FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PMaioa cTV^ £> Section f££ D7 c* iff) 'ST' trjn t# nin;6( P!$B 8 1936 s Psalms & Players IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN, ISAAC im:. WISE, J^ISTJD OTHBES. BLOCH iffe opr roem tu fiefjfl", nefrmt bcinen Sie tin, bete in iliUer flnbadjt ba£, n>a3 bem Jpcrj wrtangt, bi* ber §?cr» fcfter ben ®otteebten(i ercffRet. 1* ©a$ ©ptteSbattS. iiiitS'ie lieb(id) [tub Xetne Jpatfen, £err ber ^>eerfd>avi- rtn! eg sertangt, eg f e 1> n t fid> meine 8eete nad) bem SSorfyofe beg £erm; meiit £eq unb mein ganjeg 2Be- fen jaud)$en bem (ebenbia,en ©otte entrant." £ier in £etnem Xempef, wo 3grael £ir fid) nabt, atlgiitiger unb gnabenretdjer 23ater, §ter empftnbe id) Xeine fyet* lige 9ta()e, l^etne eubfofe ©nabe ojfenbart fidj ber biirflenben Seete, £eine ©iite unb £eine Sie^c er= f$(iejjen |ldj bem fyarrenben £erjen, unb eg laufdjt ber tyimmltfcfyen SBotfdjaft: „$ebret $u mir juriid unb id? werbe 3U eu<^ jurutffe&ren;" eg oernimmt bie Seete bie gnabenreicfye 33erbeij?una, : „Unb eg foil a,e|"d)eben, ebe fie nodj rufen, wifl idj antworren, wabrenb fie nod) foremen, Witt id) fd)on erfyoren." £ier fiible id), bag id) bin Xetn .ft tub unb £u bijl metn Safer; Xu bift ber Jpiiter 3*JraeI^ unb bewabrft mit ^atertreue jebeg 2 a mm Xeiner Jpeerbe. W6$c £ir rooMgefaflig feiu/ o £err, beg bemiitbigen ilinbeg latlenbe Stimme beg £anfeg, fur all' bie £u(b unb ®nabe, womit £>u bag fterblid)e ©efd)opf, ben fdjmad)en ©projfen 5Ibam'g erquideft. 14 II.— Peace of the Soul. M Y soul rejoices in the heavenly peace which reigns in the tabernacle of Thy glory, forshadow- ing the profound and eternal peace which sur- rounds the saintly souls in the tabernacle of eternity, O Lord, when I am weary with struggle, when my heart is sore from the combats and discords of the world ; when the perpetual dissension of the passions and the blind conten- tion of ambition, avarice and haughtiness be- nighten my soul, mortify my conscience, and fill me with dissatisfaction and mourning ; O Lord, Father of peace, then I hasten into Thy tabernacle, where the rays of thy glory fill my soul with peace and concord, satisfaction and happiness ; for which I render thanksgiving and adoration to Thee, Eternal source of peaoe. " My soul yearneth, yea, it panteth after the courts of God," for here in Thy holy presence are life and happiness everlasting. Wherever the pilgrim sets the weary sole of his foot, he stands upon a grave, the grave of a decayed creature ; every spot of this sublunar world speaks of change, death, decay and corruption ; except Thy Temple, O Lord of Hosts, where life and truth, eternal light and happiness are revealed from Thy throne of glory, and the immortal soul listens with delight to the heavenly promise of everlasting peace and eternal bliss. 15 2* &eeUnftieben. K&$ freut ftdj tneine ©eele beg fyimmlifdjen griebeng, ber ba burdjroetjt ben Ztmptl £)etner £errltdjfeit (5r ijt etrt 23ilb beg ewigen unb fyeiltgen griebeng, ber bie (&ttltn Reiner fjeimgegangenen ^inbcr im Sempet. ber Smigfett urngtbt. SBenn ermiibet $om $ampfe id) nadj 3luf)e mtdj fefyne, menu mein £erg biuret unter ber 3^tetra(^t unb ben Wnfetnbungen ber Sftenfdjen, toenn ber unabtafftge (Streit ber 2etbenfd)aften, bag Sretben beg (£t)rgei3eg, ber £abfud)t unb beg ^)o^^ mutt)g meine ©eele umnafyttn, mein <35ett>iffen franfen, mit Uurube unb Xrauer mid) erfiitlen; o £err, 2>ater beg griebeng! bann filiate idj mid) 311 £tr, in £>einen betligen Sempet, mo bie ©trablen £>etner ($nabe bie ©eete mit grieben unb £intrad)t ermarmen, ir)r 3u* friebenfjeit unb ©eUgfett serteiljen, unb brtnge Qant Unb Slnbetung £>ir, ©ott beg griebeng! r/ (Eg tterlangt, eg fet)nt ftdj meine ©eele nadj bem $orr)ofe beg £errn;" benn in Reiner t)eiligen Wtyt tjt emigeg Seoen unb t)immlifd)e ©eligfeit* 2Bo au$ ber SrbenpUger ben miiben gu£ I)infe£t, ba ftef)t er auf einem ®rabe, auf bem ©rabe ^ertrefter ®efd)b>fe, unb jeber funtt auf biefer grbe fprid)t oon 2Bed)fer unb Sergangtidjfeit, oon Sluflofung unb $ermefung; nur in £)etnem £empel, £err ber £eerfd)aaren, mo 2e* 6en unb $3at)rr)eit, Std^t unb emige ©eligfeit oon 2)etnem ®nabentt)rone ftrafylen, nur in Reiner r)ei* ligen 9?at)e t|t Seben or)ne Job, ungeftorter, emiger (Seelenfrtebem 3d) banle X>ir, ©ott, fur biefen 16 I thank Thee, O God, for this tree of life which Thou hast planted in Thine everlasting Eden. I entreat Thee, Eternal Fountain of life and peace, to fill my soul with this heavenly light and hope. G-uide me, Father, on the ■path of righteousness to perfection, that I may live an eternal life of peace in Thy presence ; that when this body of clay shall sink back into the dust, I may enter the everlasting temple of salvation and happiness as I have now entered this Thy temple on earth. III.— Truth and Faithfulness* ! ERE in Thy holy presence is truth and faith- fulness. The errors of man, the deceptions of the mortal, the ten thousand disappointments of the heart — here they end, where thou disclosest me the boundless treasures of truth and light everlasting ; where Thou repeatest, to the listen- ing soul, the heavenly promises which Thou hast so often fulfilled on our pious forefathers and mothers, and fulfillest to us every day, every moment of our existence. How shall I thank Thee, O God, for this consolation, this heavenly manna, this healing balm which Thou distillest into the wounded breast, so often de- ceived, disappointed, mortified with faithless- ness and error! What can I, the weak mortal, offer up to Thee, Infinite Ruler of the Universe, 17 23aum bes 2eoen$, ben £)u gepflangt tjaft tnmitten £eineg &ben. 3d) fletye Did) an, emige geknsquette, $u erfittfen metnc <£eete mit biefem fyimmltfcfyen 2td)te, mit biefer troftretdjen ipoffnung, mid) git letten anf bem spfabe ber Sugenb ju menfdjtidjer $otlfommentjeit,bafj tdj am Snbe meiner Srbenmanberung in ben Sempet beg etoigen £ei(g nnb ber ungetriioten (Seligfeit treten moge, fotoie id) je£t oetreten Ijaoe biefeg £ein Jpa«3 auf Srben* 3* £8al)ti)eit imfc Sreue* ter in Deiner Ijeiligen ©egenftart ift $M)r()eit unb Sreue. 9)?enfd)Iid)er 3rrtfyum, ber 2Baf)n beg @terfr(id)en, bie gefyntaufenb £aufd)ungen beg fdjfta* d)en ^eqens — ()ier tyoren fie auf; benn l)ier offneft £u mir bie reid)en <£d)d£e ber 2Sat)rijeit nnb beg Sidjteg, fyter oerfunbeft £u ber fcarrenben ©ee(e immer toieber bie gnabenreid)en 23er{)ei$ungen, bie Du fo oft nnb fo tren erfuflt fyaft an ben frommen 2>atern unb Mttern, nnb bie £tt jeben Xag, jeben 2(ugenMtd an mir er= fiiajt. SBie fell id) tourbig Tix banfen, o ©ott, fur biefen £roft, biefeg lummUfcfye ^anna,biefen fyetfenben 23alfam, ben £)u traufelft in bag tounbe, oft fcetrogene, getaufd)te unb gefranfte #er$! SBag !ann id), fd)ftad)eg unb serganglid)eg ©efdjopf bem Unenblid)en unb Sttf* mad)tigen opfern! (Empfange guabenretd), l)imm(tfd)er 23ater, bie ©elitobe meutes £er$eng unb bie SSorfa^e 18 but my vows and my promises, to walk all the days of my life in Thy light and Thy truth, as Thou shalt deign to enlighten and instruct me ; and imitate Thy faithfulness, in all the walks of my life. Let Thy light and Thy truth be my portion, my banner, and my pride, Thou Eternal Source of truth, Everlasting rock of faithful- ness. IV.— Hopes and Wishes. vl/ELOU, O God, knowest my hopes and my wishes, my fears and my apprehensions* As Thou alone art my Protector, my Eock and my .Refuge in the hours of trial, danger or sorrow ; so the realization of my hojoes and the fulfill- ment of my wishes are in thy paternal hands* When I enter Thy temple, and lift up mine eyes with gratitude to Thy sacred throne, for the nu- merous blessings Thou vouchsafest to Thine un- worthy servant, I feel encouraged with Thy promises and cheered with Thy grace; I feel that Thou wilt not forsake me, Thou wilt not abandon me to suffering or affliction ; Thou wilt lead me in the path of righteousness to blessing and happiness. I feel how good and just it is to put my trust in Thee, to submit my hopes and my wishes to Thy sovereign wis- dom. Enlighten and strengthen me, O God, that I 19 metner ©eele, atfe Sage meines Sevens gu roanbefn im Sicfyte Reiner ©atjrfyeit unb nacfyguatymen £>eine Sreue auf meinem 2efren$pfabe- £) lag £)etn 2id)t unb Deinc SBafyrfteit mcin $ntf)eU, mein 23anner, meitt Sngef fein, !£u enrige Quelle beg Stc^ted unb fttU ber Sreue! 4* J&offmtngen nnb 28itttfd)e< ©«,» ©ott, fennft meine 2Bitnfeinem fyeiligen Sfyrone erfyefce fiir bie gafyUofen ©egnungen, bie £)u ausgiefi eft auf T)tin unnmrbiges $tnb, bann fiifyte idj mid) ermutfyigt burd) £eine $er* fyeifjungen unb geftarft burd) £eine ©nabe; id) fitf)fe, o £err, bafj Du midj nid)t fcerfajfen nurft, nitty t »er* ftofen mid) gu Setben unb ©Emergen, £>u ttirft mit ©iite erfrtfcfyen meine ©eefe, nnrft fiifyren midj auf lid)tem $fabe gum ©egen unb gur ©eligfeit. 3d) fiifyle rote redjt, roie gut e$ ift, meine £offnungen unb meine 3Mnf<$e 2)einer SHIroeisfyeit unb Reiner 35ater= tyutb in finblidjer (ErgeBung unterguorbnen, 2)ir mit gangem £ergen gu sertrauen unb Reiner in Siefce gu tyarren. (Jrleudjte unb ftarfe mtdj, mein $ater! bag idj £tdj 20 be enabled to worship Thee, as my soul desires I to render praise and adoration to Thee, Life of my life and Eock of my hopes. " I will sing unto the Lord while I live ; I will render praise to my G-od while I exist. May my speech be agreeable to him, as I rejoice in the Loi >(i Praise the Lord, O my soul. Hallelujah/' Amen. V Sabbath. VJ7 Lord and creator of the universe, Thou hast sanctified the seventh day to be the Sabbath, an eternal memorial of the wonderful creation of this material world, a day of rest and of holi- ness, of devotion and of gladness. With joy and love I obey, O God, this Thy commandment ; I thank Thee, Heavenly Father, that Thou hast appointed a day, on which I forget all the cares and troubles of life, I approach Thee in prayer, and spend my hours, to the salvation of my immortal soul. Grant, O Lord, to my heart and to my house, Sabbath-rest and Sabbath -joy, angels' melodies and heavenly gladness ; that my soul enjoy the fullness of Thy grace and mercy in this type of the eternal and heavenly Sabbath ; that I may worthily thank Thee for the bountiful blessings which flow so abundantly from Thy hands, to gladden all hearts ; that I may becomingly praise Thee, Thou Infinite and 21 serefyre, rote meine £ee(e t$ tuiinfc^t ; bag id) roiirbig Xid) (ofcpreife unb anfcete, Du metnes Sekns Men, $ets meiner Jpoffnnng ! „6ingen roitt id) bent £errn, fo (ange id) le&e, lobpreifen meinen ®ott in meinem ganjen $)afein. Sftoge roofylgefatfen tfym mein Slefyen, id) rottf freucn mid) in meinem (33otte* $reife ben £errn, o miint (geele. ipattctuialj/ intern 5* Safctatf)- j!*?err nnb 6d)opfer ber SBeJt! £u Ijafl gum eroigen 2ingebenfen ber rounber&otfen 2Beltenfd)opfung ben ftefcenten £ag al£ Safcbatl), einen Xag ber 5iufte unb £>ei(tgung, ber 2(nbad)t nnb ber greube, Beftimmt. 9JMt SSonne erfiitfe id) btefes ©efcot, freubig burd)roef)t ber ©ebanfe mein £er$, bag £u einen Jag etngefe^t, £)ir, o SSater, im ©ebcte mid) $u naftern, gu ttergeffen bie ©crgen be$ Sefcens unb auf mein ©eelenfyeil fce= bad)t 3U feht. Sag einjtefyen, o ©ott, in meinem £er* jen nnb meinem ipaufe SaBbatfyrufre unb <2ab&at(j* roetfte, Sngelsflange unb £tmmeIsroonne, bag meine @eele im 23orgefdjmacfe jeneS eroigen ()imm(ifd)en Sabbafyi bie guile Reiner ipulb unb 2)einer ©nabe geniege, bag id) roiirbig 5Dir banfe fur bie unenb(id)en SBofyltfyaten, bie au3 Reiner 2kterl)anb ftromen, alle £eine ®efd)opfe ?u Beglutfen, bag idj. roiirbig £id) 22 All-wise Deity, and obey Thee with love- Amen. VI.— Feast of Pesach. if AY of Passover, Feast of Freedom, Thou testimony of God's infinite love, and His wise providence — I salute thee before my Maker ! Let my heart be filled with festive gladness, and my soul enjoy Heaven's loving-kindness, that my spirit fully comprehend the holy signification of this feast of redemption; that my soul soar aloft on the pinions of sacred devotion to the Eternal Eedeemer of Israel, who called the seed of Jacob to be his chosen people, saved it from de- grading and oppressive slavery, and guided it with paternal love from night to light, from servitude to freedom, and said to Israel, " Thou art my people." O that I may fully understand and feel the sacred lessons of this feast, to cele- brate it according to the will of Him who appointed it, and become worthy of this bless- ing ; that I may utter praise, thanksgiving and adoration before my G-od and my Eedeemer, for ever and aye. Amen. 23 fcreife, unenblidjer, aflwetfer ©otr, unb lieoenb £>ir gefyordje* 2tmen. 6. VefaAfeft. U efa&feft ber grci^cit, f^eft ber Siebe unb ber unenb* lichen 2>orfetyung ®otte£, fet mtr gcgrii^t — fenfe beine SBetyc nieber in mein £erg, erfiitfe ntetne (seele, bag mein ©emiit§ unb mem ©etft beine gange $o$e 2?ebeutung erfajfe unb son berfefben burcfybrungen werbe, bag meine Seete auf ben $(iigem ber Slnbadjt iriirbtg ficfy gu ifym erfyebt, bent 33efreier unb (Erlb'fer 3erae($, ber e3 gu feinem 23olfe erfor, eg errettete au& tiefer, briicfenber Sflaoerei unb e3 leitere unb fiibrte mit liebenber ^aterbanb au$ Wafyt gum Sicfyt, sen .ftnedUfcbaft gur -greifyeit, unb gu Israel foracfy: fei bu mein $olf* $D moge id) beine gauge tyofte S3ebeu* tung erfennen, urn bid) gu feiern nad) 23orfd>rift, unb triirbig gu erfd)einen scr ibm, ber biefeo gcfl etngefe|3t» Sob unb $rei3 unb 2(nbetung ttjm, unferm ©otte, oon Stoigfeit gu (Stoigfeir, 2lmen. 24 VII.— Feast of Shabnolh. VbHE heavens proclaim Thy praise, O God, and the countless myriads of suns announce themselves to be Thy handiwork, Thou great and glorious Father of all creatures. The stars in heaven's azure dome like the flowers and blossoms of earth, the peals of the thunder, like the susurration of the child, the soft whis- pers of the air like the roar of the cataract — proclaim alike Thine infinite love, which Thou revealest all over the wide domains of nature and render praise and adoration to Thee in a thousandfold Hallelujah. Clearer and more intelligible still, Thou hast revealed Thy love over Israel. Thou hast chosen him to be Thy people, and hast taught him Thy laws and pre- cepts from Sinai's consecrated summit, to know Thee in truth. Thou hast appointed Thy peo- ple to be the highpriests of humanity, to carry Thy truth over all lands, that there be fufilied Thy promises to Abraham, " And there shall be blessed by thee, and by thy seed, all the families of the earth." O heavenly Father, I thank Thee for this divine light, which Thou hast sent me from Sinai's height. May it always illumi- nate my soul and warm my heart to generous affections and virtuous deeds, and teach and prompt me every hour of my life, on the day of happiness and in the moments of trial and affliction, to render praise and adoration to Thee. 25 7. <3$a*uot$ftft, 13 ! ie Jpimmet tterfiinben £ein Sob, unb bag ganje firmament fpricfyt eg ift a ft Xu iiber 3$rael Xetne Siebe offenbart. £u fyaft eg ju Xeinem SSolfe ern?ac)It unb auf Sinai's f)eiligen £oben iijm ©efefte unb Secret! gegeben, Sidj miirbtg ju erfennen, unb ^ a ft eg genmrbigt, £ein ^riefter $u fein unb £eine Sebre $u tragen burdj) atte SBelt, bantit bte £erbeifjung, bie Du 2Jbrabam gegeben, bag burd) ibn atte ©efcblecfyter ber (Erbe toerben gefegnet fein, in (Erfiittung gel)e, £ater im Jpimmet! id) banfe £ir fiir bag fyimmUfcfye Stcfyt, bag £u mir pon (Binat'g fyeiligen $tytn fyaft leucbten lajfen. Sftoge eg immer erleudjten unb ertoarmen mein £erj ju eblen unb guten Xfjaten, gu £einem Sftubme unb £>einem ^>rcifc. 9ftoge eg midj (eiten unb fiifyren, £id) ju preifen ju atter 3tit, in ben triiben nrie in ben fyeitern Jagen nteineg Sebeng. 26 May it lead me and guide me through the dark- ness of my earthly pilgrimage, to eternal light, life, and bliss everlasting in Thy presence, Eternal G-od of love and truth. Amen. VIII.— Feast of Booths. jr. ATHEE in heaven, Thou art He, whose all-seeing eye watches over us, who, with unlim- ited kindness, benignity and grace, looks down from his heavens high upon all the world, upon the worm which creeps in the dust as upon yon- der mighty spheres which continually revolve in their orbits. Father in heaven, Thou bearest, supportest and preservest all creatures, even from the infusoria, thousands of which populate one drop of water, up to the mighty beasts which populate the primitive forests and path- less wilds. God of Love, Thou givest food to the animal, even to the young ravens which cry to Thee ; Thou providest abundantly for all Thy creatures. I thank Thee, O God, that Thou hast provided for me and for my house. I thank Thee for the fruits of the field, for the wealth in the b^rns and in the cellars, for rain and dew, for wind and sunshine in due season, for the productive energies of nature, I thank Thee and praise Thee with filial de- votion and love. Not for these abundant gifts alone, my heart utters thanks in humbleness and SRoge e$ mi* leiten unb fiifjren turfy biefes Grben* bunfel, unb tt>emt td) eingefte sen biefem (Erbentfcale 3um ewigen Sicfrte, m Dtr, 2>ater im £immel, bitten. 8* SuccotljfcfL o ©ott unb £err! SDit Mft t«, beffen 2?aterauge un$ betracbet uut) fcetvaljret, unb mit uneubticfyer Siefte, £ulb unb ©nabe son feinen £immeln nteberfd^aut auf bic ganje 2Bett, auf ben SSurm, ber ftd) im ater im £imme(, 5)ii M|Vfi, ber ailed- tragr, na^rt unb erfcalr, tten ben flefnften 3nfuforten, sen benen ftdj taufenbe in tiutm SBajfertropfen krcegen, &t$ mm madden Ungefceuer, bag in ben Uriralbern lebh 2>ater ber Siefce, ber £u bem 2>iefy feme Speife, ben jungen 9ta= ben iftr gutter, nad) bem \k f&reien, ertheileft, ber £u bie ganje 2Belt in Reiner I'tefce fpetfeft, id) banfe £ir am f)euttgen gejfe fur ade bie SBefyltfyaten, bie £u fair mid), bie Sfteinett unb an alien Sftenfcfyen getftan. (Eingefammett fmb beg gelbeS griicMe, gefiiOet Metier unb Sd)eune, £u fanbeft SRegen unb Xfyau mr red>ten 3eit, 2)u gafrft SBacfystfyum unb ©ebeifren, bafiir banfe tdj £ir unb preife £td) in fmblicner Xemutlj unb Stefce. 2l6er nidjt fiir biefeS atlem fceugt ftcfe mem £er$ unb ©emut§ in inniger £emutfi unb £anf&arfeit 28 in devotion; also for Thy benign providence, Thy paternal goodness which Thou revealest over Israel, since Thy love lias chosec him, and since Thou hast led him through yonder wilder- ness, and through the desert of life, these hun- dreds of years — also this moves me to gratitude and prompts me to utter accents of thanks before Thee. Father in heaven, I appear before Thee this day, to render thanksgiving uuto Thee for the blessings of the past, and implore Thy goodnes and Thy benignity for the future. Protect, guard and lead me also hereafter ; bless field and meadow ! bless and protect our country, and expand the tabernacle of peace over all Thy children. Amen. 29 »or Tiv, fonbevn au&) fitr bie unenbUcfre 23orfe6uug mtt ber £ein 2>aterauge 3^raef, feitbem e3 £eine Stefre erforen, ii&enracfcte, auf Jeiuen 3ngen burcfy tie SBiijte, fotoie in alien 3 u 3 en fcines inelbeiregten unb sielgetrufcten Scbcnd. 23ater int £immel, id) erfcfreine »or £ir am kutigen £age, fitr ba$ 2>ergangene ju banfen, unb fitr bie 3nfunft Dehte ©nabe ju crfCcf>en. <2d)itj3e, ttadje unb fcercafcre tntcfo unb bie ^fleinigen audj ferner, fegne ftetb unb glur, unb Xriften unb ipaine, fegne unb fcetr-acfre unb forcafcre bag Sanb in bem nnr le&en, unb fcreite bie TJedc Deines griebens ana itfrer 3^rae( unb bie ganje 5CRenfc^r)eit» %mtn. 30 SECOND DIVISION INTRODUCTORY PIECES. IX.— Introduction. I. Minister. The Eternal, the One and Sole God is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him. Thus saith the Lord, the Sole Sovereign of all creatures : The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you could build to me, and where is the place of my rest? All these things my hand hath made, and mine are all these things, saith the Lord ; yet I look on the poor and on him whose mind is abased, and on him who longeth tremblingly after my word. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who is enthroned so high and looketh down so deep, on all in -heaven and on earth! Exalted, over all the nations exalted, high, is the Lord, above tho heavens high is his glory* CHOIR. Awake the song, awake the string To shout the praise of Isr'el's King, His pow'r invoke, his deeds proclaim j As faithful heralds to his fame Aloud declare through ev'ry land, The wonders of his mighty hand. 31 dinleitenbc ©tittfc. 9* ©tnlettttttg* i. 23orfceter. ?)er gauge, t>er einig=etn$ige ©ott ift in feinem fyetltgen Xtrtvptl — ftitf fei »or tym atte SBett! rt meiner SRutye* ftatre? £tefe$ attes $at ja meine £anb gefdjaffen unb ntein ift ja all' bie$, fpridjt ber Snuge, unb bod) fdjaue i^ auf ben 2(rmen unb auf ben ©eifteggeoeugten, unb auf ben, ber nadj tneinem SBorte ©etynfudjt tragr. 2Ber ift ttrie ber £err unfer ©ott, ber tyodjertyafcen tfyront, unb tief auf 2ttles nieberfd)aut, toas ba ift im £immel unb auf Srben? (Erfyafcen, iioer aEc S5o(fer er^aoen ift ber £err, iioer atle £tmmet erfjaoen feine £errlie bem ^ernen unb bem yiafytn, fpridjt ber £err." %n Deinem Xempel, o einig=einjiger ®ott! tfyront ber ^rieben. (5g fcfyfoeigen bie braufenben $ampfe beg ZtUn$, bie hrirren @tim= men menfdjlicfyer ©cfyroacfyen ftoren fyter ni$t bag fe§* nenbe £er$, ftdj ju Dir, @nabenreid)er unb 2ltterbar* mer, ju er^eben; eg fcfyfteigt bie Setbenfdjaft, unb ber Bl 34 the passions are silent, and the soul soars aloft to the Fountain of life, the Eternal Source of all entities.. Here infinite goodness flows from the source of eternal love ; here the spirit of everlasting truth touches the listening soul ; the floods of light emanating from Thy Law, encompasf us here, in ' Thy holy temple ; the soul released of all earthly fetters, of all cares and of all strug- gles, rises freely and gladly unto Thee, O God. " How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, thy taber- nacles, O Israel." CHOIR. How pleasant, Lord, thy habitation ! My heart has yearned, has longed to see j O Lord of Lords and all creation, The house devoted, God, to thee. With gladness now I sing thy praise, Thou ever living God of grace. Minister. O, it is holy gladness to sing of Thee, Thou Eternal Father ; it is joy to my heart to praise Thy paternal goodness. Yerily, to pray unto Thee with childlike devotion, to unvail before Thee the wishes and the wounds of the frail heart, gives hope and consolation to the afflicted soul ; for Thou rewardest the petition- er's confiding soul with renewed strength and heavenly consolation. Thou hearest, when we 35 ©eifl ftrebt empor ju £)ir, Sefrensquelie! emige Urfache attes , e3 rang meat £er$, £err atler £evren, f)iujun?allen 9?acfy (35ottci5 Sempel, l)tmmefroartg» 2Gte jaud)3en £erj unb Seel 1 in 3hU). 9?un bem (ebenbtgeu ©otte $tu $orbeter. £tr, boater, Iobftrtcjen ift @eelen* Juki, Deine 23aterf)u(b preifen ift £eqenstr>onne, $u £)ir mit finblidjem 23ertrauen fletjen, ©it bes £er$en3 SBiinfdje unb be$ £er$en3 SBunben entfdjletern, gtbt #ojfnung unb Jrofl ber tyarrenben ©eete; benn £u belofynft beg Meters sertrauenb ©emutlj mit ^immlu fcfyem Srofie unb oerjihtgter ^Iraft, 2>u tyoreft, menu rotr fle^en, £>u gemafjreft, wenn'3 £eif unb ®egen 36 pray ; Thou grantest our supplications, if they be to our blessing. Thou replacest a thousandfold, whatever Thy paternal goodness must refuse us. " As the father showeth mercy to the children, so the Lord showeth mercy to those who fear him." CHOIR. The Lard, he hears my pray'r and deigns to grant The bounteous blessings from his gracioug hand. XI. — Introduction. III. Minister. Lord of Hosts, with eMIdlike confidence, the soul rises in this holy hour of devotion, to behold light from Thy light ; to' gain might and strength in the heavenly rays of Thy mercy ; to renew our confidence and invig- orate our faith at the everlasting fountain of Thine infinite grace, Grant us Thy assistance, Thou Great and Omnipotent God, to resist suc- cessfully all temptations of vice ; to overcome the allurements of sin; to come forth victori- ously from the perpetual struggles of good and evil; and to sanctify our earthly pilgrimage. For it is the light of Thy grace only which ra- diates into this obscure valley of life, and warmly and revivingly, it penetrates the feeble heart which, in life's incessant struggles, pants after Thee and Thy paternal goodness. Thou sendest 37 fcringt, £u erfefceft reicfytid), was Petite 25aterfyn(b nn3 entjic^t. „2Bie ber 33ater fid) ber Winter erfcarmr, fo erfcarmt fid) ber £crr berer, tie tytt serefyren." £|or. £)er £err, er f)6rt mein §fefyen nnb adjret baranf, Xer £err nimmt mein <33ebet in ®naben auf. 11* ©tttleitmtg* in. 93 o r & e t e r. 9?oH finblitfen 2>ertranens, $m ber Jpeerfdjaaren! erfyeM bte 3eele ftd) gu Djt in biefer fyeiltgen 6tnnbe ber Stnbacftt, £tdjt ^n flatten in £ei>- nem Sidjte, $raft nnb £tarfe $n ftnben in ben en?ig Haren SrraMen Reiner 23armfteqigfeit, 9ftntfy unb 33ertranen an$ bem Sorn Reiner nnenblidjen ipulb $n fcfyopfen, ben 23erfudjnngen be$ £ajter$ $u nuberfteftem bie Sodungen ber Siinbe $u nfcernunben, ftegreid) cms bem $ampfe fyersor^ugefcen nnb bas Srbenleben ju trct^cn nnb jn ^eiligen* (5s ftraMt bas £id)t Reiner ©nabe in'S bnntte Srbentfyal, e3 bringt erftarmenb nnb Meknb in'£ hinge $crj, bas ans ben ftantpfett beg Sekng ju Reiner 2>aterftnlb empor ftcfy fefmt. £n rufj* £einen ^inbern bie rroftreicfoen 2$orte jtt: b2 the glad tidings to Tby children, " Fear not, for I redeem thee ; I call thee by thy name ; mine thou art. If thou passest through the water, I am with thee ; and through the rivers — they shall not overflow thee; if thou walkest through fire, thou shalt not be scorched ; and the flames shall not burn thee, Fori, God thy Lord, the holy One of Israel, am thy Eedeemer." CHOIR. God redeems, the Lord protects, God whose grace each fault corrects, Hears the sinner's pious word, Showers joy on contrite hearts, Loves, consoles, benignly guards, All who trust in Him. the Lord. Minister. As Thou, O God our Lord, hast graciously listened to the supplications of our pious ancestors, to whom Thou hast revealed Thyself so often, so benignly and so mercifully ; O so hear also our humble petitions in this solemn hour of devotion. Kerne mber not our shortcomings, for Thou knowest we are but dust and ashes. Let Thy mercy be our portion, re- fresh us with the silvery dew of Thy benignity, let heavenly peace descend into the breast of the worshiper, and refresh the panting heart with the crystal waves which flow from the eternal fountain of Thy grace. Hear us, O God; con- 39 „$itrd)te nidjt, tdj erlofe bidj, bet beinem *ftamen nenne id) bid), bu bijt mein; unb mitfjteji bu burd) gdttfyen fd)reiten, id) Bin mit bir, ober burdj (Strb'me waten, fie fotlen bid) nidjt wegjlutfyen; unb gtngeft bu burd)'g geuer, eg foil bid) nid)t brennen, ober burdj bie gram* me, fie mirb bid) nid)t serfebren; bemt idj, ber £err bein ©ott, ber 2lllerl)eilia,fte 3$raels, bin bein (Erlofer." d I) o r . ©ott erloft, ber Eater fd)it£t; ©ott, ber Meg tragt unb ftit£t ipbrt beg 23eterg frommeg SBort, ipaudjet Xroft tn'S nmnbe £>er$, 3eigt fid) un$ in greub' unb ©djmeq. ©nabenreicfter gefg unb £ort! 23orbeter. 2Bie £>u, o £err unb ©ott! f)ulb* uoU oernommen bie ©ebete unferer frommen SSater unb Gutter, benen £u bid) fo oft, fo gnabenreid) unb liebesoll ojfenbart l)aft, fo erfybre audj unfer gleijen in biefer meifyesollen (Stunbe. ©ebenfe unferer gefyler nid)t, T>u foeifjr, bag ©taub unb 5lfd>e n?ir ftnb; lag £>eine SBarmtjerjigfeit iiber ung roalten, erquitfe ung mit bem 2id)ttljau T)einer ©nabe, fenfe nieber £im* melgfrieben in beg 23eterg 53ruft, erfrifdje bag ledjjenbe £erj mit ben ©ilbermetlen aug ber ercia, riefelnben Quelle Reiner ©nabe; erbbre, ©ott! trbfte, erbebe 40 sole, elevate, and sanctify us, O Father, as Thou hast promised: "If the mountains move and the hills quake, my grace shall not leave thee, and my covenant of peace shall not fail, saith thy Merciful God." CHOIR. Mercy beams around Thy throne, God who art my Bock alone : Holy One, we trust in Thee. God is nigh, my soul rejoice ! Grace and love, proclaims His voice. Sing new songs with holy glee. XII.— Psalm 134. 53 EHOLD, ye servants of the Lord, Who stand within his courts by night, O bless his name with one accord Forever praise him with delight. Your hands within his holy place Lift up, and praise his matchless name. From Zion will the Lord thee bless, The Lord who heaven and earth did frame. XIII.— Sabbath Hymn. 1. OLY Sabbath, heaven's bride, Welcome, welcome day of rest 41 unb fieiftge un$, S3ater ! trie £u serfjeifen : „Unb follten aucb bie 23erge treicben unb bie £uget wanfen, meine ©nabc foil sen bir nicbt rceicfyen imb mein ftriebensbnnb nidjt ttanfen, ftmdjt bein atlbarm^er*- $iger ©ott." Swig ftrabtt feitt ©nabenlidjt, ©ott serlajjt bie $t bem Gn?igen atfe Sanbe, £ient bem £errn mit grcub' nnb £ujl, ^ommt sor ibn im $racbtgetoanbe, SD^tt gefyeiligt frober 23ruft! £cn atfmacfytigen ©ott erfennet, £er un$ febuf unb Seben fcfeenft; £er fein SSolf una tmmer nennet, Unb mie's 2 a mm $ur 2Beibe lenft. ©ebet mit Dan! nacb feinen ^forten, Vlafyt bem SSorijof mit ©efang, £anfet ibm in Slnbacfetsro orient Sobet ifyn mit 3u6elf(ang! Ttnn ber £err ift roller ©iite, Seine ©nabe eioig toabrt; Seine Ireu ftets neu erbliifyte Sin ©efcblecbt bem 2(nbern (ebrh 3. $♦ 13. &abbatp&t)mne. 5?abbatb3feier, £immeUmonne, 3iebe ein, erqutcf ba3 £erj, b3 42 Golden peace, the angels' pride, Breathes Thy divine behest. Holy message from on high Comes with thee thou Queen of Days ; Welcome thou to hearts which sigh, Soothing ray from heaven's grace. Freedom's songs, salvation's voice Sound with might from Sabbath-rest ; Human woe, the passions' noise, Yield to thee, the Lord has blest. Sabbath peace, thou healing balm, Come with joy on golden wings, Troubles cease, my heart be calm, God is nigh, Jeshurun sings. XIV.— Sabbath Hymn. 2. 'AEK my soul in solemn awe, The Lord of hosts proclaims His law :— Work and toil by heaven blest, Observe the Sabbath-day of rest. Rise my soul o'er worldly cares, To God aspire o'er passion's snares ; Silent cares, ye storms be soft ! Shake off the dust and soar aloft. Trust my soul in God alone, In Him who made the suns His throne, 43 ^eucfyt' $ur ^"be, 53unbegfonne! Zxatf bie (Seek Mmmelwarts. %ul)U t (Seete ! (&aWafynafo, ^>ers! erftarf in ©ottes SBort, ^lieg/ empor jur listen £i?()e, Sowing' bid) auf $u betnem #ort. ©tety, er nnnft, ber ©ott ber ©nabe, $orfo, er ruft bie ^inber fyeim, ©afc&atf>lid)t Mefct bie $)fabe, JugenbBafyn unb SSafirfyeitsfetm. ©aBBat()fegen traufle nieber ©ort! auf betne ^inberfebaar; ©ib ber ©eele £immelslieber, gunfen, £err! uom 2id)ta(tar. Qie 14* 9$reitagalJen&» ©fatten bes 2lknb3 finfen 9?ieber auf glur unb 2Iu; £ie Srbe »tfl $uf)e trinfen, £>e$ grieben$ (a&enben Xtyau. D 9flenfd), es ifl (Dotted 2Bitfe— Srbe son (Erbe fcift bu — £)er 5trBeit folgt @ aB b a t^ fti 1 1 e, Sin Sag unb ein 2Ifrenb ber Sluty. di Ieud)ten oieP ftrafilenbe $eqen, 3n beg Hempel* mad)tig,em Sftaum, 44 Earth and moons His footstool's parts, Who loves Thee well, consoles all hearts. Best my soul, the earth is dust — Away with thee, in God I trust ! God provides a world of bliss ; The world is mine and I am His. Sing my soul thy Maker's praise, Proclaim His will, make known His ways ; Feel His love, of mercy sing, He is my God, He is my King. XV.-Sabbath Hymn. 3. <&: XALTED One ! Be highly praised, Most Holy God, upon whose word The gates of East are ever raised, And sun and moon their light afford. My morning-song, up ! now awake, To God above thy flight to take, Who daily calls this world from night, And gladdens us with love and light. With light the Lord his work began, Light was its middle and its end ; He set the sun on heaven's span, Man's spirit did from him descend. O Sabbath ! sacred Day of Best, Thou bearer of the Lord's behest : " This is the day that I require ! " Oh ! praise and thank your Heavnly Sire. 45 (Sin ©tnnMtb ber 9ftenfd)en§erjen, Umbitftert aom Srbentraunu Serbunfelt fmb £er$en unb ®etjrer, 23on teg SltttagS 2Boa,en umfreifi; 2lm ©afcfcaty erloft fie ifyr Staffer, $m <5aWat§ regieret ber ©etfh ^pinweg tft bte f^cffel genommen, £>er ©ram unb bie Sorge tft fern; <&o Jaud^er, ifyx (Seelen: nrittfommen, f)u Xag unb bu 5fbenb t?eg £errn! !inna gleefcerg. 13. ©er ©otteSMenft, jljeif ge $nbadjt, Jptmmelgfyaudj, 3^^^ cin in Oeift unb £crj, SBenb' ben 6tnn tyiotmelnjart*. £iebenb, Sater, gnabia, aud^ ©telj be^ SBeterg frommen Drang, Sanfd^ ber ^inber £oba,efan<}, <©titT ben ^djmerj, $tiV bag £er$. £eif a,er griebe, frofye Sujl, Gmgelgtime, Jpimmelgtfyau, gbengliifte, milb nnb lau, Stfykt, lafct bie nmnbe 33rujH ©egnenb, ©ctr, erauier, gutt 1 be3 ^erjena £eere au$, (Still feitt ^tfyrieu weit tyittaits, ©ott erfcfyatfen unf're Sieber, ©ott loertrau'n wtr etoigtid>, SSater, £err, toxv to&en bid*. ©ott erflang Sofcgefang- 16* Sa$ ©otte$$fttt$» €14!ilie freut's mid), wernt fie fagen: „2afjt toatitn vn& in'* ©ottesfyaus." SBie gut tfi'S, $tn$utragen £)a$ »ofle £er$ in's SSatertyauS. Die Xfyranen irodneu fdjnetter 3n ©otte* filter «Ra&e f £>ie 2Uigen fcfyauen Jjettev (Smpor sur Xugenbbofye. SDir jufceln »ir entgegeit 23ertrauenb £>tr, £err ber SBelt! 48 For the kind ministry of night For the new glory of the day. For life preserved for strength renewed, For the dear love that guards us still, But best we speak our gratitude By wills submissive to Thy will. XVII — Psalm 19, vi/HE spacious firmament on high, "With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great original proclaim. The unwearied sun, from day to day, Both his Creator's power display ; And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale ; And nightly to the listening earth * Bepeats the story of her birth : Whilst all the stars which round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole* What though, in solemn silence, all Move round this dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found ; 49 Shi gi&jt im$ Cnft unb 2efcen, (Sin £erj, baa 2)ir ttotyl gefatft „9tnn ftefyen nnf're gii^e 3n 2>etnen griebensttjoren." 2Btr prcn £immel3gritfje Unb flange £>ir erforen. 17* ^falnt 93. 'er £err ift .ftonig, £o$ett U$t er an; £>er Jperr $at ftcfy in 2Itfmad)t angetfjan — Da fte^et tie 2Bett, m#t manfet fie; £odj) tfyronet ber £err, nnb ttanbeft nie. @3 erfyeoen bie ©trome, o Jperr, (£$ erfyeBen bie (Strom' tfyr ©etoS, • &$ erfyeBen bie (Strome tfjr S3ranfen — £)odj iiber ber (Strome ($5eto3 Sftaufcfyt ntacfytig ba$ Branbenbe Slfteer: „2Wma^tig im £tmmet ift ©ott!" b5 50 In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; For ever singing, as they shine — " The hand that made us is divine. XVIII.— Psalm 150. $]$ temples high, the Lord's abode, Let hymns of joy arise ; And thousand-fold the praise of God, Eesound in azure skies. Oh ! praise His acts, His mighty deeds, His kindness, love and grace ; His power which aught else exceeds, On earth in heaven's space. O wake the trumpets' merry sound, And play the sweetest strains ; On harps with strings of silver bound To praise the Lord who reigns. O shake the timbrels ! tread the dance And strike the stringed frame ! Let flutes their softest notes advance To praise His mighty name. Let Israel's glorious sons rejoice ! And raise the cymbals high ; The brazen cymbal's clanging voice. Ke-echo from the sky. 51 £ein 3eugni£, £err, ift treu betodfyrt, £etn $eiltgt$tttn ift ftitf tterfldrt; Der £err ifl ®ott in (Sroigfeit! 8. ©. % 18, $Jfalm 130* (jfatteluja$! 1. £obet ©ott in feinem £eiligtbnme! Sobet ifyn in feiner £immeUpracbt! 2. Singet lant sen feinem Jfcatenrufcme, 80« bet grojjen £errlicMeit nnb *Prad)t! 3. Zobtt iftn mtt bent *PefannenHange! Sobet ifyn mtt #arf nnb ©aitenfirieU 4. £obet tfyn mit $auf nnb 3fieigenfange! Sobet mit Crgelton nnb gltitenfpiel! 5. Sobet i()n mit belfem 3n£eIfd)aUe, 93? it ber 3imbeln fcbmetternbem ©etb'fe! 6. Sob 1 ben £errn, &>a3 nnr auf Srben tvatfe ! Sod' »a$ Dbem hat be? Snrgen ©rojH £aflelujafc ! 3. tf. 52 Let all that live, in one accord. Unite and praise the Lord. XlX.-Psalna 42. c 'O the chief Musician, a Maskil, for the sons of Korach. As a hart panteth after brooks of water, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God ! My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God : when shall I go (again) and appear in the pre- sence of God? My tears have been my food day and night ; because men say unto me all day, Where is thy God? These things will I remember, and pour out my soul in me : how I was wont to pass along amidst the multitude, journeying with them as a pilgrim to the house of God, with the voice of joyful song and thanksgiving, among the festive throng. Why art thou cast down, O my soul, and dis- quieted in me ? Hope thou in God ; for I shall yet thank him, because of the salvation of his countenance. O my God ! my soul is cast down within me ; therefore will I remember thee from the land of the Jordan, and from the peaks of Chermon, from the low mount. 19* &abbatfy. Sffilieber i(l beg &amty$ Sufi (5eo,nenb ung befc^ieben ; griebe fcbmudft ber S3eter 53ruft, Jpokr Safcbot^frieben. (safcfcartj fitfyrt aug Sturmgefrraug, 20tg ber SBelt ©etriebe £idj juriicf in'g 2>aterf)aug, £etm 3um ®ott ber 2-iek. Sag ber Sorge fcfyroere Saft 9?im sent £er$en ftnfen; £iet t|t 9htfce, ^ter ift 91 a ft — Jroji unb Jpoffnuna, ttinfen. £aft bu bid) son ©ott entfernt 3n bem ^ampf fyiemeben, Unb ber 2lnbad)t SBott serlernt — 2Jtfrme ^afrfcatbfrieben! SieMidj tent ber Jp^mnen @ang, CrgetHancje raufcfyen; £orcr/ ber ^rebigt SBeifyeHana, — Sag bie Seele laufdjen. 3n beg Sefceng $ampf Mnaug Sim' beg BaWatte 9Jiafinung,: Iragt fyinein in 23elt unb £aug 9fteineg griebeng 2Ifcnung,! 54 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterfalls : all thy waves and thy billows have passed over me. In the day time the Lord will command his kindness, and in the night his song shall be with me, as a prayer unto the God of my life. I will say unto G-od, My rock why hast thou forgotten me? why must I walk grieved under the oppression of the enemy? It is as death in my bones, when my assailants reproach me; when they say unto me all the day, "Where is thy G-od ? Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou disquieted within me ? Hope thou in God ; for I shall yet thank him, the salvation of my countenance, and my God. 55 2Bo bu tucitfl in ^reub' imb £etb, 3ttna,ft tm $ampf fytenteben, (Snrig fei betn £er$ gemetfyt 5Son beg (Saofcatfyg grteben! SRtnna ^feeberg. 9JI o t $ c it g e fc e t ♦ (8fa* bem Jpebr.") Deg 9Jiorgeng, au(^ beg 2foeubg @te§' id) t>or £>tr, ntetrt £ort, Stein £er$ £ir gu erfd)lte^en, Unb fprecfy' ©ebetegjoort £a ftefy' id) gagenb, Bange ; 3dj wcig, £ein 5lugc bringt 3n meiner S3ru(l ©efyeimfteg, Sfye nodj bag $3ort erflingh 2Bag ift and) beg ©ebanfettg, SBag if* beg SBorteg £raft, So mad)tig er emporfteigt, ©o mitfyfam eg audj fdjafft? £odj Dir gefatlt'g, menu banfenb Deg 9Kenfd)en Sieb £id) pveift; @o fdjatf eg fyett unb frd$U$, @o tang' in mir Dein ©eijh 21 oral) a™ ® e t g e t nadj ©olomo GJaMroI. 56 THIRD DIVISION. Taking out and Reading the Thorah. XX.— Aus-heben. 1. TFrom the Hebrew. 1 Minister. Thou, God, and Thy works are perfect beyond comparison. Thy royal power is extended over all the world, and Thy domin- ion, over all generations. Thou art king; Thou hast always reigned, and Thou wilt reign forever and aye. The Eternal One will bestow might on His people ; He will bless His children with peace. CHOIR. [From Psalm 24.*] Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is the King of Glory ? The Lord, strong, and mighty in battle ! Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory ? The Lord of Hosts — He is the King of Glory. *This translation is accommodated to existing music. 57 ^ 20* 23dm $Hu*l>eben bet Sfyota. (I. — Ueberfetjung.) SlUeinjiger ! D <35ctt, n?er ift £ir gtetd) ! Unb n?elcbe .ftraft fattn £eut (35ebilt> geftalten. Xein $etd>, o £err, tft aller 9ietd)e 3fotdj ; £>ie Golfer jinfen; etr>ia, tr-abrt £ein Pattern Sorbite r. £>er £err revert, er fyat revert, ber £err regiert in Sirigfett, Xer fetnem 2>otfe Stea, »erteif)t, £er Milt fein Soil mtr grteben n>eif>t, £er £err regtert, cr f)at regtert, ber Jperr recjicrt in Sroigfeit! £te £f)ore auf! er nafyt, ber iperr ber 2£e(t! £)ie Xfyore auf! er fommr, ber ©eijt ber ®etfter! 2Qer tft ber £err? Sr ift beS Sieged Jpelb ; 2Ber tft ber £err? £r tft ber s Mma&t SSfleifter! 9lun ojftte roeit bid} ftegsfcerett! Jtef, auf, bu Ifyor ber (Snugfeit! 2Ber ift ber £err? ®ott 3efcaot(); 2Qer ift ber £err? £e$ ftufcme* <©ott ! 58 During the conclusion of this Psalm the Ark is opened, the congregation rises and the Scroll of the Law is taken out of the Ark by the Minister, or it is handed to him, who turning to the congregation says the following: '* This is the Divine Law, &c. On the three high feasts, however, the minister reads the following prayer before the Scrolls of the Law are taken out of the ark. Minister. Lord and God, who hast formed the heart and knowest its secret emotions, hear us, when we pray to Thy grace ; satisfy Thou the yearning of the heart after truth, the thirst of the soul after Thy light ; grant us strength to walk in Thy ways, and understanding to comprehend Thy holy precepts. Pour out, O Lord, the spirit of love and of truth over all mankind, " the spirit of wisdom and of discrim- ination, the spirit of council and of strength, the spirit of knowledge and of piety." Amen. Then the Scrolls of the Law are taken out, the minister turns to the congregation and proceeds thus : This is the Divine Law, Israel's consecrated banner, inscribed with the Glorious truth, il Here, O Israel, God is our Lord, God is One." He is the King of Glory. Praised forever and aye be His ineffable name. CHOIR. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and might, Thine the beauty eternally bright, Thine all things in heaven, on earth. Thine, dominion o'er heaven and earth ; 59 9lun offne »ett bid) (fegsfcereit! 2luf, auf, bu £$or ber ($»fgfett! 55 o r b e te r. Dies ifi bie Xfjora,bte ber 9ftenfd$ett £ort £urd) Sftofe* Hep ben Satent offenbaren! © e m e i n b e. 28ir banfen £ir fitr biffed ©otteawort ; 23tr rooffen fyeilta, Deitt (9efe{3 bewafyren ! (5 () o r. 8o n?o(len ©ott mir $ret3 unb 3ubet toeify'n ! 3a Xetn, o £err, tft ®rege, 9ftad)t unb Starfe j £>er £imme( unb bie @rbe fte ftnb Xein ; Xu berrfdjeft fyodj ; Xir btenen Xeine SBerfe ! Sobpreift, lobpretft ben SBeltengetft, ber bettta, ift, ber fteUtg beifjt ! 3m ©taube tnk\ bu (5rbenfo()it, * 3m <5taube fnie', »or <3)otte^ £fyron ! Sobpretft, lobpreift ben SBeltengeift, ber fjeiltg tji, ber tyetlig tyeijjt ! 9Jiiiina ftleeberg. 21. 3(ii$t>etoiu (II. — 9lu$ bent §ebratfd)en ) 35 o r b e t e r* Reiner tfl unter ben 9ftad)tigftett £>tr gtetd), o £err! unb 9Mdjt3 ifi sergteicbbar £ei* nen SBerfen. $)etn 0teid) ijt bas Sfteicfy alter Snug* feit, unb Xeine ^errfdjergefoalt erftretft fidj itber atte ®efd)(ed)ter. £u btfl StbnxQ, o £err ! £>u $a(l ge* berrfdjt $u alien Setten unb rotrjt ^errfdjen tn atler 60 Thine alone is in truth exaltation O'er the heads of each people and nation. Extol the Lord at heaven's sacred shrine, And shout aloud, all holiness is Thine ; Bow down at His holy mountain, Soar aloft to all wisdom's fountain. Extol the Lord in angels' fiery tone; Holy God, my Lord, art Thou alone ! While the above hymn is sung the procession with Ihe Scroll or scrolls of ihe Law move to the Readerls desk, and unroll the Law, when the congregation is seated : Minister. Brothers and Sisters ! give glory to the Most High, who has entrusted the Word of Salvation to Israel's care ; render praise and adoration to Him, the Everlasting Source of light and truth, who has promised us, " Israel is saved in the Lord, an everlasting salvation." The congregation and the minister speak in Hebrew the benediction (Borechu) be/ore the reading of the Law, and then the minister reads the section as prescribed. On the holidays the sabbath of Choi Hamoed, of new moon and of Hannkah two Scrolls of the Law are taken out of the Ark. After the usilal section from the Pen-* tateuch has been readin the first Scroll, it is removed, and the second is unrolled, to read from it the Map hir- section, before which the minister says : Minister. In the Tabernacle of Moses and in the temple on Mount Moriah, this day additional sacrifices were made on the altar of the Lord, as ordained in the passage of the Law which we proceed to read : — After having read the respective passage or section of the Law the congregation rises. 61 (Swtgfeit. X>« Mff$, o OottJ ber Jtrflft aerletyt fcinem Solfe, ber ba fegnet t>te <3einen mit Orieben, 9luf, auf, mcin SSoIf mit 2)anfe3n?orten Tify \§m entgegenfefyre ; SBeit auf, ifyr S^or', i$t eangen $forten, Saft ein ben ,ftonig ber Styrt ! 2Ber ift ber .ftonig ber fifrre borten? £)er £err bcr gemattigen SBefyre ! SBeit auf, tfyr Xtyor', ityr ercigen ^Pforten, Sajjt etn ben Jtonig ber (Efyre. 2Ber ift er, mer ijl ber &6tiig ber Sfyre ? £>er £err, ber madjtig im (Streite, (Er ijVs, er ijt ber ilonig ber (Efyre, £er bi$ jum Zi$t gelette. 2Baf)renb ber S^lugilrc^e totrb tie Safce geoffnet. Slit ten $c$en geften fotrb golgenbes gej>ro$en : 21 n ben gefltagen. £err unb ©ort! ber £)u gefcitbet $afl bas £er$ unb bejfen gefretmfte 3Regungen lennft, ertyore un$, fcenn h?tr 2)eine ©nabe anflefyen, ftitle £u beg £erjen$ ©e§* nen nad) SBabrfyett, ber (Seete £urft na$ £einem Sicfyte, uerleifce uns $raft in Deinen SBegen ju ttan* betn, unb (Etnftcfyt £etne fjeilige Sefire gu fcegreifen, Saf? ausjtromen, o (3ottl ben ©eijt ber Siefce unb ber SBafyrfyeit ii^cr ba3 gauge 9Jienfd)engefdjIedjt, ,/ben ©eijt ber 2Dat)rr)eit unb ber Sernunft, ben ©eift beg S^atr)cs unb ber $rafr, ben ©eift be$ SKMffenS unb ber ©orresfurc^t" Slmem 62 Minister. Eise, ye children of the divine cove- nant and extol the name of the King of Glory; with holy awe and joyous gratitude bow down and render praise to him, for the heavenly light and life everlasting which He graciously deigned to bestow on thee. Minister and congregation recite the benediction Boruch Attoh, in Hebrew. Right after the benediction, without pause, the minister continues with Yehalelu and the Hebrew Psalm, or with a hymn from the next following division. While the choir sings the Psalm or Hymn the circuit is made, the Scrolls of the Law are returned to the Ark, the preacher mounts the pulpit, and the congregation is seated. All concerning divine service, hence aUo the days of new moon and feasts, should be announced from the pidpit, if the day of new moon was riot previously mentioned in He- brew. XXI.— Ans-hebeu. 2. Minister. The will of the Most High is re- vealed in His works and in His words. Nature's vast domain is His handiwork. It speaks with irresistible power of His infinite wisdom and boundless might. CHOIR. Enthroned above the spheres, The Lord of Hosts appears In nature's wide domain ; The hosts on high obey His scepter's sovereign sway, ~No worlds his mi^ht restrain. 63 Der SBorbeter jur ©emeirtbe gersanbr, fafyrt fort: 21 n <5 abb atfy unb gestagen. 23orK £>iefe$ ift Me fyeitige £etyre, SsraeFs ge* ir>etf)te3 banner, mit t>er fyocfyfyeiHgen 3nfdmft: n $brt, o S^raet, ber @n>tfje iji unfet ©ott, ber Sroige ift etntg^eingtg." £)ein, o £err, ijt bie ®rofe unb OTac^t, Detn ber QManj unb bie ennge $radjr, 2>ein bie £imme(, bie Srbe tft bettt. Detn, o ©ott, tft bie £errfd)ergewalt, Die erfyafcenfte iperrf&ergematt Ueter afle$ 33eftef>en unb ©ein. $reifet ben #errn £>er tyimmlifdjen ©pfcaYtt, 23etet ifyn an 5tuf fceiliger 23abn. $reifet laut unfern ©ott in ®efang, 23etet an in bem Jjetfigften Drang, 2luf ben 23ergen beg £errn rufet laut : (£r tft Ijeittg, ber £err, unfer £ort, Sr ift fyeilig unb enng fein 2Bort. £et( 3srael! bag ®ott nur sjertraut. 2Bab>enb bte cbige Jpgmrte gefungen wirb, teirb bie SEr-orarotte in gJrojefTlon §u be$ 3}orbererS .ftanjel getragen unb entfaltet. Die ©emetnbe fefct jld). 2)er Sorbeter »errunber ftapttel unb 33er$ ber *u sertefenben ©telle. 35 o r bem Sefen ber Xfyoxa. 25 o r b. 53riiber unb ©cfytoeftern ! gebet dlufym unb $)ret$ bem Sitter ft ocbften, ber Israel fcetraut $at mit 64 All spheres submit with awe To God's eternal law. Minister. He revealed to Israel His loving- kindness, His infinite goodness and boundless grace. He showers upon His people the heaven- ly blessings of vigor and peace. CHOIR. Approach His sacred shrine, Embrace His law divine, Salvation's lessons read. Approach His sacred shrine, The Word of God is thine ; It is thy holy creed, In life and death thy guide, Thy sun, thy crown and pride ( Congregation rises.) While the last lines of the above hymn are recited, the Scroll of the Law is taken out of the Ark, and turned to the congregation the minister continues : This is the Divine Law, Israel's banner and pride. God has entrusted the lessons of salva- tion to His chosen people, to learn and to teach, to know and to proclaim the precepts of eternal truth. CHOIR. Sing hail, ye mortals hail ! On earth will truth prevail, From light salvation flow, To nations far or nigh, To people low or high, To pilgrims here below, O'er darkness light prevail ; Sing hail, ye mortals hail ! 65 tern SBorte ber Srlofung ; $ret$ unb SInbetung tljm, ber ba ift bie ennge Cuetle beg £tcfyteg unb ber SBatjr* tyeit, ber uns tterfjetfjen : „3$rael iffc erloft tm £errn eine ennge Srlofung." Sorb, unb ©emeinbe fprcie\t bad 8 ore<$ u u. f. to. $ebraifd>, banit wtrb bie £f)ora cerlefen. Sin ben Ijofcen %t)ttn, am *Satoatb son £ Ij o t £ a m m 9 e b, Steumonb unb # a n n u f a b tcerben jtoet Ibprarotten auSgeb/oben. 2Benn bie £auptftefle au$ ber erften SRolie oerlefen ift, tcirb biefelbe con ber .Sanjel entfernt, bie jrcette teirb aufgeroUt unb na&bem ber 23orb. golgenbe* gefprcdjen, cerlieft er bie iDJap^tir- etette. 33 o r bem 2B a p % t i *. 35 orb* 3n ber mofaifdjen ©tiftgbiitte fotooJjt, al$ in bem £empef auf bem 33erge 5ftortaf) tourben am fyeuttgen Xage folgenbe befonbere Dpfer auf bem 2Iltare be$ £errn bargebracfyt, one oorgefcfyrteben in ber ©teCte ber fyeitigen Shrift, bie toir lefen. 9? a dj bem Sefen ber XI) or a. (Die ©emeinbe erbebt ftdj.) S3 orb. Srfyebet end), ifyr $tnber beg gottlicfyen 23unbe3, unb preifet ben .ftonig ber Sfyre ; mit fyeiliger (Sfjrfuv^t unb freubiger £)anfbarfeit lobpreifet feinen 9tamen fitr ba$ tyimmlifdje Sidjt unb baa etoige ZtUn, bas er gnabenretd) una oerliefyen. Sorb, unb ©em. fagen baS S3orud) bebrdifd). $ie £borarotte toirb pon ber ilttnjel entfernt, roabrenb beffen, obne ^aufe, fdbrt ber Sorb, fort mit Seballelu unb 2flUmor ober mtt einer Jptjmne au$ ber folgenfcen Sib- tbeilunfl. Cl 66 While this hymn is recited the minister carries the Scroll of the Law to the reader's desk. {Congregation is seated.) {Proceed as above.) FOURTH DIVISION. Before the Sermon, When the benediction after the reading of the Law is said, without pause, one of the following pieces is read if the Hebrew Mizmor was not read, and while the choir sings it, the Scroll of the Law is returned in procession to the Ark, the preacher mounts the pulpit, and when all are seated, he begiyis the sermon. XXII.— Psalm 29. EKE, sons of the Almighty, voices raise, (Dome, give to the Lord honor and praise ! Glory alone to His name accord, In sqlemn temples adore the Lord ! Hear ye the 4-lmighty, the God of fame, As, thunderlike, waters His voice proclaim !, 67 2WeS wai ben ©otteabienft betrifft, olfo oud) bie ge(r» unb 9?emttcnbgtage, foflte con ber .target bcrab cerfiinbigt werben. n?tntt nid>t bag fegenannte 3i o f d) 4 o b o f d) « 33 c it f d) c it fdjott irt ^ebr. fritter gefd)et)en ifl. Ikrte £. iSBat bcr ^vebtgt. ?tad)be.m ber SBorbeter bie Sd)Ui§benebiction nadj bent ST&oraaerlcfen a> fprodjen fat, obne $aufe, teirb eina ber felgenben ©tticfe colefen, roenn nidU bereits ter bebr. Sttiamor gelefen rcurbe; rcabrenb ber <£bor biefeg oter ben SRtamor ilnpt, roirb bie £f)ora in ^rojefftcn nad) ber Sabe jimicf gebradjt, ber 3>rebtger bejteigt bie tfanjel, bie ©emeiitbe fetjt fid), roenn ber 33orbang (Id) fdjliejjt, unb nad) Seenbigung beg ©efanges fclgt bie 9>rebigt. 22* tyiahn 24. 55 o r b e t e r. ©ott gefyoret bie 2BeIt unt) ifjre ^iitte, bie Srbe, unb bie auf iljr toofjnen. £r fyat fte an s 3fteeren gegritnbet, an <3tromen fte feftgemad)t. SCer fteigt auf ben 23erg bed iperrn, mer ftefjt auf Jettt* ger (Statte? 2Ser reiner Jpanbe ift unb lantern £eqen3, wer nie $um ^alfd) bie ©ecP erfyob unb nid)t fdjnmr gum Xr'ug, ber empfangt ben (Segen son ©ott unb ©nabe son bem £errn fetnes £eUe£. 2)a$ ift bad ©efer £err fyat feinc £iilfe funbgetfyan, ©erecfytigfett »or ben 2lugen ber 255(fer offenbart. (Singebenf ift er feiner ©nabe unb feiner £reue bem £aufe 33raef$, ©djauen wcrbcn bie (Snben after SSeft unferes <35otte5 £etL c?> 70 CHOIR. Shout aloud of joy, all lands, to God, Break forth and sing harmonious praise; With harps announce my God and King; With harps and strains of music loud, With trumpets, cornets' rousing voice, Proclaim the glorious king, the Lord. Let seas in all their fullness roar, The world and all that dwell on her, Let streams clap hands and hills rejoice, United sing : the Lord, he comes To judge the world with righteousness. To judge all men with equity. XXIV.— Israel's Soaig* ^Jtly refuge, Lord, art Thou alone. Thy Law my only creed ; Thou lookest down from mercy's throne With love on Jacob's seed. Exalted high And ever nigh Is Isr'el's Eock, Jeshurun's King, Whose praise all creatures shout and sin< Let nations boast of wisdom's fill, It's small and vain at once — From heavens high He taught His will, My God, to Jacob's sons. 71 3and)$t, atfe Sanbe, ben £errn jn preifen, 23red)t and in ju&elfctyattenbe SBeifen! 2Iuf, finget bem £errn mit (Sitfyerflangen, yjlit (Jitfyerflangen unb lauten ©efangen, 2)rommetenfdjmetternb, pofannentonig 3and)3t *>or bent £errn, bem emigen ^ontg! S3 feraufe bad 9fleer nnb n?ad b'rtn lebt, Die Srbe nnb road b'ranf wo^nt nnb ftre&t: grofylodenb ranfdjen bie ©trome tm Xfyal, £d juMn bie 23erge aKjnmal: &r fommt — bad jnbeln fie Dor bem iperrn — 3n rtdjten bie SBelt aid ^tfgeredjter, 9)ftt etvigem 3fted)te bie 335(fergefd)fedjter! 24. ©otteS £el>re meitte £uft* & lelig ft>en £>ein SBort erqntder, ©ott, h>er £)ein ®efe£ fcettmfyrt! (Se(ig tten 2)etn 2td)t erlencfytet 2Jnf bed Mend bnnHer gatyrt! Stnbern nnb fid) felfeft jnm (Segen SBattt er frenbtg feinen 2auf, Unb ben 9ftitben 9ttmmt Dein ^rteben ©tetd ju nener (Starfnng auf* •Damrn £)anf ©it, 23ater broBen, £)af id) £etn ©efe£ erfannt; 3n bem SBorte Reiner Set) re ©afcft £)n mir ber Siefte 9>fanb. c4 72 The light of light In wisdom's hight Is Isr'el's Rock, Jeshurun's King "Whose praise all creatures shout and sing. My soul proclaims with holy zeal, Salvation's rock is mine ! Let earths and suns the truth reveal, Encased in Jacob's shrine ; Of boundless grace In all his ways Is Isr'el's Rock, Jeshurun's King, Whose praise all creatures shout and sing. XXV.— Israel's Duty. hj/BEY, O Isr'el, the Lord's commands, It is thy glory and might ; Behold the Father has blessed thy hands To bear the banner of light, Embrace salvation's eternal cause Revealed to Jacob in God's own laws. Behold, all nations obey with awe, The King of glory and might, Implore his mercy, revere his law ; They seek the banner of light. The days of darkness with speed decline, The sun of Zion will brightly shine. Proclaim, O Isr'el, with holy zeal ; The King of Glory and might ; -freilig null idj fie bercaijren, 5Cie be3 2Ina,es reinen Stern; *ftid)t in greuben, SRtd)t in £eiben Stel) fie meinem £er$en fern. ^raft unb 3:rojl: foil fie mir reidjen, SSenn id) fdjtoad) unb treftToi? Mn, Unb im itampfe biefer (£rbe fRttttn mir ben frcmmen ©inn. Meinem gujje fei fie Senate, Meinem 2$anbel fefter Stab, 9?ti ju leiten £nrd) ber 3^^en 2Bed)fet, hi* In'* (littc ©rat. 2Cenn ic6 bann mid) nieberlege, SBetttt ber lefjte <2d)(af midj rufr, Soil fie lendjrenb mir sorangeb'n Unb midj fitferen au§ ber ©raft; Unb mid) fiifcren aufftartft, aufn?arts Singuge^'tt $ur £erriid)feit; — tOietnem £eben 9t5g' fie grifen 3ena,nig bann in (Ennajfeit. 23* (ButtcS Jyiilmmg* (8Tu* 3>falm 105.) fi. ©. 'anfet bent £e'rrn, rnft feinen Sftamen an, Xfyut unter ben SSoIfern funb, roas er getfjan! ©ingt 3(jnt nnb lajfet Saitenfpiel erfdjatten, Singt ^)rei3 nnb dlutjm son feinen SBuubern alien! CO 74 The nations listen to thy appeal — Unfurl the banner of light ! Let truth and freedom all nations raise To sing with angels thy Maker's praise. XXVI.— Israel's Hope. Isaiah. li 1 to 3 ; Micha iv, 1 to 4 ; Joel iii. 2JEHOLD, the host ascend The mount of Zion's Rock, They come from ev'ry land A vast and countless flock, "With psalms of joy and praise To -worship Judah's Sun, Each soul implores the grace Of God, the only One. "What ails the orb of light? His rays are dim and faint. What ails the queen of night ? Her face is pale and quaint. The sun of truth prepares All regions low or high, The spirit's light outglares All suns in yonder sky. "What sounds from Zion's lyre, A voice serenely sweet, With Seraphs' fervent fire "When God's approach they greet ? " Redeemed, all men are free, The earth is angels' home ! " to 9titr)mer feinem r)eifigen ftamtni cud), ibv Ireuen, yfla# jebea £er$, bct3 fudjt ben £errn, fid) freiten. Sorfdjt nad) bem £errn unb feinc £errlid)fetr, ©ucfyet fein 2lmjejtd)t 311 aller 3^it ! 2ln feine SGunber benft, be er »oI16radjt, 5l'n feiner 3 e ^ert unb 3lid) terfpriicfye Wlafyt, 3(jr, bie au£ 2l6ra()am, feinem $ned)t, geboren, 3&t ^'inber 3a!ob^, bie er auserforen! Txnn dx, ber £err, ift unfer ©ott! Sejlettt (Stub feine ©ericfyte it&er atfe SBett! £reu Meibt er feinem 33unb, bem SBort geredjt, £)a$ er entfcoten auf'S taufenbfte ©efdjledjt. 3.$. (2luS bem Jpebr.) i^es £tmmel3 Sftaume, au$ Sitft unb glammen, £aud) unb ©lutt) gcetnt jufammen, 2)e3 JpimmeU $aume ftnb bein Shrentfyron, Tier (Srbe ©ait me ©d)emel bciner £err(id)feir, 3ene serfiinben beine Wlafyt, 3)iefe ^eugen son beiner $radjt* 2)er £err ber ©(^aaren ift ber ^ottfa, ber 9ttad)t! 2)er (Erben ©clanbe — gttttfj unb fefter ©runb, (Sine giilT ofyne Snbe — bft$ metre 9htnb. SSort alien ©eiten fonia,(id)c ^errlidjfeiten, £ier ba$ £imme(v?3ett, bort bie Srbenmett. Tod) Mt$ sercjefyr, seratter, *ftur er kjtefyt unb .matter, £>er .Jperr ber £immel£fpr)aren, ber ^onig ber (5l)ren ! 76 It sounds o'er land and sea From heaven's azure dome. Eternal light surrounds All souls, salvation crowned ; The Father heals all wounds, All sins in love are drowned. Affection bears the race On virtue's golden wing ; All men are saved in grace And G-od alone is Kino*. XXVII.— The Law of God. iwET there be light," a second time The Lord of Hosts proclaimed ; " Let error yield to truth sublime, And justice reign supreme ! " The sun then rose on Sinai's hight, And poured on thee a flood of light. A flood of light, these words and laws, Which Moses taught thy sires ; The banner of thy holy cause, Which truth and love inspires : It is the sun from Sinai's hight, Which poured on thee a flood of light. This Word of G-od, this " Law of fire," The queen of truth and grace, Is Isr'el's pride, his sole desire, His heaven's golden rays. 77 3m .!pimme(d$e(t bert flammen bie 9>racfthjejta(ten! SSom Jperrn ber 2Selt jum 3^tcnft beftellt ; £eud)ten entfcfyrcebenb, fefcren urn erfcebenb, Sftafrnenb einanber 3um ©eifcegefana, unb e3 tont im lauten JUang: ©oftne ber Spbaren! (£inget ju (Sfyren £e$ £errn ber <3d)aaren, bed tfonigs ber Gfyren! 2K. @. 27* 5Ke S$orracftt unb SBIiitfre. Sd tarn ber ^einb, ba brad) bed Jempeld 3^t, Unb 3uba ivarb jerftreut in atte SSJett; Toft) eb serbannt unb jcrftrcut tt?ir ttaren, £4 fcfcwebte e i n Ranter ob unfern Scfyaaren. 3a iiber Sanb unfc 9>?eere trugen nnr Tie Iborarotte, unfer 3tea.edpanier, Sin 3iea,edpanier in bumpfen ©fcettomauern, Sin Siea,edpanier in bed Scfyaffotted Scfyauern. 78 Lift up on high this book of light, Which God revealed on Sinai's hight. This Law of laws, so dearly bought With sighs, and tears, and blood — The blood of saints, who bravely fought A world in error's flood ; Let's cling to it, the book of light, Which God revealed on Sinai's hight. We cling to thee with holy glee, The Law of God is ours ! The God who rules o'er land and sea, On worlds his blessings show'rs — = Revealed the Law on Sinai's hight, He poured on thee a flood of light. 79 2Bir opferten ber Sefyre ®nt unb 33Iut, SHMr tjaoen fie a,efdju£t mil treuem 9fluttj; 9?un toarb es Sidjt — unb bic uns ©ott gegeoen, Die £fyora leot unb irtrb unfterMtdj febem 3ur (SimueUjiing ciner neitcn < Btpl)tv-%l)oxa. £ier ttieber in be$ ©ottesfiaufes ©cfyrein $raa.t 2tnbad)t ftid ifyv f)ocr;fte3 ®ut fyineut; 3n neue ipiitie Mrgt bte alte Xreue, Der Sfyora SBort, ba3 alte, emtg neue* 2fud) biefe 9Me fet etn ©iegetfpamer, <2ei unfer ©cftmucf unb ferner 3 e it*rt 3^ er ; ©efd)fed)tern, bte auf unferer 2lfrf)e fallen, r ^Ingeftcfyt. @r fpridjt — bes 5D?ecre^ UngefHim SCivb ftitXe anf ein SBort oon tt)m* A million torches lighted by Thy hand Wander unwearied through the blue abyss ; They own Thy power, accomplish Thy command- All gay with life, all eloquent with bliss. What shall we call them? Piles of crystal light ! A glorious company of golden streams ? Lamps of celestial ether burning bright? Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? But Thou to these art as the moon to nighti Yet, as a drop of water in the sea, All this magnificence in Thee is lost : What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee? And what am I, then ? Heaven's unnumbered host Though multiplied by myriads, arra5^ed In all the glory of sublimest thought Is but an atom in the balance, weighed Against Thy greatness — is a cypher brought Against infinity. What am I then? naught! Naught ! — but the effulgence of Thy light divine, Pervading worlds has reached my bosom too ; Yes, in my spirit doth Thy spirit shine, As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew. Naught ! — but I live and on hope's pinion's fly Eager towards Thy presence ; for in Thee Hive, and breathe, and dwell; aspiring high, Even to the throne of Thy divinity. I am, O God, and surely Thou must be. AXONYME. 83 Sd Wbt ein ©ott! D6 Stitrme branen Sent $ilijer attf bed Mend $>fab, — ©ein $3etter fommt, nur ju erfreuen, Unb nnter <2titrmen reift bie ©aar. Srnm 3teb' icft in ber 3 u fanft £anb <2tetd n?ofyIgemutf) an ©otted £anb. (5d lebt ein ©ott! 2Bad biefe Setyre Ser fyeiPgen Cjfenoarnng fpracfr, Xa$ $aUt $n feined 9camend Sfyre 3m ©prncfce bed ©ettujTend nad). 2ludj bad ©efefc tot SBnfen tyier 3ft l)eit'^c Cffenoaruna, mir. (Ed Icbt etn ©ott! Xer #offnttna, batmen SBeb'n ^Hufte mir son feinen ^po^n; 3d) feb 1 in junker Saaten ipafmen £ie (Srnte fcfyon im getbe fWn/ $8a$ ift bed ©ottedlencjnerd Spotr, 2Bo SWes" ruft: Sd ijl etn ©ott! £d lebt ein ©ott! Wod) einfl tm 8d)etben 3ft ber 2Miebenbe mir nafy\ Sen id) in tattfenb Sebcndfreuben, Unb aud) in meinen Seiben fat). 3m $obe Mtt()t bad Seben mir; Dn febft, mein ©ott, id) feb 1 in bir! §amf>. ©efangb. 84 XXIX.— The Atributes of God. [Exodus xxxiv 6, 7.] e. '0 Him, the One Eternal Lord and King, All knees are bent, all hearts with fervor cling. Let all the mortals join in one accord, To Sing the praise of God, the only Lord. His might creates, omnipotence controls The world which He through space with wisdom rolls ; His will sustains, the fly, the suns, each ray, He wills, and worlds are born or worlds decay. Immutable justice reigns in God's domains, The worlds His will has made, His law sustains. The suns obey His voice with silent awe, All nature speaks of His eternal law. His law is sovereign wisdom's boundless sea; In wisdom just, in justice wise is He. His law is love and grace to Zion's flock, The sinner's dread, the righteous children's rock. He's wisdom's Self and justice absolute, Surpassing thought, beyond research acute. His grace is He, He's truth and light supreme ; Creation is of God a partial beam. The Lord exalted o'er time and space Regards His own with boundless love and grace. Corrects all faults, and shapes all aims and ends ; His mercy spares the sinner who repents. 85 29. £vb <&otte$. (2Tu$ fcem £ebr. its OTcfed $en GSra.) Jy en (Engetd)oren 3tt £immel$fpf>arert £em Jperrn ber (Sfyren, SQBirb Sftnfym geBracfyt* 3n lantern Somali 5RU madjt'gem £att (Srbranft ber ©cfyali £e$ 2ieb3 in $rad)t. £ie t>eirgen (2d)aaren £er Unjtdjtfcaren, Tex ©unfcerfcaren, giufen mit ma$U £etHg, Jfilfg, fcetlig 3ft bev ©ort bev 8cfoaaren. 3n frommer Sd)aner, 3n etv'ger Daner Scfyallt feinem 9?amen Stinmfcfigeton, Unb mad) tig bran fen, Tit trie 231i£e fa it fen, Seraftm in Jpimmel^ofy'n, 2)ie einanber fragen, Cb fie's fragen, ©ott ju Bcifgen in fcangem 3 a 3 cn * Jpeiftg, fyetlig, fyeilig 3ft ber ©ott bev <5d)aaren. 86 The Holy One with loving-kindness reigns, In grace supreme, His wisdom laws ordains, To bear His own to bliss, on eagle's wings ; Delightful theme, my soul with rapture sings. With reason's eye in conscience's depth behold The truth of God revealed a thousandfold ; His might and wisdom speak from nature's shrine With thousand tongues, in words and laws divine. XXX.— Shema Yisrael. 1. HEAR, O Israel hear, God, thy Lord is near, Love and mercy mark His trace ; Light from Seraph flame, Truth, the angels claim, Pours on thee His boundless grace. Sing, Jeshurun sing, God is Lord and King, He redeems, besides Him none ; Suns and stars proclaim God's exalted name, One is He, Eternal One. 87 (Sin Jpecr son 3™gen, £ie ftdj angflt>otI fcengen, $reift ©ott tm Steb, bent prad)ttgen. 3n ranfd)enbem $lang £ont SBeifyegefang 3m £>reima(()eUig bem 2H!mad)tigen* SBle £>onnergeroU (ZtyaUVt jufcefoott SSon $(angen, ftcfytfrar geftattet: £etfig, Jjeiiig, fyetlig ift ©ott, £er iperr, ber itber ben ©i^aaren tvattet! SR. @. i. 'or 1 3s™et, nnr (Einer Ijl beirt ©ott! £af biefen fyeiPgen 9htf bid) gan$ bnrd)brtngen; (Er fei cin Seitftern bir in grenb' unb 9tottj, (Sr Jjetf bein Sefrensroerf ootf&ringen; Unb itoer'm ©ra6e ton 1 bnrd)'s 9ftorgenrot(j: £bV 33rael, nnr (Siner ift bein ©ott! £bY 33rael, nnr (Einer ift bein ©ott! 9fttt biefem ©otte^rcort tritt in bie ©djranfen, Dljnmadjtig nnrb ber greater rofyer Sport; @o(d)' gelfenwerf tro^t eroig jebem ®d)ft>anfen* £)etn ir feine Scftre rein nnb fcett. (Sie war in ^injternip bein Sidjt, Unb beine ©eele roanfte nidjt — D I) ore, 3 a r a e U S i n 3 i g t ft S r !— 9htr an ben Sinen fotfft bn QlauUn*, £)odj 3f)n tag bir son feinem 2Qa^ne ranoen — Unb natyet ber 23erfnd)nna, ipeer, £aft feft an ©ott, an 3&m aflein ! Sr toirb bein ©djnjj, bein better fein — £) pre, 3 3 r a e I! 3n Sn?ia,f eit SBafyrt feine Siebe! — 8ein Sroarmen ©djlingt nm ba$ SBettatt fict) tnit 55aterarmen, Unroanbeloar in afle 3^tt! <5o toafjre feft and) fein ©eoot! — „©ott, unfer ©ott, ift einjig ©ott— O pre, 3$tael!" 90 XXXII.— Man ! ft 'HOU art ! O Father, guiding all, Thou art ! Direct my understanding then to Thee : Control my spirit, guide my wandering heart ; Though but an atom 'midst immensity, Still I am something fashioned by Thy hand ! I hold a middle rank 'twixt heaven and earth; On the last verge of mortal being stand, Close to the realms where angels have their birth- Just on the boundary of spirit land ! The chain of being is complete in me; In me is matter's last gradation lost, And the next step is spirit — Deity ! I can command the lightning, and am dust : A monarch, and a slave — a worm, a God ! Whence came I here? And how so marve- lously Constructed and conceived? Unknown! this clod Lives surely through some higher energy, For from itself alone it could not be. Creator ! Yes, Thy wisdom and Thy word Created me. Thou source of life and good ! Thou spirit of my spirit, and my Lord ! Thy light, Thy love in their bright plenitude, Filled me with an imortal soul, to spring Over the abyss of Death, and bade it bear The garments of eternal day, and wing 91 ,,3m GbcnbilDe ©otte§ cr[d;uf Gr ben QKeufdjen." 1/ ernafymft bu bad bobe, bad tyeitige 2$ort, Xae ©ott bir aerltetjen 311m ©djujj, $um £ort? „£en 9flenfd)en erfcfyuf Gr im gottlicfyen 23tfb!" Jpat ganj bid) ber ©pru$, ber geiveifyte, erfitlft? — £er £err ift fo grog unb ber SDTcnfcft fo Hein, Unb bodj barfft bu afynlidj bent Striken feim SDa* $3ettlid)t ift ©ott unb ber 3Renfd> ein ©tent, <3o biibe bid) fort an bent 23i(be beg £errnl Wit £tebe umfangt er ber 3Ftetd>e 3ieidj, ©0 Hebe aud) bu atte 23riiber gleid)! £te ©onne, bie SBIume, ba£ ^inb unb ber ©reis, ©ie atte oerfiinben ber 2(tfmad)t $rei& £>etn ©liicf unb bein ©djmerj, ber entfut)nt bie Sdjulb, Unb bein ringenber ©eift ift ©efdjenf feiner £utb. So tvirfe and) bu nur grog unb nttlb; SSegliide im ^(einen naclj <35otte3 33Ub! ©titter ^eitfcfyemoiirbe gerceifytes Lanier (Entfaltete feguenb bie ®ott()eit bir! ©ie jeigt bir ein SSort ate be$ SebettS ©djilb: t Detl 9ftenfd)en erfcbuf (Er im gottlidjen 23tlb!" 5D?inna SUeeberg. 92 Its heavenly light beyond this little sphere, Even to its source — to Thee — its Author there. O thought ineffable ! O vision blest ! Though finite our conceptions all of Thee ; Yet shall Thy shadowed luster fill our breast, And with it homage to the Deity. God ! thus above my lowly thoughts I soar ; Thus seek Thy presence — Being, wise and good; 'Midst Thy vast works, admire, obey, adore ; And when the tongue is eloquent no more, The soul shall speak in tears of gratitude. AXONYME, XXXIII.— The Creation of »ian. ft] KEATION was finished, the valleys and mountains "Were crowned with blossoms and verdure ; And Eden was planted around its sweet foun- tains, A beautiful garden of pleasure ; The beasts populated the bountiful kingdom — But none comprehended the heavenly wisdom. The Sovereign commanded the forces of nature, Bring forth in her likeness the sequel, The frame of the spirit, harmonious structure ! In beauty and grace without equal. The body was woven of dust in its rudeness — Still none comprehended the heavenly goodness 93 33* &vtt im SDtenfcftetn CAnenbltcfoer, ber ift unb mar £u, itnfre 3"flucfct tmmerbar, 33efyerrfd)er alter 3«ten! G&' Serge rourben, (Srb' unb 8Beft, Unb Sterne an be£ QimmtU 3t\t, SCarjl Xu fd)im (Erotgfetteiu £uefl bes Sieves, SebenSbronnen! Xu fd>ufft (2onnen, 2td)t unb Sefcen Xetnen ecfyopfungen gu gefcett. 3u Seiner Jpanb ftetyt unfre 3*ttj 2Btr ftcrben toenn Sein fHuf gebeut: „©tnft in ben StauB barnteber!" Girt lag ftnb sor Dtr taufenb 3<*$**# 28ie eine Dcadjt, tie geftern roar; <2ue flol) unb !e()rt ntdjt nneber. £>u, £err, Meibeft! SBit entfteben Unb ttergeben ; Stof £em SCerbe 2$urben ivir, unb rcerben Srbe ! Slttein £)u gabfi ju unferm £eil, 2>on Seinem Sicr)te un3 ein Zijtil ; Unb was una aud) gefdjefye — SBcnn un$ bcS ©(iidc3 ipanb erfyeM 5Benn uns be$ Scfymeqes 2Bef) burcftbebt- 94 The Father benignly imparted the leaven " Of life, to the body's completion ; He breathed in his nostrils the image of heaven, With reason, affection, volition. And man was created and gifted with freeddm, And he comprehended the heavenly wisdom. The Maker's delight was His image immortal, He blessed him with glory and power, To joy He was guided through Eden's sweet portal, And God was his strength and his tower. All creatures submitted to Eeason's own like- ness, And man comprehended the heavenly kind- ness. XXXIV.— Sinai. © 'JS" that appaling morn, when Israel woke To hear the Lord's omniscient decree ; When, as though Heaven's loud thunder broke, The very air grew rife with mystery ; When Sinai's Mount, involved in fire and smoke, Outswe!led the aspiring eager of the sea, — This be my theme : presuming task ! to sing The praise of Israel's God, his everlasting King. O ! for a Seraph's tongue or prophets pen, My glorious song, enraptured to exalt ! 95 2Qir fityten Deine ftafye, 2)u, o .SSater ! ©iB(l tut* Stdrfe 3u bem 2Berfe, £)ag auf (Erben 2Btr burdj £>tdj sotfenben werben* Scrlin. ©ebetbudj. 34L 2Cuf «oteO^ $d$em lE9ott erfcfyien auf £oreF$ ^)6§en — fyoxeh n>arb ein Iid)ter Quell. ®otte3 Dbem Morten n?el)ett 2>eine $ater, 3sraeL £ei( uns, £eil uns ! 3e^t no$ fleu(?t ber (icfyte Quell, 2llle 9tacfyre roerben l)ell, Unb ber SBa^r^eit mad^ttg SBalten <&itQtt oh be$ SBafmd ©eftalten; ©onnen leudjten fern unb nafy, £alleluja ! 96 Oh ! to have heard him " with an angel's ken " From yon triumphal wonder-paven vault, Come clothed in wisdom to commune with men, And bid so near their tents His Seraphs halt ! O'er sapphire floods, the burning escort rolled, Through clouds of roseate fire and molten gold. Soon from the Mount's crest, fearful sounds began To radiate slowly to its hallowed base ; Through all the mustering tribes one impulse ran, One thrill of joy and fear: o'er shivering space Pealed the celestial trump, and awe-struck nian With suppliant eyes, beheld the wondrous place, Where eddying mist and lightning's livid stream, Confest the Lord of Hosts — the Invisible Su- preme ! Pillars of smoke, thick-falling, caught the eye ; Dense but a moment ; for the reddening blaze Gushed forth in plunging volleys to the sky, Fierce thunders roared, and meteors flashed amaze ; The unfathomed empyrian gleamed on high With hues of amber, dazzling to the gaze, And peal on peal, with wild tumultuous din, Rolled on, far-echoing o'er the Wilderness of Zin. 97 SDfenfcfyennmrbe, 9flenf$enabel SBurben bort bem ltcMi<$ Zfytill „9flenfdj, ein SBanbel fonber Xabel <5ei bein ©tola, beta diu^m, bein £eil!' ^reifet, preifet ©ott, ber tjocfy im £imntet tfjront, £ocfy Bet fetnen tobern ttofynr, (£r rief bort ein neues 2© c r b e grennblicfy fetner (ieben @rbe, •ftam bent 9flenfd)enf)er$en nafj, ©ottes Singe fat) fyernieber, Unb mit feiner Satertjanb, 2Bie urn einer Sttttt ©lieber, 8d)Iang er felbjt ber Siefce 23anb. ^inber, $inber! £ente nod) ber 2?ater foricfyt: „£eiltg fet end) jebe $flidjt! SSer ben £imme( null erjlreoen, yjiufy anf Srben fyimmlifdj leoen; <£ei fdjon fyter bem Gtngel natj!" ' £attelnj[aty ! Sndj nidjt, pretf tdj, (Srbengiiter! 3^r server, fcfyttunbet fyin; yiityt bie ©eifter, bie ©emitter— 3^r oefriebigt fanm ben ©inn* gmig, etoig, ©otttidje meligion, SBafcret bein erljab'ner Xfyxon, Bl* 98 Then lo! the Eternal's summons loud and shrill. Shot terror and dismay through all their bands, And waxing longer, louder, louder still, Keverberating o'er the desert sands, Bidding God's seer ascend the naming hill From which He issued His divine commands, And gave them statutes for the Promised Home, And lighted heaven with love, through the ethe- real dome. A.I. M. XXXV.— Revelation. From the German by M. M. J/ ROM Sinai's hight & fountain springeth, And far away its waters flow ; A stream that blessing ever bringeth, The purest, sweetest here below. Whoe'er of its limpid water drinks, Pelights to strengthen internal links. On Sinai stands a Tree forever In bloom, with branches widely spread ; In vain will language labor — never Its heav'nly glories can be read. Whoe'er its fruit doth gather in Will happiness and blessing win. From Sinai's brow a Sun is beaming, And sheds all o'er the world its light : 99 tBelten mogen untergefyen — £)u nnrfi tmmerbar beflet>en; £)rum fet bu bem ^peqctt nctl) : £atfelujal) ! @tuttgarter ©ebct- unb &nbatf)t6tHtcf;. 3L 33* $te fiffen&arutt^ if @inat'$ £oi)'n entfpringt tie Que He-, £>ie wett fytnaus tie gluten gtefjt, Unb barin Staffer immer t;ellc Unb immer @egen 6rtngenb fliefjt* $3er ftdj an btefer Quelle labt, £)er rotrb erquidt unb Iraftbegabt $uf @inai Witfyt ein 33 a urn be$ Cefcens 2Me Slefle ftrecfenb meit unb fcreit ; && mutjt bie ©pracfye fid) sergefon^ 3u ritljmen feine £err(t$feit SBofyt bent, ber feine ©djeuer ^auft Wit Studjt, auf biefem 33aum geretftv $uf ©inat glanget tine 6onnc f 5Dte 2id)t fcerfcreitet iiberatl ; £)er £er$en Suft, ber (Seelen SBonnt, <"5nre<*et rrfcr ${mmel£ftrat)I« 100 Converting souls, and hearts redeeming, Its rays descend in lnstre bright. Salvation they will surely earn Who its enlight'ning lesson learn. The Law which God to us has given, It is the Fount, — the Tree it is ! It is the Sun — it brings from heaven True life to all who crave its bliss. To him that to its precepts clings The love of God and man it brings, XXXVI.— Threefold Revelation. 'ABE, what sounds from heaven's lyre, So grand, so powerful, sublime f God reveals His will in words of fire, Eternal truth, fetft changed by time. Hark, what sounds from Horeb's hight, O'er thunder's peal the word of truth ! God expounds His will in words of light, Keclaims His sons to sacred truth. Hark, what sounds from nations' trace, Like warbling cornets sounds one Law? God unrolls His will to human gaze, That all behold, rejoice with awe. Hark, it sounds with strength and might— Our God is true, His words divine, God is wisdom, God is truth and light, All glory, I ord of Hosts is Thine ! 101 Unb went U)r 2id)t bas Shig' er^eUt, 9JW bejfen £eil ifl'S tootyl be(tellt X)te 2et)re, bte uncs (35ott a,ca,ebcn, ©te i(* bte Cttelle, fte toe $tudjt; <2ie tft bie Sonne, fte gibt Seben Dent, ber bag ioafyre ?eBen fnd)t. 2Qer tljre S3orfc^rift fennt unb itbt, Der wirb »on ©ott nnb 2Bett getiebt. hamburger ©efattgbuc (2Iu3 fccm Jpetratf^en fce$ 3ufca^ Jpateet.) © ©ott! 2Bo ftnb' i<$ Did)? Der tief oer^iittt, erfyaben ftotjnt! Unb wo nitf)tfutb' id) Did)?— Der itberatt im ©(anje tfyronh Sr, ben mein £er$ oerfiinbet, Der Srbe ©renjen fjat er anfgebant* Den 9taben feft serbitnbet, Den gernen treu oertrauh Dn rootynft in £immet£j>f)aren, 2)u t^ronft im 2lett)erli$t, ©ebenebeit »on Deinen ipeeren, 3$r tjecfyftes Sob erretd)t Did) nidjL 2Cie? nnter (Srbenfofynen SBelft ©ott?— etne ^lUgenmlt, 9K. ©. Dt 37. (Bott&evtraticm 2l2»a5 ©ott tfjut, bag if* ttotylgettyan! D fitter Sroft ber iperjen! £>u t)ebfi ium ©lutf un$ tyimmetan, 3um ©litd aug £eib unb Sdjmerjen. SBerjage nid)t auf £>ornenbat)n! 5Ba^ ©ott tt)ur, bag ift ttotylcjettyatt! &in ©tern oerHart beg £ebeng Shirty, Db ftdj bie SBogen tl)itrmen: SSertrau' auf ©ott mit frotyem Sftutty! ©o bangft bu nie tro{3 ©titrmen! 3u jagen matt, mar' ©Hattenmatyn; 2Bag ©ott ttyut, bag ift tootylgettyan! Unb wemt bu metnjt, bafj batb bir brtdjt £>ein £er$ oor Setb unb Summer, 2) a toetft ber £roft fo fromm, fo fd)(td)t 2)ein ©litd bir auf oom <2d)lummer; Unb glaubig blidft bu tyimmelan; ftSad ©ott tfyut, bag ift tvotylgettyan! SKiima ^TeeOern- 104 XXXVIII.— Hannukali.* £fN the Lord is our strength and our power ^ He's our Eock and our Eefuge eternal, His unutterable grace is our tower, As His love is affection paternal ; Only source of all truth irrefutable, He's our G-od and Redeemer immutable, When the Syrian foe desecrated The abode of His glorious presence, And the people, His love consecrated, Was enslaved by a king without conscience, The Almighty pour'd forth inspiration On Mattathia's sons and his nation. Feeble hearts were transported with valor To reconquer the altar and Ariel ; Divine power unfurled Judah's banner, Consecrated the arms of Israel ; The Almighty revealed His salvation On llattathia's sons and his nation. The perpetual fire on the altar Was rekindled by victors enraptured ;' To our God they resounded the psalter, And the trumpet of Freedom recaptured ; Over Pagan oppression and blindness Again triumphed our God's loving-kindness. *The feast of lights, is In commemoration of the victories of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes and the Syrians, and the re-dedication of the temple of Jerusalem. 105 38* &aitmtfrtl).*) B, 'un glan^en rings boil ?icMerfd)ein £te Jcmpel 3uba 1 3, grog unb Hetn, £ie ipdufer unb bte ^eqen; £er 9flaffafcaer £elbenmad)t (Ergliifyt ncdj htuV »oH StegeSpracfyt 3m Strafyt ber ©ci^cferjen ! 23on einer 3^^ »otI ©litcf unb Steg 9ladj -SDlenfcfyenroafyn unb 2>i>lferfrieg (Eqdbtt ber .fteqett <5dummer; @o la§t uns auf bie Sifter f^au'n #m 2Bei()efeft unb ©ett sertrau'n; Sr fcfolaft, er fdjfummert nimmer! D banft nnb pretjr! £ie aire 3«tt 2M 9?acrjt unb SQafyn unb 9)tenfcfyenteib, @i« ift mtrebt, $erftoben; <3o lafH un3 fyeuf au£ tiefjhr 3?rujt giir unf rer Jage £id)t unb Suft £en £errn ber SBetten toben! £er ©ott, ber unfer tyoctyjtes ©ut Sot ©prern unb £»ranncnn?utlj ©efcpfct in aften £agen, (Er gab un6 ^elben tmmerbar SBtc jene 9ttaffabderfcbaar, £en fdjrceren $ampf ju tragen* *) Xa« geft ter Sidjter, jum SIntenfen ter £tege ter 2ttaffafcaer fiber 2ln« ticfyti Grirbanei unt tie Sgrier, unt ter ©ieteretnttet^ung tea Ztmvtli ju Serufalem. ^ ^ 5 d5 106 Let us sing a new song of thanksgiving, At the lights of the feast, Halleluyah ! To the Lord of all lands of the living And the dead, let us shout Halleluyah ! Halleluyah, the Lord of creation, Halleluyah, the God of Salvation, Halleluyah ! SIXTH DIVISION. Doxologies. Either of the following pieces may be used in place of the sermon, if none be preached, or also in conclusion of divine service. XXXIX.— The Cardinal Doctrines. Minister. One and Eternal art Thou, Most Holy God, Lord of Hosts. Thou art the ever active cause of all causes, source of all life and substance of all entities. Exalted above space and time, Thou rollest the suns in their orbits, Unb 3uba fitt unb 3uba ftritt, Unb ©ottes Segen fampfre mit ; £>a brad) ber $a% jufammem 2$ir tteifyten unf're Xempef ein, SBir bitrfen frei unb glitrflid) fetn ; a* fetnSgrunb, Ueber 3^it unb 9ft a urn erfyaben fenfft T)u bte <5onnen in ifyren 53af)nen, leiteft bie SMten unb 108 guidest all the worlds, and rulest over all the creatures, in Thine infinite wisdom, — that none fail in its destiny, and each fulfill the laws of Thy holy will; that they bear, support and strengthen one another, and proclaim Thine unlimited power and wisdom. CHOIR. To God the one eternal Lord and King, The worlds shout praise, all angels sing. Minister. The heaven is Thy throne and the earth Thy footstool ; yet lookest Thou down graciously upon all beings whom Thou hast gifted with life. Water spouts from the rock, to quench their thirst ; mountains and valleys are clad in luxuriant verdure ; Thy blessing brings forth the delicious fruit on the trees ; ethereal balm and sweet melodies fill the air, flowers and blossoms adorn the earth, and all is covered over by the azure dome of heaven; that all Thy creatures enjoy, in happiness render thanks un- to Thee, and in joyous praises acknowledge Thy paternal goodness. CHOIR. To God whose goodness smiles from land and sea, Let mortals sing with Seraph's holy glee. Minister. In Thy boundless grace, O Lord, Thou hast given to man an immortal soul, Thou hast created him in Thine image, Thou hast per vaded him with the rays of Thine understand 109 fceljerrfdfyefl tie SBefett atfe iit Deiner unenbttcfyen SSeUljeit, tag fte U)ren $reis(auf nacfj Detnen ©e* fe£en »o(lenten unt nadj Dehtem fyeiltgen SMtfen tfyre 93ejttmmung erfiiU'en; bag fie einanter tragen, ffciitjen, ftarfen, ©cine 2Itfmadjt unt uuentlidje 2Bei$* fyett ju tterfunben* (5^ or. 2Bie grog, o £err, fmb Petite SBerfe ! Der ©eift erftarft im ©cfyauen Deiner <5tarfe. SBorBetetr. Der Jpimmet ijr Dein Sfyron, tie (Erte Deiner ^ii§e (Sdjemet ; tod) fdjauft Du gnaten* reidj fyerab auf atte SBefeit, tenen Seben Du gegebeu. 2lu3 ten f5effen fprutetn SSaffermogen, ityren Durft $u li>fcfyen ; 33erge unt Xfyaler fleiben |ldj in iippig ©run, Detn @egen belafiet tie 23aume rait fitter ^ruc^t, 33alfamtuft unt fiige 9JMobien erfuffen tie Siifte, SBluraen unt £Hutfjen fcfymiicfen tie %luxtn, unt aflea tecft Dein btauer Jptmraetsbom ; auf ta§ atfe Deine ©efdjopfe gentegen, glucffeUg X5ir tanfen unt freubig preifen Deine 23ater|u(b. 2Ber tji toie (£r, ter £err, Den unfern <35ott mtr ^reifen, Der feinen %t)von fid) fyocfygefiellt, Unt tief X)txaWidt auf tie Selt? 5? o r b e t e r. ©en 9flenfd?en, o Jperr ! fyaft Du in Deiner unenblicben ©nabe begabt mit einem uufterb* ttcfyen ©etfte, gefefyajfen in Deinem (SbenbUbe ; Du Ijajr tljn burcfytrungen rait ten ©tra^Ien Deiner 23er* 110 ing, Thou hast crowned him with the panting desire after knowledge, the restless yearning after the highest, the perfect, even after Thee, Infinite One ! Thou hast formed man for free- dom and immortality, and hast impressed his heart with the holy desire after noble deeds and acts of charity, to advance the happiness of his race. Thou hast appointed man, the end and aim of all creation and the reflex of Thy glory, to be the ruler of Thy sublunar creatures ; that he discern Thee in Thy works ; that he learn to know his human duties from Thy revelations of grace and love; that he draw consolation, vigor and courage from the immeasurable fountain of eternal mercy; that he learn to be happy on earth and happy in all eternity. CHOIR. To God, the gracious Father sing all praise, He show'rs on man his love, his wisdom's rays. Minister. Thou hast chosen Israel to pro- claim the word of truth, the voice of everlasting salvation, until justice alone shall reign supreme among the nations, love sl^all unite the family of man, truth and virtue shall be universally acknowledged as the highest aim of man. [*Thou hast appointed the Sabbath as a sign of Thy covenant with Israel, to be a day of rest and of sanctification, of joy and consecration of the soul, of recreation and elevation of the mind, a day of preparation to the eternal Sabbath in Ill nunft, gefront mit bem Grange nadj (Erfenntnifj unb mit ber <5ef)nfu($t nadj bem £6djften, tern $oUfomme= nen, nad) £)ir, Unenbtidjet ! £>en 9ftenfd)en fjaft £)u jur grct^ett unb jur Unjterblidjfeit gefdjaffen, unb ba$ fyeittge 35er(angen nad) eblen Sfyaten, nadj 9ftenfdjen= begliidung ifym ticf in'3 £er$ gepragt. £)en 9ftenfdjen, £)einer (Sdjopfnng 3^ed unb 3**1 un *> Reiner $of)eU $bglanj, Ijajt ^ u 3 um 33e^crrfc^er Reiner SBerfe ein= gefetjt, baf er in Deinen $3erfen £)idj erfenne, tm SBatten £)etner CieBc feine 9ttenfdjenpflid)t begrctfe, $rojl unb $raft unb 9ftutf) au$ bem enblofen 53om Dciner gnabenreidjen SBarmfjerjtgfeit fd)6pfe, gliidfetig Ijier unb fetig in after Sroigfeit ju fetn* (S tj or, Sobt, afle 9)Zenfdjen, ben £errn unb feine $fabc, ftiifjmt, alP i^r Golfer, rufjmt if)n a^eit; Denn madjtig uber un$ ip: feine ©nabe Unb feine Xreu' in (Saugfeit. 35 o r b e t e r, X>u tjaft 3$raet erforen, ba$ SBort ber 2$atjrtjeit, bie ©ttmme be$ etoigen Jpeits $u tragen unb 3U sertunben, M ©eredjtigfett atfein bie SSolfer betjerrfdjt, Stebe afle 9ftenfdjen serbritbert, SBafyrijeit Unb Xugenb afluberafl aU bes 9flenfdjen ^i5cf>fi:e^ 3iel erfannt fein merben* [% m <3 a b b a t $. 2tl$ ein 3eic^en Deine$ 23unbe3 mit 3$rael fyajl £)u ben ©ab* batty eingefe^t, gnr 9htbe unb Jpeittgung, $ur ftxtu'tit unb SBeifye be$ ©eiftes, jur (Srfjohing unb (Srbauung, jur SSorberettung fiir ben enngen <&aMaty im dltifyt 112 the realm of eternity.] Grant, O Lord, that all men be enlightened in Thy holy law, that they live for virtue, search after truth, and that all be permitted to partake of Thy blessings and of eternal salvation ; that all tongues proclaim Thy glory, and all hearts find vigor and consolation in Thee, Eternal One. CHOIR. To God, the Lord of hosts, all praise is due ; Salvation's rock is always firm and true. Xli.— The Threefold Covenant. Minister. Lord of the Universe, Father of all creatures, Thou great and incomprehensible Elohim, hosts of angels sing Thy praise ; mil- lions of suns, the uncountable host of the stars shout hymns to Thy great name ; heaven and earth proclaim Thy wisdom ; the sea trembles, the mountains quake before Thy omnipotence ; all creatures exclaim in one grand chorus, Thou art the Creator, the Lord and the Preserver, all - mighty and all-wise, infinitely great and incom- prehensibly exalted ; Thou spokest, and it was ; Thou commandest, and it exists. — ^But among all the creatures of Thine immense worlds, it is man alone whom Thou hast made in Thy image, to inquire into Thy works, to comprehend there- in Thy omnipotence and Thy supreme wisdom, *If not Sabbath, omit this passage, and continue " Grant," &c. 113 ber Snugfeit.] <3ib, o ($ott, bag atte SWcnf^en Xetn freiligeS SBort fcerneftmen, ber lugenb leoen, nadj 2Bafyrt)eit forfcfyen, £eine3 £etf$ unb Seines SegenS tfyeUfyaft ju rcerben; ba§ atte 3ungen Ttin £ofc tter* fitnben, unb atte £er$en finben in £ir Jroft unb Jlraft. (E ( or. $ret$ fei bcm £errn unb feinem fyeiligen Sftamen, 3>reis ton nun unb ettig! 2Jmen! $men! 40. !$ct SBmrt. 55 o r p e t e r. £err atter SBelten! 2?afer atter SBefen! £icfy preifen bie Sngelfcfcaaren ; 9ftittionen Sonnert, ber Sterne ^afyttofes £eer ftngen SoMieber £einem gregen SRamen. .Spimmel unb Srbe serfitnben £eine 2Bei$fyeir, bie 9fteere erftekn, bie 23erge jitrern »or Reiner 2Ittmacbr, atte Greaturen rufen in einem ntadjrigen (Sfcere: Xu bift ber Stopfer, £err unb Sr=- tyalter, attmacfytig unb aflroeife, unenbltcfy grof unb unbegreiflid) erbaben; £u fpracfrft unb e$ warb, £u fcefafcljt unb e£ franb ba. — Unter atten 2Qefen Reiner unenblicfcen ScfyiJpfung after ift es ber 9flenfcfr attetn, ben Xu gefcfyaffen in £einem (Sfrenotlbe, £eine SBerfe $u erforfdjen, £eine gCftma$i unb 2$ei$fyeit barin 3U er* 114 to behold Thy omnipresent energies, and to have dominion over this physical world, in Thy holy name. Only with man whose soul is the mir- ror which reflects Thy wisdom, only with man hast Thou made a covenant of love, that he have dominion over this physical world, and in sub- duing it he may enjoy the fullness of Thy pater- nal blessings ; that this earth be changed into an Eden and man become glad of his existence be- fore Thee. CHOIR. The rainbow in colors bright Proclaims the gracious covenant of G-od ; He sends us from heaven's hight The promise G-od has made to lowly sod — That man should reign o'er nature's realm, And worship God with song and psalm. Minister. Perfect art Thou, Lord of Hosts, Thine omnipotence is like to Thy love, Thy jus- tice and Thy mercy are equal to Thine infinite wisdom ; Thy paternal providence is ever activo and is everywhere, Thy gracious hand bears the universe ; Thou art the M-Shaddi, the ruler of all, the preserver and supporter of creation's immeasurable domains. So hast Thou revealed Thyself to our sire, and Thou hast commanded him, to walk before Thee and to become perfect. Not to the sweetness of this earth alone, the happiness of man and his duties are limited, not for this earth alone, man has been created; to 115 fennen, $>ein SBatten barin ju fc^auen unb in £>einem 9kmen $u tyerrfcfyen auf Srben. 9tur mit tern 9Jien* fcfyen, beffen ©eele ift ber (Spiegel, ber £>eine SBeidfyeit ttnberffratytt, ^aft £>u gefd>Ioj[en einen 23unb ber Stebe, bag cr bef)errfd)e 2)eine SBerfe unb im Sejmittgen t>er 9ktur £>eine3 (Segens macfytige giitte geniefe, tin @ben auf Srben fid) fdjaffe unb feines £)afein$ frof) toerbe. (5$ or. (5$ prangt ber Sftegenbogen 3n bitten 2Baffertt>ogen, Die garoen ftrablen emtg gletd); @$ fpricfyt bas SBunbeSjeicfyen: £)er 9ftenfd) nrie ©ottesgletdjen, (5r fyerrfcfyt im @d)b>funggrei$. SSorbetcr. SSoUfommen bijl £)u, £err ber £eer= fdjaaren! Deine Mmacfyt gleicfyt Reiner Siebe, 2)etne ©ered)tigfeit unb 33armt)eqigfeit iji Teiner unenbttcfyen 2Bei$l)eit gleidj, afluberatl tr-altet £etne oaterltcfye gitr* forge, Petite fyulbreid)e ^orfefyung tragi ba$ 2U(; £>u bi|l ber (5 ( = © <$ a b b a i, Stflbefyerrfcfyer, 2ltfoerforger. (So tyajt 2)u bid) unferem (Stammsater offenbart unb ifym geboten, oor £ir gu toanbetn unb sollfommen gu ioerben. 5^id)t im (Srbengtiide allein Hegt be$ 9)?en= fcfyen Jpeil unb 23eruf, uidjt fur bie (Srbe allein fyaft £u 116 long after perfection is the duty of man, to reach it is bliss here and hereafter, to be enabled to reach it, this is the essence of the gracious cov- enant, which Thou hast made with our progeni- tors, to whom Thou hast revealed Thyself as the God of love and grace, and with whom Thou hast made the eternal covenant of truth, for all who shall search after Thy holy will. CHOIR. " Be perfect and walk before me," The great El-Shaddi taught our sire ; " To blessing on earth shall be Thy seed," He spoke in words of fire. This is the Father's covenant To all who clasp His outstretch'd hand. Minister. Thou O God, art the Father of all mankind, and it is Thy will, that all Thy child- ren truly know Thee, comprehend Thy will, love and practice virtue and righteousness, in light and in love pursue their earthly pilgrim- age, and enter the kingdom of eternal life and glory. It is Thy will, O God, that all nations be redeemed, free, and united to one great fra- ternity. Therefore Thou hast chosen Israel to be the messenger of Thy will, hast called him Thy people, hast made with him Thy covenant of love, hast taught him Thy laws, and hast promised him Thy paternal protection in all his struggles against darkness, prejudice and in- justice, and Thou hast commanded him to bear 117 gefdjajfeu ben 9ftenfd)enget|t ; na<$ SSottfemmenfyett ringen ijt 9)?enfd)enpf(id)t, fie erretcfyen ijt ©eligfdt im jeitlidjen unb enugen Seben, fte erreicfyen $u fonnen t>aft £u in Reiner £ulb burd) nnfere frommen 8tamm* sater und geleftrt, Ijafl aU ©ort ber Siebe unb ©nabe £icb offenbart nnb gefcftlojfen ben $unb ber SBafyrljett ntit benen, bie nad) Deinem fjeiltgen SBitfen forfdjten. (SI? or* &g jauctyjt bie £ngelfd)aar Urn £etnen 2id)taltar, Do Deiner ©nabenfiitfe; $>u jeicfyneft oor ben Pfab, 2Bie £ir ber 9flenfd) fid) na()t, £e3 ^erjena ©efynen [title. 23orbeter. £>u, o ©ott! bijt 2>ater ber ganjen 9ftenfd)()eit unbwiffjt, bap atte Deine ^inber 2Md) in SBabrfyeit erfennen, Written SBillen begreifen, Sugenb nnb ©erecfytigfeit iiben, in Stdjt unb Siebe ba$ (Srben* leben burdjtoanbeln nnb eingefyen tn'3 Sftetcfy ber @e* (igfett. S)u loittjl, bag atfe 2>o(fer erloft unb frei ju einem grogen 53ruberbunbe fid) oor £tr oereinen. £)arum fyaft £u 33rael ati £enbboten£:eine$ SMflenS £tr erforen, fyaft Dein 3SoIf e$ genannr, ntit t$m ge= fcfylojfen einen 53unb ber Siebe, ^aft Xeine 2e1jre ffym offenbart unb Semen oaterltcben S>$u( in attendant* pfen gegen ginfternip, 2?orurtbeU unb Unrest ifym »ert)ei£en, X>aft ifym befofyfen gu tragen Seine Sefyre 118 Thy precepts through all zones and generations. [*Thou hast given the Sabbath as a day of rest and sanctification, as a sign of the covenant be- tween God and Israel, O Lord God, whose name is ineffable, every returning Sabbath re- minds us anew, that Thou art the Lord and the Creator, the Father and the Eedeemer ; it re- minds us anew of our sacred duties as the mes- sengers of Thy holy will ; it recalls to our mind, O Father, Thy goodness, Thy love, Thy grace, Thy mercy which Thou revealest a thousand- fold over us.] Thanks and Halleluyahs to Thee O Father! we pray for Thy blessings, O Lord, to Thee our hymns and psalms resound forever and aye. CHOIR. Israel shall bring the light Of truth divine to all the lands, Jeshurun redeem from night And error, man in all his lands ; And all in one great chorus sing The praise of Isr'el's king. XLI.- The Law oftlie Covenant. Minister. The Law of God is perfect, quiet- ing the soul. The commandment of the Lord is luminous, enlightening the eyes. The reli- gion of Israel is pure, lasting forever. Only *If not on Sabbath, omit this passage and begin " Thanks,"&c. 119 burd) afle 3™™ unb gtittn. [2H$ Sunbegjeidjen tjaft £)u etngefetjt ben ©abbatf), ben Jag ber 9htt>e unb £etligung. £err unb ©ott, mit jebem toieberfefyren* ben <5abbaty erinnerft T)u ung, baf £>u H(l -iperr unb (Stopfer, SSater unb (Srlofer; £)u erinnerft ung an unfere $flid)t aU (Senbboten Deineg SMttenS; £>u er* inner ji ung, SBatcr ! an bie ©iite unb Stebe, bie £ufb unb 33arm^er^ig!ett, bie Du raufenbfad) itber ung offen* barfh] Dan! unb 2lnbetung Dit, giitiger $ater! toir fletjen, £err! urn Deinen ©egen, £>ir ertone emtg unfer Sobgefang. (£^ or. Sobftnget ©ott, bem £errn! @g jaud^en atfe ©pbaYn £>eg £errn ^oc^^eiP^en 9?amen. Sr tenft ber SBelten Soog. tfarfujak ©ott t|t grog. £arinjatj! 9lmen! intent 41* $a$ ige fpradj atfe biefe SBorte, namlicb: — 3d), ber Sroige, bin bein ©ott, ber idj bid) aus bem £anbe Sgppten gefitfyrt §aU, aus bem £aufe ber ©t(a« sen. t morben. £n fottjt nid)t Unjust rret&en. Du f o U ft nicfct fteftlen. £u fotlfl tviber beinen 9?ad)ften nidjts anefagen, aU tin falser (£ ( o r. 3n 93ruberfiepe rcotlen tr-tr, D #err nnb ©ott! nn$ nafren ©ir, 55 o r K £n foflft nid)t getaiften nacf> bem £anfe beine3 91a$jten. £>u f t> U ft nicfyt gefuften nadj beined Sftacfcften SBeifr, nad) fcincm J?ned)t, nacfy fetner 9ftagb, nad) feinem Cdjfen, nad) feinem Sfet, ober nacfy Slttem, n?a^ bein 5^aci>ftcr oeftfjt. £a3 £er$ fct rein son fdmober 2uft, £a£ ©ott erfiitT bte Sftenfcfcenprujh 93orK Unb e$ ttnrb gefcfyeben in fpatern £agen fcafj fcft n?irb fter>en ber 2?erg beg ©otte3f)aufe$ iifrer 33erge fyersorragenb, empertfyurmenb n&er £iigeL Unb afle 9Jationen merbcn $n ifym ftrcmen wnb fagen : 2Bof>(an, tr-tr troUert fytnauffteigen auf ben 23erg be$ ©ottesfranfeg, bap ber £err xme= gen, nnb ba£ tvir manbeln in feinen $)faben: £enn son 3ion gefyt au$ bie 2e(>re nnb ba$ SBort ©otte3 sen 3^nifa(em. 126 CHOIR. To light and truth devote thy life ; Let virtue reign, and banish strife. Let God alone the scepter sway, And sing his praise for e'er and aye. SEVENTH DIVISION. The Conclusion of Divine Service, Xlill.— Address to the Mourners before the last Kaddish. Minister. Brothers and sisters, who mourn for the loss of a dear parent, a spouse, a child, a brother, a sister, or a beloved friend, and all ye who mourn the loss of the deceased brother . . . . . . the deceased sister * hear ye the Word of the Lord : — " The righteous shall blossom like the palm-tree, like the cedar of the Lebanon he shall sprout ; implanted in the *Hereare to be named those of the congregation who died wi'hin th ny rtayt>. Ti tli»»re nr*» poi»p, the uprs*^ is «'inittMl. 127 6 | or, 2luf Sinai gliifyt ber £tdjta(tar 3um £eU ber ganjen Sftenfcfyenfcfyaar, 3u cincn etnft oor ©ott bem iperrn £er 9ftenfcfyf)eit ^>erg in Subelcfyor'n. ^djlufe btf ©ottegbtcufteg. 42* Qlniptadye an bie £eibtta$enben in bet Sraitetjdt, wt bcm lefcten @abbiid>. 2$orbeter, 23riiber unb ©cfytoeftern, bie ttyr trauert um ben bal)ingefd)iebenen 2?ater ober urn bie geliebte Gutter, bie ifyr nm eine tfyeuere (S^ec^dlfte, um ben ©ruber, um bie <3d)toefter, um ben ^reunb ober um ein getiebted $inb trauert, unb 5IUe bie ba trauern um ben oerblicfyenen 53ruber , «m bie bafyin* getretene (Scfytoefter *), oernefymet bas SBort ber tyeitigen Shrift: ^er (35erect)te toirb toie bie 9)alme blii^en, tr-ie bie Geber auf bem Manon toirb er grihten, bie ba eingepflanjt finb tm £aufe beg £erru, *) Jpler ftnb tie 9iamen ter in ten lefcten treifjig Xa&tn fcerflorfcenen ©e. mctnbc^Stngctjbrigcn ju nennen. 128 house of the Lord they shall blossom in the courts of our God." — The memory of the right- eous is to blessing " on earth, and " the spirit returns to God who has given it," to receive the rewards of his doings. The righteous and the pious ones live in the presence of the Almighty in the realm of happiness ; they live in the hearts of their children and their friends ; they live in the house of the Lord, as He has prom- ised ; " In the place of thy sires there shall be thy children." Rise ye, therefore, and praise the Lord as the dear departed ones have done, that their names live on in your hearts and in the temple of the Most High, while they blos- som anew in the courts of our God, in life eter- nal. Rise in the house of the Lord, and in memory of the lamented and dear ones, taken from your sides, praise the Lord with me. The mourners rise and repeat the kaddish after the minister. The congregation remains seated. {Here follows a short preludium.) XL.III.— Silent Devotion for the Mourners, JFi ROM the depth of my soul I look up to Thee, God, who art nigh to every afflicted heart. It is thy hand which, in unfathomable wisdom, has taken away my beloved Humbly 1 bend my knees at Thy holy will. O God of Life, Thou givest and Thou takes t away. It is 129 werben auf&Iitfien im 55or6ofe unferes ©ottes," „!£)a$ 2Inbenfen be3 ©eredjten iji jum ©egen auf Srben" unb „ber ©eijl fefyrt juriicf $u ©ott, ber t(jn gegefcen", ju empfangen ben Sofyn feittcr Xfyat £te ©erec^ten unb ©uten lefcen sor ©ottes 5(ntli^ tm S^eic^e ber (Beligfeit; fte lefren in ben £er$en ifjrer 2lngefyortgen unb ifyrer greunbe; fte Ufon tm Jpaufe ©orte$, tote ber iperr »er$eifjen: „@tatt beiner $ater toerben beine .ftinber fetn." £)arum erfyefcet eudj unb preifet ben £errn, ttne eure Sftern eg getfjan, bag bie ©eliebten unb Sfyeuern im ©ottesljaufe, too fte eingepflanjt n?a* ren, fort(e6en, toaftrenb fte tm 25or^ofe unfereS ©ottes, tm enugen Seben erMitfyem SrfyeBet end) tm £aufe ©ottes unb gum SJnbenfen ber tfyeuern £>af)ingefdjie* benen preifet ben £erru nut mir* Die £elbtragenben erbeben fid) unb fpredjen ba$ ^ a b b i f # mtt bem Sorbeter (Jpier fotgt rin $relubtum.) 43. ®tiUe Slttfea#t fiit Setfrttaaettte* ivlus ber Xtefe meiner <&ttlt fdjaue tcfy auf gu £>ir, o £err, ber £>u nafye Mfl 2Itfen, bie fcetrufcten £er$ens fmb. (£$ tfl Detne £anb, bie in unerforfdjtidjer Sets* $ett ben gette&ten (bie gelie&te) • ♦ • * • son mir ge* nommen. 2>emitrt)ig kuge td) mi$ Detnem ^etltgen SBiden, ©ott bes Sefcens, 2>u gtfcjt unb nfmmjt, £)u Bift's, ber ba tobtet unb BeTe^t. £> lag Srofi mid) El 130 Thou who killest and revivest. O, let me find consolation in this consciousness, to worship Thee and to do homage to Thy wisdom. Praised and glorified he Thy name by the happy and by the afflicted, in our smiles and in our tears be praised, O Lord, for ever and ever. Amen. XlilV.— Silent Devotion for the Jahrzeit, the Anniversary of a Parent's Death. gf remember thee my dearly beloved .... . . . whom the just and wise God has called away from this world too soon for me and my love. Again a year has passed over thy grave ; but I have not forgotten the love which thou hast felt for me, and the joys which I felt in thy presence. I will remember thee while I live on earth. I thank Thee, O Lord, who preservest the departed ones in our memory. XI/V.— Prayer of Conclusion on Sabbath Eve.* Minister. O God and Father, Thou Eternal One, Most High and Most Holy ! Who hast created the worlds and all the creatures thereon in Thy infinite wisdom and unlimited power, "*The minister should deliver extemporaneous prayers at the con- clusion of Divine Service, and mention therein whatever time, clace and circumstances may require to be remembered in prayer. The following are to be considered a mere formula on common oc- 131 ftnben in biefem ©lauben, unb St$ befennen tint Seine 2$etefyeit oerefyren* Sein 9?ame fet georiefen unb »erfyevrlid)t oon groben unb 23etriibten, yon (SHitdlidjen unb son ©ebeugten, oon nun an unb in (Etr-igfeir. 2tmen. 44. <&>tWe mnbad>t fixx 3af>t$ctt- % ] § gebenfe bein metn tbeuerer (metne tbeuere) . . * ben (bie) bie £anb bes allroeifen SBeftenlenfers atlju* fritfye son mir unb son biefer Srbe gerufen |ttt 2(ber= mats ijt cin 3a§r baljingefcfytounben iiber bein ©rab, aber id} l)abe bie Siebe nicfyt oergeffen, bie bu mir er= nuefen unb nid)t bie greuben, bie idj burd) bid) genof* fen fjabe, 3$ »itt bein gebenfen, fo Icmge ity felbft auf btefer (Srbe njeife. 3d) banfe Sir, o ©ott, ber Su bie Safyingefdjtebenen lebenbig er^dltft tm ©ebadjtnif* ber 3urucfgebliebenen. 45* 2,&lnv$cbct am %teita$ahenb.*) 23orbeter* D ©ott unb 23ater, (Sanger, Stnig* einjiger, 2i(lerf)odjfter unb 2l(lerfjeiligfler, ber Su t n Seiner unenblidjen yflafyt unb in Seiner unerforfd)* lichen SBeta^ett gefdjaffen $ajl bie SBelten unb bie *) Der $eifttt$e foCte jebett ©otie*btenfl nut eincm ex tempore ©ebete faltefen unb 2tae« tartn Berurftfdjttgen, n>a«3eit, Ort unb Umftdnbe er&eifc&en. 3«be$ atdjttge eretgnifj follte ermdfmt aerben. gotgenbe flnb bio* al$ gormu= tare fur geicbbnltifce Umftdnbe ju betracbten. 132 and governest them in mercy and in grace and in unutterable benignity, Thou incomprehensi- ble source of all existence, cause of all causes, eternal fountain of life and love, of light and truth, of goodness and benignity, — reveal Thy glory over this house in this solemn Sabbath- hour, let shine Thy refulgent light over this con- gregation of Thy children who approach Thy holy presence with praise and adoration, with thanksgivings, with psalms and psalters, with song and music, to thank Thee, Father, that Thou hast called this world into existence and that Thou prcvidest for all that live on it; to thank Thee for life and health, for the thou- sandfold blessings which Thy bounteous hand has bestowed on us again during the past week ; to thank Thee and to render praise unto Thee for joy and affliction, for smiles and for tears, for sweetness and |for bitterness, for light and for shade, for sunshine and for dark clouds, for ail that comes from Thy hand, Thou merciful Fa- ther, all is ordained by Thy love, Eternal God of grace, to our blessing, to our eternal happi- ness, "We approach Thy holy throne, King, most high and most exalted, to thank Thee for this precious gift, for the Sabbath, this day of rest, of recreation, of holiness, of communion with Thee, Spirit of all spirits and Light of all lights ; — and to pray unto Thee, to bless us with Sabbath joys and Sabbath gladness ; to remove from our hearts and from our memory the cares, 133 SDefen atfe, ber £u in ©nabe, in Sarnujerjtgfett unb mit unausfprecfytidjer £ulb fie regiereft, 2)tt unfcegreif* licfye QueUe a (leg (5cin5, Urfadje after Urfatfyen, enuge Quelle be* Sefcena unb ber Siebe, be^ 2id)te3 unb ber SSafyrbett, ber ©iite unb ber #ulb! offenbare £>eine iperrlicfyfeit iiber biefcm £aufe in biefer feierlidjen @aB=* batbftunbe, lag 2)ettt jkafylenb Sicbt fdjeinen iiber bie= fer ©emeinbe, iiber £einen ^inbern, bie ©einer l)t\iu gen ©egenmart mit $fa(m unb £arfe, mit (Sang unb ©airenfptel fid) ncu)en, ©it $tt banfen, 93ater, bag £)u btefe 20e(t in's £)afetn gerufen, unb atfe ©efcfyopfe sater(id) serforgft; £)it ju banfen fiir Seten unb ©e* funbfyeit, fiir bie taufenbfadjen eegnungen, bie aug £>etner ^atevbanb nrir (efcte 2So(^e nneber empfangen baben; £ir ju banfen unb Dt<§ $u preifen fiir greu= ben unb Seiben, fiir Statute unb fiir Sbranen, fiir ba3 ©iifje uub fiir bag SBittere, fiir 2id)t unb ©fatten, fiir •Sonnenfdjein unb fiir jtnftere SBolfett, benn 2lttc3 fommt au3 2)einer 33ater()anb, barmfyeqiger ©ott, in Siebe lenfft £u titles $u unferem £etl unb unferer enngen <5e(tgfett. 2Bir nafyen Xeinem fyeiligen £()rone, atlerfyotf)fter unb erfyabenfter £errfd)er, Dir ju banfen fiir biefer loftbare ©efdjenf, fiir ben &abbatl), biefen £ag ber fRufyt, ber (Srfyotung, ber £eiligung unb ber Srlofung, biefen Jag ber ©eete unb tfyrer (Erfyebung gu £>ix, ©eift atler ©eifter unb Urqueile atfes Sicfytes! unb £ite unb 311 Reiner enngen 23abrfyett, 3U wabrem Seben unb roabrer ©lucffetigfeit 2ajj uns fcbauen, £err, Sicfyt son £>einem Stride, lag un3 ser=- nebmen tie fyimmlifcben 9)Mobien 3)eine0 3egen£, Reiner Stebe, Xeiner ©iite unb Reiner 3?atertreue» ScMtfe Srojl £)enen, tie ba trauern, Stxaft ben 5(^tt?a^ djen, £offnung ben SBanfenben, CidSt Xenen, bie tm ginftern rcanbeht, unb gebiete ben Senbbeten Xeiner ©nabe un3 $u umgeben mit #reube unb SBonne, nut (Sabbatfygebanfen unb SaWatyfegmtttgetu ©eprtefen fiir immer unb ercig fei ber fyod)fyeilige 9tame beg etntg* einjigen erotgen ©ottes, ber ba tjt ber Sdjopfer, ber (Srbatter unb ber 33eberrfcber be3 2(11, ber $ater ber 9ftenfdjbeit, ber £err unb ©ott 33rae(3. (Die ©emetnbe tttjtbt fi$.) 2)er Sorbeter »erlietr etne$ ber folgenben Santate, ©ebere, Danfgebete ober 3n»ocatien Segert gei'djlovfcn. ©egenSroorte : 4. 33ud) 2ttofe3 vi, 24— 26; 5. 33ucb, >3ftefe3 xxviii, 6; 5>falmen iii, 9; xvi, 11; xxviii, 9; xxix, 11 ; xxxiii, 22; U. b. g nt. 46* Zd)\nf;(\cbct am Sabbatbiuorficit. © £err, einig=ein$tger ©ott, untoanbelbares, unenb- licfyeS unb ettnges Seben unb 2idjt, uncrforfct)ticr)c 3Bei*$eit, ^ac^t, ©erecbtigfeit unb ©nabe! £te Sterne unb mir ^unfcn unb afte 3onncn StrnMen e4 136 but sparks, and all the suns but rays from Thy throne — Thou incomprehensible and unutterable Source of all existence and Cause of all causes — with awe and trembling we approach Thy holy presence to thank Thee that we are conscious of Thee, of Thy boundless goodness, Thy endless mercy, Thy everlasting grace and Thy loving- kindness, as Thou hast revealed it to Israel, and as thou revealest it perpetually in all Thy works, in the progress of the human family, in the protection of every individual, and in the soul of every one of Thy humble servants who seek Thee and long to abide in Thy tabernacle of peace and goodness. We thank Thee, O God for the Law, for the light and the truth which Thou hast graciously revealed to Israel, to sal- vation and happiness, to righteousness and peace, to life and blessing in time and eternity. We thank Thee, O G-od, for the progress of the human family to justice, freedom, truth, univer- sal peace and universal salvation. We thank Thee, O Father, for the blessings of peace, jus- tice, freedom and prosperity, which Thou be- stowest on our country, that she may become the pride of humanity and the light of nations before Thee. We thank Thee, O Lord of hosts, for all the goodness, which Thou hast bestowed on us and each of us during the past week ; we thank Thee for Thy love and Thy mercy, Thy paternal kindness, Thy protection, and Thy ever vigilant faithfulness. 137 rntr son Deinem fieiligen Serene. Du M(t tie unfce* greiflt&e unb unaudfpred)lid)e Quelle atled cn. 2Rit 5d)auer unb 23efcen erfdjeinen wir in Reiner tjeilfgen ®egenn?art, Dir gu banfen, bag toix Reiner und fcerougt ftnb, bag ttrtt er= fenncn Deine unbegrenjte (Mre, Deine enblofe 23arm- fjerjigfeir, Deine ercige ©nabe unb Detne $atertreue, n?te Du btdj offenfcart §aft in 3drael, nnb tote Du fce= ftanbig Did) offenbarft in all Deinen $3erfen, im %oxt* fdmtte ber 9ftenfd)fceit nnb im ©djut3e, ber 3ebem jn Jbeil nnrb, in ber <2eete eined jeben Deiner trenen Wiener, bic Dtdj fud)en nnb fid) fefjnen jn sermeifen im gtltt ted ^rtebend nnb ber Siebe. 2£ir banfen Dir, o £err, fur bie Sefyre, fiir bad Sidjt unb fiir bie SSabrbeit, bie Du gnabenreid) in 3v?rael offenfcart fyaft, jn Jpeil unb ©eligfett, ©ereefctigfeit unb grieben, £e- Ben unb <£egen in 3eit unb Snngfeir. 2Bir banfen Dir, o £err, fiir ben gortfdjritt ber 9flenfd)fyett ju ©e* red)tigfeit, grei^eit, $3afyrfteit, jn atfgemetnem grteben unb attgemeiner (Eriofung* STGir banfen Dir, o 33a* rer, fiir bie <2egnungen bed ^nebend, ber ®eredjtigfeir, ber greibeit unb bed Soofytftanbed, bie Du in fo reiser OiiUe audgtefjeft iikr bad 2?arerlanb, bag ed ttor Dir tterbe ber Stolfl ber 9flenfd)bett unb bad £id)t ber 9k= ttonen. a ft bnrci) bie SenbMen Reined fteiligen SBitfenS nnb rote £erj nnb Seele e£ tanfenbfad) nnberfyaflen: r/ <35ott ift meine £itlfe!" 23ir fletyen ju £ir, o ©ott, urn £>einen @e* gen fitr biefe ©emeinbe in 3sraet; gefce tt)r $raft nnb $flutf) ifyre Sftifjton an ©etnen,ftinbern tren $u erfittfen. (Segne, o £err, bag ^aterlanb, fegne bie 9ftenfcfy$ett aflitberaU, einige fte sor T>ir $nm Jpeile, jn ©erecfytig* felt unb grieben, Sugenb nnb greifceit, in £tebe nnb etoiger SBafyrfreit. (gur etn neugeborneS £inb.) 2Sir ffetjen, o £>err, nm ©einen Segen fitr nnfern ©enojfen nnb fitr beffen (Efcegattin ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦ nnb fitr bas tfinto, bag Tu tfynen gefdjenft, bejfen 9?ame ift in 3^ael ♦ ♦ ♦ . 5^imm gndbtg anf, o ©ctr, ben ©an! ber Gutter, mtt bent fte fiente biefe Beilige ©tatte Betreren, nm T\$ fitr ben 33eiftanb jn preifen, ben Tu ifcr gnabtg sjcrlieften ftaft in ber (Stnnbe ber ©efafjr. (5egne bie SItern nnb fegne bag Jlinb nnb fcertetfre ifmen ©einen 23etftanb, bag ,£inb ♦ ♦ •♦ ♦ gu eqiefyen jnr ^reube ber (semen, mm Jpetfe ber SJftenfcfo* tyett, $n Xeinem Xienfte, o $ctr! 140 For newly married people. We beseech Thee, O Lord, to bestow Thy spe- cial blessing on our brother and his wife who have been united before Thee in the holy covenant of love and matrimony. Bless that sacred covenant, God, which was made in Thy name and in Thy holy presence. Let them live in love and fidelity, in happiness and gladness of heart, and let their house be blessed before Thee like the home of Abraham and Sarah, of Elkanan and Hannah, and shield them in Thy loving-kindness. For a sick person. We beseech Thee, O Lord, to look down in Thy mercy upon our sick brother . . . . ♦ our sick sister ♦ the sick son or daughter of our brother Hear graciously the supplication of his (her) friends, in his (her) behalf; respond, in Thy loving- kindness to the cry of woe, and distill the Balm of Gilead in his (her) wounds, alleviate his (her) pains, heal, restore and preserve him (her), to praise Thy glorious name in the land of the liv- ing, among the congregation of Thy servants. For all who escape a great danger or out-live a danger- ous disease. We beseech Thee, O Lord, to listen graciously to the special thanksgivings offered up to Thee on this day by our brother by our sister whom Thou hast pro- tected so benignly in the hours of disease (of 141 (ftiir Steubermafjlte.) SBir fleljen, o Jperr, urn Deinen (Segen fitr unfem (Uenoffen ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ unb fur bejfen (Sfyegatttn . . ♦ ., tie ftdj jum Jjetfigen 23unbe ber Stye »or Dir ttereintgt fea&en* ©djaue fyerafc auf btefed SBunbnig, bag in Deinem Harnett, (Swtger, a,efd)Tof[en roarb. £a§ bie Siebe nie erfatten unb bie £reue nie rcanfen, bie fte einanber gefcfymoren ^aben. Sag Deinen grieben »ci* len ufcer ifjrem 23unbe, unb lag fern t§r $au$ ein Xempel beg om ^ranfenlager unb er^alte i^n (fie) ben ©eintgen (3brigen), Did) $u preifen im £anbe ber Sebenbigen unb Did) anjubeten in Deinem £eiligtf)ume. (9tac^ einer $ranft;eit ober einer uberftanbenen Oefatjr.) S3ir flefyen Did) an, o £err, gnabenreidj entgegen* gune^men bie Ijeigen Danfgebete beg (ber), ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ben (bie) Du fyutbreidj befdjii&t fyajt in ben felgenten (Samaten, ©ebeten u. f. «.' unfc einem bibftfaen gegen. ^ 47* (Santat. i. 23atertreue, Jpulb unb ®nabe, 3trabtt ber Jperr auf unfre $fabe, Siebenb laufcbt er unfrem frozen Jpattehtjafi, £apt uus preifen, (apt uni ebren Oottben §errn in 3ubeldu>ren, Sieber ftngen, taufenbfadjes QaUtiujafyl 144 XL VIII Canticle 2. The Lord of hosts, the Great I Am Be praised from now for evermore ; Let suns and moons, ye creatures all "With awe, His glorious name adore. Ye mountains sing, ye nations shout With Seraph's fire, like thunders loud — Halleluyah ! XlilX.— Canticle 3. The Lord is merciful, O soul, in Him rejoice ; Lift up with songs and psalms, To Him the grateful voice. His mercies never fail, All hail my soul, all hail I Halleluyah ! Lu— Canticle 4. On the wings of devotion let's rise To the Lord, the All-good and All-wise Whose goodness leads us To heaven's treasures ; Whcse manna feeds us With Eden's pleasures. Like the angels eternally bright Let us worship with joyous delight. Halleluyah ! 145 48* latitat* IT. £en tie (Btemen^cere Bang eroeknb preifen, Urn beffen Sfyron bie Sonnen nnroelnb freifen, (5r tffc mein ©ott, $n bent mein £erg ^inflietytj Sr tft mein gels, mein £ort, bent idj oertraue, 3$raeP$ £err, gn bent empor id) fdjane, 3fym tont mein Soogefang, mein 3uoetfieb, 49. latitat. in. £ooftnget ©ott, i$r (Sonnenfjeere! 3^r £>immel janc^jt bem .Ronig ber (Sfyre! £)a$ 2111 ertbV oon feiner £errlicfyfeit! Sooftnget ifym, ifyr (Sngelfdjaaren ! £em (5in$ig=£inen, £nug*2Baf)ren, 3$raeP$ $rei$ in alter Snrigfett, £attelnjaf)! 2lmen! 2lmen! 50. <£antat* IV. £)er Jperr ijt metneS £eoens Zifyt, 3n tfym ift mein 23evtrauen, 3n ©nabe ftraf)U fein 2tngeftcfyt, (Sr lafjt nnr £nlb nn3 fdjauetu (So tone benn mit 3«Be(f(ang 3sraeP$ £ort mein Sobgefang. ^aUeluja^! 146 LI.— Canticle 5. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of. hosts on high, Power, wisdom glory are the rays of His name ; Hosts of angels worship, and announce His majesty, Mercy, grace and goodness to all men they proclaim. Glory to God and praise to Him alone, Our Lord is He, all light surrounds His throne. Halleluyah ! IjII.— Canticle 6. Resound ye worlds of Shaddi's praise, His glory sing, His truth proclaim, Rejoice in Him, the God of grace, Ye mortals all adore His name ; He is our God, His word is true, To Him alone all praise is due. Halleluyah ! Iilll.— Canticle 7. To God, the One Eternal He is and was forever true — Who's grace and love paternal, All glory meets, all praise is due. Let angels sing Of Judah's King, 147 51* i&antat. v. Der ©ott ber Sfcre tterHaret (Sein ipeiltgtfyum rrttt iMmmelgpracfyi:; Cofcfmgt, anBetenb tterefcret £en £errn ber 2£e(t, ben ®ott ber 9flad>t ^atielnjafy! St nafyt ben @einen, |)atlelujab! bem Sinjig^Sinen, JSpafletnjafj! 52* (Santat* VI. Serfiinber, SDetten, ©ottes 9fta$t, Sobftnget, ©onnen, ©d) abbess 3^u^m! 3n ©nabe tfcront, in $3af)rf)eit£pracfyt £er £err in feinem ^eiltgtfyum, Unb Snget rnfen Sngeln $n: 2Bie fyeilig, £err, trie grof Mft £)u! 53. <£antat- VII. @g jancB^en bic £eere £er fyimmlifcfyen ©djaaren, S$ braufen bie s 3fteere £em (Botte, bem ttaljreiu 3Bm tonen bie Sieber £er Sanger ber Siifte, (Sein 2htge fd)ant nieber, 23e(ebei bie ©riifte. SBeleBet bie gluren, £>ie .fteime nnb £riebe, 5?ernufcfyet bie (Spnren 2)eg iobes mit Siebe. 23efe(igt bie £er$en, 2)ie (iebenb ibm fcMagen, 148 Seraphim shout with glee All glory, Lord, to Thee ! L, jancfyjet tyx ^peerc £er fytmmlifdjen ©djaaren, £) Braufet ifyr 9fteere 2)em ©otte, bent SBafyren. 54* ©efret* i. SQBir Inien, £err, ttor £etnem Stjrone Unb fle^n $u £>ir urn ©nabe, (Srfrarmen, ©ott, bem (Srbenfotjne, £rfend)t' beg $i(gers $fabe; 9JMt £immetglicfyt, Dn ©nabenfonne ! (SrfittT bag iperj mit iptmmelgwonne. Slmen! Slmen! 55. ©efcet* 11. Sftacfytta, tonen £tmmeI$feorte, SCelten fiinben'g atterttegen: ©ott ift nafy an febem Drte, ©ott ift ^ier ntit feinem ©egen. £ier in btefer Satertjatfe ©eane, £err, bie £einen atfe. VLtntnl 9lmen! 56. ©e&et* in. £)ag 2t$t beg £errn perflate £)ieg ipeiligtfyum, ein jebes $eq; 150 Bid depart From the heart The woe, and send relief To ev'ry soul in grief. Amen ! Amen ! L»VII.— Supplication 4. Redeem my soul, my sins forgive, O God, enthroned above ! Forget my guilt, O let me live In Thine unbounded love, With angels pure to praise The blessings of Thy grace. Amen ! Amen ! L.VIII.— Supplication 5. The Lord thy God enthroned on high, Beholds each tear and hears each sigh, The tear one weeps in silent night. O bless the Lord, my soul, and pray To Him whose hands the scepter sway O'er nature's realm with sovereign might. Behold He lives — The Father gives To contrite hearts the richest store: Confide, my soul, for evermore. Amen ! Amen ! 151 £es Meters gletj'n gercafyre Unb (HIP, o ©ott, bet $inber ®cfymer$, ©elette ung auf atltn 2Begen, £) ©ott unb £err! mit £)efttem ©egen- 2hnen! bitten! IV. £ein 9tame, £err, atlein ijT* ttertf), Daf ifyn ber 5)Zenfc^ mit Stebern efyrt Unb enriglid) erfyofyet, 2Co()I bent, ber frozen .iperjeng ftngt, Unb X)ir ein reined Cpfer bringt, Da^ ©ott, sor £ir befieljet. Sefyr' mid), £err, £>tdj miirbig preifen; ipeitige SCeifen ©teb bent 9ftunbe 23ig gur le^ten geterjhtnbe* &men! 2lmen! (Berlin.) v. (SieJ), eg fc^Ioft unb fd)lummert nidjt ©otteg SSatertreue, Unb er fdjenfet feme £ufb Sciglid) £tr anf'g 9teue. 2>rof)'n and) ©tiirme, brofr'n ©efafjren, $annft bu ipiUfe nid)t gewaljren — 3itt're nic6)t ! £em bie ©tiirme bienen mitffen, Sr ttnrb bid) gu tyalten nnffen, SBenn herein bag SBetter bridjt. Unfer £uter fdjmmmert nid)t (©afelbft.) 152 IilX.— Supplication 6. My sweetest dreams, all hopes below My fondest wishes I commend To Thee, O God, whose grace, I know, Refuses not what love can grant. Submission to Thy holy word, Is law to me, my only Lord, Give vigor God, support my will With heaven's strength, that I resign, Without a tear submitting still To Thy command, Thy law divine. When wishes die and hopes decay, Then teach me, Lord, to Thee to pray. Amen ! Amen ! IiX.— Supplication 7. O King of Glory exalted high ! How great art Thou, how small am I ! Thou art the light and I the beam, Thou art the life and I a dream. The suns are sparks of heaven's fire Beneath Thy throne, Eternal Sire ! The hosts on high, the worlds below Thy wisdom teach, Thy power show. And I the dust, a shadow trace, How could I sing my Maker's praise ! How comprehend His holy name, Or utter well His boundless fame ; 153 59. (Sehet. yi. ipeiPge 2tnba$t febre ttieber 3n ben frommen ipersen ein, ©etft ber SSafjrfjeir, fcbmeb 1 fyernieber, Seucbte uns mit beinem (5d)ein* (Stdrfe, 23ater, un$ im ©fauben, 28enn una 9?otf) unb Sritbfal bro^t, Sftag bte $3elt une 2ltle* ravben, Du bleibft ung treu bis in ben £ob* 60. ©efcet* VII. (3Iu$ bent Ije&r. Slfcon DIom.) £err ber 2Be(t, (£r fjat regiert 55or ber 3^^en ^nbeginn; (5eit bie @d)opfung roarb soUfiifjrt, SBanbett fte nacfy feinem 8tnn* SBenn bas 2IU in 9hd)t3 serge^t, (Seine 2dlmad)t bleibt aUein; 2Bie er toax in SSttajejrat, 3ft nnb nrirb (£r ernig frtft* 2Infang, (Enb 1 i|1 ifym ni$t, @ein ift Sflacfyt unb .fperrticfyfeit; (Sr ijl ber Srlofung Stcbt, $ets unb Scbu(3 in ^pritfitng^ett! 154 I kneel, in dust I humbly kneel And stammer what my heart does feel, This throng to weep and sing, to flee, God of love and life, to Thee. IiXI.— Thanksgivings. God. Thank ye the Lord. 1. We thank Thee, O Lord, whose goodness crowneth the earth with gladness, whose grace outlasteth time's eternal change. 2. We thank Thee, O Lord, who manifested, in mankind's morning, His truth and love to man's observing mind. 3. We thank Thee, O Lord, who art so holy enthroned in heaven, and lookest on creatures, trodding lowly sod. 4. We thank Thee, O Lord, who like a Father Thy children lovest ; with grace and kindness supportest Thou all. 5. We thank Thee, O Lord, who workest won- ders ; Thy grace renew eth each morn the prom- ise : G-od forsakes Thee not. Man. 6. We thank Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast formed, so wonderfully, in Thine own image, man, the child of dust* 7. We thank Thee, O Lord, who blessest rea- son with might and power, to walk the path which leads to heaven's bliss. 155 SBentt mein 9flnnb 3C)rt flefienb preift, 3ft er £eU mtr, ©trafyl be$ 2id)t$. 3§m kfe()l ic^ Seib unb ®eift. — (3ott mtt mir idj fitrd)te WifyHl 61* ©anfet &em #erttn ©ott. £)anfet bent £errn! 1* SBir banfen bem iperrn, benn feincr ©iitc ift soft bie Srbc, unb feine ®nabe ix>af)ret eanglicr;* 2. 35Mr banfen bem £errn, ber fidj bem 2Iuge ber 9ftenfd)enfinber lit feinen SBerfen friifye fcfyon gejetcjt. 3. 2£ir banfen bem ^errn, ber in ben $ol)tn fo fyei* Itg tfyronet, nnb fc^ant jur (Srbe, Micft anf niebern ©taub. 4. 2£ir banfen bem £errn, ber tone ein $ater bie ^inber litUt, mit £ulb nnb £reue %ilt ftiijjt unb tragt* 5. 2Bir banfen bem iperrn, bem 2Bunbert()dter, ber jeben ^Rorgen bie ipulb ernenet, fo er una tterfyiefj. £er SRenfcfy* 6. 2Cir banfen bem £errn, baf er ben Sftenfcfyen, ben ©o()n ber Srbe, nad) feinem 23Ube nmnber&ar crfct)uf* 7. 2Cir banfen bem £erm, ber unferm ©eifte bie $raft serUefyen, ben $fab ju tr-allen, ber jnm £immel fuf>rt. 156 8. We thank Thee, O Lord, that thou hast implanted, with sovereign goodness, eternal hopes on man's immortal soul. Divine Revelation. 9. We thank Thee, O Lord, who marked to virtue the path of justice, revealed His doctrines full of wisdom's light. 10. We thank Thee, O Lord, Thy doctrines comfort all hearts with manna from heaven's glory, heaven's light and truth. 11. We thank Thee, O Lord, if mountains tremble, and planets totter, Thy word, O Father, stands unchanged and firm. Sabbath. 12. We thank Thee, O Lord, for Sabbath bless- ing, the day appointed a sign of cov'nant, God with Isr'el made. 13. We thank Thee, O Lord, for Thou wilt guide us to higher regions, to Sabbath-rest with Thee in holy hights. 14. We thank Thee, O Lord, for freedom's promise to men in bondage ; oppression ceases, man returns to Thee. 15. We thank Thee, O Lord, that Thou alone art our Lord and Father. Proclaim with glad- ness, G-od is sovereign King. Sabbath before Purim. 16. We thank Thee, O Lord; whose eye is watching, it never closes, creation's ruler guides the human heart. 157 8. 2Cir banfen bem £errn, ber ett? 1 a,e$ Seoen in unf're @eelen mit 33atertreue fyulbretd) eingepftangt. © o t te $ £)ffe nfc arung. 9. 2Btr banfen bem i?errtt, ber unfrer Xugenb ben 2$eg ge6af)net, ber weife Sefyren un$ geoffenbart. 10. 2Btr banfen bem £errn, benn feinc Se^re er* frcut bie £ergen, erquitft bie ©eele, grihtbet em'ges £eil. 11. 2Bir banfen bem £>errn! SBenn Serge metd)en, imb £iigel manfen, nie mirb bes Sip'gen fjetltg 2Bort fcerget/n. @abbatf)feter. 12. 2Bir banfen bem £errn! Die ©abbatfyfeier, bie ©ott geboten, foil feines 33unbe$ ero 1 ge3 gtifym fctn* 13. SBir banfen bem £errn! 3 U Went SBetten witt ©ott un3 teiten, brum $ab bie geier er gu unferm 14. 2Cir banfen bem £errn! an biefem £age foil aud) ber Sflaoe, befreit oom 3o$e, fro§ gum £immel fdjau'n. 15. 2Bir banfen bem iperrn! 2Bir atfe beugen oor i^m bie $ntee, befennen freubtg: ©ott nur ift ber £err! (Saofcatf) » or $urtnu 16. 2Bir banfen bem £errn! <5etn 2luge toatytt, eg fdjttejt ftdj nimmer; er tenft bie %Qt\ttn, Unit bag Sflenfdjenberg. 158 17. We thank Thee, O Lord ; the wicked per- ish when Thou rebukest, presumptuous malice digs its own dark grave. 18. We thank Thee, O Lord, Thou great pro- tector of right and justice ; Thy light illumi- nates the darkest nights* Sabbath Hanukah. 19. We thank Thee, O Lord, who guards His people in times of darkness ; His light dispels the clouds of error's night. 20. We thank Thee, O Lord, who sends His angels with power girded, to crown with glory truth's immortal cause. 21. We thank Thee, O Lord, who hast pre- served us, Thy chosen people, to see this day of light in Isr'el's tents, 22. We thank Thee, O Lord, whose grace is visible in Isr'el's temple ; He fills with splendor Jacob's house of pray'r. Translated from the German. IiXII.— Invocation. Minister. I invoke the One, Eternal and Sole God, the Creator of the universe, whose exalted name is Elohim, to look down upon His children, the whole family of man, with His gracious blessings. Amen. Halleluyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister, I invoke the Almighty and All-good Preserver of man, and of all these worlds, who 159 17. $Mr banfen bem £errn ! (Sr ftitrjt bte greater son jbfjen £ol)en; bte freeze 23ogfyeit grabt ftdj felfcfl bag ®rab. 18. 2Btr banfen bem .Sperm! £r fdjtrmt bie ^rom* men; er fdjii£t bte Unfcfyutb; in bnntlen *ftacfyten (Ira^Iet iijx fein Sidjr. J e m p e I » e i fr e. 19. SMr banfen bem £errn! SBenn ftnftre 9ftadjte, koenn SBa^n unb 3rrt()nm bag £aupt erfyeben, rnft er: SBerbe 8t$t! 20. 2Bir banfen bem £errn! Sr fenbet 23oten mit $raft gegiirtet; er lagt bag £eiPge feiern nenen ©teg. 21. 28 tr banfen bem £errn, ber nns erfyalten fammt nnfern .ftinbern, ba§ nur erleben biefeg Sages £tdjt. 22. SBir banfen bem iperrn, ber feine ©nabe in ret* $er ^iitte anf biefem ipanfe fynlbsofl rntyen lafjr. 62* £He 3ttt>ocatum« S3 o r fc e t e r. 3$ rufe an ben eimo/einjtgen unb enrigen ©ott, ben Stopfer beg SHPs, bejfen f)odjerf)afce= ner Sftame ift £ I o fj i m, ntebeqnfcfyanen anf feine ^inberfdjaar, bte 9Jtenfc^r)ett in all ifyren ^reifen, mit feinem fceften Segen. 5lmen. £atfelnj;afj! (£ f) o r. Slmen. #atlelnjaf) ! 23 o r fc. 3$ ™fe <*n fc«i attmad)tigen nnb atfgitti* pen Srftafter ber 9ftenfd)ktt nnb ber 2$eften atte, ber 160 revealed His name El-Shaddi, to our ancestors, to look down upon the people of Israel, with His gracious blessings. Amen. Hallelujah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister. I invoke the All-wise and All-just Providence, the One and Sole God of Israel, whose name is Adonoi, to look down upon this our beloved country ; that health,, prosperity, peace, freedom, and justice be her portion before God, the Lord of the universe. Amen. Halle- luyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah. Minister. I invoke the unutterable, incom- prehensible, and ineffable Eheyeh asher Eheyeh, the Great I Am, the infinite cause of all causes, being absolute and endless, the immu- table and unchangeable One — to look down upon this congregation with His paternal blessings. Amen. Halleluyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! 161 fldj aU (£t-(5djabbat unfetn SSatern offenfcart \)ai, nieberjufdjauen auf 33raet nut fetnem gnaben* reic^cn ©egen. 2Imen. £attetuj;a:(j ! (£ X) o r, 2lmen* Jpatletujaty ! SSotfc* 3$ tufe an t>ie aflmeife unb atfgetedjte SSorfc^ung, ben cinig^ein^igen ©ott 3$™elg, beffen 9kme ift 21 b o n o t, niebequfcfyauen auf unfer getieB- te$ Eatettanb, bag ©efunbfjeit mtb 2BoJ)lftanb, ftrte= ben, fjireifyett unb ©eredjttgfeit fein 2lntfyeil fef uor ©ott bcm £errn* 2lmen» £aMuja$ ! (£ J) o t* 2hnem ^aMujatj ! S3 o r B* 3$ *ufe an ben unausfptedjlidjen, unfce* gtetfltdjen, unnennfcaren (Sfjeje^ afdjet (Sfyejelj, bas ettn$e <5ein atte$ erfume." New life courses through nature, and all things shout songs of praise to the God of love. ♦Besides the weekly Sabbath and the New Moon, the Bible ordains five holy seasons or feasts, 1. The feast of Passover or Pesach, in memory of the departure of Israel from Egypt ; 2. The Feast of Weeks, Shabuoth, in memory of the revelation on Mount Sinai ; 3. The Feast of Booths, Succoth, in memory of Israel's sojourn in the wilderness and a season of general thanksgiving; before this latter feast is the Newyear Rosii HA8HANAH and Vom KjPPTJB.the Bay of Atonement. Vide Exodus xii ; xxxii, 12 to 17; xxxiv, in to 24- Leviticus xvi, 2f> to34 ; xxxiii; Numbers wviii, ij to 81 ; Deu- teronomy xvi, 1 to 17. 163 $te bm Men $ cfte.*) 63* ©tnfeititng $um 9Mareig unb 2Inkhmg bent eimg* einjigen unb ewigeit (Sottt, bem SrBfer, bem atl^ (jutigert SSater 3graelg, bem ®otte unb Jlonige after 9tationen, bem 33e^errfc6er unb Scatter beg 2Beltaftg ! 5>rets3 unb 2tnktnng bem aflmadjtfgen (51 o t) t m, t>er fcefdjii^t fyat feine Jpeerbe maljrenb beg tterflojjenen SBtnterg- „£enn ftel), ber 28inter tfl bafytn, ber $e* gen »oru6er unb »or&eu £ie 33tiit()en erfcfyetnen tm 2anbe, bie gtit beg ©efangeg nafyt, unb bie (Sttmme ber Xurteltaube ertont im Sanbe nueber* £er ^eigen- fcaum tretfcet jiunge $nogpen, ber SBeinjtotf serbrettet feinen 53tut&enbuft." 2Weg tebt unb iaufy$t frofye 2ieber bem ©otte ber Siebe, *) 2Iu§cr ©abbatlj unb SReumonb fdVeifct bit Stbcl funf gcfltage fcor: 1. Da3 g> c f a t^> f eft, jum Slnbenlen on S^raete SluSjua. au$ Ggopten. 2. Da3 <3d)ab uo tlK ober SBodjenfefi, jum Slnbcnfen ber £>ffenbarun£ auf ©inai. 3. Da* -fcuttenfeft ©uccotlj, jum SlnbenTen ber ©anberuna. 5«racl* burd) bie 933ufh, unb aU jdf)rlid>e3 £)anf- unb Srntefeft. 33or bem lectern $efte finb 5ft ofd) Jpa fdjanafc „9teujatyr", unb 3cm tftppur „SerfiJbnunae 2. S3ud) Soft's xii; xxxii, 12— 17; xxxiv, 18—24; 3. 8ud) aftofte xvi, 29-34; xxxiii ; 4. «ud) *0tejl3 xxviii, 11-31 ; 5. »ud) 9fteft* xvi, 1-17. f2 164 Glory and adoration to Him, who revealed himself in Egypt, to our ancestors, as the God of freedom and justice, the Savior of the op- pressed ones, the Eedeemer of those who, by human wickedness, suffer in bondage; — who sent His messengers, Moses and Aaron, to Re- deem the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to lead them from servitude to freedom and glory, to Horeb, where they were consecrated to a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Let us sing a new song of praise, on this Day of Passover, to the great I Am, the immutable and infinite Deity, no mortal being can comprehend Him ; in memorial of His redemption let us sing new songs of praise ; for He is the Rock of justice and the Fortress of freedom ; He is our refuge and our hope, our God and Redeemer for- ever. / CHOIR. In the land of bondage He raised a glorious sire, Everlasting homage For freedom's cause to inspire, Announce to ev'ry nation The theme of God's salvation. Minister. " I know that my Redeemer liveth," let each soul proclaim His glory. He alone is God, He leads all nations to redemption^ and will extend the scepter of justice and free- 1G5 $rei$ unb 5mbehmg tym, ber fid) in Sgtypten nnfern latent offenbart aU ©ort ber greifyeit unb ber ©e- rcc^ttgfett, ber ba ift S?efreier ber Unterbriicften, unb (Srtofer berer, bie unter bent Scepter ber Sprannen feuften ; ber ba gefanbt 9ftofeS unb 2laron, feme 53oten, m befreten bie .fttnber Slbratyam'S, 3faflf'S unb 3a= fob'g, unb fie m fiibren au£ ber ©Ha&erd jur greifyeit, aus (5d)tnadj s u ^ufym, nadj £oreb, tto \k gen>etf)t irnrben m einem 3tetd)e fcon ^rieftern nnb einer f)eili= gen Nation, Sajfet urtv fingen einen nenen Jofcgefang an biefem *Pefad)fefte bem grojjcn, f)od)erf)abenen, un= tt?anbel6aren nnb unenblid)en ©ott, ber fidj genannt m 9ftofe3 3d) bin, nnb fetn eterMieber fann ifjn fajfen; mm 5lnbenfen ber Grlofung lajfet ung fingen neue Sobgefdnge; benn er ift ber gels ber ©ered)tigfeit nnb ber greibett fefte 23urg; er ift imfere 3 u ^ftdjr, nnferc Jpeffnung, nnfer ©ott nnb (Erlefer, in 3tit unb Swigfeit. <£ I) o r . ©ott, ber iperr, ift unf're 3uoerfidjr, ipulbsou' ftral)lt fetn btmmlifd) ©nabenltdjr, I'teBenb fcbaut er auf uni nieber; ©ibt uns Seben, gtfrt uns ?eoen£luft, ©ibt ntit Stebe jeber ?0tenfd)en6ruft greifyett, gritting, 3wbetlteber» Sorbeter. „3d) tteif , bag mein (Erlofer lebt," ntoge jeber serHmben bes £erm Sftufjnu (Sr ift ©ott, er leitet mr Srtofung atfe 9mtionen, unb ausftreden toirb er bas Scepter ber ©erecbtigfeit unb ber greifyeit f3 166 doui to all tribes of Adam. Let all hearts be raised to Him, every knee be bent before Him ; let all tongues proclaim His grace and loving- kindness. To Him alone adoration is due ! He hears our prayers, listens to our petitions, in- clines His ear to our supplications, heals our wounds, shows forbearance to our weakness, and pardons our iniquities : He is our God, our ever- lasting Father, and eternal hope, To Him let us pray in this festive hour, that He may speed- ily redeem all who are oppressed, release all who suffer in bondage, and proclaim freedom to all the inhabitants of this world. " For, God, He is the Lord in heaven above and on the earth beneath ; there is none beside Him," CHOIR. All the earth revealeth, The suns to Zion proclaim — Thy Eedeemer liveth, The Lord of Hosts is His name. Creation's Hock most holy, He is, He was, He will be. liXI V.— Freedom. m Song after the Sermon on Passover and the Fourth of July. t^f^ purest azure brightness The Lord of Hosts appears, To shower loving-kindness On hearts bedimmed with fears. 167 iifcer atfe (Stammc 3lbam$» W6$t jebeg Jperj gu tl)m erfyofcen toerben, jebe$ $me oor ifyrn ftcfy kugen, unb atle 3una,en oerfitnben feine ©nabe unb feinc unenb* Itdje ©iite, 3fynt aflein ge^temt SlnBetung, benn er nur $ort unfer ©eBet, oernimmt unfere 33itte, tteigt feitt £)fyr imferem ftkljtn, ^cilet unfere SBunben, tyat 9tadjftdjt nttt unferer @djtr>ddje, ttergiot ©itnbe unb 9fltffett)at. &r attein ift ©otr, unfer enriger 55ater unb gufyrer, unfere fceftdnbtge £offnung, $u tfym tajfet unS rufen in biefer ^eftesftunbe, bag er ertofen moge atle, bie ba fcebrittft fmb, befreien atte bie in SBanben fdjmadjten, unb taut oerfimben grettyeit fitr atte 33e* ttotjner ber (£rbe + ^^Denn ©ott ift ber £err int £im* met often unb anf (Srben unten, feiner aujer it)nu" <£$ or. Sobt ben SSater, f<$mu«ft ben geftattar, £arre fetner, fromme $itgerfc§aar! Sftittjmt ben £errn in frot)er 9ftena,e; ©ott ift naif, ber iperr ift unfer £ort, 3§m erfdjatte unfer 2)anfestoort, Sonen freubig geftesftange. 64. $Jefa#* 3?a$ t>er gJreMgt. v&g tout ein fcetter 3ufcetfdjatt £)urdj biefer £emfcets Jpatten; Unb 3ubel mufj im 28ibert)att Xurcfy unfre £er,$en flatten. f4 168 No more restrain, Let freedom reign ! He bids, and freedom is, To bless each soul with bliss. Unfurl thy banners, freedom, Thou daughter from on high ! Proclaim thy Father's kingdom, To brothers far and nigh ! All men unite In heaven's pride, To shout o'er plain and hill, His law is sovereign will ! Let freedom's trumpet thunder With heaven's mighty peal ; The fetters breaks asunder The Lord with holy zeal. — Let nations sing, The Lord is King, He breaks the tyrant's sword, And G-od alone is Lord. IiXV.— Conclusion of Divine Service. On Passover JEve and Morning {After Kaddish Yathom.) Minister, O Lord God, benign and merciful Father, with filial confidence in Thine unlimited grace, Thy children approach Thy glorious throne with praise and thanksgiving, on this Day of Passover, which Thou hast ordained as a memorial of Israel's redemption from Egypt- 169 (Sinft I)at ung ©ott mit jtarfer £anb (Erloft aug ©ftasenfcanben; 3m Srobug am SWegftranb ©inb n>ir jum SSolf erftanben, £)teg geft gtng mit ims manbellog £)urd) Ianger 3 e ^ e " ^eifie; 9tim gefct auf freicr (Erbe @d)00J3 £)er greityeit gefl bie SBetye! 3u 53oben (litrjt bie Xyxanntx, S8o 3uba 1 g ©terne fd^einen; Der Sftenfdj ift fret, son gejjeln fret, 3ft $riefter beg Meinen! X)urd) langer 3citen £uaf unb Drud, 3n ^ampfen unb in <2djmeqen SBar greifyett unfreg ©eifteg tte$bienfie#. SlbeufcS unb 2ftorgen$. SSorbeter. D £err unb ©otr, attgiitiger unb aflbarmfyerjiger 55ater! mit gtaubtgcm 33ertrauen in £eine unbegren^te ©nabe nafyen ©eine ^inber 2)ei* nem rufjmretd)en Jbrone mit $>reig unb £)anf an bie= fern ^ajfabfefte, n>eld)eg Tu cingefet3t t)aft jum 2(nbeu= len ber Srtofung ang (Sg^&ten, alg eine fyulbreicfye f5 170 • ian bondage, and a gracious manifestation of Thy holy will, that man whom Thou hast crea- ted for freedom, be Thy servant only, the faith- ful servant of truth, justice, virtue and holiness. Accept graciously the sentiments of gratitude, which we offer up at Thy sacred shrine, with childlike devotion to Thy paternal goodness, for redemption and freedom, for mercy and grace, for the everlasting and boundless benignity which Thou hast revealed over Israel, in all the days of our pilgrimage on earth. Accept the thanksgivings of our hearts for the approach of spring with its verdure and its blossoms, its smiling rays and its refreshing breezes ; for the thousand sweet joys of spring, accept our thanks, Thou great and omnipotent God, who blessest nature's secret avenues with youthful vigor and productive energies, to smile again under Thy paternal hands, a happy Eden to Thy children. Let it be Thy will, O God, that we enjoy, with gladness, Thy paternal gifts, on this feast of re- demption ; that every heart may rejoice in Thy blessings. As nature smiles in youthful beauty, so may all oppressed ones awake from the dreary winter-sleep of affliction and misery to freedom and gladness, to prosperity and happiness before Thee, Thou God of love and freedom. CHOIR. Let freedom's feast bring gladness To Judah's tents, to ev'ry home ; 171 jlunbgefrung Teine*? fietligen SBiffen*, bag ber 9ftenfcfr, ben £u jur ^reibett gefcfrajfen, Xir attetn btene, ber treue Diener ber SBafyrfyeit, ber ©erecfctigfeit, ber $u* genb unb ber £eiligfeit fet. 9ftogeft £u too^tgefalltg entgegennel)tnen bie ©efiiMe ber Xanfbarfeir, bie nnr ntit finblicfyer ipingetmng 2)tr auf Xeinem Ijeiligen 2Utare Ijeute barbringen, fur Srfojung unb greifyeit, fiir S3arm6erjigfcit unb ©nabe, fiir bte unregren^te ©iite, bte Du in alien Jagen ber 2>ergangenf>eit it&er 3srael ojfen&art t)a\t. 5^e^me gnabensoll auf, o ©ott, ben :Danf unfereS £er$en$ fiir bie ©ieberhtnft be3 griifyltng^ ntit alien 33liit6en unb 53lumen, ntit ben errcarmenben 8trat)len unb ben erqutdenben Siiften; fiir bte taufenb fiigen greuben bes grilling 3 £anf £tr, Xu groger unb atlmcicfyttger ©ott, ber Xu fegneft bte gefyeimen ^anale ber ^atur nttt jugenblicfyer ^raft unb fcelefcenber Sftadjt, bag 2ltfe$ blitbt unb jauc^jt unter Xeiner 2?aterfjanb, bie Srbe toieber ein Sben fiir Detne ^inber merbe. 9ft oge e3 Xetn SBittc fein, o ©ott, bag nur freubensotl geniejjen 2)eine saterlicfyen <3aktn an biefem gcjlc ber Srlofung, unb alle £eqen frol)li$ 2)ir entgegenjuoeln. 2Ste je{3t bie 9tatur in jugenblicber ®d)6nf)eit lafyt, fo mogen alle unterbriicf* ttn 9ftenfd)en ertoacfyen au3 bent langen unb peinlidjen SBinterfcfylafe ber 2eiben, $ur greifyeit unb jur greube, gu 28ot)l(tanb unb ©liicffetigfeit, sor £ir, o ©ott ber Siebe unb ber greityeit! 2Cuf! tr)r ^inber ©otres alle Sfreifei laut ben £errn ber (E§re; 172 And banished be all sadness From hearts upraised to heaven's dome. With joy and praise To heaven's grace, With harps and flutes proclaim The glory of His name. Minister* Vouchsafe, O Lord, Thy choice blessings upon Thy children, the whole family of man, and let all be united before Thee, in truth and love, in justice and freedom. Strength- en the hands of Israel, Thy servant, to bear the banner of divine truth and glad tidings to all nations and tongues, till Thy sun of salvation shall brightly shine over all habitations of man, warm every heart to kind affections, and en- lighten every soul, to appreciate and to love truth and virtue, righteousness and piety. Be- stow Thy gracious blessings, O God of Israel, on this our beloved country ; let her be a taber- nacle of peace, justice, freedom and philanthropy, united and prosperous before Thee. Look down in mercy upon this congregation. Remove sor- row and affliction from every heart, let joy and happiness satisfy every soul ; that we may wor- ship Thee in gladness all the days of our lives. Inspire us with the hopes and expectations of the righteous and pious ones who before us re- turned to the land of everlasting life. Bless us, Father, on this day of Passover with everlasting 173 gullet fe|Ht$ 3ubay« £atfe, greubcnflange, 3ube(d^ore! Oott erftetlt bie 3ffai?enttadjt, . ©ott befrett son Sttenfcfyenmadjt 55 o r fc e t e r» (Senfc nieber, o iperr, £>einen befkn <5egen auf Deinc ^inber, bie 9ftenfd)Jjett in alien ifyren ^reifen, unb lag atle &or Dir sereinigt foerben in Siebe, ©eredjtigfeit unb greifteih <5taxU, o 23ater, bie Jpanb 3graetg Deineg £ienerg, $u tragen bag Sanner ber 2$a&rf)eit unb ber (Ertofung fiir atle 9ta* tionen unb atle 3un$tn f tug bie Sonne beg $eitg atle SDtenfc&enroo&nungen umjlraojt, jebeg £er$ $ur Ite!6* reidjen 9Jlitbe erroarmt, unb jeben ©eift erfeucfyter, SBafcrtjeit unb Xua,enb, ©erecfctta,feit unb grommigfeit ju erfennen unb alg beg 9ftenfd)en f)6cfyfte ©uter $u liefcen. ®ib Detnen Segen, o ®ott S^raelg, unferem getteoten Satertanbe, ta§ eg fein bie ijetlige ©tatre beg griebeng, ber ©erecfytigfeit, ber greifyeit, ber (Stnfyeit unb ber 23rubertiet>e- 3n Reiner 33arm^erjig!eit, o ©ott! fdiaue nieber auf biefe ©emeinbe, entferne Summer unb Sdjmeq son jebem £erjen, (a§ ^reube unb 28onne jebeg ©emutt) erquicfen, bag n?ir frot) unb gtitcffelia, !Did| serebren mogen atfe Xage unfereg Se= fceng. Segeiftere ung ntit ben Jjpojfnungen unb Sr* ttartungen ber ©eredjten, bie s?or ung ^eimgegangen ftnb jur enugen SHulje. Segne ung, 2Sater, an biefem $efad)fefte mit efciger (Erlofuna, son jebem menfcfytidjen £>rucfe, son ©imbe 174 redemption from oppression and human might, from sin and error ; that all souls may rise to Thee on the silvery pinions of devotion and harmony, of peace and joy, to freedom and everlasting glory. Reveal Thy sovereign ma- jesty over this holy temple, let thy glorious pre- sence be reflected in the souls of those who ap- proach Thine exalted throne ; that thine ineffa- ble name be glorified in Thy children for ever and ever. {Congregation Rises.) CHOIR. To God the One Eternal- He is and was forever true — Who's grace and love paternal, All glory metes, all praise is due Let angels sing Of Judah's King Seraphim shout with glee All glory, Lord, to Thee. THE L.AST DAY OF PASSOVER. IiXVI.— Introduction to Divine service Evening and Morning. Minister. When Israel went out from Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of foreign tongue, then Judah was his sanctuary, Israel his dominion. The sea saw it and fled ; Jordan 175 unb 3rrtfjum crtofc uns, bag jebe <5ttlt ficfy ju £Hr erfjebe auf ben cjolbnen ©cfytoingen ber 9Inbacfyt unb ber £armonie, beg §rieben$ unb ber greube, gur eine erfyaBene 9ftajejtat itfcer btefen ^eiltgcn £empel, ntoge £)etne gtorreid>e ©egemrart in jeber ©eele nuberjtrafyten, in jebem ©eific, ber ftdj £>etnem ^ctttgen Xfyxont naijt, bag X)etn unausfpredjtidjer SRamt in Deinen ^inbern t>er^errlic^t fterbe immer unb emig. (£le ©emembe erfjefct fldj.) 2tuf, -iftattonen after Sotitn, 5>rctfet ©ott in 3ufcel$6v'en, ©eifter, bie im 2id>re ftofynen, $reifet i^n in £tmmelsfpfyaren, SDelten jauc^jt bent (Stopfer gu, £err, unenblidj grog Mjt £u! 66* gut fcen ffefcetttcn Sag fceS ^Jcfa*= (StnleUung jum ©otte$fctenfte SlfccnfcS unb 2ftorgen$. 35 o r d. VLU %$xatl fyerausajng, am Sa^pten, ba$ £au3 3afo&6 au3 einem SSolfe frember 3una,e, ba iuarb 3uba() fein £etlia,tl)um, 33raet feiner £errfd)aft SReidj. Da fa^$ ba<3 Sfleer, unb e$ fIo§, ber 3orban 176 started back. The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like lambs. The Lord saved that day Israel from the hand of Egypt. And Israel saw the Egyptian dead upon the shore of the sea. And Israel saw the mighty hand which God had shown over Egypt. And the people feared the Lord, and they believed in God and in Moses His servant. Recitation. Moses then and Israel's Children sang their song to God, Unto the Lord Eternal, — And thus they spoke and sang ; Chorus. Come, now let us sing, To God our praises bring t Several voices. God is my strength, my song, and bliss I Who is as great as He ? The wicked sink into th' abyss, The foe into the sea. Chorus. The right hand of God its power shows, The right hand of God the foe o'erthrows f Solo. The foe did say : I run for prey ; — I'll over- ride, Spoil divide, — I'll extirpate them, — annihilate them, — 177 ttSidj juritcf, t>ic 23erge fprangen n>ie bie SBibbcr, bic £iigel rote Sammer ^iipften* Unb ber £err erlofte an jenem £age 3srael aug £a,9pteng £anb, unb 3^rael fafy bte Sgppter tobt am Ufer beg 9fleereg* Unb S^raet fafy bie ma^tige £anb, bte ©ott an (Sgt>pten fcerotefen, unb bag 35olf fitrcfytete ben £errn, unb fte gtauMen an ben £errn unb Sftofeg feinen Xiener* 25 o r fc e t e r (SRecttah) £>amalg (It mm ten 9ftofeg Unb bte ^tnber S^raelg £>em Sroigen bieg Sieb an, Unb atfo fpracfyen fte: 5Iuf faffet ung ftngen, Dent £errn tin SoMieb Btingen! 9fle fj r e r e (Stimmen* (Sott ift metn ©teg, metn SattenfpteU SBer if* etn Jpelb rote Sr? Xer 2l6antnb ift beg £afferg gitl, Den geinb ftiirgt ev tn'g 9)?eer! 5|or, Die Jftecfrte beg £errn in jfraft erfcfceint, Tit 3Red>te beg £erru jermalmt ben geinb! © o 1 o. JDiefer fprad) : — 3* fog* nacf) ; — 34 feW ereiten, — 23eute ttertfyetleu, — 34 &e3roina,e fie, — 34 178 E'en on the spot, — destruction's their lot ! Thy storm didst Thou send, — then sank h© below, Then found in the waters his grave the foe ! Chorus. What mighty one can compare with Thee ? Thy wonders daily do we see. Solo. Thus Thou didst lead Thy chosen nation, A gracious living guide, Unto thy holy habitation ;— The nations startled, terrified.— Chorus. Until this race, redeemed and free, Thy voice had passed to security. Several voices. Oh ! lead us further, God of all, To ever higher stations, Till at the highest goal shall call Aloud with us all nations: — " The Lord above, th' Eternal One, Shall be our God and King alone ! " Chorus. The Lord above, th' Eternal One, Shall be our God and King alone ! — Translated byM. M. Conclusion of the evening service, as the first evening. Hymn after sermon to be selected from the Sabbath col- lection. 179 tterf^ttnge fte, — 9ttein ©djtvert ijt Mof , — Serberben i$r Soos! Da tyaudjteft £)u, ©ott— ba fan! er §tnao— £>a fanb in ben 5^«t§en ber geinb fein ©rab ! 2Ber i(l 2)ir unter ben VTlafyttn gteicfy? (Srfjab'ner ©ott, an SBunbern reid)! @ o I o ♦ (go fii^ctefl X)u in Deiner ©nabe £as Sot!, bag £)u erttafylt, 3um f)oJjen 3kl, fabe; $)ie $ol!er ftarrten, toie entfeelt — 5 t) o r. 3313, £err, bies SBol!, geretter, frei, 2) c t it 55ol! soritbergejogen fci ! 9ft e fy re re <5 ti m m en* D fitfyr' un$ wetter, Jpimmete(jorr, 23on <5tuf gu ^o^ertt 8tufen, 2M$ einfl am t)ocbften 3^e toort 5D^it uns bie 25oI!er rufen: £>er (£mia.e, ber £err aftein, or ©ott bem £errn- 2Imen. £atlelnja()! SJjor, 2tmen. JpaMujafy ! 35 o r fc. 3d) rufe an ben unau£fpred)(id)en, imfce* greif(td)en nnb unnennbaren S ft e j e 1) a f d) e r (5 ft e* j e (), batf eioige 3ein atfetf 8ein3 nnb altes $Berbttt6, ben Unoergdng(id)en nnb Unoeriinberlidjen rufe id) an, gum (Sd)lu(fe be3 gejieS nieber ju fd)auen auf biefe ©emeinbe mit feinem oatcrlidjen Segeiu 2lmen. Jpatle(ujat)! Q \) o r* $mem ^atle(ujal) ! 182 SHABUOTH. liXVIII.— Introduction to Divine Service Evening and Morning of the Feast of Weeks Minister. " The Eternal God cometh from Sinai, He shineth forth from Seir upon them, He glareth over from Mount Paran, and holy He approacheth from among the myriads of His luminaries ; He giveth from His right hand the fire of the Law unto them! — the Law which Moses commanded us, the holy heritage of the congregation of Jacob." It came to pass on the sixth day of the third month after the departure of Israel from Egypt, " when it was morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a heavy cloud was upon Mount Sinai, and the voice of the trumpet was exceedingly loud ; so that all the people that were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God ; and they placed themselves at the foot of the mount. And Mount Sinai smoked in every part, because the Lord had descended upon it in fire ; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. And the voice of the cornet went on, and waxed louder and louder; Moses spoke and God answered with a loud voice." And when the Lord revealed to Israel the Law of the Covenant, " all the people perceived 183 68* ©inleitttng pxm <&d)abuvtly- (SvtteSbienfte. 2lb en t> 3 uttb 2ft o r g en 3. 25 o r K £>er ett^tge ©ott fam »on (Sinai, cr jtratjtte iiBer fte son @etr, cr teudjrete som 23erge $aran, tyeilig lam er eintjer aug ben 9JZiriaben ber <5onnen, eg flog au$ feiner Sftedjten bag geuer beg ©efe£eg— £te Sefyre, bie 9flofeg ung geboten, bag (Erbttjeit ber ©emeinbe Unb eg war am fedjgten £age beg brtttett 9flonatg nadj bem Slugjuge ber $inber 3^^^ctg au$ Sg^pten, „aU ber -Jftorgen graute, ba waren Conner unb 53tij3e, unb bidjte SQolfen tr-aren auf bem 53erge Sinai, unb ber $tang ber Xrompete mar fetjr ftarf, fo ba§ atleg SBolf im Sager erbebte, Unb 9ttofeg fitfyrte bag SSot! tjinaug au^ bem Sager ®otr entgegen, unb fie ftettten ftdj auf am guge beg 33ergeg, Unb ber 23erg (Sinai war in SRaufy eingefyiitft, benn eg fam t)erab barauf ber £err in fttutx. Sg fHeg empor ber 9kudj ttie ber $aud) eineg Dfeng unb ber ganje 23erg erb.rofynte. Unb ber Sdjatt ber £rommeten nmrbe lauter, immer ma^ttg lauter; fSttofeS fpradj unb ber £err antwortete mit lauter ©timme." Unb alg ©ott offenbarte bag 23unbeggefe|3 sor %&* rati, „ba fyijrte bag ganje SSolf bie Conner unb fat) bie Stijje, unb sernafym ben ©cfyatt ber Xrompeten, unb fatj ben raucbenben 23erg. 2Itg bag SSoIf biefeg 5t(Ieg fatj, ba trat eg bebenb $uxud unb ftanb in ber gerne." £)ort riefen unfere SSater: „(2iet) ba, ber £err §at ung ge$eigt feine £errtid)feit unb feine ©rojje, geprt fyabtn 184 the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the sound of the cornet and the mountain smoking ; and when the people saw it, they removed trem- bling, and stood afar off." Then and there our sires exclaimed " Behold the Lord has caused us to see His glory and His greatness, and His voice have we heard out of the midst of the fire ; this day have we seen that God can speak with man, who nevertheless may live." CHOIR. From heavens high the thunders roar, The trumpets sound with might, Through clouds condensed the lightnings soar, The darkness dreads the light ; — The Lord of hosts reveals His word, To man He speaks — Creation's Lord. The idols reel, their temples shake, Despotic Fate rebounds, "With awe the mountains hark and quake — . The voice of God resounds ; From Horeb's Light descends His word, To man He speaks — Creation's Lord. Salvation's sun from Sinai rose To guide the doubting mind To righteous deeds and sweet repose, In life and death to shine. Obey, ye mortals ! know His word ! To man He speaks — Creation's Lord. Let Judah's harp resound His praise, The Father's glory sing ; 185 »tr fcinc Sttmme au$ ber OTtte bes gcuerg; Ijeute $aben toir gefefyen, bag ©ntfc farnt fpredjen mit einem 9ftenfdjen unb cr fann bod) am Seoen Meifcetu" ^iPinft rtefelte cine Quelle £ernieber $om Jptmmet^ett, Unb fanbte SCetTe auf SBette 3n bte 5Renf(^t)eit, bag £er$ ber SDeft. Sin Strom fjat bte Quelle empfangen, Sin Strom son ftetem S3eftanb; 33ann ijl er fyinausgegangen SBeit iiber 9fteere unb 2anb* SBett iioer Sanb unb 5D?ecre, 5D?eirt 3uba, jerftreut [tub nur; 2Bir trugen bte ©otte$Ie§re, 2)ie Sfyora, unfer $anier* 2Bir oradjten ben SSolfern alien £)er Xfyoxa fyetligen 33orn, 2Bo bonnernb ge^tt SGorte flatten SSon ®otte3 2ieBe unb 3<>nu // 3^Binbetn©ott! // fo Ie()ren £>ie Borte, „3<$ atfein!" £>u fofljl meinen Harnett eftren ! £)u fofljt meinen @a&fcat§ toet^n! SSater unb Gutter Itefce ! <5djone Ut ©rubers IMut! 186 For truth and light, for heaven's grace, Eevealed by God our King. Extol His name in one accord — To man He speaks — Creation's Lord. Minister. Give glory to the Great I am, the Lord of all lords, the Cause of all causes, the great, the mighty and incomprehensible God whose name is ineffable and whose glory fills the the universe, that He revealed His law to His peo- ple, and that he selected Israel to be unto Him a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. How, O God, can we, sons of the dust, worthily thank Thee and praise Thee ! " And were our mouths like the sea full of song, and our tongue shout- ing praise as the roar of the waves, and our lips full of glorification as the expansion of heaven, and our eyes brilliant with adoration like sun and moon, and our hands stretched forth to Thee like the pinions of a soaring eagle, and our feet quick in Thy service like the hind's ; we would still be unable to render due praise and to extol properly Thy name, O God and Lord, and God of our fathers, not even for one ten- thousandth part of all Thy goodness, which Thou hast done to our fathers, and which Thou always doest us." Thou hast redeemed us from bondage, hast led us through the wilderness with Thy mighty hand and outstretched arm, hast called us TI13' chosen people, hast res T ealed to us 187 3a()me ber (Sinne Sriefce! (St)rebe$ ftad)ften ©ut! SBerbe fetn falfd)er 3 eu 3 e ' 2$fd)ebe$ fteibcS ©futl)! 2>tenfcb, beine $niee Beuge! ©i«f in ben (5tau& — fet gut 1 Sim gejle ber ©otte^te^re (scfyliegeu ben 33unb fett auf$ 9leu'; £or' uns, bn jlonig, ber (Efyre! 2Bir ftnb ben jefyn SBorten tren! 2)?inna ^feebcrg. 55 o r b. ^ecbgepriefen fei ber einig^etnjtcje ©ott 3$raels, ber £err atler iperren, ba3 <2ein attes <3eins unb atles? 23erben3, ber grog e, macfytige nnb furd)tbare ($ott, beffen 9tamen unntnnbax ift, unb beffen £err* Ucfyfeit ba3 $tt erfutft, bag er feinem 3Solfe offenbart tyat feinen SSiflen, bag er au3ern?al)lt Ijat 33rae(, U)tn 3U fein ein ^riefteroolt: unb eine fyetfige Nation* SBie fonnen rcir, .ftinber beg 8taube3, iv-iirbig, £)ir banfen, nue gejiemenb £)id) preifen! „Unb mare unfer 9flunb ttne bas SDZeer soil oon Siebern, unb jaudjjte unfere 3unge Sobgefang n>ie bie tofenben $3ogen, unb toaren aud) unfere 2tppen be3 ^>reifes? soft, tine bie tteiten #immel3raume, unfere 2lugen leucbtenb mit 2>erel)rung, fine (Sonne unb Sfftonb, ausgebreitct unfere ipanbe, nne be$ 2lbler3 <5d)nungen im 31uge, unb letd^t unfere 5ii§e, wic bie ber 9tel)e;" fonnten n?ir bodj Did) nid)t gejiemenb preifen, nod) banfen Dir fitr ben gefyntau* fenbften £l)eit ber ©iite unb Stebe, bie £u an tut* gc* 188 Thy Law and Thy commandments, hast ap- pointed us to be the teachers of mankind, hast led us, guided us, protected us, to this day, with infinite goodness and love, and art with us in life and in death, How shall we duly praise Thee with words invented by man ! how shall we utter our feelings of thanks, of veneration, and filial devotion, which are unutterable ! The heavens and the heavens of heavens can not contain Thee ; uncountable worlds announce Thee; the hosts of angels adore Thee; what can we, a band of mortal beings utter, to reach only a ray of Thy glory ! — But Thy loving kind- ness is as infinite as Thy wisdom, Thy power, and Thy holiness ; and in Thy boundless grace Thou hast taught us, that Thou, O Holy One, art enthroned among the praises of Israel. Therefore on this day of revelation we adore Thee with a thousandfold Halleluyah, all Israel sings of Thy paternal love and exclaims in one grand chorus "Praised be the Eternal God for ever and aye." Choir. " Amen and Amen." Minister. " Praised be the Eternal God, He who is enthroned in Jerusalem." CnoiR. " Halleluyah." Minister. " Praised be the Eternal God and Lord, the God of Israel who alone worketh wonders." Choir. " Halleluyah." 189 fyan. Slug ber ©Tfcweret Baft Xu una erloft, tyafl burd) tie ©itfte un3 gefiibit mit macfytiger £anb unb aucgeftredtem 2lrme, baft uitv? genannt ©fin erwa'MteS Solf, baft un gclcbrt, bap Xu, Merbei- tigfter! tbronen troUeft jaufdjen ben ^obgefangen 3^~ raels. Xarum, an biefem Sage ber rjfenbarung, lobftngen reir Xir mit taufenbfadjem Jpatletujab; gan$ 3^rael ftngt son Xeiner saterlicfyen Siebe unb oerfiin^ bet in einem grogen (St)ore: „©epriefen fei ber Jperr in Gaigfeit!" d \) o r» 5lmen unb 5Imen ! 35 o rb. „®epriefen fei ber iperr *oon gion au$, ber in 3erufa(em tbront." (£bor, £atte(ujafj! 35 orb* „®epriefen fei ber £err, ber (Saige, ber ®ott 3^rael^, ber aflein ©unber fitynt/ (i f> o r, ^alleluja^ ! 190 Minister. "And praised be His glorious name forever* And may His glory fill all the world." Choir. Amen and Amen. LXIX.— Conclusion of Divine Service of Skabuoth. Minister. O God, Eternal and Almighty, Thou infinite and absolute One, who hast chosen Israel to be the banner bearer of eternal truth, who hast redeemed us from earthly bondage and savest our souls from corruption, — give ear to our feeble voice of thanks and adoration, listen graciously to our prayers, enlighten our souls in Thy Law, and incline our hearts to do Thy will. Let us on this festive day be re-united be- fore Thee, and bestow upon us Thy blessing, to be servants worthy of our mission, and children becoming the image of our Maker. Elevate us, O Father from the lowly dust, to behold Thy glory, as our fathers on this great day of reve- lation heard Thy voice from heaven's high, and pronounce once more over us in the eyes of all living creatures, " I the Eternal God am your Lord." We beseech Thee, Thou Great and Om- nipotent Father of mankind, to reveal Thy glory over us, as Thou hast done on Mount Sinai, that all men may see and understand that Thou alone art God, on earth and in heaven, there is none beside Thee ; that our hearts be 191 SSorK „Unb gepricfen fei fein fjerrftcfyer 9kme ettngtidj, unb e$ erfutte fetne £errUd)feit tie gauge (5 tyor. 2fmen nub Sfmen! bienfte§. 55 o r K £) efoiger unb atfmadjtiger ©ott! Unenb* It$er, &inig*£ingtger! ber £>u 3^aet erforen fjajt gum Sannertrager ber emigen SBafyrfjeit, ber £>u son irbifdjer $ned)tf$aft uns erloft *>aft unb unfere 8eele ber 23erganglid}fett entreigeft — neige £)ein C§r unferer fdjn>a$en etnem <2egen, auf bag nur fein mogen Diener ttiir* big unferer TOffion, unb ^iuber mie's bent (EbenMlbe ©ottes gegiemt (Erljefce ung, o 3Sater, tiber niebrigem (Srbenftaube gum 2lnf$auen £etner £errli$feit, rote unfere SSater an biefem grogen Sage ber Dffenfcarung gefyort £eine Stimme son £immel^of)e, unb serfiinbe afcermals tiber una »or ben 2lugen after Sefcenbtgen: „3$ ber (Snuge Mtt euer ©ott" 2Bir fle^en 2)idj an, £>u grower unb aUmacfytiger SSater ber Sflenfd^eit! gu offentiaren fiber una £etne £errlfd)feit, tote £u bamals auf <2tnai £id) ojfenbart l)aft, bag afle 9ftenfd)en er* fennen unb begretfen, bag Du adein bt ft ©ott, im $imme1 unb auf Svben, unb auger Xir tft Reiner; 192 Thine alone, and our souls be sanctified and de- voted unto Thee. Be enthroned in our midst, O Lord, and let this be "a feast of regeneration and heavenly gladness. Eeveal Thy glory in our souls, in our houses, in our temples ; let us be enlightened with Thy light, and gladdened with Thy paternal blessings. CHOIR. O Feast of Weeks bring gladness To Judah's tents, to ev'ry home ; Let banished be all sadness From hearts upraised to heaven's dome. With joy and praise To heaven's grace, With harps and flutes proclaim The glory of His name. Minister. Vouchsafe, O Lord, Thy choice blessings upon Thy children, the whole family of man, and let all be united before Thee in truth and love, injustice and freedom. Strength- en the hands of Israel Thy servant to bear the banner of truth and glad tidings to all nations and tongues, till Thy sun of salvation shall brightly shine over all the habitations of man, warm every heart to kind affections, and en- lighten every soul, to appreciate and to love truth and virtue, righteousness and piety. Be- stow Thy gracious blessings, O God of Israel, upon this our beloved country ; let her be a tab- 193 bafj imfere ^crjcn 2)tr attetn angefyoren, unb jebe (seele gefjeiligt unb ©it gettmf)t feu £$rone,.#err, in unfercr SRitte, unb lag biefes fetit ein geft ber £r= l^ebung ju Dtt, ein geft fytmmttfc^er greube* Dffen- Bare Deine £errltd)fett in unferer ©eele, lag un$ er= len^tet fcerben »on Dement 2i$te, lag una fro^ wet* ben in Dement saterlicfyen ©egen. (SI) or, 2luf, l|t ^inber ©ottes aHe, ^reifet taut ben £errn ber (£t)re ; gullet fejHi$ 3uba^s £alle, greubenflange, 3ubetd)ore! ©ott oefd)it£t ber SBa^r^ett 2i<$r, ©ott oerlafit bie (Semen nicfyt, 35 o r b e t e r, @en!e nieber, o. £err, Deinen bejleu <5egen auf Deine $mber, bie Sftenfd^eit in alien tfyrett ^reifen, unb lap alle $or Dir oereinigt merben in 2iebe, ©eredjtigfeit unb greiljett, ©tarfe, o Sater, bie Jpanb 3$rael$ Deines Dieners, gu tragen ba$ banner ber SBa^rljeit unb ber (Srlofung fur atte 9ta* tionen unb alle 3ungen, oi3 bie @onne beg £eit$ aUe •2ttenfd)eMoolmungen umftraljlt, jebes ^erj gur Iteb- reicfyen 9Jttlbe ertoarmt, unb jeben ©eift erleucfytet, 2Bafjrt)ett unb Sugenb, ©eredjtigfett unb gromntigfett gu erfennen unb aU be$ 9ftenf$en Jjodjfte ©titer gu Iteben, ©ib Qtinm (Segen, o ©ott 3$raet$, unferem gettebten SSaterlanbe, lag e$ fein erne Ijetlfge ©tatte bes 194 ernacle of peace, freedom, justice and philart-, thropy, united and prosperous before Thee* Look down in mercy upon this congregation. Eemove sorrow and affliction from every soul, that we may worship Thee in gladness all the days of our lives. Inspire us with the hopes and expectations of the righteous and pious ones who before us returned to the land of everlast- ing life. Bless us, Father, on this Feast of Weeks with Thy everlasting light and truth, and protect us against sin and error ; that all souls may rise to Thee on the silvery pinions of devotion and harmony, of peace and joy, to heavenly truth and everlasting glory. Eeveal Thy sovereign majesty over this holy temple, let Thy glorious presence be reflected in the souls of those who approach Thine exalted throne ; that Thy ineffable name be glorified in Thy children for ever and aye. {Congregation rises.) CHOIR. To God, the One Eternal- He is and was forever true — Who's grace and love paternal, All glory meets, all praise is due. Let angels sing Of Judah's King Seraphim shout with glee All glory, Lord, to Thee* 195 SrtebenS, ber ©erecfytigfeit, ber ftreifjett, ber Sin^ei* unb ber 23ruberlteoe. 3u, Deiner SBarm^erjigfeit, o Oott! fdjaue nteber auf biefe ©emetnbe, entferne Summer unb @$mer$ son jebem £er$en, tag Steube iutb SBonne jebes ©emittfy erquidfen, bag ttnr frof) unb gUitffelig Dtdj sereljren mogen atte £age unferes 2e* 6en3. 33cgeiftere uns mil ben £offnungen unb (Sr* wartungen ber ©ere^ten, bte &or una Ijetmgegangen (tub jur ettngen Sftutye* <3egne ung, 93ater, an biefem SBodjenfejk mit bem etoigen £t$te ber SBa^eit, bag jebem Sxxtyum, jeber ©itnbe unb jrebem $Qa$nt nur enrge^en, bag jebe <5eete jidj ju £)tr ertjefce auf ben gotbnen (Sdjrotngen fcer 5lnbac^t unb ber #armonte, beg ^tiebens unb ber greube, jur <3e(tgfett unb emtger SBonne. SDffenfcare £)etne erfjafcene 9#ajef*at u6er biefen ^eiligen Xtmptl, moge Qtint glorreidje ©egenmart in jieber ©eete tin* fcerjfra^en, in Jebem ©eifte, ber ftdj £)etnem ^etftgen S^rone nafjt, bag T>tin unausfpredjtidjer 9*ame in %)tintn Jtinbern nxfytxxlifyt toerbe tmmer unb efefg* <£1)qx. $uf, 9*ationen after 3onen r $reifet ®ott in Suoet^oreu, ©eijfcr, bie im %ifytt toofyntn, $reifet tyn in ^immel^f^aren, SDelten jau^t bem Stopfer $u, £err, unenbltdj grog M(l £>u! c,i 196 IiXX.— The Confirmation. The anniversary day of the revelation on Mount Sinai is the most proper time for the solemn rite of confirmation, Divine service in the morning to open with the same intro- duction as the evening previous, and to be conducted as usual on holidays, the sermon excepted. After olenu and kaddish the rile of confirmation closes the divine service as described hereafter. If no confirmation takes place, ap- propriate pieces before and after reading the Law, and after the sermon will be found in their respective places, and the divine service may be closed as the evening previ- ous. After olenu and kaddish, Vie two highest officers of the congregation retire, to introduce the co?ifirma7ids. The preludium to the following hymn is played, and then while the choir sings the hymn, the confirr>iand3 headed by the officers enter the sanctuary and proceed by the middle aisle to the tabernacle in the East, the girls go to the right t the boys to the left of the platform, which they surround in a semicircle, facing the ark. In the temple of Cincinnati, the confirmands are requir- ed to be dressed alike, the females in white, and the males in black ; no jewelry of any kind is tolerated ; each bears a bouquet. Introductory Hymn. Hail, all hail, ye happy band, Zion's children, Jacob's seed ! Come, receive from heaven's hand Happy angels' bliss complete; Truth and light for evermore, Faith and love from heaven's store. Glory sing with Seraph's fire, God receives His children all j 197 Worship Him, our gracious Sire, Worship in this sacred hall ; God's eternal grace is nigh, God whose name is El-Shaddi. Before the close of this hymn, one of the co7\firmands appointed to this function, mounts the reader's stand, and facing the congregation at the close of the hymn speaks his prayer. First Prayer. iwOOK down, O God, in Thy loving-kindness, upon Thy children who approach Thy holy shrine in this solemn hour, to give utterance to the innermost feelings of their hearts. As in time of yore, our ancestors on this very day stood at the foot of Mount Sinai, to listen to Thy gracious voice, when Thou didst teach the path of life, of truth and of salvation ; so, even so, we stand before Thee with joyous trembling, to ex- claim like them Naaseh Tenishmah ! we will do Thy sacred will, as Thou hast revealed it by Moses and the Prophets ; and we will hearken to Thy eternal voice, which continually reveals itself in the mind and conscience of Thy faithful servants. We beseech Thee, our Heavenly Father, to bless us in this solemn hour with a pure under- standing and a holy vigor, in order to be en- abled to utter distinctly our love to Thee and Thy holy precepts; the trust and confidence g3 198 which we place in Thine endless benignity ; that we may glorify Thy name on earth, and the impressions of this sacred moment be always our pillar of fire on the path of life. "We render praise and thanksgiving to Thee O God, that Thou hast preserved our lives, to stand now before Thee in the midst of the con- gregation, whose faith shall henceforth be also our faith, and whose hoj>es be also our hopes. BORUCH ATTOH ADONOI ElOHENU MELECH HO- OLOM, SHEHECHIONU, VEKIEMONU, VEHIGGIONU laz-Zeman HAZZEH. Confirmands. Amen ! The one who prayed resumes his former place, and the choir sings : Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, and hear Thou me, for daily will I call on Thee — Be gracious, Lord to me, give ear O Lord to my prayers, and I will thank Thee, Lord, my God, and I will praise Thy name, O Lord ! for evermore. While the choir sings these lines the confirmands as- cend the steps, deposit their bouquettes at the steps lead- ing to the ark, and passing it and bowing before it, re- turn to their former positions, except one who is ap- pointed to recite the following prayer, remains at the reader's desk and the choir being through recites the following prayer : 199 Second Prayer. 'RACIOUSLY accept, Lord, this feeble tok- en of our childlike devotion, the faint expression of our hearts overflowing with gratitude to Thee, Thou Love supreme and absolute. Our ancestors worshiped Thee on this day, with a sacrifice made of the first cereals, Min- chath Biccurim, to acknowledge that it is Thy blessing which ripens the golden fruit. — We de- posit these flowers at the steps of Thy sacred shrine, in which Thy words, the expression of Thy will is kept, to worship Thee, O God, with the first fruits of our youthful hearts, to acknow- ledge that it is Thy blessing which gives us youth and the joys of youth. Our lives and our best sentiments be devoted to Thee, O God, even as these flowers have been laid down at the steps of Thy footstool. May Thy name be glorified by the holy feel- ings of our juvenile hearts which, like these flowers, we offer up to Thee, Most Gracious Father, that Thy glory and Thy might be pro- claimed even " Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings," that all the world in one united chorus proclaim one joyous Halleluyah ! Choir and Confirmands. Amen. Hallelu- yah ! g4 200 The confirmand returns to the former position. The Minister welcomes the confirmands, bids them be seated in the house of the Lord, addresses the congregation and at last also the confirmands. At the close of the discourse he calls upon them to perform an act of divine worship in the congregation of Israel, in expression of their holy de- sire, to be attatched to the congregation. The confirmands rise, take their former positions around the Platform, and while the organ preludes one appointed ascends and opens the ark, takes out one of the /Scrolls of the Law and Third Prayer. vJ/HE Law of God is perfect ! This is the Law, Israel's consecrated banner, with the sublime in- scription, " Hear, Israel, God is our Lord, God is One," This holy gift from on high shall be our guide and our light in life and in death, in time and eternity. The Preacher (taking the Scroll,) Let us extol the One, All-wise, All-mighty and Most Holy God! Having read the second hymn, he returns the scroll to the confirmand who bears it around the platform fol- lowed by all the confirmands, all passing the ark un- til the law is laid down on the reader's desk and the choir has concluded . the second hymn. All confir- mands resume their positions, only four appointed thereto remain and open the Scroll of the Law. Second Hymn. (H/EINE, O Lord, is the greatness and might, Thine the beauty eternally bright, Thine all things in heaven, on earth, Thine, dominion o'er heaven and earth j 201 Thine alone is in truth exaltation O'er the heads of each people and nation. Extol the Lord at heaven's sacred shrine, And shout aloud, all holiness is Thine ; Bow down at His holy mountain, Soar aloft to all wisdom's fountain. Extol the Lord in angels' fiery tone ; Holy God, my Lord, art Thou alone! 1st Confirmand. Hear ye children of Israel, give ear, ye sons and daughters of the covenant, to the Word of God, which is purer than the crystal waters from the rock, and full of light, even as the heavens are decked with luminaries and brilliant stars. Unfold this sacred banner of truth, and read its ancient and everlasting in- scriptions. All confirmands in chorus speak the benediction before reading the Law. Borechu, &c. 2nd Confirmand reads from the Thorah Deuter. v 1 to 18 and vi, 4 to 9. 3rd Confirmand. Give glory to the Lord on high for this precious word of salvation ; for the Law of truth, for life everlasting, and for the sacred promise " Israel is saved in the Lord an everlasting salvation," 202 All confirmands in chorus speak the benediction after reading the Law. Boruch attoh, &c. The three confirmands leave the platform, one remain- ing. Here follows — THE EXAMINATION, and alter it :— THE CONFESSION. 4th Confirm and. Before Thee, O G-od, who art One, Almighty, All-wise and Most Holy, we make confession of our innermost conviction, that Thou alone art God and none beside Thee ; Thou alone art the Cause, Preserver and Gov- ernor of all things ; Thou alone art Eedeemer, Savior, Father and King ; eternal Love, infinite Mercy and absolute Goodness art Thou. All men are Thy children, Israel is Thy first- born son, Thine image, Thine agents on earth, to whom Thou revealest Thyself and Thy holy will, that we may reach perfection and become happy here and hereafter in Thy glorious pre- sence, which we shall behold on awaking from the dreams of this earthly life. True art Thou, Eternal God, and true is Thy Law, which Israel carried through all lands, and all ages of authentic history ; and it shall carry the same, as Thou hast ordained, until justice and peace shall forever unite the human family and love shall entwine all human hearts, to be a unit before Thee ; until truth shall triumph, vir- tue hold dominion, and light prevail. 203 We confess before Thee, O God, that Thou forever art our hope, our consolation, our banner of victory, our Lord and our Father, in happi- ness or adversity, in life or in death, " The Lord shall reign forever, Thy God, O Zion, from gen- eration to generation, Halleluyah ! The choir repeats this concluding verse : Yimloch in He- brew. The preacher then tells the confirmands, that as a token of their full consent to the confession just made, each of them should kiss the Scroll of the Law. While the organ plays a symphony, the one who spoke the confession hands round the Swoll of the Law, each confirmand speaks an appropriate motto from Scriptures and kisses the Scroll of the Law, until it is finally handed back to thepreacher, who deposits it in the ark. The symphony closes, the preacher declares the confirmands initiated into the congregation of Israel, and gives them THE BLESSING, in this manner : Two and two of the confirmands, while the choir sings the priestly blessing Yevorechecho, &c, in Hebrew and repeat it as often till the preacher is done! — always two at the time, ascend the pulpit, and receive the blessing, audible only to the confirmands, and then depart on opposite sides to resume their former positions. One of the confirmands remains on the Platform and re- cites the following prayer. Fourth Prayer. 212UE thank Thee, O Lord, for the blessing and the instruction of this solemn hour of con- firmation. Grant, heavenly Father, that it be always present to our mind, to guide us to vir- tue and piety, that we never forget the holy 204 promises made here before Thee and before Thy people ; that Israel become glad of our fellow- ship, and the hopes of our parents and our friends be fulfilled in us. We beseech Thee, O Lord of Hosts, to bless our parents and our teachers, for all the goodness and forbearance, all the instruction and parental advice which they have lavished on us. Let them live a long and happy life, and grant us the ability to sweeten every day thereof. We beseech Thee, Father, to vouchsafe Thy grace to the congregation of Israel who gives us our religion, and to our blessed country which protects our liberty and our rights. Hear us, God of our fathers, be nigh unto us all the days of our life ; write Thy precepts in let- ters of fire upon the tablets of our hearts ; let our souls be Thy messengers, the harbingers of truth and virtue on earth, and ministering an- gels around Thy throne hereafter, when from time we return to eternity. Glory to Thee, Eternal God, all the world shall proclaim Thy greatness and Thy holiness, all the suns and stars shout one Halleluyah to Thee, Infinite Love, Everlasting Adonoi Elohim. Amen. The confirmands are admonished to return to their pa- rents and receive their blessings. While they do so, the choir sings : AdONJI SECHORONU, «fcc. from Psalin 115. 205 The Conclusion. ( The congregation rises. ) Minister. I invoke the Almighty One, whose name is Elohim, the Creator of the universe, the Father of mankind, the Sole and Eternal God, to look down with His benign blessings upon the human family, in this solemn hour of sacred devotion. Amen. Halleluyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister. I invoke the All-good One, whose name is El-Shaddi, the benign Preserver of the universe, the bountiful bestower of all that is good and true, to look down with His benign blessing upon the congregation of Israel in this solemn hour of sacred devotion. Amen. Hal- leluyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister. I invoke the All-wise One, whose name is Adonoi, the ever watching Providence, the Sole Sovereign of all nations and the All- mighty Disposer of their destinies, to look down with His benign blessings upon this our beloved country, in this solemn hour of sacred devotion. Amen. Halleluyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister. I invoke the infinite and absolute One, whose name is Eheyeh asher Eiieyeh, the Great I Am, the incomprehensible and eternal Cause of all causes, the only Lord, and God, and Father of all, to look down with His benign 206 blessings upon this congregation and the confir- mands we have Messed in His glorious presence ; to reveal His heavenly majesty over us and over this holy temple in this solemn hour of sacred devotion. Amen. Halleluyah! Choir* Amen. Halleluyah ! LXXI. — Hymn before the Laying of tne* Corner Stone of a Temple* JgflS mercy, Lord, incline thine ear To Zion's faithful band ; In love and grace our prayer hear, .Reveal thy mighty hand. Eeveal once more celestial light O'er Salem's holy tents, Dispel the clouds and end the night, Let truth pervade all lands. To truth be laid this corner stone, Ee rear'd the massive walls ; To Thee, Most High and only One, Be arched these sacred halls. Pour down thy grace in sunny ray 3, Let Judah's temple be The house of praise to teach thy ways, Devoted, Lord, to Thee* 207 LXXII. — Hymn after the Laying of the Corner Stone of a Temple. »LeT Pious hearts combine To rear a sacred shrine To Isr'el's Kock a structure proud That speaks of him aloud ; Of him the One alone, The heavens are his throne, The sun and stars proclaim The glory of his name, Unite each heart and hand To form one pious band, One chorus grand, to rear the walls And arch o'er sacred halls A dome to heaven's light, Eternal truth and right, And Isr'el's harp resound in praise Of God, the Lord of grace. Let angels tune the lyre, And pour celestial fire In human breasts to shout the praise Of God, the Lord of grace; Of God who thrones on high, The Lord whose love is nigh ; Of Isr'el's Bock, Jeshurun's King, Seraphic hymns to sing. 208 SUCCOTH. IjXXIII.— Introduction to Divine Service Evening and Morning of the feast of Booths. Minister. %t O house of Jacob, go yc, and let us walk in the light of the eternal God." Through nature's productive energies, the All- good Father of man reveals His providential care to His confiding children. On this joyous Feast of thanksgiving, for God's infinite good- ness, revealed in bountiful harvests, in the bless- ings of peace, freedom, health and prosperity let us render praise and adoration to the One and Eternal God, the Eock and benign Father of Is- rael, the Sole Sovereign of the universe, the Gra- cious Preserver of all the creatures that populate the world, which He made and governs in His incomparable wisdom — to the All-good El- Shaddi, who has showered His blessings on field and meadow, who crowns the hills with delicious sweetness, and the valleys with plenitude, to gladden the heart of man. " The eyes of all wait hopefully upon Thee; and Thou givest them their food in its due season. Thou openest Thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living being. Eighteous is God in all His ways, and beneficent in all His works." CHOIR. Give thanks to nature's Lord, His goodness, soul, proclaim; 209 "73* ®folrftintg turn Stiffot^= SHbenbS unti SftorgenS. S3 o r K „D ^>a«S 3afoH gcX)et nnb laffet nng feanbeln im Sidjte beg Smigen." 3« ben fegeng* reidjen $raften ber 5^atur cffenbart pdj ber aftgitttge 23ater ber 9ftenfdjf)eit feinen serrrannnggsoften $in= bent. 5In biefem freubenttoften gejle beg £>anfeg fiir ©otteg nnenbltcfye ©lire, bie ftdj offenoart f)at in reiser $iifte, in ben mannigfacfyen ©egnnngen beg ^riebeng, bergretf)eit,©efunbt)eitnnb beg SBotylftanbeg, an biefem £age tyeiltger 23crfammlnng taffet nng preifen beneintg* eitt3tgen ©ott, taffet nng anBeten ben (Ettigen, ber ba ifl nnfer 5el$ unb nnfere 3us>erftcr;t, 3graetg aftgittiger 23ater, after SBefen (Stopfer nnb after SBelten erfyabe- ner £errf$er, ber in feiner Siebe afte SBefen tragt nnb jtit£t nnb nafyrt. Saffet preifen nng ben aftmeifen nnb aftgittigen (£1 ©djabbei, ber anggegoffen feinen (Segen anf beg SSatertanbeg ttette gtnren, ber gefront bie -Jpiiget mit Ueppigfeit, nnb bie Abater gefd)miicft ntit retcfyem Ueberftnjfe, bag ^>erj beg 9ftenfcfyen gn erfrenen* „Mer $ngen barren £einer, o £err, nnb £n fpetfefl afte jnr redden 3ert* 3Du offneft £>etne £anb nnb fattigeft gnabensoft afte SBefen* ©ere$t {ft ©ott in aft feinen SBegen, nnb gnabenretdj in aft feinen SBerfen." ©ott, ber £err, tft unfre 3«»erftc^t, £nlbooft ftrafylt fein tyimmlifd) ©nabenlta^t, 210 Sing all in one accord The glory of His name : Thy God in bounteous love appears, His blessings crown with joy all years* Behold, His love distills The blessed dew and rain On mountains, plains and hills ; Their stores, unfolds His main. The winds, the orbs, conducts His hand For man and beast, to bless the land. The verdure speaks aloud Of God's eternal grace, The blossoms sing and shout A mighty strain of praise, Delicious fruits of golden hue Announce, His love is ever true* Eejoice, in G-od rejoice ! With hymns and psalms divine, With trumpets' mighty voice Approach His sacred shrine* With Judah's harp the Lord adore ; His goodness lasts for evermore. Minister, " O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good ; because unto eternity endureth His kindness." As in days of yore He revealed His glory over the tents of Israel in the wilderness, the Eock who protects His own, with His mighty arm, against the violence of the elements, 211 £iefcenb fcfyaut cr auf utts nieber; ©i&t un$ Sefcen, gifct un3 2eben$lujt, ®ifct mit Ciefce jeber 9ttenfd)enfcrujt €>egen3fulle, 3ufcellieber. 35 o r &♦ „D banfet bem £errn, benn er ijt gut, benn etr-ig fca^ret feine ©nabe/ 2Bie in ben £agen ber 2$ergangenl)eit ©ott feinc £err(id)feU itfcer 3«racl^ 3elte in ber SBitjte offenfcart, ber 2lttgen>altige mit madjtiger £anb bie ©etmgen fcefdjuj^t gegen bag Soften ber Slemente, ben ©rimm reijenber Xfyiere nnb giftiger IBafili^fen, ber 2Wgutige Sftanna »on £immeUtjo$e gefanbt nnb erquicfenbe ^lutljen au$ bem 5el$ tyersorfprubeln gelaffen, ber treue fitter Israels, ber nidjt fcfylummert unb ni$t fdjlaft, ben ^ranf^eiten fcefot)len, bid) nicfyt gu befdjabigen unb bem (Senbboten ber 3^rflorung ben SBofynungen ber ©eintgen ftcfy nidjt 3U nafyern; fo offenfcart er, ber eintg-ein^ige unb ettige ©ott, immer unb etoig feine tjulbreicfye £ieoe, feine enb= lofe ©iite unb feine unoegrenjte SBarmfyerjigfeit an alien, bie feiner barren unb oertrauungsooll gu ttjm auf6licfem „£)enn er fceftefylt feinen Sngeln, bid) gu oefcfyiijjen auf alien beinen SBegen, auf ben £anben bid) ju tragen, bap bein B«f an teintn (Stein ftofe* £)u trittft auf £on>e unb (Btoxpion, Du gertreteft 2eo* parb unb (Sdjlange. Qtnn er l)at Sujl an mir," fpridjt ber £err, „barum null id) i§n erretten, idj mill tljn flarfen, benn er erfennt meinen 9lamen." £>atum lajfet un$ anfceten unb serefyren ben @nngen,ben ©ott ber ©nabe, 2lmen. £aflelujal)! 212 the wrath of ferocious beasts and venomous basilisks j who sends manna from His heavenly- stores, and streams of fresh water from the rock in the wilderness ; the Shepherd of Israel who slumbers not and sleeps not, who bid the pesti- lence not to hurt, and the augel of destruction not to approach the habitations of His chosen people : — So He, the One and Eternal God, al- ways reveals His loving-kindness, His infinite goodness and boundless mercy to all who wait for Him and put their trust in His grace. " For He giveth charge to His angels concerning thee, to guard thee on all thy ways. They shall bear thee upon their hands, that thou dashest not thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the fierce lion and asp ; thou shalt trample un- der foot the leopard and dragon. For he de- lighteth in me," says the Lord, "therefore I will rescue him ; because he knoweth my name." Let us adore the Eternal God of salvation. Amen. Halleluyah ! IiXXIV.— The Feast of Booths. After the Sermon. € HEOUGH desert land, conducts Thy hand The children of Thy choice, In booths they hear, " Thy God is near," They hear Thy soothing voice. 213 S % or* Soot ben 23ater, fcfymittft ben gejialtar, £arre fetner, fromme ^)itgerfct)aar ! 9Mit)mt ben £errn in frommer 5!}2enge ©ott ift nafy\ ber £err ift unfcr £ort, 3fym erfcfyatle unfcr £)anfe3toort, Sonen freubtg gejlegflange* (ftacf) ber *)Jrebtgt.) 74* @ tt $ t o 1 1) ♦ f m SBuftenlanb, burd) obe gtur 3ft unfer 33olf gejogen; (5$ ftrat)Ite fyett am £tmmel nur 2)er SBolfenfauIe 53ojjen. £>te SBiifte ift etn melted ©rao, Sd led^t bad $olf nad) sftafyruna,; Da ftet bom £immel milb fyerao 2)ed 9ftanna Dffenoarung* Unb SBoIfenfauP unb 9ftanna fprtcfyt $m ©ulfotr) : £ao' SSertrauen! £>ein ^iiter fd)faft unb fd)lummert nidjt (seloft in ber SBiifte ©rauen* £>o beined Seoend £ittte fdj»a<$ 3n ttulbem (Sturm unb SBetter, £od) oBen ift bein ^ater toad), 3Detn <2d)ii£er unb bein better. 214 Thy pillars guide, with heaven's light, The children of Thy choice ; The serpents flee, as did the sea At Thy commanding voice. The manna falls, from heaven's halls And water spouts from rock ; The quails come down, to feed Thy own, Sustain Thy chosen flock. The wilds report, Thy glory, Lord Yon Sinai sings Thy praise, And Eden's plain resounds the strain In nature's mighty lays. O nature's God, Thou art our rod And staff, our hope and light ; Thy voice commands, the seas and lands Proclaim Thy grace and might. IiXXV.— Conclusion of Divine Service on the Feast of Booths. Eve and Morning. ij? God, One and Eternal, infinite and absolute, give ear to our prayers, grant our petitions, be pleased with our adoration, accept graciously our thanksgiving ; for Thou art our hope, our rock, our light in time and eternity ; Thy Law is our pillar of clouds in the pathless wilds of our earthly pilgrimage, and Thy heavenly promise is our pillar of fire in the dark hours of 215 Unb o& nun Jperbfl bie glut entlaufcr, Dfc faljl be$ 23aume$ 2lef*e, S^ein 25o(f §at treu an ©ott gegtaufct — 2Btr feiern greubenfefte ! 2ttinna ftteeberg. bimfte$. StbenfcS unb 9?Zorgeit3. 25 o r K D ©ott, £)u Stnig^ein^tger, Sunger, Un* enbltcfyer unb Unfregreifli^er ! netge £em £)fyr nnferem g(e^en, er^ore unfer ©ekt, tag unfere $eref)rung £>tr n>of)fgefallig fetn, empfange gnabenreid) nnfern 2)anf, benn £>u frift nnferc £offnung, unfer $ete, unfer 2id)t in 3^^ tttt^ £»igfeit, 2)etn ©efe£ iji unfere SBoHen* faute in ber ^fablofen SBiijte bes Sefcens, unb £>eine gnabenreicfyen 2>erf)etfmngen finb unfere ^^uerfaute in ben bunHen Stunben ber $erfud)ung, be$ <2djmer$e3 unb be$ XobeS, £eine untt>anbeI6are ©itte tft unfer griebensjelt, £>em Stdjt unb X)eine 2Ba$r§eit ftnb bie mad)ttgen (Scfynungen, unter n?eld)en £)etne ilinber @djuf3 unb 3uffadjt fucfyen. 23efd)irme, £efd)itj3e un$ in Reiner majeftatifcfyen Sftadjt, tote £)u unfere SSa'ter in ber SGiifte gefdjitijt unb gefc^trmt $afh ©attige un3 mtt £einem f)immUfd)en 9)?anna, lag fcfylttrfen un$ reined SBajfer son ber Cuefle Xeiner ettngen SBatyrfjett, wie 2>u in Reiner £ulb fitr unfere SSater in ber SCiifte Berettet §aji etnen Xtfcfy unb SBajfer aus bem gelfen tfynen gegefcen. (Segue un$, o Jperr, tt>ie £u in ben £agen ber 3Sergangent)ett auggegoffen @e= 216 trial, misery and death. ; Thy loving-kindness is our tabernacle of peace, Thy light and truth are the mighty pinions, under which Thine humble children seek shelter and protection. Shield us, protect us, in Thy majestic power, as Thou hast shielded our sires in yonder wilderness. Feed us with Thy heavenly manna, let us drink from the pure water of Thine eternal truth, as Thou hast deigned to prepare a table for Israel in the wilderness, and let water spout for them from the rock. Bless us with plenty, O God, as Thou hast showered Thy goodness upon us in days past ; for we are feeble and ignorant ; if Thou givest not, we can not take ; with all our wis- dom we can not make a leaf, a blade of grass ; with all our power we can not command a ray of the sun, a drop of dew to suscitate the plants. We depend on Thee, we trust in Thee, and Thou wilt not forsake us ; for Thou art nature's Lord and Kuler, the heaven is Thy throne and the earth Thy footstool, Thou art the gracious Father of man, Israel's banner and rock, our Preserver, Supporter and Protector for ever. CHOIR. O Feast of Booths brings gladness To Judah's tents, to ev'ry home ; Let banished be all sadness From hearts upraised to heaven's dome. With joy and praise To heaven's grace, With harps and flutes proclaim The glory of His name. 217 genflfutfe titer bie Detnen, benn tvir flub fcfywadj unb ofjnm&djtijH > uenn ® u h^ 9^1% ^ r tonnen nid)t nefymen; ntit att imferer 2£ei$t)eit fimneit wtr leirt $$iatt, feinen ©rasfyatm tyer»orfcrtngenj ntit all imfe- rer Sifladjt fonnen hur feinem ©omtenfiratyl, feinem Sfyautropfen Befefylen, bie ^flanjen ju befefcen. 2Bir sertrauen £>tr, o ®ott, mir ^offcrt unb fceten gu £>ir, unb £)u wirft un$ nidjt »er(a|Jen; benn £>u Mft ber Jperr unb Jperrfcfyer ber 9?atur, ber Jpimmel ijl £)etn Sfyron unb bie (Srbe Reiner giige ©Fernet; £)u Mfl ber Sftenf^fjett gnabenreidjer $ater, 3grael'S banner unb feflc 33urg, unfer (Scatter, (Srnafyrer unb 23efdjit£er in atter Swigfetr. 6 I) o r ♦ Uttf! it)r ^linber ®otte$ atfe ^reifet laut ben £errn ber (£§rej gullet fejHidJ Suba^s £atte, greubenHange, 3nMdjore! gelb unb gtur ntit reiser fjitttc ©egnet ©ottes 23atertt>itfe. 218 Minister. Vouchsafe, Lord, Thy choice blessings upon Thy children, the whole family of man, and let all be united before Thee in truth and love, injustice and freedom. Strength- en the hands of Israel Thy servant to bear the banner of truth and glad tidings to all nations and tongues, till Thy sun of salvation shall brightly shine over all .the habitations of man, warm every heart to kind affections, and en- lighten every soul, to appreciate and to love truth and virtue, righteousness and piety. Be- stow Thy gracious blessings, O G-od of Israel, upon this our beloved country ; let her be a tab- ernacle of peace, justice, freedom and philan- thropy united before Thee, Remove sorrow and affliction from every heart, let joy and happiness satisfy every soul, that we may worship Thee in gladness, all the days of our lives* Inspire us with the hopes and expectations of the right- eous and pious ones who, before us, returned to the land of everlasting life. Bless us, Father, on this Feast of Booths with gladness and happi- ness, and let each tear be dried from the eyes of mourning humanity ; that all souls may rise to Thee on the silvery pinions of devotion and har- mony, of peace and joy, to happiness and ever- lasting gladness. Eeveal Thy sovereign majesty over this holy temple, let Thy gracious presence be reflected in the souls of those who approach Thine exalted throne; that Thine ineffable name be glorified in Thy children for ever and aye. 219 55 orb* (Senfe meter, c £err, Deinen befteu 8e* gen auf £eine Winter, tie Sttenfcfyfoeit in alien ityren $reifen, nnt lag Sllle sor £tr seretmgt foerten in Siefre, ©erecfyttgfett nnt greifyeit. Starfe, o $ater, tie £ant 3^raefei Xetnee X-ienerS, $u tragen ta$ banner ter SBabrbeit nnt ter (Erlbfung fur alle 9Ja- tienen unt alle 3un$tn, bit tie Sonne te£ #eU$ alle Sftenfcbenrcoftnungen umjfral)lt, jete3 £er$ jur lieb* reicben 9ftilte errcarmt, nnt jeten ©eijt erleuct)tet, 2Bal)rl)eU nnt Xugent, ©eredjtigfeit nnt grbmmigfeit jn er!ennen nnt aU te£ 9ften(d)en bbcbfte ©iiter gu lieben. ©ib Xeinen Segen, o ©ott 33rael>?, nnferem geliebten 93aterlante, lag e£ fein tie beilige Statte ted grietenS, ter ©erecfytigfeit, ter f5retf>eit, ter (Sinbeit nnt ter 53ruterliebe. 3n Xeiner SBarmfyerjigfeit, o ©ott, fcfyaue nieter anf ttefe ©emetnte, entferne Stum* mer nnt ©cfymer3 i?en jetem £er$en, lap ^reute nnt SBonne jete$ ©emiitl) erquicfen, tag n?ir frofy nnt glixcffelig Xidj $eret)ren mogen alle £age nnferem 2e* bens. 33egeiftere un$ mit ten £>ojfnungen nnt ten Srrcartungen ter ©ere$ten,tie $or un$ beimgegangen ftnt $ur enugen 9htfye. 21n tiefem ©nffotl)fefte fegne uns, o $ater, fegne un$ mit ^reute nnt SBonne; lag jete Xfyrane getroefnet tterten »om Singe ter leitenten 50^cnfc^^eit, tag jete ©eele ftd) ju Dir erljebe auf ten goltnen Sdjnnngen ter 21ntad)t nnt ter £armome, te$ §rieten$ nnt ter greute, $ur (Seltgfett nnt efciger SBonne. Cffenbare Xeine erbabene 9ftajeftat itber tiefen fjeiligen Ztmptl, moge Xetne glorretcfye ©egen* wart in jeter retfet ifyn in £immelsj>f)ar'n, SBelten, jaucfot fcem Stopfer an, £err, nnenMid) (jrefj fcift £n! 76. £a$ e$IniifefL ©etyeniini-SIjeretlj. ?5 f e n b 3. (Stnlettung unb Sd)Iu|j »ie ben erften $5benb. Wl o r g t it S. (Slnleitung unb Sieb natfe bcr 9>rebigt ift au* ben tetreffenfcen Slbtbeilunaen ju tedblen. Bum Sc^uffe 9t». 67, Sette 181. 2Benn bic Stbera an btefem Stage aufigelefen ttirb, werben brei ©efefcroflen auSgeljoben. 3n ber erften tetrb 92) e f » « Jpabbrodjaf) gelefen hit jjj ijt ba* ©crt »cn ©inai," u» f. ». 3n ber britten SRotlc teirb b : e SDTa^r^ttr-SIbtfietlunfl gelefen, bann fclgt jum (Einfceben bte 24. Jpamne, Stite 71, ,.<£elig teen £ein JDcrt erquicfei," u. f. w. Die ©ebete, Jpemnen u. f. ». fur 5Rof unb Sent Nippur ftnh fcoflftdnbig in unferem ©ebetbucfye fur jene geiertage nad) bem Wl i n $ a g St nt e r i f a. 9919! NINTH DIVISION Solemn Occasions. I*XXVII.— The Burial Service in the House of the Deceased. After the coffin is closed and placed in the largest room of the house, the lights are lit, the mourners and their friends assemble around the coffin to the Burial Service. The minister reads in Hebrew Psalm 90, Tephillah Le- Mosheh, <&c. Minister. Brethren: " A good name is bet- ter than precious oil, and the day of death bet- ter than the day of one's birth. It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to the house of feasting ; inasmuch as that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart." — " The heart of the wise is in the house of mourn- ing, for the end of a thing is better than the beginning thereof." " At the end of a thing the whole is heard. Fear God and keep His com- mandments : for this is all that is left of man. God' bringeth every deed to judgment, con- cerning all that is hidden, whether it be good or whether it be bad." — "And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who has driven it," 223 ImnU Mbt^nlnn%. geterHdje ©dcgenljeitett. 77* SHc $8e$tahniftfeiev. 3m§aufebe$S&erftorbenen. 9la<$bem ber ©org ht'3 grofjte 3lntnter be« £aufe$ geBra^t ttcrben unb ge» fffcloffen ift, toerben bie £t$ter angejxinbet, bie £rauernben unb bie gnunbe oerfammelit ftd) urn ben Sarg jur Segrabniffrier. Der SJorbeter Iieft bebraifd) ben 90. ^falm, „Z^W^ £e»2J?of$eb," «. f. ». 23 o r b e t c r. 23ritber unb @d)ir>ef*ern ! „@in guter Sftame tj* beflfer benn fofifcares £>et, unb ber Jag be$ Sobes ijt fceffer, ata ber Jag ber ©efcurt* (5$ i(l beffer in'S £rauerf)au3 $u ge^en al$ in'S £au$ feftXic^er ©e* lage, tvtil bort tr-ir ertnnert toerben axCs Snbe eines jeben SDtenfdjen, unb ber Seknbige nimmt fldj 1 * $u ^erjcn." — „£>a3 ^>erj be$ SBeifen if* im £rauerf)aufe, benn bag (£nbe einer ©adje ijt kffer, aU ber 2Infang berfelfcen/ — „2tm (£nbe einer (Sacfye ttirb 2HleS geprt £)arum furore ©ott unb fceofcadjte feine ©efcote, benn biefe* tfl 2We$, toat »om $Zenf$en iifcrfg Wettt* ®ott afrer fcringt jebe Jtyat »or ©eridjt, audj jebe serfcorgene £f)at, ofc f!e gut ober ofc fie iifcel iji."— „£)er <5taufc fefyrt jurudf $ur (£rbe ftie er fear, unb ber ©eifl fetyrt auriid an ©ctt, ber Ujn gegefcen §at," 224 Therefore, Brethren, we are congregated in this house of mourning, at the coffin which en- shrines the bodily remains of the deceased (brother or sister so and so, or child so and so) to show the last honors to a beloved person who has lived among us, who hoped and prayed with us to the Lord in whose hands is the life of every living being and the spirit of every man, and who died in the fear of God who com- mands His angels, to guard thee on all thy ways. "We are congregated in this house of mourn- ing, to weep a tear with our bereft friends over the loss of their beloved ; to shed with them a tear of sorrow at this coffin ; and to bring them the consolation of religion and the condolence of sympathizing brethren. To the Mourners.* All who mourn and weep, hear you the word of Holy Scriptures : Dominion and fear are His who maketh peace in His heavens high ! Is there any number to His heavenly hosts ? and on whom does not shine His light ? How then shall man judge with God, and how can he be pure who is born of woman ? Look up as high as to the moon — its light is imperfect, and the stars are not pure in His sight. *From here to the Hebrew passage may be read to the mourners during the days of mourning before kaddisb. 225 Xarum, ibr 23ritber unb 2dwe(tern, Ijafcen ttnr una »erfammelt im Jpaufe ber Irauer, urn biefcn <2arg, bcr btc trbifcfyen Ueberrefte (unferea 33rubera 9t. 9L — vlxi* ferer ©cfywejter 9fc. 91. — bea t^euern ,ftinbea liebenber SItern — ) umfdjtiefjt, einer t^euern $>erfon, btc unter una gele&t, mit una gef>offt unb »ertraut $at bent etmg=ein$igen ©ette 3^aela, in bejfen £anb ijl baa 2eben einea jeben Sefcenbigen unb ber ©eift einea jeben Sftenfdjen, unb ber ba cjeftorben ift in frommer ©ottea* furcfyt unb im ^ertrauen auf ifyn, ber feinen Sngeln bejte^lt, bidj ju fcefd>it£en auf alien beinen SBegen- 2Btr fyaUn una" Berfammelt in biefem Srauerfiaufe, eine Xfcrdne ju tveinen mit unfern fretmgefucfrten greunben iiber ben 23ertufl (i^rea geliefrten Patera, Srubera, mit ©ott ridjten? 2Sie ber SBetfcgefcorne rein ftd) biinfen? ©djau §inauf Ma jum s 3ftonbe — aud) fein Zi&t ijl un* fcollfommen, (Selbjt bie ©rente ftnb nid)t rein in feinen Shigen. *) Son fcter bt* ju fcer $ebr. ©telle foflte jefcen Sag »or fiabfcifdb, im £rauer- fcaufe flelefrn tcerfcen. Hi 226 f How much less man, a grub ! and the son of man, a worm ! May one venture a word to Thee, wilt Thou be offended ? But who can forbear speaking ! Lo, Thou hast admonished many, and hast strengthened feeble hands. Thy words have supported the faltering, and sinking knees Thou hast made strong. But now, when it cometh to Thee, wilt Thou faint ! When it toucheth thee, wilt thou be con- founded ? Is not thy religion thy confidence ? The uprightness of thy way, is it not thy hope ? Now a word was stealthily brought to me, and my ear caught the whisper thereof — In thoughts from visions of night when deep sleep falls upon man ; Fear came upon me and trembling which made all my bones to shake — Then a spirit passed before me j the hair of my flesh rose up. It stood still but I could not discern its form j an image was before my eyes; There was silence ; and I heard a voice — IS MAN MORE JUST THAN GOD ? IS MAN PURER THAN HIS MAKER ? Lo, He trusteth not in His servants, and to His angels He imputeth folly ; 227 Urn foie sie( mentger ber <5rer<dje — bte Sftotte, 2)er (Srbenfotyn, ber SBurm." „£>arf man etn 2Bort an ©id) tterfndjen? ober tft'S £)tr lajlig? £>o$ raer !ann ber SBortc fldj ent^alten?" „<5ie(j, fo ttiefe tjajt 2)u juredjt gettnefen, £ajt fdjtaffe ipanbe ftarf gemacfct. <5infenbe fyahtn £>eine SBortc aufgcrid)tet, SBanfenbe $niee ^aft Du geftarft — $lun e$ fommt an bidj, wtttji bn »er$agen? 9lntt e$ bid) getrojfen, wotttejl bn serjtoetfetn? 3\t ntdjt beinc ©otteafurdjt betne Jpoffnung? yiityt bein frommer SBanbel beinc S^tterffd^t?" 3u mir jtaljt ftcfy etn tetfes $3ort, tB^eitt D$r na^m bcffen 3n^a(t n?a|r — 3m ©enfen iiber nadjtUdje Srfcfyeinnngen, SBenn ttefer (Sdjfaf bic 9ttenf(fcen iifcerfatft, X)a it&erftel mtdj 2lngft unb 23eben, £g bur^fdjanerte all metn Gbtbtin Unb eg fdjwebte etn ®etfi an mir sorit&er, (S3 ffranbte ftdj metn £aar* (Sr fianb, bodj ntd^t mafyrnefymen fonnte idj feine ©e* Sin ©efcUbe fdjten's sor meinen Slugen. [(tatt, (5$ war (title, ba fyorte icfy eine ©timme: — SBitt gerec^t erfdjeinen ber 9Wenfdj toor Der ©ottljett? aSttt bag ©cfdjiipf rein gcgcniibcr fetnem ^djiipfer ft* Deafen? £rant er boct) fetnen ©ienftgerceifjten nid)t, <3eftf* fetne (Engel frefdjitlbigt er be$ 9ftatfeT$; 228 Much more to those who dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in dust, who are crushed like the moth." Therefore when mother Sarah died our woe- stricken sire, father Abraham, came to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her, the pious and faithful partner of his life. But then " Abraham rose up from before his dead ; " he rose up with pious resignation in the just decrees of heaven and wept no more. Therefore when David had prayed and fasted many a day in sackcloth and ashes be- fore God, that He might spare His sick child, and it had pleased the Almighty to call the child away from this sublunar world ; he ceased to mourn and to fast and to weep before the Lord, and he said to His servants : — " While the child was yet alive I fasted and wept ; be- cause I said, who knoweth, but that the Lord will be gracious to me, and the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast then? can I restore him again? lam going to him! but he will not return to me." Therefore, when Job was told that he had lost all his wealth, and had been suddenly bereft of all his children, he fell down to the earth and worshiped, "And he said, Naked came I forth from my mother's womb, and naked shall I re- turn to the grave. God hath given and God hath taken away ; blessed be the name of God." 229 Urn fo tnefyr tie 23ewo§n*r irbifdjer £ii(lett, Deren Urpoff Staufr mir i fir, £)te jerjHe&cu mujfen, ben iOiirmcm pretg." £avum a(g u.itfcrc fromme Gutter Sara!) geftorbett war, ba fain 2>/ter2lbraljam ju trauern unb ju meinert urn bie fromtne unb treue ©attttt. 5X6er balb „erfrob fid) 2lbraba4n sor tern Singeficfrte ber Jobten;" er erfyeb ftd) nut jammer Srgebnng in ten gered)ten SBillen tea £errn, ttnb er treinte nid)t me§r» £>arum afg tfonta, Dasib tolclc Sage in Sad unb 2Ifd)e fur feitt ftanfeg olinb getrauert, gebetet unb ge* fa pet l)atte, unb eg geftet bann tern £errn, bad Stint afyttrufen aug tern Sante ber Sebenbigeu, ba fyorte £asib auf $u faften unb $u weinen »or bent £errn. Unb er fprad) jit feitten Xienern: „Bo lange bag ^inb nod) lefrte, faftete id) ttnb wetnte icij, trett id) mir fagtet n?er fceif, otelIeid)t rcirb ber £err mir gnabig feirt nnb mir bag .ftinb leben tajfen; je^t aber ift eg tobt, n?arum follte id) faften? ftantt id) eg benrt jurttd in'g £eben rnfen? 3d) werbe il)in folgen, aber eg mirb nid)t ju mir juriidfefyren." £arum, alg £iob bie Sdjredengbotfdjaft sernafym, ba§ er nid)t nnr all feinen DUicfytfyum, fonbern aud) atie fetne Jlinber serloren fyatte, ba fanf er tn'n in ben <&tauh unb betete ben Mmad)tigen an. £a fprad) er: „$ladt tarn tdj aug bem Slftutterleibe, nadt eite id) Sum ©rabe, ©ott Ijat gegeben, ©ott bat genommeu, gepriefen fet ber ?iame beg §errn." h3 230 Congregation and Mourners: tniis " db> »rp np*> *i ?ru M | 1 ; T: " • : I ~ t t: * I - t t; .nDgnjHTp-i And thou, deceased son (daughter) of the Most High, (beloved child of mourning parents) (beloved mother in Israel) (beloved father of this mourning family) (thou virgin daughter of Zion) (beloved son of woe-stricken parents), the image of God, the immortal soul, has left this body of clay, to return to the region of ever- lasting light and life, to the fullness of joy which is at the right hand of the Eternal God of all the spirits of all flesh — May the God of mercy receive thee in grace and admit thee among the souls of our departed ancestors to everlasting happiness. May thy sins be for- given, and thy guilt be forgotten. May thy righteousness go before thee, and the glory of the Lord encompass thee. Go home to thy eternal abode. Be thou laid down to everlast- ing rest, sleep in silent repose with kings and counselors of this earth, who have built them- selves monuments ; or with princes, who amassed gold, and filled their houses with sil- ver. There the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. * The prisoners art all at ease, they hear not the taskmaster's voice. Small and great, both are there ; and the ser- vant is free from his master." Forgive us if we offended thee, and look down in love upon those 231 SIDe unb bie Irauernben foremen 21 b o n o t n o f o n "u. f. »., ttie ouf ber cntgeaengefefcten ©eitc. jAr b*JL Unb bu, baf)ingefd)iebener t, ber ba tfl ber ©ott after ©eifter atleg $leifd)eg. 9ttoge ber ©ott ber 23armfyer$igfeit gnabenootl bid) einreifjen unter ben ©eefen unferer bafyingefd)iebenen 93ater unb Gutter, jur emigen ©efigfeit. SK-ogeit beine Siinben oergeben unb beine Sd)ulb oergeffen fein. Sftiige beine ©eredj* tig!eit oor bir einbergefyen unb bie ©(one beg £errn bid) umpfafyen* ^ei)re fyeim $ur emigen SRufyeftatte* 9tufye fanft im ftillen ©rabe mit ^onigen unb toetfen £Hatt)eit biefer Srbe, bie Sftonumente ftd) erridjtet, ober mit giirften, bie ©olb aufgefyduft, mit ©ilber gefitttt $aUn ifyre Jpaufer. „Dort f)aben 53ofemid)ter augge* tobt, bort raften aug bie, beren $raft gebrod)en. ©e* fangene freuen bort sereint ftd) beg griebeng, fte boren nid)t beg Drangerg Sftnf. £)er ^(eine unb ber ©rofje ftnb bort gfetd), ber $ned)t ift frei son feinem £errn." $erjeibe ung, wtnn mv bid) beletbtgt fyaben, unb blirfe in £iebe fyerab auf bie, fo ba trauern unb meinen. Xrofte fte mit ^immlif^em Wanna, unb fei ifynen nafye in ben ©tunben beg ©djmergeg, bag nmnbe £erg gu befanftigen unb ©ileab'g S3a(fam $u traufeln in bie h4 232 who mourn and weep. Console them with heav- enly Manna, and be nigh unto them in the hours of affliction, to soothe the aching hearts and to distill the balm of Gilead into the bleed- ing mound. Go home to thy eternal repose, thou beloved soul. Congregation and Mourners'. ii )&u?8i X7 ! vn M. ^ # 9A 1 nils FUNERAL ORATION. Prayer. viz Lord my God, Thou hast created this uni- verse, Thou preservest and governest it in Thy wisdom. Everything therein is so reasonable, so wisely placed, so harmoniously excellent, and Thy goodness reigns over all things. No crea- ture, no mote on this immense creation is sub- ject to annihilation or misses its proper aim. Thou bestowest a thousand joys on the irra- tional creatures, and showerest endless delight on fields and groves. Man alone, Thine image, can not be destined to suffer and struggle, to disappointment and pain, for death and corrup- tion ; man only, whom Thou hast gifted with 233 blutenben SBunben* .ftefjre Ijeim jur eioigen ^lufye, bu geliebtc Seele. 8[Qe unb bic Strauernben foremen ^ c b e $ 21 b o n o t u f w , fcte auf ber cnfgcgcngefc^tcn Seite. Sic £etd>entct>e* © e b e t. © ©ott unb £err, 5)u X>aft tie 28elten gefdjaffeit unb leitefl fie in Reiner 2Bei4$eit (Eg ift Me$ fo rjerniinfttg, fo tteife, fo fyarmonifd) fyerrfid) eingeri&tet/ unb £eine ©itte ttaltet iiber Sltles. ^ein 2Befen,fein (5onnenftaubd)en, im grofen 2111 fann untergefyen, ober feinen 3wt& tterfefylen. 9ftit taufenb greuben be- fcbenfft £u bte sernunfttofen SDcfen unb gtejjefl tau* fenbfacbe SBonne l)in auf 2Balb unb glur. — £er SOtenfdj atletn, £etn (Ebenbtlb, !ann nid)t $u £eiben unb ^dmpfen, ju Saufdumgen unb (Scfymeqen, fiir Job unb SSertucfung gefcfyajfen fein; ber 9ftenfdj alieim ben £u mit 2?ernunft unb freiem SBitlen fo$akt, bent in Reiner S?aterbulb tu btd^ offenbart fya(t, fann nidjt fiir ein jfcecftofes J)afcin geboren ttorben fein. £u bift aflgiitig, o G3ctt !* Xu baft unS nicfyt mit biefem (Befynen nad) Xeinem Sicfyte, mit biefem £ur|te nadj bem Unenblid)en, mit bem raftiofen 9iingen nad) bem h5 234 reason and free will, to whom in Thy paternal goodness Thou hast revealed Thyself, can not be born to an aimless existence. Thou art su- preme goodness, O Lord, Thou hast not gifted us with this mighty yearning after Thy light, this indomitable panting after the infinite, this restless longing after unattainable and indefina- ble ideals, this eternal dissatisfaction with tho world, its treasures and charms, to disappoint us at last, and to deliver us to the worms of the dust, after a life of struggle, anxiety and pain. Thou hast inscribed our souls with the flaming characters of immortality, Thou deceivest not, Thou art the God of truth. Supreme justice art Thou, O Lord ; there must be a reward to virtue, which suffers on earth, and a punish- ment to wickedness which shouts with gladness on this sublunar world; those who struggled and prevailed, renounced, overcame, and sacri- ficed — Thou crownest them with the refulgent rays of victorious virtue in life everlasting, for Thou rewardcst, and renderest every creature its due. Thou art our Father, Thou destroyest not Thy children. Supreme reason art Thou, O God, Thou eufferest not reason to perish or in- tellect to be wasted, " Thou abandon est not my soul to the grave." Thou art supreme love ; there can be no death, it is eternal birth, "Thou sufferest not Thy pious ones to see corruption." Thou art our rock, Lord, our confidence our 235 tlnerreid)Paren, mit biefer eirigen Un$ufriebenkit mft ber Srbe, ifyren (Screen unb Slcijcn bccjabt, urn nad) eincm 2ekn »cll &atnpf unb (2d>mer$ una getaufcfyt ben SBiirmern preis $u gefcen, ©eftf)riefren ^aft Xu ntit glammenfcfyrtft bte UnfterMtd)feit in nnfere ©cele. £u taufc&eft nicfyt, £u bift ein ©ott ber 2Sat)rt)eih Sfttgerecfyt bift £u, o ©ott! e3 mug einen 2o$n fur bic £ugenb geben, bic fyienieben geweint, eine (Strafe fiir 3 Safter, bag auf Gnrben gejaucbjt, bie ba getampft unb geftegt, entbefyrt, itbernmnben nnb geopfert fyaben, £u retdjfi ifynen ben ©trafylenfranj be$ (Sieged, toeit £>u atTcd ©ute nnb Gble betofmft. £u bift nnfer 23ater, £>u gerftorft bie ^inber ni$t. £>u bift bie 2ltfoernunft, ba$ 23ernitnftige fann nicbt untergeljin. „Xu »er= faffeft nidbt meine Seete in ber ©prft." £u fci|i bie M^vtebe, es fann feinen Job gebfn, eg mup atle$ ein eiuigeg JBerben fehu „!Dil lajfeft £ehte ^rommen nid)t 2?ern?efung fcfyauen." iperr, £>u bift nnfer gels, nnfere 3"serftd)t, nnfer $ertrauen, unferes SebenS £eben, unfer Sidjt auf Srben, nnfere Jpcffnung in ber Srcigfeit. „2£en fonft ^ate idj im £immel, unb net (I £ir oerlange idj nicfyts auf Srben." D etr-iger unb unbegreifltdjer ©ott bed Mens! ntit bemittfyigem £er$en unb ntit finblidjer (Srgebung ceu= gen toir un$ &or £einem gerecfyten SBiflen, unb toir preifen feinen fyeiligen 9kmen im SeBen unb im Sobe* @et mit uns, o ©ott, in biefer fd)tner$en3= reicfyen ©tunbe, unb empfange gnabenreidj aus unferer £anb biefe£ Dpfer mit unferen £fyranen bargebracfyt auf bem 2Utare unferes ©laubens unb ber enngen £offnung in £ir unb in feinen tyeiligen 2$erb;eif;un* 236 trust, the life of our life, our light on earth and our hope in eternity, " Whom beside Thee have I in heaven, and with Thee I desire none on earth." O Eternal and Incomprehensible God of life, we bow down with contrite hearts and childlike devotion to thy just decrees, and we glorify Thy holy name in life and in death. Be with us O God in this painful hour, and receive from our hands this sacrifice, which we lay with our tears upon the altar of our faith and our eternal hopes in Thee and Thy holy promises. Let the gates of eternal happiness be widely opened to this returning soul, and look down in mercy upon those who mourn and weep ; heal them, Father, console them, merciful God, and comfort their hearts with the benign rays of Thy lov- ing-kindness. " May He expunge death in eter- nity, and may the Lord our God remove the tear from every face." Close with the hymn from Master Neshomoth. At the burial ground the service is concluded as usual. IiXXVIII.— The Dedication of a Synagogue. While the procession beariny the Scrolls of the Law enters the building, the choir sings from Psalm xxiv, " Lift your heads, O ye gates ! " in Hebrew Seu Sheorim or in the translation page 56 No. 20 to the end of the Psalm. 237 geiu 9flbgen bie ^forten ber etoigen ©etigfeit wett offcn (lefyen biefer fyeimfefyrenben ©cele, unt) mtfgeft S)u in 33armf)er$igfeit fyerabfdjauen auf tie Urauemben nnb tie SBeinenben; fyeile fie, o SSater I trofte fie, £>u Meroarmer! ftdtfe bte ^erjen mtt ben mtfben (Strata ten £>einer ett>igeit Siete, „9ftoge ber Job in ber gtuigfeit serfdjnunben, nnb ber £err trocfnen bie Zfyxa* ntn son jebem ©eftcfyte/ $men* tt 3cMujH»)isutc. erHart nnb tjet)r erfdjeinen, ^etn ©ott nnb Jperr t>te Deinen, 3)ie felig Ijeimgegangcn, 3u lefcen angefangen. 3n ^rieben mofynen 2Itte 3n ©ottes Eater^afle. 3m Srbenfdjooj? sermefet 2)er ^no^enban, erlofet Serlagt ber ©etft bie £utte 3u fdjau'n bie ©nabenfiUIe 3n ©eijies ftarjiem 21$ te, 23or £>einem 5lngefi$te» £)te Jpojfnung ifl erfiitter, 3)a3 ©efynen if* gefhtfet, ©eloft bie ffiat&fel atfe 3n 3)einer 25ater^at(e ; T)tin Sidjt begriigt bie Seelen, 2)ie lu'er fid) £ir sermafylen. 238 The procession having arrived at the Platform, stops there ; and when the choir has closed the psalm, the minis- ter delivers the introductory prayer. Then he reads Psalm 100 in the original and in the translation. While the choir sings Psalm 100 in the original, the first circuit is made in the sanctuary. On returning to the platform the choir having closed the psalm, the minister reads appropriate passages from Sac- red Scriptures in the vernacular. Then he chants Shema , Echod, Gaddelu, the choir responds and closes with~Lecho y Adcmoi hag-gedulloh in Hebrew, during this time the second circuit is made. On returning to the platform the 'minister reads the first three verses of Genesis, in the original and in trans- lation. The choir responds, " And the Lord said, Let there "be light, and there was light." Meanwhile the perpetual lamp and all other lights around the Ark are lit. Then the minister reads the hymn on the Law : " 'Let there be light ' a second time," fee. page 76 No. 27. While this hymn is sung, the third circuit is made, the scrolls of the Law are deposited in the Ark, the congrega- tion is seated 1 . Then follows — THE DEDICATION SERMON, The Sermon closes with Tlie Invocation. ( The congregation rises.) Minister. I invoke the One and Eternal God, whose name is Elohim, the Almighty Crea- tor of the universe, to consecrate this temple by His holy presence, now and forever. Amen. Halleluyah ! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! 239 2Bte felig finb tic Detnen, Die fronunen, gottlid) SReinen, *£)u fiifyrft fte fyetm in ©nabe, 2luf licfyrem ftriebenspfabe Unb fttidjft jum ©eip:t „fet etvig SScrjungt, tnt$Mt unt> felig." 3>timnc jut C^itttoetinituj euteS £$= raelttifdben &tmpel§. 50° M# ^ u ^a * n fatner iefe3 £au3 gic^ 1 ein ®ott 3efcaotf)! ©enafyt ift bie 2BeU)cftunbe ipier, n?o bcr Jcmpel ftefyr, <5inb bie ©ofyne sorn alten 53unbe Son be3 (Sttugen 9l«fye Knmtljt (Bit ftnb ge^gen som 3ort>anjtranb Uefcer SReereS&ogen, burdj SBujlenlanb Unb fcauten 2Utare yon Drt ju Drt 3fym, ber i§r ©firmer, ifjr (5$u£ unb J^ortl Iftun jlefyt au<$ Bier in fetntr ©djimfyeit gutte <®in £empel Suba'tf, neu erbaut fur ©ottj ie I^ora, 3nba'g Lanier! SDte soran nns gefd)ritten bnrd) Stfadjt nnb Wotl), Urn bie mir gelitreu ben £elbentob, £ier if* bte gafyne — o £err, fte ift £ein! 2Bir (Men fie ftolj in ben tyetfigen ©cfyrein! <5o ftefyjl bn ba in beiner 6$9n$eit Siitte, Xu Xempel 3nba'3, neu erbaut fiir ©ott; *ftun fenfe fid) ber ©eift in biefe -Spitlle, 3n biefes Jpaue jiefy' ein ©ott 3ebaotb! (Er nafyt in ber 2lnbad)t Scfyauern — Sr treilt in bent £aud) be$ Qbtkttt — 9tun tfyronet in biefen Sftauem £>e$ Sroigen ©(orie (fete! ©efdj(ed)ter tvatfen in's ©rab ber gtit; ©ott fd)it^ end), iff $aUzn, in (Etoigfeit! 242 the prophets, to consecrate this temple with His eternal light and truth now and forever. Amer. Halleluyah! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister. I invoke the great and Ineffable One, the Most High and Most Holy, who alone is God and none beside Him, the eternal and in- comprehensible cause of all that was, that is and that will be, the omni-present and invisible One, I invoke to consecrate this temple and this con- gregation with His heavenly majesty and reful- gent glory, now and forever. Amen. Hallelu- yah! Choir. Amen. Halleluyah ! Minister. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and glory for ever ; no lips can utter all Thy majesty. Glory to the Lord God of Israel. Amen. {Congregation is seated.) The Consecration Hymn. U ESOUND ye domes, with holy hymns, Break forth in joyous lays, To Him whose glory suns bedims, Whose Love outlasts all days ; Ye gorgeous pillars sing The praise of Isr'el's King ! 243 Unb frets fet bom ©egen ber ®ortl)eit umfetjmeU 3eber £ctudj, ber l)ter flefyenb ber 2ippe ent^ebt, <5o fle^fl bu ba in beiner er t)or)e geierHang: jDu ^urimfejt, roiflfommen ! Qify griifje unfer ©ang! Uns briicften 23aoeIs 23anbe, SBit fcfyrie'n g« (Storr t)inauf ; SBtr t)ingen am (Eupfyrarftranbe 3ln ben 2£eiben tie £arfen auf* 9tod) fcfyalft son Sttunb ju Sfftunbe £)er 9tame 9ftorbe$ai, 2>on £ftt)er tont bie tfunbe, ©ie marten 3uba fret. ©ie ftnb in grauen Stittn gu 3"ba's £eil gefanbr; Das 3auct)jen ber 33efreiten SBarb ^urim" rings genannr. Ss jog toorn Sup^ratfivanbe Sttit ber Seroaunten ©cfyaar 244 Ye lofty portals, ye massive walls, Proclaim in one accord : He deigns to dwell in earthly halls, Our God, Creation's Lord. Let Zion shout and sing The praise of Is r'el's King. The Father's mercy is revealed In Isr'el's holy shrine ; He's Salem's everlasting shield, Jeshurun's rock divine; He consecrates this place With light and truth, and grace. His glory fills these holy halls ; His word resounds with might ; His presence speaks* from yonder walls- It speaks in glaring light. He consecrates this place With light, and truth, and grace. Let Zion shout with holy glee, The Great I am is nigh ! His voice resounds, the mountains flee, The heavens shake on high. Let's all one chorus sing, In praise of Isr'el's King. 245 SBo^l iitcr 9fleer unb ?anbe, ©eglucfenb 3^ fwr 3af)r. £T6 and) auf *? 9?eue jiidtc (Sin £aman feinen Speer, Cb milber SSabn frebriitfte £e$ 2>olfe3 £ulber|eer; ©elfcfi in be$ ©betto 9ftauern Grbellte ftd^ bie «Ra$r, ©efcfcwunben mar bag Xrauern, SBenn ^urtm mar ermadjt. £a bracb ber £ajj in (Sctjerben 91ad> langcm ©eifteeftreir, Unb Jpaman mufte ftevben, £er ©eift ber alten 3 e ^ 9hm merbe rings sernemmen £er fyofye geierffan^ : Xu ^urimfeft, millfcmmen! £idj griigc unfer £an$! £> ©ofott 3uba 1 s, feiert! ■Jpier, bier bat ©ottes £anb Sin $urtm un3 emeuert 3m neuen SSaterfanb! £ter in bem frei'ften (Staate (2inb mir erftanben frei; £ier mieber tfyront im 9ktfye 3Jktt 246 [From the Charleston Collection. | SCHOOL. HYJIXS. LXXIX. vl/H ! fill our hearts, Almighty King! With gratitude to Thee, That we Thy praise may gladly sing, In all humility. May we instruction now receive, With willing heart and mind, And all Thy laws, O God ! believe, Who art so just and kind ; Who watchest o'er our actions here ; And guardest us from ill ; Oh! teach us humbly to revere, And bow before Thy will. And when our souls Thou callest hence To life beyond the tomb, May there our youth we recommence, For Everlasting bloom. LXXX. CliullTH grateful hearts of song and praise And filial love to Thee we raise, For all that Thou hast ever done For us, Thy children, Holy One ! To Thee our life and health we owe, And ev"ry competence below ; Our soul immortal Thou hast given, To dwell again with Thee in heaven. 247 £)te (£ft(jer, bie uns fliijjte, <5ie fyieg: ©eredjtigfeit! 3a, ©ott if* ©ott ber ©itte! (Er fniipft ber Siefce 23anb! ©ott fegne unb oeljitte £)a$ tfyeure Saterlanb! Qflinna ^teeberg. 3>rci $tjmnen Don Sttimm ^leeberg fiir bie 9tcligion8fcf)u[e. £eben$lefyte. $n ^rcubc ftitt unb frol) tm (5d)mer$e fetn, £) bag ttur fcfyliejjt beg Seoeng SBeigfjeit ein! 3a tm 3^aufd)e ber Sitft @ct ernft in ber 53ruft Detnet 9flenfd)ennmrbe gcweifyteg Ranter; Unb wentt Seib bid) umtoft, ©ei fro^ unb getroft, 2?ertraue unb fdjaue! £>er £err ijt mit bir! 3n grcube flitt unb froty im ©cftmeqe fein, D bag nur fdjtte|jt beg Seoeng $3etgfyeit eiiu Clinb null ft bu fro!) begin neu Sin SBerf aud) nodj fo fdwer, £)u braucfyft ntd)t tang ju ftnnen 5luf £u(fe f)in unb tjer. Sttit ©ott!— mag bag bid) teiten, S^it ©ott!— er fcfcityt unb madjt! D i)itf ju alien 3*1**1* 2Utd)ung, £)u ©ott ber Sttacfyt! 248 Our tender age by parents dear Is watched with never-tiring care ; May we with joyful willingness Their counsels on our hearts impress* Our teachers, true in deed and word, Instruct us in Thy law, O Lord ! May we this law before us set, And their monitions ne'er forget ! Do Thou assist us, while we strive On earth with all in peace to live ; And grant us, after death, O King ! With angels joined, Thy praise to sing ! M. M. JLXXXI. ^LMIGHTY God ! we pray to Thee, To lead us with paternal hand, In paths of truth and piety ; And teach us well to understand, Tho' young in years, Thy holy will, And all our duties to fulfill. Bestow Thy blessings, holy Lord ! On .those who, with untiring zeal, Teach us Thine everlasting word : A guide through life, in woe and weal, A shield against the snares of sin, A help Thy j:>leasure e'er to win. May we in wisdom. Lord ! progress — By daily practice ever show That truly we Thy law profess, And strive by all our toils below, To gain, at last, the choicest prize — Eternal bliss beyond the skies. • , m. m. 249 3n ben ^tunben bet $ivtf>< % n ben ©tnnben ber Wvtl), $8enn 23erberben bir brotyt, £>a Bebt beine ©eele unb fdianert, ©ie benft roller Qnat 3fyrer ©d)ulb ofyne 3tin £eben bem £errn ©elooen. ©oldjer ©tnnben ber 5Rot^ ©ebenf bis 311m £ob; Unb was bn gelobt nnb erfonnen 3n £eib nnb in ©djmerg, (Srprobe bein ^er^ 3n SSonnen! 250 RITUAL, NOTES. Most all the ritual notes are added to the respective divisions of this book ; to which is to be added : 1. Let the congregation rise to Kaddish and Borechu, to the Seven benedictions of Shacharith, when the ark is opened till the Thorah is laid down on the reader's desk, to the Einheben, to Musaf, till after Kedushah, to Olenu till after Koreim, and to the conclusion. 2. All so called Mitsvoth are to be performed by the officers who are placed next to the minister. 3. The Friday evening service should take place at a time most convenient for the members of the congrega- tion, and the minister should not fail to deliver a brief address. It must not necessarily be at the time men- tioned in the calendar. 4. Ten adults, male or female, are a congregation for public worship. 5. The Talith is unnesessary on any occasion. 6. The minister, facing the congregation, should read aloud every prayer, except only those marked for silent devotion, and the seven benedictions of Shacharith. During every silent devotion the organ preludes to the next following piece. Abbreviations oi Writers' Names. M. M Maurice Mayer. N. M Nathan Mayer. I. K Isidor Kalisch. L. S Leopold Stein. M. S Michael Sachs. W. R Wolf Jtothenheim. THE READING OF THE LAW DURING DIVINE SERVICE. On the HOLIDAYS. HAXXUKAH. PL- RIM and NEW MOON DAYS read the sections of the Law, according to the ancient rule, ex- cept on SHEMINI ATSERETH (see end of the table) and on BOSH HASHOXAH and YOM KIPPUE, (see the Machsor). On Sabbath MIXCHAH, Monday and Thursday, read the first Paresah of the current Sidderah as in the calendar. During the Sabbath morning service read a section as marked in this table. When two Sidderoth are marked in the calendar, read the two sections marked opposite those respective Sidderoth. Read the Maphtir sections according to the ancient rule, except on the abolished Arba Parshoth. The section from the prophets (Haph- thorah) to be selected by the minister and read in the vernacular, before the sermon or before the doxology in place thereof. x M M M M < < z: z: - -S £ *0 c CO ~J w LO w L r , 9 E 2 *J i © S X X X X X X M M M M b ' M X X M X K M M X M 3. 3. 1 i r £ I-* H* LO ° 1 ^ 1 S S3 A IT X ^ \ to ~ M 3 3. » 5 i 1 1 CO ^ - ~ to 00 •^ co 5: •i - " CO 4sx - .<-,*© 05 ^ M S3 Or - CO CN tO CO -J tO H <' El ~~* M W M M M X M M i"- 1 X X X X X M M l 1 ^ Si- Q s tO C5 1 T i. B * <1 < «s h- a. 1 - M X X X X S 1 < 4 £. ^. = £i *-» ^J °° T H-» •^ 1 1 H* ! s o Co !£ s - ■ *• w «-• - 1 1 1 99 to to a Co co kL M M H A as 1 M M X X g m- CO !-» ~* CO LO CO ©1 tO S3 r 1 ' © 4 co t-k C5 CN co s XXX X H M M M X H H H M X M X X X X X N M ^H X M M d. H. * x <. i j3 ^' r f "r H ! M 2. M 5: "1^ to r y rV-r f 1 2 E B B A i * X M * t^ ■-* k: *-• A 4 1 M < CO 1 ° <3 J -* ►J- £"• C5 h- 1 r 3 i-J "^ 4^ Ox o* ro C» .—i h p u J ~r - ' -*■ _* f ^ ■♦ 3 § j"^ u a r * o =! j ° M « M M X M M M M X X X X M X X X X X X X 2. 3. ^. ^ 5* S -~ : "VrV M H-i ^ * « M a a s J J a M bo r to - J— CO ' h-i ft O CO fcO W W Ci CO i— o XXX X X x S. ~to~" -I CO K" g. i < < E: F- " M " 5 V, w r f t V H CO * ~' CO <* CO CO M S. i 4 DO c* to 05 O jr* co 00 CO C5 L 3 2. ^ 5" ~ : ~ : :: F f_| " M - a ~ ~ to i-» w-i c: r* ua ~ , to m HrrrrmliJ-s - to - M * 4 ~ co * F co - g 3 » m M C. r too^to^ 00 ^ o* J— to w co o g to ci g as 5» ■* ► o vj ti o-tj ti 3 u U -J a a & < s: j- e i i 5T § •>«-» I — ■■ I « Til f I * ~ to tO M ffl to M £2 K: r ' w to to h *-* - tO tO CO H* to o to $ ^ a i— i 3 W c^ cc >. H V H >h M W N s-V (/J o w ft. Q ss O Gg « u ^ ^ Hi w ► to w -1 I? H3 2 ~~. o Qq M Hi w ► M p M u """ u J u u v? If cz % ■» u Q ^— i D '/ 5{ D < H X m eite 3l6tf)eihtitg. Sinleitcnbe ©tiicfe. ginlettungl 31 2 33 3 37 qjfttlm 100 41 ©abbatb ■ £>umne 41 ftreitagabcnb 43 £er ©otrefcbienft 45 ^ns @ottc$l)nii$ 47 $falm 93 4H $falm 150 51 ©abbatl; 53 Sftorgeiitjebct 55 Qtitte Slfctyetlmtg. 2( u $ b e b e n unb 53 e r I e f e n t> e r J () o r a. 9lu$ljebeii 1 :>7 2 59 260 FOURTH DIVISION. Before the Sermon. Psalm 29, Page 66. Psalm 98, " 70. Israel's duty " 72. Israel's hope, " 74. The Law of God, " 76. FIFTH DIVISION. After the Sernion. God, Pago 80. The Attributes of God, " 84. Shema Israel 1, " 86. Shema Israel 2, " 88. Mai!, " 90. The Creation of Man, " 92. Sinai, " 94. Revelation " 98. Threefold Revelation, » 100. Holiness, » 102. Hanuukah, " 104. SIXTH DIVISION. Doxologies. The Cardinal Doctrines, Page 106. The Threefold Covenant, " 112. The Law of the Covenant, " 118. SEVENTH DIVISION, The Conclusion of Divine Service. Address to the Mourners, Page 126, Silent Devotion of Mourners, " 128 Silent devotion for Jharzeit ' L30. Prayer of Conclusion on Sabbath eve, 130. Prayer of Conclusion on Sabbath morning, " 134. Canticle 1 " 142. 261 SSievte %lbtl)ciUin#. 8 n t> e r J)-tebi g t. Sfttf. 9fa(m 24 67 $fa(m 98 69 ©otteS Before meinc I'uft 71 Sotted ft fib, rung 73 5>er 86 nig, Dcr (Eljre 75 Tie Zt)ora 77 v )[ a d) b e r |) r e b i g t . XSueiii Moires B] i'ob ®otte$ 8-") Sdjema 3ttrael 1 (3jioor Kami) 87 " 2 89 Set SWenfdj 91 ttottim Weuidjen 93 fhif $orcb'8 ooljeu 95 $>ie Dffeubaruna, 99 (Settee ^)ui!)C 101 ©ottoertraiien 103 §QHIlllfill) 105 &ed)fte $lbt|>cthiitg. X o r o 1 o g i e n . Die ^cl)re 107 Per Sunt 113 5>a* @efeg 119 Ziebentc 3fbtl)cthuig. 6 d)l u $ bee (>> o 1 1 e e t i e n ft e 7. The Dedication of a Temple, " 236. School hymn 1, " 246. School hymn 2, " 246. Scnool hvmn 3, : 248. Ritual Notes, " 250. Table for the triannual cvcle of the Reading of the Law .. " 253. 263 CSantat 5 • 6[ 14' ©ebct 149 11 n i5i 5j 6 ? 153 TaiiFet t^cni -v>errn 155 Tic 3nbocati0ii 159 T) i e t> r e i ft o b e n # e ft e . $efaa)— Sinleitung 1(33 spefadjgefang 167 £ci)Iii£ i«9 spefad)— leftter Sag — Sinleitimi] 175 $ejte*fd)lui 181 6>d)abuotf)— Stnleitung 183 Sdjabuotygefang 185 @djlui 191 Tie (ioiifinnatioii 196 ©nffoty— (Siiileitung 209 Wad) ber $rebigt 213 Sdjlufc 215 Ta$ ©djltl&feft 221 ^teunte $16 teething* S c i e r ( i d) e 0> c I e a, e n b e i t e n. Tie Segrabn'ffeier 223 $bmii€ Dor t*er (Sruiibfittiilegung )\i eiiiem lentpel 206 fnjmne wad) berfelben $eierlid)feit 207 vnjrnne jur (Simueil)iuiij eincs Innpeis? 239 fjurim 243 ©djiil'fiieber 1 247 2 247 3 249 3)er oreijaljrige (Etjclns, iabefle 250 I'tturgifcbe Siuoeifungen 251