SONGS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, THE CATECHISM IN RHYME. REV. DII. CUMMIN f St. Stephen's Chnrch, Nctv York. WITH ORIGINAL MUSIC. F-4 6103 Krw vork: «r . s j± r> x. i e: r , JC9K5 ARCL A £C 1862.3 / FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Scctloa 23^' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological>Seminary Library SONG^ AR27 1935 * CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, THE CATECHISM IN RHYME, BT REV. DR. CUMMINGS, Pastor of St. Stephen's Church, New York* WITH ORIGINAL MUSIC. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY D. & J. SADLIER, 31 BARCLAY STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, BY J. W. CUMMINGS, En the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for th» Southern District of New York. TO THE PUBLIC. The Art of Music in our day has assumed an importance in Schools not claimed for it heretofore. From being an accessory and ornamental branch of education, it has risen to the dignity of a powerful means for conveying instruction, assisting the mem- ory, and ennobling the heart, and it is daily resorted to with success as an effective engine for enforcing discipline, and preserving order. It is thus instru- mental in organizing and marshalling large bodies of scholars as well as in entertaining and refining them. As an important auxiliary in religious instruction and worship it has been prized by all men, but never more highly than by the members of the Cath- olic Church. The " Songs for Catholic Schools'' have passed through several editions, and steadily increased in popularity ever since their first appear- ance, as eminently well fitted to subserve the varied objects to which we have referred. The undersigned are happy to announce that they have secured the exclusive right of publishing the work, and to offer their patrons and friends this edition as the fullest and most correct which has appeared up to the present time. D. & J. SADLIEE. PREFACE. I respectfully ask of the Catholic public a fair trial for this collection of melodies, prepared at the urgent request of Bishops and Clergymen in every part of the United States. It bears the title of " Songs for Catholic Schools," being chiefly designed for singing or recitation in Sunday-schools and day-schools N under Catholic direc- tion, but it will be found useful also by church choirs, re- ligious communities, and private families. It is the first original collection of the kind ever published in this country. This fact, it is hoped, will excuse its imperfec- tions, and at the same time obtain for it a friendly recep- tion on the part of all who have at heart the religious improvement of American Catholic children. The " Definitions and Aids to Memory," in the second part of the book, are a brief catechism in rhyme, a plan of conveying religious instruction which has been tried with excellent results among young and illiterate persons in other countries. The singing or chanting of such rhymes causes them to be learned quicker, and impresses VI PEEFACE. them more deeply on \he memory. We have, therefore, set to music the portions best adapted for the purpose. The getting up of such a work involves a vast amount of labor, care, and expense ; that it may go forth with God's blessing and do some good, is the earnest prayer of its author. J. W. CUMMINGS. St. Stephen's Church, New York. CONTENTS. PAGE. MUSIC NOSk Hymn to St. Stephen 5 1 The Music of Xature 7 2 The Messenger Angel 8 3 Morning Prayer 11 4 Hail ! Virgin of Virgins 12 5 The Invocation 14 6 The Church 17 7 The Ascension 19 8 The Blessing 21 9 Prayer against Temptation 22 10 Holy Communion 24 11 The Annunciation 25 12 The Sleep of the Infant Jesus 26 13 Hvmn to Mary 29 14 A'Child's May Song 30 15 The Tear of Innocence 32 16 Purgatory 33 17 A Night Prayer 34 18 Song of the Union 35 19 The Blessed Eucharist 36 20 Child's Hymn to the Guardian Angel 38 21 Hymn of the Crusaders 40 23, 25 Hymn of the Hebrews 41 22. 24 Recollection 42 23,25 Encouragement 42 22, 24 Hymn to the Blessed Trinity 43 26 " to the Holy Ghost 44 27 11 of Praise 46 23 " of Trust : 48 29 " of Thanksgiving 50 30 " of Hope 53 31 " for Communion of Children 55 32 " to St. Joseph 57 33 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE. MT78IO K0%. Hymn to St. Francis de Sales 59 34 " to St. Jane Frances de Chantal 61 35 " to St. Vincent de Paul 62 36 " to St. Mary Magdalen 64 3T u to St. Teresa 65 38 " to Mary, Help of Christians 67 39 " for the Month of Mary 68 40 The Lord's Day 70 41 The Child Jesus 72 42 The Seven Archangels 74 43 Mass Hymn 75 44 God Save the Commonwealth 78 45 The Holy Innocents 79 46 Dew-Drops of Wisdom 80 47 The Language of Feeling 84 48 The Yoyage of Life 85 49 Death 86 50 The Angel and the Child 87 55 The Virtues at Bethlehem 89 56 The Hour of Prayer 90 57 Queen of Angels 92 58 Salutation to Mary 94 59 Happy Death 95 60 Prayer of David 96 61 The Voice of Conscience 98 62 Morning Service 99 63 The Lay of the Prodigal, in VII Melodies: I. The Forewarning 101 64 II. The Trespass ' 102 67 III. The Awakening 103 68 IV. The Plaint 104 69 V. The Avowal 104 70 VI. The Resolve 105 71 VII. The Return 106 72 St. Cecilia 107 73 St. Rose of Lima 108 74 St. Rose of Lima (Child's Hymn) , . 110 75 The Guardian Angels 112 76 The Birth of Christ 113 77 MaySong 115 78 CONTENTS. IX PAGE. MTSIC NO&. ?he Altar 116 79 AdoroTe 118 80 The Broken Promise 119 81 The Hereafter 120 82 A Dirge 121 83 The Resurrection 122 84 The Guerdon 123 85 Emblems of Life 125 86 The Worship of Nature 126 87 The Cherished Hope 127 88 Antiphon from Complin 128 89 Neapolitan Mariner's Hymn 129 90 The Happy Day 131 91 Twilight Musings 132 92 CONTENTS OF AIDS TO MEMORY. PAGE. MT7SIO NO& Acts of Faith, &c 1 51 The Cardinal Virtues 2 Ten Commandments 3 Precepts of the Church 4 Grace 5 A Sacrament 5 The Seven Sacraments 6 The Blessed Eucharist (Canticle) 9 52 The Four Ends of Mass 18 The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost 14 The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost 15 The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy 7 The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy 7 The Seven Deadly Sins 8 The Eight Beatitudes 8 Four Last Things 19 The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin 19 53 Aspiration 21 The Fourteen Stations of the Cross 21 54 The Four Cardinal Virtues 25 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. • PAGE. MF8I0 NOa A. hymn of thanksgiving 50 30 A hymn to St. Tincent de Paul 62 36 Almighty Sire ! I am dust 43 26 Almighty Father of my soul 106 72 An angel bent over a cradle 87 55 At night the wealthy citizen 72 42 *By Simeon old the future's told A19 53 *By Prudence we advise with virtuous friends. A25 Children of St. Stephen ! raise 21 9 Child of the morning, silvery numbers 101 66 Christ is risen from the dead 122 84 Daughter of God the Father 94 59 Dark Clouds are over us 129 90 Enough of the world and its splendors 105 71 Ere Peace and Freedom, hand in hand 35 19 Far from Eden in exile we wander 42 23, 25 First off 'ring of America 108 74 Forth a stern decree hath issued . . . 120 82 From thy bright throne above the sky 30 15 God the Holy Ghost ! Life-giver ! 44 27 God of mercy, hear thy people 78 45 God of glory 14 6 Golden days and silver nights 115 78 Great God, I call upon thy name 34 18 ♦Great God, whatever through Thy Church. . . Al 51 Hail ! Virgin of virgins ! 12 5 * A indicates the page in the " Aids to Memory." XII ALPHABETICAL INDEX. PAGE. MTT8IC NOS *Kail ! most holy Sacrament A9 52 Haste fond mem'ry, thy vigor recalling 41 22, 24 Hear the word. .> 80 47 Help of Christians, while the combat 67 39 ♦Holy Spirit, in my bosom A15 64 Holy Stephen, Chief of Martyrs 5 1 How kind it is of you to come 38 21 I hear a voice from Bethlehem 79 46 I bow before thee, unseen Deity 118 80 I love to see a tear-drop 84 48 In a dream I saw the seasons 113 77 In highest heaven, where stands the throne. . 25 12 I passed a rose at early morn 125 86 I too have stood among the band 104 70 It is the hour — it is the hour of Prayer 90 57 Jane de Chantal, worthy pupil 61 35 Joseph thinks to part with Mary 57 33 Know ye that Angels 112 76 Let a pious prayer be said 121 83 Lord ! when a silvery -star 46 28 Lord of Hosts ! from the home of our childhood 40 23, 25 Most Holy Trinity, One God 75 44 My heart is sad and heavy 104 69 Near thy servant dying 95 60 Now is the Day-star 99 65 O brightness of eternal light 48 29 Oftentimes when angry billows 59 34 Oh how shall we praise thee, Cecilia 107 73 O Magdalen ! O Magdalen 64 37 Oh, Mary! Mother Mary! 22 10 Punish me not in the day of thy wrath 96 Queen of Angels 92 58 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, XlU PAGE. MUSIC KOa. Rejoice, oh ye children of bondage I 19 8 Salva nos Domine vigilantes 128 89 Skies of purple and gold 103 68 Slumber, haste ! on dewy pinions. 26 13 Snow and rain have vanished 68 40 Soul, awaken, in sadness why languish? 42 22, 24 Spirits that languish. 33 17 ♦Spirit of Holiness A14 63 Star of the ocean ! : 29 14 This day is a day of rejoicing 131 91 The earth, Lord, rejoices 11 4 The vision — the vision of Death and its terrors 86 50 The tear of innocence — how bright 32 16 *The Son of God came down from heaven. . . . A21 54 The Messenger Angel descending at night ... 8 3 The vows which I have spoken. 119 81 The Hope which I have cherished 127 88 There's worship where the roses bloom 126 87 There once did live a little girl 110 75 There's music in the bubbling rill 7 2 There are seven bright spirits that stand 74 43 This is the day our Lord 70 41 Thy power, O Lord, is boundless power 36 20 •To worship at Jehovah's throne A18 Twilight is a witching hour 132 92 Upon the sea at morning 85 49 Virgin daughter of Castile 65 38 What light is streaming from the skies 55 32 When the lowly grot of Bethlehem. 89 56 When the air is 53 31 When our Saviour wished to prove 24 11 Where, Ohl where are the happy hours 102 67 Where the holy Altar stands 116 79 World of Grace ! mysterious Temple ! 17 7 Yes, I have heard that whisper 98 62 Zealous for the honor 123 85 LIST OF COMPOSERS. 1. SiGNOR Domexico Speranza, well known as a popular writer of m/'sic in Italy, and honored with the title of M Inneggiatore" to the royal house of Savoy, and afterward connected with the Academy of Music, New York City. Sigiior Speranza had under his charge as many as sixteen hundred children, belonging to the public Institutions of Turin, and received nattering testimonials from the Govern- ment, for the successful results of his system of musical In- struction. 2. Mr. John M. Loretz, Jr., Organist and Director of the choir of St. Peter's Church, Brooklyn, New York. To pre- vent confusion the initials of Mr. Loretz have been placed at the head of each of his compositions. 3. Original words have been adapted to the following popu- lar airs : The French Hymn "Puissante Protectrice.'' " Agathe," by Franz Abt Hymn of the Crusaders, by VerdL Hymn of the Hebrews, by VerdL Ach wenn du warst mein eigen, by Kuchen. The Canticle on the Blessed Eucharist, is set to an ancient Plain Chant, and the air of "The "Worship of Nature," is by the music teacher of St Stephen's Sunday-school, Mr. Pietro Paolicchi No. 90 is a popular Neapolitan air. Nos. 91 and 92 were written expressly for Sadlier's first edition iiy the distinguish ©d Maestro Signor P. Rondinella. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. TO ST. STEPHEN. Holy Stephen, Chief of Martyrs, Thee we hail with special love — Heaven gave thee for our patron Thee of all the saints above. Hear the voices of thy children, Kneeling fondly at thy shrine ; Fill our hearts with love for Jesus, With a fervent love like thine. Fond Protector, we have loved thee For thy faith so bold and true ; Faith that in its simple wisdom Overcame both Greek and Jew. Teach us, likk thee, on our foreheads To impress the sacred sign, And to meet the foes of justice With a manly zeal like tine. SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Strong with rage, the heartless tyrants Dragged thee to the City gate — Stones were hurled in fearful volleys — Martyr ! they have sealed thy fate ! With the odor of the victim, Earliest slain for Jesus' faith, Rose a prayer imploring pardon Pardon for the deed of death. Stephen for his persecutors Prays as Christ had prayed before ; And the Apostle of the nations To the cause of truth comes o'er. Proto-martyr, teach thy children Good for evil to return ; Teach the hearts of unbelievers Like the heart of Paul to burn. Life in doing good thou spendest, And when dying dost behold Thy sweet Master clad in glory, Mortal tongue hath never told. , Make us imitate thy virtues, Blessed Saint — we are thine own, And unite us all in heaven Near the footstool of thy throne^ SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE MUSIC OF NATURE. There's music in the bubbling rill That frolics o'er the mead, That makes the silver daisy bloom, And laves the nodding reed. There's music in the gentle breeze That whispers through the wood, And softly sings, to mortal things, The praise of Nature's God. There's music in the shower that falls Upon a sultry day, To spread new verdure o'er the fields, And cheer the drooping spray. There's music in the frisky lamb That loves the verdant sod, And sporting sings, to mortal things, The praise of Nature's God. There's music in the tiny throats That hail the rising sun, That cheer the traveler's weary way, Across the woodland dun. There's music in the busy bee That makes the flow'ret nod, And humming sings, to mortal things, The praise of Nature's God. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. There's music in the bright cascade That dashes from the steep, Along the banks where rivers roll Their waters to the deep, And, driven by the tempest's breath O'er foaming ocean's flood, The billow sings, to mortal things, The praise of Nature's God. Thus toward the skies an endless hymn Of earthly notes ascends, And with the music of the spheres In daily concert blends. One voice is harsh, one voice alone Through all the world's abode — The sinner sings in praise of things Forbidden by his God. THE MESSENGEB ANGEL. The Messenger Angel descending at night, Chased silence and shadow with music and light. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 9 The shepherds of Bethlehem heard on the plain The Messenger Angel, and this was his strain : "May peace be to mortals and glory to Hea- ven — The Promised of old to mankind has been given ; Rejoice at the splendors that herald his birth, The Saviour, the Saviour has come upon earth. " The fields are adorned with the verdure of May, And winter's chill bosom with roses is gay ; The winds that made war on the face of the deep, Have sought their dark caverns and lain down to sleep. While nature rejoices rise, mortals, arise, The mystery viewing with holy surprise ; Rejoice at the glory that heralds his birth, The Saviour, the Saviour has come upon earth. u The wise men of nations advance from afar, Led on by the shining of Jacob's bright star ; To Bethlehem's ' grotto their treasures they bring, And kneel at the shrine of the heavenly King. 10 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The Gentiles are sitting in darkness no more, But worship the God whom they knew not before, And follow the light which announces his birth— The Saviour, the Saviour has come upon earth." Yet chanted the Seraph, when rapturous strains From thousands of angels awakened the plains ; Ethereal splendor encircled the throng That caught up his theme and re-echoed his song. The burden was swelled by each heavenly voice : " The Expected is come : happy mortals re- joice ! Rejoice at the glories that herald his birth — The Saviour, the Saviour has come upon earth." SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 11 MORNING PRAYER. The earth, O Lord, rejoices, And sings with glad acclaim, A hymn of many voices, In honor of thy name. We join the happy chorus, That hails the morning light ; And bless the Lord that o'er us, Kept loving watch all night. Our every thought and action, We offer up to thee ; From folly and distraction, We beg thee keep us free. Let no profane example, No censure, no applause, Lead us this day to trample, O Lord, upon thy laws. It pleased thee, Lord, to make us, That we might serve thee here ; Let not thy grace forsake us, But keep us in thy fear. Preserve our life, O Father, That we may serve thee still ; But let us lose it rather Than disobey thy will. 12 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. HAIL ! VIRGIN OF VIRGINS Hail ! Virgin of virgins ! Thy praises we sing, Thy throne is in heaven, Thy Son is its King. The Saints and the Angels Thy glory proclaim ; All nations devoutly Bow down at thy name. Let all sing of Mary, The mystical Rod, The Mirror of Justice, The Handmaid of God. Let valley and mountain Unite in her praise ; The sea with its waters, The sun with its rays. Let souls that are holy Still holier be, To sing with the angels Sweet Mary, of thee Let all who are sinners To virtue return, That hearts without number With thy love may burn. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 13 Thy name is our power, Thy love is our light ; We praise thee at morning, I At noon and at night. We thank thee, we bless thee, When happy and free ; When, tempted by Satan, We call upon thee. The world does not love thee, Oh beautiful one ! Because it despises The cross of thy Son. But thou art the Mother Of all Adam's race ; The birth-stain of Eva 'Tis thine to efface. Oh! be then our Mothei, And pray to the Lord, That all may acknowledge And worship His Word ; That good men with courage May walk in His ways, And bad men converted May join in His praise. 2 14 BONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE INVOCATION. God of glory, God of might, Foe of error, Friend of right,— Roll the tempest Far away, Smile in sunbeams As we pray. We are prostrate At thy throne, Knowing, fearing Thee alone. Thou art Master Of us all, — Nations by Thee Stand or fall. Who can conquer Thee, O, Lord? What is stronger Than Thy word? What Thou blessest Must prevail ; What Thou cursest Can but fail. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 15 At thy bidding, Like a scroll, Heaven its blue arch Did unroll. Stars and planets Sprung to light, From the bosom Of the night. "lis thy wisdom Guides the sun, Till his daily Race is run ; And when evening Spreads its haze, Silver moonbeams Speak Thy praise. O'er the waters, At thy word, Earth upheaving Owned its Lord. Yearly traveling, Space immense, Earth still blesses Providence. 16 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. To thine image Man was made, And in Eden's Sunny glade, Blest with graces Bright and strong, Good to follow, Shunning wrong. Led by Satan To rebel, From thy favor Soon he fell. But as Adam Stood, we stand, Raised by Jesus' Outstretched hand. God of Mercy, Truth and Right, Give Thy ransomed Children light, Here His sacred Law to prize, And to see Him In the skies. S02s'GS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 17 THE CHURCH. World of Grace ! mysterious Temple ! Holy, Apostolic, One ! Never changing, ever blessing Ev'ry age and ev'ry zone ; Church, sweet mother ! may all nations Know thee, love thee as of yore, May thy children learn to prize thee, Daily, hourly, more and more. Where on earth the hapless region Not illumined by her light { Where the shore her saintly heralds Never gladdened with their sight ? Unconfined by wave or mountain, Spreads her voice from pole to pole, Threat'ning Hell or pledging Heaven To the pure or guilty soul. Vainly did the haughty Roman Smite her with imperial rod, Vainly did the subtler Attic v Spread his toils where'er she trod. Through the adverse crowd she wended, In the triumph of her might, Baffling Warrior, Sage, and Sophist, Skilled in wiles or bold in fight. 2* 18 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. From his couch of fragrant roses She has torn the Sybarite, She has checked the rushing Vandal In the hottest of the fight ; She has tracked the Northern Savage Even to his rocky den ; She has tamed the vengeful Huron Wandering in the woody glen. She has written in the tablets Of the infantine Chinese ; She has sung amid the bowers Of the happy Bengalese ; She has snatched the trembling Hindoo From the smoking funeral pile ; She has lit the dusky features Of the bond-slave with a smile. All of Truth, and naught of Error, Is her dowry — hers alone ; "While her life of inward beauty Knows — hopes — loves the Triune One. From the heart of her Beloved Flows a fount in seven-fold stream, Whence her children draw the waters Lit by Heaven's quickening beam. i SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 19 Church of God ! mysterious Temple ! Holy, Apostolic, One ! Never changing, ever blessing Ev'ry age and ev'ry zone. Church, sweet mother ! may all nations Know thee, love thee as of yore, May thy children learn to prize thee, Daily, hourly, more and more. THE ASCENSION. Rejoice, oh ye children of bondage ! The night of your grief has gone by, And bright as the sun is at morning, Your Lord has ascended on high. Lift up the bright portals of glory, Blest Angels, to let in your King, And hasten the hymn of His triumph, On golden harps bravely to sing. He bowed Him in death, as a victim, To atone for the crime of the world ; Sin's sceptre from Sin He hath wrested, Death's dart against Death He hath hurled. Great Eather, the shafts of Thy anger Now happily idle will be — Thou smilest in peace on Thy creatures, Nc longer rebellious to Thee. 20 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Oh Saints, that in glory refulgent, Burst forth from the tombs where you lay, And back o'er a path yet untrodden, Come out with your Chief into day : How looked He, how seemed He, the victor From worlds He had conquered below, To worlds of ethereal splendor, Prepared as their Monarch to go ? Oh, none but your tongue, or a Seraph's, May tell of the Infinite One, Whom kings in their glory resemble, As glow-worms resemble the sun. Yet we can exult in your triumph, Ye servants and friends of the Lord — We hope, humbly hope yet to share it, Through grace of the all-saving Word. This day, in the heart of poor mortals Reign gladness and peace. — It is well ! This day the chill shadow of sadness Should darken no dwelling but Hell. This day, let the prayers of the youthful, Like incense, to Heaven ascend, And gain for the souls of the ransomed The grace to love God to the end. SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 21 THE BLESSING. Children of St. Stephen ! raise High the grateful notes of praise ; With the voice the heart should swell, While the orison you tell : Nos cum prole pia, Benedicat Virgo Maria ! Jesus, God's Incarnate Word ! Mary, mother of our Lord ! Bless us, while our choral song, Peals the sacred walls along: Nos cum prole pia, Benedicat Yirgo Maria ! Bless our Church, the common home, Where the faithful daily come, — Now to breathe a thankful prayer, Now to pour their sorrows there ! Nos cum prole pia, Benedicat Yirgo Maria ! Bless our priest who at the shrine, Offers up the Host Divine,— Heaven's justice to adore, Or its mercy to implore ! Nos cum prole pia, Benedicat Vir^o Maria ! 22 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Bless our parents, teach them still All their duties. to fulfill; Still aright our steps to lead, By their word, and by their deed. Nos cum prole pia, Benedicat Virgo jMaria. Bless us when in school we learn, When we play, or home return, — And when fails this mortal breath, Hear us praying at our death. l$os cum prole pia, Benedicat Yirgo Maria. PEAYEE AGAINST TEMPTATION. [Arranged for the French hymn " Pmssante Protectrice.'"] Oh, Mary ! Mother Mary ! We place our trust in thee — Our faith shall never vary, Though weak the flesh may be. Too oft with steps unwary, From duty we have bent : Oh, Mary ! Mother Mary ! Thou teach us to repent. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 23 The grisly form of terror Now rises on our way ; Now more seductive error "Would lead our feet astray. Satan is strong and wary, But thou wilt crush his might : Oh, Mary ! Mother Mary ! Strengthen us in the fight. From dangerous occasions That blind, imprudent eyes — From treacherous persuasions That point not to the skies — From mirth too light and airy, From thought too sad and deep : Oh, Mary ! Mother Mary ! Thy little children keep. Let us remember ever The presence of the Lord; Let us with fond endeavor Obey his holy "Word. As Monster, or as Fairy, Satan may take the field — But Mary ! Mother Mary ! Thy name will be our shield. 24 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. HOLY COMMUNION. AIR AGATHE. When our Saviour wished to prove All the fullness of his love, He gave us ere life was spent The thrice Holy Sacrament. It is here his burning heart Would to all its flames impart ; Thus He speaks with love divine, Give me, oh give me that heart of thine When the dark and stormy night Fills the soul with wild affright ; From the cloud wherein he hides Soon a ray of comfort glides. Where the tear of penance falls, Where the voice of sorrow calls ; Still He speaks with love divine, Give me, oh give me that heart of thine Can the Martyr in his might — Can the Seraph in his flight, To their blessed Lord draw near — Nearer than we sinners here ? God Himself we here receive, Nobler gift He cannot give ; Yet He breathes with love divine, Give me, oh give me that heart of thine. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 25 I THE ANNUNCIATION. In highest heaven where stands the throne Of Majesty supernal, The Archangel Gabriel came alone, And bowed before the Eternal. His Lord's behests received he there, And toward the crystal portals He winged his way, a herald fair Of peace to sinful mortals. Each heavenly choir sang hymns of thanks As he to each drew nearer ; And honored all adown their ranks, Of Gfod's commands the bearer. As from the gates of pearl afar The princely spirit wended, ' Burned every conscious sun and star With rays more pure and splendid. Athwart the azure firmament And atmospheric ocean, He like a dazzling meteor went With swift but steady motion. He reaches earth : — no shades of night, No wintry snows dare meet him, But lilies white and roses bright, Burst blooming forth to greet him. 26 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. He seeketh not the gilded dome Where reign earth's favored minions, But in a simple Jewish home He rests his snowy pinions. A lowly maiden there beholds The ambassador of heaven ; To her his message he unfolds — To her the crown is given. Heaven's minister is heard no more God's wondrous works foretelling, For he hath flown his errand o'er, Bapk to his master's dwelling. But God fulfills the promise now, His Son is made our brother, And, Mary, Queen of Virgins, thou, Thou art the Saviour's Mother. THE SLEEP OF THE INFANT JESUS. Slumber, haste ! on dewy pinions From thy starry throne descend, Gently toward yon little manger, Let thy golden wand extend. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 27 On his mother's bosom slowly Lo ! the Babe reclines his head ; Sweetly o'er his wearied senses Balmy sleep its charm hath spread. Hark ! the angry blast of winter Dies along the snowy plain ; Fainter grow the rippling murmurs Of Judea's distant main. Through the pine-grove Cedron calmly Pours its waves adown the steep ; Silence reigns o'er things created While their God is wrapt in sleep. But alas ! a fitful shadow Passes o'er his features now , Heavenly Babe, what thoughts of sorrow Overcast thy comely brow ? Tell, oh ! tell, thou gentle mother, What disturbs thine Infant's rest ; Knowest thou what sad reflection Lurketh in his heaving breast ? Can it be this lonely grotto Opening on the snowy plain ; Can it be that rugged pallet Gives the trembling infant pain ? 58 SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No ! responsive to his calling Gilded domes would rise from earth ; Yet he chose a nameless dwelling For his poor and humble birth. But his heart can never slumber Though he close his wearied eyes ; Still before his mystic vision Future days of strife arise. Now he feels disgraceful fetters Round his weary limbs entwined ; Now the scenes of shame and torture Pass before his watchful mind. Yet it is not gloomy dungeon, Thorny scourge, or glittering spear, Nor yet, Death ! thy bitter chalice Makes the sleeping infant fear. But the ingratitude of mortals, Darker far than tyrant's art, lieaches with its pointed arrow Even the Messiah's heart. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 29 HYMN TO MARY. CHORUS. Star of the ocean ! Mid life's commotion, We, with devotion, Follow thy light. Keep 11s still wary, Lest we may vary ; Mary ! Sweet Mary ! Guide lis aright. O spotless Queen of Virgins ! With shining lilies crowned, Grant, we, thy youthful daughters, May pure, like thee, be found. Star of the ocean, &c. Thou art the Queen of Martyrs, Crowned when thy Jesus died ; May I, thy sorrows sharing, Weep with thee side by side. Star of the ocean, &c. To wretched mortals ever, Thou gentle art and kind, In thee support and refuge, Repentant sinners find. Star of the ocean, &c. 3* 30 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. I know that all thy glories No human tongue can tell ; And still, my own sweet mother ! I know I love thee well. Star of the ocean, &c Oh, save my soul, Blest Lady ! In Heaven with God and thee, That I may love and praise thee For all eternity. Star of the ocean, &c. A CHILD'S MAY SONG. From thy bright throne above the sky, Look down on us, O Mother sweet, And smile upon the gift which I Here offer kneeling at thy feet. O Mother of my God and mine, I bring some simple flowers to-day, That they may bloom upon thy shrine The hours that I am far away. So their sweet breath shall rise like prayer, When I am far from this dear spot ; And they will prove while blooming here, That absent, I forget thee not. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 31 If I were rich in gems and gold, All I to thee would freely give ; How could I any thing withhold That it might please thee to receive ? But if I had a golden mine, And were to lay it at thy feet ; My heart not being truly thine, Say, would it please thee, Mother sweet ? I know it would not, and I know That I can only be thine own, By loving Him who loved thee so That He became thine own dear son. My heart henceforth shall be all thine, And I will watch, and I will pray, That never thought or word of mine, May take my heart from thee away. Oh! give a blessing now to me, I mean to be so good all day, That I may bring fresh flowers to thee, To make thy holy altar gay. 32 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE TEAR OF INNOCENCE. The tear of innocence — how bright It gushes from the eye, It wins the sympathy of men, The blessings of the sky. Before the tender infant's tongue Has learned to shape a sound, It tells with simple eloquence His little wants around. It droppeth from a daughter's eye Upon a mother's bier, And with the spirit-world it links The gentle mourner here. At Misery's piercing voice it wells Up from the feeling heart, And gives the homeless wanderer, What gold could ne'er impart- When Saints, remote from mortal gaze, Bend low in fervent prayer ; The language of the soul to God Is still the unbidden tear. It fell in Bethlehem's grot — and, borne By Mercy up to Heaven, Of Justice on his throne obtained, That man should be forgiven. BONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 33 PURGATORY. Spirits that languish, In cleansing fire, Great is your anguish, As your desire ! We who could lend you Aid and relief, Fail to befriend you, Leave you to grief. When gentle showers Cool the parched beds, Languishing flowers Lift up their heads. Christ's precious merits, Like gentle rain, Soothe the good spirits, In their great pain. To the dim region, Where dear ones mourn, Love and religion Bid us oft turn. Prayer hath the power To give them peace, Speeding the hour Of their release. 34 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. A NIGHT PKAYEE. Great God, I call upon thy name, And bow before thy throne, Amid the silent shades of night, Unwatched, unseen, alone. How oft amidst the glare of day, When worldly friends were nigh, I have forgotten that I moved Beneath thy watchful eye ! Mine eyes have dwelt on vanities, Thy children should not see ; My feet forsook the pleasant paths, That lead to Heaven, to Thee. I kneel and humbly own my sin, With many a tear and prayer ; My soul hath dwelt in earthly joy, And found no pleasure there. I know, I feel, my own dear Lord ! I cannot happy be, Unless my soul shall centre all Its hopes, its love in thee. Be faithful, then, my wayward heart ! Let worldly joys grow dim ; Thou'rt made for God, and never wilt, Find rest unless in Hkn. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 35 SONG OF THE UNION. Published in 1850. Ere : Peace and Freedom, hand in hand, Went forth to bless this happy land, And make it their abode, It was the footstool of a throne ; But now no sceptre here is known, No King is feared but God. Americans uprose in might, And triumphed in th' unequal fight, For Union made them strong : — Union ! the magic battle-cry That hurled the tyrant from on high, And crushed his hireling throng ! That word since then hath shone on high* In starry letters to. the sky — It is our country's name ! What impious hand shall rashly dare Down from its lofty peak to tear The banner of her fame ? The spirits of the mighty dead, Who for Columbia fought and bled, Would curse the dastard son, Who should betray their noble trust, And madly trample in the dust, The charter which they won. 36 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. From vast Niagara's gurgling roar To Sacramento's golden shore, From east to western wave, The blended vows of millions rise, Their voice re-echoes to the skies — "The Union we must save !" The God of nations, in whose name The sacred laws obedience claim, Will bless our fond endeavor To dwell as brethren here below — The Union then, come w^eal, come woe, We will preserve forever ! THE BLESSED EUCHAK1ST. Thy power, O Lord, is boundless power, Thy love is boundless love ; And for that love and by that power Thou comest from above. Son of God ! we bow before thee Blessed Saviour I we adore thee. Beneath the outward forms of bread, That seems but is not here, The living manna lies concealed, The Lamb of God is near. Son of God ! we bow before thee, Blessed Saviour ! we adore thee SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 61 We cannot see thee, yet we know That thou art here, O Lord ; It is not sight that guides our mind — But faith in thy true word. Son of God ! we bow before thee. Blessed Saviour ! we adore thee. Were all the beauty of thy face Unveiled to mortal sight, We could not live, we could not bear The glory of thy light. Son of God ! we bow before thee, Blessed Saviour ! we adore thee. Come, Lord, to me, and all my heart Shall ever be thine own And I shall care and I shall sigh For thee — for thee alone. Son of God ! we bow before thee, Blessed Saviour ! we adore thee. Thy love for me, and mine for thee, In one bright flame now burns, And thus thy love for my poor soul To thee, sweet Lord, returns. Son of God ! we bow before thee, Blessed Saviour ! we adore thee. 38 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. O bread of angels, food of life, Be thou my life, my love, My strength and comfort here below, My joy in heaven above. Son of God ! we bow before thee, Blessed Saviour ! we adore thee. CHILD'S HYMN TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL. How kind it is of you to come, Bright angel, from your starry home, And watch by night and watch by day, Beside a sinful child of clay ! How good and pure I ought to be, Who always live so near to thee, Beneath thine eyes the whole day round Where'er I tread is holy ground. And if I had my wish I would, Dear angel mine ! be always good, This minute I would rather die, Than say bad words or tell a lie. I always feel disposed this way, Whene'er I kneel me down to pray, But 1 forget when church is o'er. And am as naughty as before. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 39 Oh blessed guardian, kind and mild, Hav6 pity on a poor weak child, And pray that God will make me strong, To do the right and shun the wrong. Whenever I commit a sin, I feel my very heart within Grow chill and heavy like a clod, Because I have offended God. But I would love to fear the Lord, And shun each sinful deed and word, Not do the sin, then feel the force Of bitter shame and keen remorse. I wish to think of God and thee Whenever pretty things I see, Till every flower that gems the sod. Shall make me think of thee and God. Inspired by faith, I wish to hear, Thy gentle footfall strike my ear ; Before thy radiant face to bow, And feel thy kiss upon my brow. Thy broad white wings shall be my shield, While battling on life's dusty field ; Thine arms enfold me when I die, And waft me homeward to the sky. 4:0 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. HYMN OF THE CRUSADERS. FROM "i LOMBARDI," BY VERDI. O Signore dal tetto natio. Lord of Hosts ! from the home of our childhood Thou hast called us with promises holy, We marched boldly through waste and through wildwood, Sure to conquer, yet ready to die. But our looks are dejected and lowly, And thy servants are bowed down with sorrow. Shall the cross and its warriors to-morrow Prove a scoff when the Paynim draw nigh ? We remember dear Lombardy's mountains, Her vineyards, her fields rich in glory, Her fresh breezes, her murmuring fountains, The green bowers that wave in her land. Ah ! fond mem'ry, thou'rt scarcely a blessing, Thou recallest our childhood's sweet story, But we're roused from thy dreamy caressing, By the glow of the hot desert sand. SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 41 HYMN OF THE HEBREWS. FEOM "NABUCO," BY YEEDI. Ya pensiero sull' ali dorate Haste, fond mem'ry, thy Yigor recalling, Haste away to the valleys and mountains, Where the breeze o'er Judea's bright fountains Cools the air of our dear native land. Hover fondly o'er Jordan's clear waters, Mark the turrets of Sion now falling ; Oil ! Judea, thy sons and thy daughters Weep for thee on this barbarous strand. Harp of gold ! hast thou parted with glory, That thou hangest unstrung on the willow ? Oh ! as billow rolls on after billow, Let the music rush o'er thy bright chords. Dark and sad, like poor Solyma's story, Breathe a dirge mixed with deep sighs of sor- row, Or from mem'ry some bright ditty borrow, Bearing courage and strength in its words. 4* 4:2 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. RECOLLECTION. Air — Signore dal tetto natio. Far from Eden in exile we wander, 'Mid the darkness of night and of error ; And of dreams we grow fonder and fonder, If we call not, O Lord, on thy power. While we pray, every vision of terror Melts away like the dew T -drops at morning, And the wiles of the proud tempter scorning, We are free as in Eden's lost bower. Oh this world when it scatters its flowers, When it gathers its trophies around me, May beguile for a few fleeting hours, But the heart, Lord, is wretched, or thine. Then before death has spread his dark pinion. And the spell of its shadow has bound me, Let me bow to my Saviour's dominion, Let his glory or cross still be mine ! ENCOURAGEMENT. Air — Vapensiero sulVali dor ate. Soul, awaken, in sadness why languish ? Break aw r ay from thy fears and thy fetters, Feel the courage that rouses and betters, Leave the desert its silence and gloom. SOXGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 43 Look abroad, honest work has its beauty, Earnest hearts can forget their own anguish, And can toil in the vineyard of duty, While the sluggard sits wailing his doom. Saddest hearts 'neath their ashes have embers, That will glow if we do good to others; For the prayers of our needier brothers, Turn to blessings and follow us home. We are all of one body the members, Here to-day be we sharers in sorrow ; For we hope to be sharers to-morrow, In the light of the glory to come. TO THE EVEE BLESSED TEINITT. Almighty Sire ! I am dust, Unbounded power is thine ; Weakness and want are mine, In thee my love, my trust. Chorus. Sanctus Deus, Sanctus fortis, Sanctus immortalis, Miserere nobis ! 44 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Eternal Son ! I am blind, The light of light is thine ; Error and doubt are mine, Guide thou my trembling mind. Chorus — Sanctus Deus, etc. Oh Holy Ghost! Give heart, All life, all love are thine, Frailty and grief are mine, To me thy warmth impart. Chorus — Sanctus Deus, etc. HYMN TO THE HOLY GHOST. God the Holy Ghost ! Lifegiver ! Of the Three Blest Persons Third, Humbly kneeling we adore thee, With the Father and the Word. Thou art of the selfsame nature, As the Father and the Son, Equally from both proceeding, Thou dost bind them both in One. They distinct in person only, Into thee breathe life divine ; And the essence of the Godhead, Flows into their life from thine. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 45 In the far eternal ages, With the Father and the Word, Thou didst reign in might and glory, * Equal God and equal Lord. Life and love have their beginning, And they have their end in thee ; Life cannot endure without thee, Love without thee cannot be. Thou hast spoken by the Prophets In Judea's favored land, While they wrote the sacred pages, Thou hast guided mind and hand. Thou didst clothe the Word Eternal With our flesh in Mary's womb, When he came on earth to save us From our sinful parents 5 doom. Like a dove near Jordan's waters, Hov'ring o'er the promised one, Madest known t.o Jew and Gentile, God's beloved only Son. When the chosen Twelve lay hidden, From Judea's watchful ire, They beheld and felt thee coming, In the form of tongues of fire. 4£ SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Boldly from the upper chamber, By thee led they sallied forth, Preaching Christ and working wonders, In all regions of the earth. Holy Spirit, in thy beauty Ever ancient, ever new, Guard the Church which thou hast founded, Keep her children firm and true. Never let us sin against thee, Paraclete ! we trust in thee ! With thy fruits and gifts surround us, 'Till thy face in heaven we see. HYMN OF PRAISE. Lord ! when a silvery star Gleams in the blue depths afar, Thoughts come to me of thine eye Looking on us from the sky. Lord ! when a tremulous beam Sleeps on the shadowy stream, Thoughts come to me of thy love, Brightening our hearts from above. songs for catholic schools. 47 Chorus. All that is winning and fair, Speaks of thy love and thy care ; All that is noble and grand, Speaks of the power of thy hand. All things are made by thy word, All thy works praise thee, O Lord ; Gladly our voices we raise, Joining the hymn of thy praise. If to the hills I retreat, There I find prints of thy feet ; Down in the caves of the sea, Coral and gems tell of thee. Deep in the shadowy wood, Deer for their young ones get food ; Wolves even find in their lair, Proofs of thy pitying care. Chorus — All that is winning, etc. Cheered by thy dew and thy rain, Orchard and field bloom again ; All the bright flowers are by thee. Scattered o'er hillock and lea. There's not a fish in the seas, There's not a bird in the trees, 48 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Thou dost not reach with thine eyes, From thy bright throne in the skies. Chorus — All that is winning, etc, Children of God, all your days, Joyfully sing in his praise ; Saints and bright spirits above, Tell of his goodness and love. All that is noble and fair, Tells of his power and his care ; Joyfully sing in his praise, Children of God, all your days. Chorus— All that is winning, etc. HYMN OF TRUST. O brightness of eternal light, I worship at thy feet ; Though all unworthy in thy sight, Thy mercies I repeat. To save our souls from sin and strife, Is still thy work divine ; The gates of everlasting life, Are thine, O Lord, are thine. S0NG8 FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 49 I love to praise thee when the sun Pours forth his early light, And when the bright stars one by one Come twinkling out at night. If I am free from care and loss, I love to praise thy name ; If I am called to bear thy cross, I bless thee all the same. If roses on my path I meet, I feel the gift is thine ; If briers spring to pierce my feet, I strive to ne'er repine. The blessings sent to win my love, Lord, I freely take ; The trials sent my faith to prove, 1 bear for thy dear sake. Let favoring winds and friendly waves Speed on my little bark ; Or let me sail where ocean raves, And skies are chill and dark : Let fortune smile, or let her frown, Let good or ill betide, I know that I am not alone, For thou art by my side. 50 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Then I shall on my journey go, And fear not for the end ; It matters not who is my foe, If Jesus is my friend. In thee, sweet Lord, I put my trust, O guard me while I live ; And when this dust returns to dust, My soul in heaven receive. THANKSGIVING. A hymn of thanksgiving Lift up to the Lord ; Whatever is living, Hath life by his word. Though made without merit, By mercy alone, Our soul is a spirit, Resembling his own. Chorus. With souls true and tender, With hearts glad and free, Great Father ! we render, Devout thanks to thee. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 51 We bow down before thee, And fervently pray, To love and adore thee, Forever and aye. The life which he gave us, He guards for us still ; He watches to save us, From error and ill. The dew falls from heaven, The grain and the fruit In season are given, Our strength to recruit. Chorus — With souls true, etc When dangers alarm us, He comforts our hearts ; When demons would harm us, He baffles their arts. When Doubt seeks to madden With thoughts of despair, Hi* Grace shines to gladden, With hopes bright and fair. Chorus — With souls true, etc. 52 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. \ Each bright smile that dwelleth, With us in our homes, Of God's mercy telleth, Since from him it comes. Our father and mother He gave, and our friends ; His love, and none other, All good to us sends. Chorus — With souls true, etc. His are the green bowers, Where summer birds sing, The beautiful flowers, That gladden the spring ; The murmuring fountain, The cool breeze of morn, The forest-clad mountain, The bright field of corn. Chorus — With souls true, etc. He sends Faith that traces, The only true way, And thousands of graces, That crown us each day. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 53 Thus God here caresses, His servants and friends ; And evermore blesses Their souls when life ends. Chorus — With souls true, etc. HOPE. When the air is Warm and bright, Think of God who Made the light. If the tempest Should draw nigh, Children, fear not, 'Twill go by. Children, fear not, 'Twill go by. When your heart is Full of glee/ Think of God who Makes you free. 5* 54 BONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. If some grief is O'er you cast, Children, fear not, 'Twill not last. Children, fear not, 'Twill not last. If your friends are Firm and true, Think of God, who Gave them you. If you are helpless In your home, Children, doubt not, Friends will come. Children, doubt not, Friends will come. If you are blest with Blooming health, Think of God, who Gave such wealth. If some ailment Try your heart, Children, grieve not, 'Twill depart. Children, grieve not, 'Twill depart. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 00 i While your life is To you spared. Think of God, who For you cared. If pale Death is At your doors, Children, weep not, Heaven is yours. Children, weep not, Heaven is yours. COMMUNION OF CHILDREN. What light is streaming from the skies, Revealing heaven to mortal eyes, What voice is singing from the spheres, Angelic hymns to mortal ears ? O holiest mystery of love! From his resplendent throne above, The Saviour comes unseen to dwell, Among the souls he loveth well. He cometh not in fiery cloud, He speaketh not in thunder loud ; He looseth not the storm-wind's breath, To frighten men with fear of death. 56 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. But as he is in heaven above, He comes in beauty and in love, To fill with sweetest peace, and cheer The hearts his own heart holds so dear. Your soul must be as white as snow, When to the mystic feast you go, Here to receive — O heavenly bliss ! Upon your lips the Saviour's kiss. You will become his happy guest, A flood of joy shall fill your breast ; All earthly cares shall fade away, As night before the approach of day. The bread of angels will impart New vigor to your mind and heart ; You will become a child of truth, Endowed with everlasting youth. New virtues in you shall abound, Like flowers of spring in goodly ground ; The Lord is with you ! his right arm Shall guard your future life from harm. O happy soul, O happy soul, Thy race is sure and heaven the goal ; Thy Saviour loveth thee so well, That he is come with thee to dwell. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 57 O thou art like an Angel now, Cloud not with sin thy radiant brow ; Live on in hope and purity, And God will give his heaven to thee. ST. JOSEPH. HIS SORROWS AND JOYS. I. Joseph thinks to part with Mary, Doubt perplexes him and grieves him, But an Angel's voice relieves him, And explains the mystery. Dear St. Joseph, I implore thee, By the sorrows that oppressed thee, By the many joys that blessed thee, Dear, St. Joseph, pray for me. n. Seeing Christ in Bethelem's manger, Sorrow fills his heart so tender ; He's consoled by sudden splendor, And celestial melody. Dear St. Joseph, etc. 58 SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. III. Joseph weeps, he has to witness Jesus in the temple bleeding ; But is cheered the future reading In Old Simeon's prophecy. Dear St. Joseph, etc. IV. Now they fly from ruthless Herod, And our Saint is filled with sadness ; Angels soon bring light and gladness, To the Holy Family. Dear St. Joseph, etc. v. Jesus lost ! and vainly seeking, His fond parents droop and languish ; But they soon forget their anguish, In their Saviour's company. Dear St. Joseph, etc. VI. Joseph mourns o'er man forgetful, Of his Saviour near and present ; Yet his home is sweet and pleasant, Jesus shares his poverty. Dear St. Joseph, etc. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 59 vn. Now the Patriarch is dying, "lis the hour for sad leave-taking ; Jesus comforts him, awaking Thoughts of blest Eternity. Dear St. Joseph, etc. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. Oftentimes when angry billows Surge and toss upon the main, They are beaten down and vanquished, By a soft and steady rain. So the gentle words of Francis Fell upon a warlike age ; So his virtues sweet and patient, Tempered Passion's gloomy rage. Meekness made his soul her dwelling, From the days of early youth ; Yet as stands a rock-built tower, Firm he stood for right and truth. For the alternate joys and sorrows Of the Priesthood set apart, He combined a Martyr's courage, With a gentle Virgin's heart. 60 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Why did countless unbelievers Round the holy Prelate crowd ? Why did sinners at his preaching Raise their voice and weep aloud ? 'Twas the loving soul within him. Shining through his form and face, Drew his yielding willing hearers To his fatherly embrace. Pure in all things as an Angel, Fond and simple as a child, With himself severe and watchful, With the poor and fallen mild ; He proclaimed that passion leads us O'er a dark and thorny road, And that men are happy only When they love and serve their GodL Holy Francis, now in heaven, Sweetly guide thy children still, To a life of true devotion, Free from doubt and free from ill. Let the love of God inspire us, Let all earthly joys grow dim, So that we may learn to suffer, Learn to live and die for him. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 61 ST. JANE EKANCES DE CHANTAL. / Jane de Chantal, worthy pupil Of the great and good De Sales, Thee our song with pious homage, On this festal morning hails. Nurtured in thy father's castle, When a sweet and gentle girl ; Thou wert never spoiled by grandeur, Nor by fashion's giddy whirl. On the shining star of duty Ever dwelt thy watchful eye, For thy hope and love were centred In thy home beyond the sky. Happy was the gallant baron, He who claimed thee for his bride ; Thou wert of his home the treasure, Of his race the flower and pride. And yet thou, O sainted Lady, Peace and pardon didst award, To the friend whose careless weapon Put to death thy noble Lord. Ah, the Saints of God were ever Truly humble, truly meek ; Let us learn from their example, Never for revenge to seek. 6 '62 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. In a bright and happy household, Passed thy useful widowhood ; There thy children grew up round thee, Like their mother, pure and good. Yet from ties so dear and tender, From the friends that loved thee well, Jesus drew thee gently onward, To the cloister and the cell. Called by heaven, many daughters Soon were gathered in thy school ; Many still, from every nation, Bless thy wise and loving rule. Holy Foundress, let thy spirit Guide us on the upward road ; Let us, walking in thy footsteps, " Die to self and live to God." ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. A hymn to St. Yincent de Paul, The Apostle of brotherly love ! He cared for the great and the small, As sons of one Father above. He taught men in Luxury's dome, The wisdom that feareth the Lord ; He taught men in Poverty's home, The patience that trusts in His word. SONGS FOR CATH< LIC SCHOOLS. 63 From parents by want driven wild, From bye-ways for crime set apart, He gathered the shivering child, And cradled it next his warm heart. From snares but too artfully laid, By bold men and bad men of earth, He rescued the innocent maid, And led her to honor and worth. The floor of the dungeon he trod, Mid outcries of anguish and spite ; The smile of the servant of God, O'er hearts that were hopeless shed light. He from the dark river hard by, Drew back the poor victim of shame ; He bade her look up to the sky, And hope in the all-saving Name. The Daughters of Vincent de Paul Went forth on their mission of love, They are sisters to each one and all Who are dear to Our Father above. Whenever a crime or an ill Dims the image and likeness divine, They are guided by Charity still, To watch where the wretched recline. 64: SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. What suffering of fallen mankind Has Yin cent passed by or forgot ? Where failed he with heart and with mind To better Humanity's lot ? Then love him, and pray God to send, Your life may resemble his own ; See in each man a brother, a friend, Love sinners, and hate sin alone. ST. MARY MAGDALEN. Magdalen ! O Magdalen, I see thee in the Supper Hall, 1 hear the sob thou gavest then, I see the tear-drop gush and fall. A sorrow something like thy own, Is busy in my sinful heart ; But while I sigh and while I moan, I feel I am not what thou art. Magdalen, O Magdalen, I see thee Penitent and Blest, And ask my guilty conscience when It will consent to give me rest ! 1 ceased to fight 'gainst Sin and Hell, I drank the World's empoisoned cup, And found he must in misery dwell, Who meanly gives the battle up. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 65 O Magdalen, O Magdalen, Thy Saviour saw thy grief, thy love ; He blessed thee and forgave thee then, He sees me now from heaven above. Thou standest near his throne — oh pray, Dear Saint ! and let thy prayer be such, That I, unworthy sinner, may, Be pardoned too by loving much. ST. TERESA. Virgin daughter of Castile, All thy country's olden worth, All her knightly fire and zeal, Burned within thee from thy birth. Ah, the world with cunning art, Strove its idols to enthrone, In the warm and noble heart, God had formed to be his own. Thou wert led from love so vain, Thou wert scourged with sorrow's rod, And thy body drooped with pain, But thy soul rose nearer God. He consoles thy spirit now, With a sense of joyful rest ; Heavenly wisdom bathes thy brow, Heavenly rapture fills thy breast. 6* 66 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Now a dryness and a gloom O'er thee pass and try thy love, Soon they vanish — light hath come, Dew hath fallen from above. Let the world annoy thee sore, And with thorns thy pathway sow, Jesus braved its scorn before, Wore its thorns upon his brow. Far away from worldly strife, And forgetting human care, Thou didst live a higher life, Nourished by the food of prayer. See ! the Angel hovers near, With his mystic fiery dart, Heavenly music fills thine ear, Heavenly love has pierced thy heart. Neither earth nor heaven to thee Could a dearer joy afford, Than in mind and heart to be Still united with thy Lord. Teach thy children how we may Know him, love him, serve him here, And behold his face one day, In a better, higher sphere. S0XGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 67 MAKY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS. Help of Christians, while the combat Deepens round us, we beseech thee, Let our prayerful voices reach thee, Grant us succor lest we fall. Life on earth is ceaseless warfare. Many fears and cares oppress us, Many bitter foes distress us, Thou wilt save us from them alL First the artful world allures us, All its wealth before us flaunting, Of its ease and freedom vaunting, Of its pomps and vanity. Woe to us if we are dazzled, By its boldness and profusion, Time dispels the world's illusion, Death unveils its treachery. Next the Devil would ensnare us, Of a godlike wisdom telling, Man might conquer by rebelling, 'Gainst the laws of Truth and Eight. Woe if Doubt and Pride should lead us, Into Satan's fatal error, Life would be a day of terror, Death a mute and starless night. 68 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Last the Flesh gives baneful counsel, Whispering of a life of pleasure, Without end and without measure, Where its languid votaries dwell. Woe if we by sense are blinded, Life in idle pastime spending We should barter bliss unending, For vain joys that lead to hell. Help of Christians, while the combat Deepens round us, we beseech thee Let our prayerful voices reach thee, Grant us succor lest we fall. Life on earth is ceaseless warfare, Many fears and cares oppress us, Many bitter foes distress us, Thou wilt save us from them all. THE MONTH OF MAEY. Snow and rain have vanished, Winds have ceased to wail, Gloomy winter's banished From the hill and dale. songs for catholic schools. 69 Chorus. Gentle Mother hear us, At thy altar pray, Queen of Saints, be near us On this sweet May-day. Spring hath come with flowers, Spring hath come with light, Soft and rosy hours Fill the day and night. Chorus — Gentle Mother, etc. Stars above us gleaming, Tell of Mary's worth, Blossoms 'round us teeming, Speak her praise to earth. Chokus — : Gentle Mother, etc. Here below deserving She was found alone, God from sin preserving, Chose her for his own. Chorus — Gentle Mother, etc. 70 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Grace as to none other, Grace to her was given, She became the mother, Of the King of heaven. Chorus — Gentle Mother, etc. God bestowed upon her Glories all her own, Earth's sublimest honor, Heaven's queenly throne. Chorus — Gentle Mother, etc. Taught by Him we love her, In our simple way, Placing none above her, On this sweet May-day. Chorus — Gentle Mother, etc THE LORD'S DAY. Chorus. This is the day our Lord Hath chosen for his own ; Come, mortals, from your toil, And worship at his throne. BONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 71 Lift up your hearts in prayer, And let your wants be known; This is the day our Lord, Hath chosen for his own. The Lord made heaven and earth, The stars, the moon, the sun, And on the seventh day, His wondrous work was done. In six days all were made, The seventh day he blessed, Because his work was o'er, And this the day of rest, Chorus — This is the day, etc. From Sinai's burning mount The Lord's commands were given, And Israel shook with fear, To hear the voice of heaven. " The Sabbath-day is mine," That voice was heard to say, " Let all the people know, And keep the Sabbath-day." Chorus — This is the day, etc. 72 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. When Jesus came himself Our erring souls to seek, He made the Sabbath-day The first day of the week ; That day the Saviour blessed, His glorious work was done, And heaven's eternal rest, That day became our own. Chorus — This is the day, etc. THE CHILD JESUS. At night the wealthy citizen Had turned him from the door, The only friends around him were The lowly and the poor. Yet to his Father's will resigned, The new-born infant smiled : This came to pass in Bethlehem, When Jesus was a child. He came to do his Father's work, His Father's law to teach ; The Jewish doctors wondered at The wisdom of his speech. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 73 In giving reasons for his faith, The hours away he whiled : This came to pass in Solyma, When Jesus was a child. Beneath Saint Joseph's humble roof, He with his mother dwelt ' y His gentle words revealed to them, The love his bosom felt. In every action he was kind, In manner always mild : This came to pass in Nazareth, When Jesus was a child. Have I been patient, wise, and good, When home and when abroad? Ah no ! too often I behaved Unlike a child of God. In future, with my Father's will, I shall be reconciled, And try to do as Jesus did, When Jesus was a child. 1 74: SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE SEVEN ARCHANGELS. There are seven bright spirits that stand Near the throne of Jehovah in heaven, And to these seven spirits, command, Over all the good angels, is given. They keep watch 'neath a banner of light, Upon God's holy mountain unrolled ; They are clad in full armor, so bright That it flashes like jewels and gold. And their faces are gentle and fair, And their look and their bearing sublime. As when Lucifer fled through the air, From their swords, in the far-away time. During battle they pour on the field, The red vials of long-treasured wrath, And the sword of bright flame which they wield, Smiteth conquering Pride on his path. But these beautiful spirits draw near When the clouds of adversity frown ; And the soul of the martyr they cheer, For they bring him the palm and the crown. And the traveler on life's weary way, Finds a shield in their heavenly might, 'From the arrow that flieth by day, And the fiend that goes prowling by night. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 75 As the sweet-smelling vapor ascends, From their censers before the Most High, With the prayer of the just man it blends, And the prodigal's penitent sigh. At our altars they worship unseen, Giving praise to their Lord through the night ; And the soul of the Christian they screen, When he fights at his death the last fight. Great Saint Michael is chief in command O'er the hosts of the children of light, Blessed Gabriel and Raphael stand Next in dignity, honor, and might. All ye blessed Archangels, give ear To my earnest and suppliant prayer, Let me live in the Lord's holy fear, And for judgment in season prepare. MASS HYMN. PAKT I. Worship. Most Holy Trinity, One God Supreme in majesty, All power in heaven and earth is thine, All things belong to thee. 76 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, I offer up the Holy Mass, This morning, with the aim Of blessing thy Almighty power, And worshipping thy name. Chorus. By thy own Incarnate Word, We adore thee, Blessed Lord. part n. Thanksgiving. Almighty and Eternal God, Thou art the good supreme ; Thou dost create us and preserve, Thou dost our souls redeem. For these and all thy benefits, Thy mercy we adore, And offer up the Holy Mass, To thank thee more and more. Chorus. By thy own Incarnate Word, We give thanks to thee, O Lord. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 81 Let its sighs , Heavenward rise, Be its love Fixed above. Always fight For the right, And be strong 'Gainst the wrong. Be a child Kind and mild, Never rude, Ever good. Be not bold With the old, Do what's fair, Everywhere. Never swerve Time to serve ; Never lie, Bather die. "Well begun Means half done, Do your best, Then seek rest. 82 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL8. If you make A mistake, Do not grieve, But retrieve. Should you fail, Do not wail ; That were vain, Try again. Kneel and pray Every day, In God's sight, Morn and night. Bravely own To wrong done ; And then do Good anew. Try God's will To fulfill, By it stand Heart and hand. If you err, Don't despair, But correct Your defect. 60NGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. S3 Help the poor, And be sure Of reward, From the Lord. Do not shirk Honest work ; Earning food Makes it good. Never walk, Play, or talk, With a lad Bold and bad. Fear the Lord, Love his word, Keep his ways All your days. Every hour Hath the power, To annoy, Or give joy. Every day Hath its say ; Days to come All are dumb. 84 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Do not fret For them yet, Learn best how To live now. In your haste Time you waste, So proceed Slow with speed. THE LANGUAGE OF FEELING. I loye to see a tear-drop Stand trembling in the eye, Not when rude sorrow's question Hath wrung the heart's reply ; But when some gentle pity Hath softly called it up, It sparkles like a dew-drop Within a violet's cup. I love to see the sunlight That gilds a mantling blush, Not when detected baseness Hath caused the cheek to flush ; But when no evil promptings The modest feelings reach, It shines with artless beauty, Like glow on downy peach. BONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 85 I love to see the grandeur That gathers with a frown, Not when a selfish feeling Hath drawn its terrors down ; 'But flashing forth unbidden Against the proud and mean, It brightens wrath as lightning Illumes a stormy scene. I love to hear the music That gushes with a sigh, Not when some weary pilgrim Would lay him down and die ; But when we turn from pleasures This lower world hath given, A sigh is like a pinion That wafts the soul to heaven. THE YOTAGE OF LIFE. Upon the sea at morning, The breeze and billow scorning, Youth gayly speeds away ; The birds are sweetly singing, The early flowers are springing . It is the dawn of day. 8 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The storm is darkly brewing, And man his course pursuing, Must struggle or must die. He perishes who prays not, But he in grief delays not, Who seeks for aid on high. The bark has long been sailing, The light of day is failing, And age is near its doom. But in the child of duty, A smile of hope and beauty Sheds sunlight o'er the tomb. Our bark the port is nearing, Dear Angel Guardian steering, Oh, guide it on its road. We love thee and obey thee, Lead on, lead on, we pray thee, To heaven and to God. DEATH. The vision, the vision of Death and its terrors, Has made me look over my life and its errors ; I think and I tremble to think of my sins. The battle of life is more fierce as it closes, He loses for earth and for heaven who loses, And he wins forever and ever who wins. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 87 O, Angels and Saints, ye have passed the dim portal, That leads human spirits to mansions immortal, Be pear when the last day of earth is at hand. Remind us to turn from the world that would please us, And hope in the name and the merits of Jesus, Your combat is over, and with Him ye stand. Ah ! He is my Father, and He is my Master ; My soul He will rescue from gloom and disaster. He told me to watch, and he taught me to pray; He made me to live and to love him forever. Shall I cease to hope in him? Never, oh, never ! I'll trust in his goodness till life ebbs away. THE ANGEL AND THE CHILD* An Angel bent over a cradle, And seemed to behold mirrored there The light of his beautiful features, As though in a brook, still and fair. * From the Frenck of RebouL 88 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. " Sweet Infant," thus gently he murmured, " Thou'rt like me — oh, come thou with me ! Away ! we'll be happy together ; This earth is not worthy of thee. " The pleasures of earth are not lasting, They seek to enchant, but in vain, For often bright smiles and gay laughter Are veils to hide, passion and pain. On days set apart for rejoicing, The soul may be weary and worn, The sun, though it sets in its glory, Is shrouded with storm-clouds at morn. "Shall traces of anguish and hatred Profane thy young brow still so clear ? Those blue eyes, so loving and tender — Are they to be dimmed by a tear ? Oh, no ! let us fly hence together — Thy course shall be upward with mine ; For God, in his mercy, has spared thee The days that were yet to be thine. " No mourners shall darken thy dwelling — No requiem lull thee to rest ; For those who are sinless as thou art, The last day of earth is the best." SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 89 The Angel thus ended his ditty ; But now his bright wings he has spread, He soars ! he has gone back to heaven — Poor mother ! thy infant is dead ! THE YIETUES AT BETHLEHEM. When the lowly grot of Bethlehem First received the holy child, On the shepherds 5 humble offering The Redeemer kindly smiled ; Faith, and Hope, and gentle Charity — Those three sisters pure and fair — Were then led by light from heaven, To approach and worship there. " Hail ! thou oracle of prophets," Faith advancing, said, " All hail !" From these eyes, once dim and blinded, Thou hast now removed the veil." Hope then said, " At length I see thee Whom th' eternal hills desired, And my sigh hast changed to gladness, Thou for whom my soul aspired." 90 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Bat when Charity there kneeling, With her downcast eyes and meek, The devotion of her spirit In low tones essayed to speak, Her sweet voice was lost in murmurs, And for words she vainly strove, So she kissed the sacred forehead, Weeping tears of joy and love. THE HOUR OF PRAYER. PRELUDE. {Some voices.) It is the hour, it is the hour of Prayer, Forget the earth, forget all earthly care ; Before the Lord of Heaven and Earth bow down With simple hearts, and worship at his throne. ADORATION. {All— pianissimo.) Father Almighty, We are but dust ; In thy great mercy We put our trust. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 91 Thou art our Maker — Thou art our Lord ; By men and angels Thou art adored. PRELUDE. SUPPLICATION. {All— a little louder.) God of our fathers, Stretch forth thine arm ; Thou, who didst make us, Shield us from harm. Teach us to name thee With sacred awe — Teach us to love thee, And keep thy law. PRELUDE. PRAISE. {All — loud, and with joy.^ Hear us, O Father, Father of all, While with devotion On thee we call. 92 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Look on thy children- Guard ns always ; Eender us worthy ffo sing thy praise. QUEEN OF ANGELS. child's hymn. Queen of Angels, Pray for me, For my heart is Full of thee. Thou art nearest God on high — First and fairest In the sky. Blessed Mary, Thy sweet name Warms my bosom Like a flame. Thy dear image When I kiss, All my soul is Rapt in bliss. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 93 Dost thou hear us When we pray — When we bless thee Every day ? Yes ! our Saviour Loves thee so, He will surely Let thee know. When we offer Flowers to thee, He will surely Let thee see. Thou his Mother, He thv Son, What thou wishest Must be done. Thou dost never Try in vain Grace or favor To obtain. Thy dear Jesus Cannot choose His sweet Mother To refuse. 94 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Blessed Virgin, Pray for me, Sailing on this Stormy sea; Lead me onward Through the strife — Guide me safe to Endless life. SALUTATION TO MAET Daughter of God the Father, Virgin pure and mild, I venerate and love thee — Accept me for thy child. My soul, and all its powers, 1 consecrate to thee — Be pleased, most holy Mother, From sin to keep me free. Chorus. Be pleased, most holy Mother, To pray our Lord for me. Mother of our Redeemer, O Virgin pure and mild, I venerate and love thee — Accept me for thy child. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 95 My body and its senses I consecrate to thee — Be pleased, most holy Mother, From sin to keep me free. Chorus. Be pleased, most holy Mother, To pray our Lord for me. Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Virgin, pure and mild, I venerate and love thee — Accept me for thj child. My heart and its affections 1 consecrate to thee — Be pleased, most holy Mother, From sin to keep me free. Chorus. Be pleased, most holy Mother, To pray our Lord for me. HAPPY DEATH. Near thy servant dying, Let thy Angel stand ; On thy grace relying, Let my heart expand. ^G. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. When these eyes no longer See the light of earth, Let my faith grow stronger — Shine with brighter worth. Round thy servant dying, Let thy Saints draw near; On thy grace relying, Let me cease to fear. When all hope shall perish In the help of men, Firmer hope I'll cherish In thy power then. On thy servant dying Let thy Mother smile ; On thy grace relying, I shall rest meanwhile. When the light of Heaven Shineth from above, All my sins forgiven, Let me die with love. PRAYER OF DAVID. Punish me not in the day of thy wrath- Strike me not suddenly down in my path ; SONGS FOK CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. W Let not the enemy laugh at my fall — Pity me, Lord, who hast pity for all. Judge of the fatherless, hope of the weak, Kefuge and help of the lowly and meek, Look on my wretchedness, list to my grief, Turn for thy mercy's sake, grant me relief. Blessed the man who hath trust in the Lord, He shall not fall by his enemy's sword ; He in his labors shall prosper and speed — He shall prevail in the day of his need. God giveth ear to the upright of heart — God from his servants will never depart ; Hope from the morning watch even till night, Hope in his mercy, and trust in his might. Merciful Lord, thou hast heard me before — Show forth thy goodness and glory once more ; Waters of sorrow have gathered 'round me — Save me, O Father, my trust is in thee. Thou wilt give ear to my suppliant prayer — Thou wilt deliver my feet from the snare ; They that would wrong me shall hide in their shame, While I give glory and praise to thy name. 98 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE VOICE OF CONSCIENCE. Yes ! I have heard that whisper, That small still voice within ; It said : Take care, it said : Beware— Do not commit a sin. I heeded not its warning, I wavered, and I fell, And felt the force of stern Remorse That cowed me with its spell. Thus fare 1 when I go to sin, Nor heed the warning voice within. Yes ! I have heard that whisper, That small still voice within ; It said : Withdraw, break not the law — Thou art committing sin ! I heeded not its warning, But stubbornly kept on, Till grace had fled, and faith was dead, And peace of mind was gone. Thus fare I when I'm doing sin, Nor heed the accusing voice within. Yes ! I have heard that whisper, That small still voice within ; It said : Thou'st warred against the Lord — Thou hast committed sin. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 99 I heeded not its warning, But walked my cheerless path, In dread that God might seize the rod, And smite me in his wrath. Thus fare I when I've done a sin, Nor heed the chiding voice within. In future, when that whisper, That small still voice within Puts wrong and right before my sight, And bids me not to sin, I'll hearken to its warning In every thought and deed, Nor sin at all, or if I fall, I will repent with speed. Thus I shall keep me free from sin, And heed the friendly voice within. MORNING SERVICE. Now is the Day-star Goldenly burning, Morning returning Calls us to prayer. Let us not tarry, Let us not falter, 100 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. But to the altar Gladly repair. God's people 'round us, Filled with emotion Show their devotion, Bowing the head ; Kneeling and asking, With meek behavior, Of the dear Saviour Their daily bread. Self and its yearnings Let us now banish, Let the world vanish Out of our sight ! Then let us sweetly Warm with the feeling That we are kneeling In heaven's light. Humble in spirit, Grace we are seeking, God to us speaking Calms every fear. Sins are forgiven, Doubt is a stranger, SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 101 Far is all danger, Heaven is near. There on the altar Whither we're bidden, Present though hidden Jesus is there ! Lord ! in thy temple Prostrate before thee, List, we implore thee List to our prayer ! THE LAY OF THE PEODIGAL. m SEVEN MELODIES. I. THE FOREWARNING. Ce^ild of the morning, silvery numbers Temptingly urge thee on to thy fall, Scorn the light voices haunting thy slumbers Child of the morning, heed not their call ! Bright flowers lure thee daintily spreading Over the margin of the abyss, Woe to the heedl^s wanderer treading Thoughtlessly o vard, treading amiss. Under the wave tL t smiles to deceive him, No coral bowers dash to the light, 9* 102 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No golden mansions rise to receive him, No fairy banquet gladdens the sight. Sad recollections, phantoms unsightly, Follow the hapless sinner by day, Gloomy forebodings frown on him nightly, Banishing peaceful slumber away. II. THE TRESPASS. Where, oh where, are the happy hours I knew ere yet by Sin defiled, Where, oh where, are the birds and flowers That gave me pleasure when a child ! Dreams of vanity charmed my vision, And soon my peaceful home I spurned, Then, ah, bitterly in derision Joy fled from me where'er I turned. When, oh when, shall remorse and terror Release at length my trembling soul, When, oh when, shall the mists of error Across my pathway cease to roll ! Youthful Innocence thou hast vanished, And to me now in wild unrest, iFrom the. universe joy seems banished, For winter reigns within my breast. BONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 103 III. THE AWAKENING. Skies of purple and gold, Paths of velvet and down, Wreaths of myrtle and rose, But no thorn in the crown. Comrades gentle and true, Banquets splendid and rare, Days all happy and bright, Nights all guarded from care : This is the tale Hope told When life was young, not old. Skies of vapor and storm, Paths with briars o'ergrown, Wreaths of cypress and yew, But no flower in the crown. Friends deceitful and vile, Feasts of poisonous fare, Days all bitter and blank, Nights all haunted with care: This is the dirge Time sung When life was old, not young. 104 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. IV. THE PLAINT. My heart is sad and heavy, The long and lonely hours Departing pluck no thorn away, Returning bring no flowers. The clouds are frowning 'round me, He light is fainter growing, And friendship's voice, I hear it now, Not caring or not knowing. I turn away impatient Where happy faces meet me, I feel the blinding tears arise When laughing children greet me. I am a prey to shadows, And sickly terrors wholly ; I turned from virtue to become The slave of Melancholy. Y. THE AVOWAL. I too have stood among the band Who fear dishonor more than Death ; I too the hill of Fame have scanned, And worn the shining laurel wreath ; SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 105 But hear ye all who only live, Or seem to live, while men applaud — Not all the honors earth can give Are worth a moment passed with God. I too, a guest of Pleasure long, Have whiled away the golden hours, Or sauntered with her idle throng Through marble halls and moonlit bowers ; But hear ye all who love the rose, And hate the thorns upon its tree- Not all the pleasures Earth bestows Are worth one deed of charity. VI. THE RESOLVE. Enough of the World and its splendors — I have toiled in its service too long — Enough of unblushing offenders, I will break from the profligate throng. I once had the soul of an Angel ; I was freer and happier then ; I vow on the Holy Evangel To be free, to be happy again Enough of all dreamy successes, For they lure with unending suspense ; 106 SONGS FOK CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Enough of all midnight excesses, For they immolate reason to sense. I once had the soul of an Angel ; I was freer and happier then ; I vow on the Holy Evangel To be free, to be happy again. TIL THE RETURN. Almighty Father of my soul ! In sorrow and in shame, I kneel to thee, but scarcely dare Invoke thy holy name. I am not worthy to be called, O Lord, a child of thine ; For thou art purity itself, And naught but sin is mine. And yet, oh whither shall I go If I from thee depart ? I'll call on thee — thou'lt not despise A sad and lowly heart. Thy blessed Son prayed for my soul — It was his dying prayer ; Forgive me, Father, for his sake, And save me from despair. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 107 ST. CECILIA. Oh how shall we praise thee, Cecilia, How number what glories are thine ? To crown thee twin emblems of victory The palm and the lily combine. O lady all queenly and beautiful Our souls are in love with thy worth, Look down from thy glory in Paradise And smile on thy children of earth. Men knew how to love God in unity, To praise him in words they might dare, But thou with a full gush of melody Didst pour out thy spirit in prayer. Men learned fr^m the fire of thy charity, To glow and tV thrill with His love ; To sing half in awe, half in ecstasy, As sing the bright Angels above. O peerless, O sweetest Cecilia, Pure fondness for fervor and song; Compel us to crown thee our favorite, 'Mid all heaven's virginal throng. A flame, O angelic enthusiast, Flashed up from thy heart to thy brow ; A pledge of the bliss of eternity, That burns in thee, beams through thee now. 108 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Inspire us with love for the beautiful And so let us practise thine art ; That ever the voice of the melody. May chime with the voice of the heart. One glimpse of thy radiant countenance, One strain of empyrean song Would make x us true lovers of purity, And wean us forever from wrong. Yet, while bowing down, Queen of Harmony, While kissing'thy robe's snowy hem Thy children ask not that a miracle, Be granted to thee or to them. Obtain for us, holy Cecilia, A faith and a fervor divine, That w T hen we have ended our pilgrimage, Our voices may mingle with thine. ST. EOSE OF LIMA. First off ring of America, On holy mother's shrine, A hidden home, a name unknown, Are now no longer thine. The light of faith from pole to pole, From sea to sea hath spread, And all who love it learn to love The peerless Liman maid. songs for catholic schools. 109 Chorus. List to our antiphon, Grant its request, Pray for thy native land. Pray for its rest. Pray, it may ever be Happy and blest — Rose of America Pride of the West ! A soft and radiant comeliness Thy virgin brow adorns, But round the flower of innocence Thou plantest jealous thorns. Thou livest for eternity, Thou lovest God alone, Each day of thy young life beholds Some battle fought and won. Chorus. Through light of joy and shade of grief, Through good report and ill Thy soul was white, and coming death Shall find thee faithful still. The choir of Virgins beckon thee, Thy Saviour bids thee come, Ascend, child of America, To thy eternal home. Chorus. 10 110 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. O Rose of Lima's sunny land, O jewel of Peru, On this new Continent of thine The works of grace renew. And may we through thy prayers behold United in our clime, The earnest life of this young age, The Faith of olden time. Chorus. ST. ROSE OF LIMA. child's hymn. There once did live a little girl, At Lima in Peru, The fairest little girl was she Her neighbors ever knew. " Oh, see her rosy cheek," they said, "How prettily it glows!" And though her name was Isabel They always called her ' Rose.' But while they all admired her so She was not vain or proud, But used to veil her lovely face And hide it from the crowd. She feared the praises of the world And lived for God on high ; SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Ill And though her body was on earth Her thoughts were in the sky. Her family were rich and great, But she lived like the poor, And ate her bread with simple herbs She gathered on the moor. And when her people lost their wealth By fortune's giddy whirl, She, though a lady bred and born, Became a servant girl. Her crown it was a crown of thorns, Her life a life of pain, But sick or well, in weal or woe, She never would complain. " Increase my sufferings, O Lord," Thus she would often say, " Provided only you increase My love for you each day." Our Lord in mercy smiled on her, And heard her pious vows, And in a lovely vision once Called her his chosen Spouse. Her trials sore are passed and o'er She has no earthly care, For now Saint Rose she is in heaven, And praying for us there. 112 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE GUARDIAN ANGELS. Know ye that Angels Silently glide, From their blest mansion, Down to your side. Know ye their bright eyes, Watch night and day, Lest evil spirits Make you their prey. Chorus. Beautiful Angels, Keep watch and ward Over all children Dear to the Lord. By your sweet presence, Render us still Steadfast in goodness, Proof against ill. Blessings precede them While they advance, Satan in terror Lowers his lance. All the dark legions Flee in dismay, SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 113 Melting like morning Yapors away. Chorus— Beautiful Angels, etc. Often their gentle Yoice from above, Touches our heart-strings, Teaches us love. Leads us to worship Happily here, Even as Angels In their bright sphere. Chorus — Beautiful Angels, etc. THE BERTH OF CHKIST.* In a dream I saw the seasons Coming from the stars above, And before the new-born Saviour, Paying vows of Faith and Love. Spring arrayed in roseate mantle, Like her flowers fresh and sweet, Laid her amaranths and lilies, At the heavenly Infant's feet. * From the Italian of Rosani 114 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Clad in shining yellow raiment, Laughing Summer coming now, Plucked, and gave a golden handful Of the grain that wreathed her brow. Autumn next in motley vesture, Entered bearing on her head, Filled with fruit a little basket, 'Twas the offering she made. Winter stood upon the threshold, As if fearful that his face, With its grim and withered features, Might profane that happy place. But the Infant's glances wandered From the flowers, fruit, and grain, As if seeking to discover Some more pleasing gift in vain. Winter steps into the splendor Which the holy place adorns, Slowly from beneath his mantle Drawing forth a crown of thorns. To that thorny wreath the Infant Stretches forth his hands in play, While his gentle mother, shuddering, Turns her troubled eyes away. But Love, heavenly Love, was able All the mystery to read, SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 115 For it was her tender promptings, Brought about this wondrous deed. So on Angel wings uprising, Spake she forth in joyful strain : " Thorns are now preferred to flowers, Peace and glory spring from pain." MAY SONG. Golden days and silver nights, Fill the soul with pure delights ; We are happy, let us sing To the mother of our King. Chorus. Virgin, hear our fond appeal, At thy shrine we humbly kneel, Giving homage every day, In the lovely month of May. Freely now the waters flow, Laughing roses bud and blow ; Beauty shines on every sod, Lighted by the smile of God. Chorus. Bigger stars appear on high Shining in a bluer sky ; 116 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Sunny rays so scarce before, Now in torrents stream and pour. Chorus. Every hill and every sward 'Neath the footsteps of the Lord, Wears a greener, fresher grace ; Gladness reigns in every place. Chorus. While the earth and sky rejoice, Let us raise our thankful voice, Blessing God by night and day, In the lovely month of May. Chorus. THE ALTAE. Where the holy Altar stands, Unseen Angels come in bands Bearing censers in their hands. Watch and ward they nightly keep, While the dewy heavens weep — While forgetful mortals sleep. And our faithful Sires now dead, Bending knee and bowing head, At the Altar railing prayed. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 117 Poured their hearts before the Lord, Vowing to confess his word E'en beneath the tyrant's sword. There we took the Christian name, Felt the Holy Spirit's flame, There the Lord our food became. There to second life we sprung ; When our passing-bell is rung, There our requiem shall be sung. Ancient Bethlem's chosen grot, Calvary's awful height, were not Holier than this holy spot. Hither let us come, and meet Vows of courage to repeat, Kneeling at the Saviour's feet. Happy silver, happy gold, Which the artists mix and mould, His dear members to enfold. Happy Lamp, before the shrine, May my fervor burn and shine Like that steady flame of thine ! Happy lights and flowers that pay Night by night, and day by day, All their little life away — ■no \ 118 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. May their fate my soul betide, Near my Jesus to abide, Love and languish by his side. ADOEO TE.* I bow before thee, unseen Deity, That in these forms hast truly hidden thee ; My heart is wholly subject to thy sway, For in thy love divine it melts away. The sight and touch and taste are here deceived, But hearing can be fearlessly believed, I hold to what was taught us by our Lord, Naught can be truer than his own true word. The God alone was on the Cross concealed, But here the man as well is unrevealed, Yet both confessing with a firm belief, I breathe the prayer of the repentant thief. Thy wounds with Thomas I claim not to see, But as the Lord my God I worship thee ; Increase my faith by graces from above, And fill my very soul with hope and love. * From the Latin of St. Thomas Aquinas. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 119 Memorial of the Saviour's parting breath, O living bread that savest man from death, My soul implores that God to her may give The grace forever on thy sweets to live. As feeds the Pelican her helpless brood, Lord ! feed us sinners with thy precious blood Of which a single drop in mercy spilt, Can ransom all the world from all its guilt. O Jesus, whom so dimly I discern, Grant me the happiness for which I yearn : Thy face unveiled to see in all its light And feast forever on the blissful sight. Amen. THE BEOKEN PEOMISE. The vows which I have spoken, Were spoken, Lord, to thee ; The vows which I have broken Were told on bended knee. 'Twas not to earthly chief or king, That fealty was sworn by me, The vows which I have spoken, Were made, O Lord, to thee, O Lord, O Lord, ' Were made to thee. 120 SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The vows which I have spoken, Were spoken at thy shrine, There stands the Cross, a token Of might and grace divine. Give ear unto my earnest prayer, And save this erring soul of mine No mercy can avail me, No might, O Lord, but thine, O Lord, O Lord, No might but thine. THE HEREAFTER. Forth a stern decree hath issued, It is sanctioned from on high, Every child that's born of Adam He shall one day surely die. Gilded dome and naked rafter Both shall echo to the call, The Hereafter! The Hereafter! We are hastening to it all. In the flush of recent triumph, We may lay the warning by, In the ardor of our strivings May refuse to think it nigh. SONGS FOK CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 121 We may drown the thought in laughter, In life's crowded banquet hall, The Hereafter ! The Hereafter ! We are hastening to it all. Troops of friends may gather round us, Cheer our toil with loving eye, Enemies with base deception Turn our best-laid schemes awry ; Death may pierce with sudden shaft, or Age may slowly spread our pall, The Hereafter ! The Hereafter ! We are hastening to it all. When the fatal knell is tolling, Man may be unfit to die, Or the ready soul may gladly From this vale of sorrow fly ; Virtue on light wings may waft her, Sin may press her in her fall, The Hereafter ! The Hereafter ! We are hastening to it all. A DIEGE. Let a pious prayer be said, For the spirits of the dead, 11 122 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. That their sufferings may cease, That they soon may rest in peace. Chorus. Hear us, Father, while we pray For the friends now passed away, Show them mercy, grant them rest, In the City of the Blest. Miserere — Miserere ! If a blemish or a stain Should upon the soul remain, Until cleansed it cannot rise To the gates of Paradise. Chorus — Hear us, Father, while we pray, &c. But your prayer for those you love, Rises to the Lord above, By their Saviour's holy name They are rescued from the flame. Chorus — Hear us, Father, while we pray, &c. THE RESURRECTION. Christ is risen from the dead, Risen, as he truly said ; Praise the Lord with grateful voice, Bless his name, Rejoice, Rejoice ! songs for catholic schools. 123 Chorus. Resurrexit, Sicut dixit, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Angels clad in snowy white, Coming from the realms of light, Bid us sing with grateful voice, * Bid us all Rejoice, Rejoice ! Chorus — Resurrexit, &c. Man was but a slave before, Man is free for evermore ; Heaven and earth with grateful voice, Bid us all Rejoice, Rejoice ! Chorus — Resurrexit, &c. THE GUERDON. Zealous for the honor Of the Lord above, May I serve the donor, For his gifts of love. Give not earthly pleasure, Riches, or renown, 124 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Give me for my treasure, Lord, thyself alone. O Lord ! Thyself alone. Saints and Martyrs holy In ecstatic thought, . Dwell upon thee solely, Yalue self as naught, Seeking through life's story, And when life is done, Seeking for their glory, Lord, thyself alone. O Lord ! Thyself alone. Angels see thee clearly In the blessed choirs, Th ey by wishing merely Gain their heart's desires. But their bliss is never Severed from thy own, And they love forever, Lord, thyself alone. OLord! Thyself alone. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 125 EMBLEMS OF LIFE. I passed a rose at early morn, 'Twas blooming fresh and fair, When evening came a naked thorn Was all that met me there. And then my spirit spoke to me, And thus to me did say: " There is a lesson here for thee, Thus life doth pass away." I heard a silver lute that kept True time to loving words ; But soon the hand of madness swept, And broke the trembling chords. And then my spirit spoke to me, &c. I saw great domes and spires of cloud Lit up with purple light ; But suddenly the wind blew loud And swept them into night. And then my spirit spoke to me, &c. I learned that on a sunny beach » A marble city grew ; But now its silent ruins bleach Beneath the waters blue. And then my spirit spoke to me, &c. 11* 126 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. THE WOKSHIP OF NATURE. (Music by Pietro Paolicchi.) There's worship where the roses bloom, Where violets are found, Among the flowers that bow at morn With shining dew-drops crowned. And all the blossoms, red and white, That scent the leafy grove, They too proclaim their Maker's name, And thank Him for his love. There's worship where the merry birds Are flying o'er the plain ; And where they peck the berries bright, Adown the shady lane. And through the golden grain below, Or blushing fruit above, They, too, proclaim their Maker's name, And thank Him for his love. There's worship in the foaming brook That down the mountain pours ; And on the blue lake feathering The boatman's lifted oars. Where waters court the cooling shade, And where they gaily rove, SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 127 They, too, proclaim their Maker's name, And thank Him for his love. There's worship on the grassy plain Where shepherds tend their flocks, And where the eagle builds his nest High up among the rocks, And where the fishes, great and small, Beneath old ocean move, They, too, proclaim their Maker's name, And thank Him for his love. There's worship in the countless worlds That roll through boundless space ; The hand that fashioned all the stars, Guides each one in its race. These works of God pray not like man, But while his might they prove, Bid man proclaim their Maker's name, And thank Him for his love. THE CHERISHED HOPE. Aeb — Ach wenn du warst mein eigen. The Hope which I have cherished, It was a gift of thine, Though dreams of joy have perished, This Hope was ever mine. 128 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The bud of promise morn bestows, At night is oft a withered rose. The Hope which I have cherished, It was a gift of thine, A gift, a gift, O Lord, of thine ! The hope which I have cherished, It was a gift from thee, My friends have flown or perished, But thou art true to me. The stars that gemmed my journey's dawn Have failed me as I journeyed on. The Hope which I have cherished, It was a gift from thee, A gift, a gift, O Lord, from thee. ANTIPHON FKOM COMPLIN. First Chorus. Salva nos Domirie vigilantes, Custodi nos dormientes. Second Chorus. Save us, Father, when we wake, Guard us while our rest we take. songs for catholic schools. 129 First Chorus. Ut vigilemus cum Christo, Et requiescamus in pace. Amen. Second Chorus. May we watch with Christ, and then Sleep the sleep of peace. Amen. NEAPOLITAN MARINER'S HYMN. Air. — Santa Lucia. Dark clouds are over us Stealthily creeping, Wild billows threaten us Angrily leaping. Hear us, we fly to thee, Mother of Purity, Sancta Maria. Through storm-clouds tenderly The blue sky smiling Beams on us lovingly All dread beguiling. Hear us, we fly to thee, Mother of Purity, Sancta Maria. 130 SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. In the drear solitude Hope's form appearing Shines white and beautiful, Our weak hearts cheering. Hear us, we fly to thee, Mother of Purity, Sancta Maria. Now to the Mariner Fear is a stranger, Mary his Patroness Saves him from danger. Hear us, we fly to thee, Mother of Purity, • Sancta Maria. Saved from the dangerous Wrath of the billow, Now the poor Mariner Seeketh his pillow. Hear us, we fly to thee, Mother of Purity, Sancta Maria. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 131 THE HAPPY DAT. Music by P. Rondinella, This day is a day of rejoicing ; Let ev'ry dull memory vanish, Let each one his misery banish, And be like the day bright and fair. Pour out your full hearts in a chorus, A chorus of innocent gladness ; Away with all sorrow and sadness, Away with all troublesome care. All Nature pours forth a thanksgiving When sunlight the dull earth is flooding, And thousands of flowers are budding Beneath the light footsteps of Spring ; And now that our Father in heaven, His prodigal children caressing, Receives us and gives us a blessing, We too will be happy and sing. This life is not evermore gloomy To those who are manfully coping, For while they are fearing and hoping The victory comes from above. And oft when we think the Almighty O'er whelms us with sorrowful feeling, In truth He is only revealing A proof of His goodness and love* 132 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. This day is a day of rejoicing, Away with all weakly repining — The sun of past ages is shining Above us in glory to-day ; Past trials are gone and forgotten, The present is free from all sorrow, And trusting in God for to-morrow, We happily sing while we may. TWILIGHT MUSINGS. Music by P. Rondinella. Twilight is a witching hour, Let its grey and purple wing Gently spread its magic power O'er my senses while I sing. Twilight gleaneth tender musings From the new-mown fields of thought. Art in graceful sheaves will bind them, Lest they wilt and come to naught. Twilight mirrors forth to Poets Dreamy views of calm delight, Sweeter quiet, grander silence, Deeper shade and broader light, Visions of the young and lovely Borne away to early graves, Visions of the strong and fearless Wrecked in mossy Ocean caves. SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 133 Pearly dew-beads o'er the meadow Sown in rich profusion lie, While the fire-fly's ruby kindles Like a torch-light swung on high. Seen no more, the thrush and linnet Settle on their downy nest, But the robin's plaintive numbers Lull the whispering wood to rest. Lo ! athwart the trembling Ocean Stretches forth a bridge of gold, Is its shining pathway ever Trod by feet of earthly mould ? Are the souls of Saints departing, Led by Angels o'er that way, Up to yon half-open portals Blazing with eternal day ? Xow the languid flowers are sleeping Birds are slumb'ring on their nest, Heaven's broad cathedral windows Darken in the cloudy West ; And a deeper haze is spreading, Spreading o'er the fading scene, Stars are peeping out in heaven — Day is dead — and Night is Queen. 12 DEFINITIONS AIDS TO MEMORY CATECHISM; A CATECHISM IN RHYME. REV. DR. CUMMIXGS, ' Pastor of St Stephen's Church, New York. NEW YORK: 1>. & J. SADLIER, 31 Barclay Street. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, BY J. W. CUMMINGS, In tLe Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, tm ib« Southern District of New York. DEFINITIONS AND AIDS TO MEMORY FOR THE CATECHISM. ACTS OF FAITH, HOPE, CHAKITY, AND COOTKITIOK ACT OF FAITH. Great God ! whatever through Thy Church Thou teachest to be true, I firmly do believe it all, And shall confess it too. Thou never canst deceived be, Thou never canst deceive, For Thou art truth itself, and Thou Dost tell me to believe. 9* AIDS TO MEMORY ACT OF HOPE. My God ! I firmly hope in Thee, For Thou art great and good, And gavest us Thine only Son To die upon the rood. I hope through him for grace to live As Thy commandments teach, And through Thy mercy when I die, The joys of heaven to reach. ACT OF LOVE. With all my heart, and soul, and strength, I love Thee, O my Lord, For Thou art perfect, and all things Were made by Thy blest Word. Like me to Thine own image made, My neighbor Thou didst make, And as I love myself, I love My neighbor for Thy sake. ACT OF CONTRITION. Most holy God ! my very soul With grief sincere is moved, JBecause I have offended Thee, Whom I should e'er have loved. FOR THE CATECHISM. Forgive me, Father ! I am now, Resolved to sin no more, And by thy holy grace to shun What made me sin before. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD. i. I am thy God and Sovereign Lord, Naught else must be as God adored. n. All sacred things thy reverence claim, Take not in vain God's holy name. m. Keep holy every Sabbath-day, And do not work, but rest and pray. rv. All honor to thy Parents pay, Nor their just wishes disobey. v. Treat all as kindly as you can, Kill not, nor hate your fellow-man. VI. From lewd temptations turn with haste, And never do an act unchaste. AIDS TO MEMORY VII. Give what is due to every one. And take not what is not thine own. vm. Speak always what is true and fair, Lie not, nor e'er false witness bear. IX. Preserve thy fancy free from stain, And lustful thoughts ne'er entertain. x. Be just in purpose and design, And covet not what is not thine. THE SIX PEECEPTS OF THE CHUEOH. i. Let not a Feast or Sunday pass Without once hearing Holy Mass. ii. When Holy Church shall so ordain, Keep fast, or from flesh meat abstain. ni. Make every twelvemonth once at least A good Confession to your Priest. FOR THE CATECHISM. IV. Each year, at Easter time at least* Approach the Eucharistic feast. The Priest must by the people live, And you to him your mite should give. VI. The rules for Christian marriage made Must be respected and obeyed. GEACE. Grace is the light God gives the mind, That we the truth may surely find — Grace is the strength he gives free will, His holy precepts to fulfill. A SACEAMENT. An outward sign of inward grace By Christ ordained and made — A mystic rite by which his grace Is to our souls conveyed. AIDS TO MEMORY THE SEYEN SACRAMENTS. We are cleansed from sin original In Baptism's holy waters ; We are chosen heirs of heaven, and made God's happy sons and daughters. ii. We are rendered perfect Christians when We are signed in Confirmation, And God the Holy Ghost gives strength To conquer all temptation. * m. Christ present in the Eucharist To worship we are bidden; Beneath the forms of bread and wine The Lord is truly hidden. IV. All sins that after Baptism A man may have committed, If lyj is sorry from his heart By Penance are remitted. FOR THE CATECHISM. The Last Anointing heals the flesh, New life and strength imparting ; Or else insures a happy death To souls from earth departing. VI. In Holy Order Priests receive Their heavenly commission, With grace to worthily fulfill The duties of their mission. vn. In Matrimony, Christians are As man and wife united, Receiving grace from God to keep The faith which they have plighted. SEVEN CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY. Visit, give ransom, raiment, drink, and bread, Shelter the homeless, and inter the dead. SEVEN SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY. Teach, counsel, soothe, correct, forgive, and bear, Think of the living and the dead in prayer. S AIDS TO MEMORY THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. Pride is inordinate esteem that one Has for himself, or what by him is done.* Avarice is the immoderate love of gain Which we have got, or which we would obtain. Lust means all impure pleasure, be it sought By look, by word, by action, or by thought. Anger is passion quick and violent, That moves the will some grievance to resent. Gluttony is the abuse of drink and meat ; It does not eat to live, it lives to eat. Envy is sorrow at another's gain, Or it is pleasure at another's pain, Sloth is a cold disrelish that withdraws The sluggish heart from God and from his laws. THE EIGHT BEATITUDES. Blessed the poor in spirit, they are heirs To wealth untold, for heaven itself is theirs. * (Vanity means the inordinate desire That other folks may praise us or admire.) FOR THE CATECHISM. 9 Blessed the meek, for without strife their hand Shall be victorious, and possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn, for God one day Will comfort them, and wipe their tears away, Blessed who hunger and who thirst, unskilled In wiles, for justice, for they shall be filled. Blessed the merciful, they shall obtain The mercy which they grant their fellow-men. Blessed the clean of heart, for they shall see The Lord in all his cloudless purity. Blessed are all peace-makers kind and mild — Children of God they shall be justly styled. Blessed are they that suffer in the right, For endless joy their trials shall requite. CANTICLE ON THE BLESSED SACKA MENT. Hail ! most holy Sacrament Where God is our aliment. In thee Jesus we behold — His own tongue this truth has told. 10 10 AIDS TO MEMORY In the Eucharistic bread, With his flesh our souls are fed. Who can doubt the word he spoke, When that mystic bread he broke ? Man was lost in sin and shame — To redeem him Jesus came ; Came the Father's equal Son, Our frail nature to put on. Son of man and Son of God, Over Judah's plains he trod. Blessings round his footsteps fall — Grace and truth he gives to all. Came that ever-blessed night, When, concealing all his might, To be slaughtered by his foes Like a helpless lamb he goes. But before the fearful hour, When was loosened hell's dark power, He drew closer to his heart Those with whom he had to part. See ! around the sacred board Sit the twelve and their own Lord ! Who the flames of love can tell That within his bosom dwell ? FOR THE CATECHISM. 11 Hearken to his loving voice ! Hark ! and let thy soul rejoice — Pledged to thee as well as those Is the gift he now bestows. Ended is the obscure rite Which belonged to Jewish night. Shadowy figures now give way To the splendor of new day. Holding in his hands the bread, " This my body is," he said ; " This the body, real, true, I shall immolate for you." Holding forth what now was wine, " Take," he says, " this blood of mine — Living blood which soon shall be Shed, the world from sin to free. Eat of this, my very flesh, With my blood your souls refresh ; When my earthly course is run, Do ye what I now have done." 'Twas the Word Divine that spoke ! He whose order could evoke Out of nothing's dark abyss All that was and all that is. AIDS TO MEMORY At his voice the glorious sun First began his course to run. He, too, summoned every star, And all answered, " Here we are." In the heavens and on the earth, All things owe to him their birth. He alone their being gave — He can change, destroy, or save. Ages come and ages go — Age or change he cannot know. And the word that spoke his will Stands forever changeless still. And the Apostles, ever true, Did that which he bade them do — Blessed the sacred bread and wine, Changed to elements divine. When before your vision pass The dread mysteries of the Mass, Jesus Christ is present still, That same wonder to fulfill. At the sacred Altar-stone Stands the Priest, but not alone, For the voice of God is heard In the consecrating word. FOR THE CATECHISM. 13 Jesus did this promise make — Made it for his mercy's sake ; And his word will faithful stay, Never, never pass away. Thus to flesh is changed the bread, Wine into the blood he shed. Lacketh he nor power nor will What he promised to fulfill. Heresy and fatal pride May this mystery deride ; We faith's humble offering bring To our Saviour and our King. Jesus, who upon the cross Saved us from eternal loss — Jesus, living God on high, In the Sacrament is nigh. Adoration, honor, love, Let us give to God above. Chiefly let our praise be told For the gift our altars hold. [I am happy in being permitted to adorn my book with the foregoing admirable Canticle, composed by one of the most learned and distinguished ecclesiastics in America, and commu- nicated to me by the author, to testify his approval of my ex- ertions for the benefit of our children.] 10* 14 AIDS TO MEMORY THE SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY GHOST. Spirit of Holiness Come from above, Grant us the sevenfold Gift of thy love. Wisdom points out to us Heaven's true worth ; None but vain happiness Springs from this earth. Spirit of Holiness, &c. Intellect teaches us Even from youth, Rightly to penetrate God's holy Truth. Spirit of Holiness, &c. Counsel throws plentiful Light on our path, Scatters our enemies, Baffles their wrath. Spirit of Holiness, &c. Fortitude girdeth on Arms for the fight, FOR THE CATECHISM. 15 Making us warriors True to the right. Spirit of Holiness, &c. Knowledge weighs good and ill Mingled by Doubt, Goodness is treasured up, Evil cast out. Spirit of Holiness, &o. Godliness pleasantly Leads us to do What we have learned to be Noble and true. Spirit of Holiness, &c. Fear of the Lord in us Trains us to die Rather than break the law Of the Most High. Spirit of Holiness, &c. THE TWELVE FRUITS OF THE HOLY GHOST. Holy Spirit, in my bosom Plant and foster blessed fruit — In pure hearts it springeth ever From thy grace as from its root. 16 AIDS TO MEMORY Charity sincere and earnest In the service of the Lord Makes us fear to disobey him, Makes us love to keep his word, Holy Spirit, &c. Joy inclines us still with pleasure To obey our Father's will, Of the calm delights of virtue, So we come to drink our fill. Holy Spirit, &c. Peace amid the toil and trouble Brought upon our race by sin, Spite of angry storms around us, Keeps a tranquil mind within. Holy Spirit, &c. Patience in our varied trials Saves us from a peevish mood, Makes us even view affliction As a mercy and a good. Holy Spirit, &c. Tis Benignity that makes us Bear no malice in the mind, Makes us slow in judging others, In forgiving prompt and kind. Holy Spirit, &c. FOR THE CATECHISM. 17 Goodness keeps ns ever ready To perform a kindly deed, To feel pity for another, And to help him in his need. Holy Spirit, &c. Longanimity inspires us With endurance for the fight, Trains us never to grow weary In the cause of truth and right. Holy Spirit, &c. Mildness forms an even temper, Keeps rebellious passion low. And by sweet and gentle manners Wins the love of friend and foe. Holy Spirit, &c. Faith when we have made a promise Keeps us to that promise true, Makes us honest in fulfilling What we pledge our word to do. Holy Spirit, &c. Modesty restrains the Christian From all proud and boastful ways ; In his speech it makes him careful Not to utter selfish praise. Holy Spirit, &c. 2* 18 AIDS TO MEMOEY Continence by steady combat Holds in check the carnal mind, Makes it keep the path of duty By the law of God defined. Holy Spirit, &c. Chastity creates within us Perfect love for purity, Till the soul, grown like the angels, E'en from truant thought is free. Holy Spirit, &c. THE FOUE GREAT ENDS FOE WHICH HOLY MASS IS OFFEEED. i. To worship at Jehovah's throne, Adoring Him, and Him alone. ii. To sue for pardon, and implore The help of God to sin no more. in. To beg Him that his holy grace May be our guide in every place. IV. To thank and bless the Lord for all His countless favors, great and small. FOR THE CATECHISM. 19 FOUE LAST THINGS TO BE EEMEM- BEEED. Prepare for Death — for you will die one day ; But when, or where, or how, no man can say. Fear Judgment — to a wise and mighty Lord You must account for thought, and deed, and word. Eemember Hell to shun it — dark despair, Fire, and the worm that never dies, are there. Look up to Heaven ! — if you are firm and true In serving God, its joys are all for you. THE SEVEN SOEEOWS OF THE B. V. M. 1. By Simeon old the future's told Of God's incarnate Word, And Mary's care is to prepare Her heart for sorrow's sword. Mother ! our sins with seven swords Have pierced thy sacred breast, But in thy presence and thy Lord's All sin we now detest. 20 AIDS TO MEMORY Rude soldiers stain fair Bethlehem's plain With children's rosy gore, Warned from on high his parents fly With Christ to Egypt's shore. Mother, &c. 3. Through streets and ways Our Lady strays, Till three long days are done ; All sorrow past, she then at last Embraces her dear Son. Mother, &c. 4. Our Lady hears how Jesus bears His cross — oh, bitter load ! With heart resigned she hastes to find And meet him on the road. Mother, &c. 5. Mount Calvary's brow is gained, and now The Lord they crucify ; While to fulfill the Almighty's will His mother stands near by. Mother, &c. FOR THE CATECHISM. 21 6. With reverent care his friends repair To take the body down ; In death He sleeps, his mother weeps, And shares his thorny crown. Mother, &c. 7. They reach the cave, and in its grave The Saviour's body lies ; His mother's grief finds no relief Till from the dead He rise. Mother, &c. ASPIRATION. A spirit sent by Satan, Mother, Tempts me to go astray — Send one of thy good angels, Mother, To drive him far away. THE FOURTEEN STATIONS OF THE CEOSS. i. The Son of God came down from heaven, Upon the earth to dwell, And man condemns to cruel death The heart that loved him well 22 AIDS TO MEMOKT Thou goest forth, O Blessed Lord, To suffer death for me, And I too wish for thee to live — I wish to die for thee. n. He taketh up his heavy Cross, And bears the crushing load ; And as he meekly journeys on, His blood bedews the road. Thou goest forth, &c. in. Rude soldiers press and goad him on, And straiten him around, And now, beneath his weighty Cross, He falls upon the ground. Thou goest forth, &c. rv. His Mother hastens forth to join The Son she loved so well ; Their glances meet, their hearts are filled With grief no tongue can tell. Thou goest forth, &c. FOR THE CATECHISM. 23 V. They fear the Saviour may expire Beneath his heavy load, And Simon is compelled to bear His Cross along the road. Thou goest forth, &c VI. A Jewish woman wipes his face — Her pity to reward, Upon her veil remains impressed An image of the Lord. Thou goest forth, &c vn. The Saviour falls a second time, Oppressed with bitter pain ; The soldiers force him to arise, And journey on again. Thou goest forth, &c vm. The Daughters of Jerusalem Bewail his cruel fate ; He bids them for their children weep, Before it is too late. Thou goest forth, &c. 24: AIDS TO MEMORY IX. He's urged to move with quicker step ; His blood in torrents flows ; Again, again he falls to earth, Beneath their cruel blows. Thou goest forth, &c. x. 'The soldiers strip with violence The garments from his flesh, And every wound he had received Is made to bleed afresh. Thou goest forth, &c. XI. They lay him down upon the Cross ; They nail his hands and feet ; The Cross is raised, and he is left His coming death to meet. Thou goest forth, &c. XII. Three hours of agony had passed Since he was crucified ; His work was done, his hour was come— He bowed his head and died. Thou goest forth, &c. FOR THE CATECHISM. 25 xm. Now his disciples come and take The body from the Cross ; His Mother folds it in her arms, And mourns her bitter loss. Thou goest forth, &c XIV. His followers bear him to the tomb, Prepared with pious care, Then silently depart, and leave The sacred body there. Thou goest forth, &c THE FOUK CAEDINAL YIETUES. By Prudence we advise with virtuous friends, And take wise means to forward noble ends. By Justice we are always fair and true, And honestly give every one his due. By Fortitude in purpose we are strong, Brave for the right, and patient under wrong. By Temperance our passions we repress, And carefully abstain from all excess. SONGS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, THE CATECHISM IN RHYME. REV. DR. CUMAfTXGS. MUSIC. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS, BY SIGJSTOR SPERANZA. When I had the honor of being chosen by the Rev. Dr. Cummings to work with him in preparing this collection for the public, I found myself limited in composition to short musical phrases, and a very brief compass of notes, the melodies being intended for children. Children, even in large numbers, and entirely ignorant of music, will easily acquire them. The method I would recom- mend for teaching them is the echo system. It is prac- tised in the following manner : The teacher sings one phrase himself, then, with a tap or little stroke of a ruler, gives the signal that the chil- dren are to repeat immediately the phrase he has sung. If they make any mistake, the teacher will repeat the phrase until they learn it well. One phrase being learned, the next will be taken up, the teacher singing and the children following immediately at the signal as before, until phrases enough are learned to form a period. The teacher will go over the phrases already learned, and the children will repeat first two phrases at a time, and then four, until the whole period is learned. One period beiug learned, the others will follow, until the whole piece is sung correctly. 11 " INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. To obtain good results from this method, the following rales must be carefully observed: 1. Strict discipline must be maintained among the scholars. 2. The person teaching must sing with a distinct, de- cided, and clean enunciation of both notes and words, bringing out more expressly those notes which the scholars seem to have most difficulty in seizing with pre- cision. 3. The children must be trained and compelled to sing always sotto-voce, until they have learned well the piece they are studying. 4. It is of the greatest importance that the scholara shall not begin to sing until the signal is given by a tap of the ruler, when they must begin immediately, and all together. The habit of singing very piano while learning has an excellent effect on children, who are so organized that it is with the greatest difficulty they can be induced to pass into the upper register, or the voce di testa. If they are called upon to sing an ascending scale, they keep on as long as the lower range, the voce di petto, and voce d% mezzo will allow, but when they get up to the high notes they either stop, or else force the voice to a scream. To allow them to go on in this way would put them out of breath, and might do them serious injury, ruining then voices perhaps forever. DOMENICO SPERANZA. mp for Ca%& Spools. No. 1. itr.\ ) JtJ'4 Ho-ly Stephen, Chief of Martyrs, Thee we }<, i- ."i i ? J~ n^ N ^=^J ^-L#- hail with spe-cial love, Heaven gave thee for our ^ * 2 a? £ Pa-tron, Thee of all the saints a-bove. Hear the J v ' ' — ^ #' y m L > =P voi - ces of thy Chil-dren, Kneeling fond - ly at thy m Efe *? * ±^ shrine, Fill our hearts with love for Je - sus, With a HS fr * 2zjt BE fer - vent love like thine, Fill our hearts with love for i£ S Je - sus, With a fer - vent love like thine. 11* tcs foe Catholic schools. No. 2. -^ 4 _ . * « * * # -ir r- *.i-; "-. ,-. -.'..i.? r.l! T.-^.: -V- ■ . ■- ■ i * * *- ^- • - / « J+ breese,That whispers tiro' the w—+ t an-gels, to let in your King, And hast-en the hymn of his x -v m tri - umph, On gold - en harps bravely to ^=2 ^$EEL -v- sing, On .... golden harps, bravely to sing. No. 9. axdantino Gklzioso. Chil - dren of Saint Stephen, raise * * * T^W- w — =5 — i— J J. High the grate-ful notes of praise, With the voice the heart should. CHORUS. Allegretto. r y r ^33 3fc a»- * 3 -?~ swell, While the o - ri- son you tell: Noscumpro-le i I ^£ P 2 pi - a, Be - ne-di - cat, Vir-go Ma-ri - a. 8 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 10. GBAZI080 %jm=ft&p^ ^ Oh, Ma - ry, Moth-er Ma - ry ! We ^=t? £ £ £=£ p=^= place our trust in thee — Our faith shall nev - er X- ^C Efe £ F^ff va - ry, Though weak the flesh may be ; F3~ -£=t- -»-p -¥-? * -f" *- "f - -f a m - r^- ~Z f -W- *J -fJU- ? -jjj— -V- -V- M^\- Too oft with steps un - wa - ry, From du - ty we have ■i-ftfH-crp+f i'^3 bent, Oh, Ma - ry, Moth-er Ma - ry, Thou teach us £^E?=S =3= to re - pent, Oh, Ma - ry, Moth - er 5 I *=^ ^m Ma - ry, Thou teach us to No. 11. re - - pent. Abdakt,ko ' re^' fa^fer^ * *T 1 ^~^ When our Saviour wished to prove, All the SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 9 ^=P =F=fi= * tE *; * 4 . • *-■ +=4=^ £» *^r- 4- full - ness of Ms love, He gave us ere life was Stringendo, » S ^ _4 ^_j gzzj=j=^=zz^ spent The thrice Ho - ly Sa - era -merit. It is Ritard. *^— ~*»- **— 1 . v. — V # 2_ ^-•— 5# — F -* — P= here his burning heart Would to all its flames im a tempo. ten.; 3 O • - ~P W*-m ZT~ 1 1 ij 'T'm P — 9 ' — 1 — F-j — F © — =^-« *^* ^ • part ; Thus He speaks with love di - vine, R-I^ i j f i ^-r . * I i — r Give me, Oh, give me that heart of thine, £ZZ£Z£ Xi=£ *t=3=l V- Give me, oh give me that heart of thine. No. 12. e Andaxtiso Amoroso. ffi% $ H N ft -K * E^3^S3 O # " 12 In highest heaven where stands the throne Of 10 BONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. m 3 p \ - J.' J l J- gE X-tU ma - jest-y su - pernal, The Archangel Gabriel came a- one And bowed be -fore the E - ter - nal. His ^H¥^ s=£ 4*=? Lord's behests received he there, Then toward the crystal J\_H J. J ^ ^ ±± 5 portals He winged his way, a he - raid fair, Of m HWSr4f-^ft^JJ^Uiaj± & peace to sin-ful mortals, Of peace to sin-ful mor-tals. No. 13. Andantk Grazioso. p*h^u^A^ ^ Slumber haste on dew- y pinions From thy ■> ; ^ffi =T^ star - ry throne de- scend, Gen - tly toward yon lit - tie ^ 3 j J 1 - ni' i ^f nJ'. ^ ! ia man - ger, Let thy gold - en wand ex tend. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 11 l ^Tif r _Au 3 ^5 -#- . ^^ On his moth-er's bo - som slow - ly, Lo ! the £=jf -jV | J LJU3JU * Babe re - clines his head ; Sweet-ly o'er his wea - ried i * sen-ses Balm - y sleep its charm hath spread. No. 14. CHORUS. Maestoso. - i ^U^W f F^ ^ Star of the o - cean/Mid life's com- =cs =r-H^ i J s B - mo - tion We with de - vo - tion Fol - low thy light ; ^— tY^t^ J 9 Keep us still wa - ry, Lest we may va - ry, FINE, SOLO. 1 **"* I Lento. * & Lento. w ■£*■ Ma - ry. sweet Ma - ry, Guide us a - right. O, 12 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. z ^^ ^m^m spotless Queen of Virgins,With shining lilies crowned, Grant CHORUS* ^3=g 3* ^f— *■ ^3=& we thy youthful daughters, May pure like thee be found. No. 15. Affettuoso pp£3 ** From thy bright throne a - bove the m ^EE£ 3 m * sky, Look down on us, O Moth - er ^^^^ m it sweet, And smile up - on the gift which I Here ^ m ?pS of - fer, kneel - ing at thy feet. O! =£ ^m Moth - er of my God and mine, I've SONGS FOR. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 13 ^ !* m bring some sim - pie flowers to - day, That S they may bloom up - on thy shrine, The m m B hours that am far a - way. No. 16. Ajdantino Amoroso. $fer?q £ r The Tear of In - no - cence how J ' J ' ji i * 7 ip ^=^ #— bright It gush - es from the eye, It wins the ^ *< — ^ SE 3f 3 *ym - pa - thy of men, The blessings of the WJ^'J' I J J-l gEjjj sky. Be - fore the ten - der in - fant's tongue Has 12* 14 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. m ^m learned to shape a sound, It tells with * ^g I m m sim-ple e - lo-quence His lit - tie wants a -round. No. 17. AXDANTB SOSTENUTO. f?r f^rr^^ ^ Spir- its that languish In cleansing j-j^u -mr-L-^ux fire, Great is your anguish As your de - sire. m F^fe^ * We who could lend you Aid and re - lief, ±=* Fail to be - friend you, Leave you to grief, j j, ji i rm^J-^w* Fail to be - friend you, Leave you to grief. SO^GS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 18. 15 Mabstoso ^JJT^+J^ Great God, I call up-on thy name And rrf-ri * 7 1 : - tfrr+i bow be-fore thy throne, A - mid the si - lent shades of ^4UU, r , ~M m = night, Unwatched, unseen, a - lone. How oft a - r-; ^ m j i ~^^=^ midst the glare of day, When worldly friends were nigh, I have for - got - ten that I m m moved, Be - neath thy watch - ful eye. No. 19. Tempo dl tfarcia. Mais ro so. m 9s% Ere Peace and Freedom hand in 16 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. m ^& ^— *- :e: • — *- r- 1 hand Went forth to bless this hap-py land, And Js mium+um ± make A their a - - bodo. It was the foot- stool tg mr n ty ^ m of throne, But now no seep - tre mm ? *= * here is known, No king is feared but y\ j | g jLia God, No No. 20. king is feared but God. Mabstoso. p j 1 1 1 J ^ Thy power, Lord, is bound-less n f ^ 4- power, Thy love is bound - less love, And Unf-M for that love and by that power Thou SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. /T\ CHORUS. 17 ^ * & =3= we ■^- com - est from bove. Son of God h±+ ^ mm bow be fore thee, Lento molto. Bless /rs * :*-^r Sa - viour, - dore thee. No. 21. axdaxtixo Amoroso. it £#=£ -/-» How kind it is of you to come, Bright An - gel from your star-ry home, And watch hy night and fa &- ft* *= watch i y day Be - side a sin - ful child of clay. -B-N- **4p How good and pure I ought to be Who 18 SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. n -P-K * in ± i al-ways live so near to thee, Be-neath thine eyes the f* ^^to 3E V 9 r - whole day 'round, Where'er I tread is ho - ly t£nMi\Ltiim m morendo. ground, Where'er I tread is ho - ly ground. No. 22 and 24. Cantabilr $&m ^Wff Haste, fond Mem'ry, thy vi - gor re- Soul a - wak-en, in sad-ness why ^^Mi^ ^ ■ call - ing, Haste a - way to the val - leys and Ian - guts h, Break a - way from thy fears and thy m K H *T mountains, Where the breeze o'er Ju - dea's bright fet - tcrs, Feel the cour-age that rouses and SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 19 S A 3 foun - tains, Cools the air . . . of our dear na - tive bet - ters, Leave the des - ert, its sad - ness and * IE -ST" 1 h V V V Jor - dan's clear V V V land, Hov - er fond - ly o'er gloom. Look a - broad, hon - est work has its fc T?J iF *= tf wa - ters, Mark the tur-rets of Si - on now beau - ty, Earn -est hearts can for -get,., their own -x -^ N ^=* fall - ing ; ! Ju - de - a, an - guish,And can toil in thy sons and thy the vine-yard of lEi^E ± J Lj L^-fc m= m daugh - ters, Weep for thee . . on this bar - bar-ous du - ty, While the slug - gard sits wail - ing his 3 » * T=Fk A ±*i i v f I v^ ? strand. Harp of Gold ! hast thou part - ed with doom. Sad - dest hearts 'neath their ash - es have 20 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. fS3 Glo - - ry, That thou hang-est un-strung on the em - - bers, That will glow if we do good to ff 1=1=1 3 fet 3 ^ £ 3^r t; =F^ wil - low ? O ! as bil - low rolls on af - ter oth - ers, For the prayers of our nee - di - er P bil low, Let the mu - sic rush o'er thy bright broth - ers, Turn to bless - ings and fol - Zoi^ us PP sempre | k MfrH-M chords. Dark and sad, like poor So - ly home. We are all of one bo - dy mas the ^^PPM# ^!^ sighs ers sto - ry, Breathe a dirge mixed with deep members, Here to - day be we shar of in m =* £5S3 Wm S£=* sor - row, Or from mem-'ry some bright dit - ty soi - row, For we hope to be shar-ers to SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 21 wm m ± m ~~ bor - row, Bear-ing courage and strength in its mor - row, In the light of the glo - ry to *=&=*: 35^ o » ^y^-.-^V P » J » - ^-*3 words. Bearing cour - age and strength.... in its come. In the light of the glo - - - ry to PP h b h fc rit. -tre g > # f^f-+-< d d. s £=±3E+ -^^ words, Bearing cour - age and strength.... in its come, In the light of the glo - - - ry to PP t t . PP ^__ r 7 J: J J \-tetg EgliJ ^f* ^ ."#• words, Bear-ing strength in its words. come, Of the glo - ry to come.., No. 23 and 25. Adagio. 1 IR V •*—* m m Lord of Hosts! from the home of our Far from E - den in ex - tie we JE ^-y^ childhood Thou hast called us with prom - is • es wan - der, 'Mid the dark - ness of night and of 13 22 SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. m s^ s i£^i§ +-T— *- ho er - - ly, We march 1 d boldly thro' waste and thro' I - - tor, And of dreams we grow fond - er and f ^m ^p p wild - wood, Sure to con fond - er, if we call quer, yet rea - dy to not, Lord, on thy i s ? die. But our looks are de - ject - ed and power. While we pray ev y - ry vis - ion of ^y4-% ^ jjp low - ly, And thy ser - vants are bowed down with ter - ror Melts a - way like the dew - drops at mm. ^s * sor - row ; Shall the Cross and its war - riors to « morn-ing, And the wiles of the proud tempt - er ^ i^p *± • mor - row, Prove a scoff when the Pay-nim draw scorn - ing, We are free ,. as in E- den's lost SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 23 i -**w- nigh? We bower. re - mem - ber dear Lombar - dv's 0, this world \:hen. ., . it scat-ters its moun-tains, Her vineyards, ber fields ricb in flow - ers, When it gath - ers its tro-phies a ■ F=f%T -V- =fc =r ^=rr s — V — IT S-rH^ -+~r — #- -#— -+- ^ > # -i # glo - ry, Her fresh breez-es, ... . ber mur-mur-ing round me, May be -guile for,.., a few fleet-ing foun - tains, The green bow - ers that wave in her hours,.... But my heart must be wrctch-ed, or 3*Z -f—9*^79-T- land. Ah! fond mem - 'ry, thouVt scarce-ly a thine. Then be - fore Death has spread his dark * * * w-t—9—9* * Hew - ing, Thou re - call - est our childhood's sweet pin - ion, And the spell of its sha - dow has 24 SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. ^J^JU^ j^ sto - ry, But we're roused from thy dream - y ca - bound me, Let me bow to my Sa - viour's do - tj. juR f. ^4^ :jzt ress - ing, By the glow ■ min - ion ; Let his glo ■ r * r i 5- "^ *r «i S 5 of the hot des - ert ry or Cross still be 4 te ^=§=r sand, By mine, Let V the his glow glo - of the hot des - ert or Cross still b& 1 — f- r-4- N-- — « — c- .-&— ++ 4*£ 3=± sand, By the mine, Let his glow of glo - ry the hot des - ert or Cross still be sand, the hot des-ert sand, the hot des-ert sand. mine, or Cross still be mine, or Cross still be mine. No. 26. SOLO. Andante- Sostknuto. ^^ m ^ + — *- Almighty Sire ! I'm dust, Unbounded SOXGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 25 ± B=E 2E m power is thine, Weak-ness and want are mine ; CHORUS. "f— y *-*-£=* m *—+ ■F a -jr — Maestoso, In thee my love, my trust. Sanc-tus, . . fei £ birtv t il? T ' g gy y ? Sanc-tus De - us, . . . Sanc-tus, Pin lento. Sanc-tus *± ^ t -f — r^t for - tis, =t Sane - - tus Im - - mor • °h k \ i { ± 3Q4g f? Mi - se - re - re - ta - - lis, No. 27. no - bis. AXDANTE Affettuoso. =£ God, the Ho - ly Ghost, Life- gir - er, -. h . 3 4 t i m mix v^^rn ^ Of the three blest persons third, Humbly kneeling we a- 13* 26 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. ± SE ^ - dore thee With the Fa - ther and the Word. ± 3 -bNb X m T Thou art of the self - same na - ture miy-im&rt m $ f-i — > — i — i- As the Father and the Son, E - qual - ly from both pro- 2 in m f E T ^ 3E - ceed - ing, Thou dost bind them both in One. No. 28. Andante Religioso i rg-tv tt § g j ; j J' ^ l^s Lord, when a sil - rer - y star m m j J'ljj Gleams in the blue depths a - far m )■ j j^ Thoughts come to me of thine eye, . SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 2? Look - ing on from the sky. . . —*- Lord, when a trem - u lous beam 1 -y-*<* — \ — M- — , 1 J J - \ 4 ;|J '— * ? J ^ ' - Sleeps on the sha - dow - y stream, '■ * » hzit -r Thoughts come to me of thy love, "h k -"-^-/TS /Ts p *l \ fc V *• •f 9 n \ \ 7 # — * H i Brightening our hearts from a - bove. No. 29. ^WDAXTLVO Grazioso. nfl.fl S O brightness of e - ter - nal £E ^ ^=i light, I wor - ship at thy feet Though all 28 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. fea: « -wor - thy in thy sight, Thy mer-cies I re- ^^ wm •peat. To save our souls from sin and 1 — flp 51! f- ^ir ^-^^ ^ strife, Is still thy work di - vine, The gates of j.. j' ;. a ! i ^m r—r. -v — * ev - er- last- ing life Are thine, O Lord, are thine. No. 30. Maestoso. ffifrrtH^i T P A hymn of thanksgiv - ing Lift 1 E& EE£^ £=t fcbfei ! j £ up to the Lord, Whatev - er is liv - ing Has m z *^ j f -t life by His word. Though made with - out SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 29 idji j J'- 1 M - J ^ merit By mer - cy a - lone, Our soul is a is! ^=£ spir - it, Re - sem - bling his own, Our m. * * £±=£ -# — ? soul is a spir - it, Re - sembling his own. No. 31. Andante - , o — i — |— >V7 « J r ^ Maestoso. wrs^ /, # '&• \m; 4 | • J When the air is Warm and bright E£5t 3^E Think of God who made the light If the J I I hfi- MM r -i* I ' f tern - pest Should draw nigh : Chil - dren fear not, m i B * :g T^ =p — S- 3=F 'Twill go by, Chil - dren fear not, 'Twill go by. 30 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 32. * 1- — 1 Andante Sostknuto. E Sr ^^ -?-*- What light is streaming from the skies, Re - I - veal - ing heav'n to mor - tal eyes, What * 3* sing - ing" from the spheres, An - £ 4= * ge - lie hymns to mor - tal ears ? 2 HE ho - liest mys - te - ry of love, From m his ter - nal throne a - bove, The m m =£ Sav comes, un - seen, to dwell A - -4- mong the souls he loved so well. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 33. *- P grieves him, But an An-gel's voice re -lieves him, And ex - CHORUS. 4^. I f~frd J fcj — 4 ^P Dear Saint Jo - seph I im ■ plains the my s- te - ry. £ tizz* *: -plorethee, By the sorrows that oppress'dthee, By the *=a ^± ^r=^ -^-j-rht ma - ny joys that bless'd thee, Dear Saint Joseph, pray for Piu Lento. me, Dear Saint Jo - seph, pray for me. 32 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 34. MODKRATO ■.. felli^^P PP Of-ten times when an-gry billows Surge and ta h I- ^^ i ^ ' # toss up - on the main, They are beat - en down and m 3^£ -v-w van-quished, By a soft and stea - dy rain : c=gJg J' J' J' *=* So the gen * tie words of Fran - cis Fell up - ftpfc ^ £ ^ t* *~ ^ on a war-like age, So his vir -tues, sweet and s i^ * pa - tient, Tem - pered pas - sion's gloom - y ztt rage, Tem-pered pas -sion's gloom -y rage. SOXGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 33 No. 35. And ante Amoroso. i^^ -*— +~ Jane de Chan - tal, wor - thy S s 5 pu - pil Of the great and good De Sales, Thee our £pg^ m *—+ z*=*z ±± song with pi - ous hom-age, On this fes - tal morn-frig m JTT -N-j- -*-x-k 3z=2: ^-^T7 m hails. Nurtured in thy father's ca - stle, When a m. mt ± ^m sweet and gen™tle girl, Thou wert nev - er spoiled by £=± 5 — gran - deur, Nor by fash - ion's gid - dy ^^sgs -*^f -*-*- whirl, Nor by Fash -ion's gid - dy whirl. 14 34 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, lNTo. 36. Maestoso. flip Jv-juUi w^- 3t± A hymn to Saint Vincent de Paul, The £ SE3E A - postle of broth - er - I7 love, Ho £ =l=£ cared for the great and the small, As m w^m ^-^- sons of one Fa - ther a - bove. He £ F^ -1 v y- taught men in lu - xu - ry's dome The ™ -* — #- * J $- wis - dom that fear - eth the Lord, He =^£^ m h 5 ^^ taught men in pov - er - ty's heme, The js£ j =j=*=# -£r-j-+ pa - tience that trusts in his word. SOXGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 35 No. 37. COXCITATO ^ Mag - da-len, O Mag- da - len, I m sup - per - hall, see thee in the * hear the sob thou gav - est then, ^*- * see the tear - drop gush and fall. S -*-- sor - row some - thing like thy own, J — E- ■*- m Is bu - sy in my sin - ful heart, But 1 1 b» r * while sigh and while I moan, * =*= feel not what thou art. 36 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 38. Maestoso. fc^PFSife^ Vir - gin daughter of Cas-tile, All thy T § ^El £ « t coun-try's old - en worth, All her knightly fire and m i ^m zeal Burned with - in thee from thy birth. m s m 3 -#-- Ah ! the world with cun - ning art Strove its t T7-T7 m i - dols to en-throne, In the warm and no - ble m ■s heart, God had formed to be his own, No. 39. Andante Maestoso. mm mz Help of Chris - tians while the SOXGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 87 ?S s ^ ± — ••#- com - bat Deep - ens round us, we be - -> -n *=^^ ^ ifcfc - seech thee, Let our pray'r - ful voi - ces >;U' I .J 7 3y ; ^=? ; 7 / j^ reach thee, Give as - sist - ance, ere we fall. ^ ^iJ S s ^^ Life on earth is cease-less war - fare, M* - ny a^Ff ;=?g* 3 35fe 7 * j N *==?-#- fears and cares dis-tress us, Ma-ny are the foes that J j * j*j g jg^l E^ ^£ press us, But thoul't save us from them all. No. 40. icmtarrmo Btuzioso. k Una voce Sola. "£" HU^=i E^ # 0- 3BE: Snow and rain have vau - ished. 14* 38 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. m ^5=fr 2-*- =F Winds have ceased to wail, Gloom - y Win - ter '» : ^=^ z ^==f- ban - - ished, From the hill and dale. CHORUS. M s £3^ ' j * ' IS # Gen - tie Moth - er, hear us, At thy al - tar t=r^ m pray, Queen of Saints, be near * * Maestoso On this sweet May No. 41. day. g^i f=a#=¥ * This is the day, our Lord Hath s a s 3= cho - sen for his own, Come, mor - tals from your SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 39 ^m toil, And wor - ship at his throne. Lift ^m ±* up your hearts in prayer, And let your wants be 3EEE£ ^ tS ? Z known. This is the day, our Lord Hath ^ eho - sen for his own, This is the day, oar ^ Lord Hath cho - sen for his own. No. 42. AH DANTE Atfrttcoso. pg -i= Zf=t=^ 1 At night the wealth-y cit - i - m S—'- —i- zen. Had turned him from the door, The 40 SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. £ > ff ig ,— ag g= f | E p 5 XXiy I J on - ly friends a - round him were The m low - - ly and the poor. Yet X-j^ J'. J ( ! • = H^=^ to his Fa - ther's will re - signed, The *-*- % new - - born in - - fant smiled ; This i j'. i ;■ % I *• came to pass in Beth - le - hem, When m j* g — child, Je sus was No, 43. Andantk Maestoso. ytfr fiiu m There are sev - en bright spir - its that SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 41 =£ m stand, Near the throne of Je - ho - vah in * . ^ # ' J ' d. — -5* * 1^ « ' j. v v q * heaven, And to these sev - en Spir - its com • -» Z » • M TH *~ EEE *=P ~9 P " 7 mand - ver all the good An * ' p F p P — given ; They keep watch 'neath a ban - ner of =P= H— Eg ; »-f-f~f £ ^ — l-v y u y i> bl- light, Up - on God's ho - \j moun-tain un ■ ± s * J ' l 1 3 - rolled ; They are clad in full ar mor =§* ^ bright That it flash -es like jew -els and gold. 42 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 44. Andante Affetcoso pE EjO-^J-i^ p Most Ho - ly Trin - i - ty, One ^^ ij-j- ^-^ ^-- 1 i i j God, Im - mense in maj - es - ty, All power in ±=S PSEM^ heaven and earth is thine, All things he - long to I Una sola voce. A: *r s 4- 3: * thee. I of-fer up the Ho - ly Mass This K CHORUS. ^m -9- q= morn - ing with the aim Of bless- ing ^j febqariz^ ^ thy al - mighty power, And worship - ing thy name. No. 45. Andante bostenuto. &ee£ee£ wm God of mer - cy, hear thy SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 43 ^j=ppEE|=p peo - pie, While they hum - bly pray be < -4 1 J* &- ^ 4=3^ 3^2 - fore thee ; By thy good - ness * we plore thee, Save, O Lord, the Una Sola voce. Com - mon ■ m m ■*■ -F - wealth. Bless the land with peace and + m w H * r y ■ plen - ty ; Keep in broth - er - ly com ■ , -c=- m CHORUS. m r=F ion, All the States of all Piu ffrnndioMo. the £=£ f |g j » Un - ion, Save, Lord, the Commonwealth. 44 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 46. Maestoso. I gU^i.j-J'l^ I hear a voice from Beth-leherm, The ^m tec ^t±d = £ moan of winds re - sem -bling, It swell - eth up-ward PP IS I ES? E* 3E ±=±=*t 3= fit - ful - ly, Then fall - eth weak - ly trem-bling. i- i J'u- gHH *E 'Tis Ra - chel, mourn -ing bit - ter - ly, Her j=^-hnj ^p=m^ ^ young in- cold death sleep-ing t O'er Ra - ma spreadeth t-trt+f4-++ 1~\) m 3= drear -i - ly, The cho - rus of her weep -ing. No. 47. F=te ^NDANTI^O [ V U Grazioso. I u w— T 2=5: a^ Hear the word Of the Lord. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 45 — , -f=^ T~ in m i * P 7 ^D !■ i [ ■ 1 1 1 j I 1 i 1 1 ' '1 While in youth Learn the truth. ^ -<* * y# * *p 1 rP i" ■T ^ i * r # m 1 * r \ 1 1 • \ \ > t 1 I 1 Al - ways fight For the right, And be strong (• J /"D ** «* r* m * 1 * i 1 \ 1 L-i i — J u — 'Gainst the wrong, 'Gainst the wrong. No. 48. AXDAN'TKfO Amoroso. m h=^ -*-+■ * ' » -v — * — th ?s£ I love to see a tear-drop Stand i J J N > i i -7-* i * r * £=? r -— J t J — J " P HEP l > ^ ^ trembling in the eye, Not when rude sor-row's #=£ ^±± quest - ion, Hath wrung the heart's re - ply. "*r^ But when some gen - tie pi - ty Hath 15 46 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. mm ^Jr=k ft:: P=p soft - ly called it up, It spark-les like a S tr-f- ^ * dew - drop, With - in a vio - let's cup. No. 49. MODERATO. '- ^| 5 -*— T^ jHj3Jj T i Up - on the sea at morn-ing, The s=£ SB ■n i T i breeze and bil - low scorn - ing, Youth Lju-ja^j^ gf^ gai - ly speeds a - way, Youth gai -ly speeds a si ±± aw Tt±± way. The birds are sweet - ly sing - ing, The sgg W E =^ ear - ly flowers are spring - ing, It SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 4V «-AUi ±± is the dawn of day; It is the dawn of day. No. 50. Maroato. AXDANTE MODERATO. j ron~j The vis - ion the vis - ion of ■ I , S i i | ' j-i m r r 11 * * Death and its ter - rors, Has made me look I I I ! d s o - ver my life and its er - rors ; I m : v z ?= think, and I trem-ble to think of my sins. Animato. m J j i . r im-a The bat - tie of life more fierce as it ■+—*—+■ clos - es, He los - es for earth and for 48 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Maestoso, n 3 :fc ^-*" heav - en who los - es, And he wins for /7\ ev - er and ev - er who wins. No. 51. Maestoso j&j- i j. ^^m Great God, what- ev - er through thy f ;"• / I J j ^___ Church, Thou teach - est to be true, X J i • -J-Jv^ firm - ly do be-lieve it all, And ■ yH— ft az £EE£ :fc=fc shall con it too. Thou nev - er s -#^]-^ fft = i = r = f cans't de-ceiv-ed be, Thou nev - er canst de - \ SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 49 ^ Jz Y ! ceive, For thou art truth it - self, and I = thou Dost tell No. 52. SOSTENUTO. me to be - lieve. j^L J =fc£ Hail, most ho - ly Sac - rament, Where God o P I jg li - ment, In thee Je - sug we be - hold, No. 53. His own tongue this truth has told. Una Sola voce. ANDANTffs'O Amoroso. §li 5 h '^* 7 Si - meon old the fu - ture's s m^ told, Of God's In - car-nate Word, And Ma - ry's 15* 50 SOXGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. ■ i_H :ttt care is to pre-pare, Her heart for sor- row's CHORUS. J. » sword. Moth - er ! our sins with sev ^ . f 1 » g > 7 P P - -^ P J>— swords, Have pierced thy sa - cred breast, But in thy j * pre-sence and the Lord's, All sin we now de - test. No. 54. Amdam- TINO. S 3 — *- ^^1 * \h The Son of God came down from heaven, Up - on the earth to dwell ; And *=g? m *9 =«= man con-demns to cru - el death The SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 51 CHORUS. 1 ■ Ti* - K 1 , 1 J V **. c> ! # heart " If that loved him well. b . fa Thou # • * • 5 m . #3 » r m • s * • 2 p • / m • go - 1 est forth, 0, bless - ed . v K Lord To I M , 1 « # * 5 • # . s* m cU J vP m J a) # r » suf - v fer death for me, And I, Lento. too, wish for s * « k. s ^ m J i -d f M ' § J ■ ■ • • # L^ p— J 1 * f ;? -?#-J thee to live, I wish to die for thee. No. 55. ANDANTE ATrETTrOSO -c- ffiE £^ Au An - orel bent o - ver — ".» • " m • m m * * P « m • « *f # r * m , : ' J y ^ y L L f 1 v r r era - die, And seemed to be - hold mirrored Pin Animate + - p 9 S m m * m f *f there, The light of his beau - ti ful 52 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. ^ q^=S=fr = feE ffl^=t fea - tures, As though in a brook, still and fair. m r s c r Sweet In - fant, thus gen -tly he murmured, Thou'rt £ ±—v- like me, O, come thou with me, £ s=e= * i ^ -F=V ■ way ! we'll be hap - py to - geth - er, This m W * - M 5 earth ... is not worth - y of thee, This 1 #-*- £=*= b ±=i P earth ... is not worth - y of thee. No. 56. Maestoso ^m -J — 34-j When the low - ly grot of SONGS FOK CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 53 j^ _| fr — ^ 4 I — ^ ^j - b — j Bethlehem, First re-ceived the ho-ly child, On the ±=t fa^E± * 3=7- shep - herd's hum - ble offer-ing, The Re - I — r- kind - ly smiled. - deem - er Faith and I ^ £E Hope, and gen - tie Chari ty, Those three ^2=? sis - ters, pure and fair, X Were then S -* * — ^-v led by light from Heav-en, To ap - k 3 ~. '-. - proach and wor - - ship there. 54 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 57. Andante Sostenuto. Ife PP Una sola voce basso. a$s 3=^fc It is the hour, 3=m 1 1 -yf- it is the hour of prayer, For - get the m earth, for - get all earth - ly care. Alcune voci Soprano. :± m ^- Be - fore the Lord of heav'n and earth bow 1 u f2_A _ J, fe E i J 1 T =: down With sim - pie hearts, g±£ and wor - ship at his throne, With sim - pie Rail. ^ 3E^E -&- hearts, and wor -ship at his throne. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. CHORUS. 55 i »i 1 1 K i 1 1 ' ^ Fa- tber, Al-might - y, We are but dust, li i * 1 . 1 1 1 In 9 * T* •& thy great mer - cy We put our trust. . 1 1 i 4 1 ' i a • Thou art our Mak - er, Thou art our Lord, morendo. l\ 1 J ■ n 1 r i i i i i * J •6 -4 *• -#■ ■£»■ By men and an - gels Thou art a-dored. No. 58. Affettcoso. * Jueen of gels d f -F — P- -j=±z pray for me, For my heart is » «^=^V- g j ? = f ^7^ — € — : Full of thee. Thou art 56 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 2 # # ^ %=f & next to God on high, First and CHORUS. ^-\ef^ =f= fair - est, In the sky, First and ^ ■*=¥■ £E* In fair - est, No. 59. the Apfettuoso flr { )^^+ Daugh - ter of God the Fa - ther, p . * * PA' J *•" • • m m % m P 1— J 1 — U-U 1 »| 1 — b U w '■ O, Vir- gin pure and mild> I ve - ne - rate and m^ I t ^ «-y love thee, Ac - cept me for thy child. EiK — * '_^ U— ' — ?- My soul and all its pow SONGS FOB CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 57 TE ZE con - se - crate to thee ; 1 ^— =-, — — f ■ ■ ■ i r r F 1 l rf # • 1 / / ^ - L Be pleased, most ho - ly Moth - er, ^ -t ^ From sin to keep me free. CHORUS. Sostenuto. -&- i? Be pleased, most ho Moth er, To pray our Lord No. 60. for me. Andantino Grazioso. i 4- 3^ -* • ! » o Near thy ser - vant dy - ing ^m -V — *- Let thy An -gel stand, On thy grace re - 58 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. } h r * — *- - ly - ing, Let my heart ex - pand. > h h -a — ©- P 3E -g— e-e t» — p — t*- 1 - When these eyes no long - er See the light of -X, — 14 -i-^-^S^ m 3= earth, Let my faith grow strong - er, 3E 3E # — -•- Shine with bright - er worth. No. 61. Andante Sostenuto. f ^S-r E- J - ji j j H Pun - ish me not in the i p ." J £ j^i-t-^-EE^S day of thy wrath, Strike me not sud - den - ly ^^ ^ j j J 1 ; t down on my path ; Let not the en - e - my SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 59 -fc— : ir -* ^ ^ -f * -*- -V \h -y — \h *=£- laugh at my fall, Pi - ty me, Lord, who hast t a ^-^ 1 t, r. < 'M V s v — + — v — t- pi - ty for all. Judge of the fa - ther - less, tMj-jH" -# #-" hope of the weak : Re - fuge and help of the = F=F ^ h h 1^ ^ i * - ^ -# #- low - ly and meek, Look on my wretch-ed - ness, fczfzfa^E * ' »- list to my grief, Turn for thy mer - cy's sake. grant re lief. No. 62. Maestoso tr gss* -»— w- Yes, I have heard that whis - per, 60 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 1 i j rj j i ij j r j n J # # # # P \ 1 & • m S * m That small still voice within, It said, take care, it i j * o> r 7 * y -*— i aid, be -ware, Do not com-mit a sin. 4—^-^-j- * I heed - ed not its warn - - ing. m si P I wavered, and I fell, And felt the force of k n $ 5Q * y stern re -morse, That cowed me with its spell. H J J,J J 'J i Thus fare I when I go to sin, Nor ^Tr-rr I -*-. ? i heed the warn - ing voice with - in. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 63. Allegretto. CHORUS. 61 J. M. L. ¥^^ se Spir-it of ho - liness Come from above, . Fine. # • '* o f m i P I , 1 t 1 r \ n i i 1 Wis- dom points out to us Heav- en's true worth, D. C. i n | i n f f J J J d • * # m * • m L_L — | (_J U L None but vain hap - pi-ness Springs from this earth. No. 64, MODKRATO fti CHORUS. J. M. L. Ho - ly Spir-it in my bos - om, £3 §rt ES * Plant and fos - ter bless - ed fruit, v M 3=& In pure hearts it spring-eth ev - er 62 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Fine. 1 H *_#_ : E^=S 3 ©- From thy grace as from its root. SOL.O. ^E -p — #- * ^3= ^=1 Cha - ri - ty, sin - cere and earn - est. ^W- -r-f-f -v. eS ^4 S: -#-*■ gS5 4 — *i fc t *-— x r-i-*-' ^*r In the ser-vice of our Lord, Makes us fear to D. C. it* ^^^=3 E #=?= -U-4— t- dis - o - bey him, Makes us love to keep his word. No. 65. Andante. J. M. L. Now is the Day-star Goldenly burning, * — #— # fa^Ui-f-if= rT t~r Morning re - turning Calls us to prayer. Let us not tar - ry, ^W- tt £*=* §S£ m v v «■*■ -?— # Let us not fal - ter, But to the al -tar Gladly re - pair. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 63 No. 66. J. M. L. Dolce AXDANTK. ^ m^ff m^^ Child of the morning, ail - ye -ry numbers fc = v ; 5=f f—Mz Tempt - ing - ly urge thee on to thy fall ; - N— N- »— EEJE5 «--Fai— f — — * »- * Scorn the light voi - ces haunt - ing thy elum-bere, *-*-?- -f=n s Child of the morn- ing, heed not their call. -# $- #-rN- -* — # — #- -V — *- 4* b- 1 ' Bright flow-ers lure thee, dain - ti - ly spreading & -#-a *t -*-?- ^ ' ' ■^^ — ^ O - ver the mar - gin of the a - byes, S=* : E^£ * f. Woe to thee heed - less wan - de - rer tread -ing, 64 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. *=± m J ^ h m Thoughtless- ly on - ward, tread - ing a - miss. No. 67. J. M. L. MODERATO. i m *c j7 Where, O, where are the hap - py ^3 35 J r r » . » | s v *-\~* g 32 hours, I knew ere yet by sin de- filed ? w& # — ©- g Where, O, where are the birds and flow-ers That WW^ f g rtjc £ gave me plea - sure when child! $m * Dreams of va - ni - ty charmed my vis - ion, And 333 ^P ■0 G~ ^m nh+- soon my peace- ml home I spurned, Then ah. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 65 S ^ *=F £E _*_*_ bit - ter - ly de - ri - sion Joy =# HP-f- fled from me wher - e'er turned. No. 68. Con dolcezzr*. MODERATO. n ton aoicezz^i XS i zz ¥ = \ *—•- 4t J. M. L. 3^ 2=2- Skies of pur - pie and gold, ■0 #- 5^ 5 * Paths of vel -vet and down, "Wreaths of myr- tie and m * p • Pk ^ — ^ r ~ * * r - -* j « • « ** •* u> ' i w r # i f 7 7 " 1 V —V- -k— & 1 L_L_^_ L rose, But no thorn in the crown. ^ :«Eg Com - rades gen - tie and true, ^mmm^mm Ban - quets splendid and rare Days all, happy and 66 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. dtS± I=i p=^ &$=$&&& ^ bright, Nights all free from dull care, N-J-^-i- g= i-i . I I ± c ^S^ B#— 0— 0- fFf-r-e z ^H- 3 }- :: + m h!=!t=b-L_^ Thi6 is the tale hope told, When life was young, not old. No, 69. j. : MODERATO. Con expression c. a^^EJEEfe *—»^-» My heart is sad and hea- vy, The -^ #- jpL y f ^4 3 * .»- long and lone - ly hours De - part - ing pluck no ~ ww ^^ =F=tt * — * thorn a - way, Re - turn-ing bring no flow - erg. The -ft— 0- 0-^-0^0 P—0- SEEE^EE -*-*= clouds are frowning 'round me,The light is fainter growing,And -f=WZ ^- - P—+-H- =fet Z±±* friendship's voice I hear it now, Not caring or not knowing. SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 67 No 70. J. M. L. Con espressione. • S Ajcdante. ^m I too have stood a - mong the • P ^ J r— hj 4 — J — h 1 j S *' 4 \=*P=*—A — 4 -f| band, "Who fear dis - hon - or more than 1 S — h r~ * — N IS =£5: w — *~ -*—* -F=V- death ; I too the hill of fame have scanned, And worn the -i W-&d «- tq=fe=rfc: 3=!t£ shin - ing lau -rel wreath ; But hear ye all who "" ' " — # — — F — 1 1 — — • ^ ^ nm m i . 1 m m H V [/ j -|j [ -v- —+- V -V— lr —/— on - ly live, Or 6eem to live, while men ap - # •- ^^ - plaud, Not all the hon -ors earth can give, Are ±z * worth a mo - ment passed with God. 68 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. No. 71. J. M. L. Con spirito. MODERATO. PbE^ M^ pJ^ ^ E - nough of this world and its N th-f-JH- * ^b= -*-*— Tt ^^^ — * — * — * — #- splendors, I have toiled in its ser - vice too long ; E - =£ E gES nough of un - blush-ing of - fen - ders, I will $ llpf^^^ break from the pro-fli-gate throng. I once had the soul of an tv — N =ft ^T^ An - gel, I was fre - er and hap -pi - er then, I ff . . . S k /tn ft I J H * i T~f vow on the Ho - ly E - van - gel, To be £=*= » ^ free, to be hap - py a - gain. SOXGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 69 NO. 72. J. M. L. #— * -fc-g Al - mighty Fa - ther of my soul, In ^ZZ^I -- *— *— C-U §#^-# — ^- a. i i g±fe _u _ U— ^ - ^=^- eor - row and in 6hame I kneel to thee, but scarcely '1 IC 1 l\ I* " M K N. 8 r m J n ■ P J J 1> # # • # J J - £,' # \j # # dare In-voke thy ho-ly name. I am not worthy zzet i . C f =*=£ 1 to be called, O Lord, a child of thine, For -* m — 0. — 9-1 — 9. — m *- — m m L -*» — s 3=* M ~3 thou art pur-i - ty it-self, And naught but sin is mine. No. 73. J. M. L. MODFRATO. Con fuoco. pPFJ+l-k& EEfZ *3 0, how shall we praise thee, Ce - K f » p . m 't t- # I _ j I~T * » ci - li - a ? How num-ber what glo - ries are thine ; To 70 SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. -fr—- 1— J33 ^ m crown tiiee twin em- blems of vie - to - ry, The — ?— —J — — «^ — =^r\ . p. -?- =^H= palm and the li - ly com - bine. o, SE La - dy, all queen-ly and beau - ti - ful, Our jEE£= }<=?=^Er-r-^ souls are in love with thy worth, Look & ses down from thy glo - ry in Pa - ra - dise, And ^~ u~g pgg zsfc smile on thy chil - dren of earth. No. 74. J. M. L« Harzialk I "E =t •#-.- First off '-ring of A - me - ri - ca On SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 11 I I 3fc^: ho - ly Moth-er's shrine, A hid - den home, a =b -# — 0- name unknown, Are now no long- er thine. The -*--^=*= S— • *- light of faith from pole to pole, From sea to sea hath -t— *- ■—d- ■v- spread, And all who love it learn to love The =F=F peer - less Li - man maid. ^ CHORUS. AXDAKTINO. ±?tz £ S List to our an - ti - phon, Grant its re ■ Liittle slower. p^py j\ +±—0—$*- =t— ^ — F^B 1 ■ ^^ quest ; Pray for thy nat - ive land, Pray for its 72 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. A tempo. 1 -#— 0- d T a f^h ± =F=* fcatzz rest; 1 r Pray it may ev - er be Hap - py and ^r^FM^bt-^-^ blest, Rail. Rose of A - me - ri ca, ^EE Pride of the West. No, 75. Allegbetto m ftn dt=& There once did live a lit - tie girl At £3E r-*-r » Li - ma in Pe - ru, The fair - est lit - tie 3=#; 4— J-J girl was she, Her neighbors ev - er knew ; " O, ^ i=t see her ro-sy cheek, they said, How pret-ti - ly it SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 73 /TV J -g^— t- ^=#= z — =3t glows," And tho' her name was I - sa - bel, They s al - ways called her Rose. No. 76. MODERATO -u Con dolcezza. J. M. L. i^ - Know ye that an - gels si - lent - ly A i n -i i #-n r? * i p * « 1 i r 1 ! - & i ' \ # I 1 I glide From their blest mansions down to your sioe ; PP , -* *—+ Know ye that an - gels si - lent - ly glide From their blest man - sions down to your side ; f ^=^ & Know ye their bright eyes watch night and day, 74 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 4 ' — t —i — --+• x ' I Lest e - \i\ spir - its make you their prey ; Cres, 1 , I r-rA 1 ff<-& 3=f -&- Know you their bright eyes watch night and day, =t B -a— y- Lest e - vil spirits make you their prey. CHORUS. 1 i # — | In p 1 i m Q* /Q >• r # # i 1 [' v 1 — | 1 1 — i LJ L u- __J — Beau- ti - ful an - gels Keep watch and ward, _Il _\ __ fe? O - ver all chil - dren, Dear to the Lord ; -» <5- T X ?=*- By your sweet pre - sence Ren - der us still, &± s Stead-fast in good- nesa, Proof a - gainst ill. SOMJS FOE CATnOLIC SCHOOLS. IS- No. 77. # Reiigioso fc*q + MF' -/l-#- ^IS In a dream I saw the Sea-sons, Coming *=* from the Stars a - bove, And be - fore the new-born dolce. ±»z +E3E :z. Sa - viour, Pay-ing vows of faith and love, Spring ar ± ^^=t=M^ -h-# — ^ ^ - rayed in roseate - man - tie, Like her flow-ers fresh and I T . H .» ^^t-, — — ?■ S ^E: -#--—#- 1 (" sweet, Laid her a-ma-ranths and li -lies, At the heaven-ly In - fant's feet. No. 78. Allegretto PH v 3S Gold - en days and ail - ver night* 56 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 5 d-S J 1 ?SE -#-P =r*-#- :** x?^ Fill the soul with pure de-lights, We are hap -py, — p — * — © — i » » e r * — i — f* * » ^ - =±=:| r ■ 1 1 U 1 !-;>■■ U - E=: let MB - sing, To the moth-er, of our King. CHORUS. J ifeii p it -i — i— i Vir - gin hear our fond ap - peal, At thy shrine we hum-bly kneel, Hear us praise thee ev*-ry day, In a ^ *±5 the lovely month of May. No. 79. Andante. i «i ?fc T *^=5 ^i Where the ho - ly Al - tar stands, 32- * Un - seen An - gels come in bands, Bear - ing SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 77 m cen - sers in their hands, Watch and 0— * ! | P I o , I ! a ! i ward they night - ly keep, While the 1 dew - y heav - ens weep, 4- S= While for r€h —&- - get - ful mor - tals sleep, No, 80. A.VDUTTK. fSfeg J. M. L. I bow be - fore thee, un - seen j ■ I ==_ i q , ]i a — i n: De - i - ty,. That in these forms hast *— *- tru - ly hid den thee ; . . . , My 78 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. *E ± heart is whol - ly sub - ject to thy ± ±=± #= sway, For thy love di - as I zzr ^f melts a way. No. 81. Con fervore. J. M. L. Lento. V M^m^m The vows which I have spo - ken, Were &M -*-*- spo - ken, Lord, to thee ; The vows which I have =r^ f . ^ r 7 h - bro - ken, Were told on bend-ed knee. Cres. 'Twas 3E not to earth - ly chief or king, That 80KGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 79 fr ^rr -r^f- «s=* * *=JM -V—4- feal - ty was sworn by me, The vows which I . . . have EE *E bro - ken, "Were made, Lord* to thee, O PP 4=^ 121 Lord, O Lord, No. 82. were made to thee. j. M. L. Adagio. tt £E ii=*il Forth a stern de - cree hath is - sued, ;?3t *=*=*=: It is sanctioned from on high, Ev' - ry child that's -I U =£ X tl 3=m & born of A - dam, He shall one day sure - ly die ; &=Pr £^& S *y ^r^ct ifct; Gil - ded dome and na - ked raf - ter, Both shall ech - o 80 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. *s PP m^ -V € i=*=?r=J to the call, The Here-af - ter, The Here-af - ter, E=± X -5-f We are hast' - ning to it all. No. 83. SOLO. Con dolcezza. J. M. L. Andante. £k=?z m # -g-?- Let a pi - ouspray'rbe said fWW^^ t For the spir - its of the dead, That their suf-fer- z tt-rrrT ^B -& r« "^H?" d— j p- l o g ings may cease, That they soon may rest in peace. CHORUS. 3=3E? : «=^ « *-t-^ — * ' I o *-t Hear us, Fa-ther, while we pray For our friends now paw'd a - way, Show them mer - cy> SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 81 m ¥ I f-*^. -J^E: - grant them rest, In the Ci - ty of the Blest, 3 m 3 -<9 0- -# — #- -d — + ■0—0- & 0- •g.-hs> Mi - se - re - re, Mi - se - re-re, Mi - se - re - re ! No. 84. J. m. l. Con f or za. MODERATO. JUL ■V 23S zt. -#-— Con grazia. Christ is ri - sen from the dead, ^=^ *-r-r- Ri - sen, as he tru-ly said, Praise the Lord with l< ^=*-i — ^ — I — J— 4 — F #— * • , N^ • I \ W * ^ , -v- 1 -1h- grate-ful voice, Bless his name, rejoice, re-joice, CHORUS. Allegretto. r — r * — n 1 w ~ 1— i — I 1 r ! 1 J i . ! i ^ J * # !* r \ & 1 * 1 r * 1 ' 1 — ^-J U 0— 1 -U__ — #— Bless his name, re- joice,re - joice. Re - sur - rex- it » rff — \— s^i — r^ — : — * — __J — — ^j — p- «! ^— # Li p 1 ai - cut dix - it al - le - lu - ja, 82 SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. -F— #- ^ — fed i al - le lu - ja, Re - -*-• . f-#— s 1 f=h — \ ■f — i — F — F a — \-A ^=w sur - rex - it S -*=F si - cut dix-it al No. 85. Andantwo. le lu - ja. J. M. L. ■i EE? ^m Zea - lous for the hon - or r— — f^ f rf — f— T — ft ■ J \J j •f *f , r d \ * 1 vll :> ' L> ' 4 9 Of the Lord a - bove, May I serve the HMf- do - nor For his gifts of love ; -#- r L -#^F- ^=2=2: Give not earthly pleasure, Eich- es or re ■ ■ »■*, » BE± = F = ?-?- Give me for my treasure, SONGS FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. 83 M * P » I f _ I ' » j Lord, thy - self a - lone, Give me for my & treas-ure, Lord, thy - self & - lone, -*-ti 4— P fc^p: # * ~7 — r • * t # 3tzb 7H 7" Lord, Lord, Lord thyself a - lone. No. 86. J. M. L. Adagio. &N H 5F I passed a rose at ear- ly morn, 'T was — Vr — #— — 0— — ^T 1 *— — *- — !■*• — ^jJ 7 -y- L ->- -\r- r- _ blooming fresh and fair, When ev'ning came, a =N=*I — >r na - ked thorn Was all that met me there, And 1- * *» K — P~#- -#-# — ^ — u — N — r- # =h " *j \ • ' *#,■' u =*-i= — ^ — *• then my spir - it spoke to me, And thus to me did 84 SONGS FOE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. ^ SE ^^ zfcrsfc 5t say, There is a les - son here for thee,Thus =3-9-9- life doth pass a - way. No. 87. P. Paolicchi. Allegro Moderato. 1 - t f m * There's wor-ship where the 3^ 3 -- rr^-r' m ro - ses bloom, Where vi - o - lets are found, A -r-r-r m 5=£5 9 mong- the flow'rs that bow at morn, With T^± #--- — f -JNS, Enlarge.!. : i pages, 18mo J' SECOND A '* * ] alf-bound, ;c: i-iges, ISmo j! THIRD ' " fall she ^ 3; p.,;es, 12mo ! DUTY OF A CHRISTIAN »OA' ^DS OOD, 1 ' oound, &0 pages, idr u NUGENT. TICNARY OF TH1 F .EIMCK *>ID ENG- LISH LANGUAGES, sheep. 2ARPENTER3 SCHCLARG uPELLINf ASSIS^A >iT> »nlf- bound. WALKINGAMt'S ARITHMETIC, or TUTOR'S AS~!f iANT MURRAY'S ABRIDGMENT Or TH'l ENGLISH GRAMMAR. FRENCH COMP/NION, ^ FAJv.iLIAR CONVERSATION? ON EVERY TOPIC. WALkL ^ PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY, ^00 pages LESSON TABLETS, No. 1. 2. 3. 4. MURRAY'S INTRODUCTION TO THE EMC LISH READER, New Edition. BUTLER'S LARGER C AT EC HIS N/f, Revised by Most Itev. Fjuwcis Patrick Kkxrick, D. D. Archbishop of Baltimore. ABRIDGEMENT OF THE CHRISTIAN DOC- TRINE, tor the use of the Dioceue of Boston. r— ': - — ■ * * «-