Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/bernadouallenjou00houg_0 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. THE BE RNADOU , ALLEN AND JOUY COREAN COL- LECTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BY WALTER HOUGH, Department of Ethnology, U. S. National Museum, From the Report of the U. S. National Museum, 1891. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT I RINTING OFFICE. 1893. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. THE BERNADOU, ALLEN AND JOUY COREAN COL- LECTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. WALTER HOUGH, Department 0/ Ethnology, U. S, National Museum, From the Rept .. t .■ W.\SHINGTON; governmknt printing office, 1893. THE BERNADOU, ALLEN, AND JOUY KOREAN COLLECTIONS, IN THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. By Walter IIotgh. Korea is a ])eniusula, with an area of about 90,000 square miles, the east coast being formed by the prolougatiou of the coast of Asia oppo- site Japan, and the west coast separated from China by the Yellow Sea. On the north it is separated from Manchuria by the Yalu and Tiimen rivers. The country is mountainous and not very fertile. The climate is mild in the southern provinces, and severe on the Manchurian border. The fauna and flora are temperate and resemble those of Japan. The coast has few good harbors, and is extremely dangerous for navi- gation on account of shallow water. Politically, the kingdom is divided into eight provinces, each ruled over by a governor appointed by the King, from the ruling class, and responsible for the administration of attairs.* There are also four independent provinces, to which governors are appointed. There are about four hundred subgovernors, or magistrates, of distri(;ts, also appointed from Seoul. It is estimated by Soh, a native Korean, that tliere are eighty thousand (fovernment ofticers in Korea. The population is variously estimated at from 1 1,000,000 to 28,000,000; the former tigure is probably nearer the truth. The people, in language and ai)])earance, resemble the Jai)auese, and form what is known as the Koreo-Japaiiese stock, whose origin is Man- churia, which country has been aptly termed the “swarming place of nations.’ Tliree tyi>es liave b<;en observed in Korea, the first characterized by short stature, yellow skin, and other resemblances to the Chinese. These live in the Yellow Sea provinces (Kwang-hai) nearest to China. Tlie second type is also of short stature, swarthy skin, sparse beard, and resembles the Japanese. The third type, wliich is in great majority and may be taken as tyi)ically Korean, is of large stature, light skin showing ruddy color in the cheeks, and has a tendency to high cheek * t or ill! oxcellentskctcli ot the laws and (‘iistinis of Korea, sec an article hy Mr. W. W. Kockhill, in the American Authropolo^ist, Vol. iv, 18‘Jl, pp. 177-187. 12‘J 430 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. boues, long face ami heavy sfiuare jaw, black hair, .sometinic.s wavy, and full beard. This type is found in the north province Ham-Kinug- do, and in the extreme soutli, in Kiiuig-s. n do.* “Among the gentry it is by no means uncommon to meet almost an English face, with round cheeks, small, miuiline nose, well-cut mouth and chin. Even a bright blue eye is not unknown, and the hair is by no means invariably pure blaek.”t Korean cities are surrounded with heavy battlemented walls of squared masonry studded with portholes, but without cannon, and hav- ing gateways of woodwork and tile. In every respect the fortifications resemble those of Chinese cities. (I’l. ii.) There are many strongly fortified hill towns for refuge of the people during invasions. Villages are often fortified. Outside of the villages are the pastiu’es and farms. (PI. III.) The houses are low, of one story, thatched with straw or with tiled roofs. They are of stone, and in point of stability excel those of the Japanese, who necessarily build with regard to earthquakes. Hewn masonry is common, but the walls are usually laid up of unhewn stone, tied with millet stalks before the spaces are filled with mud. The windows are few in number, square, covered with paper, and run in grooves; outside they are protected by heavy shutters. The roof is very lieaA’y, with low iiitch, but does not turn up at the eaves like the Chinese roof. The massive beams which support the roof lose one- third of their value by being ])ared away at the ends to fit into sock- ets cut in the top of wooden pillars. The brick and stone work between the pillars do not give much suiiport to the roof.t A small city-house would be built in the .shape of an L on two sides of a courtyard. A heavy wall separates each house from its neighbor. The entrance from the street is into a lobby, on either side of which is the kitchen and store room. The sleeping and living rooms open into a wide hall or onto a piazza which runs along the side next the yard. Larger houses are more complicated, but they preserve the hall and piazza feature. Often a i)ortion of the house is made of wood and used only in summer. Houses are heated by the kang, which consists of wedge-shaped flues under the stone floor, leading into a chimney. Farmers’ huts are j)oor structures of stone, with the straw roof held down by a lacing of ropes and with the inevitable gourd vine climbing over it. (PI. iv.) There are three classes of people in Korea: (1) nobles; (2) middle class, consisting of doctors, painters, interpreters, scribes, and lower officials; (3) lower class, consisting of those who do manual labor. In the lowest rank of the last-mentioned class are butchers and tanners. The bulk of the population are farmers (PI. v), who raise little more *Ldoii de Ro.sny : Les Coreeus. Aper^u ethiiograpliique et bistori(iue, Paris, 1886, 1 vol., p. 90. t W. R. Carles : Recent Journey. s in Korea, Proe. Roy. Ueog. Soe., May, 1886, p. 89. t Carles, loc. cit. V - EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. Seoul, the Capital of Korea. View of the city wall and North Mountain, from the street upon which the United States legation is situated. “The walls of Seoul, like tho.se of Chinese cities, are of stone, battlemented, with heavy gateways of wood work and tile ; the walls are studded with portholes, but there are no cannon.” \V. R. Carles: Recent Journeys in Korea; Proc. Roy. Geog. Soc., May, 1886. (From a photograph by P. L. Jouy in the IT. S. National Museum.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate II View of Seoul, the Capital of Korea. EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. Korean Village near Fusan. This village is made up of small houses with thatch and tile roofs. It is surrounded by walls. Back of the village are farms. The lower picture shows the beach and the rude fishing boats. (From a pliotograph by P. L. Jouy in the TJ . S. National Museum.) Report of National Museum, 1891.— Hough. Plate III. Two Views of a Korean Village near Fusan. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV Korean Farmers’ Houses. The houses are rather strongly huilt of stones set in mud; the roof is of thatch held down by a lacing of ropes over which a gourd vine usually clamhers. The interior arrangement is simple, and there is always a square window. (From a photograph by P. L. Jouy in the U. S. National Museum.) Report of National Museum, 1891, — Hough. Plate IV, Korean Farmers’ Houses. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Old Korean Farmer. In this plate is shown thecostnme, and the method of dressing the hair. Tlie fnll beard is characteristic of the pare Korean. He is smoking the inv'ariably long pil)e and leans on a staff. (From a photograi>li by !’• L. Jouy in the U. S. National Museum.) Report of National Museum, 1891 Hough. Plate V Old Korean Farmer KOREAN COLJ.ECTION.S IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM 431 than is miuiied for lioine coiisiiiniRion and the paymout of the hij>ii taxes. Caste is very stronj*' in Korea. Tlie oecupations of the people are somewhat limited. The [tedlars form a mimerous and intluential guild, and many children are engaged in this business. (PI. vi.) Mechanics, artisans, and tinkers, each with his peculiar outlit, are numerous in Korea, as in China. (PI. vii.) The yearly civil sei vice examinations bring together great nnmbcrs of .students (PI. viii) to the capital city. The examinations are con- ducted like those of China, and the siujcessful competitors are sure of official promotion. “Korean women have neither legal nor .social .standing.”* Except servants (PI. ix), who go about bai eheaded, the faces of the women in Korea are invisible. Women of the middle class when walk- ing throw the coat, Avith sleeves, over the head, concealing the face. (See female costume, p. 450.) In the palace there are numerous serving women who also embroider and sew; their costume and coitfure are shown in PI. x. A Korean lady is shown in PI. xr. It is highly probable that a closer acquaint- ance with Korean laws and customs vill show that women, seemingly hampered by oriental ideas, are really of greater importance as a “ power behind the throne ” than has been suspected. “Among other inheritances from China Confucianism has effectively l»ermeated Korea. Buddhism .seems not to have gained much of a foothold in Korea and is almost entirely under ban at pre.sent. It has often been observed that Koreans have little religious sentiment. Buddhism in Koreans, curiously enough to my mind, much less like the form of that religion obtaining in China, at lea.st in the church cere- monies, if not its dogmas, than is even the Japane.se. It pi’esents many curious analogies with the Thibetan form of Buddhism, and m the style of chui-ch architecture, painting, etc., it has certainly been in- tluenc.ed by it. Several of the feasts ar<^ probably of Buddhist origin; others are Chine.se or Japanese; but in most of them a certain indig- enous element is perceptible which makes them woi thy of our notice. The ])rominence given to exorci.smsin Korea is characteri.stic of Lama- ism, but in no wise of Chine.se Buddhism, and may have been intro- duced with the Buddhist religion, although I am inclined to believe that it is coeval with the earliest existence of this peoph^.”t Mr. Carles, in his e.xcellent account of his travel in Korea, says: “Of sui>erstitious observances there an* many, mostly the outgrowth of Taoism. Shrines to the spirit of the mountains, with cairns to which stones are added by passers by, stand at the toj) of almost every ridge crossed by mountain ]>aths; trees and bushes often have their branches laden with cotton streamers; stones oi' fo.s.sils of unu.sual shape are * P. Lowell: C'lio.son, ]>. 151. In elia])tcr xv oftliis work apix'ars a (•om|)l<‘t(‘ .state- ment of woman’H )>osition in the .social economy of Korea. t W. W. Kockliill : Law.s and Un.stom.s of Korea, Am. Anthrop. Aiiril, ISitl. 432 KEP(J1{T OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. j l)laced in the .shrines, ami where hollows liave been worn l)ythe weather in .sloping I'oeks by tlie roadside, every little cavity is frequently oeeu ■ pied by a stone placed there by suj»pliantsfor a fair journey; grotesciuely i carved hgiires called syou-sal-inaki are erected at the entrance of vil- | lages to ward off the evil spirits. Taoi.st i)iiest.s offer prayers to the | mountain spirits for travelers. Evidences of some other religion exists ^ in the whicli are half length human figures (mii iok) carved in stone. The ! largest are in IJni-jin, near the Keum Itiver in Cholla do. Lieut. <1. (J. Foidk, U. S. Navy, photograi)hed the body and head of a figure (i2 feet high, the- ca]) differing from the Buddhist figures. The } caj) is a column 10 feet high supporting a .slab of the same height; a ' similar column and slab is ])laced above the latter; bells hang from the \ corners of the slabs. There are two mirioks between Ko-yang and 1 Pha-ju 25 feet high. One has a round hat and the other a square one, showing, according to Mr. ^Vston, that the former is to repre.sent heaven, or the male element of Chinese philosophy; the latter, earth, or the female element.* Perhaps the fir.st ethnological collection ever brought to the West from Korea was a wisely cho.sen .series of art products, to illustrate .social and industrial life in Korea, sent to the U. S. National Museum by Eu.sign J. B. Bernadou, P. 8. Navy, in 1ric<>ts, quinces, mulberries, persimmons, oranges, lemons, ]»omegranates, grai)es, and dates. The princij)al nuts are chestnuts, walnuts, and the water nut called in China liu(f {Trajta hicontis). Flowers are little cultivated, the Koreans not being proficient in oruamental and recreative horticulture. There ar<^ laws compelling the i)lanting and inotection of tre»“s, such as lac(pier, mulberry, and pine trees. The country has been almost de- forested. The domestic animals are the horse, cattle, swine, ])oultry, dogs, and rabbits. Sheep and goats are not found in Korea. The wild animals are the tiger, leopard, deer, bear, fox, wild boar, aud a number of animals hunted for tin* fur, such as the seal and rat- like animals.* * See (iriliis : Korea, i>. 2115. SM Ul, PT 2 28 133 434 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. MARINE AND FISHERIES. FRESH-WATER FISHING. Cant hook (Sanj^-sun-que-min-soe). Wrouglit-iron liook pivoted to an npiiglit iron fa.steniug into a socket in the end of a pole. The lower end of the hook is formed into a ring, to which a cord was j attached. Superior iron work. I>ciigtli, iiiclu's. St'oiil, Korea. 151602 Uolleetetl by P. L. .louy. l'se said to never have lieen l esnmed at that city. “ The ])ottery in common use in Korea at the present time consists of three kinds; the tinestof white, pale bud", or bluish porcelain, some times decorated in blue and with a high glaze, is used for the table and consists of dishes, bowls, and bottles, also wash basins; the second | (piality is a iiale-yellow ware, glazed, mostly made into bowls, un- I decorated and used by the poorer classes, * * * TPe third style of pottery is of the commonest kind, made of dark brown or reddish earth, ' is glazed inside and out, and has little or no decoration except a wavy j line produced by wiping oif the glaze, leaving the lighter under surface ' to show through,”* Color decoration on Korean pottery was revived about ten years ago. t I Mainly the heavier forms survive; the source of these wares are the I tondis, in which it was customary from time immemorial to place pot- tery for the use of the ancestral spirits. While the better class of ware j was not generally buried, it is probable that the tombs of the kings, which date back over three thousand years (Soh), and are well known in Korea, contain materials for the history of art in the peninsula, and ^ may prove that porcelain was invented by Korean potters. *]'. 1^. .Jolly: Korean Mortuary Pottery. Smith-son. Kejit. 11, 1888, p. 591, t P. Lowell: CboBon, p. 171. Tj>^. l-^- > "(S' tJ? ' S"' ~ "’fiV* 'Sri^/ta i ’>' »’^r l ' ,,jT^ g^- r^- '' ■''•**< ■ , '^' ^ -1 • . * ^ n •t : ». 5T % ff! ii .V r?.x ► • ‘ !r EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Korean Women of Lower Class. A servant and nurse; probably the wife of a farm laborer. The type of face is Tungusie, with high cheek bones and a slight tendency to an oblique setting of the eyelids. Color, dark ; stature, medium. The cos- tume is the ancient one prescribed for Korean mothers. (See female cos- tume, p. 431.) (From a photograph by P. L. Jouy in the U. S. National Maseam.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate IX, Korean Servants, EXPLANATION OF PLATE X. Korean Serving Woman in the Palace. In summer costume. The hair is dressed in the fashion peculiar to court ladies. The coat is always white and the skirt blue. Only the royal family wear red garments in the palace. (From a photograph by P. L. Jouy in the U. S. National Museum.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate X. Korean Serving Woman in the Palace. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XI. Korean Lady. Tlie costume is that of a married woman, and consists of a blue silk skirt and jacket. The cap is ornamented with a perforated jade-disk overlaid with a network of gold rings, and having a tassel of silk. The necklace is made of heads molded of sweet-smelling spices and gums, somewhat after the style of the rose-leaf beads worn by Turkish ladies. The gloves are a recent addition to the native Korean dress. (From a photograph iu the U. S. National Musernn.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XI. Korean Lady. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM 435 Finer siiecimeiis of Korean pottery are to be found in Japanese muse- ums and in various eollections. Japanese wares seem to owe their exeellence to Korean potters.* The glazed wares of the Song-do potteries, to be described, are seem- ingly x>rotoi)oreelain, judging from the paste, which is evidently kao- linic. This variety of heavy (jeladou, or ohve-colored ware, has been dug u[) from graves in Kiuug-ju or Kiou-chiii, the ca])ital city of the ancient Kingdom of Silla, which existeJl through one thoiisaud years l)re\ious to 1000 A. 1). Korean pe-chuii (sky color) ware was much esteemed by the Chinese, and there is a Chinese poem dating from tlie latter part of the Sung, or beginning of the Ming dynasty, setting forth the impossibility of imi- tating the pc-c/<«H of Korean pottery. The x)oem begins, ^‘■KaoU pe-chun- ju,'” “ Korean sky-color i)orcelain ; ” ja being the Chinese yao or porce- lain. (Soil.) The mortuary pottery collection of Mr, P. L. Jouy was found in ancient graves, containing also objects of copper, bronze, and stone. The pottery is of an early ty^ie of uuglazed and slightly glazed {veniis) earthenware, of archaic shape. Some of the objects were modeled by hand,i)atted into shape by an instrument, thrown on a wheel; or, a com- bination of these methods was used.! The Korean iiotter’s Avheel consists of a circular table from 2 to J feet in diameter and 4 to d inches thick, made of heavy wood so as to aid in giving impetus to it when revolving. In general aiipearance it is not very unlike a modeler's table. This arrangement is sunken into a de- liression in the ground, and revolveseasilybymeansof small wheels work- ing on a track underneath, the table being jiivoted in the center. The wheel is operated directly by the foot, without the aid of a treadle of any kind. Tlie potter sits squatting in front of the wheel, bis bench or seat on a level with it, the sjiace being left between his seat and the wlieel to facilitate his movements. Witli his left foot uuderneath him he extends his right foot and strikes the side of the wheel with the bai’e sole of the foot, causing it to revolve.t Stoneware dish (Koriu-ji-jub-si). Dark gray paste containing air- holes. Slij), dull greenish gray. Shaped like a shallow saucer with a low foot; it maybe a rude cup stand. Sliji corroded by long Imrial. PI. xii. Fig. 1, uiqier line (commencing at tlie left). * W. E. (iritiis : The Korean origin of .Japanese art, Srribner's Monthly, Dee., 1S82. tl’. L. Jony, Ivorean Mortuary Pottery. Smithson. Kept, ii, 1888, j). 591. ‘‘Mr. P. L. .lony, U. S. National Museum, eoutributed a eollection from the prehistoric graves in Korea, in which are included stone daggers, arrow and spear heads, knives, chipped and i)olished hatchets, jtolished jade, megatama or curved jewels, amber heads, and a jmlished stone ornament. • » * • They are a valuable contribution to prehistoric archaiology.” (Plate VI.) Heport on the department of prehistoric anthropology in the U. S. National Museum, 1889. He]>ort of the National Museum, 1888, i>. 330. ;P. L. Jouy. The Korean Potter’s wheel. Seieuee, Sept. 21, 1888, p. 144. 436 RKPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891, Stoneware dish — Continued. Hcifjht, 11 inches; diameter, 4^ inches. Siing-do, Korea. 121615 Collected hy Ensijiii .1. R. Bernadoii, U. S. Navy. From the ancient i)otteries at Song-do. Wine bottle (Ivoriu-gi-binng). Heavy ve.ssel with neck. Ha-sa light yellowisli granular j)aste, not very liard; covered with an opales- cent .slip showing yellow sp'ots suid dark brown jtits. PI. xii, Fig. 2, upper line (commencing at the left). Height, 10 inelies; diameter, 61 inches; height of neck, .3^ inches. Seoul, Korea. 121614 Collected hy Ensign .1, B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This specimen, though prohahly four hundred years old, does not differ greatly in shape from the pottery now made. Dug up in Seoul. Wine bottle (Sul-biung). Heavy terra-cotta ware, covered with vit- reous crackled enamel of a beautiful greenish-gray tint (celadon or olive color). Jug-.shai)ed body; neck, a long tube with bulbous ex- pansion midwaj'. Short spout near the top of the body. Capacity, about 2 (piarts. PI. xii, Fig. 4, up])(‘r line (commencing at the left). Height, 121 inches; neck, 61 inches; diameter of body; 4f inches; of base. 3 inches. Seoul, Korea. 121612 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This bottle is an obsolete form of about the twelfth century. Fine old spec- imens like this are valued equally with real porcelain. Pottery of this class is also interestimr as hinting at the origin of Satsuma ware. Wine cup and stand (Koriu-.sul-tjan and tjan-tai). Ancient piece of earthenware, rudely glazed. Stand, a shallow dish with rest in center in which sets the cnj). Cup represents the lotus flower; lower portion of cu]) ])rolonged to fit in cup stand. Glaze corroded by age. PI. xii, Fig. 1, lower litie (commencing at the left). Height of stand, If iuch«‘s: diameter, 5f inches. Height of cup, 2| inches; diameter, 34 inches. 86ng-do, Korea. 121616 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. 8. Navy. This is mortuary ])ottery from a tomb near the ancient capital of Korea. From the shape and design it is believed by Koreans to be not less than si.v hundred years tdd. Conception and general outline good. Probably used in ancestor worship. Boavl (Koriu-gi). Paste, coarse, opaque; under the micro.scojte it shows white, porcelanous strings, surrounding granular, yellowish masses; there are occasional brown patches. Glaze, thin yellow- ish green, patchy, vitreous, and crackled. Color of ware, olive. Xo evidences of use, as this bowl was dug from a tomb. PI. xii. Fig. 2, lower line (commencing at the left). Height, 2f inches; diameter, 5J inches. Seoul, Korea. 130866 Collected by Dr. H. X. Allen. This bowl is of medium quality, and has the shape of common ware. It is about six hundred years old. Modern Korean potters can not imitate the color. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XII. Pottery of the Korean Period; about 915 to 1400 A. D. (Upper Hue, commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Stonkwake Dish. Dark grayjiaste; greenish gray .slip; corroded by long burial. Height, 1^ inches ; diameter, 4f inches. (Cat. No. 121615, U. S. N. M. Song-do, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Fig. 2. Wink Bottle. Heavy, yellowish, granular paste; not very hard; opales- cent slip, showing yellow sjiots and dark brown pits. Height, 10 inches; tliameter, 6^ inches ; length of neck, 31 inches. (Cat. No. 121614, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Fig. 3. Wine Bottle. Heavy terra-cotta ware, covered with a vitreous, crackled enamel of a greenish gray tint. Height, 121 inches; diameter of body, 4J inches; diameter of base, 3 inches; length of neck, 61 inches. (Cat. No. 121612, F. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, V. S. N.) (Lower line, commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Wine Cui* anu St.\nd. Earthenware; rudely glazed. Glaze corroded by age and burial in the earth. Height of stanil. If inches; diameter, 5f inches. Height of cup, 21 inches; diameter, 31 inches. (Cat. No. 121616, U. S. N. M. Siing-do, Korea. Collected by Ensign .J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Fig. 2. Bowl. Paste coarse; opaque; under the microscope shows white, porcela- neous strings surrounding granular yellowish masses with occasional brown ])atches. Glaze thin, yellowish green, patchy, vitreous and crackled. Color, olive. Height, 2f inches; diameter, of inches. (Cat. No. 130866, IT. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen.) Fig. 3. Bowl. Opaque, gray, hard, porcelaueous paste, covered with a greenish transparent glaze; well crackled. Heavy ware. Height, 2f inches; diameter, 51 inches. (Cat. No. 121618, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Col- lected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Fig. 4. Saucek. Ancient celadon of opaque, porcelaueous, light gray, hard paste. Glaze thick vitreous green, crackled; the resulting combination giving a beautiful gray -green color resembling some varieties of jades. Height, Ij^B inches; diameter, 5| inches. (Cat. No. 130885, U. S. N. M. Soug-do, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen.) Fig. 5. Bowl. Light gray, opaque, hard jiaste covered with thick crackled, vitreous glaze, the color of green jade. Glaze vesicular; faint leaf tracing under glaze. Like 130885 in aj)pearance. Height, 2f inches; diameter, 6f inches. (Cat. No. 130884, U. S. N. M. Song-do, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. ) Fig. 6. Bowl. Fine, white, hard-paste porcelain, elegant shape, light and delicate. Glaze slightly greenish. Wave or cloud omameutatiou worked in the paste under glaze. Extremely rare. Height, 2,*,j inches; diameter, inches. (Cat. No. 121619, U. S. N. M. Siing-do, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XII Korean Pottery of the Koriu Period. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MI SEUM. 437 Bowl (Koriu-gi-bo si). Opaque, gray, hard, porcelaueous paste covered with a greenisb transparent glaze ; well crackled. Thrown on a wheel; heavy ware. PI. xii. Fig. 3, lower line (commencing at the left). Height, inches; dianteter, 5J inches. .Seoul, Korea. 121018 Collected by Ensign .1. 11. Bcrnadon, II. S. Navy. Of the Korin i)eriod. Saucer (Korin jnb-si). Ancient celadon of o]>aqne, porcelaneons, light gray, hard-paste, covered with a thick, vitreous, green crackled glaze, the resulting combination giving a beautiful gray-green color, resembling some varietits of jade. PI. xii. Fig. 4, lower line (commencing at the left). Height, 1-)% inches; diameter, 5§ inches. Song-do, Korea. 13088r> Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. This kind of Avare is often found at Song-do, the ancient capital of Korin in the former dynasty, and this specimen is about seven hundred years old, possibly older. The shape, paste, and color indicate the Avare of the .Sdug-do potteries. Given by the King of Korea to Dr. Allen. Bowl (Korin- gi). Light gray, opaque, hard paste; glaze, thick, crack- led, and vitreous, the color of green jade. This glaze is quite ve- .sicnlar, having on that account a grainy appearance, a slightly pit- ted surface, and dull luster. A faint leaf tracery aiipears under the glaze. Throun on a Avheel. Of the simple shape still common in Korea. PI. xii. Fig. .5, lower line (commencing at the left). Height, 2^ inches; diameter, 6^ inches. S6ng-do, Korea. 130884 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Made in the latter period of the Korin dynasty, about six hundred years ago. This Avare is regarded as of A’ery fine quality; to its lieaA'iness is due its preser- A'ation. Boavl (Koriu-gi). Fine, white, hard-paste ])orcelain, elegant shajie, light and delicate. Glaze, slightly greenisb in tint, likely due to iron; the slight crackle is not uniform and is evidently not inten tional. Wave or cloud ornamentation on the inside formed by scraping aAvay the paste, the indentations filling with a tliicker layer of glaze and showing deejier tint; corroded patches on outside of the bowl, due to long burial. PI. xii, fig. 0, lower line (commenc- ing at the left). Height, 2 ^^ inches; diameter, indies. .Sdug-do, Korea. 121G19 Collected by Ensign .1. 15. Rernadou, II. 8. Navy. This ware is of the Korin jieriod, from the ))otteries at Sdng-do and is about five hnndreil years old. I'ieces of this thin white i»orcelain are excessively scarce. The incised decoration under gla/.e is (initc common in Chinese jiorcelain. 438 RErORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, Boavl (.Til tang qiiivn). Globular, dark red stoneware, glazed on tlie side subjected to tlu^ greatest heat. list'd for boiling water, etc. Bl. xni, fig. 1, upper line (commencing at left). Heifjlit, .'S iiiclips; (lininctcr, .5^ indies; ilinineterof iiionth, inches. Seonl, Korea, 188.o. 121017 Collected by Ensi>;n .1. B. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. Articles in f^reat variety of this ware are to lx* had, from small howls to larKC water jars resemblin<>' a barrel in size and sha]>e. 'I’he latter are very thin, hard, and well made. Wine bottle (Sul-biungj. Heavy glazed porcelain, ornamented with dragon de.sigu in blue. Low, widt; body, diminishing rather ab- ru])tly into a tubular neck. Capacity, about ■> ]>ints. PI. xiii, fig. 2, upper line (commencing at the left). Height, 12.1 inches; diameter of globe, 8f inches; base, 5j- inches. Hoang-tjon, Korea, 188b. 121613 (,'ollect(‘d by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. Average si)ecimen of modern Korean pottery. The Korean ])otters were un- able to imi)art any color but blue to their white ware np to the revival of color decoration ten years ago. Used in buying and selling liquors, but not at the table. Table ware (Sa-bau-sang). Heavy porcelain, covered with a patch}’ glaze of greenish hue. Consists of saucers for fish, vegetables, etc., bowls for same, bowls for soup, rice, stew, and water. Some of the jjieces are signed and all show rather rude workmanship. Pl.xiii, figs. l-(i, lower hue (commencing at the left). lioang-tjou, Korea, 1884. 121620-30 Collected by Ensign .T. B. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. This is the most inferior porcelain ware at jiresent made in Korea. More pre- tentious vases of antique form, in white decorated with blue, or raised figures if molded, are found in every house. Ware is valued in proportion to its whiteness and the smoothness and brilliancy of the glaze; weight is a minor consideration. Tablet (Cha-sak-biu-ru-dol). Of porcelain, with three divisions for mixing water colors. Length, 6fr inches ; width, 4f inches. Seoul, Korea. 151620 Collected by P. L. .louy. THE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES. The fabrics of Korea are coarse in comparison with the fabrics of China and Japan, and the art of stamping cloth is said to be not known or rather has been lost, as has that of dyeing. The cloths made are of silk, nettle fiber from the Bachmeria nivea, called ‘‘grass cloth” or “ ramie,” hemp cloth, and fabrics from cotton. Ko woolen goods are made in Korea, there being no sheep raised. These fabrics are charac- teristic; the combinations of different fibers, such as the nettle and silk, make sei'viceable goods. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIII. Korean Modern Pottery. (0pper line, commenciii}; at the left.) Fig. 1. Bowl. Dark red stoneware. Fire glaze vernis on the side subjected to most heat. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 5^ inches; diameter of moutlo inches. (Cat. No. 121617, F. 8. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadon, 1'. S. N.) Fig. 2. Wine Bottle. Heavj’, glazed ])orce]ain; ornamented with dragon de.sign in bine. Height, 121 inches; diameter of globe, inches; diameter of base, 5| inches. (Cat. No. 121613, U. S. N. M. Hoaug-tjon, Korea. Col- lected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, F. S. N.) (Lower Hue, coinmeiiciiifr at the left.) Figs. 1-6. Table Wake. Heavy common porcelain, covered with a patchy glaze of faint green tint. Base rough, covered with kiln sand. A few pieces are signed. In order, these dishes are cup for pickle, with lid; saucer for tish or meat; bowl for stew ; bowl for soup; rice bowl and bowl for water or gruel. (Cat. No 121620-30, F. S. N. M. Hoang-tjou, Korea. Col- lected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, F. 8. N.) ■av;r; Report of National Museum, 1891.- Hough. Plate XIII Korean Modern Pottery. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 439 8ilk (Haiig-na). One of the best hibrics made in Korea. An-tjou, Korea. 7907 H Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This cloth is used by the nobles and rich for light suininer gai'inents. Thin cloth (Saing-tcho). ^lade of silk and nettle fiber. Tchou-tjoii, Korea. 7907 II Collected by Ensign .1. B. Beniadoii, U. S. Navy. I’sed for light sniiimer clothing. Grass cloth (Mosi). Made from nettle fiber. Province of Chong-Chong, Korea. 7907 II Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Cotton and silk (Tjo-tjok). Province of Kyong-saug, Korea. 7907 II Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Hemp cloth (Pouk-po). Three grades of servieeable unbleached cloth. Province of Ham-Kyong, Korea. 7907 H Collected by Ensign J . B. Bernadou, IT. S. Navy. Used for mourning garments. Cotton cloth. I Korea. 7907 II i Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. I Made in four of the eight provinces. I Silk (Syo). Creamy yellow ixmgee like that made in all ]>arts of Korea. Korea. 7907 H ' Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. I The man’s robe. No. 77099, p. 452, is made of this silk. j Grass cloth (Be). Coarse goods made from the ramie nettle. I Length, 54 feet; width, 14j!f inches. Seoul, Korea. 130859 i Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Serviceable cloth for mourning dresses and for underwear. Presented by the King to Dr. Allen. The Koreans have an expeditious ]>rocess for rotting the hemp used for making fabrics. “At the bottom of a large pit paved with stones, heated stones are placed. Bundles of hemp are pressed down on the stones and kept in position by stakes, the heads of which are ahov'c grouiid. On the hemp piles of grass are thrown, and the gra.ss is closely covered with earth. The stakes are then withdrawn, and water ])oured through the holes. From the steam thus i)rodnced hemp is rotted in twenty-four hours.”* Silk (Saing-miun-Ju). Fabric of raw silk of medium (luality. Length, 30 feet; width, 12 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130801 ('(dlected by Dr. 11. N. Allen. Material for snnnner dress; starched and laundered it is used (nr winter we:ir. Silk (Gop -saiug-cho). Fine fabric of medium tputlity. Ijcngth, 51 feet; width, 14 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130802 Collected by Dr. 11. N. Allen. For fditer garments and underwear worn in summer. Woven in southern Korea. W. R. Carles; Reo-nt .lonrneys in Korea, Proi;. Roy. (ieog. Soe., .May, 18S0, |>. 304. 440 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Linen (Saing-mo-.si). Fine uiihlpached I'aiiiio clotli. Lciifrtli, 85 lc(T; width, 141 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130860 Collected hy Dr. II. N. Allen. Used for dresses of l)oth sexes. I’rodueed in sontlie.rn Korea. (,J,uiLTEl) SILK (Pil-ini bi). Fink; lined with wliib; silk, studed witli eolton. (,^uilt(‘d one way, the seams beino- narrow. Done by hand in the palace. Tin* (inilting is made to stand n]) ]irominently by running the iHtrroir scinn iron fi)t1oJ aloiuj the seams. Le,n<>th, 7 feiled uj) and separated at one end by straws. .Mulberry paper ((Tam-so-miung). Thick, unglazed; made from mulberry bark. Very tough, even with the grain tearing with great diffiimlty and running in wade shells. I.engtb, 43f iiiclie.s ; width, 294 inches. Seoul Korea, 1885. 77069 Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Korean paper i.s even tougher than the .laj)anese, and is one of the few Korean things that had made a re])utation in the world before its home had become truly a part of the community of nations. (Percival Lowell : Chosc'ln, p. 315.) It is used in several thicknesses to make annor and was exported to ,Ja])au for that jiurpose, also to China, where it is now used for garment linings. LTsed in civil service examinations. Taken in payment of trihute by tlie Government and generally used as currency by the ])eople. Writing paper and envelope. Poll of mulberry iitiper in sheets; pasted at edges. Fiber, long and silky. Sheets 15|^ inches long, 9 inches wide. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77031 Collected by Ensign ,J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Used in writing to a distant place. f * P’ . EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIV Korean Household Furniture. Cabinet and Writing Desk. Front of persimmon wood, bidden portion of pine. Seven drawers of different sizes; two doors closing a recess. Fittings, brass; the kej' jilates on tbe njiper drawers and the doors represent bats, the bodies of which turn aside showing the key holes. Locks, somewhat like European pattern, but the key turns in opposite direction. Height, 23 inches; length, 34 inches; width, 134 inches. (Cat. No. 77009, l,’^. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Beruadou, U. S. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XIV, Korean Cabinet and Writing-desk, KORKAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MCSEUM. 441 Oiled paper (You-tchi). Prepared by stee])iiig’ sheets of mulberry pajier in sesaraum oil. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77068 Collected, by Eusiga J. B. Beruadoii, U. S. Navy. House fittings ai'e made of oileil paper; it is tised in ])lace of glass for win- dows, to cover the doors of rooms lieat<*d l»y tlni Kang or furnace under the lion.se, for liats, rain coats, fans. etc. THE HOUSE AND ITS ACCESSORIES. FURNITURE OF THE DWELLINU HOUSE. THE sleeping; hoom, etc. Inlaid chest (Ja-ga-sou que). Wood covered with a thin, brownish l)lack lacfiuer iuerusted with mother of pearl. Lid decorated with long life find happiness character (sn bug) and with branches of peach tree, cranes, and clouds (emblems of longevity). On the front is an arclneic scene of deer, tortoises, cranes, peach and iiine trees, etc., also emblems of longevity. Korean brass lock and key. Length, 18^; width, 11^; height. 12 inches. Seoul, Korea. 151621 Collected by P. L. .louy. Table (So-ban). Small twelve-sided wooden table with four legs; painted black. Used by one person. A very poor s])eeimen. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 15 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 128410 Collected by P. L. .louy. Among many Eastern nations custom demands that individuals should be served sejiarately; hence the nests of boxes in .lapan and India or sets of dishes as in Korea. Cabinet and writing desk (Moon-gap). Front of persimmon wood; hidden portions of pine. Seven drawers, two doors, the latter (dosing a rc(;ess. Three other openings in the front are for display- ing small arti(des. The key phitifs are brass bats, the bodies of which turn aside disclosing the keyholes. Locks like onr drawer locks with bolt and spring together, but the key turns to the right in locking. PI. xiv. Height, 23 inches; length, 31 inches; width, 134 inches. Hconl, Korea, 1885. 77009 Collected by Ensign B. Bernadon. U. S. Navy. Cabinet (Mn-ri-jang). Dark red wood vem'cr; imiiorted from China; brass-work on c.orners, edges, liinges, and panels. It contains twenty-live drawers, most of wliiidi ar<^ inside the sliding doors. Locks swing on a hinge at (ulge of one door, and bolt into staiile on the other door. Keyhole on under side of locdv ; key like ii jiair of tweezers, and unlocks by jire.ssing together the cat(di-s])r!ngs on each side of the bolt. l;ock froiiLs, niello work of silver on copper 442 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. CAi5iNF/r — Continu(‘(l. witli black enamel; design, the “double joy;” character sur- rounded by a (treeian border. PI. xv. Height, 4t iiiclics; width, 90 inches. Depth, 21 inches. Seoul, Koren, 18S.5. 77008 Collected )iy Ensign .1. IL l’>erii:idon, U. S. Navy. A very skillful piece of Joinery; reinarkahly good considering the inferior tf)olsand lack of accessories in Korea. Used hy cliildren and soinetiine.s hy ladies as a rece])tacl(i foi J(‘W(ds. Leopard Skin, (Jlo-rang-i-ka jnk), Used for eov'ering ottieers’ Sedan chair.s and for other purpo.ses. Length, 52 inches ; width, 21 incdies Seoul, Koitai. Collected hy Dr. 11. N. Allen. Red Mattress (Vo) and Square Mat (Bang-suk), Stuffed with hair and covered with red woolen fabric embroidered in bright-colored silks. Edged with green satin and lined with blue satin. Length of mattress, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 95 inches. Mat, .95 inches square. Seoul, Korea. 190859 Collected hy Dr. H. N. Allen. A present from the King of Korea to Dr. Allen. These two j)ieces are a set for .a lady’s drawing room, and correspond to onr sofa and ch.air. Green mattress (Yo) and square mat (Bang-suk). Stuffed with hair and covered with green woolen cloth, embroidered in bright colors. Bordered with changeable silk and lined with blue brocade. Very good workmanship. Length of mattress, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 99 inches. Seoul, Korea. 1.908.53 Collected hy Dr. II. N. Allen. A present from the King. Such bright colors are generally used hy ladies. All the materials are native except the woolen cloth. Made in northwest Korea. Pillow (Be-ga). Wliite cotton cylinder .stuffed with hair. Ends em- broidered with swans and flowers in bright colors. Length, 22 inches; diameter, inches. Seoul, Korea. 130852 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Small pillow for children. When in use it is covered with a slip of cotton in winter and linen in summer. The ends of ])illows are usually of wood, inlaid, and constitute some of thebe.st works of art among the Koreans. (See PI. x.xir.) Bi.ind (Bal). Made of flue splints of bamboo strung together with silk thread and painted with black figures. It is the size of the Korean window, viz: Ijcngth, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. Cholla-do, Korea. 130887 Collected by Dr. II. N. Allen. The province of ChiJlla-do is noted for its skillful bamboo workers. \ EXPLANATION OF PLATE XV, Korean Household Furniture. Cabixet. Veueered with dark red Chinese wood; ornamental brass- work trim- mings. It contains twenty-five drawers, most of which are inside the sliding doors. Lock fronts, niello work; design, the “double joy” char- acter surrounded by a Grecian border. A superior piece of cabinet work. Height, 44 inches; width, 30 inches; depth, 24 inches. (Cat. No. 77008, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XV, Korean Cabinet. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 443 Window shade (Bal). Plain and colored slivers of Laniboo Joined closely at intervals with a warp of green cotton twine. Black bam- boo rods at top, middle, and bottom. A straight line ornament is painted in the center and surrounded by a Grecian fi-et boi'der. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inelies. Province of Ch()lla-d(), Korea. 77021 Collected by Ensign .1. IL ISernadon, U. S. Navy. Very pretty; of sn])erior woi'knianship. The very fine .s])]ints are seenred hy boiling the bamboo. Bttsh mat (Jot-ja-ri). Striped green, purple, and red. Hemp warp; rush woof, forming fringe at side of mat. Made by hand on a weighted loom. Length, 6 feet ; width, 2 feet. Seoul, Korea, 188.5. 77010 Collected by Ensign .1. P>. Bornadon, U. S. Navy. Used in snninier for covering beds and doors. In .Ta.pan the standard mat i.s 6 by 3 feet. Spittoon (Ta-gu). Cylindrical cup of brass ware with a slanting cover having an orifice about! inch in diameter. Placed in the parlor or near the table at meal times. Height, inches ; diameter, 2f inches. Seoul, Korea. 130843 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Lantern cover (Duug-rong-ni). Made of red and blue silk; mouth has a gathering string. Length, 46 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130864 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Probably used in a private house, though this kind of cover is generally used for the lanterns of high officers. THE KITCHEnAnD DINING KOOM. Rice pot (Gob dol-sot). Lenticular vessel of black soapstone, with lid. PI. XVI, fig. 1 (commencing at the left). Diameter, 15 inches; height, 6|- inches. Seoul, Korea. 130883 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Used also for general cooking. 'I’he Koreans like this kind of boiler, as those of iron are too common, (liven by the King to Dr. Alhm. Cooking pot (Sin-syfil-lo). Soft, green, micac in the lid, which fits closely around its rim. The furnace has round holes in the bottom and the ash-box has an o])ening for draft at the side. Food is ])lac,cd in the bowl and coals are ])ut into furnace. Such a vess(d is commoidy used for frying meat when si'vmal friends as- 444 REPORT OP NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Cooking pot — C ontinued. semble and cook this portion of tlieir food according to a Korean custom. I’l. XVI, tig. 2 (cominencing at the left). Diameter of l)owl, 8^ inelie.s; depth, 2f iiiehes; lieiffht of ]»ot, 7^ inches. Seoul, Korea. 77(154 C'ollect(Ml by Ensign .1. H. Ileruadon, U. S. Navy. Exactly this form of pot is \i.sed by the Cliine.se for making a drink liy infusion of various herbs, etc. This pot is used for souji, stew, etc. 'I'he more ))riniitive Korean sin-syol-lo is a sliallow soajistone pot, with a wide, slanting rim. Soapstone vessels arc more highly jirizcd in Korea than jiottery, and a gift often gis’cn by the King is a valuable stone cooking jiot. (.Booking POT (Hung-gu-gi-gol). Circular, soapstone vessel shaitedlike a hat; the slanting rim merges into the shallow howl. PI. xvi, flg. 3 (commencing at the left). Diameter, 84 inches; dejith, inches. Seoul, Korea. 151634 Collected by P. L. .Jouy. This pot fits upon the simjile charcoal furnace. Meat, etc., are placed on the rim and the juice is collected in the bowl where vegetables are cooking. (Jhopsticks (Tjo-ka-rak) and Spoon (Son-ka-rak). White brass. Chop- sticks square and heavy; spoon shallow; wide bowl. Chopsticks, 8 inches long; s]>oon, 9 inches long. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77042 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Beruadou, U. S. Navy. Bowl, spoon, and chopsticks resemble those used iu China in making offerings of incense. Used by the poor. Kick bowl (Sajtal). Of white brass, with lid; turned or “spun.”’ Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77037 Collected by Ensign ,J. B. Beruadou, U. S. Navy. Resembles a Chinese incense bowl. The white metal used in making the alloy comes from China; the copper is Korean. The following individual set of brass, collected by Or. Allen, consists of seventeen dishes of eight dilferent shapes and sizes. They form the dinner set used by a man iu winter; the dishes having lids. Korean brassware is very good and neatly made by the process known as “ spin- ning.” At certain seasons of the year “brass markets” are held in Korea and great quantities of this ware find a ready sale. It is the custom to scour the dishes with stone dust and to wash them often iu water. Bowls (Jong-ja). Brass, with lid. Set of three for condiment and sauces such as salt sauce, vinegar, and red peiiper. Diameter, 2f inches; height, 14 inches. •Seoul, Korea. 130903, 130904, 1.30905. Collected by Dr. 11. N. Allen. Tea bowl (Da-jup). Brass; the largest bowl in the set. Diameter, GJimthes; height, 24 inches. •Seoul, Korea. 130890 Collected by Dr. H. N. Alien. This bowl is for a drink made from parched rye,, taken at every meal instead of tea and coffee, neither of which beverages do the Koieans drink. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVI. Korean Stone Cooking Vessels. (Commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Rice Pot. Lenticular vessel of black soapstone, with lid. For boiling rice and general cooking. Height, 6^ inches; diameter, 15 inches. (Cat. No. 130883, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen.) Fig. 2. Cooking Pot. Soft, green micaceous stone (soapstone) blackened and pol- ished. Detachable base; bowl with central furnace; lid with lugs, tightly fitting around opening of furnace. Height, 7i inches; diameter, 8| inches. (Cat. No. 77054, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Fig. 3. Cooking Pot. Circular soapstone vessel shaped like a hat; the slanting rim merges into the shallow bowl. Fits upon the charcoal furnace. Diameter, 8| inches; depth, 24 inches. (Cat. No. 151634, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough Plate XVI, Korean Stone Cooking-vessels. ■H--' ■ T 'a «’ V. . . ' * • * ^ A J : M , * ’« 1 * f •*y» VTjB V. •> t SAfK -r-.^ *f '■!•' >. • * *’• \ i> •' * .•><■- j A I V:‘r ■■ ' !l. ■’■ M *■ ‘ < i* ! i 1 - 5 ', ■- . . ■ •. / ■v.-'^v;ili,'^ . ir»i • ■ ■ V* i|*- -- - •*" -V " '*■ .'-vH^i.*^'’* V I 1 I A KOKEAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 445 Bowls (Jo-chi-bo). Brass; similar to the tea bowl. Used for stew. Diameter, 4-^ inches; height, inches. Seoul, Korea. 130893, 130897 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer (Ja-ban-jup-si). Brass; with lid. For dry salt tish and meat. Diameter, 3f inches; height, 1^ inches. Seoul, Korea. 130895 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Soup bowl (Tang-gi). Bell-shaped; brass; with lid. Smaller than the rice bowl. Diameter, 4f inches ; height, 3 inches. Seoul, Korea. • 130892 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Used by both sexes. Rice bowl (Ju-bal). Bell-shaped; brass; with lid. Used by men alone, the ladies’ rice bowl being of a different shape. Diameter, inches; height, 3f inches. Seoul, Korea. 130891 Collected*by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer (Sang-sun-gii-ijup-si). Brass; with lid. For cooked tish. Diameter, 3| inches; height. H inches. Seoul, Korea. 130896 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Bowl (Chim-cha-bo). Brass; cup-shaped, with lid. For pickles. Diameter, 3f inches ; height, 2i inches. Seoul, Korea. ' 130902 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Korean i)ickles are not so salt as those eaten in the United States. They are a constant article of the Korean menu. Tray (Jang-ban).' Circular; brass. Used by the servant at table. Diameter, 7J- inches. Seoul, Korea. 130890 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer (Na-mool-.jup-si). Brass; with lid. For all kinds of vegeta- bles. Sometimes from one to three different kinds of vegetables are placed in the same dish. Diameter, 3f inches; height, H inches. Seoul, Korea. 130899 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer (Jut-jup-si). Brass; witli lid. For salt meat or fish (not dry); sometimes for raw oysters. Diameter, 3| inches; height, H inches. Seoul, Korea. 1;10898 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer (Gu-i-jup-si). Brass; with lid. For beef or chicken, the regu- lar dinner dish. Diameter, 3| inches; height, H inches. Seoul, Korea. 130901 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. 446 REPORT OF NATIONAL ML'SEUM, 1891. Saucer (Giut-goo-i). Brass; with lid. For game or some rare meat. Diametei-, 3| iuchen ; height, H iuclies. Seoul, Korea. 130K94 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer (Na-mool jup-si). Brass; with lid. For some rare vegetable, either cooked or served as a salad. Diainetcr, 3| inches; height, H inche.s. Seoul, Korea. 130900 Collected by Dr. II. N. Allen. Bowl (llab). Circular; brass; with lid. For holding cakes. Diameter, 4 inches; height, 2 } inches. Seoul, Korea. 130906 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Saucer for wine cup (Jan ba-chim). Brass plate on which the wine cup is placed on the anniversary of the death ot the ancestor. Diameter, 4f inches. 130903 Seoul, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Bowl (Ba-ri). Globular; brass; with lid. Diameter, 3i inches; height, 4 inches. , Seoul, Korea. 130907 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Used by a little girl in winter for rice. Axe (Dok-ki). Iron. Xiirrow, wedge-like blade. Curved poll with mijiow face. Length, inches; width, inches. Fusan, Korea. 129495 Collected by P. L. .louy. Generally used in timbering. TllK I.ArNDKY. Seam iron (In-to). Bar of iron tei miuating in a liead, set into a wooden handle. Bude, chisel ornamentation on bar. Eesembles a soldering iron. Bl. xvii, upper ligure. Length, 12| inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77026 Collected by Ensign J. K. Hernadou, U. S. Navy. Used to iron down seams of clothing or for creasing (quilted work. Ironing sticks (Pang-mang-i). Hard wood sticks shaped like a base- ball bat, used for ironing or mangling clothes. PI. xvii, lower ligure. Length, 16f inches; diameter, 1 inch. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77027 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Beruadou, U. S. Navy. Winter clothes are ripped apart for washing, boiled in wood-ash lye, beaten on stones in streams, starched with rice starch, dried, piled in heaps, and finally pounded over a wooden roller with clubs till the fiber takes on a remarkable gloss and pliability. The parts are sewed together and the seams ironed down with the seam iron. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVII. Korean Domestic Appliances. (Upper figure.) Fig. 1. Seam Iron*. B.ir of iron terminating in a shoe-sliaped head, set into a wooden handle. Rude, chisel ornamentation on the bar. Resembles a soldering iron. Length, 12| inches. (Cat. No. 77026, U. S. N. M. Seoul, . Korea. Collected hy Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) (Lower figure.) i'lg. 2. Ironing and Mangling Sticks. Hard wood, in shape of base-ball bats; used for ironing or mangling clothes. Length, 16f inches; diameter, 1 inch. (Cat. No. 77027, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XVII Korean Domestic Appliances. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 447 Image of an animal (iSoe-mal). Kiulely made of irou. Leng tli, 7 inches. Seoul, Korea. ISKiO'l Collected by P. L. Jouy. Seems to represent a four-footed animal of no particular species. May be a rest for the iron. Basket (Cha-mong-). Consists of two oblong portions, one slightly larger and used as a lid for the other. Made of wicker; covered with oiled pai>er. Csed for holding laundry, etc. Length, 23; width, 11 ; height, 9 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. Collected by Ensign .1. H. Rernadou, U. S. Navy. COSTUME. children’s COSTUMES. The following articles of apparel constitute the best or holiday dress of a boy : Robe (Tou-rou-mak-i). For a young boy. Made of coar.se red cotton, straight cut; bine tying strings. Length, 26 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77072 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This robe is worn over the coat with banded sleeves. Waist (I’ai-tja). Blue silk, lined with red linen; .sleevele.ss. Fastened by a loop and knot. Length, 13^ inelies. Seoul, Korea, 1H85. 77075 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bermidou, U. S. Navy. Worn by boys over the robe. A band of red brocaded silk aero.ss the ba<‘k bears gilt characteis which mean, “ Have consideration for others; be. Just; be moderate in your desires,” sentiments early taught Korean cliildren. Outer garment (Tycn-pokor Kwa-ja). Thin, blue, brocaded Chinese raw silk stuff, with tying strings of silk. Short .slash on either side; long .sla.sh in back. Three small embroidered bags with tas- sels arc sewed to the band across the shoulders. Worn in summer by boys. Length, 26 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77077 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The Koreans say that there arc thi'ee s])irits who enter the world at the same time with a child to guard him during childhood. Hence the three bags are sewn to the waistband. 'I’hey contain cotton, and sometimes a lock of the child’s hair. Ciiild’vS LEGGINS (Haing tjdn). Red cotton, tit*d on above the .socks. Length, 10 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U, S. Navy, 77074 448 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Trousers (I’atji). Pongee silk lined with white cotton. Tied at waist and ankles. Waist, 21 inches; leg, iuclies. Seoul, Korea, 188.5. 77076 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. Worn on holidays hy young hoys. Jacket (Sak-dong-tjo-ko-ri). Light green silk faced with blue; lined with coarse muslin. Sleeves, nine bright colored bands of ribbon. Collar, faced with tine grass cloth (mosi); tying strings, scarlet silk. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77111 Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Holiday dresses of hoys and girls arc made with sleeves like this. Socks (IJ-rin-a lii-po-sybn). Two thicknesses of coarse muslin; heels projecting; toes sharp and curved upward; tying strings midway of back. Instep clocked in colored silks. Length, 6 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77073 t^ollected Ity fhisign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Worn hy a small child. Made with regard to shape of the shoe and not of the foot. Hair ribbon (Tang-keui). Purple grenadine folded to i)oint at top and sewed ])artof the way down. Column of gilt cliaracters. Length, If inch(!s. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77078 Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, U. S, Navy. Tied to the hair ]tlait. The characters mean, “ Long life; riches he be- queathed.” The seven dots in the circle represent the stars in the “dipper,” and are a charm to insure the wearer many children. Ornamental hood (Cool ne). Skeleton hood of colored silk, em broideiH'd with cluiracters and decorated with beads, artificial pearls, etc. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77079 Collected hy Ensign ,1. B. Bernailou, U. S. Navy. Worn hy either sex. The characters mean “Long life, riches, health, and happiness.” The black rihl)on is removed when the child becomes able to 8]>eak. Child’s shoes (Got-tan-hya). Ked leather with green and yellow leather foxings. Upper and sole joined together from the outside. Length, 6f inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77081 Collected hy Ensign J. B. Bernadon. U. S. Navy. Child’s sandals (Sag-jip-siu). Sole woven of hemp; sides of red, white, green, and yellow twisted paper strings. Length, 6 inches. Collected hy W. W. Rockhill. Generally worn hy children in very j»oor families. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUxM. 449 Cotton bag (Sam-sung-Ju mu ni). Yellowish cotton stuff’ lined with blue cloth; folded at mouth and supplied with a green silk string. Leiiffth, () inches. Seoul, Korea, 1S85. 77023 Collected by Eiisie;n .1. B. Bernadou, IT. S. Navy. Woi'u under the outer garment and used as a purse or j)ocket. wo3ien’s costumes. Quilted .jacket (^Tou-pi-tjo-kou-ri). Orange silk faced with purple, lined with fine cotton cloth and quilted with thin layer of silk wool. 'Worn by women in the spring. Length, 8 inches; waist, 15 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77107 Collected by Ensign ,1. B. Bernadou, IT. .S, Navy. Short jacket (Tjbk-.sam). Fine grass cloth (mosi). Buttoned at the neck with knot and loop. Length, 8t inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77108 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S.Navy. The lower class of women in Korea usually leave the breasts uncovered. This form of dress is said to have been devised to facilitate child nursing. (See I’l. VI.) Waist band (Ho-ri-theni). AVide band of white cotton; lined. Two tying strings. Length, 371 inches; width, 91 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77103 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The girdle holds up the inner drawers and supports the strings of the other garments. Outer drawers (Ko-tang i). Muslin; gathered at waist. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77100 Collecteil by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, IT. S. Navy. Every Korean lady wears not less tbau four body garments. Outer drawers (Tan-.sok-kbt). Coarse grass cloth (mosi) made from nettle fiber. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77101 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Inner drawers (Sok .sok kiit). Bl(9U*hed cotton; ilivided skirt ty])e, liaving a division in the hem cutting the garment into two very widi* ixutions. Tying strings on the left side. W:iist, 32 inches. .Seoul. Korea, 1885. 77102 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, I'. S. Navy. Dress skirt (Mo si-tcli’ ima). .\zur(‘ linen stuff’; ciglit bread tlis gat limed at the waistband. Open like an aiiroii; hem turned up and )»asf(“d. Tying strings, white. Waist, 33 ineli(!S. Seoul. Korea, 18S5. SM Ul, 1*T 2 29 77101 450 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Dress skirt — (J ontimicd. ('ollectod Ity Ensiifu B- Hcrnafloii, U. S. Navy. Korean women tuck tlie folds of this skiit into the waisthand wliile walk- ing. The a]i))e:uanee of this garment has led Korean women to say tliat they dress like western women. Long coat or veil (Tjang’ <»t). Made of green, brocaded silk, lined witli muslin. Collar and ends faced with white cotton. Two pairs of tying strings. Length, 51 ineln-s. .Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77091 Collected by Ensign .1. It. Ileniadon. U. .S. Navy. This coat is trimmeii). Wliitc cotton; liems pasted down. Tjnng strings fastened around the calf, covering tlie junction of the trou- sers and stockings. Lengtli, 10 inclics; width, S indies. Seoul, Korea, 18S5. 77006 Collected hy Ensi hang free below the chin. Height, 13 inches. (Cat. No. 77085, F. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Berna- dou, U. S. X.) Fig. 3. Moukneh’.s Hat. Woven of bleached split bamboo. The shape of the national hat. Height, 4f inches; diameter, 1.5f inches. (Cat. 'iso. 77064, F. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, E'. S. X.) (Middle line.) Fig. 1. Mouiixeu’s Head Ring. Two strands of rice straw, covered with unhackled hemp, twisted together to form a ring. Diameter, 6| inches. (Cat. X’o. 77088, F. S. X”. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. X.) (Lower line, commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Mourner’s Hat. Neatly braided, of bamboo splints; edges scalloped and finished off with braiding. Rosette of bamboo at apex. A frame to fit over the head is fastened inside. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 25 inches. (Cat. No. 77066, F. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, F. S. X.) Fig. 2. Far.mer’s Hat. Woven from sjilit millet stalks, showing geometrical iiat- terns made by contrast in color of the different sides of the straw. The weaving is finished at the apex without showing a break. Braced with hoojis and ribs of bamboo. Outline hexagonal. Height, 16 inches; diam- eter, 30 inches. Area, 6 square feet. (Cat. X'o. 77065, F. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, F. S. is.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XVII! Korean Mourning Headdresses and Farmer’s Hat, EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIX. Korean Hats, Shoes, etc. (Upper line, commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Court Hat. High, terraced crown, made of stiff, lacquered paper and woven bamboo, covered with black sateen. On cither side at the back are attached curveS. X. M. .Seoul, Korea. Collecteil by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. X.) Fig. 2. Exa.minatio.v Cap. Of one piece of coarse black cotton stuff, shaped like a grocer’s paper bag. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7 inches. (Cat. Xo. 77057, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. X. J Fig. 3. Cap. Black horsehair, woven in the shape of the court hat. Height, 7 inches. (Cat. Xo. 770.56, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, L'. S. X.) Fig. -1. Ceukmonial H.vt. Helmet-shaped; back, shield-shaped; woven of thin slivers of bamboo incrusted with gilt papier-miieh^ dragons, scrolls, etc. Front, black sateen, curving backwards and spaced by vertical gilt wires. Wooden pin runs through back portion of hat. Height, 10 inches. (Cat. Xo. 77062, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korcai. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bema- dou, U. S. X.) Fig. 5. Soldier’s Hat. Thick, black, stiffened felt, mixed with horsehair, which shows on the outside. Band, a red cord, with tassels, and tail buttons carveil with the national .symbol, attached. A long switch of horsehair dyed red is fastened in the crown by a swivel button. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 15 inches. (Cat. Xo. 77058, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Col- lected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. X.) Fig. 6. Chair Coolie’s Hat. Black stiffened felt; smooth surface. Shaped like the soldier’s hat. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 15 inches. (Cat. Xo. 77061, F. .S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. X.) (Lower line.) Fig. 1. Head Band. Skillfully woven of horsehair, with drawstrings and two ty- ing strings. On the front is a piece of substance resembling amber, which prevents the hat from slipping down. Length, 194 inches; width, 3 inches. (Cat. Xo. 77112, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XIX. Korean Hats, Shoes, etc. 4 i'l, ,~j "r - ■' ■ •H"f\.T| " ?'.■*' ■•»! ,v. •'‘■'.^v- W VV . *. 1 .. . ■-. ^ jfS % /*•»/» . ji •, .;■ ./ pi .v' (ir. •r.-t -V ; ^ 'll ’■ # t> V '. r ■' ,« , ' \\ \, ', 'Si^ ■• '; ■,.v 4 , ■ ‘O *'•*' t'- - - . ■ '-■^r* ;- :v*? '•‘it*''. •■ • t*'* ,.^. 41 , . -" '. Af ' « »■- ■ -' M *■' * »"l '< -O'- I ■•_. ■ < L: • ) ^ \ J* J ’ /. '.jp /■' -Sii fiffi ;•^ ■• -^i)j XHL* -Arf :*V ^'h . - . ,yV’‘ '1 ■' ' Vv’ J ' ' I > IB-AL I A . EXPLANATION OF PLATE XX. Fig. Fig. 1 Fm. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Korean Foot Wear. (Upper line.) .. Rain Clogs. Hoat-sliaped; cut from blocks of light coarse-grained wood. .Short supports raise the foot about 4 inches from the ground. Length, 11 inches. (Cat. No. 77015, U. 8. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Beruadou, I'. .S. N.) (Middle line, eoniinencin'; at the left.) . Man’s .Shok.s. Black felt, lined with white leather. The lower edge of the ujtper is Hared out, the sole put on and sewed to the upper with wide stitches. Sole, padded with layers of cotton cloth, as in Chinese shoes. Hobnails on heel. Length, 8 inches. (Cat. No. 77014, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign .1. B. Beruadou, IJ. .S. N.) I. Travklku’s Sandals. .Sole, four wisps of straw woven together with cot- ton rags, fastening in the strand which forms the nppers. Length, 10 inches. (Cat. No. 77011, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign .1. B. Beruadou, U. S. N.) . Mouuneh’s Sandals. Twisted rice straw; white paper wound around the heel yoke and drawing string. They differ from the common straw sandal by the, 7iaired arrangement of the straw cords which go over the sides of the foot. Length, 10 inches. (Cat. No. 77012, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) . Sandals. Rico straw; shape, between a shoe and a sandal; covering the sides of the foot and open above. Length, 10^ inches. (Cat. No. 77013, U. 8. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) (Lower line, commencing at the left.) . Women’s Shoes. Ui>i>ers of blue cloth, lined with ass skin; bound with white leather; soles, rawhide. White leather scrolls ornament toe and heel. Neatly finished and ornamented. Length, inches. (Cat. No. 77016, U. S. N. M. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N.) . Child’s Shoes. Red leather, with green and yellow leather foxings. Upper and sole joined together from outside. Length, 6| inches. (Cat. No. 77081, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. 8. N.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hougn. Plate XX. Korean Foot-wear. KOREAN COIJAX'TIONS IN THE NATIONAL ISIUSEUM. 453 I Head rand (Maiif^-kon). kSkiHiilly woven ol' liorseliair, with draw- string ami two tying strings. ( )ii tlie front is a piece of a substance resembling amber, which prevents the hat from slipping down. PI. XIX, fig. 1, lower line (commencing at the left). Length, 19^ inches; width, 3 inches. I Seoul, Korea, 1SS5. 77112 I Collected l)y Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. Wo)-n around the head to keep the loose hair in order. It may he the ana- I log'ue of the fillet of hark or leaves worn l>y the ancient .Japanese and Chinese for tlie same puri)ose, and now often worn l>y the Koreans. High officials wear a hutton of gold or jade on the head hand. 1 mourner’s costumes. The mourning customs of Korea are regulated to the minutest detail : by the Chinese Hook of Eites, the Sa-ryei-pyellam, a compilation of the I burdemsome rules that should govern, coming of age, marriage, death and burial, and the worship of the dead. The two latter are very full. The portion of the book laying down the mortuary customs is trans- lated in lioss’ Korea. The two year.s’ mourning iieriod required on the death of jiareuts is ; governed in such a way that it amounts to hermit-like seclusion of the I producing members of society. The mourner hides his face, and sits 1 literally in “ sackcloth and ashes,” and his labor is a loss to the state tor two years. Mourning Cap (Tou-ken). Hemp cloth; wedge-shaped; made some- what like a grocer’s paper bag of a single piece of coarse stuff. PI. XVIII, tig. 1, uiipei' line (commencing at the left). Height, 7f inches; diameter, 7f inches. S(H>nI, Korea, ISS!”). 77089 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, II. .S. Navy. M'orn on special mourning occasions. Mourning hat (Koul-kfin). Plaited band of coarse hemp cloth; stiffened; lined with paper. Tliis band bent into a peak forms the (uown. A narrow strip of cloth forms the head biind; the ends of this strip hang free below the chin. PI. xviii, tig. 2, upper line (commencing at the left). Height, 13 inches. Seoul, Korea, 188.5. 77085 Colleet(‘d by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, U. S. N.avy. The outer of the three Inenlilresses (7708!), 77085, and 77088). Worn on spc'cial mourning occasions, such as the day of a death; after the ileeease of a ]).-irent; at the time of burial, ami at the exi)iration of the first and second years after a (h^atli. Mourner’s hat (Pyo-rang-i). Woven of bleached, sjilit bamboo. Shape of the national liat. PI. xviii, lig. .‘>, upper line (commenc- ing at the left). Diameter, 15J ineh<‘s; height, IJ inehe.s. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77004 454 REPORT OF NATIONAL MFSEUM, 1891. Mourner’s hat — C onlimied. Collected )>y Ensign J. B. Heniadon, U. S. Navy. 'I'liis liat lias a sjieeial nse in mourning, being worn by a son before the burial of a, deceased jiarent; worn also by a(lo))ted sons in mourning for their real )»ar- ents. Otherwise, it is used by chair coolies and government slaves. The mem- bers of the peddler guild fasten small pieces of raw cotton at intervals around the base of the crown. Moitrner’s Head rino (Tei-toii-ri). Two .straud.s of l ioe straw covered with uuhackled hemp twisted together to form a liiig. PI. xviii^ fig. 1, middle line (commeucing at the left). Diameter, inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77088 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Worn in mourning for some distant relative. IMourner’s Hat (Pang-gat). W'ell made of bamboo splints; edges scalloped and lini.shed with braiding. Crowned at apex with ro- sette of bamboo. A frame to litovei- the head is fastened inside and from it hang tying strings of twisted pa])er. PI. xviil, fig. 1, lower line (commencing at the left). Diameter, 25 inches ; height, Itt inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77000 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. >S. Navy. This hat is designed to hide the face, as it is considered a grievous breach of etiquette to look into the face of the mourner. Taking advantage of this cus- tom before Korea was ojiened to foreigners, missionaries disguised themselves as mourners and lived and taught there for a long time without detection. Mourner’3 head band (P’omang). Woven of hemp threads; white tying cords. Same shape as ordinary head band; no button in front. Length, 23 inches; width, 2 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77091 Collected hy Ensign .7. B. Bernadou, U. S. NaA’y. This band takes the jilace during mourning of the otherwise invariable maiKj- kiin or head band. Outer mourning robe (Simeni). Hemp cloth, finer in quality than that of the inner robe. Sleeves wide; made in two pieces. Length, 4 feet. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77084 Collected by Ensign .J. B. Bernadou, IT. S. Navy. Mourning robe (Tjoung-tou). Inner robe of very coarse hemp cloth (sackcloth); back, a straight piece; two gores at each side extend- ing from the armpits down; front, a straight piece and a gore. Sleeves, .square; collar, rolling; two tying strings. Length, 4 feet. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77083 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Worn by men under the si»ic«i. Regular mourning costume made after a lixed cernnonial jintternand worn by a son for two years after the decease of a malejiarent. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 4o5 (iiRi)LE (Sam-di). l{o])e of uuliackled hemp, with loo[)and knot. The girdle passed arouud the body, the knot hitched through the loop aud the end secured. Leiigtli, 71 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77090 Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, II. S. Navy. The girdle is worn upon the occasion of the death of a father. After the death of his mother the Korean wears a stri]> of hemj) clotli as a girdle instead. Mourning hand screen (Posdu). Of two thicknesses of hemp cloth, fastened between two rods also covered with cloth. A thin strii> connects the rods at the lower ends. Width, 131 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77087 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Carried by the mourner, held before the face while out of doors. Moitrner’s leggins (Be-haing-tyen). Brown heiii]> cloth ; hemmed. Length, inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77086 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Mourner’s sandals (Om-jip-seki). Twisted rice straw; white paper wound around the heel yoke and drawing string. They differ from common sandals by the paired arrangement of the straw cords which go over sides of the foot. PI. xx, tig. 3, middle line ((*om- mencing at the left). Length, 10 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77012 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. ACCESSORIES OF DRESS. HATS, SHOES, ETC. OotJRT HAT (Samo). High, terraced crown, made of stiff lacquered ]>aper and woven bamboo covered with black satteen. It fits tightly over the forehead and on either side at the back are attached curved oar-shapcd gauze wings, which project horizontally forward. PI. XIX, fig. 1, upper hue (commencing at the left). Height, 7 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77063 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Worn by men of the upper aud iniddhi class at the marriage ceremony. The wings of the King’s namo are vertical. Grades of rank are marked by thickness of the wings; being two-ply instead of single in higher grades. Compare the .lapanese official hat. Civil officers wear this hat at an audience, on New I'ear’s day, on the King’s birthday, or on a formal visit of congratulation. Tln^-ings at the side are for attaching flowers at a particular bam|U(d. giverior hamliwork. PI. xix, lig. 2, iqiper line (commencing at the hd't). 456 REPORT OF NA'JTONAL MIJSEFM, 180E Nationae iiA'i' — Continued. Diameter of brim, 18 inches; height of crown, 4^- indies. .Seoul, Korea, ISS."). 77060 Collected by Ensign .1. li. Bernadon, C. »S. Xavy. Worn by all classics in Korea, indoors and out. It does not fit over the head, but is placed on the crown and held in ]>osition by the tying strings. Cap (Kiin). Wide, cireuliir baud of black horseliair. I’l. xix, tio-. u])per line (cdniinencing at tlie left). Height, inches. Seoul, Korea, 188.6. 77115 Collected by Ensign .]. B. Bernadon, F. S. Navy. Worn by those of the literary class who have not as yet passed examinations oi' held otliee; also allowed to any or.e who jiassiss the second grade in merit at the literary or military e.xaminations liefore holding ofliee. The lower class of nieridiant.s and laborers, unless after such examinations, can not wear it. Examination cap (Yu-kiin). Of one ])iece of coarse, black, cotton stuff, shaped like a grocer’s itaper bag. IM. xix, fig. 2, middle line (conimeucing at the left). Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7 incli(*s. .Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77057 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, II. .S. Navy. Worn by students only at the literary examinations, which are held yearly for the preliminary grade. Thisstyhi of cap is rejinted to be made in the slnqie of the mountain near which Confncins was born. It was intiodneed from China several centuries ago, probaldy during the Ming dynastj’. Cap (T’ang-kbn). Black horsehair woven in the shape of the court hat. Weaving barred; that is, the weaving is so di.sposed as to leave oblong reticulations. PI. xix, fig. 3, middle line (commencing at the left). Height, 7 inches. .Seoul, Kore.a, 1885. 77056 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. Worn by all officers in government service and by those who have passed the first grade in the literary and military examinations. It is worn when at home or indoors by all officers, a few of the lower grades of attendants at the “yamouns” or official houses, such as upper pcdicenien, being alone excepted. Ceremonial HAT (Keum-kon). Helmet-.shaped. Back, shield-.shaped ; woven of thin slivers of bamboo incrustcd with gilt jiapier-iuache dragons, scrolls, etc. Front, black satteen, curving backward and s]iaced by vertical gilded wires. The front band has a deco- rated itaiiel. Head rim adjustable; tied with blue silk cord.s. A large wooden pin, with cord and tassel, is thrust through the sides of the back ])ortioii of the hat. PI. xix, fig. 4, middle line (com- mencing at the left). Height, 10 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77062 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadon, E. S. Navy. Worn upon the occasion of the King's offering sacrifices, by those who assist him in the ceremony. A similar hat, not gilded, is worn by those officiating at the seini-annnal sacrifices to Confncins. These are ottered throughout Korea in all districts governed by magistrates. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM 457 Ceremonial hat (Keum-kon). Ilelinet-shaped, framed of bamboo, silk, and paiier. Covered with black silk. Rim and shield-shaped back incrustation of iiaiier. Design, the dragon; gilded. Open at each side of the crown, which curves backward and is spaced with live gilt wires. A wooden ])in is thrust through the back of hat and ornamented with blue silk cord. Height, 9f inches. Seoul, Korea, 1884. 151637 Collected hy P. L. JoTiy. tVith this hilt is worn a red-silk gown partially embroidered. All ofiSeers, eivil or military, above the ninth rank (or chief clerk of any office in the United States) don this style of dress on the 1st of .January, when there is an audience with the King. It is also worn at times of thanksgiving or congratulation of the royal family. (See No. 77062). Soldiers’ hat (Paug-ko-tji). Thick, black, stiffened felt, mixexl with horsehair, which shows as a mat on the outside. Resembles a sombrero. Band, a red cord with tassels and two carved talc but- tons attached. A long switch of horsehair dyed red is fastened in the crown by a .swivel button. Id. xix, hg. o, middle line (com- mencing at the left). Diameter, 15 inches; height, 5 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77058 Collected hy Ensign.!. B. Bernadou, IT. S. Navy. The hat is heavy and resemhles the Japanese pot helmet (kahuto); probably it is made thick for defense. The plume (syang-mo) is the distinctive badge of soldiers. Koreans say that this ornament and the sleeves of the cavalry soldiers are dyed red in older to accustom the horses to the sight of blood. Some of the troops .still wear these hats. Chair coolies’ hat (rong-ko-tji). Black, .stiffened felt; smooth sur- face. Shaped like the .soldier.s’ hat. PI. xix, fig. G, middle line (commencing at the left). Height, 4 inches; ex of the hat without showing a break. Braced inside with hoops of bamboo and ribs running from the apex to points on the edge. In the toj) is a frame to fit around the liead. Outline, hexagonal. J’l. xviii, fig. 2, lower line (commenc- ing at the left). Height, 16 inches; diameter, 60 inclies; area, 6 s(|iiare feet. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77065 Collected by Ensign .1. U. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. Hat cover (Kanno). Polygonal cone of oiled )>a])er; folding. Htriug of twisted white paper crossed under the chin and held in the hand. Length, LS inches. .Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77019 Collected by Ensign ,1. R. Bernadon, U. S. Navy. This cover is sometimes worn over a light frame of bamboo sticks which serve as a suj)i)ort instead of tlie hat. When not in use the eover is folded nj) like a fan and put in the sleeve. Tliis is an interesting form of the umbrella. Rain coat (Yousam). Oiled i)aper; simifiy made; large .sleeves. The sesamum oil is applied after the coat is made. Length, 4 feet. Seoul, Korea, 188.5. 77017 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, II. >S. Navy. straw rain coats like those used in China and .Lapan are also used in Korea. Worn by men of the serving class. Rain clogs (FTamack-siu). Boat-.sha]»ed clogs, cut out of blocks of light, coarse-grained wood. Short supjiorts rai.se the foot about 4 inches from the ground. PI. xx, fig. 1, upper line (commencing at the left). Length, 11 inches. (Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77015 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, l’^. .S. N.avy. Worn on muddy ground byj)oor jieople. Compare the .lapanese rain clogs. Sweat shield (Dung-dung-gu-ri). Bamboo openwork device, worn by men under the clothes to luevent their becoming damp. Consists of three panels, the larger going over the chest and the smaller over the shoulders. Folding; very good workmanshi}). Length, 16 inches; width, 16 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77028 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. >S. Navy. Cuffs (Dung-to-su). Openwork cufts of bamboo coils wound with rat- tan. Worn by men to itrevent sleeves at wrist becoming dani]» from Iterspi ration. Length, 7 inches. .Seoul, Korea, 1885. Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. 77029 kOUKAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 459 Tkaveleks' sandals (( ’liip-seki). Sole, four wisps of rice straw, woven together with eottou rags, fasteuiug in tlie strands which form the uppers. These strands cover only the sides of the foot in the front portion. The heel turns sharply uj), bearing a yoke which tits over the back of the heel, (fathering string of grass. Worn by farmers. PI. xx, tig. 2, middle line (commencing at the left). Length, 10 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77011 Collected by Ensign ,J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Sandals (Sang-jip-sin). Rice straw; shape, somewhat between a shoe and sandal ; covering the sides of the foot and open above. PI. XX, tig. 4, middle line (commencing at the left). Length, 101 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77013 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Worn by farmers, laborers, etc. These sandals do not wear long, so it is cus- tomary to carry several pairs for a long journey afoot. Tliey co.st only a few mills a ])air. TOILET AKTICLES AND ACCESSORIES. Tweezers (Tjok-tjip-kei). Brass strip; rudely bent. Length, 2 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. • 77051 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Carried in the chon-moni or toilet bag. Pocket mirror (Kyol). Silvered glass set iu a wooden frame, with a pivoted lid. Frame, stained red. Size, by 2f inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77049 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. One of the toilet articles usually carried by every Koi’ean man and boy. Comb cleaner. Thin .strip of horn, pointed, and with a shield-shaped head. Length, 4 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77115 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The point is used to clean the comb and the head to a])])ly paint to the face by Korean ladies. IlAiR-ARRANOER. Thill sti ij) of liorii witli rounded ends, bent slightly in the middle. Used to push back stray locks under the head band. Length, 44 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77048 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Coarse comb (Or-om-pit). Hard wood; made by hand. Length, 3J inches; width, 2f inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. Collected by Ensign ,1. B. Bernadou, U. ,S. Navy. 77044 4G0 REPOUT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Fine . 7704.5 (.'ollected hy Eiisif*!! .1. U. Ih'rnadoii, U. S. Navy. All classe.s tli, 8't inches; width, 1| inches. Seoul, Korea. 130858 (hdlected hy Dr. II. N. Allen. CoMii nox (Bid-jnl)). Oblonji wooden box witli lid and drawer; cov- ered with a n('ometric veneer of different-colored pieces of bamboo. Dimensions, 5f hy 4if hy 24 inches. Seoul, Korea. 151G15 (hdlected hy P. L. .louy. Useil hy men to hold comhs and a sheet of oiled paj)er, on which are collected comhings, whi<’h are carefully hnrned once a year. Hair pin (Ok jiim). (rri'en Jade. The head of the jtin is elegantly ciirved in oiienwork with letives and thovers. Length, inches. Seoul, Korea. 130875 Collected hy Dr. II. N. Allen. The Jade is imported from China and worked in Kori*a. These small pins are generally worn hy ehlerly ladies. Ear spoon case ((’hu-e-jib). Hexagonal tube of precious white jade, the sides finely fretted with floriated designs. Generally carried by ladies. Length, 3J inches. Seoul, Korea. 130872 Collected by Dr. II. N. Allen. Ear spoon case (Cliu-e-jib). Hexagonal tube of precious white jade; the sides in fretwork (-arving, like Xo. 130872. Suspended by'silk cord. Length, 3-f| inches. Seoul. Korea. 130873 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Rece])tacle for ear spoons and toothpicks. Hair ornament (Mang-ja-sug-ung-hwang). Oblong bead, flattened on one side. IMade of realgar or red sulphide of arsenic. Length, 21 inches ; width. If inches. Seoul, Korea. 128122 Presented by C. (L Talcott, U. S. Navy. Worn by ladies, with the exee])tion of widows and those in mourning, flood quality; valued for its cidor and electrical ])ro])erties, in which it resembles amber. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM 461 Hair ornament (Da-clm-sn-quang). Uate-sliaped head of clay, painted red in imitation of realgar. Length, If inches; wifith, f inch. Sconl, Korea, 1884. 77050 Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, IT. S. Navy. The specimen is attached to a strip of black silk designed to he twisted with the (pieue, which hoys are compelled to wear until 15 years old. Ornamental knife (Jang-do). No blade. Handle of amber with silver-gilt fittings. Suspended by a silk cord with tassel. Length, 5 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130870 Collected hy Dr. H. N. Allen. Worn hy ladies as an ornament- Ornametal knife (Jang-do). No blade. Handle of white jade; lit tings of silver gilt. Length, 7| inches. Seoul, Korea. 130860 Collected hy Dr. H. N. Alien. Worn h 5 ' men as an ornament. Knife and chopsticks (Jang-do). Square handle and sheath of dark-brown hard wood (san-u-ja). Iron blade; German silver fit- tings. Length, 64 inches. Tong-ua, Korea. 151609 Collected hy P. L. Jouy. Penknife. One blade of soft iron; wooden handle; brass end clips engraved with dragon’s head; no spring; the nail depression is in the curving end of the blade. Length, open, 6 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77043 Collected hy Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Korean cutlers do not make their wares on a fi.xed ])attern in any numbers; that is, they will not take an oriler for 1 dozen knives made after a certain style. Pocket knife and tweezers (Ju-mu iii pal-qua-jok-jnk ga). Two blades; iron and brass; horn handle; brass spring. The tweezers slij) over the outside of the handle. Length, closcal, 31 inches. Seoul, Korea. 151611 (Nillectcd hy P. L. .lony. Scent bag (Iliang nang). Red satin endnoidered with flowers, etc., and lined with blue satin. Mouth drawn up with a silken string. Length, 3J inches; width, 41 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130865 Collected hy Dr. II. N. Allen. Used hy young men for holding spices or nu'dicine. Made hy tlie court ladies for distribution hy the King and (^ueen to their relatives. 4B2 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Small scent bag (Ha-raiig). Yellow satin, erahroiileied in bright colors. Mouth drawn together with a silk cord. Diameter, 2 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1.80866 Collected hy Dr. H. N. Allen. Given to the children of the royal families on New Year’s day. Made by the ladies in the palace. Belt clasp (Bi-don). Precious white jade; oblong; fine perforated carving of the dragon. Length, 2^ inches ; width, 1| inches. Seoul, Corea. 130874 Used by officers in uniform to fasten a hunch of silk covering an ivory tablet, on which are engraved their name, rank, etc. Folding FAN (Sun-ja). Bamboo sticks covered with paper; not dec- orated. The outside sticks are strengthened by a piece of hard Avood set in at the rivet end. Length, 10 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77020 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadmi, U. S. Navy. Korean fans are noted for their strength and durability. Fan (Tei-eul-sen). Bigid fan of bamboo .splints covered with varni.shed oiled paper, set into a black lacquered handle. Decorated with the Korean national symbol (a pair of red and black, comma-shaped spirals coiled together in a circle) emblematic of the positive and negative essences of Chinese philosophy. Length. 13 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77021 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Carried by the better class of Korean women. Fans (Bu clia). Paper on bamboo; folding. Lacquered sticks burnt in figures. Paper oiled to render it more durable. Length, from 10 to 164 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130850 Collected by D. H. N. Allen. Folding fans are generally carried by men. The smaUer fans are for carrying in the pocket or sleeve, but the large fans are used by servants to fan their masters. The large fans are not made for trade, but are the annual tribute from the southern provinces and are distributed by the King to the high officers in Seoul. Ladies’ fan (Mi-sun). Rigid fans covered with oiled paper; round and other shapes, with black lacquer handle. Diameter, 9^ inches. Cholla-do, Korea. 130848 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Woman’s mat. Sheet of red oiled paper, stamped tvith Avhite figures, folded into a square form. Seoul, Korea. 153612 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The purpose of this mat is to catch the hair and bits of nail, which are care- fully collected and burned once a year m accordance with a widespread custom- KOKEAX COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 463 I’IPE BOWL AND MOUTHPIECE. Of white metal ; stem, straight piece of bamboo about a yard long, cleared of divisions by a long iron drill. Seoul, Kore.i, 1885. 77041 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Beruadon, U. S. Navy. Koreans are reported to be inveraie smokers. “A little jxmcli is even hung to the girdle of ehildren, significant of their future proficiency in smoking,” writes the author of Choson. Mr. Roekhill has found them reckoning tune by pipes of tobacco. The pipe is much larger than that of the Japanese. Pipe bowl and mouthpiece. Of brass; large bowl. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77040 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadoii, U. S. Navy. Tobacco box (Tam-pai-ho-rap). Oblong, rectangular box of iirecious serpentine of dark-green color, with yellow mottlings ; lid and box highly polished. Two compartments for holding dilierent kinds of tobacco. PI. xxi, fig. 1 (commencing at the left). Length, 64 inches; width, 4f inches; height, 44 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130846 Collected by Dr. H. N^. Allen. Tobacco box (Tam-pai-ho-rap). Oblong rectangular box finely wrought from green serpentine. With cover. Highly polished. PI. xxi, fig. 2 (commencing at the left). Length, 64 inches; width, 4f inches; height, 44 inches. Dan chun City, Korea. 130845 Collected by Dr. H. X". Allen. Inlaid tobacco box (Tam-pai-ho-rap). Kectangular iron box inlaid with silver; sliding lid; bolt for fastening ; staple through which a strap passes for carrying. The method of inlaying i>ursued is to hack the surface of the iron, lay on the wire design and fasten with i)ressure and hammering. The Avide inlays are engraved. I’l. xxi, fig. .‘1 (commencing at the left). Size, 4x2|x24 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77038 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bcrnadmi, U. S. Navy. Design on the lid is Sang-hi, “Long life and hap])iness ” character; on end mythological design of stork and tortoise; on sides deer browsing on leaves ; the dead s]>aces matted with stars and four-petahxl flowers; horders of Grecian and other designs. The Korean silver inlaying is excellent and well-known art work. Tobacco box (Tam-iiai-ho-rap). Circular box with lid; made of a soft reddish soap stone called hua ban-.suk. Turned on a recii)rocating lathe and ixdished with stone dust, a rough e<|uisetaceous plant (sok-sa), and oil. PI. xxi, fig. 4 (commencing at the left). Height, 31 inches; diameter, Ijj inches, Fusan, Kon^a, 1884. Collected by P. L. Jouy. 151617 464 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Tobaoco box, Ii'oii inlaid with co])]kt filature. Circular, with lid. The iron is first made rough by filing or hacking and the wire de- sign laid on and hammered down and the whole burnished and ])olished. Very fine work. Designs, ])lum bloom, bamboo, pine, chrysanthemum, birds, and insects. The lid bears “ Good luck” character. PI. xxi, fig. 5 (commencing at the left). Height, 3 iuches; diameter, 1 iiielies. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77039 Collected by En.sign .1. B. Beriiadmi, U. S. Navy. The subjects of design have their significance in the folk-lore of Korea as in .Japan. Tobacco box (Tam pai ho rap). Circular iron box with lid. Inlaid with silver filatures and lactpiered in the interspaces. Side orna- mented with archaic Chinese chiiracters; reserve spaces filled with a mat fret design. Happiness character on the lid. PI. xxi, fig. 0 (commencing at the left). Height, 2f inches, diameter, 4 iuehes. Seoul, Korea. 15161 Collected by P. L. .Tony. Pipe (Dam-be ta). Bowl and moutlipiect* of an alloy like German sil- ver, decorated with niello work. Stem etched and lacfiuered. Finsan, Korea. 130847 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Tobacco (Tam pe). Dark-yellowish color; cut quite fine. Not very strong. Seoul, Korea, 1884. 151639 Collected by P. L. .Tony. This specimen is called sucho and is not of good quality. Korean tobacco is said to be suitable for the European market. Snuff BOTTLE (Bec-yun-tong). Small fiat bottle with neck; made of smoky agate. Height, inches. Seoul, Korea. 130871 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Seldom made use of by Koreans. This si)ecimen is from China. Carried in the pocket. THE PICTORIAL, PLASTIC, AND DECORATIVE ARTS. METAL AVORK. Cast bronze image (ancient) (In hiung). Rudely modeled. Rep- resents a warrior in scale armor rvith stvord in hand. Height, 3^ inches. Torai, southern Korea. Collected bj' P. L. .Jouy. 151606 / s EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXI. Korean Tobacco Boxes. (Commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Tobacco Box. Oblong, rectangular box, of dark green serpentine with yel- low mottlings; lid and box highly ])olished. Two compartments for hold- ing different kinds of tobacco. Length, 6| inches; width, 4f inches; height, 4| inches. (Cat. No. 130846, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen) Fig. 2. Tobacco Box. Oblong, rectangular box, finely wrought from green serpen- tine, highly i)olished, with cover. Length, 6 inches; width, 4| inches; height, inches. (Cat. No. 130845, U. S. N. M. Da Chnn City, Korea. Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen.) Fig. 3. Tobacco Box. Rectangular iron box inlaid with silver; sliding lid; bolt for fastening; brass staple, through which a strap is passed in carrying. Designs on the sides: the stork, tortoise and deer, emblems of longevity. On lid, the Sang-hi “Long-life and happiness” character. Size, 4 by 2f by 2J inches. (Cat. No. 77138, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bcruadou, U. S. N.) Fig. 4. Tobacco Box. Circular box, with lid; made of a soft reddish soapstone called hua-bau-sok. Turned on a reciprocating lathe and polished with stone iit, indies. 'J'oiai, Korea, 1883. 15160.5 (’olleeted )>y 1*. ij. .lony. Probably used a.s an ornament on some Imildinj;' (temple) or on armor. Cover of fire nox (Hwa-ru dug-ke). Brass; eireuhir; jierfonited design of lotus dowers, etc. ; cliased and repousseed. Diameter, indies. Korea. 151613 Collected by P. L. .Joiiy. From a temple vessel, jirobably a liaud-warmer. Donkey reel (Bang- wool). Globular east brass; raised ornamenta tion. Diameter, 2 inches. Fusan, Korea. 151601 Collected by P. L. .lony. Wind bell (Pung-kiung). Brass; crueiform clapper with globular ends. A chain hangs down from the clapper bearing ti sheet brass fish, which rings the bell when swayed in the wind. Height, 2^ indies. Seoul, Korea. 151516 Collected by I’. L. .Joiiy. Hung in the eaves of houses and temples. The ,Jai>anese have a similar custom. INLAYING, EMBROIDERY, ETC. Pillow end (Be-ga-mo). Disk of wood painted. Design, two tigers and pine tree. Coatt'd tvith a transparent layer of gelatinous sub- stance resembling horn. PI. xxii, fig. 1 (commencing at the left). Diameter, 6 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77035 Collected liy Ensign .1. B. Bernadoii, U. S. Navy. The Korean pillow is a cylindrical case stuffed with hair or rice straw. It has ornamented ends. Pillow end (Be ga-mo). Circular piece of wood, lac(piered;,incrusted with haliolis shell. Figures representa tiger under a pine tree; along the border is a band of arabesipie. PI. xxii, fig. 2 (commencing at the left). Diameter, 8;J^ indies. Tong-young City, Korea. 1.30851 Collected by Dr. 11. N. Allen. This is 1 ot i>art of a regular jiillow, but for the kind used as an arm rest. PiLi.ow END (Ja ga-be-ga ino). Disk of wood fastened in the end of th(‘ cylindriciti jiillowcase; inlaid in black lac(in<>r with Imliolis shell. Subject, the great tlnigon rising from the .stni into the sky in the spring setisou. PI. xxii. tig. .3 (commencing at tin* left). Diameter, 8 indies. Seoul, Korea, 1885. SM tU, PT 2 30 77032. 4f)fi KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. PiLLOAV END — Continued. Collected l>y Ensign .1. H. Hernadon, U. S. Navy. The I'iong, ov dragon, is one of the four niytliologie beasts. In ]>me art the whole body of the dragon is not showti, hut ))artly shrouded in clouds. J’lLLOw END {.la-ga-be-gii ino). Circular disk of wood, inlaid with niothor-of-pearl. I)e.sion,the Chin(\se “good luck ” character. I’l. XXII, fig. 4 (conunencing at the left). Diameter, 7 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 7703.3 Cfdlected hy Ensign .1. H. Hernadou, U. S. Navy. Pillow end (Be-ga-ino). Embroidered in colored silk. Design, the Chinese tai-ki, three comiua-shaped objects coiled in a circle. Around this is grouped the eight geoinantic signs. PI. xxii, fig 5, (commencing at the left). Seoul. Korea. 77034 Collected hy Ensign .1. K. Hernadou, U. S. Navy. The colors are related to the meaning of the symhol. Embroidered screen (Su-biung). Folding screen with tmi leaves embroidered in flower.s, butterflies, etc., on a white .satin ground. Along the border of the oblong surfaces are strii)s of brocaded silk, .Seoul, Korea. 1308.55 Collected hy Dr. 11. N. Allen. Generally found in ladies’ apartments. This 8))ecimen was made in northwest Korea. PAINTING IN tVATER COLORS. Scroll picture ( Yong gu-rim). In colors; reinesents the dragon rami)ant in the clouds, with its mysterious ball (yu-u-ju). Length, 47 inches; width, 28 inches. Interior of southern Korea. 151596 Collected hy 1^. L. .Tony. The hall before the dragon is believed to j>os.s<‘ss mystic (uialiti<-s; hy it the dragon causes wind to blow, rain to fall, and other miracles. Ignorant ])eople to tiring good fortune hang a jiicture of the dragon in their sleejiing rooms. The figure of the dragon is jiopularly used in jiaintings and carvings, not only because of the old lielief in the fabulous stories, hut because the long body with four short legs is convenient to mahe many curves like arabesques and to fill a narrow sjiace in d(‘coration. Si;roll PICTURE (Gurim.) “Spring in Korea:” in water colors. The favorite i)lum trees in bloom, willows with ex])anding leaves, etc., are well painted, and the whole effect is pleasing. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet. Seoul, Korea. 151.598 Collected by P. L. .Tony. Painted liy .Jo .lung Mnk, an artist in government service who is noted for his water-color portraits. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXII, Korean Inlaid and Embroidered Pillow Ends. (Commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Pillow End. Disk of wood, painted. Design, two tigers and a ])ine tree. Surface, coated with a transparent layer of a gelatinous substance re- sembling horn. Diameter, inches. (Cat. Xo. 7703.5, U. S. N. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by Ensign .1. 15. Beruadou, IT. S. N^.) ' Fig. 2. Pillow End. Disk of wood, lacquered; incrusted with haliotis shell. De- sign, tiger under a pine tree; along the border is a band of arabesques in shell. Diameter, 8;J- inches. (Cat. Xo. 1.308.51, U. S. X'. M. Toiig-young City, Korea. Collected by Dr. II. X". Allen.) Fig. 3. Pillow End. Disk of wood incrusted in black lac. 1 Water-color painting (Gu rim). Buddhist priest with hatof str:iw I in the act of bowing. 7. Water-Color painting (Gu rim). Otflcer’s servant dressed in bhick coat find hat ;md white belt, ciirrying his imister’s official dress and tobacco box. H. Wa'I'ER-color painting (Gu-rim). Ihdace s(‘ivant wciiring brown coat and blue sash; sword on b;ick. !). 'I’his servant is selected from the class of respeclable citizens and trained as :i regular soldier. Tlien^ are, live linndied such servants in th(> j)alace at Seoul. Water COLOR pain'ITNG (Gfi-rim). bady in ordinary die.ss. The small ornament on the toj) of the, head and the purple vest are never worn together. 10. 4GS REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 18!»1. Water COLOR painting (Gu rini). Boy in house dress: the queue shows tliat he is unmarried. 11. Water-color painting (Gu-rim). Lady in house dress consisting of a yellow coat and red skirt; these colors are ouly worn hy uu- niarried women. Hi. Tlie hair oriiaiiu'nt is always atlorncd with jewels except in mourning. It is prohibited to widows. Water-color painting (Gu-rim). Lady in street costume, wearing the prescribed green veil. 13. Water-color painting (Gu-rim). Lady in house dress. 14. Water-color painting (Gu-rim). I’rime minister in pink robe, .seated on a sedan. The fan and sedan show the rank. Link is used by all officers of the iq)per house, either civil or military. 15. Water color painting (Gu-rim). Servant of the tribunal or chamber court. 10. Water-color painting (Gu-rim). Civil officer of the second rank, denoted by golden belt; seated on a sedan of lacquered wood having one wheel. The seat is about 5 feet from the ground and the sedan is propelled and supported by 5 men. 17. .Size, It by 11} inches. The monocyele usually travels faster than the Korean hor.se. Officers in this high .sedan usually have twenty followers. Collected by AV. AV. Koekhill. The preceding series (Kos. 1-17) is from Seoul, Korea. 131315 (17) Book of aa^ater-color paintings (Hwa-chup). Bound in folio of the native paper, with back of blue cloth. Contains thirty-seven stiffly drawn figures of sages and spiritual beings, illustrating the mythological stories of Korea. .Seoul, Korea. 130880 Collected by Ur. II. N. Allen. Scroll picture of a Korean lady. Painted in water color. This Iiicture gives an idea of the mode of Avearing the hair and the house costume of the Korean ladies. .Size, 24 by 48 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77071 Collected by Ensign .1. K. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The pictures used in the decoration of the inner or living rooms of the common people are gaudily colored and stiffly drawn. The sub- jects of Korean common pictorial art are flowers, fruits, animals, etc., in contrast Avith the dramatic and blood-curdling common prints of the Ja))ane.se. Picture. Colored. Storks, deer eating “immortal grass,” aud turtles in the sea. Poetical illu.stration. 1. U.sed for household decoration by the lower-class Koreans. This picture illustrates the “Ten long lives,” or those things in nature existing longer than human beings. They are the sun, moon, mountain, water, turtle, deer, swan, pine, bamboo, and a plant called bu-sut. KOREAN rOT.EECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL iMT'SEUM. 4fi9 PiCTUEE. Flowers, colored. The ros(‘, elirysaiitheiimni, hihi.scus mittabiliff, peouy, convolvulus, grapes; an aquarium rvitli lisli, two vases decorated with geomautic (national) symbols, placed on table and floor, are shown. 2. Usually seen in living rooms of the common peoiile. Picture. Colored. Subject, the male and female phoenix with young near their nest in the black rock under the odong or paulownia tree. Sunrise. 3. In Korean folklore these birds, called “Pong and Hoang,” are said tf» bring forth their young like animals and only on the birth of a sage is a phoenix born. The nest must he in a hole in the rock under the shade of a paulowuia tree. Picture. Golden pheasants, mowtan peony, plum tree, waterfall, and pair of little birds, 4. House decorations of the common people. Picture. Vase decorated with wave pattern; filled with flowers of the hibiscus, hul-su or snapdragon, pomegranates, and apricots. On the ground, oranges and bunches of immortal grass. 5. Picture such as is found in living rooms of the common people. Hung upon the door. Picture. Eepresents a cock. One of the four watchful animals, G. One of the four pictures such as are found hanging on the outside of the storeroom in the dwellings of the common people. Picture. Decorated vases, pencil rest, dish of peaches on table, coral and peacock feathers in tall vase decorated with wave pat- tern, mystic bowknot, and conventional dragon. 7. The common people delight in these gaudy pictures and hang them up in their living rooms. Used for hanging on a closet door. Picture. Tiger and immortal plant. 8. Gaiidj' picture bought by the common people. Picture. Dog, with collar and bells around its neck. 9. One of a set of four ])ictures which decorate the outside of a storeroom. Picture. Vases and dishes, roll of pictures tied together with band of ribbon. Dish contains kain or persimmons, a Korean fruit. 10. Used l)y common peoj)lc. Hung on the closet door. Picture. Mythological beast called a lion, with collar and bells. Tongues of flame issue from its fe(T. 11. One of the four animals of watchfulmiss. lIuTig outside of a storeroom. Picture. Tiger rampant. A favorite representation of Korean artists. 12. One of the four ])ietures of the watchful animals hung on the outside of the storeroom. Colleet<^d l>y Ensign .1. R. Rernadou, IT. K. N.avy. The preceding series (Nos, 1-12) is from Seoul, Korea, 1885. 770o2 (12) Screen. Silk; painttal with a scene which represents an (“inperor of (lliiiiit of the Ming dyiiiisty reet'iving itresents from statics tributary to (lliina. Figlit letives; old, rare, and linely painttal. Wiilth, 22 inches; length, 1 feet. Seoul, Korea, iSS.'i. 7711G 470 REPORT OF NATIONAL MFSEUM, 1891. Wliite cock, Iumi, and cbicks by the bam- Hawk on (diff overhanging the sea, with SOREEN — ( 'ontinued. Collected by Ensign .1. R. Hernadon, II. S. Navy. 'I’liis screen is worthy of close, study for the unniher of nationalities dejiicted and from the fact that it is an example of the finest Oriental liand-iminting. The scene is of about four liundred years ago ; the Koreans with jiardonalile jiride have placed themselves in the front rank. Water-color paintino. Mandarin duck. 1. Water-color paintino. boo brake. 2, Water-color paintino. captured duck. 3. This picture is well drawn; the siu’ay under the seaweed-covered rock and the fierce mien and pose of the hawk are well executed. Water-color painting. Hawk about to sittack a monkey, which hides itself under the trunk of a pine tree. 4. The monkey is not found in Korea. Water-color painting. Eagle perched in a plum tree. 5. Water-color painting. White eagle with quarry; a pheasant. (J. Water color painting. Swans among the reeds. Poetical. 7. Wai’er-color painting. Korean hunting falcon in pursuit of a white hare. 8. Water-color painting. Floidc of cranes on a pine tree. Poetical and mythological illustration. 9. Water-color painting. Crane and fragrant plum tree. Poet ical and metaphorical, the crane signifying the child and the plum tree the mother. 10. Lion under pine tre(“. Very poor repre- Water-color painting. sentation. 11. Water COLOR painting. Water-color painting. Water-color painting. tration of some poem. Water-color painting. Water-color painting. Tiger crotiching under a pine tree. 12. Gray scpiirrel on branch of pine tree. 13. Pair of musk deer. Probably iin illus- 14. Pair of antelope. 15. Well groomed horse tied to a willow tree. Spring scene; often painted by Korean artists. 10. Water-color painting. Horses at play, lea])ing and rolling. Spring scene; an illustration of a poem. 17. Water-color painting. I’air of dogs under trees. Mythological dogs, illustrating a folk story. 18. Water-color painting. Sea monster (whale) swallowing a junk. 19. Water-color painting. Manchurian crane. 20. Sepia draaving. Landscape, winter scene; mountains partly covered with snow. Sliows !i ])agoda and the roof of a tenii»le. 22. KOREAN COLLECTK^NS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 471 Water-color painting. Landscape, summer scene; sliown by thick foliage and by people sitting in the open pavilions. 23. Water-color painting. Landscape, spring scene; village at sun.set, men reading by the window, and fishers returning across a quaint bridge. 24. Water-color painting. Landscape, autumn; mai)le trees, water flowing under a stone bridge, a man on a two wheeled sedan of the kind probably used in Korea in old times. 25. Water-color painting. Illustrates the story of a man who was famous for his good handwriting. jSTo one has attained to his ex- cellence since his death. 26. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The iireceding series (Kos. 1-26) is from Seoul, Korea. 77117 Water-color painting. Landscape, autumn mooidight scene; the maples and bamboo surround the student’s house, 1. Water-color painting. Landscape, winter moonlight scene after a snowstorm. 2. Water-color painting. Butterflies and flowers. 3. Painted by Han, a native artist. Used for house decoration. Water-color painting. Submarine view, crabs, shrimiis, mollusks, and seaweeds. 4. This picture bears marks of having been drawn by a literary man rather than a regular artist. Water-color painting. Story of Lomoo, a Chinese officer ban- ished by the Emperor through intrigue. Though he had grown old in exile, and suffered from hunger and iirivation, yet he loyally holds up the rod with five bunches of red silk given him by the Emperor. 5. Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Tlie preceding series (Kos. 1-5) is from Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77118 By far the better pictures in the collection are the following outline sketches in India ink, which may be entitled “Scenes from the Social Life of Korea.” They are a revelation in Korean art, since they show bold drawing, free treatment, and humorous caricature like that found in the realistic school of Japan. These pictures illustrate the social customs and industrial arts of the l)cople. They were originally bound together to form a boy’s picture book. They are supposed to be nearly three hundred years old. India-ink drawing, MjThological picture; the seven good beings or secondary angels of Korea and China, with the animals and plants appertaining to them. Tliese beings in Japan are called the seven gods of happiness. The central figure bears a striking re- semblance to the Japanese llotei, the jiresident of the seven. The 472 KEl’OUT OF NATIONAL MUSKUM, 1891. India- INK drawing — Coiitimu'd. scene is interesting in tracing tlie Cliinese influence to .lapan through Korea. Tiiis set of character ]>ictures were drawn hy the artist Han-Jin-o, 1. iNDiA-iNK DRAWING. Mythological picture; the seven wise men or gods of good fortune. The ('entral figure, Laotze, writes verses upon a scroll and produces Jewels and living animals from his pen. 2. India-ink draaving. Marriage procession of the groom vi.siting his intended bride. Men in advance carry lanterns for the occa- sion, followed by the bearer of a wild duck or model of one, the symbol of domestic felicity. Then comes the bridegroom in court dress, alwiiys worn on such occasions by all except coolies. As a rule the young man’s former nurse follows. 3. India-ink draavinit. Coolies at a Avell. Around the wide, shallow well Avomen are drawing water Avith rope and bucket, to fill jars which are carried on the head. 4. This picture shows the dress of the lower class. India-ink draaving. Instruction in archery; teacher showing lad how to draw the bow. The awkward pose of the beginner is well caught. Others are stringing the bow and straightening the arrow. 5. India-ink draaving. Peddlers returning from Avork. Shows horses, pack saddles, coolie’s dress, and method of smoking. 0. The pack saddles shown here have a deep seat between two yokes. They are girthed and have a wide breech band. Rungs are set in between the yokes of the saddle, to which packages are tied. One of the coolies is striking a light with flint and steel. India-ink draaving. Begging bonzes on the road side. On a large sheet of paper are a number of strijis upon which are written sums of money or grain as paid for certain efficacious prayers. The Avoman iu front is about to thi’ow down a few cash, for which the prayers Avill be said. The bonzes carry small boat-shaped drums, and sing the sacred songs invoking blessings on the contributors. The lady’s attendant carries a smoking outfit on her head and fan in her hand. 7. These priests are not regular beggars, but perform this office according to the rules of a certain sect. India-ink draaving. Preparing tobacco for smoking. The stems are removed and the leaA^es piled evenly, then the piles are cut into shreds with a long lever knife. The expectant attitude of the man Avho is waiting for some tobacco is very comical. 8. India-ink Draaving. Pea.sant’s family; woman spinning and man making matting on a Aveighted loom. The loom frame is tA\m forked sticks driven in the ground and a bar placed across. The warp threads are wound around Aveights. These are diAuded alter- nately to opposite sides of the bar. In working the loom a weft sti-aw is laid in Avhere these threads cross the bar, and one set of KOREAN OOLLEC'TJONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 473 India-ink drawing — C ontinued. weights tlirowu over, the other set thrown back, inclosing the rush in the warp. This is a tedious process, but produces good work with little machinery and skill. Korean matting is very good. 9. India-ink drawing. (Jountry people passing on the road. Shows the high saddle and common method of riding by holding on to the saddle and allowing the horse to be led. 10. Etiquette requires that women vail their faces on meeting men. This repre- sents the wedding procession returning from tlie bride’s house. India-ink drawing. House building. ' Shows men planing timbers, tiling, etc. 11. Tiles are imbedded in h.alls of mud placed upon the roof. The plane has handles at the sides. India-ink drawing. Wrestling match. Spectators; street candy seller. 1 2. India-ink drawing. Boats propelled by sculling, ferrying passen- gers across stream. 13. India-ink drawing. Women washing clothes by beating them with clubs on rocks. Women braiding hair; man peeping from behind his fan. 11. India-ink drawing. Coolies eating by the roadside. Bowls and spoons are being used. 15. India-ink drawing. Eoadside inn. People of middle class taking food and smoking. 16. These open road.side inns resemble those of .Japan. iNDiA-iNK DRAWING. Coolics resting by roadside; smoking and chat- ting. 17. India-ink drawing. Country peddlers. Man carries large basket of of vegetables or salt fish on his head; woman carries child and cradle-shaped basket containing crabs. 18. The child is carried as in J.apan, seated inside the loose upper garment. India-ink drawing. Forging. Smith holds red-hot iron on an\41, witli tongs, while two men strike. Boy blows bellows, and man sits on the ground dressing ]>iece of wood with curved drawknife. 19 . India ink drawing. Shoeing a horse. Tools lying on ground. 20. The animal is thrown and the smith tacks on a circnlar shoe without calks. ‘ Korean horses arc rarely castrated; hence are vicious. The otlicials ride don- keys almost universally. iNDiA-iNK DRAWING. Plowing and working the lields. Two oxen are attached to a light, one handled jilow. Two men hoeing with implements rcsendiling i>otato forks. 21. In Korea the horse is never emi)loyed in the plow. India-ink drawing. Thrashing by beating sheaves across a rough log of wood and swiH'ping grain IVom the smooth, hard ground. The man taking his easi*. near by is (he overseer. 22. 474 REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. India INK drawing. Sclioolimi.ster aiid class of cliildreii. Jdoys are studyinf?, and one is “backing Ids iiook,” that is, reciting by turn- ing Ids back to the teacher and iihicing liis book behind him. 23 . INDIA-INK DRAWING. Farmers’ wives weaving. Woman working at a rude loom; an old woman taking care of children, and a woman singeing thread to remove frayed libers before using it for weaving. 24. IndiA-ink drawing. Hired-boy daiuier and band of music. Mu- sicians .seated in semicirch*. Instruments: Hass drum in frame like .Japanese drum, accordeou, flute, fifes, and guitar. 2r>. India INK drawing. Catching fish in a weir. Men in boats are dip- ])ing out fish into Jars; at one end of weir is Hock of birds. 2G. iNDiA-iNK DRAWING. Wood-caiTiers re.sting and playing a game with small stones; frames for carrying wood at one side. 27. 'I’he carrying frame .sliown i.s rectangular, woven at back with rattan, with arm loops at side and ropes for encircling the burden. The arms are passed through loo])8 and load carried on bac^k. A much more commonly used frame is made of two Ibrked limbs, cut a))out 3 feet long anil mortised together with slats. India-ink drawing. Competitors for the civil-service examination. This styleof dress, cap, and shoes are worn during the examination. Ou(? youth shows his friends the ]>aper on which the answers will be written. 2y Dr. H. N. Allen. This style of seal is generally used by literary ]»eople. The, design orig- inated in China. Ink STONE (Be-ru-dol). Oblong slab of black slate, with cover of wood. Length, 4f inches; width, 24 inches. Nam-po City, Korea. 130838 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Ink stone (Be-ru-dol). Oblong slab of hard black stone, with lid, on Avhich is carved a fiowering plnm tree. Length, 5^ inches; width, 3 inches. Nam-po City, Korea. 1.30839 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Rolls of letter paper (I)u-ru-ma ri). White paper .sized and i)ol- ished. Medium quality; made from the bark of the tak tree. Width, 64 inches. Seoul, Korea. ‘ 130837 Collected by Dr. II. N. Allen. Pencils or rrushes (Boot). Made from the hair of a small animal resembling the rat (chung-sal-mo), fixed in bamboo. Length, 8 inches. Seoul, Korea. 130841 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. For letter-writing and c(>])ying. Generally manufactured in the province of Ham-kinng-do. Pencil .tar (Pil-tong). Porcelain (*ylinder decorated witli figures of a man and a woman, in water colors. Height, 44 inches; diameter, 2j inches. Seoul, Korea. 130840 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Pencil .tar (Pil-toug). Octagonal va.se of precious .serpentine. Height, 5| inches; diameter, 4J iindies. Seoul, Korea, 188.5. 38.329 Collected by Ensign .1. H. Heruiidou, U. S. Navy. This stone is prized by the Koreans, who make from it ))cncil jars, ink. stones tob.acco box(!S, etc. Bencil rest (Pil-.san). Carved .soai)stoue, rejtre.senting Bo ja ( Baotze), a Chiiie.se ])hilo.sopher, .sisited on a cow. He.ight, 2f inches. .Seoul, Korea. Collected l)v Dr. II. N. Allen. 130.867 47G 1{KP0RT OF NATIONAL MUSETM, 18t‘l. Bursil HOLDER ( Til Carvod teak wood, lepreseiiting a knotty tree trunk. 10 iiicli<‘8; Uiiimeter, lOi inchcK. Seoul, Korea. 130879 Collected by Dr. IL N. Allen. Of the form used by Chinese scholars for holding brushes and rolls of ]>ai)er. Wood block (cast). Double face, the uiiper showing the face and back of the harj) called Iva-nuiii-go, a Chinese in.strunient. The lower face, with ])icture of flight of butterflies. Length, 11 inches; width, 5 inches. Seoul, Korea. 153611 Collecteriuted with movable type.”* PROPERTY, TRADE, COMMERflE, AND INTERCOMMUNICATION. Carrying cloth. Square piece of coarse cotton stiitt" .stamped iu black. At each corner is sewn a .strong band of folded cotton. Size, 48 by .55 inches sipiare. .Seoul, Korea. 15.3013 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. \Vraj)ped around parcels carried by ])orters. METJlOns AND MEDIA OF E.XCHAXGE. Three “cash” piece. Copper coin worth about .3 cents. Inscrip- tion, “Great East. Tliree cash.” Diameter, 1 inch. Korea. Gift of W. A. Mintzer, U. S. Navy. Silver coin (Sam jun). The inscription is “ Great Eastern Kingdom, one mace.” In center of obverse of coin is a disk of transparent blue enamel about ^ of an inch in diameter. Beneath this is the character for treasury. Debased silver, l alue about 15 cents. Di,ameter, i of an inch. Korea. Gift of W. A. Mintzer, U. S. Navy. These enrious coins are rare, having been witbdrawn from circulation. Trans. Asiat. .Soc. of .hqian. x, No. 1, p. 63. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIII. Korean Printing Block. Printing Block. Of wood ; end ^yellge-sllaped for fitting into a holder. Charac- ters hoth sunken and engraved in relief. Block used for printing the aljihabet sheet for children. Length, 17f inches; width, 8 inches. (Cat. Xo. 77018, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected hy Ensign J. B. Berna- dou, U. S. X.) Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XXIII. 6|yj/f UJ ui, ^wiSl Korean Printing Block. KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 477 Silver coin (Sam jun). Inscription, “Great Eastern Kingdom, two mace.” Disk of enamel in center of obverse. Debased silver, value about 30 cents. Diameter, I inch. I Korea. Gift of IV. A. Mintzer, U. S. Navy. These coins are rare, having been withdrawn from circulation. Korean “cash” (Dang-o-jnn). Coins made of an alloy of copper, tin, and lead. Square bole in center as in Chinese coins. Keverse bears four characters giving name of coin, and the obverse the place where it was made, the number of the furnace, and the value, about ^ of a cent. Diameter, If inches. Seoul, Korea. 130863 Collected hy Dr. H. N. Allen. This coin is unpopular, as it is badly made. This kind of money was first in- troduced from China in 1884, and adopted hy the Conservative party. Cash sword (Soe chun). Chinese cash, tied in shape of sword with colored strings and decorated with silk fringe. Length, 20 inches. Korea. 130908 [ Collected hy Dr. H. N. Allen. Generallj' made by ladies and kept as curiosities. I Medal (Buil don). Alloy of copper, lead, and brass. Cast. A wide band of perforated designs of the long-life symbols, alike on either I side of the medal, surrounds a central circle containing on one side I the Chinese characters signifying “ His Majesty; (may he live) ten thousand years” and on the other “ Wealth, official promotion, many children.” (3n either side are four national symbols. Square hole in center. Pierced for suspension. Diameter, 2J J inches. Seoul, Korea, 1889. 130876 Collected hy Dr. H. N. Allen. Struck in the precincts of the palace at the times of the establishment of the mint, which is not a permanent fixture of the Government. RECREATION AND AMUSEMENT. (JAMKS OF SKIM, AND CIIANCK. A.’MU.SEMKNTS. Playing cards (T’ou-tjyen). Eighty-one long, narrow strips of oiled paper, with suit signs in black. Eight suits: The man, fish, hawk, jiheasant, deer, .steer, rabbit, and horse, the numerals running u]) to nine and a general. PI. xxiv, Eig. 1, left side. Length, 8 inches; width, one-quarter of an inch. .Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77047 Collected l)y Ensign .1. E. llernadon, U. S. Navy. Several varieties of cards, dilfering as to tln^ number of suits, are jilayed in Korea. These cards resemble the lots used hy Chinese gamblers to determine luck. 478 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Chinese chessmen (Tjang keui), Tliirty-two hexagonal bloeks of I)ine wood, of three different sizes. Characters, Chinese, cut in the blocks and painted blue or red. PI. xxiii, Fig. 2, lower right- hand corner. .Seoul, Korea, 188.5. 77025 ('ollected l)y Ensign J. K. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The name means “game of war.” It is eurions that the rank depends on the size of the pieces, as in ease of .Japanese cliin. Whether more ancient in type than the pieces at ])resent used in China, which are of uniform size, is conjectural. Played on a hoard made of wood or paper. Dominoes (Kolpai. ‘‘Bone game'’). Thirty-two ivory dies marked with red and black spots large and .small. PI. xxiv, Fig. 3. upper right-hand corner. Size of dies, f inch long; one-half inch wiamhoo, the dulcimer being held hy placing the foreflng(‘r in a hole beneath tlie l)ox and resting it on the tips of the fingers and thumh. The long side is held toward the body, and the forward and middle sections of the strings are used. This instrument is much in favor among the educated class and is used for both instrumental pieces and accompaniment. PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY, JuiDE POST (Jaug-suug). Kude post AA'ith grotesquely carved human face. When complete it is croAvned Avith a hat, has large ears, and thin strijts along either side reiu'esent clothing. I’l. xxvii. Lengtli, 29J inches. Seoul, Korea. 129484 Collected hy P. L. .louy. Placed along country roadsides at intervals of half a mile. Comjilete s))eci. mens are about 6 feet high, are ]iainted, and bear on the front an inscrijition showing the distances. It is believed (hat this Jang sung is a shamanistie idol to the spirits of the jilaee as well as a guide post. TIIF. ART OF AVAR. — AVEAPONS AND ARMOR. Vrmor ((iap-ot). Consists of a coat, helmet, and Avide Ix'lt made ui> of many thi fbt’x A EXPLANATJON OF PLATE XXIX. Korean Arrows and Quiver. Figs. 1, 2, and 3. Arrows. Bamboo shafts, iron lieads, tri])le feathering; the long arrows are useowerful, two men being re<[uircd to string them, and painful and serious acci- dents sometimes occur should the bow slij) during the operation. Saber (Hwan-do). Straight, heavy, iron blade, (iuard, an octagonal plate of iron. Hilt, wood wrapped with enameled leather. Scab- bard, wood covered with flaxen canvas, hnaptered. Bound with brass. Poorly made weapon. PI. xxx, iq)i)er figure. Length, 33 J inidies; blade, 1 inch wide, J inch thick at back. Korea, 1875. 72897 Collected by Wm. B. Brooks, 11. S. Navy. Captured in 1871 by Uuitt'd States forces under command of .\lace. Blade, curved. PI. xxx, lower hgure. Length, 25| inches; hlade, 17^ inches. Seoul, Koreiii. 1.51601 Uollected hy P. L. .Jouy. Worn by all ofticer.s in uniforni. Such swords a, re made, to order in (he dis- tricts of Jnn-ju and Na-jii. Matchlock oun (Chong). Short stock of hard wood ; octagonal barrel; smooth bore. Match of twisted tow. PI. xxxi. Length, 4 feet. Seoul, Korea. 151280 Collected by W. W. Rockhill. Held upon the shoulder wheii (iring, not against it. These guns were used in Korea from about three hundred years ago up to 1881. Some troops still are armed with them. Priming horn (Oui-iak-tong). Tip of a horn with orifice clo.sed by a spring of horn. PI. xxxi, fig. 1, lower line (commencing at the left). Length, 3| inches. Korea, 1871. 72899 Collected hy Win. B. Brooks, U. S. Navy. Resembles the Burmese primer. (See Jour. Society of Arts, .Jan. 26, 1886, p. 351.) A relic of the skirmish of June, 1871. Bullet bag (Ohong-al-nut-nun-gut). Two thicknesses of coarse cot- ton. The bullets are sprung out from a bird’s bill device. PI. xxxi, fig. 2, lower line (commencing at the left). Length, 9 inches. Korea, 1871. 72898 Collected by Wm. B. Brooks, U. S. Navy. Trophy of the engagement of June, 1871. Powder case and charger (lak-tong). Octagonal box of Jastropha curcas wood, in rude imitation of a turtle. The charger, an ivory tube, slides into a recess in front of the case. PI. xxxi, fig. 3, lower line (commencing at the left). Length, 6| inches; width, inches; height, 2 -^ inches. Korea, 1871. 72900 Collected by W. B. Brooks, U. S. Navy. This is a trophy of tlie engagement of June, 1871, between the United States fleet, under command of Admiral John Rodgers, and the Koreans. Military badge ( Hyoung]>ai). Two squares of blue silk, embroidered. Design, the Manchurian white crane flying in the clouds, holding a spray of ‘‘immortal” grass in its beak. The stitch is mainly plain embroidery, or plumage stich, but some Kensington and stem stitch is used. The embroidery is well done. Ten inches square. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77030 Collected by Ensign J. B. Beruadou, U. S. Navy. The design is purely symbolic. The crane holds in its bill a sprig of gras.s, EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXX. Korean Swords. (Upper ii' ire.) Fig. 1. Saber. Straijrht, heavy, iron blade. Guard, an octagonal plate of iron; hilt, wrapped with enameled leatlier; scabbard, wood covered with lacciuercd tiaxen canvas. Bound with brass; a poorly made weapon. Captured in 1871 by United States naval forces. Length, 33} inches; blade, 1 inch wide; inch thick at hack. (Cat. No. 72897, U. S. N. M. Korea. Collected by W. B. Brooks, U. S. N.) (Lower figure.) Fig. 2. Sword. Hilt and scabbard of hard wood, with elegant fretted, foliated carving, illustrating the ten long lives, viz., sun, moon, swans, deer, etc. Mounted with copper gilt fittings; guard, perforated iron in conventional pattern; spring in hilt holds; sword in scabbard. Blade of steel; grace- ful curve. Worn by officers. Length, 2.5| inches; length of blade, 17} inches. (Cat. No. 151601, U. S. N. M. Collected by P. L. Jouy.l Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XXX. Korean Swords. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXI. Korean Gun and Accoutrements. (Upper fipire.) Fig. 1. Match-lock Gcx. Short .stock, of hard wood; octagonal barrel; smooth bore. Trigger and sights. Stock decorated with bands of cherry bark. Match of twi.sted tow. Held upon the shoulder when firing. Length, 4 feet. (Cat. Xo. 151280, U. S. X. M. Seoul, Korea. Collected by W. W. Eockhill.l (Lower line, commencing at the left.) Fig. 1. Priming Horn. Ti]> of a horn with orifice in the point closed by a strip of horn forming a spring and allowing a few grains of powder to fall out upon jtressure. A relic of skirmish of June, 1871. Length, inches. (Cat. X’o. 72899, U. S. X. M. Korea. Collected by W. W. Rockhill.) Fig. 2. Bullet Bag. Two thicknesses of coarse cotton. The bullets are sprung out from a bird’s bill device in wood. A relic of 1871. Length, 9 inches, (Cat. X’o. 72898, L’. S. X’. M. Korea. Collected by W. B. Brooks, U. S. X’.) Fig. 3. Powder Case and Charger. Octagonal box of jatropha curcas wood, in rude imitation of a turtle. The charger, an ivory tube, slides into a recess in front of the case. A relic of 1871. Length, inches ; width, 4rJ- inches ; height, 24 inches. (Cat. Xo. 72900, U. S. X’. M. Korea. Collected by 4V. B. Brooks, U. S. X.) ^ Report of National Museum, 1891. — Hough. Plate XXXI Korean Gun and Accoutrements. J • ■) KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 483 Military badoe — Contimu'd. which confers immortality upon its possessor. At the base of the s(iuare are overhii)ping circles representing waves, often seen at the bases of Japanese and Korean vases and on money typical of circulation. These waves dash against the living rock. In the midst of the waters stands a rock covered with immor- tal grass and hearing a “Buddhist cross” or swastika. Worn by civil officers of the lower house. One of the s(juares is attached to the front and one to the hack of the officer’s robe. GOVERNMENT AND LAW, Oej'icer’s baton (DuBK-cliii). Kod covered witli .sliagreen bound with silver ferules; the part held in the hand covered with wash leather. A tie of blue woolen fabric with a loop for the wrist and pendants of light blue silk are attached to the baton. Length, .30 inches. Seoul, Korea. 151171 Collected by W. W. Rockhill. Carried only with full dress uniform. In old times the baton was made of bamboo, to which was attached thongs of leather, serving in battle as a whip and also used as a drinking tube. It is only displayed for ornauieiit at the present. Korean national flag (Gook-gi). White silk, with the national symbol (ta-guk), two comma-shaped spirals tilling a circle in red and blue, and four geomantic signs (pal-qua) at the four corners of the flag. Length, 14 inches; width, 21 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1884. 151638 Collected by P. L. .louy. This flag was adopted in 1881. Button for soldier’s hat (Guidon). White soapstone, circular; carved on one surface with the national symbol. Seoul, Korea, 1884. 151629 Collected by P. L. Jouy. For decorating the hat of the common soldier. Peacock feather ornament (Kong-tjang-mi), Bunch of feathers arranged in fan shape and inclosed in a lead swivel button pierced for suspension. Length, 8 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77036 Collecti-d by Ensign .1. H. |{cinaidou, U. S. Navy. The ix^acock feather in Korea and China is a sign of official rank or )iromotion. This ornament is worn l)y military officers and by sohliers of certain guards near the King. 484 REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. SCIENCE, RELIGION, EDUCATION, AND HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT. RELIGIOUS CEREMONIAL OBJECTS. Image of IJuddiia. Stone figure lieavily gilt. Bmldlia in contem- plative attitude seated on the lotus. Base, painted red. Well carved. Height, 14 inches. Korea, 1885. 151600 Collected hy P. L. .loiiy. The black line over the forehead shows the degree of Saint or Lower Bnddha in wisdom. Obtained from a monastery in Tong-ua. Prayer beads (Yum-jn). A ro.sary of 108 beads made of nuts. Some of the larger beads at the beginning and divisions are made of glass and wood. Korea. 151612 Collected by P. 1j. .louy. The regular Buddhist rosary useo.ssible that the true ex)>lanation of the tchoung is astrcdogical. Tbe following tabh; seems to indicate this : Jik SiuKj, official or ruUny nturs. No. English. Korean. Cliine.se. Translation. 1 Na* (Na) 2 'I'o Ktirtli 2 Mool Sn . WjiIdi* 4 StM' Mctiil r> Nal II Sun () Jiool Eire. 7 Ke,» Kedo H J)al Wol 9 ]»iil Mok Plants. * Mr. Soil does not know to wliicli planets or heavenly hodies these Korean names refer. When a Korean child attains a certiiin age he comes nniler the influence of the )»lanets and in the order of the above table he falls umb'r the sway of good or biid stars. The first jteriod (tchoung) is accounted bad iind himoe reeonr.se is had to the ex|)iation of the straw image, tehoiitig. (.Soli.) 480 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. ROOKS AND LITERATURE. Korcmi thought hits always been directed through tlie channels of Chinese learning. There aiiparently nevei’ wa.s a characteri.stic litera- ture of Korea; the whole plan of education is Chinese, and the language of the country, with its beautiful alphabet, is correspondingly neglected. Korean scholars are as proficient in the Chinese classic style as tho.se of China itself. Kooks lu inted in the common character are few and little read. The education of the child begins with the alphabet. He must com- mit to memory the “ Thou.sand Character Classic.” a Chinese rhymed vocabulary of so many words, no two alike. For the impil it is ar- ranged thus: the Chinese character, its meaning in Korean and its Chinese name in Korean. After reading this three times the student begins to write. The remainder of the cour.se is in ordinary Chine.se schoolbooks. (See Boss’s Corea, p. 306.) Schoolbook. Title, “ Elegant phrases accorded to classes, copied complete.” Consists of the “ Thousand Character Classic ” or “door,” the “Hundred Family Karnes,” “Correct and Colloquial Variations of Chinese Pronunciation and Chinese Conversations in Chinese, Transliterated with the Korean Letters.” Most of the book is taken up Avith “Chinese phrases and terms”, beginning Avith Astronomy and Meteorology, embracing many subjects, in eluding Divination. 41 leaves. .Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77122 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. >S. Navy. Korean Book. Entitled in Chinese “ Sicuo Myo yo ri. Mun tap.” Holy, excellent, important doctrine. (Questions and ansAvers. .Seoul, Korea, 1884. 77120. Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. .S. Navy. A catechism issued by the .Jesuits. Banskrit-Chinese-Korean book. Entitled “Pi mih Kiao,” or “ Secret rehgion.” Made up of magical formula or dharani, written in a kind of Sanskrit resembling Nepalese, which to the uninitiated is secret or hidden. Tavo prefaces, one Avritten under the noni depbowe of “ Hia Shan, pu Lao Sou,” or the “Summer Hill Old Vagabond,” dated 1644. Second iireface Avas Avritten by a Bud- dhist monk of the monasteiy of Full Lin Shan, date July, 1652. Boidc is Avithout title-page or coloplion. Printed in Korea, on native jiaper. Buddhist Temple of Pong-yang, Korea, 1885. 77121 Collected bj^ Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. >S. Navy. The book begins with the “on-moun,” or Korean al))habet, .said to have been inventeil about the eighth or ninth century of our era by a bonze named Syiil- chongi. The sounds of this are defined by Chinese characters, for wbicli the student is directed to substitute the sound of the corresponding word in the Korean colloquial language. The bulk of the book is taken up with prayers, (dharani) addressed to AA'alokitshwara, and begin with om or om-mani padme- KOREAN COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 487 Sanskrit-C'hinese-Kokean book — Cotitiuued. hum. The “secret” or “ mysterioii.s” characters are a inodilication of the San- skrit aljjhahet asci'ihed to Brahma, and seem to he identical with those used in the Sanskrit books, said to have heeii brought to Japan bj' Kobo Daishi early in the ninth century. — (Dr. D. B. McCartie.) Manuscript Buddhist religious work. Taipo-pumo-euu-tcliyang- kying, “ Parents’ very precious eveiiiug-bell prayer book.” Written in Korean cliaracters of the square or book form. It contains tales of the life of Buddha for popular instruction in Buddhism ; 74 pages. Size, 14 by 8}-^ inches. Seonl, Korea, 1885. 77123 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Good paper and excellent writing; most probably that of a lady. Manual of the four rites. The Sa-ryei-pyel-lam, a Chinese work giving description of the ceremonies of capping, or assuming the cap of manhood; marriage; death and burial, and sacrifices to ancestors. Four volumes. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77124 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This is the great Chinese haudbook of etiquette. Korean printed book for children. A text-book used in schools; title, “The five rules of deportment” (O-run-hang-sil). Biographical accounts of persons, principally Chinese, wlio believed in the five moral sentiments of Confucius. Printed in Korean and Chinese characters; date, 1876; illustrated. Size, 12^ by 8^ inches. Seoul, Korea. 130585 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. The five rules are: 1. Honor to jiareuts; 2. Love to brothers; 3. Love to neighbors and friends; 4. Love of country; 5. Love of wife and children. Korean children over teu years old read this book and learn morals and religion from it. It is the custom of the King ou the 1st of January to order the head of the bureau of education (Mr. Kim, in this instance) to print a large number of copies of this work and to distribute them to the boys of the district schools. This book is interesting for tlie glimpse it gives of th<^ Korean educa- tional system. Manuscript Korean book. “The war between Korea and Japan.” (Im-jin-lok.) Clearly wiitten in native characters on fine jiapei. Size, 9^ by 7 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1884. 130583 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This is an abridgmeut of an official history of the war near the close of the seventeenth century, in 70 volumes. The account is incorrect. Korean Book. “ An account of the Eastern nations.” ( Ye-un.) Na- tive characters, paper, and style. Measurements, 12| by 8 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1884. 130584 Collected by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. This book was written about ten years ago, in order to mold the rising sentiment in favor of Western civilization. 488 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1891. Gospel of Mark (Maga-jun). Printed in Korea ni»on Japanese paper. Translated from English intf) Korean. Li-ngth, 8| inches; width, .5| inches. Seoul, Korea. 130882 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Novel (Hung-boo jun). Printed on cheap native paper. Length, 191 inches; width. 7j inches. Seoul, Korea. 130881 Collected by Dr. H. N. Allen. Popular wonder story of the brothers Hung-bu and Nol-bii. Dramatized in Korea. Translated by Dr. Allen in “Korean Fairy Tales.” Map of Seoul, the Korean capital. Drawn by a native. Col ored ; very poor cartography, not drawn to scale, and having no profile hatchings. Size, 261 by 40 inches. Seoul, Korea, 1885. 77067 Collected by Ensign .1. B. Bernadou, U. S. Navy. Shows Nam-san, or South Mountain, where signal fires are lighted nightly, also the Ponk an, or North Fortress, and the walls and gates of the city. The two principal streets are also shown, and the streams indicated as running through the city are in reality wide ditches, in which refu.se is thrown, and which are only thoroughly cleaned out at the time of the heavy summer rains. The.se ditches are spanned by heavy stone bridges. The extensive grounds of the King’s palace are also shown. 208BOD nrl3"fl7 32185 <->6#»w]‘i ' »•**, . • 1 s % ' )r ;. i f A I ) i X