^k ^Qr \na/< M ^ PRINCETON, N. J. Presented by Mr Samuel Agnew of Philadelphia, Pa. Ag.'inv Coll. on Baptism, No. \„^^^K v^..^ ^^ Id ■Cn \^ (\V/ >^ -i c^ Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/newofficeofbaptiOOharr A NEW OFFICE O F BAPTISM, FORMED BY THE C A N ON O F T H E NEW-TESTAMENT, LONDON: Printed for C.Henderson, under the Royal-Exchange, iys9' 4A4^ ^% T T H E X'^ CHRISTIAN READER. iHIS New Office of Bap« I tifm was firfl compofed ^li for the Author's particular Ufe in the Difcharge of his paftoral Duty, and has been approved in its Apphcation. It IS built, as nearly as my Care and Judgment could bring it, upon A 3 the (vi) the Foundation laid in the New Teftament by Jefus Chrift, the Au- thor and Finiflier of our common Faith, expreffed in the Words of his divine Inflitution, and explained to his Difciples by the Inftrudions and Pradice of the Apoflles and Evan- geUfts. It now appears, after many lerl- ous Revifals, to obtain the Correc- tion and Amendments of thofe to' whom it may prove in any Degree acceptable, as an Eflay towards a better Adminiftration and Ufe of an Inflitution of the chriftian Rehgion. I have much indeed to apprehend from ( vii ) ffbm the Singularity of this Atte'mpt, on a Subjed of fiich high Importance and Concern to every chriftian Com- munity : My Acquaintance with hun man Nature, and the Affairs of the World, forbid me to expe6l this new Office, &^c, to pais without Oppofition, and even Cenfure; and lefs Refolution to bear Self-reproach than what the Prejudices and Paf- fion of Man can in Aid, had pre, vented this public Attempt to re- ftore from the Confufion and Wan- tonnefs of Superftition, and to ma- ni;eft the Simplicity and Excellence of a Rite, calculated by the Son of God for the rational Ufe and Im- provement of all BeUevers. A 4 As i viii ) As I have no Right to judge for any but myfelf, I difclaim all In- clination to impofe upon the Belief nnd Worfhip of others, even what I myfelf hold facred, and is my ap- parent Duty. Leaving therefore my chriftian Brethren and Fellow-fer- vants to ftand or fall by the Sen- tence of our common Mafler, (who knows how to have Compaffion on the Ignorant, and them who are out of the Way) I fubmit the Rec- titude and Utility of this new Of- fice, &^c. to the free and candid Animadverfions of its Readers of every Denomination, for v^hofe Scru- tiny and Service it is intended, in full Perfiiafion that ^' whatfoever is not of ( i'^ ) of Faith is Sin." Rom. xiv. 23. As, on the other Hand, " to him who '* knoweth (or thinks that he khov/s) " to do good, and does it not, to him " it- is Sin." James iy. 17. What the learned and worthy Authors of the free and candid Dif- quifitions, &c, have faid in Behalf of a general Review, I would pre- liime, nearly in their Words, to fay in Behalf of this EfTay, confidered as a Form or Model only, by which to ijluftrate the Ufe and Admini- ftration of the chriftian Rite of Baptifm. " This : Treatife I leave to ftand or fall as juft Reafons /hall de- termine. If it has not Truth to fupport. fopport, and Charity to recommend it, I wifli it no Succefs, nor can ex- pe6l it will receive any Approbation from the Public. But if it ftands upon Reafon, and is managed with Decency, Sobriety, and Truth, I cannot be fo little concerned for its Succefs, as not to wifh it the greateft, nor for its Treatment in the World, as not to defire it may be a civil and candid one ; which yet the Preju- dices of Men, numerous and pre- vailing as they are, give me but little Reafon to promife myfelf. And provided I meet with fewer of the bad EfFeds of them than thofe have done who have gone before me in the fame difficult Work of Refor- mation, (xi) mation, Ifliall think my felf not un- favourably dealt with. Whatever may be the Confequence, the prefent Senfe of my Duty prompts me to declare myfelf accountable for the whole Contents of this new Of- fice of Baptifm, &*€, as for the Caufes alfo of its Publication.'* Thefe the attentive Reader may partly collect from what the learned and pious Authors of Difquifitions relating to th^ -Church oi England^ have faid in their free and candid Treatife, Pages 129^ 130. « As to the OjfEce of Infant- * Baptifm, we have only this to re- * mark, that many Things in it are 'of (xii) * ofveryobfcure Meaning and doubt-* ' ful Interpretation, which it is hot * eafy either to explain fatisfadorily to * Men of common Underftanding, or * defend with Succefs againft Men of * fubtile and fhrewd Reafoning. ^ And as to the Frame and Defign ' of it, the Office in the Judgement, * of many, feems much better adapted * throughout to the State of Adults * than to that of Infants, which we ' believe any fenfible and unprejudi- f ced Man will,upon an attentive Sur- * vey, be eafily convinced of. ' Whether, or how far it will be ^ prudent to attempt, or feafible to < efFedt ( xlii ) * effed a jiift Alteration in this OfEce, ^ and reduce it to a proper Standard, is ^ not for us to fay, and is left to bet- * ter Judges to confider ; but we have ^ feen a Specimen to this Purpofe hand- * ed about amongFriends, which feem- ^ ed, in a very natural and eafy Man- * ner, to remove all Difficulties, yet * fiill retaining the Subftance of the * prefent,and proceeding moftly upon ^ the Plan of it. We had it lately at * our Option to infert that Specimen ^ in this Work, but chofe for fome ^ Reafons to decline the friendly Of- * fer. ^ If indeed it fliould be found by f Degrees, that particular Inquiry ^ (hould { yiv ) ^ fliould be made after it, by honeft * and worthy Perfons, our Advice to * the Proprietor was, and is jftill, that * he would be pleafed to conlider of * a proper Method of communicating * to fome few of the principal Mem- * bers of the Convocation, fubmitting * it wholly and freely to their Judg* * ment, and leaving them to make * what Vk of it they fhall think * proper.'* u * " I remember (fays one of our Corref- pondents) that when, feveral Years ago, I had fome Converfation with the learned Dr. Water- land, upon the Subjefb of the Baptifmal Office^ he freely owned to me, that he fuppofed the Compilers, in the drawing up of this Office, had a View to Adults, as well as to Infants ; And I have obferved fmce, that our Reformers, in (xv) If the Contents of this Quotation are not thought a fufEcient Reafon, or rejeded as an impertinent Apo- logy for this Publication, the Reader may Jn one of the Rubrics of their firft Liturgy, fpeak of grown Children being brought to be baptized, as a Thing ufual, and intended by the Church : And, in their Book, entitled, Refor- matio legum eccle/iqfiicarum. Tit. de divinis pffi- ciisy c. 9. give particular Diredlions for prepa- ring Children for Baptifm, which may, in fome Meafure, corroborate the Obfervation which that learned Perfon made to me : To which we may add, that, long before our Reformation, the Council of Winchejler, in the eleventh Century, ordered that Baptifm fhould be adminiftered only at Eajier and JVhitfuntide, unlefs the Perfon's Life was in imminent Danger : On which Mr. Collier^ in his Ch. Hift. Vol. I. page 249, makes this Remark, " That it is probable, if the Ads of the Council were extant, we fliould find, that none but adult Perfons are comprehended under the Meaning of this Canon, i^c, ( xvi ) may exped more and greater Reafons, fuch as the Author is rea- dy and willing to produce, for the Satisfadion of any honeft and wor- thy Perfon, who may call for them with Meeknefs and Fear, /. e, with a Ibber and candid Spirit, fuch as the Dignity of the Subjed demands, and the Importance of the Inquiry dic- tates. Witmfs my Hand, Taunton, Aug. I. 1759. Richard Harrison^ 4 NEW Office of Baptism. *4 O -r C* -^^ X FORMED BY THE Canon of the New Testament. Proper Sentences* OOD and upright is the Lord : therefore will he teach Sinners in the Way. The Meek will he guide in judgment : the Meek will he teach his Way." Pf. xxv. B Who- [ 2 3 *' Whofoever (]iallbea{hamedofme,and " of my words (fays Chrifl the Lord) of *' him fhall the Son of Man be afhamed, " when he fhall come in his own and his " Father's Glory, and in that of the Holy " Angels." Luke, ix. 26. Let us fray y O Lord, our heavenly Father, the al- mighty and everliving God, who, from thy heavenly Throne, continually beholdell all the Dwellers upon Earth ; look down, we befeech thee, in great Condefcenfion and Favour, from the Habitation of thy Holi- nefs and Glory, upon thy People who now prefent ourfelves before God in Obedience to thy holy Word ; to call upon thy great Name, and to pay our Homage to thy fa- cred Majefty ; to offer up our common Supplications and Thankfgivings to the Throne of thy Grace and Mercy, for the Pardon of our Sins, for the Supply of our various Wants, and for the encreafe and eftablidiment of our Virtues and Piety ; to receive [ 3 ] receive the Inflruflions of thy holy Word, that are able to make us wife to Salvation, and to perform with Reverence and grate- ful Devotion thofe inflrumental Duties of Religion which thy Son Jefus Chrifl has prefcribed for the perpetual Ufe, Improve- ment, and Happinefs of his Difciples and Followers. Be merciful, O Father, to our paft Un- righteoufnefs, and, in the Multitude of thy tender Mercies, forgive all our Sins -, that no prefumptuous Ads or Habits of Iniqui- ty may have Dominion over us, to inter- rupt and fpoil our Devotions, or rob us of the Improvement, and Pleafure, of thy ac- ceptable Worfhippers. *' When we contemplate the Heavens, the *' Work of thy Fingers, the Moon and the " Stars, which thou haft ordained, What is *' Man, O Lord, that thou art mindful of *' him," or the degenerate Sons of Men,that we fhould attempt the Praifes of the Mod B 2 High, t 4 ] High, who art woriliipped by Angels, and in whofe Sight the Heavens themfelves are not clean. *' But, though Heaven is God's *' Throne, and the Earth his Footflool,the *' Lord is nigh unto all who call upon him *' in Sincerity -, he will fulfill the Deiires of *' them who fear him -j he alfo will hear the *' Cry"of thePenitent,and*'will fave them." With warm and fervent Gratitude, we give Thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who art reconciling the World unto thyfelf, not imputing to Men their forfaken Sins -, in whofe Name we are indulged with free Accefs to the Throne of Grace and Mercy, in full AfTurance that *' God, who fpared not his own beloved " Son, but freely gave him for us all, will, " with him, alfo give us all Things." May this rich and glorious Privilege, which we thy guilty Creatures enjoy, of addreffins: our reconciled Father, in the Name of thy Son Jefus Chrift, be negled:- ed [ 5 ] ed by none of thy Servants, nor prove in vain for Want of thofe pious and good Difpofitions with which it becomes us to bow down ourfelves before the Lord our Maker: that all our future Devotions, both publick and private, may be performed fo as to be acceptable in thy Sight, and help us on continually in our Way and Meet- nefs for the Employments, and Felicity, of our Father's Kingdom in Heaven. O holy and omnifcient God, to whom all Hearts are open, all Defires ki^own, and from whom no Secrets are hid ; may we thy Servants be efFedually preferved from all Indifference and Formality in Re- ligion, and, more efpecially from the Info- lence and fatal Prefumptions of Hypocrify, having our Minds duly pofTeffed with a Senfe of the infinite Majefty and Goodnefs of the God we worlliip, and the great Im- portance of thefe our religious AfTem- blies. B3 With [ 6 ] With Faith and Sincerity may we now make our AddrefTes to a Being of infinite Wifdom and almighty Power, the Former and Judge of our Hearts, who cannot be deceived, and will not be mocked, and to whom the Pretences of Hypocrites are A- bomination. Evermore may we efteem it our chief Privilege and Felicity to hold Communion with our heavenly Father, and almighty Friend 5 and experiencing the growing Im- provement and Confolations of devout "Worfhippers, may we perfift in the Per- formance of every known Duty of chri- ftian Piety to the End of our Lives, and, in Oppofition to every Difficulty or Temp- tation that can affault us, for Chrift's Sake, and the Teflimony and Hope of a good Confcience 5 being " ftedfaft, immoveable, ** and always abounding in the Work of *' the Lord, knowing that our Labour fhall ** not be in vain in the Lord," To [ 7 ] To thee, the great Objedl of Religion, and bountiful Rewarder of all who dili- gently feek thee, we particularly recom- mend the pious Difpolition of thy Servant, who, at this Time, prefents himfelf volun- tarily before God in this chriflian AfTembly. to perform the Duty, and to receive the Privileges of Baptifm, according to the In- ftitution, and in Obedience to the Com- mand of thy Son Jefus Chrifl our Lord. Profper, we befeech thee, (with the Blef- fing that always attends the Upright) the Word of Exhortation which may now be propounded, agreeable to the facred Scrip- ture, that it may be efFedual to eflablifh the Faith, Penitence, and good Refolu- tions of thy Servant ; and to affifl him in the Exercife of every Grace requifite for making and performing this facred Vow of the chriftian Religion, and perfifting to verify his chriftian Profeflion by adorning it with " a Converfation becoming the Gof- ** pel 3" may he find it the *' Power of God B 4 to [ 8 ] ** to his eternal Salvation, and not the Sa- ** vour of Death, or Occafion of his forer " Condemnation." May it be the growing Improvement and Satisfadion of all Believers, to walk in every Ordinance and Command of our Lord blamelefs, according to their Ability and refpedive Conviction of their Duty and beft Interefl: Hereby may we " approve ** ourfelves Fellow Citizens of the Saints,and *' theHouflioldof Godjwho are built upon *^ the Foundation of the Apoftles and Pro- " phets, Jefus Chrift himfelf being the chief *' Corner-flone 3 in whom all the Building, *' fitly framed together, groweth unto an " holy Temple in the Lord j till finally we <' fliall all come in Unity of Spirit, by the <* Bond of Peace, and in Righteoufnefs of «' Life, to the general Afiembly and Church *' of the Firfl-bcrn, whofe Names arewrit- *« ten in Heaven ; to an innumerable Com- ** pany of Angels, and of the Spirits of *J juft Men, made perfed, to Jefus the *f Media- [ 9 ] " Mediator of thenewCovenant,andtoGod ** himfelf, the Father and Judge of all ; in *' whofe prefence is Fulnefs of Joy, and at ** whofe Right-hand are Pleafures for ever *' more 3" all which we humbly afk of thee for thy Mercies Sake, O God, in Jefus Chrift our Lord, in whofe Words, we are encouraged to pray : Our Father, &c. LESSONS [ 10 ] Proper Psalms and Lessons. II. PA. xxvi. Pf. cxviw from the 21 verfeto the End. I. Pet. iii. ver. 8, to the End. Ads viii. Chapter throughout. SECT. I. Exhortation to the Terfon to he baptized, IN prefentlng yourfelf before God, and thefe Witneffes and Members of his Church, to be baptized in the Name of his Son Jefus Chrlft, and into the holy Pro- feffion of his Gofpel, we prefume in Cha- rity, and have good Caufe to believe, you are determined, by the clear and ftrong Senfe of your Duty, and vi^ith fuch Views and Difpofitions as your own Confcience approves; [ .1 ] approves 3 fuch as are acceptable to God, and, through his Bleffing upon your faith- ful Circumfpedtion and Diligence in the Chriftian Calling, will terminate in the heft Improvement, and Happinefs of your Soul. You know, and are ferloufly to remem- ber on this Occalion, that whatever Pro- feffion of Religion you make, but efpeci- ally in ufing that facred Rite, which, for this Purpofe, the Wifdom of the Chriftian Lawgiver has appointed, you will incur the Guilt of prophaning it, and become chargeable with doing, what muft needs be difpleafing, and highly offeniive to the all- wife and holy Being, who cannot be de- ceived, and will not be mocked 5 if herein you are determined, by any Regard to your Worldly Intereft, or Reputation, more than by your reverent Affecltion to the Mind and Will of God, made known to us by his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord, or without your earneft Defire, and Refolution, of ob- taining the Benefits, and Bleffings, of your Chriftian [ 12 ] Chrlltian ProfdlTion, by adorning It with a Temper and Behaviour becoming the Gof- pel. What therefore we propound to your previous Conlideration, before we admini- iler to you the Rite of Baptifm, is chari- tably meant to affift your Recolledion, and eflablifh your Judgment of the Authority, and Defign. of this divine Inftitution, and Y to declare the QuaHiications,and Benefits,of its wife and worthy Obfervers j that, find- ing yourfelf poffefTed of thefe Scripture- qualifications, you may be warrantably en- • couraged to expe(5l from it, all the great Privilege?,and Improvements,that are in the Word of God, annexed to the prefent, and continued Integrity, of your Chriflian Pro- feffion, and Charader. SECT. [ 13 ] SECT. II. The Ground, and Authority, of Chrijl's Infti- tiition of Baptifm. THE God and Father of our Lord Je- fus Chrifl, having '' loofed the Bands " of Death, and raifed him up on the third '* Day, (according to the Predidion of ** the Spirit of Holinefs) whereby he was de- •" clared the Son of God, with Power.** Je- fus came, and fpake to his Difciples, faying, All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth : Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghofl. Matth, xxviii. i8, 19. So that the Authority enforcing this Or- dinance of Baptifm, is no other, than that of the one-only- fupreme, felf-exiftent, and eternal [ 14 ] eternal God, given to his Son Jefus Chrlft, and deputed by him to his chofen Apoftles. For He who receiveth you (fays Chrift) re- ceivcth me ; and he who receiveth me, re- ceiveth him who fent me. Matth. x. 40. For the better Comprehenfion of the Signification, and Ufe , of the Commiffion of our Lord to his Apoftles,exprefly ground- ed (as you fee) on that univerfal Power (or Authority) the Son of God affirms himfelf to have received from the Father immediately upon his Refurredtion, two Things are prevloufly to be conlidered, viz. What we are taught to underftand in gene- ral, by being baptized into the Name of a Perfon 5 and what in particular, by Baptifm into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft ? SECT. [ 15 ] SECT. III. What the Scriptures in general teach us to underftand by Baptifm into the Name of a Perfon ? BY being baptized into the Name of a Perfon, what lefs can be meant or underfloodjthan that the Perfon fo baptized has been inftru(5ted in the Dodrine, and owns the Authority, of fome Teacher and Publisher of Religion, whofe Difciple, and the Follower of whofe Dodrine, the bap- tized Perfon thereby folemnly profelTeth himfelf to be ? (See Dr. Clark's Sermons on Baptifm, Vol. 4. OS:.) This impor- tant Signification, and Ufe of Baptifm, ap- pears in the Cafe of all who by the Preach- ing of John Eaptift were prevailed upon to avow their Duty and Refolution to repent and [ i6 ] and amend their Lives, through a firm Belief of the Promife given them of the Mefliah then fpeedily to appear, who, con- vinced of the Truth of John's Affertion, (that for this Caufe, and to this End, God had fent him to baptize with Water) were accordingly baptized (as it is written) into John's Baptifm, A6ls xix. 3. And were called the Difciples of John, Matth. ix. 14. In like Manner, and for the fame ma- nifefl Reafon, they who afterwards were converted to the Belief and Profeffion of Chriftianity by the Preaching and Miracles of Jefus and his Apoflles, were baptized into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghofl. By this Adlion, they declared the folemn Profeffion they were required to make, of their be- lieving the whole Docftrine, and of their Duty and Refolution to obey all the Pre- cepts of that Religion which God, the Fa- ther Almighty, had revealed and taught by his Son Jefus Chriu, and confirmed by the miraculous [ J7 ] miraculous Tellimony and Demon ^rations of the Holy Ghoft, which being the very Thing as (briefly, and in other Words) profefiing themfelves Chriftians, or Dif- ciples of Chrift 3 they are el fe where fpo- ken of (in a general and lefs diftind Man- ner of Expreffion) as having '' been bap- " tized in the Name of the Lord Jefu?," Ads viii. 16. or " in the Name of Jefus ■** Chrift, for the Remiffion of Sins," Adts ii. 38. St. Paul's Declaration to the Church in Galafia gives this View of the Nature and Defign of Baptifm, Gal. iii. 27. " For *' as many of you as have been baptized " into Chrift have put on Chrift j'' where- in is evidently expreffed the Manner of their Profeffion,and that they had avowed themfelves Difciples of Chrift, by being baptized in his Name. Thefe [ i8 ] Thefe Confiderations we truft have made the true Import and Signification of being baptized into the Name of a Perfon, both obvious and ufeful to your Underflanding j as more particularly, what the Nature and Duty of that holy Profeffion is, you are this Day about to make, and which the Wif- dom of the Chriftian Lawgiver com- mands all the Believers of his Gofpel to take upon themfelves more folemnly, by this fignificant and divine Rite. SECT. [ 19 ] SECT. IV. What we are to underjland by Baptifm into the Name of the Father ^ Son, and Holy Ghojl. Y your Baptifm into the Name of the Father, you declare yourfclf the Crea- ture and Subjed: of the one felf-exiftent, eternal, and mod high God, the Father, and fupreme Head of all the Families in Heaven and in Earth ; to whom the utmofb Affedtion and Obedience of his rational Offspring are naturally and indifpenfably due. Whom Chridians more particularly con- fefs by this Ad; and Duty of our Religion to be the God and Father of our Lord Je- fus Chrift • being commanded by him to C 2 confecrate [- , 20 ] confecrate Themfelves (as Chrill himfelf alfo did by his perfonal Baptifm) to the reafonable and moil: honourable Service of the one abfolute Creator and Lord of the Univerfe, by their voluntary and folemn' Baptifm into the moft venerable Name '' of " his Father and our Father, of his God " and our God." John xx. 17. To be baptized into tlie Name of the Son, fuppofes your previous Convidion, and that, by this holy Rite, you folemnly exprefs your Belief, that Chrill: does verily polTefs all the great Charadlers, and will hereafter fully execute every important Of- fice afcrib'd to him in the Scriptures of Truth. Particularly, that with your Mind feri- oufly engaged in this Solemnity of his own Inftitution, you acknowledge the Relation fubfifting between you and him, in any of thefe important Charaders you find to be in the New Teftament afcribed to him; viz. That / C 21 ] That he is your Saviour and Lord, your Mediator and Lawgiver, the only authorita- tive Revealer of the Will of God to you in the prefent Time, and ordained by the Wifdom of his heavenly Father to be your righteous Judge and Rewarder at the laft Day. By this yov7 of your Baptifm, you bind yourfelf to be his Difciple and Follower, who are to receive from him the Dodtrine of true Religion 3 to look upon him as the Way, the Truth, and the Life ; to adhere ftedfaftly to what he has taught, and to pradlife carefully whatever he has com- manded you in his Gofpel. Finally, to be baptized into the Name of the Holy Ghoft, manifeftly fuppofeth your Belief, and demands of the Perfon. fo baptized his folemn Acknowledgment 01 the Exigence of this holy Spirit of God, and of the feveral important Offices you can find plainly afcribed to the Holy Ghofl C 3 in [ 22 ] in the facred Record of infallible Truth, viz. That this divine Spirit of Grace and Truth was infpired miraculoufly and im- mediately into the Minds of the holy Pro- phets and Apoftles, for the fufhcient In- flruction and perpetual Benefit of all Chri- ftians, to the End of the World. And by Baptifm in his Name, you enter yourfelf into a more folemn Engagement j That you will duly confult and follow the In- ftrudions of this Holy Spirit, as they are jiow tendered and laid before you in the New Teftament of Jefus Chrifl:, fo far as you are, or flhall be capable to underftand and obey this his written Gofpel, by your conftant, religious Ufe of the befl Means wherewith the good Providence ^^f Hea- ven may fupply you for this mofl: defirable and falutary Purpofe. Thefe feveral ObliQ-ations and Duties f;very Reliever of the Chriflian Dodlrine 15 required C 23 ] required to inforce upon his Mind more effedually, and with deeper Solemnity, by the Vow of his Chriftian Baptifm into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. C 4 SECT. [ 24 ] SECT. V. The moral Ufe and Influence of Baptifm. \JIE\NED in this Light, it muft needs appear to your Underftanding and Confcience, th^t ycur Profeffion of the Name of Chrift, and being baptized into his Religion, is nothing, nay, worfe than nothing, without being folicitous to know "Vvhat -his Dodlrine truly is, and careful to obey thofe excellent Laws which the Son of God has both prefcribed and exempli- fitd to us. Wherefore let no Man vainly imagine i'laaOl^Title to tK§ Bleffings promifed in the Gofpel depends upon his bearing the Name of a Chriftian, without his being in- [ 25 ] influenced by his voluntary Engagements in Baptifm, and frequent Recolledions of them, to be in Reality what his holy Cha- radler and Profeffion denote, viz. a Prac^ tifer of univerfal Righteoufnefs, Meeknefs, and Charity. This is the orreat Influence and End of the whole Gofpel, which, in all its feveral Parts, claims the Charad:er of a Dodlrine Recording to Godlinefs. And as " Faith without Works is dead, fo ** Baptifm without theAnfwerofa good " Confcience" is affirmed by the Apoflle Peter to be ''no more than the v/afhing away «' of the Filth of the Flefh." i Pet. iii. 21, Certainly whoever is baptized into the "Name of Chrift, and the holy Profeffion of his Gofpel, mufl: conform himfelf to the exprefs Laws and Example of his a- ^vowed Lord and Mafter, otherwife his Baptifm is vain, and his Profeffion no bet- ter [ 26 ] ter than a folemn Trifle and odious Hy- pocrify. He who is baptized mufl put off, con- cerning his former Converfation, the old Man (in whatever Refped it has been faulty or. wicked) and be renewed in the Spirit of his Mind ; and his more immediate Cha- racter and Duty is, to put on and continue to fliine in the habitual Ornaments of the new Man, which, after the Image of God, is created in Righteoufnefs and true Holi- ne fs. SECT. C 27 ] SECT. VI. Salifications demanded in Scripture of all Perfons to whom Chrifiian Baptifm may be lawfully, and ought injujlicey to be admi- nifiered, THE Qiialificatlons declared by Chrifl and his Apoftles, as previoufly ne- ceffary and fufficient for the due and pro- fitable Performance of this Chrifiian Duty, are Faith and Repentance j both which (we believe on good Grounds) you hap- pily experience on this Occafion,with clear Evidence and Satisfacftion, Our Lord's Commiffion to his Apoftles was to teach the People of all Nations, whom he fent them to baptize, concluding with [ 28 ] with this folemnlnjundion," teaching thera *' to obferve all Things whatfoever I have " commanded you/* and enforcing his Pre- cept with this Sentence of Encouragement, and unfpeakable Terror to thofe refpedtively who on good Principles fhould obey, or from bad Motives reject, the divine Tefli- inony and Miniftry of his Apoftles. *' He who believeth and is baptized fhall ** be favedj but he who believeth not fhall " be damned, Matth. xxviii. 1 9, 20. Mark, '' xvi. 16. Wherein is plainly implied, that Chrifti- ans muil be taught, in order to their Con- viction, and convinced in order to their Baptifm.j- Jtnd that the exprefs Mind and Will of Chrifl himfelf is, that none fl:iould be efteemed or treated as fit Subjects of his Baptifm, who, at .die fame Time, were incapaljk of Chriflian Iriftrudion. ■^•*->«^^ More- t 29 ] Moreover, from the Authority of thefet Declarations, you are to be reminded above all things, that the holy Faith you are a- bout to profefs, by the folemn Rite of your Chriftian Baptifm, muft not only enlighten your Under flan ding, but warm your Af- fedions, fo as to iniiuence your Temper and practice of Holinefs, before it can have any Efficacy towards commending you to God, or to purify and fave your Soul. A fpeculatlve Faith, producing no prac- tical Influence, is dead, nor can it entitle you to the Character and Recompence of a worthy Chriftian, but, as you cultivate it, and fuffer this good Root to animate and bring forth the proper Effects of Re- pentance and Reformation in your heavenly Temper,and god-like Condud:. Even thofe heinous Sinners, who had imbrued their Hands in the innocent Blood of Jefus, when convinced, and pricked at their Hearts, and crying out to Peter, and the reft of the Apoftles, [ 30 ] Apoftles, ** Men and Brethren what fhall ** we do to be faved ?" were, on this their earneft Requeft, exhorted to repent and be baptized j '' then they, who gladly received ** this Word of Exhortation, were baptized; " and the fame Day were added unto them " three thoufand fouls who were faved,** viz. by their Faith, Baptifm, and Repen- tance. Ads ii. from 37 to 42. To the fame EfFe6l are the Words of Ananias to ^aul^ whofe Mind had been ftained with the barbarous Sin of Perfecu- tion ', ** And now why tarriefi: thou ? arife ** and be baptized, and wafh away thy Sins, ** calling on the Name of the Lord." Ads xxii. 16. By thefe Expreflions this Meflenger of God never delign'd, or can be rationally underftood to mean, that the Adion of putting aSWs Body under the Water would be of itfelf fufficient to wafh away the Guilt with which his Mind had been defiled, and [ 3> ] and was chargeable. But his former Sins, how great or many foever, would yet be all wafhed away in the Water of Baptifm, fo far only as this Ordinance of Chrift be- came an efFe(5tual Means of awakening his Repentance, and was accompanied with that hearty Reformation, to which is exprefly annexed in holy Scripture, the Promife and Hope of God's Pardon ; A Qualification ! always neceflary and requifite to render this Gofpel-inflitution, to every true Peni- *' tent, the Baptifm of Repentance and Re- *' miflion of his Sins in the Name, or by ** the Authority of the Lord Jefus." Finally, when theTreafurer of the Queen of the Ethiopiajis^ being lirft convinced of the Authority of Jefus Chrift, and the con- fequent Obligation of all his Inftitutions, had exprefted his Delire to receive Chri- ftian Baptifm at the Hands of Philip, this Minifter of Chrift defers his Requeft, as what could not be fitly or lawfully granted before he had a fadsfadtory Anfwer to this important Demand ; *' If thou beheveft with [ 32 ] '^ with all thy Heart, thou mayeft ?"- Adis viii. 37. Now, the Heart of Man exprefleth the Seat of his AfFedions j and, as the Pidture or Shadow of a Man is not the Man him- felf, nor a dead Corpfe the Perfon whofe Body only it has been ; fo likewife your hearty Belief that Jefus Chrift is the Son of God, is not your bare AlTent to the Au- thority of his Gofpel, or verbal Confeffion of it only, but fuch a warm and ftrong Convidlion of the Underftahding as fuit- ably determines the Will, and thereby go- verns a Man's Temper and Adtions, fhew- ing forth itfelf, in all the Correfpondent Fruits of true Piety and Virtue, fo as to caufe you to fhine in the habitual and fub- ftantial Ornaments of the chriftian Tem- per, that are through "Jefus Chrift to thePraife and Glory cf God. You are therefore re- quired not only to believe and profefs, but moreover to obey the Authority of the Son of God, by ivalking in all the Ordinajices and [ 33 i cind Cofntnands of your Lord hlamdefs^ and by maintaining ** a Converfation becoming ** the Gofpel," before you can receive the Bleflings and Benefits of this evangelical Inftitution. D SECT. [ 34 ] SECT. VII. Ihe Jujlif cation of the Minijler of Baptifm. I UPON the whole, being fatisfied that upon Inquiry, and in your Con- fcience, you verily believe that Jefus Chrifl is the Son of God, and his Gofpei is con- fequently the Will of your heavenly Fa- ther revealed by him : That, in Reverence to the Authority of his Inftitution, you now offer yourfelf to be baptized, acknow- ledging him for your Lord and Lawgiver in Matters of Religion, refolved, with the divine Concurrence, that is promifed, and always given, to the Upright, to conform your Temper and Life to the excellent Pre- cepts and Pattern of Chrifl : That you truly believe and rejoice in Hope of obtaining the chriflian Promifes^ and now receive the [ 35 ] the Baptlfm exprefly appointed *' for Re* " pentance and Remillion of Sins," with deep Humility, and Shame for your paft Follies and Crimes ; and with your deUbe- rate and chearful Purpofe, to watch and pray that you enter not into Temptation -, I am warranted, by the Dire(flion of God's own Word, to efleem you a true Chriflian, as this Day you folemnly declare yourfelf to be, with Underftanding, Knowledge, and Choice, and, by the holy Rite and Vow of your chriftian Baptifm, which, at your Requeil, I now chearfully proceed to adminifler. D 2 SECT, [ 36 ] SECT. VIII. , The Vow of the Perfon to be baptized, '' 'Tp H E Word of Faith which we *' -I preach is this," (fays the Apoftle St. Paul) Rom. x. 9, 10, 11. *' That, if thou fhalt confefs with thy *' Mouth the Lord Jefus, and flialt believe " in thy Heart that God has raifed him from *' the dead, thou fhalt be faved. ** For with the Heart Man belie veth " unto Rightcoufnefs, and with the Mouth " Confeflion is made unto Salvation," For the Scripture faith, " Whofoever 'l^ believeth on him fhall not be afliamed.'! N.N. C 37 ] N. N. Standings or on his Kfiees^ aJifwers in the Affirmative the folio'wi?jg hiterro- gaiories, Minifier, Will you declare, in the Church and Prefence of God, who cannot be deceived, and will not be mocked. That you believe, with all your Heart, that Jefus Chrifl is the Son of God ? iV. N, I believe with all my Heart that Jefus Chrifl is the Son of God. Minijler, Is it your afFedionate Reverence for the Authority and Inilitution of Jefus Chriil that induces you, at this Time, to offer yourfelf to be baptized into the Profeflion of his holy Name and Religion ? N. N. Yes. D 3 Miiiijler, [ 38 ] Minijler. Are you refolved to renounce every known and prefumptuous Sin ; to obey the Precepts, and follow the Example of your Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, and, in humble Dependance on God, to adorn the Profeffion of Chriftianity you this Day put on, by maintaining, to the End of youir Lif?, " a Converfation becoming the Gof- *' pel ?" N. N, Yes. In confequence of this voluntary, public, and folemn Profeffion of your chriftian Faith, Penitence, and holy Refolutions, it is become my Duty to put your Body under Water, and to raife it again, in Token of your declared '' Faith in the Burial and ** Refurredtion of Jefus Chrift,and of your ** Duty and Determination, as his profeiTed " Difciple, to die unto Sin, and to walk ** in Newnefs of Life,'* SECT. [ 39 ] SECT. IX. "Hymn before the Adminijlratign of Baptifm^ colkoled from the Verfion of Pfahns by Dr. Watts. I. THOU art my Portion, O my God, Soon as I know thy Way, My Heart makes Hafte t'obey thy Word, And fuffers no Delay. II. My Heart was fafliioned by thy Hand, My Service is thy Due ; O may thy Servant underftand, The Duty he mufl do. D 4 If [ 40 ] III. If God to me his Statutes fhew, And heavenly Truth impart,' liis Work for ever I'll purfue, His Law ihall Rule my Heart, IV. I chufe the Path of heavenly Truth;, And glory in my Choice, Not all the Riches of the Earth, Could make me fo rejoice. V. The Teftimonies of thy Grace I fet before my Eyes, Thence I derive my daily Strength, • And there my Comfort lies, VI. ^hou haft inclin'd this Heart of mine. Thy Statutes to fulfil ; And thus, till mortal Life fhall end. Will I perform thy Will. SECT. [ 41 ] S E C T. X. The Prayer before Bapttfm. O Eternal, immortal, and inviiible Je- hovah, whofe Majefly no Thought can comprehend, and whofe Glory no Eye can behold ; from everlafting to everlafting thou art God, who hafl an unalienable Right, and an abfolute Dominion over all thy Creatures. We praife thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord 3 of whom we and all Things are, as our Creator; through whom we and all Things continue, as our Preferver 3 to whom all that we are is to be afcribed ; and whatever we can do con- formable to thy Will, and in Obedience to thy holy Commands, is our reafonable Duty, [ 42 ] Duty, and will be oiir unfpeakable and ever- lafting Gain. The Service of thee, our God, is per- fed Freedonj,._''y Precepts guard u- from Deilruftion, and all thy Laws are no Itfs the Means of our Pcrfedion, than the Proof of our Obedience. To thee, the gracious Father of the Spirits of all Flefli, we return our moft humble and hearty Thanks for the Dignity and Excellence of our heaven-born Minds, which were made in the Similitude of God, but a little lower than the Angels, and are 4efigned for the Perfedlion of Intelligence, and the Bleflednefs of Immortality. Our Souls magnify the Lord, and our Spirits rejoice in God our Saviour, by whofe Wifdom, Power, and Goodrefs, we are made capable of the large Improvements, the virtuous Pleafures, and the. glorious Profpedis of Religion, being fent into the prefent [ 43 ] prefent World as Probationers for Glory, Honour, and Immortality, that " by doing *' Juftice, by loving Mercy, and by walk- ** ing' humbly before thee, our God," we may keep our Confciences void of Of- fence, and be trained up for '* the glorious " Fellowfhip of Angels, and of the Spi- " rits of juft Men made perfedl.'* • With Hearts warm with Grati- tude, we, thy reafonable Creatures, ac- knowledge the indifpenfable Obligations of Religion : " The Lord is our Judge, *' the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord " is our King, who has created Man *' for his Glory, and formed us for him- ** felf ; and that we ihould fhew forth his And bound me with thy Love. VII. Here, in thy Courts, I leave my Vow, . And thy rich Grace record, Witnefs ye Saints, who hear me now. If I forfake the Lord. E -i SECT. the Acceptance of our heavenly Father, and of all the exceeding great and precious Pro- mifes of his Gofpel. We thank thee, O Father> Lord of Hea- ven and Earth, *' who didjft not fuffer thy 1' holy C 57 ] ** holy One to fee Corruption, but hafl " raifed him from the Grave on the third ** Day, according to the Scriptures, and " fet him at thy own Right-hand, in hea- *' venly Places, far above all Principalities **and Powers, and Might and Dominion; ** and hail put all Thii^gs under his Feet, " and given him to be Head over all ** Things unto his Church. Glory be to thee, O God, for the Pro- mife and Hope of Chrift's fecond Coming, and for the abundant Means and Encou- rageiTientwe have to prepare our Minds to meet in Peace, and with Acceptance, *' the " Man whom thou haft ordained to judge *' the World in Righteoufnefs, whereof " thou haft given Aflurance unto all Men, " by raifing him from the Dead ;" That all his faithful Difciples are fully aflured by the Promife and Pattern of our once cru- cified, but now rifen Redeemer, that he will ''-raife the Bodies of his Saints at the ** Laft-Day, and faftiion them like to his /?- own glorified Body, by the mighty Power *' whereby [ iS ] *' whereby he is able to fubdue all Things " unto himfelf. ** Glory to God in the highefl:, that there " is fuch Peace upon Earth, and good Will *' to Men, manifefted in the V7ord, and *' gladTydings of Salvation; which at firfl *' began to be Ipoken by our Lord, and ** was afterwards confirmed unto us by the " Miniftry of his Apoftles j God alfo bear- ** ing them witnefs, by Signs and Wonders, " and with diverfe Gifts and Miracles of " the holy Ghoft. We celebrate thy Love, O heavenly Fa- ther, who, for us Men, and our Salvation, ** fpared not thy moil beloved Son, but " freely delivered him up for us all." And we own with Gratitude our unfpeakable Obligations to the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the great Saviour and Lover of Souls, who, though '' he was rich, for our Sakes *' became poor, that we, through his Po- «* verty, might be rich :" Who, being in the *' Form of God, took upon himfelf " the Form of a Servant, and being found ** in [ 59 ] «' in fafhion as a Man, he hun-ibled him- " felf, and became obedient unto Death, ** even the Death of the Crofs i" that he might be unto us the infallible Teacher, and brightefl Example of Righteoufnefs ; who died for our Sins, and rofe again for the Jufliiication of our Hopes j who was dead, but is alive j ?.nd " liveth at thy ** Right-hand, being able to fave for ever *' all thofe who come unto God through " him, ** Being rifen with Chrift," by Faith and " Hope, may we his Difciples " fet our •* AfFedions on Things above, and not on '* Things on the Earth, having our Conver- ** fation in Heaven, from whence we *' look for the Saviour, who will change ** our vile Bodies, and raife them glorious " and incorruptible, that we may be ever ** with our Lord, to behold and enjoy his ** Glory. o; God forbid that any of us who partake of the rich Grace of Chriilianity, fhould ** receive it in vain, by turning it into Li- " centioufnefs : [ 6o ] ** centioufnefs : ^elng raifed to Heaven by our chiiftian Privileges, may we all take Heed left wq fink ourfelves into fo much the deeper Condemnatioh, for Want of a diie' and thankful Improvement of them. As how we fee the Light that is come into the World, may we not expofe ourfelves to a forerPuniihment ^* by preferring Darknefs ** rather than Light, becaufe our Deeds are. ** evil :" But, through the Influence of our moftholy Faith, and the powerful and gene- rous Motives of our chriflian Obedience, may all we, thy Servants, give effectual •" Dili- " gence.in making our chriftian Calling *_',and Elcdlion • fure, by adding to our ** Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, *' Patience, brotherly Kindnefs, and Cha- ",.rity^j"; that " thefe Things" being " in *^.' us, and abounding, we may not be bar- ** ren, or unfruitful, in the Knowledge of " our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, who " gavehimfelf for us, that he might redeem *' us from all Iniquity, and purify to him- *' felf a peculiar People, zealous of good " Wprks." ,^^\, , ■ O God, [ 6r ] O'God, the Author of Grace and Glo- ry, and the Giver of Life and Happinefs to thy Creatures, from whofe original Influ- ence proceedeth every good and perfed: Gift ; favourably regard, our humble and fervent Interceflions in Behalf of thy Ser- vant, who, by the folemn Vow of his Eaptifm, has this Day voluntarily taken upon himfelf the holy Profefiion of the chriftian Religion. Happy is the Alan whofe God is the Lord, who is interefled in the favourable Influence of thine adorable Perfedlions, and the exeeeding great and precious Prom ifes of thy Word s "for the Lord is good, his Mer- *' cy is everlafling, and his Faithfulnefs en- '' dureth unto all Generations." Never may thy Servant repent of this folemn Vow, by which he has now bound himfelf to deny Ungodlinefs, and all thofe worldly Lufl:s that would debafe and ruin his precious Soul ; nor let him account any of thy Commandments grievous, which are conducive to his highefl: Improvement and t 62 ] and Happlnefs, and in keeping of which he will find conftant Peace and Satisfadion, with an exceeding great and eternal Reward. We pray that his Mind maybe raifed high above the fordid Views and criminal Purfuits of this World, by his vigorous Faith and joyful Hope of that which is infinitely bet- ter. Henceforth may thy Servant walk as « a Child of Light, not in Rioting and « Drunkennefs, not in Chambering and « Wantonnefs, not in Strife or Envy j *' but, as he has put on the Lord Jefus " Chrifl, may he perfifl to walk in him, « in Truth and in Righteoufnefs, with In- " tegrity and Uprightnefs of Heart, fo as ,„ I V^' nn A r^