Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2015 littps://arcliive.org/details/elizabetlifrylifeOOfrye ELIZABETH FRY: LIFE AND LABORS EMINENT PHILANTROPIST, PREACHER, AND PRISON REFORMER. COMPILED FROM HER JOURNAL AND OTHER SOURCES. By EDWARD RYDER. "Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this which this woman hath done be told for a memorial of her." — Matt. 26 : 13. Third Edition. NEW YORK : Published by E. WALKER'S SON, 14 Dey St., FOR THE AUTHOR. I 8 S4. " Mr. Harvey, two days ago I saw the greatest curiosity in London — aye and in England too, sii', — compared to which Westminster Abbey, the Tower, Somerset House, the British Museum, nay Parliament itself, sink into utter in- significance ! I have seen, sir, Elizabeth Fry in Newgate, and have witnessed miraculous effects of true Christianity upon the most depraved of human beings." — John Randolph. "We shall not look upon her Kke again ! and must try to preserve the impression of her majesty of goodness which it is a great privilege to have beheld." —Baroness JSunsen. "To see her was to love her; to hear her was to feel aa if a guardian angel had bid you follow that teaching which could alone subdue the temptations and evils of this life, and secure a redeemer's love in eternity." — Captain K. JB. Martin. "May you continue, my dear madam, to be the honored instrument of great and rare benefits to almost the most pitiable of your fellow-creatures." • — William Wilberforce. " Of all my contemporaries none has exercised a like in* flaence on my heart and life." ^Thomas JTliedner, 2 BLIZABETH FB7. "Though faithful to her duty as a wife and mother, into the night of the iDrisou Elizabeth Fry brings the radiance of love, brings comfort to the sufferer, dries the tear of re- pentance, and causes a ray of hope to descend into the heart of the sinner. She teaches her that has strayed again to find the path of virtue, comes as an angel of God into the abode of crime, and preserves for Jesus' kingdom that which appeared to be lost." — German '•^Almanac Jor the Beautiful and Good." *'Your name has long been to us 'A Word of Beauty.' " — German JPastor. "TO MES. FEY. Presented by hannah more As a token of veneration, Of her heroic zeal, Christian charity, And persevering kindness To the most forlorn Of human beings. They were naked and she Clothed them ; In prison and she visited them; Ignorant and she taught them, For Jlis sake. In His name, and by His word Who went about doing good." — //. More, in copy of "Practical Piety.''* PREFACE. My aim has been not to preserve every thiog she said and did, but to present a Life Portrait of Elizabeth Fry and her unique career. This can best be done by letting herself be the chief speaker, since she has spoken so admirably : — next those who knew her well. Of the latter we have many wit- nesses, but the principal are her two daughters, Katherine Fry and Eachel E. Cresswell, both still living at this date, who in 1847, two years after her death, published a "Mem- oir of the Life of Elizabeth Fry," in two octavo volumes of 525 and 552 pages. This was extensively read at that time, when the name of Elizabeth Fry was in all mouths ; but it necessarily contained much of transitory interest to the rapidly changing world of men, who are too busy to dwell long on what does not closely concern them. The work was not reprinted and has long been out of the market, and only to be found among those who purchased at the time of its publication. An abridgement of it was afterwards published, with some additional notes and recollections by Susanna Corder, a teacher of Friends' schools, who was well acquainted with Mrs. Fry, and a member of the same religious Society. 4 XXIZABETH FBT. This work of 667 pages is still to be obtained at Friends book stores, and seems to have been undertaken partly with a. view to furnishing members of that Society with a "Life of Elizabeth Fry," relieved of both a portion of matter passing from public interest, and of the unquakerly style in which the original Memoir was written — one of the daughters, Mrs. Cresswell, and apparently the larger writ- er, having become a member of the Episcopal church, and not conforming to the peculiarities of her mother, Mrs. Fry, also left on record some observations looking towai'd greater liberty than her Society were then ready to adopt, though they are now approaching the standard to which her catholic spirit and wide experience at length brought her sympathetic mind. In reading first this Abridgement, obtained for a circu- lating library in a community partly made up of Friends, I was struck with the large number of highly interesting facts and incidents it contained, as well as with the delight- ful spirit which it exhibited — a spirit which I felt ought to bring a contagion of heavenly-mindeduess into the soul of each reader — and I found a regret arising that such choice seed of the Kingdom of Heaven was not scattered broad- cast through all lands. I therefore resolved, as I trust un- der the inspiration of Him whose eyes run to and fro in the earth, seeking where good may be accomplished and Hia children made haj^py, to undertake a further pruning of decaying branches from this noble olive tree, leaving only Buch as will bear fruit for all times and places, and then to essay its introduction not only into the parks of those who are rich in knowledge and spiritual wisdom, but also in the ELIZABETH FBI; 5 little gardens of the poor where Elizabeth Fry was so fond of sowing seeds of kindness and love, hoping they might spring up unto everlasting life. The part I have had to perform is mainly that of an arti- san whose material is already furnished to his hand, requir- ing only careful selection and judicious arrangement to give effect to the simple beauty which the subject itself contains, I have ventured to add .the <^onnecting thread of a few ob- servations in passing, and occasional comments on portions nrhich seemed to invite further illustration, or criticism. Pawling, Duchess County, N. Y. Feb. 1. 1883. E. Etdeb. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I^EAKLY LIFE ... - 9 n^MARRIAGE AND THE MINISTRY - 58 m~MOTHER AND mNISTER - . 94 IV— NEWGATE - - - 120 V— NEWGATE CONTINUED - - 145 VI^EXCUESIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN - 164 VII*-PASSING THROUGH THE VALLEY - 201 VIIIi-EISING UP THE MOUNTAINS - - 224 IX^-FiRST AND Second VISITS to the CONTINENT 264 X«-TfliB0, FouETH, Fifth " ** « 297 XI— THE PEARL GATE - • 854 ELIZABETH FRY. CHAPTER FIRST. EARLY LIFB. Elizabeth Fry was born in Norwich, England, on the 21st of May, 1780. She was the third daughter of John Gurney of Earlham, a liberal-spuited Quaker, "a man of ready talent, of bright discerning mind, singularly warm- hearted and affectionate, very benevolent, and in manners courteous and popular ;" and of Catherine Bell, daughter of Daniel Bell, a Loudon Merchant, and great-grand- daughter of Robert Barclay, the well-known and able expounder of Quakerism. From this excellent stock eleven children, seven daugh- ters and four sons, grew to maturity, and several of them became active and useful members of the Society of Friends, including Elizabeth Fry, Joseph John Gurney and Priscilla Gurney, whose memoirs have been given to the public. From the "Memoir of the Life of Elizabeth Fry," edit- ed by two of her daughters, the following extracts relat- ing to her early life are taken; "In the year 1786, Mr. and Mrs. Gurney removed to Earl- ham Hall, a seat of the Bacon family, about two miles from iS^orwich. Mr. Guruey subsequently purchased an adjoiuing property, thus adding to the range and variety afforded to 10 ELIZABETH FRY. his large young party, by that pleasant home. Earlhamhas pecuhar charms from its diversified scenery. The house is large, old, and irregular ; placed in the centre of a well- wooded park. The River Wensum, a clear winding stream, flows by it. Its banks, overhung by an avenue of ancient timber trees, formed a favorite resort of the young people ; there, in the summer evenings, they would often meet to walk, read, or sketch. On the south front of the house ex- tends a noble lawn, flanked by groves of trees growing from a carpet of wild flowers, moss, and long grass Every nook, every green path at Earlham, tells a tale of the past and re- calls to those who remember the time when they were peo- pled by that joyous party, the many loved ones of the num ber, who, having shared with one another the pleasm-es of youth, the cares of maturer age, and above all, the hope of immortality, are now together at rest ! "Of the twelve childien of Mr and Mrs. Gurney, nine were born before their removal to Eailham ; one of them died in infancy. The three youngest sens were born after their settlement there. "The mode of life at Bramerton was continued with little alteration at Earltenn, till Nov. 1792, when it pleased God to remove from this large family, the kind mistress, — the loving wife, — the devoted mother. She died after an illness of three weeks, leaving eleven children, the eldest scarcely .sev- enteen, the youngest not two years old. During a period of comparative leisure, Elizabeth Fry occupied herself in perus- ing her early journals. She thought it well to destroy all that were written before the year 1797, and to substitute the following sketch of their contents, assisted by her own recol- lecticus. " ' Dagenham, Eighth Month, 23bosts, so far I must believe in a state af- ter death, and it must confirm my belief in the Spirit of God ; therefore if I try to act right 1 have no need to fear the directions of Infinite Wisdom. I do not turn away such things as some do : I believe nothing impossible to God, and He may have used spirits as agents for purposes beyond GUI- conceptions. I know they can only come when He pleases, therefore we need not fear them. But my most predominant fear is that of thieves, and I find that still more difficult to overcome ; but faith would cure that also, for God can equally protect us from man as from spirit. "8fA, — My father not appearing to like all my present doings, has been rather a cloud over my mind this day : there are few, if any, in the world I love so well ; I am not easy to do what he would not like, for I think I could saciifice almost anything for him, I owe him so much. I love Viim BO well. " I have been reading Watts on Judgment this after- noon ; it has led me into thought, and particularly upon the evidence I have to believe in religion. The first thing that strikes me is the perception we all have of being under a power superior to human. I seldom feel this so much as when unwell ; to see how pain can visit me and how it ia taken away. Work forever, we could not create life. There must be a cause to produce an effect. The ne.\c thing that 48 ELIZABETH FBT. strikes me is good and evil, vu tue and vice, happiness and unhappiiiess — these are acknowledged to be linked together : virtue produces good, vice evil ; of course the Power that allows this shows approbation of virtue. Thirdly, Christi- anity seems also to have its clear evidences, even to my human reason. My mind has not been convinced by books ; but what little faith I have has been confirmed by reading holy writers themselves. " 14:th. — I hope I have from experience gained a little. I am much of a Friend in my principles at this time, but do not outwardly appear much so ; I say ' thee ' to people, and do not di-ess very gay; but yet I say 'Mr,' and 'jMi-s.,' wear a turban, &c., &c. I have one remark to make ; every step I have taken toward Quakerism has given me satisfaction. "18iA. — I feel I must not despair: I consider I first brought sceptical opinions upon myself, and it is only what is due to me that they should now hurt me. I hope I do not much murmur at the decrees of the Almighty : and can I expect who am so faulty, to be blessed with entire faith ? Let me once more try and pray, that the evil roots in my own mind may be eradicated. I had altogether, a pretty good day ; rather too much vanity at being mistress at home, and having to entertain many guests. "24:th. — "What feeling so cheering to the human mind as religion ! what thankfulness should I feel to God ! I have great reason to believe Almighty God is directing my mind to the haven of peace; at least I feel that I am guided by a Power not my own. How dark was my mind for some days ! How heavy ! I saw duties to be performed that even struck me as foolish. I took courage and tried to fol- low the directions of this voice. I felt enlightened, even happy. Again I erred, again I was in a cloud. I once more tried, and again I felt brightened. "25th. — This time last year I was with my dear friend. "Wilham Savery, at Westminster Meeting. I can only thank- fully admire, when I look back to that time, the gentle lead- E>.RLT LIFE 49 ings my soul has had from the state of gi'eat darkness I was in. How suddenly did the light of Christianity burst upon my mind ! I have reason to believe in religion from my own experience ; and what foundation so solid to build my hopes upon? May I gain from the httle experience I have been blessed with. May I encourage the voice of truth : and may I be a steady and virtuous combatant in the service of God. Such I think I may truly say is my most ardent prayer. But God who is omnipresent knows my thoughts, knows my wishes, and my many, many feelings. May I conclude with saying ' cleanse Thou me from secret faults.' " 28«A. — We had company most part of the day. I have an odd feeling. Uncle Joseph and many gay ones were here ; I had a sort of sympathy with him. I feel to have been so much off my guard that if tempted I should have done wrong. I now hear them singing. How much my natm-al heart does love to sing. But if I give way to the' ecstacy that singing sometimes produces in my mind, it carries me far beyond the center ; it increases all the wild passions and works on enthusiasm. Many say and think it leads to rehgion ; it may lead to emotions of religion, but true reUgion appears to me to be in a deeper recess of the heart, where no earthly passion can produce it. March \st. — There is going to be a danCe — what am 1 to do? As far as I can see I believe, if I find it very neces- sary to their pleasure, I may do it, but not for my own grati- fication. Remember don't be vain ; if it be possible dance Uttle. " I began to dance in a state next to pain of mind ; when I had danced four dances, I was trying to pluck up courage to tell Rachel I wished to give it up for the evening : it seemed as if she looked into my mind, for she came up t& me that minute, in the most tender manner, and begged ma to leave off, saying she would contrive Avithout me ; I sup- pose she saw in my countenance the state of my mind. I am not half kind enough to her; I often make sharp rc- 60 XLIZABETB FBY. marks to her, and in reality tbere are none of my sisters to whom I owe so much. I must think of her as my nurse; she would suffer much to comfort me ; may she, O God ! be blessed ; wouldst Thou, oh wouldst Thou, let her see her right path, whatever that may be, and wilt Thou enable her to keep up to her duty, in whatever line it may lead. Let this evening be a lesson to me not to be unkind to her any more. I think I should feel more satisfaction iu not dan- cing ; but such things must be left very much to the time. How very much do I wish for their happiness ! That they may he blessed in every way is what I pray for to the Great Director. But all is guided in wisdom, and I believe as a fanuly we have much to be thankful for, both for bodily and miental blessings." The conclusion of the struggle is shown in the follow- ing:— *^ March Uh, — I hope the day has passed without many faults: John is just come in to ask me to dance in such a kind^Way, — dh dear me ! I am now acting clearly differently from them all. Remember this, as I have this night refused to dance with my dearest brother, I must out of kindness to faim not be tempted by any one else. Have mercy O God ! have mercy upon me! and let me act right, I humbly pray Thee. Wilt Thou love my dearest, most dear, brothers and sisters — wilt Thou protect us! Dear John ! I feel much for him ; such as these are home strokes ; but I had far rather have them, if indeed governed by Supreme Wisdom, for then I need not fear. I know that not dancing will not lead me to do wrong, and I fear dancing does. Though the task is hard on their account I hope I do not mind the pain myselL I feel for them, but if they see in time that I am happier for it, I think they will no longer lament over me. I will go to them as soon as they have done, try to be cheerful, and to show them that I love them, for I do most truly, particularly EARLY LIFE. 51 John. I think I might talk a little with John and tell him how I stand, for it is much my wisest plan to keep truly in- timate with them all — make them my fii-st friends. I do not think I ever love them so well as at such times as these. I should fiilly express my love for them, and how nearly it touches my heai-t acting differently to what they like. These ai-e truly great steps for me to take in life, but I may expect support under them." How charming is such a spirit ! and she had her reward in the conversion of several of her highly endowed brothers and sisters to earnest fellowship in her own faith ; she being the pioneer in the movement. Her eldest sister, Catherine, and some other members of the family attached themselves to the National Church. They always, however, remained firmly devoted to each other, and presented a lovely example of unity of heart amid diversities of opinion. Soon after this Elizabeth adopted the numerical style oi dates. This peculiarity of the Quakers originated from the impression that it was unbecoming in Chiistians to engraft idolatrous names upon their language, or to accept usages originating in the worship of false gods. To this scruple the only answer necessary is that given by Paul to those who re- fused meat which had once been offered to idols, feeling that they thus became partakers of idolatry. " Whatsoever is sold in the shambles eat, asking no questions for conscience sake : for the ealfth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" 1 Cor. X. 25, 26. Words, like meat, cannot be defiled by having been wrongly applied. The sin lies in thTS' rtSilfl which uses a harmless instrument to express a wrong senii* ment. We might just as well refuse to convert the speaj into a pruning-hook, as to reject the word Monday because 62 ELIZABETH FEY. the Moon was worshipped on that day by our ancestors, ot decline to say "you" to a single person now, because the practice originated in a pui'pose to flatter persons of rank. Words derive their meaning altogether from usage, and are merely the coin by which we exchange thought. The sturdi- est patriot would not refuse a gold piece because it bore the image and superscription of Ccesar — at least, after Caesar was dead and his kingdom destroyed. However, such devotion, though logically erring, is pleas- ant to witness, and we may admire the faithfulness to con- viction while we accustom ourselves to translate "First day " into Sunday, &c„ and " Fii'st Month " into January, through the remainder of this frank and altogether admira- ble heart-history. ^'■Fourth Month Gth. — have not done a gxeat deal to- day, and yet I hope I have not been idle : I try to do right now and then, but by ho means constantly. I could not re- cover the feeling of being hurt at rejecting, I suppose, the voice of my mind last night, when I sang so much. They were not, I believe feelings of my own malung, for it was my wish to enjoy singing without thinking it wrong. ■ "7 pupUs, all of which she taught and governed with a tact pe cuHar to'herself. She also visited the sick, reading and con- versing* with them as opportunity offered. All this appears lb have been done, less from sense of duty, than from the kindly impulses of her own heart . " At this time, Elizabeth Gurney wore the cap and close handkerchief of Friends, and with the dress had adopted their other peculiarities. This added to her comfort and spared her many difficulties. Of the truth of their princi- ples she had long been convinced, and had dehberately chos- en Quakerism as the future rehgious profession of her life. "Her mind, being thus established on matters of the first UABBIAGE AKS THE MINISTBT 59 importance, was better prepared to entertain a subject which now claimed her consideration — proposals of marriage from Mr. Joseph Fry, at that time engaged with his brother, Mr. William Fry, in extensive business ia London. Her timid, Bensitive nature shrank at first from so momentous a ques- tion, and for a time she seemed unable, or unwilling to en- coimter the responsibility. Gradually, with individual pref- erence, her mind opened to the suitability of the connection. Her habits and education had rendered affluence almost es- sential to her comfort ; whilst entering Mr. Fry's family and the prospect of residing among Friends oflfered great and strong inducements to her feelings. Her anxious desire to be rightly guided in her decision is marked by the following letter to her cousin Joseph Gurney Bevan." (Memoir.) The following minute of self-examination is given before the letter referred to as it precedes it in date. « Twelfth '^onth, llth. (1799)— I believe the true state o! my mind is as follows. I have, almost ever since I have been a little under the influence of rehgion, thought marriage at this time was not a good thing for me ; as it might lead my interests and affections from that source in which they should be centered ; and also if I have any active duties to perform in the church, if I really follow, as far as I f^m able the voice of Truth in my heart, are they not rather incom- patible with the duties of a wife and mother ? And is it not safest to wait and see what is the probable coiu'se I shalj take in this life, before I enter into any engagement that af- fects my future career? So I think, and so I have thought^ But to look on the other side. If Truth appears to tell m^ I may marry, I should leave the rest, and hope, whatsoeveB my duties are, I shall be able to perform them ; but it il now, at this time the prayer of my heai-t that if I ever shouI(| 60 ELIZABETH FET. be a mother I may rest with my children, and really find my duties lead me to them and my hasband ; and if my duty ever leads me from my family, that it may be in single life. I must leave all to the wisdom of a superior Power, and, in humble confidence, pray for assistance, both now and for- evermore, in performiDg the Divine wiU." Clapham, Fourth Month, 1800. " My dearest Cousin : — It is not pleasant to me having a subject that now is of no small importance to me unknown to thee, for I feel thee to be, and love thee as my kind friend. Some time ago Joseph Fry, youngest son of "William Storrs Fry of London, paid us a visit at Earlham and made me an offer of marriage. Since our stay in the neighborhood he has renewed his ad- dresses. I have had many doubts, many risings and fall- ings about the affair. My most anxious wish is that I may not hinder my spiritual welfare, which I have so much feared as to make me often doubt if marriage were a desirable thing for me at this time, or even the thoughts of it. But as I wish (at least I think I wish) in this as in other things to do the wUl of God, I hope I shall be shown the path right for me to walk in. I do not think I could have refused him, with a pToper authority at this time. If I am to marry Before very long it overturns my theories, and may teach me that the ways of the Lord are unsearchable ; and that I am ftot to draw out a path of right for myself ; but to look io the One who only knows what is really good for me. But the idea of leaving my station at home is to me surprising, ^s I had not thought that would have been the case, and perhaps it may not now happen, but it does not seem im- probable. How anxiously do I desire I may, through all, strive after the knowledge of God, and one day, if it be kght, obtain it. Excuse this hasty scrawl and beheve me^ my dear cousin, thy very affectionate E. GUENEI." UABBIAQE AND TH£ MIKISTBT. " Earlham, Fifth Month, ZOth. — I have ■written lateiy many melancholy journals, and I seem rather inclined this morning gratefully to mention the calm and sweet state 1 feel in. Even if the feelings be only for this time, it is 8 blessing to have them. My feeliags towards Joseph are so calm and pleasant, and I can look forward with so much cheerfulness to a connection with him. " Sixth Month, Qth. — I felt rather nervous and weak thia morning. I wrote to Eliza Fry, and worked and talked. I might talk too much. I received a letter I liked frorc Joseph, and answered it this afternoon. I felt unwilling to represent my own faults to him, although I told him how faulty I was ; yet it is much more unpleasant to acknowl- edge any real fault committed than the natui-al inclination to faults. " Eighth Month IZth. — This morning the Fellows were here ; nothing particular happened until evening when all my poor children came. It was rather a melancholy time to me. After having enjoyed themselves playing about I took them to the summer-house and bade them farewell ; there were about eighty-six of them ; many of them wept ; I felt rathet coldly when with them, but when they went away I shed my tears also ; and then my desires took the turn of anxiously longing for the spiritual welfare of us all, as a family." I now quote at- some length from the Memoir, chapter Ififth. « The marriage of Joseph Fry and Ehzabeth Gurney took place on the 19th of August, 1800, at the Friends' Meeting house in Norwich ; her own description of the day is : — " 'I awoke in a sort of terror at the prospect before me, but sdon gained quietness and something of oh6erfulnesB. After dressing we set off for Meeting ; I was altogethoi' comfortable. The Meeting was crowded : I felt serious and looking in measure to the only sure place for support. It ELIZABETH FBT. was to me a truly solemn time ; 1 felt every word; and not only felt but in my manner of speaking expressed how I felt ; Joseph also spoke well. Most solemn it truly was. After we sat silent some little time Sarah Chandler knelt down in prayer; my heart prayed with her. I believe words are inadequate to describe the feelings on such an occasion ; I wept good part of the time, and my beloved father seemed as much overcome as I \vas. The day passed off well, and I think I was very comfortably supported under it, although cold hands and a beating heart were often my lot.' " Leaving the home of her childhood was a gi'eat effort to her. Driving through Norwich for the last time as a resi- dence ' the very stones of the street seemed dear ' to her. On the 31st of the same month she says : — " 'We arrived at Plashet about three o'clock ; it was strange to me. I was much pleased with the place, and admired the kindness of its inhabitants.' " Her home, however, was for some years, to be in scenes far less congenial to her early habits than Plashet House, in Essex, then the residence of her husband's parents. It was a much more prevailing custom in that day than it is now, for the junior partner to reside in the house of business, in conformity with which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fry prepared to estabhsh themselves in St. Mildred's Court, in the city of London. The house was large, au"y, commodious, and what in the city is a still more rare advantage, quiet ; and con- tinued to be an occasional residence of different members of the family till it was p;jUgd down in consequence of altera- tions in London. _ " Elizabeth Fry Waj by Iher marriage, brought into com- pletely new cifcumsfafice's.'; li^i' husband's family had been members of the SoBiefy of Friends since an eurly perio^ after its foundation. In thi's it resembled her own; but^ unlike her own parents, her father and mother-in-law were * plain and consistent Friends ; ' she was surrounded by a lai'ge ciicle of new connections and acquaintance who differed UABBIAQB AKD THE MINISTB7. 63 from her own early associates, in being, almost exclusively, strict Friends. Thus she found herself the 'gay instead of the plain and scrupulous one of the family.' This for a time brought her into occasional difficulty and trial, from the incongruity of the parties assembled at her house, formed of her own family and nearest connections whom she so tenderly loved, and those with whom she was in strict religious communion, but whose habits and sentiments differed fr'om theirs ; and she f eai'ed for herself, lest in the desire to please all she should in any degree swerve from the line of conduct which she believed right for herself- " George DUwyn from Philadelphia, a Friend engaged in religious service in London, became their guest on the 7th of November, only a week after the young married pair had ariived at their home ; he remained with them upwards of a month, and his company appears to have been useful and agreeable to them, although his presence brought the bride into difficulty on a point which at the present time seems almost inconceivable — that of reading the Holy Scriptures aloud after breakfast. Family devotion among aU persua- sions was much less common at that pei'iod than it is now j and the habit of assembling the household at a stated hour daily for domestic worship was almost unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Fry's servants were not partakers of this privilege, ex- cept on Sunday evenings, until some years after their mar* riage." Eleventh Month, 1th. — George Dilwyn came to-day; I feel almost overcome with my own weakness, when with such people. "IlfA. — After breakfast I believed it better to propose reading tho Bible, but I felt it, particularly as my brother William was here ; not liking the appearance of young peo- ple like us, appearing to profess more than they who had lived here before us. However I put ofif, and put off, till both William and Joseph went down ; I then felt uneasy 64 ELIZABETH FBT. under it, and when Joseph came back I told him, as I did before, what I wished. He, at last, sat down, having told George Dilwyn my desire. I began to read the 46 th Psalm, but was so overcome that I could hardly read, and gave it to Joseph to fiuish. "12th. — rather felt this morning it would have been right for me to read the Bjble again, and stop George Dil- wyn and Joseph reading somethmg else. Now stopping G. D.jwas a difficult thing; for a person like me to remind him ! however I did not fully do as I thought right, for I did not openly tell G. D., we were going to read, but spoke to my husband so as for him to hear ; then he read, I know- ing I had not done my best. *' 14ith. — I again felt some difficulty at reading the Bible ; however I got through well. George Dilwyn encouraged me by saying he thought I portioned the reading well. After a little busthng we set off for Hampstead. I was there told by he thought my manners had too much of the courtier in them, which I knew to be the case, for my disposition leads me to hurt no one that I can avoid: and 1 do sometimes but just keep to truth with people from a natural yielding to them in such things as please them. I think doing so in moderation is pleasant and useful in society. It is amongst those things that produce the harmony of society for the truth must not be spoken out at all times, at least not the whole truth. I will give an instance of what I mean. Suppose any one was to show me the color of a room that I thought pretty, I should say so, although I thought others more so, and omit saying that. Perhaps I am wrong ; I do not know if I be not ; but it wiU not always do to tell our minds. This I have observed (and I am sorry for it) that I feel it hard, when duty dictates, to do what I think may hurt others. I believe this feeling of mine originates in self-love, from the dislike of being myself the cause of pain and uneasiness." UABBIAGE AND THB UHOSTBT. 65 The above is a fine illustration of character. Through her entire want of self-esteem she takes to herself discredit for that disposition which won her almost universal favor an enabled her to accomplish veiy difficult reforms without making an enemy — a disposition wanting which many well- meaning, but not wholly well-feeling, people often do aa much harm as good in ti-ying to do what they conceive to be their duty. I said, without making an enemy. Perhaps she made one, and that through inattention, as she thought, to the principle above noted, not always to speak what is in our mind. In her humane zeal to save a poor weak girl from the gallows for passing counterfeit money at the persuasion of her lover, she offended the Secretary of State, Lord Sid- mouth, by reflecting on the conduct of certain bank officers, concerned in the case, and the inhuman Judge let the un- happy girl die, and closed his ears thereafter to appeals from her intercessor. It may have been an indiscretion, though it seems bom of the Spirit which cried "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! " and which brought the wrath of those murderers on the head of Him who could not brook wrongs to the poor. "I5t/i. — George DUwyn said for our encouragement this mormng, that he had seen, since he had been with us, the effi- cacy of reading in the Bible the first thing, — he thought it a good beginning for the day." The next step, so delicately pointed to by the guiding Finger of Light in her mind, she found equally difficult to take, and did not take, until long afterwards, perhaps in con- sequence of her shrinking from the first gentle command. '*Qth. (iJecemSer)— Anna Savery drank tea here; we had 66 BXIZABETH FBZ> not sat long after tea before we fell into sflence. During the tune 1 first felt a sort of auxiety for the welfare of U3 young travelers, and it came strongly across my nund openly to express it . This put me into an agitation not easily to be described; and I continued in this state, which was a truly painful one, nearly feeling it my duty to pray aloud for us ; oh how hard it did seem ! I tried to ran from it, but I found the most safety ia trying to wait upon God; hoping if it were imagination, to overcome it ; if it were a duty that I might be obedient. Towai'ds the latter end I felt moj'e inclined towards obedience. But what an obstacle is my not holding my will in subservience to that of my Maker ; for perhaps, after all, it was only a trial of my obedience that would not have been called for, but to show me how far I was from a resigned state of heart. I felt oppressed the rest of the evening. " 10th. — I woke in a bmdened state of mind ; I thought it better to reheve it to my dear husband and found comfort in doing so ; he warned me against imagination. I must try to trust in the Lord, and I hope to find safety. I felt quite in a state of agitation till we went to Meeting ; it made me feel almost ill in body, both last night and this morning. However my mind was sweetly calmed in Meeting, and I felt vastly reheved from my terrors, and a Uttle love and trusting in the Heavenly Master. I was almost ready to do whatever might be right for me. Oh! may I give up to what is called for at my hand ; and may I not be deceive(3, but follow the true Shepherd, for my feet seem much in- inclined to wander ! " That fatal almost f" How many have been wrecked upon it ! Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." The Jews were almost ready to go into the Promised Land, but turned back, alarmed by their false spies. So it is with all of us. Even faithful Ehzabeth Fry was no exception. KABBIAOB AND THE IQNISTBT. 67 Had she been able to yield to the simple impnlses of her heart -when she felt longings for the welfare of herself and Anna Savery, and, asked God to bless and guide them, as she would have asked her earthly parent for aid had she needed it, her entrance upon the open work of the ministry would have been easy and natm aU Battles she would have had still to fight, but victory would have been given to faith- ful obedience. She was, however, not ripe for it, as the event proved. She tvumed back because she was still in bonds, spiritually. She was trying to do God's work as a servant, rather than as a child — under compulsion, instead of from love. She still needed the baptism of the Holy Ghost and of fire which would bring the Spirit of Chiist into her very soul, before a true and efficacious gospel ministry could flow from it. After nine years of incessant and often bewildering struggle with life, in a crowded city home, and the birth of six children, and when her beloved father lay dead in the home of her childhood, having breathed out his soul, after a severe struggle with conscience, in a hvely hope of Heav- en — ^then, at last, the subdued flame of piety burst forth in prayer and thanksgiving in the sight of men. If we could only be faithful to the first, or even the second call, how much sorrow would be spared. But because wb are then only half converted, because we have Christ before our eyes, instead of in our hearts, because, though the epiiit is willing the flesh is yet weak, we slumber while the crucial hour of fate is passing ; and after twice rousing us, and again silently looking upon our prostration, the Lord says to us, "Sleep on now and take your rest; — he is at hand that doth betray me." The traitor is indeed at hand in all our hearts when either the feai' of man or the iove of gain 68 ELIZABETH FEY. effectually closes our eyes and ears to Chiist's appeal. The minute in her Journal succeeding that last given shows that the Spirit was now to some extent withdrawn. " 14:th. — I attended both Meetings as usual, and as usual, came from them flat and discouraged. To attend our place of worship, and there spend almost all the time in worldly thoughts is I fear too great a mark of how my time is mostly spent ; indeed my life appears, at this time, to be spent to little more purpose than eating, drinking, sleeping an(3 clothing myself. But if we analyze the employment of most, what do they more than, in some way attend to the bodily wants of themselves or others? What is our work, th« good we do for the poor, &c., &c., but for the body ? « Third Ilonth, 15th. (1801).— I felt really better this morning (alluding to a previous indisposition) and went to Meeting, but all my small efforts to quiet my thoughts were meffectual ; the same in the afternoon ; it is very serious. Really when I awake in the morning I feel a flatness ; when I find my great object of the day no longer appears to be even to wish to do the will of my Ci eator. But I am as one who has, in some measure, lost bis pilot and is tossed about by the waves of the world. But I trust that there is yet a power that will prevent my di'owning. I draw some consolation from my dreams of old, for how often was I near drowning, and yet at last saved. " 25th. — I feel almost overcome with the multiplicity of visitings and goings out. "15th. (June J — If I can with truth acknowledge it to be my first wish to do my best, although I may not feel the sensible gratification of doing my duty, I may yet be really doing it. If I do all I can, I have no occasion to fear sooner or later meeting with my reward. I was rather disappointed at our having company : indeed we have now little time alone. It is quite a serious thing, our being so constantly liable to interruptions as we are. I do not think since we BIABBIAGE AND THE MUaSTBT. 69 married we have had one-foiirth of our meals alone. I long for more retirement, but it appears out of our power to pro- cure it ; and therefore it is best to be as patient under inter- ruptions as we can, but I think it a serious disadvantage to young people setting out in life. " 15th. (August) — I have had an interesting talk with my dear sister Kachel : She appears to me to have perceived that which will direct her steps. But how hard it is deeply, etrictly, and for a long time together, to have our first ob- ject to serve our Creator — for at first there is a natural glee, as for something new, and then we feel we have to pass through lukewarmness which is a dangerous state ; I believe one where many are lost. May I be carried through it ! Her maternal trials and pleasuies, succeeded each other apace, adding what all mothers understand to the anxieties as well as charms of a busy life. " Tenth Month, 1st. — My present feelings for the babe, are so acute as to render me at times unhappy from an over anxiety about her, such a one as I never feit before for any one. Now it appears to me this over anxiety arises from extreme love, weak spirits and state of health, and not being under the influence of principle that would lead me to over- come these natural feelings, as far as they tend to my misery. For if I were under the influence of principle, I might trust that my dear infant indeed was under the care and protection of an infinitely wise and just Providence that permits her little sufferings for some good end that I knew not of. How anxiously do I hope this poor dear baby may be held by me in resignation to the Divine will. Oh ! that I might feel dependence on that Almighty arm about her, and about other things. Beyond everything else I wish to do my duty, idle and relaxed as I am in performing it. '^'^ Fourth Month, 19«A,(1802) — Oh! may my obedience beep pace with my knowledge, at this time; my knowledge of good appears small ; my longings to be better are only 70 ELIZABETH FRY. known by a Superior Power, wlio I trust will, in time, have mercy on me. I have this day prayed that in this day ol darkness I may not prove an obstruction in the way of others ; truly a South Land is my portion, — only long for the wells of living water." The birth of her second child is thus recorded: ^'■Fourth Month, Vlth. — My heart abounded with joy and gratitude when my dear little girl was born, perfect and lovely. Words are not equal to express my feelings, for I was most mercifully dealt with, my soul was so quiet, and 60 much supported. '■'■Plashet, Fifth Month, 21s«. — I have been long prevented from vsTiiting in my journal by a severe attack of indisposi- tion. It is difficult exactly to express what I have gone through, but it has been, now and then, a time of close trial ; my feelings being such, at times, as to bo doubtful whether life or death would be my portion. One night I was, I be- lieve, very seriously ill : I never remember feeling so forcibly how hard a trial it was in prospect, to part with life. Much as my mind, as well as body, was tried in this emergency, etui I felt forcibly an inward support, and it reminded me of that text of Scripture, ' Can a woman forget her sucking child? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.' And then I told those around me that I was so ill I could almost forget my child ; but that I felt the existence of a Power that could never forget. I have gone through much since, in various ways, from real bodily weakness, and also the trials of a nervous imagination. No one knows, but those who have felt them how hard those are to bear, for they lead the mind to look for trouble, and it requu-es much exertion not to be led away by them. Nothing I beheve allays them so much as the quieting influence of religion, and that leads us to endeavor after quietness under them, not looking be- yond the present. But they are a regular bodily disorder MAHBIAGE AND THE MINISTER. 71 that I believe no mental exertion can cure or overcome ; but we must endeavor not to give way to them." From this time onward the light gradually grew brighter, and she again ^became engaged in various good works, as opportunity was afforded. She was slowly coming back toward the Land of Promise, which to her was the active work of benevolence, and the Ministryof the Gospel as th highest part of that work. " Plashet, Second Month, 5th. (1805) — Since I last vrroto I have been much occupied with many things, rather more than usual about the poor. I have been desirous that at- tending to them as I do may not prove a snare to me : for I think acting charitably leads us often to receive more credit than we deserve, or at least to fancy so. It is one of those things that give my nature pleasure ; therefore I believe I am no further praiseworthy than that I give way to a natu- ral inclination. Attending the afflicted is one of those things that so remarkably bring their reward with them that we may rest in a sort of self-satisfaction which is dangerous ; but I often feel the blessing of being so situated as to be able to assist the afflicted, and sometimes a little to relieve their distresses. " 11th. — We ought to make it an object in conversation and in conduct to endeavor to oblige those we are with, and rather to make the pleasure of others our object than our own. I am clear it is great virtue to be able constantly to yield in little things : it begets the same spuit in others and renders life happy. '■^ Fifth Islonth, 1th. — Yesterday my sister Eliza Fry was here ; we were saying something about the children's di'ess ; and she remarked that for the sake of others, (she meant the fear of not setting a good example) she would not do so and so. I said it struck me that those who do their dutyi 72 ELIZABETH FEY. mth integrity are sei-ving others as weH as themselves, and do more real good to the cause of religion than in looking mi^.ch outwardly either to what others do or think. I think that con science will sometimes lead us to feel for others and not act so as materially to hurt a weak brother ; but I be- lieve we should seldom find that we hm't those whose opin- ion would be worth caring for, if we kept close to the witness in our own hearts. If I were going to do a thing I should endeavor to find whether it appeared to me in any way wrong, and whether I should feel easy to do it, looking secretly for help where it is to be found, and there I believe I should leave it ; and if it led me to act rather dififerently Erom some I should probably be doing more good to society than in any conformity merely on account of others ; for if I should be preserved in the way of obedience in other things ifc would ia time show from whence such actions sprung : and I think this very spirit of conforming in trifles to the opinion of others leads into forms that may one day prove a stumbling block to the progress of our Society ; whereas if we attend to the principle that brought us together it will lead us out of forms and not into them." The above observation has been abundantly verified not only in the Society of Friends but in all others. The true principle, as referred to, is that laid down by Christ when He said " The light of the body is the eye ; if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light." It wa? expressed by George Fox ia words that became a kind of watch-word, "Mind the Light." Had these injunctions been generally heeded sectarianism would have been a thing un- toovm. " Seventh Month, 3rd. — ^It appears to me that we who de- sire to be the servants of Chi-ist must expect to do a part of our Master's work, which no doubt is to bear with the MARBIAQE AND THE MINISTHV. 73 wealaiesses and infirmities of human nature, aucl if we be favored to feel them and not sink under them, we may be enabled in time to help others bear their burdens ; and it appears to me that all Christian travelers must expect to pass thi'ough, in then- measure, the temptations and trials their Master did on eai'th. " Mildred's Court, l^th. — ^Yesterday and the day before I have been driven from one thing lo another, and from one person to another, as is usual in this place. I have feared my attention being quite diverted from good. But I have also thought that doing our duttj is most effectually serving fhe Lord. May I therefore endeavor to do mine and not be impatient at my numerous interruptions, but strive to center my mind in a humble desire to do the will of my Creator, which will, through ail, create a degree of quiet- ness. " 26iA. — I have observed how much better things axe done, and how much more satisfaction they produce, when done in that quiet, seeking state of mind. How greatly I desire that all I do may be done to the glory of God rathei ihan to my own self-satisfaction." In the month of May 1808, for the first time since tlie decease of their mother, death entered the large and highly favored family of John Gui'ney and removed the wife of Elizabeth Fry's eldest brother John. This event became the occasion of some important changes. In his afiiiciiou he sought the advice of the Eev. Edward Edwards, whosa influence among the brothers and sisters, all of whom wera awakened to the importance of a religious life, was such aa to lead several of them to a judgment favoring the Church of England. Others chose the hereditary faith of tha Friends, Elizabeth having been the first to assume a de- cided stand. They became nearly ec^ually divided ob theso 74 ELIZABETH FRY extreme right and left wings of Pi otestanism ; and yet they preserved a remarkable unity of spii'it and pui'pose ; thus setting a most beautiful example of Christian charity. Two of the brothers, Samuel and Joseph John, and two of the sisters, Elizabeth and Priscilla, were Friends — three of them bsing ministers. The brothers John and Daniel, with Catharine, the eldest of the family, who remained un- married, Louisa, who married Samuel Hoare, Esq., Bich- enda, wife of Rev. Fi ancis Cunningham, and Hannah who became the wifo < : Sir T. Fowell Buxton, joined the Episcopal Chvurch ; while Eachel the second sister aJso un- manied, remained without decided preference. In referring to this divergence Mrs. Fry's daughters, who were similarly divided, — the eldest, Katharine, remaining a Friend, and the second Eachel, who united with her in editing their mother's Memoir, becoming an Episcopalian — ^remai'k : " It was not without pain that she who had so decidedly chosen the path of Friends, saw others so dear to her as decidedly choosing another way, and uniting themselves with the Chmch of England ; but as each one became established in his own coui-se, some one way and some the other, a won- derful union and communion sprang up among them ; so that their bond in natural things was not sti onger than that which united them as devoted worshipers of the same Lord." ^' Eighth Month, 2Qih. (1808).— 1 have been married eight years yesterday. Various trials of faith and patience have been permitted me ; my course '^as been very different to what I had expestfdi and instead of being, as I had hoped, a useful instrument in the Church Militant, here I •am, a cai'e-wom wife and mother, outwardly, nearly devoted MABEIAGB AOT) THE MINISTRY. to the things of this life. Though at times this difference in my destiration has been trying to me, yet I believe those trials (■nhich have certainly been very pinching) that I have bad to go through, have been very useful, and brought me to a feeling sense of what I am ; and at the same time have taught me where power is, and in what we are to glory ; not in ourselves, nor in anything we can be, or do, but we are alone to desire that He may be glorified, either through us, or others, — ^in our being soreething, or nothing, as He may Bee best for us. I have seen, particularly in our spiritual allotments, that it is not in man that walketh to du-ect his eteps. It is om- place only to be as passive clay in His holy bauds, simply desiring that He would make us what He would have us to be. But the way in which this great work Is to be effected we must leave to Him who has been the Author and we may trust will be the Finisher of the work : and we must not be surprised to find it going on differently to what our fraU hearts would desire. "I may also acknowledge that, through all my trials, there does appear to have been a particular blessing attending me, botlias to the fatness of the land and the dew of Heav- en ; for, though I have been at times deeply tried, inwardly and outwardly, yet I have always found the dehvering Arm bas been near at hand, and the trials have appeared blessed to me. .The little efforts, or small acts of duty, I have ever performed have ofien seemed remarkably blessed to me ; and where others have been concerned, it has also, I think, been apparent to them that the effort on my part has been blessed to both parties. Also what shall I say when I look at my husband and my five lovely babes ? How have I been favored to recover from illness, and to get through them without material injury in any way. I also observe bow any little care towards my servants appeal's to have been blessed, and what faithful and kind friends to me I have found them. Indeed I cannot enumerate my bless- ings ; but I may truly say, that of all the blessings I bavo 76 KLIZABETH FBT. received, and still receive, there is none to compare with lieving that I am not yet forsaken, but, notwithstanding all my deviations, in mercy cared for. And, if all the rest be taken from me, far above all I desire that, if I should be led through paths which I know not of, which may try my weak faith and nature, I may not lose faith in Thee ; but may in- increasingly love Thee, delight to follow after Thee, and be singly Thine, giving aU things up to Thee who hast hither- to been my oiily mercifvil Protector and Preserver." The death of her father-in-law, soon after the date of the above extract, caused the removal of Joseph Fry's family from London to the country home at Plashet, in Essex, which for the next twenty years formed their principal dence ; a portion of the season being passed at Mildred'a Court, London. About a year after their removal to Plashet, Elizabeth's father died ; and it was on this occasion that her spirit was so powerfully wrought upon that she gave brief expression to her feelings, in obedience to an impulse of the Spirit, which was regarded as an entrance upon the work of the Ministry. This event is best described in her own words. ^^Earlham, ZQth. (1809) — I hardly know how to express myself: I have indeed passed through wonders- On the ^6th, as we were sitting quietly together, (after my dear sis- ter Kichenda had left us, and my soul had bowed on my be- loved father's account, of whom we had daily very poor re- ports,) an express arrived bringing Chenda back, saying o\xt most dear father was so ill that they did not expect his life vvould be spared. Words fall short to describe what I felt| he was so tenderly near and dear to me. We soon believed it best to set off for this place, on some accounts undet great discoucag^ent, principally from my owaJ^odily weaks HAKJtlAGK AND THE MINISTBY. 7T ness, and also the fever in the house ; but it did not appear as if we could omit it, feeling as we did ; therefore, after a tender parting with my beloved flock, my dearest Joseph, Chenda and I with the baby set off. We arrived at Mil- dred's Court the first night, where our dear sister left us, in hopes of seeing our dear parent ahve. In very great weak- ness I set off next morning, and had at times gi'eat discour- agements ; but many hours were comforting and sweet. Healing on the road, at different stages that my dearest father was living, we proceeded till we arrived at Earlham about twelve o'clock that night. We got out of the carriage and once more saw him who has been so inexpressibly dear to me through life, since I knew what love was ; he was asleep but death was strongly marked on his sweet and to me beautiful face. Whilst in his room all was sweetness, nothing bitter, though how I feel his loss is hard to express : but indeed I have abundant cause to rejoice on his account; after very deep probation his mind was so strikingly visited and consoled at last in passing through the valley of the shadow of death. He frequently expressed that he feared no evil, but believed that through the mercy of God in Christ he should be received in glory. His deep humility, and the tender loving state he was in, were most valuable to those around him. He encouraged us, his children, to hold on our way ; and sweetly expressed his belief that our love of good (in the degree we had it) had been a stimulus and help to him. The next morning he died quite easily. I was not with him, but on entering the room, soon after it was ovex-, my soul was bowed within me, in love, not only for the de- ceased, but also for the living, and in humble thankfulness; 80 that I could hardly help uttering (which I did) my thanlisgiving and praise, and also what I felt for the living as well as the dead. I cannot understand it, but the powoT given was wonderful to myself and the cross none; my Ueait was so full that I could hardly hinder utterance. 78 ELIZABETH FBT. " Eleventh Month, 3rd. — We attended our beloved father's funeral. Before I went I was so deeply impressed at t mes with love for all, and thanksgiving that I doubted "w, ether it might not possibly be my place to express it •there ; but I did, the evening before, htimbly crave not to be permitted to do so unless rightly ca''led to it. Fear of man appeared greatly taken away. I sat the meeting under a solemn quietness, though there was preaching that neither disturbed nor enlivened me much. The same words still powerfully impressed me that had done ever •Bince I first entered the room where the corpse lay. Upon going to the grave this still continued. Under this solemn, quiet calm, the fear of man appeared so much removed that I believe my sole desire was that the will of God might be done in me. Though it was unpleasant to me what man might say, yet I most feared it was a tempta- tion, owing to my state of sorrow ; but that I fully believe was not the case, as something of the kind had been on my mind so long ; but it had appeared more ripe the last few weeks, and even months ; I had so often had to 'rejoice in the Lord, and glory in the God of my salvation,' that it had made me desire that others might partake, and know ;how good He had been to my soul, and be encouraged to walk in those paths -which I had found to be paths of pleasantness and peace. However, after a solemn waiting, my dear uncle Joseph spoke, greatly to my encdui-agement and comfort, aijd the removal of some of my fears. I re- mained till dearest John began to move to go away: when it appeared as if it could not be omitted, and I fell on my knees and began, not knowing how I should go on, with these words, 'Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty! just and true are Thy ways, Thou King .of Saints ! Be pleased to receive our thanksgiving.' And there I seemed stopped, though I thought that I should have had to express that I gave thanks on my beloved father's account. But not feeling the power continue I IIASBIAOE AMD THE MINISTRY. 79 arose directly. A quiet, calm and invigorated state, mental and bodily, were my portion afterwards, and altogether a sweet day, but a very painful night, discouraged on every side — I could believe bj him who tries to deceive. The dis- couragement appealed to arise principally from what others would think ; and nature flinched and sank ; but I was en- abled this morning to commit myself in prayer." It should perhaps here be mentioned that the Friends do not consider it unsuitable for even nearest relatives of the deceased to express their minds, under a proper impulse, at funerals. Rarely, perhaps, are ministers first called forth on such occasions ; and yet the deep and lively emotions might aid in weakening the bond of timidity by which neaiiy all are embarrassed on a first exposure. Probably few have a greater natural dread of such a trial than Elizabeth Fry who possessed a peculiarly sensitive organization ; and yet when the proper time came the promised grace was fovind suf- ficient for her. The river was parted and she went throygb on dry ground. Flasket, Eleventh Month, IQth. — ^We arrived here on Third-day evening. Though plunged into feeling before 1 arrived, I felt flat on meeting my tenderly beloved Httla flock. I was enabled, coming along to crave help, in the first place to be made willing either to do, or to suffer what- ever was the Divine will concerning me. I also desiied that I might not be so occupied with my present state of mind, as to its religious duties, as in any degree to omit close at- tention to all daily du^^^^es n.y beloved husband, children, servants, poor, &c. ; but if 1 should be permitted to enter the humiliating path that has appeared to be opening before me, to look weilat home andnou discredit the cause I desii'O to advocate. Last Fixst-daj luoining I had a deeply tryiog 80 ELIZABETH FBY. Meeting, on account of the words, ' Be of good courage and He will strengthen your hearts, all ye that hope in the Lord,' which had impressed me toward Norwich Meeting before I went into it ; and after I had sat there a little time they came with double force, and continued resting on my mind, until my fright was extreme, and it appeared almost as if I must, if I did my duty, utter them. I hope I did not wholly revolt, but I did cry in my heart for that time to be excused, that like Samuel, I might apply to some Eli, to know what the voice was that I heard. My beloved Uncle Joseph I thought was the person. On this sort of excuse, or covenant, as I may call it, a calmness was granted the rest of the meeting ; but not the reward of peace. As soon as the Meeting was over I went to my dear Uncle and begged him to come to Earlham to see me. The conflict I had passed through was so great as to shake my body, as well as mind, and I had reason to fear and to believe I should have been happier and much more relieved in mind, if I had given up to this little service. I have felt since like one in debt to that Meeting. My dear Uncle came, and only con- firmed me, by his kind advice, to walk by faith, and not by sight. He strongly advised a simple following of what arose, and expressed his experience of the benefit of giving up to it, and the confusioa of not doing so. How have 1 desired, since, not to stand in the fear of man ; but I believe it is the soul's enemy seeking whom he may devour ; for ter- rible as it was, as then presented to me and as it often had been before, yet when some ability was granted to get through, that same enemy would have had me glory on that account. May I not give way either to one feeling or the other, but strive to look to the preserving power of God. " Twelfth Month, Uh. — When I have given up, in the morning only to make an indifferent remark to the servants on our reading, sweet peace has been my portion : but when it has been presented to me and I have not followed, far dif- ferent has been the case. In Meeting it is such an awful MABRIAGE AND THE MIiaSTRY. 61 matter, for the sate of others as -well as myself. If it Thy work in me, be p'eased, O Lord, to grant faith andl power sufficient for the needful time. I long- to serve The9 and to do Thy commandments, and I believe if I be faithful in the Uttle Thou wilt be pleased to make me ruler over more» "■dth. — Soon after sitting down in Meeting on Fourths day, (the Fnends hold a meeting- in the middle of the week} I was enabled to feel encouraged by these words, 'Though the enemy come in like a flood, the Spuit of the Lovd will lift up a standard against him.' This appeared my expftri" ence, lor soon the storm was quieted and a degree even of ease was my portion. About eleven o'clock these same words that had done so in Norwich meeting came feelingly over me — 'Be of good courage and I will strengthen youl hearts, all ye that hope in the Lord.' And that which had hitheito appeared impossible to human nature seemed not only possible, but I believe I was wilhng simply desiring that in the new and awful undertaking I might not lose my faith and that the Divine will might be done in me. Undei- thia sense, and fcpling as if I could nob omit, I uttered them. Though clearness still continued, nature, in a great measure, seemed to sink under the effort afterwards, and ]ow feelinga and imaginations to have much dominion, which, in mercy, were soon lelicvcd, and 1 bave gone on sweetly and easily since, even rejoicing. "22n(Z. — Again, on Fourth-day, I have dared to open my mouth in public : I am ready to say What has come to meV — even in supplication, that the work might be carried on in myself and others, and that we might be preserved from evil. My weiglit of deep feeling on the subject I believe exceeded any other time. I was, I may say, brought into a wrestling state, that the work of the ministry in me might, if right, be carried on, if not, stopped short. I feel, of my- self, no power for such a work ; I may say, wholly unable; yet when the feeling and power continue, so that I dare not omit it, then what can I do t 82 ELIZABETH FBT. " 23rd. — Giving up to make a little remark after reading to the servants, has brought sweet peace : indeed, so far, it has appeared to me that prompt obedience has brought me the most peace. The prospect of the meetings next vyeek, more particularly the Quarterly Meeting, already makes me tremble. I can hardly say why, but it is very awful to be thus publicly exposed, in a work that I feel so little fitted for ; yet I believe it is not my own doing, nor at my own command. " Plashet, First Month, \st, 1810. — It is rather awful to me entering a new year, more particularly when I look at the alterations the last has made — most striking the last three months, or a little more. First a child born ; second the loss of nurse ; third my beloved father's death ; fourth my being opened in meetings. My heart says, What can I render for having been so remarkably and mercifully carried through these various dispensations of Providence? I think I never knew the Divine Arm so eminently extended for my comfort, help and deliverance ; and though of late I may have had to pass through the valley of the shadow of death, yet it has not lasted long at a time, and Oh, the incomings of love, joy and peace that have, at other periods, arisen for my confirmation and consideration! But the manna of yesterday I find will not do for to-day. " 11th. — It has been strongly impressed upon me how very little it matters, when we look at the short time we remain here, what we appear to others; and how far too much we look at the things of this life. " What does it signify what we are thought of here, so long as we are not found wanting towards our Heavenly Father? Why should we so much try to keep back some- thing, and not be willing to offer ourselves up to Him, body, soul and spirit, to do with us what may seem best unto Him, and to make us what He would have us to be? O Lord! enable me to be more and more singly, simply and purely obedient to thy service I UABBIAOE AND THE MUnSTBT. 83 " 19th. — ^Yesterday was an awful, and to me instructive clay at Plaistow Meeting. I had not sat very long before I was brought into much feeling desire that the darkness in some minds might be enlightened. However no clear- ness of expression came with it ; but under a very solemn covering of the spirit of supplication, a few words oflfering, I, after a time, gave way to utter them. But that which appeared greatly in the cross to me was having some words presented to speak in testimony afterwards, which I did, I believe, purely because I desired to serve my Master, and not to look too much to the opinion of my fellow-ser- vants ; and there was to me a remarkable solemnity, and something like an owning, or accepting of this poor httle offering. I have desired, and have been in a Uttle degi-ee enabled to feel on that sure foundation, that although the winds may blow, and the rain may descend, yet whilst I keep on this Kock they will not be able utterly to cast me down. What a mercy amidst the storm to feel, ever so slightly, something of a sure foundation! Thus much I know, that, even if I be mistaken in this awful undertaking, my desire is to serve Him in it whom my soul, I may truly eay, loves and delights to please. O Lord ! I pray Thee preserve Thy poor handmaid in the hour of temptation, and enable me to follow Thee in the way of Thy requirings even if they lead me into suffering and unto death. " 31s;. — My little has been very naughty ; his will I find is very strong ; oh that my hands may be sti-engthened rightly to subdue it. O Lord! I pray for help in these important duties! I may truly say I had rather my dear lambs should not live than live eventually to dishonor Thy great cause ; rather may they be taken in innocency : but if Thou seest meet, O Lord ! preserve them from great evUs, and be pleased in Thy abundant mercy to be with them, as Thou hast been, 1 believe, with their poor un- worthy parents; visit them and revisit them, until Thou hast made them what Thou wouldst have them to be. Oh 84 ELIZABETH FKY. that I could like HanDaL, bring them to Thee, to be made use of as instruments in thy Holy Temple ! I ask nothing for them in comparison of Thy love ; and above all bless- ings, that they may be vessels in Thy house. This bless- ing I crave for them, that they may be employed in Thy service, for indeed I can bow and say, What honor, what joy £o great as, in ever so small a measure, to serve Thee, O Lord ! "Mildred's Court, Sixth Month, Ist. — Yesterday I at- tended the funeral of our be'.oved Anna Eeyno'.ds, whose death has been deeply felt by me. We had, I think I may truly say, a glorious time ; for the power of the Most High appeared to overshadow us. A belief of her being in safety has bowed my soul prostrate, in humble thankfulness, and renewedly led me to desire to prove my gratitude for such unspeakable mercy as has been shown my near and beloved relations by my love and entire dedication. I uttered a few words in supplication, at the ground; my uncle Joseph, my cousin Pricilla, and many others, beautifully ministered. After Meeting, I might truly say, my cup ran over, such sweetness covered my mind. After a solemn time in the fami y, with dear cousin Pricilla and Ann Crowley, I ven- tured on my knees, praying that His Holy Hand would not spaie, nor his eye pity, until He made us what He would have us to be : only I craved that He would not forsake us, but let us be made in some small measure sensible that Ho was with us, and thai it was Eis rod and His staff that Ave depended upon. Tiirough heights and thi-ough depths, thi-oLigh riches and throu^^h poverty may it alone be my will to do the will of the Father! " Tha foregoing selections, covering a period of seven montiiE, are sufficient to show the workings of this deeply eaineot mind and heart under the impulse of the Spirit to parciciyate in the e:;ertises of the Church. Slow as it may MAERIAGE AND THE MINISTSY. 8J Beem the progress of Elizabeth Fry was more rapid than ia usual with this class of ministers, for she was endow ed by nature with fertile conception and ready utterance, and, her heart being fully enlisted, so soon as the embarrassment of her new position wore off, she became a very ready speaker*. Her natm-e being emotional and full of benevolent impulses, her words appealed to the better feelings of those she ad- dressed, while her prayers, being the sincere utterance of her heart, rather than her intellect, carried the hearts of others to the Throne of grace. In little more than a year from its commencement, her ministry was formally "ac- knowledged " by the Society as being acceptable. This sim- ple mode of ordination — or laying on of hands in a figui'a- tive sense — entitles those receiving it to pass freely through the different branches of the Society and to appoint special meetings if they feel it right to do so ; after having obtained the consent of their own Monthly or Quarterly Meetinga thus to labor in the work of the Gospel abroad. Referring to this official acknowledgment Elizabeth Fry says : " This mark of their unity is sweet, and I think strength- ening, and I believe it will have advantages as well as trials attending it. I feel and find it is not by the approbation, any more than the disapprobation, of man that we stand or fall ; but it once more leads me only to desue that I may simply and singly follow my Master in the way of His re- quirements, whatsoever they may be. I think this will make a way for me in some things which have long been on my min rl." The following incidents illustrating her care for the needy in her own neighborhood are related by her daughters. 86 ELIZABETH FBI. "In establishing herself at Plashet Mrs. Fry had formed various plans for her poorer neighbors which she gradually brought into action. One of her early endeavors was to estab- lish a girls' school for the Parish of East Ham, of which Pla- shet is a hamlet. Immediately opposite the gate of Plashet House there stood a dilapidated dwelling, picturesque from its gable end and large projecting porch. It was inhabited by an aged man and his still more aged sister. They had seen better days, and eked out a narrow income with the help of a brother's labors in a small garden, and the sale of rabbits of which they kept a vast quantity. Like persons fallen in life they were reserved ; the sister almost inacces- sible : but by degrees Mrs. Fry won her way to the old lady's heart. She might be seen seated in an upper chamber on one side of a fire-place lined with blue Dutch tiles oppo- site the invalid who, propped by cushions, leaned back in aa easy chair, in a short white dressing-gown over a quilted petticoat, her thin wrinkled hands resting on her knees, and her emaciated refined countenance brightening under the gentle cheering influence of her guest, as she endeavored to raise her hopes and stimulate her desires after that country where it shall no more be said 'I am sick.' Annexed to this old building was a spacious and comparatively modern room which appeared suitable for a school-room, and Mrs. Fry's persuasions succeeded in obtaining the consent of the old people to use it as such. *' A young woman named Harriet Howell, who was much occupied at that time in organi^ifi^, schools on the Lancas- teriau system, came to Plashet. The excellelit clergyman of East Ham, Mr. Aulezark, with Kis lady united with her in the object. A school of about seventy girls was estab- lished, and although afterwards removed to a more central situation, continues to the present day. "The bodily wants of the poprj especially in cases of sick- ness or accident, claimed hei' careful attention. There was a depot of calico and flannels always ready^ besided other MARRIAGE AND THE MINISTRY. 87 garments, and a roomy closet well supplied with di'Ugs. tn very hard winters she had soup boiled in an out-house in euch quantities as to supply hundi-eds of poor people with a nourishing meal. Nor was her interest confined to the En- glish poor in East Ham. About half a mUe from Plashet, on the high road between Stratford and Iliord, the passer- by will find two long rows of houses with one larger one in the center, if possible more dingy than the rest. At that time they were squalid and dirty ; the windows generally stuffed with old rags, or pasted over with brown paper, and the few remaining panes of glass refusing to perform their intended office, from the accumulated dust of years ; puddles of thick black water before the doors ; childi'en without shoes or stockings; mothers whose matted locks escaped from the remnants of caps which looked as though they never could have been white ; pigs on terms of evident fa- miliarity with the family ; poultry sharing the children's potatoes — all bespoke an Irish colony. " It was a pleasant thing to observe the influenoe obtained by Mrs. Fry over these wild but warm-hearted people. She had in her nature a touch of poetry, and a quick sense of the di'oll ; the Irish character furnished matter for both. Their powers of deep love and bitter grief excited her sympathy ; almost agrinst her j udgment she would grant the linen shkfc and the boughs of evergreen to aiiay the departed and or- nament tho bed of death. "One clear frosty morning Mrs. Fry called her elder chil- dren to accompany her on a visit to one of these cottages. A poor woman, the mother of a young family had died there ; she had been well conducted as a wife and mother, and had long shown a desire for religious instruction ; the priest, a kind-hearted, pains-taking man, liberal in his views and anxious for the good of his flock, thought well of the poor woman, had frequently visited her in her illness, and was in that as in many other cases, very grateful to Mr& 88 ELIZABETH FBT. Pry for the relief and nourisliment she had bestowed, which it was not in his power to give. " On the bed of death lay extended the young mother, het features, which were almost beautiful, stiffened into the sem- blance of marble. Her little children were on the floor, hei husband in the corner leaning on a round table, with hia face buried in his hands. A paper cross lay on the breast of the corpse ; the sun shone into the room and mocked the dreary scene. The apartment was close from the fumes of tobacco and the many guests of the wake which had been held during the night, contrasting strangely with the fresh air which blew in through the half-opened doorway. Mrs. Pry spoke soothingly to the husband ; she reminded him of his wife's desires for his good and for that of his children ; she slightly alluded to theuselesfness of the cross as a sym- bol, but urged the attention of those present to the great doctrine of which it was intended to remind them. Again she offered solace to the mourner, promised assistance for his little cnes, and left the room. "Some of the scenes in Irish Row Were very different, * Madam Fry,' as she was called by them, being so popular as to cause some inconveniences and many absurdities. She enjoyed giving pleasure; it was an impulse as well as a duty with her to do good. Gathering her garments round her she would thi-ead her way through children and pigs, up broken stair-cases and by narrow passages, to the apartments she sought; there she would listen to their tales of want or woe, or of their difficulties with their chil- dren, or of the evil conduct of their husbands. She per- suaded many 6$ them to adopt more orderly habits, giving some presents of clothing as encourtigament ; she induced some to send their children to school, and with the con- eerxt of the priest, circulated the Bible amongst them. On one occasion, when the weather was extremely cold and great distress prevailed, being at the time too delicate barself to walk, she went alone in tha carriage literally MAEKIAGE AND THE MINISTRY. 89 piled witli flannel petticoats for Irish Row, the rest of the party walking to meet her, to assist in the delightful task of distribution. She made relieving the poor a pleasure to her children by the cheerful spirit in which she did it; she employed them as almoners when very young, but ex- pected a minute account of their giving and their reasons for it. After the establishment of the Tract Society she always kept a large supply of such as she approved for dis- tribution. It was her desire never to relieve the bodily wants of any one without endeavoring in some way, mora or less directly, to benefit their souls. She was a warm advocate for vaccination, and very successful in perform- ing the operation ; she had acquired this art from Dr. Wil- lan,^one of its earliest advocates and most skilful practition- ers. At intervals she made a sort of investigation oi the state of the parish, with a view to vaccinating the children. The result was that small-pox was scarcely known in the villages over which her influence extended. " In a green lane near Plashet, it has been the annual custom of the gipsies to pitch their tents for a few days in their way to Fairlop fair. The sickness of a gipsy child inducing the mother to apply for relief, led Mi's. Fry to visit their camp; from that time, from year to year, she cared for them when they came into her neighborhood. Clothing for the children and a little medical advice she invariably bestowed ; but she did far more than that — she sought to influence their minds aright ; she pleaded with them on the bitter fruits of sin, and furnished them with Bibles and books the most likely to ai'ouse their attention. But though thus abounding in labors for the good of all around her, she was liable to deep inward discoui'agements, undoubtedly increased by her sensitive nature and dehcata fi-ame, but ai'ising chiefly from her intense desii-e in nothing to offend Him whom her soul loved, and whom she so en- tirely desked to serve. "In September, Mrs. Fry visited Earlham. On the lOth 90 ELIZABETH FRY. of that month, 1811, was held the first meeting of the Nor- wich Bible Society: it was very largely and generally at- tended. Mrs. Fry, who was warmly interested in the Bible society fi*om its commencement to the close cf her life, wa» present, with her brother Joseph John Gurney, and other members of the family. Mr. Gurney, then in the prime of early manhood, on this occasion first took his stand in pub- lic life as an advocate for the general cii'culation of that sacred volume which he had chosen as the guide of his youth and which has proved the stay of his advancing years." . The following extracts from the Journal are beautifully illustrative : Earlham, Ninth Month, V^th. — I think a more deeply exercised state — which has at times bordered on distress of soul — hardly ever remember than I feel this morning on going to meeting ; in the first place with the Edwardses and my own family in their various states ; in the next place, my prospect of going into the men's Monthly Meet- ing ; and in the last, an idea having passed my mind, whether I may not have, amongst their very large com- panies who are very likely to be here, consisting of many clergyman and others, to say something, either before meals, or at some other tin^. The words that (I believe) have arisen for my encouragement are these: ' The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ? Yes I will try not fear, for if God be with me who can be against me?' "12i/i. — What can I render for all His benefits? In the first place, I went to the Meeting for worship with the Ed- 'wardses: I had not long been there before I felt somethina of a power accompanying me, and words arose, but my ex- ercise of mind was so great that it seemed like being ' bap- UABBIAOE AlO) TEB IHNISTBT. 91 tized for the dead ;' though not that I know of from any pai'ticular fear of man. I was helped (I beUeve I may say) as to power, tongue and utterance. That Meeting might be said to end well. Yesterday was a day indeed ; one that may be called a mark of the times. We first attended a General Meeting of the Bible Society where it was sweet to observe so many of various sentiments all uniting in the one great object— - from the good Bishop of Norwich (Bathurst), for so I be* lieve he may be called, to the dissenting minister and young Quaker (my brother Joseph). We afterwards, about thii-ty- four of us, dined here ; I think there were six clei'gyman of the Estabhshment, thi-ee dissenting ministers, and Kichard i*hilips, beside numbers of others. A very little before the icloth was removed such a power came over me of love, I believe I may say life, that I thought I must ask for silence' bfter Edward Edwards had said gi-ace, and then supphcate the Father of mercies for Eis blessing, both of the fatness- bf the earth and the dew of Heaven, upon those who thus desired to promote His cause by spreading the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures ; and that He would bless their en- deavors, that the knowledge of God and His glory might cover the earth as the waters cover the sea ; and also foi? the preservation of all present, that through the assistance bf His grace we might so follow Him and our blessed Lord tn time that we might eventually enter into a glorious eter- nity where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. The power and solemnity were very great. Eichard Philips asked for silence ; I soon knelt down : it Was like having our High Priest amongst us. Independ* ently of this power His poor instruments are nothing ; and with His power how much is effected. I understood many were in tears ; I believe all were bowed down sphitually* Soon after I took my seat ; the Baptist minister said, 'Thi^ is an act of worship ; ' adding that it reminded him of thafr which the disciples said. ' Did not our heart burn within xi» 92 ELIZABETH FBI. xrhile He talked with us by the way?' A clergyman sai3, •We want no wine for there is that amongst us which does instead.' A Lutheran minister remarked that although he could not always understand the words, being a foreigner, he felt the spirit of prayer, and went on to enlarge in a striking •manner. Another clergyman spoke to this effect : How the Almighty visited us, and neither sex nor anything else stood in the way of His grace. I do not exactly remember the words of any one, but it was a most striking chcum- Btance for so many, of such different opinions, thus all to be united in one spirit ; and for a poor woman to be made the means, amongst so many great, wise, and I believe good men, of showing forth the praise of the great ' I Am.' " One of the secretai'ies of the Bible Society, Mi\ Joseph Hughes, thus describes this occasion : — "On the Monday after my return, I proceeded with my •excellent colleagues for Norwich where a numerous and re- spectable meeting was held on Wednesday in a very spa- cious and commodious ball. The mayor presided; the Bishop spoke with great decision and equal liberality ; and the result of the whole was the establishment of the Nor- folk and Norwich Bible Society. About seven hundred pounds was subscribed, and one happy, amiable sentiment appeared to pervade the company. My colleagues and myself adjourned to Earlham, two miles from Norwich where we had passed the previous day, and where we wit- nessed emanations of piety, generosity and affection in a degree that does not often meet the eye of mortals. Our hosts and hostesses were the Gurneys, chiefly Quakers, who, together with their guests amounted to thirty-four. A clergj'man, at the instance of one of the family, and I presume with the most cordial concurrence of the rest, read a portion of the Scriptures morning and evening, and twice we had prayers; I should have said thrice, for aftei MARRIAGE AND THE MINISTBT. dinner, on the day of the meeting, the pause encouraged by the Society of Friends, was succeeded by a devout addi'esg to the Deitj'-, by a female minister, Elizabeth Fry, whose manner was impressive, and whose words were so appro* priate that none present can ever forget the incident, or ever advert to it without emotions alike powerful and pleas- ing. The first emotion was surprise; the second awe; the thii-d pious fervor. As soon as we were re-adjusted at the table, I thought it might be serviceable to offer a remark that proved the coincidence of my heart with the devotional exercise in which we had been engaged ; this had the de- BU'ed effect. Mr. Owen and others suggested accordant sentiments, and we seemed generally to feel like the disci- 'pies whose hearts burned within them as they walked to Emmaus." Elizabeth Fry's engagements in the Gospel ministry thus received the approbation, not only of her own Society, but also of ministers belonging to several other denominations, vrhose testimony is the more valuable because it was both cordial and spontaneous. CHAPTEII THIKD. MOTHER AND MINISTEB. Ministers in tlie Society of Friends, both men and W02ien, are usually called to a very active life. In addition to their ordinary avocations, which they ai'e expected to leave only when summoned temporaiily to higher duties, and to the regular semi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yeai'ly ga,ther- ings, they frequently make excursions of various lengths to neighboring communities of their own, or other people, fol- lowiDg as nearly as they can the intimations of the good Shepherd, as to where His thii-sty flocks most need atten- tion. Elizabeth Fry soon became engaged in this mission- ary labor, for which she was admii'ably adapted, as well as in services within and about her own home. A few of the most impoftant of these earlier engagements will now be noticed. The &ivt is dated February, 1812, about four and a half months after the events last related. " 3i'il — 'The prospect I have had for some months of go« tog into Norfolk to attend the Monthly an^ Quarterly Meet* iDga 19 noVJ' brought home to me, as I must apply to my next Monthly Meeting for permission. It is no doubt a sacrifice of natui-ai feeling to leave the comforts of home and my beloved husband and childi-en ; and to my weak, ner- vous habits, the going about, and alone (for so I feel it in MOTHER AND MINISTER. 9a one sense, without my husband ) is, I have found from ex- perience, a trial greater than I imagined ; and my health suffers much I think, from my habits being necessarily so different. This consideration of its being a cross to my nature I desu-e not to weigh in the scale ; though no doubt, for the sake of others as well as myself, my health being so shaken is a serious thing. What I desire to consider most deeply is this : — Have I authority for leaving my home and evident duties? What leads me to believe I have? fori need not doubt that when away, and at times gi-eatly tried, this query is likely to arise. Theprospect has come in that quiet, yet I think powerful way, that I have never been able to believe I should get rid of it ; indeed hitherto I have hai'dly felt anything but a calm cheerfulness about it, and very little anxiety. It seems to me as if in this journey I must be stripped of outwaid dependences, and my watch- word appears to be, — 'My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.' " 20th. — My sister, Elizabeth Fry, means to go with me into Norfolk: my Uncle Joseph is likely to go another way: it appears as if I could not mind much who is to go with me. But I feel disposed to a very single dependence, and if I be rightly put forth to this service, may He who puts me forth be with me ; if I have to minister food to others may it be that which is convenient for them, and which will tend to their lasting nourishment. I have often thought that in this little jirospect I must go like David, when he went to slay the giant. I am ashamed of the comparison ; but I only mean it in this respect, I go not trusting in any pov/er or strength of my own ; I feel I dare look to no helper outwardly. I feel young and a stripling, without armor, yet I trust the Lord will be with me, and make the sling and stone effectual, if He please to make use of His poor child to slay the giant in any one. "Earlham, Third 3Iont?i, 14«A. — Have I not renewed reason for faith, hope and confidence in the principle which 96 ELIZABETH FBY. I desire to follow ? In the niglit I had to acknowledge that the work must be Thine, O Lord ! and that it is to me won- derful. My fears and causes of discouragement were many, for some little time before I set off my own poor health, and m,y little ones ; then my lowness and stupidity. In the first place my health and the dear children's improved so much, and I iawardly so brightened, that I left home very comforta- bly. As I went on my way such abtmdant hope arose that light, rather than darkness appeared to surround me. I have now attended the Monthly Meetings and three other Meetings. I have also had frequent opportunities of a reli- gious nature in families ; the most remarkable wei'e one in a clergyman's family, in supplication for him and his house, and another where he had to supplicate for my help. May I ever remember how utterly unfit I am in myself for all these works: unto me alone belongs abasedness. I can take nothing to myself. As Thou hast seen meet, O Lord ! Thou who art strength in weakness, thus to make use of Thy poor handmaid as an instrument in Thy service, be pleased to keep her from the evil, both in reahty and appearance, that she may never, in any way, bring reproach upon Thy cause." After her return she thus balances the account :— « May I now be enabled to attend to my own vineyards, and after having been made instrumental thus to wain and encoiu'age others may I not become a cast away myself. I hardly understand what Friends mean by reward for such services, for I do not feel the work mine, and no reward is due. As for reward, is it not enough to feel a Power better than ourselves influencing and strengthening us to do the work that we humbly trust is His own? for what honor, favor, or blessing so great as being engaged in the service of Him whom wo love, in whatever way it may be, whether performmg one duty or another, and having a little evidence granted us that we are doing His will, or endeavoring to do UOTHEB AI^D MIinSTEB. 97 it ? I peculiarly feel, in ministerial duties, that I have no part, because the whole appears a gift, — the willing heart, the ijawer, and everything attending it ; the poor creature tas only to remain as passive as possible, willing to be op- erated upon. "I'lashet, Third Month, 28iA. — I will first mention how it was with me in the Norwich Quarterly Meeting. I went, looking to Him who has hitherto helped me ; my beloved uncle Joseph said a few words, as a seal to what I had ex- pressed, and it was, I believe, a peculiarly solemn and favored time : much blessed in a few words of supplication iat the Grove before dinner. In the adjourned meeting I felt it safest to go to the Men's Meeting,* where I had to bid them farewell ;in the Lord, after I had been helped with a few .words of tender love and encouragement. Sarah Bowley said a little, and then my dear sister Elizabeth Fry arose and said, ' She hoped what had passed that day would not be attended to as a tale that was told, but as everlasting truths ; ' which appeared to bring great solemnity and sweet- ness with it. In the Women's meeting we also had a very solemn time at parting, in which I bade them farewell, de- siring that we might all ascend, step by step, that ladder which reaches from earth to heaven. Before we set off I had, after reading, in heart-felt and heart-tendering suppli- cation^ to pray for the preservation of the family, and our support in the day of trial, and amidst all the various turn- ings and overturnings of the Holy Hand upon us. Here I once more am, surrounded by outward blessings, and well Sn health ; yet I hardly know how to return thanks, or to rejoice in Him who has helped me; being poor, low, stripped, the tears come into my eyes. Though cast down I loTe the" Lord above all, and desire, through the saving, redeeming power of Him who came to save that which was lost, and has, I beUeve proved a Saviour to me, in part, that •Men and women hold their meetings for discipline separately 98 ELIZABETH FB7. I may draw nearer and nearer to the most high God, and become in all tliirgs more completely His." " Six Month, IGth. — It now appears too late to give much account of the Yearly Meeting. The prospect of going iuto the Men's meeting, naturally was so awful, nay, almost dreadful, that as I sat at breakfast, fears arose lest my un- derstanding should fail. However, though in great meas- ure taken from me on first sitting down in meeting, yet after a time the concern arose with tranquillity, and with a powerful, though small voice — at least with power sufficient to enable me to cast my burden upon the meeting. This brought, I thought, great solemnity ; I appeared to have the full unity of Friends : dear Rebecca Bevan went with me. I felt myself much helped when there : matter, tongue and utterance were all given, in testimony and supphcation. I think the calm frame I enjoyed upon returning to the Women's Meeting must almost be a foretaste of that rest which the soul pants after. " /Sixth Month. — My press of engagements has been very great. ... I think my temper requii-es great watchful- ness ; for the exercises of my mind, my very numerous in- terests, and the irritabihty excited by my bodily infirmities, cause me to be in so tender and touchy a state that the ' grass- hopper becomes a bui-den.' In this as in all my infirmities, I have but one hope ; it is in the power of Him who has in mercy answered my prayers, and helped me in many of my difficulties, and I humbly trust yet will arise for my deliv- erance. As to the ministry, I have been raised up and at times cast down, but my heart and attention have been mostly turned to rigidly performing my practical duties in life, which is my object by night and by day. I have felt as if I could rest in nothing short of serving Him whom my soul loves ; but I deshe to Avatch, and am fully aware that with regard to myself I have nothing to trust to but mercy; but, leaving myself, I long, whilst permitted to remain in mortality, not to be a drone, but to do everything HOTHEB AND MINISTEB. 99 to the glory of God. I think I desire to do all things weU more for the cause's sake, than for the sake of my own soul ; as my conviction of the mercy and loving kindness oi Him who loveth us and who is touched with a feeling di our infirmities, is so great that whilst my heart is seeking to serve Him, (full as I am of defects), I am ready to triisf that that mercy which has hitherto compassed me about will be with me to the end of time, and continue with ma through eternity. The fear of punishment hardly ever arises, or has arisen in my mind ; it is more the certain knowledge that I have of the blessedness of serving our Master, and the very strong excitement of love and grati^ tude, and desire for the promotion of the blessed causd upon earth. Through all my tried states I have one un- speakable blessing to acknowledge, and that is an increase of faith." Elizabeth Fry was peculiarily fitted to minister at the bed of sickness, and where sickness had done its work, and the hearts of bereaved friends needed the voice of sympathy and wise counsel. She was often engaged in this most sacred service, frequently among her own very large circla of friends and relatives, and also among the poor. The fol- lowing extracts, part taken from the Journal, and part from the biographical notes, illustrate this portion of her work, and show how careful she was to do nothing ceremoniously, or when it was uncalled for by her inward Guide. Ninth Month, 2nd. — This morning our poor servant who has for some weeks kept his bed very seriously ill, died, t feel that I have cause for humble gratitude in having been at the awful time strengthened by faith, and I believe I may say, having experienced the Divine presence near. I have often sat and watched by his bed-side, desiring to know 100 ELIZABETH FKT. whether I had anything to do, or say, as to his soul's welfare. I found neither feeling, faith nor ability to say or do much more than endeavor to turn his mind to his Maker ; but I think never more than once, in anything of the anointing power. Yesterday 1 found him much worse, a struggle upon him that appeared breaking the thread of life, and his suf- ferings gi'eat, mentally and bodily. The first thing I found in myself was that a willing mind was granted me, and in sit- ting by him the power and spirit of supplication and interces- sion for him arose, to which I gave way. It immediately appeared to bring a solemn tranquillity ; his pains and rest- lessness were quieted ; his understanding I believe was quite clear : he thanked me and said, ' God bless you ma'am,' as if he felt much comfort in what had passed. Faith, love, and calmness were the covering of my mind. He had I be- lieve only one or two more slight struggles after I left him. After that I was sent for and found that the conflict ap- peared over, and he breathed his last in about a quarter of an hour. There was peculiar sweetness, and great silence and solemnity in the room. I had to acknowledge that I believed the mercy of our Heavenly Father was then ex- tended towards him, and to express "a desire that it might, in the same awful moment, be extended toward us, feeling how greatly we stood in need of mercy. The rest of the day passed off as well as I could expect. I feared lest the ser- vants and others should attribute that praise to me with which I had nothing to do, for I could not have prayed or found an answer to prayer without an anointing from the Most High- It led rne to feel it a blessing to be entrusted with this sacred and precious gift; for though ministera may have much to pass through and many crosses to take up for then* own good and that of others, yet it is a marvel- ous gift when the pui'e life stirs, operates and brings down etfongholds. My nerves were rather shaken, so as to make me naturally fearful at titnes the rest of the day. I have a great desu-e that this event may be blessed to the househol<^ JUOTHEB AND MINISTER. 101 more particularly the servants, that it may humble and bow their spirits ; that they may live more in love, and gi'ow in the knowledge of God and of oui- Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." "The funeral of the servant was fixed for the following Sunday ; as the time approached Mrs. Fry felt an earnest desu'e arise in her heart that the occasion might be one of benefit to others, as several of his friends were to be pres- ent; some from the immediate neighborhood. She pro- posed that in the evening all the assembled guests should be iavited to attend the family reading, with her own house- hold ; but before the hovu' arrived for the performance of a duty which was to her exceedingly weighty she was sum- moned to visit Eliza, the newly married wife of her cousin, James Sheppard, who was rapidly siixking into the grave. The afflicted husband and sister were deeply needing the skillful tenderness with which she could meet such exigen- cies. At Meeting in the morning her heart had been strengthened and apparently prepared for the duties of the day. By the bed of languishing we find her waiting for that unction without which she was sensible that her services could avail nothing ; and on the same evening, in her own dwelling, when suirounded by about forty, besides her own children, she speaks in exhortation and prayer. Her ad- dress was closely suited to the state of some persons pres- ent, and unfliachingly did she impress upon them that ' the way of the transgressor is hard.' The occasion was long re- membered by individuals who were there, and who attribu- ted their permanent improvement to the solemn truths they then heard, and for the first time effectively received into their hearts. Her own Journal of the day, written the fol- lowing morning, portrays the workings of her own mind." ■ " J^lashet, Ninth Month, Second-clay. — Yesterday was rather a remarkable day. I rose very low and fearful : my spirit appeared overwhelmed withia me, partly I think from Bome serious outward matters, but principally from such an 102 ELIZABETH FST. extreme fear of my approaching confinement, feeling noth- ing in myself to meet it, and knowing that it must come unless death prevent. I went to Meeting, but was almost too low to know whether I should go or not ; however being helped in testimony to show the blessedness of those who hope in the Lord and not m themselves appeared to do me good, as if I had to minister to myself as well as others. 1 had a trust that my help was in the Lord, and that there- fore I should experience my heart to be strengthened. A message came requesting my immediate attendance on poor dear Eliza Sheppard, who appeared near her end. Of course I went. These visits are very awful ; to sit by that which we believe to be a death-bed ; to be looked to by the afflicted and others, as a minister from whom something is expected, and the fear, at such a time of the activity of the creatui'e arising and doing that which it has no business to do. After sitting sometime quiet, part of which she ap- peared to sleep, and pai't to be awake, a solemn silence cov- ered us ; the words of supplication arose in due time, when I believed her to be engaged in the same manner by putting her hands together ; I knelt down and felt greatly helped, but had not so much to pray for her alone as for all of us there present with her. I had a few words also to say in tak- ing leave. The visit appeared sweet to her by her smUes, and her whispering to her sister expressing this. ... I think I found myself strengthened rather than weakened by the day's work, mentally and bodily, though my own great weakness soon returned uj)on me, and it appeared striking that such an one should have been so engaged ; but painful {IS these feelings of depression are to bear, I know ' it is well,' as it keeps me humble ; at least I hope so, — lowly and abased.. Oh, saith my soul, after thus ministering to others, may I not become a cast-away myself, and neither in trou- ble nor rejoicing bring discredit on the cause that I love, or on His name whom I desire to serve." MOTHER AND MINISTER. 103 In 1814, she made a short visit to her native county, which is thus described : JSleventh Month, 12th. — I am likely to set off early to- morrow without my husband to go into Norfolk. Tliia prospect I feel pleasant and painful ; pleasant, the idea of being at Earlham ; painful, leaving home and more particu- larly my husband. May 1 be enabled there faithfully to do my duty, in whatever way I may be led, in meeting or out; of meeting ; may the time spent there be to our mutual comfort and edification, and may those left be cared for and preserved, soul and body, by Him who careth for us ; this I humbly trust will be the case. Amen, " Plashet, 25th. — I returned safely home to my beloved family on Second-day evening, the 22nd, I trust I may say in thankfulness of heart, finding all well, and going on alto- gether very comfortably. I returned by Ipswich accom- panied by my sister Prisciila and my brother Joseph, and spent all First-day there ; but I was unusually low, almost distressed, on account of httle Betsey, as I heard she was unweU, and knew not the extent of it ; so that my natui'al impatience to get home was great ; but I felt kept there, and as if I could not go away ; and thus deeply tried ia myself was greatly helped from one service to another, dur- ing the day, being variously and often engaged. It was a day of natural tribulations, as far as fears went ; and may I not say almost of spiritual abounding ? So it is ! and so I often have found it, that I have to be brought to the dust of the earth before I am greatly helped. Out of the depths we are raised to the heights." The death of her brother John Gurney, which occurred in 1814, and which fii-st broke the cu-cle of eleven affection- ate brothers and sisters, proved a very tender occasion. Ai-riving just before his death, she was warmly greeted 104 ELIZABETH FBT. with the words "My dear sister come and kiss me." As the seven sisters all stood round ids bed, he expressed great satisfaction, saying, it was delightful, how they loved one another. Ehzabeth then knelt and offered thanks for such "unspeakable blessings." He then said "What a sweet prayer!" and afterwards, "I never passed so happy a morn- ing ; how dehghtful being together and loving one anothei as we do ! " One of the sisters sang hymns which he en- joyed, and as the day advanced he remarked, "What a beautiful day this has been?" On the day of the funeral Elizabeth writes : — " My heart feels very full ; my body I believe has trem- bled ever since I rose, to meet the party now assembled and hkely to assemble here. My own corrupt dispositiona I found showed themselves yesterday, v/hich I believe tended to lay me very low; may I not say the feeling of my heart ia that I am lying prostrate in the dust ? I liave been greatly tendered in spirit with love to those here whom I beheve to love the Lord / united to them in a manner inexpressible, in my inmost heart — all baiTiers being broken down. Yet I {eel it needful to be very watchful, very careful ; to be faithful to the testimony that I apprehend myself called upon to bear, not only for my own sake, but also for the sake of tha younger ones about me. Lord be pleased to help me, to guide me, to counsel me, that from my own will and preju- dice I wound not a beloved brother or sister in Chiist; bufe BO keep me in Thy fear, in Thy love, and under a sense oi Thy presence, that I may act in these most awful and im- portant duties according to Thy most holy and blessed will. , . . . Let Thy good presence be with us that the lee- ble be strengthened, the discouraged animated by hope, the lukewarm stimulated, and the backslider turned Ixom. tha 103 error of his ways, — even so if consistent with Thy holy will. If Thou seest meet to make use of Thy unworthy childi'en to speak in Thy name, be unto them tongue and utterance, wisdom aud power, that through Thy grace, and the help of Thy Spiiit sinners may be converted unto Thee. Amen, Amen." "Plashet, llnd. — ^IVIy beloved brother's funeral was a very solemn and humbling day to me. Whilst we sat at Earl- ham, round the body, my uncle Joseph, my sisters Cath- erine, Eachel, Priscilla, and I each had something to say ; also Edward Edwards. I had to finish the sitting with these words ' There are different gifts but the same Sijhit. And there are differences of administration, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all iu all. But let us earnestly covet the best gifts.' It certainly was a striking occasion. Were we not aE in a measure leavened into one spu-it ? It was a very solemn time at the ground, and I trust an instructive one, very affecting to our natural feelings thus to leave the body of one so tenderly beloved to moulder with the dust. Upon my return I heard of the sudden death of my long-loved cousin, Joseph Gurney Bevan. My sphit was much over- whelmed within me, but there was a stay imderneath; blessed be the name of the Lord ! I bade them all fare- well at Earlham in near unity. Oh may my children love as we love — this has been the prayer of my heart ! " But with all her gifts, her motherly kindess, her humility, her adroitness in dealing with different characters, Eliza- beth Fry found it nowhere so difficult to act in the capacity of a minister with success, as in her own immediate family. This was due to various causes. Perhaps in the fii'st place it was altogether natural, from the necessary familiarity on the one hand, and the necessity of enforcing authority on 106 ELIZABETH FET. the other. The profoiind law which secures diversity in unity is also apt to make some childi'en bi-anch off from the parent stock in spiritual as well as natui'al likings. In adi dition to these things considerable variety of opinion exist- ing in the large family of uncles and aunts, several of whom belonged to the Chuich of England and were persons of es- timable chai-acter, had its effect on the young minds. StiH again, it appears from various passages both in the Journal and the later editor's notes that Elizabeth Fry's husband did not wholly sympathize with her at all times in her reli- gious zeal although a member of the same society. We are even led to suspect, from the care taken to avoid exphcit statements, and the profound grief of the devoted wife and mother, that there was a more serious want than the lack of denominational zeal. Sometliing of this gatheiing cloud which oveshadowed many of the later years of her life, may be seen in the following extracts, one from the Journal, and one from the abridged Life of Elizabeth Fry, edited by Su- sanna Corder. " Plashet, Eleventh Month, 2nd, (1814). — My beloved husband and girls returned from France on Second-day; my heart was rather overwhelmed in receiving them again. I also had to feel the spirit in which some persons took my having allowed them to go, making what appeared to be unkind remarks. Oh how I do see rocks on every hand ! thus almost all persons who appear to pride themselves upon their consistency are apt to judge others; whilst some who no doubt yield to temptations greatly suffer and weaken themselves by it. How weak, how frail are we on every hand! My heart was much overwhelmed seeing the infirmities of others and feeling my own ; I sat and wept in UOTHEB AKD MINISTEB. 107 meeting yesterday. I long, for myself, to have a more prompt obedience to the manifestation of light in my soul'. When I have time to pro and con the matter, to try thg fleece wet and dry, I do pretty well, seldom for instanca leaving a Meeting condemned for disobedience so much as for want of maintaining a faithful exercise. But at homq where things quickly arise in my mind, before meals, or in our pause after reading, it appears as if I could not give up to them without trying the thing again and again. I ques- tion whether I should not do better if I more simply, ia^ these things, walked by faith — whether I should not pros^ per better, or make more progress Zionward ; — but to go to the root of the matter, may my will become more subjected to the Divine will. How do I long for the time when I may know the Almighty to be my all in all, my Lord and my God, that He may be continually served by me, both day and night, in small things and in great." Bemarks of Mrs. Corder, on the above. "Elizabeth Fry exercised a watchful care, never, tmless duty required it, to oppose the wishes of her husband ; and it could not reasonably be expected that she would prevent his taking his two elder girls on this excursion. But her solicitude on account of her family became increasingly great. She found as her children advanced in age, and the corrupt propensities of the natural mind developed them- selves, that she often failed in her attempts to control the unyielding will and to subdue the vain inclination — and from external circumstances she did not receive the co- operation requisite rightly to govern their volatile tempera* ment : but earnest were her efforts to guide them into the way of peace, and fervent her prayers that they might bft gathered to the fold of the good Shepherd." It is proper here to add some editorial remarks of he? daughters made in this connection. 108 ELIZABETH FBT. "Mrs. Fry was always very jealous over herself, lest her avocations as the head of the family should be neglected from her time and attention being so greatly occupied by those duties which she believed herself called to perform in the church ; but she was even more alive to the danger of carrying on the business of life in dependence upon her own strength." "It would not be true to say that lilrs. Fry naturally cared much for outward appearance, or that she took pleas- ure in domestic concein. She loved a simple liberality aiid unostentatious comfort. Her element was hospitality, an'd, whilst Christian moderation was observed, her taste was gratified by an open, generous mode of living; but she would not have chosen for her own pleasure the oversight of either house or table ; and when in later life circumstan- ces rendered care and economy a duty, it was a great relief to her to be able to depute the charge of household affairs to one of her daughters. She was always most correct in account-keeping ; the distinct heads of house, gai'den, farm, charity, with many others, marked the painstaking care with which she performed her self-imposed task. "As mistress of a family, if she erred it was upon the Bide of indulgence; scarcely liking to exert that power over the wills and feelings of others which is so conducive to theu' good, and so infinitely in favor of those governed, as well as those in the more arduous position of governing others ; but she was aware of this herself, and a ' firm hand with a household,' was among the maxims she ijapressed upon her daughters as they advanced in life. "During the infancy of her children she was singularly devoted to them by night as well as day. She attended to their minutest ailments, and was distressed by their suffer- ings ; in health and happiness they refi-eshed her by their smiles. She had the gentlest touch with httle children, literally and figui'atively. She would win their hearts if they had never seen her before, almost at the first glance, 1 MOTHER AND MINISTEB. 109- and by the first sound of her musical voice. As her chil- di"en grew older her love was undiminished, but her facility ^was less than before the sinfulness of the human heart had developed itself in positive evil ; this especially appUes to the elder ones. She had not a talent for education if that -word be used for imparting knowledge ; probably be- cause her own had been interi'upted and unfinished ; nor did she appreciate, tUl the experience of life taught her, the necessity of exerting minute,, continued and personal influ- ence over the minds of children. She had to learn that if the golden harvest of success is to be reaped, the husband- man must exert both industry and sldll. The genial sun to ripen, and the refreshing shower to moisten the ground^ are indeed needful ; but the soil must have been turned up, and the seed sown by the labor of man.'* Pretty good results, however, seem to have been finally ob- tained ; and it must always remain a question for individual judgment how much of the work belongs to man, and how much must be left to natui-e and grace. ^'Mildred's Court, First Month, 16th, 1815.— We came here for a little change of air on account of our poor babe,, who has been and continues seriously ill. Instead of her sweet smile her countenance mostly marks distress ; the cause appears greatly hidden ; my mind and heart are op- pressed and my body fatigued, partly from losing so much sleep. I have felt my infirmity during this affliction, and also having betrayed it to others, which I have, I appre- hended, to judge by my touchy feelings ; but I trust I re- pent. Oh what am I ? very poor, very unworthy, very weak ; but through all I trust that the Lord will be my stay ; and even when brought thus low I have known a little of being at seasons clothed with that righteousness which cometh from God. I found it was well so feelingly to have 110 ELIZABETH FBT been bronght to a knowledge of what I am in myself, as I could more fully testify from whence the good comes, when brought in measure under its calming, enlivening, and lov-- ing iofluence. Preserve me, O Lord, from hurting the little ones, more particularly those before whom I have to walk ; and permit me yet to encoui'age their progress Zionward. 25th. — A time of anxiety about things temporal has lately been my portion, but much deliverance has so far been granted; my sweet bab}' is much better : though other mat- ters are stUl pressing, yet it appears, as to things temporal, that prayer has been heard and answered. From one cause or another how much my heart, mind and time have, for more than a year past, been engaged with the cares of this hfe ; alas ! may the pure seed not be choked." Two short religious visits were made during the year 1815, and before its close she who had ministered consola- tion to others was called to bear a new and severe trial of her own strength in the loss of a child. The event is thus described in her Journal. ^^Plashet, Eleventh Month. — It has pleased Almighty and Infinite Wisdom to take from us our most dear and ten- derly beloved child, little Betsey — between four and five years old. She was a very precious child, of much wisdom for her years, and I can hardly help believing much grace ; liable to the frailty of childhood. At times she would differ with the little one and rather loved her own way ; but she was very easy to lead, though not one to be di-iven. She had most tender afflictions, a good understanding, for her years a remarkably staid and solid mind. Her love was very strong and her little attentions great to those fehe loved, and remarkable in her kindness to servants, poor people, and to ail animals, she had much feeling for them* Tjut what \>a3 more, the bent of her mind was remai'kably MOTHEB AND MINISTER. in toward serious things. It was a subject she loved to dwel^ upon. She wouJd often talk about 'Almighty,' and almost everything that had connection with Him. On Third-day, after some suffering of body from great sickness she ap- peared wonderfuEy relieved, and I may say raised in spirit. She began by telling me how many hymns and stories she knew, with her countenance greatly animated, a flush on her cheeks, and her eyes very bright, a snule of inexpresdible content, almost joy. I think she first said with a powerful voice, 'How glorious ia our Heavenly Ring, Who reigns above the skies and then expressed how beautiful it was, and how the little children that die stand before Him ; but she did not remem- ber all the words of the hymn, nor could I help her. She then mentioned other hymns, and many sweet things ; she spoke with delight of how she could nurse the little ones and take cai'e of them, etc., her heart appeared inexpressibly to overflow with love. ... In her death there appeared abundant cause for thanksgiving ; prayer appeared indeed to be answered, as very little if any suffering seemed to at- tend her, and no struggle at last; but her breath grew more and more seldom and gentle, till she ceased to breathe. t)uring the day, being from time to time strengthened ia prayer, in heart, and in word, I found myself only led to ask for her that she might be forever with her God, whether fihe remained much longer in time or not, but that, if it pleased Infinite Wisdom, her sufferings might be mitigated, and as far as it was needful for her to suffer, that she mi^ht be sustained. This was marvelously answered, beyond, anything we could expect. I desire never to forget this favor but, if it please Infinite Wisdom, to be preserved frord repining or unduly giving way to lamentation for losing so Bweet, so kind a child. . . My loss has touched me in a 112 ELIZABETH FBI. manner almost inexpressible ; to awake and find my much and so tenderly beloved little girl so totally fled from my view, so many pleasant pictures marred. As far as I am concerned, I view- it as a separation from a sweet source of comfort and enjoyment, but surely not a real evU. Abun- dant comforts are left me, if it please my kind and Heav- enly Father to give me power to enjoy tliem, and continu- ally in heart to return Him thanks on account of His imut- terable loving-kindness to my tenderly beloved little one, who had so sweet and easy a life and so tranquil a death; and that in her young and tender years her heart had been animated with love and desu-es after Himself, and also that for our sakes she should so often have expressed it in her childish, innocent way. In reference to this event, Richenda Gurney, writing to her sister Eachel, at Rome, said ; — " I never witnessed stronger faith, more submission, more evidences of the power of grace in any one, than in ovu: be- loved sister at this time ; I felt it a mercy to be a hum- ble sharer in the rich portion granted her in that hour of need; never was I more impressed with the blessedness which is experienced by those who have served the Lord Jesus, who have preferred H!im above all things, who have been wUling to take up their daUy cross and follow Him. He is not a hard Master ; He never leaves nor forsakes His own, and will show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are perfect towards Siin. After a few minutes we retired with our dear sister to^'tfie next room. She was de- sirous that children and servants, (especially the nurses,) and all her friends who had been present should come to her. When thus surrounded as she lay upon the sofa, she poured out her heart in thanksgiving and prayer, in a man- ner deeply affecting and edifying. For myself I felt it UOTHEB AND imaSTEK 113 highly valuable, and would not but have been there for a great deal. Whilst memory lasts, I think and hope I never ehall forget the scene or the impression it made." The trials of the mother and minister are touchingly por- trayed in the following entry in her Journal within less than a month after the death of her chUd. *• Plashet, Twelfth Month, 2nd. — am brought into soni© conflict this morning respecting my attending the Dorset- shiie Quarterly Meeting. I had looked to it before the ill- ness of our dear lamb, and not feeling clear of it, and yet not much light shining upon it, my poor soul is tried within me ; for under my present circumstances I appear much to want the help of faith to leave my other sweet lambs. But ought I not rather to feel renewed stimulus, seeing how short time is, to do what comes to hand, and after all that I have experienced should I not rather trust than be afraid : — for was the hand of Providence ever more marked, even as it related to outward things? I believe I am fully resigned to go if it be the Lord's will : for I do believe, for all my many and great infirmities, my flinching nature, my want of faith an^ patience, yet it remains my first desii'e to do or to suffer according to the Divine will. If consistent with Thy holy will, dearest Lord, if I ought to go, be pleased to throw a little Ught upon the subject ; and if not, somehow make it manifest; and if Thou shouldst think fit to call Thy poor child into Thy service, be pleased to be with her in it, and bless her labors of love where her lot may be cast, that others may be made sensible how good a God Thou art, how great is Thy teuder mercy and loving kindness, and that these may be encouraged yet to serve Thee more vvith the whole heart; also be pleased, dearest Lord, if Thou shouldst order it that I go, to keep my beloved husband, children and household in my absence, that no harm may ELI2ABETB FB7. come to them, spiiitually or bodily. Thou hast in abundanfi mercy regai-ded the weak estate of Thy handmaid, and hither- to answered her cry, and even met her in. her weakness ; that if not asking ui her own wUl she could supplicate Thee that their poor bodies, as well as their souls, may be preserved from (much) hai'm ia her absence ; but, deai-est Lord, let me not go if my right place be at home ; but if Thou callest me out, be pleased to grant a Uttle faith, and a httle strength, that I may go forth in Thy power, trusting in Thee, as it relates to them, as well as to myself. Be pleased also, if I be called from home at such a time, not to let it try or weaken the faith of others ; but rather may it tend to confii'm and strengthen it. "JPlashet, 11th. — Truly I went forth weeping; and my sweet Louisa being poorly, much increased my anxiety; and it is difficult to say the fears and doubts that crept in, on my way to Shaftsbuiy, though through mercy the enemy's power appeared limited, and my feai's gained no dominion over me; but they were soon quieted, and I had mostly quiet, comfortable nights, though it was wading through deep waters and in great weakness ; yet help was from sea- son to season administered. " JPlashet, It is the opinion of medical men that the scarlet fever, in a mild form, is the complaint in the house. It is most probable that it will again appear amongst us, but that I desire to leave. They also think our dear Rachel has a very serious hip complaint, but this I also feel disposed not to be very anxious about. With regard to my tenderly beloved little Betsey, she is in my most near and affectionate remembrance, by night and by day. "When I feel her loss, and view her little (to me) beau- tiful body in Barking burying-ground, my heart is painecf within me ; but when, with the eye of faith, I can view her in an everlasting resting-place in Christ Jesus, where indeed no evil can come nigh her dwelling, then I can rest, even with sweet consolai>ion ; and I do truly desu-e that when MOTHKB AND MINISTEB. 116 her loss is so present with me, as it is at times, tliat I can- not help my natural spirits being much overwhelmed, that I may be preserved from anything like repining, or undue Borrow, or in any degree depreciating the many blessings continued ; particularly so many sweet dear children being left us: for through all I feel receiving them a blessing, having their life preserved a blessing, and in the sweet lamb who is taken, I have felt a blessing in her being taken away ; such an evidence of faith has been granted that it is in mercy, and at the time such a feeling of joy on her ac- count. It is now softened down into a very tender sorrow, the remembrance of her is inexjDressibly sweet, and I trust that the whole event has done me good, as I peculiarly feej it an encouragement to suffer whatever is appointed me; that beuig (if it may ever be my blessed allotment) made perfect through suffering, I may be in-epared to join the purified spii-its of those that have gone before me ; and having felt so very deeply, I am almost ready to think has a little prepared my neck for the yoke of suffering." Her tenth child was born on the 18th of May, 1816. In June her childi'en went to Pakefield, for the benefit of sea air, and remained for a time in the family of her brother-in- law, Francis Cunningham, "an active and devoted clergy- man." "She deeply felt their being thrown among those who were not Friends, but the advantages of the wise care and oversight of her sister Eachel Gurney, and the privi- lege of associating with the brother who invited them to be his guests, overcame her objections, and she agreed to an arrangement which appears to have given the complexion to their future lives, and more or less directly to have infla- ©nced every member of the family." * * •I have received a letter, bearing date August 22, 1882, from the 80S 116 ELIZABETH FET. Afterwards her two eldest boys went to Earlham to pvir- sue their education under the care of their aunts, and her daughters to North Runcton, in the family of her brother Daniel Gumey. "Whilst conscious of the literary advan- tages enjoyed by her children, she feared the probable effect of their cu'cumstances, and of the influences to which they were subjected."* The following extract exhibits her feel- ings and spirit under these conditions. " Seventh Month, Uh. — have been at Pakefield with my beloved brother and sister : my soul has travaUed much in the deeps on many accounts ; more particularly while with them that in keeping to our scruples respecting prayer, &c., &c., the right thing might be hurt in no mind. Words fall very short of expression of how much my spirit is over* whelmed within me for us all. Our situation is very pecu- liar, siuTounded as we are with those of various senti- whose birth is last recorded, and who still resides at Plashet, giving the following particulars of Elizabeth Fry's tamily and descendants. Eight of her eleven children are still living. Of these only two are members of the Society of Friends, the ethers belonging to the Church lOf England. "The grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great do. , amount to 139 souls." He adds: " With respect to the Lifo of iny mother as originally published by my sisters KatherineFry and Kachel E. Cresswell, in 2 vols. — it has long been out of print, and is very difiScult to obtain. I think I know an old Friend who would part With one he has for two pounds, as money would be of more use to him than the book. . . . There is a large engraving after Eich- tuond's picture, about 30 inches high, full length, but it is difficult to obtain a copy, and would cost about three pounds. This was taken when she was about 63 years old. . . , , If I can be of any further eervice to you in the collection of mattfet for your book I shall be very bappy to help you, and reuAam "Yours truly, **S. Gdeney Fax." •S. Colder. MOTHER AND HINISTEB. 117 ments, and yet I humbly trust each seeking the right way. To have a clergyman for a brother is very different to hav- ing one for a friend ; a much closer tie, and a stUl stronger call, for the sake of preserving sweet unity of spirit, to ^g^^t jbim as far as we can, to offend as little as possible by our scruples, and yet for the sake of others, as weU as our- selves, faithfully to maintain our ground, and to keep very close to that which can alone duect aiight." The benefit of having families somewhat divided in reli- gious opinion and practice, is well illustrated by the above extract. When oui- own brothers and sisters, equally sin- cere and intelligent with oui'selves, see paths of duty differ- ing from our own, we are induced to hope, that there may be nothing harmful in these diversities. And yet our weak- ness often lies very close to our strength. "^Miat we have found good for ourselves we naturally think must be good for others, and especially our childi-en. Elizabeth Fry afterwards suffered acutely because her children, as they gi"ew up, with these various examples before them, indulged a growing disinclination to the peculiar customs of Friends, and generally chose other associations. But as she herseli paingled more with Christians holding different views, her liberality continued to increase, as it might not have done had her own religious society been more flourishing, and had her wishes been granted in respect to her own family. "Mildred's Court, Twelfth Month, loth. (1816)— I re- turned yesterday from attending poor dear Joseph's funeral at Norwich, the son of my uncle Joseph Guiuey. I have gone through a good deal, what with mourning with the mourners, the ministry, &c., &c. I think I was in this re- spect, at the funeral helped by the Spirit and the power that 118 ELIZABETH TRY. we cannot command ; though I left Eailham with a burdened mind, not having any apparently suitable opportunity for relief, hui'rying away, to my feelings prematurely, of wbicb I find even the remembrance painful. My sweet dear girls Qnd boys I much feel again leaving, seeing their critical aga and state. What I feel for the children I cannot describe. Oh ! may they be sheltered under the great Almighty wing BO as not to go greatly astray." This chapter may fitly be concluded by her advices to her gills and boys when at school. <" Flasket, Mnth Month, 27th, 1816. ^Iiy MUCH tOVED GIRLS, "Yom' letters received last evening gave us much pleas- ure. _ X anxiously hope that you wUl now do your utmost in whatever respects your education, not only on your own account, but for our sakes. 1 1 look forward to your return with so nduch comfort, as useful and valuable helpers to irie,\which you will be all the more if you get forward your-J selves: ' I see quite a field of useful service and enjoyment for yovu should . we/fee favored to meet under comfortable feircumstahces in the spring. I mean that you should have a certain department to fill in the house, amongst the child- ren and the poor, as well as your own studies and enjoy- ments; I think there has not often been a brighter opening for two girls. Plashet is after all such a home; it now looks sweetly, and your little room is almost a temptation to me to take it for a sitting-room for myself, it is so pretty and so snug ; it is newly furnished and looks very pleasant indeed. The poor and the schools I think will be glad to have you home, for help is wanted in these things. Indeed if your hearts are but turned the right way, you riiay I be- lieve be made insVruments of much good; and I shall be glad to have the day c6me that I may introduce you into prisons and hospitals. ' Therefore gu'd up the loins of your MOTHER AND MINISTEB. 119 mind and be sober.' This appears to me your present busi- ness — to give all diligence to your present duties ; and I cannot help believing, if this be the case, that the day v?ill come when you will be brought into much usefulness." To each of her sons at school she gave " Rules for a Boy at Boarding School," from which the following extracts are made : "Be regular; strict in attending to religious duties ; and do not allow other boys around thee to prevent thy having some portion of time for reading, at least a text of Scrip* ture, meditation, prayer, and if it appears to be a duty, flinch not from bowing the knee before them as a mark of thyal- iegiance to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. . Strongly as I ad vise thy faithfully maintaining thy princi- ples and doing thy duty, I would have thee very careful of either judging or reproving others ; for it takes a long time to get the beam out of our own eye, before we can sea clearly to take the mote out of our brother's eye. There is for one young in years much greater safety in preaching to others by example than in word. . . . Maintain truth and strict integrity upon all points. Be not double-minded in any degree ; but faithfully maintain, not only the upright principles on religious grounds, but also the brightest honor. I like to see it in small things and in great, for it marks the upright man." CHAPTER IV. NEWGATE. "We now approach the work of Christian benevolence, which gave the name of Elizabeth Fry to fame. The first accounts of this enterprise take us back to the year 1813. kindred's Court, Second Month, loth. — My fear for my- self the last few days is, lest I should be exaited by the evident unity of my dear friends whom I greatly value ; and also my natural health and spii'its being gfood; and being engaged in some laudable pursuits, more particularly secmg after the prisoners in Newgate. Oh how deeply, now very deeply, I fear the temptation of ever being exalted, or seJf- conceited ! I cannot preserve myself from this temptation any more than being unduly cast down or crushed by others. Be pleased, O Lord ! to preserve me ; for the deep inwai'd prayer of my heart is that I may ever walk humbly before Thee, and also before all mankind. Let me never, in any way, take that glory to myself which alone belongs unto Thee, if in Thy mercy Thou shouldst ever enable one BO unworthy either to do good or to communicate. " 16th. — Yesterday we were some hours at Newgate with the poor female felons, attending to their outward necessi- ties. We had been twice previously. Before we went away dear Anna Buxton offered a few words in suppUca- tion, and, very unexpectedly to myself, I did also. I heard weeping and I thought they appeared much tendered: a NEWGATE. 121 very solemn quiet was observed : it was a striking scene, the poor people on their knees around, in their deplorable condition." " Thus simply and incidentally," observe her daughters, from whose account I shall now make some extracts, "is recorded Elizabeth Fry's first entrance upon the scene of her future labors, evidently without any idea of the im- portance of its ultimate results. ["From early youth her spirit had often been attracted, in painful sympathy, toward those who, by yielding them- selves to the bondage of sin, had become the victims of human justice. Before she was fifteen years of age, the House of Correction at Norwich excited her feelings of deep interest, and by repeated and earnest persuasion she induced her father to allow her to visit it. She referred, many years afterwai'ds, to the impressions which had then been received, and mentioned to a dear and venerable father in the truth amongst us, that it had laid the foun- dation for her engagements in prison." — /S. Corder.~\ "In January of this year, four members of the Society of Friends, all well known to Elizabeth Fry, had visited some persons in Newgate who were about to be executed. Al- though no mention is made of the circumstance in the journal, it has always been understood that the representa- tions of these Friends, particularly those of William Fos- ter, one of the number, first induced her personally to in- spect the state of the women, with the view of alleviating their sufferings occasioned by the inclemency of the season. "At that time all the female prisoners in Newgate were confined in that part now known as the untried side. The lai'ger portion of the Quadrangle was then used as a state prison. The partition wall was not of sufficient height to prevent the state prisoners from ovei-looking the narrow 122 ELIZABETH FBY. yard and the windows of the two wards and two cells of which the women's division consisted. These four rooms comprised about one hundred and ninety superficial yards, into which, at the time of these visits, nearly three hun- di'ed women, with their numerous childi'en, were crowded : tried and untried, misdemeanants and felons, without clas- sification, without employment, and with no other superin- tendence than that given by a man and his sou who had charge of them by night and by day. In the same rooms, in rags and dirt, destitute of sufiicient clothing, (for which there was no provision,) sleeping without bedding, on the floor, the boards of which were in part raised to supply a sort of pillow, they Uved, cooked and washed. "With the proceeds of their clamorous begging, when any stranger appeared amongst them, the prisoners pur- chased liquors from a regular tap in the prison. Spirits were openly di'unk, and the ear was assailed by the most terrible language. Beyond that which was necessary for safe custody, there was little restraint over their communi- cation with the world without. " Although military sentinels were posted on the leads of the prison, such was the lawlessness prevailing, that Mr. Newman, the governor, entered this portion of it with reluctancy. Fearful that their watches would be snatched from their sides, he advised the ladies (though without avaU) to leave them in his house. " Into this scene Elizabeth Fry entered, accompanied only by Anna Buxton. The sorrowful and neglected condition of these depraved women and their miserable children, dwell- ing in such a vortex of corruption, deeply ' sank into her heart, although at this time nothiog more was done than to supply the most destitute with clothes. She cgj-uied back to her home and into the midst of other avocatio'rPafld interests a lively remembrance of all that she had witnessed at New- gate, which within four years induced that systematic effort for amehorating the condition of these poor outcasts, so BEWQATB. 123 Bignally blessed by Him who said * That joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons that need no repentance.' "Not only did a considerable space of time elapse, after Elizabeth Fry's first visits to Newgate, before she renewed theni, but in the interim many events occurred of deep im- port to herself. He ' who sits as a Refiner and a Purifier of sUver,' saw fit to exercise her in the school of affliction before raising her up for the remarkable work which she had to do. Long and distressing indisposition, the death of her brother John Gurney, that of her paternal friend Joseph Gumey Bevan, the loss of a most tenderly beloved child, considera- ble decrease of property, separation for a time from all her elder children, were among the means used by Him who cannot err to teach her the utter instability of every human possession, to draw her heart more entirely to Himself, and to prepare her for His service." I again quote from Mrs. Corder's volume at a later date^ L-page 233. "Three years had now elapsed since Elizabeth Fry had first visited Newgate ; but her spirit had from time to time been led into deep and solemn feeling on account of the de- graded inmates of that prison ; and a conviction became gradually impressed on her mind that she was requiied by Him to whose service she had been enabled to dedicate her- tlf as an unquenched coal on His sacred altar, to labor, as e might see meet to open the way and to dii-ect her steps, f^jp the moral reformation and above all for the spuitual coliversion and help of the most depraved and miserable of her sex. Nothing but the constraining love of Christ could j|iav6 Induced this tender and delicate woman thus to sur- render domestic comfort and personal ease, and even to risk her own reputation, to follow what she believed to be the call of her Divine Master, leading her into labors most ardu- SLIZASESB FBT. {fas painful, from which her nature recoiled with dread. SjBt.was the unction of holy love so abundantly poured out upon^lEer spuit that" she willingly yielded to the appoint- men&J that compassionate Saviour who, thi-ough her in- etruioentality, was thus graciously extending His hand of mercy, in order to rescue from the pit of destruction those who j?6re sunls vice and wretchedness." "Mildti^J's Court, Second Month, 24«A, (1817).— I have lately toeen much occupied in forming a school in Newgate for the children of the poor prisoners, as well as the young crimina^jiwhich.has brought much peace and satisfaction with if ; .but iBjIniind has also, been deeply effected in at- tending a poor woman who was executed this morning. I visited her twice. This event has brought me into much feeling, attended with some distressingly nervous sensations in the night, so that this has been a time of deep humilia- tion to me, thus witnessing the effect and consequences of ein. , This poor creatui-e murdered her baby; and how in- expressibly awful now to have her own life taken away! The whole affair has been truly afflicting to me ; to see what poor mortals' may be driven to through sin and transgres- sion, and how hai'd the heart becomes even to the most ten- der affections. How should we watch and pray that we fall not by little and little, become hardened and commit greater sins. I had to pray for these poor sinners this morning, and also for the preservation of our household from thg evil there is in the world. " Extract from a letter to her sister, Bachel Gurney:— Mildred's Court, Third Month, lOiA and 11th. — My heart and mind and time are very much engaged in various ways. Newgate is the principal object, and I think until X make some attempt at amendment in the plans for th^ women, I shall not feel easy; but if such efforts shoul(J prove unsuccessful, I think that I should then have tried to KEWOATE. 12» do my part and be easy. . . . The poor occupy me lit- tle more than at the door, as I cannot go after them, with my other engagements. The hanging at Newgate does not overcome me as it did at first, and I have only attended one woman since the first. I see and feel the necessity of caution in this respect, and mean to be on my guard about it, and run no undue risk with myself." Mrs. Fry's method of reform seems to have been original with herself. In commencing her experiment, she re- quested to be left alone with the prisoners. After asking their attention she read the parable of the Lord of the vine- yard, and made some remarks upon the subject which called forth expressions from a few of them. Some asked who Christ was, and others feai'ed that their day of salva- tion was passed. She then "addi-essed herself to the mothers, and pointed out to them the grievous consequen- ces to their children of living in such a scene of depravity, and proposed to establish a school for them, to which they acceded with tears of joy. She desu'ed them to consider the plan, for without their steady co-operation she would not undertake it — leaving it to them to select a governess Erom among themselves." " On her next visit they had chosen as school-mistress a young woman named Mary Conner, recently committed for stealing a watch. She proved eminently qualified for the task, and became one of the first fruits of Christian labor in that place ; she was assiduous in her duties, and was never known to infringe one of the rules. A free pardon was granted her about fifteen months afterwards; but this proved an unavailing gift, for a cough which had attacked iier a short time previously, ended in consumption." 126 ELIZABETH FBT. Elizabetli Fry was soon surrounded by a company oi earnest co-workers, and received liberal aid and encourage« ment from the authorities and officers of the prison, although they at first looked upon the experiment as hopeless and even visionary. An unoccupied cell was assigned for the Bchool-room ; and Mrs. Fry accompanied by Mary Sander- son and the teacher elect, opened the school for children and persons under twenty-five years of age. Many older ones earnestly entreated permission to share in the instruc- tions, but the small size of the room forbade. Mai'y San- derson, then visiting the prison for the first time, thus de- scribes her impressions. " The railing was crowded witn half -naked women strug- gliag together for the front situations, with the most bois- terous violence, and begging with the utmost vociferation. I felt as if I were going into a den of wild beasts, and well recollect shuddering when the door closed upon me, and I was locked in with such a herd of novel and desperate companions." In her evidence, subsequently given before the House of Commons, Mrs. Fry made this statement, " It was in our visits to the school, where some of us attended almost every day, that we were witnesses to the di-eadful proceedings that went forward on the female side of the prison; the begging, swearing, gaming, fighting, singing, dancing, dressing-up in men's clothes, — scenes too bad to be de- scribed, so that we did not think it suitable to admit young persons with us." One of the strong characteristics of Elizabeth Fry waa now called into requisition. Her perseverance was equal to NEWGATE. 127 the heavy demand made upon it. She encouraged her friends and continued to enlist others in the enterprise untD in April, 1817, "An Association for the Improvement of the Female Prisoners in Newgate " was formed, consisting of eleven members of the Society of Friends and the wife of a clergyman. Theii* object was stated to be, "To provide for the clothing, the instruction and the employment of the women ; to introduce them to a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and to form in them, as much as possible, those habits of order, sobriety and industry which may render them peaceable, whilst in prison, and respectable when they leave it." An interview was had with the prisoners, in presence of the sheriff and other officers of the prison. Elizabeth Fry asked them if they were willing " to abide by the rules which it would be indispensable to establish among them for the accomplishment of the object so much desired by them all. The women fully and unanimously assured her of their determination to obey them strictly. The sheriffs also addressed them, giving the plan the countenance of iheir approbation ; and then tvurning to Elizabeth. Fry and her companions, one of them said, *'Well ladies, you see your material.' " How they used these ' materials ' and the blessing per- mitted to attend their exertions is demonstrated by a letter received in 1820 from one of the prisoners then present." To Mrs. Fry. "I'aramatta, New South Wales, July 10th, 1820. **HoNOBED Madam,— « The duty I owe to you, likewise to the benevolent So- 128 ELIZABETH FR?. ciety to wWcli you have the honor to belong, compels me to take up my pen to return to you my most sincere thanks for the heavenly instruction I derived from you and the dear friends dm'ing my confinement in Newgate. "In the month of April 1817 how did that blessed prayer of yours sink into my heart ; and as you said so have I found it, that when no eyes see and no ears hear, God both sees and hears ; and then it was that the arrow of convic- tion entered my hard heart ; and in Newgate it was that poor Han-iet S , like the prodigal son, came to herself, and took with her words, and sought the Lord ; and truly can I say with David, ' Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I learned Thy ways OLord ! ' And although afflic- tion Cometh not forth of the dust yet how prone have I been to forget God, my Maker, who can give songs in the night; and happy is that soul that when affliction comes can say with Eli, ' It is the Lord,' or with David, ' I was dumb and opened not my mouth because Thou didsj; it ; ' and Job, when stripped of every comfort, ' Blessed be the Lord who took away as well as gave,' — and may the Lord grant every one that is afflicted such an humble spirit as theirs. Be- lieve me, my dear madam, I bless the day that brought me inside of Newgate walls, for then it was that the rays of Divine truth shone into my dark mind ; and may the Holy Spirit shine more and more upon my dark understanding, that I may be enabled so to walk as one whose heart is set to seek a city whose builder and maker is God. Believe me, my dear madam, although I am a poor captive in a distant land, I would not give up having communion with God one single day for my liberty ; for what is liberty of the body compared with liberty of the soul ! and soon will that time conae when death will release me from all the earthly fet- ters that hold me now, for I trust to be with Christ who bought me with His precious blood. And now my dear madam, these few sincere sentiments of mine I vsish you to make known to the world, that the world may see that your NBWOATB. 129 fabor in Newgate has not been in vain in the Lord. Fleaso give my love to all the dear friends, and Dr. Cotton, Mr. Baker, Simpson and all, the keeper of Newgate, and all the afflicted prisoners ; and although we may never meet on earth again I hope we shall all meet in the realms of bliss never to part again. Please give my love to Mrs. Stornett and Mrs. Guy. " And believe me to remain " Your humble servant, "Harriets — i-." , The next step was to provide employment. This part of the history may best be given in the words of Sir T. F. Buxton, "whose exertions to benefit these 'outcasts of the people ' were only excelled by hers of whom he wrote." " It struck one of the ladies that Botany Bay might be supplied with stockings, and indeed all articles of clothing, of the prisoners' manufacture. She therefore called upon Messrs. Eichard Dixon & Co., of Fenchurch Street, and candidly told them that she was desirous of depriving them of this branch of their trade, and stating her views begged Iheir advice. They said at once that they should not ia any way obstruct such laudable designs, and that no further trouble need be taken to provide work, for they would en- engage to do it. Nothing now remained but to prepare the room ; and this difficulty was obviated by the sheriffs sending their carpenters. The former laundry speedily un- derwent the necessary alterations, was cleansed and white- washed, and in a few days the Ladies' Committee assembled in it all the tried female prisoners. One of the ladies, Mrs. Fry, began by describing to them the comforts to be de- rived from industry and sobriety, the pleasure and profit of doing right, and contrasted the happiness and peace of Uiose who are dedicated to a course of virtue and religion with that experienced in their former life, and its present 130 ELIZABETH FBV. consequences ; and describing their awful guilt in the sight of God appealed to themselves, whether its wages, even here, were not utter misery and ruin. She then dwelt upon the motives which had brought the ladies into Newgate: they had left their homes and their families to mingle amongst those from whom all others fled, animated by an ardent and affectionate desire to rescue their fellow- creatui-es from evil, and to impart to them that knowledge which they, from their education and cu'cumstances had been so happy as to receive. "She then told them that the ladies did not come with any absolute and authoritative pretensions ; that it was not intended they should command and the prisoners obey; but that it was to be understood all were to act in concert ; that not a rule should be made, or a monitor appointed without their full and unanimous concurrence ; that for this purpose each of the rules should be read and put to the vote ; and she invited those who might feel any disinclina- tion to any particular, freely to state their opinion. The following were then read: BITLXS. "1. That a matron be appointed for the general superin- tendence of the women. 2. That the women be engaged in needlework, knitting, or any other suitable employment. «' 3. That there be no begging, swearing, gaming, card- playing, or immoral conversation. That all novels, playa end other improper books be excluded; and that all bad words be avoided ; and any default in these particulai-s ba reported to the matron. *' 4. That there be a yard-keeper chosen from among the women, to inform them when their friends come, to sea that they leave their work with a monitor when they go to the grating, and that they do not spend any time there, ex< KEWGATK. 131 cept with their friends. If any woman be found disobe- dient in these respects, the yard-keeper is to report the case to the matron. "5. That the women be divided into classes of not more than twelve, and that a monitor be appointed to each class. "6. That monitors be chosen from among the most orderly of the women that can read, to superintend the work and conduct of tbe others. " 7. That the monitors not only overlook the women in their own classes, but if they observe any others disobey- ing the rules, that they inform the monitor of the class to which such persons belong, who is immediately to report to the matron, and the deviations to be set down on a slate. "8. That any monitor breaking the rules shall be dis« missed from her office and the most suitable in the class selected to take her place. " 9. That the monitors be particularly careful to see that the women come with clean hands and face to their work, and that they are quiet during their employment. " 10. That at the ringing of the bell, at nine o'clock in the morning, the women collect in the work-room to hear a portion of Scripture read by one of the visitors, or the ma- tron ; and that the monitors afterwards conduct the classes Erom thence to their respective wards in an orderly manner. " 11. That the women be again collected for reading at six o'clock in the evening, when the work shall be given in charge to the matron by the monitors. " 12. That the matron keep an exact account of the work done by the women, and of their conduct. "As each was proposed every baud was held up in token of their approbation. In the same manner, and with the same formalities, each of the monitors was pro- posed, and all were unanimously approved. When this business was concluded one of the visitors read aloud the twenty-first chapter of St. Matthew, the parable of the bar. ten fig-tree seeming applicable to the state of the audience ; 182 BLIZABETB FBT. after a period of silence, according to the custom of the Society of Friends, the monitors with their classes with- drew to their respective wards in the most orderly manner. "During the first month the ladies were anxious that the attempt should be secret, that it might meet with no inter* ruption ; at the end of that time, as the experiment had been tried, and "had exceeded even their expectation, it was deemed expedient to apply to the Corporation of London. It was considered that the school would be more permanent if it were made a part of the prison system of the City, than if it merely depended on individuals. In consequence a short letter descriptive of the progress already made was mitten to the sheriffs.. "The next day an answer was received proposing a meet* ing with the ladies at Newgate.. " In compliance with this appointment the Lord Mayor, the sheriffs, and several of the Aldermen attended. The prisoners were assembled together; and it being requested that no alteration in their usual practice might take place, one of the ladies read a chapter in the Bible, and then the females proceeded to their various avocations. Their atten- tion during the time of reading, their orderly and sober de- portment, their decent dress, the absence of every thing like tumult, noise or contention, the obedience and respect shown by them, and the cheerfulness visible in their countenance and manners, conspired to excite the astonishment and ad- miration of their visitors. Many of these knew Newgate, had visited it a few months before, and had not forgotten the painful impression made by a scene exhibiting perhaps the very utmost limits of misery and guilt. "The magistrates, to evince their sense of the importance pf the alterations which had been effected, immediately adopted the whole plan as a part of the system of Newgate, (^^owered the ladies to punish the refractory by short con- finement, undertook part of the expense of the matron, and (loaded the ladies with thanks and benedictions. NEWGATE. 133 "About six months after the establishment of the school for the children, and the manufactory for the tried side, the committee received a most urgent petition from the un- tried, entreating that the same might be done for them, and promising strict obedience. In consequence the ladies made the same arrangements, proposed the same rules, and admitted in the same manner as on the other side, the pris- oners to participate in their formations. The experiment here has answered, but not to the same extent. They have had difficulty in procming a sufficiency of work ; the pris- oners are not so disposed to work, flattering themselves with the prospect of speedy release ; besides they are neces- sarily engaged in some degree in preparation for their trial. The result of the observations of the ladies has been, that where the prisoners, from whatever cause, did no woi'k, they derived little if any moral advantage ; where they did some work they received some benefit, and where they were fully engaged they were really an J essentially improved." The reform prospered steadily and continued to attract public attention, until people came from all parts of the country to witness what soon became one of the greatest curiosities of London. But we must pause to get an inside view of the mind which was the leading instrument in this beneficent enterprise. "Mildred's Court, Twelfth Month, 11 th. — remarkable blessing still appears to accompany my prison concerns,— perhaps the greatest apparent blessing on my deeds that ever attended me. How have the spirits both of those ia power and the poor afflicted prisoners appeared to be sub- jected, and how has the work gone on! Most assuredly the power and the glory are alone due to the Author and Fin- isher of every good work. "Mildred's Court, 1818.— Lord be pleased to grant the 134 ELIZABETH FB7. blessing of preservation wlncli is above every blessing. It is very striking and wonderful to me to observe how some things have been verified that, in times of great lownesa and unutterable distress, I have been led to believe woal d happen ; in reading the 142nd Psalm these words particu- larly — 'The righteous shall compass me about, for Thou shalt deal bountifully with me.' Has not this been, and is it not now, remarkably verified, by those filUng almost the highest stations to the lowest ; by persons of ahnost all de- nominations have I not been compassed about ? My prison concerns have thus brought me, a poor and very unworthy creature, into public notice, and I may most humbly adopt this language of the 71st Psalm, 'I am as a wonder unto many, but Thou art my strong Refuge. Oh! let my mouth be filled with Thy praise, and with Thy honor all the day : ' but, O Lord ! merciful and gracious, Thou who knowest the heart and its wanderings, and also its pantings after Thyself, be pleased yet to manifest Thyself to be a God hearing and answering prayer. Thou hast, in times of deep adversity and great affliction, when the heart of Thy hand- maid was ready to say Kefuge failed her. Thou hast then been her Stronghold, her Rock and her Fortress ; so that she has not been greatly moved nor overcome by her soul'a enemy. Be pleased, most merciful and gracious Lord God A.lmighty, now to keep her in the day of prosperity, when the righteous compass her about, that she may be for a time even as a wonder to many. Keep her, O Lord, even as in Thine own Almighty hand, that no evil befall her, nor any plague come nigh her dwelling ; and as Thou hast, so far in Thine abundant mercy and loving kindness delivered her soul from death, oh be pleased to keep her feet from falling! hold up her goings in Thy paths, that her footsteps shp not ; and increasingly enable her, at all times, under all cir- cumstances, in heights and in depths, in life and in death, to show forth Thy praise, to walk faithfully and circum- spectly before Thee, obeying Thee in all things, in Thy fear HEWOATS. 135 and in Thy love ; abounding in the truth as it is in Jesus ; ever giving Thee, O Lord God on High, vs^ith Christ Jesus our Lord, and Thy Holy Spirit our Comforter, one God, blessed forever, the glory due unto Thee, now in time, and in an endless eternity. Amen, amen." Let us observe, as we go along, how well this prayer was answered ; with what perfect grace she was enabled to keep her heart to its first love, and her feet in the path of Divine appointment, while princes and nobles of the earth were paying her the most flattering honors. " During this winter she received many letters of inquiry from different parts of the country in relation to the system pursued in Newgate ; ladies wished to form similar associa- tions ; magistrates wished to improve the state of prisoners under their control, &c., &c., and all these required minute and carefully considered replies. Some of the most distin guished and influential persons in the kingdom were anx- ious to witness for themselves what had been done in the prisons, and a part of almost every day was spent in accom- panying such parties thither. Many were asking for coun- Bel, others for employment which they supposed Elizabeth Fry could obtain for them ; and almost constant applica- tions from the poor who thought her purse as inexhausti- ble as her good will, ' humbly praying ' for assistance. Her benevolent feelings would hardly suffer any of these to pass unheeded; and her daughters, the oldest of whom was in her seventeenth year proved efficient helpers in answer- ing the demands. "During the former period it had been the practice for convicts on the night preceding their departure for Botany Bay, (where they were transported for certain crimes,) to pull down and break or burn everything within their reach ; and to go off shouting with the most hardened effrontery. 186 BUZABBTH FBT. But when the last went out they took an affectionate leave of their companions, and expressed the utmost gratitude to their benefactors, and the next day entered their conveyances peaceably ; and their departure, in the tears that were shed and the mournful decorum that was observed, resembled a funeral procession ; and so orderly was their behavior that it was deemed unnecessary to send more than half the usual escort. As a proof that moral and religious instruction had produced some effect upon their minds, when these poor creatures were going, those who remained entreated that their share of the profits (a little fund they were al- lowed to collect for themselves, kept in a box under the care of the Ladies Committee) might all be given to thoso who were about to leave them. "In ten months after the working system had been in- troduced the women had made nearly twenty thousand ar- ticles of clothing, and their knitting produced from sixty to a hundred pairs of socks and stockings every month. Their earnings averaged about eighteen pence per week for each one." "Elizabeth Fry was informed that some were still gam> lug in the prison. She went alone, assembled the prisonera and told them what she had heard, — that she feared it was true, dwelt upon the sin of gaming, its evil effects upon their minds, the interruption it caused, and the distaste it excited for labor, told them how much the report had grieved her and said ' She would consider it a proof of their regard il they would have the candor and kindness to bring the cards to her.' She did not expect that they would do it, as it would be betraying themselves. But soon after she had re- tired to the ladies' room there was a gentle tap at the door, and in came a trembling girl who, in a maimer that indicate4 tjeal feeling, expressed her sorrow for having broken th^ fules of so kind a friend, and presented her pack of cardSji She was soon followed by another and another, until Eliza- beth Fry had/received five packs which she btii'tit in their 1 HBWOATB. 137 presence ; assuring them that so far from its being remem- beied against them she should 'remember it in another way.' A few days after this she took with her some presents ot clothes, and calling the first one gave her a neat muslin handkerchief. To her surprise the girl said she hoped Eli- zabeth Fry would excuse her being so forward, but if she might say it she felt exceedingly disappointed- She had hoped that Elizabeth Fry would have given her a Bible with her own name written in it, which she would value be- yond anything else and would always keep it and read ii This was irresistible. The treasure so much desired was brought, and Elizabeth Fry assured a friend that she never gave a Bible which was received with so much interest and satisfaction, nor one that she thought more likely to do good. This had been one of the worst of guls, and had behaved very badly upon her trial; but she conducted her- self afterwards in so amiable a manner that she appeared * almost without a flaw,' and it was hoped * would become a valuable member of society.' " * On the 27th of Feb. 1818, Mrs. Fry was called upon to give evidence before a Committee of the House of Com- mons, in the course of which she said, " Our habit is con- stantly to read the Scriptures to them twice a day — ^many of them are taught, some can read a little themselves. It has an astonishing effect; I never saw the Scriptures re- ceived in the same way. When I have sometimes gone and said it was my intention to read, they would flock up staira after me, as if it were a great pleasure I had to oflfer them." When asked by the Committee if the ladies confined themselves to the reading of the Scriptures without incul - eating any peculiar doctrines Mrs. Fry replied, — "We con- • Life by S. Corder. 138 ELIZABETH FBT. sider from the situation we fill, as it respects the public, aa well as the poor creatures themselves, that it would be highly indecorous to press any peculiar doctrine of any kind, — anything beyond the fundamental doctrines of Scrip- tui-e." It was mentioned to her that one of tLo prisoners had said it was " more terrible to be brought up before ISlrs. Fry, than before the judge ; " on which she remarked : — " I think I may say we have full power among them, though we use nothing but kindness. I have never proposed a punishment, and yet I think it is impossible, in a well regu- lated house, to have rules more strictly attended to thaa they are." "When askcxl if she thought any reformation could be effected without employment, she replied, "I should believe it impossible. We may instruct as we will, but if we allow them their time, and they have nothing to do, they natu- rally must return to their evil passions." The report of the Parliamentary Committee contains the following sentence : — " The benevolent exertions of Mrs. Fry and her friends, in the female department of the prison, have indeed, by the establishment of a school, by providing work and encouraging industrious habits, produced a most gratifying change. But much must be ascribed to urn-emit- ting perSbual attention and influence."' The duties of this poSiliMj!^ however, were by no means all of an agreeable kind. The severity of English law at this time, which made every degree of forgery, as well as many other secondary offenses punishable with death, rendered executions terribly frequent. It is estimated that had the REWOATB. 139 laws been carried fully into effect, they would have required an average of more than four executions per day in Great Britain and Ireland. Almost every device was resorted to by the humane among the oflScers and courts to evade these sanguinary enactments. Elizabeth Fry was among the earliest to express effectively her disapproval of these unchristian statutes. She felt the wrong with great keenness when unfortunate women, often misled by worse companions were compelled to answer for some not unpardonable act of dishonesty with their lives i and the more especially after her labors with them had brought repentance. A sad case of this kind occurred about the time we are speaking of, February, 1818, when two women were executed for forgery. At six o'clock in the morning, one of them addressed the following letter to Ehzabeth Fry: "Honored Madam: — ^ As the only way of expressing my gratitude to you foi your very great attention to the care of my poor soul, — I feel I may have appeared more silent than perhaps some would have been on so melancholy an event ; but believe me, my dear madam, I have felt most acutely the awful situation I have been in. The mercies of God are bound- less, and I trust, through His grace this affliction is sancti- fied to me, and through the Saviour's blood my sins will be washed away. I have much to be thankful for ; I feel such serenity of mind and fortitude. God of His infinite mercy grant I may feel as I do now in the last moments! Pray, madam, present my most grateful thanks to the worthy Dr. Cotton and Mr. Baker, and all our kind friends, the ladies, and Mrs. Guy. It was a feeling I had of my own unworthi- ness made me more diffident of speaking as was perhaps 140 XIIZABETE VBT. looked for. I once more return yoa my most grateful thanks. It is now past six o'clock. I have not one moment to spare. I must devote the remainder to the service of my offended God. With respect your humble servant, Chaelottb Newman." On the same day she received the following letter from Wniiam Wilberforce : " Kensington Gore, llth. Feb.^ 1818. «Mv DEAB Madam: — I think I need not assure you that I have not forgotten you this morning. In truth, having been awake very early, and, lying in peace and comfort and safety, the dififerent situation of the poor women impressed itself strongly oo my mind. "I shall be glad, and Mrs. Wilberforce also, I assure you, to hear that your bodily health has not suffered from your mental anxiety, and I will try to get a sight of you when I can, to hear your account and remarks on the effects of the last few days, both on the poor objects themselves and the prison companions. "With real esteem and regard, I am, my dear Madam " Yours very sincerely, "W. WiLBEBi'OBOB.'* A still sadder case than the above is thus recorded on page 275 of Mrs. Corder's biography, abbreviated from the original account.. "During the spring of this year executions had become BO frequent that they were made subjects for investigation and for public as well as private discussion. The sanguin- ary provisions of the penal code were beheld with a senti> KEWOATE. ment of disapprobation, and even abhorrence, before unfelt. The wretched tenants of the 'condemned cells,' after having received the sentence of death at the Old Bailey, awaited, with mingled hope and fear, the decision of the Council, by whom some were selected for mercy, leaving the others to suffer the extreme penalty of the law. No reasons were as- signed by the CouncU for this distinction ; each one there- fore hoped to escape the dreadful doom. "Among those who were waiting in this state ot terrible suspense was a young woman named Harriet Skeltou. There was something peculiarly touching in the case of this poor creature. *A child might have read her character in her countenance — open, confiding, affectionate, possessing strong feelings, but neither hardened in depravity nor capa« ble of cunning.' Under the influence of the man whom she loved she had been induced to pass some forged notes: * thus adding another to the dismal list of those who, with the finest impulses of our nature, uncontrolled by religion, Lave been lured to their own destruction.' Skelton was or- dered for execution. The sentence was unlocked for: *het deportment in prison had been good, amenable to regula* lions, quiet and orderly. Some of her companions in guilb were heard to say that they supposed she was chosen for death because she was better prepared than the rest o| them.' Elizabeth Fry was vehemently urged to exert her- self on behalf of this unhappy woman. She made various attempts, one through the Duke of Gloucester who with other dwellers in palaces and lordly halls, visited the poor convict in Newgate ; and ' his former companion in the dance ' led the Duke through the gloom and darkness of that most gloomy of prisons — a new scene indeed to him and to many others who through life had been ' nursed on Ihe downy lap of ease,' in luxurious abodes that strangely contrasted with the ' dark vaulted passages, the clanking fetters, the offensive smell, the grating sound as the heavy key was turned, the massive bolt drawn back, and the irou- 142 EUZABETH FBT. sheathed door forced reluctantly open ' — ^unaccustomed, and as if unwilling to admit such guests. ''The Duke of Gloucester made a noble effort to save Skelton by an application to Lord Sidmouth. He also ac- companied Elizabeth Fry to the Bank Directors. But all entreaties were in vain. Lord Sidmouth was annoyed by Elizabeth Fry's earnest solicitations, and highly offended at some disclosures which involved a degree of censure on the Bank Directors. There were, in the case, circumstances of collusion, on the part of some who were concerned in bring- ing this unfortunate creature to the gallows, of which Eliza* beth Fry might perhaps have spoken Avith a degree of free- dom that exceeded tlie limits of strict prudence: but who can read the tale without a strong and sympathetic mterest in her humane appeal for mercy? or without deep regret and surprise that this appeal could have been regarded in the light of an offence? And how does the emotion acquire in- tensity when we contemplate the dreadful severity of tha enactment which, within a few years afterwards, was, through the aroused and resistless force of pu'blic opinion, expunged from the statute book ! " The claims of mercy had rendered it very important to Elizabeth Fry that she should have access to the Secretai'y of State. She had been wont to intercede with Lord Sid- mouth on behalf of those whom his decision might either consign to an untimely and ignominious death, or award a further term of ear Lilly probation. But now her influence with him was lost. She endeavored, by a persona^, inter- view, to remove the unfavorable impreosiou which he had unbibed, and to convincehimthat, although she might have erred in judgment, her intentions had been upright, and her deshe sincere not to oppose his wishes. But all was in vain: bis heart was steeled against remonstrances and nothing but pain resulted from the interview. •'Elizabeth Fry had been accompauied in this unsatisfac- MEWOATB. 143 tory visit by the excellent Countess Harcourt, one of the ladies of the court, and, under her special care and protec« tion, had, on the same day, reluctantly, and with a heavy heart, to mingle in a very different scene, and to encounter objects of a remarkably opposite character. The aged Queen Charlotte, who, through a lengthened life, had ap- peared little moved by questions of a phUanlhropic charac- ter, her interest being much confined within the sphere of her coui"t and its cold formalities and etiquette, had heard of the wonderful changes in Newgate and elsewhere, wrought through the instrumentality of Elizabeth Fry, and had become impressed by the evidences of an awakened and powerfully religious feeling, which had begun to ope- rate on the minds of some persons of rank and influence who had witnessed the labors of this devoted woman ; and on the occasion of a public examination of the children of some large metropolitan schools in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House, the Queen intimated her deske to be present, and requested that Elizabeth Fry would also at- tend on the occasion. This was an injunction that could not, with any degree of propriety, be disregarded; and accordingly, though as she says against her will, ElizabetU Fry, in company with the Countess Harcourt, repaued thither. It had been intended that she should be pre-? Bented to the Queen in the drawing-room. This would have been much more select and agreeable. But, thi-ougb Bome misunderstanding. Lady Harcourt and Elizabeth Fry were conducted to the Hall and placed on the side of th^ platform which was crowded with waving feathers, jewels,, and orders ; several of the bishops standing near her, the great Hail lined with spectators, and in its center hundreds of poor children from the different schools. Elizabeth Fry was an object of general attraction. After a time the Queen perceived her, and advanced to address her. It wag a striking scene, and painted by an artist — the diminutive Btatuie of the Queen, covered with, diamonds, but her coau- 144 ELIZABETH FBT. tenance lighted with an expression of pleasure and of the kindest benevolence — Elizabeth Fry's tall figure clad in her simple Quaker dress, her countenance a little flushed, but preserving her wonted calmness of look and serious dignity of manner. The spectators of this remarkable interview^ with a murmur of applause, hailed the scene before them, as the mead of approval ojBfered by royalty at the shrine of mercy and good works." CHAPTER FIFTH. NEWGATE — CONTINUED. In the spring of 1818, Elizabeth Fry and her family re- turned to their country residence at Plashet, where she again found time to note her experiences and reflections, occasionally, in her journal — not the least useful of her many employments. Wliat a privilege it is to be introduced into the very *' sanctum sanctorum " of the world's true nobility, and permitted to see the inmost workings and complexion of their minds in these confidential revelations of themselves to themselves, with us of the unknown and unborn future, and the friends who may remain after their death, for a possible audience. Plashet, Fourth Month, 29 ^A, — May we more evidently live, in the best sense, even unto God. Since I last wrote I have led rather a remarkable life ; so surprisingly followed after by the great, and others, in my Newgate concerns ; in short the prison and myself are become quite a show, which is a very serious thing in many points. I believe that it certainly does much good to the cause, in spreading amongst all ranks of society a considerable interest in the subject; also a knowledge of Friends and their principles ; but my 6wn standing appears critical in many ways. In the first place the extreme importance of my walking strictly, and circumspectly amongst all men in all things, and not bring- 146 ELIZABETH FBZ. ing discredit upon the cause of tnith and righteousness. In the next place, after our readings there, the ministry is a most awful calling, thus publicly amongst men to be in sea- eon and out of season. I desire to live, (more particularly in these things,) in the fear of God rather than of man, and that neither good report nor evil report, the approbation nor the disapprobation of men, should move me the least, but my eye should be kept quite single to the great and good Shepherd and bishop of souls — this is my continual prayer for myself." Though at a somewhat greater distance, her interest in Newgate and its concerns still continued unabated, and Boon became extended from the prison itself to those, still more unfortunate, who were condemned to transportation to Australia. When the next ship load was being prepared, Mrs. Fry interested herself to have the removals to tha ship made as privately as possible, and then set to work to arrange the convicts into classes, each having a monitor, •with a Bible and school books at hand, to take the charge and keep the classes separate from each other. Then after much deliberation how to find them employment, the com- mittee were told that patchwork and fancy work found a ready sale at New South Wales. A call was at once issued for little pieces of colored cotton cloth, and in a few days enough were sent from the different Manchester houses ia London to supply the want. When the preparations were as complete as opportunity and means permitted, the Com- mittee took a solemn leave of the one hundred and twenty, eight unhappy exiles whom they had so generously be- friended. The scene is thus described : <' There was great uncertainty whether the poor convict3 would see their- benefactress again. She stood at the cabin KEWGATE — CONIimrSD. 147 door, attended by her friends and the captain ; the women on the quarter deck facing them. The sailors, anxious to see what was going on, climbed into the rigging, upon the capstan, or mingled in the outskirts of the group. The Bilence was profound, when Mrs. Fry opened her Bible, and in a clear, audible voice, read a portion from it. The crews of the other vessels in the tier, attracted by the novelty of the scene, leaned over the ships on each side, and listened apparently with great attention. She closed the Bible, and, after a short pause, knelt down on the deck and implored a blessing on this work of Christian charity from that God who, though one may plant and another water, can alone give the increase. Many of the women wept bitterly ; all eeemed touched. When she left the ship they followed her with their eyes and their blessings, until, her boat having passed within another tier of vessels, they could see her no more." The following entry in July of this year shows that all was not sunshine, even when conscience approved and the world applauded. " Flasket, Seventh Month, 1st. — Since I last wrote much has happened to me ; some things have occurred of an im- portant nature. My prison engagements have gone on well, and many have flocked after me, may I not say of almost all descriptions, from the greatest to the least; and we have had some remarkably favored times together in tiAe prison. The Yearly Meeting was a very interesting one to me, and also encouraging. I felt the unity of Friends a comfort and support. I had to go into the Men's Meeting, which was a deep trial of faith ; but it appeared called for at my hand, and peace attended giving up to it. The unity which the women exxiressed at my going, and the good reception I found amongst the men, were comforting to me ; but it was a close, very close, exercise. Although I have had much sup- port from many of my fellow mortals, and so much unity 148 ELIZABETH FBT. expressed with me, both in and out of om Society, yet I believe many Friends have great fears for me and mine; and some not Friends do not scruple to spread evil re- ports, as if vanity, or political motives, led me to neglect a large family. I desire patiently to beai' it all, but the very critical view that is taken of my beloved children grieves me much." " 8th. — My heart is too full to express much ; yesterday I had a very interesting day at Newgate with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and many other persons of consequence : Much in the cross to myself I had to express a few words in supplication before them ; but the effect was solemn and satisfactory. After this I felt peaceful and comforted. Sometimes I think, after such times, I am disposed to feel as if that day's work was dotie, and give way to cheerful conversation, without sufficiently waiting for the fresh mani- festations of the Spuit, and abiding imder the humiliationa of the Cross." The impression made upon the witnesses on some of these occasions is shown by an extract from a letter of Sir. James Mackintosh, then a member of Parliament, to his wife. He says — "I dined on Saturday, June 3d, at Devonshire House. The company consisted of the Duke of Norfolk, Lords Lans- down, Lauderdale, Albemarle, Cowper, Hardwicke, Car- narvon, Sefton, Ossulston, Milton, Duncannon, &c. The subject was Mrs. Fry's exhortation to forty-five female con- victs, at which Lord had been present on Friday. He could hardly refrain from tears in speaking of it. He palled it the deepest tragedy he had ever witnessed. What she read aud expounded to the convicts, with almost mir- aculous effect was the fourth chapter to the Ephesians. Coke (of Norfolk) begged mo to go with him next Friday. NEWGATE— CONTINUED. 149 I doubt whetlier, as that is the day of my motion, (For the revision of the Peual Laws,) I shall be able to go, and whether it be prudent to expose myself to the danger oi being too much warmed by the scene, just before a speecb in which I shall need all my discretion." The year when this letter was written is not given, but a comparison of the month and day, June 3, when the cir- cumstance was related, with that of an account written by the Hon. IMrs. Waldegrave for her mother, June 2nd, 1820, together with the identity of the subject — iih Ephesians— and the fact that Lord Albemarle is named in both in- Btances makes it probable that we have a pretty full report of this remarkable meeting in the account which is here Bubjoined. It was sent the compiler of the " Life of Eliza* beth Fry," with the accompanying note. If not the same event the coincidence is remarkable. " Account of a visit to Newgate, June 2nd, 1820, written by the late Hon. Mrs. Waldegrave, for her mother, lady Elizabeth Whitbread, on whose death in 1816, it was sent to me. "Elizabeth Waldegrave, Jun. *«4 Harley Street, London, March 2nd, 1852." "June, 2nd, 1820. — We reached Newgate at half -past ten, and waited with the rest of the company in a small room up stairs ; in the way to it we passed through several wards in which the most perfect stillness prevailed ; these were the former scenes of all the riot and confusion of which we had heard so much. "After waiting a short time Mrs. Fry entered, saluting everybody in the most dignified manner. The female con- viots, forty in number, came in upon a bell being rung, and 15U ELIZABETH VSt. took their seats at one end of the room with perfect order— the monitors sitting on the first bench and the others in classes behind ; each had her work, at which she employee^ herself till Mrs. Fry began reading. They had ivorytickets round their necks Avith numbers on them. " Mrs. Fry arranged a large old Bible on her desk and sat down — her voice was so gentle that we wondered wa could hear what she said, but remarkably mUd and sweet. She began by requesting their attention. — ' I am desu'oua that your attention should be, as much as possible, undi- vided — notwithstanding our being subject to-day to the in- terruptions of company, it is equally important that your attention should be fixed on what I say — praying that the Holy Spnit may enlighten your understanding. I am going to read the 4th chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians." They all laid aside their work, most of them fixing their eyes on the ground, and we could not observe that more than two or three looked about afterwards till she had dona reading. She read the chapter slowly and impressively — the 6th, 28th and 32nd verses appeared to affect them deeply — evei'y word that she uttered seemed to be writter in her own heart. She then turned to the book of Psalms. After a moment's pause she turned back to the chapter she had been reading, and said, ' I was going to read a Psalm, but I thought I should be best satisfied to say a word ou the chapter I have been reading. The greater part of it i3 so simple and clear that a very little endeavor on your part will enable you to understand it ; but there is one expres- sion which perhaps may be obscure. ' One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism.' If you look only at the external you might say, so many diCferent opinions prevail, people are so divided as to what they think ought to be believed, how can they be said to have one faith? I have always viewed it very differently ; ' One Lord,' — yea, and have not all Christians the same Lord, which is Christ ? and while wa acknowledge Him our Master, look to Him for our justifi- NEWGATE — COMTIiniSD* ISl cation, follow his precepts, obey his commandments, love him, serve him, he is our Lord, he is the ' one Lord ' of all who thus acknowledge him their JETeac?. — Again, 'one Faith* — there is a diversity of opinions, but only one true and sav- ing Faith, the Faith which lives in the heart, and becomes evident by its fruits; which lays hold of the promises; which actuates to all godliness, and produces the blessed effects of a holy life. This one true, saving faith is common to all Christians, how exceedingly soever they may seem to differ. So also ' one Baptism : ' Christians may differ as to the manner of administering the Baptism of water ; nay though some even dispense with that altogether, yet there is one spiritual baptism of the heart, — the Spirit of God sanctifying and renewing the heart, and creating it after God in righteousness and true holiness. In this manner we have all ' one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism ; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. What a sweet bond of unity is this, where we are not only brethren in this world, but may hope to meet in Heaven, there to give glory to Him with one accord for ever and for evermore.' "Mrs. Fry then read the 86th Psalm, at the end of which a brother Quaker said a few words of exhortation to all present to join in prayer on behalf of the poor sufferers contained in these walls, and not to be unmindful that all were sinners, all under one condemnation. " She then knelt down and prayed so beautiful a prayer, —with such fervency, so rich a flow of ideas, such perfect command of Scripture language to clothe them in, that it is impossible to convey an idea of its beauty. The chauntf in which the Quakers recite their prayers, gave it a very sin- gular, but very impressive effect ; for her voice is good, and when exerted, very strong and clear. This, after a few words from one of the company, concluded the service — the women retired in perfect order, each class separately, witW its monitor from the front row ; all making courtesies as' 152 ELIZABETH TRY. they left tlie room. Mrs. Fry, in the course of some con- versation v:\ih. Lord Albemai'le, said that she believed the coolness she had experienced from Lord Sidmouth, to have originated in too anxious a desire on her part to save the life of a condemned woman ; which had induced her to speak to the Duke of Gloucester on the subject after Lord Sid- mouth had refused to interfere ; by which she believed she had given offence ; that she thought they had been wrong and urged too far ; that at first they had free communica- tion with the Secretary of State's office, but that it had Jaeen closed for some time. " She said that her success had surprised herself as much as it did others — That a very remarkable Providence had attended all her efforts — she had never seen the Bible re- ceived as it had been there. 'Ten years ago,' she said, ' when it occurred to me to make trial, I went with a young Friend into one of the wards in which the greatest riot and confusion prevailed. I went in with my Bible in my hand, and told them I was come to read the Scriptures. They all flocked round me, and I am convinced many had never heard them before. It seemed to be glad tidings to them. All were attentive. I had been warned to take off such things as could possibly be stolen but no attempt of the kind was made. If I dropped anything it was picked up and brought to me. I felt rather alarmed at first at the idea of being shut up with these poor creatures, but I was p reserved! through it. "She said that some remarkable things had happened for her encouragement : one which occurred lately she related. *A woman who was one of the lowest of .the low — a thief, a drunkard, and in every way as bad as possible, was com- mitted to Newgate. On the first day that she attended (the reading) I happened to read the parable of the prodi- gal son. She was much affected by it, and the next day I' received a letter, in which she expressed her thankfulness, to God that, through our instrumentality, a new way had KSWOATB — OONTIinJED. 153 been opened before her — that she was like the prodigal son, and it seemed as if God had seen her afar off — that she prayed to be enabled to hold fast the hope she felt — all in this strain. We made her our school mistress, and during the whole term of her imprisonment I never knew her to break one rule, or be guilty of the smallest impropriety of speech or behavior. When they quit Newgate we support them from our fund till they are otherwise provided for. In consequence of illness she remained for some time de- pendent on us. We received a message from her, request- ing that we would if possible, obtain her admittance into some workhouse where, if we could furnish her with a httle tea and sugar, she should be much happier than now, for she was miserable at the idea of diminishing that fund which might be the means of rescviing other poor creatures from the state she had herself been in. We got her into a workhouse where she lately died, one of the most peaceful, happy deaths ; the only pain she experienced was from none of us being present that she might have expressed to us her gratitude for the benefit she had derived through our means, Another young woman too, of the same character, is lately dead ; she lived well, and died wel!, "We went afterwards through part of the prison, but in a very unsatisfactory manner, owing to the number of per- sons present. She said that one proof of essential good being done was that, whereas the returns used to be 30 per cent., they are now less than 4." On June 3rd, 1818, the Marquis of Lansdowne moved an address to the Prince Eegont on the state of the prisons of the United Kingdom. In his speech he made this observa- tion in reference to Newgata "It was impossible, from the manner in which it wa^ constantly crowded, to apply any general system of regula* tions. There it was necessary to place several felons in thQ 154 ELIZABETH FBT.' same cell, and persons guilty of very different descriptions of offences were mixed together. The consequences wera Buch as might be expected, notwithstanding all the efforts of that very meritorious individual (Mrs. Fry), who had come like a genius of good into this scene of misery and vice, and had, by her wonderful influence and exertions, produced in a short time a most extraordinary reform among the most abandoned class of prisoners. After this great example of humanity and benevolo jce, he would leave it to then- lordships how much good persons similarly disposed, might effect in other prisons, were the mechanism, if he might use the expression, of therJe places of confinement better adapted to the purposes of reformation. The insti- tution of the great Penitentiary-house was likely to ba 4ittended with great advantages, though he did not approva t)f all the regulations. That esiiablishment was a great step taken in the important work of reformation. He was aware there were persons who considered all expense of this kind as useless ; who thought that all that could ba done was to provide for the sate custody of prisoners, and that attempts to reform them were hopeless. Let those Who entertain this notion go and see what had been effected by Mrs. Fry and other benevolent persons in Newgate. The scenes which passed there would induce them to alter their opinion. There were moments when the hardest hearts could be softened and disposed to reform." After such an expression made in t£e"S6use of Lords ia.nd published in the journals of the day, it is not surpris- ing that Newgate became an. object of interest to people of oil classes. In addition to English visitors 61 all ranks, numerous foreigners were attracted to Newgate ; — among others John Kandolph, at that time American Envoy to Great Britain, NEWGATE — CONTINUED. 155 who gave a cBaiacteristic description of the Ecene to a friend who thus relates the particulars : " Suddenly Eandolph rose from his chair and in his most imposing manner thus addiessed me : ' Mr. Harvey, two days ago I saw the greatest curiosity in London — aye, and in England' too, sir — compared to which Westminster Abbey, the Tower, Somerset House, the British Museum, nay ParUament itself, sink into utter insignificance! I have seen, sir, Elizabeth Fry in Newgate, and have witnessed there miraculous effects of true Christianity upon the mosfc depraved of human beings! And yet the wretched outcasts have been tamed and subdued by the Christian eloquence of IMi's. Fry! I have seen them weep repentant tears while she addressed them. I have heard theii- groans of despair, sir ! Nothing but religion can effect this miracle ; for what can be a greater miracle than the conversion of a degraded, sinful woman taken from the very dregs of society? Oh, sir, it was a sight worthy the attention of angels I You must also see this wonder.' " Persons of distinction from the Continent were introduced to Newgate and its noted reformer, and carried back reports to their different countries which were like seeds of a new interest in humanity. Some of the first fruits were seen in Russia, where the Princess Sophia Mestchersky and other? ladies formed themselves into an association, with highly Batisfactory results, to visit the women confined in the five} prisons of the capital. A gentleman named "Walter Ven- ting also devoted himself to visiting the prisoners there. Hearing of this Mrs. Fry opened a correspondence on tho' eubject to encourage the good work. In a letter, writt by the Kussian Princess to Mr. Venning, on the second oc August, 1820, is the following passage:—- 156 ELIZABETH FET. "Though I acknowledge myself completely unable to write in English, as you wish me to do, for to show your friends in England the state of our prisons, such as the Ladies Committee found it to be, and such as it is now, eight months after the establishment of the society; yet when you told me it would prove a token of our regard and high esteem for Mrs. Fry and her fellow laborers, I readily comply with your request, and shall try to OYercome all the difficulties which ignorance of yovur language and the nov- elty of the subject present to me. Not I alone, sir, but al] the ladies of our committee expressed a hearty wish that something of our public exertions, and of our efforts to fol- low the example which that lady gives us, might be com« municated to her, as a proof that her labors are blessed from above, and that a spark of that love which animates her generous heart has also reached our distant country, and influenced many hearts with the same Christian feeling ior suffering humanity. May this prove a comfort to her soul, and a new encouragement for her to continue hei labors in that large and important field of usefulness in which she is called to serve our Lord. We will all en- deavor to follow her according to the strength and abilities granted us, looking for help and hoping for success to and from Him from whom we receive every blessing, and whosfi ' strength is made perfect in weakness.' " Extract of a letter from Elizabeth Fry to Walter Venning. "Kespected Fbiend: Though personally unknown to thee I am confidentj from the interest we both feel in one cause, thou wilt ex« cuse the liberty I take in writing to thee to express my heart-felt satisfaction at the interesting and important ac- counts thou hast given my brother Hoare of the proceeds ings of the Gentlemen and Ladies' Prison Associations of Petersburg. Most warmly do I desire their encouragement NEWGATE — CONTINDKD. 15T £n this work of charity and utility ; for the more 1 am ac- quainted with the subject, and the more extensive my ob- servation of the effects of prison discipline is, the more con- fident I feel of its importance ; and that, although the work will be gradual, yet through the Divine blessing its results will be sure. Not only that many will be stopped in their career of vice, but some truly turned from their evil ways, and the security and comfort of the community at large in- increased by our prisons which have been too generally the nurseries of vice, and scenes of idleness, filth and debauch- ery, being so arranged and attended to that they may be- come schools where the most reprobate may be instructed i^ their duty towards their Creator and their fellow mortals> and where the very habits of their lives may be changed.' " It will be found in this, as in every other good work, that some trials and discouragements will attend it ; bul} the great end in view must induce those engaged in it tci persevere and use increased diligence to overcome them, doing what we do to the Lord and not unto man, and thei> we shall do it well. " We continue to have much satisfaction with the resultai of our efforts in Newgate — good order appears increasingly established, there is much cleanliness amongst our poor women, and some very encouraging proofs of reformation In habit, and what is much more, in heart. This, in a prison so ill-arranged, with no classification, except tried from un- tried, no good inspection and many other great disadvan- tages, is more than the most zealous advocates of prison discipline could look for. " I lately had the pleasiire of seeing the Duchess of GIou> cester, who is our Patroness ; she desired me to express how much gratified she was with thy account of what yoq are doing in Petersburg, and her wish that the ladies may be encom-aged in their good work. How delightful it is to hear of the interest that the Em^ peror Alexander, Prince Galitzin, and ladies of high ranlf. 158 ELIZABETH FB7. take in the cause of the poor prisoners. May the hest o£ blessings rest upon them for thus manifesting their carej over the destitute of the earth. " "We also feel gratefully sensible of the kindness to ou^ friends William Allen and Stephen Grellet, I hope thoii \vi!t let us know before long how you go on. I am much obliged for the book thou kindly sent me ; and believe me, uith much regard and esteem, Thy friend "Elizabeth Fby."" After the death of "Walter Venning the correspondence And the work in Russia were continued by his brother Johu Venning, who states that the letters which he received from Elizabeth Fry were " invaluable, as regarded the treatmeufc and management of both prisoners and insane persons. It was the fruit of her own rich practical experience, communi* cated with touching simplicity, and it produced lasting benefit to thosa institutions in Russia." "A-fter he had presented to the Emperor Nicholas a state- ment of the defects of the Government lunatic asylum, tho Dowager Empress and her son visited the asylum together, and, being convinced of the necessity of a complete refornj in the management ox the insane, tho Empex-or requested his mother to take it under her own care and to appoint Tohn Venning the governor of it. An order was soon given to purchase, of one of the princes, a palace-like house, having above two miles of garden, and a fine straam of water running through the grounds. A plan of this gL'eat building was sent to Elizabeth Fry for her inspectioa and bints for improvements. Two extensive wings were recom- mended for dormitories. The wings cost 15,000 pounds. In addition to this sum from the Government, the Emperor gave 3090 poands for cast-iron window f . ames recommended by Ehzabeth Fry; as the clumsy iion ba.siu the old inst^ta- »i£WeATE — CONTINUES. 169 tion had drawn from many a poor inmate a sigli, witli 'Sir, prison ! prison ! ' " Elizabeth Fry recommended that all, except the violent jfunatics, should dine together at a table covered with ^ cloth and furnished with plates and spoons. The Empress was delighted with this plan, and when the arrangements were completed requested John Venning to invite them to dinner. Sixteen came and took their seats. The Empress approached the table, ordering one of the upper servants to sit at the head of it and ask a blessing. AVhen he arosa to do this they all stood up. The soup, with small pieces of meat was then served, and as soon as they had dined they all rose up spontaneously, and thanked her for her motherly kindness. She was deeply moved, and turning to John Venning, said, 'My friend this is one of the happiest days of my life.' The nest day the number at table was increased, and the day following was still greater. " A letter from Elizabeth Fry on ' the great importance of supplying the lunatics with the Scriptures,' which John Venning said 'deserved to be written in letters of gold,* and which he sent to the imperial family, Avas received with marked approbation. The court-physician, Dr. Richl, a de- voted philanthropist requested a copy of it. This lettet I'emoved all difficulties on the subject and John Venning was requested to furnish them in their various languages, (t was considered by some ' a wUd and dangerous proceed- ing;' but he soon found them collected in gi'oups and quietly listening, while one of their number was reading the New Testament ; and instead of disturbing their minds It produced a soothing influence. A Russian priest, a luna- tic, collected a number together and read to them. And John Venning found a poor Frenchman in his bed-room, dui-iug a lucid interval reading the New Testament, with tears rolling down his cheeks. " Whenever John Venning received a letter from Eliza* beth Fry he would write it out in French for the Empress, 160 ELIZAIETH FRY. ^and -vvas pl6ai5ed to see^ as souu as she had read it, with "wliat alacrity she ordered one of her secretaries to translate it into Russian, to be entered into the journal of the asylum for immediate adoption. One contained a list of fourteen rules which^were all confirmed by the Empress the same day. And they introduced very important arrangements, viz. : ' treating the inmates, as fa. as possible, as the sane persons, both in conversation and manners towards them ; to allow them as much liberty as possible ; to engage them daily to take exercise in the open au-; to allow them to wear their own clothes, and no uniform prison dress ; mosi strictly to fulfil whatever was promised them ; to exercis6 patience, (gentleness, kindness, and love towards them ; and to' Be~ exceedingly careful as to the characters of the keepers appointed to watch over them. ■ " Petersl3urg was not the only continental city with whiclj C!5»minunication on the subject of ladies visiting prisoners iiad now been opened. "At Tuiin, La Marquise de Barol nee Colbert was assidu- Cusly occupied in this important work. This lady was a Eoman Catholic and had entered upon it from a sense of duty. Francis Cunningham, when traveling thi-ough that ^lace had obtained permission to see the prison, had there become acquainted with her, and opened a correspondence {or her with his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Fry, which was maintained for many years. Letters were also received from Amsterdam, where those interested in the cause were en- deavoring to form a Prison Discipline Society and Commit- tpe to npit tt^e prisoners."* in 1822 the Prince and Princess Koyal of Denmark vis- {ted Englan'd, on which occasion the Princess called and took &eakfast with Mrs. Fry. This was the commence* ment of a life-long association and friendship between thesf • Life by S. Corder, NEWGATE — CONTimiED. 161 excellent ladies. In November of tliis year, tlie following letter was addressed to the Princess. "Dear and eespected Fkiend, Allow me to call thee so, for such I feel thee, as thou art truly both loved and respected by me. According to thy kind and condescending wish, expressed when here, I take up my pen to inform thee that upon the first of this month through the tender mercy of my God, I was safely delivered of a sweet boy, and to add to our cause of joy and thankS' giving, my dear daughter had also one born on the samo day, so that twenty-four hours added a son and a grandson to our already numerous family. (This was her eleventh and last child.) "VVe have both of us with our infants been going on well, and with the exception of some illness that I passed through in the early part of my confinement, and my habitual delicacy at such times, I am as well now as ^ can expect to be. "I have often thought of thy kind visit with deep inter- est, and strong desires are raised in my heart for thy wel- fare and preservation every way, that the God of Peace may be with thee continually, guiding thee by His counsel, help- ing thee by His Spu'it, comforting thee by His love, during thy continuance here ; and afterwards, when He may be pleased to take thee hence, to be seen of men no more, through His mercy in Christ Jesus, receiving thee into glory. I also feel real interest and best desu'es for the Prince Koyal, — may you both be encouraged in every good ivord and work. I remember the words of Paul in the 15th chapter of the 1st of Corinthians, 58th verse: 'Be ye stead- fast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.". " It would give me great pleasure and satisfaction to hea* from thee, or if that be asking too much, perhaps the lady whom we had the. pleasure of seeing here, will let us know 16S ELIZABETH FB% many particulars respecting your welfarej^ afid Ij6w you go on in Denmark, as it respects the prisons, schools, and other works of charity and love. I should also be pleased to know whether the books and the other things which we sent to Count Moltke, and also some of the wbi-k of the prisoners, ever came safely to thy hand, as we were preven- ted sending them quite so soon as we hoped to have done. I should be glad to be very respectfully and affectionately remembered to the Queen, and also to the Prince Koyal, thy consort : and believe me, with much respect and regard "Thy attached and obliged friend, "Eli^eth Fey." The nobility of her nature, so thoroughly redeemed and irradiated by heavenly grace, brought Mrs. Fry naturally into association with the finest spirits of the^a&e in which she hved. She was acquainted with Dr. Chalmers, and to some extent a co-laborer with him ; but no particulars are vecorded. "They mutually helped each other in their plans of benevolence.'V When in Bristol ~atten ding religious meetings and visit- ing the prisons, she called on Hannah More, from whom she had previously received a copy of her "Practical^Piety " containing this_iascriBtion : TO MRS. FEY. Presented by Hannah More» As a token of venerationL Of her hei'oic zeal, Christian charity, JLnd persevering kindneaa* To the most forlorn Of human beings. They were naked and she KEWGATE — CONTIKUB*. 163 Clotlied them ; tn prison and she visited them ; Ignorant and she taught them} For His sake, In His name, and by His word, "Who went about doing good. Barley Wood, June 17th, 1818. It will be seen by the date that this beautiful tribute was given soon after the commencement of the Newgate reform. In 1825 in reply to a slight request from Elizabeth Hannah More wrote her the following letter. "Mt deab Friend, Any request of yours, if within my very limited poweif;, cannot fail to be immediately complied with. In your kind note I wish you had mentioned something of ^your OWD health, and that of your family. "I look back with no small pleasure to the too short visit vrith which you once indulged me ; a repetition of it would be no little gratification to me. Whether Divine Providence may grant it or not, I trust, through Him whc ^oved us and gave Himself for us, that we may hereafter meet in that blessed country where there is neither sin, Bor-' row, nor separation. " Believe me, my dear friend, with true esteem and wansil affection to remain yours, sincerely,, «H. MOBB., "Barley Wood, 15th, April. The affection and esteem expressed with such Christian grace was fuU^' reciprocated by Mrs. Fry who " entertained a high appreciation of the character of Hannah More and oi the benefits which she had conferred upon her contemporai> ries, especially upon her country-women. She always re* 164 ELIZABETH FBT. ferred with great pleasure to her visit to Barley Wood, and the impression made upon her by the mingied sweetness and dignity of Hannah More's countenance and manner." Could anything be more charming than the meeting of two such women, and the sisterly love and admiration they felt for each other. Only the great can fully appreciate the greatness of others, and none can be truly great who are not truly good. With WUberforce Mrs. Fry was not unfrequently associa- ted in benevolent labors. One of these occasions is thus described : "The return of the season had brought with it the inter- est of the annual transportation of convicts. During this year, five ships had been employed for that purpose. A young lady — the daughter of an Admu'al — has often re- curred to a farewell visit to a convict-ship, on the point of sailing, in which she accompanied Elizabeth Fry. In allu- sion to this visit she says : — *'I could scarcely look upon her as any other than an angel of mercy, calmly passing from one to another of the poor wretched beings around her with the word of counsel, comfort, or reproof that seemed suited to each individual case, as it presented itself to her notice. With several kind assistants she was arranging work for them during the voy- age ; in it^llf no ttifling matter. But many a point of deep- est interest' sfftd anxiety brought to her ready ear, met with Btich re$p6fi&e as could only be looked for from a devoted follower of Him who went about doing good." " On the mind of thi^ young person the circumstance was strongly impressed of accompanying her father, on an- other occasion, to the female convict-ships lying oflf Wool- (ncTi, to meet WiUiam Wilberforce andElizabeth Fry. " On board one of them between two and three hundred NEWGATE — CONTINUEI>. 165 women were assembled in order to listen to the exhortation and prayers of perhaps the two brightest personifications o£ jChristian philanthropy that the age could boast. Scarcely ^could two voices, so distinguished for beauty and power, be imagined united in a more touching engagement — as in* deed was testified by the breathless attention, the tears, an(^ the suppressed sobs, of the gathered listeners. All of man's word, however, there heard, heart-stirriag as it was at that time, has faded from memory ; but no lapse of time can ever efi'ace the impression of the 107th Psalm, as read by Mrs. Fry, with such extraordinary emphasis and intona- tion that it seemed to make the simple reading a commen- tary; and, as she passed on from passage to passage, it struck my youthful mind as if the whole series of allusiona might have been written by the pen of inspiration, in view of Buch a scene as was then before us. At an interval of twenty years it is recalled to me as often as that Psalm is brought to my notice. — Never in this world can it be known to how many hearts its solemn appeals were that day carried home by that potent voice.' " An interesting incident, in connection with these visita to the convict ships, is related by a boat-captain, afterwards Harbor Master at Eamsgate. •*It was on a fine sultry day in the summer of 1821 that I was racing up the Thames, in command of the Kamsgat^ Steam Packet, Eagle, hoping to overtake our Margate com- petitors, the Victory and Favorite steamers, and bring them nearer to view as we rounded the points of the Reach of th^ river. It -was in the midst of this excitement that we en-t countered one of those siidden thunder squalls so commoq |n this country, and which, passing off with heavy rainj ^eave behind them a strong and increasing northerly gale. I was looking out ahead, pleasing myself with the reflection that we were the fastest vessel against a head wind, and tea ELIZABETH FET. Bhould certainly overtake our Margate friends ; when upon entering Long Keach about two miles below Purfleet, I saw a boat laboring with very little effect against the gale, and with a whole ebb tide just making, to add to their difficul- ties. In this boat were two ladies in the close habit of the Society of Friends, evidently drenched with the heavy shower that had overtaken them. I was then a dashing, high-spirited sailor ; but I had always a secret admiration of the quiet demeanor of that Society, and occasionally had some of them passengers with me, always intelligent and inquiring, and always pleased with any information a sailor could extend to them. Well, here was a dilemma! To stop would spoil my chase, in which most of my passengers jwere as eager as myself ; but to go on and pass two ladies in such a situation ! I passed the word softly to the engi- neer, desired the mate to sheer alongside the boat care- fully, threw the delighted rowers a rope, and, before the passengers were fully aware that we had stopped the en- gines, the ladies were on board, the boat made fast astern, and the JEagle again flying up the Thames. I have those two persons strongly, nay, indelibly, stamped upon my mind's eye. The one I had last assisted on board still held my hand as she thanked me, with dignified, but beautiful expression: 'It is kind of thee captain, and we thank thee. We made no sign to thee ; having held up our handker- chiefs to the other packets, we did not thipk we should suc- ceed with thee.' ' I' assiired them that I could not have passed them under sdch cif6umstances, and called the stew- ardess to take them below into the ladies' cabin and see tc their comfort. They had been well cloaked, and had not suffered so much as I had anticipated. " The gale had cleared away the rain, and in a very shott time they came upon deck again. One of them was Mrs. Fry, and she never lost an opportunity of doing good. X saw her speaking to some of my crew, who were looking very serious as she offered them tracts, and some of them NEWGATE — CONTINUED. 16T cast a side glance at me, for my approval or otlierwise. I had some little dislike to sects then, wtdch I thank GoJ left me in riper years, — but who could resist this beautiful, persuasive, and heavenly-minded woman ? To see her waa to love her ; to hear her was to feel as if a guardian angel had bid you follow that teaching which could alone subdue the temptations , and evils of this life, and secure a Re- deemer's love in eternity. In her you saw all that was attractive in woman lit up by the bright ^beams of philan- thi'opy, devoting the prime of life and health and personal grace to her Divine Master's service; and I feel assured that much of the success which attended her missions of mercy, was based upon that awe which such a presence in- spired. It was something to possess a countenance which portrayed in every look the overflowing of such a heart j and thus, as a humble instrument in the hands of Divinq Providence, she was indeed highly favored among women. " She told me that her companion, Mrs. Prior, and herself had been down to Gravesend to take leave of the unfortu- nate women (convicts) on board a ship bound to the settle- ments, and gave me so touching a description of their be- haviour, that I volunteered to take charge of anything for her at any time, or render her any service in my power, iQ my voyages. When about to land her anxiety to make some pecuniary recompense was very great, but I woulc! not allow her to do so. Mrs. Fry never forgot me when she came near our locality. I saw her from time to time, the eai-thly tabernacle failing, but the same spii'it lighting up with animation her untiring energies. It was an honor tc |mow her in this world ; may we follow her to the society of the accepted and blessed in that which is to come. K B. Martin." "Eamsgate, February, 1847." CHAPTER SIXTH. EXCtmSIONS IN GBEAT BRITAIN. Elizabetli Fry's first considerable joiiriiey was made in the autumn of 1818, shortly after the commencement of her prison-reform labors. It was directed to the northern part of England and to Scotland, with a view both to religious visits among the Friends, and to an examination of the prisons in those parts of the Kingdom. She was accom- panied by her brother John Joseph Gurney, his wife, and one of her own daughters. The commencement of the trip is thus described in her Journal. Bedford, ITorthumherland, Eighth Month, 25.'^. — For some months I have looked to attending the General Meet- ing in Scotland, but it appeared almost impossible, my home claims being so very strong. Indeed the Monthly Meeting before the last it came with great weight, so as to frighten me ; but I neither saw outward way for it, nor did I feel the heart made willing ; but as I have so often found when there is a real * putting forth,' way is made withia and without ; 60 it has been now, all my sweet flock are, I trust, carefully provided for ; not only outward way has been made, but the williilg heart also granted, and I had remarkably sweet peace and relief in being willing to give up to it ; such an evidence that I think it remains undoubted in my mind. J'riends appeared to feel much unity with ma which was a EXCUESIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN. 169 help. My beloved brother Joseph, and sister Jane joining me has been much cause for humble thankfulness ; it has made what would have been very hard to flesh and blood comparatively sweet and easy; we are a united band in spirit and in nature ; Joseph a very great help in the min- istry. I think he is, and will yet be more abundantly, au mstrument of honor in his Master's hand. We have sat four Meetings, visited several families of Friends, and in- spected many prisons, which is one of our objects. In our religious services our graciouti Helper has appeared ver^ near ; we have <^one on in them With much nearness and unity; we know the blessed truth that, as we abide 13 Clu ist, we are one in Him. I have felt at seasons as leav- ing all for my Master's sake, and setting out without much oj purse or scrip ; but how bountifully I am provided for,' both internally and externally. The great Shepherd of the sberip has been ncir to me in spirit, as strength in my weak^ ness, riches in my poverty and a present helper in the needful time. I may say, 'Are these Thy favors day by day, To me above the rest ? Then let me love Thee more than they, And try to serve Thee best. ' Conflicts have attended, and no doubt will attend me ; but I look upon it as an honor, a favor and a blessing, even to Bufifer in the Lamb's army, if we may but be of the number of the soldiers who fight the good fight of faith, and are in any degree permitted to promote the cause of truth and righteousness upon earth. "Aberdeen, 2dth. — I have felt low upon arriving here, five hundred miles from my beloved husband and children ; but a good account of them is cause for thankfulness : still it is a deeply weighty thing, and I have to try my ground again and again. In almost every new place the language of my spirit is, Why am I here ? At this place we find sev- 170 ELIZABETH FEV. eral other Friends also traveling in tte ministiy, which makes me feel it the more ; but as my coming is not of my own choice, or my own ordering, I desire to leave it, and to commit myself, my spiiit and body, and all that is dear to me, absent and present, to Christ my Eedeemer. We visited the old Barclay eeat at Ury where our mother's forefathers once lived. How great the change from what it once was ! " Stonehaven, Ninth Ilonth, 2ncl. — We left Aberdeen this afternoon, having finished our services there, and at Kinmuck where several Friends reside. Other Friends be- sides ourselves being at Aberdeen certainly tended to in- crease my exercise, for fear of the ministry not going on well, or by not keeping in our ranks ; but I think we were enabled to do so, and although much passed yet we had cause for thankfulness, inasmuch as there appeared to br harmonious labor for the advancement of ttuth and the spreading thereof. Our General Meeting at Aberdeen was ended under a feeling of quiet peace ; but fears crept in for myself that I had fallen away a little as to life in the truth, and power in the ministry, for I did not experience that overflowing power which I have sometimes done at such seasons. Still gracious help was granted me from season to season. The day after the General Meeting we went tc Kinmuck, about fifteen miles north of Aberdeen. A short time after our arrival there, before I went to meeting, such a feeling of suffering came over me as I can hardly express. It appeared only nervous, as I was so well ia body that I could not attribute it to that. It continued exceedingly upon sitting down in Meetiiig, and led me into deep strong supphcation that tha enemy might by no moans deceive us, or cause our ministry to be aifected by anything but tho holy anointing. I feai'edi :^ this awful state had to do with those present, that I shoiild have something very close to express ; if only with myself I considered that it might be a refining trial. However Joseph knelt down ia the begin- ning of the meeting, as well as myself, and afterwards he EXOUBSIONS IN amsAT SBITAIK. 171 epoke as if he felt it necessary to warn some to flee from their evU ways and from the bondage of Satan. This tended to my relief; but it appeared as if I must follow him and tise with these words, 'The sorrows of death compassed me ©bout, the pains of hell gat hold upon me ; ' then enlarging upon the feeling I had of the power of the enemy, and the absolute need there is to watch, to pray, and to flee unto Christ as our only sure refuge and deliverer. I had to show that we might be tried and buffeted by Satan aa a fuither trial of faith and of patience, but that if we did not yield to him, it would only tend to refinement. After a time I felt greatly relieved, but what seeme d re- mai-kable was that neither Joseph nor I dared to leave the Meeting without once more bowing the knee for these dear friends. But after all this very deep and remarkable exer- cise a solemn silence prevailed, really as if truth had riseo into dominion ; and after my making some such acknowledg- ment in testimony, that our low estate had been regai'ded, that our souls could then magnify the Lord, and our spnits rejoice in God oui" Saviour, that light had risen in obscurity, and darkness had, in measui-e, become as the noon-day, and the encouragement it was for us to run with patience the race that was set before us, &c., the Meeting concluded, and I think upon shaking hands with the Friends there hardly appeai'ed an eye that had not been weeping, amongst those that were grown up. Tliis whole exercise was very remarkable in a nice httle country meeting, and the external BO fair; but afterwards we heard of one or two painful things, one in particular. We visited nearly all the families, were pleased with some of them : their mode of living truly humble like our cottagers. The next day we had a Meeting «vith a few Friends at Aberdeen where the exercise was not very great and the flow in the ministry sweet, and I trust powerful. We parted from our beloved friends, John and Elizabeth Wigham, their children, and children's children, ^and are now on our way to Edinbuigh. 172 IXIZABETH FBY. "ffamc^, 15th.-— -I may thankfully acknowledge being so far on our way, but our joarney thi'ough life is a little like a common jom-ney ; we may, after a day's traveling, Lie down and rest, but we have on the morrow to set oflf again upon our travels: so I find my joui'ney in life. I am not unfre^ quently permitted to come for a short time to a sweet, quiet resting-place ; but I find that I soon have to set forth again. 1 was glad and relieved in leaving Aberdeen, and then a fresh work began in Edinburgh. On Seventh day we visited the prisons, accompanied by some gentlemen, the Ijord Provost and others., ^ Here we were much interested. On Fii'st-day we went in the morning to Meeting, and werei favored to do well ; many were not Friends ; and what were my, feelings in the evening to find a considerable number of people, quite a Public Meeting. It gave me a great deal of alai'm, but we had a good Meeting and I trust the cause was exsdted.":, The morning before we came away about eighteeni gentlemefi" and ladies came to breakfast with us, amongst them Sir George and Lady Grey, good people whom I have long wished to know: we had, after breakfast, a solemn time; ' Alexander Cruickshank read, and afterwards I knelt down, and I think we were di'a\vn together in love and unity of spirit. We ai"rived at Glasgow that evening and the next jday visited the prisons, and formed a Ladies Committee. We visited some families the next day, and, accompanied b^ several gentlemen, magistrates and others, we again went to the Bridewell and Prison, where I had to start the Com- itiittee in their proceedings ; it was awful to me, having to, bow the knee for a blessing, before so many who were ^ti-angers to our ways, but blessed be the Lord, the power of truth appeared to be over all, so that I remembered these svords, 'Piejoice not that the spii'its are made subject unto !you, but rather rejoice that your names are written in ]^eaven.' We had two meetings, one in the morning for f'riends, but many others came, and one to my deep humili- ation in the evening for the pubUc. Awful work it was : we EXOUBSrONS TS QEKAT BBITAIIT. i7a «7ore favored to get througli well, and to leave Glasgow with clear minds. We have since traveled through great part of Cumberland, attended many meetings there, som^ ence and Power of the Most High ; — thence to KendaL " At Liverpool was the next meeting we attended ; it was a large public one, and so it has been in many places. I deeply felt it, I hardly dared to raise my eyes because of the feathers and ribbons before me. However best help was afforded, to my very great relief and consolation ; truth ap- peared to be in great dominion. After a sweet uniting timfi •with the Benson family, we left Liverpool for Eiiowsley^ the seat of the Earl of Derby, as we had a pressing invitiar lion from Lady Derby. We were received with the utmost kindness and openness by all this very large household. A palace was now our allotment ; a cottage has been so during oiu- journey. My internal feeling was humiliation and self-- abasement: '• Knoiosley, 2ith. — Here we are, all the family about tO be collected for a religious opportunity. Lord, be pleased to be with us, to own us by Thy life-giving presence, and help us by Thy Spirit, for it is a very awful time. Make ns. Thy unworthy children, fit for Thy service, and touch our lips as with a live coal from Thy altar, for we are un- worthy to take Thy great and ever-excellent name into our mouths. Thou, Lord, only knowest the state of Thy un* worthy servant ; help her infirmities, blot out her transgres- sions, and enable her to show forth Thy praise, if consistent with Thy ho^y will, that all may be more abundantly com beloved Son, Christ Jesus our Lord. '■^Sheffield, ^%th. — After writing the above I was sum- moned into the dining-room, where the family were assem- bled — I should think in all nearly a hundred. My beloved brother read the tliird chapt er of John ; there was then a - solemn pause, and I found it my place to kneel down, pray- very important ones, and some verted unto Thee, and brougl ;ht into the knowledge of Thy 174 ELIZABETH FBT. ing for a blessing upon the house and family, and giving thanks for the mercies bestowed upon them; particularly In the time of their affliction, in having been supported by the everlasting Arm ; and prayer arose for its being sancti- fied unto them. The large party appeared humbled and tendered. Then dearest Joseph arose and was greatly helped by the power of the Spirit. I followed him mth a Cew words. Many of the party were in tears ; some exceed- ingly affected. Joseph then knelt down, greatly helped ; the service principally fell upon him. After he rose I re- ■ninded them of the words of our blessed Kedeemer, that 'whosoever giveth a disciple a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, shall receive a disciple's reward.' This, I said, [ humbly trusted would be their case. I also alluded to their servant's kindness in the same way. Thus ended this memorable occasion. It was hke what we read of in, Friends' journals formerly, when the power appeai'ed to be over all in a very extraordinary manner. I remember in John Richardson's jommal some such account. So it is, — and this is not, and cannot be, our own work ; surely it is the Lord's doing, and marvelous in our eyes. Earlham, Tenth Month, 6iA.-r-0nce more arrived at this interesting place that has so long been a home to me. I will go back to where I left off. Our visit tp Sheffield was an important one ; I had so deeply to feel for a beloved Friend who has long been a mother in Israel, under heavy family affliction. Oh! what I felt for her in meeting and but of meeting I cannot describe ; my spirit was in strong mtercession for her preservation and support imder these deep tribulations. We had a favored meeting in the morn- ing, though I had indeed to go through the depths before I ascended the heights. By the desire of my dear brother we had a Public Meeting in the evening, which was well got through, but not without suffering. We then proceeded to York ; I can hardly express how deeply I felt entering that Quarterly Meeting; 'fears got hold upon mej'stil] EXOUBSIONS IS OBEAT BBITAHT. 175 hope arose underneath that this one of our services, as to our northern journey, would crown all, and so I think ii proved. Not only, from service to service, and from meet" ing to meeting, did the holy, blessed, anointing Power ap» pear to be abundantly poured forth upon the speakers, but upon the hearers also. Where I feared most, I found least to fear ; such unity of spuit, such a flow of love and life, aa quite refreshed, encouraged and comforted my soul. I wai» much rejoiced to find so many fathers and mothers amongst them. ' Bless the Lord, O my soul ! and all that is within me bless His holy name ! — Praise and exalt Him above all forever!' might then have been the language of my soul. "We traveled on to Lynn, and there my brother with his dear Jane left me. At the meetings there I felt as if I had to minister almost without the power, and yet that I must yield to the service ; but I was so fearful and weak at both meetings that truth did not appear in dominion. Perhaps I found the change after York, and missed my dear brother Joseph. I often minister as if in bonds ; this is very hum- bling — so many fears, so many doubts arising; this was the case in nearly aU my services during the day." ."La the course of this northern journey, J. J. Gurney and his sister had visited the prisons of the several towns through which they passed. They found them to be gener- ally in a condition of the most disgraceful neglect — and the hardships, and even cruelty endured by the inmates were harrowing in the extreme to the tender nature of Elizabeth Fry. "But the cases of the poor limatics confined in some ol those abodes of misery, made, above all, a most powerfuj impression on her heart, and induced a sympathy with such as were afflicted with this heaviest of physical maladies, tha^ continued deeply to influence her feelings through life.' " The results of their observations were pubhshed in a pamphlet — ' Notes on a Visit to Prisons, &c., by J. J. Gur- ney and Elizabeth Fry.' t7C ELIZABETH FEY. "To such' persons as were interested in Prison Eeform, this book afforded much matter for reflection. Whilst they deplored the evils described, they rejoiced that they should be brought to_ light^as the first step towards their being remedied. "The voice of Elizabeth Fry was heard and her appeals were promptly responded to. Her brother, in writing of this northern journey says: 'she exhibited a perfect tact and propriety in her transactions, and well knew, when in f)ursuit of such objects how to soothe all asperities, influ- ence all parties, and overcome the greatest difficulties.' In confirmation of which some passages may be quoted from a letter written by a Scotch lady who accompanied her when she visited the prisons at Glasgow. " ' She found our prisons very badly managed,' &c., and *has left a letter for the magistrates.' She had an interview with them, and this evening a number of ladies met at the Bridewell.'".. She told them with much simplicity what had been done at Newgate. She entered into pleasant conver- sation with' every one and all were delighted when she offered to speak a little to the poor women. But the keeper of the Bridewell said he feared it was a dangerous experi- ment ; that they never, but by compulsion listened to read- ing, and were generally disposed to turn anything of the kind into ridicule. She said that she was not \vithout fears of this happening, but she thought it right to attempt it. The women, about a hundred, were then assembled in a large room, and we went in, misdoubting and anxious. Sh& took off her bonnet and sat down on a low seat, fronting the women ; then looking at them with a kind, conciliating ^ye, yet an eye sthat met every eye there, she said, 'I had bstter just tell you what we are come about.' She told them she had to deal with a great number of poor women^ sadly wicked, and in what manner they were recovered from evil. Her language was scriptural, always referring to our Saviour's promises, and cheering with holy hop; these dis- EXCURSIOKS IN GREAT BBITAIK. 177 isolute beings. 'Would not you like to turn from that which is wrong? Would not you like for ladies to visit you, and speak comfort to you, and help you to become better? Sm-ely you would tell them your griefs ; they who have done evil have many sorrows.' As she read to them the Rules,^ asking them, if approved to hold up their hands, all hands were upraised, and as soon as she spoke tears began to flow. One very beautiful girl near me had her eyes swimming with tears, and her lips moved as if fol- lowing Mrs. Fry. One old woman who held her Bible we saw clasping it with emotion as she became more and more impressed. The hands were ready to rise at every pause, and these callous and obdurate offenders were with one consent bowed before her. Then she took the Bible and vead the parables of the lost sheep, the piece of silver, and the prodigal son. *It is impossible for me to express to you the effect oi her saintly voice, while speaking such blessed words. She often paused and looked at the poor women with a sweet- aess that won their confidence, applying, with beauty and taste all the parts of the story to them, and ia a manner I never before heard, — and particularly the words, ' His father Baw him when he was yet afar off.' A solemn pautre suc- ceeded the reading. Then resting the large Bible on the ground we saw her on her knees before them. Her prayer was devout and soothing, and her musical voice, iu the pecu. Jiar, sweet tones of the Quakers, seemed like the voice of a toother to her suffering child. *In the prison of Glasgow, the emotions were much jmore varied than at Bridewell — astonishing repugnance, and in some instances obstinate resistance to listen; in others anxious desire to accept her aid. She read and con- versed with them, and the proposal of work was iu general'^ greedily received. How different were the impressions in the various figures before her ! One old woman, with the p^ppearance of a menial servant, and hardened features, said 178 ELIZABETH FB.1. *No! no use work!' But these rugged lines were at iengtli relaxed, and I saw a tear fall over the brown visage. But it was not the prisoners alone; for there was not a man in the room unmoved.' ". Many letters were received after the publication of tha "Notes;" among them the following from the Countess Hai'coui't. My Deak and Most Eespected Feiexd : • It is impossible to have read the excellent publication giving an account of your tour with Mr. Giu'ney, without being most anxious to express the satisfaction Lord Har- court and I received from the work. He read it to me, and there was scarcely a page at which wo did not stop to ex- claim our admiration of the justness of the remarks, and our earnest wishes that they might prove the means of ameliorating the system of our prisons. We felt that each word gave conviction to our minds, and the beauty of the style certainly added to the gratification of reading it. Oh ! my good friend, what a blessed tour you have made, and may Heaven reward your wonderful exertions, by making them effectual to the purpose intended. "I ought not to use the word envy, but I cannot help feeling the great difference between the manner ia whicii your life is spent and my own. You ought indeed to ba thankful that it has pleased God 'to put into your mind good desu-es,' and to have given you heaitli to go through such arduous undertakings."/ Eai-ly in the following year,'howeTer, the reaction cam& from her " great and varied exertions," and she was obliged to spend several Aveeks in recruiting her health at Brighton. Also the secret troubles of her heart were becoming en- larged from the gTowing cloud of differences in her hornet EZCUBSIONS IN OBEAT BBlTAIS. 179 of which she is compelled very rarely to speak in her Jotus nal. After visiting her sister Priscilla in a dangerous ill- ness, she ■writes : " Since I have left her sick room sorrow and deep dis- couragement have been my portion from the extreme diffi- culty of doing right toward those most near ; it does ap- pear at times impossible for me, but most likely this arises from want of more watchfulness, and more close abiding in the Light and Life of our Lord. When I exercise a watch- ful care from seeing the dangers that attend some, it seems to give the greatest pain, and so causes me the deepest dis- couragement. Still, yesterday, in the great and bitter sor- row of my heart, I found in a remarkable manner the power of my Redeemer near, even helping by His own good Spirit and presence. When I felt almost ready to sink, and my footsteps indeed ready to slip — then the Lord held me up. In the first place, after a very little while from having beer deeply wounded, my heart overflowed with love and for- giveness towards the one who had pained me, and I felt, what would I not do for the individual? and a most anxious deshe if I had missed it to make it up by every means in my power. Thus when I had feared discouragements would have almost overwhelmed my spirit, there was such a calm- ing, blessed and cheering influence came over my heart that it was like the sick coming to the Saviour formerly, and being immediately healed ; so that I was not even able to mourn over my calamity. It appeared as if ' the Holy One tvho inhabiteth Eternity,' would not give me over to the wUl of my enemies." We are nowhere informed as to the particular nature of this skeleton in the house of Elizabeth Fry. It is but just, however, that we should know that her path was not all sun- shine, that she often carried a heavy heart on missions ol love to the sorrowing, and that in ministering consolation to 180 ELIZABETH FBY. others she referred them to a Fountain of which she was ia the habit of herself drinking largely. Perhaps something of this kind was needful to her, like the thorn in the flesh which kept Paul weighted down for his work. After the passage ^iven above, Mrs. Corder remarks; ''fiPsrh'aps few will read the preceding extract without perceiving something of the deep and hidden sorrow which often weighed down the spirit, and preyed also on the bodily frame of this precious follower of the Lamb. It is not needful to attempt to penetrate the veil that conceals from the eye of the stranger the circumstances that rendered her path of life a tribulated one : it is enough to know that her perplexities and distresses were endured with meek submis- sion, and a degree of forbearance that could only be the effect of that state of watching unto prayer with all perse- verance in which she was so remarkably preserved ; and by which she was kept, through all her mental vicissitudes ap in a region of iQve." In deference to this judgment we may well repress our curiosity while giving increased love and admiraition to one who could thus, out of her ovra heart's experience, comfort the poor and the afflicted. I again quote from Mrs. Corder's notes, which sometimes supplement the information contained in the original memoir. "The weighty responsibilities of Newgate did not pre- clude other objects of public interest, to some of which Elizabeth Fry devoted much attention. Among these was ^ 'nightly shelter for the houseless.' During the rigorous Winter of 1819-20, the sufferings of houseless wanderers called for prompt relief. The heart of this Christian phil- EX0UKSION3 IN GREAT BRITAIN. 181 anthropist was deeply touclied by some affecting cases. In one instance a little boy who had in vain begged at many houses for the few half-pence required to procure admit- tance to some passage or cellar, was found frozen to death on the step of a door ! An asylum was immediately pro- vided. It was well warmed, nutritious soup was prepared night and morning, with a ration of bread for each of the Inmates, who were also furnished with beds. Employment in various ways was procured ; and the bounty of the pub- lic flowed in to encourage the hearts and strengthen the efforts of the benevolent persons who united in laboring for the management and success of the establishment. Many hundreds were, night after night, admitted — great numbers who could not be accommodated at the 'Shelter,' were sup- plied with food, clothing and the means of procuring lodg« ings elsewhere. The females were placed under the care of a 'Ladies' Committee,' with Elizabeth Fry at their head." The following brief review, bears date August 1820. " 19th. — I have this day been married twenty years ; my heart feels much overwhelmed at the remembrance of it — it has been an eventful time. I trust that I have not gone really backwards spiritually, as I think I have, in mercy, certainly increased in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord ; but this has been through much suffering. I doubt my being in so lively a state as ten years ago, when first coming forth in the ministry ; but I believe I may say that I love my Lord above all — as far as I know — far above every natural tie; although in His infinite wisdom and mercy He has been pleased, at times, to look upon me with A frowning Providence. If I have lately grown at all, it has been in the root, not in the branch, as there is but little appearance of good, or fruit, as far as I can see. In the course of these twenty years my abode has often been in the valley of deep humiliation ; still the Loid has beer, my 182 ELIZABETH TRY. stay, and I may say througli all iias deali bountifully witb me. Ass jredly He has raised me up from season to season, enabled me to speak -well of His name and led me to plead the caase of the poor and those that are in bonds, naturally and spiritually." After a visit to the Monthly Meeting of Essex in the fall of 1820, she writes: " 4i/i. — I returned yesterday from finishing visiting the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings in Esses. I was carried through the service to my own sui-prise ; I felt so remarkably low, so unworthy, so unfit, and as if I had little or nothing to communicate to them ; but I was marvelously helped from meeting to meeting ; strength so ai'ose with the occa- sion that the fear of man was taken from me, and I was en- abled to declare gospel truths boldly. This is to me won- derful ; and unbelievers may say what they will, it must ba the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes — how He Btrengtheneth them that have no might, and helpsth them that have no power. The peace I felt after these services seemed to flow like a river, for a time covering all my carea and sorrows, so that I might truly say, ' There is even here a rest for the people of God.' I am sure, from my own ex- perience, there is nothing brings the same satisfying, heart- consoling feeling. -^It is to me a powerful internal evidence of the truth of revealed religion, that it is indeed a substan- tial truth, not a cunningly devised fable. My skeptical doubting mind has been convinced of the truth of religion, not by the hearing of the ear, but by what I have actually handled and tasted and known for myself, of the word of life, may I not say of the power of God unto salvation." Another _ milestone on ..this eventful journey reads as fol» lows: EXC0ESIONS IN GEEAT BEITAIN. 183 *^ Eighth Month, IQth, 1822. — ^Yesterday was our wed- ding-day ; we have been married twenty-two years. How many dispensations have I passed through since that time ! how have I been raised up and cast down ! How has a way been made in the depths and a path in the mighty waters ! I have known much of good health and real sickness; gi'eat bodily suffering, and deep depression of spirits. " I have known the ease of abundance of riches and the sorrow and perplexity of comparative deprivation. I have known to the full I think the enjoyment of domestic life — even what might be called the fullness of blessing, and also some of its most sorrowful and most painful reverses. I have known the abounding of the unspeakable and soul- satisfying joy of the Lord ; and I have been brought into states when the depths had well-nigh swallowed me up. I have known great exaltation amongst my fellow mortals, and also deep humiliation. I have known the sorrow of some most tenderly beloved being taken from me by death, and others given me — hitherto more given than taken. "What is the result of all this experience ? It is even that the Lord is gracious and very merciful ; that His com- passions fail not, but are renewed every morning. And may I not say that His goodness and mercy have followed me all the days of my life ? Though He has at times per- mitted me, amidst many unspeakable blessings, to pass through imutterable sorrows, known only to the full extent by Him and my own soul, yet hath He been an all-sufficient Helper. His right hand hath sustained me and held me up, blessed be His name forever. He hath never forgotten to be gracious, nor hath He shut up His tender mercies from me. May I not indeed raise up my Ebenezer and acknowl- edge that there is 'no God like our God,' and that it is a most blessed thing to serve Him, even if it be by Avay of the cross ; for He is indeed worthy to be served, worshipped and obeyed now and forever. Above all I pray for myself^ that whatever dispensations I may yet pass nothing may 181 ELIZABETH FEY. separate me from His love or hinder me from His service; but that I may be increasingly and entirely devoted to Him in heart, mind and spirit, through the help of my r^ost dear and blessed Redeemer. "Twelfth Month, 2nd (1822).— Yesterday, at Meeting, the truth rose into, ihuch dominion, blessed be the name of| the Lord. I was enabled to supplicate and minister, to my own relief, and I trust to the refreshment of others ; also my deai"est brother Joseph, Rebecca Chi-isty, and my sister, Elizabeth Fry, in prayer. It appeared a solemn time ; the day, generally speaking, a favored one ; but in the night I was deeply brought to a sense of my own weakness. If the beautiful garments spiritually were put on in the morn- ing, surely they were taken off at night. What are we, but instruments, however, for a season decorated with the Lord's ornaments? Self cannot boast when left to our- selves, and our ornaments taken off. How wonderful is the work of the Spirit ! — how it heals and raises up body and soul when they are brought into service! None can tell, but those who have experienced something of it, how the anoiuting is poured forth from on high. It is an honor I am unworthy of, to be thus helped spuitually, particularly in the ministry. But how deeply doth my spirit crave that I may also be aided in all the practical duties of Ufe." During this period Elizabeth Fry was earnestly engaged with her Newgate readings, and it is remarkable how rap- idly her intellectual powers developed imder the influence of 'this powerful stimulus. She was about thirty-seven yeais of age when this work began which brought her at once into a notoriety that placed an immense strain on her whole being. Had she not been well endowed with naturaJ force of mind she would soon have shrunk, with her acci- dental fame, into retu-ement. And, beyond this, had she not had strong religious faith, which brought her inwaard KX0TTESI0N3 IN GEKAT BRITAIN. 185 support, and a stimulus equally powerful, the same result must have followed. But between the inward and the out- ward fires her mental and moral being blossomed out with a tropical luxuriance most admirable to witness, and worthy of the reverent applause so freely bestowed upon it. So ■ far from exciting vanity, this only increased her modesty /and her humble dependence on what she well knew to be the real Source of her strength. There was not the slight- est cant in her humility or her ascriptions of praise. God was known in her heart for a refuge and a very present help ; and pure love and gratitude, no less than her sense of justice, made it the crown of her joy to glorify her Lord for the grace and wisdom so evidently bestowed. She says: *' In nothing has the work of grace been so marvelous to me as in the ministry. It surely is not my work ; — I know enough of myself to believe it to be quite impossible. Oh, what an unction I now and then feel! It is as much to be felt strengthening the soul, as the body is felt to be re« freshed after wholesome good food. The work of the Spirit is a wonderful work; and to my naturally doubting and skeptical mind astonishing." "jPlashet, /Second Month, 13th. — I attended Tottenham Meeting on the 2nd. I went low, and under deep exercise of mind ; I returned iu measure relieved, though naturally upset with many fears. I hardly ever remember being en- gaged in a service where doubts and fears beset me to an equal extent. On First-day, the 9th, we were at Devonshire House ; it was an extraordinary meeting. I desire in more simplicity of faith to attend the other meetings. I think I have been too anxious, too fearful. If the work be not ours why worry and perplex myself about it ? " 19iA.— Since writing the above T attended the Peel 186 ELIZABETH FBY. Meeting on First-clay, wliicii •wa.nd, under the dL'sigualiou of the 'E1.IZAEETU Fnv Refuok,' is ctlecting luuch good. Both these Asy. Ijius are hbcr.illy palrouized by our beloved Qiieeu, and tbey have a veiy strong claim cn the beuevolonco of the public. — b. Cobuek." 192 ELIZ&.BETH FBY. " But neither these nor any existing establishments adequately meet the needs of many applicants discharged from the London prisons ; and untU some further refuge for such is established the labor bestowed upon them dur- ing imprisonment must remain, in too many instances, an incomplete work ; whether begun by the chaplain, the officers of the gaol, or the ladies of the Visiting Association. Ear- nestly and unflinchingly did Mrs. Fry urge this topic. She grieved to know that persons not utterly hardened, not wholly given over to depravity, who desired to retrace the downward road along which they had travelled, continually found themselves without resource, without encouragement, exposed to the condemnation of the world, or renewed temptations to vice. She felt that untU every unhappy fal- len one, without exception had the opportunity afforded her • of repentance and amendment of life, England as a Chris- tian country had not fulfilled the injunction of our blessed Lord — 'As I have loved you that ye also love one an- other.'"* The British Ladies' Society Meeting referred to above is thus spoken of in the Journal : '■^First-day, 15th. — Yesterday, after a very weak and faint morning, I attended our 'Ladies' British Society' Meeting. It was surprising, even to myself to find what had been accomplished. How many prisons are now visited by ladies, and how much is done for the inhabitants of the f)rison-house, and what a way is made for their return from evil. It is marvelous in my eyes that a poor instrument should have been the apparent cause of settling forward such a work." Mrs. Fry's health continuing delicate she was induced to- •Meoioir— Vol I, p. 494. EXCUESI0N8 IN GREAT BEITAIB. 193 visit Brighton, in May, 1824, where she remained a little over two months. While here, being much distressed hj the multitude of applicants for relief, and the impossibility of determining who among them were deserving, she orga- nized, after much labor and discouragement, a District Vis- iting Society, composed of persons belonging to different religious denominations, with the Earl of Chichester as ita President. Its objects were, " the encouragement of indus- try and frugality among the poor, by visits at their own habitations ; the relief of real distress whether arising from sickness or other causes; and the prevention of mendicity and imposture, together with a system of small deposits, upon the plan of a Savings' Bank." This proved a very useful institution. Being subject during her illness to attacks of faintness which required her often to be taken to an open window looking toward the sea ; her eyes invariably rested, in the grey dawn, or through the gathering storm, on the one Hv- ing object, "the solitary Blockade-man, pacing the shingly beach." Her sympathy was soon excited by his desolate condition, and she applied to the Bible Society for a grant of Bibles to distribute among this Ul-provided class of men. Fifty Bibles, and twenty-five New Testaments were imme- diately placed at her disposal. She thus reviews this period of recreation at Brighton : " Dagenham, /Seventh Month, BOth. — We left Brighton last Sixth-day, the 23rd, and after what I passed through in Buffering, and afterwards in doing, in various ways, I may acknowledge that I have no adequate expression to convey the gratitude due to my merciful and gracious Lord. I left it after a stay of neai'ly ten weeks, with a comparatively 194 ELIZABETH FBY. tealthy body, and above all a remarkably clear and easy mind : mth a portion of that overflcwing peace that made all things, natural and spiritual appear sweet, and in near love and unity, not only with Friends there, but many^ many others. > I felt as if, although an unworthy instru- ment, my labors there had not been in vain in the Lord, whether in suffering or doing. It has not been without a good deal of anxiety, fatigue and discouragement that this state of sweet peace has been obtained, as I am apt to suffer so much from many fears and doubts, particularly when -in a weak state of health. ' The District Society in Which I was interested, I left, I trust, in a way for estabhsh^ m'eiLt, and likely to be very useful to the poor and to the ricfr. Also an arrangement to supply the Blockade-men on the coast (afterwards called Coast Guard) with Bibles and other books: and I hope they will be put in the way of reading them instead of losing their time. Some of the Blockade-men seemed much affected by the attention paid them, as also did their oflScers ; and I am ready to hope that a little seed is scattered there. In Meetings I passed through much, at times going when I feared I should faint from weakness; but I found that help was laid on One who is Mighty, and I may indeed say, in my ministerial services, that out of weakness I was made strong. The Meetings were generally largely attended by those not Friends, of course without invitation, but I trust that they were good ones, and that we were edified together. This was through deep humiliation and many, many fears. It certainly calls for great care and watchfulness in all things that we enter, to find that they be not of ourselves, but of our Master whose servants we are ; for He alone should point out the work. The end, in an uncommon manner, appeared to crown all. " 2&th. — I returned from a short expedition to Brighton last evening — a very interesting and I trust, not unimpor- taidr one. My object was the District Society that I was tfltOUKSIONS IN QBEAT BRITAIN. 195 enabled to form there, when I was so ill, or recovering from that state. Much good appears done, much more likely to be done ; a fine arrangement made if it be but followed up ; and I humbly trust that a blessing will attend the work, and has already attended it. I feel that I have not time to re« late our interesting history; but I should say that the short time we spent there was a mark of the features of. the pres- ent day. A poor unworthy woman, nothing extraordinary in point of power, simply seeking to follow a crucifiea Lord, and to co-operate with Ilis grace in the heai'u, yei tollowed after by almost every rank in society, with the greatest openness for any communications of a rehgious nature ; numbers at Meeting of different denominations, also at our own house — noblemen, ladies in numbers, clergy, dissenters, and Friends. We had most satisfactory religious Opportunities together, where the power of an endless life appeared to be in great dominion — our dear Lord and Mas- ter Himself appearing remarkably to own us together. "J'lashet, Fourth Month, 21s<. — My occupations are are just now multitudinous. The British Society and all that is attached to it; Newgate as usual. Forming with much fear and some misgivings, a Servants' Society, yet with a hope, and something of a trust, that it will be for the good of this class of persons for generations to come. I have felt so much for such, for so many years, that I am wUhng to sacrifice some time and strength for their sakes. It is, however, with real fear that I do it, because I am sen- sible of being, at times, pressed beyond my strength of body and mind. But the day is short, and I know not how to reject the work that comes to hand to do. "■^JPlashet, 25th. — I have had some true encouragement in my objects since I last wrote. The British Society Meeting was got through to much satisfaction. To myself (the poor humble instrument among women in this couiitry) iifvis really wonderful what has has been accomplished in the prisons during the last few years. How the cause has ELIZABETH FEY spread, and wTiat good has been done, how mucli e\Tl pre- vented, how much sorrow alleviated, how many plucked like brands from the burning ! What a cause for deep thanks- giving, and still deeper humiliation to have been, in any de- gree, one of the instruments made use of to bring about these results. I have also received a delightful account of the effects of my labors for the poor at Brighton ; it appears that theai'rangements made have greatly prospered amongst both rich and poor ; also for the Blockade-men on the coast. This is cause for fresh thankfulness of heai't. I may say that I there sowed in tears, and I now reap in joy. " The Servants' Society appears gradually opening, as if it would be established according to my desires. No one knows what I go thi'ough in forming these Institutions, — ^it is always in fear. Fifth Month, IZrd. — I think that I am under the deep- est exercise of mind that I ever experienced, in the prospect of a meeting to be held this evening for all the young peo- ple assembled at the Yearly Meeting. It is held at my request, my brother Joseph uniting in it. In a remarkable degree it has plunged me into the depths, into real dis- tress; I feel so unfit, so unworthy, so psrplexed, so fearful, even so sorrowful, so tempted to mistrustful thoughts, ready to say, ' Can such an one be called to such a service?' I do believe that ' this is my infirmity ; ' and I have a hum- ble hope and confidence that out of this great weakness I shall be made strong. As far as I know, it has been in simple obedience to manifested duty, that I gave up to this service and went through the ordeal of the Yearly Meeting. If I know my own deceitful heart it has been done in love to my Master and to His cause. Lord, preserve me through this depth; through this stripping season! If it should please Thee to grant me the garments of Thy salvation, and the help of Thy Spirit, further enable me wholly to give unto Thee the glory which is due unto Thy name. If Thou makest use of Thy handmaid to speak in Thy name, be * ESOTTESIONS IN 6BEAT BEITAIN. 197 Thou Thyself her help and her strength, her glory and the iifter up of her head. Enable her to rely on Thee, on Thy might and Thy mercy; to commit her whole case unto Thee, and keep in the remembrance of Thy handmaid that the blessed cause of truth and righteousness is not hers but Thine. "Flasket, Sixth 3Ionth, 2nd. — The awful and buffeted state of my mind was, in degree, calmed as the day ad« vanced. I went to town with my beloved brother Joseph, who appeared to have been in something of a similar depth of imusual suffering. We went into the meeting together. The large Meeting-house was soon so crowded that no more could get in ; I suppose from eighteen hundred to two thou- Band persons, principally youth. All my children were there except little Harry. I heard hundreds went away who could not get in. After going in and taking my seat my mind was soon calmed, and the fear of man greatly, if not quite, taken away. My beloved brother Joseph bowed the knee and poured forth prayer for us. I soon after rose and expressed what was on my mind towards the assembly : Fust, that all were acceptable who worked righteousness and served the Lord. Secondly, that the mercies of our God should induce this service as a debt due to Him. Thii-dly, that it must be done by following a crucified Lord and faithfully taking up the cross. Fourthly, how impor- tant therefore to the church generally, and to our religious Bociety, for us so to do, individually and collectively; so that if this were done there would be, from amongst that company, those who would be as lights in the world, or as a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. I had to conclude with a desire that an entrance might bo abundantly ministered unto them into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Sa- viour Jesus Christ. I then sat down but did not feel to have fully relieved my mind. Joseph rose and stood more than an hour. He preached a very instructive and striking sermou on faith and doctrine. Then ray dear sister EliEabeth i'ry, 198 ELIZAEETB FR7. and my uncle Joseph said sometliing. Afterwards I kneli down in prayer and thought I found no common access tc the Fountain of all our sm-e mercies. I was enabled to cast my burden for the youth and my own beloved offspring with tlie rest, upon Him who is mighty to save and to de- liver. I had to ask for a blessing upon our labors of lovo towards them, and tLiat our deficiencies might be made up ; »hat the blessing of the Most High might rest on them, from generation to generation, and that cross-bearers and standard-bearers might not be wanting from amongst them I felt helped in every way ; the very spirit and power ap- peared near, and when I rose from my knees I could 'n faith leave it all to Him who can alone prosper His own work. A few hints that impressed me, I afterwards ex- pressed, which were to encourage the youth in the good works of the present day ; but to entreat them when en- gaged in them, to maintain the watch, lest they should build up with one hand and pull down with the otner. Secondly, that it was never too soon to begin to serve the Lord, and that there was nothing too small to please Him bu Then, commending them to His grace and bidding them farewell, the Meeting concluded in a very solemn manner. It lasted about two hours and a half, and genera) satisfaction appears to have been felt. When it was over, I may say we rejoiced together, I hope, in the Lord ; so that my soul did magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoiced in God my Saviour." In 1827 she visited Ireland, accompanied by her brothei Joseph John Gurney and her sister-in-law Elizabeth Fry Arrived at Dublin "a great variety of weighty engage' ments occupied them closely. They inspected several asy^ lums, four jails, the Bridewell, House of Industry; also a Kunnery ; formed Prison Committees, had important inter- views with persons in authority, visited many members of EXCURSIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN. 199 their own religious Society, and attended several large meetings for worship, some of them peculiarly favored ones." They then pursued their journey from place to place visiting aU the principal towns in the island and numerous Bmaller ones, — went to see the Giant's Causeway, calling at a Moravian settlement on the route, and ended with the Yeai-ly Meeting at Dublin. They were detained a week at Waterford, by the serious illness of Mrs. Fry. The sick- ness was caused by exhaustion and malaria. After arriving home she wrote : — The great numbers that followed us, almost everywhere we went, was one of those things I believe was too much for me. No one can tell, but those who have been brought into similiar circumstances, what it is to feel as I did at such times ; often weak and fagged in body, exhausted in mind, having things of importance to direct my attention to, and not less than a multitude aiound me, each expecting a wordt or some mark of attention. For instance, or one occasion a General on one side, a Bishop on the other, and pei'haps sixty other persons all expecting something from me. Visit- ing Prisons, Lunatic Asylums, and Infirmaries ; eath insti- tution exciting feeling and requiring judgment. I en- deavored to seek for help from above, and for a quiet mind, and my desire was that such times should not be lost upon those persons. They ended frequently in religious oppor- tunities, and many came in consequence to our Public Meetings. However these things proved too much for me, and tired me more than any part of our service. "Th ere were some I believe who feared niy exaltation, and if tbey judged from outward appearance I do not won- der at it ; but a deep conviction of my unwortbinoas and infirmity was so living with me that tb«8e things appeared 200 ELIZABETH FBY. more likely to cast me into the dust than to raise me up on high. We went on thus, from place to place, until wa reached Waterford. We had visited Limerick, Cork and other places. I felt completely sinking — hardly able to hold up my head, and by degrees became seriously ill. Fever came on and ran very high, and I found myself in one oi my distressing faint states ; indeed a few hours were most conflicting. I never remember to have known a more pain- ful time ; tried without, distressed within, feeling such fears lest my being thus stopped by illness should try the faith of others and lest my own faith should fail. My pain too, in being from home was great. We were obUged to stop all the Meetings, that we had appointed for days to come. However, much as I suffered for a short time, I had most sweet peace afterwards. My blessed Saviour arose with 'healing in His wings,' delivered me from my fears, pouied balm into my wounds, and granted me such a sense of having obtained full reconciliation with my God as I can hardly de- scribe. All was peace. I no longer hankered after home, but was able to commit myself, and those nearest, to this unslumbering, all-merciful, and all-powerful Shepherd. By degrees I was sufficiently raised up to attend Meetings, visit some prisons, and see many persons ; and we concluded our general visit to Ireland to my relief, peace and satisfaction. The Yearly Meeting crowned all, as to our ministerial ser- vices in our own Society. We left Waterford on the 11th of Fifth Month, after visiting Wicklow and Wexford, at that time remaining in Waterford a few hours only. We entered the steam-packet, slept on board, and left the hai'bor about three o'clock in the morning." CHAPTER SEVENTH. PASSING THBOUGH THE VALLEY. It has ali'eady appeared that the home hfe of Elizabeth Fry, though favored with perhaps its full share of blessings, was not without its peculiar and deep trials. Without striv- ing to unveil the source of the secret sorrow which caused the severest pain, and which apparently lay between herself and her husband, there is no occasion to conceal the fact that as theii" children grew up they generally inclined away from the peculiar views and customs of the rehgious Society to which they belonged by right of birth, and to which their mother was devotedly attached from sincere convic- tion of its worth. It is easy to see what ever. recurring pain this fact must have caused, in the maternal heart, as well as constant practical difficulties in the nousehold. Every deviation, every inclination toward the customs of the world, and even toward those of other good people seemed a turning away from herself, and alsa from Him who had called her into a path of self-denial, and so signally blessed her faithfulness in bearing her allotted cross. How could she believe that the same c/oss was not equally adapted to her dear offspring, or that in declining it they wei'e not giving evidence of an unconcerted state. However correct or erroneous her judgmenc may have 2D2 ELIZABETH FBT. been, the motherly solicitude she felt was most touching and commendable. Her position was indeed a most trying one. "22nc? (August 1827). — It is hard, very hard, a most diffi- cult matter, to help those whose welfare and salvation are past expression near to us. We can only go to Him who is willing and able, not only to hear our praj'ers on our own account, but on account of those most tenderly beloved, and who does, in His tender mercy, so bear our griefs and carry our sorrows that our souls can rest on Him. Oh! may I ever have the encouragement of seeing those nearest to me walking closely with God; not doing their own pleas- ure, nor walking in their own ways, but doing His pleasure, and walking in His ways. I believe it would bring unspeak- able joy, refreshment and consolation to my soul; and may I never cease to commend tbem to Him who can work with or without human instrumentality." The discretion and care which she exercised to avoid un- pleasant differences, and to show forth moderation, in the midst of difficulties, are finely iiiustrated in the following note and comment. « lliird Ifonth, 3rd, 1825. — I hope I am thankful for being really better though delicate in health. I wish I did not dread illness so much ; it is a real infirmity in me ; may grace be granted to overcome it. I think, strange to say, I felt, and I fear appeared to those about me, to be irritable. Certainly I had some cause to be so ; but after what I have known of the power that is able indeed to help U3, I never ought to give way to anything of the kind ; all should be meekness, gentleness and love. Perhaps I said too much about some pictures and various ornaments that have been brought from France for us. Much as I love PASSINO THBOUOH THE VALLEY. 203 true Cliristian simplicity, yet if I show a wrong spirit in my desiie to maintain it in our house and furniture, I do wrong and harm the best of causes. I far prefer moderation, both from principle and taste, although my experience in life proves two things : first, that it is greatly for the good of the community to live accoiding to the situation in which we have been placed by a kind Providence if it be dona unto the Lord, and therefore done properly ; then I believe that by so doing we should help others and not injui^e our- selves. Second, I have so much seen the extreme impor- tance of occupation to the well-being of mankind, as to be convinced that many works of art which tend to om- accom- modation, and even the gratification of our taste, may be innocently partaken of, may be used and not abused, and kept in their proper places ; as by so doing we encourage that sort of employment which prevents the active powers of man from being spent in things that are evil." In reference to the above, and other occasional confea^ sions of irritability by Mrs. Fry, her daughters bear the fol- lowing testimony: — " The contrition so frequently expressed in the course of Mrs. Fry's journal for irritability of temper is calculated to mislead a stranger who would naturally suppose that it must occasionally have betrayed itself in conduct. To those who intimately knew the never-failing gentleness, for- bearance and Christian meekness of her deportment, that such feelings ever ruffled her mind is almost inexplicable. Those most closely connected with her, in the nearest and most familiar relations of life, can unhesitatingly bear their testimony to the fact that they never saw her in what is called a pet, or heard an angry, or passionate expression of displeasure pass from her lips. Her tender conscience, and fear of offence towards God and man can alone account ^04 ELIZABETH FBT. for these outpourings of the hidden evils of her heart." Even this last clause, is considered by her friend and biographer, Mrs. Corder, as too great an admission. "Surely," she says, "they can scarcely be termed eviis. Sin does not consist in being tempted. The Apostle says, •Blessed is the man who endureth temptation, for -when he is tried he shall receive a crown of life.' There is abundant evidence that if a temptation to any feeling of irritability of temper ever presented itself to the mind of this meek ser- vant of Chiist, it was resisted and overcome thi'ough His grace. Her husband has recently given the Compiler a full assurance of this in the following words : — ' I never knew her do an act, and never heai*d her utter a word that, in her most solemn moments, she could have wished to recall.' " I am not sure that Mrs. Fry can be so fully vindicated on another point ; unless it be lawful to throw the responsibil- ity for our conduct upon those who have made us rules and exacted obedience by penalties too hard to be borne. That point is where she declined, in obedience to the rules of her religious Society, to witness the marriage of such of her children as chose companions of another persuasion, and ac- cepted the aid of a " hireling priest " at the marriage cere- mony. If these children manifested no irritability on these occasions, or afterwards, I think it is proof that they in- herited some of their mother's virtue. There is no evidence that she dissented from the nan-ow rule of her over-scrupulous sect in this matter, and she must therefore bear the reproach of what looks very much like bigotry in her thus sitting apart in sackcloth and ashes while her childi-en were joining hands for life with partners of their own choice and in the manner that best pleased PASSING THKOUQH THE VALLEY. 205 their companions or themselves. Still we shall find our- selves unable to judge her severely when we read her care* ful records of these sore trials. "Flasket, Eighth Month, l^th. — My beloved daughter Kachel was married last Fifth-day, the 23rd, at Runcton, by my brother-in-law Francis Cunningham. Plashet, Ninth Month, drd. — I doubt not but that my late tendency to depression of spirits is caused not only by the sorrow which I certainly feel, and great disappointment from a child not keeping to principles that I have brought her up in, and also from the deep sense I have of then- in- trinsic value ; but, moreover, that I have to bear my con- duct in the affair being misconstrued by others. Yet I have certainly met with much kindness, great love and sym- pathy, and from quarters where I should least have expected it, also particularly from the Friends of my own Monthly Meeting. "I am very much absorbed at home where many things deeply occupy my heart and head. To do right in my many relative duties is very difficult. How deeply I feel my Bhortcomings in them! and yet I fervently desii'e to do my best." " Dagenham, Tenth Month, 3rd, 1833. — Here I am, sit- ting in solitude, keeping silence before the Lord; on the wedding-day of my beloved son William. As I could not conscientiously attend the marriage I believe it right to withdraw for the day. "Words appear very inadequate to express the earnestness, the depth of my supplication for him and his — that the blessing of the Most High may rest upon them. As for myself, I sit solitary, in many things, but I thought to day (from this wedding bringing these things home to me). — Have I not my Lord as my friend and my comforter? and is He not a husband to all the members, of His church? and am I not often satisfied and refreshed, by His love ? " 206 ELIZABETH FE7. How different is the picture, and certainly a very pleas- ing one, when her da ughter Richenda, like a good gu'l, mar- ries in the Society and agreeably to its truly beautiful order, " 21st, (May, 1828).— The day before yesterday the wed- ding was accomplished. The Meeting was solemn and sat- isfactory. Our bride and bridegroom spoke well and with feeling.* My dearest brother Joseph prayed for them, and ministered to them ; as did others. I prayed at the close of the Meeting most earnestly for them, for the other yoang people, and ourselves further advanced in life. After a short, solemn silence the certificate was read and signed. In the morning we had a satisfactory reading with our childi-en. " Thanks be to our Heavenly Father there was, I think, throughout the day, a great mixture of real solemnity with true cheerfulness. It was certainly no common day. Through everything, order, quietness, and cheerfulness were remarkably maintained. After dinner I returned thanks for our many blessings, and could, with a few pres- ent, feel how many outward deliverances we had experi- enced ; that we had had our heads kept above the waters, Bpu'itually and temporally, and were able to have such a day of rejoicing. Our dear bride and bridegoom left us in the afternoon. The evening was fine and our lawn looked really beautiful, covered with the large and interesting party. la the evening we assembled together and had a solemn religious time, giving, I trust, the praise that was due alone to Him from whom all good and blessings flow." The closing scene above referred to is thus described in •QuaVers marry witbout the aid of a minister, mutually taking eaoli other a3 wife and husband, and pledging love and fidelity nntildea^ A certificate is lliea signed by the parties, and otiiers present. PASSING THEOUGH THE VALLEY. 207 the Memoir — perhaps by the hand of the daughter whose mairiage had caused a very different feeling : " This marriage -was hailed by Elizabeth Fry with sincere pleasure: not only was the connexion highly acceptable to her, and one that she believed likely to promote the happi- ness of her child, but it also possessed wliat was, in her estimation, the peculiar advantage of being with a member of the Society of Friends. Whilst her hospitable and afe'ec- tionate nature was gratified with the prospect of receiving the bridal party at Plashet, she craved spiritual blessings for the two most interested, and that the occasion, like the marriage at Cana in Gallilee, might be owned by the pres- ence of the Lord. It was a beautiful summer day; the sun shone brilliantly ; Plashet was arrayed in all its verduie, gay with bright flowers, and sprinkled with groups of happy young people. After the bride was gone, one of the sisters crossed the lawn to speak to her mother. She said some- thing of the scene before them and the outward prosperity which seemed to surround that beloved parent. The reply was remarkable ; for after expressing a strong feeling of gratification and enjoyment she added in words which have riveted themselves on the memory of her to whom they were addressed — 'But I have remarked that when great outward prosperity is granted, it is often permitted to pre- cede great trials.' There is an an old rhyme which says, * When joy seemeth highest Then sorrow is nighest ! ' Surely this was verified in the contrast between that day and the events which so shortly followed." ''Flasket, Eleventh Month, ith, 1828.— I have been favored to partake of very sweet feelings of peace and re- freshment of soul— that which I am ready to believe, in the most unmerited mercy, is something of the ' Well of water 208 ELIZABETH FRY. BpriDgrng up unto eternal life.' But I find outwardly, and about me tliere are storms ; not, at present, so much in my very own borders as close to them. " 15th. — The storm has now entered my own borders — once more we are brought into perplexity and trial — but I have this consolation, 'He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.' To whom can I go in this time of emergency but to Him who hitherto has helped me, and provided for me and mine in a marvelous mannei- — made darkness light before me, and crooked things straight? Lord! Thou who remainest to be the God of my life, above all things in this, our sorrow and perplexity, cast us not out of Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from us; keep us from evil and from the appearance of it, that through the help of Thy spuit our conduct may be kept upright, circumspect, and clean in Thy sight, and amongst men! that in all things, at all times, and under all circumstances, we may show forth Thy praise. Keep us ia love and unity with those with whom we have to act even if they do contrary to our wishes and judgment. But oh, dearest Lord, if it be Thy holy will, make a way of escape for us from the calamity we so much diead, and continue, in Thy unmerited mercy, to provide for Thy unworthy servant, her family, and all concerned in this trial, that we may not want what is good and need- ful for us, and that others may be kept from suffering tlu'ough us. If it be possible remove this bitter cup from us ; yet if it be Thy will that we drink it, enable us through the grace and spirit of Him who suffered for us to di'ink it without repining, — yet trusting in Thy love, Thy mercy, and Thy judgment." This time the cup was not removed, though the prayer was granted. During a severe financial crisis which occurred at this time, 1828, in England, one of the business houses in which Joseph Fry was a partner, though not that which PASSING THBOVOB THE VALLET. 209 be personally conducted, failed in a manner that " involved Elizabeth Fry and her family in a train of sorrows and per- plexities which tinged the remaining years of her life. Nature staggered beneath the blow — but the staff on which Bhe leaned could not fail her and she fell not." " Eleventh Months l^th. — I have been brought at times into little less than anguish of spirit; not I think so much for what we must suffer ourselves, as for what others may suffer. The whole thing appears fraught with distress. When I look at this mysterious dispensation, permitted by Almighty Wisdom, I am ready to say, How is it Lord, Thou dealest thus with Thy servant who loves Thee, trusts Thee, and fears Thy name? — and then I say, this is my infirmity thus to query. Need I not chastisement? Do I not de- serve it ? May it not be a mysterious dispensation of deep and sore affliction laid not only upon us, but upon others, to draw us all more from the things of time, and to set us more on the enduring riches of Eternity? I cannot reason upon it ; I must bow, and only bow, and say in my heart, which I believe I do, 'Not as I will, but as Thou wilt.' Well, if it be of the Lord, let Him do as seemeth Him good. Lord, let Thy grace be found sufficient for us in this most awful time; and grant that we faint not when Thou rebukest us." The circumstances which caused this misfortune to be so peculiarly distressing are not stated. We are left to con- jecture the meaning of that "if it be of the Lord," and why, "on the following Sunday the question was much do- bated as to whether she, and her family generally, should attend their meeting for worship, or not." But "sAe felt it right to go, and of course she was accompanied by her hus- band and children. She took her usual seat, bowed down and overwhelmed, with the bitter tears rolling down her 210 ELIZAijETH FRY. cteeks — no common thing with her. After a very solemn pause, she rose -with these words, her voice trembling with emotion; 'Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him;* and testified, in a short and beautiful discom'se, that her faith and love were as strong in the hour of adversity as they had been in the time of prosperity. Her friends were deeply affected, marking by their manner, their sympathy and love." To her only absent child she wrote : "jPlashet, Eleventh Month, 27th. 1828, **Mt Deakest B. : I have at last taken up my pen to write to thee ; but to one so near, and so much one with myself, it is difScult. I do not like to pour out my sorrows too heavily upon thee, nor do I like to keep thee in the dark as to our real state. This is, I consider, one of the deepest trials to which we are liable ; its perplexities are so great and numerous, its mor- tifications and humiliation so abounding, and its sorrows so deep. None can tell, but those who have passed thiough it, the anguish of heart at times felt ; but thanks be to our God this extreme state of distress has not been very fre- quent, nor its continuance very long. I frequently find my mind, in degree, sheathed to the deep sorrows, and am en- abled not to look so much at them — but there are also times when secondary things arise — parting with servants, the poor around us, schools, and our dear Place. These things overwhelm me ; indeed I think naturally I have a very acute sense of sorrow. Then the bright side of the picture rises. I have found such help and strength in prayer to God ; and, highly mysterious as, in some points of view, this dispensa- tion may be, yet I think I have frequently, if not generally, come to be able to say, 'Not as I will, but as Thou wilt,' and to bow imder it. All our children, and children-in-law, my brothers and sisters, oui- many friends and servants, PASSING THBOUGH THE VALLEY. 211 have been a strong consolation to me ; and above all a little refreshment to my tribukted spirit has been granted me at times from what I trust are the -well-springs from on High." " The tide of sympathy flowed marvelously in from all quarters. The mass of letters that exist attest by how many, and how well she was loved, how highly she was valued, and upon how many hearts she and her sorrows were borne." Feom William Wilbebforce. ^'Farnham Castle, 2%th. Nov. 182a **My deab Friend : Though my eyes are just now weaker than usual, I must claim a short exercise of their powers for the purpose of ex« pressing to you the warm sympathy which Mrs. Wilber- force, and indeed all of my family that have the pleasure of knowing you, as well as myself, are feeling on your account. Yet you, I doubt not will be enabled to feel as well as to know, that even this event will be one of those which in your instance are working for good. You have been en- abled to exhibit a bright specimen of Christian excellence in doing the will of God, and I doubt not you will manifest a similar specimen in the harder and more difficult exercise of suffering it. I have often thought that we are some- times apt to forget that key for unlocking what we deem a very mysterious dispensation of Providence, in the misfor- tunes and afflictions of eminent servants of God that is af- forded by a passage in St. Paul's Epistle to his beloved Philippians. ' Unto you it is given not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake.' It is the strong only that will be selected for exhibiting those gvacee which xq. quii-e peculiar strength. May you, my dear friend (mdeed I doubt not you will) be enabled Lo bear the whole will of God, with cheerful confidence in His unerring wisdom and unfailing goodness. May every loss of this world's wealth ^12 ELIZABETH FRT. be more than compensated by a larger measure of tlie un* searchable liches of Christ. You will not forget that the time is short ; but there will be no end to that eternity of happiness and glory which I doubt not will in your instance follow it. Meanwhile you aie richly provided with relatives and friends whom you love so well as to relish receiving kindnesses from them, as well as the far easier office of doing them. That you may be blessed with a long continuance of usefulness and comfort in this world, to be followed by a still better portion in a better, is the cordial wish and shall J3e the prayer also of (begging from you a frequent per- formance of the last named office of friendship for myself and mine), My dear Mrs. Fry, Your sincere and affectionate Friend, W. WlLBEEFOECE.'* Fbom the Eev. John W. Cunningham. " Uarroio, November, 26i/t, 1828. "My TEBY DEAR FeIEND : — I need not tell you with what sorrow I have received the most unexpected intelligence which reached me yester- day. It is but a short time since I was called to sympa- thize with a near relative in similar circumstances, and now again I am called to mourn as for a brother and a friend. My experience in the former case has enabled me to take a Inore hopeful and cheerful view of your heavy trial. Per- haps, dear friend, this event may be made a blessing to every member of your family; and we must not complain of a little rough handling when the jewels are to be polished for the treasury of God. All that diives us home to Him and to the power of His Spirit for grace and strength and joy is beyond all nrice to tne soul. Is it not a comfort ta you, dear friend at this moment, that you Have spent so much of your time and property for God and His creatui'es? PASSING THROUGH THE VALLEY. 213 is not money given to the poor lent to the Lord, and to be re- turned again, in some form or other ' with usui-y ? ' I beg my very kind remembrances to Mr. Fry and your dear chU- di-en. I have ah-eady been led to pray for them more than once that this affliction may be sanctified to them, and that thoy may more and more seek the durable riches of the kingdom of Christ. " My wife unites with me ia very kind regards, and I am very affectionately youi'S. j. w. cukningham." Fbom T. Fowell Bcxton. " Northrepps, Deccmhery 1st, 1828. « My deabest Sister : — I have hitherto, I confess, shrunk fiom writing to you. Not surely, however, from any want of feeling for you, and with you; but from so deep a sense of your calamity as to make all attemps at comfort appear almost idle. A very quiet day yesterday, and a long t'rae tpent over the 69tli Psalm from the 13th to the 17th verst, with pecuUar ref- erence to you, have given me more encouragement. I am more able to feel that we may confidently commit you and yours to that most merciful Lord from whom the dispen- sation has come ; and I have been comforted by the reflec- tion, strange comfort as it may seem, that you and all of us have not long to live ; that in truth it signifies little how we fare here for a few years, provided we are safe in that long and endless journey upon which we shall soon enter. I think, however, I have in some degree followed you in the little mortifications, as well as the great ones, of this trial. I am not sure ikat the great and lasting disaS: ter is so galling to my mind at the moment, as some of the little provoking and humbling attendauts on it. But since the time I spent in heart with you yesterday I have been able in some measui'p to get rid of these intruders, anj to took upon you under the aspect of one beloved of Go.i, 214 ELIZABETH FRY, honored of men, and more than ever loved, cherished anij delighted in bj a large brotherhood. I never felt so keenly as now the privilege of belonging to you, or so conscious of the honor and benefit of such a sister ; and I feel no dis- trust about your future lot. I cannot doubt that years of contentment and happiness await you. I expect that your light win shine forth more brightly than ever. You have ever been a teacher to the whole family, and now I am confidently persuaded you will instruct us with what humili- ty, with what submission, and with what faith,'we ought to bear our deepest trials. What comes from above cannot be bad for us ; and under the sense of this I adopt David's •words, ' "^Tiy art thou cast down, oh my soul ! and why art thou disquieted within me 1 Hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise Him.' Ever, my dearest Betsey, Your most affectionate brother T. F. Buxton." Fbom Mbs. Opib. " Twelfth Month, 11th. {First-day Morning) 1828. " Though I have not hitherto felt free in mind to write to thee, my very dear fiiend, under thy present most severe trial, thou hast been continually, I may say, in my thoughts, brought feehngly and solemnly before me, both day and night. But I am now desired by thy sister Catherine to tell thee that she wil! be with thee to-morrow evening. I must also teU thee, to please myself, that two nights ago I had a pleasing, cheering di'eam of thee ! "I saw thee looking thy best, diest with peculiar care and neatness, and smiling so brightly that I could not help stroking thy cheek and saying, ' Dear friend ! it is quite de- lightful to me to see thee looking thus again, so like the Betsey Fry of former days ; ' and then I awoke. But this Bweet image of thee lives with me still, and I trust that when this dark cloud has passed away from you (as it has PASSING THEOTJGH THE VALLEY. 215 passed away from so many, many others) I shall not only Bee thee in a dream, but in reality, as those who love thee desii'e to see thee always. " Since your trials were known I have rarely, if ever, opened a page of Scripture without finding some promise applicable to thee and thine. I do not believe that I was looking for them, but they presented themselves unsought, and gave me comfort and confidence. Do not suppose, dear friend, that I am not fully aware of the peculiar bitter- ness and suffering which attends this trial, in tLy situation, to thy own individual feelings ; but then, how precious and how cheering to thee must be the evidence it has called forth of the love and respect of those who are near and dear to thee, and of the public at large ! Adversity is indeed the time to try the hearts of our friends, and it must bo now, or wiU be in futm-e, a cordial to thee to remember that thou hast proved how truly and generally thou art be- loved and reverenced." We may add the testimony of Mrs. Corder to the spirit manifested by Elizabeth Fry during this period. " Whilst this precious servant of God was thus passing through the furnace of adversity, the Compiler of this vol- ume was privileged to belong to the meeting (that of Grace- church-street) which, when her state of health permitted, Elizabeth Fry constantly attended. The opportunities of public worship, as well as many of a more private character, at which this afflicted handmaid of tb Lord was united in worship with her endeared friends, were often favored with a solemnity of which perhaps no adequate idea could be conveyed in words ; and the offerings of prayer as well as, at seasons, of devout thanksgiving which she was enabled to dedicate to her Almighty Sustainer, were accompanied by a heavenly power and unction that cannot even now be remembered without a reverent and affecting sense of that 216 ELIZABETH FBT. mercy and Fatherly loving-kindness which thus strength- ened her to glorify God in this furnace of affliction. The sweetness of her disposition and the remarkable wisdom, with which she was endowed shone, in this time of trial, with increased brightness." Her daughters observe: "She had a quality difficult to describe, but marked to those who knew her well, the power of rapidly, and by a process of thought which she could herself hardly have ex- plained, arriving at the truth, striking the balance, and find- ing the just weight of a question ; no natural gift could be of more value under such circumstances. "Mr. and Mrs. Fry resolved upon at once leaving Plashet and seeking a temporary home in Mildred's Court, then the residence of their eldest son. One great mitigation at- tended this calamit}', that the mercantile business, formerly their grandfather's, and conducted by their father, remained to the young men of the family who were thus enabled with the important assistance of their mother's brothers, to re- establish their parents in comfort. With leaving Plashet came much that was sad uprooting habits, long-formed tastes and local s,ssociaiions, parting with servants, and leaving many old pensioners and dependents. " Mrs. Fry had, for many years, displayed singular wis- dom and economy in her household arrangements, as well as in her charities and benevolent objects, varying according to the chcumstances in wnich she had been placed. To 'be just before generous,' was a maxim often expressed to those around her. On this occasion these powers were called into full action. " As ^vinter advanced her health greatly failed. Circum- stances occurred to weaken her husband's and children's attachment to the Society of Friends. Truly the sorrows PASSING THBOTJGH THE VALLEY. 217 of her heart were enlarged. She exclaims in her journal, (which was very irregularly kept) that her ' soul was bowed down within her, aud her eyes were red with weeping.' Yet she was enabled to adopt the language 'I will hopa continually and yet praise Thee more and more;' and a.so to acknowledge that she was much sustained inwardly, and that at times her heart was kept in almost perfect peace. In addition to domestic trials, her tender feelings were at times grievously and unnecessarily wounded ; from without, there was much of bitterness infused into ■ her daily cup, which can only be appreciated by those who have had to bear the brunt of a sinular calamity." * " Flasket, Twelfth Month, IQth. — I have had some quiet, peaceful hours, but I continue in the low valley, and natu- rally feel too much leaving this sweet home, but not being well makes my spirits more weak than usual. I desire not only to be resigned, but cheerfully, willing to give up what- ever is requu'ed of me, and in all things patiently to submit to the will of God, and to estimate my many remaining blessings. I am sorry to find how much I cleave to some earthly things — health, ease, places, possessions. Lord, Thou alone canst enable me to estimate them justly, and to keep them in their right places. In Thine own waj', dear- est Lord, accomplish Thine own work in me, to Thine own praise! grant that out of weakness I may yet be made strong, and through Thy power wax valiant in fight, and may yet, if consistent with Thy holy will, see of the travail of my soul and be satisfied, as it respects myself and my most tenderly beloved family. Amen ! "■Mildred's Court, First Month, 19th, 1829.— My first jom-nal in this year! What an eventful one was the last! prosperity and adversity were peculiarly our portion. It lias been in no common degree a picture of life comprised in a small compass. However, through all, in prosperity * Memoir Vol. 2, page 95. < 218 ELIZABETH rut. and in adversity, however bright, or cloudy my present position or prospects may be, my desire for myself and all whom I love is this, so strongly expressed by the Psalmist, * I will hope continually and will yet praise Thee more and more ! ' So be it, saith my soul, and if it be the Lord's will, may light rise in our present obscurity, and our dark- ness become as the noonday, both as to temporal and spir- itual prospects ! " That she suffered an undue sense of humiliation, from the failure of her husband and the mortifying incidents at tending it, of the nature of which we are not informed, shown by a letter from her faithful friend and co-laborer Mr. Wilberforce, dated one day after the above entry. " Highwood Hill, Middlesex, SOth January, 1829. •'My dear Friend: Though my eyes are just now so indifferent that I muSfc be extremely sparing in the use of my pen, yet I cannot for- bear or delay assuring you, that I do not see how it is pos- sible for any reasonable being to doubt the propriety, (tha^ is a very inadequate way of speaking — let me rather say absolute duty,) of your renewing your prison visitations. A gracious Providence has blessed you with success in youi endeavors to impress a set of miserables whose character and circumstances might almost have extinguished hope; and you will return to them, if with diminished pecuniary powers, yet we may trust, through the mercy and goodness of our Heavenly Father, with powers of a far higher order unimpaired, and with the augmented respect and regard of every sound judgment, not merely of every Christian mind, for having borne, with becoming dispositions, a far harder trial, (for such it is,) certainly than any stroke which pro- ceeds immediately from the hand of God. May you con- tinue, my dear madam, to be the honored instrument of great and rare benefits to almost the most pitiable of your fellow-creatures. PASSING THEOtJaH THE VAIXEY. 219 "llrs. Wilberforce desires to join with me in saying that we hope Ave shall again have the pleasure of seeing you, by and hy, at this place. Meanwhile, with every kind regard, and friendly remembrances to Mr. Fry, and your family circle, I remain, with cordial esteem and regard. My dear friend, very sincerely yours, W. WlLBEKFORCE." For our instruction it is well to note that the dark shadow of misfortune was not suddenly or miraculously, lifted from the heart and home of this devoted Christian. When relief came, it came, as we should say naturally — that is by God's regular appointment — through her again entering, after months of painful waiting, upon the active duties of her various callings. "During that mournful winter in London," write her daughters, "there were periods of peculiar suffering and anxiety. Mrs. Fry's own health being so shaken by her severe mental distresses, as nearly to confine her to her room, with a bad cough. Her beloved son William was on the bed of sickness from oppression of the brain, the result of an overstrained and exhausted mind. Shortly afterwards her daughter-in-law was, in the same house, in an alarming state of illness, and a friend who came to assist in nursing, was taken ill with the measles. The measles in a grown up family becomes a serious disease. They were driven from London in consequence, though too late to escape infec- tion, and took shelter in the vacant house at Plashet, which for many weeks became a scene of anxious nursing. Thence they removed, early in June, to a small but commo- dious dwelling in Upton Lane, immediately adjoining the 220 ELIZABETH FBT. Ham House grounds, the residence of her beloved brother Samuel Gm-ney, Esq." "Mildred's Court, Third Month. — ^It appears late to be- gin the joui-nal of a year ; but the constant press of engage- ments to which I am liable in this place prevent my having time for much writing. We are remaining here with our eon and daughter and their childi'en until there is some opening for having a settled home. However my desu'e is that we may in faith and humility entu'ely bow. I have of late not visited the prisons and been much occupied at home; but I trust that I may be permitted to enter this interesting work again, clothed as with fresh armor, both to defend me and qualify me for fresh service; that my bands may be taught to war, and my fingers to fight ; and that, if consistent with the will of my God, I may, through the help of the Captain of my salvation, yet do valiantly. " Upton, 10th. — We are now nearly settled in this our oew abode ; and I may say, although the house and garden are small, it is pleasant and convenient, and I am fully sat- isfied, and I am thankful for such a home. I have at times been favored to feel great peace, and I may say joy, in the Jliord — a sort of seal to the important step taken ; though at others the extreme disorder into which things have been brought by all these changes, and the difficulty of making new arrangements has harassed and tried me. But I trust ifc will please a kind Providence to bless my endeavor to have and keep my house in order. Place is a matter of small importance if that peace which the world cannot give be our portion — even at limes — as a brook by the way — to the refreshment of our weary and heavy laden souls. Al- though a large garden is not now my allotment, I feel pleasure in having even a small one, and my acute relish for the beautiful in nature and art is, on a clear day, almost constantly gratified by a delightful view of Greenwich Hos- pital and Park, and other parts of Kent, the shipping oH the river as well as the cattle in the meadows. So that io PASSING THEOTTGH THE VALLEY. 221 small things and great, spiritual and temporal, I have yel reason to raise up my Ebenezer, and praise, bless and mag. nify the name of my Lord. "Sixth Month, 23rc?. — I little expected to attend the Yearly Meeting, having of late appeared to be <'<^ much taken out of such things and such services ; but, contrary to my expectation, way opened for me to attend every sit- ting, and to take rather an active part in it, to my real con- solation, refreshment and help. The unity of Friends was remarkable. I certainly felt very low at the commencement. After having, for so many years, received dear friends at my house, and that with heartfelt pleasm-e, it tried — not to say puzzled me, why such a change was permitted me. But I rest in the weighty import of the words, ' That which I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know here- after.'" Can anything exceed the admirable temper and disposi- tion thus exhibited during a great trial. IVIitigated indeed the trial was, in many respects by the ability and generosity of her friends ; and a beautiful picture the whole presents of a Christian family and society closing round the falling member, with quick and tender care, and not only breaking the fall as much as love could do it, but as soon as might be, again establishing the broken home in peace and com- fort, and continuing such aid so long as necessary. The graceful manner in which this was done may be seen from the follov/ing extracts of letters to Elizabeth Fry from her brother Joseph John Gurney, both before and after these events, during which all needful aid was given by her brothers and some other friends in the most delicate and hearty manner. " Earlham, First Month, VJth, 1819. *'My dearest Betsey: ♦ He that ftiveth let him do it with simplicity.' In tha 222 ELIZABETH FBY. desire to fulfil this precept, I may state tliat I have on the Bettlement of my accounts, five hundred pounds to spare; and after some consideration, believe it my duty to apply it to the oiling of thy wheels. I therefore put it into Sam« uel's hands to whom thou mayst apply for the money, as wanted. My intention is that it should be a little stock in band, to meet thy private and personal exigencies. My condition is that thou wilt not say a vrord about it to any one. Of course I take no refusal and can admit but very little gratitude." «« Konoich, First Ifonth, lOiA, 1836. "I have a sua-plus fund which I think I ought to dispose of at the winding up of the yeai* 1835, and I had been thinking of sending thee a portion of it, to which thou art perfectly welcome. I order Barc'ey and Co., to pay the diaft for the amount. Pray do not allow thyself any com* puuction or hesitation on this point. I shall always de- pend on thy being perfectly free ia mentioning thy needs to me. In fact it is a kindness, as I do not consider that jny cii'cumstances justify much, if any, accumulation. " In haste thy very affectionate brother J. J. GURNEY." "P. S. — I shall consider myself very ill-used if thou art ever detected in walking when it is better for thy health thoushouldst ride, or if thou art ever denying thyself any of the comforts of life which are needful for thee." It is pleasant to add a tribute from this excellent and ao complished man, to his sister's worth, and her rare psrsonal qua ities, found in his journal, bearing date about the time we have now reached in her history. "Kinth Month, 17th. (1S2S).— Tho time which has passed since I lust wrote has been fraught v.itli lively in- terests. My dear sister Iry's satisfactory and comforting PASSING THBOUGH THE VALLE7. 223 visit, from fourth to seventh day last, was perhaps the prin- cipal. I never saw her, that I remember, in a more favored condition, and she was the means of raising me considerably in the scale of spu-itual feeling, Avherein I am so very apt to find a low place. Greatly gifted she assui'edly is, both by nature and grace, and is enabled to exercise a gentle and un- seen, yet powerful influence over all about her. She waa present at our large and highly favored Monthly Meeting, last fifth-day, and was memorably engaged amongst us as a caughter of cousolatiou." CHAPTER EIGHTH. BISINO UP THE MOTOTAINS. " Eighth Month, l^th, 1829.— Our wedding-day ! twenty, nine years since we were married ! My texts for the morn- ing are applicable : — ' Our light affliction, which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.' — 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' As fai as we can judge from external appearances, mine has not been a common life. He who seeth in secret only knows the unutterable depths and sorrows I have had to pass through, as well as, at other times, I may almost say, joys 'inexpressible and full of glory.' I have now had so many disappointments in life that my hopes, which have so long lived strong that I should see much brighter days in it, be- gin a little to subside, and my desu-e is more entirely to look beyond the world for that which can alone satisfy me ; and not to have my heart so much set upon the things of this Ufa ; or even on those persons nearest me ; but more set upon the life to come, and upon Him who is faithful and will be all in all to His dependent ones. At the same time I desire faithfully to perform all my relative duties ; and may my heart be kept in tender love to all near me. " Upton, Tenth Month, 1\st. — Something has occurred which has brought me into conflict of mind; how far to restrain young persons in tLeir pleasures, and how far to leave them at libei Ly. The longer I live the more difficult do I see education to be ; more particularly as it respects BISINQ UP THE MOUNTAINS. 225 the religious resti-aints that we put upon our children. To do enough and not too much is a most delicate and impor- tant point. I begin seriously to doubt whether as it re- spects the peculiar scruples of Friends, it is not better quite to leave sober-minded young persons to judge for them- selves. Then the question aiises, "When does this age aiTive ? I have such a fear that in so much mixing religion with those things which are not delectable we may turn them from the thing itself. I see, feel, and know that where these scruples are adopted from principle they bring a blessing with them ; but where they ai'e only adopted out of conformity to the views of others I have very serious doubts whether they are not a stumbling-block. "On First-day we were rather suddenly summoned to Plashet House to attend Anna Golder (aunt to my faithful Chrissy) who had charge of the house. She was one of the lowly, retired, humble walkers before the Lord; she was suddenly taken very ill, and died in half an hour after her niece got there. It was appai'ently a departui-e without sting to mind or body ; as far, therefore, as it respected her, all was peace. But to myself it was different. I arrived there after dark, drove once more to the dear old place,— no one to meet me but the poor man who lived in the house, no dog to bark, nor any life, nor sound, as used to bo. Death seemed over the place, such was the silence — until I found myself upstahs in the large and once cheerful and full house. When I entered the bed-room there lay the corpse. Circumstances combined to touch some very ten- der feelings, and the inclination of my heart was to bow down upon my knees before the Lord, thankful, surely, for the release of the valued departed — but deeply and affect- ingly impressed with such a change! — that once hvely, cheerful home left desolate — the abode of death — and two or three watchers. It brought, as my visits to Plashet often have done, the hymn to my mind, — ' Lord, wliy is this ? I trembling cried J ' 226 ELIZABETH PR7 Tnen again I find I can do nothing but bow, trust, and de- pend upon that Power that has, I believe, thus seen meet to visit us in judgment, as well as in mercy. "31st. — Since I last wrote I have been called to another death-bed scene; our old and valued Koman Catholic friends, the Pitchfords, have lost their eldest son, a sweet, good boy. I felt di-awn in love, I trust I may say Christian love, to be much with them during their trial ; I felt it right to leave my family and spend Fu-st-day evening with them, when all hope of the child's life was given up. I had not only to sympathize with them in their deep sorrow, but to pour forth my prayer in then* behalf. The next day I was with the poor child when he died, and was nearly tho whole day devoted to them. We had a deeply interesting time after his death — my dear friends themselves, all their children, then* mother, sister and old nurse. My mouth was remai'kably opened in prayer and praises, indeed all day at their house something of a holy influence appeai-ed to be over us : a fresh, hving proof that what Gou has cleansed we are not to call or feel common or unclean, lb sm-ely matters not by what name we call ourselves, or what outward means we may think right to use, if our hearts are but influenced by the love of Christ, and cleansed by His baptism, and strengthened by His sphit to prove our faith by love and good works. "With ceremonies, or without ceremonies, if there be but an establishment upon the Kock of Ages, all will be well. Although I am of opinion the more oiur religion is pui'e, simple, and devoid of these out- ward forms, the better and safer for us, at the same time I do earnestly desire a more full union amongst all Chi-is- tians, less judging one another, and a general acknowledge- ment in heait, judgment, and word of the universaUty of the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." " Amidst Elizabeth Fry's numerous avocations, she found time to select a passage of Scripture for every day in the year. She endeavored to combine in it that which is 'proiit- BISINO CP THE MOUKTAma. 227 able for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness ; ' and in a little preface she urged the im- portance of so seeking to appropriate the truths contained in it, with a heart uplifted, that the blessed Spuit might ap- ply the word ; and concludes, ' The rapid and ceaseless pass- ing away of the days and weeks, as well as the months of the year, as numbered at the head of each day's text, it is hoped may prove a memento of the speed with which time is hastening on, and remind the reader of the importance of passing it as a preparation for eternity, in the service of God and for the benefit of mankind.' As soon as her little work was finished and printed she began its distribution; many thousands of copies did she give away, being amply supplied from the stores of afiluence, with the right means of dispersing them. Great numbers were otherwise circu- lated. Where have not these little Text-books penetrated, from the monarch's gilded hall to the felon's dungeon?" Among the numerous instances of their usefulness which came to hght the following is related. "Two or three years after their publication a text-book bound in red leather, which she had given (c a little grand- son, fell out of his pocket at the Lynn Mart, where he had gone to visit the lions. He was a very little boy, and much disconcerted at the loss of his book for his name was in it, and it was 'the gift of his grandmother' written by herself. The transaction was almost forgotten, when, nearxy a year afterwards, Richard Coxe, the clergyman of Watiingtou, a parish about eight miles from Lynn, gave the following his- tory of the lost book. He had been sent for to the wile of a man living on a wild common, on the outskirts of his parish, a notorious character, between poacher and rat-catcher. The message was brought to the clergyinan by the medical maa who attended her, and who, after describing her as being most strangely altered, added ' you will find the lion become 228 ELIZABETH TRY. a lamb,' — and so it proved. She who had been wild and rough, where language had been violent and her conduct untamed, lay on a bed of exceeding suffering, humble, pa- tient, and resigned.. " Her child had picked up the text-book and carried it home as lawful spoil. Cmiositj', or some feeling put into her heart by Him without whom a sparrow falleth not to the ground, had induced her to read it ; the word had been blessed to her and her understanding opened to receive the gospel of truth. She could not describe the process, but the results were there. Sin had in her sight become hate- ful ; blasphemy was no longer heard from her lips. She drew from under her pillow her ' precious book,' her ' dear little book,' which had been the means of leading her soul to Him who ' taketh away sin. ' She soon afterwards died in peace and joyful hope." In 1830 Mrs. Fry paid a religious visit to parts of Suffolk and Norfolk and attended the Quarterly Meeting at Ipswich. In the fall of the same year she went to Sussex to attend the Quarterly Meeting there, and some of its particular Meetings. The Yearly Meeting is thus described *• "Sixth Ifonth, 1th. — I had a difficult path to tread during the Yearly Meeting. I did not of course receive Friends, but went, as I was kindly asked to various houses. I could not but at times naturally feel it, after having for so many years, delighted to entertain my friends and those whom I believe to be disciples of Christ ; and now, in con- siderable degree, to be deprived of it. But after relating my sorrows I must say that through the tender mercy of my God I have many blessings, and what is more, at times such a sweet feeling of peace that I am enabled to hope and trust that through the unbounded and unmerited mercy of God in Christ Jesus, my husband, my children, and myself ElSma UP THE MOUNTAINS. ^ 229 will eventually be made partakers of that salvation which comes by Christ. The state of oiir Society as it appeared in the Yearly Meeting, was satisfactory, and really very com- forting to me ; go much less stress laid upon little things, more upon matters of great importance ; so much unity, good- will, and what I felt, Christian liberty amongst us — ^love appeared truly to abound, to my real refreshment. I am certainly a thorough Friend, and have inexpressible unity with the prin- ciple, but I also see room for real improvement amongst us ; may it take place ; I want to see less love of money, less judging others, less tattling, less dependence upon external appearance. I want to see more fruit of the Spuit in all things, more devotion of heart, more spirit of prayer, more real cultivation of mind, more enlargement of heai't towards all ; more tenderness towards delinquents, and above all, more of the rest, peace and liberty of the children of God I Among the frequent testimonials received during this period was a letter accompanied by an elaborately embroid- ered counterpane. "Liverpool, Sixth Month, 23rd, 1830. "The Ladies Committee who visit the House of Correc- tion at Torkdale, near Liverpool.beg Elizabeth Fry's accep- tance of a counterpane worked by the female prisoners, and trimmed with a fringe of their own making. This memorial of a class of her unhappy fellow-creatures so eminently benefited and tenderly felt for by Elizabeth Fry, will, the Committee believe, be peculiarly grateful to her, as well aa being a proof of their own affectionate regard. "Signed on behalf of the Committee by^ Kebecca Charley. Secretary^* From Hamburg she received an application that "a fe5pj of her likeness might be engraved for an Almanac publiahecj by Beyerink, entitled, "For that which is Beautiful and 230 ELIZABETH FRY. Grood." The Almanac, wlien published contained this pas- sage : " 1830. — Though faithful to her duty as a wife and mother, into the night of the prison Elizabeth Fry brings the radiance of love — brings comfort to the sufferers, dries the tear of repentance, and causes a ray of hope to descend into the heai't of the sinner. She teaches her that has strayed again to find the path of vu-tue, comes as an angel of God unto the abode of crime, and preserves for Jesus' kingdom that ■^ hich appeared to be lost. Is not this in- deed what may be called loving our neighbor more than one's self?" In Sejptember of this year she made a brie! religious visit in Sussex county. From Brighton she addressed a letter to Queen Adelaide expressing her " desire that, for the good of the community* she might promote the education of the poor, the genefal distribution of the Scriptures, and the keeping of the Sab- bath seriously, by discoui-aging parties &c., &c., on that day amongst the higher ranks, as the tendency of them was very injurious to the lower classes, and to the community at lai-ge." At this fashionable resort several of the higher classes were invited to attend the mid-week meeting, which is thus described : " To my own feelings, a remarkable time we surely had. It appeared as if we were overshadowed by the love and mercy of God our Saviour. The ministry flowed in beauti- ful hai-mony. I deeply felt the want of vocal prayer being offered, but I did not see it my place upon our Meeting as- eembling together, when, to my inexpressible relief, a friend BISING UP TBS HOmHTAVXa. 231 powerfully and beautifully offered up thanksgiving and prayer, •which appeai'ed to rise as incense and as an accepta- ble sacrifice. After a time of silence I rose with this text : * There are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit ; differ- ences of administration, but the same Lord; diversities ol operations, but it is the same God who worketh all in all.' In a way that it never did before the subject opened to my view whilst speaking. How did I see and endeavor to ex- press the lively bond of union existing in the Christian church, and that the humbling, tendering influence of tht' love and power of Christ must lead us not to condemn our neighbors but to love all. I had to end the Meeting by praying for the King, Queen and all their subjects every- where ; for the advancement of that day when the knowl- edge of God and His glory would cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea ; for those countries in Europe that are in a disturbed state, and that these shakings might event- ually be for good. After a most solemn feeling of imion the Meeting broke up." In the spring of 1831 this most industrious and faithful messenger of love made a visit to the Quai-terly Meeting of Kent. She writes— "I was much engaged, from Meeting to Meeting; labored to encourage the low, the poor and the sorrowful , to lead to practical religion, and to shake from all outward depend- encies, and to show that our principles and testimonies of a peculiar nature should not be maintained simply as a regulation amongst us, but unto the Lord, and in deep humility, in the true Christian spuit; particularly as to tithes, war, &c. I felt much peace afterwards, and in going from house to house, breaking, I trust, a little bread, spiritually, and giving thanks. It appeared very seasona- ble, though long delayed, as I have had it on my mind many months, but hitherto have been prevented by various 232 ELIZABETH FBT. things ; ypt this appeared to be the right time ; and I take the lesson home, quietly to wait for the openings of Provi- dence, particularly in all religious services, and not to at tempt to plan them too much mj^self. "The kindi:ess of Friends was great, and I received much real encouragement from them ; some from the humble ones that did my heart good. Indeed I cannot but acknowl- edge, in humiliation of spirit, however any may reason on these things, and however strange that women should be eeut cut to preach the gosjjel, yet I have, in these services, partaken of joy aud peace that I think I never felt, in the same degree, in any other." ''Fifth Month, litJi, (1831).— About three weeks ago I paid a very satisfactory visit to the Duchess of Kent and her very pleasing daughter, the Princess Victoria. William Allen went with me. We took some books on the subject of slavery, with the hope of influencing the young Princess in that important cause. We were received with much kindness and cordiality, and I felt my way open to express not only my desire that the best blessing might rest upon them, but that the young Princess might follow the exam- ple of our blessed Lord, that as she 'grew in stature she might grow in favor with God and man.' I also ventured to remind her of King Josiah who began to reign at eight years old, and did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, tui'ning neither to the right hand nor to the left — which seemed to be well received. Since that I thought it right to send the Duke of Gloucester my brother Joseph's work on the Sabbath, and a ratber serious letter, and had a very valuable answer from him, fall of feeling. I have an invitation to visit the Duchess of Gloucester next Eourth- day ; may good result to them, and no harm to myself ; but I feel these openings rather a weighty responsibility, and desii-e to be faithful, not forward. I had long felt an incli- nation to see the young Princess and to endeavor to throw a little weight in the right scale, seeing the very importaxit RISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. 233 place that she is likely to fill. I was much pleased with her, and think her a sweet, lovely and hr peful child," (ihen 12 years of age.) " Sixth Month, Zrd. — The Yearly Meeting has concluded this week. I was highly comforted by the good spii-it mani- fested in it by numbers. I think I never was so much satis- fied with the ground taken by Friends, leading us to main- tain what we consider our testimonies upon a Scriptural and Christian ground, rather than because our forefathers maintained them. My opinion is that nothing is so likely to cause our Society to remain a living and spiritual body as its being willing to stand open to improvement; because it is to be supposed that as the Church generally emerges out of the dark state it was brought into, its light will shiaa brighter and brighter, and we, as a part of it, shall partake of this dispensation. My belief is that neither individuals, nor collective bodies should stand still in grace, but their light should shine brighter unto perfect day." During this season she held some meetings among the lower classes around Barking and Dagenham, some ten miles east of London — where she spent the summer. '■^Eighth 3Ionth, 1st. — Last evening we finished our Public Meetings in barns. I passed a humbling night. Even in our acts of obedience and devotion how evident is the mixture of infirmity, (at least so it appears to me,) and we need to look to the great offering for sin and iniquity to bear even these transactions for us. I apprehend that all would not understand me, but many who are much engaged in what we call works of righteousness will understand the reason that in the Jewish dispensation there was an offering made ' for the iniquity of then- holy things.' Humiliation is my portion, though I may also say peace, in thus having given up to a service much against my inclination ; and I hope thankfulness for the measure of power at timea gvcinto i in them. 234 ELIZABETH FRY. " DagenJiam, Eighth Month, 2Ath. — Upon my return home to Dagenliam this day week, in the pony chair, with little Edmund Gurney, there was a severe thunder-storm the greater part of the way, but I felt quite easy to perse- vere through it. But when I arrived at the Chequers Inn I thought another storm was coming and went in. We had been there but a few minutes when we saw a bright flash of lightning, followed instantaneously by a tremendous clap of thunder. Upon being asked if I was alarmed I said that I certainly was, and did not doubt that an accident had happened near to us. My dear husband who was out in the tempest arrived safely, but in a few minutes a young man was carried in dead, struck by the lightning in a field close at hand. I felt oui- escape — yet still more the awful situation of the young man, who was a sad charac- ter ; he had been at our meeting at Beacontree Heath. This awful event produced a very serious efifect in the neighborhood ; so much so that we believed it right to in- vite all the relations of the young man, (a bad set,) and the other young men of the neighborhood to meet us in the lit- tle Methodist Meeting House which ended in one more rather large Public Meeting. The event and cu'cumstancea altogether made it very solemn : it appeared to set a seal to what had passed before, in our other meetings. My belief is they have had a stirring effect in this neighborhood, but they have been very humbling to me ; the whole event of this young man's awful death has much confirmed me in the belief that our concern was a right one, and tended to prepare the minds of the people to profit by such a lesson. My dear brother and sister Buxton and their Pricilla wera with us at many of our Meetings. "21th. — We are just about leavmg this place. I have endeavored to promote the moral and religious good of the people since the Meetings by establishing libraries of tracts and books at different places, and ray belief is that my hum- ble labors have not been in vain, nor I trust will they be. RISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. 239 I have felt so strikingly tlie manner in which the kindness and love of the neighborhood has been shown to me, after thus publicly preaching amongst them ; and as a poor frail woman, advocating boldly the cause of Christ, I expected rather to be despised; whereas, it is apparently just the reverse, — the clergyman and his wife almost loading us with kindness, the farmers and their wives very kind and atten- tive, the poor the same. I felt how sweet it is to be on good terms with them all — one day drinking tea at the par- sonage, abounding with plate, elegancies and luxuries, the next day at a humble Methodist shoemaker's, they having procui'ed a little fresh butter, that I might take tea under their roof. The contrast was great, but I can indeed se» the same kind Lord over all, rich to all, and filling the hearts of His servants of very different descriptions with love to each other," Elizabeth Fry's character, and the effects of her ministry are beautifully illustrated in the following extract from her journal while at home in Upton Lane. " Twelfth Month, 20iA. — I am once more favored, after being far from weU, with a renewal of health and power ta enter my usual engagements, public and private. Tester- day I went to town, — first attended the Newgate Commit- tee, then the British Society, which was encouraging to me. There were many present of different denominations of Christians, and a sweet feeling of love and unity pervaded the whole. Elizabeth Dudley spoke in a lively manner, and I had to pray. There is still much ground for encourage- ment in the prison cause ; I believe a seed is sown in it that will grow and flourish, I trust when some of us are laid low. It is a work that brings with it a peculiar feeling of blessing and peace ; may the Most High continue to prosper it ! Aftenvai'ds I went to Clapham to visit a poor, dying, converted Jew who had sent a letter to beg me to go and •236 ELIZABETB FBT. Bee him. My visit was highly interesting. I often wish for the pen of a ready writer and the pencil of an artist to pictuie some of the scenes that I am brought into. A man of pleasing countenance, greatly emaciated, lying on a little white bed, all clean and in order, his Bible by his side, and animated, almost beyond description, at seeing me. He kissed my hand, the tears came into his eyes, his poor face flushed, and he was ready almost to raise himself out of his bed. I sat down and tried to quiet him, and by degrees succeeded. We had a very interesting conversation. He had been in the practice of frequently attending my read- icgs at Newgate, apparently with great attention. Latterly I had not seen him, and was ready to suppose that, like many others, his zeal was of short dui-ation; but I had lately heard that he had been ill. He is one of those Jews who have felt perfectly liberated from keeping any part of the Law of Moses, which some other converted Jews yet consider themselves bound to observe. I found, when he used to come so often to Newgate that he was a man of good moral character, seeking the truth. But to go on with my story. In our conversation he said that he felt great peace, no fear of death, and a full reliance upon his Savioui- for salvation. He said that his visits to Newgate had been to him beyond going to any church — indeed I little knew how much was going on in his heai't. He re- quested me to read a Psalm that I had read one day ia Newgate, the 107th. This I did and he appeared deeply .to feel it, particularly as my dear friends and I made our little remarks in Christian freedom as we went along, truly, I believe, in the life. The poor Jew prayed very strikingly ; I followed him and returned thanks. TVTiat a solemn, unit- ing time it was. The poor Jew said ' God is a Spirit and they that worship Him, must worship in spuit and ia truth,' as if he felt the spirituality of the Christian adminis- tration. His countenance lightened with apparent joy whea he expressed his undoubted belief that he should soon enter BISING UP THE M0UNTAIN3. 237 the Kingdom, and that I should, before long, follow him. Then he gave me his blessing and took leave in much ten. derness, showing every mark he could of gratitude and love. He did not accept any gift of money, saying that he wanted no good thing, as he was most kindly provided for by serious persons in the neighborhood. After about two weeks I received au account of the peaceful end of this poor Jew. " First Month, Incl, 1S32. — I think I have seldom entered a year with more feeling of weight than this. As the clock was striking twelve, the last year closing and this begin- ning, I found myself on my knees by my bedside, looking up to Him who had caiiied me and mine through the last year, and could only really be our Helper in this. We have- had the subject of marriage much before us this last year; it has brought us to some test of oar feelings and princi- ples respecting it. That it is highly desu'able and impor- tant to have young persons settle in mamage, particularly young men, I cannot doubt ; and that it is ous of the most- likely means of theu* preservation, religiously, morally and temporally. Moreover it is highly desirable to settle witli one of the same religious views, habits and education aj themselves; more particularly for those who have beeu brought up as Friends, bscause theu- mode of eaucation is peculiar. But if any young persons, upon arriving at an age of discretion, do not feel themselves really altached to our peculiar views and habits, then I think their parents have no right to use undue influence with them, as to ths connexions they may incline to form ; provided they b9 witl^ persons of religious lives and conversation. I am ol' opiu- iou that parents ai-e apt to exercise too much authority upon the subject of marriage, and that there would be more really bappy unions, if young persons were left more to their own fee.iugs and discretion. Marriage is too much treated like a business concern, and love, that essonliai ingrtjdieut, toO' little respected in it. I disapprove the ru.e of our fciooisty 238 ELIZABETH FRY. that disowns persons for allowing a child to marry one not a Friend — it is a most undue and unchristian restraint, aa far as I can judge of it." The regulations of the Society in respect to marriages have been greatly modified since that time. In 1832 Mrs. Fry together with her sister-in-law of the Bame name visited the Half- Year's Meeting in Wales, and Bome places in Ireland, with the usual happy reuslts. In the autumn of this year a son and also a daughter were married — both out of the Society — which left the Httla band at Upton Lane much i-educed. Soon afterward with her husband and two remaining daughters she visited her eister Mi*s. Cunningham at Lowestoft. The latter lady, wife of an able and pious clergyman, gave a long account of this visit, from which I cannot forbear making u few ex- tracts showing the wonderful charm and power of Eliza- beth Fry's personality on all who could appreciate spiritual beauty., " November, 22nd. — ^We had the treat and great advan- tage of a visit from oui- dearest sister. She was encovu-aged to come and assist us in the formation of our District Soci- ety which in this large place we find to be essential for the right working of the parish. "NVe are most thankful for the assistance of our dear sister, (our brother and two of our nieces accompauied her) it is almost like having an angel visitor, so full of loveliness and grace is she. On Sunday my dearest sister being at Pakefield with the Friends in- duced my remaining all day there. She drank tea with me at the Hawtreys. Mr. Hawtrey and she had some animated and delightful conversation before we went down to the lecture in the scliool-room ; dearest Betsey accompanied us, end some of the other friends joined us. After the usual singing and prayer ilr. Hawtrey read very impressively BISINQ TO THE MOUNTAINS. 239 the latter part of the third of Ephesians ; we then had si- lence, after -which she arose and beautifully addressed the meeting on the necessity of domestic and private religion, and enlarged a good deal on the duty, spirit and manner in which scripture should be read and studied ; it would not do to hear it only in public service. After the powerful outward means which had been granted to the people of Pakefield how were they called upon to examine and digest for themselves the written word of God. Then in a full and beautiful prayer she seemed to bring the blessing of Heaven upon us. I hai'dly know any scriptural treat so great as uniting with her in prai/erf it is such a heavenly song — so spiritual, so elevating, enjoying glimpses, as it were, of the eternal world. Oh ! may we long retain the power and the blessing of it ! " On Monday we were all in movement, in preparation for our District Society Meeting ; this was held at our house and well attended. Our dear sister displayed much of her tact and power, and gave iis the greatest assistance. How max'velously gifted she is ! Through her influence all par- ties were brought together, and the District Society begun under the most favorable auspices ; the town was divided and every arrangement made according to her advice. Our meeting was highly satisfactory and promised the most favorable results ; every one seemed Avilling to yield to her wisdom and eloquence. What a power of communicating good she possesses ! what a faithful steward in that which is committed to her ! " Surely these times do leave a peculiar savor which is not to be forgotten ; it adds to the precious seasons which ore foretastes of Heaveu. Her mind appears to me in more lively exercise and more gifted than ever ; rich both in grace and gifts. She is indeed beloved of the Lord, and dwells in safety by Him. . . Nothing can be more benevolent find beautiful tban lier spirit, overflowing with love and teu- Oei neis." 240 ELIZABETH FRT. Leaving this sister, they visited the old home at Earlham, and went thence to North Kepps Hall, the home of hei brother-in-law, Thomas Fowell Buxton, who was now in the midst of his great struggle for the emancipation of slaves in the British Colonies. Her warm interest and sym- pathy in his heroic eflforts were a titncly encouragement as he was confronting the influence of a selfish Government in the House of Con.mons, supported witho.it by the stirring eloquence of Wilberforce, to efifect what has honored Eng- land more than any other national act. In 1833 Mrs. Fry spent several months at a quiet retreat in the island of Jersey, with her family, in order to rest and recruit her health. She enjoyed the retirement as only those can do who have accomplished their appointed tasks. But idleness was not rest to a spirit like hers. The hand and heart did not forget their congenial employment. It was her meat and drink to do the will of Him that sent her. When the happy party went out for a picnic, or to spend the day amongst the secluded and romantic bays of the is- land, " the tract bag was not forgotten — whilst the rest of the party were sketching or walking, she would visit the cottagers, and, making herself as well understood as their antique Norman dialect permitted, would give her little French books and offer the kind word of sympathy or ex- hortation." At first she held meetings in private houses with poor accommodations, but at length a room was fitted up in the town and large congregations assembled, includ- ing many of the gentry and principal inhabitants. " Phil^ anthropic objects also presented themselves to her notice,, especially the state of the Hospital, including the Work- house and Lunatic Asylum, and the Prison." RISING Vt THE MOUNTAINS. 241 " Eighth Month, 12th. — We feel much at home in this lovely island, and in rather a remarkable manner our way opens in the hearts of those amongst whom we are residing. A very extensive field of service appears before us, in many ways. To try thoroughly to attend to the prisoners, to strive to correct the evils in the Hospital, to assist in various ways the Friends and those who attend Meeting, to visit several in Christian love and try to draw them nearer to- gether — oh ! gracious Lord, grant Thy poor unworthy ser- vant the help of Thy Spuit, to do Thy will, and let not her labor be iu vain in Thee, her Lord and her God! but thi-ough Thy unmerited mercy in Christ Jesus grant that her way may be made very clear before her, and ability given her to walk in it to Thy praise, her own peace, and the real edification of those among whom her lot may be cast. Amen ! Jersey, Ninth Month, IQth. — I have much enjoyed and valued the pleasant retreat we have here. I desire, in deep gratitude, to acknowledge the renewed capacity to delight in the wonderful works of God. The scenery, and feeling fully at liberty to spend part of many days in the enjoy- ment of this beautiful country and weather, and my beloved husband and children, has been very sweet to me ! "What has not religion been to me? How wonderful in its opsrar tion? None but Him who knows the heart can tall. Surely it has brought me into some deep humiliations; bul how has it raised me up, healed my at time.'j wounded spirit, given me power to enjoy my blessings, in vvhat I believe au unusual degree, and wonderfully sustained me under deep tribulations! To me it is anything but bonJage, since it has brought me into a delightful freedom ; although I had narrow places to pass through before my boLiutlaries were thus enlarged ; so that from experience I wish to ba very tender over those still in bonds." In the spring of 1834 she made a brief religious visii in 242 ELIZABETH FRY. Dorset and Hants, accompanied by two of her nieces, one of whom, the daughter of Sir Fowell Buxton, made the fol« lowing statements, illustrative of Elizabeth Fry's charactei and methods of doing good. "There was no weakness or trouble of mind or body which might not safe-y be unveiled to her. Wliatever vai'icus or opposite views, feeL'ngs or wishes might be con- fided to her, all came out again, tinged with her own loving, hopeful spiiit. Bitterness of every kind died when en- trusted to her ; it never re-appeai"ed. The most favorable construction possible was always put upon every transac- tion. No doubt her failing lay this way ; but did it not give her and her example a wonderful influence ? Was it not the very secret of her power with the wretched and de- graded prisoners? She always could see hope for every one; she invariably found, or made, some point of light. The most abandoned must have felt that she did not despair for them, either for this world, or another, and this it was that made her irresistible. " At Southampton time and opportunity were rather un- expectedly afforded for an excursion to the Isle of Wight. I think she undertook it chiefly for the sake of pleasing Priscilla Gurney and myself ; but it had important conse- quences. We traveled round by Shankiin, Bonchurch and Undercliff. She was zealous in the enjoyment of the scen- ery and the wild flowers ; but the next day, on reaching Freshwater, she was fatigued and remained to rest, whilst we went to see Alum Bay. On our return we were told she had walked out, and we soon received a message desiiing us to join her at the Coast Guard Station. We found her in her element, pleased and giving pleasure to a large group who were assembled around her. She entered with tha greatest sympathy into their somewhat dreary position, in- quired into then- resources for education for their children, and religious improvement for themselves — found them EISING UP THE M0UNTAIK3. 243 much in want of books ; and from this visit originated that gieat undertaking- of providing libraries for all the Coast Guai'd Stations in Great Britain — an undertaking full of difflculties, but in which her perseverance never relaxed till it was accomplished.'' This is perhaps a suitable place to mention the work of Christian iphilanthropy above referred to, which consisted in furnishing the five hundred Coast Guard Stations of Great Britain with libraries of suitable reading for the men and their families. That such a task required, not only great labor and perseverance, but a large outlay of personal influence for its successful accomplishment, is obvious. The results are concisely stated in the Report of the Com- mittee acting under the sanction of the Government for carrying out the object- It is as follows : — "The Committee acting under the sanction of His Ma- jesty's Government for furnishing the Coast Guard of the United Kingdom with libraries of religious and instructive books and also with school books for the families of the men employed in that service, having, by the blessing of Divine Providence completed that object, it becomes their pleasing duty to lay before the subscribers a Eeport of their proceedings. " In the commencement of this duty it is proper grate- fully to acknowledge that the idea of furnishing these libra- ries first suggested itself to the benevolent mind of Mrs. Fry, whose active and charitable exertions, on all occasions affecting the benefit of mankind, are too well known and too highly estimated to need further remark on the present oc- casion, and who, having previously succeeded in inducing His Majesty's Government lo establish libraries for the use of the patients in the naval hospitals, was induced by the obseivations she had made on the subject, to endeavor to 244 ELIZABETH FBT. extend the same beneficial measure to the Coast Guard Ser- vice, and after several unsuccessful efforts arising from the expense which it would occasion, a sum of 500 pounds was obtained in 1835, from the First Lord of the Treasui-y (Sii Robert Peel) for this purpose, which munificent donation has since been followed by subsciptions from charitable in- dividuals, and grants from several book societies, but as the whole of these funds were not sufficient to meet the object in view, the present Chancellor of the Exchequer (j\Ir. Spring Kice) kindly granted two further sums amounting together to 460 pounds to effect its completion. "The means thus so liberally afforded have enabled the committee to provide and forward to the coast, — 498 libraries for Stations on shore, containing 25,896 vol 3 74 Ditto Districts 12,880 " 48 Ditto Cruisers 1,867 " School books for the children of crews of Stations 6,464 " Pamphlets, Tracts, &c., 6,357 Id uoa Making a total of 52,464 vols. and thereby to fm'nish a body of deserving and useful men and their wives and families, (amounting to upwards of 21,000 persons,) with the means of moral and religious in- struction, as well as profitable amusement, most of whom, from theu' situation in life, have not the means of procuring such benefits from theu" own resources, and who in many instances, are so far removed from places of public worship and schools as to prevent the possibility of themselves or their families deriving advantage from either." Mrs. Fry's only note on the journey last referred to is as follows : — " Upton, Fourth 3Ionth. — At Portsmouth we paid an in- teresting visit to Easier Hospital, the Hulks Hospital Ship, EISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. 245 and some prisons ; we also paid a delightful little visit to the Isle of Wight. I felt more able to enjoy the great beauties of nature, from having been owned by my Lord and Master in my religious services. What a relish does true religion give for our temporal as well as spiritual bless- ings ! I have still much to feel respecting the offer of mar- riage made to my dear L . It is a very serious thing, my childi-en thus leaving Friends ; and I have my great fears that in so doing they are leaving that which v/ould ba a blessing and preservation to them. At the same time I see there is no respect of persons with God ; nor in reality is there the difference some would make out of the different administrations of religion, if there be but a true, sincere love of our Lord, and endeavor to serve Him. What i3 above all to me I have felt peace in it rather peculiarly : still we at present are exceedingly feeling the weight of the affairs. It is also a considerable pain to me to go through the discij^line of the Society respecting it — but in bearing it patiently and humbly I may in that way be enabled to preach Christ. Lord, be it so — Help me Thyself through all these rather intricate paths, and make a way for Thy servant in all these things; that she may do right in Thy sight, and not offend even the weakest of her brethren and sisters in religious connection with herself — help, Lord, or we perish ! " 21st. — Yesterday (First-day) I attended Meeting rather oppressed in body and mind. Ministered to by dear Eliza- beth Dudley, but had such heaviness of body as to hinder spiritual revival. In the afternoon I went, accompanied by Elizabeth Dudley, Rebecca Sturges, and some others, to visit the female convict ship ; the sun shone brightly, the day delightful, the poor women rejoiced to s^e us, but my spirit was in heaviness from the difSculty of leaving my family, even for a few hours on that day. It was a fine sight to see about one hundred and fifty poor female convicts, and some sailors, standing, sitting and leaning round us, whilst 246 ELIZABETH FRY. we read the Scriptures to them. I spoke to them and Eliziv- beth Dudley prayed. Surely to witness the solemn effect, the tears rolling down many cheeks, we must acknowledge it to be the Lord's doing. Still I fell flat, though the others thought it a very satisfactory time ; but in the evening I became more revived, and comforted, and thankful that it has pleased the Lord to send me to the poor outcasts, al- though at times feeling as if I went more as a machine moved by springs, than in the lively state I desu-e ; but at other times it is different, and there is much sense of li"e, light, love and power. To-day I expect to go to the Duch- ess of Gloucester, and amongst some of the high in this lilie. May the Lord be with me that my intercourse with these may not be in vain in Him. I feel it no light responsibility having the door so open with the Government of our coun- try, and those filling high p]aces ; I am often surprised to find how much so ; and yet the Lord only knows the depth of my humiliations, and how it has been out of the depths that I have been raised up for these services. At the Ad- miralty I have lately had important requests granted; at the Home Office they are always ready to attend to what I ask; and at the Colonial Office I expect that they will soon make some alterations in the ai-rangements for the female convicts hx New South Wales. "\Yho has thus tm-ned the hearts of those in authority? Siu'ely it is the Lord. May He grant me wisdom and sound discretion rightly to use the influence He has given me. Be near to Thy servant, this day, gracious Lord, in every place ; and so help her by Thy Spirit that she may do Thy will, and not bow to man, but alo7ie to Thee, her God; doing all to Thy glory. We made several other calls and dined at my Brother Buxton's where we met some gentlemen. I felt, as I mostly do after such days, fearful and anxious, lest I had done any discredit to the vocation wherewith I am called ; or in any degree, in my own heart or conduct to- wards God, done amiss. It cause A me rather a watchful EISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. 241 fearful niglit. I see it much easier, and in many respects Eafer, in the religious life to be quiet, and much at home ; yet I a'so feel that in a more general association there are great advantages — enlarging our spiritual borders and re- moving cur prejudices ; and if we are really enabled to stand our ground as Christians, in the meekness of wisdom, and so adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour it may be the means of promoting the good of others. "24i/;. — "We dined at Lord Bexley's and met Captain Mangles the great traveler, several clerg-yman, and others. I desired to maintain the watch, but the company of serious, intellectual and refined persons is apt to draw me a good deal forth in conversation and mind, and often leads me to many fears afterwards, lest there should imperceptibly be anything of showing off, and being exalted by man ; but I may tru'.y say, inwardly I mostly feel reduced and humbled after such times, and fearful lest I should have a cloud over me so as to hinder my near communion with my Lord. "A few words in the Proverbs rather encoiu'aged me: • Reproofs of instruction are the way of life.' I see it well to be reproved; may I proiit by it. I often fear for myself lest I am forsaking my first love, or becoming lax, becausa I certainly feel far more hberty than I used to do in uniting with others in their prayers, grace, &c., &c., and less in bonds generally : in short my borders are greatly enlarged. May this arise not from my love becoming cold, bat from experiencing the service of my Lord to be akeady to me perfect freedom. Oh dearest Lord ! make manifest in Thy own light, if this be in me laxity, that I may be reproved, and amend my ways ; if, on the contrary, it be the liberty wherewith Thou hast made me free, cause me in Thine own power firmly and fixedly to stand in it, even if some of my fellow-mortals v/hom I love and esteem appear to remain under a different dispensation. "A few days ago I visited Plashet: it was almost too much for my natural sphits. When I saw our weedy walks 24S ELIZABETH FB7. that once were made and kept so neatly — our summer- houses falling down — our beautiful wild flowers that I had cultivated with so much care, and no one to admire them — the place that had cost us so much, and been at times so enjoyed by us, the birth-place of so many of my children, the scene of so many deep and near interests — the tears trickled down my face, and I felt ready to enumerate my sorrows and say, 'Why is this?' But I felt the check within and desired and endeavored to look on the bright side Oi the picture, and acknowledge the tender and unmer- ited mercy of my God in Christ Jesus. Mine has been, I fully believe, a very unusual course in many pai'ticulars ; in some things known, in some hid Ten from the eye of man. Oh ! may all end in good and blessing.* " Fifth Month, bth. — Yesterday was the Sabbath. I can hardly say how deeply I feel these days as they come : first as it respects the ministry of the Word. Its wholly resting on two or three women in our rather large assembly is an exercise of my faith, and a real ti'ial to my natural feelings. Then to believe, as I do, that some of our congregations are in an unregenerate state ; how must thek silent meet- ings be passed? — and for the babes in Christ I have great fears, inasmuch as true, solemn, silent worship is a very high administration of spiritual worship. I frequently fear for such that more external aid is wanted, though I see not how it is to be given. I also feel the want of each one openly uniting in some external act of worship ; for there is much in taking an absolute part in what is doing, * I might here state that I have recently been informed hy one well acquainted with all the circumstances, that the loss of their property is believed to have been blessed to Joseph Fry, who after several years of separation from the Society of Fi'iends was again united ia fellowship with them, to the great satisfaction of his most patient and loving wife, who could thus finally see the hand of her Lord in subdu* Ing the natural growth of vine, that the better frnif of the spirit night be brought foitl). BISIKO UP THE MOUNTAINS. to feel a full interest in it ; but I see not with our views (in which I unite) how this can be remedied. Then for myself as a minister of the Gospel I desire to be very faithfu], and give the portion of meat in due season to the household; but even here deep humiliation is my portion, in its appear- ing that though I preach to others I cannot manage my own ; my children, one after another, leaving a Society and principles that I love, value, and try to build up. My Loid only knows the exercise of my spirit on those days. Then for my home houi-s : not having space as we had at Plashet, in which my boys can recreate in the way I consider advisa- ble during a part of this day, now I hare anxiously to watch where they go, and what they are about, so that I am not often favored to know the Sabbath a delight, or day of rest. Yet through all these things, and my too anxious nature help is wonderf ally granted to me : I find the spring within that helps, keeps, revives, sustains, and heals ; but I feel that I am bound to seek and to pray not to be so exquisitely anxious." The above is a very suggestive passage, showing the gradual expansion of a broad and liberal mind, under the influence of free association with other enlightened minds, toward the perfect freedom which we have in Christ to adapt oiu" principles and practices to the existing wants of society. It is a very great pity that the Society of Friends so utterly failed to recognize this practical law of expe- diency, though it is abundantly illustrated in the Bible and elsewhere as God's method of education and government for a progressive state. The effects of this narrowness of conception in matters of doctrine, and its contrast with a spirit which was becoming more and more catholic through enlarged sympathy and acquaintance with humanity, are fui'ther exhibited in the next entry of this richly instructive 250 ELIZABETH FBV. Journal; and yet it will be seen fromits> last sentence that she was herself but just emerging from the entangling tradi- tions of a puritanical age. To an enlightened mind at the present time it seems an absurdity that a Christian should be excommunicated for marrying a person of a somewhat different persuasion. " Sixth Month, IQth. — Since I last wrote I have got through the Yearly Meeting, which I attended nearly throughout. There appeared to be much more love and unity than last year ; stUl it is a shaking time, and some of the Leaders of our Tribes think they differ in some points of doctrine * ; but I believe it is more in word than in reality; and as they love the Lord Jesus, if they have wan dared a little they will be brought back. I was a good deal engaged, having to take a quiet view, neither on one side nor the other, but seeing the good of both. But I have a very great fear of ever being too forward, a thing I very much dislike and disapprove. May my Lord preserve me from it. " I was favored to get well through the British Society Meeting, and could but return thanks that our Holy Head had so blessed this work. — With respect to my dear L ''s engagement of mariiage I have apprehended that the hand of the Lord is in it ; and oh ! saith my soul, may it prove so. The pain of her leaving our Society, and the steps at- tending it have begun, to the wounding of my spirit ; for though I do not set much value on outward membership in any visible church, yet it has its pains, at times great pains, to me, and I am ready to say in my heart, ilow is it? When I have one tii'ter another of my iamiiy thus brought before our Meeting, it has its trials and humiliations. It would be to me a pleasanter, and I think & more satisfac- * This was a wave from tho conllict which caused the division of f rieuii.s iu America, iu 1827-3. RISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. tory thing, if the discipline of our Society had not so much of the inquisitorial in it, and did not interfere in some things that I believe no religious body has aright to ta^ie a part in ; it leads I think to undesirable results. Thougli I approve persons being disowned f r mairyuig out of our Society, I had rather the act of maiTiage in itself forfeited membership." " Upton, Seventh Month 25th. — To-morrow I expect ta Bet oft' on a journey to Scotland. I have taken an affecting leave of my family, praying that we might again (if the will of God) be refreshed together; and my way was satisfac- torily opened to go. "^y Loch Fay, Eighth Month, 9th, First-day. — ^Not having a Meeting to go to, and not believing it right for me to attend any other place of worship, I desire to spend a time in solemn searching of heart before the Lord ; and may I be enabled to hold communion with Him in spuit» On the morning of the 1st, the day appointed for the libera- tion of all the slaves in the British domin'ons, (August ist. 1834) and on which my deai* niece, Priscilla Buxton was to be married, I poured forth my soul in deep supplication before my Heavenly Father, on behalf of the poor slaves, that a quiet spirit might be granted them — that their spiV' itual bonds might also be broken — that the liberty prepared for the children of God might be their portion. I also prayed for my beloved niece and her companion in life, that the Lord would be with them, keep them, and bless them. Edinburgh, Eighth Month, 2Sth. — I left my dearest husband and two daughters in the Highlands, as I wished to accompany my boy on his way to England, and above all to attend the Meetings, see the Friends and visit the prisoij here." . . . Of her engagements at Edinbui-gh she writes : "I had much to be thankful for iu the help granted to- 252 ELIZABETH FBT. me in such religious services as I believe I was called into, in Meetings, families, and Institutions. I had very solemn religious times in the Gaol and large Eefuge, also shorter ones in the Bridewell and another Eefuge. The hearts of many appeared to be peculiarly opened to me, and entire strangers wonderfully ministered to my wants and upheld my hands, particularly the Mackenzie family. Our dear friends who knew me before were abundantly kind to me. May the Lord in His love and mercy, reward them for their great kindness to me, His very unworthy servant, and may He still soften and enlarge their hearts towards me until the ^ork that He gives me to do amongst them be accomplished. I find a field for much important service for the poor, and to make more arrangements, for the ladies who visit the prisons. I desire and earnestly pray to be preserved fi'om an over-active spirit in these things ; and on the other hand faithfully, diligently, humbly and watchfully, to do what- ever my Lord gives me to do that may be to His glory, or the good of my fellow-creatures. "We have passed through a very lovely counti'y; but the Bun has not shone much upon us, and the atmosphere of my mind has partaken of the same hue, which is not so pleasant as more lively coloring of the mind, but I am ready to think more profitable, and perhaps more likely to qualify ine for the weighty duties before me." "From Loch Katrine the party passed to Balloch, and Luss, and thence to Inverary and Loch Awe, from whence Mrs. Fry returned to Edinburgh, her time and energies being devoted to the completion of those objects begun on a former visit. " But whilst many institutions of great importance, owe their existence, either directly, or indirectly, to her skill and exertions — and she sowed the seed of many a noble tree — Bhe did not omiL the smallest opportunities of benefiting others that are presented in the occurrences of each passing hour. It was her unvarying practice, both at private dwell* RISING UP THE MOUNTAINa. 25» ings and at the inns where they passed their First-days, to invite the servants to attend the evening Scripture i-eadings ; many of the visitors who like themselves were only sojourn- ers for a short time, also joined them on these S3]emn and interesting occasions. Hers was a constant endeavor to leave some savor of good on all with whom she had any com- munication. The chambermaid and the waiter received the word of kindness and counsel, and a little tract, or text-book to impress it upon their memories. The postillion at the carriage window, and the cotter at the roadside, met with appropriate notice, and this mingled with the most unaffected enjoyment of the counti-y and spiiit in all the incidents of traveling. "The results of her observations ou the state of the Scotch prisons she forwai'ded to the proper authorities after her return."* During the year 1833 she accompanied her husband to the South of England, calling at the Coast Guard Stations, Hospitals, etc., made a brief visit to the Isle of Wight, and to Guernsey, thence to Weymouth, Plymouth and Falmouth, where she arranged to have the packets continually sailing from the latter port supplied with Bibles, Testaments, tracts, &c. She returned by way of North Devon, and Amesbury where she paused long enough to arrange for the establishment of a library for the use of the Shepherds of Salisbury Plain. All these movements were successful in the objects aimed at, and resulted in no small amount of good to the poor who were thus provided with means of improvement. • Memoir Vol, 2, page 210. 254 ELIZABETH FBY. During a visit to Sussex and Kent, in March 183G, oo curred the following incident. "At Hastings several of the Coast Gnai'd men and officers were at the Meeting. I had many proofs of the use and va"lue of the libraries sent them to my comfort and satisfac- tion, proving it not to have been labor 'in vain in the Lord.' Keal kindness, a'.most affection, as well as gratitude was shown to me by several of the men and officers and their families. AVo hope a Bible Society will be formed at Rye in consequence of our visit, and a Prison Society at Dover. But to come to one of the most interesting parts of our ex- pediiiou, we went to Sheerness to visit the women and chil- Qi-en in the ship in ordinary. Captain Kennedy had them collected at my request ; it was a line sight, in a large man- of-wav, instead of bloodshed and fightings to see many naval officers, two chaplains, sailors, soldiers, ladies, num- bers of women and children, all met to hear what two Qua- kers had to say, more particularly a woman, and to listen to any advice given by them. We examined the children as to their knowiedge, then gave them advice, after-wards we ad- di'essed their parents, and lastly those present generallj'— we were received with great cordiality by Captaiu Kennedy, end his wife." In April and May of the same year she spent a month in Ir eland. The description of the setting out and the return has a touching personal interest, and perhaps illustrates the power of prayer. "Fourth Month, lith. — Just about leaving heme for Ireland — oh deaiest Lord! Vieaa, I entreat Thee, this act of faith, to my faniiiy, myself, and tho.se amongst whom I go, and be, I most humbly pray Tiiee, my Keeper, and their Keeper ; my Helper, and tht-ir Helper ; my Strengtli, and the^- Strength; my Joy audPeact;, and their- Joy and i'eaje. BISING DP THE MOtTNTAINS. 255 Amen ! Grant this for Thine own name's sake, O most gracious Lord Gocl ! cause also that we may again meet in love, joy, peace and safety. " Upton Lane, Fifth Month, \2>th. — I returned home safely, yesterday afternoon. I think I never had so happy and so prosperous an arrival. I wept with joy: the stream appears to be turned for awhile : my tears have often flowed for sorrow, and now my beloved husband and children have caused them to flow for joy. I found not only all going on well, and having done so in my absence, but, to please, com- fort and surprise me, my dearest husband had had my rooms altered and made most comfortable, and my childi'en had sent me nice presents to make them more complete. Theii" offerings of love quite gladdened my. heart, though far too good for me ; I felt utterly unworthy of them ; I may say peculiarly so. I have seldom returned home moro sensible of the hidden evils of my heart. Circumstances have unusually made me feel this. I fully believe in this goin^f out luuch help has been gi anted me in various ways. My understanding has appeared to be enlightened more fully to see and comprehend gospel truth, and power has been given me to utter it boldly, beyond what I could have su^^posed.'" Referring to the above, Mrs. Corder remarks: "The pre- ceding extract depicts what was, under all circumstances, the striking characteristic of this remarkable woman — her deep humility and low estimate of herself. She who was contin- ually devoting every energy of mind and body to promote the happiness of the human family, and whose self-sacriticing; love assumed a concentrated form of tenderest attachment towards each member of her own immediate circle, callinsr forth, in every hour of need, the juost assiduous exertions in their service, is yet found to be so acutely affected b/ tokens of kind attention from her husband and children— 256 ELrZAEETH FEY. tokens which might naturally be expected by every aflfec- tionate wife and mother — that the tears of grateful joy are shed, and her heart is ffladdened by offerings of love which she feels herself utterly unworthy'' to receive. This inci- dent portrays her mind in lines more vividly defined than pen can describe." "Sixth Month, 18th. — I have felt a good deal pressed in spiiit during these last few days. The day before yester- day I counted twenty-nine persons who came here on various accounts, principally to see me. There are times when the tide of life is almost overpowering. It makes me doubtful as to our remaining much longer in this place which from its situation brings so many here. I have sev- eral things which rather weightily press me just now. I desire to lay my case before the Lord, trusting in Him, and casting myself and my whole care upon Him. Dearest Lord, help : supply all our needs through Thy riches of grace in Christ Jesus! Amen." July 27th she set out for another visit to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, to further the work previously inaugu- rated and minister the Gospel to such as were in need. She felt constrained to remain until her task was completed, notwithstanding that one of her sisters, the wife of Samuel Hoare, was at the time rapidly approaching her end. She finished her public woik iu time to attend at the bedside of her dying sister. She had gone on this mission under a sense of duty notwithstanding her sister's low state. Siio writes : "I had the inexpressible comfort of being permitted a fe.v days with her, and she evidently liked my company. I paiiicL'.]ai'ly ob2c:"%e.l ho.v gently I was dealt with, by her filSIKQ W THE MOUNTAINS. 257 reviving after I arrived, so that I had not the bitterness oi seeing her at once sinking. The affliction was thus mitiga- ted to me ; I was enabled to show her some marks of my deep and true love, and to be with and earnestly pray for her in the hour of death. I was helped to be some comfort to many of her family, and (utterly unworthy as I know I am of it) I believe in my various ministrations I was enabled to prove the power of the Spiiit to qualify for his own work ; and amongst them all, particularly with my dear nephew who has just entered the ' Church,' deeply to impress the necessity of the work of the Spirit being carried on ia the heart, and of having Christian charity towards others of every denomination. My beloved sister Hoare's death has made a deep impression on me. I do not like to enter life or its cares, or to see many, or to be seen. I like to with- draw from the world and to be very quiet." Soon after this her husband and one of their daughters met with serious injuries ia France, by the falling of their caniage over a precipice twelve feet in perpendicular height. The father was severely shocked and the daughter barely escaped with her life. While watching this daughter, ac- counts came from another daughter who, with her little boy and his nurse, was sick with scarlet fever. All these re- covered ; but about three months later, a beloved and amia- ble sister-in-law, Lady Harriet Gurney, wife of her brother Daniel, died very suddenly, leaving a family of eight young children. On the day of the funeral she writes : "What a scene of unutterable sorrow at Runcton, where a few days ago all was, in no common degree, joy, peace and great prosperity. Oh ! what occadions are these whei'e families meet together for the affecting and solemn purpose 258 ELIZABETH FBT. of committing the remains of a beloved one to tlie silenl grave. May the Lord Himself lift up the light of His coun- tenance upon them and bless them, and keep them in a soimd mind and sound faith. Be pleased, O gracious Lord! to help, pity, and comfort these afflicted ones thia day." ''Sixth Month, (1837)— The King died last Third-day, the 20th. Our young Queen was proclaimed yesterday. My prayers have arisen for her that our Heavenly Father would pour forth His Spirit upon her, guide her by His covmsel, and grant her that wisdom which is from above. I have received a long letter from the Duchess of giving a very interesting account of her, and the death of the late King. " Seventh Month, 2Qth. — I returned home yesterday even- ing from Lowestoft, after having accompanied my brother Joseph to Liverpool on his way to America. Our time at Earlham was very interesting ; I believe I was helpful to my brother in a large Meeting that he held to take leave of the citizens of Norwich. It was a highly interesting occasion and I trust edifying to many. I am very sorry to say that my mind has too much the habit of anxiety and fearfulness. I believe this little joui-ney would have been much more use- ful to me, but from an almost constant cloud over me, from the fear of being wanted by some of my family. I thiak it would be better for myself and for them, if they did not always cling so closely round my heart so as to become too much a weight upon me. "My beloved brother's taking leave of Earlham and the famUy there, [his wife was deceased] was very aflfectiag; still there was peace in it, and joy in the Lord, inasmuch as there is delight in doing what we believe to be His will. We went from Earlham to Runcton ; there we dined. Shall I ever dine with my three brothers again ? The Lord only knows — my heart was tendered in being with them." RISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. 259 This parting visit to her brother was concluded at Liver- pool, and is thus graphically described: " "We made all things comfortable for him ; I attended to the books, and that a proper library should go out for the crew, passengers and steerage passengers. However occu- pied or interested, I desire never to forget anything that may be of service to others. We had a delightful morning with Joseph, but the tears often rose to my eyes ; still I desire to be thankful more than sorrowful, that I have a brother so fitted for his Lord's service, and willing to give up all for His name's sake. "That evening again we had an interesting religious time in prayer. The next morning there was a solemn calm over us — the day of parting was come. After breakfast we all assembled, with some of our friends. We read the 4th of PhiUppians, our spirits were much bowed and broken, but the chapter encouraged us to stand fast in the Lord, to help one another in Christ — even the women who labored in the gospel — and to be careful for nothing, for that the Lord would supply all our need. " Soon afterwards we went to the ship. I saw the hbrary arranged, with some others to help me; then devoted my- self to my beloved brother, put sweet flowers in his cabin which was made most comfortable for him. It was an- nounced that the ship was going — we assembled in the ladies cabin — I believe all wept. William Forster said the language had powerfully impressed him — 'I will be with you always, even to the end of the world ; ' therefore we might trust our beloved ones to Him who had promised. I then knelt down with these words — ' Now, Lord, what wait we foi", our hope is in Thee,' and entirely committed him and his companions in the ship to the most holy and pow- erful keeping of Israel's Shepherd ; that even the voyage might be blessed to him and to others. In short our souls S6U ELIZABETH FEY. were poured forth before and unto the Lord in deep prayer and supplication. Joseph almost sobbed; still a solemn quiet and peace reigned over us. I believe the Lord waa with us and owned us at this solemn time. We left the ship and walked by the side of the Pier, until they were towed out ; then we went away and wept bitterlj^ — but not the tears of deep sorrow ; far from it ; how different fronc the grief for sin, or even disease, or the perplexities of life.' Soon after this Mrs. Fry proposed a plan for securing more intercourse on religious subjects with her children, who had, in different ways, and by various means, been brought to acknowledge their Saviour's claims — thus afford- ing an answer to her motherly travail and prayers, though not in the manner of her own choosing. She thus speaks of it immediately before the experiment was tried. "Ninth Month, 2nd, 1837. — I have for many months past deeply felt the wish for more religious intercourse with my children, and more uniting with them upon important and interesting subjects. I have turned it in my mind again and again, and at last have proposed making the ex- periment, and meeting this evening, first to consider differ- ent subjects of usefulness in charities, and then to close with serious reading, and such religious communication as way may open for. "Thou, Lord, only knowest the depth of my desire for the everlasting welfare of my children. If it be Thy holy and blessed will, grant that we may be truly united to Thee, as members of thy Militant Church on earth, and epu'itually united amongst ourselves, as members of one body, eadb filling his different office faithfully unto Thee. Grant that this little effort may be blessed to promote this end, and cause that in making it we may experience the BISING UP THE MOUNTAINS. 261 sweet influence of Thy love shed abroad in each of our heai'ts, to our real help, comfort, edification and unity." The proposal was made as follows : " Upton Lane, Eighth Month, 15th, 1837. "My deaeest Children, Many of you know that for some time I have felt and expressed the want of our social intercourse at times lead- ing to religious union and communion amongst us. It has pleased the Almighty to permit that by far the larger num- ber of you no longer walk with me in my religious course. Except very occasionally, we do not meet together for the solemn purpose of worship, and upon some other points we do not see eye to eye ; and whilst I feel deeply sensible that notwithstanding this diversity we are truly united in oui- Holy Head, there are times when, in my decliuiog years I seriously feel the loss of not having more of the spiritual help and encouragement of those I have brought up, and truly sought to nurture in the Lord. This has led me to many serious considerations how the case may, under pres- ent cuxumstances, be in any way met. " My conclusion is that believing as we do in one Lord as our Saviour, one Holy Spiiit as our Sanctifier, and one God and Father of us all, our points of union are surely strong ; and if we are members of one living Church, and expect to be such forever, we may prontabiy unite in some religious engagements here below. " The world au i the things of it occupy us too much and tht7 are rapidly p .ssing away; it would be well if we occa- sionally set aparc a time for unitedly attending to the things of Eternity. I therefore propose that we try the following plan; if it answer, continue it; if not, by no means feel bound to it. — That our pai'ty, in the fii-st in- stance, should consist of no others than our childi'en, and such grandchildren as may be old enough to attend. That 262 ELIZABETH PBT. our object in meeting be for the strengthening of our faith, for our advancement in a devoted, religious, and holy life, and for the promotion of Christian love and fellovFship. "That we read the Scriptures unitedly, in an easy, familiar manner, each being at perfect liberty to make any remark or ask any question ; that it should be a time of religious instruction by seeking to understand the mind of the Lord, for doctrine and practice in searching the Scrip- tures, and bringing oui'selves and our deeds to the light, that it may be made manifest if they are wrought in God. That either before or after the Scriptures are read, we should consider how far we are really engaged for the good of our fellow-men, and what, as far as we can judge, most conduces to this object. AU the members of this little community are advised to communicate anything they may have found useful or interesting in religious books, and to bring forward anything that is doing for the good of man- kind in the world generally. " I hope that thus meeting together may stimulate the family to more devotion or heart to the service of their God, at home and abioad, to mind their different callings, how- ever varied, and to be active in helping others. It is pro- posed that this meeting should take place once a month, at each house in rotation. " I have now drawn some little outline of what I desire, and if any of you like to unite with me in making the exper- iment it would be very gratifying to me ; still I hope that all will feel at liberty to do as they think best themselves. I am indeed your neaily attached mother, Elizabeth Fay." In refe nee to this proposal and its results the daugh- ters state, in her Memoir, that "The plan was tried and found to anbwer exceedingly well, toome of the collateral branches of the family afterwards joined these little re- unions: they proved occasions of stimuias in 'every good ElSme TO THE MOUNTADIft 263 vrovd and work.' Some important good has resulted from the combined exertions consequent upon them, and they continue to this day under the name of 'philanthropic evenings ; ' and they are always concluded by a Scripture reading, and occasionally by prayer." Thus do her works follow bar. CHAPTER NINTH. FIKST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE OOKTINENT. In 1838 Elizabeth Fry began the remarkable series of visits to the Continent of Europe which rendered her name almost as familiar there as it was in England. The subject is thus briefly opened in her Journal: " Twelfth Month, 20fA.— I have laid before my Monthly Meeting my prospect of visiting France, and obtained the concurrence of Friends. Oh ! for help, daily, hourly, — and may a sound mind, love and power be granted to me and to others, to our own peace and the glory of God. " Upton Lane, First Month, Qth, 1838. — I yesterday re- turned from a visit to Norfolk. Before going there I laid my concern to go to France before our large Quarterly Meeting, and had the very great encouragement of such a flow of unity as I have seldom heard expressed on any oc- casion. " 24«A. — I expect to leave home to-morrow for France. My spirit has been very much brought down before the Lord; some causes of anxiety have arisen ; still in this my going out love abounds in no common degree, and a portion of soul-sustaining peace underneath. These words com- forted me this morning, 2 Timothy, i. 12 : 'I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.' I therefore, in this my going out commit myself and my all to my most blessed and holy Keeper, even to the Lord God FIRST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 265 of my salvation, my only hope of real help and defence, and of eternal glory." She was accompanied in this journey by her husband, their friend Josiah Forster, and Lydia Irving. In keeping with the plan I have in view I shall give only the most im- portant incidents of these journeys, leaving those who wish a more detailed account to find it in the fuller memorials from which these selections are made. The travelers found but little to do in Bologne, but visited the prison, convent and hospital and then went directly to Paris where " comfortable and commodious apartments were prepared for them at the Hotel de Castile by the kind attentions of M. Francois Delessert. They arrived there very tued and very cold on the 30th of January. The morning of the 31st was opened with solemn united prayer, offered for wisdom from on High to direct, and strength to perform, whatever might be called for at their hands. Then came a visit from Madame Delessert, two notes from Lord Granville, the English Ambassador at Paris, a call at the Embassy, and in the evening the company of M. de Pres- sense, the Secretary of the Bible Society, with his wife. Feb. 1st, they attended a small Friends' Meeting held in the Faubourg du Roule, and afterwards called on La Baronne Pelet de la Lozere. In her Elizabeth Fry found a friend and sister in Christ. They then paid a visit to Count Montalivet, Minister of the Interior, by whom they were most kindly received and promised all needful admissions to the different prisons." A summary of her engagements in Paris is given in a lelr ter. to her children written from St. Germains. 263 EtlZABETH TRY. " Third Month, 5th, 1838. "We arrived here last evening after quitting the most deeply interesting field of service I think I was ever en- gaged in. My first feeling is peace and true thankfulness for the extraordinary help granted to us ; my next feeling an earnest desire to communicate to you, my most tenderly beloved children, and others nearest to me, the sense I have of the kindness, and goodness, and mercy, of my Heavenly Father who has dealt so bountifully with me, that it may lead all to serve Him fully, love Him more, and follow more simply the guidance of the Spirit. "I mean now to tell you a Uttle of my reflections upon this important period, the last month in Paris. I was at first very poorly, very low, and saw little opening for re- ligious usefulness, though some for charity and benevolent objects. Soon my health revived and we had full occupa- tion in visiting prisons and other institutions, and saw many influential persons. This opened a door in various ways for close communication with a deeply interesting variety ol both philanthropic and religious people, and thus intro- duced into a more intimate acquaintance with the state of general society. Religiously, we find some, indeed we may say a great many, who appear much broken off from the bonds of Eoman Catholic superstition; but with it, I fear have been ready to give up religion itself, though feeling the need of it for themselves and others. To these I think we have been helpful by upholding religion in its simplicity and most strongly expressing our sense of the necessity of it, and that nothing can alter or improve the moral charac- ter, or bring real peace, but true Christian principles. To this we have very faithfully borne testimony, and most strongly encouraged all to promote a more free cu'culation of the Scriptui'es, particularly the New Testament, and a more diligent reading of the Bibie in institutions and fam- ihes. I have in private circles introduced (frequently by de- scribing what poor crimin 'l wanted in prisons) the simp'e P3ST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 267 truths of the Gospel, illustrated sometimes by interesting facts respecting the conversion of these poor woman prison- ers ; and have been thus enabled in numerous parties to show the broad, clear, and simple way of salvation, through our Lord and Saviour for all. It has been striking to me in our dinner visits, some of them splendid occasions, how curiously way has opened, without the least formahty, or even difficulty, in conversation, to ' speak the truth in love' — especially one day as to how far balls and theatres were Christian and right; the way in which Eoman CathoUo priests appeared to hinder the spread of the Gospel ; the importance of circulating good books (this has been a very common subject) and above all the New Testament. At our Ambassador's, Lord Granville's several were in tears during the conversation. I think our dinner visits have been an important part of our service, so much has been done by these communications after and at them. In many instances numbers have joined us in the evening, particu* larly the youth. With these it has pleased my Heavenly Father to give me some influence. Last First-day evening I had a very large party of them to a reading, which appears to have given much satisfaction. It has been a most curious opiening w'ith persons of many nations. Many have lately flocked to our little meetings. I wonder how I could feel easy to go away from such a field of service, but I did, and therefore went. On Third-day went to the King and Queen, and therefore could not attend our little week day Meeting: they said eighty persons came to it who went away. I have found unusual help at these times to speak the truth with power ; my belief is that there are many unsettled and seek- ing minds in this country. " We have had much intercourse with the Minister of In- struction, and he gives me leave to send him a large number of books from England to be translated into French. My full belief is that many Testaments and valuable books will circulate in consequence of our visit. %68 ELIZABETH FRT. " The efforts made to form a Ladies Society to visit the prisons of France, and particularly Paris, (whether they succeed or not) have been important. First, by my taking many ladies to visit the great Female Prison of St. Lazare and there reading, or having read, small portions of Scrip- ture, and my few words through an interpreter producing (far beyond what I could have expected) such a wonderful effect upon these poor sinners. The glad tidings of the Gospel appeared to touch their hearts; many wept exceed- ingly, and it was a fresh and striking proof of the power of truth, when simply told. In the next place the large number of ladies that have met at our house upon the sub- ject has afforded so remarkable an opportunity to express to them my views of salvation by Christ alone, of the unity that should exist among Christians, and must do so, if sanc- tified by the Spirit ; and deeply to impress the simplicity and spirituality of true religion. I think something impor- tant in the prison cause will eventually come of it, but it will take time. " We have had very large parties of English and Americans* and some French, at the houses of the Methodist minister, the American minister, and at another serious person's. Also we joined the French Wesleyan Methodists in their chapel, and had a precious meeting with them. Of the highly evangOiical Episcopalians and Independents, we had large parties at different houses. In all these we have had fcolemn religious service. The Episcopalians have been brought into very close union with us. In our own house we have had two large parties of a philanthropic and rehg- ious nature, attended by many. Lady Olivia Sparrow has often been quite a comfort to me; and many others I may say have proved true helpers — French and Americans, and more than these — the Charge d' Affaires of the Ha use Towns and his wife, also Prussians and Swiss. The Greek Ambas- sador Coletti came to me for advice on some points in the state of Greece, in which I believe I shall be enabled to FIKST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 26» assist him. A Captain B thinks of having my sister Hoare's 'Hints for the Laboring Classes' translated for the parents of the children who attend the schools upon the mountains in India. We have also seen many of the medical students, English and American, and are anxious to have some efforts made for their moral and religioua good, in Paris where so many come. "Our visit to the King arid Queen was interesting ; but alas ! what, in reality is rank ? The King I thiak in person like the late Lord Torriugton, the Queen a very agreeable and even interesting woman. I expressed my reUgiou3 interest and concern for them, which was well received, and we had much conversation with the Queen and the Princess Adelaide before the King came into the room. We strongly expressed to the Queen our desire to have the Sabbath bet- ter kept, and the Scriptures more read. She is a sweet- minded, merciful woman. There were present Madame Adelaide, the King's sister, one of the young Princesses, the Maichioness of D , principal Lady of Honor to the Queen. " We then proceeded to the Duchess of Orleans ; there we had a delightful visit, and the sweetest religious com- munication with her, and other interesting conversation. We found her an uncommon person ; my belief is that she is a very valuable young woman. " The Queen appeared much pleased with my Text-book j and the Princess Adelaide said she should keep it in her pocket and read it daily. Lideed no books have given the same pleasure as the Text-books, both in French and Eng- lish. I think we have given many hundreds of them, and next in number my sister Louisa's books on Education ; they delight the people ; also a great many of Joseph's let- ters to Dr. A of which we have a beautiful edition in French, and his Sabbath ; of these we expect to give many hundreds; and one or two other tracts on Christian Duties, and the offices of the Holy Spirit. Our vaiious books and 270 ELIZABETH FBI. tracts have had a very open reception, but we have been very caref al when, where, and what to give ; although in Bome of the newspapers it was stated that I distributed controversial tracts, which is not true. " I began in my letter to say what a variety we have seen, but I did not say what interesting and delightful persons we have met with ; amongst the ProLestants particulai'ly some first rate ladies who have been as sisters to me, so abundant in kindness and love. One has truly reminded me of my sister Eachel in her person, her mind, and her excessive care over me ; she has felt me I believe like her own. We have indeed increased our dear and near friends by this visit, much as it was in Jersey and Guernsey, only in far greater numbers. I think nothing could be more seasonable than our visit, as it respected the prisons ; and I believe the influence of our advice has been very decided, with many persons of consideration. The schools we have also attended to, and I have encouraged a more Scriptural education ; some schools of great consequence, kept by serious Protestants in a district of Paris, want much help. There are seven hundi'ed children, and we hear that tiie Head of the Police in that neighborhood says the people generally are improved in consequence. "The want of the language I have now and then mucb felt, but not very often, so many speak English well, and many understand it who cannot speak it. Also I blunder out a little French. " The entreaties for us to stop longer in Paris have been very great, but my inclination draws homeward; I am a very great friend to not stopping too long in a place. And as I believed I saw a little hght on our departure, we thought it best to leave all for the present, if we even have, before many months more, to retvu'u for a short time. We have been a united and often a cheerful httle party. At times I have carried a great weight, never hai'dly having my home party out of mind for long together, however FIEST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINBNT. 271 full and occupied. At other times our business has been so great as almost to overwhelm us — callers almost innumera- ble, and most of them on important business, and out and in almost constantly ourselves, so that I have sometimes felt as if I could not long bear it, particularly when I could not obtain some rest in the afternoon. Through all I must say He who I believe put me forth has, from season to sea- son, restored my soul and body and helped me from hour to horn-. This day week I sat down upon my chair and wept ; but I was soon helped and revived. I long for every child, brother, sister, and all near to me, to be sensible how very near my Holy Helper has been to me; and yet I have exceedingly and deeply felt my utter unworthiness and short coming, and that all is from the fulness and freenesa of unmerited mercy and love in Christ Jesus. I can hardly express the very near love I have felt for you all. My prayers very often have arisen for you ; and i£ any labor I have been engaged in has been accepted through the Be- loved, may you, my most tenderly beloved ones partake of the blessing attendant upon it. My dearest husband has been a true helper; and Josiah Foster and Lydia Irving^ very kind and useful companions. "I forgot to say, I think the few friends in Paris have been greatly comforted and stimulated by our visit. "I end my account by saying what I trust is true, 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.' We are now quietly at St. Germains. We hear most interesting accounts of the state of Normandy, and have many letters of intro- duction to the places where we propose to go: if not wanted home I shall be glad to go there. We propose going to Bouen to-morrow. I am your most devotedly attached Elizabeth Fey." The remainder of the account is from the pen of her daughters. 272 ELIZABETH FB7 "At Eouen they were mucli interested by meeting with a respectable woman in humble life who had lived nurse fifteen years in a gentleman's family, a Roman Catholic, but his wife a Protestant. There she had been so much im- pressed by religious truth, (though still a Roman Catholic herself) that she felt it her duty where she resided to circu- L;te the Scriptures and religious tracts. Her master told them it was surprising the great influence she had obtained in the neighborhood. Mrs. Fry supplied her with six Tes- taments and a Bible, from the Bible Society Depot. From the same society she obtained a number of copies for the school in the prison, where the Testament was habitually read but the supply was very inadequate. This school was under the care of the Abbe Gossier, M. Du Harnel, and other religious gentlemen who themselves daily instructed the young prisoners. " At Caen they found some excellent and devoted Metho- dists amongst the French, and learned that through the efforts of one young English lady, (an orphan residing in a gentleman's family as governess,) many coiDies of the Scrip- tures had been purchased; and at the shop of a Roman Catholic more than a hundred of de Lacy's Testaments sold since the beginning of the year. "The prison of Beanlieu, near Caen, was Adsited by them with much satisfaction; nearly a thousand prisoners were confined there. They found it admirably regulated and a serious Roman Catholic clergyman devoted to the good of those under his care. He gladly welcomed the gift of fifty Testaments. " At Havre the Ladies' Bible Society had sold during the former year, four hundred and twenty-six Testaments, and thhty-three Bibles, and had given fifty Testaments to sol- diers who were in the habit of reading them every evening to their comrades in the barracks. " At Bologne they made arrangements for the sale of the Holy Scriptures, and took a lively interest in the District FIBST AND SECOlfD VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 273 Socieiy, biience crossed to Dover, and on the following day Mrs. i j.y had the comfort of finding herself again with her family at home. " The effect on her mind of this, her first introduction ta France, was very powerful. She was greatly attracted by the life and facility of the French character. In a letter she speaks of them as 'such a nation — such a numerous people — filjicg such a place in the world — and Satan appear* ing in no common degree to be seeking to destroy them; firs!, by infidelity and so-called philosophy ; secondly, by su- peibiition, and the priesthood rising with fresh power ;, thirdly, by an extreme love of the world and its pleasiures ; fourthly by an unsettled, restless and warlike spirit : yet under all this a hidden power of good at work amongst them, mapy very extraordinary Cliiiodan chanicters, bright, sober, zealous Catholics and Protsstants ; education increas- ing ; the Holy Scriptures mc.'3 read and valued ; a general stirring to improve the prisons of France — tlie Government making fresh regulations for that purpose — but great fear of the priests prevailing, from the pa.ace downwards; and they, alas ! resisting all good wherever or howevei* it may arise." The Journal continues : " Upton Lane, Fourth Mont/i, 27^/i.— Yesterday was tho largest British Society meeting I avc.; remember, partly col- lected to hear my account of our French journey; there must have been some hundreds of ladies present, many of them of rank. In the desire not to say too rnush perhaps 1 said too little upon some points. Although 1 d.o not feel condemned, yet I am ready to think if I hz.l -.. aLuhed and prayed more I should have done better. My prayers havo arisen that, however imperfectly or unworthily sown the seed scattered yesterday may be so prospered by His own frea pcwsr, life and grace that it may bear a full crop to His praise ! ' ' 274 ELIZABETH FBY. "20 «A. — To-morrow I am fifty-eiglit, an advanced period of what I apprehend to be not a very common pilgrimage. I now very earnestly desire and pray that my Lord may guide me continually, cause me to know more of the day of His power, that I may have my will wholly subjected to His will. What He would have me to do that may I do, where He would have me to go, there may I go — what He may call me to suffer for His name's sake may I be willing to •suffer. Fui'ther may He keep me from all false fears and imaginations, and ever preserve me from putting my hand to any work not called for by Him, even if my fellow-creatures press me into it ; as I think some ai'e disposed to do about America. Be pleased to gi'ant these my desires and pray- ers for Thine own Holy and Blessed name's sake." In reference to what called forth the above prayer her daughters remark : "There was a subject at this time weigh- ing heavily upon the mind of Elizabeth Fry which she turned again and again before she dare dismiss it ; and then it was more that other calls of duty appeared immedi- ately required of her, than that she deliberately abandoned the idea. Her brother Joseph John Gm-ney was pursuing /lis labors in America as a minister of the Gospel ; and she doubted whether it might not be her duty to cross the At- lantic, in order to join him for a time in his visits in the United States, and to accompany him to the West Indies. There were those who thought she ought to go ; * but on • This was urged from the belief that her remarkable power as a peace maker might aid ia closing the breach -which had recently oo- curred in the Society of Friends in America. But some wlio were ac- quainted with the case were convinced tnat the effort would have been unavailing, partly from tlie extent and intensity of the discord, ancj partly £rom the failure of British Friends fully to understand all the FIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE OONXINEIIT. 275 the other hand she knew how entirely it would be against, not only the wishes, but the judgment of her own family. She had learned to trust very little to the opinions of any of her fellow-mortals, and these conflicting views only served to bring her in deeper dependence and more entire self-resignation, to the footstool of her great Master to learn His vsdll, that she might fulfil it. Whilst she pon- dered these things a strong conviction arose in her heart that there was a present duty for her to fulfil — once more to visit Friends and then* Meetings in North Britain, again to inspect the prisons there, and to communicate with the magistrates and men in authority, whilst the Bill was stUl pending which had been brought before the House the pre- ceding Session of Paiiiament, to improve prisons and prison discipline in Scotland." This expedition occupied something more than a month and resulted in much benefit to the cause of Prison Reform, her recommendations being received with great considera- tion by the authorities, and often speedily put into practice. The following passage exhibits her method of dealing with difficult points, and shows the discriminating character of her mind. " Mrs. Fry was at this time extremely anxious as to the • extent to which Prison Discipline was carried in Scotland- She greatly feared the enforcement of sohtary confinement, and felt it her duty to make a sort of appeal against its pos- sible abuses. causes of the division, which embraced not merely points of doctrine but the principles of liberty in religious association. One party stood for Orthodoxy in doctrine, the other for the right of Christians to differ in opinion, and each was on too strong ground to be easily couviucod. m ELIZABETH FRY. " She had therefore invited this large number of influen- tial gentlemen whose attention had been given to the sub- ject — magistrates, lawyers, members of the Prison Discipline Society, and others, to meet her on this occasion (at the Royal Hotel Edinburgh,) — an appalling audience, as they sat all round, to the number of fifty. She gently engaged in conversation with some who were seated at the most dis- tant part of the room, and by degrees fell into an account of her experience, and a full exposition of her mind on the subject. "As an abstract principle she doubted the right of man to place a fellow-creature under cix'cumstances of such mis- ery, if his offences were not of a very heinous or aggravated nature. She could not believe that it was accordant with reason or religion thus to isolate a being intended by his Creator for social life, unless necessary for the safety of the community, at large ; nor did she consider continued soli- cude as the best method of reforming the offender. Very many hours, she thought, might be passed alone with ad- vantage, and the night always ; but she recognized a vast difference between useful and improving reflection, and the imagination dwelling upon past guilt or prospective evil. Her conviction was that with the greater number of crimi- nals left to feed upon their own mental resources, the latter state of mind was highly probable, the former very unlikely. Confinement that secluded from the vicious but allowed of , frequent intercourse with sober, well-conducted persons would have been in her view perfect. But where could funds be obtained to raise the prison, or maintain its disci- pline on such a system ? Some intercourse for a few hours daily among prisoners carefully classed, diligently employed, judiciously instructed, and under most vigilant and unceas- ing superintendence, with the remaining hours of the twenty- four passed in separate, but not gloomy seclusion, was, in her oi^inion, the best and most likely method of benefiting the criminal and thus eventually diminishing crime. She PIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 277 shrank from the abuses to which the solitary system is liable. How soon might the cell become an oubliette ; how short the transition from kind and constant attention to cruelty and neglect ; how entirely the comfort, nay, the existence of a prisoner, must depend upon his keeper's will ; and what was human nature to be trusted with such responsibility ? With an active magistracy, a zealous clergyman, and carerul medical attendant, all might be well ; but who could ensure the continuance of these advantages? and were the activity and benevolence of the present day to pass away why might not the slumber of indifference again cover the land? " A few intereresting extracts from the Journal of Mi-s. Fry after her return from Scotland, will give an idea of * how her time was employed between her visits abroad. Upton, Ninth Month, 2^th. — We arrived at home last Seventh-day, and to my great comfort I found all my family going on well and comfortably. I ventured to ask, or at least to desire, if my goings out were acceptable to the Lord, and if I were to be called to further, and perhaps to still more weighty service, that I might find the blessing of preservation extended to those most dear to me at home, as well as to myself in going. Through mercy this sign has been rather unusually granted me. What can I render unto my Lord for His tender and unmerited mercies? " Tenth Month, IWi. — I have been on a satisfactory visit with my husband, aud partly accompanied by Peter Bed- ford and John Hodgskin, to (-i-o^c.cn aoj IfielJ. Our Meeting in bi-ssex was a •'•fry satisfactory one, and a reading we had next morning at a cottage on the common, belonging to a dear Friend where we hait oeen before. The libraries we estabished aj)pear to have been much read and valued. It is cause for much thankfulness to find that our labor has not been m vain in the Lord. How sweet are His mercies! May all become His servants saith my soul I 278 ELIZABETH FB7. "I have also left home, accompanied by my beloved hus» band, and my sister Elizabeth to visit a few meetings in Essex. " Twelfth Month, %th. — This morning I deeply feel the seriousness of laying before my Monthly Meeting my belief that it may be my duty again to visit France and some other pai'ts of the Continent of Eui'ope. It is after much v?eighty consideration that I have come to the conclusion that it is right to do this. I have long thought that this summer my course mighc be either to my dearest brother Joseph in America, or to the Continent of Europe ; after much weigh- ing it I have believed the latter to be the right opening for me. " l^th. — Yesterday, excepting our dear F and R C , all our beloved children dined with us. It really was to me a beautiful sight. Sixteen round our table, happy in each other, a strong tie of love amidst the brothers and sisters, and much united to us, their father and mother. 1 felt the occasion serious as well as sweet, and very earnestly prayed to the Lord, that I might be vei-y faithful if He called me to any religious service amongst them, whether it were to pray for them or speak to them of EQs goodness. When the cloth was removed after dinner, I believed it my duty to kneel down and very fervently to pray and to return thanks to my God for all these most tenderly beloved ones. Great help and deliverance has been granted to some of our cii'cle ; the Lord has been very gTacious ; He has added to our number and not diminished them. . . . " After this solemn time thkteen of our sweet dear gi'and- childi'en came in. We passed an evening of uncommon en- joyment, cheerful, yet sober, lively yet sensible of the bless- ing and peace of our Lord being with us. I seldom if ever remember so bright a family meeting ; it reminded me oi our Earlham days ; but I could not but feel it a blessing when a mother as well as a father is spaied to watch their FIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 279 family grow up and prosper, and to see and enjoy their chil- di-en's childi-en. "When I remember all that I have passed through on their account; above all the exquisite anxiety about their spiritual vrelfare, and now so far to see what the Lord has done for me and for them, what can I say ? What can I do ? Ought I not to leave them all to His most holy keep- ing, and no longer 'toil and spin' so much for them? '■^ First Month, 12iA. — I returned from Lynn last eveniag. I was a good deal with my beloved sister Catherine who was there. Before parting we had a deeply interesting time together, when the spirit of prayer was remarkably poured forth upon us. I prayed for them each separately, and I believe that access was in mercy granted to the Throne of Grace. My dearest sister offered a solemn prayer for us before we rose from om* knees. I felt as I have often done, an earnest desire that we may none be in spuitual bonds. I think Satan in hardly any way mars the Lord's work more than in putting persons in the stiff bonds of high-chui'chism. He attacks all professors in this way, and leads them to rest in their sectarianism rather than their Chiistianity. I do not mean that this was the case with those I was amongst, but I see in it a frightful bait thrown out to all professors of all denominations. Few things I more earnestly desire than unity in the Church of Christ, and that all partition walls may be broken down. Lord, liasten the coming of that day, for Thine own name's sake!" In order to raise money for the numerous demands on the British Society, Mis. Fry resolved, with the consent of her friends, upon having a public sale — or what we call a Fair. It is thus spoken of. "Paris, Third Month, 11th. — Before leaving home we were much occupied by a very large sale for the British 2S0 ELIZABETH FSy. Society held in Crosby Hall. I felt it an exercising time lest any should be exposed to temptation by it, and I see tLat there are two sides to the question respecting these sales, as there is an exposure in it that may prove injurious to some. However, I think I saw in this instance many favorable results, and particularly in the kind and capital help my children gave me in it, and the way in which it oc- cupied them. One day I had fifteen children and several grandchildren helping me to sell. A sweet and Christian spu-it appeared to reign in the room. There were more than a thousand pounds obtained by it, clear of all expenses, which will be a great help to the British Society. The marks of kindness shown me by numbers, in the things sent to the sale, were very encouraging to me. My brothers and sisters, my nephews and nieces were also very kind in aiding me in many ways." The second journey to the Continent was commenced on the 11th of Mai-ch, 1839. She was accompanied by Josiah Forster, as on the previous visit, and also by her husband and one of her daughters; the youngest son was to join them in Paris. The former visit had been a kind of seed-sowing. This time on her arrival at Boulogne, many came to seek her and to welcome her to their shores, and she was soon besieged by persons in the humbler ranks of society asking to be sup- pUed with Testaments, tracts, &c. Some had lent what they had received before to friends going into the country and could not get them again. At the Hotel at Abbeville "those to whom she had given them on her previous visit, begged for more, and came creeping up to her apartments to prefer their request. Her Text-books were the favorites. In the morning the people of the Hotel gathered round FIEST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 281 her. The First-day that she had spent there on her former visit to Paris — the reading they had in the evening — the prayer she had offered for them, had made a deep impres- sion. They beguiled her into the kitchen where she told them, in broken French — which, however, they contrived to understand — a little of her wishes for them as to faith and practice. Then all would shake hands with her." Another month was spent in Paris revisiting the places previously inspected and holding philanthrophic and relig- ious meetings. The former of these appear to have been held as a ki nd of weekly Keception. "Last evening about a hundred persons spent the even- ing with us. The subject of prisons was brought forward — Newgate, &c. I endeavored to show the state of prisons formerly, and many of their impx'ovements. But above all to inculcate Christian principle as the only sure means of improving practice. I sought in every way, in the cases brought forward, to uphold the value of the Scriptures, and to show the blessed results of faith and repentance. We finished by reading in a solemn manner the 15th of Luke as the chapter so gi-eatly blessed to poor prisoners. I made little comment, there was very great solemnity over us. There were Catholics and Protestants and I believe some of the Greek Church. There were Greeks, lonians, Spaniards, a Pole, Italians, Germans, English, Americans and French — several of the English and French, persons of rank; the Marquis de Brignolles, Sardinian IVIinister, and Prince Czartorinsky. Thus the week has run away ! may it have been for the real good of others, and the glory of God." " Paris, list. — I feel that under a lively sense of peace and rest of soul, I may record the mercies of the Lord this week. " Our First-day was very satisfactory, a large Meeting; five of om- childi-en with us. (Several of her family spent a few days in Paris at this time.) 282 ELIZABETH FBT. " I had a very serious, interesting, and intimate eonTersa> tion with the Duchess of Orleans. " I visited and attended to some prisons, formed a Ladies' Society to visit Protestants in prisons and hospitals, met a very influential company at dinner at Lord Granville's, much interesting conversation in the evening ; the same twice at Baron Pelet's, and we had an agreeable dinner at Lord Wil- ham Bentincks. I have paid some very interesting private calls, spent one morning with my children ; om- great phil- anthropic evening lai'gely attended — about about a hundi-ed and forty present. Josiah Forster gave a concentrated ac- count of our former evenings, and added other things very agreeably. I strongly impressed upon them the extreme importance of the influence of the higher upon the lower classes of society, by their example and precept ; mentioned late hours, theatres, and other evils. Then advised — giving the poor, Christian education ; reading the Holy Scriptures in then* families ; lending Libraries ; District Societies, and other objects. We finished with a very solemn Scripture reading, the greater part of the third chapter of Colossians and the 20th and 21st verses of the last chapter of the Epis- tle to the Hebrews, 'Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do His wi", work- ing in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen." " Previous to reading this I had expres'-- I some solemn parting truths and oui* party broke up iu aiuch love and peace. "On Fifth day we dined with some sweet, spuitual and delightful people, the de Presenses and de Valcours-; in the evening to Mark Wilke's to meet a very large par ty of min- isters from different parts of France come to attend the Meetings of the various Societies. Fontainbleau, 28iA. The day before oui- departure FIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 283 from Paris we visited the Piefet de Police, took in our re- port of the state of the prisons, and obtained leave for the Protestant ladies to visit the Protestant prisoners ; we had much interesting conversation. We have the great satisfac- tion of heai'ing that a law is likely to pass for women prison- ers throughout France to be under the care of women. "In the evening, and during the day, numbers came to take leave of us ; a good many Greeks who appeared to feel much interest in and for us, as if oiu' labors with them had not been in vain." Before leaving Paris Mrs. Fry was furnished with a letter from the Minister of the Interior, granting her, Josiah Fors- ter and her husband, permission to visit all the prisons in France. This insui'ed them every respect and attention on their further journey. They proceeded, with a few stops to Lyons where "there was a great press of engagements — prisons and refuges to inspect, besides many schools of which I had time to visit only one, a woman's adult school." In a letter to her children written from Nismes, May 12th, she says : — "We paid a very interesting visit to Lyons and found a good deal new in the prisons and Refuges. An order oi Catholics, called the 'Brethren and Sisters of St. Joseph,' believe it their duty to take care of prisoners and criminals generally. They do not visit as we do, but take the entile part of turnkeys and prison-officers, and live with the pris- oners night and day, constantly caring for them. I thought the effect on the female prisoners surprisingly good, as far as their influence extended. But the mixture of gross su- perstition is curious, the image of the Virgin di'essed up ia the finest manner in their different wards. I feared that their religion lay so much in form and ceremonies that it led from heart work and from that great change which would proba* ELIZABETH FRT. bly be produced did these sisters simply teach them Chiis- tianity. Their books appeal ed to be mostly about the Vir- gin ; not a sign of Scripture to be found in either prison or refuge. I felt it laid upon me as a weighty, yet humbling duty, before I left Lyons, to invite Eonian Catholics and Protestants who had influence in the prisons, to come to our Hotel, and there, in Christian love, to tell them the truth, to the best of my belief, as the only real ground of reformation of heart, and the means likely to conduce to this end. It was the more fearful, as I had to be entirely interpreted for. My heart almost sank within me as the time approached. It was about three o'clock in the day; about sixty people came of the very influential Catholics and Protestants and I was enabled, through a most excellent interpreter, to show them that nothing but the pure simple truth, as revealed in Scriptm'e, through the power of the lioly Spirit, could really enlighten the understanding, or change the heart. My husband and Josiah Forster als ) took a very useful and valuable part. Much satisfaction was expressed. We after- wards diued at a gentleman's who lived in a lovely situation on the top of a hill near Lyons. Our invitations began to flow in, and we should, I doubt not, had we staid longer, soon have been in as great a current as at Paris, or greater. We met with some very interesting, devoted Christian characters — a cousin of the Baroness Pelet's, almost like herself; her notes and flowers coming in every morning. The last day was most fatiguing ; we had to rise soon after three in the morning for Avignon, to go a hundied and fifty miles down the Rhone. " We have passed through the most delightful country I ever saw. Lyons, with the Rhone and Saone, is, in its en- vu'ons, beautiful, and the passage from Lyons to Avignon really lovely ; mountains in the distance, (parts of the Alps,) their tops covered with snow ; vegetation in perfection, the flowers of spring and summer in bloom at once, grass just ready to be cut, barley in the eai, lilacs, laburnums, syr- PIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 285 ingas, roses, pinks, carnations, acacias in full bloom, yellow jessamine wild in the hedges. It is a sudden burst of the finest summer combined with the freshness of spring. The olive groves intermixed with abundant vineyards and mul- berry groves, all beautiful from their freshness. The an- cient buildings of Avignon, the ruins on the banks of the Ehone, the very fine and wonderful remains or the Eoman aqueduct, called the Pont du Gard, really exceed descrip- tion." The travelers found at Nismes, and in the neighboring villages a scattered body of people professing the principles of the Society of Friends. " This simple, but interesting body of people are the descendants of the Camisards, -who took refuge in the mountains of the Cevennes during the persecutions subsequent to the revocation of the Edict of Nantes." At Congenies the inhabitants were almost all Friends — a kind and religious people. They regularly at- tended meetings with them, and the last meeting waa crowded, the people clustering "to the top of the doors, ia all the open windows, and on the walls outside, yet in per- fect quietude and order." After visiting Marseilles, Toulon, and Aix, where many important objects called for attention, including the galley- slaves, the travelers returned in June to Nismes. Sixth Month. — Our First-day at Nismes was deeply weighty in prospect, so that I rested little that night, as I bad ventured to propose our holding one Meeting in the morning in the Methodist chapel, that whosoever liked might attend it ; and in the evening to do the same in a very large school room, that all classes might attend, as I believed that all would not come to a Methodist Meeting-house. I ELIZABETH FBT. went prostrated before the Lord to this Meeting in the morning, hardly knowing how to hold up my head. I could only apply for help to the inexhaustible Som-ce of our sure mercies, feeling that I could not do it either on account of myself, or because it was the work in which I was en- gaged; but I could do it for the sake of my Lord, and that His kingdom might spread. Utterly unworthy did I feel myself ; but my Lord was gracious. My dear interpreter, Christine Majolier, was there to help me in a very large Meeting, and I felt power wonderfully given me to proclaim the truths of the Gospel, and to press the point of the Lord Himself being our teacher, immediately by His Spirit, and through the Holy Scriptures, and by His providences and works, and to show that no teaching so much conduced to growth in grace as the Lord's teaching. There was much attention ; at the close I felt the spiiit of prayer much over us, longed for its vocal expression, and felt a desu-e that some one might pray, when a Methodist minister, in a feel- ing manner expressed a wish to offer something in prayer, to which we, of course, assented. It proved solemn and Batisfactory. "We dined at our dear friend, the Pasteur Emilien Frossard's ; he and his wife have been like a brother and Bister to us. We were also joined by a Roman Catholic gentleman who has, I think, been seriously impressed by our visit, and it has led him to have the Scriptures read to his workmen. Thei-e were also Louis Majolier, his daugh- ter, and a young English friend. I think I have very sel- dom in my life felt a more lively sense of the love of God than at this table. I may say our souls were animated under its sweetness ; I think we rejoiced together, and mag- nified the name of om' God. "In the evening we met in a large school-room that would contain some hundieds, where numbers assembled, princi- pally the French protestants and some of theii- pastors. There again I was greatly helped, I really believe, by the FIKST AND SECOND VISITS TO THB CONTINENT. 287 Holy Spirit to speak to them upon their important situa- tions in the Church of Christ, and the extreme consequence of their being sound both in faith and practice. I also felt it my duty to show them, as Protestants, the infinite impor- tance, not only in France, but in the surrounding nations, of their being 'as a city set upon a hill that cannot be hid.' I showed them how the truth is spreading and how impor- tant to promote it, being preachers of righteousness in life and conversation, as well as in word and doctrine. There was here also much attention ; and our dear and valued friend and brother in Christ, Emilien Frossard, prayed beautifully that the word spoken might profit the people, and particularly that the blessing of the Lord might rest upon me. It was no common prayer on my behalf. Thanks to my Heavenly Father, the Meeting broke up in much love, life and peace." Another meeting was held the next morning at the village of Codognan. Her account then continues: " After this we proceeded to ilontpelier where important service opened for us. A Protestant Ladies Committee was formed to visit the great Female Prison there ; much important advice offered to the Governor, upon the charges now being made in the prison, and female officei-s being ap- pointed. We appeared to go in the vei-y time wanted, and obtained the liberation of several poor women from their very sad cells. The Prefet was most kind to us, and thus oar way was easily made: the Mayor and all with us. Help was given me to speak rehgiously to the poor women before all these gentlemen." '•We proceeded from place to place until we arrived at Toulouse, on Seventh-day evening, the 16th of the Sixth Month. On First-day evening we met a large number ot Protestants at one of theii- Scripture readings. We took part in the service. At the close a solemn prayer was 288 ELIZABETH FRY. offered for us by Francis Courtois, one of a very remavkablo trio of brothers, (bankers there,) all three of whom are given up to the service of their Lord, and appear to have been instruments greatly blessed. Their kindness to us was very great. Jii Toulouse we visited two prisons, had one important prison Meeting and one exceedingly solemn and satisfactory Scripture reading and time of prayer with the Coui-tois family, one or two pasteurs, and other relig- ious persons." She next went to Montauban, the place where the minis- ters of the Protestant Church of France were educated. Here "without expressing any other wish than to have an evening party at one of their houses, to meet some of the professors and students of the College, (ths oaly one in France for educating pasteurs of the Keformecl Church,) we found, to our dismay, all arranged to receive us in the Col- lege ; and on arriving there imagine how I felt when the Dean of the College ofeiod me his arm to take me into the chapel. There I beiiev-e the whole of the collegians were assembled, in all at levrui a hundi'ed. It was fearful work. There were also numbers of the people of the town, we thought about three hundied. Josiah Forster spoke first, explaining our views at some length. Then I rose with an excellent interpreter, one of their pasiears. I first told them something of my prison experience, arid '.iie povrer of Chris- tian principle and kindness; then I rel:..ed a little of the state of their prisons in France ; then my ideas as to the general state of France ; and afterwards endeavored to bring home to them the extreme importance of their calling as pasteurs in their Chmxh. I reminded them of that passage of Scripture ' the leaders of the people caused them to err. FIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 289 I endeavored to show them how awful such a state of things must be, and the extreme importance of their being sound in doctrine and practice." "Simple duty led me to Montauban. We were united in much Christian love to many there. I forgot to say that at the close of the occasion the pasteur who interpreted for me prayed beautifully and spiritually that the words spoken might profit the people ; he also prayed for us. This has- frequently occurred at the close of some of our interesting; Meetings ; a pouiing forth of the spirit of prayer has beea granted. My not knowing the language has obstructed my offering it, and it has appeared laid upon others instead. I have seldom felt sweeter peace in leaving a place than Mon- tauban." Constant exertion, together with the heat of the climate, had now affected Mrs. Fry's health so that her husband strongly urged their turning aside for a brief rest in the cooler atmosphere of the Pyrenees. But wherever she went she scattered the seeds of the Kingdom, in words of kindness, and in Bibles, text-books and tracts. Having some Scripture extracts in Spanish, when they went over the line, she gave them to the peasants, or left them at the cottages, and even in the manger of a cow-house — having heard that the Spaniards, including the priests, were eager for books, and carefully preserved them. She also employed her rest in preparing a " memorial of considerable length, with the aid of her companions, for the Minister of the Interior, and a shorter one for the Pre- fect of Police, eipbodying her observations on the state of the prisons which she had inspected and her recommenda- tions for their improvement." 290 ELIZABETH FBV. Thus refreshed the little party hastened backward through the south of France and turned their steps to- ward Switzerland. At Bonigen, near Interlachen, she wi'ites, August, 11th. " I believe that my gracious Lord has guided our steps to this place ; blessed be His name. At Grenoble, where I felt rather pressed in spirit to spend a First-day, I had a curious opening for religious service, and I believe an im- portant one, with several enlightened Eoman Catholics, sev- «ial Protestants, and a school of girls. It was a time of spuitual refreshment by which many appeared helped and comforted. The next day was occupied in important prison visits, and in the eveniug a Meeting with influential Boman Catholics. " Josiah Forster having left us to go by diligence to Gen- eva, we traveled alone through Savoy, and had a pleasant journey through a lovely country ; but the darkness of the Ivoman Catholic religion, and the arbitrary laws, not allow- ing even a tract to be given away, were painful; we found that a Swiss gentlemen had lately been imprisoned for doing it, and confined with a thief. We aiTived at Geneva the 2oth of the seventh month in the evening. Here we passed a vei'y interesting time, from various and important open- ings for religious service in large parties, in prisons, &c. My be-ief is that we were sent to that place, and amidst some trials from different causes, there was a pouring forth of spiritual help and spuitual peace. Many of the pasteurs came to us and not a few expressed their refreshment and satisfaction with our visit. Before we left, several of the most spiritual in a very striking and beautiful manner preached to us, particularly to myself, and prayed for us all ; a time I think never to be forgotten by us. We had one of the most beautiful entertainments I ever saw, given by Colonel Tronchin at a lovely place a few miles from Gen- eva, the fine snowy mountains about us, the lake within FIRST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 291 sight. In an avenue in the midst of a fine wood we had a handsome repast to which about a hundi'ed persons sat down. The gentleman who gave it is a devoted Christian, a man of large property and this blessing sanctified by grace. I visited a delightful institution for the sick of his establishment on his grounds. To return to our entertain- ment, grace was very solemnly said before our meal, and very beautiful hymn- singing afterwards. Then withdrew into the house where I believe the anointing was poured forth upon me to speak the truth in love and power. I had an excellent, spiritually-minded interpreter, (Professor La Harpe): many apparently felt this occasion. A young Eng- lish gentleman came up to me afterwards and expressed his belief that it would influence him for life ; and a lady came to me and said how remarkably her state had been spoken to. Much love was also shown to us, and unity. Indesd 1 felt how our Lord permits his servants to rejoice together in love ; and even to partake of the good things of this life in His love and fear, with a subjected spirit rejoicing in His mercies, temporal and spiritual. We had very great kind- ness also shown to us by many, amongst others by our dear friend Mary Ann Vernet and her family, including her daughter, the Baroness de Stael, with whom we dined at Cappet. The Duke de Broglie and his family were with her ; we had a very interesting visit. We went from Gen- eva to our dear friend Sophia Delesserts ; her husband was out ; they have a beautiful place on the banks of the Lake of Geneva, near Kolle ; here we had the warmest reception, and were refreshed and comforted togethei ; she is truly loved by ma." The following description of an evening at the beautiful residence of Colonel Tronchin, at Besemge, where more than a hundred persons were gathered, is from the pen of a young student, afterwards Secretary of the "Belgian Societe Evangelique." 292 EtIZABETH FRT. "We had half expected a philosophical discourse upon subjects of philanthropic and general interest, but every- thing that fell from her lips was characterized by delicacy, extreme simplicity, and an ardent desire to draw our atten- tion to our own happiness, in being permitted the oppor- tunity for meditation on the one subject which seemed always present in her thoughts, Christ Jesus, crucified for the expiation of our sins. At this distance of time I have an actual realization of the opening of her exhortation. 'I think,' said she, 'it is impossible for us to be more profita- bly employed than by occupying the next few moments with the contemplation of the love which the Lord Jesus has for us.' The rooms were full to overflowing; my fellow- students and I took up our places in the passage, on the stair-case, crowded round the open door, eagerly hanging on such parts of the beautiful exhortation as we could catch by the most breathless attention ; after she had concluded she kindly came out amongst us and expressed her regret that we should have been so inconvenienced. I can see her now, her tall figure leaning on Colonel Tronchin's arm, M. La Harpe at her side, her dignified, animated, yet soft- ened countenance bending towards us. I can never forget it. Such occasions are rare in life, they are very green spots in the garden of memory — more, they are opportunities given for improvement, solemnly increasing the responsi- bility of each who participate in them. May I never lose the impression of that day at Beseinge, nor the holy lessons I there heard and learnt." After leaving Geneva the travelers went to Lausanne, Berne, Thun, Grindel, Brienz, Bonigen, and Zurich, in Switzerland, scattering everywhere the seeds of peace, kindness and reform. The following incident, is illustrative of Mrs. Fry's peculiar gifts as a peacemaker. "Whilst at Bonigen, Herr IVIitchell, the landlord of the FIBST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 293 little inn, and his family, attended their First-day evening readings. On one of these occasions a peasant girl was with them who appeared pious and afflicted ; her name was Madelina Kauss. She came from a neighboring village to seek counsel of Elizabeth Fry. Madelina and her mother bad joined themselves to a little body of serious people, Pietists, somewhat resembling Methodists, seceders from the National Church. The father, a coarse, ignorant man, vehemently thi'eatened his wife, and tm-ned his daughter out of doors to earn her own livelihood, which she did by weaving for nine French sous a day. Pious people from Berne had interfered on theii* behalf, but had only made matters worse. It so fell out that about this time a certain email old-fashioned black-letter German newspaper reached the little inn at Bonigen ; the host and his household were startled on finding in it a long account of his guests, — ' a history of IVIrs. Fry, her work and labors of love ; ' conclud- ing with her visit to the Oberland of Berne and residence at Herr Mitchell's country inn. After careful perusal it occurred to the worthy host that in his inmates he had found the very people to rectify the wrongs of poor Made- Una and restore peace in her parents' dwelling; persons in his opinion not to be resisted by Heurich Kauss, the peas* ant of Wildersewyl, to whom he advised that a visit should forthwith be made. When the carriage came to convey th© party he insisted on diiving it himself arrayed in his holiday costume. The interview with the family Avas quite pathetic. The father laid the fault of his violence and se- erity on the grandfather, and he on the scho'ilmaster ; but a little kind and wise conciliation sufficed to biiug them all to tears ; they wept and kissed, and Herr Mitchell wept for sympathy. After which Elizabeth Fry had a religious time with Made- lina, her mother, and a few of then* neighbors ; leaving them with the thankful belief that they had been permitted to act the part of peacemakers." * • Life by S. Corder. page 540. 2»4 ELIZABETH FRY. "Zurich, Eighth Ifonth, loth. — "\\'e left our sweet littl© home at Bouigen, on the banks of Lake Biienz, last Fourth- day. I felt refreshed by our visit to this country. I think my prayers have been heai'd and answered in its being a very uniting time with those most tenderly beloved by me. We have had some interesting communications with serious peisons in the humble walks of life who reside in that neighborhood. We have desired to aid them spiiitually and temporally, but the difficulty of communication has been very great, from want of suitable interpreters ; still I trust that some were edified and comforted. I also hop© our chculation of books and ti'acts has been useful, and the establishment of at least one hbrary at Brienz for the laboriug classes. We have traveled along gently and agreeably by Lucerne, and through a delightful country." "On the morning of their departure from Zurich th© venerable pastor Gesner, and many others, called to take leave. This apostolic old man pronounced a striking bless- ing on Elizabeth Fry to which she replied in terms that caused the bystanders to weep aloud." " Luciwigsburg, (« few miles from Stuttgard,) Ninth Month, \st. — On tbt, evening of the day that I wrote at Zui-ich, we went witli our dear friend the Baroness Pelet, afterwards joined by the Baron, to the house of an ancient devoted pasteur, Gesner. His wife was the daughter of that excellent servant of the Lord, Lavater. We met a large number of persons, I believe generally serious. I had proposed to myself speaking on the prison subject; but my way opened differently — to enlarge upon the state of the Protestant Church in France, to encourage all its members to devotedness ; and particularly in that place where deep trials have been theii- portion from theii- Government up- holding infidehty and iniidei men. At the close of the- Meeting our venerable friend Gesner spoke in a hvely, pow- erful manner, and avowed his belief that the Lord Himself FIRST AND SECOND VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 295 had enabled me to express what I had done, it was so remarkably ' the word in season.' I paid also a satisfactory religious visit to the female prisoners in. the afternoon The next morning I visited the head magistrate, represented the evils I had observed, and saw some ladies about visiting prisons. We afterwards went a sweet expedition on the Lake with our beloved friends, the Baron and Baroness Pelet. Early in the evening I set off with a dear girl — great grand-daughter to Lavater and grand-daughter to Pasteur Gesner — Barbara Usteri, in a curious little carriage to pay some visits, and to spend an evening at the hou^e of the aunt of Matilda Escher, another interesting young woman Avith whom I had become acquainted, I believe providentially, at an inn near Interlachen. I had no one with me but strangers as my dear family stayed with the Baron and Baroness Pelet at my desu'e; but I feel not among strangers ; because those who love the Lord Jesus are dear to me, and in our holy Head we are one. I can hardly express how much I have found this to be the case on this journey — the love, the unity and the home feeling I Lave had with those I never saw before! and I have a^so found how httle it matters where we are, for 'where the God of peace is there is home.' " After visiting the Prison and Orphan Asylum at Ludvvigs- burg the travelers proceeded to Frankfort whara they had a stall opened for the sale of Bibles and tracts, and then has- tened home by way of Ostend and Dover, ari-iving in peace and health September 13th, 1839. The journey through France and Switzerland occupied about six months. The following shows some of the results of Elizabeth Fry's extensive observation and deep experience, regarding different religious persuasions. 296 BLIZABETH FB7. " Upton, First-day Twelfth Month, Sth. — yesterday had some intimate conversation with Captain •, who has just joined, or is about to join, the Plymouth Brethren ; with a young lady, a follower of Edward Irving ; with an- other lady, a high Church woman ; and with Josiah Forster, an elder in our portion of the church. I cannot say but that it is at times an exercise of my religious faith to find the diversities of opinions existing amongst the professors of Christianity, and not only the professors, but those who I believe really love then- Lord; but my better judgment tella xne that there must be a wise pui-pose in its being so. These divisions into families and tribes may tend to the life and growth of religion, which, if we were all of one mind, might not be the case. But whilst I perceive these differences, I perceive that there is but one Christianity, one Body, one Spirit, one hope of our calling ; one Lord, one faith, and one baptism ; one God and Father of al]/"^ All true members of the Church of Christ are, and must be, one in Him, and the results we see the same everywhere. Love to God and love to man manifested in life and conduct; and how strikingly proved in death, as well as life, that victory is obtained through the same Saviour; that in the dying hour death loses its sting and the grave its victory. Therefore if we believe and know our hearts to be cleansed by the blood of Christ, and through the power of the Holy Sphit hve to His glory, bearing the fruits of faith, it matters Uttle, in my es- timation, to what rehgiaus denomination we belong, so that we mind our calling and fill the place our Lord would have us to fill in His Militant Church on earth." CHAPTEB TENTH. THIBD, FOTJETH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. Previous to her first tour in Belgium, Holland, and Ger- many Elizabeth Fry paid her respects to her own Sovereign whose marriage is thus referred to : First Month, 1840. — An eventful time in public and private life. Our young Queen is to be married to Prince Albert. She has sent me a present of fifty pounds for our Kefuge at Chelsea by Lord Normauby. Political commo- tions about the country — riots in Wales — much religious stii in the 'Church of England,' numbers of persons becoming much the same as Eoman Catholics — Popish doctrines preached openly in many of the churches — infidel princi- ples in the form of Sociahsm gaining ground." " Upton, Second Month, 1st. — I am called to visit our young Queen to-day, in company with Wilham Allen, and I hope my brother Samuel also. "Went to Buckingham Palace and saw the Queen. Our interview was short. ' Lord Normanby, the Home Secretaiy, presented us. The Queen asked us where we were gomg on the Continent. She said it was some years since she saw me. She asked about Caroline Neave's Eefuge for which she had lately sent the fifty pounds. This gave me an op- portunity of thanking her. I ventured to express my satis- faction that she encourged various works of charity ; and I said it reminded me of the words of Scripture, ' with the ELIZABETH FBV. BQerciful Thou v,ilt show Thyself merciful.' Before we withdrew I stopped and said I hoped the Queeu would al- low me to assure her that it was our prayer that the bless- ing of God night rest upon the Queen and her Consort. " I have for some time believed that duty would call me to have a meeting in London or the neighborhood previous to leaving. I see many difficulties attached to it, and per- haps none so much as my great fear of women becoming too forward in these things, beyond what the Scripture dic- tates; but I am sure the Scripture most clearly and forcibly lays down the principle that the Spirit is not to be grieved, or quenched, or vexed, or resisted ; and on this principle I act, under the earnest desii-e that whatever the Lord leads me into by His Spiiit may be done faithfully to Him and in His name ; and I am of opinion that nothing Paul said to discomage women's speaking in the churches alluded to their speaking through the help of the Spirit, as he clearly gave directions how they should conduct themselves under such circumstances, when they prayed or prophesied." The Meeting is thus described by one who was present : "It was really a most impressive occasion, — the large, fine, circular building filled — not less I should think than fifteen hundred present. She began by entreating the sym- pathy and supplications of those present. I cannot tell you how mine flowed forth on her behalf. After her prayer we sat still for some time ; then William Allen spoke ; and then she rose, giving as text, ' Yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead;' and uncommonly fine waa her animated, yet tender exhortation to all present, but more especially to the young, to present themselves as liv- ing sacrifices to the Lord, to be made of Him ne tv creatures in Christ — the old things passed away and all things be- come new, as those alive from the dead. This change she dwelt and enlarged on much ; its chai'acter and the Power THIRD, FOUBTH AND FIFFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 299 that alone can effect it ; the duty demanded of us — ' Yield yourselves ; ' and its infinite and etei'nal blessedness. I was astonished and deeply impi'essed ; the feeling was, 'sui'ely God is amongst us of a truth.' " Mis. Fry and her companions — William Allen, her brother Samuel Gurneyand his daughter Elizabeth, LucyBradshaw and Josiah Forster, arrived at Ostend, Feb. 27th, whenca she wrote to her family. "We are favored with a bright morning and we may thankfully say that our spirits are permitted to partake of the same brightness. I have a sweet feeling of being in tha right place. An order is come from the Belgian Govern* ment for us to visit then- prisons. So the way opens before US; and though I give up much to enter these services, and feel leaving my most tenderly beloved ones, yet there is such a sense of blessedness in the service, and the honor of doing the least thing for my Lord, unworthy as I am, that il often brings a peculiar feeling of health, (if I may so say) as well as peace, to my body, soul and spirit. " My brother Samuel is a capital trave.ing companion, so zealous, so able, so willing, so generous; and I find dear Elizabeth sweet, pleasant and cheering. Bruges is a beauti* f ul old town ; su ch exquisite buildings — they delighted my eye. Here we visited the English Convent v/here to our surprise, we could only speak through a grating. We had a good deal of conversation with dear S. P 's sister and the Superior. They appeared very interesting women. We talked about their shutting-in system. I expressed my dis- approbation of it, as a general practice, and one liable to great abuse. I sent them some books and mean to send moro. We also visited a large school ; and to the great pleasure and amusement of the children your uncle gave them all a present. They could not in the least understand our language as they speak Flemish. 800 mZABETH FBY. "We have been much interested this morning in visiting theMaison de Force; it is a very excellent prison of con- siderable size, but vsrants some things very much. We have since been occupied with the numerous English here. They are without pasteur, or school, and quite in a deplorable state. We propose having a meeting with them of a relig- ious and philanthropic nature, and hope to establish some schools, &c., amongst them." " Brussels, Third 3fonth, 1st. "We left Ghent on Seventh-day, about half-past two o'clock, after visiting a most deplorable prison where we found a cell with the floor and sides formed of angular pieces of wood, so that no prisoner could stand, lie down, or lean against the wall without suffering. We also visited a Lunatic asylum so beautifully conducted that I more took the impression how happy such persons may be made than I ever did before. They are cared for by the 'Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul.' After rather a slow journey wo arrived here to dinner at six o'clock. " Ghent, Third Month, 3rd. — Here we are once more — we have visited another large prison for the military, and bad a very interesting Meeting with the English workmen, then- wives and children. I am glad to say they conclude for us to send them schoolmasters. We had flocks after us last evening, English and Belgians — I suppose about sev- enty ; they appeai-ed to be touched by our reading. I ob- serve how much the English appear iripressed on these occasions. Our little party are very comfortable and each has plenty to do. Antwerp, Third Month, 6th. " Upon our return to Brussels from Ghent we visited the great prison of VUorde. We gave many of our little Scrip- ture extracts to the prisoners. We got home to dinner and spent the evening at the Baron de Bois' where we met several pleasant persons. A considerable number of Belgians, poor ftad rich came to au e veuing meeting at our HoteL The nexi; THIKD, FOUP.TH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 301 day was one of no common interest. After some engage- ments in the morning, breakfasting out, &c., we visited the King. Our party were William Allen, my brother Samuel, J. Forster and myself ; and before we left Lucy Bradshaw and dear Elizabeth were admitted to see him. We first bad a very interesting conversation on the state of the prisons, and your uncle read the King our address to him upon the subject, When the part was read expressing our desire for him the Queen and his family, he appeared to feel it much. We had open, iateresting communication on many subjects. We remained nearly an hour. The Queen was unwell and the children asleep, therefore I did not see them. We gave the King several books for himself and the Queen. We were invited by Count Arrivabene to dine with one of the first Belgian families. I felt it rather feavful when, to my sur- prise, after dinner I was seated by the Dean of Brussels, Burrounded by the company and told that I was permitted to speak openly upon my religious views. Indeed I think the wish was that I should preach to them. This was curious, because I was warned on going, to say nothing about religion. Preach I did not, as I do not feel that at my command; but I spoke very seriously about the Scrip- tures not being read in the prisons, and endeavored to show in few words, what alone can produce change of heart, life and conduct, and the danger of resting in forms. We parted in much good-will, and we sent the Dean and the ladies some books. In the evening we had a philantbropio party at our hotel. The next morning a large, very solemn and interesting, religious meeting at the hotel. We left Brussels in much peace — rejoicing would not be too strong a word. In nearest love. E. F." The interview with the Dean of Brussels is thus de- scribed by her niece, Elizabeth Gurney. " Brussels, March dth. — We expect to end our very inter- esting visit in this place to-day. Had I a bundled limes 102 ELIZABETH FRY. more power of writing I could not initiate you into our life lifre. A great Meeting is now assembling in the Table de Hote salon, fitted up by our landlord for the occasion. This is to be our farewell meeting. We have had a very full morning, partly employed in distributing books. The servants at tl e j)alace sent an entreaty that they might not be overlooked. I wish you could have seen us looking out a good variety for about sixty of them. "Yesterday began with a full tide of business. They were to see the King at twelve o'clock. My aunt looked beautifully. Ho is a particularly pleasing-looking man, rather older than I expected. The Duchess of Kent had kindly written to the King to say that my aunt was likely to vitoit Brussels. T must tell you about our dinner at M. le Comte de ^'s the first Eoman Catholic family here. The party consisted of fifteen persons, only two speaking English. Amongst them was the Dean, the head of the Church here, under the Bishop of Malines. Much that was interesting passed. The Dean and our aunt seated themselves in a corner of the room, and by degrees the whole party gathered round, — the Count and Joslah Forster, interpreting by turns. Ifc was a critical thing to know what to say, as the conversa- tion bscauie more and more of a religious nature. She began on the prisons — prevention of crime — how much the upper classes are often the cause, by example, of the sins of the lower, re.ated a few of her prison facts as proofs, and finally ended by saying, 'Wiil the Dean allow me to speak my mind candidly?' Eis permission being granted, and that of the Count and Countess, she began by expressing the sincere interest that she felt for the mhabitants of the city, and how much she had been desiring for them, ' that, r.3 a people, they might each p.ace less confidence in men, and in ttie forms of religion, and look to Christ with an en- tire and simple faith.' The priest said nothing, but tarnsd the subject and asked what tne views of the (Quakers werej THIBD, FOURTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 303 upon which Josiah Forster gave them a short account in French which appeared to interest them all." Leaving Brussels they spent about two weeks in visiting Kotterdam, Amsterdam, and TwoUe. A letter from Dr. Bosworth, whose acquaintance was formed at Rotterdam, shows the kind of fruit borne in those places. In it he sajs: "Before answering your questions let me discharge a debt of gratitude which I and my wife owe to you and your friends, for your benevolent exertions in Rotterdam. You have excited amongst us, and have left, I trust, an abiding Chi-istian affection. We feel we are brethren, united in the same good cause of our adorable Saviour, that of promoting 'peace on earth and good-will to men.' How soon will the wood, hay and stubble of party be burnt up, and what is built on the Rock of Ages remain, &c., &c. We are here in a parched wilderness, but your visit has brought a refresh- ing dew, and may it abide with us." Amsterdam, Third Months l\)th, "My dearest H , We find this a very interesting place. How much amused you would all be at some of our curious meetiugj. The other evening we went to drink tea at the house of a con- verted Jew, where we met a member of the Pietists; ho read the 14th chapter of John in French ; I spoke and gave a, little advice on Christian love and unity ; then the Jew spoke, and another Jew prayed, and afterwards William Allen. The serious, the sweet, the good and the ludicrous were curiously mixed up together. Yesterday was very f uil ; fii-st company, breakfast and reading ; then preparation for two meetings, one for prisoners in the afternoon, and one in the evening for philanthropic objects, &c. At three o'clock about twenty gentlemen came to discuss with us tha 804 ELIZABETH FBT. state of the prisoners of Holland — an excellent meeting. A gentleman named Surengar was present who has followed us fi'om Eotterdam, and has kindly invited us to his house in the North of Holland. Tour uncle is very clever in his speeches and real knowledge of the subject. I received blessing and thanks from many, far too much ; our visit ap- pears most seasonable here, so much wanting to be done in the prisons and other things. Fiftb'day morning. — We went to oiu* Friends' Meet- ing ; when we arrived the numbers roun I the door were so great that we doubted whether we coiild get in; however way was soon made for us and we found a Javge and 'ivfhly respectable congregation needing no interpreter. We had certainly a flowing Meeting in every sense, I think the cup flowed over with Christian love. I believe it has been a most unusual thing the way in which hearts have been opened towards us. I then went off to the prison to launch the Committee of Ladies in visiting it, several gent'emen also with me. I had just time to come home, rest and dress^ and set off to a dinner at our friend Van der Hope's where there are the most exquisite paintings by the Dutch mas- ters. I think I never saw any so much to my taste. " I can assur e thee, my dearest H •, when I see how ripe the fields are unto harvest everywhere, I long and pray that more laborers may be brought into this most interest- ing, important, and, may I not say delightful service; bat there must be a preparation for it, by yielding to the cross of Christ, and often deep humiliations and much self-abase- ment are needful, before the Lord makes much use of us : but above all we must yield om selves to God, as 'those that are alive from the dead ; ' He will then fit for His own worl? in His own way. Dearest love to all of you, I am thy most tenderly attached mother Elizabeth Fey.'' THIED, FOURTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 305 The party now turned eastward toward Hanover to visit a small colony of Friends at Minden and Pyrmont. From these places Mrs. Fry writes to her family : "Minden, Third Month, 28«A.— We left Twolle on Second-day the 23rd and slept at a true German inn — neither carpet nor curtain. Our night was disturbed, still we did well. Q^he next day we set oflf in good time and traveled until twelve o'clock; we did not settle till two in the morning. I think I have not yet recovered the fatigue, not having slept well one night since. We have been inter- ested by the Friends, who are much like those of Con- genies, but more entirely Friends. We have visited them in almost all their families and had two Meetings with them, X'f e have been brought into much sympathy with them, for they are a tried, and I believe a Christian people. We have this evening had three pastors with us, two of them I think spu'itual men. Our meeting was largely attended this after- noon, and I can assure you my heart almost failed me, being interpreted for in German is so difficult ; but we have, in Auguste Mundbenck, a well educated young Friend, a capi- tal interpreter. The meeting ended well. In my wakeful nights I feel solitary, and have you very present with me; but I humbly trust He that sleepeth not is watching over you with tender care. '■'•Pyrmont, l^th. — In our way here we visited at Hameln a large prison, under the King of Hanover, almost all the poor prisoners, upwards of four hundred in number, heavily chained. I told them a little of my deep interest for their present and eternal welfare ; they appeared to feel it very much ; one poor man, a tall fine figure with heavy chains on both legs, sat weeping like a child. I am just come in from visiting some families of Friends ; they are really a very valuable set. I longed to take a picture for you of an old Friend with a plain scull-cap, eithei quilted or knitted, a purple handkerchief, a striped apron, and the whole ap- ELIZABETH FBT. pearance truly curious ; but she was a sweet old woman, full of loTe. I am really amused; the old and young are as fond of me as if I could fully speak to them ; the little ones sitting on my lap as if I were tLeu- mother, and leaning their little heads upon me. A little child about four or five said, what happy days they should have when we went to see them. We expect a large party this evening. "30th. — We had our party and unde^-stand there were present some of the first persons of the town, besides the unaster of the hotel, his wife, the doctor, the post-master, the book-binder, the shoemaker, &c., &c., &c. ! We dis- cussed the state of their poor, their not visiting them or attending to them ; for it appears tha*; visiting the poor is not thought of here. I hope and expect our coming will be useful in this respect. "J£a77ieln — ended JSanover, Fourth Month, 2nd. "While stopping at a small inn I mean to finish my ac- count of our visit to Pyrmont. After I wrote we went shaking on over such bad roads from house to house to see Friends, that I almost feared we must break down. We twice dined with them in their beautiful spot at Friedens- fchal, (or the valley of peace,) surrounded with hills and a river flowing through it; roebucks wild from the woods abounding. We were very pleasantly received. Our visits were very satisfactory to these very valuable and agreeable people. Tears and kisses abounded at our departure. I must tell you of an interesting event. I went to buy some- thing for little John at a shop where a very agreeable lady spoke to me in English, and I was so much attracted by her that I requested her to accept a book, and sent a work on the rites and ceremonies of the Jews. I asked her to attend our Meeting on Second-day morning. She proved to be a Jewish lady of some importance ; she came to the Meeting with several other Jews, and truly I beUeve her heart was touched. I invited her to come to see us the next evening, when we expected several persons to join om* party. The THIBD, FOURTH AND PTPTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 307 fo]lo^ving day we agreed to form a District Society to attend to the deplorable state of the poor. The Jewish lady capi- tally helped us ; she then appeared in a feeling state ; but this morning when the ladies met to finish our arrange- ments, and I felt it my place to give them a little advice, and my blessing in the name of the Lord, the tears poured down her face. I then felt it my absolute duty to take her into my room to give her such books as I thought right and to tell her how eai*nest my desires were that she should come to the knowledge of our Saviour. I think in our whole journey no person has appeared to be so affected or so deeply impressed; may it be lasting and may she become a Christian indeed! " Hildesheim, Fourth Month, Qt?u " We left Hanover to-day about five o'clock, after rather a singular visit. We arrived there on Fifth-day evening. On Sixth and Seventh-day our way did not open quite so brightly as sometimes. We saw a deplorable prison, — ^poor untried prisoners chained to the ground until they would confess their crimes, whether they had committed them or not, and some other sad evils. Several interesting pei'sons came to see us. Seventh-day evening we spent at a gentle- man's house where we met some very clever and superior persons, and had much important communication upon their prisons, &c., &c. On First-day we had our little Meetings ; such a tide on the Sabbath I think I hardly ever had ; it was like being driven down a mighty stream ; we had allowed persons to come to us, supposing it would be the last day there. I made some calls of Christian love. Q?he principal magistrate came for an hour about the prisons, and very many other persons. In the evening we had also a party of a select nature to our Scripture-reading, and after a very solemn time we represented many tilings wanted in Hanover. I forgot to tell you, amongst other visitors the Queen's Chamberhn came to say that the Queen wished to see our whole party on Second-day at one o'clock. We 808 ELIZABETH FRY. bad proposed going that morning early, but put it off on this account. I think I never paid a more interesting visit to royalty — my brother Samuel, William Allen and myself. In the first place we were received with ceremonious respect, shown through many rooms into a drawing-room where were the Queen's Chamberlain and three ladies-in-waiting to receive us. . . After some little time we were sent for by the Queen ; the King was too ill to see us. She is a stately woman, tall, large, and rather a fine countenance. We very soon began to speak of her afflictions, and I gave a little encouragement and exhortation. She was much affected, and after a little requested us to sit down. We bad very interesting and important subjects brought for- tvai'd ; the difficulties and temptations to which rank is sub- ject, the importance of then- influence, the objects incum- bent upon them to attend to and help in — Bible Societies, Prisons, &c. We then read our addi-ess to the Queen, wish- ing her to patronize ladies visiting the prisons ; it contained serious advice, and our desires for her, the King, and the Prince ; then I gave the Queen several books which she ac- septed in the kindest manner." The travelers then proceeded to Berlin where they met with a warm welcome from all classes and found an ample field of labor. In the Princess William, sister of the late King Frederick William III., Mrs. Fry found a zealous supporter of her efforts for the improvement of the prisons. Their first public reception is thus described by her niece: also a meeting at the palace of the Princess William. ^'^ Hotel de Russic, Berlin. "Our dear aunt's first evening for phUanthropio purposes took place o;a the 13th. There is a splendid room in the Hotel capable of containing two hundred persons, where we have our reunions. (At one end of this large room was THIED, FOOBTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 309 a platform on whicli the company were seated, with Pro- fessor Tholuck, as interpreter.) It would be impossible to describe the intense interest and eagerness which prevailed when our aunt rose. The attention of the whole assembly eeemed completely riveted by her address. William Allen had previously told them the object of their mission, and a little of what they had been doing since our arrival in Berlin. " The Princess William has been desirous to give her sanction, as far as possible, to the Ladies' Committee for visiting the prisons that my aunt has been forming ; and to show her full approbation had invited the Committee to meet her at her palace. The Princess had also asked some of her friends ; so we must have been about forty. Such a party of ladies and only our friend Count Groben to in- terpret. The Princess received us most kindly. The Crown Princess arrived. The Princess Charles was also there; and the Crown Prince himself soon afterwards entered. Our aunt sat in the middle of the sofa, the Crown Prince and Princess, and the Princess Chai'les on her right, the Princess William, Princess Marie, and Princess Czartoryski on the left; Count Groben sitting near her to interpret; the Countesses Bohlen and Dernath by her — I was sitting by the Countess Schlieffen, a delightful person who is much interested in all our proceediDgs. A table was placed be- fore our aunt, with pens, ink and paper, like other Commit- tees, with the various rules that she and I had drawn up, and the Countess Bohlen had translated into German, and which she read to the assembly. Our aunt then gave a clever, concise account of the Societies in England. When business was over my aunt mentioned some texts which she asked leave to read. A German Bible was handed to Count Groben, the text in Isaiah having been pointed out, that our aunt had wished for, ' Is not this the fast that I have ^bosen,' &c. The count read it, after which our aunt said, ♦Will the Prince and Princesses allow a short time for 310 ELIZABETH PBT. prayer ? ' They all bowed assent and stood, while she knelt down and offered one of her touching heartfelt prayers for them — that a blessing might rest on the whole place, from the King on his throne to the poor prisoner in the dungeon ; and she prayed especially for the Koyal Family ; then for the ladies, that the works of theu' hands might be pros- pered in what they had now undertaken to perform. Many of the ladies now withdi'ew, and we were soon left ■with the Eoyal Family. They all invited us to see them again before we left Berlin, and took leave of us in the kindest manner." How admirably did this meek and trustful woman main- tain the simple dignity of her apostolic office. Like Paul she was pohte to the high as well as to the low in position, remembering the words " Ye have one Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren." She was not captivated by the glitter of court-life, even when it was sustained by true nobility of mind and character, as was the case in Prussia. Her sympathies were with the people, and she felt their Bufferings and bonds, as bound with them, using her divinely given influence to ameliorate sorrow wherever found. She seized on this favorable moment to present to the Crown Prince a concern which weighed upon her spiiit. Having learned by inquu'y that members of the Lutheran church still suffered great oppression, in various ways, she opened the subject to the heir to the throne. He gave her an attentive hearing and encouraged her to act as she be- lieved to be right. Thereupon an addi'ess was drawn up by William Allen and officially presented to the Eing» " On the following day the King's chaplain was the bearer of the delightful intelligence that the address had been THIBD, FOXJKTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINEIIT. 311 graciously received, and that the King had said that, *He thought the Spirit of God must have helped them to ex- press themselves as they had done.' " " Leipzig, Fourth Month, ZOtJu **Mt dearest L , The deeply weighty exercises at Berlin had so much ex- pended all my powers, that I concluded to remain here alone with my maid and our young friend Beyerhaus whilst .the rest of our little company went to Dresden. I have had a quiet time and am much refreshed. I enjoy this fine weather. How beautiful is the breaking forth of spring ! "We have been particularly interested in visiting Luther's abode at Wittemberg, being where he was, and sitting where he sat by his table. Though in an old monastery he ap- pears to have had very comfortable apartments. We saw a beautiful painted ceiling in his sitting-room, though now much defaced. I hope you have all read Merle D'Aubigne'a History of the Reformation, we have found it so very inter- esting ; we expect to visit many of the places mentioned in it, and see the castle in which Luther was confined ." " Frankfort, Fifth Month, Ath. — I felt very unwell yes- terday and low in spirits. My dearest brother and sweet niece were most kind to me ; all that I required I had ; so ' the Lord doth provide.' I almost dreaded my night ; but through tender mercy the Comforter was near to comfort and help my great infirmity, so that I rested in my Lord and feel revived in body and soul this morning. This text has been present with me, ' I am the Lord that healeth thee.' — Exodus xv., 26. Such fears presented themselves — • How could I get home 1 How could I bear the sea ? Should I not feel much burdened, not having finished what I thought I ought to do ? and so on ; but now my most gi'acious and holy Helper delivers me from my fears. Thanks to His most blessed and holy name." 812 ELIZASETB FB7. From Dusseldorf they visited "the estabhshment of Kaiserwerth, under the care of Pastor Fliedner, for training Deaconesses to tend and nm-se the sick and to aid their Bpiritual • necessities whilst providing for their temporal wants. At that time this admirable institution had existed only four years, but its utility was generally acknowledged, and information upon the subject earnestly desired. Pastor Fliedner, in furnishing his recollections of the visit says : " "The 8th of May 1840 was a great holiday to us; Eliza- beth Fry of London visited our institution. Of all my contemporaries none has exercised a like influence on my heart and life : truly her friendship was one of the ' all things ' which God in sovereign mercy has worked for my good. "In Januai'y 1824, I had had the privilege of witnessing the effects of Mrs. Fry's ■wonder-working visits among the miserable prisoners of Newgate. On my return to my father- land my object was to found a society entitled the ' Rhenish Westphalian Prison Association,' having ramifications in all the provinces of Germany. In this I was greatly assisted by the advice and experience afforded me by this eminent servant of God. Dming my second stay in England, ia 1834, I had the happiness, in common with Dr. Steinkopfif, of spending a day with Mrs. Fry at her own home, and also of accompanying her in one of her visits of mercy to New- gate. By this means I was enabled to see and admire her in her domestic as well as public character. "Thus may my happiness be estimated when, in 1840, Mrs. Fry, accompanied by her brother, her young niece, William Allen, and Lucy Bradshaw, came in person to see and rejoice over the growing establishment of Kaiserwerth. She saw the whole house, going into every room, and mi- nutely examining each in detail, and then delivered to the in- mates a deeply interesting discomse. Many were the teai'S THIRD, roUETH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 313 shed, and I have a bright hope not in vain. . . . Truly God was in the midst of us, and the remembrance of that spirit of active, self-denying love is one of the sweetest con- solations I possess amid the trials and difficulties which every such institution must afford. May, 26, 1848. Thomas Fliedner." Her own account of their engagements at Dusseldorf bears date May 10th. "Here we are, and, thanks to my Heavenly Father, I am much revived : my cough better ; unfavorable symptoms subsided ; sufficient strength given me for the various duties as they arise. I feel my prospect weighty ; first going to the prison to visit some prisoners whom I did not see yes- terday; and then we expect a large party in the evening to read the Scriptures and for worship, — and this amongst strangers who know little or nothing of us, or our ways, and our interpreter not accustomed to us. But our holy Helper can, through his own unmerited mercy and almighty power, really so help us to touch the hearts of those who come to us, to their true edification. O gracious Lord! be with us, help us and bless us. Thy servants have come in much fear, much weakness, and under a belief that it is Thy call that has brought them here. Now be Thyself present with us, in this, our last occasion of the kind, to our help, consola- tions and edification! I can only cast myself on Thy love, mercy and pity. "In the afternoon I visited the prison, accompanied by my dear brother, William Allen and Lucy Bradshaw. We first collected a large number of men in a yard, and I was, in my low state of body strengthened to speak to them in the open air. Unexpectedly a valuable man, the Pastor Fliedner, met us, who interpreted beautifully for me. We then visited several wards, and the prisoners appeared to feel a great deal. May its effects long remain. I also vis- ited a very valuable lady, a Koman Catholic, who has visited 814 ELIZABETH FEY. the prison many years. We partook of Christian love, and I believe of Christian unity. In the evening wc had a very large party to our reading and worship; I should think nearly a hundred persons. My Lord and Master only knows what such occasions are to iiie, weak in body, rather low in spu-its — amongst perfect strangers to us — not able to speak to them in their own language. To whom could I go? I could say, 'With God all things are possible;' and so I found it. My brother Samuel read the 7th chap- ter of Matthew. One of the pastors read it in German. I soon spoke, and unexpectedly had to enlarge much on the present state of Germany ; how it was that more fruit had not been produced, considering the remarkable seed sown in years past ; the query what hindered its growth ? I ex- pressed my belief — first that it arose from a lukewarm and indififerent sphit ; secondly, from infidel principles creeping in under a specious form ; thirdly, from too much supersti- tion yet remaining ; fourthly, and above all, from the love of the world and the things of it, beyond the love of Christ. After showing the evil and its results — the seed obstructed, as in the parable of the Sower, bringingno fruit to perfeetion- I endeavored to find out the remedy — to ]ook at home and not judge one another; to ask for help, protection and direction to walk in the nai-row way; to be doers and not hearers of the word ; and to devote themselves to His ser- vice who had done so much for us. William Allen followed with a satisfactory sermon. I then prayed very earnestly for them and afterwards exhorted on reading the Scriptures. famUy worship, keeping the Sabbath, &c., and ended with-a blessing. The attention was excessive ; the interpretation excellent by my dear friend the Pastor Fliedner; hearts much melted, and great unity expressed by numbers. It was a solemn seal set to our labors in this laud, and one not to be forgotten. So our Lord helped us and regarded me. His poor servant, in my low estate ; afterwards peace was in no common degree my portion. Blessed be the name THIED, FOURTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 31S of the Lord. All my dear companions, William Allen, my brother, and the younger of the party, my dear niece and Lucy Bradshaw, appeared happy and cheerful. I returned thanks on sitting down to a refreshing meal, after the labors of the day; and I think I may say we ate our 'meat with gladness and singleness of heart.' " !Hhe return to England was made in time for the Yearly Meeting of Friends which was held in May, so that the journey lasted about two months and a half. " Upton, 19th. — I attended the first sitting of the Select Meeting yesterday. My lot was to sit in silence. I saw many much loved by me. May my most gracious Lord help me, by His own Spu'it, at this Yearly Meeting fully, simply and clearly to lay what I think and feel before this people — that which is right for the aged and more expe- rienced before them, and that which is for the youth before them. Gracious Lord help me to do it in faithfulness, in love, in truth, in deep humility and godly sincerity. AmeiL "We have, altogether, a favorable reply to our letter from the King of Piussia. He justifies the measures pur* sued towards the Lutherans, but I believe our address will not be in vain. We have had satisfactory reports of the Government already acting on our suggestions respecting the prisons in Prussia. The prisoners are to have more religious instruction and more inspection. I have also had a very interesting letter from the Queen of Denmark express- ing regret at our not going there, and not only great deshe to see me there, but much unity with my views on many subjects." The Yearly Meeting proved satisfactory, but no particu« lar account is preserved. " Eighth Month, 6th. — There has been some fear of a wai" S16 ELIZABETH FB7. with France, which has been really sorrowful to me; I could have wept at the thought; so dear are the people of that country to my heart, and so awful is it to think of the hor- rors of war, whichever way we look at the subjuct, relig- iously, morally, or physically. The longer I live and the greater my experience of life, the more decided are my ob- jections to wai", as wholly inconsisted with the Christian calling. Oh ! may the Almighty gi'ant that through His omnipotence and unutterable love and mercy in Christ our Saviour, the day may not be very far distant when the peo- ple shall learn war no more, — when peace and righteous- ness shall reign in the earth." "JEarlham, Eighth Months list. — My dearest brother Joseph is safely retm-ned home after his absence of three years in America and the West India Islands. I think I never saw any person in so perfectly peaceful a state ; he says unalloyed peace, like a sky witho ut a cloud, and above all enabled thankfully to enjoy his many blessings. " Twelfth Month, 31s^. — I deeply feel coming to the close of this year, rather vmusually so : it finds me in a rather low estate, and from cii'cumstances my spirit is rather over- whelmed although I am sensible that blessings abound, thi'ough unmerited mercy. I think the prison cause, at home and abroad, much prospering, many happy results from our foreign expedition, and much doing at home. Among other things the establishment of a Patronage So- ciety for prisoners, by which many poor wanderers appear to be helped and protected, and a Society for the Sisters of Chai'ity to visit and attend the sick." The last named institution, the management of which* from the urgency of her numerous engagements was en- trusted largely to her sister Elizabeth Gurney, and her daughters, was constituted somewhat in imitation of Pastor riiedner's Kaiserwerth, and was finally called the " Nursing TraED, FOURTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 31T Sisleis." Of this Society the Queen Dowager became Pa- troness and Lady Inglis President, and with an effective committee to conduct the management, it has steadily ad- vanced and prospered. "Their aid in sickness has been soiight and greatly valued by persons of all classes, from Eoyalty to the most destitute." Kotwithstanding the abundance of home interests and cares, and that her health already began seriously to yield to the constant drain upon her strength, this great-hearted philanthropist, and devoted servant of the Lord, still felt that more work remained for her abroad, whence appeals for aid continued to be received. She " shrank from the great effort of leaving home, and encountering the fatigue of traveling, from the shaken state of her health ; her life of exertion and effort had told irremediably upon her vital powers ; but it was not because the shades of evening were gathering around her that she would slacken her labors for the good of others. Whilst it was yet day, she desii-ed to work and finish all that her g-reat Master might have for her to do, before the night should come when no man can work." In view of this new prospect she writes : — " Sixth Month. — I most earnestly desire the direction of my Lord and Master, through the immediate teaching of His Holy Spirit, that I may really know and do His will, and His will only. For Thy name's sake, O Lord ! lead me, and teach me. . . " 27 of Christ if we desii-e to be made use of by the Lord. 'Him that honoreth me will I honor.' May you confess youi- Lord before men, and He will then assui-edly confess and honor you. I can assure you when surrounded by so many who are willing to hear me, I feel greatly bumbled. "I wish dear Frank to read this as my eldest grandchild and one in whom I take so tender an interest. Indeed, my beloved grandchildi-en you dwell very near my heart ; may the same Holy Spirit who has helped and guided your grandmother, help and guide you! " May the Lord bless and keep you and raise you up for His own service ; for it is a most blessed service. Dearest love to your fathers and mothers: I am Your most loving grandmother, E. F." *' It was on this occasion the Princess William gave an account of the great prison at Jauer, and the King ex- pressed a strong wish that Elizabeth Fry should see it, though considerably out of her route. This visit was after* wards accomplished. It proved one of mournful interest. In one cell was a murderer, in another a man of well-known desperate character; they were both most cruelly fettered to prevent their escape through the window. Each was fastened to an iron staple in the floor, with a heavy iron bar across the shoulder, to make any movement irksome. Theu' condition was afterwards represented by Elizabeth Fry to the King who ordered their chains to be lightened, and commanded that immediate attention should be paid to their health, &c. THIED, POtJKTH AND PIPTH V1SIT3 TO THE OONTINEOT. ^35 " Many of the prisoners oh this occasion were assembled in the chapel, when both J. J. Gurney and Elizabeth Fry spoke to them at considerable length. Their addresses were interpreted by the Moravian brother from Buchwald, whose attendance at the prison had been commanded for that purpose." * " Ermansdorf, Ninth Month, IQth. "This morning we visited the King and Queen after oui very interesting Meeting last evening which they attended, at the Countess Eeden's ; a meeting never to be forgotten. We went with a long document to the King and Queen about the prisoners, and various other subjects. We were received with the utmost kindness and remained with them nearly two hours and a half. We also had a reading of the Holy Scriptui'es and I prayed for them. We parted in love I wish I could fully describe the deep interest we have had in this journey, and how marked has been the kindness of Providence towards us in many ways, and how blessed is His service. I certainly think the in- habitants of the mountains of Silesia the most interesting and curious assemblage of persons I ever met with. We, from this place, see those beautiful mountains, the Reisen- burg, in their splendor, the morning being very fine and bright; probably the last time I shall ever see them — though the King and Queen begged me to return ; but this I never expect to do, for I find the roughs of the journey are, with all my numerous indulgences, far too much for me, and I often feel very nearly ill. I think through all I have seldom had more reason to bolieve that I have been called to any service." It soon became evident to both Elizabeth Fry and friends that her lease of strength for this journey was about ex. * liUe by S. Col der. 836 ELIZABETH FBT. hausted, and they turned theii- steps homeward, arriving at Dover on the 2nd of October, where she was met by her husband " who was little prepared for the debilitated state in which she was brought back to him." Two or three months of rest, however, enabled her again to appear cau- tiously in public. During this interval of rest she carried on an extensive correspondence and received heart-cheering reports of the results of her labors. On the 14th of January she records a visit from the dis- tinguished Baron Bunseu, whose son Earnest afterwards married her niece Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Gurney, who had twice accompanied her aunt to the continent. " We had an interesting visit from the Chevalier Bunsen, (the Prussian Minister,) and his wife, in which I was en- abled to relieve my mind, by speaking to him on some weighty subjects, after a solemn Scripture reading and prayer. I felt relieved by it, as I had borne him much in mind, believing him to be a sincere and Christian man." On the 17tb of January, 1842, she attended a dinner at the Lord Mayor's house in London, specially arranged by the Lord Mayor's wife, who was one of her co-adjutors in prison reform, that she might meet Prince Albert and others whose influence would further their objects. Hon- ors and successes had not blinded her eyes to the Source 'whence all good coirjes, and as usaal she entc ed upon the work with earnest prayer. "First Month, 11th. — Be pleased, O Lord, to be very near to us this day, and help us to adorn Thy doctrine, and to speak the riglit thicg in the right way, that the Cause of tiuth, righteousness a:id mercy may be promoted! "18/. J— 'My birth-day— S50 ELIZABETH FBT. sixty-three ! My God hath not forgotten to be gracious, nor hath He shut up His tender mercies fi'om me. "The last Aveek has been an interesting one. We were sent for by the King. My brother, sister and I paid rather a remarkable visit to him, the Queen, and Princess Adelaide. To my surprise and pleasui'e yesterday there arrived fi'om the Queen a most beautiful Bible with fine engravings, without note or comment ; given me as a mark of her satis- faction in our visit." " Onfe evening the Piime Minister, M. Guizot, dined with ]Mi-s. Fry's party. The topics before discussed were then resumed: — the state of Protestants in France, La liberie de culte, and Negro Slaveiy. Elizabeth Fry entreated M. Guizot's attention to the state of the Sandwich Islands. She had a few months before received from Kamehameha HI., the King of those islands, a letter entreating her good offices to second his endeavors to prohibit the importation and use of spirituous liquors in his kingdom, the baneful and demoralizing effects of which he stated to be lament- able. "Much had been done for the improvement of prisons since Mi's. Fry was last at Paris. The importance of the subject had been fully recognized, and a bill brought before the chamber of Deputies." The concluding memoranda of the farewell visit will en- able us to see her very pleasantly in her favorite occupations. .Neai'ly all of her own minutes in this connection have been given. " Boulogne, 2Si/t — Through the condescending mercy ol of our Heavenly Father we are safely and peacefully arrived here, after a quiet journey with my dearest Katherine. We were near meeting with a serious accident, but through mercy vve escaped without injury. Oar leaving Paiis was no common occasion. The morning before, seveiai of our THIRD, FODETH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THE CONTINENT. 351 balove J friends were -with us ; they literally loaded us with presents ; indeed it appeared as if they did not know how to show then- love to us enough. Before we parted from each other we had a most solemn time in prayer, little knowing- whether we should see each others faces more. I hardly knew how to accept all then- generous kindness. "What can we say but that their hearts being thus turned to us must be ' the Lord's doing and is marvelous in o ur eyes.' " The previous evening many of our dear friends, English and French, came to take leave of us ; we read together the 121st Psalm. In the morning I visited a Roman Cath- olic Refuge, and finished well with the Greeks in the after- noon. "On Thhd-day we visited the great military prison at St. Germain, accompanied by a French general, an Engiish colonel, our excellent friend Count Pelet, and Moreau Chi'istophe. We were received very kindly by the Colonel, Governor of the Prison, and his wife, and took our de^eone with them. "In the evening we went to a large Meeting in one of the Faubourgs with the French Methodists in humble life. How curious the changes of my daily life: — what a picture they would make ! — in the morning suirounded by the high miiitai-y, and the soldier prisoners — in the evening in a Methodist Meeting-house, with the people and then- pas- teurs, and afterwards by poor little French children heai'ing them read. "Another day I was at a large Prison Committee of Protestant ladies. I think they have been greatly prospered in theu' work of Christian love, iu which they have perocveiej ever since my first visit to Paris ; there have been many in- Btauces of great improvement iu the prisoners under their care. After prayer for them I left them. "The afternoon of the Sabbath I paid a distressing visit to the St. Lazarre Prison ; sach a scene of disorder, and deep evil I have seldom witnessed — i; ambling, romp.c^, 352 ELIZABETH FEY. screaming. With much difficulty we collected four protes- tant prisoners and read with them. I spoke to those poor disorderly women, who appeared attentive and showed some feeling. I have i-epresented to many in authority the sad evils of this prison, and have pleaded with them for reform, for religious care, and for Scriptural instruction. "In the evening the dear Countess Pe'et was with us and we had a large assembly, mostly of English ; it was thought ninety, or a hundred. I was tu'ed and poorly, my flesh and my heart ready to fail ; but the Lord strengthened me, and I felt really helped by a power quite above myself. With this company I had a most satisfactory parting time, and a sweet feelirg of love and unity with these servants of tha Lord." Thus ended the missionary labors, abroad, of this de- voted minister of Mercy, the fruit of whose sowing has con- tinued to yield its increase all over Europe. The party re- turned home in season to attend the Yearly Meeting of Friends in London and for a short time Mrs. Fry was able "to encounter the current of life better than she had done- before her journey." During these five visits to the Continent what an expen- diture of the highest moral force had Elizabeth Fry made : and it is easy to believe that little or none of the good seei sown, even when the ground seemed least propitious, failed to bring forth fruit ; while in many instances it not only sprang up quickly, but yielded its thirty, sixty, or hundred fold in time for the sower and reaper to rejoice together, and praise the Lord of the harvest who alone "giveth the increase." And beyond the more immediate effects who can compute the compound results, as each generation has takeu up and added to the work, and to the area where. TEIBD, FOUBTH AND FIFTH VISITS TO THB OO NTlMm TO. 868 these influences have operated to redeem the fallen, to ameliorate the consequences of evU, and to add courage and strength to human efforts for the elevation of the racet CHAPTER ELEVENTH. THE FEABL GATE. We can see the ripening toward Heaven in many of the later entries of Elizabeth Fry's journal. "/Sixth Monthy 25th. — A week of considerable occupa- tion : Second-day the British Society Committee ; an inter- esting meeting with those beloved ladies ; so much oneness of heart and pui'pose, a delightful evidence of the sweet- ness of Christian unity, and how those who differ in sec- ondary points may agree in the essential one, and be one in Christ. We have cause for thankfulness in the excellent arrangements made by Lord Stanley for our poor prisoners in Van Diemen's Land ; he appears so carefully to have at- tended to the representations we made respecting the evils existing there and to have proposed gqod measui-es to rem- edy them." Dui'ing this week she attended the Quarterly Meeting ol Friends at Hertford. This was the last time that she left home expressly on religious service. But wherever she went, she was the same wise counselor and loving com- forter. In July she wrote : — "Last First-day was one not to be forgotten; much of the morning without clouds. My dear brother and sister Buxton were at meeting. I felt it my duty to encourage the weary, and enlarged upon our foolishness, yet now the THE PEAEli GATE 355 Lora is made unto His people wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. There were some who ap- peared much impressed. Through the whole of that day, and into the next renewed peace rested upon my spirit. "As the month passed on," says her biographer, "Eliza- beth Fry showed increasing symptoms of illness, the con- sequence, doubtless, of bodily fatigue and mental exertion, the ejfects of which were severely aggravated by a chill from fitting one evening in the garden at Upton Lane." This induced her to visit Sandgate, in company with her sister-in-law, of the same name, also in declining health, to obtain the benefit of sea air. While here she wrote: "I have at times passed through a good deal of conflict and humiliation in this indisposition, and it is a real exer- cise of faith to me — the way in which I am tried by my ill- ness. I suppose it arises from my extremely susceptible nerves that are so affected when the body is out of order as to cast quite a veil over the mind. I am apt to query whether I am not deceiving myself in supposing I am a servant of the Lord, so ill to endure suffering, and to be so anxious to get rid of it ; but it lias been my earnest prayer that I might truly say, ' Not as I will, but as Thou wilt.' Lord, help me ! I pray that I may be enabled to cast all my burthen and all my care upon Thee, that I may rest in the full assurance of faith in Thy love, pity, mercy and grace." "After several distressing weeks she was moved to Ton- bridge Wells, closely and faithfully nursed by her two youngest daughters." But the change was unavailing, and she returned to Upton near the end of September, and re- mained confined to her sick chamber during the winter of 1842 and '43. Her bodily sufferings were very great, but her soul liad its hiding-place. 356 ELIZABETH FRT. " Upton, Tenth Month, \Qth. — My God hath not forgot- ten to be gracious, or shut up His tender mercies from me. It appears to me that all of nature is to be brought low, for what is of the Lord only can stand the day of humilia- tion. I may thankfully say, I am quiet and sustained in spirit, but do not often know peace to flow as a river, as at some former times. Still help is constantly near from the sanctuary, though I abide under a sense of deep unworthi- ness before the Lord ; but what can I do but wait in faith until He be pleased fully to clothe me with the garments of His righteousness and His salvation? I feel I can do nothing for myself." " One afternoon when some members of her family were reading with her, she was unable to atteud to a very inter- esting religious biography, saying 'it is too touching to me, — too affecting.' She added, after a pause, 'How I feel for the poor when veiy iU ; in a state like my own, for in- stance, when 'good' ladies go to see them. — Religious truths so strongly brought forwa'-d, often injudiciously.' She went on speaking on this subject and then dwelt on 'the exquisite tenderness of the Saviour's ministrations;/ 'His tone and manner to sinners.' "Soon afterwards she resumed, in the most impressive manner, saying that ' religicu: truth ' was opened to her and supplied to her, 'inwardly, not by man's ministration but according to her need,' adding, 'if I may so say, it ia my life.' "She frequently spoke of not being called to active ser- vice now, and that she had no desiie as to recovery ; on the contrary she was ' able quite to leave it.' Frequently she repeated to those about her, 'Z feel the foundation underneath me sure.'' "One evening she opened her heart on her deep and earnest desires for the good of her childi-en: of her 'great Bufferings ' — ' greater than any one knows ' — that if they were to last no one could wish for her life ; but soon added THB PEABL GATB. 357 * there is one thing I would willingly live for — the good of my husband and children and my fellow-creatures.' "On the night of October the 25th, her spirit was remariabTy strengthened to declare her faith and hope in God. She caaoted many passages of Scripture to prove that faith' aiu St work by love, and that faith, if true, must produce worlrs. She said, with the text, ' He that keepeth my saying shall never see death,' take this one also 'He that believeth on me shall never die.' She afterwards ex- pressed, in a tone of deepest feeling, her 'perfect confi- dence,' her 'full assui'ance that neither life nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other crea- ture, should be able to separate her from the love of God which is ta Jesns Christ, our Lord,' adding, 'my whole trust is in Sim, my entire confidence.' — ' I know in whom I have believed, and can commit all to Him who has loved me and given Himself for me ; whether for life or death, sickness or health, time or eternity.' "In the course of the same day she said very emphati- cally to one of her daughters, ' I can say one thing — since my heart was touched at seventeen years old I believe I never have awakened from sleep, in sickness or in health, by day, or by night, without my first waking thought being how best I might serve my Lord.' " This prayer is among the few remaining entries in her Journal : "Lord! undertake Thyself for me; Thy arm of power can alone heal, help, and deliver ; and in Thee do I trust and hope, though at times deeply tried and cast down before Thee ; yet, O Lord ' Thou art my hope, and be therefore entreated of Thy poor, sorrowful, and often afflicted ser* vant, and arise for my help. Leave not my poor soul des- titute, but through the fulness of Thine own pswer, mercy 358 ELIZABETH FRY. and love keep me alive unto Thyself unto the end ! that- nothing may separate me from Thy love, that I may endure unto the end ; and when the end comes that I may be alto- gether Thine, and dwell with Thee, if it be but the lowest place within the gate, where I may behold Thy glory and Thy holiness, and forever rest in Thee. I do earnestly en- treat Thee that to the very last I may never deny Thee, or in any way have my life or conversation inconsistent with my love to Thee, and most earnest desire to live for Thy glory ; for I have loved Thee, O Lord, and desire to serve Thee without reserve. Be entreated that through Thy faithfulness and the power of Thy own Spirit I may servo Thee unto the end. Amen." The following notes are from the Journal of her son Wil- liam who, notwithstanding he was now anxiously caring for his mother, and watching for the " veiled ferryman," pre- ceded her, by more than a year, in the final crossing. " The evening of the 29th was one of the greatest suffer- ing and distress; such as I never remember to have wit- nessed. But through all her faith was triumphant and her confidence unshaken. I endeavored to remember a few of her expressions and have succeeded in calling to mind the following : — " ' I believe this is not death, but it is as passing through the valley of the shadow of death, and perhaps with more suffering, from more sensitiveness ; but the Rock is here i. the distress is awful, but He has been with me.' " 'I feel that He is with me, and will be with me, even to the end. David says 'why hast Thou forsaken me? ' I do not feel that I am forsaken. In my judgment I believe this is not death, but it is as death : it is nigh unto death.* She frequently expressed fears of being impatient. ' May none of you be called to pass through suoh a furnace ; but THE PEARL OATE. 359 still my sufferings have been mitigated through mercy and gi-ace — fulness of grace ! Now my dear William be stead- fast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and then Thy labor shall not be in vain in the Lord. Oh the blessedness of having desired to be on the Lord's side ! (not that I have any merit of my own.) I cannot express even in my greatest trials and tribulations the blessedness of His service ! My Ufe has been a remarkable one ; much have I had to go through — more than mortal knows, or even can know ; my sorrows at times have been bitter, but my consolations sweet! In my lowest estates, through grace my love to my Master has never failed, nor to my family, nor to my fellow-mortals. This illness may be for death, or it may not, according to His will ; but He will never forsake me even should He be pleased to take me this night.' " To one of the " nursing sisters " who was attending hei at one time she said, " I am of the same mind as Paul, ' foi me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.' What a grand thought it is! everlastmg to everlasting, without trouble and without pain ; to meet there and together be forever with Christ.' " Reviewing her history she said to an intimate friend; " My life has been one of great vicissitudes ; mine has been a hidden path, hidden from every human eye. I have had deep humiliations and sorrows to pass through. I can truly say I have " wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way, and found no city to dwell in ; ' and yet how wonder- fully have I been sustained. I have passed through many and great dangers, many ways; — have been tried with the applause of the world, and none know how great a trial that has been, and the deep humiliations of it ; and yet I 360 ELIZABETH FBY. folly believe that it is not nearly so dangerous as being made much of in rehgious society. There is a snare even in religious unity, if we are not on the watch. I have some- times felt that it is not so dangerous to be made much of by the world, as by those whom we think highly of in our own Society. The more I have been made much of by the world the more I have been inwardly humbled. I could often adopt the words of Sir Francis Bacon, ' "When I have ascended before men, I have descended in humiliation before God.'" In physical suflfering it would seem that little could be added to what she was called to bear duiing this terrible winter, and though usually clear, the inward sky was occa- sionally darkened that, like her beloved Master she might be tried in all things, for the encomagement of those who seem to themselves forsaken. The friend last mentioned visiting her a month later and perceiving that she was much de- pressed, remarked : " I believe there is an open door set before thee, although thou mayst not always be able to perceive it open." "The precious invalid wept much, and after a time said, ' Oh yes : it is an open door.' Presently she continued, ' The Lord is gracious and full of compas- sion, I believe He will never leave me nor forsake me ; ' and after a solemn pause she added, ' I have passed through deep baptisms of spirit in this illness, — I may say, unwor- thy as I am to say it, that I have had to drink, in my small measure, of the Saviour's cup when He said, ' My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me ? ' Some of my friends have thought there was a danger of my being exalted, but I believe the danger has been on the opposite side of my being too low.' " THS FEABL GATS. 861 As the spring of 1844 advanced, the conflict became less severe so that she was able to be taken to Bath for a short time, and returned somewhat improved. But afflictions of still another kind now awaited her, and she for whose de- parture others had watched and for whom all had felt such intense solicitude, was to be herself sorely bereaved before her own place became vacant. First her beloved sister-in- law, fellow minister and frequent traveling companion, Eliza- beth Fry, who had long sat beside her in the home Meet- ing at Plaistow, entered into rest on the second of July. This was but a beginning, and something of the approach- ing changes seemed to weigh on the invalid's spirit which now " dwelt much and often on the invisible world." She even dreamed that there were graves opened all around her. On the 18th of the same month, July, a favorite little grand- son was taken; August 15th, a lovely grand-daughter fol- lowed, "one of the sweetest blossoms that could gladden the heart of a parent." This was by scarlet fever in the family of her beloved son William ; and before the fearful malady finished its work the father and two of his daugh- ters lay together in one grave. This was a heavy blow for the great motherly heart ot Elizabeth Fry. Some said " can she hear this and live ? " But she met it as she had met the pains of the flesh, and the fear of man, by putting on the whole armor of God. " She wept abundantly, almost unceasingly, but she dwelt constantly on the unseen world, and on those passages in the Bible which speak of the happy state of the righteous." Her journal, written before the last grand-daughter's death, dtibcribes her feelings. 862 ELIZABETH FBI. " Walmar, Eighth Month, 2^th. — Sorrow upon sorrow! Since I last wrote we have lost by death first, my beloved sister, EUzabeth Fi'y ; second, Gurney Reynolds, our sweet, good grandson ; third, Juliana Fry, my dearest William and Julia's second daughter; and fourth, above all, our most beloved son, William Storrs Fry, who appeared to catch the infection from his little girl, and died on Thiid- day of scarlet fever, the 27th of this month. A loss inex- pressible — such a son, husband, friend and brother ! but I trust that he is forever at rest in Jesus, through the fulness of His love and grace. The trial is almost inexpressible. Oh ! may the Lord sustain us in this time of deep distress. Oh, dear Lord ! keep Thy unworthy, poor, sick servant, in this time of unutterable trial ; keep me sound in faith and clear in mind, and be very near to us all — the poor widow and childi'en in this time of deepest distress, and grant that this awful dispensation may be blessed to our souls. Amen. "This tenderly beloved child attended me to meeting the last Fii st-day I was home, and sat beside me on the women's side." The event last spoken of is thus described by her daugh- cers : — "A change of scene and air seemed so important for her that her son William's success in obtaining a very suitable house in Walmar was a real matter of gratulation ; but there was another office of love for that beloved one to perform for his mother singularly suited to the bond of iove and sympathy which had so long united them, and eminently fitted to be his last. " She had long and earnestly desu'ed again to attend the meeting for worship at Plaistow. It was proposed, from bauday to Sunday, but the difficult process of dressing was never accomplished till long after eleven o'clock, the hour THE PEABL OATE. ^63 when the Meeting assembled. An attempt was made on the 28th of July, but totaUy failed. Her disappointment was extreme, and the hold it took of her spirits so grievous that it was resolved to make the effort at any cost the fol- lowing Sunday. Her son William uudertook to carry out her wishes. Drawn by himself and a yoxqigej: son in her wheeled chair, she was taken up to the Meeting a few min- utes after Friends had assembled, followed by her husband, her children, and attendants. Her son William seated him- self close by her side, and the rest near her. The silence that prevailed was singularly solemn. After some time, iu a clear voice, she addressed the Meeting. The prominent topic of her discourse was 'The death of the righteous.' Siie expressed the deepest thankfulness, alluding to her sister Elizabeth Fry, for the mercies vouchsafed to 'one who having labored long amongst them had been called from time to eternity.' She quoted that text, ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they cease from then- labors and theu' works do follow them.' She dwelt on the pur- poses of affliction, on the utter weakness and infirmity o^ tiie flesh; she tenderly exhorted the young, 'The httle children amongst us,' referring to the death of little Gur- ney Eeynolds. She urged the need of devotedness of hearfc and steadiness of purpose ; she raised a song of praise for the eternal hope offered to the Christian ; ^ijd concluded with those words of Isaiah,---' Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty, they shall behold the Land that is very far off.' Prayer was soon afterwards offered by her in much the same strain. He joined her iu that solemn act whof never was to worship with her again, till before the Throne and the Lamb they should unite in that ineffable song of praise which stays not, night nor day, for ever. "About six weeks after the decease of her son," say» Mrs. Corder, "she was again favored with strength to at* tend the meeting at Plaistow. The occasion was a memO' m ELIZABETH FBV* ruble one. ^ She was led with great power and solemnity tc address t^ different classes then assembled ; and perhaps few could remember a Meeting in which her gift in the ministry had been exercised with greater weight and clear- ness, or with a more remarkable appropriateness to the varied conditions of those who were present: and she after- wards supplicated with a degree of heavenly power and unction that deeply affected many hearts. From this time ^he continued frequently to labor amongst her friends in the ministry, of the word ; and her bodily strength gradu- ally increased, so"%that, though very feeble, she was able with some assistance, to walk a little." On the first of November she addressed her last letter Ut the Committee of the Ladies British Society. My much-loved Feiends: Amidst many sorrows that have been permitted for me to pass through and bodily suffering, I still feel a deep and lively interest in the cause of poor prisoners ; and earnest is my prayer that the Lord of all grace may be very near to help you to be steadfast in the important Christian work of seeking to win the poor wanderers to retuin, repent and live ; that they may know Christ to be their Savioui", Re- deemer, and hope of glory. May the Holy Spirit of God direct your steps, strengthen your heai ts, and enable you and me to glorify our Holy Head, in doing and suffering, even unto the end : and when the end comes, through a Savioui-'s love and merits, may we be received into glory find everlasting peace. In Christian love and fellowship, I am affectionately your friend, Elizabeth Fot." The list of near and dear friends that were to pass oo THE FEAKL GATE. 36S before her and swell the company in waiting to welcome her spirit to its final rest, was not yet complete. On thd first of December a niece, " daughter of her late beloved Bister Louisa Hoare, died, — a few days after her infant son." On this occasion Elizabeth Fry wrote: — " Eleventh Month, 2nd. — The accounts of to-day are deeply affecting — to have the grave once more (and so soon) opened amnngst us. What can we say, but that 'it is the Lord ; ' for the flesh is very weak and these things are hard to our nature. I have felt the pain of tbis fresh sorrow, but desire that all most closely concerned may find Him ^ery near to them who 'healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds.' My love and sympathy to all most nearly interested. We have our poor Julia and her children here, and very touching it is to be with them. I am, I think, just now very poorly, and much cast down, but I remember the Scriptural words, 'cast down, but not destroyed.' " The increasing illness of her brother-in-law. Sir Thomaa Fowell Buxton, now enlisted her warm interest and sympa- thy. To his eldest daughter she wrote : « Twelfth Month, 1844. "My dearest Peiscilla: Thanks for thy kindness in writing to me in this time of deep sorrow; but, strange to say, before thy note came I had been so much with you in spirit that I was ready to believe thy dearest father was sinking. I have felt such unity with him spiritually. My text for him, in my low state this morning was, 'The sun shall be no more thy light by day ; neither for brightness shall the moon giva light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee au cve> 366 KLlZiBETH FRY. lasting ligtt, and thy God tby glory.' I believe this will be his most blessed experience whenever our Lord takes him to Himself. I write with difficulty and in haste, but my heart is so very full towards you that I must express myself. My dear love to every one of your tenderly beloved party, particularly thy mother. I feel as it respects thy dearest father, whether a member of the Church militant ov the Church triumphant, all is well — and we may, through all our tribulations return God thanks who giveth us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord." This noble man and Christian statesman passed to his inheritance on the 19th of February, 1845. After this event, and the removal of a son-in-law, on ac- count of his health, with his wife and a portion of their children to Madeira, — which also proved a final parting- Elizabeth Fry felt a strong desire to revisit Norfolk and stay awhile at her childhood home. This was accomplished- with great difficulty by the aid of her husband and daugh- ter Louisa ; and she remained at Earlham many weeks, "often able to partake of enjoyment, and highly valuing the communion with her endeared brother, Joseph John Gurney, his wife, and her beloved sister Catherine. "J "She went frequently to Meeting at Norwich. She waa drawn up to the Meeting seated in her wheeled chair, and thence nainistered with extraordinary life and power to those present ; her memory in using Scripture in no degree failing her, or her power in applying it." That wheeled chair ought to be preserved as long as art can keep it. The throne of Queen Elizabeth is not half so hoaorable. Her brother, speaking.of this visit, says: THE PEAEL GATE 367 "My dear sister Fry's visit has been very satisfactory, and very sweet has it been to our feelings to enjoy her company. Her infirmity is indeed great, and her memory a little failing. Yet at times this infirmity subsides and she is much like her own dear and precious self. The Lord's anointing is still upon her, and she has been well engaged in our meeting, which is held at eleven o'clock, on her ac- count, and which she has attended two First-day mornings in succession. The preserving, sustaining hand of the Lord is evidently vpith her." From Earlham she went to Northrepps "in order to mingle her sorrows with those of her much beloved and bereaved sister Buxton and other mourners there. The last letter she ever addressed to her husband was from that place, dated Fourth jJouth, 10th, 1845." "My Deaeest Husband: — I am anxious to express to thee a little of my near love, to tell thee how often I visit thee in spuit, and how very strong are my desires for thy present and everlasting wel- fare. I feel for thee in my long illness which so much dis- qualifies me from being all I desire to thee. I desire that thou mayst turn to the Lord for help and consolation under thy trials, and that whilst not depending on the passing pleasures and enjoyments of this world, thou mayst, at the same time be enabled to enjoy our many remaining bless- ings. I also desire this for myself, in my afflicted state, for I do consider such a state of health a heavy affliction, independent of all other trials. I very earnestly desire for myself that the deep tribulation I have had to pass through for so long a time, may not lead into temptation, but be sanctified to the further refinement of my soul, and prepa- ration for eternal rest, joy and glory. May we, during oui stay in time, be more and more sweetly united in the unity of the Spirit, and in the bond of Peace. . . ." S68 ELIZABETH FBY. Her health improved sufficiently to enable her to attend two sittings of the Yearly Meeting. The event is thus de- scribed by a Friend who was present : — "She had for many years been regular in her attendance upon these meetings, and had taken a lively interest in their proceedings. After an illness so critical, and still in a state of such great infirmity, to see her again amongst them was scaicely less gratifying to many of the Friends there than it was interesting to herself. On this occasion she spoke of the Saviour's declaration, 'I am the vine, ye are the branches ; as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye except ye abide in me.* She alluded in the course of her observations to the day that is ' fast approaching to every one ; ' but urged the blessed truth on her hearers that those ' who loved, served and obeyed Him who alone is worthy of all glory and praise, would find death deprived of its sting and the grave of its victory.' The second meeting she attended was one when a Friend, Edwin O. Tregelles, gave a relation of his mission- ary labors in the West Indies. This recital drew from her some account of her own travels on the Continent. She afterwards enlarged upon the various instruments by which God accomplishes His works in the world. She referred to the simile of the different hving stones which compose the temple of God. She addressed those of evei-y age who heard her ; especially such as might be compared to the hidden stones of the building. She encouraged them to go forward faithfully in the path of righteousness and good works : fat though they might not be so much seen and known as the more polished stones in the ornamental parts of the struo- ture — though perhaps not so fitted to shine and occupy a conspicuous station— yet were their places equally ordered, equally important, and equally under the dii'ection and all- seeing eye of the Divine Architect. She expressed doubts TEE FEABL OATS. 8dd as to whether she should again be permitted to meet her beloved friends in^that place. She offered prayer, her rich full voice filling the house, and concluded with that sublime passage, ' Great apd marvelous are Thy works Lord God Almighty! just and true are Thy ways Thou King of Saints.'" On the 3rd of June she attended the Annual Meeting of the Ladies British Society which, to spare her fatigue, wa» held in the Friends Meeting-house at Plaistow. After her death this occasion was referred to in a touching memorial drawn up by the members of this first of the numerous or- ganizations of which she was the founder. " Contrary to usual custom the place of meeting fixed on was not in London, but at Plaistow, in Essex ; and the large number of Friends who gathered round her upon that occa- sion proved how gladly they came to her, when she could no longer with ease be conveyed to them. The enfeebled state of her bodily fi'ame seemed to have left the powers of her mind imshackled, and she took, though in a sitting pos- ture, almost her usual part in addressing the Meeting. She urged with increased pathos and affection the objects of philanthropy and Christian benevolence with which her life had been identified. After the Meeting, and at her own de- sire, several members of the Committee and other Frienda assembled aA her house. They were welcomed by her with the greatest benignity and kindness, and in her intercourse ^th them strong were the indications of the heavenly teaching through which her subdued and sanctified spirit i)ad been called to pass. Her affectionate salutation in parting unconsciously closed, in regard to most of them, the intercourse which they delighted to hold with her, but which caa.Jio more be renewed on this side of the eternal world." 370 ELIZABETH FBT. At tliis time Newgate, Bridewell, the Millbank Prison, the Gillspur Street Compter, White Cross Street Prison, Tothill Fields Prison, and Cold Bath Fields Prison were in good order, and the female convicts all cared for by the Commit- tee. The prisons generally, throughout England were much improved, and in the greater number ladies were en- couraged to visit the female convicts, and more than this, Elizabeth Fry had the satisfaction of knowing " that the principles she had so long asserted were universally recog- nized; that the object of penal legislation is not revenge, but the prevention of crime ; in the first place by affording opportunity of reform to the criminal, and in the second by warning others from the consequences of its commission." As summer advanced her husband took her to Ramsgate, to obtain the benefit of sea air. Before going there to re- main she made a large wedding-party, at Upton, for her youngest son whose marriage was particularly pleasing to her, because he chose a Quakeress and friend of hers for his wife. She spoke of it as a "ray of light upon a dark pic- ture." " She received her guests in a room opening into the flow- er garden, and thence was wheeled to the end of the ter- race ; a very large family circle surrounded her, many con- nections, and others of her friends. It was a beautiful scene, — the last social family meeting at wbi^ she presid- ed ; and although infirm and broken in hfe'kl th, she looked and seamed herself. " In an easy chair, under the large marquee, she entered into an animated discourse on various important topics with the group around her, the Chevalier Bunsen, M. Mer.a D'Aubigne, Sir Henry Pelley, Josiah Forster, her brother THE PEABL OATB. 871 Samuel Gurney, and others of her friends. An event of great interest shortly followed — the marriage of her faith* fill niece, Elizabeth Gurney, to Ernest Bunsen. This con- nection was one which her aunt liked, inasmuch as she val- ued the individual and highly esteemed his excellent and gifted parents, though not unmingled with regret that the childien of her brother and sister, as so many of her own had done, should leave the Society of Friends by marriage, and thus separate themselves from that body of Christiana to which their parents were so warmly attached. The wed- ding took place on the 5th of August. She joined the par- ty afterwards at Ham House. It was an occasion of singu- lar interest ; Christian love, unity, and good feeling prevail- ing over 'diversities of administration,' yet all owning 'the same Lord.' " This occasion was referred to by Madam (afterward Bar- oness) Bunsen, in a letter written after Mrs. Fry's death, as follows : "We shall not look upon her like again! and must try to preserve the impression of her majesty of goodness which it is a great privilege to have beheld. I never wished more for the possession of the accurate memory which once was mine, than after hearing her exhort and pray, particularly on the day of Ernest's marriage. When we were at her house on the 3rd of July, on taking leave she said, 'May God bestow upon you His best gifts! the fatness of the earth is good, but the dew of Heaven is better.' " In a letter of condolence to her daughter-in-law. Madam Bunsen also made this remark which it is pleasant to repeat as the tribute of one gifted and noble woman to another : " What your blessed Aunt was for those who had the 372 ELIZABETH FEY. privilege of approaching her continually, can in some de- gree be felt, even by us who only occasionally had felt her influence and been aware of the degree in which her whole life seemed to realize the life of God in man. She met ev- erybody in every human sympathy, hnl of sin seemed to take no cognizance except in compassion. " * "During the week following she was moved to the house on Mount Albion at Eamsgate which had been prepared for her A spacious bed-chamber adjoining the drawing-room, with pleasant views of the sea, in which she delighted, add- ed to her hourly comfort and enjoyment. She found ol> jects there well suited to her tastes. She distributed tracts when she drove into the country, or went upon the Pier in a Bath chair. Seafaring men have a certain openness of character which renders them more easy of access than oth- ers. They would gladly receive her little offerings and lis- ten to her remarks. She was also anxious to ascertain the state of the Coast Guard Libraries — whether they required renewing, and were properly used. " Some of her family and friends were always with her, and did all that love and art could do to make her descent easy ; but the bonds of mortality were still very painful. Her account with Nature had been over-drawn, and though it was in the best of causes, the day of reckoning must come. One h ad before said, speaking prophetically for An» other, "The zeal of Thine house hath eaten me ur> : " and although in a different manner, it was yet true that thia pure-souled woman laid down her life prematui-ely and painfully, that she might reconcile sinners unto God. The earnestness with which she toiled cut short her days in sor- *Life and Letters of Baroness BvmseiL lUlS fEABI. GATE. 873 row. "Whether or not it was wise or justifiable to go be- yond her strength, whether the Spirit of Highest Love and Wisdom raally called for so much, or for only a part, and the momentum of excited feeling gave the extraordinary exertion and incurred the suffering, and whether more good was done during the time she labored than would have been done had she kept the fire from consuming the instru- ment and lived to work longer, are questions difficult to answer. It is no doubt true that in the disordered condi- tion of the world, where so few will do their part, those willing and best competent must often become martyrs; must freely sacrifice their lives for the safety or improve- ment of the race. And the three j'ears of daily outpouring, struggle, and combat which Jesus spent in Judea and Gal- lilee formed a longer span of time, if measured by their fruits, than that of the whole patriarchal age. Still the forfeit must be paid. The laws of nature, physical and moral alike, are inflexible. Atonement cannot be complet- ed without a vicarious sacrifice equivalent to the shedding oLblood, in larger or smaller measure, according to the eSigency. The sacrifice of Christ was for the whole world ; that of His children is for such a part as they stand relat- ed: to in like manner, as His ministers — heads of nations, famihes and so on- As we are branches of the one Vine our crosses must also be branches of the one Cross. Hav- \tg been saved by the one efficient Offering, does not ex- empt us from sorrow and sacrifice ; but it raises these to the same divine order and makes us partakers of the vica-? rious sorrow of Christ for the sins and wants of others. How it ennobles the sufferings of Elizabeth Fry to know 874 KIIZABETB FB7. that they were the direct consequence of her earnest zeal to serve her Master ia pleading for the lowest class of so- ciety and bringing the means of restoration within their reach. How touching becomes this nearly last entry in her Journal, written in an almost illegible hand: — " Jiam^gale, Eighth Mon'.h, 21th. — It still pleases my Heavenly Father that afflictions should abound to me in this tabernacle; as I groan, being barthened. Lord, through the fullness of Thy love and pity and unmerited mercy be pleased to arise for my help. Bind up my broken heart, heal my wounded spirit, and yet enable Thy servant, through the power of Thine own Spirit, in everything to return Thee thanks, and not to faint in the day of trouble, but in humility and godly fear to show forth Thy praise. Keep me Thine own, through Thy power to do this, and pity and help Thy poor servant who trusteth in Thee. Be very near to our dear son and daughter in Madeira. Be with them and all near to us wherever scattered ; and grant that Thy peace and blessing may rest upon us all. Amen and amen." September 14th she wrote to her brother Samuel Gur- ney— "I was very low when I wrote to thee yesterday, there- fore do not think too much of it. There is One only who eees in secret who knows the coutiicts I have to pass thi'Ough. To Him I commit my body, soul, and spu-it; and He only knows the depth of my love and earnestness of my pl'ayers for you all. I have the humble trusc that He will be my Keeper even unto the end ; and when the end comes, through the fullness of His love, and the abundance of His merits, I shall join those who, after having passed 'thi'ough great tribulation,' are forever at rest in Jesus, having ♦ washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.' ♦'I am, in nearest love, Thy grateful and tenderly attached sister, E. F." TEB PEABL 6ATB. ^5 "Pray remember the books for the poor old women; we must -work while it is called 'to-day,' however low the ser- vice w e may be called to ; I desire to do so to the end, through the help that may be granted me." After this she rode four miles to attend a little meeting, and "preached a most powerful and remarkable sermon on the nearness of death and the necessity of immediate repent- ance and preparation, for she believed to some of that small congiegation it was the eleventh hour of the day." "Her habits at this time were apparently those of former days. She was a good deal occupied by writing. She ar- ranged and sorted Bibles, Testaments and tracts. She had applied to the Bible Society for a grant of foreign Bibles and Testaments which was liberally acceded to, and in the distribution of which, amongst the sailors of different na- tions in the harbor, she took great interest." She attended meeting for worship October 5th, referring to which on her return she said, " We have had a very re- markable meeting, such a peculiarly solemn time ;" adding that she had been so impressed by the "need of working whilst it was day, to be ready for the Master's summons, come when He might." Those who were present described the occasion as "a very peculiar one. She had urged the question ' Ai'e we all now ready ? If the Master should this day call us, is the work completely finished? Have we any- thing left to do?' Solemnly, almost awfully.i-eiteratingthe question, ' Are we prepared ? ' " On Friday of the following week she wrote a letter, and copied some texts for a person who desired her autograph. She then brought out some sheets of Scripture selections 876 ELIZABETH FBT. which she was preparing with a view to eventually publish- ing another Text-book. "With this devout employment, was finished her work below." On riding out later in the morning her mind seemed to be abstracted from surround- ing objects, so that she failed to notice a request for " some reading " from a farmer's boy who was keeping cows, until her grandchildren placed her tract-bag in her hand, and then she made the selections " with a slow and distracted air, as if her thoughts were far away." The next morning she awoke suflFering severely in her head ; but received company which she had invited to din- ner, and conversed a little. In the afternoon her strength failed and she was with difficulty removed to her bed ; but she answered the physician's questions correctly. About six o'clock on Sabbath morning she said to her maid, " Oh! Mary, dear Mary, I am very ill! " "I know it, dearest Ma'am, I know it," replied the sei-vant. Soon she added, " Pray for me — it is a strife — but I am safe." Near nine o'clock, while one of her daughters was sitting by her bed side with the Bible opened to a favorite passage in Isa- iah, she roused a little from her comatose state, and in a Blow, distinct voice uttered these words : — " Oh ! my dear Lord, help and keep Thy servant ! " Her daughter then read the passage, — "I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel, I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy Kedeemer, the Holy One of Israel." One bright look of recognition passed over her features, and then she sank into a state of unconsciousness from which she did not re- vive. About four o'clock in the morning of October 13th, THB FEAKL QAT£. 377 1845, the strife of nature ceased, and she entered into that Rest which remaineth for the people of God. "What imagination can picture the scene as her spirit rose to meet the happy company waiting to welcome her to that "City which hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it ; for the Glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof ! " The funeral took place at Barking a few miles from Lon- don, where a large company assembled in a spacious tent erected for the occasion, and appropriate services were held in the quiet order of Friends, which admitted of no public demonstration. Her monument had long been erected in the hearts of the people, where it must remain, rising still higher as long as her story is read. If every grateful recol- lection of Elizabeth Fry were represented by a stone as beautiful as that memory, no mateiial monument of king or hero has ever equaled what these would build. And may not such, in some higher sense,bethe nature of theheavenly mansion which her Lord has prepared for her, by the aid ol her own faithfulness and industry — a home of joy — built up and adorned not only with gems of human love and es- teem, but, crowning all with that Pearl for which she freely gave all that she possessed. Possibly too that faithful Rewarder of His servants may have ordained as He did in the case of another, who, from the broken alabaster box, poured the precious ointment up- on His head and Kia feet — "Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there also shall this which this woman hath done be told for a memorial of her." We cannot more fittingly close this account than with ELIZABETH FEl. the concluding remarks of her daughters who are her aa- thenticliiog^apIiVrs, and who were naturally best qualified to express what remained to be said af cer she had herself spoken. "CoNGLusioN. — There may be some who expect a sketch to be Eere given of the chai-acter of Elizabeth Fry — but a little reflection will show that ia the present case to attempt doing so :^ould be presumptuous. Neither is it necessary* Her'"actions and conduct in life have been narrated. Her letters to her family and friends portray her domestic feelings and her power of loTing. Her communications to others supply the knowledge of lier opinions upon the sub- jects to jyhich she gave her attention. In her Journal may be found the outpourings of her heai"t, the communings be- tween God and her own soul. "But there is a voice from the Dead — and the living are called to proclaim, before their work is concluded and the memory of the departed committed to the stream of time, something of her earnest desu-es for the well-being of her fellow creatures, especially for that of her own sex. Sha was willing to spend and be spent in her Master's service. She considered herself called to a peculiar course. Sh© was very young when she first saw a prison; she had an ex- traordinary deshe to visit one, and at last her father yield- ed to her wishes and took her to see a bridewell — when and where is not exactly known ; but not long before her death she narrated the ch-cumstances to a friend, and how power- ful an impression it had made upon her mind. It must be a question whether this visit was occasioned by, or led to the pecuUar bent of her disposition; that it tended to strengthen it is indubitable, and that it was one link in the chain: of Providential chcumstances which produced in the end such signal results. But she would have shi-unk from ur;:ing the same course upon others. She feared her THE PEABL OATK. 373 daughters, and young women generally, undertaking ques* tionable or difficult public offices; but she believed that where one erred from over-activity in duty many mora omitted that which it behooved them to perform. ' Wom- an's mission ' has become almost a word of the day. Eliza- beth Fry was persuaded that every woman has her individ* ual vocation and that in following it she would fulfill her mis- sion. She laid great stress on the outward cu'cumstances of life ; how and where providentially placed ; the opportu- nities afforded ; the powers given. She considered domes- tic duties the first and greatest earthly claims in the life of woman ; although, in accordance with the tenets of the So- ciety to which she belonged, she believed in some instances, her own amongst others, that under the immediate direction of the Spu'it of God, individuals were called to leave for a time their homes and families and devote themselves to the work of the ministry. She did not consider this call to be general, or to apply to persons under an administration different from her own. But it was her conviction that there is a sphere of usefulness open to all. She appreciat- ed to the full the usual charities of gentlewomen — their vis- its to the sick and aged poor, and their attention to the cot- tage children; but she grieved to think how few complete the work of mercy by following the widow or disabled when driven by necessity to the workhouse, or caring for tho workhouse school, that resort of the orphaned and forsaken, less attractive, perhaps, than the school of the village, but even more requiring oversight and attention. "A fearful accident, or hereditary disease, consigns the mother of a family, or some frail child to the hospital. In how many cases does she lie there from day to day, watch- ing the rays of the morning sun reflected on the wall oppo- Bite, tracing them as they move onward through the day and disappear as it advances — and this, perhaps for weeks and months, without hearing the voice of kindness and sym* B80 ELIZABETH FBI. pathy from her own sex, save from the matron, or the hireS jim'ses of the establishment. What might not, and when bestowed, what does not, woman's tenderness effect here ? " She heard of thousands and ten-thousands of homeless find abandoned children, wandering or perishing in our streets. She knew that attempts were made to rescue them, and that unflinching men and women labored and toiled to infuse some portion of moral health into that mass of hving corruption ; but she mourned that so few assisted in this work of mercy, compared to the many who utterly neglect the call. She saw a vast number of her own sex degraded and guUty — many a fair young creature, once the light of her parents' dwelling, fallen and polluted — many who had filled useful situations in business or domestic sei'vice sunk- en and debased — the downward road open wide before thera but no hand stretched forth to lift them the first step up the rugged path of repentance, or assist in their hard strug- gle against sin. She encountered in the prisons every grade and variety of crime — woman bold and daring and reckless, reveling in her iniquity and hardened in vice, her only re- maining joy to seduce othets and make them still more the children of Hell than herself ; the thoughtless culprit, not lost to good and holy feeling nor dead to impression from without ; and lastly the beginner, she who from poverty had been driven to theft or di'awu by others into tempta- tion. Elizabeth Fry mai'ked all these and despaired of none amongst them I Here again, in her estimation, a crying need existed for influence, for instruction, for reproof, and for encouragement. But it was not to all she would have allotted this task, though she could never be persuaded but that in every instance women well qualified for the of&ee might be found to care for the interests of the people. " These were the things which she saw and bitterly de* plored. She believed that a mighty power rested with her own sex to check and control this torrent of evil — a moral THE FEABL GATE. 381 force which the educated and virtuous might bring to bear upon the ignorant and vicious. She desired to have every home duty accomplished, every household affection met; but reason and Scripture taught her that each individual has something to bestow, either of time, talent, or wealth, which, spent in the service of others, would return in blessing on herself and her own family. In the little parlor behind the shop, in the suburban villa, in the perfumed boudoir and the gilded hall, she saw powers unemployed and time un- occupied. She lived to illustrate all that she had advocat- ed. She wore away her life in striving for the good of her fellow-beings. "Does she now regret those labors? or find any service to have been 'in vain in the Lord? ' When our great Re- deemer declared that in feeding the hungry and giving the thirsty di-ink, receiving the stranger, clothing the naked, end visiting the sick, it was done unto Him, He added, ' I was iu prison and ye came unto me.' She was one who felt the force of this commendation, and took it in its largest sense — not as applicable to those alone who 'suffer for con- science sake,' but to the guilty and the wretched — in the spirit of Him who came to seek and to save that which is lost. Through weariness and painfulness she labored to fulfill it. And now that her conflicts upon earth are ended, and her work done, may it not be confidently believed that for her, and such as her, are those words of marvelous joy *Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom pre* pared ^'or you from the foundation of the world.' " ELIZABETH FRY. "A Name of Beaxtty," well hath said Admiring love of one whose charms A pure and saintly radiance shed O'er human life — a light which warms The soul to virtue while it feeds Hope with a calm celestial fire, And confidence in noble deeds. "Why hath the rapt heroic lyre Not sung thee, Earlham's gentle maid. Modest and sweet, who taught the poor And many a grateful offering laid By sorrow's couch and penury's door? — Who bowed thy heart with all its dower Of brilliant hopes anil love replete, Like a fresh-opening passiou-dower, Low at thy waiting Savior's feet, — Took up a cross so few could bear, Unmurmuring ; doffed the idle weeds Of fashion; bade thy feet prepare To follow Christ where'er He leads, — 384 ELIZABETH FBY. To honor follow, or to shame — It matters not: thy troth is given Without reserve, only from blame Deliverance asking, and in Heaven To love and be beloved, to meet, With all thy friends in safety there, Vast multitudes made pure and sweet By Jesus' love, its bliss share. Oh great heart motherly! God saw Thy wish, God heard thy noble plea And sent His angels forth to draw Thy golden net through Galilee. After a night of toil and strife. Fruitful in trial's needful lore, And increase fair of thy own life. Thy risen Savior walked the shore, And taught thee how to drop thy line,— Where in the world's great heaving pool To cast thy net ; the word divine Thou kept, and lo! a motley school Of fishes gathered at His call From the deep shadows of the lake I And what is wondrous most of ail Thy quivering cords did never break I ELIZABETH PBT 385 A dozen fair apostles soon With thee grasped oar, and Christ-ward drew Eight womanly, while the strange boon Larger with every moment grew, Until good men, brave, true and strong. Seized manfully the lengthening line, And urged the miracle along, Searching for souls in sin's dark brine. All Britain's coasts and stagnant pools Thy love bade search for drowning men, And many were the dying souls Thus taught to love and live again. Nor thus content, while foreign seas And rivers rolled with sorrow's tide, There flowed thy boundless sympathies, O saintliest type of Jesus' Bride ! "Ho! stretch the cords from shore to shore! Join all for sweet Humanity! For God, for Heaven, join rich and poor! Join, high and low, and bond and freo! " And kings the noblo frenzy caught, And queens thy sweet behest obeyed, Statesmen by thy wise lips were taught, And the rude throng their magic swayed. ELIZABETH FRY Light through the dismal dungeon poured, "With rainbow hues cf mercy clothed 1 Again the words of Salem's Lord The sinful roused, the sorrowing soothed! March on ! march on I admiring France Thrills to the music of \by voice! Not Joan wUh her virgin lance Made gallant pulses more rejoice! The Christian patriot bids hail Mercy's meek angel as she threads The glittering street or gloomy vale, Where most the call of sorrow leads! .Ind Freedom from her Alpine heights Comes forth to kiss the gentle hand Which to a purer realm inviles The least and greatest of her band. March on ! the Netherlands give ear Gladly to thy mellifluous plea; Harsh chains relax, the mellowing tear Leaps from the rock at Love's decree. On to the wakening Fatherland, Where kings a royal welcome give, And sister queens uphold the hand Which bids the weak and wandering live ' ELIZABETH FBT. Nor yet alone the poor and blind Thou win'st to virtue's upward road, But princes of the heart and mind With thee walk nearer to their God Lifting the soul on wings of prayer Thou bear'st it to the blossoming skies, Or gently layest it, weeping, where The Lamb of God for sinners dies. Sweet gift of mother love divine ! Oh how the thirsting heart of man Needs thee, ev'n at devotion's shrine. To teach as only mother's can — How the Lord Gracious stooped to bless And break for us sin's prison doors. To smile away life's bitterness, And point dead Hope to mercy's shoves — Through light and darkness, praise and blame How like a slave for us He toiled, Raised us to glory by His shame. And by His death our spoiler spoiled. Such lessons yet may woman teach In holy word and graceful deed ; So cheer the struggling soul to reach Redemption's gate and faith's bright meed. ELIZABETH FBY Forgetful only that thine arm Was mortal, though by Heaven inspire!^ Assured that love can work no harm, And bear each cross by Love required, Through storm and sunshine thus thy feet Past mount and valley hastened on, Still scattering Zion's golden wheat O'er fertile field and wayside atone, And founding granaries where the poor, And the lone watchman, with his flock. May feed upon thought's healthful store, And find green pastures on the rock. Nor ceased thy toils when evening fell, Fire-winged, upon the harvest plain, And saw the o'erflowing river swell To meet thee with thy goodly train. Nor did thy loving arms forget, With all their load of gathered sheaves, Ev'n amid Jordan's billows, yet To grasp and clasp the falling leaves. Though burns the fire of wasting pain Thy soul with heavenly music flows, And like the Lamb for sinners slain Yields fragrant balm for others' woes. ELIZABETH PBT. Oh more than conqueror ! thy Lord Did well to press such vintage hard, For sweeter wine was never stored In heart of saint or tongue of bard. In the pearl gate thou fain wouldst turn To see if all were pressing on — Still o'er a dying world to yearn Like angel mother o'er her son- One word of comfort more to giva^ One jewel more to gather up, Another soul for Christ to live, A di'op of balm for sorrow's cup I Seraphic Spirit! saintliest star Of England's bright and beauteous train! So shineth from her thi-one afar The gem that hghts the morning main I Shine on and tell us how to sail. Unmoved by fortune's frowns or smiles, How on time's sea to bide the gale, A»d anchor by Life's golden isles. — • "The Pilot!" aye, we hear thee, mother — "With heart and ear attend His word I "Him love and also one another 1 "Greeting to all who love the Lord! " 1012 01039 8198