MAY 9 1919 Logical sen' DS 131 .W66 1919 Wild, Joseph, b. 1834. The lost ten tribes OBVERSE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. This device of the Great Seal was adopted by act of the Continental Congress, on June 20th, 1782, and re-adopted by the new Congress, September 15th, 1789. The act pro¬ vided for an obverse and a reverse , as set forth in this plate; the reverse is not used. This is a plate of the first and original Seal, which, by use, has been worn out. The one now in use is the second; it differs from the first in that, by an accident, seven arrows were left out of the eagle’s talon. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. - 0 - The following Discourses are presented to the public in book form, in response to the request of numerous friends. The reader will remember, however, that the vast subject of which they treat cannot be fairly and completely presented in such a volume as this. Also, it should be borne in mind, that the language style, and structure, are sermonic. When I first entered the ministry, I made up my mind that I would try and thoroughly understand the Scriptures. I soon found that a large portion was of a prophetic nature. I set to work according to the usual method, but to my sorrow I soon discovered that the method and rules in general use for Scrip¬ ture exegesis, were very defective and unsatisfactory. . The fact was forced upon me that the true method, or key of inter¬ pretation, was not in use. I was always persuaded that the Bible was a unit, and that the principles contained in such a unit were beautifully related; and because of such a. faith, I wondered more and more as I grew older why we had not a better key of interpretation. Men spiritualised at random, without any kind of a rule, except their own fancy. In this manner they expounded the material history of the Old Testa¬ ment. The whole arrangement was a Babel. I had faintly discerned that the Scriptures made a distinction between the House of Israel and the House of Judah, and that the prophecies belonging to one could not, in fairness, be ap¬ plied to the other; and that some prophecies applied to both. It always seemed strange to me, that the people which God said He had chosen for Himself, should not be known. The Jews were always known, but where was Israel, His inherit¬ ance”? Just at this point of my experience I came across a book, entitled “Our Israelitish Origin,” by the late John Wil¬ son, the reading of which confirmed me in my convictions, and aided me to a better knowledge of the good Book of Provi- dence. After some twenty years of experience, I began to teach the principles of interpretation embodied in these Discourses. The public were interested and profited with the same, as was manifest from the large and constant attendance thereon. By personal interviews and letters, I have been gratified to learn that many have been savingly and truly converted to God through these Discourses. Especially has this been the case with those who were infidel in faith and action towards God and His Word. For years I have also been greatly interested in Pyramid- ology, in the teachings of the Great Pyramid at Gizeh in Egypt. If one wants to go further and be specially informed on Pyra- midology, why, let them get “Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid,”* a work by Professor Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer- Royal of Scotland. To this man God has given a fine mind IV PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. and a large heart for a special place and work. But what pleases me above all, is that this Pyramid, being the Lord’s pillar, and His witness, should so finely tally with the Scrip¬ tures and Providence, that the teachings of this monument are in harmony with the principles of interpretation, as applied to the prophecies in these Discourses. The illustration of the ragged old stone, called Jacob’s Pil¬ lar, is not very distinct, but it will aid the reader in forming a better idea. The stone in shape is an oblong square, about 32 inches long, 13 broad, and 11 inches deep. At each end is an iron ring, much worn and rusted. It is a bluish steel.-like colour, mixed with some veins of red. It has been in its present resting-place over 600 years. The main idea I wish to convey in this book, is that God is conducting His Providence through His ancient chosen peo¬ ple, Israel, whom I believe are found in the Saxon race. And His throne on earth, through which flow the purposes of Provi¬ dence, is David’s throne, which I believe to be at present the English throne. The United States fulfills the role of the Tribe of Manasseh. Therefore, to understand the prophecies, Providence, and the present movements of nations, as well as the future lot and destiny of each, we must read the Scriptures in this light. God has made the children of Israel and throne of David His executive, in time, on earth. They are His 'executive for civilisation, evangelisation, order, and conquest. Through them God will conquer the world to an universal peace. As Moses was to God, so is Israel. Moses being a Divine executor, was to the people a god—so is Israel to all mankind. Spiritual Israel will come through literal Israel. I send forth this book with a pure desire that it may do good. Brooklyn, May 1st, 1879. Joseph Wild. —- o - PUBLISHER’S NOTE. The need of the hour is the revealing of Spiritual Israel which Dr. Wild saw more than forty years ago would come through literal Israel. How soon the author’s prophetic words will be fulfilled depends upon how soon literal Israel wakes to the recognition of that which alone will satisfy. Israel must be reconciled to her God. That reconciliation can come only- through the understanding of His will. That understanding and the “will to do His will” will appease the hunger, and quiet the universal unrest and bring about the true brother¬ hood, first, of the individual then as a consequence of nations. May all who read this book see and respond to the spiritual insight that pervades it. A list of books on the Great Pyramid may be had from the Pub¬ lisher of this book. THE LOST TEN TRIBES. Br JOSEPH WILD, D.D. Discourse I.—Key Distinctions. “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.”—1 Peter i. 19, 20. I am about to give you a few Discourses on Prophecy, and in doing so I desire, in the first place, to point out to you a few very important distinctions included in the prophecies. Sup¬ pose the Bible to be a great palace, with its royalty, royal children, servants, and subjects. You desire to go through it and view it intelligently, and to understand all about its inhabi¬ tants and laws of government; now to do so you must have keys, and you must learn who is who, their place, authority, and work. If not so qualified, you could not pass from room to room, and you might confound the King with some servant and visitors might be mistaken for the children of the house¬ hold. Thus your ideas would be considerably mixed; you would be guilty of talking about the King when you really meant some servant, and of prophesying for the royal children in the name of the visitors. The years would come and go, but events would not happen as you had prophesied. Each generation would take your report and follow in your foot¬ steps, thus confusion and disappointment would keep pace with the passing generations. What is here made a matter of supposition has been a solemn fact on the line of human experience. Men have studied the Bible and Providence in this ignorant and confused way. Theologians have thrown aside all restraints, and well- defined limitations and distinctions of the Bible in their assumed liberty of expounding _ and spiritualising the same. No matter to them that there is a God-revealed distinction between Judah and Israel, Manasseh and Ephraim, Samaritans and Gentiles, and the throne of David and the throne of the heathen. Writers and speakers are guilty of using the words Judah and Israel in a synonymous sense, though the words stand for different people, history, and prophecies, soon after the descendants of Jacob settled in Palestine. To aid you in seeing this historical confusion and folly, let me call your attention to them separately. 6 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. Judah. What does this word stand for in the Bible? In the first place it is the name of the fourth son of Jacob. In the second place it was the name of his direct descendants or Tribe. In the third place it became the name of the portion of the country occupied by this Tribe in the Promised Land. In the fourth place it became the name of a kingdom and government; this fourth name included the Tribe of Benjamin and their terri¬ tory. In the fifth place it became the name of the whole country of Palestine, and is now often so used. To-day this word stands for those we call Jews, who, as they allow among themselves, represent and only include Judah and Levi. On the death of Solomon the country and Tribes finally separated into two Houses, kingdoms, and governments. Nine Tribes went with Jeroboam, and three with Rehoboam—name¬ ly, Judah, Levi, and Benjamin. The nine-tribed House was called Israel, the three-tribed House Judah. This separation was about 975 b.c. (1 Kings xii.). From that day to this these two Houses have never been united; but they are to be, as scores of statements to that effect are in the good Book (Hosea 1. ii). About 580 b.c. the House of Judah was taken captive into Babylon, remaining 70 years, then they returned to their own land, and remained till the year of our Lord 70, when Jerusalem was destroyed and they were scattered. Prophecies referring to the Jews are numerous and in striking contrast to those that refer to Israel. 1. The Jews were to be a scattered people. 2. A specially persecuted peo¬ ple. 3. To be without a nationality. 4. To be without govern¬ ment. 5. Not to be owners of landed property, though they will have money, until toward the latter days. 6. They were to be a proverb. 7. They were to be few in number. 8. They are to retain a special type of features. 9. They were to be repeatedly robbed. 10. They were to reject Christ. 11. To retain the Mosaic service till returned to their own land. 12. They are to keep their name, and many such distinctions, none of which should be applied to Israel. All these things have been and are fulfilled, or fulfilling, and though men are wonderfully given to spiritualising, few if any, venture to spiritualise Judah’s curses. Men and ministers calling them¬ selves Gentiles, are rude enough to spiritualise the blessings of Judah, and stealing them, apply them to themselves. Israel. 1. A name given to Jacob after wrestling with the Angel. 2. A term applied sometimes to all the descendants of Jacob. 3. In a spiritual sense, those who believe in Christ. 4. A name that covered and included the nine Tribes which went with Jeroboam and formed the kingdom of Israel. They remained a distinct kingdom, and till now a nationality. From 975 to KEY DISTINCTIONS 7 725 b.c., they had some nineteen kings. They were finally carried captive into Assyria by Shalmaneser (2 Kings xvii.). From that captivity they have never returned; as a body they never can, only representatives, as stated in Jer. iii. 14, “One of a city, and two of a family.” Now prophecy points out that it was Israel that was to be lost for a while, and come to light in the latter day. They are known in the Scriptures in contradistinction from others by such terms as the following: “ All Israel,” “All the House of Israel wholly,” “The House of Israel,” “Men of Israel,” and God calls them His “Servants, Witnesses, Chosen People, In¬ heritance, and Seed.” The lot, course, and providential portion of this people are very marked from any other, especially from the Jew, with whom they are so often confounded. The his¬ tory of the two peoples have been wide apart and as different as they well could be. 1. They were to be lost. 2. They were to be divorced from the Mosaic law. 3. They were to lose their name. 4. They were to lose their language. 5. They were to possess the isles of the sea, coasts of the earth, waste and desolate places, to inherit the portion of the Gentiles, their seed, land, and cities. 6. They were to be great and successful colonisers. 7. Before them other people are to die out. 8. They are to be a head nation. 9. To be a company of nations. 10. To be great in war on land or sea. 11. To be lenders of money. 12. To have a monarchy. 13. To be keepers of the Sabbath. 14. To have. David’s throne and seed ruling over them. 15. They are to possess Palestine, and invite their brethren of Judah to return. And thus I might repeat some sixty positive marks and dis¬ tinctions setting forth Israel; and yet men wilfully persist in confounding them with the Jews, or looking for this great and favoured people of the Lord among the lowest of human kind, Indians, Africans, and so on. Samaritans. The Samaritans were not Jews or Israelites, strictly speak¬ ing. They of course became Jewish in their customs and wor¬ ship. Originally they were Assyrians. When the nine tribes were carried captive, they were brought and put in their place. “And the King of Assyria brought them from Babylon and from Cuthah, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria, instead of the children of Israel” (2 Kings xvii. 24). The Jews and the Samaritans never wholly mixed; one was always distaste¬ ful to the other. They never were taken captive, and to this day they live in and about Mount Scychar, numbering between three and four hundreds. Benjamin. The Tribe of Benjamin has a singular and special place in 8 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. the history of Israel and Judah. Neither the Old or New Testament can be well understood unless one understands the place of this tribe in Providence. They were always counted one of the Ten Tribes, and reckoned with them in the pro¬ phetic visions. They were only loaned to Judah about 800 years. Read 1 Kings xi. They were to be a light for David in Jerusalem. God, forseeing that the Jews would reject Christ, kept back this one Tribe to be in readiness to receive Him, and so they did. At the destruction of Jerusalem they escaped and after centuries of wanderings turn up as the proud and haughty Normans. Finally, they unite with the other Tribes under William the Conqueror. A proper insight into the work and mission of Benjamin will greatly aid one in interpreting the New Testament. He was set apart as a missionary Tribe, and at once set to work to spread the Gospel of Jesus. Most of the disciples were Benjaminites. Then, after 800 years of fellowship with Judah, they were cut loose and sent after their brethren of the House of Israel. It was needful that the Lion and the Unicorn should unite. Manasseh and Ephraim. The history of these two representative characters is worth your careful study. The whole of the circumstances of Jacob blessing them must be accepted as Divinely directed. Manasseh was to be a great people, and so I believe he is. In the United States I find this promise literally fulfilled. This is the Key to the settlement of this land; to the agitations of the Pilgrims and Puritans in England. The mission, work, and place of the United States may be found in the prophecies relating to this Tribe. Let anyone examine the great seal of the United States, and study its design, and surprise will fill the mind that facts, Providence, and prophecies do so wonder¬ fully agree. Take the obverse side. Here you have an eagle with outstretched wings; the bird is perfect, not double-headed and deformed, as in other cases where the eagle has been or is the national bird. The striped escutcheon on its breast, in its beak a scroll inscribed with a motto, ‘E plnrbus Unnm ”— one out of many, as Manasseh was, and as the country is build¬ ing up a grand nationality and oneness out of all nations nearly. Over the head of the eagle there is a glory —the parting of clouds by light; in the opening appear thirteen stars forming a constellation argent, on an azure field. In the dexter or right talon is an olive branch a symbol of peace; in the sinister or left talon is a bundle of thirteen arrows. But it is on the re¬ verse side of the great seal that we have a wonder. Here we have an unfinished Pyramid; a portion of the top is gone, ex¬ actly the same as the Great Pyramid of Egypt is at this day. Anticipating this very day (Isa. xix. 19) : “In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and KEY DISTINCTIONS 9 for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. Now it is somewhat singular that the Congress of 1782 should have adopted so remarkable a sign, one that would witness to God and tell of their origin. The reverse side is the under side, and shows from whence the nation came, and on what it is built. In the zenith—that is, above the top of the Pyra¬ mid—is a triangle surrounded by a glory; and in the centre is an all-seeing eye. Over the eye we have Annuit Coeptis, which means, “He prospers our beginning.” On the base of the Pyra¬ mid we have in letters, 1776, and underneath the following motto —'“Novus or do seclorum” meaning a “New era in the ages. ” The suggestion of the items upon the great seal was from Sir John Prestwich, Bart., an Englishman. He gave the suggestions to the American Minister, John Adams, and thus the same were conveyed to the Congress and adopted.. We have in the facts of the great seal a series of coincidents that connect this country with the Tribe of Manasseh. When the Tribes marched, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh went together on the West side of the ark, for their homes were Westward. On their battalion banner was the figure of a youth, denoting activity, with the motto, “The cloud of Jehovah rest on them, even when they go forth out of the camp. Plere we have the origin of the cloud on the seal. And when we remember that Manasseh was brought up at the foot of the Pyramid, and could see it from his palace home at Memphis, then we get a cue to the figure of the Pyramid on the seal * The Pyramid. The Pyramid is a wonderful witness for God and His people. This building in Egypt has stood for upwards of 4,000 years, finished and complete, it stood for about 3,000 before anybody ventured to find a way into it. lhen, at a great cost of men, money, and time, a way was forced in by an Arab chief. There surely is something remarkable that the only thing found in it should be a stone trough, and more singular to my mind, that the Ark of the Covenant and this stone trough should be of equal capacity; and the laver in which the priest washed his feet in the temple was exactly of the same size. And Solo¬ mon’s molten sea contained just as much water as would fill the King’s chamber in which this trough was found. Can any man know these things and believe them to be accidental? Verily not. They do most assuredly pledge a God and Provi¬ dence. EPHRAIM. This word is not only the name of Joseph’s son and the Tribe, but it is used quite frequently in a generic sense, and *Essay on “Manasseh and the United States,” by the author, now out of print. 10 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. stands for the Ten Tribes and Manasseh. To Reuben by birth¬ right was the lead politically, but it was taken from him and given to Joseph, and so to Ephraim. From Judah came the Chief Ruler—that is, Christ; but the birthright was Joseph’s (1 Chron. v. 1). THRONE OF DAVID. To this throne God pledged under oath a perpetuity. Also He pledged that some one of David’s seed should always be on it. The throne and seed are pledged an unconditional exist¬ ence. This being so, it follows that they must be now in existence, and that finally all thrones will be swallowed up by this one. Queen Victoria is of David, and the English throne is David’s. Hence all the promises and prophecies referring to David’s throne may be found on this line. For prophecy not being of private interpretation such facts may be proven. GENTILES. The word Gentile generally embraces all those nations and people outside of the Twelve Tribes. Keeping these few dis¬ tinctions in mind you will be enabled to read the Bible inter¬ estingly and with the proper understanding. Prophetic evi¬ dence is a strong kind of proof. Study the Word on this line and you will find Providence and history lending glorious con¬ firmation to the same. Discourse II.— Ti-ie Promise: Israel—The Gates. Israel—How the Gates of His Enemies are to be Given Him — By this Sign Lost Israel may be Known—The Giving will Correspond to the Multiplying—The Promise, in This Day, is Rapidly Fulfilling — England, Disraeli and “Tan- cred” and Russia. “That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will mul¬ tiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.”—Gen. xxii. 17. Under a Divine oath was this prophetic promise made to Abraham. At the time it was given Abraham had, by com¬ mand, offered his only son Isaac, which offering, to all human appearance, would leave the old patriarch again childless; but his faith staggered not, for human incompetence does not circumscribe the bond of Divine sufficience. The God who commanded Abraham to offer, recalled the command at a cer¬ tain stage of the fulfilment, counting the faith of Abraham for ISRAEL AND THE GATES 11 righteousness. In Abraham’s faith Isaac was really sacrificed; hence the Divine approval: “By Myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.” An oath with men in this day does not mean in the way of con¬ firmation, but not so with God’s oath. An oath ought to be sacred, and should be the end of doubt and strife. God made a promise to Abraham, and because He could swear by no greater, He sware by Himself. And Abraham lived to see the promise begin to fulfil, and to-day the heirs of Abraham may look and see the same promise fulfilling, for, as Paul says in Heb. vi. 17: “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath.” Who are the heirs of promise? For to them belong many and precious promises, both spiritual and temporal. Spiritually, they are to lead and be responsible for the evangelization of the world. Temporally, they are to be a numerous seed, a powerful people. They are to occupy the ends of the earth, the uttermost parts of the earth, the coasts of the earth, the waste and the desolate places of the earth, the isles of the sea, the heathen, as an inheritance. They are to inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited; they are to be the chief of nations; they are to be a company of nations; they are to be a great people; they are to possess the gates of their enemies. Surely such a people should be found, for all these things make it impossibel for them to be hid in a corner. One cannot help saying with the Psalmist: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.” In the English Court of Chancery are vast sums of money, large fortunes waiting for heirs. The court frequently adver¬ tises for them and many in every land respond and are eager to prove their claims; they are anxious to be known and accepted as the descendants and lawful heirs of certain testators. It is oftentimes difficult to establish their claims and prove satis¬ factorily their identity. The court demands that the evidences of heirship be very definite. In this they are right. But we venture to say that even the English Court of Chancery would not turn away a claimant who had all the distinct marks and abounding evidence of identity that mark and characterize the children of Abraham, especially so in the latter day, for then these characteristics art to be clearer and fuller. The Jews are known; they have been known all down the centuries; they have not been able to hide themselves. In keeping with the Word of God they have fulfilled up to the present time the prophecies attaching to them. In all the 12 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. world they are estimated to number some eleven millions. The Jews include the children of Judah and Levi; these Two Tribes only. The Jews themselves consent to this statement, and al¬ low that the descendants of Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph and Benjamin, are lost, but not extinct. They are in the world, for God has not cast away His people for ever. If the Two Tribes give us eleven millions, how many should we expect the Ten Tribes to furnish? Most certainly not less than forty-five millions. To the Ten Tribes the special promises of fruitfulness were given. To the Ten Tribes belong a greater portion of prophecy; and in the history of the world more is allotted to Israel than to Judah. Indeed, the world’s history pivots on the Ten Lost Tribes. I believe you know the God-revealed distinction between the words Israel and Judah. You know that they have a distinct history. Their place and work, promises and blessings, chas¬ tisements and rebukes, are as distinct and different as silver and gold. The spiritual heirs of Abraham are all who are embraced in the saving and atoning covenant of grace in Christ. I do not say all who believe, for there will be more in heaven without faith than those with—namely, all those who have died before the years of responsibility, with many of the Pagan world who, never having heard of the Saviour, have therefore never denied Him. In a spiritual sense, they are children. I believe in this matter with Paul, who says, when writing to the Romans, chap, ii.: “There is no respect of person^with God; for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves; which show the work of the law writ¬ ten in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing, or else excusing one another.” Thus, under the law which governs the Pagan, I presume many will be saved and many lost, just as under the law of the Gospel. In Abraham all nations will be blessed, spiritually. In this sense Abraham’s seed embraces persons of every age, clime and race. But who are the seed of Abraham according to the flesh? We answer, the descendants of the Twelve Tribes. Now to the natural seed the Bible assigns a distinct work and place. This natural seed is divided in the Bible, the word Israel standing generally for the Ten Tribes, and Judah for Two Tribes. These divisions have separate paths appointed them to walk in through the centuries. “All the House of Israel wholly,” “the whole House of Israel,” “all the House of Israel,” have a special work. The Ten Tribes are especially called in the Scriptures the seed of Abraham. Sometimes “My chosen,” again, “Mine inheritance,” and “My servant.” God, in refer- ISRAEL AND THE GATES 13 ing to them in their scattered state, and of His gathering them together, say (Isa. xli. 8) : “But thou, Israel, art My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen; the seed of Abraham My friend— thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art My servant; I have chosen thee and not cast thee away.” The Ten Tribes are sometimes designated by the word Jacob. If we once get a clear idea who the seed are, then we can search among the people of the earth to find them, because in the latter day they were to be so different from other people, and dis¬ tinctly marked, we will have no great difficulty in finding them. Of the special marks, one was they were to possess the gates of their enemies. The multitudinous seed and other character¬ istics we will pass by for the present. This seed were to possess the gates of their enemies; of this we are assured by the oath of God. The word gate here, you will admit, is used in a generic sense. It means a place of prominence, a position of strength, a strategical point, as' the entrance into a city. Remembering that in olden times the cities were walled around, the gate was an important point of defence; or, as the narrow entrance into a bay, like the entrance into New York Bay or port, the Narrows we call them. Here our cities, New York and Brooklyn, could best and first be defended. Again, a gate in the general vernacular means any stronghold: a tower, an island, a mountain pass. Now, of this seed it is plainly stated that they shall possess the gates of their enemies. The text would be very finely illustrated if we supposed that Mexico held Governor’s Island, in the middle of our bay,* and defiantly dictated to us doctrines of trade, politics, and religion. As arrogant and as impudent as this would seem, yet such is the case with this seed of Abraham and other nations. Believing that the Saxon race are the Ten Lost Tribes, it then follows that the English nation is the chief representa¬ tive of these Tribes, and that they should be in possession of the gates of their enemies. Are they? We answer, yes. And every year confirms and makes more clear the answer. This you say is a theory. Grant it. You know that in science a theory is formed and then applied. If you form a theory about the tides or formation of the planets or this world, your theory with others is applied to known facts to see if it will fit them, to see if it will account for them, and to see if it is in harmony with the same. Now science accepts that theory which applies best, that which accounts for facts the most reasonably, and harmonizes the most naturally. Such theory is then the science of the day, and will be so accepted and so taught until it is sup¬ planted by a better. Try, then, the theory I have advanced by these rules. ♦This discourse was delivered when the Author was Pastor of a Brooklyn Church. 14 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. Take the Channel Islands in the English Channel, between England and France, nearer to the French shore than England; the inhabitants, being a majority of them French, speaking French. Yet when France was England’s greatest and most dangerous enemy, England held then, as now, the gates of her enemies. Properly speaking, and adjudged by any human rule, they belong to France—as naturally as the island of Heligoland, at the mouth of the Elbe, belongs to Germany. Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Suez Canal, Island of Perim in the Straits of Babelmandeb in the Red Sea, and Socotra in the same sea; also Aden in the Red Sea covering Arabia; Peshawur, the very en¬ trance of or from India into Afghanistan. In and around the vast empire of India you have Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, with many similar strongholds; Rangoon, on the Ira wadi river, commanding and ever menacing Burmah. The vast empire of China is carefully guarded and held in check by such gates as Singapore, Malacca, Penang, Hong Kong and Cowloon. Sara¬ wak in Borneo, and Labuan off the coasts, are such gates. Africa is being gradually gobbled up; her strongholds and vast areas of country are falling into the hands of England; the coasts are fast coming under British rule. Quite recently England has come into possession of two gates—namely, the island of Socotra near the Red Sea and the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean; and by arrangement with the Sublime Porte for a controlling influence in Egypt. It was also recently stated that England was negotiating with Portugal for Delogoa Bay in South-eastern Africa; price, three million dollars. But this people are not satisfied with all these gates. So now they have pretended to be insulted by Shere Ali, the Emir of Cabul, that they can begin negotiations of plunder and conquest. They want—and they will get what they want in a very short time, thank Heaven; not what they deserve!—they want the famous Khyber Pass. This pass is a narrow road between mountain rocks that rise over two thousand feet at the lowest point. It is some twenty-eight miles long, while for twenty- two miles the average width is only 150 feet. The Eastern end the English already hold, called the Peshawur Pass. 15 Discourse III.—Israel and Territory. Promises to Israel—Material Nature—Location of the Tribes in Christ’s Day — God’s Providence—British and Ameri¬ can Rule—Life from Dead—Teaching the Nations Peace¬ ful Arbitration—England and Russia—Afghanistan Falls to Anglo-Israel — God’s Political Geography — Anglo- Saxon Evangelization—Russia Opposing It—British and Russian Outposts ,; in Contact—Wail of Judah — Earth’s Girdle. “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.”—Isaiah liv. 2, 3. In the writings of the prophets the feminine gender is often used when speaking of the House of Israel, and the masculine when denoting the House of Judah. Quite frequently Israel is spoken of as a divorced woman, as being cast off, and as being barren. Judah remaining faithful to the throne of David and the temple service, and abiding in the land much longer than Israel, is presented as one married. So you will understand Jeremiah iii. 8, when he says: “And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce. Again, Isaiah 1. 1: “Thus saith the Lord, Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement whom I have put away ? ’ Yet, though Israel was divorced, forsaken, cast off, and desolate, she was to have more children than married Judah. So the verse preceding the text says: “Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud thou that didst not travail with child; for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.” Then come the words of the text, bidding her enlarge the place of her tent, or dwelling-place, to stretch forth her curtains, so as to cover over the new-gotten habitations. To spare not—that is, to be not tardy or slow—in lengthening out her cords that is, her influence—and strengthen her stakes—that is, her authority; but to break forth on every hand where there is an opening, and inherit the seed of the Gentiles, and make the languishing and poverty-stricken cities of the nations to be inhabited, m this conquest to go on and fear not. . , , These exhortations are given, and promises are made *° Israel after she had left Palestine. No one can say truthfully that they have yet been fulfilled in any degree or sense, unless they find such fulfilment in the conquests of the Saxon race. These predictions cannot apply to the Jews, for they are few, 16 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. nationless, and without a government. Touching the past history of both Judah and Israel in Palestine, we shall find it to be barren of victories, territory, acquisition, and number, in comparison to other nations. They have never occupied the land given to Abraham in fulness. In Solomon’s time they bare rule only over a part of it. The Gentiles and heathen have occupied it more and longer than the sons of Abraham. But what failed to be accomplished in the past, is held grandly in reserve for this day, the next few years. God will remem¬ ber His promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. He will remember it, and fulfil it. We have been blind and guilty in the past, unconscious of our origin, and as a natural consequence, ignorant of our place and special work. In interpreting the Word of God we have been lavish in spiritualising, and greedy in materialising, over¬ looking the fact that nine-tenths of the Old Testament is a material history about one people, and that through them God’s special providence was to flow to all other nations; and the New Testament plants the life and prosperity of the Gen¬ tile world upon the course and progress of Israel. God said to Abraham, “In these shall all the families of the earth be blessed”; and more, “and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” Israel, being scattered and cast off, became a blessing to the world. They gave to the surrounding nations the only true idea of God, for in their lowest condition and idolatry they preserved the name and knowledge of Je¬ hovah, and Christ sent His disciples after them through one of their own tribe—namely, Benjamin—telling them not to go into the way of the Gentiles, nor into the cities of the Samari¬ tans, “but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” To these sheep Christ declares He was sent. Where were these sheep? They were scattered about in Central Asia—in Scriptural language in Cappadocia, Galatia, Pamphylia, Lydia, Bithynia, and round about Illyricum. From these very regions came the Saxons; from here they spread abroad North and West, being the most Christian of any people on the face of the earth then, as well as now. Their reception of the Gospel gave them power over the surrounding nations, to whom they were, as it had been foretold, witnesses for Jesus and provi¬ dence in a very special manner. What, then, we say with Paul, will be the blessing of Israel—recognised and fully restored to God’s favour? If so much good was carried and bestowed upon the Gentile nations because Israel was scattered, how much, and what are the blessings in store for those nations when Israel and Judah be restored? Paul compares it to a resurrection— like as when the barrenness and desolation of a winter is sup¬ planted by the fruits and beauties of summer. “If the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the re¬ ceiving of them be, but life from the dead?” (Rom. xi. 15). It is reasonable to suppose that this world is subject to the providence of God. Such a supposition is grandly sustained ISRAEL AND TERRITORY 17 by the laws and operations of nature without, and the experi¬ ence and intuitions of the mind within; and I believe this provi¬ dence to be all-comprehensive, bounding, and recognising all things past, present, and future, both small and great; claim¬ ing the ages for its measure, the universe for the field of its operations, and the Infinite as the source of power. “The Lord Jehovah reigns, let the earth rejoice.” Let me persuade you to thoroughly believe in the precision, the intimacy, and the completeness of this providence. This doctrine we need to fully learn and accept. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and it is He “who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and meted out heaven with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance.” Aye, and more, jet closer still does this provi¬ dence approach us in our affairs. “By Him kings reign and princes decree judgment. He bringeth the princes to nothing; He maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.” Even closer yet, for without His permission a sparrow cannot fall to the ground; and so intimate is He with us, that He knoweth the number of the hairs of the head. Now all this kind of Bible instruc¬ tion is intended to teach the nearness of God to us, and His interest and intimacy with nations and nature. Let us not think for a moment that nations can rush to war and be outside of this circle of providence. Let us study to know God s mind, His plans and purposes with the nations; for rest satisfied that His plan will finally be accepted by men and nations, and His purposes will prevail. Kings may plan, diplomatists may dip¬ lomatise, scientists may analyse, theologians may teach and preach their isms, and politicians may make platforms and con¬ struct rings, yet none, nor all combined, can stay the hand of God. “He doeth according to His will in the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. He can initiate, permit, modify, and destroy. Once we truly recognise the sovereignty of God over us, conceit will lie dead at the feet of humility. . , , , , . The Church at large has but a slender hold upon this great doctrine. They look upon the great movement of wars and strife rising and falling of nations, as looks the country stran¬ ger upon a railway engine the first time, the whirling wheels, the steam and smoke and burnished boiler rivet his attention so completely, that he sees not the driver in his car. So men are dazed with the show and pomp of courts and councils, with the harangues of legislators and march of regiments that they discern not the master hand behind that directs all. Verily Thou art a God that hidest Thyself.” No, no, friends; English bravery nor American ingenuity will not account for* 3 all that England has done on the line of victories, and the marvellous and rapid growth of these United States. As God said long ago through Moses, so He could say to¬ day_for heavenly counsel was given to the children of Israel 18 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. on entering the Promised Land, with the design of suppress¬ ing their pride and enabling them to form a correct idea of their success in driving out the strong and great nations of Canaanites and Philistines—“Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the Lord thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying: For my righteousness the Lord hath brought me in to possess this land; but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord doth drive them out from before thee. Not for thy righteousness, or the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess the land, but for the wickedness of those nations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, that He may perform the word which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Understand, therefore, that the Lord thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness, for thou art a stiffnecked people” (Deut. ix. 4). By the same rule and for the very same reason that Israel conquered Palestine, does England go on from conquest to conquest. And because God remembered to perform His promises made to the patriarchs upon their seed, America was opened for the Puritans, who are without doubt the descend¬ ants and representatives of Manasseh, of whom God said he should be a people, a great people. The rule of England and America over other people is as life from the dead—that is, whatever country England con¬ quers and rules, it is better for the people, and the country, and the world. They give to the people a liberty that they would not have given to themselves; they develop the resources of the country as never before and by trade and commerce bless the people and cause them to be a blessing unto others. And better still, they make known to the conquered ones, in due time, the riches of faith in Christ. So we have no hestitation in saying a thing patent to every unprejudiced observer, that the aborgines of the conquered colonies of Great Britain are treated better by their conquerors than they ever treated them¬ selves. The Africans, in the conquered colonies of Africa, are better off under British rule than those colonies or portions unconquered are. The hosts of India enjoy more, fare better in every grace and virtue in all that goes to adorn and develop mankind, under the British government and protection than they ever did or would under self-government. So the French, Germans, Italians, Russians, Spaniards, and the numerous progeny of emigrants to this country, fare better in every way with Manasseh than they did in their own lands. Of course, both in England’s rule and America’s there are many defects; but taking all in all, the good will out-weigh the bad ; and more so as the years roll on. True, an arbitrary purpose and an individualism is seen on the surface, yet under it all there is the hand of God.. The farmer is free as to what he sows, but the Divine, without interfering with his freedom, regulates the harvest to plenty or ISRAEL AND TERRITORY 19 famine. The Saxon people, England and America, stand in a new light to the world by the teachings of the Bible. Being Israel or the Lost Ten Tribes, they become at once the chosen agents of God for the glorious purpose of evangelising the whole world, and finally, by reducing the whole earth to the plane of universal liberty and peace. It was necessary that these two nations should be first taught the art of mediation, for the ends of peace ; that they should learn and show to the world that national disputes and grievances can be settled without an appeal to the sword. Hence we have, and what is much better, the world has, Geneva and Alabama and the fish bounty treaty of Canada and the United States. Not all the press did on either side, not all the carping and blustering of individuals, could prevent the happy consum¬ mation of both these treaties. To God be praise, for they are prophetic harbingers of a better day coming. No hand nor power, nor combination of powers, can stop the onward march of Israel to her God-ordained goal. Her future is to spread on the right hand and on the left. Island after island, colony after colony, will fall into her hand for mutua benefit. Russia may contest this march, and will, for she is as much the appointed agent of contest from Heaven as England is to advance. In a few years she will try to take the place of England among the nations, as she has just done in Afghanis¬ tan Russia promised, no doubt, Shere Ali, that they would and could protect him against England, but the bargain was outside of the aims of Providence, hence it could not be sus¬ tained. It is ordained of Heaven that Afghanistan fall into the hands of England, if England be Israel. . Against this fate-like division of the world Russia is going to contend and fight whenever she gets a chance. It would pay Russia and many other countries to read that When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel Heut. xxxii. 8). These bounds God will maintain wherever they run; whatever country they cut in two, no matter, the earth must finally conform to this Divine geography. This Purpose H strongly set forth by Isaiah xliv. 7: “And who as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for Me, since appointed the ancient people ? and the things that are coming and shall come.” This same sturdy fact is taught by Paul when speaking to the Athenians, telling them that God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and tie bounds of their habitations .” National destinies are not so much things of chance, or prizes for the sword, as many think God promised to David, when both Israel and Judah were prosperously settled in Palestine under David s reign that He would appoint a place for His people Israel, and plant them there, and they should not be moved, neither should the 20 THE LOST TEN TRIBES. wicked afflict them as aforetime (2 Sam. vii. 10). This prom¬ ise God has kept. He has given them the British Isles, where none can afflict them, as they were wont to do when Israel was scattered in Asia and Europe. God has found Manasseh a home in this land of blessings and rich acres. England, by a necessity, was forced to find new countries to provide for her multiplying population. Then she is forced to enter other nations as a missionary. She, with Manasseh, is chiefly responsible for the evangelization of the world, and of course they are at work all over the world, for England and the United States send out more missionaries than all the world beside. Russia needs no land for colonization, for now her inhabitants number only thirty-four to the square mile, while England numbers 389. If we take in all the territory under Russia and England, even then England has more to the square mile than Russia. Russia comprises about 8,000,000 square miles, and England, with her late additions, leaving out the United States, numbers about 9,000,000. Joining Ephraim and Manasseh together, they own one-fourth of the whole world—namely, about 13,000,000 square miles; the whole earth numbers 51,340,800 square miles. Besides, Russia is not a missionary country. She neither sends any nor accepts any, being at present the only nation closed to missionary opera¬ tion and toleration. The past few years Russia has gained rapidly in territorial power. With the conquest of Bokhara and portions of Turkestan, or Independent Tartary, she has added some 800,000 square miles. At the beginning of the last century the Russian advance forts were 2,500 miles distant from those of England. At the close of the century the distance was 2,000. Then in 1810 it was reduced to 1,000. And since 1855 it has been reduced to 400. And now, of course, they want it reduced to nothing by getting control of Afghanistan. How wonderfully clear are the fulfilling events of the proph¬ ecy. This king of the North is to become a strong king, who, when Israel and Judah are settled in Palestine, will have spirit and power to attack them. So he is ripening, growing, and gathering power ready. Russia now comprises nine crowns, eight of which are crowns of conquest. Russia’s one grand de¬ sire is to possess Palestine, especially Jerusalem. The Crimean war was waged for rights and extended privileges in the holy city. To-day Russian pilgrims swarm thither by the thousands every year. A few years ago she built outside of the Jaffa gate what she called an hospice, which was designed to be nothing more nor less than a fort. It is in a position command¬ ing the whole city, and is a place of great strength. Often she has tried to possess the city and land. By-and-bye she will be permitted by Providence to pour her troops into this “land of unwalled villages,” and when having nearly achieved the am¬ bitious plan of ages, and nearly realised her one great na¬ tional idea, she will perish, to rise no more, “on the mountains ISRAEL AND TERRITORY 21 of Israel.” Her history is set forth by Ezekiel xxxvm. and xxxix. chapters. , . ,. ., r- Palestine and Jerusalem have borne undeniable evidence tor prophecy and Providence. The whole land and the Book have been wonderfully agreed during the past nineteen centuries How significant and telling the wailings and lamentations ot the devout Jews who crowd under the walls of the mosque of Omar, the site of the ancient tel ^JP le * Here, each returning Sabbath, groups of Jews may be heard dolefully crying A bene, Ali bene; bene bethka; bekarob, bimheira, bimheira, beyamenu, bekarob,” which, being interpreted means Lord build, Lord build; build Thy house speedily, m haste, m haste, even in our day build Thy house speedily. Yes mourning brethren of Judah, the time is coming when the house shall be built and the voice of wailing no more heard in the streets. Can anv student or inquirer after the truth fail to see that in our day a prophecy is being fulfilled? Can anyone shut their eyes to the wonderful fact that Israel is breaking forth on the leTand on the right? God has long ago said that Israe were the people of His inheritance, and that Jacob was the ot of His inheritance, or His girdle, or cord, as the word lot means. Then, if you turn your attention to Great Britain a her colonies including Manasseh, you will see this g measuring Hne around® the earth. Let me aid you by pointing the same'out for you. Look at the East* j m r S'fe-‘pass inclosing the Gentile nations. Begin with Great Britain, pass on to fhe Channel Islands, Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus West Coast African Colonies, St. Helena Cape Colonies Maantms, Sevchelles Perim, Aden, Ceylon, India, Burmah, Straus S tlements Labuan, Australian Colonies, Hong Kong, and Dominion of Canada^ In 'SanTXw British ^Honduras, “^"ds a^d Newfoundland ^ see that Israel is possessing the isles of the s