$£* u I THE Bilhop of OXFORD^ CHARGE T 6 T H E CLERGY O F H I S DIOCESE, A T H I S ^tmarp Btfttation In July 17^, LONDON: Printed by J. Htptinflall, forGEORGE Mortlock, at the Ph Principles of true Religion into. Me. ns Minds> to re- form their vicious Habits, and to promote the unU verfal practice of Piety and Virtue, this, as 'tis our peculiar Province, fo, if faithfully difcharged, will be our chief Happiriefy and Glory. So far is this, both for its Dignity and Importance, fupefiour to the highefl: Truft$ and Employments of any other kind,, as the Soul is ^raore excellent than the Body, and our Eternal Welfare of more Gonfequence than any Temporal hitereft or Advantage; and, though it chiefly aims .at the bettering our Spiritual and Fu- W^rSyia^W>l*:ft5':tftflucnce : reacheth alfo to the .pKfentjfeteHo^r^WOr^ it being hence, that Ser- Vantfc Jfcarn to l bc more Faithful, | Children more Obedjent, Subjects more Loyal,, Magiftrates more "lY J giJ*flE.f0r z kp common Good of their People, and •fajl £>cher Orders of Men to make a Confcience of their refpe&ive Duties to God and one another 5 and that by this Means any Nation or Community is entituled to the Divine Favour and Protection. This is the great and good Work, to which the Prpvidence of God hath call'd us, to which the Au- thority -.of the Church hath appointed us, and to which,: in a mod folemn and publick Manner we have all confecrated our felves. Let, us therefore ierioufly, faithfully, and conftantly attend it; let it be both our Bufinefs and Diverfion, and laying afide all other Studies and Employments, let us, as it deferves, and as we have openly vow'd in the Fa, f ( 6 ) Face of the Church, give up our felves wholly to this one Thing. Ealle it were to enlarge, and 'tis rather difficult to forbear enlarging, on a Subject fo ufeful, fo copious, fo noble : But I fpeak to thofe, who, 'tis to be hbp'd, have long fince throughly weigh'd and confider'd, and do daily not only con- fider, but put in practice thefe Things \ and if any amongft us fhould want to be put in mind of their Duty in this refpect (and who is there fo watchful, or fo perfect, as never to need a Rembrancer >) They may foon have recourfe to the Excellent Liturgy of our Church, where the feveral Duties incumbent on the Sacerdotal Office are fo fully 'fet form, and fo pa- thetically prefs'd and recommended, that 'tis hard- ly poffible to exprefs more in fo fhort a compafs : infomuch that whoever at convenient diftances of Time, if it were but at the four ftated feafons of every Year, (hall allow himfelf leafure attentively to read over the Offices of Ordination, and fliall then carefully imprint upon his Memory the weighty and earneft Exhortations there directed to be given, and ferioufly recoiled: the full Extent and DeiTgn of of the folemn Profeflions and Promifes he once made to God and the Church, cannot fail of having his Mind fufficiently furnifh'd, as well with juft Notions of his paftoral Duty, as with proper Motives and Inducements to the faithful and conftant difcharge of it. IwiOi ( ? } r widi I could fay, and happy were it for this Church and Nation, if it could truly be laid, that fuch is the prefent ftate of our Affairs, as doth not require the utmoft Vigilance, and even more than ordinary Care and Application of a diligent, pious and prudent Clergy. But it was long fince foretold, that Herefies would arife, and that Offences muft come ; and the Event hath fully anfwer'd this Pre- diction • there having never been any Age or Part of the Chriftian Church, which cpuld boaft of fo much Purity or Perfection, as to be for any conilde- rable time wholly free from Unworthy and Falfe Members, who did either by their unfound Doctrines corrupt and undermine, or by their flagicious Lives prophane and difhonour that Holy Faith which we profefs. Even in the Sacred College of Apoftles one was found, who for a little fordid Gain betray *d the Lord and Saviour of all the World. In the Age immediately following, which was one of the beft the World ever faw, St. John writing to the Seven Jfian Churches in the Name and by the fpecial Di- rection of Chrift, blames one of them for having left her fir ft LoVe, another for having in her Com- munion thofe that held the Dottrine of the Nicolaitans, a third for Offering Jezebel, who call'd herfelf a Pro- phetefs, to /educe the Chriftiam to commit Fornicationy and to eat Tlnngs facriftced to Idols ; a fourth for being lukewarm, wretched and miferabk, and poor, and blind, and naked j and in fhort,- fcar.ee leaves any one of them, ' ( 8 ) chem, except that of Smyrna, without fome remark- able and fevexe Reprehendon. About this time alfo broke forth' the deteftable and infamous Se&s of the Gnoftick Herefy, of whofe abfurd and wic- ked Principles and Practices even the better fort of Heathens would have been afliam'd. And if in thofe early Times, when Men took not upon them the Prorefllon of our Holy Religion to comply with any prevailing. Fafhion, or on the profpecl: of Tem- poral Advantage, but to be a Chriftian was a thing of the utmoft Reproach, Difficulty and Hazard, to be a Minifter of the Gofpel was to (land in the Front or Heat of the Battle, and to be a Bifhop was to be both by Jews and Gentiles, that is, by all the World, marked out for inevitable Deftruction 5 if even in thefe Days Vice and Corruption were fo prevalent $ we cannot wonder to hear, that after- wards the (fate of Religion in this refpecl: became far worfe when Men were invited and allured to de- clare themfelves Chriftians, as well by great Civil Rewards and Encouragements, as by the perfua- five Examples of the Roman Emperors themfelves. After this, the great Inundations of favage people, which overturn d the whole ftate of the Weftern Empire, introduc'd Ignorance and Barbarifm, the Natural Confequence whereof were Superftition and Idolatry, which in thefe parts of the World almoft every where reign' d till the Reformation, whereby they were happily difpell'd. And had we faithfully improved ( 9 ) improv'd thofe great Advantages, which Divine Providence did then, and hath ever fince put into our Hands, every one among us } from the lead to the greateft, would have been, in the Prophet's Phrafe, taught of God y perfectly inftructed and ae- complifh'd in all things needful for good Chriftians either to know or pra&ife $ which would have ren- der' d all the Duties of our Minifterial Vocation, as with refpect to thofe committed to our Care ex- tremely fuccefsful, fo to our felves mod: eafie and pleafant. But, alas, 'tis our Misfortune, whilft fome led away by ftrong and inveterate Prejudices tenaciouily adher'd to their ancient flate of Blind- nefs and Superftition, and others through Atheifm and Irreligion, or Sloth and Inadvertency difregar- ded the Light ofTer'd to them ; whilft too many fcarce apply'd it to any other life than to maintain unprofitable Controverfies, to promote Divifions, and to draw Parties afrer them, and perhaps the greateft Number by their vicious Lives rendered themfelves wholly uncapable of receiving any true Benefit from it, that the Event prov'd far otherwife. I would not be thought, and far be it from me to compare either our Virtues or our Vices with thofe of the Members of that corrupt Church, from which by the particular Blefling of God we have been fo well and wifely Reform'd : Whatever our Fault be, which indeed are too many and too publick, it is well known, and might eafily be prov'd, were it B not „ ( to ) not coo notorious to be deny'd, that fome of the worft of them have been acted and connived at, and even countenanced and encourag'd by many who have fill'd the higheft and moft Sacred Places in that Communion. But, leaving thefe Men to (land or fall to their own Matter, it is a thing highly to be lamented, and which is generally lamented by good Men, that notwithstanding the Light of the Gofpel, hath been in every part of this our Native Country fo clearly and fully difplay'd, its Precepts inforc'd with fuch perfuafive and moving Eloquence, and its Doctrines demonftrated even to the meaneft Capacities with fo much Strength and Perfpicuity, as hardly any Age or Nation can parallel, yet Vice and Prophanenefs, Scepticifm and Irreligion, inftead of lofing their Ground, or being almoft entirely rooted out and extinguifh'd, as might juftly have been expected, have on the contrary, to the great Difhonour of God and Religion, increas'd and ga- ther* d ftrength, and are become far more infolent and barefac'd than formerly. I could heartily wifh that thefe were only the Complaints of Melan- choly and Contemplative Men, who are apt to pais hard Cenfures upon their own Times, and com- monly judge of the ftate of the World rather by foine imaginary, and perhaps impracticable Schemes of their own, than by any thing which hath really therein happen' d : And I doubt not, but that, as in the Days of Eltas> when Idolatry had fo far over- fpread ( 11 ) fpread the Kingdom of 1/rael, that the Prophet look'd upon himfelf to be the only perfon who re- main' d of all the Worfliippers of God, fo now alfo, and much more it would appear upon due Enquiry, that there are many truly pious and faithful Mem- bers of this Church, who thro' the Grace of God have all along been preferv'd from the prevailing and epidemical Vices of the Age : yet I am afraid, that the more we look abroad, the greater caufe we fhall find to complain, of the general Neglect both of the publick and private Duties of Religion in fome, of the great Depravation of Moral as well as Religious Principles in others, ofamanifefi: In- difference or Lukewarmnefs to every thing beyond the prefent Life in moft, and in too many of the mod fhamerul Contempt of all things Sacred, even of thofe mod: Solemn Oaths and Obligations, which in all Ages and Countries have been held inviolable. By whom or through what means thefe Tares came to be fount among us, is not very eafie, and perhaps not material, to determine. Some derive them from the long Rebellion of the laft Age. The feign'd Shews and Pretences of fome Men at that time to more than ordinary Piety and Devotion, under which the worft Defigns were often cloak'd and carried on, are thought to have bred in others an Averilon to all outward appearances of Religion, and at length to have ended in Prophanenefs, Scep- ticifm, and downright Infidelity. And as from B 2 one ( >* ) one Extreme Men often run into another, (o it hath been obferv'd, that the Superftition and Hypocrifie of one Age are commonly follow'd by Atheifm and Irreligion in the next. Some again are of Opinion, that if after the Happy Reftoration of our Ancient' Government in Church and State, due Meafures for the Suppreflion of Vice, and for the Encouragement of True Religion and Virtue had been ferioufly perfued, thefe Evils might have been, if not wholly prevented and remedy'd, at lean; very much leiTen'd and abated j and therefore refer to this account the licentious and diforderly way of Living, to fpeak nothing more fevere of it, w hich from great Examples in the Reign immediately fol- lowing dirTus'd it felf, as 'tis common and almoft natural for ill Habits and Cuftoms to do, through all inferiour Ranks and Degrees of Men amongft us. Others date the more than ordinary increafe of Irreligion from the late Happy Revolution, and it muft be own'd, that in great Mutations of Pub- lick Affairs Men of Heterodox Principles common- ly appear more open and undifguis'd, than in quiet and fettled Times ; hoping perhaps that the preva- lent Humour of changing may furnifh a favourable Opportunity to eftablifh their new Opinions, or at leaft that in the publick Hurry and Confufion they themfelves fhall efcape with Connivance and Impu- nity. Some of our Hiftorians complain of the growth of Scepticifm and Prophaneneis about the time ( '3 >. time of the Reformation : Neither is it flrange, that the obliging Men under the fevereft Penalties to a fort of Half-Popery in one Reign, to be compleac. Proteftants in the next, to refume all their former Superftitions in the third, and in the fourth to be Proteftants again, together with the fhameful Com- pliances of too many with all thefe Alterations, and this in the Compafs of a few Years, unfetded in many, and in others almoft quite erfac'd'the Prin- ciples of Religion and Virtue. Whether fomething of the fame kind, tho' in a lefs degree, did not happen at the Revolution, others, who are more converfant in the Tranfa&ions of that and the Times immediately preceding may better judge. This feems to be on all hands confefs'd by fober 2nd confederate Men, that there is fcarce any thing which hath contributed more to the Corruption both of Mens Morals and Principles, than our un- fortunate Diviiion into Parriej, which feem to have fb far prevail'd, as, even to deftroy the diftinction of Virtue and Vice, Religion and Prophanenefs 5 infomuch that in order to be reputed one of the befl or worft Men in the World, there needs fcarce any o:her Accomplifhmenr than with intemperate Zeal to engage on one fide, and againft ano.her. Jt is not my defign, and moft unfeafonable would it be,. to reflect on one Party more than another ; in this Gafe efpecially, wherein no Party is wholly ^ree from Blame j and at this Time, when our common Intereft ( 14 ) Intereft, as well as our Duty calls upon us to lay allele thofe opprobrious and unchriftian Names of Diftinction, which have fo long kept us at variance, and with united Force to oppole the declared Ene- mies both of our Country and our Religion. The chief End of all that hitherto hath been faid, is to fhew the great Neceffity there is for every one of us to employ his conftant and utmoft Diligence in the difcharge of that high and weighty Truft 3 to which Divine Providence hath call'd Us. In order to promote the Succefs of our faithful Endeavours, many excellent Rules have been pre- fcrib'd for the due performance of every part of the Sacerdotal Office, which, I am in good hopes, itvis needlefs in this Audience to repeat. One thing, however, which feems to me to deferve in a parti- cular manner to be recommended, is habitual and conftant Serioufnefs as well in our common Con- verfation, as in the Duties of Religion. I do not hereby underftand Morofenefs, or any unbecoming feverity of Behaviour, which inftead of enaging Men to the Love of Religion, is rather apt to de- rer them from it j but my Meaning is, that the moil effectual Method to recommend the practice of Piety and Virtue to others, is to make it appear from the whole courfe of our Lives, that they have taken deep Root in our own Breafts. In vain fhall that Man endeavour to perfuade others co the great Duties, for inftance, of Patience and Refignation, Mor- ( «* 5 Mortification and Self-denial, Meeknefs and For- giving of Injuries, who is known to live in the Contempt or Neglect of thcfe Graces, to be ira? patient and difcontented, fenfual and intemperate, fiery and revengeful. The well-known Rule, Si vis me fere, dolendum eft primum ipfi tibi, holds as well in this as in moft other Cafes. In reading the daily Prayers of the Church, if any of us, inftead of pronouncing them in the manner which the Nature of this Duty requires, that is, gravely, feriouily and reverently, mould make it his conftant practice to hurry them over without any Concern or Attention, and like a Task of which he deiires to rid himfelf as foon as po/Tible • this, inftead of exciting Devo- tion in thole that hear him, would rather incline them to RemilTnefs and Coldnefs, to Irrdigion and Atheifm. The fame may be apply'd to any- other Act of our Sacred Function. As for our Preaching, He that with moft Sim- plicity and Plainnefs fhall enforce the Motives, and expound the Doctrines and Precepts contain d in the Holy Scriptures, unlefs I am very much mifta- ken, will beft anfwer all the Ends of this Duty. For thefe Books being deflgn'd for the means of Salvation to Men of all Orders and Conditions, were adapted by the Divine Spirit, under whofe Sacred Influence they were firft written, to all Tem- pers and Capacities j whereas Difcourfes, which chiefly coniift of Humane Reafonings, or Deducts ( 16 ) oris from Principles meerly natural, whatever good Influence they may have on fome kw, who have improv'd their Minds by Study and Meditation, are feldom well underftood or attended to by thofe, who make a great Majority in moll: -Congregations. Befide that Arguments from the Decency, Con- venience, or Ficnefs of things are far infer iour in Weight and Force to thofe propounded by Divine Revelation;, and therefore Philofophy, when it flourifli'd moll: in Greece and ac Sjwwe, feems to have been of little ufe to the generality of Men. It was the hearing of Judgment to come, which caus'd FeltXy the corrupt Judge, to tremble. Never were any Motives fo admirably fuited to operate at all times on the Hopes and Fears of Mankind, as Heaven and Hell 5 and the utmoft Demonstration which any matter of Fact can poffibly receive, is this That God hath fpoken it. I would not be underftood, and highly abfurd it would be, efpe- cially in the Neighbourhood of one of the mod eminent Nurfcries of Learning in the World, to decry the Ufe of Reafon and Philofophy, two of the greateft Beffings and nobleft Gifts that Provi- dence hath beftow'd on Mankind 5 but the Wile King hath taught us, that every thing hath its pro- per Seafon. All I defire under this Head, is, that in Matters of Religion, and efpecially in our popu- lar Difcourfes, due Preference be allow'd to Reve- lation ; and whoever fhall neglect to give the Holy Scriptures ( 17 ) Scriptures their juft Weight and Authority, will loon find xhe Authority of his own Exhortations very much lelTen'd and impair'd. I am afraid that our Sermons, and in general, all continued and long Difcourfes, many times fail of their defir'd Succefs ? and are too ofcen not very well underflood by many of thofe who come to hear us, through the want of their having been early and fufficiently inftructed in the Principles of Reli- gion • and therefore ic feems to be no inconfiderable part of our Paftoral Office faithfully and conftantly to Catechize the Youth under our Care 5 whereby is underftood not only the teaching them to anfwer readily to certain Queftions, which unlefs it be far- ther improved, is a thing of no great Ufe or Ad- vantage, but the inftilling into their Minds, as far as they are capable of receiving them, true Notions of the Doctrines and Duties contained in theCate- chifm, together with the flricl: and indifpenfable Obligation incumbent on all of us to believe the one and pra&ife the other, and thus training them up in the ways of Piety and Virtue. Often it hap- pens, that the benefit of thefe Catechetical Inftrucii- ons exrends it felf to Men of riper Years, though perhaps unwilling and afham'd to confefs their Ig- norance ; and will, however, through the Grace of God aiTifting, engage the rifing Generation to blefs our Memories. C One ( »« ) One thing, which, in my Opinion, ought to be rnoft frequently recommended, and mod earneftly prefs'd on Mens Confciences, is the daily Exercife of Religious Duties in private Families: which, fhoukl it once generally obtain, as without all dif- pute it ought every where to do, would foon of it felf, and without any other afliftance, except the Divine Bleffing, put a ftop to that Deluge of Pro- phanenefs and Irreligion, which hath broken in upon us. And one would think there could be no need of Arguments to perfuade thofe, who every day fin againft God, daily to confefs and ask Pardon for their Sins ; or thofe, who always fubfifl: by his Fa- vour, to return their Tribute of Praife and Thankf- giving ; or thofe, whofe future Hopes, both in this Life and the next, entirely depend upon his Bounty, to implore his Ble/Tmg and Protection. 1 would- not be thought either to blame, or to caft any fuf- picion of Blame upon any of my Brethren of the Clergy, who befide their general Obligation both as Chriftians and as Clergymen, are farther requir'd by one of the Rubricks prefix' d before our excel- lent Liturgy, to fay daily the Morning and Evening- Trayer either TnVately or Openly, and therefore can- not be fuppos'd unmindful of their Duty in this re- fpect : but if by the pious Labours and Example of the Clergy this Practice was once generally imro- duc'd into other Families, the happy Fruits of it would foon appear by the manifcft increafe of Re- ligion ( 19 ) ligion and good Manners in all parts of the Nation. This farther remains, which the prefent ftate of our Affairs will not permit me to pafs over in Silence, Vi%. That we apply our utmoft Diligence co pro- mote Union and Concord, and to allay thofe vio- lent Heats and Animolicies, which, as they gave Rife to the late Rebellion, fo, unlefs they be feafo- nably prevented, may at one time or another, and perhaps when we are leaft apprehenfive of any (uch fatal Confecjuence, involve this. Church and Nation, like thofe of the Jews under Vefpafian, in extreme Mifery and Ruin. Our Bleffed Saviour hath de- clar'd, that whoever lufleth after a Woman, is an Adul- terer in the fight of God 3 and St. John, that whoever batetb bis Brother, is a Murderer : wich the fame truth, and on the fame account, it may be affirm'd, that whoever fhall foment Divifions, raife Difcontcnts and Jealoufies, fpread evil Reports of the Govern- ment, or fhall Abett and Encourage others who are guilty of thefe or the like practices, muft partake of the Sin of Rebellion $ and the rather, becaufe 'tis not in any Man's Power to command, or fct Bounds to thefe Diforders, which from inconfide- rable Beginnings have often produc'd fuch unexpe- cted and Tragical ErTe&s, as even thofe Men, from whofe unhappy Contrivance and Management they took their firft Rife, utterly decelted and abhorr'd : Whence King Solomon compares the beginning of Strife to the letting out of Water , which may eafily C 2 be be confin'd within its Banks, but thcfe being once broken down, with irrefiftable Violence overturns all before it. The Divine Providence hath been pleas'd to blefs His Majefty's Arms and Counfels with all the Succefs we could dcfire 5 but lmpoflible it will be for us to enjoy the Advantages of Peace in their full Extent, till the prefent Ferments, are allay 'd, and Mens Minds more difpos'd to Qui- etnefs and Unanimity, than hitherto they feem ' to have been : 'and therefore our Duty, as AmbafTa^ dors from the King of Peace, the publick Voice of our Native Country, and the Expectation of God and all good Men call upon us ferioufly to apply ourfelves to the Cure of thefe Diftempers ; and it having long been accounted the Glory of the Church of England, that her Sons of the Clergy have always maintain'd and defended that inviola- ble Submiffion which is due from all Subjects to the Supreme Powers, fo fhall our Actions ap- pear to be confiftent with our Doctrine, if the Re- bellion being now through the Divine Affiftance happily ended, all the Seeds of future Difturbances be through our Means, and, as far as in us lies, eradicated from the Minds of the People. Thus to behave ourfelves, our Bleffed Mafter and hfs'Apo- ftles, and the Chriftians of the next Ages after them, have constantly taught us both by their Doctrine and Example, even though cruel Torments and Perfecution fhould be the beft Reward we could expect ( 21 ) expect in this Life for our Obedience and Loyalty. What Zeal ought we then to exprefs for the Service of a Prince, whofc Interefts are not only perfectly united, but entirely the fame, with our own j who is a conftant Member of our Communion, who hath folemnly promis'd, and doth on all proper Occafions repeat and confirm this Promife, to pro- tect us in the Enjoyment both of our Religious and Civil Liberties • and hath not only obferv'd it with refpect to us of the Clergy in common with the reft of his Subjects, but hath diftinguifh'd Us by feveral peculiar and very great Marks of his Affection and Favour ? He hath lately purchas'd one of the larger! and beft furnifli'd Libraries that ever was poflefs'd by any private Perfon, and plac'd it in one of our two Univerfities, where it was mod: wanted 5 and in the firft Year of His Reign, in Concurrence with the Parliament, He eftablifh'd a fure Fund for the railing of fuch a Sum towards the Maintenance of lome of the Clergy, as perhaps, ex- cept the Royal Bounty of our Late Gracious Sove- reign, is the greateft Gift that ever was at one time in any Age beftow'd for this life. Thus I have endeavour' d with all the Brevity "Which the Subject would permit, to remind. You and M) felf of lome of thofe Duties, which feem'd to me particularly incumbent on Us at this feafon. Several other things might be added, but having already too far trefpafs'd on your Patience, 1 fhall detain ( 21 ) detain you no longer, than till I have acquainted you, that, as it will be a fingular Delight and Satif- faction to Me to be ferviceable to any of my Clergy, either in the Execution of their Ministerial Office, or the Maintenance of their juft Rights and Authority, which I fluli always account as a chief Branch of my own. fo, whatever Information, Advice, or Affiftance any of you (nail impart in re- lation to my Duty, (hall be thankfully accepted ; it being my Defire, that in this Diocefe all things may be carried on with your Confent and Ap- • probation. "Now the God of Peace, that brought again from the Dead our Lord Jefus, that great Shepherd of the Sheep, through the (Blood of the everlafting Covenant^ make you perfetl in every good Work to do his Will, working in you that which is well- pleafing in his fight, through Jefus Chrifl, to whom be Glory jor eVer and ever. Amen. F 1 N 1 S. BOOI^S Printed for George Mortlock at the Phoenix in St, Paul'* Churcb-Yard. CLementis Alexandrini Opera, qua? Extant Recognita Scllluftrata. Per Joannem Potterum Epifcopum Oxon. Bi(hop Stillingfleets Works in 6 Vols. Folio. Origwes Sacr£ : Or, A Rational Account of the Grounds of the Chriftian Faith, as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures, and the Matters there- in contained. Fifty Sermons preach'd on feveral Occafions. A Rational Account of the Grounds of the Protectant Religion : Being a Vindication of the Lord Archbilhop of Canterbury* Relation of a Conference from the pretended Anfwer by T. C. wherein the True Grounds of Faith are Cleared, and the Falfe Difcovered: The Church of England Vindicated from Schifm, and the moft important particular Controverfies between us and the Church of Rtme thoroughly Examined. Idolatry of the Church of Rome. Dodtrine of Chrift's Satisfaction : Or, The True Reafons of his Sufferings. Horne.k's Beft Exercife, with Prayers fuitable to each Exercife. Delight and Judgment. The New- Years- Gift, Compleat. In Six Parts. With Devotions for the Sacrament, &c. The Whole Art of Husbandry : Or, The Way of Ma- naging and Improving of Land. Being a full Collection of what hath been written either by Ancient or Modern Authors, with many Additions, New Experiments and Improvements not treated of by others. Alfo an Account of the particular Sorts of Husbandry ufed in feveral Counties, with Propofals for its farther Improvement. By J. Mortimer, Efq, Fellow of the Royal Society. In Two Vols. 8vo. /, /