♦ I si ML, Srcttoo 35>S0 Ji '^ ■:\t/>^'^ Zi^t Begenbatg ^i^forg of ($t ifiotp of tfie Ctofs» xliii retorned / but he bare with hym the parte of the hooly CrofTe / that faynte Helene had left then And then he wold be worfhiped of alle the peple / as a god / & dyd do make a tour of gold and of fylver wherein precious ftones fhone / and made therein the ymages of the fonne and of the mone and of the fterres / and made that by fubtyle conduytes water to be hydde / and to come doune in the maner of rayne / And in the lafte ftage he made horfes to draw charyotes round aboute lyke as they had mevyd the toure / and made it to feme as it had thondred / and delyvered his Royaume to his fone. And thus this curfyd man abode in this Temple / and dyd doo fette the crofTe of our lord by hym and commaunded that he fhold be callyd god of alle the peple / And as it is redde in libro de mitrali* officio the faid Cofdroe refydent in his trone as a fader / ! * The book of the office of Mithras or Mithra, the Sun, worfliippcd by the Perfians. xliv C6e Legennacp fette the tree of the CrofTe on his ryght fyde in flede of the fonne / and a cock in the lyft fyde in flede of the hooly ghooft / & commaunded / that he fhold be called fader /. And then Heracle* themperour aflembled a grete hooft / and cam for to fyght wyth the fonne of Cofdroe by the ryver of danubie / & thenne hit pleafyd to eyther prynce / that eche of them Ihold fyght one ageynfte that other upon the brydge / 6c he that fhold vaynquyffhe & over- come his adverfarye fholde be prynce of thempyre withoute hurtyng eyther of bothe hostes / & fo hit was ordeyned & fworn / & that who fomever fhold helpe his prynce fhold have forthwith his legges & armes cut of / & to be plonged / & cafl in to the Ryver. And then Heracle commaunded hym all to god and to the hooly crofTe wyth all the devocion that he myght. And * Heraclius, Emperor of the Eaft, who from a.d. 62z to 627 fought Chofroes II., defeated him, and concluded peace. jj)jaotg of t6e Ctof0» xlv thenne they fought longe / And at the lafl our lord gaf the vydtory to Heracle and fubdued hym to his empyre / The hooft that was contrary / and alle the peple of Cofdroe obeyed them to the Cryften faythe / and receyved the hooly baptyfme / And Cofdroe knew not the end of the batayll / For he was adoured and worfhiped of alle the peple as a god / fo that no man durft fay nay to him / And thenne Heracle came to hym / and fonde hym fyttinge in his fyege' of golde / and fayd to hym / For as moche as after the manere thou haft honoured the Tree of the CrofTe / yf thou wyld receyve baptym and the faythe of Ihefu Cryft / I fhal gete it to the / and yet fhalt thow holde thy crowne and Royamme with lytel hoftages / And I fhall lete the have thy lyf / and yf thou wylt not / I fhall flee the wyth my fwerde / and fhalle fmyte of thyne heed / andwhanne he wold not accorde therto / he did anon do fmyte of his hede / and commaunded Throne torfeati French, siige. xlvi C8e iLegenDatp that he fhold be buryed / by caufe he had be(en) a Kynge /. And he fonde with hym one his fone of the age of ten yere / whome he dyd doo baptyfe and lyft hym fro the fonte / and left to hym the Royaume of his fader / and then he dyd doo breke that Toure / And gaf the fylver to them of his hoofte / and gaf the gold and precious ftones for to re- payre the chirches that the tyraunt had deflroyed / and tooke the hoole crolTe / and brought it ageyne to lerufalem / and as he defcended from the mount of Olyvete / and wold have entryd by the gate by whiche our favyour wente to his paflyon on horfbacke adourned as a Kynge / fodenly the ftones of the gates de- fcended / and ioyned them togyder in the gate like a wall & all the peple was Aftomjhtd, abafhed' / and thenne the Aungel of oure lord appyeryd upon the gate hold- yng the figne of the ligne {sic) of the CrofTe in his honde / and fayd / Whanne the Kynge of heven went to his paflion ' ©iftorp of tbt Ctof0, xlvii by this gate / he was not arayed like a Kynge / ne on horfbake / but cam humbly upon an afTe / in fhewynge thexample of humylite which he left to them that honoure hym. And when this was fayd / he departed and vanyffhed aweye / Thenne th'emperour took of his hoien and fhone' himfelf in wepynge / and defpollyed hymfelfe of alle his clothes in to his fherte / and tooke the crofTe of oure lord / and bare it moche humbly into the gate / and anone the hardnes of the ftones felte the celeftyalle commaund- ement / and remeved anone / and opened and gaf entree unto them that entred / Thenne the fweete odour that was felt that day whanne the hooly CrofTe was taken fro the Toure of Cofdroe / and was brought ageyne to Iherufalem fro fo ferre countre / and fo grete fJDace of londe retourned in to Iherufalem in that moment / and replenyffhed it with al fwetnes / Thenne the ryght devoute Kyng beganne to faye the prayfynges of SAoea — ^ees. xlviii Cbe legenDarj? the CrofTe in this wyfe / O Crux fplen- dydior / et cetera / O CrofTe more fhynynge than alle the Sterres / honoured of the world / right holy / and moche amyable to alle men / whiche only were worthy to here the raunfon of the world Swete tree / Swete nayles / Swete yron / Swete fpere berynge the fwete burthens / Save thou this prefent company / that is this daye affembled in thy lawe and prayfynges /. And thus was the pre- cious tree of the CrofTe re eftablyffhed in his place /and the auncient myracles renewed /. For a dede man was reyfed to lyf / and foure men taken with the palfey were cured and heled / JJ lepres were made clene / and fyften blynde receyved theyr fyghte ageyn / Devylles were put out of men / and moche peple / and many / were delyvered of dyverfe fekenes and maladyes /. Thenne them- perour dyd doo repay re the Chirches / and gaf to them grete geftes / And after retorned home to his Empyre / And hit lJ)iaotp of tfte Crofs!» xlix is faid in the Cronycles that this was^- done otherwife / For they fay that whanne Cofdroe hadde taken many Royammes / he took Iherufalem / and Zacharye the patriarke / and bare aweye the tree of the CrofTe / And as Heracle wold make pees with hym / the Kyng Cofdroe fwore a grete othe / that he wold never make pees with Cryften men and Romayns / yf they denyed not hym that was crucyfyed / and adoured the fonne /. And thenne Heracle / whiche was armed wythe faythe / brought his hoofte ageynft hym / and deftroyed and wafted the Perfyens with many batayles that he made to them / and made Cofdroe to flee unto the Cyte of thelyfonte /. And atte the lafte Cofdroe hadde the flyxe in his bely / And wolde therefore crowne his fone Kynge / which was named Mendafa /. And whenne Syroys his oldefl fone herde thereof he made alyance with Heracle / And purfewed his fader with his noble peple / and fet hym in Cfte HegenUarp bondes / And fufteyned him with breede of trybulacion / and with water of anguyffhe / And atte laft he made to fhote arowes at him bycaufe he wold not bileve in god & fo deyde / & after this thynge he fente to Heracle the patriarke the tree of the CrofTe and all the pry- foners / And Heracle bare into Iherufa- lem the precious tree of the CrolTe /. And thus it is redde in many Cronycles alfo/. Sybyle fayth thus of the tre of the CrolTe / that the bleflyd tree of the Crofle was thre tymes with the paynyms / as it is fayd in thyftorie trypertyte O thryfe bleflyd tree on whiche god was ftratched / This peradventure is fayd for the lyf of Nature / of grace / and of glorye / which cam of the crofle /. At Conftantynople a lewe entyred in to the chirche of feynt fophye / and confydered that he was there allone / and fawe an ymage of Ihefu cryfte / and tooke his fwerde and fmote thymage in the throte / and anone the bloode guyiJfhed oute / i^taots of tbe Ctots. U and iprange in the face and on the hide of the lewe / And he thenne was aferd and took thymage / and caft it into a pytte / and anone fledde awey /. And it happed that a Cryften man mett hym / and fawe hym al blody / and fayd to hym / fro whens comeft thou / thou haft flayne foume man / And he fayd I have not / the cryften man fayd Veryly thou has commyfed fomme homycyde / for thou art all beiprongen' with the Be/prinhUd. blood. And the J ewe faid / Veryly the god of Cryften men is grete and the faythe of hym is ferme and approved in all thynges / I have fmyten no man / but I have fmyten thymage of Ihefu Cryfte / and anone yfTued blood of his throte /. And thenne the Jewe brought the Cryften man to the pytte / and then they drewe oute that hooly ymage /. And yet is fene on this daye the wounde in the throte of thymage / And the lewe anone by cam a good Cryften man, & was baptyfed / In Syre in the cyte of lii Cbe LcgcnDarp baruth there was a criften man / which had hyred an hous for a yere / & he had fet thymage of the crucifixe by his bedde to whiche he made dayly his prayers and faid his devocions / & at the yeres ende he remeved and tooke another hous / & forgate & lefte thymage behynde hym / and it happed that a lewe hyred that fame hows / & on a daye he had another lewe one of his neyghbours to dyne / & as they were at mete it happed hym that was boden' in lookyng on the walle to efpye this ymage whiche was fyxed to the walle and beganne to grenne at it for defpyte / and ageynfl hym that bad hym / & alfo thretned & menaced hym bycaufe he durft kepe in his hous thymage of Ihefu of nazareth / & that other lewe fware as moche as he myght / that he had never fene it / ne knewe not that it was there / & thenne the lewe fayned as he had been peaiyd . / &c after went ftrayt to the pry nee of the lewes / & accufed that lewe of that Invited. Pacified, appeafed. 5)iaotg of M Crofs. liii whiche he hadde fene in his hous / thenne the lewes aflembleden 6c cam to the hous of hym / & fawe thymage of Ihefu Cryft / and they took that lewe and bete hym / & did to hym many iniuryes / & cafle hym out half dede of their fynagoge / & anone they defowled thymage with their feet / & renewed in it all the tormentes of the paffion of oure lorde / & and when they perced his fyde with the Ipere / blood and water ylTued haboundauntly / in fo moche that they fylled a vefTel / whiche they fet ther- under / And thenne the lewes were abaffhhed & bare this blood in to theyr fynagoge & and alle the feke men and malades that were enoynted therwyth / were anone guaryfjfhed & made hool/ & thenne the lewes told & recounted al this thynge by ordre to the bifhop of the countre / & alle they with one wyll receyved baptyfm in the fay the of Ihefu Cryfl / & the biffhop putt the blood in ampulles' of Cryflalle & of glas for to b.nkfoMs. Uv C6e LegenDatp be kepte / & thenne he called / the Cryften man that had lefte it in the hows / & enquyred of hym / who had made fo fayr an ymage / & he faid that Nycho- demus had made it / And when he deyde / he lefte it to gamalyel / And Gamalyel to Zachee and Zachee to laques / and laques to Symon / and hadde ben thus in lerufalem unto the deftrudtion of the Cyte / and fro thennes hit was borne in to the Royamme of Agryppe of Cryflen men / and fro thennes hit was brought ageyne into my countreye / & it was left to me by my parentes by rightful herytage / & this was done in y* yere of our lord feven honderd and fifty / and thenne alle the Confecrated. lewes halowed' their fynagogues in to chirches and therof cometh the cuftoume that Chirches ben hallowed / For tofore that tyme the aultres were but halowed only / and for this myracle the chirche hath ordeyned / that the fyfte Kalendar of december / or as it is redde in another l^iOotS of 4)e Ctofs. Iv place / the fyfthe ydus of Novembre fhold be the memorye of the paflyon of oure lord / wherfor at Rome the chirche is halowed in thonoure of our favyour whereas is kepte an ampulla with the fame blood / And there a folempne fefle is kepte and done / and there is proved the ryght grete vertue of the croiTe unto the paynyms and to the myfbylevyd men in alle thynges /. And faynt Gregory recordeth in the thirdde booke of his dyalogues / that whanne andrewe Biffhop of the Cyte of Fundane fuffred an holy noune to dwelle with him / the fende' thenemy beganne temprynte in his herte the beaulte of her / in fuch wife / that he thought in hys bedde wycked and curfyd thynges / and on a daye a lewe cam to Rome / and whanne he fawe / that the day fayled / and myghte fynde no lodgynge / he wente that nyght / and abode in the Temple of appolyn /. And bycaufe he doubted of the facrylege of the place / Fiend, Ivi Cbe legenliarp Ponver. Each or every one. how be hit / that he hadde no faythe in the Croffe / yet he markyd and gar- nyffhed hym wyth the figne of the CrofTe / then at mydnyght whan he awoke / he fawe a companye of evylle fprytes / whiche went to fore one / Uke as he hadde fomme au<5loryte puyflance' above thother by fubiedlion / and thenne he fawe hym fytte in the myddes among the others / and beganne to enquyre the caufes and dedes of everyche' of thefe evylle fprytes / whyche obeyed hym / and he wold knowe / what evylle everyche had doo /But Gregory paflyth the maner of this vyfyon / bycaufe of {hortnes /But we fynde femblable in the lyf of faders / That as a man entryd in a Temple of thydolles / he fawe the devylle fyttynge / and all his meyny^ aboute hym. And one of thefe wycked / fprytes cam / and adouryd hym / and he de- maunded of hym / Fro whens comefl thow / and he fayd / I have ben in fuch a provynce / and have moeved grete Attendants. ^ifiorp of tbe Crof0» Ivii warres / and made many trybulacions and have fhedde moche blood / and am come to telle it to the / and Sathan fayd to hym / in what tyme hath thow done this / and he fayd in thyrtty dayes and Sathan fayd / why haft thow be foo longe there aboutes / and fayd to them that ftode by hym / goo ye and bete hym / and all to lafjfhe hym / Thenne cam the fecond and worfihiped hym / & fayde Syre I have ben in the fee / and have moeved grete wyndes and tormentes / & drowned many fhippes / & flayn many men / and Sathan fayde how longe haft thow ben aboute thys / & he fayd VViX dayes / & Sathan fayd haft thou done no more in this tyme / & commanded that he {hold be beten / and the third cam / & faid / I have ben in a Cyte & have mevyd ftryves and debate in a weddynge / and have fhed moche blood / & have flayne the hoft)ond / & am come to telle the / & fathan fayd / in what time haft thou done this / & he faid in ten dayes / Iviii Cbe ilegenDatp Dreiv. Jeft. & he fayd haft thou done no more in that time / & commanded them that were aboute hym to bete hym alfo / Thenne cam the fourth & fayd / I have ben in the wyldernefs fourty yere / and have laboured aboute a monke / 6c unnethe at the lafte I have throwen & made hym falle in the fynne of the fleffhe / & when fatan herd that / he aroos fro his fete / 6c kyffed hym / 6c tooke hys crowne of his hede / 6c fet it on his hede / 6c made hym to fytte with hym / 6c fayde / thou haft done a grete thynge / 6c haft laboured more / than all thother / and this may be the maner of the vyfyon / that faynt gregorye leveth / whan eche had fayd / one fterte up in the myddle of them alle / 6c feyd he hadde mevid Andrewe ageynfte the name / 6c had mevyd the fourth part of his flefhe agenft her in temptacion / 6c therto / y' yefterday he drough' fo moche his mynde on her / that in the hour of evenfonge he gaf to her in lapping^ a 5)iflor5 of tfie Crofs. lix buffe' / & feid pleynly y' fhe muft here ki/s. it that he wold fynne with her / thenne the mayfter commanded hym that he fhold perform y' he had begonne / & for to make hym to fynne he fhold have a fyngular Vydlory and reward among alle the other /. And thenne commaunded he that they fhold goo loke who that was that laye in the Temple / And they wente / & loked / And anone they were ware / that he was marked with the figne of the crofTe / And they levynge aferd efcaped / and fayd / veryly this is an empty veflel / alas / alas / he is marked /. And with^ thus wys alle the ~i»this^ife. company of the wykked fprytes van- yffhed awaye / And thenne the lewe al amoevyd cam to the biffhop / and told to hym all by ordere what was happend / And whan the biffhoppe herd this /he wept ftrongly / and made to voyde all the wymmen oute of his hows / And thenne he baptyfed the lewe. Seynt Gregory reherceth in his Ix Cbe legenuatp Bit. dyalogues that a nonne entryd into a gardyne / and fawe a letufe / and coveyted that / and forgate to make the figne of the CrofTe / and bote' it glotonoufly / And anone fylle doune and was ravyflhed of a devylle / And ther cam to her faint Equycyon* / And the devylle beganne to crye and to faye / What have I doo / I fatte uppon a lettufe / and fhe cam / and bote me / and anone the devylle ylfued oute by the commaundement of the holy man of god /. It is redde in thyftorye Scolaftyke / that the paynyms had peyn- ted on a walle the armes of Serapis / And Theodofyen dide doo putt them oute / and made to be paynted in the fame place the figne of the CrofTe / And when the paynims & prieftes of thydolles fawe that / anone they dyde them to be baptyfed / fayenge / that it was gyven them to underftonde of their olders / ''^ St. Equitius was a hermit, and looked after the welfare of other hermits and monks. He took a fpecial intereft in a convent of young virgins ; died about a.d. 540. lj)i(}orp of tbz Crofs, that thofe armes fhold endure tyll / that fuche a ligne were made then / in whiche were lyf / And they have a lettre / of whiche they ufe / y' they calle holy / & had a forme that they faid it expofed and fignyfyed lyf perdurable. Thus endeth the exaltacion of the holy Crofle. Ixi Having read thefe extracts from the Golden Legend, we fhall be able to underftand the accompanying illuftra- tions, which reprefent fome frefcos of the fifteenth century, which formerly adorned the walls of the / Chapel of the Gild of the Holy Crofs, at Stratford-upon- Avon ; which ftands clofe by New Place, Shakefpeare's houfe. Thefe frefcos, alas! no longer exift, for, in 1804, the Chapel underwent confiderable repair, during which, under the whitewash, were dif- covered traces of paint, and thefe, being fcraped, a feries illuftrating the legend of the Crofs was found in the chancel. Ixii Clje Hegentiari? which was built in 1450. In other parts of the Chapel were found repre- fentations of the RelTuredlion, and the day of Judgment, St. George and the Dragon, and the death of St. Thomas a Becket, befides others. Luckily, a gentleman from London, a Mr. Fifher, was then flaying at Stratford- on-Avon, and he drew, and painted them — afterwards, in 1807, publifliing them — and it is from his iketches that thefe illuftrations are taken. The barbarians of Stratford hacked the plafter on which the Holy Crofs feries was painted to bits, and whitewaflied all the other paintings. It is prefumed they ftill exift, for, when the Chapel was thoroughly reftored in 1835, traces of the other pi(flures were vifible under the whitewafli. Thefe pid:ures of the Invention, and Exaltation, of the Holy Crofs are ef- pecially interefting, not only on account of their age and artiftic merit, but from the fa(5l that they are of Englifli work. ©iflorp of tbz Crof0. Ixiii and fhow the Englifh idea of treating the fubjedl. I have reproduced them all but two; one, the fight on the bridge over the Danube between Heraclius and the fon of Chofroes, and the other reprefenting Heraclius fmiting off Chof- roes' head. J^xaotp of tjje Crofs, Ixv Plate A reprefents the vifit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon. Her name was Balkis, and, in her legendary hiftory, it is reported that Solomon, having heard of her riches and power, fent her a peremptory meflage to fubmit herfelf to his rule. She, dreading war with fo potent a fovereign, fent an embafly to try and find out whether Solomon was as wife as he was reprefented to be. With this objed fhe dreffed five hundred boys as girls, and a like number of girls as boys, and, among other prefents, fent a pearl, a diamond cut through in zigzags, and a cryftal box; and fhe fhould be able to judge of his wifdom and power, if he could tell the boys from the girls, pierce the pearl, thread the diamond, and fill the goblet with water that came neither from the earth nor the iky. Needlefs to fay, Solomon paiTed through the ordeal triumphantly. He ordered filver bafins to be brought, fo that the Ixvi Cbe legenDarp ambafTadors' fuite might wafh their hands after their long journey, and the boys were eafily diftinguifhed from the girls, for they dipped their hands only in the water, whilft the girls tucked up their fleeves and wafhed their arms as well as their hands. Then he opened the box con- taining the pearl, diamond, and goblet, and, taking out the pearl, he applied his magic ftone, Samur, or Schamir, which a raven had brought him, and which had the power of cleaving anything, and lo ! the pearl was pierced ; then he examined the diamond, which was fo pierced that no thread could be pafTed through it; fo he took a worm, and having placed a piece of filk in its mouth, it wriggled through, and the diamond was threaded. The next tafk was to fill the goblet, which he gave to a negro flave, and bade him mount a wild horfe and gallop it till it ftreamed with fweat, and then to fill the goblet with it, thus fulfilling the impofed conditions. He ^iaorp of tbz Crofti. Ixvii then gave back thefe prefents to the ambaiTadors, who fpeedily returned to Queen Balkis. She at once faw that it would be ufelefs to oppofe the powerful will of Solomon, and immediately fet out on her journey to that monarch. It is here that her connection with the holy Crofs comes in, for its wood, which Solomon had cut down in order to incorporate it into his Temple, and which had the inconvenient property of fitting in nowhere, being either too long or too fhort for any purpofe, was in confequence thrown afide, and ultimately was ufed as a foot-bridge acrofs a brook. Acrofs this plank the Queen had to pafs, but fhe, recognifing its holy virtue, refufed to walk acrofs it, preferring to wade the brook, which, having done, fhe expounded its value to Solomon, and prophefied that out of it fhould be made the Crofs on which Jefus fhould fufFer. She afterwards became one of Solomon's wives, and bore him a fon, and then ^ifiorp of tlje Ctof0» Ixix returned to her own land, and from this fon are defcended the kings of Abyflynia. The legend on the label is, as far as is legible, Regina Saba fama Salomonis (adducfl) A VENIT (lero)soLUMA ubi LIGNUM IN . . . ABATICA . . . IT . . . GENIS . . . PERSOLVETUR. Plate B is, virtually, two; one fhowing the angel appearing to Conftantine when, early in the fourth century, he was advancing towards Rome againft Maxen- tius; but the legend of the miraculous infcription which appeared in the fky, " In hoc signo vinces," does not appear. The other, and larger portion, reprefents his vidlory over Maxentius, and he is reprefented as fpearing and killing that monarch; but this is not hiftorically corre(ft, for, after his defeat, as Maxentius fled towards Rome, effaying to crofs the Tiber over a rotten bridge, it gave way, and he was drowned. It is noticeable that the Chriftian flag bears the Tau Crofs. Ixx Cbe Legcntarp 7he Plates Q and D run into each other ^ although they portray different Jubje&Sy C being the departure of St. Helena for Jeru/alem on her quefi of the holy Crofs. The label in this frejco is utterly illegible. Plate D fhows Judas (called Julius in the label) Cyryacus (the Quyryache of the Golden Legend) being releafed, after having been forced, through imprifon- ment and ftarvation, into confefling where the holy Crofs lay buried. In the upper part St. Helena is receiving the holy Crofs, whilft labourers are uncover- ing the Tau CrofTes of the tw^o thieves. The legend is mutilated, but enough remains to make its meaning clear : "Here Seynte helyne EXAMY(neth) THE I(ews for) Y^ Holy cros .... luLius cyryacus (faith that he knew w)here hete was." The legend in Plate E is nearly -perfeSi^ and accurately defer ibes the paintings " Hyt was proved evidently by myrakel which was y^ very cros that cure Savyour suffyred .... In resynge a made from deth to lyfe." ^iflotp of tbt Ctof0. Ixxi Here all the CroiTes are of the Tau type, and the fcene is laid in a foreft, where an old labourer, and a bill- man, and the deer nibbling the trees, give a rural aiped:, inftead of in the City of Jerufalem, as faith the Golden Legend. Plate F evidently confifts of two feparate paintings — one, where St. Helena is reverently carrying the Crofs into Jerufalem, whilft the angels in heaven are difcourfing celeftial mufic ; and the other, its reception either in Jerufalem or Byzantium, whither St. Helena fent a por- tion as a prefent to her fon. And this latter feems the more probable, if we imagine the King, who, with St. Helena, is adoring the Crucifix, to be the emperor Conftantine, a fad: which might have been fettled had the label been legible. The legend at the bottom is un- fortunately mutilated, but that evidently relates to that portion of the Crofs which remained at Jerufalem, becaufe it Ipeaks Ixxii H JDiflor^ of tbz Crofs- Ixxiii of Chofroes : " Here the hole cros WAS BROUGHTE SOLEMLY YN TO THE . . . . IN Y^ BYSSHOPS HANDS EASILY AND (remaynyd) un to the tyme of (King Codfd)RoE. Plates G and H reprefent the ftory told in the Golden Legend, of Heraclius bearing the Crofs into Jerufalem, how the gate miraculoufly clofed, and an angel appeared in the heavens and reproved Heraclius for riding in ftate on the very fpot where Jefus had gone in all meeknefs, and lowlinefs, to His paffion. The legend is erafed in parts, the unmutilated portion reading, " As the nobul kynge eraclyus com rydyng towarde y^ cytte of jeru- SALEM BERYNG Y^ CROSSE SO GRETE PRYDE .... WHERE Y^ . . . ." Naturally, the pofleffion of a piece of the true Crofs would be efteemed as a moft precious property. No matter how fmall, it would be reverentially enclofed in cryftal and gold, and was more than I XXIV Cbc legennacp a prefent fit for an emperor or king, and we cannot marvel that finall pieces were diftributed all over Chriftendom. Poffibly fome of the relics fhown as pieces of the very Crofs might not have been what they were fuppofed to be, but it is hard to believe what John Calvin* wrote about it : — " And fyrft of all let us begynne to fpeake of his crolTe, whereupon he was hanged. I know that it is holden for a certaintie that it was founde of Heline the mother of Conftantine the Romaine Emperour. I knowe alfo what certaine Do6tours have written touching the approbation hereof, for to certifie that the croiTe which flie found was without doute the felfe fame on the whiche lefus Chrift was hanged. Touchynge all this I reporte me to the thynge it felfe, fo much is there t4iat it was but a folilli curiofitie of her, or at the leaft a folillie * I quote from the tranflation by Steven Withers, 1561. jj)ilJotg of tfte CroC0. Ixxv and unconfidered devotion. But yet put the cafe it had ben a worke worthy of prayfe to her, for to have taken paynes to fynde the trewe crolTe, and that our lord had then declared by myracle that it was his crolTe which ihe found; Yet let us onely conlider that which is of our time. Every one doeth holde that this croffe which Helene founde is yet at lerufalem, and none doeth doute thereof. Although the Ecclefiafticall hiftory againft fayeth the fame notablye. For it is ther recited that Helene toke one part thereof to fend to the Emperour her fonne, who put the fame at Conftantinople upon a fyne pyller of Marble in the myddeft of the market. Of the other part, it is fayde that Ihe did locke the fame in a copher of lilver, and gave it to the Bifhop of lerufalem to kepe. So then eyther we fhall augment the hiftorie of a lie or els that which is holden at this daye of the true CrolTe, is but a vayne and triflyng opinion. Ixxvi tizbt Legennarp Blocks— billets " Let us confider on the other part howe many peeces there are thereof throug out the worlde. Yf I would onely recite that whiche I coulde fay there woulde be a regifter fufficient to fyl a whole boke. There is not fo little a town where there is not fome peece thereof, and that not onelye in cathedrall churches, but alfo in fome parishes. Likewiie ther is not fo wicked an abbey where there is not of it to be fhewed. And in fome places ther are good great fhydes : ' as at the holye chappell of Paris, and at Poitiers & at Rome, where there is a great crucifix made thereof as men faye. To be fhort, yf a man woulde gather together all that hath bene founde of this crofTe, there would be inough to fraighte a great jfhip. The Gofpell tefti- fieth that the crofTe myght be caried of one man. What audacitie then was this to fyll the earth with pieces of wod in fuche quantitie, that thre hundred men can not cary them," &c. ft)illorp of tbe Ctof0, Ixacrii Calvin was full of zeal, and could not ftoop to particularife. Witnefs his affer- tion that the Crofs would freight a fhip, and yet that three hundred men could carry it. M. Rohault de Fleury has gone very minutely into this matter. Knowing, from microfcopical examina- tion, that feveral of the relics of the Crofs were of pine, he accepts this wood as his bafis, and, from its probable lize, he deduces a weight of loo kilogrammes, equal to about 240 Engliih lbs. ; and, taking the average denlity of pine, he eftimates that this would give 178 mil- lions of cubic millimetres. He then defcribes all the known pieces in Europe, Jerufalem, and Mount Athos, with their meafurements, and he puts the outcome at 3,941,975 cubic millimetres; thus, according to his fhewing, there is but a very fmall portion of the Holy Crofs in exiftence. I fubjoin his lift of the places in which pieces of the Crofs are known to exift, as it is moft interefting. Ixxviii Ci)e Legentiarp fhowing the comparative bulk of the pieces, in cubic milHmetres : — Aix la Chapelle ... 150 Amiens 4>5oo Angers 2,640 Angleterre 3o>5i6 Aries 8,000 Arras io,3H Athos (le Mont) . . . 878,360 Autun 50 Avignon 220 Bauge 104,000 Bernay 375 Befan^on 1,000 Bologne 15,000 Bonifacio 47,960 Bordeaux 3>42o Bourbon I'Archambault . 29,275 Bourges 22,275 Bruxelles 516,090 Chalmarques .... „ Carried forward 1,674,145 J^iflorp of toe Crofs. Ixxix Brought forward 1,674,145 Chalons 200 Chamirey 605 Chatillon „ ChefFes (Anjou) ... 100 Chelles „ Compiegne 1,896 Conques 108 Cortone 3,000 Courtrai 200 Dijon 33,091 Donawert 12,000 Faghine „ Florence 37>64o Fumes 5^250 Gand 436,450 Genes ....... 26,458 Gramont 5,000 Jancourt (Aube) . . . 3>5oo Jerufalem 5*045 Langres 200 Laon Carried forward 2,244,888 Ixxx C6e legenDarp Brought forward 2,244,888 Libourne 3,000 Lille 15,1 12 Limbourg 133,768 Longpont i>i36 Lorris „ Lyon 1,696 Micon 2,000 Maeftricht 10,000 Marfeille 150 Milan 1,920 Montepulciano .... 500 Naples 10,000 Nevers 176 Nuremberg „ Padoue 64 Paris 237,731 Pifa 8,175 Poitiers 870 Pontigny 12,000 Ragufe 169,324 Riel les Eaux .... 671 Carried forward 2,853,181 ^iflorp of tbz €toi$. Ixxxi Brought f Rome . . Royaumont . Saint Die orw '■arc L 2,853,181 • 537^5^7 99 Saint Florent 400 Saint Quentin 5,000 Saint Sepolcro Sens . . . Sienne 200 ■ 69,545 1,680 Tournai . . 2,000 Treves 18,000 Troyes . . Turin . 20I 6,500 - Venice Venloo 445,582 Walcourt . . 2,000 Wambach . . • » Total . . 3»94i>975 According to this table we are credited in England with 30,5 1 6 cubic millimetres of the holy Crofs, and it is interefting to know where they are iituated. M. Ixxxii Cbe iLcgennarp Rohault de Fleury, writing in 1870, fays there were pieces at Iflevvorth; St. Gregory, Downfide, near Bath; in the poflefTion of Lord Petre; at Bergholt Eaft, in Suifolk; at Plowden ; at the con- vent of St. Mary, York ; at Weft Grinftead ; at St. George's, Southwark; and SHndon, Suflex. Thefe pieces of the holy Crofs are not large, as the following table, in cubic millimetres, fhows: — At Ifleworth 1,000 „ College of St. Gregory . 6,120 Lord Petre (two relics) . 8,287 At St. Mary, Bergholt Eaft 1,008 „ Plowden Hall, Salop . 262 „ St. Mary, York (two relics) 5,600 „ Weft Grinftead „ 38 „ St. George's, Southwark (four relics) .... 63 „ St. Richard, Slindon . 8,100 Total 30,516 ^iftorp of tfie Crofs. Ixxxiii One relic at St. Mary's Convent, York, is very fine ; it is ornamented with fcroU- work of the tenth century, and bears three impreffions of the feal of the Vicar Capitular of the diocefe of Saint Omer, 1657 ^^ 1662. It is a perioral crofs that is fuppofed to have belonged to the patriarch Arnulph, who was with Robert, Duke of Normandy. The other is fuppofed to have been attached to the above, and to have belonged equally to Arnulph, patriarch of Jerufalem. This is kept in a lilver reliquary, which alfo contains relics of SS. Ignatius Loyola and Francois Xavier. We fee by the Golden Legend, that St, Helena, after finding the Crofs, feeling certain that the nails were not far off, profecuted a further fearch for them, and they were difcovered "fhynyng as gold." As with the fafhion of the Crofs, whether it was immijfa or commijfa, there is, and was, a controverfy with regard to the nails, whether three or four. Ixxxiv C()e legenDarp ■ Bolius in his learned and exhauftive book, Crux Triumphans et Gloriofa* gives several authorities for three nails only — foremoft, Gregory Nazianzen; but he does not give the palTage where it may be found ; the quotation, however, is Vv\ivov TfiurifKtf KEifi(.vov |uX^ \a€wv, " having taken from the three-nailed wood the dead (or hanging) body." Thus clearly showing the number of nails he confidered right. Bofius then goes on to quote ApoUinaris Laodicenus, who, in his tragedy entitled Chrijlus pattens^ called the holy Crofs by the fame words, rpiai]\ov ^v\o>, "three-nailed wood"; and he also quotes from the Meditat. vitce Chrijlioi Bonaventura, "////' tres clavi fujlineni totius corporis pondusT Nonnus, the Greek poet, writing in the fifth century, alfo fays that our Lord's feet overlapped each other, and were * From this book I hare taken the head and tail piece here given.— J. A. S)iftor? of tbe Crof0- Ixxxv faftened by only one large nail. So that there is a very fair amount of antiquity in favour of three nails. Againft this theory may be quoted the authority of St. Cyprian, St. Auguftine, St. Gregory of Tours, Pope Innocent III., Ruiinus, Theodoret, and others, w^ho fay four nails vsrere ufed in the Crucifixion of our Saviour. The battle waged pic- torially ; but perhaps the earlieft known reprefentation of the Crucifixion, that found in the Cemetery of St. Julian, Pope, or of St. Valentine in Via Flaminia at Rome, ought to bear moft weight. Our Saviour is reprefented as being clothed in a long fleevelefs robe, which reaches to His ankles ; the feet are feparate, and are each nailed. It is faid that Cimabue was the firfi: to paint the feet overlapping, and one nail. His example, however, was much followed, and hence the controverfy. Of thefe nails, univerfal tradition fays that St. Helena fent two to her fon Ixxxvi Constantine, and, as the Golden Legend has it, "the emperour dyd do fette them in hys brydel and in hys helme when he wente to batayle." One can underftand one of thefe facred nails being worn in the Emperour's helmet as a prefage of vi<5lory and as a fafeguard againft danger, but the utility of incorporating one of fuch pricelefs relics in a horfe's bridle is not fo eafy to comprehend; but the fathers of the Church, St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Ambrofe, Theodoret, and St. Gregory of Tours, recognife in it the fulfilment of the prophecy of Zecharius, chap. xiv. 20: "In that day fhall be upon the bridles of the horfes. Holiness UNTO THE Lord." This bridle, or rather bit, is now faid to be in exiftence in France at Carpentras, department of Vauclufe. How it got there is not clearly known, but probably it was taken at the time of the Crufades — as leaden feals on which it is engraved exift, attached to parchments of the dates J^iflorp of tbe Crof0. Ixxxvii 1226 and 1250, and it was mentioned in an inventory of relics in the year 1322. I have reproduced it, as w^ell as the ' The iron crown of Lombardy. ^ The holy bridle at Car- pentras. ' Nail at Venice. * Nail at Rome in Sta. Maria in Campitelli. * Nail at Arras. ®Nail at CoUe. ' Nail in the Church of the Holy Crofs of Jerufalem, at Rome. ^ Portion of nail at Toul. ^ Nail at Treves. Ixxxviii Cbe LegenDarp Iron Crown of Lombardy and the nails, from M. Rohault de Fleury's work, and, as will be feen, it is undoubtedly of great antiquity, clofely refembling the bits of the Romans. According to Bofius, who quotes Gregory Nazianzen, a third nail was thrown by St. Helena into the Adriatic Sea, in order to calm a tempeft; and the fame authority fays that the fourth was depoiited in the head of a ftatue of Con- ftantine, but this militates much againft the number of holy nails faid to be in exiftence. Calvin notices this, and is down upon it with fledge - hammer force : — " Yet there is a greater combat of the nayles. I wyll recite them only that are come to my knowledge. Thereupon there is not fo lytle a childe but wyll judge that the Devyll hath to much de- luded the worlde in takyng from it both underftandyng and reafon, that it coulde difcerne nothynge in this matter. If the 8)ifiotp of tfte Crofs. Ixxxix auncient writers faye trewe, and namely Theodorite Hiftoriographer of the aun- cient churche, Helene caufed one to be nayled on her fonne's helmet, the other two fhe put in his horfe bitte. How be it Saindl Ambrofe fayeth not fully fo. For he fayeth that one was put in Conftantine's crowne, of the other his horfebit was made, and the thirde Helene kept. Wee fe y* already more than twelve hundred yeres agone this hath bene in controverlie, to wit, what was become of the nayles. What certentie can be had of them then at this prefent time ? "Now at Millan they bofte that thei have y nayle that was put in Conftantine's horfe bitte. To the whiche the towne of Carpentras oppofeth herfelfe, fayinge that it is fhe that hath it. Nowe S. Ambrofe doth not faye that the nayle was knit to the bitte, but that the bitte was made thereof Whiche thynge can in no w^fe be made to agre eyther w' xc Cbe LegenDar^ their faying of Milan or w' theirs of Carpentras. " Moreover there is one in Rome at Saindl Helenes ; another alfo at Sene, another at Venife. In Germany two : at Collyne one, at the three Maries : another at Triers, one in Fraunce at the holy chappell of Paris, another at y^ Carmes, one alfo at Saindt Denis in France : one at Burges : one at Tenaill, one at Draguine. "Beholde here fourteene, whereof account is made ; in every place they alledge good approbation for themfelves, as they fuppofe. And fo it is that everye one hath as good right as aunother. Wherefor there is no better way then to make them all pafTe under one fidelium. That is to faye, to repute all that they faye hereof to be but lyes, fey in g that otherwife a man Ihoulde never come to an ende." What would Calvin have faid if he had feen the formidable lift of holy ©iUorp of tU CtofjS. xci nails enumerated by Guifto (or Juftus) Fontanini, Archbifhop of Ancyra ? which is as follows : — 1 . Aix la Chapelle. 2. Ancona, in the Cathedral. 3. Bamberg. 4 . In Bavaria, Convent of Audechfen. 5. Carpentras. The Holy Bit. 6. Catania, Sicily. 7. Colle, in Tufcany. 8. Cologne. 9. The Efcurial in Spain. 10. Milan. 11. Monza. The Iron Crown. 12. Naples. Monaftery of S. Patricius. 13. Nuremberg. Church of the Holy Virgin. 14. Paris. 15. Rome. Two Nails. Church of the Holy Crofs of Jerufalem ; Church of Santa Maria in Campitelli. 16. Sienna. Hofpital Sainte Marie de de I'Echelle. xcii Clje LegenDarp 17. Spoleto. 18. Torcello, near Venice. Church of S. Anthony. 19. Torno, on the Lake of Como. 20. Toul. 21. Treves. 22. Venice. Three nails. 23. Vienna. But this lift is further fupplemented by M. Rohault de Fleury, who gives fix more : — I . Arras, according to M. le Chev. de Linas, 2. Compiegne. A point. 3. Cracow^, in Poland, according to M. Goffelin. 4. Florence. 5. Lagney. 6. Troyes. So that no lefs than twenty-nine towns .. claim the pofTeffion of thirty-two nails, all differing in form, the number of which can only be accounted for by the lup- pofition that only a portion of the holy ©iflotp of tfje Crof0. xciu nails has been incorporated into each of them. One of the moft interefting relics in connection with the holy nails is the Iron Crown of Lombardy. This, as may be feen by reference to the illuftration (Fig. I ), is a circlet of gold, ornamented with precious ftones, and it is indebted for its name of "Iron" to a thin band (A) of that metal, which is inside the gold circlet. The Crown itfelf is of very antique form, being even devoid of rays, and is too fmall to go on the head. Charlemagne was crowned with it in 774, and Napoleon did not think him- felf King of Italy until he had placed this precious diadem on his head, in 1805. It is kept at Monza, nine miles from Milan, in the Cathedral, which is of great antiquity. There it repofes in a huge crofs placed over the altar. Of the relics of the Crofs there now remains but two fpecks of the title or infcription thereon, and here, again, I am ©iftotp of tit Crofs. xcv indebted to M. Rohault de Fleury for the illuftration on page xciv., as it feems to me to be the beft yet pubUfhed. The Evangelifts, although agreeing in the fpirit of the infcription, vary as to the letter. Says St. Matthew : '* This is Jefus the King of the Jews." „ St. Mark: '*The King of the Jews." „ St. Luke : *'This is the King of the Jews." „ St. John: " Jefus of Nazareth the King of the Jews." Neither St. Matthew nor St. Mark note the tri-lingual charadler, and SS. Luke and John vary as to the order of the different languages ; the former faying it was in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew — the latter that it was in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. The latter is the generally accepted form, and the reafon given is, that Hebrew, being the common language, it would naturally come firft, XCVl Cbe HegenUarp as we {hould do in an Englifh notice, firft in Englifh, then, fay in French and German, for the benefit of foreigners, as were the Greeks and Romans in Jerufalem. The tradition is that, along with the Crofs, St. Helena found the infcription, and that fhe fent it, together with a piece of the Holy Crofs and a number of other facred relics, to Rome, where it was depofited in the bafilica of Santa Croce. Here it remained until Valentinian, fearing that it might fall into the hands of the Goths and Huns, hid it in the wall of the building, until it was found in 1492. Valentinian died A. D. 375, and Antoninus Martyr, in his De Locis Sanctis (fee. 20), written about a.d. 570, fays he faw the infcription which had been placed on the Crofs, and that the words were, " lefus Nazarenus Rex ludaeorum." He fays that he held it in his hand, and kifTed it, in the Church of Conftantine at yerufalem. IDiftorp of fte Crofs- xcvu Hence it is evident that either tradition is incorrect, or that Antoninus did not tell the truth. But the claim is that it is, and always has been, in Rome, and Bofius, in his Crux Triumphans (p. 60), gives an account of its re-difcovery. He fays that in February, 1492, Monfeigneur Pedro Gonfalvo de Mendoza, Cardinal Sandias Crucis, vv^as repairing and cleanling his church, and on the firfl day of that month, v^hen the workmen reached the top of the arch which was in the middle of the balilica, and near the roof, they faw two fmall columns ; and finding a fpace, they difcovered a niche in which they found a leaden box, well clofed, and on its lid was a tablet of marble, on which were engraved thefe words : Hic est Titvlvs Ver^ Crucis. In this box was found a little board, about a hand's breadth and a half, much corroded on one lide by time, and bearing, in grooved, engraved charadters, which were coloured red, the XCVlll Cbe LegenDarp following infcription : Iesvs Nazarenvs RexIvd^orvm. ButthewordlvD^oRvM was not entire, the laft two letters VM having crumbled to pieces by reafon of old age. The iirft line was written in Latin charadlers, the fecond in Greek, and the third in Hebrew. All the city went to fee it ; and three days afterwards. Pope Innocent went alfo, and ordered the relic to be preferved in its . box, and covered with a iheet ot glafs. Every one was convinced that they had before their eyes the infcription which Pilate placed upon the Crofs over our Saviour's head, and which Saint Helena had depofited in the church at the time of its building. The relic, as now feen, is very worm- eaten, but the letters are ftill vifible, and have been cut with a fmall gouge. They read from right to left, as Hebrew does, thus lending great plaufibility to the idea that it was done by fome Jewifh artificers ; and it feems to be of fome ©iftorp of t6e Crof0» xcix clofe-grained wood. Taking the piece now at Santa Croce, the whole inicrip- tion, if reftored, would be thus : i*i>nMi nfn >^-^T y^"^' H^3A^IDV3XDA83VH3^A2AH iD>(03l MV5l03aVlX33ZVkll^AXA.M )SU\ 'ihe Infcription at Santa Croce^ reftored. Notes on the Woodcuts. HE Hiftory of the Legend of the Holy Crofs which is here reproduced, is fomewhat fuller than the Golden Legend of Caxton, there being particulars about Mofes, David, and Solomon not to be found therein; but they may be found in other verfions of the Legend, fome in the Latin of Jacobus deVoragine, others in two MSS. in the Britifh Mufeum.* The engravings are taken from a very rare book, of which, as far as is known. * Arundel, No. 507, and Add. MSS. 6514. cii Cbe Legenuarp there are but three copies in exiftence : one is in the Royal Library at BrufTels, another at the Hague, in the collection of Mr. Schinkel, and the third is in the polTeflion of Lord Spencer at Althorp. It is from this book that thefe fac-fimiles (made by M. J. Ph. Berjeau) were taken. The book itfelf has one woodcut on each page, with a verfe in Dutch, at the bottom, explanatory of each engraving. It is called indifferently Htyiona SanSla Crucis or Boec van den houte (Book of the wood or tree). It was printed at Kuilenburg on March 6th, 1483, by John Veldener,* who had juft removed from Louvain. Thefe fixty-four engravings were originally on thirty-two blocks,! and evidently belonged to fome much older block book, now '''- His life and labours may be read in Mr. Hottrop's Monuments Typographiques des Pays-bas — . I See The JVoodcutters of the Netherlands in the isth Century, by W. M. Conway, and an article by him in the Bibliographer of May, 1883, p. 32. jj)ilJotp of tbe Crofi5, cm loft. Thefe, Veldener cut in half, as he had already treated a Speculum^ and brought them out as a frefh book. The Legend as told by thefe engravings is as follows : — Adam, feeling himfelf about to die, fent Seth to Paradife to beg for fome ot the oil of mercy," which, however, the Archangel Michael refufed to give him, but, inftead, prefented him with three feeds of the tree of life.^ On his return, he found Adam dead, and, being unable to adminifter thefe feeds to his father in any other manner, he put them under his tongue, and then buried him.^ Pre- fently thefe feeds germinated and (hot through the ground, and are traditionally faid to have been a cedar, a cyprefs, and a pine/ They grew until Mofes had led the Ifraelites out of Egypt, when he found them in the Valley of Hebron, and he recognized them as typifying the Trinity. He removed them, and they were his conftant companions.^ With them he Woodcut No. 1 . No. No. 3. No.^. No. 5. CIV Cl)e LegenDarp IVoodcut No. 6. Nos. 7, 8. No. 9, No. 10. A'b. II. No 12. ^(7. 13. A'o. 14. No. 15. //o. 16. fmote the rock, and the waters gufhed out/ and the bitter waters of Marah became fweet.^*^ He then planted them in the land of Moab,'' and there they remained, until an angelic vilion appeared unto David, and commanded him to go, and take them up, and bring them to Jerufalem.'^ On his return the three rods worked miracles, healing the lick," and the leprous, with a touch ;'' nay, more, on being applied to three black men, they inftantly became white.'3 Arrived at Jerufalem, they wifhed to plant them, but for the night they left them in a ciflern, by the Tower of David,"* and lo ! during the night, they ftruck root, and, entwining themfelves, became but one ftem,'^ which, when David faw, he had a wall built round it.'^ And the tree grew for thirty years, David ornamenting it with rings of fapphire and other precious flones, adding one for every year, and under this tree he com- ©illorp of tfte Crof0, cv pofed the Pfalms, and praifed God exceedingly.'' But Solomon, who muft needs have all that was rare and coflly to adorn his temple, caft his eyes upon this precious tree, and ordered it to be cut down.'^ It was duly felled, and fquared, and trimmed, and it meafured thirty cubits in length.'' But when the carpenters came to put it into a place of that length, it was a cubit too fhort, and when it was fitted into a place of twenty-nine cubits, lo ! it meafured thirty, and the carpenters mar- velled much, and were greatly aftonifhed, and fo, being ufelefs, it was laid afide/° Yet the people came to fee this wonderful tree, and amongft them was a maid named Maximilla, who fat down upon it, and inftantly her clothes were in a blaze." Then fhe began to lift up her voice, and prophefy, crying, " My God, and my Lord Jefu Chrift." " Then the Jews took her, and fcourged her to death.^3 ff^oodcut No. 17, No. 18. No. 19. No, 20. No. No. 22. No. a 3. CVJ ^bt Hegentiatp Woodcut No. 24. The Jews, not knowing what to do with this miraculous tree, laid it acrofs a brook/* and, when the Queen of Sheba came to vifit Solomon, (he recognized the virtue of the wood; and, refufing to defile it with her feet, (he difmounted, and adored it, and waded through the brook/^ Then, when (he met Solomon, (he reproved him, and told him that on that tree would the Saviour of the world fu(fer death. "^ And Solomon commanded the holy wood to be taken up,^^ and caufed it to be carried into the Temple, there to be placed over the door, fo that all men might blefs, and adore it, and he coated it over with gold and filver.'^ There it remained until Abias ftripped it of its coftly coverings,""' and the Jews buried it deep in the earth.^° There it remained for many years, until the Jews wi(hed to make a pool, where the priefts might wa(h the beafls, to purify them, previous to facrificing them, and, unknowingly, they dug over No. 25. No. 26. No, 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. ©iflorp of tbt Ctof0, evil the burial-place of the Holy Crofs.^' This imparted fuch a virtue to the water of that pool, which was called Bethefda, that the fick were healed thereat, and an angel at times defcended from heaven, and ftirred the waters, and then whoever could get iirfl into the waters was ftraight- way healed of any infirmity he might havc^"* We now come to the Crucifixion, and there was a lack of wood to make Chrift's crofs — when, fuddenly, from the depths of Bethefda, leaped up the tree of the Crofs, and floated gently to land. One ran to the High Prieft," and told him of the timely find of fuitable wood, and he at once gave orders for it to be fafhioned into a Crofs.^* Then comes the mournful proceffion to Calvary, with our Saviour fainting under the weight of the Crofs, and Simon the Cyrenean is prefixed into the fervice to help Jefus.^^ And then the Crucifixion.^^ And whilft the crofifes were ftill ftand- JVoodcut No. 31. ^0. 3z. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. CVlll Cbe Legenuarj? tVoodcut No. 37. No.'ii. No. 39. ing, the difciples came to them and prayed, and many were healed of their infirmities, and many devils were caft out." This (6 angered the Jews that they took the crofTes down, and buried them,^^ and there they remained until their invention by St. Helena, a.d. 326. On her arrival at Jerufalem,'' fhe con- vened a meeting of the principal Jews, and they denied all knowledge of it, but, on threat of being burnt, they faid that one of their number, named Judas, knew where the crofTes were buried/° Judas, however, refufed to tell, and, to compel him to impart his knowledge, St. Helena had him lowered into a dry well, " and there tormented hym by hongre and evyl refle."'*' Seven days of this treatment made him fubmifTive, and at the end of that time he capitulated. He was then drawn up,"*' and prayed to God to dired: him to the right fpot."*^ His prayer was heard, and after fome digging, the crofTes were difcovered."** No. 40. No. 4.1. No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. J^iaor^ of tt)e Ctof0. cix The news was brought to St. Helena, who villted the fpot/* but although there were certainly three crofTes, no one knew which was the one upon which Jefus fufFered, A teft, however, was applied, which proved to be fatisfadtory. The body of a maid was being borne on a bier for burial, but the funeral proceflion was flopped, and the body was touched by the different crolTes. The two iirft produced no effefC«j^tt)(P<«w^ An Angel appears to David and tells him to bring the rods to Jerufalem. The rods heal the fick. CXXIV 12 The rods heal a leper. 13 cxxv ^itim{Ni2£ oft te^le^f^ 71?^ ri'^^'j turn three black men white. David /eaves the rods for the nights IJ cxxvu ^ M In the morning he finds the rods have taken root and have become one tree. David builds a wall round the miraculous tree. '7 CXXIX David compojes the Pfalms and praifes God, under the (hadow of the tree. K cxxx i8 Solomon orders the tree to be cut down and ufed in the Temple. Artificers fajhion the tree. The holy wood will fit nowhere. .21 CXXXlll Sf. Maximilla Jitting on the wood, her clothes catch alight. CXXXIV 22 Sl Maximilla propheftes concerning the wood. 23 cxxxv St. Maximillajcourged to death. CXXXVl 24 ^tt) Aet) Met outf/^iStt^ 7*^^ wo^^ u/ed as a foot-bridge over a brook. Tbe ^ueen of Sheba prefers wading through the brook^ to walking over the holy wood. cxxxvin 26 The ^een of Sbeba tells Solomon of the holy, nature of the wood. CXXXIX The holy wood is taken up. cxl tn?^ i?(?/y wood is carried into the 'Temple. Abias defpoils the holy wood of its precious covering. The Jews bury the holy wood. 31 cxliii Digging the Pool of Bethefda. cxliv 32 Tbejick being healed at the Tool of Bethejda. 33 cxlv fri\ "\immt mB |Doej^n!{f!u«fftoHf^ The High Prieji told of the difcovery of the holy wood. cxlvi 34 The holy wood is made into the Crofs. Cbrifi bearing the Crofs, cxlviii 3^ The Crucijixion. 37 cxlix Difciples adore the Crojs^ thejick are healed ^ and devils caji out. ^x^ The Jews bury the Crojjes, St. Helena comes to Jerujalem, :lii 40 *$*/. Helena calls together the Chief Jews. 41 cliii ^1 Judas is put into a dry well. of Urn wwbm^ifim iom Judas is liberated from confinement. Jui^as prays for Divine dire5fion» Jtt) imiMw bat tmotmit The CroJJes are dif covered. 45 civil St. Helena views the CroJJes, clviii 46 Hi i«)w