1. pro mercat. et feria apud Wyneftiam, lib. war. in Comb, Wynefham, & c. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35 vel 36. quod prebenda femper annedlenda fit prxpo- fiturx : Ibid. m. . pro advoc. eccl. de Limintone et cl. acris terrx: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Ibid. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Cart, 20 Ed. 3. n. 6. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 18. de prxeentore: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. de domo decani : Cart. 37 Ed. 3. n. 3. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 41 Ed. 3, p. 1. m. 31. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. pro eccl. de Kingfton ap- proprianda : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. pro eccl. de Pokelchurch approprianda. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 23. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 20. Cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 4. n. 4. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8. Pat, 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. de Bokeland ap¬ proprianda: Ibid. p. 3. m. 26. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p- ]• m. 5 vel 6. et m. 12. Ibid. p. 2. m. 20. pro ten. in Stoke Curry et Edefton : Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 9. Pat- 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. vel 22. Clauf. 24 Hen. 6. m. 5. d. Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3. pro prxcin&u ecclefi* muro lapideo clau- dendo: Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. if. pro maner. de Alwarton. Ibid. p. 3. m. 24. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 13' Pr0, maner. de Mere, ten. in North Cory, Newport, WreUth, et Slolegh. , Rot. adl. pari, 34 et 35 Hen. 8. n. 19. for the dean an chapter XLII. SOMERSETSHIRE. chapter of Wells to be the foie chapter to the bifhop the deanry of Wells. of Bath and Wells. Pat. j Mari*, p. 15. m. . [12 Jun.] pro reitor. de Lon» Rot. pari. 1 Ed. 6. c. 16. a£t for the eftablilhrnent of Sutton et Dulverton. 2. Mountery College. Ralph Erghum biffiop of Bath and Wells, who died A. D. i40ir. appointed by his will his executors to build in the ftreet then called La Mountery % lince College lane % houfes for the fourteen 11 chantry priefts officiating in the cathedral of Wells, and a hall for them to eat in common, which were called Mountrey or Moundroy college; valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 120/. is. \d. per ann. in the whole, as Sancrofc’s mf. Valor; at 83/. 1 6 s. o d. ob. a3 Dr. Archer; and at nl. i%s. 8 d. as Dugd. and Speed (which laft is faid to be the clear value in Sancrofc’s mf.) and granted, 2 Ed. 6. to John Aylworth and John Lacy. Vide Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 119. Dr. Archer’s Account, p. 623. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 660. 3. Vicars College. Walter de Hull canon of Wells' gave two mefiuages and lands in Wells, that the thirteen chantry priefts, who officiated in the cathedral, might live in common to¬ gether. And Rad. de Salopia bifhop of Bath and Wells made ftatutes dated 7 Id. Ap. A. D. 1347. lor their due regulation. But being defirous to improve this defign, the faid bifhop began, the next year, a fair college for the habitation of the vicars and chorifters of the cathedral church, got them incorporated, and augmented their places with fome lands of his ownd and others, which ^he obtained from the feoffees of the faid Walter de Hullec. This college was afterwards much im¬ proved by bifhop Bekington and his executors f, and was found to be endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with lands and other revenues in common to the value of 72/. to s. 9 d. ob. per am s. Queen Elizabeth refounded it h. Vide Godwyn de Prasfulibus in vita Radulphi, and Ful- dono feofFatorum Walter! de Hulle axchidiac. Ba. Ier s Worthies from him, iii. p. 4. thon. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 16. pro manfo vicariorum et Pat. r Ric. 2. p. 5. m. 10. pro eccl. de Meriet appro- terns in Congrefbury et Woky: Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. prianda. m. 6. pro ten. in Wellefle, Efton, et Dulcot, ex Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 8. 4. Brigstreet Hospital. “ There is an hofpitale of twenty four poor menne and wymen “ at the north fide of St. Cuthbert’s chirch ; there is alfo a cantuary prieft. The hofpitale and ‘ the chapel is buildid all in length under one roofe from weft to eft. Nicolas Bubwith bifhop of 11 1 ^ jT3S ^oun^er and brought it almoft to perfe&ion, and that that lakkid was com- “ pleted by one John Storthwait, one of the executors of the teftament of Bubwith1.” Bubwith died 1424. It was dedicated to our Saviour and the bleffed Virgin Mary and All Saints" and furviving the general fuppreffion, it was fomewhat increafed by bifhop Bourn, and afterward by bifhop Montague. Bifhop Still was a further benefa&or to it, and increafed the number of poor maintained therein to thirty, but through the different prices of provifions there are now only Vide Godwin De pfaefulibus in vita Bubwith. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 119. ejuldem Itin. vol. ii. p. 69. vol. iii. p. 123. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. in. 23. pro maner. de Molelburgh, &c. Clauf. 24 Hen. 6. m. 5. d. de reddit. conceff. per W. Gafcoign e maner. de Nevrton Plecy domui eleemof. xxiv. pauperum in vico vocat. Briggjlrete. 5. St. John s Hospit al. Hugh de Wells archdeacon of Wells, and afterward bifhop of Lincoln was about the beginning of king John’s reign *, the original founder of an hofpital orori ory - in the fouth part of this city dedicated to St. John Baptift, which was fo much augmented^ Jocehne bifhop of Bath and other benefaftors, that in 26 Hen. 8. the yearly revenues o?the mafter and brethren" amounted to 41I. 3s. 6 d ob. j. Speed. 40/. or. 2d. ob. j. Dugd*. The fiTe and y It was fettled in 1407. 'This fociety was ftyled, e{ SocietaS “ prefbyterorum annuellarum Novas aulce Wellenf.” Dr. Hut¬ ton e regiftr. Wells. Annuellere , fecular, one that receives a yearlv ftipend. Gloflary to Chaucer. 2 Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 570. * Godwin, De praiulibus, in Rad. Erghum. " Their number probably encreafed before the Reformation ; for in A. D. 1555. there were feventeen who had penfions and are ftyled “ Colleginarii five cantariftse in collegio five Nova “ aula de le Mounteroy prope civitatem Wellenfem.” Liber mf. penfionum penes Petrum Le Neve. There are but fifteen faid to have penfions, in Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 200. but their penfions amounted to 6 2/. 8j. per arm. Quxre, Whether this college was not dedicated to St. Anne, and had not the induc¬ tion of the chantry priefts; for 24 Jul. 1520. “ Hen. Harrifon inftitutus ad cantariam S. Kalixti in eccl. cath. Wellenfi ; et ‘I j r'Pt,uJ?1 (i11'1 Pro indu&ione principalibus collegii S. Annas ^de Wells. Dr. Hutton’s collections out of the regifters of * And archdeacon of Bath, as Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 45. Radutph!' SaCr’ V0*’ P" Godwin prsefulibus, in vita e Pat. 26 Ed. 3. ’ Godwin de prsfulibus in vitis Radulphi de Salopia et Tho¬ rn* Bekinton. s Sancroft’s mf. Valor. " Queen Elizabeth’s charter for refoundiag this college bears date Nov. 5. A. D. 1591. The number of vicars is thereby aD- pomted to be not left than fourteen, nor more than twenty Vicars choral in this chilrch were firft appointed about A D 1240. by bilnop Jocelme, who ordained one to evcrv canon H- prebendary to fupply their turns in chanting ai^erfSfog *™e feyice. Ex mformatione viri rev. Thom* ford Wei? 1 Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 60. voLiii. d. m. k Dr. Hutton. ^ * If he founded it before he went from Wells, it muft be fo i for he was made billiop of Lincoln in the eleventh of kb g Join - But Dr. Hutton faith, that by his will dated anno ponnhca^ .' he gave five hundred marks towards founding an WditTi' u •’* at Wefts; fo that perhaps it might not be foLde 1 A. D. i3J0. as Dr. Hutton. ***** and br'u™ * Leland faith their revenues were much drrmCrA fx- . at firft they had 200 marks per Sjinnm. ’ f°r that moft XLII. SOMERSETSHIRE. tnoft of the lands belonging to this houfe were granted, J2 Hen. 8. to John Clerk then bifhopof Bath and Wells and his lucceffors, in confideration of the manor and park of Dogmeresfield, &c. However, the crown got it again afterwards-, and granted it, 17 Eliz. to Sir Chriltopher Hatton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 434. qucedam ex Le- land. Collect. vol. i. de fundatoribus. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 78. 1 18. ejufdem Itin. vol. ii. p. 69. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 628, &c. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 168a. f. 25. cartam Jofceltrii epifc. Bathon. de hoc hofpitali deque fubjeftione ejuf¬ dem ecdefi* cath. Wellenfi. _ t Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 8. de maner. in Wells: Ibid. m. 9. de Cranmore : Fin. div. com. 36 Hen. 3. n. 52. pro ten. in Pinnockfmere et Effe. piac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 45. d. jus prioris in quibufdam terris in Balbekary, &c. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28, Pat, 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. de melT. et terris in Kington Mandevile : Pat. ,g Ed. 2. m. . de melT. et terris in Wells, ex dono Will, de Withy, Ricardi Penerich, et Willielmi Afch, pro mifTa ad altare S. Nicholai in dicto hofpitali. * Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39 vel 40. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p, 2_ m. . Pat. II Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21 vel 22. Brev. re®. 16 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 fj-J 17. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro ten. in Kington Mandevile* Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. jr. . XLIII. W I T H A Mp, or the Charterhoufe, in SelwodeL Carthusian Priory. Here is faid to have been at firfl: a nunnery r, but it is more certain that uoon the Carthufian monks coming over into England, A. D. 1181 ’. this was the firft houfe of that order, built and endowed by K. Henry 2. to the honor of the blefied Virgin, St. John Baptift, and All Saints. It had at the diffolution revenues yearly worth 215/. 151. Dugd. 227/. 11. 8 d. Speed. The fne was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Ralph Hopton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 959. cartam R. Hen. 2. de fundatione, ex pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 32. Lelandi Colfea. vol. i. p. 84. vol. ii. p. 14. ejufdem ' Itin. Vol. vii. p. 107. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 285. de dormitono hujus prioratus. Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 630. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 190. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Spettiibury. In Madoxii Forinul. Artgl. p. 316. liberationem faftam a pricre et conventu Joanni Pifcatori, A. D. 1318. In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 417. of Warmington priory given to this monaftery. MS. Dodl'worth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxiv. f. 23. cartam 22 Ed. 1. In bibl. Harleyana, rot. n. 23. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 14. n. 29. Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 9. Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 1 vel 2. de deafforeftatione terr. in Mendeppe : Pat. 45 Hen. 3. m. 17. d. Pat. 47 Hen. 3. m. 7. et 10. d. Pat. 49 Hen. 3. n. 90. Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 2. d. et rot. 26. d. pro commun. paftur. in Cedderefted : Ibid, rot. 5. de xvill. acris terras in Ceddre. Cart. 14 Ed. I. n. 31. de c. fol. reddit. pro claufo vocat. Monckijham , ex conceiT. Edmundi com. Cor- nub. Cart. 22 Ed- I. n. 42. Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 24 Ed. 1. n. 2. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 30, XLIV. W O R S P R Cart. 19 Ed. 3. n. 4. Pat. 23 Ed. 3.^ p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. et p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30 vel 40. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 1 vel 12. Cart. 1 Ric. 2. n. 19. de mineris plumbi in fuo folofo- diendis, de uno dolio vini annuatim in portu B riftoil, &c. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 39. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 30. Cart. 9 Hen. 4. n. 2. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 9. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 20. de maner. five priorat. de Tofts [Norf.] Warmington [War.] et Spefteibury [Dorfet.] Ibid. p. 5. m. 36. Rec. in fcacc. 9 Hen. 5, Mich. rot. 11. de exoneratione prioris de exitibus difl. maner. de Tofts, Warminton, et Spedlelhury. Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 10. de maner. de Hydon : Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 24. Efcaet. poft mortem Joan. com. Bed¬ ford. 14 Hen. 6. de vi. quarterns falis ex maner. de Caneford : Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 14. Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 6. HdL rot. 20. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 6. pro maner. de Warmington, Spedteibury, et Afton: Ibid. p. 6. m. 32. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 7. rot. 12. de reddit. xiiij. lvd. e villa de Warmington. I N G, or Woodfpiing'. Canons Regular. There was at Dodelyng in this county an houfe of Canons Regular d the order of St. Vidor “, dedicated to the blefied Virgin and St. Thomas Becket; but they were removed to Worfpring by William de Courteneye about the year 1210. The eftate of this priory Lhich was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, St. Mary the V.rgin, and St. Thomas the martyr ) was valued, iuft before the diffolution, at 87/". it. 11 d. ob. per am. Dugd no i8j. 4 <*• Speed. Its fite, with the demean lands, was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir John St. Lo, and, 2 Eltz. to William and John Lacy. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 271. pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 33. recit. et confirm, donationes Cralfr. (jilbe- wini canonicis in Dodelyng ; Will, de Courtney, de tota terra de Wofpring ; Henrici et Joannis Engayu de maner. de Worlc, &c. Ibid. tom. iii. p. h P* 47" literas Will, de Curtenai Jocelino epifc. Bathon. por- p Erroneoufly reckoned to be in Lincotnjhire by Reyncr, trV Taxat. Lincoln, mf. Not in the foreft, but joining hard to the edge of it. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. lo;. r Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 84. . S Brompton Cliron. Joreval. inter Decern fcriptores Hut. Angl. col. H4S- < Strachey. . ... n u Their ftyle runs, “ Prior et conventus canomcorum viau^ “ rini ordinis Minorum et regute S. Auguftini de Woripryng. Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 522. » Dr. Hutton’s ColleCt. _ , , » The fumma clara in my mf. Valor, is “ 97 /. 2 s- 11 and in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 31. “ 97/- 10lU XLIV. SOMERSETSHIRE. re&as, propofitum fuum fundandi domum convcn- tualem apud Worfpring fignificantes. pr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 630. In perambulatione foreftarum, &c. p. 197. In Hutchin’s Dortfetlhire, vol. i. p. 78. of lands in Blandford forum. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 2. de reddit. in Work : Rec. aflif. Gloceftr. 53 Hen. 3. rot. 53. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. x. m. 25 vcl 26. Fin. 12 Ed. 2. m. 13. de medietat. maner. de Worlc. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Efcaet. Somerfet. 32 Ed. 3. 11. 88. de maner. de Locking. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 21. de melT. ct terris in Well- hautric, Monkton, et North Curry. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 21. pro ten. in Worle, Winf- comb, Rollcfton, &c. XLV. W Y R A L Lr. Nunnery. “ A park belonging to the abbey a mile out of Glafton, where is faid to have been « a nunnery dedicated to St. Peter, very conveniently fcituate within the pale of the abbey park.” Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 657. XLVI. Y E V E L E, or Evill. Almshouse. Here was an almfhoule founded and endowed by John Woburn petty canon of St. Paul’s about 16 Ed. 4*. Vide pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. pro fundatione : Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 5. pro ten. ibidem et in Stanford, Afting- fton, Kinfton, et Henford. Besides thefe in Mr. Speed’s catalogue under Somersetshire may be found Dunkeswelli r Devonshire. Farley >which Jhould be in< Wiltshire. Westbury j L Glocestershire. And in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1036. the alien priory of Lynton is placed in this county , which was in Cambridgeshire. And for what Mr. Strachey faith of Pilton or Pulton in this county, fee Pilton in Devonshire. BRISTOL. 1, "Qenedictine Priory- In t,ie north eaft fuburb of this city1, Robert bafe fon to K 13 Henry 1. and earl of Glocefter\ built a priory of Benedi&ine monks to the honor of St" James, in the latter end of his father’s, or the beginning of K. Stephen’s reign c. This he made a cell to the abbey of Tewkelbury, and, as parcel of the poffeilions of that great houfe it granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Henry Brayne. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 513. ex pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 7. cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, donatorum concefliones : Cart, antiq. T. n. 24. fcil. Hen. 2. de libertat. apud Ciffeleiam. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 516. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 85. ejufdem Itin. vol. vi. p. 79- vol. vii'. p. 91. Regiftrum brevium, f. 247. fub titulo Ad quod dam¬ num, de conceflT. c. marcar. reddit. ad inveniend. duos capellanos. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 120. 290. dimenfioncs ecclefiae. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 547. of the impropriate church of Mangersfield : p. 687. of the impropriate church of Stapleton. Munimenta nonnulla pertinentia ad ecclefiam S. Jacobi prope Bnlloll, 27 Hen. 7. mfT. inter codd. R. P Jo anms Moore, n. 351. in bibl. publ. acad. Cantab, f In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. inter libros m(T autons m bibl Bodl. Oxon. p. 192. profeffionem de lubmimone vifitatiom dom. archiepifc. Cantuar. A D 1260. _v t — — yen. z. ae UDertat. rat. 25 Hen. 3. m. 1. de amotione corporis Alienor confanguinem regis a prioratu S. Jacobi Briftol - monad, de Ambrelbury. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. n. 17. de terra de EfTelega et feria, &c, Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . y John of Glaftonbury mentions a monaftery here in the time of king Arthur, but does not fpeak of it as ftill cxifting in his days : neither is there any tiling relating to it in Adam de Do- merham. And it is probable that the tradition of its exigence arofe from the legendary tale recorded by the firft of thefe writers. Miraculous ltories were eagerly inculcated into the minds of then- hearers by the regular clergy during the middle ages, and this fiftion now to be met with only in an obfeure writer, may have formerly been very popular, and the nunnery ot Wyrall the feene of the miraculous event recorded bv the Glaftonbury luftonan talked of, as long as fuch tales gLed 56 Speed. “ The turns of it ftandith hard buttyng to the eft end of the paroch chirch of that name.” Leland Itin vol I? d ' 6 Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. gs. Mom Amd vol i n T P‘ 9‘‘ c Becaufe this earl died in the vear tta-° mri * * the choir of this priory. Mom^ ® buned «» — Et a. Calen- BRISTOL. 2. CALENDARIES. “ The Calendaries, otherwyfe caullyd the Glide or Fraternitie of the cler^v “ and commonakie of Brightftow, was firlt kept in the church of the Trinitie, lens at All Hallows “ The original of it is out of myndd.” Thus Leland, Itin. vol. vii. p. 94. who there mentions this fraternity to have been concerned with Robert earl of Glocefter, Rob. fil. Hardingi, and Wil¬ liam earl of Glocelter, all out of a little book of the Antiquities of the houfe of the Calendaries' The prior and his brethren of the college Kalendarum here are mentioned in pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2’ m. 11. and “ Dornus Calendarum Briftol” was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 10 1. 18 s. 8 d. per ann\ and there were penfions paid to lome of this Religious fociety after the diffolution. Jricle Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 88. trum fub figillo eorum communi dat. 6 Ed. 4. de Itinerarium Will de Worceftre, p. 190. 253. terris in Merlh ftreet penes Petrum Lc Neve arm. Cartam originalem Joannis Harlow prioris et confra- Norroy, &c. 3. Great St. Augustine’s, now Holy Trinity and Cathedral. Robert Fitz Har¬ ding, A. D. 1 148 f. mayor of Briftol2, founded, on a rifing ground in the north weft part of this city, a priory of Black canons’1, of which houfe, as well as of the order, St. Auguftine was the patron faint. This was, in the latter end of the reign of king Henry 2. changed into an abbey1, which had, before its diffolution, yearly revenues worth 670 1. 131. nd. Dugd. 767 /. 153. ^ d. Speed. King Henry 8. A. D. 1542. changed it into a cathedral, by the name of the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity, and founded therein a bilhop, dean, fix Secular canons or prebenda¬ ries, one archdeacon, fix minor canons or priefts vicars, a deacon and fubdeacon, fix lay clerks. fix chorifters, two grammar Ichoolmatters, lour ; church, and greatelt part of the lands of the old Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 232, 233. cartam Ro- berti filii Hardingi, de fundatione k prioratus : Car- mina quaedam Anglic, de Roberto Harding : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 29. per Infpex. recit. cartas Henrici ducis Normanniae confirm. Almodefberiam, Wappe- leiam, &c. Roberti filii Hardingi, et Joannis com. Moriton. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 225, Sic. an ac¬ count of this church, with a catalogue of the abbats : Ibid. p. 324. and Append, p. 65, 66. In his Survey of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 758. a further ac¬ count of this church ; an account of perfons buried there ; of the endowment of the biftiopric, and chap¬ ter ; with a catalogue of the bifhops, deans, archdea¬ cons, and prebendaries, and the names of all the parifhes in the diocefe, &c. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 48. the fucceflion of the bifhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries of this cathedral. Lelandi Collett, vol. i. p. 85. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 64. vol. vi. p. 46. vol. vii. p. 91. 94. In Itinerario Will, de Worceftre, p. 188. dimenfiones fanttuarii : p. 233. 242. 289. dimenfiones ecclefiae. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 212. of the manor, im¬ propriate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Almonfbury. p. 222. of the manor of Arlingham: p. 226. of the manor, impropriate rettory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Afhelworth : p. 270. of the impropriate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Berkley : p. 357. of the manor of Gotherington : p. 375. of the manor of Cromhall-abbots : p. 435. of fix mefluages in Filton and the advowfon of the rec¬ tory : p. 476. of the rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of King’s Wefton: p. 480. of tithes in Hill; p. 481? of the manor, impropriate rettory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Horfield : p. 528. of the ad¬ vowfon of the rettory of Laflington : p. 593. of the free chapel of Tockington : p. 596. of the manor of Ozleworth fometime ; p. 659. of Slimbridge wharf; p. 796. of the impropriate rettory and advowfon of the/ vicarage of Wapeley : p. 844. of the advowfon of a “ Fundata ante tempus Willelmi Conqueftoris Anglia:, circa “ annum Chrifti 700, ut per literas certificatorias tempore S. “ Wolftani epifcopi fub antiqua manu vidi et legi.” Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 2.53. ‘ Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1040. . < Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 8j. Mr. Willis’ furvey of this cathedral, from the old infcription on the gatehoufe, See. But according to the rev. Dr. Cox Macro’s mf. 12. u. 16. a. the founder died 31 H^n. 1. or A. D. IJ30. and the foundation ■ftitift have' been twenty years fooner. g 'Be is exprelly called fo in Dr. Macro’s mf. where k. Ste¬ phen is faid to have .given the barony of Berkeley to his fon Maurice Fitz Harding. Camden faith, that he was of the blood royal of Denmark, an alderman of Briftol, and fo great with K. H^nfry that his fon married the daughter of lofd Berkeley, umlmen, cz c. who were endowed with the fite munaftery. the rettory of Witcombe : p. 850. of the impropriate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wotton under edge. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 301. of the manor, impropriate rettory and advowfon of the vicarage of Fife-hide Magdalen ; p. 308. of lands in Great Kington. In Adamo de Domerham, p. 197. pofieffiones hujus ab- batiae infra bundas foreftarum in Somerfet : p. 612. de decimis in Baflelech [Monm.] In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houfes, &c. p. 632. of the advowfons and impropriations be¬ longing to this abbey in the diocefe of Bath and Wells. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 165. concordiam inter Bo- gonem de Clare et abbatem S. Auguftini Briftol, 21 Ed. 1. In Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 358, 359. of a chantry, &c. herein founded by Thomas lord Berkley. Year Books, 35 Hen. 6. Mich. § 43. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 140. a catalogue of the abbats. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. v. p. 246. pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 13. pro abbate, de non veniendo ad parliamentum quia non tenet per baroniam, nee de fundatione regisk tom. xiv. p. 748. pat. 34 Hen. 8. p. jo. m. 26. de erettione epifeopatus: tom. xv. p. 77. pat. 37 Hen. 8. p. 9. m. 25. fuper diftribu- tione XL /. per ann. eleemofynarum per decanum et capitulum ; Ibid. p. 370. commiffionem ad deprivan- dum Paulum epife. Briftol, A. D. 1554- Ibid. p. 459. ,pat. 3 et 4 Phil, et Mar. p. 10. m. 24. pro exonera- tione Joannis epife. Briftol. a primitiis et decimis, ratione epifeopatus : tom. xvi. p. 524- Pro Joanne Thornborough epife. elefto, pro decanatu et prebenda in eccl. Ebor. in commendam poflidendis, eo quod epifeopatus Briftol tarn exil is eft. Regiftra, cartas originates, &c. penes R R. dom. epif- copum et decanum et capitulum eccl. cath. Briftol. Regiftrum, five potius hiftoriam fundationis hujus coe- and his .pofterity thereby became barons of.Berkeiy ; fo that he liimfelf probably was not lord Berkely, as from Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 85, &c. he is faid to have been, in the firft edition. h It was not of the Benedi£tine order, as cart. 2 2 Ed- 1 • * MS. in bibl. Bodl. Digby, xi. t Thus the title in the Monafticon. But this charter was noi made till after K. Henry 2. came to tile crown ; and this mo- naftery was certainly founded before his reign ; he having, whilft only duke of Normandy, made feveral donations to i ; and declaring in one of his grants, that this manaitery r “ initio j 11 ventutis raea: fovere et juvare!” I rather think • charter of Rob. fil. Harding, Mon. Angl. vol. n. p. 23a. lin. 64. is the foundation charter. 1 Printed alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 35°- nobii B R I S T O L. nobii a Joanne Newland abbate contextam, mf. apud caftrum de Berkley in com. Gloceftr. Abbreviaturas quarundam conceffionum huic abbatke in mf. Macro, 12. ii. f. 2. a. f. 18. a. Fin. Buckingh. 5 Joan. n. 125. de terris in Finemere: Fin. in div. com. 11 Joan. n. 55. de advoc. eccl. dc Lanvernac [Glamorg.J Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 13. Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 27. de c. acris terrae in Legh : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 15. pro mer- cat. et feria apud Almunddbury [Gloceftr.] Ibid, n. 35. pro lib. war. in Almunfbury, Harefold, et Crumhole [Gloceftr. [ Leye [Somerfet.] Fifhide [Dorfet.] Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. j6. pro libertat. in Berkelehernes, &c. Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 22. pro eccl. de Wotton appro- prianda; Cart, ii Ed. 2. n. 1^. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Fifhyde : Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel .7. et i». 46 vel 47. dq excambio cum priore S. Joan. Jerufalem : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . de Clavenfwell : Efcaet. Somerfet. 27 Ed. 3. n. 52. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35 vel 36. Efcaet. Gloceftr. 45 Ed. 3. n. 72. Efcaet. Dorfet. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 46. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. de terris, pafturis, et bofcis in Berkley [Gloceftr.] Ibid. m. 22- pro eccl. de Fifhide approprianda. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 15. Ibid. p. 2. m. 16 et 24. Rec, in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8- Micji. rot. 10. Paf. 34 Hen. 8. p. 10. [10 Jup.] pro dotatione epifcopatus; i Ibid. [Nov. 28.] pro dotatione decani et capituli. 4. St. Mary Magdalen Nunnery. On the north fide of this city was an houfe of _ ; nunsm. dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene", which is faid to have been founded by Eva, wife or rather widow to Robert Fitz Harding, temp. Hen. 2. who herfelf became priorefs here". It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 21/. 11 s. 3d. per annf. and granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Henry Brayn and Tohn Marlh. 1 7 J Vide Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 201. 264. of melTuages and lands in Wefton St. Lawrence s Leland. Itin. vol. vu. p. 92. p. 7g7. 0f lands in Codrington : p. 804. pf the manor In Atkyns Glocelterlhire, p. 204. of a tenement in of South Mead. IronAdton: p, 421. of a meadow in Berton : p.475. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40 vel 41. 5. St. Sepulchre’s Nunnery. “ Where now St. Laurence church is, was fumtime a church “ as is faid, S. Sepulchri, where was a nunnery.” Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 91. . 7* Benedictine Priories. Belides the priory of St. James, William of AVorcefter men¬ tions two others of theifame order, of which a traditionary account was preferved to his time one fituated on the fcite of St. Philip’s church, the other, which was a cell to Glaftonbury, on the’ fcite of St. Stephen’s church near the key. Vide Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 210. 247, 248. 8. St. Bartholomews Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Bartholomew’, not far from the Grey friers without Froom gate'. This houfe, with all the lands, &c. thereto belong- ln& Wt\ 7 wCeo.ff0rn f ?eTnre am° regHi ’ ’ Purcha,ed by the executors of Robert Tho?n of Sir Thomas Weft knt. lord La Warre patron and founder, George Croft mafter, and the bre¬ thren and fillers of the faid holpital, and conveyed to the mayor, burgeffes, and commonalty of the city, for eredling a free grammar fchool in purfuance of the will of the faid Robert Thorn and is lull applied to that ufe. ’ Vide Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 401. 208. 452. 263. Leland. Itin. vok vii. p. 92. 9. Burton’s Almshouse, in the long row near St. Thomas ftreet was founded A D 1202 by Simon Burton merchant’, and feveral times mayor of Briftol, who is buried in it'" Sixteen poor people have now their dwelling there, but no allowance, except out of the poor’s .rates. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 96. 10 St. Catharine’s Hospital, within the manor of Bedminfter u. An hofpital for a mafter m “ Ecclefia pauperis religionis trium monacharum.” Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 201. n Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. Prynne, iii. 714. 0 Dugdale’s Baronage, vol. i. p. 351. Atkyns’ Glocefterihire, p. 261. Her hufband died A. D. 1170. fo that, if Ihe founded this houfe whilft a wife, it muft be before that year ; and, if when a widow, after that year. p Dugdale’s Valor, in Glocefterihire. q I conjecture this to have been, like many other fimilar foundations, in ancient times both a priory and an hofpital under the ^government and direction of fome regular canons ; for in William of Worcefter, p. 208. it is ftiled “ quondam pri- “ oratus canonicorum regularium per anteceflores domini.De- “ laware fundata, et modo hofpitale pauperum and, p. 252. “ hofpitalis domus pro pauperibus in ecclefia quondam canopi- “ corum S. Auguftini, et modo domus hofpitalis pro pauperibus “ fuftinendis in ecclefia S. Bartholomei.” r Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. 9 He is alio faid to have been the founder of St. Mary Red- clyfF church. c Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 96. “ Mr. Strachey faith, this is now a glafs-houfe. “ 21 Apr. tt p * D* If1^* J°anne? Worthy preib. inftitutus in magiftrlTm « n \ c.uft°dem hofpitalis S. Katerina; de Bedminfter juxta Bnftol, ad prafentat. dom. Tho.na; de Berkeley, per refena- “ tioqem dom. Nicolai do Bjrnft.aple. DiAum hofpitale non *< H?y-PlCUS- ?k1Sv°rUS 3 P[.,ma;va fui'datione; et olinf magifter diAi loci habuit fecum aliquando iv. aut iii. aut ii. prelbyteros „ locJos ftb confratres, qrn omnibus temporibus fuis habitnm geftarunt tacerdotum fscularium, prjeterquam qbod pro vefte fiVC man,tel!-° de ■'ig™ vel bnrneto cum roll S- eatherina; de panno alterius colons in finiftro pecftore con- futo utebantur. kedd.tus ejufdem Imfpitalis valorem annuli 24I. non excedunt, etdiAum hofpitale tenetnr A*™ “ ecclefik ide Bedminftre adannuam penfioncm 6r. f J foWen! dam reflon, et, m fefto S. Joannis Baptifta;, ecclefe de BedI mynftrein duabus cereis duarum Ubrarum cers.” E reedlro Nicol. Bvibbwitb eptfc. Bathgn. et Wellenf. ■ rc£Wro or BRISTOL. or warden and feveral poor brethren founded by Robert de Berkele'’' (who died 4 I kit. 3,) jn honor of St. Catharine. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 21/. 15 s. 8 d. per arm. Dugd. Speed*. Vide in Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 352- b- 359- .?• q«*dam de fundatione et dotatione la uj us xenodochii, ex cards in caftro de Berkly. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 261. 294. In Rymeri Conventionum, Ac. tom. xv. p. 479. prse- fentationem Joannis Angell in magiftrum five cufto- dem hujus hol'pitalis per regem et reginam, A. D. I557. A lift of the patrons arid mafters, in Dr. Archer’s Ac¬ count, &c. p. 604, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. cuftod. in rege, ratione minoris ictatis Mauritii de Berkly: Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 23. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. de terris in Aihton [Somer- fet.] Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . rex dedit Joanni Dif- ford cuftodiam hofpitalis S. Katharinae de Bedmin- fter, ratione cuftodiae terrar. et hteredis Mauritii Berkele mil. defunfti. ji Gaunts, alias Billeswyke Hospital. Maurice de Gaunt’’ built an hofpital at Bil- lefwy’ke in the north weft fuburb of this city, near St. Auftin’s, before A. D. 1229*. for one chaplain and one hundred poor people to be relieved every day. For which ufe he gave the manor of Pau let and feveral mills, &c. to the canons of St. Auftin’s, and feems to have made his hofpital entirely lubjedt to their management and direction. But, after his deceafe, Robeit de Gurnay his nephew and heir, made it a diftind houfe for the maintenance of a matter* and three chaplains, and the relief of one hundred poor people every day. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary and St. Mark b, valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 112/. 9 s. 9 d. per ann. as Dugd. and 140/. as Speed', and Granted, 33 Hen. 8. to the mayor and citizens-, but fince that time it hath been converted into an hofpital for orphans, by the munificence of T . Carre a wealthy citizen . Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 455. cartam Robert! de Gurnay, pro maner. de Poulet, molendinis de Were et Radewike, &c. ad fuftentationem, &c. Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious houfes, &c. p. 606. Mr. Strachey’s Lift, p. 652. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 188. dimenfiones ec- Lelandi "Colledf. vol. i. p. 85. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 64. vol. vii. p. 88. 92. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 214. of the manor of Gaunts Urcot. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 123. ex bund, certit. 50 Hen. 3. de eccl. de Kantokefheved [dioec. Bath J Ibid. p. 856. prohibitionem archiepifc. Cantuar. quia tenuit placitum de advocatione hujus domus, 28 Ed. 1. In Raftall’s Entries, p. 463. b. fub titulo, Shiare impedit de hofpital: Plac. dom. Mauritii Berkley mil. de ma- giftro eligendo. Year Books, 7 Ed. 3. Hill. §17. 12. Hen. 4. Mich. 13. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 85. et Append. InPregiftro penes rev. V V. decan. et capit. Wellenf. Mauritii de Gaunt fundatoris cartam. In regiftro Joannis Drokensford epifc. Bathon. et Wel¬ lenf. ordinationes vicariarum de Stokland [A. D. 1317.] et Overftowey, A. D. 1327. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro lib. war. in Paulet et Stoke- land. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 9. Plac. apud Wilton. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 3. de maner. de Winterborn Gunnore: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 69. pro eod. maner. a rege concelfo: Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. . Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 8. de Amelino de Gurney olim advo- cato. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 7. pro maner. de Paulet, Stokland, &c. Pat. 8 Eft 2. p. 1 • m. 3. de terris et pafturjs in Compton excambiatis cum epifc. Bathon. et Wellenf. Ibid. m. 4. pro eccl. de Stokland approprianda : Pat. 20 Ed. 2 m. . . ( Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. de maner. de Winterburn Gunnore et Winterburn Cherburgh. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 23. pro villis de Paulet et Buro: Clauf. 7 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 11. Efcaet*. 7 Hen. 4. n.23, Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 26. de common, paftur. in South- amme et Northamme. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. g. de maner. de Paulet et claufo vocat. Grauntejham. to St Tohn’s Hospital. John earl of Moreton, afterward king of England, gave a croft without Lae ford ' gate, upon- the road to Bath, to certain poor lepers, whereupon was bu.lt an hofpital to the honor of S? John Baptift, which was, 26 Hen. 8. endowed with 51/. 10 a 4 d. per ann. as Dugd. and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to G. Owen. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 438. cartam R. Joannis [anno 9.] confirm, croftam, quam leprofis dedit, dum eflet comes Moretonii, ex cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 14. per Infpex. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 260. 274. Lelandi Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. xv. p. 14. lurium redditionem Ricardi Bramfeld magiftri et focioruin iftius hofpitalis, 35 Hen. 8. Lift of the mafters, in Dr. Archer’s Account of Reli¬ gious houfes, p. 603. w William of Worcefter fays, that Sir Thomas de Berkele, brother of Robert de Berkele, confirmed the foundation, and gave to it lands and tenements in Byslhopworthe. Itin. p. J94- * Ant. Wood faith of John Bridgwater, that in iJ7o. Nov. *8. he was admitted mafter of St. Catharine’s hofpital near to Bed- minfter, vol. i. col. 274. £>uare> how long aftei it continued . y Leland, Itin. vol. vii. p. 91. afcribes the foundation of this houfe to Sir Henry Gant ; and faith it was intended for a col¬ lege of priefts, &c. but Maurice j charter is extant in the regi- ftTAnfelmbi(hop eleft of St. ^David’s is one of the witnefles to Robert de Gurney’s confirmation of his uncle s charter, and A. D. ra*9- was the year of his election. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 91. de protettione leproforum S. Jo¬ annis : Cart. 9 Joan. n. 22. Pat. 51 Hen. 3. n. 96. Plac. in com. Somerfet. 8 Ed. r. affif. rot. r8. pro cult, terr. in Truwella : Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. ult. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 33. de terris in Dundray. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11 vcl 12. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. 11. 14. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Efcaet. Somerfet. 27 Ed. 3. n. 52. de terris in Hafele : Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 34. pro ten. in Hafele et Shortwood. • The governor of this houfe is fometimcs called prior, and the houfe itlelf a priory of the order of St. Aultin, as Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 8 j. b Not St. Martin, as in Prynne, vol. in. p. 113. c Leland, Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. faith it had three hundred maik> of land by the year. Camden, col. 74. edit. 1695. , . c This defcription in K. John’s charter, feems to make it belong rather to this hofpital of lepers, than to that of St. Lau¬ rence, which.the editors of the Monafticon have aldxbed Jt t • that being on the Giocelterihire fide. It was in the P.atr™!6. of the mayor and commonalty of Briltol A* B. 1437- Hutton, out of the regifters of Wells. - 13- BRISTOL. 13. St. Laurence’s Hospital. In one of the fuburbs on the Glocefterfhire f fide of this city was an hofpital for leprous perfons, dedicated to St. Laurence, before 8 Hen. 3. The patro¬ nage of the malterfhip was in the crown, but was granted, 3 Hen. 5. to Humfry duke of Glocefter. It afterward belonged to the college of Weftbury ; and as parcel of that college it was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Ralph Sadleyr. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 438. cartam regis Hen- quieti de hundredis, Sic. Pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. 3. rici 3* (anno regni 3a.) de quadam felda concefta ifti Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. de cuftodia conccfT. per re- hofpitali. gem. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 261. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 1. in. 8. Pat. 8 Hen. 3. m. 10. quod leprofi de S. Laurentio fint 14. Lyons, alias Lewin’s Mede-street Hospital. This is faid to have been founded about A. D. 1460. by William Spencer executor to William Cannings (five times mayor of BriftoR), with the effedts of the faid William Cannings. It now belongs to the parifh of St. James’, thirteen of whofe poor have their dwellings there. Vide Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 261. MS. Cole, vol. x. p. 55. 15. St. Margaret’s Hospital. “ Ther was an hofpital of old time, wher of late a nunry “ vas, callid St. Margaret’s.” Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. 16. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. On the weft fide of Radcliff-hill was an ancient hofpital for lepers, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen. Vide Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 206. 260. iy. St. Michael s-Hill Almshouse. The almfhoule, with the chapel here, was founded A. D. 1504. by John Fofter, to the honor of God and the three kings of Colleign h, for one prieft, eight poor men and five poor women ; and augmented by John Efterfield and John Walffie his’ executors It is yet in being, under the government of the corporation, and fo well endowed, that twenty- three poor people in it have is. 6d. per week each. 18. Redcliff-Hill Almshouse. An almflioufe or hofpital was founded here by Wiliiam Cannings above-mentioned A. D. 1442. which is yet in being, and inhabited by feventeen poor people, but hath no endowment. r Vide mf. Cole, vol. X. p. 55. 19. 20. Temple Street Hospitals. Under the Tucker’s hall is an ancient hofpital fup- pofed to have been founded by the Tucker’s company, wherein fix poor people have their dwell¬ ings, and twenty fliillings per am. each from the faid company. And under the Weaver’s hall, in the fame ftreet, is another very ancient hofpital for four poor women, who have about one fhilling per week each from the Weaver’s company. r 21. Temple Gate Hospital. Without Temple-gate was and is an hofpital, “called “ Roger Magdalen’s of Nonney, which was founder of it L” It belongs now to the parifh of St. Mary RedclifF, and is inhabited by eleven poor people, but hath no endowment. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 96. 22. Trinity Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to the Holy Trinity, hard within Lawford’s gatek. This hofpital is laid to have been founded by John Barftaple merchant and burgefs of Brtftol, anno 4 Hen. 5. for fix poor men and fix poor women, and a prieft to officiate to them But here was certainly fome foundation before his time, though probably not fully fettled I can* not find any valuation of this hofpital 26 Hen. 8. But it was happily preferved at the Reformat tion, and gi anted by queen Elizabeth, anno regni 20. to the mayor and corporation of Briftol who have fo carefully improved the revenues, that there are now twenty-four women and ten men in it, having three (hillings per week each ; and the vicar of St. Philip’s, in which parifh this hof¬ pital is, hath 8/. per ann. to officiate to them1. r Vide Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 210. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. g2, f P.it 3 Hen. 5. It was in Bell lane, near St. John’s church, and is now converted into warehoufes. e He went afterwards into orders, &c. See Wejlbury in Glo- cejlerjhire . h This and fome other of thefe hofpitals were probably in a bad condition in Leland’s time, for in Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. he hath “ Hofpitales in ru- fanum Barptholomaei ; fanum trium “ regum juxta Barptholomeanes extra Fromgate,” Si c. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 96. k Ibid. p. 92. 1 The learned author was indebted to Mr. Matthew Hale of IhJfr w‘ v ?°"v ,?,rlftoI[or the account here given of many of thefe hofpitals : behdes which the Rev. Dr. Cox Macro’s mf ij v>l6hma"tl0n? an hofpital of St. James, founded by Robert enifcHRithnScrfwnnerr°f the abbey ; and in regiftr0 Bubwith “^tifte^apud Redclyff pi»t.’’CCUr3 “ HoiPitale S' Joannis BaP' -■ Ff 23. Austin B R I S T O L. ij. Austin Friers. The Auguftine friers houfe was hard by the Temple gate, within it “ on the north weft rt'.” It was founded by Sir Simon and Sir William Montacute", about the be¬ ginning of the reign of K. Edward 2. and was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Maurice Dennis. Vide in Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 325. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. n Ed. 2. p. ( the dimenfions of the church and chapter houfe. m. 10. Ibid. p. 2. m. 22. de cccc. ped. in lonim et Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 233; cc. ped. in latit. concefi". per Will, de Monteacuto Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. pro manfo elargando: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. 24. Black. Friers. On the right hand fide of the river Frome ftood the houfe of the Black friers, which was founded by Sir Maurice Gaunt0, elder brother to Sir Henry Gaunt founder of the Gaunts. It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to William Chefter. Vide in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 326. the dimenfions of the church and cloyfter. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 188. 233. dimenfiones ecclefise : p. 233. excerpta ex mardrologio. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. Pat. 17 Hen. 3. n. 29. Clauf. 19 Hen. 3. m. 26. quod habeant ex dono regis feptem fufta ad focum fuum e bofco de Furch. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pto manfo elargando: Pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 36 vel 37. de fonte vocat. Panewell. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 25. pro condu£tu aquie fac;_ endo a fonte vocat. Penyivell: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. t m. 5. Pat 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 35. pro medietat. pril farum pifcium regi provenient. 25. Grey Friers. “ The Grey friers howfe was on the right ripe of From Watar, not far “from St. Bartolome’s hofpitalp,” in St. James’ parilh, in the ftreet called Lewenefmedes. ft was founded before A. D. 1234. and after its diflolution, K. Henry 8. anno 33. granted the fite of it to the mayor and citizens of Briftol. Vide in Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 326. and Ste- Colleft. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 20. vens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 158. the dimenfions of Clauf. 19 Hen. 3. m. 26. quod Fratres minores Briftol the chureh and fteeple. habeant feptem fufta ad focum in bofco de Furch. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 116. 237.- Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. pro fente in fuburbiis. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. «. m. 26 vel 27. 26. White Friers. “ The priory of the Carmelites was the faireft of all the houfes of the « friers in Briftol, and ftood on the right rype of the From, over againft the keyr.” Mr. Speed faith that it was founded A. D. 1267. by K. Edward 1. perhaps before his acceftion-to the throne. It was granted, after the diflolution, by K. Henry 8. for the ufe of the city. Vide in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 326. the Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 64. vol. vii. p. 92. length and breadth of the church belonging to thefe Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro manfo elargando: Pat. friers. 3+ Ed- 3- P- *• *“• 4*- Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 188. STAFFORDSHIRE. I. blythbury. Benedictine Nuns. Here was a fmall monaftery founded about the latter end of the reign of K. Henry i. or beginning of K. Stephen’, by Hugh Malveyfin, at firft both for monks and nuns, afterward for nuns only. It was of the Benedidfine order, and had St. Giles for its tutelar faint. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 468. cartas Hugonis Malveyfin, pro loco de Blithburgh cum limitibus ; Hugonis de Ridware, pro eodem ; Willielmi Malvey¬ fin, confirm, donationes Hugonis patris fui ; Wil- lielmi fil. Will, de Rideware, pro parte de Himer- m Leland. Itin- vol. vii. p. 92. __ . » Or the church at lead, For in Dr.' Hutton’s coheflions, out of the regifter of biihop Ralph of Shrewfbury, there is, “ In- gentia, xl. dierum pccnitentise injundte, concelTa omnibus “ qui contribuerint ad fabricam ecclefix conventualis fratrum ordinis S. Auguftini Briftol in honorem B. Auguftini noviter ri ipehoatnm, et qui oraverint pro lalubri ltatu nobilis dom. «< Willielmi de Monteacuto mil. et dom. Eliz. matris lux et Katerina: uxoris fine, liberorumque fuoruin dum vixerint, et animabus eorundem cum ab hac luce migraverint, necnon t‘ pro animabus dom. Simonis et Willelmi de Monteacuto mu. » diiftae ecclefix fundatorum, &c. dat. 4 Id. Sept. A. D. 1329- fiche; Rennerii fil. Edrichti de Walfely, pro terra de Gauley, &c. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 99. extracts from deeds relating to this nunnery. In the mf. Stow one Robert Pecock is faid to be founder. « Thus Leland. Itin. vol: vii. p. 91. This Sir Maurice was perhaps the fame who was uncle to Robert Gurney abovemen- tioned ; and then this houfe mull have been as early as A. u- 1228 or 1119. In the mf. Stow, one Matthew Gurney is laid t be founder. p Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 92. s Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 326. ex Will. Worceftre. r Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 64. vol. vii. p. 92. , a Becaufe tempore Rogeri epife. Cejlrenjis. I have not V with any account of this Religious noufe, but what is in the charters in the Mohafticon. II. ‘The II. STAFFORDSHIRE. II. Tl’he BLACK LADIES o/’BREWOOD1’, corruptly called Bri\Vernec. Benedictine Nuns. A fmall Benediftine nunnery in being temp. Iiic. ia. and perhaps be¬ fore, dedicated to- the blefied Virgin Mary, and valued but at x i /. is. 6d. per atm. clear', yet there were five nuns. It was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Thomas Gifford. Vide cartam Ifabellae priorifHe, temp. Rog. Meyland epifc. Coventr. in regiftro eccl. cath. Lichfcld. mf. Afhmol. 1527. f. 63. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 20. n. 74. pro ii. marcat. et dim. terrre in Broma. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 18. de commun. paftur. et efto- veriis in forefta de Briavello : Cart. 5 1 Hen. 3. m. 2. de terris in Brome. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. t. affif. rot. 11. pro xvi. acris in Brewode, &c. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 37. pro terris in Tonge. Rot. Norman. 211 Ed. 3. m. 20. pro eccl. de Rode approprianda. III. BURTON upon Trent. Benedictine Abbey. Wulfric Spot* finiffied and endowed, A. D. 1004L an abbey here for monks of the order of St: Benedict. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary and to'St. Mod- wen', and valued, . 26 Hen, 8. at 2 67/. 14 s. 3d. per ann. Dugd. 356/. 1 6s. 3d. ob. Speed- but on the record, in the Firft Fruits office, the whole yearly Valuation of this monaftery is 301 L 7 s. °“* ob. and after 89/. or. 2 d. ob. reprifes deducted, remained clear 412/. 6s tod. The abbat and convent furrendered this houfe Nov. 14, 1539 k. and about 3 Nov. 1541 kino Henry 8 founded on the fit e and in the church of the fame a college of a dean and canons, to th°e honor of Jelus Chrift and his mother Mary, and granted, for their fupport, the manor of Burton and thir¬ teen other manors, &c. belonging to the monaftery. This collegiate church1 was but of ffiort con¬ tinuance, for it was difTolved before 31 Jan. 1545. when all the lands and endowment of the fame were conveyed by the faid king to Sir William Paget. V 'de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 265. cartam Eadredi regis, dat. A. D. 949 m. Notularii de fundatione ex chronico Abbendon : P. 266, &c. teftamentum Wul- frici Spott, Saxonice cum interpretatione Latina : P . 269. cartam Ethelredi regis confirm, donationes Wultrici, dat. A. D. 1006. P. 270. bullam P. Lucii 3. ratif. polleffiones et conced. libertates, dat. A. D. 1x85. P. 271, &c. hiftoriam fundatoris et abbatum coenobii de Burton: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 869. cartam Nigelli abbatis, de terra de Acoure : P. 870. de te- nura de Acoure et aliarum terrarum per Rog. de Acoure : Cartas Robert! abbatis et conventus, de terra de Acoure, Radulpho fil. Ormi et Hugoni filio Radulphi de Acoure. Annales monafterii Burtonienfis ab anno 1004 ad an¬ num 1263. mf. olim penes Will, dom, Paget, modo in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. iii. j. typis mandatos, Oxon. 1684. fol. p. 246. in quibus, p. 281. cartam R. Hen. 3 confirm, libertates abbatiae, dat. anno regni 1 i. Cartam ejufd. R. pro mercat. lingulis die- bus Martis, et pro feria in vigilia, die et craft. S. Bartholomrei apud Bromley: p. 360. taxationfem bo- norum abbatiae de Burton facftam per epifc. Norwic. A. D. 1254. P- 3^3- inqnifi de reparatione pont'is de Egenton. The names and fomg hiftorical account of the abbats of this monaftery, in Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, Vol. ii. p. 210, &c. Lelandi Colleift. vol. i. p. 27. vol. ii. p. 374. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 232. of lands in Great Barrington. In Burton’s Leicefterfliire, p. 12. of lands and tithes in Appleby Magna: p. 215. of lands in Okethorpe. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire edit. 1730. p. 33. of lands in Wolfton: p. 41. in Stretton fuper Dunfmore: • P-71- in Wibtoft : p. 135 et 1122. of the manor, impropriation and advowfon of the vicarage of Adul- veftre or Audrey n. Year Books, 2 Ed. 3. Pafch. n. 11. Quare Impedit contra epifcopum Elienfem. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 286. of the fine for the grant of the mercat at Bromley, 5 Hen. 3. Ibid. p. 404. In cl. Rymeri Converitionum, &c. tom. iv. p. 60. Rom. 17 Ed. 2. m. 5. d. literas R. papse, pro licentia ap¬ proprianda eccl. de Tatenhull et Hambury, et de Adulveftre [Lichf. et Cov. dioec.] quia villa de Bur¬ ton redafta luit in cineres a rebellibus. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. 35 Ed. 1. de dampnis illatis per efcaetores temp nuperae vacationis abbatis, f. 320. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 404. the valuation of this abbey, A. D. 1254. Regiftra, cartas Originates, Sec. penes prrehonorabiletn Henricum com. Uxbridge baron, de Burton. QuSdarn de abbatia de Burton mf. Cotton. Fau/iina B. vm. 6. J 1 Decerpta quatdam ex chronicis de Burton vitas abba¬ tum concerrientia, mf. Dugdale in mufeo Afhmol. 11 b . 1. p. 12. Extrafti from the regifter, mf. in coll, armorum, n. 22, Cartam Athelftani regis, mf. in bibl. C. C. C C 111 p. 278. In cod. mf. cartarum religiof. exhib. in vifitat. dioec. Coventr. et Litchf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm." b MS. de penfionibus Religioforum, Sc ci et Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 616. c By Gervafe of Canterbury, and Speed. a BeCaufe mentioned in Gervafe of Canterbury. * So the record in the Firft Fruits office : the 17/. 10 r. 8 d. afcribed to this houfe by Dugdale, being the clear valuation of the Whitt Ladies at Brewode, according to the record. f ijbwrf , if not 1 1 oilly. s The appellative Sponte (Deceit) feript. col. 885.) is probably tniftaken for this additional proper name, perhaps wrote in the mf. Spotte. " So the Burton annah : but Polychronicon, Bromton, &c. place it in the year iooj. And the charter of K. Eadred (Mon. Angl.) is dated as high as A. D. 949. but this (if genuine) mull be underftood only of the firft delign, or beginning of the foun¬ dation. >•«*• 1 An Irifli faint, u lio lived as an anchorite feveral years near this place, in aa ifiand of the Trent called Andredely, (as Cap- grave m vita) and was buried there ; but being afterwards ern ixaed m0th'S abb5y’ 11 fccms from thence to have been called Mo/hmtmejhw, ih Ldand. Collett. vol. ii. p. 408 k Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 669. 1 This dean and chapter were required by their charter to lav out more in alms, and towards repairing highways yearly, than th'S king s other new foundations in the cathedrals of Rochefter Briftol, Chefter, Carhfie, Peterborough, or Ely, as Rymer’ dowed’ P' ‘lnd thereforc PerhaPs might \>e better en’ -u of the kndsUhere "af nib jf? this Burton ought rather to be afcribed to Burton on t^ Water in Glocefterlhire,” and are verbatim in the Evelham regifter, to which that village belonged. Pelham n See what this honie had in this place tebih Will Conn fm™ a copy Of Domefday Book, in CrW^sZc^ (■ 309. III. STAFFORRSHIRfi. f log. conceffio'nes libertatum quarundam ecclefi- afticarum ifti abbati® a Roberto et Rogero epifc. Ceftrcnfibus. Cart, i Joan. p. 2. m. ii. n. 70. pro lib. war. et alas privileges. Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 4. Plac. de banco, 8 Hen. 3. Mich, rot. 1 4. de commun. paftur. in Overe : Ibid. 9 Hen. 3. Mich rot. 20. pro xxx. acris in Overe [Derb.] Plac. de banco, 10 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 12. de terris in Wilder ton [Derb.] Cart. Ii Hen. 3. p. I. m. 3. n. 36. pro mercat. et feria apud Bromlegh : Ibid, n” 37. pro mercat. apud Burton die Jovis, et feria in vigilia die et craft. S. Modwenn®, et pro aliis liber- taf. Clauf. ii Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. 11 Hen. 3. mi 5. Fin; Warw. 55 Hen. 3. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Adulveftre. , Pat. 2 Ed. I. m. i. d. de commun. paftur. in Overe Magna et Parva : Pat. 3 Ed. t. ffi. 11. de tomrfiun. paftur. in Drokelow : Aflif. in com. Derb. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 6. pro maner. de CoteS: Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. I. Pat 13 Ed. I. m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 18 Ed, 1. prope fin. rot. Efcaet. Derb. 28 Ed. 1. n. 45. de terris in Overe Parva: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. 9 vel 10. * Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. de mefT. et terris in North wyke j ux ta- W igorn.Br c v. IV, CALWI ■ m. 20. Pat. 22 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 7. pro libertat. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. pro eccl. de Adulveftre [Warw.] appro- priatida : Ibid. p. 2. m. 26 vel 36. pro advoc. eccl. de Tatenhul et Hambury eafque (donatas ab Ed- vardo 2. rege in perpetuam memoriam gloriofre vic- tOriae quam Deus illi nuper de inimicis et rebellibus fuis apud Burton fuper Trentam contulit) appropri. ando: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 14. dorfo, pro maner. de Adulveftre. Plac. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 14. d. alloc, lib. war. et aliarum libertatum in Stapenhull, Overe &c. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p, j. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. 111. 28 vel 29. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 40. Pat. 7 Ric. 2 p. 2. m. 20. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p Ree. in fcacc. 18 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 19 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 1. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. x Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 10. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 14. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 9. Elcaet. Staff. 13 Ed. 4. n. 67. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 4. m. . 3 Nov. de dotatione collegii Burton: Rec. in fcacc. 36 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 29. 34. de literis regis nunc patent, pro eredtione cujufdam i collegii Chrifti et B. Mari® in Burton funer Trent. /.• ' . —7 4* -'er -A er /5C 2 Ay -r ’ "*4' if ' v r i r er. •, i y. '1. , ■: C H, or Calewyk. Austin Canons. The hermitage 0 here was given to the priory of Kerielworth before the year ...op bv Nicholas de Grefelei Fitz Nigell, and therein was placed a lmall convent of Black canons This houfe was given by the king, 27 Hen. 8 -. to the monaftery of Merton in Surry, in exchange for the manor of Eft Molfey and, as parcel of the lame, was again granted, 34 Hen. 8. to John Fleetwood r. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 6. alloc, libertatum in maner. de Adelaxton, &c. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 1 19. a. 1. 16. 56. . b. 1. 16. Cartas originates, Ac. penes .... Fleetwood bar; de eadem. V. C A N W E L L!, or Canoll ', olim Cranewell", Kanewell, or Canenvella". Benedictine Priory. Geva daughter of Hugh earl of Chefter, and widow of Jeffry RidelP, about the year 1142. founded here a priory for monks of the order of St. Benedict, which was dedicated to Sr. Mary, St. Giles and All Saints. It had in lpir.tualt.es 10/. per ann. and in tem- uoralties 14/ 10 s. 3 dr. but was gone to decay, and become a poor cell for one monk , when it was fuppreffed by cardinal Wolfey % and granted to him, 17 Hen. 8. toward the endowment of his two colleges. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 439- Ear‘“ lu“ fundatricis: P. 440. cartam Radulfi Ballet fil. Ma¬ tilda fil. Gev®, pro eccl. de Racheden et Dunton, terra de Stichefley, &c. Cartas Radulfi fil. Radulfi Baffet confirm. ct'Radulphi Baffet fil. Ifabell® : P. 441. cartas Walerani com. Warwic. et Radulfi Baffet ter- tii confirm, donationes anteceffbrum. In R'ymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. i. p. it. bullam P. Eu domus de Calewych.” Taxat. Lincoln. Celia de Kalewyk. IbrdBecaufe “ temp. Rogeri epifc. Ceftr.” Mon. Angl. vol. ii. P'q Therefore quxre, Whether this priory did not get free from its dependance on Kenelworth, which was not furrendered till "'’/-From Mayfield the Dove pafleth to Calwiche, whereof I *< can only make this report, that being or belonging to a cell or houie of religion, now a Lancalhire gentleman is “ thereof; who, as I have heard, hath made a parlour ot the « chancel, a hall of the church, and a kitchen of the , « which may be true, for I have known a gentleman in Cheihire — who hath done the like.” Erdfwick s Staffordflnre, p. 179. S Not in Leicejlerfhirc, where placed by Mr. Speed, but near Draiton BalTet, and about half a mile from BafTet s Crofs on the borders of War wickiliire ; near Sutton Coldfield, as Burton, P- 95- executores Philipp® fil. Will. Marmion ad fuftenta- tionem unius monachi celebrantis pro animabus ejul- dem, &c. temp. Hen. 3. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 120. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 497. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 380 et 919. of lands in Hill and Little Sutton ; p. 925. of lands in Curdworth. In Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 381. of tenements m Lich- field° and Walfhall given by Ralph lord Baffet. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 25. of iv r. yearly out of the reftory of Afhby Parva : p. 95. of v. virgates of land in Dunton Baffet and the impropriate church ; t Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. JJO. “ Formul. Angl. p. 16. v Rymer, vol. i. p. 11. . „ ,, * Not founded by Sir Jeffry Ridel, temp. Hen. 1. as Mr. Bur¬ ton ; nor about A. D. 1120. as Sir Peter Leyceite; fyfA1: Roger bifhop of Chefter was not fo till ten years alter the lam Teffrey was drovraed, and the foundrefs making no menUort . 0 her daughter and heirefs Maud, or her hufband Richard but onlv of her grandfons as furvivmg heirs. It was not pr - bably till after j Steph. when Richard Ballet was alive , befl“ ’ Richard abbat of Leicefter one of the witneffes, was not in ^tha Ration till 1144. And qwtre, Whether among the witnefiesto her charter, Radinvs is not a miftake tor Radmore , tor tneic was no William abbat of Reading till uqs- which is inco - fiftent with Richard abbat of Leicefter, who died 1166. y MS. Valor. 2 Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 120. ‘ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 155. >> This is alfo printed in Stevens Appendix, p. 1 79- V* ST AFFGRDSHIRE. ti. ica. of lands in Learc. p, _ <■. . . , , . In Leyccfter’s Chefhire, p. , ,3. one of the charters of S i °nS'.rla!" ad h,unc pnoratum fpedlantei Geva the foundrefs. " P^de A cadennx Oxon. legata ab Antonio Wood "wbsuie crnssrs sr Krztf ;s t* * "»■“ <■ Stafford. 1640. ’ * • VI. c A T U N E. Benedictine Nunnery'. VII. VIII. C H O T E S. or Choleric and C R O K E S D E N. or Croxden. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 780. excambium villas de Edewenny [Salop.] cum abbate de Bildevvas, pro grangia de Caldone : P. 891. concordiam inter do¬ main de Dulacres et Crokefdene, de adquilitione ter- rarum vicinarum diftis abbatiis : P. 912, 913. quam- plurima de fundatoribus, abbatibus, &c. ab anno 1 176 ad annum 1339. ex chronicis de Crokefden, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujlina , B. 6. P. 914. cart, antiq. R. n. 26. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, donatorum concef- fiones: Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 40. cartam fundationis1'. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. iv. p. 312. clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. n. d. In Willis’ Hiflory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 216, 217. the names of the abbats. Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 31. Annales de rebus Anglicis, ab anno 1066 ad annum 1374. in quibus plurima de abbatibus et negotiis mo- nafterii de Crokifden, una cum nominibus omnium monachorum, eo ordine, quo domum iftain intrave- runt, per Will. Schepfheved monachum ejufd, ab- batias, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujlina , B. vi. 6, 7. Excerpta ex eifdem, mff. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. vol. lxxviii. f. 120. vol.lxxix. f. 71. vol. cxviii. f. iii. Nomina quorundam abbatum, in bibl. Harleiana, mf! 280. f. 77. Obituarium monaft. de Crokyfden, citatum in AnH. Sacr. vol. i. p. 797. 0 ’ Regiftrum et cartas hujus abbatiae nuper penes Will. Pierrepoint de Tong Caftle, modo penes honoratiff. Thomam com. Macclesfield. Cartam onginalem fundationis, penes ... Dowmn0- at— tornatum ad legem in cimiterio Paulino, A. D. 1700. Cartas quafdam ad hoc monafterium fpeaantes inter colledt. Francifci Thinn, ex evidentiis dom. Ricardi Levefone, A. D. 1605. mf. penes cl. Jo. Anftis. In libro exhibitoruin dioc. Litchf. et Cov. mf penes Petrum Le Neve arm. f. 286. compofitionem inter abbatem et conv. et reRorem de Hottokefhale, fuper decimis de terns Alani de Lees, et de terris in Frote- vvode, pro penfione annua duodecim folidorum, faftam A. U. 1262. cum confirmation ib us Rogeri epifc Co- ventr. &c. r Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. d. pro c. fol. ann. percipiendis. art. 7 Joan. m. 3 n. 23. pro Edwineya membro maner. de Egemundon in excamb. pro c. fol. elee- mofynae R ann. Clauf. 7 Joan. m. 4. pro terris affar- tandis in Aka. Pat. 3 Ed . 2. m. 5. pro eccl. de Melling approprianda : 2' « Pat. x Ed. 3 p. 3. m. 16. pro ten. in Bridgnorth : Plac. m com. Derb. 4Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 12. Pat. 5 Ed 2 ft* “• « 9' Pat- 16 Ed- 3- P* 2- m. 2 vel |; p ”at' 1 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23 vel 24. Fl.ft V- P' 32- pro maner. de Verdon in A I "1 ^ 22 R'C‘ 2' P‘ 2- 36. pro vicaria de Alveton approprianda. Paf'DerbHrPat' 1 £ ^ Pr° ^ in A(lbura J; . r ^ PRn' P' *' m‘ 9‘ 9u°d unus mo- tutoh4rHm,rit4V1CanUS de Alveton> non °bflante ffa- IX. D I E U L A C R E S'. ,i,?LTo *»— * «■-*. ilcdicatcd II » S, M and St. Bcnedidl. h windowed, a,Z JSZion, wi“ Z Z Z 243/. 3S. 6 d Speed, and granted, 6 Ed. 6. to Sir Ralph Bagnall1. 7 ' 5 * ann. Dugd Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 890. fundationis hifto- riam: P. 891. cartas Ranulfi com. Ceftria; de fun- datione : Concordiam inter domos de Deulacres et Crokefden: P. 892. ex pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17. per Infpex. cartam Ranulphi com. Ceftrite et Lin¬ coln. pro maner. de Lee ; aliam cartam ejufdem co- mitis, pro terra de Rudyard ad conftruendam abba- tiam : Conceflionem villarum de North Brec et Bif- c Gervafe Cant. mf. and Speed. This might probably be a mi (take for Eatwie or Nun Eton in Warwick ijiire. d This was perhaps Cotton or Cawton , as member of the lord- jmp of Alveton, the chief place of relidence of the Verdona in tnofe times. 5 Annales Burton et Crokefden ; but the annals of Louth'- park have 1189. perhaps for 1179. ' Though this was one of the lefTer abbies, and fo fhould nave been diflolved by 27 Hen. 8. yet the king Was pleafed to continue this houfe, which finally furrendered 30 Hen. 8. copham Parva ad firmam per Will, abbatem et conv de Salop: Ibid. tom. ii p. 9x9. pro commun. ,;b £ Die,l PeVCj ^0n<;e'r- srangim monachorum de Lehndi Coif AUd ,Bl-Veey per R°g’ de Menilwarin. Eelandi ColIeA. vol. 1. p. 52. vol. ii. p. 376. n Leycefter s Hiftorical Antiquities, &c. p ia8 car {~7t C°m',iCnft!' £t LinC0ln' donantis cor luum ad abbatiam de Dulacres. s Of Walton in Derbylhire, as Erdfwick, p. 18*. Penes mag. Downing in cimiterio D. Pauli Lond A n 1/00. poftea penes Ricardum Rawlinfon, LL.D * * D‘ the bno^dersaof^Chl^;e<;k, oId.chaPC1 in Cholpefdale, upon tp,e89boOdaesrSis°alS1 ft Sr wKl Vl " tions land given to buili S charter Erdfwick calls him Baggojiholt. ^ In it. STAFFORDSHIRE. j,i Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 479, &c. Plac. coram reg. 20 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 165 Staff, de advoc. eccl. de Chetelton contra Nic. de Aldingfeld. Regiftrum abbatis de Dieulacrcs penes . . . Jolly de Leak arm. Apographum cujufdum regiftri hujus ccenobii penes " Walt. Chetwynd de Ingertre arm. 1691. Regiftrum penes Ben. Rudyard de Rudiard mil. 1637. Excerpta ex cartulario abbatise de Deulacres, mff. in bibl. Bodl. Dodlworth. vol. xxxi. f. 20, &c. vol. xxxiii. f. 23. vol. lxi. f. 94, & c. vol. lxvi. f. in, &c. vol. Ixxv. f. 67. de advoc. eccl. de Sonbach, ex do- natione Rogeri dom. de Sondbach. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 280. f. 77. nomina quorundam abbatum: mf. 1967. f. 1 55. Placit. 38 Hen. 3. de ecclefia de Sandbache : mf. 2060. p. 31. quo war¬ ranto verfus abbatem : p. 40. colleftion of notes and extra&s from deeds relating to this abbey: p. 51. compotum Edw. comitis Derbim : p. 53. colle&anea ex libro abbatis penes Tho, Rudyard gen. mf. 2072. f. 1 1 . privileges and immunities claimed by the ab¬ bot : mf. 2074. f. 194- confirmation of the advowfon of Sanbach church by Richard lord of, Sandbach, 43 Hen. 3. mf. 2101. f. 204. deeds relating to the fuit between the abbat and William de Ipftanes con¬ cerning a right of common in Ipftanes: mf. 2115. p. 58. Breve de quo warranto verfus abbatem, 14 Hen. 7. In codice mf. de cards Religioforum exhibit, in vifitat. dioc. Litchf. et Coventr. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. f. 305, Sic. de appropriation eccl. de Sandbach A. D. 1256. * Pat. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 6. de paftur. de Rofhall : Cart 12 Hen. 3. m. 3. de eadcm : Clauf. 12 Hen. 9. decadem: Fin. 12 Hen. 3. m. 3. de eadern: Pl'J' apud Weftm. 28 Hen. 3. Pafch. rot. . de common paftur. in Ipeftanes. Cart. 2 Ed. 1. n. 46 vel 47. Cart, n Ed. 1. .( pro lib. war. in Leke: Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 1 Ca ' 20 Ed. 1. n. 47. Plac. spud Lancaftr. 20 Ed! 1. qao war. rot. 4. d. pro maner. de North Brok, &c p,ac in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 14. pro terris ' Weftwode: Ibid. rot. 21 ct 26. Ibid quo war. rot. 6 d Clauf. 5 Ed. 2. m. 31. d. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1 . m. 31. de meff. et terris in Leke. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vel 28. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. I0<- pro mercat. et feria apud Leke, pro coramun. paftur in Salteney, pro ii. ftallionibus, lx. equis, xl. vaccis CC. ovibus, &c. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. quod abbas gaudeat ccxl. acras terras approviats de vafto de Rudheath pertin. ad maner. de Biveley [Cellr 1 Efcaet. Staff. 5 Ed. 3. n. 93. de eodem vafto : Pat 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. de maner. de Leeke, ex conceff. Ranulfi com. Ccftr Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p, , m. 7. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. pro ten. in North Brok et Bifhopham Parva. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. de meff. et terris in Leeke. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17 vel 27. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 21. X. DUDLEY*. Cluniac Cell. Gervafe Painell, lord of this manor, and feveral others in thefe parts, ful¬ filled his father Ralph’s defign to found a monaftery near his cattle here, which he did before the year ii6i\ and replenithed it with Cluniac monks from Wenlock, to which this priory was ac¬ counted a cell0. It was dedicated to St. James, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. in the whole at 3 61. per ann. at 33/. it. 4 d. clare p, and granted as parcel of Wenlock, 32 lien. 8. to Sir John Dudley) and afterward by queen Mary to Sir Edward Sutton lord Dudley \ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 614. bullam P. Lucii 3. confirm, donationes, dat. A. D. 1 190. P. 615. indul- gentiam a xii. archiepifcopis et epifcopis conceff. orantibus pro anima Rogeri de Someri, cujus corpus in eccief. hujus pnoratus humatur, Romm, A. D. 1 300. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 907. cartamr fundationis per Gcr- vafium Paganell : P. 908. indulgentiam a Rogero epifc; Coventr. et Lichf. conceff. orantibus pro Ro¬ gero de Someri praedifto, A. D. 1290. In Naftr’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. p. 359. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this cell : p. 360. of the impro¬ priate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dud¬ ley : vol. ii. p. 189. of the advowfon of Churchill near Kidderminller : p. 190. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Northfield. Munimenta- ad hunc prioratum fpeflantia penes hono- ratiff dom. Ward baron, de Dudley. In mf. cod. de fcriptis Religioforum exhibitis in vifitat. dioc. Lichf. et Coventr. penes V. amicilf. Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, f. 275- a. cartam fundationis, evulgatam in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 907. Confirma- tionem Ric. epifc. Coventr. pro eccl. de Segeftre: Cartam Hwidonis de Opheni et Chriftiaive uxoris, pro eccl. de Wenburna: Confirmationes donationis diftte ecclefia per Walterum et Ricjrdum epifc. Co¬ ventr. f. 276. certificatorium Ric. epifc. Coventr. quod Trefel et Seydon pertinebant ad eccl. deWom. burna : bullam P. Lucii confirm, ecclefias [irnperf. in mf. edit, in Mon. Angl. vol. i.] Pat. 13 Ed. I. m. 1 vel 2. quod prior poflit affartare et imparcare quandam brueriam in forefta de Kinefare contiguam maner. de W odeford. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. pro redd, in Womburn. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 6. 1 rin. rot. 2. XI. F AIRWELD’, clim Fagrovella, Fagerwella, Fagerefwella, and Faurwelle. Benedictine Nuns. Roger bifhop of Chefter or Lichfield founded, about A. D. 1140. a Religious houfe here to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, at firft for Regular canons or her- mites who were by him afterward changed into Benedidtine nuns. It was in the beginning filled an abbey but in later times only a “ fmall priory fuppreffed by Thomas Wolfey bifhop of York, « ancj gjvent to Lichfield in recompence of a penfion that fhould have been given out of his col- m This parifh was formerly reckoned part of Staffordlhire (bv which comity it is furrounded on all Tides) but now belongs to* Worcefterfhire. ^ . . cyt. n Viz. in the time of Walter Durdent bifhop of Lichheld, who confirmed the gift of the church of Wemburn. O Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. . “ Prior et conventus de Wenlock *c prrEfentarunt domino regi tres monachos domus prsedicftm, ft lupplicando quatenus unum ex eis ad prioratum S. Jacobi « de Dudley, vacant, per retignationem Willelmi Canke, ad- “ mitteret — Rex admittit Jo. Brugge 7,0 die Oift.” Ex collect, cl. Matth. Hutton. p MS. in offic. Primit. * . q This family feems to have had the patronage or the priory . r, pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 2. “ Rex reddit temporal13 hujus prioratus ratione minoris retatis Joannis filii Thomas outro nuper baronis de Dudley.” , r This charter, as the learned editor of the fecond edit as informed, was then in the hands of the right non. Jo n rd Ward. 6 Not in DerbyJhire , as Mr. Speed. , • Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 456. it is laid that bifhop Bl) J > 2 dean and chapter bought it. “ lege XI. STAFFORDSHIRE. “lege in Oxford to Lichfield church".” This was annexed to the dean and chapter of that church, for augmenting the number and maintenance of the chorillers, 19 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 441. cartam Roger! epifc. Ceftrenfis fandtimonialibus, cum confirm. Will, epifc. P. 442. cartam ejufd. epifc. canonicis fratribus con¬ verts : Cartas duas R. Hen. 2. pofteriorem cart, an- tiq. C. n. 22. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. xiv. p. 193. pat. 18 Hen. 8. p. I. m. 9. de confenfu R. pro fup- prellione prioratus et appropriatione ejiifdem decano et capitulo Lichfeld. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 1 19. Cartas originales, rentalia, et alia munimenta ad hoc coenobiolum fpedtantia, in archivis V V. R R. decani et capituli Lichfeld. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 17. five p. 3. n. 27. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 fcd. 1. affif. rot. 12. de paftur. in Curburgh, & c. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. pro parcella maner. de Alrewas. Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 2. in. 17. confirm. ampliff. dona- tionum. Pat. 19 Hen. 8. p. r. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 20 Hen. 8. rot. 2. in quo irrotulatur donatio prioratus iltiufmodi decano et capitulo Lichfeld. XII. GNOUSHALL. College. A church, having peculiar privileges and cuftoms belonging 'to it, as ancient as the time of K. Henry 1 w. wnich with its prebends was given by king Stephen to the church of Lichfield, but afterwards became a royal free chapel, and was enjoyed by Secular canons*. The lord bilhop of Coventry and Lichfield, 26 Hen. 8. was accounted titular dean, but enjoyed no profits, and there were four prebends, viz. Mordhall, Suckerhall, Baverlay hall, and Chiltrenhall, the lalt valued at 14/. 6 s. 8 d. and the three firft at ill. each?; the patronage of all which were granted, 1 Ed. 6. to the bilhop of Lichfield and his fucceffors. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 230. cartam Ro- temp. Hen. R. ccclefue de Lichfield. geri epifc. Ceftrenfis donantis eccl. de Gnoulhal cum Annales Burton, p. 284. edit. Oxon. confirm, epifcopis fuis prebendis Gulielmo archidiac. London. Cartam Coventr. de hac ecclefia (inter alias) per R. Ric. 1. R. Steph. donantis eccl. de Gnoulhal, cum omnibus In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 2. cart. 1 Ric. 1. de deaffb- libertatibus et confuetudinibus ad earn pertinentibus reftatione maner. eccl. de Gnavefal XIII. HEHANBURGE1, Heambure1, Hamburg b, or Handburyc. Monastery destroyed. Here was an ancient nunnery founded, about the year 680. by Ethelred king of Mercia, and by him put under the government of his filter St. Werburgh, who was buried and enlhrined here; but upon the taking of Ripton by the Danes, A. D. 875. her body was removed to Chefter; and this monaltery, being forfaken of the Religious, was then deftroyed by the Danes. Vide Leland. Colledt. vol. ii. p. 59. XIV. HULTON,»r Hilton. Cistertian Abbey. Henry de Audley, A. D. 1223 d- erefted an abbey of Ciltertian monks here to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary, which was, 26 Hen. 8. valued at 89/. ior. id. ob. per ann’. in the whole; but dure at only 76/. 143. nd. ob’. and was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Sir Edward Alton knt. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 942. cartam fundationis ex exemplari penes dom. Ric. Levefon mil. p. 943. cartam Hervsei de Stafford, pro terra in Norman- chote : Clauf. 19 Ric. 2. m. 15. d. licent. regiam, quod abbas et conv. de Blanchlanda in Normannia poffint affignare abbati et conv. de Hulton prioratum de Cameringbam [Lincoln.] In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 280. f. 77. nomina quorundam abbatum : mf. 2060. f. 1. compofition between the abbat of Hulton and prior of T rentham. “ Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 1x9. w And perhaps before the Conqueft : for Domefday, Staffort- fcire, “ In Pancriz tenent ix. clerici de rege i. hidam, terra “ eft iv. carucarum, &c. Ipii clerici tenent duas hidas et unam “ virgam terrx in Geneihale.” Heming. vol. i. p. 432. * Taxat. Lincoln, mf. A. D. 1290. “ Ecclefia de Gnoufhall, “ quae eft capella dom. regis, appropriata canonicis fecularibus, “ valet xxxii. marc.” y Rec. in offic. Primit. * Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 596. * Liber Elienfis, mf. lib. i. c. ii. b Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. 59. Polychron. c Dr. Crefty places this monaftery in Northampton/}?! re, where Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 14. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. de'pommun. paftur. in Blorton. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. t. m. 11. pro eccl. de Merwoode : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 34. pro eccl. de Audly appro- prianda : Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 40. pro eccl. de Budulf: Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 6. quod abbas de Blancheland poffit amortizare prioratum de Camer- ingham abbatiae de Hulton. occurs no town of a name any thing like this ; which feems probable to have been this Stafford/bire village, becaufe it agrees with the fituation defcribed by Bromton, Decern fcript. col. 810. and Leland, Colled, vol. ii. p. 373. of being five miles from Ripton or Repesdon in Derbyihire. In Matth. Weftminfter (edit. Lond. 1567 and 1570.) this monaftery is mifcalied Mibeal- brig. Quxre, Whether this be not the Heanbirig given as a ceil to Peterborough abbey (as Chron. Saxon, in anno 675. and Dr. Patrick’s Hill, of Peterborough, p. 137.) for the relation be¬ tween the founders of both houfes feems to make for it. d “ A. E>. 1219.” Annales Parcolude. Perhaps begun then. e e Rec* in oflic. Primit. XV. L A P P E L E. XV. STAFFORDSHIRE. XV. LAPPELEr. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Black monks from the abbey of St. RemioilIS at R| • to which it was given, temp. Ed. Conf. by Algar earl of Chefter or Mercia. Upon the fr leirr’S‘ feilures of this eftate into the king’s hands during the wars with France, the foreign abbetUent convent determined, about 4 Ric. 2. to fell it to Thomas Cotterell clerk, and to his afficrns * R1* this feems not to have taken effedt, for this cell coming to the crown upon the general fun UC of thefe kind of houfes was given by king Henry 5. to Tong college in Shroplhire, and f 44 S’ • Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 220. 223. P Here were five, viz. an archdeacon of Chefter aifo, till 33 Hen. 8. when the fee of Chefter was erefted, and this dig¬ nity removed thither. ex XVII. STAFFORDSHIRE. ex alio cod. mf. Cotton. Clcop. C. iii. et Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 591. Defcriptionem claull ct duo- rum monafteriorum ibidem : P. 220, &c. depolitioncs prioris Coventrise, et aliorum de eledlione epifcopi : P. 223. collationem praecentoriae per Ric. Pech epifc. cum dotatione ejufdem : Augmentationem ejufd. pras- cent. per Walterum epifc. cum terris in Chadlcfhunt [ambas iterum p. 230.] P. 224. cartam Bonifacii Cantuar. archiepifc. dat. A. D. 1259. confirm, car¬ tam Rogeri epifc. Cov. et Litchf. de ccclefiis prze- bendalibus et aliis polTeflionibus eccl. Lichfeldenfis, dat. A. D. 1255. P. 225. donationem villarum de uggele et Canoe epifeopo et fuccefforibus per R. ic. 1. anno 1. Confirm. P. Honorii 3. fuper eccl. de Arlegh, Cannoc, et Ruggele capitulo Lichf. Car¬ tam Rob. fil. Walteri, de placea terrae juxta cimit. eccl. prseb. de Alrewas : P. 226. cartam de domibus juxta murum London, quas Hugo epifc. emit pro epifeopo Lichf. et fuccefloribus : Donationem de Sti- vinghale, epifeopo et fuccelT. per Hugonem com. Ceftrise : Ordinationem Joannis archiepifc. Cantuar. de eccl. de Banquell et capellis, et de eifdem repa- r and is et ornamentis inveniendis in eifdem, et de qui- bufdam abufibus reformandis, dat. A. D. 1280. Car¬ tam [50] Hen. 3. recit. et confirm, cartam R. Joan, dum fuit comes Moriton, de donatione eccl. de Bathekewell, cum prsebendis eccl. S. Ceddse Lichf. [iterum p. 234.] Donationem eCclefiarum de Arn- legh, Cannok, Ruggele, duarum portionum eccl. de Baukwell, et xx. marcarum de eccl. de Hope com- muna; Lichfield a W. epifc. Coventr. P. 230. dona¬ tionem R. Stephani, de eccl. de Gnoufala facia ec- clefite Lichfield : Collationem precentoriae et defig- nationem in quibus confiflit per Ricardum epifc. Coventr. Collationem et augmentationem ejufdem per Walterum epifc. Coventr. Cartam Rogeri le Ameneur, de domibus epifcopi in paroch. S. Mariae de la Stronde extra London tempore Rogeri Meulont epifc. P. 231. cartam R. Joan, epifc. Coventr. pro parco de Brewode claudendo, et pro callro de Eccle- fhale firmando : Bullam P. Eugenii, confirm, pofl'ef- fiones epifeopatus Litchf. et Coventr. et prohib. amo- tionem monachorum Coventr. dat. A. D. 1151. P. 232. confirmationem P. Lucii fuper poffeffionibus eccl. Lichfeld, dat. A. D. 1144. Confirm. P. Cele- flini fuper eccl. de Bromlega et Alrewas, villis de Cannok et Rugele : P. 233. donationem eccl. de Ar¬ legh capit. Litchf. a Joanne de Burgo, dat. A. D. 1260. Cartam R. Joan, (anno 1.) de eccl. de Ba- thccwell, cum prsebendis : Confirm Alexandri epifc. Coventr. et Litchf. fuper eccl. de Baucwell, Hope, Kannoco, Ruggele, &c. communse Lichfeld : P. 234. donationem eccl. de Hope, cum Tidefwell eccl. Lichf. per Joannem com. Moriton, dat. A. D. 1192. Collationem eccl. de Hope coinmunre Lichf. per Will, epifc. Coventr. Confirm, pofleffionum eccl. Lichf. per P. Innocentium, A. D. 1139. P. 235. confirm. P. Lucii bullse P. Innocentii et prseterea cccl. de Stafford, Penoris, et Wolverhampton, Ro- gero Coventr. epifc, et eccl. Lichfeld, dat. A. D. 1144. Cartam R. Stephani, de cuneo monetae apud Lichf. epifeopo et fucceff. Cart, ejufd. epifeopo et cccl. Lichf. pro eccl. de Wolverhampton. Cartam ejufd. epifeopo Ceftrenii, et ecclefise de Coventr. et Lichf. de eccl. de Stafford et Pancriz, poll mortem Jordani elerief : P. 236. cartam R. Ed. 1. (anno 18) donantis epifeopo et iuccefl. bofeos de alto Cannoco per limites deferiptos : P. 237. donationem eccl. de Ruggeley et Cannok communse Lichf. per Hugonem Novant epifc. Statutum decani etcapituli de baga de Whalley, foil. cc. marc, in Cilia gratis pro releva- tione decani et capituli et vicariorum, dat. A. D. 1 397. P. 238. cartam Joannis de BurghiU epifc. donantis doinum infra claulum pro inhabitatione capellanorum cantariarum in eccl. cath. Lichf. fundatarum, cum nominibus cantariarum, dat. A. D. 1411. P.239, clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m 9. et clauf. 22 Hen. 3. m. 15. licelit, reg. fodere petras in quarrera de Hopewas ad fabricam eccl. Lichf. Statuta ct ordinaiiones eccl. cath. Litchfield, edita per plurimos epifeopos, fcil. p. 240, 241, 242. per Hugonem Novant: P. 243, 244, 245, 246. per Hugonem Patfhull : P. 247, 248, 249. per Rogerum Meuland : P. 250. per Walterum Langton : P. 251, 252. per Will. Heyworth : P. 253. per Regin. Butler : P. 254. per Joanqem Hals : P. 255, 256. per Galfridum Blyth, recognita et rati- ficata per decanum et capitulum, et per dom. epifc. A. D. 1526. et exhibita cardinali Wolfaeo pro con- firmationc fua : P, 256. juramenta epifcopi, decani, canonici, vicarii, et fervientis. In cl. Whartoni Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 423. Thomae Chefterfield canonici Lichfeld. hifloriam de cpifcopis Coventr. et Lichfeld. a prima fedis fundatione ad an¬ num 1347. cum notis dodtilf. editoris : p. 444, &c. additamenta ad eandem hifloriam, autore Will. Whit¬ lock canon. Lichfeld : p. 448, &c. ejufd. autoris con- tinuationem hift. Lichfeld ab anno 1347 ad 1559. p. 460. epiflolam P. Leonis 3. ad Kenulphum Merciae regem de archiepifcopatu Lichfeld. p. 465. fuccef- fionem decanorum Lichfeld. eccl. R. P. Fr. Godwinum De praefulibus Angliae, p. 363. The fucceflion of the bifhops, deans, precentors, chan¬ cellors, and treafurers of Litchfield ; and of the arch¬ deacons of Chefler, Coventry, Stafford, Salop, and Derby, in Le Neve’s Fafli Eccl. Angl. p. 121, &c. The Antiquities 0/ the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, Lond. 1717. 8vo. In Willis’ Hiflory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 359. the di- menfions of this cathedral and monuments therein. In his Shrvey of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 371, &c. of the church, and perfons buried therein ; the endowment of the bifhoprick, and alienations from it; endow- dowment of the dean and chapter ; an account of the bifhops, deans, precentors, chancellors, treafurers, archdeacons, and prebendaries belonging to this ca¬ thedral ; with the names of all the parifhes in the diocefe, &c. Leland. Colledl. vol. i. p. 117. de eccl. cathedral. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. ng. Matth. Paris, in vita Offre 2. p. 978, 979. de erections fedis archiepifcopalis apud Lichfeld q. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 3. cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 26. n. 147. pro eccl. de Wellhale et Forton epifeopo Coventr. et pro eccl. de Ruggele»h et Canoco ecclefise Lichfeld ; ibid. cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. n. 125. pro eccl. de Bathekewell cum prteb. [in Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. 233.] Ibid. p. 248, 249. clauf. 8 Ed. 1. m. 11. d. de compofitione inter prior, et conv. de Lenton et decan. et capit. Lichf. fuper qui- bufdam decimis in Bathekewell, Hop, et Tydefwell, A. D. 1279. Ibid. p. 806. cart. 27 Ed. 1. m. 4. n. 23. de return, brev. et aliis libertatibus concefT. epifc. Lichf. et fuccefT. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. 29. pro claufo eccl. cathedral. Lichf. includendo et kernel- lando. In dodliff. Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 496. flatuta eccl. Lichfeld. per Hugonem Novant epifc. A. D. 1194. p. 640. conllitutiones Alexandri de Stavenby epifc. Coventr. A. D. 1237. tom. ii. p. 256. flatuta Wal¬ teri Langton epifc. A. D. 1300. p. 522. fubmiffiones epifc. Coventr. eccl. Cantuar. tom. iii. p. 504. con- flitutiones Willelmi Heyworth epifc. A. D. 1428. p. 508. compofitiooem inter Willelmum Heyworth epifc. et decanum et capitulum eccl. Lichfeld. de modo et negotio vifitationis epifcopi, A. D. 1428. p. 571. conftitutiones Reginaldi Butler epifc. A. D. 1454. p. 617. a letter of K. Henry 7. to the dean and chapter of Lichfeld, about divine fervice in the Peak in Derbyfhire, A. D. 1485. tom. iv. p. 520. orders enjoined by archbilhop Laud in his metropoli- tical vilitation, A. D. 1635. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol, i. p. 547. of the im¬ propriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Buckby : vol. ii. p. 124. of the fame at Pightefley : p. 232. of the fame at Denford. In Dugdale’s Warwickftlire, edit. 1730. p. 284. of the s See the fame in Spelman’s Councils, vol. i. p. 301. and in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p. ijs. advowfon XVII. STAFFORDSHIRE. sdvowfon of the vicarage of Dunchurch : p. 349 of lands in Bifhop’s Itchingdon: p. 350. in Geydon: p. 351. in Chadlhunt: p. 483. of the manor and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Tachebrooke Epifcopi : p. 239 and 519. of the advowfon of the rectory of Fenny Compton belonging to the biihop: p. 284. of the yearly penfions of fifteen marks out of the rec¬ tory of Dunchurch : p. 166 et 339. of thirty marks payable formerly out of the church of St. Michael in Coventry, and afterwards from the church of Soiitham : p. 874. of twenty marks out of the re&ory of Alton near Birmingham : p. 986. of three marks out of the church of Alfpath alias Meriden : p. 896. of the im¬ propriation of Egbafton, belonging to the dean and chapter: p. 349, 350. of the impropriation and ad¬ vowfon ol the vicarage of Bifhop’s Itchingdon, and lands there: p. 351. of lands in Chadlhunt°and Rad- way : p. 521. in Derfet, belonging to the precentor: p. 47 and 165. ot the church of Ridton : p. 49 and 165. of Bobenhull : p. 66. 69. of a moiety of the church ot Wolvey: p. 357. of the church of Ufton : p. 483. of Bifhop’s Tachebrooke, belonging to the prebends ot thofe names : p. 239. 479. of the impro¬ priation and advowfon of the vicarage of Cheflerton, belonging to the vicars at Litchfield. In Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. ii. App. vii. of the im¬ propriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Arley in Staffordihire. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 381. of Ralph lord Baffet’s be¬ ing buried here, Raft all 5 Statutes 33 Hen. 8. cap. 30. for the dean arid chapter of Lichfield to be the foie chapter of the bi- fhop of Lichfeld and Coventry. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. Ac. f. 1, Ac. de deaft’oreftatione bofeorum epife. de Cannok et Ruggelegh, ubi reci- tantur dune cartas Ric. 1. et una Hen. 3. pro di£tis villis et bofeis. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 375. cartam Galfridi [Mufcamp.] epiic. Coventr. de tribus capellanis fuf- tentandis ad miffas quotidie celebrandas in eccl. Lichfeld. pro anima R. Hen, 1. et Galfridi filii ejus et pro falute corporis et animae R. Johannis : p. 376. cartam decani et capituli Lichfeld. confirmatoriam. Regiftra, cartas originales, Ac. ad epifeopum et deca- num et capitulum Litchfield pertinentia, in archivis D. D. epiic. necnon ven. V V. decani ct capituii Lichfeld. Kalendare omnium ftatutorum ecclefiae Lichfeldenfis extraclum induftria Rogeri Wale canonici ibidem, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vttellius , A. x. 5. Statuta eccl. Lichfeld edita per Hugonem Novant epife. ibid. 6. Mandatum R. Ed. 4. de fecuritate clauli Lichfeld. anno 1466. ibid. n. 7. Literam R. Hen. 7. de affe- rendo jure eccl. Lichfeld in Pecco Derbienii anno primo Anglice, ibid. n. 8. Fragmentum de epifeopis Lichfeld, ibid. Fitellius, C. ix. 36. Chronicon Lich- feldenfe, ibid. Fefpaf. S.. xvi. 2. Excerpta e chronicis ecclcfke Lichfeld. ibid. Cleopatra, C. m. 13. Hiftoriam ecclefiae Lichfeldenfis, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. n. 3555. Analedla c regiftris epifcopi et capi¬ tuli Lichfeldenfis, mf. in bibl. Aflimol. Oxon. Dug- dal E. 1. Collections relating to the church and city ot Lichfeld by Mr. Afhmole, mf. ibid. n. 855. 864. 1521. Hiftoriam ecclefiae Lichfeldenfis, ex Libro Albo, mf. ibid. n. 827. ex Libro Rubeo, ibid. n. 860. Librum cartarum ad eccl. Lichfeld. fpeeftantium, ibid, ml. n. 1527. Acta capitularia eccl. cath. Lichfield, ab anno 1321 ad 1383. ibid. mf. n. 794. Chronicon Lichfeldenfis ecclefiae, ibid. mf. n. 770. 865. A rent roll of the cathedral church of Lichfeld, ibid. mf. n. 1163. MS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxvii. p. 1. collectanea e veteri cartulario ecclefiae Lichfeld. Duo regiftra cartarum, Ac. ad eccl. Lichfeld. fpedtan- tium, memb. fol. min. mf. penes venerandae antiqui- tatis cultorem maximum Petrum Le Neve arm. Nor- roy regem armorum ; nunc in bibl. Harleiana, niff. 3868. 4799. Chronicon ecclefiae Lichfeldienfis, ibid. mf. 3839. In eadem bibl. mi. 247. f. 12. ihort narration of Lich¬ field and the biihops thereof. De terns et pojftfmiibus cpfcoponim Lichfelclen Cart, antiq. fell. Ric. I. S. 16. J J n' Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 61, 62. pro eccl. de Welle!,*! b orton, Ac. Ibid. p. 3 vel p 1 d „ * , w‘e> dc Alto Cannock ; Cart. 7 Joan. m. d. Df!° b?lcis Hope cum capella de Tydfwell. ecc*- de Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 6, pro mercat. apud Ecclef*n Brewode : Cart. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. 32. pro mere*/ Ct Southam, feria apud Coventre, Ac. Cart. ,, u 3pud m. 6 vel 10. de lib. war. in mailer, de Caurt- d gele: Fin. Warw. 32 Hen. 3. rot. . de advn 1 de Rupton et Bobinhull ; Cart. 43 Hen , ‘ eccl" lib. war. in Lichfeld, Heywood, Laiwedon R4' P,r° Kanocbiry, Berewic, Ecclefall, Brewode et R8^’ fert [Staff.] et Prees [Salop.] Sallow [Derb 1 ton et Tachebrook [Warw. j et pro mercat if!"' apud Ruggele, Kanocbiry, Brewood, Prees S-,lf "S et Ichcnton. ’ jd°w, Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 19. d. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m, tt-„ Warw. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 12. de advoc. eccl. de C ft ton et Fenny Compton: Plac. in com.’ Warw 'C* Ed. I. quo war. rot. 4. alloc, libertat. in Tacheh^u3 Ichinton, Ac. Pat. 17 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 18 Ed^’ n. 68. pro bofeis de Alto Cannoc : Ibid. n. 70 ’ *' wd. acris affart. in vaftojuxta Lichfeld. Plac. in'c ^ Staff. 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 1. de maner. de C?' nockburn : Ibid. rot. 7. d. Cart. 27 Ed. 1. n. q mercat. et feria apud Burton in Wyrehall : Ibid" n 2 pro return, brev. Ac. in omnibus terris epifco’nai,,?! Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 8. de meff.et terns in Taffeley: Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. 6 vel 7. licent reei pro imparcando bofeo de Tarvin [Ceftr.] Ibid m pro pratcinHu domuum epifeopalium muro includendo et kernellando : Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 47. pro mercat et feria apud Sallow [Derb.] et aliis libertatibus : Pat" 31 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . pro domibus in paroch. S. Maris atte Stronde kernellandis r Pat. 35 Ed. 1. ult. vel pe¬ nult. de excambio inter epifeopum et re&orein de Aihby David: Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 57. pro mercat. apud Preez [Salop.] duabus feriis apud Lichfeld, &c Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. pro eccl. de Ceftreto’n et Worfeld conceff. per regem in excambio pro maner. de Grenford [Middlefex.] Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20’. pro placea terra; in paroch. S. Maria; at Strond' pro manlo epifcopi elargando : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. . m. 32. d. et m. 14. de parcis et chaceis epifcopi, viz. Ca- noebury, Eccleihall, Brewood, Longedon, Heywood, Tachebrok, Itchington, et Sallow: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. ^ p. 2. m. 17. pro maner. de Grenford [Middlefex.]" Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. d. in ced. pend. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 22. pro feria apud Lichfeld : Plac, in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 14. alloc, libertat. in Sallow : Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. d. pro relaxat. eftover. in bofeo de Blore: Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de pannagio pro villa de Lichfeld: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 28. pro repar. pontis molendini de Eldeford et foifati vocat. le Merefditch inter Hanworth et Kenington : Cart. 19 Ed. 3. n. 14. pro villis de Ruggelegh et Kanoc, cum ecclefiis, hundredis, Ac. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 20. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. Cart. 11 Ric. 2. n. 22. Cart. 13 Ric. 2. n. 27. confirm, libertat. ampl. prout in cart. 43 Hen. 3. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. pro eccl. de Denford [Lincoln, dioec.] approprianda. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 1. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 14. confirm, concordiae inter epife. et abbatem Leyceftr. concern, maner. de Sallow et Lokinton fuper Tren- tam. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 11. Cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 5.31. II. confirm, libertat. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. Recorda de poffejfwnibus eccl. cath. Lichfeld. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. n. 14. pro eccl. de Bathekeweli : Ibid. n. 15. pro libertat. Pat. 1 Hen. 3. pro maner. de Ruggeley et Canoe : Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 25. Ibid. 10 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 11. pro advoc. eccl. de Erlegh, ex conceff. Adae de Poitou et Sibillae uxoris : Par. 19 Hen. XVII. STAFFORDSHIRE. ig Hen. 3. m. 3. de prebenda in donationc prioris Coventr. Plac. apud Derby, g Ed. 1. coron. rot. 12. allocat. li- bertat. Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. . de fine M. marcar. folut. regi pro quieta clamatio.ne de advoc. eccl. de Bathecwell : Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . pro prsecinftu domuum canonicorum, infra claufum ecclefi*, muro lapideo includendo et kernellaudo. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. pro dcccc. marcis, legatis per Walterum Langton epifc. in auxilium fabric* B. Mari* mutu- andis, pro guerra Scoti*. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Aflif. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. rot. 65. pro advoc. eccl. de Bauqwell : Cart. 13 ; Ed. 3. n. 14. Ciauf. ig Ed. 3. m. 9. proceffum litis de eccl. de Cannok : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro eccl. de Bathekewell : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. de praeclndiu : Pat 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro can- taria ad altare S. Katherin* : Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 4. m. 29. pro eccl. de Worfeld approprianda decano. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. pro eccl. de Warfeld [Sa- lop.] approprianda: -Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro cant. S. Andre*: Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 20, Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 5. pro cantaria in capelia S. Andre*. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. j. m, 16. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. pro cantaria dom. Geo. Radclyff. Orig. i Ed. 4. rot. 121. pro libertat. et frarichefiis : Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 17. Pat. 19 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. . pro prioratu de Farewell cum grangia de Curborow, Somervile, See. De vicariis iftius eccl. cath. vide infra. 2. Vicars Choral, &c. The fubchantor, facrift, vicars arid clerks of this cathedral feem to have been in a collegiate way ever fince the time of biihop Hugh de Pateihull, about A. D. 1240. when the dean and chapter' afligned the vicars houfes and lome feparate eftates, which were augmented by biihop Langton*, the executor of biihop Burghill', biihop Blythe and other bene- faftors. They were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 202 1. is. o d. obv. in the whole, and 173/. 18, a id. clear; and there were then in this church twelve prieft vicars, and feven lay vicars. The chorifters of this church had alfo diftintft eftates appropriated to them, which were valued 26 Hen. 8. at 39/. gs. yd”, in the whole, and at 25/. 121. 6 d. ob. clear*. There were then like- wile twelve chorifters. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 243, See. inter ftatuta ecclefi*, de vicariis ordinationes quamplures. Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 382. edit. 1656. of the church of Chefterton appropriated to thefe vicars. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. iv. p. jig. of the priory of Fairweld. In Rymeri Coriventionum, &c. tom. xiv. p. 193. pat. 1 8 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. g. d. de fuppreffione prioratus de Farewell, et annexione ejufdem, decano et capitulo Lychfeld, ut numerus choriftarum augeretur. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . pro vicariis dccl. Lichfeldi Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. pro eccl. de Penne approprianda: Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. pro eifdem de ten. in Stiche- brok, Strethay, et Shenfton. Pat 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. in. 28. de mefT. et terris in Shen- ilon. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 13. pro eccl. de Ceftreton [Warw. j approprianda. Pat. 19 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. . pro prioratu de Farewell in augment, -choriftarum. 3. Bacon-street Hospital. The hofpital or almlhoufes in Bacon-ftreet owe their original to biihop Heyworth, about A. D. 1424. ° tide Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 453. 455. 4. St.John’s Hospital. At the very fouth end of the town was the houfe, college* priory % or hofpital of St. John Baptift, where was a mafter and fellows* as Religious men but Lcland could not learn who was the founder. Bifhop Godwin faith that he hath re°ad, that Ro^er biihop of Lichfield was the original founder-, which of them doth not vet appear •’ but I rather elude to afcribe it to one of the Rogers in the time of K. Henry 3. than to Roger Clinton in K. Stephens. Biihop Smith b, in the days of K. Henry 7. began a new foundation at this place fetting up a mafter there with two priefts and ten poor men in the hofpital. K. Henry 7 was a great benefaffor to this new foundation. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 8/. 15 s. ptr ans. asDuad Speed, which was the clear value, and at 4 61. i8a id. as mf. Rec. in off. Primit. which was die total value, when there were thirteen poor perfons, a bailiff, fchool-mafter, and ufher here main¬ tained. It continues to this day, and, as I am informed, there are now a mafter, and fourteen poor men belonging to it. The bifhop of Coventry and Lichfield is their vifuor. Vide Leland. Colledl. vol. i. p. 1 18. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. prati in Pipe Magna. p.117. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. i c Ed. 2. D. 2 m a Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 8. pro acra Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 18 vel 19. P ' ' 4* 5. Grey Friers. Alexander biihop of Lichfield was the founder of the houfe of the Grev friers, on the fouth weft part of the town', about the year 1229L This friery was burned down in 1291'. but being afterward rebuilt, continued till the general fuppreffion, and then, 26 Hen 8 u was granted to Richard Crumbilthorn. 0 ‘ # r Angl. Sacr. vol. i, p. 446. ■ ibid. P. 447. 1 Ibid. p. 453. " Ib‘d. p. 455. *' w Sancroft’s mf. Valor. * The dean and chapter are Rill charged in Eton’s Valor 12-t. 3d. ob. fer ami. for twelve chorifters ; but I do not find any thing charged there upon the vicars. r Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 446. ? Records, et Prynne, vol. iii. p. ;ig. * There were brethren and filters, 11 Ed. 1. b Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 117. and Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. 1. p. 821. m the notes. ‘ Leland. Itin vol. iv. p. 117. Colleft. vol. i. p. 118. d Colleft. Anglo-mmorit. p. ii. p. 36. e Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 447. Vide XVII. STAFFORDSHIRE. I'jde Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 1 18. cjufdem Itin. vol. iv. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 155. p. xij. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. XVIII. NEWCASTLE under Line. Black Friers. “ There was an howfe of Black, friers in the fouth end of the town.” Le¬ land. Itin. vol. vii. p. 25. XIX. PENKRIDGE, dim Pencriz. College. The church of this place is mentioned in the charter of K. Stephen, and the bull bf pope Lucius, as given to the bilhop and churches of Coventry and Lichfield in the fame man¬ ner with Wolverhampton and Stafford, which were notorioufly royal free chapels or colleges which makes it probable that this of Pencris might be of the fame nature. The advowfon of°the church and the manor were granted by one Hugh Huofef, to the archbifhop of Dublin and his fucceffors-, which gift was confirmed by K. John, anno regni 17. And in procels of time that archbifhop was always dean of this church, and had the collation of all the prebendaries s who were in number thirteen11 about 26 Hen. 8. when they were valued at 106/. 15*. od\ It was dedi¬ cated to St. Michaelk the archangel, and was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick ; and 4 ej 5 Phil, et Mar. to William Riggs and William Buckbird. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 235. bullam P. Lucii, dat. 1144. Cartam R. Steph. de donatione hujus eccl. epilcopo Ceftrenfi et ecclefi® de Coventr. et Lichfeld : Ibid. p. ii. p. 207. clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 10. d. pro exemptione libera: capellx regia: de Pencriz, una cum prebendis et capellis. Ill Dr. Plott’s Hiftory of Staffordlhire, chap. x. § 81, 82. the charter of 17 Joan, and the old taxation of the prebends and offices in this exempt church and jurifdi&ion, out of the Black Book in the archbifhop of Dublin’s regiftry. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. ii. p. 728. clauf. 33 Hen. 3. m. 9. d. et p. 996. vol. iii. p. 118. peti- tionem canonicorum et vicariorum de Penchriz li¬ ber® capellre regix cancellario regis contra grava¬ mina Ad® Wymer, 41 Hen. 3. p. 865. pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. 14. quod canonici de Penchriz obediant archie- pifc. Dublin tanquam decano fuo. Codicem mf. in archivis R R. D D. archiepifc. Dublin appellatum Librum Nigrum. Apographa quarundam cartarum ad hanc ecclefiam col- legiatam fpedlantium, penes V. dodtiff. Joannem Mill. S. T. P. aulae S. Edmundi Oxon. princip, A. D. 1694. Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 4. Pat. 43 Hen. 3. m. 3, de ex¬ emptione a jurifdidtione epifc. Coventr. et Lichf. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 4. allocat. libertatum in Penkeriz et Merc : Pat. 26 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. d. in ced. de prebenda de Canock: Ef- caet. Staff. 8 Ed. 3. n. 84. de eadem et ejus exemp. tione: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11 vel 12. de exemp¬ tione hujus capellae a jurifdidtione pap® Roman®: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 36 Ed. 3, p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m, . proexcambio terrarum preb. de Sharefhull. XX. R A D M O R E. CistertiaN Abbey. In a folitary place of this name, within the forefl of Canoe, feveral Religious people got together into a fociety.in the beginning of the reign of king Stephen, and about the year 11401. procured a grant of the hermitage, wherein they h?d fixed themfelves, and of feme adjacent lands from the emprefs Maud and K. Stephen, toward the founding and endow¬ ing of a monaftery, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. Thus it was at firft only a priory, bUr, at the inftance of the laid emprefs their foundrefs and patronefs, the Religious here changed their habits, and became Ciflertian monks ; and this place was made an abbey. But this being a very inconvenient place, after thirteen years, viz. A. D. 1154. the monks were removed to Stanley in Ardern, alias Stonely in Warwickfhire, where fee more. Vide in-Man. Angl. tom. i. p. 820. cartas Matildis im- peratricis, de loco herenii in forefta de Kanoc ; Ro- ncri epifc. Ceftrcnlis recit. ct confirm, donationem R. Steph. de eodem loco: Notulam hiftoricam de creatione loci de Radmore in abbatiam ord. Ciftert. Cartas duas Henrici ducis Normannite abbati et mo- f This was all that this Hugh Hoefe did, as far as appears from K. John’s charter, which makes no mention how this church came to be endowed, and made collegiate. Here was certainty tome foundation before the Conqueit. For, “ in Pan- « criz tenent ix. clerici de rege unam hidam, terra eft iv. caru- “ carum, &c.” Domefday Stafforlfcire, asHeming. vol.i. p-4 32- And it teems to have been collegiate temp Hen. a. when it loft Canok. And it undoubtedly was l'o 20 Ed. 1. For in the Lin¬ coln taxation, Dioec. Lich. et Cov. “ Dec. Stafford, ecclefia de “ Pcnkris appropriata decano et capitulo ejufdem, qua: eft ca- 14 pella dom. regis, valet lxvii marc.” nachis de Radmore confirm, villam de Kanoc, ex conceff. Ranulfi com. Celbri®: P. 821. de tranfmi- gratione de Rademore ad maner. de Stanleg. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1656. p. 170, 171. edit. i73°- P- 255- 8 In the time of K. Edward 3. the kmgprefented fome of them : for Newcourt, vol. i. p. 339. faith, That that king gave to John de St. Paul the prebend of St. Michael in the free chapel of Penerick, Dec. 6. 1337. And p. 199. That he protected William de Killelby or Kildefby in the prebend of Cauk, (per¬ haps rather Cank) in the chapel of Penerich. a Record in officio Pvimitiarum. * Sancroft’s mf. Valor. k Regiftr. Epillolarum academi® Oxon. F. notat. f. tlj- 1 “ Stanley in Arden fundata A. D- 1140-’’ Mf- Anna*es * Parcolude. XXI. ROU- XXI. STAFFORDSHIRE. XXI. ROUCESTER, or Rocettur", in Dounedale", or Dovedale”. Austin Canons. Richard Bacoun, about A. D. i built an abbeys for Black canons to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, which about the time of the difiblution had nine Religious in itr, and revenues for their maintenance to the yearly value of ioo /. 2S. io d. Dugd. i x 1 /. nr. rd. Speed’. The fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Richard Trentham efquire. yide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 267. cartam Ricardi Ba- cun, de fundatione et dotatione ejufdem: P. 268. cartas Ranulfi com. Ceftri®, recit. et confirm, dona- tionem di£ti Ricardi; Fulcheri fil. Fulcheri, pro eccl. S. Petri de Ednelhoure [Derb.] P. 269. cartas Will. Ballet, pro eccl. de Wodeford ; \Vill. fil. Galfr. de Grefeleie, de terris in Kingfton, cum ad- voc ecclefi® : P. 270. cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 10. con¬ firm. R. de terris in Rouceftre, Kanbrugg, et Brig- ford. Leland. Colle£t. vol. i, p. 38. In Bridges’ Northamptonihire, vol. i. p. 1 3 1 . of the impropriate reiftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Woodford. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 150. of lands in Briggford. In Dugdale’s Warwicldhire, p. 13. edit. 1730. of lands in Wefton. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. viii. p. 541. pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 11. pro reftitutione temporalium Henrico Smith abbati elefto et confirm. Cartas, rotulos, &c. hujus abbati®, penes Fr. Trentham de ead. arm. 1615. Codicem m f. antiquum olim penes . . . Brooke fecialem vocat. Turk, e quo quaedam ad hanc abbatiam fpe£t- antia citantur in dodliff. Reyneri Apoftol. Bcnediift. in Anglia, tr. i. p. 82. In libro mf. de cartis Religioforum exhibitis in vifitat. dioc. Lichfeld et Coventr. penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, f. 299, &c. antiqua exemplaria cartarum Ricardi Bacon fundatoris, Ranulfi com. Ceftr. R. Hen. 3. confirm, anno 30. et Will. fil. Galfridi de Grefley, in Mon. Angl. editarum ; nec- non Alexandri epifc. Cov. et Lichf. de appropria- tione ecclefiarum, dat. A. D. 1229. cum confirm, capitulorum de Coventr. et Lichfeld ; Henrici de Merchinton, de eccl. de Kingfton, A. D. 1284. Ro- gcri epifc. Cov. et Lichf. pro penfione e didta eccle- iia, A. D. 1285. Ejufd. Rogeri epifc. pro appropria- tione diet® ecclefi® de Kingfton, A. D. 1284. cum confirmatione capitulorum; Walteri epifc. Coventr. et Lichf. pro appropriatione eju(3. eccl efi?e : Bullas P. Bonifacii 8. confirm, ecclefias et alias donationes. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth, vol. cxv. f. 53- preceptum regis dc capella de Haliwell in com. War- wic. habenda abbati et conventui, 14 Ed. 2. vol. exxvi. f. 142. ex antiquo rotulo penes Francifcum Trent¬ ham. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 280. f. 77. nomina quorundam abbatum; mf. 2179. f. 146. procelTum eledtlonis Ro- berti de Backwelle in abbatem poll refignationem Johannis de Chefwardyne, A. D. 1386. MS. Cole, vol. xliii. p. 447. Plac. de banco, 27 Hen. 3. Pafch. rot. 1. pro viii. ca- rucatis terras in Brigford [Nottingh.] Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 7. d. Plac. in com. Derb. 8 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 8. pro tofto et terris in Fofton et Scropton : F in. div. com. 10 Ed. 1. n. 50. de melT. et terris in Nether Somerfale et Denfton : Cart. 1 1 Ed. 1. n. 17, pro mercat. ct feria apud Roucefter : Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 33. de cccc. acris brueri® contra Theobald, de Verdon : Ibid, quo war. rot. 5. allocat. libertatum. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 29. pardon, pro appropr. eccl. de Kingfton fine licentia regis : Pat. 1 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 35. de meff. et terris in Holm juxta Clifton : Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 16. de capella de Halliwell [Warw.] Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. l. m. 10. pro cantaria Roberti Cotes et Ricardi Fitton in capella de Halli¬ well, fita in loco folitario et periculofo propter la- trones fuper regiam ftratam de Watlingftrete, trans- ferenda ufque ad eccl. conv. in Roucefter. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 4. Cart. 18 Hen. 6. n. 32. pro mercat. apud Roucefter die Veneris et duabus feriis. XXII. SANDWELL', in the parijh of Weft Bromwich. Benedictine Priory. William fon of Guy de Opheni or Offhey, in the latter end of K. Henry 2. or beginning of the reign of K. Richard 1. founded in the hermitage in Bromwich, near the well called Sand-well, a fmall priory of Benedidhne monks. St. Mary Magdalene “ was the patronels faint of this Religious houle, which was one of thole that were luppreffed and given, 17 Hen. 8. to cardinal Wolley, when it was endowed with Ipiritualties to the yearly value of 12 l. and temporalties 2 61. 81. yd. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 475. cartam Gervafii Pao-anelli confirm, donationes Will. fil. Guidonis de Offney. The cardinal’s bundle amongft the records in chancery, and his bag in the Tally court. Cartas fpedlantes ad prioratum de Sandwell, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. lv. f. 47. In cod. mf. de cartis Religioforum exhibitis in vifit. dioc. Lichf. et Coventr. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. f. 276. a. conventionem inter conventus Wigorn. et Sandwell, pro perpetua firms ecclefi® de Bromwich, »> Rec. in offic. Primit. n Pat. 10 Ed. z, &c. o Pat. 17 Ed. a, &c. as Dr. Hutton. P Much earlier than the reign of K. John , wherein Sir Peter Leyccfter (Hilt. Antiq. p. 134.) places this foundation ; for Ba¬ con direfts his charter of foundation and endowment to Wil¬ liam archbilhop of York (who was not fo till 1144.) and to R. bilhop of Chefter, which mull be Roger Clinton (who died in 1148.) there being no other bilhop’s name beginning with R. in that archbiihop’s time : and that this abbey was in being dur¬ ing the time of that bifhop Roger, is evident from a charter of cum confirm. Alex, epifc. Coventr. et appropriatio- nem diet® eccleii® inonachis de Sandwell, per Alex, epifc. Coventr. cum confirm, decani et capituli Lich¬ feld, A. D. 1255. Ibid. f. 277. bullam P. Martini confirm, didtam ecclefiam. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2179. f. 137. plurima inftru- menta de refignatione Will. Pruyne prioris, deque electione Johannis Actone in priorem, A. D. 1436. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 20, 21. pro terris in Weft Bromwich. this bilhop’s, to which Thurltan abbat of Roucefter is one of the witnelfes. t This monaftery was not a priory, as in the Monafticon ; but is always called an abbey in the records, and the governor writ himfelf abbat, as far I have yet met with. r MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. 1 It is III). 134. II d. in the third edit, of Speed. ' Mr. Speed reckons this priory to have been in Buckingham. Jhire. “ Lib. mf. precedent, p. 14. in mufeolo meo. — H XXIII. DE XXIII. STAFFORDSHIRE. XXIII. DE SARTIS, Des Eflars, De Exfart'13 at Raunton, or Ronton, olim Routhon AUSTIN Canons. A priory of Black canons fubordinate to the abbey of Haghmon in S! fir ire, built and endowed in the time of K. Henry 2W. by Robert fil. Noeli, to the honor of^T* bleffed Virgin Mary. It was valued, 26 Hen. B. (about which time herein were about leven R ligious perlons) at 90/. 2j. 10 d. ob. per ann. clare , and 102/. 11 a. 1 d. in the whole- and granted, 30 Hen. 8. to John Wifeman. ’ Was Hide in Mon. Ang). tom. ii. p. 143. cartas Roberti 'fil. Noeli fundatoris; Thomae filii ejufd. Roberti; et Baldwini arcbiepifc. Cantuar. confirm, donationes Roberti : Ibid. p. 946. confirm, eccleliarum per Hu¬ bert. archiepifc. Cantuar. Compofitionem amicabi- lem inter canonicos de Haghmon et Ronton : Sub- miflionem prioris et conv. de Rantone ordination! Rogeri epifc. Coventr. et Lichf. dat. A. D. 1246. P. 941. ordinationem Gilbert! abbatis pro pietantia, de penfione c. fol. aim. folvenda conventui de Hagh¬ mon per canonicos de Rontona, A. D. 1252. Ibid, tom. iii. p. i. p. 53. cartam fundationis perfectiorem : Confirmationem dom. Roberti de Stafford fuper do- natione fundatoris : P. 54. cartam Roberti fundato¬ ris, pro eccl. de Ceftford : Confirmationem Thomre filii Roberti fil. Noeli : Genealogiam fundatoris. Lelandi Coiled!. vol. i. p. 51. In Burton’s Leicefterfbire, p. 251. of ix. virgates of land in Shepey Magna. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 210, 21 1. edit. 1656. of the church and fome lands in Granborough and Wof- cote belonging to this priory. Cartularium hujus prioratus, olim penes Tho. Povey arm. nunc in bibb Cotton. Vefpaf. C. xv. Cartas originates, &c. penes Walt. Harcourt de Fir hale mil. ^uin- Cartam fundationis, &c. mff. in bibb Bodl. Dodfiv vol. cxlvii. f. 39. ort‘b In regiftro Walter! Langton epifc. Cov. et Lichf f - b. appropriationem eccl. de Granburgh [Warw ]79‘ In cod. mf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. de cam's R ligioforum exhibitis in vifit. quadam dioc. Lichf ^ Cov. f. 275. bullam P. Martini, nro derimb =„_i.Vet „ nb Pro decimis ecclefi-» de Pakenton : Bullam P. Honor!!, pro augmentation vicanae de Sutton. Pan 3 Ed. i. m. 11 et 15. de commun. paftur j Kmghtley. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. affif.'rot 28. d. pro ten. in Flofbrook. Ibid, quo war. rot 6 ' Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 48. pro lib. war. in Ronton, Cede ford, Elinghale, KnightOn, Flofbrooke, Gatingacre' Melewich, Hunehalgh, et Wolvedale [Staff.] ° ’ Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 10 Ed. ’3. p 2 m. . Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. de xxxvi. acr. vaft'i de Blorelheath infra maner. de Ecclefhall in recom- penf. commun. paftur. in difto vafto. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 10. pro vicaria eccl. de Green- burgh [ Warw.] approprianda : Fin. 2 Hen. 4. m. \ pro eadem ecclefia. ' "S’ XXIV. STAFFORD. 1. College. The church here is mentioned as given to the bifliop and chapters of Lichfield and Coventry by X. 'Stephen, anno 1 vel ?x. in the fame manner as thofe of Wolverhampton and Penkridgey, being all very ancient free chapels royal, and fmall colleges. This was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, and the patronage of it was granted, 24 Hen. 6. to Humphry duke of Buckingham, who propofed to be a benefadtor to the fum of one hundred marks1. It was an exempt jurifdiftidn, and confided, 26 Hen. 8. of a dean and thirteen prebendaries3, when the deanry was valued at 35/. 131. lod. but all the prebendaries at not above 38/. per ann''. It was granted to Henry lord Stafford 4 Ed. 6. and to the burgeffes of Stafford 14 Eliz. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 235. bullam P. Lucii : et cartam R. Steph. de donatione ecclefia: epifc. Ceftrenfi, &c. Ibid. p. ii. p. 202. pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. de patronatu decanatus hujus lib. capellae conceff. Humfrido duci Buckingham, et licent. reg. didlo duci fuper donatione c. marc. ann. huic capel¬ lae : P. 207. clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 10. d. pro immuni- tate hujus capellse. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 104. prohibi- tionem in negotio exemptionis hujus capdlae, 31 Hen. 3. p. 1234, 1235, 1236. de exemptione a vili- tatione D. D. archiepifc. Cantuar. tam anno 1265. quam anno 1279. MS. Cole, vol. xxiv. p. 73. Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 6. de exemptione hujus ecclefue a jurifdidtione epifc. Coventr. et Lichfeld. Efcaet. Staff. 35 Hen. 3. n. 13. Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . exemplificationem bullte P. Inno- centii, de exemptione lib. cap. regis. Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 17. pro advoc. eccl. de Hopton juxta Stafford : Ibid. rot. 35. pro xx. acris in Afton : Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. 1. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. 2. Austin Canons. A priory c of Black canons built by Richard Peched, bifhop of Coven¬ try and Lichfield, about the year 1180°. to the honor of St. Thomas the martyr f, viz. Beckec of w Thus Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 435. But this houfe feems to have been founded of more early date, becaule faid to have been founded by Robert in the life time of Celellria his mother (Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. ii p. 54) and Robert til. Nodi the foun¬ der lived temp. Hen. 1. Warwicklliire, p. 269. * Becaufe William archbifhop of Canterbury is one of the witneffes, who died in A. D. 1136. Y gutere, Whether in this grant of K. Stephen and the bull of P. Lucius any thing more was intended than to fubjett thefe churches, to the jurifdidtion of the biiliops of Lichfield and Co¬ ventry. If fo, probably they were more ancient, and then only beginning to fet up for exemption. *■ Dugd. Baron, vol. up. 166. a Rec. in offic. Primit. . , b 111 taxat. Lincoln, mf. “ Ecdbfia S. Marix de Stafford <( appropriate decano et capitulo ejufd. valet lxxxviii. marc. “ iiu iv d.” . j c This priory was fituated “ a good mile off, down'the river “ Sow,” as Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 47. on the call part of the town. d There is reafon to think from the charter of Gerard Staf¬ ford fil. Brieni (Monalt. vol. ii. p.317.) that he was the true founder, and brought thefe canons hither from Darby or par¬ ley, and fixed them here upon land, which he held of the bilhop of Lichfeld as chief lord ; and from thence might compliment him with the title of founder. It is obfervable, that the Lich¬ field annals (both in Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. i. p. 218. and Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 435.) only fay, that this bilhop founded this church “ de epifcopio.” No doubt but he was a great en- courager of the building of this monaltery, and had a great lik¬ ing to it ; for when he refigned his bifhoprick, he became a canon here, ended his days, and was buried here : but Gertird feems to me more likely to have been the real founder. c Placed’ now lb late, becaule archbilliop Becket clicl not die till A. D. '1170. . f If it be not a falfe print, I cannot tell how to account tor this faint or priory’s being called de Tititerna in the Waver k')' annals, atino ii8j. Canterbury. XXIV. STAFFORDSHIRE. Canterbury. Herein were about feven Religious5, whole yearly revenues were, 26 Hen. 8. com¬ puted to be worth 141/. 13s. 2 d. ob. y. clare\ but in the whole iq§/. oj. ad. Ob'”. It was grant¬ ed, 3 • Hen. 8. to Dr. Rowland Lee bilhop of Lichfield and Coventry. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 316. notulam hiftoricgm de prima fundatione coenobii : P. 317 cartam Ge- rardi de Stafford, fil. Brieni, de terra ultra aquam de Berchefwiche per limites defcripta : Cartam Roberti de Ferrariis com. Derb. de ii. meff. in Certeley, et advoc. eccl. de Stow, ex pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. per Infpex. In Leland. Colled!. vol. i. p. 31, de donatione maner. de Bafwich per Joannem epifc. Lichf. A. D. 1408. In Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. in. of one canon to be ad¬ mitted upon the prefentation of their benefaftor Giles Erdington and his heirs. Regiftrum, cartas originates, et alia munimenta ad hnnc prioiatum fpedtantia, penes .... Fowler arm. de eadem. Collect, cl. Rog. Dodfworth. ex quodam libro carta- rum hujus prioratus mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. Iv. f. 35. et vol. cxviii. f. m. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 506. p. 65. 68. mf. 2044. f. 12. et mf. 2077. p. jo6. ex libro cartarum hujus prio¬ ratus. Cart, antiq. R. 34. pro villa de Draicot, ex dono Her- vei Bqgot et Milliceptce uxoris. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro carcfla bofci mortui e forcrta de Cannok. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 23. d. Cart. 12 Ed. 1. n. 45. pro lib. war. in Cotes, Corberton, Hopton, Frodefwajl, Drengeton, Heywood, La Lee, Colton, Whitegrene, Mere, Brayton, Stocken, Acton, Pendeford, et Shra- decote [in Staff.] Swineburil [Lane.] et Duramp- delthorp [Leiceftr.] Plac. in com. Start. 2t Ed. 1. affif. rot. 7. d. de melf. et terris jn Hopton: Ibjd. rot. 9 et 27. et quo war. rot. 4. d. Paf. 23 Ed. 1. nj. . Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m. 26. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 et 12. pro eccl. de Bulhbury. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p, 1. m. 38. pro ten. in Stafford, Am- brighton, Lee, Newton, &c. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro eccl. de Wefton approprianda. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. pro ten. in Salt et JLuftpn : Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 19. pro eccj. de Berkeiwich approprianda: Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 28. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 3. pro ten. in Stafford et Col¬ ton. 3. St. Nicholas Chapel. A free chapel in the cattle, dedicated to St. Nicholas, in the patronage of the heirs of Nicholas baron of Stafford. Vide pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . 1 f S7'-/cHTSuH0SPrIT,A.L' , Near„the river> 0n the green in Forbrigge, was the free chapel or holpital of St. John, which had a matter and feveral poor brethren. It was valued, 26 Hen 8 at to l. per ann. Dugd. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 28. 5. St. Leonard’s Spytell. 26 Hen. 8. at 4/. 121. 4 d. per ann. The fpytell or free chapel of St. Leonard here was valued. Vide Rec. in offic. Primit. the6ordeUrSofIStFAuft1n‘ aR!'ph 'f^ Staff°rd' ab°ut A- D- I344- gave to the Friers Heremites of the order ot St. Auftin, a piece of ground upon the green* in the fouth luburb called Forbruo-oe whereon to found a church, dormitory, reftory, and other necefifary building. Upon the fuo- prefiion ot the priory ot Stone, all the monuments of the family of the Staffords were removed from ^ence to this conventual church, where they were not preferved. The fite of this frierv was granted, 1 Marue, to Thomas Neve and Giles Ifam. 7 Vide Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 161. 164. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 28. Pat. i8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 37. pro v. acris teme et aquae - dudtu. n .7* pRE.Y Friers. In the north part of this town k was the houfe of the Francifcan or Grev ' T r“ ‘l'ed T ^ Speed faith it was valted „ i] TliTZiZ ann-”. The fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to James Levefon. 3 f V!t!n Papa‘ UfUrpa‘rS,’ToL iiL P- 29* • impedimento minirtrorum reds pat. 10 Ld. 1. m. 10. pro viftualibus emendis line Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 28. ° XXV. STONE, olim Stanes. Austin Canons. Wolphere", the firft Chriftian king of Mercia founded here a CnlW e Secular canons about A.D. 670. in honor of his two fons Wolfadus and Rufinus% whom hf had 6 MS. Corp. Chxift. coll. Cantab. fl Rec. in oilic. Primit. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p* 28. * “ Ultra flumen,” Ldand. Itin. vol. vii. p. »S. Speed’s Map. 1 $uxrt, Whether founded by Edmund lord Stafford, who was buried here. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. jjy. m This is very high for an houfe ot Mendicants, and feems to have been a miftake for the value of St, Mary college, of which it is the exaft fum, as in Dpgdale. " Some alcribe this foundation to his pFf that Pla«d here : and that after the Conqulft ohe Enfant, who had a grant of thefe lands, expelled the nuns ’ Tnd ledh'yol.T p‘ CgU ar Ca‘10nS fr°m KenUworth- Leland.’ Col- 9 Leland. Collett. vol. ii. p. 59. before XXV. STAFFORDSHIRE. before his converfion barbaroufly murdered with his own hands at or near this place p. The canons beinCT difperfed during the Danilh wars, about the time of the Conqueft fome tew nuns l'eem to have^been in poffeffion of this place, who by the means of Robert de Stafford were changed, temp. Hen i into a convent of Regular canons from Kenelworth, to which houfe this priory was a cell till about the year 1260. when another lord, Robert Stafford, got it to be freed from any fub- ieftion to Kenelworth, five only the right of patronage and a yearly penfion Thefe Black canons of Stone were endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 129/. is. \ id. per ann\ or, after deductions, with clear 119/. 147. 11 d. ob. as in Speed. The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to George Harpur. Litchf. etCoventr. A. D. 1260. Ibid. f. 376. appro- priationera eccl. de Tyfo [Warw.] A. D. 1294. In libro mf. de cartis Religioiorum exhibitis in quadam vifitatione dioc. Coventr. et Litchf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, f. 278. b. cartam Enifani et Ernaldi editam in Mon. Angl. Ordinauonem Rogeri epifc. Coventr. et Lichfeld, de exemptione prioratus de Stanes a prioratu de Kenilworth, A. L). 1260. (abbreviat. in Dugd. Warwic. p. 158.) cum confir- matione P. Alexandri 4. f. 279. finalem concordiam, 32 Hen. 3. de advoc. eccl. de Chekkeley, et annua peniione xx. fol. ex eadem : f. 280. a. aliam finalem concordiam, 7 Ric. 1. de eifdem advoc. et penfione, et decimis de Normancote,: bullum P. Alexandri 4. de non ordinanda vicaria in eccl. paroch. de Stanes. Fin. Warw. 1 Joan. n. . pro eccl. de Loxley. Plac. apud Weftm. 26 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 2. pro ad¬ voc. eccl. de Wolward [Warw.] Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro mercat. et feria apud Stanes, et pro lib. war. in Stanes et Stalinton : Fin. Warw. 51 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. . Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 25. de terris in Wale ton : Ibid. rot. 29. et quo war. rot. 4. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m, 33. de compofitione inter priorem de Kenilworth et priorem de Stanes, fuper fubjedtione et annua pen¬ fione : Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro eccl. de Mad- delegh. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 28. Ibid. 22 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 6. , Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 10. pro ten. in Stanes et Wal¬ ton. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 115- confirm, eccl. de Stanes canonicis de Kenilworda per Galtr. Clinton: P. 119, &c. paffionem S S. Wolfadi et Rufini, et hift. fundationis, ex mf. Cotton. Otbo, A. 16. P. 126. the copy of the table hanging in the priory, at the tup- preffion, concerning the foundation and founders, in Envlilh verfe. P. 127. cartam Enifani de Waletona et Ernaldi filii fui fadlam Bernardo priori et canon, de Kenilworth, de ecclefia et terris in Stanes : P. 1 28. cartam Nicholai de Stafford, confirm, eccl. de Stanes et alias donationes Enifani et Ernaldi filii : Concel- fionem de Horton et Grettone ecclefia: de Stanes per Rob. de Stafford: P. 129. cartas Will. Pantolt, de tertia parte decimarum dominii de Cublefdon ; R. de Sutrgenhill et Petronillm uxoris, de terris in Derlau- fton- Ads de Bello Campo, de terris in Parva bandon. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 157, 158 C of its being a cell to Kenilworth, and the compositions made upon obtaining an exemption from fubjeftion to that houle: p. 422. of lands and the church of Tyfoe: P- 452- ot the advowfon of the church of Wolford Magna: p. <12. of the church of Loxley. In Gunton’s Peterburgh with Patrick’s Supplement, p. 3. 230, 231. of Wulfad and Rufine’s converfion and death. . Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 1 et 2. de martyno Wultadi et Rufini : p. 64. de fundatione. Leland. Itin. vol. vii. 28. Erdfwick’s StaffordOiire, P* 33* . , „ , Regiftrum hujus prioratus, mf. in bibl. Hatton. 1040. nunc in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. xxiv. In regiftro Godefr. Giffard epifc. Wigorn. f. 84. com- pofitionem inter priorem de Kenilworth et priorem de Stanes, juxta decretum finale Rogeri epilcopi XXVI. STRENSHALL, olim Strenfale, or Trenfale. Mon astery destroyed. This fern, .c ■ 1»«J^| »»' o«”of tS K"b°6ri„rs of .he ninth cen.ory, anf whe.e ihe bo.l. a sad prefided in ic heri'elf as abbels tor feveral years. n , . • „ rjale n i ca. Caperave in vitis S. Modwenna: et S. Ofithz. Vide Mon. Angl. vol. 1. p. 197- Polychromcon. edit. Gale, p. 254- P= XXVII. TAMWORTH'. *• Monastery destroyed. ? In 9^d ^ardThueTend of diafiemury here was a™" of Religious Eadgitha, a ^adon i of K EadgaJ ; ^ abbefs here w : but that St. Editha, the daughter of that ^=’r H^vever it is moft certain that tranflated to Pollefwortn after - the Conque » “ n°C C , g time / collegiate, “ having a dean S*. ^ “ eve^one of'thefe^hath'his fubffitute [or vtcar] but I could not learn, P Their murder by Enifam of Walton Teems to be very legen¬ dary for it appears oy deeds in the Monafticon that he was a ereat benefaftor, if not original founder of this priory . al¬ though the Statfords, being fuperior lords and alfo great bene- fattors, retained the honor of being ever efteemed Pat™nS V thought fabulous by Selden in his notes on the eleventh fong of Pclyolbion. q MS. in officio Primitiarum. t Although the cattle and great part of this town be in War- wickffiire, yet the church is in Staffordfhire. • See the teftament of Wulfric Spott founder of Burton, in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 267. b. 66 et 268. a. 50. » Leland. Collett. vol. 11. p. 356- ex vita S. Editt X So Leland. Collett, vol. 1. p. 51. and Mi. Camden nQr fordtbire ; but no mention of “,s.1,1.a"f “lij „ account of the legends of that St. Edith, nor m the ftaditwnary ^ jf the foundation of Pollefworth (Mon. Ang . ■ • P j ^ it rauft there was any St. Edith that bore relation to this plactt ^ be the that was daughter to K. Egbert aEd wolf. Pqlychron. edit. Gale, p. 254- u Ecclefia S. Eiti- r In taxat. Lincoln, mf. fatta anno 1290. Ec ejiifdenl) “ tha; de Thamworth, appropnata decano et c 1 • .,nnc <• valet lv. marc.” Secular canons here 22 Ed. I- as r vol. iii. p. 598- One 8f.th^kin? sf fr/e chapdS> A’ coll. Matth. Wren epifc. Elienf. t. 87. (l r XXVII. STAFFORDSHIRE. it faith Leland*, of whofe ereftion the college was. Some think it was a college before the Con- « quell, others that it was of the foundation of Marmion ; and that opinion is more likely to be “ true. Marmions, without doubt, were the fucceffive lords of the caltle. The king1 is at pre- “ fent taken as patron of the college.” The deanry was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 2 : /. per ann. The firft prebend or Syryfcot preb. at 3/. 6s. 8 d. The fecond or W. Ernecote preb. at Si. The third or Cotton preb. at 81. The fourth or Bonel preb. at jl. The fifth or Wigenton at 10I. The fixthb .... And the common revenues at 4/. js. 8dc. But the college with all the pre¬ bends were granted, 23 Eliz. to Edward Downing and Peter Alhton. Vide Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 1136. of In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 63. of tithes in Burrow, the monaftery before the Conqueft : p. 981. of one p. 263. in Somerby, p. 269. in Stony Staunton, mark yearly paid to the collegiate church of Tam- Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. Pafch. 31. upon a Quare Impe- worth, out of .the church of Berkfwell : p. 1052. of dit, about the advowfon of a prebend in this church, the church of Middleton appropriated to this college: Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. et m. 33. pro preb. de p. 1141, 1142. of the chapel of Wilnicote’s being a Sirefcote: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. prebend in this college. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24 et 27. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 51. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. Efcaet Warw. 6 Hen. 6. n. 30. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. r. p. 121. m. 12. 3. Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. James, concerning which it is faidd, that Philip Marmyon lord of Tamworth, 15 Ed. 1. intending to found a Religious houfe of the Premonftra- tenfian order, grants to William of Combery hall, for a time, this hofpital with its appurtenances, and pafture in Afhfield for four oxen and two horfes, to celebrate for his foul, till he fhould place there either Religious men of the faid order or Secular priefts, who fhould bear upon them Signum clypei. It was valued at 3/. 6 s. 8 d. per ann. as Dugd. Speed, and Sancroft’s mf. Valor. XXVIII. TETENHALL. College. A collegiate0 church, and one of the king’s free chapels, founded before the Conqueft f, perhaps as early as K. Edgar’s reign g. Here continued, till the diffolution, a dean (whole corps was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at il. 131. gd. only) and four prebendaries, whofe income was then valued at 21/. 6s. 8 d. It was dedicated to St. Michael11, and granted, 3 Ed. 6. to Walter Wrottefley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 207. clauf. 11 Willelmi de Ferrers mil. defun&i: Pat. 47 Ed. 3. Ed. 2. m. 10. dorfo, quod Tetenhale, Sec. eft libera p. 2. m. 27, 28. capella regis, et immunis de praeftationibus, &c. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. rex recuperat advoc. deca- Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 26. natus verfus Hen. de Ferrariis chevalier, et Joanneni Pat. 11 Hen. 3. p. 3. m. 13. de Harwood clericum. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 11 ET 2. m. 13. Inquif. Staff. 2 Hen. 4. n. 14. ubi de terris et reddit. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . decanatus de Tetenhale eft in conceff. per R. Edgarum. donatione regis ratione cuftodite terrarum et hteredis XXIX. TRICENGHAM *, now Trentham". 1. Nunnery destroyed.! Here was an ancient nunnery, whereof St. Werburg was by 2. Austin Canons. i her brother king Ethelred appointed abbefs, and here (he died A. D. 683 '. Of this monaftery nothing more occurs till the reftauration of it by Randal fecond earl of Chefter1 *", in the latter part of the reign of king Henry 1 ". for canons of the order of St. Auguftin. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary and All Saints0; had, about the time of the diffolution, feven Religious, and was then endowed with 12 1 /. 31. 2d. per annv. in the whole hut the clear value was only 106/. 31. 10 d. as in Dugd. The fite was ^ranted qo Hen 8 to Charles duke of Suffolk. ’ 5 * 2 Itin. vol. iv. p. 121. 3 The prebends were in the gift of the crown 19 Hen. 8. (Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 203.) but the deanry was in the gift of the Freviles who were lords here ; for pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. “ Magifter “ Ricardus de Glouceftre habet literas regis de praefentatione “ ad decanatum de-Tamworth, ratione terrarum et tenemento- « rum quae fuerunt Alexandri de Frevile defun as Leland. Colleft. id. i.’p. 64. p Mb. Valor. r ’ — Kk Vide XXIX. STAFFORDSHIRE Vidt in Mon. Angl. torn. ii. p. 260. cartarn fundationis per Rauulfum com. Ccftriae : Cartas R. Hen. 2. con¬ firm. donationem Ranulfi com. Ceftr. ct de liberta- tibus ; Ranulfi 3. com. Ceftr, confirm, donationem Philippi de Orreby, de uno batello in aqua de Dee apud Ceftriam ; Else de Aldithleg, de bofeo de Threpwode juxta le Wall. In Madoxii Fo'rmul. Angl. p. 2. certif. Radulfi de Bof- chervilla, de conventione inter conventum et Henri- cum clericum de eccl. de Sutton temp. Ric. Peche .epifc, p. 1 22. tranfa&ionem fuper controverfia inter canonicos de Trenthatn et Robcrtum de Coftentin, fuper capeUis Novi Caftelli et Wytemore, temp. Hen. 2. p. 248. donationem eccl. de Sutton per Rad. de Bofchervilla : p. 295. admiftionem prioris et cony, ad eccl. de Sutton fuper prefentatione Rad. de Bof¬ chervilla. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 64. vol. ii. p. 59. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 29. of eight marks and an half yearly out of the rectory of Barkby : p. 112. of lands in Gaddelby. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 406. .of a lordfhip and lands in Fenny Compton. Year Book, 18 Ed. 3. Pafch. 15. of the advowfon of this priory claimed by Henry earl of Lajicafter as ap¬ pendant upon New Caftlc. Abftrafts of the grants of Randal earl of Chefter con¬ cerning the mill and filhing at Beltesford ; of Hugh earl of Chefter of the church of Beltesford ; of Sir Hugh de Hatton, of fome lands in Hatton, mf. Ma¬ cro, 12. ii. II. 24. MS. Cole, vol. xliii. p. 430. In bib). Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. j. cartam Hugonis co- mitis CeftrifE de ecclefia Bettesfordiae : mf. 2060 f. 1. compofition between the abbat of Hulton and the prior of Trenthatn. Cartas, &c. penes hon. dom. Gower de eadem. Colled, ex eifdem, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. cx f. 43. et inter colled. Francifci Thynne, mf. Anftis’ In codice mf. exhibitor, in dioc, Litchf. et Coventr" penes Petrum Le Neve, f. 307, &c. cartas Rocrer| epifc. Coventr. et Litchf. recit. bullam P. Alexandri confirm, donationes, A. D. 1162. Regis Henrici 2 Walteri epifc. Coventr. et Ricardi epifc. Coventr [duas:] Aliam bullam P. Alexandri: Cartam Jo- annis filii Philippi de Bobinton, pro capella de Ber- lifton ; et Rogeri epifc. Ceftrenfis, de eadem. Cart, antiq. R. n. 25. fcil. Hen. 2. ead. quae in Mon Angl. vol. ii. p. 260. b. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 27. pro lib. war. in Trentham Le Wall, et Elkefdun : Plac. de jur. et aftif. apud Lich- feld, 56 Hen. 3. rot. . pro maner. de Over Elkefdun. Pat. 3 Ed. i. m. 18. pro ten. in Hanchureh : Ibid, m. 27. de commun. paftur. in Blorton : Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 11. d. pro terris et pratis in Over Elkefdun, &c. Ibid, quo war. rot. 3. d. ct rot. 5. alloc, libertat. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 14. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. de terris la Vale juxta Leeke : Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 4. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p, 2. m. 25 vel 26. XXX. T U T B U R Y, or Tuttelbury. Benedictine Priory. A Benediftine priory q, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, founded by Henry de Ferrers, about A. D. io8or. It was a cell to the abbey of St. Peter fuper Divam * in Normandy, and on that account feifed' fome time into the king’s hands among the alien priories, but being at length made denifon, it continued till the furrender, 30 Hen. 8. about which time the yearly revenues ol this houfe were rated to be woi 1 6 s. 8 cl Speed. The fite was granted, 6 Ed. 1 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 354. cartam Henrici de Ferrariis fundatoris : Cartam Roberti jun. com. de Ferrariis, confirm, donationes: P. 355. cartam. R. Hen. 6. (anno 21.) recit. et confirm, literas patentes Joannis ducis Lancaftr. de rege hiftrionum, et me¬ moranda quredam de tauro, quem hiftriones habe- bunt de priore de Tuttbury in fefto Affumptionis B. Mariae. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 873. literas Thomae Cantuar. archie- pife. pro decimis dominicorum Tuttefbiriae domino- rum : Cartas Willielmi com. de Ferrariis, pro bovata terrae in Merfton ; ejufd. pro decimis de omni exitu de totaforefta de Duffeld ; Roberti com. de Ferrariis, pro Newton villa ; pro decima de Novoburgo de Tuttbury: P. 874. cartas Willielmi com. de Ferra¬ riis fil. Will. com. pro decimis de omni exitu de fo- refta deNedewode; Willielmi com. Derbias pro villa de Thornihull, et cxcii. acris in forefta de Nedewode, pro maner. de Norbury conceff. in feodo Will. fil. Herbert! a priore et conventu pro c. fol. annuatim, A. D. 1125. P. 875. compofitionem inter priorem et conv. et Nicolaum Fitzherbert, de terris in Olmond- fton, &c. 20 Hen. 6. Cartam Roberti com. de Fer¬ rariis, pro maner. de Staunfort ; Sawali de Syrle, pro cultura in villa de Hoga : P. 876. cartas Will, de Eyton mil. pro parco de Dubbrigge ; Sawali fil. Ful- cheri, pro virgulto fub caftello de Tutbury. Of the minftrels and their court, and the bull due to them from the prior of Tutbury now the lord duke of Devonfhire, fee Dr. Plott’s Hiftory of Staft'ord- ffiire, chap. x. § 69. 76. th 199/. 141. 10 d. dare-, but in the whole 244/. , to Sir William Cavendifh. Lelandi Colled!:. Vol. i. p. 46. Regiftrum brevium, titulo Prohibitianes , fuper conven¬ tione eligendi priorem, 18 Ed. 3. Lond. 1595. fol. f. 40. a. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 77. of lands and tithes in Cofton and the advowfon of the reftory : p. 96, of tithes in Edmundthorp and the advowfon of the rec¬ tory : p. 265. of the impropriate redfory of Staple- ford : p. 31 1 . of lands in Wimondham and the ad¬ vowfon of the redlory. In Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 120. of tithes in Thorpe. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 36. of the church of Wolfton for a time: p. 355. of the yearly penfion of xii s. out of the church of Herberbury ; p, 619. of two parts of Hoga or Hown in Derbyfhire given by Sewallus de Etendon : p. 1090. ot the foun¬ dation of this monaftery : p. 1092. of William earl Ferrer’s donation of Thornihull, &c. In Erdefwick’s Staffordftiire, p. 178. of Matherfield or Mayfield belonging to this priory. Regiftrum hujus ccenobii, olim penes Hen. Agard de Fofton in com. Derb. mil. nunc in bibl. coll. Armo- rum Lond. Regiftrum, cartas originales, rentalia, &c. penes ducem Devon. Regiftrum et cartas quamplurimas autographas penes Thomam Aftle arm. Colledtanea quaedam e regiftro prioratus de Tutbury, Oxon. inter mil. Afhmol. 804. mf. Dugdal. II. F. 1. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxxix. f. 83. 90, &c. Inter Colleft. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britannia), °. Reckoned as fuch in the Monafticon, and Prynne, vol. iii. p. 859. and Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 617. But Sir William Dugdale (Baron, vol. i. p. 157. and Warwicklhire, p. 783.) makes them Cluuiac monks. 4T* r So the old verfe in the Monafticon, and mf. Alhmol. but that which is called the foundation charter in the Monalt. was tSU. Mt *„«? ■’%*** A-f/ ■■■ . plainly made temp. Will. Ritfi. s Regiftrum brevium, f. 40. a. 1 Rymer, vol. viii. P. 105. . , v- ,2 » Both thefe valuations agree with the record in the Fruits office. . . - y - ,2 ✓ - rs — ,-r — / XXX, STAFFORDSHIRE. vol. iv. de tribws fcxtuariis fhimcnti annuatim reci- iendis ab abbate.et conventu tie Wellbeck pro dua- us partibus decimarum ecclefue de Etivell. Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. d. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro lib. war. et Jibertat. in Macherfeld et Wedtindun [Staff.] in Dovebrigg, Merfton, Broftun, Ednache- ftun, Idolintpn, Ofwundefton, ctEdolvefton [Derb.j Cart. 4 Ed. 1. n. 21 vel 22. pro mercat. et feria apud Dovebridgc : Affif. in com. De rjb. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 6. de commun. paftur. in Clifton et Edulvefton : Plac. in com. Staff. 21 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 1. alloc, liber- tatum. Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. x6. pro eftoveriis e fprefta de Nede- wood. Plac. in com, Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 8. allocat. libertat. in Merfton, &c, Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. in. 29 vel 30. Plac. de banco, 27 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. , pro meff. et terris in Broughton juxta Dovebrig: Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. AfEf. in com. Derb, 28 Ed. 3. rot. 35. 38. pro xt. acris in Merfhton. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 38. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16. pro eccl. de Kirk Broughton approprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 16. pro refpond. regi de antiquo apportu, qui reddi confuevit capitali domui: Clauf* 32 Hen. 6. in. 21. de excainbio cum Nicolao Fjtzhefbert arm. de terris in Ofmundefton, &c. pro reddit et fervitiis e mancr. de Norbury [Derb.] Fin. et recup. Derb. 34 Hen. 6. Trill, rot. 137. pro x. meff. xtx. bovati* tcrrte, &c. in Of- mundefton, Fofton, et Broughton. XXXI. W OLVERHAMPTON, olim Hamtune. X. College. An ancient monaftery of Religious perfons built, or amply endowed' by a de¬ vout and charitable widow lady, called Wulfruna, in the year 996. It was in the pofFcflion of Secular canons at the Conqueftf K. William Rufus gave this church to Samfon bilhop of Wor- cefter, who fettled it upon the prior and convent of his own cathedral, and they held it till the time of king Stephen, when Roger bifliop of Salilbury got it away from them C But he did not probably enjoy it long, for king Stephen granted it anno regni . . to the bifhop of Chefter and the church of Litchfield ; and it was again in the hands of Secular canons till the famous Petrus Blefenfis, who was dean, refigntd it into the hands of Hubert archbifhop of Canterbury that he might build an abbey here for monks of the Ciftertian order, which he began to do about c 7o amis. But it feems never to have been finilhed or fully fettled : for we find the Seculars in DofTef fion again not long after % and they Hill continue fo. This church was accounted one of the king’s tree chapels; was dedicated to St. Mary and St. Peter, and, with the collation of the prebendarifs was annexed by long Edward 4 to the deanry of Windfor. The deanry was valued, 26 Hel l' at 3 8 l.perann. and five ’ prebends, as follows, viz. Wobafton preb. 7/. 10 s. 4 d. clear Warteflev preb. 4 /• 13s. £d. Codial preb. 5l. 6s. 8 d. Perton preb. 5/. ,3,. U- andPemefordoreb 4/. 13 s. \d. But in the feventh year of king Edward 6. a errant was made to lohn r Northumberland of the college of Wolverhampton, and of feven prebends thereto beHngin” viz of Wolverhampton Hatherton, Wilnall, Fetherfton, Halton, Monmore, Stonwall almslfjne- wafton and Wobafton. But thefe coming again into the crown by the attainder of the Laid duke queen Mary anno rep, 1. refounded the dean and prebendaries, and endowed them with all the manors, lands, &c. formerly belonging to the college, free chapel, and deanry of Wolverhampton amounting as then rated, to 1 . 3 /. 1 3 f • o d. y. by the year. And when foml queftions weSer’ wards railed about the poffeffions of this church, K. James 1. anno regni .8. confirmed and fettled them and made the famous Marcus Antonias de Dominis archbilhop of Spalatto and dean of Windfor, dean of Wolverhampton, and prebendary of the firft prebend, viz. of Wolverhampton and feven other clergymen (amongft whom were Jofeph Hall ^ Gabriel Goodman, and Dr Tho’- mas Goad) -were named to feven other prebends c. in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 988, &c. privilegium a Sigerico archiepife. monafterio Hantonienfi conceff. A. D. 996. in quo terras ab Wulfruna collatas, cum limitibus, Saxonice et Latine deferibuntur : P. 992. cartam 2 Ed. 3. n. 67. recit. et confirm, cartas Ed- wardi Conf. prefbyteris fuis Hantonienlibus, Saxonice et Latine; R. R. Will. Conq. et Hen. 2. Cart. 6 Joan. n. 100. (potius 110.) conced. Huberto Can- tuar. archiepife. et viris Rdigiofis apud Wulfrunham- ton Deo fervientibus, totum maner. de Wolverhamp¬ ton, cum pertinentiis, dat. 27 Jul. P. 993. clauf. 6 Joan. m. 3. monachis Huberti archiepife. apud Wulfrunhampton, quod capiant mseremium ad aedi- ficationem abhati* fine de Wulfrunhampton : Ibid, m. 8. quod monachi de Wulfrunhampton permittan- tur herbagiare ubi voluerint in bofeo fuo: Ibid. m. 17. confirmat. R. maner. de Tetenhall archiepifcopo pro abbatia fua de Wulfrunhampton. In Mon. Angl. fom. iii. p. i. p. 235. confirm. P. Lucii luper eccl. de Wulverhampton concelT. epife. et eccl. Lichfeld, dat. A. D. 1144. Cartam R. Stephani de ecc - de Wulverhampton conceff. epife. Ceftrenli et eccl. de Lichfield. Lelandi Colled. vol. i. p. 115. ejufdem Itin. vol. vii. P- 20. Cl. Whartoni Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. Dr. Plott’s Hiftory of Staffordftnre, chap.'x. « ,9) 40. Dugdale s Aceount of Wolverhampton, at the end of Lrdeiwick s Staffordftnre. In Nalh’s Worcefterfliire, vol. i. p. 526. of the manor ofLudley m Hales-Owen: vol. ii. App. ii. of lanjs in Arley Staffordftnre fometime. Petri Blefenfis Epift. libr. 11. 143. 152. In Prynne s Records, vol. ii. p. 982. pat. 45 Hen 2 p. I. m 23. Ibid. vol. iii. p. 993. clauf 3, Ed; f m. 19. dorfo: Ibid. m. 17. dorfo, de non admittendo magiftrum Ottobonum autoritate apoftolica in pre- WolvTrhan ^llwa^efton in kbera capella regis de In Hemingi libro De reddit. eccl. Wigorn. p. 430, &c. T In archbifhop Sigeric’s privilege to Wulfruna, there is not only a recital ot her donations, but a confirmation of thofe cltates, which “ monafterium tuum de Hamtune detinuit a pulcis temponbus; * which inclines me to think it was of more ancient foundation. * “ Canonici de Hanton tenent Ernlege.” Domefday, in Mafford/htre. In is now Arley or Arnley, as D. Lyttleton. 1 Heming. ,p. 7. ,. a Pw I4 ?en- 3‘ ct iD taxat- Lincoln, so Ed. 1. « Ecclefia <• valeTSr^ aPP' 0pnaU dcca“° “Pi* ejufdet onlySSeftnSonek!al°r‘ But in f°me Valors tbr" P«bend, b Bilhop Hall’s Life, p. viii. « The abftratf of this grant among my Windfor papers. terram XXXI. STAFFORDSHIRE. terram clericorum de Hantona in Staffortfcire: Ibid, p. 537, 538. abbreviationem 6 vel 7. cartarum de donatione hujus ecclefise priori et conv. Wigorn. et injufta abreptione ejus per Rogerum epifc. Sarifberi- enfem. Cartas, rentalia. &c. penes R R. V V. decanum et ca- pitulum eccl. coll, de Windfor, necnon decanum et prebendarios de Wolverhampton. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. p. 67. cartam R. Joannis (anno regni 4.) do- nantis decanatum et prsebendas eccl. de Wolverhamp¬ ton Huberto archiepifc. Cantuar. ad conftruendam ibi cujufcunque ordinis voluerit domum Religiofam : p. 68. cart. 5 Joan. m. 16. n. 132. quod omnes terra; Religioforum, quos archiepifcopus Cantuar. pofuerat in ecclefia et prebendis de Wolverhampton fint deaf- foreftatse in perpetuum : Norman. 6 Joan. n. 27. p. 69. Norman, n. 188. conceff. archiepifc. Cantuar. de maner. de Tetenhal pro abbatia fua in Wulfra- hampton, in excambio pro terris in Saltwode. Pat. 14 Hen. 3. m. 5. dorfo. Efcaet. 4 Ed. 1. n. 98. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. de Preftwood et Blakely in forefta de Canok: Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 2. 8 Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 10. de exemptione a jurifdidbone ordinar. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . de advoc. eccl. de La Penne : Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. de melT. in Wodnesfeld. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. l. m. 1. de placea terras in Etheles- Ibid. p. 2. m. 37 vel 38. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. pro terris in Pelihal : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 16. de placea in vafto de Preftwood. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 62. Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . pro petris fufficientibus ad conftrudlionem eccl. de Wolverhampton: Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . pro proxima advocatione decana- tus conceffa Jacobo dom. Dudley. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 7 vel 8. de conceit, decanatus et donationibus praebendarum decano Windfor et fuccefloribus fuis. Pat. 1 Mari®, p. 9. m. . 26 Dec. 2. Hospital. Clement Luton chaplain, and William Waterfall obtained, A. D. 1394. the king’s licence to found here an hofpital of one prieft and fix poor men, to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 472. pat. 16 Ric. 2. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. p. 1. m. 14. licentiam regiam pro fundatione. For Chetwood, ■placed in this County by Mr. Speed, fee Buckinghamshire. For Merival, fee Warwickshire. SUFFOLK. I. ALENSBORNE, Alnefborne, or Alborn\ Austin Canons. Here was a fmall priory of Auftin canons b, dedicated to the blefled Virgin b, which feems to have been, about 1466. or however fome time before the general fuppreffion, joined and appropriated to the monaftery of Woodbridgec, and, as parcel of the fame, was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Sir John Wingfield. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 572- of 3 rent m Grifton: vol. ii. p. 646. of pofleffions in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 34. of pofleffions in Swerdefton, p. 42. in Swainfthorp, p. 53. inMulbarton: p. 65. of the rec¬ tory of Carleton St. Mary fometime impropriate and of lands there : p. 7 1 . of'Nevil’s manor in Hethill. In lib. inftit. &c. Joannis Wakeryng epifc. Norvic. vni. p. 130. certificatorium de diminutione fruftuum eccl. de Alnefburn et Carlton S. Mari® iftis Religiofis ap- propriatarum ab anno 1247. Confirmationem cujufdam redditus a priore et canonicis hujus domus circa A. D. 1280. in regiftro prioris Norwic. ii. f. 50. . Inter cartas meas originales, cartam, qua Robertus prior et canonici de Alnefborn remifere redd. ann. xxr. provenientem e molendino aquatico in Kefewylc, priori et capitulo S S. Trinitatis Norwic. 14 Ed. 1. fob iigillo commun. conventus in cera viridi. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24. d. pro ten. in Afhe : Plac. m com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 23. d. de ten. in Alh juxta Helmingham : Efcaet. Suff. 29 Ed. I. n. j 14- pro eccl. de Halghtree ex conceff. Roberti de Beared et Rob. de Twait. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro meff. et ten. inGippewic. et Alnefburn. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Halghtree. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5- Mich. rot. 20. » This place being now depopulated and unknown, I think it needful to obferve, that it was near the river between St. Clement’s in Ipfwich and Nadton ; for m the extent of the priory manor of Woodbridge, and this manor of Alvelbqrn thereunto belonging, in the hands of Thomas Carthew efquire the prefent lord, A. D. 1739- a large piece of land there, called Rifmgs Paftures, is faid to lie “ in hamletta de Alvelburne in “ paroch. de Hallowtree inter terram manem de Alvelburn ex “ partibus occid. boreal, et auftral. et viam proceffionalem dm- «* dentem Nation et Alvefborne ex parte orient. And in . e inquiiition, ao Ed. i. ad quod damnum, it might be to give the advowfon of the church of Halghtre, Halwetre, or Hallow- tre, and two acres of land to this priory, the j«r7 £‘“™that the faid advowfon was appurtenant to the manor or JNaci . b S Confirm eledt. priorum in regiftro principali dom. p Norvic. et in regiftro prioris fecundo, p. . . titulo e Inter recepta in compute facriftm prioratus Nor™- ■ Penftoncs, “ De priore de Woodbridge pro appropnat ion pn “ ratus de Alburn xii d. hoc anno.” In the „e Celled of K. Henry 8. the prior and convent of Woodbn idge JW their houfe or manor of Alvelburne, with the chapel and all lands, &c. thereunto belonging to Thomas Alverde ? be. ninety- nine years, at 13/. 6 s. 8 d. per arm. as the - forementioned penes Tho. Carthew de Benacre arm. II. BAT IS- F O L K. II. S U F II. B A T I S F O R D\ Knights Hospitalers. An hofpital or preceptory of Knights of St. John of Jerufalcm, as ancient as the reign of K. Henry 2C. valued, 26 Hen, 8. at 53/. 10 i, per ann(. Dugd. Speed ; and „ ranted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Grefham. yide cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro mercat. feria, et lib. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. I. coron. rot. 12. war. in Batisford conceff. priori S. Joan. Jerufalem. III. B E C C L E S. Hospital. Here was s, temp. R. Ed. 3. an almlhoufe or hofpital for lepers, with a chapel dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene h, which continued all the time of Elizabeth ', but was granted by K. James 1. to . . . . Kerrich, and by K. Charles 2. to William Chapman for life, and A. D. 1676. to the portreeve, furveyors, and commonalty of Beccles, towards the maintenance of the poor for everk. Vide Efcaet. Suff. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. ri. . de xx. fol. reddit. cardo Walkfare mil. &c. huic hofpital'i : Pat. 36 Ed. 3. exeunt, e maner. de Barlham et Herd, dandis a Ri- p. 1. m. 34. pro eodem redditu. IV; GREAT BLAKENHAM, or Blakenham fuper aquas. Alien Priory. Walter GifFard earl of Buckingham, temp. R. Will. Rufi , gave this manor to the abbey of Bee in Normandy, to which it became a diftinft1 alien priory, though it is fometimes reckoned as parcel of the priory of m Okeburn in Wiltfhire, Or of Ruflelepn in Middlefex, both which were Subordinate to that great foreign abbey. After the diffolution of the alien priories, king Henry 6. anno regni 19. gave this to the provoft and fellows of Eaton college, and K. Ed¬ ward 4. confirmed it to them0. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 573. cartam Walteri Gif- fard donantis hoc manerium eccl. S. Mariae Beccenfi : Cartam Sibellae de Tyngrie, de una hida terrae in Balgheham : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 954. confirmationem donationis Walteri Giffard per R. Henricum 2. Ibid, tom. iii. p. ii. p. 198. donationem maner. coll. Eton, ex pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. Cartas quafdam ad hunc prioratum fpedlantes, penes prrepofitum et foeios coll. Regalis Cantabrigiae,- nec- non in archivis coll. Eton, pyxide. Collectanea Thomx Martin, ex archivis coll. Eton, p. 21, &C. Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 15. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 12. Fin. Suff. ig Hen. 3. n. 135. Fin. Suff. 39 Hen. 3. n. 225. Fin. Suff. 1 Ed. 1. n. 103. de ten. in Blakenham. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 13. Pat 14 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. V. B L I B U R G Hp, or Blythburrow. 1. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons1), cell to the abbey of St. Ofith in EfTex', to which houfe the church here was given by K. Henry 1 s. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. (about which time herein were five Religious) at 48/. 81. iod. per ann\ It was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Arthur Hopton. d Corruptly called Ratisford , Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1044. Weaver, Fun. Mon. p. 777. ' K. Henry 1. gave Bergholt to the hofpitalars of Batisford, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 55a. a. f 33/. ioj. "Weaver. 8 On the hill in the weft part of the town near Sit John Leman’s free fchool. h To her only in all the will books ; but to Si. Mary Magda¬ lene and St. Anthony in Strype’s memorial of K. Edward 6. p. 516. where Edward Lydgate is faid to have had the king’s licence to beg for the Lazars here, A. D. 1551. > For in the will book of the archdeacon of Suffolk’s office marked U. f. 197. there is the will of John Bridges, one of the brethrene of the hofpital of St. Mary Magdalene in Beccles, dated ult. Mart. 1567. wherein he gives unto Humphry Trame, mailer of the faid hofpital, 20 j. to be equally divided amongft the brethrene and fyfters of the faid hofpital ; and in the will book marked L L. f. 101. there is the will of the faid Humphry Trame, dated A. D. 1596. wherein he faith, “ I give one bible, « and one fervice book, and my delk to them belonging, to go « and remain for ever with the hofpital of St. Mary Magdalen, « to the entent that the lick, lame, and difeafed then and there « abiding, for the comfort of their fouls may have continual “ recourse unto the fame.” v From the patent in the portreeve’s cuftody. 1 So Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 573. 1033. m Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 198. and the prior of Okeburn, as proCtor of the abbat and convent of Bee generally prelented to the church. n Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 13. 0 Although the fame K. Edward, anno regni 14. regranted this to the collegiate church of Windfor, yet theft* never got poffeffion, (Aihmule, Garter p. .) but it remains dill to Eton. P This was a place of note early in the Saxon times ; for here were buried Anna the firll Chriitian king of the Eaft Angles, and Jurmine or Fermine his fon, as Leland, Colled, vol. i. p. 590. Camden, Weaver, &c. s So cart, 12 Ed. 1. and the Norwich regifters. But the edi¬ tors of the Monafticon ftile them Premonjlratenftam, vol. i. p. 1044. and place this priory among thofe of this order, (vol. ii. p.,593.) which was not brought into England till after the death of king Henry 1. r So generally accounted: but their revenues were valued feparately, they prelented to their own liviugs, and in every thing feemed a diftintt body, only the abbat and convent of St. Olith nominated the prior of Bliburgh. s Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 45. But who founded this houfe is uncertain. Weaver makes K. Henry 1. founder, and Richard Beauveys brffiop of London, co-founder. But the patronage was not in the crown, as it would have been, if of royal foun¬ dation. And nothing of this work is aferibed to tliat bilhop by either Wharton, Godwyn, or Newcourt, in their lives of him. Leland, Collett, vol. i. p. 62. faith, “ Abbas S. Ofith® fundator “ primus et modernus. And probably the abbat and convent of St. Ofith might build the houfe, after king Henry 1. gave the church to them : but they were not foie patrons, for they only nominated the prior, and he was prefented by others, viz. Hrft by the Ciaverings, then by the Audeles, then by the Uffords, and laft by the lords Dacres, (fee the Norwich regifters) which families feem to have been lucceffively owners of fome consider¬ able eftate thereabouts, (Dugdale faith, that Sir John Clavering was, temp. R. Ed. 2. lord of the manor of Bliburgh, and of the hundreds of Blithing and Wangford, Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 109.) and had that privilege probably on account of their anceftors having been either partly founders' or confider'able be¬ nefactors. 1 Cardinal Wolfev obtained a bull, A. D. 1328. for fuppref- fing this among other fmall houfes, and applying the revenues of it toward the endowment of his college at Ipfwich, if the king confented ; but (by what means I do not find) his defum was fruftrated as to this, which continued till the general fuo- preffion. Sir Richard Gipps, in his Suffolk collections fpeaks of a regifter 'of this priory in Grelham college library. Lore Stevens, vol. ii. p 348. hath placed this houfe in Staffordjhire'; and fo hath Mr. Willis, vol. in p. 210. jj j > Vult — L l V. S U F FOLK. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 593. cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 12. per infpex. recit. cartam R. Ric. x. confirm, donatorum conceffiones. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 61. ejufdem Itin. vol. viii, P- 45- In Gardiner’s Hiftory ofDunwich, Bliburgh and South- wold, p. 129. of the foundation of this priory : p. 123. of the impropriate church of Bliburgh. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 34. of a penfion of xii d. out of the manor of Brifingham : vol. iv. p. 1115. of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Claxton. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 149. of a penfion of ixr. pay¬ able to the prior of St. Mary Thetford. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. xiv. p. 240. bul- lam papalem pro fuppreffione hujus prioratus, A. D. 1528. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 760, 761 of perfons buried here. * ' rnany Year Books, 11 Hen. 4. Trin. § 2. Fin. Suff. 3 Hen. 3. n. 42. de terris in Thorington- Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. . pro ten. in Wenhafton Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. o0. de\d„„ capelke de Melles: Ibid, de reddit. in Wantfford °C' Cart. 13. Ed. 2. n. 33. 5 Efcaet. Suff. 10 Ed. 3. n. 84. Pat. 19 Ed. ?, D , m „ vel 9. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. P' m' 8 Rec, in fcacc. 18 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 2. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 1 vel 2. pro eccl. de Blibunrh „ capella de Walderfwick. b utn Pat. 21 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. 2. Hospital. Of the houfe of Black friers, to be removed from Dunwich hither, mention is made in efcaet. Suff. 8 Ric. 2. n. 50. and pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. VI. BRESETHE, or Brifete Magna. Alien Priory. About A. D. 1110. Ralph Fitz Brien ere&ed a priory here for canons of the order of St. Auftin, to the honor of St. Leonard. It was iubordinate to the monalfery of Nobi- liac” in the diocefe of Lymoges and dutchy of Berry. After the fuppreffion of thefe alien priories this with all its lands was given by K. Henry 6. to King’s college in Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 86. cartam fundationis per Rad. fil. Brieni et Emmam uxorem : P. 87. cartas Radulphi fil. Brieni jun. confirm, donationes Radulfi avi fui ; Brieni fil. Radulfi, pro terra extra parcum fuum jacente; Almarici Peche mil. dom. de Brifete Magna, confirm, donationes antecelforis fui Radulphi fil. Brieni : P. 88. cartas ejufd. Almarici, pro amer- ciamentis fuorum tenendum in Brifete; Walteri epife. Norvic. de cantaria in capella infra curiam Al- marici Peche in Brifete, A. D. 1250. Efcaet. Norf. (vel potius Suff.) 20 Ed. 3. n. 24. de quarta parte maner. de Brifete danda monachis a Ricardo Hacoun. In Morant’s ElTex, vol. i. p. 359. of tithes in Stanefgate. Compofitionem fuper fubjeftione et aliis controverfiis inter priorem et conv. Nobiliaci et priorem et con- ventum de Brifete, fa&am A. D. 1259. renovatam et confirm, per epife. Norvic. A. D. 13m* nif. in ar- chivis decani et capituli Norvic. Ciftam cartarum ad prioratum de Brifet fpedlantium, in thefaurario coll. Regalis Cantab. Fin. com. ignot. 2 Hen. 3. n. 17. de ten. in Buckf- hall: Ibid. 8 Hen. 3. n. 36. de terris in Wiverfton- Fin. Suff. 11 Hen. 3. n. 7. de terris in Wattelham- Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3. n. 41. pro terris in Rino-fhall • Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 59. de terris in Battisford. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 71. de mercat et feria apud Brifet clamatis per priorem : Efcaet.' Suff. 33 Ed. 1. n. 235. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Efcaet. Suff 10 Ed. 2. n. 7. Efcaet. Suff 18 Ed. 2. n. 105. Fin. Suff. 18 Ed. 2. n. 167. Efcaet. Suff. 19 Ed. 2. n. 99. Efcaet. Suff. 5 Ed. 3. n. 53. pro tribus partibus maner. de Brifete : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 4 vel 5. Clauf 20 Ed. 3. m. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 20. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. de conceff coll. S. Nico¬ lai, Cantab. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 23. VII. BRUSYARD. Nuns Minoresses. The college founded at Afhe by Maud countefs of Ulfter, was removed" to the manor place of Rokehall in Brufyard, where was alfo builc a chapel of the Annunciation, and the proper offices for the warden and priefts, A. D. 1354. but upon fome complaints, and at the inftance of Lionel duke of Clarence, with the confent of the king, &c. this college or chantry, with all the lands belonging thereunto, was furrendered 4 Oct. 40 Ed. 3. to the ufe of an abbels and filters, Nuns Minoreffes of the order of St. Clare, who remained here till the general fupprel- fion, when their yearly revenues were eftimated at 56/. is. id. -per arm. Dugd. Speed. The life and endowments of this abbey were granted to Nicolas Flare, 30 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 491. pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 44. de cantaria fecularium in Rokehall transfe- renda in domum Minoriffarum : Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 98, &c. pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. per Infpex. re¬ cit. ftatuta et ordinationes pro gubernatione cuftodis et capellanorum in Rokehall edita a Will, epilc. Nor- wic. A. D. 1354- Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 755- 7^2- Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 62. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 1 04, 105. of the appropriation of the church of Bulmere in Effex to » Prynne’s Papal Ufurp. vol. iii. p. 682. 707. ■v This 'account is grounded upon the charters in the Mona- fticon, and the relation of this affair in the cartulary of Brufyard mf. And yet there was afterward a mailer and chaplains of a chantry at Campefs, as appears from inquif. 6 Hen. 4. n. 20. -s*nd in the valuation of 26 Hen. 8. after that of the monaftery u thefe nuns, and the ordination of the vicarage there ; and p. 686. of the manor of Wrabnes. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 279. of the manor and advowfon of the reiftory of Harpham, and of the ad¬ vowfon of Burgh in Suffolk: vol. iii. p. 243. of pof- feffions in Redenhall : vol. iv. p. 239. of a manor in South Repp : p. 38. of a meffuage and lands in Saw- fton, Badburgham and Pampefworth in Cambridge- fhire. Colleft. Anglo-minorit. Append, p. 3. A chartulary of this abbey, in Englilh, for the ufe of follows, “ Penfio Galfridi Crifp magiltri cantarije ibidem viii/. “ xiiij. ivd.” and of four chaplains each ten marks ; and in the will book, in the archdeacon of Suffolk’s office, marked 1. 1. there is a legacy given to the matter of the chantry at Campels and his brethren in A. D. ijj8. the VII. SUP FOLK. the lady abbefs and fillers, mf. in folio, in the library of Sir John Rous bart. of Henham hall in Suffolk. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. et m. 24. pro eccl. de Burgh: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 27. pro maner. de Rokehall in Brufyard ; m. 29. de maner. de Stanford : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro xl /. redd, exeunt, de maner. de Holbrok et Tatingffon : Pat. 37 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 48. pro ten. in Brofyard, Sweftling, &c. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro eccl. de Rendeleiham. Pat. j Ric. 2. p. 5. m. 13. pro maner. de Harpham [Norf.] &c. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. pro maner. de Witton. [Norf.J Efcaet. Suff. 9 Ric. 2. n. 118. de maner. de Benge : Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 7. prd eod. maner. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro maner. de Witton, ten. in Sweftling, &c. in cxcamb. cum abbatifla de Campes : Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 9. pro ten in Saufton, &c. Inquif. Cantab. 12 Ric. 2. n. 126. pro terris in Badburgham, &c. Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ric. 2. n. 119. de terris in Winfton, Petaugh, Debenham, &c. et advoc. eccl. de Sutton: Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. pro eifdem terris : Efcaet. Norf. 14 Ric. 2. n. 1 19. pro meff. et terris in Harpham et Harlton. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 14. pro eccl. de Rewenhall et S. Andreae de Bulmere appropriandis. VIII. BUNGAY. Benedictine Nuns. Roger de Glanvil, and the countefs * Gundreda his lady, temp. Hen. 2 r* founded here a Benedi&ine nunnery to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary and of the Holy Crofs. Here were, temp. Ed. 1. a priorefs and fifteen lifters Religious2, but at the diffblution not above feven nuns’, who had an yearly income rated at 62 1. 2 s. id. ob. This houle was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 513, 514, 515. cart. 3 vel 5 Ed. 3. n. 48. per Infpex. recit. cartas R R. Hen. 2. et Hen. 3. confirm, conceffiones quamplu- rimas donatorum : P. 516. cartam Rogeri com. Norf. pro molendino fuo de Wainford Raftall’s Entries in tit. Diminucion in briefe d' error & 1. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 61. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 569. 646. 674. 739. 747, 748. of pofleffions in Norwich : vol. iii. p. 120. of pofleffions in Hemenhale : p. 242. of the redlory of Redenhall fometime impropriate : p. 355. of rents in Shotilham : vol. iv. p. 256. of a penfion of vs. out of the reftory of Norton Soupcors : p. 342. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Roughton: p. 701. of fait rents in Tyrington : p.933. of lands in Kelling, p. 1144. in Loddon, p. 1165. in Thwayt : p. 1471. of tithes in Moulton. Cartas quafdam originales ad hoc caenobium fpedlantes, olim penes Petrum Le Neve arm. modo penes Tho- mam Aftle arm. In regiftro principali dom. epifc. Norvic. librum inili- tutionum, &c. temp. Will. Bateman epifc. Norwic. iv. notato, f. 27, 28. de appropriatione eccl. de Re- denhale [NorfJ monialibus de Bungay, et de ordina- tione vicariae, A. D. 1349. Lib. x. f. 88. de difap- propriatione ejufd. ecclefise, et de refervatione an¬ nual penfionis xls. defuper, A. D. 1441. Lib. viii. f. 128, 129. certificatorium Jac. Waliingham vie. gen. epifc. thefaurario et baronibus fcaccarii fuper diminutionibus ecclefiarum monialibus appropriata- rum, 4 Hen. 5. Fin. Suff. 12 Hen. 3. n. 43. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 14. Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 60. pro advoc. eccl, de II- ketfhall S. Joannis. Efcaet. Suff. 35 Ed. 1. n. 46. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Ilketlhall ap- proprianda. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. de Redenhall [Norf.J Fin. Norf. 21 Ed. 3. n. 13. pro advoc. de Redenhall: Efcaet. Suff. 47 Ed. 3. n. 44. pro terris in Ilketlhall, Southelmham, &c. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. pro eifdem. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 24. IX. BURGH CASTLE, olim Cnobherefburg \ Monastery destroyed. Upon the firft preaching of Chriftianity to the Eaft Angles, about A. D. 630. king Sigebert gave to Purfeus, (an holy man, who came out of Ireland'! a place near itevenuesebyrKtAnniiere0n ” f°Und a monaftery’ which was augmented both in buildings and Vide Bed® Hill. Eccl. lib. iii. cap. ig. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 47. vol. ii. p. 135. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 216. X' ^ U R Y St. EDMUND, clim Bedericfworthe, or Eadmunde/low. Benedictine Abbey. Sigebert king of the Eaft Angles, about the year 633. quitted his crown and took upon him a Rclig.ous life in a monaftery which he had founded here2, but after 51 %uare, Whether this countefs (who is accounted foie foun- drefs in Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 61.) was not of the family of the Bygods, the earls of Norfolk being always patrons of this monaftery : or whether flie was the daughter of William fecond earl Warren, who married Roger earl of Warwick, and furviv- ing him, (who died A. D. 1153.) might marry this Roger de Glanvil. y Hugh Bigod earl of Norfolk, who died A. D. 1177. as Dugd. Baron, vol. i. was a benefattor. 2 Efcaet. 33 Ed. 1. n. 46. a MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. b Several hiftorians, ancient and modern, have confounded this monaftery, where Furfeus lived, with another monaftery founded by this fame K. Sigebert, wherein he turned monk, and whence he was fetched out to. that fatal battle, wherein he loft his life. Some have thought that Cnoberdburg was the lame with Betruhefword or Bury S. Edmund (notes on laft edi¬ tion of Engliih Camden :) but to this laft place Bede’s deferip- tion, viz. that it was “ maria vicinitate amoenum,” will by no means agree. By that fituation, and the notice taken of it bv K. Anna, it might more probably be fixed at Blitbburgb , where that king was buried ; but Blithburgh is mentioned under its prefent name by the Ely hiftorian, who in a page or two before mentions alfo this Religious houfe at Cnobhereiburgh. So that thefe alfo feem to be different places. ‘ “ Sigifbertus, rex Orientaliiun Anglorum, monafterium, „ qn °d !" Betrlchdwr°rd fiH fecerat, intravit ; unde invitum « adcertamen contra Pendam regem Merciorum eruerunt firb- ■idl«’ '"q;'0a0CCUbUltV ^‘b‘ EUenf* mf- et Tho. Elienf. in vita S. Ethelredae inter atta Bened. vol. ii. p. 7,„. This is re cone, table enough with Bede, if we look upon, as we well enough may, the monaftery wherein Sigebert laft was THirt lib. 111. c. 18 ) as a different one from that given toFuIfeuw hjs king, ibid. lib. iii. c. ,0. Befides, it ?s Sd, Mon ^^ tom. I. p.291. b. 17, 20. that the new church of St Edmund was begun to be built A. D. ro2i. on the fame place where K. Sigebert had founded a monaftery. V "ucre rv. the X. SUFFOLK. the death of that prince we have no certain account of the ftate of this place, though probably (as far as the interruptions of the Danilh wars would permit) l'ome fort of Religious perfons conti¬ nued to live together and to officiate in the church here. For hither, as to a place of fome note the body of St. Edmund the king was tranflated from the obfeure wooden chapel at Hoxne, A. d! 003. Immediately whereupon the town changed its name, and feveral Secular priefts fettling herej built a new church to the honor of that royal martyr. They were at firft not above feven or ei«ht in number, but increafed in a few years to be nineteen, viz. fourteen priefts and five deacons, °all having their leveral prebends, and became a perfect college about A. D. 925. when K. Ethelftan is laid to be their founder d. This minfter from thenceforward was augmented in privileges and revenues by king Edmund, by Theodred biffiop of London, and other benefaftors ; but A. D. 1020. king Canute expelled the Secular clerks, and placed herein a convent of Benediftine monks from Hulm in Norfolk. Thefe he and others endowed with fo many eftates, royalties and immu¬ nities, that this abbey of St. Edmund was inferior to very few in revenues, and to none in England as to fituation, buildings, ecclefiaftical exemptions, or civil franchifes and liberties. In the valu¬ ation of 26 Hen. 8. its yearly income was computed at 1659K 13J. nd. ob. Dugd. 2336/. 16 s. od. Speed. The fite was granted, 2 Eliz. to John Eyerf. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 284, 285. quasdam hifto- rica de martyrio R. Edmundi, inventione corporis, ejufque tranflatione, ex Matthcei Weftmonaft. Chro¬ nic. De fundatione abbatire per R. Canutum, ex Le- land. Colledl. vol. iii. et Will. Malmfbur. P. 286. de eadem, ex regiftro S. Benedidl. de Hulmo: Privile- gium R. Edmundi, dat. A. D. 942. [Latine,] cum terminis terrae donate [Saxonice:] P. 287. cartam R. Canuti, ex cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 11. P. 288. de lite inter Baldwinum abbatem et Arfaftum epife. Thet- fordtej cum privilegio Will. Conq. dat. pr. Eal. Junii, A. D. 1081. ex Mariano Scoto, mf. Bodl. P. 289. efcaet. Suff. 30 Ed. 1. n. 19. inquifitionem de fenefcallia libertatum S. Edmundi : P. 290,291, &c. qusedam memorabilia ex regiftro quodam abba- tire, de exemptione loci, ejectione clericorum, privi- legiis monachorum, &c. P. 292. nomina donantium maneria, ecclefias, et pofleffiones eccleftre S. Edmun¬ di : P. 293, 294. de corpore S. Edmundi incorrupto, et donationes terrarum, ex Leland. Collect. vol. i. p. 247. p. 295. quot, qui, et quot annis fmguli fue- runt abbates S. Edmundi : P. 296. de maner. de Mil- denhall concelf. abbatiae a S. Edwardo rege, de tefta- mento Hamonis Blundi : P. 297, &c. confirmatio- nem a rege Edwardo 1. (anno regni 9.) conventionis inter Joannem de Norvvold abbatem et priorem et conventual, de divifione pofleflionum coenobii inter abbatem et obedientiarios in ufum conventus, dat. A. D. 1281. P. 300, 301. nomina facriftarum ufque ad Ric. de Brun : P. 302. jura et privilegia cellerarii abbatiae. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. ii. p. 333. pat. 15 Joan. p. I. m. 5. vol. iii. p. 118. lit. regis 45 Hen. 3. de exemptione abbatiae ab archiepifc. Cantuar. p. 220. pat. 6 Ed. 1. m. 24. quod abbas poffit condere tefta- mentum : p. 226. pat. 7 Ed. 1 . m. 4. de reftitutione temporalium Joanni de Northwold abbati confirmato : p. 474. pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 22. affign. quorundam jufti- tiariorum ad inquirend. fuper injuriis abbati et conv. S. Edm. nuper illatis, &c. p. 920. bullam P. Boni- facii 8. confirm, electionem Thomas abbatis Kal. Jun. anno pontif. 8. p. ion. clauf. 31 Ed. 1. m. 5. d. pro corrodio in abbatia Rogero Le Ufher : p. 1042. pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. 18. de cuftodia abbatiae temp, va¬ cations concedenda priori et conv. pro mcc. marc, ann. p. 1147. c,auf. 3+ Ed- I* m- 22 ,vel 23- de excom. capiendo ad fignificationem abbatis de S. Ed- mundo. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. ii. p. 191. pro MMM. miffis, et dccc. pfalteriis per annum dicendis in abbatia S. Edmundi, pro rege et fuis, quamdiu exercitus regius extiterit in partibus Walliae contra Llewelinum, 10 Ed. 1. vol. iv. p. 672, &c. bullam P. Bcnediifti 10. fuper confirm, eleftionis Will, de Bernham abbatis, A. D. 1335. vol. xiv. p. 244. 247. bullam P. Clementis, pro maner. de Ayhlham, So- thery, Longton, et Tylne uniendis menfse epife. Nor- wic. in partem recompenf. primorum fruftuum ; et de hofpitalibus S. Salvatoris et S. Petri menfie abba- tiali de Bury uniendis in recompenf. maner. praedi£l. A. D. 1528. In Spelmanni Concil. tom. i. p. 534. decretum concil. Winton. A. D. 1021. de exemptione monaft. S. Ed¬ mundi. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedidf. tr. ii. p. 141, 142. pau- cula de fundatione abbatiae. Raftal’s Entries, f. 105. a. titulo Bigamie, § 2. Ibid, f. 478. titulo, £htnre impedit concernaunt prochein avoid¬ ance : Longum placitum, 13 Hen. 7. de prox. advoc. eccl. de Dikelburgh [Nort.J In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 139. dimiftionem maner. vocat. le Cold Halle in Wolpyt, 16 Ed. 3. p. 151. di- miffionem maner. de Haberdon, pro inveniendo uno albo tauro toties quoties aliqua mulier generofa ex devotione ad feretrum S. Edmundi venire contigerit ad oblationes didfi albi tauri faciendas, A. D. 1533. p. 290. cartam R. Ed. Conf. pro libertat. [Saxonice.] In ejufd. Hift. Scacc. p. 199. brevia 12 Ed. 2. Hill, rot. 79. pro moneta de cuneis S. Edm. alfayanda: p. 200. memor. 12 Ed. 2. rot. 24. b. de aflaia facia monetae de Buria S. Edmundi : p. 287. de fine cc. marc, pro cuftodia abbatite temp, vacatiouis, 13 Hen. 3. p. 301. de mercat. de Lakingheth, an fit ad detrimentum mercat. S. Edmundi, 4 Joan. p. 35^. de confuetudinibus burgenfium et tenentiuin de b. Edmundo, 14 Joan. p. 398. de auxilio filiae regis, 14 Hen. 2. p. 682. de murdro et catallis fugitivorum, et aliis tangentibus libertatem abbatis 29 Hen. 3. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 869. of part of the manor of Sabridgworth [Hertf.J belonging to this abbey, now called Tednambury by corruption for St. Edmund’s Bury : vol. ii. p. 310, &c. of the church of Harlow in Eflex: p. 554, 555. of the manor ami church of Stapleford Abbats [Eflex.] p. 686, 687. of lands and the advowfon of the church of Wrabnes [Eflex.] belonging to this abbey. Year Books, 3 Hen. 4. Hill 17. 12 Hen. 4. Hill. 5. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, from p. 721. to p. 730. of the abbey, and many worthy perfons buried there. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 81, &c. of the foundation and magnificence of this abbey; of the dimenfions of the church, out of Will. Wircefter ; with a catalogue of the abbats : Append, p. 57, &c. two letters from the vifitors to lord Cromwell about this abbey, A. D. 1539. In Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 26. 33. vol. iii. p. 72- ae fundatione: vol. i. p. 222, &c. donationes facias hutc abbatis : p. 252. hiftorica quredam de eadem : vol. in. p. 162. codices mfll olim in bibliotheca hujus ab- batire. In ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 164. notes out of the abbey d Leland. Com- in Cign. Cant, in verbo Curia. Jo. Bale De feript. Brit. cent. x. n. 34. c -pi,is is 166$/. in the old copy in the biihop or Norwich s regiftry, and only 1609/. in my ml". Valor, and in Stevens’ Sup- ment to the Monaflicon, p. 36. , , ■ It was fill-rendered Nov. 4. 1539. or 31 Hen. t. bv tne : and forty-four monks, as Burnet’s Hiftory of the Reto n, vol. i. App. p. 148. p X. S U F FOLK. , of St. Edmundes Bury : p. 165. ex libro de exequiis pobilium virorum et abbatum fepultorum in monafte- rio S. Edmundi : vol. viii. p. 47. de fun'datione ex vita S. Edmundi: vo). ix. p. 53. comment, in cyg- neam cantionem, voce Curia. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 257. 308. dimenfiones monafterii et ecclefim. In libro nigro Scaccarii, p. 239. de vi. libratis terrre in Sabridtefworthe : p. 282. cartam de honore S. Ed¬ mundi. In Morant’s EfTex, vol. ii. p. 93. 0f lands in Little Waltham: p. ill. of lands in Witham anciently: p. 482. of the manor, impropriate redtory-and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Harlow: p. 551. of the manor of Munhall in Walden fometime. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 80. of a manor in Shelfhanger: p. 126. of a manor in Dickleburgh, a portion of tithes and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 136: of the manor of Titfhall and the advowfon of the redtory : p. 264. of a quitrent of 2J. out of the priory of Buckenham : p. 306. of lands in Shropham: p. 655. of burgages in Cambridge : vol. ii. p. 671. of tithes of Herrings in the parifh of St. Laurence Nor¬ wich, and of the advowfon of the redtory there : p. 851. of lands in Heigham : vol. iii. p. 120. of a mill in Hemenhale : p. 124. of lands in Stratton: p- 191. of the advowfon of the redtory of Moring- thorp : p. 207. of pofleflions in Fritton: p. 218. of the manor of Thorp-abbots and advowfon of the rec¬ tory: p. 244. of lands in Redenhall : p. 292. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Caftor : p. 302. of poifelfions in Great Poringland, p. 307. in Bixley, p. 337. in Yelverton ; p. 452. of the manor of Eaft Bradenham and advowfon of the redtory: p. 550. of Sextons manor in Aylefham : p. 587. of poifeffions in Baningham, p. 602. in Tutington, p. 606. in Bo- ton : p. 615. of lands in Ingworth : p. 643. of pof- feffions in Erpingham, p. 631. in Aldby, p. 656. in Burgh, p. 687. in lteringham : vol. iv. p. 104. of poifeffions in Fincham : p. 116. of lands in Hilgey: p. 136. of the manor of South Rungton and the ad¬ vowfon of the redtory : p. 148. of the redtory of Wal- lington : p. 149. of lands in Wigenhale : p. 163. of the manor of Southrey and advowfon of the redtory: p. 186. of poifeffions in Upwell : p. 199. of lands in Watlington : p. 232. of poffeffions in Ellingham, p. 234. in Geldefton : p. 247. of lands in How : p. 253. of poifeffions in Kirkby-Kam: p. 326. of a lordfhip in Matlaik : p. 334. of poifeffions in Plum- ftead, p. 339. in Repps, p. 502. in Clenchwarton : p. 572. of a lordfhip in Hlington: p. 623. of a manor in North Lynn and the advowfon of the redtory: p. 646. of the advowfon of the church of Wetherden in Suffolk: p. 691. of lands and tithes in Tilney : p. 764. 772. of a manor in WigenhalT. p. 831. of poifeffions in Walfingham : p. 1106. of the manor of Broke, the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 1130. of lands in Hardley : p. 1149. of the manor of Langale and Kirkfted : p. 1393. of a mediety of the redtory of Bradfield, Ibid. vol. i. p. 31. of a manor in Roydon : p. 33. of the town of Brilmgham : p. 49. of a lordfhip in Fersfield : p. 104. of lands in Shimpling: p. 111. of a manor in Giffing: p. 126. of lands in Winfarthing : p. i6i.of a manor in Norton: p. 167. of lands in Gatefthorp, p. 198. in Snarehill : p. 201. of a manor in Weft Her- ling : p. 202. of the manor of Berdewelle in Suffolk: p. 229 of a manor in Quiddenham and the mediety of the advowfon of the church : p. 259. of a manor in Buckenham : p. 400. of poifeffions in Thetford : p. 689. of the lordfhip of Marlingford : vol. ii. p. 13. of houfes in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 116. of lands in Hapton : p. 188. of a manor in Tibbenham : p. 190. of the lordfhip of Moring-thorp : p. 213. of lands in Earfham, p. 213. in Billingford, p. 224. in Brock- difh : p. 229. of the lordfhip of Rufhall, p. 232. of Starfton, p. 253. of Needham : p. 276. of lands in Denton: vol. iv. pi 4. of the lordfhip of Bokenham Ferry: p. 82. of lands in Weft Dereham, p. 104.. it i Fincham, p. 242. in Hales: p. 248. of the lordfhip of Kirkby-Kam : p. 235. of lands in Norton Soup- cors : p. 453. of a lordfhip in Wood Norton, p. 651. in Middleton: p. 1091. of the lordfhip of Wendling, p. 1130. of Hardley, p. 1141. of Loddon : p. 1164. of a lordfhip in Thwayt, p. 1167. in Toprroft : all. anciently belonging to this abbey. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 440. of a houfe in Northampton : vol. ii. p. 19. of lands in Cliplton, p. 31. in Eaft Farndon : p. 38. of the manor of Ho- thorp : p. 45. of lands in Matdwell anciently, p. no. in Lamport anciently, p. 116. in Houghton, p. 125. in Scaldwell and the advowfon of the redtory ; p. 263. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Werk- ton. In Gardiner’s Dunwich, &c. p. 188. of a market in Southwold: p. 189. of the manor of Southwold, af¬ terwards exchanged for the manor of Mildenhall. Vifitationem abbatix S. Edmundi, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius, D. ii. 17. Ibid. Augujlus , ii. 7. cartam R. Ca- nuti : N. 21. cartam R. Will, 1. de exemptione ab¬ batix ab Arfaflo epife. ejufque fuccefforibus [Lat. et Saxon.] N. 44. cartam R. Ed. Conf, ^Saxonice:] N. 76. 79, 80. cartas de privilegiis et terris conceffis monaft. S. Edmundi, [Saxonice:] Ibid. Tiberius , B. ii. 2. quasdam hiflorica de abbatia S. Edmundi, et de abbate Baldwino, temp. R. Will. r. Ibid. Tibe¬ rius, B. ix. 2. regiftrum adlorum Gulielmi Cratfield et Gulielmi Exceflre abbatum S. Edmundi feriptum a Joanne Mikilwood uno armigerorum abbatiae et cuftode palatii abbatialis ibidem: Ibid. Claudius, A. xii. 3. regiftrum hoftilariae monafterii S. Edmundi de Bury, compilatum per fratrein Andr. de Alton monachum e diverfis evidentiis, A. D. 1426. Ibid. Otho, A. xvni. 9 et io“literas P. Alexandri et R. Will. Conq. de controverfla inter Arfaftum epife. et Baldwinum abbatem : Ibid. Vitell. D. xv. 2. Chro- nicon Jocelini de Brokelonds, de rebus domefticis ccenobii S. Edmundi de Buria, i. e. de abbatibus, pri- oribus, et caeteris officiariis, de clectionibus, de hti- bus, et rebus qualitercunque ad iftud coenobium fpedt- antibus : Ibid. n. 3. indicem cartarum, de terris ad hoc ccenobium fpeclantibus : Ibid. Vitellius, F. xn. 10, 11. libertates et placita varia de terris et poffef- fionibus abbatiae. Colledtanea e regiltris abbatix S. Edmundi, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. xxxviii. f. 62. vol. xlii. f. 66 See. vol. cv. f. 41, &c. Ibid. mf. Dugdale, n. 39. p. 75. hiftoriam Burienfis coe- nobii, Regulam S. Benedidti [Latine et Saxonice] olim ad ab- batiam S. Edmundi fpedtantem, ad cujus finem ha- bentur notx quredam hiftoricx de conftrudtione et dedicatione ecelefix, nomina benefadtorum, anniver- fariorum pitantix, et alia quaedam de antiquo flatu hujus ccenobii, cod. mf. antiq. membr. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Oxon. n. 197. In cod. mf. in bibl. coll. Jefu Oxon. n. 79. fcil. v. vol. colledt. Auguftini Baker: N. 12. Iibrum feretrario- rum S. Edmundi, fcil. de vita, paffione, et miraculis S. Edmundi per Abbonem Floriacenlem : N. 1^. tranfeript. regiflri abbatiae S. Edmundi per Andr! Alton, fcil. de combuftione abbatix, &c. N. 14. elec- tionem Joannis 1 imwith [f. Timworth] in abbatem S. Edmundi, cum adtibus proviforis et infurredtionis communitatis, cum damnis terribilibus et malefadth perpetratis priori et conventui et monafterio S. Ed¬ mundi per infurredtores de Bury, prout feribitur per Joannem Gosford priorem S. Edmundi. MSS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxiv. p. 421. cronicon monafterii Burienfis cum benefadto- ribus, &c. ex mf. Harleiano. vol. xxxiii. f. 257. ac¬ count of a confuetudinary of this abbey in the pofTef- fion of Lord Cornwallis. In bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifli Cantab, mf. iii. p. 284. cartam Cnuti regis de confirmatione monafterii S. Edmundi : p. 286. cartam Hardeknuti regis de im- e He is mifcalled Joannes de Buckland Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 296, — Mm munitatibus' X. S U F FOLK. munitatibus ejufdem: mf. 370. n. 6. de calumnia et injuriis per Will. Bateman epifc. Nonvicenfem in monaft. S. Edmundi illatis, ct per merita S. Edmundi finitis, una cum gravaminibus ejufdem monafterii. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 163. 165. 168. 167. 170. 194. mf. 298. f. 56. 58. 60. 64. 73. 96. mf. 312. f. 47. 60. 69. 71. 73. 81. mf. 639. f. I. 9. 14. 33. 37. 97. 126. 143. excerpta ex regiftris hujus abbatiai. Ibid. mf. 76. n. 5. cartam Cnuti regis de plurimis bonis et privilegiis monafterio S. Edmundi conceffis : n. 7. cartam R. Will. 1. de contentione inter Arfaftum epifcopum Helmanenfem et Baldwinum abbatem : n. 8. breve ejufdem regis de jure abbatis in ecclefiam et villam S. Eadmundi, et quod cpifcopus nihil ibi reclamare debeat: n. 6. bullam P. Alexandri 2. de perpetua ftabilitate monaftici ordinis : mf. 247. f. 153. concerning the inquifition taken 3 Ed. 3. about the great mifchiefs done by the townfmen to the abbey : mf. 261. f. 107. de conftructione ecclefiae S. Ead¬ mundi : de amplificatione monafterii : de dedicatione ecclefite: mf. 358. f. 45. cartam Hardeknuti regis: mf. 367. f- 14. notes concerning Sampfon abbat of Bury, and of the knights fees held of him : mf. 370. f. 40. rentale de feodis et fervitiis militum nuper tentis de abbate S. Edmundi etnunc in manibus regis exift- ent. 33 Hen. 8. f. 84, 85. fervicia per quae diverfa maneria nuper monafterii S. Edmundi nunc de D. R. Eiizabetha tenentur in capite : mf. 498. f. 16, 17. de firma et redditibus affifae in Thornham : mf. 537. f. 105. de terris in Stowe-Langetofte de abbate ten¬ tis : mf. 604. f. 6. agreement between the abbat and convent and the burgefles, 5 Ed. 3. mf. 639. f. 283. et mf. 7520. nomina abbatum : mf. 4626. n. 6. taxa- tionem officiorum monafterii, 23 Ed. 3. n. 10. foun¬ dation charter : mf. 7049. f. 45. hiftoriam fundationis et progreflus hujus abbatis. Regiftrum hujus abbatis, Croftis nuncupatum, in ufum pitancierum exaratum h, in eadem infigniffima bibli¬ otheca mf. 27. Regiftrum aliud, Thom# Abbatis dictum continens 1. regiftrum Willelmi de Hoo facrifta; hujus abbatis j 2. regiftrum Thoms de Totingtone et Ricardi de Draughtone abbatum ; 3. extenta maneriorum baro- niae exiftentium in manu regis temp, vacationis fadt. 30 Ed. I. per Helyam Pugeer fubexkaetorem regis: 4. traftatum fratris Walteri de Pincebeke de liberta- tibus et liberis confuetudinibus quas abbas et conven- tus clamat habere ; 5. fragmentum cujufdam regiftri chartarum ad hoc monafterium fpedtantis ; ibid, mf. 230. Regiftrum tertium Werketone di&um h, ibid. mf. 638. Regiftrum quartum, Kempe nuncupatum h, ibid. mf. 645. Regiftrum quintum, Lakynhethe didum k, ibid. mf. 743. Regiftrum fextum. Liber Albus appellatum, in quod quaft in fecretius quoddam ac magis principal regeftum res monafterio maximi momenti retulerunt: ibid. Regiftrum feptimum, continens, 1. rentale redditus affiffie villa; de Bury pertinentis officio facrifta?, renovatum 12 Hen. 6. Johanne Cranewys facrifta : 2. Bury-Had- goville, i. e. nomina tenentium cum defignatione te- nementorum per ftngulos villae S. Edmundi vicos, qui hujufmodi redditum annuatim perfolvere tenebantur : 3. relevia fadta facriftis pro terris et tenementis in villa de Bury tentis per redditum vocatum Hadgo- velle, incipiend. 28 Ed. 3. ibid. mf. 58. Regiftrum odavum, dimiffionum terrarum ac tenemen- torum (anglice leafes) quas ab anno 8vo. R. Hen. VIII. ad annuum ejufdem regis 3imum conceffit abbas cum priore et conventu : ibid. mf. 308. Regiftrum cellerarioe inchoatum 50 Hen. 3. mf. in offi¬ cio ducatus Lancaftrenfis apud hofpitium Grayenle Regiftrum infirmarise infcriptum Ichvorth, compilatu'm circa A. D. 1425. penes Carolum Battelyarm A I) 1698. ’ ' • Nigrum regiftrum de veftiario, continens placita a]l0. cationes cartarum regiarum, privilegia paparum con! ceffiones et largitior.es regiim Anglia;, et aliorum bcl nefadorum, et plurima alia ad pofl'effiones et libertates eccl. S. Edmundi fpedantia, fol. 241. in membr Album regiftrum veftiarii, in cujus fol. 25. lie feriptum legitur rubeis literis, “ Memorandum, quod fratcr “ Walterus de Pyncebek monachus S. Edmundi ad “ perpetuam rei memoriam compofuit iftud volumen “ intendens in eo, vita comite, facultate permittente’ “ et exemplari interveniente, primo omnia placita in- “ ter abbatem et conventum S. Edmundi ex parte “ una, et homines ejufdem villae ex altera, ab origine “ mundi ufque in prefens habita, feripturs redi in confirmation of fome tithes* to this holpital, who died A D nSfi it c n. * by the tow„fmen,Pi4 Ed. a. that abto win, bdng coSor to K. Henry a. enjoined him to build this hofoital and that the abbat was only fupravifor of the works fnH3nCe’ fequently that it was of ro/al Foundation, and the ‘ king to put in ihe wardens, & c. But thev were not OUg, their plea good upon trial. V 0t able t0 mak<= 3 Reg. Album, f. 22o, aar. c Lib. Nigr. 24. 30. 4 Lib. Alb. f. 178. ' Matth. Paris Hilt. edit. Lond. 1684. p. g,0 8l, 9 . anms 1258 et 1259. * P °4S' m f Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 33. s So lib. Rub. mf. f. eg. b But Mr xir„ , Adam de Lincoln founder of this houfe makes mafter — Nn XI. BUT LEY. XI. s u F F O L K* XI. B U T L E Y. Austin Canons. Ranulphh de Glanvil the famous lawyer (and after juftitiary of England founded here, A. D. nyl. a priory of Black canons, which was dedicated to the bleffed Vin' ■ Mary. Its annual income, at the diflfolution, amounted to 318/. 17/. 2 d. ob. q. and the this monaftery was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas duke of Norfolk, and, 36 Hen. 8. to Will' ° Forth. m Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 245. cartam Ranulphi de Glanvil fundatoris pro diveriiis ecclefiis et terris datis canonicis, ex mil'. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab, mile. G. p. 261. Cartam Hervei Waited, de terris in Winfeld, Sykebroc, et Ifted eifdem conceffis : P. 246. cart, antiq. P. n. 22. de advoc. eccl. de Uppeton [Norf.j data a Ran. Glanviie : Progeniem Ranulfi de Glanviie domus de Buttele fundatoris, ex colleft. Rob. Gloveri : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. no. pat. 24 Hen. 7. p. 3. m. 4. pro prioratu de Snape concelT. canonicis. Lclandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 29. 62. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, tom. i. p. 513, 514. 535, 536. of the church of St. Olave Jewry London, with the chapel of St. Stephen Colemanftreet annexed, be¬ longing to this priory: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 209. of the church and vicarage of Dedham [ElTex.J in their pa¬ tronage. In Morant’s Ellex, vol. ii. p. 129. of the impropriate reftory of Terling. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 83. of the advowfen of the reftory ofBurfton fometime impropriate, and of lands there: p. 107. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Giffing : p. 120. of the reftory of Winfarthing fometime impropriate : p. 126. of tithes in Dickleburgh : p. 369. of the advowfon of the reftory of Kilverftone fometime impropriate : Vol. iii. p. 576. of poffeffions in Belagh : vol. iv. p. 363. of the impropriate church of Belaugh : p. 1121. of a manor in Chatgrave, and of the reftory fometime im¬ propriate : p.1132. of tithes in Hardley : p.1151. of the advowfon of the reftory of Kirkfted, and of the impropriate church of Langale : p. 1491. of the im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Upton: p. 1536. of a manor in Weft Somerton and of the impropriate church. Year Books, 33 Hen. 6. Mich. § 12. de penfione annua xxvir. viiiii. exeunte ex eccl. de Afpall : Ibid. 36 Hen. 6. § 8. de eadem. Kalendare evidentiarum olim ad prioratum de Buttele fpeftantium, mf. memb. in folio, penes Rob. Hawes de Framlingham in com. Suff. gen. 1715. Chronicon five cartularium prioratus de Buttele, quod incipit tempore Auguftini Rivers prioris, fcil. anno 1509. et definit anno 1536. mf. pap. in folio contin. f. 72. penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve Norroy. Rcgiftrum penes Thomam Aftle arm. * Laudum inter priorem de Butley et A. clericum de Wey- bred, pro decimis, inter cartas Harleyanas, 44 I. 25. In bib). Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 11. fpiritualia prioris de Buttele. Colleft. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. ex cartis ad hanc eccle- fiam pertinentibus, penes dom. Symonds Dewes, et ex libro de Butley mf. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxxiii. f. 2. 19. Compofitionem inter priorem et conv. de Buttley et reftorem de Wintcrton fuper decimis quibufdam in Weft Somerton, A. D. 1342. Confirmationem ap- propriationis eccl. de Gyffing [Norf.j et ordinationem vicarix ibidem, per Rogerum epife. Norwic. A. D. I266. Confirmationem appropriationis eccl. de Wir lingham S. Petri, et taxationis vicarix de Upton ^ Waltero Suffield epife. Norwic. circa A. D'. 12/X mf. in regiftro principali dom. epife. Norwic.' ^ ' Cart, antiq. W. n. 13, 14. fcil. duas R. Ricardi’i. con¬ firm. donationes et libertates hujus ccenobii. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 14. n. 1 14. Fin. Suff. 14 Joaili n_ 6 pro advoc. eccl. de Weybred. Fin. Suff. 18 Hen. 3. n. 51. pro advoc. eccl. de Knode- fhale : Ibid. n. 54. pro advoc. eccl. de Athclington • Fin. div. com. 21 Hen. 3. n. 12. de advoc. eccl. de Chatgrave, Somerton, &c. [Norf. et^Suff] Fin. Suff 34 Hen. 3. n. 76, 77. de terris in Knodefhall et Baudefey: Fin. Norf. 44 Hen. 3. n. 17. pro advoc. eccl. de Langhale : Fin. Suff. 47 Hen. 3. n. ivn de reddit. in Wilby: Fin. Suff 52 Hen. 3. n. 22. d- advoc. eccl. de Ringsfeld et Redfham : Fin. Norf 52 Hen. 3. n. 60. pro ten. et advoc. eccl. de Chate- grave. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 7. de commun. paftur. in Eft Somer¬ ton [Norf.] Fin. Norf. 5 Ed. 1. n. 14. pro ten. in Weft Somerton, Repps, &c. Plac. de banco, 7 Ed i. Pafch. Norf. n. 67. pro advoc. eccl. de Weft Somer¬ ton : Fin. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. pro advoc. ejufd. eccl. Plac. in com. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 7. de libertat. in Weft Somerton: Ibid, affif. rot. 13. de advoc. eccl. deWeft Somerton: Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 25. pro reddit. in South Yarmouth : Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. pro hofpitali de Weft So¬ merton. Inquif. Suff. 9 Ed. 2. n. no. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro terris in Farnham, Capele, Herlefton, &c. Brev. orig. 9 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 4. Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 22 et 26. Fin. Suff. 15 Ed. 3. n. . de reddit. in Herlefton juxta Onehoufe : Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Efcaet. Suff. 26 Ed. 3. n. 37. Pat. 26. Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14 vel 24. pro ten. in Knodefhall, Buxlow, Burfton, Giffing, &c. Efcaet. Suff. 31 Ed. 3. n. 38. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. rj. pro ten. in Wantefden, Kenton, Finbergh Magna, et Gategrave: Efcaet. Suff. 38 Ed. 3. n. 31. de maner. de Boyton: Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m, 12. pro ten. in Debenham, Winfton, &c. Efcaet. Suff'. 7 Ric. 2. n. 148. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. pro ten. in Gategrave, Knotfhall, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 12. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 11. pro hofpitale de Weft Somerton : Inquif. Suff 6 Hen. 4. n. 2. pro maner. de Chefilford : In¬ quif. Suff. 7 Hen. 4. n. 40. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 15. pro maner. de Loudhamhall in Glemham Magna, ten. in Wantefden, Orford, See. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 22. pro maner. de Chefelford. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2. de revocat. advoc. eccl. S. Steph. Coleman ftreet London : Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 25. pro difta eccl. S. Stephani. Rot. pari. 7 Ed. 4. n. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 26. XII. C A M P E S S, or Campfey. 1. Austin Nuns. Before 7 Ric. ik. Theobald de Valoins gave all his eftate in this place to his two filters, Joan and Agnes, with defign that they Ihould build a monaltery to the honor ot h Or Randal; not Ralph , as in the firft edition after Leland k Fin. Norf. But probably it was founded fome time before, (Colle<5t. vol. i. p. 62.) and Weaver. Theobald de Valoins being father to Berta the wire ot K.u ' 1 Probably this is the cartulary above-mentioned, formerly Glanville founder of Butly and Leyfton, belonging to Peter Le Neve efq; the XII. SUFFOLK. the blefied Virgin Mary, wherein they and other Religious women might live to the fervice of God; accordingly they founded here a nunnery of the order of St. Aulfin1 of which the forefaid Joan was the firft priorefs. Not long before the dilTolution herein were nineteen nunsm, who were endowed with 182/. gs. 51/. per ann. Dugd. Speed. The fite of this houfe, with the adjacent demcfnes, were granted to Sir William Willoughby patron" 35 Hen. 8. V'ule in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 490. cart. 5 Joan. m. 15. n. 123. confirm, donationem Theobaldi de Valeins fororibus fuis : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. licent. Jo- anni de Framlingham clerico, quod poffit dare maner. de Karleton juxta Kelfhall cum advocatione ecclefire, prioriffse et monialibus ad invenicnd. trcs capellanos celebraturos pro anima Aliciie de Hannonia dudum com. Marefcal, &c. in eccl. de Karleton. Lelandi Coiled):, vol. i. p. 62. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 88. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 209. of lands at Dedham, Effex. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 178. of pofieffions in Garboldefham : p. 542. of Ufford’s manor in Stan¬ ford : p. 618. of the impropriate redlory and advow- fon of the vicarage of Tottington, and of Strange’s manor there : vol. iii. p. 343. of poffefiions in Sax- linghatn: vol. iv. p. 252. of pofieffions in Kirkby Kam, p. 256. in Norton Soupecors : p. 563. of Up- hall manor in Hillington : p. 861. of pofieffions in Hickling, p. 887. in Stalham: p. 1443. of the im¬ propriate redlory of Tunitede. In Regiftro Honoris de Richmond, App. p. 56. de xv. folidatis annui redditus in Shipwrith. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 523. four deeds in Englifh, translated from the Latin originals in the hands of Francis Canning of Foxcote in Warwick- fliire efquire ; viz. two deeds of Simon de Bruna giv¬ ing lands in Totington [Norfolk] and the homage of Katharine his daughter : a deed of John L’Eftrange for lands in Tottington : a deed of John L’Eftrange of Hunftanton, dated 5 Hen. 5. quitting claim to the manor of Stranges in Tottington given to this houfe by his father. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 210,211. cartam Stephani de Ludham pro prato in Ludham vocat. Nettleholm : Cartas Willelmi et Stephani de Ludham, de terra in Ludham vocat. Fiuchefcrout : Compofitio- nem inter Robertum de Valoins et moniales de Cam- pefs, de modo eligendi et priefentandi prioriftam, &c. A. D. 1244. Quarum originales funt etiam penes eundem Francifcum Canning arm. In afpilogia cl. Anftis, n. 319. cartam Ricardi de Amun- devile, pro terris in Thorney. Indenturam inter Joannem de Framlingham et priorif- fam et moniales de ordinatione cantarite fupradictee, orig. in regiftro principali dom. epifc. Norwic. In libro inftitutionum, &c. tempore Joannis Wakeryng epifc. Norwic. fcil. viii. f. 126. certificatorium de diminutionibus fruftuum ecclefiarum de Totington et Tunftede [Norf.] et de Wickham Market, Lud¬ ham, Petreftre, et Bredfield appropriatarum huic prioratui : Ibid. f. 150. affignationem habitationis vicario de Tunfted, ex manfo redlorire ibidem, ad prioriftam et moniales de Campefs fpe&antis. Fin. Norf. 7 Ric. 1. n. 35. Fin. div. com. 7 Ric. 1. n. . pro eccl. de Totington [Norf.] ex dono Joannis Le Strange. Fin. Suff. 11 Joan. n. 62. pro eccl. de Totington. Fin. SufF. 4 Hen. 3. n. 120. de bofeo in Parham: Fin, Norf. 5 Hen. 3. n. 105. pro XLr. reddit. in Gcrnc- muta: Fin. Norf. 12 Hen. 3. n. 24. de ten. in Tweit: Fin. Sufi". 13 Hen. 3. n. 145. de maner. de Helming- ham : Fin. SufF. 14 Hen. 3. n. 24. de reddit. in Erwarton: Fin. Suff 19 Hen. 3. n. 63. de terris in Marlesford,: Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3. n. 4. de terris in Charsfield : Ibid. n. 38. de terris in Glemham et Cransford : Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro lib. war. in Eyffe : Fin. Suff. 42 Hen. 3. de terris in Wortham et Burgate. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 16 et 17. Plac. apud Hertford. 6 Ed. 1, affif. rot. 13 et 32. pro annuo reddit. c. fol. verfus Humfr. Bohun com. Effex. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. de excambio inter prioriftam et rectorem de Aftie, de terris in Rendleftiam : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 31. de meft. et terris in Brufyard, Swelling, Badingham, Cranesford, &c. Fin. Suff. 8 Ed. 3. n. 257. de maner. et advoc. eccl. de Carleton : Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 et 18. pro eccl. de Wickham : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. de Harugham ; p. 3. m. 2 vel 3 et m. 24. pro advoc. eccl. de Burgh, et appropriatione, ex dono Joannis de Ufford, ad fuftentationem quorundam ca- pellanorum celebratur. pro anima Radulphi de Ufford : Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3 m. 5. et m. ult. de Matilda com. Ulton. hie intrante domum Religiofam : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12 vel 13. - Efcaet. Suff. 26 Ed. 3. n. 47. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. Efcaet. Suff. 32 Ed. 3. n. 75. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 18. pro ten. in Totington, Stirfton, Stam¬ ford, &c. p. 3. m. 16. pro advoc. capelke S. Jacobi infra maner. deTonftall : Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Efcaet. Suff. 42 Ed. 3. n. 21. de terris in Blaxhall, &c. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro ten. in Blaxlhale, Doningworth, &c. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 15. pro ten. in Cranesford et Sweftling. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 5. m. ult. vel penult. Efcaet. Suff. 7 Ric. 2. n. 144. de maner. de Benge: Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 38. de maner. de Wickham Market : Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro maner. de Benges in ex- camb. pro maner. de Brufyard: Efcaet. Suff. 13 Ric. 2. n. 106. de maner. de Harpele: Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 27. pro maner. de Hillington, Harple, et quarta parte de Dalingho, ex concefiione Roberti Boys, &c. Efcaet. Suff. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 153. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 35. de maner. de Totington [Norf.] Efcaet. Suff. 22 Ric. 2. n. 94, de maner. de Blomviles juxta Parham. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 4. pro maner. de Blomviles, et advoc. eccl. de Petreftre: Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 23. pro medietat. molendini fullatici in Dedham [Effex.] 2. Ashe-College. In 21 Ed. 3. Maud countefs of Ulfter (who afterward profeiTed herfelf 3 nun at Campfey) by the means of Henry earl of Lancafter her brother, obtained the kino’s leave to found a collegiate chantry of a warden and four Secular priefts, who were to live together in a great houfe at Alhe, but to fay mafs twice every day in the chapel of the Annunciation of the blefied Virgin, within the monaftery of Campfey. They continued about l'even years in this man¬ ner, but, finding it on leveral accounts inconvenient, they were removed to Brufyard. Vide Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 39. 1 Regiflr. Norvic. v. f. s. b. Colled). M. Hawes e bulla out in making it of the order of St. Clare. P. Urbam 5. So that it is wrong placed in the Monafticon "> Liber vilit. Monad, dioc. Norvic. ml', among the BenediBine nunneries. And Weaver (p. 755.) is more " Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 6:. xiii. chip- XIII. s U F FOLK. XIII. C H I P L E Y. Austin Canons. A fmall priory of canons, of the order of St. Auftin0, dedicated to th bleifed Virgin Mary 0 \ but it not exceeding io l. per am. and being ruined in the buildings &'C Walter Ly-Hert bifhop of Norwich united and annexed this houfe, A. D. 1468. with the* littl eftate thereunto belonging, to the dean and chapter of the college of Stoke next Clare, who were patrons of the fame. Fide in lib. inftit. &c. tertipore Walter! Ly-Hert epifc. Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 83. de terris in Clopton: Ibid Norwic. fcii. xii. f. 36. inftrumentum unionis hujus n. 175. de terris in Denardefton ; et n. 192. prioratus decano et capitulo eccl. coll, de Stoke juxta Efcaet. Suff. 17 Ed. 3. n. 65. de maner. de Chipley ad Clare. inveniend. ii. canonicos regulares, ex conceff. Rirat-rii MS. cod. in Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. Mifcell. O. Norman: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15 vel 16. p. 216. XIV. CLARE. 1. Alien Priory. A famous earl named Eluric or Alfric filius Withgari (who lived in the reigns of Canute, Hardecanute, and Edward, kings of England) founded the church of St. John Baptiftp in the caftle here, and therein placed feven Secular canons. Which church, with all its prebends and endowment, Gilbert de Clare gave, A. D. 1090. to the monaftery at Bee in Nor¬ mandy, and thereby it became a cell of Benedidtine monks to that abbey, until the year n24. when his Ion Richard removed them to Stoke. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, baronum fuorum et aliorum monachis Beccenfibus 1009. de donatione eccl. S. Joan. Bapt. de Clare ibidem, monafterio S. Mariae Beccenfi, et de benefadtionibus 2. Almshouse. Mr. Pompy vicar here, by his will made A. D. 1462. gave the rent of his meadow near the lane leading to Pond meadow, to find firing for the poor living in the almlhoufe of James Bingley hereq. 3. Austin Friers. Friers Heremites, of the order of St. Auftin, are faid to have been feated here A. D. i248r. probably by Richard de Clare earl of Glocefter, lord of the honor of Clare who brought this kind of Mendicants firft into England. This houfe was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Richard Friend. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 535, & c. “ A dialogue “ [in Engl, and Latin] betwix a fecular afking and “ A frere anfvveryng, at the grave of dame Johan of “ Acres, fhewing the lyneal defeent of the lordis of “ the honoure of Clare, fro the tyme of the fundation “ of the freeris in the fame honoure the yere of our “ Lorde MCCXLVin. unto the firft day of May “ MCCCLVI.” In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 734, &c. the fore- faid dialogue, with an account of feveral perfons of note buried in the church of this friery. Regiftrum cartarum monafterii Heremitarum S. A11- guftini de Clare, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 4835. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. pro manfo elargando. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Allien s [Effex.] XV. C R E T I N G. Alien Priories. There are four contiguous parifhes of this name in Suffolk', viz. St. Mary’s, St. Olave’s, All Saints, and St. Peter’s, and at the two firft feem to have been two diftindl alien priories of the Benedidtine order. The manor of Gratinges, which was that of St. Olave, was o-iven by Robert earl of Morton, temp. Will. Conq u. to the abbey of Greftein in Normandy, and was taken care of by fome monks belonging thereunto, or by their agent the prior of Wilmynton in Sulfex, their chief cell in England. K. Edward 3. granted this to Tydeman de Lymbergh a merchant, and afterward the abbat and convent fold it by the king’s licence to Sir Edmund ue la Pole. The other, viz. Creting St. Mary’s, and which was moft ufually ftiled the priory of Creting, was cell to the abbey of Bernay w in Normandy and, after the fuppreffion of thefe foreign houles, was by king Henry 6. made part of the endowment of Eton college. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 982. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 198. In Willis’ Buckingham, p. 238. of the manor and ad- vowlon of the redlory of Merfh G ibwen. Cartas, &c. penes praepofit. et focios coll. Eaton, in pyxide 57. Fin. Suff. 1 Hen. 3. n. 5. pro jure abbatis et conv. de Grelteino in maner. de Creting: Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro libertat. Creting S. Mariae. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. Clauf. 33 Ed. 3. m. 6. de maner. de Mikelfeld et Creting [Suff.] et de Derne- ford [Cantab.] conceff. Edmundo de la Pole et haere- dibus per abbatem et conventum de Grefteino. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 24. o ° Regiftr. Norvic. iv. p. no. p Hickefii Diflert. epiftol. p. 83. ex Regiftr. facrift. de Bury, f. 50. b. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 293. a; “. Lib. Brofyard, f. 286. r Title of the verfes. * See before, AJhen or EJJe in Eflex. 1 Not one in Norfolk , as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1033. u Domefday, “ Com. Sudfolc. Terra Koberti comitis Mori- (i tonis.” w Rymer, vol. iv. p. 248. ex clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. XVI. DENSTON, XVI. SUFFOLK. XVI. D E N S T O N, or Denardefton. College. A college or chantry confiding of a warden and a certain number ofprielts founded here about 14 Ed. 4. by Sir John Howard knt. and John Broughton jun. which was endowed with 22/. 8r. yd. per ann. and granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Thomas and John Smith. fide pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. in. 5. XVII. D O D N A S H, dim Dudenafch\ Austin Canons. A priory of Black r canons dedicated to St. Mary1, faid to be founded b / one Wymarus a, or as others, by the anceftors of the earls and dukes of Norfolk b, to whom the patronage or founderlhip belonged from the time of king Edward 1. till the diffolution c. Here were a prior and three Religious d, who had in fpiritualties 2/. 13 s. 4 d. and in temporalties 40/. 5s. 4 d. ob. in all 42 1. 18 s. 8 d. ob. per ann*. It was fuppreffed in January 1524 f. and granted, 17 Hen. 8. by the king to cardinal Wolfey, who afterward made it part of the endowment of his college at Ipfwichg. But upon his fall it was granted, with the laid college, to Thomas Alverde 23 Hen. 8. Vide the cardinal’s bundle among the records in chancery. Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 77. de terris in Bendy. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 2. de ten. in Bergholt : Fin. Suff. 1$ Ed. 1. n. 99. de xxxix. acris terra: in Bergholt: Efcaet. Suff. 35 Ed. 1. m. 46. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. ir. pro lib. war. in Bendy, Falten- ham, et Bergholt: Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. I. m. I9'vel 20. XVIII. D U N W I G H, dim Domnoc, or Dommoc\ 1. Bishoprics and Monastery destroyed. The epifcopal feat for the kingdom of the Eafi Angles was placed here upon the confecration of Felix the firlt bifhop, about A. D. 630*. And upon the divifion of this diocefe, A. D. 673. the' bilhops of Suffolk continued their refidence here, till the whole kingdom was re-united under the bilhops of Elmham in the tenth century k. After which here was a cell of monks, who were fubordinate to Eye; but this, with many other churches and Religious houfes, was fome ages fince fwallowed up by the fea1. Vide Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 349. vol. iii. p. 26. 69. Felix-ftowe, i. e. de fundadone epifcopatus Orienta- Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 42. lium Anglorum, five Donmocenfis. In bibl. Harl. mf. 261. f. 107. de fundadone ecclefiae 2. Templars. Here was formerly an houfe of Knights Templars™, and they had a fair church here called the Temple of our Lady n, to which belonged feveral lands, rents, and privi¬ leges. It feems to have puffed afterward to the Knights Hofpitalars ; for, as parcel ° of St. John of Jerufalem, the manor of the Temple in Donwich was granted, 4 Eliz. to Thomas Andrews. Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 7 rg. Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 54. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 8. pro terris in Tadngfton, Bendy, Brantham, Capell, et Ipfwich. Efcaet. Suff. 3 Ric. 3. n. 156. de cccxx. acr. in He- mingfton, Codenham, &c. et de cclxxx. acris ia Burftall, Bramford, &c. ex conceff Rog. de Wol- vefton, &c. . Godshouse. Here was, as early as the reign of K. Henry 3. an hofpital for a mailer and fix brethren p, dedicated to the Holy Trinity s, c of the king’s patronage. It is yet in being, for women, who have each about 50 s. per ann'. Vide Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 65. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 719. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, p. 1137. plac. in can^ cellar. 34 Ed. 1. whereby the abbat of St. Ofith was obliged to return to the brethren of this hofpital a certain crofs (to which there ufed to be great refort ailed Domus Dei'1, or Maifon Dieu’, which was a mailer (who hath 40.1. per ann.) and four poor from divers parts) which he had taken away. Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 12. Efcaet. Suff. 18 Ed. x. n. 68. Efcaet. Suff 33 Ed. r, n. 113. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 40. * Regiftr. Norwic. 1. p. j. y Ibid. xii. p. 1 74- 7. ibid. i. p. 5, &c. “ To Jefus Chfift and his mother.” Weaver, p. 776. * MS. Affimol. >> Weaver, p. 776. c Efcaet. Suff. 35 Ed. 1. x Ibid. ' MS. Valor. f Chronicon de Butley in anno, g Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 146, »47- h The ancient Domnoc is faid to be now Felixjlonu or Fylche- ftow in Colnes hundred, by Leland, in his Colled, vol. i. p. 349. and vol. iii. p. 44 and 69. but probably without good authority. 1 Beds Eccl. Hift. lib. ii. c. 15. k Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 403, 404- I Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. »6. The prior of Eye was pa¬ tron or proprietary of all the churches in Dunwich, as appears from the regifters of inftitutions in the biihop’s regiftry at Nor¬ wich, and Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 356. m In taxat. Walteri epife. Norvic. A. D. 1 1$ 1. “ Decanat. “ Broc. Hardcle. Bona Templariorum de Donewico xir. n Frequently mentioned in the old will books ; but fometimes called “ Yemplum bcatae Marias ef S. Joannis and once “ Hofpitale beatw Marine et S. Joannis, vocat. Le Tempi!.” » This eftate was part of the preceptory of Battisfofd, as Mr. Gardiner, p. 54. p Efcaet. 18 Ed. 1. But the record in Prynne, and the old wills, mention ftjlers alfo. SSI ft frequently occurs in the ancient will books in the bilhop of Norwich’s and archdeacon of Suffolk’s offices, by all thefe names. ' The whole revenues are no more than 13/. 13 s. per ann. as the minifter of the pariffi informed the editor 1739. — Oo 4. St,-, XVIII s U F F O L K. 4. St. James’ Hospital. Here was an. hofpital* dedicated to St. James the apoftle fifting of a mailer and feveral leprous brethren and filters *, as early as the reign of K Richard It had formerly a fair, large church, and good revenues belonging to it, and is yet in beins-h- the revenues are reduced to 2 61. per am. whereof the mailer hath 40 s. and the remainder is anni' 4 towards the fupport of the building, and the maintenance of live poor perfons". s ‘PF : - Vide Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 62. of the foundation of Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. n\n. this hofpital: p. 64. cartam Walteri de Riboff de Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. y' dotatione. 5. Black Friers. A priory of Friers preachers founded by Sir Roger de Holilh. The f having wafhed away the fhore almoft up to this houfe in the eighth year of Richard 2. there w ^ fome attempts to remove thefe friers to Bliburgh, but (probably removing their church and off^ more up into the land) they continued here till the difiolution; and this, among other fites of ligious houfes, was granted to John Eyer 36 Hen. 8. Rc* Vide Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 61. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 19 vel 20. Ste-venfc’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 208. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 720. 6. Grey Friers. The houfe of Grey Friers in Dunwich was founded firfl by Richard Fit- John and Alice his wife, and after by K. Henry 3. (faith Weaver) but the corporation of this bo" rough feem rather to have been founders, or at leaft to have given them a new place to build their priory on 18 Ed. 1. The fite was granted, after the difiolution, to John Eyer. Vide Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 59. poffint Fratribus de ordine Minorum, ad edificandum Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 721. et inhabitandum, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. n. ry.i Colledt. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 19. licentia dom. regis defuper : ' J Efcaet. Suff. 18 Ed. 1, n. 92, non eft ad damnum, fi Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. rex concedat communitati villas de Dunewico, quod Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 16 Hen. a. unam placeam inter ftratam regiam ex parte auftrali, m. 23. pro antiquo fitu domus ipforum refervando 1 et dopmm Ricardi Kelbich, ex parte boreali dare XIX, EDWARDSTONE. Benedictine Cell. The church of this place, with the tithes and other its appurtenances having been given to the monallery of Abingdon in Berklhire by Hubert Munchenfiw lord of the manor and patron, A. D. 1114. two or more Black monks from thence were placed and continued here, till abbat Walkelin removed them about A. D. 1160. to the priory of Coin in Efiex. to which this parilh church became appropriated, and belonged till the difiolution. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 468. quaedam de dona- tione eccleliae, ex regiftro Abbendon Cotton. P. 469. confirmationem conceffionis Huberti de Monte Ca- nifio per R. Hen. 1. Literas Radulfi archiepifc. Can- tuar. Herberto epifc. Norvic. de manfione monacho- rum Abbendonenfium apud Edvardfton : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 878. cartam Hugonis de Monte Canifio confirm. donationem Huberti patris. In colledt. mfT. Briani Twyne, notat. b . p. 175. abbre- viationem cartae R. Hen. 1. de eccl. de Edwardefton monafterio de Abbenden concefla, directs Herberto epifc. Norvic. et vicecom. de Suffolc. et EfTex. dat. apud Wodeftoc, A. D. 1115. XX. EYE. 1. Benedictine Priory. A priory of Benediftine monks, founded, temp. Will. Coni . by Robert Malet, and dedicated to St. Peter. It was at firfi: a cell to Bernay abbey in Normandy, but by K. Richard 2. was made denizon ; and fo it continued till the fupprefiion, about which time here were ten monks*, whofe yearly revenues were rated at 161/. 2 s. 3d. q. Dugd. 184/. 91. yd. ob. q. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 356. cartam Roberti Malet fundatoris, pro dotatione et confirmatione do- nationum : P. 357. cartam Beatricis fororis Roberti Malet, pfo villa de Redlingfield : Cartam R. Steph L dat. A. D. 1137. P. 358. cartam Will. fil. R. Steph. Clauf. 7 Ed. 2. m. 29. de janitore ad portam priora- tus apponendo tempore vacationis : P. 359. pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. quod prioratus extunc indigena * The foundation of this hofpital is afcribed by Mr. Blomfield to John earl of Moreton, afterwards king of England; but Mr. Martin attributes it to Walter de Riboff, who feems only to have confirmed former grants, Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 6z. ' It is often in the old wills in the bifhop’s office, by the names of “ Hofpitale S. Jacobi, domus leproforum” and “ Fra- “ tres et forores S. Jacobi de Donwico.” u Ex informat, curati, A. D. 1739. but til. 19 s. id. only, A.D. 1734. as Mr. Gardiner, p. 63. habeatur. In Leland. Collect. vol. i. p. 62. de fundatione: vol. iii. p. 26. de cella apud Dunmoc, ubi de evangeliorum codice, olim libro S. Felicis epifc. vulgo vocato Ru¬ ber Lib'er de Eya. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 27. of tithes in Roy- don, p. 77. in Shelfhanger : vol. iii. p. 77. of tithes in Nelonde : vol. iv. p. 477. of tithes in Bawfey and w Speed and Weaver mak e Peter de Rupibus biffiop of Win* chefter founder, by miftake, probably, becaufe he was founder of Locus S. Edwardi, or Nettely in Hampfhire, by fome called Edwardftow. See Godwin in vita. * MS. coll. Ben. Cantab. y Peter Le Neve efquire had the original A. D. 1721. This charter of K. Stephen’s is alfo in Selden’s Hiftory of Tithes, p. 346. edit. 2618. of FOLK. XX. S U F of the advowfon of the reftory : p. 678. of tithes in Reydon. In Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 47. et feq. of the advowfons and other poffeffions of this priory in Dunwich. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 763. K. Stephen’s charter. Regiftra duo hujus prioratus, penes Thomam Dey de eadem villa mil. 1636. quorum unum Malet , alteram Danoun* nuncupatum fuit: Collect. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxxviii. f. 39, &c. et colleft. dom. Ric. Gipps Suffolc. mf. Excerpta ex eifdem, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 171, 172. mf. 298. f. 69. mf. 312. f. 79, 80. mf. 639. f. 58. 68. Cartas et munimenta varia ad prioratum de Eya perti- nentia, in codd. m(T. Norfolc. n. 213. (reftius n. 221.) in bibl. Reg. focietatis London. The Cafe of Wingfield Horminge and his truftees, wherein the ftate of the priory of Eye in Suffolk is fhewed, mf. penes Thomam Brotherton de Hey in com. Lane. arm. Fin. Suff. 11 Joan. n. 54. pro advoc. eccl. de Stokes. Fin. Suff. 3 Hen. 3. n. 22. de terris in Frefingfield: Fin. Suff. 12 Hen. 3. n. 123. de ten. in Acolt : Fin. Suff. 16 Hen. 3. n. 33. de advoc. eccl. de Yakefle et Mcllis: Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 100. de terris in Thornham: Fin. Suff. 28 Hen. 3. n. 16. demdL et terris in Pleyford : Fin. Suff. 38 Hen. 3. n. 217. de hoftiario prioratus : Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 15. pro advoc. eccl. de Stoke juxta Thorndon. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 34. d. pro advoc. eccl. de Bcaufey [Norf.j Plac. in com. Suff. 14: £d. t. affif. rot. 40. pro feria in die S. Leonardi apnd Donewycum; rot. 44. pro libertat. in Stokes et Thornham : Fin. Suff. 16 Ed. 1. n. 148. pro advoc. ectl. de Laxfield: Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 138. de eccl. de Laxfield: Efcaet. Suff. 24 Ed. 1. n. 94. inquif. dc jure parronatus prioratus. Efcaet. Suff 7 Ed>. 2. n. 16. prb eccl. de Laxfield ap- proprianda: Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. t. m. 9. d. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 19 vel 29. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro eccl. de Stoke: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. de Laxfield approprianda, et de penfionibus ex eccle- fiis de Thorndon et Melles. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 44 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 9. Cart. 20 Ric. 2. n. 4. confirm, libertates. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 30 vel 31. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 34. de ixl. conceit ex firma vilke de Dunwich. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 9. 2. Hospital. Without this town was an hofpital for leprous perfons, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene a, in the beginning of the reign of K. Edward 3. It continued till the diffolution, and was under the government of the bailiffs and burgeffes of the town. Vide pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. XXI. F L I X T O N. Austin Nuns. A nunnery of the order of St. Auftin b, erefted and endowed about A. D. 1 258. by Margery daughter of Jeffery Harnes, and relift of Bartholomew de Creyk, to the honor of St. Mary and St. Katherine c. Herein were a priorefs and fix or feven nuns', yet the revenues are valued but at 23/. 41. id. eb. per arm. Dugd. Speed. This monaftery was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Tafburgh. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. annotatiunculam ex Leland. Colleft. de fundatore. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 766. fome account of the foundation charter. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 223. the names of feveral prioreffes d. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 29. 61. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 37. of the impropriate church of Dunfton: p. 1 13. of the impropriate church of F undenhall, and of a meffuage and lands there : p. 773. of lands in North Creak: p. 769. of the ad¬ vowfon of the church of Flixton. In libro inftitutionum, &c. in regiftro principali epife. Norwic. iv. f. 5. appropriationem eccl. de Funden- hall [Norf.J monialibus, A. D. 1347. In lib. viii. f. 125. certificatorium vicarii generalis epife. Norvic. baronibus fcaccarii, de diminutionibus eccl. de Flix¬ ton, Dunfton, et Fundenhale eis appropriat. 4 Hen. 5. In lib. xii. f. 219. exemplificationem cartas fundatricis conced. jus patronatus prioratus epifeopis Norwicen- fibus, dat. A. D. 1280. In regiftro prioratus Norwic. vii. f. 80. appropriatio¬ nem. eccl. de Dunfton per Symonem epife. Norwic. XXII. GISELINGHAM. Templars. Several lands in this town having been given to the Knights Templars by Sir Robert de Burgate' knt. temp . here was an houfe or preceptory of that order 34 Ed. 1 f. aftcr- A. D. 1264. Cartam fundationis, ordinationes vicariarum, cartafque alias plus minus centum huic prioratui fpeftantes penes Thomam Aftle arm. Fin. Suff. 43 Hen. 3. n. 86. de terris in Flixton : Ibid, n. 89. de terris ibidem et advoc. eccl. Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 49. de advoc. eccl. de Ship-meadow : Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 5. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 30. pro ten. ia Combes: Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. n. 4. Fin. div, com. 17' Ed. 1. n. 66. de advoc. eccl. de North Creek [Norf.j Combs et Helmingham, cum maner. de Flixton [Suff.] Fin. Suff 17 Ed. 1. n. 164. pro meff. et molendino in Combs: Fin. Suff 20 Ed. r. n. 204. de eifdem. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. pro advoc. medietat. eccl. de Flixton in excambio cum epife. Norwic. pro ad¬ voc. eccl. de Helmingham. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. pro eccl. de FundeahaU approprianda: Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 7.’ Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. pro ten. in Stufton, Brome" Thrandefton, &c. 2 Regiftrum Danoun inferiptum continens f. 70. in pergamen. penes Tho. Martin de Palgrave in com. Suff. gen. 1731. * Lib. Brofyard, 284. and is mentioned in feveral old will books in the principal regiftry of the bifhop of Norwich. b Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 29. 61. c c Regiftr. Norwic. d This account of the prioreffes is alfo in Stevens’ Supple- u ment, vol.ii. p. 144. where this nnnnerv is confounded with the priory of Felixftow or Fychelftowe in Walton. e Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 547. a. „ L“ Fr*t?r Thomas dc Stanford prseceptor domus Militis Tenipl. de Gillingham, &c. 34 Ed. 1.” dart, origin archil civ. Norwic. ward XXII. SUFFOLK. Ward it came to the Hofpitalars. Temple Clofe, and other lands and tenements in Gillingham late belonging to St. John of Jerufalem, were granted, 7 Ed. 6. to John Grene and Robert Hall ’ XXIII. GLEMISFORD, or Glemnesford. College. Here was a collegiate fociety of priefts under the government of a dean, from the time of king Edward the Confeffor, endowed with feveral immunities and privileges, which were confirmed by K. Henry 3. Vide in regiftro abbatix S. Edmundi de Buria inferipto fuetudines, Sic. congregationis clericorum de Glemif Regiftrum facriftte, f. 141. quafdam ordinationes et ford: Cartas regum Srephani, Hen. 2. et Hen ceremonias iftius congregationis [imperf.] Senten- confirm, immumtates, &c. decani et fratrum cooi're- tiam S. Thomae ajehiepife. Cantuar. confirm, con- gationis de Glemisford. b XXIV. GORLESTON, or South or Little Yarmouth. 1. Hospital. Here was an houfe for lepers A. D. 1372 s. 2. Austin FRIERS. Here was an houfe of Auftin friers, founded in the latter end * of the reign of K. Edward 1. or beginning of K. Edward 2. by William Woderove and Margaret his wife. After the dilTolution this priory was granted to that great dealer in that kind qf houfe? John Eyer, 36 Hen. 8. Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 768. 863. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 375. excerpta cx kalen- dario, et dimenfiones eccleliae. In colled!. mlf. Briani Twyne in archivis acad. Oxon. notat. 'a', p. 99. inftrumenta tria de litibus inter F ra- tres Auguftinenfes, et vicarium eccl. paroch. de Gor- lefton, coram Willelmo de Bergavenny S.T. P. can- cellario Oxon. et aliis commiflariis Joannis epife. Exon, confervatoris privilegiorum iftius ordinis ; et initium compofitionis fadte per Willelmum provin- cialem Fratrum Heremitarum ordinis S. Auvuftini in Anglia et Scotia, et fratres ejufdem ordinis, cum Gilberto priore S. Bartholomaei London, et ejufdem loci conventu, proprietariis ecclefiarum S. Andrew de Gorlefton et S. Nicholai de Gernemuta Parva, et vicariis earundem ecclefiarum, ratione domus et oral torii, qua: habuerunt in didiis parochiis. Inquif. Suff. 4 Ed. 2. n. 16. de donatione Rogeri Wode¬ rove, pro manfo elargando. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. vel penult. XXV. H A D L E I G H. 1. Monastery destroyed. Here was, as is faid, a monaftery in the Saxon times'. 2. Almshouses. Twelve almlhoufes for twenty-four aged poor people, men or women, with a chapel for their devotions, were built in Magdalene ftreet here by William Pykenham LL. D. archdeacon of Suffolk, and redtor of Hadleigh ; and by his laft will bearing date April 6. A. D. 1497. they were endowed with lands in Whatfield, Aldham, Hadleigh, &c. Thele houles are yet in being, and twenty-four poor perfons are maintained in them under the government ot the rector and church-wardens. Vide ultimam voluntatem pr*did!i Willelmi Pykenham, &c. penes teoffatos. XXVI. HERLYNGFLETE, or Herinfleet". Austin Canons. Within this parifh, near the river, was built a priory of Black canons', by Roger Fitz Ofbert, to the honor of St. Mary and St. Olave the king and martyr, in the begin¬ ning of the long reign of K. Henry 3™. Herein were, about the time of the dilTolution, five or fix Religious", who were endowed with 49/. ur. yd. per etnn. Dugd. Speed. The fite of this houfe, with great part of the lands, were granted to Henry Jernyngham efquire, patron % 26 Jan. 38 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. annotatiunculam ex Leland. Colled!. de fundatore, et de patronatu eccl. de Borow Cartel ad hunc prioratum fpedlante. Lelandi Coiled!, vol. i. p. 61. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 26. of lands in Cringleford: p. 86. of tithes in Burwell: p. 188. of lands and tithes in Tibbenham: p. 312. of the im- e In the will book, Heydon, f. 14. n Or probably fooner, becaufe South Yarmouth Is called in the Lincoln taxation, made A. D. 1291. “ Gernemutha Au- “ guftinenfium.” » Thus the tranllator of .ffithelflede’s will. (Notx in Con- fpeftum Thelauri, &c. Wotton. p. 24.) But qu*re, Whether the Saxon will warrant fi¬ ll Upon the borders of Norfolk, but not in that county, as propriate church of Witlingham : vol. iv.. p. 239- °f pofleffions in Hadefcoe : p. 242. of the impropriate redlory of Hales: p. 256. of pofleffions in Norton Soupcors : p. 269. of lands in Raveningham, p. 270. in Thorp: p. 271. of pofleffions in Thurverton: p. 1225. of mefluages in Eaft and North Tudenham: p. 1569. of pofleffions in Maltby. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. S4S- 1 Not Benediaine monks, as Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. .!«• I" If not earlier, for this Roger Fitz Olbert flourhhed in h. John’s time, (fin. Suff. n Joan. n. 61.) but did not die till A. u. 1239. Mf. pedigree of the founders of this priory “ inter coi- “ left, autoris.” n MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. • Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 61. T XXVI. s u In lib. inflit. &c. temp, Hen. Spcnfer epifc. Norvic. vi. notato, f. 361. appropriationcm eccl. S. Petri de Burgh in Lovingland canonicis S. Olavi : Ibid. f. 293. refignationem ejufd. eccl. appropriate per priorem et conv. in manus epifc. Norwic. A. D. 1403. Ill volumine cartarum mearum originalium inferipto Clark , n. 125. teftamentum Beatricis reliaa; dom. Petri fil. Rogeri fil. Ofberti, dat. 50 Hen. 3. fepeli- endae in eccl. prioratus S. Olavi juxta fepulchruin viri fui : In vol. Jernegan, n. 67. cartam R. Hen. 3. (anno regni 54O confirm, eccl. de Burgh priori et conv. ex donatione Rogeri de Burgh : In vol. Brijioll , n. 127. cartam Radulfi fil. Will, de Perya conced. quofdam reddit. in Sumerleton et Herlynfleet eccl. S. Marias et S. Olavi fuper ripam de Herlynfleet. F F O L K. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro feria in die S. Olavi : F!n. Sufl. 53 Hen. 3. n. 76. de mefT. et terris in Bungay et Thorington : Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 6. I'in. Norf. 4 Ed. 1. n. 70. pro advoc. eccl. S. Marga¬ rets de Hales. Inquif. Sufl. 6 Ed. 2. n. 116. Pat, 7 Edi 2. p. 1. m. 2. pro mefT. et terris in Norwico, Cring-elford, et Thorp: Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 15. de atlocat. libertatum. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. i6 vel 17. Efcaet. Sufl. 1 Ric. 2. n. 155. de terris in Afkcby, &c. Pat. t Ric. 2. p. I. m. 3. Efcaet. Suft'. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 66. de terris in Tybenham et Raveningham [Norf.] Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 19. pro terris eifdem et in Whetacre ex cohcefli Georgii Eelbridge. XXVII. HOXNE, or Hoxon. Benedictine Cell. Theodred biffiop of London (who feems to have been bifhop of Elm- ham p alfo, and to have lived at this placed) by his will bequeathed lands at Horham, &c to the minfter or church of St. zEthelbrighc here’, about the year 950. This Religious houfe was pro¬ bably demohfhed or deferred foon after, nothing about it having yet occurred. Bifhop Herbert in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 1. gave the parifh church of St. Peter here*, as alfo the chapel where St. Edmund the king was flain, to his cathedral church of Norwich; and, A D 1130'. Maurice of Windfor and Egidia his lady gave a chapel of St. Edmund, with’feveral lands hereabout, that therein might be placed a convent of monks to pray for the foul of Ralph the Dapifer, who had new built the fame from the ground. Accordingly, til! the diffolutionf here was a priory of Benediftine monks cell to Norwich. Ic was aliened to Sir Richard Grefliam knt 38 Hen. 8. being then valued at 18/. is. od. per ann. above all reprizes. Vide in Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 437. of the foun¬ dation of this cell, and names of fome of the priors. Partem regiftri prioratus S. Edmundi de Hoxne, mf. in 17 fol. pergam. olim penes Tho. Martin de Palgrave in com. Sufl'. gen. 1731. nunc penes Thomam Allle arm. XXVIII. I P S W I C H. 1 Holy Trinity, or Christ’s Church. A priory of Black canons of the order of St. Aultin was begun in the parifh church of the Ploly Trinity here before A. D 1177“ and chiefiv endowed by Norman fil. Eadnothi", one of the firff canons. But the church and offices, bein» confumed by fire not long after, were rebuilt by the munificence of John Oxford bifhop of N?° wich*, whereupon king Richard 1. anno regni 5. gave the patronage of this monaftery to him and his lucceliors Y. Here were a prior and fix or feven canons, whofe eftate was valued, 26 Hen 8 at 88/. 6s. o)d. per ann. Dugd. The fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Thomas Pope. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 295. cart. 5 Joan. m. 16. n. 125. confirm, et recit. concefliones benefa&orum : P. 296. cartam Joannis epifc. Norvic. recit. donatio- nem eccl. de Hegham a Matilde de Munchenfi. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 62. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 136. of lands in Great Moulton : p. 19 1. of tithes in Moring-thorp : p. 243. of pofleflions in Redenhall : p. 253. of a me- diety of the redtory of Mendham impropriate, and of a manor and lands there, and of the advowfon of the vicarage : vol. iv. p. 1490. of a marfh in Reedham and Moulton. In volumine cartarum mearum originalium notato AJiley, n. 45. cartas Rogerii de Tufleriis, conced. redditum feptem folidorum, &c. in Cretinge : N. 53. de ex- cambio terrarum in Creting cum Ada de Bolonia: N. 97. Joannis vicarii de Rufhemere, de terris in Codenham, Stonham, Antegan, et Crofield, 20 Ed. 3. concefT. canonicis S. Trim Gip. In vol. Jackfon, n. 44. magiftri Simonis fil. Bartol. donantis' reddit. in Stanham Lamberti : N. 86. Gerardi fil. Arnaldi de Stanham, confirm, canonicis terras in Cretino-, Stanham, Codenham, Crofeld, Bofmere: In vol. Ho- tart, n. 5. de dimiflione maner. de Minyots per prio¬ rem et conv. Agneti Crane, 20 Hen. 7. N. 29. Ed¬ mund; de S. Olavo, conced. priori et conv. quandam viam in Codenham, 16 Ed. 3. In vol. Prrjhm, n. 27. pro dimiflione terrarum, tenementorum, ’reddituum, &c. in Creting, Stonham, Codenham, &c. Will; Crane, 21 Ric. 2. In vol. Crane, n. 23. Bartol. fil. Rogeri fabri donantis feptem pecias terra in Coden¬ ham. Plac. coram reg. 7 Ric. 1. rot. 2. de advoc. eccl. de Benetley verfus Hug. Talemaeh. Fin. SufF. 4 Joan. n. 98. de terris in Cteido'n. Fin. Norf. 12 Hen. 3. n. 195. pro ten. in Mendham : Mr. Wharton’s conjecture to this effeCt, De epifc. Londin. p. 29, 30. is confirmed by this will, where he has it Hoxne set: mine bifcoppicke. * The lordfhip of Hoxne belonged to the biflioprick of Nor¬ wich till the time of K. Henry 8. r Teftamentum Theodredi epifc. mf. in regiftr. facriftse Bur. f. 48. a. s Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 410. Regiftr. priori# et conv. Nor¬ vic. iv. f. 10 et 28. ‘ Regiftr. prioris et conv. Norvic. vol. ii. part ii. p. 8. b. u For in that year died earl Hugh Bigot, whofe donation of fome lands in the hundred of Colnes to this houfe was con¬ firmed by K. John. w He is called by Leland, Colleft. vol. i. p. 62. “ Normannus Gaftrode fil. Egnotri,” and laid there to be “ primus funda- tor. He is not ftiled fo in the charter of K. John, where feveral of the benefactions of “ Normannus fil. Eadnothi cano- nicus eorum” are recited, as are fome of “ ErnoMus cano- ntcus and l'ulco canomcus eorum and the very church of ^HolyTnnity was given them by another hand, viz. Simon * Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 409. This bifhop was fo far from being original founder, as Leland. Collect. vol. i. p. n,. and r v°PrG>°d'VI1’ th?‘ h,e ls not fo much as nartled in that charter rated’ d°hn’ " hcrein a their donations are particularly enume- y Regiftr. prioris et conv. Nome. vol. ii. p. 2. 19. -Pp Fin. KXVIII. SUFFOLK fin. Stiff. 14 Hen. 3. n. 19. de oiftava parte advoc. eccl. de Mendham: Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 79. de fcrris in Mendham ; n. 85 et 87. pro advoc. eccl. de Ruffemere : Fin. Suff. 20 Hen. 3. n. 2. pro terris m Bentley: Fin. NoFf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 84. de terris in Moulton et Hardwick : Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3'. n. 54- pro advoc. eccl. de Tudenhani : Fin. Suff. 35 Hen. 3. n. 94. de meff. in Bailham. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 13. d»- Plac. In com. Norf. 14 Ed. I. affif. rot. 40. d. pro terris in Needham : Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 1 5. pro advoc. eccl. de Heghafn ; rot. 18. d. pro ten. fn Gipwic : Fin. Suff. 15 Ed. 1. n. 1 13. pro advoc. eccl. de Hegham: Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. 74. Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 38. pro H'b. war. in manef. de Mendham, Wylaxham, Prefton, Benteleigh, Foxote, Chelmyng- ton, Codenham, Helmingham, Gipwico, Stanhanr et Creting: P:rt. 9 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 8 et 9. Efcaet’ Suff. 9 Ed. 3. 11. 54. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. i7 Efcaet. Suff. 15 Ed. 3. n. 54. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. , m. 26 et 27. Efcaet. Suff. 24 Ed. 3. n. 26. pat’ 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. Efcaet. Norf. 35 Ed.V p. 2. n. . pro cxi.. acris marifci in Mouton et Red.! ham : Efcaet. Suff. 42 Ed. 3. n. 43. de terris in Ruffi- mere, Wefterfield, he. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. j. m prtfeifdem : Rec. in fcacc, 44 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. g Efcaet. Suff. 15 Ric. 2. n. 166. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1 m. 37. Inquif. Suff. 2 Hen. 4. n. 30. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 4. Patch, rot. 19. pro terris in Codenham et CretLnv ' Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 35. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 3. 2. St. Peter and St. Paul. Another priory of Black canons dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, and founded1 in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 2. or beginning of that of K, Richard t. by the anceftors of Thomas Lacy and Alice his wife \ which was luppreffed by the authority of cardinal Wolfey, March 6, 1527 b. who having obtained bulls from the pope', and letters patent from the king for the fee and eftate belonging to this priory, founded 20 Hen. S. in the place where it flood, a college for a dean, twelve Secular canons, eight clerks, and eight cho- ri tiers d, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary', together with a grammar lchool, which he de- fio-ned as a nurfery to his great college in Oxford. And for endowment of the lame he farther procured the pofleflions of the late monafteries of Snapef, Dodnafh, Wikes, Horkeiley, Tiptrce, Romborough, P'elixftow, Bromehill, Bliburgh and Montjoy. But this noble foundation was lcarce brought to°perfe£lion before the difgrace of that prelate (who was born in this town) and the lite of the college, with good part of the lands belonging to St. Peter’s monaftery were granted, 25 Hen. 8. to Thomas Alverde j and 9 Jac. 1. to Richard Pereival and Edmund Duffieid. Vide in Rymeri Conventionum, lib. xiv. f. 240. bul- lam P. dementis, pro cardinal Ebor. de fuppreffione monafteriorum de Romborow, Felixftow, Bromehill, Blyburgh, et Monjoy, et application proventuum collegio in villa de Ipfwich extruendo prid^ Id. Maii 1528. Ibid. p. 241. ejufdem pap* bullam fuppref- fionis monafferii S. Petri ord. S. Auguftini in villa de Ipfwich, et eredtione ibkl. collegii clericorum fecula- j-ium prid. Id. Maii 1528. Ibid. p. 246, 247. ejufdem Lip* bulks duas pro difmembratione poffeffionum ■quondam monafteriormti de Snape, Dodnafh, Wikes, Horkefley, et Tiptree a collegio Cardinalis in Oxonia, et application earundem collegio Cardinalis in Ipf- wich prid. Kal. Jun. 1528. ibid. p. 257- bullam exemptionis collegii Cardinalis in Ipfwich ab omni jurifdidlione archiepifcoporum, epifcoporum, &c.s In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 224. the names of feveral priors. In the Appendix to Dr. Fiddes’ Life of cardinal Wolley, p. 128. a letter from William Capon dean of the Car¬ dinal’s college in Ipfwich, concerning the ftate of it. In Blomficld’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 419. of lands in Thurlefton in Suffolk. The cardinal’s bundle among the records in chancery. In libro inftitutionum, he. in regiftro D. epife. Norvjc. xii. f. 247. de donatione eccl. de Crew et decimarum de Letheringham et Thorp per Will, de Bodevilla ; necnon compofitionem de l«bje£hone prioratus de Letheringham huic monafterio, A. D. 1254- In volumine cartaram mearum originalium, Jackfon, in- feripto, n. 66. cartam Will, de Badele, conhrm. do- nationem Roger! Badele fratris de medietate molend. dc Haneford canonlcis : In vol. Appieton , n. 94. car¬ tam Clementis burgenfis de Gippewico, pro reddit. in Gippewico ad fuftentationem luminis ante altare B. Mari* in eccl. prioratus, A. D, 1262. Fin. Suff. 4 Joan. n. 33. de terris in Raindon: Fin. Suff. 9 Joan, n, 71. de advoc. eccl. de Werfted, ex dono Gerardi de Wachelham. Fin. Suff. 3 Hen. 3. n. 81. pro terris in Hintlelham: Fin. Suff'. 14 Hen. 3, n. 14. Fin. Suff, 35 Hen, 3. n. 170. Efcaet. Suff. 21 Ed. I. n. 93. de terris in Thurlefton: Efcaet. Suff. 31 Ed. 1. n. 78. de manfo elargando: Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ed. 2. n. 172. de toftis quibufdam in Gippewico, et terris in Wherfted, Bellied, &e. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. pro eifdem. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 14 vel 15. Efcaet. Suff. 5 Ed. 3. n. 158. pro molendino in Sproughton : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro eccl. de Dokefworth S. Joannis: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. pro ten. in Thurlefton, Claydon, he. Efcaet. Suff. 38 Ed. 3. n. 1 6. de terris in Whitingdon, he. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 1. Efcaet. Suff. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 160. de molendino et terris in Thurlefton, &c. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro eifdem, R’ec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 29. Pat. 20 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. . pro fundatione collegii: Rec. in fcacc. 20 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 13. pro fundatione collegii Car¬ dinalis in Gippewico : Ibid. rot. 26. de conceffione prioratus S. Petri eiderrr collegio. ^ It is mentioned in the Catalogue of Gervafe of Cant, ternf. EJc. I. and in the fines of Suffolk in the beginning of K. John s - Weaver, p. 751. Colletf. ex record. 18 Ed. 3. per Jo. Stow mf. But in an inquifition taken 19 Hen. 8. concerning the Re¬ ligious houfes granted to the cardinal, and printed in the Ap¬ pendix to Dr. Fiddes’ Life of the cardinal, p. 174* it is laid to have been founded “ per progenitores regis,” which I meet with no other authority for, and many things againft. Ik valuation of this monaftery in Speed is a miftake ; for it being luppreffed and alienated before 26 Hen. 8. it was not then valued. *> Chronic. Monaft. de Butley, mf. Le Neve. c Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 240. d So Hilt. etjVntiq. Oxon. vol. ii. p. 44$. out of 20 Men. V. though the pope’s bull runs as if the college confuted of a war¬ den, redtor or provolt, and fellows and fcholars. Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 257. But the head of this college was certainly called the dean, as appears from the biftiop of Norwich s re¬ mitters. c Pat. 20 Hen. 8. f Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 240. 246, 247* , „r.- g Some of thefe are alfo in the Appendix to the cardinal Life by Dr. Fiddes, London, 1724. fob XXVlIL SUFFOLK. St. Marv Magdalene and St. James’ Hospitals. As early as the beginning of X. "John's reign, here was an hofpital for leprous perfons dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, to which was afterward annexed another houfe of lepers iri this town, called St. James’ hofpital •, the mafterlhips of both were in the collation of the bilhop of Norwich, and ulually went together with the church of Sc. Helen, and chapel of St. Edmilnd the Archbifhop, or of Pountney, to the fame appropriated. ytie collatiohes magiftrorurri five cuftodum hofpitalium Cart, i Joan. p. 2. n. gt. leprofis S.M arise Magd. pro S. Mari* Magd. et S. Jacobi in Gippevic.0, ab anno feria apud Gippefwic annuatim in felto a. Jacobi. 1324 ad 1503. in regiftro principal! dom. epifc. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. pro eadem feria. Norwic. 4. Dandy’s Almshouses. Edmund Dandy, fometime bailiff and portman of Ipfwich, who died A. D. 1515. founded fome almfhoufes in Lady lane hereh, and fettled lands in Holbrook on the bailiffs and their fucceffors for the endowment of them '. But thole lands were either granted away or affigried to other ufes Upon the diffolution of hofpitals temp. Ed. 6. For though the houl'es remain, and are inhabited by poor people, the parifh pays fome rent to the corporation for them. 5. Austin Friers. An houfe of Friers Auguftines here is mentioned by Speed, but hath not yet occurred to me in any other place*. 6. Black Friers. In the eaft part of this town and parifli of St. Mary Key, was the houfe of Black friers, who fettled here in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 3. It is faid to have been founded by Henry de Manefby, Henry Redred and Henry de Loudham', or, as others, by John Harys or Hawsm. This friery" was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to William Sabyn. Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 750. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 208. , Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 30. inter Fr. Rob. de Kil- wardby priorem Fratrum praedicat. in Anglia queren- tem, et Adam de Dey et Matild. uxorem ejus impe- dientem, de melT. in Gippovico, jus prioris et eccl. fuae S. Maris in Gippovico. Efcaet. Suff. 1 Ed. 2. n. 47. pro manfci elargando per placeam vafti, cont. in longit. pedes cc. in latit. pedes xxxvi. ex dono Alicias Harneys : Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. in. 24. licent. pro eodem. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. y. Grey Friers. In the weft part of this town, and in the parifh of St. Nicolas was the church and houfe of the Friers Minors, who were fixed here, temp. Ed. 1. by the charity of Sir Robert Tiptot of Nettlefted0. yide in Weaver’s Funeral Monuments,- p. 751. the Colleff. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 20; names of feveral perfons of note buried in this friery Pat. & Ed. 3. p. I. m. 25 v’el 26. church. 8. White Friers. The houfe of Carmelite friers here (about the middle of the town, in the parifhes of St. Nicolas and St. Laurence p) was founded by Sir Thomas de Loudham, or, as Mr. Speed, by lord Bardefley, or rather Bardolf, Sir Jeffery Hadley, and Sir Rob. Norcon knts. abouc the year 1279. This friery, 36 Hen. 8. was granted to John Eyer. Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 751. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m'. 33. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 185. vel 4. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. Efcaet. Suff. 25 Ed. 1. n. 82. pro manfo elargando: p. 1. m. . Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. i. m. . Fin. Suff. 18 Ric. 2. n. 89. pro ten. in Gippovico. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23. XXIX. IKESWORTH; or Ixworth. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons built and endowed'’ to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, by Gilbert Blund, one of the noblemen, who came in with William the Conqueror. » In St. Matthew’s parilh. See his epitaph iri St. Laurence church. i Sir Richard Gipps’ Suffolk Colleiftioris; K This is certainly a miftake of Speed’s. For in the Ipfwich Wilis in the archdeacon of Suffolk’s office we often meet with legacies “ to the three orders of friers within the town of 4 1 Ipfwich, — to the three cloyiters of friers in Ipfwich — to the « three places of friers”— and the like. See the Will Books marked D. p. 87. E. p. 227. «8. F. p. 119. G. p. roi, &c. And in other places, “ Quatuor ordmibus Fratrum, viz. in Gippovico et Orforth, as in the Will Book marked B. f. 230. and 1 Weaver, p. yjo, 751. Speed mentions thefe three as foun¬ ders of an houfe of Aujt'm Friers here. m MS. colleft. Joannis Stow, penes Joannem Anftis arm. Speed mentions John Hares as a benefador to the Friers preach¬ ers : and Weaver, after having mentioned the houfe of Friers reachers founded by Henry de Manefby, &c. mentions an oufe of Black friers (as if different from Friers preachers, which they certainly were not) to whom John Hares gave ground for the enlargement of their houfe. " Chrift’s hofpital, founded 14 Eliz. the free fchool, the pub- lick library, the new (hire hall, Tooley’s almlhoufes, and Smart’s foundation, are all within the fite of this ancient houfe. 0 He died ly Ed. 1. as Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 39. Robert Tilbot founder, in Speed. p Part of it was formerly ufed for the county gaol ; and tha lane adjoining is yet called the Goal Lane. q At firft near the pariih church ; but that houfe being de- ftroyed by the wars, the' founder’s fon and heir William Blund rebuilt the fame at fome diftance. J? XXIX SUFFOLK; It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 168/. 19 s. yd. oh. q. per ann, Du°-d. granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Rich. Codyngton. 280/'. 9s. 5d. Speed; and Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 184. qua;dam ex collect. St. Lo Kniveton arm. de fdndatione prioratus et pro¬ genie fundatoris. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 47. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 163. of pofleffions in Norton: vol. ii. p. 821. 846. ofhoufes in Norwich: vol. iii. p. 6. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Little Melton: vol. iv. p. 186. of pofleffions in Upwell : p. 690. of lands in Tilney: p. 759. of pofleffions in Wigenhall. Fin. Norf. 12 Hen. 3. n. 56. pro advoc. eccl. de Mel¬ ton Parva, ex tlono Rad. de Montecanifio: Fin. SufF. 19 Hen. 3. n. 56. pro advoc. ecci. de Hunterftown : Ibid, n; 145. de terris in Ixworth : Fin. SufF. 35 Hen. 3. n. 162. de mefT. et txxx. acris terrce in Dunham juxta Brandon. Fin. SufF. 1 Ed. 1. n. 39. pro advoc. eccl. de Sapefton, ex concefT. Roberti fil. Walteri : Plac. in com. SufF. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 27. d. pro advoc. eccl. de Hun- terfton: Efcaet. SufF. 17 Ed. 1. n. 28. de terris in Afhfield, ex dono Alicias Talworth: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . prope hnem. Inquif. SufF. 6 Ed. 2. n. 44. Pat. 6 Ed. 2 n 2 m pro terris in Badwell, Aflifield, Larigham kc P*3' 13 Ed. 2. m. 27. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1 ’m ^at< ftot’&c.terriS ^ N°rt0n’ St°W Lanel> Hunter! Efcaet. SufF. 6 Ed. 3. n. 123. Pat. 6 Ed. 2 D - m vel 21. Fin. Norf. 20 Ed. 2. n. 106 de mrf' 20 maner. de Ixworth: Pat. 24 |d. 3. p. ,. m. 2 Efcaet. SufF. 25 Ed. 3. de 111. meiF. et ccclx • in Hundfton, Langham, &c. Pat. 25 Ed 2 ’ 18 m. 18. de medietat. maner. de Ixworth- Ibid u> Efcaet. SufF. 37 Ed. 3. n. 5. pro maner. de Norm,?' Ibid. n. 38. de terris in Berdwell : Pat. 3- e<] p. I. m. 21. pro ten. in Berdwell, &c. Pat 38 Ed" 3‘ P- i- m. 40. pro maner. de Norton et tenT in Afl?. Pat. I Ric. 2. p. I. m. . Cart. 7 et 8 Ric. 2. n. , pro i. mercat. et ii. feriis apud Ixworth. Fin. SufF. 7 Hen. 4. n. 69. 74. de maner. in Norton et Wykin. XXX. KERSEY. Austin Canons. A priory of canons of the order of Sr. Auftin ’, dedicated to St. Mary and St. Antony, in being before 3 Hen. 3. but when and by whom founded, or upon what occafion tiiffolved, I have not yet met with. Edmund earl of Kent had the advowfon by the gift of K Ed ward 3*. John Holland earl of Huntingdon was patron in the year 1431 “. and Sir Henry deGrev lord Powis fhortly after: and he, 25 Hen. 6. gave this monaftery, with all the revenues thereunto belonging, to King’s college in Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 532, 533. quatuor cartas Neftae de Cokefield relidfoe Thomae de Burgo et poftea uxoris Mathei de Leyham, de advoc. eccl. de Kerfey, et quibufdam terris et redditibus in Kerfey et Lellefey donatis huic prioratui : Cartas duas Thomae de Burgo, pro terris in Lellefey et Grotune. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 43. of pofleffions in Brifingham, p. 705. in Morley : p. 697. of lands in Wicjewood fometime. Cartas originales quamplurimas ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes in cifta de Kerfey in cartaphylacio collegii Regalis Cantab. Cartas quafdam in curia Recept. fcacc. regii Weftmo- nafl. Colleft. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cviii. f. 24. Fin. SufF. 3 Hen. 3. n. 29. de terris in Semere : Fin. SufF. 19 Hen. 3. n. 197. de terris in Kerfey: Fin. SufF. 24 Hen. 3. n. 126. de advoc. eccl. de Kerfey, et terris quibufdam in Lelefey et Kerfey: Fin. SufF 25 Hen. 3. n. 167. de bofeo ibidem: Fin. SufF. Hen. 3. n. 47. Fin. SuiF. 42 Hen. 3. n. 30. Fin. Suff- 53 Hen- 3- n- 77- de mefT. et terris in Berkinv. Plac. in com. SufF. 14 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 24. d. de ten in Whatfieid. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. ir. pro terris in Edwardfton, Lelefey, &c. Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 12. pro lib. war. et aiiis privilegiis in terris fuis in Kerfey, Lelefey, Box- ford, Edwardfton, Chelfworth, Berking fSufF. 1 et Beamflete [Eflex.] Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . Efcaet. SufF. 8 Ric. 2. n. 108. Efcaet. SufF. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 36. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 35. pro terris in Semer, Kerfey, Groten, &c. Efcaet. SufF. 12 Hen. 4. n. 35. de advoc. hujus prio¬ ratus. Rot. pari. 24 Hen. 6. rot. . XXXI. LETHERINGHAM, Crew w, or Trew. Austin Cell. William de Bodevile or Bovile* having given the church of St. Mary of Creww, and all the tiches of Letheringham, to the monallery of St. Peter in Ipfwich, temp . here was fettled a fmall priory of three or four y Black 1 canons (as a cell to that houfe) to the honor of the bleffed Virgin, whofe yearly income was valued, 26 Hen. 8. but at 2 SI. 18 s. 5 d. It was granted firft to Sir Anthony Wingfield the patron, and, 7 Ed. 6. to Elizabeth Naunton, third daughter of the faid Sir Anthony. r So Speed and Weaver. But the grofs film is 204/. 92. ;d. q. in the Cotton ml', and Stevers, vol. i. p. 36. and is probably the true valuation. Seventeen monks of this houfe fublcribed to the fupremacy, as Willis2 Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 224. s Regiftr. Norvic. vol. iii. p. 27. vi. 126. and the word cano - niei in molt of the charters in the Monafticon plainly intimate that this was not a Benedictine priory as in the firft edition, ac¬ cording to Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 532. 1044. 1 Efcaet. Stiff. 12 Hen. 4. n. 35. u Regift. Norvic. vol. ix. p. 49. ww This might perhaps be the old name of the parifh in which Retfieringfiam was a hamlet, but the name not having clfewherc occurred, nothing can pofitively be afferted. In above twenty confirmations of the elections of priors, which are upon Vide the bifnop of Norwich’s regifters, this houfe is always called Letheringham ; which is not mentioned by Leland, but is cer¬ tainly the fame which he calls Trew (Collett, vol. i. p. 62.) both by the name of the firft founder Bovile ; and alfo of the patrons the Wingfields, into which family the advowfon came by a marriage with an heirefs of the Boviles. Weaver, p. 755 et 782. x Sir John Bovyle , as Leland. Not Sir yobn Boinct , as Weaver and Speed. y Leland : and by the compofition the number was not to exceed four ; fo that mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab, is wrong in placing here twelve canons, which the revenues would not maintain. z Not Benedictine monks y among whom they are placed 13 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 545. XXXI. SUFFOLK. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. notulam e Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 62. edit. Hearne, de fundatore prioratus de Trew. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 477. of tithes in Baw- fey and Leziat : p. 754. of tithes and lands in Cuf- thorp. In lib. inflit. &c. in regiftro principali epife. Nome, notato xii. f. 247. petitionem Will, de Bodevilla do¬ mino fuo Gaufrido de Gandevilla a, ut confirmaret canonicis S. Petri Gipwic. donationem fuam eccl. S. Marias de Crew, decimarum de Letheringham et Thorp, &c. Arbitria duo inter domos S. Petri Gip- povic. matrem et Letheringham filiam, fuper obedi- entia, clectionc prioris, miffione canonicorum, &c. fadla per Walterum epife. Norvic. 11 Kal. Feb. et Non. leb. A.D. 1254. Ibid. f. 223. 239,240. com- miflionem, inquifitionem, et ordinationem (uper unione five appropriatione eccl. paroch. de Hoo (cujus fuere veri patroni ex donatione Joannis ducis Norf. et Ka- terinae duciffe) canonicis de Letheringham, A. D. 1475 et 1482. Fin. Sufi, ig Hen. 3. n. 179. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. coron. rot. . de feria apud Letheringham in vigil et die Affumptionis B. Maria:; Cart, 25 Ed. 1. n. ig. pro feria ibidem. XXXII. LEYSTONE, cr Leeftune”. Premonstratensian Abbey. An abbey of Premonftratenfian canons .« built and endowed by the founder of Butley priory, Ranulph de GlanvilH, A. D. 1182'. to the honor of the Win T fr Rdi°rS' W,10ahad yearly - the fupprefiL worth clearly 181/. i7r id. q. The file, with the greatefl: part of the manors, rectories and lands belonging to this monaftery were granted, 2 8 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk, in whole famUy the patronage or founderlhip ' of this houfe had been for feveral generations. The firft habitation of the abbat and canons being near the fea and inconvenient, Robert de Ufford earl of Suffolk about A. D. 1363. built a new abbey at about a mile’s diftance upon a better fituation, which was unfortunately all confumed by fire before A. D. :389s. But being rebuilt, continued in a flourifh! mg condition till the genera d, Ablution, when here were fifteen monks A The old abbey alfo continued till that tune, and had fome Religious in it’. y ° Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 606. pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. confirm, donationem maner. de Leyfton, etdi- verfa privilegia olim concelfa ifti abbatia; : P. 607 pat 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. ratificant. confirmationem Gil¬ bert Peche mil. de omnibus terris in feodo fuo. Ibid, tom. iii. p. i. p. 74. cartas R. Hen. 2. conced. maner. de Leeftune Ranulpho de Glanvil ; Ranulphi de Glan- vil, de fundatione abbatia; ; Ricardi archiepifc. Can- tuar. recit. cartam R. Ric. 1. (anno regni 1.) confirm, donationes fundatoris : P. 76. Rogeri de Glanvil, pro eccl. de Middeitune ; Rogeri Bigot com. Norf. pro eadem; Will. deValeins, proeccl. deCulfhou; Will, de Verdune confirm eandem : Privilegium P. Lucii 2! pro terris et decimis. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 767. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 62. In Gardiner’s Dunwich, &c. p, 113. de wrecco maris apud Thorp et mercatu apud Sizewell. In Atkyns’ Glocefteriliire, p. 815. oflands in Wickham. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 224. are the names of twelve or thirteen abbats of Leyfton. Regiftrum cartarum abbatia: S. Marine de Leeftun, mf. in bib). Cotton. Hefpaf. E. xiv. Cartam Thom* epilc. Norwic. fuper appropriatione eccl. paroch. de Corton abbati et conv. de Leyfton, A. D. 1367. Submifiionem abbatis et conv. fuper eadem: Inquifitionem de valore ejufd. eccl. de man¬ date Henrici epife. Norvic. A. D. 1389. Tria inftru- menta iuper appropriatione ecclefiae parochialis de Theberton eifdem per Hen. epife. Norvic. A. D. 1388, 1389. inregiftro principali D D. epife. Norwic! In volumine cartarum mearum originalium notato Wil¬ loughby , n. 26. confirmationem Joannis archiepifc. Cantuar. fuper eccl. de Leifton, cum capella de Syf- well, Aldringham, Middleton, et Colpho in proprios ulus, A. D. 1280. In vol. Clark , n. 14. literas atturn. abbatis et conv. pro delib. feifin. terrarum in Knode- a Perhaps Glanvil, a family which had great poiTeilions in thefe parts. 6 Not in Norfolk, as mf. catal. Cotton, p. 118. c Not Auftin or Black canons, as ml'. Athmol. and Baron, vol. i. p. 424. d Later writers may be pardoned for confounding this Chri- ftian name, feeing that in the record pat. 12. Ric. 2. as printed in the Monafticon, this founder is writ Radufus. But he is Riled earl of Suffolk only in Leland’s Colled. vol. i. p. 62. c Kalendar. de Buttele, f. 56. Mf. Alhmol. hath it A.D. 1185. f “ A.D. 1480. Dux Suffolcite habitus fundator de Leifton.'” Mi. Aihmol. n. 1519. “ Robertus Browne unus baronum de “ Scacario feizitus fuit temp. R. Eliz. de nuper inon. de Leyftone 44 cum omnibus demibus, &c. tenend. in capitc per fervicium w-n’ Freefton, &c- Ibid. n. 207. cartam Will, abbatis et conv. conced. iv. pecias terr* in Knottilhale Thom* Cook de Berygham. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 59. n. 41. breve regis Waltero de Glouceft. efcaetori fuo citra Tren- tam diredtum, ut per facrum proborum et legalism hominum inquirat, utrum tenementa in Leyftona, Knolelhale et Theberton fuerint abbatis et fconventus Leyfton* ante publicationem ftatuti de terris et tene- ™e"tls„ad mJ>rtuam manum non ponendis, necne. Colledt. hrancifei Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. ii. Inter cartas et rotulos bibl. Harleyan*, H. 22 Fin. Suff. 12 Hen. 3. n. 135. Fin. Suff. 14 Hen. 3. n. 6. de terris in Theberton: Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 81. de terris et reddit. in Grundefburgh, n 173 de terris in Theberton : Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3. n. 57. Plac. dc banco, 26 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 12. pro mercat. "I byjevvell> et captione theolonei ibid, et in portu de Meufemere: Fin. Suff. 30 Hen. 3. n. 36. oe terris in Buxlow . Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 7. d. pro ten. in Leylton Lodenham, Crefing, North- Yarmouth, &c. in. Suff 35 Heir. 3. n. 95. de meff. in Jernemutha Parva: Fin. Suff. 4t Hen. 3. n. 2. de lib. war. in Leylton. Fm. Suff. 1 Ed. 1. n. 32. de reddit. in Derfham, Mid¬ dleton, etfordle: Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed 1. alfif rot. 49 d. pro vvrecco maris apud Thorp, SifvvelL &c. Efcaet. Suff. 18 Ed. 1. n. 22. Pat. 18 Ed. 1 m. 4. de meff et terris in Theberton conceff per To' de Livermore : Fin. Suff 20 Ed. 1. n. 201. de meff! et terris in Theberton : Plac. de banco, 27 Ed 1 rot. 30. de lib. war. in Leyfton: Efcaet. Suff. 3r Ed r’ n. 79. Efcaet. Suff. 34 Ed. 1. n. 159. Pat. 35 Ed. 1 m. 1 vel 2. EfSuff' 1 Ed'o2' 4 77 ' Inqu,T' ad quod damr>um suit. 4 Ld. 2. n. 83. de terris in Pethaw : Pat. 6 Ed 2 P- I- m. 23. de terris in Buxlow, Knodelhal, Der- leilha^yoffTja ^ "niUS fe0di militus-” Mf- in bibl. Har- (?art- °ri^al- appropriation^ ecclefite de Theberton nrr Hh MS TfC‘ m!; Reglftr- principali epife. Norvi/ Me. Corp, Chriit. coll. Cantab. But Willis’ Hi ft nf ALKi>e John. P.22,, faith here were* befits *£&££% in the archdeacof^orUffX’a^ffi^^'Tate'is^D ‘i the "‘’I? Chronicon Butley^mft f* j " ‘Moanhes* G ^ :: Tuir^r^] eft iD o. JYlarue in antiquo ccenobio juxt^ mare,’* * ^ Iham, XXXII. S U F FOLK. /ham, Petagh, kc. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 51. pro mcrcat. ct feria apud Leyfton: Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10 vel 14. confirm, donationis G. de Peche in Hachefton, Efton, Wickham, Pctaugh, et Framefden : Brev. orig. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 13. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. . Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 47. pro feria apud Leyfton: Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. s vel 6. Efcaet. Suff. igTd. 3. n. 68. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. pro eccl. de Kettleburgh : Pat. ii Ed. 3. p. 1. in. 6 vel 7. Efcaet. Suff. 31 Ed. 3. n.'±o Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 36 Ed. n. 2i‘ m. 16. pro eccl. de Corton approprianda : Cart '93 Ed. 3. n. 11. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. pro eccl deTheberton. H ’ Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15 et 34. Ibid. p. 3. m. ,3 ve{ 14. Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 1 1. pro mercat. apud Leyfton Clauf. 29 Hen. 6. m. 3. d. de tenementis in Leifton' Knodelhale, Friefton, kc. conceff. Joanni Jennv, kc' XXXIII. METINGHAM. College. In the fixth of Richard 2. Sir John Plays, Sir Robert Howard, Sir Roger Boys knts. John Wolterton and Elyas Byrrtre clerks executors of the Iaft will and teftament of Sir John de Norwich (the fon of Sir Walter of Norwich, and grandfon to Sir John the founder of Raven- ingham) obtained the king’s licence to tranflate the mailer and eight chaplains from the college of Raveningham in Norton Soupecors in Norfolk, to the chapel of the bleifed Virgin Mary within the caftle of Metingham, and to amortife the faid caftle and feveral other manors and lands to them (after the death of Margery his mother) and fo to increafe their number to thirteen. This tranfla- tion being retarded by many hindrances, but chiefly by the oppofition of the nuns of Bungay k, (who were impropriators of the pariili church of Metingham) was not fully effe&ed till about 18 Ric. 2. Here were a mailer and eleven fellows about A. D. 1535. when their yearly revenues were valued at 202 1. 7 s. 5 d. ob . Dugd. Speed. All which were granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Thomas Denny. Vide Lelandi Colled!, tom. i. p. 61. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 762. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 83. of theadvowfon of the redtory of Carleton Rode : p. 90. of the manor of Hadefton in Bunwell, and of a mediety of the ad- vowfon of the redlory : p. 96. of the manor of Melles in Suffolk : p. 320. of lands in Surlingham : vol. iv. p. 246. of the manor of How: p. 407. of the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Ling. In Rymeri Conventionum, kc. vol. xiv. p.746, fcrip- tum magiftri et confratrum de furfum redditione col- legii domino regi, 8 Apr. 1542. Cartularium collegii S. Mari* de Metingham continens, f. 2. extentum maner. de Metingham Caftro fadtum 1 Hen. 7. F. 29. rentale maner. de Shipmeadow renovatum 6 Hen. 7. F. 41. extentum maner. de Ilketfhall renovatum 22 Ed. 4. F. 61. extents ma¬ ner. de Bramfield et Brookhal! ibidem fadla 18 Ed. 4. F. 97. extentum maner. de Mellys fadlum 1 Ric. 3. F. 108. rentale maneriorum de How Hall et How Boylond fadlum 1 Ric. 3. F. 133. extentum maner. de Lyng renovatum 21 Ed. 4. F. 108. rentale ma¬ ner. de Haddifton in Bunwell renovatum 22 Ed. 4. mf. in folio, penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy. Regiftrum olim penes Tho. Martin de Palgrave in com. Suff. gen. modo penes Thomam Aftle arm. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 16 Ric. 2, p. I. m. 15. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 4. Efcaet. 14 Hen. 6. n. . poft mortem dueis Bedford. XXXIV. M I N D H A M, or Mendham. Cluniac PRIORY. About A. D. 950. bilhop Theodred gave by his will 1 to the church of this place feveral lands in this and the adjacent towns, by which it feems to have been more than paro¬ chial an hundred years before the Conqueft. How long it continued fo is not at prefent known, but in kin® Stephen’s1" time, upon the ifland of Hurft or Bruninghurft in this parilh, William the fon of Roger de Huntingfield founded a Cluniac priory, fubordinate to Caltleacre in Norfolk. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary, and granted, 2^/3 Phil, et Mar. to Richard Frefton and Ann his wife. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 631. duas cartas Will, fil. Rog. de Huntingfield, pro fundatione et dotatione: Cartam Stephani de Saukevill : Rogeri de Hunting- field, pro eccl. S. Petri et S. Margaret* in Linfted: P. 632. cartam Rogeri de Huntinfield, pro Joanne de Lindefey priore : Compofitioncm inter Hugonem priorem et conv. de Caftleacre et domum de Mend- ham de depofitione prioris, &c. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 360. de annuo reddit. c. fol. debito abbati S. Martini de Sagio. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 252. of the founda¬ tion and endowment of this priory: of Denfton’s manor in Mendham, and of a mediety ot the redlory of Mendham impropriated, and of the impropriate chapel of Needham: p. 255. of Shotford portion in Mendham impropriate and of Semere’s manor there : p. 258. of Kings-hall and priory manors there : vol. ii. p. 747. 846. of poffeffions in Norwich : p. 817. of the advowfon oftheredlory of St. Clement’s there: vol. iii. p. 42. of poffeffions in Swanfthorp: p. 82. of tithes in Carlton-Rode, p. 86. in Bunwell, p. 187. in Tib- benham : p. 236. of lands and tithes in Starfton: p. 238. of poffeffions in Aldeburgh, p. 243. in Reden- hall : p. 355. of tithes in Shotlham : vol. iv. p. 384. of poffeffions in Geift. Year Books, 11 Hen. 4. Mich. n. 59. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 972. p. 113. abftradlum de pri- oratu de Mendham deque patronis ejufdem : mf. 2110. f. 62. cartas de cella de Mendham et pertinentiis. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. cxxx. f. 72. abftracta de prioratu de Myndham. In volumine cartarum mearum originalium infcripto Appletan , n. 107. dimiffionem tub figillo conv. de claufo vocat. Denfon , prato, kc. in Mendham Edvardo Flower, 2 Hen. 8. Cartas autographas hujus prioratus penes Thomam Aftle arm. Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 140. pro ten. in Mendham : Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3. n. 57. pro eccl. S. Clemeutu in Norvico. Pat * Lib. inffit. in regiftro Norwie. vi. f. 347- b* Regiftr. facr. Bur. mf. L 48. a. Dugd. Baron, tom. ii. p. 7, XXXIV. SUFFOLK. Pat. 3 Ed. i. m. 7 et 28. pro ten. in Norvico; Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Efcaet. Suff. 3 Ed. 3. n. no. Fin. div. com. 47 Ed. 3. n. 106. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro maner. de Mendham : Efcaet. Suff. 8 Ric. 2. n. 55. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro advoc. portionis eccl. de Mendham vocat. Shotford: Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. J. tn. 9. pro terra in Mendham, quam R. Steph. conceffit Will. fil. Rogen de Huntingneld. XXXV. O R F O R D. 1. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for a matter and brethren, dedicated to St. Leonard, in the time of K. Edward 2. which continued till after the year 1586". y,de pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 16. fcil. literas regias de prote&ione. 2. Austin Friers. A priory of Friers Auguttines, begun about 23 Ed. 1. when they had a piece of ground given them to build on, by one Robert de Hewel. The lite of this houfe was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Robert Lord. Vide Efcaet. Suff. 23 Ed. 1. n. 120. de placea xvi. per- Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2, m. 24. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 30. tic. in longitudine et totidem in latitudine, ex dono pro manfo elargando. Rob, de Hewcll. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 XXXVI. redlingfield, dim Radingfeld. Benedictine Nuns. Manaffes earl of Ghifnefs and Emma his wife built here A. D. 1 120°. upon a lordfhip belonging to her father Will, de Arras, a Benedi&ine nunnery to the honor of St. Andrew. About the time of the luppreffion herein were a priorefs and eight nunsP, whofe yearly income was 67 1. os. id. ob. Dugd. 81/. is. sd. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Edmund Bedingfield. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p.417. cart. 13 Ed. 1. m. 16. n. 51. recit. cartam fundatorum, fcil. Manaflis comi- tis et Emmas. Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 61. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 12. of tithes in Great Melton. Inftrumentum fuper trandatione fefli dedicationis eccl. convent, de Redlingfield a Dec. 24. ad Sept. 24. au- toritate Joannis epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1418. in lib. Inftit. vol. viii. f. 131. in regiftro principal! D. D. epifc. Norvic. Fin. Suff. 3 Hen. 3. n, 65. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 16. n. 51. pro duabus marcis de leddit. hundred, de Samford : Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. Coron. rot. . pro feria apud Redlingfield in vigilia et die S. Andrese. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 27. pro tertia parte maner. de Rilhangleset Hikeling: Efcaet. Suff. 4Ric. 2. m. 117. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 12 vel 13. Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ric. 2. n. 96. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26 vel 46. pro duabus partibus maner. de Rilhangles. Efcaet. Suff. 18 Ed. 4. n. 55. de terris in Thorndon, Afpal, &c. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. 23. pro eifdem. XXXVII. R O M B U R C, now Rumburgh'1. Benedictine Cell. About the time of the Conqueftr, Fr. Blakere, with other Benediftina monks from St. Bennet of Hulm, were appointed to begin a fmall Religious houfe here, which was to be fubjeft to that abbey. But this cell, with all that belonged to its, was given, temp. Hen. 1. by Stephen' or his fon Alan the third, earls of Richmond and Britanny, to the abbey of St. Mary at York". It was dedicated to St. Michael", and was one of thofe fmall monafteries which were fuppreffed A.D. 1528. and granted to cardinal Wolfev toward the endowment of his college at Ipl'wich*. But after the cardinal’s fall, it was granted to . Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 404. cartam Everardi provincia Cantuar. Cartam Gaufridi epifc. Elienfis epifc. Norvic. confirm, donationes Alani com. de pro eccl. de Hefelingfield, Cantab. Richmond: Cartam archiepifc. Cantuar. confirm. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p.505. abbatiae Ebor. hanc cellam et omnia fua beneficia in In Blomfield’s Norfolk* vol. i. p. 234. of tithes in Ban- n It is then mentioned in the will boot marked E E. f. 329. in the archdeacon of Suffolk’s office. It is faid to have flood near the park, and the lands belonging to it are thought to be enclofed within the park, from whence a payment is yearly made to certain poor pcrfons. 0 The foundation deed in the Monafticon is dated this year. And in libro inftitut. Norvic. vol. viii. f. izj. b. it is faid, “ Compertum eft quod moniales de Redlingfield tenuerunt in « proprios ufus ecclefiam parochialem de Redlingfield ab A. D. “ 1120/’ p MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. <1 Erroneoufiy placed in Cambridgejhire in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 404. and in EJfex, ibid. p. 1037. Viz. “ tempore Almari epifcopi et Thurftani abbatis.” Re- giftr. de Hulmo mf. Cotton, et mf. penes decan. et capit. Norvic. Or between A. D. 1064. (when Thurftan was made abbat, as Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. i. p. 1 19.) and 1070. when Almarus or Agelmarus was depofed, as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 406. And certainly fome time before the making of Domefday book. For there, 11 Sudfulc , Blidinga hund. In IViJJetta , i eccl. &c. In “ hac eccleu funt xii. monachi.” Rumburgh being then in¬ cluded in Wiflet, though fince grown into a diftimfl parilh from it. 5 This priory being endowed with feveral churches and lands before it was given to York, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 387. b. 58. 404. a. 46. 1 So Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 404. b. lin. 61. though in bifhop Everard’s charter in the column before, and in p. 387. b. it is faid to be given by earl Atari, viz. the father of duke Conan, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 391. b. 50. Not tart Alan Niger, as Ba¬ ronage, vol. i. p. 49. a. “ The abbat of St. Mary’s at York always prefented the prior of Rumburgh to the bifhop of Norwich ; and the abbat and convent prefented clerks to the churches of Speckfhall, and South Cove, in right of this priory. Regift, epifc. Norvic. * Weaver, p. 777. But to St. Felix, as the Appendix to Dr. Fiddes’ Life of cardinal Wolfey, p. 173. * Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 240. et pat. 3 Dec. 20 Hen. 8. Pope Clement’s bull for fupprefFing this houfe, with Felixftow, Brome- hill, Bliborough, and Mountjoy, is all'o printed in Stevens’ Ap¬ pendix, p. 183. The abbat and convent of York releafed their right in this priory, as Blomfield, vol. i. p. 234. ham. XXXVII. SUFFOLK. ham, p. 249. in Wilby, p. 642. in Bawburgh, p. 662. in Cofl'ey, vol. iii. p. 514. in Swafham, vol. iv. p. 1229. in North Tudenham. Cartas quafdam autographas huic prioratui fpedlantes penes Thomam Aftle arm. Several deeds belonging to the cell of Rumborough in tne court ot the receipt u ^ _ ^ _ iu ^ cardinal’s bundle amongft the records in chancery106 Fin. Suff'. 15 Joan. n. 74. de advoc. eccl. de Cove^ Fat. 8 Ed. 2 m i. nr. 4. de meff. et terris in Southed ham et Wyffet: Fin. div. com. temp. Ed. 2 lio- ' 11. 15. ' XXXVIII. SIBTON'. 1. CistERTIAN Abbey. William de Cayneto or Cheney2, founded A. D. 1149% an abbe ^ for Ciftertian monks hereb, and commended it to the patronage of the blefied Virgin Mary [p yearly revenues, 26 Hen. 8. were rated at 250 l. 154. yd. ob.c But within two years after theabbat and convent granted the fite and all the eftates belonging to the monaftery to Thomas duke of Norfolk, Anthony Roufe, and Nicholas Hare, molt of which, after the attainder of the duke of Norfolk, were granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Antony Denny. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 866. cartam R. Steph. confirm, donationem Will. fil. Roberti, ex cart. 16 Ed. 1. n. . per Infpex. Cartam R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, donationes fundatoris, ex cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 7. per Infpex. P. 867. lineam confanguinitatis de ftirpe fundatorum abbatis de Sybeton : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 32. narrationem fundationis abbatite : Cartas primam et fecundam Will. fil. Roberti vicecom. fun¬ datoris : P. 33. cartam Margaretae de CreiTy filiae fundatoris : Cartam abbatis et conventus faftam Thomas duci Norf. & c. de fitu abbatiae, et de omni¬ bus terris et ecclefiis eidem pertinentibus, ult. Tulii, 28 Hen. 8. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Dette fur indenture , § 3. Lelandi Co]le£E vol. i. p. 62. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 27. of lands in Roy- don; p. 43. of pofleffions in Brifingham: p. 78. 80. of lands and a manor in Shelfhanger : p. 302. of lands in Illington. p. 471. of Sibton manor in Croxton : vol. ii. p. 565. 605. 646. 648. 662. 671. 674. 719. 724. 739 810. 814. of pofleffions inNorwich: vol. iii. p. 1 15. of pofleffions in Hapton : p. 253. of a filhery and watermill in Mendham : p.717. of the chantry at Seething: vol. iv. p. mi. of lands in Bulecamp [Suffolk,] p. 1123. in Stickinland [Suffolk,] p. 1150. of pofleffions in Langale and Kirkfted : p. 1156. of lands in Mundham, p. 1158. in Seething, p. 1162. in Sifeland : p. 1171. of pofleffions in Wooton: p. 1480. of the impropriate redlory of Tunftall: p. 1 566. of rents in Maltby. Regiftrum Honor, de Richmond, Append, p. 54. de ca- rucata terrae in Badlingham [Cantab.] Regiftrum hujus abbatiae in bibl. com. Arundel, 1645. [Quaere annon idem cum cod. mf. in bibl. Regire focietatis Lond. Norfolc. 213.] Colledf. ex eodem inter analetfta Dodfvvorth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. Iv. f. 35. MS. in bibl. Cotton. Vitellius , F. xu. 5. lineam con¬ fanguinitatis de ftirpe fundatorum, cum excerptis e cronico hujus abbatiae: ibid n. 6. veredidla et placita pro diverfis locis ad abbatem et conventum pertinent. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 244. et mf. 2044. f. 27. colle&anea ex regiftro : mf. 2101. f. 240. abftrafts of old deeds relating to this abbey. Regiftrum penes Tho. Scrivener de Sibton arm. Cartas quafdam originales ad hanc abbatiam fpedlantes, penes Joannem Anftis arm. Garter , et Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy, reges armorum. Cartas de appropriatione eccl. de Cranesford abbatiae de Sibton, et de ordinatione vicariae ibidem, per Joan¬ nem epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1309. Conventionem inter priorem S. Fidis Horiham et abbatem de Sibton, de duabus partibus decimarum de dominicis dom. Joan- nis de Holebrook in Cransford, A. D. 1310. Sen- tentiam arbitrorum in negotio augmentationis por- tionis vicarii de Rendham inter vicarium et abbatem et conv. de Sibton, A. D. 1303. Appropriationem y Not in Norfolk, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 866. and vol. iii. p. 1. 32. 2 Called oftener in the charters, “ Willelmus fil. Roberti “ vicecoines.” a So mf. chron. Parcolude, and Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. 1. 32. eccl. de Weftleton ifti abbatis, A. D. 1356. Ordi nationem vicariae ibidem per Thomam epifc. Norvic" A. D. 1361. Inhibitionem a decano de arcubus epifc' Norwic. ex parte abbatis et conv. de Sibton, de c ' pella de Pefenhole, A. D. 1466. in regiftro princiml; D. D. epifc. Norwic. H Extenta terrarum et tenementorum abbatis de Sybton in vlllis de Wenhafton, Kukeley, Linftede, Jurdis Grange in Pefenhale, Rendham, Cranisford, South Grange in Sibeton [Suff] et Croxton [Norf.] faff annis 15, 16. 18, 19 Ed. 2. ad finem notabilitatum faiftarum in curia abbatis temp. R. R. Hen. 3. Ed. 1, et Ed. 2. mf. in pergam. penes Thomam Martin de Palgrave gen. Computos burfariorum abbatiae de Sibeton a fefto S. Michaelis 36 Ed. 3. ad feftum S. Michaelis, 46 Ed. 3. fcil. recepta et expenfa de commun. burfa, mf. in per¬ gam. penes eundem magiftrum Martin. Cartas autographas plus minus lxx. huic abbatiae fpeft- antes, et excerpta ex regiftro penes Thomam Aftle arm. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro falda in Croxton [Norf.] Fin. Suff. 13 Hen. 3. n. 147. pro terris in Weftleve- ton : Fin. Suff. 14 Hen. 3. n. 13. de terris et reddit. in Thorp et Heningham : Fin. Suff. 19 Hen, 3. n. 102. de terris in Aftifield Thorp : Fin. Suff 35 Hen. 3. n. 99. de terris in Heveningham: Ibid, n. 175. de quarta parte feodi militis in Wenhafton: Fin. Norf. 52 Hen. 3. de monacho inveniendo in capella de Senges celebraturo pro animabus Hugonis de Windfor et Cecili'ae uxoris ejus : Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 7. in cedula pend. Fin. Norf. 53 Hen. 3. n. 154. pro eccl. de Ling : Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 99. de advoc. eccl. de Cranesford. Fin. Suff. 1 Ed. 1. n. 63. pro xxj. redd, ex mar.er. de Huntingfeld : Ibid. n. 83. de advoc. eccl. de Weftle¬ ton : Efcaet. Suff. 18 Ed. 1. n. 67. Efcaet. Norf. 18 Ed. 1. n. . de terris in Theberton, ex dono Joan. Livermore: Fin Suff 18 Ed. j, n. 173. de terris in Pefenhale : Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 77. de ma- ner. de Weftleton et advoc. eccl. ib. Inquif. Suff. 4 Ed. 2. n. 65. Pat. 5 Ed.' 2. p. 1. m. 25. lnquif. Suff. 6 Ed. , 2. n. 102. de terris in Pefenhale, ex dono Joannis de Reilenhale : Pat. 6Ed. 2. p- i. m. 12. Pat. 8 Ed. p. 2. m. 18. de terris in Pefenhale: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Tunftall et Crainf- ford appropriand. Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 1. Rot. Rom. 5 Ed. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Weftleton ap- proprianda : Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ed. 3. n. 24- Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. in. 17. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m, 23 vel 24. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. Efcaet. Suflr. 37 Ed. 3. n. 30. de terris in Rendham, Sc c. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 48. pro ten. in Rendham, Pefenhall, &c. Plac. coram reg. 38 Ed. 3. rot. 25. quod abbas debet reparare Foxley Bridge : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 0- pro ten. in Sweftling, Yoxford, et Weftleton: El- tliough other annals make it founded A. D. 1150. b This was the firft houfe of this order in the diocefe, and a colony from Wardon [Bedf.] c So Dugd. and Speed, Sec. but an old mf. valuation in the bifhop’s regifiry makes it 100 1. 1st. 7 d. only. caet. XXXI. SUFFOLK. yUt in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. notulam e Leland. Collefl. vol. i. p. 62. edit. Hearne, de fundatore prioratus de Trew. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 477. of tithes in Baw- fey and Leziat : p. 754. of tithes and lands in Cuf- thorp. In lib. inflit. &c. in regiftro principal! epifc. Norvic. notato xii. f. 247. petitionem Will, de Bodevilla do¬ mino fuo Gaufrido de Gandevilla a, ut confirmaret canonicis S. Petri Gipwic. donationem fuam eccl. S. Marias de Crew, decimarum de Letheringham et Thorp, &c. Arbitria duo inter domos S. Petri Gip- povic. matrem et Letheringham filiam, fuper obedi- entia, eledlione prioris, miflione canonicorum. Sec. fafta per Walterum epifc. Norvic. 11 Kal. Feb. et Non. Feb. A.D. 1254. Ibid. f. 223. 239, 240. com- miffionem, inquifitionem, et ordinationem fuper unione five appropriatione eccl. paroch. de Hoo (cujus fuere veri patroni ex donatione Joannis ducis Norf. et Ka- terinae duciffse) canonicis de Letheringham, A. D. 1475 et 1482. Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 179. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. coron. rot. . de feria apud Letheringham in vigil et die Affumptionis B. Mariae: Cart. 25 Ed. 1. n. ig. pro feria ibidem. XXXII. L E Y S T O N E, or Leeftuneb. Premonstratensian Abbey. An abbey of Premonftracenfian canons' built and endowed by die founder of Burley priory, Ranulph de GlanvilH, A. D. 1182 '. to the honor of the Virgin Mary. Herein were fourteen or fifteen Religious, who had yearly revenues at the fuppreffion worth clearly 181/. ijs. id. q. The fite, with the greatelf part of the manors, reftories and lands belonging to this monaftery were granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk, in whofe family the patronage or founderfhip f of this houfe had been for feveral generations. The firft habitation of the abbat and canons being near the fea and inconvenient, Robert de Ufford earl of Suffolk, about A. D. 1363. built a new abbey at about a mile’s diftance upon a better fituation, which was unfortunately all confirmed by fire before A. D. 1389 s. But being rebuilt, continued in a flourifh- ing condition till the general diffolution, when here were fifteen monks h. The old abbey alfo continued till that time, and had fome Religious in it'. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 606. pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. confirm, donationem maner. de Leyfton, etdi- verfa privilegiaolim conceffa ifti abbatiae : P. 607. pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. ratificant. confirmationem Gil- berti Peche mil. de omnibus terris in feodo fuo. Ibid, tom. iii. p. i. p. 74. cartas R. Hen. 2. conced. maner. de Leeftune Ranulpho de Glanvil ; Ranulphi de Glan- vil, de fundatione abbatiae ; Ricardi archiepifc. Can- tuar. recit. cartam R. Ric. 1. (anno regni 1.) confirm, donationes fundatoris : P. 76. Rogeri de Glanvil, pro eccl. de Middeltune ; Rogeri Bigot com. Norf. pro eadem ; Will, de Valeins, pro eccl. de Culfhou ; Will, de Verdune confirm eandem : Privilegium P. Lucii 3. pro terris et decimis. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 767. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 62. In Gardiner’s Dunwich, &c. p. 1 15. de wrecco maris apud Thorp et mercatu apud Sizewell. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 815. oflands in Wickham. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 224. are the names of twelve or thirteen abbats of Leyfton. Regiftrum cartarum abbatim S. Mariae de Leeftun, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. xiv. Cartam Thomae epifc. Norwic. fuper appropriatione eccl. paroch. de Corton abbati et conv. de Leyfton, A. D. 1367. Submiflionem abbatis et conv. fuper eadem ■ Inquifitionem de valore ejufd. eccl. de man- dato Henrici epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1389. Tria inftru- menta fuper appropriatione ecclefiae parochialis de Theberton eifdem per Hen. epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1388, 1389. in regiftro principali D D. epifc. Norwic. In volumine cartarum mearum originalium notato Wil¬ loughby , n. 26. confirmationem Joannis archiepifc. Cantuar. fuper eccl. de Leifton, cum capella de Syf- well, Aldringham, Middleton, et Colpho in proprios ulus, A. D. 1280. In vol. Clark , n. 14. literas atturn. abbatis et conv. pro delib. feifin. terrarum in Knode- Ihale, Leifton, Freefton, See. Ibid. n. 207. cartam Will, abbatis et conv. conced. iv. pecias terra in Knottilhale Thomae Cook de Berygham. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 59. n. 41. breve regis Waltero de Glouceft. efcaeton fuo citra Tren- tam diredhim, ut per facrum proborum et legalium hominum inquirat, utruin tenementa in Leyftona, Knolefhale et Theberton fuerint abbatis etconventus Levftona; ante publicationem ftatuti de terris et tene¬ ments ad mortuam manum non ponendis, necne. Collect. I rancifei Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. ii. Inter cartas et rotulos bibl. Harleyante, H. 22. Fin. Suff. 12 Hen. 3. n. 135. Fin. Suff. 14 Hen. 3. n. 6. de terris in Theberton : Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 81. de terris et reddit. in Grundefburgh, n. 173. de terris in Theberton: Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3. n. 57. Plac. de banco, 26 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 12. pro mercat. in Syfewell, et captione theolonei ibid, et in portu de Meufemere: Fin. Suff. 30 Hen. 3. n. 36. de terris in Buxlow: Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 7. d. pro ten. in Leyfton Codenham, Creting, North-Yarmouth, Sec. fm. Suff. 35 Hen. 3. n. 95. de meff. in Jernemutha rarva: Fin. Suff. 41 Hen. 3. n. 2. de lib. war. in Leyfton. Fin. Suff. 1 Ed. 1. n. 32. de reddit. in Derfham, Mid¬ dleton, et f ordle : Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. alfif. rot. 49. d. pro wrecco maris apud Thorp, Sitwell, Sec. Efcaet. Suff. j8 Ed. 1. n. 22. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 4. de meff et terris in Theberton conceff per Jo. de Livermore : Fin. Suff. 20 Ed. 1. n. 201. de meff et terris in Theberton : Plac. de banco, 27 Ed 1 rot. 30. de lib. war. in Leyfton: Efcaet. Suff. 31 Ed. 1. n. 79. Efcaet. Suff. 34 Ed. 1. n. 159. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Efcaet. Suff. 1 Ed. 2. n 77. Inquif ad quod damnum outt. 4 Ed. 2. n, 83. de terris in Pethaw: Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 23. de terris in Buxlow, Knodelhal, Deri a Perhaps Glanvil, a family which had great poffeffions in thefe parts. 6 Not in Norfolk, as mf. catal. Cotton, p. 13 8. c Not Auftin or Black canons, as mf. Ailimol. and Baron, vol. i. p. 424. J Later writers may be pardoned for confounding this Chri- flian name, feeing that in the record pat. 12. Ric. 2. as printed m the Monafticon, this founder is writ Radulfus. But he is Ailed earl of Suffolk only in Leland’s Colled, vol. i. p. 62. ' Kalendar. de Buttele, f. 56. Mf. Alhmol. hath it A.D. 1x85. “ a-D. 1480. Dux Suffclcias habitus fundator dc Leifton.'” i ll. Alhmol. n. 1519. “ Robertas Browne unus baronum de ' Scacario l'eizitus tuit temp. R. Eliz. de nuper mon. de Leyftone cum omnibus domibus, &c. tenend. in capitc per fervicium “ quadragelima: partis unius feodi militus.” Mf. in bibl. liar- leiana, 370. 1. 52, s Cart, original, appropriations ecclefise de Theberton Der He"rMsep C' mn Regiftr' Principa'i epifc. Norvic! ? MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. But Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies H»i.17.P'22'S' faith here were eighteen befides the abbat temp. •„ *i,Therlare lesac ,es„t0 ou>- Lady of the old abbey in the wills in the archdeacon of buffolk’s office as late as A. D. i < 1 1 and 1516. and under A. D. 1531. there is the following Mffagg in Chromcon Butley mf. f. .,8. Joannes Grene abbftHm relim quens fponte, confccratus eft in anchoritam apud capellam “ S. Maria; in antiquo coenobio junta mare.” P caPcl'ani s>, Iham, XXXII* SUFFOLK. ftim, Petagli, &cc. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 51. pro mcrcat. ct feria apud Leyfton : Pat. 6 Ed. a. p. 2. m. 10 vel 14. confirm, donationis G. de Peche in Hacheflon, Ellon, Wickham, Petaugh, et Framefden : Brcv. orig. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 13. Rec. in fcacc. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. . Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 47. pro feria apud Leyfton: Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 11. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Efcaet. Stiff. 19 Ed. 3. n. 68. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. pro eccl. de Kettleburgh : Pat 1? Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Efcaet. Suff. 31 Ed. 3. n. ' a0j Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 36 Ed. p. 2.' m. 16. pro eccl. de Corton approprianda : Cart la Ed. 3 n. it. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7.' pro de 1 heberton. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15 et 34. Ibid. p. 3. m. ,, veJ 14. Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 1 1. pro mercat. apud Levlton Clauf. 29 Hen. 6. m. 3. d. de tenementis in Leifton" Kmodeftlale, Friefton, etc. conceff. joanni Jenny, XXXIII. M E T I N G H A M. College. In the fixth of Richard 2. Sir John Plays, Sir Robert Howard, Sir R0oer Bovs knts. John Wolterton and Elyas Byntre clerks executors of the laft will and teftament of Sir John de Norwich (the Ion of Sir Walter of Norwich, and grandfon to Sir John the founder of Raven- ingham) obtained the king’s licence to tranflate the mailer and eight chaplains from the colleoe of Ravertingham in Norton Sou-pecors in Norfolk, to the chapel of the bleffed Virgin Mary within the caftle of Metingham, and to amortife the Paid caftle and feveral other manors and lands to them (after the death of Margery his mother) and fo to increafe their number to thirteen. This tranfla- tion being retarded by many hindrances, but chiefly by the oppofition of the nuns of Bungay*, (who were impropriators of the parifli church of Metingham) was not fully effedled till about 18 Ric. 2. Here were a mailer and eleven fellows about A. D. 1535. when their yearly revenues were valued at 202/. 7 s. sd. cb. Dugd. Speed. All which were granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Thomas Denny. Vide Lelandi ColleS. tom. i. p. 6r. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 762. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 83. of the advowfon of the rectory of Carleton Rode : p. 90. of the manor of Hadefton in Bunwell, and of a mediety of the ad¬ vowfon of the reftory : p. 96. of the manor of Melles in Suffolk : p. 320. of lands in Surlingham : vol. iv. p. 246. of the manor of How: p. 4 0 7 • °l the manor and advowfon of the rectory of Ling. In Rymeri Conventionum, See. vol. xiv. p. 746. ferip- tum magiftri et confratrum de furfum redditione col- legii domino regi, 8 Apr. 1542. Cartularium collegii S. Marire de Metingham continens, f. 2. extentum maner. de Metingham Caftro faftum I Hen. 7. F. 29. rentale maner. de Shipmeadow renovatum 6 Hen. 7. F. 41. extentum maner. de Ilketfhall renovatum 22 Ed. 4. F. 61. extenta ma¬ ner. de Bramfield et Brookhall ibidem fa£ta 18 Ed. 4. F. 97. extentum maner. de Mellys fadtum 1 Ric. 3. F. 108. rentale maneriorum de How Hall et How Boylond factum 1 Ric. 3. F. 133. extentum maner. de Lyng renovatum 21 Ed. 4. F. 108. rentale ma¬ ner. de Haddifton in Bunwell renovatum 22 Ed. 4. mf. in folio, penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy. Regiftrum olim penes Tho. Martin de Palgrave in com. Suff. gen. modo penes Thomam Aftle arm. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. I. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Efcaet. 14 Hen. 6. n. . poll mortem ducis Bedford. XXXIV. M I N D H A M, or Mendham. Cluniac Priory. About A. D. 950. bifhop Theodred gave by his will ' to the church of this place feveral lands in this and the adjacent towns, by which it feems to have been more than paro¬ chial an hundred years before the Conquell. How long it continued fo is not at prefent known, but in kino- Stephen’s m time, upon the ifland of Hurlt or Bruninghurft in this parifli, William the fon of Roger de Huntingfield founded a Cluniac priory, fubordinate to Callleacre in Norfolk. It was dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary, and granted, 2 et 3 Phil, et Mar. to Richard Frefto.i and Ann his wife. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 631. duas cartas Will, fil. Rog. de Huntingfield, pro fundatione et dotatione : Cartam Stephani de Saukevill : Rogeri de Hunting- field, pro eccl. S. Petri et S. Margarets: in Linfted : P. 632. cartam Rogeri de Huntinfield, pro Joanne de Lindefey priore : Compofitionem inter Hugonem priorem et conv. de Callleacre et domum de Mend- ham de depofitione prioris, &c. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 360. de annuo reddit. c. fol. debito abbati S. Martini de Sagio. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 252. of the founda¬ tion and endowment of this priory: of Denfton’s manor in Mendham, and of a mediety of the reftory of Mendham impropriated, and of the impropriate chapel of Needham: p. 255. of Shotford portion in Mendham impropriate and of Semere’s manor there : p. 258. ofKings-hall and priory manors there: vol. ii. p. 747,. 846. of poffeffions in Norwich : p. 817- °f(hy advowfon ofthereflory of St. Clement’s there: vol. iii. p. 42. of poffeffions in Swanfthorp : p. 82. of tithes in Carlton-Rode, p. 86. in Bunwell, p. r 87. in Tib- benham : p. 236. of lands and tithes in Starfton : p. 238. of poffeffions in Aldeburgh, p. 243. in Reden- hall : p. 355. of tithes in Shotlham : vol. iv. p. 384. of poffeffions in Geift. Year Books, 11 Hen. 4. Mich. n. 59. In bib!. Harleiana, mf. 972. p. 113. abftradlum de pri- oratu de Mendham deque patronis ejufdem : mf. 2110. f. 62. cartas de cella de Mendham et pertinentiis. In bibl, Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. exxx. f. 72. abftradla de prioratu de Myndham. In volumine cartarum mearum originalium infcripto Appleton, n. 107. dimiffionem fub figillo conv. de cl'aufo vocat. Denfon, prato, &c. in Mendham Edvardo Flower, 2 Hen. 8. Cartas autographas hujus prioratus penes 1 homatu Aftle arm. Fin. Norf. 24 Hen. 3. n. 140. pro ten. in Mendham Fin. Norf. 35 Hen. 3. n. 57. pro eccl. S. Clementis in Norvico. k Lib. inftit. in regiftro Nerwic. vi. f. 347. b. m Dngd. Baron, tom. ii. p. 7. Rejpftr. facr. Bur. mf. t. 48. a. J»4{, XXXIV. SUFFOLK pat. 3 Ed. I. m. 7 et 28. pro ten. in Norvico. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Efcaet. Suff. 3 Ed. 3. n. no. Fin. div. com. 47 Ed. 3. n. 106. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro maner. de Mendham : Efcaet. Suff. 8 Ric. 2. n. 55. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. ni. 6. pro advoc. portionis eccl. de Mendham vocat. Shotford: Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro terra in Mendham, quam R. Steph. conceffit Will. fil. Rogeri de Huntingfield. XXXV. O R F O R D. 1. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for a matter and brethren, dedicated to St. Leonard, in the time of K. Edward 2. which continued till after the year 1586". yide pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 16. fcil. literas regias de protectione. 2: Austin Friers. A priory of Friers Auguftines, begun about 23 Ed. r. when they had a piece of ground given them to build on, by one Robert de Hewel. The fite of this houfe was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Robert Lord. Vide Efcaet. Suff. 23 Ed. 1. n. 120. de placea xvi. per- Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2, m. 24. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 30. tic. in longitudine et totidem in latitudine, ex dono pro manfo elargando. Rob, de Hewcll. Pat. u Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . XXXVI. REDLINGFIELD, ohm Radingfeld. Benedictine Nuns. Manaffes earl of Ghifnefs and Emma his wife built here A. D. 1120°. upon a lordfhip belonging to her father Will, de Arras, a Benedidtine nunnery to the honor of St, Andrew. About the time of the fuppreflion herein were a priorefs and eight nunsP, whofe yearly income was 67/. or. id. ob. Dugd. 81/. 2 s. $d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Edmund Bedingfield. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 417. cart. 13 Ed. 1. m. 16. n. 51. recit. cartam fundatorum, fcil. Manaffis comi- tis et Emmie. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 61. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 12. of tithes in Great Melton. Inftrumentum fuper tranflatione fefti dedicationis eccl. convent, de Redlingfield a Dec. 24. ad Sept. 24. au- toritate Joannis epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1418. in lib. Inftit. vol. viii. f. 131. in regiftro principali D. D. epifc. Norvic. Fin. Suff. 3 Hen. 3. n. 65. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 16. n. 51. pro duabus marcis de reddit. hundred, de Samford : Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. Coron. rot. . pro feria apud Redlingfield in vigilia et die S. Andreae. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 27. pro tertia parte maner. de Rifhangleset Hikeling: Efcaet. Suff. 4 Ric. 2. m. 117. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 12 vel 13. Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ric. 2. n. 96. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26 vel 46. pro duabus partibus maner. de Rifhangles. Efcaet. Suff. 18 Ed. 4. n. 55. de terris in Thorndon, Afpal, &c. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m, 23. pro eifdem. XXXVII. R O M B U R C, now Rumburgh’. Benedictine Cell. About the time of the Conqueft1, Fr. Blakere, with other Benedictine monks from St. Bennet of Hulm, were appointed to begin a fmall Religious houfe here, which was to be fubjedt to that abbey. But this cell, with all that belonged to its, was given, temp. Hen. 1. by Stephen' or his fon Alan the third, earls of Richmond and Britanny, to the abbey of St. Mary at York". It was dedicated to St. Michael", and was one of thofe fmall monafteries which were fuppreffed A.D. 1528. and granted to cardinal Wolfev toward the endowment of his college at Ipfwich*. But after the cardinal’s fall, it was granted to . Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 404. cartam Everardi epifc. Norvic. confirm, donationes Alani com. de Richmond : Cartam archiepifc. Cantuar. confirm, abbatite Ebor. hanc cellam et omnia fua beneficia in provincia Cantuar. Cartam Gaufridi epifc. Elienfis pro eccl. de Hefelingfield, Cantab. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 505. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 234. of tithes in Ban- » It is then mentioned in the will book marked E E. f. 329. in the archdeacon of Suffolk’s office. It is faid to have Rood near the park, and the lands belonging to it are thought to be enclofed within the park, from whence a payment is yearly made to certain poor pcrfons. o The foundation deed in the Monafticon is dated this year. And in libro inftitut. Norvic. vol. viii. f. 125. b. it is faid, “ Compeitum elt quod monialcs de Redlingfield tenuerunt in “ proprios ufus ecdefiam parochialem de Redlingfield ab A. D. “ 1120.” p MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. s Erroneoully placed in Cambridgcjhire in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 404. and in EJfex, ibid. p. 1037. Viz. “ tempore Almari epil'copi et Thurftani abbatis.” Re- giftr. de Hulmo mf. Cotton, et mf. penes decan. et capit. Norvic. Or between A. D. 1064. (when Thurftan was made abbat, as Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. i. p. 1 19.) and 1070. when Almarus or Agelmarus was depofed, as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 406. And certainly fome time before the making of Domefday book. For there, “ Sudfulc, Blidinga hund. In Wijj'etta, i eccl. &c. In «* hac ecclel. funt xii. monachi.” Rumburgh being then in- II 111 Lw eX eluded in vViflet, though from it. s This priory being endowed with feveral churches and lands before it was given to York, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 387. b. 58. 404. a. 46. 1 So Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 404. b. lin. 61. though in bilhop Everard’s charter in the column before, and in p. 387. b. it is faid to be given by earl Alan, viz. the father of duke Conan, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 391. b. 50. Not earl Alan Niger, as Ba¬ ronage, vol. i. p. 49. a. “ The abbat of St. Mary’s at York always prefented the prior of Rumburgh to the bifhop of Norwich ; and the abbat and convent prefented clerks to the churches of Specklliall, and South Cove, in right of this priory. Regift, epifc. Norvic. w Weaver, n. 777. But to St. Felix, as the Appendix to Dr. Fiddes’ Life of cardinal Wolfey, p. 173. « Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 240. et pat. 3 Dec. 20 Hen. 8. Pope Clement s bull for fupprefling this houfe, with Felixftow, Brome- hdl, Bliborough, and Mountjoy, is alfo printed in Stevens’ Ap¬ pendix, p. 183. The abbat and convent of York releafed their right in this priory, as Blomfield, vol. i. p. 234. ham. Xxxvil. SUFFOLK. Iiam, p. 249. in Wilby, p. 642. in Bawburgh, p. 662. in Coffey, vol. iii. p. 5x4. in Swafham, vo!. iv. p. 1229. in North Tudenham. Cartas quafdam autographas huic prioratui fpefilantes penes Thomam Artie arm. Several deeds belonging to the cell of Rumborough in the court of the receipt of the exchequer ; and in th» cardinal’s bundle amongft the records in chancery Fm. Suff. 15 Joan. n. 74. de advoc. eccl. de Cove^" Pat. 8 Ed. 2 p i. m. 4. de melf. et terris in Southelm ham et Wyffet: Fin. div. com. temp. Ed. 2 lip n. 15. ' S- t. XXXVIII. S I B T O Nr. 1. Cistertjan Abbey. William de Cayneto or Cheney % founded A. D. 1149% an abb for Ciftercian monks hereb, and commended it to the patronage of the bleffed Virgin Marv fV yearly revenues, 26 Hen. f. were rated at 250 1. 1 5 s. 7 d. ob.c But within two years “after the abb* and convent granted the fite and all the eftates belonging to the monaftery to Thomas duke ^ Norfolk, Anthony Roule, and Nicholas Hare, mod of which, after the attainder of the duk °f Norfolk, were granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Antony Denny. ~ ve ot Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 866. cartam R. Steph. confirm, donationem Will. fil. Roberti, ex cart. 16 Ed. 1. n. . per Infpex. Cartam R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, donationes fundatoris, ex cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 7. per Infpex. P. 867. lineam confanguinitatis de ftirpe fundatorum abbatiae. de Sybeton : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 32. narrationem fundationis abbatim: Cartas primam et fecundam Will. fil. Roberti vicecom. fun¬ datoris : P. 33. cartam Margarets; de Crefly filiae fundatoris : Cartam abbatis et conventus faftam Thomae duci Norf. &c. de fitu abbatite, et de omni¬ bus terris et ecclefiis eidem pertinentibus, ult. Julii, 28 Hen. 8. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Dette fur indenture , § 3. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 62. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 27. of lands in Roy- don : p. 43. of poileffions in Brifingham : p. 78. 80. of lands and a manor in Shelfhanger : p. 302. of lands in lllington. p. 471. of Sibton manor in Croxton : vol. ii. p. 565. 605. 646. 648. 662. 671. 674. 719. 724. 739 810. 814. of poffeflions in Norwich; vol. iii. p. 115. of poflertions in Hapton : p. 253. of a fifliery and watermill in Mendham : p. 717. of the chantry at Seething: vol. iv. p. 1111. of lands in Bulecamp [Suffolk,] p. 1123. in Stickinland [Suffolk,] p. 1150. of poffeffions in Langale and Kirkfted : p. 1156. of lands in Mundham, p. 1x58. in Seething, p. 1162. in Sifeland : p.1171. of poffeflions in Wooton: p. 1480. of the impropriate redlory of Tunftall : p. 1 566. of rents in Maltby. Regiftrum Honor, de Richmond, Append, p. 54. de ca- rucata terrte in Badlingham [Cantab.] Regiftrum hujus abbatite in bibl. com. Arundel, 1645. [Qutere annon idem cum cod. mf. in bibl. Regiae focietatis Lond. Norfolc. 213.] Colleft. ex eodem inter analedta Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. Iv. f. 35. MS. in bibl. Cotton. ViteHius , F. xii. 5. lineam con¬ fanguinitatis de ftirpe fundatorum, cum excerptis e cronico hujus abbatis : ibid n. 6. veredicfta et placita pro diverfis locis ad abbatem et conventum pertinent. In bib). Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 244. et mf. 2044. f. 27. colleftanea ex regiftro : mf. 2101. f. 240. abftradts of old deeds relating to this abbey. Regiftrum penes Tho. Scrivener de Sibton arm. Cartas quafdam originales ad hanc abbadam fpedlantes, penes Joannem Anftis arm. Garter , et Petrum Ee Neve arm. Norroy, reges armorum. Cartas de appropriatione eccl. de Cranesford abbatis de Sibton, et de ordinatione vicariae ibidem, per Joan¬ nem epifc. Norvic. A. D. 1309. Conventionem inter priorem S. Fidis Horlham et abbatem de Sibton, de duabus partibus decimarum de dominicis dom. Joan- nis de Holebrook in Cransford, A. D. 1310. Sen- tentiam arbitrorum in negotio augmentations por- tionis vicarii de Rendham inter vicarium et abbatem et conv. de Sibton, A. D. 1303. Appropriationem y Not ill Norfolk , as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 866. and vol. iii. p. 1. 31. z Called oftener in the charters, “ Willelmus fil. Roberti “ vicecomes.” » SO mf. chron. Parcolude, and Mon. Angl. yoI. iii. p. 1. 31. eccl. de Weftleton ifti abbatiae, A. D. 1356. Ordi nationem vicarioe ibidem per Thomam epifc.' Norvic" A. D. 1361. Inhibitionem a decano de arcubus epifc' Norwic. ex parte abbatis et conv. de Sibton, de ca- pella de Pefenhole, A. D. 1466. in regiftro principal! D. D. epifc. Norwic. Extenta terrarum et tenemerrtorum abbatis de Sybton in villis de Wenhafton, Kukeley, Linftede, Jurdis Grange in Pefenhale, Rendham, Cranisford, South Grange in Sibeton [Suff.] et Croxton [Norf.] faft. annis 15, 16. 18, 19 Ed. 2. ad finem notabilitatum faflarum in curia abbatis temp. R. R. Hen. 3. Ed. 1. et Ed. 2. mf. in pergam. penes Thomam Martin de Palgrave gen. Computes burfariorum abbatiae de Sibeton a fefto S. Michaelis 36 Ed. 3. ad feftum S. Michaelis, 46 Ed. 3! fcil. recepta et expenfa de commun. burfa, mf. in per¬ gam. penes eundem magiftrum Martin. Cartas autographas plus minus lxx. huic abbatise fpeff- antes, et excerpta ex regiftro penes Thomam Aftle arm. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro falda in Croxton [Norf.] Fin. Suff. 13 Hen. 3. n. 147. pro terris in Weftleve- ton : Fin. Suff. 14 Hen. 3. n. 13. de terris et reddit. in Thorp et Heningham ; Fin. Suff. 19 Hen. 3. n. 102. de terris in Afhfield Thorp; Fin. Suff. 33 Hen. 3. n. 99. de terris in Heveningham: Ibid, n. 175. de quarta parte feodi militis in Wenhafton: P in. Norf. 52 Hen. 3. de monacho inveniendo in capella de Senges celebraturo pro animabus Hugonis ■de Windfor et Ceciliae uxoris ejus : Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 7. in cedula pend. Fin. Norf. 53 Hen. 3. n. 134. pro eccl. de Ling: Fin. Suff. 53 Hen. 3. n. 99. de advoc. eccl. de Cranesford. Fin. Suff. 1 Ed. x. n. 63. pro xxs. redd, ex maner. de Huntingfeld : Ibid. n. 83. de advoc. eccl. de Weftle¬ ton : Efcaet. Suff. 18 P.d. 1. n. 67. Efcaet. Norf. 18 Ed. 1. n. . de terris in Theberton, ex dono Joan. Livermore: Fin Suff. 18 Ed. t. n. 173. de terris in Pefenhale : Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot. 77. de ma¬ ner. de Weftleton et advoc. eccl. ib. Inquif. Suff. 4 Ed. 2. n. 65. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 25. Inquif. Suff'. 6 Ed. 2. n. 102. de terris in Pefenhale, ex dono Joannis de Redenhale: Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 8 Ed. p. 2. m. 18. de terris in Pefenhale: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Tunftall et Crainf- ford appropriand. Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 1. Rot. Rom. 5 Ed. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Weftleton ap- proprianda : Efcaet. Suff. 14 Ed. 3. n. 24. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 17. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 35. Efcaet. Suft. 37 Ed. 3. n. 30. de terris in Rendham, See. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 48. pro ten. in Rendham, Pefenhall, Sec. Plac. coram reg. 38 Ed. 3. rot. 25. quod abbas debet reparare Foxley Bridge : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. pro ten. in Sweftling, Yoxford, et Weftleton: El- thoug-h other annals make it founded A.D. ri.50. b This was the firft lioufe of this order in the diocefe, and a colony from Wardon [Bedf.] c So Dugd. and Speed, &c. but an old mf. valuation in the bilhop’s regiftry makes it aoo /. 15 s. 7 d. only. caet. XXXVIII. SUFFOLK. caet. Suff. 4.1 Ed. 3. n. 5. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro xx. fol. annui redditus in Moneden. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 11.de terris in Settling. 2. Hospital. An hofpital at the gate of the abbey, to the better fupport of which Simon bifliop of Norwich appropriated the church of Crainsford in this county, A. D. 1264. Vide regiftr. prioratus Norwic. vii. f. 80. XXXIX. S N A P E, or Snapes4. Benedictine Priory. William Martel and Albreda his wife having given this manor and other effaces to the abbat and convent of St. John at.Colchefter, a prior and fome Benediftine monks from that houfe' were fettled here A. D. 11 55 f. But upon complaint made by Ifabel coun- tefs of Suffolk and patronefs of this priory to pope Boniface 9. that the laid abbat and convent did not maintain a fufficient number of Religious herein, according to the will of the founders, this houl'e was, by bull A. D. 1400. made conventual, and exempted from all fubjedlion to Colchefter*. William de la Pole earl of Suffolk, temp. Hen. 6. defigned to have new founded this priory h, which was given by1 king Henry 7. to the monaftery of Butley, anno regni 24. but that prior and his canons refigned up and quitted all claim and title to the lame 21 Feb. i509k. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, and one of the fmall monafteries fuppreffed A. D. 15241. and given to cardinal Wolfey for the endowment of his colleges, when it was valued m in fpiritualties at 20/. in temporalties 79/. 1 s. nd. ob.. both together 99/. u. nd. ob. the fum mentioned by Mr. Speed. After the cardinal’s attainder, the fite of this priory was granted, 24 Hen. 8. to Thomas duke of Norfolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 894. ex plac. de jur. et aflif. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. r. rot. 46. pro wrecco maris apud Thorp ufque ad Herefordnefs ". De fun- datione et dotatione prioratus, ex pat. 51 Ed. 3. m. 36. per Infpex. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. no. pat. 24 Hen. 7. p. 3. m. 4. fcil. cartam, qua domus de Snape con- cefla eft canonicis de Buttley. In Rymeri Conventionum, be. vol. i. p. 28. bullam P. ■ Alexandri 3. confirm, ecclefias de Frifton et Beding- field, A. D. 1163. R*id. vol. viii. p. 121. bullam P. Bonifacii 9. de exemptione hujus prioratus a fubjeft- ione abbati et conv. Colcheftriae, et de reformatione ejufdem : Ibid. Vol. xi. p. 750. bullam P. Sixti 4. ■ confirm, privilegia et exemptiones hujus prioratus, A. D. 1471 °. Year Books, 2 Hen. 4. Trin. n. 14. Lelandi Collect, vol. ii. p.-4io. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 497. In Gardiner’s Hiftory of Dunwich, be. p. 115. de wrecco maris apud Aldeburgh. The cardinal’s bundle among the records in chancery. Cartas quamplurimas ad prioratum de Snape fpe&antes inter cartas Suffolc. in curia Recept. fcaccarii. Plac. in com. Suff. 14 Ed. 1. affff. rot. 24.. de terris in Bedingfeld. Inquif. ad quod damnum Suff. 4 Ed. 2. n. 13. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. j. m. 7. de terris in Aldburgh. Plac. coram reg. 2 Hen. 4. Trin. 29. Ibid. 4 Hen. 4. Mich. 90. quod non eft in donatione abbatis de Col- ceftria. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 17. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 2. in. 18. pro Tafcards maner. et Scots manor, in Snape, Frefton, be. Inquif. Suff. 6 Hen. 4. n. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 1, 2, 3. XL. STOKE, by Clare. College. Richard de Clare earl of Hertford removed, A. D. 1124. the monks of Bee, whom his father had placed in the cattle of Clare, to this village of Stoke, firft into the parifh church of St. Auftin, and after to a church built by and for them, dedicated to St. John Baptift. This alien priory was in after times made denifon, but A. D. 1415. Edmund Mortimer earl of March its then founder or patron, procured it to be changed into a college for Secular priefts, and augmented its revenues fo as to be fufficient for the maintenance of a dean, fix p prebendaries, eio-ht vicars four clerks, fix chorifters % befides officers and fervants. Thefe were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 224/ 4 s- id.ob.q. per ann. This collegiate church had the honor to have the’ famous and learned Matth. Parker, afterwards archbiffiop of Canterbury, for its laft dean ; and it was ^ranted 7 Fd 6 to Sir John Cheeke and Walter Mildmay. 0 ’ £ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i r. p. 538. pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. quod fit prioratus indigena : Bullam P. Joan- nis 23. et cartam Edmundi com. Marchiae, de hoc prioratu in ecclefiam vollegiatam canonicorum fecu- larium transferendo anno 7 Hen. 5. P. 1004. cartam Ricardi de Clara com. Hertford, conced. heremita- <1 Falfely faid to be in Effex by the editors of the Monafticon, its abridgers and Supplement. c “ Black monks of Rochefter.,> Speed, a Ed. f Leland. Colled, tom. ii. p. 410. It could not be A. D. 1099. as Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 770. becaufe WilHam Turbe bifliop of Norwich (who was not confecrated till 1146.) is one of*the witneffes to the founder’s donation. g This bull feems to have been of little effed, for it appears by the bilhop of Norwich’s regiftcr books, that the abbat and convent of Colchefter prefented the priors down to the year 1491. and the cafe in the Year Books relates to this. h In Stow’s Colledions, mf. (penes Jo. Anftis arm.) ex record. 24 Hen. 6. ismentiou of a licence granted that year to Will, de la Pole earl of Suffolk to found a priory at Snape. Qi/ure, The patronage of this old houfe was always in that family. i The title of the grant faith, it was given as an alien priory, but it hath not yet appeared to me as fuch, nor by what means it came into that king’s hands. k Chronicon prioratus de Butly, mf. penes Pet. Le Neve arm. f. 4. » Ibid. f. 45. n MS. Valor. n Rather Orefordnefs . • Thefe three bulls are alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p 1 7< P So in the ftatutes. But there feem to have been fome time ten r by The .Norwich regifters, wherein are admiflions, “ Pne- “ iSlr* flXt! ' *r >?art4C and “ pnebendx quinti “ ftalli ex parte borealiA And nine prebends are mentioned in eicaet. 3 Hen. 6. 1 “ Decanus, prebendarii, oflo olim prefbiteri nunc tantum “fex quatuor clenci feculares, quinque chorilti.” Leland. Colled, vol. 1. p. 74. ; Thf Englifh and Latin verfes in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. <«. belong to the Auflin fnery at Clare, and not to this houfe. gium XL. S U F F O L K. gium de StanJunc monachis de Stokes; Amicix com. de Clare donantis mefi’. S. Sepulchri cum reddit. plu- rimis in Sudbury monachis de Stokes : P. 1005, &c. cartam T. archiepifc. Cantuar. confirm varias dona- tiones monachis S. Joan. Bapt. olim de Clare, nunc de Stoke: P. 1010. bullam P. Alexandri confirm, ecclefias, portiones decimarum, &c. dat. A. D. 1174. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 164. bullam P. Martini, con¬ firm. ereiftionem prioratus de Stoke in ecclefiam col- legiatam: P. 165, &c. ftatuta et ordinationes iftius eeclefue collegians facia et edita per Thomam Barfie- fley decanum juflu et autoritate fundatoris, A. D. 1422. Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 742, 743. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 18. of the ad- vowfon of Afhen or EfTe in Efiex : p. 28. of the rec¬ tory, ordination and advowfon of the vicarage of Bardfield Magna : p. 62. of twelve acres of land in Birdbroke: p. 105. of xnu. 1 v d. yearly penfion from Bulmer: p. no. of thereftory, endowment and advowfon of the vicarage of Bumfted ad Turrim: p. 224. of the church of Great Dunmow: p. 263. of a portion of tithes in Finchinfield: p. 269. of iii/. yearly penfion from Fordham: p. 279. of a portion of tithes in Geftingthorp : p. 299. of the like in Hal- lled : p. 489. of a penfion from Radefwell : p. 594. of the like from Tilbury: p. 516. of a portion of tithes in Samford Parva: p. 540. of the advowfon of Stambourn: p. 579. of Thaxfted, and endowment of the vicarage: p. 607. of Toppesfield: p. 653. of Wethersfield : p. 689. of Yeldham Parva, belonging to this houfe. In Morant’s Efiex, vol. i. p. 307. of tithes in Little Wakering : vol. ii. p. 263. of the re£tory of Pebmar/h fometime : p. 325. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Foxearth fometime : p. 427. of the impro¬ priate redtory and alternate right of prefentation to the vicarage of Great Dunmowe. In Atkyns’ Glocellerfhire, p. 282. of one-third of the impropriate rectory of Bifley. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 254. of lands in Shipborne. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 817. of tithes in St. Clement’s Norwich : vol. iv. p. 52. of tithes in Bar¬ ton St. Andrew, p. 59. in Bechamwell, p. 68. in Buckton : p. 74. of a manor in Crimplefham, the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 104. of rents in Fincham : p. 219- of tithes in Wireham, p. 395. in Heverland, p. 439. in Whit- well: p. 831. of pofi'effions in Walfingham: p. 1257. of tithes in Brancafter. Lelandi Colle£t. vol. i. p. 74. Year Books, 44 Ed. 3. Mich. n. 13. of the repair of Stokebridge, 14 Hen. 4. n. 54. 39 Hen. 6. Mich, n. 17. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 225. the names of the priors and deans. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 174. et mf. 639. f. 94. colledtanea ex regiftro. In bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti Cant. mf. 108. p. 3. appro- priationem ecclefiae de Dunmowe : p. 27. appropria- tionem ecclefiae de Wetherfield: p. 53 — 72. 129 — 137. ftatuta collegii de Stoke reformata : p. yj _ g2 117 — 124. ftatuta antiqua collegii de Stoke fadta per Thomam Barnefley : p. 90. 1 15, 116. nomina deca- norum : p. 103. 138. donationes Edmundi comitis MarChiae: p. 125. inftrudlions of my lord March for making the ftatutes : p. 139. bullam papalem pro fundatione : p. 141. donationem Edmundi comitis Marchise de omnibus pofleffionibus olim ad prioratum pertinentibus : p. 143. confirmationem collegii per epifcopum Lincoln, p. 152. decimas folvendas per decanum et capitulum : p..i53. computum Ma* I hom® Bacon collegii prajpofiti pro uno anno inte gro, 38 Hen. 8. p. 155. ftatutes drawn by M. Parker" p. 17 1. latinam verfionem eorundem per Joanncni Cheke: p. 181. inventorium fadfum A. D. ge omnibus jocalibus ornamentis et catteris bonis err] collegiate de Stoke. Bullas papales et cartas de prioratu in ecclefiam colle- giatam transferendo, et ftatuta per Thomam Barne¬ fley decanum edita, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vitellius D. xii. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. ' Regiftrum cartarum monafterii S. Joan. Baptift® de Stoke juxta Clare in com. SufF. mf. in bibl. Cotton, catal. Smith, p. 159. Regiftrum olim penes dom. Stanhop, unde quamplurima excerpfit cl. Vincent in colledl. fuis penes cl. V. Jo- annem Anftis arm. Garter, principalem regem armo- rum. Regiftrum iftius prioratus penes Egidium Bernardifton de Clare, A. D. 1638. nuper penes Edm. Johnfon dc prioratu de Clare arm. De unione prioratus de Chipley ecclefise collegiate de Stoke juxta Clare per Walterum epifcopum Norvic. A. D. 1468. in libro Inftitut. xi. f. 36. in regiftro principali epifc. Norwic. Clauf. 17 Joan. m. 15. pro terris in Stoke. Fin. Sun. 3 Hen. 3. n. 89. de advoc. eccl. de Berton: Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 8. d. pro eccl. de Crimpleftiam [Norf.J Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. de ftagno levato in Wichelho: Fin. Norf. 9 Ed. 1. n. 77. pro ten. in Crimpleftiam: Afiif. in div. com. 29, &c. Ed. 1. n. 129. procuftodia bofci in Hundon vocat. Monkefwood : Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Berton juxta Mildenhal ap- proprianda : Plac. coram rcg. 33 Ed. 1. SufF. n. 56. pro advoc. eccl. de Berton. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28. pro advoc. eccl. de Bradley Parva. Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de eccl. de Crimplefham, Read, Cavenham, Gafely, Honden, Clare, Stoke, et Bures appropriatis huic prioratui alienig. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 29. quod prioratus reputetur pro indigene Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 2' pro collegio faciendo. Efcaet. SufF. 3 Hen. 6' n. 32. de annuo valore preben darum: Clauf. 14 Hen. 6. m. 1. d. pro eccl. de Ber¬ ton [SufF.] Toppesfield et Thaxted [EfFex.J Ibid, m. 11. d. pro domo S. Sepulchri Sudbur. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10. licent. reg. pro perquirendo c /. annui redditus. Efcaet SufF. 19 Ed. 4. n. . XLI. STOKE5, next Neyland. Monastery destroyed. As early as the middle' of the tenth century here was a mona- ftery of fome note, and many good donations thereunto made by earl Alfgar, and afterwards by his two daughters, ^thelfled and kEgelfled ; this being the burial place of that noble family, and perhaps founded by lome of them. Vide teflamenta lEthelfledae et lEgelfledse filiarum com. iElfgari, ex cards Harleyanis evulgata [Saxonice et Latine,] inter notas in Thefauri Lingg. vet. fepten- trionalium Confpedlum Wottonianum, Lond. 1708. 8vo. 9 The towns and places given to this church being nearer to this Stoke than to Stoke next Clare, or any other place of that name, this monaftery ought probably to be fixed here. ■ Earl Alfgar lived “ temporibus Eadmundi regis patns S. Teftamentum comitis Alfgari [Dano-Saxonice,] quod una cum teftamentis prxdidtis filiarum fuarum, mf. extat in regiftro facriftae coenobii Burienfis, haud ita pridem in bibl. R R. P. Joannis Moore epifc. Elienfis, f. 46. a. « Edith se et Theodredi London, epifc.” and the ladies mention it as the fepulchre of their anceftors, which intimates, as ii it had been founded fome years before. XLII. SUDBURY. XLII. S U F FOLK. XLII. SUDBURY. x. College. About the year 970. Aitheric" gave one moiety of Northoo to St. Eadmund’s Bury, and the other moiety to St. Gregory’s in Sudbury. The Religious here are alfo mentioned in the will of Ethelnede in the latter part of this tenth century. Nothing more occurs of this church than of its being only parochial, appropriated to the nuns of Eaton* in Warwickfhire till A. D. 1374- when it was purchafed of them by Simon de Sudbury then bifhop of London, and John de Sudbury his brother, (fons of Nigell Thebaud and Sara his wife) who the next year* pro¬ cured the lame to be made collegiate, and founded, in the place2 where their father’s houfe flood, a goodly college for fix Secular prielts3, of whom one was to be warden or mailer. It was en¬ dowed, 26 Hen, 8. with iz2/b. x8r. 3 d . per ann. furrenderedc 36 Hen. 8. and the fame year granted to Sir Thomas Pafton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 91. pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. fcil. licent. affignandi mefT. et (hopas in paroch. S. Maria; Magdalenae Old Fifh ftreet London prioriffae et monialibus de Nun Eaton, in excambio pro advoc. eccl. S. Gregorii de Sudbury, et pro fun- datione collegii ibidem: Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 17. pro maner. de Balidone et Middleton, et melT. et red- dit. in Pebmerfh, Bulmere, et Henny: Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29 pro maner. de Brandon [Eflex.J Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 62. In Morant’s Eflex, vol. ii. p. 132. of the manor of Bo- vington in Hatfield Peverell : p. 315. of the manor of Balingdon. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 743, &c. an ac¬ count of this college and many perfons buried here. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 99. of the manor and church of Brundon : p. 105. of lands in Bulmer: p. 418. of the manor of Middleton, belonging to this college. hi libro inftitutionum. Sec. temp. Hen. Spenfer epifc. Norvic. mf. in regiftroprincipali epifc. Norvic. f. 338. conventionem inter Simonem epifc. London, et Hen- ricum epifc. Norvic. de erectione eccl. paroch. S. Gregorii de Sudbury in collegiatam, 1 Nov. A. D, 1374. Ibid, ordinationem five eredtionem collegii S. Gregorii de Sudbury audloritate Henrici epife. Norvic. 9 Aug. A. D. 1375. Obligationes cuftodis et canonicorum in quibufdam an¬ nuls penfionibus duarum marcarum epifc. Norvic. et fuccefi'oribus, et quinque folidorum priori et conv. eccl. cath. Norvic. dat. A. D. 1375 et 1381. mlT. in archivis dom. epifc. Norvic. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. licent. perquirend. XL /. annui redditus : Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 32. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 22. pro mefT. in Cornhill, Lon¬ don : Efcaet. SufF. 4 Ric. 2. n. 103. de melT. et terris in Sudbury, Melford, Cornerd Magna et Parva con- cedendis per Simonem archiepifc. Cantuar. et Joan- nem Chertley: Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro terr. in Cornerth Magna et Parva: Ibid. m. 11. pro ten. in Melford, Cavendifh, Sec. in excamb. pro melT. et fhopis in London. . Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. in . 28 vel 29. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. pro melT. et terris in Bul¬ mere. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 42. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 21 m. 4. 2. Benedictine Cell. “ Wulfricus ■* monetarius regis Hen. 2. uti videtur,”, gave the church or chapel of St. Bartholomew near Sudbury to the abbey of Weftminller, whereupon a priory of Benedi&me monks', cell to that abbey, was here fixed, and continued till the dififolution- the poffeffions of which were made part of the endowment of the dean and chapter of Weftminller 34 Hen. 8. r Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 367. pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. licent. perquirendi x. marc. ann. fcil. txxVx. acr. tcrne in Sudbury et Holegate, a Ricardo Roke. Duas compofitiones fuper quibufdam terris glebalibus necnon fuper decimis majoribus et minoribus inter magiftrum Warinum de Fouldon redtorem eccl. S. Gregorii Sudbur. et relig. V V. abbatem et conv. Wellmon. ac fratrem Sim. de Henlegh priorem S. Bartholomei extra Sudbury ratificatas per epifcopum et priorem et capituldm Norwic. A. D. 1323. mf. in regiftro principali dom. epifc. Norwic. Plus viginti cartas originales de terris, tenementis, et redditibus conceffis huic prioratui, penes RR. V V. decanum et capitulum Weftmonaft. Rec. in fcacc. 41 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 5. Rec. in fcacc. 44 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 9. 3- Hospital Arnica countefs of Clare, temp. R. Joan, founded an hofpital in this town to the honor of Jefus Chrift and the bleffed Virgin Mary his mother. This feems to be the fame with the houfe or chapel of the Holy Sepulchre' which the fame lady afterward gave to the monks of Stoke Clare, and which, 5 Ed. 6. was granted to John Cheke efquire. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1004. cartam Amicix filix Will. com. Gloceftr. de conftrudlione et dota- tione hofpitalis apud Sudbury: Cartam ejufd. com. de Clare, de donatione meffuagii S. Sepulchri in Sud¬ bury monachis de Stoke. Clauf. 14 Hen. 6. m. 11. decanus et collegium de Stoke concedunt Roberto Cavendilh et aliis melT. five do- mum S. Sepulchri in Sudbury cum cottagiis et tofto ex utraque parte, &c. 4* Black ® Friers* l he Preachino. or Dominican ftierii trr.it ,n 1. t 1-.: , , time of K. Edward t. by the favor of Baldwin de Shipling or Sterling, faid to° be Sr'foum “ Regiftr. facrift. Eurienfis, mf. f. 50. a. v'Von?1? in Confptdtum Thelauri ling. vet. feptentr. per cl. V. Will. Wottonum, Lond. 1708. 8vo. p. 34. * Of the gift of fome of the earls of Glocefter, to whom this town belonged, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. ' )' ;z ■ 1375- not 1363. as Newcourt, vol. i. p. 10. 2 Weaver. I Three chaplains, See. Leland. Colleift. vol. i. p. 62. b Not 222/. as Weaver. ! Rymer, vol. xv. p. 68. and Weaver; ™ digniffimi Gulielmi Holman. Iti;.^oTvH?.ep. « Gervaft DOr°bern- temp- Ric- *• L^nd. , \ 1:>nds mentioned in the endowment of the thefPmonks? dlfferent from thofe Eranted with St. Sepulchre’s to t So all the records ; not Augufimc. friers, as in Weaver. XLII SUFFOLK. der\ This priory was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Thomas Eden efquire, one of the clerks of the privy council. Vide Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 743, 744. where the burials, and whatever is laid of the Augulline friers, are to be underftood of this houfe. Year Books, 9 Hen. 5. Pafch. n. 1. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Efcaet. Suff. 26 Ed. 3. n. 32. de meff. iv. acr. terra: III. acr. paftur. &c. in Sudbury dandis a Nic, Rither &c. in elargationem manfi: Pat. 26 Ed. 3, p, 2i m 1 pro eifdem. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. de aquasdudlu a Ballingdon- hall ad prioratum. XLIII. GREAT THURLOW. Alien Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. James, temp. Ric. 2. fubordinate to the fo¬ reign holpical of Hautpays or Dc alto paffu. This hofpital or free chapel being of the yearly value of *601. was, among other lands, granted by K. Edward 4. to God’s houfe college in Cambridge. Vide pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. . m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. XLIV. WANGFORD, or Reydon* St. Peter’s CluNiAC Cell. Here was a priory of Cluniac monks k, cell to Thetford, before the year 11601. faid to have been founded by Doudo Afini m, Reward to the king’s houlhold. It was often feifed, during the wars with France, as alien, but was made demfon 17 Ric. 2. It was dedi¬ cated to St! Mary as fome", and as others, to St. Peter and St. Paul0; had yearly revenues, at the iuppreffion, reckoned worth 30/. 91. $d. Dugd. Speed; and was, together with the monaftery of Thetford, granted, 32 Idctt, 8. to Thomas duke ot Norfolk. Here were only a prior and two monks p. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. notatiunculam de fundatore, ex Leland. Colled . vol. i. p. 62. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 85. of poffeffions in Carlton-Rode In Gardiner’s Dunwich, p. 200. of the impropriate rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Riffemere alias Reydon, and of the chapel of Southwold : p. 254. cartas Geralini de Vernun mil. de ecclefia de Reidun: Rtcardi fil. Willelmi de ecclefia S. Petri de Wangford et capella S. Margaretae de Riffemere. Fin. Suff. 33 Hen. 3. n. 69. de meff. et terris in Sto- ven, Shadenfeld, &c. Fin. Suff. 36 Hen. 3. n. 190. de meff. in Henham et curia prioris in Wangford. Efcaet. Suff. 28 Ed. 1. n. 106. Efcaet. Suff. 17 Ed. 2. n. 75. de advoc. prioratus per- tin. ad maner. de Reydon, de quo Audomarus nuper comes Pembroc. fuit feifitus. Pat. Moritonii, 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. cuftodia hujus prioratus commiffa collegio de Windfor : Bund, be¬ lief. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de eccl. de North Hales, Sto- ven. Weft Roidon cum Southwold in proprios ulus. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 14. quod reputetur pro indi- gena. Rec. in fcacc. 11 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 2. XLV. WALTON St. FELIX’, Fylcheftowr, Felixftow’, or Fylftovv’ Benedictine Cell. Roger Bigod the firft*, before the death of K. William Rufus, gave the church of St. Felix here to the monaftery of Rochefter, who quickly fettled therein a cell of their Benediftine monks0, which continued till 10 Sept. 1528 «. when it was fupprelfed, and in h Coll. Joan. Stow mf. This friery (which Weaver confounds with the college) was in being long before the time of Sim. Sud¬ bury and John Chartfey, fcil. temp. R<>- . i Often fo called, becaufe then probably in Reydon ; and Wangford hath grown into a diftinct parifli from it lince that tI™eSo exprefsly in clauf. 1 Ed. 3. Rymer, vol. iv. p. t47- pat. ,, Ed. 1. and Prynne, vol. iii. p. 59°- therefore not Bawd, Sims, as Leland. Colle m oWW, utougn tney leem to have been fuch before the diffolution, viz. about the war 1514. as Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 405. 3 1 Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 263. k Not K. Henry 1. as Reyner. 1 MS. Chronic, de Bermundfey. 1 n ? Sir Thomas or John Pope, Maitland, p. ,,88. Punted alio in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. jj. the It. SURREY. the priors from Mr. Willis. Ill Ncwcourt’s Rcpertorium, vol. i. p. 2.7 2. 274. of the advowfon of the church of S. Andrew’s Holborn: p. 353. of the advowfon of the church of St. George Botolph lane London : p. 396- °f the alternative pre- fentation to the church of St. Magnus London : p. 907, &c. of the manor and patronage of Wideford [Hertf.] Ibid. vol. ii. p. 260. of the portion of tithes at Fifield [Eflex.] p. 222. of Wilhefield’s or Weft- ridge Fields in Dodinghurft: p. 297. of lands in Hal- lingbury Parva : p. 342. of the tithe corn of Ardern hall in Horndon fuper Montem : p. 523- °f the ma¬ nor of Cowyke in Sheering. Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. v. p. 31. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 417. of tithes in Eafington. Ill Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 48. of tithes in Walling- ton : p. 268. of the manor of Benjeho. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 2. of a rent of xj. from a mill at Deptford : p. 9. of the tithes of Hacchelham in Weft Greenwich : p. 34. of the manor of Charl¬ ton : p. 38. of the advowfon of the redtory : p. 45. of tithes in Woolwich : p. 242. of lands in Sutton at Hone : p. 304. of a mill in I arningham : p. 332- the impropriate redtory of Kemfing : p.502. of the impropriate rectory of Cobham : p. 511. of the im¬ propriate redtory of Shorne : p. 514- °f the manor of Eaft Chalk: vol. ii. p. 193. of lands in Padlefworth: p. 200. of the impropriate redtory of Birling. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 170. of tithes in Gar- boldefham; vol. iii. p. 372. of tithes in Bodney, p. 374. in Langford. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 153. of VI /. xmr. I \ d. yearly out of the redtory of Ditton. Chronica de Bermondfey olim in bibl. Deuvefiana, nunc in Harleyana, mf. 231. Apographum in bibl. D. D. ducis Cantii, n. 39. unde excerpfit quamplurima in Mon. Angl. inedita dodtifT. Fr. Thinnus in volumine colledtaneorum fuorum, penes V . cl. Jo. Anftis arm. Similiter cl. Dodfworth. vol. lv. f. 97. et dodtiiT. Waraeus mf. Clarendon 15. f. 49. et R. Holmes, mf. in bibl. Harl. 2044. f. 66. et cl. Petrus Le Neve Norroy. Librum cartarum et munimentorum de omnibus liber- tatibus, ecclefiis, redditibus, penftonibus, portionibus, et de omnibus aliis pofl'eilionibus ad domum S. Salva- toris de Bermundefey juxta London pertinentibus, per fratrem Willielmum de Prefton editum et ordina- tum, A. D. 1363. tempore ven. et relig. viri dom. Joan, de Caroloco tunc didtse domus prioris, ohm penes Rob. Trappis de London, gen. dom. maner. de Bermondfey. _ Excerpta ex hcc libro, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius , A. vin. 14. necnon in mufeo V. cl. Petri Le Neve arm. Norroy: Colledt. per Glover et Brook, ex eodem. Similiter inter colledt. Dodfworth. vol. lxxviii. f. 23, &c. vol. cii. f. 97, &c. Regiftrum olim penes Jo. Selden arm. Colledt. ex cartulario Preftoniano per R. Glover So- merfet donata bibl. coll, armorum Lond. per Hen. Slingfby arm. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 3. fpiritualia et temporaha prioris de Bermondefey : mf. 433. f. . privy feal to the abbat for cc. marks out of the temporalties of Exeter, 2 Ric. 3. mf. 6016. f. 149. excerpta de libro de Bermondefey: mf. 6748. f. 8. cartam R. Hen. 2. Cart, antiq. T. n. 3. R. Hen. 2. de libertat. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 122. Fin. Surr. 34 Hen. 3. n. . pro meff. et terris in Bermondfey et Rotherham: Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro mercat. et feria apud Charleton [Kane.] Plac. coram reg. inter 53 et 5) Hen. 3. rot. . pro maner. de Ledecumb Reois ■ P;ir 56 Hen. 3. n. 27. ° ' Plac. apud Guildford, 7 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de reparatione pontis de Halurdermerlh altercato cum piiore de Mer¬ ton : Plac. in com. Kane. 7 Ed. 1. aflift rot. 57. Fin div. com. 7 Ed. 1. n. 12. de maner. de Chantre ex dono Joan, de Burgo et Alingbury [Eflex.] Walkern [Hertf.] et Porteflade [Suflex.] Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. . de placea vafta in Egware intra foreftam de Windfor concefla priorifiae de Ankerwyk. Plac. in com. Kane. 6 Ed. 2. coron. rot. 4. de libertat. in Charleton : Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Palch. rot. 6. de liber¬ tat. allocandis: Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 6. Pat 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Chelfham cum ca- pella de Warlingham approprianda : Pat. u Ed. 2 p. 1. m. 7. pro maner. de Warlingham: Ibid. m. io". pro maner. de Widesford [Hertf.] Pat. 12 Ed. 2 p. 2. m. 17. pro advoc. eccl. de Croidon perquirenda de archiepifc. Cantuar. pro molendino quodam in Southwerk : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 43. pro maner. de Upton juxta Blebury dimittendo ad firmam : Plac. apud turrim, 14 Ed. 2. quo war. rot. 88. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 25. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 57. pro libertat. et inter alias pro mercat. et feria apud Char¬ leton [Kane.] Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 23. pro maner. de Uptofl [Berkft] Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10. pro eccl. de Bedington: Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel g. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. j. m. . pro dimiflione eccl. de Cobeham monachis Rof- fenf. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 et 8. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 20. pro maner. de Dulwifh: Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. pro maner. de Charleton: Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1 1. pro maner. de Eft Chalk [Kane.] Plac. coram reg. 45 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . quod prior debet reparare pontem de Walworth: In bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. hie prioratus alienigena dicitur habere in proprios ufus ecclefias de Camerwell et Warlingham, cum capella de Chelham, et percipere penfiones in eccl. S. Geor- gii de Southwerk et S. Marite ibidem, et habere ma¬ ner. de Kynewardefton, Prefton, Stone, &c. Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 43. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 39. pro eccl. de Croidon accept, in excambio pro maner. de Whaddon : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro return, brev. in hundred, de Brixton et Wallington: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro ecclefia de Kenfing [Rof- fenf. dicec.] approprianda: Ibid. p. 3. m. 23. de ma¬ ner. de Roderhithe : Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 6. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 15. pro maner. de Kinewardefton, et Prefton juxta Yevele : Inquif. So- merfet. 4 Hen. 4. n. 15 vel 16. pro eifdem : Inquif. Surr. 7 Hen. 4. n. 16. de terris in Rotherith : Plac. coram reg. 12 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 9. Inquif. Somerfet. 5 Hen. 5. n. 9. de maner. de Prefton : Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5. Pafch. rot. 9. de exit. ii. part, villae de Afton juxta Blebury [Berkft] Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 23. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1. de return, brev. in hundred, de Ryfton et Wallington. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 27. de terris Fran- eifei com. Lovell concefT. abbati de Bermundfey : Rot. pari. 28 Hen. 8. n. 2. 2 St. Savior’s Hospital. This was in being not long after the death of arehbifhop Tho- cnas" Becket for Agnes his filter and Theobald his nephew were benefactors to it, as appeals y their deeds ’in the mf. Bermondfey regifter, by William de Prefton. 3. St. Thomas’ Hospit al built, A. D. 1213. adjoining to o. Richard prior of Bermondfey, with the confent of the convent, the walls of his monaftery, an almlhoufe or hofpital for converts o Mr. Stow, &c. confound this with the Overy hofpital of e*. Thomas, which to me appear diftindt houfes, at forne diftance as to their tituation, founded by monafteries of different orders and interefts ; this exempt, and the other in the patronage of the bilhop of Winchefter. and IF. SURREY. and poor boys in honor of St. Thomas of Canterbury. This was under the government of the almoner of the priory, and exempt from all epifcopal jurifdidtion, as that Cluniac priory was. Vide librum de Bermundfey, mf. in anno 1213. III. CHERTSEY, olim Cirotefege, or CeortefeL Benedictine Abbey. About the, year 666p. Erkenwald’, afterward bifhop of London, be¬ gan a monaflery here, which was linifhed and endowed chiefly by the munificence of Frithwakl viceroy or earl oi Surrey under Wolphere king of the Mercians. Beocca the ahbat' and ninety monks having been killed, and the abbey burnt to the ground, during the Danilh wars, it was refounded by K. Edgar and bifhop Ethel wold 5 to the honor of St. Peter. This houfe was of the Benedi&ine order, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 659/. 1 5s. 8d. ob. q. per am. Dugd. 744/. 133'. 6d. ob. Speed. Upon its. furrender, 29 Hen. 8. the king granted it with all its lands to the abbey of Bifham in Berklhire u ; and, after the diflolution of that houfe, the lice of Chertfev was granted 7 Ed. 6. to Sir William Fitz Williams. b Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 75. prologum de funda- tione domus Certefia;, ex regiftro Cotton. P. 76. cartam fundationis per Frithwaldum datam juxta Ful- fingaditch Kal. Mart, cum limitibus terrarum Saxo- nice defcriptis : P. 78. bullam P. Alexandri, confirm, ecclefias, decimas et privilegia quamplurima : Ibid, tom. iii; p, i. p, 21, &e. Reyneri- Apoflol. Benedict, in Anglia, tr. i. p. 64, 65. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 20. 26. 70. vol. ii. p. 246. 278. vol. iii. p. 70. App. ii. p. 284. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 131. de terra ecclefiae de Cher- tefey ex libro ccnfuali vocato- Domefday book : vol. viii. p. 75. vol. ix. p. 51. comment in cygneam can- tionem voce Cervi tnfula. In Madoxii Formulari Anglicano, p. 47. de una hida terrx in Coveham, et una grava vocata Bradele con- ceffis per abbatem et conventum Alexandro de Ba- rentin. In Madoxii Hid. Scacc. p. 339. de fine pro Eggeham et Torp maneriis, 15 Joan. P. 503. de carucagio hominum abbatis, temp. Hen. 3. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 62. cartam abbatia: Certes de militibus fuis fefFatis. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 471. pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 11. confirm, cartam Joannis epifc. W inton. dat. A. D. 1292. recit. bullam P. demen¬ tis 3. pro eccl. de Betham, Ebbefham, Ewell, Wal¬ tham, Horley, Coveham, et Culefden, et capellis de Witefden et Chertfey appropriandis : Ibid. p. 867. return, brev. reg. pro corrodio, 28 Ed. 1. In Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. iii. p. 173. of the abbey: vol. ii. p. 85. of the manor of Coulfdon : vol. iii. p. 150. of the manor and impropriate reftory of Eg- ham: p. 168. of the fame at Thorp: p. 199. of the manor of Chobham. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 735, 736. of the redlory of Stanwell [Middlefex.J and the advowfon of the vicarage, belonging to this houfe. Regidrum hujus.abbatiae in fcacc. reg. apud Wedmo- nad. penes rememoratorem regis. Librum cartarum domus Certefeyse, mf. in bibl. Cot¬ ton. Vitell. A. xiii. 5. Inter mff. Dodfworth. vol. xxxv. f. 10. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. de maner. de Petrifham concefT. dom. regi per abbatem et conv. de Certefey. vol. xc. •f. 88. ex car- tulario de Cartefeia. In bibl. Harleiana, mf, 60. f. 13. Caxationem podeflio- num abbatis in dioc. Lond. mf. 261. f. 107. de fun- datione ecclefiae de Cherteley. Collect:, cl. Fr. Thinni e regidro quodam Certefeiend, mf. penes Jo. Andis arm. Garter , &c. Regidrum abbatiae de Chertfey, mf. penes dom. jof. Jekyll mil. magid. rotulorum, 1724. Regidrum penes pratrtobilem Marchionem de LanfdownS Cart, antiq. D. 7,8, 9. tres R. Ed. Conf. 10, 11. duas Will. Conq. 12. Will. Rufi. 13, 14,15. tres Hen. 1. 16, 17. duas Hen. 2. 18, 19, 20. tres Ricardi 1. 21, 22. duas Joannis regis, de libertatibus S. Petri de Certefia : N. 23. bullam P. Vi&oris. Rotulos quofdam' curiarum maner. ad hunc prioratum pertin. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 179. 183. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 15. o. 118. pro bofcis de Haiwood et Suwoode: Fin, 7 Joan. m. 9. pro maner. de- Ledecumb, Tykefoure, &c. [Berkf.J Cart. 8 Joan. n. 8. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. mf. 9. Plac. coram reg. 23 Hen. 3. rot. 1 7. de reparations pontis de Coveham : Pat. et cart. 27 et 28 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro mercat. yt feria apud Rocham : Fin. Surr. 32 Hen. 3. n. . Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 18. pro feria apud Certefey: Fin. Surr. 35 Hen. 3. n. . Fin. Surr. 40 Hen. 3. n. . Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 13. Plac. in com. Surr. 43 Hen. 3. aflif. rot. . pro kaya abbatis in Glenchiche : Fin. Surr. 45 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Chelteham : Fin. Surr. 56 Hen. 3. n. . Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ld. 1. aflif. rot. 4.' d. pro terris in W adeton : Ibid. rot. 29. d. coron. rot. 7 et 12. Cart. 10 Ed. 1. n. 23. pro mercat. et feria apud Cer¬ tefey: Plac. in com. Berkf. 12 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 40. de libertat. in Waltham : Cart. 13 Ed- I. p. 2. n. 58. pro Ifb. war. in omnibus terris fuis, parcis de Ebbe¬ fham et Coveham, exemptione a foreftariis in maner. de Certefeia, Eggeham, Torp, ct Calham, return, brev. et aliis libertat. Pat. 13 Ed. i. m. 15 vel 16. Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 142. de terris et reddit. in Afh juxta Farnham: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m [bis.] v Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. pro eccl. de Hornele et Eb- ftiam appropriandis: pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. pro mefT. et terris in Chertfey: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. pro mefT. et tejris in 1 horp et Eggeham : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 27. pro terris in Colefden et Sutton. Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 71. de libertat. balfivi abbatis in Godele : Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de compofitione cum reitore de Spaxton: Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. . de excambio terrarum in Horley: Cart. 15 Ed. 3! n, 9. pro libert. in maner. de Godele infra forefiani de Windfor: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. pro maner. de Ebefham et Bento-rave w. Ibid. p. 3. m. 6. pro eccl. de White Waltham "[Berkf.i m. 8. pro man«. de Bretgrave : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 9. pro ten. in Colefden, Warlingham, et Cater- ham: Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. I- m. 17 vel 18. quod abbas r This is the year fixed in the Chertfey regifter, and feems more agreeable to truth than the year 630. wherein Reyner out of Capgrave’s Life of St. Erkenwald would have this abbey founded. I11 Mr. Thynne’s colleftions out of the Chertfey book there is a charter of Frithwald’s, dated as low as A. D. 737. <1 Capgrave makes this Religious perfon, who was firft ahbat here, to be the Ion of Offa king of the Ealt Angies (which king doth not appear in any good hiftorian) and father Crefiy will ha-ve him to be Ion of the famous king Anna, and gravely cites Bede, Hift. lib. i*. cap. vi. for the fame, which doth not there appear. Of the charter of the foundation of this houl'e by K. Egbert, mf. Dodfw. p. io. r Hickefii Diflert. epift. ad Showerum, p. ui. 5 Chronicon Evefham. Leland. Colleit. vol. j " D 1 18 s. Speed, edit. 1631. * u Mon. Angl. tom. iii.' p. i- p. 21. * Or Buttgrave . — t f noit Ill SURREY. hon debct repararc calcctum inter le Huche de Egge- Jiam et villam de Eggeham per fpatium unius leuca; : Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 34. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 27. pro eccl. de Ewell approprianda : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 28. pro mclT. et terris in Sutton, Chabham, et White Waltham. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 33. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 19. de licentia faciendi novum pontem fuper aqua de Rydwind. Clauf. 3 Hen. 5. m. 21. de maner. de Petrilham, et advoc. de Ewell dandis dom. regi : Pat. 3 Hen. 5. IV. coo Hospital. The hofpital of St. Anthony at et 16. to Hardham priory in Suffex, feems to ht Surrey. p. 1. m. 16 et 19. pro eccl. de Stanwell [Middlefex.l accipienda in excambio pro maner. de Weft Bedfont- Pat. 5 Hen. 5. m. 5 vel 8. Clauf. 9 Hen. 5. m. 4 j Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 21. Cart. 1, &c. Hen. 6. n. 21" de hamletto de Horton concedendo Joarmi Merfton" Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Cart. 18 Hen. 6 n. 31. pro feria apud Mont Eldebury in paroch de Certefey: Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 1 , Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m' pro eccl. de Coveham approprianda. Pat. 27 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 1. pro prioratu de Beth Kelcri- [Wall.] K H A M. Cookham, given by pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ir ve been at one of the parifhes of that name in V. CROYDON. Hospital. An old almfhoufe or hofpital mentioned to have been founded here 23 Hen. 6. by Elias Davy citizen and mercer of London. Fide pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. r. m. . Hen. 7. at the end of the great cartulary of the arch- In an amefurement or furvey of the lands in Croidon, bifhoprick, mf. in my ftudy, are feveral pieces of land which paid quit-rents to the archbifhop, made temp. belonging to the almfhoufe in Croydon. VI. GUILDFORD, or Langley prope Guildford. 1. Black Friers. Queen Eleanor wife of K. Henry 3. founded an houfe of Friers preachers here, which king Edward 2. attempted to change into an houfe of feven filters, of the order of St. Dominic ; but it feems not to have taken etfedt. Fide in cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. iii. p. 704 et 734. Rom. 11 Ed. 2. m. 9. et m. 11. literas regis dom. papre pro fororibus ord. Fratrum praedic. intro- ducendis, et pro eccl. de King’s Clere eifdem appro¬ prianda*. In Leland. Colleft. vol. iii. p. 148. de quibufdam m(T. codd. in bibl. conventus. 2. Crouched Friers. Betides the houfe of Preaching friers, Speed faith that here was ano¬ ther houfe of Crouched friers. Quare. VII. HORSLEY. Black Nuns. In the old catalogue of Religious houfes afcribed to Gervafe of Canterbury r, is mention made of a priory of Black nuns at Horllege in Surrey, temp. Ric. 1. vel R.Joan. Librum obitualem hujus conventus, mf. quondam in bibl. R. P. D D. Joannis Moore epifc. Elienf. n. 675. nunc in bibl. publ. Cantab. Cart. 3 Ed. 1. n. 14. pro via includenda: Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ed. I. aftif. rot. 3. pro ten. in Guildford, ex conceit. Joannis Fayrchild. VIII. H O U R N E. CARTHUSIANS. About A. D. 1345. Mary de S. Paul, countefs of Pembrook, had the king’s licence to build and endow an houfe for Carthufian monks here. But it does not appear to have ever been iinifhed. Fide pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. IX. KINGSTON. Hospital. The mailer and brethren of the Bridge at Kinglton are mentioned in the records in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3. Vide fin. Surr. 3 Hen. 3. n. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. 2. Hospital. John Lovekin fifhmonger, who was lord mayor of London A. D. 1348. 1358. 1365 and 1366. built a chapel at Kinglton dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, with an hofpital ad- * Thefe are alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 374> 375* coll* Cant, y Leland. Itin* vol. viii. p. 65. et mf. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. joining. IX. SURREY. joining, for a mailer, two priefts, and certain poor men; and endowed the fame with nine tene¬ ments, ten (hops, one mill, a hundred and twenty-five acres of land, ten acres of meadow, a hundred and twenty acres of pafture, &c. z Vide Stow’s Survey, book i. p. 261. and his. Chronicle Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 24. under A, D. 1366 a. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 483. X. LAMBETH. College. Baldwin archbifhop of Canterbury being obliged to defift building a college for Secular canons at Hakynron near Canterbury, thought he might purfue a defign ot that nature at forty or fifty miles diftance, and accordingly began about A. D. 1191. to found a fine chapel here (which he intended to make collegiate, and endow for the maintenance of feveral canons or preben¬ daries) to the honor of his pred'ecelTor St. Thomas the martyr, which his fuccefior archbifhop Hu¬ bert carried on ; but when k was jull finifhed, A. D. 1 199 b. he was forced to pull it down to the ground by the papal bulls, which had been obtained at the ftrong inftance of the monks of Chrift Church Canterbury, who were jealous of this new foundation for Seculars fo near the archiepifcopal palace. This caufed great difference between the archbifhop and thofe monks; which being put to reference, the arbitrators, A.'D. 1202. awarded that the archbifhop might here at Lambeth, any where but on the foundation of the former chapel, build an ordinary church, and place therein not lefs than thirteen, nor more than twenty Premonftratenfian canons, and endow the fame with 100/. j per ann. But this laft propofal doth not appear to have taken effedt. Vide in Decern fcript. Hift. Angl. Twifdenianis, col. 705. 708. 1275. 1564. 1592, &c. 1623. 1680, 1681. Ibid. col. 1593- bulkm P. Celeftini injungentis, ne quis clc icus in capelLa de Lamheth miniftret, 17 Kal. lun. pontif. 2. Col. 1598. articulos in quos jurabunt canonici de Lambeth ad pacem firmandam inter eos et priorem et conv. Cantuar. Col. 1599. monacho- rum refponfum eifdem articulis : Col. 1602. bullam P. Innocentii 3. conftruftionem capellre et inftitutio- nem canonicorum inhibentis, 8 Id. Maii, por)t. 1. Col. 1604. prohibitionem regis Richardi monachis Cantuar. ne impediant opus Lambethanum, 14 Jun. Col. 1607. literas cardinalis S. Calixti archiepifc. ut defiftat a conftruftione canonic Lambeth : P. Inno¬ centii 3. dom regi de eadem materia Non. Mart. Cardinalis S. Clementis regi Ricardo: Col. 1608. Dreve regis monachis Cantuar. ut controverfiam quin- que epifcopis et quinque abbatibus arbitris relinquant: Col. 1609. refponfum monachorum: Col. 1610. lite¬ ras fuffraganeorum Cantuarienfis ecclefla: ad papam pro archiepifc. Col. 1612. literas abbatum ord. Ci- XI. L I N G F I E L D. College. A collegiate church of a provoft, chaplains and clerks', founded in the begin¬ ning of the reign of K. Henry 6, by Reginald lord Cobhamd, and dedicated to St. Peter c.° It was valued at 75/. yw ann. clan. 79/. 1 5 s. 10 d. ob. in toto‘-, and granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Thomas Cawarden. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 60. the manor of Hodleigh in Lamberhurft. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 387. of a mefluage and lands Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. iii. p. 65. in Wefterham : p. 393. of lands in Eaton-bridge : Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28 p. 400. of a meffuage in Cowden : vol. ii. p. 377. of pro maner. de Henfted, Billyherll, &c. ftert. ad papam pro archiepifc. Col. 1616, &c. literas tres P. Innocentii Huberto archiepifc. epifcopis fuf- fraganeis et regi Joanni, dat. 12 Kal. Dec. pont. 1. mandantes dellruftionem capellre' de Lambeth et dif- folutionem canonicorum. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 264. vol. ii. p. 210. 336. ejufdem Itin. vol. viii. p. 83. In Annalibus Winton. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. j>. 305. arbj- tramentum fadtum inter archiepifcopum et conventum Cantuarienfem per epifcopum Elienfem abbatem S. Edmundi et decanum Lincoln. A. D. 1202. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 306, &c. quatuor bullas papae Gregorii de hoc collegio. Opus tripartitum, exhibens univerfas literas bullatas, aliafque epiftoias ac refcripta undique tranfmiflas, occafione litis exortse inter Baldwinum archiepifco¬ pum ejufque fucceflorem Hubertum ex una parte, et priorem et conventum Cantuar. ex altera, e codice Lambethiano defcriptum, mf. in bibl. Harleiana 788. XII. M E A U D O N, or Maldon. College. Walter of Merton clerk, fome time lord chancellor of England and afterward bilhop of Rochefter, about the year 1263. before one of the barons wars, founded a college here for three priefts and twenty fcholars, and endowed the fame with his manors of Maudon and Far- leigh. And as foon as peace was fettled, he founded, A. D. 1267. an houfe in Oxford, whither fome of the fcholars were from time to time to refort for the advancement of their ftudies. But within few years the whole fociety was removed to Oxford, which gave occafion for perfeftin® the buildings, and better endowing of Merton college there. x PofTibly Lovekin or Lofkin might rebuild and endow the old hofpital, and not build a new one in a different place. As the a6 Ed. 3. anfwers to A. D. 1351. perhaps pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. may relate to Lovekin’s building. 4 lie there mentions it, but doth not fix the foundation to that year. b Matth. Paris in anno. c c Rymer, vol. xv. p. 66. d Dugd. Baron, tom. ii. p.- 69. c MS. in offic. Primit. 1 XII. SURREY. Pick Hift. et Antiq. Acad. Oxon. lib. ii. p. 85. Cartam originalem fundationis dat. Apr. A. D. 1264. et alias cartas coll, de Maldon fpeftantes penes cufto- dem et focios coll. Mertonenfis, Oxon. In rotulis Oliv. Sutton epifc. Lincoln, in regiftro Lin¬ coln. appropriationes ecclefiarum S. Petri in oriente, et S. Joannis Baptiffoe Oxon. domui fcholarium de Merton apud Maldon, Id. Sept. A. D. 1266. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 97. appropriationem eccl. paroch. de Elham [dicec. Cantuar.] per Bonifacium archiepii’c. ad rele- vamen paupertatis et augmentum numeri fcholarium de Merton apud Mcudon, dat. 12 Kal. Maii A Pi 1268. ’ ' Cart. 48 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. div. com. 51 Hen. 9. n. ii. pro duabus carucatis terrae in Ledrede : Fin Warwic. 51 Hen. 3. Hill. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Wolford: Pat. 51 Hen. 3. n. 28. Cart. 55 Hen. 9. m. 11. pro appropriatione eccl. de Stratton fdirV,-' Sarifb. ] fcholaribus de Maldon. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 49. rex confirm, fcholaribus et fra- tribus domus de Merton apud Maldon in Surry ad¬ voc. eccl. S. Petri in oriente Oxon. XIII. MERTON. Austin Canons. Some canons Regular, of the order of St. Auflin, began, A. D. ni7r. t0 fettle here under the patronage and by the bounty of Gilbert Norman5 fheriff of Surrey, at whofe requeft king Henry 1. A. D. 1121. bellowed the whole town on thofe Religious, who erefted here a fine church and priory to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary. The yearly revenues of this houfe were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 95 7/. 19 s. $d. ob. per ann. Dugd. 1039/. 5?. 3^. Speed. The fite was granted, 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. toward the endowment of the then new eredled monaftery at Shene. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 135. cart, antiq. U. n. 5. fcil. Hen. 1. de fundatione, A. D. 1121. Notu- las quafdam de fundatore et benefactoribus, ex Le- land. Collett, vol. i. Year Books, 46 Ed. 3. Pafch. 17. 3 Ed. 4. Mich. 17. 18 Ed. 4. Hill. 2. 19 Ed. 4. Mich. 7. 13. Hill. 8. 20 Ed. 4. Hill. 5. 21 Ed. 4. Pafch. 8. Mich. 32. 22 Ed. 4. Pafch. 6. 38. 2 Ric. 3. Mich. 10. 47. All thefe pleadings (fome of which are long) are concern¬ ing v. marks and vj. yearly payable for lands in Salt- houfe and Kelling [Norf.] by the prior of Binham (^here fometimes mifprinted Rurham, Begham , and Bingham ] to the prior of Merton purfuant to a fine levied between them, 39 Hen. 3. See alfo concerning the fame, Plowden’s Reports, 6 Ed. 6. Browning vers Bejion, f. 136. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 70. de fundatione, praecipuis benefactoribus et ecclefiis impropriatis. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 620. cartam prioris et con¬ venes de manumiffione Willelmi Eylward. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 40. taxationem fpiri- tualium et temporalium prioris in diocefi Cantuar. In Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 636. of the impro¬ priate reitory of Midfomer Norton, and a penfion of iv. marks from the parfonage of Mertock. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 367. bond to perform covenarits made with the king 10 March, 27 Hen. 8. In ejufd. Hill. ScaCc. p. 73. de villa de Tappelaw [Buckingh.] quam Will, de Turvill quiet, clam, priori et conv. 8 Ric. 1. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1008. pat. 31 Ed. I. m. 33 vel 34. pro xxx/. de firma prioris de Bemwell pro maner. de Ceftreton et xxxii/. de reddit. affif. in London, concelf. pro vin. annis pri¬ ori et conv. de Merton pro indempnitate propter folu- tionem D /. de pecunia concelTa in fubfidium Terrae In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 593. appropriatio¬ nem ecclefiae de Ryarlhe et ordinationem vicariae. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 839. of the ad- vowfon of the reftory of Hunfdon [Hertf.] p. 890. of the vicarage of Stanfted Abbot [Hertf.] Ibid. vol. ii. p. 61 1. of the reftory of Twinfted [Elfex.] In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 117. of xr. yearly out of the redlory of Bindon : p. 133. of the impro¬ priate re&ory and advowfon of the vicarage of Comb- Kaines: p. 143- of the fame at Eaft-Lulworth : p. 466. of lands in Winterborn St. Martin. In Morant’s Efiex, vol. ii. p. 272. of the advowfon of the re£tory of Lammarfh. In Chauncy’s Hertfordfhire, p. 284. of the manor of Thele. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 205. of the impropriate refiory of Ryarlh : p. 462. of lands in Harrietfham. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 326. of the advowfon of the re£tory of Matlafk and tithes there : p, 334. of the fame in Plumfted : p. 1568. of tithes in Maltby. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 508. of the impropriate reiStory and advowfon of the vicarage of Flore. The names of moil of the priors, in Willis’ Hiflory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 231, 232. Appropriationem eccl. de Burn S. Patricii [dioec. Can¬ tuar.] per Bonifacium archiepifc. priori et conventui de Merton, A. D. 1258. in cartulario archiepifcopa¬ tus, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodlworth. vol. xxv. f. 121. cartam R. Ric. 1. concedentis alfarta Ewell-Mulefall in Grapelingham. Surveys of the manors of Eaft Mulfey alias Mulfey- Priors, and of Weft-Mulfey alias Mulfey Matham in Sufrey, mf. in bibl. Harleiana 779. In eadem bibl. mf. 60. f. 9. temporalia prioris de Mer¬ ton in diocefi Lond. mf. 2044. f. 84. colledtanea ex cartulario in bibl. Cotton, mf. 2223. f. 238. de fun¬ datione hujus prioratus: mf. 6748. f. 12. cartas RR. Hen. 1 et Hen. 2. Regiftrum conv. B. Maris de Merton in com. Surr. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Cleop. C. vii. 20. Chronica ab anno 1216 ad 1432. et partem regiftri car- tarum, fcil. ab anno 1387 ad 1397. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Laud, E. 54. CollcfE cl. Dodfworth. ex car¬ tulario prioratus de Merton in bibl. Cotton, vol. Iv. f. 120. Excerpta ex chronico de Merton, mf. James, 17 p. 63. Ex libro de Merton, mf. James, 24. p. 107. in eadem bibl. Bodl. Fragmentum hiftoriae fundationis abbatise de Merton in com. Surry, mf. in bibl. offic. Armorum Lon¬ don, xxviii. Extradls from the regifter, mf. ibid. XXIII. Munimenta penes praepofitum et focios collegii regalis de Eton juxta Windfor, pyxide 31. de terris, &c. in Bullok’s Lokk, Michel, &c. [Buckingh.] Cart, antiq. C. n. 26. fcil. Ric. 1. de libertat. L. n. 21. foil. 37 Hen. 3. pro domibus magiftri Nic. de S. Al- bano in Staning lane : R. n. 7. fcil. Hen. 2. de liber- tatibus : T. n. 40. fcil. Hen. 2. de aflartis : U. n. 6. fcil. Hen. 2. de terra de Ewell. Fin. Buckingh. 8 Ric. 1. n. . de villa de Tappelaw : Fin. Buckingh. 9 Ric. 1. n. . de crofta de Somelet- f MS; chron. Barth. Cotton. Matth. Paris in anno, et Matth. Vv’euin. in anno 1117. Ibid. A. D. 1125. obiit Gilbertus fun- dator de Merton. 1 Lelund. Collect, vol. 1. p. 70. He was not “ earl of Surrey, Huntingdon and Cambridge,” as Stow, who places the firft ■einnine of this priory in the year 1092. Chronicle, in the year 1117. more XIII. s u more in villa de Pcnne: Fin. Buckingh. io Ric. i. n. 45. de ead. crofta et terris in Hegrave et Faleifia. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. n. 57. pro’excambio cum priore S. Fromundi, de eccleliis, 8tc. apud Stanford, Bondeby, &c. [Lincoln.] Plac. in com. Cantab. 4 Joan. rot. 5. d. pro advoc. eccl. de Barton: Fin. Buckingh. 4 Joan, n. 93. pro virgata terra in Horton: Cart. 5 Joan, m. 25. n. 232. pro bofeo in Heyftmll vocat. le Gar- Jion Regis: Fin Buckingh. 5 Joan. n. 92. de terris in Winchindon: Fin. 7 Joan. m. 9. pro advoc. eccl. de Maldon : Cart. 7 Joan. m. 11. n. 91. Plac. apud Weftm. 13 Joan. Hill. rot. 15. de terris et bofeis in Occhcle. fin. Surr. 3 Hen. 3. n. . pro terris in Peenes : Clauf. Hen. 3. m. 11. pro paftur. in forefta de Windfor: lac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 13. Fin. Buck- ingh. 13 Hen. 3. n. 84. pro ii. feodis militum in Tappelaw: Cart. 13 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 103. Fin. Buckingh. 27 Hen. 3. n. 32. pro advoc. eccl. de Eyton : Plac. de banco 27 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 2. pro pifearia in aqua de Thames a Brainford ad Mortlake : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 11. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Merton, Ewell, Kingfwood, Grapelyngham, Berefwell, Hertingdon, Heverichelh, Fetcham, Mi- cham [Surr.] Tapplaw, Wexham [Buckingh.] Ibid, m. 17. pro confirm, libertatum : Pat. 37 Hen. 3. m. 29. pro talliagio dom. in London : Fin. North- amt. 44 Hen. 3. n. . de meff. in Flore : Pat. 44 Hen. 3. m. . Fin. Surr. 45 Hen. 3. n. . pro medietat. molendini in Micham : Fin. div. com. 52 Hen. 3. n. 18. de x/. terrarum in Worthy, terris in Caning- ton [Devon.] advoc. prioratus de Tregoney [Corn.] et aliis quae abbas de Valle tenuit in Anglia : Fin. Surr. 53 Hen. 3. n. . Fin. Surr. 57 Hen. 3. n. . Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 7. d. et tn. 17. d. m. 23. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 20. Plac. apud Hertford. 6 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 3 et 20. Brev. reg. 6 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. 1. allocat. liberta¬ tum in com. Oxon. Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 2. de advoc. eccl. de Long Ditton : Ibid, rot. 8. 26. 31. d. coron. rot. 1. de reparatione pontis de Hafurdermerfh ; et rot. 2. d. Plac. in com. Kane. 7 Ed. 1 . rot. 55. pro libertat. pertin. eccl. de Patrike- Iburn altercatis cum priore de Bermondfey : Plac. in R R E Y. com. Berkf. 12 Ed. 1. alfif. rot. 20 ef 40. d. Plac. in com. Hunting. 14 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 5. allocat. libertat. in Alkmonbury : Itin. 16 Ed. 1. rot. 6. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . de bofeo in paroch. de Ewell inclu- dendo : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Kane. 21 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 25. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. i. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. I. in. 2. pro melT. in Southwerk: Ibid, p. 2. m. 4. pro eccl. de Codington approprianda : Cart. 3 Ed. 2. n. 5. Plac. in com. Kane. 6 Ed. 2. coron. rot. 3. pro libertat. in Patrikefburn : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. de excamb. terrarum in Tiver- ington cum redtore ibidem : Plac. apud turrim, 14 Ed. 2. de libertat. in London. Plac. apud Bedford. 4 Ed. 3. quo war. tot. 15. pro li¬ bertat. in Mepertfhale; Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 44. Cart. 14 Ed. 3. n. iS. pro pifearia de Brainford, &c. Plac. coram reg. 18 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 32. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. et p. 3. m. 2. Efcaet. Southamt. 34 Ed. 3. n. 5. de maner. de Holelhute : Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. pro maner. de Wimbledon : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. р. 1. m. 32. pro ten. in Micham, Beddington, Wal¬ ton, Kerflialton, &c. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21. pro ten. in Kingfton, Dit¬ ton, Maldon, Chiffington, &c. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 33. pro ten. in Mickleham, Darking, Polfden, &c. Pat. it Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 21. et p. 2. m. 5* pro maner. de Patricklborn pertin. pri- oratui de Belloloco in Normannia : Ibid. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5* Pafch. rot. 6. pro terra in Micham: Pat. 10 Hen. 5. m. . Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 20 vel 21. Cart. 1 Hen. 6. n. 7. pro cuftodia prioratus tempore vacationum: Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 24. pro maner. de Comb : Pat. 3 Hen: 6. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. pro prioratu de Cardi¬ gan annedtendo : Ibid. p. 2. m. 10. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 16. pro exoneratione firmae de с. fol. pro maner. de Patrikefborn : Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 31. Cart. 8 Ed. 4. n. 6. Rot. parliam. 27 Hen. 8. n. 26. XIV. NEWINGTON. Hospital. The hofpital of Our Lady and St. Katharine here continued till Feb. 1941 when their proctor William Cleybroke had a protection or licence to beg. Vide Strype’s Eccl. Mem. temp. Ed. 6. p. 516. XV. O X E N F O R D. « NunNerv. “ At Willey was a nunnery, where the i npropriation is, called Oxen/ord, which belonged to Waverley abbey. Aubrey’s Surrey* vol. iv. p. 39. XVI. R E Y G A T E. Austin Canons Here was a Religious houfe dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the Holv Crofs, in fome records called an hofpital \ and the head ftiled warden \ but for the moft oarr reckoned as a fmall monaftery confiding of a prior and fome few Regular canons h One of the William de Warrens earls of Surrey was the original founder \ Before the dilution it was va! !ued at 66/. per arm. as Leland, at 68/. 1 6s 8 d. dare , as Dugd. and 77/. 14 nd oh m excllanoe' ^ ^ 78 A l6j' 8 d' as Speed * and was Sranted> 33 Hen. 8. to William lordHoward Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 346. pat. io Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. confirm, relaxationis xixr. I yd. redditus e tenementis in Reyate, &c. fadlam per Joannem de Warren com. Surr. 8 Ed. 2. Lelandi ColleiSt. vol. i, p. 90. h h Pat. 1 Ed. 1. 1 So Mon. Angl. and Leland ; and in the Wmchefter regifters this houfe is called “ Prioratus ordinis S. Auguftini. But they faid to have been Crouched friers p by Speed j as alfo by Rey- InBlomfidd’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 1342. of pofTeffioni in Felthorp. Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. iv. p. igr. Year dook, 4 Hen. 4. Mich. 2. de penfione ex eccl. de Darking folvenda priori de Lewes. ner, who makes this houfe to have been founded about A. D. 1245. but it was probably earlier. o„ki*f‘aad- Colledt. vol. i. p. 9o. And John Harm earl of Surrey was patron, A. D. 1338. as reg. Winton. -Uu Pat. XVI. SURREY fat. 20 Ed. I. m. 3. d. pro cuftodc hofpitalis S. Crucis de Reygate. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. de mefT. et terris in Horle et Burftow : Ibid. m. 34. pro eccl. de Darking approprianda : Pat. ig Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. de Michelham : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. Ef- caet. Surr. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. n. 46. XVII. RICHMOND. Observant Friers. A convent was built here near the royal palace for Obfervant friers by R. Henry 7. about the year 1499. Vide coiled!. Anglo-minorit. p. i. p. 21 1. p. ii. p. 39. from S. Clara. XVIII. S A N D O N. Hospital. Here’ Was an hofpital or priory founded by Robert de Watervill™ in the begin- ning of the reign of K. Henry 2. dedicated to the Holy Spirit". It was augmented, temp. Hen. 3. with twenty marks rent from the abbat of Salley, and lands in Foffeton, &c. by William de Perci, for the maintenance of fix chaplains; however, before 14 Hen. 6. it was reduced to fuch as not to be able to fupport itfelf, and thereupon Southwark. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 441- cartam Will. fil. et hxredis Henrici de Percy, de terris et reddit. con- cefT. magiftro et fratribus hujus hofpitalis ad fuftenta- tionem lex capellanorum : P. 442. conventionem in¬ ter D. Wym. de Ralegh et priorem hujus domus pro lampade et cerea coram altare B. Mariae, ubi cor Will, de Perci et corpus Joannae uxoris ejus requief- cunt, imperpetuum ardentibus : Licent. reg. Hen. 6. pro unione holp. S. Spintns de Sandon hofpitali S. Thomae Mart, in Southwerk, ex pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 4. . In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 104. de feptem virgatis terrx et duodecima parte feodi militis in Fofton XIX. S I it was united to the holpital of St. Thomas in [Leiceftr.] ad prioraturh de Sandon pertinentibus. Fin. Surr. 13 Hen. 3. n. . pro cc. acris bofci in Bru- ningfeld, Witheresfeld, &c. Fin. Surr. 25 Hen. 3. n. . pro I. carucat. terrae in ChilTendonetTaleworth: Ibid. n. . pro xlj. ann. reddit. in Otteworth etChele- worth : Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro xx. marc, red¬ dit. exeunte de maner. de Gilburn : Fin. Surr. 34 Hen. 3. n. . pro terris in Wefton et Walton. Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 23. pro mefT. in Kingfton : Plac. in com. Leyccftr. 12 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 11. pro melT. et terris in Fofton. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 8. de maner. de Sandon. E N E. 1. Carthusian Priory. The houfe of Jefus of Bethleem of or near Sliene" was begun by K Henry 5. A. D. 1414 p. and endowed by him for forty y Carthufian monks. The yearly reve¬ nues of this priory were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 777/. 123. o d. ob. Dugd. 962/. us. 6d. Speed. The fite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Edward earl of Hertford. CF Mary replaced the convent here, but it continued fcarce one year before it was diffolved. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 973. ex hift. Thoms: Walfingham in anno 1414. Pi 974- cart- 3 et 4 Hen. 5. m. 8. fcil. fundationis et dotationis de pno- ratibus alienigenis de Ware, Noion et Newmarket, Lewelham, Hailing, Carilbrook, et Hinkely, fewera in Thamifia vocat. Petirfam-were iv. pipis vini rubei in portu London annuatiril, mercat. die Martis et duabus feriis, et aliis libertat. in maner. de Eft Hen- reth [Berkf.] r . In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffcnfe, p. 472. compofitio- nem inter priorem et conventum de Shene et vica- rium de Lewilham de decimis. Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 90. . . In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 282. de fundatione hujus prioratus : p. 298. dimenfiones clauftri et ecclefiae. Raftal’s Entries tit. A nnuite vers corps politike, § 5. de reddit. vill. marc. ann. ratione prioratus de Warham detent, per decanum de Wimbornminfter, Year Books, 22 Ed. 4. Hill. 6. de annuitate e maner. de Sale, ratione prioratus de Ware. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 900, 901. 903. of the priory of Ware, and the advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Ware granted to this houfe. In Aftimole’s Berklhire, vol. ii. p. 307. of the manor of Eaft Hendred. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 17. of vu /. VI x. vill d. yearly out of the manor of Wareham : p. 29. of two watermills and a marfh there: p. 29. 31, 32. 37. of the advowfon of the redlories of St. Martin, St. Michael, St. Peter and St. John in Wareham: p. 78. of lands in Blandford-forum : p. 154. of tithes in Beftwall : p. 210. of a moiety of the manor of North Eglefton. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 331. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Chedworth : p. 615. of tithes in Queinton : p. 775. of the impro¬ priate rectory of Tiddenham. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 164. of Weftwood in Bexley. > Juxta Kingfton. Reg. priorat. S. Trinit. Anftis. $uxre. Whether not in the pariih of Efhere, where Sandon chapel was granted to John earl of Mar, pat. I Jac. I. m MS. Collett, magiftri Stow, where it is faid, temp. Hen. I. ml 2. But probably it was the fame Robert de Watervil who joined with his father in giving Worlington to the monks of Bermondfey. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 640. But in pat. 14 Hen. 6. it is faid to be “ ex fundatione predeceflorum epifc. Winton. “ et de patronatu epifcopi." , r So in the Monafticon, and feveral records. But Stow laitn it was dedicated to St. Mary and AH Saints. And Mr. John Le Neve (Faft. p. 1 si.) mentions the mafter of the hofpital ot St. Mars Magdalene at Sandon in the diocefe of Winchelter. It is called fo Ekewife in the Winchefter rcgifter, A. £>. 1318. And in Prynne’s Records, vol. ii. p. 862. there is, clauf. 40 Hen. 3. m. 5. dorfo, “ De non exigendo decimam a magiftro et fratribus “ hofpitalis S. Marias Magdalena: de Saundon.” And pat. j Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . 6 Sept. “ Rex dedit Joanni Alrington cufto- « diam hofpitalis beats Maris Magdalens de Sandon. Winton. “ dioc.” ® It was incorporated by this name. P Tho. Walfingham in anno. q Rymer, vol. ix. p. 290. In teft. R. Hen. y. “ Item, legamus “ religofs domui noftrs Cartufienfium prope civit. London, m. “ marcas ad conftrinftionem majoris domus fus, quam lumci- <1 enter dotavimus pro fuftentatione xl. monachorum, quem « ibidem numerum yolumus in pcrpetuum haberi.” Aubrey’s XIX, R R E V. S U Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. v. p. 239. In Nafh’s Worcefterfliire, vol. i. p. 13. of the advowfon of the reftory of Aka. In Rymcri Conventionum, Sic. vol. xiv. p. 407. clauf. 22 Hen. 8. m. 13. d. quo mailer, de Lewifham et Eft Grenwich concefla funt dom. regi. In libro memorand. Thomas Rotheram epifc. Lincoln, f. 14. compofitionem de decimis in parochia de Mid¬ dleton Conduit (...) domui de Shene fpcftantibus. Rentale prioratus de Shene, 24 Hen. 8. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Julius , C. ii. 16. Inter m(T. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lxxviii. f. 41. de prioratu de Shene. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. I. n. 3. Cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 5. n. 14. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 1. pro eccl. de Fulham ap- proprianda. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 2. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 20 vel 2t. Ibid. p. 4. m. 27. Pat. 6 Hen. (>■ p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. II Hen. 6. p. 1. m. -22. Fat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 24. . Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 18. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 4. 1 rin. rot. 29. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 49. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 16. pro aquxduftu faciendo a fonte vocat. HilUfdcmuell in Shene ad ccenobium : Pat. 19 Ed. 4. p. . m. 25. Rec. in fcacc. 22 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 3- Pro me “• terris in Eft Henrith vel Eaft Hanny [Berkl.J Rot. aft. pari. 23 Hen. 8. n. 6. pro excambio cerrarum . Bill. iign. 23 et 24 Hen. 8. [23 Dec.] pro monafterlo de Bradwell [Buckingh.] Sic. in conlideratione ma- ner. de Lewefham et Eft Grenwich. Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 4. m. . [14 Nov.] pro ma¬ iler. de Bocking in Eft Merfy [Eflex.] Staines [Mid- dlefex.] Merton, Perford, Efthorl'ely, &c. [Surr.] 2. White Friers. K. Edward 2. fixed for fome time here a convent of twenty-four Caime- lite friers, and allowed them one hundred and twenty marks yearly out of his exchequer tor their maintenance. 'Vide pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 12. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 37 vel 38. XX. SOUTHWARK. 1 St. Mary Overy, Austin Canons. “ Here was of old time, long before the Con- “ queft, "an houfe of filters, founded by a maiden named Mary, and endowed by her with the pro- “ fits of a ferry crofs the Thames. This houfe of fillers was after converted by Swithen, a noble “ lady, into a college of priefts, who in the place of the ferry builded a bridge of timber, and from “ time to time kept the fame in good reparation •, but the fame bridge was at laft built of done ; « and then, in the year 1106. was this church again founded for canons Regular, by William “ Pont de le Arche and William Dauncy knts. Normans.” Thus Mr. Stow'. Others lay that this priory was that lad mentioned year' founded by William Giffard bifhop of Wincheder. Ic was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 624/. 6s. 6d. per ann. Dugd. 656/. ior. o d. ob. Speed; and the fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Anthony Brown; the monadery church, by the name of St. Savior’s, being made the parilh church for the paddies of St. Margaret’s, and St. Mary Magdalene South¬ wark, united by aft: of parliament 32 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 84. notulam de funda- de fundatione et praecipuis benefaftoribus : vol. iii. tione e mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Oxon. P. 85. cartas p. 73. Reginaldi de Warren, pro eccl. de Plumbeton; Wil- In Libro Nigro Scaccarn, p. 419. de terns in com. lelmi de Warren, pro lx. acris in Fortifcrea diftis Lincoln. IVadeland ; Beatricis uxoris ejufd. Will, pro eifdem ; In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 97. an account of Tirelli de Maniers, pro eccl. de Beneftede ; Nigelli this priory and its priors from Stow and Willis, de Moubray, pro eadem ; Mabili® uxoris difti Ni- In Thorpe’s Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 455. appropriatio- gelli, pro i. virgata tense in Beneftede; Stephani nem eccleliae de Rylebroke . p. 657* recognitionem regis pro decima°firm® de Sudwerc; Hamelini com. prioris et conventus B. Mari® de Suwerk advocatio- Warren et Ifabells comitifl®, pro ecclefiis de Cre- nem ecclefise de Swanfcomb effe jus Warini de Monte chesfeld, Bechefwurd, et Leghe : P. 86. cartas Will. Canifio, falvis difto priori et fuccefforibus ejus v. epifc. Winton. confirm, donationerri eccl. S. Egidii rharcis annuis ex eadem. de Stoke; Stephani regis, pro domo lapidea in Dove- In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1045. a letter •rate : Jo’annis regis, confirm, donationem eccl. de from the prior and convent to the king, praying to be Ketebrok per Ceciliam com. Hereford [anno 8.] excufed granting a corrody to Will. Fifher, 32 Ed. 1. Ibid. p. 940. cartam Ricardi epifc. Wintonienfis con- In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 233. the names firm, ecclefias de Benftede, Wudemareftorn, Berghes, of the priors. Totings, Edintone, S. Margaret® de Sudwerc et de In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 49. cartam H. com. Surr. Newithgate. de capella de Niudegat: p. 219. breve et finalem Stow’s Survey of London [edit. Strype] book iv. ch. i. concordiam I Joan, de terris in Bedfted: p. 220. fin. p 8 9, Sac. concord. 4 Joan, de prato in Tadelaw; et breve pro Lelandi Colleft. vol.'l. p. 90. 106. notulas hiftoricas prato in Wardeftow [Cantab.] 1 Survey of London, book iv. chap. i. (and from him Reyner, trad. i. p. 158.) which inuft depend upon the credit of that good old antiquary ; nothing having occurred yet to me in any book printed or mf. to fupport it. There is indeed in Mon. Angl. tom. li. p. 86. a. K. Stephen’s grant of the ftone houfe in Dougate, which was William de Pontearch s, to the prior and canons. In the Domefday Book : « Stidrie. Terra epifc. Baio- “ cenfts. Ipfe epifcopus habet in Sudwerche unum monafte- <( rium; et unum aquas fluitum rex E. tenebat die qua mortuus « fuit ; qui ecclefiam habebat, de rege tenebat. Epifc. dedit “ ecclefiam primum Adeloldo, deinde Radulfo, pro excambio “ unius domus.” C.al. xv. Script. Hift. Anglic, p. 762, 763. If mcniajlerium here denotes any thing more than an ordinary church', it may be thought to mean this Religious houfe, there being no pretence for any other in this borough to claim to be as old as the Confelfor’s time, or indeed as the making of the Domefday Book A. D. 1083. • In this year Matth. Weftminfter takes notice that canons Regular, who at that time were but newly come into England, were placed in this church; and the Hiltoria major Winton. adds (Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 276.) by bifhop Giffard, which is not confident with what is laid there two pages before, that this bifhop abode in exile beyond fea till the return of archbi- fhop Anfeim, which was riot till the year 1107. And whether this bifhop was at any other time founder, there is reafon to doubt, no deed to that effedt having yet appeared, no hint of it in his confirmation of the church of Stoke to this priory, nor in the annals of Waverly abbey, that kind of chronicles not be¬ ing ufually filent in an ait fo much to the honor of their foun¬ der. But however this be, certainly that is a miftake in the Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 84. of this bifhop’ s placing Secular canons here. Perhaps Mr. Stow is right in making this bifhop Giffard a good benefaftor, and afcribing the building the body of the church to him. In XX. SURREY. in Ncwcourt’s Repertorium, vo!. i. p. 303, 304. of the patronage of St. Bennet’s Sherehog, London: p. 430, 431. of the patronage of S. Mary Abchurch : p. 498, 499. of St. Mildred Bread ftreet : p. 500, 501, 502. of St. Mildred Poultry : p. 555, 556. of the church of Trinity the Lefs London, belonging to this houfe. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 98. of tithes in Thel- ton and the advowfon of the reftory: vol. iv. p. 1 175. of tithes in Bergh and the advowfon of the reftory anciently : p. 1201. of thb fame in Hockering. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 40. of lands in Kedbrooke and of the impropriated redlory: p. 148. of lands in Foot’s-cray and the advowfon of the reftory: p. 183. of the hermitage at Plumfted : p. 265. of a penfion of v. marks out of the church of Swanfcomb. In Aubrey’s Surrey, vol. v. p. 164. of this priory: vol. ii. p. 96. of the impropriate church of Banded. Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 77. of a chantry for the lady Lucy Holand. Year Books, 5 Ed. 3. Trim § 34. 16 Ed. 4. Mich. $ 1. 21 Ed. 4. Hill. § 10. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Covenant a edifier , de domo in paroch. S. Petri Wedchepe, London. In bibl. Cotton. Nero , C. ill. 3. n. 12, 13. pro capella de Niudegate et eccl. Omn. Sanct. de Gravene, n. 31. 32, 33> 34j 35- Pro terris in Tadelaw et Bended, n. 41, 42, 43. de legato Chriftianse uxoris Roberti de Scalario: Faujiina , A. vm. n. 12. brevia memoranda de conventu S. Marite de Southwerk : n. 32. bullam P. Bonifacii abbati de Lefnes direftam pro confer- vandis privilegiis S. Mariae de Sudwerc : n. 34. no- mina priorum a prima fundatione : n. 36. annales de Southwark [laudat. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 478.] n. 39. regidrum terrarum, folutionum, advocationum, pla- citorum, See. hujus monaderii : n. 49. nomina prio¬ rum ab Algodo ad Bartholomteum, 4 Hen. 8. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. inter collefl. mf. cl. Dodfworth. vol. xxx. f. 21. cartam Willelmi de Ros de dona- tione heremitorii de Plumdede canonicis de Suwerc : vol. cii. f. 32. ex libro monad. S. Maria; de Overey : vol. exxvi. f. 146. ex regidro prioratus : vol. exxx. f. 44. colledL per Camdenum ex libro prioratus de Southwerk : In ead. bibl. colleft. Ric. James, vol. ii. p. 217. ex libro B. Mariae Overey in bibl. coll. Mag¬ dalen. Inter codd. mfT. Clarendon, n. 61. excerpta dom. Jac. Waraei, ex calendario eccl. B. Mariae de Southwark, f. 83. b. Nomina priorum ejufd. eccl. f. 84. b. ex annalibus ejufd. eccl. a Chrido nato ad A. D. 1234. Coiled!:. Augudini Vincent gen. e cartulario. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 6. temporalia prioris P Mariae de South werke: mf. 544. f. 1 10. nomina pri" orum: mf. 2044. f.105. tranfenpts and extracts from original deeds relating to this priory. Fin. Surr. 25 Hen. 3. n. . Fin. Surr. 32 Hen. 2 n Plac. de banco, 34 Hen. 3. Trin. rot. 24. de a OG ER of Montgomery, who came over with the Conqueror, and 2. College. J -K- was by him made earl of Arundel and enriched with feventy-ieven manors in Suffex, founded the Benedidtine abbey of St. Martin de Sagio, or Seez in Normandy ; and it is very probable that he, Robert de Belefme, or fome other of his fons gave” the church 0 St. Nicolas in Arundel to that foreign houfe, wherein was very early a cell of four or hve Biac 1 Alias De Cumba in pat. 14 Ed. 4. , 1 Leland. Collett, vol. iii. p. 148. faith, that bilhop Giffard began, and Nicolas de Ely bifhop of Winchefter, fimlhed this monaftery. This laft prelate indeed dedicated the new church here, A. D. 1278. and treated moft munificently all that reforted thither, (Annal. Waverl. et Wigorn.) and was buried therein A. D. ia8o. But did nothing farther that I know of. k Annales Waverley in anno. But being fo late in the year as vlii. Kal. Dec. the chronicle of Louth Park might without great miftake place this foundation in A. D. 1129. But bilhop Giffard* their founder, was dead bef Thefe names are alfo in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. »• P-3* a This donation feems to have been made by iome ot tn mily before the fame was extintf, and the honofr °/tff * {en tiled in dowry on queen Adeliza in the latter part of the r p ;K. Henry i. becaufe of the regard they had to that for ,bey of their own foundation. The words of the charter . Richard z. reciting that this priory was founded by the -ftors of Richard' Fitz Alan earl of Arundell, need not iken in a ftritf fenfe, Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. n- P- I02* , I. SUSSEX. monks, fubjedt to the monaftery at Seez, and fo continued till the feifure of thefe alien prionerj during the wars with France, temp. Ed. 3. In the latter end of which reign Richard earl of Arun¬ del obtained the king’s licence to found a large chantry of fix chaplains and feveral clerks and chorifters in the chapel of the caftle here6, and alligned one thoufand marks by his will toward the endowing of the fame A. D. 1375. His fon Richard, 3 Ric. 2. in order to fulfil his father’s will, obtained of the king, with the confent of the abbat and convent of Seez, that the priory of St. Nicolas here fhould be excinguiftied, and that church fhould be made collegiate, and all the lands and tithes belonging to the monks fhould be fettled, with other eftates, to the maintenance of a mafter and twelve Secular canons priefts, with three deacons, three fubdeacons, two acolites, (even chorifters, two fact ills and other officers. Upon this change it was ftiled the college of the Holy Trinity, which was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 1 It was furrendered 12 Dec. and granted the 26th Arundel the patron. P'i de in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 126. de terra apud Durringwikes conceff epifcopo Ciceftrenii et luccef- foribus d : Ibid. p. ii. p. 101, 102, 103. pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 12 vel 13. pro priore et monachis amoven¬ dis, et xiii. capellanis fecularibus ftabiliendis in eccl. S. Nicolai Arundel, eifque dotandisd: P. 105. pat. 5 Ric. 2 p. 1. m. 3. pro ampliori ejufdem collegii dotatione, fcil. cvn. marc, annui redditus in An- guering, Wepham, et Warnecamp, et xcvn. marc, annui reddit. de maner. de Pyperyng, South Stoke, Cortyngton, et Upmerdon. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 86. In Madoxii Formulari Anglicano, p. 80. conventionem inter abbatem et conventum de Sagio et Enjugerum de Bohun de nemoribus de Strodewyk et Twelftrowe. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 317. b. 318. a. 320. a. b. 322. a. 323. a. b. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prioratum fpe&antes, penes Petrum Le Neve arm. In regiftris Epifc. Ciceftr. E. f. 82. b. 83. augmenta- tionem vicariae perpet. eccl. parochialis de Goring, A. D. 1444. Ibid. C. f. 155. b. the compofition or arbitration of a difference between Mr. Henry Edyal mafter of Arundel college and the mayor and bur- geffes of that town, A. D. 1511. Ibid. C. f. 157. the _ /. os. yd. ob. clare , and 263/. 14 s. qd. in toto'-. of the lame month, 36 Hen. 8. to Henry earl of foundation and ordinances of the college of Arundel by Richard earl of Arundel, purfuant to the will of his father Richard earl of Arundel, I Dec. 1387. 1 1 Ric. 2. Clauf. 2 Ed. 1. Fin. 18 Ed. 2. m. 12. prior et vicarius de Arundell ha- bent, ex dimiftione prioriflae de Almanarches, omnes decimas de Climping et Puling, et de portione vicarii de Puling. Efcaet. Suffex. 5 Ed. 3. n. 146. de c. acris bofci in Ottham: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. pro eccl. Je Ruftington ex conceff. epifc. Ciceftr. in excambio : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. pro ten. in Billinghurft, Warnecamp, et Tortington: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 19. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 25. pro eccl. de Goring approprianda: Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. p. 2. m. 35. pro maner. de Bury et Weft- burn : Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 13 et 14. Fin. div. com. 26 Hen. 6. n. 70. de advoc. collegii. Pat. 33 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. . pro maner. et eccl. de Hay- ling [Southamt.J &c. 3. Hospital. Here was an hofpital or Maifon Dieu, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, diftindt from the college. It was begun about 18 Ric. 2. by Richard' earl of Arundel, and was, 26 Hen. 8. endowed with pofieffions to the yearly value of 23/. oj. 9 d. q. clare-, of 89/. 54. 2 d. ob. in toto*. at which time herein were maintained a mafter and twenty f poor perfons. The fite was granted ta Sir Richard Lee. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 98. pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 17. fcil. licentiam regiam pro fundatione8. Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 320. 323. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 86. In regiftr. Epifc. Ciceftr. D. f. 158. b.— 161. b. fun- 4. Black Friers. In the time of K. Edward 2. here was alfo an houfe of Black, friers, which was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Edward Myllet. Vide pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. de ii. acris terrae conceflis per Ed. com. Arundel, pro manfo elargando. dationem et ftatuta eleemofinaris feu hofpitalis Sandlze Trinitatis apud Arundel per Ric. h com. Arundel, et Surr. filium et heredem et executorem teftamenti dom. Ric. patris fui nuper com. Arundel, et Surr. circa 32 Hen. 6. II. A T H E R Alien Priory. A cell to the abbey of Sees Vide efcaet. Suffex. 7 Ed. 3. n. 74. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. Hampton et Ifleham. b There is mention of the “ Cuftos capellie S. Martini in « callro de Arundel,” in pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 30 vel 31. And alfo of the king’s prefentation, “ ad capellam S. Georgii infra caftel- “ lum Arundel, ratione cuftodiae terrarum et hseredis Joannis “ fil. Alani dom. de Arundel,” in Dr. Hutton’s patents. c Record, in offic. Primit. <* <* Thefe two deeds are alfo printed in the Antiquities of Arundel. London, 1766. 8vo. p. 431,132. '■ By Thomas earl of Arundel. Speed. See note h. f f MS. Valor in officio Primitiarum ; but it is 41 /. 3 s. 4 d. in Dugd. 8 This is alfo in Antiquities of Arundel, p. 262. h I? were , Whether this is not a miltake for Thomas. Richard the firft of that name earl of Arundel died 49 Ed. 3. and was I N G T O N. in Normandy1. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in fucceeded by his fon Rich. 1. earl of Arundel and Surrey, to whom the licence for founding this hofpital was granted 18 Ric. 2. but his untimely death probably hindered this charitable delign from taking effedt. His fon Thomas, who was reftored in blood on the acceffion of Hen. 4. completed the foundation. Ric. 2. and this Thomas were the only two of the family, who joined the title of Surrey to that of Arundel. 1 Record, fupra citat. et in taxat. Lincoln, mf. inter tempo- ralia archidiaconatus Ciceftrenf. asftimantur “ Bona ballivi de “ Atherington in Fiffibum, Gates, Atherington, Hampton, et “ Totington ad l'ummam 63 /. 18 s. 4 d. per ann. Et in regiftro inftitut. Norvic. vol. ii. f. 19. memoratur, “ Frater Petrus de “ Orgeritz ballivus de Atherington, abbatis et conventus de “ Sees procurator in Anglia generalis.” III. BATTELL: Ill SUSSEX. III. B A T T E L L, or De Bello. Benedictine Abbey. On the place1 where the famous and decifive battle between kina Harold and William duke of Normandy was fought Oft. 14. A. D. 1066. the Conqueror in the next year began to build a noble abbey to the honor of St. Martin, and replenillied it with Bene- diftine k monks from Marmonftier 1 in Normandy. The royal founder endowed this monaftery with exemptions and privileges of a very extraordinary nature, and with good manors and eftates which were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 880/. 141. 7 d. ob. per am. Dudg. 987/. or. to d. ob. j. Speed' The fue was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Anthony Brown. lrir!e in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 310. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de fundatione hujus abbatiae, ex Will. Malmfbur. Hen. Huntindon, Matth. Weftm. Leland. Colleft. et Rob. Gloceftr. P. 31 1, &c. hiftoriam longam fundationis ceenobii, ex regiftro Cotton. P. 313. ex eodem regiftro initium libri de fitu eccl. Belli, et de pofleffionibus fibi a rege Willielmo et ab aliis quibuflibet datis : P. 315. de cella Exoniae : P. 316. de libertatibus; de eccl. S. Joannis Brecon; de Bromham [Wilt.] dato per Will. Rufum; de eccl. in Sudfolchia, Norfolc. et Eftexia fitis, datis per eun- dem : P. 317. cartam Gulielmi Conq. de libertatibus et dotatione : P. 318. aliam ejufdem regis cartam de immunitatibus : Cartam R. Will. Rufi, pro eccl. de Sanford [Eflex.] Exning, Thirlaw Magna, Milden- hall, Northon, Mendlelham, Bramford, &c. [Suff.] Eilelham, &c. [Norf.] Cartam R. Hen. 1. confirm, terras de Dudilond, Bregefelle, Glefham, Bocftepe, et omnia dona et venditiones terrarum fafta mona- chis in rapo de Haftings : P. 319. alteram cartam ejufd. Hen. 1. de excambio maner. de Apeldreham pro eccl. in Radingis : P. 320. cartam Bernardi de Novo-mercato, de eccl. S. Joannis Brecon. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedift. tr. ii. p. 136, 137. quae- dam de fundatione, et cartam R. Will. Conq. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 87. vol. ii. p. 390. vol. iii. p. 72. de fundatione hujus abbatiae: vol. iii. p. 68. codices mlf. olim in bibliotheca. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 393. de 1. milite in Mefle- bir tent, de honore Boloniae: p. 403. de terris in com. Lincoln. In Pry nne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 272. clauf. 9 Ed. 1. m. 8. pro cuftodia abbatiae tempore vacati- onis concefT. monachis : p. 474. plac. in com. Suflf. 20 Ed. x. rot. 96. de XL. fol. mutuatis a quodam Winardo : p. 789. clauf. 26 Ed. 1. m. 23. pro cufto¬ dia abbatis concefla monachis. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 29. n. LI. a compofition between the reftor of Brichwalton and the abbat and convent, concerning the tythes of the Halt, the flock and demeafnes of the abbat in that parifh, A.D. 1224. p. 42. n. Lxxvi. confirmationem dim. hidsinWeft- broche Ofmundo filio Alurici per Odonem abbatem: p. 176. n. cclxxxv. donationem maner. de Brom¬ ham [Wilt.] perR.Will. Rufum : p.291. n. ccccxcv. cartam R. Hen. 1. de libertatibus : p. 296. n. dx. cartam R. Hen. 2. de proteftione abbatiae et terra- rum : p. 303. n. dxxviii. inftitutionem Will, de Haftings in eccl. de Aylelham [Norf.] per Joannem epifc. Norwic. ad prsfentationem abbatis et conv. falva eis penfione x. librarum : p. 368. n. dclxvii. quiet, clamat. de hida de Janglentuna, quam Tied- bertus eccl. de Bello dedit. In Ejufd. Hift. Scacc. p. 73. de inquifitione fuper ma¬ ner. de Primhill, 4 Joan. p. 283. de fine md. marc, folut. dom. regi pro confirmatione libertatum et cuftodis domus fine tempore vacationis, 13 Joan, p. 389. de libertate cervi et biflae in forefta regis, 21 Hen. 2. Year Books, 21 Ed. 3. Mich. § 32. Affif. 27 Ed. 3. Mich. § 72. 11 Hen. 4. Trin. 34. 34 Hen. 6. Trin. 21. 35 Hen. 6. Hill. 18. i6Hen. 7. Trin. 17. i The high altar was fixed on the fpot where Harold and the royal ftandard fell. It was not many miles from Haftings, which is probably the reafon of Thomas Rudbum’s faying, that K. William the Conqueror founded “ Coenobium in honorem S. Martini apud Haftyng.” Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 138. * The Conqueror defigned to have had one hundred and forty Raftall’s Entries, tit. Conufance , § I et 2. de libertati¬ bus abbatis apud Wye, ex rot. plac. coram reee 7 Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 107. etg Hen. 7. Pafch. rot. 40! Ibid titulo Trefpaf. jujlipcation par prifel pur wreck de wrecco maris apud ... in com. Ka’nc. verfus archi- epifc. Cantuar. e plac. 14 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 432. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 32, Sic. fome account of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats and a vindication of the monks from the afperfions caft on them by Speed and others. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 511. The fame from Mr. Willis, and vol. ii. Append, p. 167. pat_ 13 Hen. 4. p. I. m. 5. reciting two charters of pri¬ vileges granted by K. Henry 3. and referring to many others. Ibid. vol. i. p. 39. taxationem fpiritualium et temporatium abbatis de Bello in dioc. Cantuar. In Rileii Plac. Parliam. p. 630,631,632. petit, parliam. 2 Ed. 3. n. 8. de libertat. infra maner. de Bromeham [Wilt.] fcil. de placitis tenendis coram uno juftitiario R. et fenefcallo abbatis. Regiftr. brev. tit. Prohibition pro decimis feparatis pro rege. In cl. Spelmanni Gloflario, verb o Armiger, cartam Wil- lielmi abbatis et conv. de Bello pro armigero quodam 6 Hen. 4. In Wilkinlii Concil. tom. i. p. 427. varias difceptati. ones inter epifcopum Ciceftrenfem et abbatem de Bello, de canonica obedientia, in fynodo Ciceftrenfi tenta, A.D. 1 1 15. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 343. of the ma¬ nor and reftory of Hooton or Hutton [Eflex.] p. 514. of the advowfon of Samford Magna, with the chapel of Hamfted. In Stow’s Survey of London, book i. ch. 13. the charter of K. Henry 1. exempting the manor of Alcefton, belonging to Battle abbey, from the work of London bridge. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 51. of an annual rent of xx marks given by Lord Hoo: p. 551. of the impropriate reftory of Aillham. In Seldeni fpicilegio ad Eadmerum, p. 165, 166. car¬ tam fundationis, cum eftypo figilli regis Willelmi Conq. ex bibl. Cotton. In infigniir. bibliotheca regia inter mlT. codd. Cotton. Augujius, ii. 48. donationem manerii de Bromham per R. Will. 1. Ibid. Tiber. B. v. 27. annotationem ecclefiarum dotalium eccl. de Bello faftam a Waltero abbate 1 Hen. jun. Ibid. Nero , C. iii. 3. 7, 8. cartas quatuor originales abbatum de Bello, de terris con- ceflis, cum carta R. Hen. 2. de libertatibus : Ibid. Domitian , A. ii. 2. librum de fitu, inftitutione, privi- legiis, poflelfionibus earumque limitibus, &c. eccl. S. Martini de Bello a rege Willielmo et aliis datis : Ibid. Nero, D. ii. 4. chronicon monafterii de Bello ab incarnato Chrifto ad A.D. 1206. Quaedam de prcelio Lewenfi, A. D. 1264. citat. cl. Spelmannus e chron. mlT. coenobii de Bello, in verbo Marchio. Ibid. Vitellius, D. vii. 72. excerpta e chronico mo¬ nafterii de Bello. Inter colleft. cl. Briani Twyne, mf. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll Oxon. vol. ii. f. vii. et vol. iii. f. 48, &c. ex libro abbatiae de Bello. monks here, but there was not provifion made for above fixty. 1 The thought of building this monaftery being firft fuggefteu by William Faber, a monk of that monaftery dedicated alfo to St. Martin, as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 311. though Leland. Col¬ left. vol. ii. p. 390. afcribes it to “ Remigius biihop of Dor- « chefter,” who had been a monk at camp. Regiftrum III. s u S S E X, Regiftrum abbatix de Bello, mf. olim peculium cl. dom. Matthxi Hale equ. aur. et ab eo donatum (una cum codd. quamplurimis mfl.) bibl. hofpitii Lincolnicnfis London, B. 87. Extracts out of the regifters of this abbey, mf. ibid. B. 100. Of the gift of the church of Weftfield to this abbey, mf. Macro, 12. ii. 10. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. James, vol. xi. p. 14.2. ex li- bro de fitu et pofteffionibus ecclefix Belli. Inter collect, cl. Tho. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Can- tab. vol. xxiv. p. 4^7. ex regiftro in bibl. Harleiana. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 101. p. 137. cartam abbatis et conventus de Bello de annua pen- fione ex manerio de Wy facriftx folvenda ad faci¬ endum anniverfarium Willelmi de Bruneford quon¬ dam vicarii de Wy : notulas ex regiftro de decima de Bromham, de decima vini de vinea de Celingham, de ecclefia de Wy cum decimis, et de penfione v. fo- lid. ab ecclefia de Haukeherfte : cartam Florentine quondam uxoris Simonis de Haukeherfte de renun- tiatione dotis fuse in tenementis didti Simonis. In regiftro epifc. Ciceftr. C. fol. 82. a. appropriationem eccl. de Iklefliaw ex donatione nobilis matronx Sibillx de Iklefliam fadt. per Ranulphum epifc. Ibid. fol. 82. b. confirmationem Seffredi epifc. Ciceftr. omnium dig- nitat. confuetud. et libertat. eccl. S. Martini de Bello juxta tenor, cartarum R. Will, fundatoris et aliorum regum : Ibid, conceffionem Ric. 2. fadtam abbati et convent, de Bello, de non prxftatione decimarum majorum et minorum de dominicis fuis in maner. de Alcifton cum fuis pertinentiis, A. D. 1249. Ibid, f. 83. a. ordinationem ecclefia; de Weftfelde a Ra- dulfo epifc. Ciceftr. Ibid, ordinationem vicarix in eccl. de Alcifton fadt. a Roberto epifc. Ciceftr. A. D. 1520. Ibid, ordinationem vicarix de Lullington fadt. eodem tempore. Cartas originales, computos ballivorum, rentalia, rotulos curix, &c. penes hon. . . . vicecom. Montacute. In regiftro mf. prioratus de Brechonia, f. 5, &c. cartas Will. Conq. Hen. 1. Hen. 2. Joannis et Hen. 3. re¬ gum Anglix, de libertat. abbatix de Bello earumque confirmationibus. Excerpta quxdam ex chronico et regiftro de Bello, per dom. Hen. Spelmannum, in volumine colledt. meo- rum notat. T. T. p. 752, lee. Regiftrum hujus monafterii penes dom. Whiftler Web- fter baronettum. Regiftrum coenobii de Bello vetus in 4to. minore, in officio curix Augmentationis Weftmonaft. Rentale et confuetudinarium hundredx de Bello cum membris et parcellis fpedtantibus ad eandem, fadtum per examin. tenentium et fide dignorum hundredx prxdidtx, ac etiam Adx Ywode tunc fenefc. et Ri- cardi Curtays ballivi dominii prxdidti, temp, venera- bilis in Chrifto patris Thomx Ludelowe monafterii de Bello abbatis et Willelmi Merlh cellar, ejufdem monafterii, Anno R. R. Hen. poll conqueftum Anglix fexti 8vo. mf. ibid m. Cartam originalem fundationis in bibl. Harleyana, rot. A. *7 • Regiftrum cartarum hujus abbatix in eadem bibl. mf. 3586. n. 1. Ibid. mf. 261. f. 107. de fundatione : mf. 358. f. 35. tres cartas R. Will. 1. mf. 419. f. 13. querelam inter abbatem de Bello et epifeopum Ciceftr. auditam coram rege, A. D. 1157. mf- 7^2. f. 94. extradts from the regifter: mf. 6748. f. 2. cartam R. Will. 1. Cart, antiq. G. n. 1, 2, 3. 5. (quatuor R. Will. 1.) n. 6, 7. duas R. Hen. 2. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 14. n. 85. Oblat. 2 Joan. m. 20. pro villa de Brichwaldinton ; Cart. 5 Joan. n. 114. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro bofeo et paftur. de Derfield : Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 10. de terris in Dingelmarifli [Kane.] Cart. II Hen. 3. p. 1. m. 129. Fin. Suff. 24 Hen. 3. n. 119. de terris in Ixning : Fin. Surr. 31 Hen. 3. n. . Affif. et jur apud Ber- mundfey, 43 Hen. 3. Kane, quod abbas de Bello de¬ bet habere duas partes amerciamentorum et proficuo- rum feptem hundred, de Waldis, ex dono Will, re- gis: Fin. Surr. 44 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Lymenef- feld : Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 7. de libertatibus : Pat. 56 Hen. 3. m. ult. Plac. in com. Wilt. 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 20. de libertati¬ bus et placitis terminandis coram uno juftitiario regis et fenefcallo abbatis; Plac. in com. Surr. 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 18. et rot. 30. d. et coron. rot. 73. d. Plac. in com. Kane. 21 Ed. 1. coron. rot. 3. d. et rot. 1 1. de fedta maner. de Wy ad hundred, de Chart: Ibid, affif. rot. 1. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 15. pro mercat. et feria apud Haukherft [Kane.] Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. de maner. de Anftydems: Ibid, p. 2. m. 2. de meftf. et ten. in villa de Bello : Plac. in com. Kane. 6 Ed. 2. coron. rot. ig. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 55 et 56. confirm, terrarum et libertatum in maner. de Bromham, Apelderham, Bofeham, &c. cum libertatibus ampliffimis in bofeis regis in Bocfeld et Beccles Pavyolt: Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10 vel 1 1. Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. de terris in Biddendune et Dinge- mareis : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 22. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30. de tenemento in Haukeherft: Clauf. 11 Ed. 2. m. 1. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Saundford [Lond. dicec.] approprianda : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6, et m. 18. de terris et advoc. eccl. de Watlington : Rot. Rom. 14 Ed. 2. m. 1. de eccl. de Samford Magna, cum capella de Hamfted approprianda: Cart. 15 Ed. 2. n. 8. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23 vel 24. Ibid. p. 2. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . Brev. reg. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27 vel 28. pro kernellatione fitus abbatix ; Ibid. p. 3. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 16 vel 17. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 32. Efcaet. Sulfex. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. n. 22. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. Hill, rot. 20. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40. Cart. 4 Ric. 2. n. 16. Cart. 1 5 Ric. 2. n. 1 1. pro com- mun. paftur. tenentium de Soberton in forefta de Bere. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 13. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. .m. 3. pro eccl. de Bondeby [Line.] Ita index rec. fed quxre annon potius m. 31. et fpedtat ad ccenob. Carthuf. de Bello Valle [Nottingb.] Cart. 12 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 13. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 8. et p. 2. n. 7. Cart. 3 Hen. 5. n. 12. pro prioratu S. Joan. Brecon: Rec. in fcacc. 7 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 11. de allocat. libertatum. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 5. pro maner. de Heton [Eflex.] Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 13 Hen. 6. m. 13. Par. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 12, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 15. IV. B E I G H A M", in the parijh of Trant. Premonstratensian Abbey. Robert de Turneham or Thornham the fecond gave his eftate here, A. D. 1200°. to the Premonftratenfian canons of Brokely, in order to found an abbey in a pleafant part of it called Beaulieu, who foon removed themfelves hither, as did thofe of Otte- ham alfo ihortly after. Beigham was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, and was one of thofe fmaller m Citatur hoc rentale a cl. Spelmanno in verbo Armiger : “ Beghum in com. Sulfex. Scitus monafterii przedidt. fuit et eft Laudatur etiam ab eodem dodUflimo glolfariographo in verbo “ in com. Kane, et Sulfex.” Inquifit. 19 Hen. 8. in the Append. Companagium u Grandis liber monaft. de Bello.” to Dr. Fid’des1 Life of cardinal Wolfey, p. 174, » « Abbathia canonicorum, &c. vulgo vocat. The abbey of « MS. in mufeo Alhmol, Oxon. n. 1519. nionafteries IV. monafteries which cardinal Wolfey obtained, 17 Hen. 8. for the endowment of his collets tho„ >l. its fpintualt.es were valued at 27/. 6 s. 8 mi. m MS. Peck in Mufeo Britannico, vol. i. In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. f. 84. b. 8S. finalem or-li nationem Roberti archiepife. Cantuar. de litc i„te abbatem et convention de Begham et Gilhertum enifr Ciceftr. de ecclefia et vicaria de Haylefham a,,’ A. D. 1296. 3 ’ dat’ Colleft. ex cartulario de Beigham, mf. nuper in bibl dom. Cholmondley Dering apud Serenden. Several deeds belonging to this abbey in the Tally court Weftminfter; and in the cardinal’s bundle aino»..ft the records in chancery. 0 Several deeds in the box left by Mr. Ant. Wood to the Afhmolean mufeum in Oxford. In cartulario arehiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl Bodl. Oxon. p. 85. cartam Roberti de Turnham’ conced. cuftodiam terrarum Roberti de Meifnill ab¬ batiae de Begeham ad officinas fuas conftruend. Ibid* venditionem diets cuftodis archiepife. Cantuar. pro exx /. ’ F Rot. clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro mercat. et feria in Rockland [Suffex.] Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 12. dorfo de caruca terrs in Falkerigge: Cart. 35 Hen ■>' iA. 11. de mercat. die Jovis apud Rokland, et feria in vigilia, die et craftino S. Joannis Baptifts. Plac. coram juft. itin. 16 Ed. 1. rot. 46. pro terris in Brighling : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 16. pro melf. et terris in Exefete : Ibid. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . " Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. ult. pro mercat. et feria apud Roke- land [Suffex.] Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 1. pro lib. war. in maner. &c. de Begham, Lamberherft, Cranbrcok, Brinchelfe, Pe- pingburye, Mattefield, Hertle, Brockele, et Weft Grenwich [Kane.] Begham, Fartham, Gautherft, Kethenham, Rokland, Otteham, Merlhe, Hailelham, Frefton, Excete, 7'eleton, Wertlinge, Codelesford’ Hethfield, et Hellinglegh [Suffex.] Pat. 26 Ed. 3. pro maner. de Levefhethe: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. pro ten. in Lambornhurft. Clauf. 5 Ed. 4. m. 17. pro reiftoria de Hailefham dirnit- tenda pro xxxi. annis pro maner. de Blaifton et Al- kely juxta Doncaftre, &c. V. BOSANHA M, or Bofeliam. College. Upon St. Wilfrid’s coming' among the South Saxons, about A. D. 68 r. he found here a fmall monaftery of five or fix Religious, under the government of one Dicul a Scottifn monk*. After the Conqueft, William Warelwaft biihop of Exeter1 obtained of K. Henry 1. the grant of this place to himfelf and fucceffors “, who were patrons and vifitors of the Secular canons or prebendaries founded by that biihop in the choir w of the parilh church here, which was looked upon as a royal free chapel, dedicated to the Holy Trinity*, and exempt from the ordinary jurif- diftion of the biihop of Chichefter and his archdeacon w. The biihop of Exeter was in the place of dean or provofty, the prebends of Waleton, Chedeham, Weftbrook, Eountington and Apul- derham2, are mentioned in the Lincoln taxation: and fome Ihew of a collegiate church remained here till the general di Ablution2. The fite of this free chapel or college was granted, 6 Eliz. to Vincent Calmady, and the next year to the dean and chapter of Chichelter. Vide in Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 7. pat. dom. reg. paps pro jurifdiftione epifc. Exonienlis et 6 Joan. m. 10. n. 29. pro jurifdiftione dom. epifc. exemptione hujus capells regis ab epifeopo et archi- Ciceftr. in eccl. de Bofeham: Ibid. p. 1266. literas diac. Ciceftr. 11 Ed. 1. P MS. Valor, s Weaver, p. 319. * Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 406. * Bedae Eccl. Hift. lib. iv. c. 13. * Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 6. * Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 135. w w Placita coram rege 12 Ed. 2. * Pat. 4 Ed* 3* p* a. as Dr. Hutton. y Prynnc, vol. iii. p. 1266. z The biihop is faid to have founded as many prebends here as he difTolved at Plimpton, which were but /our, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 6. * Here are reckoned Jive; and in the plea roll of 12 Ed. 2. fix prebendaries are mentioned. a Three of the prebendaries furvived till A. D. 1553. and then enjoyed penfions from the crown inftead of their prebends. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 239. Leiandi V. s u s S E X; Lclandi CollcA. vol. i. p. 135. 406. vol. ii. p. 14J. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 43. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, See. vol. iii. p. 854, 855 pat. Rom. et Fr. 14 Ed. 2. m. 3. litcras regis ad papam et quatuor cardinales, fuper uRi jurifilictionis ecclefiaftics in libera capella de Bofeham, A. D. 1320. Placitum longum de exemptione libera capella; de Bofe¬ ham in Sufl'ex a jurifdiftionc epife. et archidiac. Gi- ceftr. 12 Ed. 2. mf. in libro placitorum coram dom. rege temp. R R. Ed. 1. et Ed. 2. penes doftifT. dom. Andream Fountaine equ. auratum. Cart. 28 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro epifeopo Exon. Rot. Rom. 14 Ed. 2. n. . Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 15. de fcodis pertinentibus capellie : Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 1. Pat. r Ed. 3. p. x. m. 25 vel 26. quod fit fubjedta cpilc. Ciceftr. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33 vel 34. pro xxvi. acr. terra: dandis praebendario de Fontyngdon, ex dono Laurentii dc Rulhton, Sec. Pat. 6 Edt 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro lib. in preb. de Fountington: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 r. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. Pi i.m. 20. d. pro vifitatione ejufdem : Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 37. de prabenda de Apeldcrhain. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . de capella fupervidenda et vifi- tanda per epife. Exon. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2, rn. 77. Inquif. SulT. 7 Hen. 4. n. 8. VI. B O X G R A V Eb. Benedictine^ Priory. An alien priory fubordinate to the abbey De exaquio or L’Efl'av' in Normandy, to which it was firft given by Robert de Haya, temp. Hen. ‘ 1. From three Bencdidine monks, by the benefadions of the St. John family, the number was railed at one time to fixteen bu reduced to nine not long before the diffolution. It was dedicated to St. Mary and Sr Blale’ and made pnoratus mdigena” 13 Ed. 3. In 26 Hen. 8. its yearly revenues were valued cSrelz eaid ofArondd 3Mz. ™ g * ^ ^ The f‘te WaS grantcd in exchanSe Henry Vale in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 392. ex regiftro Cot- toniano. Will. com. Ciceftria: confirmationem de do- natione eccl. de Bifmtona per Radulphum de Haya : Cartam Will. com. Arundell, de parte nemoris de Bellelhall, et de tota Winkingas: P. 593. ejufdem Will. com. SulTex. confirmationem omnium terra- rum, See. quas fui anteceflbrcs dederunt eccl. Exa- quienfi; Willielmi tertii comitis Suflex. confirmatio¬ nem omnium qua: avus ejus contulit monachis de Boxgrave ; Joannis de Harundell cartam de domo et gardino in vico orientali de Ciceftria: P. 594. funda- tionis hiftoriam, et Roberti de Haya fundatoris ftem- 111a: Cartam Willielmi de S. Joanne d plurimas do- nationes recit. et confirip. P. 595. cartas Roberti de S. Joanne, pro iv. virgatis terra in Walborgeton ; Willelmi de S. Joanne filii Adas de Port, confirm, donationes anteceflorum ; Thomae abbatis et con- ventus Exaquii confirm, conventionem cum priore de Boxgrave: Confirmationem donationum per Hi- Iarium epife. Ciceftrenfem : P. 596. pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. per Infpex. recit. cartam 13 Ed. 3. pro indigenatione : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 968. pat. Norm. 8 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 21. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartas R. Hen. 2. Roberti de Briquevil mil. &c. ab- batiae Exaquienfi. Easdem habentur in Neuftria Pia, p. 6 1 8, Sec. Leland. Colle£E vol. i. p. 86. Year Books, 3 Ed. 3. Trin. 22. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 417. brev. 9 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 1 et 7. a. et 18. a. of their lands being free of the aid ad primogenitam filiam R. Ed. 1. maritandam. Cartulariutn monafterii de Boxgrave in com. Suflex. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius, A. vi. 1. Collea. e libro prioratus de Boxgrave, mf. in bibl. Bod!. (Jxon. Dodfworth. vol. cv. f. 109. vol. cxxviii. f. 08. In regiftro Epife. Ciceftr. C. f. 86. a. confirmationem ap- propriat. ecclefiarum de Boxgrave, Walberton, Bern- ham, Hamptonet, Mundenham, Hychenor et Burdam fait, per Joannem epife. Ciceftr. Ibid. fol. 86. b. 87. ordinationem five augmentationem vicarim de Wal berton fa Who Vide Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 730. b Boxgrove in Leland’s Collett, vol. i. p. S6. Bryglorut'^nd Jtomrna in the copy of the charter of K. Henry 1. to L’Eflay pubhified by Du Monftricr, . in Neuftria Pia, p. 619. c Finding William de Warren the firft, who died A. D. 1080. made a benefattor to this priory in Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. ,4. once feared that I had not placed the foundation of this houfe early enough ; but upon a review, wilh that be not aferibed in Q that excellent work to tlp/liam de Warren the firft earl of Anrr-ow ■»*» "ftps - S»3ffl%gSSi- * s- *»sSs IX. CHAUCE, IX SUSSEX. IX. C H A U C E, or Charite. Austin Priory. In the catalogue of all the monafteries in England, of the order of St. Auftin', is reckoned “ Prioratus de la Chauce or Charite,” in the diocefe of Chichefter. Qucere. X. CHICHESTER, Ciceftria, ohm Ciflanceafter. i. Cathedral. By virtue of the conftitution made at the fynod of London A. D. 1075. bilhop Stigand tranflated his epifcopal feat from the village of Selefey to this place ; where the ca¬ thedral church of the Holy Trinity was begun to be built by Ralph the bilhop temp. Will, , Rufr. The bifhoprick was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 698 l. Js. 5 d. in the whole, and 677 it. 3 d. clear. And the common revenues of the chapter were then valued at 601/. 7 s. 10 el. in the whole, and 310/. 14-f. 6d. ob. clear. There belong to this cathedral a bilhop, dean, precentor, chancellor, treafurer, two archdeacons, thirty-one prebendaries s, four priefts vicars, fix Tinging men, fix cho- rifters, an organift, &c. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 153. notulam hiftoricam de fundatione ccenobii Selfeienlis, ex Leland. Colled!, vol. iii. p. 70. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 115. cartas Ceadwallae regis de fundatione monafterii in loco vocat. Selefey , dat. A. D. 673. Brunii ducis Suth Sax. de donatione loci vocat. Hileigb-, Nothelmi regis Suthfex, de xxxm. tributariis in Lydefey, Aldyng- born, Lenftedergate, et Mondeham conceffis Noth- gidae forori fu. Trin. rot. . Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . d. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2." m. 21. pro terris in Horlham, Wernham, &c Pat 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. licent. kernellandi maner. de Amberley- Cart, get 10 Ric. 2. n. 5. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p 3. n. 7. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 35 vel 36. de libertat. allocandis. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 6. Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 33 vel 36. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 21. Efcaet. Suftex. 9 Hen. 6. n. 13. de terris in Denton tends de maner. de Bifhopefton : Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. de exemptione a poteftate ad- miralli : Cart. .25 et 26 Hen. 6. n. 16. quod epifeopus poffit imparcare mm. acras prati, terra:, See. in Am¬ berley, Reckham, et Waltham, mm. acras in Dryiw wyke, M. acr. in Weft Wytering, et Cookham, mm. acras in Bixhill, mm. acr. in Bifhopefton et Hethfield mm. acr. in Bruill, m. acr. in Tirifcherch, et quod poffit maneria fua de Bruyll, Amberley, Alingburn Dryngwike, Bixhill, Prefton, Sidlelham, Sefiefeye’ Cokham, Ferring, Wytering, et Tirifcherch, cum lapidibus includere et kernellare : Ibid. n. 38. pro junfdidtione epifcopi et archidiaconi Ciceftrenfi in baronia,,caftro, et honore de Haftings : Pat. 32 Hen 6 p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. d. quod ienelcalluS' epifcopi lit commifiarius regis in caufis maritimis infra maner. et terras epifeopatus. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 15. quod palatium nunc epifeo- pale fuit antiquitus capella, et locus in quo mortuo- rum corpora funt recondita ; et de perpetuo ftauro epifeopatus: Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 18. Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 4. m. . [dat. 12 Nov.l De pojpjjiontbus et libertatibus eccl. cath. S. Trinitatis Cicejlria. Cart. 5 Joan. n. 27. Cart, n Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 65, 66, 67, 68. pro eccl. de urnham, ex qono Ric. Aquilion, et pro placea in z foro X. SUSSEX. foro Ciceftr. et pro affarto in Nort'nwood: Ibid, n. 84. pro prebendis in Eftden ct Weftden: Ibid, n. 85. pro capellaria in Peveneflee. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 65. pro lib. war. in prebendis de Thorney et Mercumfgrove : Pat. 24 Ed. 1. m. ult. Vel penult, pro advoc. eccl. de Aleburn, et ii. caru- catis terra: in Racham, ex dono Gilberti epifc. Ci¬ ceftr. Brev. 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 10. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2i m. 5 et 6. Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m. 6. de ecclefiis fuis non taxandis: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. mi 18. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. pro mefl". lx. acris in Hodley Parva: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 1 vel 12. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. pro terris in Bilhopefton : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . pro terra in Selfey: Ibid, m. 41 vel 42. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. pro xx. fol. reddit. datis ad anniverfarium Roberti de Bardelby canonici : Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 45. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 37. pro libertat. in prebenda de Thor¬ ney: Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. nr. 11. Plac. de banco, 28 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 218. pro penfione ann. xls. ex eccl. de Eaft-wytering : Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Cart. 9 Rici 2. n. 1 1. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. n. 7. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . de ten. et cc. acris in Slyndefeld vocat. Tbelelond pertinent tibus prebendae Joannis Paxton forisfadtis dom. rein ■ Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 22. pro vacua placea in le Weftrete Ciceftr. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. . Clauf. 1 Hen. 3. m. 20. com- pofit. inter regem et decanum et capitulum Cicef- trenf. fuper duabus cantariis pro prioratu et prebenda de Wilmington: Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 14. pro prioratu de Wilmington: Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. j, mi ^ Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 36 vel 37. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p , m. . Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. ’ pat‘ 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. licent. perquirendi cl. atm reddit. pro fuftentatione canonicorum refidentium et choriftarum: Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. d. pro xn marc. ann. penfione exeunte de ecclefia de Slynford - Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . d. de jurifdidtione admiralli in maneriis fuis. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. . pro cantaria in capella B. Ma- rix, pro anima Nicolai Mortemay confanguinei regis • Ibid. m. 20. pro prioratu et prebenda de Wilmington alienig.^ Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 15. pro cantaria ad altare S. Georgii fundata per Joannem Geyrin»- Roc. in fcacc. 13 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 17. de prioratu °et prebenda de Wilmington. 2. College of Vicars. The vicars of the cathedral became incorporated about 5 Ed. 4. their revenues are valued at 31/. 1 is. 6d. Edton. Vide pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 24. pro incorp. principalis et communitatis : Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. ig. Pat. 8 Ed, 4. p. 2. m. 21. 3. Monastery destroyed. Here was, before the Conquett, an ancient monattery, dedi¬ cated to St. Peter1. Quare, Whether the “ Fratres Ciceltriae morantes” in king Edwin’s charter, A. D. 956 k. did not belong thereunto. 4. Nunne-RY destroyed. William of Malmfbury, and from him Leland and Camden, men¬ tion alfo an old nunnery here long before the removal of the biihop’s fee hither. 5. ST. James’ Hospital. Near or without the eatt gate was an ancient hofpital for leprous perlons, dedicated to St. James and St. Mary Magdalene1, which feems to have been as old as king Richard 1 m, or king John’s time. It was valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 4/. 14J. 10 d'. per ann. in the whole, and at 4 1. 3 s. 9 d \ clear ; and was lately in being % but had then only a matter and one poor perlon belonging to it. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. ad oftendendum quare terrre, redditus, et fervitia in Liberate, 3 Ed. 1. m. 9. Oving et in luburbiis Ciceftr. in manus regis feiliri Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . pro cantaria ibidem. non debent. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 6. 8. prior habet 6. ST. Maries’ Hospital. An hofpital for a matter and feveral p poor brethren in the north eatt part of this city, founded by William q .... dean of the cathedral church here, temp. Hen. 2. and dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 35/. 6s. 3 d. per ann. as the record in the Firft Fruits office, and at 11 1. in. 6d. ob. as Dugdale and Speed. It was re¬ founded by queen Elizabeth', and in being A. D. 1686’. when one of the refidentiaries was war¬ den ' ; and there were two poor brothers and three poor fitters in it r. Vide cartas rev. archiepife. Sancroft inter codd. rnlT. aH- Iierlda et unldnda hofpitali. toris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. ubi fundatio five refor- Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 27 vel 28. matio hofpitalis S. Marrx Ciceftr. in paroch. S. Mar- Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29 vel 30. tini per Willielmnm Flefhmonger decanum, A. D. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 3. magifter ad j ' oftendend. quare Senementa in manus regis feiftri non Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro eccl. S. Petri in for o demo- debent. 7. Black Friers. In the fouth eatt part of this city was an houfe of Black friers, faid to ■ Will, of Malmfbury, De geftis pontif. lib. a. k Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 120. 1 1 Rec. in offic. Primit. n> Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. . n Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1044- under the name of Cicejlria , Leproforum domus juxta eandem.” o A. D. 1686. when an enquiry was made concerning hofpi- tals and the ftate of them. p Five about the time of the valuation of K. Henry 8. as the records in the Firft Fruits office. q Archbiftiop Sancroft’s papers, where the dean for the time being is faid to be patron. 1 r Return of hofpitals, A. D. 1686. mf. s And probably is fo ftill j but this is the lateft account I have met with of it. _ . t The wardenfhip is annexed to the refidentiary, as oem. Mag. for 1737* P- 377* have X. SUSSEX. have been Founded by queen Alianor, temp. Ed. i. and dedicated to St. Mary and St. Vincent. It was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Edward Myllet. Vide pat. rj Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 1. m. . 18 Ed. 1. m. 16. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. pro manfb elargando. Pat. Pat. n Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 40. 8. Grey Friers. Not far from the Northgate was the houfe of the Grey friers, founded temp. Hen. 3. which was granted to the mayor and citizens 32 Hen. 8. Vide pat. 37 Hen. 3. m. 33. Pat. 53 Hen. 3. m. 7. de veteri caftellario Ciceftrenf. XI. D U R E F O R D“. Premonstratensi AN Abbey. Henry Hoefe the elder, before the year 1169''. built and endowed here an abbey of Premonftratenfian 31 canons, from Welbec, to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary and St. John Baptift. In this monaftery were about feveny Religious, who had lands rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 98/. 4s. 5 d. per ann. Dugd. 108 l. 1 3 s. ad. Speed. It was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Sir William Fitz Williams. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. annotatiuncuiam ex Eeland. Colleft. de fundatore : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 78. cartam Henrici Hofati fecundi confirm, con- ceffiones patris fui fundatoris et aliorum donatorum : P. 79. cartas R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, fundatio- nem et alias donationes ; Henr. Hofati, pro eccl. S. Bartholomaei de Rogate ; Hillarii epifc. Ciceftrenfis, de fitu abbatiae : P. 80. confirmationes SefFridi fe¬ cundi epifc. Ciceftrenfis, de omnibus conceffionibus; Willelmi de Percy, pro terra apud Tolliton, ex dono Jocelini avi fui: P. 81. cartam Galfridi de Mandevil com. Gloceftr. et Effex. recit. et confirm, donationes anteceflorum fuorum Willelmi et Almarici com. Gloceftr. Year Books, 21 Hen. 6. Hill. 5. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 85. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1044. claUf. 32 Ed. 1. m. 11. d. ne abbati Pramonftrat. fubfidium faciat. Regiftrum cartarum abbatiae de Durford, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. xxm. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1761. f. 162. compofitionem in¬ ter abbatem de Dureford et abbatem de Hyda, l'uper iundatione cantariae in eccl. de Dureforde per Will, de Dureforde, A. D. 1327. MSS. Peck in Mufeo Britannico, vol. ii. de eleiftione abbatis, A. D. 1465. In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. f. 66. confirmationes do¬ nations eccl. de Rogate per Hubertum archiepifc. Cantuar. Stephanum epifc. Ciceftr. et decanum et capitulum Ciceftr. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 4. n. 23. pro mora quadam inter Pe- tersfield et Herting, &c. et quietancia de theloneo in villa de Petersfield. Fin. 3 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro terris in Finden : Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 16. pro virgat. terra in Eblinton : Efton. apud Winton. 20 Hen. 3. rot. . pro fefta hominum de Herting ad molendinum abbatis : Fin. in div. com. 28 Hen. 3. n. 65. de excambio ter- rarum in Scarthorp cum MatthxoHofe, qui conceflit abbati et conventui pro eifdem Rideland et Bikefgate [Berkf,] ten. in Scandebern, Standen, Hamm, et Hertings [Suflex.] reddit. in Childefton [Kane.] &c. n. 73. pro molendinoin Abbodefton: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. n. 11. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Herting, Tratinton, et Findon [Suflex.] Mapledurham et Suneworth [Southamt.] et Eblinton [Wilt.] Plac. in com. Suflex. 7 Ed. 1. afiif. rot. 57. pro libertat. in Herting, Tratinton, &c. Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 51. pro medietat. feodi unius mili- tis in Schirveton: Plac. in com. Suflex. 16 Ed. 1. rot. 4. de terris in Ihabiton. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 44. de meff". et terris in Afaplederham et Sonneworth: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 30. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. de medietat. maner. de Compton juxta Guildford, et advoc. ec- clefiae ibidem. XU. EASEBORNE, Effeburn*, Ofeburn1, or Eaft Burn. Benedictine Nuns. This ffnall Religious houle, for a priorefs and five or fix Benedidtine »U?S’ Is h*ve been founded in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 3. by Sir Tohn Bohun of Midhurft. Its poffeffions were valued, about the time of the diffolution, but at 20/. nnn. Dugd. 47/. 3 s. Speed; which, with the fite, were granted to Sir William Fitz Williams 28 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. annotatiuncuiam de fundatore, ex Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 86. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. ii. p. 123. of lands in Sturminfter Marfhall. In Regiftris epifc. Ciceftr. R. f. 46. b. appropriationem eccleliarum de Compton et Upmardon, A. D. 141 1. Ibid. f. 61. b. 62. b. ordinationes vicariorum in eif¬ dem parochiis. Ibid. E. f. 87, 88. unionem ecclefi- arum de Compton et Upmerden una cum capella de Weftmerdon eidem eccl. de Compton annex. A. D. J439- Ibid. f. 98, 99. augmentationem vicarite per- petux de Eftborne. Plac. in com. Suflex. 33 Hen. 3. rot. 3. de eccl. de Midhurft. Plac. in com. Suflex. 7 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 36. pro advoc. capellx de Tuddenham. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . prope finem: Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. u It being juft: upon the borders of Hampjhire , is fometimes accounted to belong to that county, (Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 545. Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. Sy.) not in Surrey, as catal. mf. Cot- ton. p. 119. * In which year died Hillary bifhop of Chichefter, who ap¬ proved and confirmed this foundation. at y z Not BenediEline monks , as Mon. Angl. tom. i, p. MS. in bibl. Carp. Chrift. coll. Cant. Taxat. Lincoln. 545« 1044. » MS. Collett. Joan. Stow penes me, where it is faid that the rounder was buned here. *> This is the right furname, not Bone, as in Leland. in XII. s u SEX, S in Stedham et Lynchc : Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 17 Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 6. pro eccl. de Compton vei 18. Pat. 11 llic. 2. p. I. m. 35. pro ten. in Upmerden appropriandis : Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. . Mydhurft. penfione debita priori de Lewes. c XIII. F E R R I N 0. Monastery destroyed. Here feems to have been a church or monaftery built to the honor of St. Andrew in the time of OfFa king of the Mercians c. And there were fome remains of it in a free chapel or peculiar jurifdidtion, which continued here till the time of king Edward 3. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 116. b. p. 117. a. Ferring fuper jurifdidtione, &c. In cartulario archiepifc. Cantuar. mf. p. 123. conven- Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40 vel 41. tionem inter decanum de S. Mailing et redtorem do XIV. HASTINGS. 1. College. Within the caftle here was a royal free chapel dedicated to the blelTed Viroin Mary, wherein were a dean and feveral Secular canons d or prebendaries, to which Henry de Auoo or Ewe, who lived temp. Hen. 1. was a benefadfor % and it might perhaps be founded by him or his father. It was faid, 27 Ed. 1. that the gift of the prebends had been in the crown ever fmce the barony of Haftings came into the king’s hands, but before that, Conan Augi was patron f. In 26 Hen. 8. the deanry was valued at 20 1. per ann.% and all the fevenh prebends at 41/. igi. per ann. only. The college and deanry were granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Sir Anthony Brown. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 84. cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 32. recit. et confirm, cartam Henrici com. de Augo ec- clefire et canonicis S. Marias de Haftings, de decimo denario vicecomitatus, &c. Regiftrum brevium, tit. De proxima vacatione five pa- tronatu concefla, f. 291. a. pro inftallatione Rad. Medeford ad prebendam de Weft Thurrok, 7 Ric. 2. F. 307. b. brev. de praefentatione et inftallatione ad prebendam in hac libera capella. Rileii Plac. Parliam. 28 Ed. 1. p. 227. de jurifdidtione clamata per epife. Ciceftr. in hac capella : Ibid. 33 Ed. 1. p. 256. de jurifdidfione clamata per archiepilc. Cantuar. et pro prebenda decanatui annedtenda. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. ii. p. 424. Ibid, vol. iii. p. 10. pat. 8 et 9 Joan. m. 5. falvum conduc- turn pro Joanne Reumond prebendario de Haftyng : p. 1 7 1. pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25. commiflionem regiam fratri Will. Feverlham, ad vifitandam capellam ac decanum in eadem prteficiendum : p. 228. bund, pe¬ tit. 7 Ed. 1. petitio prebendariorum contra ufurpa- tiones epifeopi Ciceftrenfis : p. 812. brev. 26 et 27 Ed. 1. de collationibus prasbendarum, praefentatione epife. Ciceftr. See. pro inquifltione : p. 856. clauf. 28 Ed. 1. m. 14. d. prohibitionem archiepifc. Can- tu.ir. ne jurifdiiftionem in capella et prtebendis exer- ceat: p. 904. clauf 29 Ed. 1. m. 9. conftabulario caftri, de non permittendo archiepilc. Cantuar. in- gredi caftrum ‘ p. 933. clauf. 30 Ed. 1. m. 6. d. pro¬ hibitionem archidiacono Lewenf. ne exerceat jurifd. in capella vel pnebendis: p.986. claul. 31 Ed. 1. m. 14. archiepifc. Cantuar. prohibitionem de colla- tione magiftri Joannis de Cadamo prebendarii de Ha¬ lting: p.1075. clauf. 33 Ed. 1. m. 17. d. archiepifc. Cantuar. ad refpondendum de exceftibus in vifitando hanc capellam contra prohibitionem regiam: p. 1076. pat. 33 Ed. 1. m. 2. de amotione Will, de Lewes pr.efciti in officium decani ab archiepifc. Cantuar. in Rvmeri Conventionum, &c. tom. ii. p. 857. pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. 4. de advoc. ecclefise et prebendarum iii caftro de Haftings concefla Joanni de Britannia C There feems to be no reconciling the dates in the Monafti- con, nor afeertaining from thence the fpunder, who was either earl Waldhere or Adwlf duke of SulTex. “ Canonici S. Maria: de Halting, io Ric. I. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 916. a. . » Mon. And. . . . But the charter therein printed is of Henry frond earl of Ewe, viz. fon of John, fon of this Henry the firft, who is the grandfather there mentioned, whofe grants and do¬ nations are confirmed; not of Henry the frjl, as Dugd. Baron. filio R. Hen. 3. Ibid. tom. ix. p. 123. clauf. 2 Hen. 5. m. 22. de life fuper prebenda de Welt Thurrok: Ibid, p. 505. de inftitutione ad prebendam de Brightling, A. D. 1417. ad prefentatipnem dom. regis. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. ii. p. 591. of the pre¬ bend. church, and vicarage of Well Thurrok. In bihl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 16. taxationem polleffionum canonicorum de Haftinge in diocefi London. In Regiftro Epife. Ciceftr. D. fol. 50. b. 51. ordinatio- nem five compofitionem inter epife. Ciceftr. etD. D. Will, de Haftings mil. dom. de Haftings patronum et fundatorem eccl. colleg. five capellse B. Mariie, vul- gariter nnneupat. capellae liberie fituat. infra caftrum de Haftinges, de et fuper jurifdidtione ordinaria didte capellae, vi decreti fadti per Rob. Morton cuftod. ro- tulor. in cancellar. A. D. 1480. Cart. 4 Joan, m, 6. de prebenda de Bulwardreth. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 18. de prebenda de Crawherfte: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 25 vel 26. de vifitatione hujus capella: regiae : Cart. 6 Ed. 1 . n. 23. pro libertat. in prebenda de Brightling: Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. . de prebenda de Yewherft: Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 50. de terris in Chetil- burgh concelT. per decanum et capitulum Joanni Wy- mark. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 11 et 15. de prebenda de Weft Thurrok. Brev. reg. 1 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . de decimis pifeationis apud Winchelle : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. quod decanus poffit conftruere manfum in caftro: Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. de preb. de Salhurft : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . d. pro vi¬ fitatione hujus eapelbe : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 42 vel 43. pro terris in Chitelbergh. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . d. pro vicariis hujus eapelbe. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. I. m. . dg jurifdidlione archidiaconi Lewenfis in hac capella: Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 35 vel 36. Cart. 25 et 26 Hen. 6. n. 38. quod capella cum pertinentiis fit infra jurifdidtionem epifeopi Ciceftr. et archidiaconi. vol. i. p. 137. for he doth not appear to have had any grandfa¬ ther of that name. < Prynne, vol. iii. p. 8n. and agreeably thereto, J rex con- “ ceffit Henrico de Wengham prebendam in ecclefia de Ha - “ ings, ratione terrarum quae fuerunt comitilfa: de Augi 1 “ manu regis exiftent.” Pat. 38 Hen. 3. m. 5. e Record, in offic. Primit. , b Sancroft’s mf. Valor hath eight prebends, befide the dean. >■ 2. AUSTIN E X. XIV. S U $ s 2. Austin Canons. Here was a priory of Black canons, dedicated to the Iloiy Trnity, as early as the time o i king Richard i1. Sir Walter Bricetk is faid to have been its founder. But the church and houfe being overflowed, and deftroyed by an inundation of the fea, Sir John Pel¬ ham gave them lands at Warbilton, 14 Hen . 4. whereon to build a new church and monaltery : however, it doth not appear that this defign ever fully took effcdl •, but, by the charity of fome orher well dilpofed perlons, a new priory1 was ere&ed near this town, which was found 26 Hen. 8. to have yearly revenues to the value of 51/. 9*. 5^. as Dugd. and 57 L 1 gs. o d. as Speed, and was granted to John Baker 29 Hen . 8. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 84. pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 19. de tranflatione fedis prioratus ufque Warbil- ton, et donatione maner. de Alonkencourt in Wy- thiam per regem. Eelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 87. Raftal’s Entries, tit. Juris Vtrum , f. 419. b. Quatre. In volumine collect. Rob. Glover, mf. inter libros mlT. autoris in bibl. Bodl. f. 22. b. cartam Joannis Pelham mil. donantis priori et conv. S. Trinitatis Haftings, terras, See. in Warbilton, 9 Hen. 6. In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. fol. 70. b. Siffridi 2. epife. Ciceftt . confirinationem appropriationis fuper ecclefiis de Crowhurft et Tichurft fail, priori et ca- nomcis S. Trinitatis de Haftyngs ex donatione Wal¬ ter! de Seaton : Ibid. fol. 69. b. confirmationem car- tarum Radulphi Ciceftr. epifc. fuper eccl. de Tycherft, Dalyngton, Afhburnham, Crowhurft, et S. Michaelis de Haftyngs : confirmationis approbationem per de- canum et capitulum Ciceftr. Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. de ten. in Michelham, eccl. de Heilelham, See. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 17. de terris in Warbleton. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 14 vel 15. et m. 26. pro maner, de Withyam. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. $. XV. HERINGHAM*, Herningham", Heretham”, Eritheham ", or Hardham*. Austin Priory. An ancient p priory of Black canons. Who the original founder was, hath not yet occurred. But Sir William Dautree knt. was accounted founder by fome, as one of the family of Goringss was by others. It was dedicated to the Holy Crofss, or as fome, to St. George. I idem Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 181. pat. I Hen. 4. p. 6. regulares : P.182, pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15 et 16. m. 12. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Ed. 3. confirm. pro hofp. S. Antonii de Cookham donationem maner. de Cookham, &c. per Will. Pay- Lelandi Colle£E vol. i. p. 96. nel, ad inveniendum quatuor capellanos feculares ce- Plac. in com. Suflex. 16 Ed. 1. rot. 11. 33. lebraturos in ecclefia prioratus, et conced. licentiam Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro maner. de Cookham. quod loco fecularium inveniantur quatuor capellani Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. XVI. H E R T I N G. Hospital. Henry Hoefe, the founder of the priory of Dureford, founded here an hofpital or houfe of lepers, temp. Hen. 2. dedicated to St. John Baptift. hde in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 79. cartam R. Hen. 2. Ieprofis de Herting, pro feria trium dierum in fefto nativitatis S. Joannis. • / XVII. H O T T E H A M, or Otthehani, in the parijh of Hailfham Premonstratensian Abbey. Ralph de E tain canons of the Premonftratenfian order, that cordingly done, and dedicated to the bleffed Virgi with great inconveniencies here, by the confent 1 founder, they removed, in the beginning of K. Beaulieu at Begham in the parilh of Trant. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 636, & c. cartas duas Radulfi de Dena fundatoris: Cartam Roberti de Dena proTelleton: Confirmationem Galfridi de Saukvile: Cartas duas Else de Saukvile, de tranflatione fedis ab- batise, ex codice mf. Cotton. Otho, A. ii. Ibid. p. 638. cartam Gilberti de Aquila confirm, donationes Ra- 1 Becaufe mentioned in Gervafe of Cant. See alfo Leland’s Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. k Leland. Celled, vol. i. p. 87. 1 “ Novus prioratus juxta Haftings,” mf. Valor. « Novus ” prioratus de Heftynge.” Valor, in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. a 5. « New priory by Haftings,” in pat. 29 Hen. 8. Warbil¬ ton is ten miles from Haftings. m m m go in the records. n Taxat. Lincoln, mf. 0 Leland. Colled, vol. i. p, 96. P In being in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 2. as is probable from this extradt out of the book of the priory of )ena, temp. Hen. 2. gave this his lordlhip to cer- they might fettle an abbey here, which was ac- n and St. Laurence. But the Religious meeting af Ela de Saukvile daughter and heirefs to their John’s reign, to a more pleafant place called dulfi et Roberti de Dena. In Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 77. cartam Willielmi de Bugele, dc terris in marifeo de Pevcnes. In Weaver’s Funeral Monuments, p. 318. cartas Ra¬ dulphi de Iclelham et Willielmi de March Lewes. “ Sciant prsfentes et futuri, quod ego Jocelinus nepos “ Jocelmi fratris regin^ (Adeliza:) dedi et confirmavi ecclefise “ S. Georgii de Eringham pratum quod fuit Willelmi filii Alan “ de Subroco, et claufum quod dicitur Chclworth, &c. pro “ anima Jocelini avunculi,” &c. Colled, magiftri Franc. Thynne, penes Joannem Anftis, arm. f. 44. For this donori was Jocelme of Louvain, who took the furname of Percy IS MS. Aflimol. 1 ' Dr- Harris in his Hiftory of Kent, p. 230. feith the fite of the pnory of Otteham was at Stone-acre, where there is only a farm-houfe ; but qiutrc* * •A a a XVIII. IIOU, xvm. strssfix. XVIII. H O U, or Hoo. Alien Priory. The manor of Hou being given to the abbey of Bee in Normandy by Henry earl of Ewe, between A. D. 1096. and 1139s. h6re was (according to the general ufage jn fucj, cafes) fhortly after ereded an alien' priory of Benedidine monks to that foreign houie, though lometimes reckoned as parcel of its principal cell in England, Okeburn It was given by K Henry 6. with Prefton, to Eaton w college, and by K. Edward 4. to Afhford college in Kent. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 582. cartam Henrici franciplegii, furcas, et alias libertat. in Hoo he. com. Augi conced. maner. de Houj cum omnibus Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 40. dorfo. confuetudinibus, he. S. Mar-ite Becci, et S. Martino Clauf. 35 Hen. 6. m. 6. dorfo: Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p ■> de Bofco et monachis Becci ibidem Deo fervientibus. m. 6 et 13. de conceffione coll, de Eton. ^ Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 17. Plac. in com. Suffix. 7 Ed. 1. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 21. de conceffione coll, de A(h- coron. rot. 27. quod prior de Okeburn habet vlfum ford. XIX. LEVENESTRE, Leveminftre, Leominfter, Lulleminfter *, or Lymifter. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benedidine nuns, cell of the nunnery of Almanefche in Normandy, which was founded by Roger of Montgomery earl of Arundel temp. Will. Cora. Hence it is probable that that earl, or one of his fons, gave the church of this place and other lands hereabouts to that foreign monaftery, which might give occafion for fixing a convent of thofe nuns in this place before the year 1178. After the wars with France, Richard earl of Arundel \ 7 Ric. 2. treated with the abbefs of Almaneiches concerning the purchafe of fome lands belonujnw to this alien priory, but the whole feems to have been fettled upon Eaton college by K. Henry 6. Speed faith it was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene1. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 606, 607. ex rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 4. Hill. rot. 14. bullam P. Alexandri confirm, donationes tarn in Anglia quam in Ncrrman- nia eccl. S. Mariae de Almanefches, A. D. 1178, Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 200. de reverfione hujus pri- oratus concelT. collegio de Eton, e pat. 19 Hen. 6. p, 2. m. 20. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1021. breve pro reftitutione terrarum prioriffle, 31 Ed. 3. poll lirmatam pacem cum Francigenis. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth, vol. lxxv. f. ig, recorda de prioratu de Leveneftre. Cartas, he. ad hunc prioratum fpeftantes in thefaurario coll. Eton, capfula 18. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27 vel 28. Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. prioriffa habet in proprios ufus ecclefias de Leveminfter et Climpyng. Rot. Franc. 7 Ric. 2. ro. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 9 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 14. de concelT. coll. Eton. XX. LEWES. i. Cluniac Priory. Earl William de Warrenna and the lady Gundreda his wife, A. D. 10781. founded in the old church of St. Pancrace, under the caftle here, a priory, which was the firft and chiefeft b houfe of the Cluniac order in England. Its yearly revenues, at the dilfolution, were com¬ puted to be worth 920 1. 4 s. 6d. Dugd. 1091/. 9 s. 6 d. ob. q. Speed. The fite was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Cromwell, and 2 Eliz. to Richard Baker, and Richard Sackvile. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 615. notulam de funda- tione et primo priore, ex Will. Malmfbur. Cartam fundationis per Will, de Warenna et Gundredam uxorem fuain: P. 617* cartam Will. com. Warennae de Coningburgh, Hertille, E iliac, Hetfeld, et aliis eccleiiis in com. Ebor. P. 618. quod hujufmodi pri- oratus cum cellis fuis dc Caftleacre, P ritil well, Far- leigh, Horton, et Stanefgate fit indigena, diploma R. Ed. 3. fcil. pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. I. m. lo. P. 619. do- nationem eccl. de Pritilwell [Effex.J ad locum S.Pan- cratii de Lewes a Roberto nl. Sweni : P. 623. clauf. j8 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 20. de fubjeftione coenobii de Clifford [Heref.J prioratui de LeWes: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 908, 909. de antiquis benefaftoribus prioratus de Lewes. . In Rymeri Conventionum, he. tom. >. p. 93. bullam P. Celeftini 3. inhibitariam priori et monachis de Lewes, de non promittendis ecclefiis antequam va- cervt, et de non folvendis penfionibus clericis nobilium, A. D. 1197. Tbid. tom. ii. p. 187. bullam P. Mar¬ tini 2. tuitoriam pro Joanne priore Lewenfi, durante peregrinatione fua, A. D. 1282. Ibid. tom. iv. p. 376. literas R. Ed. 3. ad papam, fuper indebitis vexationi- bus in curia Romana Joanni de Warren com. Surriie et fratri Petro de Joceux priori Lewenfi ab abbate Cluniacenfi praefentato illatis per provifionem Adae monachi Winton. et dein Joannis de Counteney mon. de Taviftok, 23 Feb. 1329. Ibid. p. 394. conlimiles literas ad papam et cardinales fuper eildem vexationi- bus, dat. 18 Jun. 1329. Ibid. tom. xi. p. 464. pat. 39 Hen. 6. m. 20. pardonationem pro priore S. Pan- cratii Lewenfis de provifione fratris Rob. Cryche in priorem Montis acuti. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 33. ex carta donationis; p. 86. de cellis prioratus de Lewes. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. pref. differt. p. x. et p. xviti. concordiam fuper advoc. eccl. de Waldern 9 Ric. 1. Regiftrum judiciale, f. 72. a. s He was earl Ewe all thofe years, as Dugd. Baron, vol- i. p. isr- . . ■ Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 1037. . . .. u The charter is placed under Okeburn in the Motiaiiicon, and fee above, pat. s Ed. r. » See Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 199. b. 1 Gervafe of Cant, et Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. “ Lenner- « minlter cclia abbatiE de Almanarcli,” in clauf. 1 Ed. 3. Rymer, vol. iv. p. 348. Whether not- Nunmenjtre, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. to?- 1 Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 3'8. I To the Virgin Mary, as the Eatorr college deeds. » Matth. Weltm, in 'anno I077. Angl. tom. i. p. 639 eehronicis de Bermundley. In Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 3J8- 107a. is a plain Hip for 1077. , II The prior of Lewes was accounted high chamberlain to Uie abbat of Cluni, and was often his vicar general in England, Ireland, and Scotland, Rymer, vol. xi. p. 464- xx. Sussex. Hen. Braflon de legibus, &c. lib. ii. cap. 2j. § 5. de eccl. de Hatfelt, 10 Hen. 3. contra Adam, de NovO Mercato: Lib. iv. tr. ii. cap. iv. §4. de eccl. de Stokihyre [Kanc.j contra Will, de Arbervil : Ibid, cap. v. § 4. de eccl. de Hecfenor [Ebor.] contra Adam, de Novo Mercato. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 318. of the gift of Richard Fitz Alan. Year Books, 10 Ed. 3. Mich. 25. Joannes de Moubray verfus priorem de Lewes, quare impedit praefentare ad eccl de Melton Mowbray: 41 Ed. 3. Hill. 14. et Mich. 3. de annuitate magiftro Sim. de Bredon M. D. pro bono confdio, &c. Ibid. 4 Hen. 4. Mich. 2. de annuitate in eccl. de Derking verfus priorem de Rei- gate : Ibid. 1 Hen. 6. Mich. 32. 4 Hen. 4. Trin. 20. 8 Hen. 6. Mich. 14. Hill. 7. pro annuitate xx/. in eccl. de Elme in com. Cantab, et dioc. Elienf. Ibid. 8 Hen. 6. Mich. 33. de annuo redditu vn. marc, cxeunte de maner. de Spinel: Ibid. 22 Ed. 4. Pafch. 20. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuitie per ou vers corps politike , § 6. de ann. reddit. xinr. 1 v d. debito przepofito et fcholaribus collegii Regalis Cantab, ratione prioratus de Brifete in SufF. et tit. Covenant fur endenture de leafe. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 860. of the ad- vowfonof the church of Reed [Hertf.] Ibid. p. got). of the church of Wydihale [Hertf.] Ibid. vol. ii. p. 15. of the church of Effendune or Afhdon [Effex.J p. 123. of the church of Canefield Parva [Eflex.J p. 501. of the church of Roding Alta. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 41. taxationem fpiri- tualium et temporalium prioris de Lewes in dioc. Cantuar. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. ii. p. 464. of a rent in Melbury Ofmond. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 412. of the advow- fon of the reftory of St. Peter’s in Thetford: p. 488. of the advowfon of the rectory of Wilton fometime : p. 505. of the advowfon of the rectory of Feltwell St. Mary, and of tithes there: p. 511. of a penfion of XL i. out of the rectory of Methwold : p. 526. of the advowfon of the rectory of Colvelton : p. 555. of a penfion of xlvi /. vm d. out of the redtory of Hock- wold : p. 567. of lands in Carton : p. 576. of lands and tithes in Merton, and the advowfon of the rec¬ tory: vol. iii. p. 385. of tithes in Fuldon, and of the advowfon of the rectory fometime : p. 424. of lands in Dudlington : p. 533. of pofleflions in Heydon, p. 61 1. in Corpefty : p. 849. of tithes in Sculthorp, p. 851. in S here ford : p. 858. of pofleflions in Tat- terford : p. 867. of the impropriate rectory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Toftes: vol. iv. p. 186. of pofleflions in Upwell, p. 301. in Bermingham Win¬ ter: p. 318. of the advowfon of the rectory of Gim- mingham, and of a penfion of v. marks out of the fame : p. 326. of pofleflions in Matlafk : p. 403. of tithes in Repham : p. 460. of pofleflions in Wood- Dalling, p. 518. in Derfingham : of lands and tithes in Elme: p. 540. of pofleflions in Geyton: p. 620. of the advowfon of the redtory of Wefl-Lynn : p. 690. of a manor in Tilney: p. 701. of a manor in Tyring- ton: p. 715. of a manor in Walpole : p. 721. of the impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Walpole St. Andrew: p. 726. of a manor in Wal- foken : p. 730. of the manor of Weft Walton, and the advowfon of the mediety of the rectory: p. 1202. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Letton, and a portion of tithes in the fame: p. 1216. of pof- feflions in Shipdam : p. 1240. of the advowfon of the redtory of Wood-Ryfing, and of tithes there: p. 1262. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hitcham : p. 1289. of lands in Ring- ftead Magna: p. 1301. of a manor in Shernbourn. In Martin’s Thetford, p. 61. of the church of St. Peter, p. 69. of St. Margaret, p. 89. of St. Helen : p. 134. of an annual rent of 5 /. 5 1. out of Santon Manor. In appendice, p. 133. excerpta ex carta fundationis de eccl. S. Petri et iv. folidatis terrae in Thetford, et ecclefia S. Helente ibid, deque Santona et Wil- tona, &c. In Bridges’ Northairlptonfhire, vol. ii. p. ri2. of a pend fidn of ili marks out of the redtory of Lamport, In Aubrey’s Surrey* vol. iv. p. 77. of a houfe in South¬ wark. The names of eight priors in Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 237, 238. Ibid. Append, p. 26, 27. a letter from John Portmarus to lord Cromwell, 24 March 1537. concerning the demolifhing the priory church, with particular dimenfions of the fame. In cl. Guichenoni bibl. Segufiana, Lugd. 1660. 4to. p. 434. ex antiq. eccl. Cluniacenlis cartulario, dona- tionem eccl. S. Pancratii Lewenfis monafterio Clu- niac. per Will, de Warenna et Gundredam uxorem. Quaere, anrion confimilis in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 615. In Rymeri Apoftol. Bcnedidt. tr. ii. p. 62. annales quofdam de eccl. Lewenfl. Vide etiam p. 64. et in Append; p. 59. cartam Willelmi de Warrenna et Gundredte uxoris ejus, de fundatione domus. In bibl. Cotton, ex dono viri fumm."E indurtriae et de antiquitatibus Anglicanis optime meriti, Matthsei Hutton S. T. P. Nigrum regiftrum prioratus de Lewis, quod fieri fecit Robertus Auncell prior A. D. 1444. olim com. Dorfet dein V. cl. Edw. Byfh pecu- lium: In ead. bibl. habentur etiam annales confcripti a monacho quodam de Lewis a Chrifto nato ad an¬ num 1312. Tiberius, A. X. 21. Fragmentum regiftri prioratus de Lewes: Ibid. Vefpaf. E. ii. 4. Ibid. Nero, C. iii. lo. cartam Jocelini caftellani de Arundel de eccleiia de Budincatona: n. 14, 15, 16. de decimis in Penevefell, terris in Bromham, et fo- chagio in Ledtun: u. 49. remiffionetn foedi unius mi- litis in Hantield per Hugonem de Bufey: n. 51. car¬ tam Robcrti de Dena de ecclefla de Waldrena et de- cima de Calvingtona. Ibid. Otho, D. vn. 14. padtum inter ahbatem Cluniacenfem et comitem Warenuni fuper nominatione et inftitutione prioris Lewenfis. Ibid. Vitellius, , E. x. 27. confirmationem privilegio- rum, donationum et decimarum ad hoc monafterium pertinentium, per Radulphum epifeopum Ciceftr. Collcdt. e regiftris prioratus de Lewes, in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. inter codd. Dodfworth. vol. Iv. f. 47. vol. cxvii. f. 26. (e regiftro penes Edw. com. Dorfet 1629.) vol. clix. f. 19. James, vol. viii. f. 103. In mufeo Alhmol. mlT. 844. 2, 3. Dugd. 39. f. 59. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. temporalia prioris de Lewes: mf. 66. f. 185. preceptum Edwardi regis de amovenda caufa fuper avocatione eccl. de Eaft Grene- ftede: mf. 692. f. 231. mf. 972. p. 139. et mf. 2044. f. 37. colledtanea ex regiftro. Regiltrum penes Jo. Selden arm. 1649. Fr. Thinni colledt. ex cartulario hujus prioratus Aun- celiano, mf. penes V. dodkirt. Joarinem Anftts arm. Garter, Sic. Colledt. ex eodem regiftro Guiboni Goddard recorda- toris Lcnnenfis, Petri Le Neve, &c. penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy. Colledt. Briani Twini ex eodem, vol. ft. p. 375. Computos, Sic. in baga intit. Peryent duke of Suffolk's lands, in fuperiori archa quinta: archte in officio nuper Curia: Augmentationis. A bag of original deeds concerning churches in feveral diocefes, and penflons out of the fame, belonging to the priory of Lewes, in the cuftody of the chamber¬ lains of the exchequer : a repertory to the fame made by Mr. Ed. Fauconberg is in my cuftody, mf. folio. Cartam Willelmi prioris de Lewes, de terris et libertate faldm in Hecham [Norf.J concert. Rogero capellano et Reginaldo fratri fuo, in vol. mf, colledtancorum meorum notato T. T. p. 480. In cartulario archiepifc. Cantuar. mf. p. 189. compofi- tionem luper decimis de Binelham in paroch. de Maghfeld inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et priorem et conventum de Lewes, A. D. {262. In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. D. fol. 162—164. ordinatio- nem five arbitrium fa<£E per epifc. Ciceftr, inter pri¬ orem et conventum de Lewes et redtorem de Weft- mefton, A. D. 1497. lbid- f- 164- b. 165. compo pofitionem inter priorem et conventum de Lewes et redtorem ecclefia: de Radmeld fuper decimas five por¬ tion es XX. SUSSEX. Bones in cadcm parochia, A. D. 1500. Ibid. C. fol. 78, 79. appropriationem etc), de Eft Greneftede uni cum ordinatione vicarix ejuldem fact, a Roberto epifc. Ciceftr. Ibid. fol. 80. confirmationem Seft'redi 2. epifc. Ciceftr. fuper omnibus beneficiis appropriat. priorat. Lcwen. temp, prxdeceflorum fuorum ufquC ad tempus fuum, una cum ordinationibus vicar, de Ifeld, de Kyngfton, et de Botynden : Ibid. fol. 81. ordinationem vicariar. de Pydyngho.) et Brighthelm- fton, una cum ordinat. de Brighthelmfton et eccl. de Radmelde per Ricardum 2. epiic. Ciceftr. A. D. 1252. Ibid. fol. 81. b. confirmationem Ric. epifc. Ciceftr. fuper appropriatis ecclefiis de Pcccam et Dytchnyngcs cum capell. de Wyvelesfelde, tiecnon ecclei. paroeh. de Weft Hodelegh, A. D. 1392. Cart, antiq. K. n. 40. foil. R. Hen. 2. confirmatoriam. Fin. Norf. 3 Ric. I. n. . de quarta parte feodi mil. in Hecham. Plac. coram rege, 4 Joan. Pafch. rot. 8. d. de advoc. eccl. de Wcfton [dioec. Elienf.] Fin. com. ignot. 3 Hen. 3. n. 12. pro advoc. eccl. de Erdington [Warw.] Ibid. n. 14. de medietat. maner. deNewyk: Fin. Norf. 9 Hen. 3. n. 173. dexxxixr. reddit. in Heidon: Fin. com. ignot. 9 Hen. 3. n. 40. tie terris in Stanham : Ibid. 10 Hen. 3. n. 43. de confuetudinibus tenentium inTwyno: Plac. de ban¬ co, 10 Hen. 3. Hill. rot. 6. pro advoc. eccl. de Burn¬ ham Thorp [Norf.] verfus Rad. de Brunham: Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. b. Claul. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. d. F in. com. ignot. ig vel 20 Hen. 3. n. 65. de advoc. eccl. de Colvefton [Norf.] Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro pratis et marifeis in Langeney et Wytinden : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 3. Fin. com. ignot. 40 Hen. 3. n. 33. tie tenementis in Ifefeld. I in. com. ignot. 43 Hen. 3. n. 47. de advoc. eccl. de Herthill: Fin. com. ignot. 44 Hen. 3. n. 48. de advoc. de Cotes ; n. 50. de ten. in Melton: Fin. com. ignot. 53 Hen. 3. n. 68. de pifearia in Utwell [Norf.] Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 19. d. Fin. com. ignot. 5 Ed. 1. n. 18. de advoc. eccl. de Ryfton [Norf.] et Meriton : Fin. Norf. 6 Ed. 1. n. 15. de terris in Merton cum advoc. eccl. de Ryfton et Merton, et ii. partibus decim. de dominico F'ulconis in Haddefco : Plac. in com. Suflex. 7 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 54. d. pro libertat. allocandis : Fin. Norf. 7 Ed. 1. n. 34. de ten. in Walpole: Fin. com. ignot. 7 Ed. 1. n. 20. de terris in Walpole et Merfhlond: Fin. Norf. 8 Ed. 1. n. 65. pro advoc. eccl. de Ryfton: Fin. com. ignot. 8 Ed. 1. n. 22. pro advoc. eccl. de Lotegarfhall juxta Petworth . Ibid. n. 23. pro advoc. de Dyrton : Ibid. n. 25 vel 29. pro advoc. de Ryfton conceff. Phil. Burnel: Fin. Norf. 14 Ed. 1. n. 128. de molendino in Ringfted Magna : Ibid. n. 174* de ten . in Walton: Fin. com. igli. 14 Ed. 1. n. 32. de terris in Ringfted Magna: Ibid. n. 33. de terris in Walton: Plac. in com. Norf, 14 Ed. x. aflif. rot. 8. pro advoc. eccl. de Wode Rifing: Plac. in corn. Suflex. 16 Ed. r. aflif. rot. if de terris in Walderne : Ibid. rot. 39. de reddic. exe- unte e maner. de Porteflade. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 4. de eccl. et terris in Hallifax Coningburgh, Braithwell, &c. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m / de reddit. in com. Ebor. F'in. 18 Ed. 2. m. 12, 17 et 14. de maner. de Hecham et Walton, portionibul in Sculthorp, et Methwold, &c. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p 1 m. 31. de advoc. eccl. d4 Dewefbury et Wakefeld Rom. 2 Ed. 3. m. 2. compofitionem inter abbatem Cluniacenfem et comitem Surrix patronum huius ccenobii, de forma pnefentandi priorem in vacatione • Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 14. pro eccl. de Melton Moubray in proprios ulus: Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. de advo/ eccl. de Weft Walton [Norf.] Brev. reg. 4 Ed. n. 4. de maner. de Hecham et Walton [Norf.] Clauf 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. d. de decimis Will, de Warenn^ et tenentium in Enemede, et alibi infra marifeos de Lynn : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Pet- hain: Cart. 15 Ed. 3. n. 8. pro mercat. et feria in Weft Walton: Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25 de advocatione prioratus : Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 8. pro mcrcat. et feria apud Walpole et quampluriinis aliis libertatibus in Norf. et SufF. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. I# m. 18 vel 19. pro advoc. eccl. de Dewefbury et Wakefield: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. pro maner. de Carleton et Willingham dimittendis: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m< 10. de cuftodia et regimine fcholarum apud Melton Moubray [Leiceftr.] Efcaet. Cantab. 24 Ed. 3. n. 50. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. quod fit indigena : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. pro appropr. eccl. de Dichenyng, Weft Hodelegh, Horfted Reyns Eaft Grinfted, [Suflex.] et Walpole [Norf.] in re- compenfatione pro eccl. de Birton, cujus advocatio- nem prior et conventus dederunt capellx regis S. Stephani Weftmonaft. et aliarum penfionum de eccle¬ fiis de Rifton, Caxton, &c. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7. de decimis villae de Melton Moubray : Plac. de ban¬ co, 27 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 120. pro redditu xvi. fol. per ann. pro portione decimarum in Alfrichefton : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. pro libertat. in villa de Hecham et hundred, de Smethdon : Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. x. m. 27 vel 28. Plac. de banco, 43 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 332. Plac. coram rege, 6 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 28. pro advoc. eccl. S. Nicolai de Feltwell [Norf.] Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18. de ten. in Walpole et Weft Walton: Pat. 12 Hen. 4. p. . m. 44. Efcaet. Norf. 3 Hen. 6. n. 19. pro maner. de Wigen- hale : Plac. de banco, 17 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 119. de annua penfione xx. marcarum exeunte e redoria de Elme, pro portione decimarum in Enemede [dioec. Elienf.] Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 27. Rec. in fcacc. xS Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 3. de xxx. acr. terrx in Ballefdon. 2. St. James’ Hospital. Near the gates of the monaftery was an hofpital for thirteen poor brethren and lifters, dedicated to St. James. Fide mf rec. in offic. Primit. Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 86. 3. St. Nicholas Hospital. The hofpital of St. Nicolas in Weftout is faid to have been erefted by the founder of the monaftery; there were thirteen poor brothers and filters in it 26 Hen. 8. Fide Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 86. Rec. mf. in offic. Primit. 4 Grey Friers. Here was a priory of Grey friers, which K. Henry 8. anno 36. granted to William Hey don and Hugh Stukley. XXI. SOUTH MALLYNG, near Lewes. College. A collegiate church dedicated to St. MichaeT, laid to have been firft founded by e Record. . . . Cead walla XXI. SUSSEX. Ceadwallad king of the Weft Saioris, who died in A. D. 688. The archbifliops 6f Canterbury were accounted the modern founders, in whole collation, and under whole immediate jurifdidion the c ean and prebendaries were, till thfe furrender io March, 1545'. The college and deanry were granted, 37 Hen. 8. to Sir Thomas Palmer. In 26 Hen. 8. the deanry was valued at 47/. 4s. 8a. ob. in the whole, 45/. 12 s. 5 d. ob. clear. Framfield Pr. at 17/. Os. id. Ringmere Pr. at 22/. ioj. o d. Southeram Pr. at 19/. I4J. n df. Vide in cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. p. 121. dotationdm eccl. d6 Southmalling in die confecrationis per Theobaldum archiepifc. circa A. D. 1150. Cartam ejufd. archiepifc. pro decimis pafnagii, et pafnagio xxiv. porcorum in terris dominicis : p. 124. confirmationem Baldwini archiepifc. Cartam Stephani archiepifc. qua imprebendaflet eccl. S. Dun- ltani de Maghfield, tanquam quintam prebendam in eccl. de S. Mailing: p. 123. ordinationem Stephani archiepifc. de quatuor marcis annuatim folvendis fa- crift® de S. Mailing, ex eccl. de Fremesfield: Con- ventionem de fubjedione de Terring cum capellis, A. D. 1230. p. 124. ordinationem vicari® in eccl. de Fremesfield, A. D. 1266. Cartam de decimis quibuf- dam in parochia de Ringmere : Ordinationem fuper teftamento et carta Henrici quondam vicarii de Ring- mfer, dt terris quamplurimis ad officium fact ill® aflig- natis, A. D. 1275. p. 294. bullam. P. Gregorii con¬ firm. ftatutum pro refidentia XL. dierum ad minus. Lelandi Colleft. voll i. p. 86. Inter mIT. nuper reverendifT. Sancroft, modo in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. ftatuta eccl. coll, de South Mailing per Joannem archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1453. Refor- mationes ftatutorum per Will, archiepifc. Cantuar. A. D. 1515. Plac. coram juftit. itiri. 16 Ed. 1. rot. 12. 19. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 7. pro mercaf. et duabus feriis apud Lyndefeld : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. pro ten. in South Mailing : Brev. reg. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 45 Ed- 3- P- 2. m. it. XXII. MICHELHAM. Austin Canons. In the beginning of the reign of king Henry 3. Gilbert de Aquila * founded here a priory of Black canons to the honor of the Holy Trinity \ Not long before the diflolution herein were eight canons, whofe yearly revenues were worth 160 1. izs. 6d. Dugd. 19 1/. igs id Speed. This monaftery was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Cromwell, and afterward by way of exchange to William earl of Arundel, 33 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 335. ex cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 18. per Infpex. cartas R. Hen. 3. anno 16. con¬ firm. maneh de Chintings, ex dono Gilb. de Aquila ; Gileberti domin* Aquilae dotantis ectlefiafn apud Micheleham conftruftam cum dominico de MichsL ham, parco de Peverfe, marifco lxxx. acr. in Hayle- fham, &c. ecclefiis de Haylfham et Legton, ciim conceflionibus aliorum donatorum. Year Books, 36 Hen. 6. § 16. Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 87. Itin. Will, de Worceftre; p. 157. In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. f. 68. appropriationem ecclefiarum de Flechyng et Allfrifton priori et con- ventui de Michelham, ex eo quod inundationes ma- ritimorum fludluum quamplures terras arabiles et frudtiferas, prata, pafcua, aliaque loca fertilia dicti prioratus, in quibus magna pars fuftentationis eorum confiftebat, ex inopinato abforbuerunt, fadlam per Robertum epifc. Ciceftr. A. D. 1398. vide et regiltr. R. fol. 63. a. Pat. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro quadam domo religionis hie incipierida Gilb. de Aquila coriceflit priori de Haftings nonnulla tenementa in diverlis villis. Plac. in com. Suflex. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 54 et 80. d. pro Ii- bertat. in maner. de Michelham et Chlnting : Pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. 20 vel 21. pro L. acr. in Horfey. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. x. m. 29. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro terris in Haylefham, Erlington, Seford, et Ma- nekefey: Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. io'vel 11. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 28. pro c. acr. in Weftham. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. r. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28. pro eccl. de Eghinton approprianda. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m 1. pro ten. in Sefford, Sutton, Heilingley, Brightemfton, &c. Pat. 2\ Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 32. pro eccl. de Alfrichefton et Flecham appro- priandis. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 11. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. j. m. 16. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. in. 5. confirm, ampliff. terra- rum et libertatum, inter alia pro paftura ad cccc. oves in Weftham, Jevington, & c. XXIII. PEVENSEY. Hospital. The hofpital of St. John Baptift here is often mentioned ini 11 The ufa°-es and “ cuftomes of the town, port and lege of Pevenfey, 30 Ed. 3 0 XXIV. P L E Y D O N E, Hi the farijh of Rye; Hospital. An old hofpital dedicated to St. Bartholomew, under the government of the abbat and convent of Weftm.nfter \ and, as parcel of the poffeffions of that monaftery, granted u Hen 8 to Andrew lord Windfor. & nen ■ s* d Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 86. But In archbilhop Sancroft’s papers “ Adolphus dux South Saxiae,*’ is faid to have been the Sift founder; and archbilhop Theobald is faid to have been the builder and endower of this college. Leland faith the charters of their original endowment had been burnt. * Rymer, vol. xv. p. 65. f In the Lincoln Taxation, the deanry was valued at fixty marks ; and the prebends of the treafurer, chancellor, and pre¬ centor, at thirty marks each. Befides thefe dignities, it is faid, there were four prebends in lay fee, Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 176. The furrender was by the dean, and three canons or prebenda¬ ries ftiled, The penitentiary, facrift, and clerit, as Rymer. 6 From the charters of fc. Henry 3. above referred to r u bert de Aquila feems indubitably to have been the founder of th.spnory: yetWill. of Worceftre in his Itin«ra«“ P i,“ afcribes the foundation to William de Samfto Claro a,krJ,™57‘ and Leland. Colledt. i. 87. faith it was sJI?mZ%CLTTS T the MOnalliCOn ; but faith to 1 MS. in mufeo Ailimol. Oxon. Dugd. 78 Hide — Bbt XXIV. S U S S E X. Vide in bibt. Harleiana, mf. 1880. f. 3. Weftmonaft. faftara a Roberto epifc. Ciceftr. A. D In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. f. 95,96. appropriate- 1521. nem liber* capell* regi* five hofpitalis S. Bartho- Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ric, 2. n. 53. lom*i de Playdon juxta Rye abbati et conventui XXV. P O O L I N G. Knights Hospitalers. A preceptory of the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, granted to the college of Arundel 33 Hen. 8. Vide pat. ejufdem, anni, p. I. m. . XXVI. P Y N H A M juxta Arundel, or De Calceto. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons founded by queen Adeliza', (who was fecond wife to K. Henry 1. and after his deceale married again to William Albini fecond earl of Arundel”) and dedicated to St. Bartholomew. It was one of thofe fmall monafteries which cardinal Wolfey procured to be fuppreffed, and obtained a grant of 17 Hen. 8 ”. for the better endowment of his college in Oxford, being then valued in lpiritualties at 1 1 /. per ann. and in temporalties 32/. os. 10 d°. But the fite was granted, 5 Jac. 1. to Anthony lord vifcount Mountague. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 143. ex vetufto rotulo penes camerarios fcaccarii, cartam Adeliz* regin*, de parcella terr* ultra pontem de Arundell : Confir- mationem ejufdem viris Religiofis ord. S. Auguftini ad conftruendum ibidem ecclefiam, &c. per Will, com. Arundell, cum ratificatione Ranulfi epifc. Ci- ceftrenf. p In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. xiv. p. 179. 1 8 x . quietam clamationem epifc. decani et capituli Ciceftr. in patronatu monafterii vel maner. de Calceto, Sul- ham, Bourne, et Lymyfter, &c. The cardinal’s bundle among the records in chancery. The bags of the cardinal’s college, &c. in the Tally court of the exchequer. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prioratum fpecftantes in pyxide quam mufeo Aflimol. Oxon. legavit infi»- niff, antiquarius Ant. Wood : Tranfcripta quarundarn cartarum hujus ccenobii, ibid. mf. Wood, 32. 9. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro meff. et lxxx. acr. terr* in Warblington, ex conceff. magiftri Roberti Bourn. Pat. . . . Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Pernfted, Bourn, et Wodemancote: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. quod prior et canonici fint cuftodes pontis de Arundell, et de folutione xv. marc. ann. ratione paupertatis: Clauf. 19 Ed. 3. m. 2. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. XXVII. RAMESTEDE, or Remfted. Benedictine Nuns. A Benediftine s nunnery dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene r, and founded probably by Richard archbifhop of Canterbury * temp. Hen. 2. but diffolved by reafon of the ill lives of fome of the nuns by archbifhop Hubert, who annexed their eftate to the priory of St. Gregory in Canterbury. But that priory granting it again to archbifhop Edmund, he probably re-eftabfifhed the nuns here ; for there were fuch here in the time of archbifhop Boniface. Vide in regiftro prioratus S. Gregorii Cantuar. mf. olim in bibliotheca inftrudtilfima R. P. D. D. Joannis Moore epifc. Elienfis, nunc in bibliotheca publica Cantabria!*, f. 7. cartam Huberti archiepifc. priori et conv. S. Gregorii Cantuar. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. p. 49. car¬ tam prioris et conventus S. Gregorii Cantuar. con- ced. Edmundo archiepifc. terram apud Ramftede, quam habuerunt ex dono Huberti archiepifc. p. 100. cartam Bonifacii archiepifc. recit. et confirm, moni- alibus terram in qua edificia earum funt conftrufta. XXVIII. READINGHAM, or Bedingham. Monastery destroyed. A monaftery in the beginning of the ninth century. Vuie Mon. Angl. vol. in, p. i. p. 1 18. a. b. de terris in Denton ad hoc vel ad Selefeienfe monafterium fpeiftantibus. XXIX. RIDDREFELD, now Rotherfield. Alien Priory. Lands here being given by Berthwald duke of the South Saxons about the Vear Soo. to the abbey of St. Dennis in France, a convent of monks from that houfe were fixed here. Vide in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 964. donationem Berto- aldi ducis de Haftinges et Pevenefel portubus mans et villa Radrcfelda. F. Creffey’s Eccl. Hift. p. 651. ex Jac. Doublet de an- tiq. monaft. S. Dionyfii. Hiftoire de 1’abbaye de St. Dennis par Dorn. Felibien, p. 62. et Append, p. 42. ubi carta R. Offas confirm, donationem Bertoaldi. 1 Before A. D. 11 ji. in which year Ihe died. Chron. Tho. XYykes. " Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. ng. n Rvmer, vol. xiv. p. 156. « MS. Valor. ? Thefe are alfo in the Antiquities of Arundel, p. 247- 1 Speed, Gervafe of Canterbury mf. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 6 S- s Archbifhop Hubert’s charter fpeaks of it as founded bl an archbilhop of Canterbury, and archbilhop Boniface’s alcnbes 1 to archbifhop Richard, who was made archbifhop A. D. i‘7 • and died 1183. XXX. ROBERT’S s XXIX. U S S E X. XXX. ROBERT’S BRIDGE, or Dc Ponte Roberti. Cisterti an Abbey. Alfred' de S. Martino builr, A. D. 1176“. an abbey for Ciftertiart monks here to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. It was endowed, at the fuppreflion, (about which time were twelve” monks) with 248 /. 10 s. 6d.peram. Dugd. ox clare. 272 /*. 9s. 8 d. in toto-, and was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Sir William Sidney. yide\n Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 916. memorandum quod- dam de fundatione e chron. Roffenfi : Cartam R. Ric. 1. (anno 10.) recit. et confirm, donatorum con- ceffiones, ex cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 24. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 920, 921. cartas ex autographis penes Will. Hay¬ ward de Tanrigg in com. Surr. equ. aur. Adcliciae five Alicise comitifTae Augi, pro hominibus et terris in Snergate; Willelmi tertii com. Suflex. confirm, prmdiftam donationem amitae fuse; Roberti de Curci, pro wallis et watergangis apud Snargate faciendis ; Henrici com. Augi pro Wertham, cum comba juxta foreftam de Briftlinga; Joannis de Augo, confirm, marifeum de Snergate; Radulfi de Yilbndon com. Augi, confirm, donationcs in rapo de Hallings et in Cantia. In Leland. ColleA. vol. i. p. 87. de quibufdam cartis hujus ccenobii exhibitis per abbatem. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 73. concern¬ ing a plea, which the abbat had in the king’s court, for the manor of Prunhill, ex Magn. rot. 4 Joan. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 40. taxationem fpiri- tualium et temporalium abbatis de Ponte Roberti in dioc. Cantuar. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. ii. p. 358. of the manors of Ben- crough, Highlands and Prigles in Pembury : p. 375. of the manor of Lamberhurft. Regiftrum abbatiie de Ponte Roberti, penes Robertum com. Leyceftr. A. D. 1670. idem forfan cum regillro penes hteredes Philippi Sidney equ. aur. A. D. 1587. unde haufit quamplurima cl. Rob. Glover in collect, fuis donatis officio Armorum London, ab Henrico Slingfby mil. Excerpta varia etiam ex eodem regiftro penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy. Cartas originates quamplurimas huic abbatise fpeblantes penes Thomam Aftle arm. In volumine cartarum mearum originalium notato Pre- Jion, n. 34. examinationes quorundam tedium in caufa decimarum (uti videtur) inter priorem et conv. de Ledes et abbatem et conv. de Ponte Roberti, de terris hujus abbatite in Lambrehurd, temp. Hen. 3. vel Ed. 1. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. p. 93. pro- tedationem Nicolai de Lenham quod non dimitteret tenementum fuum in Lambherd abbati et conventui de Ponte Roberti ultra decern annos in prejudicium arebiepife. Cantuar. A. D. 1259. p. 99. conventio- nem inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et abbatem et conv. de Ponte Roberti, de tenement de feodo Nicolaio Kenet in Lambherd, A. D. 1266. In the regider of the bifhop of Chicheder, L. fol. 64. a. The appropriation of the prebend of Hadings with the chapel of Mundefeld to the abbat and convent of Robertfbridge, by grant from Will. Echyngham, along with the churches of Salehurd and Udimer, upon the pope’s bull dated, anno 5. Clementis papte. Cart, antiq. S. n. 18 et 27. fcil. R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes. Fin. 5 Hen. 3. m. 10. de feodis ii. mil. in Sutton: Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 22. pro mercat. et feria apud Pontem Roberti: Plac. in com. Sufiex. 32 Hen. 3. rot. 1. de commun. padur. in claufo de Wykes: Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 14. Fin. div. com. 3 Ed. 1. n. 22. pro reddit. in Lambre¬ hurd et Sutton: Plac. in com. Suffex. 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 8. d. pro terris in Galherd: Plac. in com. Kant. 21 Ed. 1. coron. rot. 30. pro libertat. in borgha de Lambrehurd; affif. rot. 3. pro feodo mil. in Lambre¬ hurd: Rcc. in fcacc. 31 Ed. 1. Hill. rot. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. de eccl. de Salhurd, Ord- mere, et Mundfield conceff. per W. de Echingham : Plac. in com. Cant. 6 Ed. 2. coron. rot. 13. d. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. de meff. et terris in Salhurd : Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . de Denham, Lambrehurd, Sutton, Iverherd, &c. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 et io. de eccl. de Salhurd, Ordimere, et Munfield : Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2t vel 22. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 24. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. Clauf. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 38. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 19 Ric 2. p. 1. m. 7. quod omnes te- nentes abbatis lint quieti de febta facienda ad rapam de Hadings, &c. ex conceff. Joannis ducis Richmon- diae, &c. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 36 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 7. Rec. iri fcacc. 17 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 17. Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 9. de mb. acris marifei in parochiis de Playdon, Iden, Prome- hill, Farlegh, & c. conced. Ricardo Guildford in feodo pro annuo redditu xn d. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 24. de cc, acris marifei in Playdon. XXXI. R U S P U R 7, or Rupperar1. Benedictine Nuns. In the ancient lift of monafteries, aferibed to Gervafe of Canterbury’, who flourifhed temp. Ric. 1. occur the Black nunsb of Roufpere in this county; which priory was dedicated to Sc. Mary Magdalene', valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 39/. 13L 7 di. as both Dugd. and Speed;, and granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Robert Southwell. Vide in Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. fol. 70. b. appropri- tionem nobilis viri Joannis de Breuyr ad quem jus ationem eccl. de Horfham fa£t. prioriffie et moniali- patronatus ecclcfiae pertinet, dat. anno pontif. 7. bus de Roufpere, per Rad. 2. epifc. Ciceftr. ad peti- Ibid. fol. 71. ordinationem ejufdem vicarim, A. D. t In the charter of king Richard r. it is exprefsly “ Aluredus “ dc S. Martino fundator.” And Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 87. mentions a donation of this Alfred’s, A. D. 1176. though he there faith the founder was unknown. The ltochefter chronicle makes Robert de S. Martino founder*. “ MS. annales de Parcolude. v MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. * MS. record in oflic. Primit. “ Summa clara 208 /. lor. 64. “ fumma inde 23 it. t)s. 84.” Stevens, vol. i. p. 26. Speed’s valuation is alfo 232/. 9 1. 84* y Dugd. z Speed. a MS. in Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant, and Leland* Itin. vol. viii p. 65. b They are mentioned alfo in placit. coram rege, 49 Hen. 3. rot. 20. " c Speed. d 39!- 14 s- id. is faid, in the records in the Firit Fruits office, to be the clear value. 1231. XXXI. s u S S E Xi 1231. et confirmat. A. D. 1281. Ibid. fol. 71. b. confirmationem Seffredi 2. epifc. fuper appropriat. eccl. de Warnham ex donatione Willelmi de Braofa, de Ifeld ex donatione Roberti Bunnet, et de Seleham ex donatione Radulphi de Seleham mil. fa£lam prid- ridie et monialibus de Rufpere: Ibid. fol. 72. a. taxa tionem et dotationem vicarix de Ifeld; et vicarix He Warnham, A. D. 1247. XXXII. RYE. Austin Friers. Here was an houfe of Auftin friers temp. Ed. 3. if not before. The fite of which was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Thomas Goodwin. Vide pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. XXXIII. SADLESCOMB. Templars, in the latter part of the reign of K. John, or the beginning of that of K. Henry 3; Jeffery Say', the fon of Jeffery, gave his manor of Sadlefcomb to the Knights Templars in ex¬ change for the manor of Weft Greenwich, which had been given them by his father; and a pre- ceptory f for that order was thereupon here founded e. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 545. dt p. 555. cartam x s. n id. due to the Templars of Sadlefcombe out of Galfridi de Say, conced. maner. de Weft Grene- an eftate in Farencumb. wiche: Cartam Galfridi fil. Galfridi de Say, conced. Plac. de banco, 9 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. 28. prior hofpi- maner. de Sadlefcumbe in efcambium maner. de tabs Jerufalem recuperavit advoc. eccl. de Saddlef- Grenevviche. comb, verfus Rob. Bafac. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 136. of a yearly rent of XXXIV. S E A F O R D. Hospital. The hofpital of St. James, which was annexed to the prebend of Bargham in the church of Chichefter h. XXXV. S E L E, olim Atte Sele1. 1. Alien Priory. William de Braiofa having, A. D. 1075. gi?en to the abbey of St. Flo¬ rence at Salmur the churches of St. Peter at Sele, St. Nicholas at Bramber, St. Nicholas at Shore- ham and lo me others in this county, here was foon after fixed a convent of Benediftine monks from that foreign monaftery. This alien priory was made denifon 19 Ric. 2., but yet was lup- preffed, and the churches and lands belonging to it, (valued at 26/. 9 s. $dK j annexed to St. Mary Magdalene college in Oxford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 580, 581. ex autographo in archivis coll. Magd. Oxon. cartam donationis a Will, de Braiofa, A. D. 1075. cum confirinationibus Philippi de Braiofa fil. et Will, de Braiofa nepotist Ibid. tom. ii. p. 973. cartam R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, donatorum conceffiones abbatire S. Florencu de Salmur. ex pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 22. per Infpex. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 157. 166. de fundatione hujus prioratus. _ . . £artas et regiftrum hujus prioratus in theiauraria coll* B. Mariae Magdalenae Oxon. In Regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. fol. 64. b. et D. f. 55. b. appropriationem domus five prioratus de Sela collegio B. Mariae Magd. Oxon. 16 Dec. 1480. Brev. 9 Ed. 2. Trirf. rot. 8. pro terris in Avington. Pat. 48 Ed; 3. p. i. m. 27. Bund, benef. alienig. 4S Ed. 3. quod prior de la Sele habet in proprios ufus ecclefias de Sele cum portionibus in Southwik, de Veteri Shoreham, Nova Shoreham et Walhington. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. quod fit indigena: Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m-. 29. pro eccl. de Shoreham appro- ptdanda. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 7. m. 22. 2. White Friers. The fite of the houfe of the White friers here was granted, 35 Hen. S. to Richard Andrews and Nicholas Temple. XXXVI. SELAESEU', or SelefeyX BishoPRICK. St. Wilfrid having, about the year 68 1". preached the Chriftian religion in the kingdom of the South Saxons, and converted many of thofe Heathens to the faith, obtained, by e This Jeffery Say died 14 Hen . 3. as Dugd. Baron. Vdl. i. r'f5 «Ecclefia de Southwike pertinente ad Sadelfcumb.” Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 5*5- “ Preceptor domus Militia T empli de .. Sadellefcomb.” Madox’s Form. Angl. p. 137- g I do not find when it began ; but it is plain from Madox, that it was in being in the time of K. Henry 3. h MS. Sancroft. M < x - i So Gervafe of Cant. mf. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab, from whence it was eafy for Mr. Speed to corrupt the name into Accefeale. It is called, by a miftake of the tranfcriber or printer, « Prioratus de la Seke ” Rymer, vol. iv. p. 047* it jn the valuation of Magdalene college Oxon. « ex dono 11 fundatorls, redloria de Sela cum terris glebalibus ac fii'ma “ domorum quondam priorat. ibid. & c. xxvi/. ixj. lX^x. 1 Bedse Hift. Eccl. lib. iv. c. 13. . m The IJle of Seal Fi/h, as Bede interprets the worud' monaftery is not to be looked upon as the fame with Lelejtge , which was in Berkfhire. n Cl. Smithii Append, ad Beds Iiiftor. numb. X1*. P* 744* In the Monafticon is a charter of king Cedwalla for °ul r f of this monaftery, A. D. 673. But whoever carefully Per that and the other old deeds printed in Mon. Angl. tom* • p. i. p. 1 15, &c. out of the regifter book of the dean and cn p- ter of Chichefter, will find in almoft every one evident marxs falfe print or forgery. , XXXVI. SUSSEX. the favor of ^Edi^ach king of the country, this village then confiding of eighty-feven families, 1C, a r ie arJc s t^ie 1 eninfula on which it is fituated, for the building and endowing of a mo- naltery for thole Religious0 perfons, who had been his companions in his exile p. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin1', and Eadbercht abbat of this place being, A. D. 71 1. confecrated the firft 1 °j C 0UC.1 Saxons', the epifcopal feat was fixed and remained here till bifhop Stigandus tranfiated it (by virtue of the conftitution made at the fynod of London A. D. 1075.) from this village to the larger town of Chichefter. Videfupra Chichester. XXXVII. shoreham. Hospital. The hofpital of St. James here, valued in Efton at ll. 6 s. 8d. per ann. was granted, 16 E/tz. to John Merfh. XXXVIII. NEW SHOREHAM. White Friers. A priory of Carmelite or White friers founded by Sir John Moubray knt. ’ Vide pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. XXXIX. S T A Y N I N G. Alien Priory. This feems to have been, in the Saxon times, a place of fome note for a church or monaftery, wherein St. Cudman was buried', and in the catalogue of Religious Houfes aferibed to Gervafe of Canterbury, temp. Ric. 1. mention is made of a dean and Secular canons here". It is more certain, that K. Edward* the Contefior gave lands here to the abbey of the Holy Trinity at Fifcamp in Normandy, which were taken away by earl Godwin, and rellored by K. Wil¬ liam the Conqueror, and that thereupon fome Benediftine monks fent from that foreign houfe made an alien priory here, which was given to the monaftery of Syon, 1 Ed. 4. and continued part of its poffeffions till the diffolution. Speed faith, it was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. Here was the panfli of St. Cuthman x, and the parifh church of St. Andrew f in this town was appropriated to Fifcamp. Therefore quare as to the dedication. r Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 971. cart, antiq. S. n. 3. cart. R. Will. Conq. confirm, abbatias Fifcannenfi terras de Stannig et Bereminftre in Anglia: P. 972. cart, antiq. S. n. 4. concordiam inter abbatem Fif- cannenfem et Phil, de Braiofa in praefentia R. Hen- rici 1. et Matildis regins apud Sarifberiam, A. D. 1103. de theoloneo et aliis gravaminibus illatis ho- minibus abbatis apud Staninges. In cl. Du Monftrier Neuftria Pia, p. 223. duas cartas Will, principis Normannorum, de terra de Staningis in Anglia. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro lib. war. iil maner. de Staninge, Bredde, Wormenhurft, &c. Pat. 52 Hen. 3, m. 23. de eccl. S. Andrese apud Staningas tenta irt proprios ufus abbatis de Fifcampe. Clauf. 2 Ed. 1. m. 8. pro libertat. in hundred, de Pal- lyng: Plac. in com. Suflex. 7 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 32. prd advoc. eccl. de Brede. Fin. 15 Ed. 3. m. 12. pro me(T. et terris in Horfham. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. XL. T ORTING T ON1, near Arundel1. Austin Canons. A priory of five or fix cated to St. Mary Magdalene, and founded by th Its yearly income was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 75/. 1 The fite was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to Henry lord Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. notulam de funda- trice prima, fcil. domina Corbet, ex Leland. ColledL vol. i. p. 86. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 211. of the advow- fon of the reftory of Tineham. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 542. of the ad- vowfon of the reftory of St. Swithin’s in London be¬ longing to this priory. Plac. ad Hulling. London. 14 Ed. 1. rot. . de manfione in paroch. S. Swithini London, cum patronatu didlae ecclefise, &c. legatis huic prioratui per Robertum Regular canons, of the order of St. Audio, dedi- e lady Hadwiia Corbet, before king John’s time*. 2 s. %d. ob. per ann. Dugd. ioi /. 4 s. id. Speed. Maltravers, and 42 Eliz . to Sir John Spencer c. d’Aquilon cum corpore fuo. In colledl. flafT. Dodi worth, vol. Ixxiv. f. 35. cartarri Henrici de Percy donantis tenementum de Chillenerfh in paroch. de Lutgerfale huic prioratui, 22 Ed. 3. Survey of the lands formerly belonging to this priory, taken 6 Jac. 1. mf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 12. lpiri tualia prioris de Tortyngtone. In Regiftris Epifc. Ciceflr. C. fol. 72. b. 73. a. appro- priationem eccl. de Medlei et dotationem ejufderrt vicariae fadt. a Ranulpho epifc. anno pontif. 4, Ibid. ® For BenediBine monks, faith Thomas Rudburn, to advance the antiquity of his own order. Angl. Sacr tom. i. p. 228. P Bedas Hift. Eecb lib. iv. c. 13. s Leland. Collett, vol. iii. p. 70. But to St. Peter in Mon, Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 117. r Bedas Hift. Eccl. lib. v. c. 17. a Collett, mf. Joannis Stow, ex pat. 22 Ed. 3. 1 Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 96. ii. 409. iii. 82. As was alfo Ethelwulf king of the Weft Saxons, and father to king iElfred, Hearne’s Appendix to Iiemingius, p. 659. u Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 65. w Neuftria Pia, p. 223. x Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 992* y Pat. 52 Hen. 3. x Not Torpington , as in Monarticon and Leland. * Cotton's Abridgment, p. 548. t- Becaufe in the catalogue of Gervafe of Cant, mfj in Corn; Chrift. coll. Cantab, and Leland. Itin. vol. viii. d. 61 « Madoxs Hift. of the Exchequer, p. 433. — Cc c appropri- XL. s u S S E X. f gppropriationem eccl. et dotationem vicarix de Ifle- Jham faft. ab eodem epifcopo. Ibid. fol. 73. appro- priationem eccl. de Northftoke, eo quod pofleffiones et redditus prioratus juxta mare confiftent. per tie- quentcs inundationes illius maris in rnagno valore pro quolibet anno funt confumpti, ad petitionem Ric. comitis Arundel, cui jus patronatus dicbe eccl. per- tinebat, fa£t. A. D. 1337. , XT , Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. pro advoc. eccl. de North Stoke, ex dono Ricardi com. Arundel, eaque appro- prianda: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. prd melT. in paroch. S. Swithini Candlewick ftreet et ad¬ voc. ecclefix ibidem, ex dono Ric. com. Arundel. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro ten. in London: Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 17 vel 25. de terris in llyiham. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 1. Petit, pari. 3 Hen. 5. art. 43. de maner. de Clay et aliis terris per com. de Arundell injufte ablatis : Clauf. 7 Hen. 5. m. 2. XLI. WILMINGTON. Alien Priory. Robert earl of Moreton, temp. Will. Rufi , bellowed this manor on the abbey of Greftein in Normandy, to which it became an alien priory. The monks were of the Benediftine order Upon the wars with France it was often feifed into the king’s hands, till K. Henry 4. gave licence to the dean and chapter of Chichefler to buy this priory with the manor, &c. then valued at two hundred and fortv marks per ann.A which they did, and had the fame confirmed to them by parliament 2 Hen. 5 e. toward the founding of a chantry of two priefts in the faid cathedral. This eftate, being furrendered up by the faid dean and chapter, was granted, 7 Eliz. to Sir Richard Sakvile. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 982, 983. cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 21. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, donationes ab- batix de Greftino: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. . m. 23. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 32. pro eccl. de North Berk- hamfted [Line, dicec.] Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. coron. rot. 35. de libertat. in maner. de Grafton: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. de concert, ad firmam Tydemanno de Lymbergh et hxredibus, pro term. M. annorum, maneria de Norton [Somer- fet.J Cannock [Wilt.] Ramrug [Southamt.] Merfhe [Buckingh.] Grafton [Northamt.] Dernford [Cant.] Creting et Micklefield [Suff.] ad hunc prioratum et abbatiam de Grefteino fpedtantia : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. ubi prior de Wilmington habet in proprios ufus eccl. de Wilming¬ ton, et ecclefias five prebendas de Eftdene et Weftham. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. . Clauf. 1 Hen. 5. m. 20. Pat. 2 Hen. 5- p. 2. m. 14. pro didlo prioratu eccl. Ci- ceftrenfi annedtendo. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 13 Ed. 4. Hill. rot. 17. XLII. WINCHELSEY. r Black Friers. [Here was an houfe of Black friers founded by K. Edward 2 f. which, the fuppreffion, was granted to William Clifford and Michael Wildbore. Pat ^ Ed! 3Edp.2i.Pm.226mvd27!;1 Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. Pau S^en. 6. 1. m. 19? after 2. Grey Friers L The fite of the houfe of Grey friers here was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Wil¬ liam Clifford and Michael Wildbore. XLIII. WINDEHAM. Hospital. The hofpital of St. Edmund, in the patronage of the crown. Vide pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. de cuftode prxficiendo. XLIV. WOLINCHMERE\ Silebrede1, or Shulbred. a m-TM r axioms A oriorv of five" Black canons, faid to have been founded by Sir Ralph de Udlrn1 It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary- endowed, 26 Hen 8 with 72* *5 J ^od ob perann. as Dugd. and with 79/. 15 i. 6d. as Speed, and was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to S.r William Fitz Williams; and, 36 Hen. 8. to Antony Brown. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 362. notulam de fun- datore, ex Leland. Colledh vol. 1. P* # * Inter colleft. mff. cl. Dodfworth. vol. lxxiv. f. 70. car- tarn Roberti de Hardnes conced. fervitium tertix <» Dr. Hutton's patents. e Sir Robert Cotton's abridgement, p. 541* g ‘‘PThere were two colleges of freres in Winchelfe.” Le¬ land. Itin. vol. vi. p. 56. This houfe ot Grey friers at Win- chelfcy is mentioned as the third houfe m the cuftody of Lon don, in the old catalogue of the Francilcan order, in Colleft. AliS<° MS?°catalP prioratuum ordinis S. Augullini in Anglia, ’ in bibl. Corp. ChrUt. coll. Oxon. n. 154- Mon. Angl. tom. 11. partis feodi militis et advoc. prioratus de : Wlmch- mere, Willelmo Percy: f. 75. cartam Hennci de Percy, pro molendino de Curteis dato canonicis ibidem. p. 442. b. lin. 4. i Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 2?r- k MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. , 1 Leland, Collett, vol. 1. p. 86. calls hun Ralph A r. Dugd. Baron, vol.i. p.271. faith, that William de Percy chafed the patronage of this priory 24 Hen. 3. of th> 'Sir , “P Ardern or his heirs, though the name be wrote Hardnc Dodfworth. m Dodfworth, vol. lxxiv. f. 7;. A furvey XLIV. s u SEX, A furvey of the lands belonging to this priory taken '6 Jac. i. mf. penes Petrum Le Neve arm. Appropdationem eccl. de Midlavent faft. A. D. 1358. in regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. fol. 67. et de penfioni- bus ex eadem ccclefia epifcopo, &c. folvend. ibid. R. fol. 176. b. Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 37. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. de eccl. de Upmerden : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro advoc. eccl. de Midlovente, ex dono Edvardi de Sandlo Joanne, et appropriatione ejufdem. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. de eccl. de Midlovcnt appro- prianda. For Horsford (Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1036.) fee above in Horsham, Norfolk. WARWICKSHIRE. J. ALENCEASTER.tr Alceter, olirn Ecclefia S. Marias de Infula’. Benedictine Abbey. Ralph Pincerna or le Boteler of Overfley built, A. D. 1140. upon an ifland about half a mile north b of this town an abbey of Benedidline monks, which he dedi¬ cated to the bleffed Virgin Mary and St. John Baptift : but this houle being much decayed, was, about A. D. 1467. united and made a cell to the abbey of Evefham; its revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 65/. ys. nd.perann. Dugd.‘ 101 1. 14*. Speed; and were granted firft to Tho¬ mas Cromwell earl of Effex, after his attainder to Fouk Grevil, and 36 Hen. 8. to William and John Sewfter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 470. cartam fundationis et dotationis hujus eccl. S. Mariae de Infula, ex cod. mf. Bodl. N. F. C. V. 12. P. 471. confirmationem fundationis per Rob. com. Legeceftri *• m- 35- Pro cantaria in capella B. Mariae : Efcaet. War. 12 Ed. 3. n. 43. p;lt 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. jo. Efcaet. War. 14 Ed. 3. n. 40 1 at. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. j m. 43. de fundatione collegii : ibid. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl. de Hulle Morton fuper Dunefmore: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. pro eccl. de Stanton Longa: Pat 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro reddit. in Shulfokej Fil lonley, et Non Eton. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Long Stantoh approprianda: Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro red¬ dit. e maner. de Bentley. 2. Hospital. Thomas marquis of Dorfet, by his teftament bearing date June 2. 22 Hen. 8. ordered his executors to build here an almlhoufe for thirteen poor men, who were each of them to receive 12 d. per week for their maintenance, with a livery of black cotton yearly of 44. price, and appointed that thefe payments Ihould be made out of the rents and profits of the manors of Pakin- ton and Bedworth, & c. But quaere, Whether this was ever performed. Vide Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 112. Baron, vol. i. p. 721. III. ATHERSTON. Austin Friers. In 49 Ed. 3. Ralph lord Baflet of Draiton gave land whereon to build a church and habitation in this place for Friers Heremites of St. Auftin, which was Ihortly after done •, and thefe Mendicants continued here till the general diflolution, when the friery, with all that belonged to it (being valued but at il. 10s. 2 d. per am .) was granted to one Henry Cart¬ wright and his heirs 35 Hen. 8. Vide Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 781. edit. 1656. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p.221. an account of p. 1085. edit. 1730. this houfe, from Dugdale. Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 380. Pat. 49 Ejd. 3. p. 2. m. 17. Lelandi Called!, vol. i. p. 50. IV. AVECOTE', or Aucot. Benedictine Cell. A fmall priory of four Benedidtine monks'1, cell to Malvern the Greater in Worcefterlhire, begun by Wiiliam Burdet A. D. 1159'. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 34/. 8 s. per ann. Speed. 28/. 6s. 2d. Dugd.k and granted, 34 Hen. 8. in exchange to Thomas lord Audley and Sir Thomas Pope. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 367. conventionem inter In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 1122. of priorem Malvernis et Will. Burdet, de coenobio lands at Bramcote : p. 1 129. in Shuttenton, and of the inftituendo, A. D. 1159. Eandem conventionem church there : Ibid, of the priory, its foundation, &c. emendatiorem edidit cl. Madoxius in Formul. Angl. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 65. 123. p. 244, V. BALSHALL. Templars! This manor was given to the Knights Templars, temp. R. Steph. by Roger de Moubray, and became a commandry or preceptory of that order. It belonged afterward to the Knights Hofpitalars, though it doth not yet appear that any of them refided here ; and, as parcel of their poffelfions was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick, and 8 Eliz. to Sir Roberc Dudley earl of Leicefter '. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 545. b. 552. b. In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 964, &c. an account of this houfe, and of all the lands belonging to the Templars in this county, and the donors of moft of them. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 50. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 65. 173. Plac. in com. War. 2 Joan. rot. 5. Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro lib. war. ibid. Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro mercat. die Jovis et duabus feriis, fcil. diebus S. Gregorii et S. Matthiae. Plac. coram rege, 13 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 5. 19. Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 15. Efcaet. War. 32 Ed. 1. n. 43- ■ Affif. in com. War. 33 Ed. 3. rot. 28. dc L. mefluagiis et L. virgatis terrre in Temple Tylho, Temple Herd- wik, Newbold Pacy, et de maner. de Shirburn olim Templariorum pertin. domui de Ballhal. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 30. exemplificat. confuetudi- num nativorum tenentium hujus manerii. g Taxat. Lincoln, mf. Leland. h Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 65. Not nuns, as Leland’s Col¬ led!. vol. i. p. 123. rid Speed. 1 So the Monad, and Madox, and Dugdale’s Warwick, edit. 1730. A. D. 1151. in the firft editiion of Dugdale’s Warwick- Ihire, was a falfe print, it not agreeing with the year of the king’s reign. x Under Malvern, 2 8/. 5s. id. Stevens, vol. 1. p- 3J- , 1 It is faid to be now made the endowment of an nolpiu > called the hofpital of lady Katharine Levefon. Biog. Brit, p. 1814. notes, and Account of Modern Chanties, p. 95- VI. BERMING VI. WARWICKSHIRE. VI. B E R M I N G II A M. Hospital. At the end of this town, toward Wolverhampton, flood the hofpital of St. Tho¬ mas the apoftTe, confiding of a prior or warden and feveral brethren. It was in being before 13 Ed. 1. and was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 81. 5s. 3d. per aim. The anceftors of the Berminghams were accounted founders. Vide Dugdalc’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1 730. p. 903. El'caet. War. 13 Ed. 1. n. 128. Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. . dorfo. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. r. m. 3. de terris in Bordefle, Berning- ham, Dodefton, Erdington, &c. Efcaet. War. 24 Ed. 3. n. 18. de terris in Afton et Bermingham ad fuftentationem prefbyteri ad altare S. Marite in capella hofpitalis : Pat, 25 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 24. VII. BRETFORD. t. Benedictine Nuns. Here was for fome little time, during the reign of K. Henry 2. a fmall cell of two or three Black nuns, founded by Jeffery de Clinton, fon to Jeffery the founder of Kenilworth ; but they feem to have foon l’eparated, and their lands, by the confent of the founder, were annexed to Kenilworth priory. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 464, 465. tres Cartas *730. Gaufridi de Clintona camerarii, viz. de fundatione, MS. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cx. f. 10. confirmatione, et donatione terrarum canonicis de In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2060. p. 37. fundationem hujus Kenilworth. cellte. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 29. edit. 1656. p. 45. edit. 2. Hospital. Here was a kind of hofpital or chapel of St. Edmund, founded perhaps by the Turviles lords of Wolfton, who were patrons of it 34 Ed. 3. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 23. 30. edit. 1656. p. 45. edit. 1730. VIII. C O M B Em, olim Smite, near Brinklow. Cistertian Abbey. A Ciftertian abbey founded by Richard de Camvilla A. D. 1150*. and dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary. Herein were thirteen or fourteen Religious °, who were en¬ dowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 302/. 15 a 3d. per arm. Archer. 31 il. 15 s. id. Dugd. 34 3/. os. 5 d p. Speed. The fite was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 882. cartas Ricardi de Camvilla, de fundatione ; Rogeri de Moubray, de donatione villae de Smite diflro Ricardo: P. 833. car- tarn Rogeri Moubray, confirm, fundationem. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 222, &c. of the foundation, endowment, and diflolution of this abbey: p. 12. of lands in Newton: p. 15. in Church Over: p. 18. in Coton: p. 34, 35. in Merfton and Wolfton: p. 40 and 44. in Stretton fuper Dunfmore: p. 54. in Shireforde: p. 63. in Merfton Jabet: p. 66, 67, and 69. of the manor of Wolvey, and other lands there, and a moiety of the church : p. 71. of lands in Little Copfton; and p. 108. of the lordfhip there: p. 90. of lands in Chefter Over: p. 92 and 209. in Harborow Magna: p. 95. in Harborow Parva: p. 99. in Little Lawford: p. 122. in Anfty: p. 127. in Wy- kin : p. 203. in Stoke : p. 214, 215. in Withibroke : p. 217. in Hopsford : p. 218, 219. in Brinklow: p. 226. in Binley : p. 268. of the repair of Chesford bridge: p. 289. 303. of Blakedon mill in Lillington: p. 315. of lands in Caldecote : p. 328. in Hodnell : p. 329. in Afcote and Rodburn : p. 332, 333. in Lad- broke : p. 352. 354. in Herberbury and Chefterton : p. 530. of a legacy towards building the cloyfter. In Atkyns’s Glocefterfhire, p. 602. of a watermill in Peb worth. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 562. of pofleffions in Norwich. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 577. of the im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Nafeby. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 50. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 204. de quarta parte 1. feod. mil. tent, de Will. com. de Warwic. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuite fur compofition , judgment againft the abbat of Comb for the tenants of the priory of Epworth, formerly of Monks Kirby, having com¬ mon of pafture on Wolvey heath. Regiftra duo hujus abbatiae, mf. in bibl. Cotton. ViteU Hus, A. 1. 6. D. xvm. 2. Analefta quam plurima ex regiftro de Cumba, mf. in bibl. mufei Athmol. Oxon. Dugd. F. 2. f. m. ad f. 173. mf. in bibl. Bodl. ibid. Dodfworth. vol. cx. f. 5. m(T. in bibl. Harleiana, 294. f. 183. et 2060. p. 35. mf. Macro, mifcell. vii. f. 125. MS. Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iv. inquif. 21 Ed. 1. de terris abbatis in Wolney et Wyebrooke. Fin. War. 3 Joan. n. . de terris in Herberbury: Plac. coram reg. 7 Joan. Trin. rot. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Withybrook. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 3. m. . d. aflif. de terris in Brandon contra Bertramum de Verdon: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 11. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. ra. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 8. d. de ten. in Church Lalleford : Ibid. m. 23. d. de commun. paftur. ibidem: Clauf. 7 Ed. 1. m. 8. d. pro terris in Herberbury et Cheft¬ erton: Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 12. quo war. rot. 1 et 4. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 16. de terris in Herdebergh, Bilney, et Happeford: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 89. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Cumba, Bilney, Ernesford, Wolvey, Copfton, Withi¬ broke, Cotes, et Redburn: Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 22. pro mefT. in Coventre: Plac. m Erroneoufly placed by Mr. Speed in Leicejlerjhire. n Annales Waverley in anno ; but mil Annales de Parcolude place this foundation in A. D. 1149. • The abbat and thirteen monks had penfions at the diflolu- tion. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 125. p “ Summa inde 343/. of. jd. fumma clara Stevens, vol. i. p. 31. 3x1/. is. $d.'9 — Ddd coraru VIII. W A R W I coram reg. 6 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 11 et 97. de repara- tione pontis de Chesford: El'caet. War. 7 Ed. 2. n. 36. Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 11. pro mercat. diebus Mercurii, et feria apud Wolney in vigilia, die, et ctaftino S. Marci : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. Plac. apud Northamt. 3 Ed, 3. rot. 125. de confuetudi- nibuset fervitiis tenentium in Braybroc : Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. in. 38. de maner. de Brinkelow : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . d. pro inquirendo de inter- fedtione abbatis: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. et p. 3. m. 9. per Infpex. recit. cartas Hen. 2, &c. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 26 vel 27. Fin. War. 21 C K 8 H I R E. Ed. 3. n. . de maner. de Brinkelow : Plac. corain rege, 26 Fid. 3. Trim rot. 35. de ponte de Chesford - Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 15. pro eccl. de Napton - 1 lac coram rege, 43 Ed. 3. Mich rot. 18. quod ab- bas debet reparare Chesford Brigg. Pat. 26 Rit. 2. p. 2. m. 20. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 16. pro advoc. eccl. de Navelbv [Northainpt.] Pat. j9 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. ult. vel nult. de maner. de Wolvey: Pat. 25 Hen. 6. PV mi 12 vel 13. 2' Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 13 Hen. 7. m. . de pardonatione pro alienatione maner. de Rodburn Wilhelmo Catelby. IX. C O V E N T R E. 1. Nunnery destroyed. 1 Here is faid to have been in the Saxon times 2. Cathedral and Benedictine Priory. J a famous convent of nunsi under the o0Vem- ment of St. Ofburg, which was deftroyed by the Danes A. D. 1016. But about the year^joa?' the munificent earl of Mercia Leofric, with his lady Godiva, (among many other worthy founda¬ tions) began here a noble monaftery for an abbat and twenty-four Benediftine monks, whom they endowed with twenty-four manors, and richly finifhed the church, and all the offices of the houfe to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, St. Peter and St. Ofburgh. Upon the vacancy of this abbey, A. D. 1095. Robert de Limefy, birtiop of Chefter, obtained not only the cuftody of it, but alfo leave to remove his epifcopal fee hither, whereupon this monaftery became a cathedral priory, and the prior and convent were one of the chapters to the biffiops of this diocefe, many of whom ftiled themfelves bifliops of Coventry only. One of them, viz. Hugh de Novant, in the year 1 19 1. took lome occafion to expel the monks, and in their room placed Secular canons in this church ; but within feven years the monks got to be reftored, and continued here till the furrender 30 Hen. 8. About which time their revenues were valued at 731 /. 19 s. 5 d. per am. or, after repriles, at 499/. 7 s. 4 d. dare. The fite was granted, 37 Hen. S. to John Combes and Richard Stansfield. Vide in Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 302. memoranda hiftd- rica, de fundatione et hiftoria hujus abbatim, ex Gul. Malmfbur. Rogero Hoveden, Joanne Tinemuthenfi mf. et Sigeberto Gemblacenfi mf. P. 303. cartam fundationis per Leofricum comitem : Confirmationem R. Edwardi Conf. P. 304. bullam P. Alexandri con- firmatoriam dat. A. D. 1043. Genealogiam funda- toris a Leofrico 1. ufque ad Will, de Romara funda- torem abbatiae de Clive, qui obiit temp. R. Joan. P. 305. de immunitate prioratus ab annua penfione uni clericorum regis, ratione novae creationis prioris, quia prior non tenet aliquid de domino rege per baro- niam : Plac. coram rege, 14 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 50. P. 677. cartam Laurentii prioris et conv. de Coventre donantium eccl. de Cold EfTeby monachis de Davin- tre, A. D. 1 150. P. 678. de relevio ex xv. virgatis in Weft Haddon a priore de Daventre : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 220, & c. depofitiones de jure monachorum Coventr. in eleftione epifcopi : P. 228. confirmatio¬ nem Joannis com. Moriton, de amotione monacho¬ rum et conftitutionecanonicorum fecularium : P. 232. bullam P. Eugenii 3. interdicentis arr.otionem mona¬ chorum ex eccl. Coventr. In cl. Whartoni Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 423. Thomie Chefterfield hiftoriam de fucceffione epifcoporum Coventrenfium et Lichfeldenfium ad annum 1347. p. 444. Will. Whitlock additamenta ad hiftoriam priecedentem : p. 448. ejufdem hiftoriam de epifcopis Coventr. et Lichfield ab anno 1347. ad annum 1559. p. 465. fucceflioneiTi priorum Coventrenfis eccl. a cl. Whartono concinnatam. In Rcyneri Apoftol. BeneduSl. tr. ii. p. 1 39. hiftoriam fundationis, ex Matth. Paris fub anno 1198. In annalibus Burtonenf. p. 254. P. Coeleftini literas pro reftitutione monachorum, A. D. 1198. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 26. 50. 60. 345. 4!6- vol. ii. p. 267. et vol. iii. p. 72. de abbatia, See. Append. I. q King Canute is faid to have been the founder of this nun¬ nery in Leland’s Itin. vol. iv. p. 124. et Colleft. vol. i. p. 50. Rut it was rather deftroyed in his time, according to Dugdale s Warwicklhire. r Pope Alexander’s bull of confirmation bears date this year; and fo doth the recital of Leofric’s deed of foundation in cart. p. 303. of the cuftom of the cathedral church of Co¬ ventre to have the apparel of way of every perfon de- ceafed. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 124. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 133. cartam epifcopi Co¬ ventr. de militibus fuis feffatis : p. 204. feoda prioris de Coventrie. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 68, &c. an ac¬ count of this priory, with a lift of the priors ; and in the Appendix, p. 55. a letter from bifhop Lee to lord Cromwell, defiring that this cathedral church might not be pulled down. See alfo vol. ii. p. 242. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1 730. p. 157, &c. of the beginning, growth, riches, honor, and difiolution of this monaftery: p. 8. of poffeffions at Clifton, before the Conqueft : p. 30. of the chapel of Stude upon Dunfmore Heath : p. 46, 47. of lands at Rieton [an¬ ciently:] p. 65. of Shilton chapel: p. 122. of the manor of Hawkfbury : p. 123. of Anfty chapel: p.124. of lands at Exhall and the chapel there: p. 125. of the manor of Newland: p. 125, 126. of lands in Folkefhull and the chapel there: p. 126. of the chapel at Wykin : p.130. at Allefley : p.132. of lands in Coundon: p. 165. of St. Michael's church in Coven¬ try : p. 1 73. of Trinity church there : p. 202. of the chapel at Stivichal, the chapel and manor of Careiley, and Whitmore park : p. 203. of lands at Radford, Arnhale, and Stoke, and the chapel at Stoke: p. 204. of the manor of Bigging, and the chapel at BilTeleie ; p. 208. of the chapel at Pinley; p. 211. of lands at Whitley: p. 212. of lands in Sow and the chapel there : p. 226. of lands in Binley and the chapel there: p. 228. of lands in Winnall: p. 291. in Frank- ton: p. 299. in Cubington: p. 309. in Shuckbo- rough Superior: p. 312. in Granborough : p. 323. in Birdingbury: p. 330. in Little Rodbourne: p. 338. of the manor and advowfon of Southam: p. 351- of 51 Hen. 3. n. 8. This is alfo the year alligned in Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 157. edit. 1730. But the Monafticon, tom. m. p. i. p. 117. and Leland, Colleft. vol. i. p. 416. place it in 1044- And in Leland, Colleft. vol. iii. p. 72. it is faid to have been founded. A. D. low¬ lands ix. Warwickshire. lands in Chadlhunt [anciently:] p. 356. of the manot and advowfon of Ufton : p. 361. of the manor, rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Oftchurch : p. 367. of lands in Leminton : p. 424. of houfcs in Warwick: p. 470. of lands in Chefterton: p. 489. in Wafperton: p. 490. in Hethcote: p. 512. of the manor, rettory and advowfon of Herdwick Priors : p. 513. of the manor and chapel of Merfton Priors: p. 541. of lands in Upton and Radway: p. 604. of the manor and advowfon of Honyngton : p. 671. of xxs. yearly from the church of Hampton: p. 784. of lands in Pacwood, and the chapel there : p. 900. in the notes, of the view of frank pledge in many places: p. 985. of the rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Meriden: p. 1023. of the church of Corley : p. 1024. 1036. of lands in Fillongley, belonging to this priory. In Burton’s Leicefterthire, p. 191. of lands in Merfton: p. 215. of the manor and church of Pakington : p. 243. of the church of Scroptoft: p. 263. of the manor of Snibfton. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 550. of the manor of Long Marfton anciently: p. 576. of the town of Newnham. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 73. of the lord- fliip of Kilfby anciently : p. 440. of four houfes in Northampton: p. 550. of the lordlhip of Cold Aihby ahciently: p. 602. of the lordlhip of Winwick an¬ ciently. In Nalh’s Worcefterlhire, vol. ii. p. 336. of the lord- fhip of Salwarp anciently. Year Books, vol. xxvi. p. 66. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 80. of the priors not pleading, or being impleaded, but before the king himfelf : p. 403. 413. 445 and 446. of this priory’s having and paying for ten knights fees. In ejufdem Formul. Anglican, p. 40. 44. 177. diverfas cartas de molendino de Lee conceflo Willelmo piftori per epifcopum Coventr. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 232. fomd account of this priory and its priors, from Dugdale and Willis ; and in the Appendix to vol. ii. p. 35. an account of the pofleffions of this monaftery in Northamptonlhire at the Conqueft, taken from Domefday Book. Regiftrum hujus prioratus in fcaccario, penes remcmo- ratorem regis. Rentale terrarum in Raddeford juxta Coventre temp. Hen. 4. conventui de Coventre fpedtant. mf. penes eundem. Regiftrum in officio nuperae curiae Augmentationis. Regiftrum imperfedtum, necnon cartas quamplurimas originales in archivis civitatis Coventrise. Thynne’s Collections concerning the foundation of the priory of Coventry, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Chop. C. iii. 8. Excerpta ex antiquo libro five regiftro prioratus de Co- ventria, penes magiftrum S. Smythe gen. folicitato- rem dom. Berkeley, A. D. 1595. intit. Regiftrum Galfridi prioris Coventr. fa£tum temp. Hen. 3. et Ed. 1. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Dodfworth. vol. xxxix, f. 103. vol. cxxvi. f. 3. ex regiftro in fcacc. mf. ibid, vol. lxv. p. 21. Cl. Dugd. excerpta et analecta ex regiftro prioratus de Coventre, mf. in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. Dugd. f. 2. P- 235- . Excerpta ex regiftris hujus prioratus, m(T. in bibl. Har- leiana 539. f. 87. 2009. f. 3. et 6466. n. 15. Col¬ lectanea e regiftris epifc. Cov. et Lich. mf. ibid. 2071. f. 175. In eadem bibl. mf. 26r. f. 107. de fundatione eccl. de Coventre: m. 2074. f. 203. grant of a market and fair at the manor of Burton in Wirehall in com. Ceftr. mf. 2115. p. 86. quo warranto 22 Ed. 3. againft the bilhop : p. 215. claim of the bilhop at an eyre of the foreft of Mara and Mondrem : p. 230. extent of the manor of Terwyn: mf. 7520. nomina priorum. Inter Collect. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iii. inquif. 19 Ed. 1. de terris in Packwood, Schackef- burgh et Scraptoft: 27 Ed. 1. in Kereby et Scraptoft : 30 Ed. 1. de mefluagio in Coventre, et 1. acra prati in Franckton: 31 Ed. 1. de mefluagio et ii. virgatis ten* in Scraptoft: 19 Ed. 2. de mefluagio et terris in Coventre, &c. Plac. apud Weftm. 6 Ric. t. Mich. rot. 8. de life inter monachos et canonicos, de pofleffionibus prioratus. Pat. 5 Joan. n. . Cart. 6 Joan. m. 4. n. 41. de protcc- tione : Fin. 6 Joan. m. 4. Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 10. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 13. Ibid, m. 19. pro feriis vnl. dierum apud Coventry et apud Southam ih fefto S. Leodegarii : Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 3. Fin. War. 16 Hen. 3. n. . de dlmid. hida terrae in Fillonglegh : Pat. 18 Hen. 3. m. . Cart. 18 Hen. 3. m. 28. Cart. 23 Hen. 3. in. 5. pro feria apud Southam in fefto S. Georgii et vii. diebus fequent. et pro mer¬ est. ibidem in dieLunse: Pat. 29 Hen. 3. m. . Cart. 33 Hen. 3. n. 4. Pat. 33 Hen. 3. rn. 3. Fin. War. 34 Hen. 3. Mich. rot. . Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro lib. war. in maner. de Coventre, Cundulme, Sow, Wylenhale, Frankton, Merfton, Herdwyke, Sutham, Olethon, Offchurch, Wafperton, Honyton, Pack- wood [Warwic.] Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 28. Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 8. recit. per Infpex. cartam com Leo- frici fundatoris: Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 26. d. de libertat. habendi coronatorem et gildam mercatoriam in villa de Coventre. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 30. d. de ten. in Semeley: Ibid. m. 31. d. de commun. paftur. in Ecclefwode : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 26. Pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 20. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . d. pro quodam vafto extra villam de Coventre includendo: Plac. in com. Leiceftr. 13 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 4. d. pro terra in (Potters Mer- fton : Plac. in com. Warw. 13 Ed. 1. quo War. rot. 1. d. Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2. d. pro libertat. in Dry Merfton : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 10. de terris et reddit. in Sutham et Olnefton : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 24 Ed. 1, m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. I. m. . [bis:] Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . [bis :] Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Plac. coram rege^ . . Ed. 2. rot. 151. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. de terris in Stow, Merfton, et Augton perquirendis : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. de terris et bofeis in Scapecroft et Radford juxta Coventre: Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. Rom. 15 Ed. 2. m. 14. pro eccl. de Cefterton : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 29. p. 2. m. 10 vel 11. Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 3. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m; i Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18, 19, et 20. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 21 vel 22. p. 3. prope finem, pro imparca- tione ccxlvi. acr. apud Newland, et ccccxxxvi. acr. Vafti apud Whitmore: Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. de ii. acris bofei infra maner. de Willenhale: Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 5 et 6. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 28. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 3. pro eccl. de Honington approprianda : Ibid. p. 3. m. 12. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22. Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 13. de vaftis et bofeis in Newland et Whitmore claudendis et parcis inde faciendis : Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 5. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. pro eccl. de Chefterton approprianda. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 32. de exitu terrarum in Cokkefley : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro rfrefl'. in Wafperton: Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 21. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 23. p. 2. m. 4 vel 14. Plac. affif. in div. com. 9 Hen. 4. rot. 49. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 22. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 15. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . [bis:] Cart. 27, See. Hen. 6. n. 6. pro mercat. apud Pakinton et feria apud Southam et lib. war. inmaneriis: Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20! Ibid. p. 2. m. 14. pro eccl. de Southam approprianda" Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 79. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 6. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 14. de melT. et terris in Honington. 3. Charter- IX. WARWICKSHIRE. 3 Charter-house William lord Zouch, A. D. 1381. intended to build a monaftery of the Carthufian order, to the honor of St. Anne, upon fourteen acres of land in Shortley near Commit which he had obtained for that purpofe of Sir Baldwin Frevile, but being prevented by death hi’ good deiign was carried on in lome degree by other well difpofed perlons, though not like to h brought to any per eft, on till A. D. 1385. when K. Richard 2. laid the firft fton? of the chZu and at the requelt of his queen Anne undertook to be founder, and accordingly endowed them wi h many alien priories, part of which were realTumed in fucceeding reiens; fo that this houfe conn> ing of a prior and eight5 monks in 26 lien, 8. had but 131/. 6s. \d. per ann. Dugd t6i 1a' 4 d. ml. Val. and Stevens, vol. i. p. 31. 251 /. 5s. ()d. Speed. It was granted, ?’* Hen a /' Richard Andrews and Leonard Chamberlayn. t0 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1563. hiftoriolam de fun- datione coenobii, dc pracipuis benefaftoribus domus, de aedificationibus cellarum, et de primo lapide ec- clefiae poiito a rege fundatore: P. 964. pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 1. licentiam regiam pro fundationc: P. 965. pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro eccl. de Walton fuper Frentam: Pat. g Ric 2. p. 2. m. 30. pro advoc. eccl. dc Ecclesfeld [Ebor.] Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15 vel 17. pro prioratu de Edywefton [Ruth] Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 21 vel 26. pro prioratu de Lym- bergh : Pat, 17 Ric. 2- p. I, m. I . pro maner. deSwavefy et Dry Draiton : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro priorat. de Wolfrichefton et Hagham : Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. de xii. pauperibus clericis inveniendis pro relaxatione lxv. marc, folvend. fcholaribus aulie Regiae Cantab. P. 966. de prioratibus alienigenis de Lodres, Wotton, Long Benyngton, Feildallyng, et Hagh conceffis 22 Ric. 2. Pat. 10 Hen. 7. m. 3. pro eccl. de Potters-piry [Northamt.] et Eggemond [Sa¬ lop.] appropriandis. In Dugdaie’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 205. of the original, progrefs, and end of this monaftery: p. 31. of the advowlon of Church Lawford : p. 38. of the priory of Wolfton, and advowfon of the church there: p. 815. of the priory of Wotton Wawen, be¬ longing to this Chartreufe houfe. In Bridges’ Northamptonfliire, vol. i. p. 317. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicaraee of Mares8’^71 V°*' P' 13 6 ‘ °f the fame at Alhby- Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 125. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 229. In regiftro Joannis Fordham epife. Elienfis, mf. f. 200 de appropriatione eccl. de Swavefey [Cantab.] ' In mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. mf. Dugdale, F. %. p 0,5 tranferipta quaedam hunc prioratum concernentia. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro xiv. acris terra in campo vocat. Shorteleyfedd , pro fitu domus : Clauf. 5 Ric 2 m. 4. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro eccl. de Ec- clesfield [Ebor.] approprianda : Pat. 14 Rjc. 2 „ , m. 41 vel 42. Efcaet. War. 19 Ric, 2. n. 7?. pat' 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m, 4, Cart. 21 Ric. 2. n. 2. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 16. licent. perquirendi maner. de Swavefey et Dry Draiton ab abbate S. Sergii et Bachi: Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p, 1. m. 17. confirm, liber- tates, et pro uno dolio vini Gafcon. annuatim perci- piendo in portu Ldndon: Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. j. m_ jg_ Ibid. m. 23 vel 24. de aquaedu&u quodam : Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 27. de compofitione cum magiftro hofpitalis de Okeham : Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 2. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. j. m. 3. et p. 2. m. 10. pro maner. de Swafy et Dry Draiton. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 16. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 29. 4. Bablake College. “ Hard within the Weft Gate, alias Bablake Gate, is a collegiate “ church dedicated to St. John [Baptift.] It is of the foundation of the burgelfes. In this college “ is now a maifter and eight minifters, and lately twelve minifters*.” The parcel of land called Bablake was given to the Merchants guild or fraternity of St. John Baptift, who thereupon built the chapel or church of St. John above mentioned, which was dedicated A. D. 1350. which guild, being united with thofe of the Trinity and St. Katharine, maintained the warden and priefts above- faid, with a mailer of grammar, clerks, and chorifters. Its annual revenues were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 45/. 6s. 8 d. Dugd. Speed ; but by another Purvey, 37 Hen. 8. they amounted to ml. 12*. 81 1. Dugd. Warw. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 119, 120, &c. edit. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Fin. 19 Ed. 3. m, 2. 1656. p. 188, &c. edit. 1730. p. 722. of the manor Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 19. of Alllpath given to this college by Roger Wigfton. 5. Bablake Hospital. Within or near the college of Bablake, Thomas Bond draper, fometime mayor of this city, founded an hofpital, A. D. 1506. for a prieft, being a preacher, ten poor men, and one woman, and endowed the fame with lands to the yearly value of 49/. 11s. yd. It was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to the bailiffs and commonalty of the city, and is not only Hill continued, but, as the rents have been raifed, more poor people have been taken into it. So that now here are eighteen old men and a nurle, receiving every one three fhillings per week for diet, a black gown yearly, fuel, and other advantages. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 193, &c. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 125. 6. Grey Friers Hospital. Near unto the houfe of Grey friers, William Ford a merchant in this city founded an almfhoufe A. D. 1529. for five poor men and one woman; which was fhortly after better endowed by the charity of William Pisford his executor, and fince, by the benefaiftion of Mr. Simon Norton alderman of Coventre. It is yet in being, and, by the kindnefs of the corpo¬ ration, and raifing the rents, there are now maintained in it feven poor men and their wives in blue gowns, who have every one 2 s. per week, and a nurfe, who hath 2 s. 6 d. per week ; and to each houfe there is 10 s. worth of coals fent every year. ■ The prior and feven joined in the furrender, as Willis, VOl. ii. p. 243. Vile < Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 134. IX. WARWICKSHIRE. Vide Dugdale’s Warwick/hire, edit. 1730. p. 184, 185. 7. St. John’s Hospital. Here was an ancient college “ or rather hofpital, confiding of a jnader or warden and feveral brothers and fiders, dedicated to St. John Baptift, founded upon the foil, and with the approbation of the prior and convent of Coventry, at the indance, and for the mod part at the expence of Edmund archdeacon of Coventry, in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 2. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 67/. 3 s. 2 d. clare -per am. 99/. 13/. 6 d. in toto , mf. Archer. 83/. 3s. 3d. Speed, Dugd. and was granted, with all the poffedions thereunto belong¬ ing, to John Hales gent, who converted the- fame to a free fchool, which continues to this day. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 427. annotatiunculam hiftoricam de fundatione : Cartam Laurentii prioris et conv. Coventr. corroborantium fundationem : P. 428. cartam Edmundi archidiac. Coventr. Con- firmationem Ricardi archiepifc. Cantuar. Bullam P. Honorii 3. de protedfione : Cartam R. Hen. 3. [anno regni 45.] de protedtione : P. 429, &c. amicabilem compofitionem fadtam, A. D. 1425. per Will. Sylke Deer. D. et alios arbitros inter priorem et conventum Coventr. et magiftrum, fratres et forores hofp. S. Joan. Coventr. de quibufdam litibus inter eos ortis. In Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 179, See. edit. 1730. of the foundation, endowment, and difiolution of the hofpital ; and the foundation and endowment of the free fchool: p. 122. of lands in Smercotes: p. 138. of a load of wood weekly out of Coventry woods : p. 163. of a daily portion of diet from the priory : p. 203. of lands in Stoke: p. 271. of lands in Heath. Lelandi Itin. vol. iv. p. 124. Cartas, computes, rentalia, &c. ad iftud hofpitale fpedt- antia, penes Joannem Hales arm. et in archivis civit. Coventr. Efcaet. War. 1 Ed. 3. n. 131. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. Efcaet. War. 2 Ed. 3. n. 125. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. de me(T. in Coventre. Efcaet. War. 6 Ric. 2. n. 134. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Efcaet. War. 9 Ric. 2. n. 121. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 40. Efcaet. War. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 96. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9, 8. Sponne Hospital, near Coventry. On the weft part of the city was an hofpital for lepers, founded in the time of king Henry 2. by Hugh Kevelioke earl of Chefter. Ic was dedi¬ cated to St. Mary Magdalene. It fometime belonged to Bafingwerk abbey in Flintfhire, then to the priory of Coventry, but 14 Ed. 4. it was granted to the canons of Studley in this county. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 125. edit. 1656. and In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 249. the names p. 197. edit. 1730. of the wardens, from Dugdale. 9. CheylesMore, near Coventry. Here was a Religious foundation intended by William le Galeys, 2 1 Ed. 3 *. Vide pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . licent. concelT. Will, le Galeys, quod ipfe quoddam manfum live aedificia in quadam placea in Cheylefmore juxta Coventre, con- tinente in fe duas acras terras, pro inhabitatione unius cuftodis capellani, et duodecim capellanornm erigere, et unum oratorium ibidem in honore gloriofe virginis Mariae fundare polfit. See Dr. Hutton’s patents. 10. Grey Friers. In the fouth weft part of this town was the houfe of friers Minors or Grey friers, who fettled here before A. D. 1234. and having obtained a piece of ground from Ranulph earl of Chefter, they, by the charity which they begged, built thereon a ftately church with all conveniencies for their habitation, and continued till their furrender 30 Hen. 8. After which, viz. 34 Hen. 8. the fite was granted to the mayor, bailiff's, and burgefles of Coventry. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 113, &c. edit. 1656. p. 180. edit. 1730. and the fame account almoft ver¬ batim in Stevens’ firft additional volume to the Mo- nafticon, p. 137, 138. where, p. 139, &c. is a fpeci- men of the Ludus Coventrias, or the Ludus Corporis Chrifti, being fome reprefentation of the creation, fall, flood, &c. in Englilh metre, and adted with pageants by the friers of this houfe in feveral parts of this town on Corpus Chrifti day. Year Books, 11 Hen. 6. Trin. 5. Colledi. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 33, & c. out of Dug¬ dale. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 125. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6033. f. 55. nomina fundatorum: f. 56. nomina fepultorum ibidem. Pat. 17 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. 11. White Friers. In the fouth eaft part of this city ftood the houfe of the Friers Carme¬ lites, which was erefted for them by Sir John Poultney 1 knt. who was four times lord mayor of London, A. D. 1342. To it belonged fome few rents of houfes and other profits valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 7/. 13 1. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. Speed. This friery was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Sir Ralph Sadler. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 117, 118, 119. edit. 1656. p. 186, & c. edit. 1730. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 46. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 125. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 176. an account of this priory, from Dugdale. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 300. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35 vel 36. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 8. pro manfo elargando. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 44. u So Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 124. w Clare , Bancroft* s mf. Valor. * Dugdale, p. 139. edit. 1730. faith, This was to be a chantry only of three priefts, whereof one to be warden : but doth not fay whether it was ever fettled. y Leland. Collect. yol. i. p. 46. and Itin. vol. iv. p. 125. But K. .hdward 3. is laid in Mr. Stow’s mf. collections to have given them ground to build their houfe upon. X. NUN X. WARWICKSHIRE. X. NUN EATON. Nuns of the Order of Fontevrauld. Robert Boffu earl of Leicefter founded b, temp. R. Hen. 2*. a priory* for nuns of the order of Fontevrauld; wherein, befides the Drinr r£ and nuns, there was for fome time a prior alfo\ perhaps with men', as ufually in the fn • <*. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin, and had an vearlv houfes of this order <*. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin, and had an yearly income vT“i‘ 26 Hen. 8. at 290/. 15s. od. cb. as Speed, and 253/. 14 s. £d. ob. as Dugd. The iite a Ued' ed, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Marmaduke Conftable. wa« grant- Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 518, &c. ex membrana quadam penes dec. et capit. Litchfield, A. D. 1638. cartas fundationis per Robertum primum comitem Leiceftrix ; Confirmationis per Robertum fil. difti Roberti com. et per R. Hen. 2. P. 519. cartam Will. com. Gloceftr. pro eccl. de Mapeldrefham : P. 520. cartam immunitatum concelT. per abbatiflam et conv. Fontis Ebraldi prioriflae et conv. de Etona; Bullam P. Alexandri 3. concefT. prioriflie et monia- libus : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 868. cartam Joannis R. [an¬ no 2.] confirm, eccl. de Fonte Ebraldi ecclefiam de Etona, ex pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. per Infpex. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 91. pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. licent. Simoni epifc. London, &c. dare melTuagia in London prioriflae, priori et conventui in efcambium pro advoc. eccl. S. Gregorii de Sudbury in SufF. In Dugdale’s Warwicldhire, edit. 1730. p. 1066, &c. of the foundation, endowment, and diflolution of this nunnery: p. 51. of ten fhillings yearly out of the church of Stretton Bafkervile : p. 52, 53. of lands in Burton Haftings, and the church there : p. 53. of a mefluage at Nun Eaton: p. 71. of lands in Wibtoft: p. 326. of the manor and church of Marton, and lands there : p. 289. 328. of the manor and church ofHodnell: p. 352. of lands in Herberbury : p. 1070. of Horefton grange, poflellions at Attilborough, and Stockingford grange. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 73. of the impropriate reftory of Claybroke : p. 228. of the fame at Ratby : p. 296. of the advowfon of the rectory of Waltham on the Woulds and lands there: p. 307. of the manor of Wikin. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 186. of a manor in Upwell. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 31. of lands in Braunllon. In Wright’s Rutlandlhire, p. 32. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Burly. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 50. In bibl. mufei Alhmol. mf. Dugdale, F. 2. p. 235. tranfcripta quxdam ex rotulo pervetufto hanc abba- tiam concernentia. Inter Collea. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan vol - de advocatione ecclefis de Waltham et 1 car ' U* Cart. 2 Joan. n. 139, 140. Fin. War. 3 Joan. n 11. virgat. terne in Herberbury: Fin. SufF. s'foar 'ury. n. 60. pro advoc. eccl. S. Gregorii in Sudb Plac. de banco , 9 Hen 3. Mich. rot. 3r. Bundle inter terram prioriflae m kenetbury et epifc. Winton. in Widehay : Clauf 10 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro mercat. die- bus Martis apud Etonam: r in. Northamt. 12 Hen n. . de molend. in Heringworth : Clauf. 13” Hen ' m. 13. pro mercat. apud" Eton: Cart. 17 Hen v' m. 4. pro die mercat. mutando in diem Saturni- Clauf. 22 Hen. 3. m. 3. Fin. Buckingh. 22 Hen •>' n. 14. pro advoc. eccl. de Meurefle: Cart. 23 Hen' 9’ n. 36. pro feria apud Eton die, vigilia, et craflino Inventionis Sandbe Crucis : Fin. SufF. 41 Hen n. 3. pro advoc. eccl. S. Gregorii in villa de Sudb’uria [SufF.] Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 1. d. Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 1. Pat. i2 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. War. 13 Ed. r. n. . de terris in W ybetoft : Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 6. pro mefT. et terris in Waltham juxta Croxton : Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. 3. pro advoc. eccl. de Cleybroke [Leiceflr. j Pat. 35 £4 j m. 29. pro maner. de Skendelby. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 12 Ed. 2. m. 15. pro terris in Hodenhull. Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. i<. d pro libertat. in Afhby Legers : Plac. de banco, 5 Ed. 3! Mich. rot. 527. Conventionem cum abbate de s! Ebrulfo, de diverfis decimis in forefta de Charnwood, pro penfione annua xxiv. fol. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 19. pro mefT. in Nun Eton : Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2, m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 16 Rio, 2. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 3S Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. pro eccl. de Nun Eaton perquirenda a priore et religiofis de Shene. Pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . 23- Pat. XI. E R D B U R Y, olim Ordburi, or Orthbiri, or Orreby\ Austin Canons. Ralph de Sudley, temp. Hen. 2 f. built and endowed here a priory of the order of St. Auftin to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary. Herein, about the time of the fup- prefiion were a prior and about fix or feven canons, whofe yearly income was rated at 94/. 6s. id. Dugd. 122/. 8 a 6d. Speed. The fite and demefnes were granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Charles Bran¬ don duke of Suffolk. y,de in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 265. cartam Radulfi de Herewardelhey : Ordinationem vicarix de Dercet Sudle, pro eccl. de Dercet et Chilverdefcote, &c. factam per Alex, epifc. Coventr. et Litchf. A. D. Cartam Andres de Eftley mil. donantis bofeum de 1232. P. 266. pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21. licent. z In K. Stephen's reign, as Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 1066. But in the reign of King Henry 2. as the Monaft. tom. i. p. 518. For the founder in his charter there faith, “ Hanc donationem « feci alfenfu et concefiione R. Henrici fecundi:” Yet early in his reign, for Walter bifhop of Coventry and Maurice bilhop of Bangor, who are witnefles to Robert the fon’s confirmation of his father’s gift, died both of them A. D. 1161. as Godwin De prseful. p. 367 et 644* 4 It is frequently called an abbey , in the charters of the foun¬ der, his fon, and of K. Henry 2. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 518, 519. b b u Prioratus de Non Eton Litch. et Cov. dioc. per priorem “ et priorifiam folitus gubernari A. D. 1400.” Rymer, vol. viii. p. 161. So the grant of the church of St. Gregory’s in Sudbury to Symon bifhop of London, See. 48 Ed. 3. runs in the name of Margaret pnorefs and William prior and convent of Nun e Eton. And the licence of mortmain, 49 Ed. 3. is “ priorifla*, tf priori, et conventui de Non Eaton.” But this feems to have been altered before the diflolution, when there were a priorefs and nuns only. See the furrender in Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 665- See alio Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 1067. and Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 245. where the priorels and twenty-four nuns of this houle are faid to have been then penfioned. c Though I find no mention of any man here but the prior. d See the Preface concerning this order. c MS. Macro, 12. ii. 30. a. 34. b. f It was founded early in the reign of K. Henry 2. or perhaps of that of K. Stephen, if William prior de Cardebciie, a wit- nefs in Madox’s Formul. p. 247* fliould be prior of Erdbury. Qutre. perquirendi XI. W A R W I perquirendi terras ad valorem c. marc, per ann. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 1074. an hiftorical account of this priory, with the names of the priors who were appointed by the bilhop of Litch¬ field and Coventry: p. 54. of lands in Shirforde: p. 67 and 109. of lands in Wolvey: p. 297. of the church of Wefton fubtus Wethele : p. 521 and 523. of lands at Dercet and the church there : p. 542 and 107^3* of lands in Radway: p. 544* Tifoe: p. 1070. in Stockingford: p. 1071. in Chilverfcoton, and the church there: p. 109. of a wood in Chilverfcoton called Herewardfhey : p. 1072. of the chapel in Griffe belonging to this priory. In "Willis I iiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 242. the names of fome priors, from Dugdale. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 55. confirmationem car- tarum a Will, cpifc. Covent. p. 68. ordinationem epife. Coventr. de cantaria in Bedworth confirm, per decanum et capitulum Litchfeld, A. D. 1425. p. 70. confirmationem elecStionis Will. Cokk in priorem de Erdbury, A. D. 1484. per vicarios generales epife. Coventr. et Litchf. p. 88. cartam Will, de Merfton, de non alienando terram quam recepit a priore et canonicis : p. 221. finalem concordiam, 20 Hen. 3. de terris in I'ifhoe : p. 359. obligationem Radulfi fil. C K S H I R E. Thomae et aliorum, de Derfett, &c. pro folutione jcrr. marc, priori et conventui de Erdbury, pro taflb fru- menti, 28 Ed. r. p. 364. obligationem indemnitatis pro priore et conventu, 16 Ed. 4. a Joanne Bourg- chier mil. Lelandi Colled!, vol. i. p. 123. Inter Colledl. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lxiii. f. 83. cartam Radulfi de Sudlei de dotatione prioratus de Oldbury. MS. in bibl. Cotton. Otho, C. vnr. 8. cartam R. Hen. 6. de licentia comparandi terras et tenementa, feu advocationes ecclefiarum ad annuum valorem c. marcarum, non obftante ftatuto de mortua manu. Extradts of feveral charters belonging to this priory, mf. Macro, 12. ii. 30. 34, 35. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro terris in Dercet, Rade- way, et Clavercote. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. pro terris in Wolvey, ex conceff. Thoms dom. de Eftley : Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 12. pro ten. in Nun Eton, At- tilburgh, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 2. pro paftura in Stockingford: Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Weft Legh [Lanceftr.] approprianda. XII. GUYE’S CLIFF E. C°LLEGE Of Chantry. Mr. Speed mentions a college here dedicated to St. Margaret, founded by Richard Beauchamp earl of Warwick, temp. Hen. 6. But there feems to have been no¬ thing more than a chantry of two priefts fettled in the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene here by that nobleman. J c 1 Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 183. edit. 1656. p. 273. edit. 1730. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 66. XIII. H A L Y W E L L, upon Watlingftreet. Austin Cell. Here was a cell or chantry o cefter in StafFordfhire, which on account of its removed to the conventual church of the abbey. Vide pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. rex conceffit abbati de Rouceftre inDovedale [Stafford.] quod ipfe capellain de .Halywell in com. Warwic. qua; fita eft in loco . folitario et periculofo fuper regiam ftratam de Wat- lyng ftrete, ubi latrones frequenter latitant et cano- nicos ibidem morantes depredantur, a loco illo amo- vere, et cantariam pro animabus Roberti de Cotes et Black canons belonging to the abbey of Rou- folitary and dangerous fituation was, 19 Ed. 2. Ricardi Fylon in eadem capella dudum ordinatam in ecclefia conventuali ipfius abbatis de Rouceftre facere et fuftentare, ac duas virgatas terra; et dimid. cum pertinentiis in Halywell, Churchwaure, et Clifton, quas idem abbas tenet pro cantaria ilia pnedifta faci- enda et fuftentanda, libere retinere, &c. XIV. H E A N-W O O D, or Hynewode, olim Eftwell. Benedictine Nuns. In the beginning of the time of K. Henry 2'. Ketelbern de Langdon built here a nunnery of the Benediftine order to the honor of St. Margaret A D 14.0a the Rr- l.gious of this convent were in number twelve, but at the diffolution herein were only a priorefs and four or five nuns, whofe fmall revenues were valued but at 21 /. 2s. od. ob\ per annThl* houfe with the adjacent lands were granted, 3i Hen. 8. to John Hmford * Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 479. cartam fundationis per Ketelbernum de Langdon : Bullam P. Innocen- tii 7>. pro appropriatione eccl. de Chorlton, de [redtius fuper] Otmore [Oxon] et de Everdon juxta Davintre [Northamt.] In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 950. of the foundation and endowment of this monaltery, with the names of fome prioreffes : p. 329. of lands in Rodburn, and of the church there : p. 975, of the church of Bickenhull before it was granted to Mere- val : p. 976. of lands in Hill Bickenhull and Middle Bickenhull : p. 1044. of eight (hillings yearly rent in Shilftoke, belonging to this priory. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 377. a releafe from the priorefs and convent here to the monks of Bordeflev of all their demands by virtue of the will of Peter the chaplain of Norton. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 242. the names ot lome prioreiTes. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 527. Cartas autographas, &c. ad hoc coenobium fpeftantes penes Joannem Hugford et Will. Spooner de ead’ mil Analefta ex eifdem, mf. in mufeo Aihmol. Dugd. F. 2. p. 343. Commiffionem Joannis Halfe epife. Litchfield, ad in¬ quirendum fuper ftatu hujus monafterii, priorifTa et una fororum de mceftu diffamatis, &c. in libro meo praecedentium, D. p. 118. SI The deed of foundation is direfted to Walter bifiiop of Cheiter, who died in the year 1161. 11 Dugd. and Speed. U aUb PrilUSd Kennet’sParoch. Antiquities, Pat. XIV. WARWICKSHIRE. Pat. 33 E1I. I. p. 2. m. 3. de terris in Longdon. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 42. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. pro eccl. de Charlton Ot- more [Oxon.] 0 Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 30. pro eccl. de Evcrdon juxta Davintre: Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 30. pro eccl. ds Cherlton approprianda. Pat. 35 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. de eccl. de Charleton. XV. HENLEY. Hospital. Here was an hofpital temp. Hen. 6. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 598. edit. 1656. p. 807. edit. 1 7 30. XVI. HOREWELLE, near Coventry. CISTERTIAN Cell. In the beginning of the reign of K. Edward 1. here was a cell fubordU nate to the Ciftertian abbey of Stonely in this county. Fide Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 128. edit. 1656. p. 201. edit. 1730. XVII. KENILWORTH, dim Cheningeuurda. Austin Canons. A monaftery of Regular canons, of the order of St. Auftink, built and endowed to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary by Geffrey de Clintone chamberlain and treafurer to king Henry 1. about A. D. 11221. It was at firft a priory, but made an abbey m before the diffolucion, when its polfefTions were valued at 643/. 141. gd. ob. per anH. in the whole, but clear, after reprilals, 538/. 19^”. Dugd. or 533/. 15s. 4 d. as Dugd. Warwic. The fue was granted, . . Hen. 8. to Sir Andrew Flamok0. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 1141 cartam de funda- tione, et aliam cartam Gaufridi de Clinton : P. 115. cartam ejufdem Galfridi, pro maner. de Hichenden et eccl. de Stanes: Cartam Gaufridi de Clinton jun. recit. et confirm, donationes patris : P. 116. cartam Henrici de Clinton, confirm, donationes antecelTorum etaliorum: P. 117. cartam R. Hen. I p. P. 118. car¬ tam R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes: P. 119. cartas Nicolai de Greflei alias de Longford et Margarets: uxoris donantium eccl. de Longford: P. 127. cartam Enifani de Waleton etErnaldi filii fui donantium ca- nonicis de Kenilworth eccl. S. Wolfadi in Stanes et terram in Waleton: P. 128. cartam Nicholai fil. Ro- berti de Stafford, de eccl. de Stanes conceffa di£lis canonicis: Aliam cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, dona¬ tiones ecclefiae et canonicis de Kenilworth. In Dugdale’s Warwickihire, edit. 1730. p. 238, kc. of the foundation, endowment, and diffolution of this monaftery, and the names of the priors: p. 12. of lands in Newton: p. 15. in Churchover : p. 33, 34. in Wolfton : p. 43 and 45. in Brandon and Bretford : p. 101. 651. of lands in Newenham Regis: p. 102. of the advowfon of the church : p. 2 19- of the advow- fon of Brinklow: p. 221 and 224. of the church of Smite: p. 228. 233. of the advowfon of Bagington : p. 247. of the king’s retaining the advowfon ot this priory : p. 252. of the advowfon of the church of Kenilworth : p. 254. of lands in Rudfen : p. 255. of a penfion from the abbey of Stoneley in lieu of tithes: p. 259. of the church of Stoneley: p. 262. of tithes in Cloud : p. 263. of five Ihillings yearly penfion from Finborgh : p. 266. of lands in Alhow, and the pa¬ tronage of the church : p. 268. of lands in Leek Wot- ton, and the church there: p. 270. in Hill Wotton: p. 271. in Heath- p. 276. at Guye’s Cliffe : p. 277. of the church of Milverton : p. 300. of the church of Cubington: p. 302. of lands in Lillington, with the church there : p. 329. of a penfion out of the church of Hodnel : p. 352. 355- of lands in Herberbury, and the church there: p. 326. 921. of the fame at Rad¬ ford Simely: p. 317. 365- of the church of Whit- nalh: p. 366, 367. of the manor and church of Li¬ lt Of the Premonjlratenfian order in cart. 22 Ed. 1. 1 Becaut'e Robert bifhop of Chefter, who was confecrated A- D. rial, is one of the witnefies to the foundation charter. But Speed faith it was built A. D. mi. m Before 3 Hen. 8. as Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 310. xiv. p. 593. n jj8 /. 19 1. 4 d. Stevens, vol. i. p. 31. mington Priors : p. 470. of the church of Chefterton : p. 485. of lands in Tachebrook Malory: p. 507. of xx s. yearly penfion out of the church of Cherlecote : p. 514, kc. of the church of Wormleighton : p. 318. of Fenny Compton : p. 532. of lands in Mollington: p. 544. in Tifoe: p. 546. in Weftcote and Kite Herdwike : p. 552. of lands at Brailes, and the church there: p. 559. of the fame at Kineton : p. 561. of lands at Little Kineton : p. 396. 572. of the church at Wellelburn Haftang : p. 577. of the church of Walton D’evile: p. 606. of the manor and church of Idlicote : p. 617. of lands at Halford, and a portion of tithes: p. 619. 623. 626. of lands at Over Eaten- den. Nether Eatenden, and the church there : p. 628. of the manor of Lambcote : p. 643. of lands in Ho- niley : p. 645. in Blackwell : p. 678 and 1005. of lands in Loxley, and the church there: p. 725. of the church of Bidford: p. 759. of Morton Bagot: p. 775. of Tanworth before it was given to Maxftoke: p. 820. of lands in Botley : p. 857. of the church of Exhall: p. 861. of tithes in Wickesford: p. 863. of the manor and churph of Saltford Priors : p. 867. of lands in Wood Bevington : p. 956. of a penfion out of Hamp¬ ton in Ardern, and the prefentation to the church there : p. 858. of the chapel at Nuthurft: p. 980. of dry wood out of Berkfwell woods : p. 988, kc. of the manor and church of Packington Magna. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 219. of the advowfon of the redtory of Barton Segrave. In Wright’s Rutlandfliire, p. 26. of the lordlhip of Brook. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 50. In Adamo de Domerham, edit. Hearne, p. 295. car¬ tam epifeopi Bathon. de ecclefia de Charleton Cam- vill : p. 298. cartam Ricardi de Campvilla de eadem. In Dr. Archer’s Account, kc. at the end of Mr. Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 636. of the impropriate rec¬ tory of Charlton Canfield. In Bradlon De legibus Angliae, lib ii. cap. 23. § 3- de eccl. de Stoke [Staff.] Lib. iv. tr. 2. cap. v. § 4. de eadem ecclefia. Year Books, 7 Ed. 3. term. S. Mich. § 85. ® It was furrendered in Apr. 30 Hen. 8. by the abbat and lixteen monks, as Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 244. P In rot. pipie 5 Steph. (potius . . Hen. 1.) 11 lVanvickfara. “ Gaufridus de Clinton debet xx marcas argenti et un. inaream “ auri, ut rex firmet carta ecclefix luae de Ardena omnes res, « quas comes de Warwic. el dedit ad opus ejufdem ecclefia:. In XVlL WARWICKSHIRE. In el. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. xiii. p. 310. pat. 3 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. 5. licent. perquirendi xl/. anil, reddit. in manum mortuaml. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 40. ex cart, antiq. O O. licentiam R. Hen. 1. pro fundatione : p. 298. de fine pro habendo judicio de terris in Flechamitede, quas Templarii tenent, 4 Ric. 1. In ejnfdem Formul. Angl. p. 26. compofitionem inter abbatem et conv. de Bordefleia et priorem et conv. de Kenilworth et vicarium eorum de Budiford, fuper tertia parte decimarum dominii monachorum, &c. in Budiford, pro annua penfione xxxvnr. folvenda pri¬ ori et canonicis de Kenilworth facftam A. D. 1206. p. 155. excambium duarum acrarum in Buddiford inter monafteria de Bordefleia et Kenilworth, temp. I-|en. 2. p. 377. quiet, clam, prioris et canon, de Ke¬ nilworth, de commun. in bofcis abbatis et conv. de Stanlega, pro parte bofci vocat. Crattel eis concefla. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 243. and Ste¬ vens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 138. the names of the priors. Regiftrum mf. prioratus de Kenilworth, penes Sam. Clerk de Selford bar. 1640. penes Ric. Graves de Mickleton arm. 1726. Collect, magiftri Vincent, ex regiftro de Kenilworth, olim penes dom. Tho. Sherley, mf. in mufeo Joannis Anftis arm. Collect, cl. Rob.. Glover, ex regiftro de Kenelworth, mf. in bibl. coll. Armorum Lond. Philpot 17. Analefta e regiftris de Kenelworth, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. xxxix. f. 94. vol. cx. f. 6. In mufeo Afhmol. Dugd. F. 2. f. 316. Et mf. in bibl. coll armorum, n. 23. In bibl. Cotton, mf. Claudius, A. 1. 2. epiftolam Lucii papas ut ecclefias fuas, cum vacaverint, in proprios ufus refervare poffint. Of the foundation of Kenilworth priory, mf. olim penes Hen. St. George mil. A. 17. Charters belonging to the priory of Kenilworth, not in the Monafticon, mf. in eccl. S. Maris apud War- wicum : Ibid, in regiftro de Thelesford, de annua penfione priori et canonicis de Kenilworth folvenda pro eccl. de Cherlecote. Regiftrum de Kenelworth, penes E. Grefwould gen. Dugd. Warwic. 443. edit. 1656. Regiftrum cartarum canonicorum S. Marias de Che- nilleworda, quondam penes Jacobum Weft arm. nunc in bibl. Harleiana, mf, 3650. Excerpta e regiftris hujus prioratus, ibid. mf. 782. f. 94. mf. 2060. p. 36. et mf. 2273. f. 318. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 16. taxalionem pofleflionum prioris de Kenilworth in dioc. London, mf. 433. f. 104. grant of land in Kenilworth. Cart, antiq. P. 22. fcil. Hen. I. pro licentia fundandi : Pat. 23 Hen. 2. confirm, donationes. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. ii. 22. Fin. War. 2 Joan. m. . Plac. coram reg. 9 Joan. Mich. rot. 4. pro advoc. eccl. de Heche [Oxon.J Fin. War. 15 Joan. n. . Plac. in com. War. 5 Hen. 3. rot. . pro advoc. eccl. de Hampton in Arden: Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 9 vel 18. de commun. paftur. in forefta regis ibidem : Fin. Northamt. 14 Hen. 3. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Barton : Fin. War. 16 Hen. 3. n. . Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 7, confirm, finis inter comitem Ceftrite et priorem de Kenilworth, de eccl. de Stokes, et duabus virgatis terra in Scheping : Fin. Oxon. 21 Hen. 3. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Clynton : Fin. War. 23 Hen. 3. Pafch. n. . Plac. apud Weftm. 26 Hen. 3. Mich, rot. 2. Pat. 34 Hen. 3. m. . pro aquae condudlu : Pat. 45 Hen. 3. m. . pro eccl. de Ceftreton : Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 32. Fin. War. 12 Ed. 1. n. . de eccl. de Ceftreton: Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 2 et 4. [bis] de libertat. in maner. de New- enham, &c. Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 51. pro lib. war. in Kenilworth, Pakinton, et Utlicote: Pat. 21 Ed. x. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 20. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 4. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Lillington, Pakinton, et Budeford appropri- andis: Efcaet. War. 11 Ed. 2. n. 98. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. pro me(T. et terris in Radford Symely, &c. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p, 2. m. 12. Efcaet. War. 15 Ed. 2. n. 99. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. Efcaet. War. 18 Ed. 2. n. 103. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 31. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 8. de bofco de Wolveden in Salt- ford : Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m, 9. pro maner. de Pa- telefhull [Staff.] perquirendo. Efcaet. War. 3 Ed. 3. n. 130. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 18. de eccl. de Cobin- ton approprianda : Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. licent. per¬ quirendi medietat. maner. et advoc. eccl. de Church Wavre: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. de terris in Rad¬ ford : Ibid. p. 2. m. 33. confirm, compofit. cum priore de Stone: Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p, 3. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de advoc. eccl. deToneworth conceflT. com. Huntingdon: Efcaet. War. 19 Ed. 3. n. 6. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1 . m. 30. de terris in Radford : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 19. pro xiv. ten. in Lokkefley, ex concelT. Joannis Peto: Plac. coram reg. 26 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 38. de repara- tione pontis de Cloud: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro ten. in Weftwood et Crattefhull : Ibid. m. 24. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. m. 9. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16. Rec. in fcacc. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de reparat. pontis de Cloute- bridge : Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 21. de maner. de Rad¬ ford: Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Co- ventre. Cart. 1 1, &c. Ric. 2. n. 26. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Saltford, Radford, et Etyndon [War.] Hichin- den [Buckingh.] Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro mefT. et terri» in Hu- chinden. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 3. Fin. War. 6 Hen. 6. m. 8. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 1. tn. 15. Cart. 27 Hen. 6. n. 7. pro catallis felonum, &c. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 17. Recup. et fin. Derb. 7 Hen. 8. Hill, n. 526. pro ann. reddit. L s. a restore de Longford: Rec. in fcacc. 15 Hen. 8. Mich. rot. 78. pro melT. et terris in Lad- well [Oxon.] Rec. in fcacc. 16 Hen. 8. Mich, rot. 73. pro mefT. et terris inhameletto de Berington. XVIII. MONKS KIRBY. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benediftine monks to the abbey of St. Nicolas at Anmers which owed its original to the large grant of lands and tithes in this and other neighbouring towns’ which Gosfred de Wirchia made, A. D. 1077. to that foreign monaftery. This cell, as well as the head houfe, was dedicated to St. Nicolas, and after many feifures, during the wars with France leave was given by the king, 20 Ric. 2. to annex the fame to the new erefted priory of Carthufians in Axholm near Epworth in Lincolnlhire, upon which it was finally fettled 3 Hen. 5 after it had been reftored to the abbey of Angiers for fome little time during the reign of kino- Henry 4r. The annual farm paid at the exchequer for this alien priory, during the time it was in'the kind’s hands was 40/. but Dugdale mentions an extent taken 1 Ric. 2. of the eftates belonmn« thereunto then valued at 220/. 31. 4 d. per ann. After the difiblution, the manor of Monks° Kirby with the S This and the furrender are alfo in Stevens’ Append, p. 347. - Fff ’ Rymeri Foeder. vol. viii. p. 105. appurtenances XVIII. WARWICKSHIRE. appurtenances were granted to Charles duke of Suffolk, but the reftory and tithes in the adjacent villages were made part of the endowment of Trinity college in Cambridge by K. Henry 8. anno regni 37. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 562. cartas Gosfrcdi de Wirchia conced. villas de Copllon, Wapenbury, &c. S. Nicolao Andegav. Rogcri de Mulbraio, confirm, monachis S. Nicolai de Kirkby ecclefias de Kirkeby, Landeford, et Newbold j Nigelli de Mulbraio, con¬ firm. donationes antecelforum eil'dem monachis in Axiholme, Meltune, de Spineto, Hantuna in Arden, &c. p. 563. pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 39. abbreviatam de aflignatione -hujus prioratus cum maner. de New- bold fuper Avene, Coppefton, Walton, &c. domui Cartufienfium apud Epworth, juxta licentiam regis Ricardi 2. in pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14* 9u® extat etiam in hoc tomo primo Monaft. p. 969, 970. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 75, &c. of the foundation, endowment, and alienation of this priory: p. 23. of a yard land in Rokeby: p. 32. of tithes in Long LaWford : p. 66. of common of pafture in Wolvey: p. 75. of lands at Kirkby fuper Wreke in Leicefterfhire, and of the church of Sharneford in that county: p. 81. of Walton: p. 85- of Copfton Magna: p. 95. of lands in Little Harborow: p. 96. of the manor and church of Newbold fuper Avon : p. 99. of the tithe of Little Lawford mill : p. 215. of a compolition with the prior of Combe, concerning tithes in Withibroke, and the church or chapel of Withibroke : p. 286. of the conteft about Cawfton Grange: p. 294. of the church and tithes of Wapen¬ bury p. 360. of the church or chapel of Honing- ham : p. 900. in the notes, of their having the view of frank pledge, and the affize of bread and beer, &c. in Theftrewaure, Wolfeye, Newenham Parva, Kirke¬ by Monachorum, Neubold, Paunton, Herdeburgh Parva, and Walton juxta Wylye: p. 95^- °f a por¬ tion of tithes (for a time) in Hampton in Arden. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 231- an account of this priory from Dugdale’s Warwickfhire. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 11. a fentence of Walter bifhop of Coventry and Lichfeld for the monks of Kirkby’s having right to the churches of Kirkby and Newbold Paunton, a penfion of forty (hillings out of the church of Wythybrook, and twenty (hillings and a pound of wax out of the church of Wappinbury, A. D. 1317- P- 28. an award between the monks of Kirkby and the brethren of St. Lazarus at Burton, concerning the tithes of two mills at Melton, ad¬ judged to the monks, on their paying yearly a noble to the brethren, by the abbat of Stanly and priors of Coventry and Kenilworth about A. D. 1220. p. 51. Baldwin archbiftiop of Canterbury his recital and confirmation of the confirmation, made by his pre- deceflor Richard, of the appropriation of the tithes and church of Kirkby to the monks: p. 85. an agree¬ ment between Phil. Pantulf clerk and the prior, A. D. 1256. p. 294. grant of K. Henry 2. that the goods of the monks of Kyrkby (hould be free from toll cuftom, &c. In Bridges’ Northamptonfilire, vol. i. p. 560. of a pen¬ fion of v. marks out of the redtory of Creek. Year Books, i. 69. 98. Raftall’s Entries, p. 31. de commun. paftur. apud W01- veyhethe alias Wolveymore in Wolv.ey in com. War- wic. 12 Hen. 7 s. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mflf. Dodfworth. vol. lxiii, f. i0^. cartas fadlas huic prioratui: vol. cx. f. 17. cartas pri¬ oratus de Kirby monachorum penes Sam. Roper de Lincolns-Inn arm. et cartam fundationis ex original; in bibl Cotton. In mufeo Aftimol. ibid. mf. Due- dale, F. 2. p. 351. tranferipta et analefta ex ipfis aS- tographis hunc prioratum concernentibus. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 105. tranferipts and ex- tradls from original deeds belonging to this priory. EfTon. 10 Ric. 1 . rot. 16. de fervitiis tenendum in villa de Crofton [Buckingh.] Fin. Buckingh. 2 Joan. n. 25. Efcaet. War. 33 Ed. 1. n. 10. Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 15. pro vifu franciplegii et aliis libertatibus in Cheftre- wavre, Wolfey Parva, Newenham, Kirkby Mona¬ chorum, Newbold Paunton, Herdebergh Parva, et Walton juxta Wylye [Warw.] Kirby fuper Wrethek [Leiceftr.] Ibid. n. 63. pro mercat. die Martis apud Kirkby Moynes, et pro lib. war. in maner. de Kirke¬ by, Walton, Newbold, et Herdbergh. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 2. Rot. in fcacc. 15 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. de maner. de Kirkby fuper W rethek alienando Rogero Beler et Aliciae uxori ejus. Fin. 14 Ed. 3. m. 19. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7. de concordia cum priore de Lewes fuper decimis quibuf- dam in Melton Moubray : Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de eccl. de Kirkby et Newbold in proprios ufus: Fin. 50 Ed. 3. m. 16. de dimiflione hujus prio¬ ratus ad firmam, durante guerra Francis dom. Can¬ non Robufiard mil. pro xi/. annuatim. Fin. 14 Ric. 2. m. 19. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 26. Ibid. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 3. Ibid. p. 5. m. 28. recit. inter alia, cart. 50 Hen. 3. pro mercat. die Mercurii, et pro feria in die, vigilia, et craftino fefti S. Joan. Bapt. et pro aliis libertatibus: Clauf. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 7. d. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 39. pro annexione hujus priora¬ tus domui Carthufienfium juxta Epworth. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 6. confirm, terrarum iftius mo- nafterii' prioratui in Axholm juxta Epworth: Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. t. m. 12. Fin. 30 Hen. 8. Pafch. n. • XIX. KNOLL. College Walter Cook canon of Lincoln, about the latter end of the reign of king Richard 2. built here upon his father’s lands a fair chapel, and foon after eftablifhed a chantry therein, but 5 Hen. 5. he ^obtained a licence from the king, that the lady Elizabeth Clinton and hem'ghtfoun i colleoe of ten priefts, one to be reftor, in this chapel ; but this defign feems not to have been nerfefted herein beinrr, 26 Hen. 8. but two chantry priefts endowed only with 20/. 15s. 2 d. in th whole, and 18/. 5 s. 6 d. clear. This chapel was dedicated to St. John Baptift, St. Laurence, St. Anne. Fide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 702, 703. edit. 1656. p. 9S9, &c. edit. 1730. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 51* , c. Regiftrum collegii de Knoll, mf. ohm penes dom. oim. Archer mil. In mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. mf. Dugdale, F. 2. p. _40l. tranferipta et analedta ex regiftro S. Ann® de Knoll gildam eandem tangentia. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 6. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 6. Clauf. 5 Hen. 4. m. x. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 5. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 24. Clauf. 1 Hen. 5. "I;2?! dorfo, pro X. marcis ann. reddit. e maner. de rs.no per abbatem de Weftminfter: Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. D- « Vide fupra Combe. XX. MAXSTOKE XX. W A R W I C K S H I R £* XX. M A X S T O K E. 4USTitt Canons. Sir William de Clinton, afterward earl of Huntingdon, having thoughts r>fVoundin» a large chantry or college in the parifh church of Sc. Michael here, purchased, 5 hi- 3. ,he advowfon of the fame, and bellowed it, with other lands and rents, upon a warden and five Secular priefts'; but fome few years after, A. D. 1336. he changed his mind and altered the faid Religious foundation into a prior and convent of twelve" canons Regular of St. Auftms order, whom he recommended to the patronage of the Holy Trinity, the blelfed Virgin Mary, • and All Saints, and endowed with annual revenues accounted worth, 26 Hen. 0. oj l. 12 3 • 0 • Du-d. 129/. us. 8 d. ob. Speed, or as mf. Archer, 130/. iu U. ob. in toto. 81/. 13s. 8 4. ob. dare. It was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 351, &c. pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. per Infpex. recit. cartam fundationis et ordinationes fundatoris, cum confirmatione Rogeri epifc. Coventr. et Lichf. P. 354. pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. licent. regis, de excambio maner. de Shuftoke pro maner de Maxlloke. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 993. 996, Sec. of the foundation, See. of this chantry and mona- ltery : p. 345. of the church of Long Ichingdon : p. 396. of lands in Yerdley in Worcefterfhire, and the advowfon of the church there: p. 775- of the church of Tanworth: p. 835. of the church of Anon Cantlbw : p. 1035. of the church of Fillongley: p. 1034, 1035. of the manor and church of Shuftoke: p. 1048, 1049. of the chapel of Bentley. In Nalh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. ii. p. 478. of lands in Yardley : p. 482. appropriationem ecclefix de Yard- ley et ordinationem vicarix. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 50. Itin. Will, de Worcefter, p. 333. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 14. letters teftimomal concerning the appropriation of the churches ot Max- ftoke and Long Ichindon by Roger bilhop of Coven¬ try and Litchfield A. D. 1336. p. 32. compofition about the tithes of the meadows in Shuftoke, belong¬ ing to the abbat and convent of Merivall, who agreed to pay yearly ten {hillings to the prior and convent of Maxftoke for the fame A. D. 1345. p. 70. releafe from the prior and convent of Studley of all right to the redtory of Afton Cantelow, which they confirm to the priory of Maxftoke A. D. 1493* P- 264. do¬ nation by the founder of a piece ot land in Afton Cantlow, with the advowfon of the church there, and of Filongley 19 Ed. 3. p. 269. a grant by Will, lord Clinton and Say, of the yearly rent of xl. out of lands in Dunton Ballet [Leiceftr.] 10 Hen. 4. Year Books, 33 Hen. 6. Hill. § 37. Ibid. Mich. § 8. fuper Quart Impedit , de advoc. eccl. de Long Ich- ington. The antiquities of Maxftoke, by Tho. Sladie gent, written 13 Hen. 8. mf. quoted by the famous Mr. Rob. Glover, in a volume of his collections, mf. Alhmol. n. 844. . . Inquifiticmem de maner. de Maxftoke, et terris prions de Maxftoke, ibid. 20 Ed. 3. mf. inter collecft. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. cxv. f. 165. Tranicripta et analecta quaedam cantariam et prioratum de Maxftoke concernentia, mf. in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. Dugd. F. 2. p. 381, &c. The impropriation of the church of Long Itchington, mf. in eccl. B. Maris Warwic. n. 32. In bibl. Cotton, mf. Vitellius, C. ix. 18. ex rot. pat. g Hen. 3. de advocatione ecclefix de Afton fa£ta per Gulielmum de Cantilupo priori et conventui de Max¬ ftoke. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 604. f. 99. 100. furvey of this priory temp. Hen. 8. Inter Colleft. Francifci Peck in mufeo Britan, vol. iv, inquif. 10 Hen. 4. de annuo redditu xl. in Dounton Baflet. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12 Rot. Rom. 5 Ed. 3. m. 3. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. Rot. Rom. 6 Ed. 3. m. 7. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl. de Long Ich- ington approprianda : Ibid. m. 32. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 9. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. pro advoc. medie- tati eccl. de Halughton [Leiceftr.] ex dono funda¬ toris: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 30. pro eccl. de Tone- worth : Ibid.-p. 2. m. 26. pro terris in Longa Ichin¬ don: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 24. pro maner. et advoc. eccl. de Suftoke : Ibid. m. 34. Ibid. p. 2. m. 31. Fin. War. 19 Ed. 3. Trin. n. . Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 et 9. pro eccl. de Afton Cantelo et Filonglee : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Clauf. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. pro commun. paftur. in Broadfield ; et m. 7. [dorfo] pro ten. et advoc. eccl. in Yerdley [Wigorn.] Clauf. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro fitu maner. de Max¬ ftoke, &c. Clauf. 22 Ed. 3. m. 37. d. pro eccl. de Yardley: Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. ni. 31. pro eccl. de Maxftoke et Long lchinton: Clauf. 39 Ed. 3. m. 36. [dorfo] pro fitu manerii, et parco, et infulis pifearis, &c. in Maxftoke, in ex- excambio pro maner. de Shuftoke. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 5. Efcaet. War. 6 Ric. 2. n. 32. de terris in Maxftoke, Coventre, et Long lchinton: Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 19. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro eccl. de Afton Cantelo approprianda: Fin. 5 Hen. 4. m. 2. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 30. pro eccl. de Maxftoke, Suftoke, Long lchinton, Tam worth, Filongle, et Afton appropriandis : Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 6. pro ten. in Dunton Baflet [Leiceftr.] ex legato Humfr. due. Buckingham. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 6. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 38 Hen. 6. p. X. m. 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 28. XXI. MEREVAL’, or De Miravalie, near Atherfton. Cisterti AN Abbey. In a woody part of the foreft of Arden, Robert jun. earl of Ferrars and Nottingham, about A. D. 1 148 *. built an abbey for Cillertian monks, from Bordelley, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, which was endowed at the diffolution with 254/. 1 s. 8 d. per am. Dugd. 303/. 10s. Speed. The fite, with many of the adjacent lands and woods, was granted, 32 'Hen. 8. to Walter lord Ferrers. t Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 99,3- 9 9 • edit. J730. But in the Baronage, tom. i. p. 530. it is faid there were ten prieils. u By his will he added one more, as Dugd. Warwic. p. 995. And the number foon increafed, for A. D. 1345* here were nineteen canons, and A. D. 1347* twenty, as Dugd. Warwick. ^ ^Mureval in Leland. Collect* vol. i. p. 51* Mr. Speed hath alfo the priory of Merivale in Staffordlhire rated at 199/. 14/. 10 d. x So annales Derley, Parcolude, Burton, &c. yet the founda¬ tion charter is directed to Roger bifhop of Chefter, who died very early in that year. Leland. (Collect, vol. i. p. 51.) and Speed fay it was founded temp. Hen . 1. See Brook ii. p. 19. 27* Vide xxi. Warwickshire. fade in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 830. cartam fundationis, et confirmationem donationum per R. Hen. 2. ex cart. 1 g Ed. 2. n. 9. per Infpex. Ill Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 1086, &c. of the foundation and endowment of this abbey : p. 759. of Sir Philip Marmion’s right to nominate a monk here : p. 1048. of woods in Bentley: p. 1050. of Oufthirne grange: p. 1055. of a moiety of the manor and advowfon of Baxterley : p. 1065. of a yard land in Holt: p. 1078. of the church of Manceter: p. 1084. of the manor of Atherfton: p. 1106. of lands in Whittingdon. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 24. the deed of Philip de ElTeby giving a carucate of land in Effeby (or Great Alhby) to the monks of Miravalle : p. 215. the bull of pope Innocent 3. for appropriating the church of Orton on the Hill to this abbey: p. 245. deed of Rafe de Seile, granting lands in Nether Seile to the monks of Miravalle, and of a compofition for their tithes : p. 256. deed of the abbat and convent, granting two yard lands in Sibbefdon to Sir Peter Potter knt. p. 301. confirmation by P. Lucius 3. of the gift of fome lands in Wefton by Ric. and Pain Bafchervile y. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. ii. p. 799. of pofl'effions in Norwich. Lelandi Colle£L vol. i. p. 51. In Prvnne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 770. pat. 25 Ed. 1. m. 9. de proteiflione et cuftodia abbatiae conced. Petro de Leiceftre. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 32. compofitionem in¬ ter priorem et conv. de Maxftoke et abbatem et conv. de Miravalle fuper prteftatione decimarum de pratis in Schuftoke, A. D. 1345. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae laudatum faepe in cl. Burtoni defcriptione com. Leiceftr. Vide p. 24. 61, &c. Regiftrum olim penes Ric. Chamberlain regiftrarium Curiae Wardarum. In bibl. Cotton. Otho, C. vm. It, 12. appropriationem ecclefix parochialis de Manceftre et ordinationem vicariae. MS. Peck in mufed Britan, vol. iv. pat. 31 Ed , . terris in Brentingthorp : 14 Ed 2. in Brentin^ti,’- C Over Sheyle, Nether Sheyle et Witington: 18 de mefluagiis in Horkele et Leiceftre. . ' 3’ Fin. div com. 12 Joan. n. 58. de reddit. in Wefton linr- 3 rHen- 3- m. 4 vel 7. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m A Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 12. Clauf. 13 Hen. \ m' 26‘ de paftura in Fairfeld et Maiftonfeld: Fin.'iv He' ^ ' m. 13. de eadem: Plac. de banco, 27 Hen 2 T '3' [Leicelf ^ 3d CUriam 3bbatiS dc Ovcrton Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 17. Cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 2. pro foreh de Arden, terris in Witenton, Overton t> 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. f. m. . Pat’ Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4 et q. pro terris cl 1 Magna et Parva, Overton, Brantingthorp &c p61 e 19 Ed. 2. n. 9. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m.’ Lart’ Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro Ihopis et ten! in Lei ceftre: Plac. in com. Derb. 4 Ed. 3. quo war rot 2 1 etit. pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 2. de terris in Mainftansfeld cum houfebote et commun. paftur. in forefta dc Chaumpaine: Plac. coram rege, 5 Ed. 3. Hill rot 6 [Derb.] Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 17 Ed t p. 2. m. 9. pro eccl. de Overton fubtus Arden ■ Ef caet. Leiceftr. 17 Ed. 3. n. 73. de mercat. et feria abbatiae conceff. in maner. de Atherfton: Pat 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 43. licent. reg. pro maner. de Atlier- fton a monachis Beccenfibus perquirendo: Pat. Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12. ’ Efcaet. War. 10 Ric. 2. n. 100. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 1 m. g. pro meft. et terris in Atherfton, Witinton &c! Efcaet. War. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. n. 140. Pat. 16 Ric, 2'. p. 1. m. 16. pro meft. in Tam worth etWilmcote: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 14. pro eccl. de Maunceftre approprianda : Pat! 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10, pro cantaria et gilda in eccl. de Manceter. XXII. M U I T O N, or Miton. College. In the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 1. or beginning of that of K. Stephen, here feems to have been a collegiate church or chapel, with feveral Secular canons officiating there! in, to which Roger earl of Warwick was a benefactor, if not founder. It was dependent on, and at length annexed to the college of St. Mary in Warwick. Fide in Mon. Angl. tdm. iii. p. ii. p. 28. b. cartam Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 371, 372. edit. 1656. p. 467, Rogeri com. Warwic. de terris datis capellae de Mui- 468. edit. 1730. tona et canonicis eidem defervientibus. XXIII. OLDBURY, or Woldebury, olim Aldeburia. Benedictine Nuns. Hither the nuns of Pollefworth are faid to have retired when (temp. Will. Conq.) they were forced to quit their own monaftery ; and, upon their returning home again, here feems to have been for feveral years after1 a cell of fome few Black nuns fubordinate to Pollef¬ worth and dedicated to St. Laurence. Walter de Haftings and Athawis his wife feem to have been, temp. Hen. 1. great benefactors, if not3 founders of this fmall nunnery. This manor, valued at 61. os. 10 d. per am. was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 199. cartam Walteri de Haftings et uxoris fuas Athawifae, de fitu loci de Alde¬ buria et tota Stiperfhulla, et tota terra de Calvecroft et Birchefleia : Confirmationem Rogeri epife. Cef- triae : Cartas confirmatorias Hugonis fil. Ricardi et Walchelini de Manceftria. y There is alfo an abftraft or account of thefe deeds in the notes of Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 1087. and fome others not here mentioned. z Till the time of king Henry a. or after, as appears from the indulgence granted to them by Robert hifhop of Hereford. But in the reign of K. Edward 1. it feems to have been only the chapel of St. Laurence, the oblations of which belonged to the nuns of Polefworth, upon their paying a yearly acknowledg¬ ment to the reftor of Manceter. And in the grant upon the y In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 775. 778, 779- edit.' 1656. and p. 1076. 1082. edit. 1730. Cartas originales olim penes Franc. Netherfole de Polef¬ worth equ. aur. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. lxv. f. 40. cartas de prioratu monialium de Oldbury. diffolution, it is not called, “ prioratus five cella,” but “ do- ** minium live manerium ac capitale mefluagium de Oldbury.” a For this perfon and his lady’s giving them “ fitum loci,” and the dedication of it thereupon by Roger bilhop of Chefter, and fome exprefiions in their grants have the appearance of their being original donors ; though Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 1082. iaith, they only confirmed the grants of their anceftors- The old Rory printed in the Monafticon is legendary. XXIV. PINLEY, XXIV. WARWICKSHIRE. XXIV. P I N L E Y, or Pynelegh. Cistertian Nuns. Robert de Pilardinton, temp. Hen. I. founded a Ciftertian h nunnery here to the honor of the bieffed Virgin Mary. This fmall houfe, confiding of a priorefs and three or four nuns, was valued but at 22 /. 6s. 4 d. per ann. mf. Archer. 23/. 5s. n^.Dugd. 27/. 141. yd. Speed, and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to William Wigfton efq. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 442. eartam Aluredi epifc. Wigorn. confirm, fundationem, prout Simon et Joannes pnedeceflores confirmaverunt : Cartam Joannis fil. Galfridi de Langele : P. 443. cartam Will, de Curli, de fefta curix de Langeley. In Dugdale’s Warwickshire, p. 82r. of the foundation, endowment, and difiolution of this priory, and the names of the priorefles : p. 381. of lands in Curde- Ihale, and two marks of iilver yearly given by Wale- ran earl of Warwick, and a portion of tithes at Wal¬ ton Mauduit: p. 494; of the moiety of the redtory of Moreton Morehull intended for thefe nuns : p. 576. of the tithe of the toll of the earl of Warwick’s mill at Walton d’Eiville: p. 608. of the church of W hat- cote intended for them : p. 652. of lands in Shrewley : p. 800. of Thurftan de Mountfort’s grant of the tenth part of the provifions for his family. In Burton’s Leicefterihire, p. 246. of 5. virgates of land in Sharneford. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 796. of lands in Cothe- rington. • In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 517. an account of this priory and its priorefTes, from Dugdale’s War- wickfhire : In Append, ad vol. ii. p. 208, 209. car¬ tam Hugonis de Bladis, de uno homine et annuo reddit. quatuordecim denariorum : Cartam 'Will, de Rodbourne, de uno homine et oftodecim denariis an- nui redditus : Duas cartas Roberti de Thayndon, de tenemento in Scravele : Cartam Thomx fil. Ricardi de 1 yttefnor, de placea terrx in Screvelye vocat. Pe/bammefnewelond , dat. 23 Ed. 3. ex original, penes . . . Stanton arm. dom. maner. de Wolverton. Cartas originales penes Ed. Cookefey de eadem. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. cx. f. 3. de fundatore ex orig. penes Edw. Crokes de Pinley. In mufeo Afhmol. ibid. mf. Dugdale, F. 2. p. 371. tranfcripta et analedta ex ipfis autographis hunc prio- ratiim concernentibus. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2060. p. 34. e cards originali- bus fuper fundatione. Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 3. Efcaet. War. 29 Ed. 1. h. 96. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 3. de xiii. quarteriis frumenti et xiv. ordei ex maner. de Whitchurch concelT. per Petrum de Monteforti. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 6. pro advoc. eccl. de Whatcote: Cart. 19 Ed. 2. n. 7. pro virgat. et dimid. terrx in Whatcote, &c. Cart. 41 Ed. 3. n. 10. Efcaet. War. 18 Ed. 4. it. . XXV. POLLESWORTH'. Benedictine Nuns. About the beginning of the ninth century K. Egbert d, at the inftance of Modwenna a holy woman then newly come out of Ireland, founded a nunnery here to the honor of our Lady, over which his daughter Editha prefided as abbefs, who being afterward canonized, this monaftery was dedicated to her. The nuns were difpoffelTed for fome little while after the Conqueft of all their lands, and obliged to retire to their cell of Oldbury. But Robert Marmion and Millifent his wife, temp. R. Steph. brought them back again hither, and reftored their churches and eftates, which were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 1091. 6s. 6d‘. per ann. in the whole, but at 87/. 1 6s. 3d. only clear. This monaftery (wherein were maintained an abbefs and thirteen or fourteen mins of the order of St. Benedict) was, after the 36 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 197. notulam de funda¬ tione, ex hiftoria aurea Joannis Tenemuth mf. Hifto- riam fundationis Anglice, ex rotulo pervetufto penes Joannem Ferrers de Tamworth arm. P. 199. ex Le- land. Colleft. vol. i. f. 33. de inftauratione fandtimo- nialium in eccl. S. Edithx de Pollefword per Rob. Marmion et Milifentam uxorem ejus: Cartas Wai¬ ted de Haftings, Rogeri epifc. Ceftrix, Hugonis fil. Ricardi, et Walchelini de Manceftria, de cella de Aldebury. Sir William Dugdale’s Antiquities of Warwickfhire, &c. edit. 1730. p. 138. of ten marks to be annually paid by the prior and convent of Coventry : p. 324. of lands in fiirdingbury : p. 486. of three yard lands at Ofbafton in Leicefterihire : p. 846. of lands in Co- penhul : p. 1025. of the church of Barwell : p. 1037 and 1080. of the church of Anfley : p. 1042. of lands in Audrey and Whitacre Inferior : p. 1058. of the mills at Kingfbury and Hurley : p. 1076. of the church of Quinton in Glocefterlhire : p. 1 102. of the chapel of Hoo: p. 1107. of the foundation, endowment, and diflolution, granted to Francis Goodyere gent. dilTolution of this nunnery (faid there to be the oldeft in this part of the kingdom) and the names of the abbelTes : p. 230 and 1 1 1 8 . of the chapel and lands at Badfley Endfor: Ibid, of Frefeley Mill : p. mg. of Dodenhale; fee alfo p. 229. of lands in Frefeley and' Dodenhale : p. 1120. of lands in Pooley : p. 1100 and 1121. in Waverton: p. 1122. at Bramcote. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 614. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Queinton. In Burton’s Leicefterihire, p. 34. of the advowfon of the redtory of Barwell : p. 44. of iii. yardlands in Bilfton : p. 209. of lands in Norton: p. 251. of ii. virgates of land in Shepey Magna. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 27. Year Books, vol. i. p. 202. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 245. the names of the abbeftes from Dugdale ; and the fame in Ste¬ vens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 531. Cartas originales ad hanc abbatiam fpeclantes penes Franc. Netherfole de eadem et Sam. Roper de Monks Kirby arm. )> In cartulario Radingenfis monafterii mf. f. 116. “ Indentura “ inter abbatem de Rading ecclefiam de Rowyngton in proprios “ ufus obtinentem, et prioriflam de Pynlegh, de fex modiis “ bladi folvendis abbati nomine decimarum molendini ventricei “ in par. de Rowington, a quarum praftatione prioriffa et reli- “ giofx mulieres praediftx, per fpeciale privilegium fedis apof- “ tolicae ipfis et cseteris profefiis quibufcunque ordinis Cilterci- “ enfis in ea parte indultum, fe fore penitus immunes afierue- “ runt, dat. die Mere, poll felt. S. Mattfeasi A. D. 1348. ' Corruptly called Pollejlyria in Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. * Others afcribe this foundation to « Athulph or EthelWdlf" “ fon to king Egbert.” ’ * So in Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. rno. edit. 1730. which is far more likely than that the grofs fum fiiould be only a,/ 8r. 6 d. and the clear ill. is. o d. as Speed. Stevens’ Supple¬ ment, vol. 1. p. 31. and even a mf. Valor of fome credit. For the abbefs and fourteen nuns were penfioned with t6 1. per ann at the difiolution, as Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 24C. ~GSS Colledl, XXV. WARWICKSHIRE. tollefl. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. lxv. f. 37. 40, &c. Colledt. cl. Gul. Dugd. mf. in mufeo Alhmol. Uxon. F. 2. p. 1. ad p. 29. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2009. f. 3- °f t'le foundation : mf. 5805. f. 301. grant from W. Salvagius of mef- fuages and lands in Frefeley and Dodenhole. MS. Feck in mufeo Britan, vol. iii. de annuo redd. 11 s. i d. in Norton in com. Leic. Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro mercat. apud Pollefworth die Jovis et feria ibidem in vigilia, die, et craft. fefti S. Margaret® : Fin. War. 33 Hen, 3. Hill. n. . de molendinis in Kingfbury et Hurley. Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 3. de liber-— tat. in Pollefworth: Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 102. de terris in Warenton: Pat. 34 Ed. j. m. _ Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 39. d. pro vm. marcis percipiendis de priore de Coventre : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. pro mercat. et feria, et aliis libertatibus apud Pollef¬ worth. Pat. 20 vel 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 22. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Ibid. p. 3. m. 24. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Queinton [dioec. Wigorn.] approprianda. Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 35. de eadem ecclcfta de Quinton, XXVI. S T O N E L Y, or Stanley, in Ardern. Cisterti AN Abbey. A Ciftertian abbey tranflated hither from Radmore (in com. Staff.) by K Henry 2. A. D. ii54f. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, had about fourteen or fifteen monks s, whole yearly income was rated, 2 6Hen. 8. at 151/. or. 3 d. ob.perann. Dugd. 178/. 2s. p,d. ob. Speed h. In 30 Hen. 8. Charles Brandon duke of Suffolk obtained a grant of this monaftery to him and his heirs. Viile in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 821. de tranfmigratione monachorum de Rademora ad Stanleg : Carcam fun- dationis per R. Hen. 2. ex cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 6 et 24- <1 r In Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1 730. p. 255, &c. ol the foundation and endowment of this abbey, tand a catalogue of the abbats : p. 20 O. of lands in Hore- welle :° p. 247. of K. Hen. 3. retaining the advowfon of this abbey : p. 262. of the manor of Starton : p. 263. of pofleffions in Finham : p. 264. in Flecham- fted, Hurfte, Cryfield, Canle, Helenhull, and Bokin- dene: p. 265. in Milburn and Afhowe: p. 268. in 'Bericote: p. 269. in Leek Wootton: p. 270- as alfo p. 228. 230. of Yartford mill, and lands in Hill Wootton: p. 299. of lands in Cubington : p. 538. in Arlefcote and Ratley : p. 470- 541' S42, *n Ra8- way, with the church there, belonging to this abbey. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 41. G. Camerarii de Clin¬ ton confirmationem prati de Alfladeford, quod dedit monachis Thomas de Ayfho : p. 78. concordiam in¬ ter monachos et Gaufrid. de S. Mauro, de bruillo de Wethele et lignis in Cubinton : p. 377. prioris et conventus de Kenilworth relaxationem eommuni® in bofcis monachorum. I11 Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ri. p. 246. the names of the abbats, from Dugdale. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. 17. taxationem polfeffio- num abbatis de Stonlee. mf. 539- f- extracts fiom Mr. Ferrers’ book concerning this abbey. Reaiftrum abbatiae de Stonely, penes Tho. Leigh de Stonely mil. et bar. 1640. Colleftanea quamplurima ex hoc regiftro et cartis originalibus hanc abbatiam tangentibus labore cl. Dugd. mf. in mufeo Alhmol. F. 2. p. 31. Cart. 5 Joan. n. 18 et 19. Fin. II Hen. 3. m. 9. Fin. War. 21 Hen. 3. Pafch. n. . Clauf. 25 Hen. 3. m. 9. Fin. War, 44 Hen. 3. m. 3. Cart. 49 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart. 12 Ed. 1. n. 39. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Echeles, Homegrange, Staverton, Wethele, Stonle, Melburn, Cralefeld, Bedindene, Horewell, Holinhull, Bericote, Cobinton, Radeway, Hege Grange, Hurfte, Fvnham, et Cavele, et pro mercat. apud Stonele die Jovis et feria die . . . Plac. in com. War. 13 Ed. r. Quo war. rot. 1 et 4. de libertatibus in Stonly, &c. Efc. War. 14 Ed. 1. n. 37 et 57. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 2. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p, r. m. 6. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. de vaftis maner, de Stonle: Cart, 19 Ed. 2,_n. 6. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 13. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. de exemptione a tallagiis: Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 35 et 36. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. et m. 29 vel 30. Plac. coram rege, 2S Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 3. quod abbas debet reparare Slare bridge: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. et p. 3. m. 3. de terris in Dailey : Clauf. 36 Ed. 3. m. 4 et 24. de dimiff, maner. de Melburn, &c. Plac. coram rege, 38 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 22. 24. 38. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Ibid. p. 2. m. 15. pro maner. de Horewell: Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro Home Grange dimittendo: Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. pro maner. de Erdington. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 27. pro grangia de Crulefield: Pat. 15 Ric. 2- p. 2. m. 7. de melT. et terris in Rad¬ way et A (how : Pat. . . Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 29 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 13. pro ten. in Kingfbull et Fincham: Pat. 32 Hen. 6. m. 14. pro ten. in Flechamfted. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Efcaet. War. 13 Ed. 4. n. . de vill. meff. ii. carucat. terras, &e. in Alhow, ex conceflione Joannis Hugford et Tho¬ rn® Waldyve: Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 21. XXVII. STRATFORD upon Avoa. 1 College. “ Someconjeaure, That where the paroch church is now was the monaftery called « Sn-atford Riven in augmentation of Evelham in St. Edwin bilhop of Worcefter’s Th r’hf vear 0f our Lord 703 k. There is alfo fome mention of a monaftery here, fubordi r rn Worcefter in ldng Berthwulf’s charter, dated A. D. 845. and alfo in .bilhop Werfriths nate to Wot = ^ ^ d t0 the b, drops of Worcefter from the time of bilhop Egw®e (who had it for a grant of Fladbury for life) till 3 Ed. 6 But there is no Religious houfe here till the large chantry or college was founded, 5 Ed. 3. by John ■ r So Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 811. and Dugdale’s Warwick- Ihire, p. acj. The mf. annals of Louth park place the founda¬ tion of Stanly. in Ardern in the year 1140. But that ®ra feems more proper for the beginning of Radmore monaftery. Ro ■ nince 3. Hen. a. “ Wanuicfcira. Robertus films Hugonis, the rheriffi prays allowance, “ in terris datis monachis de Kaae- more xv /. in Stanleg.” i The abbat and fixteen monks joined in the lurrender, as Wims, Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 247. . d‘ In Speed’s third edition, London 1631. it is S7 ob. by a falfe print. See Stevens, vol. i. p. 33> 8 i Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 69. Colleft. vol. i. k,9 VcdusJ * Mon. And. tom. n. p. 851. b. u Idem icx [T “ dedit caftellum de Chaddebury et vetus 4nlonafte"l'im b- « forda A. D. 703.” Vide etiam Mon. Angl- tom. 1. P- 4 et Spelro. Concil. vol. i. p. an. aiy. .Len XXVII. WARWICKSHIRE. then bifhop of Winchefter, and afterward archbifhop of Canterbury, for a warden, four priefts, three clerks, and four chorifters, who were to celebrate divine lervice at the altar of St. I homas Jn the fouth iflem (by him then newly built) of the parifh church of the Holy 1 rinity. By the bounty of their founder and benefaftors they were pofiefied of ellates, 26 Hen. 5. to the value of 127 l. ljs. gdn. in the whole, and 123/. 12 s. gd. clear. The fue of this college was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. , Vide in Mon. Angl. <-om. i. p. 121. cartam Ecwini epif- copi donantis principi Ethilheardo Fledenbury, et ac- cipientis Stratford in recompenfationem. In Heiningi libro de terris et reddit. eccl. Wigorn. p. 221. cartam Berthulfi regis donantis monafterium iuxta Avonam, quod appellatur Ufera Stretford, Hea- berhto epifeopo et familize Wigorn. A. D. 845 °. p. 225. concordiam inter Offanum regem Merciorum et Heathoredum epifeopum, de Bathum, Stretford, Sture, &c. A. D. 781. p. 230. cartam Werfridi epife. de terris in Nutburgh ad monafterium de Stretford donatis, dat. A. D. 872. p. 455. cartam Ecwini epife. fupra memoratam. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 36. 1 15. 298. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 69. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 680^. of the old monaftery here : p. 684 and 692. of the chantry or college : p. 337. of the church of Napton intended to be appropriated to it: p. 697- °f the manor of Inge or Ingen, belonging to this college. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 247. the names of fome wardens, and of fuch Religious as had pen- (ions at the diflolution. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 29. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25. Fin. War. 10 Ed. 3. Mich, n. . de advocatione ecclefiae perquirenda ab epife. Wigorn. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. Cart. 1 1 Ed. 3. n. 27. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 38. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. m. 27. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. et p. 2. m. 16. pro advoc. eccl. de Nap- ton : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1 5 et 19. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Pat. 4 Rie. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. a Hen. 4. p. 2. m. il. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m, 26. Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. et p. 3. m. 28 vel 29. 2. Hospital: “ There is an almelhoufe of ten poor folks at the fouth fyde of the chapel of “ the Trinity, maintained by the fraternity of the Holy Crofter.” Lands were given, upon the incorporation of this town 7 Ed. 6. for the continuance of this hofpital. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickftiire, p.523. edit. 1656. p. 696. edit, 1730. XXVIII. STUDLEY, or Stodiegh. 1. Austin Canons. Peter de Studley alias Corbezon tranflated hither (in the beginning of the reHn of king Henry 2 s.) the priory of Auftin canons, which he had firft founded ac Widlon in Worcefterlhire. It was dedicated to St. Mary1, and had, about the time of the diflolution, yearly revenues amounting to 1 1 7 /. 1 s. id. ob. dare , Dugd. 125/. 4 s. 8 d. ob. Archer. 181/. 3 s. 6d. Speed s. The ftte was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Edm. Knightly ferjeant at law. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 89'. cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 3. recit. et confirm, cartam R. Hen. 2. et alias dona- tiones. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 744, &c. of the foundation, endowment, and furrender of this priory, with the names of fome priors : p. 533. of lands in Shotfwell : p. 748. 752. of the church of Coughton: p. 757. of a portion of the church of Sper- nall: p.835. of the church of Afton Cantlow : p. 839. of lands in Little Alne and Shelfhull : p. 1065. of lands in Whateley. In Atkyns’ Glocefterihire, p. 633. of the church of Sal- perton belonging to thefe canons, not to the nuns of Stodely in Oxfordfhire : p. 125. of lands in Glocefter: p. 846. of the manor of Owdefwell : In Nafh’s Worcefterlhire, vol. i. p. 291. of the impro¬ priate church of Dormefton : p. 326. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of St. Peter’s Droitwich. Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 70. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 248. the names of fome of the priors. In Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 70. the prior and convent of Stodly’s releafe of their right in the church of Afton Cantlow to the prior and convent of Maxftoke A. D. 1493. p. 346. of xx l. owing by (hem to William de Durham. Epiftolam Godefridi epife. Wigorn. de paupertate hujus prioratus, dat. Kal. Apr. A. D. 1269. mf. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Oxon. 154. Tranfcripts and extrafls from original deeds relating to this priory, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 2044. f. 105. Fin. War. 5 Hen. 3. Mich. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Cofton : Plac. in com. War. 13 Hen. 3.“. rot. 4. dorfo, de maner. de Compton Magna : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 8. quod bofei in forefta de Fekenham fint queti de regarda foreftaria : Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 3. de terris in Lodefwell, Staunton, Hafelholt, Oddeton, &c. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 26. Plac. de banco, 4 Ed. r. Hill, rot. 23. Pat. 24 Ed. 1. m. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Afton Cantelue conce(T. per Joannem de Haftings in excambio pro xm. libratis terrze in eadem villa. Clauf. 13 Ed. 2. m. 5. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 3. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ir. de terris in Studley, ex dono Will, la Zouche. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 19. pro capella five hofpitali S. Mari* Magd. apud Sponne approprianda. I From thence called in the patents, fometimes The chantry cf St. Thomas, fometimes The chantry in the chapel of St. Thomas. e> But the advowfon of the church being foon after purchafed, and the revenues of it appropriated to this college, the whole church became collegiate. n MS. Valor. Archer’s mf. hath it 118 /. 9J. id. and the clear value in Dugdale is 123/. 1 m 9 d. only. o This is alfo in Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, p. 680. P Leland. Itin. vol. iv.’p. 69. q The foundation of this priory is placed in K. Stephen’s reign 5b Dugd. Warw. p. 744. edit. 1730. and thefe canons Blight then probably be fettled at Wifton, but their tranflation hither feems to have been in the more advanced age of Peter de Corbezon, who was alive 12 Hen. 2. Yet the confirmation of K. Henry 2. muft have been granted after he began the thirtieth year of" his reign. For Waleran earl of Warwick, who was witnefs to it, was not earl till that year. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 71. ' Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 746. 5 “ Summa inde,” Stevens, vol. i. p. 31. ' There are two pages marked 89 in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. the one eight'pages from the other : it is in the latter "p. 89. “ Forfan reftius 13 Ed. 1. 2. Hospital. XXVIII. WARWICKSHIRE. •4. Hospital. William de Cantilupe, patron of the priory, eredted at the gate of that mona- fiery an hofpital for the relief and entertainment of poor impotent people before 23 Hen. 3. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 5.56. 614. edit. 1656. p.745. 834, 835. edit. 1730. Inter Collect, cl. francifci Peck in muleo Britan, vol. iii* quietam damationem prioris et conventus de Stodle de arrearagiis xxv s. annui redditus apud Muf. ton in com. Leic. a dom. Radulfo de Charnels debi¬ t's ; qui redditus longe ante in augmentationem cu- jufdamhofpitalis apud Stodle datus erat a Cantilupis XXIX. THELESFORD, olim Tevelesford ", vel Theflesford *. Maturine Friers. Will. fil. Walter! de Cherlecote, who afiumed the furname of Lucy, temp. R. Joan'1, built here to the honor of St. John Baptift and St. Radegund% a church and houfe or hofpital for Maturines or friers of the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of captives. Befides the uncertain colleftions of alms and offerings made by their procurators all over England* the annual income of their real eftate about the time of the fupprellion amounted to 23/. 10r. and herein were then only a minifter and three brethren. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to William Whorwood efquire, and William Walter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 831, 832. pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. In Madox’s Formal. Angl. p. 149. a leafe from the mi¬ nifter and convent, of the duties and devotions arifing within all the {hire of Glocefter upon the procurators making brethren and fitters for four years at four marks per ann. 14 Ed. 4. Jn Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 498, &c. of the founda¬ tion, endowment and dilfolution of this houfe : p. 467. of lands in Longbridge : p. 487, 488. of lands and liberties in Barford : p. 490. in Hethcote: p. 498. in Alhorne : p. 503, &c. of the legacies of feveral of the family of the Lucys in Cherlecote : p. 507 and 509. of the church of Cherlecote : p. 940. of lands in So¬ lihull, belonging to this houfe. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 248. the names of fome of the priors or minifters of this houfe, from Dugdale. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 49. ej.ufdem Itin. vol. iy, p. 68. vol. viii. p. 32. Cartas quafdam originales et regiftrum imperfe&um, hujus domus, penes . . . Lucy de Cherlecote arm. Ejufdem regiftri refiduam partem, penes magiftrum Fifh de Warwico, cujus contenta videat le£tor in catalogis librorum mil’. Angli* et Hibernise, Oxon. 1697. fol. tom. ii. p. i. p. 205. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. Efcaet. War. 18 Ric. 2. n. 62. Pat. 19 Ric, 2. p. 1. m. 6. pro melT. et terris in Afhorn et Newbold Pacy, XXX. WARMINGTON. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benedidtine monks from the abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul de Pratellis or Preaux in Normandy, to which this manor with the church were given by Henry Newburgh earl of Warwick temp. Hen. 1. It was in after times accounted fometimes a diftindt Religious Houfe, at other times as parcel of the priory of Toftes in Norfolk belonging to the fame foreign monaftery. After the diffolution of thefe alien priories it was granted, 7 Hen. 6. to the Carthufians at Wytham in Somerfetfhire ; and, as parcel of their poffeffions, was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to William and Francis Sheldon gent. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 53S, 536- of the manor and church of Warmington : p. 72. of the church of Willey : p. 355' o( Xi- yearly Penr!on out of the church of Herberbury : p. 533. of the like penfion out of the church of Shotfwell. Tin. War. 8 Joan. n. . de ii. virgatis terra; in War- minton. Ein 5 Hen. 3. Mich. n. . pro annua penhone xi. ex eccl. de Sottefwell : Pat. 33 Hen. 3. m. . d. pro eccl. de Willey. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 69. Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 26. Clauf. 1 1 Ed. 2. m. 22. Fin. 33 Ed. 3. m. 9. Efcaet. War. 7 Ric. 2. n. 108. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 20. Pat. 7 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14! Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 6. Rec. in lcacc. 10 Hen. 7. Mich. rot. 12. XXXI. WARWICK. 1 Abbey destroyed. In the north weft part of this town was an abbey in the Saxon times, which was deftroyed, A. D. 1016. by Canutus the Dane. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 301 a. ex Joanne Roufe. 2 Nunnery destroyed. Here was alfo anciently an houfe of nuns, where is now St, Ni- eolas churchyard, which is faid to have been burnt to the ground by the Danes A. D. 1016. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 301. et 370 a. ex Joanne Roufe. w Regiftr. Hugon. Weils epife. Lincoln. * Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 831. y This houfe was in being in the time of Walter Gray bifhop of Worcefter A. D. 1115. (See Madox’s Formul. Angl. in pref. o xxiii.l and in the fixth year of Hugh Welles billiop ot Lin¬ coln’ A. D. 1214. Collett, mf. Matthiei Hutton, S.T.P. $uxre therefore, Whether not firft founded for canons of the Holy Se¬ pulchre, whofe kinds upon the decay of their order were given to the Maturines or Trinitarians. For the Maturines were not brought into England till A. D. 12114. as Reyner, vol. 1. p. 162. and were to have all their churches dedicated to the Holy 1 n- nity, Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 829. . _ 2 St. Radegund only, in the indulgence prin.ed in Weave., p. 1ST- »» Edit. 1656. P. 37 4* edit. 1730. 2. Austin XXXI. WARWICKSHIRE. 3. Austin Canons. On the north fule of this town, where once flood a parochial church of St. Helen b, Henry de Newburgh earl of Warwick began, and his Ion earl Roger finifhed, temp, ilien. 1. an hofpital c or priory of canons Regular, in honor of the Holy Sepulchre, and of that order. About the time of the general diffolution herein were a prior and two or three poor Reli- Jigious, who were endowed with 41 /. 10s. id. per arm. Dugd. 4 9/. 1 3s. 6 d. Speedd. Ihefite of this monaftery was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Thomas Hawkyns alias Fyfher. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 573. notulam hiftoricam ex hift. Joannis Rous, de prima fundatione hujus coenobii : Literas Simonis epife. Wigorn. de confe- cratione altaris et cimiterii, et de xxxd. annus pen- fionis in recognitione matris eccl. Omn. Sandlorum: Cartam Hugonis fil. Ricardi et Margarets uxoris, donantium eccl. de Snithenefield. Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1 730. p. 454, &c. of the foundation, endowment, &c. of this priory, with an account of its priors : p. 468. of lands in Levenhul : p. 491. in Lighthorne : p. 541. in Upton: p. 651. of iv s. yearly penfion out of the church of Hatton : p. 654. of the patronage of the church of Hafely : p. 661. of the church of Snitfield : p. 82 1 . of lands at Paulines or Pinleyheath. Leland. Colledt. vol. iii: p. 126. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. ■ P- r73- In Wright’s Rutlandfhire, p. 41. of the advowfon of the reftory of Cotefmore fometime: p. 67. of the impro¬ priate re£tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Greet- ham. Tranfcripta quxdam et anale&a ex diverfis autographis, penes dom. Tho. Puckering, prioratum S. Sepulchri Warwic. concernentibus, mf. Dugdale in bibl. Afh- mol. Oxon. f. 2. p. 267. ex cartis penes Sim. Archer mil. mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. Ixv. f. 33. Fin. div. com. 44 Hen. 3. n. 62. de reddit. in Aldol- veftre, Ditton, &c. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 29. de eccl. de Snitenfield: Ibid. m. 35. de ten. in paroch. S. Clementis Daco- rum cum advoc. diets ecclefiae excambiatis cum Wal- tero Stapleton epife. Exon, pro terris et advoc. eccl. de Sniterifeld, et appropriatione ejufdem: Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 39. Fin. div. com. 19 Ed. 2. n. 60. de advoc. eccl. S. Clementis Dacorum. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 44. pro libertat. et eCcl. de Snitenfield approprianda. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 21. 4. Templars. Roger earl of Warwick is faid to have founded here the houfe of Templars be¬ yond the bridge temp. R. Hen. 1 '. or R. Steph. which was certified, 9 Ed. 2. to be of the yearly value of 14/. 6 s. 8 d. And, after the diffolution of that order, became part of the preceptory of Balfhall in this county belonging to the Knights Hofpitalars f. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 527. inquifitionem de Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. .379- 4^7- reddit. baillix de Warewic. A. D. 1185. Leland. Itin. Vol. iv. p. 65. 173. vol. viii. p. 31. C All Saints College. If what John Rous reports be true, concerning St. Dubricius’ fixing an epifcopal feat here in the church of All Saints within the precinfts of the caftle about the latter end of the fixth century, before he went to Landaff, this was the mod ancient foundation in this countv. It is pretty certain, that before the Conqueft there were great privileges belonging to this church of All Saints, and therein were Secular priefts or canons8, who were, after the year 1125. united to the college of St. Mary in this town, the caftle rendering their old church and habitation very inconvenient. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 298. 342. edit. 1656. and p. 273. 373. 426- edit. 1730. In Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 29. cartam Hen. 1. confirm, eccl. Omn. Sandlorum de Warwico omnes confuetudines fuas, judicia ferri et aquae, ficut tem¬ pore Edvardi regis : Ibid. p. 30. cartam Simonis epife. Wigorn. pro tranflatione canonicorum Omnium Sandlorum infra caftrum ad ecclefiam beats Maris. 6. St. James’ College. “ On the north fyde of St. James is a pretty college, having four “ priefts that fing in St. James’ chapel, [over the Weft or Honingate] and they belong to the fra- « ternity of our Lady and St. George which began in the time of king Richard 2. and conti¬ nued till the diffolution. Vide Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 369. edit. 1656. p. 462. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 65. vol. viii. p. 30. edit. 1730. 7. St. Marie’s College. The church of our Lady in this town feemed to be more than parochial temp. Will. Con j. becaufe it was endowed with a hide of land in Miton at the time of making the Domefday Book. Henry de Newburgh, the firft earl of Warwick of the Norman line, crave feveral tithes and lands to it for prebends, with defign to make it collegiate, and to unite the church of All Saints in Caftle to it; but dying before he could compleat it, his fon earl Roger, after the year 1123. finifhed it, and eftablifhed therein a dean and Secular canons. It was encreafed in revenues and buildings by the munificence of feveral earls of Warwick, among which the beau¬ tiful chapel of our Lady on the fouth fide of the choir, founded according to the will of Richard Beauchamp earl of Warwick, highly deferves notice. About the time of the diffolution here were b So Dusrdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 360. edit. 16.56. and Mon. ’ “ There is a chapel of St. John in the bridge end fuburbe, Anel tom iii p ii p -i “ that belonged to the prior of St. John’s in London. The C Maeifter domus live hofpitalis S. Sepulchri.” Taxat. “ lands of this came to the commandery of Ballefhall by War- Lincoln. mf. “ wike.” Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 65. J « Summa inde 40/. l'.s. 6d. fumma clara 41/. a j. o d.oi.” b “ Canomci ecclefix Omnium Sandlorum Warwic. temp. Stevens, vol. i. p. 31/ “ Simonis epife. Wigorn. qui confecratus fuit A. D. 1115. e So Dugdale’s War wicldhire, p. 467* But likely in K. Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 573. Stephen’s time, according to his Baronage, vol. i. p. 69. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 65. —Hhh a dean XXXL WARWICKSHIRE the’val'ue of uTX£° “ • ^ ickS‘r S'm" A'Ch"' T'“ C“ “f d’" “"'g' Wa! Sranccd> 37 H„. sJo !L tegirf Jride in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 27. cartam Hen- rici com. Warwic. Willelmo capellano, tempore Theoldi epifcopi et Hugonis archidiaconi Wireceftri : P. 28. cartas quatuor Rogeri com. Warwic. 1. Con¬ firm. terrain et decimas ecclefiarum S. Maris et Omn. Sandtorum ; 2. De fcolis Warwici ; 3. De capella S. Jacobi fuper portam occidentalem burgi ; 4. De terris donatis capella; de Mnitona: Cartam R. Hen. 1 . pro libertatibus : Cartam Roberti de Curb, pro eccl. de Buddebroc : P. 29. cartas duas Rogeri comitis, pro decano et capitulo et fraterno conventu habendo in eccl. S. Maris Warwic. de diverfis pofief- fionibus eidem datis, et de tranflatione collegii infra caftrum ad diclam ecclefiam : P. 30. traijiflationem canonicorum eccl. Omn. Sandtorum cum mis poflef- fionibus ad matrem ecclefiam B. Maris, autoritate Simonis epifc. Wigorn. P. 31, &c. ordinationem Willielmi Wittlefey epifc. Wigorn. de beneficiis ec- clefiafticis huic collegio in fua fundatione appropriatis et poftmodum alienatis, de reftitutione aliorum bene- ficiorum et parochianis eorurn in vita et morte unien- dis, et de bonis et proventibus collegii communi- candis. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 428, &c. of the foundation, endowment, and diflolution of this college, with the names of the deans and prebendaries, and an account of their revenues 4 Ed. 1. amounting then to ccxxxv /. vi s. md. per anti. p. 445. of our lady’s chapel within this college: p. 271. of lands in Heath : p. 273. of Cuckow church in Wedgnock park: p. 276. of lands in Milverton: p. 305 and 475. of the church of Wolphamcote : p. 315. of lands in Caldecote: p. 379. 428. in the notes, and 568. of the church or prebend of Cumpton Murdach : p. 403. of the church of Wiclesford in Cambridgelhire : p. 467. of lands in Longbridge and Mitton : p. 468. of lands or tithes in Hetchcote, Stokehull and Wood- low: p. 396 and 615. of the church of Nether Piller- ton : p. 653. of tithes in Beaufale : p. 656, 657. of the church of Budbroke : p. 661. of lands and tithes in Snitfield: p. 665. of the manor and church of VVolverton : p. 667. of lands and tithes in Shirburn: p. 668, 669. in Fulbroke: p. 823. of tithes in Cla- verden: p. 840. of the church of Hafeler : p. 1030. of the churches of Spellcfbury in Oxfordlhire, and Chadfley Corbert in Worcefterfhire. In Bridges’ North amptonlhire, vol. i. p. 82. of the ma¬ nor of Prefton Capes. In Nalh’s Worceilerlhire, vol. i. p. 187. of the impro¬ priate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Chad- defley Corbett. In Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 62. 122 of the j • ibid, p 63. and voi. vfii. p. 28. offPi:;rbter : this church. v buried m In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p 2aR th„ of the deans of this college from Dugdale.’ nameS In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 9C-? de hpnpfin- n- cardi comitis Warwic. 353‘ beneficils R" In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 24. conventionem inter monachos de Bordefieia et ecclefiam S Maril a ■mm f“p“ *c‘~h**- * *•**.* 2 Regiftrum mf. in fcacc. penes rememoratorem reoi« Fxcerpta ex eodem mf. Dodfworth, vol. lxvi f - Mf. Dugdale, f. 2. p. 75. ’ ‘ 95- In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 506. p. no. mf. 2044 f et mf. 2077. p. 398. colledtanea ex libro ecclefi* B Mari® Warwic. * D‘ Cartas quamplurimas originates ad hanc ecclefiam col- legiatam Ipedlantes non ita pridem penes ma£iftrum Jacobum l yfti ecclefue facriftam, vel in archivis hujus ecclefiie. Vide catal. codd. mif. in Anglia, Oxon 1697. fol. p. iv. p. 203, 204, 205 et 206. I in. War. 6 vel 12 Hen. 3. n. . pro advoc. eccl de oudbroc. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. ■ ve] 2 m. j4. pro advoc. eccl. de Pilardinton, ex donoThoI mae com. Warwic. et appropriatione ejufdem. Pat. 8 Ric 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro maner. de Hafelere, et ecclefiis de Wolhamcote, Wittlesford, Spelbury Sic ex concelf. Thom® com. Warwic. Pat. 22 Ric 2 p. I. m. 29. pro eccl. S. Nicholai et s! Petri et s’ Laurentn in Warwic. et de Budbroke appropriandis! Efcaet. War. 1 Hen. 4. n. . Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. c. m 7 pro maner. de Hethcote: Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 77* pro cantaria, ex fundatione Roberti de Walden: Clauf. 11 Hen. 4. m. 25. d. pro advoc. eccl. de SpeU leibury [Oxon.] et de Chaddefiey Corbet [Wigorn 1 I in. di v. com. 11 Hen. 6. n. 62. de advoc. eccl de Spellefbury [Oxon.] et Shaddefly Corbet T Wigorn 1 Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 18. S J Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 17. pro terris in Fulbroke: Pat 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 7. Efcaet. Northamt. 5 Ed. 4. n. ! pro maner. de Prefton Capes : Efcaet. Warwici 8 Ed. 4. n. 64. de maner. et ten. in Wolverdington et Bathkinton : Fin. Warwic. 9 Ed. 4. Hill. n. 73. de maner. de Wolverton: Pat. 9 Ed. 4. p. i. m] pro maner. de Bathkinton et Wolverdington [War¬ wic.] ten. in Wefton et Mofele [Leiceftr.] et maner" de Prefton Capes [Northamt.] Pat. 16 Hen. 7. p. 2. m. 7. 8. St. John’s Hospital. In the north eaft fuburb! of this town was the hofpital1 of St John Baptift founded by William earl of Warwick1, in the time of K. Henry 2. chiefly for the entertainment of ftrangers and travellers, but it was befide continually to confift of a mafterm or warden, two chaplains, and two poor people. It was valued but at 20/. 3 s. o d. per arm. in the whole, or 1 9/. 17s. 3d. as mf. Archer, and at 19/. 3s. 7 d\ clear, as mil Sancroft, Dumf. and Speed ; and was granted, 27 Hen. 8. to Anthony Stoughton. Vide Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 459, &c. of the foundation, endowment, and lurrender of this hofpital, with a catalogue of the wardens : p. 363. of two {hillings yearly rent out of Radford Simely: p. 494. of the church of Morton Morehull. Eelandi Colledt. vol. iii. p. 126. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 65. 173. vol. viii. p. 31. ■ At the end of Smith Itreet. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 31. k A college and an hofpital in it. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 63. Xhis eyas different from the c; apel of St.John in the louth iuburb belonging to the Templars or Hofpitalars. Ibid. Cartas, &c. penes Anth. Stoughton arm. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 27. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro medietat, advoc. eccl. de Morton Merhull, ex concefT. Joan, de Bilhopfdon mil. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. de advoc. alterius medietat. diclm eccl. ex dono Thomae com. Warwic. 1 Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 70. Leland. Colledt. vol. iii. p. rid. m “ Prior hofpitalis S. Joannis Warwic.” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. n 19/. 3j. 9 J; E&on. 9. St. XXXI. WARWICKSHIRE. «« rimf' MlCH.fEL’s Hospital “ In the north fuburb is a chapel of St. Michael, where fome- . a eoHege having a maifter and confratres This was the hofpital of St. Michael at the lower end of Saltford ftreet founded by Roger earl of Warwick in the latter end of the rei w!th'he church “d tithes here, are faid to have been given to the abbey of St Peter fuper Divam in Normandy by Roger de Montgomery, or fome other bene- fa.a°r? ?0rtly after the Conqueft, whereupon fome Black monks from that foreign monaftery were thp^hhar re" A Thefe alie" |rl°nes being often feized during the wars with France, this was fold by the abbat and convent ot St. Peter aforefaid to the prior and convent of Carthufians near Coventry Wood ward 3nd> “ °f ^ Poffefllons« was granted, 3 Ed. 6. to Richard Felde and Richard Vide Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 33. 35, &c. ot this cell, its endowment, See. p. 30. of the ad- vowfon of Church Lawford. Cartas, &c. olim penes Petrum Wentworth mil Clauf. 1 Ed 3. m. 22. Clauf. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2/m. 17. Pat. 31 Ed. 3.«p. 1. m. 27. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol i. p. 230. an account of Fin. 8 Ric. 2.' m. 2. E^et.7 Warwic. 19 Ric 2 n 72 this cell from Dugdale s Warwicklhire. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. x. m. 32. 9 ' ' 73’ XXXIII. WOTTON WAWEN, alias Walwaynes r. Alien Priory. Robert de Tonei ^Stafford, fon to Roger de Tonei ftandard bearer of Normandy, gave (not long after the Conqueft) the church of St Peter’ with fome land! town, to the abbey of Caftellion or Conches in Normandy founded by his faid father which H‘3 confirmed to them by Nicolas de Stafford his fon temp. Hen. 1. and Roberc de Stafford his “f “d »“U of Bencdiaine moifk, f,om dm f„Sg„ £*% hither, and continued here till the feifures of alien priories temp. Ed. 3. This was wanted 9 P , to the priory of St. Ann near Coventry, and afterward, 22 Hen. 6 3 to the provoft and VchoD '' "f King s college in Cambridge, who ftill enjoy the fame. P d lcholars ® Leland. Itin. vol. iv. n. 66. . « . , , •jffigSc*: " "• - l' *di- mo° ' Pat. !S Hen. 6. m. .P' J' which feems (from Mon.Angl. ‘a )PrIthe r fhu.rch’ been dedicated to St. M«r,. P SS9’ > rather to have XXXIII. WARWICKS FI IRE. Yide ili Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 558. cartam Roberti de Stafford, confirm, eleemofinas avi fui Rob. de 1 oenio et patris fui Nicolai de Stafford apud Wotton: p. 559* cartas Hervei dom. Stafford, confirm, didforum elee¬ mofinas eccl. S. Petri Caftellionis, et donantis mo- lendinum inter Wotton et Offord ; Radulphi de Tony donantis maner. de Lena, et decimas in omnibus aliis fuis maneriis ; Rogeri deTony, HI. Radulphi, donan¬ tis Werleham ; R.lHen. 2. de privileges : Ibid. p. 966. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 4. de prioratu alienigena de Wotton domui S. Ann® juxta Coventre ord. Cartui. conceffo. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 815. of the priory and its priors : p. 760. of mortuaries in Morton Bagot: p. 800. of a mill at Henley: p. 818. of lands in Mockley : p. 827. of tithes in Langley and Norton exchanged for a penfion. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. i. p. 316. of pofTeffions in Eaft Wrotham: of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Weft Wrotham: f. 545. of a mill in Weft Tofts: p. 550. of pofTeffions in Linford: vol. iii, p. 407. of polfeffions in North Pickcnham, p. 412. in South Pickenham. In Willis’ Hift'ory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 251. the names of fome priors from Dugdale. Cartas originales, cOmputos ballivorum, rentalia, et alia munimenta ad hunc prioratum fpedlantia, in thefau- rario coll. Regalis Cantab, in cifta de Wotton Wawen. In mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. mf. Dugdale, F. 2. p. 361. tranfcripta et analedfa ex iplls autographis hunc prio¬ ratum concernentibus. Clauf. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. Fin. 48 Ed. 3. m. 12. Fin. 3 Ric. 2. m. 31. Fin. 6 Ric. 2. m. 15. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 39. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 8. Clauf. 4 Hen. 4. m. 30. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 15. Clauf. 26 Hen. 6. m. 10. d. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 23. XXXIV. WROXHALL. Benedictine Nuns. About the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 1. or beginning of that of K. Stephen', a priory of Benedidtine nuns was built here by Hugh fil. Richardi alias Hugh de Hatton, to the honor of St. Leonard. Herein were, about the time of the diffolution, five or fix Religious, who had for their maintenance lands and revenues to the yearly value of 72/. 151. 6d. ■per ann. Dugd. 78/. 10 s. id. ob. Speed. It was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Robert Burgoin and John Scudamore. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 433, 434. hiftoriam fun- dationis, Anglice : P. 435. duas cartas R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes, ex cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. I. per In- fpex. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 646, &c. of the foundation and endowment of this nunnery, with an account of the prioreffes : p. 289. of lands in Bourton fuper Dunfmore: p. 308. in Shuckborough Superior, and of the church there : p. 363. of lands In Radford Simely: p. 552. in Brailes : p. 650. in Hatton. . In Bridges’ Northamptonflrire, vol. i. p. 1 12. of a rent of xxxiv s. out of lands in Wardon. Lelandi CoDeA. vol. iii. p. 73. ejufdem Itin. vol. iv. p. 67. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 43* cartam Roberti de Alvers de ecclefia de Suicheberga et terris ibid. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 251. the names of fome of the priorelfes. Chronicon five hiftoriam prioratus de Wroxhal, mf. penes Joannem Burgoin bar. Dugd. Warwickfhire, p. 489. 493. Baron, vol. i. p. 23;. Colletf. cl. Dugdalii in mufeo Alhmol. Oxon. F. 2. f. 389. Cart, antiq. B. n. 7. fcil. Joan. R. anno primo confirm, donationem patris fui, de x. marcis argenti ad fcac- carium annuatim. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. m. I. Cart. 43 Hen. 3. n. . Pat. 43 Hen. 3. m. I. Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro vi. marc, per ann. folutis prioriffie et conv. per epifc. Wigorn. Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 53 Hen. 3. rot. 48. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 21. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 1. Efcaet. Leiceftr. 35 Ed. 3. n. . poft mortem Henrici ducis Lancaftr. de reddit. in Leiceftria, ubi dicitur olim fundatum fuiffe per Hu- gonem fil. Richardi, et quod Joannes de Clinton eft modo patronus. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. 20. recit. cartas RR. Hen. 2. et Hen. 3. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 5 vel 6. WESTMORELAND. I. A P P E L B Y. T Tospit AL. Here was a fmall hofpital dedicated to St. Nicholas, which was given Jv Joh,l ’ rl de Veteripont to the abbey of Shapp •, this donation was confirmed by Walter bilhop of Carlifie, upon condition they Ihould maintain here three lepers for ever. It was granted 36 Hen. ». to Thomas lord Wharton. Vide Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 343 2 White Friers. In this town was an houfe of White friers, faid to have been founded »y the lord Vefcy, lord Percy, and lord Clifford A. D. 1281*. After the dilution it was granted to Chriftopher Crakenthorp 35 Hen. 8. * Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 493> a- edit. 1636. p. 650. edit. * Speed. 1 7 jo. nk a j; WESTMORELAND. fye Bum and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 343. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 33 Ed. i. p. . m. 4 vel 5- Pat- 9 Ed- 3- P- II. B L E A T A R N. Cistertian Cell. The manor of Bleatarn being given to the abbey of Byland in Yorklhire, they had a cell here. Vide Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 618. III. BROUGH. Hospital. In the beginning of the fixteenth century, John Brunfkill founded here, on a piece of ground called Gibgarth, a chapel and hofpital with two beds for travellers and other poor people. °The chapel was dedicated to the Bleffed Virgin and St. Gabriel ; it had two chaplains, the one to celebrate divine fervices, the other to inftruft the children of the place in grammar and finoing: it was under the government of the abbat of Shapp for the time being. At the diflolu- tion a'penfion of 7/. 44. 4 d. out of its revenues was granted for the continuance of the grammar fchool. fi de Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 573. IV. HEP P, now Shapp, olim De valle Magdalena;. Premonstratens can Aebey. Thomas Fitz Gofpatric Fitz Ormeb in the latter end of the reio-n of K. Henry 2 c. built, at Prefton in Kendale an abbey for Premonftratenfian canons, to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene ; but they feem to have removed in their founders life time to a valley in the parilh of Hepp, where they continued till the diflolution, about which time herein were twenty d Religious men, who had yearly revenues amounting to 154/. 174. yd. ob. Dugd. 166/. 104. 6d. ob. Speed. This abbey was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Thomas lord Wharton. Pide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 594. cartam Thom* Regiftrum hujus abbatiae olim penes dom. Will. Howard fil. Gofpatricii, de fundatione abbadae primo apud de Naworth, fcil. 1638. Prefton : P. 595. cartam Thomae fil. Gofpatricii, de Collctfanea ex eodem in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 294. f. 207. terra ubi ccenobium de Hepp fituatur, fcil. de valle Cartas, regiftra, rentalia, computos ballivorum, &c. Magdalen*: Cartam Roberti de Veteriponte, confirm. penes . . . ducem Wharton. cartas fundatoris et donatorum, dat. 13 Joannis regis. Vetus exemplar quarundam cartarum ad hoc ccenobium In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 469. fpccfantium tranfcript. ex cartularlo penes Jacobum of the foundation and revenues of this abbey: p. 107. Bellingham equ. aur. 1622. of lands in Hutton : p. 178. of a tenement in Win- Colledf. mfT. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xlv. dermere: p. 229. of lands inFarleton: p. 238. char- f. 21. vol. clix. f. 182. l8g. ter of Thomas fon of Cofpatrick of the foundation Pat. 17 Ed. x. m. 1. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 6. pro advoc. at Prefton : p. 277. of iv. marks yearly out of the eccl. de Warchecope conceft. per Ifabellam uxorem cornage of the caftle of Appleby : p. 343. of the hof- Rogeri Clifford : Plac. apud Weftm. 27 Ed. 1. rot. 86. pital of St. Nicholas in Appleby: p. 364. of lands in Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. pro eccl. de Warthcote ap- Marton: p. 386. of Milburn grange: p. 455. of a proprianda : Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. Clauf. 12 rent in Bolton: p. 461. of the impropriate re&ory Ed. 2. m. 26. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 9. and advowfon of the vicarage of Bampton : p. 468. Pat. 1 vel 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. of the fame at Shapp: p. 480. of Sleddale grange: penult, vel antepenult. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3 p. 502. of alms corn in Meburn: p. 505. of the ma- vel 4. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. nor of Regill: p. 508. of three tenements in Great p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. confirm, excambii de maner. de Afby : p. 573. of the chapel at Brough : p. 600. of Bamton, pro maner. de Shap : Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. j. the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage m. 22. pro eodem excambio : Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. j. of Warcop. m. 30. licent. imparcandi bofcum de Shap. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 103. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro ten. in Shapp et Slegill. V. K I R K B Y in Kendale. Hospital. The hofpital or houfe of lepers near this town, dedicated to St. Leonard, is as ancient as the reign of K. Henry 2'. It had, 26 Hen. 8. yearly revenues valued at 11 /. 44. 3 d. in the whole, and 61. 44. tjd. clear-, but thofe with the hofpital itfelf were granted, 38 Hen . 8. to Alan Bellingham and Alan Wilfon. Pide Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 75. advoc. hofp. S. Leon, juxta Kendale. Fin. in div. com. 29 Ed. 1. n. 62. jus Marg. de Ros in VI. PRESTON, vide HEPP. 6 Lelard. Colled, vol. i. p. 103. ' Rot. pip*, 2x Hen. 2. “ Gofpatricius filius Ormi reddit “ comp, de d. marc, de mifericordia, quia reddidit caftellum “ regis de Appelby regi Scotorum.” Vide etiam Mon. Angl. torn. iii. p. i. p. 36. b. et p. 39. a. j. d MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. c See in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 425. a. the grant of the ad¬ vowfon of this houfe to Conyihed priory in Lancalhire by Will, de Lancaftre, — Iii WILTSHIRE.' WILTSHIRE. 1. AMBROSEBURY, or Amefbury, dim Ambrofia*, five Ambrnb Ccenobium. :RY destroyed. 1 TTERE is Laid to have been an ancient Britifli monaftery for 'ine Nuns. 1 fl three hundred0 monks, founded, as fome fay, by Am n n a hnoer K if t b u vn a i i o Hineu /\ -> l— * M « i - . , n f . ■ > L » 4. 1. — " L 1 d . t « 1. Monastery 2. Benedicti _ ^ ^ ^ briusc an abbaf, as others, by the famous prince Ambrofius (who was therein buried d) and'dellrov rl" by that cruel Pagan Gurmundus% who over- ran all this country in the fixth century. It has be thought that here was one of the two monafteries which were given to the learned Afferius by^ Alfred f. But it is more certain that about the year 980. Alfrida or Ethelfrida the queen dowao-e" of K. Edgar erefted here a monaltery for nuns, and commended it to the patronage of St. Mar - and St. Melorius, a Cornifh faint, whofe relicks were preferved here. It was of the Benediftine s order, but, A. D. 1177. the abbefs and about thirty nuns were expelled for their ill lives, and then K. Henry 2. placed herein a priorefs and twenty-four nuns, from Font Ebrald in Normandy to which monaftery this houfe was for fome time lubjed, but at length was made denizon, and' be came again an abbey h, endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 495/. 15 s. 2 d. per ann. Dugd. 558/. ios. 2 J Speed. This nunnery was furrendered, Dec. 1540. or 32 Hen. 8. by the abbefs and thirty-four nuns1, and granted in April following to Edward earl of Hertford. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. J91. annotatiunculas qUafdam hiftoricas de fundatione hujus abbati*, et tranllationc fanftimonialium, ex Will. Malmlbur. Rob. Gloceftr. et Rog. Hoveden: Cart, antiq. B. 8. fcil. Joan. R. dat. 30 Aug. anno regni 1. confirm, ter¬ ras et libertat. monialibus de Fonte Ebrardi: F. 193. cart, antiq. B. B. n. 4. fcil. Joan. R. 2 Maii anno 5. pro u. fterling. annuatim ad fcaccarium ad fuftenta- tionem capellani in cipella S. Laurentii: Ibid. tom. ii. p. 868, 869. cartam Joan. R. confirm, ecclefiam de Ambrelbury et alias donationes patris fui monialibus Fontis Ebrardi, dat. 25 Jun. anno 2. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedict, tr. ii. p. 126, &c. quaedam de fundatione et ordine. Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 26. 67. vol. ii. p. 14. 209. 252. vol. iii. p. 74. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 252. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 584. of two mills in Portf- mead. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 78. of x. marks rent in Blandford-forum. In Worfeley’s Idle of Wight, p. 199. of the manor of Whitfield. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. i. p. 759, 760, 761. vol. ii. p. 228. cart. 1 Joan. n. 103. five cart, antiq. B. 8. vol. iii. p. 274. cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 1. p. 438, 439. plac. apud Weftm. 18 Ed. 1. rot. 105. [Wilt.] de advoc. eccl. de Wamberge : p. 769. pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 11. pro confirm, priorifl* juxta literas abba- tifl* Fontis Ebraldi : p. 937. pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. 14 et 29. pro Maria filia regis fandtimoniali Fontis Ebraldi apud Ambrefburiam commoranti, de XL. roboribus fingulis annis e forefta de Chute et Bokholt ad focum earner* fuse, de xx. doliis vini, et cclxvi /. xm s. IV d. ad fuftentationem earner* fuae. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 124. 21 Ed. 1. de maner. de Chadel worth in com. Berkf. cum advoc. pnoratus de Poggele concelf. priorifl* et conv. de Ambrofe- bury per Alianoram reginam matrem regis, ad fuften¬ tationem Alianor* fili* Joannis ducis Britanni* mo- nialis ibid, dum viveret, et poftea in puram eleemof. p. 605. 606. 30 Ed. 1. pro commun. paftur. et pan- nagio in forefta de Melkelham. I11 Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 517, 518. de tailagio homi- num maner. de Melkelham levando ad opus priorifl* non dom. regis : Brev. 9 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 59. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. ii. p. 534. pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. 27. de foco et vino pro Maria filia regis fandtimoniali apud Ambrefburiam : Ibid. tom. iii p. 29. pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. no. p. 1 16. pat. 2 Ed. 2! p. 2. m. 17. Ibid. tom. iv. p. 268. clauf. 1 Ed. 3" p. 1. m. 16. de decern doliis vini Mari* amit* re5*. . . , T q y It was furrendered by the prior and thirteen monks Jan. 8. i-io as Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. 11. p. , k39He was fewer to king Henry 4. before he was king (Dugd. Baron vol. i. p. 39*) as well as after. Leland. Itin* vol. iv. p. 105. Wth that “this hofpital was builded to the priory of chanons - by one of the three' heirs general of the B Jets, _ who being a *• lazar gave her part of the town of K.dderminfter mgs « ufus.” This probably was the traditionary report at L'dder- minfter in Leland’ s time, but the eltate of the Bifets did not come into females till many years after this Religious houfe was built, which was originally an hofpital for lepious women , and their relief and maintenance feems to be the principal view of the foundation; the priefts firft, and afterward the Regular canons were added to be fubfervient to them, (being called “ procuratores mulierum,” Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 84* Ma¬ dox’s Formul. p. 23.) though in procefs of time the prior and convent feem to have got the whole government of the houfe and its revenues, (Madox’s Formul. p. 314* 362-) and to have dropped the fitters, who are firft named in the old deeds. Ma- nafler Bifet gave thefe leprous women the manor of Bradley, «< pro Alicia uxore fua, de cujus hxreditate manerium mud e foundation char¬ ter of the countefs Ela (the fame as in the Monafti- con except one word or two ;) another charter of the faid countefs concerning the manors of Hetherop, Bifiopeftre, and the moiety of Hedrington ; the ad- vowfon of the churches of Winterburn Svreveton, and Lacock: p. 355. the confirmations of thefe do¬ nations by her fon Will. Longefpey and K. Henry 3. [anno regni 13.] The agreement between the coun¬ tefs and the reftor of Lacock, that the founding the nunnery fhould be no prejudice to the parifh church, A. D. 1229. p. 356. confirmation of the foundrefs’s charter, and confent to the founding an abbey by Robert bifhop of Salifbury [anno pont. 1.] Charter of K. Henry 3. [anno 26.] for a market on Tueldays at Lacock: p. 357. three charters of K. Henry 3. firft [anno 21.] for a fair at Lacock on the eve, day, anti rnofrow of the tranflation of Tho. Becket ; fe- cond [anno 26.] for a load of dead wood out of Melkefham foreft every week ; third [anno 44.] for forty acres of wood fet out in lieu of a load of dead or dry wood defired every day by the abbefs and con¬ vent: p. 359. confirmation of an agreement between the redfor of Lacock and the nuns, about a portion of tithes confirmed by William bifhop of Sarum, A. D. 1290. Licence of mortmain for lands in Nat- ton, 32 Ed. 3. p. 360. the appropriation of the church of Winterburn Syreveton to the nunnery of Robert bifhop of Sarum, 13 pontif. p. 362. agree¬ ment between the abbat and convent of Cyrencefter and the nuns of Lacock, concerning the manor of Hetherop, and privileges of the tenants there: p. 363. licence of mortmain for a meJTuage and twelve yard lands in Hetherop to be given by Ela countefs of Warwick, 12 Ed. 1. p. 365. plac. coram rege, 8 Hen. 8. Trin. rot. 8. fuper inquifitione de maner. de Shorewell [Wight] quod domus de Lacock eft de fundatione dom. regis ratione ducatus fui de-Lan- caftre, non ut de jure coronas fuae Anglia;. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 40. 66. 305. vol. ii. p. 384. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 412. of a mefluage and lands in Woodmancot : p. 463. of the manor of Ha- therop. In Worfeley’s Ifle of Wight, p. 249. of the matlor of North Shdnvell. Year Books, 10 Ed. 3. Hill. 11. de ferviciis tcnentium apud Chiltern. Annales a Chrifto rtato ad ahnum 1448. fcriptds a quo-t dam prefbytero h five capellano abbatiae de Lacock, ml. in bibl. Cotton. Vitellius, A. vxix. 10. Regiftrum de Lacock in bibl. Cotton, (diverfum ab Annalibus uti videtur) citatum in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 341. Quaere an hoc an Chronicon fit liber de La- coc penes magiftrum St. George, unde quaedam ex- cerplit cl. Dodlworthius, mil. vol. cx. f. 79. vol. cxxvi. f. 1. Regiftrum abbatiae de Lacock, nuper penes dom. Joan- nem Talbot, nunc penes Iverium Talbot de ead. arm. In Afpilogia cl. Joannis Anftis, mf. n. 94. conventio- nem inter Elam abbatiflam de Lacock et conv. et Elam com. Warwic. de maner. de Hetherop conceftb comitiffie durante vita : Ibid. n. 95 cdnfirmationeni donationum matris fuae Elae per Will, de Longefpe. Cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro feria in die, vigilia, et craf- tino tranflationis S. Thomae Mart. Ibid. m. 7 vel 8. confirm. amplifT. terrarum et ecclefiarum : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro mercat. die Martis apud Lacock: Pat. 26 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro caredta mortui bofci fino-ulis feptimanis e forefta de Melkefham: Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 3. de terris in Cettre, ex dono Will. Longefpey: Ein. div. com. 33 Hen. 3. n. 32. de maner. de He¬ therop, et xx. lib. terrae in Cettre : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro mercat. et feria apud Cettre : Cart. 44 Hen. 3. rri. 2. pro mercat. apud Lacock, et de liber- tatibus mar.erii. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. ult. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro eccl. S. Cyriaci apud Lacoc perquirenda a Joanne Bloet et approprianda : Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. de terris in VVodeman- cote : Cart. 8 Ed. 2. m. 12 vel 13. de mercat. apud Lacoketlib. war. in omnibus maneriis: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1. de terris in Bilhopftrew, Natton, Shor- well, &c. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Efcaet. Southamt. 34 Ed. 3. n. 57 et 58. pro maner. de Bonecomb et Shorewell : lnquif. Southamt. 35 Ed. 3. n. . de ma¬ ner. de Schorewell in infula Veche: Clauf. 35 Ed 3. m‘ 43- . Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15. pro XL. acris in forefta de Melkefham includendis : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 39. pro mefT. et terris apud Lacock: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2! m. 14, Ibid. m. 15. de eccl. de Clive-pipard appro¬ prianda. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 27. de manerio fuo de He¬ therop. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . de campanili monafterii, et de domibus manerii de Chittern per fulmen et tonitru fubito combuftis. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 1. XXII. L O K E S W E L L, vide S T A N L E G H. XXIII. LONGLEAT0, or Langelete. Austin Canons. A fmall priory of Black canons, dedicated to St. Radegund, faid to have been founded by Sir John Vernon knt. being run much to ruin, it was by the bifhop of Salifburv with the confent of Peter Stantour patron and founder, 21 Hen. 8. annexed to the Carthufian priory * MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Canti The abbefs and eighteen nuns penlioned at the furrcnder. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. 28. a Monaft. Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 632. Not St. BencdiS, as mf. Gottdn. Tiberius, xiii. 5. r b Non mon'acho , uti cl. Smithius. ' “ De Longa Leta prior,” as Prynne, vol. iii. n 71c> hut “ !kaIrcS S; Mari3= Longiledi,” in Gunton’s Peterbureh, n.’ Normandy4"2*’ V0*' *’ P’ 577‘ b‘ feCm to bclonS to Lotdey in’ of XXII. WILTSHIRE. of Henton11 in Somerfetfliire ; and, as parcel of that monaftery, was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Sir John Horfey, who fold it, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir John Thynne. Hide in cl. Rymeri Conventionum,&c. tom. xiv. p. 297. lington. pat. 21 Hen. 8. p. I. m. 27. licentiam regiam pro Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. Pat. j8 Ed. 2. p. t. m_ epifc. Sarifb. de appropriatione hujus prioratus ad do- pro paftur. cclx. ovium, &c. in Eftodeford." ' ‘ mum Loci Dei de Henton. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1, m. 8 vel 9. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 177. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. pro eccl. de Rufhtefhall Fin. Somerfet. 9 Ed. 1. n. 53. pro advoc. eccl. de Lul- approprianda, ex dono Walteri Hungerford. XXIV. MALMESBURY, dim CaerBladon*, Ingelbornf, Maildulphi urbsE, Curia h, Aldhelmefbirig1, Maldmefburgh k, Meldunum1', et Meldunefburgh*. 1. Nunnery destroyed. 1 Here is faid to have been an ancient houfe of Britifh nuns, un- 2. Benedictine Abbey. J der the direftion of the famous Dinoth abbat of Banchor,’who flourifhed A. D. 603. which was fupprefied by St. Auftin the archbilhop, under pretence that the Religious had fuffered themfelves to be debauched by the foldiers of the neighbouring caftle1. This nunnery was fituate near the fouth bridge without the town, in the way to Chippenham, where was in after times a poor hofpital for lepers1". About thirty or forty years" after this Maidulf a Scotch monk fettled here, and gathering together a company firft of fcholars and then of perfons difpofed to live under regular difcipline, began a monaftery, which in after times became very famous. It ■was better eftablilhed and augmented by Aidhelm, who had been educated here under Maidulf and after his matter's death was appointed, A. D. 675. to be abbat by Eleutherius bifhop of the Weft Saxons0, and afterward continued in a flourifhing condition by the bounty of the Saxon kings'* and noblemen. About the year 950. K. Eadwy removed the monks, and placed Secular clerks'* in this abbey, but they were, in little more than twenty years time, fent away by K. Edgar, and the Regulars s reftond. Upon the death of abbat Briftwald, in the reign of K. Edward die Con- feftfor, 'Herman r bilhop of Wiltfhire had once obtained the king’s conlent to remove the epifcopal feat from Ramlbury to this abbey, but it was foon revoked by the intereft of the monks with earl Godwin. Maidulf 's firft church here was dedicated to our bleffed Savior, St. Peter and St. Paul’, but in K. Edgar’s and after times the blefled Virgin and St. Aidhelm r were the patron faints of this abbey, which was found to be endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 803/. 17*. 7 d. per am. The fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to William Stumpe a rich clothier. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 49. qu*dam de funda- tione, ex Gul. Malmfbur. hiftoria, et Leland. Col¬ lect. vol. iii. p 50. Cartas Bertwaldi regis [potius fub-reguli] de Sumerford, dat. A. D. 635. [reftius 685.] ° Lutherii epifc. Winton. pro terra de Mal- dumefbury concelf. Aldhelmo, A. D. 680. [re&ius, prout in Malmfbur. 675.] P. 5>- cartas Ethelredi regis Merciorum, pro Newentune et Cherletone; pro xv. caffatis propeTettan monaft. Cedwall* regis, pro Kemele ; R. Edwardi Conf. confirm, terras et libertates: P. 52. cartam R. Will. 1. de libertat. Meldunenfis ccclefi*: P. 53. donat. Gerfdun* per Matildem reginam Will. 1. dat. Feb. A. D. 1081. Ecclefi* S. Nicolai in London per Godwinum, A. D. 1084. Bullam P. Innocentii 4. de exemptione, et de confirmatione terrarum et ecclefiarum, dat. 3 Id. 0&. A. D. 1248. . In Reyneri Apoflol. Benedidl. tr. 1. p. 20, &c. cartas Leutherii epifcopi ; S. Aldelmi, de monafteriis fuis apud Malmefburgh, Froom, et Bradantord, dat. A. D. -0r t, In* regis duas, unam pro xlv. caffatis in Gerfdune, dat. A. D. 701. alteram de libertatibus. dat. A. D. 704'. Gulielmi Somerfet bibliothecarii Malmefburienfis anti- quitates fui ccenobii, quas ediderunt tam cl. Galeus inter Hift. Britan. Scriptores quindecim, Oxon. 1691. fol. fub titulo Gul. Malmfburienfis lib. v. De ponti- ficibus, quam cl. Whartonus in Angl. Sacr. tom. ii, Lond. 1691. fol. fub titulo Gul. Malmfburienfis Vita S. Aldhelmi epifc. Scireburnenfis : In hoc opufculo habentur mult* antiqu* cart* ad monafterium Malm¬ fbur. fpeclantes ; fcil. Leutherii epifc. dat. 7 Dec. A. D. 675. Kenfrithi com. Merciorum pro x. caffa- tis in Wdecun, dat. A. D. 680. Ethelredi regis Mer¬ ciorum, pro xxx. cafTatis ab occidentali parte ftrats public*; et pro xv. caflatis propeTettan monaft. dat. A. D. 681. Berthwaldi pro Somerford, dat. 30 Jul. A. D. 686. Cedwall* regis, pro Cemele, dat. 14 Kal. Dec. A. D. 688. Baldredi, pro c. ma- nentibus in terra prope /lumen Aven* et Knebban- burgh, dat. Aug. A. D. 688. In* regis, pro xlv. caflatis in Herdim, Redburn, &c. dat. A. D. 701. Sergii P. de privilegiis ; In* regis, de libertate, dat. A. D. 704. Cuthredi regis Gewiforum, de Wdecun, dat. A. D. 745. Kinewulfi regis, pro terra ubi latices * Mcardene et Rockburn jungunt, dat. A. D. 758. Egferthi regis Merciorum, pro Ecpirigeam, dat. A. D. 796. Edelwlfi regis Occid. Saxonum, de libertat. et terris in Piratune, Lacoc, Sutton, Corfaburn, Cri- danwelle, Cemele, et Dantefie, dat. A. D. 854. a Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 85. e Autor Eulogii mf. Leland. Colleft. vol. 1. p. 30a. and 11. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. jo. / Ibid- g Bed* Hiftor. Ecclef. lib. v. c. xvm. >. Leland. de Scriptor. p. 19J. f Bed* verf. Saxon, et Camden, ak Gul. Malmfbur. 1 Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 304- et 11. p. 39J- n. Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. J4- where he mentions a traditionary account, that there had been one nunnery where the hermitage in his time flood in the ditch of the town at the weft end of the old parifh church, and another towards the abbats park a little without the town in the way to Chippenham ; and he adds, that he had read, that there was a nunnery, where now is a poor .hofpital about the fouth bridge without the town. n The donation of Somerford to this abbey by Bertwald, /Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 50.) is dated indeed A. D. 635. but it (hould be as in Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. II. A. D. 685. or as Gale, A. D. 686. Leland faith this monaftery was founded A. D. 637. in Collect, vol. i. p. 301. But p. 302. he placeth it in A.D. 642. and p. 65. in A. D. 648. 0 Leland. Colledt. vol. ii. p. 235. et 249. et iii. p. 158- Flo- rent. Wigorn. faith he was made abbat A. D. 666. hut the other date agrees better with his being abbat thirty-four years at the time of his death, which all agree to have happened A. D. 709. p King Ethelftan was buried in this monaftery, as Gul. Malmlb. p. 53. q q Gul. Malmfb, De geftis regum, et pontif. (edit. Gale) lib. v. p. 365. # % rr Gul. Malmfb. De geftis regum, et pontif. (edit. Parker) p. 249. lib. v. De pontif. p. 372. Sim. Dunelm. cap. clxxxvni. But Odo bifhop of Wilton is Ailed “ Epifcopus Malrcifburiar. Rad. Dicet. in Decern Scriptor. col. 454- , _ - 3 Malmfbur. Pontif. lib. v. p. 343* 349> &c* leland. CoiJe<'t* vol. i. p. 303. _ , c 1 1 1 Thefe are alfo in p. 24. of the Appendix to Stevens Sup- plement, vol. ft. Ejuf(J< xxiv. Wiltshire. Ejiifd, Ethelulfi, pro Tocanham, dat. A. D. 854. Ejul'd. pro Minti, dat. A. D. 885. [Gale] 855. [Wharton;] TElfredi regis, de terra de Ccllanwird; Ordlafi com. de cxcamhio ejufdem, dat. A. D. 901. Edwardi regis, pro Hanekinton, dat. A. D. 901. E- thelftani regis, confirm. Wdeton, Bremet, Sumer- ford, Norton, See. dat. 3 Kal. Jan. A. D. 938. Ead- gari regis, pro Eftotun, dat. A. D. 974. Ethelredi regis, pro Redburna, dat. A. D. 964. In cl. Spelmanni Concil tom. i. p. 488. cartam Eadgari regis, de ejeftione clericorum, et reftitutione mona- chorum, dat. A. D. 974. 1 . ex Gul. Malmefbur. De geftis regum, lib. ii. c. 8. et Ingulphi Hiftoria Croy- land, edit. Oxon. p. 47. In Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 260. cartam regis Ed- gari prsdidtam: tom. iii. p. 142. Sim. Sudbury archi- epife. Cantuar. difpenfationem, A. D. 1379. virtute bulls paps Urban! 6. cum abbate de Malmefbury, de utendo mitra et aliis pontificalibus, ex reg. Sudbury. Inter P. BlefTenfis Epift. n. 68. de exemptione hujus abbatis furreptitie a curia Romana obtenta conquef- tionem R. archiepifc. Cantuar. Year Books, 4 Ed. 3. Pafch. n. 8. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Trefpas comernant viHine, § I. ex plac. coram rege, 16 Hen. 7. Trin. rot. 320. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 271. clauf. 9 Ed. 1. m. 2. de fine c. marc, foluto pro fervitio in exercitu Wallis. In Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. 26. 65. 142. 302. de fun- datione hujus monafterii, et excerpta ex chromco ejufdem: vol. iii. p. 157. codd. mil', Olim in bib¬ liotheca. In Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 52. 54. of the abbey: p. 105. of the impropriate re&ory of Plympton. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 283. dimenfiones ec- clefis. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 452. of lands in Hamp¬ ton : p. 542. of the manor and advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Littleton: p. 558. of lands in Minety: p. 784. of the advowfon of the rectory of Tormarton fome- time. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 504, 505. of the patronage of the church of S. Nicolas Aeon, London. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 367. of xx j. penfion out of the church of Leminton Priors : p. 368. of land in Newbold Comin belonging to this abbey. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 134, &c. and Append, p. 63, 64. an account of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 224. an account of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats, from Le¬ land, Harpsfield, Malmfbury, &c. Regiftrum abbatis Malmefburienfis in fcaccario penes rememoratorem dom. regis. Eulogium hiftoriarum in libros quinque divifum a mo- nacho quodam non Cantuarienfi (prout in catal. mlT. Cotton, p. 65.) fed Malmfburienfi, confcriptum, unde dicitur a Lelando (Colled. vol. i. p. 302.) efle Chro- nicon Maildulphefberienfis monafterii, in cujus libro fecundo habentur plurima de fundatione hujus abba¬ tis, et per totum opus interfperfa funt varia de terris et abbatibus hujus ccenobii, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Galba, E. vil. in cujus codicis principio eft chrono- logia, quam vocat Lelandus Alterum chronicon Mal- dulphefberienfis monafterii, Colled. vol. i. p. 301. Ex hilce chronicis excerpta videat ledor in Leland. Colled. vol. i. p. 301, Sec. vol. ii. p. 395, &c. Fragmentum hiftoris cujufdam abbatis Malmefburi¬ enfis, mf. in bibl. Cotton. ViteUius , A. x. inter 3 et 4. Regiftrum cartarum, cum nominibus fundatorum hujus monafterii, mf. in ead. bibl. Faufilna , B. vm. 7, 8. Privilegium five bullam P. Sergii concefT. AldhelmO abbati et fuccefforibus [Saxonice] inter evangelia S. Lucs et S. Joannis in antiquo codice, ml. Oj/w, C. i. p. 93. Cartularium antiquum ccenobii de Malmfbury in com. Wilt, quondam penes Ant. Wood, nunc in bibl. Bodl. in mufeo Wood, 5. ex hoc codicc dor.ationcs et car¬ tas regum Saxonicorum tranfcriplit cl. ct drtdifT. Jo. Millius non ita pridem aulx S. Edmundi Oxon. prin¬ cipalis'. Collccfanea ex regiftro Malmfbur. Ibid. mf. Wood, vol. ci. p. 173. Colledanea ex regiftro Malmfbur. in fcaccario, per cl. Brian. Twyne, J, 244, See. et per cl. Rog. Dodf- worth. mf. in bibl. Bodl. vol. lxvii. f. 93. ex quodam alio cartulario hujus abbatix, in ejufd. colleitaneorum, vol. cv. f. 90. Colledanea cl. Ric. Jamefii ex regiftro Malmburienfi in manibus magiftri Warneford, mf. in bibl. Bodl. vol. viii. f. 67. Regiftrum cartarum, dimiflionum terrarum, domuum, &c. potiflimum ad officium pitantiarii hujus abbatis fpedantium, mf. in fol. pergam. cor.t. fol. 100. plus minus, penes Gul. Brewfter M. D. de civitate Here¬ ford. olim coll. div. Joan. Bapt. Oxon. focio, quod mecum pro fua humanitate communicavit, A. D. 1697. et inde quamplurima in vol. colledaneorum meorum notato T. T. col. 24U &c. Duo cartularia penes magiftrum Will. Bayliff de Monk- ton juxta Chippenham in com. Wilt. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. II. penftones monacho- rum de Malmefbury: mf. 261. f. 1. notulas de fun¬ datione hujus abbatis: mf. 6748. f. 5. 6. 12. cartas RR. Will. 1. Hen. I. Hen. 2. Joannis. Ric. 1. et Ed. 1. Cart, antiq. Q. n. 1. fcil. Edwardi Conf. n. 2. fcil. Will. 1. n. 3. fell. R. Hen. 2. n. 4. fcil. R. Ric. 1. n. 5. fcil. R. Joan, anno 1. n. 6. fcil. 17 Joan. n. 7. fcil. 18 Joan, pro fitu caftri : Ibid. U. n. 4. fcil. R. Hen. 2. Ibid. W. n. I. fcil. R. Ric. 1. n. 2. fcil. R. Will. 1. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 56. Pat. 17 Joan. n. 77. pro maner. de Malmefbury: Fin. 17 et 18 Joan. in. 1. Cart. 17 Joan. m. 7. n. 31. pro villa et caftro de Malmfbury, cum libertatibus in tribus hundredis: Cart. 18 Joan. n. 10. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro paftura et eftoveriis in fo- refta de Braden: Fin. 11 Hen. 3. m. 13. Fin. 13 Hen. 3. m. 9 et 1 1. quod vicecomes Wilt, non intret hundreda pertinentia ad monafterium : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mercat. in Weftport Malmfbury, feria in maner. de Albo Monaftsrio, et lib. war. in terris dominicis abbatis per totum com. Wilt. Fin. Wilt. 52 Hen. 3. n. . pro carucata terrx in Finef- wyke ad fuftentatioiiem capellini in le Charnere apud Malmefburiam. Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. i'. rot. 52. de libertat. allo- candis: Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 13. de libertat. in maner. de Litlington: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. 11 vel 12. Brev. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 13. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 29. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 14. de ccc. acris vafti maner. de Brinkworth concefT. Hugoni Difpenfer, pro parco de Vaftern elargando : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 86. pro lib. war. in maner. de Pury- ton et Braden: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34. pro eccl. de Brinkworth et Garefden : Pat. j8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 40 vel 41. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro ten. in Holborp, London. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 12. pro mefT. et cc. acris terrs in Kemele : Ibid. p. 2. m. 4. de domibus in London : Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 28. pro mefT. in Briftoll in vico vocato Broad- Jlreet market . Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 37. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Efcaet. Wilt. 5 Hen. 6. n. 63. de mefT. et terris in Bremhill : Orig. 27 Hen. 6. rot. 19. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 12^ Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . de regimine abbatis et temporalium ejufdem com- miffo priori Bathon. pro quinquennio. Rot. pari. 3 Hen. 7. n. 5. — Mm m 3, Hospital. xxiv. Wiltshire 3- Hospital. A poor hofpital without the town about the fouth bridge in the wav to Tv Jjenham. 0 ’ ’ V'™P* Vide Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 54. Collect. vol. i. p. 104. Xxv. marleburgh. I. Gilbertine Priory. A priory" of the Sempringham order*, dedicated to St Ma a as old as the beginning of the time of K. John*. It was of royal foundation y, but 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 30/. 9 s. 6d 1 per am. Dugd. 38/. 193. 2 d. Speed.’ The f granted in exchange to Anthony Stringer. * lte was Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 272. pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. fn. 18. de certis terris in Manton, Burbach, et Weft Grafton datis a Joanne Lovel mil. abfque licentia re¬ gia, et pardonatione inde. Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 71. vol. vii. p. 85. Cart. 16 Joan. p. 2. m. 3. de marifco et virgata terra apud Kennet. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 15. pro xxx. acris bofci in Folghet: Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 4. pro terris in le Berton de Mariebergh, et pro feria juxta prioratum : Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 6. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 15. Efcaet. Wilt. 54 Hen. 3. o- 50. de XX. bobus in forefta de Savernak : Cart. 55 Hen. 3. n. 12 1 pro paftur. xvi. bourn et iv. vacc. in didta forefta. Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. affif. rot. 47. d. et 52. pro terris et meiT. in Marleburgh: Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. ult. r v , -fl v z' P' m- 1I>, de ’*• molendinis et colum bare ibidem : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. oIt de v terns in lfe Berton juxta Marlburgh : Pat lA p/ Ct p. 1. m. 25. ' 4 “• 2- Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. f. m. . Clauf. 8 Ed. 3. m. 2g d laxat. de decimls ferculofum regis quoties rex'v'f~ Marlburiam, tx ContefT. R. Henrici: Pat To Ed P. 1. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. p* 33 3- P- 3- m. i6 vel 17. de molendinis dm curlu aquae. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 7. pro eccl. de Eaft Rennet- Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 7. Pat. 17 Ric. 2, p ' m. 19. de hofpitah S. Thomse juxta Marlbur. concelf priori et canonicis. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 22. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. ten. in Yatelbury, Helcote, &c. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. ■ pro 2. St. John’s Hospital. An ancient hofpital for brethren and filters, built before 16 loan in the lower part of the town, upon land given by Levenoth fil. Levenothi. It was dedicated to St. John Baptift, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 61. 183. 4 d. per ann. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 437. cart. 16 Joan. n. 16. Pat. 1 7 Hen. 3. p. 2. m. 6. de mortuo bofco finvulis de terris in Kennet, &c. diebus e forefta de Savernak : Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m 6 Cart. 15 Joan. n. 15. pro virgata terra in Kennet. 3. St. Thomas’ Hospital. An hofpital for a mailer and feveral poor fick brethren in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3. dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury, annexed temp. Ric. 2. to the priory of St. Margaret2. r' Vide pat. 17 Hen. 3. m. 4. de ficco bofco e forefta de Savernak. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. exemplificantem cartam R. Hen. 3. Clauf. 1 Ric. 2. m. 10. de t. fol. per ann. percipiendis de exitu maner. de Marleburgh conceffis eis dim ab Henrico 3. rege : Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 19. de concelT. priori et conv. S. Margaretae. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. de inquirendo de terris, Sec. huic hofpitali pertinentibus. 4. White Friers. On the fouth fide of the llreet in this town was an houfe of White friers2, founded by John Goodwin and William Remelbefch merchants b A. D. 1316". which was granted to John Pye and Robert Brown 34 Hen. 8. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 85. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. pro gardino et ii. acris terra conceit. per Will. Ramlhall, pro manfo habitationis fratrum : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro manfo elargando. XXVI. MERTON. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 24. quod habeant in forefta de Savernak tantum focale quantum unus equus cariare poteft tribus diebus fingulis feptimanis. Hospital. All tnat I have met with concerning this is in Mr. St Lo Kniveton’s Collections, A. L. p. 34. as follows. u “St. Margaret’s priory of White canons half a quarter of a <1 miie by fouth out of the towne.” Leland. Itin. vol. vi. p. 71. „ Cart. 36 Hen. 3. Pat. 17 Ric. a , See. But it is placed among the houfes of the order of St. Auftin in the Monad, vol. ii. x it is mentioned in cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 14. n. 88. and in the letter or bull of P. Innocent 3. (who died in 1416.) in favour of the Gilbertine houfes. Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 805. 1 “ Ex fundatione progenitorum nodrorum, et de patronatu “ nodro.” Pat. 24 Ric. 4. Mon. Angl. .tom. ii. p. 474. Mr. Speed puts down Edmund earl of Cornwall for founder, but it was in being long before his time. z Edward Romeyn exchanged the prebend of All Saints in the cathedral church of Lincoln for the maderlhip of this hofpi¬ tal A. D. 1347. Willis’ Hid. of Cathedrals, vol. ii. p. 133. • Leland. Itin. vol. vii. p. 83. From this place in Leland the author of Colledt. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 40. makes an houfe of Grey friers in Marleburgh. b MS. Joannis Balsi in bibl. Cotton. D. x. f. 31. b. 30. c Speed. Plac. XXVI. W I L T S . H I R E. piac. coram rcge, anno 53. incipientc 54 Hen. 3. mention, See. jurati dicunt quod. See. Warinus pfte- Wiltes affifa fi David Ber.ing cum aliis injuftc proftra- deteflor fundavit hofpitalc de Merton <■, &c. verunt quoddam foflatum in Chclc worth ad nocu- XXVir. O K E B U R N. Alien Priory. About the year 1149'*. Maud de Walingford (daughter and heirefs to Robert D’oiley) gave to the abbey of Bee Herlowyn in Normandy the manors and churches of Great and Little Okeburn, at the former of which places a convent of Benedidtine monks from that foreign monaftery was not long after fixed, and became the chiefeft and richefi: cell in England to it. It underwent the fame fate with the other alien priories of being often feifed, during the wars with France, into the king’s hands, and finally fupprefied 2 Hen. 5. All the tithes, and other fpiri- t.ualties of this Religious houfe were given by John duke of Bedford to Windfor college, and con¬ firmed to them by K. Henry 5. and K. Edward 4. but the priory and manors of Okeburn Maona and Parva were granted by K. Henry 6. firll: to the univerfity of Cambridge, and afterward to The provoft and fellows of King’s college in that univerfity. And 1 Ed. 4. this priory, or fome part of its lands, was granted to the Charterhoufe in Ldndofl. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 582. cartas duas Matil- dis de Warengford, unam, de donatione utriufque Occoburme Majoris fcil. et Minoris eccl. S. Marine de Becco ; alteram, de virgata terrae apud Occheburn donata cognato fuo Ricardo: Cartam Henrici com. Augi donantis maner. de Hou monachis Becci : P. 583. cartam Farami filii Will. Bolonite, de hida in Belghem pertinente ad maner. de Clopham : Car¬ tam Ricardi com. Cornubiie, quod monachi lint quieti de fedlis curiarum infra honorem de Waling¬ ford, A. D. 1253. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 954. cartam R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, inter alia, horum maneri- orum donationem: Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 71. cart. 1 Ed. 4. n. 20. de bonis fpiritualibus di Matth. Paris in A. D. 90 3. i Will. Malmfbur. de geftis regum, p. 100. edit. Francot. k And no where elfe, as I conceive. They are generally in¬ deed ftiled F.pifcopi Wiltunmfu , which, according to Leland, fliould be tranllated, Bifhops of Wiltjbire, not ot Wilton; for, « Enifcopus Wiltonienfis, non a Wiladuno oppido, ted pro- « vincia lie diflus.” Colleft. vol. ii. p. 251. And I cannot ac¬ count for ever placing them at Sunning near Reading, became William of Malmlbury exprefly taith, that atter the divilion Berkfhire flill remained under the junfdtdtion ot the bilhop ot Shirburn. N. B. That IViltonien/es Efi/cofi in Bromton, Decern icript. 838, 839. ffiould be Wintonimfes Efi/copi. 1 So Will, of Malmlbury, Sim. Dunelm. &c. But Matthew Weftminfter, in anno 1015. faith, that Herman then endea¬ voured to remove the fee to Salifbury. m Not 105P. as in Le Neve ; for it was not till aftei Her¬ man’s return front S. Berlin's, which was A. D. JpjJB. " Me is called bifliop of Sarejbur y A. D. ioyo. in Sim. Dunelm. col. 202. but he writes himfelf bifliop of Shtrtbum in 1072. as Ingulf, edit. Oxon. p. 92, 93. Bromton faith, he removed tiom Sbieburn to Sarum 9 Will. Conq. ■ M;nt- O Grant of lands in Lokeruge by Ric. Sakcimmd “ M, litis “ Templi apud Rode commorantibns.’ Rentale de bantord p. In the weft part of the town, as Leland. Itin. vol. iii. P* 9®* << Caftro comitis vicuna,” Mat. Paris in anno 1257. But- Maliril- burv, Wikes, Sec. make the cathedral to have been built witfein the caltle; and it feems kkevvife to have been fo, from the Iiiftory and chapter a&s of Sarum in archdeacon Wilkins’ Coun¬ cils, vol. i. p. 552. That the biihop’s and canons houfes were within the caftle, fee below pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. ra. 2. q Sim. Dunelm. Decern feript. col. 217. Roger Hoveden, p. 463. r He is by fome ftiled the founder of this chiirch, which (as plainly appeals from Malmlbury, Sec. was begun by bilhop Herman. But the carrying on and finilhing that work, and alio the eftabliihment of the dean and prebendaries, are owing to this bilhop Ofmund, who fettled thirty-fix canons here A. D* 1089. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 159. But as others fay, “ A. D. “ 1106. inftitutus fuit ordo canonicorum apud Sare^bymm.,, Barth. Cotton, annales mf. s 3 Kal. Maii A. D 1219. as Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 92. A. D. 1220. Leland. Colletf:. vol. ii. p. 4i6.,The hiftory of this church in archdeacon Wilkins’ Councils faith, That on the Monday after Eafter, A. D. 1219. a wooden chapel was begun here and made fit for divine fervice by Trinity Sunday following, and that, “ 4 Kal. Maii, A. D. 1220. jadhim fuit fundamentum “ novas ecclefue Sarum, Ricardo epifeopo ponente primum la- « pidem pro dom. P. Honorio, fecundum pro dom. arcbiepjfc* « Cantnar. et tertium pro feipfo,” and->that this had divine ler- vice in it A. D. 1225. though it was not finilbed till 8 Kal. Apr. 1260. as Leland, Itin. vol. iii. p. 92. t Mat. Weftm. in anno. Leland. Colleift. vol. 1. p* 243° c* Itin. vol. iii. p. 96. u Sancrofrs, mf. Valor.- - inter XXXf. WILTSHIRE. inter alia feriam ibidem a vigilia Afi'umptibnis ufque ad craftinum Odtavarum: P. 377. cartam R. Hen. 2. recit. et confirm, conceftiones donatorum. Hiftory and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury and Abbey Church of Bath. London. 1723- 8vo. In Prynrie’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii, p. jjr, Je de_ cimis alfartarum infra foreftam de Windfor 2 Ed 1 p. 18.5. clauf. 4 Ed‘. 1. m. 6. de decimis purpreftura- rum in foreita de Windfor: p. 346. clauf 13 Ed 1 m. 5. pro decima venationis capt® infra foreftam de Clanndon : p. 695. clauf. 25 Ed. 1. m. 20. pro re_ ftitutionc laicorum feodorum ad common. Sarifb. pertin. nuncupat. Camera Domin® in Eaft Dene [Southamt.] Wilton, Durinton, Putton, Farle, Offe- cote, oarilb. r ilherton, Knighton, etla Hurft [Wilt.] P. 1 114. pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 5. pro vidtualibus, Pcc. canomcorum non capiendis per milites ad tur- jicamentum faciendum apud Novam Sarum conven- turos: p. 1290. prohibitionem 15 Ed. 1. decano et capitulo banfb. ne admittant five inftallent quempiam in pitebenda de Farendon vacante per mortem Au- chcri cardinalis. In Uyleii Plac. Parliam. p. 271, &c. plac. inter epifc. et cives Novae Sarum, de talJagio 33 Ed. 1. in quo etiam recitatur cart. 1 1 Hen. 3. ^ Petri Blefcnfis Epiftolas 105. 133. 135. Regiftrum brevium, in titulo, De libertatibus allocandis. In Godwini libro De pr®fulibus Angli® p. 382. epifeo- porum Sarifb. hiftoriolam. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 255. lifts of the bifhops, deans, precentors, chancellors, treafurers, fubdeans, and archdeacons of this cathedral. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 370, &c. fome account of the dimenfions of this cathedral, with the monuments of the bifhops and other confiderable per- fons herein buried. In Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 35. 82. 117. vol. ii. p. 416. de fundatione et conftructione eccleli® : vol. i! p. 339. nomina quorundam epifeoporum. Ill Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 29. of the impropriate par- fonage of Sunning, the manor and palace there; p. 46. of the impropriate parfonage of Chippinv Fa- lington ; vol. iii. p. 75. of the prebend of Bemlftre ; p. 76. of the three prebends of Netherby ; p. 90. 92. of the cathedral ; p. 9 1 . of the manor place of Wood¬ ford: p. 95. excerpta ex martirologio ; vol. iv. p. 29. 176. de fundatione et benefactoribus. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 81. dimenfiones ecclefi®. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 103. cartam epifeopi Sa- relberi® de militibus fuis feffatis: p. 185. de feodo ii. militum tent, de honore de Warengeford. In appendice ad Adamum de Domerham, p. 623. ordi- nationem inter epifeopum Sarum et ecclefiam Glafton. dc eccl. de Winfrode. In Rymeri Feeder. See. vol. iv. p. 338. Rom. 2 Ed. 3. m. 5. epiftolas duas dom. regis pap* et cardinalibus, de lite in curia Romana fuper pnebenda de Blebury in eccl. B. Mari® Sarifb. ad quam magiftri Militi® 1 empli ante annullationem ordinis confueverant pr®- fentare: Ibid. vol. vii. p. 702. pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. licent. epifc. Sarifb. clericis fuis et auditori ad profequendum et defendendum caufam pendentem in curia Romana inter epiic. et capitulum fuum; Ibid, vol. x. p. 267. pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 30. licentiam regiam decano et capitulo eccl.. cath. Sarifb. adqui- rendi terras, vel ecclefias appropriandi ad valorem l1. per ann. in anxilium reparation^ campanilis in medio ecclefi® : Ibid. vol. xi. p. 550. pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 1. pro libera chacea in bofeo de Bifhopbere, et in omnibus terris epifeopatus infra foreftam de Wynde- for, cum libertate venandi ibidem ; Ibid. vol. xii. p. 93. pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 18. pro cancellariatu ordinis Perifcelidis conceit. epifc. Sarifb. et fucceiTo- ribus: Ibid. vol. xiv. p. 368. pat. 28 Hen. 8. p. 1. m. ig. de Petro Vannes praebendario de Bedwin no- minato per regem in coadjutorem Ric. Pacy decani Sarifb. alienati fenfibus. In dodtifi. Wilkinfii Cohcil, tom. i. p. 551, See. hifto- riain et adta capitulorum eccl. Sarifb. ab. A. D. 1217 ad A. I). 1228. ex regiftr. Ofmundi epifc. Sarifb. ubl” bulla P. Honorii 3. pro tranflatione ecclefia; : Pro- miftio canonicorum ad novae fabric® conftructionem : Bulla? P. Gregorii, ad inquirendum de vita, &c. Of¬ mundi epifc. Sarifb. pro confirmatione pofleflionum, libertatum, &c. eccl. Sarifb. Sic. p. 599. conftitu- tutiones Ricardi Poore epifc. Sarifb. A. D. 1223. p. 677. de feftis duplicibus in eccl. Sarifb. p. 713. confuetudines Egidii de Bridport epifc. Sarifb. editas A. D. 1256. p.741. ftatuta et confuetud. eccl. Sarifb. A. D. 1259. tom. ii. p. 66. compofitionem et ordi- nationem inter D. archiepifc. Cantuar. et epifeopum, decanum et capitulum Sarifb. de coadjutore Roberto epifeopo dando, A. D. 1281. p. 113. appellationem prioris et capituli ecclefia; Chrifti Cantuar. contra confecrationem Waited Scamel epifc. Sarifb. eledti A. D. 1281. p. 114, eorundem renunciationem iftius appellationis : tom. iii. p. 12. archiepifc. Cantuar. mandatum fuper injuriis Roberto [Wyvel] epifc. Sa¬ rifb. oblatis, A. D. 1351. p. i5I. bullam P. Urbani 6. cum literis D. archiepifc. Cantuar. pro confervandis privileges eccl. Sarifb. A. D. 1380. p. 432. epifto- lam regis Hen. 6. ad Martinum 5. papam, de cano- nizatione Ofmundi epifc. Sarifb. Epiftolam archie¬ pifc. Cantuar. pr®latorum, et cleri provinci® Can¬ tuar. ad eundem, de eadem materia, A. D. 1424. p. 613. decretum pr®latorum et cleri provinci® Can¬ tuar. pro fefto S. Edmundi obfervando quotannis 11 Non. Decemb. A. D. 1478. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 239. 676. of tithes paid to the canons of Sarum out of the king’s forefts: p. 286. of a market at Wokingeham granted to the bifhop of Sarum, 3 Hen. 3. p. 523. in the notes, that the city of New Sarum was granted to the bifhop as part of the temporalties of his bifhoprick. In Hutchin s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 69. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Winterborn Whitchurch : p. 165. of the redtory of Winfreth Newburgh; p. 258. of the manor of Chardftock: p. 260. of the manor of Ched- dington anciently: p.311. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Burftock: p. 356. of the manor of Lodres lately: p. 367* of the advowfon of the vicarages of Broad Windfor, p. 432. of Ofmington, p. 468. of Wmterburn St. Martin : p. 598. and of the rectory of Upway : vol. ii. p. 173. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Turnworth: p. 332. of the lordfhip of the hundred of Sherborn : p. 335. of the manors of Long Burton and Holneft : p. 340. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Bifhops Candle: p. 346. of the lordfhip of Up-Cerne anciently: p. 351. of the lordfhip of Folke anciently: p. 362. of the manors of Wotton- Whitfield : p. 363. of Caftleton, p. 366. of Shirborn, p. 395. and of North Wotton: p. 420. of the advowfon of the vicarage of Helton: p. 455. of the lordfhip of the hundred of Yateminfter : p. 467. of the manor of Yateminfter: belongin0- to the bi¬ fhoprick. Ibid. vol. i. p. 49. of the impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Bere-Regis : p. 65. of a penfion of xii j. ob. out of the reefory of Winterborn 1 hompfon : p. 74. of a penfion of vi s. vm d. out of the redtory of Turner’s Piddle: p. 107. of the impro¬ priate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stour I aine : p. 117. of a penfion of x. marks out of the manor of Winterborn Stickland : p. 257. of the im¬ propriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Lyme-Regis : p. 259. of the fame at Chardftock : p. 263. of the manor, impropriate redtory and ad- vowlon of the vicarage of Netherbury: p. 267. of the manor of Beminller : p. 332. of a mediety of the impropriate rectory of Whitchurch canonicorum : p. 363. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Poorftock: p. 451. of the manor and impropriate church of Charminfter: p. 465. of the manors of Stratton and Grimfton, and of the impro¬ priate church of Stratton : p. 576. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Fordington: P‘. 593' tbe fame at Prefton : p. 598. of a penfion ot xl s. out of the redtory of Upway : vol. ii. p. 76 of a manor in Shaftefbury : p. 1 79. of the impropriate *"■ ' ^ ^ rpAnru XXXI. WILTSHIRE. fc&orydf Guflage All Saints: p. 420. of the fame at Helton : p.461. of the advowfon of the ' redtory of Clifton Maubank: p. 468. of the impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Yateminfter: p. 470. of the manor, impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Alton Pancras: p. 472. of the impro¬ priate church of Halifock: belonging to the dean and chapter. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 285. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Bitton : p. 483. of the manor and advowfon of the redfory of Horton: p. 629. of lands in Torlton, belonging to the dean and chapter. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. ii. p. 83. of the impropriate redfory and advowfon of the vicarage of Brixworth, belonging to the dean and chapter. Chronicon ecclefi* Sarilburienfis, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Cleopatra , B. IV. 2. Literam ad papam ut vellet confirmare donationem ad¬ vocationis ecclefins S. Sampfonis ac acrae terra, et manerii de Crickbelade fadtam ecclefi* Sarum per Gualterum de Hungerford. mf. ibid. Cleopatra , C. iv. 45. Poema de tranilatione veteris ecclefi* Sarifb. mf. ibid. Fitelllus, D. xiv. 5. Librum mf. ftatutorum, cartarum, &c. eccl. cath. Sarifb. inter m(T. autoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Catalogues of the dignitaries and prebendaries from the year 1300. mf. in mufeo Afhmol. Oxon. Wood, 105. Confuetudines et rentalia maner. de Sunning et Ramf- bury, olim ad epifcopatum Sarifb. fpedfantium, mf. in bibl. coll. univ. Oxon. H. ii. De dignitatibus, confuetudinibus, et officiis fingularum perfonarum in eccl. Sarifb. mf. in bibl. Harleyana, 1001. f. 117. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 15. taxationem poflefiionum epifcopi Sarum in dioc. London, mf. 358. f. 54. cartam Of- mundi epifcopi: mf. 433. f. 213. fequeffration of the prebend of Horton, during the rebellion of Robert Mortone, towards rebuilding S. Ofmund’s fhrine : mf. 604. f. 206. compotum receptoris generalis epifc. Sarum tarn de receptis quam de folutionibus pro uno anno integro, 34 Eliz. p. 214. notes concerning leafes of lands belonging to the bifhop of Sarum : mf. 852. p. 77. a fhort account of Sherborne caftle and manor in Dorfetfhire wrongfully wrefted from the fee of Sarum : mf. 862. p. 105. 1 15. inftrumenta varia ad prebendam de Weft Bedwynde fpedlantia : p. 123. inftrumenta alia ad eccl. cath. Sarum perti- nentia : mf. 1576. p. 703. furvey or eftimate of the revenues of this bifhoprick : mf. 6748. f. 3. cartam R. Hen. 1. mf. 7048. p. 317. 323. excerpta e regi- ftris epifcoporum Sarifb. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 262. compofitionem inter archiepifc. Can¬ tuar. et capitulum Sarifb. fuper jurifdidfione fede epif- copali Sarifb. vacante, A. D. 1262. De antiquis pofleffionibus epil'copatus Sarifburienfis vide cartas, regiftra, rentalia, rotulos curiae, &c. penes R. P. D. D. epifc. Sarifburienfem. Cart, antiq. L L. n. 16 et 17. Pat. 6 Joan. m. 2. Clauf. 8 Joan, m 2. Pin. 3 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro mercat. apud Cherdftoke [Dorfet.] m. 9. pro mercat. apud Ramfbury et Vet. Sarifb. Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro mercat. apud Novum Sarifb. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro eodem : Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 18. pro eodem: Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro feria apud Novum Sarum : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 130, 131. pro libertac. infra maner. epifco- patus, et inter alias pro mercat. die Martis apud Wokingham in Sunning [Berkf] et die Mercurii apud Ramfbury [Wilt.] Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro feria apud Sutbram extra villam de Devifes : Ibid. m.17. pro mercat. apud Woking [Berkf] et apud Ambrefbury [potius Ramfbury Wilt.] Plac. de banco, 12 Hen. 3. rot. ult. de i. virgat. terra in Tyfted [Southamt.] Fin. Oxon. 12 Hen. 3 n. . de v. vir- gatis terra in Sunning: Cart. 24 Hen. 3. m. . pro ■feriis apud Ramfbury et Shirburn : Cart. 42 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro duabus feriis apud Wokyngham : Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro feria apud Sarifb. Pat, Hen. 3. m. 25. Plac. div. com. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 6. d. pro libertat. in ma ner. de Kanynges: Plac. in com. Wilt, 9 Ed. 1. af];r' rot. 15. 28. 49, &c. de libertate placitandi cau’fas in civit. Novae Sarum: Plac. in com. Berkf. 12 Ed ™ affif. rot. 16. et rot. 40. d. pro libertat. in hundreds de Sunning: Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 74. pro talWio de civibus Nova: Sarum et pro feriis et mercat. ibidem - Plac. apud turrim Lond. 14 Ed. j. rot. 99. Cart 22 Ed. 1. n. 9. pro lib. war. in maner. de Sarum’ Wodeford, Potern, Lavington Epifc. Ramefburv’ Munbury, Boydon, et Bifhopifton [Wilt.] Sonnvn« [Berkf] Eye, et Dummefden [Oxon.] Shireborn Caundele, Wotton, Langedone, et Cerdeftoke rDo/ fet.] Godaiming [Surr.] Cart. 28 Ed. 1. n. 24. pro mercat. et feria apud Yateminftre [Dorfet.] pro mer¬ cat. apud Shireburn; pro mercat. apud Ramfbury" o mercat. et feria apud Godaiming [Surr ] pro pro mercat. et feria apud Chiddingford [Surr.] Cart. -m. Ed. 1. n. 27. ’ ^ Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. pro terris in Whitfield iuxta Shirburn : Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 41. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 71. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. m. 18. Cart 3 Ed. 3. n. 31. Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. t. m. 12. de lib! chacea vocat. Bifhopjbere in forefta de Windfor: Pat 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4! pro reftit. lib. chaceae de Bifhoplbere: Rec. in fcacc. 12 Ed. 3. Trin. . . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat! 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . d. pro curia epifc. in guilhalda civitatis: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 6. confirm, compofitionis inter epifcopum et majorem et cives : Ibid. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. confirm, conceff per epifcopum Joanni Everard, de terris in Stratford juxta caftrum, Newton Auftral. &c. Clauf. 32 Ed. 3. m. 26. relaxat. penfionis e maner. de Pot- tern : Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 18 vel 19. de terris in Sarum conceff per epifcopum majori et civibus: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 vel 28. de tenemento in Min- ftre ftreet conceff Joanni Fraile. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. pro maner. de Ka¬ nynges : Ibid. m. 26. licent. epifcopo kernallandi maneria fua de Sarum, Bifhops Wodeford, Shirburn, Cherdeftoke, Pottern, Canyngs, Ramfbury, Sunning, et maner. in Fleteftrete: Cart. 2 Ric. 2. n. 10. Cart. 15, &c. Ric. 2. n. 4. de libertatibus ; n. 5. pro feriis apud Southbram, Ramfbury, Shirburn, Wokingham, et Novum Sarum cum fubmiffione majoris et totius communitatis Sarum. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 18. Plac. apud Nov. Sarum 7 Hen. 4. rot. 8. pro libertat. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 8. Cart. 1, &c. Hen. 6. n. 27. pro mercat. et feria apud Chardeftoke : Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. Rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 2. Cart. 25, &c. Hen. 6. n. 14. quod epifcopus poffit conftituere juftitiarios pacis, coronatores, &c. infra civit. Novae Sarum: Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10 vel 12. de terrarum in Ramfbury efcambio. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 12. pro mercat. et feria apud Cherdeftoke: Cart. I Ed. 4. p. 1. n. 4. Rec. in fcacc. 2Ed.4. Trin. rot. 54. Fin. Buckingh.5Ed.4. m. 10. de terris in Eton : Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 8. pro libertat. concern, eledtionem et juramentum ma¬ joris civitatis Nov* Sarum, et quod epifcopus poffit condere, ftatuta, ordinationes, See. Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 8. quod epifcopus et fucceffores fint cancel- larii ord. de Garter. Pat. 19 Ed. 4. m. . quod epif¬ copus habeat goalam in civit. Nov* Sarum et poffit conftituere juftitiarios ad earn deliberandum. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 6. Pafch. rot. 100. de quodam adlu parliament! fuper excambio inter Tho. dom. Wrio- thefley, Edw. com. Hertford, et Joannem epifc. Sarum. .. De antiquis pojjejjionibus, juribus, tic. ecclcfut cathearalu Sarifbmienfis. Cartas, regiftra, rentalia, rotulos curiae, See. penes dc- canum et capitulum. , Cart, antiq. N. 30. fcil. Joan. R. de libertat. in Mel ke- lham, et aliis terris : C C, n. 10. de eccl. de Heign- tredbury, SHIRE. XXXI. WILT tredbury, Godaiming, See. GG. n. 7. pro eccl. de Sutton: H H. n. 19, 20, 21. 23, 24. de feriis apud Ramibury, extra Devifes, Yateminftre, Shirburn, et Wokingham. Cart. 2 Joan. n. 179. pro eccl. de Melke/ham : Cart. 5 Joan. n. 59. de domibus fubdecani. Fat. 6 Hen. 3. m. 2. de praedicatoribus pro novo opere eccl. Sarum : Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 5. Pat. 53 Hen. 3. m. 9. Pat. 54 Hen. 3. n. 66. pro decimis totius ve- nationis, et pannagii de omnibus foreftis remis in com. Wilt. Dorfet. et Berkf. [excerpta forefta de Windfor.J Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 54. allocat. liber- tat. in Alwardbury, Putton, &c. Cart. 12 Ed. 1. n. 29. pro mercat. et feria apud Beminfter [Dorfet.j Pat. 13 Ed. I. m. . pro decimis venationis in forefta de Clarindon: Cart. 13 Ed. 1. p. 2. n. 74. Pat. 14 Ed. 1. m. . de xx. libris annuis ab abbate et con- ventu de Hida: Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 32 Ed. 1. n. 35. pro mercat. et feria apud Caine. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33. pro eccl. de Winkfeld approprianda : Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro terris in Mutford ■ Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 18. d. de decimis foreftarum : Ibid. p. 2. m. . de praebenda de Blebury nuper ad Templarios pertinente: Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de Ihopis et cellariis icdificandis in loco vocat. Fijhamples, et conceif. per S. epife. Sarum ad fuftent. xiv. choriftarum : Ibid. m. 17. .de cantaria Will, de la Corner quondam epife. Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 41. Fat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18 vel 19. pro eccl. de Pre- Ihute approprianda in ufum cuftodis puerorum chori¬ ftarum : Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 9. pro melT. in civit. Sa¬ rum, ex dono magiftri Henrici de la Wyle, pro can¬ taria ad altare apoftolorum. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . quod claufum ecclefiae muro de petra et cake firmare et kernellare poffint : Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 71. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 31. pro catallis felonum, &c. et quod decanus et capitulum habeant proficua epifeopatus tempore vacationis abfque com¬ pute, reddendo Mxxil. per ann. Pat. . . Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 46 et 47. pro cuftode puerorum choriftarum, ap- propriatione eccl. de Prelhute, confirmatione dotatio- num, ordinationum, &c. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. m. 2. de muris eccl. cath. Veteris Sarum et domorum epilcopi et canonicorum infra caftrum de Veteri Sarum in emendationem novae ecclefiae Sarum et claufura prae- cindtus cariandis : Ibid. p. 3. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. de praebenda de Bedewind : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Ibid. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 5. 16 et 17. de praebenda de Horton : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. Clauf. 25 Ed. 3. m. 3. de miniftris et officiates ecclefiae pa (-> cendis per decanum certis diebus : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Ibid. p. 3. m. . pro cantaria ex fundationc Joannis Chambrc praecentoris in capella S. Anna: : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. 18 vel 19. de praeCentore r Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. pro cantaria Joannis Chambre: Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro cantaria ad altare S. Thomae: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13 et 16. pro xx. marc. ann. red- dit. exeunt, de maner. de Hilton pro anniv. epife. Winton. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 37. Ibid. p. 2. m. 34. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 40 lid. 3. p. 2. m. 28. pro cantaria Martini de Moulifli : Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de ecclefiis annexis thefauraria:, fcil. Fighelden, Alwardbury, Putton, et prebenda de Caine. Cart. 2 Ric. 2. n. xo. Rec. 3 Ric. 2. n. 48. de prae- benda de Blebury : Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 27. recit. et confirm, fundationem et dotationem canonicatuum per Ofmundum olim epife. Sarum. Clauf. 12 Ric. 2. m. 22. Cart. 15, &c. Ric. 2. n. 4. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 39. pro ten. in Earle Stoke et Burton: Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 31. Clauf. 18 Ric. 2. m. 30. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 8. pro eccl. S. Thomx Sa¬ rum approprianda. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 18. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 12. pro cantaria Joannis Waltham epife. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. fn. 13. de exoneratione c. fol. ann. penfion. exeunt, de eccl. de Weft Henney [ Berkf. j Inquif. Wilt, i Hen. 5. n. 7. de VIII. marcat. terra: apud Hurft, et de inveniendo capellanum ibidem. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 29 vel 30. licent. appropriandi hi. per ann. pro reparatione campanilis ecclefiae ca- thedralis : Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 25. pro diverfis mefluagiis adfabri- cam ecclefiae manutenendam : Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1 3. pro maner. de Cricklade vocat. Abindon'i court donate in fuftentationem fabricae ecclefiae: Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 18. pro ten. in Stradford et Wode- ford Magna: Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 9. et p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 8, 9, 10, 1 1, et 12. Cart. 1 Ed. 4.- p. 2. n. 4. Pat. 11 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 7. pro cantaria in capella fundata per Margaretam dominant Hunger- ford : Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. i. m. 4. pro lib. capella in maner. de Immer: Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 7. pro cantaria ad altare reliquiarum vocat. Rymer’s chantry: Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 12. pro cantaria facienda per Ric. Beauchamp epifeopum. 2. St. Edmund’s College". The parifh church of St. Edmund in the north eaft* part of this city was made collegiate for a provoft and twelve Secular canons, by Walter de la Wyle bilhoD ot Salifbury, before the year 1270. Jc was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 102/. 5s. 10 dr. in the whok and 94/. 51. clear, and granted, 38 Hen. 8. to William St. Barbe. ’ Vale Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 88. 95. vol. iv. p. 30. Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. 97. In Rymeri Conventionum, be. tom. xv. p. 99. clauf. 38 Hen. 8. p. 2. n. 45. de feifina hujus collegii in manus regias. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 67. of the impro¬ priate reftory of Winterburn Whitchurch. The common feal of this college was in the hands of Mr. Aynfworth of Hoxton, and came afterwards into the pofieffion of Mr. Richard Rawlinfon, who per¬ mitted the curious Mr. Tho. Hearne to publilh a draught of it from a copper plate, in the Append, to Leland. Colledl. p. 283. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3 et 4. Pat. u Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p„ 3. m. 30. pro eccl. de Aldrefton approprianda : Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 1! m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. 3. College DE Vaux. Upon the quarrel with Otho the pope’s legate at Oxford A D 1228 and the interdift to that umverfity thereupon, many of the fcholars withdrew from thence and fettled here in this city * ; which became for fame time a fort of univerfity : but there is no account of any particular houles of learning here built, till about A. D. 1260. when “ Emdius de Bridport w Qucrrej of the hofpital of St. Edmund in this city $ for Li¬ beral. 2 Ed. 3. m. 8. “ de quatuor doliis ciceras emptis de “ inagiftro hofpitalis S. Edmundi Sarum ad opus regis. x Not as Leland. In Speed’s catalogue this is called St. F.ditb* s college. y MS. Valor. * Tho. Walfmgham Ilypod. Neuftria, iu anno 1238. Hift. et Antiq. Oxon. vol. 1. p. 9 j. bilhop XXXI. WILTSHIRE. “ bifhop of Sarefbyri made the college de Vaulx (in or de Valle) for fcholers, between the palace “ wallc and Harnam bridge; part ot thefe fcholers remaine yn the college at Sarefbyri, and have « two chaplains to ferve, the chirch there being dedicate to St. Nicolas, the refidew ftudie at Ox- “ ford: the lcholars of Vaulx be bounde to celebrate the anniverfarye of Giles their founder at the “ paroch chirch of Britpott in Dorfetfhire where he was born a.” The chancellor of the cathedral church is faid to have his lodgings in this college, and to read lectures in divinity three times in every week to the fcholars, who kept their publick difputations in the old library of the cathe¬ dral b. It continued till the general fuppreffion, about which time this college confifted of a war¬ den, four fellows, and two chaplains'; the fite and many of its polfefiions were granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Michael Lifter. Vide Hift. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. i. p. 97. Joannem Caium de antiq. Cantab, lib. i. p. 110. de controverfia et compolitione fadta A. D. 1278. inter cancellarium et fcholares Oxonienfes Sarifburiae ftu- dentes, ex parte una, et fubdecanum ecclefite ejuf- dem, ex parte altera, fuper jurifdiftione in fcholares exercenda. Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 97. vol. iv. p. 30. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 309. of the manor and impropriate church of Allington : p. 310. of the impropriate church of Walditch : p. 482. of the im¬ propriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Milburn St. Andrew cum Develilh. Cartam fundationis domus S. Nicholai de Valle Scho- larum apud Sarifb. in libro mf. ftatutorum, cartarum &c. eccl. cathedral. Sarifb. inter libros mlf. autoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. f. 50. b. Cartularium hujus collegii confe&um fumptibus Sim. Houchins focii ejufdem circa 26 Hen. 6. penes Will. Boucher de Nova Sarum A. D. 1750. Cartularium penes H. P. Wyndham arm. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. pro mefT. et terris in Brut- ford : Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 28. pro ten. in Eaft et Weft Harnham. 4. Vicars College. The vicars of this church were incorporated into a collegiate fociety 11 Hen. 4. had a body of ftacutes, a pretty college d, a common hall where they ate together, and yearly revenues valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 248/. nr. lod. ob. -per ann. but charged with yearly out¬ going rents amounting to \ il. os. 4 de. They are ftill a body corporate, have a common feal, and leveral eftates belonging to them ; but, as the marriage of the clergy got ground, the colle¬ giate way of living in this and all fuch like focieties grew into difufe. There are now belonging to this corporation fix prieft vicars, fix lay clerks and the organift. I do not find that the chorilters ever were incorporated, but they had very early lands and tithes appropriated to their maintenance, which were valued, 26 Hen. S. at 35/. 17s. 8 d. ob. per am. and are ftill continued to them*'. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 97. In Hutchin’s Dorfetfhire, vol. i. p. 367. of the impro¬ priate redlory of Broad Windfor. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de fliopis et cellariis in loco vocato Fifh-Jhamhles aedificatis et conceffis per Simo- nem epifc. Sarifb. ad fuftentationem xiv. chorifta- rum : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 2. Ibid. p. 2. m. 18 et 19. de eccl. de Pre- ihute approprianda in ufum cuftodis puerorum chori- ftarum : Ibid. m. 22. de me(T. et terris in Bofcumb. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 46. pro cuftode puerorum cho- riftarum cum confirm, dotationis et ftatutorum pro eifdem : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 1. de eccl. de Hen- ney approprianda, pro augmentatione vidtus vicario- rum et choriftarum. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1, m. 23. pro maner. de Stotingweye concefT. vicariis. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 13. de vicariis incorporandis per nomen procuratoris et communitatis vicariorum B. Maris Sarifb. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. . Harnham Hospital. The hofpital of St. Nicholas between the clofe and Harnham bridge is faid to have been founded by bifhop Poore 8 about A. D. 1220. But it was probably begun only by him, and chiefly carried on and endowed by his fuccefibr bifhop Bingham h, about A.DD. 1245. f°r a mailer (fometimes called the prior) eight poor men, and four poor women1, who were endowed 26 Hen. 8. with 64/. 16s. $d. ob. per annK in the whole, and 25/. 2 s. 2d. clear1. It was reftored by K. James 1 m. Apr. 3. 1610. and is ftill kept up for a mafter (in holy orders nominated by the bifhop) fix poor men, and fix poor women, who have a comfortable fubfiftence ; and are eleven of them put in by the mafter, and one by the dean and chapter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 621. a. lin. 30. de pen- fione e decimis dominicorum in Manningford et Wilsford. » Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 97. b iHilt. et Antiq. Oxon. vol. i. p. 91. c So Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 82. and Speed's catalogue. But it was founded, “ ad perpetuam receptionem et iuftenta- u tionem unius cuftodis, duorum capellanorum, et viginti pau- << perura honeftorum docibilium fcolarium ibidem viventium in a divina pagina et liberalibus artibus ftudentium et proficien- * t tium,” as appears from the foundation charter : and eight members of this houfe enjoyed penfions as late as A. D. 1555. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 257. d Leland. Itin. vol. iii-. p. 97. e Sancroft’s mf. Charged in Etton accordingly at 236 /. us* 8 d. clear. , _ f They were formerly fourteen, but now eight only, who befides their allowances have mafters to teach them Latin, ling- iug, and writing $ and one of the canons for their cuftos or Lelandi Collet, vol. i. p. 123. ejufdem Itin. vol. iii. p. 97. vol. iv. p. 30. In Hutchin’s Dorfetihire, vol. i. p. 31 1. of the impro- guaruiaii. . . , S Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 97. and bifhop Godwin in bilhop Poore’s life, amongft the bilhops of Durham. h In his ordination of the hofpital, he is fet forth almoft as foie founder ; and it is there alfo faid, that he built the great bridge at Harnham, and the chapel of St. John Baptift on the faid bridge, where two chaplains from the hofpital were to cele¬ brate every day. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 97. k Sancroft’s mf. , 1 Dugdale and Speed (but by miftake they both call it the hofpital of St. Michael J and Etton’s Valor. In Kennet’s regifter and chronicle, p. 790. where is of John Nicholas A. B. (afterwards D. D. and warden of V\ in- chefter) being made mafter A. D. i06z. priate XXXI. WILTSHIRE. priate reittory of Burftock anciently : vol. ii. p. 129. terra in Wellebcrgh : Fin. 44 Hen. 3. de advoc. et of lands in Corfe, p. 1 71. in Turnworth, p. 172. in cuftodia hofpitalis S. Nicholai Sarifb0. Pat. 52 Hen. 3. Thornfcombe : p. 172. of the impropriate rectory of m. . quod fint quieti dechiminagio per totam foreftam Turneworth. de Clarindon. In codice inf. continente ftatuta, &c. eccl. Sarifb. (inter Plac. in com. Dorlct. 16 Ed. I. affif. rot. 5. d. pro codices mil. autoris in bibl. Bodl. Oxon.) fol. 54. terris in Sturminfter Marefchall. ordinationem hofpitalis S. Nicholai Sarifb. per Ro- Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 5. m. 19 vel 20- pro pontagio pro bertum epifeopum A. D. 1245. ponte juxta hofpitale. Fin. in com. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3". n. 92. pro ii. bovatis 6. St. John’s Hospital. The hofpital or free chapel of St. John near the cattle, valued, 26 Hen. 8. but at 6s. 8 d. per ann. Vide mf. Sancroft. carrell LL. D. aeri incidi curavit Edw. Roe Mores Sigillum commune hujus hofpitalis penes cl. Andr. Du- arm. A. D. 1751. 7. Trinity Hospital. An hofpital for fick and weak poor perfons founded about 17 Ric. i. by John Chaundeler the elder, to the honor of the Holy Trinity. I do not find any valuation of the revenues of this houfe 26 Hen. 8. But it is yet in being, under the care of the mayor and common council, who yearly appoint one of their own body to be matter, and put in twelve poor men, who have every one twenty-two pence per week, befides ieveral other advantages. Vi de in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 472. pat. 17 Ric. 2. hujus hofpitalis. p. 2. m. 29. fcil. licent. reg. pro fundatione : Pat. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 862. f. 125. indulgentiam con- 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 38. Cart. R. faftam Joanni cettam elargientibus elemofinas hofpitali S. Trinitatls Chandler, quod ipfe duo mefTuagia, xv. cottagia, et per Ricardum Metford epife. Sarum. iv. fol. reddit. in Nova Sarum dare poffit magiftro 8. Black Friers. In the weft fuburb of Salifbury, called Fifherton Anger, was an houfe of Black friers p, to which K. Edward 1 ’. was a confiderable benefaittor, if not founder. It was not far from the bridge over the Avon, oppofite to the place where now the common gaol for the county of Wilts is. The fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Pollard and William Byrte. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 89. In Lelandi Colleft. vol. iii. p. 67. titulos quorundam codd. m(T. olim in bibliotheca fratrum. Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 64. of the chantry of fix priefts and fraternity of our Lady, St. Ann, and All Saints within the maniion of thefe friers, founded by Mary countefs of Norfolk 28 Ed. 3. Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 64. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 83. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 29. Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. penult. Pat. 18 vel potius 28 Ed. 3. p. 2 m. 15 et 201 9. Grey Friers. “ Ther was an houfe of Gray freres withyn the town of Sarebyri of the “ foundation of . . . bilhop of Sarefbyri1.” K. Henry 3. gave the ground on which to build the monaftery of the Francilcans at Salifbury, but the church was built by a citizen* whofe name was Richard Pende'. This houfe was granted to John Wroth 36 Hen. 8. Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 154. logio. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 81. de fundatione et de Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. prd obitibus benefaftorum : p. 82. excerpta et martiro- manfo elargando. XXXII. STANLEGHi CiSTERTiAN Abbey. Lokefwell, in the foreft of Chippenham, was given by Henry0 fon to the duke of Normandy and earl of Anjou, afterward by K. Henry 2. to the monks of Quarrer in the ifle of Wight, upon condition that they fhould fettle there a convent of Ciftertians, which they did A. D. 1151. but three years after that prince and his mother Maud the emprefs removed the Religious from thence to Stanlegh ; where they built and endowed to the honor of the blefled Vir- n This was A. D. 1226. two years before biiliop Poore was tranilated to Durham. ° By this fine, “ conventum erat quod epifeopus et fuccef- «■ fores habcant cuftodiam difti hofpitalis, et quod decanus et u capitulum Temper habeant in eodem hofpitali unu;n fratrem ; “ cuftodia hofpitalis, dur ite vacatione epifeopatus, remanebit « decano et capitulo ; et li prior difti hofpitalis obierit durante « vacatione, bene licebit decano et capitulo alium inftituere.” This fine is in the mf. beforementioned fol. S. P Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 89. 1 He and Robert Kilwardby archbifitop of Canterbury are faid to be founders in one edition of Speed ; and Mary countefs of Norfolk, temp. Ed. 3. in another. But that lady only founded the chantry and fraternity here above mentioned. Godwin, in libro De prteful. Angl. p. 138. feems to aferibe it wholly to archbithop Kilwardby. r Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 89. “ Ecclefia conventus S. Fran- “ eifei fundata a Ricardo epifeopo.” Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 81. * So Leland. Colledt. vol. ii. p. 342. from Tho. Ecclefton ; only Leland calls the name of the citizen Ric. PuJe or Sudei The author of Colleft. Anglo-minorit. p. ii. p. 14. feems to make this houfe to have been founded firft at Old Salifbury, and removed down into the new city ; and Leland feems to fay, that thefe friers were removed from the place of their firft fettle- ment, but he doth not fay where that Was. His words are, “ Apud Salilbury dedit aream fratribus dom. rex Henricus, “ ecclefiam vero edificavit quidam burgenfis nomine Richardus “ Pude. Poll per cives introdufti funt in villam ubi nunc funt.” 1 Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 154. out of St. Clare. 0 So the charter printed in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 760.867. and probably the gift was before A. D. 1149. when this prince Henry took on him the ftyle of duke of Normandy. So that the! emprefs Maud was not, as Leland faith, the foundrefs of Lokef- well. She might be more concerned in the removal, for the place was called Stanley Imperatricis ; though fire is mentioned only as co-foundrels with her fon K. Henry of this alfo, in the charters both of K. Henry a. and K. Richard 1. — 0 0 0 gin XXXII. WILTSHIRE. gin Mary an abbey for thirteen w White monks, whofe revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8 at 177/ or. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. 222 l. 19 1. 4 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 Hen. 8. to Sir Edward Bainton. u Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 760. cartam Henrici fil. ducis Normannorum et com. Andegavii donantis Locwellam Deo et S. Maris de Quarraria, ad facien- dam ibidem capitalem abbatiam : P. 867. eandem cartam Henrici : Notulas e regiftro Lacok et Leland. Colieft. de fundatione hujus abbatiae : Cart, antiq. X. n. 22. fcil. R. Hen. 2. donantis Wurdam mem- brum mailer, de Farendon: P. 868. cart, antiq. X. n. 23. fcil. I Ric. 1. recit. et confirm, donationes : P. 869. cart, antiq. X. n. 6. fcil. 2 Ric. 2. confirm, donationem R. fil. Stepiiani de Codinton et Wapelee. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 647. petit, parliam. 7 Ed. 3. pro maner. de Berwik Ballet. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. x 86. n. cccix. cartam Nic. abbatis Stanley et conventus, de terra in infula apud Pcnnam concefl'. Ads Revel et Waltero de Pofta. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 147. de terra in Childecnoll. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 65. In Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 638. of eftates in the deanries of Axbridge and Bedminfter. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 795. of the manors of Wapely and Codrington. Chronicon five annales Anglis a Bruto ad A. D. 1270. a monacho quodam Ciftercienfi de Stanley confcripti, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Digby xi. Excerpta ex eodem, mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. cii. f. 130. etmf. in bibl. Harleyana, 258. f. 152. Appropriationem eccl. de Rye [SulTex.] abbati et mo- nachis de Stanley, A. D. 1363. penes V. cl. Petrum Le Neve arm. Norroy : et una cum ordinatione vi- caris in regiftro Epifc. Ciceftr. C. f. 76, 77. Librum munimentorum domus Religiofs de Stanley, mf. penes joannem Maddenum coll, medicorum Dub¬ lin prsfidem, 1697. Cart, antiq. U. n. 5. W. n. 4. F. F. n. 6. R. R. n. 5. Liberat. 3 Joan. m. 2. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 3. n. 18, 19. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 11. Fin. Oxon. 8 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Hornyngton: Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 7. de Al- flet, five de Alfreton More: Cart, n Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 49, 50. Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 9. Ibid. m. 11. pro meremio in bofco de Chippeham : Fin. War. 31 Hen. 3. n. . de maner. de Staverton: Pat. 37 Hen. 3. m. 29 vel 30. quod canes abbatis non expeditentur infra foreftam de Chippenham : Cart. 49 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 50 Hen. 3. n. 4. Plac. forefts, 56 Hen. 3. n. . pro mortuo bofco in forefta de Chipenham. Clauf. 1 Ed. 1. m. 7. d. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 32. d. Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. aflif. rot. 52. Plac. in com. Berkf. 12 Ed. 1. alfif. rot. 29. de v. virgat. terrs in Lamburn, ex conceff. Oliveri Plunkenet : Plac Co ram rege apud Weftmonaft. 13 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. <* et rot. 31. pro maner. da Staverton : Plac. in corn Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 7. d. pro libertat’ in maner. de Codrington: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m 18 n ’ includendo bofco la More prope abbatiam in forefta de Chippenham: Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. 28. pro xxv acris terrs vafti in forefta de Pewefham. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. m. 8. n. 31. pro mortuo bofco in forefta de Chippeham, &c. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. Dro terris in Tuddrington et Sherfton Parva: Brev" iL 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 16. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2 in o' pro maner. de Wadele: Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 14 d ccc. acr. bofci in Braden conceff. Hugoni de Spencer pro parco de Faftern elargando : Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p j m. 6. pro reddit. ex maner. de Staverton : Ibid! p! 2’ m. 10. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 31. de maner. de Wadele, Mighale, Mercumb, &c. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 13. pro maner. dt Staverton: Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. Brev reg. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. in medio bund, de terris pertil nentibus manerio fuo de Worthe: Pat. 25 Ed. 7. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. de exoneratione reparationis vis vocat. Saltharpefway in hundred, de Kingforugg: pat- 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. jV Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. pro maner. de Worth, Wadele, &c. Ibid. m. 18. 21 et 22. pro eccl. de Roud et Wottonbaffet [Wilt.] et Rye [Suffex.j appropriandis, et pro decimis pifcatorum vocat. Chriftejhare et Kingejhare in dicla villa de Rye : Pat! 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 10. pro maner. de Goderington et hundred, de Grombeldalh [Gloceftr.] Plac. aflif. in div. com. 8 Hen. 4. rot. 12. pro ten. in Berwick Baffet : Ibid. 9 Hen. 4. rot. 15. pro red¬ dit. xxx. fol. in Ugford juxta Wilton. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 5. Pafch. rot. 10. pro maner. de Goderington [Gloceftr.] Pat. 2 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 11. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 7. pro reddit. in Berwick Baffet: Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 31. de ccxi. acris in forefta de Pewefham affartandis et excolendis : Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . de maner. de Codrington [Gloceftr.] concedendo Jo- anni Codrington : Fin. div. com. 34 Hen. 6. n. 67. pro maner. de Criket Thomas [Somerfet.] etTre- ryce [Corn.] Clauf. 35 Hen. 6. m. 14. relaxat. pro maner. de Trevrys a Will. Lucy mil. Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 12 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. . XXXIII. STRATTON, St. Margaret’s1. Alien Priory. Here was an alien priory, which was given by K. Henry 6. to the provoft and fcholars of King’s college in Cambridge. Vide pat. 40 Hen. 6. m. 6. colleft. Rog. Dodfworth. mf. in bibl. Bodl. vol. lxxv. f. 152. Quaere. XXXIV. TISSELBURY, or Tilbury r. Monastery destroyed. Wintra abbat of Tiffelbury in the kingdom of the Weft Saxons, is mentioned as flourilhing about the year 720. in the life of St. Boniface2. King Ethelred gave to the abbey of Shaftelbury “ XX. manfas illo in loco, qui noto Ait Tiffebiri vocatus vocamine “ fitas a.” V MS. Bened. The author of Neuftria Pia faith, p. 683. that they were at firft of the order of Savigni. * Walter de Merton bifliop of Rochefter is faid to have been fometime redtor here, and to have bought tills manor, and made it part of the endowment of his college at Oxon. which obtained the grant of a fair here, pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. a. m. 16. y 0>u*re. But the tradition, that here anciently was a Reli¬ gious lioufe (mf. epilt. Will. Aubrey) joined with the defcription of its being in the Weft Saxon dominions, feems to make it pro¬ bable that this was the place. * Crefiy’s Church Hiftory. 2 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 21 j. XXXV. TROW- XXXV. WILTSHIRE. XXXV. TROWBRIDGE, or Throughbridge ' Almshouse. “ Of later tymes one James Terumber, a very rich clothier, made a little almofe ho life by the church, and yn it be fix poor folkes, having three pence a piece by the week to- “ ward their maintenance.” Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 58. V ’ XXXVI. U P H A V E N. u^LjIEN ?iRI0Rc‘ c^urc^ P^ce being given to the ancient and rich abbey of St. Wandragafile at Fontanelle in the diocefe of Roan, as early probably as the. time of K. Henry 1. °u • ^ceP^n % there was a cell d of Benedidtine monks from thence placed here. Upon the diuolution of the alien priories this was given, 1 Hen. 6. to the monaftery of Ivychurch in ex¬ change tor fome lands and privileges in Clarindon park, and, as parcel of the poffeffions of that monaftery, was granted, 4 Jac. 1. to Francis and William Anderfon. So that die grants of this alien pnory, 37 Hen. 6. to King’s college Cambridge, and 7 Ed. 4. to Windfor college* were of no effect. 0 Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p, 73. cartam R. Ed. 4. anno 7. donantis prioratum de Uphaven de- cano et canonicis lib. capellse Windfor. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 974. cartam R. Will. Conq. donantis ecclefias de Mincherte et Bridton [Dorfet.] Scaref- tam [Wilts.] et Towcefter [Northampt.] monafterio Fontanellenfi. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 244. of a penfion of x j. out of the reftory of Bridport. Cotton’s Abridgment, p. 565. of the exchange with Ivy church. 1 Fin. Dotfet. 52 Hen. 3* n. . pro mefT, et advbc. eccl. S. Marias in Bridport. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 19. Pari. 1 Hen. 6. n. 20; Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. J Pat. i Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 3. XXXVII. WILTON, olim Ellandune. V Benedictine Nuns. This monaftery owes its original to Weoxftan or Wulftan the famous earl or duke of Wiltlhire, who about the year 773 r. repaired an old church of St Mary here (which had been almoft quite demolilhed by the Danes) and placed therein a college or chantrv of Secular pnefts ; but after his death A. D. 800. his relift S. Alburga filler to K. Egbert r t leave of her brother to make it a nunnery for twelve Religious virgins befides the priorefs This kino- encouraged this projeft, and is thereupon faid to be the firft founder of this monaftery « KinS iElfred (having routed the Danes not far from this town A. D. 871.) on the perfuafion of his wife Egwine built a new nunnery on the fire of the royal palace here for an abbels and twelve Reli gious, and cauled the nuns from St. Mary’s to come to this new houfe, which confifted of twenty iix nuns, and was dedicated to St. Mary and St. Bartholomew. K. Edward fen. h and kino Edoar were great benefactors to this monaftery, the latter for the fake of his natural daughter St. Edith a nun, and, as fome fay, abbefs1 here, who was afterwards canonized, and became the patron faint k of this abbey, which was of the Benedidtine order, and had yearly revenues about the time of the di Ablution1 valued at 60 1 l.i s. id. q. as Dugd. and 652/. m. 5d. q. as Speed. I: was granted 35 Hen. 8. to Sir William Herbert. 0 ’ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. igi. quaedam hiftorica de fundatoribus et fundatione hujus ccenobii, ex Le¬ land. Colledt. vol. i. p. 67. et vol. Ii. p. 219, &c. ex chronico quodam Vilodunenfi Anglicis rhythmis feripto : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 857. de prirna fundatione Wiltonienfis ccenobii, e mf. Cotton. Faujiinct , B. 3. cartas regum Athelftani, pro Nywantune, et v. caf- fatis in forefta de Safernoc, dat. A. D. 933. Ejuf- dem, pro fex mantis apud Brydancumb, dat. A. D. 937- Reg's Eadwii, pro terra At Ceolcum, dat. A. D. 955. Eadgari, pro terris apud Newantune, Scearntune, Defereal, Babbanftoc, Fyrtesfeld, &c. dat. A. D, 968. Ejufdem pro ii. hidis juxta Wylton, dat. A. D. 968. Ejufdem, pro privilegio eligendi abbatiflam, et de terra vocat. Cheolcan , dat. A. D. 974. iEthelredi, pro x. caflatis act Fobbafuntan. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 126. pat. I Ed. I. p. 2. m. 20. pro Juliana GifFard abbat'ifla electa et conhrmata de intendendo: Ibid. p. 672. pat. 24 Ed. 1. m. 24. de licentia eligendi abbatiflam poft mortem Julianae praedidte.’ In Rymeri Coriventionum, Sic. vol. vii. p. 163. clauf. 1 Ric. 2. m. 36. de nominatione fandtimonialis per regem pofl: coronationem fuam : vol. ix. p. 420. pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 7. de reftitutione temporalium Crirtina; iJoulre abbatiffe ele&as et confirmats: vol. x. p; 44c. pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 34. de nominatione unius lanctimomalis ratione coronationis regiae. fe Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 105. cartam abbatiflie de Wilton de mihtibus fuis feffatis. In Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 81. dimenfiones ecclefiae In perambulatione foreftarum, &c. p. 194. In Dr. Archer’s Account, &c. p. 638. of vir. villd. yearly from the manor of Exton. b Leland. c Their tithes in England being confirmed to them by pope Innocent 2. (Neuftria Pia, p. 177.) this church, which was the belt they had, was probably included ; but this matter would have been more certain if Du Monlh-ier had given us the date or name of that biiliop of Salifbury, who with the chapter gave them the church of Onphavena, i. e. confirmed or appropriated the fame to them. Ibid. p. 183. d Reyner, Append, p. 73. - c Mr. Alhmole faith, that Windfor never enjoyed this gift. f This year is put in Leland. Colletf. vol. i. p. 67. ii. 219. and Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 851. as the year of the foundation by king Egbert, or his lifter. But Wulftan did not die, nor was Egbert king till A. D. 800. as Chron. Saxon. y Sjd-E CoHeft. vol. i. p 671 who calls the firft houfe a Srigl. tom ik'p! £7 S 3n 3 7’ a"d f° d°th CromPe< Mon. . ‘ Rc.was abb looked upon as founder, and fomethm* like It is find in one of king Edgar s charters in Mon. Angl.°tom. ii. «•' 4-i assR;. RUasrnig Mia. sss# • ot “■ - piss b She was in latter times always put into the ftile of the mo- n<1f ml’ '? the furrender> Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 637. The abbefs and thirty-two nuns were penlioned at the dif - folution, as Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. Append. p *9 In XXXVII. WILTSHIRE. In Hutchin’s Dorfetlhire, vol. i. p. 414. of tenements in Melcomb : vol. ii. p. 41. of the manor of Didlington in Chalbury, and the advowfon of the redlory: p. 217. of lands in Winborn All Saints, and fait rents m Phi- lipfton : p. 356. of lands in Lidlinch. In Hafted’s Kent, vol. i. p. 332- °{ rellts !,n Kemfing. In Worfeley’s Me of Wight, p. 261. of the manor of Watchingwode. . Hiftoriam fundationis prioratus Wiltomenfis, in quibus o-efla R. Egberti et aliorum regum Saxonum, et vita et miracula S. Edithse, cum ipfius tranflatione, cele- brantur rhythmis Anglicanis, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Faujiina, B. iii. 4. In eodem codice habentur etiam nomina fundatorum ; primo, cantariae ; dein, priora¬ tus, et tandem abbati® Ellendunse, i. e. Wiltomae. Quxre, annon evulgantur in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. Re^iftrum hujus abbatite in bibl. Harleyana, mf. 436. Regiftra cartas, &c. penes honoratifiimum Thomam com. Pembrochias. t . Abridgement of the Regifter of this abbey in the poiief- fion of Thomas Aftle efq; Clauf. 14 Joan. m. 4. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 17. pro eftoverns in foretta de ba- vernac : Clauf. 7 Hen. 3* m* 2i. de eifdem. Clauf. 8 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro hundred, de Scalford : Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 21. de reddit. in Kemefing [Kane.] Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 19. pro hundred, de Stafford: Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. d. de confuetudinibus tenen¬ dum in Berwik. Plac. in com. Wilt. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 47. d. de feftis villa- norum maner. de Quidhampton : Ibid. rot. 52. Plac. in com. Wilt. 17 Ed. 1. rot. . de libertat. in hundred, de Chalk et maner. de Tollard. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. de molendino in Quidhampton: Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. pro eccl. de Berwyke approprianda : Efcaet. Wilt. 28 Ed- 3. n. 17. de fedla tenendum deFifhyde ad hundred, de Chalke : Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 9. pro maner. de Alvedefton: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 2 m. 22. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2 m. 18. pro ten. in Chilmark et Netherhampton : Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2 et 3. pro maner. de Foffant: Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. i. m. . Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m, 14. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 15. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 27. pro relaxatione ann. red¬ dit. xiv /. xvi. per abbatiffam pro hundredo de Chalk folvi foliti : Ibid. p. 2. m. 19. pro prebenda de S. Newton approprianda. 2 College. Some have imagined that there was a collegiate church here ; but quare. Whe¬ ther’ the prebendaries here were not fome few Secular clergymen provided for out of the (lands and churches belonging to the abbey m. Vide in Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. viii. p. 244. de canonicatu in eccl. conv. de Wilton conceiio Henrico Chichele 3 Hen. 4* Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro prebenda de Chalk in eccl. coll, de Wilton. St Giles’ Hospital, or Fugglestone. “ At Wiiton town’s end " is an ancient hof- « oi'tal for poor leprous brethren and fitters, dedicated to St. Giles ”.” Queen Adelicia, fecond w,fe to K Henrv if as the tradition is, was foundrefs, and lies herein buried r. It was early in patronage of the mayor and commonalty of the town, and found poffefled of revenues, 2 .6 Hen. 8. then valued at 5 /. !3 \d. per arm s. It was preferved at the d.ffoluc.on rebuilt by the mayor and corporation A. D. 1624’. and is yet in being, though in great decay, for a prior or mafter (who is a clergyman) and four poor people, who have only twenty (hillings per arm. each . Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. Efcaet. Wilt. 14 Hen. 6. n. 36. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. . rex ratificat Ric. Holdych priorem five cuftodem hofp. S S. Egidii et Antonii juxta Wilton. 10 Julii. Vide pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 7. Clauf. 29 Ed. 1. m. . , Clauf 6 Ed. 3. m. 6. Efcaet. Wilt. 6 Ed. 3. n. 125. pro vi. marcis annuatim percipiendis de exitu villa: ex dono regis : Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 32. de patro- natu fpedtante ad majorem et commumtatem villae. , St John’s Hospital. Near or without the gate of this town was an hofpital of a mafter or prioT and poor brethren, dedicated to St. John, as early as A. D. 1217'. About the time of the d ffolutionPthere were but four poor perfons in it, and the revenues of it with the chapels of Burcomb were valued ^ fs^aclergyman^ncimlnated by^e dean ofQSannn)' two h 10s 6 d. for their maintenance and firing, and are cloathed every other year. Vide clauf. 2 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro eccl. S. Michacl.s. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 35. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7 et P. 2. m. 29. pro meff. et terns in Winterburn Ford Parva, Mulford, Laverftock, &c. Clauf. 19 „ For upon the patent rolls occur often, efperially during the -r^the abbey, grants or prefentations from the crown Souft'Nevrto^Is^’anted^as'p^ o/the’poffeffionsof the ab¬ bey, to Sir William Herbert 35 Hen. 8. _ _ » Thefe are Leland’s words, Itin. vol. 111. p. I3S- And in the records and other places it is called the HofpitalofStGiles extra or juxta Wilton ; but it is really in the adjoining village °f»FIn pat.°iE Colleft. Habington praedidt. « Hearne’s preface to Hemingus, p. lxxxvii. and Heming. P* *3. f Chron. Wigorn. in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 138. a. b. where it leems to have been fituated on the Severn ; but quare for I have not yet met with any town or village in Domefday belonV- mg to Worcefter bilhopnck or church of any name like thfs Twining m Glocefterihire is very near Rippel in Worcefterihire' and not far from the Severn; and if I miftake not. Ripple h Ibid. b. I Heming. p. 23. —ppp HI. BLOCK- IIL WORCESTERSHIRE. III. BLOCKLEY, olim Bloccanlegh. Monastery destroyed* The charter of king Burhred, dated A. D. 855. mentions a tiro- naftery then here, which was given afterward to the biihoprick of Worcefter. Vide in Hemingi libro, p. 31. cartam Burhredi R. IV. BORDESLEYk. Cisterti an Abbey. Maud the emprefs1 the honor of the bleffed Virgin. Its yearly revenues 388/. 9/. 10 d. ob. Dugd0. 392/. 83. 6d. Speed. Hen. 8. to Andrew lord Windfor. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 803. cartam Matildis im- peratricis, &c. de fundatione : P. 804. cartam R. Ric. 1. confirm, donationes, dat. 15 Nov. anno 1. Cartam G. com. Mellenti, de fundatione: P. 805. cartam Matildis comitiflx Ceftri®, confirm, donatio- nem de Cumba. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 122. ejufdem Itin. vol. viii. p. 36. In Nafti’s Worcefterfhire, vol. ii. p. 405. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this abbey: vol. i. p. 28. of Ofmerley grange : p. 37. of a yardland and fifhery in Areley : vol. ii. p. 403. of Hewell grange inTarde- bigg : p. 408. ordinationem vicari® de Tardebygg : p. 410. appropriationem ecclefi® de Wylcewane; p. 414. conventionem inter G. epifcopum Wigorn. et abbatem de Bordefley de terris in Alvechirche : p. 415. finalem concordiam inter eofdem de communi paftura de Ofmerefleye : cartam abbatis de decimis in villa de Pydyll remiffis epifcopo Wigorn. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 798. of a tenement in Welford : p. 815. of the impropriate redlory of Wickham : p. 854. of the manor of Combe. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 386. of lands at Ofmarefley : p. 392. of the advowfon of Wick- wane in Glocefterfhire : p. 498. of lands in Afhorn, Warwickfhire: p. 544. in'I'ifoe: p. 599. at Stretton fuper Fofle: p. 61 1. at Oxhill . p. 656. in Edrichefton or Rudbrooke: p. 661. in Snitfield : p. 386 and 712. in Bevington orBinton: p. 722. 741. 800. in Hilbo- rough: p. 723, 724. in Bidford : p. 826. in Kinton Langley: p. 827. in Songer ; fee alfo p. 386. p. 828. in Edfton : p. 830, 831. in Bearley and Claverdon: p. 856. in Overfley. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. pr*f. p. xv. finalem con¬ cordiam inter abbatem et monachos de Bordefleia et Aliz. de terra in Southongre: p. 2. Walteri fil. Wil- lelmi de Stanes confirmationem totius terr® de Ol- mereflega; vide alias cartas de eadem terra, p. 49. 56. 275, 276. p. 7, 8. de excambio terrarum inter abbatem de Bordeflia et reftorem de Stratton : p. 1 60. aliam cartam de excambio inter eofdem : p. 24. com- pofitionem inter monafterium de Bordefleia ct eccl. S. Mari* de Warewic. fuper decimis dominii de Bu- diford : p. 25. adjudicationem inter abbatem et mo¬ nachos de Bordefleia et redtorem de Hembiria, fuper decimis grangix de Holeweia : p. 26. conventionem inter abbatem et monachos de Bordefleia et priorem et canonicos de Kinilwurd, et vicarium de Budiford fuper tertia parte decimarum dominii quod didti mo- nachi tunc coluerunt, et fuper decimis garbarum de Modihulle, Bothine, Aldegare, &c. p. 43. cartam R. Hen. 2. confirmantis unam hidam terr* in Bur- leia: p. 48. Petri de Corbezun confirmationem de¬ cern acrarum terrx apud Hildeburwrdham donat. a x Fallly placed by Speed in Huckingham/hire. 1 But others afcribe the foundation of this monaftery to <> Waleran de Beaumont earl of Mellent and Worcefter.” (Mill’s Catal. of Honor, p. 1006. Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. m.) and there is a charter of his, mentioning his founding it, printed in the Monallicon, out of the original in the Hatton library; yet this Waleran is one of the witnefTes to Maud’s charter ot toundation ; and in K. Richard’s charter of confirmation the grant of Eorddley is afcribed to her without any remembrance lit, A. D. 1 1 38 m. a Ciftertiah " abbey here to > not; long before the fuppreflion, amounted to The fite of this monaftery was granted, 34 patre: p. 50. Alani de Bleez confirmationem terra- rum in Fardune, Brademede, &c. concefT. a patre: p. 52. Joannis epifc. Wigorn. confirmationem oml nium terrarum iftius abbatix nominatitn recenfit p. 53. cartam Matthei deDuntori confirmantis dona- tionem dimidi* virgat* terr* in Oiftefelva a Ricardo filio Hugonis de Odlefelva fadtam : p. 55. Willehni de Burle confirmationem terrarum et paftur. pro ccc ovibus in Burle; et Alani de Blez confirmationem dominici prati jacent. fubtus Wethulle in Langeleia • p. 59. cartam prioris et conventus Wigorn. de eccle- fia de Terdebig : p. 75. conventionem inter domum Bordefleg* et Willelmum Piftorem, fuper molendino de Lea; p. 91. Roberti Moryn quietam clamationem abbati de Bordefley omnium fervitiorum pro terris in Burle prxter efcuagium : p. 130. abbatis et conventus de Bordefleia dimiffionem ad firmam pifcari* de Arn- leia, cum terra eidem pertinente : p. 134. Willelmi de Burly dimiffionem abbati et cOrtventui de Bordefley totam terrain de dominico fuo ad decern croppos, &c. p. 154. excambium terrarum in Burleia inter abbatem et conventum de Bordefleia ac Ricardum et Thomam filios Gerini de Burleia: p. 155. excambium terra¬ rum in Budiford inter abbatem et monachos de Bor¬ defley et priorem et canonicos de Kineldeword : p. 156. excambium terrarum in Oiftefelva inter abba¬ tem de Bordefley et Ricardum de Warewic: p. 157. excambium terrarum in Stratton inter abbatem de Bordefley, et Heliam filium Willelmi de Stratton: p. 220, 221. finalem concordiam de xn. acris terrx in Benetleia concefT. abbati et conv. de Bordefley: p. 221, 222. finalem concordiam de dimidia carucata terrx in Claverdon conceffis abbati*: p. 242. cartam Johannis epifc. Wigorn. de x. acris terr* in Hilde- burgawida: p. 245. Ricardi epifc. Coventrienfis con- ceffionem villani abbati et conv. de Bordefley; ejuf¬ dem epifcopi conceffionem partis bofci de Aclea, &c. abbati* Bordefley* : p. 254. cartam Roberti Roant de Langelee de terris et paftura duodecies viginti ovium : p. 261. Egelini de Dummard conceffionem villani five nativi: p. 286. conceffionem annui reddi- tus c. folid. ex manerio de Holeweygrange Thom* Wybbe : p. 294. cartam R. Hen. 2. quod monachi de Bordefley non ponantur in placitum nifi coram ipfo rege ; aliam cartam ejufdem regis, pro reftitutione omnium nativorum et catallorum: p. 295. aliam car¬ tam ejufd. regis, quod monachi de Bordefley habeant redtas divifas fuas : p. 297. de hida terr* in Burleia: p. 299. cartam Willelmi de Burleia, de terris in Bur¬ leia : p. 300. abbatis et conventus de Cormelis con¬ ceffionem decimarum de Holeweia abbati et conventui de Bordefley, pro dimidia marca argenli fingulis annis reddenda: p. 306. abbatis et conventus de Caftellione conceffionem abbati et conv. de Bordefley decimarum of Waleran. m So Annales Burton, et Annales de Parcolude, mf. " Of that kind called “ Fratres Grifei,” as Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p« 36. 0 The fumma clara is 383/. 3/. ad. mf. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 30. The abbat and nineteen monks fubfcribed to the fupremacy, and joined in the furrender, as Willis’ Hiitory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. ZS9- garbarum tv. WORCESTERSHIRE. garbarum et foeni omnium tcrrarum quas monachi de Bordefley tunc coluerunt in Langdega, pro iv s ; vmd. annui rcddit. p. 371. cartam Willelmi Peflun, de terris in Warewico extra portam del Weft : p. 372. quietam clamationem de meffuagio in Wich: p.377. prioriflae ct monialiuni de Hynewode quietam clama¬ tionem abbati et conventui de Bordefley. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 142. brev. rcg. quod mo¬ nachi de Bordefleia teneant terram fuam de Cumbe bene et in pace. In Neuftria pia, p. 849. The names of feven abbats, in Willis’ Abbies, vol. in Append, p. 29. Cartas originates penes Clem. Throgmorton de Hafely in com. Warwic. Will. Sheldon de Beoley in com. Wigorn. Chrift. Hatton bar. Henricum St. George arm. et in officio Armorum. In Afpilogia cl. Anftis, n. 331. cartam Gualerani com. Mellent, pro terra in Bordefley et puteo in Wich. A bag of old deeds belonging to this abbey in the aug¬ mentation office, A. D. 1695. and fome few in the Talley court in the exchequer. Abftradts of feveral charters belonging to Bordefley ab¬ bey, mff. Macro, 12. ii. 4, 5. 16, 17. 36. MSS. Dodfworth in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxx. f. 17. cartam Roberti de Stafford: vol. Ixxvi. f. 13. recepta et inquifitiones de terris abbatis de Bordefley, quae fuerunt Galfridi de Beingworpe, 31 Ed. 1. fol. 45. cartam Galfridi de Beniggeworth de terris in Houtes- elva, Tyftio et Pilardinton: fol. 93. inquifitionem de ftatu domus de Bordfleia circa an. 1332. MS. in bibl. Cotton. Nero, C. iii. 11. breve vicecomiti de Gloceftria pro monachis de Bordefley. Martyrologium in ufum monafterii de Bordefley, mf. quondam penes Abrahamum Sellerum, n. 3. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 105. et mf. 2060. p. 34. exccrpta quaedam e cartis huic abbatiae fpedtantibus. Cart, antiq. Q. CE n. 1. Cart. 6 Joan. 11. 49. quod fint quieti de theloneo, paf- fagio, Sic. Cart. 17 Joan. n. 3. Clauf. 4 Hen. 3. m. 11. Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 5 Hen. 3. rot. 5. d. Fin. 9 Hen. 3. m. 7. Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 20. de allartis in forefta de Feckenham : Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 15. de bofeis circa abbatiam : Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 10. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 12. de bofeis infra foreftam de Feckenham: Fin. 14 Hen. 3. m. 7. de cuftodia bofeorum regiorum infra didtam foreftam: Pat. 17 Hen. 3. n. 9. pro hameletto de Holeway parcella de Fecham: Cart. 43 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro eccl. de Terdebrig: Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 8 vel 10. pro teddit. in Bromefgrave, Stratton, Sic. et m. 11. pro libertat. in Tcrdebrigg. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. uft. vel penult. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. de maner. de Holloway. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 5. de porcaria apud Fetcham, et liber- tatibus quamplurimis : Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 vel 27. pro ten. in Bradeley, Stoke, Panfefoot, &c. Ef- caet. Wigorn. 46 Ed. 3. n. 63. de grangia vocat. Shiltewode : Cart. 47 Ed. 3. n. 25. de lib. war. in maner. et grangiis fuis in com. Wigorn. et Warwic. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26 vel 27. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28. pro eccl. de Kynefare appro- prianda : Pat. 1 1 Ric. 2. p. 2: m. 24. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 2 1 * pro viii. acris in forefta de Feckenham. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 25. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 5. m. 22 vel 23. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 40 vel 41. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 27. de vafto juxta foreftam de Feckenham vocat. Lyndenwood imparcando. V. B R E D O N Monastery destroyed. Ethelbald king of Mercia, before the year 716’. gave this town to his kinfman Eanulf (who was grandfather to king OfFa) with intent that he fhould found a mo- naftery here, which he feems to have done and dedicated it to St. Peter. It fubfifted under an abbatr of its own till after the year 841. But before the Conquefts it became part of the poffcf- fions of the bifhoprick of Worcefter, Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 122. cartam Offfe regis Merc, donantis terram de Werfthyll et Coftune, dat. A. D. 780. Ibid, cartam aliam ejul'd. regis * et ejufd. anni de Teottingtun, Sic. P. 123. cartam Bertulfi regis Merc, de libertat. conceffis, dat. A. D. 841. P. 138. a. de viculo Weftun di£to ex dono Aldredi Huicciorum fubregulo : P. 138. a. b. de fElfgithef- cherch, Sic. datis per Offam regem. In Hemingi libro De reddit. eccl. Wigorn. p. 35. car¬ tam Offie regis, de vico didlo Eulangelode huic mo- nafterio conceffo. Lelandi Coiled!, vol. i. p. 51. ejufdemltin. vol. vi. p. 76. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 230. In Nalh’s Worcefterlhire, vol. i. p. 128. of the founda¬ tion and poffeffions of this monaftery. MS. in bibl. Cotton. Nero , E. i. 129. cartas antiquas huic monafterio conceffas. VI. C O K E H I L L". White Nuns. This nunnery is mentioned in the old lift of Religious houfes aferibed to Ger- vafe of Canterbury", and confequently ought to be as ancient as the time of K. Richard 1. But it is faid to have been founded A. D. 1260. by Ifabella countefs of Warwick1, who afterward be¬ came herfelf a nun here. This houfe is faid to have confided of a priorefs and fix1' White1 nuns though their revenues, 2 6 Hen. 8. were found not to exceed 35/. 93. 3d. ■per ann. Dugd. 34/. 153. nd. Speed3, which were granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Nicholas Fortefcue and Catherine his wife whole lineal defeendants now inhabit the ancient priory houfe. p Different from the old monaftery of this name near Peter- burgh, of which fee the Petriburgh hiftorians. q During the time of bifhop Egwine, Mon. Angl. tom. i. P* 137* ' Eanmundus abbas 841. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 143. 1 Heming. ex Domefday, p. 302. 313. 489. t Part of this fecond charter is in Camden, at Bredon. And Stevens hath taken his account of this houfe from Camden, Supplement, vol. i. p. 230. “ This houfe was about one mile fouth weft from Alcefter, as Lcland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 72. near the place where Cookhill Elm is placed in the map of Barlickway hundred, in the laft edition of Dugdale’s Warwickfhire. It is faid in bifhop Booth’s regifter, f. 1 7. to be in the archdeaconry of Hereford. But qtucre. » MS. in Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant, and by others aferibed to a Hen. Sulgra-ve. * Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, p. 389. b. 768. edit. 1730. and Baron, tom. i. p. 227. She might be ftiled foundrefs, as having the patronage of this priory by defeent, or perhaps as reftoring it after it might have been forfaken, or as fhe might be a conli- derable benefadtrefs, but lhe could not be the original foundrefs for in mf. Macro, 12. ii. 18. a. there is the abftrart of a deed of William Beauchamp earl of Warwick confirming to the nuns of Cokehill the gift which Ifabel the countefs his mother, William the erle her brother, and Waleran the erle her grandfather (who died 6 Joan, as Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 71.) made unto them viz. the church of Netelton. y MS. Bened. X So Speed’s catalogue: but faid to be Black nuns in Bodl. mf. * “ Summainde et clara 34/. ij ,. n et anno 1450. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mfT. Dodfworth. vol. xxv. f. 138. cartam R. Hen. 3. de libera warenna: vol. xxxviii. f. 36. excerpta ex chronographo Deuvefiano: vol. Ixxvi. f. 96. indenture faite 5 Ric. 2. entrel’abbe de Evefham et Nichol de Stafford : vol. cv. f. 15. ex regiftro hujus'abbatiae in bibl. Cotton. Ibid. mf. James, vol. xxvii. f. 157. ex chronicis Eve- fhamenfibus. In bibl. Hofp. Lincoln. Lond. mf. B. 100. extracts out of the Leiger Books of this abbey. Cartam laceram Edvard! regis, de terra it Suuelle, in bibl. coll. Armorum Lond. Ip bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 170. p. 76. 190. bullam Alexandri papa:, ut abbas et conventus poffint transferee jus patronatus ecclefise S. Michaelis in Cornehill ad guardianos et fratres gildae artis pan- nariorum in eadem ecclefta, pro annua penftone evir. viii 'd. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 60. f. II. penfionem abbatis de Eovefham : mf. 66. f. 167. cartam R. Will. 2. dat. A. D. 1 100. mf. 638. f. 269. quod eledtus monafterii de Evefham a quocunque epifeopo catholico citra curiam romanam valeat benedici': mf. 7520. n. i. nomina abbatum. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. p. 102. fubmiffionem abbatis et conventus vifitationi dom. archiepifc. Cantuar. A.D. 1236. p. 103. bul¬ lam P. Innocentii inhibitoriam archiepifcopo ne vifitet hanc abbatiam in praejudicium privilegiorum, &c. Extracts of fome deeds of the Beauchamps to this abbey, about the manor of Ambrofley, &c. mf. Macro, 12. ii. 2. a. 18. a. Inquif. capt. temp. R. Elizabeths de pofleffionibus nu- per monafterii de Eovefham, mf. penes rememorato- rem regis in fcaccario. Cart, antiq. II. n. 25. NN. n. 14. PP. n. 57. Fin. Northamt. 10 Ric. 1. n. . de ii. virgat. in Newham Marii. Plac. coram reg. temp. Joan. rot. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Corwelle [Oxon.] relaxat. Alicia: le Gras, falva penftone. Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 5 Hen. 3. rot. 5. de tenements in Gloceftr. Cart. 25 Hen. 3. m. 4. Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro libertat. in forefta de Feckenham: Plac. affif. apud Lancaftr. 30 Hen. 3. rot. 9. pro commun. paftur. in Waleton : Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro lib. war. in Baddeby: Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 3. Plac. coron. 31 Hen. 3. rot. . fenefcailus abbatia verfus abbatem, quare non permittit eum tenere curias de placitis et halimota abbatiae: Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 4. Fin. 2 Ed. 1. m. 14. de maner. de Chedworth perqui- ftto fine licentia regis : Cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 8. pro ma¬ ner. de Beningwo’rth, ex concefT. Will. com. War- wic: Pat. 10 Ed. 1. m. . [bis:] Plac. in com. War- wjm 13 Ed. I. quo war. rot. 1. allocat. libertat. in Saltford, &c. Plac. apud Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 17. de libertat. in Willerfey, Overfweli, &c. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Rec. in fcacc. 31 Ed. 1. Mich, rot. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . prope finem. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. II. et m. 24. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. p. 2. m. 17. pro maner. de Ullebertve.: Pat 5 Ed. 2. p. I- m. 20. de feodo mil. in Afton So- mervile: Pat. 6 Ed. 2.' p. 1. m. 14. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11, de terris in Luttleton : Pat. 8 Eci. 2. » Mon. Angl. tom. i. p> 361s p. I. u This is alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 144- X. WORCESTERSHIRE. p. i. m. rg. p. 2. m. 9. Bat. g Ed. 2. p. 1. in. 2. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p I. m. 24. vel 25. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro ecfl. de Baddeby approprianda; p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. de terris in Pen- wortham, Faringdon, Tallingdon, &c. Pat. ig Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 20 Ed 2. m. 27. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 1. pro hundred, de Blakehurft, mercat. apud Edward- ftow, libertat. in forefta de Feckenham, bofco de Bad¬ deby claudendo et parco ibidem faciendo, pro lib. war. in Ambreflegb, Offenham, Suth Litlington, Midel Lftlington, North Litlington, Honyburn, Hoddeho, Bretforton, Aldinton, Badyfey, Wikewane, Hamp¬ ton, et Beningworth [Wigorn.] Willarfey, Swelle, Bradewell, Donyngton, Stowe, Malgarefbury, Ta- tefthorp, Borghton, ct Clopton [Gloceftr.] Badby et Newenham [Northamt.] Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. de terris in Kingeley: Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 45. pro feria apud Stow S. Edw. [Gloceftr.] Rom. 4 Ed. 3. m. 3. pro eccl. de Ley- lond [Cov. dicec.] approprianda: Efcaet. Gloceftr. 4 vel 24 Ed. 3. n. 54. pro maner. de Mukelton : Brev. reg. 5 Ed. 3* n. 6t. Clauf. 6 Ed. '3. m. 30. et 32 d. de maner. de Yweley [Gloceftr.] 1 atlingtcn et Seinbury: Pat: 8 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 18 vel ig. et m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36 vel 37. et m. 38 vel 39. pro kernellatione domus abbatis ex¬ tra portarn abbatiae: Ibid. p. 2. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3g. pro eccl. de Ombrefley: Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro maner. de Over Sydington ; Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. pro cella de Penwortham: Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14 vel 15. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 11. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 vel ig. p. 2. m. 24. pro eccl. de Mukelton [dicec. Wigorn.] et Meryton [Line, dioec.] appro- priandis: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. pro eccl. de Baddeby approprianda: Cart. 28 Ed. 3. n. 18. prt> mercat. et feria apud Ambrellcy: Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 1 et 2. Pat. 32 Ed. y p. 1. m. 30. pro bofco de Lynholt in Ambrellcy imparcando; p. 2. m. 36. pro ten. in Bengcworth, Norton, be. Pat. 37 Ed: 3. p. 2. m. 49. pro ten. in Hudycote, Bartham, Scyn- bury, be. Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 37. pro maner. de Tydelmcrton, Admifcote, be. p. 2. m 35. pro ten. in Aldgate London: Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 35. pro ten. in warda de Algate London : Rec. in fcacc. 47 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 1. de mefT. et terris in Ley- land: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro maner. de Exford: Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. x. m. 8. pro ccc. acris bofei de Lynholt in Ambrelley includendis, et dc parco ibidem faciendo. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 16. quod ftnt quieti de omni jurifdidtione epifcopali : Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ric. 2. Pafch. rot. 18. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 6. de curia infra hundredum de Barlingtone : Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. Rec. 8 Ric. 2. n. 24. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 32. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 27. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 10. de libertat. infra hundred, de Salomonf- bury: Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 30. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 10. Cart. 21, be. Hen. 6. n. 27. pro catallis felonum, be. in omnibus maneriis infra com, Wigorn. Gloceftr, et Warwic. Rec. jn fcacc. 24 Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 7. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. Cart. 2, &c. Ed. 4. n. 114. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 4. Pat. r6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 18. pro mercat. et ii. feriis in burgo de Stow S. Edwardi [Gloceftr.] Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. . Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 2 vel 3. XI. FLADBURY, olim Fledanbyrig*, or Flandenburch’'. Monastery destroyed. King Ethelred gave this town to Oftforus bifhop of Worcefter, A. D. 691 *. whereupon here was placed a fociety of Religious perfons lubordinate to the church of Worcefter. The next bilhop of Worcefter changed away this place for Stratford upon condi¬ tion that monaftical rules Ihould be ftill kept up here, and that after prince Ethilheard’s death it Ihould revert again to the bifhop and church of Worcefter1, in whofe poffeflion it has fince continued. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. i2i. cartam Egwini epifeopi, de excambio cum Stratford: Vide etiam p. 137. b. In Hemingi libro De terris et reddit. eccl. Wigorn. p. 23. cartam Etheldredi regis donantis Fledanburh Oftforo epifeopo: p. 25. cartam Coenwulfi R. Mer- XII. H E H A N B Monastery destroyed. In a place of founded by Wiglaf king of Mercia. ciorum Deneberhto epife. de Fledanburh : p. 301. et 487, 488, 489, deferiptionem manerii de Fledeberie ad epifeopatum Wigorn. fpectantis, ex libro vocat. Domefday. Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 36. 298. Itin. vol. iv. p. 73. Nalh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. p. 445. I R I, or Hambury \ this name was an ancient monaftery, probably Vide in Hemingi libro de terr. et reddit. eccl. Wigorn. monafterii de Heanbyrg, dat. A. D. 833 c. p. 47. cartam Wiglafi regis Merciorum de privi-legiis XIII. K E . M E S E Y. 1. Monastery destroyed. Here' was a monaftery as old as A. D. 799. which then flou- 1 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 137. Hemingus, &c. r Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 298. ■z. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 137. It Ihould be much older, it Egwin could juftly call this “ antiquum ccenobium,” as in Le¬ ad's Collett, vol. i. p. 198. See it alfo fo called in Spelman s Councils, vol. i. p. aij. and Wilkins, vol. 1. p. 7a. But thofc •words are not in his charter for the foundation of Evelham printed in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p.146. a Appropriated by bilhop Egwin to Evelham, as Leland. Itin. Vol. iv. p. 73. b It is more probable that this was the fituation of this mo¬ naftery, than Henbury in Glocefterfhire, where it was placed in the former editions : for Henbury was given by K. Offa to Worcefter with Weftbury. ' Vide etiam cartam ejufdem regis, mf. Dodfworth. vol.lxxviii. f. 59. et mf. Cotton. Augujtus, A. ii. 8. This charter is dated A. D. 837. and therefore could not be, as it is ftiled in the catalogue, the charter of foundation. rifhed XIII. WORCESTERSHIRE. rifhed under its abbat Balthune, but within lefs than half a century after was united to the church of Worceiterd. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 127. cartam Coenwtilfi Lelandi Colleft. vol. iii. p. 71. rcgis, de terris apud Kymefey et Hereford Balthuno In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 261. f. 107. de conftru&ionc abbati donatis, A. D. 799. Ibid. p. 139. a. de con- ecclefise de Kemefeye. cclTionc hujus monailerii epifc. Denebertho. XIV. KIDDERMINSTER'. Monastery destroyed. King TEchilbalt, A. D. 736. gave to the earl Cyneberht lands upon the river Stour to build a monaltery, which feems to have come afterward to the church of Worcefter. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 121. cartam Ethilbalti R. de hujufmodi donatione. In Hemingi libro, p. 224. concordiam faiftam per Hea- thoredum epifc. Wigorn. cum Oft'ano rege, de mona- fterio act Beathum, et terris set Stratford, Sture, &c. dat. A. D. 781. p. 374. cartam Kenulfi R. de villa de Sture : p. 55. cartam Ethelbaki regis, editam in Monaftico. Nafh’s Worcefterfnire, vol. ii. p. 34. XV. MALVERN MAJOR. Benedictine PRIory. Here, in the great wild foreft, was an hermitage or fome kind of Religious houfe for Seculars before the Conqueft, with fome endowment by the gift of K. Ed¬ ward the ConfelTorh About the year 1083. Aldewine6 the chief of this place was perfuaded by St. Wolftan bilhop of Worcefter to turn Benediftine monk •, upon which he immediately fet about procuring benefactions for the building and maintaining a priory of that order. Giflebert abbat of Weftminfter, with the confent of his convent, aftigned feveral manors and eftates to that pur- pofe at an yearly rent\ whereupon this monaftery was looked upon as a cell1 or at lead lubordi- natek to Weftminfter abbey. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary1, valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 308/. h. 5d. ob. q. per ann. Dugdm. 375/. os. 6d. ob. Speed, and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to William Pinnok. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 365. quredam ex Leland. Colledt. vol. i. et Gulielmo Malmlburienfi, de fun- datione hujus ccenobii : Cartas duas regis Henrici x. recit. et confirm, donationes benefaftorum, ex rot. pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 15. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 876. de fundatione, ex rot. plac. coram rege apud Ebor. 12 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 28. Antiquitates prioratus Majoris Malverne in agro Wic- cienfi, cum cartis originalibus plus minus 100. eafdem illuftrantibus, ex regiftris fedis epifcopalis Wigorn. nunc primum editis cura viri reverendi et in antiqui- tatibus Wigornienfibus verfatiffimi Gulielmi Thomas, Lond. 172s. 8vo. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. praef. p. xxii. abbatis Welt- monaft. dimilhonem maner. de Powick priori et conv. de Malvern ad firmam, quamdiu obedientes et fub- jeCti fuerint matrici ecclefee Weftmonaft. p. 244, 245. Willelmi Burdet donationem totius terra: in Avecote priori et conv. de Malvern ad fundandum ibidem prioratum. Lelandi ColleCt. vol. i. p. 65- In Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. ii. p. 121. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this priory, p. 136. varia in- ftrumcnta de prefentatione priorum : p. 137. teftimo- niale epifcopi Wigorn. fuper exhibitione appropria- a Either by that king himfelf, A. D. 8 r4- (Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 138. b.) or by bilhop Alhun, A. D. 844. Heming. vol. 1. P'=5 The fituation of this monaftery is very uncertain, the char¬ ter mentioning only a parcel of land upon the Stour . in the former edition the learned author conjectured it to have been fituated at Stourbridge, but the late bilhop Littelton, in a let¬ ter to Mr. Wile, (printed in Dr. Nafh’s hiftory of this county, vol ii p -4-) gives probable reafons for placing it in the parilli of Kidderminfter, (which he fuppofes to be a coiruption ot Kynebert-minfter) through which the river Stour panes ; and a rivulet now called Broadwater, which divides kidderminfter from Wolverley, he fuppofes to have been anciently named Ul- Ts’o more than once in the fecond charter of K. Henry 1. Mon Angl. vol. i. p. 366. b. But that it was founded by Vrfo de Abetot before the Conqueft, as the learned and curious author of the Antiquities of this place afterts upon the authority of the nlea roll in Monad, vol. ii. p. 876. may be juftly doubted ; firft, Licrufe of the entire lilence of both charters ol K. Henry 1. in tionum ecclefiarum de Malvernia Majori, Powyke, et Longneye, &c. p. 262. of the manors of Priors- court and Pykefham in Powycke, the impropriate reflory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 269. ordi- nationem vicarias ibidem : p. 344. of the manor of Clifton : p. 398. of tithes in Suckley : p. 400. of the manor of Lullfley: p. 437. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Upton Snodfbury: p. 440. confirmationem appropriationis ejufdem ec- clefiae : vol. i. p. 55. of the church of Bayton. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 228. of the advowfon of the church of Afton-Blank: p. 423. of the manor of Eaft Leach Martine exchanged for the manor of Glafbury : p. 546. of the manor, impropriate re&ory and advowfon of the vicarage of Longney. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. p. 254. cartam prioris et conv. de Mal¬ vern Majore de fubmiffione vifitationi dom. archie- pife. Cantuar. A. D. 1285. An account of Great Malvern priory, of tombs in the church, and arms and pictures in the windows of the fame, mf. in the volume of Mr. Habington’s collec¬ tions formerly in Jefus college library, Oxon. p. q8,&c. Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 32 Hen. 3. rot. 18. d. pro terris in Langenei. which the precedent benefactions are particularly recited •, fe- condly, the name feems very unlike a Saxon name, and molt probably this Vrfo was a Norman, and came over with K. Wil¬ liam the Conqueror, who made him lheriff of Worcefterlhire, and gave him leveral eftates which belonged to the Saxons be¬ fore the Conqueft. g He is exprelly called the founder , and faid to have lived till A. D. 1140. Annal. Wigorn. and Leland. Coileit. vol. i. p. 6j. 280. h Of 24/. 13 j. 4 d. as mf. taxat. Lincoln. * Leland. ColleCt. vol. i. p. 63. k The abbat of Weftminfter always claimed the patronage, and upon that account approved and confirmed the election ot 1. the prior; and at length got this priory wholly exempt horn the jurifdidtion of the bilhop of Worcefter ; but yet this prior Tuid convent adted in the management of their eftates, &c. as an independent corporation. 1 And St. Michael, as Gervafe Cant. mf. m “ Summa clara 307/. 11. 4 d. ob. q.” as mf. \ slot, and Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 30. XV. WORCESTERSHIRE. Pat. 2 Ed. I. m. 8 et g. d. de ten. in Wileby et Sutton: Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 12. de libertat. in maner. de Langeneie, &c. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. I. m. . p. 2. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro terris in Bilefeld et Peterfchirch : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 21. pro eccl. de Powik approprianda : Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. de terris in Hulhampton; p. 2. m. 3. et m. 37. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. n. 12. pro affartis in forefta, una vir- gata terrte in Baldeche, &c. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 25. de terris in Powyk et Bramford. Fin. 10 Ed. 3. m. 6 et 10. de moiendino in Wyktf Epifc. Efcaet. Wigorn. 10 Ed. 3. n. 63. de ponte apud Wike juxta Wigorn. reparanda per priorem : Norm. 20 Ed. 3. m. 18. pro eccl. de Upton, Up- modefbury, et Eft Lech appropriandis: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro ten. in Hereford: Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. pro ten. in Baldenha)e : Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. i» m. 30. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 et 3'. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. XVI. MALVERN MINOR. Benedictine Cell. A Benedi&ine priory, cell to Worcefter, founded A. D. 1171". by two brothers, who were fuccelTively priors here, Joceline and Edred. It was dedicated to St. Gdes % augmented by William Blois, bilhop of Worcefter and other benefaftors, fo that about 26 Hen. 8. here were a prior and fevenP monks, whole income was valued at 98 /. ioi. 9 d. per ann. Dugd. 102/ 10 s. 9 d. ob. Speed. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews and Nicolas Temple. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 545. ubi habetur tantuirt annotatiuncula de fundatore, ex Leland. Colleft. vol. i. Lelandi ColleA. vol. i. p. 65. In Nath’s Worcefterlhire, vol. ii. p. 140. of the foun¬ dation of this priory: p. I4-4- cartas originates illuf- trantes antiquitates prioratus Minoris Malverne . vol. i. p. 374. of the impropriate reeftory and advow- fon of the vicarage of Eldersfield : p. 562. of the fame at Hanley caftle : vol. ii. p. 107. of a manor in Lan- gedon : p. 455. of the. impropriate reaory and ad- vowfon of the vicarage of Welland. In Atkyns’ Glocefterthire, p. 377. of the advowfon of the redfory of Cubberley : p. 691. of the impropriate church of Stoke Giffard. Dugdale’s Warwickthire, p. 609. edit. 1730. of the church of Whatcote. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 353. a little account of this priory, out of a mf. in the hands of Francis Cannings of Foxcote in Warwickfture efquire-, and in the Append, to vol. ii. p. 74. a grant of fome lands belonging to this priory to Henry Rulfel efquire 1 et 2 Phil, et Mar. Cartas nonnullas ad hunc prioratum fpe&antes, in bib!. Harleyana. Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. i. p. 2. m. 3 et 34. de terris in Longadon, Chaddefleigh, &c. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. pro eccl. de Nategrave : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Waticote ap¬ proprianda. XVII. PERSHORE, dim Perfcora. Benedictine Abbey. Ofwald, one of the nephews of Ethelred king of Mercia, is faid to have been the founder of a Religious houfe here A. D. 689’. which confided at firft of Secular clerks then monks, then Seculars again r or nuns5, who were difmiffed by king Eadgar and bilhop Olwald A D 984 from which time it became an abbey of Benedidtine monks, dedicated at firft to the Bleffed Virgin and the apoftles St. Peter and St. Paul', but afterward to St. Eadburgh\ The yearly revenues of it were 643/. 4i. 3 d. Dugd. 6661. 13s. od. Speed*. The fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to William and Francis Sheldon. Fide ir. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 203. quaedam ex Gul. Malmfbur. et Leland. Collett. et Itin. de fundatione et hiftoria hujus ccenobii : P. 204. cartam Eadgari regis : P. 205. literas Galfridi de Camvilla, pro ca- peila S. Nicolai de Kemerford : Ibid, ad p. 208. de- pofitiones fexdecim teftium examinatorum poft coe- nobii combuftionem fuper privilegiis ejufdem. In Heminm libro de terr. et reddit. eccl. Wigorn. p. 49. et dottiffimi editoris prsef. p. cv. &c. obfervationes de cyriefeatis debitis eccl. Perlhorenfi i Ibid, in Ap¬ pend. p. 676. Mr. Grave’s account of an infeription to the honor of Will. Newnton abbat here and foun¬ der, as it feems, of the fouth crofs ifle of the abbey church. In Leland. Collett. vol. i. p. 240, 241, 242. 277, 278. notulas de fundatione, quibufdam abbatibus, tranila- tione S. Eadburgae, &c. vol. iii. p. 160. codices mlT. in bibliotheca. Ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 2. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 176. cartam abbatis de Perfhore de militibus fuis feffatis. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 83. concordiam inter ab- batem de Perfhore et Petrum fil. Roberti de Wika et Willelmum de Goldicot fuper fervitio milit^ri : 1 So Annales Wigorn. in Angl. Sacr. vol. u p. 476- but yet the charter referred to in Heming. p. 5 31. mentions the uniting of the two monafteries of Little Malvern and St. Giles by bilhop Simon temti R. Hen. 1. of which quxre. And alfo of the mona- fterv of St. Giles diltina from Malvern, which I have yet met with no other account of, and believe will appear upon exami¬ nation to be a miftake in the abftraftor. For the monaftery of Little Malvern was, as 1 take it, the fame with that of St. Giles. And this union might probably be nothing more than fome a a made by the bilhop for its dependance on, and fubordmation to? the priory of Worcefter. However, it ought to be obferved that bimop Simon died twenty years before the time commonly afligned for the foundation of this priory ; therefoie qitare, If it was not more ancient. . . o In the lower Ikirt of the eaft window was written, Orate « pro anima Joannis Alcpk epifeopi Wigorn. qui de novo hanc •> ecclefiam fanaorum Dei genetncis, et Egidu, et Joanms « evangeliftte aedificavit 1 Ed. 4-” Mf. Habington, f. 109. p So many fubferibed to the fupremacy Aug. 31. A. D. 1334. Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 260. q Mr. Hearne (Pief. to Hemingus, p. cxi.) very jullly correas the editors of the Monallicon, who falfly tranferibed and printed this date out of Leland, making it to be 604. ' Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 204. ex Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 2. » Leland. Colled. vol. iii. p. 160. t So K. Edgar’s charter, Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 204. u Gervafe of Cant. mf. and often fo Itiled in the records fince the Conqueft ; for the relicks of that faint were tranllated hither from Winchefler by Egelward or Alward-Wada duke or earl of Dorl'etlhire, a nobleman in king Eadgar’s court, who upon placing the monks here was fo great a benefaaor, that he is called the founder of Perfhore by feveral authors. Will. Malmlb. p. . Leland. Collea. vol. i. p. ji. 278. ii. 264. » “ Summa clara 633 /. 13J. nd.” only, in Stevens, vol. i. p. 30. The abbat and twenty Religious fubferibed to the fupre¬ macy. Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 261. — R r r p. 1 16. XVII. WORCESTERSHIRE. t>. 116. conventionem inter abbatem et conventum Rerfone et Willclmum Fabrum, de molend. de Sond- linge: p. 140. abbatis de Perfhore dimiffionem om¬ nium tenementorum in Stockwel infra mailer, de Couleye Nicolao de Pyriton perfonae de Couleye et "Waltero fratri ejus, anno 30 Ed. 3. p. 258. cartam Conftantiae filiae dom. Will, de Lega, de xxt. annui reddit. et cujufdam villani cum tota fequela ad anni- verfarium fuum : p. 272. cartam Chriftoferi Wefter- dale de ann. reddit. xvuid. ad fuftentationem mifl'ae vocat. St. Johny’s Majfe in capella S.- Joannis Bap- tiftae infra monafterium de Perfhore : p. 293. certi- ficat. Simonis epifc. Wigorn. fuper dedicatione eccl. paroch. S. Andrea; de Perfore de novo fabricat. A. D; 1147. Year Books, xviii. 2. Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 200. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 260. 338. the names of fome abbats. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 496. the names of the abbats, from Mr. Willis ; and a leafe of the rec¬ tory of Ekington, 30 Hen. 8. And in the Append, to vol. ii. p. 174. three grants of two mefl'uages in Worcefter, the tithes of alfarts in Harley, and a tene¬ ment in Perfhore, by Henry de Harley: p. 175. com- pofitiorr between the abbats of Weftminfter and Per- . fhore about the tithes of Henry de Harley. In Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. ii. p. 243. of the foun¬ dation and revenues of this abbey: vol. i. p. 7. of the manor and advowfon of the reftory of Abberton : p. 14. of the manor, impropriate reftory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Alderminfter : p. 62. of the lordfhip of Beoly anciently: p. 144. of the manor, impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Broadway: p. 148. ordinationem vicariae ibidem: p. 269. of the advowfon of the reftory of Hill Cromb : p. 369. of the impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Eckington : p. 370. inftrumenta de appropriatione ejufdem ecclefiae: vol. ii. p. 73. of the manor of Leigh and advowfon of the reftory : p.171. of the manor of Mathon : p. 175. appropriationem ecclefiae de Mathon : p. 254. appropriationem eeclefree de Perfhore et ordinationem vicarix : p. 324. of the advowfon of the church of St. Peter’s in Worcefter; p. 437. of lands in Upton, Snodfbury and Cotifdon ; p. 477. of the manor of Yardley. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 242. of tenements in Great Badminton, the impropriate reftory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage: p. 247. of the manor and impropriate church of Little Badminton: p. 372. of the manor of Cowley: p. 391. of lands in Didmar- ton : p. 465. of the manor, impropriate reftory and advowfon of the vicarage of Hawkfbury : p. eye ( the manor of Newnham : p. 794. of lands and tithes in Upton St. Leonard’s. Regiftrum mf. hujus abbatiae, contin. 116. fol. in curl. Augmentation^, A. D. 1721. < Excerpta ex eodem, mf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl 0*rm vol. lxxx. p. 323. ' on" In Afpilogia cl.- Joannis Anftis arm. n. 27c rarf.„ Ofberni fil. Pontii, pro pifcatoria villa: Loneaneia-* et ecelefia ejufdem *. ° c A> In bibliotheca Cottoniana cartam y R. Eadgari A D 972. FitelliuSy D. vn, 18. Privilegium monad. Perl forenfis, quo illud tarn liberum fecit Edgarus rev quam fuit fob R-. Cceoulfo, cum recenfione terrarum A. D. 972. Augujlus , ii. 5/. ’ In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. nj. p , epiftola Galfridi archidiaconi Wigorn; adAlexai drum papam 3, de carta Edgari regis eccleiia; Par" fhorenfi concefla. Cart, antiq. D. 32. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 195. p. 2. n. 18. pro liUertatr in com. Wigorn. et Gloceftr. Fin. 1 Hen. 3. m. 9, to. Clauf. 10 Hen. 3. m. 21. pro foria ibidem: Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 20. pro feria apud Perfore in fefto S. Badburgae : Plac. apud Gloceftr 32 Hen, 3. rot. 22. de terris in Stocwell : Cart. 3c Hen. 3. n. . pro mercat. et feria apud Bradway, &c. Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro mercat. et feria apud Haukelbury [Gloceftr.] Plac. apud Gloceftr. 5, Hen. 3. rot. 38. dorfo: Elcaet. Gloceftr. 54 Hen. 3. n. 58. de gurgite in Sabrina vocat. Hinwarc. Plac. apud Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. rot. 4. d. quod abbas debet reparare pontem de Welford : Ibid. rot. 16. d. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed1. 1. tn. . Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. de terris et fervitiis Joannis de Wacecote : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro eccl; S. Andres ibid, approprianda : Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 25. de libertatibus. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24 vel 25. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25 vel 26. p. 2. m. 35 vel 36. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 48. pro eccl. de Ekyngton : Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 2. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. . ETcaet. Gloceftr. 14 Ric. 2. n. 137. de maner. de Haukelbury: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 12. pro ten. in Harley, Coldwel-l, Walcote. Wyke, &c. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 20. Pat. 31 Hen. 6. p. 2- m. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Ed. 4. Trin. rot. 13. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 16. pro medietat. cujufdam gurgitis in aqua Sa- brinae vocat. Hyncuiare. XVIII. WESTWOOD, near Droitwich. Fontevrauld Nuns. Euflachia de Say, and her fon Ofbert Fit/ Hugh% having given the church with other lands here to the abbey of Font Ehrold or Fontevrauld in France, temp. R. Hen. 2. here was flionly after a fmall priory, dedicated to the blelTed Virgin, for fix* nunsb of the order of Fontevrauld c; whofe revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 78/. 8s. odi. in the whole, and at 75/. 181. 11 d. cleard. The priory and molt of the lands belonging to it were granted, 30 Hen. 8. to John Fakynton. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 574 cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes Euftachiae de Say et Ofberti fil. Hugonis: Tom. ii. p. 868. confirm. R. Joan. P. 975. confirm. R. Hen. 3. Regiftrum hujus prioratus, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. E. lx. 1. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 377. duas cartas de terris in Boicote ; tres cartas de molendino extra Wichium vocat. Middelmulne : p. 378, 379. ofto cartas de terris, tenementis, et redditibus in Pidele, 1 This deed or a copy of it is alfo amongft the reverend Dr. Cox Macro’s mIT. 11. ii. 10. a. rr See Wanley’s catalogue, p. 240 et 158. z He is called, “ Fundator ecclefire B. Marire de Welhvood “ et monialium ibidem Deo fervientium,” in the deed of Wil¬ liam de Stuteville in Stevens’ Append, p. 380. b. * MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. b All the deeds in Stevens' Appendix are made “ Deo et il eccleiia: B. Mariae de W. et monialibus,” or fanftimonia- “ libus,” or “ conventui ibidem and there is no mention of any men here, as there generally were in houfes of this order, except in this note at the top of three deeds, “ N. de Ambr. “ tunc prior acquifivit and perhaps there is a falfe print for prior, or priorijfu. c Of the Benedidinc order, according to Mon. Angl. tom. i- p. 574. and Reyner’s Append, p. 70. But more properly of this order. The Monafticon alfo calls It a cell to Fontevrauld. But qu.ere, for it is not mentioned amongft the alien cells in Reyner’s Append, p. 74, 75. nor was it feifed nor dilfolved as an alien priory ; though probably it might have fome depend- ance on that head houfe of the order. 11 a Stevens, vol. 1. p. 31. The firft fum is the valuation in Speed, the latter in Dugdale, Fftwood, XVIII. WORCESTERSHIRE. EftWbod, Kindone, Willingwich, et Hodington: p. 380. quiet, clamat. Will, de Stotevile et Marga¬ ret* de Say, de una moniali habenda in domo de Weft wood : Cartam Will, de Stutevile, de bofco de Weftwood : Cartas Philippi com. Flandrise et Id* comitiflae Boloni* donantium eccl. S. Nicholai de Wiche: p. 382. 386. quamplurimas alias caftas magna ex parte de terris, fale, et falina in Wiche, ex praedidto regiftr. mf. in bibl. Cotton, et tranfcripto ejufdem penes Ricardum Graves in com. Gloceftr. arm. In Nafti’s Worcefterftiire, vol. i. p. 350. of the founda¬ tion and revenues of this priory : p. 2 j8. of the im¬ propriate church of Cotheridge. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 807. of the impropriate redlory of Wefton. Cart. 13 Ed; 1. p. 2. n. 25. Pat. *8 Ed. m* • Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 40. Fin. div. com. 5 Ed. 3. n. 94. pro Joanna uxore Ric. T albot, de advoc. hujus prio- ratus: Cart. 25, &c. Ed. 3. n. 30; Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 16. pro bulleriis lex plumbarum falis apud Droytwich. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 24. Pat. 34 Hen. 6. m. 15. Pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. • in qua cart* 50 Hen. 3* 25 Ed. 3. et 18 Ric. 2. per Infpex. XIX. W I C T O N near Wych; Austin Canons. About the latter end of the reign of K. Henry r. or the beginning of that of K. Stephen, Peter de Corbezon, alias Studley, founded a priory of canons Auttins in the church of St. Peter here, which fome few years after he thought fit to remove to Studley m V\ ar- wicklhire. \ Vide Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1656. p. 555- et P- 744- edit- I73°- Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 89. XX. WITHINGTON, dim Wudiandun. Monastery destroyed. Ofhere' viceroy, lord lieutenant, or earl of Worcefterfliire, with the confent of K. Ethelred, about the end of the feventh century, gave a parcel of land here to two nuns in order to found a monaftery f, which feems to have continued under three or four abbeffes ti’ll A. D. 774s; and after, but the eftate at length came into the church of Worcefter, and was part of the endowment of the bifhoprick. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. lit. cartam Nothelmi archiepifc. recit. fundationem >' : P. 121. cartam Mil- redi regis • [re&ius epifcopi Huicciortim] de Wudian¬ dun eccl. Wigorm concelf. poft mortem Ethelburgs abbatiftse, dat. A. D. 774; Irl Hemingi libro, p. 464, &c. cartas duas pr*di but fince they are fettled at 944/. 17* 9d- t Olhcrus Wicciorum regulus, Godwin De prafulibus, p. jipo. Dnirri Biron vol. i. p. J- calls him Ofnc earl of Worcefterfliire. DrgMon Angl tomf i. p. .37- Dugd. Baron, vol. 1. p. a. * Mon. Angl. vol. 1. p. !**• 138. . h This is alfo in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. 1. p. 86. ■The exaift Mr. Hearne hath alfo let this plain miftake pafs without animadverfion, edit. Heming. p. 54 et 466. <( it Hence fome of the monadic writers call it in Latin, Mo- « nafterium in Wicgornos caftello,” Homing. 169.. “ Epifco- „ na 9 fed™s Wigornenfis caftri,” Mon. Angl. tom. up. 138- F Annate Wigorrt. in Angl. Sacr. vol ... p. 469. . Mon. Angl. 'This vear or 67Q. as Wharton in his notes, (ibid ) or 678. (as Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. I37-) .feen? to m^re rieht than A. D. 670. where this foundation is placed in He- S. p* «9 as being more confident with the time of the council of Hatfield, where the divifion of this diocefe was de- creed. m Heming. p. 32*. 412. 587. &c. n So Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 140. llerhirig. p. 520. but by others not till A. D. 969. as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 472. Leland* Collect, vol. iii. p. 72. Heming. p. 529. Notwithltanding the pretended charter of Ceolwulf king of Mercia giving Ufere Breodon to the monks here A. D. 875. (Heming. p. 33 r.) I fhall make no doubt but that the placing the change in this church under the year dccclxxi. (in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 120.) is a falfe print for dcccclxxi. ° Ada fan&orum per Bollandum, Sic. ad 29 Feb. p. 953, 954. This church of St. Peter was Handing in S. Wolftan* s time, Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 247* p Heming, p. 418. 522. called “ Monafterium S. Maris in « Cryptis.” Heming, p. 528. q MS. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 30. not “ 1229/. 12/. “ 8 d. ob.’y as in Dugdale’s Monait. tom. i. p. 4045. or 1299/. «« i2j. ob. <1 as Stow. XXI. WORCESTERSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 120. quaedam de funda- tione epifcopatus et fucceffione epifcoporum Wigorn. ex regiftro penes decanum et capitulum : Qu*dam ex chronicis Wigorn. in bibl. Cotton. P. 121, &c. quaedam ex regiftro eccl. Wigorn. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius, A. xin. de Fledanburgh, Wudiandun, Heanbury, Weftbury, et Kymefei antiquis coenobirs tandem cum fuis redditibus eccl. Wigorn conceflis : P. 128, &c. codicillum pofleflionum eccl. Wigorn. poftmodum vi vel fraude ablatarum, per Hemingum monachum compofitum : P. 135. cartam Wolftani epifc. Wigorn. de Alfeftun : P. 136. pertinentia ad minifterium cellerarii Wigorn. P. 137. &c. quaedam de pontificali fede, quando primitus ftatuta fit Wigor- ni*, et de pofleffionibus eidem ecclefiae datis, ex chronico quodam mf. Mariani Scoti, in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Oxon. P, 140. Eadgari regis cartam peramplam, dat. A. D. 964. ex rot. cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 49. Cart. 4 Ed. 4. m. 3. Librum de tetris et redditibus monafterii S. Mari* in Wigorniae civitate ab Hemingo ejufdem monafterii monacho tempore Gulielmi Conq. juffii Wulftani tunc Wigornienfis epifcopi confcriptum, in quo con- tinentur Merciorum regum, epifcoporum Wigornen- fium, aliorumque cart* plus minus 250. Latine et Saxonice vetuftiffim*, nitidiffime editum e codice mf. penes Ric. Graves de Mickleton in agro Gloceftr. arm. ab autograph® Cotton. Tiberius, A. xm. de- fcripto et cum eodem collato per Thomam Hearnium, qui fubnexuit, p. 479, R. Ethelredi cartam de Ofre cum ferie benefadtorum aliquot eccl. Wigorn. [Sax¬ onice] e cod. Cotton. Nero, E. 1 »• p. 483. earn par¬ tem libri de Domefday, qu* ad ecclefiam pertinet Wigornienfem : p. 515. cartularii. Wigornienfis epi- tomen per Patricium Yourtg, e cod. Cotton. Vitellius, p. ix. 2. f. 60. p. 552. cartas RR. Off*, Ethel- baldi, et aliorum regum et epifcoporum, de liberta- tibus et privilegiis eccl. Wigorn. ex eodem cod. Cot¬ ton. p. 569. brevem annotationem omnium epifco¬ porum tarn prtefentis quam veteris eccl. Wigorn. ex cod. Cotton. Caligula, A. x. p. 574. verfus de fun- datore et benefadtoribus eccl. Wigorn. ex eod. cod. Cotton, p. 579. tres catalogos cartarum perveterum ad eccl. Wigorn. fpedlantium e thefauro Hickefiano, In cl. Whartoni Angl. Sacr. tom. i. pr. 469. monachi cujufdam Wigornienfis annales ecclefiae Wigornienfis a prima fundatione ad annum Chrifti 1308. ex cod. Cotton. Caligula, A. x. p. 531. cl. Whartoni conti- nuationem hiftoriae Wigornienfis ecclefiae ab anno 1302 ad 1540. p. 541. Hemingi hiftoriolam de vita S. Wulftani: p. 542. adtafynodi Wigornienfis, A. D. 1092. celebrat* : p.543. compofitionem inter epif- copum et monachos Wigornienfes, de eledtione pri- oris initam A. D. 1224. p. 546. fucceffionem prio- rum ecclefiae Wigorn. per cl. Whartonum. In Angl. Sacr. tom. ii. p. 202, 203. de introdudlione monaehorum in eccl. Wigorn. per Ofwaldum epifco¬ pum: p. 238. Eadmeri epiftolam ad monachos Wi- gomienfes, de eledlione epifcopi circa A. D. 1124. p. 239. Gulielmi Malmfbur. libros tres de vita S. Wulftani epifc. Wigorn. In Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. preface, p. xxxiii. of the bifhoprick and priory. Ibid. vol. i. p. 19. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Alvechurch: p. 49. of the manor of Afton ; p. 96. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Blockley : p. 106. inftrumenta de appropriatiooe ecclefiae et ordinatione vicari* ibi¬ dem: p. 128. of the manor of Bredon and the ad¬ vowfon of the redlory: p. 202. of the manor of Northwick: p. 445. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Fladbury : p. 547. of the fame at Han- bury: p. 568. of the fame at Hartlebury : vol. ii. p. 18. of the manor of Kemfey : p. 66. of the manor of Knightwicke : p. 84. of the lordftiip of Route Lench anciently: p. 135. cirographum inter epifco- pum Wigorn. et comitem Gloceftr. de theloneo de Feyrforde et agiftatione faciend. in forefta de Mal- verne: p. 137. cartam Johannis comitis Moreton de ccc. acris terras aflartandis in bofco epifcopi in forefta de Malverne : cartam Elizabeth* comitiffie Gloceftr et Moreton confirmatoriam : binas cartas epifcopi Wigorn. de cuftodia bofcorum fuorum in chacea de Malvern : p. 295. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Ripple: p. 31 1. of the manor of Wyke. Epifcopi : p. 427. of the manor and advowfon of the rettery of Tredington: p. 433. traditionem manerii de 1 redyngtone ad firmam, 2 Hen. 6. p. 445. 0f the advowfon of the redlory of Upton upon Severn • p. 454. of the manor of Welland: p. 437. 0f manor of Wickenford. Append, p. cxxxv. of the ad¬ vowfon of the redlory of S. Nicholas in Worcefter- belonging to the bilhoprick. Ibid. vol. i. p. 73. of the advowfon of the chapel of Berrow : p. 120. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Bredicot: p. 123. inquif. 53 Ed. 3. et pat. 1 Ric. 2. de manerio et advocatione ecclefi* de Bre¬ dicot et reddit. in Wigorn. p. 129. of the manor of Catfdean : p. 136- of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Broadwas : p. 160. of the impropriate rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Bromfgrove • p. 168. cartas et bullam de appropriatione ejufdem ecdefias et ordinationem vicari* ibidem : p. 202. of a mill at Tapenhall and a filhery at Worcefter- p. 235. of the manor, impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Cleeve-Prior: p. 238. car¬ tam W. de Grey epifc. Wigorn. et bullam Honorii pap* de appropriatione ejufdem ecclefi* : p. 257. of the manor of Cctheridge anciently: p. 271. of the manor, impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Cropthorn: p. 276. inftrumenta de appropri¬ atione ejufdem ecclefi* et ordinatione vicari*: p. 280. of the manor of Crowle : p. 283. cartam Simonis epifcopi Wigorn. de eodem : p. 284. indenturam in¬ ter eundem epifcopum et capitulum fuum de eodem: p. 325. of lands in S. Mary Witton in Droitwich: p. 332. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dodderhill : p. 336. diverfa inftru¬ menta de appropriatione ejufdem ecclefi* et ordina¬ tione vicari*: p. 381. of the lordftiip of Elmeley caftle anciently: p. 393. of the manor of Emload an¬ ciently : p. 470. of the manors of Grimley and Hal¬ low, and of the impropriate redtory of Grimley and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 477. appropriationem ecclefi* de Grimley et ordinationem vicari*: p. 479. of the manor of Hadfor anciently: p. 576. of the ma¬ nor and advowfon of the redlory of Hereforton : p. 578. of the manor, impropriate redfory and advow¬ fon of the vicarage of Himbleton: p. 581. appropria¬ tionem ejufdem ecclefi* et ordinationem. vicari*: vol. ii. p. 1. of the manor and advowfon of the rec¬ tory of Iccomb : p. g. of the manor of Shurnake in Inteburgh : p. 67. of the manor of Doddenham and advowfon of the redlory: p. 89. of the manor, im¬ propriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Linridge: p. 94. quinque cartas Stephani De la Lawe de terris in Knighton, &c. p. 100. cartam Edwardi regis de appropriatione ecclefi* de Lindrugge: ap¬ propriationem ejufdem per epifcopum Hereford, cum confirmatione archiepifc. Cantuar. et Innocentii pap*: p. 101. ordinationem vicari* ibid. p. 102. cartam R. Joannis de libertatibus in maneriis de Lindrugge, Walwardeley, Stoke et Cliva: cartam Henrici 3. de mercato apud Lyndrugg : ejufdem de libera warenna in maneriis de Lindrugg, &c. Radul- phi filii Ofberti de manerio de Penfax et molendino de Newenham : p. 103. tres cartas Aluredi de Pen- hull de tenemento apud Penhull, &c. p. 199. of the lordftiip of Oddingley anciently: p. 231. of the ma¬ nor, impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Overbury: p. 237. appropriationem ejufdem ecclefi* et ordinationem vicari* : p. 241. of the ma¬ nor of Pendoc anciently : p. 270. of the lordfhip of Ribbesford anciently : p. 309. of the manor of La- •wern: p. 312. of the advowfon of the vicarage of St. John’s Bedwardin: p. 313. de tranflatione ecclefi* de Wyke ad capellam S. Joannis: p. 314. inftru- mentum vicari* S. Joannis: p. 316. ordinationem vicari* de Wyke-Epifcopi : p. 317. of the manor of Lippard: p. 318. of the manor of Pirie : p, 325. ot lands. XXI. W Q R C E S lands in Widinton : p. 37.6. of the manor of Baten- hale: p. 327. of the manor of Neweberne: p. 328. of lands in Tymberdine : p. 336. of a mill at Sal warp : p. 340. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Sedgeberrow: p. 379. ot the manor, impropriate rec¬ tory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stoke-prior: p. 383. appropriationem ejufdem ecclefi® et ordina- tionem vicaris : p. 422. of the manor, impropriate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Tibberton : p. 425. appropriationem ejufdem ecclefne et ordina- tionem vicarire: p. 428. of the manor of Shipfton : p. 429. of the manor of Blackwell : p. 435. com- pofitionem inter capitulum Wigorn. et rectorem de Tredyntone de cantaria de Schipftone : p.436. pat. 52 Hen; 3. de mercatu apud Schipftone: p. 458. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Wichenford : p. 469. of the manor, impropriate redtcry and advowfon of the vicarage of Wolverley : p. 475. cartas de donatione ecclefiae de Wlwardele, deque appropriatione ejufdem et ordinatione vicariae • Appendix, p. cxvii. of the advowfon of the redtory of St. Swithin’s in Worcefter: p. cxxiii. of St. An¬ drew’s: p. cxxviii. of St. Clement’s: p. cxli. of St. Martin’s : belonging to the priory. In Atkyns’ Glocefterfhire, p. 275. of the manor of Bi- bury : p. 354. of the manor and advowfon of the redlory of Cleeve : p. 475. of the hundred, manor and advowfon of the vicarage of Henbury: p. 808. of the manor and advowfon of the redtory of Wefton fubedge : p. 845. of the fame at Withington : be¬ longing to the bilhoprick. Ibid. p. 613. of the lordfhip of Colefborn anciently: p. 451. of the manor of Hampton anciently: p. 486. of the manor and redtory of Iccomb : p. 587. of the manor of Notgrove: p. 620. of the manor of Eycot anciently: p. 676. of the impropriate redtory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Old Sodbury : belonging to the priory. In Dugdale’s Warwickfhire, edit. 1730. p. 494. of nir. 1 v d. yearly penfion out of the church of Merton Morehul: p. 496. of another of vir. vm d. out of Newbold Pacy : p. 544. of four yard-lands in Tifoe : p. 617. of the advowfon of the church of Halford: p. 642. of the hundred or liberty of Pathlow: p. 663. of the advowfon of the church of Snitfield : p. 671. of the town and church of Hampton fuper Avon : p. 680. of the advowfon of Stratford fuper Avon : p. 842. of the advowfon of Kynewarton belonging to the bifhop. Ibid. p. 494. of nir. iv d. yearly penfion out of the church of Merton Morehul : p. 496. of another of xx J. out of Newbold Pacy: p. 628. of Tredington, anciently: p. 673. of Alvefton: p. 677, 678. of Lox- ley before the Conqueft, and a penfion of xviiij. af¬ terwards: p. 702 and 958. in the notes, of Shotery, formerly: p. 729. of Bickmerfh : p. 979. of Little Pakington, and the church there : p. 998. of a pen¬ fion of xx s. out of the church of Tamworth, belong¬ ing to the church and convent. Ibid. p. 823. of the advowfon of the church of Claver- don belonging to the archdeacon of Worcefter: p. 824. the names of the archdeacons of Worcefter, from A. D. 1081. to this time. In Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 698. of the church of St. Mary le Strand, and the bifhop of Worcefter’s houfe there. In Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 359. of a chantry founded by Thomas lord Berkeley. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedidt. Append, p. iii. fcript. 83. p 210. cartam regis Eadgari. In Append. Antiquitatum prioratus majoris Malvernia?, Lond. 1725. 8vo. cartas, literas, &c. quamplurimas fuper vilitatione prioratus praedidfae et jurifdidtione epifc. Wigorn. in eandem, necnon fuper maner. de Knightwike concefl'. epifcopo et fuccefloribus pro exemptione didte.prioratus : Ibid. p. 159, &c. cartam inter Godefridum epifc. Wigorn. Gilb. de Clara com. T E R S H I R E. Gloccftr. et Hereford, et Joannem ejus uxorem, de folfato levato in fummitate tnontis Malvern, et de damis annuatim epifcopo deliberandis, dat. 19 Ed. r. Ibid. p. 172. cartam priori etconv. majoris Malvern, confedtam per Wulftanum priorem et conv. Wigorn. de diverlls particuiis terrarum et tericmentorum in Poywike, Branesford, et Leye. Ryleii Plac. Parliam.' p. 244. 336. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1193. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. iv. p. 790. de verbis prtejudicialibus domino regi in bulla papali contends renunciandis per Thomam epifc. Wigorn. A. D. 1337. Ibid. tom. viii. p. 205. pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 7. de exitibus temporalium epifc. Wigorn. vacantis per mortem Tydemanni epifc. refervandis pro hofpitio regis: p. 535. pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 16. licentiam epifc. Wigorn. ad profternendum quercus in forefta de Fekenham ad valorem cc. marc. Ibid, tom. ix. p. 404. rot. Franc. 4 Hen. 5. m. 13. de re- queftu five protedlione pro priore Wigorniae eunte generali concilio apud Conftantiam : Ibid. tom. xv. p. 320. pat. 6 Ed. 6. p. 1. m. 14. de collatione epifcopatuum Wigorniae et Gloceftriae eidem epif¬ copo. In dodtilT. Wilkinfii Concil. tom. i. p. 168. conftitu- tionem in concilio Cloveftioenfi, de paftu reddendo epifc. Wigorn. ex Beccanford, See. A. D. 803. p. 239. cartam Edgari regis, de Ofwaldes Law five ejiciendis clericis et introducendis monachis, A. D. 964'. p. 369. adta fynodi Wigorn. A. D. 1092. de eccl. S. Elen® et S. Wulftani: p. 665. coriftitutiones Wal- teri de Cantilupo epifc. Wigorn. in fynodo, A. D. 1240. promulgatas: p. 677. fefta ferianda in epifeo- patu Wigorn. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 96. compofitionerri inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et priorem et conv. Wi¬ gorn, de jurifdidtione vacante fede epifcopali Wigorn. A. D. 1283. p. 537. petitionem prioris et capituli Wigorn. archiepifc. Cantuar. de jurifdidtione, fede vacante, ipfis committenda, A. D. 1327. p. 571. breve regis Simoni epifc. Wigorn. de penfione fol- venda clerico regis ratione provectionis in epifeopa- tum, et iftius epifeopi refponf. A. D. 1334. p. 654. breve regis epifc. Wigorn. de fynodo dicecefana ha- benda, A. D. 1339. Ibid. tom. iii. p. 201. privilegia concefta priori eccl. Wigorn. per bullas P. P. de¬ mentis 6. et Urbani 5. p. 832. bifhop Latimer’s in¬ junctions to the prior and convent of St. Mary in Worcefter, A. D*. 1537. Ibid. tom. iv. p. 519. arch- bilhop Laud’s orders to be obferved in the cathedral church of Worcefter, A. D. 1635. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 282. de libertatibus conceflis priori et monachis Wigorn. in quatuor maneriis de Lindrugge, Wulwardellega, Stoka, et Clive, 9 Joan, rot. ig. b. JVirceJirefcira. In Willis’ Survey of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 624. an ac¬ count of the cathedral church of Worcefter ; the en¬ dowment of the bifhop, dean, and chapter, and aliena¬ tions from them; with catalogues of the bifhops, deans, archdeacons, and prebendaries; and the names of all the parilhes in this diocefe. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 302. 329. and vol. ii. p. 262. fome account of this church and con¬ vent, and of perfons buried here ; with a catalogue of the priors s, &c. In Le Neve’s Fafti, &c. p. 294, &c. lifts of the bifhops of Worcefter, deans, and archdeacons of Worcefter and Glocefter. In Godwin! libro De praeful. Angl. p. 500. catalogum epifc. Wigorn. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 463. fome account of this conventual church and its priors, from Angl. Sacr. and Mr. Willis : and in the Append, to vol. ii. p. 151. nineteen deeds relating to the manor ofNorth- wike ; the prior’s manor and court at La Berewe ; the manor of Batenhale, with lands at Neweberne and Timberdene ; and a fuit between the bifhop and fheriff of Worcefter about feizures. r This is alfo in Spclman’s Councils, vol. i. p. 43.;. “ de Wigornia.’* * In Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 298. we meet with “ Andr. abbate — S 1 1 The XXI. W O R C E S The Antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcefter, by Thomas Abingdon, Lond. 1723. 8vo. A Survey of the cathedral church of Worcefter, with an account of the biihops thereof from the foundation of the fee to the year 1600. alfo an Appendix of many original papers and records never before print¬ ed, by William Thomas D. D. redfor of St. Nicholas Worcefter, Lond. 1727. 4to. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 26. 34. 51. 119. de inftitu- tione fedis epifcopalis et conftrudtione ecclefiae : p. 122. 128. de primis fundatoribus : p. 345. nomina quorundam epifeoporum : vol. ii. p.261. de quibuf- dam epifeopis : vol. iii. p. 160. codices mlT. olim in bibliotheca: Append, i. p. 299. literas epifeopi Wi- gorn. denuntiantis fententiam excommunicationis in eos qui parcum de Hallow fregerunt. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. iv. p. 71. of the manor place of Alchurch: p. 108. of the cathedral: p. 113. of the manor place of Alchefter: vol. viii. p. 102. fuccef- fionem epifeoporum : p. 105. places belonging to the bifhop: places belonging to the prior: p. 106. in- feriptiones fepulchrales in eccl. Wigorn. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 174. cartam epife. Wi¬ gorn. de feodis et militibus fuis. In perambulatione foreftarum regiarum in com. Somer- fet. apud Adamum de Domerham, p. 187. recenfen- tur qutedam pofleffiones epife. Wigorn. infra bundas foreft. Regiftra, cartas ', &c. penes decanum et capitulum Wigorn. Regiftrum penes Thomam Aftle arm. Librum irrotulatorium et confuetudinarium prioratus B. Mariae de Wigorn. penes eundem. Computum de exitibus maneriorum de Tredington et Flodebur pro anno xi. pontificatus divi Walteri de Cantilupe epife. Wigorn. A. D. 1247. 31 Hen. 3. penes mag. Umfreville A. D. 1747. Cartas nuper penes illuftrilL D. D. Joannem Somers baronum de Evelham u. -Inter codices m(T. bibl. Cotton, regiftrum cartarum collect, per Hemingumw, Tiberius , A. xin. Frag- menta bina regiftri, Nero, E. 1 *. Excerpta ex veteri regiftr. eccl. Wigorn. Julius , F. vi. 1 14. Chronicon Wigornienfc ad A. D. 1308. una cum obituario epif¬ eoporum Wigorn. Verfus de fundatore et benefadto- ribus, et alias annotatiunculas hiftoricas de epifeopis et ecclefia Wigorn. Caligula , A. x. 3. 5. 7. 17. Epi- ftolas inter priorem et monachos Wigorn. et Williel- mum archiepifc. Cantuar. de libera et canonica elec- tione prioris, una cum Edmeri monachi epiftola ad fratres Wigornienfes hortantis eofdem ad concordiam, Claudius, A. 1. 10, II, 12, 13. Colledtanea de mona- fterio Wigorniae, ubi multa occurrunt de benefadto- ribus et epifeopis, Claudius, A. viii. 11. Conftitu- tiones W. de Cantilupo epife. Wigorn. promulgatas in fynodo Wigorn. A. D. 1 240 r. de feftis obfervandis per civit. et dicec. Wigorn. ibid. n. 26. Excerpta ex cartulario eccl. Wigorn. per Patricium Young, et ejufdem cartularii abbreviationem per eundem, Vitel- lius, C. ix. 2. Cartas R. Offae, TEthelbaldi, alio- rumque regum et epifeoporum de libertatibus et pri¬ vileges eccl. Wigorn. ibid. n. 7. Annales de epif¬ eopis Wigorn. Vitellius, C. ix. 17. Donationes ter- rarum eccl. Wigorn. Fefpaf. A. vz. In cartulario archiepifcopatus Cantuar. mf. in bib], Bodl. Oxon. p. 188. compofitionem inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et priorem et conv. Wigorn. de exercitio jurifdidtionis ecclefiafticae tempore vacationis fedis epifcopalis Wigorn. dat. A. D. 1268. MS. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. xxiv. f. 63. pro conventu ecclefiae B. Mariae Wigorn. MS. James ibid. vol. x. p. 50. ex abbreviatione cartu¬ larii Wigorn. per Patricium Young. Statuta ecclefiae cath. Wigorn. prout a rege Carolo ii. explanata corredta et eonfirmata funt, mf. in bibl. 1 See a catalogue of the charters in the archives of Worcefter cathedral A. D. 1643. printed in Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 199. u See an account of them in Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 301, See. w See Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 354, &c. But this is printed y TERSHIRE* publ. Acad. Cantab. E e. ii. 16. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrilfi Cantab, mf. ici, p. 29c et mf. iii. p. 295. cartam R. Edgari: mf. ni.p, /g- cartam confirmationis eccl. Wigorn. per R. Ed'w 2 mf. 120. p. 403. fundationem et incorporationem ecclefi* Wigorn. per R. Hen. 8. anno regni p. 409. ftatuta ejufdem eccl. fadfa 36 Hen, 8. °p 1 -q injunctions given by queen Elizabeth’s vifitors to the dean and chapter: mf. 298. n. 16. de pontificali fed,- quomodo primitus ftatuta fit Wigornise, et de pofief’ fionibus quae a regibus, fubregulis, et bons records" tionis viris date funt ecclefiae Wigornienfi: mf p. 205. cartam dotationis 33 Hen. 8. ’ • Apographa cartarum aliquot pervetuftarum in archivis eccl. Wigorn. mf, in bibl. Harleiana, 4660. Ibid. mf. 60. f. 11. temporalia epife. Wigorn. jn di0c Lond. mf. 66. n. 4. tranferipta cartarum re»um Mer' ciorum, regulorum, epifeoporum Huicciorum &c" ab anno 680. ufque ad TElfredum regem, praefertini ad eccl. Wigorn. fpeftantium : mf. 261. f. 107 de fundatione ecclefiae Wigorn. mf. 31 1. f. 1. analecta ex libro Hemingi : mf. 464. t. 46. obituarium vetulhmi eccl. Wigorn. ex cod. Bodlciano tranferiptum : f. I22 account of kings, prelates, See. reprefented in the glafs windows of the cathedral church of Worcefter and of the inferiptions belonging to them : mf. 6748) f. 11. cartam R. Ric. 1. De antiquis pojjljjionibus, jurilus, & c. epifeopatus ICi- gornienfts. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 151. pro libertat. in maner, de Hertlebury, Heanbur}, &c. Cart. .16 Joan. m. - n. 38. pro feria apud Stratford [Warvvic.J in vigilja, die, et craftino fefti S. Frinitatis : Clauf. 16 Joan! m. 7. Clauf. 6 Hen. 3. m. 15. pro eftov. in bofeo de Han- bury: Fin. 8 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro feria apud Stratford in vigilia, die, et craft, fefti S. Auguftini, et apud Blockele, et pro mercat. apud Alwithe Cherche : Cart. 24 Hen. 3. m, 4. pro feria in fefto Exalt. S. Crucis apud Stratford : Plac. apud Weftm. 27 Hen. 3. rot. 12. de maner. de Upton: Cart. 32 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro libertat. in Blockley: Plac. in com. Gloceftr. 32 Hen. 3. rot. 24. de terris in Radewyke : Rot. Vafcon. 38 Hen. 3. p. 2- m. 2 et 12. Cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 6. Pat. 42 Hen. 3. m. 35. Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro feria apud Stratford in vigilia, die, et craftino Afcenfionis : Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro fe- riis apud Stratford, in vigilia, die, et craftino S. Tri- nitatis, et Blockle, et mercat. apud Alwith Cherch : Pat. 55 Hen. 3. n. 4. pro licentia kernellandi domos epifcopales infra claufum Wigorn. et infra maner. de Widendon. Clauf. 1 Ed. 1. m. 10. d. Pat. 11 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Warwic. 13 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 1 . d. et rot. 3. d. de libertat. et return, brev. in hundred, de Pathe- low, &c. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 38. pro feria apud Blockley : Plac. apud Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. quo war. rot. 18. de libertat. rot. 28. d. quod epifeopus debet reparare pontem de Radewyle : Cart. 17 Ed. 1. n. 5. pro iii. carucat. terrae apud Wafthull in paroch. de Alvechirch, et mefT. cum iii. carucat. apud Coketon [War.] Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 32. de compofitione cum Gilberto de Clare fuper foffato levato in fummitate montis Malverniae, pro qua con- ceflione idem comes dedit duos damos in vigilia Af- fumptionis B. Maris, et duas damas in vigilia Nat. Domini e forefta de Malvern deliberandos epifeopoet fuccefToribus annuatim in manerio fuo de Kemefey: Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Affif. in com. Wigorn. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 2. de terris in Hertelbury: Plac. in com. Mid- dlefex. 22 Ed. 1. rot. 36. de libertat. in le Strond: Fin. 30 Ed. 1. m. 14. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2 m. 6. pro placea terra et venella in paroch. S. Mariae atte Strond, London, contiguis manfo epife. ex dono Nic. de Kertling: Cart. 2 Ed, 2. by Mr. Heame, and fome other of thefe ruff. with it. * See Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 329, y Printed in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p. 66j, &c. 1 Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 24 !• n. 22. XXI. WORCESTERSHIRE. n. 22. pro libertatibus ; et n. 24. pro mercat. die Jovis, et pro feria per xv. dies in fefto S. Petri et S. Pauii apud Stratford [War.] Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . d. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 25. recit. cartam R. Ead- gari: Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 1. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. rri. 4. [bis :] Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. ult. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. de melT. in paroch. S. Mariae at Strond, Lond. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 36. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 10. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. 14, 15. 22. p. 2. m. 7. 9. et 17. Clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 25. de duobus darriis et duabus damis fingulis an- nis e chacea de Malvern: Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 22. de Peter-pence folvendis a tenentibus maner. de Berk¬ ley ; m. 23. de reddit. e maner. de Yale, Abbinton Lerewick, &c. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. x. m. 3. de maner. de Alton. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. 17 vel 18. de terris in North- wike conceit'. Ofberto Spelly, et de terris ibidem et in Kemefey conceff. priori et conv. Wigorn. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de terris in Bredon : Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. tn. 17 vel i8. p. 3. m. xo. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30 vel 33. Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 48. de feodo mil. in Inteberg, quod epifcopus Hereford tenet de epifc. Wigorn. pro ucxiv. acris afl'artis, et pro deaffore- ftate a bofci de Fladbury: Pat. g Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. et m. 8 vel g. Ibid. p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. pro maner. de Cranle Syward : Clauf. 10 Ed. 3. m. 21. de terris in Old Stratford : Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . ef p. 2. m. 33. [bis:] Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. Inquif. ad quod damnum Warwic. 13 Ed. 3. n. 12. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 47. de ballivatu hundred, de Patbelow [War.] Clauf. 47 Ed. 3. m. 22. de cuftodia de Bifhopfwode in forefta de Malvern. * Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 3. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 15. pro terris in Wicke Epifc. Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 10. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 17. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. de xiv. melT. Sic. in Throgmorton, pareella maner. de Fladbury, conced. Joanni Throgmorton in feodo: Ibid. m. 10. confirm, perampl. libertatum. Rec. in fcacc. 10 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 4. Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 24. Cart. 21, &c. Hen. 6. n. 14. pro bonis felonum, &c. Rec. in fcacc. lit Hen. 6. Hill. rot. 25. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . pro maner. de Ewingelade. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 3. Rec. in fcacc. 38 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 51. Pat. 1 Ed. 6. p. 2. m. . pro maner. de Grimley et Hal¬ low [Wigorn.] Henwick et Woodhall [. . .] domo infra prioratum fratrifm Carmel, London, advoc. eccl. de Newington [Surr.] et S. Mariae Vintry [Lond.] in excambio pro maner. de Bifhop Stoke et Henbury [Gloceftr.] ten. in le Strond et advoc. eccl. S. Ma¬ ria: in le Strond: Pat. 3 Ed. 6. p. 3. [10 Jul.] pro maner. et advoc. de Richards Caftle, Holgate, Rufh- bury, et Long Stanton [Heref. et Salop.] in confid. excambii inter epifc. et Joannem com. Warwic. Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ed. 6. Pafch. rot. 9. de diverfis ma- neriis conceftis epifc. Wigorn. in excambio : Pat. 6 Ed. 6. p. 7. [10 Dec.] pro maner. de Alchurch, Hallow, Brockley, &c. Pat. 5 et 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 2. [14 Nov.] pro advoc. eccl. de . . . De antijuis pojpjfwnibus , juribus, bfc. ecclefics catbedralis Wigorn. Cart, antiq. D. 27, 28. 43. Cart. 9 Joannis, m. 7. n. 70. de libertat. in IV. maner. fcil. de Londruge, Wulverdifeye Stokes et Cliva : Fin. g Joan. m. 9. pro eifdem libertatibus : Plac. apud Weftm. 13 Joan. Hill. rot. 17. de terris in Cliva, Knuterton, et Hereforton datis Will, de Rupe. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 3 vel 4. pro mercat. apud Lond- rugge die Mercurii : Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro com- mUnia pafturae in Haverton : Pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Cart. 39 Hen. 3. m. 5. Pat. 42 Hen. 3. m. . Pat. 1 Ed. 1. n. 10. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 28. d. pro ten. in Burafton: Pat. ioEd. 1. m. 10. Pat. xgEd. 1. m. 1. Pat. 20 Ed. r. m. . [bis.:] Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. . rat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 27. de bofeo de Monkwood in Grimely includendo et parco faciendo : Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 25. et 27. de libertatibus : Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. de maner. de Quinzehides; m. 6. pro terris in Kidderminfter ; et m. 13. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. de maner. de Kidderminfter; et m. 25. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 4. pro eccl. de Ty- berton approprianda : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. pro meff". et terris in Wellandley, Sic. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 15. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 18. pro ten. in Northwyke; et m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de iv. feodis militum parcell. maner. de Batenhale: Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 23. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 23. quaere : Pat. 8 Ed. 3 p. 1. m. . p. 2. m. 33. pro eccl. de Doderhill : Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 49. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 22. de maner. de Batenhale: Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 17. pro eccl. de Wolverdale approprianda: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. pro faciendo fale in villa de Wiche: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 35. pro eccl. de Overbury, cum capellis : Pat. ig Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 24 vel 25. confirm, excambii in¬ ter ecclefiam et Adam, de Stiventon, de terris in Alnefton : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. pro eccl. de Cropthorn approprianda : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2 vel 12. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 33. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17 vel 18. de ten. in lato vico Wigorn. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. Efcaet. War. 44 Ed. 3. n. 4. de maner. de Stratford fuper Avon. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 3. p. 6. m. ult. vel penult. Brev. reg. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. n. 5. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 36. pro maner. de Bradicote: Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro eccl. de Stoke Prior et Hamelton appropriandis : Cart. 14 Ric. 2. n. 10. pro mercat. apud Shepefton die Sabbathi : Cart. 15, &c. Ric. 2. n. 2. pro lib. war. in maneriis fuis de Lyndrugg, Newenham, Mora, Penfer, Bradewas, Grimell, Hallowe, Wedehall, Hynewyke, Herdewyke, Cropthorn, Netherthorne, Seggeburgh, Overbury* Tedyngton, Clyve, Blakewell, Shepefton, Iccomb’ Godefton [Wigorn.] Alnefton [War.] Boreifton [Salop.] et de cuftodia bofeorum fuorum infra fo- reftas de Feckenham et Kynefare per proprios foref- tarios : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 16. quod nullus deferat clavam infra cimiterium vel fanctuariuni prioratus, nifi in pnefentia regis vel liberorum ejus, et quod nullus minifter civitatis pried i Are intromittat fefe intra prx- mifta : Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. r. m. 23. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 20. Par. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 32. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 28* 29, vel 30. Rec. in fcacc. 2 Hen. 5. Pafch. rot. pro terris in Old Sobby [Gloceftr. J Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 18 vel ig. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6 et 13. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 6. m. 23. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. Eat- 33 Hen. 8. p. 5. m. . [Jan. 24.] pro dotatione de¬ cani et capituli. Paf 1 Ed. 6. p. 8. m. . [22 Maii] pro rectoriis de Kemefey, Lenchwik, Sic . in confideratione maner. de Grimly et Hallow, Hinwick et Woodhall. * deaffordtatione ? 1 Whiston, XXI. WORCESTERSHIRE. 1. Whiston, or Wytest ane b, Nunnery. A priory of feven' or eight Whited nuns, in the north' part of the city of Worcefter, faid to be founded by a bifhop of Worcefter f. The fite of their houfe, and the donations which had been made to them, were confirmed by the prior and convent of Worcefter A. D. 12558. It was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 53/ 3 j. d. per ann. Dugd. 56/. 3 s. 7 d. Speed; and granted, 35 Hen. 8. to one Richard Cailowhill. Vide in Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. p. 209. of the Pat. 1 Ed. 1. m. 6. d. de terris in Alton Epifcopi: Pat. foundation and endowment of this priory: p. 49. of 29 Ed. i.m. . lands in Alton, the impropriate reiftory and advow- Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. u Vel fon of the vicarage : p. 21 1. diverfa inftrumenta de 12. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Pat. 46 Ed. 3. eleflione prioriflarum: p. 212. cartam Johannas Tal- p. 2. m. 14. bot de mefliiagio et terris inNorthwyke: p. 222. pat. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 30. pro mefl". in Wigorn. Ibid. 16 Ed. 4. de annua penfione x/. ex exitibus de com. p. 2. m. 22. pro eccl. de Wefton fuper Avon appro- Wigorn. appropriationem ecclefire de Wefton. prianda. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. 1 Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. , 3. St. Oswald’s Hospital. In the northh fuburb of this city, was an hofpital, which was dedicated to St. Ofwald, and, as one afierts', founded by bifhop Ofwald himfelf. It was certainly in beino before A. D. 1268 k. for a mafter1 and . . . poor brethren, whofe income was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 14/. 147. 4 d. per ann. inthewholem, and 13/. 147. 4 dn. clear; and, upon a new valuation 4 Ed. 6. at 15I. 18 s°. It was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to the dean and chapter of Wor¬ cefter, and was demolifhed in the reign of queen Elizabeth; but after the Reftoration, bilhop Fell rebuilt it in a fumptuous manner, and recovered many of its poflcffions, and it ftill maintains twelve poor men. Vide in Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. i. p. 224. of the Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. foundation and revenues of this hofpital : p. 226. in- Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 10. de tetris in North Wyke. ftrumenta de nominatione diverforum cuftodum hujus Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 1 vel 2. hofpitalis. 4. St. Wolstan’s Hospital. An ancient p hofpital s built on the fouth eaftr part of this cityj to the honor of St. Wolftan ’, fometime bifhop there, for the maintenance of two chaplains', five 'poor men, two poor women, &cu. It was in the patronage of the bilhop of Worcefter; was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 79/. 12 s. 6d. per ann'". in grofs, 63/. 187. 10 d. clear1; and granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Moryfine, who exchanging it again with that king, it became part of the endowment of the cathedral church of Chrift in Oxford. Vide in Nafh’s Worcefterfhire, vol. ii. p. 329. of the foundation and revenues of this hofpital : vol. i. p. 154. of lands in Bromefgrove: p. 281. of a manor in Crowle: p. 584. of lands in Hindlip : p. 591. of the impropriate redtory of Hodington. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 109. Cartas quafdam originales ad hofpitale S. Wolftani per- tinentes in pyxide ab Antonio Wood Academiae Oxon. legata in mufeo Afhmol. Excerpta e cards huic hofpitali fpedtantibus penes Chri- ftoph. dom. Hatton, in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2044. f. 7. Cartas et munimenta ad hoc hofpitale fpedlantia, in the- faurario aedis Chrifti Oxon. Clauf. 30 Hen. 3. m. 2. de bofco de Huggileg. Fin. div. com. 4 Ed. 1. n. 53. de reddit. vm. carucat. foeni, VIII. cafeorum, iv. quarter, frumenti, &c. e maner. de Queinhil et Wavton [Gloceftr.] etBoter- ley [Heref.] Pat. 29 Ed. I. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 29. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 26. et p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro medietat. maner. de Pirie et ten. in Northwike. r bLACk Friers. In the north part of the city was the houfe of the Black or Preaching friers of the foundation of the Beauchamps of PowikeL It was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to the bailives and citizens of Worcefter. b Whilejlan, as Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. « MS. Bened. • d Reciftr. Car. Booth epifc. Hereford, et mi. btow. <■ On the north fide of the cemetery of St. Ofwald in the north fuburb of Worcefter. Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. f Stow. mf. By Walter de Cantilupe, Nadi s Worcefter- Ihire, vol. i. p. 209. . s Annaies Wigorn. in anno, in Angl. Sacr. vol. 1. p. 494. But perhaps this houfe might be as early as the Conqueft 5 for Will of Malmlbury, fpeaking of St. Wulftan s parents, in Angl. Sicr vol. ii. p. 245- faith, “ Pater apud Wigqrmam monachi t. habitum, mater in eadem urbe fanftimonialis fufcepit velum. Now we meet with no nunnery here but this. t> Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. 1 Davids’ mf. Stow, k Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 227. _ 1 “ Magiftcr hofpitalis S. Ofwaldi Wigorn. Taxat. Lincoln, ao Ed. 1. mf. Founded by bifhop Ofwald, tor a chaplain, mafter, and four poor brethren, as Davies’ mf. Stow. But Le¬ land faith, it was firft eredted for monks infedted with leproiy, afterwards changed into an hofpital, confifting of a mafter, fel- lows, and poor folks, but of later times it was turned into a free chapel. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. m MS. Sancroft.. n Dugdale, Speed. o MS. Stow. p It was in being A. D. 1221. as Annaies Wigorn. A. D. 1268. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 227. and Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. P* 389* q <* Preceptor hofpitalis S. Wlftani.’* Taxat. Line. mf. u Si- “ tus prxeeptorise five priqratus S. Wolftani Wigorn.” Pat. 32 Hen. 8. and Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 109. faith, “ Some call “ it a commandery.” In the Worcefter annals, A. D. 1298. Walter, who then died, is faid to have been the firft preceptor of this hofpital ; but in Habington’s mf. collections Peter Le Frenfch is ltiled preceptor, 20 Ed. 1. or A. D. 1291. r In the fuburb without Sudbury gate, as Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 109. who there adds, (t Some fay it was of the foundation « of a queen.” One Carter merchant of Worcefter gave ot late times lands unto it, and thereby renewed the old foundation. . Dr. Nath faith it was founded by St. Wolftan himlelf, Hitt, of Worcefterfttire, vol. ii. p. 329. 1 By the certificate of biftiop Wittlefey A. D. 1337. it appears that the chaplains then followed the rule of St. Auftin. Ibid. “ Sancroft’s mf. Valor. 4 » Ibidem. * Dugd. Speed. 7 Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 108. By William Beauchamp, as XXr. WORCESTERSHIRE. r.de Leland. Itin vol. iv. p. :o8. prsdicatorum. Kot. Gales, 21 Ed. 3. m. 14. pro quadam placca infra Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 30. muros vocat. BelaJJcs conced. pro fitu domus Fratrum Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 9. pro manfo clargando. it t Friers. ! Without St. Martin’s gate, in a low marfh, was the place of the Grey triers, or the foundation of the earles of Warwick2,” before A. D. 1268 a. This houfe, after its fuppreflion, was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to the bailiffs and citizens of Worcefter. Fide Nafli’s Worcefterlhire, vol. ii. Append, p. cli. Annales Wigorn. in anno 1289. Angl, Sacr. vol. i. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro manfo elargando, Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . . 7- Friers de Poenitentia. A convent of friers de pcenitentia Jefu made a fettlement here in the latter end of the reign of king Henry 3. Vide cart. 56 Hen. 3. n. 47. pro via quadam ad amplificandam placeam fuam. 8. Trinitarian Friers. In the parifli of St. Nicholas, towards the bottom of the Angel lane, between that and Broadftreet, was a Religious houfe belonging to the friers of the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of Captives. Vide Nafli’s Worcefterlhire, vol. ii. Append, cxxxix. For Alnecester and Wotton Wawen placed in this county ly Mr. Speed, fee above in War¬ wickshire. For Halesowen fee in Shropshire. For Penwortham fee in Lancashire. For Clive fee in Glocestershire. For Stourbridge fee Kidderminster in this county. YORKSHIRE. I. ALLERTON MALLE VERER', in the deanry of Boroughbridge and archdeaconry of Richmond. Alien Priory. An alien priory to the abbey of Marmonftier at Tours in France, to which the church of St. Martin here was given by Richard Malleverer, and confirmed to them by K. Henry 2. After the diffolution of thefe foreign cells, K. Henry 6. gave this to King’s college in Cambridge. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 599. confirmationem donationis Ricardi Malleverer per R. Hen. 2. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. i. p. 358. et vol. viii. p. 358. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 258. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . rex, pro bono fervitio Ro- berti Olbern unius cleric, de Signeto, dedit ei prio- ratum de Allerton Malleverer [Ebor.] pro termino vite, valoris iv/. xm s. ivd. per ann. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 18. de concelT. coll. Regali Cantab. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 23. II. NORTH ALLERTON, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland, hut under the jurijdiciion of the church of Durham. 1. St. James’ Hospital. Nearb this town was an hofpital dedicated to St. James, founded, as it is faid, by Hugh Pufarc' bifhop of Durham temp. Hen. 2. vel Ric. 1. About the time of the diffolution here were a mafter, three chaplains, four brethren, two fillers, and nine poor perfons, Davies* mf. Stow ; by Sir John Beaucbampy as another mf. would hold any where but in an houfe of their own order. Stow. Of a new chapel to be built on the north fide of the -» Prynnc, vol. iii. p. 1021. choir of this friery for the burial of Sir John Beauchamp, A. D. b A mile from it on the eaft fide. Leland.- Itin. vol. i. p. 70. 1475. fee Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 766. edit. 1 730. and c So Godwin De pnefulibus ; but in the reprifes upon the p. 571. edit. 1656. valuation, the chaplains are faid to be appointed to pray for the z Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 109. . . . foul of Philip bifliop of Durham, who was fuccefTor to Hugh a Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 227.- and in all probability fiill fufar; and though in Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 723. Pufar’s found - earlier ; for in the fear 1266. there was a general chapter of the ing the hofpital at Shirburn, and his buildings here at Alvertcn Triers Minors at Worcefter, which it is not likely that they are mentioned, yet nothing is faid of this hofpital. — T 1 1 whofe • II. YORKSHIRE. \vhofe revenues were then valued at 58/. 10 s. 10 d. per ann. in the whole d, and 56/. 2 s. 2 J clearly”. It was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Moryfine, but being afterwards exchanged for other lands, it became part of the endowment of Chrift Church in Oxford. Fide in cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. i. p. 358. et in cl. Galei Append, ad Regiftr. honor, de Rich¬ mond, p. no. biillam P. Gregorii, de proteftione hofpitalis, cum ecclefiis de Otirinton et Toruntuh in Via. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 123. ejufdemltin. vol. i. p. 70. In regiftro Alexandri Nevile archiepifc. Ebor. f. 93. de vifitatione hujus hofpitalis A. D. 1379. Cart. 10 Joan. n. io, confirm* terrarum, See, Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Ottrinton: Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 3. de prote&ione. Pari. 8 Ed. 2. m. 2. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. con¬ firm. hujus hofpitalis, capellanorum, fratrilm et foro- rum, pauperum et infirmorum ejufdem, cujus collatio pertinet ad epife. Dunelm. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 6. pro duobus mefiuagiis et xt. acris terrx in Thymylby. 2. Maison Dieu. Richard de Moore draper of North Allerton founded an hofpital of this name, A. D. 1476. for thirteen poor people, men or women f. It is yet in being, but fome of its poffdfions having been long alienated, there are only four perfons in it, who have every one about 40 s. yearly f. The earl of Carlifle is patron, and nominates the poor people to it. Vide cartam fundationis penes magiftrum Jacobum Wade de Romanby. 3. Austin Friers. William de Alverton gave the Auftin friers eight acres of ground in this town to build them a church and habitation thereon 14 Ed. 3 s. Fide pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. 4. White Friers. On the eaft fide of the town was an houfe of Carmelite or White friers founded by Thomas Hatfield h bilhop of Durham about the year 1354- and dedicated to St. Mary. It was furrendered December 20, 1539. by the warden and nine brethren, and granted . A Fide Godwinum De prxfulibus Anglix, in vita Thomx Hatfield. III. NUN APPLETON k, in the deanry of Aynfty and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. ClSTERTiAN Nuns. A Ciftertian nunnery founded by Adeliz or Alice de S. Quintino in the latter part of the reign of king Stephen1, and commended to the patronage of St. Mary and St. John the apoftle and evangelift. Herein were a priorefs and thirteen or fourteen nuns'", who had for their maintenance lands and rents rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 73 1. gs. 10 d. per ann. Dugd. 83/. $s. 9 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Robert Darknall. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 907. cartam fundationis: P. 908. confirmationem T. archiepifc. Cantuaf. Cart. Roberti fil. Roberti fil. Fulconis, confirm, do- nationes Alicix matris fix : Conventionem inter Ric. de Fauconberg, et prioriflam et conv. de Apel- ton de terra de Southwood, 29 Ed. 1. P. 909. cyro- graphum inter Ricardum fil. Philippi de Fauconberg, de ii. partibus maner. de Suboys: Cart. 6 Joan. n. 52. confirm, donatorum concefiiones : P. 910. injunc- tiones archiepifc. Ebor. faitas prioriflx et conventui A. D. 1489. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 281. a grant of fome privileges. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 384. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 276. Cartas, computos, rentalia, &c. penes . . . dom. Fairfax de eadem. Inter colle£t. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. apo- grapha cartarum plus minus quadraginta ineditarum ad hunc prioratum fpeiftantium, in vol. viii. f. 99. 101, 102. 139. 141. 152 — 164. 287. vol. ix. p. 335. vdl. xlix. p. 48. out of the eheft of Nun Appleton in St. Maries Tower York: vol. lxxxix. f. 74. de terris in Imingham et Roxton : p. 80. de terris in Keteby, ex rotulo hundred. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. Cart, antiq. T. n. 25. Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. lig. A. n. 147. de pratO in Ege- burgh : Cart. 33 Heh. 3. m. 3. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 2. Plac. de quo war. in com. Line. 9 Ed. r. rot. 8. de fe£ba ad wapentach. de Bradele : Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 1 et 2. pro ecCl. de Miningham, Ryder, Codenham, &c. pro terris et reddit. in Appleton, Acaftre, Ornington, Colton, Stineton, Copgate, Skeldergate in Ebor. Ellerton, BeVerlaco, Egburgh, &c. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. de meiT. in civit. EboE IV. ARDEN", Erden °, or Harden, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Clyveland. Benedictine Nuns. A nunnery of the Benedidline order, eredled here by Peter de Hoton, about A. D. 1150. to the honor of St. Andrew. About the time of the difiolution herein were Copies of the rolls in the editor’s hands. c Dugdale and Speed. Ex informatione amiciflimi Rogeri Gale, g MS. Stow. h “ King Edward 3. and bifhop Hatfield.” Speedi- * Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 279. k Near York, as T. G. p. 236. In the Bolton Percy, as Burton. I Qfbert the archdeacon of York, one of the witnefles to the foundation charter by Alice S. Quintin widow of Rob. fil. Ful¬ conis, before fhe married again to Euftace de Merch. m MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. Twelve nuns enjoyed pen- fioris in A. D. 1553. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 280; n A mile from Thirlk, T. G. p. 230. o Taxat. Lincoln, and in the records* nine IV. YORK SHIRE. nineP Religious, who were but meanly endowed, their whole income being rated only at ill. os. 6d.perann. Dugd. 13/. ys. 4 d. Speed. 20/. is. 4 d. mf. Valorp. It was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas Culpeper. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 500. cartas Rogeri de Moubray, confirm, donationem Petri de Hoton ; ElizabetHae dominae de Hoton, confirm. donationem et recit. divifas territorii et fitus domus, 18 Ed. 5. P. 501. cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 9. n. 6s. confirm, ya¬ rns donationes ; et finalem concordiam, 46 Hen. 3. de mefiiiagio et tribus carucatis terra in Erdene. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 90. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xci. f. 172. ex quodam antiquo pergameno indorfato, the- foun¬ dation of the abbey of Ardetn. In mufco Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. iv. concordiam inter abbatem et monachos de Beghland ac priorifl'atn et moniales de Arden. Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 17. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 17. Fin. Ebor. 47 Hen. 3. n. 73. de meff, et iii. carucatis in Erdene. I* * V. ARTHINGTON', in the deanry of Anfty and archdeaconry of Wert; Riding. Benedictine Nuns. Peter de Ardington, in the latter end of the reign of king Stephen *, or beginning of that of king Henry 2. eredted here a fmall priory of Cluniac1 or Benedidtineu nuns to the honor of the Virgin Mary". Herein were, about the time of the difiolution, ten Religious1, but their yearly income was valued only at 1 1 /. 8/. 4 d. oh. Dugd. 19/. Speed. This monaftery was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Thomas Cranmer archbithop of Canterbury, in exchange. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 690. art award made 28 Hen. 6. between John Arthington and the priorefs and convent: P. 691. cartas Warini fil. Geraldi regis camerarii et Will, de Curcy regis dapiferi, confirm, donationem Aliciie de Romeli, de medietat. terra de Helthwait et commun. paftur. in bofco de Swynedone. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 520. the grants (in Engliih) of Ralph the fon of Hamel Pouill of lands in Pouil ; of Anicia Stubhufe, of the homage and fer- vice of Richard of Stubhufe; and alfo Ifaac of Stub¬ hufe her native with all his family and chattels, and the lands he held of her; of John Clerk of half an acre in Wyverdelay; and of Henry Stubhus of lands in Stubhus. The Latin originals of which ate ill the hands of Cyril Arthington of Arthington efquire. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 88. In m(T. Dodfworth. vol. viii. f. 114. cartam Roberti de Infula, pro quarterio frumenti annuatim e manerio fuo de Harewode, 6 Ed. 3. f. 317. de penfione vir. viii d. archiepifc. Ebor. ex eccl. paroch. de Malteby, quam habuerunt priorifta et moniales in proprios ufus. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 35. de commun. paftur. in Wirdeley. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. pro eccl. de Malteby prope Doncafter approprianda. VI. NETHER AULCASTER', or Acafter, in the pariflo of Stillingfleet and county of the city of York. College. A college for a provoft and two or three fellows, one of whom was to teach fchool, was founded here by Robert Stillington2 about A. D. , . . It was dedicated to St. Andrew”, valued, 26 Hen. 8. 3133/. lot. 4 dh. in the whole, and at 2 7/. 131. 4 dc. per ann. clearly, and the next year at 33/. 81. nd. ob. clearly J, and was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to John Hulfe and William Pend red. Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 80. from Dodf-. worth, vol. cxXiX. f. 161. A£t of Parliament . . Ric, 3'. n. 12. for the provoft and fellows of Nether Acafter in Yorklhire to enjoy forty acres of land, on part of which their college was built. Vll. B A G B Y, in the deanry of Bulmer, and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Hospital. Here was, about the year 1200. an hofpital for lick and poor perfons, which fi-emed to be dependent on the hofpital of St. Peter or St. Leonard at York; to which houfe Gun- dreda the wife of Nigell de Albini had given, feveral years before, four oxgangs of land in this town. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 369. 394, 395. Inter mif. colledt. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 17. ubi, in carta Willelmi de Buggeden de nonis travis in p p In coll. Ben. Cantab. q The cart, i Joan. p. 2. m. 16. n. 16. is by fome referred to this, priory, whereas that is a. grant “ Abbati et canonicis S. Marine de Arden,” of feveral lands near Caen in Normandy. r Two miles from Harard bridge, T. G. p. 230. 3 As near as can be guefied, his grandfon being alive A. D. 1186. as Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 506. and Alice de Romeli (who founded Bolton A. D. 1 15 1.) being alfo a benefa&refs here, t So the Monaft. « So Dodfworth, 131. w Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 644. x Elizabeth Hall laft priorefs and nine nuns enjoyed penfions A. D. 1553. as Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 265. y Or Oufe-caftre near Brihop’s Thorpe, T. G. p. 230. r' Baggcbi, memoratur hofpitalis infirmorum juxta Bag- gebi, temp. S. decani et H. thefaufarii eccl. cath. Ebor. z So Dodfworth. But Speed faith, by Robert of Leicefler. a So Dodfworth. and rot. Primit. But Speed faith, “ To St.. “ Mary and St. John Baptift.” b Rot. Primit. and Sancroft’s mf. Valor. c Viz. “ Pnepofito xii/. et duobus confociis xv/. xiiir. ivj.” Rot. Primit. and mf. Sancroft. The provoft and two fellows had penfions A. D. 15.53. Willis’ Hill, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 265. d Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 80. e In Buck’s life of king Richard 3. it is faid that “ He found- “ ed a college in York, convenient for the entertainment of one “ hundred priefts.” I take this to be the college thereby meant, but know no reafon to fay he founded it, unlefs he gave this land. VIII. BASEDALE. VIII. YORKSHIRE. VIII. BASEDALE, Iloton, Hutton, or Nun Thorp, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Clyveland. CISTERTIAN Nuns. A fmall Ciftertian nunnery, founded hrft at Hoton by Ralph de Nevi!lf about A. D. 1162. Afterward the nuns were at Thorp e, and toward the latter part of the time of kinrr Henry 2. by the benefadion of Guido de Bovingcourt, they fettled at Bafedale, in the parifn of Stokefley, which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, had a priorefs and nine or ten Re- lio-ious whole income was rated, 26 Hen. 8. but at 20 1. is. 4 d. per aim. Dugd. 21 /. i9s. 4■ Or par/oiu. Thcfe were the berefcllarii referred to in the Ordinances and accounts of this church. They gave a bear for The chancellorfhip at 13/. 1 6s. o d. The pre- 18/. 3t. 8 d. The redlors choral had lands in efides a penfion of 61. 13 s. 4 d. to every one of oj. o d. ob. per ann. and a falary of 8 1. to every vere granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Michael Stanhope and redditibus, &c. hujus eccl. collegiate compofitum per Simonem Ruffe!, A. D. 1416. Ibid. vol. lxxiv. f. 14. indenturam qua vicarii chorales Beverlac. obligant fe ad celebrand. perpetuum obituale dom. Alianorae Percy, A. D. 1336. f. 44. obligationem feptem per- fonarum in choro eccl. coll. Beverl. ad celebrandum pro anima Henrici nuper dom. Vefcy, 21 Mart. A. D. 1473. vol. Ixxvi. f. 147. cartam de confortio oratio- num et eleemof. inter conventum Beverlacenfem et Bridlingtonenfem. Statuta et cartularium hujus eccl. S. Joan. Beverlac. mf. in bibl. coll. Univ. Oxon. F. 1. Regiftrum penes Franc. Thorp unum baronum fcacca- rii tempore ufurpationis Cromwellian*. Cartas quamplurimas ad hanc ecclefiam collegiatam fpeftantes, penes Joannem Warburton arm. Somer- fet herald. A. D. 1725. Libertates ecclefise S. Joannis Beverlacenfis a regibus et princibus Anglorum, &c. largiter collatas, quas Aluredus pnenominatae ecclefiae facrifta feripto com- mendavit, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 560. n. 2. et mf. in bibl. Cotton, Otho , C. xvt. Regiftrum Curiae S. Joannis Beverlacenfis, mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 4292. MS. Baker in bibl. publ. Acad. Cantab, vol. xxxiif. p. 471. lift of provofts, &c. of this church. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 298. n. n. de fundatione abbatite Beverlacenfis. Vitam S. Joannis Beverlac. necnon hiftoriam funda- tionis, dotationis, et reedificationum eccl. collegiate in honorem ejufdem, cum catalogis praepofitorum Beverl. et archie^ifcoporum Ebor. feript. A. D. 1375. autore incerto, mf. Fin. Ebor. 9 Joan. Mich. rot. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Hanftiam: Fin. Ebor. 15 Joan. rot. . de eadem ad- vocatione. Pat. 1 8 Hen. 3. m. 9. de auxilio a militibus et liberis tenentibus ecclefiae faciendo praepofito, pro debitis fuis adquietandis : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. Vafcon. 26 Hen. 3. m. 10. de maner. de Swenton, ex dono their common feal. Dodfworth’s mfT. vol. lxxiv. f. 144. Vide Cowell in Bercfellarii, w Taxatio ecclefise Beverlac. 20 Ed. 1. “ Praebenda S. Mar- “ tini valet xlv /. Praeb. S. Jacobi xxvi /. Praeb. S. Andre* “xxvii/. Praeb. S. Stephani xxv/. Praeb. S. Michaelis xvii/. “Praeb. S. Petri xxv/. Prasb. S. Maria; xvi /. Portio dom. “ Caroli de Bellomonte x. marc. Communia eccl. Beverlac. “ qu* confiftit in vitfualibua c. marc. Portio cancellarii x.. “ marc. Portio facriftarii xii /. Portio cantoris x. marc. Summa “ cclxxix/. xiiij. i \ d” Taxat. Lincoln, mf. — U u u Patricii XII. YORKSHIRE. Patrick de Chaurcis : Cart. 46 Hen. 3. m. 5. de libertatibus. Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de lib. war. in Dalton: Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 59. pro lib. war. in Le- vene et Willcinton : Plac. coram reg. 12 Ed. 1. Pafch. rot. 16. Ibid. 17 Ed. t. Pafch. rot. 36. Cart. 25 Ed. 1. n. 10. Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 2. pro xl. libriS annuatirh recipiendis e fcaccario regis apud Berwick: Rec. in fcacc. 25 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. . Plac. coram reg. 2 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. 64. 68. Inquif. Ebor. 3 Ed. 2. n. 78. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 52. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. de travis S. Joannis in Holder- nefs : Clauf. 5 Ed. 2. m. 21. d. de eifderii : Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 45. pro lib. war. in South Dalton, North Burton, Middleton, Lokington, Walkinton, Levene, Welwik, Wilketon, Rollon, Firmer, Rydyngs, et Sygglefham [Ebor.] et pro feria apud Sygglelham : In baga de quo war. Ebor. rot. 32. d. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1 . m. 9. pro terris, &c. affignatis cuftodi fabric® : Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 25. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. de thravis e qualibet caruca in Holdernefs : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16 vel 17. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 22. de fabric® Cuftode ; et m. 33. de canta- •ria: Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. de libertat. in villis de Seton, Siglefliam, Moulwyke Magna et Parva : Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. de eccl. de Welwick approprianda ; p. 2. m. 34. de terns in Refteby; p. 3. m. 37. pro prcebenda alta- ns S. Mari® : Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 43. de pra. benda ad altare S. Katherinae : Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p 2" m. 30. de ftatu prspolitur® examinando et con i gendo: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. de praebenda S~ Martini. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 8. per Infpex recit. cartas R R Edwardi Conf. et Will. Conq. lingua Saxonica' pat" 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 4. 44. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m, ' et m. 22. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6 et 8. Rec. i„ fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 18. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 5 et 6. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p r m. 30. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 29 de cantana S. Anns: Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 5. pro can- taria ad altare S. Catharins. Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 5. pro returnis brevium, catallis felonum, &c. Cart. 3 et 4 Hen. 5. n. 15. Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. Efcaet. Ebor. 6 Hen. 6 n. 27. de officio pincerns hsreditaris in Jo. Hum- bleton : Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 25. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 7. de cantaria ad altare S. Trinitatis fundat". per Willelmurh Tirwhit mil. Ibid, p, 4, m. . de libertatibus: Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 12. de cantar. S. Joannis et S. Catherinae: Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. i- m. 4. Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 6. de cantaria Ste- phani Wilton. Pat. 11 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 9. 2. Knights Hospitalers. Sibylla de Valoniis gave, A.D. 1201*. to the Knights Hofpi- talars of St. John of Jerufalem the manor of the Hoiy Trinity y, on the eaft fide2 of this town with other tenements, and the manor of North Burton, &c. whereupon a preceptory of that order was fixed here, which had lands belonging to it, 26 Hen. 8. valued at 164/. ioj. o d. per ann. as Dugdale, 167/. ior. od. as Speed, 21 il. 10 s. 7 d. as Le Neve’s mf. Valor. The fite was granted to William Barkeley 36 Hen. 8. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 49. vol. vii. p. 44. 276. 279. 284. 288. 293. cartas quinquaginta plus Inter colledl. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. viii. p. 27. minus ineditas de terris, &c. in comitat. Ebor. perti. 83. 93. 118. 177 — 192. 211. 215. 217. 244, 245. nentibus hofpitali S. Joannis Jerufalem. 3. St. Giles’ Hospital. “ A hofpital dedicated to St. Giles, founded by one Wulfe, as is “ thought, before the Conqueft, belonging to the archbifhop of York, till archbifhop Giffard in- “ tituled it to Wartre priory2.” He fubjedted the matter and brethren of this hofpital to the go¬ vernment of that prior and convent A. D. 1277. who maintained here at the time of the diffolu- tion five poor people. The yearly income of this hofpital was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 8/. per ann. The fite of it, with the free chapel thereunto adjoining, was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas earl of Rutland. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 172. b. fit p. 177. a. ordinationem Walteri Giffard fuper hoc hofpitale, quod fit fub regimine canonicorum de Wartre, dat. 4 Kal. 061. A. D. 1277. In rotulo majori Walteri de Gray archiepifc. Ebor. n. 29. cartam pro deciuys affarti vocat. Stoking in territorio de Skiteby. Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 39. de unione iftius hofpitalis con- ventui de Wartre. 4. ST. Nicholas’ Hospital. “ An hofpital dedicated to St. Nicholas by the Black friers, “ now decayed b.” It was as ancient as A. D. 1286'. when the archbifhop of York granted an indulgence alfo for the fupport of itd. Ic continued till the time of king Henry 8. when, in the general valuation of ecclefiaftical benefices, anno regni 2 6. its yearly revenue was rated at 5/. 14L 6 d. in the whole, and 6 s. 6d. Clearly e. Vide pat. 28 Ed. 3. p, 1. m. 3 et 4. Pat. 2*Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 46. 5. Trinity Hospital. “ Trinity hofpital yet fiandeth in the heart of the town. Some “ fay, one Ake founded it f.” 6. Hospital. “ There is an hofpital yet Handing without the north Bargate, of the founda- * Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 548. a. ... y This was different from the hofpital of the H. Trinity in this town. z Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 49. a Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 48. b Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 49. c The nunnery of Watton was in this neighbourhood ; and if Jacobus magifter S.'Nicolai, who is witnefs to fome of the charters of that hotife, was mafter of this hofpital, it muft have been much older. t a Regiftr. Jo. Romani archiepifc. e Efton hath “ Hofp. S. Mich, in Beverley 5/. os. 1 od. f Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 49- 16 non XII. YORKSHIRE. “ ofSufl^ and H°Sekin °verfhaI- As 1 '■emember there is an image • /irt^L^CK ^RIERS‘ "H1® houfe of Black friers in this town occurs as early as A. D 1211 It a^atThoh;;eFofter.fOUnded * * ’ * 1 G°ld“* Th‘ granted, 36 Hen. jXpb/e Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 48. vol. vii. p. 44. Pat. 5 Ed. a. p. ,. m. 10 Vel nea8r toJhawf of Vr’ p'fVilliam L^eton and Henry Wighton gave. A; D. 1297!. fome ground n ' nro S 1 E ^ a thg Fran,Clfcan fners’ whercor‘ 10 build them an houfe, which fall- nefr LakeSd fe r/emovei1 , 10 mother houk given them by Sir John Hotham of Scot burgle near Lakenfield knt . temp. Ed. 4. 1 his houie was granted to Thomas Culpeper 32 Hen. 8. & Leland’Tltin. voU? p!48.Vvol.I'V?i'. ^44. ^ Ed' 3' P- 2‘ m' 20, pro manfo clarSando* XIII. BOLTON1, in Craven, &c. 1. Austin Canons. A. D. 1x20. William Mefchines and Cecilia de Romeli his wife founded at Emmefey in this county, a monaftery for canons Regular of the order of St. Auftin, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary and St Cuthbert, which was about thirty years after mandated to Bolton by their daughter Adel.za or Alice de Romeli. This priory was valued, 26 Hen 8 at 302/. 9s 3 d.per ann m. in the whole, and 212/. 3s. 4 d\ clearly ; and the fite of it was wanted 33 Hen. 8. to Henry earl of Cumberland. t>“LCU> Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 100. memorandum de fundatione ; Cartam fundationis prioratus de Emme¬ fey: Cartam Cecilia: de Romeli, de villa de Kild- wick : P. 101. cartas Will. fil. Dunecani nepotis regis Scotia:, pro eccl. de Broftone ; Adeliza; de Rumelli, pro maner. de Bolton in excambio pro Stret- tun et Skipton; R. Hen. 2. confirm, diftum excam- bum 1 Adelizas de Romelli, de divifis de Emmcley : P. 102. cartas Henrici de Traches et Aijeliza: de Rumelio, pro villa de Rildwick et foca molendim : Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. confirm, et recit. donato- rum conceffiones: P. 103. appropriationes ecclefia- rum de Skipton et Kildwick, per Turftinum archie- pifc Ebor. P. 104. appropriationem eccl. de Prefton, per Henricum archiepifc. Clameum prioris de Hun- tendon fuper fubjedtione domus de Bolton, et abfolu- tionem prioris de Bolton, de iftiufmodi fubjeftione per delegates P. Celeftini 3. Cartam prioris et conv. de Bolton fadfam dom. Joanni de Infula fuper cantaria fex capellanorum in eccl. de Harwode vel vix. capel- lanorum in ecclefia fua de Bolton, 26 Ed. 3. In Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 115, &c. an ac¬ count of the foundation and revenues of this priory; catalogue of the ptiors; perfons buried there; churches given to the priory; computum hujus prioratus a fefto S. Michaelis, 1324. ad idem feftum 1325. Prynnc’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1110. pat. 33 Ed. r. p. r. m. 11. de pardonatione fuper appropr. eccl. de Carle- ton in Craven fine licentia regia. In Regiftro honor, de Richmond, p. 59. de terris in Crakehdwe et Wodhus. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 348. cartam Wil- Jielmi Vavafior, de carucata terra: et dimid. in Je- dona : p. 349. de redditibus e terris in Over Yedon : Cartam Alani de Wintworth, pro terra de Wynte- wrthe. In regiftro Corbridge archiepifc. Ebor. f. 1 ordinationem vicariae de Prefton, A. D, 1303. fuper appropriatione ejufd. eccl. priori et conv. de Bolton : In regiftro Grenfield archiepifc. p. i. f. 87. pronunciationem luper appropriationibus ecclefiarum huic prioratui : In regiftro Thorefby archiepifc. . . de appropriatione eccl. de Harwood, A. D. 1353. In bib!. Bodl. Oxon. m(F. Dodfworth. vol. viii. f. 1? 14. 20. 23, 24, 25. 28. 71. 148. 210. 216, 217.221. cartas viginti ineditas pertin. huic prioratui : Ibid, vol. ‘X. f. 219, &o. cartas quinque alias ineditas: vol. Ixxvi. f. 44. vol. xcii. f. 89. ex rentali redditus anflualis rtionaft. S. Mariae de Bolton fadto A. D. I34°- Per Rob. de Horton priorem : vol. Ixxxii. f. 127. concordiam originalem inter priorem de Bol¬ ton et abbatetn de Kirkftal fuper moras de Rawden et Stafford : vol. cxiv. f. 94. affifam inter archiepifc. Cantuar. et priorem de Bolton, 21 Ed. 1. vol. cxxv. f. 144* of the. occafion of the foundation of this pri¬ ory: vol. cxltv. f. 1, See. ex cartulario prioratus de Bolton penes Will. Ingleby de Ripley arm A D t 'u34' In b,bl. Harleiana, mf. 530. f. 124. note ' concerning the foundation of the monaftery of Bolton. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. . pro iii. bovatis terra: in Emme- fey: kin. Ebor. 7 Joan. n. . de terris in Yedon. kin. Ebor. 3 1 Hen. 3. n. 54. 72. pro advoc. eccl. de Prefton Clauf. 9 Hen. 3. m. 24. pro ii. bovatis terrse, xn. acris bofei et 1. molendino in Wigdene et Brandon: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot 17 pro ten. in Killinghec : Fin. Ebor. 39 Hen 3 pro advoc. eccl. de Brodfon : Cart. 41 Hen. 3. In. pro lib war. in Bolton, Kildwyke, Feedes, Rodin’gs, Ormefey, Eftby, Marcum, Wykedon, Brandon, Wentworth, Strete, et Rythers : Fin. Ebor. 47 Hen 2 n. 76. de advoc. eccl. de Kythely. ‘-5’ Efcaet. Ebor 3 Ed. 1. n. 67. Plac. de quo war. apud Bbor. 8 Ed. 1. rot 3. pro lib. chacia apud Bolton- hath. See. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 27. d pro fecta molendini in Farnhull : Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m ‘ Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. ult. Fin. Ebor. 27 Ed. 1 n 68 pro terris in Ryther: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . pro maner.' de Apeltrewykes : Pat 29 Ed. r. m. . Pat. 32 Ed 1 m. . et prope finem rotuli : Cart. 33 Ed. 1 n a-" 48 Si- Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. . Bagam de quo wtr! temp. Ed. 1. rot. 31. d. allocat. lib. war. in omnibus manerns. Pat; I Fd. 2. p. 1. m. 2. et 6. de terris in Ottringham Holmeton, Penfthorp, Sec. Fin. Ebor. 3 Ed. 2. n ■ cn’ pro terns in Holintoru, Penftorp, &c. in Holdernefs : ? Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 49. h Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 48. * » Stow’s mf. Collect. . k Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 48. Mr. Speed makes one John de Ilightemede to have been founder of the Francifcans ; and tells us of an houfe of Auftin friers in this town founded by William Liketon, Henry Wighton and John Hotham, A. D. 1287. But I find no good account of any friers here but Dominicans and “S^vclt £ ^umberland faid they weTfoun" I Four miles from Skipton, T. G. p. 2,o. m Stevens, vol. i. p. 28. * J " Stevens and Dugdale. Ibid. XIII. YORK SHIRE. Ibid. 4 Ed. 2. n. 109 et 136. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. in. 16. de maner. de Apeltrewick concefl'o per Jac. Efton: Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 27. pro lib. war. in Apel¬ trewick: Efcaet. Ebor. 8 Ed. 2. poll mortem Rogeri et Rob. Clifford: Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 19 et 23. Fin. 10 Ed. 2. m. 3. in cedula de terris in Holmeton, Peningfthorp, &c. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. ni. 15 vel 16. Pat. II Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1. pro terris in Wykethofp: Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. 7 et 16. de terris in Scothorp. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32 vel 33. Cart. 2 Ed. 3. n. 88. pro feria apud Apeltrewyk: Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. J vel 2. p. 3. m. 15. pro advoc. eccl. de Harwood: Efcaet. Ebor. 26 Ed. 3. n. 33. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3, m. 13. pro terris in Harwood: Clauf. 26 Ed. 3. m. 3. indentur. cum Joanne Lille fuper appropriatione eccl. de Harwood : Clauf. 27 Ed. 3. tn. 26. pro xliv. melT. mxcv. acris terrs, &c, in Harwood pro can^ taria in Harwood vel Bolton fundanda per Joannem Lille : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 15. Rec. in fcacc. 45 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. n. pro molendino in Harwood. 2. White Friers. “ Here was an houfe of Carmelite friers founded by the earl of Albe¬ rs marie, or, as others, by lord Gray of Codnor,” faith Mr. Speed. But he is certainly miftaken in making thefe Mendicants to have been endowed with 102 /. 9 J. 3 d. per ami. Vde Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 54. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . XIV. BRACEFORE*. Hospital. On the rolls is mentioned an hofpital in Yorkfhire, dedicated to St. Helen, called Braceford Spittle0; which I know not where to place, nor have I met with any other mention of. XV. MONK B R E T T O N, or Lunda, in the deanry of Doncafter and archdeaconry of York. Cluniac Priory. Here Adam Fitz Swain, pretty early in the reign of K. Henry 2P. found¬ ed a monaftery of the Cluniac order to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene. It was at firft made fubordinate to the priory of St. John at Pontfraft, who had, till the difiblution, from this houfe a fmall yearly acknowledgment in money. The revenues belonging to the prior and monks of Bretton amounted 26 Hen. 8. to 23 9/s. 3/. 6 d . per ann. Dugd. and 323/. 8j. 2 d. Speed'. The fite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to William Blithman. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 652, &c. ordinationcm fuper controverfia inter domus de Bretton et de Pon- tefrafto fadam A.D. 1269. P. 660. cartam Ads fil. Suani, de prima fundatione monafterii de Lunda : Epiftolam G. prioris de Caritate Ade filio Suani fun- datori: Bullam P: Alexandri : P. 661. cartas Joan- nis de Novo Mercato, de maner. de Alverthwayt, A.D. 1239. Thomas de Burgo et Sarrs uxoris : P. 662. cartas Adas de Munbegon et Matildis fponfs ejus; Galfridi de Nevil et Mabilix uxoris ejus, con¬ firm. donationes Ads fil. Suani; Rogeri de Monte- begonis, de forefta de Holecumb in com. Lancaftrix : P. 663. cartas Joannis Malherbe, confirm, medietat. de Carleton et Rorefton ; Adx fil. Suani, de prioratu Monk Bretton fubjiciendo eccl. S. Joannis de Pon- tefradf : Bullam papx Urbani, confirm, fundationem et donationes, A.D. 1186. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 91. In Prynni Recordor. vol. iii. p. 123- et p. 1215. in bund. brev. 50 Hen. 3. et 4 Ed. 1. de controverfiis inter conventus de Pontefrafto et Bretton. Inter collect. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. in vol. viii. p. 210.. 214. 224. 229. 232. 243* 249. 256. 262. et 275. et in vol. ix. f. 257. habentur quadraginta quatuor carts de terris ad hunc priora- tum fpectantibus, haftenus inedits : Ibid. vol. lxi. f. 92. vol. Ixii. f. 49. vol. cxiii. fi 103. vol. cxiv. f. 29. vol. cxvi. f. 29. vol. cl i. f. 4. vol. civ. f. 25. excerpta ex cartulario hujus prioratus olim in cuftodia doin. Francifci Wortley mil. et bar. A.D. 1638. Ibid, vol. cxlvii. f. 76. vol. civ. f. 61. excerpta ex cartu- lario hujus prioratus in cuftodia Thoms Holcroft de Vale Royal mil. A.D. 1614. et penes Willelmum Ayrmine mil. A.D. 1634 *• Ibid. vol. clix. f. 34- cartas de fundatione, &c. In bibl. Cotton, mf. Claudius , A. viii. 19. excerpta ex cartulario. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. 29. 39, 40. grant of the advowfon of the church of Dcrtone, and licence to appropre the fame. Regiftrum penes Joannem Wentworth de Wolley arm. Libellum continentem cartas, &c. domus S. Maris Magdalens de Bretton [Ebor. dioc.] manu propria Roberti Glover, mf. in bibl. officii Armorum. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. 119. de terris in Newehall. Fin. Ebor. lig. C. 10 Hen. 3. n. 144. de quatuor bo- vatis terrs et dimid. in Newehalle. Fin. Ebor. lig. C. 15 Ed. 1. n. 59. pro maner. de Bretton: Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 58. de eftoveriis pro tenentibus fuis in bofco de Weftwood. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. I. m. I. pro advoc. eccl. de Hoton Roberti : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. pro eccl. de Hoton approprianda : Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro advoc. eccl. de Boulton in Dernheth perquirenda : Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. pro terris in Grafebrook : Fin. Ebor. 12 Ed. 2. lig. C. de mefti et lx. acris terrs in Ackworth: Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 3. de eifdem in Ackworth: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 20. pro terris in Mekefworth, &c. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. de terris in Bolton, Bil- lingley, Wirkefworth, &c. Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 20. d. de terris in Grefbrook et Ro- derham : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 22. pro advoc. eccl. de Bolton fuper Dime; et p. 2. m. 2oet24- de terris in Story Efton [Somerfet.] Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p- 3- m' • Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 29. pro ecci. de Hikilton ap¬ proprianda: Cart. 43, &c. Ed. 3. n. 8. pro lib. war. in Munk Breton, Carleton, Erdefley, Mekefberg, et Brampton juxta Walls: Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. de reddit. in Penifton, Thurlefton, &c. ° Pat. 13 Ric. 2. tn . Pat. i Hen. 4. p. 1. m. . p In the third year of K. Henry 2. The founder appears to have been a confiderable baron of this kingdom: and Oibert the archdeacon, who was one of the witnefles, doth not occur alter A.D. 1160. In the firft edition this foundation is by miftake p’acedA.D. 1186. when pope Urban confirmed it: but it was confirmed alfo by archbifhop Roger, who was made archbilhop D. 1154. and died A. D. 1181. . 1 “ Summa clara 229/. 3 s. 6d.’ Stevens, vol. u p. 27* . ■ The prior and thirteen monks fubfcnbed the fiirrendeh le rnet’s Hiftory of the Reformation, vol. 1. 'G 1 This book came afterwards into the hands of Millington t V ftioneer, whofe executors fold it to Walter Clavel efquue, 10 had it A. D. 1709. pat_ XV. YORKSHIRE Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 3. pro terris in Coleworth : Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ult. vel penult, pro eccl. de Hekelton : Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 33. pro terris in Erdifley, Derfield, Wombwell, See. Rec in fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 13. de terris in Rotherharn. Fin. et recuperat. in com. Derb. 9 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 402. de terris in Bcghton. Rot. Parliam. 3 Hen. 7. n. 7. XVI. BREYDEFORD'. Hospital. In the Lincoln taxation made A. D. 1291. among the temporalties of Religious houfes valued in the eaft riding, there is “ Hofpitale de Breydeford habet apud Breydeford “ ivl. VII s.” XVII. BROUGHTON, near Malton, in the deanry of Rydale and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, eredted by Euftace Fitz Johnu the founder of Malton and Alnwick monafteries, who died 1 Hen. 2 w. It was in the king’s gift. Vide pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 23. XVIII. B R U N N U M*, Brunner, Nun Burnham2, Nun Bornholm1, Nunver- holm b, in the deanry of Harthill. Benedictine Nuns. The anceftors of Roger de Merley lord of Morpeth', who flourilhed temp. Hen. 3. were accounted founders of the little Benediftine nunnery here, wherein, not long before the diffolution, were eight Religious, and yet their yearly income was valued but at 81. is. nd. as Dugdale, and 10/. 31. 3d. as Speed. The fite was granted to Thomas earl of Rutland and Robert Tyrwhit 33 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 498. efcaet. Ebor. 38 In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 67. Hen. 3. n. 42. ■ cart. 2 Ed. 3. XIX. BURLINGTON, or Bridlington, olim Brellinton, or Berlintona, in the deanry of Dykering, and archdeaconry of Ealt Riding. Austin Canons. Walter de Gant, pretty early d in the reign of king Henry 1. founded here a priory of Black canons, which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary c. It was endowed at the diffolution with yearly revenues amounting to 547/. 6 s. n d. ob. Dugd. 682/. 13 s. yd. Speed. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 161. cartam fundationis: P. 162. cartas duas Gilberti de Gaunt com. Lincoln. Cartam R. Hen. 1. donatorum conceffiones recitan- tem et confirmantem. P. 163. cartas R. Stephani, de portu de Bridlington; R. Hen. 2. confirm, dona- tiones : P. 164. cartas joannis fil. Joannis de Harp- ham, de medietat. eccl. deTwenge; R. fil. Hernifii, pro eccl. de Gaufla ; Waited de Ver, pro cccl. de Sprottele; Matildis filiae Steph. com. Britanniae, pro eccl. de Swaldale, cum Gronton ; Roberti de Gaunt, confirm, donationes patris et fratris fui : P. 165. car¬ tas Gilberti com. Lincoln, eligentis locum fepultura in prioratu de Bridlington; Roberti de Gaunt, pro paftur. et herbagio in Swaldale ; Radulphi de Nevil, conced. petram in petraria de Fivele ad fabricam monafterii : Bullam P. Innocentii 3. contra archidiac. Richmondiae vifitantem ecclefiam quandam ad hunc prioratum fpedlantem, cum xcvii. equis, xxi. cani- bus, &c. P. 166. procuratorium Joannis de Nevile in appellatione contra priorem et conv. in caufa deci- marurn de Edenham. t Beford in the deanry of Holdernefs comes the neareft this name of any place I know in the eaft riding; and BiJforlh chafe/, in the pariih of Thormandby in Bulmer deanry and Cleveland archdeaconry, comes the neareft of any place I know in York- lhire. u MS. penes R. V. Cox Macro S. T. P. de Norton in com. Suff. Mifc. vii. p. 75-. w Ibid. 12. ii. 37. * Regiftr. Ebor. et Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 498. y Regiftr. Ebor. 2 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 498. fl Rot. pat. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1046. t> Speed et mf. Valor. c So the Monaft. But founded by the anceftors of the lord In Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 123. de fundatione: vol. iii. p. . . codd. m(T. olim in bibl. hujus prioratus. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 270. de Befingebi et Sproton. In Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 212. of the foun¬ dation, privileges and revenues of this priory, &c. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 44. de carucata terra in Grynton : p. 57. de fex bovatis terra in Mikel Couton cum Smethon ; ct in Append, p. 32. de quatuor bovatis terra et una falina in Holbech. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 131. 172. 627. Year Books, xxiiL 19. 19 Hen. 6. Hill. 16. Dugdale’s Warwicklhire, edit. 1730. p. 585. of the church of Whichford for a fhort time belonging to this priory. Rymeri Conventionum, Feeder. & c. tom. viii. p. 161. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p, 864. clauf. 28 Ed. 1. m. 17. p. 1192. pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 6. pro appropria- tione eccl. de Goulle [Lincoln, dioec.] In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 129. a (hort account of this priory; Ibid. Append, p. 337. cartam Walteri Dacres, as Speed ; and in Legh and Layton’s Compend. Com- pert. “ Fundator dominus Dakers” 11 Gilbert earl of Lincoln, eldeft fon to the founder, having been baptized and educated during his infancy in this mona- ftery, (Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. i6j.J renders this probable. In¬ deed Thurftan archbiihop is one of the witnefles to the charter of foundation, which could not be before A. D. 1 1 19. But that charter feems to be a grant or confirmation of grants to a mo- naftery rather founded fome years before, than to one then about to be erefted. c “ And St. Nicholas,” as mf. Bodl. But this is not men¬ tioned in any of the charters. f Forfan xxxii vel xii. — X x x de XIX. YORKSHIRE. de Ver, donantis cccl. de Goufle, ex Hearnii notis in Guil. Neubr. p. 714. Cartam R. Stephani do¬ nantis carucatam et dimid. terra ex dominio ejus in Eftona, et dimid. carucat. ex dominio in Hildertorpe, et confirm, donationes aliorum ; p. 338. abbreyiatur. plurimar. donationum : Sententiam officialis archidia- coni Richmondia, de ecclefiis de Couton et Grenton conventui de Bridlington appropriatis, A. D. 1319. Regiftrum hujus prioratus olim penes Will. Ingleby mil. modo penes dom. Joannem Ingleby equ. aur. l697-. Cartularium penes Ric. Malleverer bar. Regiftrum penes Walterum Clavell arm. Computos, rentalia, &c. in baga intit. Bridlington in fuperiori area quinta area in officio curia Augmen- tationis. Inter mft. collect. V. cl. Rog. Dodfvvorth. inbibl. Bodl. Oxon. cartarum quamplurimarum ad hunc prioratum fpedlantium ineditarum apographa, vol. vii. f. ri. 128. 168. 213. 230. 246, 247. 260. 264. 274, 275. 29+- 3o8> 3°9> 3I0> 311- 3J7- 33°> 331- vo]- viii. f. 1 19. 213. vol. ix. a. f. 139 ad 155. vol. lxxvi. f. 147. vol. cxviii. f. 68. Mr. Gafcoign’s notes from the coucher of Bridlington : vol. chx. f. 130. ex car- tulario monaft'erii de Bridlington in cuftodia Jacobi Bellingham de Levens in com. Weftm. mil. 1627. Ibid. f. 174. ex cartis in cifta de Bridlington in turre B. Maria Ebor. In bib!. Cotton, mf. Augujlus, A. ii. 51. cartam Regis Henrici de confirmatione quarundem terrarum. In regiftro Joannis Romani archiepifc. Ebor. f. 68. or- dinationem vicaria ineccl. de M. Cowton huic prio- ratui appropriata : In regiftro Gul. Grenefeld archi¬ epifc. p. 11. f. . pronunciationem fuper appropriatione ecclefiarum de Bridlington, Flaynburgh, Kerneleby, Oteringham, Fyfle, Attynwyke, Bovington, Galme- ton, Willarby, et Scaleby, priori et conv. de Brid¬ lington, A. D. 1310. Ibid. f. ng. inhibitionem ado- rationis cujufdam imaginis B. Maria in monafterio de Bridlington : In regiftro Alex. Nevile archiepifc, f. 99 vel 100. commiffionem ad cognofcendum de mi- raculis ad tumbam Joannis de Tweng prioris de Brid¬ lington, examinand. teftes, &c. 26 Jun. A. D. 1386. Fin. Ebor. 1 Joan. n. 3. de advoc. medietat. eccl. de Bidford ; n. . pro x. bovatis terra in Rednes : Cart. 2 Joan. m. 18. n. 61. pro mercat. et feria apud Brid¬ lington: Oblat. 2 Joan. m. 19. pro eifdem: Firr. Ebor. 4 Joan, de terris in Beverle. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 133. de terris in Brunthon : Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 77. 84. de bovata terra in Caton : Plac. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 3. d. de eadem: Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 199. 235, j eadem: Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 11. de commun turbaria in marifeo de Wilardby: Fin. Ebor. f Hen. 3. m. . de advoc. eccl. de Beford : Ibid, n de bovata terra in Flotmanby: Plac. affif. apud Ebor.' 52 Hen. 3. rot. 11. d. 27. 51. 65. pro tertia parte duarum partium maner. de Bridlington : Fin. Ebor 52 Hen. 3. n. 53. pro medietat. feodi mil, in Brid¬ lington. Fin. Ebor. 5 Ed. 1. n. 48. pro meffi et terris in Killum- Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 31. d. pro xxn toftis in Bridlington: Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. affif* apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 5. d. rot. 7 et 58. de ferl viciistenentiuminFrakifthorp: Cart. 18 Ed. 1, n 12 pro lib. war. in maner. et pro mercat. et feria apud Bridlington: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. it. de terris in Weft Afkham : Plac. de quo war. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 2q. alio— cat. libertat. in Befmgby, &c. Plac. 27 Ed. 1. rot. 6c. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 32 Ed. 1, m. . Fin Ebor. 32 Ed. 1. n. 60. de prato in Weft Afkham'; Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 1 vel 2. p. 2. m. . Pat! 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 6. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 et 14. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 19. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 14 et 16.' Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. n. 18. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29 vel 30. Clauf. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36, de libertat. in foca de Scalby ratione terr. in Clough- ton : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten. in Syward- by, Burton, &c. Ibid. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 26. pro ten. in Efton, Lou- thorp, &c. Pat. 11 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . pro kernella- tione prioratus: Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. pro ten. in Befingby, Fraythorp, Newton, dec. Brev. orig. 15 Ric. 2. rot. 34. Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 26. Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 14. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 21. confirm, wreccum maris et alias libertates : Ibid. p. 4. m. 15. pro ten. in Wel- thorp et Budlon : Fin. Ebor. 4 Hen. 4. n. . de xx/. iir. ixd. ann. reddit. in Bridlington: Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. pro eccl. de Scardeburgh. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 12. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. 9 vel 14. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 24. Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 4 vel 5. Cart. 21 Hen. 6. n. 5. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 21 vel 22. Cart. 24 Hen. 6. n. 6. Cart. 25 vel 26 Hen. 6. n. 15. Cart. 27 Hen. 6. n. 26. Cart. 30 Hen. 6. n. 26. Rec. in fcacc. 33 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 5. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 19. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ed. 4. Mich. rot. 6. XX. BURSTALL GARTH5, olim Birftall, in the deanry of Holdernefs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Alien Priory. Stephen earl of Albemarle gave, A. D. 1115. to the Benedi&ine monks of St. Martin de Alceio near Albemarle in Normandy, leveral tithes and churches in this part of Yorkfhire, and in the north part of Lincolnlhire, who thereupon fent over a procurator or prior with fome monks of their own houfe to look after the fame. Thefe, after fome time, fixed their cell, and continued in the chapel of St. Helen here till the frequent feizing of the eftates of the foreign abbies during the wars with France, occafioned this alien priory to be fold to the abbat and convent of Kirkftall 18 Ric. 2. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 587. cartam Stephani comitis Albemarl. donantis omnes ecclefias et deci- mas quas tenet in Anglia, A. D. 1115. P. 588. car¬ tam Roberti epife. Lincoln, de eccl. de Barew, &c. dat. A. D. 1106. [redtius 1160.] Ordinationem Wal- teri cpifc. Ebor. [anno 3. Pontif.] de cella apud ca- pellam de Birftall- P. 589. cartam Caroli regis Fran- ciae, pro venditione hujus cellae : Conceffionem om¬ nium terrarum in vil'Lis de Birftall, Skefling, Kilnefe, Wythornefe, Holmeton, Thorn, &c. cum advoc. eccl. de Birftall, Pawle, Skekeling, Kilnefe, &c. an¬ nuls. penlionibus xx/. de abbate de Thornton iv l. xi s. de abbate de Melfa, Sic. ab abbate et conventu de Albamarle, abbati et conventui de Kirkftal, 18 Ric. 2. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 152. ordinationem Walteri archiepifc. Ebor. fuper eccl. de Prefton in Holdernefs : Cartam abbatis et conventus de Alba- marla fuper ecclefiis fuis in Holdernes, A. D. 1228. Burtons’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 298. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuite per ou vers corps politike , § 4. de penfione ab abbate de Thornton. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 416. Jones’ Reports, p. 308. Du Monftrier’s Neuftria Pia, p. 731, 732, 733. £ Six miles from Leeds, T. G. p. 130. In XX. YORKSHIRE. In rot. majori Walteri Gray archiepifc. Ebor. n. 108. In regiftro Grenfield archiepifc. p. ii. f. 108. orrfinatio- nem abbatis et conv. de Albamarla per Waltcrum archiepifc. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 234. de conceffione hujus prioratus priori et conv. Du¬ nelm. durante guerra, 5 Ric. 2. et de tra&atu cum abbate de Albermarla fuper venditione hujus prioratus et aliorum maneriorum, &c. quorumcunque in com. Ebor. et Line, tarn per priorem et conv. Dunelm. A. D. 1381 . quam per abbatem et conv. de Kirkftall, A. D. 1396. f. 1237. et alias vi, cartas ineditas, f. 234. 238. 242. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. de maner. de Belftede M. [Suffolc.j parcella hujus prioratus concefl. Will, com. SufF. quoufque, &c. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10. et m. 25. de xx. marc, penfion. de eccl. de Barew et x. marc, de eccl. de Thornton: Bund, benef. alienig. 48 Ed. 3. quodEabent in proprios ufus eccl. de Skekeling, Kilnefe, et Withornefe, cum capcllis et penfionibus e diverfis ecclefiis. XXI. B Y L A N D , olim De Bella-landa, Begelaitda1, Jive Bechland*, in the deanry of Bulmer in the archdeaconry of Cleveland. Cistertian Abbey. Roger de Mowbray, at the inftance of his mother Gundreda, A. D. 11431. removed the convent of Ciftertianm monks from Hode to a part of her jointure near the river Rye, almoft oppofite to the abbey of Ryevall,, fince called Old Byland, which place bein-r thought inconvenient for the habitation of thefe Religious, four years after they removed to Stock” ing near Cuckwald, and at laft, A. D. 1177. fixed a little more eafterly near Whitaker, where this abbey of Byland, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin, continued in a flourilhing ftate till the General diffolution, when its yearly revenues were valued at 23$/". 9 s. 4 d. Dugd. 295/. 5 s. 4J.'Speed. The fite and moft of the demefne lands were granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir" William Pykering0. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 775. originem abbatiae de Bellelanda, exhiftoria Will. Neubrigenfis: P. 776. cartas Walteri de Sciffiings, pro ii. bovatis terra: in Nunnethorp; Hugonis de Wake et Joannis de Stute- vill uxoris ejus, de terris in Sutton, Matherby, &c. Joannis de Moubray domini infulae de Axiholm, con¬ firm. donationes antecefTorum fuorum, A. D. 1345. P. 778. cartam Thomae com. Marefcalli recit. et confirm, cartam fundationis et dotationis per proge- nitorem fuum Rogerum de Moubray, dat. 9 Ric. 2. Ibid. p. 1027. &c. hiftoriam fundationis domus Bel- lelandae editam a Philippo abbate tertio domus prae- diftae, ficut ipfe audierat a praedeceflore fuo abbate Rogero et aliis fenioribus. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 328. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 42. vol. ii. p. 360. vol. iii. p. 38, In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 116. of Fawcet-foreft in Selfide: p. 477. of lands in Shapp: p. 480. of the manors of Hardendale and Wafdale : p. 493. of the manor of Bretherdale : p. 510. of lands in Afby Cotesford : p. 614. of the manor and cell of Bleatarn. Regiftrum abbatiae de BeHalanda, mf. olim penes Bria- num Fairfax, dein penes Joannem Rulh worth de hofp. Lincoln, arm. 1647. poftea penes . . . com. Faucon- berge, A. D. 1698. et non ita pridem penes dom. Tho. Frankland mil. Inter colled. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. cartas plus minus quadraginta hadenus inedi¬ tas de terris hujus ccenobii, vol. vii. f. 23. 25. 135. 145, 146. 165. 169. 173. 177. 219. vol. viii. f. 56. ab 83 ad 90. vol. lxi. f. 172, &c. vol. lxiii. f. 9. 32. 58. vol. lxxvi. f. 146. vol. xci. f. 69, &c. vol. xciv. f. 1. ex cartulario de Bellalanda in turre B. Marias Ebor. vol. xcv. f. 40. vol. cii. f. 129. vol. cxlv. f. 45. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 59. of the founderfhip and arms of this abbey. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. iv. concordiam inter abbatem et monachos de Beghland ac priorifi'am et moniales de Arden. , Cart, antiq, M. 24. Ein. Ebor. 1 Joan. n. . de Vii. bovatis terrae in Catton: Fin. Ebor. 11 Joan. n. . de Kirkby Flatt. Fin. Ebor. 8 Hen. 3. n. 64. de commun. paftur. pro dc. ovibus in territorio de Kilburn : Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 82. de commun. paftur. in bofeo de Blaby : Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 8. d. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 19. Fin. Weftmorl. 16 Hen. 3. n. . de terris et com! paftur. ad d. oves in Bergedale, Waftedale, Hepp, et Hepftaw p : Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . pro xviii. bovatis ter r«e, &c. in Sutton et Matherby, ex dono Roberti Foflard: Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig’. F. n. 6. de toftis et croftis in Batherefby, ex dono Will! Templeman: Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. 7. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 10. Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Rillington; n. 8. de ii. carucatis in Faldington : Fin. Ebor. 46 Hen. 3. lig. H. n. 68. de advoc. eccl, de Rillington : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. lig. I. n. 171. de maner. de Thorp Mauceby juxta Ebor. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot 26 Cart. 56 Hen. 3. m. 6. Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 27. allocat. fur- carum coronatoris et aliarum libertatum abbati* • Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. lig. B. n. 135. de terris in Le- venthorp: Plac. coram Jo. de Vallibus, 8 Ed. r. de ten. in Sutton lubtus Whitfton : Fin. Weftmorl. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 7. d. pro terris in Afkeby M. Plac. in banc. reg. 27 Ed. 1. rot. 17 vel 97. pro terris in Stedmere. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro eccl. de Rillington approprianda: Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 21. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 28. de forefta de Mid- lefmore in Niderdale. Efcaet. Ebor. 1 Ed. 3. poft mortem Joannis Moubray pro chacea de Niderdale: Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1! Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. de batello in aqua de Ufe inter pontem Burgi et Ebor. Pat. 19 Ed. 3. p 3 m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 10. pro eccl! de Bubwith : Cart. 33 Ed. 3. n. 12. Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . de lite inter duos abbates : Pat. 39 Ed. 3! p. 1. m. 34. pro ten. in Apleford : Pat. 44 Ed! 3! p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. pro advoc. medietat. de Bubwith: Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. de eadem. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 29. de hcentia iinparcandi c. acras pafturas contio-uas mo- nafterio: Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 18. pro cataljis felo- num, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 17 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 6. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 1. Cart. 1 Hen. 6. n. 23. Cart. 17 Hen. 6. n. 40. Pat. h Near to Rhidale in the North Riding, T. G. p. 231. * Rot. pipse 16 Hen. 2. k Sim. Dunelm. in anno 1138. 1 The Chronicle of Crokefden makes Byland abbey to have been founded A. D. 1134. which muft refer to the time this convent went out of Furnes. Other hiftorians and chronicles date the foundation in the year 1138. by which can only be meant the time of this convent’s coming and fettling in York¬ shire. m According to Neuftna Pia, p. 683. They were originally of the order of Savigm or “ Fratres Grifej,” which were united to the Ciftertians A. D. 1 148. See the preface. n 2 z8 /. 9 s. 4 d. as Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. ° It was furrendered Nov. 30. 1340. by John Leeds alias Alanbrig prior and twenty-four monks. Willis’ Hilt, of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 268. P Perhaps Hcpjhaw. 20 Hen, 6. XXI. Y O R K S H I R E. 20 Hen. 6. p. 3. m. 12. pro ten. in Sutton fubtus et terris ibidem. Whifton Cliff: Fin. Ebor. 21 Hen. 6. n. . pro mefT. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 18. XXII. CALCARIA, Caelcacefter q, now Tadcafter ' ; or, as others, Newton Kyme’, or Abberforth1. Monastery destroyed. Here was a monaftery about A. D. 655. over which prefided Sc. Hilda", or as others, St. Bega'v. Vide Lelandi Collect, vol. iii. p. 39. XXIII. CATTERICK, or Brompton,, in the denary of Catterick and arch¬ deaconry of Richmond. Hospital. Near or rather between thefe places was an old hofpital dedicated to St. Giles in the beginning of the reign of king Henry 3. Vide in Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 55. de terris. Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. lig. D. n. 99. de duabus bovatis in Brompton Brigg: p. 83. in Forneburgh : p. 88. terrae in Braunton. in Hippefwelle : et in Galei Append, p. 246. XXIV. C O D E N H A M. Nunnery. The church of St. Mary was given pretty early in the reign of K. Henry 2. by Euftace de Merch, for the founding a nunnery of the fame order with that of Nun Appleton, which was inftituted by his wife Alice of St. Quintin; but whether this defign was ever perfedfed' I have not yet found, nor any thing more about fuch a Religious houfe. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 910. cartam Euftachii apud Codenham de ordine monialium de Appeltona. de Merch, de fundatione monafterii landtimonialium XXV. C O R H A M, or Coverham ”, in the deanry of Catterick, and archdeaconry of Richmond. Premonstratensian Abbey. In the latter part of the reign of Henry 2r. Helewilia, daughter of Ranulph de Glanvill lord chief juftice of England, founded, at Swainby in the parifh of Pickhal), a monaftery for canons of the Premonftratenfian z order, who were removed, 14 Joan. to Corham by her fon Ralph Fitz Robert lord of Middleham. This abbey3 was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and found, 26 Hen. 8. to have eftates to the yearly value of i6o/b. 18 s. 3 d. as Dugdale, and 207/. 144. 8 d. as Speed". Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 648. hiftoriam funda- tionis; et cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 39. recit. et confirm, cartas R R. Hen. 2. et Ed. 1. et aliorum donatorum conceffiones : P. 649. ftemma dominorum de Mid¬ dleham fundatorum abbatiae de Coverham. In Regiftr. honoris de Richmond, p. 41. de terris in Coverham : p. 42. in Weft Scrafton : p. 43. in Eft- hawkefwell et Walburne : p. 60. in Thekefton : p. 70. in Ridmer: p. 75. de warda et fine debit, dom. de Middleham : p. 98. cartam Ricardi fil. Reginaldi de Ridemere, de terris, he. in Ridemer : In Append, p. 93. valorem omnium et fingulorum temporalium et fpiritualium hujus abbatiae cum reprif. inde, ex rot. 26 Hen. 8. in offic. Primit. p. 234 et 264. de funda¬ tione et tranflatione hujus domus : p. 235. de terris in Crakehall et ii. cotagiis in Thoraldeby. In cl. Madoxii Formul. Angl. praef. xxiv. conceffionem advocati et perfonae eccl. de Pickehalle domui S. Ma- riae de Caritate de Suainebi : p. 262. cartam Marix q Stapleton in the margin of his Englifli tranflation of Bede hath againlt this town put Colchejler-, and Leland, Collett, vol. iii. p. 39. calls it Helecacejler, perhaps by miftaldng the firth letters. • Camden ex Lelando. 8 Mr. Gale. « MS. Ingleby. Smith’s edit, of Bede. “ Bedoe lTift. Eccl. lib. iv. c. 23. Crefly, p. 373. w Leland. Collett, vol. iii. p. 39. v Somerham,. in Speed ; “ leant two miles from Middleham >< by Weft.” Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 99. 1 The note in the Monafticon making the firft foundation at Swainby to be in the year 1190. cannot be right; becaufe that was after the death of K. Henry 2- for his confirmation of feve- de Nevile dominx de Middleham, pro terris in Crak- hall et Thoraldby conceffi abbati et conventui ad in- veniendam cantariam ii. capellanorum fecularium in magna capeila de Thoraldby d. In Rymeri Conventionum, See. tom. iv. p. 417. literas R. Ed. 3. ad papam, pro appropriatione eccl. de Sad- bergh huic abbatiae, ex rot. Rom. 4 Ed. 3. m. 6 c. Of the foundation of this houfe, and its tranflation to Coverham, fee Mr. Hare’s mfl'. in bibl. offic. Armo- rum, f. 282. In Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 418, &c. of the foundation and revenues of this abbey : names of the abbats : computum abbatiae ex regiftro honoris de Richmond. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 64. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 88. vol. v. p. 120. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 20. of tithes in He- therfet, p. 408. in South Pickenham. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. 116. grant of xx/. to- ral grants made to thefe canons is recited in the charter of K. Edward 3. z Not Bernardines , as Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p. 44* hut White canons , as Itin. vol. v. p. 99. a Not priory , as the Monafticon ; though it was formerly fubjetted to Dureford, and after A. D. 1306. to Newhoufe. Cart, in bibl. Harl. yana, 44 H. 54. b “ Summa clara 140/. 18 s. 3 d.” Stevens, vol. i. p. 33. But 160/. in rot. as Gale’s Append, p. 95. ‘ In the time of K. Henry 7. there were twenty Religious in this houfe. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 269. ■> This is alfo in Gale’s Appendix to Richmond, p. 278. • This is likewife in Gale’s Appendix, p. 171- wards XXV. YORKSHIRE. wards the building of their church, i Ric. 3. p. 189. grant of a place or vacherie called Coverhede in ex¬ change of other lands, 2 Ric. 3. mf. 1499. f. 52. touching the foundation of this abbey. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck, vol. i. refignationem Johannis Bromfelde et clcdtionem Johannis Alkogh in"abbatem. In regiftro Corbridgc archiepifc. Ebor. f. . confirma- tionem eccl. de Dunham abbati et conventui de Co- verham. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. . pro tofto in Coverham. Fin. Ebor. 7 Hen. 3. n. 38. pro advoc. medietat. eccl. de Kettlcwell: Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 27. Plac. affif. apud Ebpr, 15 Hen. 3. rot. 5. d. pro duabus bovatis in Coverham : Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. 61. pro XL. acris bofci in Curdheth : Cart. 55 Hen. 3. m. 3. pro lib. war. in Coverham, Scrafton, Caldebeck, et Ketelwel in Craven. Pat. 27 Ed. i. m. . Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. pro eccl. de Dunn: Pat. Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2. pro terris in Stow et Mcrfton : at. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 30. de terris in Akelthorp, &c. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 8. de terris in Meningthorp et Crakhale. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Sedbergh appro- prianda: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. pro common, paftur pro uno tauro, xxiv. vaccis, et totidem vitulis in Coverham: Pat. 2 1 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 4. pro eccl. de Kettlewell: Cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 39. pro paftur. lx. vaccarum in Hanetre, xxiv. vaccarum in Scrafton, et xxiv. vaccarum in Weftrafton. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 1. Fin. Ebor. 8 Hen. 6. n. . pro advoc. medietat. eccl. de Sedbergh in Lonefdale: Clauf. 8 Hen. 6. m. 9 et 11. d. pro eadem advoc. ex conceffione Thomte Ha- rington. Pat. 2 Ric. 3. p. 2. m. , pro Slape Gill alias Coverheil in Covcrdale. XXVI. COTTINGHAM', in the deanry of Harthill and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Austin Canons removed to Newton. XXVII. CRAYKE, olim Creic8, in the deanry of Bulmer and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Monastery destroyed. Egfrid king of the Northumbers gave, A. D. 685. this town with all the land three miles round it to St. Cuthbert, who thereupon founded a monaftery herein, which was in being two hundred years11 after, but was diffipated many ages fince. Vide cartam donationis ad finem hiftori* Dunelm. eccle- in Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 368, 369. fi* per Sim. Dunelm. inter Decern feript. col. 57. et XXVIII. DONCASTER. 1. St. James’ Hospital. Here was, in the beginning of the reign of king Henry 3. an hof- pital for fick and leprous people dedicated to Sc. James, which before the general fuppreflion dege¬ nerated into a free chapel1 with a chantry in itk. Vide rot. pat. 12 Hen. . m. 7. de protedhone pro infirmis ibidem. 2. St. Nicholas’ Hospital. Upon the plea rolls of 15 Hen. 3. occurs another hofpital in this town dedicated to St. Nicolas, the mailer whereof feems to have been fubordinate to the abbat of Begham. Vide plac. et aflif. in com. Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. capt. apud hofpitalis S. Nicholai non poteft dedicere fine abbate Doncafter in fefto apoftolorum Petri et Pauli, rot. 19. de Begham. de xii. acris et uno tofto in Lunerlhall, qute magifter 3. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Black friers j but when or by whom founded, I have not yet been able to difeover. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 22. 4. Grey Friers. At the north end of the bridge here called Freres Bridge was the houfe of Grey friers1-, which was erefted before A. D. 1315. and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to William Gifford and Michael Welbore. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 37. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p, 1. m. 9 vel 10. Rot. pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro manfo elargando: 5. White Friers. “ There was a right goodly houfe of White Freres in the mydle of the “ town now defacid.” Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 36. f Near Hull, T. G. p.iji. g Ten miles from York, as Leland, Collect, vol. ii. p. 350. h Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 373. 1 Lib. penliou. Le Neve. k Pat. 4 Ed. 4. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 37. I have met with no good ac¬ count of the founder or founders. Mr. St Lo Knyveton in one of his m(T. faith, that Sir Tho. Wyndham of Felbrigg in the be¬ ginning of the reign of K. Henry 8. was founder of the friers in Doncalter ; but it is not probable of any of the frieries here. — Vyy XXIX. DR AX, XXIX. YORKSHIRE. XXIX. D R A X , or Heilham , in the dcanry of Andy and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons founded by William Paynell temp Hen i° commended to the patronage of St. Nicholas. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 104/ 14/ Qj 3nd ami. Dugd. Mil. 18 a 3d. ob. Speed, at which time herein were nine or ten Religious’ [r'fr granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Sir Marmaduke ConftableP. 0 ' wss Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 96. cartam fundationis per Will. Paganellum, cum confirmatione Fulconis Paganelli : P. 97. cartas Fulconis Paganelli, de eccl. de Drax et Garthorp; Matildis comitiflse Northum- briae, de obitu Gilbert! de Umfravile viri fui cele- brando per priorem et conv. A. D. 1383. Roberti de Gaunt reftituentis eccl. de Swinehamftede ; Alicim de Romeille, de advoc. eccl. de Salteby [Line, dioec.] P. 98. cartas Roberti de Gaunt, de advoc. eccl. de Salteby; Agnetis filiae Walteri de Scotenni, de reddit. ii. marc, in Roxby. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 351. cartam prioris et conv. de terra in Oggoteby concefT. Joanni fil. Nic. Oggoteby, ex autogr. penes Rad. Thoreiby arm. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 100. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 45. In Burton’s Leicefterlhire, p. 1 14. of the advowfon of the redlory of Garthorpe: p. 239. of the church of Saltby, Year Books, 1. 329. Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 143. Colleft. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. vii. p. 79. 83. vol. viii. p. 94. ordinationem vicarite de Salteby per Ricardum epife. Lincoln, et triginti alias cartas ineditas, p. 53. 61, 62. 94. 101. 166 — 171. 210. 275. 284, 285. 293. vol. ix. p. 309. 312. vol. xxvi. a f. 24 ad 95. ex libro de Drax in cuftodia Marmaduci Conftable de Everingham, A. D. 1620. fimiliter vol. cxviii. f. 69. vol. lxxvi. f. 124, 125. de appropriatione eccl. de Roxby. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2117. f. 266. abftradts of deeds belonging to this priory. In regiftro Jo. Romani archiepifc. Ebor. f. 29. de vilt tatione prioratus de Drax : In regiftro Grenfield* p. 11. f. 85. pronunciationem appropriationis eccl de Drax et Bingeley huic prioratui. In magno rot. pipae 31 Hen. 2. et 33 Hen. 2. de red d,t. ex terris Will. Paganelli in Nottinghamlhire et Derbylhire. Fin. Ebor. 6 Joan. n. 1. pro commun. paftur. in Berlev ad l. averia poft feenum. 1 Fm. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 184. pro ii. bovatis terras in Waphnton : Fm. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. . de meffi et terris in Ofgotby : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 43. d. de tofto et ii. bovatis terra; in Lofthufu'm." Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 13. d. pro ten. in Salteby: Ibid" m. ig; d. pro ten. in Berley : Plac. affif. apud Ebor.' 14 Ed. 1. rot. 41. de commun. paftur. in Berley. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 11. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 15, 16 i 7. In baga de quo war. Ebor. temp, Ed. 2. rot. 5! confirm, donationum Will. Paganelli fundatoris per R. Ricardum : Ibid. rot. 36. de xm. bovatis terra in Waplinton: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 34. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 25. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. pro ten. in civit. Ebor. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel i±, Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 24 Ed.j. p. 1. m. . Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. Cart. 36 Ed. 3. n. 12. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 23. pro terris in Drax: Pat! 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro eccl. de Wrefcll appro- prianda : Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 26. XXX. DUNSCROFT’. Cisterti AN Cell. A fmall cell to the abbey of Roche. Hide De la Pryme’s Hiftory of Hatfield, mf. penes Joh. Sigillum hujus monafterioli teri incifum fumptibus Edw. Warburton Somerfet heraldum, p. 85. 89. Roe Mores arm. XXXI. ECCLESFIELD', in the deanry of Doncafter and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Alien Priory. An alien priory of Benediftine monks to the abbey of St. Wandragifiliuss in the diocefe of Roan in Normandy. It was given by king Richard 2. to the Carthufian monaftery of St. Anne near Coventry '. Vide.i n Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 965. pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. donationem eccl. de Ecclesfield priori et conv. Cartufienf. de Coventre. In regiftro Grenfield archiepifc. Ebor. f. 81. ordinatio¬ nem vicariae de Ecclesfield, cum capella de Bradfield. Fin. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. n. 80. de maner. de Ecclesfield, et advoc. ecclefiae: Ibid. 8 Ed. 1. n. 121. de melT. et terris in Bradfield: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 8. de maner. de Ecclesfield. m Not far from Selby, T. G. p. 131. The feite of this houfe was on the fouth fide of the river Oufe, nearly oppofite where the Derwent enters therein. Burton’s Mon. Ebor. p. 100. n « Canonici infute de Heilham” in fome of the charters. Dodfworth, vol. viii. p. 171, &c. o Placed fo high, becaufe the founder in the deed of founda¬ tion declares that he had made thofe grants “ monitu et con- “ filio Turftini Eborum archiepifcopi.” P Burton, p. 113. s MSS. notes of the late learned Dr. Tanner. With the fitu- ation of this cell I am unacquainted : but from the mf. hiftory of Hatfield above referred to, it may be conjcdured to have been placed in or near the parilh of Haytefcld in the diocefe of York, the church of which was given, 19 Ed. 3. to the abbey of Roche, for the fupport of twelve additional monks, as ml". Dodfworth, vol. viii. p. an. ’ Near Doncafter. Near Sheffield, T. G. p. 131. 8 So Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 965. 1035. et regiftr. Ebor. But faid to belong to St. Catherine at Roan, in Rymer, vol. iv. p. 247. The Lincoln taxation hath “ Abbas S. Wandregifilii tenet ma- “ ner. de Ecclesfield et Walneleghes, tencmenta in Bradfield, “ et eccl. de Sheffield.” 1 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 963. mf. Harleyana, 61 C. 9. f. 40. XXXII. EGLESTON, XXXII. YORKSHIRE XXXII. EGLESTON", in the deanry and archdeaconry of Richmond. Premonstratensi an Abbey. Here was an abbey* of Premonftratenfian 1 canons, dedi¬ cated to Sc. Mary and St. John Baptift, founded probably by Ralph de Multon)' in the latter end ol the reign of king Henry 2. or beginning of that of king Richard 1. It had revenues to the yearly value of 65 1. 51. 6d. per aim. in the whole, and 3 61. 7 s. 2 d. clearly, or, as it is in Dug- dale, 36/. 8 s. 3d. and was granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Robert Shelley or Screlley. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 196, 197. cartam Phi¬ lippi epife. Dunelm. confirm, donationem maner. de Eglefton et Kilvington, per Gilbertum de Leya: Conventionem inter Joannem com. Richmundiae et abbatem et conv. de Eglefton, de fuftentatione fex canonicorum capellanorum in caftro de Richmond, A. D. 1275. Di£la conventio etiam extat ad finem Regiftri honoris de Richmond, p. 95, 96. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 35 et 6g. de terris in Eglefton: p. 49. in Lyrtyngton : p. 52. in Stayn- wigges: p. 53. in Skitheby : p. 59. inMulton: p. 81. de villa de Overftretford : p. 82. de fine pro fedla in curia Roaldi relaxanda : In Append, p. 92. valorem omnium et fingulorum reddituum, & c. ex rot. Primit. p. 263. de fundatore et ordine. The names of fome few abbats, in Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 269. In Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 135. of the foundation and endowment of this abbey: computum abbatiae ex rot. 2. in officio primit. Lond. Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 102. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 88. vol. v. p. 120. vol. viii. p. 20. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. p. 50. of the founderfhip of this abbey. Fin. Ebor. 10 Ric. r. n. . pro terris in Eglefton. Fin. Ebor. 6 Joan. m. 2. pro duabus carucatis terrae in Skidby, Bromton, See. Fin. Ebor. 23 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . pro ten. in Strat¬ ford : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 171. pro vmr. vi el. reddit. in Berningham : Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. . de fervitiis maner. de Kilvington: Fin. Ebor. 38 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . de bovata terrx in Kil¬ vington. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 29. d. pro ten. in Settrington : Pat. 6 Ed. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. m. . Pat, 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro eccl. de Stratford olim concelf. per Helenam de Haftings : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. et m. 19. de meff. et terris in Over Stretford. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. pro eccl. de Rokeby : Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro eccl. de Ufleburn Magna; Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. pro eccl. de Bentham approprianda. XXXIII. ELRETON’, or Ellerton, in the deanry of Catterick and archdea¬ conry of Richmond. CiSTERTi AN Nuns. On the fouth fide of the Swale, a mile beneath Maryke was a fmall priory of White-cloathed or Ciftertian nunsa, thought to have been founded by Warnerius dapifer to the earl of Richmond, or his fon Wymerus, temp. Hen. 2b. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 15/. 141. 8 d. per am. in the whole, and at 15/. ioi. 6d. clearly, and granted, 33 Hen. 8. to John Afkc. Vide in Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 43. de duabus bovatis terrae in Walburn, 15 Ed. 1. et in Append, p. 91. valorem omnium reddituum, &c. hujus priora- tus cum reprif. inde ex rot. in offic. Primit. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 1 19. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 263. In mil'. Dodfworth. vol. lxxiv. f. 162. cartam Brithivae fil. Normanni de Elreton et Adami nepotis, de terris in Alretona conceffis priori (Fe et monialibus. Fin. Ebor. lig. I. 52 Hen. 3. n. 57. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 22. de ten. in Melfomby. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. XXXIV. ELRETON, Alreton, or Ellerton, in Spaldingmore', on the Derwent f. Gilbertine Priory. Before the year 1212 L "William Fitz Peter founded here a priory of canons of the Sempringham order, dedicated to the blefied Virgin Mary and St. Laurence h, who were obliged to maintain thirteen poor people. About the time of the diffolution here were a prior and about nine Religious, who were endowed with 62/. 8 s. 10 d. as Dugd. and 78/. os. 10 d. as Speed. The fite was granted in exchange to John Afke 33 Hen. 8 *. u Placed by the Monafticon in the biflioprick of Durham; but it is on the other fide of the Tefe from Bernard Caftle, as Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 120. viz. about a mile below it on the fouth fide of the river. A little ab. ve Greata bridge, as Mr. Gale. Eglefton abbey in the parilh of Stratford, London Ga¬ zette. w Not a priory, as Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 196. * Or White canons ; though put in the Monafticon among the jB lack or canons of St. Aujlin. y Perhaps the fame with the founder of the fpittal on Stain- more : the lord Dacres, who married the heirefs of the Mul- tons, was patron of this houfe at the diflolution, and a great while before, which makes it more probable that it was founded by Ralph de Multon, as the Afhmol. mf. faith, than by Conan earl of Richmond (who died A. D. 1171.) as Camden, Speed, Sec. have it. Gilbert de Leya gave thefe canons (who fetm to have been fettled here before) the manors of Eglefton and Kil* virgton, to which grant Ralph de Multon is witnefs. 2 Within a mile of Catterick bridge, T. G. p. 231. a Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 119. b See, in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 370. two grants of thefe, Warner and his fon Wymer to the hofpital of St. Leonard or St. Peter in York of the ninth flieaf of their demefne lands in Elreton; after the recital of which, Mr. Dodfworth, mf. vol. vii. f. 30. adds, “ Opinor praedidtum Wymerum feu Warnerum “ patrem fuum fuilfe fundatores monialium de Ellerton.,, Mr. Thorelby, in Ducat. Leod. p. 72. faith, John Barden (who lived in the time of K. Edward 3. or Richard 2.) was foie founder. But the records ftiew that the houfe was much older. Mr. Gale faith (Append, to Richmond, p. 245.) he hath heard, that the foundation charter is in the hands of Henry Drax efquire, owner of this place, A. D. 1722. c %uare, if not Ellerton in Spaldingmore only, as Burton, p. 269. d Near Wighton, as Mr. Gale. e Pat. 9 Ric. 2. f In the eaft riding, to diftinguifh this houfe of canons from the priory of nuns at Ellerton on the Swale in the north riding. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 119. g Geffery archbifliop of York, who is one of the witnefles to the foundation charter, died this year. J1 Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 824. Dodfworth. vol. lxxvi. f. 119. 1 Part of the church ftill remains, and is ufed as the parilh church, Burton, p. 219. Fide XXXIV. YORKSHIRE. fade hi Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 821, &c. ex autographis penes Ricardum Robinfon de Thickhed arm. A. D. 1652. cartam fundationis: Cartas Petri fil. Petri de Malolacu, confirm, omnes terras de feodo fuo, A. D. 1225. Ad* de Linton, confirm, donationes Guli- elmi fil. Petri fundatoris: Conventionem pro ix. pau- peribus (ex xm.) in difto prioratu admittendis ad praefentationem German: de Hay advocati ejufdem domus et hseredum fuorum dominorum de Aghton, dat. 10 Apr. A.D. 1387. Cartam Henrici de Pu- teaco, de quodam prato verfus Cliff : LLteras Gil¬ bert! magiltri ordinis de Sempringham fuper xm. pauperibus pafcendis apud Elreton : Cartas Alani de Wilton, de terris in Howm, &c. Willelmi de Hab- beton, de xu. bovatis terr* in Habbeton Parva; Alani de Wilton, de fex bovatis in Habbeton, et mo- lendino de Marton : Inquif. 24 Ed. 3. n. 36. de can- taria duorum capellanorum canonicorum Regularium in dido prioratu per Gerardum Salvain fundanda, cu-m donatione terrarum in Thorp juxta Hayton Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 259. Inter colled. m(T. cl. V. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. vii p. 177, 178. 333, &c. cartas viginti et quinque de terris ad prioratum canonicorum de Alreton fpedan- tibus, hadenus ineditas. Fin. Ebor. g, 10, 11 Hen. 3. n. 92. de duabus bovatis terra in Lathum : Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 3. de advoc. eccl. de Aghton : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. k Hen. 3. n. 119. de terris in Hugate : Fin. Ebor 24 Hen. 3. n. 99. de terris in Ellerton: Fin. Ebor' 30 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Houlm: Cart. 36 Hen 2 m. 15. ' Fin. Ebor. 21 Ed. 1. n. 35. de terris in Guthmundam- Pat. 33 Ed. x. p. 1. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 23. de terris in Lathum Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 vel 3. pro eccl. de Aghton. Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 40. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. XXXV. E L M E T E. Monastery destroyed. Somewhere in the wood of Elmete (which was not far from Leeds k) at Berwick 1 in Elmet, as fome think, was a monaftery under the government of abbat Thrydwulf about A. D. 730. Vide Bed* Hift. Angl. lib. ii. c. 14. XXXVI. E M M E S E Y, Embefea, Emlefhey, or Emftiaw, near Skipton, in the deanry of Craven in the archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Austin Canons removed to Bolton. XXXVII. E s S E H O L Tra, in Ayredale, in the deanry of Ainfty and archdea¬ conry of the Weft Riding. Cistertian Nuns. A place of this name was confirmed to the nuns of Syningthwait " in the bull of pope Alexander 3. dated A. D. 1172. but that might be another eftate, or before any Religious houfe was here founded: for here was a fmall priory of about fix° Crftertian p nuns in the latter part of the reign of K. Henry 2. or the beginning of that of K. Richard 1. dedicated to St. Mary and St. Leonard % or, as others, to St. James r. About the time of the diifolution it was faid to have been founded bv the anceftors of Chriftopher Ward*. It was valued at 13/. 5s. 4 d. per am. as Dugd. and 19/. os. o d\ as Speed, and granted “, 1 Ed. 6. to Henry Thomfon. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 828. bullam P. Alexan- dri 3. dat. A.D. 1172. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 297. cart. Nich. Freeman, de ann. reddit. fex Folid. e terris in Burlay: Cart. Alici* de Randon, de uno meffuagio: p. 298. indenturam de excambio terrarum pro xx. annis, A.D. 1276. Ad* Monhams conceffionem de qua- tuor libris cer* pro lx. annis : p. 299. R. Ricardi 2. licentiam Margaret* Clifford conced. advoc. eccl. de Belton in Axholm [Line.] Cartam Nich. Ward, de terra in Keukefwrde : Cart. Roberti fil. Rob. de Plumpton, de terris in Idel : p. 300. tres cartas Ni- gelli de Plumpton, pro effarto, prato, terris, &c. in ldel : p. 301. cartam Alani fil. Walteri de Yedon, pro terra in Yedon : Donationes Johannis de Yedun in Yedun : Cartam Simonis de Braam dom. maner. de Yedon, de tranfitu per manerium fuum ad efTar- tum monialium, communia pafturse, &c. See alfo in Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 58. an award made k Thorefby Ducat in Leodienfis, p. 132. 1 Camden, edit. Gibfon. ■>> Near Apperley bridge over the river Aire, T. G. p. UJ; n Dugdale makes EiTeholt a cell to Siningthwait, but I believe without foundation ; for there is not the leaft mention of any denendance in any of the deeds of either houfe that I have met with, nor in the valuation of 36 Hen. 8. Betides Etholt is fonu'- times called an abbey, as Dodfworth, vol. xeix. f. 63. and had always diftinft elective priorefles, as regiftr. Ebor. o MS. Corp. Chrill. coll. Cant. Six enjoyed penfions A. D. 3 Hen. 8. about lands called Stonehoufe Oxgang. Burtons’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 139. Inter collect. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. viii. f. 54. cartam Hugonis fil. Walthef de Yedon, pro farto in Effagh, teftibus Sym. de Montealto et Roberto fratre ejus : f. 1 18. cartam Thom* de Lumley, de terris in EfTeholt, Yedon, Carleton, et Raudon, 41 Ed. 3. f. 146. cartam Ad* fil. Petri de Birkin, pro tribus bovatis terr* in Culingworth, tefte Hugone priore de Pontefrafto. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 15. de commun. paftur. in Arden. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 7. de maner. de Hufholt per- quirendo de Jo. Calverle: Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 1. pro ten. in Yedon : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. pro ten. de Random. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. pro feptem bovatis terr* in Yedon. 1333. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 170. p Monaft. vol. i. p. 839. . s Dodfworth’s mlT. vol. viii. f. 34. So alio in fome of t.ie deeds in Stevens’ Appendix. In fome, St. Mary only, and in others St. Leonard only. ’ Dodfworth’s mil', vol. viii. f. 146. * Speed. , ■ It (hotild be 19 1, os. 8 d. The reprifals were 5 /. 13 s. 4 »• and the clear fum 13 /. 5 s. 4 d. « This grant is printed in Stevens’ Append, p. 301. XXXVIII. NORTH XXXVIII. YORKSHIRE. XXXVIII. NORTH FERREBY', in the deanry of Harthill and archdca - conry of Eaft Riding. j. Templars. 7 Here was a priory of Knights Templars1 of the foundation of the 2. Austin Canons. 5 lord Euftace Vel'cy i ; which, upon the fuppreflion of that order, feems to nave become a puory of canons of the order of St. Augufline®, and to have continued fo till the fuppreffion, when their revenues were valued at 6ol. is: 2d. per am. as Dugdale, and 95/. 1 1 j. yd. ob. as Speed. The fite was granted to Thomas Culpeper 32 Hen. 8. Vide inter collect. m(T. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. vii. p. 301. cartam dom. Joannis de Beavor, donantisxn. bovatas terras in Aulaghby templo dom. de Ferreby: vol. lxxiv. f. 140. literas Joannis prioris de Ferreby Henrico de Vefcy patrono fuo, 3 Ed. 4. contra Hen- ricum Percy com. Northumbria: fe pro fundatore jaftitantem. Fin. Ebor. 2 Hen. 3. n. 286. pro duabus bovatis terra in Wulferton: Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 29. de terris in Holme in Efpaudingmore, ex dono Willelmi de Vefcy. Rot. hundred, in com. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. de fex bovatis terra in South Ferreby [com. Line.] ex dono Nic. Stotevil, XL. annis elapfis : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 28. de commun. paftur. in Knefhull, et ten. in Shirburn, Kirkby, fJaifterton, &c. Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 5. pro eccl. de North Feriby approprianda : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Rec. in fcacc. 19 Ed. 2. Mich; rot. 5. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 44. de commun. paftur. in Mit- ton: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p 3. m. ult. Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. quod lint qdieti de decimis. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. pro ten. in Morfelt, Bolton in Holdernefs, &c. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 46. pro eccl. de Beningworth approprianda ; Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30. Plac. in com. Lincoln. 10 Hen. 4. rot. 99. de bovata terras in Weftrikele. XXXIX. F L I X T O N, in the parijh of Folketon, in the deanry of Dickering and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding \ Hospital. Here was faid to have been eredted by one Acehorne a knight, in king Ethelftan’s time, an hofpital for an alderman and fourteen brothers and filters, to the honor of the Hefted Virgin Mary and St. Andrew. This foundation was confirmed by K. Henry 6. under the name of Carman’s Spitel, but I meet with nothing more about it. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii; p. 372. pat. 25 Hen. 6. hofpitalis recit. et confirm, p. 2. m. 17. primam fundationem et dotationem hujus XL. FORS, or Wandefleydale, or De Charitate, in the deanry of Catterick and archdeaconry of Richmond. Cistertian Abbey. Here Akarius fil. Bardolfi, A. D. 1 145. placed a fmall convent of White monks from Savigny, which was afterward made fubjedt to Byland, from whence, A. D. 1150. an abbat and monks to the number of tweive were fent, who were within few years tranflated to Jorevall. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 869. ex regiftro de Bel- lalanda hiftoriam fundationis : Cartas duas Alani co- mitis Britannix et Richmundiae, confirm, donationes Akarii et aliorum : P. 87CU cartas duas Rogeri de Molbraio, de terris apud Brigwath in Malhamlhire : Hiftoriam de fubjeftione hiijiis ccenobii abbatiae de Bellalanda et edudlione Novi conventus. In Regiftro hon. de Richmond, Append, p. 58. of the foundation and endowment ; p. 61. of lands in Fors. XLI. FOULESNAPE, or Fulfnaph, in the deanry of Pontfract and arch¬ deaconry of Weft Riding. Hospital. An hofpital dedicated to St. Michael was here early in the reign of king Henry 3 t. and is mentioned in the Lincoln taxation 20 Ed. 1 c. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 657. w “ Juxta aquam fluminis Humbrise.” Regiftr. Melton archi- tpife. Ebor. Near Richmond, T. G. p. 2 33. * Regiftr. Ebor. et Record. y MS. in bibl. Harleyana, 41 A. 17. Dodfworth. vol. cxxxi. f. 184. But there were two lord Euftace Vefci’s, one in K. Stephen’s reign, another in K. John’s ; the latter 1'ecms molt likely to be founder. Henry Bromflete de Vefci chivaleir was acknowledged founder 3 Ed 4. as Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 234. from whom the patronage of this houl'c defeended to the Clif¬ fords earls of Cumberland ; and from hence Speed faith, the anceftors of the earl of Cumberland were founders. z So they exprefly ftile t'hemfelves in their acknowledgment oflord Vefcy to be their founder, A. D. 1463. to which the old feal of the Templars is put. Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 234. calls them then Hoff italen ; but neither in the valuation nor in any of the deeds, doth any dependance on St. John’s of Jerufalem appear; befides their priors were confirmed by the archbilhop of York, which was not ufual for the Hofpitalai s. The Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. calls them Pram onjira tenfians . 4 There is not the leaft mention of this hofpital in the Valor of 26 Hen. 8. fo that probably it decayed and was gone before that time. b It being mentioned, Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 657. in a deed of Jordan de S. Maria, who was cotemporary with Richard de Marifco bifhop of Durham. c Under the temporalties in the archdeaconry of Clyveland Holpitale S. Michaelis de Foulefnape habet ultra neceflaria “\l. But according to Mon. Angl. vol. i. p.657. it feems to have been near Pontefradt. — Z Z Z XLII. FOUN- XLII. YORKSHIRE. i XLII. FOUNTAINS, or De Fontibus, in the parijh of .... in the deanry of ... . and archdeaconry of Weft Riding \ ^ i. CistertIAN Abbey. Thirteen Benedidine monks of St. Mary’s near York left A D J 132'. their ho ufe, with defign to obferve a more Arid and reformed rule, whereupon Thurftan archbifhop of York gave them a place then called Skeldale, not far from Rippon, chereuoon to found an abbey of the Ciftertian order, to the honor of the bleflfed Virgin, which was foon after accomplifhed and endowed with great revenues, faid to be worth, at the diffolution 998 / 6s HJ oh. per ann. Dugd. 1173/. or. 7 d. oh. Speed. The fite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Hide \n Mon. Angl. tom. i. ap. 733 ad 752. librum de origine monafterii de Fontibus, autore Hugone mo- nacho Kirkftallenh, ex mf. in bibl. Arundel [nunc in bibl. Regia; Societatis London.] P. 752. cartas Alani com. Britannia de grangia de Aldeburne five Aide- burg; Rogeri de Mubrai, de eadem ; Swani de Tor- neton, de Bramlera : P. 753. confirmationcm Rogeri de Mubrai, de Bramleia: Compofitionem de terminis grangia; de Aldeburn inter monachos de Fontibus et de Jorevalle : Cartas Rogeri de Mubrai dantis terram de Nut with Ricardo de Heedon ; Ricardi de Hedon dantis eandem terram ecclefix de Fontibus; P. 754. cartas duas Rogeri de Mubrai, pro terra de Birnebem; Rogeri de Laci conftab. Ceftriae, de Bradleia; P. 755. cartas Bertrami Haget, deDacra; Will. Haget, de. eadem ; Will, de Caftelei, de eadem ; Roberti de Sars, de terra in Thorneton inter Gillemoram et Felebriggebec; Turftini archiepifc. Ebor. de eadem: P. 756. cartas Roberti de Sarz, de Morker et Ward- fale ; Henrici archiepifc. Ebor. de villa de Harle- fliowia ; Ejufd. Henrici confirm, terras, &c. Rogeri de Mubrai, de Niderdala: P. 757. cartas Roger? de Mubrai, de Patleiagate et Iwdene ; Nigelli de Mu¬ brai confirm, donationes patris fui Rogeri et aliorum: P. 758. cartas Alicia; de Gant, de terra apud calce- tum de Vedlai; Ejufd. de Birnebem, Niderdale, et aliis quae pertinent ad honorem de Malefart; Radulphi fil. Ribaldi domini de Middelham, pro common, paftur. de Welle, See. Alicice de Rumeli, de medie- tat. villae et molendini de Crolthwait: P.759, pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 25. per Infpex. recit. confirmatio- nem donationum per R. Richardum r. In Burton’s Monaftieon Eboracenfe, p. 141, &c. a hiftory of the foundation of this abbey; an inventory of fuch things as were kept in the church of Foun¬ tains: an account of the privileges and poffeffions be¬ longing to the abbey, and names of the abbats. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 71. of a moiety of a mill at Crofthwait, and a croft in Cock- ermouth: p. 87. of the impropriate redory of Crofth¬ wait, p. 92. of other pofleffions there. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 30. de uno feodo in Aynderby, Melmorby, et Ranyngton : p. 55. de terris in Grenebergh Graunge : p. 56. in Kirby Wyfk: p. 61. in Rokefby et Aynderby: p. 62. in Disford, Ranyngton, et Melmorby: p. 63. de grangia vocat. Balderby : p. 64. de terris in Sutton Hougrave: p. 69. in Aynderby Vefconte et Synderby: p. 88. de vs. vni d. exeunt, e Melmorby: In Append, p. 49. de ann. reddit. xi. refolut. ex grangia de Couton : p. 51. de fine ii s. iiii i. refolut. ex Aynderby Vef¬ conte: p. 8g. de xxr. ann. reddit. recipiend. ex Hor¬ ton in Ribbifdayl. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 185. clauf. 4 Ed. 1. m. 3-d. de lanis venditis mercatoribus Florentinis : p. 450. pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. 13. de cuftodia abbatiae commifia Joanni de Berewyk ad exonerationem debi- torum. Year Books, 7 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 18. 9 Hen. 6. Trio, rot. 21. Mich. rot. 3. 11 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 11 et 16. 12 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 13. Petri Blefenfis epift. 106 f. d Near Rippon, part of the ruins ftill remaining, T. G. p. 231. Within light of Rippon, as Cambden. e So Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 393. 733. out of the Annals of Wavcrle and Petroburg, and the mf. Chronicle of Louth Park. Statutes at large, 33 Hen. 6. c. 6. The names of fome of the abbats, in Willis’ Abbies vol. ii. p. 270. ’ In Lelandi Colled. vol. i. p. 54. 338. vol. ii. p. 058. vol. iii. p. 73. de fundatione coenobii Fontanenfis : p. 305. excerpta ex libro Hugonis monachi de eadem! In Leland’s Itin. vol. v. p. 120. of this abbey: vol. i! p. 91. of the chapel of Rippon. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 139. n. 13. Quo modo Fontanenfe ccenobium fumpfit exordium. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 173. licence to difpofe of a certain ground lying within the townlhip of Kettle- well, part of the lordfhip of Middehamme, 1 Ric. 3. mf. 1499. f. 56. of the foundation and arms of this abbey. Hugonis monachi, de Kirkftall narrationem de origine et fundatione hujus abbatiae, olim in bibl. Arundel, nunc in bibl. Regiae focietatis London, aliud exem¬ plar penes dom. Hen. Langley mil. in com. Salop, aliud penes Rog. Gale arm. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Tiberius C. xil. Papers of the foundation of Fountain’s abbey, and other matters belonging to it, extracted from their regifters, Julius, C. ii. 8. Cartas regum Anglia;, et privilegia pontificum concefla abbatiae de Fontibus, mf. in bibl. coll. Univ. Oxon. J. I. 1. Regiftrum omnium terrarum, tenemento- rum, See. ad abbatiam de Fontibus fpedantium, in 4to. mf. in ead. bibl. J. iv. Cartularium penes dom. Joannem Trevor. Regiftrum penes Carolum Fairfax de Merfton. Regiftrum penes Ric. Chifwell bibliopolam 1692. Regiftrum in bibl. Harleyana, 1734. Regiftrum penes decanum et capitulum Ebor. Regiftrum terrarum feodorum, et pofleffionum ad mo- nafterium S. Mariae de Fontibus pertinentium, quod referibi fecit Marmaducus abbas A. D. 1509. mf. penes honoratift'. com. Denbigh apud Newnham Pa- dox in com. War. in fol. ampliori pergam. Librum cartarum abbatiae de Fontibus, penes V. R. Hugonem Todd S. T. P. in 4to. Apographum Cartularii hujus abbatiae A. D. 1672. penes Ricardum Richardfon de Bierley arm. Plurima recorda et munimenta ad hanc abbatiam perti- nentia penes Will. Aiflubie de Studley arm. Inter collectanea Francifci Thynni penes Joannem An- llis arm. Garter, excerpta ex libro de Fontibus ei mutuo dato, a Will. dom. Howard, A. D. 1590. Inter colled. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. vii. f. 27. 31. 163. 171. 202. vol. viii. f. 18. 22. vol. ix. inter f. 196 et 208. cartas quam- plurimas hujus abbatite ineditas: vol. xxvi. f. 8. letter from Dr. Layton and Lee to Cromwell againft the abbat of Fountains : Ibid, a f. 157 ad f. 192. de ori¬ gine hujus monafterii: vol. lxii. f. 52. e cartulario de Fontibus in turre S. Mariae Ebor. 1637. vol. lxxvi. f. 1 16. cartam originalem de maner. de Oveldryk : vol. lxxix. f. 148. ex cartulario de Fontibus inter ar- cbivos archiepifc. Ebor. vol. cviii. f. 33. vol. cxiii. f. 8. 39. 57. vol. clvi. f. 120. ex cartulario de fon- tibus penes dom. Rob. Cotton. 1625. vol. cxvi. f. 47 et f. 120. vol. clvi. f. 113 ex libro de Fontibus in But the mf. Chronicle of Barth. Cotton faith “ A. D. 1127. ab- “ batia de Fontibus caepit aedificari et monachis Ciftcrtienfibus “ inhabitari.” < %utcre, If not fomething alfo in St. Bernard’s epiftles. cuftodia XL II. YORKSHIRE, cuftodia domim Honor* relifi* Steph. Prohor mil. 1620. et in turre B. Mari* Ebor. 1630. Ibid. f. 49. out of a couchcr of Fountains abbey in the cuftody of Sir William Ingelby: vol. cxxix. f. 37. ex regiftro de Fontibus in cuftodia Hen. Savile mil. vol. cxxx. f. 22. In regiftro Joannis Romani arehiepifc. Ebor. f. 98. epi- ftolam arehiepifc. Ebor. monachis de Clarevall ordi- nis Cifterc. vifitatoribus per Angliam deputatis de malo ftatu domus de Fontibus, A. D. 1294. In regi¬ ftro Grenfeld, par. ii. f. 85. compofitionem inter rec- torem de Arnciifte et abbatem etconventum de Fon¬ tibus, A. D. 1315. In regiftro J. Thorefby confir- mationem compofitionis de decimis maner. de Thorp Underwood in parochia de Ufeton five Ufeburn Parva, A. D. 1366. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 86. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 8. n. j 9. Cart. 7 Joan. n. ig. Clauf. 7 Joan. m. 3. Fin. 10 Joan. n. . de terris in Efleby: Plac. apud Weftm. 15 Joan. Trin. rot. 23. de pifeatione in mara de Codric. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 29. 44. 65. pro ii. bovatis terr* in Coudric : Fin. Ebor. 8 Hen. 3. n. 59. 75. 77. de terris in Audewerk : Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 32. de carucat. et dimid. terr* in Swinton : Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 42. de ii. bovatis terr* in Box- hale et Queldric: Fin. Ebor. 21 Hen. 3. n. . de xv. bovatis terr* in Auderbery: Cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 8. de bovata terr* in Merfton: Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro meiT. in S. Bo- tulpho: Fin. Ebor. 35 Hen. 3. n. 28. 145. 148. pro maner. de Birnebern : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 67. d. de terris in Swinton: Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 40. de ii. bovatis terr* in Neweton in Craven. Cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 27. pro lib. war. in Morker, Somer- with, Aldburgh, Steningford, et Sutton : Plac. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 27. 58. de C /. reddit. in Luton: Plac. apud Carliol. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 29, 30. de meiT et terris in Baftingthwaite : Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 6. pro lib. war. in Balderby, Marton fuper Moram, Thorp fub Bofco, Kilvefay et Bordley in Craven, Bradley [Weftmorl.] Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 6. in cedula: Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 21. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. et 20. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. d. pro deafforeftatione de Stanburn et Ruggeton in forefta de Knarefburgh : Ibid. p. 2. m. 10 vel 11. de me(T. in Ebor. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. et 7. de reddit. et terris in Scothorp, Kirkby Malfart, et Afterlagh. Efch. Ebor. 1 Ed. 3. poll mort. Jo. Moubray, de bofco et chacea de Nidderdale : Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m, 23 vel 24. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 4. quod abbas non tenetur reparare pontem de Bradley: Ibid. m. 13. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. pro eccl. de Merlaw Parv. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 39. de commun. paftur. et eftoveriis in vafto de Quel- dry ke : Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 3. rot. 30. pro maner. de Aldefeld: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10. Cart. 23 Ed. 3. n. 5. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 16. pro maner. de Aldefeld: Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. Cart. 39 Ed. 3. n. 8. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 20. et m. 22. pro ten. in Quel- drek: Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 39. pro ten. in Alde¬ feld, Litton et Malgham: Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 14. pro meff. in Rippon: Pat. 16 Ric. 2- p. . m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 18. pro meiT. in le North ftrete Ebor. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 4. m. . de cuftodia abbati* in manus R. capt* durante lite in curia Romana inter Rogerum Frank et Joannem Ryppon. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 16 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 4. pro eccl. de Thornton in Craven approprianda. 2. EIospital, Here was at the gate of the monaftery an hofpital for the relief of the poor in the neighbourhood, and for travellers, as early as the reign of K. Richard 1. which had feveral particular benefactions to it. Vide in regiftro de Fontibus penes honoratilf. com. Thornton, donantis infirmitorio pauperum de Fonti- Qxon. f. 155. 284. 310. 411. et in mf. Dodfworth. bus Willelmum fil. Waldefnativum, cum tota fequela vol. Ixxiv. f. 161. cartam Heli* fil. Radulphi de fua, tefte Euftachio abbate Joreval. XLIII. G A L M A N H O, in or near the city of York*. Monastery destroyed. Siward the famous earl of Northumberland is faid to have built a monaftery here, in which h he was buried A. D. 1055. Vide Chron. Saxon. Hoveden, See. Crefly, 976. XLIV. GILLING1, dim Jngetlingum k, Gethlinge1, or Gedingm, near Richmond. Monastery destroyed. At this place, where K. Ofwin was murdered, Eanfleda built a monaitery before A. D. 659". which was afterward deftroyed by the Danes. Vide Bed* Hift. Angl. lib. iii. cap. 14 et 24. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 54. g “ Gnhnan lilh porta civitatis Ebor. nunc Bootham barr.” Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 23. h He was buried in St. Mary's York, faith Bromton ; hence feveral have made Galmanho the fame monaftery with St. Ma¬ ry’s, which doth not feem credible ; becaufe in Stephen Whit¬ by’s hiftory of the foundation of St. Mary’s, there is not the leaft hint of the place, which was given them to build on, hav¬ ing ever before been poffelfed by any Religious. And Leland, Colled, vol. iii. p. 36. faith that the place where St. Mary’s ab¬ bey was built was the common lay flail of the city, and the place of execution. * Crefly’s Church Hi dory, p. 363. Smith’s notes upon Bede. Gilting nunnery, mentioned by Speed in Yorklhire, feems to be a miftake for Keting. t Bede. 1 Vita S. Ofwini, m Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. 386. " In which Trumheve abbat here was made bilhop of the Mercians, as Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 41$. XLV. G I S E- XLV. YORKSHIRE. XLV. GISEBURNE", or Gyfburgh, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland Austin Canons. Robert de Brus founded and amply endowed, A. D. 1129P. a priory 0f canons of the order of St. Auftin here to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. Its yearly reve nues, at the diffolution, were worth 628/. 3s. 4 d. Dugd. 712/. 6s. 6d. Speed. The lue was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Sir Thomas Chaloner. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 147. cartam fundationis: P. 148. cartam Radulfi de Clera, confirm, canonicis locum ubi domus eorum fita eft : Fundatorum hifto- riam : P. 150. nomina antecefforum de Carleton, de familia de Brus : Cartam Petri fil. Petri de Brus, re- cit. et confirm, concefliones donatorum : P. 151. cartam Roberti fil. Will de Brus, fuper omnibus quae dederunt Robertus avus l'uus vel Willelmus pater fuus : P. 152. cartas Will, regis Scotorum confirm, dona- tiones diverfarum ecclefiarum infra regnum Scotiae ; Ricardi epife. Dunelmenfis recit. et confirm, dona- tiones ct appropriationes diverfarum ecclefiarum A. D. 1311. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i, p. 46. cartam Wal- devi fil. Cofpatrici com. fadfam eccl. S. Brigidae, vulgo Brydekyrke in com. Cumbr. de eccl. de Appel- ton ; Alani fit. Waldevi, de villa de Appelton et mo- lendino de Broflon ; Aliciae de Rumely, de eadem villa; Thomae fil. Joannis vicecom. Cumbr. fuper fervitiis debitis de villa de Apeltone A. D. 1221. P. 47. cartam Aliciae de Rumely fadlam canonicis de Gifeburn, de ecclefia de Brydekirke; Ejufd. de eccl. de Dereham fa£lam eifdem canonicis. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. -340. Lelandi Colled. vol. i. p. 64. vol. ii. p. 314. vol. iii. p. 41. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 97. of the manor of Redmain : p. 99. of the manor, impro¬ priate redory and advowfoti of the vicarage of Bride- kirk: p. 113. of the impropriate redory and advowfon of the vicarage of Dereham. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 29. de quarta parte unius feodi in Neufome et tertia parte unius feodi in Bernyngham : p. 49. de duabus carucatis terra; in Berningham, et duabus carucatis in Neufom ; et in Append, p. 36. de triginta bovatis terras, et triginta toftis in Swalu et Alcfby [Lincoln.] Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 107. In Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 337. of the church of Scelton, ex magno rot. 4 Joan. And in the preface to his Formulare, p. xii. of the church of Kirkeby fuper Wifch. Year Book, i. 364. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 340. cartam Petri de Brus, pro duabus bovatis terrae in Normanby, &c. p. 340, 341, 342. feptem cartas Je terris et tenemen- tis in Ormelby, ex orig. penes TI10. Strangways Ro- binfon arm. p. 342. cartam prioris et canon, de Gife- bum conced. unum toftum, &c. in Jarum Joanni de Jarum, reddendo inde annuam penfionem v s. p. 342. cartam Stephani de Hoton, pro terris in Cartel Eden: p. 343. cart, prioris et canon, de terris in Gifborn. concelfis Willielmo de Rywans, pro penfione vms. per anil. Cartam Petri Efcarbot, de duabus bovatis terrae in Upplivor, A. D. 1188. p. 344. Radulphi epife. Carliol. confirmationem eccl. de Bridekirke, A. D. 1287. Cartam de terris in Marton : Duas cartas prioris et conv. de manfo in Yarum*, et tene- mento cum gardino in Kingefton fuper Hull: p 345. compofitionem litis inter canonicos de Gifburn et redorem capellse de Herleffet, ex orig. penes Rad. Thorefby arm. Cartam Rogeri del Hill et Willielmi de Slitenham, de terris in Lunde concefll priori et canon, de Gifburn, pro cantaria in ecclefia S S. Tri- nitatis de Kyngefton fuper Hull, et fullentatione xn. pauperum in quodam hofpitali ibidem, ex Dodfworth. « So often both in the charters and records, and alfo in the printed books, which makes this place in Cleveland to be mif- taken for Gyfburn in the Weft Riding on the borders of Lan- cafhire. Gale’s Appendix to the Regifter, p. 34 3- It was near Stokeby, as T. G. p. 333. m(T. vol. vii. f. 69. Inter colled. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. mf. in bib], Bodl Oxon. vol. vii. af. 40 ad 81. 86. 208. vol. yiii f. , * 278. 287. vol. ix. f. 133, &c. habentur carte fere centum ad hunc prioratum lpedantes ineditse • Ibid vol. lxx. f. 5. carta prioris de Giiburn facta doin' Henrico Clifford et Annae conforti fuse, A. D 1 C07" vol. lxxvi. f. 37. indentura de terris in Up Lithum et Uggethorp; et f. 42. vol. xciv. f. 117. vol cxi;; f 21. vol. cxxviii. f. 165. ex regiftro prioratus de Gifeburn: vol. cxvm. f. 49 et 106. ex calendario ohm fpedante ad prioratum de Gifburn penes dom Rob. Cotton. In bibl. Cotton, mf' Cleopatra , D. ii. 2. annotationes chartarum de Gifeburn. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. 46- of the foundatio* and arms of this priory. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. 43. 5r. de ten. in Hagethorp- Plac. alfif. 9 Joan. rot. 3. d. pro x. marcis reddit. in Scurveton et ndvoc. eccl. de Kirkby fuper Wifk- Fin. Ebor. 13 Joan, pro xxix bovatis terrae in Alefbi-" ex conceff. Rogeri de Lafcells. ’ Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 8x. pro advoc. eccl. de Liver- ton : Fin. 7 Hen; 3. n. 44. pro moris de Glafedale et Swinheved: Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 168. pro ii. bovatis terrae in Ormefby : Cart. 13 Hen. 3. m. 6." Fin Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 43. de xiv. bovatis terrae in Bernaldby : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 107. de terris in Bernaldby: Fin, Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 75. de terris in Bernaldby : Cart. 47 Hen. 3. n. . Plac. de affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 16. de bovata terra; in Rottefete. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 3. d. de commun. paftur. in Perth Bio-- ging: Fin. Ebor. 4 Ed. 1. n. 33. pro maner. de Thormodeby: Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. n. 206. pro ma¬ ner. de Uggethorp: Fin. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 66. pro terris in Alefby : Plac. de quo war. apud Carliol. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 65. de mefT. et iv. carucat. terrae in Brydekyrk : Baga de quo war. in com. Ebor. temp. Ed. 1. rot. 34. allocat. libertatum. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. de maner. de Thormodeby, ex concefiione Will, de Boyvill : Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 2. n. gi. pro ii. mefl. et ii. bovatis terra; in Gyfeburn: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 8. de toftis et terris in Merfke, Up Lithom, et Lofthoufe. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. m. 3. d. de commun. paftur. in Glacedale et Swinefheved: Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de maner. de Gifeborn: Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. tilt, vel penult. Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed.‘ 3. rot. 8. pro ii. mefT. et ii. bo¬ vatis terrae in Gifburn: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39 vel 40. pro kernellatione monafterii : Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 34 vel 35. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21. pro eccl. de Heielarton approprianda : Pat. 39 Ed. 3. p. 2. in. 16. de imparcando hofeo de Clyve, cum terris contiguis : Cart. 39 Ed. 3. n. 22. pro lib. war. in Thornby, Urlby, et Hoton juxta Gifeburn: Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 47 Ed, 3. p. 2. m. 16. de commun. paftur. in Thorp : Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. et m. 20. Ibid. p. 2. in. 24. pro ten. in King- fton fuper Hull : Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. x. m. 29. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. pro ten. in Lound: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 6. de terris in Lound’. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 2. n. 7. de paftur. in Bradley ad ix. vaccas et lxi. equas, lib. war. in Gifeburn, Ugge¬ thorp, Bernoldby, Lovefdale, et pro mercat. et feria P Chronic. Joannis Brompton, col. 1018. Though Mr. Bur¬ ton, in Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 64. makes this foundation, from Camden, to be A. D. ii 19. . q This is probably what is printed in Stevens Append. XLV. YORKSHIRE. apud Gifeburn : Cart, io Hen. 4. n. 7. pro returnis Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 5. brevium, vifu franciplegii, &c. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 5. Clauf. 7 Hen. 6. m. 13 et 14. d. pro ten. in Beverley et Hoton. XLVI. GODELAND, or Gothland, eight miles from Pickering. Benedictine Cell. A. D. 1117. the king granted to Ofmund the prieft and the brethren of Godeland, the fcite of the place fo called, for the entertainment of the poor and for the health of the foul of Matild his queen ; and afterwards gave leave to the laid Ofmund and his brethren, to give this hermitage or hofpital to the abbey of Whitby, and commanded the abbat and convent to oblige the brethren to conform to the rule of St. Benedict. Vide Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 85. XLV1I. GROSMONT', Gromont’, Grommond', Grandimont u, or Efkedale*, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Alien Priory. In the beginning of the time of king John, Joanna the daughter of William Foffard, wife to Robert de Turnham, gave a parcel of lands in the foreft of Egheton, fince called Efkdale, to the abbat and convent of Grandimont in Normandy, who thereupon fent a convent of monks of their own order to fettle here; when, by reafon of the wars with France, the kings of England bore hard upon thefe alien priories, the abbat of Grandimont got leave to fell the advow- fon and all their right in this cell to John Hewitt alias Serjeaunt; and thereupon it feems to have become “ prioratus indigena,” and to have lubfifted till the general diflblution, when there were rot above four monks in it; the revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 12 1. vs. 8 d. ■per ann. as Dug- dale, and 14/. 2 s. 8 d. as Speed. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to one Edward Wright. Videin Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 981. cart. 15 Joan. n. 29. confirm, donationem Joannae de Turnham: Ibid, tom. iii. p. i. p- IS- e* archivis ccenobii Grandimon- tenlis, cartam Joannae uxoris Roberti de Turnham, et duas cartas Roberti de Turnham confirm, et recit. donationes Joannas uxoris. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 275. In majore rotulo Walteri de Gray archiepife. Ebor. n. 107. confirm, advoc. eccl. de Lokinton. Cart. I Joan. m. 10. n. 155. Pat. 2 Hen. 3 p. 1. n. 11. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22. de melT. et terris in South Brome, See. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25. licent. perquirendi c. folidatas terrre in com. Ebor. Efcaet. Ebor. 43 Ed. 3. n. 44. de terris in Eggeton. Pat. 18 Ric. 2- p. 1. m. . quod abbas de Grandimont pofiit feoffare Joannem Hewit alias Serjeaunt in feodo advoc. prioratus de Efkdale, et omnium maneriorum eidem pertinentium. Pat. Norman. 8 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 8. XLVIII. HACKNESS, clim II icanos, in Whitbyftrand, three miles from Scarborough *. Benedictine Cell. Here St. Hilda built a monaftery a little before her death A. D. 68o)r. which probably by the wars and devaluations of this country was demolifhed long before the Con- queft. In the time of king William Rufus the pirates having facked Whitby, and driven away the monks from thence, William de Percy gave them this place, where they continued fome time, and then returned to Whitby, but left fome of their number here in the church or St. Peter2 as a cell lubordinate to their abbey. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 414. de tranlktione mo- Burtons’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 82. nachorum de Whitby ad Hakenefs, ex regiftro Whit- Conventionem inter monachos de Dunelm. et mona- beienfi. chos de Hakenes, in bibl. Cotton. Domitian. A. vii. 3. Lelandi Colleft. vol. iii. p. 39. f. 45- b. XL1X. HALTEMPRICE, Altaprifa, or Howdenprice, dim Newton. Austin Canons. Thomas lord Wake of Lyddel3, 15 Ed. 2. began to build a Religious houle in his manor at Cottingham, which he furnilhed with canons of the order of St. Auguftine from the abbey of Brunne in Lincolnfhire. But becaule a perpetual title could not be made to this fite, the monaftery was removed, about A. D. 1324. by licence from the pope, to an hamlet in the neighbourhood then called Newton, and there dedicated in honor of the nativity of our bleffed Savior, the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, and the exaltation of the Holy Crofs, though generally diftinguilhed by the laft. Herein were, about the time of the diflblution, a prior and r Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. i. p. 15. * Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1045. * Ibid. p. 597. u w Ibid. p. 1035. x Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 39. y Beds Hift. Eccl. lib. iv. c. 23. et Capgrave, f. 180. d. ^ Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 74. St. Marie’s church , as Moil. Angl. vol. i. p. 414* 2 Not Thomas Holland earl of Kent , as in Speed. This Tho¬ mas lord Wake was a mighty well-wilher to thefe Religious foundations ; for befides thefe, he once intended to found and endow one at liarwedon Magna, as Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 350. which did not take effed ; and 18 Ed. 3. he obtained licence from the king to bring out ot Brabant four or fix nuns of the order of Preachers, and to found an houle for them in this kingdom. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. a. m. . — A a a a eleven XLIX. YORKSHIRE. tleven or twelve Black canons, who were endowed with 100I. os. 3 d. ob. per ann. as Duo-dale and 178/. ot. 10 d. ob. as Speed. The fite was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas Culpeper. & ’ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 347. pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro fundatione : Bullain P. Joannis 22. pro tranftatione monaflerii de Cotingham ufque ad Hau- temprife: P. 348. cartam Tliomte Wake, de funda¬ tione et dotatione prioratus de Altaprifa A. D. 1325. P. 350. cartam Joannis de Meux de Bewyk, de ma¬ iler. de Willardby, pro fex canonicis divina celebra- turis in monafterio dat. 16 Oft. A. D. 1361. Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. de maner. de Wharrum priori et conventui concedendo. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 313. Inter colleft. mff. cl. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. i. f. 27. fin. Elior. 16 Ed. 3. rot. . pro jure hujus mo¬ nafterii in melT. et terris in Aulaghby : Ibid. f. 48. fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 3. rot. 13. pro aliis terris in Au¬ laghby Ibid. f. 391. fin. Ebor. 18 Ed. 3. rot. 13. pro terris et reddit. in Wolferton, Hefill juxta Co- tyngham, et advoc. eccl. de Elvele : ibid. vol. vii. f. 127. cartam Joannis Wells quiete ciamantis maner. de Aulaghby 6 Ed. 4. Ibid. f. 222—226. 261. 303. 306. cartas circiter ofto ineditas de terris ad hunc prioratum fpeftantibus. Ibid. vol. xciv. f. 158. cartas prioratus de Halton-prife. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 32. de pifcaria in Wharrom cum advocatione ecclefue : Ibid. p. 3. m. 16. pro eccl. de Belton in Axholm approprianda : Pat. 2 Ed, 3. n j m. 16. pro eccl. de Elvele: P3t. 5 Ed. 3. p. j. m. 2/ et p. 2. m. 31. pro eadem ecclefia : 'Pat. 6 Ed. ?' p. 1. m. . Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . pro maner.’ de Stowbydon [Norf.] Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat 1 3 3- P- 2- m- 32- Fin. Ebor. 14 Ed. 3.’lig. c. n. 107 et 109. pro fex me(T. feptem toftis, uno molen- dino, & c. in Cotyngham, Wolferton, &c. Pat. ia. Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m' ^ vel 32. Ein. Ebor. 16 Ed. 3. lig. D. n. 61. Pat 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. de terris in Aulaghby: Fin! Ebor. 19 Ed. 3. lig. D. n. 159. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. m. vel 8. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Pat. ol Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 2. pro maner. de Willardby, &c. 5 Clauf. S Hen. 4. m. 35. pro terris in Willardby, New¬ ton, &C. L. HANDALE, cr Grenedale, in the deanry of Cleveland and archdeaconry of the fame. Benedictine Nuns. William Percy the third 6 founded here, A. D. 1 133. a fmall priory for Benedidine nuns, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin. About the time of the diffblution herein were eight Religious, though they had revenues valued only at 20/. Js. 8 d. per ann. Speed. 13/. igs. o et. Dugdc. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Ambrofe Beckwith. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 72. b. notulam hiftori- cam de fundatione et dotatione, ex regiftro de Whit¬ by : Ibid. p. 427. conventionem inter priorifl'am et conv. de Grendale et priorem et conventum de Gife- burn, de bovata terra; in Marton : P. 428. cartam Ricardi de Percy confirm, advocationem hujus domus Ricardo Malebifle. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 86. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 1133. ex bund, brev. reg. 34 Ed. 1. attachiamentum contra prio- riflam. Inter mlf. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. vii. f. 20. conventionem inter hofpitale S. Petri Ebor. et mo- niales de Grendale de travis folvendis. Ibid. vol. ix. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 56. de reddit. in Hilderwell: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 67. de medie- tat. molendini in Staling: Efcaet. Ebor. poft mortem Hen. de Percy, 42 Ed. 3. de ten. in Walpole, Ilder* well, &c. LI. HANEPOLE', or Hampoll, in the deanry of Doncafter and the archdea¬ conry of Weft Riding. CisTERTiAN Nuns. A priory of fourteen or fifteen Ciftertian nuns, dedicated to the blefled Viroin Mary, built by William de Clarefai and Avicia de Tany = his wife about A. D. 1170k They had, 26 Hen. 8. of yearly income 63/. 51. 8 d. Dugd. 85/. 6s. 1 id. Speed. The fite and demefnes of this houfe were granted, 6 Ed. 6. to Francis Aiflaby. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 830. cartas Radulphi de Tilli et Rogeri fratris ejus, confirm, donationes Avi- ciae avi* fuse et Sibillae de Clerefai matris : P. 831. cartam Will. fil. Will. dom. de Sprotburgh confirm, donationes anteceflorum fuorum de eccl. de Adwick et reddit. in ead. villa: Confirmationem Rogeri archi- epifc. de eccl. de Adwick, et de fitu loci de Hanepol. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 264. In collect. Dodfworth. vol. viii. f. 149. duas cartas in¬ editas de prato de Smedehall : vol. ix. f. 318. bullam P. Innocentii, confirm, ecclefias de Adwick, Melton, et Gretonwelle. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 28. pro ii. bo- vatis in Kileholm : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 3. d. pro tertia parte maner. de Hanepolburgh. Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 50. pro lib. war. in Adwick, Hane- poll, et Brampton. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 33. LII. H E D L E Y, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Benedictine Priory. A fmall priory of Benedidine monks, dedicated to St. Mary, cell to the monaftery of the Holy Trinity in York, of which Ypolitus de Brarn was founder, or at leaft an early and confulerable benefador temp. Hen. 1 E. i* This nobleman is (in Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 270. a.) faid to have founded in this year the nunnery of Hampoll in this county, which mult be a miitake for this of Handale. c It is 13 /. it. 7 d. in the print, viz. 13/. 19 d. but in the record and Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. it is 13 /. 19 s. 0 d. d Four miles from Doncafter, T. G. p. 233. e Her gift to Wirkfop is confirmed by P. Alexander A. D, 1161. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 33, 54- f Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 270. makes this a liouie of Ciftertian monks founded by Will. Percy the third A. D. 1133. by miftake for Handale nunnery. g A. D. 1125. Mf. V. cl. Ricardi Rawlinfoni. LII. YORKSHIRE Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 565. cartas Ypoliti de donaJones Ypoliti de Bram ct Hugonis filii fui. Bram donantis commun. paftur. &c. infra terrain Inter coheift, mf. Dodfworth. vol. viii. fuam de Middleton; Adse fil. Petri de Birlcin, pro v. Cart. 5 Joan. m. 4. de maner. de Bromley, acris prati in Smedhala; Petri de Middelton, confirm. LIII. H E D O N, or Newton near Hedon, in the deanry of Holdernefs and arch - deaconry of Eaft Riding. Hospital. Upon part of fevfcn acres of land near this town given by Alan fil. Ouberni, was built, pretty early in the time of king John, an hofpical dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre for a matter or prior, and feveral brethren and fitters lepers h. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 13/. 15 s. lod.perann. in the whole, and 1 1 /. 1 8 s. 4 d. clearly 1 ; and granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Robert Conftable. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 418, &c. pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 7. recit. et confirm, donatorum conceffiones. Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . pro jure prioris infirmorum in pomcerio et terris in Hedon, et in una bovata terrae in Gagbanefted. Placit. affif. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 30. de mefliiag. in Patheflet. Fin. Ebor. 13 Ed. I. n. 18. pro bovata terrae in Prefton in Holdernefs. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. ). Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. n. 5. libertat. concelT. burgenfi- bus de Hedon, provifo quod non derogent libertati- bus hofpitalis de Newton in difta villa ab antiquo ufitatis. LIV. H E L A G H PARK1, i» the deanry of Ainfty. Austin Canons. An hermitage in the wood or park of Helagh, with liberty to clear the grounds about it, was granted to Gilbert a monk of Marmonftier, in order, as it feems, to found a Religious houfe by Bertram Haget before the year of our Lord 1203. and thereupon a church was built to the honor of St. John the evangelift, and fome Religious fixed here by Jeffery Haget1 fon to Bertram-, and about A. D. 1218. a convent of Regular canons under the government of a prior was eftablifhed and endowed by Jordan de S. Maria and Alice his wife, who was grandaugh- ter to Bertram Haget. About the time of the diflolution here were fourteen canons, who had revenues to the value of 72/. iot. yd. per am. as Dugdale, and 86/. 5;. yd. as Speed"1. This monaftery was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to James Gage. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 287. cartam fundationis per Bcrtramum Haget: Quietam clamationem prioris et conventus de Marton ad heremitagium in parco de Helagh: Cartam Galfridi Haget donationem patris confirmantem : Stemma fundatoris : Cartam fecundae fundationis per Jordanum de S. Maria et Aliciam uxorem ejus : P. 288. cartam ejufd. Aliciae Haget in viduitate fua confirmantem fundationem: Catalogum priorum hujus domus : P. 290. confirmationem W al- teri archiepifc. Ebor. fuper conceffionibus donato¬ rum : Cartam Willelmi de Percy, de capella S. Hildae de Kildale et duobus canonicis in eadem perpetuo celebrantibus. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 281. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 390. Leland. Itin. vol, i. p. 46. Cartularium mf. juflu Petri prioris circa A. D. 1498. colle&um, in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf. A. iv. Collect. Francifci Thynne, ex hoc cartulario penes Jo- annem Anftis arm. Regiftrum penes dom. Wharton. Inter colleft. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. cartas fexdecim vel feptemdecim ineditas in vol. vii. p. 73. 173. vol. viii. p. 55. 96. 98. 100. 105, 106, 107. 144. 240. and in vol. cxvi. f. 64 and 69. feveral things belonging to this priory out of the Helagh cheft in St. Mary’s tower at York. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 61 1 1. f. 48. extraitts out of the leiger book of this priory. Regiltrum Ricardi Scroope archiepifc. Ebor. f. . de ap¬ propriation eccl. paroch. de Helagh priori et conv. ex donatione Joannis Depden mil. et Eliz. uxoris ejus A. D. 1398. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 107. Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 80. pro commun. paftur. in Waleton: Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 160. Plac. in com. Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 26. de commun. paftur. in Hagenby : Pat. 19 Ed. 1. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 25. pro lib. war. in Helagh, Wighalc, Efteke, et Catherton [Ebor.] Ibid. n. 39. 47 et 50. confirmations donationum: Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 19. pro moiendino et Knotingley. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Hoton Wan- defle. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 36. pro eccl. de Helagh ap- proprianda. LV. HEMINGBURGH, in the deanry of Bulmer and archdeaconry of Cleveland. College. The church of St. Mary here was made collegiate, A. D. 1426. by the prior and convent of Durham, who were patrons of it, for a provoft or warden, three prebendaries", fix vicars choral, and fix clerks. The parochial tithes were appropriated to it; and the revenues of it valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 84/. nr. o d. per ann°. in the whole, and at 36/. u. od. clearly. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 97. pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 19. licentiam regiam pro fundatione. A large account of the foundation of this college, and a catalogue of the provofts, canons and vicars pre- bendal, in Burtons hiftory of the parifh of Heming- burgh annexed to his Monafticon Eboracenfe. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 54. Regiftra prioratus Dunelmenfis. i> Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 419- a-1; *5- „ , i In the mf. Valor rolls it is ftiled “ Hofpitale S. Sepulture de Newton juxta Huun and from thence this Valor is ai- cribed (Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. io46.)ito “ S. Sepulture abba- “ tire but in ECton it is pst to “ hofpitale S. Sepulchri juxta « Headon.” O k Within two miles of Tadcafter. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 46. yet within the county of the city of York, as pat. 31 Hen. 8. 1 Hence he is ftiled founder in Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 46. «» 86/. 6 s. 8 d. Rot. Primit. n Three fmall prebends, as Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 54. ° Rot. in offic. Primit. LVI. H O D E. LVI. YORKSHIRE. LVI. H O D E. Austin Cell. This was originally an heremitage for a monk of Whitby, but A. D Ir.,o was given by Roger Mowbray to a convent of Ciftertian monks, who were driven from Ca'lder ' Cumberland by the incurfions of the Scots. Here they continued four or five years, and then were removed to Byland. Afterward Sarnfon de Albiny giving them fome other lands* and tithe' in excnange, tins place was granted to tne mon from thence fixed for fome time here, dedicated Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1028. 1030. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 192. cartam Rogeri de Moubray, conced. pro ani- mabus patris fui Nigelli et matris Gundredte Deo et S. Maris de Infula fubtus Hod, et Auguftino priori et eanonicis ibidem eccl. S. Andres in civit. Ebor. P. 194. cartam Will, de Stutevil, confirm, cart. Ads LVII. H O W D E N, dim Hovedene, of Eaft .itery or iNewourgn, and a cell of Black canons 0 the bleffed Virgin. S FofTard: P. 195. cartas Roberti filii Ads FolTard de paftur. in Sutton; Rogen Moubray, de confirma- tione conventionum inter abbatem de Bella Landa et canonicos de Hod ; Ricardi MalebifTe quiete daman tis cellam de Hode ecclefis de Novo Buro-0 • Hen' rici epifc. Dunelm. de divifis inter Sutton et Hode in the deanry of Harthill and archdeaconry Riding p. College. Hugh prior of Durham obtained a bull from pope Gregory 9. for the appropriating this church towards the maintenance of fixteen monks'’. But upon further confideration, Robert bifhop of Durham', A. D. 1266. caufed it to be divided into five prebends for Secular clerks viz Hoveden valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 18 l. 13 s. 4 d. in the whole, and 12/. clearly. Skelton valued at 1 5/. 13J. 4 d. in the whole, and 9/. or. o d. clearly. Thorp valued at 1 61. ur. 4 d. in the whole and gl. i8r. 4^. clearly. Saltmarfh valued at 16/. 13s. 4 d. in the whole, and 10/. os. o d clearly. And Barnby valued at 1 61. 6s. 8 d. in the whole, and gl. 13 r. 4 d. clearly. To thefe was added not long after a fixth prebend, viz. Skipwith valued at 18/. in the whole, and 13/. 6s 8 d. clearly. There were alfo fix vicars, befides chantry priefts in this collegiate church, which was dedicated to St. Peter and St. Pauls. Vide Lelandi Colle£t. vol. i. p. 334. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. Howden, A. D. 1279. p. 54. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1 et 35. In regiftro Willelmi Wickwane archiepifc. Ebor. f. 37. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 34. ordinationem luper prsbenda de Skipwith in eccl. de LVIII. TEMPLE HURST E, or Weft Hurft, in the deanry of Ainfty and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. T emplars. Ralph de Haftings gave this manor, A. D. 1 1 52. to the Knights Templars, who eftablifhed here a preceptory of their order. After their difiblution this eftate leems to have gone to the lord Darcy not to the Hofpitalars. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 551, 552. et in p. 556. cartas Henrici de Lacv, confirm, donationem Rad. Haftings ; Joannis Courteney, de terris in Ell Hirft: P. 557. finalem concordiam levatam, 19 Hen. 3. per Joannem Courtenay et Emmam uxorem de eifdem terris. Inter coiled, cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bib!. Bodl. vol. viii. f. 180, &c. de Templo de Hurft: f. 234. de magiftro et fratribus de Hirfte: vol. xxviii. f. 56. LIX. J OREVAL', Jervaux, or Gervis, in the parifl: of Eaft Witton, in the deanry of Catterick and archdeaconry of Richmond. CiSTERTiAN Abbey. The abbat and Ciftertian monks, who laboured under great inconve- niencies at Fors, were, A. D. 1x56. removed with the coni'ent of Herveus Ion of Akarias their original founder to a pleafant valley upon the fide of the river Jore, now called Ure, which was mven them by Conan w duke of Britanny and earl of Richmond. Here they built a fine church and all offices, and flourifihed till the general fuppreffion, when their yearly revenues were rated at 234/. i8r. sd. Dugd. 455/- 10s. $d. Speed. It was, as moll other monafteries of this order, dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary. The fite was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Matthew earl of Lenox. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 753. compofitionem de Jorevalle : Ibid. p. 869, &c. hiftoriam fundationis, metis et divifis’ inter monachos de Fontibus et de ex regiftro de Bellalanda: P. 874, 875. duas cartas p It is within this divifion ; but this and fome other churches hereabouts in the diftriet called Howdcnlhire, are exempt from the archdeacon, and fuhjeft to the dean and chapter of Durham. 9 Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 740. r Leland. Collcdt. vol. i. p. 334. And yet in Dodfworth’s mlT. vol. xxviii. f. 169. it is faid that “ Walterus de Gray archi- <* epifc. Ebor. ex confcnfu prioris et conventus Dunelm. ordi- « navit quod in ecclefia de Hovedene lint quinejue praibcndse.” s So the record; but Rymer, vol. v. p. 363. faith, to St. John; and in vol. xi. p. 120. to St. Mary. 1 Thorefby’s Hiftory of Leedes, p. 225. u « Urevallenfe caenobium.,> Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p. 4 This place as well as Fors is in fome of the charters called Wcindejleydale ; and Fors was fometimes called Jorvall, efpeci- ally after the year 1150. when it was fubjedted to Biland, and an abbat and monks fent from thence to fettle there. Joreval was fituated a mile eaft from Middeham, as T. G. p. 234* w The genealogy of the earls of Richmond in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 877. makes Stephen earl of Richmond to have removed the monks to Jorval, and yet faith, That Stephen died A. D- 1144. Conani LIX. Y O R Cortani ciucis Britannia, cum litera permiffionis capi- tuli generalis Cifterc. et conceffione Hcrvjei fil. Aka- ria-, pro trandatione abbati;e : P. 876. confirmationes Will, et Ricartli abbatum tie Savigneio: P. 877. <>-e- nealogiam ccmitum de Richmund- poll: Conquellum : P. 878. cart. 4 Ed. n. 99. per Infpex. recit. duas cartas Joannis ducis Britannire ct comitis Richmon- dire, confirm, donationes antece/Torum fuorum : P. 879. cartam Joannis de Britannia com. Richmund ct Will, abbatis de Savignio fub uno figillo ide fub- jedlione abb. de Jorevallis abbatia: de' Bellaianda : Cart. 12 Hen. 3. tn. 10. recit. et confirm, donationes plurimorum: Ibid. m. g. aliam cartam ejufd. regis : Ibid. p. 1032. de miffione abb. ct conv. e Bellaianda ad Jorevall. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe,. p. 366. Lelandi Coile£f. vol. i. p. gb. vol. iii. p. 43. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. go. vol. v. p. 120. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 291. cartam Abrahae fil. Suani de Miton, de tertia parte tofti et duabus acris in Miton. In Madox’s P ormulare, p. 95. an agreement for the ad . vowlbn of the church of Ayfcharth, in exchange for the manor of Wurton. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 30. 36. et Append, p. 51. de terris inRokewik: p. 34. in Hoton Hang et Eaft Crompton: p. 37. in Apilton Magna et Parva, et Afherigg : p. 39. in Ridmer : p. 40. in Elynftringe et Elyngton : p. 42. in Eaft Witton, Hoton Hang, et Fynkall : p 43. in Walburn : p. 44. in Herneby : p. 45. in Ryfevvik et Heftlton : p. 46. in Burgh: p 52. in Melfamby et Didrefton Graunge: p. 54. in Feldom : p. 56. in Langton Magna : p. 61. in Middilton: p. 6g. quod terrae in Rodewick, Ho¬ ton Hang, et Tunftal reddunt fcutagium : p. 83. de le Ryddyng juxta Wodhall : p. 97. cartam Hilidis duciflie Britan, de bundis foreftte de Wendeflaydale : p. qq. inquif. de maner. de Weft Witton, cum ad- voc..ecclefi$ : p. 100. de commun. paftur. in Wan- defiaidale : In Append, ad idem regiftr. p. 51, 52, 53. de warda ad caftrum Richmondiae, pro terris in Rok- kewir, Koton Hangeft, et Tunftale: p. 53 de ii. carucatis terra in Rceth : p. 87. valorem omnium et fingulorum reddituum, & c. iftius abbatiae, et reprif. inde, ex rot. in offic. Primit. p. 109. cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. g. quod monachi de Jorevale iint quieti de theo- loneo: p. 146. cart. 35 Ed. 1. m. 17. n. 46. pro mercat. die Lunae et feria die S. Martini in hyeme, in maner. de Eaft Witton : p. 58. 224. 233 et 263. de fundatione ad Fors, et trandatione monachorum ad Jorevalle. Computos, rentalia, &c. in baga intit. Jervaulx in fupe- riore archa quintae archae in officio curiae Augmen- tationis. Cartas, rotulos curiae, &c. penes honoratiffi. com. Aile- fburienfem. Inter colledt. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. xxiv. f. 19. cart. 4 Ed. 2. vol. xxvi. f. 12. letter from Arthur Darcy to Cromwell, about the fuppreffion of this ab¬ bey, 8 Jun. 1537. vol. lxiii. f. g. 41. vol. lxxiv. f. 161. cartam Theobaldi Halton, de terra et paftura in Rokefwic, ex dono Hamonis de Valoins : Cartam R. Ed. 1. pro cantaria in abbatia de Jorevall, ex funda- K 3 H I R E. tione Will. Thornton vie. de Eaft Witton, vol. Ixxvi. f. 88. 1 13. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 52. of the founderlhip of this abbey. In regiftro Corbridge archiepifc. Ebor. f. . confirmatio- nem fuper appropriatione eccl. de Eaft Wytton mo- nachis Jorevall, A. D. 1301. Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de ii. carucat. terra in Mel- fomby: Plac. incerti temp. R. Joan, notat. G. rot. 3. d. de commun. paftur. in Wenfleydale. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro libertat. cariandi per aquam a Pontebury ad Eborac. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. 1* . n. 219. de iv. acris in Hafelton: Cart. 37 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro vaccaria in forefta de Wenftcydale: Fin. Ebor. 38 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . de terris in Skimerton, ex dono Pycoti de Eafcells : Fin: Ebor. 51 Hen. 3. lig. H. n. 83. pro mefT. et xx vi. acris in Eaft Dalton : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 24. d. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 5. d. m. 19 vel 29. de terris in Eaft Witton: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 32. d. pro ten. in Alver- ton : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 36. d. de commun. paftur. in Merfke : Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 5. d. et rot. 16. d. pro ii. bovatis terra in Ap- pdton: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 4. de fervitiis: Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 43* pro lib. war. in ma¬ ner. de Eaft Witton, Nether Eblington, Over Roke- wyke, Ryfewike, Aikebergh, Finegale, Hoton, Han¬ ger, et Horton in Ribblefdale [Ebor.] Plac. coram reg. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 40. Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 33. d. allocat. libertat. in Eaft Witton, Nether Eblington, &c. Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 15. pro paftur. ad mc. averia et mdccc. bidentes in auftrali campo de Jorvall, et proii. logiis faciendis in forefta de Wendelefdale ad ferrum fuum comburen- dum r Ibid, n, 46. pro mercat, die Luna: et feria die S. Martini in hieme apud Eaft Witton. Cart. 6 Ed. 2. n. 49. pro paftur. d. ovium in Thornton falina in arenis de Wainflete, et befeha ad turbam fodiendam in marifeo de Totington : Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. de excambio pro terris in Braithwait Horneby, et Finegale: Ibid. m. 19. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 26. de terris in Braithwaite. Pat. r Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. ve! penuit. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20 vel 21. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 99. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m, . Efcaet. Ebor. 16 Ed. 3. n. 76. de grangia de Diderfton, et aliis villis et grangiis annexis fpiri- tualibus in taxatione. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 1. in. 14. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten. in Eaft Wytton, Fingale, et Hafelton: Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 7. pro ten. in Tonftall, Ellinw- ftring, Rippon, Merfke, &c. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p.1. tn. 11. pro eccl. de Aykfgarth approprianda. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 6 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 22. pro ten. in El- lingftring, Eaft Witton, et Bainbridge. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 7 vel 27. de eccl. de Aykfgarth, et ten. in Newbiggin : Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. i.°m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 15. et p. 2. m. 28. de maner. de Lafingby concefT. per epife. Dunelm. Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. pro eccl. de Anderby, et capella de Weft Witton, approprianda. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro eccl. de Anderby. LX. K E L D O N, or Keldeholm, fometime Duna \ or Done \ in the deanry of Rydale and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Cisterti AN Nuns. A Ciftertian nunnery dedicated to the blefied Virgin and founded by Robert Stutevile 1 temp. Hen. 1. from whom the patronage defeended to the lamily of the Wakes. About the time of the dillblution here were a priorels and eight nuns3, who had yearly revenues x “ Moniales de Duna or Duva” occur in many charters in Dodfworth’s mflT. fo called from the river Duna, now Dowe, on which it was iituated. y Stevens, vol. i. p. 37. x In the quo warranto roll of K. Edward 1. thefe nuns plead¬ ed a giant of K. Henry fon to the conqueror ; and it mult pro¬ bably have been before Iv. Henry 2. becaufe Stephen de Meinil is witnefs to a deed of Sibill priorefs of this houfe, as mf. Dodf¬ worth. and Galfi idus magifter monialium de Duna is one of the witnefies to the agreement about Hode between the canons of Newburgh and Adam Foflard. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. n. tqc a MS. Corp. Chrilt. coll. Cant. — Bbbh to LX. YORKSHIRE. to the value of 29/. 6 s. id. per ann'". The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Ralph earl of Weft- morland, whole anceflors were then faid to be founders. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 914, 915. cartam 2 Joan, n. 23. m. 13. confirm, donatorum conceffiones: Car- tarn Nicholai de Stutevile, pro quatuor marcis annuis in molendino de Gillingmore : Cartam Willelmffil. Willelmi fil. Nicolai de Habbeton, pro decern bovatis terra in Habbeton Parva, et aliis terris. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 380. Inter colledt. cl. V. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. vii. f. 1 55, 156, 157. 179. 216, 217 et 218. cartas undecim vel duodccim ad hunc prioratum fpedtantes haiftenus ineditas. Vide etiam ibid. vol. cxvi. f. 58, Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de ii. bovatis terra in Fade- more. Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 7. de com- mun. paftur. in Heton Underheth verfus abbatem S Maris Ebor. Plac. afiif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. j. rot. 6 de eadem : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. j. rot. de eadem: In baga de quo war. temp. Ed. 1. rot. 32, d. de eadem. LXI. NUN KELYNGE, dim Chilling, in the deanry of Holdernefs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. , Benedictine Nuns. Agnes de Archis, temp. R. Stephc. built here a priory for Benedictine nuns to the honor of St. Mary Magdalene d and St. Heien. About the time of the diffolution herein were about twelve Religious', whofe revenues were valued at 35/. 15 1. $d. per am. Dugd. 50/. 17*. id. Speed. The fite and demefnes were fold, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Grefham f. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 474. cartam Agnetis de Archis, de eccl. de Killinghe. Vide banc pleniorem inf. Dodfworth. vol. ix. p. 332. Ricardi de S. Quin- tino confirm. Agnetis donationem ; Will, de Fortibus com. de Albamarle etiam confirmantis. Vide cor- rectiorem in mf. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 254. P. 475. confirmationem Will, archiepifc. Ebor. Cartas Aliz.se de S. Quintino, et R. archiepifc. Ebor. confirm, do- nationcs. . Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 385. Regiftrum cartarum hujus ccenobii, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Otho , C. vxti. Inter colled!. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. vii. f. 246, &c. ubi inter alia, de cantaria in eccl. de Aldeburgh fundata per Agnetem filiam Joarmis de Aldeburgh tranflata ad prioratum de Killing: f. 255 bullam P. Alexandri confirm, monialibus locum in quo monaft. fitum eft ex done Agn. de Arches : Ibid. vol. ix. f. 335. cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, do- nationes Ricardi de S. Quintino et Agnetis de Arches : vol. cviii. f. 28. ex regiftro hujus prioratus in bibl. Cotton, vol. cxviii. f. 83. ex cartulario de Nun Kil¬ ling bibl. Bodl. Quaere. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 15 vel 16. LXII. K I L D A L E, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Crossed Friers. In the park of Sir Arnald de Percy within this pariih about the year 1312. the friers of the order of the Holy Crofs began to build an oratory and other offices for their fettle- ment here-, but the place was interdicted by archbiffiop Grenfield, till it ffiould be made appear, that this fort of mendicants were allowed of by the pope. Vide in Wilkinfii Concil. tom. ii. p. 423. archiepifc. Regiftr. Grenfield archiepifc. Ebor. p. ii. f. 34 vel 35. ordinationem contra hos fratres. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. LXIII. KILLING WOLDGROVE, olim Kinewaldegrave, in the deanry of Harthill and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Hospital. Here was an old hofpital chiefly for women before the year 1169'. It was dedi¬ cated to St. Mary Magdalene, and rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 13/. in. id", in the whole, and at nl. 3J. 4 d. per ann. clearly. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 415. pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. nefa&orum. m. 9. recit. et confirm, cartas Rogeri, Gaufredi, et Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 20. pro ten. in Beverly et Wal- Walteri archiepifc. Ebor. et donationes aliorum be- kinton. LXIV. KINGSTON upon Hull. j. Carthusian Priory. Sir William de la Pole knight banneret intended to have built an hofpital here, and afterwards refolved to found, inftead of it, an houfe for nuns of the order of St. Clare; and had licence of king Edward 3. to found and endow the fame'1; but being prevented by death, his fon Michael de la Pole, afterward earl of Suffolk and lord chancellor of England, founded without the north gate “ a Carthufian priory for thirteen monks, commended it to the patronage of St. Mary, St. Michael and St. Thomas of Canterbury; and endowed it io well, that Dugdale, Speed, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. c After A. D 1149. when Herbert de S. Quintin was alive, for the health of whofe foul Agnes founded this houfe, and be¬ fore nj4. when archbifliop William died. In A. D. 1152. as mf. Peck, vol. i. <1 So moftly upon the tranferipts of the deeds belonging to this priory in mil’. Dodfworth, vol. vii. and ix. e Chriftiana Burgh, laft priorefs, and eight or nine nuns, en¬ joyed penlions A. D. r 553. Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p« - • f Burton. g Archbilhop Roger’s grant to them bears date that year. h But the hofpital of Kynwalgraves (in the gift of the .nvh- bifhop of York) is valued at 40 j. per ann. only, in Stevens, vol. i. p. 57. i Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 930. k Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 52* R E. LXIV. Y O R K S H I 'f rr/enues were rated, 2 C, Hen. 8. at 174/. 18 s. 3d. Dugd. and 231/. iys. 3d. Speed. After the diflolution it was granted ... to Thomas duke of Northumberland, 2 Maria; to John Gren and William Jenyns, and 6 Ed. 6. to Edward lord Clinton. Vule in Mon. An?!, tom. i. p. 066. clauf. 2 Ric. 2. m. 18. dorfo: Cartam fundationis, dat. 18 Feb. A. D. 1378. Tom. ii. p. 930. pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 9. m. 10. lieentiam regiam pro fundatione et dotatione coenobii Cartufienfis et hoEpi^al is. Dugd. Baron, vot. ii. p. 183, 184. of Sir William’s in¬ tent ; and of his foil’s founding this priory and an hofpital here. Regilirum mf. Alexandri Neville archiepifc. Ebor. f. 47—62. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 123 ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 52. In Morant’s Effex, vol. ii. p. 244. of xx l. yearly out of the manor ofLangham. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 16. et p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 7 2. Godshouse. John Kingfton, 18 Ed. 3. obtained the king’s leave to found an hofpital here to be called God’s Houle ior thirteen poor men and women1. Vide pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. 3, 4. Grigg’s and Mariners Hospitals. In the weft end of the churchyard was a fair row of lodgings for priefts of the town'", made by one John Grigge mayor of Hull, and near it is an hofpital made by the fame John Grigge". And thereby is the Mariners hofpital: both thefe hofpitals are yet in being; in the former, which wus rebuilt by the corporation about A. D. 1-24. are twelve poor widows ; and in and from the latter, which is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and under the government of two wardens, ten elder brothers, and fix aflift.mts, near one hundred poor mariners and their widows receive relief t; though it was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 10/. per anti, as both Dugdale and Speed. Ric 2. p. i. m. 32. Cart. 7 Ric. 2. n. 5. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. pro eccl. de Thetolthorp et Hogfthorpe: Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. . Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. pro terris in Anlabye. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 1. Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 8, de reddit. exeunt, e maner. de Langham [ElTex.] Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Hoggef- thorpe approprianda. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 14 Pleo. 6. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Mitton : Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. I. in. 8. pro maner. de Rymefwcll : Rec. in fcacc. 24 Hen. 6. Mich. rot. 24. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 24. 5. Pole’s Hospital. The abovementioned Michael de la Pole founded an hofpital or Maifon Dieu near the laid priory, about A. D. 1384s. for thirteen poor men and as many poor women'; and dedicated it to the Holy Trinity8, i he revenues of this houfe were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 32/. 194. gd. per atm. in the whole, and 10 1. clearly'. It is yet in being, and the chapel having been pulled down in the civd wars, and the houfe being too ftrait and ‘inconvenient, were both handfomcly rebuilt in the years 1663 and 1673. Vide Additions to Camden’s Britannia. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. pro magiftro et pau- Leland. itin. vol. i. p. 52. peribus de La Maifon Dieu juxta Hull fundat. 6- Selby’s Hospital. This was on the north fide of the churchyard"; and is probably the lame which is eJfewhere laid to have been founded for twelve poor men by Richard de Ravenfer archdeacon of Lincoln and Robert de Selby his brother, in the latter part of the rei-m of K. Ed¬ ward 3. or the beginning of that of K. Richard 2”. Vide in Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 345. cartam Rogeri del Hill capellani et Williefani de Slitenham, coi.ced. priori et conventui de Giiborn quinque mef- I'uagia, duo tofta, feptem bovatas terrre et dimid. et duos folidatus reddiius in Lunde, in augmentationem fuftentatiqnis unius canonici Regularis divina fmgulis diebus in eccl. S. Trinitatis de Kyngefton fuper Hull, pro animabus Ricardi de Ravenfer quondam archidia- coni Lincoln. Roberti de Selby fratris ejus, et Emma uxoris ejufdem Roberti, &c. eelebraturi, necnon duo- decim pauperum hominum in quodam hofpitali de fundatione ipforum Ricardi et Roberti ibidem exiften- tium, dat. anno regni R. Ricardi 2. decimo fex to* ex Dodfworth. mil', vol. vii. p. 69, Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 52. 7. Austin Friers. At the eaft end of the Trinity church * in this town was the houfe of Au gulline Iners, founded by Jeffery de Hothrtm about the year 1317. 1 See another Maifon Dieu here A. D. 1384. m The fcoufes there are ft ill called Priejls Row, as bifhop GibfqnTs edit, of Cambden 1722. p. 895. »' Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. <2. o Ibid. r Ex informatione amici. q So the infeription over the door, as bifhop Gibfon’s Cam¬ den, p. 746- edit. 1695. But this family had certainly an hof¬ pital thus named here before ; for in the priory charter dated A. D. 1378. the founder faith, that the “ mefluagium, (intended ** for the priory) cum pertinentiis, continens feptem acras terras, t( vocabatur ohm La Maifon Dieu, et fituatur inter . . . et quod- dam hofp’tale noftrum nunc vocatum la Maifon Dieu verfus w orientem.” Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 967. Unlefs we (houkl fup- pde old Maifon Dieu to have been that founded by King- fton before mentioned. r So iu the licence for foundation ; tioned in the repriles, 26 Hen. 8. who per ann. as rot. Primit. • Hot. Primit. and Eton’s Valor. but ten are only men- had i /. 144. 8 d. each x ina 10 me vdlUdLIUII in u Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 52. A WnRiCh//d de Ravenfer was made archdeacon of Lincoln, ?• ®nd A. D. 1386. was buried in Lincoln cathe- d.a . Willis Cathedrals, vol. n p. 10i. Of Selby I have met witli nothing more, than that he and his wife were buried in nnmf°nt T* f A0?11 at Hul1 und^ an handfome mo- nument. Leland. Itin. vol. 1. p. 53. x A. D. 1392. y Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 52. opccu, ana Jbcton. Vide LXIV. YORKSHIRE. , , . T . , • Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p- 1. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p, t. Rot tat!" i SL..V r. m 29. pro meff. et placea els m. 2. pro manfo elargando. conceffis per Galfridum de Hotham. o Rr Fr IFRS The fite of the houfe of the Black friers in Hull was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John BmxhoSe, a'nd 5 Ed. 6. to John duke of Northumberland. Frtfrs Bv Beverley Gate was the priory of the White friers, of the foundation of the Percy s as Leland \ But Mr. Speed faith it was founded by king Edward 1*. Sir Robert Oughtred, and Richard de la Poole 13 Ed. 1. The fite ot this houfe was granted, 32 Hen. 8 .0 John Heneage. to Fide cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 73. pro tribus acris in Milncroft Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 5. vel 6. et extra villain datis per regem. San °‘ ■ 15. pro manfo elar- T XV KIRKBY OVERBLOWES, olim Kirkby Oreblowers. College. Mr. Thorefby, in his \ icaria Leodienfis, p. 1 9 3» x9d>- Speaking of an ordination, which arciibi'fhop Thorefby made concerning this church Nov. 10. 1364. faith. It was then colle¬ giate, confitting of a provoft and tour chaplains. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 165. fragmentum ordinationis Johannis [Thorefby] archiepifc. Ebor. pro iv. capellanis celebraturis in hac ecclefia pro anima Henrici Percy defundti. LX VI. K I R K H A Mb, in the deanry e/Bucrofs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Austin Canons. A priory and Adeline his wife A. D. 1121 at 269/. 5s. yd. per ann. Dugd. and Ann his wife. of canons of the order of St. Auftin, founded by Walter Lfpecc 4. to the honor of the Holy Trinity. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. 300/. 15J. 6d. Speed, arid granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Henry Knyvet Vide in Mon Angl. tom. i. p. 731- cyrograpbum inter monach. de Rievalle et canonicos de Kirkham, de amovendo monafterio: Tom. ii. p. 105. cartam fun- dationis, ex regiftro de Bel voir : P. 106. fecundam fundationem prioratus de Kirkham, ex cartulanp de Rivalx: Notulam de fundatore, ex libeljo Ailredi Rhievallenfis de bello ftandardico : P. 107. concor- diam inter priorem de Kirkham et Will. Rofs fuper chaciam ejufd. prioris in terris dominicis prxfati Will, in bofcis de Hamelake. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 639. Raftall’s Entries, p. 495. tit. Rational, 1, but divtjts, 2. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 353- ,cartam P"°ns et conv. de terra et molendino in Berghertorp ad hr- mam dimiffis. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 373. In Lciandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 45; de fundatione: vol. 111. p. 36. codd. quofdam mif. olim in bibliotheca. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 67. 102. 104. In Atkyns’ Glocefterlhire, p. 293. of the advowfon of the reftory of Bourton on the Water. In bib! Harleiana, mf. 1499. p. 58- 66> °f rthe fbunder‘ fhip and arms of this priory: mf. 6748. f. II. cartam Cartularium hujus prioratus, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Fairfax . 7. Quxre annon idem cum cartulario penes Rogerurn Dodfworth. 20 Jun. 1632. mf. Dodfworth. vol. vii. p. 340. , -I , r. Inter colleft. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. mf. in bibl. bodl. vol. vii. inter p. 191 et 212. p. 263 et 304. funt apo- grapha cartarum feptuaginta plus minus ad hunc pn- oratum fpeclantium, ex autographis olim in turre B. Marix Ebor. hadtenus ineditas : vol. vm. p. 115. Ibid. vol. ix. Ibid. vol. xcv. f. 1, &c. ex cartulario de Kirkham nuper in turre S. Manx Ebor. ibid, vol. lxxiv. f. 99. conventionem inter priorem de Kirkham et Joannem de Frithby, de dominio de Frithby, A. D. 1332. In regiftro Wickwane archiepifc. Ebor. f. 76. vifitatio- nem prioratus, et corredtiones deinde fadtas : In re¬ giftro Corbridge archiepifc. Ebor. p. 3. de ordina- tione vicarix de Helmefley prioratui appropriat. In regiftro Grenefeld, p. ii. pronunciationem fuper ap- propriatione eccl de Kirkby in Crendale Mora, Cranburn, Helmefley, Garton, &c. A. D. 1311. Cart, antiq. V. 2, 3- Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. 99. pro advoc. eccl. de Hoton- Bardulf, ex dono Radulphi Bardulf, pro fundatione cantarix: Ibid, de terris in Frithby: Plac. Ebor. 7 Joan. Hill. rot. 3. d. pro advoc. eccl. de Quixley, ex dono Joannis fil. Fulconis. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 17. pro ii. bovatis terrx in Hildefkes: Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 185. de bovata terrx in Tiverington : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. 1. pro turbaria in longitudine 50. pertic. et in latitu- dine 50. pertic. in mora vocat. Travibery more in forefta de Galtres: Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 8. de eadem turbaria: Fin Ebor. 12 Hen. 3. n. 1. de advoc. eccl. de Quixte: Cart. 19 Hen. 3. m. 2. Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. n. . de bovata terrx in Dynegelby: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro lib. war. in Kirkham, Whyte- mell, Grannum, Wadeboft, Karram, Killum, et New¬ ton : Fin, Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 64. pro xil. bovatis terrx in Mulethorp in Cranedale: Plac. de jur. et affif.Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 23. 48 et 51. d. pro terris ’ in Skakelthorp : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 4. pro ii. bovatis terrx in Bergerthorp. Fin. Ebor. 15 Ed. I. n. 52. pro advoc. eccl. de Quix¬ ley: Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 14. d. pro lib. war. in Kirkham, Whitemell, &c. Plac. affif. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 17. d. pro commun. paftur. in Killum: Fin. Ebor. 22 Ed. 1. 1 Itin. vol. i. p. ji. a So alfo mf. Stow. b Four miles fouth weft of Malton, T. G. p. 234. ■c Walter Efpec, having loft his only fon by a fall from his horfe, founded the monaftery of Kirkham ; to which he gave the patronage of feven churches by him impropriated to it, and endowed it with an annual revenue of 1100. marks in the coun¬ ties of York and Northumberland. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 102. 4 MS. Dodfworth, vol. lxxxv. f. 36. and Dugd. Baron, vol. 1. 500. in the margin. But no fuch year occurs 111 that page ot le Monafticon which he there refers to. Bu-t Mon. Angl. tom. >. 728. the foundation is placed in A. D. 1122. though directed 1 archbifliop Thurftan, and Geffrey bilhop of Durham, for Jeffrey was not bilhop till A. D. 1129. This therefore 1 rather [ke for the charter ot dotation, endowing tins monaftery lomc me after the Religious were firft placed here. n. 74- K S H I R E. vel 32. Cart. 10 Ed. 3. n. 33. confirm, libcrtatds et donationes: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. I3Ed. 3. : p. 2. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. Inquif. com. Line. 15 Ric. 2. lig. 8. rot. 12. quod prior ft conv. de Kirkham tenentur reparare Spytel brigg juxta Barton. Paf. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 9. Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p 2. m. . dc advoc. prioratus concefT. Radulpho dom. Grayftoke. LXVII. KIRKLEGHES', or Kirkleys, olim Kuthales, in the deanry of Pont- fraft and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. ClSTERTiAN Nuns. A Ciftertianf nunnery built, temp. Hen. 2*. by Reyneriis Flandrenfis, to the honor of the Virgin Mary and St. James \ It had in yearly revenues, at the fuppreffion, 19/. 8s. id. Dugd. 20 1. 7 s. 8 d. Speed; and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Taiburgh and Nicolas Savill. LXVI. Y O R n. 74. de xxii. bovatis terra; in Kirkeby in Crane- dale. Cart. 10 Ed. 2. n. 33. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 24. de maner. de North Tydelyngton: Rot. Rom. 17 Ed. 2. m. 7. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 12. de eccl. de Quix- ley [Richmond] approprianda. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. Pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 28. pro maner. de Corcham in marchiis Scoti* : Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 487*. cartas Reineri Flan¬ drenfis, de fundatione ; Willelmi com. Warrenae: P. 488. cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 1. recit. et confirm, quafdam donationes. Hearne’s Notes to his account of fome antiquities in and about Oxford annexed to Leland’s Itin. vol. ii. p. 127. 128. Inter colleA. m(T. Dodfworth. vol, viii. p. 248. cartam Joannis de Burgh, dantis licentiam dom. Willelmo Mirfeld et aliis dandi duo meftuagia et quatuor acras terra;, &c. in Kexburgh priori!!* et monialibus de Kirkleghes. In regiftro Scrope archiepifc. Ebor. f. . ordinationem vicaria; in eccl. de Mirfeld appropriata hifee prioriffie et monialibus A. D. 1403. Cartas, rentalia, &c. penes dom. Jo. Armitage de eadem. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro ten. in Hertifheved: Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. pro maner. de Wefthaghe, et pro ten. in Keifburgh, Heggeholm, Clayton, Weft- breton, Derton, See. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro advoc. eccl. de Mure- feld. LXVIII. KIRK STALL', in the deanry of Skyrak and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Cisterti AN Abbey. Henry de Lacy, A. D. 1147. placed at Bernoldefwick11 a convent of Ciftertian monks from Fountains, who, after they had ftruggled with great inconveniences five or fix years there, defined to be removed to a place in Aierdale, called Kirkftall, which their founder procured for them of William of Poitou, and where they fettled and began to build a fine abbey A. D. H52. to the honor of the blefied Virgin Mary. It was endowed with 329/. 21. nd. per ann. Dugd. 512 /. 131. 4 d. Speed1; and the fine was granted in exchange to archbilhop Cranmer and his heirs. 34 Hen. 8. and 1 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 746 et 854. quaedam de fundatione ex libro de origine Fontanenfis ccenob’ii : P. 855. hlftoriam fundationis hujus abbati*, ex mf. in bibl. Bodl. Laud, G. ix. P. 857. cartas Henrici Lacy, de fundatione et de divifis inter Bernoldfwic et Blakeburnfliire : P. 858. inquifitionem capt. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 3. fuper eifdem divifis : Hiftoriam La- Ceiorum : P. 861. cartam R. Joannis anno regni fexto de maner. de Colyngham et Berdefley: Cartam Ricardi Tempeft, de advoc. eccl. de Bracewell: Car¬ tam Roberti de Laci, de Akarinton : P. 862. cartas duas Hen. de Laci, de i. marca afgenti de firma de Cliderhow ; Roberti de Lacy, de vaccaria de Roun- dehaia. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 287. Lelandi Collcdb vol. i. p. 54. vol. iii. p. 107. In Stevens, vol. ii. p. 36. an account of this abbey and the abbats, from Mr. Thorefby : p. 43. abftrafts of fundry charters of lands in Hosford : p. 45. compofi- tion between Petet Arthifigton and the monks of Kirkftall ot iii. carucates of land in Cuckery : com- pofition for tithes in Adell : p. 46. fundry grants of lands in Adell: Append, p. 244. R. Ed. 1. confirm, compofitionis inter Hen. de Lacy et abbat. et conv. de Kirkftall: Protefliones RR. Hen. 3. et Ed. 1. et P. Adriani, abbati et monachis de Kirkftall : p. 245. Cart. R. Her.. 2. confirm, donationes : p. 246. cart. R. Ric. 2. de terris in Horsford : Cart. R. Ed. 3. de divifis inter Bernoldefwicke et foreftam de Black- burnfhire : p. 247. clauf. 2 Ed. 3. de non exaftione pilturte in maner. de Bernoldefwicke : p. 248. dart. Ed. 3. de pofleflionibus abbatise: p. 249. cart. Rob. acy, confirm, donationes patris Henrici : Cart. Henrici com. Lancaftr. confirm, immunitates mcna- chorum in maner. de Bernoldefwick et chacea de Blackburnfhire : Cart, abbatis et conv. de ten. in Clivacker, ex orig. penes Rad. Thorefby arm. p. 250 ad 258. plurimas cartas de maner. de Heddinglay, Pudefay, Yedon, Bramely, Aryngton, Brerehagh Ar- thyngton, et Atherton Gledhow, Menewude, Wur- hall, et Balling, de decimis in paroch. de Leedes, &c. p. 258 ad 263. regiftrum parvum terrarum abbatiae de Kirkftal, ex mil'. Walteri Calverley bar. Raftall’s Entries, tit. Annuitie per on vers corps politike , de annuo redditu xx/. ab abbate de Thornton ratione prioratus de Birftall. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 192. pat. 5 Ed. 1. m. 15. de protections et cuftodia commifta Hugoni de Ken¬ dall ad exonerationem debitorum. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 295. of their grange at Michelweit. In Thorefby’s Hiftory of Leeds, p. 164. fome account of this abbey: p. 125. of the lordfhip of Chapel Al- lerton: p. 130. of lands in Allerton Gledhow: p.133. ' Towards Wakefield, T. G. p. 234. t So in many places of the York regifters ; and not Bene- iiSines, as in the Monafticon. 8 Mr. Hearne’s notes on Leland. Itin. vol. ii. p. 127, 128. h Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 672. ‘ About four miles from Leeds, T. G. p. 133. k Leland, Colledt. vol. iii. p. 107. faith, this is the fame with BerwicLin Elmet. But according to all the deferiptions irl the Monafticon, it is many miles more weftvvard, adjoining to that part of Lancaftiire called Blackburnfhire. 1 The furrender of this houfe dated Nov. 22, 1540. is printed in Stevens, vol. ii. p. 39. and Appendix, p. 243. — Cccc 0f LXVIII. Y O R K S H I R E. of the lordfhip of Allerton Grange: p. 149. of lands in Hedingley: p. 154. of lands in Burley, and of New Grange: p. 157. of the lordfhip of Cookridge: p. 164. of Moor-grange, Kepftorne and Bar-grange: p. 166. of lands in Horsford,. p. 170. in Bramley: p. 213. of a meadow in Cat Beefton. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 275. the names of the abbats. Chronica de Ivirkftall a Bruto ad finem regni regis Hen- rici 5. Mf. in bibl. Cotton. Domitian,. A. xn. 2m. Mifcellanea qu®dam de monaftcrio de Kirkilall, mf, ibid. Titus, A. xix. 10. 16. Regiftrum five Librum Nigrum hujus abbati® in officio ducatus Lancafirenfis apud hofpitium Grayenfe. Regiftrum penes Joannem Walker de hofpit. Grayenfi arm. 1707. Inter colleft. cl. V. Rog. Dodfworth . in bibl. Bodl. apo¬ graphs cartarum fere centum de terris et reddit. hujus abbatiae ineditarum, fcil. in vol. vii. f. 237, &c. vol. viii. f. 29. 42—59. 64 — 78. 80—83. J42< 244. 249. 259. 305, 306. vol. ix. f. 267. vol. xxx. f. 33. vol. xxxix. f. 24, See. vol. lxxxii. f. 127. vol. cxvi. f. 1, & c. vol. cxvii. f. 13, 88. vol. cxviii. f. 47. vol. exxi. f. 104. vol. exxii. f. 56. In eadem bibl. mf. Laud, G. 9. n. 13. de fundatione hujus abbati®. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2060. p. 216. e cards autogra- phis huic abbatiae fpeftantibus penes Ricardum Hart¬ ley de Bernelfwickcotes A. D. 1655. et Ricardum Towneley de Arm. A. D. 1658. mf. 2101. f. 228. Robert de Lacy’s confirmation of Bernoldefwiek and tnany other things : f. 229. abftraft of Robert Lacy’s charter of lands in Killinghall : f. 230. abftrafts or copies of divers original charters: mf. 61 11. f. 47. de fundatione abbatiae. Abftradl of the grants of five hides of land, with a mill in Kelinghall (except the toll of all corn and ground for the hofpital of St. Mary at Weftwood) and of the mill of Nether Eftcroft to this abbey, by Rob. de Lacy of PontfradI, mf. penes Cox Macro S.T. P. mife. xii. ii. 6. 17. In regiftro Grenefeld archiepifc. Ebor. p. ii, f. 14a. ordinationem inter abbatem et re&orem de Norman- ton fuper decimis grangi® de Snychale, A. D. 1310. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. 164. 207. de terris in Befacre: Fin. 6 Joan. m. 1. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. lig. B. n. 62. pro dimid. carucata terr® in Bargeden : Plac. affif. apud Donecaftre, 15 Hen. 3. rot. 29. de xxvi. acr. in Snythale : Cart. 21 Hen. 3. m. 10. pro lib. war. in Hedingby, Adele, Horsford, et Bramley: Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 184. de ferviriis in Donecafter : Fin. Ebor. 31 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . de pratis in Folyfait, ex dono Alani de Folyfait: Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig, Q n. 26. de ii. bovatis terra in Wetecroft: Fin, Ebor" 52 Hen. 3. lig. I. n. 23. dc iii. boVatis terra in BramI by: Fin. Ebor. 53 Hen. 3. n. 128. 131. Plac. affif, apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 8. d. pro terris apud Hedingby: Cart. 15 Ed. 1. n. 7. pro lxxx. marc. ann. reddit. de fcaccario Henrici com. Lin¬ coln. apud Pontefradl: Rec. in fcacc. 16 Ed. 1. Mich" rot. . de maner. de Golingham et Berdefe ad feodi firmam : Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 21 Ed. 1 rot. 17. 31. de maner. de Berdfey, Compton, Coliiw. hanq &c. Pat, 34 Ed. 1. to. . b Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. 1 . tn. 5 vel 6. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 17 et 18. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pro terris in Bramley- Brev. reg. 10 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. . de cccx/. folvendis per abbatem Edmundo de Woodftock fratri rems pro maner. de Colingham: Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m 14 Clanf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 29. pro lxxx. marc. ann. per- cipiendis de fcaccario com. Lancaftr. apud Ponte- fraiSl, pro terris abbatis in Acrinton, Clinerker, &c in com. Ebor. et Lancaftr. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 1 p. 2. m. 6. de decimis maner. de Colingham et Ber- deftiey, pro quibus abbas conceffit Wodenete et Ap- plegarthing facrift® S. Angelorum : Cart. 16 Ed. 2. n. 3. de firma maner. de Colingham et Berdefey: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. pro maner. de Heding¬ ley: Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. in. 30. pro mefT. et terris in Allerton Glcdhow. Cart, i Ed. 3. n. 37. 63. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m, 34. de maner. de Bernoldfwyke in Blackburnthire : Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 28. de metis ejufd. maner. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . d. p. 2. m. 41. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p, 2. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 31. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 1, m. . p. 2. m. >8 et 27. quod Bernoldwick fit extra chaceam five fo- reftam de Blakefborn : Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4 et 39. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. et m. ult. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5 vel 6. p. 3. m. 20. pro eecl. de Brace- well : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. m. 15 vel 16. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. pro ten. in Allerton, Bur¬ ton, Horsford, &c. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. pro ten. et mefT. in Ebor. Bardefey, Ecop, &c. Fin. Ebor. 16 Ric. 2. n. . de tribus mefluagiis in Ebor. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 22. p. 3. m. 5. pro mefT. et terris in Brerehagh, Arthington, Sic. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. pro maner. five prioratu de Birftall per- quirendo de abbate de Albamarlia: Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 22. pro mefT. et terris in Adele et Ecope : Pat. 22 Ric. 2. pro melf. et terris in Pudfey. Pat. g Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 16. pro ten. in Purley juxta Leeds: Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 44. pro melf. in Ebor. LXIX. KNARESBURGH. Trinitarian Friers. “ Robert Flower" fon of Robert, twice mayor of York, fome time “ a White monk at Newminfter, afterward an hermite in a chapel of the Holy Crofs here. There “ was a great opinion of his fan&iry. King John gave him forty acres of land in Swinelco. He “ was the firft beginner of the priory here", and inltituted his company in the fedt of friers of the “ Holy Trinity De redemptione captivorum.” Of which order there was a convent fettled here in the chapel of St. Robert in the reign of K. Henry 3. chiefly by the munificence of Richard earl of Cornwall and king of the Romans. Thefe Religious, though but little better than Mendicants, were endowed at the difiolution with 35/. 10 s. 11 d. per ann. as Dugdale. The fite was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to Francis earl of Shrewlbury. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 833. cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 10. de xl. acris in Swinefco datis Ivoni heremit® S. Crucis de Knarefburgh, quas rex Joannes prius dederat fratri Roberto quondam heremira ejufd. loci : Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 16. recit. cartam Ricardi com. Cornubi®, dat. A. D. 1257. Lelandi Colledb. vol. i. p. 39. Rylei Plac. Parliam. p. 339. Raftall’s Entries, p. 246. tit. Droyt quia dominus remifit curiam, § 3. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 29. warrant to the treio- rer and the barons of th’ elchequer for an half endelle, of an halfe, of an hoole dilinc, 1 Ric. 3. In regiftro Zouch archiepifc. Ebor. f. . literas qu®ftus ad fabricam eccl. domus S. Roberti de Kbarelburgh, et indulgentiam quadraginta dierum, A. D. 1350. m This is a general 'hiftory, nothing relating to the abbey, Thorcfby’s Leeds, p. 165. “ Leland. Itin. vol. i; p. 98. 0 He rather lived only as an hermite here, and was fucceedcu therein by one Ivo. See the preface. In LXIX. YORKSHIRE. In regiftro Bowet archiepifc. dom. papas amplam in- dulgentiam omnibus qui ad fuftentationem hujus do- mos manus porrexerint adjutrices. In regiftro decani et capituli Ebor. notato L. de appro- priatione eccl. de Panhale Religiofis de Knarefburgh. Clauf. 3 Hen. 3. m. 11. de cuftodia heremitorii "de Knarefburgh concefta per regem Alexandro Dorfet clerico. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 19. Cart. 9 Ed. r. n. 93. Fin. Ebor. 13 Ed. 2. n. 28. pro quatuor toftis et de¬ cern acris terra, See. in Panhale : Pat. 1 3 Ed. 2. m. 43. de terris in Panhale. Pat. 1 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. in. 22. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21 vel 22. pro advoc. eccl. de Foceton: Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17 vel 18. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. r. in. 30. pro eccl. de Foferton: Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 20. pro eccl. de Quixle approprianda : Ibid. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 16. pro eccl. de Thornore ap¬ proprianda. LXX. LASTINGHAM', o/im Laeftingeau ’, Laftingaen r, Leftingey Leftin- gaham', in the deanry of Rydale and the archdeacottry of Cleveland. Monastery destroyed. Odilbald or Edilbald king of part of the Northumbers, gave to Cedd bilhop of the Eaft Angles this place in order to found a monaftery after the rites of that at Lindisfarn u A. D. 648 w. It is faid to have been dedicated to the blelfed Virgin Mary; and being deftroyed in the Danilh wars, abbat Stephen, temp. R. Will. Conq. began to repair it, and to re- plenifh it with Religious’1, but he and they were foon after invited to fettle at a better place, viz. at St. Mary’s in York. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 62, 63. quaedam ex Bedas Ebor. Hill. Angl. lib. iii. cap. 23. et Joanne Tinemuthenfi : Lelandi Collect, vol. i. p. 115. 367. ejufdem Itin. Ibid. p. 384. de reftauratione ejufd. per Stephanum vol. viii. p. 72. abbatem, ex hiftoria fundationis abbatire S. Maris LXXI. L A Y S I N G B Y, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland. College. In the eighteenth year of king Edward r. John de Lythegraynes and Alice his wife built in their manor here a chapel to the honor of the blelfed Virgin Mary, and therein eftablifhed a chantry college or hofpital y for a mafter and fix chaplains, whofe revenues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at no more than 9 A 6 s. 8 d. per ann z. Vide in Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 463. cart. 20 pro jure magiftri hofpitalis in maner. de Lafingby Ed. 1. n. 5, 6. reciting the foundation charter. juxta North Allerton: Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 29. pro lib. Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. Ebor. 22 Ed. 1. lig. E. n. 40. war. in maner. de Lafingby. LXXII. LOWCROSSE, or LoncrofTe. Hospital. Here was an houfe or hofpital for lepers, dedicated to St. Leonard, which was given to the priory of Gifcburn by William de Bernaldby, and the donation confirmed by Peter fon of Peter de Brus. Vide Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p, 357. Mf. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 41. LXXI1I. L O W T H O R P, in the deanry of Dickering and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. College. Here was a collegiate body a or large chantry b confining of a redtor, 'fix chaplains, and three clerks c, founded in this church in the beginning of the reign of king Edward 3. by Sir John Hafelarton patron, who got the archbilhop to appropriate the parochial tithes for their maintenance. Vide ordinationem hujus collegii per Willelmum archie¬ pifc. Ebor. in thefauraria eccl. Ebor. cift. B. pyxide 5. p “ Non Ionge a Whitby.” Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 384. This feems to have been the place, becaufe it was appropriated to St. Mary’s at York. s Bede, (edit. Smith.) Eccl. Hilt, book iii. chap. 13. 1 Tho. Stubbs. ‘ Leland. Coiled:, vol. i. p. 36/. 383 1 Ric. Hagulftad. “ Bede.' » So John Tinemuth in Mon. Angl. But according to Bede it feems fix or feven years later. x Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 384- Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 22. ii. 366, 367* Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 12. de terris in Cotham. r There is no mention in the foundation charter of its being an hofpital, or having any poor perfons in it; but in the records tlie head is generally ftiled “ Magifter hofpitalis de Layfingby.” * Stevens Supplement, vol. i. p. 64. ' ' a Mr. Willis calls it L&wtborpe college. Survey of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 198. and Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 277. *> So ftiled in pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9 et 18. wherein are the ftatutes. c Dodfworth. m(T. vol. xxviii. f. . “ Ecclefia de Louthorp ap- “ propnata eft per archiepifcopum, ex rogatu Joannis de He- “ fierton mil. patroni, pro fuftentatione redoris, fex capella- “ norum, et trium clericorum, A. D. 1333. LXX1V. OLD LXXIV. YORKSHIRE. LXX1V. OLD MALTON', in the deanry of Rydale and archdeaconry of Clyveland, Gilbertine Priory. About the year 1150'. Euftace Fitz John built and endowed here a priory of Gilbertine f canons to the honor of the bldTed Virgin ■, whole revenues amounted, 26 Hen. 8 to 197/. lgs. 2 d. per ami. Dugd. 257 1. ys. o d%. Speed. It was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Robert Holgate bifhop of Landaff. tide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 816. cartam fundationis cum donationc ecclefiarum de Malton et Wintring- ham ; necnon cartam fundatoris, de eccl. de Brump- ton : P. 817. cartas duas Will. fil. Euftachii confirm, donationcs patris fui ; aliam ejufd. Will, donantis eccl. de Ancafter [dioec. Lincoln.] P. 818. cartas Burgae uxoris pradictae Will, pro eccl. de Langeton ; Ivettae de Arches, pro eccl. de Norton ; Prioris et conventus de Novoburgo; Magiftri Will, de Flam- vill et Rogeri dc Flamvill, de hofpitali ad capud pon- tis de Norton concelT. canonicis de Malton: P. 819. cartas Hugonisfil. Rogeri de Flamvill, confirm, eccl. de Marton in Burgerfire; Magiftri et capituli de Sempringham de eadem ecclefia ; Hugonis epil'c. Lin¬ coln. confirm, eccl. de Walden, ex dono Walteri de Nevil : Stemma fundatorum [hoc non convenit cum alia genealogia fundatoris, mf. Dodfworth. vol. ix. f. 1 12.] P. 820. cart. R. Joan. [fcil. antic). F. n. 18.] confirm, octies viginti acras terra: in diverfis villis : Bullam P. Innocentii 3. hiper deciinis de Soureby. In Append, ad Stcvenfii vol. ii. p. 387. licentiam R. Ric. 21'. (anno regni 10.) Thomae Grafton et Jo- hanni Ydingham dandi et aflignandi 1. mefl". xiv. tofta, xiii. bovat. et xlvi. acras terra, cum perti- nentiis in Hower et Wycom ; et Will, de Rufton et Thomae de Wharrum dandi et aflignandi 1. melT. ii. tofta, iii. acras terra, et 1. acram prati, cum perti- nentiis in Old Malton: p. 388. cartam Willielmi de Redburn, pro fex bovatis terra in Edeftor Parva, ex mlT. Rad. Thorefby arm. Year Books, 3 Hen. 4. Mich. 14. In Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 59. 67. vol. viii. p. 5. of the priory: vol. i. p. 29. of the impropriate church of Ancaft'er. In Chauncy’s Hertfordftiire, p. 411. of the impropriate rcdtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Walden Regis. Regiftrum mf. hujus prioratus olim in bibl. Hatton, nunc in bibl. Cotton. Claudius , D. xi. In colleft. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. vii. f. 75. cartam prioris et conventus quiete cla¬ mant. prori de Gyfburn totum jus in advoc. eccl. de Berningham : Ibid. f. 222. conventionem inter prio- rem et conv. de Malton et magiftrum et fratres hof- pitalis S. Leonardi Ebor. fuper Petercorn, A. D. 1266. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 61. of the founderfhip and arms of this priory. * Cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 6. n. 41. pro clx. acris in Sar- psftorp, &c. Fin. Ebor. 15 Joan. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Berningham : Plac. in banco 15 Joan. Trin rot 1 de eaderfi : Fin. Ebor. 16 Joan. n. . de eadem. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. lig. B. n. 113. pro terris in Ed- briclifton : Cart. 15 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro l. acris in Laverham cum paftur. ad M. oves, et vi. quarteriis falis apud Fulefliam: Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 184 202. pro bovata terra in Rillington: Fin. Ebor. 24. Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 36. pro eadem: Fin. Ebor.' 3? Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . de bovata terra et l. aeris prati cum pertinent, in Knapton : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 9 lig. I. n. 72. pro bovata in Donygelby. Plac. afiif. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 64. d. pro melT. in Ebor. Fiiu Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. n. 80. pro mefl'. et dimid. carucat. terrae apud Aflakeby: Plac. aflif. apud Ebor". 14 Ed. 1. rot. 12. d. pro tofto et bovata terra in Agmunderby: Fin. Ebor. 22 Ed. 1. lig. E. n. 66. pro lx. acris in Mornefthorp : Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Fin. Ebor. 32 Ed. 1. lig. G. n. 46. pro vi. bovatis terra in Vet. Malton: Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 12. pro c. fol. reddit. de moni- alibus S. Mich. Stanford : Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 22 pro terris in Apelton : Plac. coron. apud Ebor. 6 Ed. 2. lig. A. n. 184. pro melT. in Nova Malton: Efcaet. Ebor. 8 Ed. 2. n. 63. Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 2. n. foo! pro ii. bovatis in Slingfby: Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 18. de ten. in Vetere Malton, Wicom. Slingfby, &c. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. I- m. 15. Clauf. 14 Ed. 2. m. 15 et 18. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10. Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 3. rot. 8. pro ii. bovatis in Slingefby: Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 13 vel 14. Ibid. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 24. pro appropriatione de Brampton. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 27. pro terris in How, &c. Ibid. p. 3. m. . Rec in fcacc. I Hen. 4. Pafch. rot. 8. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 5. Trin. rot. 5. pro advoc. eccl. de King’s Walden. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. LXXV. LITTLE M A R E I S, or De Pa rvo Marifco, near Yedingham, in the deanry of Buckros and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Benedictine Nuns. Roger de Clere, or rather Helewyfia de Clere, before the year 1163''. founded here a fmall monaftery for eight or nine nunsk of the Benedi&ine order, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. It was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 21/. 161. 6d. per aim. Dugd. 2 61. 6s. 8 d. Speed "and was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Robert Holgate bilhop of Landaffe, afterwards archbifhop of York. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 496. cartas fundationis (ut dicitur) per Rogerum de Clere ; R. Hen. 2. G. epifcopi Candida: Cafae, de dedicatione eccl. de Ye¬ dingham, A. D. 1241. P. 497. cartas Ricardi de Breufe, de jure eligendi prioriflam ; Radulphi de Clere confirm, donationem Rogeri fratris fui ; Ro¬ geri fil. Radulphi de Clere, confirm, donationes an- teceflorum fuorum: Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 11. confirm. d A quarter of a mile above the town on the fame fide of the Derwent, as Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 59. It is called Menton , in Leland, Colleft. vol. i. p. 198. and Meaunton in fome of the records. , _ . c Henry archbiihop of York is one of the witnenes to the charter of foundation ; fo it muft be between the years 1147- f effe, Whether here was not (as in feveral Gilbertine houfes) women as well as men. For, “ Sorores de Multonia” occur in Gunton’s Peterborough, p. 347. and this houfe comes the neared to that name of any 1 know. s “ Summa inde 257 /. os. 7 d.” Stevens, vol. i. p. 28. h Perhaps the fame with pat. 10 Ric. 1. p. 2. m. 27. • Becaufe John treafurer of York, who was made bifhop of Poitiers A. D. 1163. is one of the witnefles to the confirmation by K. Henry 2. k MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. domini LXXV. YORKSHIRE. domini Hugonis Gubyoun mil. donantis terras in Yedingham 41 Hen. 3. P. 498. liberationes panum in domo de Yedingham. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 285. Inter colledt. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 79. 182—190. 213. vol. xciv. f. 128. vol. cxxi. f. 62. cartas plurimas hadlenus ineditas. In regiftro Grenfeld archiepifc. Ebor.- par. i. f. 106. ordinationem vicarial eccl. de Yedingham appropri¬ ate prioriflae et conv. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. lig. B. n. 33 et 101. pro tertia parte ii. bovat. in Edbricfton. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 12. de ten. in Yedingham. Pat. . . Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11. Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Mich, rot. 9 et 11. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. m. 1. LXXVI. M A R T O N, in Galtres, in the deanry of Bulmer and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Austin Canons. Bertram de Bulmer (who lived in the reign of king Stephen and the begin¬ ning of that of king Henry 2.) founded here a monaftery for men and women, but the nuns were not long after removed to Molefby. The Religious men who were canons of the order of Sr. Auftin, continued here till the general fupprdfion, when this priory, dedicated to St. Mary, was valued at 151/. 5s. 4 d. per ann. Dugd. 183/. 2 s. 4 d. Speed; and it was, 34 Hen. 8. granted to the archbilhop of York in exchange for fome other eftates. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 98. cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 47. recit. per Infpex. cart. R. Hen. 2. donantis canonicis et fandtimonialibus de Martona xl. folidatas terrae in Hebi: Cartam Henrici de Nevi!, confirm, donationes Bertrami de Bulemer fundatoris : P. 99. cartam Hen¬ rici de Nevil, donantis maner. de Woodhoufes: Con- firmationem fitus prioratus per dom. Petrum de Ma- lolacu tertium. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p, 265. Year Book, xviii. 23. In mfiT. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 163. 175. 177, 178. 324. et vol. viii. f. 11. fex vel feptem cartas ineditas. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 45. of the founder and arms of this priory. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. lig. C. n. 199. de bovata terrae in Flaxton: Plac. affif. apudEbor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 4. de commun. paftur. in Sutton. Firr. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. n. 194. de tofto et v. acris in Sut¬ ton : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 6. pro melT. et bovat. terrae in Tiverington : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . pro xx. acris de bofco fuo de Northwode et le Frith includendis. Cart. 3 Ed. 2. n. 5. pro eccl. Omn. San&orum de Sut¬ ton et de Hoton appropriandis. Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 42. pro lib. war. in Marton, Corne- burgh, Quenby, Tiverington, Stutton, Bramham, Kepewyk, Crakhow, Trepland, Apeltrewyk, et Wod- houfe [Ebor.] Efcaet. Ebor. 18 Ed. 3. n. 44. de terris in Corneburgh : Clauf. 35 Ed. 3. m. 36. de mefT. in civit. Ebor. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. de minera habenda in Mar- ton, Dalton, et Orgrave. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. LXXVII. MARYKE", or Marigge, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Richmond. Benedictine Nuns. A Benedidtine nunnery founded, either in the latter end of the rti«n of king Stephen, or beginning of that of king Henry 2". by Roger de Afc”. It was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin p, and had yearly revenues rated, 26 Hen. 8. (about which time herein were a priorefs and fixteen Religious’1) at 48/. j8j. 3^. Dugd. 64/. 16 s. yd. Speed. The fite was granted, 37 Hen. 8. to John Uvedale. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 484. cart. 22 Ed. 3. n. 22. per Infpex. recit. cartas R R. Hen. 2. et Hen. 3. confirm, donationes quamplurimas monialibus. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 269. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 96. cjufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 1 19. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 226. of the advowfon of the rectory of Kirk Andrew upon Eden fometime : p. 477. of lands in Bewcaftle. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 22. de terris in Howad: p. 38. in Kirkby et Fletham: p. 46. in Hefil- ton : p. 49. in Lirtington : p. 54. in Marrig: p. 57. in Mikel Couton cum Smethon : In Append, p. 85, 86. valorem omnium et fingulorum temporaiium et fpiritualium monialium de Marrig et reprif. inde. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 51. de carucat. tc-rra; in Marige. " Pat. 28 £d. 1. m. . LXX VIII. MELS Ar, or Meaux, in the deanry of Holdernefs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Cisterti AN Abbey. 'William le Grofs earl of Albemarle founded, A. D. 1150*. a Cifter- tian11 abbey here, which, as mod: other monafteries of this order, was dedicated to the blefied Vir¬ gin Mary. Herein were fifty monks, whole yearly revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 299/. 6 s 4 d. q. Dugd. 445/. 10 1. $d. Speed. After the diffolution this houfe was granted, 2 Ed 6 m to John earl of Warwick. 1 At leaft fixteen in number ; for Thomas Godfon laft prior with fifteen brethren furrendered this houfe Feb. 9, 1556. as Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 277. ■” Near Swaledale, T. G. p. 135. n Gale’s Appendix to the Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. »I3* 0 So Leland. Itin. yol. v. p. 119. and Camden from him, though nothing more appears trom the printed charter than that he and his family were great benefactors to this monaftery. p So in the charter of K. Henry 2. in the Monafticon : but the Bodl. mf. faith St . Andrew, who was faint of the pari ft 1 church. * 9 MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. 1 Near Cottingham, T. G. p. 2 35. ! Juhlls the hiftory of this abbey, and of Fountains, and the mf. Chron. of Louth park ; fo that the Annals of Waverlev making it founded A. D. 1 136. muft be wrong. ’ • Not Cluniac, as in Camden. — D d d d Fide LXXVIII. YORKSHIRE pide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 747. hiftoriam funda- tionis ex libro de Fontibus: P. 792. ex regiftro de Melfa, cap. i. qualiter primo fumfit exordium mona- fterium de Melfa, de ejus nomine et nominis ejus etymologia: P. 793. cap. ii. de caufa fiindatioiiis et litu loci u : Cap. iii. de caufa nominis loci et ejus feparatione a dominiis adjacentibus : P. 794. cap. iv. de prima monafterii edificatione, et monacborum in- duftione, et tenementis nobis datis per Will. Groos comitem, fundatorem noftrum, in Waghan, bofco de Ruda, Hotone, et Egge'tone : P. 795. cap. v. de terris datis nobis per eundem comitem in Saltagh, de libero pafTagio apud Pagulam, et tenemento in He- don : P. 796. cap. vi. de genealogia nobilium comi- tum Albemar. fundatorum noftrorum : P. 797. aliam fundationis et fundatorum hiftoriam : p. 798. cartas duas comitis Gulielmi de Albermarl, de fundatione et dotatione abbati® ; Hawifiae comitift® fili® fundatoris confirm, donationes patris : Conventionem inter Will, com. de Albermarle et Joannem de Melfa, de maner. de Melfa: P. 799. genealogiam et difcenfum Will, com. Albemarl fundatoris: De cantaria vii. mona¬ cborum prelbyterorum in mefluagio capitali de Otringham, ex fundatione magiftri Ric. de Otring- ham : Licentiam transferendi didtam cantariam ab Otringham ad capellam ad portam monafterii de Mel- faham: De additione I. monachi ad numerum mona- chorum per Joannem de Friboys mil. donantem vi. bovatas terra in Holmeton : P. 800. de cantaria in capella S. Mari® prope pontem qui eft in bofco, ex fundatione Petri de Malolacu. Cart, 6 Joan. n. 38. confirm, donationes. Madox’s Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 162. of a releafe from Aaron the Jew, A. D. 1176. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 40I. Regiftrum brevium, f. 21. b. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 44. vol. iii. p. 107. The names of fome abbats, in Willis’ Hiftory of Ab- bies, vol. ii. p. 278. Regiftrum in bibl. Cotton. Vitellius, C. vr. Regiftra penes Chriftophorum Hildiard de Winftead in Holdernefs, A. D. 1627. in turre S. Marias Ebor. 1639. penes Phil. Hyldiard de Horfey Orient, in com. Surrey, 1688. Regiftrum penes decanum et capitulum Ebor. Regiftrum penes Jacobum epifc. Lincoln. 1699. Hiftoriam abbatiae de Melfa, penes Will. Alford de eadem mil. Cartularium penes dom. Gul. Ayrmine, A. D. 1637. Chronicon monafterii de Melfa penes Johannem Smith de Heath arm. Indicem in librum de Melfa penes eundem. Apographa veterum cartarum huic abbatiae fpeftantium penes eundem. Large extracts made out of the regifter of this abbey by Mr. Rob. Glover, mf. in offic. Armorum Lond. Philpot, 17. _ Inter collect, cl. -V. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. apographa quarundam cartarum de terris ad hanc ab- batiam fpeftantibus, vol. vii. f. 232. 236. 244. 266. vol. liii. a f. 1 ad 11. ex cartulario abbatiae de Melfa in turre B. Mariae Ebor. 1639. vol. lxix. tranfcrip- tum hiftoriae fundationis abbatiae de Melfa in Holder¬ nefs, cum hiftoria abbatum ufque ad Will. Wendo- ver, A. D. 1399. ex codice Chriftoph. Hildierd de Wyeftede mil, vol. lxxiv. cartam R. Ed. 1. donantis maner. de Pokelinton: vol. xcv. f. 108. vol. cxviii. f. 55. vol. cxxiv. f. 108. vol. cxxvii. f. 48. ex libro de Melfa in cuftodia Will. Alford mil. In regiftro de Corbrigge archiepifc. Ebor. f. . appropri- ationem eccl. de Nafferton, ex dono Hen. Percy mil. et ordinationem vicariae, A. D. 1303. In regiftro Grenfeld archiepifc. Ebor. p. i. f. 113. 118. appro- priationem eccl. de Skypfe huic abbatiae, cum ordi- natione vicariae, A. D. 1309. Fin. Ebor. 1 Joan. n. 5 et 38. de terris in Wytham vel Warham: Fin. Ebor. 3 Joan. n. 5. de y. bovatis terrae in Wartre : Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. rot. 4. de xv. bovatis in Ugethorp : Cart. 5 Joan. n. 97. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. lig. C. n. 47. de terris in Seton: Clauf. 13 Hem 3. m. 12. Cart. 22 Hen. 3. m. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 53. de vi. bovatis terra in Skiren : Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. ]jg, £ n de commun. paftur. in Scardecroft: Fin. Ebor. 26 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. 21. pro advoc. eccl. de Skyren: Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 4. 14. pat' 52 Hen. 3. m. 15. de maner. de Killum perquirendo de archiepifc. Rothomag. Pat. 53 Hen. 3. n. 42. Fin. Ebor. 5 Ed. 1. n. 56. de terris in Beford: Cart. 7 Ed. 1. n. 14. pro mercat. et fer. apud Wikes fuper Hull: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 20. d. de commun. paftur. in Miton : Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. ig. Cart. 21 Ed. 1. n. 6 et 7. Ibid. n. 28. pro lib. war. in North grange. Rue, Waghen, Fifhoufe, Tharlef- thorp, Salthaghe, La More, Skyren, Blaunch-Warle, Wharrum, Wathfand, Ruton, Dunelton, Otringham, Arnhale, Cranwick, Heytefeld, Oketon, Dalton, Wartre Dringham, Sutton, Ergham, Ouftwick, Molefcroft, Raventhorp, et Ravenfe : Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 6. pro maner. de Wringellby [Line.] in excambio pro maner. de Wyke fuper Hull: Cart. 23 Ed. 1. n. g. Plac. coram R. 27 Ed. 1. rot. 78. Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . pro mercat. feriis, et aliis libertat. in Pokelington : Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . quod Henricus de Percy poflit amortizare med. i. acr® in Naffertorvcum advoc. ecclefi® ibidem in ex- camb. pro maner. de Pokelington : Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . pro advoc. eccl. de Skypfe in Holdernefs: In baga de quo. war. temp. Ed. 1. rot. 13. recit. car¬ tas RR. Ricardi 1. Joan, et Ed. r. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 7. pro eccl. de Skipfey approprianda : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8 et 9. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30 vel 31. p. 2. m. 37 vel 38. Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. et p. 3. m. 24. pro eccl. de Skipfe, Efington, et Kayingham: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39. pro maner. de Pokeling¬ ton, iv. bovatis terra in Waghen et manerio de Wy- nelfby [Line.] in excambio pro villa de Wyke fuper Hull et grangia de Myton : Ibid. m. 44. pro com¬ mun. paftur. in Myton : Efcaet. Ebor. 23 Ed. 3. n. 40. de terris in W. Haitfield: Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 12. d. de maneriis de Kingfton fuper Hull et Mit- ton datis regi pro jure nominandi ad ecclefias de Skipfe, Kayingham, et Efington : Rot. Thom® In- gelby de feweris in Holdernefs, 42 Ed. 3. rot. 4 et 5. de reparandis de Lambwath, Waterdyke, Holdyke, Kayingham Flete, Fritholm Flete, &c. per abbates de Melfa et Thornton: Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 2. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 40. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 36. licent. dimittendi ad fir- mam maner. de Wyneleiby [Line.] abbati de Grimlby pro ann. reddit. xx /. xiiir. iv d. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. Pat. 9 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10. pro ten. in Otringham, Kaingham, Fetling, Doding- ton, &c, Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. LXXIX. MIDDLEHAM, in the deanry of Catterick and archdoaconry of Richmond. 1. College. Richard duke of Glocefter, afterward king Richard 3. had licence of his bro¬ ther king Edward 4. A. D. 1476. to found a college here for a dean, fix chaplains, four clerks Of this alfo in Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 62. and LXXIX. YORKSHIRE. and fix chorifters, and other clergymen officiating in the parifti church, to be dedicated to the honor of the blefied Jelus, St. Mary, and St. Alkilda, which he never finiffied. The minifter of the parifh hath yet the title of dean of Middleham, and enjoys feveral privileges ; but there pro¬ bably never were any chaplains, clerks, or chorifters. The deanry was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 1 6/. 1 6s. od. in the whole, and 1 61. 9 s. 4 d”. clearly. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 204. pat. 17 Ed. 4. p. 96. valorem decanatus, ex rot. Primit. p. 264. de p. 2. m. 16. licentiam pro fundatione. collegio propofito, et hodierno ftatu decanatus. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 123. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. . . grant of K. Ki¬ p' 1 17.* chard 3. In Galei Append, ad Regiftr. honor, de Richmond, Pat. 19 Ed. 4. p. . m. 27. 2. Hospital. ce There is at the eaft end of Middleham a little holpital with a chapel of “ Jefus.” Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 117. LXXX. MIDDLESBURGH, in the deanry of Cliveland and archdeaconry of Cliveland. Benedictine Cell. The church or chapel of St. Hilda, with fome lands here, were given in the latter end of the reign of K. Henry 1. or beginning of that of K. Stephen, by Robert de Brufe* to the abbey of Whitby, on condition that they fhould caufe fome Benediftine monks of their houfe always to refide here. This cell (wherein were only two or three monks) was valued 26 Hen. 8. at 21/. 31. 8 d. per ann. and was granted, 6 Eliz. to Thomas Reve, &c. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 75. Ibid. p. 413. cartas Brachanhoe. Roberti de Brus donantis eccl. de Middlefburgh et Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 83. terras in Newenham ; Will. MalebiiTe, de terris in LXXXI. M I T T O N, near Kingfton upon Hull. Hospital. In or near this place was an hofpital A. D. 1407. Vide pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 14. pro ten. in Hefill: Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten. in Mitton, Hefill Wilardby, Feriby, &c. * LXXXII. MOLESBYy, or Molfeby, in the deanry of Bulmer and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Benedictine Nuns. A Benediftine 2 nunnery erefted by king Henry 2. before A. D. 1167a. to the honor of St. John the apoftle and evangelift. About the time of the difiolution it had a priorefs and about nineb Religious, whofe yearly income was then rated at 26/. is. 10 d. Duod. and 32/. 6s. id. Speed. The fine and greateft part of the lands were granted in exchange to the archbifhop of York. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 98. cartam fundationis, ex cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 47. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 268. In regiftro Wickwane archiepilc. Ebor. f. 47. appropri- ationem eccl. de Queneby hifce monialibus, cum or- dinatione vicariae, A. D. 1283. Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 17. de terris in Hoby. Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 8 Ed. x. rot. 3. d. pro quatuor carucatis terras in Hoby. , Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 10 vel 11. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. pro ten. in Ampleford. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 12. pro eccl. S. Elens Ebor. approprianda. LXXXIII. NUN MONKETONj in the deanry of Borough Bridge and archdeaconry of Richmond. Benedictine Nuns. William de Arches and Ivetta his wife, temp. R. Steph. founded (or however were great d benefaftors to) a fmall priory of Benedi&ine nuns here, dedicated to the blefied Virgin. Its yearly revenues, at the difiolution, were valued at 75/. 12 s. 4 d. ob. Du^d 85/. 14 j. 8 d. Speed, and it was granted, 29 Hen. 8. to John lord Latimer. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 476. cartam Henrici ii. bovatis in Apeltrewic, ex dono Henrici de Nevil Murdac archiepifc. Ebor. recit. et confirm. Will, de Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 87. Arches et uxoris, de fundatione : Tom. ii. p. 99. de Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 18. n. 34. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan n w So in Gale’s Appendix, p. 96. according to the particulars, though the fums total are wrong ; in Etfon it is only is l. 9 s. 4 d. ob. * He died May 1141. Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 448. Y Falfely printed Mellanbe in Stevens, vol. i. p. 37. and Mel- fomby in Rennet’s Paroch. Antiq. p. 506. The nuns of Marton, leaving that priory to the canons, fettled here, as Burton, p. 368. * Stevens, ibid. * In vvhlc“ Year died Rob. de Chefneto bilhop of Lincoln, who is one of the witnefles to the foundation charter b MS. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. c Four miles from York, T. G. p. 236 *,11 T doubtful whether the charter publifhed in the Mona- ftic°n be the charter of foundation, and rather think it a bare confirmation. de LXXXIII. YORKSHIRE. de eccl. et terris in Hamerton, ex dono Ivetta: de Archis pro fundatione cantariae. Fin. Ebor. 8 Hen. 3. Iig. A. n. 63. de terris in Betting- burgh: Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. Iig. C. n. 196. de confuetudinibus et ferviciis : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. Iig. F. n. 160. de iii. carucatis terra et ii. bovatis in Kirk Hamerton : Fin. Ebor. 35 Hen. 3. Iig. G. n. . de advoc. eccl. de W eftilcham : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. Iig. I. n. 11. de ii. bovatis in Kirk Hamerton. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. pro reddit. in A&on: Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. de mefl". et terris in Cathale.' Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 2. Pat. 23 Ed, 3. m. 7 vel 8 at’ 1?? Ed. 3- P- !• tti. 21 vel 22. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro ten. in Newton et Great Hamerton : Ibid, p. 2. m. 40. de me(T. in civit. Ebor. LXXX1V. MOUNTGRACE, in the -parifh of . t . » . near Ofmotherly. Carthusian Priory. Thomas de Holland duke of Surrey, earl of Kent, and lord Wake founded a Carthufian priory here dedicated to the bleffed Virgin and St. Nicholas f about A D 1396 s. and not only endowed it with his own manfr of Bordelby, but obtained of kino Richard 2 the lands and poffeffions of three alien priories for it; but dying Ihortly after in arms aoainft K* Henry 4 h. before all the buildings were finilhed *, the work was at a ftand, and the rioht 0f the monks to their poffeffions was queftioned', till king Henry 6. about A. D. 1140. confirmed in par liament all the duke’s grants to them. After this, the buildings were foon completed, and th-' monaftery flouriffied till the general diffolution, about which time the revenues of it were Valued at 382/. 51. 11 d. ob. per arm. in the whole, and 323/. 2 s. lod. ob. clearly". The fite was granted 32 Hen. 8. to James Strangwaies. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 968. Thomae de Holand cartam fundationis: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 11. pro prioratibus aiienigenis de Hinkley in com. Leiceftr. Warham in com. Dorfet, et Carefbrooke in com. Southamt. annedtendis huic prioratui : Cart. 19 Hen. 6. m. 22. pro ratificatione fundationis. Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 76. fome account of the foun¬ der and this foundation. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 258. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 795. of the lordfhip of Field-Dalling. Dugdale’s Warwickihire, p. 1084. of the manor of Atherftort. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 186. reftraint of the in¬ habitants of Feld-dalling in Norfolk from receiving or wearing any clothing, badges, or other figns, but only the king’s and the prior and convents, 2 Ric. 3. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 14. et p. 3. m. 12. Cart. 21 Ric. 2. n. 2. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5 et 27. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 1 1 vel 12. licent. removendi ofTa tundatoris ab abbatia de Cirenceftre ad hunc pri- oratum. Cart. 3 Hen. 5. n. 3. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 39. de prioratu alienigena de Hinkley: Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p, 2. m. 19. de prioratibus aiienigenis de Long Benington [Kane.] Minting [Line.] et Fieldalling [Norf.] Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 1. Rot. pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 34. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. pro maner. de Bordelby: Pat. 34 Hen. 6. m. 20. pro eccl. de Beghton appro- prianda. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 4. m. 11. pro maner. de Atherfton [Warw.] et p. 6. m. 14. Pat. 11 Ed. 4. p. 2. m, 16. pro priorat. de Beggare. Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 4. m. 8. confirm, libertatum. LXXXV. MOUNT St. JOHN1, in the deanry of Bulmer and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Knights Hospitalars. In the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 1. William Percy the firft, called Algernoon, gave the Knights Hofpitalars of St. John of Jerufalem lands hereabout to the amount of five knights fees ™, and thereupon a preceptory of that order was eftablilhed here, dedicated to St. Mary, and endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 13 7/. 2 s. o d. per ann. in toto. 102I. 131. yd. clare ", It was granted in exchange to the archbiffiop of York 34 Hen. S. Vide in Mon. Angl. torn. ii. p. 551. p. 555. cartam f. 27. 83. 93. 118. 177 ad 192. 211. 215. 217. 244, Roberti FofTard, de tota terra de Batwin juxta eccl. 245. 276. 279. 284. 288. 293. S. Felicis. Plac. incerti temp. R. Joan, notac. H. rot. 12. Quinquaginta cartas plus minus fpeftantes ad terras hof- In regiftro Giffard archiepifc. appropriationem eccl. S. pitalis S. Joannis Jerufalem in com. Ebor. haftenus Felicis A. D. 1279. ineditas in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. Dodfworth. vol. viii. LXXXVI. NEWBURGH0, cr De Novo Burgo, in the deanry of Bulmer and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Austin Canons. Roger de Moubray founded here, A. D. 1 145. a priory of Black canons, which was dedicated to St. Mary p, and was rated, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 367/. 8j. 3d. Dugd. 457^ 13 s. $d. Speed. The fite was granted, 38 Hen. 8. to Margaret Simfon, Ant. Bellafis, &c. ' De Ingleby in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland, as Burton, p. 238. Four ttriles eaft of North Allerton, T. G. P- *3 3- < Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 968. but p. 969. to the “ Affumption “ of the blefled Virgin only .” 8 In the twentieth year of king Richard 2. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 969. *• Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p. 77. 1 1 Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 969. k Ms. Valor, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. The firft fum is the valuation in Speed, and the latter in Dugdale. ‘ Without Micklegate Bar, York, T. G. p. 234. m MS. penes virurn do&iffimum et amiciflimum Cox Macro, S.T. P. Mifc. vii. f. 73. In Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 351. and Ba¬ ronage, vol. i. p. j4j. this place is faid to have been given to the Templars by Robert lord Rofs temp. Hen. 2. But the name thews that ft originally belonged to the Knights of St. John ; and Adam FofTard, and fome of the benefactors to it, lived be¬ fore the time of K. Henry 2. « MS. rot. valorum in dioec. Ebor. penes reverendiff. D. D. archiepifc. Ebor. Val. r68 /. 3 s. 6 d. in mf. nuper Petri le Neve, o Near Byland abbey as well as Rhydale. p St. Savior, as mf. Cole, vol. xviii, p. 212. Vide LX XX VI. YORKSHIRE. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 190. cartam fundationis et cartam confirmationis donationum, per Will, de Mulbrai : P. 192. cartas Rogeri de Mowbray, de eccl. de Maffam, Malefart, he. Samfonis de Albineio, de diverfis ecclefiis, fcil. Haxeia, Oufton, &c. infra in- fulam de Axholm : Progeniem Moubralorum hujus abbatiae fundatorum, ex mf. Cotton. Cleopatra , C. 3. Cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. xiii. p. 383. * Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 270. pat. 9 Ed. 1. m. 19. de protedtione. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 30. de terris in Kirkby fuper Moram, et Langleithorp : p. 35. in Bolton : p. 62. in Ayftenby et Ranyngton : p. 63. in Thornton, Cundale, Langthorp, et Kirkby. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 37. Cartas, rotulos, Ac . ad hoc monafterium fpedlantes penes honoratilT. Thomam vicecom. Ealconberv de ead. Inter colledtanea V . cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. funt apographa cartarum quamplurima- rum ad poffeffiones hujus prioratus fpedfantium hadte- nus ineditarum, vol. vii. f. 99. 108. 114. 117. 130, J3J> J32- J39- J44- r47 — 151- 160. 172, 173. vol. vin. f. 63. vol. xlv. f. 69, &c. vol. lxxvi. f. 46. vol. xci. f. 1. 29, See. vol. xciv. f. 75, Sec. vol. exxi. f. 68. Iri bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 45. of the founder and arms of this priory. In regiftro Giffard archiepifc. Ebor. f. ult. vifitationem hujus prioratus debitis onerati, A. D. 1275. In regi- flro Grenefeld archiepifc. p. 1. f. . ordinationem vi- cariiE de Nafferton. Fin. Ebor. 12 Ed. 3. n. 93. pro terris in Soareby et Brakeneberg : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 9. proxi. bovatis in Cukewald: Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro lib. war. in Novoburgo et Soareby: Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. . de redditu in Kirkby fuper moram, cx dono Joannis de Courtney : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 4. Fin. Ebor. 37 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . pro redd, in Kildeby : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 44. de toftis quibufdam in Wimbilton. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 11. d. de commun. paftur. in Kilborn, Seleken, Angotby, et Rouftune.: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 7. de commun. paftur. in Cookwald : Fin. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. lig. B. n. 21. pro melT. See. in Wimbilton: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 8. d. et quo v/ar. rot. 7. de commun. paftur. in Hoton under Heath: Pat. 12 F.d. 1. m. . Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed, r. rot. 4. Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 1. lig. C. n. 103. pro advoC. eccl, de Cookwald: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 6. Plac. de quo : war. apud Ebor. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 33. allocat. liberta- tum prioris in Novoburgo, Soareby, Hode, See. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. de mefl'. et terris in Langley, Thorp, Mildby, et Edlingthorp concelT. per Sim. de Stutevilc: Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. g. pro ecclefta de Nafferton approprianda. Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 19 vel 20. de terris excambiatis cum Henrico Percy: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p 2. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. pro eccl. de Oufton : Efchaet. Ebor. 28 Ed. 3. n. 62. de imparcando bofeum inter Thurfden, Ulth- wait, Brinkes, et Sturncotes : Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6. pro terris in Folyfait in excambio prt> terris in Spofford. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. ig. pro imparcatione bofei da Newburgh: Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 2. rrr. 20 vel 26. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28. Pat. 18 Ric, 2. p. 2. m. 43. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 2. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. pro eccl. de Braferton ap¬ proprianda. Pat. 18 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 19. LXXXVII. NEWLAND’, or Nova Terra r, hi the dcanry of Pontfracl and arch¬ deaconry of Weft Riding. Knights HosPITALARS. This manor being given to the Knights Hofpitalars of St. Tohn of Jerufalem by king John, they eftablifhed here a preceptory of then- order, to which in the nexc reign Roger le Peytevin lord of Altofts was a great benefadtor. It was valued, 26 Hen 8 at *29/ I4J-. nd. ob. perann. as Dugdale, at 223/. i9s. 7 d. ob. as Le Neve’s mf. and at 202/ ? s Sd as another mf. Valor, and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Francis Jobl'on, Andrew Dudley, See Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 509 546. cartam Rogeri le Peytevin, de eccl. de Normanton et terris in Al¬ tofts. Inter colleft, mff. cl. Dodfworth. vol. viii. f. 173. vol. x. f. 298. Cart. 15 Joan. n. 6. rex conceffit fratribus Militia: templi terram de Niweland, Sec. LXXXVIII. TEMPLE NEWSOM, olim Nehus, or Newbigging, in the deanry of Aynfty and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Templars. William de Vilers giving this and fome other eftates hereabouts to the Knio-hts Templars, temp. Hen. 2 ’. a preceptory of that order was founded here. But upon their fuDDrelfinn it was granted by K. Edward 3. to Sir John Darcy. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 539, 540. 551, 552. et in p. 554. cartam Henrici de Lacy, confirm, dona- tionem Willelmi de Vilers. In Thorelby’s Hiftory of Leedes, p. 225. of the endow¬ ment, he. of this preceptory. Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 27. de lib. war. in Newfom, &c. Clau.f- 5jEd' m' 3 et 4- de decem marcis annuatim lolvendis ex hoc maneno abbati et conventui de Sallev dauf. 2 Ed. 3 m. 37. Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 15. Efcaef.' Ebor. 21 Ed. 3. n. 54. Pat. 5 Ed- 4- P- 2- rn. . rex conceffit Georgio archie¬ pifc. Ebor. maner. de Temple Newfon et Temple Hurlt, durante vita Joannae Darcy. r LXXX1X. NEWTON', in the deanry of Holdernefs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Hospital. An hofpital founded by William Grofs earl of Albemarle, who died A. D. 1 179 s About a mile below Wakefield, T. G. p. 236. f Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 509. p the time of archbilhop Roger, who died A. D. 1181. • Jh? Wa j a d®re? h°5«tal from that of Newton bv in this fame deanry ; this Newton being near the fea. X — E e e e and lxxxix. Yorkshire. and dedicated to St Mary Magdalene. It was valued, 16 H,n. 8. at 40/. per amt. in the .hoi,, and 21/. os. 2d. clearly0; and was granted, 16 Eliz. to John Stanhope. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 88. ordinationem Thomas Roderham archiepifc. Ebor. fuper lite inter Edm. Lichfeld et Edmund Percy, de cuftodia hujus hofpitalis, A. D. 1485. C O^palde'; “* 32> F° ’ib- War> ^ NeWt°n Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 34. XC. NORTON, in the deanry of Bnckros and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding Hospital. At the foot of the bridge, between this place and Mahon, was prettv earl ■ the time of K. Henry 2. an hofpital dedicated to St. Nicholas, founded by Roo-’er de Flam’ l'l*1 and put under the government of the canons of Mahon. 0 mvill» Vide in Mon: Angl. tom. i. p. 818, 819. cartam prioris et conventus de Novo Burgo de platea apud Norton concefla Willelmo de Flamville ; cartam ejufdem Willelmi de fundatione hofpitalis ibidem ; cartas Ro- geri de Flamvill, Willelmi Alii ejus, et magiftri et capituli de Semplingham donantium eccl. de Martoii in Burgerfire hofpitali pauperum ad capud pontis de Norton, vel domui eleemofynarite de platea an„,l Norton. F XCI. N O S T E L L, Noftlai, or Neftelhoo in the deanry of Pontfracl and arch¬ deaconry of Weft Riding. Austin Canons. “ About three miles from Pomfret there was a church and houfe of poor “ Hermites *, dedicated to St. James'.” Here Ilbert de Lacy, temp. Will. Rufi, began, and his fon Robert de Lacy, temp. Hen. 1. finilhed and endowed a monaftery to the honor of St. Olwald king and martyr, wherein were placed canons Regular of the order of St. Auftin*. This pnorv had revenues at the fuppreflion valued at 492/. i8j, 2 d. per am. Dugd. 606/. as. 3 d. Speed The fite was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Thomas Leigh. 1 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 33. cartam fundationis per Robertum de Laci : P. 34. cartam R. Hen. 1. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. P. 35. car¬ tam Roberti de Percy, pro eccl. de Balton Percy: P. 36. cart. R. Hen. 2. donatorum conceffiones recit. et confirm. P. 37. cart. Ric. fil. Roberti de Efton, confirm, donum patris fui de loco fuper Rodanum, &c. P. 38. cartam Joan. fil. Matthaei de Efton, confirm, eundem locum fuper Rodanum, Canonthorp nuncu- patum ; Prioris et conventus de Noftle conceffionem ejufdem Ricardo de Crul : Conventiones inter cano- nicos de Noftell et Will, de Runeys mil. fuper loco vocat. Canonthorp : P. 39. compofitionem inter ca- nonicos de Noftell et Ric. de Crull, fuper loco de Canonthorp: Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 158. ordinatio¬ nem Walteri Gray archiepifc. anno pontif. 3. fuper eccl. de Boulton, South Kirlcby, Rowthwell, Dowel- ton, Wiverthorp, Tickhill, ad praefentationem prio- ratus de Noftle fpeclant. appropriandis, et vicariis eorum taxandis. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 300. Lelandi Coiled!. vol. i. p. 54. In Leland’s Itin. vol. i. p. 42. of the foundation of this priory, and of the hofpital of Saint Nicholas in Pont- fract. In Stevens, vol. ii. p. 139. names of the priors from Willis, and leafe of tithes in Wrangbroke and Elmfall to Roger Mallet. In Bridges’ Northamptonfhire, vol. i. p. 39. of the ad- vowfon of the rectory of Charwelton. In Dugdale’s Warwickftiire, edit. 1730. p. 317. of the founders of this priory: p. 318. of the church of Le- mington Haftang : p. 496. of Newbold Pacy, for¬ merly: p. 654. of Hately, for a little time. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 280, 281. 338. the names of moil of the priors of this houfe. Year Books, xliv. 23. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 246. Regiftrum cartarum, See. hujus prioratus, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vefpaf E. xix. ex dono Chriftopheri baronfs Hatton. Cartularium penes Carolum Fairfax de Monfton in avro Ebor. A. D. 1632. Cartas, rCntalia, computes, rfegiftrum. Sec: penes dom. Rowlandum Wynne bar. de eadem, 1719. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. viii. p. j j 178. 195. 200. 260. quindecim cartas ineditas: vol. ix. p. 276. 280. cartas odto ineditas: vol. cxvii. f. 7, ex cifta S. Ofwaldi in turre S. Marias Ebor. vol. cxxxviii. a f. 1. ad 59. et a f. 61 ad 154. extraifta ex cartulario penes magiftrum Fairfax: vol. clii. f. 126. ex libro S. Ofwaldi de Noftell. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 258. f. 143. et mf. 2077. p. 280. excerpta ex regiftro hujus prioratus: mf. 1499. f. 64. of the foundation and arms of the priory: mf. 2101. f. 227. cartam Roberti de Ferrariis de conceffione eccl. S. Mariae et S. Hardulfi de Bredona, et cartam Hugonis filii prasdidli Roberti confirmatoriam : f. 228. abftraft of the charter of Robert Lacy of the grant of the town of Nether Sutton : f. 230. abftradts or copies of divers original charters relating to this priory. In rotulo majori Walteri Gray archiepifc. Ebor. n. 14. pro reddit. xxxvi. marcarum in eccl. de Lith : In re¬ giftro Corbrigg archiepifc. f. . appropriationem eccle- iiae de Birftall huic prioratui A. D. 1301. In regiftro Grenfield archiepifc. f. . pro eccl. de Adwyk juxta Bolton. Plac coram reg. 1 Joan. Pafch. rot. 15. pro advoc. ca- pellae de Stainton pertin. ad eccl. de Tickhill: Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. S3 et 88. de terris in Huntewich : Cart. 17 Joan. n. 11. pro advoc. eccl. de Bamburgh [Dunelm. dioec.] Ibid. n. 45. pro eccl. de Knarei- burgh et Tickhill, et pro conirrmatione libertatunt. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3, n. 117. pro advoc. eccl. de Bol¬ ton: Fin. Northamt. 6 Hen. 3. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Cherwelton: Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 6. de terris in Bramham : Cart. 11 Hen. 3. n. 12. Cart. 12 “ “ Rot. Valor, mf. The laft valuation is both in Dugdale and Speed. » So in the furrender, Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 668. But quaere, If not falfely printed. * Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 42. r Robert de Lacy and Mabel his wife and Henry and Gilbert their fons gave to Gilbert the bermite of St. James Noftell, and to his brethren of the fame houfe and their fucce/Tors ferving God there, the manor of Nether Sutton, with all luch liberties, &c. as Gilbert father of the laid Robert had of the free gilt of William duke of Normandy, the year after he conquered Eng¬ land. Mf. penes Cox Macro, 12. ii. 176. J- Reyner, tract, i. p. 1^8. faith this was the firft houfe of thefe canons in England. But fee the Preface. Hen. 3. XCI. YORKSHIRE. Hen. 3. m. 1 ct 5. do ecc). de Cranefburgh, cam capellis concelT. per priorem et conv. archiepifc. Ebor. Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 4. d. Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 304. de ccxxn. acris terrae in Bramham : Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 17. de bovata terra in Huddresfeld : Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 67. d. de commun. paftur. in Wefterdeflowe. Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. x. rot. 40. d. de commun. paftur. in Okelefthorp : Cart. 8 Ed. 1. n. 9. Fin. Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. n. 35. de tofto in Gomcrlhall, et advoc. eccl. de Barftall : Plac. aflif apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. I. d. de terris in Grimefthorp ut jus eccl. de Felelcirk. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 13. pro eccl. de Berftal! appro- prianda: Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p- 1. m. 10. promelT. in civit. Ebor. Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 9. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 25. pro terris in South Kirkby, Oke¬ lefthorp, Gomerlhall, &c. Plac. in com. Ebor. 14 Ed. 2. n. 124. de terris in Crofton : Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 16. pro meif. et terris in Crofton. Plac. de quo war. in com. Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. rot. 3. d. de libertat. in maner. de Silkholme : Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 53. pro feria apud Noftell, et pro feria apud Bre- don [Leiceftr.] Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23 vel 24. Efcaet. Ebor. 6 Ed. 3. n. 128. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de eccl. ded'Jewbold Pacy [War.] conce- denda prapofito ct fcholaribus Auls Reginae Oxen'. Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. . Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. pro vicaria de Tickhull : Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. pro exemptione maner. de Sulkcholme [Nottingh.] a fefta ad wapentack de Berfetlow. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 14. pro lib. war. in Winterfete, Crofton, Shurnefton, Prefton Jakelin, Bramham, Scokirk, South Kirkby, Thornhirft, Thornfcogh, M. Halghton, Swinton, Wodekirk, Briftall, et Hod- dresfeld [Ebor.] Sulgheholm et Warfop [Nottingh.] Bredon [Leiceftr.] Elforth et Fletcham [Northumb.] Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 8. pro meff in Baumburgh: Pat. t8 Ric. 2. p. r. m. 5 vel 6. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 17. pro ten. in Folby, Crofton, Ryle, et Shanefton : Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 30. pro ten. in Pomfret et Prefton: Pat. 10 Hen. 6. p. I. m- 341, Pro maner. de Bramham recipiendo in ma¬ nual mortuam a Willelmo Gafcoign, Sic. Clauf. 12 Hen. 6. m. 13, d. de patronatu eccl. de Win- wick [Lancaftr.] concedendo Joanni Stanley mil. re- fervanda priori annua penfione c. fol. Pat. 16 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 11. Pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 23. de patronatu et annexione hofpitalis S. Nicolai de Pontefracto : Pari. 33 Hen. 6. n. . de eodem. Rot. pari. 2 Ed. 4. n. . XCII. OSMOTHERLY, near North AUerton. College. The prebendaries of Ofmotherly being mentioned on the records temp. Ed. 1. fome have thought this to have been a collegiate church: but it feems rather to have been only a reftorv divided into three diftindt parts or portions, and it is fo rated in the .Lincoln taxation. But it was afterwards appropriated to three linecure portiOnifts and a vicar endowed3. XCIII. OTTELEY, in the deanry cf Ainfty arid archdeaconry of Well Riding. Hospital. Here was an hofpital for lepers 4 Ed. 2. who were obliged to repair the bridge over the adjoining river of Wharfe. Vide regiftr. Willelmi Grenfield archiepifc. Ebor. p. 1. Dodfworth. vol. xxviii. p, 48. XCIV. O V E T O N, Overton, or Ovinghamb, in Hartnes'. Gileertine Priory. Alan de Wilton, before the fifth year of king John, founded here a fmall priory of Gilbertine canons, fubordinate to the monaftcry of Sempringham, which was valued 26 Hen. 8. at 11/. 2 s. 8 d. per arm. only, as Dugdale. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 825. cart. 5 Joan. m. 6. n. 41. reclt. et confirm, donationem Alani de Wilton. XCV. PICKER ING, in the deanry of Rydale and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Hospital. Here was an hofpital dedicated to St. Nicholas, in the king’s gift in right of the duchy of Lancaster d. Tide pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 16. Regiftr. inftit. Norvic. lib. v. p. 16. XCVI. PONTF RACTj olim Kyrkeby*, or Brokenbrigge f, in the deanry of Pontfracl and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. I. Cluniac Priory. A Cluniacf priory founded' by Robert de Lacy, temp. Will. Rufi'' Its tutelar patron was St. John the Evangeliftj and its yearly revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at * Yet in the archbilhop’s certificate of all hofpitals, colleges, &c. made anno 37 Hen. 8. there is, “ The three prebends Simp- “ ters within the parifh church of Ofmotherly, the yearly value “ 18 1.” Stevens, vol. i. p. 64. b Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1039. ... c This was placed in the firth edition (as it is in the Monafti- con) in the b jhoprick of Durham i but it lies on the fouth fide the Tefe in Richmondlhire. <1 In the archbilhop’s return of all hofpitals, colleges, Sic. anno 37 Hen. 8. there is, “ The chantry of St. Nicholas in the “ caftle of Pickering, of the foundation of the duke of Lan- “ caller, of the yearly value of 6 /. 9 s. 4 d.” Stevens’ Supple¬ ment, vol. i. p. 65. which might be the fame. See alfo Stevens vol. 1. p. 81. * ' ' Mon. Angl. et Leland. Collect, vol. iii. p. 4!> < Thefe monks coming from the abbey De caritate, this honCe is fometimes reckoned a cell to that foreign abbey * Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 4i. faith, where the monks lav till the Pnory was eredted, is yet an hofpital, viz. St. Nicfidlas’ See alfo Mon. Angl. tom. 1. p. 839. b. 9. et Dodfworth, mfT vol. IX. p. 239. 9 u !> Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 649. b. 4r. But the priory feems not to have been finilhed, till the confecration of its church bv arch biihop Roger A. D. 1139. Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 630. ' 337 1. XCVI. Y O R 337/. 14 s. 8 d. Dugd. 472/. i6j. i d. cb. Speed 7 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 648. cartas duas Roberti de Laceio primi fundatoris: P. 649. cartam Hugonis de la Val, confirm, donationes Roberti de Laceio et aliorum. P. 650. cartas duas Henrici filii Roberti de Lafci : P. 651. bullam P. Celeftini 3. Cartam Ada; fil. Swani, pro eccl. de Silkefton, &c. P. 652. cartas Clementix de Longvilers et Roberti de Monte Begonis, confirm, ecclefiam de Silkefton : P. 653. literas teftimoniales prioris S. Ofwaldi de Noftle, A. D. 1289. recit. cartam Henrici Lafcy com. Lin¬ coln. A. D. 1278. confirm, concordiam inter conven- tus de Pqptefradlo et Bretton. fadlam A. D. 1269. P. 654. conventiones inter priores de S. Ofwaldo et Pontefradlo, A. D. 1317- P- 655- cartas Aliciae de Gaunt et Rogeri de Molbrai, de carucata terrae in Ingolvefmeles ; Aliciae de Rumeli et Will, de Fors com. Albemarle, de carucata in Brodlona; Petri de Falkebergia, pro medietat. eccl. S. Michaelis de Cat- wic: P. 656. cartas tres Jordan i Folioth, pro molen- dino de Norton ; Ricardi fil. Ulfi, pro hominibus de Doddeworda ; Gilberti com. Lincoln, de palfagio de Suth Fereby, et terris ibidem: P. 657. cartas Jordani de S. Maria, pro prato in Feria; Adse fil. Petri, de medietat. molendini de Stainburch ; Ejufd. de dim. bovata in Fareburna; Joan. fil. Adse, de prato in Smethala; Symonis de Mohaut, de ii. bovatis in KeL wic. P. 658. cartam Will. Maltravers, de 1. marc, annuatim, pro eccl. de Walleya: Fliftoriam de eccl. de Walley cujus advocatio donata fuit huic prioratui per Hugonem de la Vail : P. 659. cartas Radulfi de Capricuria, et Jordani filii fui de villa de Bernefiey : Progeniem Suani fil. Ailurici, qui dedit Silkefton huic prioratui : Ibid. p. 859. 898. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 123. de vi laica amo- venda, 50 Hen. 3. p. 804. cla'uf. 27 Ed. 1. m. 12. p. 1215. de lite inter priores et conv. de Pontefradl et Bretton fuper eledtione prioris de Bretton fententia definitiva papse terminata, 4 Ed. 1. Year Books, 1 Ed. 3. f. 42. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 219. conventionem inter priorem et conv. de Pontefradl et Joannem Scot, de tranfitu fuper terra didli Joannis in Haliwell ad turbariam didt. prioris et conv. ex orig. penes Walt. Calverly bar. Concordiam inter monachos de Pon¬ tefradl et Hubertum et Gaufridum filios Willelmi de Boelter, de media parte de Peckefield, 30 Hen. 2. Cartam Joannis de Builli, de dimid. acrse et tofto in Kiiwberwurdia, ex orig. penes Rad. Thorelby. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 54. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 41, 42. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 315. de feodi 1. militis tent, de Henrico de Laci. In Thorelby’s Leeds, p. 239. of lands in Ledfton. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 71. of a carucate of land and a houfe in Brottune. Cartularium hujus prioratus penes dom. Tho. Wid- drinton, 1652. Regiftrum in cuftodia Joannis Wentworth de Wolley in com. Ebor. arm. cujus apographum fuit penes Nath. Johnfton M. D. de PontfradL. Regiftrum in manibus St Lo Kniveton, Reyner, vol. i. p. 41. Quaere. The book of Pomfret in the cuftody of Mr. Bunny of 2. College and Hospital. Here was a a K S H I R E. . The fite was granted to William lord Talbot Newland, mf. Vincent Anftis. Thomae Caftlefordi1 hiftoriam Pontefra&i gefta fui cce- nobii. Inter colledl. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. ix. f. 236. 248, &c. cartas decern ineditas: vol. xxx. f. tog. vol. xxxii. f. 47. vol. liii. f. 38. out of court rolls belonging to the priory of Pontfradt in the cuftody of Sir Gervafe Cutler of Stainbor, 1 639. vol. lxxxix. f. 83. ex rot. hundred. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. de terris in Feriby : vol. cxvi. f. 52. vol. cxvii. f. x0g. vol. cxxxiii. f. 1. vol. cxxxv. f. 95. vol. cxxxvi. f. 14c. vol. cxxxviii. f. 59. vol. civ. f. 18. vol. clix. ex car- tulario hujus prioratus penes ipfum Rog. Dodfworth. quern librum habuit ex dono Thomas Levet de Hiah Melton in com. Ebor. 1626. vol. cxxxiii. f. 26. an account of the pofteffions of this monaftery made by Mr. William Thvvaits collector thereof, 32 Hen. 8. vol. cli. f. 1. apographa quarundam cartarum. In bibl. Cotton, mf. Vitellius , A. ii. 38. ordinationem de componenda lite inter priorem et conventum de Pontefradlo et decanum et capitulum Ebor. fuper ecclefia de Ledelham et capella de Farburne. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 121. reftitution of xx. acres of pafture within the park of Pountfreit taken from the priory about 10 Ed. 4. mf. a;oi. f. 23d. abftradts or copies of divers original charters relating to this priory : mf. 2044. f. 146. collectanea ex car- tulario. In regiftro Wickwane archiepifc. Ebor. f. 48. appro- priationem eccl. de Silkefton, A. D. 1254. In regi¬ ftro Bowet archiepifc. Ebor. f. . ordinationem vicarix eccl. de Kippax appropriate huic prioratui, A. D. 1410. ad rogatum R. Henrici fundatoris ratione dw- catus fui Lancaftr. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. lig. B. n. 116. de ii. bovatis terrse in Ledeftiam : Fin. Ebor. 9 Hen. 3. lig. A. n. 74. de advoc. eccl. de Catewic : Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. . Cart. 33 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro mercat. et feria apud Bemefley : Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. 22, 40. 66. de melf.et terris in Pontefradto: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 6. de ii. melf. etxxxvm. aerfs in Pontefradlo: Ibid. rot. 13. de maner. de Breton, Carleton, Mekefburgh, Sic. Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. lig. I. n. 108. de meff. et terris in Pontefradlo. Pat. 1 Ed. 1. m. 17. Cart. 30 Ed. 1. n. 51. pro lib. war. in Ledefton, Ledelham, Whitewood, Bemelley, et Dodworth [Ebor.] Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 22. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 26 ct 29. Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1 et 14. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 8. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39. de commun. paftur. in Pokefield : Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. g. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 11. pro ten. in Pontefradlo, Whitewode, et Kelingley: Rec. in fcacc. 22 Ric. 2. Trin. rot. 13. de terris in Rotherham. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 6. pro eccl. de Kippax appro- prianda. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 8. Cart. 5, &c. Ed. 4. n. 8. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 4. Rec in fcacc. 7 Ed. 4. Pafch. rot. 21. Rot. adt. pari. 3 Hen. 7. n. 7. :ge k and hofpital 1 before the Conquett, Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 41. 2 St Clement’s College. Ilbert de Lacy, in the cattle which he built here, founded a chapel to the honor of St. Clement, tmf. mil. Rufi and having endowed it with many lands i Leland. De viris illuft. Oxon. 1709. p. 331. See alfo in Bale and Pits. k Pat. 51 lien. 3. n. 13. “ Rex concefiit Antonio Bek, prae- « bendam quam Reiraundus habuit in ecclefia de Pontefrado.’ 1 Quare, Whether this be any of the hofpitals in this town hereafter mentioned, viz. St. Nicholas, St. Mary Magdalene, ■ St. Mary’s ; though, as far as yet appears to me, they all em to be of a later foundation. , m Before the death of Thomas i. archblfhop of York, wtnen as A. D. 1100. Ilbert himfelf died before William Rufus, as ttgd.Barpn, vpl.i. p. 99. ^ XCVI. YORKSHIRE. and tithes", made it collegiate, confiding of a dean and three prebendaries'. It was looked upbn as a royal free chapel, and continued till the general difiolution r. Vide in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 659, 660 et 859. de fun- reftoria de Carficfale. datione et dotatione hujus capellae. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 2101. f. 228. cartam Helber Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 41, 42. de Laceio de fundatione et dotatione. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. ii. p. 42. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 4. pro eccl. de Derthin[rton. Efcaet. Ebor. 3 Ed. 3. n. 6g. de portione decimarum e 4. Knolles’ College and Almshouse. About A. D. 1385. Sir Robert Knolles knight (then a citizen of London and afterward a noted warrior in France s) and Conftance his wife found¬ ed here a college or chantry for a mafter and fix' chaplains or fellows; and an almflioule adjoining to it, for a mafter, two chaplains, and thirteen poor men and women*. This foundation, or the chapel at leaft of it, was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and endowed by the founders with reve¬ nues of 180/. per ann l. which feem to have received but little addition from others; for 2-6 Hen. 8. the whole income was valued at 198/. 10s. 3da. per ann. and 182/. 14/. 5^“. clear of reprifes ; and anno 37 Hen. 8. at 200/. 5s. od. ob. qw. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 473. cartam fundationi?, ex regiftro Neville archiepifc. dat. 4 Oft. A. D. 1385. Ibid. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 106. pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 11. licent. regis Ricardi 2. pro fundatione collegii et elee- mofynarii. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 41. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iii. p. 736. of a manor in Burnham Overy: p. 782. of the lordfhip of Dunton and Doketon, and advowfon of the vicarage: p. 801. of Hanviles manor in Kettlefton: p. 848. of the ma¬ nor and advowfon of the reftory of Sculthorp: p. 850. of a watermill and lands in Shereford : p. 859. of the manor of Tatterford : p. 861. of lands in Tatterfele. Year Book, 7 Hen. 6. Mich. 18. Cartas, remembrantias, et munimenta ad collegium et domum eleemofynariam Roberti Knolles fpeftantia, inter mfT. Bariov. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. n. 2. Ibid. mf. Dodfworth. vol. cxvi. f. 39. ex quodam mf. quondam ad collegium S. Trinitatis in Pontefrafto pertinente. Remembrantias et alia munimenta iftius collegii mlT. nuper penes rev. admodum White Kennet epHc. Pe- triburgenf. Pat. 13 Ric. 2. p 3. m. 25. confirm, incorporationis collegii vocat. Knells Almjboufe ; Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 6. pro melT. in London. Clauf. 3 Hen. 4. m. 12. de uno me(T. et xxxiv. fhopis in paroch. S. Maria: atte Hill London: Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 30. pro ten. in Pontefraft et Darthington : Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. et p. 2. m. 18 et 19. pro maner. de Dunton, Scolthorp, Taterford, &c. [Norf.] Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. pro maner. de Burnham. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. r. m. 5 et 19. pro quibufdam mane- riis olim Humfridi ducis Gloceftriae : Rot. pari. 25 Hen. 6. n. 12 et 17. Pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. It vel 22. Claul. 30 Hen. 6. m. 3. Alianorae nuper uxoris Humfridi ducis Gloceftriae relaxat. de jure fuo in maner. de Sculthorp, Dunton, Taterford, Burn¬ ham Overy, Eaft Bar (ham, Taterfet vocat. Pinkney ball, Sic. [Norf.] Clauf. 31 Hen. 6. m. 14. Joannis Browe arm. relaxat. pro eifdem maneriis. 5. St. Mary Hospital. One William Le Tabourere obtained the king’s licence, 8 Ed. 3. to found an hofpital here, dedicated to the blefled Virgin Mary, for a chaplain and eight poor people. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 461. pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. recit. pat. 8 Ed. 3. pro fundatione et dotatione. 6. St. Mary Magdalen Hospital. Here was a lazar houfe dedicated to St. Mary Mag¬ dalene A. D. 1286. when archbilhop John Romain granted an indulgence to all thole who contn- buted to the relief of the lepers herein. Vide regiftr. Joannis Romani archiepifc. Ebor.’ 7. St. Nicholas’ Hospital. The place under the caftle, where the Cluniac monks lived' during the building of St. John’s priory, was, in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry iy. turned into an hofpital by the founder Robert de Laceio, dedicated to St. Nicolas; the government of which was at firft given to the prior and monks of Pontfraft, but king Henry 6. annexed it to the monaftery of Noftell, who maintained here till the difiolution a chaplain and thirteen poor people and had for that purpofe the eftate of this hofpital amounting to 97/. 13 y. 10 d*. ^ P * n MS. Dodfworth. vol. ix. p. 239. • So Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 41. But in the valuation of 26 Hen. 8. there is no mention of the deanry, and only of two prebends, one confifting of tithes in Camfall, &c. a penfion of 66 s. % d. from the prior of Noftell, &c. worth clearly 14/. 16 j. 4J. per ann. and the other conlifting of portions of tithes in Allerton Newton, Caftleford, Frefton, &c. worth 13/. 8 s. %d. per ann. befides a chantry prieft, who had ioor. per ann. But in Ste¬ vens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 68. in the return made by the arch¬ bilhop, 37 Hen. 8. of all colleges, hofpitals, & c. the church or free chapel of St. Clement within the caftle of Pomfret, founded by Hilebert Lacy, is laid to be of the yearly value of 22/. ia j. 7 d. The prebend or chantry of Adam de Potterton in the laid free chapel, is laid to be of the yearly value of 15/. 34. od. And the prebend or chantry of Theobald de Luce in the laid free chapel of the yearly value of 14/. 5 j. 4 d. probably the firft fum might be the value of the deanry. p And perhaps after. For, unlels it be a miftake in my me¬ morandums, pat. 5 Jac. 1. p. 20. is a grant of the prebend called Theobald de Luce in this chapel. 4 Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 41. where it is faid, that Sir Robert intended to have made this foundation at his manor of Skou- thorp (or Sculthorp) near Walfingham in Norfolk, but at" hi wife s defire lounded it at Pontefraft in the very place where file was born. So likewife Stow’s Annals, p. 334. r Leland. ibid. Sancroft’s mf. Valor faith, there were 26 lien. 8. “ Magifter, lex confratres, et facrifta.” And Willis' Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 282. that the mafter and five fellows enjoyed penlions A. D. 1553. 3 So the charter; but Leiand, Itin. vol. i. p. 41. faith, thirteen poor men and women, without mentioning the mafter and chaplains. 1 Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 41. u u Sancroft’s mf. Valor. w Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 69. * Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 42. y It is mentioned in the charter for the endowment of St John s priory by Rob. Lacy. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p 640 ? MS. Valor mon. S. Ofwaldi. But this hofpital is valued only at 16/. is. 4 d. in the archbifhop’s certificate in Stevens* Supplement, vol. 1. p. 68. * -Ffff Vidt XCVI. YORKSHIRE. Vide in mf. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. cxvi. f. ig. vol. cxviii. f. 153. notes from the coucher book of the hofpital of St. Nicholas in Pontfraft in the keeping of Mr. Skip- ton an alderman of the faid town. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 42. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 68. Efcaet. Ebor. 4 Ed. 2. n. 51. de paftur. in Tanfelf ad xl. boves, xx. vaccas,&c. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2 m „„ Pat. , Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. P ,m'23. Pat. 1 1 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 13 Men. 4. n. . m , de eccl. de Gofberkirk et Wath accipiendis Dr’0 m ' ner. de Metheley. p Pato nfHe.^-' 6-pp- 2’ ”?• Pro unione prioratum S. Ofvvaldi ; Rot. pari. 18 Hen. 6. n. 23. 8. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Black friers before A. D. 1266* faid to h™, u founded by one Symon Pyper b. It was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to W. Clifford and Mich. Wildbore" T7'J. _ a. _ TTJ - _ l - O T» - . r I Vide pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 27 vel 28. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. • 9. Grey Friers. In this town was a place of Grey friers, as Leland «. But quart • For .he.,, is no mention of it under the feven cuftodies into which the houfes of this order in England' and Scotland were allotted d. 5 nu 10. White Friers. Edmund Lacy earl of Lincoln, who died about A. D. 120 founded the priory of Carmelite or White friers e here. b ' v,ul XCVII. RERECROSS Hofpital, or The Spittel upon Stainmor, upon the extre¬ mity of the county next Weftmorland, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Richmond. Hospital.^ An ancient hofpital given to the nunnery of Maryke before A. D ir^ by Ralph fon of Ralph de Multon or by Conan h earl of Richmond, and continued parcel of their poffeffions till the diffolution b. It was granted, 7 Ed. 6. to William Buckton and R0ncr Marfliall. *■ c Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 485. XCVIII. R I B S T A N E, in the deanry of Aynfty and archdeaconry of York or Well Riding. Templars. This manor was given to the Knights Templars by Robert lord Rofs the fecond or FurfanS in the latter end of the reign of king Richard 1. or the beginning of that of king John, whereupon it became a commandry of that order; and, after their fuppreffion, it became part of the poileffions of the Knights of St. John of Jerufalem, who had ellates hereabouts, under the infpedion of this preceptor, to the yearly value of 207/. 9 s. yd. as Dugdale, and 265/. 9s. ’ 6 d. ob. as mf. Le Neve. It was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Charles duke of Suffolk. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 728. tom. ii. p. 551. et in p. 557. cartam Roberti de Ros, de maner. de Rib- ftane, cum advoc. eccl. et villa de Waleford. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 102. Inter colled!. mlT. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. vol. ix. p. 179. 187. 221, 222. 234. 236, 237. 285. 315 et 316. cartas viginti plus minus, de terris in com. Ebor. ad praeceptoriam de Ribftane et tem- plarios fpedlantibus. Cart. 11 Hen. 3. p. 1. n. no, in, et 112. de confir- matione maner. de Ribftan, cum advoc. eccl. de Waleford, Halfinguere, domuum in Conyngftrete Ebor. &c. fratribus Militite Templi: Fin. n Hen. 3. m. g. pro villa de Ribftan et feria apud Wallesford. Clauf. 4 Ed. 2. m. 11. de caftro Knarelburgenfi muni- endo de exitibus Templariorum de Ribftan. XCIX. RICHMOND. 1. Benedictine Cell. About the year noo*. Wymar chief Reward to the earl of Rich¬ mond, gave the chapel of St. Martin, and fome land hereabout to the abbey of St. Mary at York. Whereupon a cell ot nine or ten Benedidtine monks from that monaitery was fixed here1, and con¬ tinued till the diffolution, when it was found to have poffeffions to the yearly value of 47/. 1 6s. od. in the whole, and 43/. 1 6s. 8 d. clearly. It was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Edward lord Clinton. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 386. 388. p. 401. cartam Wymari dapiferi com. Richmond ; Roaldi fil. Roaldi fil. Alani: Rentale poflefTionum pertinentium cellae S. Martini juxta Richmond fadtum per Joannem Le- dell cuftodem, A. D. 1504. P. 402. cartam Petri Capell redl. de Richmond, de penfione v /. et xx /. ceras ; Conani ducis Britanniae et com. Richmundix pro decimis molendinorum caftelli ibidem. ' a In which year Roger de Moubray was buried herein, as Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 125. See alfo Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 653. b MS. Stow. c Itin. vol. v. f. 84. d Stevens, vol. i. p. ^5, 96. c Dugd. Baron, vol. 1. p. 303. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 41. f So in the Monafticon. But qua-re, Whether there be not to this day a famous crofs near this fpittal called Reycrofs. See the Map of Richmondfhire in Mr. Gale’s Regiftr. &c. according to which, and pat. 7 Ed. 6. this fhould be in Torkjhiri ; but it is laid to be in Wejbnorland in pat. 37 Hen. 8. z In which year Conan died. h h Mr. Gale’s Appendix to Regiflr. hon. de Richmond, p. 86. 1 Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 728. Not by his father Robert Rofs the JirJl, as in the Baronage, vol. i. p. 545. For the witneUes to the donation were not his cotemporaries. k Cl. Galei obfervat. in Append. Regiftri honoris de Rich mond, p. 264. 1 It was fituated on the hither fide of Swale, a little move than a thoufand feet from the French gate l'uburb. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 120. In XCIX. Y O R In additamentis Regiftro honoris de Richmond. Lond. 1722. fol. p. 282. valorem omnium temporalium et fpiritualium hujus cellae, 26 Hen. 8. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 116. 1 20. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 501. of this cell: vol. ii. Append, p. 183. cartam Thoms de Lafcellsj K S H I R E. pro duabus bovatis terra in Langthorn ; et notulam alis carts ejufdem pro una bovata terra ibidem. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 272. Cartas, rentalia, &c. penes hsrcdes Cuthberti Pepper eq. aur. 1626. A u't PfErvTSTRjAT^SI,,AN Abbey- A Premonftratenfian abbey founded by Roald m the con- ftable of Richmond caftle A. D. 1151 and dedicated to St. Agatha. Herein were about feven- teen canons, whofe yearly income, 2 6 Hen. 8. amounted to 1 1 1 /. ijS. 1 f d. Dugd. t88/. i6j. 2 ^Peed* 1 he flte was granted j 4 et 5 Phil, et Mar. to Ralph Gower, and 14 Eliz. to John Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 649. notulam hiftori- cam de fundatore : Cart. 20 Ed. 1. m. 4. n. 28. per Infpex. recit. conventionem inter abbatem et Hen. fil. Ranulphi, de terris in Kerperby: P. 650. cartas Rogeri de Moubray, confirm, donationes terrarum in Garcedale et Grifedale : Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. recit. et confirm, donatorum conceffiones : P. 651. pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 10. fcil. licent. reg. Ricardo le Scrope de Bolton dandi cl /. ann. reddit. huic ab- batis ad fuftentationem decern canonicorum ultra numcrum tunc in abbatia exiftentium: Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 17. licent. reg. eid. Ricardo conced. maner. de Brompton fuper Swale. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 120. vol. viii. p. 13. In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 239; of the advowfon of the reftory of £adington. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 30. de terris in Tunftale : p. 31 et 36. de warda caftri Richmundis, pro terris in Stapelton : p. 47. de terris in Borell et Thornton Collynge : p. 53. in Skitheby et Efeby : p. 55. in Brompton brigg, Scorton, Ukkerby, Grene- bergh graunge, et Kypplyng cum Staynhowe : p. 58. in Stapilton, Neuton Morel, et Barton: p. 66. in Stapilton etTunflal: p.81,82,83. de lib. reddit. folvendis feodo Roaldi, et fine pro fecta curis relax'- andd: p. 88. pro warda et fine domino Fitz Hugh : In Append, p. 82, 83, 84. valorem omnium et fingu- lorum temporalium et fpiritualium hujus abbatis, et reprif. inde ex rot. in offic. Primit. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499* f- 51, °f the founderfhip and arms of this abbey. MS. Peck in mufeo Britannico, vol. i. Fin. Ebor. 6 Joan. n. 8. de ix. acris in Dalton. bin. Ebor. 8 Hen. 3. lig. A. n. 61. de terris in Tun- Rail* Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. lig. C. n. 64. pro ma¬ ner. de EfTeby. Fin, Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig. G. n. 30. de carucat. terra in Uplim : Fin. Ebor. 38 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . pro maner. de Kypelyng: Fin. Weftmer- land. 40 Hen. 3. n. . pro carucat. terra in Belreby : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 33. d. pro ten. in Stapelton. Fin. Ebor*. 8 Ed. i. lig. B. n. 79. de iii. mefT. lxxxtx. acris, &c. in Stapelton: Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 6. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. pro eccl. de Manfeld fuper Tefe. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. Rec. in fcacc. i Hen, 3. Mich, rot. 27. de tetris in Garefdale. Pardon. 49 Hen. 6. n. 2. 3. Nunnery. In the pipe roll of 18 Hen. 2. is mention of the nuns of Richmond5, and Mr Gale tells us p, that the nunnery was fituate at the weft end of the Grey friers. Nothin^ more of thefe Religious have I yet met with. 0 4. St. Nicholas Hospital. In the fame pipe foil of 18 Hen. 2. is an account of five feams of bread corn given to the fick perfons in the hofpital of Richmond, which was that near this town dedicated to St. Nicholas, of the king’s foundation and patronage ’. But it beino- much decayed both in buildings and revenues, it was well repaired and augmented about the yea? 14.4.S by William Alcogh, one of the judges of the common pleas, who had formerly been mafter of this hoipital, which continued till the diffolution, and had revenues valued, 26 Hen 8 at 12/ 12 s. o d. in the whole, and 10 1. per ann. clearly r. ’ * * ' Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 479. pat. 26 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. de reparatione hofpitalis, et cantaria ibidem fundanda per Will. Ayfcogh. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 65. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 423. Regiftrum honoris de Richmond, p. 53. de terris in Efeby: p. 82. in Jolebyj et in Append, p. 95. valo¬ rem omnium et fingulorum reddituum, See. iftius hof p.tahs, et reprif. inde : p. 264 et 267. de fundatione et reltauratione hofpitalis. Pat. .3 Ed. 1. m. 7. de curfu aquae in Horneby. LrcLeti.iEb°r- 6n-Ed' ?' II7‘ de mefl- et terris in Skithby conceit, per Joannem de Kirkby : Pat. 7 Ed. 7 p. 2. m. 13 vel 14. ' ’ •*’ 5. Grey Friers. “ At the bakke of the Frenche Gate, yn the north part of the town is “ -he Grfy/ Freres’ f llttle w,thow“ the waulhs. Their houfe, tnedow, orchard, and a little w?od “ >s waullid in. There is a conduct of water, elfe there is none in Richemont ■ ” This honfr was founded by Ralph Fitz Randal lord of Middleham A. D. 1258. was furrendered by the vMr dian and fourteen brethren 30 Hen. 8‘. and granted, 36 Hen. 8. to John Banaftyr and William Metcalf. ' Some think he was of the Scropes, fome think rather nay, Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 13. n Chron. Mailros in anno. A. D. 115a. App. ad Regiftr. I10- ,nor. de Richmond, p. 263. A. D. 1153. Mf. Hare in officio armorum. Dom. Scrope de Bolton fundator habitus A. D. 1480. Mf. Afhmol. ° Madox’s Exchequer, p. 440. p Append, to Regiltr. hon. de Richmond, p. 254. s As parcel of the honor of Richmond. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 479-. And therefore, 4 Hen. 6. it was found by inauifitmn to be m the earl of Richmond as appurtenant to the honor oale s Append, p. 208. \ « C In>r-h,e i*rchbifh°p’s certificate it is called “ the hofoital of ‘St. Nicholas within the parilh church of Richmond,”^ "d is there valued at 10 /. 13 r. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p i. 3 Leland. Itm. vol. v. p. n6. ■5* * Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 281. XCIX. YORKSHIRE. Vide d. Galci Append, et obfervationes in Regiftrum m. 5. honoris de Richmond, p. 235. de fundatore. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. u. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1042. clauf. 32 Ed. 1. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 2.' m. 8. 6. White Friers. On the patent rolls, 15 Eliz. is a grant of the houfe of the White frier here to Thomas Wray and Nicolas Medcalf. But I fufpe& there is forne miftake in it. For th* exadt Mr. Gale, in his Appendix and notes to the Regifter of the honor of Richmond, takes no notice of any White friers here, nor have I met with any account of fuch in this place elfewhere C. R I P P O N, olim Inrhypumu, Hripenfis Ecclefia’, or Ad Ripan\ 1. Monastery destroyed, 1 Alchfrid king of the Northumbers gave this place firft to 2. College. 5 abbat Eata to build a monaftery; but before that could be finifhed he was fent away, and St. Wilfrid * made abbat here before A. D. 661. This Religious houfe was endowed with great privileges by K. Ethelftan, and continued in great repute till it was burnt down in the devaftation which K. Edred made in thefe parts about A. D. 950 z. Archbilhop Ofwald* and his fuccelTors, archbilhops of York, afTifted in the rebuilding of the church, and arch- bifhop Aldred b, about the time of the Conqueft, endowed it with lands, and made it colleoiate as it continues to this day. It was firftc dedicated to Sc. Peter, but in fome later writings°it is called the church of St. Wilfrid. Herein were feven prebends, viz. Thorp d valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 20/. per ann. clare. Stanwyge 40/. Skelton and Yevenhale 15/. iol 4 d. Monketon 24/. 12 s'. 8 d. Sharrow 14/. 5 s. 2 d. Stodley 2 61. 114. 4 d. Anwyke 221/. and fix vicars choral each worth fi/. The revenues of the community were valued at 35/. 3 s. 8 d. and the fabrick lands at 12/. 1 2 j. 7 d. Upon the diffolution the eftates of this church came to the crown, and were granted into lay lands, and fo continued all queen Elizabeth’s time. But K. James 1. at the re- queft of his queen Anne, refounded the fame about A. D. 1604. adding a dean to the feven pre¬ bendaries, and endowed it with 247 /. per ann '. Vide Bedae Eccl. Hill. lib. iii. cap. 25. lib. v. cap. 19. Vitam S. Cuthberti, cap. 7 et 8. In Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 172. notulas hiftoricas de hoc monafterio, ex Hovedeno, Lelandi Colled, vol. iii. p. 169. et vita S. Wilfridi, autore Petro Blefenfi : Cart. R. Adelftani rhythmis antiquis Anglicanis ; aliam cartam ejui'd. regis eccl. Riponenfi, de liberta- tibus: Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 132. bullam P. Honorii: P. 134. cartam R. Hen. 1. de libertat. eccl. S. Wil¬ fridi de Ripun: Ibid. p. ii. p. 87. pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. per Infpex. recit. ftatuta et ordinationes fadta per Will, archiepifc. Ebor. in vifitatione hujus eccle- iis, pro meliori gubernatione ejufdem, A. D. 1331. Lelandi Colled, vol. i. p. 45, 54. 337. vol. iii. p. no. In Leland’s Itin. vol. i. p. 91. of this college : vol. viii. p. 2t. fepulchra nobilium in ecclefia de Rippon. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 66. Regiftrum hujus ecclefiae, penes . . . Lindale fubdeca- num eccl. Ripon. A. D. 1630. [Dugd.] T.ibrum aftorum capitularium eccl. coll, de Ripon ab A. D. 1452 ad 1506. fol. with feveral ancient grants belonging to the collegiate church of Ripon, with an obituary of the benefadors to the fame, mf. olim penes V. rev. Hugonem Todd S. T. P. eccl. Car- liol. canonicum. The Hiftory of the collegiate church of Rippon, by Sir Tho. Herbert, printed in Drake’s Appendix to his Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. xci. Regiftra cartas, See. penes decanum et capit. Rippon. Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. ligul. E. rot. . de advoc. eccl. de Nid. Pat. 32 Ed. r. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 26. Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 15. Clauf. 43 Ed. 3. m. 27. dorfo : Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 12. et m. 33. pro cantaria Exal- tationis S. Crucis. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. m. . pro cantaria S. Wilfridi. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 3. pro cantaria Joannis Sendale. Pat. 5 Jac. 1. p. 7. [Jan. 8.] pro nova dotatione decani et capituli in confideratione furfum redditionis priori* cartae, dat. anno regni 2. 3. St. Anne’s Hospital. The hofpital of St. Anne of the foundation of a gentleman of the country thereby, is hard on the hither fide of the Slcelle. Vide Leland, Itin, vol. i. p. 93. 4. St. John’s Hospital. “ On the further ripe of the Skelle is the hofpital of St. John “ Baptift, of the foundation of fome of the archbilhops of Yorkf,” before the fourth year of king John u Bede. w Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. i io. x Ibid. p. 80. y Reyncr, i. 30. makes Wilfrid founder, and the king to have given the ground and revenues. z Hoveden. a Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 205. b Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 337. c “ The old monaftery of Rippon flood where now is a cha- “ pel of our Lady, in a bottom diftant from the new minftre, « which is let on the hill.” Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 91. 4 1 have been more particular in putting down the valuation of the prebends, and the eftate of this church, becaule they are not mentioned in Edon, or any of the printed Valors, having recovered the fame out of a tranfeript from the Firrt Fruit’s office, before the roll for York diocefe was loft. The guefs va¬ luations of thefe prebends, as printed in Stevens1 Supplement, vol. i. p. 58. are “ Stanwigge 42/. Thorpe 40 marks, Studley “34/. Monketon 24/. Skelton 24/. Nunwike 24/. Sharrow «* 22 1” to which I will add the valuations in the Lincoln taxa¬ tion, 20 Ed. 1. “ Staynweges xl/. Monketon lxx marc* Skelton “ lx marc. Nunwyke xlv marc. Thorp lx marc . Schorham xl ft marc. Stodeley lx marc .” c Fuller’s Church Hiftory, lib. x. p. 28, 20. The crown is patron of the deanry, and the archbilhop of York hath the gilt of the feven prebends. There is in Stevens’ vol. i. p. 67. ano¬ ther valuation of thefe prebends made 37 Hen. 8. viz. “ Thorpe “23/. 16s. 8 d. Stanwick 50/. Skelton 15/. 16 s. 9 d. Monk- “ ton ill. is. Sharowe 14/. $s. id. Studley 26/. ns, 3"* “ Nurrewyke 21/. jj. the fix vicars choral 44/. 12s. id. f Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 93. The mafterfhip was in the gut of the archbilhop of York, as Stevens, vol. i. p. 57- The king presented David Wollore prebendary of Paul’s and York Feb. 3. 1340, as Newcourt, vol. i. p. 145* but the archbiftioprick^* C. YORKSHIRE, John. It had revenues valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 10/. 14 s. 4 d. per ann. according to Dugdale; and 37 Hen. 8. at 12 1. os. 4 d. as Stevens 6, and is yet in being. Vide in regiftro Nevil archiepifc. Ebor. f. 105. buliam P. Honorii 3. anno pontif. 7. (foil. A. D. 1222.) de exemptione terrarum ante concilium generale Late- ran. a decimis. In collect. m(T. Dodfworth. vol. lxxiv. f. . cartam de terris in Stodele concefT. fratribus S. Joannis Rippon: Ibid. vol. cviii. f. 53. vol. cxxi. f. 41. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. . de xxiv. acris in Stodlec cum pertinentiis warrantizatis fratribus per Ricardum fiU Rogeri. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13 vel 14. Brev. rcg. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de fundatione ct poflefllonibus : Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 4 vel 5. 5. Magdalen Hospital. “ The hofpital of St. Mary Magdalene for lepers here is on the “ hither ripe of the Skelle, and is of the foundation of the arehbifhops of York\” It was found¬ ed by archbilhop Thurftan, who died A. D. 1139. firft for a chaplain and filters; and for the relief of all the lepers of Ripponfhire. Afterwards here was a matter, two or three chaplains, and fume brethren. It was valued, 26 Hens 8. at 27/. 5s. 6 d. in toto , and at 24/. os. yd. clare'. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 380. plac. coram rege, 29 Ed. 3. Mich. rot. 45. de fundatore: Efcaet. Ebor. 15 Ed. 3. n. 73. inquifitionem fuper ftatu hofpitalis : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 89. veredidtum juratorum fuper ftatu hujus hofpitalis, 10 Ed. 2. .Year Books. Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 67. Inter mlT. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. xxviii. f. 8. confirmationem terrarum et reddit. hofpitalis per Will, de Winchcomb cum corpore fuo, 26 Hen. 3. Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Efcaet. Ebor. 26 Ed. 3. n. 61. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 16. Cl. RIVER, olim Rievall\ or Rivaulx, near Helmefley, in the deanry of Rydale and archdeaconry of Cleveland. CisTERTi AN Abbey. This was the firft 1 abbey of the Cillertian order in Yorkfhire, being founded by Walter Efpec A. D. 1131. and commended to the patronage of the blcfied Virgin Mary. It was endowed, 26 Hen. 8. with 278 1. ioj. 2 d. per ann. Dugd. 351/. 14 s. 6d. Speed1", and was granted in exchange for other lands to Thomas earl of Rutland 30 Hen. 8. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 727. notulas hiftoricas de fundatione, ex mf. de origine Fontanenfis abbatia;, ct ex Leland. ColleiE Fundationis et fundatorum biftoriam, ex mf. in bibl. Cotton . Vitell. F. iv. P. 729. cartam Walter! Efpec, de fundatione abbatiae Rie- vallis : Poffbffiones abbatiae, cum nominibus bene- faftorum: P.730, enumerationem carucatarum ter- rae, quas habet Rievallis : Cartam Rogeri de Cleva: P. 731. cyrographum inter monachos de Rievallis et canonicos de Kirkham, de amovendo monafterio de Kirkham : Privilegium P. Alexandri 3. Ailredo ab- bati et monachis de Rievalle dat. A. D. 1 160. P. 732, cartam Steph. de 'Meinhill, de Stainton : P. 733. cartam Hextildis comitifiae de Eththetela, pro terris in Staincroft. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 56. names of the ab- bats from Willis. Append, p. 289. cartam Adae de Brus, de pifcaria et terris in Normanby, ex autogr. penes Tho. Strangways Robinfon arm. p. 290. Jo¬ annis de Euer remiffionem puturse foreftarum, et fer- vitiorum in Brofton, Kirkby, etCliveland: Cartam Walteri fil. Alicia;, de terris in Ofgoteby, ex orig. penes Rad. Thorelby arm. Privilegium P. Alexan¬ dri 4. monachis de Rieval, de non folvendis decimis,- ex regiftro abbatiae de Melfa penes rev. Phil. Stubbs S. T. P. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 358. Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 42. vol. ii. p. 358. vol. iii. p. 38. 73. ejufdem ltin. vol. i. p. 102. 104. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. iv. p. 779. oflands in Wel- leburn Yorklhire. then vacant. Tho. Wilfon prebendary of York was mailer A. D. 1550. as Willis* Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 119. and James Cocks another prebendary was mailer A. D. 1585. Willis’ Ca¬ thedrals, vol. i. p. 150. g Supplement, vol. i. p. 68. h Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 93. i If not yet in being. For Dr. lohn Favour vicar of Halifax was made warden or malter of St. Mary Magdalene’s Hofoital in or near Rippon, Aug. 1. 1608. as Thorefby’s Vicar. 'Leod. p. 69. Nicolas Clerk fubdean of York, was matter A. D. 1440. Willis’ Hitt, of Cathedrals, vol. i. p. 88. It is valued at 3iC. 31. 6 ii. in the archbilhop’s certificate. Stevens’ Supple¬ ment, vol. i. p. 67. Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. in. p. 178. pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 16. de proteclione: p. 378. pat. 16 Ed. 1. m. 14, de eadem. Bradton, lib. v. cap. 17. § 2. In Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 282. the names of fome abbats. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae in bibl. Cotton. Julius, D. 1. 3. Regiftrum penes Will. Lite de Wilburgham in com. Cantab. Cartas quamplurimas de terris in maner. de Welburn et Hoveton fpedlantibus ad hoc monafterium, penes Joarinem Gibfon arm. de Welborn, etcommun. cler. civit. Lond. 1716. Apographa cartarum ad hanc abbatiam fpedtantium in- editarum inter colled!. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. vii. plus minus oftoginta, f. 5. 51, 52. 61. 97, 98s 99. 101, 102. 105. 107, 108, 109, 110, ii 1. 133. 135. 154. 172. 175. 188. 230. 324. vol. viii. f. 88, 89. 117. 146. 254. 261. vol. ix. 92, 93. 95, 96, 97. 101, 102. 106, 107. 1 12. 1 14, 1 15, 1 16, 1 17, 118. 128. 134. 159, &c. vol. lxxxv. f. 71. vol. cxxi. f. 1 18. ex cartulario de Rievallis. In bibl. Harleian'a, mf. 1499. f. 45. of the foundation and arms of this abbey. In mufeo Britannico, mf. Peck. vol. iv. cartam Roberti de Ros fenioris, confirmantis donationem Walteri Efpec avunculi fui, divifas ccenobii exhibentis, ad- dentifque ligna, pafcua, et pannagia in forefta de Helmftoc : indicem alphabeticum cartarum hujus ccenobii. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 3. n. 57 et 58. Fin. Ebor. >* k Rievallis, i. e. the valley through which the river Rie pafT- eth ; now adorned with an agreeable variety of wood and wa¬ ter, but anciently, “ locus horroris et vaftse folitudinis.” It is fituated between Black Hamilton and Ilemflcy Black-a-moor. Gentleman’s Magazine for 1754. p.426. 1 The chronicle of J. Raftell, which Mr. Hearne fo much and fo often commends, makes this abbey to be the firft of the Ci- ftertian order in England, and to have been founded temp. Will . Rufi. Mr. Iiearne’s edition of Peter Langtolt, p. 89. But this order did not come into England till A. D. 1128. and Waverle, Furnes, and fome others, were before Rievall. m The abbat and twenty-three monks at the furrender. Willis, vol. ii. p. 283. — GgSS 2 Joan. Cl. Y O R K : S H I R E. 2 Joan. n. 14. de divifis inter Halunby et Lanefchales: Fin. Ebor. 2 Joan. n. . pro maner. de Staunton : Fin, Ebor. 4 Joan. n. . dc terris in Helmeflay: Pat. 10 Joan. n. 13. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 141. de commun. paftur. in Grif: Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 15. de commun. paftur. in Arden : Ibid. rot. i&. de iv. ca- rucat. terne in Grif et v. carucat. terns in Gillefton et privilegiis in forefta de Hamelak: Fin. Ebor. 16 Hen. 3. n. 126. de eifd. ix. carucatis deafforeftandis, et pro communia herbagii ibidem : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 159. de ii. toftis in Weft Neuton : FinT Ebor. 26 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Weft Newton : Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 6. Fin. Ebor. 35 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Morton, Herelefliay, &c. Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 7. Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 32. de iii. bovatis in Keyton : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 5. de medietat. 1. carucat. terra: in Angerum. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 12. de commun. paftur. in Thurmode- by : Ibid. m. 28. de commun. paftur. in Hamelak : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 13. d, de com- mun. paftur. in Pykering: Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. n. 192. pro dimid. carucat. in Welleburn- Pi, Ed. 1 m. . Fin. Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. n. 36. de mtft $ xiv. bovatis terra in Balkeby Parva, Cliveland • Pi' 6C de quo war. apud Ebor. 21 Ed. u rot. 1, d nil 3C' libertat. in Croffeby, Rythefdale, &c 3‘ ' r‘ %„t£ Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 27. Fin. Ebo/. 8 Ed ^ n. 165. de melT. vni. toftis, &c. in Bulford : Rec’ t fcacc. 33 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 2. pro terris in Caw et Ofgotby : Pat 43 Ed. 3 p. ifrt, 33. pr0 Pa K€kmare>'s’ &c- in foreftl dPe Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 4. et m. 20. pro melT. in £ bof,' Pat 4 Ric. 2. p. 1 m. 35. de libertat. in maner de Kirkmanes, Lound, &c. Pat. 14 Ric 2 p 2 “ de meft. et terris in Bulford: Rec. in fcacc 29 l^33' Trin. rot. 9. ’ c- 2- C|auf. ,7 Ed 4. mi 15, dc grangja de Weft Newton et ann. reddit. xxJ. 1 CII. R O C H", or De Rupe, in fhe deanry of Doncafter and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Cistertian Abbey. A Ciftertian abbey founded by Richard de Builli and Richard Fitz Turgis or De WikereQai, A. D. 1 147. and dedicated- to the bleffed Virgin Mary. Its vearlv reT nues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 224/. 2 s. sd. Dugd. 271/. iqS. Ad Soeedp and 4 r granted, 38 Hen. 8. to William Ramefden and Thomas Vavafor.9 P ’ fite was Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 835. cartam Ricardi de Builli, de fundatione : P. 836. cartas Ricardi filii Turgis, de fundatione; Ricardi de Builli, donantis Ailriche Thorp; Joannis filii Richardi de Builli, con¬ firm. donationes patris ; Teftificationem Ricardi de Boyvill, quod Ydonea de Bulli dedit manerium de Sandbec ecclefi® de Rupe, A. D. 1241. Cartam Ma- tildis de Lunetot relidt® Gerardi de Furnivall, de terris in Tatewich : P. 837. cartas Edmundi de Lafcy conftabularii Ceftr. confirm, donationes infra baro- niam fuam de Tickhill et focagium de Snaid, A. D. 1258. Will, comitis Warren, de decima anguillarum in Hoffield, Thorn, et Fifhlake; Joannis Lyvet, con¬ firm. Ricardo Barry totum ftatum quern habuit in fundatione hujus abbati® cum patronagio ejufdem 51 Ed. 3. Ydone® de Veteri Ponte, de manerio de Sandbec: P. 838. antiquos dominos maneriorum de Elretori et Tadewyke : Cartam Haelefiae comitifl® de Augy confirm, donationes. P. 839. bullam P. Ur- bani 3. confirm, et recit. donationes : Succeffionem abbatum. Lelandi Colle£E vol. i. p. 31. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 319. Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 427. of lands in Wal- keringham: p. 464. of rent and lands in Carleton in Lindric : p. 472. of a mefluage in Styrap : p. 475. of lands in Torworth. Inter colle&anea V. cl. Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. funt apographa quamplurimarum carta- rum de terris ad hoc ccenobium fpe£L hadtenus inedi— tarum fcil. vol. viii. f. 30, 31. Ibid. f. 211. carta Joannis de Warren comitis Surr. admirantis magni- ficentiam operis lapidei hujus abbati®, necnon pauci- tatem monachorum, quapropter dedit abbati® eccle- fiam de Haytfeld Ebor. dioc. poft cujus appropriatio- nem xiii. viri honefti et idonei competentis literatura capientur in religionem ultra numerum aflign. a fun- datore, dat. r Dec. 19 Ed. 3. Ibid. f. 245. 271 — 286. 288. 319. vol. ix. 165, &c. vol. xxv. f. 83. cart. Ric. 1. vol. lxxvi. f. 114. vol. lxxxix. f. 41. de baronia de Roxby, ex rot. hundred, in com. Line. Fin. Fin. Fin. jEd. r. vol. cxvii. f. 17. out of the cheft of Roche abbey in Sty Mary s tower York. vol. clii. f. i2o Cart, antiq. Y. n. 25. P in. Ebor. ^ Joan. n. . de terris in Brain with : Ebor. 4 Joan. n. 187. de terris in Steinton : Ebor. 5 Joan1, n. . de terris in Thirnelcow: Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de terris in Barneby. Fin. 6 Hen. 3. m. 5 de maner. de Rokefby [Lincoln.] p. Ebor- I? "en. 3. n. 49. de bovata terra in Bramwic: Fin. Ebor. 31 Hen. 3. lio-. E n de terris in Haworth : Pat. 31 Hen. 3. m° 8. de 'terris in Carletin : Cart. 35 Hen. 3. m. 12. pro lib. war. in Arnethorp et Brentclive : Fin. Ebor. 37 Hen 9 lig. F. n. 52. de prato-in Brampton: Pat. 97 Hen 7 m. 26. de liberta-tibus. Plac. coron® apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 19. de ten. in Arnecliff : Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. lig. B. n. 82. de terris apud Sandbec: Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 11. allocat. libertatum in Arnethorp, &c. Plac. aflif. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. r. rot. 33. d. pro ferviciis in Torkefey: Fin. Ebor. ij Ed. 1? lio-.. A. n. 13. pro terris in Thornefcow : Plac. aflif. “apud Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 28. de meff. et terris in Thir- nefcow: Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 23 Ed 1 m Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . J Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 2. de terris in Tottewyke: Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 12. Pat. 6 Ed, 2. p. 2. m. 7. de terris in Walkringham, Shapwyk, Sec. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8. de terris in Roxby [Lincoln.] Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 44. pro terris ibidem. Cart. 2 Ed, 3. n. 34. Plac. de quo war. in com. Not- tingh. 3 Ed. 3. rot. 17. d. allocat. libertat. in Blyth, Farnwath, See. Pat. 19 Ed. 3, p. 3* m. 9. pro eccl. de Haytefeld : Cart. 27 Ed. 3. 11. 34. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29 vel 30. pro eccl. de Hayte¬ feld. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p, 3. fn, 4 vel 5. Pat. 24 Hefi. 6. p. 2. m. 17. Rec. in fcacc. 32 Hen. 6- Mich. rdf. 4. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 6 et 8. n Near Bawtree in Yorklhire and Blythe in Nottinghamfliire, P Here were feventeen monks, who with Henry Cundall laft not far from Rivaulx, T. G. p. *36. abbat fubferibed to the fiipremacy, and afterwards to the fur- « Said by Reyner to be a priory of the Clumc order Gtuated fender, June a). A. £>. if 39. Willis’ Abbies, tol. ii. p. 1S3. in Wiltfliire. CIII. RODER- CIII. YORKSHIRE, CIII. R O D E R H A M, in the deanry of Doncafter and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. College. Thomas Scott alias Rotherham having founded a chantry (at this place of his nati¬ vity) whiift he was bifhop of Lincoln, fhortly after his promotion to the fee of York, viz. A. L>. 1481. founded a college here to the honor of the holy Jefus, confifting of a provoft, five priefts, fix chorilfers, and three mailers s, viz. one for grammar, another for mufick, another for writing. The revenues were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 88/. 12 s. o d. in the whole, and 58/. $s. 9 d. clearly; and by another valuation, 37 Hen. 8. at 126/. 6s. 6d. q. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 204. pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 3. licentiam pro fundatione cantari® : P.205, pat. 22 Ed. 4. p. 3, m. 33. licentiam pro fundatione collegii in villa de Rotherham. Godwin De praefulibus Anglise in vita Tho. Roderham. Lelandi Coiled!, vol. i. p. 53. ejufdem Itin. voh v. p. 102. In notis dodtiffimi editoris in Librum Nigrum Scac- carii, p. 667. teftamentum fundatoris et fragmentum flatutorum. In Chauncy’s Hertfordlhire, p. 102. of the manor of Hedleyes in Barkway. Newcourt’s Repertprium, vol. i. p. 801. of the manor of Hedleys in Barkeway [Hertf.j belonging to this college. The ftatutes of this college in Sidney college treafury. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 36. CIV. ROSEDALE', or Ruffedale, in the deanry of Rydal and archdeaconry of Cleveland. Benedictine or Cistertian Nuns. Robert fon of Nicolas deStutevil, temp . Ric. 1. found¬ ed here a nunnery of Benediftines s or Ciftertians % which was dedicated to St. Mary and St. Lau¬ rence11. About the time of the diffolution a priorefs and eight- or ninew Religious belonged-1 to this houle, whofe yearly income was taxed, 26 Hen. 8. at 37/. 12 s. $d, as. Dugdale, and 41/. 134. 8d. as Speed. The fite was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Ralph earl of Weftmorland. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 507. cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 25. n. 82. recit. et confirm, cartas quamplurimas dojia- torum. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 378. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 125. of the impropriate redtory of Torpenhow. Inter colledtanea cl. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. mf. vol. vii. f. 1 17. 144. et 180. cartas quamplurimas ineditas. Cart. 2 Joan, m. 14. n. 30. Fin, Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . pro odto bovatis efc 4. acris terrse ex conceffione Hugonis Le Bygod et Jo¬ annas uxoris ejus: Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. lig! G. n. 106. de dimid. carucata in Calthorn. Fin. Ebor. 11 Ed. 1. n. 57. pro carucata terrse in Newby. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m.. 19. praeccleija do Thorpenljow, [dioec. Carl.] CV. SALLAY", or De Monte S. Andreas, or Sawley, in Craven, on the borders of Lancalhire, in the deanry of ... . and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Cistertian Abbey. William de Percy the third 1 built A. D. 1 146-71. a Ciftertian abf>ey here to the honor of the blefled Virgin, which was about the time of the general fupprelTion en¬ dowed with effaces to the value of 147/. 3s. 10 d. per arm. Dugd. 221/, 15s. 8 d. Speed. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 842. cartas primam et fecundam Will, de Percy fundatoris donantis Sal- laiam, Dudelant, Elwinfthorp, & c. Henrici de Percy, donantis eccl. S. Andreae de Gargrave, 7 Ed. 2. Ma- tildis de Percy, comitilfe de Warwick, de fecunda fundatione abbatim, foil, donantis eccleliam S. Marins de Tadcafter cum capella de Heflewood : P. 843. cartas tres Agnetis de Percy, confirm, eccl. de Tad¬ cafter, et donantis terras et common, paftur, in Lit¬ ton : P. 844. cartam quartam Will, de Percy funda- toris : Cartam Roberti Dapiferi ejus donantis ii. bo- vatas in Illcclay ; Royfie uxoris Sim. de Kyme, con¬ firm. eafdem : Finalem concordiam 6 Ed. 1. de ma- oer. de Stainton : P. 845. confirm, donationum per Roo-crum archiepife. Ebor. Cartam Malgeri Vava- foris donantis molendinum de Hunefleet, cum confir- matione filii fui Will. Vavafor: P. 846. cartas Mal¬ geri Vavafor excambiantis Halton pro Afyyid ; RicardL de Otterington donantis Afwid j Roberti de Laci, do¬ nantis xxx. acras ultra fluvium de Ribble ; Joannis de Laci conftab. Ceftrite donantis c. acras in Aker- land ; R. Steph. confirm, donationes : P.847. car- tam Henrici de Puteaco, de toto Stochedale : Gene- alogiam Per-ciorum : Epiftolam R. Edwardi papa; de depfedatione et porpbuftioqe abbatim per Scotorum exercitum, ideoque petentis qppropriatiopem eccl. de Gargrave: Ibid. p. 897. querelam abbatis de Salleye, de tranfiatione abbatiae de Stanlaw ad eccl. de Whal- lpy ad dampnum Jfxyn/. x;. par ann. P. 898. con¬ cordiam hujus querelas, A. D. 1305. Ibid. tom. ii. p. 442. de xx. marc, reddit. folvendis pro maner. de Gifborn magiftro et fratribus hofpitalis de Sandon ex dono Will, fil. Hen. de PerGy. Steveps’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 49. q Leland. Itin. vol.v. p. 101. Collett, vol. i. p. S3- and bifiiop Godwin in Rotherham’s life. But the patent in the Monafticon doth not mention fo many; and the rolls in the Firft Fruits office add, “ lix poor men and a porter.” But according to the founder’s will in the archives of Sidney college Cambridge, here were one provoft, three fellows and fix children. “ Sic quod « incorporavi et incorporo in collegio meo unum praspofitum, « tres locios et fex pueros, ut ubi offendi Deum ip decern pre- «c ceptis fuis, ifti decern orarent pro me.” See Dr. Richardlpn s cont. of Godwin, p. 698. not. r On the other fide of Blackftone edge, T. G. p. 236. * So the Monafticon. 1 Montales /fib* in Gervafe Cant, et mf. Bodl. u The patronage of this priory wa? in the family of the Wakes A. D. 13 {o. as Regiftr. Ebor. w MS. Cprp. Chrift. .coll. Cant. x Near Pendle hill, T. G. p. 237. y So I think in muft be, according to Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 270^ though the fecond charter is infcriljed, “ Carta Wil- u lei mi prim? de Percy.” z Founded A.D. H49. as mf. Chron. de Parcolpde. In Ja¬ nuary A. D. 1147. as the Monafticon ; the difference being only according to the different beginnings of the year. Ii CV. YORKSHIRE. In Append, ad Rcgiftr. honor, de Richmond, p. 270. Joannis fil. Joannis de Boulton confirmationem atta- chiamenti ftagni molendinorum fuorum in Ribelle, monachis de Sallay. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 338. de eccl. de Taucaftre, ex magno rot. 7 Joannis. In Prynni Recordor. vol. iii. p. 1146. clauf. 34 Ed. 1. m. 6. pro abbate et quibufdatn monachis excommu- nicatis : p. 1198. clauf. 35 Ed. 1. m. 16. pro manu- captione eorundem excommunicatorum ad inftantiam redloris de Geyrgrave, Regiftrum mf. hujus abbatiae, olim penes Franc. Darcy arm. dein penes dom. Symondfium D’ewes, nunc in cl. bibliotheca Harleyana, 1 12. Inter colleft. cl; Rogeri Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. viii. f. 4. cartam Hen. Perci, de terris in Bolton, 5 Ed. 2. Ibid. f. 20. Ibid. vol. ix. a fol. 178. ad 218. de fundatione hujus monafterii, et hiftoria ejuf- dem : vol. lv. f. 89. 96. ex cartulario. vol. lxxiv. f. 5. cartam Will. fil. Henrici Percy, donantis maner. de Gifeburn proifuftentatione vi. monachorum prefby- terorum in abbatia de Salleia : vol. lxxxix. f. 141, 142, 143. vol. xcii. f. 1, & c. ex diverfis originalibus figillis pendentibus nuper ad monaft. de Salley fpect- antibus penes Will. Weft, de Middleton juxta Lan- cafter, A. D. 1646. vol. xciv. f. 130. vol. cxvii. f. 17. vol. civ. f. 13. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 67. of the foundation and arms of this abbey: mf. 2044. f. 58. 65. colledt- anea ex cartulario. In regiftro Joannis Romani archiepifc. Ebor. f. . ordi- nationem vicariae in eccl. de Tadcafter huic abbatiae appropriata, A. D. 1290. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 25. n. 65. 155. 219. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 112. de iii. bovatis terrae in Scothorp : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 5. pro maner. de Gifeburn in Craven: Cart. 45 Hen. 3. m. 4 nrn mercat. et feria apud Gifeburn : Plac. affif. apud Ebor 52 Hen. 3. rot. 8. de ii. bovatis terra: in Farneley' Cart. 54 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro lib. war. in Salley, Haut- grange, Giftmrn, Elwinthorp, Fulden, Staynton Langecliffe, Staynford, Bolton: Cart, ec Hm V m. 8. 3- Pat. 2 Ed. r. m. 19. d. de commun. paftur. in Berffi- by: bin. Ebor. 8 Ed 1. n. 161. de mefb et terris in Steynford: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 14 Ed. j. rot 8 d. de terris in Bowland : Ibid. rot. 14. d. de medie’ tat. hays de Boulton : Plac. affif, in com. Lancaftr 20 Ed. i. rot. 48. de terris in Clayton : Pat. 21 Ed 1* m. 1. Pat. 31 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23. pro quarta parte maner. de Bolton in Bowland : Clauf. 5 Ed. 2. m. 3 et 4 de ann. reddit. x. marc, e terris in Temple Newfom et Haleton: Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. u et 16. de eccl de Gargrave in Craven: Clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 5. d de reddit. e maner. de Cliderhow: Clauf. 16 Ed.' 2' __ m. 16 vel 26. pro reddit. in Halton. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 37. de terris in Halton: Pat. ir Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 40 vel 41. Pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 22 vel 23. Cart. 28 Ed. 3. n. ig. pro mercat. et feria apud Bolton in Craven: Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18 pro eccl. de Kirkby Overblowers approprianda : Pat! 37 Ed- 3- P- I- m- 33- Pro tcn- in Tadcafter, New-! fom, Bradford, Wadington, et Sutton. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. pro ten. in Tadcafter, Wikelefworth, Pathorn, Remington, &c. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 5. de reddit. xx. marc, exeunte e maner. de Gifeburn: Ibid. m. 15. pro ten. in Re¬ mington, Oxton, Swindon, et Stanford. Clauf. 28 Hen. 6. m. 5, d. de dimiff, terrarum in infula de Axholm et in Stockwith. CVI. S C A R D E B U R G H. t. Alien Priory. The church of St. Mary and fome lands being given to the abbat and convent of Cillertium in France, fome monks from that houfe and order a were fent over and had a cell here before the fourth year of king John. Upon the iuppreffion of the alien priories, this was given to Bridlington monaftery 1 Ed. 4. Vide in Prynni Recordor. tom. iii. p. 1276. ex bund, brev. 13 Ed. 1. de appropriatione ecci. de Scarde- burgh. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mff. DodfWortb. vol. cviii. f. 53. et vol. cxxi. f. 41. cartas prioratus de Scardeburgh. Pat. 4 Joan. m. 5. literas de protedtione monachis Cif- tercienftbus de Scardeburgh b. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 58. de duabus bovatis terrae in Scardeburgh. 2, 3. Hospitals. Hugh de Bulemere, temp. Hen. 2. gave lands toward the founding of an hofpital in this town, to the honor of St. Thomas the martyr, which was finifhed and endowed by the burgefies of the place, who are alfo faid to have been the founders and maintainers of another hofpital in this town dedicated to St. Nicholas. In both which hofpitals were brothers and fillers, poor men and women, temp. Ed. 1. et 2. and more of either of thele houfes I have not met with. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p.404. efcaet. Ebor. 26 Cart. 26 Ed. 1. m. 8. d. Ed. 1. n. 65. de fundatione. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. 4. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Black friers before 13 Ed. ic. faid to be founded by Adam Say kntd. or by Henry Percy earl of Northumberland'. Vide pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . et aquaedudtu inde faciendo : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. I. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 3 m. 23. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. vel 4. et p. 2. m. . Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 23 vel 24. m. 18. pro manfo elargando, et pro fonte vocat. Gildus cliff". Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 57. de eccl. S. Marias de Scarde¬ burgh. Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 39. confirm, eccl. de Scardeburgh, et lib. advoc. vicariae cum capitali manfione : Rcc. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot. . Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 36. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 15. 1 Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 281. “Frater Jacobus cuftos do- “ mus de Scardeburgh.” Prynne, vol. iii. p. 1057. s Part of this is printed in Madox’s Hiltory of the Exchequer, p. 81. c Prynne, vol. iii. p. 1276. et Rymer, vol. ii. p. 313. d Stow mf. e Speed. 5. Grey C VI. YORKSH IRE. 5. Grey Friers. About the year 1240. the Francifcan or Grey friers began an houfe in this town, which was enlarged by the charity of king Edward 2. and Roger Molendinarius f. Vide in Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 25. cartam ca- Cart. 29 Hen. 3. m. . pituli Hofpitalariorum donantium hifce fratribus mef- Pat. 27 Ed. 1. m. . fuagium in Scartheburge, A. D. 1300. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. 6. White Friers. An houfe of Carmelite friers here faid to have been founded by king Ed¬ ward 2. A. D. 13198. Vide inter colleft. mlf. cl. Dodfworth. vol. xxviii. f. 102. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 6. pro placea in Scardeburgh per- licentiam Fratribus Carmelitis de Scardeburgh edifi- quiiita ab abbate Cifiert. pro oratorio faciendo: Ibid, care oratorium in loco quo inhabitant, ex campanile m. 30. de domo concella per regem pro manfo elar- erigere, See. ex regiftro Willelmi Melton archiepif- gando. copi : Ibid. vol. vii. f. 119. cartam Joannas relidte Pat. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 31. dom. Thomas de la Ryver, pro ten. in Scardeburgh Pat, 36 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. 15 Ed. 3. evil. SCARTHE, near Wharlton, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Clyveland. Austin Cell. A Religious houfe founded by Stephen Meinil fen. temp. Hen. 1. and after annexed to Gifborn, and made a cell of canons of the order of St. Auftin to that monaftery \ Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 153. cartam Hugonis Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 357. perfonre de Rudby fa&arn canonicis de Gifburn de MS. Dodfworth. vol. i. f. 76. loco de Scarth et ecclefiis de Rudby 'et Werveltun. CVIIi; SELBY, dim Salebeia, in the deanry of Anftye. BenediCTNE Abbey. King William the Conqueror began here, A. D. 1069*. a noble abbey for Benediftine monks, to the honor of St. Mary and St. German. King William Rufus gave the patronage of it to the archbilhop of York k and his fucceffors in lieu of the claim they had to fome part of Lincolnfhire. It was rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 729 /. 12 j. tod. q. per ann. Dugd1. 819/. 2s. 6d. Speed, and was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Sir Ralph Sadler"1. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 371. cartam Will. Conq. de prima fundatione ■. Cartas Guidonis de Raincourt, de villa de Stamforth [Northamt.] Galfridi de la Wyrce, de hundred, de Crull in infula de Axholme [Line.] Hilberti de Lafcy, de maner. de Hamelton; Thomte archiepifc. Ebor. pro eccl. de Frifton et Seleby Minori : P. 372. cartas duas Gilberti 1 yfon fummi vexillatoris Angliae, pro terris in Polkerthorp, Bobewith, Lund, et decimis in Maigrun et Alvelay; Guallerini com. de Mellent, pro villa de Stanforth ; Nigelli de Albini, pro carucata terra in Amecotes : P. 373. cartas Rodberti de Laceio, confirm. Hamel¬ ton' J Thomae archiepifc. Ebor. pro terris in Hillum et decimis de Hodleftan ; Willelmi Paganelli, pro terris in Drax; Giraldi archiepifc. Ebor. de eccl. de Snayth ; Henrici de Lafcy com. Lincoln, de capella de Whitegift, dat. A. D. 1304. P. 374- cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 21. n. 77. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Ricardi confirm, donationes : Proceflum dc fuperfedeas, pro rationabili auxilio ad primogenitum regis filium in militem creandum, 22 Ed. 3. P. 375- concordiam inter abbatem et \Vill. de Alon. mil. de tranfitu ultra fluvium de Ufe, A. D. 1349. Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p j 31. cartam R. Willelmi Rufi, pro abbatia S. Ger- mani de Selby, &c. concelf. archiepifc. Ebor. pro redemotione calumnire, quam Ebor. ecclefia habuit fuper Lincolniam, &c. P. 132. bullam P. Alexandri confirm, eandem cartam. v , . An hiftorical account of this abbey and the abbats there¬ of, in Mr. Willis’ View of Mitred Abbies, vol. 1. p. 162. Append, p. 67. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 387, &c. of the foundation, privileges and revenues; catalogue of the abbats ; and an account of the arms and monuments in the church of Selby. In Lelandi Collect vol. i. p. 37. de hac abbatia: p. 337. de ecclefia de Sneyth. In Leland’s Itin. vol. i. p. 39. of the lordfhip of Croole. In Bridges’ Northamptonlhire, vol. i. p. 440. of two houfes in Northampton : p. 578. of the manor, im¬ propriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Stanford. In Madoxii Hift. Scacc. p. 328. de fine XL. marcarum, ex rot. pipae 9 Joan, eo quod abbas contradixit dare decimam tertiam regi. InRymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. viii. p. 512. regium aftenfum fuper eleclione Willelmi Pygot abbatis, 9 Hen. 4. p. 529. pat. 9 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 5. pro re- ftitutione temporalium eidem abbati. Year Books, 22 Ed. 3. n. 4. 7 Hen. 5. 19 Hen. 6. Mich. 20. 20 Hen. 6. Pal’ch. 7. 22 Hen. 6. Mich. 35. In Reyneri Apoftol. Benedift. tr. ii. p. 155. fundationis cartam. M. Parif. vitas abbatum S. Albani, p. 69. Hiftoriam abbatiae de Selby, in cl. Labbaei Nova biblio¬ theca, mf. vol. i. p. 594. Regiftrum abbatia; de Selby, penes Thomam Walmefly de Dunkehalgh in com. Lancaftr. arm. A. D. 1620. poftea penes Carolum Walmefly de Skyner arm. con- tin. f. 222. in memb. Extradla ex eodem per cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. cxviii. a fol. 1 ad 41. et vol. cxlv. f. 55. Apographum hujus regiftri baud ita pridem inter mfT. viri de antiquitatibus Eboracenfibus bene meriti Nath. Johnfon M. D. de Pontfract, f MS. Stow. h Thhi’s agreeableto the charter printed in the Monafticon, but I much queftion whether ever it took effeA, there being no mention of Scarth or Rudby in the deeds of Gilborn, nor in the valuation of that priory taken 26 Hen. 8. 1 Sim. Dunelm. inter Decern fenpt. coll. 198. k Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. iJD 13s- which I cannot re¬ concile with their alking ari'd taking out licences from the crown to eleeft abbats upon vacancies. 1 This was the firft return of the commiilioners of the clear value; but upon a review, it was returned at 733/. iu. lod. q. as the original roll mf. in the hands of the lord archbilhop of York, and Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. rn It was made a pariih church by K. James, A. D. 1618. as Burton, p. 406. — Hhbh Cartu- CVIII. YORKSHIRE. Cartularium in archivis ducatus Lancaftrix. Excerpta cx eodem m!F. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. cxxxvi. f. 85. Regiftrum penes Tho. Hurft de Ludburgh in com. Lincoln. In mlT. Dodfvvorth. vol. lxxxix. e rot hundred, de Lin¬ coln. 3 Ed. 1. p. 41. de foka de Crull, et terris in Redburn, Stallingburgh, &c. Ibid. p. 74, 75. Ibid, vol. cxiii. f. 7. names of the abbats. Extradls from the Chartulary of this abbey, mf. Hugo- nis Todd, n. 10. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 669. f. 51. 68. 85. inftrumenta de eledtione Johannis Ovefthorpe in abbatem poll mortem Johannis Cave, A. D. 1436. mf. 1499. f. 59. of the foundation and arms of this abbey : mf. 7520. nomina abbatum. Cartam ortginalem Gifleberti, concedentis ecclefix S. Germani de Saleby ii. carucatas terrx in yilla qure dicitur Gundeby, dicec. Lincoln, et illam decimam quam habet in Aigruna et Alveleia, et viii. bovat. terrx in villa quae Lund dicitur, olim penes Jof. Ames fecretarium Societatis Antiquar. London. Regiftrum cartarum, &c. tempore Joannis de Shirburn abbatis, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vitellius, E. xvi. 2. Ibid. Cleopatra , D. iii. 6. 9, 10. cartas, epiftolas, &c. per- tin. ad monaft. de Selby. Cart, antiq. P. n. 12, 13, 14 et 15. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 1 1. n. 73. Cart. 5 Joan. m. It. n. 87. 89, 90. Fin. 9 Joan. m. 13. pro eccl. de Tad- cafter. Fin. Ebor. 12 Hen. 3. n 124. de iii. bovatis terrx in Stivelingfleet : Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 8. et rot. ig. d. de terris in Stivelingfleet: Pat. 30 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro advoc. eccl. de Brayton [Ebor.] Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 23. Fin. Ebor. 44 Hen. 3. n. 43. de maner. de Quening- bergh : Plac. coram rege, 52 Hen. 3. pro advoc. eccl. de Stainingburgh : Plac. de jure et affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 69. d. de commun. paftur. in Holm: Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 148. pro melf. et terris in Gayteford et Lund. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 10. et m. 12. d. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 18. de commun. paftur. in Stanford fuper Avene : Plac. coron. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 7, 8. de lib. war. in Eftcroft, &c. Plac. de quo war. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 1. de lib. war. in Hamelton, Frifton, See. Plac. in com. Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 42. d. de advoc. eccl. de Sta- lingburgh : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 4.2. pro merest et feria transferendis a Gerkethorp ufaue ad Crull [Line.] Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. ct m. penult, vel antepen. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 37 vel 38 Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 19. Pat. 7 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 1 vel 5. Cart. 8 Ed. 2. n. 43. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m 4 Cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 5. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 21. ct p. 2. m. 31! Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. et m. 30. Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 26. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p 1 m 3 Pat. iS Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m/16. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. rri. 12. pro eccl. de Braiton ap- propnanda: Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9 vel 10. Clauf. 18 Ed. 2. m. 5. Efcaet. Ebor. 19 Ed. 2. n. ay'. Clauf. 19 Ed. 2. m. 10. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 15 vel ig! Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. m. 25. de vaftis maner. de Rouclyve : Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. de excambio cum pnorc de Haltemprife: Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ‘ Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. pro DCcc. acris in Eftoft et Thorn, et p. 3. m. 4. pro communia pafturae inter Heynes et Crulle: Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. ult. vel pe-. nult. et p. 2. m. 18 vel 19. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. x. m. 35 vel 36. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. pro mccc. acris in Inklefmore pertin. ad maner. de Rouclyve et Eftofte : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. m. 15. Rec. in fcacc. 21 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. pro eccl. de Braiton: Pat. 24 Ed. 3. in. 28 vel 29. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro eccl. de Stanford [Northamt.] approprianda : Pat. 46 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10, pro eccl. de Athelingflete approprianda : Pat. 49 Ed. 3, p. 2. m. . pro kernellatione ecclefiae^clauftri, et manli abbatis: Pat. 51 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 7. Cart. 5 Ric. 2. n. 21. Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 5. Cart. 2 Hen. 4. p. 1. n. 6. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. ir. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Cart. 1, Ac. Hen. 6. n. 24. pro mercat. et duabus feriis apud Crull: Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 10. Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 22. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 6. Trin. rot. 17. Clauf. 28 Hen. 6. m. 11. de maner. de Wode et Thornholm [Line.] dimiffis pro c. annis priori de Axholm : Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 13. Rec. in fcacc. 34 Hen. 6. Pafch. rot. 14. Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 11. CIX. S H E R B O R N, in the deanry cf Aynftye and archdeaconry of Well; Riding. Hospital. Upon the archbilhop’s regifters, about the year 1311. mention is made of an hof- pital here dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene-, the wardenfhip of which was in the arc hbifhop’s gift. Vide collectiones rev. V. Matthxi Hutton, eX regiftr. Grenfield. CX. SINNINGTHWAITE, in the deanry cf Aynfty and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. CiSTERTIAN No NS. About A. D. 1 160. Bertram Haget founded here a nunnery of the Cilter- tian order dedicated to the bleffed Virgin. Herein were, about the time of the diffolution, a pri- orefs and twelve nuns, whofe income was valued at 60/. 9 s. 2 d. per ann. Dugd. 62 l. 6 s. Speed. This monaftery was granted, 30 Hen. 8. to Robert Tempeft. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 827. cartam Rogeri de Moubray, confirm, fundationem hujus monailerii et donationes Bertrami Haget et Galfridi filii fui : P. 828. cartas Galfridi archiepifc. Ebor. Gundredx filiae Ber¬ trami Haget, de advoc. eccl. de Bileton : Ranulfi fil. Henrici et Alicix uxoris, de ii. carucatis in Loft- houfe; Bullarn P. Alexandri 3. de protectione A. D. 1172. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 325. In Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 395, 396. names of the priorefles. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, Append. 274. con- ventionem inter Bryanum filium Alani et prioriflam de Sinningthwaite. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 292. appellationem monialium de Sinningthwait Contra archiepifc. Ebor. conventum earum vifitare attentantem, A. D. 1276. p. 293, 294. bullas P. P. Alexandri 3. Gregorii 8. et Lucii 3. hifee monialibus conceflas : p. 296. cartam Willielmi Ward, confirm, donationem patris de tota terra de Eflolt: Cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, dona¬ tionem Bertrami Haget, ex mlT. Walter Calverly bar. Cartam Matildx de Hornington, de terris del Neuriding in Menlington, ex mlT. Rad. Thorefby arm. Inter colleft. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. ha- bentur apographa cartarum circiter triginta ad hunc prioratum fpedlantium haftenus ineditarum, fcil. in vol. viii. f. 60. 62, 63. 96, 97. IOO. 104, 105, 106. H5. 137, 138—144. vol. lx. f. 330. vol. xciv. f. 114. CX. YORKSHIRE. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6m. f. 135. grant, of lands by paftur. in Bilton. Henry fon of Simon de Monte-alto. Pat. 4 vel 24 Ed. 1. m. 4. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. lig. B. n. 46. pro ii. carucat. terrae Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36 vel 37. pro xx. marc, reddit. in Lofthoufe : Cart. 38 ve! 39 Hen. 3. m. 2. Plac. exeuntibus de tenementis in Tockwith, Merfton affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 56. de commun. Parva, Clathall, Torparch, et Walton. CXI. SNAITH, in the deanry of Pontfract and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Benedictine Cell. Girard archbifhop of York having, about A. D. 1106. given the church here to the abbat and convent of Selby ; here was afterward a fmall Benediftine priory cell to that monaftery", and, as parcel of its poffeftions, granted, 4 Ed . 6. to John earl of Warwick. Vi de Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 373. CXII. SPROTBURGH, in the deanry of Doncafter and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Hospital. Here was an hofpital dedicated to St. Edmund before A. D. 1363. of the founda¬ tion of .. . Fitz Williams0; the revenues of which were certified, 37 Hen. 8. to be of the yearly value of 9/. 13 s. ndf. Vide pat. 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. CXIII. SUTTON’, in the deanry of Holdernefs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. 1. White Friers. Here feems to have been an houfe of White friers temp. Ed. 1. Vide pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . pro fratribus Carmelitis de Sutton. 2. Chantry. John of Sutton fettled and endowed a chantry of fix priefts in the chapel of St. James herer. 3. College. In the parifh church is faid to have been a college, which was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 13/. 1 8 s. 8 d’. as both Dugdale and Speed; and at 13/. 8 a gd. as Edton. 4. Hospital. An hofpital1 here valued at 7/. 18s. 4 d". CXIV. S W A I N B Y, in the parijh of Pickhall, in the deanry of Catterick and arch¬ deaconry of Richmond. Premonstratensian Abbey removed to Corham. CXV. S W I N H E Y, or Swina, in the deanry of Holdernefs and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Cistertian Nuns. A Religious houfe confifting of a priorefs and fourteen or fifteen nuns* of the Ciitertian order, founded by Robert de \ which was dedicated to the bleffed Virgin Mary, 134/. 6s. gd. Speed. The fite was granted, 3: Phil, et Mar. to Sir John Conftable. Vde in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 834. cartam Erenburch de Burton uxoris Ulberti conftabularii, pro carucat. terra in Freifiingthorp : Bullam P. Alexandri, de ex- emptione monialium a folutione decimarum: Cartam Hugonis de Pufac. eccl. Ebor. thefaurarii, confirm, donationem eccl. de Swina per Rob. deVerli: Ibid. n So defcribed pat. 4 Ed. 6. ° Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 65. from Dodfworth. mfT. vol. xcii. f. 143, &c. p Ibid. q Of the Religious foundations in this town, the learned au¬ thor in the former edition complains he could meet with no dear account ; nor has the editor of the prefent edition been more fuccefsful. r Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. 8 The college and the chantry were diftinift, as appears from the grant of fome lands in Nottinghamfhire, 2 Phil, et Marix (pat. . . . p. 2.) to lady Anne Stanhope, in confideration of her l'urrendering the chapel of St. James of Sutton, and the colle- erli before the end of the reign of K. Stephen *, and endowed with 82/. 3/. gd. ob. per am. Dugd. Hen. 8. to Sir Richard Grefham lint. and 3^/4 p. 1026. conventiones inter conventum de Swina et dom. Alex, de Hilton mil. circa A. D. 1241. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 252. In mfT. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 247. 251, 252. 259. 304. 330. cartas quafdam ineditas. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 8. de xxx. acr. giate church of Sutton, which Ihe had by grant from Sir Mi¬ chael Stanhope. 1 The hofpital of Sutton, mentioned in Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 437. as in Torkjhire , fliould be placed in Kent. “ Sancroft’s mf. Valor. w So generally in the deeds, and at the time of the diflolu- tion ; but Erenburch de Burton’s grant is “ Fratribus et foro- “ ribus;” and cart. 33 Ed. 1. is “ Magillro, fratribus canoni- “ cis, et monialibus.” Dorothy Knight, laft priorefs, and fif¬ teen nuns enjoyed penfions A. D. 1553. as Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 184. x In the time of Hugh Pufac treafurer of the church of York, who was made bifliop of Durham A. D. 1133. terra CXV. YORKSHIRE. terra in Denhall : Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. lig. A. n. 144. pro advoc. eccl. de Dripol. et lxxx. acris marifci : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 32. de terris in South Skirlaghe et Arahale : Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. lig. E. n. . de terra in Lamberthorp : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 49. d. pro libera pif- caria in aqua de Swina. Cart. 33 Ed. r. n. 4. Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Cart. 18 Ed. 3. n 17. Efcaet. Ebor. 23 Ed. 7. p ,■ n. 100. de terris in Winton et S. Skirlawgh : 'Efcaet* Ebor. 26 Ed. 3. n. 30. Pat. 3 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. Pat. 28 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 7 vel 8. CXVI. THICK HEDy, dim Tykenheved, in the deanry of Bulmere and arch¬ deaconry of Cleveland. Benedictine Nuns. A final] Benedidtine nunnery built here by Roger Fitz Roger, temp. Ric. 1 z. to the honor of the bleffrd Virgin Mary. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 20/. 18 ■per ann. as Dugdale, and 23 l. 12 s. 2 d. as Speed, and granted, 33 Hen. 8. to John A(ke, in whole family the patronage or founderlhip had been for fome years, it having delcended to them from the Hays. Vi de in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 529. cart. 5 Joan. m. 12. n. 98. recit. et confirm, donationes Rogeri fil. Ro- geri, et aliorum : Cartara Emmse de Hai, de bovata terras in Cottingwith : Cartam Hugonis de Boulton, de terris inQueldric: P. 530. conventiones inter ca- nonicos de Ellerton et moniales de Thikeheved, de terris in Weft Cottingwith, A. D. 1264. De obitu Robert! de Afke mil. hujus domus fundatoris cele- brando, A. D. 1522. ex cards penes Ric. Robinfon. Burtons’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 280. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 48. pro tribus bovatis terra in Norton, ex concelF. Willielmi de Percy : Fin. Ebor. 12 Hen. 3. lig. D. n. 25. pro decern bovatis terra in Cottingwith: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 3. pro eifdem. Fin. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. lig. B. n. 145. pro melT. et x. bo¬ vatis terra in Thykhead : Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. n. 64. pro iv s. vid. reddit. in civit. Ebor. Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 53. pro reddit. in Ebor. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 20. Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. Ebor. 32 Ed. 1. n. 28. pro melT. et M. acris ma¬ rifci in Sand Hotonjuxta Stainford bridge. Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. CXVII. T I C K H I L L“, in the deanry of Doncafter and archdeaconry of York or Weft Riding. j. College. In the caftle here was a royal free chapel or collegiate church b, founded by queen Eleanor', wife to king Henry 2, which, with its four prebends d, worth one hundred marks per ann. was given by king John to the canons of the cathedral church of Roan in Normandy. It was afterwards given to the prior and convent of Lenton in Nottinghamlhire, and A. D. 1504. to the abbat and convent of St. Peter at Weftminfter, and, as parcel of their poffeffions, was granted, 6 Ed. 6. to Francis earl of Shrewfbury. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 1017. clauf. 7 Joan, m. 1. d. Ex recordis’temp. R. Ed. 3. bund. 2. n. 2. cartam Joan, anno regni fecundo, de capellaria de Blya cum pertinentiis, fcil. eccl. de Harworth, &c. concelT. eccl. Rothomagenft. In cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. v. p. 363. pat. 17 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. Tom. xiii. p. 97. Tn Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1189. pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 5. d. de jurifdidtione archiepifc. Ebor. et archidia- coni Nottingham. Pat. 12 Hen. 3. m. 3. de decimis ejufdem capellae per- tinentibus capitulo Rothomagenft. Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 4. Pat. 6 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 2 et 6. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. d. Efcaet. Nottingh. 7 Ed. 3. n. 72. Efcaet. Nottingh. 16 Ed. 3. n. 77. Pat. 4^ Ed. 3. m. . d. de ftatu ca- pellx de Tickhill fupervidendo. Clauf. 14 Ed. 4. m. 21. Pat. 14 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 14 et 16. 2. St. Leonard’s Hospital. Here was an hofpital dedicated to St. Leonard, the fad con¬ dition of the brethren whereof archbilhop Grey recommends to the charity of all good people, A. D. 1225. Vide rotulum majorem Walteri Grey archiepifc. Ebor. in anno 1225. 3. Hospital. In a marfh near this town was an hofpital or free chapel, having feveral priells and brethren in it, in the year 1326. It was afterward annexed to the priory of Humberfton, and* as parcel of the poffeffions thereof, was granted, 1 Maria , to Thomas Reve and George Cotton. Vide in regiftro Willelmi Melton archiepifc. Ebor. fratres, prefbyteros, et fervientes, et alios quofeunque f. 166. commiflionem ad vilitandum hoc hofpitale, et in eodem commorantes, A. D. 1326. y In the parilh of Wheldricfc, as Barton. z As early as this reign, becaufe in Hugo Boulton s deed of Queldric to thefe nuns, there is “ de vafto domini regis Ri- “ cardi but if Pigot or Picot the donor of an oxgang in Cot¬ tingwith, be the fame with i( Picotus homo Alani comitis Rich- “ mondice, *’ mentioned in Regiftr. hon. de Richmond; p. 5. 8. this houfe muft be ftill older, a Six miles from Doncafter, T. G. p. Z37* So called by Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 9a. . r c Stevens* Supplement, vol. i. p. 66. See alfo the pipe roll 01 31 Hen. 2. . <1 Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 1017. There is alfo in the fame page a grant to the faid canons of the chapelry ot Blia, with its de¬ pendencies: but upon comparing this grant with the protection in Rymer, vol. v. p. 293. Blia and Tykhill will appear to e the lame. See Thoroton’s Nottinghamlhire, p. 151* 4. White CXVJI. YORKSHIRE. 4. White Friers. A little by weft of this town' was an houfe of Auftin friers', in the be¬ ginning of the reign of king Edward 1. founded by John Clarell £ dean of St. Paul’s, as Mr. Speed; and by Richard Wallis efquireb, as Mr. Thorefby. Several of the Fitz Williams’ and Clarells were therein buried'. It was granted, 1 Maria , to Thomas Reve and George Cotton. Vide Itin. vol. i. p. 37. Pat. 4 Ed. t. m. 6. pro manfo elargando. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. . . grant of an annuity Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 16 of v. marks by K. Richard 3. vel 17. CXVIII. TOCKWITH, alias Scokirke, or Stowkirke in the parifi of Bilton, in the deanry of Ainfty and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. Austin Cell. The chapel of All Saints, with fome lands here, being given to the priory of Noftell by Jeffery Fitz Pain before A. D. ni4k. fome Black canons of that monaftery were fent to refide here. The yearly revenues of this cell were valued, 26 Hen. 8. but at 8 /. -per ann. as Dugd. and Speed, and the fite of it was granted, 31 Hen. 8. to Thomas Leigh. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 43. cart. R. Hen. 1. confirm, donationem Galfr. fil. Pagani, de duabus bovatis terra in Tockwith : Cartam Alberti de Tock- wid, pro ii. acris terra : Compofitiones inter Ivettam de Arches et canonicos de Scokirk, et inter eofdem et Petrum de Brus, de vicefima panis vel bladi maner. de Thorp Arches. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 312. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 396. Colled!:. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. ix. 283, 284. CXIX. W A R T E R, in the deanry cf Herthill and the archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons founded by Gefrery Fitz Pain alias Trufbut A. D. 1132. St. James was its tutelar patron. About the time of the diffolution herein were a prior and about ten canons, whofe annual income amounted to 143/. ys. 8 d. per ann. Dugd. 221/. 3 r. 10 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 28 and 32 Hen. 8. to Thomas earl of Rutland. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 172. ex regiftro de Watre penes Tho. Widdrington equ. aur. hiftoriam de prima fundatione prioratus, et de fucceffione prio- rum : P. 173. cartas Galfridi Trufbut et Roberti Trufbut confirm, donationem Galfr. fil. Pagani: Confirm, donationum per R. Hen. 2. P. 174. con- firmationes Agathae Trufbut et Ricardi fil. Will. Trufbut; Roberti de Ros domini de Beuver, de terris in Wartria, Middleton, et Seton : P. 175. confirma- tionem Will, de Ros de Hamelike advocati prioratus, de omnibus terris de feodo fuo : Confirmationem ec- clefiarum, terrarum, privilegiorum, &c. per P. In- noc. 4. A. D. 1245. P. 176. donationem hays de Langvvath fadtam decano et capitulo Ebor. per prio- rem et conv. Cart, abbatis et conv. de Dernhall conced. prafatam hayam de Langwath priori et ca¬ non. de Wartre: P. 177. ordinationem Walteri Gif- fard archiepifc. Ebor. fuper hofpitale S. Egidii Bever- lac. quod fit fub regimine canonicorum de Warter, A. D. 1277. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 381. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Wertmoreland, vol. i. p. 403. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Barton: p. 415. of a penfion of one^aark out of the redtory of Clifton: p. 421. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of Afkham, and of half a carucate of land there : p. 438. of the alter¬ nate right of prefentation to the redtory of Lowther. In lib. affif. p. 220. • The names of the priors, in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 284. Cartularium hujus prioratus, mf. in bibl. Bodl. Fair¬ fax, 9. In mf Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 324. 345. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. 21 1. grant to William Tirwhite, of the fee farm rent payable by the prior of Wartour, 2 Ric. 3. In regiftro Walteri Giftard archiepifc. Ebor. f. . n. 3. de appropriation ecclefis de Lund, et refervatione advoc. eccl. de Brunnum et Queldrick archiepifcopo et fuccelforibus : In regiftro Will. Wickwane, f. 77. donationem xxxj. per ann. ad fpecies emendas per Jo. Queldric priorem, A. D. 1279. In regiftro Gren- field, p. i. f. 1 19. provifionem Joannis de Thorp prioris refignantis, A. D. 1309. Plac. apud Weftm. 1 Joan. Mich. rot. 9. pro advoc. eccl. de Clifton, ex dono Radulphi Engayne : Fin. Ebor. 5 Joan. n. 23. pro advoc. eccl. de Queldric: Fin. Ebor. 8 Joan. n. . de terris in Wartre: Fin. Ebor. 1 1 Joan. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Lund. Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 8. de dimid. carucat. terra in Afkham : Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. n. . de ii. bovatis terra in Queldrick: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 21. pro mercat. et feria apud Wartre: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 44. 66. de tofto, &c. apud Wartre : Pat. 55 Hen. 3. n. 6. de aquaedudtu per parcum de Wartre. Fin. Ebor. 2 Ed. 1. n. 7. de mefT. et terris in Wartre: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 24 et 26. d. pro commun. paftur. in Gildefdale et Duton: Cart. 4 Ed. 1. n. 17. pro haia de Langwath : Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 11. d. de IV. bovatis terra in Brunneby ex feof- famento Ric. fil. Thorns (temp. R. Joan.) Fin. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. n. 13. de mefT. et bovata terra in Middleton : Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 33. pro lib. war. in Wartre, Seton, Lincroft, et Raventhorp : Cart. 14 Ed. 1. n. 39. pro unione hofpitalis S. Egidii Beverl. huic prioratui: Fin. Ebor. 15 Ed. 1. n. 90. pro tertia parte de Bagotby: Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 29. allocat. libertatum in Wartre, Seton, See. Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed 1. m. 2 vel 3. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. licent. pro amortizatione ma¬ ner. de Wartre per Will, de Ros de Hamelak, excep- tis fervitiis tenendum per fervitium militare : Fin. Ebor. 3 Ed. 2. n. 62. pro maner. de Wartre : Pat. 3 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. de eodem manerio: Cart. 7 Ed. 2. n. 50. pro mercat. apud Wartre : Pat. 10 « « Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 3 7. t Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 631. s There was no fuch dean of St. Paul s ; one of both his names was, in the time of K. Edward i. prebendary of South- well, and redtor of Eaft Brigford near Tickhill, as regiftr. Ebor. » Whofe fifter and heirefs was married to William Clarell efquire of Clarell’s hall by Tickhill. Vicar. Leod. p. 18, 19. 1 Pat. 31 Hen. 8. Yet Scokirke and Tockwith feem to be diftindt places, by Drake, p. 396. * The grant is made to one of the Thomas’ archbilhops of York, the laft of whom died A. D. 1114. — /ill Ed. 2. CXIX. Y O R Ed. 2. p. x. m. 31. Fin. Weftmorl. io Ed. 2. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Barton: Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m. 24. de feria ibidem in fefto S. Jacobi cafianda. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 36 vel 37. de relaxatione c. fol. ann. reddit. decano Lincoln. Clauf. 9 Ed. 3. m. 21. de ann. reddit. vi. marc, exeunte e maner. de Halthorp: Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 39. pro commun. paftur. in Queldryk contra K S H I R E. abbatem de Fontibus: Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. j m pro maner. de Wexham: Pat. 30 Ed. •? n r m ** 45 ^ V '• om‘ ten- (SildbS et Swanland : Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 24 vel 2e Brev. reg. 1 RiC. 2. n. 14. * 5' Pat. 13 Ed. 4. p. 2, m. 8 vel g- de feo(]j firma d Rivers"* £t tErnS ^ Warter concefl- Antonio dom! CXX. WATTON, olim Vetadun, in the deanry of Harthill and archdeaconry f the Eaft Riding. ‘ J . I Here was a nunnery about the year of our Lord 686' AfrPr \ ward, about A. D. u5o. Euftace fil. Joannis founded here tPmnrinfrlnm on kouL _ „ _ i ^t- 5 UII“ i. Nunnery detroyed. 1 TIN? i>!'0RY; ' - 7 **• “ju. muuacc m. joannis rounded h der the direftion of Gilbert of Sempringham, an houfe of nuns and thirteen .canons of his new order to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary. This priory was rated, 26 Hen. 8 at 360/ T of Warwfck."""' ^ 453 * 7 *' ^ ^ ^ ™ SranCed’ ^ Ed- 6. to John eari Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 798. eartam fundationis, ex efcaet. 8 Ed. 2. n. 63. Confirmationem Henrici archiepifc. Ebor. P. 799. cartas Agnetis filise Wil- lelmi conftabularii Ceftrias, de tota villa de Wattuna; Roberti conftabularii, de iv. bovatis terrae in Hilder- torp; Roberti fil. com. conftab. Ceftriae de tota terra Wattunse; Rogeri de Lafci conftabularii Ceftriae do- nationes et excambias Euftachii fil. Joannis in Wat- tun et Hildethorp recit. et confirm. P. 800. cartas Will. Foflard, de tribus carucatis terrae in Houwald ; Alexandri de Santon, de terris in Santon ; Ricardi de Santon, confirm, donationes Alexandri patris fui : P. 801. cart 1 Joan. p. 1. n. 86. confirm, totam Langdale, et terrain et pafturam inter ipfam et Bu- trefdalelbec ; et (lemma fundatorum iftius domus, ex efcaet. 8 Ed. 2. n. 63. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 388. compofitionem inter conventum de Watton et restores de Morlund in Cumberlandia, ex regiftr. de Wederhale. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 412. In Leland’s Itin. vol. viii. p. 5. of this priory: vol. i. p. 60. of the impropriated parfonage of Byrdlhaule. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. gi. of the advowfon of the church of Lowther : p. 449. of a carucate of land, and pafture of a thoufand (heep in Tyrneby: p. 491. of the manor of Langdale: p. 518. of the manor and impropriate church of Ra- venftondale. Aluredum abbatem Rievallenfem, de faniftimoniali de Watton, inter Decern fcript. hift. Angl. col. 415, &c. Regiftrum brevium judicialium, f. 26. a. Year Books, 17 Ed. 3. n. 64. 18 Ed. 3. n. 46. 7 Hen. 4. Mich. 22. Hill. 61 In regiftro Corbridge archiepifc. Ebor. ordinationem vicarite de Hoton appropriate priori et conventui de Watton, Dec. A. D. 1302. In regiftro Grenfield, p. i. f. 121. ordinationem eccl. de Santon eifdem ap- propriat. A. D. 1310. Ibid. p. ii. confirm, appro- priationum eccl. de Watton, North Dalton, Killing- wik, Briddefdale, et Hoton, A. D. 1311. Cartas quafdam originales ad hunc prioratum fpeflantes olim penes dom. Gulielm. Conftable bar. In bibl. Bodl. mf. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 356. eartam Thomae fil. Alani de Multon, monialibus de Watton, pro XL r. ann. reddit. ex manerio fuo de Frampton [com. Line.] percipiend. ad camifias emendas; et in eod. vol. p. 188. 299. 302. 305, 306. 308, 309. 313. 3*5- 323- 325> 326- 328» 329- 353» 354, 355, 35&- vol. ix. p. 116. 117. triginta fex cartas ad hoc cceno- bium fpe&antes, ha&enus ineditas. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 18. n. 33. Fin. Ebor. 2 Joan n. 13. de terns in Aldergee : Fin. Ebor. 3 Joan, de terris in Killewic : Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. 150. de terris in Crankewyke: Fin. Ebor. 7 Joan, de advoc. eccl. de Santon. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 56. de terris in Hugate : Fin. Ebor. 9 Hen. 3. n. 76. de terris in Santon : Fin! Ebor. 13 Hen. 3. n. 96. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 2 / de reddit. inEtton: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 23. pro lib! war. in Watton et Stancfton [Ebor.] Ravenft'ondale et Langedale [Weftm.] Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 21! de advoc. eccl. de Hoton : Fin. Ebor. 44 Hen. 3! n. 27. de fervitiis in Bamely Foliot, Hovvorth, &c. Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 160 et 178. de mefluagiis! toftis, et terris in Hugate. Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. n. 114. pro advoc. eccl. de Sky- ren : Plac. affif. in com. Ebor. 14 Ed. 1. rot. 7 et 15. d. pro terris in Craneby : Plac. in com. Weft- mor. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 18 et 26. d. de ten. in Langedale: Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. 3. de me(T. et terris in Hugate, Traveby, Killingwick, See. Cart. 35 Ed. 1. 11? 37. pro lib. war. in Killingwick et Traveby. Cart. 1 Ed. 1. n. 12. pro lib. war. in Howald : Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. pro terris in Skiren: Ibid. p. 2. m. 8 vel 9. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. . d. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 5. pardon, pro eccl. de Santon, Hoton, et Skyren appropriatis : Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 23. pro me:T. in Scardeburgh. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro ten. in Rottefey, Wan- desford, et Kelke : Efcaet. Ebor. 5 Ed. 3. n. 166. pro tofto in Hefil : Pat. 6 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 21 vel 22. pro tertia parte maner. de Thorneby: Pat. ig Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 3. pro terns in Middleton, Beverle, Crancewyk, Hefyll, See. Clauf. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 30. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 13. de terris in Killingwyk. Clauf. 8 Ric. 2. m. 6. pro melf. et terris in North Dal¬ ton : Clauf. 10 Ric. 2. m. 21. d. Inquif. Ebor. 3 Hen. 4. n. 11. Clauf. 4 Hen. 4. m. 11. de terris in North Dalton olim donatis per Matildam R. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 8. pro ten. in Santon. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 21 vel 22. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. Rec. in fcacc. 14 Hen. 8. Pafch. rot. 31. de libertat. in Ravenftondale, &c. CXXI. WELLE, in the deanry of Catterick and archdeaconry of Richmond. Hospital. Sir Ralph de Neville lord of Middleham founded here, A. D. 1342. an hofpital for a mafter, two priefts, and cwenty-fourm poor brothers and lifters to the honor of St. Michael" 1 1 Bedps Hift. Eccl. Angl. lib. v. cap. 3. Capgrave, f. 187. d. 36 Hen. 8. as Gale’s Append, p. 383. " So in the foundation charter ; but fourteen only mentioned n “ St. Mary and St. Michael.” Gale’s Append, p. 364. the CXXI. YORKSHIRE. the archangel, whofe revenues were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 42/. 12 s. 3 d. in the whole, and 20/. 17 r. ud. clearly; and 37 Hen. 8. at 65/. 53. 7 d°. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 461. pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. licentiam regis pro fundatione: Tom. iii. p. i. p. 89. cartam Radulfi de Neville fuper funda¬ tione iftius hofpitalis. In Append, ad Regiftr. honoris de Richmond, p. 245 et 264. quasdam de fundatione : p. 283. valorem om¬ nium et fingulorum reddituum, &c. cum reprifis inde, ex rot. 26 Hen. 8. In regiflro Bowet archiepifc. Ebor f. . de appropria- tione eccl. S. Trinitatis vocat. Ckriftechirchc in Co- nyngfyerd Ebor. magiftro, fratribus, ct fororibus iftius hofpitalis, cum ordinatione vicariae, dat. 31 Jul. A. D. 1414. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1, m. r. pro eccl. S. Trinitatis Ebor. approprianda. CXXII. WENSLO W', or Wenfley, in the deanry of Catterick and archdeaconry of Richmond. College. Richard lord Scroopes of Bolton obtained a licence from king Richard 2. in the twenty-iecond year of his reign, to refume 150/. per ann. which he had lately granted to the abbat and convent of St. Agatha near Richmond, and to found therewith a college in the church of the Holy Trinity here, for a mailer or warden, as many chaplains or fellows as he thought proper, and twenty-two poor perfons. But this defign probably never took effeft, though perhaps again attempted 1 Hen. 4. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 137. pat. 22 In Dugd. Baron, vol. . p. 655. an account of the fame Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 10. licentiam regis pro hujufmodi defi?n. fundatione. Pat. i'"Hen. 4. p. 8. m. 2. CXXIH. WHITBY, olim Streanefchalch, Sinus Pharir, Prefteby’, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland. 1. Benedictine Abbey. King Olwy ' having given- this place to St. Hilda, Ihe founded here, about A. D. 657. a monaftery for men and women u, under the government of an abbefs, de¬ dicated to St. Peter ; in which were educated feveral bifhops and others of great note for learning and holinei's w. But this Religious fociety being difperfed by Inguar and Hubbax, during the Danifh incurfions, the buildings lay in ruins till they were re-edified and filled with Benedidtine monks by William de Percy pretty foon after the Conqueft. In the time of K. Henry 1. it be¬ came an abbey, was dedicated to St. Peter and St. Hilda, and, 26 Hen. 8. had yearly revenues to the va'ue of 437/. 2 s. ad. Dugd. 505/. as. id. Speed. The fue was granted, 4 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. J Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 71. hiftorica qutedam de fundatione, ex Matth. Weftmonaft. Leland. et Will. Malmfbur. P. 72. hiftoriam fundationis, et cartam Will, de Percy primi fundatoris : P. 73. cartam Hu- gonis com. Ceftriae, pro eccl. de Flemefburg : Cart. 5 Ric. 2. in. 6. per Infpex. recit. et confirm, cartam R. Joan. P. 74, 75. de fundatoribus et benefaftori- bus, cum eorum donationibus : Ibid. p. 384. quaedam de reftauratione burns ccencbii, ex hiftoria fundationis abbatiae S. Maris Ebor. Ibid. p. 988. cartam Will, de Percy, de heremitorio S. Jacobi apud Mulgrif in nemore de Dunefley fubjedlo abbatite de Whitby. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 68, &c. a large ac¬ count of the foundation and revenues of this abbey, and of the cells and impropriated churches belonging to it. Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 31, 32. 306. vol. iii. p. 39. ejufdem Itin. vol. viii. p. 5. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland, vol. i. p. 495. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vica¬ rage of Crofby Ravenfworth, and of lands there. In Madoxii Hill. Scacc. p. 67. 73 et 357. de libertati- bus conceffis burgenfibus ab abbate et conventu non utendis : Cart. 2 Joan. m. 16. n. 42. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 301. Matth. Paris, p. 120. Year Book, xxxviii. 25. Regiftrum hujus abbatiae penes dom. Hugonem Chol- mondley mil. 1640. cont. fol. 143. » Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 64. p Four miles from Middeham on Ure, T. G. p. 337.I s He had licence for a fimilar foundation in his caftle of Bol¬ ton, 20 Ric. 3. as Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 137. r Bedas Eccl. Hilt. lib. iii. c. 2 5. • Leland. Colled, vol. iii. p. 39. Mon. Angl. vol. i- p. 73. Extradla ex eodem mf. Dodfworth. vol. Ixi. f. 19. Ex libro abbatite de Whitby in manibus R. Gafcoign, Dodfworth. vol. cxlv. f. 92. Ex cartulario abbatiae de Whitby, Dodfworth. vol. cv. f. 46. De fundatione hujus abbatiae, Dodfworth. vol. clix. f. 1x4. Duas cartas ineditas, mf. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 209. Excerpta e regiftro hujus abbatiae, mf. in bibl. Cotton. Vttdlius , E, xiv. 22. 15. et mf. in bibl. Harleiana, 692. f 235. In eadem bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1499. f. 45. arms of this abbey. Regiftrum abbatiae de Whitby, mf. in audlione Cecili- ana emptum a com. Cantiae. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 1. m. 6. n. 43. Fin. Ebor. 4 Joan. n. . de advoc. eccl. de Slingelby: Cart. 5 Joan. n. 92.- pro cervis et porcis infra foreftas fuas : Pdt. 5 Joan, n. 10. de deafforeftatione terrarum fuarum : Cart. 7 Joan. m. 6. n. 49. pro heremitorio de Godeland : Fin. 7 Joan. m. 10. pro eodem heremitorio. Fin. Ebor. 10 Hen. 3. n. 16. de c. acris terrse, cum pertinentiis in Hakenefs : Cart. 14 Hen. 3. m. 6. pro feria apud Whitby : Plac. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 18. de molendino in Engleby : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 124. de eftoveriis in Middlewood : Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. n. 159. de ii. bovatis in Ryfewarpe: Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 22 et 56. Plac. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 72. dorfo, pro ten. in Tolefton. Fin. Ebor. 1, See. Ed. 1. n. 98. de maner. de Dunede, Newham, et Stokefby, ligul. A. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 23! * Bedsc Hill. Angl. lib. iii. c. 24. u Bede, lib. iv. cap. 23. and Gul. Malmlbur. w Bed® Hill. Angl. lib. iv. p. 24. 26. Of the fynod called here A. D. 664. fee Spelman’s Councils, vol. i. p. i4j, See. and Wilkins* Councils, vol. i. p. 37. * Leland. Colle^l. vol. iii. p. 39. CXXIII. Y O R K S H I R E. de terris in Duneflcy: Ibid. m. 28. de ten. in New¬ ton et Aflelby: Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 36. d. de terris in Dales: Plac. coram reg. 5 et 6 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 5. Ibid. 6 et 7 Ed. 1. Mich. rot. 31. Plac. de affif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 10. de ten. in Whitby, Baddeby, &c. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in com. Ebor. 14 Ed. I. rot. 17. d. de terris et ten. in Leynyngthorp : Fin. Ebor. 18 Ed. 1. n. 113. de mefT. et x. acris in Sneton: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 24. de terris in Newton et Rochford concelf. per Nigell de Newton : Pat, 27 Ed. 1. m. . pro maner. de Haukefgarth : Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 10. de toftis et terris in Nor- manby et Whitby Strand : Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 17. con- firmationem amplam libertatum in forefta de Whit¬ by, &c. Rom. 15 Ed. 2. m. 10. pro eccl. de Semere approprianda: Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 19. proeadem- Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. Clauf. 2 Ed. 3. m. 21. de viridariis habendis in forefta de Whitby: Cart. 7 Ed. 3. n. 37. Pat. 24 Ed. 3 m. 6. d. Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. d. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 18. Pat. g Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. pro ten. in Middlefburgh, Doneiley’ et Newham. Cart. 8 Hen. 4. n. 5. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 7. Cart. 21 Hen. 6. n. 18. pro catallis felonum, wrecco maris, clerico mercatns coronatore, &c. apud Whitby: Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. i* m. 9. pro eccl. de Hoton Bulhell approprianda. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 26. 2. Hospital. The brethren of the hofpital of Wiiiteby are mentioned in the bull of P. Alex¬ ander 3. to the abbey of Rievall, dated 12 kal. Dec. A. D. 1160. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 732. a. 58. 3. St. John’s Hospital. There is mention of an hofpital here dedicated to St. John Bap- tift, as old as the time of king Edward 2. The gift of the mafterlhip was in the crown. Vide pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 22. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 38. CXXIV. WIDKIRK’, olim Wodechuich, or Kirkwode, in the deanry of Pont- fract and archdeaconry of Weft Riding. 1 Austin Cell. William earl of Warren, Ralph L’ifle and William his fon, having given the church of St. Mary here to the priory* of Noflell temp. Hen. 1 z. fome Black canons3 from thence were placed here. The yearly revenues of this cell were worth, at the ftippreflaon, 47/. or. 4 d. Speed. 17/. os. 4 db. Dugd. and, as parcel of Noftel, were granted, 7 Ed. 6. to George Talbot and Robert Savill. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 35, 36. P. 41 cartas Will, com. Warren, de terra in qua ecclefia fita eft, Robsrti Britonis, de tenemento in Herdiflaw, cum confirma- tione Joannis com. Warrennae. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 353. cartam Alicix iiliae Roberti Scot, de acra terrx cum edificiis in Tyr- fale, et aftarto vocat. Daterode. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 313. Inter colledt. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. viii. f. 199. vol. ix. f. 294. vol. cxvii. f. 124. Fin. com. ignot. 4 Joan. n. 49. inter Matildam fil. Gilberti et priorem de Wodechirch, de terris in Brightlington. Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 33. CXXV. W I L B U R F O S S E c, in the deanry of Harthill and archdeaconry of Eaft Riding. Benedictine Nuns. Before the year 1153 d. a Benedi&ine nunnery was founded here, as it is faid, by Alan fil. Heliae de Catton', to the honor of the blefled Virgin Mary. About the time of the difiolution it had a priorefs and twelve nunsf, whofe yearly revenues were valued at 21/. 16 s. 10 d. Dugd. 28/. 8r. 8 d. Speed. The fitee was granted to George Gale 7 Ed. 6. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 524. notulam hiftoricam de fundatore, ex Leland. Colledl. Confirmationem donationis Jordani fil. Gilberti per R. Hen. 2. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 10. recit. et confirm, conceffiones donatorum : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 12. cartam Geor- gii ducis Clarentix patroni et fundatoris huius domus, dat. 4 Ed. 4. recit. et confirm, cartas Jordani fil. Gilberti, Alani fil. Helix, et Will. Percy. Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 417. Y Three miles north weft of Wakefield, T. G. p. 137. 2 This grant was confirmed by K. Henry 1. before Auguft 15, A. D. 1127. For Richard bilhop of Hereford, who is one of the witnefies to it, (Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 35.) died that day. God¬ win, and Willis de epife. Hereford. 1 So exprefsly in the Monaft. vol. i. p. 41- and Stevens’ Ap¬ pend. p. 353. But in Dr. Hutton’s extracts out of the Lincoln regifters, there is mention (anno iz Hugonis Wells epife.) of a penfion of five marks granted out of the church of Daylington to the “ priorefs and nuns of Wudechirch.” s So both in the Latin and Engliih Monafticon. But it is probably falfely printed for 47/. or. 41/. For the fumma inde and clara are both 47/. os. 4 d. in Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. ‘ Five miles from York, T. G. p. 237. a Scil. in the time of Henry archbiihop of York, and whilft Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 37. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 47. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 28. grant of the lands, which were fometime Robert Hotton’s, within the lordlhip of Sutton upon Derwent. In colledt. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 350, 351, 352. 35^> 359, 36°- apographa quindecim vel fexde- cim cartarum ineditarum, de donationibus et terris hujus coenobii. Cart. 2 Joan. m. 14. n. 32. Cart, 5 Joan. m. 1 1. n. 94. Hugh Pudfey (who is falfely p-inted Henry in the Monaftieon) was treafurer of that cathedral. * So Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 37. who quotes this Alan s grant of his hall and a meadow to thefe nuns, which is by In- fpeximus in the duke of Clarence’s confirmation, wherein a priory is given. And in the fame confirmation is alfo the grant of Jordan" fil. Gilberti of the church of Wilburfofs, which is re¬ cited in the charter of K. Henry 2. But neither ip the confir¬ mation of K. Henry 2. nor in that of K. Henry 3. is any notice taken of Alan de Catton’s being either founder or benefactor. f Corp. Chrift. coll. Cant. mf. But there were nineteen nuns at the election of a priorefs A. D. 1310. as Dr. Hutton from the York regifters. g The church is now ufed for the parifluoners, as Burton, CXXV. YORKSHIRE; tin. Ebor. 12 Hen. 3. Jig. D. n. 41. pro dimid. carucat. et paftur. ad c. oves in Gyvendale : P]ac. aflif. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 7. d. de eifdem dimid. carucat. et paftura : Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. lig. A. n. 170. de terris in Wilberfofs : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. lig. F. n. 26. de terris et prato in Cave. Plac. de quo war. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 10. d. pro ii. bovatis terrae in Yapum. Quaere, arinon hie et in Monaft. fit recti us Yarum. Efcaet. Ebor. 42 Ed. 3. n. 48. de ten. in Scmor jdxtd Irton. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 4. Pat. 1 Ric. 3. p. 2. m. . pro terris in Sutton fuper Dcr* went. Bill, iignat. 8 Hen. 8. tefte Jul. 1 1. pro eifdem terris. CXXVI. WYCKHAM1 in the deanry of Rydale and the archdeaconry of Clyveland. CISTERTIAN Nuns. Pain Fitz Oibert or de Wickham, about the year 1153 built and en¬ dowed here a priory of Ciftertian “ nuns to the honor of the bJefled Virgin Mary About the time of the diffoluwon herein were nine Religious™, whofe eifate was valued at 2 5/. 17 ,, 6d ter ann. Dugd. Speed. This houfe was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Francis Poole. ' ’ 1 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 916. cartas tres Ted- baldi fil. Pagani de Wicham, confirm, donatiorres patris, et conced. duas bovatas et medietat. eccl. de Wicham: P. 917. cartas Alani Bufcell; de dimid. carucat. in Hoton ; Hugonis prioris de Bridlington de ecclefia de Wicham: Cart. 2 Joan. m. 14. n. 29. confirm, donatorum concefliones. Burtons’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 255. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 67. Inter colledt. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. vii. f. 122. 290 — 297. cartas feptendecim vel odlodecim ineditas. Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. lig. A. n. 224 et 293. de tertia parte fex bovat. terra: in Aton et Marton. Cart. 14 Ed. r. m. . Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 9 et n. Pat. 13 Ed. 2. m. 17. de melT. et terris in Wickham: Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 12. de terris in Rofton, Aton, &c. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 6. Cart. 17 Ed. 3. n. 73. Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 12. CXXVII. WYTHERNESS, Alien Priory. A priory here fubordinate in the records in the reign of K. John. Vide fin. Ebor. 1 1 Joan. n. . inter Robertum de Tribois querentem et Martinum abbatem de Aubemarl defor- ciantem de advoc. capellae de Humeton, See. praedidtus abbas recognovit advocationem capelke die jus ipfius Roberti ; ita tamen quod idem Robertus et hieredes fui cum capellam iftam vacare contigerit, eligent cle- ricum idoneum et praefentabunt eum apud AVither- nefs " prsdiflo abbati et fuccefloribus vel priori de Withernefs ; et tunc abbas et fucceifores, vel prior probably Withernfey, in Holdernefs. to the abbey of Albemarle in F’rance is mentioned de Withernefs, praefentabunt archiepife. Ebor. vel officialibus fuis ilium clericum qui capellam illam te- nebit cum pertinentiis, reddendo per annum matrici ecclefia; de Withornes antiquam et debitam penfio- nem ; et prsedidtus Robertus et haeredes fui dederunt et concefferunt in perpetuum pnediefto abbati et fuc- t Y-u?rlDUj .Ct Fonventui de Aubemarl Vs. per annum". In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. Dodfworth. vol. cxlii. p 24.0 tranferipts of the records of VVydnefs, quaere. CXXVIII. Y A R U M, in the deanry and archdeaconry of Cleveland. 1. Hospital. Here was an ancient hofpital dedicated to St. Nicolas founded by family of Brus before A. D. 1 1S5 p. which was afterwards granted by Alan de Wilton' of Helagh Park. It continued till the time of K. Henry 8. when it Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 400. cartam Alani de Wilton, pro xii. bovatis terrae in Hooton juxta Rud- by et fex bovatis in Middilton : P. 401. cartas didli Alani, donantis hofpitale'canonicis de Helagh; et Petri de Brus, confirm, hofpitale didlis canonicis cum omnibus terris eidem pertinentibus : P. 402. cartam Petri de Brus fadtam hofpitali ibidem, de libera mul- tura et paftura et terris in Kirk Levington, Sec. fome of the to the canons was valued at 5 l. per ann. Inter colleft. V. cl. Rog. Dodfworth. vol. vii. f. 72 cartam Joannis fil. Willdmi Pinzun de Torp, conced dimidiam carucatam terrae in Pinzun Torp hofpitali et fratribus S. Nicolai de Jarum. Ibid. vol. ix. de fundatione : Ibid. vol. xciv. f. 125. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 51. pro terris in Hoton, Middle- ton, See. 2. Black Friers. Here was alfo an houfe of Black friers Paid to have been founded by Peter de Brus the fecund, who died A D. 1271. It was iurrendered by Miles Wilcock prior, with five friers and fix novices, in December A. D. 15391. v c Vide cl. Rymeri Conventionum, &c. vol. xiv. p. 631. Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 24. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 2. i> Wycham, as Burton. Near Gilbtirgh, T. G. p. iyj, 1 In the time of Bernard prior of Bridlington, and Henry Murdac archbiihop of York. Mf. Dodfworth, vol. vii. p. 39 ;. K Dodfworth mf. vol. cxxxi. and Monafticon. But Gervafe of Cant, alias Sulgrave, and Speed, fay this houfe was for Gil- bertine monks or canons and nuns; and at firlt perhaps there might be Religious of both fexes. For in Dodfworth, vol. vii. p. 293. is a deed “ Inter Walterum de Harpham reCtorem do- “ mus de Wickham et conventual ejufdem loci et Radulph. de “ Bolebec, qui quiete clamavit eifdem magiftro et moniaiibus “ herbagium bofei de Langdon.” 1 So in all the tranferipts of the charters belonging to this It Dodfworth’ vol> ''i;- 11114 in Monaitidcn voLi^pfzfcT had penfi0ns A* D‘ Id53< as Willis’ Abides, n Or IVitkornes . bat of Albemarle had poOkffions at Withorneft’in right of Hs cell at Birltall. Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 589 g this hout)' dlelT Adam BrUfe (Wh° 'had been a ta 1 Willi V Abbies, voi< ii. p. 287. — Kkkk CFX1X. YORK. CXXIX. YORK S HIRE. CXXIX. YORK. i. CATHEDRAL. The account given us of an archbiihop’s fee being founded here by K. Lu¬ cius, and of the three or four archbifhops in the Britifh times, feems to be fabulous, it is'more certain that the metropolitical church of St. Peter in this city owes its original to Edwyn kino- 0f the Northumbers, who, upon his converfion to Chriftianity A. D. 627. fixed Paulinus archbiihop in a little church built by him firft of wood, and afterward begun by him of ftone% which was carried on by K. Ofwald, and finilhed by archbiihop Wilfrid !. This church was burnt down firft A. D. 741 '■ and being afterwards rebuilt, had the fame fate A. D. 1069 “. Thomas the firft Nor¬ man archbiihop conftituted the feveral dignities and prebends w, and made it a regular chapter began to repair the cathedral, which was again deftroyed by fire A. D. 1137. but by the munifi¬ cence and care of archbifhops Roger, John Romane, Melton, Thorefby, and other benefa&ors the ftately fabrick now Handing was eretfted. To this cathedral belong now the archbiihop, dean’ precentor, chancellor, fubdean*, four archdeacons, viz. of York, Eaft Riding, Cleveland, and Nottingham, twenty-eight prebendaries r, a fub-chantor, five prieft vicars, leven lay clerks, fix chorifters, four vergers, with other officers and fervants. The revenues of the archbifhoprick were valued, 2 6 Hen. 8. at 2035/. 3 s. 7 d. thofe of the community or canons refidentiary at 439/. is. 6d. of the dean at 308/. 10 s. yd. Thofe of the other members of this church may be leen in Efton’s Valor. f ide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 172. 176. donationem hais de Langworth decano et capitulo : Tom. iii. p. i. p. 128. notulas quafdam hiftoricas de fundatione: Cartam R. Eadgari, de xx. caflatis in Shireburn : P. 129. cartas R. Eadwii", de xx. manfis in Suth- welle, A. D. 958. Eadgari R. de villa qus dicitur Newbold, A. D. 963. Athelftani R. de Agemunder- nefs, A. D. 930. P. 130. conceffiones R. Canuti fuper xliii. caffatos in Patrington, A. D. 1013. R. Edwardi Conf. de epifcopatu Worcefiris, A. D. 1065. P. 131. cartas R. Will. Rufi, de conceffione abbatis de Seleby et ecclefis S. Ofwaldi de Glocef- tria, ecclefis Ebor. pro jurifdidHone fuper Lincoln, et Lindiffim calumpniata ab archiepifc. Ebor. R. Will, de hyda terra in Motesfont : P. 132. duas cartas R. Will, quod Launton et alias terrae archiepifc. et eccl. Eborac. lint libera: Bullam Honorii P. Ebora- cenfem eccleftam a fubjeclione Cantuarienfis eximen- tem: Bullam Alexandri P. confirm, cartam R. Will. Rufi, de Lincolnia, Lindifieia, et abbatiis de Selby ct S. Ofwaldi: P. 133. bullam Alexandri P. conced. pallium archiepifc, Ebor. Cartas tres R. Henrici, fuper collatione ecclefiarum de Pochelington, Drif- feld, &c. Aliam fuper bofcis prabendarum libere poffidendis: P. 134. cartas duas Matildis regins, pro eccl. de Leftona : Cartas duas R. Henrici, de liber- tatibus : Cartas R. Henrici, de eccl. de Ledfton, de eccl. de Wallop, Gracely, et Wichton, de eccl. de Pincheiings, et de Burgo: P. 135. cartas ejufd. R. Henrici fuper libertatibus et decimis de Drifteld, &c. concefi". eccl. Ebor. ct de terris et communiis cano- nicorum : Cartas duas R. Hen. I. per quas conceflit archiepifcopatum Ebor. Thoms capellano fuo et va- rias libertates eccl. S. Petri : P. 143. bullas PP. In- nocentii, Honorii, Pafchalis, et Calixti, fuper liber- tat. et primatu archiepifc. Ebor. P. 144. literam P. Alexandri, fuper fubjedtione epifcoporum Seotis ; P. Honorii, pro reftitutione Orchenienfis epifcopatus: P. 145. literas P. Calixti regibus Norvegis, pro ad- miffione Orcadienfis cpifcopi confecrati Eborum : Duas Olavi R. Infularum, pro confecratione epifc. fui apud Ebor. P. Calixti mandantis obedientiam Joannis Glafguenfis epifc. archiepifc. Ebor. P. Ho¬ norii confimiliter mandantis obedientiam epifc. Can- dids Cafe : P. 146, 147. decern confimiles literas papales mandantes obedientiam epifcoporum Scotia: archiepifc. Eboracenfi : P. 148. profeffiones obedi- entias epifc. Dunelm. Carliol. et Candida: Cafe archi¬ epifc. Ebor. Cartam Gafini de Bubwith, de eccl. de Bubwith, cum confirmatione Rogeri de Moubray: P. 149- cartas Petri dc Ros, pro ii. bovatis in Bar¬ ton; Ricardi de Morvill, de terris in Cumpton, Stc. r Beds Hilt. Eccl. lib. ii. cap. 14. S Leland. Collett. vol. ii. p. jy8. ex Gul. Malmlbur. 1 Hovedcn. u Sim. Dunelm. col. 198. Ads fil. Rad. de terris in Nor-Chuton ; Thoms fil. Rob. de terris in Jolthorp ; Will. fil. Thoms de Bel- kerthorp, de prato in Gauthorp ; Will. fil. Ricardi, de terris in Petergate concefi’. prsbends de Mafhamj Will. Painell, fuper terris in Hoton : P. 150. cartas Galtridi de Furnival, de penfione ex eccl. de Handle- fword prsbendario deLaghton; Matildis de Flamvil, de terris in Marton prsbends de Dunington ; Galfr. fil. Columbani, pro via apud Holflet ; Roberti de Percy, de eccl. de Killingwick ; Willelmi de Percy, de eccl. de Topcliffe concefla fabrics ecclefis cathe- dralis, cum confirmatione Ricardi de Percy, A. D. 1226. P. 1 5 1. conceflionem capituli Ebor. eidein Ricardo : Cartas Andres de Bavent et Thoms N. archiepifc. Ebor. de villa et ecclefia de Helperby; Alani fil. Thurftani, fuper terras in Stanley: P. 152. cartas Galfridi fil. Petri com. Efiex, de capella S. Petri in Drayton; Rob. de Harefton, de terris in Ulvethorp; Avicis fil. Ulfi, pro terris in Stubham; Henrici de Infula, de terris in Colfuamhagh, Bret- telfwait, &c. Ordinationem Walteri archiepifc. Ebor. fuper eccl. de Prefton in Holdernefs ; Abbatis ct conv. de Albermarle, fuper ecclefiis fuis in Holdernefs: P. 153. ordinationes archiepifcoporum Thoms et G. fuper redditu fchols Eborum; Will, de Argenton, de terris in Up Lithom; Will. fil. Hamelin. de terris in jTsfeld et Litdekill; Henrici de Wiftow, de terris in Fenton; Nicholai de Stutvile, de Mich, de Ha- melfcia nativo: P. 154. cartas monialium de Wilber- fofs, de reddit. in Audwark; Henrici fil. Thoms de Fridaythorp, de quodam tofto ; Thoms Boneface, de terris in Kirkby Grandale ; Elenrici fil. Utredi, de toftis, See. in Burton ; Willelmi de Valoins, pro Mugun in Burton: Inquifitionem libertatura S. Petri infra civitatem Ebor. et in fuburbiis captam, A. D. 1275. P. 156. refignationem juris fui in eccl. de Mil¬ ium per Adam dom. de Milium, A. D. 1230. Cartas Hugonis de Goldefburgh, fuper ecclefiis de Goldef- burgh et Burgh; Roberti fil. Thoms, de paftur. xvf. animalium concefi". prsbends de S. Newbold; Wal¬ teri de Gray archiepifc. de maner. de Bifliop’s Thorp: P. 157. Willelmi archiepifc. de reddit. xx. marcarum, pro maner. de Thorp folvendo thefaurario Ebor. Ejufdem fuper haya de Langwath, A. D. 1279. P.158, ordinationem Walteri de Grey archiepifc. iuper me- dietat. eccl. de Mekeburgh approprianda archidiac. Ebor. eccl. de Boulton approprianda archiepifcopatui, et eccl. de Wiverthorp communis eccl. Ebor. P. 159. cartas Thoms archiepifc. luner Laundefbergh, &c. in feodo collat. Herberto camerario ; R. Stephani, de eccl. de Wiverthorp, Landefburgh, & c. conceif. Willelmo thefaurario, cum confirmatione Stephani w Tho. Stubbs Afl. Pontif. Ebor. x Before the Reformation there was a treafuver and fubtrea- furer. s Five of thefe are canons refidentiary. - CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. iil. Herberti camerarii et Reginaldi ft], Herbcrti Finalem concordiam pro advoc. etcl. de Wiverthorp 53 Hen. 3. P. 160. quietam clamationem Reginaldi fil. Petri, de cccl. de Wighton : P. 161. cartas R. Hen. 2. pro lib. war. in Shirburn et Cawood; R. Stephani, de feptem bovatis terra in Cawood ; Au- fredi de Chanci, fuper terris in Skirpenbek ; R. Ste¬ phani, de molendino de Savelint; Pagani de Vilers, fuper eccl. de Kinaldeftow; Joannis conftab. Ceftrix, fuper bofcis et villa de Plumtree ; Wigani fil. Wigani, fuper duabus bovatis terrae in Barton ; Galfridi de Mandevile, fuper decern bovatis terra in Hugate: P. 162. cartas Giiberti fil. Nigelli fuper Clementhorp; Thoms fil. Joilani, de tofto in Clotton ; Galfridi de Etton, fuper terris in Grimfton ; Hugonis de Lc Lay, fuper eccl. de Wefton, A. D. 1221. Hugonis de Le Lay, fuper medietat. villx de Baildon ; Rob. Le Va- vafor, de lupidicina apud Tadcafter: P. 163. cartam Roberti de Percy, de privilegiis conceffis cariantibus petram in navibus a Tadcafter ad Ebor. Compofitio- nem inter archiepifc. Ebor. et epifc. Dunelm. fuper Alverton et aliis ecclefiis S. Cuthberti : Cartam Gu- lielmi archiepifc. fuper praebenda de Madam: P. 164. de confuetudinibus antiquitus obfervatis in eccl. S. Petri Ebor. P. 166. ftatuta nova eccl. metropol. Ebor. fa£la per R. Henricum 8. anno regni 33. P. 169, &c. inventarium omnium jocalium, vaforum auri et argenti, et aliorum ornamentorum, veftium, et librorum ad eccl. cath. Ebor. pertinentium, in cuftodia fub-thefaurarii, una cum moneta in cifta S. Petri fadh circa A. D. 1520. In cl. Rvmeri Conventionuin vol. i. p. 795. clauf. 48 Hen. 3. m. 3, d. mandatum regis archiepifc. Ebor. quod, nifi decimam ecclefiaft. beneficiorum dioc. Ebor. celeriter mittat, eandem per ballivos fuos levari faciat: p. 816. 8^4. de Edmundo de Mortuo Mari conftituendo thefaurar. eccl. Ebor. et revocando literas pro Almarico de Monteforti : Ibid. tom. ii. p. 353. de turbis inter archiepifc. Ebor. et decanum et capi- tulum fedandis, 15 Ed. r. p. 955, 956. 1040. literas regis ad papam et cardinales, pro Willelmi Grenfield, eledti Eborum, confirmatione et confecratione, nec- non pro bajulatione crucis infra provinciam Cantuar*. Ibid. tom. iii. p. 489. literas R. Edwardi 2. pro ar¬ chiepifc. Cantuar. fuper bajulatione crucis infra pro¬ vinciam Ebor. A. D. I3I4Z. Ibid. tom. iv. p. 95. 310.391.530,531- brev. reg. de non moleftando archiepifc. Ebor. fuper bajulatione crucis: p. 199. rot. Rom. 19 Ed. 2. m. 3. literas regis ad papam fuper pallio archiepifc. Ebor. a furibus ablato: p. 272. clauf. I Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11. de prifis vinorum in aqua de Hull reftituendis archiepifc. Ebor. juxta cartam Athelftani regis: p. 299. clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. de eifdem prifis : p. 458, 459. rot. Rom. 4 Ed. 3. m. 1. literas regis ad papam et Petrum cardinalem fuper ufurpationibus curiae Romans quoad thefaura- riam eccl. Ebor. p. 541, clauf. 7 Ed. 3. P* 2. in. 27. de eifdem prifis: Ibid. rot. Rom. 7 Ed. 3. m. 5. lite¬ ras regis ad papam, pro interdi&o eccl. Ebor. relax- ando : p. 602. clauf. 8 Ed. 3. m. 27. pro archiepifc. Ebor. pardonando, qui confirmavit epifc. Dunelm. fine aflenfu regio : Ibid, tom, v. p. 175. rot. Rom. 14 Ed. 3. m. 4. literas regis ad papam fuper confir- matione Willelmi de Kyldefby ele&i Eborum : p. 340. clauf. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. d. de non moleftando Willelmum Zouch archiepifc. Ebor. p. 755. clauf. 27 Ed. 3. m. 22. pro duobus cuneis liberandis archi- epifc. Ebor. Ibid. tom. vii. p. 47. clauf. 48 Ed. 3. in. 8. p. 178. clauf. 1 Ric. 2. m. 25. pro duobus cu¬ neis archiepifc. Ebor. liberandis: p. 125. clauf. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 9. brev. reg. pro archiepifc. Ebor. et ejus commiftariis, de fupervidendo collegium vocat. Lc aguene hall in Oxon*. Ibid. tom. x. p. 525. pro Joanne archiepifc. Ebor. fuper ambaffiata ad conci¬ lium generate Bafil. 1 1 Hen. 6. p. 7 5®* Patl Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 24. pro Joanne archiepifc. Ebor. de ftatu cardinalatus afliimendo: Ibid. tom. xi. p. 27. clauf. 2i Hen. 6. m. 13. d. de riotis et routis contra archi¬ epifc. Ebor. compefcendis : p. 131. pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. quod archiepifc. Ebor. poflint deputarc collectores decimae in convocat. cleri conceftx : p. 569. pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 1 . m. 4. de libertat. infra Hex- hamfhire et dominium de Tynedale : Ibid. tom. xiii. p. 450. bullas P. Leonis concefl'as Thom* Woliey, A. D. 1514. viz. de abfolvendo a vinculo Lincoln, ecclefix, de promovendo ad archiepifcopatum Ebor. de juramento recipiendo ; formam juramenti ; defti- nationem pallii; de pallio tradendo; formam tradendi pallium: Ibid. torn. xiv. p. 544. pat. 26 Hen. 8. p. 2. m. 38. confirm, libertatum archiepifc. fcil. de return, brev. wrecco maris, &c. per Infpex. carta: regis Ed. 4. Ibid. tom. xv. p. 429. pat. 2 et 3 Phil, et Mari*, p. 5. m. 28. pro archiepifc. Ebor. de exoneratione, ratione feifins five ingreftus in maner. aichiepifco- patus. In Godwini libro De prxfulibus Anglix, p. . archiepifc. Ebor. catalogum. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 305, &c. lifts of the archbiftiops, deans, precentors, chancellors, treafurers, fubdeans, and archdeacons of this church ; but much more ac¬ curate and perfeft is The Survey of the cathedral church of York (with Durham, Carlifle, &c.) giving an account of its foundations, buildings, ancient monuments and in- feriptions, endowments, alienations, &c. dates of con - fecration, admiffion, preferments, deaths, burials, and epitaphs of the archbifhops, deans, precentors, chan¬ cellors, trefaurers, fubdeans, archdeacons, and pre¬ bendaries in every flail ; with an account of all the churches and chapels in the diocefe with their pa¬ trons and dedications, by Browne Willis efquire, Lond. 1727. 4to. Some account alfo of the dimenfions of this cathedral and the tombs therein may be found in the faid M . Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 377. In Lelandi Colledl. vol. i. p. 25. 45. de combuftione et reedificatione ecclefix: p. 121. de edificatione ec- clefix : p. 336, &c. ex libro incerti autoris de epif- copis Ebor. deque prebendis ab ipfis inftitutis: vol. iii. p. 69. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. i. p. 36. of the manor place of Scroby: p. 65. of the impropriate parfonage of Pykering: p. 68. of die lordftiip of Tollerton: p. 91. of the palace at Rippon : p. 94. of the park there : vol. iii. p. 72. of the impropriate parfonage of Ax- minfter : vol. v. p. 100. of Bifliops-thorp and Ca¬ wood caftle : p. 104. of the palace at Southwell : vol. viii. p. 14. archiepifcopos fepultos in eccletia Ebor. p. 15. ex libro incerti autoris de archiepifcopis Ebor. ufque ad mortem Thurftini. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 303. cartam archiepifcopi Ebor. de militibus fuis feftatis : p. 402. 409. 41 1. 414, 415, 416. 418. 420, 421. de terris in com. Lincoln. In Madox’s Formulare Anglicanum, p. 337. cartam Thomx archiepifcopi Ebor. de otficio magiftri de- duftus five venationum ac fuperviloris regalix in Ex- tildeftiamihire conceffo Henrico duci Ebor. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Cumberland, vol. ii. p. 14. of a mediety of the church of Milium impropriated to St. Nicholas chantry, p. 39. of the church of Arloch- den impropriated to the archdeaconry of Richmond. In Atkyns’ Glocefterftiire, p. 324. of a manor in Calmf- den: p. 335. of the manors pfChurchdown and Huck- lecot: p. 366. of the manor of Compton Abdale : p. 369. of the manor of Condicut : p. 586. of the manor of Bilhop Norton: p. 588. of the manor of Oddington : p. 641. of the manor of Shecrnton : p. 844. of the manor of Whitcomb. In Wallis’ Northumberland, vol. ii. p. 89. of the manor of Hexham, and the regalities belonging to it: p. 1 15. of the impropriate church of Thockrington. In Thorefby’s Leeds, p. 245. of the lordftiip of Shirburn in Elmet. » Thefe are alfo printed in Wilkins’ Councils, vol. ii. p. J77 a Wilkins, vol. iii. p. 108. and 448. Thomx CXXIX. Y O R Thom* Stubbs A£ta pontificum Ebor. ad Joannem de Thoreiby archiepifc. inter Decern Scriptores Hift. Angl. London. 1652. fol. cum continuatione mf. in bibl. Cotton. ViteUius , E. iv. et in bibl; Bodl. Oxon. Barlov. n. 25. In cl. Whartoni Angl. Sacr. tom. ii. p. igi. Eadmeri librum De vita S. Ofwaldi archiepilc. Ebor. p. 234. Nicolai prioris VVigorn. epiftolam de primatu fedis Eboracenlis in Scotia : p. 369. dementis Maydfton hiftoriam de martyrio Ricardi Scrope archiepifc. Ebor. p. 375. Giraldi Cambrenfis libros duos de vita Gal- i'ridi archiepifc. Ebor. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 12. clauf. 9 Joan, m. 3. de firmis praebendarum Romanorum et Lum- bardorum in ecclefia Ebor. folvendis regi : p. 674. clauf. 24 Ed. 1. m. 5. pro decano et capitulo Ebor. de maner. de Thorp, et haya de Langwath: p. 1102. cart. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1 . m. 6. peramplam confirmatio- nem privilegiorum et libertatum eccl. Ebor. per In- fpex. cart. Hen. 2. Hen. 3. &c. p. 1287. brev. 14 et 15 Ed. 1. inhibit, majori et civibus Ebor. ne fe in- tromittant in contentionibus inter archiepifcopum et decanutn et capitulum. In Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 41. Archiepifcoporum Eboraceniium hiftoriolam in Labbtei Bibliotheca, vol. i. p. . In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 45. the names of the monafteries and benefices within the diocefe of York, with their valuations (different from thofe in theFirft Fruits office:) p. 55. an account of the prebends, hofpitals, and benefices in the gift of the archbifhop of York : p. 60. a certificate of all the chantries, hof¬ pitals, colleges, guilds, &c. within the city and county of York, made 37 Hen. 8. p. 73. fomething of the fame nature made 27 Hen. 8. A brief biftorical account of the cathedral church of York, printed at the end of the laft edition of Sir William Dugdale’s Hiftory of St. Paul’s Lond. 1716. fol. The dimenfions of York minfter, with the names of its founders, repairers, aud benefactors, with a catalogue of all the religious houfes, churches, and chapels that have been or at prefent are in the city of York, in the Appendix to the Antiquities of York publilhed under the name of James Torr gent. York 1719. 8vo. A large account of this cathedral, its founders bene¬ factors, &c. is likewife given in the Hiftory and An- quity of the City of York, by Francis Drake F. R. S. Lond. 1736. fol. Regiftrum cartarum, &c. eccl. S. Petri Ebor. a temp. R. Hen. 1. ad A. D. 1338. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Claudius, B. iii. Bina regiftra decani et capituli Ebor. de adtis et geftis iurifdTctionem archiepifcopalem concernentibus fede vacante port mortem Roberti de Waldeby et Thomas Rotheram, mil. ibid. Galba, E. x. 4. 6. Statuta, inquifitiones, cartas, aliaque inftrumenta ad ecclefiam S. Petri Ebor. pertinentia: inter qure ha- bentur, ordinatio Walteri Gray de ecclefiis de Tyk- hill. South Kirkeby et Rothwell; ordinatio de com- ponenda lite inter priorem et conventum de Ponte- fraito et decanum et capitulum Ebor. de ecclefia de Ledelham et capella de Farburne; compofitio inter hofpitale S. Petri et capitulum Ebor. fuper decimis S. Laurentii de Walingate, mf. ibid. Vitellius, A. ii. 21. et feq. De fundatione et primis archiepifcopis, mf. ibid. Cleo¬ patra, C. iv. I. archiepifcoporum hiftoriolam a Pau¬ lino ad Willelmum Both rithmice, ibid. n. 2. de Paulino, &c. ibid. n. 3. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. in mff. colleft. cl. Dodfworth. vol. vii. p- 103. cartam Thom* de Etton. confirm, donationem Galfredi fratris decano et capitulo Ebor. de XU. bovatis terra: in Grimefton : Ibid. p. 169, 170. 176. 178. 361. et vol. viii. p. 66. 263. et vol. ix. p. 9. 11. 24. 55. cartas quamplurimas, five notulas hiftoricas ad hanc ecclefiam cathedralem. fpectantes : ■b Queer?, whether not in four volumes ; fee catalogue of Har- leian Library, mff. 697°> 6971, 697a. K S H I R E. vol. ix. p. 39. inftauramentum in omnibus maneriis archiepifcopatus Ebor. A. D. 1283. vol. xxviii. ex- cerpta ex regiftris archiepifcoporum Ebor. vol. lxj f. 41. a letter of K. Charles 1. about beautifying the cathedral church of York: vol. lxxxix. p. 75. de fern's archiepifc. Ebor. in Stallinburch, ex rot. hundred Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. vol. xciv. f. 151. vol. xcv. f. yj Qg‘ vol. cxv. ]. 59. inquifitionem de prifis vinorum debit archiepifeopo Ebor. apud Hulle, 1 Ed. 3. vol cxvii,‘ f. 133. vol. exxi. f. 47. vol. cxxiii. f. 97. vol. cxxxix’ f. 130. vol. exxv. f. 55. 172. 179. vol cxxvii. f. o6' vol. clvi. t. 145, Ike. excerpta ex regiftris decani et capituli Ebor. vol. xeix. et exxv. colledtanea ex re¬ giftris inftitutionum et teftamentorum in officio reef ftrarii archiepifc. Ebor. vol. cxiv. f. 94. affifam jn|,' archiepifc. Ebor. et priorem de Bolton. 21 Ed 1 vol. cxl. f. 80. beneficia ad coilationem archiepifeopi" Hiftoriam de fucceffionibus pontificum Ebor. a Turftino ad Paulinum, in eadem bibl. mf. Digby, 140. In mufeo Aftimol. Oxon. mff. Wood, 105. f. \i. 55 83. collections out of the regifters of the archbilhons o! York from A. D. 1317. to A. D. 1687. f 63, See. lifts of the dignitaries in the church of York. ' Librum adtorum judicialium curite conliftorii Ebor. mf. HugonisTodd, n. 2. cartam 17 Ric, 2. ibid. n. 18. Regiftrum archiepifeopi Ebor. feriptum A. D. 1309. mf. olim penes Henricum comitem Clarendon, n. 16. AnaleCta ex eodem mf. ibid. n. 28. f. 32. In bibl. coll. Corp. Chrifti Cantab, mf. 138. p. 211. fucceffionem archiepifcoporum Ebor. mf. 175. n. 5. privilegium ecclefiae S. Petri Ebor. five epiftolam Orel gorii papae ad Auguftinum, de ordinatione epifeopi Ebor. qui habeat pallium et jus metropol. In bibl. Harleyana colleCt. V. cl. Matthaii Hutton S. T. P. reiSoris de Aynho in com. Northamt. ex regiftris archiepifc. Ebor. et decani et capituli Ebor. voiumina tria b in 8vo manu propria. Tranfcripts of fome charters relating to the church of St. Peter’s York, mf. ibid. 5192. Statuta ecclefiae metropolitan* S. Petri Ebor. mf. ibid. 4200. In eadem bibl. mf. 55, f. 4, de terra quam in Northum¬ bria comparavit Ufcytell archiepifcopus : mf. 261. f. 106. de fundatione ecclefiae Ebor. mf. 358. f. 1 3. extra&a e regiftro D. Will. Zouche archiepifeopi Ebor. de homagiis illi fadtis pro diverfis terris et ma- neriis : f. 10. feoda militum e diverfis comitatibus ex regiftro Giffard: f. 109. 122. 137. 173. homagia et fidelitates receptas temp. Thomae Corbridge, Will. Grenefelde, W. Melton et . . . . Newarke archiepif¬ coporum: mf. 381. f. 106. extradta ex regiftris archi¬ epifcoporum fpedtantia ad familiam de Thwengo : mf. 433. p. . . licence to the dean and chapter to keep court-lects, & c. p. 97. licence to gather fuch rents as the king had given to the priory of York: p. . . certificationem veri clari valoris c omnium dominio- rum, maneriorum, R. in Chrifto patri et domino ar¬ chiepifeopo ratione archiepifcopatus pertinent, de uno anno integro finiente in felto S. Michaelis archangeli, 22 Ed. 4. mf. 669. f. 20. formulas litterarum in elec- tione archiepifeopi ufitatas : f. 28. inftrumenta con- fedla ante et poll: eledlionem Rogeri de Waldene in decanum Ebor. A. D. 1397. mf. 1808. f. 46. de ori- gine et prima fundatione eccl. cath. Ebor. f. 47, &c. bullas plurimas de privilegiis ecclefite Ebor. mf. 2101. f. 230. agreement made A. D. 1339. between John Lacy conftable of Chefter and the dean of St. Peter’s Y ork for common of patture in Brotherton : mf. 2225. n. 1 — 9. dignities, prebends, hofpitals and parfonages now or formerly in the gift of the archbilhop. Regiftrum archiepifeopi Ebor. penes prtenobilem mar- chionem de Lanfdown. De antiquis poJfeJfo7iibus archiepifcopatus Ebor, Cartas originales, regiftra, rotulos curia?, &c. in regi¬ ftris archiepifcopatus et penes reverendiff dom. archi¬ epifcopum. Cart, antiq. B. n. 10. P. n. 29. c Summa totalis J0I7 /. 8 s. iit.ob.q. Carf. CXXIX. Y O R K SHIRE. €art. 2 Joan. m. n. d. de baronia et regalibus archi- cpifc. in manu regis captis. Pat. 3 Joan. m. 3. de abbatibus qui obedientiam archiepifcopo praftiterunt. Fin. 5 Joan, pro carucata terra in Torneton: Clauf. 7 Joan. m. 21. de Chirchedon et Othinton : Cart. 7 Joan. m. 3. pro libertatibus in forefta de Notting¬ ham : Plac. 11 Joan, pafch. rot. 8. de libertatibus in Beverlaco: Plac. incert. temp. Joan, notat. B. rot. x. de advocatione ecclefiae de Calveley. Clauf. 5 Hen. 3. m. 15. de fcutagio dato archiepifc. Cart. 5 Hen. 3. p. . m. 32. pro feria apud Otteley in vigilia et die S. Mariae Magdalenae et pro mercat. ibidem die lunae et pro feria apud Sireburn in vigilia et die exaltationis S. Crucis, et mercat. ibid, die Ve¬ neris, et pro feria apud Suwell in vigilia et die tran- flationis S. Thomas martyris, pro feria apud Hextilde- fham in vigilia et die S. Lucae, et mercat. ibidem die lunae, et pro mercat. die Jovis apud Patrington : Clauf. 7 Hen. 3. m. 17. pro mercat. apud Shirburn et Patrington, et feriis apud Ottele et Hextildilham : Fin. Ebor. 9 Hen. 3. n. 70. pro advocatione ecclefix de Dunington: Clauf. 11 Hen. 3. m. 10. de mercat. et feriis apud Otteley, Shireburn, Patrington, Se c. Cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 5. de ecclefia de Knarefburgh cum capellis : Fin. Ebor. 13 Hen. 3. n. 104. Plac. apud Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. rot. 2. pro collatione et ordi- natione ecclefiae de Knarefburgh: Fin, Ebor. 16 Hen. 3. n. 128. Pat. 17 Hen. 3. m. 5. de appella- tione contra A. regem Scotiae pro libertatibus eccl. Ebor. Cart. 20 Hen. 3. m. 1. pro lib. war. in forin- fecis bofcis fuis extra parcum de Beverlaco, et in Molefcroft et Suth-Burton : Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 159. 167. et 200. Cart. 23 Hen. 3. m. 2. pro mercat. et feria apud Burgh fuper Humber, Hextil- defham, &c. Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. ligul. F. n. 223. de duobus mefluagiis in fuburbiis Ebor. Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3, ligul. E. . de advocatione ecclefiae de Harewude : Pat. 32 Hen. 3. m. . pro cuneo archie¬ pifcopi : Cart. 36 Hen. 3. m. 14. pro mercat. et feria apud Churchedon: Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 7. Pat. 51 Hen. 3. m. 7. pro libertat. in maneriis de Southwell, Scroby, &c. quae funt de baronia ipfius archiepifcopi : Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 7. de coropatore in maneriis archiepifcopatus : Pat. 55 Hen. 3. n. 18. de terris archiepifcopi in com. Nottingham, extra limites fo- reftae : Pat. 56 Hen. 3. n. 39. pro kernellatione ar- chiepifcopalis domus apud Cawoode ad modum caftri. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. n. . Plac. de quo warr. in com. Nottingh. 8 Ed. I. rot. 4. d. de mercat. feria, furcis et aliis libertat. apud Southwell : Plac. de quo war. in com. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 9. de furcis, returno brevium, &c. in civitate Ebor. Cart. 11 Ed. 1. n. 8. de confirmat. pro perpetuo ftauro remanendo archiepifcopatui, viz. dlxii. bobus, cli. equis, M. bidentibus, apud diverfa maneria: Efcaet. Northumbr. 12 Ed. 1. n. 61. Plac. de quo war. in com. Gloceftr. 15 Ed. 1. rot. II. pro feria apud Chirchedon: Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 21. de melT. et terris, et reddit. in Levenefton, Wilton, et Cawood : Plac. de quo war. in com. Northumb. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 17. d. de libertatibus, placitis, et allocatis : Cart. 3! Ed. 1. n. 38. pro lib. war. in Cawood Ebor.] et Southwell [Notting.] Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 4. n baga de quo war. in com. Ebor. temp. Ed. 1. rot. 15. et in dorfo, rot. 35. d. et rot. 36. de liberta¬ tibus archiepifcopi. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. n. 64. pro mercat. et feria apud Patring¬ ton in Holdernefs : Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 37. per Infpex. recit. cartam Saxonicam : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. d. Plac. coram. reg. 11 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. 25. ubi pluri- mae cartae regia: de libertatibus : Cart. 1 1 Ed. 2. n. 9. pro uno mercat. et una feria apud Pachely Bridge, Nithefdale [Ebor.] feria apud Otteley [Ebor.] et duabus feriis apud Hexham [Northumb.] Plac. co¬ ram reg. 12 Ed. 2. Trin. rot. 59' Clauf. 12 Ed. 2. m. 3 et 4. Clauf. 16 Ed. 2. m. 7. Cart. 17 Ed. 2. m. 30 vel 31. Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 2. m. 25. de paf- fagio ultra aquam de Hull : Rec. in fcacc. 18 Ed. 2. Hill. rot. . Pat. 19 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 29. d. de return, brev. infra libertatem de Ryppon : Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 17. de rncff, et terris in Suth Burton. Rec. in fcacc. 1 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. . Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 36* Clauf. 1 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 17 vel 37. d. de cuftodia loci vocat. Vetus Ballium contra hoftiles infultus: Pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 41. de prifis vinorum, et jurifdictione in villa de Kingfton fuper Hull : Pat. 4 Ed. 3. m. x. Clauf. 4 Ed. 3. m. 30. Clauf. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 10 et 19. pro duobus cuneis habendis: Clauf. 6 Ed. 3. m. 38. Clauf. 7 Ed. 3. m. 25. d. de libertat. in villa de Beverley : Pat. 7 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 25 vel 26. Plac. coram reg. 7 Ed. 3. 'Erin. rot. 2. 5. de libertatibus apud Ryppon: Fin. 7 Ed. 3. m. 12. de prifis vino- rum in aqua de Hull: Cart. 8 Ed. 3. n. 17. pro mer¬ cat. et feria apud Killom [Ebor.] et lib. war. in Alton et Ayton. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. 8. Clauf. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 34. de libertat. infra Hexamfhire : Brev. reg. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . extenta temporalium archiepifcopatus: Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 3. rot. 8. pro maner. de Killom : Plac. coram reg. 19 Ed. 3. Trin'. rot. 6. de libertat. apud Beverley: Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . de quindecima levanda infra feodum archiepifcopi in Be¬ verley: Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de falvo condudtu epife. eledti de Candida Cafa in Scotia venientis in An- gliam ad archiepifc. Ebor. metropolitanum fuum pro negotio confirmationis et confecrationis : Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 9. pro libertat. in Hexham et Suth- well: Ibid. p. 2. m. 12. Ibid. p. 3. m. 3. de molen- dino in Draiton ; et p. 3. m. 7. de placitis apud Rip- pon : Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 7. de libertat. in villis de Rippon et Beverley: Pat. 35 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15 et 34. Pat. 36 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 4. Clauf. 38 Ed. 3. m. 221. dorfo, de eccl. de Driffield approprianda, et de penfione inde priori Jerufalem : 44 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. pro ten. in Sherburn et Elmete. Rec. in fcacc. 12 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 28. 31. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 11. pro feria in Chirchedon: Rec. in fcacc. 14 Ric. 2. Mich. rot. 21, 22, 23. Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3- m. 28. In baga Rageman notato Buckingh. temp. Ric. 2. ligula A. rot. 6. quod archi¬ epifc. Ebor. tenetur reparare pontem vocat. IVayne- loile Bridge inter villas de Appurle et Norton. Plac. affif. in com. Nottingh. 1 Hen. 4. rot. 73. pro paf- fagio vocat. Hefilford Ferry a villa de Blefby Gener- ton ad Flintham : Pat. I Hen. 4. p. 3. m. . pro paf- fagio vocat. a Ferry apud Hulbrigg: Ibid. p. 7. m. 8. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. . Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 19. de jurifdidtione vifitatoris exercenda in collegio vocat. Queen ball Oxon. Pari. 3 Hen. 5. n. 48. de libertat. in Beverley: Pat. 4 Hen. 5. m. 24 vel 25. de eifdem. Pat. 11 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . de placea terra in Rippon dimifla pro trecentis annis : Pat. 20 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. II. pro libertat. in Rippon, et quod archiepifcopus non tenetur reparare pontem de Hullbrigg in Holder¬ nefs ; Cart. 27, & c. Hen. 6. n. 19. de return, brev. &c. Cart. 32 Hen. 6. n. 19. Cart. 1 Ed. 4. p. 1. n. 13. pro return, brev. catallis felonum, &c. Pat. 7 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 13. pro goalis apud Rippon et Beverle habendis. Fin. Nottingh. 1 Ric. 3. n. 1. de maner. et advoc. de Laxfton. Fin. 7 Hen. 7. n. 38. de terris in Rotheram, Rawmerfh, See. Fin. 9 Hen. 7. Mich. 24. pro maner. de Hawkf- worth, Sibthorp, See. Rec. in fcacc. 26 Hen. 8. Hill. rot. 15. Pat. 34 Hen. 8. p. 8. [Feb. 19.] pro priorat. de Marton, et aliis ma¬ neriis et ecclefiis in confideratione maner. de Bever¬ ley, Sec. Pat. 36 Hen. 8. p. 11. [Mart. 14.] pro maner. de Carhoufe, rectoria de Gifborn, et triginta aliis redloriis plus minus : Pat. 38 Hen. 8. p. 20. [0£t. 22.] pro maner. de Willow, Sec. in confidera- ratione maner. de Hexham, Sec. Pat. 7 Ed. 6. p. 13. [27 Maii] pro maner. de Scroby, Ravenfhill, Sec. Pat. 2 et 3 Phil, et Mar. p. 7. [Feb. 21.] pro capitali melT. vocat. Suffolk Place in Southwerk : Pat. 3 et 4 Phil. etMar. p. 2. [Feb. 20.] pro maner. de Scroby, Lanum, Southwell, Alkham, Sutton, Sec. Ibid. p. 9. [Mart. 17] pro capitali melTuagio in paroch. S. Mar¬ tini in Campis nuper Caroli ducis Suffolciae antea — LI 1 1 epifqopi CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. cpifcopi Norvicenfis: Pat. 4 et 5 Phi!, et Mar. p. 15. fjun. 20.] pro advoc. prxbendarum de Southwell: Pat. 5 ct 6 Phil, et Mar. p. 2. [Nov. 12.] et p. 3. [Oft. 20.] pro advoc. diverfarum reftoriarum et vicariarum. De antiquis pojjejjionibus, juribus, fsV. ecclefus metropoli- tica S. Petri Ebor. Cartas, regiftra, rotulos curiae, rentalia, et alia munl- menta, penes reverendos viros decanum et capitulum. Cart. 2 Joan. p. 1. m. 16. d. contra fubftraftionem capellx de Bernely a matrice eccl. de Pocklington, quae eft membrum decanatus Ebor. Oblat. 2 Joan, m. 13. de capella prxdifta. Pat. 7 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro bofco includendo fpeftante ad prxbendam de Strenfall : Pat. 17 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro bofco includendo fpedtante ad pnebendam de Bolum : Cart. 26 Hen. 3. m. 3. Pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. . Pat. 36 Hen. 3. m. 13. pro liberatione hofpitiorum decani et canonicorum a difpofitione marefcalli regis : Cart. 39 Hen. 3. rn. 2. pro lib. war. in prxbenda de Du- nington: Cart. 51 Hen. 3. m. 7. de coronatore infra maneria ecclefue : Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 85. de advoc. eccl. de Liffington : Pat. 53 Hen. 3. n. 5. pro vice fuccentoris in eccl. cathedral. Fin. Ebor. 53 Hen. 3. n. 87. Ibid. n. 171. de maner. de Thorp Mauceby. Fin. Ebor. 5 Ed. 1. n. 53. pro terris in Horneby: Cart. 6 Ed. 1. n. 11. de haya de Langwath, ex concelT. prioris et conventus de Wartria: Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. de quo war. in com. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. ri. d. allocat. libertat:. de return, brev. &c. Pat. 13 Ed. t. m. . pro praecindtu ecclefiae claudendo : Ibid. m. . pro maner. de Burley, ex concelT. Godefridi epifc. Wigorn. Cart. 19 Ed. 1. n. 28. pro mercat et feria apud Sidebury [Devon.] Pat. 21 Ed. 1. m. . pro jure praebend. de Warthill et Grendal in eccl. de Axminfter: Cart. 23 Ed. 1. n. 31. Plac. coram reg. 27 Ed. 1. Trin. rot. 2. pro libertatibus allocandis : Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. ult. vel penult. Cart. 29 Ed. 1. n. 46. pro lib. war. in praebenda de Ulkelf: - Pat. 30 Ed. 1. m. . de manfo decani muro firmando et ker- nellando : Efcaet. Nottingh. 32 Ed. i. n. no. de advoc. eccl. de Tyrefwell [Nottingh.] Cart. 32 Ed. 1. n. 30. pro lib. war. in Dalton fuper Tefe [Ebor.] Pat. 33 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. Cart. 33 Ed. 1. n. 31. pro amplis libertatibus: rat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . de bo- vata terrse apud Brodefworth, et advoc. ecclefiae ibi¬ dem, ex dono Willelmi Hamelton cancellarii regis, pro obituario et cantaria. Cart. 5 Ed. 2. n. 37. quod ipfi et eorum homines non placitentur neque placitent alibi quam in oftio eccl. S. Petri (falvis placitis coronae) et pro fanftuario : Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20 vel 21. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 30. pro cantaria ad altare S. Willelmi : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 4. pro cantaria facienda per Ro- gerum Le Mare: Ibid. m. 8. pro lib. war. in pre- benda de Donington. Cart. I Ed. 3. n. 36. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 28. pro praebenda de Ailton : Fin. Ebor. 2 Ed. 3. lig. E. n. 58. de melT. in Ebor. Plac. de quo war. 3 Ed. 3. rot. 10. quod nullus de familia regis vel de exercitu fuo hofpitentur in propriis domibus canonicorum : Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 31. Confirmat. ecclefiae de Ax¬ minfter prxbendis de Warthill et Grendal : Cart. 5 Ed. 3 n. 75. pro exemption de puturis In forefta* Pat. 7 Fd 3. p 1. m. 2 vel 3. de eccl. de Axminftre annettenda praebendis de Warthil et Grendal • 14 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. r‘ m ' f^uod thefaurarius habeat houfebote et heybote manfo fuo de Newthorp in bofco archiepifc. amid de'rNUr?h P- 2l 39- pro prxbenda de North-Newbold : Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 3. m 20> F-art. 22 Pd. 3. n. 41. pro mercat. et feria an, .a North Newbold : Pat. 23 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 23. Cart 25, &c. Ed. 3. n. 29. pro mercat. et feria apud Mo’ tesfont [Hantf.] Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 4. pat 26 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 8. Cart. 29 Ed. 3. n. 1 1. pro Dra’ benda de Rykhale: Cart. 32 Ed. 3. n. 6. pro mercat et feria apud Tollerton [Ebor.] conceflis thefaurario- Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 19. pro elargatione cimiterih 'at; 3,7 Ed- 3- P-2- m- 40. de taxa prxbendx de Bichul1 : Pap 38 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 16. Rec. in fcacc. 38 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 13. Efcaet. Ebor. 40 Ed. 2 n. 28. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. Pat. 43 Ed. 3! p. 2. m. . pro cantaria ex fundatione dom. archic- pifcopi : Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. t. m. 39. Pat. 47 Ed 3 p. 1. m. 15 vel 16. de prebenda de Rykele : Pat. 48 , • 3- P- 2- m- Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. i. m. 24 et 36. Pat. 5r Ed. 3. m. 8 et 39. 4 Brev. reg. 1 Ric. 2. n. 1 4. de mefT. et terris in Le Haye de Langwath: Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 18. et m. 43 vel 44. Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 12. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ric. 2. Hill. rot. 8. de libertat. in com. Notting¬ ham : Rec. in fcacc. 5 Ric. 2. n. 107. Clauf .6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 4. Clauf. 12 Ric. 2. m. 34. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 27. et p. 2. m. 15. Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 2. pro cantaria Joannis Brodefworth: Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 12. de non hofpitandis extraneis in aedibus canonicorum, et aliis libertatibus, fpeciatim de exemptione clauli five cimi- terii a jurifdiftione majoris, &c. civitatis Ebor. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. etp. 3. m. 8. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. Cart. I Hen. 4. p. 3. n. 5. Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 13. Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 1 vej 7. Pat. 7 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 15. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 3 vel 23. de meffl in Fleetftreet Lond. Pat. tl Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 12. pro cantaria ad altare S. Nicolai. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. ig. de eccl. de Walton fuper Tamefim approprianda pro cantaria : Cart. 1 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. 10. Pat, 2 Hen. 5. p. 3. m. 8. pro manfo decani elargando. Clauf. 5 Hen. 6. m. 5. de reddit. xx. marc, a priore S. Bartholomsi de Smithfield: Pat. 6 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3. Clauf. 6 Hen. 6. m. 1. de reddit. oftodecim marcarum annuatim a majore et communitate Ebor. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 21. pro eccl. de Stokefley in Cleveland approprianda: Pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. 1. rh. 15. de cantaria Willelmi Fuller: Pat. 37 Hen. 6. p. I. m. 8. pro eccl. de Stretton [Nottingh.] Ibid, p. 2. m. 6. pro eccl. de Nether Wallop approprianda; et m. 12. pro cantaria domini Scrope ad altare S. Stephani. Pat. 3 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 3. Pat. 12 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 9. de fundatione Nevil’s Chantry: Pat. 15 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 3. pro cantaria Ricardi Andrew ad altare S. Salva- toris: Pat. 21 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 5. pro terris in Wandf- worth [Surr.] 2. St. Marie’s, Benedictine Abbey. In the time of William-11 the Conqueror Alan earl of Richmond gave the church of St. Olave near the city, with four acres to build offices on, to abbat Stephen and his convent of Benedidtine monks, who had been driven away from Whitby and Leftingay. But that church being too Email, K. William Rufus, about A. D. 1088. gave ground for building of a bigger, laid the foundation ftone with his own hand, to the honor of the bleffed Virgin Mary, and endowed the monaftery with large poffeffions e. Its revenues, by thefe d I cannot account for the monks of St. Mary’s without York, mentioned by Ingulf, p. 76. under the year 1076. it no where elfe appearing that there were then any Religious of that deno¬ mination in this city. Thofe allb are miftaken who make the firft foundation of this abbey to be in A. D. 1088. 2 Hill. Rufi. For it appears by the charters in the Monafticon, rol. i. p. 387.3. 390. a. that William the Conqueror was a good benefador to it. e Angl. Sacr. tom. i. p. 271. “ Will. Rufus monafterium S. 11 Mariae Eboraci de rapinis et extorfionibus, quibus legnum Anglise et Normanniie multipliciter afflixit, fuudavit.” and CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. and other benefactions, were increafed at the time of the diflolution, when here were fifty monks, to the value of 2085/. is. c,d. ob. q. per arm. Speed, and 1550/. 7 s. od. q. Dugd. But in the original roll of the Valor, 26 Hen. 8. their total yearly income was rated at 2001/. as. id. q. and clearly at 1650/. or. yd. q(. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 383, etc. hiftoriam fun- dationis per Stephanum Witebienfem abbatem pri- mum: P. 386. aliam hiftoriolam de conftrudtione ec- clefiae et fundis ei collatis : P. 387. cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, terras et libertates, et recit. donationes bene- fadlorum: P. 390. pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 41. perlnfpex. recit. cartam regis Willelmi Rufi: Pat. ioEd.2. p. 1. m. 11. recit. cartas Stephani com. Britannia:, et Co- nani ducis Britanniae: P. 392. dimiflionem abbatis et conventus, pro ecclefiis, penfionibus, et portionibus fuis, per Willelmum archiepifc. Ebor. 20 Aug. A.D. } 344; P- 393- cartas Hugonis fil. Baldrici, de terris in Kirby Mifperton, Normanby, Hoton, etc. Ber- nardi de Bailiol, pro eccl. de Gainford et Middleton : P. 39+' cartas Odonis camerarii com. Richmond, et Roberti camerarii, de terris in Langethorn, etc. Ri- baldi dom. de Middleham, pro terris in Briniftona; Nigelli Foflard, pro eccl. S. Crucis Ebor. et. Don- caftr. etc. Wigani fil. Landrici, pro eccl. de Horne - by; Enifant Murdake, pro eccl. de Croft: P. 395. feriem abbatum : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 9. (lemma Ivonis de Tayleboyfe, ex regiftro S. Marias Ebor. Cartam ejufdem, donantis Kirkby Stephen, et Win- ton. ecclefias de Kirkby Kendall, Everfham, Kirkby Lonfdale, etc. A large account of this abbey from its foundation to its diflolution in Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, T Ph57^" In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 22, de terris in Coutona; p. 23. de v. carucatis terrae in Langthorn et iv. in Suttona: p. 37. de terris in Appilton magna et parva: p. 43. in Burton Conftable et Scorveton: p. 47. in Huddefwell: p. 48. de terris libertatis B. Maria: in wapentagio de Hangweft: p. 50. de terris in Dalton Noreys et Kirkby : p. 51 . in E'orfet: p. 52. inKneton: p. 53. inEflebi: p. 55. in Bolton: p. 57. in Smytbton : p. 58. in Croft: p. 59. de libertate B. Marire in wapentagio de Gillyngeft: p. 63. de terris in Brynfton: p. 64. de terris de libertate B. Mariae in wapentagio de Halykeld: p. 81. de terris in Barlydale et Edendales : p. 87. in Boutham ; p. 92. de manerio de Eikik: p. 100. de villa Gilmundeby juxta Bowes cum communa pafturas data abbati et conventui in excambium pro quodam bofco juxta Richmond. In Appendice, p. 56. de terris in Haf- lingfield: p. 57. of a place called Defeat St. Andrew, of a church and a carucate of land in Patrick Bromp- ton, and the fame at Ravenfworth; p. 234.. de terris in Burnifton : p, IC2- cartam abbatis et conventus, de terris in Bolton Radulphofilio Andulphi : p. 106. cartas Pigoti de Scurveton, pro Fornelcroft ; et Ger- negoti fil. Hugonis, de terris in Brinifton. In Rytpcri Conventionum, &c. vol. x. p. 170. pat. g Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 7. de reftitutione temporalium Will- elmo Dalton abbati eledto et confirmato. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. praef. xv. de advoc. eccl. de Rifton, 1 Joan. In ejufd. Hift. Scacc. p. 338. ex rot. pipte, 3 Joan. rot. 12. de eccl. de Scriveton. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamfhire, p. 111. of a portion of tythes Jn Granby, Hickling, and Colum. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 451. clauf. 19 Ed. 1. m. 4. pro decima venationis in foreftis comitatus E • bor. p. 786. clauf. 26 Ed. 1. m. 1. pro decima vena- tionis in forefta de Galtres: p. 1000. clauf. 31 Ed. 1. de cuftodia temporalium abbatiae per tres menfes tem¬ pore vacationis concefl'a priori et conventui : p. 1 1 3 1 . clauf. 34 Ed. 1. m. 13. prohibit, ofliciali archdia- coni Richmond ne exequatur bullam papalem contra abbatem S. Mhrite Ebor. Reineri Apoftol, Benedidl. tr. ii. p. 145. Year Books, 1 Ed. 3. f. 48. 326. 18 Ed. 3. f. 16. 44 Ed. 3. f. 8. 50 Ed. 3. f. 22. 14 Hen. 6. f, 54. Eibrum aflif, 289. 314. Raftall’s Entries, tit, De rationabilibus divifis, § 2. Ryleii Plac. Parliam. p. 20. In Lelandi Collecf. vol. i. p. 22. de abbatibus et rebus in ccenobio geftis : p. 25. cellas hujus abbatiae : vol. ii. p. 365. exlibello Stephani primi abbatis de origine et fundatione hujus coenobii : vol. iii. p. 36, 37. codd. m(T. olim in bibliotheca hujus abbatiae. In Leland’s Itinerary, vol. i. p. 57. vol. viii. p. 20. of this abbey: vol. v. p. 126. of the impropriate par- fonage of Kendale. In Libro Nigro Scaccarii, p. 400. de terris in com. Lincoln. In Willis’s Hiftory of Abbies, vol. i. p. 214, &c. a fhort account of this abbey, with a catalogue of the abbats. In Stevens’s Supplement, vol. i. p. 389. &c. an account of fome donations, and a catalogue of the abbats. In Append, ad vol. ii. a p. 78 ad 81. undecim carta's de mefl'. et terris in Shupton in Galtris: p. 82, 83. fep- tem cartas de terris in Genyngburgh : p. 83, 84. car¬ tas Roberti et Stephani de Maifnil donant. villam de Miton: p. 84. libertates in Miton, &c. concefll a Roberto Moubray : Concordiam inter Joannem le Jo- ven et abbatem et conv. S. Maria: Ebor. de fervitiis dicfi Joannis pro terris in Miton : p. 85. de capella de Miton: p. 86. de indudtione vicarii : Cartas R. Hen- rici, de forefta de Spaunton et decimis totius venati¬ onis ejus in Everwikfchira : Abbreviaturas plurima- rum donationum : p. 87. cartas A. fil. Geroldi et ali- orum de ecclelia de Kirkby Mifperton et terris ibi¬ dem : p. 88. conventionem de metis marifci de Grym- fton: p. 89, 90, 91. abbreviatur. plurimar. donati¬ onum: p.89.91, 02, 93. cartas de ecclefiis de Ca- terick, Stokefley, Gaynesford, Steynton, Middleton in Tefdale, et CeiTay : p. 93. cartam Will. fil. Tho¬ ms de RoucheclifF, de terra in RouclifF, A. D. 1339. Aliorum donationes. [Haec ex regiftro abbatis in' bibl. eccl. cath. Ebor.] P. 94. cartam Gilberti fil. Remfredi, donantis eccl. de Clapbam, Kirkbey in Lonefdale, Burton in Kendale, Biethum, Guerheim, Kirkbei in Kendale, Morlund, Brunefield, et Wir- kinton: Indenturam dimiflionis ad firmam maner. de Bromfield, A.D. 1434. p. 95. R. Ed. 1. licentiam appropriandi eccl. de Bromefield : [Ex orig. penes D. Walt. Calverly bar.] Cartam de terris in Appel- ton: [Exorig. peres Rad. Thorefbyde Leedes arm.] p. 306. R. Ricardi cartam privilegiorum : p. 307. R R. Joan, et Hen. 3. confirmationes privilegiorum : [E regiftro de Wederhale penes rev. Hu^ Todd S. T. P.] 6 In Burton’s Leicefterfhire, p. 48. of ii. marks yearly out of the redlory of Market Bofworth. In Blomfield’s Norfolk, vol. 1. p. 234. of a carucate of land in Binham, and of the advowfon of the redlory : p. 246. of the advowfon of the redlory of Wilby. ’ ' In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmoreland-and Cumber¬ land, vol. i. p. 73. of the impropriate rectory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Kendall: p. 123. of lands and tenements in Skelfmergh : p. 148. of a penfion of il. xiii s. lvd. out of the church of Grefmere : p. 177. of a like penfion out of the church of Windermere : p. 194 of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Heverlham : p. 199. of the manor of He- verlham: p. 218. of the impropriate rediory and ad¬ vowfon of the vicarage of Belham, and of lands at Halfrebeck : p. 235. of a carucate of land in Burton, the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage : p. 244. of the manor, impropriate redlory and advow- lon of the vicarage of Kirkby Lonfdale: p. 321. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage f This is alfo the clear fum in Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. of CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. of St. Lawrence in Appleby: p. 335.oflands in Colby: p. -541. of the impropriate redtory and advowfon of the vicarage of St. Michael’s in Appleby : p. 443. of the impropriate redlory and advowfon of the vicarage of Morland, and of ii carucates of land there : p. 450. of lands in Thrimby: p. 457. of the reftory of Cliburn fometime impropriate: p. 495. of a penfion of v. marks out of the re&ory of Crofby Ravenfworth, and of other pofTeffions there: p.513. of the reftory of Ormfide fometime impropriate: p. 534* Impro¬ priate rectory and advowfon of the vicarage of Kirkby Stephen, and of iii carucates of land there : p. 588. of the reftory of Mufgrave fometime impropriate. Vol. ii. p. 16. of the advowfon of the reftory of Whitcham: p. iy.ofBootle: p. 18. ofCorney: p. 38. of a capital meffuage in Kelton : p. 52. of the advow¬ fon of the reftory of Harrington : p. 56. of ii. caru¬ cates of land and a mill at Workington, and of the advowfon of the reftory : p. 165. of a manor in Brom- field and the impropriate redtory : p. 329. of the im¬ propriate churches of Warwick, p. 338. and of We- therall. Regiftrum mf. hujus abbati* olim in bibl. Deuvefiana, fcil. A. D. 1646. modo in bibl. Harleyana, 236. Confuetudinarium hujus monafterii, mf. in bibl. coll. S. Joannis, Cantab. D. 27. Regiftrum mf. penes decanum et capitulum Ebor. Ealredi Rhievallenfis librum de fundatione abbatiarum S. Mari* Ebor. et de Fontibus, mf. in bibl. Corp. Chrift. coll. Cantab. Fragmentum regiflri in bibl. Hattoniana. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 669. p. 61. inftrumentum fuper aflwnatione termini pro eledtione abbatis poft mortem Willelmi Manas A. D. 1380. p. 62. 172. lnftru- menta varia fuper eledtione novi abbatis poll mortem Thom* de Multone A. D. 1359. p. 74- inftrumenta varia fuper eledtione T. de M. in abbatem poft mor¬ tem W. deB. A. D. 1300. p. 88. inftrumenta plunma de eleftione T.de M. in abbatem poft mortem Alam de N. p. 172. inftrumentum unum atque alterum fu¬ per confirmatione W illelmi Marrays eledti abbatis poft mortem Thom* de Multone A. D. 1359- rn'- 1499; p. 58. of the founderfhip and arms of this abbey : mf. 2117. p. 274. et mf. 7520. nomina abbatum. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. mf. IsE. A. 3. xx. 7. Stephanas Wyttebienfis de fundatione : ibid. n. 8. hiftoriam mo¬ nafterii, una cum figuris abbatum fciagraphice depic¬ ts fcil. continuationem hiftori* Stepham Wittebi- enfis, autore (uti videtur) Simone Warwicenh ab- bate- mf. in archivo A. 196. rotulum monaltern ii. Mari* Ebor. mf. Dodfworth. vol vii. cartas viginti quatuor ad hanc abbatiam fpedtantes hadtenus inedi- tas : vol. viii. f. 1 1 1 et 216. tres cartas ineditas : 1- bid. vol. ix. a f. 55 ad 90. cartas centum et oftodecim ineditas, cx cartulario hujus abbati* in turre b. ivia- ri* remanente, AD. 1630. Ibid. vol. xx.v. f. 10. cart. 4 Ed. 2. m. . Ibid. vol. xlv. f. 25. vol 1. f. 7. vol. lxiii. f. 1. vol. lxxvi. f. 122. de hbertatibus eccl. S. Mari* Ebor. vol. lxxxviii. f. 187. vol. clvi.i. 1. 6c. colledtanea ex cartis monafterii S. Man* Ebor. Ibid. vol. Ixi. f. 114. relaxation of fome injundtions given to this monaftery by the king’s vifitors : Ibid, vol. lxxvi. a f. 55 ad 64. nine quarto parchment leaves, being part of an old leiger book of this abbey: vol. cxl. f. 29. nomina abbatum. Fim Ebor! . . R3ic.4i. de advoc. capell* de Martham : Blac. temp. R. R. Ric. 1. et Joan. rot. 3. de com- mun. paftur. in Hoton, Farendal, &c. Cart. I Joan. p. 1. m. 15. n. 92, 93- Ob at. 2 Joan, m. 13. pro eccl. de Syreherft : Cart. 2 Joan. n. 66. Plac 2 Joan. Mich. rot. 30. a. 5. d. 9. d. pro ecc . de Doncafter: Fin. Ebor. 2 et 3 Joan de advoc. eccl. de Rifton: Fin. Ebor. 2 Joan. rot. . pro decern bova¬ tis terr* in Rednefs: Cart. 5 Joan. m. 5- 11 • * e ? co vocat. Granes row in Everton imparcando : ibid, m. 6. n. 34. Fin. Ebor. 7 Joan. m. 4- & common, paftur. in Hodton et' Spaunton : Flac. apud Ebor. q Toan. Mich. rot. 3. pro cOmmun. paftur. in Hoton et Spaunton in Rydale, ex concelT. Nic. de Stutevile : Fin. Ebor. 9 Joan. n. . de vi. carucat. terr* in Ufe- flete: Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de pifcaria in mara de Hornes, et de terris in Rednes. Plac. de jur. apud Apelby, 4 Hen. 3. rot. . allocat. li- bertat. Fin. Ebor. 9 Hen. 3. n. 69. pro advoc. eccl. de Bainton, et iv. bovatis terr* in Bramham, ex do- no Petri de Malolacu et uxoris : Fin. Ebor. 10 Ed. 3. n. 88. 127, 128. de cxxx. acris terr* in Efkerig, ex dono Picoti de Lafcell : Plac. apud Weftm. n Hen. 3. Pafch. rot. . de commun. paftur. in Hawton, Spaunton, et Farendell: Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 83. de ii. bovatis in Japum : Clauf. 14 Hen. 3. m. 13 et 15. Fin. Weftmerland, 23 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Apelby : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 221. de ii bovatis in Munketon : Plac. aflif. Ebor. 35 Hen. 3. rot. . de pifcaria in Watfand, Seton, &c. Fin. Ebor. 36 Hen. 3. rot. . de terris in Munketon: Fin. Ebor. 37 Hen. 3. n. . de terris in Rednefs: Cart. 41 Hen. 3. m. 8. pro mercat. in Hornefey, et lib. war. in Haldenby, Ufeflete, et Egremund : Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 32. Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 48. de cccclxxx. acris brueri* inter Seizerans et Brydefhale : Ibid. rot. 55 vel 85. de commun. paftur. in Stiveton: Cart. 53 Hen. 3. m. 1. de foreftaria de Farendale ex con- ceff. Hugonis Bigot: Fin. Ebor. 55 Hen. 3 n. 94. de molendino et cc. acr. terr* in Apelton in Eynfty. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 9. d. de commun. paftur. in Wedeker : Rot. hundred, in com. Lincoln. 3 Ed. 1. rot. . de terris in Belton et Feriby. [Vide Dodfworth. vol. lxxxix. f. 63. 83.] Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 18. de terris in Dunford; et m. 26. dorfo, de terris in Wormefworth: Fin. Ebor. 3 Ed. 1. n. 31. de v. bovatis terr* in Apelton fuper Wilke : Pat. 6 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. apud Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. Trin.quowar. rot. 28. d. pro wrecco maris in maner. de Hornefey : Plac. aflif. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 52. d. 53. d. &c. pro commun. paftur. in Overton, &c. Ibid, quo war. rot. n.de alloca- tione parci et bofci inclufi apud Efkerig : Ibid, coron. n. 44. de terris in Apelton : Fin. Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. n. 189. 198. 212. de pifcaria in maris de Waffand, Hornefey, Hornefeburton, &c. Plac. de quo war. apud Lincoln. 9 Ed. 1. rot. 8. 13, 14. de terris in Ofelby: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 4. pro maner. de Whitgift, &c. Plac. apud Carliol. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 2. d. pro commun. paftur. in Moreton : Plac. apud Ap- pelby, 20 Ed. 1. rot. 4. de terris in M. Stirkelond: Ibid. rot. 63. d. 67. d. de wrecco maris et aliis li- bertat. in Kirkeby, &c. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. 27. pro terris in Alhalgh, &c. ex dono Will. Walton : Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 32 Ed. 1. m. . Fin. Ebor. 33 Ed. 1. n. 66. de duabus partibus decies mille acris mor* ex auftrali parte vici de la Moregate, ex con- cefll Hen. Lafcy com. Lincoln. Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . p. 2. m. . Pat. 34 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 35 Ed. 1. m. 41. Baga de quo war. Ebor. temp. Ed. 1. rot. 28. d. allocat. inclaufur* bofcorum. Cart. 1 Ed. 2. n. 1. pro terris in Kudefton, &c. Ibid. n. 3, 4, 5, et 11. Clauf. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 11 vel 12. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 1. de me(T. et terris in Boutham, Fofton, et Roucliff: Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 5. d. Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 20. de melf. et terris in Apelby juxta Spainton, Hoton, & c. Brev. reg. 7 Ed. 2. Mich. rot. 13. [bis :] Pafch. rot. 2. Mich. 8 Ed. 2. rot. 2. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 4. Ibid. p. 2. m. 9. de terris in Superton in Galtres : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 23 vel 24. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7 et 11. pro villa de Fulford : Ibid. m. 12. de bladis in Belton, et eccl. de Bynbroke [Lincoln.] Ibid. p. 2. m. 32 vel 33. Pat. 11 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 25. de mefl‘. et terris in Wederhall et Wood Apleton : Pat. 12 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 15. pro ten. in Thorneton, Appleton, &c. Ibid, m. 23. de terris in Roucliff: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 9. pro eccl. de Doncafter approprianda ; et pro terris in Shupton, Mitton, &c. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 8 vel 9. et m. 24 vel 25- Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. Clauf. 17 Ed. 2. m. 23. Pat. 20 Ed. 2. m. 29. Plac. coram reg. 1 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 46. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 24. pro decima venationis in forefta de Gal¬ tres : Rec. in fcacc. 3 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. . de extentis maner. CXXIX. Y O R K S H I R E. Inaner. de Whitgift et Inglefmere : Plac. ailif. apud Nottingh. 3 Ed. 3. rot. 3. d. proadvoc.eccl. de Stretton in the Clay: Clauf. 3 Ed. 3. m. 24. abbas relaxavit dom. regi decimas venationis pro tota venatione in forefta de Spaunton, cujus cuftodia pertinuit abbati : Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 14 et 15. Rec. in fcacc. 4 Ed. 3. Trin. rot. 4. Cart. 5 Ed. 3. n. 66. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 14. Plac. de banco, 6 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 24. pro libertat. allocandis: Rec. in fcacc. 8 Ed. 3. Mich, rot. . Ibid. Hill. rot. . Pat. 8 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 9. pro terris in Henes ex concelT. com. Warren : Ibid. m. 29 vel 30. Ibid. p. 2. m. 7 vel 8. et m. 30 vel 31. pro jurifdi&ione in Bouthom : Cart. 9 Ed. 3. n. 34. pro mercat. et feria apud Kirkby Lonefdale fuper terr. eccl. S. Marise: Pat. 9 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . Ibid. p. 2. m. 6. pro forefta de Spaunton loco decim. venationis foreftae de Galtres : Ibid. m. 23 vel 24. pro burgo fuo de Bouthom: Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro terris in Ethelingthorp : Cart. 11 Ed. 3. n. 2. pro maner. de Whitgift: Fin. Ebor. n Ed. 3. m. 7. de maner. de Whitgift: Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. i.m. 3. pro excambio in Morthams: Fin. Ebor. 17 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 18. de reddit. in Wartham: Plac. coram reg. 18 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 32. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12 vel 13. Plac. coram reg. 19 Ed. 3. Pafch. rot. 8. Pat. 20 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. et p. 3. m. 6. pro eccl. de Horne- fey: Pat. 21 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29 vel 30. Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 17 vel 18. pro advoc. eccl. de Rude- ftan : Pat. 24 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. de perambulatione facienda inter libertates abbatis S. Marise et majoris civitatis Ebor. viz. de Bouthom : Clauf. 25 Ed. 3. m. 6. de cuftodia foreftae de Spaunton: Ibid. m. 19. de marifco de Hornefey : Pat. 26 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 6. d. et m. 16. Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 7. Plac. de banco, 27 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 93. de loco vocat. Perccheyflatt pertinente ad maner. de Kirkby Mifperton : Pat. 28 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 26. pro eccl. de Rudftan approprianda: Ibid. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 18. pro ten. in Wetherall : Pat. 31 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 8. Cart. 32 Ed. 3. n. 2. pro duabus feriis apud Hornefey : Efcaet. Ebor. 33 Ed. 3. n. 45. dc terris in Edeling- thorp pro manutentione pontis apud Mitton fuper Swale: Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 22. Rec. in fcacc. 38 Ed. 3. Hill. rot. 14. Pat. 40 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 25; Clauf. 42 Ed. 3. m. 3. pro decimis garbarum villa; de Stapulton: Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 30. pro ten. in Ebor. ad invenicnd. tres pauperes fcholares : Clauf. 43 Ed-.3- m- 33- Cart. 5 Ric. 2. n. 9. Pat. 7 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 9. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 19. et m. 30. Pat.. 18 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 24. pro bofco de Overton includendo: Rec. in fcacc. 20 Ric. 2. Hill, rot. 8 et 10. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 8. et m. 16. Cart. 1 Hen. 4. p. 3. n. 1. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. 1 r vel 12. Inquif. Ebor. 4 Hen. 4. n. 18. quod abbas S. Mariae debet reparare pontem vocat. Kenambridge inter Skakelthorp et Pokclton : Inquif. Lincoln. 7 Hen. 4. n. 10. de placea in fuburb. Lirtcoln. ad in- veniend. duos monachos: Cart. 1 1 vel 14 Hen. 4. p. 3. n. 1. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. 2. pro ii. melT. iv. bovatis terra:, Sec. in Over Popelton et Helhay, ex dono Agnetis uxoris Will. Brydforth. Cart. 2 Hen. 5. p. 1. n. . de libertat. et cuftodia foreftae de Spaunton, cum limitibus diet® foreftae. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 4. m. 32. pro eccl. de Hornefey ap¬ proprianda et vicaria dotanda, et pro xx/. annui reddit. e maner. de Scottow, ex dono Will. Nerfeld : Ibid, p. 6. m. 12. Pat. 12 Hen. 6. p. 2. m 35. Pat. 22 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 3. de maner. de Overton, et bofeis ibidem imparcandis: Pat. 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. Pat. 27 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 25. pro eccl. de Everfham et Burton in Kendale appropriandis: Cart. 27 Hen. 6. n. 45. pro returnis brevium, catallis felo- num, wrecco maris, gaola infra abbatiam, &c. Cart. 5 Ed. 4. n. 15. pro imparcatione bofeorum de Elinftow et Overton, mercato apud Hornefey, et aliis libertatibus : Clauf. 20 Ed. 4. m. 26 vel 27. de ma¬ ner. de Whitgift, &c. Pat. 20 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 4. Clauf. 21 Ed. 4. m. 13. de feodi firma dicti manerii a cc. marc, ad cxx. redudla. 3. St. Clement’s, or Clementhorp. About two furlongs without the city walls, on the weft part, right againft St. Andrew’s11, was a Benedidline nunnery dedicated to St. Clement, and founded by archbiihop Thurftan about A. D. 1130. GefFery archbifhop of York, A. D. 1192. would have fubjefted the Religious here to the abbey of Godftow in Oxfordfhire, but upon an ap¬ peal to the court of Rome they preferved their liberty*. About the time of the diflolution herein were a priorefs and thirteen nuns, whofe revenues were valued at 57/. y s. gdk. total, 55/. 113. 1 id. dare , Dugd. Speed. The fite was granted, 33 Hen. 8. to Edward Skipwith. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 510. cartam Turftini archiepifc. Ebor. de fundatione : Cartam H. decani et capituli Ebor. de confirmatione : P. 51 1. cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 44. per Infpex. recit. cartam R. Hen. 3. Notulam hiftoricam, ex Rog. Hoveden : Ibid. tom. iii. p. i. p. 162. cartam Gilb. fil. Nigelli, de prato in Clementhorp. In Append, ad Stevenfii, vol. ii. p. 216. cartam Petri de Percy, conced. aream ex oppofito ports monia- lium, cum aedificiis fuperinde litis : Cartam Nicolai fil. Ernifii de Walmgate, de terra ad Walmgate. In Drake’s Hift. and Antiq. of York, p. 247. an ac¬ count of this nunnery. Lelandi Collett. vol. ii. p. 320. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 58. In mfli Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. vol. viii. f. 102. 108, 109, HO. 141. vol. ix. f. 95. cartas feptem ineditas ad hunc prioratum fpettantes. Vide etiam vol. xciv. f, IO7. . . * i In regiftro Walt. Gifford archiepifc. Ebor. f. 27. ordi- nationem eccl. de Clementhorp quam R. Henricus contulerat hifee monialibus. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 20. n. 134. de terra quam Roge- rus archiepifc. Ebor. emit de Hugone fil. Siding': Fin. Weftm. 5 Joan. n. ig. pro x. bovatis terrre in Grimefton. Fin. Ebor. 20 Hen. 3. n. 156. pro ii. meffi in Ponte - fratto : Plac. aftif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 54 vel 84. d. pro lib. ten. in Ebor. Fin. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. n. 68. pro communia pafturre in Thornoure : Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 9. pro eccl. S. Andr. de Thorp juxta Ebor. Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 8. d. de commun. paftur. in Akum : Cart. 3 Ed. 1. n. 44. Plac. apud Weftm. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 40. de commun. paftur. apud Hoton in Ribblef- dale : Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . . Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 24. de melT. in Ebor. concelT. per Ric. Frefton. Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 221 Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 30 vel 31. 4. St. Andrew’s®, Gilbertine Priory. About the year 1200. Hugh Murdac founded. g This is printed in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 90. ii Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 58. .. i Roe. Hoveden, f. 408. Leland. Colleft. vol. 11. p. Z%a. k MS. Valor. But quaere: for “ fumma inde 57/. 7 s. 9 d. and « fumma clara 55/. nr. 1 id.” is attributed to St. An¬ drew’s near York, in Stevens, vol. i. p. 27- where Clementhorp is omitted. 1 This is printed in Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, Append, p. xxxix. m By the Oufe without Fifhergate. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57. S. Andres juxta Ebor. Pat. 37 Hen. 8. — M m m m near CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. near the parifli church of St. Andrew, a priory for twelve" canons of the Semprfngham order de cheated to that faint. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 57/. $s. 9 d°. per ann. as Speed, at r -l' n 1 1 d. per ann. clearly, as my mf. Valor, and at 47 /. 1 4.1. 3 d. ob. as Dugdale. The fue w^as ptJJ' ed, 37 Hen. 8. to John Bellow and John Broxhoim. 0 Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 808. cartam fundationis, necnon conventionem inter decan. et capitulum Ebor. et priorem de Sempriugham, et priorem et conv. S. Andreas, et Hugonem Murdac fundatorem, taper ex- cambio quarundam terrarum A. D. 1202. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 249. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57. Year Books, 18 Ed. 4. Mich. 28. Fin. Ebor. 10 Joan. n. . de duabus bovatis terrse in Barkethorpe: Fin. Ebor. n Joan. n. . de terris in Kirby, Uleburn, &c. Fin. Ebor.' 14 Hen. 3. n. 112. pro carucat. terrre in Toroldeby: Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 132. de terris in Ynckfleet: Fin. Ebor. 47 Hen. 3. n. 72. pro terris in Barkethorp: Plac. aflif. Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot 7 etdorfo; rot. 13. dorfo. ' '' Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 31 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 24. de comaun, paftur. in Thoraid- by P : pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. I-. m. 10. de meff. et terris in Kirkby in Cleveland- Brev. reg, 6 Ed. 2. Pafch. rot Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19, 20. Pat, 23 Ed. ■> p m 14 vel 1 5* Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. pro ten! in UaxtonP. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 31. de ii. melTuagiis et xii acris terras et dimid. in Qverfulford et VVaterfulford p! 5. Trinity or Christ Church s, Alien Priory. In the weft pant of this city was a church. dedicated to the Holy Trinity', in which were formerly canons endowed with lands but thefe being difperftd and their houle almoft ruined, Ralph Painell, by the favor of William the Conqueror, got poffefTion of it, and A. D. 1089s. 8ave ic t0 the Benediiftine monks of St. Martin Marmonftier at Tours in France, who made it a cell' to their abbey. Upon the diftbluuon of thefe alien priories, this was made denilon 4 Hen. 6U, and was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 169 f. g s. 10 d. per ann. Dugd". 196/. lys. 2 d. Speed. The fite was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Leonard Beckwith. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 563, 564. cartam Rad. Paganclli, de fundatione : Bullam P. Alexandri, ex rec. in fcacc. 3 Hen. 4. Trin. rot. 14. P. 565. in- quifitionem de jure pationarus hujus prioratus, ex efcaet. Ebor. 34 Ed. I. n. 82. In Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 263. an account of the foundation and revenues of this houfe. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 58. In Rymeri Conventionum, &c. tom. ii. p. 44. In Prynni Recordor. vol. iii. p. 610. de exemptione iftius prioratus a jurifdidlione archiepifcopi ; et de eccl. de Barton in Rydale, ex brev. reg. 22 Ed. 1. Ibid, p. 1205, 1206. ex bund. brev. 3 Ed. 1. applications to the king from Marmonftier againft the prior here for withdrawing his fubjection. Year Book, vol. i. p. 329. Regiftrum brevium, f. 64. b. Vicariam Leodienfem ; or, An Hiftoryofthe Church of Leeds in Yorklhire, by Ralph Thorefby F.R.S. Lond. 1724. 8vo. p. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 15. 28, 29. where is fome account of the foundation, endowment, and drf- folution of this houfe ; and a full account of the church of Leedes which was given to it : p. 200. the ordi¬ nation of the vicarage at Leeds, out’ of archbilhop Gray’s regifter. MSS. Dodfworth. in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. cartas ad hunc prioratum fpedlantes ineditas vol. vii. p. 198. vol. viii. p. 46. 91. 100. 109. 1 1 2. 222. 282. vol. ix. p. 106. vol. cxvii. f. 5. Plac. apud Weftm. 6 Joan. Hill. rot. 2. de tertia parte advoc. eccl. de Ledes: Plac. 11 vel 12 Joan. Pafch. rot. 8. pro advoc. eccl. de Rokelby. Fin. Ebor. 8 Hen. 3. n. 60. pro maner. de Beningholm: Fin. Ebor. 21 Hen. 3. n. . pro advoc. eccl. de Adele: Cart. 36 Hen. 3. n. 23. Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 44. Plac. de quo war. Ebor. 21 Ed. 1. rot. 3. de libertat. in Cuningfthorp^ Stret- ton, &c, Pat. 8 Ed, 2. p. 1 . m. 20. d. de manerio fuo in Ledes: Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 1. Pat. 18 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 27. pro eccl. de Adele [Ebor,] Ibid. m. 30. pro eccl. de Weft Raifrn [Lincoln.] Pat. 30 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 13. confirm, et recit. cartas R R. Hen. 1 et 2. Bund, alienig. 48 Ed. 3. de eccl. de Ledes, Bliburgh, medietat. de Hotonpainell, et penfione in Adele, in proprios ufus x. Pat. 4 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 8. quod fit indigena : Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . d. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 17. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 6 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 20. Rec. in fcacc. 6 Ed. 4. Trin. rot, 7. pro allocat. di- verf. libertatum. 6. All Saints, Benedictine Cell. K. William Rufus granted the church of All Saints, in Fifhergate without the walls of York, to the abbac and convent of Whitby, on condition that they fhould always keep fome of their monks refident for performing divine fervice in it. This church and cell were fo entirely demolifhed after the diffolution, that the fue of it is not now to be diftir.guiftied with certainty. Vide Burton’s Monafticon Eboracenfe, p. 84. 7. Beddern, or Vicars College. Within the clofe of the cathedral here was a college of n Mr. Willis mentions but three canons at the diflolution. See his Abbies, vol. ii. Append, p. 30. 0 ** Summa inde 57/. 7 s. 9 d. Stevens, vol. i. p. 27. f P p Thefe three are printed in Drake's Appendix, p. xxxix. q “ Philippus prior et conventus ecclefise Chrifti Eborac. “ concelferunt ecclelix de Kirkham et canonicis ibidem Deo “ fervientibus medietatem ecclefice de Cramburn, et hanc padti- “ onem raciemus eis confirmari per capitulum Majoris Mona- ic lleriii temp. Rogeri archiepilcopi.” Dodfworth, vol. vii. p 198. r The church of the Holy Trinity in York was of fome note* and had great privileges when Domefday Book was made ; fee extracts of the fame, at the end of Dr. Gale's firft volume of liiftorians, p. 775. ^u^re, Of the church of the Holy Trinity in York, faid to have been given to the monks at Duiham in Leland's Colledt. vol. i. p. 385. s Dugd. Baron, tom. i. p. 438. Dodfworth. mf. vol. ix. p. 106. 1 “ Celia majoris monafterii Turoneafis#” Rymer, vol. iv. p. 247* u By confent of parliament, as Cotton's Abridgment, p- 585. w “ Summa clara 169/. 9/. 2 d.” Stevens, vof. i. p. 37. 31 Printed in Drake’s Appendix, p. xtffi. the CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. the thirty- fix y vicars choral, called the Beddern % who lodged and eat in common therein under the direction of the fub-chantor, who was ftiled their warden or keeper. This place was given to them by William de Lanum fometime canon of this church1, arid they were fixed here by Walter Gray archbifhop about the year 1252 but not properly incorporated till 9 Hen. 5. They had a chapel dedicated to the Holy Trinity, but their houfe wa3 called Sr. Peter's college, and under that name granted, 2 Ed. 6. to Thomas Golding and Walter Cely. Thefe vicars had, 26 Hen. 8. yearly revenues valued at 256/. 19*. 4 d. in the whole, and 136/. 5 s. 5 d. clearly. But the next year they were returned at 192/. 9 s. %dc. and 37 Hen. 8. at 255/. js. &dd. Vide Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 155. In Prynni Record, vol. iii. p. 151. pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 16. d. pro meiT. in Ebor. pro anniverfario Joannis Maun- fel quondam thefaurarii Ebor. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 572. Regiftra archiepifcoporum Ebor. necnon decani et ca- pituli. The ancient cuftomes, ftatutes and ordinances of the fub-chanter and cuftos of the college of vicars choral in the cathedra! of York, and of the vicars of the faid college, called the Bedderne, collected out of the charter of K. Henry 5. and the records of the faid college, mf. penes Hugonem Todd S.T. P. n. 18. Catalogue of the writings of the faid college, ibid. Lands and tenements belonging to the college of Be- derne from the time of Henry 8. ibid. n. 19. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 73. 89. grant of the ad- vowfon and impropriation of the parifh church of Cotyngham in Y orkfhire by K. Richard 3. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 28. de terris in Aikelin Grimfton: Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . . Pat. 26 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 23. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. I. m. . Pat. 23 Ed. 3. m. 25 vcl 26. Pat. 25 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 23. pro eccl. de Hun¬ tingdon prope Ebor. approprianda : Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 2. m, 6. Pat. 37 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 50 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. pro ten in Shipton. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 28 vel 29. Pat. 17 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 28. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 1. de numero vica- riorum, fcil. xxxvl. et pro eccl. S. Samfonis Ebor. approprianda abfque dotatione vicariae. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 5. m. 34. pro eccl. S. Samfonis: Pat. 4 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 10. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 24. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 16. pro renovatione et confir- matione incorporationis vicariorum in le Bedern. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 17. Bund, de priv. fig. 3 Ric. 3. pro ecclefia de Cottingham. 8. St. Sepulchre's College. The college of St. Mary and the Holy Angels, commonly called St. Sepulchre’s chapel, near the metropolitical church of Sc. Peter, and opening into the fame, was founded by Roger archbifhop of York before A. D. ii6ic. for a maiter, warden, or facrift, and twelve prebendaries, to whom archbifhop Sewall, A. D. 1258. added fix conducts. Thele appeared, 26 Hen. 8. to be endowed with 1 7 1 /. 191. 2 d. ob. per ann. in toto. J38/. 19.1. 2 d. ob. clare f. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 137. cartam fun- dationis per Rogerum archiepifc. p. 138. ordinationes Sewalli archiepifc. A. D. 1258. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 478. Lelandi Colled!. vol. i. p. 38. Thoms Stubbs Afta pontificum Eboracenfium inter Decern feript. hift. Angl. Lond. 1652. col. 1723. In Thoroton’s Nottinghamftiire, p. 409. of the church of Bolum : p. 407. of the impropriations and advow- fon of the vicarage of Eaft Retford : p. 41 1. of Hay- ton: p. 412, of Clarborough: p. 425. of Everton: p. 481. of Sutton belonging to this college. In regiftro Grenfield archiepifc. Ebor. p. ii. f. 13. ordi- nationem archiepifc. de temporibus minutionum prs- bendariorum, A. D. 1313. Plac. coram reg. 1 Joan. Pafcb. rot. 10. d. de advoc. eccl. de Harwood. Pat. 16 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 6. de decimis mar.er. de Co- lingham excambiatis cum abbate de Kirkftall, pro Wodeacre et Wilgarthorp. Petit, pari. 4 Ed. 3. n. 10. 9. St. William’s College. A college for the priefts having chantries in the metropolitical church here to live and eat together in, was intended A. D. 1454- and a licence was granted by kino- Henry 6. to the earl of Northumberland, the ai-chbifhop of York, the dean, precentor, and other members of this church for effecting it. But the defign then tailing, George Nevill then bilhop of Exeter, Ihortly after archbifhop of York, and his brother Richard Nevill earl of War¬ wick, founded a college A. D. 1460. to the honor of St. William formerly archbifhop of York, for twenty-three chantry priefts belonging to this church to have their lodgings and commons to¬ gether. They were found, 27 Hen. 8. to have lands and tenements in common, befides the en¬ dowments of their feveral chantries, to the yearly value of 22 1. 12 s. 8de. The fite of this college was granted, 3 Ed. 6. to Michael Stanhope and John Belloe. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. i. p. 140. pat. 33 Hen. 6. p. I. m. I. licentiam Willielmo archiepifc. Ebor. Henrico comid Northumbriae, Ricardo An¬ drew decano, Johanni Caftell prscentori, See. colle¬ gium erigendi. See. P. 141* pat. I Ed. 4-P* 2* 1 7* licentiam Georgio Exon, epifeopo et Ricardo com. Warvvici collegium fundandi, Sic, In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 60 and 73. fome ac¬ count of this college, from Dodfworth’s mlT. vol. xcii. f. 143. and vol. cxxix. f. 140. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. . In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. . . confirmation of the foundation by K. Richard 3. y Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 76. Though at the diflolu- tion there were but twenty, becaufe of the decay ot their eftates. ■t From their being required to bed there, and not elfewhere, as it is faid. ' a The fame probably who was archdeacon ot .Northumber¬ land in the beginning of the reign of K. Henry 3. b Willis’ Survey of York Cathedral, p. a8. . c Stevens, vol« i. p. 76. I^odfworth hath alfo this valor in vol. cxxxi. d Ibid. p. 61. e In the deed of foundation by archbilhop Roger is mention of a gift by Adam de Brus, who died 8 Hen. a. Mon. Angl. vol. ii. p. 148. f The dear value anno Hen. 8. was faid to be 155/. iii. 11 d. as Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 73. And anno 37 Hen. 8. it was returned at 192/. i6j. 6 d. as Stevens, vol. i. p. 60. s Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 60 et 73. 10. Pese- I CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. io Peseholm Chantry. Here was a fociety of chaplains or Secular curates A. D. i^t. according to the will of Sir John Witton of York chaplain, bearing that date, wherein is a iegacy' “ Sociis meis capellanis exiftentibus in domo l'acerdotum de Pefeholme h.” ^ U Fide Dodfworth. mf. collections, vol. xcix. f. 60. it. St. Antonie’s Hospital. This flood in the north eaft part of the city in St. Saviour’s parilh, and was founded about A. D. 1440*. by Sir John Langton a Yorklhire man, and" as lome think mayor of York k. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57. 12. Boutham Hospital, in Le Horsfair1. About the year 1314. Robert Pykering dean of York began to found, in a place formerly inhabited by the White friers, a large chantry of fix priefts, which he afterwards turned into an hofpital, for a mailer and brethren, dedicated to St. Mary. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 37 1. per ann. in the whole, and at 1 1 1. 6s. 8 d. clear m; and upon the difiolution became the free fchool for the dean and chapter’s fcholars. Fide pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 5 et 21. licent. pro cantaria facienda in quadam capella S. Marite ubi fratres Car¬ melite habitare folebant, et de terris in Knapton con- ceffis per Robertum Pykering: Fin. Ebor. 12 Ed. 2. lig. C. n. 107. pro advoc. eccleiiae de Stivelin» Anno 27 lien. 8. there was another valuation of it, viz. at T 1^!. 10 s. 8 d. clear, as Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 77. where is fome account of this hofpital; and anno 37 Hen. 8. at 39/. 0 J. od. as Stevens, vol. i. p. 61. a So the Firft Fruit rolls. 0 He was made precentor March 21, 1456. and died Nov. ii, 1481. p “ St. John and our Lady.” Stevens, vol. i. p. 63 and 79. a Stevens, vol. i. p. 79. from Dodfworth. ' Ibid. s In Eton’s Valor, “ Hofpitale S. S. Trinitatis in Foflgate” is charged with this fum ; and Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57. faith the hofpital about Fol's bridge is of the foundatioon of the mer¬ chants of the town, and dedicated to the Trinity ; but this is probably the fame with RouclilFs foundation. 18. Maison CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. 18. Maison Dieu, upon Ouse Bridge. In the regifter of Fountain’s abbey, in the Hat* leyan library, p. 263. there is a gift “ Pauperibus in Le Maifon Dieu fuper pontem de Ufe.” 19. Maison Dieu, in White Friers Lane. This hofpital occurs A. D. 1481. in Dodf- worth mlT. vol. xxviii. p. 257. 20. Markyate Hospital. This hofpital feems to have been founded by Robert Howme : for in the will of Thomas Howme, proved A. D. 1406. there is given “ Pauperibus in hofpitali “ nuper Roberti Howme fratris mei in Markyate in fuburbio Ebor. x s.” Vide Dodfworth. mfli vol. xcix. f. 85. 21. Mickelgate Hospital. There was a foundation of an hofpital hard without Mickel- gate, of the eredling of Sir Richard Yorke mayor of Yorke, whom the commons of Yorkfhire, when they entered into York by burning of Fifhergate in the reign of king Henry 7. would have beheaded. But this foundation was never finilhed. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57. 22. St. Nicholas’ Hospital. There was in or near this city an hofpital for leprous per- fons as ancient as the time of Maud the emprefs, who was a benefadtrefs to it, and is thought to be the fame which was afterward known by the name of St. Nicholas without Waingate Barr, which was of royal foundation. It confifted of a warden and feveral brothers * and fillers, and had lands and rents, 26 Hen. 8. to the yearly amount of 29/. 183. 8 d. in toto. 29/. is. 4 d. dare. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 469. pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 26. per Infpex. recit. ordinationes pro bono regi- mine hujus hofp. faftas in vifitatione, A. D. 1303. per Will, de Grenfield archiepifc. Ebor. et Angli* cancellarium. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 247. clauf. . Ed. 1. m. 1. de advoc. recuperat. verfus archiepifc. Ebor. p. 470. pat. 20 Ed. 1. n. 10. de magiftro praeficiendo : p. 1236. ex bund. brev. 8 Ed. 1. de vifitatione hofpi- talis per archiepifc. Ebor. In Regiftr. honoris de Richmond, p. 53. de bovat. terras in Efleby : p. 82. de lib. reddit. refolut. In Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 25O. fome account of this hofpital. A full account of the feveral fee-farm rents belonging to the hofpital of St. Nicholas at York, feized and alienated at the diflolution, furveyed A. D. 1610. figned Julius Caifar, mf, olim penes Dodlorem Raw- linfon. Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3, lig. E. n. . pro bovata terrae in Buttercomb. Efcaet. Ebor. 3 Ed. 1. n. 76. de carucat. terrae una cum prato in fuburbiis Ebor. concelT. per Matildem impe- ratricem u : Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 28. Fin. Weftmerland. 7 Ed. 1. n. . de Confuetudinibus et fervitiis : Pat. 20 Ed. 1. m. . confirm, ordinationes: Pat. 22 Ed. 1. m. . Efcaet. Efior. 3 Ed. 2. n. 55. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19 vel 26. confirm, terrarum necnon ordinationUm pro bono regimine hofpitalis : Efcaet. Ebor. 30 Ed. 3, ii. 43. de terris et ten. eidem pertin. et ab eodem fubtradlis. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 31. Pat. 22 kic. 2. p. 3. m. 7 vel 8. et m. 26. ubi donationes recitantur non evul- gatae in Mon. Angl. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. . d. de hofp. vifitando. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 6. 23. St. Peter’s or St. Leonard’s Hospital". The Culdees or Secular canons belonging to the cathedral church of St. Peter in the time of K. William the Conqueror founded, on a piece of wafte ground near the weft: end*, an hofpital for the reception and entertainment of poor people: King William Rufus removed this hofpital to another part of the city, and fo much enlarged the fame both in buildings and revenues, that he is commonly accounted the founderr. It was called St. Peter’s hofpital, till K. Stephen eredted within the precinfts of it a large church, which he de¬ dicated to St. Leonard, after which it generally went by the name of this laft mentioned faint. Herein were maintained a mafter% thirteen brethren, four Secular priefts, eight filters, thirty cho- rifters, two fchool mailers, two hundred and fix beadmen, and fix lervitors2, with lands and rents amounting in the whole to 500/. 111. id. ob. per ann. but dare only 362/. 11s. id. obb. The fite was granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Sir Arthur Darcy ; and 6 Eliz. to Robert lord Dudley. It is now called the Mint yard. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 367, 368. hiftoriam fun- dationis, ex regiftro hofpitalis in bibl. Cotton. P. 369. cartam R. Willelmi, de una trava bladi de qualibet caruca arante infra epifcopatum Ebor. Cart. 4 Ed. 2. m. 17. n. 39. per Infpex. recit. cart. R. Hen. 1. de fitu hofpitalis : Cart. R. Hen. 2. de travis ; Rogeri de Cundy, de nona garba per dominica dom. Rogeri de Moubray ; Dominae Gundredte uxoris Nigelli de Albini, de quatuor bovatis terrae in Baggabi : P. 370. cartas Warnerii dapiferi com. Richmundiae, de nona garba bladi fui in Elretuna; Wimeri fil. Warnerii, confirm, donationem patris fui : Provifiones et prm- cepta Walteri de Langton magiftri hujus hofpitalis fratribus et fororibus ejufdem traditas 10 Aug. 22 1 So the Monad, but in the mf. Valor among the reprifes, there is mention made only of fix lifters, who had each 3/. is. per ami. befides the mafter, who was then prior of th: Holy Trinity in York. u Printed in Drake’s Appendix, p. xl. " Firft endowed by K. Athelftan A. D. 936. as Drake, p. 332. x Dodfworth. vol. ix. p. 101. y Leland, Collect, vol. i. p. 38. Mills’ Catalogue of honor, p. 69. Gale’s Append, to the honor of Richmond, p. 243. * Or warden. The patronage was in the king, as Newcourt, vol. i. p. 156. 163. 174. 2 Speed. In the reprifals upon the valuation of this houfe arc dedudted for the maintenance of fixty poor perfons in the infirmary, and for twelve clerks and chorifters. b Or, as upon a review of the commiflioners, 367/. 17 s. 10 d. ob. Mf. rot. Primit. — N n n n Ed. 1. CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. Ed. i. P. 371. literas decani et Capital! Ebor. Will, de Moubtay, de nona garba: P. 372. cartam Aliciae de Gant uxoris Rogeri de Molbrai, de x. libratis terr® in Cava, dat. A. D. 1154. P. 392. cart, ir Ed. 1. n. 20. recit. pter Infpex. Cartas R R. Hen. i. et Joannis confirm, donationes ; R. Hen. 2. de una trava de qualibet caruca in comitat. Ebor. Cumberl. et Lane. P. 393. ex cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 18. Cartas R. Hen. 1. de ii. carucatis terra in Afton: R. Hen. 2. confirm, donationes avi fui et baronum ejus ; Ejuf- dem regis pro ecclefiis S. Mari® et S. Margaret® de Walinegate in Eboraco, molendinis de Warham, et grangiis de Dochhere ; Willelmi fil. Will, de Forti- bus comitis Albemarle pro tofto in Hedone ; Conani fil. Ely® pro nona garba in dominio fuo de Cutiine et Horneby; Alani de Percy, quod poffint molere bladum fuum ad molendina apud Pontem Belli fine omni multura ; Willelmi fil. Alani de Percy confirm, conceffionem patris fui ; Rogeri de Moubray pro eccl. de Brigahala ; Ejufdem pro medietate eccl. de Ale- torp ; Ejufdem pro nona garba bladi de omni domi¬ nio fuo in Anglia ; Willelmi fil. Will, de Lancaftre pro terra de Docherga; Gilberti fil. Rogeri fil. Rain- fridi confirm, donationem pr®cedentem ; Willelmi de Vefci pro eccl. de Briggenhala. Drake’s Hillory and Antiquities of York, p. 332, &c. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 38. ejufdem Itin. vol. i. p. 56, 57. In Madoxii Formulari Anglicano, p. 274. de paftura de Laught concefla Roberto filio Radulphi pro annuo redditu ii. librarum puri incenfi. In Regiftro honoris de Richmond, p. 38. de terris in Weft Bolton et Parva Bolton: p. 43. in Burton Conftable : p. 60. in Eftertby, Leminge et Thekefton : p. 61. in Kyretlyngton : p. 62. in Yarnewik, Ra- nyngton et Howe. In Burn and Nicholfon’s Weftmorland, vol. i. p. 109. of the manor of Docker, and of lands in Kirkby : p, 33g. of two oxgangs of land in Drybeck : p. 406. of two carucates of land in Barton: p. 452. of lands in Newby : p. 502. of four oxgangs of land in Me- burn : p. 512. of the manor of Garthorn. In Prynne’s Papal Ufurpations, vol. iii. p. 788. pat. 26 Ed. 1. m. 20. de cuftodia hujus hofpitalis, cum epif- copatu Litchf. et'Coventr. in commendam retinendo. Statutes at Large, 2 Hen. 6. c. 2. ail of parliament for the thraves payable to the mafter and brethren of St. Leonard’s hofpital in the counties of York, Weft- merland, Cumberland, and Lancafter. Raftall’s Entries, tit. ^uo jure, § 2, 3, 4. Year Book, xxv. 50. Regiftrum hujus hofpitalis a temp. Hen. 3. ad temp. Ric. 2. olim penes Doctor e'm Rawlinfon. Regiftrum cartarum et munimentorum hofpitalis S. Leonardi Ebor. mf. in bibl. Cotton. Nero, D. iii. 1. Ibid. Vitetlius, A. ii. 34. inquif. inter R. HenriCum ct decanum et capitulum Ebor. de hofpitali S. Leo- , nardi : Ibid. n. 37. compofitionem inter hofp. S. Petri et capitulum Ebor. fuper decimis S. Laurentii de Walingate. In bibl. Bodl. Oxon. apographa cartarum centum plus minus ineditarum ad hoc hofpitale fpeilantium, inter colledt. cl. V. Rogeri Dodfworth.' Vol. vii. f. 4 8. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 24. 27. 29, 30, 31. 77- 103. 116. 127. 159. 163. 243. 276. 288. 294. 329. 334. vol. vili. 61. 79. 103. 116, 1 17. 139. 15O) 152- 192. 2i‘6. 266. vol. ix. 60. 99. 101. Ex- cerpta ex regiftro hofpitalis in bibl. Cofton. vol. xcv. f. 75. vol. cxvi. f. 1 13. vol. cxxix. f. II. Ex libro S. Leonardi in turre S. Mari® Ebor. vol. cxviii. {. jfijft. vol. exxi. f. 64. vol. exxiv. f. 106. In eadem bibl. Bodl. mf. fuper D. 107. Cceleftini bul- lam de eleHione magiftri domus S. Petri Eboracenfis hofpitalitatis. In regiftro Grenfeld archiepife. p. ii. f. 81. appropria- tionem ecclefiarum de Saxton, Rugford, et de New¬ ton 'fuper Ufam magiftro et fratribus hofp. S. Leo¬ nardi, A. D. 1314. In regiftro Wickwane archie¬ pife. f. 39. f. 44. de recuperatione patronatus hujus hofpitalis. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 31, 32. Fin. Ebor. 5 Joan. n. , 'de duabus bovatis terr® in Trefc. Fin. Ebor. 3 Hen. 3. n. 129. pro advoc. bed. de Ruf. ford : Fin. Ebor. 7 Hen. 3. n. 53. de ii. carucat. terr® in Beningburgh: Fin. Ebor. 14 Hen. 3. n. 46. de xix acris terr® in Wytewell: Fin. Ebor. 15 Hen. 3. n. 123. et 20 Hen. 3. n. 268. 299. de terris in Be-’ ringburgh : Fin. Ebor. 24 Hen. 3. n. 238. de meff. in Cnotting: Fin. Ebor. 30 Hen. 3. n. . de ii. melf. in civit. Ebor. Fin. Ebor. 35 Hen. 3. n. . de ii, bovatis terr® in Flatheworth : Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 12. quod habeant in forefta de Ebor. eftoveria ad ®difi- candum et comburendum et herbagium et pafturam ad pecora: Plac. affif. apud Ebor. 52 Hen. 3. rot. 20. pro nona garba bladi de terris Euftachii Coleman in Fletham, Kirkby, &c. Plac. apud Weftm. 2 Ed. 1 . rot. 1 29. de commun. paflur. in Kirkby Kendal : Pat. 2 Ed. 1. m. 5. d. m. 17. de commun. paftur. in Swindon ; m. 21. d. de commun. paftur. in Nappay : Fin. Ebor. 3 Ed. 1. n. 7. pro ix. bovatis terr® in Howe fuper Swale: Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 8 et 27. de terris in Hefelington: Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 5 et 6. pro travis bladi levandis de fingulis caruca¬ tis terr® in com. Ebor. Lancaftr.Weftmerl. etCuinbr. Plac. apud Ebor. 8 Ed. 1. rot. 71. de commun. paf¬ tur. in HeWrth: Cart. 9 Ed. 1. n. 16. pro lib. war. in dominicis terris infra Bramhope, Acum, Lede, et Efelington [Ebor.] Carthern et Dacor [Weftm.] Cart. 10 Ed. 1. n. 10. pro mercat. et feriis apud Neweton fuper Ufe: Cart. Ii Ed. 1. n. 20. Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 16. Pat. 13 Ed. 1. m. 27. pro impar- catione bofe. et dominicarum terrarum apud Bening¬ burgh in forefta de Galtres : Plac. apud Kariiol. 20 Ed. 1. rot. 11. pro travis bladi in com. Cumbr. &c. Plac. affif. in com. Weftm- 20 Ed. 1. rot. 2. d. pro terris in Crofby Ravenfwath : Cart. 22 Ed. 1. n. 15, 16. 19. pro libertatibus, catallis felonum, &c. Ibid. n. 26 vel 27. pro lib. war. in Brungflete, Howe, Ef- kelby, Hunton, et Bogkes ; Pat. 24 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3, Pat. 26 Ed. 1. m. . Plac. in banco, 27 Ed. 1. rot.102. de commun. paftur. inEfkeby: Cart. 28 Ed. 1. n.35. pro mercato die Veneris apud Leming juxta Efkeby [Ebor.] et pro feria ibidem in vigilia die et craftino S. Joannis Bapt. Rec. in fcacc. 31 Ed. 1. Mich, rot. . Pat. 33 Ed. 1. p. I. m. . Cart. 35 Ed. 1. n. 16. Pat. 1 Ed. 2. p. I. m. . d. de difeordia inter magiftrum hofpitalis et cives Ebor. Cart. 2 Ed. 2. n. 19. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. I. m. . d. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 17. et m. 34. pro manfo elargando: Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. d. pro returnobrevium,et aliis libertatibus : Pat. ioEd.2. p. 2. m. 14. confirm, appropriationis eccl.’de Brighen- hale : Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 10. Pat. 14 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 5. de terris et bofeis inHobey conceffis Joanni El- lerker fen. Clauf. 15 Ed. 2. m. 6. d. pro advoc. eccl. de Hoton Wandefly conceffi. per Tho. de Pontefrafto : Pat. 15 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. de meff, et terris in Bram¬ hope, Flathworth, Middleton, &c. Inquif. Ebor. 17 Ed. 2. n. 197. Plac. in com. Northamt. 3 Ed. 3. quo war. rot. 25. de libertat. in Baddeby, &c. -Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 14. et p. 2. m. 15, 16, et 43. Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 38, 39. Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. . Pat. 10 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 12. Inquif. de primsva fun- datione per R. Will. 2. Clauf. 10 Ed. 3. m. 19 d. Cart. 12 Ed. 3. n. 12. de amplis libertatibus : ’Pat. l3Ed. 3. p. I. m. 3 vel 4. Pat. 14Ed.ft.41. 1. m. 14. p. i. m. 15, 16 et 43. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 1. m 12 vel 43. Pat. 32 Ed. 3. p. 'I. m. 31 vel 32. Pat. 33 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 15. Cart. 34 Ed. 3. n. 9. Pat. XI Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 31. pro ten. in Newton fuper Ufe: Efcaet. Ebor. 38 Ed. 3. n. 57. Pat. 3g’Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 vel 15. p. 2. m. 1. Pat. 41 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5 et 16. Pat. 43 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 40 et 44. p. 3. m. 2J. Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 11 et 15. p. 3. m. 19 vel 20. Pat. 45 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 18. Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 48 Ed. ft. p. 1. m. 30. pro ten. in Harpham. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. I- m. 5. p. 2. m. 18. Brev. reg. 1 Ric. -2. n. 26. Cart. 1 Ric. 2. n. -25. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. CXXIX. Y O R K S H I R E, p. t. m. 14. et 15. Clauf. 10 Ric. 2. m. 9. de bofco de Beningburgh in forefta de Galtres fuecidendoi: Pat. io Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 18. Pat. 12 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 40. Pat. 19 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 16. Pat. 1 Hen. 4. p. 6. m. . H. Ibid. p. 8. m. 31. Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 3. m. 5. Pat. 8 Hen. 4. p. 2. tn. 3. 7, 8. confirm, ftatutorum fadtorum per Simonem epife. Elienfem cancellarium Anglise, 26 Feb. A. D. 1364. Pat. 10 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 24. Pat. 11 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 12 Hen. 4. m. 25. Pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 3. Pat. 14 Hen. 4. m. . d. Pat. 1 Hen. 5, p. 2. m. 26. p. 4. m. 41. p. 5. m. 20. Pat. 4 Hen. 5. p. 1. m. 12. quod magifter hofpitalis poffit profequi et exequi bullam papalem pro quadam elemof, vocat. Peter am tantummodo et non aliter : Rec. in fcacc. 6 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 5. de decimis exonerandis : Pat. 7 Hen. 5. m. 5. pro quadam pro- ficua vocat. Cranes, commun. paftur. in forefta, &c. Rec. in fcacc. 8 Hen. 5. Mich. rot. 12. Clauf. 10 Hen. 6. m. 17. d. Pat. 19 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 12. Pat. 2 Ed. 4. p. 5. m. 7. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 8. de molendinis vocat. Cajile mills conceffis in recompenfa- tione houfbote et heybote in forefta de Galtres: Pat. 5 Ed. 4. p. 2. m. 10. pro eifdem, pro eadem confide- ratione: Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 14. an order of the Starchamber about paying Petercorn. 24. St. Thomas’ Hospital. The hofpital of St. Thomas the martyr occurs, A. D. 1391. in the regifter of Fountain’s abbey in the Harleyan library, f. 263. and in Dodfworth’s mlT. vol. xxviii. f. 176. “ Pauperes infirmi hofpitalis S. Thoms Martyris extra barram de Mickly Bar “ in fuburbio Ebor. A. D. 1397.” It is yet Handing. % Vide Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 246, 247. 25. Austin Friers. On the bank of the Oufe near Oufebridgec was an houfe of friers of the order of St. Auguftine, as early as A. D. 1278. laid to have been founded by the lord Scroop d, and was upon the diffolution granted to Thomas -Rawfon' 5 el 6 Phil, et Mar. Vide in Madox’s Formul. Angl. p. 341. a grant of an obit with a trental to be kept in this friery for lord Thomas Darcy in confideration of his benefactions, dated Apr. 6. 1 51 1. Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 284. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57- Plac. Ebor. 7 Ed. 1. rot. 66. pro medietat. unius mef- fuagii ii» Ebor. Pat. 17 Ed. 1. m. i Pat. 4 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 11. Pat. 18 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Rot. Cales, 21 Ed. 3. m. 9. Pat. . Ed. 3. p. 2. m. , Pat. 27 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 3. pro reddit. de xxr. exe¬ unt. e terr. et ten. in Rotfey { : Pat. 29 Ed. 3. m. 9. pro manfo elargandof: Pat. 44 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 10. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 16 vel 17. 26. Black Friers, or Les ToftesL Early in the reign of king Henry 3. a convent of Black or Dominican friers fettled in this city, not far from’ Mikelgate h, by the bounty of Bryan Scapleton efquire', the fite of whofe houfe was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to William BlythemanL Vide Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 274. Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 58. Rot. cart. 12 Hen. 3. m. 8. Clauf. 12 Hen. 3. m. 11. ir. cedula de capella S. Mari* Magdalen* eis con- cefta ; et m. 14. pro placea vocat. King's Toftes 1 .• Cart. 52 Hen. 3. m. 1. de area ibidem includenda. Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. i vel 2. Pat. 26 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 28 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 5 Ric. 2. p. I. m. g. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 9. confirmatio cartarum et do- nationum1. 27. Grey Friers. Near the caftlem was the houfe of Francifcan or Grey friers, founded, temp. Hen. 3. as it is faid, by the king and the city of York. Henry Lacy earl of Lincoln was 3 crreat benefactor. William Vavafour S. T. P. laft warden, with fifteen friers and five novices, fur- rendered this houfe 30 Hen. 8 n. and in the thirty-fourth year of that king the fite was granted to Leonard Beckwith. Vide Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 282, Pat. 8 Ed. 1. m. . Pat. 18 Ed. 1. m. 52. de quadam ‘ venella includenda 0 : Pat. 19 Ed. 1. m. . Leland. Itin. vol. i. p- 57. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. I. m. 27. pro elargatione arete °. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1408. f. 66. de fundatipne do- Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. ubi dicitur, quod in horum mus fratrum minorum in civitate Ebor. fratrum domo rex folet hofpitari0. Pat. 52 Hen. 3. m. 9 et 21. pro manfo elargando °. 28. White Friers. The convent of Carmelite or White friers was fixed p in this city, A. D. 1255. by lord Velcy and lord Percy s. Upon the lupprefiion this houfe was granted to Ambrofe Beckwith 35 Hen. 8 '. Vide Drake’s Hiftory and Antiquities of York, p. 309. Pat. 42 Hen. 3. m. 9. and Append, n. Ii. Pat. 23 Ed. 1. m. 2 vel 3. in cedula: Cart. 28 Ed. 1. Lelandi Itin. vol. i. p. 57. n. 20. pro uno mefluagio cum pertinentiis in vico c Leland. Itin. vol. i..p. 57- d Speed. It was furrendered Nov. 1539. by the prior, nine friers, and four novices. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 187. v And Chriftian his wile. Drake. f f Both thefe are printed in Drake’s Appendix, p. 1. g Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 622. ti Leland. Itin. vol. 1. p. 58. J MS. Stow. k Surrendered by the prior, fix brethren, and lour novices. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 287. I Printed in Drake’s Appendix, p. xlv. m Stow mf. II Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, .voh ii. p. 287. •**■ Thcle four are printed in Drake’s Appendix, p. xlvii. P Not far from Laythorp gate, as Leland. Itin. vol. i. p. 57. s Speed. r It was furrendered Nov. 28, 1539. by Simon Clerkfon prior, nine brethren, and three novices. WiUis’ Abbies vol. ii. •P. *87. vocat. CXXIX. YORKSHIRE. vocat. Le Swinburgbs in civitate Ebor. concelTo per Pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 29. Pat. 12 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Willelmum de Vefcy1. Cart. 28 Ed. 3. n. 20. Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 17 et 20 tu. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. Pat. 16 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 21 et 28 t. m. 23' vel 28. Pat. 10 Ed. 2. p. I. m. I4‘. 29. Crouched Friers. The friers of the order of the Holy Crofs began to fettle in this city in the beginning of the reign of king Edward 2. but were difcountenanced by the archbifliop, be- caufe they were not one of the four orders of Mendicants allowed of by the popew. They had alfo given them by Thomas lord Wake, 21 Ed. 3. one toft and ten acres of land on the moore of Blakelhawe in Farndale, Yorkshire, for building an oratory and habitation x. But what fettlemenc they obtained at either place I know not. Vide Year Book, 18 Ed. 4. Mich. n. 28. quifitis ab Arnaldo de Percy. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 20. de terris apud Kildale per- Efcaet. Ebor. ad quod damnum, 21 Ed. 3. n. 3. ANGLESEY. I. GLANNACH, Prieftholme, St. Cyriol, Praeftol, or Penmon1. Benedictine Priory. In a little iiland on the eaft part of Anglefey, of fome of the above names, there was a priory of Black monks dedicated to St. Mary b, endowed, if not founded, by Leweline ap Jorwerth prince of North Wales and his defcendanrs before A. D. 1221 c. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 47/. 151. 3 d*. in the whole, and 40/. 17J. yd. oh. clearly, and granted, 6 Eliz. to John More. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 338. cartam 23 Ed. r. n. 17. recit. et confirm, cartam Lewelini (ap Jor¬ werth) principis North Walliae, pro villa de Bagenig, A. D. 1221. et confirmationem ejufdem per Davidem filium ejus A. D. 1229. Cartam Lewelini praedidi, pro tota abbadreth de Penmon, A. D. 1237. et pre- difti Davidis filii ejus confirmationem, A. D. 1238. Cartam Lewelini fil. Griffini, pro habidaet de Pen¬ mon, et tota villa de Cremlin, A. D. 1247. Owini fratris iftius Lewilini confirmationem omnium prae- di£t. donationum, A. D. 1247. In Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 610. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 696. f. 156. valorem tempora- lium hujus prioratus fa£t. per priorem et tenentes, 48 Ed. 3. Pat. 18 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 10. pro priore de Preftholme et Penmon in North Wallia, pro eccl. de Penros et Lanmare in Anglefey appropriandis. II. HOLY H E A D, or Caer Guby. 1. Monastery destroyed.! St. Kebius, who flourifhed about A. D. 380. founded a 2. College. 3 fmall monaftery herec, and in after times f there was founded « Szuinborg , as Drake. 1 1 1 c t Printed in Drake’s Appendix, p. li. u 19. as Drake. w See before in Kildale. x Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 541. a Penmon or Penmaine is on the continent of Anglefey ; but this priory, having pofieffions and perhaps fome Religious there to look after them, is often called by that name. b So the Monafticon, vol. ii. p. 338. But from its being called often St. Cyriols or St. Siriols (even in the valuation, a6 Hen. 8. as Stevens, vol. i. p. 23. and in the grant to More “ Priorat. S. Siriolis alias Penmaine,”) it was probably dedi¬ cated alfo unto him. In Speed’s maps the remains of this houfe are called St. Syrian' s chapel ; and the place on the eaft part of Anglefey, there called the priory t I take to have been Penmon. he prior of Penmon was one of the three fpiritual lords of nglefey. * c Leweline’s firft grant bearing that date. d Stevens, vol. i. p. 23. Speed placeth the firft fum to binolis, d the laft to Penmon. Dugdalc placeth the laft ium to ren- on, and omits Siriolis. c Capgrave in vita S. Kebii. Crefly’s Church Hiltory, p. 149* filer’s Church Hiftory, cent. iv. p. 26, &c. f This college (as the friendly J. Jones of Galltvaynan M. forms me) is faid to have been founded by Hwfa ap Cynde w rd of Lys Llivon in Anglefey, and one of the fifteen tribes, ho lived in the time of Griffith ap Conan prince of .North rales and Owen his fon, or the former part of the twelttn cen- ry. It was certainly in being before A. D. M9X* Decauic ted in the Lincoln taxation. II. ANGLESEY. in the royal free chapel s in the caflle of this place a college of prebendaries h, whofe yearly reve¬ nues were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 24 l. as both Dugdale and Speed'. This college was granted, 7 Jac. 1. to Francis Morrice and Francis Philips k. Hide in bibl. Harleiana, mf. 696. f. 152. nomina cano- bendariorum fecundum librum Hugonis Alcoke dc- nicorum et patronorum eccl. collegiate de caftro cani de Bangor: mf. 862. f. 1 14. inftrumenta diverl’a Kibii fecundum librum Will, ap Gruffith de Pen- ad ecclefiam collegiatam S. Kibii pertincntia. menythe : nomina canonicorum, et patronorum pre- III. LLANVAIS, Lhan-Vaes, or Llamaufy, near Beaumaris. Grey Friers. Here was an houfe of Francifcan1 or Minor friers, founded by Lewiline ap Jorwerth m prince of North Wales before A. D. 1240”. It was dedicated to St. Francis and was the burial place of Joan daughter of king John p, the king of Denmark’s fon, the lord Clifford, and many barons and knights flain in the Welfh wars’; and, when it was almoft ruined, was re¬ lieved by king Henry 5. who provided, that there ffiould be always eight friers in it. Vide Camdeni Britanniam in loco. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 7. pro una acra terrx in La- Stevens Supplement, vol, i. p. 155* merle concefta per Jo. Grey pro manfo elargando. Lelandi Colledt. vol. i. p. 53. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 29. pro o£to fratribus ibidem Pat. 9 Ed. 1. p. 1. m. . pro Fratribus Minoribus in conftituendis r. Anglefey. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. I. BRECKNOCK. *'"RENEDIC-TINE ?Rl0RY- Bernarc* de Newmarch s (one of thofe Norman lords, who, being JJ called in to help Jeftin againft prince Rhefus, obtained the country for themlelves) built in or near the cattle here, temp. Hen. 1. a priory for fix' Benediftine monks, and made it fubordinate to Battel abbey. It was dedicated to St. John the evangelift:, and fo liberally endowed by the faid Bernard, his relations and followers in the wars, that it was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 112/. 14*. 2 d. per am. as Dugdale, and 134/. nr. \d. as Speed. After the diffolution it was firft granted, 33 Hen. 8. to the bilhop of St. David’s and his fucceffors, but within a year after to John ap Rice. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 316. hiftoriam funda- tionis et dotationis, ex hill. mf. abbatis de Bello: P. 319. quoedam hiftorica, Gallice, de loco et dominis ejufdem: P. 320. cartam 15 Ed. 2. n. 8. recit. car- tam Bernardi de Novo Mercato, pro molendino fuper Ufcham, terris vocat. Londeioerne et Cojiinio , eccleliis de Patingeham, Bodeham, Burchella, Hardintona, et decimis de Brunnefhope .in Anglia; eccleliis de Tal¬ garth et Langors in Wallia; manerio de Berintona, ex dono Agnetis uxoris ejus, et quamplurimis dona- tis ab hominibus luis : P. 321. quatuor cartas Rogeri com. Herefordiae, confirm, donationes Bernardi de Novo Mercato, et donantis alia: P. 322, 323. cartas Maiheli de Hereford; Willielmi de Braiofa; Herberti HI. Petri, et Joan. fil. Reginaldi, confirm, donationes aliorum, et concedentes quaedam ex propriis. t The provoftihip was difpofed of by the king, as Regiftr. inftitutionum Norvic. vol. i. f. 85. Newcourt’s Repertorium, vol. i. p. 453. Leland. De feriptor. Brit. p. 63. > In the Lincoln taxation, “ Prrcpofitura in ecclefia de Caftro “ Kybii archidiac. Anglefey,” is rated at thirty-nine marks, alone: and there is then mention of three portionifts only ; the firft of which had xi. marks per ann . and the other two xi. marks between them. Willis’ Bangor, p. 201. But the number of prebendaries feems to have been greater at the diflolution, though the revenues were valued lower; for A. D. 1533. twelve perfons belonging to this college enjoyed penfions, as Willis* Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 303. k The great tithes of Holy Head belong to Jefus college Ox¬ ford by the gift of Rice Gwynne efquire, A. D. 1648. N. B. The penclees or prelident of the collegiate church at Holy Head was one of the three fpiritual lords of Anglefey, his tenure being baron or knight’s fervice. 1 Speed calls the friers at Llanvais, Dominicans , and placeth the Francifcans at Beaumaris ; but this is a miftake. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 400. the compofition between the prior of the monaftery and the vicar of the church of St. John the Evangelift in Brecknock, about tithes, &c. A. D. 1527. with fome account of perfons buried there, out of Thomas Churchyard’s book of the Worthinefs of Wales, printed A. D. 1587. Ibid. vol. ii. Append, p. 170. pat. 13 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. recit. et confirm, omnes cartas et dona¬ tiones huic prioratui. In Madoxii Formul. Angl. p. 41. compofitionem inter monachos S. Joannis de Brikinio et monachos de Quarreia, de eccl. de Hardington. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 68, 69. vol. vii. p. 15. Itin. Will, de Worceftre, p. 157. 159. Regiftrum antiquum priotatus de Brecknock, mf. penes Gulielmum Brewfter M. D. Hereford!*. m Speed. " In which year he died. Bifliop Howell, who confecrated it, died alfo that year. Willis’ Bangor, p. 6 3. 0 Stevens, vol. i. p. 96. P She was wife to Leweline, and, as fome think, ought rather to have had the foundation aferibed to her ; but according to the Hiftory of Wales publifhed by Mr. Wynne, London, 1702. 8vo. p. 237. it was not founded till after her deceafe ; for it is there faid, that file died A. D. 1237. and was buried according to her own defire at Lhanfaes, where the prince, in memory of her, afterwards founded a Religious houfe for the order of Mendicant friers. So alfo Willis’ Bangor, p. 63. s Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 33. r This is printed in Rymer, voh ix. p. 147. and Stevens’ Sup¬ plement, vol. ii. Append, n. 1. ! At the inftance of Roger a monk of Battel, as Mon. Angl. vol. i. p.316. who with another monk Walter is there repre- fented as chief promoter of the buildings. ‘ MS- C°rp- chrift. coll. Cant, and Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. P- 3°3- — 0 0 0 0 pat. I. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. Pat. 3 Ed. i. m. 25. de ten. in Bradfield [Heref.] Pat. 8 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. g. de plurimis decimis, proficuis, libertatibus, &c. infra caftrum de Built : Clauf. 20 Ed. 2. m. 13. de advoc. eccl. de Biford. Clauf. vel pat. 10 Ed. 3. m. 27. pro terris in Boden- liam [Heref.] Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. r. m. 16. pro ad¬ voc. eccl. de Agmondefham [BuckinghiJ recipiend. ex doilo Humfridi com. Hereford, et pro approDria- tione ejufdem. 2. Black Friers. 7 By the Weft Gate in Brecknock was formerly an houfe of Black friers 3. College. I which king Henry 8. anno regni 32. converted into a college by the name of The college of Chrift’s Church in Brecknock, and joined the college of Aberguilly to it. It ftill remaineth, and confifts of the bilhop of St. David’s, who prefides as dean, a precentor, trea- furer, chancellor, and nineteen other prebendaries. Vide in Mr. Willis’ Survey of the cathedral church of St. David, p. ng. fome account of this college. And in his Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 304. the foun¬ dation charter of this college u. In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. ii. p. 209. a decree of the barons of the exchequer made 14 Apr. 29 Eliz. con¬ cerning the poffeffions of this college ; and fome ac¬ count of the college from the mil. collections of Mr. Hugh Thomas. Lelandi ColleCt. vol. i. p. 53. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 68. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. P* 288. pat. 32 Hen. 8. de conceffione fcitus prioratus fratrum priedicatorum de Breconia et collegii de Aberguilly Willielmo Barlo epifcopo Menevenfi ad fundandum collegium, colle¬ gium Chrifti nuncupandum in eodem oppido de Brecknock, cum fchola grammatical! : mf. 6809. f. 230. charter of K. William and Q. Mary, con¬ firming all former grants. CAERMARTHENSHIRE. I. ABERGWILY, or Aberguilly. College. Thomas Beck bilhop of St. David’s (perhaps upon his college at Langadoc’s not taking effedl") made the church here collegiate A. D. 1287 *. for twenty-two prebendaries’’, four priefts, four chorifters, and two clerks1 to the honor likewife of St. Maurice. Henry Gower bilhop of St. David’s ordained, A. D. 1334. that there Ihould be in this college a precentor, chan¬ cellor and trealurer, and made fome orders relating to it. But king Henry 8. thinking it an im¬ proper place for hofpitality a, and that fome of the revenues of it might be much better employed3, annexed it, A. D. 1541. to his new eredted college at Brecknock. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 42 /. per ann. as Dugdaleb, Speed, and mf. Valor. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 100. ordinationes Henrici epifc. Menevenfis, de precentoria, &c. A. D. 1334. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 675. Year Book, L. 26. Lelandi Colletft. vol. i. p. 120. 323. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 21, 78. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. f. 177. cartam 27 Ed. 1. pro advocationibus diverfarum ecclefiarum epifcopo Meneven. conceffis cum licentia eafdem ecclefias ap- propriandi prebendariis in ecclefiis Menevenfi et Abergwylyenfi : p. 228. ordinationes Henrici de Go- heria epifc. Meneven. de inftituendis in ecclefia Abergwyllienfi tribus dignitatibus, precentorim, can- cellariae et thefaurariae, A. D. 1331. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 69 et 70. de ecclefia praebendali de Manertheven : Pat. 13 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 26. de commun. paftur. in bofcis regis de Maghaton [Carmarthen.] Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 4. de praebenda Lankenlow: Pat. 47 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 5. de annexat. collegii epifcopatui : Pat. 49 Ed. 3. p. I. m. 22. confirm, ordinationum five ftatu- torum Hen. epifc. Menevenfis. II. A L B A L A N D A, Whiteland, or Blancland, Wallice, Ty Gwyn ar Taf; or, The White Houfe on the River Tafc. CisTERTi AN Abbey. An abbey of Ciftertian monks was founded here, as fome will have it, by Rhaefe the fon of Theodore prince of South Wales in the time of king William the Conquerord; but more probably by Bernard bilhop of St. David’s', A. D. 1143 f. It was dedicated to St. Mary, had eight monks in it, and, 26 Hen. 8. was found to have a yearly revenue of 135/. 3s. 6d. as u This is alfo printed in Stevens’ Append, p. 372. w For a great many churches faid, Mon. Angl. vol. iii* p. ii. p. 37. to be intended for prebends at Langadoc, were after¬ wards prebends at Abergwily, as Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. ii. p. 100, 1 01. and are now prebends at Brecknock. * Willis’ Survey of St. David’s cathedral, p. 105. y Leland. Colled:, vol. i. p. 323. * Sancroft’s mf. Valor. a a Patent for annexing it to Brecknock, in Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 305. and Stevens’ Append. b After repriles probably ; for the falaries of the choir only are faid to amount to $$l.perann» Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 305. y c Camden. It being written in Leland, Tequinar Tavey and in Mr. Burton’s mf. Teguin or Tawe ; the author in the firft edition put in Teguin or Tave, as a differ ant place from White- land, but Mr. Hearne, in his notes on Leland, Itin. vol. v. p. %u corrected this miftake. d Speed, in his catalogue of Religious houfes, and Reyner, vol. i. p. 160. e Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 649. et Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. f A. D. 1146. Hift. of Wales, p. 220. (where this is fad to have been the firft monaftery built in Wales, after the deftruc- tion of Bangor) but it muft bp older according to p. 167. ot that hiftory. ^ . Dugdale, II. CAERMARTHENSHIRE. Dugdale, and 153/. 17X. 2d. as Speed; and was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Henry Audcly and John Cordel. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 884. cart. 9 Ed. 2. n. 54. recit. per Infpex. cartam 16 Joan, confirm, dona- tiones Joannis deToryton, Refi fil. Griffini, Ricardi fil, Kenrwic, Maylgum fil. Refi et aliorum : In tom. ii. p. 918. cartam Pagani de Cadurcis, donantis xix. acras terrx arabilis, A. D. 127 o. Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 105. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. p. 14. 21. In Dr. Archer’s Account of Religious Houfes, Sec. printed at the end of Mr. Hearne’s Hemingford, p. 638. of one mark yearly from the manor of Bed- mifter. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. P- H5- cartam conven- tionis inter epifcopum et capitulum Menev. et capi- tula de Abergwylylen et de Llandewybrevi, et pre- bendarios, restores et vicarios ad jus patronatus epifc. Menev. fpedtantes ex una parte, et abbatem et con- ventum de Alba Landa ex altera: p. 282. renuncia- tionem jurifdidtionis ecclefiafticae faftam A. D. 1499- per abbatem et conventum : p. 283. de jure tefta- menta probandi, Sec. per epifcopum Menev. conccffo A. D. 1499. 2i°J. f. 240. abftradts of old deeds relating to this abbey. Cart. 15 Joan. n. 2. Cart. 16 Joan. m. 3. n. 12. Clauf. 3 Ed. 2. n. 1 1. abbas habet haibote et houlcbote, et commun. paftur. pro averiis fuis in bofcis de Kcr- thinok et unam marcam annuatim ad fcaccariuna de Karmedin : Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 23. de donatione deTrowle Caftle in Elvydd : Cart. 11 Ed. 2. n. 72. Pat. 29 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 1. pro eccl. de Belonne appro- prianda. Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 7. Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 22. Pat. 25 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. III. B A C H A N N I S. MONASTERY destroyed. This ifland:e is thought to have been the place where St. Piro, about A. D. 513. built a monaftery, which he hrmfelf was firft abbat of, and wherein he was fuc- ceeded by the elder Sampfon. Vide Uflerii Antiquitates Eccl. Britan, p. 525. 531 et 1126. edit. 4to. Crefly’s Church Hiftory, p. 252. IV. C A D W E L I\ Cadwelle \ or Kidwely. Benedictine Priory. A priory of Benedidtine monks* founded by Roger bilhop of Salif- bury about A. D. 1130. and made fubordinate to Shirburn in Dorfetlhire. It was dedicated to St. Mary k, and valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 38/. ox. od'. in the whole, and at 29/. iox. odm. clearly. Hide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 424 ■ cartam Rogeri epifc. Sarifb. de una carucata terrx apud Cadweli, et monte, qui dicitur Mons Salomonis, et decimis, Sec. Cartam Ricardi fil. Willielmi, donantis ecclefias S. Ifmael apud Pennalt, Omnium Sanctorum in territo- rio Cadweli, et S. Elthuti apud Penbray: Cartam Mauritii epifc. London donantis duodecim acras circa ecclefiam S. Cadoci: Bullam P. Alexandri 3. con¬ firm. didta dona, dat. 9 Jun. A. D. 1163. ex vetufto rotulo in curia Augmentat. In Madoxii Formul Angl. p. 1 16, 117. de placea terrx adjacent, prioratui,' et una acra terrze arabilis in Cadwely. Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 14. V. CAERMARTHEN. 1. Austin Canons. Here was a priory of fix" Black canons founded before A. D. 1148 °. b ' . It was dedicated to St. John the Evangelift, and endowed, about the time of the fuppreffion, with a yearly revenue of 174/. 8x. 8 df. in the whole, and 164/. ox. 4 d. clearly, and wax granted, 35 Hen. 8. to Richard Andrews and Nicolas Temple. Fide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 282. cartam R. Hen. 2. donantis totam civitatem Veteris Caermerdin, cum eccl. S. Petri et capella infra caftrum; et confirm, donationes Blederici Lacimeri, Bernardi Menevenfis epifcopi, et Alfredi Drine. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. I22q. 1034. Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 14. 21. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. p. 90. cartam prions et conventus de annua penfione ecclefix Menev. fol- venda : p. 149. de donatione ii. acrarum in Lantle- wony. Cart. 31 Hen. 3. m .9. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 78. pro advoc. eccl. de Eberunt. Pat. 6 Ed. a. p. 2. m. 21. de eccl. de Mecher: Inquif. 9 Ed. 2. n. 209. [Wall.] Clauf. 10 Ed. 2. m. 23. de privilegiis tenentium fuorum in veteri villa de Caermerdin: Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 45. Cart. 1 Ed. 3. n. 72. Pat. 2 Ed. 3. p. 2* m. . Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Brev. reg. 4 Ed. 3. n. 51. Pat. 16 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. ult. vel penult. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 4. m. 21. Cart. 18 et 19 Ric. 2. n. 15. pro mercat. et feria apud Karmarden: Pat. 22 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 5. de mefT. et terris ibidem ; et m. 9. pro eccl. de Mertheire. Pat. r Hen. 4. p. 6. m. . Pat. 5 Hen. 4. p. 2. m. 34. Pat. 1 Hen. 5. p. I. m. 33. Pat. 1 Hen. 6. p. 6. m. 7 et 17. Pat. 14 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 17. confirm, general, omnium terrarum, Sec. quia cart* et munimenta prioratus combufta fuerunt per rebelles. Pat. 4 Ed. 4. p. 1. m. 16. g It is commonly faid that this iiland was near Llan Utut, but, there being no ifland there, the learned Uflier thinks it fhould be near Llanelthie, which this iiland ot Bachannis is not far from, p. jay. h h Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 4»4. . i Two monks only behdes the prior, as mi. Corp. Chntu coll. Cant. K Mon. Angl. vol. i. P. • »• 1 MS. Valor. m This is the value in Dugd. Speed, and Stevens. " Bennet college mf. This priory flood in Old Caermarthen by the river fide, as Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 14. 0 Becaufe bilhop Bernard, who was a benefaftor to it, then died. p Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. i6. Speed hath 174/. os. id. only, s Perhaps m2. 2. Grey V. CAERMARTHENSHIRE; 2. Grey Friers. Here was an houfe of Grey friers under the cuftody of Briftol', which after the diflolution, was granted, 34 Hen. 8. to Thomas Lloyd ; and 5 Ed. 6. to Sir Thomas Grefsham Vide pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 2. Rec. 18 Ric. 2. VI. ST. CLARE. Alien Priory. An alien priory confiding of a prior and twos Cluniac monks, cell to St Martin de Campis in Paris. It was founded before A. D. 1291 '. and was given by kino- Henry 6* in the twentieth year of his reign to AH Souls college in Oxford. 0 y Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 1026. cartam Will. Gif- In Appendice ad Thomam de Elmham, edit. Hearne fard epifc. Winton. de ix. manfionibus terra: apud p. 347. pat. 4 Hen. 5. de temporalibus hujus priora- Lundoniam : cartam R. Hen. 2. confirm, eandem tus reftituendis Joanni Wefton priori. J V donationem. Pat 24 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 15. Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 14. VII. LANCADANC, or Langadoc. College. A collegiate church confiding of a precentor and twenty-one canons or preben¬ daries (whereof feven were to be prieds, feven deacons, and feven fubdeacons) and five clerks founded by Thomas Beck bilhop of St. David’s, A. D. 1283. to the honor of St. Maurice and his companions and St. Thomas the martyr. But this feems to have continued but for a very little time, if ever it took effeft. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 36. pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 8. recit. per Infpex. cartam Thotnae Beck epifc. Menevenfis, pro fundatione et dotatione, dat. A. D. 1283. In Prynni Record, vol. iii. p/325. cartam fundationis, ex pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 9. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. P- 223- 124. 171. cartas Thoms Beke epifc. Menev. de fundatione et indota- tione, necnon de appropriatione eccl. de Langave- lach in Goheria, cum carta confirmatory capituli Menev. VIII. T A L L A G H, Tallaghan, or Talley. Premonstratensian Abbey. A Premondratenfian » abbey founded by Rhefe the fon of Griffith w prince of South Wales, who died A. D. 1197*. It was dedicated to the blefied Virgin and John the Baptid, was daughter to Welbeck in Nottinghamffiire, endowed with 136/. gs. yd. ■per einn. as Dugdale, and with 153/. is. 4 d. per ann. as Speed, and at the diflolution had in ic eight canons r. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 465. pat. 5 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 2. recit. cartam Ed. 2. confirm, donationes Refi Magni, Refi fil. Refi, et aliorum. In Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 323. de ecclefiis Landey- lovaur et Langewade Vaur appropriatis abbatiae de Talley per Gervafium epifc. Menevenf. quondam ab- batem de Talley. Lelandi Itin. vol. v. p. 15. 21. 77. vol. vii. p. 19. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. P- I43< cartam abbatis et conventus de Talclechty de redditione eccl. de Llan- teylanvair, Lanegantvair, &c. epifcopo et capitulo Menev. MS. Peck, in mufeo Britannico, vol. ii, epiftolam ab- r Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 96. • Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1026. but placed there amongft the Cifiertians. It was probably dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene ; for in Reyner’s Append, p. 75. there is amongft the Cluniac cells, “ Prioratus S. Marias Magdalenes aut S. Clari.” t Becaufe mentioned in the Lincoln taxation then made : but if bilhop Gifford’s donation of nine houfes in London to St. Martin’s at Paris, which follows in Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 1026. immediately after the mention of this houfe, relates to this houfe, it mull have been founded before Maurice bilhop of London died, which was about A. D. 1108. u The Monafticon placeth this houfe amongft the BenediSines ; the Bennet college mf. calls it Ci/lertian; but Leland, Collett. batis et capituli Premonftr. ad regem de fterilitate et inhoneftate conventus de Thalelkan : teftimonium abbatis Premonftr. quod monafterium de Talefch primitus fuit filiale fubjeftum monafterii S. Joannis Ambianenfis, et poftea de Hales-Owen, fed nunquam de Wellbeck, dat. A. D. 1475. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. n. 26. abbati de Welbeck pro paterni- tate de Tallaghkin in Wallia et paterna jurifdictione in eadem. Pat. 17 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 21. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 8 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 20. vol. i. p. 4 s- faith, it was Pnemonftratenfian, and fo doth Speed; and its fubjettion to Welbeck favours their opinion. See alfo Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. ij and 21. where it is called an houfe of White canons. w Leland, Collett, vol. i. p. 45. faith, “ Rhaefus fil. Theodori “ primus fundator but he died A. D. 1090. before the order of Pramonftre was founded: the firft donor of lands to this houfe, mentioned in the_ Monafticon, is Rhaefus Magnus; and Rhaefe the fon of Griffith' had, according to Wynne’s Hilt, of Wales, the belt claim to that title. * It was certainly founded before A. D. 1214. Gervafe abbat of this houfe, being then made bilhop of St. David’s, y Bennet college mf. CAERNAR* CAERNARVONSHIRE I. ABER CONWAY. CISTERTI AN Abbey. Leweline the Ton ofGervafe* prince of North Wales built and endowed a Ciftertian abbey here to the honor of the bleffed Virgin and All Saints, A. D. 1185. But about A. D. 1283. when king Edward 1. out of the ruins of the old city built a new one, he took this abbey into his hands, and founded another at Maynan in Denbighlhire, about three miles diftant, and tranflated the monks thither. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. gi8. cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 36. m. 21. recit. cartam Lewellini, pro fundatione et do- tatione: P. 921. cartas 12 Ed. 1. n. 18. et 12 Ed. 1. n. 3. de tranflatione abbatix ad Maynan, et appro- • priatione eccl. de Aberconway. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. 103. 178. Regiftrum cartarum monafterii S. Marix de Abercon¬ way, in bibl. Harleiana mf. 3725. In eadem bibl. mf. 696. f. 89. narrationem placid de quo warranto fuper libertatibus abbatis de Conwey : mf. 6068. f. 10, 11. diverfas cartas concelTas mona- fterio de Aberconwey. Pat. 31 Hen. 3. n. 5. II. B A N C H O R, or Bangor*. 1. Bishoprick. A biffioprick was probably erefted here before the middle of the fixth cen¬ tury b by Malgwyn or Malgo Conan prince of North Wales; and Deiniel or Daniel fon of Dino- thus abbat of Bangor in Flintlhire, who had before founded a college or monaftery herec, was made the firft bifhop d. We have very little or no account of the monaftery afterwards ', and but a (lender one of the bifhops till A. D. 1039 f. After which time there feems to have been a regular fucceflion of prelates in this fee; though by reafon of the wars they had not all of them a quiet enjoyment^. The revenues of this bifhoprick were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 151/. 3 s. o d. per am. in the whole, and 1 3 1 /. 1 6s. e\.d. clearh. There are now belonging to this cathedral, which is dedicated to St. Daniel1, a bifhop, dean, archdeacon k, treafurer, and two prebendaries endowed; a precentor, chancellor, and three canons not endowed ; two vicars choral, an organift, lay clerks, chorifters, and other officers. Vide Uflerii Primordia Eccl. Britan, p. 88. 526. 1127. edit. 410. Godwini Dc prxfulibus Anglix comment, p. 643. A Survey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, with an account of the bifhops, deans, and other dignitaries, and a large Appendix of records, by Browne Willis efquire, Lond. 1721. 8vo. - In Mr. Willis’ Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 341. fome account of this church. In Mr. Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 25. a lift of the bifhops, deans, and archdeacons of this cathedral. In the Englifh Monafticon, Lond. 1718. fol. p. 374. fome account of this bifhoprick and its bifhops. In Prynni Record, tom. iii. p. 218. rot. Wallix, 6 Ed. 1. m. 10. dorfo, de injuriis epifcopo Bangor, a Lewellino principe illatis : p. 1294. ex bund. brev. 16 Ed. 1. petitionem epifc. Bangor, de decimis mine- rarum de plumbo, per Rcginaldum de Grey injufte detentis. Leland. Bin. vol. v. p. 31. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 696. f. 73. extents terrarum epifcopi Bangor, fadla apud Yllannerch : f. 74. ex¬ tents terrarum ejufdem epifcopi in partibus de Ar- wiftli, viz. apud Llanwymiok : f. 82. placitum de quo warranto fuper libertatibus clamatis per Mat- thxum de Eynglefelde epifc. Bangor, f. 88. adnota- * “ Lewelinus ap Jorwerth.” Leland. Collect, vol. i. p. 103. » J find three places of this name, which are fometimes con¬ founded ; viz. the firft and mod ancient in Flintlhire, where the famous monaftery was ; the fecond here, which is thought to owe its rife to a colony from the former ; the third in the county of Down in Ireland, where Comgallus inftituted a mo¬ naftery like and equal to that in Flintlhire : there is like wile one place of this name in Cardiganfluie, and another in Bell Ille near Breft, of no note. b Ullier placeth Daniel’s coming hither in A. D. 316. and his death in 345. but others place it fomewhat later. c Ullier calls it a college; but CrelTy, p. 133. faith it was a mtmajlery. “ Confecrated thereto by Dubritius, as Ulher. c Speed faith, the monaftery was famous in the Saxon times, but feemingly without good authority. f Godwyn allows of no bilhop here before the Norman Con- queft. tionem de fine per decanum et capitulum principi fafto pro libertate fua rehabenda : f. 95. narrationem placiti de quo warranto fuper libertatibus decani et capituli de Bangor, f. 141. computum de temporali- bus epifeopatus temp, vacationis, 22 Ric. 2. f. 163. cart. 2 Ric. 2. recit. et confirm, cartas anteceftorum et progenitorum fuorum de libertatibus et privilegiis ecclefix Bangor. Cartas, 8cc. penes epifeopum, decanum, et capitulum Bangor. De antiquis privilegiis, pojfcffonibus, & c. epifc. Bangor. ♦Cart1. 12 Ed. 1. n. 1. pro returno brevium, vifu fran- ciplegii, catallis waviatis, &c. * Rot. Wallix, 12 Ed. 1. m. 1. pro villatis de Trefaynan, Abydon, et Bodychain in excambio pro decimis de Karnwyliis et Penmynydd conceffis ab epifcopo, abbati et conv. de Maynan: * Rot. Wallix 14 et 15 Ed. 1. m. 9 et 10. pro tertia parte decimarum dominicorum, molendi- norum, et minerarum de plumbo in Englefend. Pat. 5 Ed. 2. p. i. m. 15 vel 16. * Pat. 7 £d. 2. p. 2. m. 14. confirm, libertat. Clauf. 9 Ed. 2. m. 13. Inquif. 1 Ed. 3. n. 49. Pat. 3 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 13. Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 33. * Cart. 4 Ed. 3. n. 51. pro feria apud Bangor, in vigilia et die S. Lucix, et per duos dies prox. fequentes : * Pat. 48 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 19. pro mefluagio, gardino, 5cc. in Shoe Lane a Bifhop Robert was taken prifoner by Icing John A. D. mo. Bilhop Anian complains of opprefiions A. D. 1198. The cathe¬ dral was burnt down in Owen Glendour’s rebellion, A. D. 1402. and not begun to be rebuilt till A. D. 1495, See. as Willis’ Sur¬ vey, p. 62. 72. 84, &c. In A. D. 1247. alfo, the bilhop here fullered very much. Hill, of Wales, p. 270. * Viz. in temporals 8;/. 13 1. 7 d. and in fpirituals 69 l. 9 s. 5 d. See the particular profits andreprifals in Willis’ Survey, P- 247. * The firft bilhop, as Camden ; but to “ St. Mary and St. “ Daniel,’’ as Willis’ Survey, p. 183. k Here were formerly three archdeaconries, viz. of Bangor, Anglefey, and Merioneth ; but the two firft were united to the billioprick by act of parliament, A. D. 1683. as Willis’ Survey, p. 133. 140. 1 The gi ants, &c. thus * marked, are printed in Willis’ Sur¬ vey of Bangor. -Pppp London II. CAERNARVONSHIRE. London (forifaft. per Tho. Brancaftre m et Ifabel- lam m uxofem ejiis) conceffis epifc. Bangor, et fuc- cefi'oribus. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 14. Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. . de pardonationc fubfidiorum epilcopi fuper conftruc- tionc ecclefix cathedralis expendend. Pat. 9 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. g. * Cart. 4 Hen. 6. recit. et confirm, diverfas cartas. * Pat. 8 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 10. confirm, cartarum et liber- tatum. Ds pojfejjionihus , &ct decani et capituli Bangor. * Cart. 12 Ed. 2. n. 23. m. 8. pro decimis et fubfidiis eccl. de Llanmafe in bello combuftie, &c. relaxandis. *Cart. 2 Ed. 3. m. 8. pro mcdietat. proficuorum epif- copatus tempore vacationis. *Pat. 10 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 43. pro eccl. de Llanynys et Llanvayre appropriandis pro fuftentatione capel- lanorum et reparatione ecclefiae cathedralis : Pat. 20 Ric. 2. p. 3. m. 2 vel 7. *Pat. 18 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 16. pro eccl. de Llanrhay.- ader in Kinmerfh reftituenda. 2. Black Friers. There was houfe of friers Preachers” at or near this place as early as A. D. 1276. which being probably enlarged or rebuilt by Tudor ap Gronow lord of Penmynydd and Tie Caftle about A. D. 1299. he is generally efteemed the founder0. It was granted to Tho¬ mas Brown and William Breton, 7 Ed. 6. and converted into a free lchool by the truftees of Dr. Jeffery Glynn brother to bifhop Glynn and advocate of Doftors commons fhortly after A. D. 1557! Vide in Prynni Recordor. tom. iii. p. igi. R. Ed. r. proteftionem Fratribus prxdicatoribus de Bangor, dat. anno regni 5. In Willis’ Survey of Bangor cathedral, p. 47. an ac¬ count of this houfe: p. 211. an inquifition ad quod damnum, 28 Ed. 1. for bifhop Anian’s giving one acre of land in Bangor to the Friers preachers there P: p. 329. part of Dr. Glynn’s will for making this a fchool houfe, dated A. D. 1557. Leland. Itin. vol’. v. p. 45. Pat. 29 Ed. 1. m. . III. B A R D S E Y, De Ir.fula Sanftorum, De Infula Henly, alias Ynis Enllyj The Ifle of Birds, or Aberdaron. Abbey. Tn this fmall ifland was a very ancients Religious houfe, founded before A. D. 416. For Dubricius archbifhop of Caerleon, having about that timer refigned his archbifhoprick," re¬ tired hither. 1 can give no account of the founder, but it was generally called an abbey % and is laid to have produced a great number of holy men1. It was dedicated to St. Mary, and continued till the general diffolution of luch houfes, when it was found to be endowed with 46/. is. 4 d. ob. ■per ann. as Dugdale, and 58 l.' 6 s. 2d. as Speed, and was granted, 1 Ed. 6. to Sir Thomas Sey¬ mour, and 3 Ed. 6. to John earl of Warwick. Vide in Mr. Willis’ Survey of Bangor, p. 207. bona temporalia abbatis de Bardefey, A. D. 1291. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 45. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 696. f. 79. narrationem placiti de quo warranto fuper libertatibus abbatiae de Bard- fay: f. 157. realem compofitionem fadtam inter ab- batem et conventum de Enlleyet canonicos feculares de Aberdaron et homines de Abadaythe, A. D. 1252. Pat. 9 Ed. 2. p. 2. tn. 14. Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. i. m. 33, IV. BETHKELERT, or De Valle S. Marias in Snaudonia. Austin Canons. A priory of Black canons dedicated to St. Mary of a very ancient founda¬ tion : for, upon its being much damaged by fire about A. D. 1283. Anianus bifhop of Bangor granted an indulgence to all thofe that fhould contribute towards the rebuilding it, and therein calls it. The oldeft Religious houfe in all Wales except Bardfey. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 70/. 3 a 8 d. as Dugdale, and 69/. 3 a 8 d. as Speed”; and granted, 27 Hen. 8. in exchange to the monaftery of Chertfey in Surrey ; and 29 Hen. 8. together with Chertfey, to the abbey of Bi- Iliam in Berkfhire, and now belongs to lord Radnor. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. ii. p. 100. cartam 14 Ed. 1. n. 5. recit. ex teflimonio Aniani epifc. donationes diverforum principum, et confirmantem priori et conv. omnes terras quas antea poffederunt. In Prynni Recordor. tom. iii. p. 572. pat. 21 Ed. 1. m 3. licentiam eligendi priorem, et pro reftitutione tempo- ralium: p. 1292. brev. 16 Ed. 1. de lite inter epifc. Elienfem et priorem et conv. S. Maris de Bethkelert fedanda. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. vol. ii. p. 316. literas teftimo- niales Aniani epifc. Bangor, fuper antiquitate et cards iftius conventus, et indulgentiam benefadforibus, A. D. 1286 w. In Willis’ Survey of Bangor, p. 208. bona temporalia m m They gave this honfe long before to the bifliop of Ban- gor, without taking out the king’s licence for it, which occa- lioned the forfeiture ; and the bifliop thereupon took it as a grant from the king. Willis’ Survey, p. 189. 221, & c. n Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 45. mentions, “ a priory of White cc freres by Bangor dedicate to Jefu but this is probably a miftake for Black friers, for I find no account of more than one houle of friers here. 0 Willis’ Survey, p. 47. And the foundation is alfo aferibed to him in a mf. of bifliop Humphrey’s. p A piece of ground called a gar dine plot t was granted with the houfe to Brown and Breton. <1 It is faid, Rymer, vol. ii. p. 317. to have been the oldeft Religious houfe in Wales ; but Banchor in Flintfhire was pro¬ bably older. r Ufiier’s Primordia, p. 81. Dr. Wilkins’ Councils, vol. i. p. 7. Crefly’s Church Hiftory, p. 237. Spehnau’s Councils, vol. i. p. 61. and Fuller’s Church Iiiftory, p. 40. make A. D. 516. to have been the time of this refignation. The additions to Camden, col. *>43. edit. 1695. place it A. D. 522. Godwin* p. 600. faith, he died A. D. 522. but others place Dubritius’ death, which happened fhortly after his refignation, in A. D. 612. Willis’ Survey of St. David’s Cathedral, p. 93. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. i. p. 58. Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. i. p. 191. s In Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. p. 554. we meet with “ Laurentius “ prior de Infula Sandortim.” 1 Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. 103. Twenty thoufand faints are faid to be buried in this ifland. Ufher’s Primord. p. 52;. Cam¬ den, edit. 1695. col. 1050. And yet they were generally long lived, as Leland. Colled, vol. ii. p. 369. Neither Dugdale nor Speed mention the order of thefe monks ; but Hen. Sulgrave faith, “ Abbat. de infula Henli Mon. Albi.” u “ Summa inde 769/. 3s. 8 Appendix, p. 182. prioratus IV. CAERNARVONSHIRE. prioratus de Bethcelart, A. D. i2gi. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 696. f. 101. narrationem placiti Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 45. de quo warranto fuper libertatibus prioris vallis B. Stevens Supplement, vol. 1. p. 500. Mariae de Bethkellerthe. V. CLYNNOCK VAUR. College. Here was an old monaftery of St. Beano founded, A. D. 616 *. by Guithin or Gwyddaint nearly related to the princes of North Wales. It was afterwards turned into a moria- uery of White monks but chefe feem to have been foon fuppreffed; for at the time of the Lin¬ coln taxation it was a collegiate church confifting of five portionifts* or prebendaries, and conti¬ nued fo till the diffolution. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 892. notatiunculam ex Bangor, p. 299. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 15. de fundatore : Tom. ii. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 696. f. 164, cartam R. Ed - p. 919. donationes quamplurimas, ex mf. penes audi- wardi 4. confirm, liberates, torem Wallim. Pat. t Ric An account of this church, in Mr. Willis, Survey of Pat. 10 Ric. 2. CARDIGANSHIRE. I. CARDIGAN. Benedictine Cell. A fmalla priory of Black monks, cell to the abbey of Chertfey in Surrey. The whole revenues of it were rated, 26 Hen. 8. at 32 1. per ann b. but clear of reprife3 at 13/, 4 s. yd. only c. It was granted, as part of the poffefiions of Chertfey, to Bilham abbey 29 Hen. 8. and 31 Hen. 8. to William Cavendilh. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 14. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 14. II. LLANBADARN FAUR1. Monastery destroyed. This is generally thought to be Mauritanea, where St. Paternus, dbout the middle of the fixth century, built a monaftery and eftablifhed an epifcopal fee, which continued till che people killed their bifhop', when the diocefe was united to St. David’s. The church feems to have been given, A. D. mi. to St. Peter’s Gloucefterf, and was afterwards ap¬ propriated to the abbey of Vale Royal in Chelhire s. Vide Capgrave in vita S. Paterni. Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, vol. i. p. 50. TJfferii Antiquates Eccl. Britan, p. 528 et 1127. edit. Fuller’s Church Hiftory, cent. vi. § 10. 4to. Lelandi Collect, vol. ii. p. 21 1 . Crefly’s Church Hiftory, p. 234. Camden’s Cardiganlhire, and Additions. III. LLANDEWI-BREVI. College. A college for a precentor and twelve prebendaries’1 was founded here by Thomas Beck bilhop of St. David’s A. D. 1187. in honor of St. David, (who preached at the council held here A. D. 519’. and thereby put an end to the Pelagian herefy) but recommended to the patron¬ age of king Edward the ConfelTor. It was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 40/. in the whole, and 38 /. 1 1 s. o dk. clear of deduftions. Vide Lelandi Collect. vol. i. p. 123. ejufdem Itin. vol. v. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 1249. P- 117- 123. 172. cartas p. 81. vol. vii. p. 19. Thomas Beke epifc. Menev. de fuudatione hujus col- * Gibfon*s Camden, edit. 1695. col. 691. Hilt, of Wales, p. 12. y Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 15. 2 44 Portio magiftri Aniani Rufi in ecclefia de Kelynock Vawr “ (in decanat. de Arvcm) ix. marc, et dimid. Portiones Wil- 44 helmi Parvi et obventiones, viii. marc. Portio Matthei ca- 44 pellani in eadem vii. marc, et dimid. Portio David capellani 44 in eadem, vii. marc. Portio magiftri Joannis capellani in 44 eadem vii. marc, et dim.” Taxat. Lincoln, printed in Mr. Willis* Bangor, p. 202. Thefe five portionifts occur alfo in the patents. * But two monks, as Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 14. b MS. Valor. c Dugdale and Speed. * Prope Aberoftewith. Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 54. e additions to Camden (edit. 1695.) fuppofe this bifhop’s name to have been Idnert or Idnerth. 1 f Mom Angl. vol. i. p. 118. * See under Vale Royal. Pat. 3S Ed. 3. p. m. 2I et %uxre, Whether here was not a college as late as king Stephen's time; for in the Hilt, of Wales, 8vo. London, i7o2. p 164 under A. D. 1144. it is faid, about this time, Sulien ap Rhyth-' march, one of the college of Lhanbadarn, a perfon of srreat reading and extenfive learning, departed this life. h Leland. Collett, vol. i. p. 323. * UfhJr> P;8i-,473. 474 et II j8. edit. 4to. Wilkins’ Coun¬ cils, p. 8. Notwithftanding what is before faid of Dubricius’ religning A.D.516. it was commonly held, that he was at this council. k MS. Valor; legit III. CARDIGANS B R E. Jegii, et de appropriatione eccl. de Lannarch cum tus, Bledries, Eftrad, et Kariank, et prebenda de capella de Lannyna in com. Cardigan, et cartam ca- Lannarth, Roftein. eccl. et Trefglofs. pituli Menev. confirmatoriam. Pat. 2 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 32. de thefauraria annexanda Pat. 22 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 27 et 28. pro ecclefiis de Ble- prebendae de Lanteneve. IV. LLANLEIR, or Llanclere. CiSTERTiAN Nuns. A Ciftertian nunnery, and, as Leland1 faith, cell to Stratflour, but of the yearly value of 57/ 5 s. 4 d. as Dugdale and Speed. It was granted, 7 Ed. 6, to William Sakevyk and John Dudley. Eide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 14. V. LLANRUSTYT. Nunnery. There hath been great building at Llanruftyt, a mile lower on the fea bank than Llanfanfride. And fome fuppofe there hath been a nunnery. Eide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 87. MIT. Harleyan. 67 C. 14. p. 152. VI. LLANSANFRIDE. Abbey and Nunnery. There is mention of the abbey of Llanfride in the book De dotatione ecclefise S. Davidis. And of Llanfanfride nunnery in Giraldus m. But whether either of them was at this place is very uncertain ; though there hath been great building. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 87. ejufdem ColleS. vol. ii. p. 106. VII. STRATA FLORIDA, Stratflur, Stratflour, or Iftradfleet". CisterTian Abbey. Rhefus fon of Griffith0 prince of South Wales built and endowed an abbey here, A. D. 1164P. for Ciftertian a monks, which was burnt down about A. D. 1294'. in the wars bf K. Edward 1. with the Welffi. But being foon rebuilt, it flouriffied till the diffolu- tion, about which time its revenues were valued at 118/. 7 s. 3d. per ann. as Dugdale, and 122/. 6 s. 8 d. as Speed !. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 893. cartam 10 Ed. 3. m. 6. n. 9. recit. Refi fundatoris dotationem, et R. Hen. 2. confirmationem iftius dotationis : P. 894. pat. 28 Ed. i. m. 23. pro reaedificatione abbatiae poll combuftionem. Lelandi Collett. vol. i. p. 45. Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 15. 82. vol. V11. p. 19. of the buildings and fome of the poffeflions ot this abbey. In Willis’ Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. Afaph, p. 179. of the abbat’s grange at Abermixt and Glamok. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 6068. f. 10, 11. diverfas cartas monachis de Stratfleur conceflas. An account of the lands belonging to this abbey, penes Thomam vicecom. Weymouth. Cart. 1 Joan. p. 2. m. 15. n. 97, 98. Cart. 14 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. 6. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 19. Pat. 4 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 13. Pat. 3 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 5. Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 28. 1 Itin. vol. v. p. 14. But neither Dugdale nor Speed mention it as a cell in their catalogues ; and the valuations are diftindt. It muft have been founded before A. D. 1200. becaufe men¬ tioned in Hen. Sulgrave. The patronage feems to have been m m Giraldus’ words, as cited by Leland, Collect, vol. ii. p. 106. are, « Enoc quidam abbas ordinis Ciftertienfis apud Llanfan- “ frait in Powifia congregavit coetum virginum.” And I think they muft refer to fome other Llanfanfride j becaufe; as I take it, Cardiganihire was not in Powis Land, n Speed’s maps. , . ,. o So exprefsly in the confirmation of this foundation, in Mon. Angf. vol. i. p. 893. But Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 45. faith, “ Rhefus filins Theodon princeps Suth Wallis primus « fundator.” P So Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 893. but in pat. 3 Hen. 6. it is faid to have been founded A. D. 1180. a The Monafticon placeth them amongfl the Cijlertiam, and Leland Itin. vol. v. p. 15. But Camden, in Cardiganjkire, calls them Chwiacs. ' Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 894. It was injured by the wars be¬ fore, and then the king paid them 78 /. for damages. Willis* St. Afaph, p. 159. s The Bonnet college mf. faith, feven monks at Stratflour ; but the prior and feven Religious had penfions A. D. 1533. Willis’ Abbies, vol. ii. p. 311. This abbey is valued at 122 61. 6 s. o d. in Sir Sim. Degg’s Parfon’s Counfellor, and other catalogues of the greater monafteries, by a miltake for ml. bs. 6 d. 1 DENBIGH- DENBIGHSHIRE. I. CLYWD VALLEY. Monastery destroyed. A monaftery is faid to have been founded here by St. Elerius, who lived in the feventh century. Vide Creffy’s Church Hiftory, p. 391. And the Life of St. Wenefrede, with Hiftorical Obfervations, p. 25. II. DENBIGH. 1. Almshouse. ** There was an almfhoufe hard by the chappie of eafe ex faxo quadrato, “ made by one Fleming; but now it is defolate.” Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 61. 2. White Friers. At the very eaft end' of the town was an houfe of Carmelite or White friers dedicated to St. Mary”, and founded, as lome think, by John Salifbury, who died A. D. 1289". But, as others, by John de Sunimore A. D. 1399 x. It was granted, 36 Hen. 8. to Ri¬ chard Andrews and William L’lfle. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 57. III. M A Y N AN, Maenen or Aberconwey \ Cistertian Abbey. An abbey was founded here by king Edward 1. A. D. 1283. and the Ciftertian monks from Aberconwey tranflated hither, where they met with many benefaftors, and flourifhed till the diffolution, when their revenues were valued at 162/. 15s. odl. as Dugdale, and 179/. 10 1. 10 d. as Speed. The fite was granted, 5 Eliz. to Elizaeus Wynne, in whofe wor¬ thy family it ftill continues. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 921. duas cartas R. Ed. 1. de tranflatione monachorum ab Aberconway ad May- nan. In Rymeri Feeder. &c. tom. ii. p. 427’ bullam a P . Ni- colai 4. de tranflatione abbatite ab Aberconwey, dat. A. D. 1289. Wharton De epife. Aflavenfibus, p. 328. de advoc. eccl. de Eglyfwath, A. D. 1284. In Willis’ Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. Afaph, p. 160. of the faid advowfon : p. 176. of the poflef- Jlons of the faid abbey in the 18th year of K. Ed¬ ward 1. And in his Survey of Bangor, p. 206. bona IV. RUTHIN. 1 College. Leland *> fpeaks of a cell of Bonhommes here afterwards tranflated into a parifli church of which 1 have met with nothing more. But John the fon of Reginald de Grey, lord of the Cantred of Dyffryn Clwyd, made the chapel of St. Peter here collegiate, A. D. 1310. for leven Regular prieft’s, and affrgned two hundred and five acres of lands, &c. for an endowment. It pro¬ bably continued till the diffolution', for the lands belonging to it were granted, 4 Ed. 6. to Wil¬ liam Winlove and Richard Fyld. But 1 cannot find any valuation of it 26 Hen. 8. either in Dug¬ dale, Speed, or Stevens. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. ii. p. 58. pat. 8 Ed. 2. toris, pro fundatione et dotatione, dat. 7 Idus Apr. p. 1. m. 20. rccitantem cartam Joannis Grey funda- A. D. 1310. temporalia abbatis de Conway in diocefi Bangor. Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 304. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. f. 175. warrant to the farmers, &c. belonging to this monaftery, to pay their rents to Griffith Goghe the prior, during the controverfy betwixt David Winchecombe and David Lloyd for the office of abbat, dated 1 Ric. 3. Rot. Wallix, 12 Ed. 1. n. 4 et 16. Pat. 23 Ed, 1. m. . Cart. 6 Ed. 3. n. 36. Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 9. Pat. 5 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 25. 2. White Friers. There were once White friers at Ruthin in Diffrin Cluit. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iii. p. 1 35* vol> v- P* 45- t Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 57. Perhaps at the place caHed the abbey in Speed’s map. „ „ . , r .r u Speed, who in his catalogue of Religious houfes hath mii- placed this in the diocefe of St. David’s. w Baronetage. * Speed’s catalogue. y The fettlement of thefc monks having been hrlt at Conway or Aberconway, their houfe is generally called by that name after their tranflation to this place : fo that even in the valua¬ tion of 26 Hen. 8. it is called Conway (not Maynan ) abbey. * In Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 36. and the mf. Valor, the fumma clara is 172/. 15J. o d. » This is alfo in Stevens’ Appendix, p. 289. b Itin. vol. iii. p. 135. c A. D. 1553. there remained four incumbents of this college, who had penfions, as Willis’ Hift. of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 311. There is now an hofpital at Ruthin, for a warden who is a cler¬ gyman, and twelve poor men ; but this being founded fince A. D. 1540. (viz. by Dr. Goodman dean of Weftminfter in queen Elizabeth’s time, as Mon. Angl. vol. iii. p. i. p. 105.) doth not fall within my bounds. V. D E V. DENBIGHSHIRE. V. DE VALLE CRUCIS, Llan-Egwifte, or Llanegwaft. Cisterti AN Abbey. Madoc ap Griffith Maylor prince of Powis founded a Ciftertian abbey here about A. D. i2oo<1. and dedicated it to the bleffed Virgin. It Was found, 26 Hen. 8. to be endowed with 188/. 8 a od.-per ann. as Dugdale, and 214/. 3 s. sd. as Speed, and was ^ranted 9 Jac. to Edward Wotton. & Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. i. p. 945. notulam de funda- Wrexhamiae et Llangollen appropriatis huic coenobio tore, ex Leland. Colled, vol. i. p. 103. per Reinerum, AbrahamUm, et Howel epifcopos Godwinum De prsefulibus Angliae, p. 657. de decimis Afaphenfes. VI. WITHERIAC, or Guitherine. Nunnery. A nunnery here is mentioned by many that write of S. Wenefrede. Vide the Life and Miracles of St, Wenefrede, with Hiftorical Obfervations, London, 1713. 8vo. p. 74. CrefTy p. 390. VII. WREXHAM'. College. “ Having a goodly chirch collegiate-, but there longith no prebendes to it, though “ it be collegiatid.” Leland. Itin. vol. v. p. 34. FLINTSHIRE. I. S t. A S A P H. Bishoprics. Kentigern bifhop of Glafcow being driven out of Scotland, founded an epifcopaj featf and monaftery e here, about the middle h of the fixth century, and became the firfl biffiop. Upon his return into Scotland, he made Afaph or Haffaph, an eminently holy and good man, his fuccefibr, and from him both the church and place have fince been called St. Afaph. But from the death of Sc. Alaph, A. D. 59 6‘. there is no account of the monaftery, and little or no account of any bilhops till A. D. ii43k. And though there hath been a conftant and regular fucceffion from that time, yet, by reafon of the wars between the Englilh and the Welffi, and Owen Glen- dour’s or Glyndyfrdwy’s rebellion, the cathedral church, with the bilhop’s and canons houfes were more than once deftroyed1, and for many years in ruins. Upon one of thefe devaftations or the fears of it m, biffiop Anian the fecond endeavoured, A. D. 1278. to remove the fee to Ruth- lan or Ruddlan, two miles northward. And king Edward 1. granted his licence for it" A. D. 1284. and promifed both ground for the church, &c. and one thoufand marks towards the build¬ ing: but this did not take effeft. The biffioprick was valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 202/. ioj. 6d°. in the whole, and at 187/. nr. 6d. clear. Befides the biffiop, here are a dean, archdeacon p, fix prebendaries, leven canons curfal, four vicars choral, an organift, four lay, clerks or Tinging men, four chorifters, &c. Vide Godwini De prsefulibus Anglix commentarium, P- 652. Whartoni De epifcopis et decanis Londinenfibus et A f- favenfibus hiftoriam, Londini, 1695. 8vo. p. 299, &c. Leland. Comment, de fcriptoribus Britannicis, p. 73. <1 I lift, of Wales, 8vo. Lond. 1702. p. 221. Bilhop Godwin, p. 657. faith, A. D. noo. but that probably is falfely printed; lor the founder lived till A.D. 1236. and was then buried in this abbey, as Hilt, of Wales, p. 237. • See fome account of this noble church in Mr. Willis’ Sur¬ vey of St. Afaph, p. 295. It feenis unlikely to have been colle¬ giate, becaufe impropriated to Val Crucis. < Camden and Leland. Colleft. vol. i. p. 33. But Speed faith, Kentigern founded the monaftery, and Malgo a Britilh king made it an epifcopal fee. See his Catalogue of Religious houfes. s Conlilting of fix hundred and lixty monks, as Godwin De prsefulibus, p. 632. Camden in Flint/hire , and Speed ; and hav¬ ing nine hundred and iixty-five monks, as Uiher’s Antiq. p.364. edit. 4to. Wharton De epilc. Aifav, p. 302. Capgrave in Kcn- tigern’s Life, and others. But billipp Fleetwood juftly thinks this very unlikely. See his notes on St. Wenefrede’s Life, p. 23, 26. h A.D. 360. as Godwyn and Camden; but Udier placeth Iventigern’6 return in that year, and makes this foundation a Lelandi Colleift. vol. i. p. 53. A Survey of the cathedral church of St. Afaph, and hiftory of the bilhops, deans, and other dignitaries, &c. by Browne Willis efquire, Lond. 1720. 8vo. In his Hiftory of Abbies, vol. ii. p. 339. an account of fomewhat earlier. See Wharton De epife. AfTav. p. 300. * Willis7 St. Afaph, p. 35. k Wharton. Willis. Bifliop Fleetwood’s notes on Wene¬ frede’s Life, p. 89. 1 A.D. 1282. after which it was begun to be rebuilt about 1284. again in A. D. 1404. when not rebuilt till about 1490. And in the wars of K. Henry 3. A. D. 1247. the bifliop was forced to flee and reduced to great poverty, Willis’ Survey, p. 45. 47, 48. 59* m Willis’ St. Afaph, p. 148. One of the bifhop’s manor houfes was plundered and burnt in 1277. but the church was not burnt till 1282. n This licence is printed in Rymer, vol. ii. p. 245. and Wil¬ kins’ Councils, vol. ii. p. 100. 0 Sec the particulars of this valuation, in Willis’ Survey, p. 246. p The archdeaconry hath been held in commendam with the biflioprick ever fince A, D. 157 3. as Willis’ St. Aiaph, p. hi. o h FLINTSHIRE* the dimenfions of the church, and fome perfons buried therein. In Le Neve’s Fafti, p. 20, &c. an account of the bi- Ihops, deans, and archdeacons. In the Mon. Angl. tranflated into Englifh, with fomd additions, Lond. 1718. fol. p. 373. a fhort account of this fee, and a lift of the bilhops. In dodtifiimi Willcinfii Concil. tom. ii, p. 104. epifto- lam circularem Joannis Peckham archiepifc. Cantuar. in favorem canonicorum eccl. Aflavenfis circumfe- rentium librum evangeliorum de eccl. Aflav. vulgo Eveggulthen appellatum A. D. 1284. Ibid, epiftolam ejufdem archiepifc. ad Anianum epifc. Aftavenf. con- tinentem confilia, injundtiones, et ordinationes eidem et clero fuo AfTavenli, A. D. 1284. tom. iii. p. 102. comiflion. archiepifc. Cantuar. pro exercitio jurifdic- tionis fede Aflav. vacante : tom. iv. p. 145. injunc¬ tions by Thomas Goldwell bilhop of St. Afaph, A. D. 1556. p. 228. conflitutiones in concilio dicecefano Afl'aphenfi celebrato, A. D. 156:. p. 608. certain orders agreed upon by bifhop Lloyd, and the whole clergy of his diocefe in a fynod begun at St. Afaph, July 4, 1683. Regiftra, cartas, &c. penes epifcopum, decanum, et ca- pitulum. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 433. p. . . grant of an annuity of x/. payable by the abbat and convent of Wei- beck: mf. 980. p. 217. judgement given in parlia¬ ment on the claim of Warren earl of Surrey to the cuftody of the bilhoprick during the vacancy. Pat, 33 Hen. 3. m. . <1. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 6 vel 7. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 34. pro libertatibus confirmandis : Rot. Wallioe, 12 Ed. 1. m. 2. de eccl. de Rothelan: Rot. Walliae, 17 Ed. 1. p. 2. m. 10. pro libertatibus confirmandis: Piac. quo war. 22 Ed. 1. Pat. 3 Ed. 2. m. 41. pro antiquis libertatibus confir¬ mandis: Pat. 14 Ed. 2. n. 27 vel 28. pro theloneo capiendo de rebus venalibus in feria in villa S. Afla- venfi. Pat. 9 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. . de medietat. eccl. de Llanarmon approprianda: Pat. 11 Ed. 3. p. 3. m. 12 vel 13. pro confirmatione donationum in Differtb, Dyncolinj Nannerth, &c. Pat. 15 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 6 vel 7. pro eccl. de Nanclyn Hearns eccl. Aflavenfis confirm- anda. Pat. 1 Ric. 2. p. 2. m. 3. pro eccl. de Blodevole appro¬ prianda: Cart. 3 Ric. 2. n. 24. pro mercat. die Lunx; et feria in vigilia, die, et craftino S. Dionifii apud civitatem Aflavenfem habendis : Pat. 3 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 43. pro eccl. de Llanraeder vicariis approprianda: Ibid. m. penult, de quatuor vicariis eccl. Aflavenfis nominandis ad praebendas cum vacaverint : Ibid, m. ult. quod epifeopus Aflavenfis poflit uni re diverfas portiones et ecclefias : Pat. 4 Ric. 21 p. 2. m. 2. con¬ firm. concordia: inter epifcopum Aflavenf. et tenentes fuos de labore ad le Red Rock : Pat. 8 Ric. 2. p. x. m. 34 vel 35. pro eccl. de Llanaflaph approprianda : Pat. 9 Ric. 2. p. 6. m. 38. de terra vocat. Gronantes more [Flint.] Pat. 14 Ric. 2. p. 1. m. 9. et p. 2. m. 41 . de manucaptione tenentium . Clauf. 20 Ric. 2. p. x. m. 33. pro placea terra: vocat. Gronantes more [Flint] Pat. 2 Hen. 4. p. 4. m. . pro eccl. de Meyvot cum capellis de Pola et Key appropriandis epifeopo : Pat. 3 Hen. 4. p. 1. m. 5. de eadem. Pat. 2 Hen. 5. p. 2. m. 17 vel 18. relaxat. reddit. xx. marc, annuatim folvend. ex Gronantes more pro ter- mino decern annorum ad reparationem ecclefiae ca- thedralis : Ibid. p. 3. m. 17 vel 18. de terris forif- fadtis. Pat. 15 Hen. 6. m. 18. pro exoneratione Joannis epifc. Aflavenf. de reddit. XX. marcarum exeunt, e Gronantes more pro termino vitae : Pat. 17 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. 10. pro eccl. de Meyvot, Pola, et Guyldsfieid appropri¬ andis : Pat. 23 Hen. 6. p. 2. m. . rex condonat folu- tionem decimarum et quindecimarum, quia ecclefia cathedralis, campanile, chorus et veftiarium, et pala- tium epifeopi in ultima guerra Walliae funt combufta: Ibid. m. 20. pro priore exoneratione redditus folvend. e Gronantes more emendanda et corroboranda : Pat. 30 Hen. 6. p. 1. m. 2 vel 3. de exoneratione Thomae epifc. Affavenfis de reddit. folvend. e Gronantes more pro termino vitae. II. BANCORNABURGH, Banchor, cr Bangor Ifkoed, or Monachorum. Monastery destroyed. Here was probably a famous Roman city called Bonium or Bo- vium, and certainly a very ancient r monaftery, though I believe not fo old as king Lucius, as fome affirm'. Bede and others mention it as very flourilbing at the coming of St. Auguftine* and it mull have been fo, if, as all our writers except one* report, Ethelfrid king of the Angles”, in his wars with the Britains in the beginning of the feventh " century, flew near twelve hundred of them for praying for the i'uccefs of their countrymen and fellow chriftians againft the Saxon infi¬ dels. After which time, it probably went to decay* for William of Malmfbury, who lived fhortly after the Norman Conqueft, faith, There remained only in his time the footfteps of fo great a place, fo many ruinous churches, and fuch heaps of rubbifh, as were hardly elfewhere to be met with. Vide Bedte Hift. Eccl. lib. ii. cap. 2. Uflerii Antiquitates Eccl. Britan, p. 132, 133, 134. edit. 4to. Spelmanni Concil. vol. i. p. 106, &c. Wilkinfii Concil. vol. i. p. 25, 26, 27. Camden’s Britannia, in Chejhire: Additions to Chefhire and Flintfhire. Stevens’ Supplement to the Monafticon, vol. i. p. 215. Crefly’s Church Hiftory, p. 66 and 320. Collier’s Eccl. Hift. vol. i. p. 77. q This is printed in Prynne’s Records, vol. ii. p. 727. Pat. 4 Ed. 1. m. 34. is in Prynne, vol. iii. p. 178. and rot. Wal. 17 Ed. I. p. 2. m. 10. Ibid.' p. 388. And many of the other grants are printed in Mr. Willis’ Survey of this cathedral. r Speed in his Theatre of Great Britain, fol. 1676. book ii. p. III. faith, this was “ the firft monaftery that is read of in “ the world and he might probably have faid the greateft too, if here were, as Mrt-Vaughan (from the old Britifh Triades) tells us (fee notes to Camden, edit. 1695. in FlintJhireJ two thoufand four hundred monks, who in their turns, viz. one hundred every hour, read prayers and fung pfalms continually, fo that there never was any inte.imiflion of divine fervice : or if here were but, as Bede (Eccl. Hift. lib. ii. cap. 2.) faith, fo many monks, that being divided into feven parts, having each a pro¬ per ruler over them, no part containedflefs than three hundred men, who all lived by their labour, it muft have had more per- fons than any other fuch houfe in thefe kingdoms. s Ufher, p. 132. Crefly, p. 66. Bale, &c. But perhaps not founded till St. Patrick’s time ; fee the Preface. 1 The publifher of king iElfred’s Life, in his notes upon the Preface, p. 7. thinks that two hundred only of them were killed. “ So Bede calls him ; but others, king of Northumberland. w Ulher, Crefly, and the late mentioned publifher place this battle in A. D. 613. Fuller, in 603 or 60 j. the Saxon annals in 607. Godwin De prteful. p. 49. in 6oj. III. BASING- III. FLINTSHIRE. III. BASINGWERK, in the parijh of Holywell. ClSTERTlAN Abbey. Ranulph earl of Chefter feems to have begun a monaftery here about A. D. H3ix. which was probably much improved and made an abbey for Ciftertian monks by- king Henry iv. about A. D. 1159*. It was dedicated to St. Mary, had lands and poffeffions 26 Hen. 8. of the yearly value of 150/. 7 s. 3 d. as Dugdale, and 157/. 15*. 2 d. as Speed, and was granted, 32 Hen. 8. to Henry ap Harry. Vide in Mon. Angl. tom. iii. p. 720. cartam 15, &c. Hen. 3 a. confirm, decern libratas terrae in Gloflope, cum ecclefia ibidem, et omnibus ad earn pertinenti- bus, qu® quondam fuerunt Willelmi Peverel ; et terras in Halliwelle et Fulibroch, et alias donationes Ranulfi com. Ceftrias: Cartam Lewellini principis Northwalliae confirm, donationes anteceflorum Ra- nulphi com. Ceftrite et aliorum: P. 721. cartam Da- vidis fil. Lewellini, dat. A. D. 1240. confirm, prx- diftas et alias donationes. In Willis’ Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. Afaph, p. 176. an account of the pofieffions of this abbey, A. D. 1291. In Dugdale’s Warwickftfire, p. 138. 197. of the hofpital and chapel of Sponne near Coventry fome time be¬ longing to this abbey. Lelandi Colleft. vol. i. p. lot. In bibl. Harleiana, mf. 139. f. 226. plac. fuper advoca- tione ecclefiae de Weft Kirby: mf. 280. f. 77. nomina abbatum et fundatorum : p. 433. p. 37. grant of x. marks yearly for the fuftentation and falary of a prieft at the chapel of St. Wynefride: mf. 2060. p. 26. ex- tradls from deeds relating to this abbey : mf. 2072. f. 18. Iawfuit between the abbats of Chefter and Bafingwerk for the advowfon of Weft Kirby: mf. 2079. p. 72. abftradt of original deeds, whereby the family of Montealto conferred many benefaftions upon this abbey: mf. 2099. p. 317. cartam Roberti Senefchalli de Monte-alto, de paftura per totam Sal- teneiam, et communi paftura de Hawidin, et falca- tura feirpi, et communitate nemoris de Swerde. Cart, antiq. S. n. 10. Clauf. 13 Hen. 3. m. 4. de decimis in Blakbrok: F.fcaet. in com. Nottingh. et Derby, 35 Hen. 3. n. 57. de bofeo de Langdon, &c. Cart. 30 Hen. 3. m. n. Cart. 3 Ed. 1. n. 81. Pat. 3 Ed. 1. m. 11. Rot. Wal- liae, 6, 7, 8, 9 Ed. 1. m. 5. Cart. 13 Ed. 1. part. alt. n. 91. pro minera argenti in Bafingwerk: Rot. Wal¬ lis, 13 Ed. 1. m. 2. Cart. 18 Ed. 1. n. 4. Cart. 20 Ed. 1. n. 14. pro mercat. et feria apud Haliwell [Flint.] et pro lib. war. in Grethly, Menegrange, Ouregrage, Beggerburgh, et Haliwel b [Flint.] Ef- caet. Derb. 21 Ed. 1. de terris in Chatfworrh, Si- mondfbury c, &c. Pat. 2 Ed. 2. p. 2. m. 10. pro terris in Chaudef- worth. See. Cart, a Ed. 3. n. 90. pro mercat. et feria apud Che- nelefworth [Derb.] Cart. 3 Ed. 3. n. 54. Pat. 3 Ed. 3/p. I. m. 2. vel 3. Pat. 14 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 39. pro maner. de Weft Kirkby : Pat. 34 Ed. 3. p. 2. m. 21. pro maner. de Chifluworth : Ibid. m. 39. pro maner. de Weft Kirkby. Pat. 15 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 4, pro eccl. de Haliwell ap- proprianda: Cart. 15 Ric. 2. n. 7. Pat. 21 Ric. 2. p. I. m. 40. pro mefl". et cclxxx. acris terra in Gloflope. Pat. 10 Hen. 5. m. 6. recit. per Infpex. donationcm maner. de Haliwelle per Robertum de Pierpoint con- fenfu Ranulfi com. Ceftrix. IV. RHUDLAND. 1. Hospital. There was an hofpital near Rhudland, as old as A. D. 1281. or 10 Ed. 1. Vide Prynne’s Records, vol. iii. p. 1240. 2. Black Friers. Here was an houfe of Black friers before A. D. 1268. when Anian de Schonan, prior of this houfe, was made bilhop of St. Afaph. It fuffered very much in the wars of king Edward 1. with Lewelline laft prince of Wales, but recovered and fubfifted till the diffo- lution, when it was granted to Henry ap Harry 32 Hen. 8. Vide in Willis’ Survey of St. Afaph, p. 159. of xvn/. xj. paid to thefe friers, A. D. 1284. for damages by the wars. * Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 710. ex Chronico S. Werburgte in 'bibl. Cotton. The mf. Annals of Parcolude place this founda¬ tion in 1132. r Leland. ColleA. vol. i. p. lot. faith, “ Henncus a. tunda- « tor originalis.” Others attribute the firft foundation to the earl ; for what king Henry 2. did was not till after 1 150. Bilhop Fleetwood, in his notes on Wenefrede’s Life, p. 44- makes the king founder, and the earl chief benefaAor. I rather chofe to put it as above. /. So Bromton in Decern feript. col. 104S. exprefsly. Leland, ColleA. vol. ii. p. 375. fpeaks of it as being done after A. D. 1156. when he began his wars with the Welih and had fortified Rhudland caftle. See alfo Decern feript. col. ii. In a mf. of bilhop Humfrys, it is faid, that K. Henry 1. originally founded at Bafingwerk a cell of Templars ; and that it was not made an houfe for Ciftertian monks till A. D. 1312. The Hiftory of Wales, 8vo. Lond. 1702. p. I7J- under the year 1156. faith, that “ King Henry 2. leaving the cattles of Ruthland and Ba- “ fingwerk well manned and fortified, and having near the lat- “ ter founded a publick ftruAure, for the order of Knight s 11 Templars, returned into England.” Tile additions to Cam¬ den’s FHntflure (edit. 1693.) likewife fay, from Dr. Powel, that Pat. 12 Ed. 1. m. 6. Pat. 4 Ed. 2. p. 1. m. . this abbey was firlt founded A. D. 1312. But this Ranulph earl of Chefter was poifoned in Jan. 1153. as Dugd. Baron, vol. i. p. 40. and the monks were certainly here before A. D. 1240. they being mentioned in both Lewelline and his fon David’s charters, Mon. Angl. vol. i. p. 720. And it is called an abbey, A. D. 1291. a It is faid to be the charter of K. Henry 2. in the Monafti- con ; but bilhop Fleetwood in his obfervations on St. Wene¬ frede’s Life, p. 24. (hews that it mult belong to K. Henry 3. b Dugd. Baron, vol. ii. p.457. c There feems to be fome miftakein the names of thefe places. N. B. The Gift ertians hire were of the Fratres Grifei kind, as Leland. Itin. vol. viii. p. 66. but Neuftr. Pia doth not reckon this houfe amongft thofe of that order, as Stevens, vol. ii. p. 254. d The Additions to Camden (edit. 1695.) fpeak of an abbey and an hofpital at Rhudland, and of a gate half a mile from the village ; this laft is probably the remains of the hofpital, which was not in, but near Rhudland. Mr. Willis, in his Survey of Bangor, p. 337. faith, “ Here is reported to have flood an ab- “ bey, the Religious of which are faid to have been of a mili- “ tary order.” But nothing more of this hath occurred to me. 1 GLAMOR- GLAMORGANSHIRE f . Monastery destroyed. Cungarus, or, as he was alfo called, Docuinus, having fettled one monaftery in Somerfetfhire, is faid to have come into this county about A. D. 474. and to have built another here in fome place now unknown for twelve monks or canons, which was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and endowed by Paulentus king of Glamorgan. Vide Vitam Cungari in Capgravii hiftoriolis: UiTerii Antiq. Eccl. Britan, p. 473. 1117. edit. 4to. II. CARDIFF. t. Benedictine Priory. A goodly priory is faid' to have been founded here by Robert firft earl of Gloucefter, who died A. D. 1147. A priory of Black monks or Benedidtines at Kaerdiff occurs in Henry Sulgrave’s catalogue of Religious houfes. Vide Stevens’ Supplement, vol. i. p. 38. The prior of Cardiff is likewife mentioned in the Lincoln taxation made A. D. 1291. 2. Black: Friers. Without the Mefkin or weft gate was an houfe of Black friers. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 55. 3. Grey Friers. In Crokerton ftreetf here was an houfe of Grey friers dedicated to St. Fran¬ cis f, under the cuftody or wardenfhip of Briftol h. Vide Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 55. 4. White Friers. Here is likewife faid to have been an houfe of White friers'. III. LLANCARVAN*. Monastery destroyed. St. Cadocus is faid to have built a monaftery here about A. D. 500, Vide UiTerii Antiq. Eccl. Britan, p. 468. 472. 1122. Leland. Comment. De fcript. Britan, p. 62. edit. qto. CrefTy’s Church Hiftory, p. 222. IV. LLANDAFFE1. Bishopricic. A bifhoprick was eredted here in the time of St. Dubritiusm, whofe death is o-enerally placed in A. D. 522. though fome place it almoft an hundred years later". Hiftorians have preferved the names of the bilhops of this fee from its firft eredtion ; though with much un¬ certainty as to the times of their confecrations and deaths, till the latter end of the ninth century. The members of this church were at firft endowed with great pofleftions, but deprived of moft of them fhortly after the Conqueft", when their firft church was deftroyed. And the prefent fabrick (which was built by bilhop Urban A. D. 1120P. and dedicated to St. Peter, St. Dubritius, St. Teilciau, and St. Oudoceuss) hath of late fallen into great decay, but all pofiible care is taken to preferve it'. The revenues of this bifhoprick were valued, 26 Hen. 8. at 154/. 14/. 2d. per ann. and the common revenues of the chapter at 87/. 12 s. 11 d. per annK There are now belonging to * Mills, p. 358. f Leland. Itin. vol. iv. p. 55. e Speed. h Stevens, vol. i. p. 96. Speed’s map calls the old building at the end of Crokerton ftreet, The Spittle, 1 Willis’ Landaffe, p. ir. k Three miles from Cowbridge, as Ulher, Antiq. p. 464* and the fame probably with Carbani Vallis, the abbat of which was prefent in council A. D. 560 or 597. when the bifhop of Lan- daffe excommunicated king Mouric for killing Cynvetu. Spel- man’s Councils, vol. i. p. 62. Wilkins, vol. i. p. 17. * i( LandafF fonat, ecclefia fita fuper Taffe fluvium, qu Oxford, iii. 1. Auft. can. 2. hofp . q. Burford, Oxford, iv. hofp. “ “ Burford, Shrop. viii. coll. Burgh Caftle, Suff. ix. mon. d. Burgh, Somerfet. v. Bearwe St. Burien, Cornw. v. coll. Burlington, York. xix. Auft. can. Burne, Kent. xi. Al. pr. Burnham, Bucks, vi. Auft. nun. Burnham, Norf. xii. White fr. Burnham, York, v Brunnum Burfcough, Lane. i. Auft. can. Burftall Garth, York. xx. Al. pr. Burton, Hamp. viii. coll. Burton, Herts, v. Barden Burton Lazars, Leiceji. iii. hofp. Burton upon Trent, Stafford, iii, Ben. abb. Burwell, Lincoln, xiv. Al. pr. Eury,jf\x; K rBen‘ acb- X,2' C0lI> 3- Godfhoufe, or bt. John s hofp. 4. St. Nicolas’ hofp. 5. St. Pe¬ ter’s hofp. 6. St. Savior’s hofp. 7. Babwel’l, or Grey fr. Bufhmead v. Biftemede Buftleham, or Bylham Montague, Berks, v. 1. Tempi 2. Auft. can. ’ F Butley, Suff. xi. Auft. can. Byland, York. xxi. Cift. pbb. Byrkett v. Berkinhead Byrkley, or Burtlehoufe, Somerfet. xi. Auft. pr. Byrlych v. Barlynch Byrwoodde v. Brewood Cadbury North, Somerfet. xii. coll. q. Cadweli, or Cadwelle, Caermarth. iv. Ben. pr. Caer Bladon v. Malmlbury Caer Cuby v. Holy Head Caerleon, or. Caerulke, Monm . iii. mon. d. Caermarthen, Caermarth. v. 1. Auft. fr. 2. Grey fr Cairulk v. Ulk Caiftor v. Dormundefcaftre Calcaria, or Caelcacefter, York. xxii. mon. d. De Calceto v. Pynham Caldey, Pembr. i. Tyr. cell * Caldre, Cumber/, iii. Cift. abb. Caldwell, Be df. iv. Auft. can. Calke, Derb. iv. Auft. cell Caine, Wilts, viii. hofp. Calwich, or Calewyk, Stafford, iv. Auft. can. Cambridge, Cambr. iv. 1. St. Giles, Auft. can. r. v. The accounts of the feveral Religious foundations in the city of Brijlol are placed immediately after Somerfeljhire. Barnwell. INDEX. Barnwell. 2. St. Radegund’s, Ben. nun. d. v. Jefus coll. 3. Gilbertine pr. 4. Ben. cell. 5. Catharine hall. 6. Chrift’s coll. 7. Clare hall. 8. Corpus Chrifti coll. 9. Godfhoufe v. Chrift’s coll. 10. Gon- vile and Caius coll. 11. Jefus coll. .12. St. John’s coll. 13. King’s hall. 14. King*s coll. 15. Mag¬ dalen coll. 16. Michael houfe. 17. Pembroke hall. 18. St. Peter’s coll. 19. Queen’s coll. 20. Trinity hall. 21. St. John’s hofp. v. St. John’s coll. 22. St. Anthony’s hofp. 23. Hermitage and Lazar-houfe. 24. Auft. fr. 25. Black, fr. 26. Grey fr. 27. White fr. 28. Bethlemite fr. 29. Friers de Sacco. 30. Fra- tres S. Marias Cameringham, Lincoln, xv. Al. pr. Cameftrum, or Camefterne, Dorfet. vii. nun. q. Campefs, or Campfey, Stiff, xii. 1. Auft. nun. 2. coll. or ch. Canonleigh v. Legh Canons Alhby v, Alhby Canterbury, Kent. xii. 1. Chrift’s church, cathedral and Ben. pr. 2. St. Auguftine’s, Ben. abb. 3. St. Gregories, Auft. can. 4. St. Sepulchre’s, Ben. nun. 5. St. Mildred’s, mon. d. 6. I^aftbridge or St. Tho¬ mas’ hofp. 7. St. James’ hofp. v. Tanington. 8. St. John’s or Northgate hofp. 9. St. Laurence’s hofp. IO. St. Margaret’s or Aged Priefts hofp. 11. Mai- nard’s fpittle. 12. St. Nicholas’ hofp. 13. Auft. fr. 14. Black fr. 15. Grey fr. Canwell, or Canol, olim Canenvella, Stafford, v. Ben. Pr’ Canyngton, Somerfet. xiii. Ben. nun. Ad Capreae Caput v. Gatelhead Carbroke, Norf. xiii. Kn. Hofp. Cardiff, Glamorgan, ii. 1. priory. 2. Black fr. 3. Grey fr. 4. White fr. Cardigan, Cardigan, i. Ben. cell Carefbrooke, Hamp. ix. Al. pr. Carefwell, Devon, viii. Clun. cell Careswell, Heref. v. Creffwell Carham, Northumb. viii. Auft. cell Carleton Park v. Walingwells Carliol, Cumberl. iv. 1. cath. and Auft. pr. 2. St. Ni¬ cholas’ hofp. 3. Black fr. 4. Grey fr. Carmans Spitel v. Flixton, York. Carow, or Carhow, v. Norwich St. Carricius v. St. Syriac Cartmele v. Kertmel Caftleacre, Norf. xiv. Clun. pr; Caftle Donington v. Donington Caftre, Norf. xv. coll. q. Catchburne, Northumb. ix. hofp. Catteley, Lincoln, xvi. Gilb. pr. Catterick, York, xxiii. hofp. Catune, Stafford, vi. Ben. nun. q. Caverlham, Oxford, v. Auft. cell Cawdwell v. Caldwell Celefige, Ceolfige, Cealfeia, &c. v. Cholfey Cern, or Cernell, Dorfet. viii. Ben. abb. Ceftrehunt, Herts, vi. Ben. nun. Chacomb, Northampt. vii. Auft. can. Chale, Hamp. x. herm. De Charitate v. Fors Charleton, Oxford, vi. Al. pr. q. Charleton, Wilts. ix. Al. pr. Charley and Ulvefctoft, Leicji. iv. v. Auft. can. Chateris, Cambr. v. Ben. nun. Chatham, Kent. xiii. hofp. Chauce, or Charite, Stiff ix. Auft. can. q. Chelmesford, Effex. ix. Black fr. Cheltanham, Gloceji. v. mon. d. Cheningeuurda v. Kenilworth Chepftow v. Stroguil Chertfey, or Ceortefei, Surr. iii. Ben. abb. Cheftcr, Cbejh. vii. I. Bilhoprick. 2. St. Werburgh’s, Ben. abb. 3. St. Maries, Ben. nun. 4. St. Mi¬ chael, mon. d. 5. St. John’s coll. 6. Holy Crofs coll. d. 7. St. Giles’ hofp. 8. St. John’s hofp. 9. Black fr. 10. Grey fr. 11. White fr. Chefter on the Street, Durham, iv. coll. Chefterfield, Dtrb. v. 1. hofp. 2. gild Chefthunt v. Ceftrehunt Chetwood, Bucks, vii. Auft. pr. d. Chewftoke, Somerfet. xvii. cell q. Cheylefmore v. Coventre Chich, Effex. x. 1. nun. d. 2. Auft. can. Chichefter, olim Ciceftria and Ciffanceafter, Suff. x; 1. cathedral. 2. Vicar’s coll. 3. mon. d. 4. nun. d. 5. St. James’ hofp. 6. St. Maries hofp. 7. Black fr; 8. Grey fr. Chickfand, Bedf. v. Gilb. pr. Chille and Chiltre, Herts, vii. mon. d. Chilling v. Kelynge Chilpeec v. Kilpecke Chipley, Suff. xiii. Auft. pr. d. Chippenham, Cambr. vi. Kn. Hofp. Chirbury, Shrop. ix. Auft. can. Cholfey, Berks, vi. mon. d. Chofel, Norf. xvi. Laz. hofp. Chotes, or Chotene, Stafford, vii. Cift. r. Chrift Church v. Twinham, London, Oxford, &c. Chulmeleigh, Devon, ix. coll. Churchill, Devon, x. pr. d. Cirencefter, Gloceji. vi. i.coll. d. 2. Auft. can. 3. St. John’s hofp. 4. St. Laurence’s hofp. 5. St. Tho¬ mas’ hofp. Cirotefege v. Chertfey Clare, Suff. xiv. 1. Al. pr. 2. almlh. 3. Auft. ft* St. Clare, Caermarthen. vi. Al. pr. Clatford, Wilts, x. Al. pr. Clattercote, Oxford, vii. Gilb. pr. Clementhorp v. York Cleyhanger, Devon, xi. hofp. Clifford, Hereford . vi. Clun. pr. Clifton, Notiingh. vi. coll. Clift Gabriel, Devon, xii. coll. Clive, Gloce/i. viii. mon. d. Cloth'ale, Herts, viii. hofp. Clovelly, Devon, xiii. coll. q. Clwyd Valley, Denbigh, i. mon. d. Clynnock V aur, Caernarv. v. coll. Clyve, or Cliff, Somerfet. xiv. Cift. abb* Cnobherefburgh v. Burgh Caftle Cobham, Kent. xiv. coll. Codenham, York, xxiv. nun. q. Cogges, Oxford, viii. Al. pr. Coggelhale, Effex. xi. Cift. abb. Cokehill, Worceji. vi. Cift. nun. Cokerham, Lane. ii. pr. q. Cokerfand, Lane. iii. Prem. abb. Cokesford, Norf xvii. 1. Auft. pr. 2. hofp. Colchefter, Effex. xii. 1. St. John’s, Ben. abb. 2. St* Botolph’s, Auft. can. 3. St. Mary Magd. hofp* 4. Crofted fr. 5. Grey fr. Cold Norton v. Norton Colum, or Colne, Earles, Effex. xiii. Ben. pr. Combe, Gloceji. vii. Cift. cell Combe, Warw. viii. Cift. abb. Combe Temple, Somerfet. xv. Kn. Hofp. Combehire, or Comehere v. Cumhyre Combermere, Chejh. viii. Cift. abb. Conifheved, Lane. iv. Auft. can. Congar’s mon. Glamorgan, i. mon. d. Congrefbury, Somerfet. xvi. coll. d. Conftantyn, Cornw. vi. Cookham, Surr. iv. hofp. Coqueda, or Coket, Northumb. x. Ben. cell Corham, or Coverham, York. xxv. Prem. abb. Cornbury v. Acornbury Cornworthy, Devon, xiv. Auft. nun. Coftham, Wilts, xi. Al. pr. Cotes, Northampt. viii. Lazar-houfe Cotesbrook v. Kaylend Cotham, or Nun Coturt, Lincoln, xvii. Cift. nun. Cotherftoke, Northampt. ix. coll, or ch. Cottingham, York. xxvi. Auft. can. r. Covele Temple, or Cowley, Oxford, ix. Tempi, r. Covenham, Lincoln, xviii. Al. pr. Coventre, Warw. ix. i.nun. d. 2. cathedral and Ben. pr. 3. Charterhoufe. 4. Bablake coll. 5. Bond’s or Bablakehofp. 6. Grey Friers’ hofp. 7. St. John’s hofp. 8. Sponne E X. I N D 8. Sponne hofp. 9. CheyleGnore. 10. Grey fr. 11. White fr. Cowike, Devon, xv. Al. pr. Coxhall v. Coggefhale Crabhoufe, Norf xviii. Auft. nun. Cranburn, Dorfet. ix. Ben. cell Cranebroke, Kent. xv. almQioufe Cranewell v. Canwell Crantoc v. Karentoc Crawley, Bucks, viii. mon. d. Crayke, olim Creic, Tori, xxvii. mon. d. Crediton, olim Crediantun, Devon, xvi. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Crendon, de parco, v. Nodtele Creffing Temple, EJfex. xiv. Tempi. Creffwell, Heref. vii. Al. pr. Creting, Suff. xv. Al. pr. Crew v. Letheringham Creyk, Norf. xix. Auft. can. d. Cricklade, Wilts, xii. hofp. Crokefden, or Croxden, Stafford, viii. Cift. abb. St. Crofs, Hamp. xi. Al. pr. St. Crofs, Somerfet. xvii. nun. Crowland, Lincoln, xix. Ben. abb, Crowmerfh, Oxford, x. hofp. Croxton, Leicejl. vi. Prem. abb. Croydon, Surr. v. hofp. De Cruce Roefite v. Royfton Cuich v. Cowike Cumbwell, Kent. xvii. Auft. can. Cumhyre, Radnor. i..Cift. abb. Cunaceftre v. Chefter on the Street Cuneburna v. Kylborn St. Cyriac, or St. Cyret, v. St. Syriac St. Cyriol v. Glannach Dacor, Cumber!, v. mon. d. Daeglesford, or Deilesford, Glocejl, ix. mon. d. Dalby, Leicejl. vii. Kn. Hofp. Le Dale, Derb. vi. Prem. abb. Dammefende v. Hempton Darley v. Little Derby Darnall v. Dernhale Dartmouth, Devon, xvii. cell Daventre, Northampt. x. Clun. pr. St. David’s, Northampt. v. St. Dewes St. David’s, Pembr. ii. i. cathedral. 2. coll. Davington, or Daunton, Kent, xviii. Ben. nun. Deane, Northampt. xi. mon. d. Deirwalde v. Beverley Denbigh, Denbighjh. ii. 1. almftt. 2. White fr. Dene, Glocejlr. v. Flexely Denhall, or Denwall, Cbejh. ix. hofp. Denny, olim Daneia, Cambr. vii. i.Ben. cell. 2. Tempi. 3: Minorities Denfton, or Denardefton, Suff. xvi. coll, or ch. Deping, Lincoln, xx. Ben. cell Derby, Derb. vii 1. Clun. cell. 2. Auft. can. v. Little Derby. 3. Ben. nuns v. Kingfmead. 4. All Saints coll. 5. St. Leonard’s hofp. 6. Maifon Dieu. 7. Black fr. Derby Littlej Derb. viii. Auft. can. Dereham Eaft, Norf. xx. mon. d. Dereham Weft, Norf. xxi. Prem. abb. Derehurfte, Glocejl. x. Al. pr. Derent, Kent. xix. Ben. cell q. Derlington, Durham, v. coll. Dernhale, Chejh. x Cift. abb. r. Dertford, Kent. xx. 1. Auft. nun. 2. Trinity hofp. 3. St. Mary Magd. hofp. Devizes, Wilts, xiii. hofp. St. Dewes, Northampt, xii. hofp. Didlelbury v. Dudelebyri Dieulacres, Stafford, ix. Cift. abb. Dingley, Northampt. xiii. Kn. Hofp. De Divifis v. Pipewell Docking, Norf. xxii. Al. pr. Dodelyng, or Dodelinch, Somerfet. xviii. Auft. can. r. Dodford, Worafl. vii. Prem. cell Dodnalh, olim Dudenafch, Suff. xvii. Auft. can. St; Dogmael’s, Pembr. iii. Tiron. abb. Domnoc, or Dommoc, v. Dunwich Doncafter, York, xxviii. 1. St. James’ hofp. 2. St. Ni¬ cholas’ hofp. 3. Black fr. 4. Grey fr. 5. White fr Donington, Berks, vii. 1. Trin. fr. 2. hofp. Donington Caftle, Leicejl. viii, hofp. Dorchefter, Dorfet. x. 1. hofp. 2. lazar-houfe 9 Greyfr. 3* Dorchefter, Oxford, xi. t. bilhoprick. 2. Auft. can. Dore, Heref. viii. Cift. abb. Dormundefcaftre, or Dormancafter, Northampt. xiv. mon. d. Dover, Kent. xxi. 1. Ben. pr. 2. St. Bartholomew’s hofp. 3. Godfhoufe Drax, York. xxix. Auft. can. Drayton in Hales, Shrop, x. White fr. q. Droitwyeh, Worceji: viii. 1. hofp. 2. Auft. fr. Dudelebyri, Shrop. xi. Al. pr. Dudley, Stafford, x. Clun. cell Duffglafs, orDouglafs, Man. iii. 1. Cift. abb. r. 2. nun. Duna, or Done, v. Keldon Dunemuth, or Donemade, v. Tinmoutb Dunkefwell, Devon, xviii. Cift. abb. Dunmowe, Effex. xv» Auft. can. Dunftane, or Dunfton, Lincoln, xxi. hofp. Dunfcroft, York. xxx. Cift. cell Dunftaple, Bedfv i. 1. Auft. can. 2. hofp. 3. Black fr. Dunfter, Somerfet. xix. Ben. pr. Dunwich, Suff. xviii. 1. Bilhoprick and mon. d. 2. Tempi. 3. Godfhoufe. 4. St. James’ hofp. c. Black fr. 6. Grey fr. Dureford, Suff. xi. Prem. abb. Durham, Durham, vi. cathedral and Ben. pr. Dynmore, Heref. ix. Kn. Hofp. Dynnelley Temple, Herts, x. Tempi. Eademundeftowe v. Bury St. Edmund Eafeborn, or Eaftburn, Suff. xii. Ben nun, Eaft-holme v. Holme Eaft Brent v. Brent Eaftry, Kent. xxii. mon. d. Eaton, Bedf. vii. 1. hofp. 2. coll, or gild Eaton by Windfor, Bucks, ix. coll. Eaton, or Nun Eaton, Warm. x. Font. nun. Ebbchefter, Durham, vii, mon. d. Ecclesfield, York. xxxi. Al. pr. Edindon, Wilts, xiv. Bonhommes Edith Wefton, or Edywefton, Rutl. ii. Al. pr. St. Edmund’s Bury v. Bury Edwardftow v. Nettely Edwardftone, Suff. xix. Ben. cell Egle, Lincoln, xxii. Tempi. Eglefton, York, xxxii. Prem. abb. Egnelham, Oxf. xii. Ben. abb. Einulfelbury v. St. Neots Elfleet, or Elflit, Kent, xxiii. mon. d. Elingham, Hamp. xii. Al. pr. Ellandune v. Wilton Ellelham, Lincoln, xxiii. Auft. can. Ellelhaugh, Northurnb. xi. hofp. F.lmeham, or North Elmham, Norf. xxiii. bilhop’s fee Elmeley, Worceji. ix. coll, or ch. Elmete, York. xxxv. mon. d. Elreton, or Ellerton, York, xxxiii. Cift. nun. Elreton in Spaldingmore, York, xxxiv. Gilb. pr. Elftow, or Elnftowe, Bedf. viii. Ben. nun. Eltefley, Cambr. viii. nun. d. Ely, Cambr. ix. 1. .Ben. pr. and cathedral. 2. hofp. Emmefey, Embcfea, Emlelhey, or Emlhaw, York, xxxvi. Auft. can. r. Endellion, Cornw. vii. coll. Endefton, Somerfet. xx. Al. pr. Enedwell v. Andewell Eoveftiam, Worceji. x. Ben. abb. Eppworth, Lincoln, xxiv. Carthuf. pr. Erdbury, Warm. xi. Auft. can. Erden v. Arden Eritheham v. Heringham Erlingworth v. Irtelingburgh Eryth v. Weftwood Elkedale v. Grofmont De INDEX. t)e Effartis, or Exfartis, v. Wardon and De Sartis Efle v. Alhen Effeburn v. Eafeborne Effeby v. Alhby canons Effeholt, York, xxxvii. Cift. nun. Efferug, Bucks, x. Bonhommes Eftacre v. Caftelacre Eftiventon v. Steventon Eftleye v. Aftley, Worceji. Eftodely v. Stodely, Oxford. Efton, Wilts, xv. Trin. fr. Eftwell v. Heanwood St. Etha v. St. Thetha Ethelingeaia v, Athelney Everdon, Northampt. xv. Al. pr. Evcfham v. Eovcfham ; Evill v. Yevele Ewell v. Swingfield Ewelme, Oxf. xiii. hofp. , Ewenny v. Wenny Ewias Haraldi, Heref. x. Ben. cell d, Exeter, Devon, xix. i. cathedra). 2. St. Nicolas, Ben. pr. 3. St. Catharine’s, Ben. nun. 4. St. James’, Al. pr. 5. college in the caftle. . 6. Vicars’ college. 7. St. Alexis’ cell, or St. Burien’s hofp. 8. Bonvile’s hofp. g. Godlhoufe, or Wynard’s hofp. 10. St. John’s hofp. 11. St. Mary M&gd, hofp. 12. Moore’s almlhoufe. 13. Palmer’s almfhoufe. 14. Stevyns’ almfhoufe. 15. Ten Cells, or Grendon’s almfhoufe. 16. Black fr. 17. Grey fr. Exeter Diocefe, Devon, xx. Charter-houfe Eye, Stiff, xx. i. Ben. pr. 2. hofp. Eyneftane v. Endefton Eyno v. Aynho Eynfham v. Egnefham Fairweld, olim Faurwelle, Fagrovella, and Fagerefwella, Stafford, xi. Ben. nun. St. Faith’s v. Horfham Fakenhamdam v. Hempton Farendon, Berks, viii. Cift. cell Farle, Bedf. ix. hofp. P'arlega, Fernlegh, or Monkton Farleigh, Wilts, xvi. Clun. pr. Farn Ifland, arFerne Eland, Northumb. xii. Ben. cell Felixftow v. Walton St. Felix Felley, Notlingh. y ii. Auft. can. Fernlega, or Fernalege, v, Hereford Ferreby North, York, xxxviii. 1. Tempi. 2. Auft. can. Ferring, Suff. xiii. mon. d. Feverlcge, Heref. xii. pr. d. Feverfliam, Kent. xxiv. Ben. abb. Fieldallyng, Norf. xxiv. Al. pr. Fifhyde v. Fyfield Finchale, Durham, viii. Ben. cell Finnefhed v. Hymel Caftle Fifherton v. Salifbury Fifkarton, Nottingh. viii. Auft. cell Fladbury, olim Fledanbyrig, or Flandenburch, Worceji. xi. mon. d. Flamfted, Herts, xi. Ben. nun. Flaneland v. Farn Ifland Flanesford, Heref. x i. Auft. can. Flexeley, Glocefl. xi. Cift. abb. Flixton, Stiff, xxi. Auft. nun. Flixton, York, xxxix. hofp. d. Flitcham, Norf. xxv. Auft. can. Fodringhey, Northampt. xvi. 1. nun. d. 2. coll. Folkftone, olim Folcaftan, Kent. xxv. 1. nun. d. 2. Al. pr. Fonticuli v. Wells Forbridge v. Stafford Ford, Devon, xxi. Cift. abb. Fordham, Cambr. x. Gilb. pr. Fordingbridge, Hatnp. xiii. hofp. Fors, York. xl. Cift. abb. r, Foffe, Lincoln, xxv. Ben. nun. Foulefnape, or Fulfnaph, York. xii. hofp. d. Fountains, or De Eontibus, York. xiii. 1. Ben. abb. 2. hofp. Framcland v. Farn Ifland Frampton, or Frompton, Dorfet. xi. Al. pr. Frethelftoke, or Friftoke, Devon, xxii. Auft. can. Frifetun, or Frefton, Lincoln, xxvi. Ben. cell Froome, Somerfet. xxi. 1. mon. d. 2. nun. q. Frouceftre, Glocefl. xii. coll. d. F uggleftone v. Wilton St. Giles Furnes, Lane. v. Cift. abb. Fyfield, Berks, ix.. hofp. Fylcheftow, or Fylftow, v. Walton St. Felix Galmanho, York, xliii. mon. d. Gare, Bucks, xi. nun. d. Garinges v. Goring Garfwell v. Creffwell Gatefhead, or Gatefhide, Durham, ix. 1. mon. d. 2. nun. 3. St. Edmund’s hofp. 4. Trinity hofp. Gaukevel v. Gokwelle Genlade v. Reculver St. Germans, Cornw. viii. Auft. can. Gerondon, or Geraldon, vulgo Garradon and Garewer- don, Leicefl. ix. Cift. abb. Gervis v. Joreval Gild Martyn, Devon, xxiii. hofp. Gilling, Gethling, or Ceding, York. xliv. mon. d. Gifeburne, York. xlv. Auft. can. Gifelingham, Stiff, xxii. Tempi. Glanford Brigge, Lincoln, xxv ii. hofp. Glannach, Anglefey. i. Ben. pr. Glafeney v. Penryn Glaftonbury, Somerfet. xxii. 1. Ben. abb. 2. St. John’s hofp. 3. almfhoufe Glemisford, or Glemnesford, Stiff, xxiii. coll. d. Glocefter, Glocefl. xiii. 1. ancient bilhoprick. 2. St. Peter’s, Ben. abb. 3. St. Ofwald’s, Auft. can. 4. another Auft. pr. q. 5. St. Bartholomew’s hofp. 6. St. Margaret’s hofp. 7. St. Mary Magd. or St. James’ hofp. 8. Black fr. g. Grey fr. 10. White fr. Gnoufale, Leicefl. v. Noufeley Gnoufhall, Stafford, xii. coll. Goatfhead v. Gatefhead Godeland, or Gothland, York. xlvi. Ben. cell Godesfield, Hamp. xiv. Kn. Hofp. Godeftow, Oxf. xiv. Ben. nun. Godfhill, Hamp. xv. coll. q. Gokwelle, or Gowkefwell, Lincoln, xxviii. Cift. nun. Goldcliff, Monm. iv. Al. pr. Gonalfton Spitel v. Brodebufke Goring, Oxf. xv. Auft. nun. Gorlefton, Suff. xxiv. 1. hofp. 2. Auft. fr. Gosford, Oxf. xvi. Kn. Hofp. Goutherft, Kent. xvi. almfhoufe Grace Dieu, Leicejli x. Auft. nun. Grace Dieu, Monm. V. Cift. abb. Grantham, Lincoln, xxix. Grey fr. De la Grave, Grove, or Grovebury, Bedf. x. Al. pr. Grayftoke, Gumberl. vi. coll. Greenfield, Lincoln, xxx. Cift. nun. Green Oar, Somerfet. xxiii. Ben. cell Greenwich, Kent. xxvi. Grey fr. Greifley, Dcrb. ix. Auft. can. In parco de Greffely v. Beauvale Grenedale v. Handale Gretham, Durham, x. hofp.- Grimefby, Lincoln, xxxi. 1. Ben. nun. 2. Auft. fr. 3. Grey fr. Grofmont, Gromont; Grommond, or .Grandimont, York, xlvii. Al. pr. Guaris v. Ware St. Guerir v. Nyott Guilford, Surr. vi. 1. Black fr. 2. Crouched fr. Guinuga v. Wenge Guitherine v. Witheriac Guyes Cliff, Warn), xii. coll, or ch. G wenny v. Wenny Gwyfnes, or Gyfnes, Northumb. xiii. nun. d. Gyfburgh v. Gifeburne Gyrwi v. Jarrow Haccomb, Devon, xxiv. coll, or ch. q. — X xxx Hacknefs, index. Hicknefs, olim HaCanos, York, xlviii. Ben cell Hadefcoe, Norf. xxvi. Tempi. Hadleigh, Suff. xxv. i. mon. d. 2. almfhoufcs Hagh, or Halgh, Lincoln, xxxii. Al. pr. Hagham, or Hacharn, Lincoln, xxxiii. Al. pr. Haghmon, Sbrop. xii. Auft. can. Hagneby, Lincoln, xxxiv. Prem. abb. Haguftald v. Hexham Hailing, Hemp. xvi. Al. pr. Hakyngton, Kent, xxvii. coll. int. Hales, or Halefoweyne, Sbrop. xiii. Prem. abb. Halington v. Lekeburne Haliwell v. London Halftede, Effex. xvi. coll. Halfton, Sbrop. xiv. Tempi. Haltempricc, York. xlix. Auft. can. Halyftane, Northumb. xiv. Ben. nun. Halywell, Warw. xiii. Auft. cell d. Hamburg, or Handbury, v. Hehanburge Hambury v. Hehanbiri Hamele, or Hamelrife, Hamp. xvii. Al. pr. Hamme, Berks, x. Ben. nun. q. Hamm, Heref. v. Home Lacy Hampton, Middl. ii. Kn. Hofp. d. Hampton Minchin, Glocejl. xiv. Al. pr. Hamtone v. Northampton Hamtune v. Wolverhampton Handale, York. 1. Ben. nun. Hanepole, or Hampoll, York. li. Cift. nun. Harden v. Arden Hardham v. Heringham Hardingfthorn v. Northampton St. Leonard Hardwic, Norf. xxvii. hofp. Haringeye v. Hailing Hartlepoole, Durham, xi. 1. mon. d. 2. Grey fr. Harwolde, or Harwood, Bedf. xi. Auft. nun. Harworth v. Bawtre Hafilberghe, Somerfet. xxiv. can. q. Hafeldene, Glocejl . xv. Cift. r. Haftings, Sujf. xiv. 1. coll. 2. Auft. can. Hatfield Peverell, Effex. xvii. Ben. cell Hatfield Regis, or Brodeoke, Effex. xviii. Ben. pr. Haverford Weft, Pembr. iv. 1. Auft. can. 2. Black fr. Haverholm, Lincoln, xxxv. Gilb. pr. Havering v. Hornchurch Haughnaby v. Hagneby Hautboys v. Hobbefle Hawfton. v. Halfton Hayham v. Hagham Hayles, Glocejl. xvi. Cift. abb. Heanwood, Warw. xiv. Ben. nun. Hecham v. Hitcham Hedingham Caftle, Heningham, Hegham, or Hegford, Effex. xix. 1. Ben. nun. 2. hofp. Hedington v. Edindon Hedley, York. lii. Ben. pr. Hedon, York. liii. hofp. Hehanbiri, Wore. xii. mon. d. Hehanburge, or Heambure, Stafford, xiii. mon. d. Heightredlbury, Heightelbury, or Haytefbury, Wilts. xvii. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Heilham v. Drax Helagh Park, York. liv. Auft. can. St. Helen’s, Hamp. xviii. Al. pr. Hclenftow, Berks, xi. nun. d. Heleneftow, Bedf. v. Elftowe Helmham v. Elmeham Helfton, Cornw. ix. hofp. Hemingburgh, York. lv. coll. Hempton, Norf. xxviii. Auft. can. Henley, Warw. xv. hofp. d. Henton, Somerfet. xxv. Carthuf. pr. Henulvefbiri v. St. Neots Hepp Wefmorl. iv. Prem. abb. Herbaldoun, Kent, xxviii. hofp. Herdewyke v. Hardwic Hereford, Heref. xiii. 1. cathedral. 2. Vicafs Coll. 3. St. Peter’s, Ben. cell. 4. St. Anthony’s hofp. 5. St. Ethelbert’s hofp. 6. St. Giles’ hofp. 7. St. Giles’ lazar-houfe. 8. St. John’s hofp. 9. St. Tho¬ mas’ hofp. 10. hofp, near the bridge. 11. Black fr 12. Grey fr. r’ Hcringby, Norf. xxix. coll, or hofp. Heringham, Herningham, or Heretham, Stiff xv. Auft pr. d. Herleia v. Hurley Herlyngflete, or Heringfleet, Stiff, xxvi. Auft. can. Hermondefworth, Middl. iii. Al. pr. Hertford, Herts, xii. 1. Ben. cell. 2. Trin. fr. Herting, Suff. xvi. hofp. Hertland, Devon, xxv. Auft. can. Helledon v. Hafeldene Hether, Leicefl. xi. Kn. Hofp. Hethorp, Glocef. xvii. Chartr. Heveringland v. Mountjoy Heyham v. Lillecherch Heyninges, or Hevenynge, Lincoln, xxxvi. Cift. nun Hextildelham, or Hexham, Northumb. xv. 1. Bilhopri'ck and abbey. 2. Auft. can. 3, hofp. 4. fpittle. Hickling, Norf. xxx. Auft. can. Higham Ferrers, Nortbampt. xvii. 1. coll. 2. alms- houfe. 3. hofp. Highgate, Middl. iv. 1. hermitage. 2. hofp. Hilbury, or Holburgh, v. Ilbre Hilton v. Hulton Plinchingbrooke, Huntingd. i. Ben. nun. Hinkley, Leicef. xii. Al. pr. Hitcham, Norf. xxxi. Clun. cell Hitchin, Herts, xiii. 1. Gilb. nun. 2. White fr. Hithe, Kent. xxix. x. mon. d. 2. St. Andrew’s ho(p, 3. St. Bartholomew’s hofp. Hobbefle, Norf. xxxii. hofp. Hocclyff v. Occleve Hoddefdon, Herts, xiv. hofp. Plode, York. lvi. Auft. cell Hoglhaw, Buckingb. xii. Kn. Hofp. Holand, Lane. vi. Ben. pr. Holbech, Lincoln, xxxvii. hofp. De Caftro Holgood, Sbrop. xv. coll. Holifcomb v. Halyftane Holland Brigge, Lincoln, xxxviii. Gilb. pr. Holm Cultram, Cumberl. vii. Cift. abb. Holme, Dorfet. xii. Clun. cell Holm, Northumb. xvi. White fr. Holmes, Somerfet. xxvi . pr. Holyhead, Anglefey. ii. coll. Holy Ifland v. Lindisfarne Home Lacy, Heref xiv. Prem. abb. Homerfton v. Humberfteyn Honiton, Devon, xxvi. hofp. Horewelle, Warw. xvi. Cift. cell Horkefley, Effex. xx. I. Clun. pr. 2. holp. Horkeflegh, or Horfley, Glocef. xviii.- Al. pr. d. Horneby, Lane. vii. Prem. cell Hornechurch, Effex. xxi. Al. pr. Horning, Norf. xxxiii. hofp. Horningfey, Cambr. xi. mon. d. Horlham, Norf. xxxiv. 1. Ben. pr. 2. hofp. d. Horfley, Surr. vii. Black nuns d. Horftede, Norf. xxxv. Al. pr. Horton, Dorfet. xiii. Ben. cell Horton, Kent. xxx. Clun. cell Hoton v. Bafedale Hotteham, Suff. xvii. Prem. abb. r. Hou, or Hoo, Suff. xviii; Al. pf. Houndeflow, or Hounflow, Middl. v. Trin. fr. Hourne, Surr. yiii. Carthufians q. How, Glocef. xix. almfhoufe Howden, olim Hovedene, York. lvii. coll. Howdenprice v. Haltemprice Howgate Caftle v. De Caftro Holgood Howghe on the Mount v. Hagh Hoxne, or Hoxon, Suff. xxvii. Ben. cell. Hreopandune v. Repingdon Hripenfis Ecclefia v. Rippon Hull v. Kingfton upon Hull Hulme v. St. Bennet’s Hulton, Stafford, xiv. Cift. abb. Humberfteyn, or Hunfton, Lincoln, xxxix. Ben. abb< Hungerford, Berks, xii. hofp, Huntingdon, INDEX. Huntingdon, Hunting d. ii. i. Auft. can. 2. St. John’s hofp. 3. St. Margaret’s hofp. 4. Auft. fr. Hurley, Berks, xiii, Ben. cell Hurfte Temple, York, lviii. Tempi. Hutton v. Bafedale Hyde v. Winchefter Newminfter Hymel Caftle, Nortbampt. xviii. Auft. can. Hynewode v. Heanwood Hyrft in Axholme, Lincoln, xl. Auft. cell Jarrow, Durham, xii. Ben. cell Icanhoc, Lincoln, xli. mon. d, Ickham, Lincoln, xlii. Al. pr. Jefmont, Northumb. xvii. hofp, Iffingham v. Alvingham Ikeburgh v. Newbrigge Ikelington, or Ickleton, Camlr. xii. Ben. nun. Ikefworth, Suff. xxix. Auft. can; Ilbre, Chejh. xi. Ben. cell Ilchefter v. Ivelchefter Ilford hofpital v. Berking Inderauuda v. Beverley Indio, Devon, xxvii. priory j. Ingelborn v. Malmfbury Ingetlingum v. Gilling Ingham, Norf. xxxvi. Trin. fr. Inifcaw v. Sylly Inrhypum v. Rippon De Infula Henly vel Sandtorum, v. Bardfey Joreval, or Jervaux, York. lix. Cift. abb. Ipelpen, Devon, xxviii. Al. pr. Ipfwich, Suff. xxviii. 1. H. Trin. or Chrift’s Church, Auft. can. 2. St. Peter’s, Auft. can. 3. St. Mary Magd. and St. James’ hofp. 4. Dandy’s almlhoufes. 5. Auft. fr. q. 6. Black fr. 7. Grey fr. 8. White fr. Irford, Lincoln, xliii. Prem. nun. Irtelingburgh, Nortbampt. xix. coll. Ifelham, Cambr. xiii. Al. pr. Iile of Birds v. Bardfey IDeworth v. Syon Iftradfleet v. Strata Florida Ithancefter, Effex. xli. mon. d. Julette v. S. Syriac Ivelchefter, Somerfet. xxvii. I. hofpital, nunnery, or free chapel. 2, Black fr. St. Ives, Huntingd. iii. Ben. cell Ivingho v. Mcurefly Ivychurch, Wilts, xviii. Auft. can. Ixworth v. Ikefworth Kainefton v. Tarent Kalanda, or JCaylend, Nortbampt. xx. Prem. cell Kanewell V. Canwell S. Karentoc, Cornw. x. coll Karledale, or Kedington, Lincoln, xliv. Cift. r. S. Karrocus v. St. Syriac Katebi, or Katefby, Nortbampt. xxi. Ben. nun. Keinton, Wilts, xix. Ben. nun. Keldon, or Keldeholm, York. lx. Cift. nun. Kelfey South v. Wenghale Kclynge Nun. York. Ixi. Ben. nun. Kemefey, Worcejl. xiii. mon. d. Kenilworth, Warw. xvii. Auft. can. Kepire v. Kypier Kerfey, Suff. xxx. Auft. can. d. Kerfhall, Lane. viii. Clun. cell Kertmel, Lane. ix. Auft. can. Kerfwyll v. Carefwell, Devoni Keilewell v. Carefwell St. Kevran 1). Lanachebran Keynfham, Somerfet. xxviii. Auft. can. Kidderminfter, Worcejl. xiv. mon. d. Kidlington v. Gosford Kidwely v. Cadweli Kilburn v. Kylborn ■ Kildale, York. lxii. Crofted fr, Killingwoldgrove, or Kinewaldegrave, York. Ixiii. hofp. Kilpecke, Heref. xv. Ben. cell d. King’s Mead, Derb. x. Ben, nun. Kingfthorp v. St. Dewes Kingfton upon Thames, Surr. ix. r. 2. hofp. Kingtton upon Hull, York. lxiv. 1. Carthuf. pr. 2. King- fton’s hofp. or Godlhoufe. 3- 4- Grigg’s and Mari¬ ners hofpitals. 5. Pole’s hofp. 6. Selby’s hofp. 7. Auftin fr. 8. Black fr. 9. White fr. Kingfton, Dorfet. v. Tarent Kington, Wilts, v. Keinton Kingfwood, Wilts, xx. Cift. abb. Kinley, or Kinline, Glocejl. xx. coll, or free chap. St. Kinmercy, Monrn. vi. pr. Kinner, Kinmer, or Kemmcr, Merioneth, i. Cift. abb. Kirkby Beller, Leicejl. xiii. Auft. can. Kirkby in Kendale, Wejlm. v. hofp. Kirkby Monks, Warw. xviii. Al. pr. Kirkby Overblowes, York. lxv. coll. Kirkham, York. lxvi. Auft. can. Kirkleghes, or Kirkleys, York, lxvii. Cift. nun. Kirk Ofwald, Cumberl. viii. coll. Kirkftall, York. Ixviii. Cift. abb. Kirkfted, Lincoln, xlv. Cift. abb. Kirkwode v. Widkirk Kirton v. Crediton Knarelburgh, York. Ixix. Trin. fr. Knightfbridge, Middl. vi. hofp. Knoll, Wariv. xix. coll. Kuneberceafter v. Dormundefcaftre Kuthales v. Kirkleghes Kylborn, Middl. vii. Ben. nun. Kyme, Lincoln, xlvi. Auft. can. Kynemark v. Kinmercy Kypier, Durham, xiii. hofp. Kyrkeby v. Pontfradt Kyrkelhawe v. Kerfhall Lacock, Wilts, xxi. Auft. nun. Ladton v. Latton Laffenac v. Petrocftow Lambeth, Surr. x. coll. int. Lambley, Northumb. xviii. Ben. nud. Lamborn, Berks, xiv. hofp. j Lammana, Cornw. xi. Ben. cell Lanachebran, or Lan-a-kebran, Cornw. xii. Cift. cell Lancadanc, or Langadoc, Caermarth. vii. coll. Lancafter, Lane. it. 1. Al. pr. 2. hofp. 3. Black fr. 4. Grey fr. Landa, or Launde, Leicejl. xiv. Auft. can. Lanercoft, Cumberl. ix. Auft. can. Langceftre, Durham, xiv. coll. Langdon Weft, Kent. xxxi. Prem. abb. Langelete v. Longleat Langeport, Somerfet. xxix. hofp. Langley, Herts, xv. Black fr. Langley, Leicejl. xv. Ben. nun. Langley, Norf. xxxvii. Prem. abb. Langley, Surr. v. Guilford, Black fr. Langrigh, Lane. xi. hofp. Langwade, Norf. xxxviii. Lazar-houfe Lantony, Llanhodenei, or Lantonia prima, Alonm. vii. Auft. can. Lantony, or Lantonia fecunda, Glocejl. xxi. Auft. can. Lappele, Stafford, xv. Al. pr. Laftingham, or Laftingaen, olim Laeftingeau, York. Ixx. mon. d. Latton, Effex. xxii. Auft. can. Lavinden, Bucks, xiii. Prem. abb, . Launcels, Cornw. xiii. . . . cell Launcefton, olim Lanftaveton, Cornw. xiv. 1 . Auft. can. 2. hofp. 3. friery. Lavvardyn, Pembr. vi. hofp. Layer Marney, Effex. xxiii. 1.. coll. 2. hofp. Layfingby, York. Ixxi. coll, or hofp. Lechelade, Glocejl. xxii. hofp. Ledbury, Heref. xvi. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Leedes, Kent, xxxii. Auft. can. Lees, or Leyes, Stafford, xvi. Auft. cell Leez parva, or De Lega, v. Lighes Leeftune v. Leyftone Legeceafter v. Chefter Legh, or Leye, Devon, xxix. Auft. nun. Leicefter, Leicejl. xvi. 1. St. Mary Pre, Auft, can. 2. St. I N D 2. St. Mary the Lefs coll. 3. Newark, or St. Mary the Greater coll. 4. St. John’s hofp. 5. St. Leo¬ nard’s holp. 6. St. Urfula’s or Wigfton’s hofp.- 7. Auft. fr. 8. Black fr. 9. Grey fr. 10. Friers de penitentia. Leighton Bufart, Bedf xii. Cift. cell Lekeburn, Leighbou'rne, or Legborne, Lincoln, xlvii. Cift. nun. Lekelay v. Seton Lena, Hcref. xvii. Al. pr. Lenton, Nottingh . ix, 1. Clun. pr. 2. hofp. 3,FVTiitefr. Leominfter, or Lemfter, olim Leonis Monafterium and Leof, Heref. xviii. Ben. cell Lefingham, Norf. xxxix. Al. pr. Leikard, Cornw. xv. hofp. Lefnes v. Weft wood Leftingey, or Leftingaham, u. Laftinghara Letheringham, Stiff, xxxi. Auft. cell Lethum v. Lythont Lettely v. Nettely Leveneftre, Leveminftre, or Leominfter, Stiff, xix. Al. pr. _ Leverington, Cambr. xiv. hofp. d. Lewes, Stiff, xx. 1. Clun. pr. 2. St. James’ hofp. 3. St. Nicholas’ hofp. 4. Grey fr. Lewefham, Kent, xxxiii. Al. pr. Leyftone, Stiff, xxxii. Prem. abb. Lichfield, Stafford, xvii. j. cathedral. 2. vicars choral, &c. 3. Bacon-ftreet hofp. 4. St. John’s 'hofp. 5- Grey fr. Lighes, Effex. xxiv. Auft. can. Lillecherch, Kent, xxxiv. Ben. nun. d. Lillelhull, Sbrop. xvi. Auft. can. Limbergh Mag. Lincoln, xlviii. Al. pr. Liming, Kent. xxxv. mon. d. Lincoln, Lincoln, xlix. 1. nun. d. 2. cathedral. 3. St. Catharine’s, Gilb. pr. 4. St. Mary Magd. Ben. Cell. 5. St. Bartholomew’s priory q. 6. Cantilupe coll. 7. Beningworth’s hofp. 8. St. Giles’ hofp. 9. Holy Innocents’ hofpital, or Le Mallardry. 10. St. Maries hofp. ir. St. Sepulchre’s hofp. 12. Auftin fr. 13. Black fr. 14. Grey fr. 15. White fr. 16. Friers de Sacco. Lindisfarne, Nortbumb. xix. Billioprick and Ben. cell Lingebrooke v. Lymbroke Linges, Norf. xl. Ben. nun. r. Lingfield, Surr. xi. coll. Litherfall v. Ludgarfhall Little Mareis v. Mareis Littlemore, Oxf. xvii. Ben, nun. Llanbadarn faur, Cardigan, ii. mon. d. Llancarvan, Glamorg. iii. mon. d. Landaffe, Glamorg. iv. cathedral Llandewibrevi, Cardigan, iii. coll. Idan Egwifte, or Llanegwaft, v. De Valle Crucis Llangenith, Glamorg. v. Al. pr. Llankywan, or Llangwin, Monm. viii. Al. pr. Llanleir, or Llanclere, Cardigan, iv. Cift. nun. Llanlienis v. Lemfter .Llanlugan, Montgom. i. Cift. nun. Llanruftyt, Cardigan, v. nun. d. Llanfanfride, Cardigan, vi. abb. and nun. d. Llantarnam, Monm. ix. Cift. abb. Llanvais, Llan-vaes, or Llamaufy, Anglefey. iii. Grey fr. Llanwit, Llanlwit, or Llan Iltut, Glamorg. vi. mon. d. Locus Bcatte Marias v. Lacock Locus Dei v. Hethorp and Henton Locus Benedictus vet Reginae fuper Tarent v. Tarent De Loco S. Edwardi v. Nettely De Loco Regali v. Rewley Loderic v. Petrocftow Lodinton v. Landa Lodres, Dorfet. xiv. Al. pr. Lokefwell, Wilts. xxii. Cift. r. Lokhay, Derb.x i. Al. hofp. London, Middl. viii. 1. St, Paul’s cathedral. 2. St. Bartholomew’s, Auft. can. 3. Chartreufe houle. 4. Chrift’s Church or Holy Trinity, Auft. can. 5. ClerkenwelJ, Ben. nun. 6. Eaftminfter, New- minfter, or St. Mary of Graces, Towerhil), Cift. abb. E X. 7. Elfin. Spittle Auft. can. 8. Hatiwell, Ben. nun 9. St. Helens, Ben. nun. 10. St. James’ chancl' Ctft cell 1 1. it. John’s of Jerufalem or St. Jones’ 12. The Minones. 13. The Temple. J Colleges. 14. Barking coll. 15. Holmes’ coll. jg Te fus Commons 17. Lancafter coll. rg. LedehiuM chapel q. 19. London or Guildhall coll. 20 St Martins le Grand. 21. St. Michael’s Crooked Lane’ 22. 1 etty Cartons coll. 23. Poultney er'Poun'tney coll. 24. St. Thomas on the Bridge. -25. College in the Tower. 26. Whitingdon coll, ml hofp. ° Hofpitals. 27. Alderfgate ftreet, CrippICgate, (md Hol- boinhofp. q. 28. St. Antonies hofp. 29. St Bartho lomew’s hofp. 30. St. Mary of B?thlem or Bedlam" 31. Beech-lane almlhoufe. 32. Charing Crofs a 33. Crutched Friers almlhoufe. 34. Dent'on;s hofp' 3S- St. Giles without the Old Temples 36. St Giles without Cripplegate. 37. Grocers hall almlhoufe 38. St. Katharine’s near the Tower. 39'^ St. Mar¬ tin’s Outwich almlhoufes. 40. St. IVUry Spittle 41. Papey. 42. St. Paul’s hofp. 43. The Rolls olim Domus Convcrs. 44. Rouncival. 45. Savoy hofp. 46. Skinners hall almlhoufes. 47. S'taimng lane almf- houfes. 48. St. Thomas Aeons or, 'Acres. 40. Vint¬ ners hall almlhoufe. . Frieries. 50. Auftin fr. ' 51. Black fr. 52. Greyfr. 53. White fr. 54. Crofied or Crutched' fr. 35. Friers de Sacco. Longbridge v. Berlcly Longleat, Wilts. xxiii/Ahft. can. Longridge v. Langrigh Long Stow v. Stow Lorwing, Giaceft. xxiii. hofp. q. Lpfenham, Kent. xxXvil White fr. Louth Park, Lincoln. I. Cift! abb. Lowcrofs, or Loncrofle, fork, lxxii. hofp. d. Lowhadan, Pembr'. v. Lowthorp, York. Ixxiii. Coll. Ludgarfhall, Bucks, xiv. Al. hofp. Ludlow, Sbrop. xvii. 1. coll. 2. hofp. 4. White fr. Luffield, Nortbampt. xxii. Ben. pr. Luffwick, Nortbampt. xxiii. coll, or chant. Lulleminfter, or Lymifter, v. Leveneftre Lullingfton, Kent, xxxvii. almlhoufe Lunda v. Monk Bretton Lutterworth, Leicejl. xvii. hofp. Lymbroke, Heref. xix. Auft. nun. Lyme, Dorfet. xv. 1. hofp. 2. White fr. Lynne, Norf. xli. 1. Ben. cell. 2, college. 3. St. John’s hofp. 4. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 5. lazar- hotifes.. 6. Auft. fr. 7. Black fr. 8. Grey fr. 9. White fr. 10. Friers de Sacco. Lynton, Cambr. xv. Al. pr. Lythorn, Lane. xii. Ben. cell 3. Auft. fr. Macclesfield, Chcjh. x ii. coll. Maderfey v. Matterfey Maenan v. Maynan Magnusfelde, or Mangerfelde, Glocefl. xxiv. nun. d. Maiden Bradley v. Bradley Maidftone, Kent, xxxviii. 1. coll. 1, Grey fr. Maldon, Effex. xXv. White fr. Maldon juxta, or Little Maldon, Effex. xxvi. hofp. Maldon, Surr.. v. Mehudon Mailing, Kent, xxxix. Ben. nun. Mailing, xxi.> coll. Malmlbury, Maidulphi urbs, Meldunum, &c. Wilts . xxiv. 1. nun. d. 2. Ben. abb. 3. hofp. Malpas, Monm. x. Clun. cell Malteby, Lincoln. Ii. Tempi. Malton Old, York. lXxiv. Gilb. pr* Malvern Major, Worceft. xv. Ben. pr. Malvern Minor, Worcef. xvi. Ben. cell Manchefter, Lane. xiii. coll. Manton, Rut/, iii. 1. AJ. pr. 2. coll. 3. hofp. Maplefterf, Effex. xxvii. Kn. Hofp. Mareis Little, York. Ixxv. Ben. Nun, Marefey v. Matterfey Margan, Glamorg. vii. Cift. abb. St. INDEX. St. Margaret’s v. Meurcfly Marham, Nor/, xlii. Cift.. nun. S. Maria de fonte Clericorum, v. London, Clerkerrwell S. Maria de Divifis v. Pipcwell S. Maria de Parco v. Walingwels S. Maria de Infula v. Alencealler Marieftowe v. Stowe Markeby, Lincoln, lii. Auft. can. Market Street, or Markyate, v. Mergate Marleburgh, IVtlts. xxv. i . Gilb. pr. 2. St. John’s hofp. 3. St. Thomas’ ho?p. 4. White fr. Mario Minchen v. Merlow Marmoundc v. Mirmaud Marfche, Devon, xxx. Auft. cell Marfhe, Nottingh. x, Ben. cell q. Marlhfield, Glocejl. xxv. mon. q. St. Martin’s, Cornw, xvi. nun. q. Marton, York, lxxvi. Auft. can. Martock, Somerfet. xxx. priory q. Marwell Park v. Merewelle Mary Week, Cornw., xv ii. coll. St. Mary at the Welle v. Flitcham Maryke, or Marigge, York, lxxvii. Ben. nun. Maffingham, Norf. xliii. Auft. can. d. Matterfey, or Marefay, Nottingh. xi. Gilb. pr. St. Matthews, or St. Mawes, Cornu), xviii. q. Maxfield v. Macclesfield Maxftoke, IVarw. xx. Auft. can. Maynan, Denbigh, iii. Cift. abb. Mayne, or Frier Mayne, Dorfet. xvi. Kn. Hofp. Meaudon, Surr. xii. coll. r. Medelhamfted v. Peterborough Medmenham, or Mendham, Bucks, xv. Cift. abb. Melchburne, or Mechelburn, Bed/, xiii. Kn. Hofp. Melcomb, Dorfet. xvii. Black fr. Melfa, or Meaux, York, lxxviii. Cift. abb. Melton, Kent. xl. hofp. Melton Mowbray, Leicejl. xviii. Clun. cell Mendham v. Myndham Mendip, Somerfet. xxxi. Carthuf. cell Menevia v. St. David’s Mepham, Kent. xli. almlhoufe Mercy, or Merefey, Effex. xxviii. Al. pr. Mere, Lincoln, liii. 1. Tempi. 2. hofp. Mereval, IVarw. xxi. Cift. abb. Merewelle, Hamp, xx. coll. Mergate, Bedf. xiv. Ben. nun. Merkeby v. Markeby Merlow Little, Bucks, xvi. Ben. nun. Merlynch v. Byrkley Merton, Surr. xiii. Auft. can. Merton, TVUts. xxvi. hofp. q. Metingham, Suff. xxxiii. coll. Meurefley, Bucks, xvii. Ben. nun. St. Michael’s Mount, Cornw. xix. Al. pr. Michelham, Suff. xxii. Auft. can. Michelney, Somerfet. xxxiii Ben. abb. Middleham, York, lxxix. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Middlelburgh, York. lxxx. Ben. cell Middleton, or Milton Abbats, Dorfet. xviii. Ben. abb. Milton, Oxf. xix. Ben. cell d. Milton v. Melcomb Minchin Barrow, Buckland, &c. v. Barrow, Buck- land, Sic. Mincheneleya v. Legh Minhenned v. Lelkard Minfter, Cornw. xx. Al. pr. Minfter Lovell, Oxf. xviii. Al. pr. Minftre v. Thanet Le Mynftre v. Shepey Minting, Lincoln, liv. Al. pr. De Miravalle v. Mereval Mirdiall, Herts, xvi. Auft. can. q. Mirefcoge, Man. iv. mon. d. Mirmaud, Cambr. xvi. Gilb. pr. Miflenden, Bucks, xviii. Auft. can. Mitford, Northumb, xx. hofp. Miton v. Muiton Mitton, York. Ixxxi. hofp. Modberley, or Mobberley, Chejb. xiii. Auft. can. d. Modbury, Devon, xxxi. Al. pr. Moddry, Bedf. xv. Ben. cell d. Modenden v. Muttinden Modney, Norf. xliv. Ben. cell Molelby, or Molfeby, York, lxxxii. Ben. nun. Molycourt, or Mullicourt, Norf. xlv. Ben. pr. Monaft. in Silva Derorum v. Beverley Monafterium Cornutum v. Hornchurch Monafterium Hederofum v. Ivvchurch Monkenlane, or Monekellen, v. Lena Monketon Nun, York, lxxxiii. Ben. nun. Monketon v. Pembroke Monks Bretton and Monks Kirkby v. Brctton and Kirkby Monkton v. Winterburn Waft Monmouth, Mown. xi. 1. Ben. pr. 2. holp. Mons S. Mariae v. Bernoldefwick Mons Acutus, or Montacute, Somerfet. xxxiii. Clun. pr. De Monte S. Andreae v. Sallay De Monte Jovis, Montegaudio, Mountjoy or Monge, jfforf. xlvi. Auft. can. Moreiynch, Somerfet. xxxiv. Ben. cell Morfield, or Momerfield, Shrop. xviii. Ben. cell Morpeth, Northumb. xxi. hofp. Motisfont, Hamp. xxi. Auft. can. Moulton South, Devon, xxxii. coll. q. Mountery v. Wells Mountgrace, York, Ixxxiv. Carthuf. pr. Mount St. John, York, lxxxv. Kn. Hofp. Muchenay v. Michelney Muckleford, Dorfet. xix. Al. pr. Muiton, IVarw. xxii. coll. d. Mulebroc, or Mylbrook, Bedf. xv. Ben. cell r. Munkland v. Lena Muttinden, Kent. xiii. Trin. fr. Myndham, Suff. xxxiv. Clun. pr. Nantwich, Chejh. xiv. hofp. Narford, Norf. xlvii. Auft. cell Nehus v. Newfom Temple St. Neots, Huntingd. iv. Ben. pr. Neotftoke, or Neotftow, v. Nyott Neffeham, or Nelham, Northumb. xxii. Ben. nun. Neftelhoo v. Noftell Neth, Glamorg. viii. Cift. abb. Nettely, Hamp. xxii. Cift. abb. Neubo, or Newboth, Lincoln. Iv. Prem. abb. Neus, Neuahus, Newhoufe, Nevvelham, or Newfome, Lincoln, lvi. Prem. abb. Newark, Nottingh. xii. 1. hofp. 2. hofp. 3. Auft. fr. 4. Obfervant fr. Newark, or Newplace, Surr. v. Aldebury Newbigging, Herts, v. Hitchin Newbigging, York. v. Newfom Temple Newbrigge, Norf. xlviii. Auft. fr. Newburgh, York, lxxxvi. Auft. can. Newbury, Berks, xv. hofp. Newcaftle, Stafford, xviii. Black fr. Newcaftle, Northumb. xxiii. 1. Ben. nun. 2. St. Ca¬ tharine’s hofp. 3. 4. Two St. Maries hofpitals. 5. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 6. Maifon-Dieu. 7. Brig¬ ham’s hofp. 8. Auft. fr. 9. Black fr. 10. Grey fr. 11. White fr. 12. Friers de penitentia. 13. Walk- noll or Trin. fr. Newenham, Bedf. xvi. Auft. can. Newenham, or Neuham, Devon, xxxiii. Cift. abb. Newham v. Grace-Dieu, Monm. Newent, or Newenton, v. Noent Newinton Longavile, Bucks, xix. Al. pr. Newington, Kent, xliii. mon. d. Newington, Surr. xiv. hofp. Newland, York, lxxxvii. Kn. Hofp. Newminfter v. Novum Monafterium Newport Painell, Bucks, xx. 1. St. Margaret’s hofp. 2. New hofpital. 3. St. John’s hofp. Newport St. Mary v. Tykeford Newport, Cornw. xxi. hofp. Newport Pond, Effex. xxix. hofp. Newport, Monm. xii. Black fr. Newport, Shrop. xix. coll. — Yyyy Newport, INDEX* Newport, Pembr. vii. Auft. fr. Newfom Temple, York, lxxxviii. Tempi. Newftede in Lindfey, Lincoln, lvii. Gilb. pr. Newftede by Stanford, Lincoln, lviii. Auft. pr. Newftcad in Shirwood, Nottingh. xiii. Auft. can. Newtoun, Berks, v. Sandleford Newton, Cambr. xvii. coll. Newton, York, lxxxix. hofp. Newton v. Calcaria, Hedon, and Haltemprice NoCtele, Bucks, xxi. Auft. can. No£ton, Lincoln, lix. Auft. can. Noent, Glocejl. xxvi. Al. pr. Normannefberch, Norf. xlix. Clun. cell Northampton, Northampt. xxiv. i. St. Andrew’s, Clun. pr. 2. St. James’, Auft. can. 3. De la Pre, Clun. nun. 4. All Saints coll. 5. St. John’s hofp. 6. St. Leonard’s hofp. 7. St. Thomas’ hofp. 8. Auft. fr. 9. Black fr. 10. Grey fr. 11. White fr. 12. St. Crofs q. Northwell, Northill, Northyle, or Norrell, Bcdf. xvii. coll. Norton, Chejh. xv. Auft. can. Norton, Durham, xv. coll. Norton Soupecors, Norf. 1. coll. r. Norton Cold, Oxf. xx. Auft. pr. Norton, York. xc. hofp. Norwich, Norf. li. 1. cathedral and Ben. pr. 2. St. Leonard’s, Ben. cell. 3. Kairo, Ben. nun. 4. col¬ lege in the Fields. 5. St. Giles’ hofp. 6. Godflioufe. 7. Hildebrond’s fpittle. 8. Lazar- houfes at five gates. 9. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 10. Norman’s fpittle. H. St. Savior’s hofp. 12. Auft. fr. 13. Black fr. 14. Grey fr. I?. White fr. 16. Friers de Domina. 17. Friers of St. Mary. 18. Friers de Pica. 19. Friers de Sacco. Noftell, or Noftlai, York. xci. Auft. can. Nottingham, Nottingh. xiv. 1. St. Maries cell. 2. St. Sepulchre’s. 3. college. 4. St. John’s hofp. 5. St. Leonard’s hofp. 6. Plumtree’s hofp. 7. Grey fr. 8. White fr. Noufcley, Leicejl. xix. coll. Novum Monafterium, Northumb. xxiv. Cift. abb. Novus Locus v. Newfted and Aldebury De Novo Burgo v. Newburgh. Nova Terra v. Newland Nun Appleton, Nun Burnham, See. v. Appleton, Burn¬ ham, &c. Nunthorp v. Bafedale Nunverholm v. Brunnum Nuttley v. NoCtele Nyot, Cornw. xxii. mon. d. Occleve, Beef, xviii. hofp. d. Ocle, or Lyre Ocle, v. Acley Okeburn, JVilts. xxvii. Al. pr. Okeham, Rutl. iv. coll, or hofp. St. Olave’s v. Herlyngfiete Oldbury, JVarw. xxiii. Ben. nun. d. Olecomb v. Ulcomb Ordburi, Orthbivi, or Orreby, v. Erdbury Orford, Stiff, xxxv. 1, hofp. 2. Auft. fr. Ormefby Nun, or North Ormefby, Lincoln, lx. Gilb, pr. Ofeburn v. Eafeborne Ol'eney, Oxf. xxi. Auft. can. Ofeney North v. Rewley St. Olith v. Chich Ofmotherly, York. xcii. coll. q. Ofpring, Kent. xliv. hofp. d. Ofulvefton, Leicejl. xx. Auft. can. Ofveftre, or Ofwaldftreet, Shrop. xx. mon. d. Otteford, Kent. xlv. hofp. d. Otteham v. Hotteham Otteley, Oxford, xxii. Cift. r. Otteley, York, xciii. hofp. Otterington, or Otterton, Devon, xxxr. Al. pr. Ottery, Devon, xxxiv. coll. Oveton, Overton, or Ovingham, York. xciv. Gilb. pr. Ovingham, Northumb. xxv. Auft. cell Oulefcroft v. Ulvefcroft Qundle, Northampt. xxv. 1. mon. d. 2. altnlhoufe Owfton v. Ofuvelfton Oxeney, Lincoln, v. Barlings Oxney, Northampt. xxvi. Ben. cell Oxenford, Surr. xv. nun. q. Oxford, Oxf. xxiii. x. St. Fridefwide’s mon. now Chrift Church cathedral and coll. 2. St. George’s coll. 3. St. Aldates. 4. All Soul's coll. 5. Baliol coll. 6. St. Bernard’s coll. 7. Brafen-nofe coll. 8. Can¬ terbury coll. 9. Corpus Chrifti coll. 10. Durham coll. 11. Exeter coll. 42. Glocefter coll. 13. Lacy coll. 14. Lincoln colh 15. London coll. 16. Mag¬ dalen coll. 17. St. Maries, or Auft. can. coll. 18. Merton coll. 19. New or Winchefter coll. 20. Oriel, or St. Maries coll. 21. Queen’s coll. 22. Univerfity coll. 23. White Monks coll. 24. St. Bartholomew’s hofp, 25. St. John’s hofp. 26. Auft. fr. 27. Black fr. 28. Grey fr. 29. White fr. 30. Crouched fr. 31. Friers de Sacco. 32. Trin. fr. Padftow v. Petrocftow Parco de Carleton v. Walingwells De Parco Crendon, or Super Thamam v. NoCtele Parco de Greflely v. Beauvale Parcolude v. Louthpark Parco Stanley v. Le Dale Patrickfbourn Burne Paunsfield, or Panfield, Effex. xxx. ALpr. Peak v. Spittle on the Peak Peartan, or Peartenai, Lincoln, lxi. mon. d. Peccham Weft, Kent. xlvi. Kn. Hofp. Pegnalech v. Vegnalech Pembroke, Pembr. viii. 1. Ben. cell. 2. hofp. Penkridge, olim Pencriz, Staff, xix. coll. Penmon v. Glannach Penrith, Cumberl. x. Auft. or Grey fr. Penryn, Cornw. xxiv. coll. Pentney, Norf. lii. Auft. can. Penwortham, Lane. xiv. Ben. pr. Perendune, or Parndon, Effex. xxxi. Prem. abb. r. Perfhore, olim Perfcora, JVorceJl. xvii. Ben. abb. Peterborough, Northampt. xxvii. 1. Ben. abb. 2. St. Leonard’s hofp. 3. St. Thomas’ hofp. Peterftone, Petrefton, or De Petra S. Petri, Norf. liii. Auft. can. d. Petrocftow, Cornw . xxiii. mon. d. Pevenfey, Suff. xxiii. hofp. Peykirk, or Pegekyrke, Northampt. xxviii. mon, d. Pickering, York. xcv. hofp. St. Pieran, Cornw. xxv. coll. Pilla, or Pille, Pembr. ix. Tyr. pr. Pilton, Devon, xxxvi. 1. Ben. cell. 2. hofp. Pinley, IVarw. xxiv. Cift. nun. Pipewell, Northampt. xxix. Cift. abb. Pirrho, or Peryhoe, Northampt. xxx. hofp. d. Plecy, or Plefhy, Effex. xxxii. coll. Pleydone, Suff. xxiv. hofp. Plymmouth, Devon, xxxvii. 1. hofp. 2. Grey fr. 3. White fr. Plympton, Devon, xxxviii. 1. Auft. can. 2. hofp. Pokefhaulle v. Puckelhall Pola v. Y ftrat Marchell Pollelhoo, or Poleflowe, Devon, xxxix. Ben. nun. Pollefworth, IVarw. xxv. Ben. nun. Ponlbury, Shrop. xxi. coll. De Ponte Aflaci v. Holland Brigge De Ponte Roberti v. Robert’s Bridge Pontefract, York. xevi. 1. Clun. pr. 2. coll, and hofp. d. 3. St. Clement’s coll. 4. Knolles’ coll, and alml- houfe. 5. St. Maries hofp. q. 6. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 7. St. Nicholas’ hofp. 8. Black fr. 9. Grey fr. q. 10. White fr. Ponteland, Northumb. xxvi. coll. Pool, Dorfet. XX. 1. convent. 2. friers Pooling, Suff. xxv. Kn. Hofp. d. Portchefter, Hamp. xxiii. Auft. can. Portefmouth, Hamp. xxiv. hofp. Pougheley, or Pochele, Berks, xvi. Auft. can. Povington, Dorfet. xxi, Al. pr. De Pratis dom. Regis v. Derby De la Praye, St. Mary Pre, or De Pratis, Herts, ix. De I N D E X, De la Pre, or De Pratis, v. Northampton Prene, or Preone, Shrop. xxii. Clun. cell Prefteby v. Whitby Prefton, Lane. xv. I. hofp. 2. Grey fr. Prefton, Northampt. xxxi. Clun. pr. r. Prefton, Wejlmorl. vi. Prem. abb. r. Prieftholme, or Praeftoll, v. Glannach Pxittlewell, Effex. xxxiii. Clun. pr. St. Probus, Cornw. xxvi. coll. d. Puckeridge, Herts, xvii. Free chapel Suckelhall, Kent, xlvii. hofp. Pulchra Vallis v. Beauvale Pulchrum Vifu v. Belvoir Pulton, Chejh. xvi. Cift. abb. r. Pulton, Wilts, xxviii. Gilb. pr. Pynelegh v. Pinley Pynham, Sujf. xxvi. Auft. can. De Pyonia v. Wormeleye Quarrer, Hamp. xxv. Cift. abb. Quatford, Shrop. xxiii. coll. r. Queinington, Glocefl. xxvii. Kn. Hofp. Qwelnetham v. Weltham Rachenefs, Norf. liv. lazar-houfe Raculf v. Reculver St. Radegund’s, Cambr. v. Cambridge St. Radegund’s, Kent. v. Bradfole Radford v. Wirkefop Radingfeld v. Redlingfield Radmore, Staff, xx. Cift. abb. r. Rameftede, or Remfted, Sifff. xxvii. Berl. nun. d. Ramfbury, Wilts, xxix. bilhoprick Ramfey, Huntingd. v. Ben. abb. Ramfey, Pembr. xiii. mon. d. Ratlingcope, Shrop. xxiv. Auft. cell Ravendale, Lincoln, lxii. Al. pr. Ravenningham, Norf. lv. coll. r. Ravenfton, Bucks, xxii. Auft. can. Raunton v. De Sartis Reading, Berts, xvii. 1. mon. d. 2. Ben. abb. 3. St. Laurence’s hofp. 4. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 5. Greyfr. Readingham, Suff. xxviii. mon. d. Reculver, Kent, xlviii. mon. d. Redbridge, Hamp. xxvi. mon. d. Redburn, Herts. xviii. Ben. cell Redleigh, Devon, xl. Al. pr. Redlingfield, Suff. xxxvi. Ben. nun. Regill, Somerfet. xxxv. cell Repingas, Northampt. vi. mon. d. Repingdon, or Repton, Derb. xii. Auft. can. Rcrecrofs, York, xcvii. hofp. Reveiby, Lincoln, lxiii. Cift. abb. Rewley, or De Regali Loco, Oxford, xxiv. Cift. abb. Reydon St. Peter’s v. Wangford Reygate, Surr. xvi. Auft. can. Rhudland, F/intJh. iv. 1. hofp, 2. Black fr. Ribftane, York, xcviii. Tempi. Richmond, Surr. xvii. Obf. fr. Richmond, York. xeix. 1. St. Martin’s, Ben. cell. 2. St. Agatha, Prem. abb. 3. nun. d. 4. St. Ni¬ cholas’ hofp. 5. Grey fr. 6. White fr. Riddrefeld, now Rotherfield, Suff. xxix. Al. pr. d. Rippon, or Ad Ripan. York. c. I. mon. d. 2. coll. 3. St. Ann’s hofp. 4. St. John’s hofp. 5. Magda¬ len hofp. Rifburrow, or Rifeburgh, Bucks, xxiii. Ben. cell q. Rifelipp, or Roufelep, Middl. ix. Al. pr. Rilheton v. Rulhton River, olirn Rievall and Rivaulx, York. ci. Cift. abb. Robert’s Bridge, Suff. xxx. Cift. abb. Roch, York. cii. Cift. abb, Rochefter, Kent. xlix. 1. cathedral and Ben. pr. 2. Eaft- . gate hofp. Rockley Temple, Wilts, xxx. Tempi. Roderham, York. ciii. coll. Rodyngton, Nottingh. xv. coll. Romburc, now Rumburgh, Suff. xxxvli. Ben. cell Rofedale, or Rufledale, York. civ. Ben. or Cift. nun. . Rotelynghope V. Ratlingcope Rotheley, or Rodeley, Leicefl. xxi. Tempt. Roth well, Northampt. xxxii. Auft. nun. Roucefter, or Rocettur, Staff, xxi. Auft. carl. Routon, or Routhon, v. De Sartis Rowheiny, or Rownay, Herts, xix. Ben. nun. Royfton, Herts, xx. I. Auft. can. 2. at. Nicholas' hofp. 3. St. John’s hofp. Rudham Eaft, Norf. lvi. Auft. pr. r. Rufford, Ruchford, Rutherford, or Rumford, Nottingb. xvi. Cift. abb. Rullepe, or Ruflelep, v. Rifelipp Rumefey, Hamp. xxvii. Ben. nun. Rumney, olim Romenale, Kent. 1. hofp. Rumney New, Kent. li. Al. pr. Runcorn, or Runcovan, Chejh. xvii. 1. mon. d. 2. Auft. pr. r. De Rupe v. Roch Ruthton, Dorfet. xxii. hofp. Ruth worth, Norf. lvii. coll. Rufpur, or Rupperar, Suff. xxxi. Ben. nun. Ruffin, or Rylhen, Man. v. Cift. abb. Ruthin, Denbigh, iv. 1. coll. 2. White fr. Rutland, Rail. v. Black fr. Rye hofpital v. Pleydone Rye, Suff. xxxii. Auft. fr. Sabridgeworth, Herts, xxi. mon. d. Sadlefcomb, Suff. xxxiii. Tempi. Salebeia v. Selby Salifbury, Wilts, xxxi. I. Bilhoprick. 2. St. Edmund’s coll. 3. Vaux coll. 4. Vicars coll. 5. St. Nicolas or Harnham hofp. 6. St. John’s hofp. 7. Trinity hofp. 8. Black fr. 9. Grey fr. Sallay, or Sawley, York. cv. Cift. abb. Saltalh, Cornw. xxvii. abbey q. Saltrey, or Sawtre, Huntingd. vi. Cift. abb. Sandetoft, or Sauntoft, Lincoln, lxiv, Ben. cell Sandleford, Berks, xviii. Auft. can. Sandon, Surr. xviii. hofp. d. Sandwell, Staff xxii. Ben. pr. Sandwich, Kent. lii. 1. nun. d. 2. St. Bartholomew’s hofp. 3. St. Thomas’ hofp. 4. White fr. Sapalanda, Hamp. xxviii. mon. d. Sapcote, Leicefl. xxii. chantry De Sartis, Bedf. v. Wardon De Sartis, Staff, xxiii. Auft. can. Saucomb v. Chacomb Saunford, Oxf. xxv. Tempi. Scardeburgh, York. cvi. 1. Al. pr. 2. 3' hofpitals. 4. Black fr. 5. Grey fr. 6. White fr. Scarthej York. evii. Auft. cell Scokirke v. Tockwith Seaford, Suff. xxxiv. hofp. d. Sedeburbrook, Effex. xxxiv. hofp. Selaefeu, now Selefey, Suff. xxxvi. biftlop’s fee r. Seham v. Soham Selby, York, cviii. Ben. abb. Sele, or Seale, Suff. xxxv. 1. Al. pr. 2. White fr. Seleburne, Hamp , xxix. Auft. cam Selwood, Somerfet. xxxvi. hofp. Selwood Charterhoufe v. Witham Sempringham, Lincoln, lxv. Gilb. pr. Seton, Cumberl. xi. Ben. nun. Sevenoke, Kent. liii. hofpitals Sewardefley, or Sewefley, Northampt. xxxiii. Cift. nun. Shaftefbury, olim Sceptonia, Dorfet. xxiii. x. Ben. nun. 2. hofp. 3. almlhoufe. Shapp v. Hepp Shapwick, Dorfet. xxiv. Carthufian cell q. Shelford, Nottingh. xvii. Auft. pr. Shene, Surr. xix. 1. Carthuf. pr. 2. White fr. Shengay, Cambr. xviii. Kn. Hofp. Shepey, Kent. liv. Ben, nun. Sherborn, York. cix. hofp. Sheringham, olim Siringham, Norf. lviii. Auft. cell d. Shirburn, Durham, xvi. hofp. Shireburne, Dorfet. xxv. 1. Bilhoprick and Ben. abb. 2. St. John’s hofp. 3. St. Thomas’ hofp, 4. Auft. fr. Shirburne Weft, Hamp. xxx. Al, pr. Shoreham, Suff. xxxvii. hofp. Shoreham I N D E X. Shoreham New, Suff. xxxviii. White fr. Shottefbrooke, Berks, xix. chantry or coll. Shouldham, Norf. lix. Gilb. pr. Shrewlbury, Shrop. xxv. I. Ben. abb. 2. St. Alc- mund’s coll. 3. St. Chad’s coll. 4. St. George’s free chapel d. 5. St. Julian’s free chapel d. 6. St. Michael’s coll. 7. St. Maries coll. 8. St. Chad’s hofp. 9. St. Giles’ hofp. 10. St. John’s hofp. 11. St. Maries hofp. 12. Auftin fr. 13. Black fr. 14. Grey fr. 15. White fr. Shulbred, or Silebrede, v. Wolinchmere Sibthorp, A Tottingh. xviii. coll. Sibton, Suff. xxxviii. 1. Cift. abb. 2. hofp. Sidmouth, Devon, xli. A], pr. Sidebournebrook v. Sedeburbrook Sinningthwaite, York. cx. Cift. nun. Sinus Phari v. Whitby Sion v. Syon Sixhill, or Sixle, Lincoln, lxvi. Gilb. pr. Skirbeke, Lincoln, lxvir. hofp. Slapton, Devon, xlii. coll, or chant. Slebach, Pembr. x. Kn. Hofp. Slepe v. St. Ives Slevelholm, or Slewfham, Norf. lx. Clun. cell Smite v. Combe, Warw. Snaith, York. cxi. Ben. cell Snape, or Snapes, Suff. xxxix. Ben. pr. Snede, or Snet, Shrop. xxvi. Auft. can. r. Snellefhall, Bucks, xxiv. Ben. pr. Sniterly v. Blakeney Snoring parva, Norf. lxi. Lazar-ljpufe Soham, Cambr. xix. mon. d. Somerton Weft, Norf lxii. hofp. Sopewell, Herts, xxii. Ben. nun. Sopham Bulbec v. Swafham Sopwicke v. Wikes Southampton, Hamp. xxxi. 1. Auft. pr. 2. St. Julian’s or Godlhoufe hofp. 3. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 4. Grey fr. Southbornbrook v. Sedeburbrook Southwark, Surr. xx. 1. St. Mary Overy, Auft. can. 2. St. Thomas’ hofp. 3. St. Leonard’s hofp. or the Loke q. See alfo Bermondfey Southwell, Nottingh. xix. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Southwyke v. Portchefter Spalding, Lincoln, lxviii. Ben. abb. Speftelbury, Dorfet. xxvi. Al. pr. Spillefby, Lincoln, lxix. coll. Spinney* or De Spineto, Cambr. xx. Auft. can. d. Spittel on the Peak, Derb. xiii. hofp. Spittel upon Stainmoor v. Rerecrofs Spittel upon the Strete, Lincoln, lxx. hofp. Sponne hofpital v. Coventry Sporle, Norf. lxiii. Al. pr. Sprawlefmede v. Byrkley Sprotburgh, York. cxii. hofp. Stafford, Staff, xxiv. j. St. Mary coll. 2. St, Thomas’, Auft. can. 3. St. Nicolas’ free ch. 4. St.John’s, 5. St. Leonard’s. 6. Auft. fr. 7. Grey fr. Staindrop, Durham, xvii. coll. Standon, Herts, xxiii. 1. Kn. Hofp. 2. hermitage Stane, Leicejl. xxiii. Ben. nun. q. Stanes, Stafford, v. Stone Stanesgate, Effex. xxxv. Clun. pr. Stanfelef Staynesfeld, or Steinfield, Lincoln, lxxi. Ben. nun. Stanford, Lincoln, lxxii. 1. Ben. nun. 2. Ben. cell. 3. Gilb. pr. 4. All Saints hofp. 5. St. John and St. Thomas’ hofp. 6. Lazar-houfe. 7. Auft. fr. 8. Black fr. 9. Grey fr. 10. White fr. 11, Cift. abb. q. 12. St. Sepulchre’s q. 13. St. Logar’s q. Stanlaw, Cbejh. xviii. Cift. abb. r. Stanlegh, Wilts, xxxii. Cift. abb. Stanley de Parco v. Le Dale Stanley, Glocejl. xxviii, Ben. cell Stanley, Warw. v. Stonely Stanfted le Thele, or St. Margaret’s, Herts, xxiv. coll. or ch. d. Staverdale, or Staffordell, Somerfct. xxxvii. Auft. can. Stayning, Suff. xxxix. Al. pr. Stede v. Yeveley S. Stephani Fanum v. Launcefton Sterefbergh, Cambr. xxi. hofp. Steventon, Steveton, or Steinington, Berks . Xx. Al pr Stixwould v. Stykefwold ' r * Stodely, Oxf. xxvi, Ben. nun. Stodlegh, Warw. v. Studley Stoke, Devon, xliii. coll. q. Stoke by Newark, Nottingh. xx. hofp. Stoke Curcy, or Gurfey, Somerfct. xxxviii. Al. pr. Stoke under Hambden, Somerfct. xxxix. coll, or ch. Stoke by Clare, Suff. xl. coll. Stoke by Neyland, Suff. xli. mon. d. Stok^fafton, or Stokerfton, Leicejl. xxiv. almfhoufe Stone, Stafford, xxv. Auft. can. Stonejy, Huntingd. vii. Auft. can. Stonely, Warw. xxvi. Cift. abb. Stortetord Bifhops, or Stratford, Effex. xxxvi. coll, of ch. q. Stowkirke v. Tockwith Stow, or Long Stow, Cambr. xxii. hofp. Stow v. Grace-Dieu, Monm. Stow on the Would, or Stow St. Edward, Glocejl. xxix. hofp. Stowe, Lincoln. Ixxiii. mon. d. Stowre Pratellis, Priaulx, or Provoft, Dorfet. xxvii. Al. pr. Strata 1' lorida, Stratflur, or Stratflour, Cardigan, vii. Cift. abb. Strata Marcella, or Strat Marge], v. Yftrat Marghel Stratfield Say, Berks, xxi. Al. pr. Stratford Stony, Bucks, xxv. hofp. Stratford Langthorne, or at Bogh, Effex. xxxvii. Cift. abb. Stratford Bow, Middl. x. Ben, nun. Stratford upon Avon, Warw. xxvii. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Stratford Bifhop’s v. Stortford Stratton St. Margaret’s, Wilts, xxxiii. Al. pr. Streanefchalch v. Whitby Strenfhall, olim Strenfale, Staff, xxvi. mon. d. Strode, Kent. lv. hofp. Stroguil, or Strigule, Monm. xiii. Ben. pr. Studley, Warw. xxviii. 1. Auft. can. 2. hofp. Sturbridge v. Sterefbergh Stykefwold, Lincoln. Ixxiv. Cift. nun. Sudbury, Suff. xiii. 1. coll. 2. Ben. cell. 2. hofp. 4. Black fr. Sulby, Northampt. xxxiv, Prem. abb. Suldham v. Shouldham Sunning, Berks, xxii. Bifhoprick q. Sufeley v. Sewardefley Sutton de la Hone, Kent. lvi. 1. hofp. 2. Kn. Hofp. Sutton, York, cxiii. 1. White fr. 2. chantry. 3. coll. 4. hofp. Swafham, Cambr. xxiii. Ben. nun. Swainby, York. cxiv. Prem. abb. r. Swavefey, Cambr. xxiv. Al. pr. Sweinfey, or Swanfey, Glamorg. ix. hofp. Swinefhed, Lincoln. Ixxv. Cift. abb. Swineftre, Kent. lvii. hofp. Swinford, Leicejl. xxv. Kn. Hofp. Swingfield, Kent. Iviii. Tempi. Swinhey, or Swina, York. cxv. Cift. nun. Sylly, Cornw. xxviii. Ben. cell Syon, Middl. xi. 1. Brig. nun. 2. friery St, Syriac, Cornw. xxix.‘ Clun. cell Tadcafler v. Calcaria Takeley, Effex. xxxviii. Al. pr. Tallagh, Tallaghan, or Talley, Caermarthen. viii. Prem; abb. Talcarn v. Minfter, Cornw. Tame, Oxf. xxvii. j. Cift. abb. 2. hofp. Tamworth, Staff, xxvii. 1. mon. d. 2. coll. 3. hofp. Tanington, Kent. lix. hofp.- Tanregge, or Tandrige, Surr. xxi. Auft. can. Tarent, or Tarrant Kaines, Dorfet. xxviii,. Cift. nun. Tarvin, Chejh. xix. hofp. Tatefhale, or Tatterfhall, Lincoln, lxxvi. coll. Taunton, Somerfet.xl. 1. Auft. can. 2. hofp. 3.Whitefr. Tavyftokc, I N D E* X. Tavyftoke, or Taveftock, Devon , xliv. i. Ben, abb. 2. hofp. 3. Auft. fr. Tawton, Devon. xiv. Bifhop’s-feat Temple Bruer, Temple Comb, &c. v. Bruer, Comb, &c. Tenbigh, Pembr. xi. 1. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 2. St. John’s hofp. r-r Tettan, Tetteburi, orTetbury, Gloccjl. xxx. I. mon.d. 2. Cift. abb. r. Tetenhall, Staff, xxxviii. coll. Thanet, or Minftre in Thanet, Kent. Ix. 1. mon. d. 2. St. Peter and St. Paul, mon. d. Thelesford, olim Tevelesford, or Theflesford, JVarw. xxix. Trin. fr. Theorodunum, or Tethifcine, v. Wells Theokefbury, or T ewkefbury, Glocejl. xxxi. 1. Ben. abb. 2. hofp. St. Thetna, or St. Teath, Cornu), xxx. coll. Thetford, Norf. lxiv. 1. Clun. pr. 2. Holy Sepulchre, canons. 3. Ben. nun, 4. coll. 5. Godftioufe hofp. 6. St. John’s hofp. 7. St. Mary and St. Julian hofp. 8. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 9. St. Margaret’s hofp. 10. Auftin fr. 1 1. Black fr. Thickhed, York. cxvi. Ben. nun. Thirling, Cambr. xxv. pr. Thoby, EJfex. xxxix. Auft. can. Thomefton, Norf. lxv. coll. Thorneie v. Weftminfter Thorneton upon the Humber, or Thornton Crucis, Lincoln. Ixxvii. Auft. can. Thorney, Cambr. xxvi. 1. Ben. abb. 2. hofp. Thornholm, or Thorneham, Lincoln. Ixxviii, Auft, can. Thorp Nun v. Bafedale Thremhall, EJfex. xl. Auft. can. Throughbridge v. Trowbridge Thurgarton, Nottingh. xxi. Auft. can. Thurlegh, or Throuley, Kent. lxi. Al. pr. Thurlow Great, Suff. xliii. Al. Hofp. Thusfield, or Thuffield, Oxf. xxviii. Trin. fr. Thwaites, Lincoln, lxxix. pr. Tickford v. Tykeford Tickhill, York, cxvii. 1. coll, or free ch. 2. St. Leo¬ nard’s hofp. 3. hofp. or free ch. 4. Auftin fr, Tillaburgh, or Tilbury Weft, EJfex. xli. mon. d. Tiltey, EJfex. xlii. Cift. abb. Tilton, Leicefl. xxvi. hofp. d. Tinmouth, Northumb. xxvii. Ben. cell Tintern, Monm. xiv. Cift. abb. Tiptree, EJfex. xliii. Auft. can, Tiffelbury, or Tifbury, Wilts, xxxiv. mon. d, Titley, Heref. xx. Al. pr. Tiverton, Devon, xlvi. coll. q. Tockwith, York, cxviii. Auft. cell Todyngton, Bedf. xix. hofp. q. Tofte Monks, Norf. lxvi. Al. pr. Tompfon v. Thomefton Tonge, Shrop. xxvii. coll. Tooting, or Totingbeck, Surr. xxii, Al. pr. Torkefey, Lincoln, lxxx. Auft. can. Torr, Devon, xlvii. Prem. abb. Torre, Somerfet. xli. Ben. cell Torington v. Thorneton Tortington, Sujf xl. Auft. can. Totnefs, Devon, xlviii. 1. Al. pr. 2. hofp. 3. lazar- houfe Totnefs Little, Devon, xlix. Trin. fr. d. Tottefhall v. Tatefhale , Towcefter, Northampt. xxxv. 1. coll, or chant. 2. hofp. T ray v. Hayles Trebigh, or Turbigh, Cornu;, xxxi. Kn. Hofp. Tregony, Cornw. xxxii. Al. pr. q. Trenchale v. Thremhall Trenfale v. Strenftvall Trew v. Letheringham Trewelegh v. Thurlegh Tricengham, now Trentham, Staff, xxix. 1. nun. d. 2. Auft. can. Trody v. Grace-Dieu, Monm. Trowbridge, Wilts, xxxv. almlhoufe T ruro, Cornw. xxxiii. Black fr. Truwardraith, Tuwardraz, or Tywardreit, Cornw. xxxiv. Al. pr. Tudingtonru. Wells Tunbridge, Kent. lxii. Auft. can, Tunftall, Devon. 1. Al. pr. Tunftall, Lincoln, lxxxi. Gilb. nun. Tupholm, or Tupham, Lincoln, lxxxii. Prem. abb- Tutbury, or Tuttefbury, Stafford, xxx. Ben. pt. Tutele v. Titley Tuxford, Nottingh. xxii. coll. int. T wedemouth, Northumb. xxviii. hofp. Twinborn v. Winburn Twinham, Hump, xxxii. Auft. can. Ad Tuueoneaam v. Bitumaeum Ty Gwyn ar Taf v. Blanc Land, Wales Tychfeild, Harnp. xxxiii. Prem. abb. Tykeford, Bucks, xxvi. Clun. cell Tykenheved v. Thickhed Vale Royal, Chejh. xx. Cift. abb. Vail. Crugis, Montgom. v. Yftrat Marchell De Valle Crucis, Denbigh, v. Cift. abb. De Valle in Croxton v. Croxton Vaudey, or Valle Dei, Lincoln, lxxxiii. Cift. abb; Dc Valle S. Mariae Magd. v. Lanercoft De V alle Magdalenae v. Hepp De Valle S. Mariae in Snaudonia v. Bethkelert Vallis Rofina, Pembr. xii. mon. d. Vegnalech, Northumb. xxix. mon. d. Vetadun v. Watton Ad pontem de Uffington v. Newftede by Stanford Ulcomb, Kent. Ixiii. coll. d. Ulvefcroft v. Charley Umberftane v. Humberfteyn Undola v. Oundle Uphaven, Wilts, xxxvi. Al. pr. Urford V. Irford Ulk, Monm. xv. 1. Ben. nun. 2. hofp, Waburn, Norf. lxvii. Auft. can. Waingrif, Derb. xiv. Kn. Hofp. q. Walden, EJfex. xliv. Ben. abb. Walingford, olim Warengford, Berks, xxiii. 1. Ben. cell; 2. coll. 3. hofp. Walingwells, Nottingh. xxiii. Ben. nun. Walknoll v. Newcaftle Walfingham, Norf. Ixviii. I. Auft. can. 2. hofp, 3. Grey fr. Walfoken, Norf. Ixix. coll, or hofp. Waltham, EJfex. xiv. 1. Auft. can. 2. hofp. Walthamilow, EJfex. xlvi. hofp. Walton St. Felix, Suff. xiv. Ben. cell Walwaynes v. Wotton Wawen Wambrugge v. Wombridge Wandelleydale oi. Fors Wangford, Suff. xliv. Clun. cell Wardon, Bedf. xx. Cift. abb. Ware, olim Waras, Herts, xxv. 1. Al. pr. 2. Grey fr, Warham, Dorfet. xxix. 1. nun. d. 2. Al. pr. Warmington, Northumb. xxx. Ben. cell Warmington, Warw. xxx. Al. pr. Warrington, Lane. xvi. Auft. fr. Warter, York. cxix. Auft. can. Warwick, Warw. xxxi. 1. abb. d. 2. nun. d. 3. Auft, can. 4. Tempi. 5. All Saints coll. 6. St. James* coll. 7. St. Maries coll. 8. St. John’s hofp. 9. St. Michael’s hofp. 10. St. Thomas’ hofp. 11. Black fr. 12. White fr. Waterbeche, Cambr. xxvii. Minorifles Watton, York. cxx. 1. nun. d. 2. Gilb. pr. Waverly, Surr. xxiii. Cift. abb. Wearham v. Wirham Wedon Bee, Northampt. xxxvi. 1. nun. d. 2. Al. pr, Wedon Pinkney, Northampt. xxxvii. Al. pr. Welbeck, Nottingh. xxiv. Prem. abb. Welle, Cambr. v. Mirmaud Welles, or Welle hall, Norf. lxx. Al, pr. Welle, York. exxi. hofp. — Z z z z Welleford- I N D E X. Well'eford v. Sulby Wellendwell v. Walingwells Wellow, or Welhove, Lincoln, lxxxiv. Auft. can. Wells, olim Weluue, Somnfet. xlii. i, cathedral. 2. Mountery coll. 3. Vicars coll, 4, Brieftreet hofp. 5. St. John’s hofp. Weltham, Suff. xlvi, Crofted fr. Wendlefclive v. Clive, Glocejl. Wendling, Norf lxxi. Prem. abb. Wenge, Bucks, xxvii. Al. pr. Wenghale, or Wenhale, Lincoln. Ixxxv. Al. pr. Wengham, Kent. lxiv. coll. Wenlock, Sbrop. xxviii. i.nun. d. 2. Clun. pr. 3. hofp. Wenny, Glamorg. x. Ben. pr. Wenllow, or Wenfley, York, cxxii. coll, Werewordon v. Gerondon Werkworth, Northumb. xxxi. Ben. cell Werland, Devon, li. Trin. fr. Wermouth, Durham, xviii. Ben. cell Wermundfey, Northampt. vi. mon. d. Weft acre, Norf. lxxii. Auft. can. Weftbury, olim Weftminfter, Gloceft. xxxii. 1. Ben. cell. 2. coll. Weftchurch v. Ivychlirch Weftminfter, Middl. xii. 1. Ben. abb. 2. St. Stephen’s coll. 3. St. James’ hofp. 4. 5. almlhoufes. 6. Friers de Areno Weft wood, Kent. lxv. Auft. can. Weftwood, JVorceJl. xviii. Font. nun. Wetherall, Cumberl. xii. Ben. cell Weybridge, Norf lxxiii. Auft. can. Weymouth v. Melcomb Whalley, Lane. xvii. Cift. abb. Wherfted, Suff. xlvii. mon. d. Wherwell, Harnp. xxxiv. Ben. nun. Whifton, or Wyteftane, v. Worcefter Whitby, York, cxxiii. 1. Ben. abb. 2. hofp. 2. St. John’s hofp. Whitchurch, Shrop. xxix. hofp. d. Whiteland v. Blanc Land, Wales Wibbynbury, Chejh. xxi. hofp. Wichereche v. Ivy Church Wicken v. Wykes, Cambr. Wickham Skeyth, Suff. xlviii. mon. d. Wicton, Worcejl. xix. Auft. can. r. Widkirk, York, exxiv. Auft. cell Wielea v. Wells Wierfdale, Lane, xviii. Cift. r. Wigenhale v. Crabhoufe Wigmore, Heref xxi. Auft. can. Wigornia, or Wigornceafter, v. Worcefter Wigton, Cumberl. xiii. hofp. Wikes, Effex. xlvii. Ben. nun. Wilburfoffe, York. exxv. Ben. nun. Wilburgham, Cambr. xxviii. Tempi. Wilchefwood, Dorfct. xxx. priory Wileketone, or Willoughton, Lincoln. Ixxxvii. r. Al. pr. 2. Tempi. Willesford, Lincoln. Ixxxvi. Al. pr. Wilmington, Suff. xii. Al. pr. Wilton, Wilts, xxxvii. 1. Ben. nun. 2. coll. q. 3. St. Giles’ hofp. or Fuggleftone. 4. St. John’s hofp. 5. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 6. Black fr. Wimnicas v. Wenlock Winburn, Dorfet. xxxi. 1. nun. d. 2. coll. 3. hofp. Winchelcomb, Glocejl. xxxiii. 1. Ben. abb. 2. hofp. d. Winchelfey, Suff. xlii. 1. Black fr. 2. Grey fr. Winchefter, Damp. xxxv. 1. Oldminfter or cathedral and Ben. pr. 2. Nunnaminfter, Ben. nun. 3. New- minfter or Hyde, Ben. abb. 4. St. James’, mon. d. 5. St. Elizabeths coll. 6. St. Mary Kalender coll. 7. Trin. coll. 8. St. Mary Wint. or Wykeham’s coll. g. Brinftan’s hofp. 10. St. Crofs hofp. 11. St. Mary Magd. hofp. 12. Hofpital by the king’s gate. 13.Auft.tr. i4.Blackfr. i5.Greyfr. i6.Whitefr. Windham, Norf. v. Wymondham Windeham, Suff. xliii. hofp. Windfor, Berks, xxiv. 1. coll. 2 hofp a,. Wingfield, Suff. xlix. coll. Winteney, Hamp. xxxvi. Cift. nun. Winterburn Waft, Dorfet. xxxii. Al. pr. Wirham, Norf. lxxiv. Al. pr. Wirkefop, Nottingh. xxv. Auft. can. Wirmegay v. Wormgay Wifbich, Cambr. xxix. hofp. Witering, Northampt. xxxviii. pr. d. Witham, Lincoln, lxxxviii. Tempi. Witham, Somerfet. xliii. Carthuf. pr. Witheriac, Denbigh, vi. nun. d. Withernfey v. Wythernefs Withington, Worcejl. xx. mon. d. Witteham, or Wytham, Berks, xxv. mon. d. Wittlesford, Cainbr. xxx. hofp. Wivelsford v. Willesford Woburn, Bedf. xxi. Cift. abb. Wockingas, Northampt. vi. mon. d. Wodechurch v. Widkirk Woldbury v. Oldbury Wolfrichefton, or Wolfton, Warw. xxxii. Al. pr. Wolinchmere, Suff. xliv. Auft. can. Wollore, or Woller, Northumb. xxxii. hofp. Wolverhampton, Staff, xxxi. 1. coll. 2. hofp. Womalet v. Vegnalech Wombridge, Shrop. xxx. Auft. can. Woodbridge, Suff. 1. Auft. can. Wood Chefter, Glocejl. xxxiv. mon. q. Woodhoufe, Shrop. xxxi. Auft. fr. Woodftock, Oxf. xxix. hofp. Woolfthrop v. Wyrthorp Worcefter, Worcejl. xxi. 1. cathedral and Ben. pr. 2. Cift. nun. in Whifton. 3. St. Ofwald’s hofp. 4. St. Wulftan’s hofp. 5. Black fr. 6. Grey fr. 7. Friers de penitentia. 8. Trin. fr. Wormeleye, or Wormefty, Heref. xxii. Auft. can. Wormgay, or Wrongely, Norf. Ixxv. can. regular Worfpring, or Woodfpring, Somerfet. xliv. Auft. can. Wotton under Edge, Glocejl. xxxv. Crofted fr. Wotton Wawen, Warw. xxxiii. Al. pr. Wotton Baflet, Wilts. xxxviii. hofp. Wrexham, Denbigh, vii. coll. q. Writtle, Effex. xlviii. Al. hofp. Wroxhall, Warw. xxxiv. Ben. nun. Wroxton, Oxf. xxx. Auft. can. Wudeham, or Woodham Ferrers, Effex. xlix. Auft. can. Wudiandum v. Withington Wych v. Droitwich Wych Malbanc v. Nantwich Wyckham, York, exxvi. Cift. nun. Wycomb, Bucks, xxviii. 1. St. Margaret’s hofp. 2. St. John’s hofp. Wye, Kent. lxvi. coll. Wykes, Cambr. xxxi. hofp. Wyllyton v. Wileketone Wymburn-minfter v. Winburn Wymondham, Norf. lxxvi. 1. Ben. abb. 2. hofp. Wymondefley, Herts, xxvi. Auft. can. Wyngall v. Wenghale Wyrall on the Hill, Somerfet. xlv. nun. q. Wyrthorp, Northampt. xxxix. Ben. nun. Wytham v. Witham Wythernefs, York, cxxvii. Al. pr. Yarmouth, Norf. Ixxvii. 1. Ben. cell. 2. Lazar-houfes, 2. St. Maries hofp. 4. Black fr. <. Grey fr. 6. White fr. Yarmouth, South or Little, v. Gorlefton Yarum, York, cxxviii. x. hofp. 2. Black fr. Ycanno v. Icanhoc Yeveley, Derb. xv. Kn. Hofp. Yevele, Somerfet. xlvi. almftioufe Yevell North v. Northwell a The account of this hofpital having been omitted in its proper place, is printed at the end of the Errata, Yodby I N D Ykeburgh v. Newbrigge Ynis Enllyy. Bardfey Yodby, Devon, lii. raon. d. York, York, cxxix. I. cathedral. 2. St. Maries, Ben* abb. 3. St. Clement’s, or Clementhorp, Ben. nun. 4. St. Andrew’s, Gilb. pr. 5. Trinity or Chrift’s Church, Al. pr. 6. All Saints, Ben. cell. 7. Be- dern or Vicars coll. 8. St. Mary WHoly Angels, or St. Sepulchre’s coll. 9. St. Williams’ coll. 10. lefeholm chantry. 11. St. Antonies hofp. E X. 12. Boutbam hofp. in le Horsfair. 13. Bouthanl hofp. 14. Fifhergate hofp. 15. Foflgate hofp. 16. St. Giles’ hofp. 17. Laithorpe-gate hofp. 18. Maifon- Dieu upon Oufe-Bridge. 19. Maifon-Dieu in Whitd friers lane. 20. Markyate hofp. 21. Mickelgate hofp. 22. St. Nicholas’ hofp. 23. St. Peter or St. Leonard’s hofp. 24. St. Thomas’ hofp. 25. Ault, fr. 26. Black fr. or Lcs Toftes. 27. Grey fr, r 28. White fr. 29. Crouched fr. ^ ftrat Marchel, Montgom. ii. Cilf. abb. I r I k. jb( $ t i & 1 £ ■*ysr A N ? A N I N D E X O F FOUNDERS5 of ABBIES, PRIORIES, COLLEGES HOSPITALS and HOUSES of FRIERS, And fuch BENEFACTORS" to them as are mentioned in the Accounts 1 of the Houfes before given. ABBERBURY Sir Rich. Berks, vii. I. 2. de Abi Ralph Lincoln, xxx. Abingdon, one of the abbats Berks, i. 3. Acehorne ..... knt. York, xxxix. Acton Will, and Laur. Northumb. xxiii. 13. Adelicia, or Adeliza, relidk of K. Hen. 1. and wife to Will. Albini 2. Suff. xxvi. Wilts, xxxvii. 3. S. Adhelm Somerfet. xxi. Wilts, iv. 1. xxiv. 2. Adulph Northampt. xxvii. 1. ./Efchwyn, bilhop of Dorchefter Bucks, xxiii. TEthelfled and .fEgelfled ./Ethelmare v. Ailmer K. /Ethelftan, or Athelftan, K. iEthilbalt St. Aidan Ailmer, earl of Cornwall Suff. xli. Ailwine, alderman of England Aitheric Ake St. Albans, Paul abbat of Geffrey or Jeffery abbat v. Ethelftan Wore. xiv. Northumb. xix. Dorfet. viii. Glocejl. xxix. Oxf. xii. Somerfet. ix. 1. Huntingd. v. Suff. xlii. 1. York. xii. 5. Berks, xxiii. 1. Bedf. xiv. Herts, i. 3. xxii. Garine or Warine abbat Herts, ix. Albemarle, an earl of York. xiii. 2. Stephen earl York. xx. William [le Grofs] earl Lincoln. Ix. lxxvii. lxxxiii. York, lxxviii. lxxxix. Dc Abini Nigel Lincoln, xl. Gundreda his wife York. vii. Ralph Lincoln, xliii. Robert and Cecily his mother Bedf. xv. Samfon York. lvi. William Pincerna Norf. lxxvi. 1. 2. William earl of Chichefter or Arundel Norf.x i. William 3. Lincoln. Iviii. Ifabella, countefs of Arundel Norf. xlii. Albry, earl of Northumb. Northumb. xxvii. S. Alburgha Wilts, xxxvii. 1. Alcher v. Fitz Aucher Alchfrid, K. of Northumb. York. c. x. Alcock John, bifhop of Ely Cambr. iv. II. Aldewine Worcejl. xv. Aldred, bifhop of Worcefter, and afterwards archbifhop °f York Glocejl. xiii. 2. York. c. 2 Aldwin, bifhop of Durham Durham, vi'. Alexander, bifhop of Lincoln Lincoln, xxxv. 1 Nottingh. xii. 1. Oxford, xi. 2. xxvii.' 1] Alexander, bifhop of Cov. and Lich. Staff, xvii c" Alfgar, earlb ^ Suff'xii. Allfgar, dukeb Glocejl. ix. K. Alfred, or jElfred Dorfet. xxiii. 1. Hamp. xxxv. 2. 3. Oxf. xxiii. 22. Somerfet. i. Wilts, xxxvii. j. Alfred, duke Worcejl. ii." Alfric fil. Withgari Suff. xiv. j. Alfrida, or Ethelfrida, widow of K. Edgar Wilts, i. 2. Alfwen, wife to earl Ethelftan Algar Algar, earl of Chefter or Mercia Alianor v. Eleanor Alfwitha, queen to K. Alfred de Alta Ripa William de Alto Bofco Sir Peter de Alverton William fil. Aluredi Johel Devon, iii. 1. xlviii. 1, Ambrius, or Ambrofius IVilts. i. j. Amitius, archdeacon of Surr. Surr. xx. 2. de Amundevill Beatrix and Walter her fon Lincoln, xxiii. Cambr. v. Cornw. iv. 1. Staff, xv. Hamp. xxxv. 2. Lincoln, xxviii. Norf. xxxii. York. !!• 3- Anian, bifhop of St. Afaph Anna, K. of the Eaft Angles Anne, queen to K. Ric. 2. Anne, queen to K, James 1. de Annefley Reginald Anfelm, archbifhop of Cant. Kent. xii. 4. Middl.v 111. 4, de Aquila Gilbert Suff. xxii. Flintjh, i. Suff ix. Warw. ix. 3. Bucks, xxi. York. c. 2. Nottingh. vii. de Arches William and Ivetta Agnes Ardern Sir Ralph de Ardington Peter de Areci v. Darcy Arfaftus, or Herfaftus, bifhop Argentein Richard Arnald Philip de Arnaud, or Amand, Sir Will Arfic Manafler Arundel, Richard earl York, lxxxiii. York. Ixi. Suff. xliv. York. v. Norf. lxiv. 1, Herts, xx. 3. xxvi. Norf. li. 15. Middl. xii. 6. Oxf. viii. Suff. i. 2. 3. a a a I thought it would be to little or no purpofe to take an account of all the perl'ons mentioned in this Book; and fearing it would be too tirefome both to myfclf and the reader to put down every little benefactor, I have taken no notice of them that are mentioned in either the references or notes. b h Perhaps the feme perfon. Arundel,. INDEX, Arundel, Richard his fon Suff. i. 2. Ifabella countefs v. de Albini Ifabella de Afc Roger York. Ixxvii. Afcogh William, judge York. xclx. 4. Alhby Thomas Middl. viii. 18. Afini Doudo Stiff, xliv. Aikew, lady Ann Middl. viii. 31. Affelack of Killinghow Northumb. xxiii. 4. de Aftley Sir Thomas JVarw. ii. 1. Afton Thomas Lincoln. !xx. Atheling Edmund Northampt. xxviii. Athelmus, bilhop of Wells Somerfet. xlii. 1. Athelftan, bifhop of Hereford Heref. xiii. 1. Attefenne Hugh Norf. xxix. de Aubervill William Kent, xxxi, Audley, Thomas lord Cambr: iv. 15. Henry Staf. xiv. Elizabeth, widow of Sir Nicholas Lincoln, xv. Avenell William Devon, xix. 5. de Augi Conan Suff. xiv. 1. de Augo v. Ewe St. Auguftine Cambr. ix. 1. Kent. xii. 1. 2. Aufgerus, or Aucherius, abbat of Reading Berks. xvii. 4. de Ayncourt Ralph Nottingh. viii. xxi. Nottingb. xv. Cbeff. ii. Devon, iii. 3. Staff, xxi. Cambr. iv. 7. Kent. iii. Monm. x. Kent, xxvii. Surr. x. Devon, xv. Herts, x. Oxf. xxiii. 5. Monm. ii. Babington William de Bachepuz Robert Bacon Robert Bacoun Richard de Badew Richard Badlefmere Barth, lord de Baeluna Winebald Baldwin, archbifhop of Cant. £1. Baldwini William de Balliol Bernard Sir John Balon, or Baladun, Hamelin de Ballham Hugh, bilhop of Ely Cambr. iv. 12. 18. Bamburgh John Kent. xx. 2. Barbar Geffrey Berks, i. 2. Bardefley, or Bardolf, lord Suff. xxviii. 8. Bardolf lord Norf. xli. 9. £1. Bardolfi Akarius York. xl. Barneby William Middl. viii. 41. Barns Thomas Middl. viii. 47. Barftable John Brijiol. 22. Bafinge Robert Kent. lvi. 2. Bade Kent, xlviii. Ballet Gilbert Oxf. iii. 1. Nicolas Oxf ii. Ralph, lord of Draiton JVarw. iii. Richard and Maud Ridell Leicejl. xiv. Sir Simon and Sir Ralph Leicejl. xxii. Baffingburn Mary Cambr. xx. xxxi. Bateman William, bilhop of Norwich Cambr. iv. 20. Bath v. Joceline and Reginald, bilhops Battell Herts, iii. Baynard Juga Effex. xv. Beauchamp Hugh, fon of Oliver Bedf. iii. Sir John Somerfet. xxxix. Paine and Roais Bedf. v. Richard, bilhop of Sarum Berks, xviii. Dorfet. xxv. 2. Sir Robert Devon, xxii. Roife, wife of Pain Bedf i. 2. Xvi. Simon, their fon Bedf. i. 2. xvi. of Powike Worcejl. xxi. 5. Guy, earl of Warwick Worcejl. ix. Richard, earl of Warwick JVarw. xii. xxxi. 7. Thomas, earl of Warwick Durham iii. 3. Warw. xxxi. 12. the anceftors of Thomas earl of Warwick Worcejl. viii. 2. Beaufort, cardinal Hamp. xxxv. 10. de Bee William Norf. iv. Beck Anthony, bilhop of Durham Durham, i, iv. xiv. Tho. bilhop pf St, David’s Caermarth. i. vii. Cardigan, iii. Pembr, vit Becket Theobald and Agn?s Surr. ii. 2. Beckington Tho. bilhop df Bath and Wells Pucks, xitf. Somerfet. xlii. 3. Beere Richard, abbat of GlaftonbUry Somerfet. xxii. 3. St. Bega Cumber!, ii. Durham, xi. 1. de Belefmo Robert Shrop. vi. 1. Staff, i. I. Roger v. Montgomery Bclet Hervey Norf. xvii. i. Michael Oxf. xxx. de Belfo, or Bellofago, Agnes Norf. i. de Belingey Peter Lincoln, xvi. Beller Roger Leicejl. xiii. de Bellomonte, Roge the firft Dorfet. xxvii. earl of Warwick Glamorg. v. de Belmeis Richard, bilhop of London Effex. x. 2. Middl. viii. 4. Richard, dean of St. Alcmunds Shrop. xvi. XXV. 2. Philip, his kinfman Shrop. xvi. de Belvedeir Robert Lincoln, vi. de Beningworth William Lincoln, xlix. 14. Henry, dean of Lincoln Lincoln, xlix. 7. Bcnnet Sir Simon Oxf. xxiii. 22. Beortwulf, K.. of Mercia Glocejl. ix. Berkley, one of the family Glocejl. xiii. 9. Maurice, lord Glocejl. ii. 3. xxiii. Maurice, the third lord Somerfet. xxvi. Robtrt Bmflol. 1 o. Roger Glocejl. xxviii. Wilts, xx. Sir Thomas Glocejl. xiii. 10. William Wilts, xx. William, marquis Glocejl. ii. 3. Berkyng, abbefs and convent Effex. v. 2. Bermingham’s anceftors Warw. vi. Bermondfey, prior and convent Surr. ii. 3. Bernard, bilhop of St. David’s Caermarth. ii. Bernulph, K. of Mercia Glocejl. xiii. 2. Berthwald, duke of the South Saxons Suff. xxix. de Bertram William Northumb. vii. xx. Befills Sir Peter, of Lee Oxf. xxiii. 23. Betun Robert, bilhop of Hereford Heref. xiii. 3. Beverley St. John, archbifhop of York York. xii. 1. de Bidun John Bucks, xiii. Bigod, or Bigot, the family Norf lxxiii. York, cxxix. 17. Roger Norf. lxiv. 1. Suff. xiv. Bingham Robert, bilhop of Sarum William Bingley James St. fiirine, bilhop of Dorchefter Birin, bilhop of Winchefter Bifcopius Benedict Bifet Manaffer de Blakedon Nicolas Blakere Fr. Blanch, queen of Navarre Blanchmains Robert, earl of Leicefter Leicejl. iv. v. xu. Northampt. v. 1. William, his fon Leicejl. xvi. 5. Bloet Robert, bilhop of Lincoln Lincoln, xlix. 2. lxxiii. Oxf. xii. Blois William, bilhop of Worcefter JVorceJl. xvi. de Blois Henry, bilhop of Winchefter Bucks, xvii. Hamp. xiv. xx. xxxv. io- Blount Walter, lord Mountjoy Derb. ii. Blund Gilbert . Suff. xxix. Blyth . bilhop of Cov. and Lich. Staff, xvii. 2. JVilts. xxxi. 5. Cambr. iv. 6. Suff. xiv. 2. Oxf. xi. 1. Hamp. xxxv. r. Durham, xii. xviii. JVilts. vi. Devon, iv. Suff. xxxvii. Middl. viii. 12. de Bodevile, or Bovile, William Suff. xxxi. Bohun Humfrey, earl of Hereford Middl. viii. 50. Humfrey the fecond JVilts. xvi. Sir John, of Midhurft Suff. xii. William and Elizabeth EfTex. iv. de Bolebec, or Bulbec, one of the family Cambr. xxiii. Hugh Bedf. xxi. Bucks, xv. Ifabella Oxf xxiii. 27. Walter Northumb. v. Bond Thomas JVarw. ix. 5. Boniface, archbifhop of Cant. Kent, xxxviii. 1. Bonvile Sir William Devon, xix. 8. Booft Thomas Kent. xx. 2. de Bofco Ernald Bucks, iii. — A a a a a Boffu N D E X. Sofia Robert, earl of Leicefter Leicef. vii. ix. xvi. r. 2. Northampt. v. 1. xxii. IVarw. x. Robert, his fon Northampt. v. 1. le Boteler Ralph IVarw. i. Botelers, lords Sudley IVarw. xxxi. 11. St. Botulph Lincoln, xli. Botreaux Elizabeth Sorner/et. xii. William, lord Somerfet. xii. de Bovingcourt Guido York. viii. de Boulers Robert Shrop. ix. de Bourchier Robert, lord chancellor EJfex. xvi. Bourn Gilbert, bilhop of Bath a"d Wells Somerf. xlii. 4. de Boutevylein William Northampt. xx. xxix. Boyvile John efq. Leiceji. xxiv. de Brachecourt Jeffrey Lincoln, lxxxiii. Bradgare, Robert redtor of Kent. viii. de Braiofa William Sujf. xxxv. 1. de Bram Ypolitus York. lii. de Breofa William Monm. ii. de Brewofe Sir Giles Suff. 1. Bricet Sir Walter Sujf. xiv. 2. de Bridport Giles, bifhop of Sarum IVilts. xxxi. 3. de Brien Sir Guy Devon, xlii. Bridgewater, inhabitants of Somerfet. viii. 1. Brigham Chriftopher Northumb. xxiii. 7. de Brikles Richard Norf. li. n. Brinftan, bifhop of Winchefter Harnp. xxxv. 9. de Brioniis, Richard Fitz Baldwyn Devon, xxi. Adelicia, his fitter Devon, xxi. Brifet Sir Jordan Middl. viii. 5. u. Briftol, Tuckers company Brijlol. 19. Britanny and Richmond, Alan Rufus earl of Cambr. xxiv. York, cxxix. 2. Alan, fon of earl Henry Lincoln. Ixii. Conan, duke of Herts, xix. York. lix. xcvii. earl Stephen, or his fon Alan the third Suff. xxxvii. Brithnod abbat of Ely Huntingd. iv. Brito Hugh Lincoln, xlv. Ralph Nottingh. vii. Briwere William Devon, xviii. xxxix. xlvii. Hamp. xxi. de Brom Adam Ox/, xxiii. 20. Bronefcomb Walter, bifhop of Exeter Cornw. xxiv. Devon, li. Broughton John Bed/, xix. Johnjun. Sujf. xvi. Broun, or Brom, Sir John Norf. li. 4. Browne William, merchant Lincoln. Ixxii. 4. Bruer William, the firft Somerfet. viii. 2. William, his fon Somerfet. viii. 3. Brune Walter and Roeiia his wife Middl. viii. 40. de Brus, or Brufe Peter York, cxxviii. 2. Robert York. xlv. lxxx. one of the family York, cxxviii. 1. Brunfkill John IVefmorl. iii. Bubwith Nic. bifhop of Bath and Wells Somerfet. xlii. 4, de Builly Roger and Muriel Nottingh. iii. 1. Richard York. cii. de Bukenhale Thorold Lincoln, lxviii. de Bulmer Bertram York, lxxvi. de Bulemere Hugh York. cvi. 2. Bundy, or Burneby, Robert Leiceji. i. Burbache John Kent. viii. Burdet William IVarw. iv. Sir William Leiceji. xxvi. de Burgate Sir Robert Sujf. xxii. de Burgh Hubert Kent. xxi. 3. de Burgo Elizabeth Cambr. iv. 7. Norf. lxviii. 3. Ixxiv. Juliana EJfex. xxvii. Burghill, bifhop of Cov. and Lich. Staff, xvii. 2. Burnels, patrons of Prene Shrop. xxii. Burton Simon Brijlol. 9. de Bury Adam Middl. viii. 15. Richard, bifhop of Durham Oxf. xxiii. 10. Bury, abbat and convent of Norf. lxiv. 3. Anfelm abbat of Suff. x. 5. Samfon abbat of Suff. x. 6. an abbat of Suff x. 4. y de Buflei Roger Lincoln, lxxxvii. -2. Bun el Wanne xiv Button, or Bytton Thomas, bifhop of Exeter Devon, xix. 17. S. Cadocus Cadwallein K. Cairluelles, or Carlifles Caius John, M. D. de Calthorp Sir William G/amorg. iii. Middl. viii. 20. Northumb. xxiii. 10. Cambr. iv. 10. Norf. xii. v. de SufEeld Walter de Calva Ruald Surr. i. Calvely Sir Hugh Chejh. vi.‘ Cambridge, alderman and brethren of St. Mary and Corpus Chrifti gild Cambr. iv. 8. Camerarius Galfridus Berks, xxiii. 1. Rabellus Glocef. 1. 2. de Camvile Agnes Nottingh. v. Richard IVarw. viii. dc Canci Simon Lincoln, lxxxvii. 2. Cannings Sir William Glocef. xxxii. 2. Brijlol. 14. 18. Canterbury archbifhops, v '. Baldwyn, Edmund, Hu¬ bert, &c. Canterbury, prior and convent of St. Auguftin Kent. xii. g. Canterbury, mayor and commonalty Kent. xii. 1 r. de Cantilupe Sir Nicholas Lincoln, xlix. 6. Nottingh. i. Joan his widow Lincoln, xlix. 16. Sir William Cambr. xii. IVarw. xxviii. 2. Cantlow John, prior of Bath Somerfet. v. 4. K. Canute . . Cornw. viii. Devon, xix. 1. Glocef. xiii. 2. Kent. lx. i. Norf. v. Suff. x. 1. Capellanus Petrus Norf. xli. 4. de Capra Michael, Roife his wife, and William their fon EJfex. xxxix. Capreocuria v. Cheurolcourt de Cardinan Robert, his anceftors Cornw. xxxiv. de Carilefo William, bifhop of Durham Diirham. vi. xv. Lincoln, xviii. Carpenter John, bifhop of Worcefter Glocef. xxxii. 2. Carre T. of Briftol Brifol. ir. Cary William Devon, xiii. Richard Oxf. xxiii. 30. de Catton, Alan fil. Helire York. cxxv. de Cayneto v. Cheney Cedda, bifhop of the Eaft Saxons EJfex. xli. Cedd, or Chad, bifhop of the Eaft Angles Lincoln, v. York. lxx. Cedwalla, K. of the Weft Saxons Berks, i. 1. Suff. xxi. Cqolwulf, K. of Mercia Glocef. ix. de Chaceport Peter Bucks, xxii. de Chacomb Hugh Northampt. vii. de Chadeleworth Ralph Bucks, xvi. Champernulphus, or Chambernon Cornw. xxxiv. de Chandos Robert Monm. iv. his anceftors Here/, i. Charde Thomas, abbat of Ford Devon, xxvi. K. Charles 1. Lane. xiii. Charleton Hawife Shrop. xxv. 14. Chaucer Thomas efq. Berks, vii. 2. Chaundeler John fen. IVilts. xxxi. 7. Cheny William Norf. xvii. 1. Suff. xxxviii. 1. v. de Querceto de Cherring Adam Kent. 1, Chefter fcarls of, v. Lupus, Hugh, Leofric, and de Mefchin Chefter conftable of, v. L. John Chefter, a bifhop of Chef. vii. 9. Cheftre William Glocef. xix. Middl. viii. 46. de Capreocuria, or Cheurolcourt, Ralph Nottingh. xxiii. de Cherlecote William , IVarw. xxix. Chichely Henry, archbifhop of Cant. Northampt. xvii. 1. 2. Oxf. xxiii. 4. 6. Chichefter v. Ralph bifhop and William dean Chidiok Sir John, his anceftors Dorfct. x. 3. the family Dorfet. ii. Child Aylwin Surr. ii. 1. Chitwood Thomas Northampt. xxiv. it. Chulmeleigh, lady of the manor of Devon, ix. Churchman John Middl. viii. 39. Cilia, N D X. Ciffa, viceroy of Wilts Berks, i. i. Ciffa or Cilia, his niece Berks, xi. de Clare Richard, earl of Hertford Herts, xxiii. 2. Kent. lxii. Suff. xiv. 1. xl. Maud, countefs Devon, xxix. Norf. xiii. Richard, earl of Glocefter Stiff', xiv. 3. Roger, earl of Clare Bed/, xiii. Amicia, countefs of Clare Suff. xiii. 3. Rohefia, wife to Richard fon of Gilbert earl of Clare Huntingd. iv. Gilbert Herts, xxiii. 1. Suff. xiv. 1. Walter Monm. xiv. Richard, a Norman, alias fil. Gilleberti Surr. xxii. Clare, earls of Norf. lxxiv. family of Northampt. xxxii. de Clarefai, William and Avicia York. li. Clarell John York, cxvii. 4. de Claremonte Alice or Adelice, countefs of Pembroke Bedf. xiii. Clarence, Lionel duke Suff. vii. Clavel Walter Devon, xxix. Clavering Robert v. Fitz Roger Helke de Clere Roger or Helewyfia York. lxxv. Clifford lord W tJlmorL i. 2. Richard, bifhop of London Off. xxiii. 15, Clifton Sir Robert and Sir Gervafe Nottingh. vi. de Clintone Geffrey Warw. xvii. Geffrey, his fon Warw. vii. 1. de Clinton Roger, bifhop of Cov. and Lich. Sbrop. iii. Staff, xi. xvii. 1. 4. William, earl of Hunt. Warw. xx. lady Elizabeth Warw. xix. de Clotingham Sir Robert Kent, lviii. Cobham, John lord Kent. xiv. Reginald lord Surr. xi. William lord Kent. xiv. Coenwulf, K. of Mercia Worcejl. ii. Cokyn William Kent. xii. 12. Colechurch Peter Middl. viii. 24. Colepepper John Kent. xlvi. Colrith Roger efq. and Thomas his fon Hamp. xxxvi. Colvill William Cambr. xxx. Sir John Cambr. xvii. Colutarius Ofbertus Northumb. vii. of Combery Hall, William Staff, xxvii. 3. Conan Malgo Caernarv. ii. 1. Conftables, their family, patrons of Newark Nottingh. xii. 2. Cook Walter Warw. xix. Corbet lady Hadwifa Suff. xl. Corbezon v. Studely Corboil William, archbifhop of Cant. Kent. xii. 3. xxi. 1. Cornwall, Robert earl [v. Moreton] Cornw. xix. Edmund earl Berks, xxiii. 2. Bucks, x. Cornw. iv. 4. Dorfet. v. Off. xxiii. 32. xxiv. Reginald earl Cornw. xxviii. Richard v. Romans king of Cougate Philip Norf. li. 15. Coventre, prior and convent of Warw. ix. 7. burgeffes of Warw. ix. 4. Edmund archdeacon Warw. ix. 7. Courtney William, archbifhop of Cant. Kent, xxxviii. I. xii. de Courteneye William Somerfet. xliv. Courtneys, earl of Devon Devon, ix. Cowfeld Henry Kent. Iii. 4. de Cranden John, prior of Ely Cambr. iv. 4. Crathlint, K. of Scotland Man. i. de Crepito Cordc, Creveceur, or Crouchart, Robert Kent, xxxii. Reginald Lincoln, lxxxi. de Creffy William Nottingh. iii. 2. lady Margery Norf. iii. de Creyk Margery Suff. xxi. Crompthorn Thomas and Maud Kent. Iii. 2. Cromwell Sir Ralph Lincoln, lxxvi. de Croun Alan Lincoln, xxvi. Cungar Somerfet. xvi. Glamorg. i. de Curcy Robert Somerfet. xiii. St. Cuthbert St. Cuthburga Cumber!, iv. 1. York, xxvii; Dorfet. xxxi. 1. Dabyngton John Dacres lord Dacus William Dalby William de Dammartin Odo Dandy Edmund St. Daniel, or Deiniel Daniel, or Deinvile, Sir John Danvers Sir Ralph Darcy Robert Philip lord D’Aubeney v. de Albini St. David David, K. of Scotland Dauncy Sir William Dautre Sir William Davy Elias Delabout lord of Totnefs de Dena Ralph Denton, Robert of Derley, abbat and convent St. Deruvian Northampt. xxiv. 9. Northumb. xxii. Somerfet. xxvii. I; Rut!, iv. Surr. xxi. Suff. xxviii; 4. Caernarv. ii. I. Heref. xiii. 11. Bucks, xvi. Lincoln, lix. Northumb. xxxii. Pembr. ii. I. xii. Northumb. iv. 1. Surr. xx. 1. Suff xv.’ Surr. v. Devon, xlix. Stiff, xvii. Middl. viii. 24.. Derb. x. Somerfet. xvi. Devonfhire, Ordgar, earl of Dorfet. xiii. Devo... xliv. 1. Amicia, countefs of Devon, v. K. Didanus Off. xxiii. 1. Diggs John Kent. xii. 15. de Dinham Jeffery Devon, xxv. Docuinus v. Cungar Doddo, duke of Mercia Gloceji. x. xxxi. 1. D’Oily Robert 1. Off. xxiii. 2. Robert 2. Off. xxi. Robert and Henry his foa Oxf. xvi. Domneva, abbefs Kent, xxiii. Ix. r. wife of K. Merwald Gloceji. xiii. 3. Doreward John efq. Effex. viii. Dorotheus, dean of Lincoln Lincoln, xlix. 15. Dorfet Tho. marquis v. Grey Dorfnell Juliana Effex. xxvii. de Dovere William Worcejl. viii. 1. Draper Thomas Shrop. xix. Drus Robert Kent. xii. 6. St. Dubritius Warw. xxxi. 5. Glamorg. iv. St. Dunftan Middl. xii. 1. Dunwich, corporation Suff. xviii. 6. Duports Dorfet. xix. Durham bifhops v. Robert de Farnham, de Kirk- ham, &c. prior and convent Oxf. xxiii. 10. York. Iv. Hugh prior York. lvii. William archdeacon Oxf. xxiii. 22. Eadbald, K. of Kent. Kent. xxi. 1. xxv. 1. xxxv. Eadburga abbefs Kent. lx. 2. Eadnoth, or Ednoth, bifhop of Dorchefler Cambr. v. Lincoln. Ixxiii, fil. Eadnothi Norman Suff. xxviii. 1. Eadulphus, bifhop of Devon Devon, xiv. Ealfric, archbifhop of Cant. Kent. xii. r. Ealfftan, bilhop of London Middl. viii. 1. Eadwy, Edwy, or Edwin, K. of England Nottingh. xix. r. Eanfleda queen * York. xliv. Eanfwitha queen Kent. xxv. 1 . Eanulph Worcejl. v. Eardulphus, bifhop of Lindisfarn Durham, iv. Eata abbat York. c. 1 . St. Ebba Durham, vii. Ecfrid, or Egfrid, K. of Northumb. Durham, xii. xviii. Northumb. xxvii. York, xxvii. K. Edgar, or Eadgar Berks, i. 1. Cambr. ix. I. Chejh. vii. 2. Devon, xix. 1. Hamp. xxvii. xxxv. 1. Middl. xii. I. Northampt. xxvii. 1. Shrop. xxv. 2. Somerfet. v. I. xvi. Surr. iii. Wilts, xxiv. 2. xxxvi i. I. Worcejl. xvii. xxi. j.- Editha, or Ediva Oxf. xiv. St. Editha, abbefs of Pollefworth Staff, xxvii. 1. abbefs of Wilton Wilts, xxxv ii. Edgecombs anceftors Devon, xiv. Edilbald, N D X. Edilbald, K. of Northumb York. lxx. Edilwalch, K. of the South Sax. Suff. xxxvi. de Edindon William, bilhop of Winton Wilts, xiv. Edmund, K. of England Chejh. vii. 2. Somerfet. xxii. I. Suff. x. i. Edmund, archbifhop of Cant. Suff. xxvii. St. Edmundfbury abbat, See. v. Bury Ednoth, abbat of Ramfey Huntingd. jii. .Edred, or Eadred, K. of Engl. Berks, i. I. Lincoln, xix, Edred prior Worcejl. xvi. K. Edward the elder Cornw. iv. I. Hamp. xxvii. xxxv. 2. 3. Somerfet. xlii. I. Wilts, xxxvii. 1. K. Edward the Confeffor Cornw. xix. Devon, xxxiv. Effex. xxviii. Glocejl. x. Middl. xii. I. Somerfet. xvi. Suff. xxxix. Worcejl. xv. K. Edward 1. Cambr. iv. 26. 27. Chejh. xx. Herts, xv. Lincoln, lxxii. 10. Middl. viii. 14. 43. 51. 53. Norf. lxxvii. 6. Northumb. xxiii. 11. Brijlol. 26. Wilts, xxxi. 8. York. lxiv. 9. Caernarv. i. Denbigh, iii. Flir.tjh. i. K. Edward 2. Cambr. iv. 13. Herts . xiii. 2. xv. Lincoln, x. 2. Oxf. xxiii. 20. 29. Suit. vi. 1. xix. 2. Suff. xlii. 1. York. cvi. 3. 6. K. Edward 3. Berks, xxiv. I. Cambr. iv. 13. Hercf. xiii. II. Herts, xv. Kent. xii. 13. xx. 1. xxvi. xxxviii. 2. Lincoln, lxxii. 10. Middl. viii. 6. 25. xii. 2. Oxf. xxiii. 20. 24. K. Edward 4. Berks, xviii. Glocejl. xxxii. 2. Herts, xv. Middl. viii. 25. K. Edward, uncertain Dorfet. xxxi. 2. Edward, the Black Prince Berks, xxiii. 2. Edwyn, K. of Northumberland York. Cxxix. 1. de Edyndon William, fon of Jeffrey Somerfet. xi. Egbert, K. of England Staff, xxv i. Warm. xxv. Wilts, xxxvii. 1. Egbert, K. of Kent Kent. xxii. xlviii. lx. 1. Egelward Dorfet. viii. K. Egfrid v. Ecfrid de Eglesfeld Robert Oxf. xxiii. 21. Egwin, bifhop of Worcefter Worcejl. x. Egwine, queen to K. Alfred Wilts, xxxvii. 1. Eleanor, queen to K. Henry 2. York, cxvii. 1. to K. Henry 3. Glocejl. xiii. 10. Middl. viii. 38. Surr. vi. 1. to K. Edward I. Middl. viii. 38. 51. Suff. x, 7 . S. Elerius Denbigh, i. Elfleda, C. of Mercia Chejh. v. vii. 2. xvii. 1. Glocejl. xiii. 3. Shrop. xxv. 2. Staff, xxvii. 1. Elfrida queen Berks, xvii. 1. Hamp. xxxiv. Elizabeth queen Bucks, xxviii. 2. Effex. v. 2. Hcref. xvi. 2. Lane. xiii. Nottingh. xix. 1. Somer¬ fet. xlii. 3. Brt/lol. 22. Suff. x. 6. Elfing William Middl. viii. 7. Elthrude Bent. xxxm- Eluric v. Alfric » . . Ely bifhops, patrons of Wellbeck Nottingh. xxiv. a bifhop of Cambr. ix. 2. Engain Richard Northampt. xvm. Erghum Ralph, bifhop of Bath and Wells ° Somerfet. xlii. 2. Erkenwald, bifhop of Lond. Effex. v. 1. Middl. viii. 1. Surr. iii. de Erlegh William Somerfet. x Ernaldus and fil. Ernaldi Ernaldus Suff. 1. de Efcoeis, or Eftois, William Norf. lxx. Efpec Walter Bedf. xx. York. ci. Walter and Adeline York. lxvi. de Effeby Robert Northampt. xxi. Efterling merchants Lincoln, x. 4. Ethelbald, K. of Mercia Glocejl. ix. Lincoln, xix. Worcejl. v. Ethelbert, K. of Kent Cambr. ix. 1. Kent. xii. I. 2. xlix. I. Aliddl. viii. I. xii. 1. Ethelburga, his daughter Kent. xxxv. ' St. Etheldreda, or Audry Cambr. ix. 1. Northumb. xv. 1 . Ethelflede $fff x'‘‘- V Ethelmund, K. of South Angles Lincoln, xh. Ethelred, K. of England Berks, vi. Chejh. vn. 5 Devon, xix. I. Dorfet. xxv. I. Oxf xxm. 1 Ethelred, K. of Mercia Chejh. vii. 5. Gloce/l. xiii. 2, Lincoln, iii. Northampt. xxvii. i. Staff. Xiii. Worcejl. x. xi. xxi. i, Ethelred, earl of Mercia Chejh. vii. 5. Glocejl. xiii. 3. Ethelric, fon of Ethelmund Glocejl. xxxii. j. Ethelftan, K. of England Cornw. iv. 1. v. viii. Devon, i* xix. I . xxxvi. 1. Dorfet. xviii. Glocejl. xiii. Somerfet. xxxii. Suff. x. r. York. xii. I. c. 1. Ethelwald, bifhop of Lichfield Staff, xvii. 1. Ethelwold, bifhop of Winton Berks, i. I. Cambr. ix. 1. xxvi. 1. Hamp. xxxv. 1. 2. 31 Huntingd. iv. • Northampt. xxvii. 1. Surr. iii. Ethelwold, a Saxon noblemdh Hamp. xxvii. Ethelwulph, K. of England Staff, xxvi. Eudo Effex. xii, 1. j. ill. Eudonis Hugo Brito Lincoln, xlv. Evermue Hugo Lincoln, lxxxvi. Reyner Lincoln, xxxvi, de Eureux Walter Wilts, v. de Ewe, Henry earl of Suff. xiv. 1. xviiL Ewias, Harald lord of Heref. x. Robert his fon Here/, viii. Ewin John Middl. viii. 52. Exeter earls, patrons of Newark H. Nottingh. xii. 2. Exton Devon, xxxi. Eynulfus, or Ernulfus Effex. xii. 2. Eyre Sir Simon Aliddl. viii. 18. St. Fagan Somerfet. xvi. Falftoff Thomas Norf lxxvii. 3. 4. Sir John Norf xv. de Farneham Nic. bifhop of Durham Durham, ix. 3. de Favarches Richoldis and Jeffery her fon Norf. lxviii. 1. St. Felix, bifhop of Eaft Angles Cambr. xix. Suff. xviii. Fell, bifhop of Worcefter Worcejl. xxi. 3. de Feltfham Thomas Norf. xii. 8. de Ferlinton Henry Durham, ix. 4. de Ferrariis Robert Berks, v. 1. Ferrers Robert, fecond earl of Derby Derb. viii. Effex. xlii. Leicejl. ii. Warm. xxL Henry Staff xxx- Hugh But!, i. Ifabel lady Glocejl. xxii. Margaret, countefs of Derby Northampt. xvii. 3. Finch Sir John Cambr. iv. 6. Fitz Alan William Northampt. iii. William the fecond Off. xx. William of Clun Shrop. xii. xxx. Fitz Aucher Sir Tho. Kent, xxxvi. Fitz Brien Ralph Suff. v‘- Fitz Ealdred Walter Middl. viii. 40. Fitz Gelran Robert Middl. viii. 8, Fitz Gilbert Robert Lincoln. xlVii. Ralph Lincoln, fii. Fitz Godebold Robert and Beatrix Effex. xx. 1. Fitz Haimon Robert Dorfet. ix. Glocejl. xxxi. 1. Fitz Harding Robert Brijlol. 2. 3. Eva Brijlol. 4. Fitz Henry Robert Lane. 1. Fitz Hugh Ofbert Worcejl. xviii. Fitz Jeffery Maurice Effex. xlii. xlix. Fitz John Euftace Northumb. i. X. York, xvii.lxxiv. cxx. Richard and Alice Suff. xviii. 6. Fitz Martin Robert Bembr. 111. his 'mother Bcnffr. 1. Fitz Mary Simon Middl. viii. 30. Fitz Nigell William Chejh. xvii. 2. William his fon Chejh. xv. xvu. 2. Fitz Orme Tho. Fitz Gofpatric Wejlmorl. iv. Fitz Ofbern William, earl of Hereford Hamp. ix. Fitz Ofbert Roger Suff XXV1- pa;° York, cxxvu Fitz Pain Jeffery York, cxviii. cxix. Fitz Peter William . *"*• xxx,'r‘ Fitz Piers Jeffery, earl of Effex Herts, tv. KenWv^u Fitz Ponce Simon Fitz Richard Heref vi. Fitz Ralph William Devon. , xtx. 7. Fitz Randal Ralph "m* xxx. Fitz Ranulph Waleran 1! ^ INDEX. f itz Rauf William fitz Richard William Fitz Robert Ralph ' Fitz Roger Roger Richard Helke Robert Fitz Stephen Ralph Fitz Swain Adam Robert William Fitz Turgis Richard Fitz Walter, Robert lord Robert and Sibil! William Fitz Williams Fitz William Sampfon Simon William Robert Flambard Ranulph, bifhop of Durham de Flamvill Roger Flandrenfis Reynerus le Flemangh Thomas Fleming Lincoln, lxii. 7 Richard, biihop of Lincoln de Flitcham Dametta Flower Robert, fon of Robert Fogg Sir John Foliot Hugh, biihop of Hereford de Folfham Thomas Ford William Fordham John, biihop of Ely le Forte Sampfon Fortefcue Bartholomew de Fortibus Ifabella FoiTard Joanna de FofTato Brandon Fofter John Fox Richard, biihop of Winchefter Francis Adam Fraunceys John Fray John, chief baron French Richard Frevile Sir Baldwin de Friilon William Frithwald, earl of Surrey Froft Henry Frowick Henry fil. Eulcheri' Fulcher deFulgeriis, or Filgcriis, Ralph le Fun Ralph Furfeus Derb. vi. Bucks, ii. 2. York. xxv. York. cxvi. Lane. xii. •A Torf. xxxvii. Derb. xiv. York. xv. EJfex. xxxiii. Heref. xiv. York. cii. EJfex. xii, 5. Norf. xxxiv. 1. Somerfet. xxiv. York. cxii. Bucks, ii. 3. Lincoln, xiii. Middl. viii. 9. Cornw. xxxiv. Hamp. xxxii. York. xc. York, lxvii. Nottingh. xxiv. Denbigh, ii. 1. Oxf. xxiii. 14. Norf. xxv. York. Ixix. Kent. i. Heref. xvi. 2. Norf. xli. 9. JVarw. ix. 6. Cambr. iv. 22. Bedf. xi. Devon, xix. 12. Hamp. iii. York, xlvii. Lincoln. Ixxii. 5. Briflol. 17. Oxf. xxiii. g. Middl. viii. ig, Kent. 1. Herts, xix. Kent. xii. 13. JVarw. ix. 3. Lincoln, i. Surr. iii. Cambr. iv. 12. Middl. viii. ig. Staff, xvi. Devon, xxviii. Lincoln, vii. Derb. xv. Stiff, ix. Gait Sir Robert le Galeys William de Gant Gillebert or Gilbert, earl of Lincoln Lincoln, iii. lxv. lxxxiii. Nottingh. xvi. Oxf. xxvii. 1. JVarw. ix. 9. Walter, his fon de Gaunt John, duke of Lancafter York. xix. Leicejl. xvi. 3. Norf. Ixiv. 10. Middl. viii. 17. Brijlol. 11. Briflol. 24. Norf. xli. 7. Norf. Ii. 13. Shrop. xxv. 13. Norf. lxxvii. 5. EJfex. xxiv. Hamp. xxxi. 2. his executors de Gaunt Maurice Sir Maurice Gedney Thomas Gelham Sir Thomas Genevile lady Gerbridge Sir William Gernoun Sir Ralph Gervafe of Hampton Ghifnefs, Manafles earl of, and Emma his wife Suff. xxxvi. Giffard Walter, earl of Buck, Bucks, xix. Suff. iv. Walter, fecond earl Norf. xvi. lviii. Walter fecond, and Ermengard his wife Bucks, xxi. William, biihop of Winton Hamp ■ xxxv. 3. Somerfet. xl. 1. Surr. xx. 1. xxiii. Godfrey, biihop of Worccfter Glocejl. xxxii. 2. Sir John, lord of Brimsfield Oxf, xxiii, 12. Gifford Sir Thomas John, canon of York Gilbert or Giles William Girard archbilhop of York Gifeburgh John Glocejl. xiih to. Northampt. ix. Somerfet. ix. I. Middl. viii. 20. York. cxi. York, cxxix. 13. fil. Gilleberti Richard v. de Clare Richard Baldwyn Lincoln, xi. xx. de Gifneto William Norf. xlvi. Gifo, biihop of Wells Somerfet. xlii. 1. de Giffinthe William Norf. Ii. 19. Githa, or Gueta, wife to earl Godwin Deport, xxv. Glocef. xxxiv. de Glanvill Ranulph Suff. xi. xxxii. Ranulph and Barta his wife Norf. lxii. Helewifia, their daughter York. xxv. Roger and Gundreda his wife Suff. viii. . William Norf. x. Glanvill Gilbert, biihop of Rocheller Kent. Iv. Glaftonbury, abbat Michael Somerfet. xxii. 2. Glocefter, Robert firft earl Brifol. 1. 2. Glamorg. ii. vii. William earl, his fon Somerf. xxviii. Brifol. 2. Richard earl Suff. x. 7. Richard duke v. K. Richard 3. Glynn Jeffery, his truftees Goddard John Godred, K. of Man Godric Godwinus Godwin Golafre’s John, executors Goldington Sir William Goldfmith de Gonevile Edmund Goodwyn John Gorings, one of the family de Gournay Girard lord of Stoke Hamden Goufla, or Goufel, Peter Agnes his wife v. de Camvile Agnes de Gower Henry, biihop of St. David’s Glamorg. ix. de Grainville Richard and Conftance Glamorg. viii. Grandifon John, biihop of Exon Devon, xix. 6. xxxiv. le Grant John Norf. Ii. 6. Gravefend Richard, biihop of London EJfex. xxv. York. 1 Cacrnarv. ii. 2. Kent. Iii. 3. Man. iv. Durham, viii. Lincoln, xxxviii. Kent. xxi. 2. Middl. vii. Berks, ix. Herts, xxiv. York. xii. 7. Cambr. iv. 10. Norf. lvii. Wilts, xxv. 4. Suff. xv. Norf. xxxix. Somerfet. vi. Lincoln, lvi. Gray Walter, archbilhop of York Sir Richard Joan, relidt of Sir Robert v. Grey Grayftoke William lord of de Greinelby Eudo de Greifley Nicholas Fitz Nigell de Grefley William Fitz Nigel G re lie, or Grellei de Grendon Serlo Grendon Simon efq. de Grentefmaifnil Hugo de Grellei Robert Grey Tho. marquis of Dorfet de Grey Reginald, lord of Wilton Sir Richard, lord of Codnor lord of Codnor Sir Henry Sir John John, fon of Reginald Grey William, biihop of London Sir Richard Grigge John Grimbald Sir Robert de Grifeley Ralph ap Gronow Tudor le Grolfe William v. Albemarle Gualterus v. Dorotheus Gueta v. Githa Guithin, or Gwyddaint _ _ Gundulf, biihop of Rochelfer Kent. xiii. xxxix. xlix. 1. de Gurnay Robert Brifol. 1 1 . cxxix. 7. ALiddl. viii. 53. Middl. ii. Cumberl. vi. Lincoln, xxx. Staff, iv. Derb. ix. Lincoln, lxvi. Derb. vi. Devon, xix. 15. Herts, xxv. 1. Oxf. vi. Lincoln, lxxv. IVarw. ii. 2. Nottingh. xiv. S. Kent. ii. York. xiii. 2. Suff. xxx. Nortbumb. iv. 6. Denbigh, iv. 1. Herts, xxiv, Middl. viii. 53. York. Ixiv. 3. Leicef. xx. Leicef. xi. Caernarv. ii. 2. Cacrnarv. v. Hadley Sir Jeffery Haget Bertram B b b b b Suff. xxviii. 8. York. liv. cx. Haget I N D X. f-iaget Jeffery, his fon York. liv. Haiino, bifhop of Rochefter Kent. xxix. 2. Hale Robert Bucks, ii. 2. Hameline dean Lincoln, i. Handlo Sir John Oxf. xxiii. 26. Hanfard . ?"&■}.■ Hanfeylin Ralph Nottingh. xvii. fil. Hardingi Robert v. Fitz Harding Brijlol. 2. Harnes Margery Suff. xxi. Harold earl Effex. xlv. 1. Harrington Sir Hugh Lane. x. 3. de Harfcolye Maud Norf. xxiv. Harys, or Hawes, John Suff. xxviii. 6. Hafelarton Sir John York, lxxiii. Haftingford, or Haflingford, John Norf. li. 14. de Haftings Ralph York, lviii. Walter and Athawis Warw. xxiii. Hatfield Thomas, bifhop of Durham Oxf. xxiii. 10. York. ii. 4. de Hatton Hugh Warw. xxxiv. de Haverford Robert Pembr. iv. 1. de Hauvill Ralph Cambr. xvi. de Haya Ralph Lincoln, iv. Richard and Maud his wife Lincoln, xv. Robert Suff. vi. Robert and Gundreda Monm. i. Heane Bir}s; .U de Heclin, or Hefdin, Ernulph Middl. ix. Hekingham Richard Cambr. iv. 29. de S. Helena Sir John Berks, i. 2. Helle Roger, fon of Robert Herts, xv. de Helles Thomas Fitz Theobald and Agnes his wife Middl. viii. 48. de Hemenhale Sir Ralph Norf xii. K. Henry 1. Bedf vi. I. Berks, xvii. 2. xx. xxiv. 1. Cambr. i. Cornw. xiv. 1. xxvi. xxviii. Cumberl. iv. I. EJfex. xii. 3. xxxviii. Glocejl. vi. 2. 3. Hamp. xvi. xxiii. xxxi. I. xxxv. 3. Heref. xviii. Kent. xxi. I. Lincoln, xlix. 9. Ixxxiv. Monm. iv. Norf. lxiv. 8. Northumb. iii. 1. xv. 2. xxiii. 5. Oxf. xxiii. 24. Suff. v. 1. Surr. xiii. K. Henry 2. Bedf. ix. x. Bucks, xiv. EJfex. xxi. xlv. r. xlix. Kent, xliii. Lane. viii. Lincoln, xxxii. xlix. 4. Ivii. Nottingh. xiii. Oxf. xiv. Somerfet. x. xliii. Warw. xxvi. Wilts, i. 2. xi. xviii. xxxii. Worcefl. vii. York, lxxxii. Flintjb. iii. K. Henrv 3. Bucks, xxii. Cambr. iv. 29. x. Glocejl. xiii. 5. 8. Hamp. v. xxii. xxxv. 15- Kent. xii. 14. 13. xliv. Leicejl. xxi. Lincoln, xxv. Middl. viii. 28. 43. 55. Norf. xix. xxvi. Northumb. iii. 4. Nottingh. xiv. 7. Oxf. xxiii. 25. 26. 27. 31. Suff. x. 7. xviii. 6. Wilts, xxxi. 9. York, cxxix. 27. K. Henry 4. Leicejl. xvi. 3. Middl. viii. 17. Northampt. xvi. 2. Shrop. 11. K. Henry 5. Middl. viii. 36. xi. I. Oxf. xxiii. 2. Surr. xix. i* Anglefey. iii. K. Henry 6. Berks, xxiii. 2. Bucks, ix. xix. Cambr. iv. 6. 14. Lincoln, lxxxvii. 1. York. Ixxxiv. K Henry 7. Cbejh. ix. Kent. xxvi. Middl. viii. 45. xii. 5. Nottingh. xii. 4. Staff, xvii. 4. Surr.xv 11. K. Henry 8. Berks, v. 2. Cambr. iv. 13. ix. 1. ' Cbejh. vii. 2. Cumberl. iv. 1. Durham, vi. Glo¬ ceft. xiii. 2. Hamp. xxxv. I. Kent. xii. 1. xhx. 1. Lincoln, lxxvii. Middl. viii. 29. xii. I. Norf. li. I. Northampt. xxvii. 1. Nottingh. xix. I. Oxf. xx 1. xxiii. 1. Staff, iii. Brijlol. 3. Worcejl. xxi. 1. Breck- nock. 1. 3. Henry, rural dean of Fordham Cambr. x. Herbert, bifhop of Norwich, v. Lofinga Hereford, Milo earl Glocejl. xxi. Roger earl •»: Hereford bilhops, patrons of Caftle Howgate Heref. xv. Hereford, a bifhop of /Arr/. xm. 12. Herfaftus, bifhop NorfAxiv. ft. de Heriz William Nottingh. iv. Herlewyn Matthias Norf. xxvii. Herman, bifhop of Sarum Wilts, xxix. xxxi. i. fil. Hermeri, William fil. Radulphi fil. Drogonis Lincoln, xxxix. Hernefhull Sir Stephen Glocejl. xiii. 8. Heron William Suff. viii. de Hertford Thomas Cambr. iv. 27. Hertford and Glocefter, cotintefs of Bucks, xvi. Herveus, fon of Akarius York. lix. de Hewel Robert Suff. xxxv. 2. Hewit, alias Serjeaunt, John York, xlvii. Heyworth, bifhop of Cov. and Lich. Staff, xvii. 3. Hieu Durham, xi. 1. St. Hilda York, xlviii. cxxiii. 1. Hithe, communalty of Kent. xxix. 2. Hoefe Henry Suff. xi. xvi. Holand Sir Robert Lane. vi. Holden Thomas efq. and Eliz. Oxf. xxiii. 17. de Holifh Sir Roger Suff. xviii. 5. Holland John, earl of Huntingdon, v. Huntingdon de Holland Thomas, duke of Surrey York. Ixxxiv. Holland Sir Thomas Northampt. xxxix. Holme Roger Middl. viii. 15. Holtby John Dorfet. ii. Horn, a petty prince Norf. v. Hofier Ralph Middl. viii. 54. Hotham John, bifhop of Ely Nottingh. xxiv. Sir John York. xii. 8. Jeffery York. lxiv. 7. de Hoton Peter York. iv. Houghton, or Hutton Adam, bifhop of St. David’s ° Pembr. ii. 2. Houghton Robert, fon of William Bedf. iv. Howard Charles, earl of Nottingham Berks, vii. 2. Sir John Suff. xvi. Howme Robert York, cxxix. 20. Hubert, archbifliop of Cant. Norf. xxi. Kent. xix. Staff, xxxi. 1. Surr. x. Hubert, bifhop of Sarum Wilts, vi. Hugh, dean of Derby Herb. viii. abbat of Reading Berks, xvn. 3. de Hull Walter Somerfet. xiii. 3. de Humet Richard Lincoln, xlvm. Ixxh. 5. Humet William Lincoln, lxxn. ir. Huno-erford Walter and Robert, by their executors s Wilts, xvii. 2. Huntingdon, Judith wife of Waltheof, earl of* Bedf. viii. T)avid earl Huntingd. «. 2. Simon Senliz firft earl and Maud his wife Northampt. xxiv. 1. Simon Senliz fecond earl Huntingd. vi. Northampt. xxiv. 3. John Holland earl, patron of Kerfey J Suff. xxx. de Huntingfield William Suff. xxxiv, Huntlow Thomas Middl. vm. 47. Huoffe, or Hoefe, Hugh Staff, xix. atte Hurft Thomas ‘ Kent, vu Jakyn Thomas .... ,T . ^ent\ v‘“* K. James 1. Effex. xii. 3. Norf. xii. 4. Nottingh. xix. 1. Staff, xxxi. I. Wilts, xxxi. 5. York. c. 2. de Ibreio Adeline ®xf v|* Jeffery, fon of Peter Hamp. xxxvi. Jenevil Shrop. xxv. 1 5. S. Iltutus . .. Glamorg. Vi. Ina, K. of Weft Sax. Berks. 1. I. n. Dorfet. xxv. I. Sofnerjet. xvi. xxu. i. xiii. I. Ingelricus ^iAdl viii. 2D. Inkpenne John or Roger Hamp. xxxv. de la Wyle Walter, bilhop of Sarum Wilts, xxxi. 2. Wymar York. xeix. 1. Wymarus Suff. xvii. York, xxxiii. Wynard William efq. Devon, xix. 9. de la Wyrch Gosfridus Lincoln, lxiv. v. de Wirchia K. Wythred v. Widtred York, Edward duke of Northampt. xvi. 2. Richard duke of Glocejl. xxxii. 2. Cicely duchefs of Glocejl. xxii. Yorke Sir Richard York, cxxix. 21. York, archbilhops, v. Girard, Paulinus, Roger, Tho¬ mas, Wilfrid, & c. an archbilhop of York. c. 4. merchants of York, cxxix. 15. citizens of York, cxxix. 27. Zouch Sir William William lord la Zufche or Zouch Alan v. Rufus Alan. Somerfet. xxxviii Warw. ix. 3, A N A N INDEX O F T H E PERSONS and SOCIETIES to whom the SITES of the RELIGIOUS HOUSES were granted. ABBOT William Cornw. iv. 4. Devon, xxv. Adams Theoph. and Robert EJfex. xxvi. Aglianby Edward Cornw. xxxiii. Aiflaby Francis York. li. St. Alban’s mayor and burgefles Herts, i. 1. Alderfey Thomas , Chejh. vi. Alverde Thomas Suff. xvii. xxviii. 2. Anderfon Francis and William Wilts, xxxvi. Andrews Richard Nottingh. xii. 3. Andrews Richard and Leonard Chamberleyne Norf. li. 15. lxxvii. 4. Somerfet. xv. Warw. ix. 3. Andrews Richard and John How Oxf. xxiii. 27. 28. and William Lille Denbigh, ii. 2. and William Ramefden Nottingh ■ iii.i. Nicholas Temple Gloceft. xiii. 10. Shrop. xxv. 12. 13. 14. Sujf. xxxv. 2. Worceji. xvi. Cacrmarthen. v. 1. Andrews Thomas Suff. xviii. 2. Ap Harry Henry Flintjh. iii. iv. 2. Hugh Heref. ii. Ap Rice John Heref. xiii. 3. Brecknock, i. 1. Ardern Thomas Huntingd. ii. 4. Kent. Iii. 4. Arnold Nicolas Monm. vii. Arundel Henry earl Suff. i. 2. vi. William earl Sujf. xxii. Arundel Thomas Devon, xiii. Alhton Peter v. Downing Edward Richard and John Braddyl Lane. xvii. Alke John York, xxxiii. xxxiv. cxvi. Alkue Hugh Cumber!, xi. Alton Sir Edward Staff, xiv. Roger Herts, xx. 3. Atkins Henry, M. D. Bucks, xxvi. Aucher Sir Anthony Kent. xiii. lviii. Audley Henry and John Cordel Caermarth. ii. Sir Thomas EJfex. xii. 2. 4. xxxiii. xiii. xliv. Huntingd. iii. Middl. viii. 3. 4. Thomas lord, and Sir Thomas Pope Warw. iv. Auftins Aultin Shrop. xxviii. 2. Aylworth John and John Lacy Somerfet. xiii. 2. Ayfcough John v. Dudley John Aylhfield Edmund Bucks, xxiv. Oxf. xi. 2. Bagnal Sir Ralph Staff, ix. Bainton Sir Edward Wilts, xxxii. Sir Edward and Ifabel his wife Wilts, xxx. Baker John Sujf. xiv. 2. Richard and Richard Sackvile Sujf. xx. 1. Baldwin Sir John Bucks, ii. 4. Banaftyr John and William Metcalfe York. xeix. 5. Barantyne William and others Northumb. xxiii. 1. St. Barbe William Wilts, xxxi. 2. Barkeley William York. xii. 2. Barlow Roger and Thomas Pembr. iv. 1. 2. ix. x. Bartlet John Somerfet. xxv. Barwick John Wilts, xviii. Bath Elizabeth countefs and Sir Thomas Darcy Devon, xvi. r. Bath and Wells, bilhop of Middl. viii. 12. Somerf. xiii. 5. Bath, mayor and commonalty Somerfet. v. 3. Beaumont John Shrop. vi. 3. John and William Guyfe Leicejl. xvi. 3. Beccles portreeve, Sic. Suff iii. Beckwith Ambrofe York. 1. cxxix. 28. Leonard York, cxxix. 5. 27. Bedford Francis earl Cornw. xii. John earl Bedf xiii. Cambr. xxvi. 1. v. Rufiel lord John Bedingfield Edmund Suff xxxvi. Bell Thomas Glocejl. xiii. 8« Bellafis Anth. v. Simpfon Margaret Bellingham Alan and Alan Wilfon Wejlmorl. v. Bellow John v. Porter Auguftine and Stanhope Michael John and R. Bigot Hamp. xxvii. John and Robert Brokefby Lincoln, xxxi. 3. John and John Broxholme Hamp. xxxv. 2. Leicejl. xvi. 7. 9. Lincoln, xxxiii. xlix. 4. 12. 13. Northumb. v. York, cxxix. 4. Bellow John and others Lincoln, xlviii, Berkely Sir Maurice Somerfet. ix. 1. Berney John Norf xxxvii. Bethel Richard Hamp. xxxv. 3. Bigot R. v. Bellow John Billingford Richard v. Grelham Richard Birch Thomas Herts, xxv. 2: Bifle John and James Somerfet. xi. Blithmam William York. xv. cxxix. 26. Blount Charles lord Mountjoy Derb. xv. Leicejl. xiii. Blount Charles lord Mountjoy and Dorothy his wife • Dorfet. xxvi. Blyth George v. Wilby Henry Bocher Robert and David Vincent Line. xxix. lxxii. 8. Bolles William Nottingh. vii. Bonvixi Anthony EJfex. ix. Borne James v. Haftings Mart. Bofton mayor, &c. Lincoln, xx. 2. 4. 5. Bowes Sir Martin EJfex. xxix. Bowes Percival and John Mofyer Cambr. xvi. Bowie J. Kent. xxi. 2. Bowyer Francis v. Pype Richard Boyle James ' Heref xiii. 12. Braddyl John v. Alhton Richard Bradlhaw John Pembr. iii. Brandling Robert Northumb. xxiv. D d d d d Brayne index. Bxaync Henry Brijlol. i. Brayn Henry and John Marfli Brijlol. 4. Brereton William Kent. lxv. tJrian and lady Jane Bray his wife Bedf. xvi. Urian fen. and Urian jun. Chejb. vii. 3. v. Browne Thomas Bretton William v. Herbert Thomas Bridges Thomas efq. Somerfet. xxviii. John v. Owen William Briftol mayor, Sec. Brijlol. n. 22. 25. 26. Brokefby John v. Bel-low John Brook Henry v. Cobham Bedf. xvi. Richard efq. Chejh. xv. Broun Antony Cambr. iii. Brown Sir Antony Surr. i. xx. 1. Sujf. iii. xiv. 1. xliv. Sir Anthony and Richard Wefton EJfex. xxxiv.- John efq. Dorfet. xi. Robert v. Pye John Thomas and William Brereton Caermarth. ii. 2. Broxholm John Lincoln, xlix. 15. York. lxiv. 8. John v. Bellow John Bryan Sir Francis Bucks, xxii. Northampt. ii. Buckler Walter Kent. Ixvi. Buckbird William v. Riggs William Buckton William and Roger Marihall York, xcvii. Bulmer Ralph and John Thinde York. viii. Burgh Randal and others Dorfet. xxiii. 2. Burgoin Robert and John Scudamore Warw. xxxiv. Butts William Middl. viii. 53. Byron Sir John Nottingk. xiii. Byrte William v. Pollard John Gallowhill Richard Calmady Vincent Cambridge, Clare hall Chrift’s coll. Worcejl. xxi. 2. Sujf. v. Cambr. ix. 2. Norf. ix. xix. And Godfhoufe now Chrift coll. Heref vu. Lincoln, xlii. Monm. xiii. Sujf. xliii. St. John’s coll. Berks, iv. Kent, xxxiv. xliv. King’s coll. Bedf.ix. Bucks, xiv. Cornw.v. xix. Devon, xix. 4. xxviii. Dorfet. xxvii. Hamp. xiii. Herts, iii. v. Lincoln, lxviii. lxxxv. Ixxxvii. 1. Middl. ix. Norf. xxxv. xxxix. Ixvi. Sujf. vi. xxx. Warw. xxxiii. Wilts, xi. xxvii. xxxiii. xxxvi. York. i. King’s hall Derb. xi. Michael-houfe Lincoln, lxxxv. Pembroke hall Cambr. xiii. xv. Trinity coll. Cambr. iv. 13. 16. 26. Herts, xxv. 1. Lincoln, xxxi. 1. lxxxv. Warw. xviii. Trinity hall Cambr. iv. 4. Huntingd. ii. •?. Candilh John Lincoln, xxiv. Canterbury archbifhop Kent. iv. viii. ix. xii. 3. 4, xxxi. xxxix. mayor, See. Kent. xii. 10. dean and chapter Oxf. xxiii. 8. Capel Sir Giles EJfex. xxx. Carew Thomas Devon, xix. 10. Sir Peter Somerfet. xxii. 1. Carliol dean and chapter Cumberl. iv. 2. xii. Carn Sir Edward Monm. xii. Edward Glamorg. x. Carnaby Sir Reginald Northumb. xv. 2. 3. Carpenter Thomas and William Savage Monm. ix. Carr Robert Lincoln, xvi. Cartwright Henry Leicejl. xxi. Warw. iii. Catlyn Robert Leicejl. xvi. 5. Cavendifh Sir William Staff, xxx. William Cardigan, i. Cawarden Thomas Surr. xi. Sir Thomas Middl. viii. 44. 51. Cary John and Joyce Walfingbam EJfex. xl. Cecill Sir William Lincoln, xlix. 9. lxxii. 2. Cecill Richard Lincoln, lxxii. 1. Northampt. xxxix. Cely Walter v. Golding Thomas Chadderton John v. Southcote John Chaloner Sir Thomas Cumberl. ii. York. xiv. Chamberlayne Sir Leonard Bedf. vi. 1. Chamberlayne Sir Leon. v. Andrews Richard Chamberleyn Leonard Berks, xiii Champernoon Arthur Devon, xxxviii. j. Champernoun Joan v Denny Sir Anth. Kath. Ridgway John, & c. Carnw. viii. Chandos, John lord G/ZjL xixni Chapman William j-' Cheiney Sir Thomas Kent. xi. xviii. xxiv. liv Cheke John efq. Lincoln, xxxix. Sujf. xiii. J Sir John Lincoln, lxviii. Middl. viii. 23. Norf. lvii" Cheke Sir John and Walter Mildmay Sujf. xl! Cheney John and Richard Duncomb Bedf. xi Chefter bifhop Cumberl. ii! dean and chapter Chejh. v. vii. 2! Chefter Robert efq. Herts, xx. 1. William Brijlol. 24! Chewte Philip v. Shelbury John Chichefter dean and chapter Sujf y. mayor Sujf. x. 8.' Churchill John and William Samways Dorfet. xx. 2. Clayton John Somerfet. i! .Clere Sir Thomas Norf. xxix. Clerk William Somerfet. vi. Clifford William and Michael Wildbore Sujf xiii. 1. 2. York. xcvi. 8. Clinton, Edward lord Cambr. iii. v. Dorfet. xxxi. 2. EJfex. X, 1. Heref. xxii. Kent. XXV. 2. Lincoln, i. xix. xxv. xxxv. xxxviii. lxv. lxxii. 7. lxxv. Norf. xxv. York. lxiv. 1. xcix. j. Clinton Edward lord and Urfula his wife Lincoln, ii. Edward lord and Thomas Morrifon Nottingh. viii. Cobham, William lord Kent, xxxviii. j, Norf. xii. George lord Bedf. xvi. alias Brooke, Henry Kent, xxxix. Cock John __ Herts, xviii. Cokke John Chejh. vii. 9. 10. II. Herts, x iii. t. Cock John and John Thurgood Lincoln. Ixxxvii. 2. Cockeram Philip Heref. xxi. Codyngton Richard Sujf. xxix. Coffyn James and Thomas Godwyn Devon, xxx. Colehurft Matthew Somerfet. xl. 1. Colles Humfrey Somerfet. viii. 2. xix. xxx. Collins Humfrey Somerfet. v. 1. Combes John and Richard Stansfield Warw. ix. 2. Coniers John and William Haber Nottingh. v. Conftable Sir John York. cxv. Sir Marmaduke Warw. x. York. xxix. Robert York. liii. Cooper William Nottingh. xxi. Coope Anthony Rutl. i. Cope Sir Anthony Oxf. ii. Corbet Richard Sujf. x. 2. Cordel John v. Audely Henry Cotton George and William Man Shrop. xvii. 3. v. alfo Reeve Thomas Cotton Richard Lincoln, xi. Sir Robert Chejh. xviii. William efq. Chejh. viii. xvi. Coventry mayor, &c. Warw. ix. 10. Courtney Laurence Cornw. xxix. Crakenthorp Chriftopher Wejlmorl. i. 2. Cranmer archbifhop York. v. lxviii. Crediton, free fchool Devon, xvi. 1. Creffener H. v. Dyer Edward Crew James Northampt. xvi. 2. Croke John Oxf. xxvi. Cromwell Thomas lord EJfex. x. 2. Kent. xiii. Leicef. xiv. xviii. Sujf. xx. 1. xxii. Warw. i. Cromwell Sir Richard v. Williams Elizabeth Rutl, iii. 2. Cruche Henry Derb. ix. Crumbilthorn Richard Staff, xvii. 5. Culpeper Thomas Kent. xvii. York. iv. xii. 8. xxxviii. xlix. Cumberland Henry earl York. xiii. r. Dacre Thomas lord Cumberl. ix. Dacres Robert efq. EJfex. xxviii. Northampt. xvii. 1. Dalfton INDEX, Dalflon Thomas and William Denton Cumber!, xiii. Dalby William v. Heybourn Richard Dance Sir John Buds. xvii. Darcy Sir Arthur Hamp. xxxi. 4. Middl. viii. 6. Montgom. i, York, cxxix. 23. Sir John York, lxxxviii. Sir Thomas Effex- *• 2. v. alfo Bath, Elizabeth countefs Darcy William v. North Sir Edward Darknall Robert York. iii. Dartnall Robert Kent. lix. St. David’s, bifhop of Brecknock, i. j. Dawe Robert v. Tipper William Dawftin Anthony Worcejl. ix. Dawtrey Francis Hamp. xxxi. 1. Dennis Maurice Brijiol. 23. Denny Sir Anthony Effex. xlv. 1. Herts, vi. xii. 2. Suff. xxxviii. 1. Sir Anthony and Joan Champernoon his wife Herts, xii. 1. Thomas Suff. xxxiii. Dennys Sir Thomas Devon, vii. xix. 2. Sir Walter Glocejl. xviii. Denton Thomas and R. Nottingham Norf. lxxvii. 6. William v. Dalfton Thomas Derby, bailiffs and burgeffes Derb. vii. 4. Dereham Thomas Norf. xxi. Dighton Robert Lincoln. Ixxiv. Northampt. xxiv. 8. Dixon Thomas v. Hayward Rowland Doddinge Miles v. Downing Edward Dormer Sir Robert Bucks, xxvii. Dc.rfet Henry marquis Leicejl. xvi. 8. Warw. ii. 1. Downing Edward and Peter Afhton Northampt. xix. Shrop. xix. Staff, xxvii. 2. Edward and Miles Doddinge Cumbcrl. viii. Edward v. Pole William Doiley John and John Scudamore Durham, xi. 2. Monm. viii. Dudley John, lord Lille Leicejl. iii. Norf. xvi, Dudley, John lord Middl. viii. 35. Robert lord York, cxxix. 23. Sir John Norf lxxvi. 2. Shrop. xiii. Staff, x. John Worcejl. vii. v. alfo Sakevile William Dudley John and John Ayfcough Bucks, x. Dorfet. viii. Andrew v. Jobfon Francis Dufficld Edmund v. Percival Richard Richard v. Smith John Duke George and John Sterr Ejfex. xxv. Richard ' Devon, xxxv. Duncomb Richard v. Cheney John Durham bifhop Surr. xxii. dean and chapter Durham, viii. Northumb. xii. xix. Off. xxiii. 10. Dyer Edward and H. Creflener Norf. lxxi. Thomas Ejfex. xxvi. Eaton college Bedf. x. Berks, xxi. xxiv. 2. Devon, xv. xxxi. Dorfet. x. 1. xxi. Ejfex. xlvii. Glocef. i. 2. iv. x. Hamp. xii. xviii. xxx. Middl. xii. 3. Monm. iv. Norf. xxii. xxxix. lxiii. Ixvi. Northampt. xv. xxxvi. 2. Oxf. viii. xviii. Somerfet. xx. xxxviii. Staff, xxii. Suff. iv. xv. Suff. xviii. xix. Wilts, ix. x. York. x. Eden Thomas Suff. xiii. 4. Edwards Leonard Shrop. vi. 2. Elrington Edward Cambr. vii. 3. Edward and Humph. Metcalfe Cambr. iv.3.25. Edward and Richard Southwell Norf. xxxiv. 1. Englefield Sir Francis Berks, vi. viii. Ely bifhop Cambr. xii. xxiii. Norf. lxx. dean and chapter Norf. xlv. Erie Walter Devon, ii. v. alfo Strowde Thomas Effex earl, James Rockby, bic. Northumb. xxiii. 10. Somerfet. x. Etherege John Devon, viii. Eure William lord Durham, xii. Exeter Henry marquis Hamp. vii. Eyer John Cambr. iv. 27. Norf. xii. 6. 7. 8. lxviii. 3. Suff. x. 1. xviii. 5. 6. xxiv. 2. xxviii. 0, Fane Sir Ralph Aliddl. xii. 2. Felde Richard and Richard Woodward Warw. xxxii. Fermer Richard Northampt. xxxiii. Sir William Norf. xxviii. lxiv. 7. Ferrers George Bedf. xiv. Walter lord Warw. xxi. Fitz William William Bedf. xvii. Fitz Williams Sir William Surr. iii. xxiii. Suff. xi. xii. xliv. Flamok Sir Andrew Warw. xvii. Fleetwood John Lane. xiv. Staff, iv. Foljamb Jeffrey Staff viii. Fortefcue John Chejh. vii. 5. Nic. and Cath. his wife Worcejl. vi. Forth William Suff. xi. Fofter Anth. v. Grice William and Pope John F offer Humfrey Leicejl. x. John Northumb. iii. 1. Fownes John Worcejl. vii. Fox Charles Shrop. vii. Michael Northampt. vii. Francis Thomas Dorfet. ix. F reeman John Lincoln, xxxiv. Freke Robert and John Walker Heref. xiii. 8. Frere William Oxf. xxiii. 27. Freflon Richard and Anne his wife Suff. xxxiv. Friend Richard Suff. xiv. 3. Fulmerflon Richard Norf. lxiv. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 10. u. lxxiii. Fylde Richard v. Winlove William Gage Sir John James Gale George Gafcoign Sir William Gate Sir John Gates John Kent. xvii. Norf. xviii. York. liv. York. exxv. Bedf. iii. Ejfex. vi. Middl. xii. 2. Ejfex. xxxii. Gawdy Thomas v. Mundford Ofbert Giffard Nicholas Northampt. xxiv. 2. Gifford Thomas Staff, ii. William and Michael Welbore York, xxviii. 4. Gilberd Edmund and Henry Kent, xxxvi. Gilbert Effex. xlvii. Glocefter bifhop Heref. xv. mayor and citizens Glocejl. xiii. 5. Goodwin Thomas Cornzu , i. 2. Suff. xxxii. v. alfo Coffyn James Golding Thomas and Walter Cely York, cxxix. 7. Gonfon William Middl. viii. 48. Goodyere Francis Warw. xxv. Goftwyke John Bedf. i. 5. Gower Ralph York. xeix. 2. Gratewike Thomas and Antony Lamb Berks, xxiii. 3. Gratewik Thomas and Anfelm Lamb Oxf. x. Gratwik Robert v. Weft John Grene John and Robert Hall Suff. xxii, Greneham Francis v. Merfhe John Grefham Sir Richard Suff. ii. xxvii. York, xiii, 1. lxi. cxv. Sir Richard and Richard Billingford Northumb. xxiii. n, 13. Sir Richard and Sir Richard Southwell Norf. xiii. Sir Thomas Norf. xliii. lxxii. Caermar. v. 2. Grevil Fulk WarUj. i. Grey John lord ‘ Leicejl. ii! John v. Jeames William Thomas Leicejl, xv, Greynfield Richard Devon, v. Grice William and Antony Fofter Cumber!, vi. Griffith Edward Northampt. xiii. Grimfton Edward Herts, xv. Gryme, alias Carleil, William Cumber/, i, Grys W. Chejh. xiv. Guibon Thomas and William Mynn Norf. Ixxiv. Gunter Richard Oxf. xxiii. 28.- William Middl. viii. 17. Guyfe William v. Beaumont John Haber William v. Coniers John Hacket Richard and Thomas Trenchant Shrop. xvii. 4. Haddon I N D E X* HaJdon Sir "Walter Hales James John Hall Robert v. Grene John Halley William v. Popham Alexander Hanriam John Hare Sir Nicholas and Robert Nicolas Harper George Norf. lxxvi. X. Kent. xii. 4. JVarw. ix. 7. Effex Harrington Sir John John Harris Edward and John Williams Harvey Anthony Haftings Martyng and James Borne Hatton Sir Chriftopher Dorfet. xii. Norf. xlii. Suff. vii. Kent. xii. 13. Staff, xxv. Leiceji. xx. Kent. xii. 14. Nottingb. ix. 1. Devon, xiv. Suff. x. 7. Norf. xxiv. Dorfet. xi. Northampt. xxxiv. Shrop. vi. 1. SomerJ'et. xlii. 5. Haward William lord and Margaret his wife Devon, iii. 1. Hawkins, alias Filher, Thomas JVarw. xxxi. 3. Hayward Rowland and Thomas Dixon Montgom. ii. Henley Sir Walter and Sir John Williams Middl. viii. 5. Radnor, i. Henneage John York. lxiv. 9. Robert Lincoln, lvii. lx. Sir Thomas Lincoln, xxxvi. xlvii. lxvi. lxxxii. lxxxiv. Norf. li. 12. Nottingb. xiv. 7. Herbert Sir William Beff. vi. 3. Monm. x. Wilts, xxxvii. i- 6. Herbert William, earl of Pembroke v. Pembroke Thomas and William Bretton Monm. v. Herdfon H. v. Watfon Edward Herman Edmund Oxf. iv. Hertford, Edward earl, Cornw. xxxiv. Devon, xxxiv. Somerft. xxxii. Surr. xix. 1. JVilts. i. 2. v. Somerfet Edward duke and Seymour Sir Edward Edward earl the fecond JVilts. xv. Heybourn Richard and William Dalby Northampt. xxxv. 1. Heydon Richard Norf. lxvii. William and Hugh Stukley Suff. xx. 4. Higford John JVarw. xiv. Hill Richard efq. Hamp. xxxvi. Hobby, or Hoby, Sir Edward Berks, v. 2. Sir Philip Heref. i. Lincoln, lxxx. Philip efq. JVorceJl. x. Sir Thomas JVorceJl. ix. Hodges William Somerfet. xxvii. 2. Hogan Robert Norf. xliv. Ixxi. Holcroft John Lane. vi. Thomas Chejh. xx. Lane. ix. x. 3. xv. 2. xvi. Sir Thomas Lane. xii. Holford Stephen Lincoln. Ixxxviii. Holgate Robert, bifhop of Landaff York, lxxiv. lxxv. Idopton Sir Arthur Edward Ralph Hordern Robert Horne William Horfey Sir John Horton Roger How John v. Andrews Richard Howard William lord Surr. xvi. Hulfe, or, Hulfon John and William Pendred Middl. viii. 15. York. vi. Hufe Sir William Huffy Sir William Hynde John Effex. xiv. Nottingb. i. Cambr. i. Dcrb. vii. 7. Jeames William Heref. v. William and John Grey Shrop. viii. Jennings John Gloceji. xiii. 3. 9. Jernyngham Henry efq. Suff. xxvi. Berks, xvii. 2. Jobfon Francis, Dudley Andrew, &c. Effex. xii. 5. York, lxxxvii. St. John John lord Rutl.su. 2. William lord Middl. viii. 50. Oliver and Robert Thornton Leiceji, xi. Ifelham Giles Devon. Xxxvii. 3. Ifam Giles v. Neve Thomas Kechin John Lane. iii. Kelway Giles Dorfet. ii. Keylway Giles and William Leonard Dorfet. xxxi. 2. Kerrich Suf. iii. Keynlham William Cambr. iv. 24. Killegrew William and John Cornw. i. 1. Kingfton Sir Anthony Gloceji. xi. xxvii. xxviii. Kirkham Sir Robert Northampt. i. ix. Kirton Stephen Hamp. xxxii. Knightly Sir Edmund JVarw. xxviii. 1. Knyvet Sir Edmund Norf. lxv. Sir Thomas Norf. xi. [notes.] Henry and Anne his wife York. lxvi. Somerfet. xliv. Suff. v. 1. Shrop. ix. Somerfet. xliii. Herts, iv. Shrop. xiv. Dorfet. xxv. 1. JVilts. xxiii. Northampt. xxvi. Lacy William and John John v. Aylworth John Lamb William Anth. or Anf. Lane Matilda Latimer John lord Lawfon James Leder Oliver Middl. viii. 10. Gratewike Thomas Bucks, xii. York, lxxxiii. Northumb. xxii. Huntingd. vii. Lee Rowland, bilhop of Cov. and Lich. Staff, xxiv. 2. Henry Northampt. xxxii. Sir Richard Gloceji. i. 2. xxvi. Herts', i. 3. xxii. Suff. i. 3. Thomas and Mary his wife Oxf. vii. St. Leger Sir Anthony Kent, xxxii. Sir John Devon, xxix. xlvii. Leicefter Robert earl Bucks, xviii. Somerfet. xxxiii. JVarw. v. Effex. xvii. Cumberl. iii. York. xci. cxviii. Heref. xviii. Leigh Giles Thomas Bedf. iv Lemfter, bailiffs and burgeffes Lenox Matthew earl of Leonard William v. Keylway Giles Leventhorp Dorothy Levefon James Lincoln bifhop of Lille Arthur vifeount Henry vifeount John vifeount William v. Andrews Richard Lifter Sir Michael Litchfield bilhop dean and chapter hofpital Lloyd Thomas St. Lo Sir John London, lord mayor and citizens York. lix. Effex. xi. Shrop. xvi. xxx. Staff, xxiv. 7. Lincoln, lxxvii. Devon, xxiii Shrop. xviii. Middl. viii. XI. JVilts. xxxi. 3. Staff, xii. Staff, xi. Chejh. ix. Caermarth. v. 2. Somerfet. xliv. Middl. viii. 19. 29. 3°' mercers company Long Sir Richard Richard Robert Longfield Arthur Lord Robert Lovel Sir Thomas Lukar Emanuel Lytellton Edmund Magnus Thomas v . Whalley Richard Maltravers Henry lord Man William v. Cotton George Mannors Sir Richard Shrop. Manours Richard Mantel Manxwell Sir Rice Markham Sir John Marlh John v. Brayne Henry Marfhal Roger v. Buckton William Mafon Sir John Mailers Richard May Robert Meawtis Peter efq. Merlhe John Northampt. xxiv, Merlh John and Francis Greneham 52. Surr. xx. 2. Middl. viii. 48. JVilts. xix. Cambr. xviii. Shrop. xxiv. Bucks, iv. Suff. xxxv. 2. Norf xi. Somerfet. viii. 3. Shrop. xii. Suff. xi. xxvii. Staff, xv. Lincoln, lviii. Kent. xxx. Glamarg. vii. Lincoln. Iv. Berks, i. 2: Gloceji. vi. 2. Somerfet. xxxi. Effex. xxxvii. 3. Suff xxxvii. Nottingb. xx. Mervyn N D E X. Mervyn Edmund Kent. xx. i. Metcalfe Humfrey v. Elrington Edw. William v. Banaftyr John Nicholas v. Wray Thomas Mildmay Thomas Norf. lii. lix. Mildmay Walter v. Cheke John Millecent John efq. Cambr. ii. Mills John and George Hamp. xxv. Mone Robert and others Bucks, xv. Montague Anthony vifcount Suff. xxvi. Sir Edward, chief juftice Northampt. xxiii. Montjoy Charles lord v. Blount Charles Moore Philip Wilts, xi. More John Anglefey. i. Mordaunt Edmund Effex. xxxv. Moreland Chriftopher v. Weldbury Simon Morefyne Richard Middl. viii. 53. Morifine Sir Richard Gloceft. xxvii. Worceft. xxi. 4. York. ii. 1. Morifon Richard Nottingh. i. Morice Francis and Francis Phelips Norf. lxiv. 4. Anglefey. ii. Morrifon Thomas v. Clinton Edward lord Mofyer John v. Bowes Percival Mundeford Olbert ^orf. lx. Mundeford Ofbert and Thomas Gawdy Middl. viii. 23. Norf. lxx. Myllet Edward Suff. i. 4. x. 7. Mynn William v. Guibon Thomas Naunton Elizabeth Nedeham James Henry Neve Thomas and Giles Ifam Nevell Thomas efq. Nevill Anthony efq. Suff. xxxi. Herts, xxvi. Middl. i. Staff, xxiv. 6. Leicejl. i. Nottingh. xi. Newcaftle mayor, &c. Durham, ix. 3. Northumb. xvii. xxiii. 9. Newport Edmund, &c. Norf. ft. 8. Newton . efq. Devon, xix. 8. Newton [Cambr.] redlory Cambr. xvii. Noke Thomas _ Effex. xviii. Norfolk Thomas duke Devon, xxxiii. Lincoln, xx. Middl. viii. 5. Norf. xiv. xvii. 1. xxxi. Ii. 2. 14. lxiv. I. 4. Suff. viii. xi. xxxix. xliv. xlv. Norres John Berks, xxiii. 1. North Sir Edward Cambr. vi. xx. Middl. viii. 3. North Sir Edw. and William Darcye _ Oxf. xii. Northampton William marquis Effex. xvi. Glocejl. xvi. xxxiii. I. Leiceft. xvi. I. Northampt. xxix. Ruth ii. Northumberland John duke Bucks, xviii. Middl. xi. I. Northumb. xviii. xxiii. 8. xxvii. Staff, xxxi. 1. Warw. xxxi. II. York. lxiv. 1. 8. Norwich bifhop Norf. v. vii. xxx. xxxiii. xxxvi. liii. lxxv. Suff. xlix. dean and chapter Norf. xli. I. lxxvii. I. mayor and citizens Norf. Ii. 5. 13. Nottingham R. v. Denton Thomas Nowell, or Noell, Sir Andrew Leicejl. vii. Onley John Northampt. xxi. Owen George, M. D. Oxf. xiv. xxiv. Briftol. 12. Owen William and John Bridges Oxf. xvii. Oxford John earl Effex. xiii. xix, 1. Somerfet. xxxvii. Oxford, All Souls coll. Kent. Ii. Northampt. xxxvii. Shrop. i. Caermarthen. vi. Glamorg. v. Brafen Nofe coll. Oxf. xx. Chrift Church Northampt. x. Oxf. vii. xxiii. 6. 8. xxiv. Worccjl. xxi. 4. York. ii. I. St. John’s coll. Oxf. xxiii. 12. xxvii. 1. Magdalen coll. Hamp. xxix. xxxv. 14. Kent. 1. Northampt. iii. v. 1, Oxf. xxiii. 25. Suff. xxxv. 1. Merton coll. Hamp. v. New coll. Bucks, xix. Effex. xxi. xxxviii. xlviii. Hamp. xvii. Wilts, iii. Oriel coll, Oxf. xxiii. 24. Queen’s coll. Hamp. xxx. xxxi. 2. Trinity coll. Oxf, xxx. Oxford bifhop Oxf. Jfxiii. 12. Page Sir Richard Effex. xxxix. Herts* xi. Paget Sir William Bucks, xxi. Durham, xni. Middl. 111. - 6 Staff, in. James and John v. Strowde Thomas Pakynton John xv“|- Palmer Sir Thomas Bucks, xxiv. Hercf. ix. xxi. Kent. xxi. 2. lxiv. Suff. xxi. Parker John M»nm. !x‘ Henry 'X* Sir Henry Effex. xx 11. Paris Philip Caffhff '!• Parr William lord , 'V: *1- Parrot Sir John Kent. xii. 9. xlvu. Norf. iv. Parry Philip C‘ffhrf x: Pafton Thomas efq. V,‘ Sir Thomas Suff. xlii. j. Paulet Sir William Hamp. xxn. Paulet William, lord St. John Wilts, xiv. Peckham Sir Edmund Bucks, xiii. Dorfet. x. 3. Pembroke, William Herbert, earl Dorfet. xiii. Herts, vi. Pen John Bucks . xxvii. Pendred William v. Hulfon John Percival Richard and Edmund Duffield Suff. xxviii. 2. Perry Thomas v. Price Richard Petre Sir William Devon, xiii. Oxf. vii. Pexal Richard hi ilts. v. Phelips Francis v. Morice Francis Pindar Nicholas v. Reeve Thomas Piggot Francis Bucks, xxiv. Pinnok William Worceft. xv. Pitt Sir Edward Berks, xvii. 2. Pole William and Edward Downing Dorfet. xvi. Effex. xxxii. Pollard John Hamp. xxxi. 4. Richard Devon, xxi. Pollard John and William Byrte Wilts, xxxi. 8. Polfted Henry Effex. xlix. Poole cardinal _ Kent. xii. 2. Francis Derb. vi. York, exxvi. Pope John Lincoln, xlix. 14. John and Anthony Fofter York. xii. 7. Sir Thomas Oxf. xv. xxiii. 10. xxx. Suff. xxviii. 1. v. alfo Audley lord ’ Popham Alexander and William Halley Somerfet. x. Porter Sir Arthur Gloceft. xxi. Auguftine and John Bellow Lincoln, xxxi. 2. Powell Edward Oxf. xxiii. 29. xxv. Powis Edward lord Shrop. iii. Poynings Sir Thomas Dorjet. iii. Price Richard and Thomas Perry Monm. xi. 1. Pye John, &c. Worceft. viii. 2. John and Robert Brown Wilts, xxv. 4. Pykering Sir William York. xxi. Pype Richard and Francis Bowyer Nottingh. xxiii. Radclyff Sir Humphry Bedf.v iii. Ramefden William Northampt. xxiv. 9. 11. William and Richard Vavafor Oxf. xxiii. 17. William and Thomas Vavafor York. cii. v. alfo Andrews Richard Rawfon Thomas * York, cxxix. 25. Read Edward Dorfet. xxiii. 3. Reading mayor, &c. Berks, xvii. 5. Rede William Norf. viii. John Surr. xxi. Reeve Thomas and Nicholas Pindar Northumb. iii. 4. Reftwald E. v. John Tytley • Reeve Thomas and George Cotton Dorfet. xxxix. 2. Middl. viii. 21. Shrop. xxv. 7. xxxi. York, cxvii. 3. 4. Reve Thomas, William Ryvet, &c. Northumb. xvi. Thomas, &c. _ York. lxxx. Rich Sir Richard Effex. xxiv. xxxiii. Middl. viii. 2. Richmond Mary duchefs of Norf. lxxii. Ridgway John v. Kath. Champernoun Riggs William and William Buckbird Staff, xix.' Rochefter dean and chapter Kent. lv. Rockby James v. Eflex earl Rogers Sir John Dorfet. xvii. Edward Somerfet. xiii. _ B e e e e Rokewode N D X. Rokewode Nicolas Rolles Humphry Roufe Anthony Rowlet Ralph efq. Rugmere prebend [St. Paul’s] Dorfet. xxviii. Devon, xix. 17. Suff. xlvi. Herts, ix. Kent. lxi. Rullel John lord Bedf. xxi. Devon, xviii. xix. 16. xliv. I. Lincoln, xxxii. Northampt. xviii. v. Bedford John earl Jane Heref. ix. Rutland Thomas earl Leicejl. v. vi. ix, York. xii. 3. ci. cxix. Thomas earl and Robert Tirwhit Lincoln. Vi. xxii. xlvi. York, xviii. Ryvet William v. Reeve Thomas Sabyn William v ' Suff. xxviii. 6. Sadler Sir Ralph Glocejl. xxxii. 2. Herts, x. xxiii. 1. Kent. lxv. Middl. x. Brijlol. 13. JVarw. ix. n. Worcejl. i. York, cviii. Sadler Ralph and Laur. Winnington Northumb. i. 1. Sakevyle William and John Dudley Cardig. iv. Sakvile Sir Richard Suff. xli. Sackvile Richard v. Richard Baker Salifbury Robert earl Dorfet. ix. Samways William v. Churchill John Sandys William lord Hajnp. xxi. Savage Richard and W. Strangways Dorfet. xxviii. William v. Carpenter Thomas Savill Nicolas v. Tafburgh John Robert v. Talbot George Savoy [London] the matter of Northampt. xii. Scudamore John Heref. viii. v. alfo Burgoyne Robert and Doily John Seafoule Giles v. Windham Sir Edmund Sekford Thomas Suff. xlv. 1. Sewfter William and J«hn Warw. i. Seymour Sir Edward, vifcount Beauchamp Wilts., vi. xv. xvi. v. alfo Edward earl of Hertford, and Edward duke of Somerfet Sir Henry Hamp. xx. Sir Thomas Berks, i. x. Effex. xi. Glocejl. vi. 2. xvi. xxxiii. 1. Hamp. iv. Wilts, xiv. Caernarvon, iii. Sharington Sir William Wilts, iii. ix. xxi. Shelbury John and Philip Chewte Cambr. xxi. Sheldon William and Francis Warw. xxx. Wore. xvii. Shelley, or Strelley, Robert York, xxxii. Shelton Sir John Norf. li. 3. Shrewfbury Francis earl Derb. x. Nottingh. xxv. York. lxix. cxvii. 1. George earl Heref. xi. Nottingh. xvi. grammar fchool Shrop. xxv. 7. Sidley John Kent. ii. Sidney Thomas Norf. lxviii. 1. Sir William ' Suff. xxx. Simfon Margaret, Anthony Bellafis, See. York, lxxxvi. Skipwith Edward Lincoln, xvii. York, cxxix. 3. William Lincoln, xviii. Smith John Effex. vii. Sir Thomas Bucks, i. Northampt. xxiv. 1. Thomas and John Suff. xvi. Smith John and Richard Duffield Northampt. xvii. I. Snow R. Bedf. v. Somerfet Edward duke Berks, xvii. 2. Dorfet. xii. xiii. xxxi. 2. M'tddl. xi. 1. 2. Oxf. xxvii. 1. Somer- xxii. r. Wilts, x. v. Hertford Edward earl and Seymour Sir Edward Southampton William earl Dorfet. xxiii. r. Southcote John and John Chadderton Shrop. xxv. 3. Southwell Robert Suff. xxxi. Sir Robert Kent. xlvi. Sir Richard or Sir Robert Surr. ii. 1. Sir Richard v. Grefham and Elrington collegiate church Lincoln, lxii. le Spencer Hugh Monm. xv. 2. Spencer Sir John Suff xl. Spenfer Miles, LL. D. Norf. li. 4. Spilman Thomas Kent. xii. 1 5. Stafford Henry lord Staff, xxiv. 1 mayor and burgeffes Staff, xxiv. i* Stanhope John York, lxxxix. xeix 2 Stanhope Michael Nottingh. xvii’. Michael and John Bellow Berks, xxxii. 2 Dorfet. ii. York. xii. i. cxxix. 9. Stanley Sir Henry lord Strange Lincoln, lix. Sir Henry and Margaret his wife Lincoln, xxx. 1. Sir Thomas lord Montegle Lane. vii. Stansfield Richard v. Combes John Sternhold Thomas Cornui. iv. 1 Ster John v. Duke George Stoughton Anthony Warw. xxxi. 8. Strangwaies Sir Giles Dorfet. i! James York, lxxxiv. Strangways William v. Savage Richard Strelley Anthony Nottingh. vii. Sir Nicholas ‘ Derb. i. Fridefwide, widow Leicefl. v. v. Shelley Stringer Anthony Wilts, xxv. r. Anthony and John Williams Oxf. xvi. Suff. x. 6. Strowde Thomas, Walter Erie, and James Paget Glocejl. xxxi. Thomas, Walter Erie, and John Paget Wilts, xxviii. Stukely Hugh v. Heydon William Stumpc William Wilts, xxiv. 2. Sturley James Nottingh. xiv. 8. Suffolk Charles duke Lincoln, iv. x. 3. xii. xiii. xiv. xxiii. xxx. xlv. xlix. 3. 1. li. Iii. Ivi. lix. Ixiii. lxviii lxxii. 9. lxxvi. lxxviii. Ixxxiii. lxxxvi. Oxf. iii. 1. xv. Staff, xxix. 2. Suff. xx. I. xxxii. Warw. xi. xviii. xx. xxiii. xxvi. York, xcviii. Suffolk Henry duke Derb. iii. Mid. viii. 12. Oxf xxiii. 26. the duchefs Lincoln, lxix. Surrey Henry earl Norf. Ivii. lxxvi. 1. Sutton Sir Edward lord Dudley Staff, x. Suffex Robert earl Effex. xv. Middl. viii. 23. Norf. ii. Robert earl and Mary his wife Somerfet. xiv. Thomas earl Somerfet. xiv. Talbot George and Robert Savill York, exxiv. William lord York. xevi. 1. Tappes Dennis Glocejl. xxii. Tafburgh John Suff. xxi. John and Nicolas Savill York, lxvii. Tate Richard , Kent. xxx. Taverner Richard Northampt. xxiv. 10. Tempeft Robert York. cx. Temple Nicolas v. Andrews Richard Thinde John v. Bulmer Ralph Thompfon Henry York, xxxvii. Thornton Robert v. St. John Oliver Throckmorton William Glocejl. x. Sir Nicholas Northampt. xxii. Hamp.iv. Throgmorton Sir Robert Bucks, xxii. xxviii. 2. Thurgood John v. Cock John Thynne Sir John Wilts, xx. xxiii. Tipper William and Robert Dawe Effex. xxiii. 2. Tipi'al Kent. xii. 9. Tregonwall Sir John Dorfet. xviii. Trentham Richard efq. Staff, xxi. Thomas v. Hacket Richard Twinham inhabitants of Hamp. xxxii. Tyldefley William Bucks, vi. Tyrwhit, Tirwhite, Robert and Sir Robert Cumberl. x. Lincoln, iii. xv. xliii. lxxi. v. alfo Rutland Thomas earl T yrwhit Sir William Lincoln, xxviii. Tytley John and E. Reftwold Bucks, xvi. Vavafor Rich, and Tho. v. Ramefden William Vaughan Cuthbert Somerfet. xxxix. John and Catharine his wife Pembr. viii. 1. Stephen Middl. viii. 40. Venables Richard v. Ward William Vincent David Northampt. ir. v. alfo Bocher Robert Uvedale John York, lxxvii. Wade INDEX. Wade Armigel • Middl. viii. 26. Walker John v. Freke Robert Wallop Sir John Somerfet. iv. Walfingham Joyce v. Cary John Walter William v. Whorwood William Ward William and Richard Venables Nortbampt. xxxiv. 4. Warwick John earl Derb. iv. Devon, xxxix. EJfex. xii. I. 5. Lincoln, xl. Middl. vii. Northumb. vii. x. Shrop. xvii. 2. Staff, xix. Warw. v. viii. xxvii. 1. xxxi. 12. York, lxxviii. cxi. cxx. cxxiii. I. Caern. iii. Warwick burgefles Warw. xxxi. 7. Watfon Edward and H. Herdfon Herts, xiii. 2. Shrop. xxv. 1. Webb Henry , Middl. viii. 8. Weldbury Simon and Chriftopher Moreland Durham, xiv. Weldon Thomas and Edward Berks, xix. Weft John and Robert Gratwick Heref. xix. Sir William Derb. viii. Sir Thomas lord De la Ware Hamp. xxxiv. Weftminfter dean and chapter Berks, xvi. xx. Leicejt. xii. Lincoln, vii. xxxi. 1. 2. 3. liv. Middl. v iii. 20. Suff. xlii. 2. Weftmorland Ralph earl of York. lx. civ. Wefton Richard v. Brown Sir Anthony Whalley Richard Nottingh. xxiv- Richard and Thomas Magnus Nottingh. xviii. Wharton Thomas Wd IVeJlmorl. i. 1. iv. White John Hamp. xxiii. Sir Thomas Oxf. xxiii. 12. Sir Thomas and others Oxf. vi. Whitehead Thomas Durham, xviii. Whorwood William Shrop. v. William and William Walter Warw. xxix. Wigfton William efq. Warw. xxiv. Wilby Henry and George Blyth Cornw. xxxi. Wildbore Michael v. Clifford William and Gifford William Williams John v. Stringer Anthony and Harris Edward Sir John Middl. viii. 7. v. alfo Henley Sir Walter Williams, alias Cromwell, Sir Richard Huntingd. i. ii. 1. iv. v. vi. Middl. viii. 9. Norf lxxvii. 5. Glamorg. viii. Williams Roger Manm , xv. 1. Willoughby Baldwyn Lanc. ynii Willoughby Sir William Suff. xii. I . Wilfon Alan v. Bellingham Alan Winchefter college Hamp. ii. I. viii. xi. xxxv. 13. 141 15. 16. mayor and com. Hamp. xxxv. 6. Windham Sir Edmund and Giles Seafoule A Toff. iii. Windfor Andrews lord Bucks, i. Glocefl. xiv. Suff. xxiv. Worcejl. iv. William lord Middl. v. dean and chapter Bedf. x. Berks, xviii. Cornw. v. Dorfet. xxi. Glocejl. iv, Hamp ^ xviii. Heref. xvii. Middl. ix. Wilts, ix. xxvii. xxxvi. Wingfield Sir Anthony Suff. xxxi. Sir John Suff. i. Sir John and Dorothy his wife Stiff 1. Winlove William and Richard Fyld Denbigh, iv. I. Winnington Laurence v. Sadler Ralph Wifeman Thomas Kent. xii. 14- John Staff, xxiii. Wodehoufe Thomas Norf. x. Wolfey cardinal v. Valuations of Religious Houfes Woodhoufe Sir William Norf. xxx. Woodward Richard v. Felde Richard Worcefter Henry earl Monm. xiv. dean and chapter Worcejl. xxi. 3. bailiffs and citizens Worcejl. xxi. 5. 6. Worfeley Ralph Chejh. iii. Wotton Edward Denbigh, v. Wray Thomas and Nic. Metcalfe York. xeix. 6. Wright Edward York, xlvii. Wriothefly Thomas Bucks, iii. Hamp. vi. xxxiii. Thomas lord Hamp. xxxv. 5. Wroth John Wilts, xxxi. g. Sir Thomas Berks, i. r. EJfex. iv. Wrottefly Walter Staff, xxv iii. Wyat Sir Henry Kent. xl. Sir Thomas Dorfet. xxviii. Kent. ii. vii. Middl, viii. 54. Somerfet. xxxiii. Wycomb mayor, &c. Bucks, xxix. 2. Wynne Elizabeth Heref. xiii. ir. Elizaeus Denbigh, iii. York archbifhop Zouch John York, lxxvi. lxxxii. lxxxv. Wilts, ii. CORRIa CORRIGENDA The Editor has omitted no means in his power to render this edition corredl ; befides conftantly revffino- the proof fheets, he has carefully collated the whole with the former Edition, and he has the fatisfa&ion of finding that the typographical miftakes are not very numerous, that great part of them have arifen from the uncertain orthography of proper names; and that had they even been patted over unnoticed, they would in very few in- fiances have embarrafled or milled the reader. — In pointing out the places, where thefe miftakes occur, the columns of references under each article are diftinguifhed by the letters a. b. and where they extend to more than one page, thofe pages are marked out by the addition of a numeral, as a. i. a. 2. b. 1. b. 2, &c. BEDFORDSHIRE. i. 1. note8. 1. 1. anno 270 i. 5. note 1.1. a. dominus iii. 1. 6. a. Etune vi. 1. 1. 18. a. 2. antiqua viii. 1. 1 a. a. et alibi. Atkins* Gloc. xiii* Melchburn 1»i. et alibi Hospitallers lege anno 970 domus Ettune antiquo Atkyns* Gloc. Melchburne Hospitalars BERKSHIRE. i. r. 1. 19. a. 1. filva 1. 16. b. 1. Abbington 1. 66. a. 2. Abbendon 1. 15. b. 2. In bibl. Dodfworth f. 3. 1. 3. a. Pat. 16 Ed. 11. iv. notes. I.3. in xiv. 1. 3. Hippefley Xvi. POUGHELY xxiii* 3. note d. 1.2. in firmis xxiv. 1. 1. 58. a. 1. Windfor I.53. b. 1. cf 1. 38. b. 2. Sinmondlburn filva Abington Abendon In bibl.Bodl.mf.Dodf- Pat. 16 Ed. 2. [worth on Hippifiey PoUGHELEY infirmis Windfor of Simondfburn BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. xix. Longaville 1. 2. Longaville C A M B R I D iv. 26. noteh.l. 2. p. 99. ix. 1. 1. 10. a. 2. Elienfis xii. 1. 1. a. dele in et lege xvi. Marmonde xxiii. 1. 6. a. mf. 5019. xxvii. Waterbeche C H E S vii. 2. 1. 7. a. 2. Werbergaj 1. 27. a. 2. Werbcrga 1. 37. a. 2. Werberj;?e vii. 3. 1. 2. propably Longavile Longavile G E S H I R E. p. 161. Elienli ubi habetur Marmounde mf.joio.f.33.43.131. Waterbech I R E. Werburgae Werburga Werburgae probably CORNWALL. iv. 1. 1. 6. a. Niwetone Niweton xix. 1 9. a. bullam. P. Adriani bullam P. Adrian! xxxii. 1. 4* Bajoc Bajoc. CUMBERLAND. iv. 1. 1. 24. b. 2. Lazynby Lafynby vii. 1. 47. b. 1. Flemingbyibid.Coronae Flemingby : Ibid, co- ix. 1. 19. a. Bampton Brampton [ronas xii. 1. 36. b. Pat. 40 Ed. 4- Pat. 40 Ed. 3. DEVONSHIRE. xvi 1. 1. 10. Prufcombe Prufcombe xxvi. 1. 1. St. Martin St. Margaret xxxiii. 1* 30. a* extat. in extat in DORSETSHIRE. i. 1. 5. b. Lollbrooke LoJbroke 1. 18. b. Pat. 13 Ed. 3. quart annon reSius 13 Ed. t. xxxi. 1. 71 8. a. Wimbourn Wimburn For Husmera placed in this county in the former edition, fee Kidderminster in Worcestershire. vi. DURHAM. 1. 5. b. 1. Lindisfarn, 1. 68. a. 2. hronica Lindisfarn. Chronica ESSEX. X. 1.6,7. b. i.Horfeca xii. 2. notec. 1. 3. p. xviii. .xxi. note s. ol. xxxvii. notes. 1.2. Effex Horiheca p. xi. fol. ElTex xliv. 1.3,4. a. 1. norato lege notato 1. 20. a. 1. Hawiffae Hawifiae 1. 12. b. x. priory abbey 1. 13. b. x. p. 128. p. 138. xlv. note'.l. 7. Haroduls Haroldus 1. 14. b. i. p. 2. p. 11. 1. 43. a. 2. Vet Vet. GLOCESTERSHIRE. H. r. notef. h 1. feem feems xiii. 2. 1. 25. a. 2. Tuffley Tuffly 1. 25. b. 2. Caio-Gonwellenfis Caio-Gonvellenfis xiii. 5. 1. 4. brethren a brethren u xvi. note11. 1.4; Zegv? or in hiltorians xxi. 1. 49. a. 1. Painfwike Painefwike xxii. 1. 7. chuch church 1. 6. b. perquirend perquirend. xxx. 1. 1. 3. Tettehury Tetteburi xxxi. 1. 1. 14. b. 1. p. 262. p. 263. 1. x9. K a. iz Ric. II. 12 Ric. a. xxxii . note s. 1. 1 . Wejtbur-y Wejlbury xxxiii. Winchelcombe W ikir h F.LCOKm H A M P S H I R E. iii. 1. 5. Minorefies Minorifies iv. 1. 2, 3. Trockmorton Throckmortoji: xxiii. notew.l. r.ipfo ipfo xxxv. 2.1. 2. a. annal annal. xxxy. 3.1. 33. b. 2. Nordon Norden HEREFORDSHIRE. i. 1. 6. a. Wilton, Wilton, iii. Baronne BarrQne xiii. 1. note*. Itin. v. 9. Itin. v. 11. xiii. 6. 1. 4. hofpital hofpital i xvii. 1. 1. end and xix. note becaufe becaufe xxii. 1. 9. a. 2. Credenull Credenhull HERTFORDS HIRE. i. 1. 1. 2. b. 1. A. D. 1716. A. D. 716. 1. 37. a. 2. Apefbery Apelbury I.37. b. 3. , Chidlefwick Childefwick ix. De la Prayi De la Pray xii. 1. 1. 8. a. 1. p. xii. d. xviii. xxvi. WyMONDESLET Wymondslet HUNTINGDON SHIRE. iv. 1. 12. a. de Efcalers de Efchalers I.24, 25. a. Bechampell Bechamwell v. L r. a. 2. eorundem earundem vi. 1. 7. b. 2. Saftor. Santtor. KENT. xii. 1. 1. 43. a. 1. vol. iii. p. 10. vol. iii. p. 10. 120. xii. 2. 1. 27. a. a. quibufdam, terris quibufdam terris xviii. 1. 7. a. Eaftling Eafling xxiv. 1. 40. b. OfFspreng Ofspreng Xxviii. 1. 6. wool wood xxxiv. Lillechurch Lille Cherch xxxix. note1. 1.4. finilhed finilhed 1. 18. b. Hetheepifc. Hethe epife. xlix. I. 1. 37. a. 1. Chifilherft Chifelherlt 1. 29. b. 1. Rotherfeld. Rotherfeld liv. 1. 6. was were Iv. 1. 3, 4. a. Cantuar Cantuar. lx. Minitre, in Thanet Minitre in Thanet L A N C A S H I R E. V. 1. 12. b. laudatum Jaudatam vi. 1. 4. Bendiftine Benedictine X. I. note*. 1. 3. Auringueton Auringuetun Xiii* 1. 3. 200/. 200/6. LEICESTERS HIRE. hi. 1. 3. b. Hekington Flekinton *4» 1. 14. a. 2. Skillington Skilington 1. 16. a- 2. Gouteby Goutebi CORRIGENDA. jui. l. 3. a. R. Hen. 2. n. 3. xiii. I. 3. b. 1. Pikewell xvi. 1. 1. 29. b. i- Thurmarfon lege R. Hen. 2. Pikwell Thurmarltun LINCOLNSHIRE. 1. X. I. xiii. xvii. xxiv. ■ xlvi. xlvii. xlix. a« 1. J. I" noter.l.2.faftie xlix. 3 liii. 2. lx. lxv. lxviii. lxxii. 1. 3. a. Roberti de Putrel I] j, Munceaux ]. j. Millwood i! x. a. fee* ubi habentur 1. 3. Tadwalle 1. 2. b. 2 Joan. 1. 13. a. 1. Efeburn 1. 29. a. 1. Welltuna 1. 19. a. 2. Spalford 1. 32. b. 2. Buvghurft 1.3. a. 3. aqud 1. I. b. 3. Sbeepbrtgg 1. 27. a. 4. Hetelburgh 1. 9. a. 1. of 1. 2. b. x. Cambref. 1. 12. b. 2. Saxby noteU.3,4.fertium 1. 2. b. 1. Grimeiby 1. 9. a. 2. Piac. I.46, 47. a. Gaio-Gonvil. 1. Benidictine Cell It facia Roberti Putrel Monceaux Milwood Tad welle 8 Joan. Efeburne Welletona Spaldford Burgherft apud Sbeepbrig Hefelbergb in Cambrenf. Saxbye fervitium Grimlby Plac. Caio-Gonvil. Benedictine Nuns MIDDLESEX. Yin. viii. Vlll. viii. viii ix. xii. !. n.b. redditusexe- 1. 1. 46. b. 2. advowfon ]. 44. a. 3. Kirkby 1. 51. a. 5. Standford 3. I.17. a. Highham xi-l.J.b.1. Joan 1. 1. b. 2. Brockburn I.34. b. 3- Bed. ,i2. note*. I.3. thofe 13. 1.26)27. b.3. 13 Ed- 1* ,3.1. 21. a. fcacc 1. 3.b. Catr. 1. 1. 33. a. 2. prioratus 1. 32. b. 3. Alfpath 1. 22. b. 4. ih 1. 23- b. 4. Levertoh redditus exe- advowfon Kirbv Stanford Higham Joan. Broxburn Bedf. thofe 15 Ed. 1. fcacc. Cart. prioratibua Alfpath in Leverton NORFOLK. jii. I. 4. ft. per annum j. jcxxiv.i.note '.1. 1 . mf. xli. 4. note*. 1.3. diocefe 1. 3. a. dele hofp- Larar notee. 1.2. author 1. 2. Will I.54. a. 5. 11.5* notcD. limit. xli. 5- xlvi. xlix. li. 1. lxiii. oh. q. per annum mf. diocefe Lazar editor Will. m.5« inftit. u. v. 1. viii. x. xiy. xvi. 2. xxi. X*iv. 1. xxvii.x. xxvii.2 notea.l. i.rotullis 1. 17. b. Plumpton 1. 10. a. Brochampton Rockingham 1. 8. fpiritualities I. 20. b. Oxon DormundecastRe 1. 10. a. e t alibi Gloucefterftnre noten.l. 1. Sum 1. »5. b. 1. Bolt ate 1. 15. a. 1. Peturburgh I.40. a. 1. p. 539- . note 1.2. Waterville xxiii. 4 xxiii. 5 xxiii. 6. xxiii. z 6. xxiii. 20. xxiii. 21 xxiii. 22, xxiii. 28 xxiv. xxv. xxvii.i xxx. vi. 1. xiii. xvi. xxv. 4 1. 6. b. pofle l.iS. b. 2. manfo 1. 1. This Magdalen .1. 79. b. cuflod .hi. Eglesfield ,|. 4. thitd .1. 10. a. 1. p. 43 *• notek.l.i. confident 1. 19. b. Sandford 1. 6. a. 1. comfirm. 1. 3. b. 1. focios S H R O P S note11. 1.2. After Darbyfhirc, Staffordlhire noteP.l.i.Mf. 1. 2. Magdalen 1. 3. a. 1. Ruff 1. 13. b. 2. perquirendo 1. 1. a. b. annex lege pofle manfo The Magdalene cuftod. Eglesfeld third P- 337- confident Sanford confirm. focios hire. add It fhould be Mf. Magdalene Ruffi perquirenda annex. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. NORTHUMBERLAND. vii 1. 3. a. Evenwode Catchburne xxiii. 2. 1. 2. St. Catherine „xv:; Donnemade 1. 37. a. Walfington Evenewode Catchburn St. Catharine Donemade Wolfington NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. iii. 1. 1.23, a. Cottingftoke xiv. 8. 1. 2. a. Nottinghamlhire xix. 1. note'. 1.2. finging 1. 44. a. 2. Ramptom xxiv. 1. 10. a. 1. Cuckeney 1. 26. a. 1. Keblom Cortingftoke Nottingham finging Rampton Cuckenay Kellom O XFORDSHIRE. ii. 1. 17. a. 2. Rendcumb xiv. 1. 10. b. 2. feftis xxi. 1. 69. a. 2. Crotsley xxiii. 2. note k . 1. 1 • Ofeney Rendcomb feiftis Crofiey Ofney SOMERSETSHIRE. v; 4- viii. 2. IX. xxii. 1. xxn. 3. xxvii. xxviii. xxxix. xiii. I. xiii. 2 xiv. 1. 3. Magdalen 1. 9. Humfrey 1. 11. a. fnndatoris 1. 3. b. bnllam 1. 30. b. Horfeley 1. 40. b. 1. Dogmersfield 1. 71. a. 2. Sowey 1. 4;. b. 3. unione 1. 1. a. P-*5- Illchefter noteU.3,4.Ivelcher 1. 20. a. fpeftantia Hampden note "L 1. 1 . St. Andrews 1. 23. a. 2. liofpitaii 1. 45. a. 2. Cynwelpi 1. 27. b. 2. carta note 6. 1. 3. penfionum ifok.fifteen Wyrall B R I S T 3 1. j. b. I. ( Witcombe 11 note2. 1.2s Gurney’s 23 note°.l.i».nifr Magdalene Humfry fundatoris bullam Horfley Dogmersfeld Sowy unionem p. 120. Ilchefter Ivelchefter fpe&antia Hamden St. Andrew hofpitalis Cynewlpi cartas penfionum fifteen WYrall the Hill O L. Witcomb Gumay’s mf. in. xii xiii. STAFFORDSHIRE. noteb. I.4. firft • ’ which forfaken Brewod 1. a. -wnich xiii. 1, 4. forfaken xvii. 1. 1. 18. b. 3. Brcwode SUFFOLK. rotulis Plumton Brochamton Rokingham fpiritualties Oxon. Dormundescastre Glocefterfhire Sum. Bofiate Peterburgh P-593- Watervile noter.l. 2. liviugs noteh. I.5. Stow Langloft 1. 3. a. 4. Frncifci 1.16,17.^5. approprianda 1. 2. a. diverfiis 1. 12. a. pofieffions 1. 8. a. 2. alteram 1. 15. a. 2. Herlynfleet [.1. 13. b. 2. Inqiiif. 1. 14. b. 2. Patch. notes.1.2,3 .canoniei notef. L5. militus xaaav. Mindham xxxviii. 1. 42* a. i» mf. xliv. notem.1.20.ftagnii Xi. xii. 1. XX. I. xxvi xxviii. 1. 1 XXX. xxxii xxxiv. livings Stow Langtoft Francifci appropriandis diverfis polfefiions alterum Herlyngfleet Inqinf. Patch. canoniei militis Myndham mf. ftagni SURREY. 11. 1. x.. xviii. xii. xiv. xv. X*- 11. 1. ix. 2. ix. 7 1. 9. b. 1. Domer I.17. a. oreve 1. 9. a. Spiritns Dormer breve Spiritus SUSSEX. note'. 1. 1. mf. 1. 61. b. 1. vol. ii. f. vu. 1. 10. b. 2.jur I.7. a. 1. vicariorum noteh. befide note p.1.8. donori 1. 11. a. 2. eccl 1. i.b. Nicholaio mf. m vol. ii. f. 7. jur. vicanarum befide donor eccl. Nicholai WARWICKSHIRE. notec.l. 2. WoRCEFLERSHIRE 1. la. a. Elienfis 1. 20. b. 2. com 1.6. 3d. Fffff Worcestershire Elienfis com. 3^-w corrigenda. XVIII. XX- Xxiii. xxv. 1. 1. b. eapellanornm 1. 7. a. AxihoJme 1. 34. a. Filongley W oldeburv 1. 21. b. 1. Kirby capellanorum Axiholm Filongly Woldbury Kirkby WESTMORELAND. 1-3- u Gofpatricii WILTS H I Gofpatricii R E. 4. 2. xviii. xxvi. xxxi. 1 xxxi. 2 xxxi. 3, Benedictine Nuns 1. 1. b. 2. feodi 1. 8. a. Clarendon 1. 1. tnat l.ii.a.4.cxcerPta I’?:,, *6. Hen* 6 ■ - 1“*™ armon reBius 36 Ed. 3. note*. 1. 1. Neuftna Neuftriie WORCESTERSHIRE. Fontevraud Nuns feodo Clarindon that excepta xvni. xxi. 1. note b. 1. 6. there I. 11, b. 1. Wickenford 39* a* 3« baronum that Wichenford baronem I. 4. a. I. 9. xyi. XV. xix. xx. xxv. xxxvii. xlv. liv. lxviii. Ixxiv. lxxviii. Jxxix.i lxxxiv. xevi. 1, xevi. 3. xevi. 4. xevi. 7. xevi. 9. xeix. 3. cvi. 6. cviii, cxiii. 1. cxvii.4. cxx. cxxif I.i3,i4.a.i. archiepifc 1. 5. a. 1. Ade Adaj !. 30. a. 2. quarundem quarundam 1. 4. a. 1. Barew Barrew note*. 1. 2. , note2. 1. 2. 5 ’ v* p- 99* vol. v. p. 120. 1. 4. a. folid. folid. 1. 7. a. 1. Will Will. 1. 51. a. 1. Gifborn. Gifborn 1. 19. b. et de 1. 19. a. 1. Hosford Horsford 1. 10. a. Flamvill Flamvil 1. 1, 2. Ciftertian b Ciftertian t archdoaconry archdeaconry ^•6, A. D. 1140, A. D. 1440. . 1. jl. a. feodi feodo 1*56,5 7. a. Widdrinton Widdrington I. 3. b. Helber Helberti J. 15. a. Tatterfele Tatterfete 1. 1. b. Pat. 15 Ed. a. p. , Pat.i5Ed.3.p.3.m.33. note'. 1. 1. vol. v. f. 84. vol. v. p, ioi. 1. 1. Richmonds Richmond" 1. 3. a. ex et 1. 1. Benedictne Benedictine 1. 33. a. 1. Alon. Alon note 1. 1. 4. fuccefsful fuqcefsful 1. 1. a. Itin. Leland. Itin. 1. 35. b. Cart. 1 Ed. 1. qu.rrr annon reBius Cart, i Ed. 3. 1. 3. b. Chriflechirehe Chriflechirce cxxix.i.l. 33. a. i. fuper fuper 1. 17. a. 3. Langwath Langewath 1-72. a. 3. Etton. Etton cxx1x.33.l_54. b. 3. Hobey -Hoby CAERMART HENS HIRE. different vol. viii. p. 93. ni. vii. YORKSHIRE. 18 Ed. 5. is undoubtedly an error of the prefs ™*hef°fmer edition, which, not having the Monafhcon to refer toy I cannot rectify. MS. Dodfworth. probably relates to the [fo¬ reign] abbey mentioned in note rather than to this fniall priory . archiepifc. iv. vii. viii. 11. I. ii. 2. ix. p. VI. ix. xvii. xxii. xxiii. xxvi. note c. I.3. differant notec. vol. viii. p. 1x7. CAERNARVONSHIRE. I.7. a. to 1 6.b. Thefe references to the Harleian mfT. fhould "f'veJ’*cn placed under Maynan in Den- bighjhire, whither this abbey was re - moved . CARDIGANSHIRE. 1- 1. prebendaries k note °. 1. 3. filins prebendaries h filius DENBIGHSHIRE. 1. 3* b- Here fhould have been placed the references to the Harleian mjf. inferted under Abercon- way m Caernarvonfhire. 1. 4* prielt’s priefts FLINTSHIRE. note «. 1. 3. vol. viii. p. 66. vol. viii. p, ,6. 1. 13. b. Ouregi'age Ouregrange GLAMORGANSHIRE. notec. l.i.afribed I. io. a. vol. iii. note u vol. viii. p. 66. aferibed vol, i. vol. viii. p, 36. PEMBROKESHIRE, I. 4i- a. 1. 1294. 1. 1. b. cantaria note2. l.i. Pilla 1249* cantarice Pille RADNORSHIRE. 1. 4. Henly Henley PREFACE. note?.1.3o.b. fee note1.!. 4. voll. note b. 1. 1. vol. viii. p. 66, note1. 1.2. vol. vii. p. 9. note°.l. 2.Reyner 1. 40. a. Margret note °.l. 1. Reform 1. 47. b. not be note1-. 1. 3. Lent, xxvii. 1. 15, i6.b.of abftraft fee vol. vol. viii. p. 36. vol. vii. p. 10. Rymer Margaret Reform, not to be Lent, abftraift of BERKSHIRE, (Omitted.) xxiv. 2. Windsor Hospital. An hofpital for leprous men and women, dedicated to St. Peter, as ancient as K. Henry 3d’s time, but given to Eton College, i Ed. 4. Vt de rot. pat. 35 Hen. 3. m. 6. de cxx. acris purpreft. in foreita : Ibid. m. 8. de cud ode praeficieqdo hofpi¬ tal i puellqrurn leprofarurrj de Windfor. Pat. j8 Ed. 1. m. 11. Inquif. 21 Ed. 3. n. 70. Pat. 42 Ed. 3. p. 1. m. 29. Pat. 1 Ed. 4. p. 3. m. 24. Pat. 6 Ric. 2. p. x. m. . Princeton Theological Seminary Library 1 1012 01513 6841 For use in Library only