FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 667'; m CHURCH HYMN BOOK: COMPRISING A CHOICE COLLECTION OF HYMNS, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, FOR \ THE USE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP, VARIOUS OTHER OCCASIONS. \ COMPILED BY JOHN WINEBRENNER, V. D. M. \ "0 come, and let us sing to the Lord." — Ps. 95 : 1. IIARRISBURG, PA., \ ', PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL ELDERSHIP OF THE CHURCH OF GOD. 1860. m - V \ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, j By John S. Gable, Joseph Ross and George Ross, Board of Publication, in trust, for the > " General Eldership of the Church of God," - In the Clerk's Office of the Eastern Dist. Court of Pa. stereotyped by \ JOHN F. WEISHAM-PEL, JR., PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER, BALTIMORE, 1ID. &> PEEFACE. A BOOK of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, for the service of the Church, is second only to the Bible, in point of importance and spiritual interests. The want of such a book, adapted in all respects, to the use of private, social and public worship, has long been felt and desired by the Church of God. The General Eldership, eleven years ago, appoint- ed a Committee of seven brethren, to compile a Hymn Book for congregational use, and to have it published in a large 18mo. form. But the members of that Committee living at a great distance from each other, in the East and West, found it inconvenient to hold a meeting, and form a plan for the accomplishment of the work assigned them. Hence, nothing was ef- fected ; and the next Triennial Meeting appointed an- other Committee, for the same purpose — all members of the East Pennsylvania Eldership; — but none of them seemed to have time and inclination to under- take the task of compiling the work. At the succeed- ing Triennial Meeting, the Eldership appointed the compiler and editor of this volume, to assume the task ; but made no provision to meet the expenses of compiling and publishing the work. Therefore, the action of the Eldership remained a dead letter, and the project resulted as before. The Eldership, at its Session in May, 1857, provided a plan for both its compilation and publication, which proved success- ful, and has been faithfully carried out. PREFACE. In presenting this new Hymn Book to the Church and the public, the compiler feels it his duty, thank- fully to acknowledge the many valuable contribu- tions to the work, from kind friends and brethren, at home and abroad. A choice variety of the best hymns in the English language, and a large number of new and beautiful spiritual songs, will be found in this book, which are not embodied in any of the standard hymn books now in use. Essential improvements will also be found in some of the old hymns, where it was necessary to improve the diction and doctrine, so as to make the sentiment harmonize with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Sound theology, as well as good lyrical poetry, are essential to good singing. No one can sing with the spirit and understanding, where the metre, composi- tion and doctrine are all defective. We do not claim entire perfection for ' ' The Church Hymn Book ;" but we do claim for it, a high degree of literary merit and poetic excellence — improve- ment in metrical accuracy — in the classification of the hymns — in a copious variety, and due apportion- ment of hymns to subjects — in orthodoxy, or sound- ness of doctrine — and in typography, and general neatness of workmanship. Changes and improve- ments, therefore, it is hoped, may not be necessary, for many years to come. And for the sake of uni- formity, the brethren will do well to make themselves acquainted with the hymns as they are now found revised and improved in this book. It has been a prominent aim of the compiler to pre- pare a good and useful book, which, besides being |® §)! w PREFACE. appropriate to ordinary and regular church services, would also be suitable and well adapted to various other seasons and occasions. Special attention has been given to the classification of the hymns. In most of the hymn books, in com- mon use, this subject, from some unknown cause, has not received that careful attention, which its import- ance demands. Besides the usual Table of Contents, and Index of First Lines, this compilation has also a Metrical In- dex, an Index of particular Subjects, and an Index of Scripture Texts. These Indexes will all be found of great importance, and particularly to the ministry. The compiler would emphatically say, and earnest- ly recommend to the ministers, and leaders of the singing in the churches, to make themselves familiar with the Metrical Index. Those who do so, will soon discover a material advantage and benefit. He would also suggest to the brethren in the min- istry, not to line the hymns, in time of singing, ex- cept where the people are not supplied with books; and then to be sure to avoid the unmeaning practice of lining but half the stanza. The compiler most respectfully dedicates this book to the Church of God ; and prays that it may be made a blessing to his brethren of the churches, and to the world at large. JOHN WINEBRENXER. Baltimore, Md.. July 4, 1359. A* U 6 ADDRESS. ADDRESS TO THE BRETHREN AND FRIENDS OF THE CHURCH OF GOD. The undersigned, the Hymn Book Committee, by appointment of the General Eldership of the Church op God, (at its late Triennial Meeting, in Harrisburg, Pa.,) take pleasure in announcing that the work assigned them, revised and approved by a Committee of Revision, has been accomplished, and they hope, in a manner that will fully supply the wants, and meet the highest expectations of the Churches. Committing . their labors into the hands of Him whose glory they have endeavored to keep in view) with the hope that He may accept the praises and prayers addressed to Him ; and that the songs of their brethren may be more animated, and fuller of the u spirit and the understanding," they respect- fully submit this volume to the Churches. JOHN S. GABLE, JOSEPH ROSS, GEORGE ROSS, Committee of Publication. Middletown, Pa., July 6, 1859. TABLE OF CONTENTS, AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE HYMNS. FIGURES Existence of God, - Attributes of God, Trinity, - Creation, - Providence, - Fall and Deprayity of Man, - The Holy Scriptures, - Types, Prophecies, Promises, - John's Ministry, - Redemption through Christ, Ills Incarnation, - His Names and Characters, - His Offices, - His Life and Example, His Sufferings, - Gethsemane, - His Crucifixion and Death, - His Atonement, - His Burial, - His Resurrection, - - - His Ascension, - His Coronation, - His Intercession, - J3Ys Reign, - The Holy Spirit, - The Gospel, - . - refer to hymns. 1— 6 7— 33 i - 34— 37 - 38— 46 - 47— 60 - 61— 68 - 69— 80 - 81— 87 - 88— 89 . 90—105 - 206—115 - 116—133 . 134—141 - 142—148 . 149—158 - 159—163 . 164—175 - 176—182 - 183 - 184—192 - 193—195 - 196—198 - 199—201 - 202—211 . 212 224 - 225—236 M TABLE OF CONTENTS. Exhortation, - 237 — 246 Awakening, 247 — 259 Penitential, - - - . - - 260—273 Invitation, 274 — 298 Repentance, 299—306 Prayer for Mercy, - - - 307—329 Faith and Submission, - 330 — 345 Justification, - 346 — 352 Conversion, 353—359 regeneration, - 360 367 Adoption, 368—373 Assurance, 374 — 378 Converts, 379 — 405 Religion, - 406—413 The Church, 414—426 Joining the Church, - 427 — 434 Christian Ministry, - 435 — 449 The Sabbath, - 450—461 Public Worship, - 463 — 478 Praise of God, - - - 479 — 493 Praise of Christ, - 494 — 510 Before Sermon, - . - 511 — 518 After Sermon, -■*■.-- 519 — 524 Alms-Deeds and Collections, - 525 — 531 Baptism, 532 — 545 Feet-Washing, - 546—549 Lord's Supper, - 550 — 564 The Christian, - 565 — 571 Christian Experience, - 572 — 581 Christian Graces, - - - 582 — 597 Christian Duties, ... 598 — 613 Christian Sufferings, - 614 — 632 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. 9S[ Christian Kace, _ 633—658 : Christian Warfare, - 659—667 Christian Privlleges, - 668—677 Christian Perfection, - 678—691 J Christian Union, - - 692—702 : Prayer and Watching, . 703—708 Private Devotion, . 709—715 j i Family Worship, - . 716—739 Morning Hymns, - . 716—727 i Evening Hymns, - - 728—739 ji Prayer Meetings, - - 740—767 : Morning Prayer Meeting, 768—770 Noon-day Prayer Meeting, - 771— 775 ; Experience Meetings, . 776—788 : Missionary Meeting, . 789—800 ! Monthly Concert, - 801—822 i i Spiritual Declension, - 823—831 ) Revival Hymns, - 832—839 Prayer for a Revival, - 840—852 { Rejoicing in a Revival t 853—862 1 Anxious Meeting, - - 863—869 : Doubting, . 870—875 Backsliding, - 876—883 Fast-day, - 884—890 ! ; Thanksgiving Day, - 891—895 ji 1 Harvest Hymns, . 896—900 Camp Meeting Hymns, . 901—903 Table Hymns, . 904—907 : Travelers' Hymns, - 908—910 Seamen's Hymns, - - 911—919 Birth Day Hymns, LI— 920—921 0 PlO TABLE OF CONTENTS \ ©j Wedding Hymns, - - - 922—925 \ Parental Hymns, - - - - 92G— 932 Educational Hymns, - - - 933—936 Sabbath School Hymns - . 937— 9G3 | Bible Class and Youth , - . 964—982 ; \ Anti-Slayery Hymns, - - - 983—990 I Temperance Hymns, - - . 991—999 | National Hymns, - - - 1000—1008 1 \ Eldership Hymns, - - 1009—1019 i \ Corner-stone Laying, - - 1020—1023 : Dedication Hymns, - - 1024—1031 > New Year Hymns, - - 1032—1038 The Seasons, - - 1039—1045 | Old Age, - - 1046—1049 i i Time, ... - - 1050—1056 ] \ Sick-bed Devotions, - - 1057—1066 ] J Sickness and Death, - - 1067—1090 1 \ Immortality and Etern ITT 1091—1099 | | Funeral Hymns, - - 1100—1122 \ Burial Hymns, - - 1123—1133 \ Advent Hymns, - - 1134—1138 First Resurrection, - - 1139—1141 | Millennium, - - 1142—1150 General Resurrection, - - 1151—1157 i Judgment, - - 1158—1170 Hell, - - 1171—1174 1 Heaven, - - 1175—1206 j Miscellaneous, - - 1207—1227 j Parting and Dismission, 1228—1250 I Doxologies, - [pag es ' r92 — 7 95.] 1—19 i @™™™~™~™ i METRICAL INDEX. Metre signifies measure, as applied to musical verse. The various metres are designated by letters and fig- ures, as follows : NO. OF SYLLABLES IN EACH LINE. ) S. M. denotes Short Metre, containing 6,6,8,6 C. M. " Common Metre, " 8,6,8,6 L. M. " Long Metre, " 8,8,8,8 | S. P. M. " Short Peculiar Metre, " 6,6,8,6,6,8 As, "To God, the Father, Son," (Doxology 1th.) C. P. M. " Common Peculiar Metre, 8,8,6,8,8,6 As, "Come on, my partners in distress." \ L. P. M. " Long Peculiar Metre, " 8,8,8,8,8,8 As, "I'll praise my Maker while Pve breath." ;H. M. " Hallelujah Metre, " 6,6,6,6,8,8 As, "Blow ye the trumpet, blow." ! S. H. M. " Short Hallelujah Metre, " 6,6,8,6,8,8 As, "Friend after friend departs." j C. H. M. " Common Hallelujah M., " 8,6,8,6,8,8 As, "Go, watch and pray ; thou canst not tell." | M. 7s. " Metre Sevens, " 7,7,7,7 j As, "Children of the heavenly King." ; P. M. 8s. " Same as L.M.,but peculiar in accent, As, "How tedious and tasteless the hours." ! M. 6 lines 8s. Same as L. P.M., but different in accent, As, "Come, 0 thou Traveler unknown." j L. M. D. Long Metre, double, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 As, "There seems a voice in every gale." j M. 8s & 7s. " A measure of 8,7,8,7 As, "Come, thou Fount of every blessing." M. 8s, 7s & 4. A measure of 8,7,8,7,4,7 As, "Come, ye sinners, poor and needy." f M. 7s, &6s,or, A measure of 7,6,7,6,7,6,7,6 [ Reg'lr Iambic,As,"From Greenland's icy mountains." g| i METRICAL INDEX. NO. OF SYLLABLES IN EACH LINE. fM. 7s 6s, or A measure of the same, 7,6,7,6,7,6,7,6 [irreg. Iamb. As, "Drooping souls, no longer grieve." M. 6s & 4s. A measure of 6,6,4,6,6,4 As, "My country, 'tis of thee." M. 10s. " A measure of 10,10,10,10 As, "Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move." M. 10s & lis. A measure of 10,11,10,11 As, "O, tell me no more of this world's vain store." M. lis & 10s. A measure of 11,10,11,10 As, "Brightest and best of the sons of the morning." M. lis. " A measure of 11,11,11,11 ! As, "I would not live alway." &c. M. 12s. " A measure of 12,12,12,12 As, "The voice of free grace," &c. P. M. " Peculiar Metre,and is irregular in meas- > ure, as, "Saw ye my Saviour," containing' 5,5,7,7,7,9 J or,"Come, let us anew," Ac, " 10,5,11,12,6,12 \ or, "O come, come away," " 12,8,5,8,8,6,4 or, "O how happy are they,"&c. " 6,6,9,6,6,9 or, "How precious is the name," " 6,6,6,3,6,6,6,6,6,3 or, "Beyond where Kedron's waters," 8,8,6,8,8 or, "Hail, mighty and victorious Lord," 8,8,8,8,8,4 or, "Behold, behold the Lamb of God,"8,6,8,6,8,8,8,6 or, "By faith I view my Saviour dying,"9,6, 9,6,8,8,8,6 or, "I've sought round this verdant,"&c.8,5,8,5,6,7,6,4 or, "The Son of man they did betray," 8,8,8,6,8,8,8,8,6 te> 2 EXISTENCE OF GOD. There is a God. CM. Dexy it not ! There is a God — There is a Holy One ; The stars proclaim it all abroad, The planets, and the sun. His voice is heard in every clime, Wherever man has trod, x\nd all his works proclaim and chime — " There is — there is a God." The whispering zephyr, and the winds That howling tempests send, And now'rs that bloom, and birds that sing, The glorious faith defend. The brook, that ripples on its way, And cascade roaring loud, In unison with conscience say — " There is — there is a God." Existence of God seen in Nature. L. M. TnERE is a God — all nature speaks, Through earth, and air, and sea, and skies ; See, from the clouds his glory breaks, When earliest beams of morning rise. 2 The rising sun, serenely bright, Throughout the world's extended frame, Inscribes in characters of light His mighty Maker's glorious name. ! 10 EXISTENCE OF GOD. 3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad, And trace creation's wonders o'er, Confess the footsteps of your God ; Bow down before him, and adore. 0 Being and Maker of the Universe. CM. There is a God who rules on high, In realms of endless light, Whose wisdom is unsearchable; Omnipotent his might. 2 By him the universe was made, With all its varied store ; He was, and is, and is to come, He lives for evermore. 3 All that he made, he still upholds, By his Almighty power ; In him we live, and move, and breathe, Each moment, and each hour. 4 While saints in heaven rehearse his praise, And sing his matchless name, Let saints on earth his goodness show, And spread abroad his fame. 4 Is there a God? CM. Is there a God ? Yon rising sun In answer meet replies, Writes it in flame upon the earth, Proclaims it round the skies. 2 Is there a God ? Hark ! from on high His thunder shakes the poles ; I hear his voice in every wind, In every wave that rolls. 3 Is there a God ? With sacred fear I upward turn my eyes ; "There is," each glittering lamp of light; "There is," my soul replies. EXISTENCE OF GOD. 6 4 If such convictions to my mind His works aloud impart, 0 let the wisdom of his word Inscribe them on ray heart ! Nature proves the Being of God. L. M. The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue etherial sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. 2 The unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display ; And publishes to every land, The work of an Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly, to the listening earth, Repeats the story of her birth ; 4 "Whilst all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets, in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark, terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found : 6 In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; Forever singing, as they shine, • The hand that made us is divine." Being of God. L. M. Eternal God ! Almighty cause Of earth and seas, and worlds unknown ; All things are subject to thy laws; All things depend on thee alone. JBL 12 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 2 Thy glorious Being singly stands, Of all within itself possest ; Controlled by none are thy commands ; Thou from thyself alone art blest. 3 To thee alone ourselves we owe ; Let heav'n and earth due homage pay : All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4 Spread thy great name through heathen lands ; j Their idol-deities dethrone : Reduce the world to thy command, And reign, as thou art, God alone. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. f Divine Attributes. H.M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. The Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on high ; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty. His glories shine with beams so bright, Xo mortal eye can bear the sight. 2 The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe ; His wrath and justice stand To guard his holy law; And where his love resolves to bless, His truth confirms and seals the grace. 5 Through all his ancient works, Surprising wisdom shines ; Confounds the powers of hell, And breaks their curst designs. Strong is his arm, and shall fulfil His great decrees, his sovereign will. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. And can this mighty King Of glory condescend ? And will he write his name, My Father and my Friend ? I love his name, I love his word ; Join all my powers to praise the Lord. 8 God's Eternity. C. M. Thou didst, 0 mighty God, exist Ere time began its race ; Before the ample elements Filled up the void of space ; — Before the ponderous earthly globe In fluid air was stayed ; Before the ocean's mighty springs Their liquid stores displayed. And when the pillars of the world With sudden ruin break, And all this vast and goodly frame Sinks in the mighty wreck ; When from her orb the moon shall start, Th' astonished sun roll back, While all the trembling starry lamps Their ancient course forsake ; — Forever permanent and fixed, From agitation free, Unchanged in everlasting years, Shall thy existence be. 9 Eternity of God. 0. M. Rise, rise, my soul, and leave the ground ; Stretch all thy thoughts abroad ; And raise up every tuneful sound, To praise th' eternal God! B 14 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 2 Long ere the lofty skies were spread, Jehovah filled his throne, Or Adam formed, or angels made, Jehovah lived alone. 3 His boundless years can ne'er decrease, But still maintain their prime ; Eternity's his dwelling-place, And ever is his time. 4 While like a tide our minutes flow, The present and the past, He fills his own immortal now, And sees our ages waste. 5 The sea and sky must perish too, And vast destruction come ; The creatures — look, how old they grow, And wait their fiery doom ! 6 "Well, let the sea shrink all away, And flame melt down the skies ; My God shall live an endless day, When old creation dies. 10 God Unchangeable. L. M. All-powerful, self-existent God, Who all creation dost sustain ! Thou wast, and art, and art to come, And everlasting is thy reign. 2 Fixed and eternal as thy days, Each glorious attribute divine, Through ages infinite, shall still With undiminished lustre shine. 3 Fountain of being ! Source of good ! Immutable dost thou remain ; Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of thy reign. T" 4 Nature her order may reverse, Kevolving seasons cease their round ; Xor spring appear with blooming pride, Nor autumn be with plenty crowned. 5 Earth may with all her power dissolve, If such the great Creator's will; But thou forever art the same ; "I am" is thy memorial still. I 11 I Al His Immutability. C. M. Through endless years thou art the same, 0 thou eternal God ! Each future age shall know thy name, xVnd tell thy works abroad. 2 The strong foundations of the earth Of old by thee were laid ; By thee the beauteous arch of heaven With matchless skill was made. 3 Soon shall this goodly frame of things, Created by thy hand, Be, like a vesture, laid aside, And changed at thy command. 4 But thy perfections, all divine, Eternal as thy days, Through everlasting ages shine With undiminished rajs. 12 God's Eternal Dominion. C. M. Gl reat God ! how infinite art thou ! T What worthless worms are we ! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made : Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 3 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in thy view ; To thee there's nothing old appears — Great God ! there's nothing new. 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, \ And vexed with trifling cares ; While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 5 Great God ! how infinite art thou ! What worthless worms are we ! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 13 Gfod Incomprehensible. L. M. Great God, in vain man's narrow view Attempts to look thy nature through; Our laboring powers with reverence own Thy glories never can be known. 2 Not the high seraph's mighty thought, Who countless years his God has sought, Such wondrous height or depth can find, Or fully trace thy boundless mind. 3 Yet, Lord, thy kindness deigns to show All that we mortals need to know ; While wisdom, goodness, power divine, \ Through all thy works and conduct shine. < 4 0, may our souls with rapture trace \ Thy works of nature and of grace ; Adore thy sacred name, and still 1 Press on to know and do thy will. I « God Incomprehensible. C. M. \ Qhall foolish, weak, short-sighted man O Beyond the angels go ? The great Almighty God explain, Or to perfection know ? b _jk 2 His attributes divinely soar Above the creature's sight, And prostrate seraphim adore The glorious Infinite. 3 The brightness of his glory leaves Description far below ; Nor man's nor angel's heart conceives How deep his mercies flow. 4 His grace is most unsearchable, xVnd dazzles all above ; They gaze, but cannot count or tell The treasures of his love. 15 God is a Spirit. — John 4: 24. L. M. OGod ! Thou art a Spirit pure, Invisible to mortal eyes ; Th' immortal and th' eternal King, The great, the good, the only wise. 2 While nature changes, and her works Decay, corrupt, dissolve and die : Thy essence pure, no change shall see, Secure of immortality. 3 Thou great Invisible ! what hand Can draw thy spotless image fair? To what in heav'n, to what on earth, Can man th' immortal King compare? 4 Let stupid heathens frame their gods, Of gold and silver, wood and stone ; Our God is he that made the heav'ns ; He is Jehovah, God alone. 5 My soul thy purest homage pay, In truth and spirit him adore; More shall this please than sacrifice, Than outward forms, delight him more. B* 2 16 Incomprehensibility of God. God is a name my soul adores ; Th' almighty Three, th' eternal One ; Nature and grace, with all their powers, Confess the infinite Unknown. 2 From thy great Self thy being springs : Thou art thy own original, Made up of uncreated things, \ And self-sufficience bears them all. } 3 Thy voice produced the seas and spheres, j Bade the waves roar and planets shine ; But nothing like thyself appears j Through all these spacious works of thine. I 4 Still restless nature dies and grows ; From change to change the creatures run ; Thy being no succession knows, i And all thy vast designs are one. } 5 Then fly, my song, an endless round ; | The lofty tune let Gabriel raise ; j All nature dwell upon the sound ; } But we can ne'er fulfil the praise. 17 God everywhere present. C. M. i Lord, all I am is known to thee ; In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, or to flee \ The notice of thine eye. \ 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest, My public walks, my private ways, The secrets of my breast. ) 3 My thoughts lie open to thee, Lord, Before they're form'd within, And ere my lips pronounce the word, Thou know'st the sense I mean. 18 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 19 * 4 0 wondrous knowledge ! deep and high, Where can a creature hide I Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on every side. 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secured by sovereign love. Omnipresence of God. L. M. Uather of spirits, nature's God, ; JT Our inmost thoughts are known to thee ; Thou, Lord, canst hear each idle word, And every private action see. : 2 Could we, on morning's swiftest wings, Pursue our flight through trackless air, Or dive beneath deep ocean's springs, Thy presence still would meet us there. i 3 In vain may guilt attempt to fly, Concealed beneath the pall of night; One glance from thy all-piercing eye Can kindle darkness into light. ; 4 Search thou our hearts, and there destroy Each evil thought, each secret sin, And fit us for those realms of joy, Where nought impure shall enter in. 19 The All-seeing God. C. M. Almighty God, thy piercing eye Strikes through the shades of night, And our most secret actions lie All open to thy sight. 2 There's not a sin that we commit, Nor wicked word we say, But in thy dreadful book 'tis writ, Against the judgment day. £> 20 3 And must the crimes that I have done Be read and published there ? Be all exposed before the sun, While men and angels hear ? 4 Lord, at thy feet ashamed I lie; Upward I dare not look ; Pardon my sins, before I die, And blot them from thy book. 5 Remember all the dying pains That my Redeemer felt; And let his blood wash out my stains, And answer for my guilt. God's Power. C. M. The Lord, our God, is full of might, The winds obey his will ; He speaks — and, in his heav'nly height, The rolling sun stands still. 2 Rebel, ye waves, and o'er the land With threatening aspect roar ; The Lord uplifts his awful hand, And chains you to the shore. 3 Howl, winds of night ! your force combine ; Without his high behest, Ye shall not, in the mountain-pine, Disturb the sparrow's nest. 4 His voice sublime is heard afar, In distant peals it dies ; He yokes the whirlwinds to his car, And sweeps the howling skies. 5 Ye nations, bend — in rev'rence bend ; Ye monarchs, wait his nod, And bid the choral song ascend, To celebrate your God. w L ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 21 21 Wisdom of God. L. M. Awake, my tongue ! thy tribute bring To him, who gave thee power to sing ; Praise him, who is all praise above, — The Source of wisdom and of love. 2 How vast his knowledge — how profound ! A depth, where all our thoughts are drowned ; The stars he numbers ; and their names He gives to all those heavenly flames. 3 Through each bright world above, behold Ten thousand thousand charms unfold ; Earth, air, and mighty seas combine, To speak his wisdom all-divine. 4 But in redemption, — 0 what grace ! Its wonders, — 0 what thought can trace ! Here wisdom shines for ever bright : — Praise him, my soul ! with sweet delight. "I The Goodness of God.— Nah. 1: 7. CM. Ye humble souls, approach your God With songs of sacred praise ; For he is good, supremely good, And kind are all his ways. 2 All nature owns his guardian care ; In him we live and move ; But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. 3 He gave his well-beloved Son To save our souls from sin ; 'Tis here he makes his goodness known, And proves it all divine. 4 To this sure refuge, Lord, we come, And here our hope relies ; A safe defence, a peaceful home, When storms of trouble rise. ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. Thine eye beholds, with kind regard, The souls who trust in thee ; Their humble hope thou wilt reward With bliss, divinely free. Great God, to thy almighty love What honors shall we raise? Not all the raptured songs above Can render equal praise. 23 God's Goodness. C. M. Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess ; Thy goodness we adore ; — A spring whose blessings never fail ; A sea without a shore. 2 Sun, moon and stars, thy love declare In every golden ray ; Love draws the curtains of the night, And love brings back the day. 3 Thy bounty every season crowns AVith all the bliss it yields ; With joyful clusters loads the vines, With strengthening grain the fields. 4 But chiefly thy compassion, Lord, Is in the gospel seen ; There, like a sun, thy mercy shines, Without a cloud between. 5 There pardon, peace, and holy joy, Through Jesus' name are given ; He on the cross was lifted high, That we might reign in heaven. 94. & * God our Benefactor. My Maker and my King ! To thee my all I owe : Thy sovereign bounty is the spring From whence my blessings flow. S.M. 25 Thou ever good and kind ! A thousand reasons move, A thousand obligations bind My heart to grateful love. The creature of thy hand, On thee alone I live ; My God, thy benefits demand More praise than tongue can give. 0 let thy grace inspire My soul with strength divine ; Let all my powers to thee aspire, And all my days be thine. God's Condescension. CM. OLord, our King, how excellent Thy name on earth is known ! Thy glory in the firmament How wonderfully shown ! 2 When I behold the heav'ns on high, The work of thy right hand; The moon and stars amid the sky, Thy lights in every land : — 3 Lord, what is man, or all his race, Who dwells so far below, That thou shouldst visit him with grace, And love his nature so ? 4 0 Lord, how excellent thy name ! How manifold thy ways ! Let time thy saving truth proclaim, Eternity thy praise. 26 God is Wisdom and Love. M. 8s. & 7s. God is love ; his mercy brightens All the paths in which we rove ; Bliss he wakes, and woe he lightens; God is wisdom, God is love. M ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 2 Chance and change are busy ever ; Man decays, and ages move ; But his mercy waneth never ; God is wisdom, God is love. 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth, Will his changeless goodness prove ; From the mist his brightness streameth ; God is wisdom, God is love. 4 He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above ; Everywhere his glory shineth ; God is wisdom, God is love. 27 God is Love. — 1 John 4: 8. CM. Come, ye that know and fear the Lord, And lift your souls above ; Let every heart and voice accord, To sing that God is love. 2 This precious truth his word declares, And all his mercies prove ; Jesus, the gift of gifts, appears To show, that God is love. 3 Sinai, in clouds, and smoke, and fire, Thunders his dreadful name ; But Zion sings, in melting notes, The honors of the Lamb. 4 In all his doctrines and commands, His counsels and designs — In every work his hands have framed His love supremely shines. 5 Angels and men the news proclaim, Through earth and heaven above, The joyful and transporting news, That God, the Lord is love. m~ £0 God is Love. P. M. 11,6,11,6,8,8,8,6. What sound is this? a song through heav'n resounding, " God is love ! God is love ! " And now from earth I hear the sound rebound- ing, "God is love! God is love!" Yes, while adoring hosts proclaim, "Love is his nature, love his name!" My soul in rapture cries the same : " God is love ! God is love ! M 2 This song repeat, repeat ye saints in glory ! God is love ! God is love ! And saints on earth, shout back the pleasing story, God is love ! God is love ! In this let heav'n and earth agree, To sound his love both full and free, And let the theme for ever be, God is love ! God is love ! 3 Creation speaks, with thousand tongues pro- claiming, God is love ! God is love ! And Providence unites her voice, exclaiming, God is love ! God is love ! But let the burdened sinner hear The gospel, sounding loud and clear, To every soul both far and near, God is love ! God is love ! 4 This heav'nly love all 'round is sweetly flow- ing, God is love! God is love! And in my heart the sacred fire is glowing, God is love ! God is love ! That God is love, I know full well, And had I pow'r his love to tell, With loudest notes my song should swell God is love ! God is love ! C d 26 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 5 The love of God is now my greatest pleasure ; God is love !" God is love ! And while I live, I ask no greater treasure ; God is love ! God is love ! This theme shall be my song below, And when to glory I shall go, This strain eternally shall flow : God is love ! God is love ! 29 The Holiness of GW.— Isaiah 8 : 13. C. M. Holy and reverend is the name Of our eternal King : Thrice holy, Lord, the angels cry : Thrice holy let us sing. 2 Holy is he in all his works, And truth is his delight ; But sinners and their wicked ways Shall perish from his sight. 3 The deepest reverence of the mind, Pay, 0 my soul, to God ; Lift with thy hands a holy heart To his sublime abode. 4 Thou holy God ! preserve my soul From all pollution free ; The pure in heart are thy delight, And they thy face shall see. 30 The Justice of God. L. M. Eternal King ! the greatest, best, For ever glorious, ever blest ; The great I AM, Jehovah, Lord, By seraphim and saint adored. 2 Justice the firm foundation lays, Of all thy laws, thy works, and ways ; Obedient souls will ever find A God that's faithful, loving, kind. ATTRIBUTES OF GOB. 21 ( 3 But he who sins, becomes accurs'd, Or God would be no longer just; Curs'd is the man, who dares withdraw Obedience from thy holy law. 4 But, 0 thou holy, just and true! Though justice must have all its due, Thou canst be just, yet justify The soul that doth on Christ rely. 5 0 boundless wisdom, love and power ! Thy matchless mercy we adore, That found out this amazing plan, To save thy ruined creature, man. 6 We plead the sufferings of thy Son, We plead his righteousness alone ; He bore the curse, whence thou art just In pardoning those, who were accurs'd. 131 Faithfulness of God. CM. The truth of God shall still endure, And firm his promise stand ; Believing souls may rest secure In his almighty hand. 2 Should earth and hell their forces join, He would contemn their rage, And render fruitless their design Against his heritage. 3 The rainbow round about his throne Proclaims his faithfulness ; He will his purposes perform, His promises of grace. 4 The hills and mountains melt away ; But he is still the same ; Let saints to him their homage pay, And magnify his name. VL 28 ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 32 Mercy of God. S. M. Mr soul, repeat his praise, Whose mercies are Aso great ; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. ! His power subdues our sins, And his forgiving love, Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt remove. The pity of the Lord To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel : He knows our feeble frame. Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower : If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. But thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure ; And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. Sovereignty of God. CM. Keep silence, all created things ! And wait your Maker's nod ; My soul stands trembling, while she sing The honors of her God. 2 His providence unfolds his book, And makes his counsels shine ; Each opening leaf, and every stroke, Fulfils some deep design. 3 My God, I would not long to see My fate with curious eyes, — What gloomy lines are writ for me, Or what bright scenes may rise. 33 TRINITY. 29 4 In thy fair book of life and grace 0 may I find my name, Recorded in some humble place, Beneath my Lord, the Lamb ! 34 35 &~ TRINITY. Praise to the Trinity. C. M. Glory to God the Father's name, Who from our sinful race Hath chosen myriads to proclaim The honors of his grace. Glory to God the Son be paid, Who dwelt in humble clay, And to redeem us from the dead, Gave his own life away. Glory to God the Spirit give, From whose almighty power Our souls their heavenly birth derive, And bless the happy hour. Glory to God, that reigns above, The Holy Three in One, Who, by the wonders of his love, Has made his nature known. • Song of Praise to the Trinity. M. 7s. Glory to the Father give, He in whom we move and live ; All our prayers he deigns to hear, All our songs delight his ear. I Glory to the Son we bring, — Christ our Prophet, Priest and King ! Christians, raise your sweetest strain To the Lamb, for he was slain. C* JB 30 TRINITY. ~©1 3 Glory to the Holy Ghost ; He reclaims the sinner lost ; Fills his heart with just desires, And his mind with truth inspires. 4 Glory in the highest be To the blessed Trinity, For the gospel from above, For the word that "God is love." W Praise to the Trinity. H. M.6,6,6,G,8,8.{ We give immortal praise To God the Father's love, For all our comforts here, And hopes of bliss above. He sent his Son, his only Son, To die for sins that man had done. To God the Son belongs Eternal glory too ; Who bought us with his blood, From everlasting woe. But now he lives, and now he reigns, And sees the fruit of all his pains. To God the Holy Ghost < Immortal praise we give ; Whose new-creating power Can make the sinner live. His work completes the great design And fills the soul with joys divine. Almighty God ! to thee Be endless honors done ; The undivided Three ! The uncreated One ! Thee we adore, eternal Lord, And rest our faith upon thy word. r TRINITY. 37 C° Invocation of tlte Trinity. P.M.G,G,4,6,G,G,4. ome, thou Almighty King, Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise ; Father all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of days. 2 Jesus, our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall ; Let thy almighty aid Our sure defence be made, Our souls on thee be stayed — Lord, hear our call. 3 Come, thou incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty sword ; Our prayer attend ; Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success ; Spirit of holiness, On us descend. 4 Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour ; Thou who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power. 5 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore: His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. CEEATION. OO The Glory of God in Creation. C. M. The God of nature and of grace In all his works appears ; His goodness through the earth we trace, His grandeur in the spheres. 2 Behold this fair and fertile globe, By him in wisdom planned ! ;T was he who girded, like a robe, The ocean round the land. 3 Lift to the arch of heaven your eye ; Thither his path pursue ; His glory, boundless as the sky, O'erwhelms the wondering view. 4 How excellent, 0 Lord ! thy name, In all creation's lines ! Spread through eternity, thy fame With rising lustre shines. 5 These lower works that swell thy praise, High as our thoughts can tower, Are but a portion of thy ways, — The hiding of thy power. 6 Millions before thy presence stand, Who feel, while they adore, Fullness of joy, at thy right hand, And pleasures evermore. 139 Nature and Revelation. L. M. The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord ! In every star thy wisdom shines ; But, when our eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. jj8 Ejj CREATION. 33 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And nights and days thy power confess ; But the blest volume thou hast writ Reveals thy justice and thy grace. 3 Sun, moon and stars convey thy praise, Round the whole earth, and never stand : So, when thy truth began its race, It touched and glanced on every land. 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest, Till through the world thy truth has run, Till Christ has all the nations blest, That see the light, or feel the sun. 5 Great Sun of righteousness! arise; Bless the dark world with heavenly light ; Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 6 Thy noblest wonders here we view, In souls renewed, and sins forgiven; Lord, cleanse my sins, my soul renew, And make thy word my guide to heaven. 40 God seen in Ids Works, C. M. There's not a tint that paints the rose, Or decks the lily fair, Or streaks the humblest flower that grows, But God has placed it there. 2 There's not of grass a single blade, Or leaf of loveliest green, Where heavenly skill is not displayed, And heavenly wisdom seen. 3 There's not a cloud whose dews distil Upon the parching clod, And clothe with verdure vale and hill, That is not sent by God. 3 34 CREATION. 4 There's not a star whose twinkling light Shines on the distant earth, And cheers the silent gloom of night, But Mercy gave it birth. 5 There's not a place in earth's vast round, In ocean's deep, or air, Where skill and wisdom are not found, For God is everywhere. 6 Around, beneath, below, above — Wherever space extends, — There God displays his boundless love, And power with mercy blends. 41 The Divine Character Exhibited. CM. Father, how wide thy glory shines! How high thy wonders rise ! Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousand through the skies. 2 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power; Their motions speak thy skill ; And on the wings of every hour We read thy patience still. 3 But when we view thy strange design To save rebellious worms, Where justice and compassion join In their divinest forms, — 4 Here the whole Deity is known ; Nor dares a creature guess Which of the glories brightest shone, The justice or the grace. 5 Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains ; Bright seraphs chant Immanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. CREATION. 35 I 6 0, may I bear some humble part In that immortal song ; Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. 49 J^ Man's Creation and Innocency. C. M. Jehovah's image brightly shone In Eden's lovely pair, And oft, before his gracious throne, They bowed in praise and prayer. 2 With rectitude, as with a robe, Their spotless souls were dressed ; With peace abounding, and with joy, They were divinely blessed. 3 No self-reproach, no slavish dread Disturbed their peace within ; Xo frowning storm their path overspread, While undefiled with sin. 4 Thus souls renewed by saving grace, — Whose sins have been forgiven, Behold the smiles of Jesus' face, And feel an inward heaven. 43 ^J Voice of Creation, L. M. D.j There seems a voice in every gale, A tongue in every op'ning flower, Which tells, 0 Lord, the wondrous tale Of thy indulgence, love and power. The birds that rise on quiv'ring wing, Appear to hymn their Maker's praise, And all the mingling sounds of spring To thee one general chorus raise. 2 And shall my voice, great God, alone, Be mute 'midst nature's loud acclaim ? No, let my heart with answ'ring tone, Breathe forth in praise thy holy name. 36 CREATION. All Nature's debt is small to mine, For Nature soon shall cease to be ; But — matchless proof of love divine — Thou gav'st immortal life to me. The Saviour left his heav'nly throne, A ransom for my soul to give ; Man's suffering state he made his own. And deigned to die that I might live. But thanks and praise for love so great No mortal tongue can e'er express ; Then let me, bowed before thy feet, In silence love thee, Lord, and bless. 44 God in his Works and Word, S. M. Behold, the lofty sky Declares its maker, God ; And all the starry worlds on high, Proclaim his power abroad. 2 The darkness and the light Still keep their course the same ; While night to day, and day to night, Divinely teach his name. 3 In every different land, Their general voice is known ; They show the wonders of his hand, And orders of his throne. 4 His laws are just and pure, His truth without deceit ; His promises forever sure, And his rewards are great. 5 While of thy works I sing , Thy glory to proclaim, Accept the praise, my God, my King, In my Redeemer's name. SL CREATION. 37 j God, as Seen in Nature. C. M. Ising th' almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise ; That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. 2 I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filFd the earth with food; He formed the creatures with his word, And then pronounced them good. 3 Lord, how thy wonders are display'd, Where'er I turn mine eye ! If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky. 4 There's not a plant or flow'r below, But makes thy glories known ; The clouds arise and tempests blow, By order from thy throne. 46 An Humble Offering to Jehovah. L. M. The perfect world, by Adam trod, Was the first temple built by God ; His fiat laid the corner-stone ; He spake, and, lo ! the work was done. 2 He hung its starry roof on high, The broad expanse of azure sky ; He spread his pavement, green and bright, And curtained it with morning light. 3 The mountains in their places stood, The sea, the sky ; and all was good ; And when its first pure praises rang, The morning stars together sang. 4 Lord, 'tis not ours to make the sea, And earth, and sky, a house for thee ; But in thy sight our hearts we raise To celebrate Jehovah's praise. D PROVIDENCE. 47 48 PROVIDENCE. Mysteries of Providence. CM. God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take: The clouds ye so much dread, Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace ; Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain ; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. The Ways of God Inscrutable. C M. Thy way, 0 God, is in the sea ; Thy paths I cannot trace, Nor comprehend the mystery Of thine unbounded grace. PROVIDENCE. ~¥5 2 Here the dark veils of flesh and sense My captive soul surround ; Mysterious deeps of providence My inward thoughts confound. 3 As, through a glass, I dimly see The wonders of thy love, How little do I know of thee, Or of the joys above ! 4 Though but in part I know thy will, I bless thee for the sight; When will thy love the whole reveal In glory's clearer light? 5 In rapture shall I then survey Thy providence and grace, And spend an everlasting day In wonder, love and praise. 49 God's General and Special Providence. C. M. Thy kingdom, Lord, for ever stands, While earthly thrones decay ; And time submits to thy commands, While ages roll away. 2 Thy sovereign bounty freely gives Its unexhausted store ; And universal nature lives On thy sustaining pow'r. 3 Holy and just in all thy ways, Thy providence divine ; In all thy works, immortal rays Of power and mercy shine. 4 The praise of God — delightful theme ! Shall fill my heart and tongue ; Let all creation bless his name, In one eternal sons. !40 PROVIDENCE. 1 50 51 Gratitude for Providential Care. C. M. Othou, my light, my life, my joy, My glory, and my all ! Unsent by thee, no good can come, Nor evil can befall. 2 Such are thy schemes of providence, And methods of thy grace, That I may safely trust in thee Through all the wilderness. 3 'Tis thine outstretched and powerful arm Upholds me in my way ; And thy rich bounty well supplies The wants of every day. 4 For such compassions, 0 my God, Ten thousand thanks are due ; For such compassions, I esteem Ten thousand thanks too few. Confidence in God's Government. CM. Since all the varying scenes of time God's watchful eye surveys, 0 ! who so wise to choose our lot, Or to appoint our ways ? 2 Good when he gives, supremely good, Nor less when he denies ; Afflictions from his sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise. 3 Why should we doubt a Father's love, So constant and so kind? To his unerring gracious will Be every wish resigned. 4 In thy fair book of life divine, My God, inscribe my name ; There let it fill some humble place Beneath my Lord, the Lamb. PROVIDENCE. 52 53 fe The Mystery of Providence. Sure, there's a righteous God, Nor is religion vain ; Though men of vice may boast aloud, And men of grace complain. I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine, While haughty fools, with scornful eyes, In robes of honor shine. The tumult of my thought Held me in hard suspense, Till to thy house my feet were brought, To learn thy justice thence. Thy word, with light and pow'r, Did my mistake amend ; I viewed the sinners7 life before, But here I learn' d their end. On what a slippery steep The thoughtless wretches go ! And 0, that dreadful fiery deep, That waits their fall below ! Lord, at thy feet I bow ; My thoughts no more repine ; I call my God my portion now, And all my powers are thine. Resignation and Submission. C. M. My God ! my Father ! cheering name ! 0, may I call thee mine ! Give me with humble hope to claim A portion so divine. This only can my fears control, And bid my sorrows fly ; What real harm can reach my soul Beneath my Father's eye ? D* 42 PROVIDENCE. 3 Whatever thy providence denies, I calmly would resign ; For thou art just, and good, and wise: 0 bend my will to thine ! 4 Whatever thy sovereign will ordains, 0 give me strength to bear ; Still let me know a Father reigns, Still trust a Father's care. 5 Thy ways, great God ! are little known To my weak, erring sight ; Yet shall my soul, believing, own That all thy ways are right. 54 The Bounties of Providence, C. M. Lord, when my raptured thought surveys Creation's beauties o'er, All nature joins to teach thy praise, And bid my soul adore. 2 Where'er I turn my gazing eyes, Thy radiant footsteps shine ; Ten thousand pleasing wonders rise, And speak their source divine. 3 On me thy providence has shone With gentle, smiling rays ; 0 let my lips and life make known Thy goodness and thy praise. 4 All-bounteous Lord, thy grace impart ; 0 teach me to improve Thy gifts, with ever-grateful heart ; And crown them with thy love. 55 Times in God's Hand. Sovereign .Ruler of the skies ! Ever gracious, ever wise ! All my times are in thy hand — All events at thy command. M.7s. PROVIDENCE. 2 Times of sickness, times of health, Times of penury and wealth, Times of trial and of grief, Times of triumph and relief ; 3 Times the tempter's power to prove ; Times to taste a Saviour's love ; All must come, and last, and end, As shall please my heavenly Friend. 4 0 thou Gracious, Wise and Just, In thy hands my life I trust ; Have I somewhat dearer still ? I resign it to thy will. 5 Thee at all times will I bless ; Having thee, I all possess : How can I bereaved be, Since I cannot part with thee ? 56 Holy Resignation. C. M. It is the Lord, enthroned in light, Whose claims are all divine, Who has an undisputed right To govern me and mine. 2 It is the Lord, who gives me all My wealth, my friends, my ease ; And of his bounties may recall Whatever part he please. 3 It is the Lord, my faithful God, — Thrice blessed be his name, — Whose gracious promise, sealed with blood, Must ever be the same. 4 And can my soul, with hopes like these, Be faithless or repine ? No, gracious God ; take what thou please, To thee I all resign. J& 5 When gladness wings my favored hour, Thy love my thoughts shall fill ; Resigned, when storms of sorrow lower, My soul shall meet thy will. 6 My lifted eye, without a tear, The gathering storm shall see ; My steadfast heart shall know no fear ; That heart will rest on thee. 57 58 The Changes of Life. S. M. As various as the moon Is man's estate below; To his bright day of gladness soon Succeeds a night of woe. Yet not to fickle chance Is man's condition giv'n; His dark and shining hours advance By the fix'd laws of Heav'n. God measures here to all Their lot of good or ill ; Nor this too great, nor that too small, For his ordaining will. Let man conform his mind To every changing state ; Rejoicing now, and now resigned, And the great issue wait. Hopeful and humble, bear Thine evil and thy good : Nor by presumption nor despair, Weak mortal, be subdued. Confidence in God. C. M. What though no now'rs the fig-tree clothe, Though vines their fruit deny, The labor of the olive fail, And fields no food supply — PEOVIDENCE. 45 2 Though from the fold, with sad surprise, My flock cut off I see ; Though famine pine in empty stalls, Where herds were wont to be — . 3 Yet in the Lord will I be glad, And glory in his love ; In him I'll joy, who will the God Of my salvation prove. 4 God is the treasure of my soul, The source of lasting joy ; A joy which want shall not impair, Nor death itself destroy. 159 The Lord will Provide. P. M. 10,10,11,11. Though troubles assail and dangers affright, Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite ; Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, The Scripture assures us, "The Lord will pro- vide." : 2 The birds, without barn or store-house, are fed ; From them let us learn, to trust for our bread : His saints, what is fitting, shall ne'er be denied, So long as 'tis written, "The Lord will provide." 3 We may like the ship, by tempests be toss'd On perilous deeps, but never be lost ; Though Satan enrages the wind and the tide, The promise engages, " The Lord will provide." :*4 His call we obey, like Abrah'm of old, Not knowing our way ; but faith makes us bold ; For tho* we are strangers, we have a sure guide, And trust in all dangers, "The Lord will pro- vide." fc-X/VWN^ PROVIDENCE. 5 When Satan appears to shut up our path, And fill us with fears, we triumph by faith ; He cannot take from us, though oft he has tried, This heart-cheering promise, " The Lord will provide.1/ 6 He tells us we're weak, our hope is in vain, The good that we seek we ne'er shall obtain ; But when such suggestions our graces have tried,; This answers all questions, "The Lord will pro- vide." 7 No strength of our own, or goodness we claim ; Yet since we have known the Saviour's great name, In this , our strong tower, for safety we hide ; The Lord is our power, "The Lord will provide." 8 When life sinks apace, and death is in view, The word of his grace shall comfort us through : Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting, "The Lord will pro- vide." 60 Resignation under Losses. CM. My times of sorrow and of joy, Great God, are in thy hand ; My choicest comforts come from thee, And go at thy command. 2 If thou shouldst take them all away, Yet would I not repine ; Before they were possess'd by me. They were entirely thine. 3 Nor would I drop a murm ring word, Though all the world were gone, But seek enduring happiness In thee, and thee alone. pr— FALL AND DEPRAVITY OF MAN. ig 4 My soul rejoices to pursue The paths of truth and love, Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. FALL AND DEPRAVITY OF MAN. 61 Primitive State of Man. L. M. Adam in Paradise was placed, Our natural and fed'ral head ; With holiness and wisdom graced, In his Creator's image made. 2 Bless'd with the joys of innocence, Upright and happy, firm he stood ; Till he debas'd himself to sense, And ate of the forbidden food. 3 His soul at first, a holy flame, Was kindled by his Maker's breath ; But stung by sin, it soon became The seat of darkness, strife and death. >A Original and Actual Sin. L. M. Lord, we are vile, conceiv'd in sin, And born unholy and unclean ; Sprung from the man whose guilty fall Corrupts his race, and taints us all. 2 Soon as we draw our infant breath The seeds of sin grow up for death ; Thy law demands a perfect heart, But we're defiled in every part. 48 FALL AND DEPRAVITY OF MAN. 3 Behold, we fall before thy face ; Our only refuge is thy grace: No outward forms can make us clean ; The leprosy lies deep within. 4 Nor bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast, Nor hyssop branch, nor sprinkling priest, Nor running brook, nor flood, nor sea, Can wash the dismal stain away. 5 Jesus, thy blood, thy blood alone, Hath power sufficient to atone ; Thy blood can make us white as snow ; No Jewish types could cleanse us so. 6 While guilt disturbs and breaks our peace, No flesh nor soul hath rest or ease ; Lord, let us hear thy pardoning voice, And make these broken hearts rejoice. 63 By Nature all Men are Sinners. CM. Fools in their hearts believe and say That all religion's vain ; There is no God that reigns on high, Or minds th' affairs of men. 2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane, Corrupt discourse proceeds ; And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same; There's none that fears his Maker's hand, There's none that loves his name. 4 Their tongues are used to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease; How swift to mischief are their feet, Nor know the paths of peace ! ©L !3- FALL AND DEPRAVITY OF MAN. 49 64 5 Such seeds of sin, that bitter root, In every heart are found: Nor can they bear diviner fruit, Till grace refine the ground. Sin Hereditary. CM. When Adam sinned, through all his race The dire contagion spread; Sickness and death and deep disgrace Sprang from our fallen head. 2 Satan in strong and heavy chains Binds the deluded soul, And every furious passion reigns Without the least control. 3 From God and happiness we fly, To earth and sense confined, Lost in a maze of misery, Yet to our misery blind. ' 4 Whene'er the man begins his race, The criminal appears, And evil habits keep their pace With our increasing years. 5 Corruption flows through all our veins, Our moral beauty's gone, The gold is fled, the dross remains — 0 sin, what hast thou done ! G Jesus, reveal thy pard'ning grace, And draw our souls to thee ; Thou art the only hiding-place, Where ruined souls can flee. SL ' Deceitfidness of Sin. C. M. Six has a thousand treacherous arts To practise on the mind; With flattering looks she tempts our hearts But leaves a sting behind. E 4 FALL AND DEPRAVITY OF MAN. 2 With names of virtue she deceives The aged and the young ; And while the heedless wretch believes, She makes his fetters strong. 3 She pleads for all the joys she brings, And gives a fair pretence ; But cheats the soul of heavenly things, And chains it down to sense. 4 So on a tree, divinely fair, Grew the forbidden food ; Our mother took the poison there, And tainted all her blood. 66 Distemper, Folly and Madness of Sin. C. M. Sin, like a venomous disease, Infects our vital blood ; The only balm is sovereign grace, And the physician God. 2 We lick the dust, we grasp the wind, And solid good despise ; Such is the folly of the mind, Till Jesus makes us wise. 3 Our beauty and our strength are fled, And we draw near to death ; But Christ, the Lord, recalls the dead, With his almighty breath. 4 Madness, by nature, reigns within, The passions burn and rage, Till God's own Son, with skill divine, The inward fires assuage. 5 We give our souls the wounds J 95 96 REDEMPTION THROUGH CHRIST. 69 Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenly road ; And new supplies each hour I me^t While pressing on to God. Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. The Love of Christ. C. M. How condescending and how kind Was God's eternal Son ! Our niis'ry reached his heavenly mind, And pity brought him down. 2 When justice, by our sins provoked, Drew forth its dreadful sword, He gave his soul up to the stroke, Without a murmuring word. 3 He sunk beneath our heavy woes, To raise us to his throne ; There's ne'er a gift his hand bestows But cost his heart a groan. 4 This was compassion like a God, That though the Saviour knew The price of pardon was his blood, His pity ne'er withdrew. 5 Now, though he reigns exalted high, His love is still as great; Well he remembers Calvary, Nor lets his saints forget. 97 Christ's Humiliation. C. M. And did the Holy and the Just, — The Sov'reign of the skies, — Stoop down to wretchedness and dust, That guilty man mi -lit rise? \\ 70 REDEMPTION THROUGH CHRIST. 2 Yes, the Redeemer left his throne, His radiant throne on high — Surprising mercy ! love unknown ! — To suffer, bleed, and die. | 3 To dwell with mis'ry here below, The Saviour left the skies, And sunk to wretchedness and wo, That guilty man might rise. \ 4 He took the dying sinner's place, And suffered in his stead ; For sinful man — 0 wondrous grace ! — J For sinful man he bled. \ 5 0 Lord, what heavenly wonders dwell In thine atoning blood ! By this are sinners saved from hell, And rebels brought to God. 98 Redemption through Christ. L. M. Glory to God ! who reigns above, Who dwells in light, whose name is love ! \ Ye saints and angels, if ye can, Declare the love of God to man. 2 0, what can more this love commend, Than his dear, only Son to send, That man, condemned to die, might live, And God be glorious to forgive ! 3 Messiah's come — with joy behold The days by prophets long foretold : Judah, thy royal sceptre's broke ; And time still proves that Jacob spoke. 4 Daniel, thy weeks are all expired, — The time prophetic seals required ; Cut off for sins, but not his own, Thy Prince, Messiah, did atone. F REDEMPTION THROUGH CHRIST. Yps 5 We see the prophecies fulfilPd In Jesus, that most wondrous child ; His birth, his life, his death, combine To prove his character divine. 99 CM. Man's Recovery from Ruin. How sad our state by nature is ! Our sin how deep it stains ! And Satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. 2 But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word ; "Ho! ye despairing sinners, come, And trust upon the Lord." 3 My soul obeys th' almighty call, And runs to this relief: I would believe thy promise, Lord, 0, help my unbelief. 4 To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly ; Here let me wash my spotted soul, From crimes of deepest dye. 5 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall ; Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus, and my all. 100 Man's Depravity and Recovery. Alas ! by nature how depraved, How prone to every ill ; Our lives to Satan how enslaved, How obstinate our will ! 2 And can such sinners be restored, Such rebels reconciled? Can grace itself the means afford To make a foe a child ? C. M. EL 72 REDEMPTION THROUGH CHRIST. 3 Yes, grace has found the wondrous means, Which shall effectual prove, To cleanse us from our countless sins, And teach our hearts to love. 4 Jesus for sinners undertakes, And dies that we may live ; His blood a full atonement makes, And cries aloud, "Forgive." 5 The Holy Spirit must reveal The Saviour's work and worth : Then the hard heart begins to feel A new and heavenly birth. 6 Thus bought with blood, and born again, Redeemed and saved by grace, Rebels in God's own house obtain A son's and daughter's place. 101 Rejoicing in Jesus. M. 7s. "VTow begin the heav'nly theme, ±\ Sing aloud in Jesus' name ; Ye who Jesus' kindness prove, Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye who see the Father's grace, Beaming in the Saviour's face, As to Canaan on you move, Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears ; See your guilt and curse remove — Cancell'd by redeeming love. 4 Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing slaves of death and sin, Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop and taste redeeming love. QL REDEMPTION THROUGH CHRIST. 5 Welcome, all by sin opprest — Welcome to his sacred rest ; Nothing brought him from above, Nothing but redeeming love ! 6 Hither, then, your music bring, Strike aloud each joyful string; Mortals, join the hosts above — Join to praise redeeming love. 102 W Christ's Redeeming Work, L. M. hen Christ,at Heav'n's command,alone Arose and left his Father's throne, Redeeming work to do he came, And guardian angels knew the same: — "Go die, my Son, my Son, go suffer pain, And then return to me again." 2 See Jesus climb up Calvary's hill, To do his Father's blessed will ; See ! how with spears they pierce amain, His precious side — he dies in pain. "Go, die, my Son, my Son, go suffer pain, And then return to me again." 3 " Arise my son, once more obey — Go, angels roll the stone away. My Son is coming back again, And shall with me forever reign." Now reign thou great Redeemer, reign on high, In glory, pow'r and majesty. 103 The Incarnate God. C. M Come, Holy Ghost, inspire our songs With thine immortal flame ; Enlarge our hearts, and loose our tongues, To praise the Saviour's name. G 74 REDEMPTION THROUGH CHRIST. 2 How great the riches of his grace! He left his throne above, And, swift to save our ruin'd race, He flew on wings of love. 3 Now pardon, life, and joys divine, In rich abundance flow, For guilty rebels, dead in sin, And doomed to endless woe. 4 Th' almighty Former of the skies Stoop' d to our low abode; While angels viewed with wond'ring eyes, And hailed th' incarnate God. 5 Renew our souls with heavenly strength, That we may fully prove The height, and depth, and breadth, and length Of such transcendent love. 104 Behold the Gift of God! S. M. Behold the gift of God ! Sinners, adore his name, Who shed for us his precious blood, Who bore our curse and shame. Behold the living bread, Which Jesus came to give, By dying in the sinner's stead, That he might ever live. Behold a Saviour's love, Who gives his flesh to eat ; Never did angels taste above, Provisions half so sweet. The Lord delights to give ; He knows you've naught to buy ; To Jesus haste — this bread receive, And you shall never die. H Redemption. P. M. 8,8,8,8,8,4. ail! mighty and victorious Lord! Worthy art thou to be ador'd, Who long before time's round began, Laid the vast, wise and wondrous plan, To ransom every chosen man To endless day. 2 This is the grace which cheers my heart, Eemoves my pain and soothes my smart, That Jesus bore my sins away, While hanging on th' accursed tree, That with him, I might happy be In endless day. 3 To him, and none but him, I'll fly, That ark of safety ever nigh, 0, that my soul may humbly sit, Like Mary, at my Saviour's feet, And hold with him communion sweet To endless day. 4 Ye heav'nly soldiers, still press on, In Jesus see the conquest won ! Bright palms of vict'ry you shall bare, And crowns of glory ever wear, And in his kingdom have a share To endless day. 5 There shall we in' full chorus join, Where saints and angels all combine, To sing of his redeeming love ; When rolling years shall cease to move, Jesus shall be our theme above To endless day. CHRIST'S INCARNATION. 1UO Nativity of the Saviour. M. 7s. Hark ! — the herald angels sing, " Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled ! " 2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies ; With th' angelic host proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem I" 3 See, he lays his glory by, Born, that man no more may die, Born, to raise the sons of earth, Born, to give them second birth. 4 Hail the heav'nly Prince of peace ! Hail the Sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all he brings, Bis'n with healing in his wings. 5 Let us then with angels sing, "Glory to the new-born King: Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled ! " 107 Birth of Christ. C. M. Mortals, awake, with angels join, And chant the solemn lay ; Joy, love and gratitude combine, To hail th' auspicious day. 2 In heaven the rapt'rous song began, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran, And strung and tuned the lyre. 3 Swift through the vast expanse it flew, And loud the echo roll'd ; The theme, the song, the joy was new, 'Twas more than heav'n could hold. 4 Down through the portals of the sky Th' impetuous torrent ran ; And angels flew with eager joy, To bear the news to man. 5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout, And glory leads the song ; Good will and peace are heard throughout TV harmonious heavenly throng. 6 With joy the chorus we'll repeat, " Glory to God on high ! Good will and peace are now complete — Jesus was born to die ! " 7 Hail ! Prince of life ! forever hail ! Redeemer — brother — friend ! Though earth, and time, and life shall fail, Thy praise shall never end. 108 Nativity of Christ. C. M. While shepherds watched their flocks ln- night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. 2 "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind; "Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 3 To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord • And this shall be the sign: G* ftf~ CHRIST S INCARNATION 4 The heavenly babe you there shall find, To human view displayed, All meanly wrapp'd in swaddling bands, And in a manger laid." 5 Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: 6 " All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace ; Good will henceforth, from heav'n to men, Begin and never cease." 109 The Prince of Peace. C. M. To us a child of hope is born, To us a Son is given ; Him shall the tribes of earth obey — Him all the hosts of heaven. 2 His name shall be the Prince of peace, Forever more adored, — The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The great and mighty Lord. 3 His power, increasing, still shall spread ; His reign no end shall know ; Justice shall guard his throne above, And peace abound below. 4 To us a child of hope is born, To us a Son is given : The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The mighty Lord of heaven. 110 Humiliation and Clmracter of Christ. M.Ts. Bright and joyful was the morn, When to us a child was born ; From the highest realms of heav'n Unto us a Son was giv'n. Christ's incarnation. 79 2 On his shoulder he shall bear Pow'r and majesty — and wear On his vesture and his thigh Names most awful — names most high. 3 Wonderful in counsel he, Christ, th' incarnate Deity, Sire of ages ne'er to cease, King of kings, and Prince of peace. 4 Come and worship at his feet, Yield to him the homage meet ; From his manger to his throne, Homage due to God alone. m L Design of Christ's Advent. CM. Hark ! the glad sound, the Saviour comes ! The Saviour promised long ! Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 He comes — the prisoner to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before him burst, The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes — from darkening scales of vice To clear the inward sight ; And on the eye-balls of the blind To pour celestial light. 4 He comes — the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure ; And with the treasures of his grace T' enrich the humble poor. 5 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heaven's eternal arches ring With thy beloved name. CHRIST S INCARNATION. 112 Star of the East. P. M. 11,10,11,10. Hail the blest morn ! when the great Mediator Down from the regions of glory descends ! Shepherds, go worship the babe in the manger — Lo ! for your guide the bright angel attends. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid ; Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 2 Cold on his cradle the dew drops are shining ; Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall: Angels adore him, in slumbers reclining, Maker and monarch, and Saviour of all. Brightest, &c. 3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odors of Eden, and ofFrings divine ; Gems from the mountain, and pearls from the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine. Brightest, &c. 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold would his favor secure, Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the pray'rs of the poor. Brightest, &c. ; 5 Low at his feet, we in humble prostration Lose all our sorrow, and trouble and strife, There we receive his divine consolation, Flowing afresh from the fountain of life. Brightest, &c. 6 He is our friend in the midst of temptation, Faithful supporter whose love cannot fail, Rock of our refuge and hope of salvation, Guide to direct us thro' death's gloomy vale. Brightest, (Sec. jgj j llO The Infant Mfiawr. M. lle<& 10s. TTitiier, ye faithful, haste in songs of triumph, 11 To Bethlehem go, the Lord of life to meet ; To you this day is bona a Prince and Saviour: 0 come, and let us worship at his feet! 1 2 0 Jesus, for such wondrous condescension ,; Our praise and reverence are an ofFring meet ; Now is theWord made flesh, and dwells among us ; \ \ 0 come, and let us worship at his feet ! J 3 Shout his almighty name, ye choirs of angels: j Let the celestial courts his praise repeat ; Unto our God be glory in the highest : ■ 0 come, and let us worship at his feet ! ■ 114 Chrises Incarnation. II. M. 6,6,6,0,8,8. A what a blessed morn, \j That brought the news from heaven : "To us a child is horn, To us a Son is given ! " The sweetest news that ever came, j "We'll sing, tho' all the world should blame. I 2 The long-expectod morn Has dawned upon the earth ; The Saviour, Christ, is bom] And angels, sing his birth; — We'll join the bright Beraphic throng, We'll share their joys, and swell their song. \ 3 0 'tis a lofty theme! Supplied by angels' tongues; All other subjects Beem Unworthy of our songs. This sacred theme has boundless charms, It fills — it captivates — it warms. 82 Christ's incarnation. Now sing of peace divine, Sing of good-will to man ; No wisdom, Lord, but thine, Could form the gracious plan ; Could find a way to save the lost, Thyself not ceasing to be just. Give praise to God on high, With angels round his throne ; Give praise to God with joy ; Give praise to God alone ; ;Tis meet his saints their songs should raise, And give the Saviour endless praise. 115 Titles and Kingdom of Christ. S. M. "Dejoice in Jesus' birth! J-V To us a Son is given ; To us a child is born on earth, Who made both earth and heaven ! He reigns above the sky, The universe sustains ; The God supreme, the Lord most high, The King Messiah reigns ! Th' almighty God is he, Author of heavenly bliss ; The Father of eternity, The glorious Prince of peace ! His government shall grow — From strength to strength proceed ; His righteousness the church overflow, And all the earth overspread. Rejoice in God our King! His name we will adore ; Let heav'n and earth unite to sing, And triumph evermore. HIS NAMES AND CHAKACTERS. The Name of Jesus. 0. M. Jesus, the name high over all, In hell, or earth, or sky ; Angels and men before it fall, And devils fear and fly. 2 Jesus, the name to sinners dear, — The name to sinners giv'n ; It scatters all their guilty fears ; It turns their hell to heaven. 3 0, that the world might taste and see The riches of his grace ! The arms of love that compass me, Would all mankind embrace. 4 His only right'ousness I show, His saving truth proclaim ; ;Tis all my business here below, To cry, "Behold the Lamb!" 5 Happy, if with my latest breath, I may but gasp his name! Preach him to; all, and cry, in death, "Behold, behold the Lambl" 117 Christ the Sovereign Saviour, L. M. Jehovah speaks! let Israel hear; Let all the earth rejoice and fear, While (rod's eternal Son proclaims His sovereign honors and his names. 2 " I am the last, and 1 I Saviour God, and God the just ; There's none besides pretends to show Such justice, and salvation too. 'O. 84 HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. © 3 " Ye, who in shades of darkness dwell, Just on the verge of death and hell, Look up to me from distant lands, — Light, life and heaven are in my hands. 4 "I by my holy name have sworn, — Nor shall the word in vain return ; — To me shall all things bend the knee, And every soul submissive be. 5 "In me alone, shall men confess, Lies all their strength and right' ousness ; But such as dare despise my name, I'll clothe them with eternal shame. 6 " In me, the Lord, shall all the seed Of Israel from their sins be freed : And by their shining graces prove Their int'rest in my pard'ning love." 118 The Name of Jesus Precious. CM. Jesus ! I love thy charming name, 'Tis music to my ear; Fain would I sound it out so loud, That earth and heav'n might hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust ; Jewels to thee are gaudy toys, And gold but sordid dust. 3 All my capacious pow'rs can wish, la thee doth richly meet; Nor to my eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace shall dwell upon my heart, And shed its fragrance there ; The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. 85 ®\ 5 I'll speak the honors of thy name With my last lab'ring breath ; And, dying, triumph in thy cross, The antidote of death. 119 Preciousness of the Saviour. C. M. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Jesus ! my shepherd, husband, friend, My prophet, priest and king ; My Lord, my life, my way, my end ; Accept the praise I bring. 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought : But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then I would thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. 120 God's Love in Clirist. CM. The Saviour ! 0 what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound! Its influence every fear disarms, And spreads sweet peace around. 86 HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. 2 Here pardon, life and joys divine, In rich effusions flow, For guilty rebels, lost in sin, And doomed to endless woe. 3 0 ! the rich depths of love divine ! Of bliss a boundless store ! Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine ; I cannot wish for more. 4 On thee alone my hope relies ; Beneath thy cross I fall ; My Lord, my life, my sacrifice, My Saviour, and my all. 121 The Star of Bethlehem. L. M. When marshalled on the nightly plain, The glittering host bestud the sky ; One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. 2 Hark, hark ! to God the chorus breaks, From every host, from every gem ; But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the Star of Bethlehem. 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud— the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my foundering bark. 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem ; When suddenly a star arose — It was the Star of Bethlehem ! 5 It was my guide, my light, my all ; It bade my dark forebodings cease ; And through the storm and danger's thrall, It led me to the port of peace. HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. 87 6 Now, safely moor'd — my perils o'er — I'll sing, first in night's diadem, For ever, and for evermore, The Star — the Star of Bethlehem ! Beauties of Christ. II. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Let earth and heaven agree, Angels and men be join'd, To celebrate with me, The Saviour of mankind ; T' adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesus' name. Jesus ! transporting sound ! The joy of earth and heaven ; No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have, But Jesus came the world to save. Jesus ! harmonious name ! It charms the hosts above ; They evermore proclaim, And wonder at his love ; rTis all their happiness to gaze, 'Tis heaven to see our Jesus' face. His name the sinner hears. And is from sin set free; 'Tis music in his ears; ;Tis life and victory! New songs do now his Lips employ, And dances his glad heart for joy. 0! for a trumpet vojce, On all the world to call : To bid their hearts rejoice, in him who soften ! Teach us, Lord, thy name to love; We, alas! forget too often What a Friend we have above: Ibit if there our SOtlls are brought, We will love thee as we ought. H* f 90 HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. C. M. Thou art the Way ; to thee alone From sin and death we flee ; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord, by thee. 2 Thou art the Truth ; thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou, only, canst instruct the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life ; the rending tomb Proclaims thy conquering arm; And those who put their trust in thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life ; Grant us to know that Way, That Truth to keep, that Life to win, Which leads to endless day. 127 Christ our Shepherd. Ps. 23: 1. S. M. The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied : Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside ? He leads me to the place Where heavenly pasture grows, Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows. While he affords his aid, I'm free from every fear ; Tho' I should walk thro' death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me there. Amid surrounding foes Thou dost my table spread ; My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head. HIS NAMES AXD CHARACTERS. The bounties of thy love Shall crown my following days ; Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise. Behold the Lamb of God. BEnoLD, behold the Lamb of God ! Who takes away our guilt; Behold th' atoning, precious blood, That for our sins he spilt. 2 0 sinners, now to Christ draw near Invited by his word ; The chief of sinners need not fear ; Behold the Lamb of God. 3 Backsliders, too, the Saviour calls, And washes in his blood: Arise, return from grievous falls ; Behold the Lamb of God. 4 In every state, and time, and place, Nought plead but Jesus' blood ; However wretched be your case, Behold the Lamb of God. 5 Spirit of grace, to us apply Immanuers precious blood, That we may, with thy saints on high, Behold the Lamb of God. Christ the Pearl of Great Price. C. M. I've found the pearl of greatest price : My heart exults with joy; And sing I must — a Christ I have, 0! what a Christ have I ! Christ is the way, the truth, the life, The way to God on high ; Life to the dead, the truth of types, The truth of prophecy. F 92 HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. 3 My Christ, he is the Lord of lords, He is the King of kings ; He is the Sun of righteousness, With healing in his wings. 4 Christ is my Father and my Friend, My Brother and my love ; My Head, my hope, my Counsellor, My Advocate above. 5 My Christ, he is the heav'n of heav'ns, My Christ, what shall I call? My Christ is first, my Christ is last, My Christ is All in all. lOU Christ is All in All.—Qo\. 3 : 11. C. M. Compared with Christ, in all beside, No comeliness I see ; The one thing needful, dearest Lord, Is to be one with thee. 2 The sense of thy expiring love Into my soul convey ; Thyself bestow ! for thee alone, My All in all, I pray. 3 Less than thyself will not suffice, My comfort to restore ; More than thyself I cannot crave, Nor canst thou give me more. 4 "Whate'er consists not with thy will, 0 teach me to resign ; I'm rich to all th' intents of bliss, Since thou, 0 God, art mine. 131 Titles of Christ. L. M. What various lovely characters The condescending Saviour bears ! All human virtues, all divine, In him unite, with splendor shine. HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. ~5g* 2 The Corner-stone on which we "build, The Balm by which our souls are healed, The Morning Star, whose cheering ray Dispels the shades, and brings the day. 3 He is our Rock, and our Defence, Nor earth, nor hell, can force us thence : Our Advocate before the throne, Who with our prayers presents his own. 4 He is the burdened sinner's Rest, Our Prophet, and atoning Priest ; To him as our exalted King, We homage pay, our offering bring. 5 He is our Captain and our Guide, The Friend, the Husband of the bride ; The Counsellor, the Prince of peace, The Lord our strength and righteousness : 6 The Fountain whence our blessings flow, A Lamb, and yet a Lion too ; The Sun for light and guidance given, The Door which opens into heaven. 7 He is the Shepherd of the sheep, Who does his flock in safety keep ; The Conqueror he, the Judge of men, The Faithful Witness, the Amen ! 132 Character of Christ. L. C. M. 8,8,0,8,8,6. 0 could I speak the matchless worth, 0 ! could I sound the glories forth, Which in my Saviour shine; I'd soar and touch the heavenly strings, And vie with Gabriel, while he sings, lit notes almost divine. £_ 94 HIS NAMES AND CHARACTERS. 2 Fd sing the* precious blood he spilt, My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of sin and wrath divine : Fd sing his glorious righteousness, In which all-perfect, heavenly dress, My soul shall ever shine. 3 Fd sing the characters he bears, And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne; In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days Make all his glories known. 4 Soon the delightful day will come, When my dear Lord will call me home, And I shall see his face : Then, with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest eternity I'll spend, Triumphant in his grace. Our Tlwvcjlits of Christ P. M. 8 lines 8s. What think you of Christ? is the test To try both your state and your scheme ; You cannot be right in the rest, Unless you think rightly of him. As Jesus appears in your view, As he is beloved or not: So God is disposed toward you, And mercy or wrath is your lot. 2 Some take him a creature to be, A man, or an angel at most ; Sure, these have no feelings like me, Nor know themselves wretched and lost ; So guilty, so helpless am I, I durst not confide in his blood, Nor on his protection rely, Unless I were sure he is God. JUS OFFII 98 3 Some call him a Saviour, in word, But mix their own works with his plan ; And hope he his help will afford, When they have done all that they can: If doings prove rather too light, (A little, they own, they may fail,) They purpose to make up full weight, By casting his name in the scale. 4 Some style him the Pearl of great price, And say he's the Fountain of joys ; Yet feed upon folly and vice, And cleave to the world and its toys ; Like Judas, the Saviour they kiss, And while they salute him, betray; Ah ! what will profession like this Avail in his terrible day? 5 If ask'd what of Jesus I think, — Tho' still my best thoughts are but poor, — I say, he's my meat and my drink, My life, and my strength, and my store ; My Shepherd, my Husband, my Friend, My Saviour from sin and from thrall ; My hope from beginning to end, My portion, my Lord, and my all. 134 HIS OFFICES. of Christ, We blew tin- Prophel ef the Lord, T V W with truth and g . thy Spirit and thy word, SJ all Lead us in thy ways* £L ! 96 HIS OFFICES. 2 We rev'rence our High Priest above, Who offered up his blood, And lives to carry on his love, By pleading with our God. 3 We honor our exalted King ; How sweet are his commands ! He guards our souls from hell and sin, By his almighty hands. 4 Hosanna to his glorious name, Who saves by different ways ! His mercies lay a sovereign claim To our immortal praise. 135 Characters of Christ. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Join all the glorious names Of wisdom, love and pow'r, That mortals ever knew, That angels ever bore : All are too mean to speak his worth — Too mean to set my Saviour forth. Jesus, my great High Priest, Offer' d his blood and died ; My guilty conscience seeks No sacrifice beside : His powerful blood did once atone, And now it pleads before the throne. My Advocate appears For my defence on high ; The Father bows his ears, And lays his anger by: Not all that hell or sin can say, Shall turn his heart, his love away. My dear Almighty Lord, My Conqu'ror and my King, Thy sceptre and thy sword, Thy reigning grace I sing ; Thine is the pow'r ; behold I sit, In willing bonds, beneath thy feet. HIS OFFICES. 97 Now let my soul arise, And tread the tempter down: My Saviour leads me forth To conquest and a crown. A feeble saint shall win the day, Tho' death and hell obstruct the way. Jesus Teaching the People, L. M. How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound, From lips of gentleness and grace, "When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and rev'rence filled the place. 2 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven he led his followers' way : Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. 3 "Come, wand'rers, to my Father's home, Come, all ye weary ones, and rest !" Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest. 4 Decay, then, tenements of dust! Pillars of earthly pride, decay ! A nobler mansion waits the just, And Jesus has prepared the way. 137 Compassionate High Priest. C. M. With joy we meditate tho grace Of our High Priest above ; His heart is made of tenderness, His bosom glows with love. 2 Touched with a sympathy within, lie knows our feeble frame: He knows what Bore temptations mean, For he hath felt the same. !98 HIS OFFICES. 3 He in the days of feeble flesh, Poured out his cries and tears ; And in his measure feels afresh What every member bears. 4 He'll never quench the smoking flax, But raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name. 5 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his power ; We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In every trying hour. 138 Our Great High Priest. C. M. Come, let us join our songs of praise To our ascended Priest ; He entered heaven, with all our names Engraven on his breast. 2 Below, he washed our guilt away, By his atoning blood ; Now he appears before the throne, And pleads our cause with God. 3 Clothed with our nature still, he knows The weakness of our frame, And how to shield us from the foes Whom he himself overcame. 4 Nor time, nor distance, e'er shall quench The fervor of his love ; For us he died in kindness here, And intercedes above. 5 0 ! may we ne'er forget his grace, Nor blush to hear his name ; Still may our hearts hold fast his faith, Our lips his praise proclaim ! >® 139 140 Christ's Kingdom and Priesthood. C. M. Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne, And near thy Father sit; In Zion shall thy pow'r be known, And make thy foes submit. 2 What wonders shall thy gospel do ! Thy converts shall surpass The numerous drops of morning dew, And own thy sovereign grace. 3 God hath pronounced a firm decree, Nor changes what he swore, " Eternal shall thy priesthood be, When Aaron is no more. 4 Melchisedec, that wondrous priest, That king of high degree, That holy man, whom Abrah'm blest, Was but a type of thee." 5 Jesus, our Priest, forever lives, To plead for us above : Jesus, our King, forever gives The blessings of his love. 6 God shall exalt his glorious head, His lofty throne maintain ; And strike the pow'rs and princes dead, Who dare oppose his reign. Priesthood and Kingship of Christ. L. M.j In Christ I've all my souPs desire ; His Spirit docs my heart inspire With boundless wishes. Large and high: And Christ will all my wants supply. Christ is my hope, my strength, and guide, For me be bled, and groaned, and died ; He is my sun, to give me light, He is my soul's supreme delight. P 100 HIS OFFICES. 3 Christ is the source of all my bliss, My wisdom and my righteousness ; My Saviour, brother, and my Friend : On him alone I now depend. 4 Christ is my King, to rule and bless, And all my troubles to redress ; He's my salvation, and my all, Whate'er on earth shall me befall. 5 Christ is my strength and portion too ; My soul in him can all things do ; Through him I'll triumph o'er the grave, My soul shall death and hell outbrave. 141 Christ our High Priest. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Our Great High Priest we sing, His dying love adore ; We hail our rising King, Who lives for evermore ; He, only, can our wants relieve, And sinners to the utmost save. Why then indulge despair ? Though sunk in deepest guilt, We hear his voice declare, For such his blood he spilt. In his dear hands my soul I leave, For he can to the utmost save. Believing soul, rejoice, On Jesus' grace depend ; The object of your choice, He loves you to the end. With holy boldness dare believe, Your Lord will to the utmost save. w Okrist our Example. L. M. Wiiex Jesus dwelt in mortal clay, What were his works from day to day But miracles of power and grace, That spread salvation through our race ? That man may last, but never lives, Who much receives, but nothing gives, Whom none can love, whom none can thank ; Creation's blot, creation's blank. But he, who marks from day to day, In generous acts his radiant way, Treads the same path his Saviour trod, The path to glory and to God. 143 Christ our Pattern. L. M. My dear Redeemer and my Lord, I read my duty in thy word ; But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such deference to thy Father's will, Such love and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine. 3 Cold mountains and the midnight air Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer; The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict and thy yict'ry, too. 4 Be thou my pattern ; make me bear More of thy gracious image here; Then God the Judge shall own my name, Among the followers of the Lamb. ~ _ss 102 HIS LIFE AND EXAMPLE. 144 145 Christ our Example. L. M. Make us, by thy transforming grace, Dear Saviour, daily more like thee ! Thy fair example may we trace, To teach us what we ought to be ! 0, how benevolent and kind ! How mild ! — how ready to forgive ! Be this the temper of our mind, And these the rules by which we live. To do his heav'nly Father's will , "Was his employment and delight ; Humility and holy zeal Shone through his life divinely bright. s Dispensing good where'er he came, The labors of his life were love ; Then, if we bear the Saviour's name, By his example let us move. But ah ! how blind ! — how weak we are! How frail ! — how apt to turn aside ! Lord, we depend upon thy care, And ask thy Spirit for our guide. Our Example in Suffering. M. 6 lines 7s. Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye who feel temptation's pow'r; Your Redeemer's conflict see ; Watch with him one bitter hour : Turn not from his griefs away ; Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. Follow to the judgment hall ; Yiew the Lord of life arraign' d : 0, the wormwood and the gall! 0, the pangs his soul sustain'd! Shun not suff 'ring, shame, or loss ; Learn of him to bear the cross. <*3. HIS LIFE AND EXAMPLE. 3 Calv'ry's mournful mountain climb ; There, admiring at his feet, Mark that miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete : " It is finished I" — hear him cry ; — Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 4 Early hasten to the tomb, Where they laid his breathless clay ; All is solitude and gloom : Who has taken him away? Christ is ris'n ; he meets our eyes : Saviour, teach us so to rise. 146 Christ's Mission Attested. L. M. Behold ! the blind their sight receive ! Behold ! the dead awake and live ! The dumb speak wonders ! and the lame Leap like the hart, and bless his name ! 2 Thus does th' eternal Spirit own And seal the mission of the Son ; The Father vindicates his cause, While he hangs bleeding on the cross. 3 He dies ! — the heavens in mourning stood ! He rises ! — and appears a God ! Behold the Lord ascending high, No more to bleed, no more to die ! 4 Hence and forever from my heart I bid my doubts and fears depart ; And to those hands my soul resign, Which bear credentials so divine. 147 Chief among Ten Thousand. C. M. Majestic sweetness sits enthron'd Upon the Saviour's brow ; His head with radiant glories crown'd, His lips with grace o'erflow. 2 No mortal can with him compare Among the sons of men; Fairer is he than all the fair Who fill the heav'nly train. 3 He saw me plunged in deep distress, And flew to my relief: For me he bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine. 148 Christ Weeping. Did Christ o'er sinners weep? And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears! Angels with wonder see ! Be thou astonished, 0 my soul ! He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept, that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear ; In heav'n alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. S. M. HIS SUFFEBINGS. 149 Godly Sorrow at the Cross. CM. Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I ? M HIS SUFFERINGS. 105' 2 Was it for crimes that I had done, - He groan'd upon the tree? Amazing pity ! — grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died, For man, the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But floods of tears can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away ; — ;Tis all that I can do. ■WU Relent lags for Sin at the Cross. C. M. On ! the sharp pangs of smarting pain My dear Redeemer bore ; When knotty whips and ragged thorns His sacred body tore ! 2 'Twcrc you, my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were ; Each of my crimes became a nail, And unbelief the spear. 3 'Twere you that pull'd the vengeance down Upon his guiltless head, Break, break, my heart, 0 ! burst mine eyes, And let my sorrows bleed ! 4 Strike, mighty grace, my stubborn soul, Till melting waters flow, And dee]) repentance drown mine eyes In unassembled woe. 106 HIS SUFFERINGS. 151 A Voice from the Cross. C. M. Hark ! from the cross a gracious voice Salutes my ravished ear — "Rejoice, thou ransomed soul, rejoice, And dry that falling tear/' 2 Amaz'd, I turn, grown strangely bold, This vrondrous thing to see ; And there my dying Lord behold, Stretched on the bloody tree ! 3 "Sinner," he cries, "behold the head This thorny wreath entwines ; Look on these wounded hands, and read Thy name in crimson lines. 4 These wounds I bear, these pains I feel, This anguish rends my breast, That I may save thy soul from hell, And give thee endless rest/' 5 Thy power, the sweetness of that voice, My stony heart can move, Make me in Christ, my Lord, rejoice, And melt my soul to love. 6 No more my heart neglected lies, With silent, broken strings ; From earth my soul has learnt to rise, And mount on eagles' wings. 7 My dying Saviour's wondrous love On earth employs my tongue ; And when I walk in white above, That love shall be my song. Id A The Saviour on the Cross. P. M. 5,5,7,7,7,9. aw ye my Saviour ? — Saw ye my Saviour ? Saw ye my Saviour and God? 0 ! he died on Calvary, To atone for you and me, And to purchase our pardon with blood ! M s HIS BUFFERINGS. 2 He was extended — lie was extended, Shamefully nail'd to the cross ; 0! he bow'd his head and died! Thus my Lord was crucified, To atone for a world that was lost. 3 Jesus hung bleeding — Jesus hung bleeding, Three dreadful hours in pain ; 0 ! the sun refused to shine ! When his majesty divine, Was derided, insulted, and slain. 4 Darkness prevailed — Darkness prevailed, Darkness prevaiPd o'er the land ; 0 ! the solid rocks were rent, Through creation's vast extent, When the Jews crucified the God-man ! 5 When it was finish7 d — When it was finished, And the atonement was made, He was taken by the great, And embalm'd in spices sweet, And in a new sepulchre was laid. 6 Now interceding — Xow interceding, Pleads he that sinners might live; Crying, Father. I have died; 0 ! behold my hands and side ! To redeem them, I pray thee, forgive. 7 I will Forgive them — I will forgive them, If they'll repent and believe ; Let them now return to thee, And be reconcil'd to me, And salvation they all shall receive. 153 Christ Mocked upon the Cross. L. M \Tow let our mournful songs record Ii The sorrows of our dying Lord, When he oomplain'd in tears and blood, As one forsaken by his God. m j 108 HIS SUFFERINGS. | 2 The Jews beheld him thus forlorn, And shook their heads and laugh' d in scorn ; He rescued others from the grave, Now let him try himself to save. 3 "This is the man who did pretend God was his Father and his friend ; If God the blessed lov'd him so, Why does he fail to help him now?" 4 0 ! savage people ! cruel priests ! How they stood round like raging beasts ! Like lions gaping to devour, When God had left him in their power ! 5 They wound his head, his hands, his feet, Till streams of blood each other meet ; By lot his garments they divide, And mock the pangs in which he died. 1154 I Sin lamented at the Cross, M. 7s. 6 lines. Hearts of stone, relent, relent, Break, by Jesus' cross subdu'd ; See his body mangled, rent, Cover'd with a gore of blood; Sinful soul, what hast thou done? Murder'd God's eternal Son ! 2 Yes, your sins have done the deed, Drove the nails, and fix'd him there ; Crown' d with thorns his sacred head, Pierc'd him with a soldier's spear, Made his soul a sacrifice ; For lost sinners Jesus dies. 3 Can his offring be in vain ? Xo:^i cov'nant keeping God Says that "he shall see his seed" — All the purchase of his blood. Lord, with sin and self we part; Saviour, take each broken heart. HIS SUFFERINGS. Salvation through Christ. M. 8s Salvation, how precious the sound, To sinners who see themselves lost; To Jesus their praises redound, In Jesus they triumph and boast. Salvation is finish'd and done, Salvation is sovereign and free, Salvation by God's equal Son, My joy and rejoicing shall be. Salvation is only of God, To him all the praises are due ; Ye saints spread his honors abroad, Who finish'd salvation for you. Soon we shall behold him above, Forever to sound his dear name : To sing the sweet song of his love, Salvation to God and the Lamb ! 156 The Suffering Saviour. C. P. M. 8,8,6,8,8,0. : Throughout the Saviour's life we trace Nothing but love and boundless grace * No period else is seen Till he a spotless victim fell, Tasting in soul a perfect hell, Caused by the creature's sin. On the cold ground, methinks I see My Saviour kneel and pray for me ; "For this I'll him adore ; Seiz'd with a chilly sweat throughout, Blood drops did force their passage out Through every opening pore- The piercing thorns his temples bore, His back with lashes all was tore, Till one the bones might see; J Mocking, they pushed him here and there, Marking his way with blood and tears, Press'd by the heavy tree. 4 Thus up the hill he painful came, Round him they mock'd and made their game, At length his cross they rear. And can you see the mighty God, Cry out beneath sin's heavy load, Without one thankful tear ? 5 Thus veiled in humanity, He dies in anguish on the tree ; What tongue his grief can tell ? The shuddering rocks their heads recline, The morning sun refused to shine, When the Redeemer fell. 6 Shout, brethren, shout in songs divine, He drank the gall to give us wine, To quench the parching thirst : Seraphs advance your voices higher Bride of the Lamb, unite the choir, And laud the precious Christ. 157 Zion's Song. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Down from the willow bough My slumbering harp I take, And bid its silent strings To heav'nly themes awake. Soft, peaceful let its breathings be, In gentle, soothing harmony. Love, love divine, I sing — 0 for a seraph's lyre ! Bathed in Siloam's stream, And touched with living fire ; Lofty and pure the strain should be, Whene'er I sing of Calvary. HIS SUFFERINGS. Love, love on earth appears ! My soul, 0, haste away ! Christ beareth all thy griefs, And wipes thy tears away : Soft, mild and sweet the strain should be, Dear Saviour, when I sing of thee. He saw me as he passed, In hopeless sorrow lie, Condemned and doomed to death, And no salvation nigh: Sweet, loud and long the strain should be Whene'er I sing his love for me. " I die for thee," he said — Behold the cross arise ! And lo ! he bows his head — He bows his head and dies ! Soft, 0 my harp, thy strains should be, To chant the scenes of Calvary. He lives again ! he lives ! I hear the voice of love — He comes to soothe my fears, And draw my soul above. 0 ! joyful now the strain shall be, When loud I sing of Calvary. 158 The Tender-hearted. P.M. 9,8,9,8,9,7,8,8. Come, all ye tender-hearted christians, 0, come, and help us now to mourn ! Behold ! the Son of God lies bleeding ; And view his precious body torn ! Behold him, praying in the garden, While his soul in grief is bound; And the bloody sweat is running In crimson drops upon the ground. 112 HIS SUFFERINGS. — m 2 He was a man of constant sorrow, And went a mourner all his days ; With sore distress was well acquainted, But never went in sinful ways. The foxes have their holes provided, And the birds they have their nest, But the Son of man had no where To lay his weary head to rest. 3 Behold him, when the soldiers took him, And led him unto Pilate's bar ! 0 ! come, ye tender-hearted christians, And view your dear Redeemer there ; Behold him, when he was condemned, Wearing of a thorny crown, And his tender temples pierced, Until the blood came running down. 4 And then behold the soldiers take him, And nail him to a shameful tree : 0 ! see him on the cross a bleeding, His soul in mortal agony ; Hark, how the legal thunders smite him, Lo, his burdened bosom heave ! Look how deep your sins have stung him, 0 ! dying sinners, look and live ! 5 They laid him in a new sepulchre, Where never man was laid before: He burst the bars of death asunder, And brought salvation to the poor. And now, he is gone up to heaven, Pleading there our cause on high ; Christians, soon we'll follow after, Our Lord to see and glorify. GETHSEMANE. 159 GETHSEMANE, Gethsemane. P. M. 8,8,0,8,8. \ Beyond where Kedron's "waters flow, — Behold the suffering Saviour go, To sad Gethsemane ! His countenance is all divine, Yet grief appears in every line. 2 He bows beneath the sins of men, He cries to God, and cries again, In sad Gethsemane; He lifts his mournful eyes above — " My Father! can this cup remove ?" 3 With gentle resignation still, He yielded to his Father's will, In sad Gethsemane ; — " Behold me here, thine only Son, And, Father ! let thy will be done." 4 The Father heard, — and angels there Sustained the Son of God in prayer, In sad Gethsemane ; He drank the dreadful cup of pain ; — Then rose to life and joy again. 5 When storms of sorrow round us sweep, And scenes of anguish make us weep, To sad Gethsemane We'll look, and see the Saviour there ; Then humbly bow, like him, in prayer. 1UU Agony in the Garden, C. M. Dark was the night) and cold the ground On which the Saviour lay : His Rweat like drops of blood is found ; — In Borrow hear him pray: — i! g oj GETHSEMANE 2- "Father, remove this bitter cup, If such thy sacred will ; If not, content to drink it up, Thy pleasure I fulfil." 3 Go to the garden, sinner ; see Those precious drops that flow ; The heavy load he bore for thee ; For thee he lies so low. 4 Then learn of him the cross .to bear ; Thy Father's will obey ; And, when temptations press thee near, Awake to watch and pray. 161 The Brook Kedron. M. lis. Thou sweet gliding Kedron, by thy silver stream Our Saviour, at midnight, when moon-light's pale beam ; Shone bright on the water, would frequently i st^ay, \ And lose in thy murmurs, the toils of the day. \ Come, saints, and adore him,come, bow at his feet ; \ 0 give him the glory, the praise that is meet, \ Let joyful hosannas unceasing arise, \ And join the full chorus that gladdens the skies. > 2 How damp were the vapors that fell on his head ! I How hard was his pillow, how humble his bed " The angels astonished, grew sad at the sight, I And followed their Master with solemn delight \ Come, saints, (Sec. i 3 0 Garden of Olives, thou dear, honor'd spot, The fame of thy wonders shall ne'er be forgot ; The theme most transporting to seraphs above : j The triumph of sorrow, — the triumph of love ! Come, saints, dec. GETHSEMANE. 115 \ 1W Christ's Midnight Prayer. L. M. 'HP is midnight ; and on Olive's brow 1 The star is dimm'd that lately shone — 'Tis midnight ; in the garden now, The suffering Saviour prays alone. 2 ;Tis midnight ; and, from all remov'd, The Saviour wrestles lone, with fears ; E'en that disciple whom he lov'd Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. 3 ;Tis midnight ; and for others' guilt The Man of Sorrows weeps in blood ; Yet he that hath in anguish knelt Is not forsaken by his God. 4 ;Tis midnight; and from other plains Is borne the song that angels know ; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Saviour's woe. 163 The Voice from KedronS.UM. 6,6,8,6,8,8. Among the mountain trees The winds were whisp'ring low, And night's ten thousand harmonies Were harmonies of woe ; A voice of grief was on the gale, It came from Kedron's gloomy vale. It was the Saviour's prayer That on the silence broke, Imploring strength from heav'n to bear The sin-avenging stroke, As in Gethsemane he knelt, And pangs unknown his bosom felt. 'Eg -I -I /» 116 HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 3 The fitful star-light shone In dim and misty gleams, Deep was his agonizing groan, And large the vital streams That trickled to the dewy sod While Jesus rais'd his voice to God. 4 The chosen three that stay'd Their nightly watch to keep, Left him through sorrows deep to wade, And gave themselves to sleep : Meekly and sad he pray'd alone ; Strangely forgotten by his own. 5 Along the streamlet's hank, The reckless traitor came, And heavy on his bosom sank The load of guilt and shame*; Yet unto them that waited nigh He gave the Lamb of God to die. 6 Among the mountain trees The winds were whispering low, And night's ten thousand harmonies Were harmonies of woe ; For cruel voices fill'd the gale, That came from Kedron's gloomy vale. HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 164 The Saviour on the Cross. L. M. Stretched on the cross, the Saviour dies ! Hark ! his expiring groans arise ! See ! — from his hands, his feet, his side, Runs down the sacred crimson tide ! 165 HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 2 But life attends the dreadful sound, And flows from every bleeding wound ; The vital stream — how free it flows, To save and cleanse his rebel foes. 3 Can I survey this scene of woe, Where mingling grief and mercy flow, And yet my heart unmoved remain, Insensible to love or pain ? 4 Come, dearest Lord ! thy grace impart, To warm this cold, this stupid heart ; Till all its powers and passions move, In melting grief and ardent love. The Amazing Sight. CM. Yoxder amazing sight ! — I see Th' incarnate Son of God Expiring on th/ accursed tree, • And writhing in his blood ! 2 Behold the purple torrents run Down from his hands and head ! The crimson tide puts out the sun ; His groans awake the dead ! 3 The trembling earth, the darkened sky Proclaim the truth aloud ; And with th' amazed centurion, cry, "This is the Son of God I" 4 So great, so vast a sacrifice May well my hope revive ; If God's own Son thus bleeds and dies, The sinner sure may live. 5 0 ! that these cords of love divine Might draw me, Lord, to thee ! Thou hast my heart — it shall be thine— Thine shall it ever be! J$ 118 HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 166 The Expiring Saviour. M. 8s,7s, & - Hark the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary ; See, it rends the rocks asunder — Shakes the earth and veils the sky ! " It is finished ! " Hear the dying Saviour cry. 2 It is finished ! — 0 what pleasure Do these precious words afford ! Heavenly blessings, without measure, Flow to us from Christ the Lord. It is finished I Saints, the dying words record. 3 Finished — all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law ; Finished — all that God had promised ; Death and hell no more shall awe : It is finished ! Saints, from hence your comforts draw. 4 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, Join to sing the pleasing theme ; All on earth, and all in heaven, Join to praise Immanuers name. Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 167 Christ Crucified. L. M. When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 119° 3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. 1UO Christ's Dying, Rising and Reigning. L. M. He dies ! — the Friend of sinners dies ; Lo, Salem's daughters weep around ; A solemn darkness veils the skies ; A sudden trembling shakes the ground. 2 Come, saints, and drop a tear or two For Him who groaned beneath your load ; He shed a thousand drops for you — A thousand drops of richer blood. 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree ; The Lord of glory dies for men ; But lo, what sudden joys we see! Jesus, the dead, revives again. I 4 The rising God forsakes the tomb ; y Up to his Father's court he flies ; Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. > 5 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell How high our great Deliv'rer reigns ; Sing how he spoil'd the hosts of hell, And led the tyrant death in chains. 3 Say, "Live forever, glorious King, Born to redeem, and Btrong to save!" Then ask, "0 death ! where is thy sting? And where thy vict'ry, boasting grave ?" 0 ! 120 HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 169 Prodigies attending the Crucifixion. C. M. From whence those direful omens round, Which heav'n and earth amaze? And why do earthquakes cleave the ground ? Why hides the sun his rays? 2 Well may the earth, astonished, shake, And nature sympathize, — The sun, as darkest night, be black ; — Their Maker, Jesus, dies. 3 Behold, fast streaming from the tree, His all-atoning blood: Is this the Infinite ? 'Tis he,— My Saviour and my God. 4 For me these pangs his soul assail ; For me this death is borne ; My sins gave sharpness to the nail, And pointed every thorn. 5 Let sin no more my soul enslave ; Break, Lord, its tyrant chain ; 0, save me, whom thou cam'st to save, Nor bleed nor die in vain. 170 The Cross of Christ. P. M. 8,6,8,6,8,8,8,6. Behold, behold the Lamb of God, On the cross, on the cross ! He sheds for us his precious blood, On the cross, on the cross. 0 ! hear his all-important cry, "Eli, lama sabachthani ? " — Draw near and see your Saviour die, On the cross, on the cross. Behold his arms extended wide, On the, Sec. Behold his bleeding hands and side, On, &c. The sun withholds his rays of light, The heavens are clothed in shades of night, While Jesus doth with devils fight, On, &c. HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 121 ' 3 Come, sinners, see him lifted up, On the, &c. For you he drinks the bitter cup, On, &c. The rocks do rend, the mountains quake, While Jesus doth atonement make, While Jesus suffers for our sake, On, &c. 4 And now the mighty deed is done, On the, &c The battle's fought, the victory's won, On, &c. To heaven he turns his languid eyes, " 'Tis finished/' now the Conqu'ror cries, Then bows his sacred head and dies, On, &c. 5 Where'er I go I'll tell the story Of the, &c. Of nothing else my soul shall glory, Save, &c. Yea, this my constant theme shall be, Through time and through eternity, Thus Jesus tasted death for me, On, &c. # 6 Let every mourner rise and cling To the, &c. Let every christian come and sing, Round, &c. There let the preacher take his stand, And with the Bible in his hand, Declare the triumphs through the land, Of &C. 171 Death of Christ on the Cross. C. M. Behold the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree ! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for me ! "My God!" he cries — all nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend; The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. " 'Tis finished!" — now the ransom's paid; " Receive my soul," he cries; Behold, he bows his sacred head, He bows his head and dies ! K . oj 122 HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. -e] 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine : 0 Lamb of God, was ever pain, Was ever love like thine ! 172 L.M. " It is finished ." Wis finished — so the Saviour cried, 1 And meekly bow'd his head, and died ! 'Tis finished — yes, the race is run, The battle fought, the victory won. 2 'Tis finish' d — all that heaven decreed, And all that ancient prophets said, Is now fulfill'd, as was design'd, In me, the Saviour of mankind. 3 'Tis finish' d — this my dying groan Shall sins of every kind atone ; Millions shall be redeem'd from death By this my last expiring breath. 4 'Tis finish' d— heaven is reconcil'd, And all the powers of darkness spoil'd ; Peace, love and happiness again, Return and dwell with sinful men. 5 'Tis finish'd — let the joyful sound, Be heard through all the nations round ; 'Tis finish'd — let the echo fly, Thro' heaven and hell, thro' earth and sky. 173 : Behold the Man.' L.M. Sixner, behold, behold the Man! The Man of grief, condemned for you ; The Lamb of God, for sinners slain, Weeping, to Calvary pursue. 2 His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear, With nails they fasten to the wood! His sacred limbs — exposed and bare, Or only covered with his blood. (0 M HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 3 See there ! his temples crowned with thorn, His bleeding hands extended wide, His streaming feet transfixed and torn, The fountain gushing from his side. 4 0 thou dear suffering Son of God! How doth thy heart to sinners move ! Sprinkle on us thy precious blood, And melt us with thy dying love. 5 At thy last gasp, the graves displayed Their horrors to the upper skies ; 0, that our souls might burst the shade, And, quickened by thy death, arise ! 6 The rocks could feel thy powerful death, And tremble, and asunder part ; 0 rend, with thy expiring breath, The harder marble of our heart ! 174 The Saviour's Wondrous Deatli. C. M. We sing the Saviour's wondrous death — He conquered when he fell : 'Tis finished, said his dying breath, And shook the gates of hell. 2 'Tis finish'd, our Immanuel cries, The dreadful work is done ; Hence shall his sovereign throne arise, His kingdom is begun. 3 His cross a sure foundation laid For glory and renown, When through the regions of the dead He pass'd to reach the crown: 4 Raise your devotion, mortal tongues, His praises to record ; Sweet be the accents of your songs To your victorious Lord. 124 HIS CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH. 5 Bright angels, strike your loudest strings, Your sweetest voices raise ; Let heav'n and all created things Sound our ImmanuePs praise! 175 Christ Crucified. P. M. 8,8,8,0,8,8,8,8,0. ] The Son of man they did betray ; He was condemned, and led away, Think, 0 my soul, on that dread day, Look on Mount Calvary ; Behold him, lamb-like, led along, Surrounded by a wicked throng, Accus'd by every lying tongue, And then the Lamb of God they hung Upon the shameful tree. 2 Now, hung between the earth and skies, Behold ! in agony he dies ; 0 sinners, hear his mournful cries, Think of his tort'ring pain! The morning sun withdrew his light, Blush'd, and refus'd to view the sight, The azure cloth'd in robes of night, All nature mourn'd, and stood affright, When Christ the Lord was slain. 3 The Jews and Romans in a band, With hearts like steel around him stand, And mocking, say, "Come save the land, Come try yourself to free." A soldier pierc'd him when he died ; Then healing streams came from his side ; And thus my Lord was crucified, Stern justice then was satisfied, Sinners, for you and me. 4 ;Tis done ! the dreadful debt is paid, The great atonement now is made ; Sinners, on him your guilt was laid, For you he spilt his blood : SL HIS ATONEMENT. For you his tender soul did move, For you he left the courts above, That you the length and breadth might prove, j And height and depth of perfect love, In Christ your smiling God. 176 HIS ATONEMENT. 177 Efficacy of the Atoning Blood. C. M. There is a fountain filPd with blood, Drawn from ImmanuePs veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. ! The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. I Thou dying Lamb ! thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransom' d Church of God Are saved, to sin no more. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be, till I die. Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save, When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. The Lamb of God. C. M. OLamb of God \ 0 Lamb of God! 0 Lamb for sinners slain ! And didst thou shed thy precious blood, To purge my guilty stain? K* 3 126 HIS ATONEMENT. 2 0 Lamb of God ! 0 Lamb of God ! 0 sin-atoning Lamb ! And didst thou bear my heavy load Of sorrow, sin and shame? 3 Yes, Lamb of God, for me, for me Thy precious blood was spilt ! The streams that crimsoned Calvary Shall wash away my guilt. 4 0 Lamb of God ! such grief and love Should melt my weeping eyes ; Yet tears could not one stain remove Though they to floods should rise. 5 0 Lamb of God ! let me but lay My head upon thy brow ; And give myself to thee away, Just now, dear Lord, just now. 178 Christ the Lamb Slain. L. M. Behold the sin-atoning Lamb, With wonder, gratitude and love ; To take away our guilt and shame, See him descending from above. 2 Our sins and griefs on him were laid : He meekly bore the mighty load ; Our ransom-price he fully paid, In groans and tears, in sweat and blood. 3 To save a guilty world, he dies ; Sinners, behold the bleeding Lamb ! To him lift up your longing eyes, And hope for mercy in his name. 4 Pardon and peace through him abound ; He can the richest blessings give ; Salvation in his name is found — He bids the dying sinner live. HIS ATONEMENT. 127 H Jesus, my Lord, I look to thee ; Where else can helpless sinners go ? Thy boundless love shall set me free From all my wretchedness and woe. 179 180 Christ our Sacrifice, S. M. Not all the blood of beasts On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name And richer blood than they. My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine, "While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. My soul looks back to see The burdens thou didst bear, When hanging on the cursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove: We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, And sing his bleeding love. The Atonement Completed. L. M. "Ths finished! — the Messiah dies, — 1 Cut off for sins, but not his own ; Accomplished is the sacrifice, — The great redeeming work is done. 2 'Tis finished ! — all the debt is paid ; Justice divine is satisfied ; The grand and full atonement made ; Christ for a guilty world hath died. M HIS ATONEMENT. 3 The veil is rent ; in him alone The living way to heaven is seen ; The middle wall is broken down, And all mankind may enter in. 4 The types and figures are fulfill' d ; Exacted is the legal pain ; The precious promises are seal'd ; The spotless Lamb of God is slain. 5 Death, hell and sin are now subdued ; All grace is now to sinners given ; And, lo ! I plead th' atoning blood, And in thy right I claim my heaven. 181 Christ our Surety. 10s & lis. All ye that pass by, to Jesus draw nigh ; To you is it nothing that Jesus should die? Our ransom and peace, our surety he is ; Come, see if there ever was sorrow like his. 2 The Lord, in the day of his anger, did lay Our sins on the Lamb, and he bore them away ; He dies to atone for sins not his own ; The Father afflicted for you his dear Son. 3 For sinners like me, he died on the tree ; His death is accepted, the sinner is free ; My pardon I claim, a sinner I am, A sinner believing in Jesus's name. 4 He purchased the grace which now I embrace ; 0 Father ! thou knowest he died in my place ! His death is my plea — my Advocate see — And hear the blood speak that has answer'd for me. 5 With joy we approve the plan of his love; A wonder to all, both below and above ! "When time is no more, we still shall adore That ocean of love, without bottom or shore. HIS BURIAL. 129 182 God Reconciled in Christ. C. M. Dearest of all the names above, My Jesus and my God, Who can resist thy heavenly love, Or trifle with thy blood ? 2 "lis by the merits of thy death The Father smiles again ; 'Tis by thine interceding breath, The Spirit dwells with men. 3 Till God in human form I see, My thoughts no comfort find ; The holy, just, and sacred Three, Are terror to my mind. 4 But if Immanuel's face appear, My hope, my joy begins ; His name forbids my slavish fear, His grace removes my sins. 5 "While Jews on their own law rely, And Greeks of wisdom boast, I love th' incarnate Mystery, And there I fix my trust. 183 HIS BURIAL. The Burial of Christ. M. 10s. Solemnly, sadly, the mourners draw near, Jesus, the Saviour, to lay on the bier ; Heart-broken, weeping, all shrouded in gloom, Gently they bear aim away to the tomb. Mournfully, carefully, solemn and slow, Down from the mountain so sadly they fdeep anguish in torrents arc Bhed, While he is borne to the home of the dead. 'J A 130 HIS RESURRECTION. 3 Mournfully, tenderly, o'er him they bow, Once more to gaze on that beautiful brow: Sorrow more deeply now pierces each breast, Gently, so gently they lay him to rest. 4 So have they buried him ; now they depart; Homeward they move with a sad, broken heart ; ! Fear not, poor mourners ; for angels will keep ] Him ye have laid in the dark grave to sleep. HIS RESURRECTION. 184 The Resurrection of Christ. M. 7s. U /Christ, the Lord, is ris'n to-day," \J Sons of men and angels say ; Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth reply. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won ; Lo! the sun's eclipse is o'er, Lo ! he sets in blood no more. 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ has burst the gate of hell; Death in vain forbids his rise, Christ hath open'd Paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious King ! " Where, 0 death, is now thy sting? " Once he died our souls to save : "Where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave?" 5 Hail, the Lord of earth and heav'n ! Praise to thee by both be giv'n! Thee we greet triumphant now, Hail ! the Resurrection — Thou ! St HIS RESURRECTION. 131 lOO Oi/r jRittfl Zo/yZ. C. M. The Saviour ris'n, to-day we praise, In concert with the blest ; For now we see his work complete, And enter into rest. 2 On this first day, a brighter scene Of glory was display'd By the creating Word, than when The universe was made. 3 He rises, who mankind has bought With grief and pain extreme ; 'Twas great to speak the world from naught, ;Twas greater to redeem. 4 How vain the stone, the watch, the seal ! Naught can forbid his rise ; ;Tis he who shuts the gates of hell, And opens Paradise. 5 Let us his righteousness disclose ; His death and rising show ; Till he return to banish woes, And bless his saints below. lOU The Resurrection Morning. C. M. Blest morning, whose young dawning rays Beheld our rising God, That saw him triumph o'er the dust, And leave his dark abode. 2 A silent pris'ner in the tomb The great Redeemer lay, Till the revolving skies had brought The third, th' appointed day. 3 Hell and the grave unite their force To hold our God in vain ; The Bleeping Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain! to _m_™S 0 132 HIS RESURRECTION. 4 To thy great name, almighty Lord, These sacred hours we pay ; And loud hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. 5 Salvation and immortal praise To our victorious King ; Let heaven and earth, and rocks and seas With glad hosannas ring. 18' n ' Joy Arising from the Resurrection. S. M. UT^he Lord is ris'n indeed!" 1 He lives to die no more ; He lives the sinners cause to plead, Whose curse and shame he bore. 2 "The Lord is ris'n indeed;" The grave has lost its prey ; With him is ris'n the ransom'd seed, To reign in endless day. 3 " The Lord is ris'n indeed;" Attending angels hear: Up to the courts of heaven with speed, The joyful tidings bear. 4 Then wake your golden lyres, And strike each cheerful chord ; Join, all ye bright celestial choirs, To sing our risen Lord. 188 Resurrection of Jesus. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Our Great Redeemer rose, Our Saviour left the dead ; And over all his foes, High raised his conquering head ; In wild dismay, the guards around, Fell to the ground, and sunk away. pr HIS RESURRECTION. 133 2 Lo! the angelic bunds, In full assembly m They wait his high commands, They worship at his feet : Joyful they come, and wing their way, From realms of day, to Jesus' tomb. 3 Then back to heaven they fly, And the glad tidings bear ; Hark! as they soar on high, What music fills the air! Their anthems say, "Jesus, who bled, Hath left the dead ; he rose to-day." 4 Ye mortals, catch the sound, Redeem' d by him from hell! And send the echo round The globe on which you dwell : Transported, cry, "Jesus, who bled, Has left the dead, no more to die." 5 All hail, triumphant Lord, Who sav'st us with thy blood; Wide be thy name adored, Thou rising, reigning God! Oh, may we rise, with thee to reign, And kingdoms gain, beyond the skies. 189 The Illustrious Morn. C. M. Ox this illustrious, joyful morn, Our Saviour left the grave; Was then declared fch'e Sou of God, With mighty power to save. Come, humble souls1, and see the place Whe iour lay ; III And hail the solemn day. L 134 HIS RESURRECTION. 3 In lofty accents praise his name, Who thus in triumph rose ; Who broke the iron bands of death, And trampled on his foes. 4 Sing loud hosannas to your King, The Lamb that once was slain ; For jou the royal victim died, For you he rose again. 190 Jesus lias Risen. P. M. 7,6,7,7,4,7. Rise, rise, rise from thy mourning ; Light, light breaks from the sky ; See, see, bright the day dawning ; Jesus has risen on high ! Rise, rise, rise, rise, Jesus has risen on high ! 2 Come, come, sing to the Saviour ; Love, love beams from his eye. Haste, haste, strive for his favor, Worship the Saviour on high. Come, come, come, come, Worship the Saviour on high. 3 Praise, praise yield him with gladness ; Earth, earth, banish thy gloom ; Death, death, where is thy sadness? Jesus returns from the tomb. Praise, praise, praise, praise,— Jesus returns from the tomb ! 4 Hail ! hail ! christians, adore him ! Here, here, anthems we sing ; There, there we'll dwell in glory, Eternally praising the King ; Hail! hail! all hail! Eternally praising the King! 191 192 The Happy Morn. II. M. 6,0,6,6,8,8. The happy morn is come: Triumphant o'er the grave, The Saviour leaves the tomb, Omnipotent to save; Captivity is captive led; For Jesus liveth, who was dead. Who now accuseth them, For whom their Ransom died? "Who now shall those condemn, Whom God hath justified? Captivity is captive led ; For Jesus liveth, who was dead. Christ hath the ransom paid ; The glorious work is done ; On him our help is laid, By him our vict'ry won : Captivity is captive led; For Jesus liveth, who was dead. k Mary at the Tomb. M. 7s double. Mary to the Saviour's tomb, Hasted at the early dawn ; Spice she brought and sweet perfume, But the Lord she loved had gone* For a while she ling'ring stood, Fill'd with sorrow and surprise; Trembling, while a crystal flood Issued from her weeping eyes. 2 But her sorrows quickly fled, When she heard his welcome voice; Christ has risen from the dead; Now he bids her heart rejoice; What a change his word ran make, Turning darkness into day. Ye who weep for Jesus' sake, lie will wipe your tears away. Ascension and Reign of Christ. C. M. Ofor a shout of sacred joy To God, the sovereign King ! Let every land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing. 2 Jesus, our God, ascends on high ; His heavenly guards around Attend him rising through the sky, With trumpets7 joyful sound. 3 While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains ; Let all the earth his honor sing ; — O'er all the earth he reigns. 4 Rehearse his praise with awe profound ; Let knowledge lead the song ; Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 5 In Israel stood his ancient throne : He loved that ancient race ; But now he calls the world his own ; The heathen taste his grace. 194 Ascension Day. M. 7s Hail the day that sees him rise Ravish' d from our wishful eyes ! Christ, a while to mortals given, Re-ascends his native heaven. 2 There the splendid triumph waits — "Lift your heads, ye heav'nly gates ; Wide unfold the radiant scene, Let the King of glory in ! " HIS ASCENSION. 16 i 3 Grant, though parted from our sight, Far aboye yon azure height — Grant our hearts may thither rise, Follow thee beyond the skies ; 4 There forever to remain, Partners of thy endless reign ; There thy face unclouded see, Find our heav'n of heav'ns in thee. 195 Triumphal Ascension of Christ. L. M. Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high ; The pow'rs of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay ; Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates ! Ye everlasting doors, give way! 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene ; He claims those mansions as his right — lleceive the King of glory in ! 4 Who is the King of glory?— Who? The Lord, who all his foes o'ercame : The world, sin, death and hell o'erthrew, And Jesus is the conqueror's name. 5 Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lav ; Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates! Ye everlasting doors, give way ! 6 Who if fehe King of glory ?— Who? The Lord, of b<»mi(llrv< might posseet, Th.' Kin-- of saints and angeifl tCO, Lord over all, for ever bl< L* p!3§ HIS C0R0XATI0X> HIS COKONATION. IJ/U Coronation of Christ. C. M. All hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him — Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him — Lord of all. 3 Hail him, ye heirs of David's line, Whom David Lord did call : The God incarnate ! Man Divine ! And crown him — Lord of all. 4 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransom'd from the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace. And crown him — Lord of all. 5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him — Lord of all. 6 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him — Lord of all. 197 Crown Him Lord of All. C. M. Inspire our souls, thou heav'nly Dove, On thee we humbly call ; Come, warm our hearts with Jesus' love, To crown him Lord of all. -Sl 2 The saints who now in glory shine, And triumph o'er the lull. In concert join with notes divine, To praise lii m Lord of all. Sinners, who now in him believe, Whose crimes are hitter gall, Pardon and grace from him receive, And bless him Lord of all. 2 The day will come when ev'ry voice, On this terrestrial ball, Aloud shall sing, exult, rejoice, To hail him Lord of all. 5 All heav'n, in one admiring throng, Before him prostrate fall, And join in sweet seraphic song, To crown him Lord of all! 198 Coronation of the King. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Look, ye saints ; the sight is glorious ; See the Man of sorrows now; From the light returned victorious, Every knee to him shall bow; vn him, crown him : Crowns become the Victor's brow. 2 Crown the Saviour; angels, crown him; Rich the trophies Jesus bring In the seat of power enthrone him, While the heavenly concave ri Crown him, crown him : Crown tin; Saviour Kin-1 <»(" ].' 3 Sinners in deri mod him, Mocking thus the Saviour's claim; Saints and angels crowd around him, Own his title, praise hi- name : Crown him crown him : I abroad the Victor's fame. — K HIS INTERCESSION. 4 Hark, those bursts of acclamation ! Hark, those loud, triumphant chords ! Jesus takes the highest station ; 0, what joy the sight affords ! Crown him, crown him, King of kings, and Lord of lords. HIS INTERCESSION. 199 Christ's Intercession. M. 8s & 7s. Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory, There on high thou dost abide ; All the heavenly host adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side. 2 There for sinners thou art pleading ; There thou dost our place prepare : Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 3 Worship, honor, pow'r and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive : Loudest praises without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. 4 Help, ye bright, angelic spirits ; Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to sing our Saviour's merits, Help to chant Immanuers praise. 200 The Believer's Surety. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Arise, my soul, arise ! Shake off thy guilty fears ; A bleeding sacrifice In thy behalf appears. Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on his hands. ;£L HIS INTERCESSION. 141 ; I 1201 Five bleeding wounds he bean, ReceiVd on Calvary: They pour effectnal pra] They Btronglj plead for me ; Forgive him, 0 forgive, they cry. Not let that raiifiom'd sinner die! The Father hears him pray, The dear anointed One: He cannot turn away The presence of his Son : His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. My God is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear : He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear: With confidence I now draw nigh, And "Father, Abba, Father/ } cry. Christ our Advocate. C. M« Awake, sweet gratitude, and sing Tli' ascended Saviour's love ; bow he lives to carry on His people's cause above. With cries and tears, he offer'd up His humble suit below : But with authority he asks, Enthroned in glory now. For all that come to God by him, Salvation he demands; Points to their names upon his h; And spreads his wounded hands. His sweet atoning sacrifice Gives sanction to his claim ; " Father, I will that all my saints J>c with me where 1 am.'' Fl42 HIS REIGN. ~^j 5 "By their salvation, recompense The sorrows I endured ; Just to the merits of thy Son, And faithful to thy word." 6 Eternal life, at his request, To every saint is given : Safety on earth, and after death, The plenitude of heaven. HIS EEIGN. 202 Christ's Kingdom and Reign. L. M. Jesus shall reign, where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 To him shall endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown his head ; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love, with sweetest song ; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns ; The prisoner leaps to lose his chains ; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 5 Let every creature rise, and bring Peculiar honors to our King ; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. HIS REIGN. 143 A/\JO King of kings and Lord of lords. C. M. The head that once was crown'd with thorns, Is crown'd with glory now; A royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords, Is to our Jesus given ; The King of kings, and Lord of lords. He reigns o'er earth and heaven. 3 The joy of all who dwell above, The joy of all below, To whom he manifests his love, And grants his name to know. 4 To them the cross, with all its shame. With all its grace, is given ; Their name — an everlasting name, Their joy — the joy of heaven. 5 They suffer with their Lord below, — They reign with him above ; Their everlasting joy to know The myst'ry of his love. 204 The King of Saints. II. M. 6,6,6,0,8,8. Rejoice, the Lord is King ! Your God and King adore ; Mortals give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore. Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice, aloud, ye saints, rejoice. K<'i<>ic<\ the Saviour reigns, The d of truth and love; When he had purg'd our stains, He took his Beat above. Lift up the heart, lilt up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. A i: 144 HIS REIGN. 3 He sits at God's right hand, Till all his foes submit, And bow to his command, And fall beneath his feet. Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. 4 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heav'n, The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus giv'n. Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. 5 Rejoice in glorious hope; Jesus, the Judge, shall come, And take his servants up To their eternal home. We soon shall hear th' archangel's voice, The trump of God shall sound, rejoioe. ** vD The ■ Universal Reign of Christ. L. M. [ark ! what triumphant strains are these Which echo thro' the vault of heav'n ? "To Jesus, once on Calv'ry slain, The kingdoms of the earth are giv'n." 2 Hark ! the new song before the throne, Which only the redeemed can raise ; Angels may tune their golden harps, But cannot reach these notes of praise. 3 They worship our exalted Lord, And hail him universal King ; But saints — the purchase of his blood, Can strike a sweeter, nobler string. 4 The wonders of his dying love, Their hallelujahs loud proclaim, While with extatic joy they shout New honors to his sacred name. H' HIS REIGN. 145 206 207 Christ's Feign. B. M. TnE Lord Jehovah reigns, Let all the nations fear ; Let sinners tremble at his throne, And saints be humble there. Jesus, the Saviour, reigns, Let earth adore its Lord; Bright cherubs his attendants wait, Swift to fulfil his word. In Zion stands his throne ; His honors are divine ; His church shall make his wonders known, For there his glories shine. How holy is his name ! How fearful is his praise ! Justice, and truth, and judgment join In all the works of grace. The Universal Victory of the Cross. S. M. Jesus, the Conqu'ror, reigns, In glorious strength array'd ; His kingdom over all maintains, And bids the earth be glad : Ye sons of men, rejoice In Jesus' mighty love ; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, To Him who rules above. Extol his kingly power ; Kiss the exalted feon, "Who died, and lives to die no more, High on his Father's throne: Our Advocate with God, 1I»* undertake! our i And Bpreada through all the earth abroad, The vi<'t'rv of bifl i t a M ' io s! Jubilee of the World. M. 7s, double. Hark ! the song of jubilee ! Loud as mighty thunders roar, Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore : Hallelujah ! for the Lord God omnipotent shall reign ; Hallelujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 Hallelujah! hark! the sound, From the depth unto the skies, Wakes — above, beneath, around — All creation's harmonies ! See Jehovah's banner furl'd, Sheath'd his sword : he speaks : 'tis done ; And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdom of his Son. 3 He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway: He shall reign, when, like a scroll, Yonder heavens have pass'd away. Then the end : beneath his rod Man's last enemy shall fall ; Hallelujah! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. 209 Rejoicing in Christ's Triumphs. L. M. Rejoice, for Christ, the Saviour reigns ; He spreads his triumphs all abroad ; And sinners, freed from endless pains, Own him their Saviour and their God. 2 His sons and daughters from afar, Daily at Zion's gate arrive ; Those who were dead in sin before, By sovereign grace are made alive. 3 0, may his conquests still increase, His foernen's pow'r may he subdue ; While angels celebrate his praise, And saints his growing glories show. 4 Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb, From all below, from all above; In lofty songs exalt his name, In songs as lofty as his love. 210 Christ's Victory. P. M. 8,7,8,7,7,7. Who is this that comes from Edom ? All his raiment stain'd with blood ; To the captive speaking freedom, Bringing and bestowing good; Glorious in the garb he wears, Glorious in the spoil he bears. 2 ;Tis tho Saviour, now victorious, Traveling onward in his might; 'Tis the Saviour, 0, how glorious, To his people is the sight ! Satan conquered, and the grave, Jesus now is strong to save. 3 Why that blood his raiment staining? 'Tie the blood of many slain; Of his foes, there's none remaining, Now the contest to maintain : FalPn are they, no more to rise ; All their glory prostrate lies. 4 Mighty Victor, reign forever ! Wear the crown so dearly WOD ! Never shall thy people, never, • t<> Bing what th0U hast 'I Thou hast fought thy people's I Thou hast heard thy people's v a Christ Enthroned. P. M. 8,7,8,7,7,7. Hark ! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above ; Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices, Jesus reigns the God of love : See, he sits on yonder throne — Jesus rules the world alone. 2 Jesus, hail ! whose glory brightens All above, and gives it worth ; Lord of life, thy smile enlightens, Cheers, and charms thy saints on earth, When we think of love like thine, Lord, we own it love divine. 3 King of glory, reign forever ; Thine an everlasting crown ; Nothing from thy love shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own. Happy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy face. 4 Saviour, hasten thine appearing ; Bring, 0, bring the glorious day, When, the awful summons hearing, Heav'n and earth shall pass away; Then with golden harps we'll sing, " Glory, glory to our King." THE HOLY SPIRIT. ZiZ Breathing after the Holy Spirit. C. M. Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quick' ning powers ; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys J Our souls how heavily they go, To reach eternal joys ! 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hbsannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate ; Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly dove, With all thy quick'ning pow'rs ; Come shed abroad the Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 213 Prayer for the Guidance of the Spirit. L.M. PIome, gracious Spirit, heavenly J) \J With light and comfort from above ; Be thou our guardian, thou our guide O'er every thought and step preside. ; 2 Conduct us safe, conduct us far From every sin and hurtful snare ; Lead to thy word, that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to live. The light of truth to us display, And make us know and choose thy way ; Plant holy fear in every heart. That we from God may ne'er depart. Lead us to holiness, the road That wo must take to dwell with God ; Lefljd us to Christ, the tiling way. Nor let us from hu l bray. M* * THE HOLY SPIRIT. 5 Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjoyment to be bless'd; Lead us to heaven, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is. 214 Descent of the Holy Spirit. L. M. Great was the day, the joy was great, When the belov'd disciples met ; And on their heads the Spirit came, And sat like cloven tongues of flame. 2 What gifts, what miracles he gave ! The power to kill, the power to save ; Furnished their tongues with wondrous words, Instead of shields, and spears, and swords. 3 Thus armed, he sent the champions forth, From east to west, from south to north : Go, and assert your Saviour's cause — Go, spread the rnyst'ry of his cross. 4 These weapons of the holy war, Of what almighty force they are, To make our stubborn passions bow, And lay the proudest rebel low ! 5 The Greeks and Jews, the learned and rude, Are by these heavenly arms subdued ; While Satan rages at his loss, And hates the doctrine of the cross. 215 Prayer for the Spirit. S. M. Come, Holy Spirit, come, Let thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. Convince us of our sin ; Then lead to Jesus' blood ; And to our wond'ring view reveal The secret love of God. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 216 Revive our drooping faith ; Our doubts and fears remove ; And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new-create the whole. 217 Fear of Grieving the Spirit. And shall I still the Spirit grieve ? And still reject his call? Oh, will he not the rebel leave, In sin's dark way to fall? 2 Shall I the heavenly Friend refuse, And drive him from my heart ? His warnings and his love abuse, And bid him hence depart? 3 Will he not justly give me o'er, Though ready now to save? Will he not bar the heavenly door, When I his pity crave ? 4 " Depart!" will he at last reply! 0, may I now attend : Now to the cross for mercy fly, And make my God my friend. CM. The Striving of the Spirit. Say, sinner, hath a voice within Oft whispered to thy secret soul : Urged thee to leave the ways of sin, And yield thy heart to God's control? 2 Sinner, it was a heav'nly voice, It was the Spirit's gracious call ; It bade thee make the better choice, And haste to seek in Christ thine all. L. M. JS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Spurn not the call to life and light; Regard in time the warning kind ; That call thou mayst not always slight, And yet the gate of mercy find. 4 God's Spirit will not always strive With hardened, self-destroying man; Ye, who persist his love to grieve, May never hear his voice again. 5 Sinner, perhaps this very day Thy last accepted time may be ; Oh, shouldst thou grieve him now away, Then hope may never beam on thee. ^lO Life, Light and Love, C. M. Enthroned on high, Almighty Lord, The Holy Ghost send down ; Fulfill in us thy faithful word, And all thy mercies crown. 2 Though on our heads no tongues of fire Their wondrous powers impart, Grant, Saviour, what we most desire, — Thy Spirit in our heart. 3 Spirit of life and light and love, Thy heavenly influence give ; Quicken our souls, our guilt remove, That we in Christ may live. 4 To our benighted minds reveal The glories of his grace, And bring us where no clouds conceal The brightness of his face. 5 His love within us shed abroad, — Life's ever-springing well; Till God in us, and we in God, In love eternal dwell. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 153 219 The Spirit's Enlightening Influences. CM. Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire ; Let us thine influence prove ; — Source of the old prophetic fire ; Fountain of life and love. 2 Come, Holy Ghost, for moved by thee The prophets wrote and spoke : Unlock the truth, thyself the key ; Unseal the sacred book. 3 Expand thy wings, celestial Dove ; Brood o'er our nature's night; On our disordered spirits move, And let there now be light. 4 God, through himself, we then shall know. If thou within us shine: And sound, with all thy saints below, The depths of love divine. &&\J God's Spirit will not always Strive. Quench not the Spirit of the Lord, The Holy One from heaven ; The Comforter, beloved, adored, To man in mercy given. 2 Quench not the Spirit of the Lord : "He will not always strive:" Oh, tremble at that awful word ; Sinner ! awake and live. 3 Quench not the Spirit of the Lord, It is thy only hope; Oh, let his aid be now implored, Let prayer be lifted up. 4 Grieve not the Spirit of the Lord, Heirs of redeeming grace; With grateful hearts his love record Whose presence fills the place. Q' C. M. c QGt — 0 1 154 THE HOLY SPIRIT. ZZl Prayer to the Spirit M. 7s. [.racious Spirit, Love divine, r Let thy light within me shine ; All my guilty fears remove, Fill me full of heaven and love. 2 Speak thy pardoning grace to me, Set the burdened sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God, Wash me in his precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation on my heart ; Breathe thyself into my breast, Earnest of immortal rest. 4 Let me never from thee stray, Keep me in the narrow way ; Fill my soul with joy divine, Keep me, Lord, forever thine. The Work of the Holy Spirit L. M. In vain had God the Father sent His only Son, to save our race, Had not the Holy Spirit lent, His priceless soul-converting grace. 2 In vain had Jesus shed his blood For wretched, guilty, ruined man, Had not the Spirit of our God Revealed the wonders of his plan. 3 Blest Spirit ! by thy gracious ray Our darkened souls are made to see That Jesus is the only "way" To God, and blest eternity. 4 ;Tis by thy soul-uniting aid, We grow as branches on the "vine," — By thee, in righteousness arrayed, Our souls, in heaven, shall ever shine. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 5 Then honor, glory, praise and love, To God the Father, and the Son, And thee, blest Spirit, holy Dove, We'll ever give, before the throne. Z£o Pleading for ike Spirit. II.M.G,G,6,6,8,8. |U thou that nearest prayer, Attend our humble cry ; And let thy servants share Thy blessing from on high : We plead the promise of thy "word ; Grant us thy Holy Spirit, Lord. 0'1 2 If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry; If they, with love sincere, Their varied wants supply ; Much more wilt thou thy love display, And answer when thy children pray. 3 Our heavenly Father, thou ; We, children of thy grace : Oh, let thy Spirit now Descend and fill the place : So shall we feel the heav'nly flame, And all unite to praise thy name. 4 Oh, may that sacred fire, pending from above, Our languid hearts inspire With fervent zeal and love; Enlighten our beclouded e And teach our loncrina; souls to rise. Love, Repose, Aseura C. M. INTERNAL Spirit! God of truth! J Our contrite hearts inspire; Kindle the flame of heavenly love, And feed the pure desire. 156 THE GOSPEL. 2 'Tis thine to soothe the sorrowing mind, With guilt and fear opprest ; 'Tis thine to bid the dying live, And give the weary rest. 3 Subdue the power of every sin, Whate'er that sin may be; That we in singleness of heart, May worship only thee. 4 Then with our spirits witness bear, That we are sons of God : Redeemed from sin, and death, and hell, Through Christ's atoning blood. 225 THE GOSPEL. The Gospel Trumpet. CM. I Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice ; The trumpet of the gospel sounds, With an inviting voice. 2 Ho ! all ye hungry, starving souls, That feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toils, To fill th' immortal mind ! — 3 Eternal wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 Ho ! ye that pant for living streams, And pine away and die ! Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. w~ THE GOSPEL. 5 Rivers of love and mercy, here, In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. 6 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day ; Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. 226 227 Praise for the Gospel. P.M. 6,6,4,6,6,6,4. Come, let our voices raise A song of grateful praise, And thankful love ; Let each a tribute bring, Let all awake and sing Praise to our heav'nly King, Who dwells above. 2 The gospel's sacred page Reveals to every age Salvation free. 0, send the joyful sound, And let it echo round, Till praises loud resound, 0 God, to thee ! 3 Accept our ofFrings, God, To spread thy truth abroad, — Our labors own : At length at thy right hand, May we together stand, And, with the angel-band, Surround thy throne ! The Blessings of the Gospel. God, in the gospel of his Son, Mak'-s hifl eternal counsels known, WIkto love in all its glory shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. N L.M. Here, sinners of an humble frame May taste his grace, and learn his name ; May read, in characters of blood, The wisdom, power and grace of God. 3 Here, faith reveals, to mortal eyes, A brighter world beyond the skies ; Here, shines the light which guides our way, From earth to realms of endless day. 4 Oh ! grant us grace, almighty Lord ! To read and mark thy holy word, Its truths with meekness to receive, And by its holy precepts live. 5 May this blest volume ever lie Close to my heart, and near mine eye, — Till life's last hour, my soul engage, And be my chosen heritage. 228 The Joyful Sound, Salvation ! 0 the joyful sound ! What pleasure to our ears ; A sov'reign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, "While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 3 Salvation ! 0 thou bleeding Lamb ! To thee the praise belongs: Salvation shall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. Zao The Gospel the Power of God. What shall the dying sinner do, That seeks relief for all his woe ? Where shall the guilty conscience find Ease for the torment of the mind ? CM. L.M. to THE GOSPEL. 159 ;$ 2 How shall we get our crimes forgiv'n, Or form our natures fit for heav'n? Can souls all o'er defiFd with sin, Make their own powers and passions clean? 3 In vain we search, in vain we try, Till Jesus brings his gospel nigh ! 'Tis there such power and glory dwell, As saves rebellious souls from hell. 4 This is the pillar of our hope, That bears our fainting spirits up ; We read the grace, we trust the word, And find salvation in the Lord. 5 Let men or angels dig the mines, Where nature's golden treasure shines ; Brought near the doctrine of the cross, All nature's gold appears but dross. £0\J The Power of the Gospel. L. B£ Tnis is the word of truth and love, Sent to the nations from above; Jehovah here resolves to show What his almighty grace can do. 2 This remedy did wisdom find. To heal diseases of the mind ; This .sovereign balm, whose virtues can Restore the ruin'd creature, man. 3 The gospel bids the dead revive ; Sinners obey the voice, and live ; Dry bones are raised and cloth'd afresh ; And hearts of stone are turn'd to flesh. 4 May but this grace my soul renew — Let sinners gate, and hate me too; The word that saves me does engage A sure defence from all their rajre. THE GOSPEL. • The Law and Gospel Contrasted. S. M. The law by Moses came, But peace and truth and love Were brought by Christ, a nobler name, Descending from above. Amidst the house of God, Their different works were done ; Moses a faithful servant stood, But Christ a faithful Son. Then to his new commands Be strict obedience paid ; O'er all his Father's house he stands, The sovereign and the head. The man that durst despise The law that Moses brought, Behold, how terribly he dies, For his presumptuous thought. But sorer vengeance falls On that rebellious race, AYho hate to hear when Jesus calls, And dare resist his grace. 232 J® The Gospel Jubilee. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Blow ye the trumpet ! blow The gladly-solemn sound ! Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound: The year of jubilee is come, — Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. Exalt the Lamb of God, The sin-atoning Lamb : Redemption in his blood Through all the world proclaim : The year of jubilee is come, — Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. THE GOSPEL. jgp. Servants of sin and hell, Your liberty receive, And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live : The year of jubilee is come, — Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pardoning grace ; Ye happy souls draw near, Behold the Saviour's face : The year of jubilee is come, — Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. Jesus, our great High Priest, Has full atonement made; Ye weary spirits, rest, Ye mournful souls, be glad : The year of jubilee is come, — Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 233 Whoever will, let him Come. C. M. 0! what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel found ! Suited to every sinner's case, Who knows the joyful sound. Poor sinful, thirsty, fainting souls Are freely welcome here ; Salvation, like a river, rolls Abundant, free and clear. Come then, with all your wants and wounds, Your every burden bring ; Here love, unchanging love abounds, A deep, celestial spring. Whoever will, (0 gracious word!) Shall of this stream partake ; Come, thirsty souls, and bless the Lord, And drink for Jesus' B I ke. 3 I* 11 162 THE GOSPEL. 5 Millions of sinners vile as you, Have here found life and peace ; Come then, and prove its virtues too, And drink, adore and bless. ^t)4 The Gospel Obeyed or Resisted. L. M. Thus saith the wisdom of the Lord, " Blest is the man that hears my word Keeps daily watch before my gates, And at my feet for mercy waits. 2 "The soul that seeks me shall obtain Immortal wealth and heavenly gain ; Immortal life is his reward, Life, and the favor of the Lord. 3 " But the vile wretch that flies from me, Does his own soul an injury; Fools, that against my grace rebel, Seek death, and love the road to hell." ^OO The Gospel's Potency. C. M. [ail, mighty Jesus ! how divine Is thy victorious sword ! The stoutest rebel must resign At thy commanding word. 2 How deep the wounds thine arrows give ! They pierce the hardest heart ; Thy smiles of grace the slain revive, And joy succeeds to smart. 3 Still gird thy sword upon thy thigh ; Ride with majestic sway ; Go forth, great Prince, triumphantly, And make thy foes obey. 5 And when thy victories are complete, And all the chosen race Shall round the throne of glory meet, To sing thy conquering grace — H' EXHORTATION. 163' 5 Oh ! may my humble soul be found Among that favor' d band ; And I with them thy praise will sound Throughout Immanuers land. 236 The Gospel's Call. M. 8,7,8,7,4,7. Sinners, hear, for God hath spoken ; 'Tis the God that reigns on high; He, whose law the world has broken, Sends you tidings of great joy: Hear his message, Hear it, sinners, lest ye die. 2 Hear the gospel, sinners, hear it, Joyful news from heaven it brings ; Here's a fountain, 0, draw near it ! Open'd by the King of kings : Living water, Thence in streams eternal springs. 3 Sinner, hear — why will you perish ? Death to life, 0 ! why prefer ? Why your vain delusions cherish ? Why from truth persist to err ? Wisdom calls you : Happy they who learn of her. 237 EXHORTATION. Sinners Entreated. CM. Sinners, the voice of God regard! His mercy speaks to-day ; He calls you, by his sovereign^ word, From sin's destructive way. 164 EXHORTATION. 2 Like the rough sea, that cannot rest, You live devoid of peace ; A thousand stings within your breast Deprive your souls of ease. 3 Your way is dark, and leads to hell ; Why will you persevere ? Can you in endless torments dwell, Shut up in black despair? 4 Why will you in the crooked ways Of sin and folly go ? In pain you travail all your days, To reap immortal woe ! 5 But he who turns to God shall live, Through his abounding grace : His mercy will the guilt forgive Of those who seek his face. 238 Exhortation to Old and Young. C. M. Dear people, all attention give, And hear what I do say : — I long your precious souls should live In everlasting day. 2 Remember you are hastening on To death's dark, gloomy shade; Your joys on earth will soon be gone, Your flesh in dust be laid. 3 Death's iron gate you must pass through, Ere long, my precious friend ; Where do you then expect to go? 0 ! what will be your end ? 4 Pray, meditate, before too late, While in a gospel land ; Behold, King Jesus at the gate Most lovingly doth stand. m UU The Accepted Hour. C. M. Jow is the time, th' accepted hour: 0, sinners, come away ; The Saviour's knocking at your door ; Arise without delay. 2 0 don't refuse to give him room, Lest mercy should withdraw ; He'll then in robes of vengeance come, To execute his law. 3 Then, where, poor mortals, will you be, If destitute of grace ; When you your injured judge shall see, And stand before his face? 4 0 let not all these calls be vain, But lend a list'ning ear ; Lest you should meet them all again, When wrapt in black despair. 256 The Hypocrite.— Job 27 : 8. S. M. Let hypocrites attend, And view their awful state — Consider well their latter end, Before it be too late. Religion's form is vain, While we deny its pow'r : What will the hypocrite obtain In death's tremendous hour? Now, he may credit gain, And in his afflu'nce roll ; But all his profit will be pain, When God shall take his soul. Then, 0, what dread surprise, What horror and dismay ! When death shall open wide his eyes, And tear his mask away. M 257 Lord, search and know my heart, And make my soul sine-- And bid hypocrisy depart, And keep my conscience clear. TJie Doomed Man. C. M. Tiierk is a time — we know not when — A point — we know not where, — That marks the destin}' of men, To glory or despair. 2 There is a time — by us unseen — That crosses every path ; The hidden boundary between God's patience and his wrath. 3 0! where is this mysterious bourn, By which our path is crost; Beyond which, God himself has sworn, that he who goes is lost? 4 How far may we go on in sin? How long will God forbear? AVhere does hope end? and where begin The confines of despair? 5 An answer from the skies is sent: •• Ye that from God depart. While it is call'd to-day, repent, And harden not your heart/' AjOkj y0 Probation in the Grave, Whilk life prolongs its precious light, Mercy is found, and peace is given; But s.xm, ah! soon approaching night Shall blot out every hope of heaven. 2 Soon borne on time's most rapid wing, Shall death command you to the grave, Before hi< bar your spirits bring, And none be found to hear or Bave. 12 L. M. 3 In that lone land of deep despair No sabbath's heav'nly light shall rise, No God regard your bitter prayer, No Saviour call you to the skies. 4 While God invites, how blest the day ! How sweet the gospel's charming sound ! Come, sinners, haste, 0, haste away ! While yet a pard'ning God is found. 259 S The Alarm. P. M. 7,6,7,6,7,7,7,6. top, poor sinners ! stop and think, Before you further go ! Will you sport upon the brink Of everlasting woe? On the verge of ruin stop, Now the friendly warning take ; Stay your footsteps, ere you drop Into the burning lake. 2 Say, have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose ? Fear ye not that iron rod, With which he breaks his foes? Can you stand in that dread day, Which his justice shall proclaim, When the earth shall melt away Like wax before the flame? 3 Ghastly death will quickly come, And drag you to his bar : Then to hear your awful doom Will fill you with despair ! All your sins will round you crowd : You shall mark their crimson die ; Each for vengeance crying loud; And what can you reply ! Though your heart were made of steel, Your forehead lined with brass, God at Length will make 3-011 feel, — lie will not let you pasa ; Sinners then in vain will call, — Those who now despise his grace, — "Rocks and mountains, on us fall, And hide us from his face." PENITENTIAL. ^UU Indwelling Sin Lamented. C. M. With tears of anguish, I lament, Here at thy feet, my God* My passion, pride and discontent, And vile ingratitude. 2 Sure, there was ne'er a heart so base, So false as mine has been ; So faithless to its promises, So prone to every sin. 2 How long, dear Saviour, shall I feel These struggles in my breast? AVhen wilt thou bow my stubborn will, And give my conscience rest. 4 Break, sovereign grace, 0, break the charm, And set the captive free ; Reveal, almighty God, thine arm, And haste to rescue me. 9fi1 Ajxjl The Bemoaning Sinner. CM. And now the scales have left mine eyes, \«>w I began to see; 0, the cursM deeds my sins have done — What murd'roufl things they be! 180 PENITENTIAL. 2 Were these the traitors, dearest Lord, That thy fair body tore ? Monsters, that stain' d those heav'nly limbs With floods of purple gore ? 3 Was it for crimes that I had done, My dearest Lord was slain, When justice seized God's only Son, And put his soul to pain ? 4 Forgive my guilt, 0 Prince of peace ! I'll wound my God no more ; Hence from my heart, ye sins, begone! For Jesus I adore. 5 Furnish me, Lord, with heav'nly arms From grace's magazine ; And I'll proclaim eternal war With every darling sin. 4 262 feL Sin Lamented. S. M. Ah ! whither should I go, Burden'd, and sick, and faint? To whom should I my troubles show, And pour out my complaint? My Saviour bids me come ; Oh ! why do I delay ? He calls the weary sinner home, And yet from him I stay. What is it keeps me back, From which I cannot part, Which will not let the Saviour take Possession of my heart ? Jesus, the hindrance show, Which I have fear'd to see ; And let me now consent to know What keeps me back from thee. PENITENTIAL. 181 5 Some cursed thing unknown Must surely lurk within, Some idol which I'll not disown, Some secret bosom sin. 6 My God, now search me through, My inmost heart now try ; Oh, break my will, thy will to do, And save me, lest I die. 253 Godly Sorroiv. C. M. Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feet, A guilty rebel lies ; And upward to thy mercy-seat Presumes to lift his eyes. 2 Oh, let not justice frown me hence ; Stay, stay the vengeful storm ! Forbid it that Omnipotence Should crush a feeble worm. 3 If tears of sorrow would suffice To pay the debt I owe, Tears should from both my weeping eyes In ceaseless torrents flow. 4 But no such sacrifice I plead, To expiate my guilt ; No tears but those which thou hast shed ; No blood, but thou hast spilt. 5 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord ! And all my sins forgive: Justice will well approve the word That bids the sinner live. 264 M' Confession and Pardon. S. M. y sorrows, like a flood, Impatient of restraint, Into thy bosom, 0 my God, P6ur "lit a long complaint, p 182 PENITENTIAL. How often have I stood A rebel to the skies ! And yet, and yet — 0 matchless grace !- Thy thunder silent lies. Overcome by dying love, Here at thy cross I lie : Submit my soul, my all, to thee, And weep, and love, and die/ "Rise," says the Saviour, "rise; Behold my wounded veins ! Here flows a sacred crimson flood To wash away thy stains." See, God is reconciled ! Behold his smiling face ! Let sinners in his love rejoice, And sound aloud his grace. 265 The Stubborn Heart L. M. Ofor a glance of heavenly day, To melt this stubborn stone away ! And thaw, with beams of love divine, This heart, this frozen heart of mine! 2 The rocks can rend ; the earth can quake ; The seas can roar ; the mountains shake : Of feeling all things show some sign, But this unfeeling heart of mine. 3 To hear the sorrows thou hast felt, Dear Lord, an adamant would melt ! But I can read each moving line, And nothing moves this heart of mine. 4 Eternal Spirit, mighty God, Apply within the Saviour's blood : ;Tis his rich blood, and his alone, Can move and melt this heart of stone. PENITENTIAL. 183 ^00 Conviction of Sin by the Law. C. M. Lord, how secure my conscience was, And felt no inward dread: I was alive without the law. And thought my sins were dead. 2 My hopes of heav'n were firm and bright, But since the precept came "With a convincing power and light, I find how vile I am. 3 My guilt appeared but small before, Till I with terror saw How perfect, holy, just and pure Was thine eternal law. 4 Then felt my soul the heavy load, My sins revived again ; I had provoked a dreadful God, And all my hopes were slain. 5 I'm like a helpless captive, sold Under the power of sin ; I cannot do the good I would, Nor keep my conscience clean. 6 My God, I cry with every breath, Exert thy power to save ; Oh, break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave. ^0 * Fullness of Christ. M. 7s. Bleeding hearts, defiled by sin. Jesus Christ can make you clean ; Contrite souls, with guilt Opprest, Jesus Christ can give you rest. 2 You who mourn your follies past, Precious hours and years laid waste, Turn to God, 0, turn and live; Jesus Christ can still forgive. 184 PENITENTIAL. 3 You who oft have wandered far From the light of Bethleh'm's star, Trembling, now your steps retrace ; Jesus Christ is full of grace. 4 Souls benighted and forlorn, Griev'd, afflicted, tempest-worn, Now in Israel's Rock confide ; Jesus Christ for man has died. 5 Fainting souls, in peril's hour, Yield not to the tempter's pow'r ; On the risen Lord rely : Jesus Christ now reigns on high. *rUO Burden of Guilt. C. M. With guilt oppress'd, bow'd down with sin, Beneath its load I groan ; Give me, 0 Lord, a heart of flesh ; Remove this heart of stone. 2 A burden' d sinner, lo ! I come, In dread of death and hell : 0, seal my pardon with thy blood, And all my fears dispel. 3 Nor peace, nor rest, my soul can find, Till thy dear cross I see ; Till there in humble faith I cry, " The Saviour died for me." 4 0, give this true and living faith, This soul-supporting view ; Till old things be forever past, And all within be new. 269 The Conquering Love of Jesus. C. M. Othat I could my Lord receive, Who did the world redeem ; Who gave his life that I might live A life conceaPd in him. PENITENTIAL. 185 0 that I eould the blessing prove, — My heart's extreme desire; Live happy in my Saviour's love, And in his arms expire. In answer to ten thousand pray'rs, Thou pardoning God, descend; Number me with salvation's heirs, My sins and troubles end. Nothing I ask or want beside, Of all in earth or heav'n ; But let me feel thy blood applied, And live and die forgiv'n. 270 The Contrite Siriner. C. M. Othou ! whose tender mercy hears Contrition's humble sigh ; Whose hand, indulgent, wipes the tears From sorrow's weeping eye ; — 2 See, low before thy throne of grace, A wretched wanderer mourn : Hast thou not bid me seek thy face? Hast thou not said — " Return?" 3 And shall my guilty fears prevail To drive me from thy feet? Thy word of promise cannot fail, My tower of safe retreat. 4 Oh ! shine on this benighted heart, With beams of mercy shine ; And let thy healing voice impart A taste of joys divine. 271 Prayer for Contrition. L. M. Ogive me Lord, my sins to mourn, ling, which have thy body torn ; (live me with broken heart, to see Thy last tremendous agony. P* ® 186 PENITENTIAL. 2 0 ! could I gain the mountain's height, And gaze upon that wond'rous sight ! 0 ! that with Salem's daughters, I Could stand and see my Saviour die. 3 I'd hang around his feet and cry, Lord, save a soul condemned to die, And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 4 Father of mercy ! drop thy frown, And give me shelter in thy Son ; And with my broken heart comply, — 0! give me Jesus, or I die. 5 0 Lord ! deny me what thou wilt, If thou wouldst ease me of my guilt : Good Lord, in mercy hear me cry, And give me Jesus, or I die. 6 0 ! save my soul from gaping hell, Or else with devils I must dwell ; 0 ! might I enter, now I'm come — Lord Jesus, save — and take me home. 272 The Convicted Sinner. L. M. With aching heart and weeping eyes, My guilty soul for mercy cries : What shall I do, or whither flee, T' escape that vengeance due to me ? 2 Till now I saw no danger nigh, I lived at ease, nor fear'd to die ; Wrapt up in self-deceit and pride, " I shall have peace at last," I cried. 3 But when, great God ! thy light divine Had shone on this dark soul of mine, Then I beheld with trembling awe, The terrors of thy holy law. ^m & PENITENTIAL. 4 How dreadful now my guilt appears, In childhood, youth and growing years ; Before thy pure discerning eye, Lord, what a filthy wretch am I ! 5 Should vengeance still my soul pursue, Death and destruction are my due : Yet mercy can my guilt forgive, And bid a dying sinner live. 6 Does not thy sacred word proclaim, Salvation free in Jesus' name ? To him I look and anxious cry, "0, save a wretch condemned to die \" 273 Godly Sorrow. M. Sovereign Kuler, Lord of all. Prostrate at thy feet I fall : Hear, 0, hear my ardent cry : Frown not, lest I faint and die. 2 Vilest of the sons of men, Worst of rebels I have been ! Oft abus'd thee to thy face, Trampled on thy richest grace ! 3 Justly might thy vengeful dart Pierce this bleeding, broken heart ; Justly might thy kindled ire Blast me in eternal fire. 4 But with thee there's mercy found, Balm to heal my every wound : Soothe, 0, soothe the troubled breast ; Give the weary wand'rer rest. 5 Then my happy soul shall sing Glory to my heav'nly King, Whose most precious blood can cleanse All the earth-born sons of sense. SSL, js? 188 INVITATION. INVITATION. 274 } The Invitation Hymn. M. 8s, 7s, & 4. Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love, and power : He is able, He is willing : doubt no more. 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome ; God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, — Every grace that brings you nigh, — Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger ; Nor of fitness fondly dream : All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, — 'Tis the Spirit's glimmering beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all ; Not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call. 5 Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies ! On the bloody tree behold him ! Hear him cry before he dies, "It is finished!" Sinners, will not this suffice ? INVITATION. 189 ^ 6 Lo ! th' incarnate God ascending, Pleads the merit of his blood ; Venture on him, venture freely, Let no other trust intrude; None but Jestu Can do helpless sinners good. 7 Saints and angels, join'd in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb. While the blissful seats of heaven, Sweetly echo with his name ; Hallelujah! Sinners here may do the same. " iO Just as Thou Art. P. M. 8,8,8,0. Just as thou art — without one trace Of love, or joy, or inward grace, Or meetness for the heavenly place, 0 guilty sinner, come. 2 Thy sins I bore on Calvary's tree ; The stripes, thy due, were laid on me, That peace and pardon might be free — 0 wretched sinner, come. 3 Burden' d with guilt, wouldst thou be blest, Trust not the world ; it gives no rest : I bring relief to hearts opprest — 0 weary sinner, come. 4 Come, leave thy burden at the cross ; Count all thy gains but empty dross: My grace repays all earthly loss — 0 needy sinner, come. 5 Come, hither bring thy boding fears, Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears: 'Tia mercy's voice salutes thine ears; 0 trembling sinner, oome. 6 "The Spirit and thfe bride say, Come;" Rejoicing saint- re-echo, Come: Who faints who thirsty who will may come: Thy Savimir bidl thee come. ' 190 INVITATION. w 97fi & ■ ' ' Ji?/ /SW, 6riwe me toe Heart. C. M. "hat language now salutes the ear? It is our Father's voice ! Let all the world attentive hear, And every soul rejoice. 2 Sinner, he kindly speaks to thee, However vile thou art ; Here's grace and pardon, rich and free ; My son, give me thy heart. 3 For thee, a traitor, Jesus bled, And suffered dreadful smart : For thee the Lord was crucified — My son, give me thy heart. 4 Tho' thou hast long my grace withstood, And said to me depart, I claim the purchase of my blood — My son, give me thy heart. 5 Fll form thee for myself alone, And every good impart : I'll make my great salvation known — My son, give me thy heart. 6 Come, Lord, and conquer now my heart, Set up in me thy throne ; Bid sin and Satan hence depart, And claim me as thy own. 277 The Gospel Feast. L. M. Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guest ; There needs not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind. The Lord hath sent to you the call ; — The invitation is to all : Come all the world, come sinner, thou, All things in Christ are ready now. INVITATION. 191 ' 3 Come all ye souls by sins opprest, Ye restless wand'rers after rest: Ye poor and maim'd, and halt and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 The message as from God receive : You all may come to Christ and live, 0! let his love your souls constrain, Nor suffer him to die in vain. 5 His love is mighty to compel ; His conquering love consent to feel ; Yield to his love's resistless pow'r, And fight against your God no more. 6 See him set forth before your eyes, That precious, bleeding sacrifice; His oner'd benefits embrace, And freely now be sav'd by grace. 7 This is the time, no more delay, The invitation is to-day; Come in this moment at his call, And live for him who died for all. 278 Disconsolate Invited. P. M. 11,10,11,10. Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish, Come, at the mercy-seat fervently kneel: Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish ; Earth has no sorrow that heav'n cannot heal. 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure. — Here speaks the Comforter, in meroj Baying, Earth has no sorrow that heav'n cannot cure. 3 Here see the bread of life ; see waters flowing Forth from the throne «>H lod, boundless in love: Come to the fea-t prepar'd ; come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but heav'n can rem b ■ The Spirit, in our hearts, Is whispering, " Sinner, come;" The bride, the church of Christ, proclaims To all his children, "Come I" 2 Let him that heareth, say, To all about him, " Come!" Let him that thirsts for righteousness, To Christ, the fountain, come. 3 Yes, whosoever will, 0 let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life; — 'Tis Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo ! Jesus, who invites, Declares, I quickly come : Lord, even so, I wait thy hour ; Jesus, my Saviour, come ! "OV Happy Day. M. 8,8,8,8,6,8,8,8,6,8. Come all, who would to glory go, And leave this world of sin below ; Forsake your sins without delay, Believe, and you shall win the day. Happy day ! happy day ! When Jesus washed my sins away I He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day ; — Happy day ! happy day ! When Jesus washed my sins away ! 2 Oh ! do not longer tarry here, And live in sin and dark despair ; There is for you no better way, In which you all may win the day. Happy day, &c. INVITATION. 19E> 3 And if your conflicts arc severe, And you have many trials here, You only need fco watch and pray, And onward press to win the day. Happy day, &c. 4 In glory now the Saviour waits, And opens wide the pearly gates ; He stands and beckons you away ; Go on, and you shall win the day. Happy day, dec. 5 And when you reach the realms above, Where all is harmony and love, Then you shall join the heav'nly lay, And sing and shout, " Fve won the day \" Happy day, &c. 281 Best for the Weary Penitent. L. M. Come, weary souls, with sin distress'd, Come, and accept the promised rest ; The Saviour's gracious call obey, And cast your gloomy fears away. 2 Here mercy's boundless ocean flows, To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes ; Pardon and life, and endless peace, — How rich the gift, how free the grace ! 3 Lord ! we accept, with thankful heart, The hope thy gracious words impart : We come witli trembling, — yet rejoice, And bless the kind inviting voice. 4 Deal- Saviour! let thy p-.w'rful love Confirm our faith, — our fears remove; Oh! iweetly reign in every br- And guide a- t > eternal rttt Q 13 194 INVITATION. 989 AiKJA) Christ7 s Invitation to the Burdened. L. M. U/~Nome hither, all ye weary souls, \J Ye heavy-laden sinners, come : I'll give you rest from all your toils, And raise you to my heav'nly home. 2 They shall find rest who learn of me : I'm of a meek and lowly mind : But passion rages like the sea, And pride is restless as the wind. 3 Bless'd is the man whose shoulders take My yoke, and bear it with delight ; My yoke is easy to his neck, My grace shall make the burden light." 4 Jesus, we come at thy command, With faith, and hope, and humble zeal, Resign our spirits to thy hand, To mould and guide us at thy will. AiUO The Saviour's Invitation. C. M. The Saviour calls — let every ear Attend the heav'nly sound: Ye doubting souls, dismiss your fear — Hope smiles reviving round. 2 For every thirsty, longing heart, Here streams of bounty flow : And life, and health, and bliss impart, To banish mortal woe. 3 Ye sinners, come — 'tis mercy's voice ; The gracious call obey: Mercy invites to heav'nly joys, — And can you yet delay ? 4 Dear Saviour ! draw reluctant hearts ! To thee let sinners fly, And take the bliss thy love imparts, And drink, and never die. J§? N° INVITATION. 195 The Accepted Time. S. M. [ow is th' accepted time, Now is the day of grace ; Now, sinners, come without delay, And seek the Saviour's face. Now is th' accepted time, The Saviour calls to-day : To-morrow it may be too late ; — Then why should you delay ? Now is th' accepted time, The gospel bids you come ; And every promise in his word Declares there yet is room. Lord, draw reluctant souls, And feast them with thy love ; Then shall the angels clap their wings, And bear the news above. Invitation to Come to Christ. S. M. Come, sinners, come to God, Cast all your sins away : Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood ; Repent, believe, obey. Say not, ye cannot come For Jesus bled and died, That none, who ask in humble faith, Should ever be denied. Say not, ye will not come ; When God vouchsafes to call ; For fearful will their end bo found, On whom his wrath shall fall. I in«\ fchen, whoever will ; Come, while 'tis called to-day; anong blood : Repent, belie* 285 196 INVITATION. 286 Come to Jesus. Sentences. Z^ome to Jesus, just now. 2 He is ready, just now. 3 He is able, just now. 4 He is willing, just now. 5 G believe it, just now. 6 He is calling, just now. 7 Come, poor sinner, just now. 8 Come and welcome, just now. 9 Come, my neighbors, just now. 10 God is waiting, just now. 11 Christ is pleading, just now. 12 Get religion, just now. 13 Do not linger, just now. 14 Christ may leave you, just now. 15 Time is flying, just now. 16 Pray on, brethren, just now. 287 And yet there is Room. C. M. Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor, Behold a royal feast ; Where mercy spreads her bounteous store, For every humble guest. 2 See, Jesus stands with open arms ; He calls, he bids you come ; Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms, But see, there yet is room ! 3 Room in the Saviour's bleeding heart : There love and pity meet ; Nor will he bid the soul depart, That trembles at his feet. I® INVITATION. 197 ! 4 In him the Father reconcile, Invites your souls to come: The rebel shall be calPd a child, And kindly welcomed home. 5 0 come, and with his children taste The blessings of his love: While hope attends /he sweet repast Of nobler joys above. 6 There, with united heart and voice, Before th' eternal throne, Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice In extacies unknown. 7 And yet ten thousand thousand more Are welcome still to come ; Ye longing souls, the grace adore ; Approach — there yet is room ! 288 The Wanderer Recalled. C. M. Eeturn, 0 wanderer, return, And seek thy Father's face ; Those new desires which in thee burn, Were kindled by his grace. 2 Return, 0 wanderer, return ; He hears thy humble sigh : He sees thy contrite spirit mourn, When no one else is nigh. 3 Return, 0 wanderer, return ; Thy Saviour bids thee live : Come to his cross, and, grateful, learn How freely he'll forgive. 4 Return, 0 wanderer, return, And wipe the falling tear; Thy Patfeei calls, — do Longer mourn ; 'Tis love invites thee near. Q* 5 Return, 0 wanderer, return ; Regain thy long sought rest ; The Saviour's melting mercies yearn To clasp thee to his breast. "OO God Cannot Lie. L. M. Jehovah is a God of might ; He framed the earth, he built the sky ; And what he speaks is surely right, — " The Strength of Israel will not lie." 2 Ye weary souls, with sin opprest, To him in every trouble fly : His promise is, "I'll give you rest," — "The Strength of Israel will not lie." 3 Then why sink down beneath despair ? To Jesus' throne of grace apply ; His promise plead, he'll hear your pray'r ; " The Strength of Israel will not lie." 4 Ask what you will in Jesus' name : He never will your suit deny ; To save you from distress he came ;— * "The Strength of Israel will not lie." 5 Behold ! I come, most gracious Lord, And on thy promise now rely ; In my distress, how sweet this word, — " The Strength of Israel will not lie." 290 The Physician.—Mark 5 : 25-29. C. M. Ye sin-sick souls, dismiss your fears, Ye halt, ye lame, ye blind ; • Come touch the garment Jesus wears — Your healing there you'll find. 2 Surrounded with ten thousand cares, And sad beyond degree ; Yet in this garment Jesus wears, There's healing still for thee. INVITATION. T99^| 3 Come, stretcli the wither'd hand to-day, For Christ is passing by ; Your case admits of no delay, Unless ye touch, ye die. 4 Through every crowd to Jesus press, When sin torments the mind : Peace, pard'ning blood and right'ousness, In his dear name you'll find. 291 Drooping Souls Encouraged. M. 7s & 6s. Drooping souls, no longer grieve, Heaven is propitious: — If you do in Christ believe, You will find him precious. Jesus now is passing by, And he calls you to him : He has died for you and me, — 0! then come and view him. 2 From his hands, his feet, his side, Flows the healing lotion : See the purple swelling tide, Boundless as the ocean. See the living waters move, For the sick and dying ; Now resolve to gain his love, Or to perish trying. 3 Gospel grace is always free, Drooping souls to gladden ! Hence he says, "Come unto mc, Weary, heavy laden." Though your sins like mountains rise, Rise and reach to heaven, Yet, if you on him believe, All shall be forgiven. 4 Now, methinks, I hoar one say, I will go and prove him ; If he tab's niv BUM away, Surely I will love him. Of INVITATION. Come, my Saviour, come and smile, Smiling moves my burden ; I am guilty, poor and vile, Yet thou canst me pardon. 5 Streams of mercy, how they flow ! Surely now I feel it: Half has never yet been told ; — 0 ! could I reveal it ! Jesus' blood has heal'd my wound, 0 ! the wondrous story ! I was lost, but now I'm found, — Glory ! — glory ! — glory ! 6 If no greater joys were known In the starry region, I would try to travel on In this pure religion. Heaven's here, and heaven's there, Glory here and yonder ! Brightest angels join with me, To adore and wonder. »vA Come and See.— John 1 : 46. L. M. Jesus, dear name, how sweet it sounds ! Eeplete with balm for all my wounds ; His word declares his grace is free ; Come, needy sinner, come and see. 2 He left the shining courts on high, Came to this world to bleed and die ; Jesus the God, hung on a tree : Come, thoughtless sinner, come and see. 3 Your sins did pierce his bleeding heart, Till death had done its dreadful part ; Yet his dear love still burns to thee — Come, trembling sinner, come and see. 4 His blood will cleanse the foulest stain, And make the filthy leper clean ; His fountain open stands for thee — Come, guilty sinner, come and see. INVITATION. 201 5 No tongue can tell what glories shine In our Immanuel, all divine: 0! that in sweetest melody. Each heart may sing, "He died for me." ZoO God is Love. C. M. Come, sinners, you, whose harden'd hearts No fears of hell can move, Come, hear the gospePs mildest voice, That tells you, "God is love." 2 Thousands, once vile and base as you, Surround the throne above ; The grace that chang'd has tun'd their hearts To sing that "God is love." 3 0! may we all, while here below, This best of blessings prove ; Till warmer hearts, in glory bright. Proclaim that "God is love." Zo The Wanderer Invited Home. ( '. M. >eturx, 0 wand'rer, to thy home ! The Father calls for thee ; No longer then an exile roam, In guilt and misery. R" ■L Return, 0 wand'rer, to thy home ! ;Tis Jesus calls for thee; "The Spirit and the bride say, Come;,: 0 ! now for refuge flee. Return, 0 wand'rer, to thy home! 'Tis madness to delay; There are no pardons in the tomb, And brief is mercy's day. Return, 0 wand'rer. now return! Thy God forbids delay ; 0! stay not for to-morrow'fl sun! — Thy life may end to-day. !202 INVITATION. — m 295 The Living Waters. C. M. At Jacob's well a stranger sought His drooping frame to cheer ; Samaria's daughter little thought That Jacob's God was near. 2 This had she known, her fainting mind For richer draughts had sigh'd ; Nor had Messiah, ever kind, Those richer draughts denied. 3 The Man, who came on earth to die, How few appear to know ! The Friend of sinners, passing by, Is still esteem'd a foe. 4 The sinner must the Stranger know, Or soon his loss deplore : Behold ! the living waters flow : Come — drink, and thirst no more. ^t7 0 The Thirsty Invited. C. M. Ho ! ye that thirst, a living fount For you is open'd wide — The fount that gush'd on Calv'ry's mount From our Redeemer's side. 2 Come, seek salvation through the blood, So freely spilt for you ; 0 ! leave the broad and downward road, That leads to endless woe. 3 Come, ye who long in vain have sought True happiness to find ; In all the joys of earth there's naught Can fill th' immortal mind. 4 Come, and partake the blessed feast That Christ for you has spread ; Not all the treasures of the east Can buy this living bread. P INVITATION. 203*3 5 Come, join the humble, happy band, That sing redemption's lay : With them, united heart and hand, Pursue the heav'nly way. 297 Encouraged to Come. II. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Ye sin-sick souls, draw near, And banquet with your King, His royal bounty share, And loud hosannas sing ; Here mercy reigns, here peace abounds, Here's blood to heal your dreadful wounds. But may a soul like mine, All stained with guilt and blood, Approach the throne of grace, And converse hold with God ? Yes! Jesus calls: — " Come, sinners, come, In mercy's arms there yet is room." He's on a throne of grace, And waits to answer pray'r ; What though thy sin and guilt, Like crimson doth appear ? The blood of Christ divinely rl< A healing balm for all thy w< 0 wondrous love and grace ! Did Jesus die for me? Were all my numerous d< Discharged on Calvary? Yes, Jesus died; the work is done, He did for all my sins atone. On earth, I'll sing his love, In heaven I too shall join The ransomed of the Lord, In accents all divi: Ann! And ever dwell in his embftoe. 204 BEPENTANCE. 298 The Happy Choice. L. M. To-day — if ye will hear his voice, Now is the time to make your choice ; Say — will you to Mount Zion go? Say — will you have this Christ, or no ? Ye wandering souls, who find no rest ! Say — will you be forever blest ? Will you be saved from sin and hell ? Will you with Christ in glory dwell ? Come now, dear friends, for ruin bound, Obey the gospel's joyful sound; Come, go with us, and you shall prove The joy of Christ's redeeming love. Once more we ask you in his name, — For yet his love remains the same, — Say — will you to Mount Zion go? Say — will you have this Christ or no? Leave all your sports and glittering toys, Come share with us eternal joys; Or must we leave you bound to hell ? Then 0 ! dear friends, a long farewell. REPENTANCE. 299 Exhortation to Repentance. C. M. Repent, the voice celestial cries, Nor longer dare delay ; The wretch that scorns the mandate dies, And meets a fiery day. No more the sovereign eye of God O'erlooks the crimes of men ; His heralds are despatched abroad, To warn the world of sin. S— .- M REPENTANCE. 205 3 Together in his presence bow, And all your guilt confess; Accept the offer'd Saviour now, Nor trifle with his grace. 4 Soon will the awful trumpet sound, And call you to his bar: For mercy knows th' appointed bound, And turns to vengeance there. 5 Amazing love, that yet will call And yet prolong our days ! Our hearts subdued by goodness, fall, And weep, and love, and praise. 300 Prepare for Death. C. M. Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbear ; Repent — thy end is nigh : Death, at the farthest, can't be far; 0, think before thou die ! 2 Reflect — thou hast a soul to save: Thy sins, how high they mount ! What are thy hopes beyond the grave? How stands that dread account? 3 Death enters, and there's no defence, His time there's none can tell ; He'll in a moment call thee hence To heav'n — or down to hell. 4 Thv flesh, perhaps thy chiefest care, Shall into dust consume: But ah, destruction stops not there — Sin kills beyond the tomb. 5 To-da j the gospel calls ; to-day, Sinner, it s]»*'ak^ to you ; rery one forsake nh way. And merer will ensue. R 0 0U1 Prayer for Repentance. C. M. for that tenderness of heart, Which bows before the Lord ! That owns how just and good thou art, And trembles at thy word. 2 0 for those humble, contrite tears, Which from repentance flow ! That sense of guilt, which trembling, fears The long-suspended blow. 3 0 Lord ! to me in pity give For sin the deep distress, The pledge thou wilt at last receive, And bid me die in peace. 4 0 fill my heart with faith and love, And strength to do thy will ! Raise my desires and hopes above ; Thyself to me reveal. OU/w Prayer of a Repenting Sinner. C. M. Physician of my sin-sick soul, To thee I bring my case : My raging malady control, And heal me by thy grace. 2 Pity the anguish I endure, See how I mourn and pine ; For never can I hope a cure, From any hand but thine. 3 I would disclose my whole complaint, But where shall I begin ? No words of mine can fully paint, That worst distemper, sin. 4 It makes me deaf and dumb, and blind, And impotent, and lame ; And overclouds and fills my mind, With folly, fear, and shame. REPENTANCE. 207 5 A thousand evil thoughts intrude, Tumultuous in my breast ; Which indispose me for my food, And rob me of my rest. 6 Lord, I am sick, regard my cry, And set my spirit free ; Say, canst thou let a sinner die, Who longs to live with thee ? UVO True Repentance. S. M. [f Jesus Christ was sent, To save us from our sin, And kindly teach us to repent, We should at once begin. r 2 He says he loves to see A broken-hearted one ; He would that sinners, such as we, Should mourn for what we've done. 3 'Tis not enough, to say, We're sorry and repent ; Yet still go on from day to day, Just as we always went. 4 Repentance is, to leave The sins wo loved before ; And show that we in earnest grieve, By doing so no more. 5 Lord, make us thus sincere, To watch as well as pray ; However small, however dear, Take all our sins away. 6 And since the Saviour canif, To make us turn from sin, With holy grief and bumble shame, We should at once begin. W REPENTANCE. OU x Repentance at the Cross. C. M. Oh ! if my soul were form'd for woe, How would I vent my sighs ! Repentance should like rivers flow From both my streaming eyes. 2 'Twas for my sins, my dearest Lord Hung on the cursed tree, And groan' d away a dying life For thee, my soul, for thee. 3 0 ! how I hate those lusts of mine, That crucified my God ! Those sins that pierc'd and nail'd his flesh Fast to the fatal wood ! 4 Yes, my Redeemer, they shall die; My heart has so decreed ; Nor will I spare the guilty things, That made my Saviour bleed. 5 While, with a melting, broken heart, My murder' d Lord I view, I'll raise revenge against my sins, And slay the murd'rers too. 305 Repeated Calls Regretted. C. M. How long the time since Christ began To call in vain on me ! Deaf to his warning voice, I ran Through paths of vanity. He call'd me, when my thoughtless prime Was early ripe to ill ; I pass'd from folly on to crime, And yet he call'd me still. He call'd me in the time of dread, When death was full in view : I trembled on my feverish bed, And rose to sin anew. REPENTANCE. 4 Yet could I hear him once again, As I have heard of old, Methinks he should not call in vain His wand'rer to the fold. 5 0 thou, that every thought dost know, And answerest every pray'r ! Try me with sickness, want, or woe, But save me from despair. G M y struggling will by grace control, Renew my broken vow : — What blessed light breaks on my soul ! My God, I hear thee now. 306 The Prodigal's Return. C. M. The long-lost son, with streaming eyes, From folly just awake, Reviews his wand'rings with surprise; His heart begins to break. "I starve," he cries, nor can I bear The famine in this land, While servants of my Father share The bounty of his hand. 3 " With deep repentance I'll return And seek my Father's face ; Unworthy to be called a son, I'll ask a servant's place." • 4 Far off the Father saw him move, In pensive silence mourn, And quickly ran, with arms of love, To welcome his return. 5 Through all the courts the tidings flew, And spread the joy around; The angels tuned their harps anew; Th«j Kong-lost BOD is found! L R* 13 m -.-..-■-■-.-.-■-■-■■ < ' 210 PRAYER FOR MERCY. "£§< PRAYER FOR MERCY. 307 Prayer for Submission. L. M. Othat my load of sin were gone ! 0 ! that I could at last submit, At Jesus' feet to lay it down, To lay my soul at Jesus' feet. 2 Rest for my soul, I long to find ; Saviour of all, if mine thou art, Give me thy meek and lowly mind, And stamp thy image on my heart, 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free ; I cannot rest till pure within, Till I am wholly lost in thee. 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God, Thy light and easy burden prove, The cross all stain'd with hallowed blood, The labor of thy dying love. 5 I would, but thou must give the pow'r, My heart from every sin release ; Bring near, bring near the joyful hour, And fill me with thy perfect peace. 6 Come, Lord, the drooping spirit cheer, Nor let thy chariot wheels delay; Appear in my poor heart, appear ; My God, my Saviour, come away ! 308 Resolving to Go to Christ. C. M. Come, guilty sinner, in whose breast, A thousand thoughts revolve ; Come, with your guilty soul oppress'd, And make this last resolve : s>; ® PRAYER FOR MERCY. 211 2 "I'll go to Jesus, though my sin Hath like a mountain rose ; I know his courts, I'll enter in, Whatever may oppose. 3 Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, And there my guilt confess ; I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone Without his sov'reign grace. 4 I'll to the gracious King approach, Whose sceptre pardon gives ; Perhaps he may command my touch, And then the suppliant lives. 5 Perhaps he will admit my plea, Perhaps will hear my pray'r ; But if I perish, I will pray, And perish only there. G I can but perish if I go, I am resolved to try ; For if I stay away, I know I must forever die." 309 Pleading the Promise. C.M, Lord, I approach the mercy-seat, Where thou dost answer prayer; There humbly fall before thy feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh : Thou callest burdened souls to thee, And such, 0 Lord! am I. 3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely pres-M. By wars without and fears within, I come to thee for rest. JB 212 PRAYER FOR MERCY. 310 4 Be thou my shield and hiding-place, That, sheltered near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him, thou hast died. 5 0! wondrous love, to bleed and die, To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thy gracious name ! 311 Remember Me. C. M Jesus, my Advocate on high, I yield myself to thee ; While thou art sitting on thy throne, 0 Lord ! remember me. Remember me, remember me, Dear Lord, remember me. 2 I own I'm guilty, own I'm vile, Yet thy salvation's free ; Then in thy all-abounding grace, 0 Lord ! remember me. Remember me, &c. 3 Howe'er forsaken or distressed, Howe'er oppressed I be ; Howe'er afflicted here on earth, Do thou remember me. Remember me, &c. 4 And when I close my eyes in death, And creature helps all flee ; Then, 0 my great Redeemer God, 1 pray, remember me. Remember me, (Sec. Imploring Mercy. Show pity, Lord ; 0 Lord, forgive ! Let a repenting rebel live : Are not thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in thee ? L.M. M PRAYER Full MJ 2 My crimes are great, but can't surpass The power and glory of thy grace; Great Clod, thy nature hath no hound, So let thy pard'ning Love he found. 3 0! wash my soul from every Bin, And make my guilty conscience clean; Here on my heart the burden Lie*, And past offences paio my eyes. 4 My lips with shame my sins con! Against thy law, against thy grace; Lord, should thy judgment grow severe, I am condemn'd, but thou art clear. 5 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, I must pronounce thee just, in death : And if my soul were sent to hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 6 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord, "Whose hope, still hov'ring round thy word, AVmild light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. Prayer. P. M. 0,6,0,3,0,0,0,0,6,3 I'll go attempting prav'r. For my soul, for my soul ; I'll go attempting pray'r, For my soul ; I'll go attempting prav'r: O, may the Lord draw near, And make me pray sincere. For my Betff, for my soul ; And make me pray sincere, For my soul. 2 Have mercy, Lord, on me, On my sunk on my soul, &e., Have mercy, Lord, on me, A r.d bring mo near b What need I have of thee, For my soul, for my BOnl, 214 PRAYER FOR MERCY. 3 When I was sinking down, With my soul, with my soul, &c, When I was sinking down Beneath God's righteous frown, Christ laid aside his crown, For my so'ul, for my soul, &c. 4 What wond'rous love is this, 0 my soul ! 0 my soul ! &c. What wond'rous love is this, That caused the Lord of bliss To send his precious peace To my soul, to my soul ! &c. 5 Ye winged seraphs fly, Bear the news, bear the news ; Ye winged seraphs fly, Like comets through the sky — Fill vast eternity With the news, with the news, &c. 6 Ye friends of Zion's King, Join his praise, join his praise, &c. Ye friends of Zion's King, With hearts and voices sing, And strike each tuneful string In his praise, in his praise, &c. 313 C. M. Supplication for Grace. Fountain of life, to all below Let thy salvation roll ; Water, replenish, and o'erflow Every believing soul. 2 Into that happy number, Lord, Us weary sinners take ; Jesus, fulfil thy gracious word, For thine own mercy's sake. 3 Turn back our nature's rapid tide, And we shall flow to thee, While down the stream of time we glide To our eternity. 21 o \ 4 The well of life to us thou art, Of joy the swelling flood; Wafted by thee, with willing heart, We swift return to God. 5 We soon shall reach the boundless sea — Into thy fullness fall ; Be lost and swallow'd up in thee, Our God — our All in all. 314 Unwearied Earnestness. CM. Father, I stretch my hands to thee ; No other help I know : If thou withdraw thyself from me, Ah! whither shall I go? 2 What did thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath ! What pain, what labor, to secure My soul from endless death ! 3 0 Jesus ! if I this believe, I now shall feel thy pow'r ; Xow my poor soul thou wilt retrieve, Nor let me wait one hour. 4 Author of faith, to thee I lift My weary longing eyes : Salvation, 0, the gracious gift! My soul without it dies. 5 Surely thou canst not let me die ; 0, speak! and I shall live, And here I will unwearied lie, Till thou thy Spirit give. G The worst of sinners would rejoice, Could they but see thy face ; 0! let me hear thy qaicj^ning voice, And taste thy para'ning grace! e* 216 PRAYER FOR MERCY. 315 Blind Bartimeus. U Mercy! 0 thou Son of David! 1»1 Thus blind Bartimeus cried. "Others by thy grace are saved, Let it be to rne applied/'' For his crying many chid him ; But he cried the louder still : Till his gracious Saviour bade him, "Come and ask me what you will." 2 Money was not what he wanted, Though by begging he did live ; Yet he ask'd, and Jesus granted Alms that none but he can give. "Lord, remove this grievous blindness, Let my eyes behold the day:" Straight he saw, and won by kindness, Follow' d Jesus in the way. 3 Now methinks I hear him praising, Publishing to all around : "Friends, is not my case amazing? What a Saviour I have found ! 0 that all the blind but knew him ! Or would be advis'd by me ; Sure, if they would come unto him. He would cause them all to see ! " 316 The Grieved Spirit Besought. L. M. Stay ! thou insulted Spirit, stay ! Though I have done the such despite ; Cast not the sinner quite away, Nor take thine everlasting flight. ![ 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er thy grace received — Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness grieved : b ™~™~_ S PRAYER FOR MERCY. w8! 3 Yet 0 the chief of sinners spare ! In honor of my great High Priest ; Nor in thy righteous Anger swear. I shall not see thy people's rea 4 Yet if thou canst my sins forgive, E'en now, 0 Lord ! relieve my woes; Into thy rest of love receive, And bless me with a calm repose. 5 E'en now my weary soul release, And raise me by thy gracious hand ; Guide me into thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promis'd land. 317 Prayer and Supplication. L. M. Othou, who hear'st when sinners cry ! Though all my crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry look, But blot their mem'ry from thy book. 2 Create my nature pure within, And form my soul averse to sin : Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy presence from my heart. 3 Though I have griev'd thy spirit, Lord, Thy help and comfort still afford ; And let a wretch come near thy throne, To plead the merits of thy Son. 4 A broken heart, my God, my king, Is all the sacrifice I bring; The God of grace will ne'er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. £>l0 Seeking Pardon. L. M. LORD, at 1 1 1 \- fort 1 prostrate fall ; Oppressed with fears to thee I call : Reveal thy pard'ning lore to me, And set my captive spirit free. S 2 Hast thou not said, "Seek ye my face?" The invitation I embrace ; Til seek thy face ; thy Spirit give ; 0 let me see thy face, and live. 3 Fll seek his face with cries and tears, With secret sighs and fervent prayers ; And if not heard, Fll waiting sit, And perish at my Saviour's feet. 4 But canst thou, Lord, see all my pain, And bid me seek thy face in vain ? Thou, wilt not, canst not, me deceive, The soul that seeks thy face shall live. 5 " Then venture, 0 my soul, in prayer, For none can perish pleading there ; The blood of Christ, that crimson sea, Shall wash my load of guilt away." 319 Prayer for Restoring Grace. C. M. 0 Jesus, I have come to thee, My wanderings to deplore ; Wilt thou not set my spirit free ? My fallen soul restore ? 2 My sins are more than I can bear ; 0 speak them all forgiv'n ; My soul away from earth I tear, To seek a place in heav'n. 3 Pity, 0 Lord, my helpless grief; My soul's deep anguish see ; And grant me now that sweet relief, Which none can give but thee. 4 Didst thou not die that I might live, Might live thy love to know? 0, let me now thy love receive, And in thy favor grow. !®~ PRAYER FOR MERCY. 219 321 The Qoepd Pool. S.M Beside the gospel pool. Appointed for the poor, From year to year my longing soul Has waited for a cure. 2 How often have I seen The healing waters move, And others round me stepping in, Their efficacy prove. 3 But I do still remain, I feel tjie very same ; As full of guilt, and fear, and shame, As when at first I came. 4 How often have I thought, "Why should I longer lie ? Surely the mercy I have sought Is not for such as I? 5 But whither shall I go ? There is no other pool, Where streams of sov'reign virtue flow, To make a sinner whole. 6 Here, then, from day to day, I'll wait and hope and try ; Will Jesus hear a sinner pray, And suffer him to die? 7 No, he is full of grace — He never will permit A soul that fain would see his face, To perish at his feet. Lord, Remember .V> . C. If. OTiror, from whom all L">odnc I die. s* J 2 Wealth and honor I disdain, Earthly comforts all are vain : These can never satisfy : Give me Christ, or else I die. 3 Lord, deny me what thou wilt, Only take away my guilt ; Mourning, at thy feet I lie ; Give me Christ, or else I die. 4 All unholy and unclean, I am nothing else but sin ; On thy mercy I rely : Give me Christ, or else I die. 5 Thou dost freely save the lost : In thy graee alone I trust : With my earnest suit comply : Give me Christ, or else I die. 6 0, my God, what shall I say ? Take, 0 take my sins away : Jesus' blood to me apply ; Give me Christ, or else I die. Uaju Invocation. Iome, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, One God, in persons three, Bring back the heav'nly blessing lost By all mankind and me. 2 Thy favor, and thy nature too, To me, to all restore ; Forgive and after God renew, And keep me evermore. 3 Eternal Sun of righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine. 4 Light in thy light, 0 may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove ; Beviv'd, and cheer'd, and blest by thee, The God of pardoning love. c° C. M. PRATER FOB MERCY. 223 326 5 Lift up thy countenance serene, Ana let thy sinful child Behold, without a cloud between, The Godhead reconcil'd. 6 That all-comprising peace bestow On me through grace forgiv'n ; The joy of nolinesfl below, And then the peace of heav'n. Prepare to Meet tluj God. S. M. Prepare me, gracious God, To stand before thy face : Thy Spirit must the work perform, For it is all of grace. In Christ's obedience clothe, And wash me in his blood : So shall I lift my head with joy, Among the sons of God. Do thou my sins subdue, Thy sovereign love make known, The spirit of my mind renew, And save me in thy Son. Let me attest thy pow'r, Let me thy goodness prove, Till my full soul can hold no more Of everlasting love. 327 The Sinner's Friend. L.M. My Lord, my Life, at last to thee, The sinner's Friend, for aid I flee; No other help or hope have I; 0, wilt thou let the sinner die? 2 Thy name is love — to me make known The grace for which I pant and groan; Thou only canst that grace Supply ; 0, wilt thou let the -inner die? S. '224 PRAYER FOR MERCY. 3 My guilt I own — 'tis wholly mine ; The pow'r to save is only thine ; Canst thou that saving pow'r deny ? 0, wilt thou let the sinner die ? 4 I weep, I mourn — but how can tears k Wash out the hardened guilt of years ? I only on thy blood rely ; 0, wilt thou let the sinner die ? 5 To save my soul, didst thou not bleed ? Dost thou not live to intercede ? My Friend, my Advocate on high, 0, wilt thou let the sinner die ? 6 0 no ! 0 no ! — my soul shall live, And Christ shall all the praise receive, Shall live his grace to testify — Thou wilt not let the sinner die ! 328 Wrestling with Christ. P. M. 6 lines £ Come, 0 thou Traveler unknown, Whom still I hold, but cannot see ; My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee: With thee all night I mean to stay, And wrestle till the break of day. I need not tell thee who I am ; My sin and misery declare ; Thyself hast call'd me by my name ; Look* on thy hands and read it there; But who, I ask thee, who art thou? Tell me thy name, and tell me now. In vain thou strugglest to get free ; I never will unloose my hold ; Art thou the Man that died for me ? The secret of thy love unfold ; Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy name, thy nature know. Wilt thou nnt yet to me reveal Thy new, unutterable name? Tell me, I still beseech thee, toll: T<> know it now. resolv'd I am: Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy name, thy nature know. "What the/ my shrinking flesh complain? And murmur to contend so long ; I rise superior to my pain ; When I am weak, then I am strong ! And when my all of strength shall fail, I shall with the God-Man prevail. 329 Pleading the Death of Christ. C. M. OGod of mercy, hear my call! My load of guilt remove ; Break down this separating wall, That bars me from thy love. 2 Give me the presence of thy grace ; Then my rejoicing tongue Shall speak aloud thy right'ou- And make thy praise my song. 3 Xo blood of goats, nor heifer slain. For sin could o'er atone: The death of Christ shall still remain Sufficient and alone. 4 A soul oppressed with sin's desert, My God will ne'er despi? A broken and a contrite heart Is our best sacrifice. 5 With such a. sacrifice as this, Bere at thy feet I fall: Be thou my staff and rightfousi My Sav'mur and my all. 15 FAITH AND SUBMISSION. FAITH AND SUBMISSION. 330 Efficacy of Faith. CM. Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss, And saves me from its snares, Its aid in every duty brings, And softens all my cares : 2 Extinguishes the thirst of sin, And lights the sacred fire Of love to God and heav'nly things, And feeds the pure desire. 3 The wounded conscience knows its pow'r, The healing balm to give ; That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live. 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign ; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain : 5 Shows me the precious promise seal'd With the Redeemer's blood; And helps my feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful God. 6 There, there unshaken would I rest, Till this vile body dies ; And then on faith's triumphant wings, At once to glory rise. 001 Faith a Certain Confidence. C. M. Faith is the brightest evidence Of things beyond our sight ; It pierces through the veil of sense, And dwells in heavenly light. FAITH AND SUBMISSION. 227 2 It sets time past in present view, Brings distant prospects home, Of things a thousand years ago, Or thousand years to come. 3 By faith we know the world was made By < tod's almighty word ; We know the heav'ns and earth shall fade, And be again restor'd. 4 Abrah'm obeyed the Lord's command, From his own country driv'n ; By faith he sought a promised land, But found his rest in heav'n. 5 Thus through life's pilgrimage we stray, The promise in our eye; By faith we walk the narrow way, That leads to joys on high. 332 Desire for Victorious Faith. C. M. Ofor a faith that will not shrink, Though press'd by every foe! That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe ; — 2 That will not murmur or complain Beneath the ehast'ning rod, But, in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its (Jod; — 3 A faith that shines more bright and clear, When tempests rage without; That when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt; — 4 That bears, unmov'd, the world's dread frown. Nor heeds its scornful Bmile; 4 That boss <>f trouble cannot drown, Or Satan's arts beguile; r. 5 A faith that keeps the narrow way, Till life's last hour is fled, And with a pure and heavenly ray Illumes a dying bed. 6 Lord, give us such a faith as this, And then, what e'er may come, We'll taste, e'en here, the hallow'd bliss Of an eternal home. Faith that Cannot Fail. CM. j U T ord, I believe," the father cried, -U His suffering child who brought, And moved by agonizing love, The gift of healing sought. 2 And then the urgency of prayer Blent with his tide of grief, While tears the trembling words bedew'd, ! "Help thou my unbelief!" 3 And with that contrite cry for aid, Which from the spirit burst, The faith was born that casts away All pharisaic trust; 4 That resteth not in cold assent '< To reason's lifeless form, But patient bears a Saviour's cross, In sunshine or in storm ; 5 And though the clouds of myst'ry press j Around this thorny vale, Still waits, and walks, and works by love — \ The faith that cannot fail. " Just as I Am:' L. M. j Tust as I am — without one plea, v Save that thy blood was shed for me, | And that thou bidst me come to thee, I 0 Lamb of God, I come, I come ! FAITH AND SUBMISSION. 2 Just as I am — and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, 0 Lamb of God, I come, I come ! 3 Just as I am — poor, wretched, blind ; Life, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I want in thee to find, 0 Lamb of God, I come, I come ! 4 Just as I am — thou wilt receive, "Wilt pardon, comfort, cleanse, relieve : Because thy promise I believe, 0 Lamb of God, I come, I come ! 5 Just as I am — for love unknown Has broken every barrier down ; Now to be thine, and thine alone, 0 Lamb of God, I come, I come ! 335 *> The Way to Heaven. L. M. Jesus, my All, to heaven is gone, — He, whom I fix my hopes upon; — His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow way, till him I view. ] 2 The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banishment, The King's high-way of holiness, I'll go, for all his paths are peace. 3 This is the way I long have sought, And mourn'd because I found it not ; My grief a burden long had been, Because I was not saved from sin. 4 The more I strove against its pow'r, I felt its weight, and guilt the more, Till late I heard my Saviour saw " Come hither, soul, I am the way." T ISL ™~™ _© '230 FAITH AND SUBMISSION. ~m Lo ! glad I come, and thou blest Lamb Shalt take me to thee, whose I am : Nothing but self have I to give, Nothing but love shall I receive. Then will I tell to sinners round, What a dear Saviour I have found ; I'll point to thy redeeming blood, And say, " Behold the way to God I" 336 Christ our Confidence. P. M. 6,6,4,6,6,6,4. My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine; Now hear me while I pray ; Take all my guilt away ; 0, let me from this day Be wholly thine. ! May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire ; As thou hast died for me, 0 may my love to thee Pure, warm and changeless be — A living fire. 1 While life's dread maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be thou my Guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let nre ever stray From thee aside. t When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, Blest Saviour, then, in love, Fear and distress remove ; 0 bear me safe above, — A ransomed soul. WL M FAITH AND SUBMISSION. 231 337 Sale at io) i by Faith. CM. JTHis faith that lays the sinner low, 1 And covers him with shame ; Renouncing all sili-right'ousness, It trusts in Jesus' name. 2 Faith works with pow'r, but will not plead The best of works when done ; It knows no other grounds of trust But in the Lord alone. 3 It gives no title, but receives ; Xo blessing it procures ; Yet where it truly lives and reigns. All blessings it ensures. 4 Its sole dependence and its stay Is Jesus' right'ousness ; 'Tis thus salvation is by faith, And all of sov'reign grace. 5 The more this principle prevails, The more is grace ador'd ; _'. 'iv it assumes, but gives All glory to the Lord. 338 I Victory over Sin Desired, C. M. a^k the gift of righteousness, The sin-subduing pow'r; Pnw'r to believe and go in peace, And never grieve thee more. I ask the blood-bought pardon seal'd, The liberty from sin ; The grace infused, the love reveal'd. Thy kingdom iix'd within. Art thou not Me to convert, Art thou not willing too, To change this hold rebellions heart, To conquer and rem 232 FAITH AND SUBMISSION. ~Si 4 Thou canst, thou wilt, I dare believe ; So arm me with thy pow'r, That I to sin shall never cleave, Shall never feel it more. 339 340 Excellence of Faith. S. H. M. 6,6,8,6,8,8. Faith is the christian's prop, Whereon his sorrows lean ; It is the substance of his hope, His proof of things unseen ; It is the anchor of his soul, When tempests rage and billows roll. Faith is the polar star, That guides the christian's way, Directs his wand'rings from afar, To realms of endless day ; It points the course where'er he roam, And safely leads the pilgrim home. Faith is the rainbow's form Hung on the brow of heaven, A shelter from the passing storm, A pledge of mercy given ; It is the bright triumphal arch, Thro' which the saints to glory march. The faith that works by love, And purines the heart, A foretaste of the joys above, To mortals can impart; It bears us through this earthly strife, And triumphs in immortal life. A Living Faith. CM. Mistaken souls, that dream of heaven, And make their empty boast Of inward joys, and sins forgiven, While they are slaves to lust. FAITH AND SUBMISSION. 233 2 How vain are fancy's airy flights, If faith be cold and dead ; None but a living pow'r unites To Christ, the living Head. 3 'Tis faith that purifies the heart; ;Tis faith that works by love; That bids all sinful joys depart, And lifts the thoughts above. 4 This faith shall every fear control By its celestial pow'r, With holy triumph fill the soul, In death's approaching hour. 341 SL~ What Faith Is. C. M. Faith is the Spirit's sweet control, From which assurance springs ; Faith is the pencil of the soul, That pictures heav'nly things. 2 Faith is the throb of love, that makes Man rest on God alone ; Faith is the wondrous pow'r, that shakes The tempter on his throne. 3 Faith is the conqu'ring host, that storms The battlements of sin ; Faith is the quick'ning fire, that warms The trembling soul within. 4 Faith is the smile, that plays around The dying christian's brow: Faith was the light, by which he found The hope that fills him now. 5 Faith is the lamp, that burns to guido His bark, when toinp»->t-driven ; Faith is the key, that opens wide The distant gates of ln'av'n. 234 FAITH AND SUBMISSION. 6 0 Rock of ages, Fount of bliss ! Thy needful help afford ; And let my constant prayer be this- 4 'Increase my faith, 0 Lord." 342 343 Power of Faith. S. M. Father, I dare believe Thee merciful and true ; Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive, My fallen soul renew. Come, then, for Jesus' sake, And bid my heart be clean ; An end to all my troubles make, An end of all my sin. I cannot wash my heart, But by believing thee ; And waiting for thy blood t' impart The spotless purity. While at thy cross I lie, Jesus, thy grace bestow ; Now thy all-cleansing blood apply, And make me white as snow. Self-dedication to God. L. M. Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and sav'd by blood divine ; With full consent thine would I be, And own thy sovereign right in me. Grant one poor sinner more a place Among the children of thy grace ; A wretched sinner, lost to God, But ransomed by Immanuers blood. Thine would I live, thine would I die, Be thine through all eternity ; The vow is past beyond repeal ; Now will I set the solemn seal. 344 Here at that cross, where flows the blood That bought my guilty soul for God, Thee, my new Master now I call, And consecrate to thee my all. Do thou assist a feeble worm, The great engagement to perform : Thy grace can full assistance lend, And on that grace I dare depend. Faith and Works. L. M. Ix vain men talk of living faith. When all their works exhibit death : When they indulge some sinful view In all they say, and all they do. 2 The true believer fears the Lord, Obeys his precepts, keeps his word ; Commits his work to God alone, And seeks his will before his own. 3 A barren tree that bears no fruit, Brings no great glory to its root ; When on its boughs rich fruit we see, ;Tis then we cry, "a goodly tree/7 4 Never did men, by faith divine, To selfishness and sloth incline ; The christian works with all his pow'r, And grieves that he can work no more. 345 Self-dedication to tlie Lord. CM. RETURN, my soul, unto thy rest, From God no longer roam ; His hand hath bountifully blest, His goodness calls thee home. What shall I render unto thee, My Saviour in distress, For all thy benefits to mo. So great and number !236 JUSTIFICATION. T8[ 3 This will I do, for thy love's sake, And thus thy power proclaim ; The cup of thy salvation take, And call upon thy name. 4 Thou God of covenanted grace, Hear and record my vow, While in thy courts I seek thy face, And at thy altar bow: — 5 Henceforth to thee myself I give ; With single heart and eye To walk before thee while I live, And bless thee when I die. 346 JUSTIFICATION. Victorious Faith. M. 8s. The moment a sinner believes, And trusts in his crucified God, His pardon at once he receives, Redemption in full through his blood. 2 The faith that unites to the Lamb, And brings such salvation as this, Is more than mere fancy or name : The work of God's Spirit it is. 3 It says to the mountains, " depart," That stand betwixt God and the soul ; It binds up the broken in heart, The wounded in conscience makes whole ; 4 Bids sins of a crimson-like dye, Be spotless as snow, and as white ; And raises the sinner on high, To dwell with the angels of light. W 0 JUSTIFICATION 347 Justification and Sanrtif ration. B- : is the man, for over bless'd, Whose guilt is pardon'd by his God, Whose sins with sorrow are confess'd And cover'd with his Saviour's blood. 2 Blest is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities ; He pleads no merit of reward, And not on works, but grace relies. 3 From guile his heart and lips are free ; His humble joy, his holy fear, With deep repentance well agree, And join to prove his faith sincere. 4 How glorious is that righteousness That hides and cancels all his sins! While a bright evidence of grace Thro' his whole life appears and shines. 348 Knowledge of Forgiveness. 8. M. How can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiv'n ? How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven? What we have felt and seen. With confidence we tell ; And publish to the sons of men, The signs infallible. We who in Christ believe, That ho for OS hath died, We all his unknown peace receive, And Peel his blood applied. Exoltfl our rising snub Disburdened of her Load, And swells, unutterably full Of glory and of God. I 238 JUSTIFICATION. His love surpassing far The love of all beneath, We find within our hearts to dare The pointed darts of death. Stronger than death or hell, The sacred pow'r we prove : And, conquerors of the world, we dwell In heav'n, who dwell in love. 349 Imputed Righteousness. L. M. Jesus, thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress ; 'Midst naming worlds, in these array'd, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 When from the dust of death I rise, To take my mansion in the skies ; E'en then shall this be all my plea, "Jesus hath liv'd and died for me." 3 Thus Abraham, the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood, Saviour of sinners, thee proclaim ! Sinners — of whom the chief I am. 4 This spotless robe the same appears When ruin'd nature sinks in years ; No age can change its glorious hue : The robe of Christ is ever new. 5 0 let the dead now hear thy voice ! Bid, Lord, thy banish'd ones rejoice ; Their beauty this, their glorious dress, Jesus, the Lord, our righteousness. 350 Forgiveness of Sins. S. M. 0 blessed souls are they, Whose sins are covered o'er ; — Divinely blest, to whom the Lord Imputes their guilt no more. iSL JUSTIFICATION. 239 2 Thoy mourn thoir follies past, Anrd : And bj forsaking every sin, Prove we are born of God, I J&* r 246 REGENERATION. 361 1 362 Necessity of Renewing Grace. C. M. How helpless guilty nature lies, Unconscious of its load ; The heart unchang'd, can never rise To happiness and God. 2 Can aught, beneath a power divine, The stubborn will subdue ? ;Tis thine, eternal Spirit, thine, To form the heart anew. 3 'Tis thine, the passions to recall, And upward bid them rise ; To make the scales of error fall From reason's darkened eyes ; — 4 To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live ; A beam of heaven — a vital ray, ;Tis thine alooe to give. 5 0 change these wretched hearts of ours, And give them life divine ; Then shall our passions and our pow'rs, Almighty Lord, be thine ! w The New Birth. C. M. hile Jesus dwelt on earth below, Among the sons of men, He spar'd no pains to let them know, They must be born again. 2 We all have broke Jehovah's laws, And guilty must remain : Condemned to all the pains of hell, Till we are born again. 3 Alas ! whate'er good works we do, His favor to obtain, They can't our sinful hearts renew; We must be born again. ?jg m REGENERATION. 217 1 4 Were we baptiied a thousand times, It would be all in vain : This cannot wash away OUT crimes; We must he born again. 5 The word of God is firm and sure, And always will remain : Eternal wrath we must endure, Unless we're born again. I G There's but one way for our escape From everlasting pain ; And that is through the narrow gate Of being born again. 0\)0 Washing of Regeneration. CM. \ j \Tot the malicious nor profane, JL\ The wanton nor the proud, Xor thieves, nor sland'rers shall obtain The kingdom of our God. 2 Surprising grace ! and such were we, By nature and by sin : Heirs of immortal misery, Unholy and unclean. 3 But we are washed in Jesus' blood, We're pardoned through his name. And the good Spirit of our God Hath sanctified OUT frame. 4 0 for a persevering pow'r, To keep thy just commands] We would defile our hearts no more, No more pollute our hands. Ou4 Barn not of mood, but of Qod. L. M. 4 B8isT my soul, my heavenly King, .A Thine everlasting love to sing: And joyful spread thy praise abroad, ae, through grace, that's born of * 248 REGENERATION. 2 No, it was not the will of man, My soul's new heavenly birth began ; Nor will, nor pow'r, of flesh, and blood, That turn'd my heart from sin to God. 3 Herein let self be all abas'd, And heavenly love alone confess'd ; This be my song through all the road, That born I am, and born of God. 4 0 may this love my soul constrain, To make returns of love again, That I, while earth is my abode, May live like one that's born of God. 5 And when th' appointed hour shall come, And thou wilt call me to my home ; Joyful I'll pass the chilling flood, And sing and say, I'm born of God. Regeneration by the Spirit, C. M. ]"ot all the outward forms on earth, Nor rites that God has given, Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, Can raise a soul to heaven. 2 The sovereign will of God alone Creates us heirs of grace, Born in the image of his Son, A new, peculiar race. 3 The Spirit, like some heavenly wind, Breathes on the sons of flesh, Creates anew the carnal mind, And forms the man afresh. F 4 Our quickened souls awake and rise From their long sleep of death ; On heavenly things we fix our eyes, And praise employs our breath. < S3 ~ REGENERATION. ' 249^ 366 ; ;367 Need of Regeneration. C.P.M. 8,8,0,8,8,6. Awaked by Sinai's awful Bound, Mv bouI in guilt and thrall I found, Exposed to endless woe ; Eternal truth did loud proclaim, The sinner must be horn again, Or else to ruin go. '2 Amazed I stood, but could not tell Which way to shun the gates of hell; For death and hell drew near. I strove, indeed, but strove in vain — The sinner must be born again, Still sounded in my ear. 3 The saints I heard, with rapture tell, How Jesus couquer'd death and hell, And broke the fowler's snare : Yet when I found this truth remain, — j The sinner must be born again, — I sunk in deep despair* 4 But while I thus in anguish lay, Jesus of Naz'reth pass'd that way, — I felt his pity move : The Binner, by his justice slain. Now, by his grace, is bora again* And sings redeeming love* Behold, Ih Prayeih. L. M. 1ixce, Lord, thy mighty grace did call A bloody, persecuting Saul, Let none despair — here God displays His Bov'reign pow^r — "Behold, he prays." 2 The son] that's truly born of <«"«!. Delights to run the heav'nly road : lie mourns for sin, and hates the n Which Lead to death — " Heboid, he praye ; 250 ADOPTION. - — 3 He flies from work> to Jesus' blood. Yet proves by works he's born of God; He runs with joy in Z ion's way-. And to his God — " Behold, he prays." 4 In heav'n each praying soul shall see Salvation was both rich and free ; And through eternal ages raise Their song to great Jehovah's praise. ADOPTION. ODO Filial Obedience. S. M. >ehold, what wondrous grace B' The Father has bestow 'd, On sinners of a mortal race, To call them sons of God! 'Tis no surprising thing. That we should be unknown ; The Jewish world knew not their King, God's everlasting Son. Xor doth it yet appear How great we must be made ; But when we see our Saviour here, We shall be like our Head. A hope, so much divine, May trials well endure ; May purge our souls from sense and sin, As Christ, the Lord, is pure. If in my Father's love I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To fill and warm my heart. £ _„ ADOPTION. 251 G! Children no longer lie, Like slaves, beneath the throne; Their faith shall Abba — Father — cry, And thou the kindred own. dby We are the Sons of God. P. M. 8,8,8,6. j Tiie wanderer no more will roam, The lost one to the fold hath come, The prodigal is welcomed home, 0 Lamb of God, in thee. 2 Though clad in rags, by sin denTd, The Father hath embraced his child, And I am pardoned, reconciled, 0 Lamb of God, in thee. 3 Xow shall my famished soul be fed ; A feast of love for me is spread: I feed upon the children's bread, 0 Lamb of God, in thee. 4 I cannot half his love express, Yet, Lord, with joy my lips confess, This blessed portion I possess, 0 Lamb of God, in thee. 5 It is thy precious name I bear, It is thy spotless robe I wear ; Therefore the Father's love I share, 0 Lamb of God, in thee. i 370 The Heirs of the Kingdom. L. M. \Tot all the nobles of the earth, li Who boast the honors of their birth, Such real dignity can claim, As those who bear the Christian name. 2 To them the privilege is giv'n To be the sons and heirs of heav'n : The sons of God who reigns on high, The heirs of God beyond the sky. 252 ADOPTION. 3 If I've the honor, Lord, to be One of this numerous family, On me the gracious gift bestow To call the Abba — Father — too. 4 So may my conduct ever prove My filial piety and love ; Whilst all my brethren clearly trace $ Their Father's likeness in my face. 371 1/ The Heirs of God. P. M. 8,6,8,6,8,8. et others boast their ancient line, In long succession great; In the proud list her heroes shine, And monarchs swell the state ; Descended from the King of kings, Each saint a nobler title sings. 2 Pronounce me, gracious God, thy son. Own me an heir divine ; I'll pity princes on the throne, When I can call thee mine : Sceptres and crowns unenvied rise, And lose their lustre in mine eyes. 3 Content, obscure, I pass my days, To all I meet unknown, And wait till thou thy child shalt raise, And seat me near thy throne : No name, no honors here I crave, Well pleas'd with those beyond the grave. O i A) Privileges of Adoption. M. 6 lines 7s. Blessed are the sons of God, They are bought with Jesus' blood : They are ransom'd from the grave — Life eternal they shall have ; With them number'd may we be, Here, and in eternity. J8^ ADOPTION. 253 ' 2 They are justified by gn They enjoy the Saviour's peace; All their sins are wash'd away : They shall stand in God's great day; With them numbcr'd may we be, Here, and in eternity. 3 They produce the fruits of grace In the works of right'ou>i They are harmless, meek and mild, Holy, blameless, undefiFd ; With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. 4 They are lights upon the earth, Children of a heav'nly birth ; One with God, with Jesus one ; Glory is with them begun ; With them numbered may we be, Here, and in eternity. The Gift of Love. C. M. Behold th' amazing gift of love The Father hath bestow'd On us, the sons of sinful men, To call us sons of God ! 2 Conceal'd as yet his honor Kes, By this dark world unknown — A world that knew not when he came, E'en God's beloved Son. 3 High is the rank we now po>- But higher we shall rise; Though what we shall hereafter be I- hid from mortal i 4 We know, we all, when he appears, Shall boar his image bright ; :y full diflcioVd I] open to our Bight. __ ®! A.V>AAA^WJVt ASSURANCE. ASSUKANCE. 374 I Know that my Redeemer Liveth. L. M. I know that my Redeemer lives ! What comfort this sweet sentence gives ! He lives, he lives, who once was dead ; He lives — my ever-living Head. 2 He lives, to bless me with his love ; He lives, to plead for me above ; He lives, my hungry soul to feed ; He lives, to help in time of need. 3 He lives, and grants me daily breath ; He lives, and I shall conquer death ; He lives, my mansion to prepare — He lives, to bring me safely there. 4 He lives — all glory to his name ! He lives — my Jesus, still the same ; 0, the sweet joy this sentence gives, "I know that my Redeemer lives 1" 375 Witness of the Spirit, CM. Why should the children of a King Go mourning all their days? Great Comforter, descend and bring Some tokens of thy grace. 3 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heav'n? When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiv'n? 3 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood, And bear thy witness with my heart, That I am born of God. » 376 4 Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come; And thy soft wings, celestial Dove, Will safe convey me home. Pleasure of Assurance. C.P.M.8,8,6,8,8,6. What sweet emotions in me move ! And how I know that God is love; And feel a perfect peace ! The world displays her trifling toys, But what are these to heav'nly joys — To such extatic bliss ? I view a smiling Saviour's face, I feel the joys of pard'ning grace — A heaven in my soul. 0, clasp me, Saviour, to thy breast, And let me there securely rest, ' While endless ages roll. A heav'n below, a heav'n above, An ocean of redeeming love, A fountain full and free: Thy praise on earth let me prolong, And then in heav'n 'twill be my song, To all eternity. 377 Prayer for Assurance. L. M. Thou, who for Burners once was .-Iain, Once dead, but now alive again, Give me to know, to taste and proi The pow'r and BWeetneSB of thy luvo. 2 Git« me to feel my shu forgir'n, And know myself an heir of heav'n; My c sprinkle with thy blood, And iill me with the loi •• 256 CONVERTS. Then will I run the heav'nly race, And hope to stand before thy face ; There with the ransom'd I will sing, And praise my Saviour and my King. Full Assurance. M. 8s & 7s. Know, my soul, thy full salvation, Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care ; Joy to find in every station Something still to do or bear. 2 Think what Spirit dwells within thee ; Think what Father's smiles are thine ; Think what Jesus did to win thee: Child of heav'n, canst thou repine? 3 God will give thee grace and glory; Fight thy way, and get thy crown ; Canaan's land lies just before thee — There you'll lay your armor down. 4 Soon you'll close your earthly mission, Soon you'll pass your pilgrim days ; Hope shall change to glad fruition — Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. | CONVERTS. loiO Joy of the Convert P. M. 6,6,9,6,6,9. A how happy are they \J Who their Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasures above! Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love. CONVERTS. 257 That sweet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I first found in the blood of the Lamb; When my heart it believM, What a joy I reeeivM — What a heaven in Jesus' name ! T was a heaven below, My Redeemer to know; And the angels could do nothing more Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. Jesus, all the day long, Was my joy and my song — 0, that all his salvation might see ! He hath lov'd me ! I cried, He hath suffer'd and died, To redeem such a rebel as me ! On the wings of his love, I was carried above All my sin and temptation and pain ; And I could not believe That I ever should grieve, That I ever should suffer again. I then rode on the sky, Freely justified I, Xor did envy Llijah his seat: My glad soul mounted high'r, In a chariot of fire, And the moon it was under m}r feet. 0, the rapturous height Of that holy delight, Which 1 felt in tin* life-giving blood ! Of my Saviour p088688'd1 I was perfectly bless' d, As if lill'd with the fulness ofGod! n The Lord hath Helped Us. M. 8s & 7s. Come, thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace : Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, j Sung by naming tongues above; Praise the mount — I'm fix'd upon it, — Mount of thy redeeming love. I 2 Here I'll raise my Ebenezer: Hither by thy help I've come ; And I hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me, when a stranger, "Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 3 0, to grace how great a debtor Daily Fm constrained to be ! Let thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to thee: — Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love ; Here's my heart, 0 take and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above ! 1381 Convert's Triumph and Prospect. L. M. I? M glad that I was born to die ; From grief and woe my soul shall fly ; Bright angels shall convey me home, Away to New Jerusalem. 2 I have some friends before me gone, And Fm resolv'd to follow on ; They're happy 'round my Father's throne, They're looking out for me to come. CONVERTS. 3 I hope to meet my brethren there, Who used to join with me in pray'r ; If you get there before I do, Look out for me, I'm coming too. 4 Fll praise my Maker while I've breath ; I hope to praise him after death : I hope to praise him when I die, And shout salvation as I fly. •3 And when to that bright world I come, J And join my everlasting home, My soul shall there forever bloom, Until my body leaves the tomb. j G Then all shall hear the solemn sound: Awake, ye nations under ground ! Arise, and drop your dying shrouds, And meet King Jesus in the clouds ! 7 There shall I see my glorious God, And triumph in his blest abode : My theme through all eternity, Shall glory ! — glory ! — glory ! be. J 382 Weaned from the World. C.P.M. 8,8,0,8,8,6. Tell me no more of earthly toys, Of sinful mirth and carnal joys, The things I loved before : Let me but view my Saviour's face, And feel his animating grace, And I desire no more. Tell me no more of praise and wealth ; Tell me no more of ease and health ; For these all have their snares ; Let me but know my sins forgiv'n, And see my name enrolPd in heav'n, And I am free from cares. &260 3 Tell me no more of lofty tow'rs, Delightful gardens, fragrant bow'rs, For these are trifling things ; The little room for me designed, Will suit as well my easy mind, As palaces of kings. 4 Tell me no more of crowding guests, /Of sumptuous feasts, and gaudy dress, Extravagance and waste : My little table, only spread With simple herbs and wholesome bread, Will better suit my taste. 5 Give me my Bible in my hand, A heart to read and understand, And faith to trust the Lord ; I'd sit alone from day to day, And urge no company to stay, Nor wish to rove abroad. \ OOO Presence of Christ Desired. P. M. lis &8s. j Othou, in whose presence my soul takes de- j light, On whom in affliction I call ; My comfort by day, and my song in the night, My hope, my salvation, my all ! 2 Where dost thou, at noon-tide, resort with thy sheep, To feed on the pastures of love? Say, why in the valley of death should I weep, Or alone in the wilderness rove? 3 0, why should I wander, an alien from thee, And cry in the desert for bread ? Thy foes will rejoice, when my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I have shed. k>0 „ -~~^~~^^^~~^~^~M CONVERTS. 261 4 Ye daughters of Zion, declare, have you seen The star that on Israel shone? Say, if in your tents my Beloved has been, And where with his flock he is gone ? 5 This is my Beloved, his form is divine, His vestments shed odors around ; The locks on his head are as grapes on the vine, When autumn with plenty is crown'd. G His lips as a fountain of right'ousness flow, That waters the garden of grace : From which, their salvation the Gentiles shall know, And bask in the smiles of his face. H' 7 Such is my Beloved, in excellence bright, When pleas'd he looks down from above — Like th' morn, when he breathes from the cham- bers of light — And comforts his people with love. 004 Lovest Thou Me? M. 7s. \rk, my soul, it is the Lord: 'Tis thy Saviour, hear his word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee ; " Say, young convert, lov'st thou me ? I deliver'd thee, when bound, And, when wounded, heal'd thy wound ; Sought thee wandering, set thee right, Turn'd thy darkness into light. Can a woman's tender care Cease towards the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee. Mine is an uncharging lore, Higher than the heights above, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithful, strong as death. :a2G2 C0NVER1 3. 5 Thou shalt see my glory soon, When tli*' work or grace is done; Partner of my throne shall be, Bay, young convert, lov'st thou mc V (> Lord, it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint; Yet I love thee, and adore ; 0, fur grace t.» love thee more ! t)O0 The Convert's ir<i>!/ Day. L. M. OHAPPT day, that stays my choice On thee, my Saviour and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell thy goodness all abroad. 2 0 happy bond, that seals my vows To him who merits all my love; Let cheerful anthems fill bis !:• While to his sacred throne I move. ?> 'Tis done, the great transaction's dune; Deign, gracious Lord, to make me thine; Help me, through grace, to follow on, («lad to confess thy voiee di\ ine. 4 Here resi my oft-divided heart, Pix'd on thy God, thy Saviour. I Who with tin; world would grieve to part, When eall'd on angels' food to fea-t '.' 5 High heaven, that lieard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life's Latest hour I how, And bless in death a hond so dear. 386 / \ i rting w ith Ea rih l>j Joys-. I BEND the joys of earth away; Away, ye tempter-, of the mind, False as the smooth deceitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind. L.M. CONVERTS. 263 :J Your streams were floating dm along I >t >wii to the gulf of dark despair; And while I usten'd to your soup-. Your streams had near con vcy'd me there. 3 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace, That warn'd me <>f thai darlc abyss; Thai for the pinions <>f a dove, To hear me t<> tin4 upper skies ! re, from the bosom of my God, ( )ceans oj' endless pleasure roll ; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrows of my soul. 387 Amazing (/race. C. M. AKAZil I —how sweet the sound — Thai saved a wretch like me ! 1 once was lost, hut now am found : Was blind, hut now 1 .-<■•'. 2 'T that taii'.dit my heart to (ear, I grace my fears relieved: — How jir<'<-iou< did that grace appear, The hour I first believed. 3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come ; 'Tie grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has promised good to mo : His word my hope If-' will my shield and portion he, as lii'«' endi 264 CONVERTS. H° 5 And when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. J Christ the Great Physician. P.M. 7s & 6s [ow lost was my condition, Till Jesus made me whole ! There is but one Physician Can cure a sin-sick soul. The worst of all diseases, Is light, compared with sin ; On every part it seizes, But rages most within. 2 From men, great skill professing, I thought a cure to gain ; But this proved more distressing, And added to my pain. Some said that nothing ail'd me, Some gave me up for lost; Thus every refuge fail'd me, And all my hopes were cross'd. 3 At length this great Physician — How matchless is his grace ! Accepted my petition, And undertook my case. Next door to death he found me, And snatch' d me from the grave, To tell to all around me, His wond'rous pow'r to save. 4 A dying, risen Jesus, Seen by the eye of faith, At once from danger frees us, And saves the soul from death. Come, then, to this Physician, His help he'll freely give ; He makes no hard condition, 'Tis only — look — and live. {0 CONVERTS. 265 OOv Q>,. \'i 'i tned of the Gospel. CM. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, Nor to defend his cause ; Maintain the honor of his word, The glory of his cross. 2 Jesus, my God ! — I know his name ; His name is all my trust ; Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as his throne, his promise stands ; And he can well secure What I've committed to his hands, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he own my worthless name, Before his Father's face, And in the Xew Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place. Christ our Hiding-place. L. M. ail, sovereign love, that first began, The scheme to rescue fallen man ! Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace, That gave my soul a hiding-place! 2 Against the God that built the sky. I fought with hands uplifted high; Despised the offers of his grace, Too proud to seek a hiding-place. 3 But lo! th' eternal council ran, Almighty love, arrest the man ! I felt the arrows of distr< And found I had no hiding-place. 4 Vindictive justice stood in view, To Sinai'- Aery mount I flew ; But justice cried with frowning face, This mountain is no hiding-pla W H' Q 391 5 When lo ! a heavenly voice I heard, And mercy's angel soon appeared; He led me on a pleasing pace, To Jesus Christ, my hiding-place. 6 A few more rolling suns, at most, Shall land me on fair Canaan's coast, Where I shall sing the song of grace, And see my glorious hiding-place. God the Convert's Portion. CM. God, my supporter and my hope, My help forever near, Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet Through this dark wilderness ; Thine hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. 3 Were I in heaven without my God, 'T would be no joy to me ; And whilst this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint; God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. 5 Then prayer and praise to thee, my God, Shall be my sweet employ ; My tongue shall sound thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy. '** Subdued by the Cross. C. M. In evil long I took delight, Unawed by shame or fear, Till a new object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career. 8 CONVERTS. 267 &1 2 I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood ; He fix'd his languid eyes on me, As near his cross I stood. 3 0 ! never till mv latest breath, Shall I forget that look ! It seem' d to charge me with his death, Though not a word he spoke. 4 My conscience felt and own'd the guilt, It plunged me in despair ; I saw, my sins his blood had spilt, And help'd to nail him there. 5 A second look he gave, which said "I freely all forgive; This blood is for thy ransom paid : I die that thou mayst live." 6 With pleasing grief and mournful joy, My spirit now is filPd ; That I should such a life destroy, Yet live by him I kill'd. V" OOO jesus Crucified. P. M. 7,6,7,6,7,8,7,0. r.\iN\ delusive world, adieu, With all of creature good : Only Jesus I pursue, Who bought mo with his blood: All thy pleasures I foi I trample on thy wealth and pride; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. Other knowledge I disdain ; 'Tie all bttt vanity: Christ, th*' Lamb of God, was slain, — He tasted death for me. .J& Me to save from endless woe The sin-atooing Victim died : Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 3 Him to know is life and peace, And pleasure without end ; This is all my happiness, On Jesus to depend ; Daily in his grace to grow, And ever in his faith abide ; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. 4 0 that I could all invite, This saving truth to prove ; Show the length, the breadth, the height, And depth of Jesus' love ! Fain I would to sinners show The blood by faith alone applied; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. | Ot74 The Happy Child of Grace. C. M. Tow nappy's every child of grace Who feels his sins forgiven ! " This world/' he cries, ' ' is not my place ; I seek a place in heaven, — A country far from mortal sight; Yet, 0, by faith I see The land of rest, the saints' delight, The heaven prepared for me." 2 0 what a blessed hope is ours, While here on earth we stay ! We more than taste the heav'nly pow'rs, And antedate that day: We feel the resurrection near, Our life in Christ conceal'd, And with his glorious presence here Our earthen vessels filPd. h° 3 0 would he more of heaven bestow, And let this vessel break ! And let my ransomed spirit go To grasp the God I seek ! In rapturous awe on him to gaze, Who bled and died for me, And shout and wonder at his grace, Through all eternity. QuO Forsaking all to follow Christ, M. 8s & 7s. Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, — Thou from hence my all shalt be ! Perish every fond ambition — All Fve sought, or hop'd, or known; Yet how rich is my condition — God and heav'n are all my own ! 2 Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour too, Human looks and hearts deceive me, Thou art not like them, untrue, And while thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and might, Foes may hate and friends despise me, Show thy face, and all is right. 3 Go, then, earthly fame and treasure; Come disaster, scorn and pain ; In thy service pain is pleasure, With thy favor, loss is again ; I have calPd thee, Abba, Father ; I have set my heart on thee ; Storms may howl, and clouds may gather; All must work for good to me ! 4 0, 'tis not in grief to harm me, While thy tovfl is left to me ; 0, 'twere not in joy t<» charm me, Were that joy unmixed with thee. W* 396 397 Haste thee on from grace to glory, Arm'd by faith and wing'd by prayer ; Heav'n's eternal day's before thee — God's own hand shall guide thee there. Confessing Christ. C. M. Didst thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame, And bear the cross for me ? And shall I fear to own thy name, Or thy disciple be? 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should dread To suffer shame or loss ; 0 let me in thy footsteps tread, And glory in thy cross ! 3 Inspire my soul with life divine And holy courage bold ; Let knowledge, faith and meekness shine, Nor love, nor zeal grow cold. 4 Say to my soul, " Why dost thou fear The face of feeble clay ? Behold thy Saviour ever near, Will guard thee in the way." 5 0, how my soul would rise and run, At this reviving word ! Nor any painful sufferings shun, To follow thee, my Lord. 6 Let sinful men reproach, defame, And call me what they will, If I may glorify thy name, And be thy servant still. The Loving Kindness of God. L. M. Awake my soul, in joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from me: — His loving kindness, 0 how free ! CONVERTS. 271 2 He saw me ruined by the fall, Yet loved me, notwithstanding all ; He saved me from my lost estate: — His loving kindness, 0 how great I 3 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thunder'd loud, He near my soul has always stood : — His loving kindness, 0 how good ! 4 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale : Soon all my mortal powers must fail ; 0, may my last, expiring breath, His loving kindness sing in death ! 5 Then let me mount and soar away To the bright world of endless day, And sing, with rapture and surprise, His loving kindness, in the skies. 000 Sweet Home. M. 4 lis. j Ax alien from God, and a stranger to grace, j I wander'd through earth, its gay pleasures to trace ; In the pathway of sin I continued to roam, Unmindful, alas! that it led me from home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, — 0 Saviour, direct me to heaven, my hqme! 2 The pleasures of earth I have seen fade away, They bloom for a season, but soon they decay ; But pleasures more lasting in Jesus are given : Salvation on earth, and a mansion in heaven. Home, home, dec, 1 Allure me no longer, ye false glowing charms; The Saviour invites me. 111 go to his arms ; At the banquet of mercy I hear there is room ; 0 then may I feast with his children at home ! Home, home, dke, J* 272 CONVERTS. 4 "Farewell, vain amusements, my follies, adieu ; While Jesus, and heaven, and glory I view, I feast on the pleasures that flow from the throne, The foretaste of heaven, sweet heaven, my home. Home, home, &c. \ 5 The days of my exile are passing away ; The time is approaching when Jesus will say, "Well done, faithful servant, sit down on my throne, And dwell in my presence, forever at home." Home, home, &c. w Pearl of Great Price. P. M.7,6;7,6,8,8,6,6. The pearl that worldings covet, Is not the pearl for me ; Its beauty fades as quickly, As sunshine on the sea: But there's a pearl, sought by the wise, It's called the pearl of greatest price, Though few its value see, 0 that's the pearl for me ! 2 The crown that decks the monarch, Is not the crown for me ; It dazzles but a moment, Its brightness soon will flee : But there's a crown prepar'd above, For all who walk in humble love ; Forever bright 't will be — 0 that's the crown for me ! 3 The road that many travel, Is not the road for me ; It leads to death and sorrow, And endless misery : But there's a road that leads to God, It'smark'd by Christ's most precious blood ; The passage here is free — 0 that's the road for me ! F CONVERTS. 27o 4 The hope that sinners cherish, Is not the hope for me : Most surely will they perish, Unless from sin set free, But there's a hope fixed in the Lord, It leads the soul to keep his word, And sinful pleasures flee. 0 that's the hope for me. | 4UU He Hath Done All Things Well. L. M. tL \Tow in a song of grateful praise, li To my dear Lord my voice I'll raise ; With all his saints, I'll join to tell — "My Jesus hath done all things well." 2 All worlds his glorious power confess, His wisdom all his works express ; But 0 ! his love, what tongue can tell ? "My Jesus hath done all things well!" 3 How sov'reign, wonderful and free, Has been his love to sinful me ! He pluck'd me as a brand from hell — 11 My Jesus hath done all things well." 4 I spurn'd his grace, I broke his laws, And yet he undertook my cause ; To save me though I did rebel : "My Jesus hath done all things well." 5 And since my soul hath known his love, What mercies has he made me prove ; Mercies which do all praise excel — "My Jesus hath done all things well." 6 And when to that bright world I rise, And join the anthems in the rid Above the rest this note shall swell, "My Jesus hath done all things well." 18 274 CONVERTS. 401 In Life and Death Ibelong to Christ. L. M. Let thoughtless thousands choose the road That leads the soul away from God : This happiness, dear Lord, be mine, To live and die entirely thine. 2 On Christ, by faith, my soul would live, From him, my life, my all receive : To him devote my fleeting hours ; Serve him alone with all my pow'rs. 3 Christ is my everlasting all, To him I look, on him I call ; He every want will well supply, In time, and through eternity. 4 Soon will the Lord, my life, appear ; Soon shall I end my trials here ; Leave sin and sorrow, death and pain : To live is Christ, — to die is gain. 402 Pilgrim's Story. P. M. 8,5,8,5,6,7,6,4. I have sought round this verdant earth, For unfading joy ; I have tried every source of mirth, But, all, all will cloy. Lord, Lord, bestow, on me Grace to set my spirit free — Thine, thine the praise shall be, Mine, mine the joy. I have wandered through mazes dark, Of doubt and distress : I have not found a kindling spark, My spirit to bless, Cold, cheerless unbelief FilPd my labVing soul with grief; What, what can give relief? What can give peace ? CONVERTS. 275 3 I then turned to the gospel, Lord, From folly away ; And I trusted thy holy word, That taught me to pray. Here, here I now find rest, Here my weary soul is blest, Hope, hope of endless rest, Eternal day ! 4 I will praise now my heav'nly King, I'll praise and adore; And the heart's richest tribute bring, To thee, God of power ; And then in heaven above, Saved by thy redeeming love, Loudly the strains shall move, For evermore. 403 On my Way to Heaven. P. M. 10s & lis. Otell me no more of this world's vain store: The time for such trifles with me now is o'er ; A country I've found, where true joys abound: To dwell I'm determined on that happy ground. 2 The souls that believe, in paradise live : And me in that number will Jesus receive. My soul don't delay-*-he calls thee awn y : Rise, follow thy Saviour, and bless tl. 3 Xo mortal doth know what he can bestow, What light, aid and comfort — go after him, go. Lo, onward I move, to a city above; None guesses how wondrous my journey will prove. • ipoilfl T shall win from death, hall and sin : 'Midst outward afflioi Christ within; And when I'm to di •. v I'll cry ; For Jesne 1 me — I eaanot toll why CONVERTS. ! 5 But this I do find, we two are so join'd, He'll not live in glory, and leave me behind. So this is the race I'm running, through grace, Henceforth, till admitted to see my Lord's face. 404 The Young Convert. M. 7s & C The glorious light of Zion Is spreading far and wide, And sinners they are flocking Into the gospel tide. The standard of King Jesus In glorious triumph rise ! While sinners crowd around him, With joy and sweet surprise. The sufferings of our Saviour Upon Mount Calvary, Are sounding sweet to sinners — Come, these will set you free. And while this glorious message Is circulating round, Some souls exposed to ruin, Redeeming grace have found. And of that happy number I trust that I am one ; And Jesus he will finish The work he has begun ; He'll cut it short- in right'ousness, And I'll forever be A monument of mercy, To all eternity. 0, sinner, think what Jesus Has done for you and me ! Behold, his mangled body Hangs bleeding on the tree ! His painful head, his hands and side, He doth for you display ! 0, tell me, guilty sinner, How can you stay away? CONVERTS. 2lA 405 Come, all ye elder brethren, Who're soldiers of thecros- — Who, for the Bake of Jesus, Have counted all tilings dross; Come, pray for us young converts, That we may travel on, And meet you all in glory, Where our Redeemer's gone. Mercys Free. P.M. 0,0,0,0,8,8,8,0. By faith I view my Saviour dying, On the tree, on the tree ; To every nation he is crying, Look to me, look to me : He bids the guilty now draw near, Repent, believe, dismiss their fear — Hark ! hark ! what precious words I hear, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me, pity me? And did he snatch my soul from ruin ? Can it be, can it be ? O, yes ! he did salvation bring — He is my Prophet, Priest, and King — And now my happy soul can sing, Mercy's free, mercy's free. This precious truth, ye sinners hear it. Mercy's free, mercy's free — Ye ministers of God declare it, Mercy's free, mercy's free ; — Visit the sinner's dark abode. Proclaim to all the love of l And spread the glorious news abroad. Mercy's free, mercy's free. t as I live, I'll still be crying, MLer mercy's free — And this shall be my theme when dying, Mercy's free, mercy's free; 3 lL_ ■L-JJWJW, Bj ! 278 RELIGION. ° And when the vale of death I've pass'd, When lodg'd above the stormy blast, I'll sing while endless ages last, Mercy's free, mercy's free. EELIOION. xUU Power and Benefits of Religion. C. M. "Oeligion is the balm of life, — At Its healing virtues feel : It calms the soul, and quells all strife ; It melts the heart of steel. 2 Religion can the leper cure, It gives the blind his sight ; The lame it makes to walk secure, And darkness turns to light. 3 Religion makes the dumb to speak, The deaf may hear its voice ; The man his withered hand may reach, The broken heart rejoice. 4 Religion breaks the bonds of death, It bids the sleeper rise ; It gives the palsied sinner health, And all his wants supplies. 5 Religion will the passions chide, The stubborn will control : It calms our fears, expels our pride, And sanctifies the soul. 6 Religion will through life sustain ; And after death has given Its ling'ring gasp and latest pang, Will take us home to heaven. b I RELIGION. 279 " 407 Supreme Importance of Religion. C. M. Religion" is the chief concern Of mortals here below ; May I its great importance learn, Its sovereign virtue know ! 2 More needful this, than glitt'ring wealth. Or aught the world bestows ; X< >r reputation, food or health, Can give us such repose. 3 Religion should our thoughts engage, Amidst our youthful bloom ; 'Twill fit us for declining age, And for the awful tomb. 4 0 may my heart, by grace renewed, Be my Redeemer's throne ; And be my stubborn will subdu'd, His government to own. 5 Let deep repentance, faith and love, Be join'd with godly fear; And all my conversation prove My heart to be sincere. rtUO Preciousness of Bel if/ion. CM. Thee will we praise, eternal King, Thou God oi godfl supreme ; And while with holy awe W6 sing, Religion be our theme. 2 Religion, soul reyiving sound! It makes the heart rejoi< Where shall the happy man be found. Who makes it all his choi 3 Religion is the Lr;-«';it«-t Lr"«>d, When pure and undenTd; By it poor sinners are to ( tod Subdued and reooncil'd. '280 RELIGION. 4 Religion! 0, the heav'nly pow'r, When in the heart it reigns ! The living and the dying hour It comforts and sustains. 5 Religion smoothes life's rugged way. And makes the bitter sweet ; And will in heav'n's eternal day Be glorious and complete. *\Jd Religion's Paths are Peace. 0 happy is the man who hears Instruction's warning voice ! And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only choice. 2 For she has treasure greater far Than east or west unfold, And her reward is more secure Than all the gain of gold. 3 In her right hand she holds to view A length of happy years ; And in her left the prize of fame And honor bright appears. 4 She guides our youth with innocence In pleasure's path to tread ; A crown of glory she bestows Upon the hoary head. 5 According as her labors rise, So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. C. M. 410 The Pearl of Great Price. C. M. Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu ; A nobler choice be mine : A real prize attracts my view — A treasure all divine. RELIGION. 2 Begone, unworthy of my cares, Ye flattering baits of sense \ Inestimable worth appears, The pearl of price immense. 3 Should earth's vain treasures all depart, Of this dear gift possess'd, I'd clasp it to my joyful heart, And be forever blest. 4 Dear Sovereign of my soul's desires, Thy love is bliss divine ; Accept the praise thy grace inspires, Since I can call thee mine. 411 Buy the Truth and Sell it Not. L. M. The worth of truth no tongue can tell, 9 Twill do to buy, but not to sell ; A large estate that soul has got, Who buys the truth and sells it not. 2 Truth, like a diamond, shines most fair, More rich than pearls and rubies are, More worth than gold and silver coin : 0 may it ever in us shine. 3 ;Tis truth that binds, and truth makes free, And sets the soul at liberty From sin and Satan's heavy chain. And then within the heart doth reign. 4 They have a freedom then indeed, That doth all freedom else exceed : Freedom from guilt, freedom from v. And never more shall bondage know. 5 0 happy they, who in their youth Are Drought to know and love the truth! For Done but th08e whom truth makes :'. Can e'er enjoy their liberty. X ^282 RELIGION. 6 Truth, like a girdle let us wear, And always keep it clean and fair ; And never let it once be told, That truth by us was ever sold. 412 413 The One Thing Needful. L. M. One thing is needful, one alone ; If this be our's, all is our own: ;Tis needful now, 'twill needful be In death and through eternity. 2 Without it we are all undone, Though we may call the world our own ; Not all the joys of time and sense Can countervail the loss immense. 3 Great God ! that powerful grace of thine, Which rous'd a soul so dead as mine, Can rouse these thoughtless sinners too, The one thing needful to pursue. 2 The Value of Religion. L. M. Happy the man that finds the grace, The blessing of God's chosen race ; The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by love. Happy beyond description he, Who knows the Saviour died for me ; The gift unspeakable obtains, And heavenly understanding gains. 3 Wisdom divine ! who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandize ? Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compared to her. 4 Her hands are filled with length of days, True riches and immortal praise : Riches of Christ on all bestow'd, And honor that descends from God. THE CHURCH OF GOD. 2831 5 To purest joys she all in- Chaste, holy, spiritual delights; Her ways are ways of plea^m And all her flow'ry paths are peace. 6 Happy the man who wisdom gains ; Thrice happy who his guest retains: He owns, and shall forever own. Wisdom, and Christ, fur they are one. 414 THE CHURCH OF GOD. Attachment to the Church. 8. M. I love thy kingdom, Lord, The house of thine abode, The Church our blest Redeemer saved AVith his own precious blood. I love thy Church, 0 God; Her hosts before thee stand Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. For her my tears shall fall. For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly w;r Her sweet communion, solemn \ Her hymns of love and praise. Jesus, thou Friend divin»\ Our Saviour and our King, Thj hand, from every snare and foe. Shall great deliverance bring. p284 THE CHURCH OF GOD. Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. 415 Put on thy Beautiful Garments. Awake, Jerusalem, awake! No longer in thy sins lie down ; The garment of salvation take ; Thy beauty and thy strength put on ! 2 Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight, And hides the promise from thine eyes : Arise, and struggle into light ; The great Deliv'rer calls — arise ! 3 Shake off the bands of sad despair; Zion, assert thy liberty ; Look up, thy broken heart prepare, And God shall set the captive free. 4 Vessels of mercy, sons of grace, Be purged from every sinful stain ; Be like your Lord, his word embrace, Nor bear his hallow' d name in vain. 416 Family of Earth and Heaven. CM. Come, let us join our friends above, Who have obtained the prize, And on the eagle wings of love To joy celestial rise. 2 Let saints below in concert sing With those to glory gone ; For all the servants of our King In heaven and earth are one. 3 One family, we dwell in him ; One Church above, beneath ; Though now divided by the stream — The narrow stream of death. THE (III IK H OF GOD. 285 4 One army of the living God, To his command we bow; Part of the host have ero»\l the flood, And part are passing now. 5 How many to their endless home, This solemn moment fly; And we are to the margin come, And soon expect to die. G Dear Saviour, be our constant guide; Then when the word is given, Bid Jordan's narrow stream divide, And land us safe in heaven. 417 Safety of the Church. S. M. How honored is the place Where we adoring standi Zion, the glory of the earth, And beauty of the land. Bulwarks of grace defend The city where we dwell, While walls, of strong salvation made, Defy th' assaults of hell. Lift up th' eternal gates; The doors wide open fling: Enter, ye nation! that obey The statutes of your King. Here taste unmingled joys, And live in perfect peace, You that have known Jehovah's nam And ventured on his grace. Tru Who can shake thy sure repose? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou mayst smile at all thy foes. 2 See — the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters. And all fear of want remove : Who can faint while such a river Ever flows their thirst t' assuage ? Grace which, like the Lord, the giver. Never fails from age to age. 3 Round each habitation hov'ring, See the cloud and fire appear, For a glory and a cov'ring, Showing that the Lord is near. Thus deriving from their banner, Light by night and shade by day ; Safe they feed upon the manna Which he gives them when they pray. fe St THE CHURCH OF GOD. 289 ' 42t) Church of our God. L. M. Ziox. awake! thy strength renew, Put on thy robes of beaut'ous hue; Church of our God, arise and shine, Bright with the beams of truth divine ! 2 Soon shall thy radiance stream afar, Wide as the heathen nations are; Gentiles and kings thy light shall view : All shall admire, and love thee, too. 3 Then shall thy name Hepzibah be — Jehovah shall delight in thee ; Bculah thy land we then shall call, And Abraham's God be all in all. 424 Zion's Refuge. S. M. Great is the Lord our God, And let his praise be great ; He makes his churches his abode, His most delightful seat. In Zion, God is known, A refuge in distress : How bright has his salvation shone, Through all her palaces. "When kings against her join'd. And saw the Lord was there, In wild confusion of the mind. They fled with hasty fear. Oft have our fathers told, Our eyes have often seen, How well our God secures the fold Where his own sheep 1m In every new di>tr- We'll to his house repair; We'll call to mind his wondron And seek dehVrance there. v 19 \ 290 THE CEURCH OF GOD. \ 4^0 The Latter Day Glory. C. M. Behold, the mountain of the Lord, In latter days, shall rise Above the mountains and the hills, And draw the wond'ring eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round, All tribes and tongues shall flow ; "Up to the hill of God/' they say, " And to his courts we'll go." 3 The beams that shine on Zion's Hill, Shall lighten every land ; The King who reigns in Zion's tow'rs, Shall all the world command. 4 No strife shall vex Messiah's reign, Or mar the peaceful years ; j To ploughshares men shall beat their swords, To pruning hooks their spears. 5 Come then — 0 come from every land, To worship at his shrine : And walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine. 4^0 God the Defence of Zion. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Zion stands with hills surrounded — Zion, kept by pow'r divine : All her foes shall be confounded, Though the world in arms combine ; Happy Zion, What a favor'd lot is thine ! 2 Every human tie may perish, Friend to friend unfaithful prove ; Mothers cease their own to cherish, Heav'n and earth at last remove ; But no changes Can attend Jehovah's love. 1 „„™J JOINING THE CHURCH. 3 In the furnace God may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more bright, But ran never cease to love thee; Thou art precious in his sight: God is with thee — God, thine everlasting light. JOINING THE CHURCH. 427 " The Brethren Received us Gladly." L.M. Welcome, ye well helov'd of God, Ye heirs of grace, redeemed by blood ; Welcome, with us your hands to join, As partners of our lot divine. 2 With us the pilgrim's state embrace — We're traveling to a blissful place; The Holy Ghost, who knows the way, Conduct you on from da}- to day. 3 Take up your cross, and bear it on, It shall be light, and soon be gone; shall ye sit with Jesus down, And wear an everlasting crown. EeceirliKj Members, C. M. Come in, ye blessed of the Lord, 0 come in Jesus' name ; We welcome you with one accord, In Christ we're all the same. 2 In weal or wop, in joy or Thy portion shall be on Christians their mutual burdens bear; They lend their mutual puw'rs. r 292 JOINING THE CHURCH. 3 Come with us ; we will do thee good, As God to us hath done: Stand but in him, as those have stood, Whose faith the victory won. 4 And when, by turns, we pass away, As star by star grows dim, May each, translated into day, Be lost, and found in him. 4*t7 Church Fellowship. C. M. lanted in Christ, the living Vine, This day, with one accord, Ourselves, with humble faith and joy, We join thy Church, 0 Lord. 2 Join'd in one body may we be ; One inward life partake ; One be our heart; one heav'nly hope In every bosom wake. 3 In prayer, in effort, tears, and toils, One wisdom be our guide; Taught by one Spirit from above, In thee may we abide. 4 Around this feeble, trusting band Thy sheltering pinions spread, Nor let the storms of trial beat Too fiercely on our head. 5 Then, when among the saints in light Our joyful spirits shine, Shall anthems of immortal praise, 0 Lamb of God, be thine. 40A On Admitting Church Members. L. M. ear friends in Christ, and well belov'd To Jesus and his servants dear, Enter — and show yourselves approved; Enter — and find that God is here. |a _™_™__™™ . m D1 JOINING THE CHURCH. 293 \ 2 "Welcome from earth ! — lo, the right hand Of 'fellowship to you ire girsl "With open arms and hearts we stand, And you in Jesus' name receive. 3 And now may God, the Father, bless Your souls and ours with christian love ; That we his grace may here posse- And glory's crown in heav'n above. 431 C° Welcome to Chare k-fellowsli ip. M. 8s in-art, And till'd a Saviour's hands. 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heav*nly Mis^ forego, — For souls which musi forever live, In rapture or in \\«»e. 4 May they that Jesus, whom they pros Tln-ir own Redeemer, m And watch thou daily o'er their BOUls, That they may watch fur tlc-e. 298 CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. jtOO Minister's Appeal to Christ. C. M. Do I not love thee, 0 my Lord? Behold my heart, and see ; And turn each cursed idol out, That dares to rival thee. 2 Do I not love thee from my soul ? Then let me nothing love ; Dead be my heart to every, joy, When Jesus cannot move. 3 Is not thy name melodious still To mine attentive ear ? Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound, My Saviour's voice to hear ? 4 Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock I would disdain to feed ? Hast thou a foe before whose face I fear thy cause to plead? 5 Thou know'st I love thee, dearest Lord: But, 0, I long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys, And learn to love thee more. 440 Faith in the Seed of Truth. S. M. Sow in the morn thy seed ; At eve hold not thy hand : To doubt and fear give thou no heed ; Broad-cast it o'er the land. The good, the fruitful ground, Expect not here nor there; O'er hill and dale by plots 'tis found — Go forth, then, everywhere. Thou know'st not which may thrive, The late or early sown ; Grace keeps the precious germ alive, When and wherever strewn. 441 CIIKISITAX MINISTRY. And duly shall appear. In verdure, beauty, Btrength, The tender Made, the stock, the car, And the full corn at length. Thou canst not toil in vain ; . heat, and moist, and dry Shall foster and mature the grain, For garners in the sky. Out-door Worship. Mark 1G : 15. L.M. JTUvas Jesus' last and great command, 1 " Go preach my word in every land; To all be my salvation shown, To every creature make it known. 2 While thus employ'd, accept my grace, Attending you from place to place; Where'er you meet, expect me there — In church, in house, in open air." 3 Commission'd thus, we come abroad, To preach the gospel of our God; I )V.- of God, in Christ, to tell, The love that saves from sin and hell. 4 Jesus, our Lord, thy word fulfil, e with us still : : share, — and hear our pray'r. Up o, preach my . oith the Lord, U "Bid the whole world i shall he saved who trusts my word; He be condenm'd who don't believe. 2 •■ I'll make your great commission known, And ye shall prove my gospel true, By all tie4 works that I hr, e : By all the woie'i :1 do. s* '300 3 Teach all the nations my commands, — I'm with you till the world shall end ; All power is trusted in my hands, I can destroy, and I defend." 4 He spake — and light shone 'round his head ; On a bright cloud to heaven he rode : They, to the farthest nations, spread The grace of their ascended God. 443 A Pastor Welcomed. L. M. We bid thee welcome in the name Of Jesus, our exalted Head : Come as a servant : so he came ; And we receive thee in his stead. 2 Come as a shepherd : guard and keep This fold from Satan and from sin ; Nourish the lambs, and feed the sheep ; The wounded heal, the lost bring in. 3 Come as a watchman : take thy stand Upon the tower on Zion's height ; And when the sword comes on the land, Warn us to fly, or teach to fight. 4 Come as an angel : hence to guide A band of pilgrims on their way ; That, safely walking at thy side, We never fail, nor faint, nor stray. 5 Come as a teacher : sent from God, Charged his whole counsel to declare ; Lift o'er our ranks the prophet's rod, While we uphold thy hands with prayer. 6 Come as a messenger of peace : Filled with the Spirit, fired with love ; Live to behold our large increase, And die to meet us all above. i© J&. CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. 301 Winning Souls to Christ. M. 7s. Would you win a soul to God? Tell him of a Saviour's blood, Once for dying sinners spilt, To atone for all their guilt. 2 Tell him, how the streams did glide From his hands, his feet, his side : How his head with thorns was crowned, And his heart in sorrow drowned : — 3 How he yielded up his breath ; How he agonized in death ; How he lives to intercede — Christ, our Advocate and Head. 4 Tell him. it was sovereign grace Led thee first to seek his face-«- Made thee choose the better part, Wrought salvation in thy heart. 5 Tell him of that liberty Wherewith Jesus makes us free : Sweetly speak of sins forgiven — Earnest of the joys of heaven. 445 The Preacher's Charge. M. 8s & ) Bold in speech and bold in action, Be forever ! — Time will test, Of the free-souPd and the slavish. Which fulfils life's mission best. 2 Be thou like the noble ancients — Scorn the threat that bids thee fear ; Speak ! — no matter what betide thee; Let them strike, but make them hear 3 Be thou liko the great Apostle — Be thou like heroic Paul: If a true thought seek expression, Speak it boldly! — speak it all ! Z !302 CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. 4 Face thy foes and thy accusers ; Scorn the prison, rack or rod ! And if thou hast truth to utter, Speak ! and leave the rest to God ! 446 The Fearless Preacher. L. M. Shall I, for fear of feeble man, The Spirit's course in me restrain? Or, undismay'd in deed and word, Be a true witness of my Lord? 2 Aw'd by a mortal's frown, shall I Conceal the word of God Most High? How then before thee shall I dare To stand, or how thine anger bear? 3 Shall I, to soothe th' unholy throng, Soften thy truth, or smooth my tongue, To gain earth's gilded toys, or flee The cross endur'd, my Lord, by thee ? 4 "What then is he, whose scorn I dread? Whose wrath or hate makes me afraid? A man ! an heir of death ! a slave To sin ! a bubble on the wave ! 5 Yea, let men rage ; since thou wilt spread Thy shadowing wings around my head : Since in all pain, thy tender love Will still my sure refreshment prove. 447 Ministers Prayed for. L Father of mercies, bow thine ear, Attentive to our earnest prayer ; We plead for those who plead for thee; Successful may they ever be ! Clothe them with energy divine, And let their messages be thine : To them thy sacred truth reveal ; Suppress their fear, inflame their zeal. M. ~ CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. H1 3 Teach them to sow the precious seed ; Teach them thy chosen flock to feed ; Teach them immortal souls to gain — Souls that will well reward their pain. 4 Let thronging multitudes around, Hear from their lips the joyful sound: In humble strains thy grace implore, And feel thy new-creating pow'r. 5 How great their work, how vast their charge ! \ Do thou their anxious souls enlarge ; Till light through distant realms be spread, < And Zion rear her drooping head. lO Minister's Prayer. C. P. M. 8,8,6,8,8,6. [elp, Lord, an humble instrument, Thy sovereign grace has calPd, and sent To publish and proclaim The reigning power and peace of God ; General redemption in thy blood, And pardon through thy name. 2 T' exalt myself, I would not speak, Or, proud of my own talents, seek The praise of flattering man ; But serve thee with a single eye, And, while thy name I magnify, Thy approbation gain. 3 Here may I covet no reward, Nor trifles temporal regard, Or reckon earth my home ; But things invisible desire, And wait for my appointed hire, Till Christ, my Lord, shall come. 4 xV life of poverty and toil, A thousand lives, one gracious smile Of thine will over-pay ; If thou receive me with "well done," And for thy faithful servant own, In that triumphant day. — « SABBATH^ OR LORD'S DAY. 449 Ministerial Anxiety. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. 1 What contradictions meet In ministers' employ! It is a bitter sweet, A sorrow full of joy. Xo other post affords a place Of equal honor, or disgrace ! Who can describe the pain Which faithful preachers feel ; Constrained to speak in vain To hearts as hard as steel? Or who can tell the pleasure felt, When stubborn hearts begin to melt ? The Saviour's dying love, The soul's amazing worth, Their utmost efforts move, And draw their bowels forth ; They pray and strive, their rest departs, Till Christ be form'd in sinners' hearts. \ SABBATH, OE LOKD'S DAY. 1450 The Lord's Day. S. M. Welcome, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise ! Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes ! The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day ; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. i^™,^~~~™~wv «w™~ m SABBATH, OR LORD'S DAY. 305 One day amidst the place Where my dear God has been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. 451 Sabbath Morning. L. M. Come, dearest Lord, and bless this day, Come, bear our thoughts from earth away ; Now let our noblest passions rise, With ardor, to their native skies. 2 Come, Holy Spirit, all divine, With rays of light upon us shine; And let our waiting souls be blest, On this sweet day of sacred rest. 3 0, may our pray'rs and praises rise, As grateful inceSise, to the skies ; And draw from heav'n that sweet repose Which none but he who feels it knows. 4 Then when our sabbaths here are o'er, And we arrive on Canaan's shore, With all the ransom'd we shall spend A sabbath which shall never end. OZ Blessings of the Sabbath. C. M. ins is the day the Lord hath made ; He calls the hours his own; Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround his throne. 2 To-day he rose and left the dead. And Satan's empire fell ; To-day the saints his triumphs spread, And all his wonders tell. Z* 20 fTi j 306 SABBATH, OR LORD'S DAY. 3 Hosanna to th' anointed King, To David's holy Son ! Help us, 0 Lord — descend and bring Salvation from thy throne. | 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men, With messages of grace ; Who comes, in God his Father's name, To save our sinful race. \ 5 Hosanna ! in the highest strains The church on earth can raise ; The highest heav'ns, in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. 453 A! The Sabbath. L. M. xother six days' work is done ; Another sabbath is begun ; Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God has blest. 2 Come, bless the Lord, whose love assigns So sweet a rest to wear" ied minds ; Provides an antepast of heav'n, And gives, this day, the food of sev'n. ' 3 This heav'nly calm within the breast Is the dear pledge of sacred rest, Which for the Church of God remains, The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties let the day — In holy pleasures pass away ; How sweet a sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end. 4D4 The Worship on the Sabbath. S. M. Qweet is the work, 0 Lord, O Thy glorious name to sing ; To praise and pray, to hear thy word, And grateful offerings bring. ' • *J 50__ H SABBATH, OR LORDS DAY. 3'l» — j 2 Sweet, on this day of rest, To join in heart and voice, With those who love and serve thee best, And in thy name rejoice. 3 To songs of praise and joy, Be every sabbath giv'n, That such may be our blest employ Eternally in heav'n. 455 Sabbath in the Sanctuary. ML 6 lines 7s. Safely through another week God has brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day, — Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciling face, Take away our sin and shame ; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee. 3 Here we come, thy name to praise ; Let us feel thy presence near ; May thy glory meet our eyes, While we in thy house appear ; Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints, Make the fruit- of £raoe abound, Briri£ relief from all complaint-: Thus let all our sabbaths prove. Till we join the church above. g£ 308 SABBATH, OR LORD S DAY. ^t/U The Earthly and Heavenly Sabbath. L. M. Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, we love, But there's a nobler rest above : To that our longing souls aspire, With cheerful hope and strong desire. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor death shall reach the place : No groans shall mingle with the songs, That warble from immortal tongues. 3 No rude alarms of raging foes, No cares to break the long repose, No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. 4 Soon shall that glorious day begin, Beyond this world of death and sin ; Soon shall our voices join the song Of the triumphant holy throng. 457 Lord's Day Evening. C. M. Frequent the day of God returns, To shed its quickening beams ; And yet how slow devotion burns, How languid are its flames ! 2 Accept our faint attempts to love ; Our frailties, Lord, forgive ; We would be like thy saints above, And praise thee while we live. 3 Increase, 0 Lord, our faith and hope, And fit us to ascend, Where the assembly ne'er breaks up, The sabbath ne'er shall end. 4 Where we shall breathe in heav'nly air, In heav'nly lustre shine ; \ Before the throne of God appear, \ And feast on love divine. m si SABBATH, OR LORD'S DAY. 309 ' 4t)0 A Hymn for the SahbatJi. L.M. Sweet is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanks and sing; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest ; Xo mortal cares shall seize my breast; 0 may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp, of solemn sound. 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine! How deep thy counsels ! how divine ! 4 Lord, I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil, to cheer my head. 5 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desired or wished below; And every power find sweet employ In that eternal world of joy. Sabbath Morning. II. M. 6,G,6,G,8,8. ELCOME, delightful morn. Thou day of sacred rest; I hail thy kind return — Lord, make these momenta blest: m the low train of mortal toys I soar to reach immortal joys. 2 Now may the King descend, And fill his throne of grace: Thy soeptoe, Lord, extend, Whil \ thy face; Let sinners fad thy quickening word, And learn to know and i'ear the Lord. § C w ! 310 SABBATH, OR LORD'S DAY. 460 3 Descend, celestial Dove, With all thy quickening pow'rs ; Disclose a Saviour's love, And bless the sacred hours ; Then shall my soul new life obtain, Nor sabbaths be indulged in vain. 4 461 Resurrection of Christ on the Sabbath. S. M. To-day the Saviour rose, Our Jesus left the dead ; He conquered our malignant foes, And Satan captive led. He left his glorious throne, To make our peace with God ; Blessings forever on his name ! He bought us with his blood. For us, his life he paid, For us the law fulfilled; On Him our load of guilt was laid ; We by his stripes are heard. Ye saints, adore his name, Who hath such mercy shown : Ye sinners, love the bleeding Lamb, And make his praises known. Chrisfs Resurrection. H. M. 6,G,6,G,8: Awake, ye saints, awake, And hail the sacred day ; In lofty songs of praise Your joyful homage pay; Come, bless the day that God hath blest, The type of heaven's eternal rest. On this auspicious morn The Lord of life arose, And burst the bars of death, And vanquished all our foes ; And now he pleads our cause above, And reaps the fruit of all his love. PUBLIC W01I- 1 IIP. All hail, triumphant Lord! Heaven with hosannas rings; And earth, in humble strains, Thy praise responsive sings ; Worthy the Lamb, that once was slain, Through endless years to live and reign PUBLIC WORSHIP. 40,4 Going to Church. C. M. How did my heart rejoice to hear My friends devoutly say, "In Zion let us all appear, And keep the solemn day/' 2 I love her gates, I love the road : The church, adorned with grace, Stands like a palace built for God, To show his milder face. 3 Up to her courts with joys unknown The holy tribes repair; The Son of David holds bis throne, And sits in judgment there. 4 Peace be within this sacred place, And j>>y a constant guest! With holy gifts and heavenly grace Be her attendants blest! 5 My soul shall pray for Zion still, While life or breath remains; There my best friends, my kindred dwell. There God my Saviour reigns. 312 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 40O Delight in Worship. L. M. Lord, how delightful 'tis to see A whole assembly worship thee ! At once they sing, at once they pray ; They hear of heaven, and learn the way. 2 I have been there, and still would go ; ;Tis like the dawn of heaven below ; Not all that careless sinners say, Shall tempt me to forget this day. 3 0, write upon my memory, Lord, The truths and precepts of thy word, That I may break thy laws no more, But love thee better than before. 4 With thoughts of Christ, and things divine, Fill up this foolish heart of mine ; That, finding pardon through his blood, I may lie down, and wake with God. 1U a Universal Adoration. L. M. Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign pow'r, without our aid, Made us of clay and form'd us men ; And when, like wand'ring sheep, we stray'd, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We are his people, we his care, — Our souls and all our mortal frame ; What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to thy name ? 4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heav'ns our voices raise ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. d PUBLIC WORSHIP. 313 5 Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy Love ; Firm as B rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. 465 rihj. C. M. C\ od is a Spirit, just and v T ]I inmost mind ; In vain to heaven we raise our cries, Arid leave our souls behind. 2 Nothing hut truth before his throne With honor can appear ; The painted hypocrites are known, Through the disguise they wear. 3 Their lifted eyes salute the skies, Their bending knees the ground : But God abhors a sacrifice Where not the heart is found. 4 Lord, search my thoughts and try my ways, And make my soul sine Then shall I stand before thy face. And find acceptance there. 466 C •sal King. S. M. I his praise abroad, And hymns of glory Bio Jehovah is the sovereign God, The universal King. 2 He formed - unknown, and; The watery worlds are all his own. And all the s<»lid ground. rehip at hi w before the Lord; We are his works, and not our own: He fi rme 1 as by his word. LA 467 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod ; Come, like the children of his choice, And own your gracious God. Heavenly Joy on Earth. S. M. Come, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 2 The sorrows of the mind Be banished from this place; Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less. 3 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God ; But servants of the heav'nly King May speak their joys abroad. 4 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruits, on earthly ground, From faith and hope may grow. 5 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heav'nly fields, Or walk the golden streets. 6 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; We're marching thro' ImmanuePs ground, To fairer world's on high. 4uO Spiritual Worship. L. M. Jesus, thou everlasting King, Accept the tribute which we bring ; Accept thy well-deserved renown, And wear our praises as thy crown. W> PUBLIC WORSHIP. 2 Let every act of worship be Like our espousals, Lord, to thee, Like the blest hour when from above We first received the pledge of love. 3 The gladness of that happy day 0 may it ever, ever Btayl Nor let our faith forsake its hold, Xor hope decline, nor love grow cold. 4 Each following minute, as it flies, Increase thy praise, improve our joys, Till we are raised to sing thy name At the great supper of the Lamb. 469 How Amiable are iky Tabernacles. L. M. How pleasant — how divinely fair, 0 Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are ! With long desire my spirit faints To meet th' assemblies of thy saints. 2 Blest are the souls who find a place Within the temple of thy grace; Here they behold the gentler rays, And seek thy face and learn thy praise. 3 Blest are the men, whose hearts are set To find the way to /ion's gate; God is tln-ir strength! and through the road They lean upon their helper, < I 4 Cheerful they walk, with growing strength, Till all shall meet in heaven at length, Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there. 4/U Joy of Public Worship. L.M. I ei at God, attend, while Zion su Thy joy that from thy presence springs : nd one day with thee on sarin Exceeds a thousand days of mirth. G" M 316 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 2 Might I enjoy the meanest place Within thy house, 0 God of grace! Not tents of ease, nor thrones of pow'r, Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 3 God is our sun — he makes our day ; God is our shield — he guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin ; From foes without, and foes within. 4 All needful grace will God bestow, And crown that grace with glory too: He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls. 5 0 God, our King, whose sovereign sway The glorious host of heaven obey, Display thy grace, exert thy pow;r, Till all on earth thy name adore. 471 The House of God. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. What dreadful spot is this ? And yet a pleasing place; Sure here Jehovah is, In majesty and grace: Here let our souls devoutly wait, ;Tis God's own house, 'tis heaven's gate. ;Tis here the saints abide, On richest dainties fed ; And Christ doth here reside, Their Master and their Head; His life and love he here conveys, And owns their pray 'rs, and hears their praise. The Lord is never bound To any time or place: Eut always may be found Among his chosen race ; Then tread his courts with holy fear, For God himself is present there. PUBLIC WORSHIP. 317 4/2 The Sowj of Simeon. C. M. Lord, in thy remple we appear, As happy Simeon came, And hope to meet our Saviour here ; 0 make our joys the same! 2 With what divine and vast delight The good old man was filPd, "When fondly in his withered arms He clasp'd the holy child ! 3 "Now I can leave this world/' he cried, "Behold, thy servant dies! I've seen thy great salvation, Lord, And close my peaceful eyes. 4 This is the light, prepar'd to shine Upon the Gentile lands ; Thine Israel's glory, and their hope, To break their slavish bands." 5 Jesus ! the vision of thy face Hath overpow'ring charms ! Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace, If Christ be in my arms. 6 When flesh shall fail, and heart-strings break, : Sweet will the minutes roll ; A mortal paleness on my cheek, But glory in my soul. 473 ■L The Courts of the Lord. S. M. How charming is the place Where my Redeemer God Unveils the beauties of his face, And >heds his love abroad ! '2 Not the fair palflM To which the great n Are onoe to bd compared with this, Where Jesus holds his court. LA* |Q318 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 3 Here on the mercy seat, With radiant glory crown' d, Our joyful eyes behold him sit, And smile on all around. 474 4 To him their pray'rs and cries Each humble soul presents ; He listens to their broken sighs, And grants them all their wants. 5 Give me, 0 Lord, a place Within thy bless'd abode, Among the children of thy grace, The servants of my God. Public Worship. C. M. Sixg to the Lord Jehovah's name, And in his strength rejoice : When his salvation is our theme, Exalted be our voice. 2 With thanks approach his awful sight, And psalms of honor sing ; The Lord's a God of boundless might, The whole creation's King. 3 Come, and with humble souls adore ; Come, kneel before his face ; 0, may the creatures of his pow'r Be children of his grace ! 4 Now is the time, he bends his ear, And waits for your request ; Come, Jest he rouse his wrath, and swear, "Ye shall not see my rest." 475 Hosanna to the Lord. L. M. \ Hosanna ! Lord, thine angels cry ; Hosanna ! Lord, we here reply : Above, beneath us, and around, The dead and living swell the sound. ssr PUBLIC ^SVoliSIUP. 319 2 0, Father, with protecting ci Meet us in this thy house of pra;j 'r ; Assembled in Messiah's name. Thy promised blessing here we claim. 3 But, chiefest, in our inmost breast, 0 Saviour! let thy Spirit rest ; And make our secret soul to be A temple pure, and worthy thee. 4 So, in the last and dreadful day, When earth and heav'n shall melt away, Thy flock, redeemed from sinful stain, Shall swell the sound of praise again. 476 God's Service Deligkfful. C. M. YyiTii joy we hail the sacred day, V V Which God has call'd his own ; With joy the summons we obey, To worship at his throne. 2 Thy chosen temple, Lord, how fair! As here thy servants throng, To breathe the humble, fervent pray'r, And pour the grateful Bong. 3 Spirit of grace! 0 deign to dwell Within thy church below; Make her in holiness excel, With pure devotion glow1. 4 Let peace within her Avails be fmnul, Let all her sons unite, To spread with holy zeal around. Her clear and shining Light. 5 (ireat CmI. we hail the sacred day. Which thou hast call'd thine own; With joy the summons we obey, To worship at thy throne. ■ 320 PUBLIC WORSHIP. 477 D' Waiting on God. C. M. ear brethren, come, draw near to God, With songs of sacred praise ; For he is good, immensely good, And just are all his ways. J 2 All nature owns his guardian care ; 1 In him we live and move ; But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. i 3 He gave his Son, his only Son, To ransom rebel worms ; 'Tis here he makes his goodness known In its diviner forms. 478 Desire for ike Sanctuary. H. M. 0,6,6,6,8,8. Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant, and how fair The dwellings of thy love, Thine earthly temples, are ; To thine abode my heart aspires, With warm desires to see my God. 0 happy souls, that pray Where God appoints to hear ! 0 happy men, that pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still ; and happy they That love the way to Zion's hill. They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length, Till each in heaven appears : 0 glorious seat ! thou, God our King, Shalt thither bring our willing feet. PRAISE OF <;<>D. 321 a PRAISE OF GOD. 479 Universal Praise, L. M. "'kom all who dwell below the ski Let the Creator's praise ai Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. ; 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends thy word ; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 3 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring; In songs of praise divinely sing: The great salvation loud proclaim. And shout for joy the Saviour's name. 4 In every land Login the Bong : To every land the strains belong; In cheerful sounds all voices raise, And fill the world with loudest prj 480 Praise to the Eternal God. S. 31. Let i urc join To praise tlf eternal God; Ye heavenly h gin, And sound hN praise abroad. Thou sun. with golden 1 - And moon, with paler n Ye starry Lights, ye twinkling fls Shine t-» your Maker'- pn I!< built those worl And lixed their wondrous frame; By hi- command they stand or m And e 21 4 Ye vapors, when ye rise, Or fall in showers or snow, Ye thunders, murm'ring 'round the skies, His power and glory show. 5 Wind, hail, and flaming fire, Agree to praise the Lord, When ye in dreadful storms conspire To execute his word. G By all his works above His honors be express'd ; But saints who taste his saving love, Should sing his praises best. 481 V Perpetual Praise. C. M. ^es, I will bless thee, 0 my God ! Through all my mortal days ; And to eternity prolong Thy vast, thy boundless praise. 2 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim The honors of my God ; My life, with all its active powers, Shall spread thy praise abroad. 3 Not death itself shall stop my song, Though death will close my eyes ; My thoughts shall then to nobler heights, And sweeter raptures rise. 4 There shall my lips, in endless praise, Their grateful tribute pay ; The theme demands an angel's tongue, And an eternal day. 4o^ praise f]ie Lord. M. 8s & 7s. Praise the Lord ; ye heavens, adore him ; Praise him, angels, in the height; Sun and moon, rejoice before him ; Praise him, all ye stars of light. PRAISE OF GOD. 323^ r 2 Praise the Lord, for he hath spoken; Worlds hie mighty voice obeyed; Laws, which never can be broken, For their guidance he hath made. 3 Praise the L >rd, for he is glorious; Never shall his promise fail; God hath made his saints victorious, Sin and death shall not prevail. 4 Praise the God of our salvation; Hosts on high, his power proclaim; Heaven and earth, and all creation, Praise and magnify his name. 30 Praise for Divine Goodness. L. P. M. ?ll praise my Maker with my breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs ; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, "While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On I- I: He made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train: His truth forever stands secure; I [e 9ai es th1 oppressed, he feeds the poor, And none anal] find his promise vain. 3 He loves his em well ; But turns the wicked down to hell; Thy God, 0 Zion, ever reigns: Let every tongue, let every age, In this exalted work Praise him in everlasting 4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath; And when my voice is lost in death. Praise shau employ my nobler p m* My days of praise shall ne'er be pi While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality enau !324 PRAISE OF GOD. 484 485 Praise for Mercies, S. M. 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! His grace to thee proclaim ; And all that is within me, join To bless his holy name. 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! His mercies bear in mind ; Forget not all his benefits, — The Lord to thee is kind. He will not always chide ; He will with patience wait ; His wrath is ever slow to rise, And ready to abate. The Lord forgives thy sins , Prolongs thy feeble breath ; He healeth thine infirmities, And ransoms thee from death. He clothes thee with his love, Upholds thee with his truth, And like the eagle he renews The vigor of thy youth. Then bless his holy name, Whose grace hath made thee whole ; Whose loving-kindness crowns thy days ; 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! Song of Praise. M. Songs of praise the angels sang, Heav'n with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When he spake, and it was done. Songs of praise awoke the morn When the Prince of Peace was born, Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. J PllALSE Of GOD. 325 ' 3 Heav'n and earth must pass away, Songs of praise shall crown that day ; God will make new heav'n.s and earth, Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 And will man alone he dumb. Till that glorious kingdom come? Xo — the church delights to raise Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise, to sing above. 6 Borne upon the latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ. 4o0 Friendship of God. II. M. 0,6,6,6,8,8. To God, the mighty Lord, Your joyful thanks repeat: To him due praise aiford, As good as he is great ; For God doth prove our constant friend: His boundless love shall never end. 2 To him, whose wondrous pow'r All other flodfl i Whom earthly kinge adore, This grateful homage pay; For God doth prove our constant friend : His boundless love shall never end. 3 lb' d':<-> the food >'ip]»ly On which all creatures live: To God who reigns <>n high, rnal prais r » God b prove our constant friend : His bound r end. buJ Praise to our Creator. L. M. Ye nations 'round the earth, rejoice Before the Lord, your sovereign King ; Serve him with cheerful heart and voice ; With all your tongues his glory sing. 2 The Lord is God ; 'tis he alone Doth life, and breath, and being give ; We are his work, and not our own, The sheep that on his pastures live. 3 Enter his gates with songs of joy; With praises to his courts repair ; And make it your divine employ, To pay your thanks and honors there.. 4 The Lord is good ; the Lord is kind ; Great is his grace, his mercy sure ; And all the race of man shall find His truth from age to age endure. 488 S' Exhortation to Praise. S. M. ^tand up, and bless the Lord, * Ye people of his choice ! Stand up, and bless the Lord your God, With heart, and soul, and voice. Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud, and magnify ? 0 ! for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our souls inspire, And wing to heaven our thought! 4 Gfod is our strength, and song, And his salvation ours ; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed, With all our ransomed powers. i PRAISE OF GOD. 327 if 5 Stand up, and bless the Lord, — The Lord, your God, adore; Stand up, and bless bia glorious name, Henceforth, for evermore, Braise at all Times. C. M. v soul shall praise thee, 0 my God, Through all my mortal days, And in eternity prolong Thy vast, thy boundless praise. 2 In every smiling, happy hour, Be this my sweet employ ; Thy praise refines my earthly bliss, And heightens all my joy. 3 When anxious grief and gloomy care Afiiict-my throbbing breast, My tongue shall learn to speak thy praise, And lull each pain to rest. 4 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim The honors of my God ; My life, with all its ransom' d powers, SI i all spread thy praise abroad. 5 And when these lips shall cease to move, When death shall close my <■> My soul shall then to nobler heights Of joy and transport rise. (') My powers shall then, in lofty strains, Their grateful tribute pay ; The theme demands4 an angel's tongue, An everlasting day. 490 Wonders of Grace, . L. M. Gi ivk to our God immortal prai f Mercy and truth ar<> all liis ways: Wonders of grace t<> God belong; K < * 1 • < ■ a i 3 in your • r 328 PRAISE OF GOD. j 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown ; i His mercies ever will endure, > When lords and kings are known no more. j 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, He fixed the starry lights on high ; Wonders of grace to God belong ; Repeat his praise in every song. 4 He saw the Gentiles dead in sin, And felt his pity work within ; His mercies ever will endure, When death and sin shall reign no more. 5 He sent his Son with power to save From guilt and darkness, and the grave ; Wonders of grace to God belong ; Repeat his mercies in your song. 1491 Praise to God, M. 8s & 7s. Praise to God the great Creator ; Praise to God from every tongue : Join, my soul, with every creature, Join the universal song, Father, source of all compassion, Pure, unbounded grace is thine: Hail the God of our salvation ! Praise him for his love divine. 2 Joyfully on earth adore him, Till in heaven our song we raise ; Then, enraptured, fall before him, Lost in wonder, love, and praise : Praise to God the great Creator, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Praise him, every living creature, Earth and heaven's united host. SL PRAISE OF GOD. 329 492 Reliance on God. C. M. Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in j The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 0 magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt hifl name; When in distress to him I call'd, He to my succor came. 3 0 make hut trial of his love — Experience will decide How blest are they, and only they. Who in his truth confide. 4 Fear him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear ; Make you his service your delight, He'll make your wants his care. tii/lj Praise for Divine Mercies, C. When- all thy mercies, 0 my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 Dnnumber'd comforts on my soul Thy tender care bestow'd, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flow'd. '■'> When in the slippery paths of youth, With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. 3 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; No? is fch« least :i cheerful heart. That tastes those gifta with joy. Hi M. P 330 PRAISE OF CHRIST. 5 Through every period of my life, Thy goodness Fll pursue ; And after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. G Through all eternity, to thee A grateful song I'll raise ; But 0, eternity's too short, To utter all thy praise ! i 494 PRAISE OF CHRIST. The Lamb of God Worshiped. CM. Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels 'round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 "Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, "To be exalted thus:" " Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, "For he was slain for us." 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. ) 4 Let all that dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift thy glories high, And speak thy endless praise. 5 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. \ «r PRAISE OF CHRIST. 331' 495 Praise io the Redeemer. C. M. Ofor a thousand tongues ! to sing My great Redeemer's praise; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace. 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, — To spread, through all the earth abroad, The honors of thy name. 3 Jesus ! — the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of inbred sin, He sets the prisoner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean ; His blood avail'd for me. 5 Had I ten thousand thousand tongues, Xot one should silent be ; Had I ten thousand thousand hearts, I'd give them all to thee. 4^0 Wonder, Love and Praise. P. M. 8,7,8,7,7,7. Let us love, and sing, and wonder ; Let us praise, the Saviour's name, He has hush'd the law's loud thunder, He has quench'd mount Sinai's flame; He has wash'd u^ with hia blood, He has brought us nigh to God. 2 Let us love the Lord, who bought us, Pitied us, when enen Call'd us by his grace, and taught us, Gave us cars, and gave us eyes; He baa wash'd as with his blood, He presents our souls to God. Let us praise, and join the chorus Of the saints enthroned on high ; Here they trusted him before us, Now their praises fill the sky : "Thou hast wash'd us with thy blood, Thou art worthy, Lamb of God." 497 Hosanna to Christ. C. M. Hosanna to the royal Son Of David's ancient* line! His natures two, his person one, Mysterious and divine. 2 The root of David, here we find, And offspring is the same; Eternity and time are join'd In our Immanuers name.# 3 Blest he that comes to wretched men, With peaceful news from heaven ; Hosannas in the highest strain To Christ the Lord be given. 4 Let mortals ne'er refuse to take Hosannas on their tongues, Lest rocks and stones should rise and break Their silence into songs. 1498 Worthy the Lamb. P. M. 6,6,4,6,6,6,4. Glory to God on high ! Let heaven and earth reply — "Praise ye his name!" His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore; And sing for evermore — "Worthy the Lamb!" PRAISE OP CHRIST. 333' 2 Ye, who surround the throne, Cheerfully join in one, Praising his mime: Ye, who have felt his blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound his dear name abroad, "Worthy the Lamb!" o Join, all ye ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless ; Praise ye his name: In him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice — "Worthy the Lamb!" 4 Soon must we change our place, Yet will we never cease Praising his name : To him our songs we'll bring, Hail him our gracious King, And through all ages sing — "Worthy the Lamb!" 499 Sang of Moses and the Lamb. S. M. Awake, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake, every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. Sing of his dying love ; Sing of his rising power; Sing how he intercedes above For those whose sins he bore. Ye pilgrims, on the road To /ion's city, sing : Ilejoice ye in the Lamb of God, — In Christ, th' eternal King. 'JWI^W^A 334 PRAISE OF CHRIST. 4 Soon shall we hear him say, — Ye blessed children, come ; Soon will he call us hence away, To our eternal home. 5 There shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. 500 Incarnate Saviour. S. M. Y' ^e saints, proclaim abroad The honors of your King ; To Jesus, your incarnate God, Your songs of praises sing. 2 Not angels round the throne Of Majesty above, Are half so much obliged as we, To our Immanuers love. 3 They never sunk so low, They are not raised so high ; They never knew such depths of woe, Such heights of majesty. 4 The Saviour did not join Their nature to his own ; For them he shed no blood divine, Nor breathed a single groan. 5 May we with angels vie, The Saviour to adore ; Our debts are greater far than theirs, 0 be our praises more. 501 The New Song. C. M. Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst his Father's throne ; Prepare new honors for his name, And songs, before unknown. k. PRAISE OF CHRIST. :;:;:> 2 Let elders worship at his feet, The church adore around; With vials full of odors sv And harps of sweeter sound. 3 Those are the prayers of all the saints, And these the hymns they rai Jesus is kind to our complaints, lie loves to hear our praise. 4 Now to the Lamb, that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid ; Salvation, glory, joy, remain, Forever, on thy head. Exhortation to Praise Christ. C. M, Come, ye that love the Saviour's name, And joy to make it known : The Sovereign of your heart proclaim, And bow before his throne. 2 Behold your King, your Saviour crown'd With glories all divine ; And tell tin* wondering nations round, How bright these glories shine. 3 Infinite power and boundless grace In Him unite their Ye that have e'er beheld his G Can ye forbear his praise? 4 When in his earthly courts W6 view The glories of OUT King, We long to love as angels do, And wish like them to sing. 5 And shall we long and wish in vain? Lord, teach our Thy love can animate the strain, And bid it iv;e-h | 6 0 happy period ! glorious day ! When heaven and earth shall raise, With all their powers, the raptur'd lay, To celebrate thy praise. 503 Christ1 s Praise Delightful. C. M. My Saviour, my almighty Friend, When I begin thy praise, Where will the growing numbers end, — The numbers of thy grace ? 2 Thou art my everlasting trust, Thy goodness I adore ; Send down thy grace, 0 blessed Lord, That I may love thee more. 3 My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road ; And march, with courage in thy strength To see the Lord my God. 4 Awake ! awake ! my tuneful powers, With this delightful song ; And entertain the darkest hours, Nor think the season long. 5 How will my lips rejoice to tell The victories of my King ! My soul, redeemed from sin and hell, Shall thy salvation sing. 504 The Saviour. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Come, every pious heart, That loves the Saviour's name, Your noblest powers exert To celebrate his fame: Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to him you owe. r PRAISE OF CHRIST. 2 He left his starry crown. And laid his robes aside: On wings of Love same down. And wept, and bled, and died. What he endured, 0 who can tell, To save our souls from death and hell ? o From the dark grave he rose, The mansion of the dead; And thence his mighty foes, In glorious triumph led : Up through the sky the Conqueror rode, And reigns on high, the Saviour God. 4 From thence he'll quickly come, His chariot will not stay, And hear our spirits home, To realms of endless day ; There shall we see his lovely face, And ever be in his embrace. OUO praise io Jesus. P. M . 7,6,7,6/7,7,7,7. Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring Tn my raptur'd vision, All th' extatiejoya that spring Round the bright elysian: Lo! we lift our longing ey Break, ye intervening skies ; Sun of righteousness, arise, Ope the gates of paradise! 2 Floods of everlasting light, Freely flash before him; Myriads with supreme delight, Instantly adore him: Angel trumps resound his fame: Lutes of lucid gold proclaim All the music of his Dame ; Heaven is heightened bv the theme. fr 1C 22 338 PRAISE OF CHRIST. 3 Four and twenty elders rise From their princely station — Shout his glorious victories, Sing the great salvation ; Cast their crowns before his throne, Cry in reverential tone, Glory be to God alone, Holy ! holy ! holy One. 4 Hark ! the thrilling symphonies, Seem, methinks, to seize us ; Join we, too, the holy lays, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sweetest sound in seraph's song, Sweetest note on mortal tongue, Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, Jesus flow along. OUD Hallelujah! P.M. 8,6,8,7,4,7. thou God of my salvation, My Redeemer from all sin ; Moved by thy divine compassion, Who hast died my heart to win, I will praise thee : Where shall I thy praise begin ? Though unseen, I love the Saviour ; He hath brought salvation near ; Manifests his pardoning favor ; And when Jesus doth appear, Soul and body Shall his glorious image bear. | 3 While the angel choirs are crying : Glory to the Great I Am ; I with them will still be vying : Glory ! glory to the Lamb ! — 0 how precious Is the sound of Jesus' name ! 0 PRAISK OB CHRIST. 3391 4 Angels now are ho v' ring 'round lis, Unpereeived amid the fchrohg; Wond'ring at the tore that crown'd us, Glad to join the holy song: Hallelujah! Love and praise to Christ belong ! 507 Praise for Preserving Grace. S. M. To God, the only wise, Our Saviour, and our Bang, Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring. 2 'Tis his almighty love, His counsel and his care, Preserve us safe from sin and death, And every hurtful snare. 3 He will present our souls, Unblemished and complete, Before the glory of his face, With joys divinely great. 4 Then all the ch< Shall meet around the throne: Shall bless the conduct of hifl And make his wonders known. 5 To our Redeemer 1 tod Wisdom with power belongs; Immortal crowns of nia;. And everlasting boi OUO LoreofC/t, ' CM. TO on: EU glorious name Awake the sacred • 0 may his Lore — immortal Same — Tune every heart and ton 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach? \ What mortal tongue display ? Imagination's utmost stretch In wonder dies away. 3 Dear Lord, while we, adoring, pay Our humble thanks to thee, May every heart, with rapture, say, The Saviour died for me. 4 0, may the sweet, the blissful theme Fill every heart and tongue ! Till strangers love thy charming name, And join the sacred song. 1 509 H* Glory to Jesus. M. 8s & 7s. ail, thou once despised Jesus ! Hail, thou everlasting King ! Thou didst suffer to release us ; Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame ! By thy merits we find favor ; Life is given through thy name. 2 Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory, There forever to abide ; All the heavenly host adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side : There for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 3 Worship, honor, pow'r and blessing, j Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises, without ceasing,* Meet it is for us to give : Help, ye bright angelic spirits ! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays ; Help to sing our Saviour's merits, Help to chant Immanuel's praise ! 510 Christ Adored. C. M. Othe delights, tmk heavenly joys, The glories of the place, Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of his overflowing grace] 2 Princes to his imperial name Bend their bright sceptres down ; Dominions, thrones, and powers rejoico To see him wear the crown. 3 Archangels sound his lofty praise Through every heavenly street; And lay their highest honors down, Submissive, at his feet. 4 While angels shout and praise their King, Let mortals learn their strains; Let all the earth his honors sing, — O'er all the earth he reigns. 5 Xow to the Lamb that once was slain Be endless blessings paid: Salvation, glory, joy remain Forever on thy head ! G Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood, Hast set the prisoners free ; East made as lands and priests to God, And we shall reign with thee. 511 BEFORE SERMON. Imploring God? a Presence. L. M. Tuv presence, gracious ( lod, at.' Prepare us t«> receive thy word; N'nw lei thy voioe engage our ear, And faith be mix'd with what we hear. 1C* BEFORE SERMOX. 2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove, And fix our hearts and hopes aboYe ; With food divine may we be fed, And satisfied with living bread. 3 To us thy sacred word apply, With sovereign pow'r and energy ; And may we, in thy faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear. 4 Father, in us thy Son reveal ; Teach us to know and do thy will ; Thy saving pow'r and love display, And guide us to the realms of day. 512 J513 A Hymn before Sermon. C. M IN thy great name, 0 Lord, we come, To worship at thy feet ; 0, pour thy Holy Spirit down On all that now shall meet. 2 We come to hear Jehovah speak, To hear the Saviour's voice ; Thy face and favor, Lord, we seek ; Now make our hearts rejoice. 3 Teach us to pray and praise, and hear, And understand thy word ; To feel thy blissful presence near, And trust our living Lord. 4 Let sinners now thy goodness prove, And saints rejoice in thee ; Let rebels be subdued by love, And to the Saviour flee. Invoking God's Blessing. C. M. Within thy house, 0 Lord our God, In majesty appear; Make this a place of thine abode, And shed thy blessings here. BEFORE SERMON. 2 As we thy m< -urround, Thy Spirit, Lord, impart; And let thy gospel's joyful sound With pow'r reach every heart. 3 Here let the blind their sight obtain ; Here give the mourner rest ; Let Jesus here triumphant reign, Enthron'd in every breast. 4 Here let the voice of sacred joy And fervent prayer arise, Till higher strains our tongues employ In bliss bevond the skies. 514 515 A Blessing Asked for. C. Once more we lift our hearts to God, Once more his blessing ask; 0 may not duty seem a load, Nor worship prove a task ! 2 Father, thy quickening Spirit send From heaven, in Jesus' name ; To make our waiting minds attend, And put our souls in frame. 3 May we receive the word we hear, Each in an honest heart; And keep the precious treasure there. And never with it part. 4 To seek thee all our hearts dispose, To each thy blessing suit; And let the seed thy servant sows Produce a plenteous fruit. M. Prayer for a Quickening* OLord, our languid souls inspire Ynr liciv W€ trust thou art ! Send down a coal of h.'av'nly fire, To warm each waiting heart. SL„ C. M. P344 BEFORE SERMON. 2 May we in faith receive thy word, In faith present our pray'rs ; And in the presence of our Lord, Unbosom all our cares. 3 And may the gospel's joyful sound, Enforced by mighty grace, Awaken many sinners 'round To come and fill the place. 516 517 Spiritual Improvement. M. 8s, 7s & 4. In thy name, 0 Lord, assembling, We, thy children, now draw near ; Teach us to rejoice with trembling; Speak, and let thy servants hear, — Hear with meekness, — Hear thy word with godly fear. While our days on earth are lengthened, May we give them, Lord, to thee ; Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, We would run, nor weary be, Till thy glory, Without clouds, in heaven we see. There, in worship purer, sweeter, All thy people shall adore, Tasting of enjoyment greater Than they could conceive before, — Full enjoyment, — Holy bliss, for evermore. Sinners Entreated to Hear. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Sinners, will you scorn the message, Sent in mercy from above ? Every sentence, 0 how tender ! Every line is full of love : Listen to it — Every line is full of love. BEFORE SERMON. 345 * 2 Hoar the heralds of the gospel News from /ion's Kino; proclaim, To each rebel sinner, ''Pardon, Free forgiveness in his name:" How important ! Free forgiveness in his name! 3 Who hath our report believed? Who received the joyful word? Who embraced the news of pardon, Offered to you by the Lord ? Can you slight it — Offered to you by the Lord? 4 0, ye angels, hovering 'round us, Waiting spirits, speed your way; Hasten to the court of heaven, Tidings bear without delay : Rebel sinners (Had the message will obey. «JlvJ Prayer for the Success of the Word. CM. Come, 0 thou all victorious Lord, Thy pow'r to us make known, Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break these hearts of stone. 2 Speak with the voice which wakes the dead. And bids the sleeper rise. And Let each guilty conscience dread The death that never di< 3 To them a sense of guilt impart, And then remove the Load, Quicken, and wash the troubled heart In thine atoning blood. 4 Their desperate state through sin declare And speak then- sins forgiv'n; P>v daily growth in gra<-.» prepare, Then take them up to heav'n. 346 AFTER SERMON. AFTER SERMON. Oiy The Seed of the Word. C. M. Almighty God, thy word is cast Like seed, into the ground: Now let the dew of heaven descend, And righteous fruits abound. 2 Let not the foe of Christ and man This holy seed remove ; But give it root in every heart, To bring forth fruits of love. 3 Let not the world's deceitful cares The rising plant destroy ; But let it yield a hundred-fold, The fruits of peace and joy. 4 Oft as the precious seed is sown, Thy quickening grace bestow; That all, whose souls the truth receive, Its saving power may know. 520 God's Increase Prayed for. C. M. \Tow, Lord, the heavenly seed is sown ; ii Be it thy servant's care, Thy heavenly blessings to bring down, By humble, fervent pray'r. 2 In vain we plant without thine aid, And water too in vain ; Lord of the harvest, God of grace, Send down thy heavenly rain. 3 Then shall our cheerful hearts and tongues Begin this song divine — " Thou, Lord, hast giv'n the rich increase, And be the glory thine." AFTER SERMON. 84? | dZY Prayer for a Storing. M. 8s, 7s &4. Come, thou soul-transforming Spirit, Bless the sower and the seed ; Let each heart thy grace inherit; Raise the weak, the hungry feed; From the gospel Xow supply thy people's need. 2 0, may all enjoy the blessing Which thy word's designed to give; Let us all, thy love possessing, Joyfully the truth receive, And forever To thy praise in glory live. oZZ God's Favor Invoiced, L. M. Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell, By faith and love, in every breast : Then shall we know, and taste, and feel The joys that cannot be expressed. 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength ; Make our enlarging souls possess: And learn the height, and breadth, and length Of thine immeasurable grace. 3 Now to the Lord, whose power can do More than our thoughts and wishes know, Be everlasting honors done, By all the Church, through Christ, his S<»n. u/wO iv ton. C. M. Lord of the han est, 1 1 i Send down thy heavenly rain: Id vain we plant without thine aid, And water feOO in vain. 3 348 ALMS-DEEDS AND COLLECTIONS. May no vain thoughts, those birds of prey, Defraud us of our gain ; Nor anxious cares, those baleful thorns, Choke up the precious grain. Ne'er may our hearts be like the rock, Where but the blade can spring, Which, scorched with heat, becomes by noon A dead, — a useless thing. Let not the joys thy gospel gives, A transient rapture prove ; Nor may the world, by smiles and frowns, Our faith and hope remove. But may our hearts, like fertile soil, Receive the heavenly word ; So shall our fair and ripened fruits Their hundred- fold aiford. L.M. v& j: Praying for a Blessing on the Word. Almighty Father, bless the word, Which, thro' thy grace, we now have heard ; 0 may the precious seed take root, Spring up, and bear abundant fruit. 2 We praise thee for the means of grace, Thus in thy court to seek thy face ; Grant, Lord, that we, who worship here, May all, at length, in heaven appear. ALMS-DEEDS AND COLLECTIONS. vAU Alms for the Poor. C. M. Father of mercies ! send thy grace, All-powerful from above ; To form in our obedient souls, The image of thy love. «5L™ M ALMS-DEEDS AND COLLECTIONS. 349^ 2 0. may our sympathizing breast a That generous pleasure know, Freely to share in others' joy, And weep for others' v. 3 Whene'er the helpless sons of grief In low distress are laid, Soft be our hearts their pain to feel, And swift our hands to aid. 4 So Jesus look'd on dying man, When throned above the skies; And. 'midst the glories of his state, Felt his compassion rise. 5 On wings of love the Saviour flew To raise us from the ground; And shed the richest of his blood, A balm for every wound. Collection for the Gospel. M. 8s, 7s & 4. itii my substance I will honor My Redeemer and my Lord; Were ten thousand worlds my manor, All were nothing to his word: Hallelujah!— Now we offer to the Lord. While the heralds of salvation ]\\< abounding grace proclaim, Let his saints of every station Gladlv join to spread his fame: Hallelujah !— Gifts we offer to his name. May his kingdom be promoted; May the world (he Saviour know: Be to him these gifts devoted, F<>r to him my all 1 Hallelujah!— Run, ye heralds, U) and fro. ID w. J» ALMS-DEEDS AND COLLECTIONS. 4 Praise the Saviour, all ye nations ; Praise him, all ye hosts above ; Shout with joyful acclamations His divine, victorious love: Hallelujah! — By this gift our love we'll prove. 527 H' Relieving Christ in his Members. C. M. [igh on a throne of light, 0 Lord, Dost thou exalted shine ; What can our poverty bestow, Since all the world is thine? 2 But thou hast brethren here below, Partakers of thy grace, Whose humble names thou wilt confess Before thy Father's face. 3 In them mayst thou be cloth'd and fed, And visited and cheer'd ; And, in their accents of distress, The Saviour's voice be heard. 4 Whate'er our willing hands can give, Lord, at thy feet we lay ; Grace will the humble gift receive, And grace at length repay. &^0 Christian Liberality. C. M. >icn are the joys that cannot die, With God laid up in store ; Treasures beyond the changing sky, Brighter than golden ore. 2 The seeds which piety and love, Have scattered here below, In the fair, fertile fields above, To ample harvest grow. 3 The mite my willing hands can give, At Jesus' feet I lay ; Grace shall the humble gift receive, Abounding grace repay. R' ALMS-DEEDS AND COLLECTIONS. 351 &w Reliance on God. C. M. How ran I sink with such a prop As my eternal God, Who bears the earth's huge pillars up, And spreads the heavens abroad ? 2 How can I die while Jesus lives, Who rose and left the dead? Pardon and grace my soul receives From my exalted Head. 3 All that I am, and all I have, Shall be forever thine ; Whate'er my duty bids me give, My cheerful hands resign. 4 Yet, if I might make some reserve, And duty did not call, I love my God with zeal so great, That I should give him all. 530, More Blessed to Give than Receive. L. M. Help us, 0 Lord, thy yoke to wear, Delighting in thy perfect will : Each others burdens learn to bear, And thus the law of love fulfil. 2 He that hath pity on the poor, Lendeth his substance to the Lord; And, lo! his recompense is sure, For more than all shall be restorM. 3 Teach us, with glad, ungrudging heart, As thou hast blest our various Btore, From our abundance to impart A lib'ral portion to the poor. 4 To thee our all devoted be, In whom we hrcath<\ and move, and live; Freely we bave receiVd from thee ; Freely may we rejoic BAPTISM. 5 And while we thus obey thy word, And every call of want relieve, 0, may we find it, gracious Lord, More blest to give than to receive ! 531 Kindness to the Poor. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Grace shall our souls inspire With holy love to all : Nor let us ever tire Where want and duty call ; 0, let it ne'er be said again, "What do ye more than other men?" The wretched we would seek, The naked we would clothe ; The mists of folly break, With sacred light and love ; The mourner cheer, the hungry feed, And for the poor and needy plead. The promise we receive Will amply then repay The mite we freely give Lord, to the poor, to-day : Accept the offering we impart — The tribute of a grateful heart. 532 BAPTISM. Christ our Exemplar. Jesus the cross for me endur'd, And all its shame despised ; — And shall I be ashamed, 0 Lord, With thee to be baptized ? CM. r_r- ~^>^%/>^\, '~^-s\ BAPTISM. ^1*53^ 2 Didst thou the great example lead, In Jordan's swelling flood? And shall my pride disdain the deed, That's worthy of my God? 3 0 Lord, the ardor of thy love Reproves my cold delays; And now my willing footsteps move In thy delightful ways. 533 Buried by Baptism. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Thou hast said, exalted Jesus, "Take thy cross and follow me;" Shall the word with terror seize us? Shall we from the burden flee? Lord, Til take it, And, rejoicing, follow thee. 2 While this liquid tomb surveying, Emblem of my Saviour's grave, Shall I shun its brink, betraying Feelings worthy of a slave? No! I'll enter: Jesus entered Jordan's wave. 3 Blessed sign which thus reminds me, 8 ionr, of thy love for me ! But more blest the love that binds me, In its deathless bonds to thee: 0 what pleasure, Buried with my Lord to be! 4 Should it rend some fond connection, Should I suffer Bhame or loss, Still the fragrant. Meet reflection, I have been where Jesus vraa, AVill revive me, When I faint beneath the eross. id- 23 F354 BAPTISM. 5 Fellowship with him possessing, Let me die to earth and sin ; Let me rise V enjoy the blessing Which the faithful soul shall win ; May I ever Follow where my Lord has been. 534 Teach and Baptize. L. M. JrriwAS the commission of our Lord, 1 "Go, teach the nations, and baptize \" The nations have received the word, Since he ascended to the skies. 2 He sits upon th' eternal hills, With grace and pardon in his hands, And sends his covenant with the seals, To bless the distant heathen lands. 3 "Repent and be baptized," he saith, In token of forgiven sins ; M And thus our sense assists our faith, And shows us what the gospel means. 4 Hence, we engage ourselves to thee, And seal our cov'nant with the Lord ; 0 may the great eternal Three In heaven our solemn vows record. 535 Buried with Him by Baptism. L. M. Jesus, we come at thy command, Now on the water's brink we stand, Ready to walk into the wave, A lively emblem of the grave. 2 Let neither shame, nor fear, nor pride Divert our steady feet aside ; ;Tisby appointment, in thy name, We venture down into the stream. r BAPTISM. 365 3 Lord of the universe! look Salem's Bright King. C.P. M. 8,8,6,8,8,6. Salem's bright Kin--, Jesufi by name, In former time to Jordan came, All righteousness to fill; Twas there the ancient Baptist Btopd, Whose name was John, a man of God, To do his Master's will. '2 [Ki\vn in old Jordan's rolling stream, The Baptist led the holy Lamb, And there did him baptize; Jehovah saw his darling Son, And was well pleas'd with what he'd done, And owned him from the skies. 3 The opening heav'n anon complies, The Holy Ghost then quickly flies Down from the courts above ; And on the holy, heavenly Lamb, The Spirit lights and does remain, In shape like a fair dove. 4 "This is my Son," the Father said, "Him all shall hear — both quick and dead, And own him Lord of all." — Hark! 'tis his voice! Behold he cries: "Repent, believe, and be baptiz'd, And thus obey my call." 5 Come, converts, come, his voice obey, — Salem's great King has mark'd the way, And has a crown prepar'd ; O then arise, and give consent, Walk in the v.-iy that Jesufl went, And have a great reward. 6 Believers, OQme, dow gather 'round, And let your joyful songs abound, With cheerful lean- ;n ' ' 360 BAPTISM. 544 See — here is water, here is room. A loving Saviour calling, Come, Ye converts, be baptized. Behold his servant waiting stands, With willing heart and ready hands, To wait upon the bride ; Ye candidates, your hearts prepare, And let us join in solemn pray'r, Down by the water side. Repentance — Baptism. H. M. 6,6,6,6,i Repent, and be baptiz'd, Saith your redeeming Lord ; Ye all are now apprised, That His your Saviour's word ; Arise, arise, without delay, And his divine command obey. 2 Come, ye believing train, No more his truth withstand ; No longer think it vain, To honor God's command ; But haste, arise without delay, And be baptized in Jesus' way. 3 Jesus, thou Prince of peace, To thy great name we pray : Make the converted race Thine ordinance obey ; 0 may thy love their souls o'ercome, And draw them to the liquid tomb. 3 The Lord, who made the earth and sky, Arose, and laid his garments by, And washed their feet — to show that we Should always kind and humble be. 4 He washed their feet, tho' they were clean ; Nor did he mean, to cleanse from sin ; — But Peter said, "It shall not be; Thou shalt not stoop to washing me." 5 Then Jesus said, "If you refuse, And will not my instructions choose, Thou hast no part or lot with me ;" Then Peter yielded willingly. 6 Like Peter — some still disobey: " 'Tis not essential," they will say; But such a pretext will not stand Before our Saviour's plain command : — 7 "You call me Lord, and Master too; Then do, as I have done to you: Keep all my words and laws, complete, And prove your love, by washing feet. 8 Ye shall be happy, if ye know And do these things, by faith, below ; And I will guide you, till you die, And then receive your souls on high." 548 Fed-wasliiiKj Eryoin S. M. BEnoLD! — Our blessed Lord Met with his chosen band, And said to them, in act and word, " Keep this, my plain command." Ele laid his garments by, Upon that doleful night. When earth and hell combined, to try Man's only hope to blight. L. I 364 FEET-WASHING. s 3 Then did our humble Lord With towel girded stand, A basin, full of water pour;d, Held in his sacred hand ; 4 And meekly bow him down, As servant of them all — Although the heir to glory7 s crown — On whom the angels call ; — 5 And lo ! — he washed their feet ! And then he wiped them dry ! And taught them, thus, a lesson meet, Of deep humility. 6 " Know ye what I have done V' Said he to one and all ; "I have to you a pattern shown, — Whom ye your Master call ; 7 " As I have washed your feet, To show my love for you : Ye ought to wash each other's feet, And prove your friendship, too. 8 " The servant must not claim To be above his Lord ;" — Then, Lord, be this my constant aim, To keep thy sacred word. 1549 Christ our Example. L. M. The Church of God believes it right, To think and do as Jesus bade, When on that dark and doleful night He gave his law, and plainly said: — 2 Mark the example which I give ; Keep it, and show your mutual love : My precepts do, and you shall live, In bliss below, and heaven above. w the lord's SIPIM 365 ' 3 Then, onr souls, And faith and hope sustain. 372 the lord's supper. 4 Since such his condescending grace, Let us with hearts sincere, Obedient to his holy will, To this dear feast draw near. 5 And while we join to celebrate The sufferings of our Lord, May we receive new grace and power, To keep his holy word. 560 A Communion Hymn. S. M. Ofor a prophet's fire ! 0 for an angel's tongue! To speak the mighty love of Him Who on the cross was hung. In vain our hearts attempt, In language meet, to tell How through a thousand sorrows burned That flame unquenchable. Yet would we praise that love, Beyond expression dear : Come, gather round this table, then, And celebrate it here. These symbols of his death, 0, with what power they speak ! Prophetic lips and angels' lyres, Compared with these, are weak. And shall they plead in vain With our forgetful souls ? Forbid it, Lord, while through our veins The vital current rolls. The Gospel Feast. C. M. How sweet and awful is the place, With Christ within the doors, While everlasting Love displays The choicest of her stores. |Jfr~Vj-/-^j-.-.v v- THE LORD S SUPPER. 373^ 2 While all our hearts, and every song, Join to admire the feast, Each of us ones, with thankful tongue, "Lord, why was I a guest? 8 Why was I made to hear thy voice, And enter while there's room, When thousands make a wretched choice, And rather starve than come?" 4 'I was the same love that spread the feast That sweetly forced us in, Else we had still refused to taste, And perish/ d in our sin. 5 Pity the nations, 0 our God ; Constrain the earth to come ; Send thy victorious word abroad, And bring the strangers home. 6 We long to see thy churches full, That all the chosen race May, with one voice, and heart, and soul, Sing thy redeeming grace. 562 a Hymn after the Lord's Supper. S. M. Now let each happy guest The sacred concert raise, To close the honors of the feast, And sing the Master's praise. His precepts, how divine! How suited to our state! How bright his acts of mercy shine! His promises how great! This holy bread and wine Maintain our fainting bri By union with our Living Lord, And interest in his death. IF K 374 THE LORD S SUPPER. 563 Let all our pow'rs be joined His glorious name to raise ; Let holy love fill every mind, And every voice be praise. C. M. New Commandment. Ye followers of the Prince of peace, "Who 'round his table draw, Remember what his spirit was, What his peculiar law. 2 The love which all his bosom filPd Did all his actions guide ; Inspired by love, he lived and taught ; Inspired by love, he died. 3 Let each the sacred law fulfil ; Like his be every mind ; Be every temper formed by love, And every action kind. 4 Let none who call themselves his friends Disgrace the honored name, But by a near resemblance prove The title which they claim. 564 Commu nicantfs Fa ith, Hope and Love. C. The rich memorials of thy grief, The sufferings of thy death, We come, blest Saviour, to receive — But would receive with faith. I The tokens sent us, to relieve Our spirits when they droop, We come, blest Saviour, to receive, But would receive with hope. The pledges thou wast pleas'd to leave, Our mournful minds to move, We come, blest Saviour, to receive — But would receive with love. M. THE CHRISTIAN. 375 4 Here, in obedience to thy word, We take the bread and wine ; The utmost we can do, blest Lord, For all beyond is thine. 5 Increase our faith, and hope, and love ; Lord, give us all that's good: We would thy full salvation prove, And share thy flesh and blood. THE CHEISTIAN. &W The Christian Character. L. M. The christian knows his God aright, And worships him with strong delight ; He's taught of God, and truly wise — Still sets the Lord before his eyes. 2 The christian hates his every sin — Evils external or within ; And with an humble, contrite heart, From all that's sinful doth depart. 3 The christian has a faith divine, And doth to faith obedience join ; Believes the truth, the truth obeys, And always walks in holy ways. 4 The christian is a man of God — He takes the pure, the heavenly road ; All his affections rise above, And all his heart is full of love. 5 The christian shines with lustre bright: His understanding's full of light; T<> -iV-us Christ he's wholly given, And is indeed a form of heaven. ^0 rV 6 To thee, 0 Lord, my soul aspires, And kindles with seraphic fires; The real christian I would be, And live conformed to heav'n and thee. 566 The Christian's Happy State. CM. How happy is the christian's state ! His sins are all forgiv'n ; A cheering ray confirms the grace, And lifts his hopes to heav'n. 2 Though in the rugged path of life He heaves the pensive sigh ; Yet, trusting in his God, he finds Delivering grace is nigh. 3 If, to prevent his wandering steps, He feels the chastening rod, The gentle stroke shall bring him back To his forgiving God. 4 And when the welcome message comes To call his soul away, His soul in raptures shall ascend To everlasting day. 567 Living to Christ. L. M. My gracious Lord, I own thy right To every service I can pay, And call it my supreme delight To hear thy dictates and obey. I would not breathe for worldly joy, Or to increase my worldly good, Nor future days nor powers employ To spread a sounding name abroad. ;Tis to my Saviour I would live ; To him who for my ransom died ; Nor could all worldly honor give Such bliss as crowns me at his side. 0 THE CHRISTIAN. ii, j 4 His work my hoary ago shall bless When yxrathraJ vigor is do more, And my last hour of lifl His saving love, his glorious power. Communion with God. L. M. Tn.\T I could forever dwell With Mary at my Saviour's feet, And view the form I love so well, And all his tender words repeat ! 2 The world shut out from all my soul, And heav'n brought in with all it bliss; 0, is there aught from pole to pole, One momeftt to compare with this ? 3 This is the hidden life I prize, A life of pure and filial love, — "When most my follies I despise, And raise the highest thoughts above. 4 Thus would I live, till nature fail, And all my former sins forsake; Then rise to God within the veil, And of eternal joys partake. tf\)o Christian's Blessedness and Glory, M.7s. TXTho is as the christian great? T t Bought, and wash'd with sacred blood, Crowns he sees beneath his feet — Soars aloft and walks with God. 2 Who is as the christian wise? He his nought for all hath giv'n. Bought the pearl of greatest price, Nobly barter'd earth for heav'n. 3 Who i< m the christian blet lb- hath found the long-eoogbft stone, lb* tfi joinM to Christ, hi- ll e and happiness are one. IF* 378 THE CHRISTIAN. 4 Earth and heav'n together meet, Gifts in him and graces join, Make the character complete, All immortal, all divine. 5 Lo! his clothing is the sun, The bright Sun of righteousness, He hath put salvation on, Jesus is his beauteous dress. 6 Lo! he feeds on living bread, Drinks the fountain from above, Leans on Jesus' breast his head ; Feasts forever on his love. 7 Angels here his servants are, Spread for him their golden wings, To his throne of glory bear, Seat him by the King of kings. 570 Not Ashamed of Jesus. L.M. Jesus, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee? Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days ? 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star : He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear Friend, On whom my hopes of heaven depend ! No; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away : No tear to wipe, no good to crave ; No fear to quell, no soul to save. M THE CHRISTIAN. UTli " 5 Till then — nor is my boasting vain — Till then I boast a Saviour slain ! And 0, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me ! 571 Rejoicing. P. M. 6,6,6,3,6,0,0,0,0,; How precious is the name ! Brethren, sing — brethren, sing; How precious is the name! Brethren, sing : — How precious is the name Of Christ, the paschal Lamb ! Who bore our guilt and shame On the tree — on the tree ; "Who bore our guilt and shame On the tree. 2 I've given all for Christ : He's my all — he's my all ; &c. I've given all for Christ, And my spirit cannot rest, Unless he's in my breast, Reigning there — reigning there, &c. 3 His easy yoke I'll bear With delight— with delight ; &c. His easy yoke I'll bear, And his cross I will not fear ; His name I will declare, Ever more — ever more, &c. 4 And when we all get home, We will sing — we will sing; &c. And when wo nil get home, Around our Father's throne, And myriad* join the theme, We'll sing on — we'll sing on, &c. SL ■3 380 CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 572 Joy in God.— Vs. 73 : 25. C. M. My God, my portion, and my love, My everlasting all, I've none but thee in heaven above, Or on this earthly ball. 2 What empty things are all the skies, And this inferior clod ! There's nothing here deserves my joys, There's nothing like my God. 3 In vain the bright, the burning sun Scatters his feeble light; ;Tis thy sweet beams create my noon, If thou withdraw, 'tis night. 4 How vain a toy is glittering wealth, If once compared to thee ! Or what's my safety, or my health, Or all my friends to me ? 5 Were I possessor of the earth, And call'd the stars my own, Without thy graces and thyself, I were a wretch undone. 6 Let others stretch their arms like seas, And grasp in all the shore ; Grant me the visits of thy face, And I desire no more. 573 God my Delight. My God, permit my tongue This joy, to call thee mine ; And let my early cries prevail, To taste thy love divine. S.M. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 381 a My thirsty, fainting soul Thy mercy docs implore: Nor travelers in desert lands Can pant for water more. For life without thy love No relish can afford; No joy can be compared to this, To love and serve the Lord. To thee I lift my hands, And praise thee while I live ; Not the rich dainties of a feast Such food and pleasure give. In wakeful hours of night, I call my God to mind ; I think how wise thy counsels are, And all thy dealings kind. Since thou hast been my help, To thee my spirit flies ; And on thy watchful providence My cheerful hope relies. 574 God All and in All. My God, my life, my love ! To thee, "to thee I call; I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art all in all. Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell : Ti- paradise when thou art here; If thou depart, 'tis hell. Not all tin.1 harps above Can make a heav'nly place, If God his residence remove, Or but conceal his i S. M. 4 Nor earth, nor all the sky, Can one delight afford ; No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy presence, Lord, 5 Thou art the sea of love, Where all my pleasures roll — The circle where my passions move, And centre of my soul. <3<<5 Asking Christ's Grace. CM. Jesus, the Saviour of my soul, Be thou my heart's delight; Ever the same to me remain — My joy by day and night. 2 Hungry and thirsty after thee May I be found each hour ; Humble in heart, and happy kept By thine almighty pow'r. 3 0 may I never once forget, What a poor worm I am ; From death and hell redeem' d by blood, The blood of God's dear Lamb. 4 May thy blest Spirit, in my heart, Most sweetly shed abroad, The love of my incarnate God, Who bought me with his blood. 5 The mystery of redeeming love Be ever dear to me ; And may the flesh and blood of Christ My daily manna be. &i0 Spiritual Joy. CM. From thee, my God, my joys shall rise, And run eternal rounds, Beyond the limits of the skies, And all created bounds. O, IIAX experience. 383n 2 The holy triumphs of my soul Shall death itself outbrave, Leave dull mortality behind, And fly beyond the grave. 3 There, where my blessed Jesus reigns, In heaven's unmeasured space, I'll spend a long eternity, In pleasure and in praise. 577 The Happy Christian. CM. My God — the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights ; The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights ! 2 In darkest shades, if thou appear, My dawning is begun : Thou art my soul's bright morning star, And thou my rising sun. 3 The opening heav'ns around me shine, With beams of sacred bliss, If Jesus shows his mercy mine And whispers I am his. 4 My soul would leave this heavy elav At that transporting word, Run up with joy the shining way, To Bee and praise my Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'd break through every foe; The wings of love and arms of faith Would bear me oonqu'ror through. 578 ypori in G I '. M. 0 1 ! — our lo-lp in I Our hop to come, Our Bhelter from th< Btormy blast, And our eternal home, — 2 Beneath the shadow of thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure ; Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. 4 Thy word commands our flesh to dust, — "Return, ye sons of men ;" All nations rose from earth at first, And turn to earth again. 5 0 God ! — our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while life shall last, And our eternal home ! 579 Conscience. L. M. What is this something in the mind, Which shudders at the thought of ill, As though it wisely were designed To act upon the human will ? 2 It warns — admonishes — and chides ; — If from its counsels I depart Quick on my conduct it decides, And writes its sentence on my heart. 3 If as I know, I choose the right, Then its approving voice I hear ; With fearful terror it can smite, Or can exclude all guilty fear. 4 'Tis all in vain for me to try To shun its censure, or applause ; All human art it doth defy, And deems as folly human laws. 5 Whate'cr I may this something name, Conscience, spirit, or light within; The faithful monitor the same, Bids me abhor, and fly from sin. 6 Then be it mine with one to say, For modes and names — let bigots fight, But let me choose the better way, And show the world my life is light. 580 Christian Experience. P. M. 6,6,7,6,6,7. My brethren, I have found, A land that doth abound With food as sweet as manna: The more I eat, I find, The more I am inclined, To sing and shout hosanna. My soul now longs to go — Where I shall fully know The glories of my Saviour; And as I pass along — Til sing a christian song: I hope to live forever. 2 Perhaps you think I'm wild Or simple as a child — I am a child of glory ; My birth is from above, My heart is fill'd with love — I love to tell the story. My soul, d:c. 3 My brethren, can't you Bay, That you are on the way — Ar.» on your way to glory? I rare not what's your name, Religion ia tin' same, With all who love the Saviour. J/// .sun!. dbC. * » J ' 386 CHRISTIAN GRACES. OOl Fellowship with God. C. M. Not life, nor all the toys of art, Nor pleasure's flow'ry road, Can to my soul such bliss impart As fellowship with God. 2 Not health, nor friendship here below, Nor wealth, that golden load, Can such delights and comforts show As fellowship with God. 3 When I in love am made to bear Affliction's needful rod, Light, sweet, and kind the strokes appear, Through fellowship with God. 4 In fierce temptation's fiery blast, And dark distraction's road, I'm happy, if I can but state Some fellowship with God. 5 And when the icy arms of death Shall chill my flowing blood, With joy I'll yield my latest breath, In fellowship with God. 6 When I at last to heav'n ascend, And gain that bright abode, A bless'd eternity I'll spend % In fellowship with God. CHEISTIAN GEACES. OO^Zove the Greatest and Brightest Grace. C. M. Happy the heart where graces reign, Where love inspires the breast ; Love is the brightest of' the train, And strengthens all the rest. m CHRISTIAN GRACES. 387 ^ 2 Knowledge, alas! 'tis all in vain, And all in vain our fear; The stubborn heart will fight and reign, If love be absent there. 3 This is the grace that lives and sings When faith and hope shall cease; 'Tis this shall strike our joyful strings In the sweet realms of bliss. 4 Before we quite forsake our clay, Or leave this dark abode, The wings of love bear us away To see our smiling God. 583 Thy Will be Bone. 0. M. Searcher of hearts! from mine erase All thoughts that should not be, And in its deep recesses trace My gratitude to thee. 2 Hearer of prayer! 0, guide aright Each word and deed of mine ; Life's battle teach me how to fight, And be the victory thine. 3 Giver of all — for every good In tin1 Redeemer came — For shelter, raiment, and for food, I thank thee in His name. 4 Father, and Son. and Holy Gthostl Thou glorious Three in One! Thou knowest best, what I need most, And let thy will be done. 584 WL The Christian's Glory and Fortitude. L. M. JBSU8, my Saviour, and my ( '< Thou hast redeemed me with thy blood ; By tics, both natural and divine, I am, and ever will be thine. & CHRISTIAN GRACES. 2 But ah ! should my inconstant heart, Ere I'm aware, from thee depart, What dire reproach would fall on me, For such ingratitude to thee ! 3 The thought I dread, the crime I hate ; The guilt, the shame I deprecate; And yet so mighty are my foes, I dare not trust my warmest vows. 4 Pity my frailty, dearest Lord, Grace in the needful hour afford : 0 steel this tim'rous heart of mine With fortitude and love divine : 5 So shall I triumph o'er my fears, And gather joys from all my tears; So shall I to the world proclaim The honors of the Christian name. 585 Holiness and Grace. L. M. So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; When his salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Our flesh and sense must be denied, Passion and envy, lust and pride ; While justice, temperance, truth and love Our inward piety approve. 4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, The bright appearance of the Lord, And faith stands leaning on his word. CHRISTIAN GRACES. 389' 586 Religion I'n'n without Love. L. M. Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, And nobler speech than angels use, If love be absent, I am found, Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. 2 Were I inspired to preach, and tell All that is done in heaven and hell ; Or could my faith the world remove, Still, I am nothing without love. 3 Should I distribute all my store To feed the needy and the poor ; Or give my body to the flame To gain a martyr's glorious name ; 4 If love to God and love to men Be absent, all my hopes are vain : Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal The work of love can e'er fulfil. 587 • Importance of Charity. S. M. Had I the gift of tongues, Great God, without thy grace, My loudest words, my loftiest songs Would be but sounding brass. Though thou shouldst give me skill Each mystery to explain : Without a heart to do thy will, My knowledge would be vain. Had I such faith in God, As mountains to remove, No faith could work effectual good. That did not work by love. Grant, then, this one request, — Whatever be denied, — That loye divine may rule mv hreast, And all mv actions guide. 1G* A m 390 CHRISTIAN GRACES. S.M. OOO Holy Love. Love is the strongest tie That can our souls unite ; Love makes our service liberty, Our every burden light. 2 We run in God's commands When love directs the way ; With willing hearts and active hands Our Master's will obey. 3 Love softens all our toil, And makes our bondage blest ; The gloomy desert wears a smile, When love inspires the breast. 4 When we ascend the skies And see the Saviour's face, Love will to full perfection rise, And reign through all the place. 589 Christian Submission. C. M. How sweet to be allowed to pray To God, the holy one ; With filial love and trust to say, 0 God, thy will be done ! 2 We in these sacred words can find A cure for every ill, They calm and soothe the troubled mind And bid all care be still. 3 0 may that will that gave me birth, And an immortal soul, In joy or grief, in life or death, My every wish control. 4 0, could my heart thus ever pray, — Thus imitate thy Son ! Teach me, 0 God, in truth to say, Thy will, not mine, be done. *© CHRISTIAN OB 391 590 591 M> ( L. M. Happy the meek, whoa peast, Clear as the summer's evening ray, Calm as the regions of the I Enjoys <>n earth celestial day. His heart n<> broken friendships sting; No jars his peaceful tent invade; bs beneath th' Almighty's wing, Hostile to none — of none afraid. Spirit of grace ! all meek and mild, Inspire our hearts, — our souls possess ; Repel each passion rude and wild, And bless us, as we aim to hless. The Beatitudes.— -Matt. 5: 2—12. L. M. Blest are the humble souls that see Their emptiness and poverty : Treasures of grace to them are given, And crowns of joy laid up in heaven. 2 Blest are the men of broken heart, Who mourn for sin with inward smart; The blood of Christ divinely flows, A healing balm for all their woes. 3 Blest are the meek who stand afar From rage and passion, noise and war; God will secure their happy state, And plead their cause against the great. 4 Blest are the souls that thirst for grace, Hunger and long for They shall be well supplied and fed, With living streams and living 'oread. 5 Hh si are tie* men whose bowels move, And melt with sympathy and love; 1 r m Christ the Lord shall they obtain Like sympathy and 1<>v.> again. &L !392 CHRISTIAN GRACES. '~Sk 6 Blest are the pure whose hearts are clean From the defiling power of sin : With endless pleasure they shall see A God of spotless purity. 7 Blest are the men of peaceful life, Who quench the coals of growing strife; They shall be called the heirs of bliss, The sons of God, the God of peace. 8 Blest are the sufferers, who partake Of pain and shame for Jesus' sake : Their souls shall triumph in the Lord ; Glory and joy are their reward. 592 The Christian Graces, L.M. 593 Faith, hope, and charity, these three, Yet is the greatest charity ; Father of lights, these gifts impart To mine and every human heart. Faith, that in prayer can never fail, Hope, that o'er doubting must prevail, And charity, whose name above Is God's own name, for God is love. The morning star is lost in light, Faith vanishes at perfect sight, The rainbow passes with the storm, And hope with sorrow's fading form. But charity, serene, sublime, Beyond the reach of death and time, Like the blue sky's all-bounding space, Holds heaven and earth in its embrace. Zeal, True and False. C. M. Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame The fire of love supplies ; While that which often bears the name Is self in a disguise. ®> CHRISTIAN <;i;A< , 393 2 True zeal is merciful and mild, Can pity and forbear : The fake is headstrong, fierce, and wild, And breathee and war. .") AVhile zeal for truth the christian warms, He knows the worth of peace : But self contends for names and forms, Its party to increa- 4 Yes, self, however well employed, lias its own ends in view ; And says, as boasting Jehu cried, "Come, see what I can do." 5 Self may its poor reward obtain, And be applauded here ; But zeal the best applause will gain When Jesus shall appear. C 0 Lord, the idol self, dethrone, And fmm our hearts remove; al by us be shown, But that which springs from I 594 Vf. trembling souls, dismiss your fears, 1 Be m T<-r all your 1 1 1 « • 1 1 1 * * ; Mercy, which like a river floi In on lal stream. ,r not ili«- powers of earth and hell; 1 will those powers restrain ; Hi- arm shall all tt pel, And make their efforts vain. •d ; For this he will proi ( hrant them supplies of d And give them heaven bee !394 CHRISTIAN GRACES. 4 Fear not that he will e'er forsake, Or leave his work undone; He's faithful to his promises, And faithful to his Son. 5 Fear not the terrors of the grave, Or death's tremendous sting ; He will from endless wrath preserve, To endless glor y bring. jc w*) Joy a Fruit of the Spirit [oy is a fruit that will not grow In nature's barren soil ; All we can boast, till Christ we know, Is vanity and toil. 2 But where the Lord has planted grace, And makes his glories known, The fruits of heav'nly joy and peace Are found, and there alone. 3 A bleeding Saviour, seen by faith, A sense of pard'ning love, A hope that triumphs over death, Give joys like those above. 4 To take a glimpse within the veil, To know that God is mine, Are springs of joy that never fail — Unspeakable ! divine ! 5 These are the joys which satisfy, And sanctify the mind ; Which make the spirit mount on high, And leave the world behind. 6 No more, believers, mourn your lot, But since you are the Lord's, Resign to them who know him not, Such joys as earth affords. CM. CHRISTIAN (ill' 395 o Christian Submission. C. M. Lord, I would delight in thro, And on thy care depend ; To thee in every trouble flee, My best, my only friend. 2 When all created streams are dried, Thy fullnesa is the same ; May I with this be satisfied, And glory in thy name. 3 Why should the soul a drop bemoan, Who has a fountain near, A fountain which shall ever run, With waters sweet and clear? 4 Xo good in creatures can be found, But may be found in thee: I must have all things, and abound, While God is God to me. 5 0 that I had a stronger faith! To look within the veil, To credit what my Saviour saith, Whose word can never fail. G lie who has made my heaven secure, Will here all good provide: While Christ lb rich, can I be poor? What can I want beside? 7 0 Lord, I cast my care on thee, — I triumph and ahall shine, To show the world his rightoousiM And give him peace divine. HP 26 » 402 CHKISTIAN DUTIES. 4 His works of piety and love Remain before the Lord; Sweet peace on earth, and joys above, Shall be his sure reward. OUO j)uty to the Erring. L. M. ^ouldst thou an erring soul redeem, And lead a lost one back to God ; Wouldst thou a guardian angel seem To one who long in guilt hath trod? w 2 Go kindly to him — take his hand, "With gentlest words, within thine own; And by his side a brother stand Till thou the demon, sin, dethrone. 3 Scorn not the guilty, then, but plead "With him in kindest, gentlest mood, And back the lost one thou mayst lead To God, humanity and good ! 4 Thou art thyself but man. and thou Art weak, perchance, to fall as he ; Then mercy to the fallen show, That mercy may be shown to thee! 609 Bare and Bo. M. 7s. Dare to think, though bigots frown ; Dare in words your thoughts express ; Dare to rise, though oft cast down ; Dare the wrong' d and scorn'd to bless. 2 Dare from custom to depart ; Dare the priceless pearl possess ; Dare to wear it next your heart ; Dare, when sinners curse, to bless. 3 Dare forsake what you deem wrong; Dare to walk in wisdom's way ; Dare to give where gifts belong ; Dare God's precepts to obey. OHBISTIAN DUTIES. 403' 4 Do what conscience says is right ; Do what reason says is 1 n Do with willing mind and heart; Do your duty and be blest. 610 611 Staking Refuge in God. C. M. Dear Father, to thy mercy-seat My soul for shelter flies: ;Tis here I find a safe retreat, When storms and tempests rise. 2 My cheerful hope can never die. If thou, my God, art near ; Thy grace can raise my comforts high, And banish every fear. 3 My great Protector and my Lord, Thy constant aid impart ; 0, let thy kind and gracious word Sustain my trembling heart. 4 0, never let my soul remove From this divine retreat ; Still let me trust thy power and love, And dwell beneath thy feet. Trial and Faith of Abraham. L. Bf, ABRAHAM, when severely tried. His faith by his obedience showM ; He with the harsh command complied, And gave his Isaac back to God. 2 I lis son the father offer'd up, — Son of his age, his only son ; Object of all his joy and hope, And less beloved than God alone. 3 O for a faith like his, that we The bright example may pursue; May gladly give up all "to thee, To whom our more than all is due. i@L JS8 404 CHRISTIAN DUTIES. 4 Is there a thing than life more dear? A thing from which we cannot part ? We can ; we now rejoice to tear The idol from our bleeding heart. 5 Jesus, accept our sacrifice ; All things for thee we count but loss ; Lo ! at thy word our idol dies, — Dies on the altar of thy cross. 6 For what to thee, 0 Lord, we give, A hundred-fold we here obtain ; And soon with thee shall all receive, And loss shall be eternal gain. Speak Gently to the Erring. C. M. Speak gently to the erring ones: — Ye know not all the pow'r With which the dark temptation came In some unguarded hour. 2 Ye may not know how earnestly They struggled, or how well, Until the hour of weakness came, And sadly thus they fell. 3 Speak gently to the erring one : — 0 do not thou forget, However darkly stained by sin, He is thy brother yet. 4 Heir of the self-same heritage, Child of the self-same God, He hath but stumbled in the path Thou hast in weakness trod. 5 Speak gently to the erring ones : — For is it not enough That innocence and peace are gone, Without our censure rough ? CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 6 It surely is a weary lot That sin-crashed heart to bear: And they who share a happier fate Their chidings well may spare. Leaving all to Follow Jesus, C. M. And must I part with all I have, Jesus, my Lord, for I This is my joy, since thou hast done Much more than this for me. 2 Yes, let it go — one look from thee Will more than make amends For all the losses I sustain Of credit, riches, friends. 3 Ten thousand worlds, ten thousand lives. How worthless they appear. Compared with thee, supremely good, Divinely bright and fair. 4 Saviour of souls, while I from thee A single smile obtain, Though destitute of all things else, I'll glory in my gain. RISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 614 P.M. Li's. The Rock Higher than I In seasons of grief to my God I'll repair, When my heart's overwhelmed with Borrow and car*': From the end of the earth unto thee will I cry, Lead me to tin- flock thai is higher than I— J[i://trr than I — higher than J— than I. 2 When Satan, my foe, cometh in like a flood, To drive m y poor soul from the fountain of God, I'll pray to the Saviour who kindly did die, Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Higher than I, dec. 3 "When tempted by Satan the Spirit to grieve, And th' service of" Christ, my Redeemer to leave, I'll claim my relation to Jesus on high — The Rock of Salvation, that's higher than I. Higher than I, dec. 4 0 Saviour of sinners, when faint and depress'd, With manifold trials and sorrows oppress'd, I'll bow at thy feet, and with confidence cry, " Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Higher than J, dec. 5 And when I have ended my pilgrimage here, In Jesus' pure righteousness let me appear ; In the swelling of Jordan on thee I'll rely, And look to the Rock that is higher than I. Higher than I, dec. 6 And when the last trumpet shall sound through the skies, And the dead from the dust of the earth shall arise ; With millions I'll join far above yonder sky, To praise the kind Rock that is higher than I. Higher than I, dec. 615 Tempted Souls Encouraged. L. M. Come, tempted soul, to Christ draw near, Thy Saviour's gracious promise hear: His faithful word declares to thee, That "as thy day thy strength shall be." Let not thy heart despond and say, " How shall I stand the trying day?" He has engaged, by firm decree, That "as thy day thy strength shall be." ::._„ CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 407 3 Should persecution rage and flame, Still trust in thy Redeemer's name ; In fiery trials thou shalt see, That "as thy day thy strength shall be." 4 Although you're weak and foes are strong, And though thy conflict should be long, Yet God will make the tempter nee, For " as thy day thy strength shall be." 5 When call'd to bear the weighty cross Of sore affliction, pain or loss, Or deep distress, or poverty, Still "as thy day thy strength shall be." 6 When ghastly death appears in view, Christ's presence shall thy fears subdue : Thy soul in death he will set free, And " as thy day thy strength shall be." Refuge for the Tempted. M. Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, Wnile the tempest still is nigh. 2 Hide me, 0 my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is pa Safe into the haven . CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 409 ^ 4 Trials make the promise sweet, Trials give aew fife to pray'r ; Trials bring me to his feet, Lay me low and keep me there. 5 Did I meet no trials here, Nor afflictions by the way, Might I not in reason fear I should prove a castaway? G Aliens may escape the rod, Sunk in earthly vain delight; But the true-born child of God Ought not, would not, if he might. 619 L At Evening Time it shall be Light. CM. Tno' earth-born shadows now may shroud Thy thorny path awhile, God's blessed word can part each cloud, And bid the sunshine smile. 2 Only believe, in living faith, liis love and pow'r divine; And ere thy sun shall set in death, His light shall 'round thee shine. 3 When tempest clouds are dark and high. His bow of love and peace Shines sweetly in the vaulted sky, Betokening storms shall cease. 4 Hold on thy way, with hope unchill'd: By faith and not by sight : And thou shalt own his word fulfill'd — At eve it shall be light ! The B in Sorrow* C M. Othou who driest the mourner's tear, Bow dark this world would be, If, when deceived and wonnded b We could not fly to thee. ii 410 CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 2 The friends who in our sunshine live, When winter comes, are flown ; And he who has but tears to give, Must weep those tears alone. 3 But Christ can heal that broken heart, Which, like the plants that throw Their fragrance from the wounded part, Breathes sweetness out of woe. 4 0 who could bear life's stormy doom, Did not his wing of love Come brightly wafting through the gloom, Our peace-branch from above. 5 Then sorrow, touched by him, grows bright, With more than rapture's ray; As darkness shows us worlds of light, We never saw by day. vZl The Benefit of the Cross. C. M. The cross of Jesus purifies, From self and sin sets free; His cross does make us truly wise, And brings humility. 2 Reproaches, persecution, shame, — These must the christian bear ; But when sustained for Jesus' name, How light these burthens are? 3 Must we endure some earthly loss, Some keen distresses prove? If these are part of Jesus' cross, We'll bear them all in love. 4 Must sharp temptations too beset, And inward conflicts seize ? The faithful soul will not forget That these shall end in ease. CHRISTIAN SI FTERINGS. When sin is dead our spirits rest, Comfort and peace are giv'n, The inner man serenely blest, We taste the joys of heav'n. 622, 1 Cross and Crown. P.M.8,6,8,6,8,8,7,6,6,6. Must Simon bear his cross alone, And all the world go free? No ! there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. Yes, there's a cross on Calvary, Thro' which by faith the crown I see ; To me 'tis pardon bringing: 0 that's the cross for me — 0 that's the cross for me — 0 that's the cross for me ! 2 How happy are the saints above, Who once went mourning here ; But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear. Yes, perfect love will dry the tear, And cast out all tormenting fear, Which 'round my heart is clinging : — 0 that's the love for me! &c. 2 I'll bear the consecrated cross, Till from the cross I'm free ; And then go home to wear the crown: For there's a crown for me. Yes, there's a crown in heaven above, The purchase of my Saviour's love, For me, at his appearing: — 0 that's the crown fur me ! Sea. Will ye also Qc Awcqt C. M. n:\- any turn from /inn's way, A - numbers often do,) Methinkfl I hear my Saviour say, " Wilt thou forsake me b wt iSL f 412 CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. ll Ah, Lord ! with such a heart as mine, Unless thou hold me fast. My faith will fail, I shall decline, And prove like them at last. 3 'Tis thou alone hast power and grace To save a wretch like me ; To whom then shall I turn my face, If I depart from thee? 4 Beyond a doubt I rest assured, thou art the Christ of God, Who hast eternal life secur'd, By promise and by blood. 5 The help of men and angels join'd Could never reach my case ! Nor can I hope relief to find. But in thy boundless grace. 6 No voice but thine can give me rest, And bid my fears depart ; No love but thine can make me blest, And satisfy my heart. Glory my Home. P. M. 11, 11, 11, 11. ?T|"id scenes of confusion and creature com- Jl plaints, How sweet to my soul is communion with saints ; | To find at the banquet of mercy there's room, And feel in the presence of Jesus at home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home ; Prepare me, dear Saviour, for glory, my home. ; | 2 Sweet bonds that unite all the children of peace, ; ! And thrice precious Jesus, whose love cannot ] cease ; Though oft from thy presence in sadness I roam, ; | I long to behold thee, in glory at home. Home, home, dec. CHRISTIAN SUFFKBU 413 _h from tliis body of sin to be free, Which hinders my joy and communion with thee : Tho' now my temptations, like billows may foam, j All, all will be peace, when I'm with thee at home. II •.:>■ . hi --'• . dec. 4 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, ; 0 give me submission and strength as my day ; In all my afflictions to thee would I come, icing in hope of my glorious home. Home, home, dec. 5 Whate'er thou deniest, 0 give me thy grace, The Spirit's sure witness and smiles of thy face ; ; Indulge me with patience to wait at thy throne, And find even now a sweet foretaste of home. Home, home, (Sec. 6 I long, dearest Lord, in thy beauties to shine. No more as an exile in sorrow to pine ; And in thy dear image arise from the tomb, With glorified millions to praise thee at home. Home, home, dec. Comfort in God. Dear refuge of my weary soul. On thee, when On thee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. thee I tell each rising grief, For thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief r every pain I feel. 3 But. 01 when gloomy d vail, I fear to call thee mine; The - m to fail. And all my hopes decline. II* '414 CHRISTIAN" SUFFERINGS. 626 Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee? Thou art my only trust ; And still my soul would cleave to thee, Though prostrate in the dust. Thy mercy-seat is open still; Here let my soul retreat ; With humble hope attend thy will, And wait beneath thy feet. Meekness in Distress. C. M. Teach us, in time of deep distress, To own thy hand, 0 God, And in submissive silence learn The lessons of thy rod. 2 In every changing scene of life, Whatever that scene may be, Give us a meek and humble mind, A mind at peace with thee. 3 Do thou direct our steps aright ; Help us thy name to fear ; And give us grace to watch and pray, And strength to persevere. 4 Then may we close our eyes in death, Without a fear or care ; For death is life, and labor rest, If thou art with us there. fi97 "^ ■ Divine SliepliercVs Help Implored. C. M. Shepherd divine, our wants relieve, In this our evil day ; To all thy tempted followers give, The pow'r to watch and pray. 2 Long as our fiery trials last, Long as the cross we bear, 0 let our souls on thee be cast, In never ceasing pray'r ! CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 3 Come, Holy Ghost, thy. praying grace Give us in faith to claim ; To wrestle, till we see thy face, And know thy hidden name. 4 Till thou the Father's love impart, Till thou thyself bestow, Be this the cry of every heart, "I will not let thee go." 5 I will not let thee go, unless Thou tell thy name to me ; "With all thy great salvation bless] And say, " Christ died for thee/' 628 G God and His Laic. C. M. 1 od and his law are my delight, J My glory and my song ; My sure support by day and night, The pleasure of my tongue. 2 When darkness overspreads my mind, His word supports me still ; I'm there convinc'd that God is kind, Though I no comfort feel. 3 Are my afflictions sharp and long? Does pain extreme ensue ? God's word I trust ; his arm is strong; His wisdom bears me through. 4 Glory to thee, thou God of love, For favors so divine ; Who taught my heart to soar above, And made those blessings mine. 5 Had not thy word been my relief, Had not thy truth BUStfUIl'd, I must have perish'd in my grief, No other help remain'd. h b) CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. o fi9Q Comfort in the Promises. L. M. God, to thee we raise our eyes; Calm resignation we implore ; 0 let no murmuring thought arise, But humbly let us still adore. 2 With meek submission may we bear Each needful cross thou shalt ordain ; Nor think our trials too severe, Nor dare thy justice to arraign. 3 For though mysterious now thy ways To erring mortals may appear, Hereafter we thy name shall praise, For all our keenest sufferings here. 4 Thy needful help, 0 God, afford, Nor let us sink in deep despair ; Aid us to trust thy sacred word, And find our sweetest comfort there. F Ot)U Trusting in God in Affliction. C. M. ]"ot from the dust affliction grows, Nor troubles rise by chance ; But we are born to cares and woes, — A sad inheritance. 2 As sparks break out from burning coals, And still are upward borne, So grief is rooted in our souls, And man grows up to mourn. 3 Yet with my God I leave my cause, And trust his promised grace ; He rules me by his well known laws Of love and righteousness. 4 Not all the pains that e'er I bore, Shall spoil my future peace ; For death and hell can do no more, Than what my Father please. CHRISTIAN SUFFERINGS. 417 631 Submission and Resignation. S. M. Si [SHYELY, my ( ■ I all to thee resi And bow before thy chast'ning rod; Nor will I, Lord, repine. "Why should my heart complain, When wisdom, truth, and love Direct the stroke, inflict the pain, And point to joys above? How short my sufferings here; How needful every ci Away with doubt, distrust, and fear, Nor call my gain my loss. Then give or take away, I'll bless thy sacred name : Jesus to-day, and yesterday, And ever is the same. Christ Sympathizes with Us. L. M. G lines. WEEN gathering clouds around I view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On Him I lean, who not in vain human pain : He feels my 2 my fears, And counts and treasures up my b 2 If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heav'ni . - narrow WJ To fly ti • old pursue, Or do the ill I would not do: Still he who felt temptation's pow'r, Shall guard me in that dang'r1\ i a Little while; Thou, Saviour, seesl the tears I shed, For thou didst wee] 'rus dead. 632 21 '418 CHRISTIAN RACE. 4 And 0 ! when I have safely pass'd Through every conflict but the last ; Still, still unchanging watch beside My bed of death ; for thou hast died : Then point to realms of endless day, And wipe the latest tear away. CHRISTIAN EACE. Zion's Joyful Travelers. M. Children of the heav'nly King, As we journey let us sing — Sing our Saviour's worthy praise : Glorious in his works and ways ! 2 We are traveling home to God, In the way our fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. 3 0 ye banish'd seed, be glad ! Christ our advocate is made ; Us to save, our flesh assumes, Brother to our souls becomes. 4 Fear not, brethren, joyful stand, On the borders of our land- Jesus Christ, our Father's Son, Bids us undismay'd go on. 5 Lord ! obediently we'll go. Gladly leaving all below ; Only thou our Leader be, And we still will follow thee ! CHRISTIAN RACE. 410 G' v)d^ God, the Pibjrim's Guide. M.8s,7s&4. uide me, 0 thou great Jehovah ! Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty; Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven ! Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open, Lord, the crystal fountain, "Whence the healing waters flow; Let the fiery cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through : Strong deliverer ! Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction ! Land me safe on Canaan's side: Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. Ode) "Hinder Me Not." C. M. IN all my Lord's appointed ways My journey I'll pursue; " Hinder me not," ye much-loved saints, For I must go with you. 2 Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead, I'll Follow when ''Hinder me not/' shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oj | 3 Through duties, and through trials too, I'll go at his command ; "Hinder me nol jw for I am bound To my Immanuel's land. 4 And, when my Sariour calls me home, Still this my cry shall be, — " Hii I'll gladly go with I fe ~™™_ OdO But Tivo Ways. C. M. There is a path that leads to God ; All others go astray ; v Narrow, but pleasant, is the road, And christians love the way. 2 It leads straight through this world of sin, And dangers must be past ; But those who boldly walk therein Will come to heaven at last. 3 While the broad road, where thousands go, Lies near, and opens fair ; And many turn aside, I know, To walk with sinners there. 4 But, lest my feeble steps should slide, Or wander from thy way, Lord, condescend to be my guide, And I shall never stray. 637 Looking to Jesus. — Heb. 12 : 2. C. M. Lo ! what a cloud of witnesses Encompass us around ; Men once like us, with suffering tried, But now with glory crowiVd. 2 Let us, with zeal like theirs inspired., Strive in the Christian race ; And, freed from every weight of sin, Their holy footsteps trace. 3 Behold a witness nobler still, Who trod affliction's path : Jesus — the author — finisher — Re warder of our faith. 4 He, for the joy before him set, And moved by pitying love, Endured the cross, despised the shame, And now he reigns above. CHRISTIAN RACE. TT©' 421 5 Thither, forgetting things behind, Press we to Goers right hand; There, with the Saviour and his saints Triumphantly to stand. \)0O Encouraging Examples. C. M. Rise, 0 my soul! pursue the path By ancient worthies trod ; Aspiring, view those holy men. Who lived and walked with God. 2 Tho' dead, they speak in reason's ear, And in example live ; Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds Still fresh instruction give. 3 'Twas thro' the Lamb's most precious blood They conquered every foe ; And to his power and matchless grace Their crowns of life they owe. 4 Lord, may I ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given ; And ne'er forsake the blessed road That led them safe to heaven. 639 The Ransomed Shall Return. C. M. Sing, all ye ransomed of the Lord, Your great Deliverer sing : Pilgrims, for Zion's city bound, Be joyful in your King. 2 See the fair way his hand hath made, How peaceful and how plain; The simplest trav'ler shall not err, Nor seek the road in vain. ."J No ravening lion shall destroy, Not lurking serpent wound : Safety, Bupport, and beayenly joy Through all the way are foun 1. 4 A hand divine shall lead you on Along the blissful road ; Till to the sacred mount you rise, And city of your God. 5 There garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on every head ; While pain, and sorrow, and distress, Like shadows, all are fled. 6 Proceed in your Redeemer's strength, Pursue his footsteps still ; And let the prospect cheer your eyes, While you ascend the hill. 04U Homeward Bound. M. 10,7,10,7,10,10,10,7. We live as pilgrims and strangers below ; We're homeward bound — homeward bound ; ] Though often tempted, yet onward we go ; We're homeward bound— homeward bound. Trials and crosses we cheerfully bear, Toils and temptations expecting to share ; AVe hasten forward content with the fare ; We're homeward bound — homeward bound. 2 Earth with its trifles we all have resigned ; We're homeward bound, &c. Heaven with its glories we shortly shall find ; We're homeward bound, &c. Sinful amusements no longer are dear ; O how delusive and vain they appear, While to our home we are drawing so near ; We're homeward bound, &c, 3 We'll tell the world, as we journey along, We're homeward bound, &c. Try to persuade them to enter our throng ; We're homeward bound, &c. Come, trembling sinner, forlorn and opprest, Join in our number, O come and be blest ; Journey with us to the mansions of rest; We're homeward bound, &c. ar CHRISTIAN RACE. 423 4 Soon -we'll be singing, if faithful we prove : We're home at last — home at last ! Sounding in triumph, in mansions above: We're home at last — home at last ! Soon as our toils and temptations are o'er : Up to our home with the blest we shall soar ; 0 how we'll shout, as we enter the door ; We're home at last! — home at last! 641 The Christian Race. L. M. Awake, our souls, away our fears ! Let every trembling thought be gone ; Awake, and run the heav'nly race, And put a cheerful courage on. True, 'tis a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint ; But they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of every saint. The mighty God, whose matchless pow'r Is ever new, and ever young ; And firm endures, while endless years Their everlasting age prolong. From thee, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a full supply ; While such as trust their native strength, Shall melt away, and droop, and die. Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode : On wings of love our souls shall fly, Nor tire amidst the heav'nly road. 642 L. M. Pihjrim's Future Home, UTI/Vve no abiding city b< n This may distress the worldly mind, But should not cost the saint a tear, Who hopes a better reel to and. * 424 CHRISTIAN RACE. 2 " We've no abiding city here ;" Sad truth, were this to be our home ; But let this thought our spirits cheer — "We seek a city yet to come." 3 "We've no abiding city here:" Then let us live as pilgrims do ; Let not the world our rest appear, But let us haste from all below. 4 " We've no abiding city here :" We seek a city out of sight ; Zion its name, the Lord is there ; It shines with everlasting light. 5 0 sweet abode of peace and love, Where pilgrims freed from toil are blest ! Had I the pinions of the dove. I'd fly to thee, and be at rest. 6 But hold, my soul, nor dare repine ; The time my God appoints is best ; While here, to do his will be mine, And his to fix my time of rest. 643 Joyfully I Move. P. M. 10,10,10,10. Joyfully, joyfully onward I move ; Bound for the land of bright spirits above : Angelic choristers sing as I come ; Joyfully, joyfully haste to thy home. ; 2 Soon with my pilgrimage ended below ; Home to that land of delight will I go ; Pilgrim and stranger no more shall I roam ; Joyfully, joyfully resting at home. ; 3 Friends I have there, who have passed on before, Waiting, they watch me approaching the shore, Singing to cheer me thro' death's chilling gloom: Joyfully, joyfully haste to thy home. a. UIJUSTIAX RACK. 425' 4 Sounds of sweet melody fall on my ear — Harps of the blessed, your voices I hear, Ringing in concert thro' heaven's high dome: "Joyfully, joyfully haste to thy home ! " 5 Death, with thy weapons of war, lay me low! Strike, king of terrors! I fear not the blow: Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb; Joyfully, joyfully will I go home! 0 Bright will the morn of eternity dawn, Death shall be banished, his sceptre be gone ; Joyfully then shall I witness his doom; Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home! 044 Pilgrim Stranger. P. M. 9,11,10,10,9,11. I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger; I can tarry, I can tarry but a night; Do not detain me, for I am going To where the streamlets are ever flowing. Tm a pilgrim, and Tm a stranger ; I can tarry, lean tarry but a niglit. 2 Of that city to which I journey, My Redeemer, my Redeemer is the light ; There is no sorrow, nor any sighing, Xor any tears there, nor any dying. Tm a pilgrim, (C*c. 3 There the glory is ever shining; Omylonging heart, my longing heart is there; Here, in this country, so dark and dreary, I long have wandered forlorn and weary. Tm a pilgrim, d'C. 4 Father, mother, and sister, brother, If y<»u will not journey with me, I must go; For since yum- vain hope you still will cherish, Should I tOO Linger, and with von perish? Tm n [>il 426 CHRISTIAN RACE. j 5 Farewell neighbors, with tears Fvewarn'd you; I must leave you, I must leave you, and be gone; With this your portion, your heart's desire, Why will you perish in raging fire? I'm a pilgrim, &c. G Farewell, drear earth, by sin so blighted, — In immortal beauty soon you'll be array'd ; For he who formed thee will soon restore thee From sin and death to honor and glory. Tm a pilgrim, &c. Happy in Eternity. M, 7s. Tail, my partners in distress, Pilgrims through this wilderness, Though in sorrow here you roam, Destitute and far from home ; Yet, poor pilgrims, you shall be Happy in eternity — Yes, poor pilgrims you shall be Happy in eternity. 2 Do not then your fate deplore, Though despised, cast out and poor ; Soon the joyful news will come, "Child, your Father calls, come home!" Then in glory you shall be, &c. 3 Cruel death, with rudest hands, May divide the christian bands ; But, in brighter worlds above,* Friends shall meet with friends they love, Where, united, you shall be, &c. 4 Just beyond this vale of tears, Lo, a fruitful land appears ; Pilgrim, lift your eyes and see — There's the home prepar'd for thee : Where with Jesus you shall be, &c. &8L CHRISTIAN KA< >:. 427 l 646 W Our Journeying to Canaan. C. M. ^e're marching to the promis'd land, A land all fair and bright ; Come, join our happy pilgrim band, And seek the plains of light. ( ) conn , and join our pilgrim band, Our toils and triumphs share; We soon shall reach the promts d land, And rest forever there. 2 The deep red sea's already croe Safe on its banks we've stood, And seen our foes — old Pharaoh's host, Plunged in the angry flood. 0 come, d'c. i 3 The Saviour feeds his little flock, His grace is richly giv'n : The living water from the rock And daily bread from heav'n. 0 come, dr. 4 lo Canaan's land he points the way. And guides our feet aright ; A cloudy pillar leads by day, A fiery one by night. 0 '-nun-, d'c. 5 Come with us, we will do thee good, Here is our heart and hand, To meet you over Jordan's flood, And share the promis'd land. 0 come, (be, 6 There in that Land no tears are Bhed, No M_rli> escape the ln-art ; To joy's full fountain all are led, And there they nerer part. 0 oome, ii upward tend : The Bible is their precious map. And God himself their friend. 4 Dear Lord, I would a pilgrim be ; Guide thou my feet aright ; I would not for ten thousand worlds, Be banish'd from thy sight. 5 ;Tis heav'n to see thy blissful face — I long to dwell above, To feast on thy unbounding stores, And praise redeeming love. \)dZ The Pilgrim's Song. M. 7s & 6s. \ Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Thy better portion trace ; Rise from transitory things Toward heaven, thy native place : Sun, and moon, and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepared above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun — Both speed them to their source: So a soul that's born of God Pants to view his glorious face ; rpward tend- to his abode, To rest in his embrs 3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn, Press onward to the prize: y<»ur Saviour will return, Triumphant in the ski'-: \> - i season, ami you know Happy entrance will be given ; All your sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for" hdaven. ' 432 CHRISTIAN EACB \JOO Hardships of Ziorts Travelers. CM. TirnAT poor, despised company V? Of travelers are these, Who walk in yonder narrow way, Along the rugged maze ? 2 Ah ! these are of a royal line, All children of a King ; Heirs of immortal crowns divine, And, lo ! for joy they sing. 3 Why do they, then, appear so mean, And why so much despis'd? — Because of their rich robes, unseen, The world is not apprized. 4 But some of them seem poor, distressed, And lacking daily bread ; — Oh ! they're of boundless wealth possessed, With hidden manna fed ! 5 But why keep they the narrow road, That rugged thorny maze? Why, that's the way their Leader trod; They love and keep his ways. 6 Why must they shun that pleasant path That worldings love so well? Because that is the way to death ; The open road to hell. 7 What ! is there then no other road To Salem's happy ground ? Christ is the only way to God : None other can be found. D04 The Race for Glory. C. M. Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. CHRISTIAN RACE. 433 i 2 'Tis God's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high: 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 3 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 4 Blest Saviour ! introduced by thee, Have I my race begun ; And, crown'd with vict'ry, at thy feet I'll lay my trophies down. 000 Pilgrim's Invitation. P. M. 8,6,8,6,8,8,8,6. We're trav'ling home to heav'n above ; Will you go? will you go ? To sing the Saviour's dying love ; Will you go ? will you go? Millions have reach'd that blest abode, And millions more are on the road, Anointed kings and priests to God ; Will you go? will you go ? 2 We go to see the bleeding Lamb, &c. In rapt'rous strains to praise his name, &fe The crown of life we there shall wear, The conqueror's palm our hands shall bear, And all the joys of heav'n we'll share; &c 3 We go to join the heav'nly choir, &c. To raise our voice and tune our lyre, &c» There saints and angels gladly sing 1 1 -anna to their God and King, And make the heav'nly arches ring, &c. 4 Ye weary, heavy laden, coin-'. In heaven's courts there Btill is room, The Lord is waiting to receive, — If thou wilt on him now believe — And wilt no more his Spirit grieve; &5. f 434 CHRISTIAN RACE. B' 5 The way to heav'n is straight and plain, &c. Repent, believe, be born again ; &c. The Saviour cries aloud to thee, "Take up thy cross and follow me, And thou shalt my salvation see ;'■ &c. \)u\) The Broad and Narrow Roads. L. M. >road is the road that leads to death, And thousands walk together there ; But wisdom shows a narrow path, With here and there a traveler. 2 " Deny thyself, and take thy cross," Is the Redeemer's great command ; Nature must count her gold but dross, If she would gain this heavenly land. 3 The fearful soul that tires and faints, And walks the ways of God no more, Is but esteemed almost a saint, And makes his own destruction sure. 4 Lord, let not all my hopes be vain ; Create my heart entirely new ; Which hypocrites could ne'er attain, Which false apostates never knew. v)t) I The Pilgrimage of the Saints. ' C. M. Lord, what a wretched land is this, That yields us no supply; No cheering fruits, no wholesome trees, Nor streams of living joy! 2 But pricking thorns thro' all the ground, And mortal poisons grow ; And all the rivers that are found, With dang'rous waters flow. 3 Yet the dear path to thine abode Lies through this horrid land ; Lord we would keep the heav'nly road, And run at thy command. CHRISTIAN KACE. 4 By glimmering hopes, and gloomy fears, We trac^ the dangerous road ; Through dismal deeps and Satan's snares We make our way to God. 5 Our journey is a thorny maze But we march upwards still; Forget the troubles of the ways, And aim for Zion's hill. G See the kind angels at the gates, Inviting us to come; There Jesus, the forerunner waits, To welcome travelers home. OOO Pilgrim's Hope. P. M. 6,6,9,6,7,7,6,10. Our bondage here shall end, By and by — by and by ; Our bondage here shall end, by and by: From Egypt's yoke set free, Hail the glorious jubilee, And to Canaan march along, By and by — by and by ; And to ( 'anaan march along, by and by. 2 Our Deliv'rer he shall come, by and by, &c. And our sorrows have an end, With our three score years and ten. And vast glory crown the day, by and by, &c. j 3 Though our enemies are strung, we'll go on, &C. Though our hearts dissolve with fear, Lo ! Sinai's God is near! While the fiery pillar moves, we'll go en, &c. 4 Through Marsh's bitter streams, we'll go on,&c. I Though Baca'fl vale he dry. And the land yield DO supply: To a land of corn and wine, we'll gp on, &C. g) _______ !436 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 5 And when to Jordan's floods, we are come, &c. Jehovah rules the tide — And the waters he'll divide, And the ransom' d host shall shout, we are come,&c. \ ; 6 Then friends shall meet again, who have lov'd, &c.j Our embraces shall be sweet, At the dear Redeemer's feet ; When we meet to part no more, who have, &c. 7 Then with that happy throng, we'll rejoice, &c. Shouting praises to our King, Till the vaults of heaven ring ; And through all eternity, we'll rejoice, &c. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 659 Holy Fortitude.— 1 Cor. 16: 13. C. M. Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb ? And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease ? While others fought to win the prize And sailed through bloody seas. 3 Are there no foes for me to face? . Must I not stem the flood ? Is this vain world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 437 s> 5 Thy saints in all this rlorioui war, Shall conquer though they die; They see the triumph from afar, With faith's discerning eye. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thy armies shme In robes of vict'ry through the skies, The glory shall be thine. 660 Christian Soldier Encouraged, M.Ts. Brethren, while we sojourn here, Fight we must, but should not fear ; Foes we have, but we've a Friend. One that loves us to the end : Forward, then, with courage go; Long we shall not dwell below ; Soon the joyful news will come, " Child, your Father calls ; come home!" 2 In the way a thousand snares Lie, to take us unawares j Satan, with malicious art. Watches each unguarded part; But from Satan's malice free, Saints shall soon victorious be; Soon the joyful news will come, "Child, your Father calls; come home!'' 3 But, of all the foes we meet, None so oft mislead our feet, None betray us into sin, Like the foes that dwell within; \ ejj let nothing spoil our peace; ( 'hrist will also Conquer these ; Then the joyful news will conn'. " Child, y<>ur Father talis; cortie home!" IK* 438 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. ! 661 i Christian Warfare and Victory. L. M. Stand up, my soul — shake off thy fears, And gird the gospel armor on ; March to the gates of endless joy, Where Jesus, thy great Captain's gone. Hell and thy sins resist thy course ; But hell and sin are vanquished foes ; Thy Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sung the triumph when he rose. Then let my soul march boldly on, Press forward to the heavenly gate; There peace and joy eternal reign, And glittering robes for conquerors wait. There shall I wear a starry crown, And triumph in almighty grace ; While all the armies of the skies Join in my glorious Leader's praise. o W)<4 The Whole Armor. C. M. speed thee, christian, on thy way, And to thy armor cling ; With girded loins the call obey That grace and mercy bring. 2 There is a battle to be fought, An upward race to run, A crown of glory to be sought, A victory to be won. 3 The shield of faith repels the dart That Satan's hand may throw ; His arrow cannot reach thy heart, If Christ control the bow. 4 0, faint not, christian, for thy sighs Are heard before his throne ; The race must come before the prize, The cross before the crown. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 439 663 The Soldier Armed. S. M. Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on, Strong in the strength which God supplies, Through his beloved Son. 2 Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in his mighty pow'r ; The man who in the Saviour trusts, Is more than conqueror. 3 Stand then in his great might, With all his strength endued ; And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God. 4 Leave no unguarded place, No weakness of the soul ; Take every virtue, every grace, And fortify the whole. 5 Ever together joined, To battle all proceed: Arm you yourselves with all the mind That was in Christ, your head. G Then when your work is done, And all your conflicts past, You shall o'ercome, through Christ alone, And stand complete at last. 664 The Mind that icas in Christ. S. M. Equip me for the Avar, And teach my hands to fight ; My simple, upright heart prepare, And guide my words aright. Control my every thought; My whole of sin rem Let all my works in thee be wrought ; Let all be wrought in love. £L < 440 CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 0 arm me with the mind, Meek Lamb, that was in thee ; And let my knowing zeal be join'd With perfect charity. With calm and tempered zeal Let me enforce thy call ; And vindicate thy gracious will, Which offers life to all. 0 may I love like thee, — In all thy footsteps tread ; Thou hatest all iniquity, But nothing thou hast made. 0 may I learn the art, With meekness to reprove; To hate the sin with all my heart, But still the sinner love. 665 The Christian Warfare. M. 8s & Christian soldiers, wake to glory! Hark, your Leader bids you rise; See the crown of life before ye, March to seize the heavenly prize. 2 Let the hope of full salvation, Helmet-like, your head adorn ; Be the gospel's preparation On your feet like sandals worn. 3 Let your loins around be girded By the truth your lips profess ; From your breast be danger warded By the plate of right'ousness. 4 Let your prayers ascend with fervor, Without ceasing to the Lord: Not an unconcerned observer, Timely succor he'll afford. CHRISTIAN WARFARE. 4-11"" 5 Faith and hope must never languish. All your cares upon him He'll enable you to van [uiah Every enemy at last. 666 If. 7a Own en* shall I see J — And dwell with hi: ■•ink the flowing fountains Of everlasting love? When shall I be deliverM From this vain world of sin, And with my blessed Jesus Drink endless pleasures in? 2 But now I am a soldier, — My Captain's gone before; He's given me my orders. And tells me not to fear ; And if I hold out faithful. wn of life he'll _ And all hi* valiant soldiers Eternal life shall have. 3 Through grace I am determin'd To con<|uer though I And then away t<> •' On wings of lote 111 fly. Farewell I bid them all adieu : And you, my friends, faithful. And on your way pursue. 4 And if yon meet with tr And trial* on the way. Then oast your And don'1 -ray: oly armor Of faith. And when your rao YouTI reign with him sJ Ja_ CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES. 5 0 do not be discouraged ! For Jesus is your friend ; And if you lack for knowledge, He'll not refuse to lend ; Neither will he upbraid you, Though often you request : — He'll give you grace to conquer, And take you home to rest. 0 I Watch and Pray, S. M. y soul, be on thy guard — Ten thousand foes arise ; And hosts of sins are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. w 0 watch, and fight, and pray: The battle ne'er give o'er ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. Ne'er think the victory won, Nor once at ease sit down ; Thy arduous work will not be done, Till thou hast got thy crown. Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ; He'll take thee, at thy parting breath, Up to his blest abode. CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES. DUO The Hope of Heaven Supporting, hen I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. w iS~ CHRISTIAjN PRIVILEGES. 448*1 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And fiery darts be hurl'd, TheD I ean smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 1. like a wild deluge, come, A id storms of sorrow fall : ut Bafelj reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all! 4 There shall I bathe my weary soul In seas of heav'nly rest : And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. frOo J0U and Triumph. C. M. Rejoice, believer in the Lord, Who makes your cause his own ; The hope that's built upon his word Can ne'er be overthrown. 2 Though many foes beset your road, And feeble is your arm, Your life is hid with Christ in God, Beyond the reach of harm. 3 Weak as yon are. you shall not faint, Or fainting shall not die ; Jesus, the strength of every saint Will aid you from on high. 4 As surely as he overcame And triumpIiM oner for you, rarely you that love his name Shall triumph in him too. 670 7/ U Writ with the Righteous, S. Wh vt cheering words are ti, Their Bweetness who can tell? In time and to eternity, Tia with the righteous well. M. ®444 CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES. In every state secure, Kept by Jehovah's eye ; 'Tis well with them while life endures, And well when called to die. ;Tis well when joys arise ; 'Tis well when sorrows flow ; ;Tis well when darkness veils the skies, And strong temptations blow. 'Tis well when at his throne They wrestle, weep, and pray ; 'Tis well when at his feet they groan, Though grieved at his delay. 'Tis well when Jesus calls, "From earth and sin arise, Join with the hosts of ransomed souls, Made to salvation wise." 671 Crucified with Christ. L. P . M. Humble, and teachable, and mild, 0 may I, as a little child, My lowly Master's steps pursue ! Be anger to my soul unknown ; Hate, envy, jealousy, be gone; In love create thou all things new. 2 Let earth no more my heart divide : With Christ may I be crucified ; To thee with my whole heart aspire: Dead to the world and all its toys, Its idle pomp, and fading joys, Be thou alone my one desire. 3 My will be swallow'd up in thee ; Light in thy light still may I see, Beholding thee with open face ; CalPd the full power of faith to prove, Let all my hallow' d heart be love, And all my spotless life be praise. CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES. 445 4 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning fire, My consecrated heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoning blood: Still to my soul thyself reveal: Thy mighty working may I feel, And know that I am one with God. 672 Look not Behind. L. M. Look not behind ; you've broke the chain That bound to folly and despair ; Press onward to the glorious land Nor falter till you enter there. 2 Look not behind ; unnumbered snares Are for the loitering christian spread — False hopes, strong habits, wild desires, And ruin's pit-falls dark and dread. 3 Look not behind ; a blighting curse Was hers who paused at Sodom's bound ; She, lingering, loved those haunts of sin, And fearful retribution found. 4 Look not behind : 'tis Satan's lure, To tempt you to his realm again ; The guiding togel bids you haste, And tarry not in all the plain. 5 Escape for life! the flames of wrath Are redd'ning on the winged wind; See Zoar's Bacred refuge nigh — Look not behind! — look not behind ! 673 0 "My Times arc in Thy Hand." 8, M. Mv timet are in thy hand : My God, I wish them tli My life, my friend.-', my soul J Leave Entirely to thy care. 2 4 My times are in thy hand, Whatever they may be ; Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, As best may seem to thee. My times are in thy hand: Why should I doubt or fear? My Father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. My times are in thy hand, Jesus, my Advocate ; Nor shall thy hand be stretched in vain, For me to supplicate. My times are in thy hand ; I'll always trust in thee ; And after death, at thy right hand I shall forever be. 674 Relying on the Promises. M. lis. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith, in his excellent word ; What more can he say, than to you he hath said, Who unto the Saviour for refuge have fled? ! 2 In every condition, in sickness, in health, In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth ; At home or abroad, on the land, on the sea, "As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be." 3 "Fear not, I am with thee ; 0 be not dismayed, For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; ! I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee I to stand, Upheld by my righteous omnipotent hand. 4 When through the deep waters I call thee to go, ; The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. & >Q CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES. 447 5 When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply ; The flames shall not hurt thoo: I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 6 E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love: And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs, they shall still in my bosom be borne. 7 The soul that on Jesus hath lean'd for repose I will not, I cannot desert to his foes ; That soul, tho* all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never — no, never — no, never forsake/' o OiO The Heavenly Vision. C. what hath Jesus bought for me ! Before my ravished eyes Rivers of life divine I see, And trees of paradise. 2 I see the blessed saints in light, Who taste the pleasure there ; They are all robed in spotless white, And conquering palms they bear. 3 In hope of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain ; And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain. 4 0, what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptured host t' appear, And worship at thy feel I joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life <»r friends away ; But Let me find them all again In that eventful day. M. .jh CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES. 7l | OiD Security in God's Covenant. CM. : My God, the cov'nant of thy love lil Abides forever sure ; And in its boundless grace I feel My happiness secure. | \ 2 Since thou, the everlasting God, My Father art become — My Saviour, my almighty Friend, And heaven my final home : — 3 I welcome all thy sovereign will, For all that will is love ; i And when thy way, great God, is dark, I wait thy light above. Thy covenant, in my dying hour, Shall dwell upon my tongue ; And when I wake, shall still employ 6' My everlasting song. rtri I 8 All Things are Yours. C. M. Behold the grant, the King of kings Hath to his children given : " All things are yours," it saith — all things That are in earth and heaven. The saints are yours, to guide you home, And bless you with their pray'rs ; The world is yours, to overcome Its pleasures and its cares. And life is yours, to give it all To works of faith and love ; And death is yours, a welcome call To higher joys above. : All present things are yours ; whatever God's providence decreed, Is from his treasures culPd with care, And sent to suit your need. CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 5 All things to come are yours; and all Shall ever ordered be, To keep thee safe, whate'er befall, And work for good to thee. 6 And Christ is yours — his sacrifice, To speak your sins forgiven ; His righteousness the only price That you can pay for heaven. 7 Thus God is yours — thus reconciled, His love your bliss secures ; The Father looks upon the child, And says, "All things are yours. " CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. Perfect Heart the Redeemer's Throne. C. &L Ofor a heart to praise my God! A heart from sin set free ; — A heart that always feels thy blood, So freely spilt for me ; — 2 A heart resignM, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone. 3 0 for a lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean; Which neither life nor death can part From him who dwells within; — 4 A heart in every thought renewed, And full of love divine; Perfect, tad right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of thine. 1L* 29 I p450 CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart ; Come quickly from above ; "Write thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of love. 0 I U Conformity to Christ L. M. Jesus, my Saviour, let me be More perfectly conformed to thee : Implant each grace, each sin dethrone, And form my temper like thine own. 2 Let the envenomed heart and tongue, The hand outstretch^ to do me wrong, Excite no feelings in my breast, But such as Jesus once expressed. 3 To others let me always give What I from others would receive ; Good deeds for evil ones return, Nor when provoked, with anger burn. 4 This will proclaim how bright, how fair, The precepts of thy gospel are ; And God himself, the God of love, His own resemblance will approve. UOU Prayer for Higher Attainment. CM. Ofor a heart that loves to pray, To converse with the Lord ! Fain would I give myself away, And lean upon his word. 2 0 for invigorating grace, To raise my soul above ! 0 for that heavenly-mindedness That Satan cannot move. 3 0 for that fortitude, which can My every fear control ! Then would the dread of sinful man No more disturb my soul. g, CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 451 4 Lord, thou canst conquer every foe, — Thy greet can sanctify ; Amen : 0 Lord, may it be so, Let my corruptions die. 001 Perfect Freedom and Holiness. C. M. If thou impart thyself to me, No other good 1 Deed ; If thou, the Son. shalt make me free, I shall be free indeed. 2 I cannot rest till in thy blood I full redemption have: But thou, through whom I come to God, Canst to the utmost save. 3 From sin — the guilt, the pow'r, the pain, — Thou wilt redeem my soul ; Lord, I believe — and not in vain — My faith shall make me whole. 4 I, too, with thee, shall walk in white ; With all thy saints shall prove The length, and depth, and breadth, and height Of everlasting love. VOZ The Affections Crucified. C. M. Jesus, my life, thyself apply ; Thy Holy Spirit breathe: My vile affections crucify ; Conform mc to thy death. 2 Conqu'ror of hell, and earth, and sin, Still with the rebel strive : Enter my soul and work within, And kill and make alive. 3 Reign in me, Lord: thy foes control, Who would not own thy sway : Diffuse thine Image through my soul ; Shine to the perfect day. 452 CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 4 Scatter the last remains of sin, And seal me thine abode; 0 make me glorious all within, — A temple built by God ! 683.W Spirits of Just Men made Perfect. C.P. M. There is a dwelling-house above, Thither to meet the God of love The pure in spirit go ; There is a kingdom in the sky, Where they shall reign with God on high Who serve him here below. 2 The pure in heart, the holy ones, For whom the Saviour's blood atones, Who're by his Spirit seal'd — His call they willingly obey And march along the good old way, With breast-plate, sword and shield. 3 Lord, be it mine like these to choose, The better part ; like these to use, The means thy love has giv'n ; Be holiness my aim on earth, That death be welcomed as a birth, To life and bliss in heav'n ! 4 There, wearing crowns and holding palms, In " hymns devout and holy psalms" Those spirits just unite ; Cleans'd by the Lamb, no spots remain, No speck of earthly mould to stain Their robes of dazzling white. 5 No sounds of woe their joy molest, No sense of pain disturbs their rest ; No grief is felt within ; But God has wiped away the tear From every face, and keeps them clear From sorrow and from sin. CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 453®: "Ot: hanging for Holiness. C. M. Othat the Lord would guide my ways To keep his statutes still! 0 that my God would grant me grace To know and do his will ! 2 0 send thy Spirit down to write Thy law upon my heart ! Xor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act a liar's part. 3 From vanity turn off my eyes : Let no corrupt design, Nor covetous desires arise Within this soul of mine. 4 Order my footsteps by thy word, And make my heart sincere ; Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 5 Make me to walk in thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands Offend against my God. vOU God Wills our Holiness. L. M. God wills that I should holy be: That holiness I long to feel ; That full divine conformity To all my Saviour's righteous will. 2 See, Lord, the travail of thy soul Accomplished in the change of mine; And plunge me, every whit made whole, In all the depths of love divine. 3 On thee, 0 God, my soul is stayM. And waits to prove thine utmost will ; The promise by thy mercy made, Thou canst, thou wilt, in me fulfil. £2 '454 CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 4 No more I stagger at thy pow'r, Or doubt thy truth, which cannot move: Hasten the long-expected hour, And bless me with thy perfect love. DOD Purity of Heart. S. M. [lest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our God ; The secret of the Lord is theirs; Their soul is his abode. B' Still to the lowly soul He doth himself impart, And for his temple and his throne Selects the pure in heart. o DO / Perfect Love. C. P. M. 8,8,6,8,8,6. Love divine, how sweet thou art! When shall I find my longing heart All taken up by thee? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove The greatness of redeeming love, The love of Christ to me. 2 God only knows the love of God ; — 0 that it now were shed abroad In my poor longing heart ! For love I sigh, for love I pine ; This only portion, Lord, be mine; Be mine this better part. 3 0 that I may forever sit, With Mary, at the Master's feet ! Be this my happy choice ; — My only care, delight and bliss, My joy, my heaven on earth be this, To hear the Bridegroom's voice. CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 455° 4 0 that I may, with favored John, Recline my weary bead upon The dear Redeemer's breast ! From care, and sin, and sorrow free, Give me, 0 Lord, to find in thee My everlasting rest. 688 Longing to he Dissolved in Love. C. M. Jesus hath died that I might live, Might live to God alone ; In him eternal life receive, And be in spirit one. 2 Saviour, I thank thee for thy grace, The gift unspeakable ; And wait, with arms of faith tf embrace, And all thy love to feel. 3 My soul breaks out in strong desire The perfect bliss to prove ; My longing heart is all on fire To be dissolved in love. 4 Give me thyself: from every boast — From every wish set free ; Let all I am in thee be lost, But give thyself to me. 5 Thy gifts, alas! cannot suffice, Unless thyself be given ; Thy presence makes my paradise, And where thou art is heaven. VO\j dential Prayer. CM. Mr God, I know. I ! ine, And will not quit my claim Till ail It in thine, And all r ' am. J* 456 CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. 2 I hold thee with a trembling hand, And will not let thee go Till steadfastly by faith I stand, And all thy goodness know. 3 Jesus, thine all-victorious love Shed in my heart abroad: Then shall my feet no longer rove, Rooted and fixed in God. 4 0, that in me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow ! Burn up the dross of base desire, And make the mountain flow. 5 0, that it now from heaven might fall, And all my sins consume ! Come, Holy Ghost, for thee I call, Spirit of burning, come. 6 Refining fire go through my heart, Illuminate my soul ; Scatter thy life through every part, And sanctify the whole. 1690 The Shepherd of Israel. M. 8 lines 8s. Thou Shepherd of Israel and mine, The joy and desire of my heart, For closer communion I pine, I long to reside where thou art. The pasture I languish to find, Where all who their Shepherd obey, Are fed, on thy bosom reclin'd, And screened from the heat of the day. 2 Oh ! show me that happiest place, That place of thy people's abode, Where saints in an extasy gaze, And hang on a merciful God. 'Tis there with the lambs of thy flock, There only I covet to rest ; To lie at the foot of the rock, Or rise to be hid in thy breast. CHRISTIAN' UNION. 457 "Si wl The Bowl of Perfection. The sacred bond of perfeotness Is spotless charity; 0 let us, Lord, we pray, possess The mind that was in thee. 2 Grant this, and then from all below Insensibly remove : Our souls the change shall scarcely know. Made perfect first in love. 3 With ease our souls through death shall gli Into their paradise ; And thence on wings of angels ride Triumphant through the skies. 4 Yet then the fullest joy is given, The same delight we prove ; In earth, in paradise, in heaven, Our all in all is love. CM. de i 1692 CHRISTIAN UNION. Beauty of Christian Love. C. M. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, When those who love the Lord In one another's peace delight, And thus fulfil his word. 2 When each can feel his brother's sigh, And with him bear a part ; When sorrow flows from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart ; — 3 When free from en tod pride, Our wishes ;ill above, Each can his brother* i failings hide, And show a brother's 1<>\ e 1M JH '458 CHRISTIAN L'NIOX. ~ &a 4 When love, in one delightful stream, Through every bosom flows ; And union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action glows. 5 Love is the golden chain, that binds The happy souls above ; And he's an heir of heaven that finds His bosom glow with love. V Christian Love. S. M. Let party names no more The Christian world o'erspread, Gentile and Jew, and bond and free Are one in Christ, their head. Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crown'd. Let envy and ill will Be banished far away ; Those should in strictest friendship dwell, Who the same Lord obey. Thus will the church below Resemble that above, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And every heart is love. lm Safety in Union. C. M. Jesus, great Shepherd of thy sheep. To thee for help we fly ; Thy little flock in safety keep, For 0 ! the wolf is nigh. 2 He comes, of hellish malice full. To scatter, tear, and slay ; He seizes every wandering soul As his own lawful prey. !lL zsr CHRISTIAN UNION. 459' 3 Yet. Lord, we scorn his cruel power, While by our Shepherd's side; The sheep he never cod devour, tJnlesa he iirst divide. 4 0, do not suffer him to part The souls that here agree; But make us of one mind and heart, And keep us one in thee. 5 Together let us sweetly live, Together let us die ; And each a starry crown receive, And reign above the sky. 695 Church Union.— Col. 2: 2. C. M. Our souls by love together knit, Cemented, mix'd in one; One hope, one heart, one mind, one voice, 'Tis heav'n on earth begun ! 2 Our hearts have often burned within, And glowed with sacred fire, While Jesus spoke, and fed and bless'd, And fill'd th' enlarged desire. 3 The little cloud increases still, The heav'ns are big with rain; We haste to catch the teeming show'r, And all its moisture drain. 4 A rill, a stream, a torrent flo? But pour a mighty flood : 0 sweep the nations, shake the earth, Till all proclaimtthee God. 5 And when thoq mak'st thy jewels up, And set's! thy starry crown ; When all thy sparkling eema shall shine. Proclaim M by thee thine own. B1 460 CHRISTIAN UNION. 6 May we, a little band of love, We sinners, sav'd by grace ; From glory unto glory chang'd, Behold thee face to face ! Christian Fellowship. S. M. >lest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love ! The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent pray'rs ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims, are one — Our comforts and our cares. We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. From sin, and toil, and pain, Soon shall our souls be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. 697 Union and Peace. S. M. Blest are the sons of peace, Whose hearts and hopes are one ; Whose kind designs to serve and please Through all their actions run. Blest is the pious house Where zeal and friendship meet ; Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet. Thus, when on Aaron's head They pour'd the rich perfume, The oil through all his raiment spread, And fragrance filPd the room. CHRISTIAN UNION. 461 Thus, on the heav'nly hills, The saints are blest above; Where joy like morning dew distils, And all the air is love. "I 698 Tlo 1 Th Love to the Saints. S. M. love the sons of grace, The heirs of bliss divine, Who walk in paths of righteousness, And fly from every sin. 2 They Jesus' image bear ; How lovely is the sight ! They shall at length with him appear In everlasting light. 3 They love the Father's name, And gladly do his will ; They humbly follow Christ, the Lamb, In purity and zeal. 4 Their footsteps I'll pursue With vigor till I die, Rejoicing in the pleasing view Of meeting them on high, 5 It is a sweet employ To join in worship here ; But how divine will be the joy To see each other there! Christian Union. P.M. 7,7,7,5. [igher, higher, higher raise Notes of anion — notes of praise, All together, all our days. Days of greatest length. One in doctrine, heart, and mind. Let our int'r :ubined — Preaching prore t«> all mankind — Unity ia Btrength. 1 M H' J 4(52 CHRISTIAN UNION. I 3 Bound in love by righteous laws — Bound by Jesus' sacred cause, By the banner of his cross — Bound in unity. 4 One our pray'rs as incense rise — One in offering sacrifice — One in contest for the prize, Faith and victory. 5 Union makes a happy home, Plans and fills the honey-comb ; Union for the time to come — Fill our heart and soul. 6 As the Father, and the Son, And the Spirit, three in one; So let saints their union own, In perfect harmony. ■ vU Love, the Test of DisciplesMp. CM. Our God is love ; and all his saints, His image bear below : The heart with love to God inspired, With love to man will glow. 2 None who are truly born of God Can live at enmity ; Then may we love each other, Lord, As we are loved by thee. 3 Heirs of the same immortal bliss, Our hopes and fears the same, With bonds of love our hearts unite, With mutual love inflame. 4 So may the unbelieving world See how true christians love ; And glorify our Saviour's grace, And seek that grace to prove. CHRISTIAN I NIOX. 701 Saints Many, yet One. M. 7 s double. Christ, from whom nil blessings flow, Perfecting the saints below, Hoar us, who thy nature share, — Who thy mystic body are. •loin us. in one spirit join ; Let us still receive of thine: Still for more on thee we call, Thou who fillest all in all. 2 Move, and actuate, and guide: Divers gifts to each divide : Placed according to thy will, Let us all our work fulfil : Never from our office move ; Needful to each other prove : Let us daily growth receive, — More and more in Jesus live. ?j Sweetly may we all agree, Touched with softest sympathy ; Kindly for each other care ; Every member feel its share. Many are we now and one, We who Jesus have put on: Names, and sects, and parties fall : Thou, 0 Christ, art all in all. 702 The Magnet of Christ's Love. (\ M. k JMtJg, united by thv gnu And each to each endearM, "With confidence we seek thy face, And know our prayer is heard. 2 Still let us own our eommoo Lord, And bear thine easy yoke, — A band of love, i three-fold cord, Which never can be broke. 464 PRAYER AND WATCHING. 3 Make us into one spirit drink, Conform us to thy name ; And let us always kindly think, And sweetly speak the same. 4 Touched by the loadstone of thy love, Let all our hearts agree ; And ever t'wards each other move, And ever move t'wards thee. 5 To thee, inseparably join'd, Let all our spirits cleave ; 0 may we all the loving mind That was in thee receive ! PEAYEK AND WATCHING. 703 P What is Prayer? C. M. rayrr is the soul's sincere desire, Unutter'd or expressed ; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, — When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; — Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the christian's vital breath, The christian's native air ; His watchword at the gates of death, He enters heaven with prayer. O PRAYER AND WATCHING. Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Returning from his ways; While angels, in their songs, rejoice, And cry, — " Behold, he prays !" 0 thou, by whom we come to God, The life, the truth, the way. The path of pray'r thyself hast trod, "Lord, teach us how to pray." 704 Tray without Ceasing. Pray'r was appointed to convey The blessings God designs to give: Long as they live should christians pray, For only while they pray they live. 2 The christian's heart his pray'r indites, He speaks as prompted from within ; The Spirit his petition writes, And Christ receives and gives it in. 3 And shall we in dead silence lie, When Christ stands waiting for our pray My soul, thou hast a Friend on high; Arise and try thy int'rest there. 4 If pains afflict, or wrongs oppress, If cares distract, or fears dismay, If guilt deject, or sins distress, In every case still watch and pray. 5 Depend on Christ, thou canst not fail: Make all thy wants and wishes known; Fear not — his merits must prevail! Ask but in faith, it shall be done. L.M. 705 The Htrcy-Scat. L. M. From every stormy wind that blows — From every swelling tide of w There is a eaun, a sure retreat — 'Tie found beneath the mercy-seat. ® 466 PRAYER AND WATCHING. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; A place, than all besides more sweet — It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. 3 There is a scene where spirits blend, — Where friend holds fellowship with friend : Though sundered far, by faith they meet, Around one common mercy-seat. 4 Ah ! whither could we flee for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismayed ? Or how the hosts of hell defeat, Had sufFring saints no mercy-seat? 5 There, there on eagle-wings we soar, And sin, and sense seem all no more ; And heav'n comes down our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy-seat. 6 0 ! let my hand forget her skill, My tongue be silent, cold and still ; This bounding heart forget to beat, If I forget the mercy-seat ! 706 Prayer and Watchfulness. CM. Alas, what hourly dangers rise ! What snares beset my way ! To heav'n 0 let me lift my eyes, And hourly watch and pray. 2 0 gracious God, in whom I live, My feeble efforts aid ! Help me to watch, and pray and strive, Though trembling and afraid. 3 Increase my faith, increase my hope When foes and fears prevail ; And bear my fainting spirit up, Or soon my strength shall fail. £L PBAYBR AND WATCHING. 467 4 In every joy that crowns my days, In every ]>ain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in prayer. 5 0 keep me in thy heavenly way, And bid the tempter flee ; And let me never, never stray From happiness and thee. 707 Sweet Prayer. M. lis. When torn is the bosom by sorrow or care, Be it ever so simple, there's nothing like prayer, It comforts, it softens, subdues, yet sustains, Bids hope rise exulting, and passion restrains; Prayer, prayer, 0, siceet prayer 1 Be it ever so simple, (here's nothing like prayer. 2 When far from the friends that are dearest we part, What fond recollections still cling to the heart; Past scenes and enjoyments live painfully there ; And restless we languish, till peace comes in prayer; IV'/ycr, prayer, &c. 3 When earthly delusions would lead us astray In folly's gay mazes, or sin's treacherous way. How strong tin' enchantment. he m fatal the snare! But, looking to Jesus, we conquer by prayer ; firayer. prayer, 4 While strangers to prayer, we are strangers to bliss, The world has no refuge, no solace like this; And till we the seraphs full ecstacy share, Our chalice of joy must be guarded by prayer ; Prayer, prayi r, i JH 468 PRIVATE DEVOTION. 708 Prayer Divinely Inspired. C. M. Prayer is the breath of God in man, Returning whence it came ; Love is the sacred fire within, And prayer the rising flame. 2 It gives the burdened spirit ease, And soothes the troubled breast, Yields comfort to the mourner here, And to the weary rest. 3 When God inclines the heart to pray, He hath an ear to hear ; To him there's music in a groan, And beauty in a tear. 4 The humble suppliant cannot fail To have his wants supplied, Since he for sinners intercedes Who once for sinners died. PRIVATE DEVOTION. 709 Secret Prayer.— Mark 1 : 35. C. M. My lovely Jesus, while on earth, Arose before 'twas day, And to a solitary place Departed, there to pray. 2 I'll do as did my blessed Lord — His footsteps I will trace ; I love to meet him in the grove, And view his smiling face. 3 Early I'll rise, and sing and pray, While I the light enjoy ; May this blest work from day to day My heart and tongue employ. 71 Prayer at Twilight. C. M. I love to steal awhile away, From every cumbering care;' And spend the hours of setting day, In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love, in solitude, to shed The penitential tear ; And all his promises to plead. When none but God is near. » 3 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore ; My cares and sorrows all to cast, On him whom I adore. 4 Lord ! when life's toilsome day is o'er. May its departing ray Be calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless day. i 1 " Enter into thy Closet." M. 7 s A Go when the morning shineth, Go when the noon is bright, Go when the eve declineth, Go in the hush of night; Go with pure mind and feeling, Fling earthly thought away. And, in thy closet kneeling. Do thou in secret pray. Remember all who love thee, All who are loved by thee ; Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If any such there be ; Then for thyself, in meekness, A blessing humbly claim, And Mend with each petition Thy great Redeemer's name. :\ 470 PRIVATE DEVOTION. 1 1/W Prayer the Balm of Sorrow. M. 7s & 6s. Owhen the tear is gushing Fr/rni sorrow's faded eye, When gathering storms are rushing Across the gloomy sky, When the full heart is breaking, And hope is far away, How sweet, the world forsaking, Alone with God, to pray ! 2 The mourner, lowly bending, Flies to the Saviour's feet, And healing balm, descending From Mercy's holy seat, The joy, that earth gives never, Sheds o'er the troubled breast; And peace that lasts forever, Lulls every care to rest. 3 0, weary child of sadness, Pilgrim, bereft and lone, Behold the fount of gladness, Springing from heaven's throne ; Each want and sin confessing, On Christ thy burden lay, And learn how rich the blessing, Alone with God, to pray ! 713 L Communion with God. L. M. From all the world, and care set free, I love to turn aside awhile ; I love to dwell, my God, with thee, And leave behind whate'er is vile. 2 I love to ponder on thy word, And think on thy majestic ways ; How Mercy holds th' impending sword, And speechless matter utters praise. PRIVATE DEVOTION. 471 ' 3 I love to pray, and praying, praise, And study "\t thy wondrous plan ; In gilenee 1 my song would raise, And so exalt the great God-Man. 4 I fain would celebrate thy love, With heart and soul, and all my pow'r ; Send but thy Spirit from above, And bless the musings of this hour. 5 Thy presence gives a peace serene, Thy smile a lasting joy attends; Thy Spirit brightens every scene, And joy with joy uniting blends. 714 0 Nearness to God. CM. could I find, from day to day, A nearness to my Lord ! Then should my hours glide sweet away, While leaning on his word. 2 Lord, I desire with thee to live Anew from day to day — In joys the world can never give, And never take away. 3 0, Jesus, come and rule my heart, And make me wholly thine, That I may never more depart, Ndr grieve thy love divine. 4 Thus, till my last expiring breath, Thy g Inese I'll adore; And when my flesh dissolves in death, My soul shall love thee more. 715 Hon. 0. M. While thee I Beek, protecting Pow'r, 11-' my vain v\ Lshes still'd ; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be lill'd. 472 FAMILY WORSHIP. 2 Thy love the power of thought bestow'd ; To thee my thoughts would soar : Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd; That mercy I adore. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ; Each blessing to my soul most dear, Because conferred by thee. 4 In every joy that crowns my days, In every pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in pray'r. FAMILY WOESHIP. MORNING HYMNS. 716 Morning Hymn. CM. Lord, in the morning I will send My prayer to reach thine ear ; Thou art my Father and my Friend, My help, forever near. 2 0 lead me, keep me all this day Near thee, in perfect peace ; Help me to watch — to watch and pray, To pray and never cease. 3 I know my roving feet will err, Unless thou be my guide ; — Warn me of every foe and snare, And keep we near thy side. 4 Thus, while my moments smoothly run, I'll sing my hours away, Till evening shade and setting sun Conclude in endless day. FAMILY WORSHIP. 473 °* 717 Morning Tribute of Praise. S. M. Skk how the morning sun Pursues his shining way; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise. With every brightening ray. Thus would my rising soul Its heavenly Parent sing, And to its great Original The humble tribute bring. Serene I laid me down, Beneath his guardian care ; I slept — and I awoke, and found My kind Preserver near. My life I would anew Devote, 0 Lord, to thee ; And in thy service I would spend A long eternity. 718 Morning Hymn. M. Vow the shades of night are gone, li Now the morning light is come : Lord, we would be thine to-day, Drive the shades of sin away. 2 Make our souls as noon-day clear, Banish every doubt and fear ; In thy vineyard, Lord, to-day, "We would labor, watch and pray. 3 Keep our haughty passion* bound, Save us from our foes around; doing Out and coming in. Keep as safe from every >in. 4 When our work of Life is past, 0, receive us then at \w<\ I Night of sin will he no more, When we reach the beaVnly shore. 720 721 When we, with welcome slumber pressed \ Had clos'd our weary eyes, A pow'r unseen secured our rest, And made us joyful rise. Numbers this night have doubtless met Their long eternal doom, And lost the joys of morning light In death's tremendous gloom. But life to us its light prolongs — Let warmest thanks arise ; Great God, accept our morning songs, Our willing sacrifice. I A Morning Song. C. M. \ God of my life ! my morning song To thee I cheerful raise: Thy acts of love His good to sing, And pleasant His to praise. 2 Preserved by thine almighty care I passed the shades of night, Serene, and safe from every harm, To see the morning light. 3 0, let the same almighty care Through all this day attend ; From every danger, every snare, My heedless steps defend. 4 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days ; And let thy goodness fill my soul With gratitude and praise. A Morning Hymn. C. M. Once more, my soul, the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes ; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To him who rules the skies. FAMILY WORSHIP. 477* 2 How many souls from earth have fled Since tho last sotting sun ! And yet God lengthens out my thread, And yet my moments run. 3 Great God, let all my hours be thine, While I enjoy the light ; Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a peaceful night. 722 Morning Hymn. C. M. Through all the dangers of the night Preserved, 0 Lord, by thee, Again we hail the cheerful light, Again we bow the knee. 2 Preserve us, Lord, throughout the day, And guide us by thine arm ; For they are safe, and only they, Whom thou preserv'st from harm. 3 Let all our words and all our ways Declare that we are thine; That so the light of truth and grace Before the world may shine. 4 Let us ne'er turn away from thee ; Blest Saviour, hold us fast, Till, with immortal eyes, we see Thy glorious face at last. 723 Morning Hymn. L. M. God of the morning, at thy voice The cheerful sun makes haste to rise, And, like a giant, doth rejoice To run his journey through the skies. 2 0, like the sun, may I fulfil Th' appointed duties of the day; With ready mind and active will March on, and keep my heav'nly way. 3 Give me thy counsels for my guide, And then receive me to thy bliss ; All my desires and hopes beside Are faint and cold, compared with this. 724 725 Morning Thanks. C. M. Again, from calm and sweet repose, I rise to hail the dawn ; Again my waking eyes unclose, ■ To view the smiling morn. 2 Great God of love, thy praise I'll sing ; For thou hast safely kept My soul beneath thy guardian wing, And watched me while I slept. 3 Glory to thee, eternal God ; 0 teach my heart to pray, And thy blest Spirit's help afford, ' To guide me through the day. 726 Morning TJianks. M. Thou who dost my life prolong ! Kindly aid my morning song ; Thankful, from my couch I rise, Praising God who rules the skies. Thou hast kept me through the night, - ;Twas thy hand restored the light ; Lord ! thy mercies still are new, Plenteous, as the morning dew. Gently, with the dawning ray, On my soul thy beams display ; Sweeter than the smiling mOrn, Let thy cheering light return. Morning Hymn. C. M. Arise, my soul, and praise the Lord, For all his rich supplies ; His goodness has again restored My dormant faculties. FAMILY WORSHIP. 477 2 Raised from the slumbers of the night, In -which I helpless lay: Lord, I adore thee for the light Of this returning day. 3 I bless thee for thy gracious euro, Vouchsaf'd to me and mine ; 0 may we still thy goodness share, And be forever thine. 727 Morning Hymn. C. M. Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my pray'r, To thee lift up mine eye: — 2 Up to the hills where Christ has gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 0 may thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness ; Make every path of duty straight, And plain before my face. EVENING HYMNS, i /wO a,, Evening Hymn, L. M. Glory to thee, my God, this night, For all tho blessings of the tight J Keep me, 0 keep me, King of kings, Beneath the shadow of thy wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ills that I this day have done; Thai with the world, myself and thee, I, ere 1 sleep, at peace nn. ®478 FAMILY WORSHIP. 3 0 let my soul on thee repose, And may sweet sleep my eye-lids close ; Sleep that shall me more vigorous make, To serve my God when I awake. 4 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the judgment day. 729 730 On Going to Best. S. M. The day is past and gone, The evening shades appear ; 0 may we all remember well The night of death draws near. We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest : So death will soon disrobe us all Of what we are possessed. Lord, keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears, Beneath the shadow of thy wings, Till morning light appears. And if we early rise, And view th' unwearied sun, May we set out to win the prize, And after glory run. , And when our days are past, And we from time remove, 0 may we in thy bosom rest, The bosom of thy love. W Evening: Numberless Mercies. C. M. [ow from the altar of our hearts, Let warmest thanks arise ; Assist us, Lord, to offer up Our evening sacrifice. FAMILY WORSHIP. 479 2 This day God was our sun and shield, Our keeper and our guide ; His care was on our weakness shown,— His mercies multiplied. 3 Minutes and mercies multiplied, Have made up all this day; Minutes came quick, but mercies were More swift and free than they. 4 Xew time, new favors, and new joys, Do a new song require : Till we shall praise thee as we would, Accept our hearts' desire. 731 G1 Evening: Gratitude and Trust. C. M. re at God, to thee my evening song With gratitude I raise ; 0 let thy mercy tune my tongue, And nil my heart with praise. 2 My days, unclouded as they pass, And every fleeting hour, Are monuments of wondrous grace, — Of mercy, love, and pow'r. 3 Thy love and power, celestial guard, Preserve m<' from all harm : Can dancer reach me while the Lord Extends hie mighty arm? 4 Let this blest hope mine eyelids close; With sleep refresh my name; Safe in thy can' may 1 n | And wake to praise thy name. iOZ If./nni. CM. Iv Jesus' name f thee, Thou God of holim . Look down, ami see thy throne of grace. M 480 FAMILY WORSHIP 2 We thank thee, Lord, for every good Conferred on us and ours : For house, apparel, health and food, For all thy bounty pours. 3 0, take us in thy arms, and keep Us through the silent night ; Give us refreshment in our sleep, And fit us for the light. Evening Hymn. C. M. Lord, another day is flown, And we, a lonely band, Are met once more before thy throne, To bless thy fost'ring hand. 2 Preserved by thee, another day, Another song we raise ; For Jesus' sake, accept, we pray, Our gratitude and praise. 3 Now take us underneath thy wing — Our God our guardian be ; That in the morning we may sing Another hymn to thee. o 734 Evening Devotion. C. M. Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray ; I am forever thine : I fear before thee all the day, Nor would I dare to sin. 2 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and labor free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed With my own heart and thee. 3 Thus with my thoughts composed to peace, I'll give mine eyes to sleep ; Thy hand in safety keeps my days, xVnd will my slumbers keep. "^ *1SI FAMILY WOBSHEP. 481 ! tOu ui pi at ion. A. 7s. | Sokti.v, now. the Light of day Fades upon my Bight away; Free from care, from labor free, Lord, I would commune with thee. 2 Soon for me, the light of day Shall forever pass away : Then, from sin and sorrow free, Take me. Lord, to dwell with thee. Evening Ih/mn. M. 7: "YTow from labor and from care ii Evening shades have set me free ; In the work of praise and prayer, Lord, I would converse with thee : 0, behold me from above, Fill me with a Saviour's love. 2 For the blessings of this day, For the mercies of this hour, For the gospel's cheering ray, For the Spirit's quick'ning pow'r ; Grateful notes to thee I raise, — 0, accept my song of praise. 736 737 Morning or Evening Son*/. L. M. MY God, how endless is thy love ! Thy gifts are every evening new ; And morning mercies from ah Gently distil like early dew. 2 Thou spread'st the curtains of the night. Great Guardian of my sleeping hour-! Thy sovereign word restores the light, And qniekeni all my drowsy powers. 3 I yield my powers to thy eommand; To thee 1 c etna] blessings from thy hand, Demand perpetual Bongi of praise. io 31 FAMILY WORSHIP. D" An Evening Song. C. M. | ear Saviour, let my evening song Like holy incense rise: Assist the offerings of my tongue To reach the lofty skies. 2 Perpetual blessings from above Encompass me around; But 0, how few returns of love Hath my Creator found ! 3 Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood, I lay me down to rest, As in th' embraces of my God, Or on my Saviour's breast. •Oc Saturday Night. Jegoxe, my worldly cares, away, Nor dare to tempt my sight ; Let me begin th; ensuing day, Before I end this night. 2 Let the past mercies of the week Excite a grateful frame ; Nor let my tongue refuse to speak Some good of Jesus' name. 3 On wings of expectation borne, My hopes to heaven ascend ; I long to welcome in the morn, With thee the day to spend. B' C. M. 740 PRAYER MEETING. A Blessing Invoiced. Teach us, 0 Lord, aright to plead For mercies from above ; 0, come and bless our souls indeed, "With light and joy and love. ^ CM. 741 PBAYER MEETING. 483® 2 Help us on thee to east our cafe, And on thy word to rest : That Israel's (iod who heareth pray'r Will grant us our request. 742 Opening of a Prayer-Meeting C. M. We're met, 0 Lord, before thy throne To worship and adore — And now to thee we raise our hearts, Thy mercy to implore. 2 Mercy and grace is what we want To fit us for the skies ; And grace we need whene'er we bring Our humble sacrifice. 3 AVithout it,Lord, we cannot sing; Nor know we how to pray. Except by it we're truly taught Both how, and what to say. 4 Then bow thine ear, and hear our pray'r, Thy grace on us bestow; So we will love and serve thee more, "While pilgrims here below. T> (ii-h us to Pray, L. M. Tr. \rir as, 0 Lord, to sing and pray. Whilst in these tenements of clay : And never be asham'd of thee. Who bled and died on Calvary. 2 And when t<> ulorv we attain, We'll shout aloud the Saviour's name, Who bought our souls with precious blood, And mad*1 us kings and priests to God. l4t) 7v„> Hhssi,,,! Claimed. CM. S Jesus, thy disciples - The promised blessing gii e ; M«'i in thy Dame, we look to kl Expecting to receive* 484 PRAYER MEETING. 2 Thee we expect, our faithful Lord, Who in thy name are joined; We wait according to thy word, Thee in our midst to find. 3 With us thou art assembled here, But, 0 thyself reveal ; Son of the living God, appear, — Let us thy presence feel. 4 Breathe on us, Lord, in this our day; Help all to thee to live ; Speak peace into our hearts, and say, "The Holy Ghost receive/' 744 Invocation. C. M. Come, 0 thou King of all thy saints, Our humble tribute own, While with our praises and complaints We bow before thy throne. 2 How should our songs, like those above, With warm devotion rise ! How should our souls on wings of love J Mount upwards to the skies ! 3 Dear Saviour, let thy glory shine And fill thy dwellings here; Till life, and love, and joy divine, A heaven on. earth appear. 4 Then shall our hearts, enraptured, say, Come, great Redeemer, come, And bring the bright, the glorious day That calls thy children home. 745 Tower of Prayer. L. M. What various hindrances we meet In coming to a mercy-seat; Yet who that knows the worth of pray'r, But wishes to be often there. w PRAYEB MEETING. 485 2 Pray'r makes the darkened cloud withdraw; Pray'r climbs the laddef Jacob saw; Gives exercise to faith and love — Brings every blessing from above. 3 Restraining pray'r. we cease to fight; Pray'r makes the christian's armor bright; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 4 Were half the breath that's vainly spent, To heav'n in supplication sent, Our cheerful song would oft'ner be, " Hear what the Lord has done for me." 746 3- Import unit ij in Prayer. S. M. The Lord, who truly knows The heart of every saint : Invites us by his holy word, To pray and never faint. 2 He bows his gracious ear ! "We never plead in vain ; Yet we must wait till he appear, And pray and pray again. 3 Though unbelief suggest, Whj should we longer wait? He bids us never give him rest, But be importunate. 4 'Twas thus a widow poor, Without support or friend. Beset the unjust judge's door, And gained at last her end. 5 And shall not Jesus hear His chosen, when thejr fry? though he may a while forbear, He'll not their suit deny. 10* '486 PRAYER MEETING. 6 Then let us earnest be, And never faint in pray'r ; He loves our importunity, And makes our cause his care. 747 Come Let us Pray. C.H.M.8,6,8,6,8,8. Come, let us pray: — 'tis sweet to feel That God himself is near; That while we at his footstool kneel, His mercy deigns to hear; Though sorrows crowd life's dreary way, This is our solace — let us pray. 2 Come, let us pray: — the burning brow, The heart opprest with care, And all the woes that throng us now, Will be relieved by pray'r : Jesus will smile our griefs away; 0 glorious thought ! — come, let us pray. 3 Come, let us pray: — the sin-sick soul Her weight of guilt must feel ; But hark ! the glorious tidings roll, Whilst here we humbly kneel : Jesus will wash that guilt away, And pardon grant ; — then let us pray. 4 Come, let us pray : — the mercy-seat Invites the fervent pray'r ; And Jesus ready stands to greet The contrite spirit there : 0 loiter not, nor longer stay From him who loves us ; — let us pray ! 748 So Fulfil the Law of Christ. C. M Try us, 0 God, and search the ground Of every sinful heart: Whate'er of sin in us is found, 0 bid it all depart. 2 If to the right or left we stray, Leave us not comfortless ; But guide our feet into the way Of everlasting peace. 3 Help us to help each other, Lord, Each other's cross to bear; Let each his friendly aid afford, And feel his brother's care. 4 Help us to bear each other up ; Our little stock improve ; Increase our faith, confirm our hope, And perfect us in love. 5 Up into thee, our living Head, Let us in all things grow: Till thou hast made us free indeed, And spotless here below. G Then, when the mighty work is wrought, Receive thy ready bride : Give us in heaven a happy lot With all the sanctified. 749 Short and Fervent Prayer the Best. C. M. Lord in thy courts we now appear, And bow before thy throne ; Before our lips begin to move. Our wants to thee are known. 2 Thou know'st the language of the heart. The meaning of a sigh ; Dear Father, hear our humble pray'r, And bring thy blr-ings nigh. 3 Few be our words; and short our prav'rs, While we together meet ; Short dutiefl kc«']> tii* attention up And make devotion sweet. & - 488 PRAYER MEETING. 750 751 Prayer for Wisdom. C. M. Almighty God, in humble prayer, To thee our souls we lift; Do thou our waiting minds prepare For thy most needful gift. 2 "We ask not golden streams of wealth Along our path to flow ; We ask not undecaying health, Nor length of years below ; — 3 We ask not honors, which an hour May bring and take away ; We ask not pleasure, pomp and pow'r, Lest we should go astray. 4 We ask for wisdom — Lord, impart The knowledge how to live ; A wise and understanding heart, To us, thy servants, give. w The Gracious Promise. L. M. rHERE two or three, with sweet accord, Obedient to their sovereign Lord, Meet to recount his acts of grace, And offer solemn prayer and praise. 2 " There/' says the Saviour, "will I be, Amid this little company ; To them unvail my smiling face, And shed my glories 'round the place." 3 We meet at thy command, dear Lord, Relying on thy faithful word : Now send thy Spirit from above, Now fill our hearts with heav'nly love. I uAi Sincerity in Prayer. . S. M. Lord, teach us how to pray, And give us hearts to ask ; Or all we think, or do, or say, Will be a tiresome task. - PRAYER mki:ti.\<;. 489 The Holy Spirit send. Our bosoms to inspire; Then shall our praise to thee ascend With pure and warm desive. 3 Jesus, our great High-Priest, Present our pray'rs above; And spread abroad o'er all thou seest, The mantle of thy love. 4 Teach us to find our bliss In earnest, fervent prayer ; For where we pray our Saviour is. And bliss is only there. too Humble Petition. C. M. Fatiier, behold with gracious eyes, The souls before thy throne, Who now present their sacrifice, And seek thee in thy Son. 2 Well pleas'd in him thyself declare, Thy pard'ning love reveal, The peaceful answer of our pray'r, To every conscience Beal. 3 Refresh us with a ceaseless show'r Of graces from above, Till all receive the perfect pow'r Of everlasting love 754 I will riot let Thee go. 0. M. As Jacob did in days of old, So will my soul do now: Wrestle, and on my Jesna bold, \ r will I let Urn go/' 2 I come enoourag'd by thy word. Thai mercy men wilt si or thoa dVb Lord, " I will dot let tl Lr«»." SL J 3 I come to ask forgiveness free, Tho' I have been thy foe ; Except thou grant it, Lord, to me, " I will not let thee go." 4 I come to ask for all thy love, And all thou canst bestow ; Except these blessings, Lord, I prove, "I will not let thee go." I OU Encouragement to Prayer. M. Come, my soul, thy suit prepare ; Jesus loves to answer pray'r ; He himself has bid thee pray, — Therefore will not say thee nay. 2 Thou art coming to a King ; Large petitions with thee bring ; For his grace and pow'r are such, None can ever ask too much. 3 While I am a pilgrim here, Let thy love my spirit cheer ; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. 4 Show me what I have to do, Every hour my strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith, Let me die thy people's death. 756 A Blessing Invoked. M. 7s. Lord, we come before thee now; At thy feet we humbly bow ; 0 do not our suit disdain ! Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain? Lord, on thee our souls depend ; In compassion now descend ; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 757 PRAYER MEETING. 491 3 In thine own appointed way Now we seek thee, here We stay; Lord, we know not how to go Till a blessing thou bestow. 4 Grant that all may seek and find Thee a God supremely kind ; Heal the sick, the captive free ; May we all rejoice in thee. My God icill Hear me.— Mia. 7: 7. 0. M. To thee, 0 Lord, my heav'nly King, Now will my soul draw near ; Thankful of this sweet truth to sing, That thou, my God, wilt hear. 2 Though I am poor, and needy too, And scarce know what to say ; And though my words are faint and few, My God will hear me pray. 3 Through Christ I come, and mercy claim, Who lives to intercede ; For in his dear and holy name My God will hear me plead. 4 Hear me thou wilt, tho' doubts and fears My soul should much cast down : And tho' o'erwhelm'd with sighs and tears My God will hear me groan. 5 Then whilst my life and breath remain I'll humbly persevere ; And when to glory I attain. I'll praise my Saviour there. 758 on ike Throne of Grace. S. M. Behold the throne of grace 1 The promise calls me near : TImm iwa a smiling fac And wai: • prav'r. J492 PRAYER MEETING. ■~"~~g> That rich atoning blood, "Which sprinkled 'round I see, Provides for those who come to God An all-prevailing plea. Thine image, Lord, bestow, Thy presence and thy love ; I ask to serve thee here below, And reign with thee above. Teach me to live by faith, Conform my will to thine ; Let me victorious be in death, And then in glory shine. 759 TJirone of Grace. CM. OLord, to us, assembled here, Reveal thy smiling face ; While we, by faith, with love and fear, Approach a throne of grace. 2 Thy house is calFd a house of pray'r, A solemn, sacred place ; 0 let us now thy presence share, While at the throne of grace. 3 With holy boldness may we come, Though of a sinful race ; Thankful to find there yet is room Before the throne of grace. 4 Thy tender pity and thy love Our every fear can chase ; And all our help, we then shall prove, Comes from the throne of grace. 5 We bless thee for thy word and laws ; We bless thee for thy peace ; And 0, we bless thee, Lord, because There is a throne of grace. PRAYER MEETING. 760 A Throne of Grace. C. M. A throne of grace ! then let us go And offer up our pray'r ; A gracious God will mercy show To all that worship there. 2 A throne of grace ! 0, at that throne Our knees have often bent, And God has often showerM down, His blessing as we went. 3 A throne of grace ! rejoice, ye saints ; That throne is open still ; To God unbosom your complaints, And then inquire his will. 4 A throne of grace we yet shall need Long as we draw our breath, A Saviour, too, to intercede, Till we are changed by death. 5 The throne of glory then shall glow With beams from Jesus' face, And we no longer want shall know, Xor need a throne of grace. 761 i© Prayer for Resignation. C. M. Father, whatever of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted at thy throne of grace Let this petition rise. 2 "Give me a calm, a thankful heart, From every murmur free; The blessings of thy grace impart, And let me live to thee. 3 Let the sweet hope that I am thine My life and death attend ; Thy presence through my journey shine, And crown mv journey's end. H> The Lord's Prayer. Our Father who in heaven art, All hallow'd be thy name, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, In heaven and earth the same. 2 Give us this day our daily bread, And every debt forgive, Even as we shall pardon grant Our debtors while we live. 3 Into temptation lead us not, From evil set us free ; For thine' s the kingdom, glory, pow'r: Amen ! so let it be. The Light of God's Countenance. C. M. 763 Internal, Sun of righteousness, JlJ Display thy beams divine, And cause the glory of thy face On all our hearts to shine". 2 Light in thy light, 0, may we see; Thy grace and mercy prove, Revived, and cheered, and blessed by thee, The God of pardoning love. • Utc Opening a Prayer Meeting. CM. We've met, dear friends, in Jesus' name; Come, let us now rejoice, While we our Saviour's name proclaim, With cheerful heart and voice. 2 But 0, dear Jesus, Lamb of God, Send down the heav'nly Dove, His graces to diffuse around, And warm our hearts with love. ar prayer UEsnma. 495 3 Then, 0 dear Jesus, condescend To meet u^ with B smile; Thy Spirit's quick'ning influence send, And purge our hearts from guile : — 4 That when we part each one may say, We met not here in vain ; For we have tasted heav'n to-day, Nor could we more contain. 765 Close of a Prayer Meeting. M. If 'tis sweet to mingle where Christians meet for social prayer ; If 'tis sweet with them to raise Songs of holy joy and praise — Passing sweet that state must be, "Where they meet eternally. 2 Saviour, may these meetings prove Antepasts to that above ; While we worship in this place, May we grow from grace to grace, Till we each in his degree, Fit for endless glory be. 766 The Lord's Prayer. S. M. Our heavenly Father, hear The prayer we offer now: Thy aame be hallowed far and near: To thee all nations bow. Thy kingdom oome; thy will On earth be done in 1<>y<\ A - saints and Beraphim fulfil Thy perfect law abOYO. Our daily bread supply, Whil«' by thy word we Live; The Lruilt of our Iniquity give* p496 MORNING PRAYER MEETING. From dark temptation's pow'r, From Satan's wiles defend; Deliver in the evil hour, And guide us to the end. Thine shall forever be Glory and power divine ; The sceptre, throne and majesty Of heaven and earth are thine. 767 Humble and Fervent Prayer. L. M. Beloved Saviour, faithful Friend, The joy of all thy cross train ; In mercy to our aid descend, Or else we worship thee in vain. 2 In vain we meet to sing and pray, If Christ his influence withhold ; Our hearts remain as cold as clay, Till we our God by faith behold. 3 Then manifest thyself in peace, Thy faithful mercies now make known ; 0, breathe on us a gale of grace, And send a cheering blessing down. 4 We gladly for thy coming wait: Seeking to know thee as thou art, We bow as suppliants at thy feet, And bid thee welcome to our heart. 768 MORNING PRAYER MEETING. Morning Prayer Meeting. S. M. How sweet the melting lay, Which breaks upon the ear, When at the hour of rising day, Christians unite in pray'r. The breezes wait their cries Up to Jehovah's throne; He listens to their humble sighs, And sends his blessings down. So Jesus rose to pray Before the morning light, — Once on the chilling mount did stay, And wrestle all the night. Glory to God on high, Who sends his blessings down To rescue souls condemned to die, And make his people one. 7fJQ Morning Prayer. may I love, at early day To rise, when all is still, And hear my Saviour kindly say, "Come, ask me what ye will/' 2 0 may I love to search his law, To hear his words of love, And feel his Spirit sweetly draw My soul to "things above/1 3 0 may I love to ask, in prayer, His Spirit's guiding ray — Through every scene of anxious care, Through life's bewildered way. 4 Thus let me spend each rising hour, Thus close my latest days, Till I shall wake, to sleep no more, Where prayer is changed to praise. CM. 0 770 Seeking God Earhj. Early, my God, without ; Mj thirstj spirit faints a way. Without thy cheering grace. 11> 39 C. M. 2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. 3 I've seen thy glory and thy pow'r, Through all thy temple shine ; My God, repeat that heav'nly hour— That vision so divine ! 4 Thus, till my last, expiring day, I'll bless my God and King ; Thus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing. NOON-DAY PKAYER MEETING. 771 Noon-Day Worship. L. M. How sweet to leave the world awhile And seek the presence of our Lord ! Dear Saviour, on thy people smile, According to thy faithful word. 2 From busy scenes we now retreat, That we may here converse with thee: 0 Lord, behold us at thy feet ; Let this the gate of heaven be. 3 " Chief of ten thousands," now appear, That we, by faith, may view thy face : 0 speak, that we thy voice may hear, And let thy presence fill the place ! 772 Mid-Day Hour of Prayer. Jesus, this mid-day hour of prayer We consecrate to thee, Forgetful of each earthly care, We would thy glory see. CM. I NOON-DAY PRAYSB MHETING 499°^ 2 We come thy presence to implore; 0 teach us how to pray ! Impart to us thy Spirit's pow'r — Thy saving grace display. 3 Baptize with energy divine The contrite soul afresh ; 0 how the stubborn will to thine, And give the heart of flesh. 4 Unite our hearts, unite our tongues, In lofty praise to thee ; Accept the tribute of our songs, Thou Holy One in Three. I iO Daily Devotion. S. M. et sinners take their course, And choose the road to death ; But in the worship of my God, I'll spend my daily breath. My thoughts address his throne, "When morning brings the light ; 1 seek his blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. Thou wilt regard my cries, 0 my eternal God, While sinners perish in surprise Beneath thine angry rod. L' 774 Noon-tide Prayer. C. M. From busy toil and heavy care We turn the weary mind : And in the place of noon-tide pray'r Our sanctuary find. The midrday hour, the noon-tide hour. If is (he hour ofprav'r ; Our soul \g pomfr, For Jesus meets us tl 4 500 NOON-DAY PRAYER MEETING. 2 The voice that stilled the stormy waves On distant Galilee, Speaks once again, and at the sound, Retires another sea. The mid-day hour, &c. 3 The restless waves of care and strife Obey the mighty voice ; Peace broods the quiet waters o'er, And all our souls rejoice. The mid-day hour, dbc. 4 These heav'n-bright hours too soon are past ; Grant, Lord, this greater boon : A place where worship never ends, Nor night succeeds to noon. The mid-day hour, &c. 775 Stand up for Jesus. M. 8s, 7s & 4. 0 young men, "stand up for Jesus \" Lift the blood-stained banner high ; Fight for him as valiant soldiers ; In God's name your foes defy — He will help you — He will guide you — He will give you victory. Yes, "stand up" a glorious army, War against the power below ; Let not Satan's host alarm you, God can mighty power bestow ; You will conquer — You will triumph — On to glorious conquest go. Never fear — " stand up for Jesus ! " Speak to all of his dear name ; Tell them of his great salvation ; All his wondrous love proclaim, Peace and pardon, grace and glory Through the precious dying Lamb. EXPERIENCE MEETING. 501 ' ] -- — - - - - : 4 Never be ashamed of Jesus, Glory ever in hie or Count it most exalted honor, T<> advance hie blessed eause ; Hallowed honors— Untold blessings, Cluster round the Saviour's cross. 5 What are all earth's fame and pleasures ? What, but gilded nothingness, To the glorious, fadeless treasures, To the pure unfailing bliss, Found in Jesus? — Precious Jesus ! " All his paths are paths of peace/' 6 Come, young men, " stand up for Jesus! " Plead his cause, your Saviour own! Lo! he now your cause is pleading, Standing up before the throne, He will own you — lie will claim you — When he comes with glitt'ring crown. EXPERIENCE MEETING. 776 Opening an Experience Meeting. L. M. Now we are met in holy fear. To hear the happy saints declare The free compassion of a God, The virtue of a Saviour's blood. Jesus, assist them now to tell What they have felt, and what they feel ; 0 Saviour, help them to expresj The wonders of triumphant graot. While to the chuich they freely own What for their souls the Lord hath done, We'd join to praise eternal love. And heighten all the joyi shore. B A' 502 EXPERIENCE MEETING. 777 ■ ■ ■ Prayer for Deliverance. S. M. nd are we yet alive, To see each other's face ? Glory and praise to Jesus give, For his redeeming grace. Preserved by power divine, To full salvation here, Again in Jesus' praise we join, And in his sight appear. What troubles have we seen ! What conflicts have we pass'd ! Fightings without and fears within, Since we assembled last. But out of all, the Lord Hath brought us by his love ; And still he doth his help afford, And hides our life above. Art thou in Health, Brother? M.7s&6s. U A RT thou in health, my brother?" jljl Has Jesus made thee whole? Or art thou yet diseased, In thy immortal soul? 0 what is thy condition? My friend, arise and speak ; May Jesus kindly aid you To give an answer meek. 2 ;Tis an important question, "Art thou in health, my friend?" Come, speak, but speak sincerely; For God an ear doth lend ■ And he the truth demandeth When we each other tell Our mind, and soul's condition, If sickly, or if well. 778 EXPERIENCE MEETING. 503 779 My Heart is Fixed. P. M. 8s. What now is my object and aim? What now is my hope and desire? To follow the heavenly Lamb, And after his Image aspire. My hope is all centred in thee; I trust in thy promise and love ; On earth thy salvation I see, And hope to enjoy it above. I thirst for a life-giving God, The Lamb that on Calvary died; The fountain of water and blood, That gushed from Immanuel's side. I gasp for the streams of thy love, The spirit of rapture unknown ; And then to enjoy it above, Eternally fresh from the throne. Relation of Christian Experience. S. M. Come, ye who fear the Lord, And* listen, while I tell How narrowly my feet escaped The snares of death and hell. ) 2 The flattering joys of sense Assailed my foolish heart, While Satan, with malicious skill, Guided the poisonous dart. 3 I fell beneath the stroke, But fell to rise again ; My angnish roused me into life, And pleasures sprung from pain. Darkness, and shame, and grief, Oppress'd my gloomy mind ■ I Looked around me for relief But no relief could find. m : 780 781 At length to God I cried : He heard my plaintive sigh ; He heard, and instantly he sent Salvation from on high. My drooping head he rais'd, My bleeding wounds he heaFd ; Pardon'd my sins, and with a smile The gracious pardon seal'd. 0, may I ne'er forget The mercy of my God ! Nor ever want a tongue to spread His loudest praise abroad. The Kindred in Christ. L. M. Kindred in Christ, for his dear sake, A hearty welcome here receive ; May we together now partake The joys which only he can give. 2 May he, by whose kind care we meet, Send his good Spirit from above ; Make our communications sweet, And cause our hearts to burn with love. 3 Forgotten be each worldly theme, When christians see each other thus : "We only wish to speak of him Who liv'd, and died, and reigns for us. 4 We'll talk of all he did and said, And suffered for us here below ; The path he mark'd for us to tread, And what he's doing for us now. 782 Rejoicings in Hope. C. M. Lift up your hearts to things above, Ye foll'wers of the Lamb, And join with us to praise his love, And glorify his name. EXPERIENCE MKKTIXw. 505°! 2 To Jesus' name give thanks and sing, Whose mercies never end: Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord is King ; The King is now our Friend. 3 We for his sake count all things loss ; On earthly good look down ; And joyfully sustain the cross, Till we receive the crown. 783 God of Truth and Love. M. 7s double. God of truth, and God of love, Send thy Spirit from above ; Teach us so to speak and hear That thy glory may appear — That in us the world may find All our Master's gentle mind ; Thus our fellowship approve, God of truth, and God of love. 2 God of truth, and God of love, O'er our wayward tempers move ; Touch them with celestial fire, Holy love and zeal inspire : While we feel the sacred glow, Lay each evil passion low ; Frame us for the world above, God of truth, and God of love. 784 is. Young Converts Testifying. CM. Dear Saviour, we rejoice to hear Young converts sweetly tell How thou art pleased to save from sin, From Borrow, death and hell. 2 Lord, we unite to praise thy name, <'lv jriv'n ; Still may they keep in Zion'e road. And dwell at Last ID Ir^av'n. 506 EXPERIENCE MEETING. ■ OO Clirisfs Work. P. M. 6,6,9,6,6,9. Come all ye happy race, Who are ransom'd by grace, By the grace that is free for us all : Come and hear, come and feel, While with rapture I tell What my Saviour hath done for my soul. 2 He removed my guilt Through the blood that he spilt, And new life from his death I receiv'd ; Then I sung the new song, With my heart and my tongue, And my soul to salvation believ'd. 3 His adorable grace Through my life I can trace, And through scenes of affliction go on ; With my Saviour in view, The high prize I'll pursue, Nor be weary, nor faint as I run. 4 The good Shepherd shall keep His once wandering sheep, Who are brought to his fold he'll defend ; 'Twas his blood that I cost, And I shall not be lost, If I hold on my way to the end. *C Close of an Experience Meeting. L. M. rE now have heard our brethren tell How they escaped the snares of hell \ They all relate that conq'ring grace i Which gives them in the church a place. 2 The testimony they have giv'n, Now proves that they are heirs of heav'n ; Like angels may they shine at last, When all this storm of life is past. b . JK W" EXPEDIENCE MEETING. 507 787 ChmfM Presence. C. P. M.8,8,6,8,8,6. UlVnFRE two or throe together meet, M My love and mercy to repeat, And tell what I have done, There will I be," said God, " to bless, And every burden'd soul redress, Who worships at my throne." 2 Make one in this assembly, Lord, Speak to each heart some cheering word To set the spirit free ; Impart a kind, celestial show'r, And grant that we may spend an hour In fellowship with thee. 788 Union with Christ. P. M. 8,8,8,8,7. Come saints and sinners, hear me tell The wonders of Immanuel ; Who sav'd me from a burning hell, And brought my soul with him to dwell. And gave me heav'nly union. 2 When Jesus saw me from on high, Beheld my soul in ruin li# lie looked on me with pitying eye, And said to me, as he pass'd by, With God you have no union. 3 Then I be^an to pray and cry, I look'd this way and that to fly. It griev'd me sore that I must die, I sought salvation for to buy, But still I found no union. 4 Bat when T hated all my Bin, My deax Redeemer took me in. And with his blood he wash'd me clean; And, 01 what seasons I have seen, E'er since J felt this union. ] 508 MISSIONARY MEETING. j 5 I prais'd the Lord both night and day, I went from house to house to pray, And if I met one on the way, I always something found to say About this heav'nly union. j G Almighty God, teach heart and tongue To thee to raise a grateful song ; All praises to thy name belong ; Let Zion sing, thy kingdom come, And fill the world with union. \ — MISSIONARY MEETING. 789 Condition of the Heathen. M. 7s & 6s. From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, — Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand, — From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, — They ctll us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile ! In vain, with lavish kindness, The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted By wisdom from on high, Shall we to man benighted The light of life deny? MISSIONARY MEETING. 509 Salvation ! 0, salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation lias learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, lib* a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb, for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. 1790 Missionary's Farewell. M. 8s, Ts Sc 4. Yes, my native land, I love thee ; All thy scenes, I love them well ; Friends, connections, happy country. Can I bid you all farewell ? Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell? 2 Home, thy joys are passing lovely — Joys no stranger-heart can tell ; Happy home, indeed I love thee: 1 — can I say, "farewell?" Can I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell? 3 Seen efl of sacred peace and pleasure, Holy days and sabbath bell, Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure, Can 1 say a last farewell? Can I leave you, Far in heathen lands to dwell? 4 Yes, I hasten from yon gladly — From the scenes I love so well « Far away, ye billows, bear me: I ely native land, farewell : Pleased I leave thee, Far in heathen lands to dwell. B *Q* m |051O MISSIONARY MEETING. 5 In the deserts let me labor ; On the mountains let me tell How he died — the blessed Saviour — To redeem a world from hell : Let me hasten, Far in heathen lands to dwell. Bear me on, thou restless ocean; Let the winds my canvass swell : Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell : Glad I bid thee, Native land, farewell — farewell ! 791 Departure of Missionaries. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Men of God, go take your stations ; Darkness reigns o'er all the earth ; Loud proclaim among the nations Joyful news of heavenly birth : Bear the tidings, Tidings of the Saviour's worth. Go to men in darkness sleeping ; Tell that Christ is strong to save ; Go to men in bondage weeping ; Publish freedom to the slave : Tell the dying, Christ has triumphed o'er the grave. What though earth, by hell excited, Should oppose the Saviour's reign ! Plead his cause to souls benighted ; Fear ye not the face of men ; Vain the tumult, Earth and hell will rage in vain. Though exposed to fearful dangers, Jesus will his own defend ; Borne afar ;mid foes and strangers, Jesus is your heavenly friend ; And his presence Shall be with you to the end. j ■ MISSIONARY MEETING. 511 792 Prayer for the Success of Missions. CM. Lord, send thy word, and let it fly, Armed with thy Spirit's power: Ten thousands shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour. Beneath the influence of thy grace The barren wastes shall rise, With sudden greens and fruits array'd, A blooming paradise. True holiness shall strike its root In each regenerate heart; Shall in a growth divine arise, And heavenly fruits impart. Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch Her wings from shore to shore ; No trump shall rouse the rage of war, Xor murderous cannon roar. Lord, for those days we wait ; those days Are in thy word foretold ; Ply swifter, sun and stars, and bring This promised age of gold. " Amen," with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered myriads cry ; "Amen/' with joy divine, let heav'n's Unnumbered choirs reply. 793 The Missionaries7 Farewell. C. M. Kindred and friends and native land, How shall we say farewell ? I low, when our swelling sails expand, How will our bosoms swell ! iture, all thy soft delights And tender ties we know ; But love more strong than death unites To him who bids us go. MISSIONARY MEETING. 3 Thus, when, our every passion moved, The gushing tear-drop starts, The cause of Jesus, more beloved, Shall glow within our hearts. 4 The sighs we breathe for precious souls, Where he is yet unknown, Might waft us to the distant poles, Or to the burning zone. 5 With warm desire our bosoms swell, Our glowing powers expand ; Farewell, then we can say, farewell, Our friends and native land. 794 Send us the Bread of Life. C. M. A cry upon the winds is borne: We hear it day by day ; It comes from lands that sigh and mourn Beneath the spoiler's sway. 2 What is this cry that ever comes, Wafted upon the air, Or on the ocean's swelling wave ? — What is this earnest pray'r ? 3 Christians, it is for living bread, And for life's water pure ; That spirits crushed, and dark, and dead, May endless good secure. 4 Ah ! sad 'twill be, if all in vain It falls upon the ear, And wakes no answering tone again, And starts no pitying tear ! 5 Help for the heathen! let it go From every christian hand — Help ! that the blessedness ye know May flow to every land. MISSIONARY MEETING. 513' 795 Missionaries Commended to God. C. M. Father of mercies, condescend To hear our fervent pray'r, While these our brethren we commend To thy paternal care. 2 Before them set an open door ; Their faithful labors bless ; On them thy Holy Spirit pour, And crown them with success. 3 Endow them with a heavenly mind ; Supply their every need ; Make them in spirit meek, resigned, But bold in word and deed. 4 In every tempting, trying hour Uphold them by thy grace ; And guard them by thy mighty pow'r, Till they shall end their race. 5 Then, followed by a numerous train, Gather'd from heathen lands, A crown of life may they obtain From their Redeemer's hands. 796 Prayer for Success. L. M. Millions there are on heathen ground, Who never heard the gospel's sound ; Lord, send it forth, and let it run, Swift and reviving as the sun. lips, Sinners to shun the way to hell ; To those who ,uivo, do thou impart A gen'rous, wise, and tender heart. 3 Lord, crown their zeal, reward their care, That in thy grace they all may share; And those wh<> now in darkness dwell, Deliv'rance bring from guilt and hell. 797 The Latter Day Glory. L. M. Behold, the heathen waits to know The joy the gospel will bestow ; The exiled captive to receive The freedom Jesus has to give. 2 Come, let us with a grateful heart, In this blest labor share a part: Our prayers and offerings gladly bring To aid the triumphs of our King. 3 Our hearts exult in songs of praise, That we have seen these latter days, When our Redeemer shall be known, Where Satan long hath held his throne. 4 Where'er his hand hath spread the skies. Sweet incense to his name shall rise; And slave and freeman. Greek and Jew, By sovereign grace be forin'd anew. 798 Prayer for the Success of Missions. L. M. Thy people, Lord, who trust thy word, And wait the smilings of thy face, Assemble 'round the mercy-seat, And plead the promise of thy grace. 2 We consecrate these hours to thee, Thy sovereign mercy to entreat ; And feel some animating hope, We shall divine acceptance meet. 3 Hast thou not promised to thy Son, That his dominion shall extend Till every tongue shall call him Lord, And every knee before him bend? 4 Now let the happy time appear,. The time to favor Zion come ; Send forth thy heralds far and near. To call thy banished people home. MISSIONARY MEETING. 515 ®: 799 The Oosjk I Banner. M. 7s & 6s. Now be the gospel banner In every land unfurled ; And be the shout, " Boaanna," Re-echoed through the world ; Till every isle and nation, Till every tribe and tongue, Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. What though th' embattled legions Of earth and hell combine ! His arm. throughout their regions, Shall soon resplendent shine : Ride on, 0 Lord, victorious, Immanuel, Prince of peace ! Thy triumph shall be glorious, — Thine empire shall increase. Yes ; thou shalt reign forever, 0 Jesus, Kings of kings; Thy light, thy love, thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings ; The isles for thee are waiting, The deserts learn thy praise ; The hills and valleys, greeting, The song responsive raise. LIKE An Prayer far Missionaries. L. M. Abrah'm, to a land unknown, v our dear missionaries gone: Obedient to the heavenly call, They Leave their country and their all. The various dangers by the way, Perils and toils by night and da The b leep and death they brave. The islands of the se;t to save. 516 MONTHLY CONCERT. 3 May their whole souls and selves be blest In Abraham's God, with peace and rest, In each distressing trying hour, Be Abraham's God their shield and tow'r. 4 When they arrive at distant lands, With Jesus' gospel in their hands, 0 may the tidings of his love, Salvation to the heathen prove ! 801 MONTHLY CONCEBT. A Blessing on Christian Effort. C. M. Salvation ! — Let the tidings roll The spacious earth around, Till every tribe and every soul Shall hear the joyful sound. Then shall the scattered wanderers meet, Who now in darkness rove, And, gathered 'round Immanuel's feet, Sing of his saving love. 0 Lord, each faithful effort own, To spread the gospel's rays ; And rear on sin's demolished throne, The temples of thy praise. Extension of Christ's Kingdom. S. M. OLord our God, arise, The cause of truth maintain : And wide o'er all the peopled world Extend her blessed reign. Thou Prince of life, arise, Nor let thy glory cease ; Far spread the conquests of thy grace, And bless the earth with peace. MONTHLY CONCERT. 517 3 0 Holy Spirit, rise. Extend thy heavenly wing, And o'er a dark and ruined world Let light and order spring. 4 0. all ye nations, rise, To God the Saviour sing ; Frmn shore to shore, from earth to heav'n Let echoing anthems ring. Gospel Triumphs. C. M. I esus, immortal King, arise; Assert thy rightful sway; Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings, And distant lands obey. 2 Send forth thy word, and let it fly The spacious earth around ; Till every soul beneath the sun Shall hear the joyful sound. 3 0, may the great Redeemer's name Through every clime be known : And heathen gods, forsaken, mil, And Jesus reign alone. 4 From sea to sea, from shore to shore, Be thou, 0 Christ, ador'd; And earth, with all her millions, shout Hosannas to the Lord. je 804 Church's Increase Promised. C. M. Father, is not thy promise pledg'd To thine exalted Son, That thro' the nations of the earth Thy word of life shall run '! and I'll -ivo the heathen lands F<»r thine inheritai And, t<> the world's remotest shores, Thine' empire1 shall advance. n III d18 MONTHLY CONCERT. Wt 3 Hast thou not said, the blinded Jews Shall their Redeemer own, While Gentiles to his standard crowd, And bow before his throne ? 4 Are not all kingdoms, tribes and tongues, Beneath th' expanse of heaven, To the dominion of thy Son, With all their millions given ? 5 From east to west, from north to south, Then be his name adored ; The world, through all its nations, shout Hosannas to the Lord. 805 Prayer for Missions. CM. Sreat God ! the nations of the earth Are by creation thine: And in thy works, by all beheld, Thy radiant glories shine. 2 But, Lord, thy greater love has sent Thy gospel to mankind, Unveiling what rich stores of grace Are treasured in thy mind. 3 0, when shall these glad tidings spread The spacious earth around, Till every tribe and every soul Shall hear the joyful sound? 4 Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt To spread the gospel's rays, And build thy church in every clime, A temple of thy praise. 806 Prayer for the Latter Days. M. 7s. Hasten, Lord, the glorious time, When, beneath Messiah's sway, Every nation, every clime, Shall the gospel-call obey. M MONTHLY CONCERT. 519 2 Then the kings thy poVr shall own, Heathen tribes thy name adore; Satan and his host o'erthrown. Bound in chains, shall hurt DO more. 3 Then shall wars and tumults <•■ Then be broken slavery's chain; righteousness, and joy, and peace, Undisturbed shall ever reign. 4 Bless we. then, our gracious Lord ; Ever praise his glorious name; All his mighty acts record: All his wondrous love proclaim. 807 Spread of the Gospel. M. 8s, 7s k 4. O'er the gloomy hills of darkness, Look, my soul, be still and gaze; See the promises advancing To a glorious day of grace: — Blest fulfilment ! — Let the glorious morning dawn. 2 Let the dark, benighted pagan, Let the rude barbarian see That divine and glorious conquest, Once obtained on Calvary: Let the m Loud resound, i"n»m pole to pole. '} Kingdoms wide, that sit in darkn- Grant them, Lord, the glorious light; Now, from eastern coast and western, May the morning chase the night ; Let redemption, Freely purchased, win the day. 4 Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel: Win and conquer — never cease; May thy la-ting, wide dominions Multiply and still inores Sway thy BCeptre, OF, all the world around. .... w __Jgj J 520 MONTHLY CONCERT. | QUO Encouraging Prospects. M. 8s,7s & 4. Ves, we trust the day is breaking; 1 Joyful times are near at hand ; \ God, the mighty God, is speaking, I By his word, in every land : When he chooses, Darkness flies at his command. 2 While the foe becomes more daring, While he enters like a flood, God, the Saviour, is preparing Means to spread thy truth abroad: — Every language Soon shall tell the love of God. \ 3 0, 'tis pleasant, His reviving To our hearts, to hear, each day, Joyful news, from far arriving, How the gospel wins its way, Those enlightening Who in death and darkness lay. 4 God of Jacob, high and glorious, Let thy people see thy hand; Let the gospel be victorious, Through the world, in every land ; Then shall idols Perish, Lord, at thy command. 809 The Salvation of Zion. M. 7s & 6s. Othat that the Lord's salvation Were out of Zion come, To heal his ancient nation, To lead his outcasts home ! 2 How long the holy city Shall heathen feet profane ? Return, 0 Lord, in pity ; Rebuild her walls again. -MONTH I A' CONCERT. 521s 3 Let full thy rod of terror ; Thy sarong grace impart; Roll back the veil of error ; Release the fetter'd heart. 4 Let Israel, home returning, Her lost Messiah see ; Give oil of joy for mourning, And hind thy church to thee. 810 Success of the Gospel. M. 7s & 6s. The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears ; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears ; Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar Of nations in commotion, Prepar'd for Zion/s war. 2 Rich dews of grace come o'er us, In many a gentle show'r, And brighter scenes before us Are opening every hour : Each cry, to heaven going, Abundant answers bring And heavenly gales are blowing, With peace upon their wings. 3 Blest river of salvation, Pursue thy onward way : Flow thou to every nation, Nor in thy richness Btay: Stay not, till all the lowly Triumphant reach their home; Stay not, till all the holj Proclaim, "The L ird m come." IK © a p522 MONTHLY CONCERT. 811 812 Prayer for Israel. S. M. Lord, send thy servants forth To call the Hebrews home ; From east and west, from south and north, Let all the wanderers come. Where'er, in lands unknown, The fugitives remain, Bid every creature help them on, Thy holy mount to gain. An offering to the Lord, There let them all be seen, And washed with water and with blood, In soul and body clean. With Israel's myriads sealed, Let all the nations meet, And show the promises fulfilled, — Thy family complete. Imploring a Blessing on Means. L. M. Indulgent God, to thee we pray ; Be with us on this solemn day ; Smile on our souls, our plans approve, By which we seek to spread thy love. 2 Let party prejudice be gone, And love unite our hearts in one ; Let all we have and are combine, To aid this glorious work of thine. We long to have the day appear, The promised great sabbatic year ; When, far from grief, and sin and uon, Israel in ceaseless peace shall dwell. Till then, we shall not let thee rest, Thou still shalt hear our strong request ; And this our daily prayer shall be, Lord, sound the trump of jubilee. •v® m * MONTHLY OONCHRT. 523. OlO Influences of the Spirit. M. 8s, 7s ft 4. Wuo but thou, almighty Spirit, Can the heathen world reclaim? MeQ may preach, but, till thou favor, Heathens still will be the same: Mighty Spirit, Witness to the Saviour's name. 2 Thou hast promised, by the prophets, Glorious light in latter days ; Come, and bless bewildered nations ; Change our prayers and tears to praise ; Promised Spirit, Round the world diffuse thy rays. 3 All our hopes, and prayers, and labors Must be vain without thy aid : But thou wilt not disappoint us ; All is true that thou hast said: Gracious Spirit, O'er the world thy influence shed. 814 Arm of the Lord, Awake! L. M. Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Put on thy strength — the nations shake, And let the world, adoring, see Triumphs of mercy wrought by thee. 2 Say to the heathen from thy throne, " I am Jehovah — God alone ! " Thy voice their idols shall confound, And cast their altars to the ground. 3 No more let human blood be spilt, Vain sacrifice for human guilt: But to each conscience be applied The blood that flow'd from Jesus' side. 4 Almighty God, thy grace proclaim, In every land, of every name: Let adverse pow'rs before thee fall, And crown the Saviour — Lord of all. EL ,o 524 MONTHLY CONCERT. OlO The Time to Favor Zion. L. M. Sovereign of worlds ! display thy pow'r ; Be this thy Zion's favor' d hour ; Bid the bright morning star arise, And point the nations to the skies. 2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns, On Afric's shore, on India's plains, On lonely isles and lands unknown, And make the nations all thine own. 3 Speak ! and the world shall hear thy voice ; Speak ! and the desert shall rejoice ; Scatter the gloom of heathen night, And bid all nations hail the light. 816 Prayer for the Church's Increase. L. M. Ixdulgent Sov'reign of the skies, And wilt thou bow thy gracious ear ? While feeble mortals raise their cries, Wilt thou, the great Jehovah, hear? 2 How shall thy servants give thee rest, Till Zion Y mouldering walls thou raise, Till thy own power shall stand confessed, And make Jerusalem a praise ? 3 For this a lowly suppliant crowd, Here in thy sacred temple wait : For this we lift our voices loud, And call, and knock at mercy's gate. 4 Look down, 0 God, with pitying eye, And view the desolation 'round ; See what wide realms in darkness lie, And hurl their idols to the ground. 5 Loud let the gospel trumpet blow, And call the nations from afar ; Let all the isles their Saviour know, And earth's remotest ends draw near. MONTHLY CONCERT. 525 ' 817 Christ's Universal Reig a. C. M. Tnus saith the Lord, "My Son shall reign To earths remotest bound: I will his holy throne maintain, And all his foes confound." 2 Arise, 0 God, thy strength display ; Stretch forth thy conquering sword ; O'er every land thy sceptre sway, And shed thy grace abroad. 3 Soon may the Gentile and the Jew With one consent submit; And men of every name and hue, Bow at Immanuel's feet. 4 Send forth thy Spirit with thy word, To every tribe and tongue ; Let all the nations praise the Lord, In one delightful song. OlO Prayer Jor the Jews. L. M. Father of faithful Abraham, hear Our earnest suit for Abrah'm's seed ; Justly they claim the tenderest pray'r From us, adopted in their stead. 2 Outcast from thee, and scattered wide Through every nation under heav'n, Blaspheming whom they crucified, Unsaved, unpitied, unforgiv'n. 3 But hast thou finally forsook, Forever cast thine own away? Wilt thou not bid the murderers look On him they pierced, and weep and pray. 4 Come then, thou great Deliverer, come; The veil from Jacob's heart rem 0 bring thine ancient people home, And let them know thy dying love. BL i #526 MONTHLY CONCERT. ~® For the World's Conversion. S. M. OGod of sov'reign grace, We bow before thy throne, And plead, for all the human race, The merits of thy Son. Spread through the earth, 0 Lord, The knowledge of thy ways ; And let all lands, with joy, record The great Redeemer's praise. 820 Signs of the Times. L. M. Behold the promised time draw near, The shades disperse, the dawn appear, Behold the wilderness assume The beauteous tints of Eden's bloom. 2 Events with prophecies conspire To raise our faith, our zeal to fire : The ripening fields already white, Present a harvest to our sight. 3 The untaught heathen waits to know The joys the gospel will bestow ; The exiFd slave waits to receive The freedom Jesus has to give. 4 Come let us, with a grateful heart, In the blest labor share a part, Our pray'rs and offerings gladly bring To aid the triumphs of our king. bZi Pray ayerfor the Dominion of Christ. L. M. I) right as the sun's meridian blaze, ) Vast as the blessings he conveys, Wide as his reign from pole to pole, And permanent as his control : SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 527 I 2 So, Jesus, let thy kingdom come; Then sin and hell's terrific gloom Shall, at thy brightness, flee away — The dawn of an eternal day. 3 Then shall the heathen, fill'd with awe, Learn the blest knowledge of thy law ; And antichrist, on every shore, Fall from his throne to rise no more. OZZ Conversion of the World. L. M. Ascend thy throne, almighty King, And spread thy glories all abroad ; Let thine own arm salvation bring, And be thou known, the gracious God. 2 Let millions bow before thy seat, Let humble mourners seek thy face ; Bring daring rebels to thy feet, Subdued by thy victorious grace. 3 0 let the kingdoms of the world Become the kingdom of our Lord ; Let saints and angels praise thy name — Be thou thro' heaven and earth ador'd. SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 823 H" AUrSufficiencrj of Jesus. P. M. 8 lines 8s. row tedious and tasteless the hours When Jesus do longer I see! r birds, and BWeet flowers Have all lost their i to me; — ddsummcr sun shines but dim, The fields Btrive in v rin to look gay; But when I am happy in him, December's as pleasant as May. 528 SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 2 His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music his voice : His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice ; I should, were he always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear ; No mortal so happy as I, — My summer would last all the year. 3 Content with beholding his face, My all to his pleasure resigned, No changes of season or place Would make any change in my mind : While blest with a sense of his love, A palace a toy would appear ; And prisons would palaces prove, If Jesus would dwell with me there. 4 My Lord, if indeed I am thine, If thou art my sun and my song, Say, why do I languish and pine ? And why are my winters so long ? 0 drive these dark clouds from my sky ; Thy soul-cheering presence restore ; Or take me to thee up on high, Where winter and clouds are more. 824 Walking with God. C. M. Ofor a closer walk with God ! A calm and heavenly frame ! A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and his word? '£L SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 529 "j 3 What peaceful hours I then enjoyed ! How sweet their memory still ! But now I find an aching void The world can never till. 4 Return, 0 holy Dove! — return, Sweet messenger of rest ; I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my fame ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. 825 M Spiritual Sloth Reproved. C. Bi. y drowsy powers, why sleep ye so ? Awake, my sluggish soul ! Nothing has half thy work to do, Yet nothing's half so dull. 2 Go to the ants — for one poor grain: See how they toil and strive ; Yet we, who have a heav'n t' obtain, How negligent we live ! 3 "We, for whom God the Son came down, And labor'd for our good ■ How careless to Becnre that crown He purchased with" his blood! 4 Lord, shall we live so sluggish still, And never act our parts f Come, holy Dove, from /ion's hill, And warm our frozen hearts! L _J1 33 J S' — jg< SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. | 5 5 Help us, with active warmth to move, With vigorous souls to rise ; With hands of faith, and wings of love, To fly and take the prize. O/wU Qt tfiat I were as in months past ! CM. Iweet was the time when first I felt The Saviour's pardoning blood, Applied to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. 2 Soon as the light the morn renewed, His praises tun'd my tongue ; And when the evening shades prevailed His love was all my song. 3 In pray'r my soul drew near the Lord, And saw his glory shine ; And when I read his holy word, I calPd each promise mine. 4 Then to his saints I often spoke Of what his love had done ; But now my heart is almost broke, For all my joys are gone. 5 Now, when the evening shade prevails, My soul in darkness mourns ; And when the morn the light reveals, No light to me returns. 6 Rise, Lord, and help me to prevail ; 0 make my soul thy care ! I know thy mercy cannot fail ; Let me thy mercy share. 897 J~ ■ Declension Lamented. M. 8s & 7s. ^xce, 0 Lord, thy garden flourished, Every part looked gay and green ; Then thy word our spirits nourished, Happy seasons we have seen ! o> SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 531 2 But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see ; Lord, thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee. 3 Some, in win /in we once delighted, We shall see no more below ; Some, alas, we fear are blighted, — Scarce a single leaf they show. 4 Dearest Saviour, hasten hither : Thou canst make them bloom again ; 0, permit them not to wither, Let not all our hopes be vain! QAO Distance from God Lamented. C. M. Why is my heart so far from thee, My God, my chief delight? Why are my thoughts no more by day With thee, no more by night? 2 Why should my foolish passions rove ? Where can such sweetness be, As I have tasted in thy love, A - I have found in thee ? 3 When my forgetful soul renews The savor of thy grace, My heart presumes I cannot lose The relish all my days. 4 But ere one fleeting hour is past, The flattering world employs Some sensual bait to seize my taste, And to pollute my joys. 5 Thon I repent, and vex my soul That T should leave tli**" so : Where will those wild affections stroll That let a Saviour . & , —™Gl ^532 SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 829 Remember Lot's Wife. M. lis. Ye careless professors, who rest on your lees, Amidst your vain pleasures, your profit and ease, Now God says, " Arise and escape for your life/7 1 And look not behind you; — " Remember Lot's* wife." 2 Awake from your slumber, the warning receive ; ;Tis Jesus that warns you, the message believe ; While dangers are pending, " Escape for your life, And look not behind you ; rememberLot's wife." ! 3 The first bold apostate will tempt you to stray, | And tell you no dangers are found in the way ; j He means to deceive you ; "Escape for your life, ! And look not behind you ; rememberLot's wife." | 4 How many poor souls has the serpent beguiFd, With specious temptations, how many denTd ; Then be not deluded; " Escape for your life, And look not behind you ; rememberLot's wife." I 5 The ways of religion true pleasures afford ; No pleasures can equal the joys of the Lord ; Forsake then the world, and ' 'Escape for your life, And look not behind you ; rememberLot's wife." | 6 But if you determine the call to refuse, And venture the way of destruction to choose: For hell you must part with the blessings of life, And then, if not now,you'll remember Lot's wife. OOU The Barren Fig Tree. C. M. ^ee, in the vineyard of the Lord s A barren fig-tree stands ; It yields no fruit, no blossom bears, Though planted by his hands. ^vwww^ SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 533 ! 2 From year to year he seeks for fruit, And still no fruit is found ; It stands, amid the living trees, A cumberer of the ground. 3 But, see, an Intercessor pleads, The barren tree to spare ; " Let justice still withhold his hand, And grant another year. 4 Perhaps some means of grace untried May reach the stony heart ; The softening dews of heav'nly grace May life anew impart. 5 But if these means should prove in vain, Xo fruits thy efforts crown, Then mercy shall no longer plead, But justice cut it down." 831 The Barren Fig Tree. M. 7i Barren still this tree is found, Lo! it cumbers still the ground ; Culture it has had for years, But as yet no fruit appears. Cut it down, — why all this toil? It no more shall curse the soil. I But the dresser cries, "Forbear! Let it stand another year: Still it shall my care employ ; Then, if fruit appear, with joy At thy feet it shall be laid. And my care be well repaid." j Lord, this parable's for me ; I'm that dead and fruitless tree; I within the vineyard stand. Planted by thy gracious hand: Yet with all tii<' dreesar'fl care, Scarcely any fruit I bear. „J£ i 4 I have peaceful sabbath days, I have hours of pray'r and praise : Faithful sermons, they are mine, Threat'nings, promises divine, All that wisdom could devise, Lent in mercy from the skies. 5 Yet my heart is cold and dead, Like a branch that's withered ; Yet my hands inactive prove, To promote the cause I love ; Blessed Jesus ! can there be Life in such a barren tree? 6 0 ! for grace this year to be All that God delights to see ; 0 for wisdom from above, Every moment to improve ; And when time has pass'd away, 0 for mercy in that day ! KEVIVAL HYMNS. 832 A Revival Hymn. P. M. 9,9,12,9. What a mercy, a mercy is this ! What a mercy, a mercy is this! What a mercy is this, what a heaven of bliss , If the Saviour is found in my heart ! 2 What will, 0 what will become of me? &c. What will become of me — as death I cannot flee, If the Saviour's not found in my heart ? 3 'Tis awful, 'tis awful to relate, &c. 'Tis awful to relate, if death should be my fate, And the Saviour's not found in my heart. ©! REVIVAL HYMNS. 535 4 But welcome, 0 welcome death to me ! &c. But welcome death to me, if Jesus sets me free, And the Saviour is found in my heart. 5 Then adieu, friends, adieu to you all, &c. Then adieu to you all, my Saviour doth me call, And lias promis'd to dwell in my heart. G Adieu to all affliction and pain, &c. Adieu to all pain — for to me to die is gain, If the Saviour is found in my heart. 7 How cheering, how cheering to my mind, &c. How cheering to my mind, and all I leave behind, If the Saviour is found in my heart. | 8 But we hope, 0 we hope soon to meet, &c. But we hope soon to meet, and worship at his feet, And ne'er more from the Saviour depart. ODD Distinguishing Grace. L. M, InEAR a voice that comes from far : From Calvary it sounds abroad : It soothes my soul, and calms my fear, It speaks of pardon bought with blood. 2 And is it true, that many fly The sound that bids my soul rejoice- » And rather choose in sin to die, Than turn an ear to mercy's voice? 3 Alas, for those! — the day is near. When mercy will be heard no more; Then will they ask in vain to hear The voice, they would not hear before. 4 With such, I own, I once appear'd. But now I know how <_rn'at their loss; For sweeter Bonndfl were never heard Than mercy utters from the cross. fa .- pi 536 REVIVAL HYMNS. 5 But let me not forget to own, That if I differ aught from those, 'Tis due to sovereign grace alone, That oft selects its proudest foes. 834 T/ie Soul Given up to Christ. S. M. And can I yet delay My little all to give- To tear my soul from earth away, 835 My Jesus to receive? 2 Nay, but I yield— I yield ! I can hold out no more : I sink, by dying love compelled, And own thee conqueror. 3 Though late, I all forsake, My friends, my all resign ; Gracious Redeemer, take, 0 take And seal me ever thine. 4 Come, and possess me whole, Nor hence again remove ; Settle and fix my wav'ring soul With all thy weight of love. Invitation. L. M. I long to see the season come, When sinners shall come flocking home ; To taste the riches of God's love, And seek the joys that are above. 2 Hark ! how the gospel trumpets sound, Inviting sinners all around : Behold, your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands. 3 A few days more, and you must go To realms of joy or endless woe ; In worlds of bliss, with Christ to dwell, Or sink beneath his frowns to hell. M REVIVAL HYMNS. 537 4 Come, now, poor sinner, counsel take, And all your sinful wavs forsake; This world give o'er, leave friends behind ; In Christ redemption you shall find. 5 Take your companions by the hand, And your connexion in a band, And give them up at Jesus' call, For he can bless and save them all. 836 The Harvest is Past. M. 12 & 8s. When the harvest is past, and the summer is i gone, And sermons and prayers shall be o'er ; When the beams cease to break of the blest sab- 1 bath morn, And Jesus invites thee no more*; When the rich gales of mercy no longer shall ; blow, The gospel no message declare, — Sinner, how canst thou bear the deep wailings ! of woe, How suffer the night of despair? 2 Winn the holy have gone to the regions of peace. To dwell in the mansion-* above : When their harmony Avakes, in the fulness of \ bliss, Their song to the Saviour of love, — Say, 0 sinner, that livest at rest and secure, Who fearest no trouble to come Can thy spirit the swellings of Borrow endure. Or bear the unpenitent' s doom? 837 The Harvest Ftot. M. IK Lo! Jesos tlif Saviour, in mercy draws near, Salvation he brings unto all who believe ; Yemonrners, dismiss all your doubting and fear ; The gracious redemption with gladness receive. J538 REVIVAL HYMNS. 2 The day-star of promise illumines the sky, And souls long benighted now welcome the dawn; Improve the glad season, or soon you may cry — " The harvest is past, and the summer is gone ! " 3 The Spirit is striving with sinners to-day, He graciously knocks at the door of your heart, \ He comes the compassion of God to display, Your sins to remove and his love to impart. I 4 0, welcome the Spirit and grieve him no more ! \ I Nor wait till his offers of life are withdrawn, i ] Lest then you may cry, as your doom you deplore, > \ "The harvest is past, and the summer is gone ! " \ OOO Invitation Hymn. P. M. 12,8,5,8,8,0,4. \ A come, come away, from sin, that dreadful j V monster ! Let Christ awhile upon you smile, — t), come, come away. 0, come and taste redeeming love, And then his truth and friendship prove, \ And onward sweetly move, — j 0, come, come away. 2 From death and the curse, in which you now are ] sinking, \ Kedeeming love will you remove, — 0, come, come away. I 0, come along and join our throng, \ And with us sing this cheering song, | And heav'n shall be your home, — | 0, come, come away. 3 While watchmen are standing on the walls of Zion, Inviting you to join in too, — 0, come, come away. i 0, will you still refuse the call, \ And into misery blindly fall. $ And drink that burning gall ? — 0, come, come away. H REVIVAL HYMNS. 539 4 The bright morn of youth will soon be gone for- ever ; Its morning light may set in night, — 0, come, come away. 0. come while youth is in its prime, And seek redeeming love divine, And in Christ's army shine, — 0, come, come away. 5 When free from this world of sorrow and tempt- < ation, We'll sail above on wings of love, — 0, come, come away. And while angelic armies sing, And make the heavenly arches ring, We'll praise our eternal King, — 0, come, come away. OOO The Voice of Free Grace. M. 12s. The voice of free grace cries, Escape to the i mountain ; For all that believe, Christ has opened a fountain ; in and uncleannessand every transgression, His blood flows so freely, in streams of salvation. llollelvjah to the Lamb, who has purchased our don I We'll praise him again, when we pass over Jordan.\ 2 Ye souls that are wounded, 0 flee to the Saviour ! He calls you in mercy — 'tis infinite favor ! Your sins are increasing, as high as a mountain ; His blood can remove them, which flows from ; the fountain. HaUdufah In the Lamb, d c, 3 I » Jesus, onr Lord, feign triumphantly glorious! O'er Bin, death and h«dl thou art ever victorious ! With Bh rati we^ll proclaim it, and trust in thy I — ion. Who Bavee as most freely — 0 glorious salvation ! II . (i <•. ■ 4 Our Jesus proclaims his name all victorious ; He reigns over all, and his kingdom is glorious ; To Jesus we'll join, with the great congregation, And triumph, ascribing to him our salvation. Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c. I 5 With joy we shall stand, when life's journey is \ ' ended, 5 With harps in our hands, our praises be blended ; s We'll range the sweet plains on the banks of the j river, 1 And then sing salvation — for ever and ever. Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c. PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. 840 Prayer for a Revival. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Saviour, visit thy plantation, Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain ; All will turn to desolation, Unless thou return again ; Lord, revive us ! All our help must come from thee! 2 Keep no longer at a distance, Shine upon us from on high, Lest, for want of thy assistance, Every plant should droop and die ; &c. 3 Let our mutual love be fervent ; Make us prevalent in pray'rs ; Let each one, esteemed thy servant, Shun the world's bewitching snares; &c. 4 Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from this good hour, To revive thy work afresh ; &c. PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. 541 J 841 0 Prayer for a Revival. S. M. Lord, through Christ, come down, As in the ancient day, Thine own Jerusalem to crown, Thy glory to display ! 0, wake thy chosen few To mightier faith and pray'r ; Their sinking courage to renew, And for the foe prepare. 3 Help us to pray aright, To bring the blessings down — The Saviour in his glorious might The conquerors to crown. 4 Give us the heav'nly feast, The feast of fattest things, So ravishing to sight and taste, Served by the King of kings. 5 Then may the song arise, At Pentecost which rose, That Zion, precious in thine eyes, Has triumphed o'er her foes. 04^ Prayer for Revival. S. M. for the happy hour, When God will hear our cry, And send, with a reviving pow'r, His Spirit from on high. We meet, we sing, we pray ; We teach the saving word ; And yet we see no cheering ray ; No anxious voice is heard. Thou, thou alone, canst give- Thy gospel sure success ; Canst bid the careless sinner live, Anew, in holiness. [ IT 0 :0542 PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. Come, then, with power divine, Spirit of life and love ! Then shall our neighbors all be thine, Prepared for bliss above. 843 844 Wilt Thou not Revive us Again? S. M. OLord ! thy work revive In Zion's gloomy hour ; And let our dying graces live By thy restoring pow'r. 0, let thy chosen few Awake to earnest pray'r ; Their solemn vows again renew And walk in filial fear ! Thy Spirit then will speak Through lips of humble clay, Till hearts of adamant shall break, Till rebels shall obey. Now lend thy gracious ear, Now listen to our cry : 0, come and bring salvation near ! — Our souls on thee rely. Prayer for a Revival. S. M. T)evive thy work, 0 Lord, XV And send salvation down ; Let the sharp arrows of thy word Transpierce the hearts of stone. 2 Ride in thy prosperous car, Regain thy people lost ; Let thy right hand conduct the war, Let victory crown thy host. 3 Thy fainting saints revive ; Awaken them that sleep ; Make the dry bones arise and live, And comfort all that weep. 845 Come, 0 ye winds of heav'u, Breathe o'er this vale of death ; May the good Spirit, richly giVn, Fill all with praying breath. Prayer for a Revival. C. ML Arise, 0 King of grace, arise, And enter to thy rest; Behold, thy church, with lunging eyes, Waits to be owned and blest. 2 Enter with all thy glorious train, Thy Spirit and thy word ; All that the ark did once contain Could no such grace afford. 3 Here, mighty God, accept our vows ; Here let thy praise be spread : Bless the provisions of thy house, And fill thy poor with bread. 4 Here let the Son of David reign, Let God's Anointed shine; Justice and truth his court maintain, With love and power divine. 5 Here let him hold a lasting throne ; And, as his kingdom grows, Fresh honors shall adorn his crown, And shame confound his foes. 846 Unconverted Relatives, M. Be, Lord, our ransom'd Bonis adore khee, Thou our joy and portion art: Day and night we plead before knee — Answer, Lord — thy grace impart ; Send thy Spirit, — Pierce the stubborn sinner*! heart. PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. \ 2 See, dear Lord, our near connections, Dear companions all around: Brothers, sisters, children, parents, Down to desperation bound. Jesus save them, — Let the lost again be found. j 3 Death, it may be, now is near them ; Soon they'll feel his cold embrace ; Gracious heaven ! shall we hear them Mourn thy long rejected grace? Lord constrain them, Now to seek a Saviour's face. ] 4 Lord, display thy matchless power ; Pierce their stubborn hearts of stone ; Make them dread that awful hour — Bow them Lord, before thy throne : Save them Jesus, — Save them, save them for thine own. 847 Prayer for a Revival. L. M. Great Lord of all thy churches, hear Thy minister's and people's pray'r-; Perfum'd by thee, 0 may it rise, Like fragrant incense, to the skies. 2 Revive thy churches with thy grace ; Forgive our sins, and grant us peace ; Rouse us from sloth, our hearts inflame With ardent zeal for Jesus' name. 3 May young and old thy word receive, Dead sinners hear thy voice and live; The wounded conscience healing find, And joy refresh each drooping mind. 4 May aged saints, matur'd with grace, Abound in fruits of holiness ; And when translated to the skies, May younger in their stead arise. PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. 545 5 Thus we our suppliant voices raise, And, weeping, sow the seed of praise, In humble hope that thou wilt hear Thy minister's and people's prayer. 848 Revival Prayed For. C. M. Ketire, vain world, awhile retire, And leave us with the Lord ; Thy gifts ne'er fill one just desire, Nor lasting bliss afford. 2 Blest Jesus, come thou gently down, And fill this hallowed place ; 0 make thy glorious goings known, Diffuse around thy grace. 3 Shine, dearest Lord, from realms of day, Disperse the gloom of night, Chase all our clouds and doubts away, And turn the shades to light. 4 Behold, and pity from above, Our cold and languid frame ; 0 shed abroad thy quickening love, And we'll adore thy name. 5 Revive, 0 God, desponding saints, Who languish, droop and sigh; Refresh the soul that tires and faints, Fill mourning hearts with joy. 04t/ The Day of Pentecost. M. 7s. Lo! the day of pentecost I>awns, the infant church to cheer; Lo! the sacramental host In the upper room appear. 2 Mighty faith each soul inspir'd At the footstool of the th: Each the Obmforter dcsir'd, Agonised for this alone. IT V 546 PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. ~"~®| 3 Hark ! a mighty rush from heav'n, As if tempests struggled there, Till the azure vault was riv'n, And its fragments filled the air. 4 Cloven tongues of fiery hue Crowned the apostolic band : — Holy Ghost, the sign renew ; Spread the fire through all the land. 5 Grant a pentecostal show'r ; Roll, 0 roll the mighty flood ! Jesus, by thy Spirit's pow'r Bring poor sinners back to God. 6 Let thy Spirit now inspire, While the people flock to thee ; Shout, ye angels — strike the lyre; Wake the general jubilee. 850 A Revival Hymn. CM. Spirit of God, thine infiVnce shed On us, and all around ; Hallow this place, and bless thy word ; Make every heart to bound. 2 A solemn and a feeling time May this occasion be, That old and young — that rich and poor Thy pow'r displayed may see. 3 Come now, bless'd Spirit from above ; Come now, just now descend; Convince the unconvinced of sin, And then their troubles end. 4 The joy of canceled sin bestow — The bliss of paradise; — 0 let us have a pentecost! A falling — and a rise. \%L~ PRAYER FOR A REVIVAL. 547 ° OOL Praying for Sinners. C. M. Jesus, Redeemer of mankind, Thy saving pow'r display ; Thy mercy now may sinners find, And know their gracious day. 2 0 give them, Lord, a longer space, Xor suddenly consume ; Help them to take the proffer'd grace, And flee the wrath to come. 3 Open their eyes thy cross to see, Their ears to hear thy cries ; — Sinner, thy Saviour weeps for thee, For thee he weeps and dies. 4 All the day long he meekly stands, His rebels to receive, And shows his wounds and spreads his hands, And bids you turn and live. 5 Turn, and your sins of deepest dye He will with blood efface : E'en now he waits the blood t' apply ; Be sav'd — be sav'd by grace ! 852 n sion of the Dry Bones. — Ez. 37 : 3. L. M. Look down, 0 Lord, with pitying eye ; See Adam's race in ruin lie : Sin spreads its trophies o'er the ground, And scatters slaughter^ heaps around. And can these mouldering corpses live ? And can these dead, dry bones revive? That, mighty God, to thee is known ; That wondrous work is all thine own. Thy ministers are sent in vain To prophesy upon the slain ; In vain they call, in vain thoy cry, Till thine almighty aid is nigh, REVIVAL. 4 0 let thy Spirit come and breathe New life thro' all the realms of death ! Dry bones shall then obey thy voice, — Shall move, shall waken, and rejoice. REJOICING IN A REVIVAL. QUO Great Joy in that City.— Acts 8 : 8. C. M. How much the hearts of those revive, Who love and serve the Lord, When sinners dead are made alive, By his all-quickening word. 2 The parent views, with joyful eyes, His now returning son ; And in extatic joy he cries, " What hath the Saviour done! " 3 The ministers of Christ rejoice When souls the word receive ; When sinners hear the Saviour's voice, And in the Lord believe. 4 The Church of God their praises join, And of salvation sing ; They glorify the grace divine Of their victorious King. 5 In heaven above there's joy and praise Before the Lord most high ; Th' angelic choirs their voices raise, And with each other vie. 6 But greater joy must they possess Who feel the glorious change: Their laboring tongues can but express How true, but yet how strange ! rejoici.m; in a revival. 549 854 Joy over One Sinner ihat Rcpcnteth. C. M. Ohow divine* how sweet the joy. When but one sinner turns. And with an humble, broken heart I Lis sins and errors mourns! 2 Pleaded with the news, the saints below In songs their tongues employ: Beyond the skies the tidings go, And heaven is filled with joy. 3 Well pleased, the Father sees and hears The conscious sinner's moan : Jesus receives him in his arms, And claims him for his own. 4 Xor angels can their joys contain, But kindle with new fire : " The sinner lost is found/7 they sing, And strike the sounding lyre. Odd Jailor's Conversion.— Acts 16: 30. CM. Lord, we adore thy matchless ways In bringing souls to thee ; We sing and shout eternal praise For grace so full and free. 2 "What must I do," the jailor cries, " To save my sinking soul? " "Believe in Christ," the word replies — Thy faith shall make thee whole. 3 " Believe, believe," the gospel cries, " This is the living way ;" From faith in Christ our hopes arise, And shine to perfect day. 4 Come) sinners, then, the Saviour trust, To wash you in his blood; To change your hearts, subdue your lust, And bring you home to QoxL a _jg '550 REJOICING IN A REVIVAL. w L. M. C. M. Conversion affords Joy. hene'er a sinner turns to God, With contrite heart and flowing eyes, The happy news makes angels smile, And tell their joys above the skies. Well may the church below rejoice, And echo back the heav'nly sound: This soul was dead, but now's alive : This sheep was lost, but now is found. 3 Glory to God on high be giv'n, For this unbounded love to men ; Let saints below and saints above In concert shout the loud Amen ! 00 I TJie Work Progressing. Convinc'd of sin, men now begin To call upon the Lord ; Trembling they pray, and mourn the day, In which they scorn'd his word. 2 Young converts sing, and praise their King, And bless God's holy name ; While older saints leave their complaints, And joy to join the theme. 3 God's chariot rolls, and frights the souls Of those who hate the truth ; And saints in pray'r cry, "Lord draw near, Have mercy on the youth — 4 Pour down a show'r of thy great pow'r, On every aching heart ; On all who try, and humble cry, That they may have a part." 5 Come, sinners, all, hear now God's call, And pray with one accord ; Saints, raise your songs, with joyful tongues, To hail th' approaching Lord. REJOICIXU IX A REVIVAL VUO The Prodigal's Bel urn. C. M. There's joy in ln»av'n, and joy on earth, When prodigals return, — To Bee deepondinf souls rejoice, And haughty sinners mourn. 2 "Come, saint-, and hear what God hath done/1 1- a reriying sound ; 0 may it spread from sea to sea, E'en all the globe around! 3 Often, 0, sov'reign Lord, renew The wonders of this day! That Jesus here may triumphs view, And Satan lose his prey. 4 Great God, the work is all thine own : Thine be the praises too ; Let every heart and every tongue Give thee the glory due. The Jubilee. C. M. riiAT heavenly music do I hear? Salvation sounding free! Ye - >ula in bondage, lend an ear ; This is the jubilee. 2 How sweetly do tin* tidings roll, All 'round from sea to sea, From land to land, from pole to pole ! This is the jubilee. 3 Good new-. good news, to Adam's race! Lei christians all agree ing redeeming lore and gi This is the jubilee. w 4 The gospel sounds a sweei release To all in misery. And bids them welcome home to p This is the jubilee. w 552 REJOICING IN A REVIVAL. 5 Jesus is on his mercy seat ; Before him bend the knee ; Let heaven and earth his praise repeat, This is the jubilee. 6 Sinners, be wise, return and come, Unto the Saviour flee ; The Spirit bids you welcome home ; This is the jubilee. 7 Come, ye redeemed, your tribute bring, With songs of harmony ; While on the road to Canaan, sing, This is the jubilee. 0\)\J Joy over the Convert. L. M. rno can describe the joys that rise Through all the courts of Paradise, To see a prodigal return, To see an heir of glory born ? 2 With joy the Father doth approve The fruit of his eternal love ; The Son with joy looks down and sees The purchase of his agonies ; 3 The Spirit takes delight to view The holy soul he formed anew; And saints and angels join to sing The growing empire of their King. ODl Sinners Coming Home. C. P. M. 8,6,8,6,8,6. The day has come, the joyful day — At last the day has come, That saints and angels joy display O'er sinners coming home, They're coming home, they're coming home ; Behold them coming home. I REJOICING IX A REVIVAL. 55:; '} 2 The saints of God fresh courage take — Each one in faith now prays : The hosts of hell with terror shake, While God his power displays. They're coming home, they're coming home ; Rejoice ! they're coming home. 3 Backsliders too, begin to view What traitors they have been, Confessing, ask, "What shall I do ? A hell I feel within {" They're coming home, they're coming home ; Praise God, they're coming home. 4 Encompass'd now our altars are By those of burden'd soul; They rush with eagerness, to share The balm that makes them whole. They're coming home, they're coming home ; Still more are coming home. 5 New trophies greet us every day, Who spread the flame around, While parents to each other say, "Though lost, my child is found," They're coming home, they're coming home; Bless God ! they're coming home. 862 3 Day of Good Tidings. P.M. 8,0,8,6,8,8,8,6. Where'er we meet, you always say, What's the news? — what's the news? Pray, what's the order of the day? What's the news? — what's the new 0, I have got good news to tell ! My Saviour hath done all things well, And triumphed over death and hell ; That's the news ! — that's the news ! 1U 554 ANXIOUS MEETING. 2 His work's reviving all around ; That's, &c. And many have redemption found, — &c. And since their souls have caught the flame, They shout hosanna to his name ; And all around they spread his fame, — &c. 3 The Lord has pardoned all my sin ; — &c. I feel the witness now within ; — &c. And since he took my sins away, . And taught me how to watch and pray, I'm happy now from day to day ; — &c. 4 And Christ the Lord, can now save you ; &c. Your sinful heart he can renew ; — &c. This moment, if for sins you grieve, This moment, if you do believe, A full acquittal you'll receive, — &c. 5 And now, if any one should say, What's, &c. 0 tell them you've begun to pray ! — That's, &c. That you have joined the conquering band, And now with joy, at God's command, You're marching to the better land ; — &c. 1863 ANXIOUS MEETING. Flee for Refuge ! M.6,6,6,3,6,6,6,6,6,3. Sinner, your danger view, Stop and think, stop and think ! Sinner, your danger view, Stop and think ! Sinner, your danger view, Nor carnal mirth pursue, Lest you your souls undo ; Stop and think, stop and think ! Lest you your souls undo ; Stop and think ! ANXIOUS MEETING. 555 Flee to the sinner's Friend; Don't delay, &c. Flee to the sinner's Friend, And at his footstool bend, Ere death your summons send ; Don't delay, &c. Lo ! mercy now is free ; Come just now, &c. Lo! mercy now is free; 0, then, for refuge flee To him who died for thee ; Come just now, &c. 864 Self-Dedication. C. M. Welcome, 0 Saviour, to my heart ; Possess thy humble throne ; Bid every rival hence depart, And claim me for thine own. 2 The world and Satan I forsake, — To thee I all resign ; My longing heart, 0 Jesus, take, And fill with love divine. 3 0, may I never turn aside, Nor from thy bosom flee ; Let nothing here my heart divide, — I give it all to thee. 865 „« ,„<„„,„,«. L.„ rELCOME, ye anxious, to this place ; Be banish'd every slavish fear ; Ye come to seek Immanuel's face, And he has promised to be here. 2 Seek him in prayer — he'll surely come To do us good before we part : Each humble breast h;ir: offlesh to ;/ive — Thy gilts I only cm recer Here, then, to thee I all resign: To draw, redeem, and seal, is thine. IE DOUBTING. 870 DOUBTING. Perplexity and Doubts Relieved. C. M. Uncertain how the way to find, Which to salvation led, I listened long with anxious mind, To hear what others said. 2 When some of joys and comforts told, I feared that I was wrong ; For I was stupid, dead and cold, Had neither joy nor song. 3 The Lord my laboring heart relieved, And made my burden light; Then for a moment I believed, Supposing all was right. 4 Of fierce temptations others talked, Of anguish and dismay — Thro' what distresses they had walked, Before they found the way. 5 Ah, then I thought my hopes were vain, For I had lived at ease ; I wished for all my fears again, To make me more like these. 6 Again my Saviour brought me aid ; And when he set me free, " Trust simply on my word/' he said, " And leave the rest to me." 871 Lovest thou Me .?— John 21 : 15. M. 7s. TTlis a point I long to know; 1 Oft it causes anxious thought: Do I love the Lord,or no? Am I his, or am I not? 2 If I love, why am I thus — Why this dull and lifeless frame? Hardly, sure, can they be worse, Who have never heard his name. 3 Could my heart so hard remain, Prayer a task and burden prove, Every trifle give me pain, If I knew a Saviour's love? 4 Lord, I mourn my stubborn will, Find my sin a grief and thrall ; Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all ? 5 Could I joy the saints to meet, Choose the way I once abhorr'd, Find at times the promise sweet, If I did not love the Lord ? 6 Lord, decide the doubtful case, Thou, who art thy people's sun ; Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be indeed begun. 7 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray ; If I have not loved before, Help me to begin to-day. 872 The Doubting Christian. M. 7s & Gs. Come, my friend, and let us try, For a little season, Every burden to lay by ; Come, and let us reason. 2 What is this that casts you down ? 0, what can thus grieve you? Speak, and let the worst be known : Speaking may relieve you. M *0 560 DOUBTING. 3 Christ, at times, by faith I view, And it doth relieve me ; But my doubts return anew: They are those that grieve me. 4 Troubled like the restless seas, Feeble, faint and fearful ; Plagued with every sore disease, How can I be cheerful? 5 Think on what your Saviour bore In the gloomy garden ; Sweating blood at every pore, To procure thy pardon. 6 View him nail'd upon the tree, Bleeding, groaning, dying; 0 that thou couldst to him flee, On his grace relying! 873 Prayer in Perplexity, C. M. Thou great First Cause ! least understood, In every clime adored ; We all know this, — that thou art good, The universal Lord ! 2 If I am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to stay ; If I am wrong, 0 teach my heart To find that better way. 3 Save me alike from foolish pride Or impious discontent, At aught thy wisdom has denied, Or aught thy goodness lent. 4 Teach me to feel another's woe, To hide the fault I see ; That mercy I to others show, That mercy show to me. M ■ DOUBTING. 561 » 874 875 Self -Examination. L. M. What strange perplexities arise, What anxious fears and jealousies, What crowds in doubtful light appear, How few, alas, approved and clear ! 2 And what am I ? — My soul, awake, And an impartial survey take; Does no dark sign, no ground of fear, In practice or in heart appear? 3 What image does my spirit bear? Is Jesus formed, and living there ? Say, do his lineaments divine In thought, and word, and action shine? 4 Searcher of hearts, 0 search me still ; The secrets of my soul reveal ; My fears remove ; let me appear To God, and my own conscience clear. The Contrite Heart. C. M. Tiie Lord will happiness divine On contrite hearts bestow; Then tell me, gracious God, is mine A contrite heart, or no? 2 I hear, but seem to hear in vain, Insensible as steel ; If aught is felt, 'tis only pain To find I cannot feel. 3 I sometimes think myself inclined To love thee, if I could; ♦ But often feel another mind, Slow to delight in good. 4 My best desires are faint and fewj I fain would strive for more : But when I cry, " My strength renew," Seem weaker than b< 9 ™ J 562 BACKSLIDING. 5 Thy saints are comforted, I know, And love thy house of pray'r ; I sometimes go where others go, But find no comfort there. 6 0 make this heart rejoice or ache,- Decide this doubt for me ; And, if it be not broken, break; And heal it, if it be. 876 BACKSLIDING. Lament of the Backslider. S. M. How can I vent my grief? My Comforter is fled ; By day I sigh without relief, And groan upon my bed. I once enjoy'd my Lord ; Liv'd happy in his love, Delighted in his holy word, And sought my rest above. But, 0 ! alas, my soul, Where is thy comfort now ? Why did I let my love grow cold? Ah ! why to idols bow ? How little did I think, When first I did begin, To join a little with the world, It was so great a sin. I thought I might conform, Nor singular appear, Converse and dress as others did, — But now I feel the snare. BACKSLIDING. 563 My confidence is gone ; I find no words to say ; Barren and lifeless is my soul, When I attempt to pray. I feel ashamed to bow, When with the saints I meet: While on their knees my brethren cry, I stand, or keep my seat. 0 Saviour, by thy word, Now turn my night to day ; And all those heavenly joys restore, Which I have sinn'd away. 877 Prayer for Restoring Peace. S. M. 0 Jesus ! full of grace, To thee I make my moan : Let me again behold thy face ; Call home thy banish' d one. Again my pardon seal, Again my soul restore, And freely my backslidings heal, And bid me sin no more. Wilt thou not bid me rise ? Speak, and my soul shall live ; Forgive, my gasping spirit cries, Abundantly forgive ! 878 Loss of First Love. CM. Otitat I were as heretofore, When warm in my first love ; I only lived my God t} adore, And seek the things above. 2 Upon my bond h\< candle shone, And. lavish <>t' his grace, With cords of love If drew me on, And half unvcil'd his face. !564 BACKSLIDING. 3 Far, far above all earthly things, Triumphantly I rode ; I soared to heaven on eagles' wings, And found, and talk'd with God. 4 Where am I now ? from what a height Of happiness cast down ! The glory's swallow' d up in night, And faded is the crown. 5 0 God, thou art my home, my rest, For which I sigh in pain ; How shall I 'scape into thy breast? Mv Eden how regain ? i 879 Deceitfulnessof Sin. P. M. 7,6,7,6,7,8,7,6. Jesus, friend of sinners, hear Yet once again, I pray ; From my debt of sin set clear, For I have naught to pay; Speak, 0 speak the kind release; A poor backsliding soul restore ; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. 2 For my selfishness and pride Thou hast withdrawn thy grace ; Left me long to wander wide, An outcast from thy face ; But I now my sins confess, And mercy — mercy I implore : Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. 3 Sin's deceitfulness hath spread A hardness o'er my heart; But if thou thy Spirit shed, My hardness shall depart: Shed thy love, thy tenderness, And let me feel thy soft'ning pow'r ; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more. Q< BACKSLIDING. 565 c 0! OOU Prayer in Darkness. M. 7s. jnce I thought my mountain strong, Firmly fixed, no more to move ; Then m}' Saviour was my song, Then my soul was filFd with love ; Those were happy, golden days, Sweetly spent in prayer and praise. 2 Little then myself I knew, Little thought of Satan's pow'r ; Now I feel my sins anew, Xow I feel the stormy hour ; Sin has put my joys to flight; Sin has turned my days to night. 3 Saviour, shine and cheer my soul, Bid my dying hopes revive; Make my wounded spirit whole^ Far away the tempter drive ; Speak the word and set me free, Let me live alone to thee. 881 £L Backsliders Exhorted. C. M. Backsliders, who your misery feel, Attend your Saviour's call ; Return, he'll your backslidings heal ; 0 crown him Lord of all. 2 Though crimson sin increase your guilt, And painful is your thrall, For broken hearts his blood was spilt; 0 crown him Lord of all. 3 Take with you words, approach his throne, And low before him fall: Hem Lb the Spirit'- groan ; 0 crown him Lord of all. 4 Wl out, Although your faith be small: Hifi faithfulness you <-;mnot doubt; 0 crown him Lord of him. IV 566 BACKSLIDING. OOZ Returning to GM.— Mai. 3:7. C. M. How oft, alas ! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word ! 2 Yet sovereign mercy calls, "Return!" Dear Lord, and may I come? My vile ingratitude I mourn ; "0 take the wanderer home ! 3 And canst thou, wilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove? And shall a pardoned rebel live, To speak thy wondrous love ? 4 Almighty grace ! thy healing pow'r, How glorious — how divine ! That can to life and bliss restore A heart so vile as mine. 5 Thy pardoning love — so free, so sweet, Dear Saviour, I adore ; 0 keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. 883 Returning to God's People. M. 7s. People of the living God, I have sought the world around, Paths of sin and sorrow trod, Peace and comfort nowhere found. 2 Now to you my spirit turns, Turns — a fugitive unblest ; Brethren, where your altar burns, 0 receive me into rest ! 3 Lonely I no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave ; Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave ; jar FAST-DAY. S6T 4 Mine the God whom you adore — Your Redeemer shall be mine: Earth can fill my soul no more — Every idol I resign. FAST-DAY. 884 Hymn for a Fast Day. S.M. : UTs this a fast for me?"— 1 Thus saith the Lord our God, — " A day for man to vex his soul, And feel affliction's rod ? 2 Like bulrush, low to bow His sorrow-stricken head, "With sackcloth for his inner vest, And ashes 'round him spread ? 3 Shall days like this have pow'r To stay th' avenging hand, Efface transgression, or avert My judgments from the land? 4 No ; is not this alone The sacred fast I choose, — Oppression's yoke to burst in twain, The bands of guilt unloose ? — 5 To nakedness and want. Your food and raiment deal, To dwell your kindred race among, And all their sufferings heal ? G Then like the morning ray, Shall spring your health and light: Before you. righteousness shall shine, Behind, my glory bright!" i3 , _oi 'P 568 FAST-DAY. ~0j Oe 0 )O0 Humiliation j or National Sins. C. M. ee, gracious God, before thy throne, Thy mourning people bend; 'Tie on thy sovereign grace alone Our humble hopes depend. 2 Tremendous judgments from thy hand Thy dreadful power display ; Yet mercy spares this guilty land, And still we live to pray. 3 What numerous crimes increasing rise, Through this apostate land! What land so favored of the skies, Yet thoughtless of thy hand ! How changed, alas ! are truths divine, For error, guilt, and shame ! What impious numbers, bold in sin, Disgrace the christian's name! 0, turn us, turn us, mighty Lord, By rich and sovereign grace: Then shall our hearts obey thy word, And humbly seek thy face. 886 Pardon Imjplored in Danger. M. 8s & 7s Dread Jehovah ! God of nations ! From thy temple in the skies, Hear thy people's supplications ; Now for their deliverance rise. 2 Lo ! with deep contrition turning, In thy holy place we bend ; Hear us, fasting, praying, mourning ; Hear us, spare us, and defend. 3 Though our sins, our hearts confounding, Long and loud for vengeance call, Thou hast mercy more abounding — Jesus' blood can cleanse them all. FAST-DAY. ~569^! w 4 Lei thai mercy veil transgression ; L i that blood our guilt efface; ■ t'nv people from oppression; Save from spoil thy holy place. la Tune of War. L. M, -unds of war are heard around, And death and ruin strew the ground, ; To thee we look, on thee we call — The Parent and the Lord of all. 2 Thou who hast stamped on human kind The image of a heaven-born mind, And in a Father's wide embrace, Hast cherished all the kindred race, — 3 Great God, whose powerful hand can bind The raging waves, the furious wind, 0, bid the human tempest cease, And hush the maddening world to peace. 4 With rev'rence may each hostile land Hear and obey that high command — Thy Son's blest errand from above — •• My creatures, live in mutual love." 888 Deploring War, I '. M. Destructive Bword ! how oft hast thou Been bathed in human blood ! What cities, fields and sou-, have been Stained with the crimson flood ! 2 All-gracious God! permit our sools, Inipress'd with human v. With thee to plead, how long, how long Shall this mad deluge flow? 3 Qow 1 Dg shall brethren's hands, iiabru'd With blood, each other slay F The field with _ rew'd, Of man to man a prey? IV f570 FAST-DAY. &t 4 To punish crime, though justly due, Shall vengeance ever burn? Back to the scabbard, whence it flew, Sword of the world, return ! 5 Thou God of hosts ! whose sovereign will Controls the swelling flood, The madness of thy people still, And bring from evil good. 6 0, may thy Spirit's mighty sword Our lusts subdue and slay ; Then force and war shall yield to love, And all from love obey. OOo Impending Judgments. C. M. ome, let our souls adore the Lord, Whose judgments yet delay ; Who yet suspends the lifted sword, And gives us time to pray. 2 Great is our guilt, our fears are great, But let us not despair ; Still open is the mercy-seat To penitence and pray'r. 3 Kind Intercessor, to thy love This blessed hope we owe ; 0, let thy merits plead above, While" we implore below. 4 Though justice, near thy awful throne, Attends thy dread command, Lord, hear thy servants, hear thy Son, And save a guilty land. 1890 National Ingratitude. L. M. How long hath God bestowed his care On this indulged, ungrateful land ! How oft, in times of danger near, Preserved us by his sovereign hand ! TIlAXKSi.IVIX'. BAY. &T1 O 2 Here peace and Liberty have dwelt, The glorious gospel brightly shone ; And oft our mightiest foes have felt That God hath made our eaiiSfl his own. 3 But, ah ! both heaven and earth have heard Our vile requital of his i We, whom like children he has reared, For all his care unthankful prove. 4 See! he uplifts his chastening rod ! 0, where are now the faithful few, Who tremble for the ark of God, And know what Israel ought to do ? 5 Lord, hear thy people everywhere, Who meet this day to weep and pray ; Our sinful land in mercy spare, In mercy turn thy wrath away ! THANKSGIVING DAY. Ot/1 Praise for National Blessings. L. M. Almighty Sovereign of the ski To thee let songs of gladness rise, Each grateful heart itfl tribute bring, And every voice thy goodness sing. 2 From thee our choicest blessings flow; Life, health and strength, thy bunds bestow ; The daily good thy creatures share, Springs from thy providential 3 The rich profusion nature yields, The harvest waving o'er the fields, The cheering light, refreshing show'r, Are gifts from thy exhaustless store. 4 From thee proceed domestic ties, Connubial bliss, parental joys ; On thy support the nations stand, Obedient to thy high command. 5 Let every pow'r of heart and tongue Unite to swell the grateful song ; While age and youth in chorus join, To praise the Majesty divine. S' Ol//W Civil and Religious Blessings. M. 7s. ^well the anthem, raise the song — Praises to our God belong ; Saints and angels join to sing Praise to heaven's almighty King. 2 Blessings from his liberal hand Pour around this happy land ; Let our hearts, beneath his sway, Hail the bright, triumphant day. 3 Now to thee our joys ascend ; Thou hast been our heavenly Friend; Guarded by thy mighty pow'r, Peace and freedom bless our shore. 4 Here, beneath a virtuous sway, May we cheerfully obey ; Never feel a tyrant's rod, Ever own and worship God. 5 Hark ! the voice of nature sings Praises to the King of kings ; Let us join the choral song, And the heav'nly notes prolong. OuO National Gratitude. L. M. ord, may thy goodness crown our land, Preserved by thine almighty hand, The tribute of its love to bring To thee our Saviour and our King. L° THANKSGIVING DAY. 2 So ihalJ each public temple raise A song of triumph to thy praise; And every peaceful, private home, To thee a temple shall become. 3 Still be it our supreme delight. To walk as in thine awful Bight : And in thy precepts and thy fear, Till life's last hour to persevere. 894 God's Goodness crowns the Year. L. M. Eternal Source of every joy, Well may thy praise our lips employ, While in thy temple we appear. Whose goodness crowns the circling year. 2 The flowery spring, at thy command, Embalms the air and paints the land; The summer rays with vigor shine, To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 3 Thy hand, in autumn, richly pours Through all our coasts redundant stores ; And winters, softened by thy care, No more a face of horror wear. 4 Seasons and months, and weeks, and di Demand successive songs of praise; Still be the cheerful homage paid. With opening light and evening shade. 895 Thanksgiving Day. M. ' Praise to God. immortal pi For the love that crowns our days: Bounteous Source of every joy. Let thy praise our tongues employ. Pot tie* blessings of the field, For the stores the gardens yield, For the rine'fl exalted jui< For the generous olive's use: — HARVEST HYMNS. 3 Flocks that whiten all the plain, Yellow sheaves of ripened grain, Clouds, that drop their fattening dews, Suns, that temperate warmth diffuse ;- 4 All that spring with bounteous hand Scatters o'er the smiling land, All that liberal autumn pours From her rich, o'erflowing stores ; — 1 \ 5 These to thee, our God, we owe — Source whence all our blessings flow ! And for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. HAEVEST HYMNS. OOV Harvest Hymn. C. M. To praise the ever-bounteous Lord, My soul, wake all thy pow'rs: He calls ; and, at his voice came forth The smiling harvest hours. 2 His covenant with the earth he keeps; My tongue, his goodness sing ; Summer and winter know their time ; His harvest crowns the spring. 3 Well pleased, the husbandman beholds j The waving, yellow crop ; With joy he bears the sheaves away, And sows again in hope. 4 Thus teach me, gracious God, to sow The seeds of righteousness ; Smile on my soul, and, with thy beams, j The ripening harvest bless. HARVEST HYMNS. 575 897 Then in the hist great harvest, I Shall reap a glorious crown ; The harvest shall by far exceed What I in hope have sown. The Joy in Harvest. L. M. Great God, as seasons disappear, And changes mark the rolling year, Thy favor still doth crown our days, And we would celebrate thy praise. 2 The harvest song we would repeat : — 11 Thou givest us the finest wheat;" "The joy of harvest" we have known: The praise, 0 Lord, is all thine own. 3 Our tables spread, our garners stor'd, 0 give us hearts to bless the Lord! Forbid it, Source of light and love, Our hearts and lives should barren prove. 4 Another harvest comes apace : Mature our spirits by thy grace, That we may calmly meet the blow The sickle gives to us below. 5 That so, when angel reapers come To gather sheaves to thy blest home, Our spirits may be borne on high To thy safe garner in the sky. 898 The God of Harvest. P. M. G,G,4,G,6,6,4. Tin: God of harvest praise; In loud thanksgiving raise Hand, heart and voice : The valleys smile and Bing, and mountains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The streams rej<>i«-e. 2 Yea, bless his holy name, And purest thanks proclaim Through all the earth ; To glory in your lot Is duty, — but be not God's benefits forgot, Amidst your mirth. 3 The God of harvest praise ; Hands, hearts and voices, With sweet accord; From field to garner throng, Bearing your sheaves along, And in your harvest song Bless ye the Lord. 899 Harvest Hymn. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Let all the people join To swell the solemn chord ; Your grateful notes combine To magnify the Lord ; In lofty songs your voices raise: The God of harvest claims your praise. In rich luxuriance dress'd, Behold the spacious plain; Its bounty stands confess'd In fields of yellow grain ; In lofty songs your voices raise : The God of harvest claims your praise. Fair plenty fills the land, — His mercies never cease : The husbandman doth smile To see the large increase ; In lofty songs your voices raise : The God of harvest claims your praise. m CAMP MI.KTIXG. 577 4 The precious fruits he gives 0 may we ne'er ahv But through our future lives To his own glory use; Then rise to heaven and sing his praise, In sweeter strains and nobler lays. O {)[) Seed Time and Harvest. C. M. I Fountain* of mercy, God of love, How rich thy bounties are ! The changing seasons, as they move, Proclaim thy constant care. 2 When in the bosom of the earth The sower hid the grain, Thy goodness marked its secret birth, And sent the early rain. 3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord,was thine ; The plants in beauty grew ; Thou gav'st refulgent suns to shine, And soft, refreshing dew. 4 These varied mercies, from above, Matured the swelling grain: — A kindly harvest crowns thy love, And plenty fills the plain. 5 We own and bless thy gracious sway, Thy hand all nature hails: Seed time nor harvest, night nor day, Summer nor winter fails. CAMP MEETING. 901 Camp Meeting Hymn, L. M. Ci.\mi' if EETiNGfl with thy presence crown, And §how*r, <> Lord thy blessings down; Fill eTery heart with holy seal, And all thy righteousness reveal. £ ' w ^ ~-^~ — •—- — — — ~-^^^^ — ^^-w -^w^> — -~or> ^578 CAMP MEETING. 2 O'er all our hosts do thou preside, And all our various movements guide ; The praying companies attend, And show thyself the sinner's Friend. 3 Pour out thy Spirit on thy sons, And visit thine anointed ones ; May every virgin trim her lamp, And glory rest upon our camp. 4 May prayer and praise united rise, Like holy incense, to the skies ; In all the camp display thy pow'r: That souls be saved each day and hour. 902 The Tented Grove. C. M. Let Zion's sons, and Levi's tribe, And Israel's army move ; Come now, prepare to offer prayer, While in the tented grove. 2 Leave all the busy cares of life — All worldly things behind ; That you may gather strength of soul, And fortify the mind. 3 For Jesus surely will be here, To fire our souls with love ; And we shall find our hearts inclined To love the tented grove. 4 By faith we claim thy promise, Lord, Thy faithfulness to prove ; Draw near to us, thou sinner's Friend, While in our tented grove. 5 0 sacred ground ! delightful place, Where God appears to man ! Like Moses, we behold his face With but a vail between. TABLE HYMNS. 579 G But when we rise to paradise, To worship God above ; Then happier ground we all shall find, Than in the tented grove. Close of a Camp Meeting, C. M. Now, brethren, to your homes repair; And as you pass along, Employ your hearts in humble pray'r, And raise the cheerful song. 2 Praise God for what your ears have heard — For what your eyes have seen ; Praise him for what has here oocurr'd — For all you feel within. 3 Improve the strength you here have gain'd, - To do God's holy will : Improve the knowledge here attained, To love and serve him still. 4 Let not the world have cause to say You've served your God for nought ; But grow in grace, from day to day. As you have here been taught, 5 Farewell — and to your homes repair; And as you pass along, Employ your hearts in humble pray'r, And raise to God a song. TABLE HYMXS. 904 Gru< ft nt. L. M. Be pr Hi- tabic Lard ; heft ami everywhere adorM ; These mercies bless, and grant thai we May feast in paradise with thee. a J*J Grace after Meat. L Blessings to God, forever blest — To God, the Master of the feast— Who hath for us a table spread, And from his hand us creatures fed. 2 0, give us all a thankful heart; Help us from evil to depart ; Our daily meat, Lord, let it be, Thy will to do, and follow thee. 906 Praise for Daily Food. L. M. We bless the Lord, the Just and Good, Who kindly gives our daily food : Who pours his blessings from the skies, And loads our days with rich supplies. 2 0, let us, then, with joy record The truth and goodness of the Lord ; How great his works ! how kind his ways ! Let every tongue pronounce his praise. 907 GooVs Universal Bounty . C. M. All creatures, with instinctive cry, From God implore their food : His bounty grants a rich supply, And fills the earth with good. 2 Delightful is the task, 0 Lord, With each returning day, Thy countless mercies to record, And grateful homage pay. m travelers' hy.mxs. 581 TRAVELERS' HYMNS. 908 909 910 The Traveler's Hymn. C. M. How are thy servants blest, 0 Lord, How sure is their defence ! Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help, Omnipotence. In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care, Thro' burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. In midst of dangers, fears and deaths Thy goodness we'll adore ; We'll praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. Traveler's Melody. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Tnou who art the ever present And all-seeing gracious God, Make our journey useful, pleasant, Guard and bless us on the road ; As we travel — Trav'ling still to thine abode. 2 In this journey, and life's travel, Go with us — thy love display ; May we see a bright to-morrow Through the storm-clouds of to-day ; Give thine angels Charge to keep us on the way. ■L The Traveler's Sacrifice. C. M, Great God, where'er we pitch our tent, Let us an altar rah And thero, with humblo frame, present Our sacrifice of praise. 1W J 582 seamen's hymns. 2 To thee we give our health and strength, While health and strength shall last ; For future mercies humbly trust, Nor e'er forget the past. 91 SEAMEN'S HYMNS. The Spiritual Voyage. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. Jesus ! at thy command, I launch into the deep, And leave my native land, Where sin lulls all asleep ; For thee I would the world resign, And sail to heaven with thee and thine. Thou art my pilot wise ; My compass is thy word ; My soul each storm defies, While I have such a Lord ! I trust thy faithfulness and pow'r To save me in the dying hour. By faith I see the land, The port of endless rest ; My soul, thy sails expand, And fly to Jesus' breast ! 0, may I reach the heavenly shore, Where winds and waves distress no more. 912 Christ the Guiding Star at Sea. M. 8s&7s. Star of peace, to wand'rers weary, Bright the beams that smile on me ; Cheer the pilot's vision dreary, Far away, far, far at sea. 2 Star of faith, when winds are mocking All his toil, he flies to thee ; Save him on, the billows rocking, Far away, far, far at sea. 3 Star divine, 0 safely guide him, Bring the wand'rer home to thee ; Sore temptations long have tried him, Far away, far, far at sea. 4 Star of hope, gleam on the billow, Bless the soul that sighs for thee; Bless the sailor's lonely pillow, Far away, far, far at sea. The Lovely Sonnet. P. M. 8,8,8,8,8,8,4. Wiiex for th' eternal world I steer, And seas are calm and skies are clear, And faith in lively exercise, And distant hills of Canaan rise, My soul for joy then claps her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings, I'm going home. With cheerful heart, her eyes explore Each land-mark on the distant shore, The tree of life, the pastures green, The pearly gates, the crystal stream ; Again for joy she clasps her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings, I'm almost home. The nearer still she draws to land, More eager all her powers expand ; With steady holm and free bent sail, Her anchor drops within the fail; With holy joy she folds her wings, And her celestial sonnet &i I'm safe at home. &, !584 SEAMEN S HYMNS. ®; Now, safely moored, no storm I fear, My God, my Christ, my heaven is here; And all the joys of paradise In holiness and beauty rise, — 'Tis now the soul, with folded wing, Her thrilling notes of joy shall sing: Glory to God ! 914 The Seamen's Hymn. S. M. OLord, we launch again Upon the mighty deep, Do thou, 0 sovereign of the main, Our souls and bodies keep. If hardship and distress We should be called to bear, 0 let thine all supporting grace Preserve us from despair. Be thou forever nigh, That we may hear thee say, "Be not afraid, for it is I, To guard you on the way." Then come whatever will, We nothing have to dread, When Christ continues with us still, And says, " Be not afraid." Prayer at Sea. L.M. Prayer may be sweet in cottage homes, Where sire and child devoutly kneel, While through the open casement nigh The vernal blossoms fragrant steal. 2 Prayer may be sweet in stately halls, Where heart with kindred heart is blent And upward to th/ eternal throne The hymn of praise melodious sent. urn's hymns. 586 v 3 But he who fain would know how warm The soul's appeal to God may be, From friends and native land should turn, A wand'rer on the faithless sea. — 4 Should hear its deep, imploring tone Ri-<> heavenward o'er the funning surge, When billows fcosa the fragile hark, And fearful blasts the conflict urge. 5 Nought, nought appears but sea and sky; No refuge where the foot may flee: How will he cast, 0 Rock divine, The anchor of his soul on thee ! 10 The Voyage to Glory. II. M.6,6,6,6,8,8. Through tribulation deep The way to glory is ; This stormy course I keep On these tempestuous seas : By waves and winds I'm toss'd and driv'n, Freighted with grace and bound to heav'n. 2 Sometimes temptations blow A dreadful hurricane; And high the waters flow And o'er my sides break in ; But still my little ship outbraves The blust'ring winds and surging waves. 3 The Bible is my chart : By it the seas I know ; With it I cannot part, It rocks and sands doth show: It is a chart and compass too, Whose needle points for ever true. 917 Mariners Prayer and Praise, C. M WuK\ o'er the mighty deep we r By winds and stormi assail'd, We call'd upon the ocean's I tod, Whose mercy oerez fail'd. 0 586 seamen's hymns. 2 The raging tempest heard thy voice, The winds obey'd thy will: The elements withheld their noise, And all the floods were still. 3 With joy we hail'd the distant shore, And safe the vessel moor'd; — With grateful hearts, that happy hour, We praised the ocean's Lord. 4 Thus, while o'er floods and seas we roam, Thy goodness still we see ; Though distant from our native home, We are not far from thee. 5 And when life's voyages are past, And we are call'd to die ; 0 may we see thy face at last, In realms beyond the sky. 6 Then as we join the heavenly bands, Beyond the swelling wave, We'll praise thee with uplifted hands, And sing thy pow'r to save. 918 Prayer for Seamen. C. M. We come, 0 Lord, before thy throne, And, with united pleas, We meet and pray for those who roam Far off upon the seas. 0 may the Holy Spirit bow The sailor's heart to thee, Till tears of deep repentance flow Like rain-drops in the sea. Then may a Saviour's dying love Pour peace into his breast, And waft him to the port above, Of everlasting rest. 919 Bound for Canaan. P.M. 7,0,7,0,7,0,0,7 The people called christians, How many things they tell About the land of Canaan, Whore saints and angels dwell; But sin, that dreadful ocean. Encloses them around ; While time still divides them From Canaan's happy ground. 2 Thousands have been impatient, To find their passage through, And with united vigor, Have tried what they could do : But vessels built by man's skill Have never sailed far, Till they're found, run aground On some dreadful sandy bar. 3 The gospel ship of Jesus Has gone to sea at last ; Behold her sails expanded Around the towering mast; Around her deck, in order, The joyful sailors stand, Crying* ( K here we go To ImmanuePs happy land ! 4 To those who are spectators, What sorrow must ensue, To have their old companions Bid them a long adieu ! The pleasures of a paradise Xo Longer them invite; They may rail, while we sail, But we'll soon be out of sight. 5 W B*re now on tin1 wide ocean, AW bid the world farewell ■ lint where we shall cast anchor, No mortal tongue can tell ; - — v* r588 BIRTH-DAY HYMNS. About our future happiness There need be no debate, While we ride on the tide, With our Captain and his mate. 1 6 We're passengers united In harmony and love ; The wind is in our favor — How joyfully we move : | Though troubles may surround us, \ And raging billows roar, We will sweep through the deep, Till we land on Canaan's shore. 1 \ \ BIETH-DAY HYMNS. \ oZi) A Birthday Hymn. M. 7s. T my Ebenezer raise 1 To my kind Kedeemer's praise ; With a grateful heart I own, \ Hitherto thy help I've known. 2 I my all to thee resign ; Father, let thy will be mine ; j May but all thy dealings prove Fruits of thy paternal love. 3 Let my few remaining days j Be directed to thy praise ; So the last, the closing scene Shall be tranquil and serene. 4 To thy will I leave the rest ; Grant me but this one request, — Both in life and death to prove Tokens of thy special love. >EL~_ „ •»•»«■. ^ M WEDDING- HYMNS. 5811 Birthday Dedication. II. M. 0,6,6,0,8,8. God of my life, to thee My cheerful soul I raise; Thy goodness bade me be, And still prolongs my days ; I see my natal hour return, And bless the day that I was born. ! My soul and all its pow'rs Thine, wholly thine, shall be ; All, all my happy hours I consecrate to thee ; Whatever I have, whate'er I am, Shall magnify my Maker's name. ! Long as I live beneath, To thee, 0 let me live ! To thee my every breath, In thanks and praises give ! Creating and preserving grace, Let all that is within me praise. [ Then when the work is done, The work of faith and pow'r, Receive thy rescued son, In death's triumphant hour; Like Moses, to thyself convey My soul, to live in endless day. WEDDING HYMNS. A Wedding Hymn- c- M« Sim i; Jesus freely did appear To grace ■ marriage feast : Dear Lord, pre ask thy presence here To make ■ wedding guest. IX WEDDING HYMNS. 2 Upon the bridal pair look down, Who now have plighted hands ; Their union with thy favor crown, And bless the nuptial bands. 3 With gifts of grace their hearts endow, — Of all rich dowries best ; Their substance bless ; and peace bestow, To sweeten all the rest. 4 In purest love their hearts unite; That they, with christian care, May make domestic burdens light, By taking mutual share. 5 0 may each soul, assembled here, Be married, Lord, to thee ; Clad in the robes, made white and fair, To spend eternity. QOQ t/AtO Marriage Hymn. L. M. riTii cheerful voices rise and sing The praises of our God and King ; For he alone can minds unite In mutual love and pure delight. 2 0 may this pair increasing find Substantial pleasures of the mind; Happy in all things may they be, And both united, Lord, to thee. 3 So may they live, as truly one, And, when their work on earth is done, Rise hand in hand to heaven, and share The joys of love forever there. w Matrimonial Hymn. M. 8s & 7s. Lord, we come to ask thy blessing On the happy pair to rest ; May thy goodness, never ceasing, Make them now and ever blest. WEDDING HYMNS. 2 Thou canst change the course of nature, Turning water into wine; But we ask a greater favor — May they be forever thine. 3 Thine by covenant and adoption, Thine by free and sovereign grace.; May they, in each word and action, Do thy will and speak thy praise. 4 Gracious Lord, from thy rich bounty, Fill their basket and their store; Give them, with their health and plenty, Hearts thy goodness to adore. 925 The Nuptial Vow. L. M. With grateful hearts and tuneful lays We sing before th' eternal throne, And offer up our humble praise To him whose name is God alone. 2 At this auspicious hour draw near, And shed thy richest blessings down; Fill every heart with love sincere, And all thy faithful mercies crown. 3 Grant now thy presence, gracious Lord, And hearken to our fervent pray'r: The nuptial vow in heav'n record, And bless the newly-married pair. 4 0 guide them safe this desert through, 'Mid all the cares of life and love: May they with JOJ thy glories view In tii" eternal world ab PARENTAL HYMNS. PAKENTAL HYMNS. oZ\) Parental Solicitude. C. M. How can we see the children, Lord, In love whom thou hast giv'n, Remain regardless of thy word, Without a hope of heav'n ? 2 How can we see them tread the path That leads to endless death ; Thus adding to thy fearful wrath, With every moment's breath ? 3 We ask not wealth, long life, or fame, Or aught the world can give ; May they but glorify thy name, And to thy honor live. 4 This is the burden of our pray'r: — When from our bosoms riv'n, May they be objects of thy care, And heirs, at last, of heav'n. 927 God's Works Recounted to Posterity. C. M. Let children hear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old — Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. 2 He bids us make his glories known, His works of power and grace ; And we'll convey his wonders down Through every rising race. 3 Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs ; That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. PARENTAL HYMNS. 593 C 4 Thus shall they learn, in God alone Their hope securely stands. That they may ne'er forget his works, But practise his commands. i? Parental Entreaty. S. M. son, know thou the Lord, Thy father's God obey ; Seek his protecting care by night, His guardian hand by day. Call, while he may be found, 0, seek him while he's near ; Serve him with all thy heart and mind, And worship him with fear. If thou wilt seek his face, His ear will hear thy cry; Then shalt thou find his mercy sure, His grace forever nigh. Yield, then, to love divine, Break off your sins to-day ; Accept the Saviour's pardoning grace, Believe, repent, and pray. Maternal Association. C. M. Great God, we would to thee make known Each fond maternal care ; For this we gather 'round thy throne, And bring our children there. Lord, hear the parents' earnest cry, And save our children dear: Now send thy Spirit from on high, And fill them with thy fear. 0 make them lore thy holy law, And joyfa] walk therein ; Their heart* to Dew obedience draw, Save them from every sin. 929 o94 PARENTAL HYMNS. Prayer for Children's Conversion. C. M. OLord, behold us at thy feet, A small paternal band; As suppliants 'round thy mercy-seat, We come at thy command. 2 'Tis for our children we would plead, The offspring thou hast giv'n ; Where shall we go, in time of need, But to the God of heav'n? 3 We ask not for them wealth and fame, Amid the worldly strife ; But in thy all-prevailing name We ask eternal life. 4 We seek the Spirit's quick'ning grace, To make them pure in heart, That they may stand before thy face, And see thee as thou art. Gentleness, the Fruit of the Spirit. CM. Speak gently ! it is better far To rule by love than fear ; Speak gently ! let not harsh words mar The good we might do here. 2 Speak gently to the little child ; Its love be sure to gain ; Teach it in accents soft and mild: It may not long remain. 3 Speak gently to the young ; for they Will have enough to bear ; Pass through this life as best they may. 'Tis full of anxious care. 4 Speak gently ! 'tis a little thing, Dropp'd in the heart's deep well ; The good, the joy, which it may bring, Eternity shall tell. EDUCATIONAL HYMNS. OOA> Parents' Prayer for their Children. CM. hough parents may in coy'nant be, THO A And have their heav'n in view; They are unhappy till they see Their children happy too. 2 Their hearts with inward anguish bleed When all attempts prove vain. And they pursue those paths that lead To everlasting pain. 3 Till they can see victorious grace Their children's souls possess, The sparkling wit, the smiling face, But adds to their distress. 4 See the fond father clasp his child; With love his bowels move — Shalt thou, my offspring, be exiPd From God, my Father's love? 5 Shall cruel spirits drag thee down To darkness and despair, Beneath th7 Almighty's angry frown, To dwell forever there ? G Kind heav'n, the dreadful scene forbid! Look down, dear Lord, and bless ; I'll wrestle hard as Abrah'm did, — May I obtain success* EDUCATIONAL HYMNS. Prayer for God's Blessing. L. M. Assembled in « »ur school once more, 0 Lord, thy blessing we implore; Now fill our hearts with thy rich ^race, And tune our lips bo Bing thy pn el 596 EDUCATIONAL HYMNS. ®{ 2 To thee our fervent prayer ascends For parents, teachers, foes, and friends ; That they and we may feel that love That's felt by every saint above. 3 Guide thou our feet, guard thou our way, With thy blest smile, through every day ; And when on earth no more we meet, May we in heaven each other greet. 934 The Importance of Educating Youth. C. Father, 'tis ours in wisdom's way To guide untutor'd youth, And lead the mind that goes astray To virtue and to truth. 2 The young our kind protection claim, And God will well approve Efforts to teach the youth thy name And their dear Lord to love. 3 Delightful work ! young souls to win, And turn the rising race From the deceitful paths of sin, To seek redeeming grace. 4 Almighty God, thine influence shed To aid this good design ; 0 bless the means, thy name to spread, And make all people thine. y OO College Parting Ode. M. 7s & ( Alternate joy and sadness Do-now our hearts pervade ; Tears mingle with our gladness, And sunshine blends with shade. Our tasks are o'er at college, The prize we sought is gained; And useful, wholesome knowledge, We trust we have attained. H ]T~ EDUCATIONAL HYMNS. 2 Yet gloom, and doubt, and sorrow Oppress each burdened heart, For on th' eventful morrow. Dear brothers, we must part. Together, 'mid the bowers Of learning's green retreat, We've culled perennial flowers, And snuffed their fragrance sweet. 3 Together, at devotion, We've met on bended knee, And shared the deep emotion Of kindred sympathy. Amid the real, the seeming, At study, or at play, Friendship's soft light kept beaming, To cheer our onward way. 4 Though now the mandate's spoken, And fate has bid us part, The links shall ne'er be broken, That bind us hand and heart. The hope of never parting, "When once in heaven we dwell, Shall check the tear drop starting When here we say, farewell. 936 Parti mj Oik. M.8s&7s. Here, we close our school-day labors, Here, we leave its Bunny hours, Which the past, so kind in giving, Strewed with learning's fadeless flowers ; Now we enter life's vast portal, In the mighty cause oi truth, While to-day's bright rays of glory Gleam upon our gladsome youth. G 598 SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. Go we hence — dear alma mater, From the halls we love so well, From those haunts, where joys unnumber'd In the past's remembrance dwell ; Go we hence — dear alma mater — Throbbing heart and starting tear, Tell too plainly, that affection Holds thee very near and dear. Part we now ; our school-day's story Goes into the silent years, And the future crowds around us Full of hopes and full of fears ; Part we now — the loved and loving — Each to brave the proud world's strife, Each to do his gentle mission, On the battle-field of life. SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. vO I Chorus in Two Parts. H. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. CHILDREN. Come let our voices join, In one glad song of praise ; To God, the God of love, Our grateful hearts Ave raise. CONGREGATION. To God alone your praise belongs ; His love demands your earliest songs. CHILDREN. 2 Now we are taught to read The book of life divine ; Where our Redeemer's love, And brightest glories shine: ®r SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. LEGATION. To God alone the praise is duo Who sends his word to as and you. CHILDREN-. Within those hallow'd walls, Our wand'ring foot are brought; Where prayer and praise ascend, And heavenly truths are taught: CONGREGATION. To God alone your ofFrings bring; Here in his house his praises sing. CHILDREN. For blessings such as these, Our gratitude receive ; Lord, here accept our hearts, 'Tis all that we can give: CONGREGATION. Great God, accept their infant songs ; To thee alone their praise belongs. BOTH. Lord, bid this work of love Be crown'd with meet success ; May thousands yet unborn, This institution bless; Thus shall the praise resound to thee, Xow, and through all eternity! 938 The Sabbath School. L. P. M. The sabbath a place of pray'r, I love to meet my teachers there ; They teach in" there that all may come, And find, in heav*n, a happy home: I love to go — 1 love r I love i k>1. "600 SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. 2 In God's own book we're taught to read How Christ for sinners groaned and bled; That precious blood a ransom gave, For sinful man — his soul to save : I love to go — I love to go, I love to go to sabbath school. 3 In sabbath school we sing and pray, And learn to love the sabbath day ; That when on earth our sabbaths end, A glorious rest in heav'n we'll spend: I love to go — I love to go, I love to go to sabbath school. 4 And when our days on earth are o'er, We'll meet in heav'n to part no more ; Our teachers kind we there shall greet, And 0 what joy 'twill be to meet, In heav'n above — in heav'n above, In heav'n above to part no more ! 939 In all thy Ways Achioivledge God. L. M. There is a God who reigns above, Lord of the heav'n and earth and seas ; I fear his wrath, I ask his love, And with my lips I sing his praise. 2 There is a law which he has writ, To teach us all what we must do : My soul, to his commands submit, For they are holy, just and true. 3 There is a gospel rich in grace, Whence sinners all their comforts draw; Lord, I repent, and seek thy face, For I have often broke thy law. 4 There is an hour when I must die ; Nor do I know how soon 'twill come ; How many children, young as I, Are call'd by death, to hear their doom ! SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. 601 5 Let me improve the hours I have, Before the day of grace is fled ; — There's no repentance in the grave, Xor pardon offered to the doad. 940 W" Sabbath School An n iversary. M. 7s & Gs. rE meet again in gladness, And thankful voices raise; To God, our heavenly Father, We offer grateful praise: 'Tis his kind hand that bless'd us Through all the changing year; His love it is that brings us Again to worship here. 2 We thank him for the sabbath, — This day of holy rest : And for the blessed Bible. — The book we should love best ; For sabbath schools and teachers, — To us so kindly given, To guide us in the pathway That leads to joys in heaven. 3 We thank him for our country, — The land our fathers trod: For liberty of conscience, And right to worship God. 0 Lord, our heavenly Father, Accept the praise we bring ; And tune our hearts and void Thy glorious name to sing. may thy gracious sceptre Extend to every land ; And all. as willing *ul>j<><-H, Submit t<> thy command. 1 forth the gospel tidings: And hasten on tho day. i Ration Shall own Messiah's sway. „JI A 941 Sabbath Scholars' Happy Day. L. M. Preserved by thy almighty pow'r, 0 Lord, our Maker, Saviour, King, And brought to see this happy hour, We come thy praises here to sing. Happy day — Happy day ! Here in thy courts ive'll gladly stay, And at thy footstool humbly pray, That thou icouldst take our sins away ; — Happy day — Happy day, When Christ shall icash our sins axoayl 2 We praise thee for thy constant care, For life preserved, for mercies given ; 0 may we still those mercies share, And taste the joys of sins forgiven. Happy day, (Sec. 3 We praise thee for the joyful news. Of pardon through a Saviour's blood : 0 Lord, incline our hearts to choose The way to happiness and God. Happy day, dec. 4 And when our work on earth is done, Grant, Lord, that we in heaven may see Teachers and scholars 'round thy throne, AmLthere forever happy be. Happy day, &c. 942 Evil Company. C. M. Why should I join with those in play, In whom I've no delight ; Who curse and swear, but never pray, Who call ill names, and fight ? SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. 603' 943 2 I hate to hoar a wanton song ; Their words offend my ears; I would not dare defile my tongue With language such as theirs. 3 Away from fools I'll turn my eyes, Nor with the scoffers go ; I would be walking with the wise, That wiser I might grow. 4 I hate to walk, I hate to dwell With sinful children here ; Then let me not be sent to hell, Where none but sinners are. The Sabbath School. C. M. The sabbath school, that blessed place, 0, I would rather stay Within its walls, a child of grace, Than spend my hours in play. The sabbath school, the sabbath school, 0, 'tis the i)lace I love ! For there I learn the golden rule, Which leads to joys above. 2 'Tis there I learned that Jesus died For sinners such as I; 0, what has all the world beside, That I should prize so high? The sabbath school, dec. 3 Then let our grateful tribute rise, And songs of praise be given To him who dwells above the skies, For such a blessing given. The sabbath school, dkc, 4 And welcome, then, the sabbath school, We'll read ami Bing and pray, That we may keep the golden role, And never from it stray. The sabbath school, k foe a share in his 1..-. And if 1 tin.- earnestly seek him helow, I .-hall see him and hear him al is. IV Hallelujah, dhc. 606 SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. \ 4 'Tis a beautiful place he has gone to prepare, For all who are washed and forgiv'n ; And many dear children are gathering there, 1 'For of such is the kingdom of heav'n." Hallelujah, dec. But thousands and thousands who wander and ; fall, Never heard of that heavenly home ; I should like them to know there is room for i them all, And that Jesus has bid them to come. Hallelujah, &c. ; 6 I long for the joys of that glorious time, The sweetest and brightest and best ; When the dear little children of every clime Shall crowd to his arms and be blest. Hallelujah, (Sec. 947 Early Instruction. C. M. Happy the child whose early years Receive instruction well ; Who hates the sinner's path, and fears The road that leads to hell. 2 'Twill save us from a thousand snares, To mind religion young ; Grace will preserve our following years, And make our virtues strong. 3 To thee, almighty God, to thee Our childhood we resign ; 'Twill please us to lookback and see That our whole lives were thine. 4 0, let the work of prayer and praise Employ my youngest breath ; Thus I'm prepared for longer days, Or fit for early death. SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. 607 y4o Hold the Bible. P, M.7,0,8,6,8,6,8,G,7,C. We'll not give up the Bible — God's holy book of truth, — The blessed staff of hoary age, TJie guide of early youth — The lamp which sheds a glorious light O'er every dreary road — The voice which speaks a Saviour's love, And leads us home to God. • We'll not give up the Bible — God's holy book of truth I 2 We'll not give up the Bible ! For it alone can tell The way to save our ruined souls From being sent to hell ; xVnd it alone can tell us how We can have hopes of heav'n — That thro' the Saviour's precious blood Our sins may be forgiv'n. We'll not give up the Bible, drc. L1 y^CF ])uty to Parents. C. Bl et children that would fear the Lord, Hear what their teachers say ; With reverence heed their parents' word, And with delight obey. 2 Have we not heard what dreadful plagues Are threatened by the Lord, To him who breaks his father's law, Or mocks his mother's word. 3 But those who worship God, and give Their parents hon >r due, Shall long on earth m comfort live; And live hereafter, too. o m SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. OOV Death of a Teacher. S. M. Weep, mourning scholars, weep — A teacher's gone before ; For those who loved to see his face, Shall see his face no more. 2 Yet all whom once he taught To sit at Jesus' feet, And seek the blessedness he sought, May him in glory meet. 3 Grieve, brother teachers, grieve-; — With you he bore the cross ; And gladly for a crown of life, Accounted all things loss. 4 Strong in the Lord was he, And valiant for the truth ; Go, train your scholars, then, to be Christ's soldiers from their youth. 951 Come, Join our Celebration. M. 7s & 6s. Come, join our celebration, With hallowed songs of joy; And, on this glad occasion, Your sweetest notes employ ; Parents and friends invited, And teachers, now are here, In purpose all united, Our youthful hearts to cheer. Thanks to the God of heaven — Kind guardian of our race — For all the favors given, Beneath his smiling face ; For health, and strength, and reason, And friendship unalloyed ; And every pleasant season, In sabbath schools enjoyed. a . SABBATII SCHOOL HYMNS. 009 ^ Thanks for the kind protection God's arm has thrown around ; And for that Bweet affection, Ho causes to abound, In those who're watching o'er us, With many an anxious sigh, And seeking to allur 8 To peace and heavenly joy. May God, with gracious blessing, Reward their toil and care ; And hear them, while addressing His throne, in fervent prav'r : And may his love, constraining, Our youthful spirits bow ; And grace, forever reigning, Our inmost souls endow. CM. w A Child1 s Prayer. [[nE\ for some little insult given, My angry passions rise, I'll think how Jesus came from heaven And bore his injuries. 2 Dear Saviour, may I learn of thee My temper to amend; And, walking in humility, May peace my steps attend. 3 0 Father, bless a little child, Xow in my early youth Give me a spirit good and mild, A soul to Love the truth. tJOO Whai tht Bible tells ?/.*. Tin- Is a ]■> k indeed ; Happy the child that loves t<> read; ( rod's own word, which he hath To show our BOuk khe wav to heaven ! k 39 L. M. 610 SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. IS It tells us how the world was made ; And how good men the Lord obey'd ; And his commands are in it too, To teach us what we ought to do. It bids us all from sin to fly, Because our souls can never die: It points to heaven where angels dwell, And warns us to escape from hell. But what is more than all beside, The Bible tells us Jesus died ; This is its first, its chief intent, To lead poor sinners to repent, Let us be thankful that we may Head this good Bible every day ; 'Tis God's own word, which he has giv'n To show our souls the way to heav'n. The Loved Ones. P. M. lis & 8s. Be kind to thy father; for when thou wast young, Who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, And joined in thine innocent glee. Be kind to thy father; he's now growing old, His locks intermingled with gray ; His step is more feeble, his spirit less bold — Thy father is passing away. \ 2 Be kind to thy mother ; for lo! on her brow May traces of sorrow be seen ; 0 well mayst thou cherish and comfort her now, For loving and kind hath she been. Kemember thy mother ; for thee will she pray, As long as God giveth her breath ; With accents of kindness, then, cheer her lone \ way, E'en to the dark valley of death. SABBATH SCHOOL HYMNS. | 3 Be kind to thy brother ; his heart will have dearth, If the joy of thy smile be withdrawn ; The flowers of feeling will fade at their birth, If the dew of affection be gone. Be kind to thy brother; wherever you are, The love of a brother shall be An ornament purer and richer, by far, Than pearls from the depths of the sea. 4 Be kind to thy sister, that thou mayest know The depth of true sisterly love: The wealth of the ocean lies fathoms below The surface that sparkles above. Be kind to thy father; he's now growing old; Be kind to thy mother, so near ; Be kind to thy brother, nor show thy heart cold: Be kind to thy sister, so dear. 955 uOO Death of a Scholar. C. M. T\eath has been here, and borne away jJ A scholar from our side ; Just in the morning of his day, As young as we, he died. 2 Xot long ago, he filled his place, And sat with us to learn ; But he has run his mortal race, And never can return. 3 Perhaps our time may be as short, Our days may fly as fast ; 0 Lord, impress the solemn thought, That this may be our last! 4 We [] wh<> next may fall Beneath thy chastening rod; One must be first — O, may we all Prepare to meet our ( '.«»f merer, Sown by youthful hands. Grow to bless the nations, Far in beathen land-. . d j 616 BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. < | uxjO Anniversary Hymn. CM. We now to Christ, the Saviour King, Our annual tribute pay ; In sweet hosannas here we sing, For his life-cheering ray. 2 0, let the heavenly chorus rise, On this our festal day ; And wake the concord of the skies With this our joyous lay. 3 Another year has run its round, Since last we gathered here ; And still the precious gospel sound Invites our list'ning ear: 4 But many sabbath hours are gone, Of kind instruction given ; 0, may the lessons we have learn'd Guide us to Christ and heaven. BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. Praise, Prayer and Instruction. S. M. We come to sing thy praise ; We meet to offer pray'r ; We come to learn of wisdom's ways ; Blest Saviour, meet us here ! And, as thy holy word We study, and are taught, Let every truth and precept, Lord, Be with thy blessings fraught. 965 BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. 617 ® So shall the hours we spend Together in this place, Through all our future being send The savor of thy grace. H" Scriptures the Guide for Youth. C. M. fow shall the young secure their hearts, And guard their lives from sin? Thy word the choicest rules imparts, I'o keep the conscience clean. 2 ;Tis like the sun, a heavenly light, That guides us all the day ; And through the dangers of the night A lamp to lead our way. 3 Thy precepts make us truly wise ; We hate the sinner's road ; We hate our own vain thoughts that rise, But love thy law, 0 God. 4 Thy word is everlasting truth ; How pure is every page ! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. u\)\) Remember Now thy Creator. C. M. Remember thy Creator now, In these thy youthful days ; He will accept thine earliest vow; lie loves thine earliest praise. 2 Remember thy Creator now ; Seek him while he is near ; For evil days will come when thou Shalt find no comfort here. .°> Remember thy Creator dow ; His willing servant Then, when thy head in death shall bow, He will remember thee. 1Z:: BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. Almighty God, our hearts incline Thy heavenly voice to hear ; Let all our future days be thine, Devoted to thy fear. 987 Importance of Early Religion. L. M. \Tow, in the heat of youthful blood, 1 1 Remember your Creator, God ; Behold, the months come hastening on, When you shall say, " My joys are gone." 2 Behold, the aged sinner goes, Laden with guilt and heavy woes, Down to the regions of the dead, With endless curses on his head. 3 The dust returns to dust again ; The soul, in agonies of pain, Ascends to God ; not there to dwell, But hears her doom, and sinks to hell. 4 Eternal King, I fear thy name ; Teach me to know how frail I am ; And when my soul must hence remove, Give me a mansion in thy love. yDO Knowledge Prayed for. C. M. Before thy mercy-seat, 0 Lord, Behold thy servants stand, To ask the knowledge of thy word, The guidance of thy hand. 2 Let thy eternal truths, we pray, Dwell richly in each heart ; That from the safe and narrow way We never may depart. Lord, from thy word remove the seal.. Unfold its hidden store ; And teach us, as we read, to feel Its value more and more. BIBLE (LASS AND YOUTH. 619 ° \ Instructing the Younp. C. M. >lest Work, the youthful mind to win, And turn the rising race From dark and dangerous paths of sin, To seek redeeming crrace. B1 2 Be ours the Miss, in wisdom's way To guide untutored youth ; And show the mind which went astray The way, the life, the truth. 3 Thy Spirit, Father, on us shed, And bless this good design: The honors of thy name to spread : Be all the glory thine. 970 Rewards of Early Piety. M. Ss, 7s & 4. God has said, " Forever blessed Those who seek me in their youth — They shall find the path of wisdom, And the narrow way of truth ; M Guide us, Saviour, In the narrow way of truth. 2 Be our strength, for we are weakness ; Be our wisdom and our guide ; May we walk in love and meekness, Nearer to our Saviour's side : Naught can harm us, While we thus in thee abide. 3 Thus, when evening shades shall gather, We may turn our tearless eye To the dwelling of our Father, To our home beyond the sky — Gently passing To the happy land on high. si BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. 971 Life a Summer's Day. C. M. This life is but a summer's day Of shadows and of light ; Its brightest sunbeams pass away, And soon give place to night. 2 Fair childhood is the early dawn, And youth the morning gay ; Manhood's the noon so quickly gone, And age the evening ray. 3 This life God gave us to prepare For that which is to come : 0 may I gain admittance there, And find a heavenly home ! 4 And will the Lord my sins forgive Through his redeeming love, And bid me to his glory live, And write my name above ? 972 Scriptural Instruction. L. M. There is a school on earth begun, Instructed by the holy One ; He calls his pupils there to prove The sweetness of redeeming love. 2 The school book is the Scripture true ; The lessons are forever new ; In this the pupils are agreed, It is a blessed book indeed. 3 'Tis here the blind may learn to see; Then come, ye blind, the school is free; And here the lame may learn to walk; The dumb may also learn to talk. 4 'Tis here the deaf may learn to hear; Then come, ye deaf, and lend an ear : Listen to Jesus' charming voice — He'll make your mourning souls rejoice. BIBLK CLASS AND YOUTH. • m* 5 ('nine, brethren, you who arc at school, Attention pay to every rule; Here may we learn the happy art Of loving God with all our heart. 973 Youth theBest Time far Religion. C. M. Amidst the cheerful bloom of youth, With ardent zeal pursue The ways of piety and truth, With death and heaven in view. 2 Fair wisdom's paths with sweets are strew'd, And pleasures all refined ; There joys divine are shed abroad, That suit th' immortal mind. 3 Youth is the most accepted time, To love and serve the Lord ; A flow'r presented in its prime, Will much delight afford. 4 He'll crown with peace your rising years, And make your work increase ; Will guide you through this vale of tears, And bid your sorrows cease. 5 Give him the morning of your i And be forever blest : ;Tis none but those in wisdom's ways Enjoy substantial i 974 Expostulation with the Young* L. M. Ye lovely bands of blooming youth, Warned by the ?oiee of heav'nly truth, Now yield to Christ your youthful prime With all your tal<.'iit< and your time. Think of your end, nor thought! I'll put far off the evil day : Ah I not a moment's in your pow'r. And death stands ready at the door. 622 . BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. 0S Eternity ! — how near it rolls ! Count the vast value of your souls ; Beware, and count the awful cost, What they have gained whose souls are lost. 4 Pride, sinful pleasures, lust and snares Beset your hearts, your eyes, your ears ; Take the alarm — the danger fly : "Lord, save me!" be your earnest cry. 975 Prayer for the Young. CM. Come, Lord, and bless the rising race: Make this a happy hour — According to thy richest grace, And thy almighty pow'r. Dear youth, we know your sinful state; May God your hearts renew; We would awhile ourselves forget, To pour our prayers for you. We see, though you perceive it not, Th' approaching awful doom ; 0 tremble at the solemn thought, And flee the wrath to come ! 976 The Young Exhorted. C M. Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm, In smiling crowds draw near, And turn from every mortal charm, A Saviour's voice to hear. 2 He, Lord of all the worlds on high, Stoops to converse with you ; And lays his radiant glory by, Your welfare to pursue. 3 The soul that longs to see his face, Is sure his love to gain ; And those that early seek his grace, Shall never seek in vain. BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. 623^ 977 A Warning to Youth, M. 7s. Oye young, ye gay, ye proud, Yoa must die and wear a shroud! Time will rob you of your bloom4, Death will drag you to the torn)); Then you'll cry, and want to be Happy la eternity — eternity — eternity — Happy in eternity. 2 Will you go to heaven, or hell ? One you must, and there to dwell: Christ will come, and quickly too : I must meet him, so must you ; Then you'll cry, &c. 3 The white throne will soon appear, All the world must then draw near: Sinners will be driven down — Saints will wear the starry crown. Then you'll cry. (Sec. 978 Early Fieiy. M. 7s & 6s. Go thou in life's fair morning, Go, in thy bloom of youth, And seek, for thine adorning, The precious pearl of truth ; Secure the heavenly treasure, And bind it on thy heart; And let no earthly pleasure, E'er cause it to depart. 2 Go, while the day-star sliineth, Go, while thy heart is light, Go, ere thy Btrength declineth, Whi [a bright: Sell all thou hasr and buy it ; worth all earthly things, — Rubies, and gold, and diamonds, trea and crowns of kings ! 624 BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. 3 Go, ere the cloud of sorrow Steals o'er thy bloom of youth ; Defer not till to-morrow ; Go now, and buy the truth. Go, seek thy great Creator ; Learn early to be wise ; Go, place upon the altar, A morning sacrifice. 979 The Ways of Wisdom. C. M. Why should we spend our youthful days In folly and in sin, When wisdom shows her pleasant ways, And bids us walk therein ? 2 Folly and sin our peace destroy : They glitter, and are past; They yield us but a moment's joy, And end in death at last. 3 But, if true wisdom we possess,. Our joys shall never cease ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. 4 0, may we, in our youthful days, Attend to wisdom's voice; And make these holy, happy ways, Our own delightful choice ! Prayer for Youth. S. M. i [_reat God, with heart and tongue, r For all our youth we pray ; 0 may they learn, while they are young, To walk in wisdom's way ! G' Now, in their early days, Teach them thy will to know ; 0 God, thy sanctifying grace On every heart bestow ! BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH. 625 & Make their unguarded youth The object of thy care; Cause them to choose the way of truth, And flee from every snare. Their hearts, to folly prone, Renew by power divine ; Unite them to thyself alone, And make them wholly thine. Lord, let thy sacred word Their warmest thoughts employ; There let them daily find the road Which leads to endless joy. 981 Counsel and Warning. L. M. 3 Young people all, attention give, While I address you in God's name; You, who in sin and folly live, Come, hear the counsel of a friend. 2 Youth, like the spring, will soon be gone, By fleeting time or conquering death ; Your morning sun may set at noon ; And soon may cease your vital breath. 3 Your sparkling eves and blooming cheek, Must wither like the blasted rose; The coffin, earth, and winding sheet, Will soon your active limbs enclose. 4 Ye heedless ones, that wildly stroll, The grave will soon become your bed, Where silence reigns and vapors roll In solemn darkness, round your head. 5 Your souls will land in darker realms. Whore vengeanro n igna and billows roar •. There you will lie in burning Aam< When thousand, thousand yean are o'er. 2A 40 )Q~ 626 BIBLE CLASS AND YOUTH 6 Sunk in the shades of endless night, You'll groan and howl in ceaseless pain ; And never more behold the light, And never, never rise again. 7 Ye blooming youth, this is the state Of all who do free grace refuse ; And soon with you 'twill be too late, The way of life in Christ to choose. 982 P.M. Counsel and Advice to the Young. Remember, sinful youth, You must die — you must die ; Remember, sinful youth, You must die ! Remember, sinful youth, Who hate the ways of truth, And in your pleasures boast, You must die — you must die ! And in your pleasures boast, You must die ! Uncertain are your days, Here below — here below, &c. Uncertain are your days ; For God hath many ways To end your day of grace, Here below — here below, &c. To the great judgment day You are bound — you are bound, &c. To the great judgment day, Be you whoe'er you may, — Nor will it long delay, — You are bound — you are bound, &c. : The God who built the sky, By his pow'r — by his pow'r, &c. The God who built the sky Hath said (and cannot lie:) "The soul that sins, shall die," Evermore — evermore, &c. &- ANTI-SLAVERY HYMNS. 627 ': 5 Then 0 my friends, don't you, — I entreat — I entreat, When tyranny's proud sway, Stern as the grave, Shall to the ground be hurl'd, And freedom's flag, unfurl'd, Shall wave throughout the world O'er every slave. 2 Trump of glad jubilee, Echo o'er land and sea, Freedom for all ; Let the glad tidings fly, And every tribe reply, Glory to God on high, At slavery's fall. 3 Free, too, the captive mind, By darkness Long confined In slavery's night; The Bftvioar'e reign extend, Virtue with freedom blend, And full salvation send With freedom's Light. P 632 TEMPERANCE HYMNS. TEMPERANCE HYMNS. vul Temperance Appeal. M. 7,7,7,6,7,7,7,6, Friends of temperance, swell the song : Young and old, the strain prolong ; Make the temperance army strong, And on to victory ! Lift your banners ; let them wave ; Onward march, a world to save : — Who would fill a drunkard's grave, And bear his infamy ? 2 Give the aching bosom rest ; Carry joy to every breast ; Make the wretched drunkard blest, By living soberly. Raise the glorious watchword high : " Touch not, taste not, till you die I" Let the echo reach the sky, And earth keep jubilee. 3 God of mercy, hear us plead ; For thy help we intercede ; See how many bosoms bleed, And heal them speedily. Hasten, Lord, the happy day, When, beneath its gentle ray, Temperance all the world shall sway, And reign triumphantly. 992 Reign of Intemperance. C. M. Intemperance, like a raging flood, Is sweeping o'er the land ; Its dire effects, in tears and blood, Are traced on every hand. TEMPERANCE HYMNS. 633 2 It still flows on, and bean away Ten thousands to their doom : Who shall the mighty torrent - And disappoint the tomb? 3 Almighty God, no hand but thine Can cheek this flawing tide; Stretch out thine arm of power divine, And bid the flood subside. 4 Dry up the source from whence it flows ; Destroy its fountain-head ; That dire intemperance and its woes No more the earth overspread. Cold Water Army. C. M. rnn banner and with badge we come, An army true and strong, To fight against the hosts of rum. And this shall be our song. We lore the dear cold water springs, Supplied by (jentle skowWs ; We feel the strength cold ivater brings ; " The vie to rg is ours." w 2 Cold water-army is our name, — 0 may we faithful be, And so, in truth and justice, claim The blessings of the free. We lore the clear cold water springs, dec. 3 Though others love their rum and wine, And drink till they are mad, To water we will still incline, To make us strong and glad. We love the clear cold water sjrrings, d'C 4 I pledge to thee this hand of mine, In faith and friendship strong: And fellow •soldier a we will join The chorus of oar song. — We love the clear cold water tp rings, dr. t)y4 0 Come, Come Away. P. M. 5,7,8,5,8,8,6,5. Ocome, come away, Intemperance forsaking, The poison cup surrender up, 0 come, come away ; Disease and death are in the bowl, And swift destruction to the soul ; Then from its base control, 0 come, come away. 2 When sparkleth the wine, When reddened rs its color, Then lift not up the fatal cup, But turn, turn away ; Look not upon it then, forsooth, It biteth like a serpent's tooth, Old age and blooming youth, So come, come away. 3 Away to the polls, Old men and young advancing, With nerves of steel and hearts that feel, 0 come, come away; Like freeman take a noble stand, A true and faithful temperance band, And vote rum from the land, 0 come, come away ! 995 The Drink for me. P. M. 8,6,8,6,8,8,6,6. The drink that's in the drunkard's bowl, Is not the drink for me; It kills his body, and his soul ; How sad a sight is he ! But there's a drink which God hath giv'n, Distilling in the showers of heaven, In measures large and free : 0, that's the drink for me, &c. 0 TEMPERANCE HYMNS. 635 2 The Stream that many prize so high, Is not the stream for me: For he who drinks it, still is dry, Forever dry he'll be. But there's a stream, so cool and clear, The thirsty traveler lingers near, Refreshed and glad is he ; 0, that's the stream for me, &c. 3 The wine-cup that so many prize, Is not the cup for me. The aching head, the bloated face, In its sad train I see : But there's a cup of water pure, And he who drinks it, may be sure, Of health and length of days ; 0, that's the cup for me, &c. 996 Total Abstinence. M. 8s. Oturx from the wine-glass away, Nor look on the wine when it's red ; At last like a serpent at play, It stings, and the poison will spread. The eyes it inflames with desire, The heart with all manner of sin ; It setteth the bosom on fire, Consuming the spirit within. 2 0, turn from the wine-glass away ! Not look on the wine when it's red ; Though org'd by the wealthy and gay, Remember the blood it hath shedl h not with the poison thy lips, If thou wouldst be free from its pains; Yi>v he fa in danger wli- upe — II'- enly i- Bare who abstains. ® 636 TEMPERANCE HYMNS. 997 The Temperance Rally. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Round the temperance standard rally, All the friends of human kind ; Snatch the devotees of folly, Wretched, perishing and blind: Loudly tell them How they comfort now may find. 2 Bear the blissful tidings onward, Bear them all the world around ; Let the myriads thronging downward, Hear the sweet and blissful sound, And, obeying, In the paths of peace be found. 3 Plant the temperance standard firmly, Round it live, and round it die ; Young and old defend it sternly, Till we gain the victory, And the nations Hail the happy jubilee. uOO Sparkling and Bright P.M.9,8,8,7. Sparkling and bright, in its liquid light, Is the water in our glasses ; 'Twill give you health, 'twill give you wealth, Ye lads and rosy lasses. 0 then resign your ruby wine, Each smiling son and daughter ; There7 s nothing so good for the youthful blood. As pure, fresh sparkling water. 2 Better than gold is the water cold, From the crystal fountain flowing ; A calm delight, both day and night, To happy homes bestowing. 0 then resign, d-c. NATIONAL HYMNS. 63*7 H 3 Sorrow hath fled from the heart that bled Of the weeping wife and mother, As the poison'd cup was given up By husband, son, or brother ; , while fof all mankind we pray, ~. < )f every clime and c 0, hear us for our native laixl.- The land we love the most. 2B ' 638 NATIONAL HYMNS. 2 0, guard our shores from every foe, With peace our borders bless, With prosperous times our cities crown, Our fields with plent'ousness. 3 Unite us in the sacred love Of knowledge, truth, and thee ; And let our hills and valleys shout The songs of liberty. 4 Lord of the nations, thus to thee Our country we commend ; Be thou her refuge and her trust, Her everlasting Friend. 1001 Supplication for our Country. CM, When Abrah'm, full of sacred awe, Before Jehovah stood, And, with an humble, fervent prayer, For guilty Sodom sued, — 2 With what success, what wondrous grace, Was his petition crown' d ! The Lord would spare, if in that place Ten righteous men were found. 3 And could a single pious soul So rich a boon obtain ? Great God, and shall a nation cry, And plead with thee in vain? 4 Are not the righteous dear to thee Now, as in ancient times ? Or does this sinful land exceed Gomorrah in her crimes? 5 Still we are thine ; we bear thy name ; Here yet is thine abode ; Long has thy presence bless'd our land ; — Forsake us not, 0 God ! NATIONAL HYMNS. 639 1002 Fourth of July. M. 8s, 7s & 4. God of every land and nation, On this glorious jubilee, Let the incense of oblation, From each heart arise to thee ; Save our country: Long preserve her liberty. Let thy richest blessings ever Rest upon our happy land ; May no tierce contention sever This confederated band: In sweet union, May we still unshaken stand. May we all be safely guided, Saviour, by thy gracious will : When life's storms shall have subsided, And our tongues in death are still, May we praise thee, "Where immortal glories thrill. 1003 National Hymn. M. 6s & 4s. MY country, 'tis oT thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring. 2 My native country, thee — Land of the noble, free — Thy name I love ; I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills; My be&H with rapturu thrills Like that above. 640 NATIONAL HYMNS. ~& 1004 I Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, — The sound prolong. £ Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of liberty, To thee we sing : Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King. Our Deliverance Ascribed to God. C. M. OLord, our fathers oft have told, In our attentive ears, Thy wonders in their days perform'd, And in more ancient years. 2 'Twas not their courage, or their sword, To them salvation gave ; 'Twas not their number, or their strength, That did their country save. 3 But thy right hand, thy powerful arm, Whose succour they implored, — Thy providence protected them, Who thy great name adored. 4 As thee their God our fathers own'd, So thou art still our King ; 0, therefore, as thou didst to them, To us deliv'rance bring. 5 To thee the glory we ascribe, From whom salvation came In God, our shield, we will rejoice, And ever bless thy name. NATIONAL HYMNS. 1005 Independence Celebration. M. 8s, 7s & 4s. Hail the day that brought our freedom ! Bought with our forefathers' blood; Thou, our conqu'ring God, didst lead them, When their foes before them stood. Independence! Echo it through field and flood. 2 Lo ! their happy sons and daughters On this glad and festal day, By the springs of limpid waters, O'er the hills and valleys stray. Independence ! Chorus still of every lay. 3 Here we, in thy presence bending, Happiest of the happy throngs, Up to heaven our prayers are sending Up to heaven our rapt'rous songs : Independence ! Swells the triumph God prolongs. 4 " 0, thou God of our salvation ! w Who dost blessings richly show'r, Let us make our "Declaration" In this spirit-stirring hour, Independence From the tyrant Satan's pow'r ! 1006 Independence Ode. M. 6s & 4s. SL Freemen, awake the song ! Gladly the strain prolong, Welcome this day ! It tells of glory won, By deeds of valor done; Shout till the sotting sun Sheds its last ray. 2B 41 2 Our happy land we sing — Your joyful tribute bring, The song to swell ; Sing of our country's worth — The place of freedom's birth — Our father's home and hearth, Where we all dwell. 1007 God's Goodness Celebrated. C. P. M. Let every heart rejoice and sing; Let choral anthems rise ; Ye reverend men and children, bring To God your sacrifice ; For he is good; the Lord is good, And kind are all his ways: With songs and honors sounding loud, The Lord Jehovah praise, While the rocks and the rills, While the vales and the hills, A glorious anthem raise : Let each prolong the grateful song, And the God of our fathers praise. 2 He bids the sun to rise and set ; In heaven his power is known ; And earth, subdued to him, shall yet Bow low before his throne ; 1008 For he is good, &c. National Blessings. L. M, Great God of nations, now to thee Our hymn of gratitude we raise ; With humble heart, and bending knee, We offer thee our song of praise. Thy name we bless, almighty God, For all the kindness thou hast shown To this fair land the pilgrims trod, — This land we fondly call our own. ELDERSHIP HYMNS. 643' 3 Here freedom spreads her banner wide, And casts her soft and hallow'd ray ; Here thou our fathers' steps didst guide In safety through their dang'rous way. 4 We praise thee that the gospel's light Through all our land ifs radiance sheds ; Dispels the shades of error's night, And heavenly blessings round us spreads. ELDERSHIP HYMNS. lUUt/ Opening an Eldership Meeting. C. Come, let us strike our harps afresh, To great Jehovah's name ; Sweet be the accents of our tongues, When we his love proclaim. 2 'Twas by his bidding we were called, As ministers, to part ; 'Tis by his care we meet again, And gladness fills our heart. 3 Blest be the hand that has preserved Our feet from every snare ; And blest the goodness of the Lord, Which to this hour we share. 4 0, may the Spirit's quickening pow'r Now sanctify our joy, And warm our zeal in works of love, Our talents to employ. 1010 M. Prayer for Unify. C. M. Lord, in thy presence here we meet: May we in thee be found! 0, make tho place divinely sweet, And let thy grace abound. >£L 2 With harmony thy servants bless, That we may own to thee How good, how sweet, how pleasant 'tis, When brethren all agree. 3 May Zion's good be kept in view, And bless oar feeble aim, That all we undertake to do, May glorify thy name. 1011 1012 Prayer for Ministerial Success. M. 6s & 4s. Oholy Lord, our God, By heavenly hosts ador'd, Hear us, we pray : To thee the cherubim, Angels and seraphim, Unceasing praises bring — Their homage pay. ! Lord, give thy word success ; And, these thy servants bless : Their labors own ; And, while the sinner's Friend, Their life and words commend, Thy Holy Spirit send, And make them known. \ May every passing year More happy still appear Than this glad day ; Unite our hearts in love, Till, raised to heaven above, We all its fullness prove, And praise thee there. Go, Labor On. L.M. Go, labor on ! spend and be spent, And strive to do thy Father's will ; It is the way the Master went, Should not the servant tread it still ? ELDERSHIP HYMNS. 645 * 2 Go, labor on, while it is day ! — The long dark night is hastening on : Speed, speed thy work — up from thy sloth; It is not thus that souls are won. 3 See thousands dying at thy side, Your brethren, kindred, friends at home; See millions perishing afar ; Haste, brethren, to the rescue come ! 4 Toil on, toil on : thou soon shalt find For labor, rest ; for exile home ; Soon shalt thou hear the bridegroom's voice, The midnight cry, "Behold, I come." 1013 Increase of Ministers Desired. S. M. T ord of the harvest, hear JJ Thy needy servants' cry ; Answer our faith's effectual pray'r, And all our wants supply. 2 On thee we humbly wait : Our wants are in thy view ; The harvest truly, Lord, is great : The laborers are few. 3 Raise up, and send forth more Into the world abroad, And let them speak thy word of pow'r, As workers with their God. 4 0, let them spread thy name ; Their mission fully prove ; Thy universal grace proclaim — thine all-redeeming love. 1014 Close of an Eldership Meeting. II. M. \ Go forth to different lands, Ye messengers of heav'n ; Scatter, with holy hands, The seed so freely giv'ri; In every place, 'midst every clan, Proclaim the Saviour's love to man. k. ^646 ELDERSHIP HYMNS. i The promises invite Your constant toil and care ; Make ready for the fight, The cross with courage bear; Millennial scenes of radiant hue Shall soon entrance your raptur'd view. All mortal joys despise ; Immortal spirits win — ;Tis no ignoble prize, To save a soul from sin ; For souls the Saviour lived and died, This labor's worth all else beside. 11015 Labors in the Vineyard. S. M. \[ow, brethren, though we part, ii And to our homes repair ; May we be true, and joined in heart, Like friends of Jesus are. 2 0 let us still proceed In Jesus' work below ; And, foil' wing our triumphant Head, To further conquests go. 3 The vineyard of the Lord Before his laborers lies ; And lo ! we see the vast reward Which waits us in the skies. 4 0 let our heart and mind With every day ascend, That haven of repose to find, Where all our labors end. 5 When all our toils are o'er, Our suff'ring and our pain : We'll meet on that celestial shore, And never part again. ELDEKSII1P HYMNS. 647 s! 1016 1017 Preachers Sent Forth. S. M. Ye messengers of Christ, His sovereign voice obey : Arise, and follow where he leads, And peace attend your way. The Master whom you serve Will needful strength bestow ; Depending on his promised aid, With sacred courage go. Go, spread a Saviour's fame, And tell his matchless grace ; Redemption by his blood proclaim To Adam's guilty race. Mountains shall sink to plains, And hell in vain oppose ; The cause is God's, and must prevail, In spite of all his foes. A Blessing Invoked. L. M. Indulgent God of love and pow'r, Be with us at this place, and hour ! Smile on our souls ; our plans approve, By which we seek to spread thy love. Let each discordant thought be gone, And love unite our hearts in one : Let all we have and are combine To forward objects so divine. 0, may we feel the worth of souls, Be men of God, whom grace controls, Fight the good fight, and win the crown, And by our Father's side sit down. 1018 Proclaiming the Gospel. C. M. Go, and the Saviour's grace proclaim, Ye messengers of God ; Go. publish in Immanuel's name. Salvation through his blood. 648 ELDERSHIP HYMNS. 2 What though jour arduous track may lie Through regions dark as death ; What though, your zeal and faith to try. Perils beset your path? 3 Still, with determined courage, go, And, armed with power divine, Your God will needful aid bestow, And on your labors shine. ! He who has called you to the war, Will recompense your pains ; Before Messiah's conquering car Mountains shall sink to plains. 5 Shrink not, though earth and hell oppose, But plead your Master's cause; Xor doubt that all your mighty foes Shall bow before his cross. 1019 Closing an Eldership Meeting. L. M. TTjTith heav'nly pow'r, 0 Lord, defend t T Those whom we now to thee commend ; Their persons bless, their souls secure, And make them to the end endure. 2 Gird them with all-sufficient grace, Direct their feet in paths of peace; Thy truth and faithfulness fulfil, And help them to obey thy will. 3 Before them thy protection send, 0 love them, bless them to the end : Xor let them, as thy pilgrims rove. Without the convoy of thy love. 4 Enlarge, inflame and fill their heart, Through them thy mighty power exert; That thousands yet unborn may praise The wonders of redeeming grace. CORNER STONE LAYING. 649 CORNER STONE LAYING. \jZ\J Christ the Foundation. C. M Behold t^e sure Foundation-Stone, Which God in Zion lays, To build our heav'nly hopes upon, And his eternal praise. 2 Chosen of God, to sinners dear, And saints adore the name ; They trust their whole salvation here, Nor shall they suffer shame. 3 The foolish builders, scribe and priest, Reject it with disdain ; Yet on this Rock the church shall rest, And envy rage in vain. 4 What though the gates of hell withstood, Yet must this building rise ; 'Tis thine own work, almighty God, And wondrous in our eyes. 1021 Foundation of the Church. L. M. Tuou great Foundation of the church, Our hopes repose on thee alone ; We rear this temple to thy name, Thou great, thou living Corner-stone. 2 Other foundation none can lay, Than him, who did for sin atone ; We rest our all, through life — in death, On Zion's mighty Corner-stone. 3 We rest on thee, till that great day, When thou wilt psoye our works, And own Thy glory as our only aim, And with thyself thy temple crown. * ^650 CORNER STONE LAYING. 4 Arise, 0 Lord of hosts ! and come — | Thou and the ark of Israel's might — Into thy rest ; — 0 Lord, descend, $ And fill our souls with pure delight. 1022 The Tokens of His Grace. L. M. And will the great eternal God On earth establish his abode ? And will he, from his radiant throne, Accept this bethel for his own? This house we to thy honor raise ; Long may it echo with thy praise : And thou, descending, fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. Here let the great Redeemer reign, With all the graces of his train ; While power divine his word attends, To conquer foes, and cheer his friends. And in the great decisive day, When God the nations shall survey, May it before the world appear That crowds were born to glory here. 1023 Christ the Living Stone. S. M. See what a Jiving Stone The builders did refuse ! Yet God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envious Jews. The scribe and angry priest Reject thy only Son: Yet on this Rock shall Zion rest, As the chief Corner-Stone. Hosanna to the King Of David's royal blood ; Bless him, ye saints ; he comes to bring Salvation from your God. DEDICATION HYMNS. 651 4 We Mess thy holy word, Which all this grace disp] And offer on thine altar, Lord, Our sacrifice of praise. DEDICATION HYMNS. 1024 Dedication of a Bethel II. M. 6,6,6,0,8,8. H re at King of Glory, come, IT And with thy favor crown This temple as thy dome, This people as thine own : Beneath this roof, 0 deign to show How God can dwell with men below. Here may thine ears attend Our interceding cries, And grateful praise ascend, Like incense, to the skies: Here may the soul-converting word With faith be preachM, in faith be heard. Bere may the list'ning throng Receive thy truth in love ; Here christians join the song Of the redeem'd above ; Till all, who humbly seek thy i Rejoice in thy abounding grace. Here may our unborn sons And daughters sound thy praise, , j And shine like polish Through long succeeding days ; Here, Lord, display thy s .';•. While temples stand, and nun adore. F652 DEDICATION HYMNS. ~ $ 1025 A Bethel Dedication, L.M. This bethel, now, eternal God, We come to dedicate to thee ; 0, let it be thy fixed abode, And ever kept from error free. 2 Here, when thy people seek thy face, And dying sinners pray to live ; Hear thou in heaven, thy dwelling place, And when thou hearest, Lord, forgive. 3 Here, when thy messengers proclaim The blessed gospel of thy Son, Still by the pow'r of his great name, Be mighty signs and wonders done. 4 But will, indeed, Jehovah deign Here to abide, no transient guest? Here, will our great Redeemer reign, And here, the Holy Spirit rest? 5 Thy glory never hence depart : Yet choose not, Lord, this house alone ; Thy kingdom come in every heart, — In every bosom fix thy throne. 1026 Dedication of a new Bethel. M. 7s & 6s. Here stands another bethel, — Now finished and complete ; And here are church and people, To occupy each seat. How pleasant and how joyful, To see the willing crowd, Convened before Jehovah, And in his presence bow'd. Like Solomon and Israel, We dedicate this house, By holy acts of worship, — By sacrifice and vows. g- DEDICATION HYMN 8. 653 , _ May Father, Son, and Spirit, — The God we love and Fear, Display his power and How soon another year is g How swift my golden moments roll, How much neglected by my ><>ul! 660 NEW YEAR HYMNS. 2 Let me begin, with holy fear, This new, this fleeting, flying year ; Too many unimproved have pass'd, This year, perhaps, may be my last. 3 I ask new wisdom for this year, New fitness for my trials here ; Of every grace a richer store, Mv God to love and honor more. 1038 A New Year Hymn. o ! another year is gone ! M. Quickly have the seasons pass'd; This we enter now upon Will to many prove the last. Mercy hitherto has spar'd ; But have mercies been improved ? Let us ask : Am I prepared, Should I be this year remov7d ? 2 Some, we now no longer see, Who their mortal race have run, Seem'd as fair for life as we, When the former year begun: Some — but who, God only knows — That are here assembled now, Ere the present year shall close, To the stroke of death must bow. 3 If from guilt and sin set free, By the knowledge of thy grace ; Welcome then the call will be, To depart and see thy face. To thy saints, while here below, With new years new mercies came ; But the happiest year they know, Is their last, which leads them home. THE "667s THE SEASONS. [[JOO God in the Seasons. II. M. 6,0,6,6,8,8. Lord of the worlds below, On earth thy glories shine ; The changing seasons show Thy skill and power divine: In all we see, a God appears ; The rolling years are full of thee. i 2 Forth in the flowery spring, "We see thy beauty move ; The birds, on branches, sing Thy tenderness and love : Wide flush the hills ; the air is balm ; Devotion's calm our bosom fills. 3 Then come, in robes of light, The summer's flaming days, When harvests bless the Bight, And crown thy love with praise : And oft thy voice in thunder rolls; Yet still our souls in thee rejoice. 4 In autumn, too, a feast Thy common bounty gives, To man, and bird, and beast, And every thing that lives : Thy watchful care, and plenteous good, Our voices should, in love, declare. 5 In winter, awful thou I With storms around thee C The leafless forests how Beneath thy northern blast: While tempests lower, to thee, dread King, We homage bring, and own thy poVr. &__J£____ 662 THE SEASONS. 1U4U The Seasons. C. M. With songs and honors sounding loud, Address the Lord on high ; O'er all the heavens he spreads his cloud, And waters vail the sky. 2 He sends his showers of blessings down, To cheer the plains below; He makes the grass the mountains crown, And corn in valleys grow. 3 His steady counsels change the face Of each declining year ; He bids the sun cut short his race, And wintry days appear. 4 On us his providence has shone, With gentle, smiling rays ; 0, may our lips and lives make known His goodness and his praise. 1041 Spring. C. M. When brighter suns and milder skies, Proclaim the opening year, What various sounds of joy arise ! What prospects bright appear ! 2 Earth and her thousand voices give Their thousand notes of praise ; And all, that by his mercy live, To God their offering raise. 3 The streams, all beautiful and bright, Reflect the morning sky ; And there, with music in his flight, The wild bird soars on high. 4 Thus, like the morning, calm and clear, That saw the Saviour rise, The spring of heaven's eternal year Shall dawn on earth and skies. r THE SEASONS. 663 5 No winter there, no shades of night Obscure those mansions blest, Where, in the happy fields of light, The weary are at rest. 1042 Spring Time. C. M At length the wished-for spring has come : How altered is the scene ! The trees and shrubs are drest in bloom, The earth arrayed in green. 0 let my inmost soul confess, With grateful joy and love, The bounteous hand that deigns to bless The garden, field, and grove ! Inspired to praise, my heart would join Glad nature's cheerful song ; While love and gratitude combine To tune my joyful tongue. My faith exults, that yet the spring Of righteousness and praise Our gracious God will surely bring, And in all nations raise. 1043 Winter. CM. Stern* winter throws his icy chains, Encircling nature 'round ; Haw bleak, how comfortless the plains Late with gay verdure crown'd! 2 The sun withdraws his vital beams, And light and warmth depart; And drooping, lifeless nature - An emblem of my heart. am, 0 blissful Sun. and bring Thy BOul-reTiving ray: This memtaJ winter shall be spring, This darkness turn to day. 1 664 THE SEASONS. "& 4 0 happy state ! divine abode ! Where spring eternal reigns. And perfect day, the smile of God, Fills all the heav'nly plains. 5 Great Source of light, thy beams display, My drooping joys restore ! And guide me to the seats of day, Where winter frowns no more. 1044 Summer Morning : P. M. 7,6,8,6,8,6,8,6. How beautiful the morning, When summer days are long! 0 we will rise betime, and hear The wild-bird's happy song; — For when the sun pours down his ray, The bird will cease to sing; She'll seek the cool and silent shade, And sit with folded wing. Up in the morning early ! — 'Tis nature's gayest hour ; While pearls of dew aclorn the grass, And fragrance fills each flow'r; — Up then in the morning early ! And we will bound abroad, And fill our hearts with melody, And raise our songs to God. 1045 CS=£v^wvw^v* Autumn. CM. "YTow* let us raise our voices high, IN And bless the liberal hand Of him, who rules above the sky, And smiles upon the land. He gives us fruitful trees and fields, — The autumn's ample store ; With all the comforts nature yields, To bless both rich and poor. OLD AGE. 665^ 3 But autumn does not lessons teach Of gratitude alone: It brings its warning voice to reach Our hearts, so thoughtless grown. 4 It warns us, by each chilly eve, And every shortening day, — By every fading, dropping leaf, — We, too, must pass away. 5 May holy love and fear combine, Our conduct to control ; And rich supplies of grace divine, Renew and save each soul. OLD AGE. 1046 Prayer of the Aged. C. M. ETERNAL God, enthroned on high, Whom angel hosts adore — Who yet to suppliant dust art nigh; Thy presence I implore. 2 0, guide me down the steep of age, And keep my passions cool ; Teach me to scan the sacred page, And practise every rule. 3 My flying years time urges on ; What's human must decay: My friends, my young companions gone, Can I expect to stay? 4 All. do! then smooth the mortal hour; On thee my hope depends ; me with almighty pow*r, While dust to dust d 21 >• 666 OLD AGE. ®\ )- 1047 The Aged Pilgrim. C. P, M. Thy mercy heard my infant pray'r ; Thy love, with kind, paternal care, Sustained my childish days: Thy goodness watch' d my ripening youth, And form'd my heart to love thy truth, And filPd my lips with praise. 2 And now, in age and grief, thy name Doth still my languid heart inflame, An d bow my faltering knee : 0, yes ! this bosom feels the fire ; This trembling hand and drooping lyre Have yet a strain for thee ! 3 Yes: broken, tuneless, still, 0 Lord, This voice, transported, shall record Thy goodness, tried so long ; Till, sinking slow, with calm decay, Its feeble murmurs melt away Into a seraph's song. 1048 The Aged Christian. C. M. God of my childhood and my youth, The guide of all my days, I have declared thy heavenly truth, And told thy wondrous ways. 2 When once it enters to the mind, It spreads such light abroad, The meanest souls instruction find, And raise their thoughts to God. 3 Thy word is everlasting truth ; How pure is every page ! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. TIME. 667^ 1049 Our Fathers— Where are they ? S. M. How swift the torrent rolls That bears us to the sea ; The tide that hurries thoughtless souls To vast eternity I 2 Our fathers — where arc they, With all they call'd their own ? Their joys and griefs, and hopes and cares, And wealth and honor, gone. 3 God of our fathers, hear, Thou everlasting Friend! While we, as on life's utmost verge, Our souls to thee commend. 4 Of all the pious dead May we their footsteps trace. Till with them, in the land of light, We dwell before thy face. TIME. 1050 Importance of Time. L. M. Otime! how few thy value weigh! How few will estimate a day ! Days, months and years are rolling on, The soul neglected and undone. 2 In painful cares, in empty joys, Our life its precious hoars destroys; While death stands watching at our side, Eager to stop the living tide 3 Was it for this, ye mortal race, Your Maker gave you here a place? Was it for this his thoughts de8ign'd The frame of your immortal mind? to F&&8 TIME. 4 For nobler cares, for joys sublime, He fashioned all the sons of time ; Then let us every day give heed, That we his servants be indeed. 1051 Time is Short. C. M. UTHhe time is short!" the season near, 1 When death will us remove, To leave our friends, however dear, And all we fondly love. "The time is short!" sinners, beware, Nor trifle time away ; The word of your salvation hear, While it is calPd to-day. " The time is short !" ye rebels, now To Christ, the Lord, submit; To mercy's golden sceptre bow, And yield at Jesus' feet. " The time is short!" ye saints, rejoice, The Lord will quickly come; Soon shall you hear the Bridegroom's voice, To call you to your home. "The time is short!" it swiftly flies ; The hour is just at hand, When we shall mount above the skies, And reach the wished-for land. l\joZ The Flight of Time. Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away ; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. 2 Time hasteth, as a post, away, Or, like an arrow flies ; The flower that brightly blooms to-day, To-morrow droops and dies. CM. M Kin. 669 G! 3 The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood,. And lost in following years. 4 "The time is short !" the moment near, When we shall dwell above, And be forever happy there, With Jesus, whom we love. 1053 Time Fleeting*. P. M. 7,6,7,6,7,7,7,6. Time is winging us away To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb: Youth and vigor soon will flee, Blooming beauty lose its charms ; All that's mortal soon will be Enclosed in death's cold arms. 2 Time is winging us away To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb: But the christian shall enjoy Health and beauty soon above ; Far beyond the world's alio}', Secure in Jesus' love. 1054 Shortness of Time. M. Swift the moments fly away — First the hour and then the day, Next the week, the month, the ;. Steal away, and disappear. Time is over on the wing, While I speak, or think, or sing! Whether working or at play, Time' is rolling fast away! TIME. 3 Think, my soul ! awake and see What will soon become of thee ! Whither tending, canst thou tell, — • Up to heaven, or down to hell? 4 Jesus, I would humbly pray, Guide and keep me in the way ; Every gift and grace bestow ; Wean my heart from things below. WDo The Bay of Grace. L. M. Life is the time to serve the Lord, The time t; insure the great reward, And while the lamp holds out to burn, 0 hasten, sinner, to return! 2 Life is the hour that God has giv'n To ' scape from hell and fly to heav'n, The day of grace, when mortals may Secure the blessings of the day. 3 The living know that they must die, Beneath the clods their dust will lie ; They'll have no share in all that's done Beneath the circle of the sun. 4 Then what my thoughts design to do, My hands, with all your might pursue: Since no device nor work is found, Nor faith nor hope, beneath the ground. 5 There are no acts of pardon passed In the cold grave to which we haste ; , 0 may we all receive thy grace, And see with joy thy smiling face. 1055 Shortness of Life. C. M. Time — what an empty vapor 'tis! And days — how swift they are ! Swift as an Indian arrow flies, Or like a shooting star. SICK-BED DEVOTIONS. 671 » 2 Our life La ever on the wing, And death is ever niigh ; The momenta when our Li We all begin to die. 3 Yet, mighty God, our fleeting days Thy lasting favors share ; Yet with the bounties of thy grace Thou load'st the rolling year. SICK-BED DEVOTIONS. 1057 The Saint's Glorious Hope. Whex languor and disease invade This trembling house of clay, ;Tis sweet to look beyond my pains, And long to fly away : Sweet to rejoice in lively hope, That when my change shall come, >la will lmver 'round my bed, And waft my spirit home. There shall my disembodied soul View Jesus, and adore ; Be with his likeness satisfied, And grieve and sin no more : Shall see him' wear that very f On which my guilt was lain ; His love intense, his merit fir Aj though but newly slain. 0 may the unction of these truths with ni<' ^r Till from her sinful c iss'd My spirit 1^;''> away. C. M. 672 SICK-BED DEVOTIONS. 1058 Sick- Bed Hymn. CM. Diseases are thy servants, Lord ; They come at thy command ; Til not attempt a murm'ring word Against thy chastening hand. 2 I'm but a sojourner below, As all my fathers were ; May I be well prepared to go, When I the summons hear. 3 But if my life be spared awhile, Before my last remove, Thy praise shall be my business still, And I'll declare thy love. Pleading for Mercy in Affliction. L. M. Cut me not off, almighty Lord, But use the rod, and not the sword : Unneeded pain thou canst not give, Nor without cause thy children grieve. 2 Though sorrow break this wretched heart, And pain the soul and body part, 0 suffer not my soul to be One moment separate from thee. 3 And now, in kind compassion, show What means this providential blow ; That here I may thy mercy see, And all the good designed for me. 1060 Sanctified Affliction. C. M. Glory to thee, thou righteous God ! Righteous, yet kind to me : For under thy paternal rod, Paternal love I see. SICK-BED DEVOTIONS. 673 2 Though humbled in the lowest deep, Thy gracious hand I bless ; And, thinking of thy love, I weep For my unfaithfulness. 3 Thou dost in tenderness chastise, And graciously reprove : 31 v Father! — all within me cries, Thy ways are truth and love. 1061 Sickness and Recovery. C. M. My God, thy service well demands The remnant of my days ; Why was this fleeting breath renewed, But to renew thy praise? 2 Thine arms of everlasting love Did this weak frame sustain, When life was hovering o'er the grave, And nature sunk with pain. 3 Back from the borders of the grave, At thy command I come; X<>r will I ask a speedier flight To my celestial home. 4 Whore thou appointest mine abode, There would I choose to be : For, in thy presence death is life, And earth is heaven with thee. The Soul's Only Refuge. S. M. Thou refuge of my soul, On thee, when sorrows pi On thee, when waves of trouble roll, My feinting hope relies. bee I tell mv grief, For thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring lief For every pain I feel. 2E 43 SICK-BED DEVOTIONS. But, 0, when doubts prevail, I fear to call thee mine ; The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline. Yet, Lord, where shall I flee ? Thou art my only trust: And still my soul would cleave to thee, Though prostrate in the dust. Acknowledgment of Mercy, S. M. 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! Let all within me join, And aid my tongue to bless his name, Whose favors are divine. 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And without praises die. ;Tis he forgives thy sins, ;Tis he relieves thy pain; ;Tis he who heals thy sicknesses, And gives thee strength again. He crowns thy life with love, When ransomed from the grave : He who redeemed my soul from hell, Hath sovereign power to save. 1064 The River of Redeeming Love. 0. M. Sweet rivers of redeeming love, Lie just before mine eye; Had I the pinions of a dove, Fd to those rivers fly : 2 Fd rise superior to my pain, With joy outstrip the wind : I'd cross bold Jordan's stormy main, And leave the world behind. W S" SICK-BED DEVOTIONS. 075 ® 3 A few more days, or years at most, My troubles ^ill be o'er: I then .shall join the heavenly host, On Canaan's happy shore. 4 My rapturous soul shall drink and feast In love's unbounded sea ; This glorious hope of endless rest Is now transporting me. Celestial Prospects. C. M. weet glories rush upon my sight, And charm my wondering eyes ; The regions of immortal light, The beauties of the skies. How long, dear Saviour, 0 how long Have I on earth to stay ? Roll on, roll on, ye wheels of time, And bring the jjromised dag. 2 All hail! ye fair celestial shores, Ye lands of endless day ! Swift on my view your prospect pours, And drives my griefs away. How long, dear Saviour, dec. 3 There's a delightful clearness now, — My clouds of doubt are gone ; Fled is my former darkness too, — My fears are all withdrawn. How long, dear Saviour, <{V. 4 Short is the passage — short the space Between my home and me ; There! there behold the radiant place! How near the mansions !>•'. // <"• long, 4 Great God, on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things ! Th; eternal state of all the dead Upon life's feeble strings ! \ 5 Infinite joy or endless woe Attends on every breath ; And yet how unconcerned we go, Upon the brink of death ! \ 6 Waken, 0 Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road ; And if our souls are hurried hence, May they be found with God. 1078 For Sundry Occasions. CM. Come, let us now forget our mirth, And think that we must die ; What are our best delights on earth, Compared with those on high ? FRAILTY, SICKNESS AND DEATH. 683 > 2 Our pleasures here will soon be past, Our brightest joys decay; But pleasures there forever last, And cannot fade away. 3 Here sins and sorrows we deplore, With many cares distrest ; But there the mourners weep no more, And there the weary rest. 4 Our dearest friends, when death shall call, At once must hence depart ; But there we hope to meet them all, And never, never part. 5 Then let us love and serve the Lord, With all our ransomed pow'rs ; And we shall gain this great reward, This glory shall he ours. 1079 Life Short, and Man Frail. C. M. Teach me the measure of my days, Thou Maker of my frame ; I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am. 2 A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time: Man is but vanity and dust In all his flower and prime. 3 What can I wish, or wait for, then, From creatures — earth and dust? They make our expectations vain, Ami disappoint our trust. 4 Xow I forbid my carnal hope, My fond desire recall : I give my mortal interest up, And make my God my all. D' a 684 FRAILTY, SICKNESS AND DEATH. Dying in God's Embrace. CM. fcEATii cannot make our souls afraid, If God be with us there ; We may walk through its darkest shade, And never yield to fear. 2 I could renounce my all below, If my Creator bid ; And run, if I were called to go, And die as Moses did. 3 Might I but climb to Pisgah's top, And view the promised land, My flesh itself would long to drop, And pray for the command. 4 Clasped in my heavenly Father's arms, I would forget my breath, And lose my life among the charms Of so divine a death. 1081 Sing to me of Heaven. S. M. Osing to me of heaven, When I am calPd to die ! Sing songs of holy extasy, To waft my soul on high ! When cold and sluggish drops Roll off my pallid brow, Burst forth in strains of joj^fulness : Let heaven begin below ! When the last moment comes, 0 watch my dying face, And catch the bright, seraphic gleam, Which o'er each feature plays. Then, to my raptur'd ears, Let one sweet song be given — Let music charm me last on earth, And greet me first in heaven. FRAILTY, SICKNESS AND DEATH. 685 » Then close my Bightless eyes, And lay me down to rest, And clasp my pale and icy hands, Upon my lifeless breast : — Then 'round my senseless clay Assemble those I love, And sing of heaven, delightful heav'n, My glorious home above. 1082 SL A Thought of Death and Glory. C. M. My soul, come, meditate the day, And think how near it stands, When thou must quit this house of clay And fly to unknown lands. 2 And you, mine eyes, look down and view The hollow, gaping tomb: This gloomy prison waits for you, Whene'er the summons come. 3 0, could we die with those who die, And place us in their stead! Then would our spirits learn to fly, And converse with the dead. 4 Then should we see the saints above In their own glorious forms, And wonder why our souls should love To dwell with mortal worms. 5 How should we scorn these clothes of flesh, These fetters, and this load, And long for evening to undr That we may rest with God. % '"> We should almost forsake our clay. Before the Bummone come, And pray, and wish fcway To their eternal home. 2F r 686 FRAILTY, SICKNESS AND DEATH. Dying Christian. P.M. 10,6,10,6,8,8,8,6. What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame? Is it death?— Is it death? That soon will quench — will quench this mor- tal frame ? Is it death?— Is it death? If this be death, I soon shall be From every pain and sorrow free : I shall the King of glory see ; — All is well ! — All is well ! 2 Weep not, my friends — my friends, weep not for me ; All is well ! — All is well ! My sins are pardon'd, pardon' d — I am free ; All is well ! — All is well ! There's not a cloud that doth arise, To hide my Saviour from my eyes : I soon shall mount the upper skies ; — AH is well!— All is well! 3 Tune, tune your harps — your harps, ye saints above ; Alliswelll-^Alliswell! I will rehearse — rehearse redeeming love ; All is well ! — All is well ! Bright angels are from glory come ; They're 'round my bed, they're in my room : They wait to waft my spirit home ; — All is well ! — All is well ! 4 Hark ! hark ! my Lord and Master calls for me ; All is well !— All is well ! I soon his face, in glory bright, shall see ; # All is well !— All is well ! Farewell, dear friends, — adieu, — adieu ; I can no longer stay with you : My glittering crown appears in view ; — All is well ! — AJ1 is well ! ) j JQ_ ®j FRAILTY, SICKNESS AND DEATH. 687 5 Hail ! hail I all hail !— all hail ! ye blood-wash'd j throng ! — Saved by grace ! — Saved by grace! I come to join — to join your rapturous song ; Saved by grace ! — Saved by grace ! All, all is peace and joy divine ; All heaven and glory now are mine: And praises, God, be ever thine ; — All is well !— All is well ! 1084 Serious Prospect of Eternity. C. P. M. Lo ! on a narrow neck of land, Twixt two unbounded seas I stand ; Yet how insensible ! A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to yon heavenly place, Or shuts me up in hell. 2 0 God, my inmost soul convert, And deeply on my thoughtless heart Eternal things impress; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And save me, ere it be too late : Wake me to righteousnes 3 Before me place, in bright array, The pomp of that tremendous day. When thou with clouds shalt come To judge the nations at thy bar; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet a joyful doom ? 4 V>o this my one irr\veetly there. 2F* 44 WWWWW J ; 690 FRAILTY, SICKNESS AND DEATH. 1088 Dying Christian. P. M. An Anthem. YiTAL spark of heavenly flame ! Quit, 0 quit this mortal frame ; Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying, 0 the pain — the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife, And let me languish into life. Hark ! they whisper — angels say, " Sister spirit, come away Vf What is this absorbs me quite, Steals my senses, shuts my sight, Drowns my spirits, draws my breath? Tell me, my soul — can this be death ? I The world recedes — it disappears ! Heaven opens on my eyes ! — my ears With sounds seraphic ring ! Lend, lend your wings ! I mount, I fly ! 0 grave ! where is thy victory ? 0 death ! where is thy sting ? 1089 Speed and Uncertainty of Time. C. P. M. My days, my weeks, my months, my years Fly rapid as the whirling spheres, Around the steady pole ; Time, like a tide, its motion keeps, And I must launch through endless deeps, Where endless ages roll. 2 The grave is near the cradle seen ; How swift the moments pass between, And whisper as they fly : Unthinking man, remember this — Though fond of sublunary bliss — That thou must groan and die. 1SL FRA1 SICKNESS AND DEATH. 691 ■ My soul, attend the solemn call! Thy earthly tent must shortly fall, And thou must take thy flight, Beyond the vast expansive blue, To sing above, as angels do, Or sink in endless night. A heaven or hell, and these alone, Beyond the present life are known- There is no middle space ; To-day attend the call divine, To-morrow may be none of thine, Or it may be too late. 1090 The Convert1 s Choice. C. P. M. "VTo room for mirth or trifling here, 1^1 For worldly hope or worldly fear, If life so soon is gone ; If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before Th' inexorable throne. 2 Xo matter which my thoughts employ, A moment's misery or joy; But 0, when both shall end ! Where shall I find my destined place? Shall I my everlasting days With fiends or angels spend? 3 Nothing is worth a thought beneath, But how I may escape the death That never, never dies! How make my own election sure, And when I fail on earth, secure A mansion in the b! IMMORTALITY AND ETERNITY. 4 Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray, Be thou my guide, be thou my way To glorious happiness. 0, write thy pardon on my heart ! And whensoever I hence depart, Let me depart in peace. IMMORTALITY AND ETERNITY. 1091 Our Souls Immortal. C. M. The sun, that lights the world, shall fade, The stars shall pass away; But I, who am immortal made, Shall witness their decay. 2 Yes, I shall live when they are dead, Though now so bright they shine ; When earth, and all it holds, have fled, Eternity is mine. 3 For I can never, never die, While God himself remains ; But I must live in heaven on high, Or where deep darkness reigns. 4 If heaven and hell ne'er pass away, To Christ, 0, let me flee : If pain be hard for one short day, What must forever be? 1092 The Soul. C. M. "Oemember, man, thou hast a soul ±\> The world can never buy ; And, while eternal ages roll, It will not, cannot die. IMMORTALITY AND BTRENITY. 693 2 For it must soar to worlds on high, Where happy spirits dwell; Or, buried with the wicked, lie Deep in the gulf of hell. 3 The soul, by numerous sins defiled, Can never outer heaven, Till it to God is reconciled, And all its sins forgiven : 4 Till it be pure from all its stain.-, In perfect righteousness ; Cleansed by the Saviour's dying pains, Renewed by sovereign grace. 5 Pardon it, cleanse it, God of grace, That it may holy be — Arrayed in thine own holiness, And meet to dwell with thee. The Body and Soul. S. M. I bless my Maker's name, The Good, the Wise, the Great ! From him my life and being came: He, only, can create. These active limbs of mine, That serve me at my will, Formed of the dust by power divine, Show forth his wondrous skill. This body will de< Through sin 'tis doomed to di And all these limbs of mine, one day, Must in the cold grave Lie. But, 0 ! I have a soul. That death can never touch; This world, if I could gain the whole, Would not be worth so much. '694 IMMORTALITY AND ETERNITY. In endless joy or pain, My soul alive will stay: My body, too, will live again, At the great Judgment day. Though sun and moon decay, If Jesus be my friend, Then, when Fve passed life's fleeting day, To heaven I shall ascend. 1094 Rejoicing in view of Death. C. M. And let this feeble body fail, And let it droop and die ; My soul shall quit this mournful vale, And soar to worlds on high ; — 2 Shall join the disembodied saints, And find its long-sought rest — That only bliss for which it pants — In my Redeemer's breast. 3 In hope of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain ; And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain. 4 0, what are all my sufferings here. If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptured host t' appear, And worship at thy feet ? 5 Give joy or grief, give ease or pain. Take life or friends away — But let me find them all again, In that eternal day. 1095 The Land like Eden. C. M. There is a land, like Eden fair, But more than Eden blest ; The wicked cease from troubling there, The weary are at rest. IMMORTALITY AND ETERNITY. 695 2 There is a Land, where small and great Before the Lord appear ; The spoils of fortune, and of fate, Whom heaven alone can cheer. 3 There is a land, where, star-like, shine The pearls of Christ's renown ; And gems, long buried in the mine, Are jewels In his crown. 4 There is a land, like Eden fair, But more than Eden blest ; 0 for a wing to waft me there, That I might he at rest. 1096 Eternity. L.M. Eternity is just at hand ! And shall I waste my ebbing sand ? And careless view departing day ? And throw my inch of time away ? Lo ! an eternity there is, Of endless woe, or endless bliss : And, swift as time fulfils its round, We to eternity are bound. What countless millions of mankind Have left this fleeting world behind ! They're gone ! but where ? ah, pause and see, Gone to a long eternity ! Sinner, canst thou forever dwell In all the fiery deeps of hell? And is death nothing, then, to thee — Death and a dread eternity? 1097 Dcaflt, Immortality and Eternity, 0. M. Stoop (1'Avn. my thoughts, that used I Converse awhile with death; Think how a gasping mortal 1 And pants away his breath. 2 His quiv'ring lip hangs feebly down, His pulse is faint and few ; Then speechless, — with a doleful groan, He bids the world adieu. 3 But, 0, the soul — that never dies — At once it leaves the clay ! Ye thoughts, pursue it where it flies, And track its wondrous way. 4 Up to the courts where angels dwell, It mounts, triumphing there, Or devils plunge it down to hell, In infinite despair. 5 And must my body faint and die ? And must this soul remove ? 0 for some guardian angel nigh, To bear it safe above ! 1098 Death and Immediate Glory. C. M. There is a house, not made with hands, Eternal, and on high ; And here my spirit waiting stands, Till God shall bid it fly. 2 Shortly this prison of my clay Must be dissolved and fall; Then, 0 my soul, with joy obey Thy heavenly Father's call. 3 7Tis he, by his almighty grace, That forms thee fit for heaven ; And, as an earnest of the place, Has his own Spirit given. 4 We walk by faith of joys to come ; Faith lives upon his word : But while the body is our home, We're absent from the Lord. FUNERAL HYMNS. 697 G 5 'Tis pleasant to believe thy grace, But we had rather see ; We would be absent from the flesh, And present, Lord, with thee. A Lively Hope. C. M. Sweet to rejoice in lively hope, That, when my change shall come, Angels will hover 'round my bed. And waft my spirit home. 2 There shall my disembodied soul View Jesus, and adore ; Be with his likeness satisfied, And grieve and sin no more. 3 Soon, too, my slumb'ring dust shall hear The trumpet's quickening sound, And by my Saviour's power rebuilt, At his right hand be found. 4 If such the views which grace unfolds, Faint as they are below, What rapture must the church above In J< D 3e know ! FUNERAL HYMNS. 1100 Separations in Time. S. II. 31. G,G,8,G,8,8. Friend after friend departs; — Who has not lost a friend? There i> no union here of li That finds nut here an end. this frail world our final rest, Living or dying none were b £2 * '698 FUNERAL HYMNS. 2 Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath ; Nor life's affections, transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward and expire. 3 There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love, Formed for the good alone ; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that glorious sphere. 4 Thus star by star declines, Till all are passed away, As morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day ; Nor sink those stars in empty night, But hide themselves in heaven's own light. 1101 The Righteous Blessed in Death. L. M. How bless'd the righteous when he dies ! When sinks a weary soul to rest ! How mildly beam the closing eyes, How gently heaves th' expiring breast ! 2 So fades a summer cloud away ; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er ; So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies the wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around, A calm which life nor death destroys ; Nothing disturbs that peace profound Which his unfetter'd soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears, Where lights and shades alternate dwell ! How bright th' unchanging morn appears ! Farewell, inconstant world, farewell ! FUNERAL IIV. 5 Life's duty d< • tin' clay, Light from its load the spirit While heaven and earth combine t "How bless'd the righteous when h< 1102 The Crowning Hour. Servant of God, well done ! Thy glorious warfare's past : The battle's fought, the race is won, And thou art crowned at last. With saints enthroned on high, Thou dost thy Lord proclaim, And still to God salvation cry, — Salvation to the Lamb ! 0 happy, happy soul ! In extasies of praise, Long as eternal ages roll Thou seest thy Saviour's face. Redeemed from earth and pain, 0, when shall we ascend, And all in Jesus' presence reign With our translated friend ? s.: 1103 Death and the Resurrection. S. M. And must this body die? This mortal frame decay? And must these active limbs of mine, Lie mould'ring in the clay? Corruption, earth and worms Shall but refine my flesh, Till my triumphant spirit C To put it on afresh. God, my Redeemer, lives, And often from the Bkies Lown and watches all my d Till he shall bid it ri 0 700 FUNERAL HYMNS. Array'd in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine, And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love ; We would adore his grace below, And sing his pow'r above. Dear Lord, accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we raise, With our immortal tongues. 1104 Man's Future Destiny. S. M. And am I born to die ? To lay this body down? And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown ? Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me ? Eternal happiness or woe Must then my portion be. I must from God be driv'n, Or with my Saviour dwell : Must come at his command to heav'n, Or else — depart to hell. Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe ; That when thou comest on thy throne, I may with joy appear. Thou art thyself the way — Thyself to me reveal ; So shall I spend my life's short day Obedient to thy will. wJ8l lTNKUAL HYMNS. 701 H 1105 Death of a Sister. P. M. 8s. JfTis finish'd! the conflict is past, 1 The heaven-born spirit is fled ; Her wish is accomplished at last, A sister's entomb'd with the dead. The months of affliction are o'er, The days and the nights of distress ; We see her in anguish no more — She's gain'd her soul's happy release. 2 Xo sickness, or sorrow, or pain, Shall ever disquiet her now ; For death to her spirit was gain, Since Christ was her life, here below. Her soul has now taken its flight To mansions of glory above, To mingle with angels of light, And dwell in the kingdom of love. 3 The victory now is obtained — She's gone her dear Saviour to see, Her wishes she fully has gain'd — She's gone where she long wish'd to be. Then let us forbear to complain, That she has now gone from our sight; We soon shall behold her again, With new and redoubled delight. Death, hard without Grace. C. M. Deatii ! — 'tis a melancholy day To those who have no God — When the poor soul is forc'd away To seek her last abode. 2 In vain to heav'n she lifts her eyes ; For guilt, a heavy chain, Still drags her downward from the skies, To darkness, lire and pain. !702 FUNERAL HYMNS. 3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of hell, — Let stubborn sinners fear: You must be driv'n from earth, and dwell A long forever there ! 4 See how the pit gapes wide for you, And flashes in your face : And thou, my soul, look downward too, And#seek redeeming grace. 5 Prepare me, Lord, for thy right hand, Then come the joyful day ; Come death, and some celestial hand, To bear my soul away. 1107 House not made with Hands. S. M. We know, by faith we know, If this vile house of clay, This tabernacle, sink below, In ruinous decay — 2 We have a house above, Not made with mortal hands ; And firm as our Redeemer's love That heav'nly fabric stands. 3 It stands securely high, Indissolubly sure ; Our glorious mansion in the sky Shall evermore endure. 4 Full of immortal hope, We urge the restless strife, And hasten to be swallowed up In everlasting life. 5 Lord, let us follow thee In perfect holiness, And rise, prepared thy face to see, Thy bright, unclouded face. <& — FUNERAL HYMNS. \T 6 Thy grace with glory crown, Who hast the earnest giv'n ; And then triumphantly come down, And take us up to heav'n. -IvJo Thou art Gone to the Grave. M. 12s & lis. iiou'rt gone to the grave : but we will not deplore thee, Tho' sorrow and darkness encompass the tomb: The Saviour hath pass'd thro' its portals before thee ; The lamp of his love is thy guide through the : gloom. 2 Thou'rt gone to the grave : we no longer be- hold thee, Nor tread the rough paths of the world by thy side ; But mercy's wide arms are spread out to enfold thee; And sinners may hope, since the Saviour hath died. 3 Thou'rt gone to the grave : and its mansion forsaking, Perchance thy weak spirit in doubt lingered long; But th' sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking, Andth' sound thou didst hear was the seraphim's song. 4 Thou'rt gone to the grave : but we will not de- plore thee, Since God was thy ransom, thy guardian and guide; He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee, And death has no sting, since the Saviour hath died. "L a 1110 Peaceful Death of the Righteous. S. M. Ofor the death of those Who slumber in the Lord ! 0, be like theirs my last repose, Like theirs my last reward ! Their bodies in the ground, In silent hope may lie, Till the last trumpet's joyful sound Shall call them to the sky. Their ransomed spirits soar, On wings of faith and love, To meet the Saviour they adore, And reign with him above. With us their names shall live Through long-succeeding years, Embalmed with all our hearts can give — Our praises and our tears. 0 for the death of those Who slumber in the Lord ! 0, be like theirs my last repose, Like theirs my last reward ! Death of a Minister. C. M. Why should our tears in sorrow flow When God recalls his own, And bids them leave a world of woe For an immortal crown? Is not their death a gain to those Whose life to God was given ? Gladly to earth their eyes they close, To open them in heaven. Their toils are past, their work is done, And they are fully blest ; They fought the fight, the victory won, And entered into rest. M FUNERAL HYMNS. 4 The flock must feel the shepherd's loss, And miss his tender care ; But they who bear with joy the cross, The brighter crown shall wear. 5 And is not he who calls them home, Still to his church most nigh, To bid the other laborers come, And all her need supply ? 6 Then let our sorrows cease to flow ; God has recalFd his own ; But let our hearts, in every woe, Still say, "Thy will be done." 1111 On the Death of a Pastor. C. M. Now let our mourning hearts revive, And let our tears be dry ; Why should those eyes be drowned in grief, Which view a Saviour nigh? 2 What, though the arm of conquering death Does God's own house invade ? What, though the prophet and the priest Be numbered with the dead? 3 Though earthly shepherds dwell in dust, The aged and the young — The watchful eye in darkness closed, And mute th' instructive tongue; — 4 TV eternal Shepherd still survives, Xew comfort to impart ; His eye still guides us, and his voice Still animates our heart. 5 "Lo! I am with you," saith the Lord ; " My church shall safe abide: For I will ne'er forsake my own, Whose souls in me confide." 45 d 706 FUNERAL HYMNS. 5 G Through ever}r scene of life and death, This promise is our trust ; rind this shall be our children's song, When we are cold in dust. 1112 Funeral of a Sister. M. 8s &7s. Sister, thou wast mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze, Pleasant as the air of evening, When it floats among the trees. 2 Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in the grave so low ; Thou no more wilt join our number, Thou no more our songs shalt know. 3 Dearest sister, thou hast left us : Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God who hath bereft us, — He can all our sorrows heal. 4 Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled, Then in heaven, with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is shed. 1113 Funeral of a Young Person. C. M. When blooming youth is snatched away By death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay Which pity must demand. 2 While pity prompts the rising sigh, 0 may this truth, impress'd, With awful power — " I too must die" — Sink deep in every breast. 3 Let this vain world engage no more ; Behold the gaping tomb ! It bids us seize the present hour ; — To-morrow death may come. m m FUNERAL HTBOrS. 707 4 The voice of this alarming scene May every heart obey; Nor be the heavenly warning vain, Which calls to watch and pray. 5 0 let ns fly — to Jesus fly — Whose powerful arm can save ; Then shall our hopes ascend on high, And triumph o'er the grave. 1114 Triumphant Death of a Brother. P. M. 8s. Weep not for a brother deceased ; Our loss is his infinite gain ; A soul out of prison releas'd, And freed from its bodily chain ; With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above, Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodged in the Eden of love. 2 Our brother the haven has gained, Outflying the tempest and wind ; His rest he has sooner obtained, And left his companions behind, Still tossed on a sea of distress, Hard toiling to make the bless'd shore, Where all is assurance and peace. And sorrow and sin are no more. 1115 Balaam's Wish. S. B£ How blest the righteous are, When they resign their breath ! No wonder Balaam wished to share In such a happy death. ( >. let mo die, said ho. The death the do : When life ' • be m(1 with the faithful few. 708 FUNERAL HYMNS. 3 The force of truth how great, When enemies confess, None but the righteous, whom they hate, A solid hope possess. 4 But Balaam's wish was vain, His heart was insincere; He thirsted for unrighteous gain, And sought a portion here. 5 May we, 0 Lord, Most High, Warning from hence receive : If like the righteous we would die, To choose the life they live. 1116 Death of a Young CJrild. C. M. Alas ! how changed that lovely flow'r, Which bloom'd and cheer'd my heart ; Fair, fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're called to part ! 2 And shall my bleeding heart arraign That God, whose ways are love? Or vainly cherish anxious pain For her who rests above ? 3 From adverse blasts and lowering storms, Her favored soul he bore, And with yon bright, angelic forms, She lives to die no more. 4 Prepare me, blessed Lord, to share The bliss thy people prove ; Who 'round thy glorious throne appear, And dwell in perfect love. - ■ Death of a Child, C. M. Life is a span — a fleeting hour: How soon the vapor flies ! Man is a tender, transient flow'r, That e'en in blooming dies. S% FUNERAL HYMNS. 709 < 2 The once-loved form, now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs; And nature weeps her comforts fled, And withered all her joys. 3 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 4 Cease, then, fond nature, cease thy tears ; Thy Saviour dwells on high ; There everlasting spring appears ; There joys shall never die. 1118 Let me die the Death of the Righteous. C. M. With what a ftVd and peaceful mind, \ The righteous man expires ! Behold him breathing out his soul, In hopes and blest desires ! Eternal glory now begins To dawn upon his eyes, And Jesus animates his soul, While languishing he lies. No sins or fears disturb his soul, No terror from below ; Nor worldly glory stops his flight, Or makes him loth to go. 4 Bright hosts of angels 'round his bed, With holy ardor stand; Heady to bear aloft his bouI, At Jesus1 high command. II. w this bright hope, this blessed hope My longing spirit charms I 0 let me live and die like him, Enclosed in Jesus' arms. 2H ; 710 FUNERAL HYMNS. 1119 Those blessed who die in the Lord. C. M. Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims For all the pious dead: " Sweet is the savor of their names, And soft their sleeping bed. 2 They die in Jesus, and are blest ; How kind their slumbers are ! From suffering and from sin released, They're freed from every snare. 3 Far from this world of toil and strife, They're present with the Lord ; The labors of their mortal life End in a large reward. " 1120 Death of a Young Person. C. M. How short the race our friend has run, Cut down in all his bloom ! — ■ The course but yesterday begun, Now finish'd in the tomb. 2 Few are thy days, and full of woe, 0 man, of woman born ! Thy doom is written — dust thou art, To dust thou shalt return. 3 Thou joyous youth, hence learn how soon, Thy years may end their flight ; Long, long before life's brilliant noon, May come death's gloomy night. 4 To serve thy God no longer wait, To-day his voice regard ; To-morrow mercy's open gate May be forever barr'd. 5 And thus the Lord reveals his grace, Thy youthful love to gain — The soul that early seeks my face, Shall never seek in vain. FUNERAL HYMNS. 711 M 1121 On the Death of a Child. C. M. Wake up, my muse, condole the loss Of those who mourn this day ; Let tears run down on every face, And every mourner pray. 2 The tyrant, death, came rushing in ; And here, his pow'r to show, With icy hand he touched this child, And laid its visage low. 3 Xo more the pleasant child is seen, To please the parent's eye ; The tender plant, so fresh and green, Is in eternity. 4 The golden bowl by death is broke, The pitcher burst in twain ; The cistern wheel has felt the stroke, The pleasant child is slain. 5 The winding sheet enfolds its limbs, The coffin holds it fast : To-day 'tis seen by all its friends, But this must be the last; — G Until the Lord doth come to judge The nations great and small ; When you and I the test shall stand, Or at his presence fall. 1122 Weep Not P. M. 10,8,10,7, 10,10,1<>,7. Sued not a tear o'er your friend's early bier, When I am gone — when I am gone; Smile if the slow-tolling bell you should hear, When I am gone — 1 am g Weep nut for m<>, when you stand 'round my we : Think who has died his beloved to .save: Think of the crown all the ransomed shall have, When I am gone — 1 am jj ~ d r 712 FUNERAL HYMNS. 2 Shed not a tear, when you stand 'round my grave, When I am gone — when I am gone; Sing a sweet song unto him who doth save, When I am gone — I am gone. Sing to the Lamb, who on earth once was slain ; Sing to the Lamb, who in heaven doth reign ; Sing, till the world shall be filPd with his name , When I am gone — I am gone. 3 Plant ye a tree, which may wave over me, When I am gone — when I am gone; Sing ye a song, if my grave you should see, When I am gone — I am gone. Come, at the close of a bright summer day ; Come, when the sun sheds its last ling'ring ray ; Come, and rejoice that I thus pass'd away, When I am gone — I am gone. BUEIAL HYMNS. 11,4/0 Meditation on the Tomb. C. M. How still and peaceful is the grave, Where, life's vain tumults past, Th' appointed place, by heav'n's decree, Receives us all at last. 2 There servants, masters, small and great, Partake the same repose ; And there in peace the ashes mix Of those who once were foes. 3 All, level' d by the hand of death , Lie sleeping in the tomb, Till Cod in judgment calls them forth To meet their final doom. m 4 0 may I Btand before the Lamb, When earth and Beas are And hoar the judge pronounce my name, With blessings on my head. 1124 A Voice from the Tomb. CM. Hark ! from the tombs a doleful sound ; My ears attend the cry: — "Ye living men, come, view the ground Where you must shortly lie. 2 Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your tow'rs ; The tall, the wise, the rev'rend head Must lie a^ low as ours." 3 Great God! is this our certain doom, And are we still secure, — Still walking downward to the tomb ? And yet prepare no more ! 4 Grant us the power of quickening grace, To fit our Boulfl to fly ; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky. 1125 :> Death and Burial of Saints. L. M. Unveil thy bosom, faithful torn))! Take this now treasure to thy trust, And give these sacred relics room, To seek a slumber in the dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds; — nor mortal woes Can reach the peaceful Bleeper here, While • : — Gtod'i dying Son Pi --M through the grave, andbless'dthebed; saint, till, from his throne, The morning break, and pierce the shade. 211 P714 BURIAL HYMNS. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn ! Attend, 0 earth, his sovereign word ! Restore thy trust: — a glorious form Shall then arise to meet the Lord. 1126 Earth to Earth and Dust to Dust. M. 7s. U T?arth to earth, and dust to dust ! " Hi Here the evil and the just, — Here the matron and the maid, In one silent bed are laid. Here the vassal and the king, Side by side, lie withering ; Here the sword and sceptre rust : — "Earth to earth, and dust to dust." 2 Age on age shall roll along, O'er this pale and mighty throng ; Those who wept them, those who weep, All shall with these sleepers sleep. Songs of peace or battle's roar, Ne'er shall break their slumbers more ; Death shall keep his solemn trust ; — " Earth to earth, and dust to dust." 3 But a day is coming fast — Earth, thy mightiest and thy last ; It shall come in strife and toil, It shall come in blood and spoil ; It shall come in empires' groans, Burning temples, trampled, thrones ; Then, ambition, rue thy lust !— " Earth to earth, and dust to dust." 4 Yes, the dead shall all be found, When the trump of God shall sound ; And the King of kings descends, And in glory crowns his friends. Then with him we shall remain — For a thousand years to reign, — And no more the dirge be just, "Earth to earth, and dust to dust." jg m M BURIAL HYMNS. 715 ° 1127 Burial of the Righteous. CM. Why should we mourn the sainted dead, Whom God has taken home — Why should we weep, and tears be shed, When buried in their tomb ? 2 They're gone from sorrow and from pain : They've bid this world adieu; With Jesus they are gone to reign, In worlds forever new. 3 There they await, in heavenly bliss, Our last expiring breath ; That we may dwell where Jesus is, Beyond the reach of death. 4 Then let us live for that bright state, To which our friends have gone; Where holy scenes their hearts elate, Around the Father's throne. 1128 A Burial Ihjuni. CM. Ye living men, the tomb survey, Where you must shortly dwell ; Hark ! how the awful summons sounds In every funeral knell ! 2 Once you must die, and once for all ; The solemn purport weigh : For know, that heav'n or hell is hung On that important day ! 3 Those eyes, so long in darkness veil'd, Must wake, the Judge to see ; And every word, and every thought Bfust pMi his scrutiny. 4 0, may I in the Judge behold My Saviour and my Friend: And then, triumphant over death, With all his saints ascend. BURIAL HYMXS. LlZo The Uncertainty of Life. CM. Bexeath our feet and o'er our head Is equal warning given ; Beneath us lie the countless dead, Above us is the heaven. 2 Death rides on every passing breeze, And lurks in every flow'r ; Each season has its own disease Its peril every hour. 3 Our eyes have seen the rosy light Of youth's soft cheek decay, And fate descend in sudden night On manhood's middle day. 4 Our eyes have seen the steps of age Halt feebly at the tomb ; And yet shall earth our hearts engage, And dreams of days to come? 5 Turn, mortal, turn — thy danger know ; Where'er thy foot can tread, The earth rings hollow from below, And warns thee of her dead. 6 Turn, sinner, turn : thy soul apply To truths divinely given : The forms which underneath thee lie Shall live, in hell or heaven. 1130 Burial of Christian Friends. C. M. Why do we mourn departed friends, Or shake at death's alarms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. 2 Why should we tremble, to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? 'Twas there the flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume. ® J0~ BURIAL HYMNS. nr 3 The graves of all the saints he blest, And softened every bed ; Where should the dying members rest, But with their dying Head? 4 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise : — Awake, ye nations under ground ; Ye saints, ascend the skies ! 1131 Place of 'Equality.— Job 3: 18,19. L. P. M. There is a dark and silent home, Whose tenants can no longer roam : Beggars and kings are equal there, And servants from their lords are free ; There slaves must with their masters share A station of equality. 2 There is a dark and narrow home, Whose inmates can no longer roam : Oppression's voice, nor toil, nor care, Disturbs the quiet sleeper's breast; "The wicked cease from troubling there, — And there the weary are at rest." 3 There is a dark and lowly home, From which no traveler can roam : There captives rest together, there No tyrant can his sceptre wave ; That place where all have equal share, [fi the low mansion of the grave. 1132 Burial of Friend*, C. M. L_ WHIH to the grave our friends are borne. Around their cold remains How all the tender passions mourn, And each fond heart complains! ! 718 BURIAL HYMNS. \ 2 But down to earth, alas, in vain We bend our weeping- eyes ; 0, let us leave these seats of pain, And upward learn to rise. 3 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 1133 The Tomb and the Resurrection. C. M. Thro' sorrow's night and danger's path, Amid the deep'ning gloom, We, soldiers of an injured King, Are marching to the tomb. 2 There, when the turmoil is no more, And all our pow'rs decay, Our cold remains, in solitude, Shall sleep the years away. 3 Our labors done, securely laid In this our last retreat, Unheeded, o'er our silent dust The storms of life shall beat. 4 Yet not thus lifeless, in the grave, The vital spark shall lie ; For o'er life's wreck, that spark shall rise, To seek its kindred sky. 5 These ashes too, this little dust, Our Father's care shall keep, Till the last angel rise, and break The long and dreary sleep. 6 Then love's soft dew on every eye Shall shed its mildest rays, And the long-silent dust shall burst With shouts of endless praise. ADVENT HYMNS. 719 * 1134 ADVENT HYMNS. Kingdom of Christ. C. M, ! Lo! what a glorious sight appears To our believing eyes ! Signs now proclaim the advent near. They fill the earth and skies. 2 From the third heaven, where God resides, That holy, happy place, The new Jerusalem comes down, Adorned with shining grace. 3 Attending angels shout for joy, And the bright armies sing, "Mortals, Lehold the sacred seat Of your descending King., 4 His own soft hand shall wipe the tears From every weeping eye ; And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears, And death itself shall die." 5 How long, dear Saviour, 0 how long Shall this bright hour delay? Fly swifter 'round, ye wheels of time, And bring the welcome day. 1135 Second Advent. L. M, He comes! he comes ! the Judge severe ; The seventh trumpet speaks him near; \\\< lightnings flash, bis thunders roll, — JIc'< welcome to the faithful soul. Welcome^ welcom et welcome, 11 ' '<> the faith fid soul! 720 ADVENT HYMNS. 2 Descending on his azure throne, He claims the kingdoms as his own ; The kingdoms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphant Lord. Welcome, xoelcome, &c. 3 Shout, all ye angels of the sky, And all the saints of the Most High ; Our God, who now his right obtains, Forever and forever reigns. Welcome, welcome, &c. 4 The Father praise, the Son adore, The Spirit bless for evermore ; Salvation's glorious work is done, — We welcome thee, thou glorious One ! Welcome, welcome, &c. 1136 Christ's Coming and Kingdom, CM. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns ! Let men their songs employ; "While fields and flocks, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground: He comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the earth with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. «r ADVENT HYMNS. 721 1137 The Bridegroom Cometh. H. M. 6,6,0,0,8,1 Ye virgin souls, arise; With all the dead, awake ; Unto salvation wise, Oil in your vessels take : Upstarting at the midnight cry — Behold the heavenly Bridegroom nigh ! He comes ! he comes, to call The nations to his bar, And take to glory all Who meet for glory are ; Make ready for your full reward ; Go forth with joy to meet your Lord. Go, meet him in the sky, Your everlasting Friend — Your Head to glorify, With all his saints ascend : Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace, To see, without a vail, his face. Rejoice in glorious hope Of that great day unknown. When you shall be caught up To stand before his throne ; Call'd to partake the marriage feast, And lean on our Immanuel's breast. 1138 Chrid's Second Coming. M. Ts&Gs. Hail to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son ; Hail, in the time appointed, Ilis reign on earth begun! He cornea to break oppression! T-» set fche captive free; To take away transgression; And rale in equity. 21 46 f 722 FIRST RESURRECTION. 2 He comes, with succor speedy, To those who suffer wrong ; To help the poor and needy, And bid the weak be strong ; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemned and dying, Were precious in his sight. 3 To him shall prayer unceasing And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end: The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand forever, — That name to us is love. FIEST KESUBKECTIOK The Saints Arise. P. M. 11,6,11,6,8,8,8,6. Soox we shall see, shall see the glorious morning Saints, arise — saints, arise ! Sinners, attend, attend the notes of warning ; Saints, arise — saints, arise! The resurrection day draws near, The King of saints shall soon appear, And high unfurl his banners here ; Saints, arise — saints, arise. ■) 2 Hear, hear the trump, the trump of God re- sounding : Saints, arise — saints, arise! . \ Through death's dark vaults, dark vaults its j notes rebounding ; Saints, arise — saints, arise ! FIRST RESURRECTION. 72:) To meet the Bridegroom, haste, prepare; Put "ii your bridal garments fair, And hail your Saviour in the air! Saints, arise — saints, arise! 3 The saints who sleep, who sleep, with joy awaken ; All arise — all arise ; Their clay cold beds, cold beds are quick forsaken ; All arise — all arise : Not one of all the faithful few, Who here on earth the Saviour knew. But starts, with bliss, his Lord to view ; All arise — all arise. 114U First Resurrection. C. M. re at God, my slumbering dust shall hear G Thy trumpet's quickening sound ; And, by almighty pow'r rebuilt, At thy right hand be found. 2 The ill see thee in that day, — The God who died for me : And all my rising bones shall Bay, "Lord, who is like to thee?" 3 If such the views thy word unfolds, To our weak faith below, "What raptures must the saints above, In Jesus' presence know ! 1141 Resurrection of the Christian, C. M. My faith shall triumph o'er the grave, And trample on the tombs: My -Jesus, my Redeemer lives, My ( tod, my Saviour, ooi 2 Ere 1 ■ » 1 1 lt I know he shall app In power and glory great ; And death, the Last of all his Lie vanquished at his fe ' 724 THE MILLENNIUM. 3 When God shall stand upon the earth, Him there mine eyes shall see : My flesh shall feel a second birth, And ever with him be. 4 How long, dear Saviour ! 0 how long Shall this bright hour delay ! 0 hasten thine appearance, Lord, And bring the welcome day. THE MILLENNIUM. 1142 The Millennium. L. M. Look up, ye saints, with sweet surprise, Toward the joyful, coming day, When Jesus shall descend the skies, And form his saints in bright array. 2 Nations shall in a day be born, And swift, like doves, to Jesus fly ; The church shall know no cloud's return, Nor sorrows mixing with their joy. 3 The lion and the lamb shall feed Together in his peaceful reign ; And Zion, blest with heav'nly bread, Of pinching wants no more complain. 4 The Jew, the Greek, the bond, the free, Shall boast their sep'rate rights no more ; But join in sweetest harmony, Their Lord, their Saviour, to adore. 5 Thus, till a thousand years be past, Shall holiness and peace prevail ; And every knee shall bow to Christ, And every tongue shall Jesus hail. TheWatchman's Report. i/L.1 11TAT( IIMAN ! tell US of the Dlghtj M What its signs of promise arc? Traveler! o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory-beaming star ! 2 Watchman! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell? Traveler! yes: it brings the day, Pi* >mised day of Israel ! 3 Watchman] tell us of the night; Higher yet that star ascends. Traveler! blessedness and light, Peace and truth its course portends. 4 Watchman ! will its 1 teams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth? Traveler ! ages are its own ; See ! it bursts o'er all the earth. 5 Watchman ! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn. Traveler! darkness takes it flight, Doubt and terror are withdrawn. 6 Watchman! let thy wanderings cease; Hie thee to thy quiet home. Traveler! lo ! the Prince of peace, Lo ! the Son of God is come. 1144 Tokens of the Latter Days, L. M. H.vkk! don't yon hear the turtle dove, The tokens of redeeming love? From hill to hill, we hear the sound. The neighboring valleys echo 'round ! () Zion I hear the turtle dove. The tokens of redeeming l< They're come the barren land to chi And welcome in the jubile year. 21 726 THE MILLENNIUM. 2 The winter's past, the rain is o'er, We feel the chilling winds no more; Sweet spring is come, and summer too, All things appear divinely new ; On Zion's mou^it the watchmen cry, The resurrection's drawing nigh ; Behold the nations from abroad Are nocking to the mount of God. 3 The latter days have now come on, And fugitives are flocking home ; * Behold them crowd the gospel road, All pressing for the mount of God. — 0 yes ! and I will join the band — Now here's my heart, and here's my hand ; With Satan's bands no more I'll be, But fight for Christ and liberty. 4 His banner soon shall be unfurl'd, And he will come to judge the world; On Zion's mountain we will stand, Surrounded by fair Canaan's land. The sun and moon shall darken'd be, The flames consume the land and sea ; When worlds on worlds together blaze, We'll shout, and loud hosannas raise. 1145 Dawn of the Millennium. M. lis & 10s. Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning ! Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain ; Hush'd be the accents of sorrow and mourning, Zion in triumph begins her mild reign. 2 Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning ! j Long by the prophets of Israel foretold ; Hail to the millions from bondage returning, Gentiles and Jews the blest vision behold. — ~?3 THE MILLENNIUM. 727 : 3 Lo, in the desert rich flowers are springing, Streams ever copious are gliding along ; Loud from the mountain-tops echoes are ringing, Wastes rise in verdure and mingle in song. 4 See, from all lands — from the isles of the ocean, Praise to Jehovah ascending on high ; FalPn are the engines of war and commotion, Shouts of salvation are rending the sky. 1146 The Last Lovely Morning. P. M. 6,5,6,5. The last lovely morning, All blooming and fair, Is fast onward fleeting, And soon will appear. WJiile the mighty, mighty, mighty trump Sounds come, come away : — 0 let us be ready to hail the glad day ! 2 And when that bright morning In splendor shall dawn, Our tears shall cease flowing, Our sorrows be gone. While the mighty, mighty, mighty trump, (Sec. 3 The Bridegroom from glory To earth shall descend ; Ten thousand bright angels Around him attend. Wliile the mighty, mighty, mighty trump, d*c. 4 The graves will be opened, The dead shall arise, And with the Redeemer Mount up to the ski While the mighty, mighty ^ mighty trump, dec. 728 THE MILLENNIUM. 5 The saints then immortal, In glory shall reign — The bride with the Bridegroom Forever remain. While the mighty, mighty mighty tramp, &c. 1147 Gabriel's Tramp. C. P. M. What sound is this salutes my ear ? ;Tis Gabriel's trump methinks I hear ; Th/ expected day has come. Behold, the heav'ns, the earth, the sea, Proclaim the year of Jubilee ! Ileturn, ye exiles, home. 2 Behold the fair Jerusalem, Illuminated by the Lamb, In glory doth appear ! Fair Zion, rising from the tombs, To meet the Bridegroom ; lo, he comes ! And hails the festive year, 3 Fly, ling'ring moments, fly, Ofly! I thirst, I pant, I long, to try, Angelic joys to prove ; Soon shall I change this house of clay, Clap my glad wings and soar away, And shout redeemino; love ! 1148 The Millennium Daioning. M. 7s & 6s. The gloomy night of darkness Begins to flee away ; The reddening streak of morning Proclaims the rising day; That welcome day of promise, When Christ shall claim his right, And on the world of darkness Pour forth a flood of light. THi: MILLENNIUM. 2 Now love unites the people, And tears away the bars; They lay aside their weapons, And cease from strifes and wars ; All, with united voices, All join with one accord, Ascribing free salvation And glory to the Lord. 3 Now Satan roars with anguish. His servants quake with fear ; His boasted kingdom trembles. Its fall we soon shall hear : — Go on, victorious Saviour! Go on, almighty King! 0 chain the woeful dragon, That earth thy praise may Bing. 1149 Millennial Dawn. P. M. 7,7,7,6, r,7,7,6 Saints, exult ! — adieu to tears ; Gloriously the dawn appears — Dawn of bright millennial years, Our great Messiah's reign: See his banner floating o'er Every dark and heathen shore; Gloom profound shall brood no more, Nor idol gods remain. Hail the world's great jubilee] Day of blood-bought liberty ! Satan bound — earth more than free — Come forth, our choicest lays: Pitch the blissful chorus high*! \ 0 for cloven tongues of tire I 0 for an immortal lyre I To sing the reign of graOC I 730 GENERAL RESURRECTION. 1150 Babylon is Fallen. P. M. 8,7,8,7,8,7,12,10. Hail ! the day so long expected, Hail ! the year of full release ; Zion's walls are now erected, And her watchmen publish peace. Through our Shiloh's wide dominion, H5ar the trumpet loudly roar — Babylon is fallen — is fallen — is fallen ! Babylon is fallen, to rise no morel All her merchants stand with wonder, — What is this that comes to pass ? Murmuring like the distant thunder, Crying, "0! alas, alas!" Swell the sound, ye kings and nobles, Priests and people, rich and poor, — Babylon is fallen, &c. Blow the trumpet in mount Zion, Christ will come the second time ; Ruling with a rod of iron, All who now as foes combine, Babel's garments we've rejected; And our fellowship is o'er. Babylon is fallen, &c. GENERAL RESURRECTION. 1101 A Prospect of the Resurrection. C. M. How long shall death, the tyrant, reign, And triumph o'er the just ? How long the blood, of martyrs slain, Lie mingled with the dust ? GENERAL RESURRECTION. 731 JL 2 Faith hears the voice, "Ye dead, arise!" And lo ! the graves obey ; And waking saints, with joyful eyes, Salute th' expected day. 3 They leave the dust, and on the wing Rise to the midway air ; In shining garments meet their King, And low adore him there. 4 0 may our humble spirits stand Among them, clothed in white ! The lowest place at his right hand Is infinite delight. 5 How will our joy and wonder rise, "When our returning King Shall bear us home to paradise, On love's triumphant wing. 1152 Exulting in the Resurrection. C. M. When* the last trumpet's awful voice This rending earth shall shake, When opening graves shall yield their charge, And dust t<> life awake, — 2 Those bodies that corrupted fell Shall incorrupt ari And mortal forms shall spring to life Immortal in the skies. 3 Behold, what heavenly prophets sung I- now at Last fullill'd : And death yields up his ancient rei And, vanquiab'd, quite the \'.< 4 Let faith exult her joyful \. ' And now in triumph sing: — 0 grave, where i< thy vi< • And where, O death, thy sting? 8L. GENERAL RESURRECTION. Resurrection from the Grave. L. M. Shall man, 0 God of light and life, Forever moulder in the grave ? Canst thou forget thy glorious work, Thy promise and thy pow'r to save ? 2 Shall life revisit dying worms, And spread the joyful insect's wing? And 0, shall man awake no more To see thy face, thy name to sing? 3 Cease, cease, ye vain desponding fears! When Christ, our Lord, from darkness sprung, Death, the last foe, was captive led, And heav'n with praise and wonder rung. 4 The trump shall sound, the dust awake ; From the cold tomb, the slumb'rers spring; Through heav'n, with joy their myriads rise, And hail their Saviour and their Kino;. 1154 Longing for the Resurrection. L. M. "YTo : I'll repine at death no more ; iN But, calm and cheerful, will resign To the cold dungeon of the grave, These dying, withering limbs of mine. 2 Let worms devour my wasting flesh, And crumble all my bones to dust ; My God shall raise my frame anew At the revival of the just. 3 Break, sacred morning ! through the skies, And usher in that glorious day: Come quickly, Lord ! cut short the hours ! Th}-- ling'ring wheels, how long they stay ! 4 Haste, then, upon the wings of love, Rouse all the pious sleeping clay ; That we may join in heav'nly joys, And sing the triumph of the day. HAL RESURRECTION. 733 1155 L. M. Assurance of the Resurrection, What sinners value, 1 resign: Lord, "'tis enough thai thou art mine ! I shall behold thy blissful faee, And stand complete in righteousness. 2 This life's a dream, an empty show ; But the bright world to which I go I lath joys substantial and sincere ; When shall I wake and find me there ? 3 0 glorious hour ! 0 blest abode ! I shall be near, and like my God ; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 4 My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. Triumph over Death. - C < reat God, I own thy sentence just ; And nature must decay ; I yield m; the dust, To dwell with fellow clay. 2 The mighty Conqu'ror shall appear, High od a royal scat, And death, the last of all his foes, Lie vanquished at his feet. 3 Though greedy worms devour my skin, And gnaw my wasting flesh, When God shall build my bones again, He'll clothe them all afr 4 Then shall 1 Bee thy lovely I Wi1 tnmorta] i ■;. And feast upon thy wondr "With pleasure and erarpri J.J M. G" 734 JUDGMENT. 1157 Hope of the Resurrection. L. M. Whew God is nigh, my faith is strong ; His arm is my almighty prop ; Be glad, my heart, rejoice, my tongue, My dying flesh shall rest in hope. 2 Though in the dust I lay my head, Yet, gracious God, thou wilt not leave My soul forever with the dead, Nor lose thy children in the grave. 3 My flesh shall thy first call obey, Shake off the dust, and rise on high ; Then shalt thou lead the wondrous way Up to thy throne above the sky. 4 There streams of endless pleasure flow ; i And full discoveries of thy grace, Which we but tasted here below, Spread heavenly joys through all the place. JUDGMENT. ilDo Day of Judgment. M. 8s 7s & 4. Day of judgment, day of wonders ! Hark ! the trumpet's awful sound — Louder than a thousand thunders, — Shakes the vast creation, round! How the summons Will the sinner's heart confound ! \ 2 See the Judge, our nature wearing, Oloth'd in majesty divine! You, who long for his appearing, Then shall say, "This God is mine: " Gracious Saviour. Own me in that day for thine! • m , ©> SCENT. 735 J 3 At his call the dead awaken — Rise to life from earth and sea ; All the pow'rs of nature, shaken By his looks, prepare to fiec : Careless sinner. What will then become of thee? 4 Horrors, past imagination, Will surprise your trembling heart, When you hear your condemnation. " Hence, accursed wretch, depart! And with Satan And his angels have thy part ! n 5 But to those who have confessed, Lov'd and serv'd the Lord be! He will say, "Come near, ye blessed, See the kingdom I bestow : You forever Shall my love and glory know." 1159 lions on the Judgment, C. M. And must I be to judgment brought, answer, in that day. every vain and idle thought, And every word I say? 2 Yes, every secret of my heart Shall shortly be made known, And I receive my just desert For all that I have done. 3 How careful, then, ought I to live! With what religions fear! Who BUoh a strict account mud my behavior here 4 Thou awful Judge of ipiick and d< The watchful l So -hall I to my ways take h< To all I speak or do. !736 JUDGMENT. ~W 5 If now thou standest at the door, 0, let me feel thee near, And make my peace with God, before I at thy bar appear. Preparation for Judgment. S. M. Thou Judge of quick and dead ! Before whose bar severe, With holy joy, or guilty dread, AVe all must soon appear : ! Our caution' d souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us all with watchful care, And stir us up to pray; To pray and wait the hour, That awful hour unknown, When robed in majesty and pow'r, Thou shalt from heav'n come down : Th' immortal Son of man, To judge the human race, With all thy Father's dazzling train, With all thy glorious grace. 0 may we all ensure A lot among the blest ; And watch a moment, to secure An everlasting rest! 1181 Banishment from God Dreadful. C. M. That awful day will surely come, Th' appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. Thou lovely chief of all my joys, Thou sovereign of my heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice Pronounce the sound, Depart ? JUDGMENT. 737 ' 3 The thunder of that dismal word Would so torment my ear, 'Twould tear my soul asunder, Lord, With most tormenting fear. 4 What! to he banish'd from my life," And jet forbid to die! To linger in eternal pain, Yet death forever fly ! 5 0 wretched state of deep despair ! To see my God remove, And fix my doleful station, where I cannot taste his love ! 6 0 tell me that my worthless name Is graven on thy hands! Show me some promise in thy book, Where my salvation stands. Christ Coming to Judgment. M. 8s, 7s, & 4 Lo! he comes, with clouds descending, Once for favored sinners slain ; Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of his train : Hallelujah I Jesus comes, and comes to reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold him, Ivobed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at naught, and sold him, Pierced and nailed him to the tree, Deeply wailing. That they now condemn'd must be. expected, in solemn pomp appear : All his saints, by man rejected, Now shall meet him In the air; Hallelujah] See (he day of <'«'m1 appear. 2J 41 cs '738 JUDGMENT . 4 Mighty King, let all adore thee, High on thine eternal throne ; Saviour, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdoms for thine own ! 0 come quickly, — Reign, Lord Jesus, reign alone ! Judgment in Prospect. S. M. And will the Judge descend ? And must the dead arise ? And not a single soul escape His all-discerning eyes? 2 How will my heart endure The terrors of that day, When earth and heaven before his face Astonish'd, shrink away? 3 But ere that trumpet shakes The mansions of the dead, Hark ! from the gospel's cheering sound What joyful tidings spread. 4 Ye sinners, seek his grace — His wrath ye cannot bear ; Fly to the shelter of his cross, And find salvation there. 5 So shall that curse remove, By which the Saviour bled ; And the last awful day shall pour His blessings on your head. 1164 The Lord will Come. L. M. The Lord will come ; the earth shall quake ; The hills their ancient seats forsake ; And, withering, from the vault of night The stars withdraw their feeble light. iff JUDGMENT. 739 2 The Lord will come ; but not the same As once in lowly form lie came, A quiet Lamb,to slaughter led, The bruised, the suffering, and the dead. 3 The Lord will come; a dreadful form, With wreath of flame and robe of storm, On cherub wings and wings of wind, Anointed Judge of all mankind. 4 Can this be he, once wont to stray, A pilgrim on the world's highway; By power oppress'd and mocked by pride — The Nazarene — the Crucified ? 5 Go, tyrants, to the rocks complain : Go, seek the mountain's cleft in vain; But faith, victorious o'er the tomb, Shall sing for joy, "The Lord is come/7 1165 Judgment in Prospect. M. 8s, 7s & 4. See th' eternal Judge descending! View him seated on the throne ! Now, poor sinner, now lamenting, Stand and hear thy awful doom: — Trumpets call thee ! Stand and hear tlfy awful doom. Hear the cries he now is venting, Fill'd with dread of fiercer pain, While in anguish thus lamenting That he ne'er was born again: Greatly mourning That he ne'er was born again. "Yonder sit- my Blighted Saviour, With the marks oi dying love; 0 that I had Bought his favor. When I felt hifl Spirit move! — Golden moments, When I felt hifl Spirit move." * 740 JUDGMENT. 4 Now, despisers, look and wonder ! Hope and sinners here must part : Louder than a peal of thunder, Hear the dreadful sound, "Depart!" Lost forever! Hear the dreadful sound, "Depart!" JJ.UU Judgment Scenes. P. M. Parent's and children there may part, Parents and children there may part, Parents and children there may part, May part to meet no more. 0, there will be mourning! Mourning — mou ming — mourning ! 0, there will be mourning At the judgment seat of Christ ! 2 Wives and husbands there may part, &c. 3 Brothers and sisters there may part, &c. 4 Friends and neigbors there may part, &c. 5 Pastors and people there may part, &c. 6 Devils and sinners there will meet, &c. 7 Saints and angels there will meet, &c. 0, there will be shouting! &c. 1167 Wheat and Tares, or Last Harvest. L. M. This is the field, the world below, In which the sowers come to sow ; Jesus the wheat, Satan the tares — For so the word of truth declares : And soon the reaping time will come, And angels shout the harvest home. 2 To love my sins, a saint appear, To grow with wheat and be a tare — May serve me while on earth below, Where tares and wheat together grow : But soon the reaping time will come, &c. 3 Most awful truth ! and is it so? Must all mankind the harvest know? Is every one a wheat or tare? Me for the harvest, Lord, prepare: For soon the reaping time will come, &c. 4 Then all who truly righteous be, Their Father's kingdom there shall see ; But tares in bundles shall be bound, And cast to hell, — 0 doleful sound! For soon the reaping time will come, dx. llUO Pleading for Acceptance. C. P. M. Whex thou, my righteous Judge, shalt come To take thy ransomed people home, Shall I among them stand? Shall such a worthless worm as I, "Who sometimes am afraid to die, Be found at thy right hand ? 2 I love to meet thy people now, Before thy feet with them to bow, Though weakest of them all; But, can I bear the piercing thought? — What, if my name should he left out, When thou for them shalt call? 3 0 Lord, prevent it by thy grace ; Be thou my only hiding \ In that tremendous day : Thy pardoning voice, 0 let me hear, To still my unbelieving fear, Nor let me fall, I pray. 4 And when the final trump shall sound, Among thy Baintfl let me l>" found, To bow before thy face : Then in triumphant strains I'll sing, While b( - lUnding mansions rim:-. With shouts of boundless grace. j f 742 JUDGMENT. 1169 W The Judgment Anticipated. C. M. hen, rising from the bed of death, O'erwhelmed with guilt and fear, I see my Maker face to face, 0! how shall I appear? 2 If now, while pardon may be found, And mercy may be sought, My heart with inward horror shrinks And trembles at the thought ; 3 When thou, 0 Lord, shalt stand disclosed, In majesty severe, And sit in judgment on my soul, 0 ! how shall I appear ? 4 Then see my sorrows, gracious Lord ; Let mercy set me free ; While, in the confidence of pray'r, My heart takes hold on thee. 5 For never shall my soul despair Thy mercy to procure, Since thy beloved Son has died To make that mercy sure. 11 1 U Final Separation at the Judgment. C. M. Behold ! that great and awful day Of parting soon will come, When sinners must be hurPd away, And christians gathered home: — 2 Perhaps the parent sees the child Sink down to endless pain, * With groans, and shrieks, and bitter cries, Never to rise again : — 3 "0 father, see my bleeding hands!" " Mother, behold! your child Against you now a witness stands. With all its sins defiled: 4 The child, perhaps, its parents views, Sink headlong down to hell — Gone with the rest of Satan's And bid the child—" Farewell:" 5 The husband sees his piteous wife, "With whom he once did dwell, Depart with groans and bitter cries — " My husband, fare you well:" G But 0, perhaps the wife may see The man she once did love, Sink down to endless misery, — While she is crowned above ! 1171 HELL. Hell. In M. Hell! 'tis a word of dreadful sound ! It chills the heart and shocks the ear, ickly damp around. And makes the guilty quake with fear. 2 Far from the utmost verge of day, Its frightful, gloomy region lies ! Fierce flames amidst the darkness play, And thick sulphureous vapors rise. -oience, the never dying worm, With constant torture gnaws the heart; And woe and wrath, in every form, Inflame the wounds, Lucre mart. 4 The Vrwlwdm'd with woe, And bite their everlasting ohai I with their rage, fcheir torm intment but auginenl ins. & # _0 744 HELL. Sad world indeed ! what heart can bear Hopeless in all those pains to lie ; Racked with vexation — grief, despair — And ever dying — never die ? " Lord, save a guilty soul from hell, Who seeks thy pard'ning, cleansing blood; 0 ! let me in thy kingdom dwell, To praise my Saviour and my God." 1172 1173 Perdition. C. M. Far from the utmost verge of day, Hell's gloomy regions lie ; Where flames amid the darkness play, The worm shall never die. The breath of God, his angry breath, Supplies and fans the fire ; There sinners taste the second death, And would, but can't expire. Conscience, the never dying worm, AVith torture gnaws the heart ; And woe and wrath in every form, Is now the sinner's part. Sad world indeed ; ah ! who can bear Forever there to dwell, — Forever sinking to despair, — In all the pains of hell? Where their Worm Dieth Not M. 8s & 7s. Sinner, can you slight the Saviour, Press your downward way to hell, Sink your priceless soul forever, Where the lost in anguish dwell? 2 Conscience is a worm undying, Guilt an everlasting fire ; Hope, its blessed beam denying, Must from that dark world retire. M HEAVEN. u:>* In that prison, endless moanin. Blasphemies and madness dwell; Chains of darkn a and groanings, This, 0 sinner, this is hell. Sinner, can you slight the Saviour, Press your downward way to hell, Sink your priceless soul forever, Where the lost in anguish dwell . 1174 The Rich Man and Lazarus. L. M. IN what confusion earth appears — God's dearest children bathed in tears ! While they, who heaven itself deride, Riot in luxury and pride. 2 But patient let my soul attend. And, ere I .censure, view the end; That end how different! who can tell The wide extremes of heaven and hell: 3 See the red flames around him twine Who did in gold ano\ purple shine ; Nor can his tongue one drop obtain T' allay the Boorching of his pain ; 4 While round the saint, so poor below, Full rivers of salvation flow; On Abraham's breast, he leans his head. And banquets on celestial bread. HEAVKX. 1175 Wh< immortal r Infinite lades the night, And pleasures banish pain. on 2K '746 HEAVEN. ®j 2 There, everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides That heav'nly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dressed in living green : So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. 4 But timorous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea ; And linger, shivering, on the brink, And fear to launch away. 5 0, could we make our doubts remove — These gloomy doubts that rise — And see the Canaan that we Jove, With unbeclouded eyes ; — 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, — Not Jordan's streams, nor death's cold flood, Could fright us from the shore. 1176 The Peace and Re-pose of Heaven. CM. There is an hour of hallowed peace For those with cares opprest, When sighs and sorrowing tears shall cease, And all be hushed to rest. 2 'Tis then the soul is freed from fears And doubts which here annoy ; Then they who oft had sown in tears Shall reap again in joy. 3 There is a home of sweet repose, Where storms assail no more ; The stream of endless pleasure flows On that celestial shore. iikavkx. 747 a' 4 There purity with love appears, And bliss without alloy; There they who oft had sown in tears Shall reap again in joy. 1177 What is Heaven? C. II. M. Hi: a vex is the land where troubles cease, Where toils and tears are o'er; The blissful clime of rest and peace, Where cares distract no more ; And not a shadow of distress Dims its unsullied blessedness. j 2 Heaven is the place where Jesus dwells, And pleads his flowing blood, "\Vhtfe to his pray'rs, his Father gives An unknown multitude — Whose harps and tongues, through endless days, Shall crown his head with songs of praise. Heaven is the dwelling-place of joy, The home of light and 1 Where faith and hope in rapture die, And ransomed souls above Father's throne, Bliss everlasting and unknown. 1178 r ian's Home. P.M. 6,4,6,4,6,6,6,4. )m but a stranger here — Heaven ia my home ; Earth i> a desert drear — Heaven ifl my home : Danger and sorrow stand md me on every hand — n i- my father-land, Eeaven i- my home. _____ Qi |0 748 HEAVEN. ~~^ 1179 What, though the tempests rage ? Heaven is my home ; Short is my pilgrimage — Heaven is my home ; And time's wild, wint'ry blast Soon will be overpast ; I shall reach home at last — Heaven is my home. There at my Saviour's side, — Heaven is my home ; I shall be glorified, — Heaven is my home; There are the good and blest Those I love most and best, There too, I soon shall rest,— Heaven is my home. Therefore, I murmur not — Heaven is my home ; Whate'er my earthly lot, Heaven is my home ; And I shall surely stand There at my Lord's right hand — Heaven is my fatherland ; Heaven is my home. The Ferpetuity of Heaven, S. II. M Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath, Nor life's affections, transient fire, Whose sparks fly upwards and expire. 2 There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love, Formed for the good alone, And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that glorious sphere. F heaven. 749®' 3 Thus star by star declines, Till all are passed away : As morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day; Nor sink those stars in empty night, But hide themselves in heaven's own light. 1180 1181 The Heavenly Jerusalem. C. M. Jerusalem, my happy home, 0, how I long for thee! When will my sorrows have an end? Thy joys when shall I see? 2 Thy walls are all of precious stones, Most glorious to behold ! Thy gates are richly set with pearl, Thy streets are paved with gold. 3 Thy gardens and thy pleasant greens My study long have been ; Such sparkling light, by human sight, Has never yet been seen. 4 If heaven be thus, 0 glorious Lord, Why should I stay from thence? What folly 'tis, that I should dread To die, and go from hence. The Promised Land. C. If. An Jordan's stormy banks I stand, V And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 0 the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my Bight ! Sweet fields, a en, And rivers of delighl ! de 1 plains Shin irnal day ; There < tod, the Sun, forei And scatters night away. 2K • 750 HEAVEN. 4 No chilling winds or poisonous breath Can reach that healthful shore ; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death Are felt and feared no more. 5 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest ? When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest ? 6 FilPd with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I'd launch away. LlOZ Believer's Hope and Portion. C. M. What have I in this barren land, When Jesus is not here? My soul is never bless'd, until My Jesus doth appear. 2 My Jesus has gone up to heav'n, To fix a place for me : For His his will, that where he is, His followers should be. 3 Canaan I view from Pisgah's top ; Of Canaan's grapes I taste; My Lord, who sends them to me here, Will send for me at last. 4 I have a God who changeth not : Why should I be perplex'd? My God, who owns me in this world, Will own me in the next. 1183 Heaven, the Pilgrim's Home. C. M. While thro' this changing world we roam, From infancy to age, Heaven is the christian pilgrim's home, His rest at every stage. 'SL~ 2 Thither his raptured thought ascends, Eternal joys to share ; There his adoring spirit bends, While here he kneels in pray'r. 3 From earth his freed affections rise, To fix on things above, Where all his hope of glory lies, — Where all is perfect love. 4 There, too, may we our treasure place, There let our hearts be found ; That still, where sin abounded, grace May more and more abound. 5 Henceforth our conversation be With Christ before the throne ; Ere long we eye to eye shall see, And know as we are known. 1184 The Happy Land. P. M. 6,4,6,4,6,7,6,4. Tsere is a happy land, Far, far aw a}% — Where Baints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day: 0, how they sweetly sing, — Worthy is the Saviour King! Loud let his praises ring For evermore. 2 Come to this happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand? Why still delay? 0; wo ihaU happy h" ! When from bud and Borrow Lord, we -hall live with thco. P752 HEAVEN. 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. 0, then, to glory run ; Be a crown and kingdom won ; And bright above the sun, Reign evermore. 1185 Children in Heaven. CM. Around the throne of God in heaven, Thousands of children stand ; Children, whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band. 2 What brought them to that world above, That heaven so bright and fair — Where all is peace, and joy, and love ? How came those children there ? 3 Because the Saviour shed his blood To wash away their sins ; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean ! 4 Saved here on earth by Jesus' grace, In honor of his name ; So now they see his blessed face, And stand before the Lamb. 1186 The Spirit Land. C. M. <<3> Oyes, there is a happier shore, A land of sweeter bliss ! More radiant, bright and beautiful, And lovelier far than this. 2 Where stainless spirits wander free, In shining garments clad ; And every eye is lit with joy, And every heart is glad. ©> heaven. ,;>:>" No pain or Borrow erer can Knter this world bo fair, No Bcenea of woe, oft felt below, Are ever witnessed there. This blissful region ever a And ever still shall be ; And never will it pass away, Through all eternity. It is the weary pilgrim's home, The rest to wand'rers given ; The great rewards of holy souls, The christians7 future heaven. 1187 Heaven the Saint's Father-land. M.9s&8s. Tiiere is a place where my hopes are stay'd, My heart and treasure are there ; Where verdure and blossoms never fade, And fields are eternally fair. TJwt blissful place is my father-land ; By faith its delights I explore; Come, favor my flight, angelic band, An' in peact to the shore. 2 There is a place where the angels dwell, A pure and a peaceful al The joys of that place no tongue can tell; For there is the palace of God I That blissful place, dec, 3 There is a place where my friends are gone Who Biiner'd and worshiped with i Exalted with Christ, high on his throne, The Kin-- in his beauty they Thai bliss !)i J place, dec, 4 There is a place where 1 hope to live, When lite and it» labors are o'er; A place which the Lord t<> me will give, And then I shall Borrow do m That bliss in I t 754 HEAVEN. ', 1188 H Jesus is there. P. M. 6,4,6,4,0,0,0,4. aste, my dull soul, arise — Shake off thy care ; Press to thy native skies — Mighty in prayer. Christ, he has gone before, Count all thy sufferings o'er ; He all thy burdens bore — Jesus is there. 1189 Souls for the marriage feast, Robe and prepare ; Holy must be each guest ; Jesus is there ! Saints, wear your victor's palms, Chant your celestial psalms ; Bride of the Lamb, thy charms, 0, let me wear ! Heaven's bliss is perfect, pure — Jesus is there ! Heaven's bliss is ever sure — Thou art its heir. What makes its joys complete — What makes its hymns so sweet? There we our friends will greet — Jesus is there. The Promised Land. C. M. Far from these narrow scenes of night, Unbounded glories rise, And realms of infinite delight, Unknown to mortal eyes. 2 Fair distant land ! could mortal eyes But half its charms explore, How would our spirits long to rise, And dwell on earth no more ! m heavi:x. 755 ! 3 There pain and sickness never come; There grief no more complains ; Health triumphs in immortal bloom, And purest pleasure reigns. 4 No cloud those blissful regions know, Forever bright and fair ; For sin, the source of mortal woe, Can never enter there. 5 There no alternate night is known, Nor sun's faint sickening ray ; But glory, from th' eternal throne, Spreads everlasting day. 1190 The Faithless World. P. M. 8,7,8,8,7. The faithless world promiscuous flows, Enwrapt in fancy's vision ; Allured by charms, beguiled by shows, And empty dreams ; nor scarcely knows There is a brighter heaven. 2 Fine gold will change, and diamonds fade, Swift wings to wealth are given ; All varying times our forms invade, The seasons roll — light shines in shade; There's nothing sure but heaven. 3 Empires decay — the nation dies, Our hopes to winds are given ; The vernal bloom in ruin lies, Death reigns o'er earth, and Beas, and skies ; And nothing stays but heaven. 4 In vain do mortals >igh for I Without their sins forgiven : True pleasure, everlasting pea Are only found in < tod's I Not) 756 HEAVEN. 1191 Creation's mighty fabric all, Will be to atoms riven ; The sky consumed, the planets fall, Convulsions wreck this earthly ball ; There's nothing firm but heaven. There all is peace, there all is joy, Sweeter than summer's even ; Glad songs shall all my powers employ, And rapture feel no dull alloy ; All — all is safe in heaven. Longing for Heaven. M. lis. I would not live alway ; I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way; The few lucid mornings that dawn on us here Are followed by gloom or beclouded with fear. j 2 I would not live alway, if fettered by sin — Temptation without and corruption within ; And th' rapture of pardon be mingled with fears, \ x\nd th' cup of thanksgiving with penitent tears. \ 3 I would not live alway ; no — welcome the tomb : \ Since -Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom: » There sweet be my rest till he bid me arise j To hail him in triumph descending the skies. 4 Who, who would live alway away from his God — ] \ Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, | Where rivers of pleasure flow bright o'er the j i plains, J And the noontide of glory eternally reigns? 5 There saints of all ages in harmony meet, > Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet ; ! While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And th' f-mlle of the Lord is the feast of the soul. HEAVES. 757 H 1192 No Tears in Heaven. CM. What, if our bark, o'er life's rough wave. By adverse winds be driven, And howling tempests 'round us rave ? — There are no tears in heaven. 2 What, though affliction be our lot. Our hearts with anguish riven ? Still, let it never be forgot — There are no tears in heaven. 3 Our sweetest joys here vanish all, And fade like hues at even ; Our brightest hopes like meteors fall ; — There are no tears in heaven. 4 The mourner sad, who, drowned in grief, Hath long in sorrow striven, Shall find, at last, a sweet relief — Tears wiped away in heaven. 5 Thou, God, our joy and rest shalt be, And sorrow far be driven ; And sin and death forever flee ; — There are no tears in heaven. 6 There, from the blooming tree of life The healing fruit is given ; There, there shall cease the painful strife ; There are no tears in heaven. 1193 The Realms of the Blest. P. M. Bs. We speak of the realms of the blest, — That country BO bright and BO fair; And oft are its glories confess'd: But what must it be t<> be there? •;ik «»{' its pathways of gold, — Its wall--, decked with jewels bo rare, — It- wonders and pleasures untold; lint what must it be i<> be there? .JS . m r 758 HEAVEN. 3 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, — From trials without and within : But what must it be to be there ? 4 We speak of its service of love, — The robes which the glorified wear, — The church of the first-born above : But what must it be to be there ? 5 0 Lord, amidst gladness or woe, For heaven our spirits prepare ; And shortly we also shall know, And feel, what it is to be there. 6 Then anthems of praise we will sing, When safe in that heavenly rest, To Jesus, our Saviour and King, Who reigns in those realms of the blest. 1194 Joyful Song. C. M. Immortal joys await the blest, On yon eternal shore ; There happy souls forever rest, And sorrows are no more. 0 that will be joy ful, joyful, joyful ! 0 that will be joyful ! To meet to part no more — To meet to part no more, On that delightful shore ; At Jesus1 feet, we all shall meet, Shall meet to part no more. 2 What millions have to glory gone, And have obtained the prize ; Still millions more are pressing on, To join them in the skies. 0 that ivill be joyful, (Sec. A HEAVEN. 759 3 These living armies shall at last On Zion's mountain meet: When once the stormy Jordan's pass'd, Their union is complete. 0 that will be joyful, &c. 4 If friendship in this vale of woe, With christians be so sweet, What gushing extasy shall flow, When round the throne we meet! 0 that iv ill be joyful, dec. 5 There friends belov'd shall never die, Nor loveliness decay ; There's not a pang, nor parting sigh, To dim eternal day. 0 that will be joyful, dec. 1195 My Father's House. C. M. There is a place of sacred rest, Far, far beyond the skies, W^here beauty smiles eternally, And pleasure never dies ; — 2 My Father's house, my heavenly home, Where ''many mansions" stand, Prepared, by hands divine, for all Who seek the better land. 3 In that pure home of tearless joy, Earth's parted friends shall meet, With smiles of love that never fade, And blessedness complete. 4 There, there adieus are sounds unknown: Death frowns not on that seme, But life and glorious beauty shine, Untroubled and serene. 5 Lord, help us, by thy mighty •_ To keep in view the pri/.''. Till thou dost come to take as home, Where pleasure never di , a 760 HEAVEN. 1 .„ 6 When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise, Than when we first begun. iiyb The Heavenly Rest P. M. 8,7,8,8,7. There is an hour of peaceful rest To weary wanderers given ; There is relief for souls distrest ; A balm for every wounded breast ; 'Tis found above, in heaven. 2 There is a home for weary souls, By sin and sorrow driven — Who're toss'd on life's tempestuous shoals, Where storms arise and ocean rolls, And all is drear ; — 'tis heaven. 3 There faith lifts up the tearless eye To brighter prospects given ; It views the tempest passing by, Sees evening shadows quickly fly, And all serene, in heaven. 4 There fragrant flowers immortal bloom, And joys supreme are given ; There rays divine disperse the gloom ; Beyond the confines of the tomb Appears the dawn of heaven. IIH / The World a Fleeting Show. P. M. 8,7,8,8,7. This world is all a fleeting show, For man's probation given ; The smiles of joy, the tears of woe Deceitful shine, deceitful flow; There's nothing true but heaven. iii;ayi;\. 7*> 1 i 2 And false the Light of glory's plume As fading hues of even ; And love, and hope, and beauty's bloom Arc blossoms gathered from the tomb; There's nothing bright but heaven. 3 Poor wanderers of a stormy day — From wave to wave we're driven ; And fancy's flash, and reason's ray Serve but to light our troubled way ; There's nothing calm but heaven. 4 And where's the light held out to cheer This heart, with anguish riven ? Affliction's sigh and sorrow's tear Have never found a refuge here ; There's nothing kind but heaven. 5 From those who walk in wisdom's ways Corroding fears are driven ; They're washed in Christ's atoning blood, Enjoy communion with their God, And find their way to heaven. 1198 The Glorified Saints. ^ M. Wbo are these array'd in white, Brighter than the noon-day sun? Foremost of the sons of light, Nearest the eternal throne? These are they who bore the aroc Nobly for their Master stood; Suff'rers in his righteous cause; Followers of the dying God, Out of great distress fchey came : Wash'd their robes by faith below In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that WMheS white afl now: Therefore, are they next the throne, Serve their Maker day and night ; ides among bis own, God doth in his Baints delight. 2L f 762 HEAVEN. &l More than conquerors at last, Here they find their trials o'er ; They have all their sufferings pass'd, Hunger now and thirst no more : Christ shall all their sorrows chase, All their wants at once remove ; Wipe the tears from every face ; Fill up every soul with love. Future Life. S. M. j The earth is not our home, Our dwelling is on high — In the bright city of our God, Away, beyond the sky. The Lamb of God is there, Who was for sinners slain ; There we shall see him face to face, There evermore remain. There is the tree of life, And there the fount of love ! Our spirits long, 0 Lord, to flee To that bright world above. There, every woe shall cease, And every tear be dried ; There, hope be lost in certainty, And every want supplied. 1200 EARTI 'Tis The Everlasting Song. CM. ARTn has engrossed my love too long ; "is time I lift mine eyes Upward, dear Father, to thy throne, And to my native skies. ) 2 There the blest man, my Saviour, sits : My God ! how bright he shines ! And scatters infinite delights On all the happy minds. HEAVEN. 7G3 G 3 Seraphs, with elevated strains, Circle the throne around, And move and charm the starry plains With an immortal sound. 4 Jesus, the Lord, their harps employs ; Jesus, my love, they sing ; Jesus, the life of all ourjoys, Sounds sweet from every string. 5 Now let me mount, and join their song, And be an angel too ; My heart, my hand, my ear, my tongue, Here's joyful work for you. 1201 J@L The Dwelling Place of God. L. M. There is a region lovelier far Than sages tell or poets sing, Brighter than noonday glories are, And softer than the tints of spring. 2 It is not fann'd by summer's gale; 'Tis not refreshed by vernal show'rs; It never needs the moonbeam pale — For there are known no evening hours. 3 No; for that world is ever bright With purest radiance all its own ■ The streams of uncreated light Flow 'round it from th' eternal throne. 4 It is all holy and serene, The land ot glory and rei \<> cloud obscures the radiant scene; There not a tear df Borrow flows. 5 In vain the curious, searching eye May seek to view the fair abode, Or find it in the starry sky: It is the dwelling place <>f God. 1202 The Christian's Hope. CM. Hail, sweetest, dearest tie, that binds Our glowing hearts in one! Hail, sacred hope, that tunes our minds To harmony divine ! It is the hope, the blissful hope, Which Jesus' grace has given — The hope, when days and years are past, We all shall meet in heaven : We all shall meet in heaven at last, We all shall meet in heaven ; The hope, when days and years are past, We all shall meet in heaven. 2 What though the northern wintry blast Shall howl around our cot? What, though beneath an eastern sun Be cast our distant lot ? Yet still we share the blissfid hope, &c. 3 From Burmah's shores, from Afric's strand, From India's burning plain, From Europe, from Columbia's land, We hope to meet again. It is the hope, the blissful hope, &c. 4 No ling'ring look, no parting sigh Our future meeting knows ; There friendship beams from every eye, And love immortal glows. 0 sacred hope ! 0 blissfid hope, dec. 1203 Heaven.— \ Cor. 2: 9, 10. C. M. "YTor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, 1^ Nor sense nor reason known, What joys the Father has prepar'd For those who love the Son. 1®' HEAVEN. 765 ( 2 But the good Spirit of the Lord Reveals a heav'n to come : The beams of glory in his word Allure an IZVi The Transfiguration. C. M. n Tabor's height the Saviour stood, With Peter, James and John; And while he talked of Calvary there, His face resplendant shone. 2 In dazzling brightness all arrayed, Jesus transfigured stands ; From heav'n descends the man who gave To Israel God's commands. 3 Elijah, too, of burning zeal, Who did that law restore, Appeared with Moses on this mount, And talked his sufferings o'er. 4 Transported with this glorious scene, The witnesses exclaim : " 'Tis good, Lord, with such guests to dwell ; Here let us still remain. 5 Three tents with joyful hands we'll raise, And place them side by side, For these celestials and for thee ; And here let us abide." 6 While thus they spoke, a cloud descends xVnd takes them from their sight; But Jesus yet remains with them, The Father's chief delight. 7 This is my Son, his voice declares, Hear him in all he says ; Not Moses nor Elijah now Shall guide you in my ways. 1215 The Good Child's Song. M. 7s & 6s. Iwaxt to be an angel, And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand; MISCELLANEOUS. 773 m 19. There, right before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, I'd wake the sweetest music, Aud praise him day and night. 2 I never -would he weary, Nor ever shed a tear, Nor ever know a sorrow, Nor ever feel a fear : But, blessed, pure and holy, I'd dwell in Jesus' sight, And with ten thousand thousands Praise him both day and night. 3 I know I'm weak and sinful, But Jesus will forgive; For many little children Have gone to heav'n to live. Dear Saviour, when I languish, And lay me down to die, 0, send a shining angel, And bear me to the sky ! 4 0, there I'll be an angel, And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand ; And there, before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, I'll join the heavenly music, And praise him day and night ! The Orphan's Prayer. C. P. M. Otiiou, the helpless orphan's hope, To whom alone my soul looks up, In each distressing hour : Father, for that's the sweetest name That e'er these lips were taught to frame, Instruct my heart to pray. 2M Low in the dust my parents lie, And no attentive ear is nigh, But thine, to mark my woe ; No hand to wipe away my tears, No gentle voice to soothe my fears, Remain to me below. To heaven my earthly friends are gone, And thither are my wishes flown, But I continue here : But thou art Patron, Friend, and Guide, To those who have no hope beside, — And what have I to fear? If I am spared throughout the span That makes the narrow life of man, And reach to hoary age ; Instruct me in thy holy will, Teach me the duties to fulfil, Of each successive stage. But if thy wisdom should decree An early sepulchre for me, Father, thy will be done ; Upon my Saviour I rely, And let me live or let me die, My heart be thine alone. 1217 The Soul. C. M. What is the thing of greatest price, , The whole creation ;round? That, which was lost in paradise, That, which in Christ is found. 2 The soul of man, — Jehovah's breath! That keeps two worlds at strife ; Hell moves beneath, to work its death, Heaven stoops, to give it life. MISCELLANEOUS. 775®* 3 God, to reclaim it, did not spare His well-beloved Son ; Jesus, to save it, deigned to bear The sins of all in One. 4 And is this treasure borne below, In earthly vessels frail? Teach us, 0 God, its worth to know, Lest we its loss bewail. 5 Then let us gather 'round the cross, That knowledge to obtain — Not by the souPs eternal loss, But everlasting gain. Prayer for Christian Graces. JM. 7s. Daxiei/s wisdom may I know, Stephen's faith and spirit show, John's divine communion feel, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal; Run like the unwearied Paul, Win the day and conquer all. 2 Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness ; Peter's ardent spirit feel, James's faith by works reveal ; Like young Timothy, may I Every sinful passion fly. 3 Job's submission may I show, David's true devotion know ; Samuel's call, 0, may I hear, Laz'rus' happy portion share; Let Isaiah's hallowed fire All my new-born soul inspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling pray'r, Gideon's valiant steadfast care; Joseph's purity impart, [saac'fl meditating heart ; Abraham's friendship may I prove, Faithful to the God of ]■ Most of all, may I pursue That example Jesus drew, By my life and conduct show How he lived and walked below: Day by day, through grace restored, Imitate my blessed Lord. 6 When the dreams of life are fled, When its wasting lamps are dead, When in cold oblivion's shade Youth, and fame, and power are laid, Where immortal spirits reign, There may we all meet again. 1219 The Penitent Thief. M. 7s. When our Lord was crucified, Two transgressors with him died; One with vile blaspheming tongue, Scoff d at Jesus as he hung. 2 Thus he spent his wicked breath, In the very jaws of death, Perished — as too many do — With the Saviour in his view. 3 But the other, moved by grace, Saw the danger of his case, And, by faith, embraced his Lord, Whom the scribes and priests abhorr'd. 4 "Lord," he prays, "remember me, When in glory thou shalt be:" " Soon with me," the Lord replies, " Thou shalt be in paradise." 5 This was wondrous grace indeed, Grace bestowed in time of need ; Sinners, trust in Jesus' name, You will find him still the same. iX-*r*^r*r***> J& & MISCELLANEOUS. 777 f: G 0, beware of unbelief ! Think upon the hardened thief; If the gospel you disdain, Christ for you hath died in vain. YZ%Z\J The Dreadful End of the Wicked. L. M. Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I, To mourn, and murmur, and repine To see the wicked, placed on high, In pride and robes of honor shine ! 2 But 0, their end, their dreadful end! Thy sanctuary taught me so: On slippery rocks I see them stand, And fiery billows roll below. 3 Their fancied joys, how fast they flee ! Just like a dream when man awakes ; Their songs of softest harmony Are but a prelude to their plagues. 4 Now I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my God. iZZY Following Departed Worthies. C. M. ROT, 0 my BOul, pursue the path By ancient worthies trod; Aspiring, view those holy men Who lived and walked with God. 2 Though dead, they speak in reason's ear, And in example live; Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds Still fresh instruction give 'Twas through the Lamb's most precious blood They conquered every I To his almighty power and gra Their crowns of life they owe. ©( 778 MISCELLANEOUS. 4 Lord, may I ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given, And ne'er forsake the blessed road That led them safe to heaven. 1222 The Thunder Storm. 7s. When the dark and heavy cloud Lifts on high its awful form ; And above us, pealing loud, Rolls the thunder of the storm ; — 2 Do not fear the lightning's flash ; God directs it where to fall ; Do not fear the thunder's crash; For your Saviour rules it all. 3 Only love and fear the Lord : Lift your head to him in pray'r; Rest upon your Saviour's word; God will for his children care. 4 If your hopes are fixed on high, And your hearts are changed by grace, Far above this stormy sky, You will find a land of peace. 5 There no angry storm will come, And no tempest stir your fear; Nothing will disturb that home ; Jesus is forever there. iZZo Pride in Clothes. L. M. How proud we are, how fond, to show Our clothes, and call them rich and new ; When the poor sheep and silk-worms wore That very clothing long before. 2 The tulip and the butterfly Appear in gayer coats than I : Let me be dressed fine as I will, Flies, worms, and flowers, exceed me still. Q; ~ £3 MISCELLAXKOIS. 779 3 0, that my heart were set to find Inward aaornings of the mind! Knowledge and virtue, truth and grace, — These are the robes of richest dress. 4 Then, worms would not with me compare ; For this is raiment angels wear; The Son of God, when here below, Put on this blest apparel too. 5 In this, on earth I should appear ; Then go to heaven, and wear it there; God will approve it in his sight; ;Tis his own work, and his delight. 1224 Thou shaft not Kill" C. M. U Tnou shalt not kill." — An angry thought 1 Is murder in the soul ! Thus are we in the Scriptures taught Our passions to control. 2 " Thou shalt not kill."— No one can tell The limits of his ire ; Just as a falling spark may swell Tdy d< Th;i 5 "Thou shall Thar we ar peace with all may liye — In h>vc to him be bronght. vO Thou s halt not Covet. CM. CC HPnou shalt not covet/' God hath said; 1 But be content with what He, in his sovereign will, hath made The portion of my lot. "Thou shalt not covet." — Yet how strong Desire has sometimes grown ; Until, in earnestness, we long For what is not our own. " Thou shalt not covet." — 0, how mean To want another's good ! Ah ! if these secret sins were seen, How shame our face would cloud. "Thou shalt not covet." — Each desire For what another holds, Is adding fuel to the fire Of envy in our souls. "Thou shalt not covet." — Every theft In envy is begun : Lord, leave us not of grace bereft : Help us this sin to shun. Thou shalt not Steal." C. M. UHThou shalt not steal." — These words of God ; 1 Each form of theft forbid : How sad and solemn is the thought, That we such warning need ! ! "Thou shalt not steal." — How common, too, This sin, of dye so deep ! How many break the law ! how few The precept strictly keep ! " Thou shalt not steal." — 0, how the soul Defiles itself by theft! For he, who yields to its control, Of virtue is bereft. i 1 MEETING, PARTING AND DISMISSION. 781 ° 4 "Thou shalt not steal/7 — Ah ! who can put A trust in such a hand! The heart of confidence is shut, When one breaks this command. 5 "Thou shalt not steal." — What risks we run Of God's own vengeance, too ! Lord, from this sin keep every one, Lest we our souls undo. 1227 Prayer for Rain. C. M. 0 gracious Father ! send us show'rs, The gentle show'rs of rain, — To cheer the corn, the grass, the flow'rs, On mountain-side and plain. 2 Command the watery clouds to rise, And vail the fiery sun ; While, from the fountains of the skies, The streams of blessing run. 3 The spider's web is on the mead, The worm consumes the leaf: And all thy works before thee plead The silent plea of grief. 4 0 gracious Father! send us show'rs; Regard our earnest cries: But meek submission still be ours, While our petitions rise. [EETING, PARTING, DISMISSION. y i tii Meeting of Friends. L. Bf. *ci m >re a pleasant Interview The Lord doth grant u<. to renew Our social friendship, kind and dear; Our hear - . our - ralfl to cheer. 2N j 782 MEETING^ PARTING AND DISMISSION. 2 While we were absent far abroad, We saw the kindness of our God ; Therefore his love let us adore, That we are here alive once more. 3 How many souls have launched away To everlasting night or day ; In sickness many more remain, Whilst we our life and health retain. 4 Into his presence let us haste, And thank him for his favors past; Down on our knees devoutly all, Before the Lord, our Maker, fall. 1229 A Farewell Hymn. L. M. My dearest friends, in bonds of love, Whose hearts the sweetest union prove, Your friendship's like the strongest band : Yet we must take the parting hand. 2 Your company is sweet and dear, Your words delightful to mine ear ; And when I see that we must part, You draw like cords around my heart. 3 0 could I stay with friends so kind, How would it cheer my fainting mind ! But duty makes me understand, That we must take the parting hand. ' Taking Leave of a Brother. M.7s & Gs. arewell ! — serve God, dear brother, Where'er thy home may be : Serve him, where'er thou travel, Whether by land or sea. j 2 This is thy bounden duty, As thou canst clearly see, In nature's book, and Bible, The school-books of the free. I® g| F' MEETING, PARTING AND DISMISSION. 783 3 These blessed books to study, Be all thy heart's delight; Life, peace, and free salvation, Come through their heavenly light. 4 But most of all, live holy ; Do good to all mankind ; Then, when your days are ended, The crown of life you'll find. 1231 No Parting in Heaven. C. M. Brethren and sisters, we must part, And to our callings go ; But let us still be one in heart, Whilst we remain below. We're marching thro' ImmanueV s ground! J!" soon shall hear the trumpet's sound ; And, then with Jesus ice shall meet, / never, never part again. What I — .'/' ver part again f No! — never pari again. What I — never pari again ? No ! — never part again I But there we shall each other greet. And never, never part again. 2 Below we soon may meet no more ; But we shall meet above; Where pains and partings arc no more — In the blest world of love. We're marching through, dec. 3 With Christ we shall in para Tm endless ages dwell ; Where saints rejoice ains, And never say, " Farewell." II' 7' marching through, \ ®^i 784 MEETING, PARTING AND DISMISSION. ~~1| 1232 About to Pari. S. M. And let our bodies part — To different climes repair : Inseparably joined in heart The friends of Jesus are. 2 0, let our heart and mind Continually ascend. That haven of repose to find, Where all our labors end. 3 0, happy, happy place, Where saints and angels meet! There we shall see each other's face, And all our brethren greet. 4 The church of the first born, We shall with them be blest, And, crown'd with endless joy, return To our eternal rest. 5 To gather home his own, God will his angels send, And bid our bliss, on earth begun, In deathless triumph end. iZoo Christians Loth to Part C. M. Lord, when together here we meet, And taste thy heavenly grace, Thy smiles are so divinely sweet, We're loth to leave the place. 2 Yet, Father, since it is thy will That we must part again, 0 let thy gracious presence still With every soul remain. 3 Thus let us all in Christ be one, Bound with the cords of love, Till we around thy glorious throne Shall joyous meet above. MEETING, PARTING AND DISMISSION. 785 ' 1234 Good Night. C. M. Farewell, dear friends, adieu, adieu, Still in God's ways delight; And grace, and peace shall be with you ; Good night, dear friends, good night. 2 "VVe part, though often here we meet, And feel a great delight; Then let us hope we'll meet at home; Good night, dear friends, good night. 3 But when we meet in heaven above, With joy we'll all unite, To sing of Christ's redeeming love, And never say, good night. 1235 Re-uniou in Heaven. P. M. 6,5,6,5,0,0,0,5, When shall we meet again — Meet ne'er to sever ? "When will peace wreathe her chain 'Round us forever? Our hearts will ne'er repose, Safe from each blast that blows In this dark vale of woes — Never — no, never. 2 When shall love freely flow, Pure as life's river? When shall sweet friendship glow, Changeless forever? Where joys celestial thrill, Where bliss cadi heart shall fill, And fears of parting chill \.\ er — no, never. ) dp to that w<»rl<> May we part, thy loi ing, And rejoicing in thy Love. Farewell, brethren, farewell, sisl Till we all Bhall meet again. P788 MEETING, PARTING AND DISMISSION. 2 Jesus, pardon all our folly, Since together we have been ; Make us humble, make us holy, Cleanse us all from every sin. Farewell, brethren, farewell, sisters, Till we all shall meet again. 1241 At Parting. M. 8s & 7s. May the grace of Christ, our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Eest upon us from above. 2 Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. 1242 Fareicell Hymn. L, M. Farewell, dear friends, I must be gone; I have no home or stay with you ; I'll take my staff and travel on, Till I a better world do view. Farewell, fareicell, farewell, My loving friends, farewell. 2 Farewell, young converts of the cross, 0 labor hard for Christ and heaven ; You've counted all things here but dross ; Fight on, the crown shall soon be given. Farewell, farewell, &c. 3 Farewell, old soldiers of the cross ; You've struggled long and hard for heaven ; You've counted all things here but loss ; Fight on, the crown will soon be given. Farewell, farewell, ir off remove — We still arejoin'd in heart. 2 Join'd in one spirit, to our Head, Where he appoints, we'll And still in Jesus' And show his praise bel J 790 MEETING, PARTING AND DISMISSION. o 0 let us ever walk in him, And nothing know beside ; Nothing desire, nothing esteem, But Jesus crucified. 4 Closer and closer let us cleave To his beloved embrace ; That we may ever strength receive, Through his abounding grace. \ 1245 The Great Meeting. Sentences. What a meeting, what meeting that will be, What a meeting, what a meeting that will be, What a meeting that will be, When our Father's face we'll see, And we all meet around God's bright throne I 2 Our brethren, our brethren will be there, &c. Whom we often met in pray'r, &c. 3 Our sisters, our sisters will be there, &c. 4 Our fathers, our fathers will be there, &c. 5 Our mothers, our mothers will be there, &c. 6 Our children, our children will be there, &c. 7 Our preachers, our preachers will be there, &c. \ 1^4u Dismission. M. 8s, 7s & 4s Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing ; Fill our hearts with joy and peace, Let us all, they love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace : 0, refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For the gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound : May thy presence With us evermore be found. <8L * MEETING. , \-;ii.\'. AND DISMISSION. 791 °j 3 Then, whene'er the signal's given Us from earth to rail away, Borne, on angels' wings, to heaven, — Glad the Bummons to obey — May we ever Reign with Christ in endless day. 1247 Dismission, or a Parting Hymn. L. M. Come, christian brethren, ere we part, Join every voice and every heart ; One solemn hymn to God, to raise, One final song of grateful praise. 2 Christians, we here may meet no more! But there is yet a happier shore ; And there, released from toil and pain, Dear brethren, we shall meet again. 1248 Dismission. S. M. Once more, before we part, Great God, attend our pray'r, And seal the gospel on the heart Of all assembled here. And if we meet no more On Zion's earthly ground, 0 may we reach that blissful shore To which all saints are bound. 1249 Di L. If. D[8ifiss us, with thy blessing, Lord! lfdp us to feed upon thy word ; All that Las been amiss forgive, And Let thy truth within us live. 2 Th mgh we are faulty, thou art good; !Wash all our works in Jesus' blood; (live every burdened soul reU And bid us all depart in | ® 792 DOXOLOGIES. 2 13 Benediction. M. 8s & 7s. Prince of peace, be ever near us, Fix in all our hearts thy home ; With thy blessed presence cheer us, Let thy sacred kingdom come. Raise to heaven our expectation ; Give our favored souls to prove Glorious and complete salvation, In the realms of bliss above. DOXOLOGIES. Praise from all Creatures. L. M. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ; Praise him, all creatures here below ; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father. Son, and Holy Ghost. Adoration from all Creatures. L. M. lo God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honor, praise, and glory given, By all on earth, and all in heaven. nno Adoration to Jehovah. C. M. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. The Trinity Adored. C. M. "VTow let the Father, and the Son, 1^1 And Spirit be ador'd, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. DOXOLOGIES. 6 8 9 Ascription of Praises. S. M. Give to the Father praise, Give glory to the Son, And to the Spirit of his grace Be equal honor done. Co-equal Honors. S. M. To the eternal Three, In will and essence one ; To Father, Son, and Spirit be Co-equal honors done. Honor, Praise and Glory to God. S. P. M. To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit — Three in One, Be honor, praise, and glory given : To the great One in Three Eternal praises be, From all on earth and all in heaven. The Source of all Blessings. C. P. M. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be praise amid the heavenly host, And in the church below; From whom all creatures draw their breath, By whom redemption frees from death. From whom all comforts flow. Praise to the Sacred Three. L. P. M. XTow to the great and Sacred Three, 11 The Father, Sun, and Spirit Ktcmal praise and glory given, Through all the worlds where ( lod II known. By all the angola near the throne, And all the saints in earth and heaven. 20 :"N 794 DOXOLOGIES. 10 11 12 13 14 Universal Praise to God. M. 7s. Praise the name of God most high, Praise him, all below the sky, Praise him, all ye heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Prayer and Praise. M. 6 lines 7s. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done ; Praise by all to thee be giv'n, Glorious Lord of earth and heav'n. The Trinity Enthroned. M. 8s, 7s & 4. Great Jehovah ! we adore thee, God, the Father— God, the Son- God, the Spirit — joined in glory, On the same eternal throne ; Endless praises To Jehovah, Three in One. Praise to the. Trinity. II. M. 6,6,6,6,8,8. To God the Father's throne, Your highest honors raise : Glory to God the Son ; To God the Spirit praise : With all our powers, eternal King, Thy name we'll praise, thy name we'll sing. Boundless Praise. M. 6s & 4s. To God— the Father, Son, And Spirit — Three in One — All praise be giv'n : Crown him, in every song; To him your hearts belong: Let all his praise prolong, On earth — in heav'n. DOXOLOGIES. 795 15 16 17 Boundless and coequal Praise. M. 7s A 6s. FROM all in earth and heaven, To God, the Three in One, Be boundless glory given, And ceaseless service done; Co-equal praise to Father, To Son, and Spirit be ; One God they reign together, — One Holy Trinity. A Benediction Implored. P. M. 7s & Gs. Now may grace and mercy rest, On our congregation ; — May thy saints be richly blest, With thy great salvation : May thy word and Spirit guide, All thy people in the way, Till with all the sanctified, They shall reign in endless day. Adoration fn tlie Triune God, M. 10s. To Father, Son, and Spirit, ever blest, Eternal praise and worship he address'd; From ago to age, ye saints, his name adore, And spread his lame, till time shall be no more. i-U Praise to Father, Son. and Spirit. M. Ha All praise to the Father, all praise to the Son, All praise to the Spirit, thrice bless'd, The Holy, Eternal, Supreme Three in One, Was, is, and shall still be address'd. 10 ' Glory and Worship Addressed to God. M. 11>. Fathsb almighty, to thee be address'd, With Christ and tie1 Spirit, One I tod ewr blest. o All glory and worship from earth and from ln'av'n. As was, and is now, and shall ever be giv'n. «BL jr INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1 FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. 200,368, Ashamed of Christ, not, 389 570. ABBA, Father, 370 Abraham} faith of, Gil Abstinence, 996 Accepted time, 284 Access to God, 758,759,700 Adam, 61,64 Admission to church, 427 — 434. Adoption, 368— 373 Adoration, 464,466,468 Advent, second, 1134—1138 Adversity, 614,618,621 Advocate, 199,200,201 Afflictions, 1057—1059 i Backslider's lament " of the gospel, not, Ascension, ' 193—195 Assurance, 371 — 377 i Atheism, 63 \ Atonement, 176—182 Attributes of God, 7—33; Autumn, 1045; Awakening, 247 — 259 Away to sab. school, 94 I BABYLON'S fall, 1150 Backsliding, 876—883 1 876 619 Baptism, buried by. 533- 010 roe " Sanctilied, 1060 Backsliders" exhorted, 877 \ Affections, crucified, 682 Banner, gospel, 799 Alter sermon, 519 ~ 1046—1049 Aid for the poor, 525,530, 531. Alarming, 248,254,2 1113. All-sufficiency of God, 10,13 Balaam's wish, All ami in all, 130,391,574 Balm of life All is well, All things ours, Almost christian, Baptism, " of Christ, ft of the eunuch, Ancient m- 89,532—546 543,645 541 542 1115 131 1066 Bartimeus, blind. 316 ,;7< Barren fig tree, 666 Bearing the cross, Alms-deeds, 525—531 Beatitudes, 591 i Anniversary, 940,963 Being of God, 1 6 Anti-slavery, 983—990 Believers, happy, 572,577, Anxiety, ministerial, 449 581,602. " parental, 926,929,932, Benevolence. 526,527,528, 1073. ;,:;i>. Anxious meetio 369 Bereavement, 1121,1122 AposU 876—883 Bethel, dedication of. 1024 le i commission, l 12 1031, Ark, 421 Bethlehem, 112,113 Armor, 662 Before sermon, 51 1 20* FIGURES REFER TO HYYNS. [Best things, 1213, Charity, 525,527,587, i Bible, 69— 80J Chastisement,358. 1058,1060 Class, youth, 964—982 Children of'God,369,633,883 a precious book, 70,79, 80,958. " Value of, 69,72,75,79 " Won't give up, 948 Birth-day, 920,921 Birth of 'Christ, 106—115 Blessedness of saints, 566, 569. " of heaven, 1175—1177 Blindness of sinners, 266,272 Blood of Christ, 128,165, 168,176,177,349,495. Body and soul, 1093 Bondage of pilgrims, 658 " of slaves, " 988,989 Bond of perfectness, 691 Born of God, 364—367 " of the Spirit, 365 Bones, dry, 852 Brazen serpent, 84,85 Book of life, 51,1203 Bounties of Providence, 49, 50,54. Bread of life, 552,575,794 "' of heaven, 634 Broad way, 656 " and narrow way, 651 Broken heart, 271*307,311, 317. Brotherly love, 692—702 Burden of guilt, 282 Burdened souls, 868 Burial hymns, 1123—1133 " of the righteous, 1125, 1127,1130,1132. HAL VARY, 152 VJ Campmeetings,901— 903 Calls regretted, 305 Canaan," 919 Captives, 232 Care, God's, 59 Carnal jovs dangerous, 1210 Celebration, 960,1005,1007 in heaven, 1185 of Zion, 432 Children's offering, 957 Child's prayer, 952 Christ's Agony on the cross 165,171. " Agony inthe garden, 160 " Coronation, 196—198 " Second advent, 1134, 1138. Christ, Advocate, 199,201 All and in all, 130 Ascension of, 193 — 195 Atonement of, 176,182 Beauties of, 122 Birth of, ' 106—115 " Blood of, 176,177,349, 495. " Bridegroom, 1137 " Bread of heaven, 634 " Brother, 129,132,633 " Burial of, 183 " Captain", 131,666 " Calls of, 283 11 Character and names of, 116—132,135. " Chief, 147 " Coming of, 111,1134— 1138,1164. " Commission of, 90 " Compassion of, 90,93, 96,137,148. " Condescension of, 92, 93,96. " Corner-stone, 1020, 1023. " Conqueror, 184,191, 198,203.204,207.210. " Cross of,149,154. 16*4,175 " Crucifixion of.167— 175. " Deity of, 133 " Door, 131 " Exaltation of, 193—195 " Example of, 142,144,549) r*r~ INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 799 FIGDRW BMWm Christ, foundation of ch'ch, 1020,1021. " Fountain of life, 980 Friend, 125,:)27 Fullness of, 267 Glory of, 198,203 Grace of, 387 Hiding-place, 390 High priest, 137,138,141 Hope of glory, 124 Help of, 321 Humanity of, 103,112 Humiliation of, 92—97 Incarnation of, 100 — 11"' Intercession of,199— 201 Judge of all, 1160,1164 Kingdom of, 115. 202. 211 King, ,204,466 Lamb of God, 128 Leader, 633 126 Living water, 295 Light, 77 Lord of all, 196,197 of, !':'>.'•"'> Loving-kindness, Majesty, 1164,1169 Mediation, 94,96,97,102 Mediator, Mission of, 90,96 : Miracles of, 142.14': Morning .star, 112.124. 816. Names of, 116—132 : Nativity of, 100—115 : Offices of. i:;i l n : Pearl of great pric 290,388 139 572 I « Physician, Praise Power of. Portion of, Precious to beli ll-.ll!'. Priest, (see High P 140. U To BYMM8. Christ, prophet, 134 " Prince of peace. 109 •• Ransom, 101,102,105 « Refuge, 616,1062 •• Reign, 202—211 •• Resurrection, 184—192 461. " Righteousness, 349 « Rock, 123,614 (i Sacrifice, 178479 u Saviour, 166.504 " Shepherd, 127,690 " Star, 121, J24,1 31,690, 691. " Sufferings, 149—158 " Sun of righteous] •■ Surety, ' 181,200 « Teacher, 136 f Transfiguration of, 1214 u Victories of, 216 11 Way to heaven. 335 « Way, truth and life, 126 " Wisdom, 15G Christian, 565—671 %i Experience, 57 _ —597 " Duties, 598—013 " Sufferings, GU — C32 u K;1(,.. ' I — 658 « Warfare. 1—667 « Privileges, GGS— 077 .. perf •• Union, 692 " Ministry, Church. 414-420 " Fellowship, _ I " Foundation of, " Glory of, 420 " Increase of, " Safety <>f. City 0f( Commission of the . 442, 71! Communion, on of ('In isl 8 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. FIGURES REFELt TO HYMNS. 353- 264 875 270 -359 822 579 382,687 379—405 354 266,272 196— 19S Confession of sin, Contrite heart, Contrite sinners, Conversion, " of the world, Conscience, Contentment, Convert, Converted thief, Conviction, Coronation, Corner-stone laving, 1020 — 1023. Covenant, 676 Cross, taken up, 599 Cross and crown, 622 Creation, 38—46 Covet, thou shalt not, 1225 Crucified with Christ, 671 Crucifixion of Christ,164 — 175. DAILY devotion,709-715 Dare and do, 609 Darkness, heathen, 791,807, 808. Dailv food, 904—907 Day*, Judgment, 1158—1170 ,;of grace, 1055 " ofpentecost, 849 Death-bed devotions, 1080— 1083. Death of Christ, 164—175 " of a brother, 1114 " of a christian, 1118 « of a child, 1116,1117, 1121. " of a friend, 1100,1130, 1132. " of a minister, 1110,1111 " of an old person. 1125, 1126. " of the righteous, 1101, 1109,1112,1118. " of a scholar, 955 " of a sister, 1105,1112 I " of a teacher, 950 Death of avouth, 1113 " of the wicked, 248,1106 " Happv and triumphant, 1088,1118.1119. " Peaceful, 1083,1101,1109 " Preparation for, 1075, 1076,1094,1099. " Support in, 1080,1083, 1087. " Victory over,J083,1088, 1094. Declension, spiritual, 823 — 831. " Lamented, 827 Dedication of a bethel, 1024 —1031. " of self, 345,401,864 Delay dangerous, 239,829 Delight in God, 56,464,573 j " in his church, 414,417, 462. " in his ordinances, 536, \ 537,551,557. " in his word, 73,75,80 ' " in his worship, 463,470, 473,476. Deliverance from sin, 350, 353,385,387. " from danger, 1061,1163 " from death, 1061,1063 " from sickness, 1061,1063 Denial of self, 382.403,601 Despondency, 828,836,878 Dependence on God, 329, 391,578. Depravity, 66,67,68,100 Devotion, private, 709 — 715 Disconsolate, 278 Dismission, 1245 — 1250 Divinity of Christ, 133 Distress of mind, 260,262, 263. Doctrine of God, 69,77,411 Doomed man, 257 Doom of the wickdd, 248, 1106,1174,1220. Door, Christ the, 246 O INDEX OP SUBJECTS. 801' FIGURBfl RKFKlt To BTMS • Doubting souls, 870—876 Faithfulness of God, : Doubts and fears, 872,873 - Drv bones, 852 J Duties, christian, 598—613 ; Duty to parents, 949 ; Dwelling with God, 650 I " House above, 683 < TjiARLY instruction, 947 J Hi " piety, 967,970,978 nestoftheSpirit,314,3"" ) " Prayer, 314 End of the righteous, 1101 { « of the wicked. 1220 \ « of the world, 1158,1166 JEnejnies, 659,661 \ Eternity, lt)91,1099,1196 < Equality of man, ing,"bowtogain,6l Evening hymns, 7_s — 7:; I Evil company, 942 Example. Christ our, 142, 11! of old, 1221 Exhortation, 237—246 nee meeting, 776— " Christian, Expostulation, 572—581 241 FAITH in Christ, 330,855 " Evidences of, 939,342 i " Pruita of, 339,341,344 ; " Living, 340 : " of things unseen, 331 " Power of, 330, | " Trials of, 311,618 ; " Salvation thro« " Unfailing, 333 ' " Victory .-f. 332, ; " and woi 34 1 31 Faithful servant, 606 Fall of man. 61—68 Family worship. 716—739 "of God, 416 " of heaven, 416 Farewell hymns,1229— 1242 Fast day, * 884—890 Father/ Abba, 200.370 Fears, 594 Feast, 'j 7 7 Feet- washing, 546—649 " a ch. ordinance, 546,547 " a command, 548 Fellowship with God, 581 " Church, 429,431,432 First resurrection, ' 1139— 1141. Following Christ, 395,533, 536,613. Forgiveness of sins. 348,350 " Seekingfor, 310,318,322 " Rejoicing in, 394 M Praising God for, 380— 402. Food, daily, 906 Foundation of the church, 418,1021. Fountain of life. 176,313 Frailty of man, 1067—1077 Freedom, Freedom and holim Yn'f will. 242 Friend, our, 119,126 " Sinner'.-, 327 Friendship of God, 486 Fruits otthe Spirit. :>l i. 218 • of faith, 339,341,344 Fullness of God, of the Bible. 7 1 Funeral hymn-. 1100—1122 GABRIEL'8 trump. 1147 Garden of Gethi Eden, 42,1095 FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. ! Garden of paradise, 403 » General resurrection, 1151 —1157. \ Gentiles, 789,791 > Gentleness, 931 I Gift of the Bible, 71 " of God's Son, 90,98 " of the Spirit, 214,849 > Glory to God, 107,108 I God,' being of, 1 — 7 k " a Spirit, 15 " All in all, 574 u All-sufficiency of, 10,13 " Attributes of, 7—33 u Benefactor, 24 " Cannot lie, 59 " Care of, 289 " Communion with, 56£ " Compassion of, 90,93,96 " 137. " Condescension of, 25 " Creator, 41,45,46 " Dominion of, 12 " Eternity of, 8,9 " Existence of, 1 — 7 " Faithfulness of, 30,31 " Fellowship with, 581 " Friendship of, 486 " Friend, 486 " Glory of, 5,38,40 " Goodness of, 22,23 " Government of, 51 u Grace of, 95 " Greatness of,13,14,16,41 " Guide and guardian,213 " Heirs of, 371 " Help of, 448,578 " Holiness of, 29 " Incomprehensible, 13, 14,16. 1 < Joy in, 572 " Justice of, 30 " Kindness of, 22 " Love of,26,27,28,91,120, 293. " Loving-kindness of, 397 " Law of, 231,628 God, majesty of, 44,45 ! " Mercy of, 32,329,405 Omnipotence of, 20 Omnipresence of, 17 Omniscience of, 17,18 Perfections of, 7 — 33 I Portion, our, 391,572 Power of, 20 J Preserver, 391 Refuge in, 610,863,1062 Rock, 123,614 Shepherd, 127 Sovereignty of, 33 \ Supporter, 391,578 ] Unchangeable, Wisdom of, Ways of, Works of, Wrath of, Good man happy, Goodness, year crowned, 894 Godly sorrow, 273 Golden rule, 603,604 Gospel, 225—236 " Banner of, 799 \ « Call of, 225,236,237 " Excellence of, 227 < " Feast of, 277,561 1 " Fullness of, 227 " Glad tidings of, 232 j " Invitations of, 225 " Message of, 277,517 " Not ashamed of,389,570 \ « Pool, 320 j " Resistance of, 234 \ " Power of, 229,230,235 " Spread of, 807 ) " Savor of life, 437 \ u Success and triumphs of j 803,810. " Trumpet, 225 Oraces, (see Christian,) 582 95 387 1055 405 758,759 \ m 10,11 21.26 | '48 \ 40.44 \ 1171 602 Grace of God, Amazing, Day of, Freeness of, Throne of, IXUKX OF SUBJECTS. FIGURES BIFBBTO HTM VS. | Gratitude, 50 I Guilt of sin, 272,308 'Grieving the Spirit.216,316 HALLELUJAH, 506 Hardness of heart, 154, Bai 896.900 tit. pure, " Stubborn, 265 " Tenderness, 301 u Christ's throne, 678 :; " Gift of, 276 Happy choice, 298 •• Band, 946 • Daj, 280,385,941 •• the child of grace. ' " Land, 1184 Sealing, 323 H- ;> 1175—1206 " What it is, 1177 " Christian's home, 1178 •• Pilgrim's home, 1 183 " My fatherland, 1187 petuity of, 1179 " I)\\ •. tiling place of God, 1201. Heavenly re-union, 1206 cHeirsofGod, 371 J u of the kingdom, 370 Humiliation, davof, Humility, 590,626 Hypocrite, 256 Hell, ' 11 71—1174 : God, 57J •• of God, Is. Km;. mil High i 138,1 n> H o Hi H61y 8 in hearen, 624 ,ir Loving-kindness, 397 j Lovely sonnet, 913 Lukewarnmess, 825 — 828 MAJESTY of God, 14,16 Man in innocence, 42, 61 ! Man's apostasy, 61 — 68 ! Mariners, 911,919 | Marriages, 922—925 \ Martyrs, 196 Mary's choice, 412 Meditator, 94,96,97,102,181 Meekness, 590,626 Meeting and parting, 1228 Members of church, 427 Meeting of friends, 1228 Meeting for prayer, 740,767 .Mind of Christ, 664 Mercy, free, 405 " of G od, 493 | " prayer for, 307—329 Mercy-seat, 705 j Merits of Christ, 176—182 Message, gospel, 277,517 \ Millennium, 1142—1149 Ministry, christian,435 — 449 \ " John's, 88,89 Miracles, 142,146 Miscellaneous, 1207—1237 Missionary hymns,789 — 800 \ Missionaries' farewell, 790, • 793. Missionary meet'g,789— 800 Monthly concert, 801—822 \ Morning hymns, 716 — 727 \ Morning prayer meeting, 768. Mount of the Lord, 380,435 Mourners, 261,263,270 Mount Zion, 423,425 Music, 466,639 Mysteries of Providence,47, 52. NAMESof Christ,116— 133 j Narrow way, 636,656 National hymns', 1000—1008 j * Gratitude, 893 ] " Ingratitude, 890 \ Nativity of Christ, 106—115) Nature proves a God,5,41,43 < Neighbor, love of, 600 < New birth, 360—367 New creature, 361,364 j New Jerusalem, 1180,1204 j New year, 1032,1034 Night, good, 1234 \ Noon-day prayer meeting, I 771—775. X OF SUBJECTS. 805 r~g FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. ' OBEDIENCE, Pilgrim, bondage of, VJ Offices ofChrist,134— 141 Offerings, children's 057 104G- One thing needful, 412 Oppressors, Ordinances ; (see Baptism, Feet-washing and Lord's Sapper.) ' Ordination, 442,445 j Original sin, \ Orphan's prayer, 1216 \ Out-door worship, 441 P ARABLE of the sower, 436. Paradise restored, 403,379 Pardon of sin, 318,348,350 Parental hymns, 926—932 " Entreaty, 928 " Solicitude, 930,932,1073 i Parting anddismission,122& —1250. " with earthly joj " with friend^. 1229,1230 Parting ode, Pastures, Patterns, Patience, Pearl of great price, 410. Peace, prayer for, 1212 " with God, 374 " Offering, 138 Perdition, 1172 Lions,christiai Lions, of God, 7—33 Pentecost, Dtial, ution. Song. 402 •• Stranger, 652 1049 Pity of God, 0,91 " of the poor, 531,607 Pleasures, carnal, 1210 " Spiritual, 408,4 Pool, gospel, Poor, aid for, 525,530 Portion, the saint" Preaching, 435.44 1 Preacher's anxiety, 449 Preacher, fearless, 445,446 u Prayer for, 1 17 Power of God, " of the gospel, 235. Praise of God, 479- : " Christ, of, 103,494—51i» " of the Trinity, 34— ;;7 Prayer meeting,* 740 — 7»;7 " .Morning, 766 — 770 " Noon-day, 771—77" " Attempting, " Family, 716- ial, 740— 7 C7 il Power, of, 71 " Private, 7 — 71 :, .!>lic. •• Fervent. 7<;7 " for Country, " for mercy, " for a revival, misaionari< u for relatr 44:; 127 143,144 for rain, for the Spiril 219,221,223. for wisdom, and watching, 703—708 260—273 Preacher' 446 I. 1223 -7 Priestho Early, 2P « I, 17 644- | m 806 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. " FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. Presence of the Spirit, 214, 217,222. Probation, 258,1055 Procrastination,217,239,254 Prodigal, 306,358 Profession of Christ, 532, 540,542. Promised land, 1189 " Seed, 83 Promises, 87,309,674 Prophecy, 82 Prophet, 134,136 Prince of peace, 109 Privileges, christian, 668 — 677. Private devotion, 709 — 715 Providence, 47 — 60 Punishment, 1171—1174 Pride, 1223 Public worship, 462—478 Purity, 686 Pure in heart, 678,686 Purposes, 33 QUICKENING grace, 215, 218. Quickening Spirit, 212,219 Quench not the Spirit, 216, 220. RACE, the christian, 633 -658. ! Rain, prayer for, 1227 ; Ransom, 98,177,179 : Reading, 78 ; Rebuke, 252,253 182 100 101 102 105 Reliance on God, 630,631 Religion, 406—413 " Vain without love, 586 Remember, the Creator,966 " Christ, 552 Repentance, 299—306 Reproach, 621 Resignation, 53,60 Resolution, 308 Rest for God's people, 1186, 1196. Resurrection of Christ, 184 —192. " First, " Second, Retirement, Revelation, Revival, " Prayer for, " Rejoicing in, Rewards, ; Reconciliation, [ Recovery, human, ! Redeeming love, " Work, j Redemption, 92 Refuge, 610,863,1062 J Regeneration, 360 — 367 ? Reign of Christ, 202—211 < Rejoice, 669 J Relenting, 261,27 la 1139—1141 1151—1157 709—715 69,71 832—839 840—852 853—862 1174 Rich man and Lazarus, 1174 Righteous, by faith,337,340 " in Christ, 347,394 Rivers of love, 1064 Robes, white, 1198 Rock, Christ, 123,614 Road to heaven,335,636,655 Room in Christ, 287 " in the church, 424,430 " at the gospel feast, 277, 297. SABBATH DAY,450— 461 j " Evening, 457 « " Morning, 459 \ « School, 937—963 j Sacraments, (see Ordinan- Safetvofthechurch,417.422 j " of the christian, 391,614 Saints, 683,6S6 Salvation, 228,801 Sanctification, 678 — 691 i Sanctuary, 462,469 Satan, 99,100,111 J INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 15?*! FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. Saviour, 166,504 Spirit of light, 218 Savor of life, 4:57 Spring, season, 1040; Scriptures, 69 — 80 Stand up for Jesus, 775 Seas, 913,015 Star, 112,121,124,912 Seamen, 911— 91!) SU-al, thou shalt not, 1226 Seasons, 1039— 1045 Stop, sinner, Secret devotion, 709 — 715 Storm, 1222 Security, GIG Submission, 53,596,631 1 Seed of truth, 436 1 Success, ininisterial,440,803 \ Seedtime, 900:Summer, 1044 J Seeking God, 309,324 'Summer's day, 971$ " Pardon, 31S Sun of righteousness, 39, 569 t Self-dedication, 345,401,864 Surety, 181 " Denial, 395.403,601 Steadfastness, 619 \ " Examination, 874 Submission, 589,596^ Righteousness, 352 Sufferings of Christ, 149- 153. Sepulchre, 183 Sermon, before, 511 — 518 Serpent, brazen, 84,85 Shepherd, 127,690 Sick-bed devotion, 1057 — 1066. Sickness and death, 1067 — 1090. " and recovery, Sinai, Sincerity, Sinner's friend, <• Warned, Sin-sick, Sin. original, '•' Hereditarv, itful, Slavery, Sfoep and slumber Sloth, Soldier, >f Moses, Simeon, M of praise, Sons of God, Sorrow for sin, Soul, Sower and tfa Spiritual, di I B31. Spirit, Holy, Supplication, 1061 419 465 125,327 251.254 '297 02 64 65 B25 659,663 472 482—485 260—263 121 212 in Gethsemane,159 — 163 on the cross, 164 — 175 Christian, 614- 313- 632 317 J < 'PABOR, 1214 i 1 Table, 904— 907 \ " the Lord's, 666— Tabernacle, Teacher, Christ a, Christian, 441,442 School, 933—936 Tears, none in heaven, 1192 \ Temple, 1022, 1024 Temptation, 616 j Temperance 991—999 Tempter, Tempted, 61V Tender conscience. 579< II. ait Thanksgiving-day,891— 895 5 Thief on th ,1219 < Throne of grace, 768,769 \ glory, 1,211 j " ofjudgm Thirsty invited, 296 j Thunder Btorm, Tiding, glad, . importance of, l- '808 INDEX OF SUBJECTS FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. Tiine,shortness of,1051,1054 in God's hands, 55,673 Title to heaven, 668 Titles of Christ, 116—133 | To-day, 208 ; Tomb, 1124 ) To-morrow, 254 ) Tongue, 1211 j Transfiguration, 1214 I Travelers, 908—910 ; " to Zion, 633,648 ) Treasure,Bible a, 70 ; Trials, 618 Trinity, 34—37 Triumphs of Christ, 210 i " of the convert, 381 \ " Over death, 1088 Troubles, 617 True repentance, 303 Trumpets, 232 Trust in God, 630 Truth, 411 ! Types, 81,84,85 UXBELIEF, 63 Unfruitful tree, 831 | Union with Christ, 788 J " Christian, 692—702 ! Uprightness, 1207 5 Universal dominion and ] ^ reign of Christ, 202 ] Uncertainty of human friendship, 620 Upward and onward, 987 Y ALLEY of dry bones,852 Value of the Bible, 69, 72,79. " of religion, 413 " of time, 1070 j Vanity of man, 1079 [ Vain man, 300 ! Victory of Christ, 210 over death, 1088 j Vision, heavenly, 675 > Vineyard, 1015 j Voice of free grace 839 Vows, Voyage, 345 911—916 TXTAITLYG on God, 463, Walking with God, 824 '< in light, 605 1 by faith, 335 Warfare, christian, 659 — 667. War, time of, 887 " Deploring it, 888 Warnings to sinners,249,254 " to backsliders, 881 Washing feet, 546—549 Washing the soul, 99,176 Watching, 243,667 " and pVayer, 703—708 Watchmen, Zion's, 438 *' Inquired of, 1143 Waters of life, 295,296 Way, to heaven,636,649^651 " to Christ, 126,335 u of wisdom, 979 Weary, 281,282 Weep not for me, 1122 Weeping over sinners, 148 Welcome to Christ, 864 " to one joining the ch'ch, 427,431. Well with the righteous, 670 White robes, ' 1198 Wicked, end of, 1220 Will, free, 242 Winning souls, 444 Winter, 1043 Wisdom of God, 21,25 " Ways of, 979 Widow, importunate, 746 Witness of the Spirit, 375 Witnesses, heavenlv, 637 Word of God, 78,79,80 Works of God, 38,46 World, weaned from, 382 World, conversion of, 822 " Faithless, 1190,1197 INDEX OF SIBJECTS. 809 Bj! FIGURES REFER TO HYMNS. Worship, public, 462—47$ " Family, 710—739 " Private, T^:1 — 715 Worthies, ancient, 1221 Wrath of God, 1171—1174 Wrestling in prayer, 328, 754. YEAR. !Tew, 1032—1034 Year, beginning of,1032 Year, close of, 1035 of Christ, 571 } Young convert, 404 ; Youth. hymns for, 904— 9S2 thof, U13 " Exhorted, 96G,9G7,970, 1,982. " Instructed, 964.969 " Pietv of, 973,978 Youth, prayer for, ZEAL. Zion, city of, Zion. defence of, " Foundation of, « Glory of, " God's love for, " Prospects of. •• Prosperity of, *• Refug ■• Safety of, ivation of, •• Strength of, •• Song u and Sinai. ••' Travail of, " Travelers to, 639,640,653. " Triumphs of, 980:; 426 - 418 420,423 424 809 422 157 419 843—846 017,033, 208,209: 2P INDEX OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS. GENESIS. j CHAP. VER. HYMNS. 1: 1, 1,46 1: 31, 45 \%i 3 453,455 2: 18.23,24, 922—925 3: 15,19 64— 67 6: 24,..; 824 6: 4,15, 421 17: 1, 20 18: 23—33, 1001 19: 17, 672 522: 14, 59 22: 2—12, 611 ?24: 31, 427,781 i24: 56, 635 28: 19, 1027,1029 32: 24, 328 32: 26, 754 47: 9, 1067 EXODUS. 3: 14 1,4 J6: 3, i 1,2,3,6,8,9 15: 11, .....29 17: 11, 745 20: 13, 1224 ^20: 17, 1225 20: 15, 1226 25: 22, 309,551 LEVITICUS. 16: 8—10,21,22, 179 <25: 9—54, 292 NUMBERS. 10: 29, 640,643,644,646, ) 647,648,658. 10: 37, 403 21: 8,9, 84,85 23: 10, 1115 DEUTERONOMY. [AP. VER. o, 2, : 12,13,.. 13,14, HYMNS. \ 31 492 .600 .900 : 17, 527,602,607 : 17,18, 433,434 : 6—8, 445,456 : 49, 118L ! : 25, 615 \ : 27, 7,8,616 : 5, 1175 \ JOSHUA. 14—17, 634 \ 14,15, 87 : 15, JUDGES. 4, m\ 35, 385] RUTH. 1: 8, 525 1: 16,17, 883 1 SAMUEL. 1: 27,28, 947 3: 1—10, 72,75.79,80 7: 12, 920,380 12: 14,15, 928 ^ 15: 29, 289 2 SAMUEL. 7:- 22, 1,2,3,424 12: 23, 1124! 20: 9, 77£ 22; 2,3,32,47,. 123,614 \ 22: 10—12, 47—49 24: 14, 53,596,631 24:. 24, 382,601 11: !Q INDEX OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS. 1 KINGS. AP. VER. HYMNS. 9 750 13, 213 27, 1025,1030,1031 28,.. ™24 G3 1026,1027,1020 18: 24 284 18: 44,. 695 2 KINGS. 4 : 20 1066 5: 10—14 176 ;6: 14—17 492 7: 3.4 308 10: 16 593 20: 1,. 1068,1072,1079 1 CHROXICLES. Il6: 22, 615,620,621 2 : 13, 53,631 28: 9 928 : 20 594 _ : 15, 1068,1070,1074 29: 20, 468 2 CHRONICLES . 1: 7—12, 746.750 6: 13,14, 1022,1024 10: 9 17,18,19 29: 23.24, 178,179 33: 10—13, 358,1060 EZRA. 8: 21,23 88* 9: 13. 263,264 XEIIEMIAII. 1: 4 885,886 I : 8 23,24 - : 5,6 463,469,470 9: 6 46-1.474 16,17 : \ 13: 15—18, 4 ESTHER. 4: 16, 9: 17,18, 891 9: 22, 488,495 s 18,19 1131! 6—8 630J 1,6 657,1124 16 1191 17 42,99,100 9 1053 ^ : 7 13,14 : 1, 1079 : 14 1102 : 25,26.27 1156 : 3,....:...: 714 : 9, 20,48,57 :8, 1.256 : 2s, 406,413 : 2 826 : 12,13, 525,530 : 14, 1169 : 26, 13.14 i : 2, 826 PSALMS. 1—6, 602 j 8, 804.-05 11 516 3,4,5—8, 734 3,.. 727 ) 3,4 39,41 : 6, 69,73- : 1 63i : 69, 577.1157 : 15, 1155 < : 1..' 2,3,5,39—45 5 : 7 76 : 58, 723 : I..! 153 : 27, 28 202,204 l.. m ;7-10 195 J : - 318 : 3, 492^ : 9 506 : 15 : 1.2 347,350} : 12 893,894 J : 1 596 : 4—27, 1077,1079 PSALMS, [continued.] CHAP. VER. HYMNS. 41: 44, 304 46: 1, 625,701 47: 5, 193 48: 1—8, 418,424 48: 14, 625 50: 1,2, 809 50: 7, 1,4—6. 51: 5, 62 51: 1—4, 311 51: 11, 316 51: 14—17, 329 55: 17, 773,728 61: 2, 614 63: 3, 397 63:1,2, 373 66: 16, 467,776 68: 18, 485 71: 15, 503 72: 8, 817.202 72: 7,8, 792 72: 8—11, 404 73: 2—6,17—20,..;:.... 1220 73: 25, 123 73: 23, 391 78:2—4, 927 83: 18, 1,2.3 84: 10, 414.557 85: 6, 840 86: 1, 447 86: 5, 22,23,24 88:3—5, 258 90: 11, 30 90: 9—12, 578 92: 1—13, 454 93: 1, 206 95: 1—6, 474 98: 9, 1136 100: 1—4, 464 100: 487 102: 24, 10,11 103: 1—7, 134,484,493 107: 8, 678 110: 95, 466 111: 9, 101 116: 7, 1086 Hi PSALMS, [continued.]! CHAP. VER. HYMNS. 117: 1,2, 479 118: 22,25,. ..1020,1021,1023 118: 24—26, 452 119: 105, 69,77,684 121: 1, 1200 122: 7, 462,476 125: 2, 426 126: 1—6, 353 133:1, 692,696,697 136: 1—4, 490 137: 5,6, 414 139: 7—10, 17,18 146: 1,2, 483 148: 479,480,482 PROVERBS. 2: 1—6, 409,947 3: 17, 413,409 4: 7, 407.410 4: 18, .970 8: 17, 973 8: 34—36, 234 11: 25, 528,531 14: 32, 1104* 15: 32, 216 18: 24, 125 19: 17, 530,531 23: 26, 276 23: 23, 411 29: 25, 446 ECCLESIASTES. 5:4, 345 9: 4,6—10, 1055 11: 6, 440 12: 1, 966,967 CANTICLES. 1 : 3, 119 .383 .799 .324 .652 .6.90 .196'; .147 1,... 4,'... 5,... 13,., 16,. 10,.( ISAIAH. | CHAP. VEIL HYMNS. 1: IS 287 425 3: 10 S70 B: 13. J9: 45, 9: 3 807,898 11: 5—9, 808 |21: 11 1143 1 228 : 4 125 : ]— G 417,801 27: 15 17 : 13 252 32 : 2 33,120,390,422 17 394 <34: 4—6 886 : -—19 335 135: 10...... 640 40:28—31 641 43: 1, 2,...' 566.594 : 25 .117 : G 796 %\ : 9 Ml 51: 1 274 i. 2 415 : 5 96.149 53: 10, .154 : 1—4 ! 57: 6,7,.. 847 158:0 58:3—8 : 1—3, 620 : 20 23 450 66: 2, 301 JEREMIAH. 2: 2 2: 13, 313 19 10n 3: 26 1: 16 <;i . 17: 9 23: 6 23: 23, 21 17,18 JEREMIAH, [cont'd.] CHAP. VER. HYMNS. 29:13, 756 ? 50: 4, 5, 434 LAMENTATIONS. \ 1: 12, 173.175'. 3: 22, 23, 720.725 3: 27, 978 3: 48,49, 148,846 5:16, 23, 880,882 EZEKIEL. 2: 3—5 445,446 3: 17—21, 449 9: 8,9, 10 11: 19, 20 363,365 13: 10, 11, 12 445 16: 6 62,93 18: 20, 251 22: 14, 252, 33: 7, ; 438 33 : 11 41 34: 14—16 127 34: 25— 27 : • 36: 57 704. 740 37: 1—10 43: 10—12 418,469 47: 1—5 DANIEL. 2 : 41 12:, 3: 25 | 1 : 3, 54 202,211,426 1 : 36 6 : 10 619^1207 7: 9, 10 1164,1166 12: 3 1152,1153 12 : I 1012 ROSEA. 4: 17 216.217 ,876,878 !0: 12 il : 1 JOEL. CHAP. VEIt. HYMNS. 2: 12,13, 884 2: 17, 449,525 2: 28—31, 214,849 AMOS. 4: 12, 326 7: 2, 423,425 8: 11, 255,794 OBADIAH. Si: 3,4, 52 jl: 17, 208,422 JONAH. 51:6, 825 2 : 9, 385 3: 5—10, 885,886,889 MICAH. 1: 1—4, 425 6: 6—8, 179,329,465 7: 7, 757 7: 9,10, 619,620,626 NAHUM. 1: 3, 49,50 1:7, 54,625 1: 15, 435 HABAKKUK. J2: 4, 332 2: 14, 77,202 3: 17, 58 3: 2, 840,843,844 ZEPHANIAH. 1: 12, 748 1: 14,15, 1160,1163 3: 14,15, 415,495 IIAGGAI. 12: 6,7,.. 814 J2: 4, 1012 2: 9, 422,425,806 ZECHARIAH. *%i 5, 1049 '4: 6, 361,813 '4: 7, 95 |8:9, 204 | \ m ZECHARIAH, [con.] CHAP. BR. HYMNS. 8: 12, 254,288,294 8: 20—23, 808.822 9: 1", 1138 12: 10, 222,223 14-8, 295,422 MALACHI. 1: 11, 202,820 3: 6, io,ll 3:7 882 3: 10, 526 3: 16, 776,783 4: 1, 1161,1170 MATTHEW. 1: 21, 83 2 : 10, 121 3: 13—17, 535,536,537 5: 47, 531 5:2—12, 591 5: 5, 590 6:7,8, 749 5: 9—13, 762,766! 7: 14, 636 | 7: 12, 603.604! 7: 13 651,656i 10: 37, 1210 I 11: 19, 327! 11: 28—30, 274,281,282,1 307,868 12: 20, 137) 13: 3—8, 519,520,521,523! 13: 16, 17, 435 13: 24—30, U67 13: 40, 45, 129 ; 13: 46, 410 16: 24, 601| 17: 2—10, 1214 18: 3, 355; 18: 20, 751,787; 18: 28, 703: 19: 17 22,23,24 22: 42, 133; 22: 37—40, 600; 24: 13, 617 ; 24:44, 300 > INDEX OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS. 815 ftfA'J ! HEW, [c« i CHAP. VKK. 525 26. 41 145,159,163 —30 564 . 46 441.442 { 28: 18— '20 667 MARK. 9,10, 542.. 709 22,23, 24 323,333 2.')— 29 290 50, 400 37 400 36, 406,407.1217 38 306,570 : 46—52, 315 : 29,32 1,2,3 : 32, 145 : 22—25 558 : 15—41, 160,179,171 : 15 441.442 : 19, 830,831 LI i 10—14, 107,108 14 ! 517 16, 11l> 25— 30 472 is, : in 66, 623 971 509,601 : 41.42 412 : 13 212 1137 38 : 17—22 : 18— 21 : 10 497 1: 1 : 5: 5: 7: 8: B.: | 10 12 u I 21 2 : 2: 6 : B : 9: 10 11 12 12 13 U 16 15 17 18 19 19 LI KK. [continued, ] CHAP. \ HYMNS. 723 23: 27—45.164,165,166,167 23: 42, JOHN. 1 : 12.13 1: 17, 1 : 19, 116 1: 29, 178 1: 36, 128,292,334 2 : 1—11 3: 1—7 360,361,362 3: 14,15, 3: 16,17, 90 4: 6—14 295 4: 24,...: 15,466 5: 1—9. 326 6 : 51, 7: 37, 8: 36, 681 10: 9, 428,794 11: 35, 148 12: 32, 166 13:4— 14,.. 5; 14: 6 126 -1 693,1 19: 18, 1219 19: 13—25, 156 19 : 26 21: 15, 21 : 16 21 : 17 17—19 21: 20, 687 ACTS. 811 2: 1.2.3, B49 2: 17 512 3 : 19 12,46 275, i®^ 816 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS. ACTS, [continued.] CHAP. VER. HYMNS. 17: 30,31, 299 19: 11, 1233 20: 32, 367 | 20: 38, 793 [24: 16, 579 ROMANS. 1: 16, 229,230 1: 17, 346 1: 19,20, 2,5 1: 23—25 10,11 ;2: 4 23,24 4: 20, 322 U: 25 168,174 5: 5 215 15:12, 67 5: 19, 64 6: 3—5, 536 6: 6 682 6: 9,10, 188,191 6: 21, 386 7: 8,9,14,24 266 7: 22, 73 8: 7,8, 68,99 8: 14, 375 8: 15, 368,370 8: 16,: 375 J8: 18, 617,619 8: 26,27, 708 8: 28, 621,631 j9: 33, 47,48,52 10: 4 349,351,352 10: 10,11 337,339 10: 15, 435 11 : 25,26, 811,818 $11: 33, 48,49 |12: 5 093,699,701 13: 10, 696,998 14: 12, 1159,1162 15: 26,27 527,528 16: 27,...'. 21 1 CORINTHIANS. 1: 23, 437 2: 2, 393 2: 9,10, 1203 | 1 COR. [continued.] CHAP. VER. HYMNS. 3 : 9, 1232 3: 22, 677 5: 7, 179 6: 10,.ll, 363 7; 10, 213 7: 29 1051 10: 16,17, 551 11: 24, 552.553 12: 31, 1213 13; 1—3, 586.587 15: 54, 576,1130 15: 33, 942 16: 13, 659 2 CORINTHIANS. 1: 12, 585 1: 18,20, 87 1: 22, 221 2: 15,16, 437 3: 18, 373 4: 5, 444 4: 9, 66S 4: 8,9,10, 621 5: 1, 1098 5: 5, 221 5: 17, 618 5: 18, 403 6: 2 284 6: 18, 20 8: 9, 96.97 9: 9, 10, 527,530 10: 4, 230,235.437 13: 11, 1231,1244 13: 14, 1241 GALATIANS. 1: 4,5, 90,91,97 2: 16, 348,351 2: 20, 393—395 3: 13, 150,156 3; 27, 540,542 3: 28, 693,791 4: 6 368,372,373 4; 15, 826,878 4: 19, 449 4; 26, 415,419 \ a INDEX OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS. 81 . j GALATIAXS, [con.] CII.V!'. HYMNS, 5: 6, 340,341 5: li 600 \6: 2,. 52-3 W,15 389 EPHESIANS. 13,14,., 5, 1G 15,. 375 95 32 387 522 416 22. 65,66 3, 694 2 692,694 5 1203 11—13 662,663 18, 703,704 19, 447 PHILLIPPIANS. : 21, 1076,1080 : 5, I'M : 9—11 116,119,198 : 12— 14 : 7,8,9, 352 : 8, 613 : 21 1103 : 1, : 4, 204 AXS. : 11 100,105 438 : 2 IT. : 12 5 : 11 L30 147,448 THESSALONIANS. 2 13 230 1139,1168 : 17 : 17 7 : 19, 2 2Q 2 THESSALONIANS. CH M'- \ BB. Bl KN8. 1 : 7—10, 1161—1166 2: 13,14 213,222 3; 1 447 3: 2, 333,341, 344 1 TIMOTHY. 1 : 12 389 1 : 15 97,111 2 : 1,2 .711 2: 6,.. 171,291 3: 16, 36 4: 6,7,8, 1076 4 : 16 438 6; 1,2 6: 6—8, 662,673 2 TIMOTHY. 1 : 9 365 1 : 12, 389 2 : 3 659,660.663 2: 12,13, 617,630 3: 16,...' B2,230 4 ; 6—8, 1076,1102 TITUS. 2: 10—13, 585 2: 14 178,179 3: 5,6, 214.222 3: 8, 344 PHILEMON. 1: 4,5, 339 1: 7, 595 HEBREWS. 1; 1—3, 97,198 1 : 8 203,104 L2 10,11 2: 6 137,139 :; : 12,13 65,66,608 I : L3. 16 17,19 4 : 16 758,759 17 128, f 818 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS. HEBREWS, [cox. j I CHAP. YER. HYMNS* ':11— 16, 86 5: 1, 1,2 S:3,4, 140,141 >10: 28,29, 231 11: 1—3, 331 111: 6, 1—6 11: 7,. .421 ..314 ..385 ..419 ..438 ,642 ..438 12: 2 12: 9,.. 12: 18,. 13 : 7,.. 13: 14.. 13: 17, . JAMES. 1: 5, 704,707,750 1 6 333,710,745,746 1: 12, 615 2: 17, 340 408 2: 18, 344 2: 19, 582 3: 9—10, 1211 4: 7, 1089 4: 14, 1068,1074 5: 10 1221 5: 16, 704,745 5: 20, 608,612 1 PETER. 1: 3-5, 1103,1186 1: 7, 332 1: 8,9, 668 1: 24, 1069 2r 6, 1020 2: 7, 10,32.118 2: 24, 177.178 4: 50, 1163 4: 17,18, 1165 5: 7, 59 2 PETER. 1: 4—10, 585,674 1: 21 69.82 3 10—12, ,1158,1162 1 JOHN. CHAP. YER. HYMNS. ! 1: 1 779 ! 1: 7, 605 3 : 2, 1180 ! 3: 1, 368,372.373 i 3 : 14 '.348 S 4: 8, 27.2S 5: 7, 182 I 2 JOHN. 1:3,. 12411 1:4. 411,605 J 3 JOHN. 1:3,4, 55 1:8, 527,852 JUDE. 1: 24.25, 507 1: 14,' 1162,1165 REVELATION. 1: 5,6, 494.495 1: 7, 1162.1164 2: 4,5, 827,828 2: 10...... 1205 2: 17, 233,376.394,403 3: 20, 246 4: 8, 29 5: 11—13, 494 5: 6,8.9—12, 501 7: 9—17, 1198 11: 15, 208,822,1135 14: 2—5 499 14: 13,./. 11,19 15: 2,3, 499 15: 4, 29 18: 2, 1150,1203 21; 27, 1203 21: 10 1134 22: 1,2 295,675,1064 22: 12,. 647.1138,1158 22: 16, 112,121.124 j 22: 17 279.296J 22: 20 211 I INDEX OF FIRST LINES. RES REFER TO THE HYMNS. ABRAHAM, when severely tried Unknown Gil J Accept our thanks for all your love Unknown 960 j | According to thy gracious word Montgomery \ A charge to keep I have ft Wesley 598 j A cry upon the winds is borne Unknown 794 > Adam in Paradise was placed Cotton 61 \ Affliction:?, tbo' they seem Bevere ' ; Again from calm and sweet repose Unknown Ah! whither should I go ft Wesley 262 j j Ala-, and did my Saviour bleed Watts 148 [Alas, by nature how depraved S. 0. 100 \ Alas, how changed that lovely flower Unknown 11 16 J Alas, what hourly dangers rise J//-*. 5teefc 3 All creatures, with distinctive cry tfnknown All hail the power of Jesus' name Duncan 196 [All-powerful, self-existent God Unknown 10 1 All ye that pass by, to Jesus draw nigh... Unknown 1N1 All you that have confessed Unknown | Almighty Father, bless thy word Unknown (Almighty God, in humble prayer Montgomery 750 Almighty God, thy piercing eye Watts 19 Almighty God, thy word is cast Unk Almighty sovereign of the Bides Watts Alternate joy and sadness Unknown Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Newton J Am I a soldier ot* the Croat Watts 659 j Amidst the cheerful bloom of youth Unknown \ Among the mountain-trees Edmon ilien from God, and a stranger to / ".' . am I born to die ft Wesley 1104 J And are we yet alive ft Wesley 777 j ! And can I yet delay ft b | And did the holy and thejnat Mrs, v let our bodies pai t ft H ; r this feeble body fail ft Wi muat 1 be to judgment brought ft Wi | And iim.4 1 part with all I have... 613 And must this body d H attt 1 103 j And now the BCalet have left mine • •;,«.- R 820 INDEX OF FIRST LINES HYMN. J And shall I still the spirit grieve? Unknown 216 j And will the great eternal God Doddridge 1022 ; And will the judge descend Doddridge 1163 ; Another six days' work is done Stennett 453 | Arise, my soul, and praise the Lord Unknown 726 J Arise, my soul, arise C. Wesley 200 \ Arise, 0 King of grace, arise, Watts 845 [ Arm of the Lord, awake, awake Shrubsole 814 Around the throne of God in heaven Unknown 1185 | Art thou in health, my brother Unknown 778 | Ascend thy throne almighty King Beddome 822 j As flows the rapid river S. F. Smith 1074 j As Jacob did in days of old Unknown 754 \ As on the cross, the Saviour hung Watts 354 I A sower went to sow his seed Unknown 436 I Assembled in our school once more Unknown 933 Assist my soul, my heavenly King Unknown 364 As various as the moon Unknown 57 I As when the weary traveler gains Newton 648 \ At every motion of our breath Montgomery 1070 I At Jacob's well a stranger sought Unknown 295 I At length the wished-for spring has come... Newt on 1042 ! A throne of grace! then let us go Cohbin 760 I Awake, and sing the song Hammond 499 J Awak'd by Sinai's awful sound Occum 366 • Awake, Jerusalem, awake! C.Wesley 415 J Awake, my soul, in joyful lays Medley 397 5 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve. ..Doddridge 654 I Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring Needham 21 1 Awake, our souls, away, our fears Watts 641 > Awake, sweet gratitude, and sing Unknown 201 Awake, ye saints, awake Cotterill 461 BACKSLIDERS, who your misery feel.... Watts 881 Backward, with humble shame,we look Unknown 67 \ JBarren still the tree is found Unknown 831 j I Be firm, be bold, be strong, be true Unknown 1207 > > Before thy mercy-seat, 0 Lord Bathwrst 968 j > Before Jehovah's* awful throne Watts 464 j Begone, my worldly cares, away Unknown 739) [Behold! behold the Lamb of God Hoskins 128: ; Behold ! behold the Lamb of God Unknoicn 170 ! Behold our blessed Lord Weishampel 548 [Behold that great and awful day Unknoicn 1170 > j Behold th' amazing gift of love Unknown 373 Behold I the blind their sight receive Watts 146 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. IIIVMN. lehold the gift of God ffoekins 104 lehold the glories of the Lamb Watts 501 lehold the grant, the King of kings Unknown <>77 lehold! the heathen waits to know Yoke 7DT lehold the lofty skj Watts 44 lehold the mountain of the Lord Logan 425 lehold the promised time draw near Vol lehold the Saviour at thy door Oregg 246 lehold the Saviour of mankind ft Wesley 171 lehold the sin-atoning Lamb FatoceU 17s lehold the sure Foundation Stone Watts 1020 lehold the throne of grace Newton 758 lehold the woman's promised seed Watts 83 lehold thy temple, God of grace, Palmer 1030 lehold what wondrous grace WoMa le kind to thy father, for when thou Unknown 954 Moved Saviour, faithful Friend Unknown 7*17 Jeneath our feet and o'er our head Heber 1128 _.>e present at our table, Lord Unknown 904 Beside the gospel pool Newton 320 i Beyond where Kedron's waters flow... 5, F. Smith 15!) | Beyond the flight of time Montgomery 117!) : Bleeding hearts, defiled by sin Hastings 267 ■ 1 are the Bons of God Humphreys 372 Blest be the dear united love Unknown 1244 d Bible — precious word Unknown 7i> Bless'd is the man. forever bleat'd Watte 347 | Blessings to God, forever blest Unknown !)U5 Blest are the humble BOuls that see Watte 5!)1 Blest are the pure in heart \faeon 686 Watte <;:»7 be the tie that binds Faweett 696 Blest morning, whose young dawning rays.. Watte 186 With the joys of innocence '..... Watts 68 Blest work the youthful mind to win Unknown M9 [Blow ye the trumpet! blow Toflady 162 \ Bold in speech, and bold in action Unknown 446 Break every yoke, the gospel cries Unknown :»^;; Brethren and sisters, we mast part Unkno Brethren, while we sojourn here Swn Bright and joyful was the morn / nknown 110 • as the Mm'- meridian blaze Unknown 821 Broad ts the mad that leads to death Waits 666 Buried beneath the yielding wave Beddo Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring Unknown 505 Mb I view mj Bai low dying ,.l 2Q* 82*2 INDEX OP FIRST LTNES. HYMN. CAMP meetings with thy presence Unhwicn 901 Children of the heavenly King Cennick 633 Children of Zion ! what harp notes Unknown 432 Christians, if your hearts be warm Leland 539 Christ and his cross is all our theme Watts 437 Christ, from whom all blessings flow Unknown 701 Christian soldiers, wake to glory! Unknotcn 665 Christ's faithful word, his solemn pledge Watts 355 Christ, the Lord is ris'n to-day C. Wesley 184 Come all who would to glory go Unknown 280 Come all ye happy race Unknown 785 Come all ye tender-hearted christians.... Unknown 158 C >me, christian brethren, ere we part.//. K. White 1247 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell Watts 522 Come, dearest Lord, and bless this day Mason 451 Come, everv pious heart Stennet 504 Come, Father, Son and Holy Ghost C. Wesley 325 Come, gracious Spirit> heavenly Dove Browne 213 Come, Qfuilty sinner, is whose breast Jones 308 Come, happy souls, approach your God Watts 90 Come hither, all ye weary souls Watts 282 Come, Holy Ghost, inspire our songs Unknown 103 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire C. Wesley 219 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove Watts 212 Come, Holy Spirit, come Hart 215 Come in, ye blessed of the Lord Kelly 428 Come, join our celebration Unknown 951 Come, let our souls adore the Lord Unknown 889 Come, let our voices join Unknown 937 Come, let our voices raise Unknown 226 Come, let us anew our journey pursue C. Wesley 1034 Come, let us join our songs of praise Unknown 138 Come, let us join our cheerful songs Watts 494 Come, let us join our friends above C. Wesley 416 Come, let us now forget our mirth Unknown 1078 Come, let us pray, 'tis sweet to feel Unknown 747 Come, let us search our ways and see Watts 597 Come, let us strike our harps afresh Reed 1009 Come, let us use the grace divine C. Wesley 434 Come, Lord, and bless the rising race Cowper 975 Come, my friend, and let us try Unknown 872 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare Newton 755 Come, on my partners in distress C. Wesley 617 Come, O thou all victorious Lord Nicholson 518 Come, O thou King of all thy saints... Mrs. Steele 744 Come, O ! thou traveler unknown C. Wesley 328 & INDEX OF FIRST EtNBS. 823 1 1 v M \ . < Come, saints and sinners, hear me tell Unknown 788 Oome, sinners, come to Ood fii/moim 286 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast 0. Wetlev 277 Come, sinners, you. whose harden'd t'nknnirn '2!*:! Come, sound his praise abroad Wmt% -t *;»; Come, tempted bouI, to Christ draw near. Unknown 01 ."> Come, thou almighty King Unknown 'M Come, thou Fount of every blessing Robinson 380 Come, thou soul-transforming Spirit Ji ('nine to Jesus, just now I rnknown 286 Come, weary souls with sin distressed tfrs Steel 281 Come, ye converts, come and welcome... Unknown 4:il . ye disconsolate where'er ye languish. Moore 278 j Come, ye sinners poor and needy // Com.' ye that fear the Lord Unknown 7S<) Come, ye that know and fear the Lord j>hn};j I'M) Convinced of sin, men now begin Unonown 867 ; Cut me not off, almighty Lord C. Wesley 1059 DANIEL'S wisdom may! know H.Livermore V21> Dare to think, though bigots frown... Unknown 603 Dark waa the night and cold tin- ground... Hawot Dai Day of Judgment, day of wonders Vewton 1158 Dear brethren, come, draw near to God., I nknown 477 Dearest of all the names above WatU t&l Dear Father, to thy mercy-seal u*r#. Steele 610 Dear friends in Christ, and well-beloved Unknown ISO Dear people all. attention give •/. W, 898 Dear refuge of my weary soul Mr; Steele 025 Deal- SaVlOUr, let my evening BOHg WatU 788 Dear Saviour, we rejoice to hear /'/ T7ARLY, my God, without delay Watts 770 i Hi Earth has engrossed my love too long.... Watts 1200 > | Earth to earth, and dust to dust Unknown 1126 \ Enthroned on high, almighty Lord Humphreys 218 < Equip me for the war C. Wesley 664 j j Eternal Father, thou hast made Unknown 989 j ; Eternal God! almighty Cause Browne 6 ! Eternal God, enthroned on high Unknown 1046 | Eternal King ! the greatest, best Unknown 30 > Eternal Source, of every joy Doddridge 894 JEternal Spirit, God of truth Unknown 224 Eternal Sun of righteousness C. Wesley 763 Eternity is just at hand Mrs. Steele 1096 FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss. ... Turner 330 Faith, hope and charity, these three... Montgom'y 592 Faith is the brightest evidence Watts 331 Faith is the christian's prop Unknown 339 Faith is the Spirit's sweet control Unknown 341 I Farewell, dear friends, adieu, adieu! Unknown 1234 | Farewell, dear friends, I must be gone.... Unknown 1242 | Farewell! — serve God, dear brother Unknown 1230 | Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone.... Watts 557 j Far from these narrow scenes of night.... Mrs. Steele 1189 \ i Far from the utmost verge of day Watts 1172 \ ! Father, behold with gracious eyes O. Wesley 753 j Father, how wide thy glory shines ! Watts 41 jj (Father, I dare believe C. Wesley 342 ^ ) Father, is not thy promise pledged Gibbons 804 j Father, I stretch my hands to thee O. Wesley 314 \ Father, 'tis ours, in wisdom's ways Unknown 934 j Father of faithful Abraham, hear ft Wedcy 818 J Father of mercies! bow thine ear Beddome 447 \ Father of mercies ! condescend Morrel 795 > \ Father of mercies ! in thy word Mrs. Steele 73 \ Father of mercies ! send thy grace Doddridge 525 I Father of spirits! Nature's God! Unknown 18 \ Father, whate'er of earthly bliss Mrs. Steele 761 > Fools in their hearts believe and say Unknoion 63 . INDEX OP FIRS! LINES. 825 - HYMN- Forever with the Ford Montgomery 650 Fountain of life, to all below CJVetley 313 Fountain of merer, God of love Needhatn 900 iien. awake the boss Efiu Strong 1006 ; i ent the day of God returns />', Friend after friend departs ifontgomerg 1100 Friends of temperance, swell the song.... Unknown m all the world and care Bet free Unknown 71" i From all who dwell below the skies Watts 47!) From busy toil and hear? care Unknown 77! From every stormy wind that blows StoweU m Greenland's icy mountains EFeber 789 From thee, my God. my joys shall rise Wattt From whence those direful omens round.. Unknown 169 > | r* IVE to our God, immortal praise Watts VJ Glorious things of thee are spoken Newton 422 Glory to God on high! Hart 498 Glory to (Sod, the Father's name Watts \\\ Glory to God! who reigns above Keedham 98 Glory to thee, my God, this night Keen 728 Glory to thee, thou righteous God! <\ Wesley K'G1) y to the Father give Montgomery God and his law, are my delight Unknown 628 iour's grace proclaim Worrell l!,ls God has said, forever blessed ('nkum-,, 970 el of his Son 227 I La a name my soul adorefl Watt* 16 God Lfl a Spirit, just and wise Watts 4U"> God is love : his mercy brightens Bowring God moves in a mysterious way C . my supporter and my hope Waits of every land and nation Unknown L002 God of my childhood, and my yovtb Watts L048 God o\ my lit'-', my morning song kfr». X' i - 720 God . to thee thy roic • C. We ey 921 God of the morning, at ii ■ ■■ - 723 Of truth, and God of love Unkn twn 783 .•.ills that 1 ihqnld holy be, I th to different lands.. I 1014 . tbor on ! spend and be spent 1012 i in \ gospel, saitli the Lord Wssttt i m in life's fair morning < nk 1 1 .') Go watch and pray, tho ■ can's! not tell //" die morning shinetk /.'. a. 711 826 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. | \ HYMN. Grace shall our souls inspire Unknown 531 ; Grace ! 'tis a charming sound Doddridge 95 I Gracious Lord, incline thine ear Hammond 324 i Gracious redeemer, how divine! Unknown 604 I Gracious Spirit, love divine J.Strocker 221 j » Great God, as seasons disappear Unknown 897 ; ; Great God, attend, while Zion sings Watts 470 \ Great God! how infinite art thou! Watts 12 ! Great God, in vain man's narrow view Kippis 13 ! Great God, I own thy sentence just Watts 1150 j Great God, my slumbering dust shall hear Unknown 1140 j Great God of nations! now to thee Unknown 1008 \ Great God ! the nations of the earth Gibbons 805 i Great God, to thee my evening song... Mrs. Steele 731 Great God, we sing that mighty hand. ...Doddridge 1032 j Great God, we would to thee make know.... Watts 929 Great God, where'er we pitch our tent... Unknown 910 I Great God, with heart and tongue Unknown 980 Great Lord of all thy churches hear.... Kingsbury 847 Great is the Lord our God Watts 424 Great King of glory come Francis 1024 Great was the day, the joy was great Watts 214 I Guide me, O, thou great Jehovah! T.Oliver 634 c \ XJAD I the gift of tongues Stennett 587 j XI Had I the tongue o? Greeks and Jews... Watts 586 Hail ! mighty and victorious Lord Unknown 105 ' \ Hail ! mighty Jesus, how divine Wallia 235 ! Hail ! my ever blessed Jesus! Win grove 356 | Hail ! my partners in distress Varden 645 | Hail ! sovereign love, that first began Brewer 390 j Hail ! sweetest, dearest tie that binds Lutton 1202 i j Hail ! the blest morn, when the great Hebcr 112 ! Hail ! the day so long expected Unknown 1150 ) | Hail ! the day that brought our freedom. Unknown 1005 ; j Hail ! the day that sees him rise C. Wesley 194 Hail! thou once despised Jesus Bakewel.l 509 j \ Hail ! to the brightness of Zion'sglad Hastings 1145 \ \ Hail! to the Lord's Anointed Montgomery 1138 ' ) Happy the child whose early years Watts 947 j \ Happy the heart where graces reign Watts 582 ? ] Happy the man that finds the grace C. Wesley 413 j /Happy the meek, whose gentle breast Scott, 590 \ Hark ! don't you hear the turtle dove ?.. Unknown 1144 Hark ! from the cross a gracious voice... Unknown 151 \ Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound Watts 112 1 ' Hark! my soul, it is the Lord Cowper 384 ; Hark! ton thousand harps and voices Kelly 213 Hark ! the glad sound, the Saviour co. Doddridge 111 Hark ! the herald angels ring C. Wesley 10G Hark ! the song of jubilee Woityomery 268 Hark! the voice of love and mercy Francis 166 Hark! what triumphant strains are Unknown 'JOT) Haste, my dull soul, arise Unknown 1188 Hasten Lord, the glorious time Lyte 800 Haste, 0 sinner, to be wise Scott 254 Heal us, Immanuel, here we stand Cowper 323 \ Hearken, christian, hear the groaning... Unknown 988 Hearts of stone, relent, relent C. Wesley 154 Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims. Waits 1110 ; Heaven is the land where troubles cease. Unknown 1177 ; He comes! becomes! the Judge severe. C. Wesley 1135 j : He dies! — the Friend of sinners dies! Watts 168 ; Hell ! — 'tis a word of dreadful sound Browne 1171 j Help, Lord, an humble instrument Unknown 448 , Help us, 0 Lord, thy yoke to wear Uiilcnoicn 530 » < Here, at thy table, Lord, we meet Toplady 555 \ j Here, in the presence of our God Unknown 8G7 ; ) Here stands another bethel ./. W. 1026 j Here we close our school-day labors Bumbauyh 936 -Higher, higher, higher raise Unknown 699 High on a throne of light, O Lord Unknown 527 High rolls the temperance wave WieeUing 000 ■ Hither, ye faithful, haste, in songs of Grant 113 Holy and reverend is thy name Needham 20 Holy Bible! book divine! Unknown 70 Hosanna, Lord, thine angels cry Unknown -!7."> Hosanna to the royal Son ! Watts 497 that thirst! a living Fount Unknown 296 5 who start a noble scheme Unknown 1209 - How are thy servants bless'd, O Lord iddis How beauteous are their feet Watts 435 How beautiful the morning ! Ifaeon 1044 How blest is he who fears the Lord Watts 607 How blest is he who ne'er o intents Unknown 602 t the righteous, are Unknown 1115 How blest the righteous when he dies... Barbauld linl How can a sinner know C. Wesley :'»is How can I sink with such a prop ? Watts 529 How can I vent my grief? Unknown How can we see the children, Lord Unknot How charming is the place Stenneti 47:) How condescending and how kind WaiU INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN. ! How did my heart rejoice to hear Watts 462 ! How finii a foundation, ye saints of the.. .Kennedy 674 » How happy every child of grace C. Wesley 394 \ How happy is the christian's state Unknown 566 How helpless guilty nature lies Mrs, Steele 361 \ How honored is the place Watts 417 \ How long has God bestowed his care Newton 890 I How long shall death, the tyrant, reign?.... Watts 1151 j How long the time since Christ began.... Unknown 305 '< \ How lost was my condition Newton 388 J '( How much the hearts of those revive Hoskins 853 $ How oft, alas, this wretched heart Mrs. Steele 882 < \ How perfect is thy word Watts 76$ \ How pleasant, how divinely fair Watts 469 j < How precious is the book divine Fawcett 69 J s How precious is the name! Unknown 571 I How proud Ave are, how fond to show.... Unknown 1223 \ How sad our state by nature is ! Watts 99 j I How shall the young secure their hearts ?... Watts 965 ) \ How short and hasty is our life ! Watts 1068 > \ How short the race our friend has run !.. Unknown 1120 < How still and peaceful is the grave ! Watts 1123 How sweet and awful is the place, Watts 561 1 I How sweet, how heavenly is the sight Swain 692 i How sweetly flowed the gospel sound Bowring 136 \ How sweet the melting lay Unknown 768 \ How sweet the name of Jesus sounds Newton 119 $ } How sweet to be allowed to pray Follen 589 < ' How sweet, to leave the world awhile Kelly 771 \ How swift the torrent rolls Doddridge 1049 I How tedious and tasteless the hours Newton 823 J How vain are all things here below Watts 1210 \ Humble and teachable and mild C. Wesley 671 \ I AM but a young convert Unknown 538 I ask the gift of righteousness C. Wesley 338 \ I bless my Maker's name Unknown 1093 > If Jesus Christ was sent Unknown 303 » If thou impart thyself to me C. Wesley 681 If 'tis sweet to mingle where Unknown 765 \ I have sought 'round this verdant earth. .. Unknown 402 1 1 hear a voice that comes from far Kelly 833 ; I know that my Redeemer lives Medley 374 ! I'll go attempting prayer Unknown 312 > I'll praise my Maker with my breath Watts 483 I I love to steal awhile awav Mrs. Browne 710 INDEX OF FIRST LINKS. 829 IIVMW J I lon£ to see the season come Unknown s:i."> j I lore the sabbath school — the place I'uhnoi'-n 956 j I love the sons of grace I'nknoini 698 j I love thy kingdom, Lord Dwigfrt 41 4 5 1 I'm a pilgrim, ami I'm a stranger Unknown 644 j ; I'm but a Strang r here i'nknoiru 1 ITS ! I'm glad that I was born to die Unknown 381 • Immortal joys await the blest Unknown 1194 ; I'm not ashamed to own my Lord Watte 389 i ;l my Ebenezer raise Faweett 920 ^ I In all my Lord's appointed ways Ryland j In Christ I've all my soul's desire Unknown 140? ! Indulgent Bov'reign of the skies Doddridge 816 ^ Indulgent God of love and power ./. IT. 1017 > Indulgent (rod, to thee we pray Unknown 812} In evil lon^ 1 took delight Newton 392? name once more we meet //. C. >. name, we come to thee Unknown 732 di of grief to my God I'll repair.. Unknown 614 Inspire our bouIs, thou heav'nly Dove.... Unknown 197 ^ Intemperance, like a raging flood Unknown 992 ] In thy great name. 0 Lord, we come Hoiking 512 In thy name. O Lord, assembling Kelly 516 < In vain had (rod. the Father sent Unknown 'I'll In vain men talk of living faith Unknown :U4 In what confusion earth appears Doddridge 1174 I send the joys of earth away WatU I sing th1 almighty power of God Watts 45 in ancient days Unknown s: Is there t God ? yon rising sun Unknown I Is this a fast for me? Drnmmond 884 I think. whmi I read that sweet story of oldJtre.Luke It is the Lord, enthroned in light T.Qreen It shall lie well, let Binners know Hoekine 1 I've found the pearl of greatest price Unknown 129 I wait d patient for the Lord Wi I want to be an angel Unknown 1215 I would not live alway Muhlenberg L19J JEHOVAH'S image bi :. I of might 1 Jehovah speaks, Let Israel hear Watt* 1 17 Jerusalem, my glorious home :. my happy l>. l>>< '• is, and shall ir -v. t be.. thy command j 2R 830 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN. | Jesus, dear name, how sweet it sounds Medley 292 \ | Jesus, friend of sinners hear G. Wesley 879 < JJesus grant us all a blessing Askirs 1240 \ jJesus, great healer of mankind G. W. 1073 j Jesus, great shepherd of thy sheep G. Wesley 694 \[ | Jesus, hail! enthron'd in glory Bakewell 199 ) Jesus hath died that I might lire G. Wesley 688 | Jesus, I love thy charming name Doddridge 118 ! Jesus, immortal King, arise Burder 803 jJesus, I my cross have taken ■. Grant 395 j JJesus invites his saints Watte 551 ) Jesus, lover of my soul C. Wesley 616 j Jesus, my advocate on high G. Wesley 310 • Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone Cennick 335 ■> \ Jesus, my life thyself apply C. Wesley 682 : Jesus, my Saviour, and my God Stennett 584 \ j Jesus, my Saviour, and my Lord Stennett 78 | Jesus, my Saviour, let ine Beddome 679 J Jesus, our Lord ascend thy throne Watts 139 \ Jesus, Redeemer of mankind G. Wesley 851 J \ Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Watte 202 j ' Jesus, the conqu'ror reigns G. Wesley 207 i Jesus, the cross for me endured..' Unknown 532 | Jesus, the Saviour of my soul Unknown 575 Jesus, this mid-day hour of prayer Unknown 772 X Jesus, thy blood and righteousness J. Wesley 349 1 Jesus, thy love shall we forget Unknown 553 j Jesus, the name high over all G. Wesley 116 < \ Jesus, thou everlasting King Watts 46s Jesus, united by thy grace G. Wesley 702 \ \ Jesus, we come at the command Unknown 535 j John was the prophet of the Lord Unknown 88 < !' Join all the glorious names Watts 135 Joyfully, joyfully, onward I more W. Hunter 643 Joy is a fruit that will not grow Newton 595 \ Joy to the world ! the Lord is come Watts 1136 > Just as I am, without one plea Unknown 334 ) Just as thou art — without one trace Unknown 275 \ \ TZEEP silence, all created things Watte 33 | JV Kindred, and friends, and native land... Ward 793 I | Kindred in Christ, for his dear sak7 Let children that would tear the Lord... Unknown 949 Let earth and heaven agree C. Wesley 122 Let earthly minds the world pursue Newt* Let •■very creature join FPato 180 i ry heart rejoice and sing.. II. S. Washburn 1007 Let every mortal ear attend Watts 225 Let hypocrites attend Hotikii Let Joshua's Bolemn charge C7hfcnot0H I'll Let others boast bow Btrong they be R^al Let others boast their ancient line Wo' Let party names no more Beddv, Let sinners take their course Wcfti Let thoughtless thousands choose the road .Hoshin i Let US love, and Bing, and wonder Let vain pursuits, and vain desires Uhhnow Let Zion's sons, and Levi's tribe S.M.Hoom Let Zion's watchmen all awake Doddridge 438 'I Life i- a span — a fleeting hour Mrs, Steele 1117 the time to Berve the Lord Watt* 1055 up your hearts. Immanael's friends.. Unknown 849 Lift np your hearts to things above <\ Wesley 782 Abraham, to a land unknown Unknown Like Noah's weary dove Muhlenberg 421 water Unknown '. another year La gone Unknown 1038 .' iih clouds d *cending Olivt r 1 162 Lo I Jesus, the Saviour in mercy draws... f nknown 837 i Look down, 0 Lord, with pitying eye.. Doddridg* Look not behind! you've broke the chain Unk j Look up, ye saints, with sweet surprise../ nknown 1142 '•:. ye saints, the Bight is glorious Kelly 198 . on a narrow neck of land C. H pd, all I am is known to thee Waits 17 Lord, at thyfeet, I prostrate fall Cenniek thy feet, we sinners !i" Broi one 322 i. at thy table we behold Stennett .">">i !. can a simple child like me Unknown d, dismiss us with I Taylor 1246 Lord, how delightful ' Watts Lord, i. I am t bine, entirely thine h thy mere j seal . tie- father cried Unknown <-. ning I v. ill .-end /,, : Lord, in the morning, thou shalt hear Watts' Lord in thy courts, we now appear Xeedham Lord in thy presence here we meet Holman Lord in thy temple we appear Watts Lord may thy goodness cause our land.. Unknown Lord of the harvest, God of grace Hastings Lord of the harvest, hear C. Wesley Lord of the worlds above Wafts Lord of the worlds below tftiknotpn Lord, our ransomed souls adore thee Unknown Lord send thy servants forth C. Wesley Lord, send thy word, and let it fly Gibbons Lord, teach us how to pray Unknown Lord, thou wilt hear me, when I pray Watts Lord, we adore thy matchless ways Hoskins Lord, we are vile, conceived in sin Watts Lord, we come before thy now .....Hammond 'Lord, we come to ask thy blessing Unknown Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I Watts Lord, what a wretched land is this Watts Lord, when my raptured thoughts Mrs. Steele Lord, when, together here we meet Unknown Lord, while for all mankind we pray Wreford Lo ! the day of pentecost Unknown Love is the strongest tie Unknown Lovers of pleasure more than God C. Wesley Lo! what a cloud of witnesses Unknown Lo ! what a glorious sight appears Watts YMN. \ 727 749! 1010 \ 472 893 523^ 1013 478 1039 846? 811 5 792 J 752 I 734; 855^ 62 \ 756 < 924; 1220; 657 j 54 1233; 1000^ 849 s 588! 240 i 637 1134 J MAJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned Stenneit Make us, by thy transforming gra. Mrs. Steele Mary to the Saviour's tomb S. B. Marsh May the grace of Christ, our Saviour.... Unknown Men of God, go, take your stations Kelly Mercy! O thou Son of David .*.... Newton 'Mid sceues of confusion, and creature.../7. S. Key Millions that are on heathen ground Unknown Mistaken souls, that dream of heaven Watts Mortals, awake, with angels join Medley Must Simon bear his cross alone Unknown My Bible! 'tis a book divine Unknown My brethren, I have found Unknown My country, 'tis of thee S. M. Smith My days, my weeks, my months, my Unknown My dearest friends, in bonds of love Unknown My dear Redeemer and my Lord Watts 147 144 192 1241| 791i 315 j 624 J 796 340 107 ; 622 ) 75 580 > 1003 1089 1229 143 al index oi rirai z£nes. 833 '; HYMN. .Mv drowsy powers, why ale WatU faith looks up to thee R. Palmer 386 Mv faith shall triumph o'er the grare WeUU 1141 \ I , Father calla me to Disarms //. Miller M)76 My God, how endless is thy love fVatta t::t My God, 1 know. I feel thee mine C. Weelep My God, my Father, cheering name Mrs, Steele 53 , My God, my lite, mv love WaHe ->~ I My God, my portion and my love Watts 572; My God, permit my tongue WatU My God, the covenant of thy love Unknown My God, the Bpring of all my joys fFofta 577 My God, thy service well demand.- Doddridge l"'il My gracious Lord, I own thy right Doddridge My lite declines, mv strength is gone Unknown 1072 My Lord, my lite, at last to thee Unknown Mv lorely Jesus, while on earth Unknown My Maker, and mv King H*r», Steele 14 My Saviour, my almighty Friend Watte My son, know thou the Lord Unk My Borrows, like a flood Unknown My soul, be on thy guard Heath -oul, come, meditate the day Watte 1082 My bouI, repeat his praise Watte My soul .-hall praia • thee, <) my God. Heginbotham My .-oul. thy minutes haste away Browne 1<>71 My thoughts on awful subjects poll Watte 248 My times of sorrow ami of joy Beddome My times are in thy hand Unknown VTO foot of land do ] Unknown '"17 Li No: I'll !•• pine at death no more Unknown 1164 No more, my God, I'll boast do more 1; n. nor car hath heard WatU No room fof mirth or trifling I 1090 Nor all the blood of I 11 ill the nobles of the eartb 370 ard forms on earth ^ , -t affliction gro* Not liff nor all the toys "i aii the malici' D H Not :>> the terrors <>t the Lord H begin the heavenly theme Lonafield 101 el banner //" . brethren, though we part 1015 thren, to roup homes reps\ir.S.M.H 834 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN. | Now from labor and from care Hastings 736 j \ Now from the altar of our hearts Mason 730 \ Now in a song of grateful praise Medley 400 i j Now, in the heat of youthful blood Watts 967 \ Now is th' accepted time Dobell 284 > I Now is the time, th' accepted hour Gowper 255 ! j Now let each happy guest Unknown 562 j j Now let our mournful songs record Watts 153 Now let our mourning hearts revive.... Doddridge 1111 i Now let us raise our voices high Unknown 1045 I | Now, Lord, the heavenly seed is sown.... Unknown 520 \ Now, O my soul, another year Browne 1035 \ \ Now, pilgrims, let us go in peace Unknown 1239 j Now we are met in holy fear Burnham 776? f Now the shades of night are gone Unknown 718 0 BLESSED souls are they Watts 350 O bless the Lord, m}' soul ! Montgomery 484 \ j O come, come away, intemperance Unknown 994 O, come, come away from sin, that Unknown 838 O, could I find from day to day Harrison 714 s O could I speak the matchless worth Medley 132 I O'er the gloomy hills of darkness P. Williams 807 | O for a closer walk with God ! Cowper 824 \ O, for a faith that will not shrink Bathhurst 332 ) O for a glance of heavenly day Hart 265 O for a heart that loves to pray Unknown 680 O for a heart to praise my God C. Wesley 678 O for a prophet's fire Unknown 560 | O for a shout of joy Unknown 91 O for a shout of sacred joy Watts 193 \ O for a thousand tongues to sing C. Wesley 495 | O for that tenderness of heart O. Wesley 301 O for the death of those Unknown 1109 j i O for the happy hour Bethune 842 j Oft as the bell, with solemn toll Newton 1085 > \ O give me, Lord, my sins to mourn Unknown 271 j O God of mercy, hear my call Watts 329 O God of sov'reign grace Millrose 819 O God our help in ages past Watts 578 j O God! thou art a Spirit pure Unknown 15 O God! to thee we raise our eyes Unknown 629 \ O gracious Father! send us showers Unknown 1227 j O happy day, that stays my choice Doddridge 385 > O happy is the man who hears Unknoion 409 \ O how divine, how sweet the joy Newton 854 \ L « INIU.X OF FIRST LINKS. 835^ O how happy are they C Wetley 379 0 ! if my soul were formed for woe Watt* ;><>t 0 ,J. Baa ! lull of gi ace C, II' () Jesus, 1 have come to thee Unknown :;i!> () Lamb of God! 0 Lamb of God Unknown 177 () Lord, another day is flown //. K. WhiU 0 Lord, behold us at thy feet Wrt. /'. 930 J o Lord, 1 would delight in thee /. Ryland () Lord, our fathers oft have told Unknown K'H4 0 Lord, oar God, arise Unknown 802 ■ 0 Lord, our King, how excellent \fontgomi ■0 Lord, our languid souls inspire Vewi 0 Lord, thy work revive Hastings 843 O Lord, through Christ, come down Unknown 841 O Lord, to us assembled here Unknown 7M I) Lord, we launch again Unknown 9M O Love divine, how sweet thou ait ! ('. WetUf CS7 . 0 may 1 love, at early day Unknown HJ9 «On Bethel's solemn ground ./. W. tOOT j Once 1 thought my mountain strong Newton 890 \ Once more a pleasant interview Unknown 1228 , Once more, before we part Unknown 1 2.1s : Once more, before we part Unknown \'li* One14 Once, O Lord, thy garden flourished Vewton 827 One there is, above all others Vetoton 125 One thing is needful, one alone Unknown 41*2 On Jordan's stormy banks 1 stand .nn>ft 11M On Tabor's height the Saviour stood Unknc On this Illustrious, joyful morn Unknown 1*!» On thy church, O Power divine I o Bing to me of heaven Ifr*. Dana 1081 d thee christian, on thy way Unkno O that I could forever dwell..*. .*. O that 1 could my Lord receive C. W< O that I were 08 heretofore ! ( . Wi O tell me no more of this world'.- vain../. G O that mv load of Bin were gone ( '. Wi ill y 307 O that the Lord's salvation." / O that the Lord would guide my \s a \ s WatU 684 <> the delights, the heavenly joyi Wa l) the .- 1 1 : 1 1 1 [darting pain Wa O thou, from whom all good] , // o thou, in who-- presence my soul takes Sindu 383 O thou God of in C. II . O thou, my light, my lite, my joy Unkno ' 836 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN. 0 thou, that hearst when sinners cry Unknown 317 j 0 thou that hearest prayer Unknown 223 0 thou, the helpless orphan's hope Unknown 1216 Q thou who driest the mourners' tears ... Unknown 620 ,; 0 thou whose tender mercy hears Mrs. Steele 270 ; 0 time ! how few thy value weigh Scott 1050 0 turn from the wine glass away.! Unknown 996 \ Our Father, who in heaven art Unknown 762 ) Our great High Priest we sing Unknown 141 | [ Our heavenly Father, hear Montgomery 766 ^ Our bondage here shall end, by and by.. Unknown 658 j > Our God is love, and all his saints Unknown 700 { \ Our great Redeemer rose Unknown 188^ I Our Lord is risen from the dead C. Wesley 195 Om souls by love together knit Miller 695 O what a blessed morn Unknown 114 0 what amazing words of grace Medley 233 j O ! what hath Jesus bought for me Unknown 675 J j O when shall I see Jesus Unknown 666 O when the tear is gushing G.B.Ide 712 0 where shall rest be found Montgomery 1086 0 yes, there is a happier shore Unknown 1186 \ O ye young, ye gay, ye proud Unknown 977 ) O young men, " stand up for Jesus" Unknown 775 j PARENTS and children there may part. Unknown 1166 \ People of the living God J. W. 542 < People of the living God Montgomery 883 < | Phvsician of my sin-sick soul Newton 302 \ Planted in Christ, the living Vine S. F. Smith 429 j Plunged in a gulf of dark despair Watts 93 Poor and needy though I be Unknown 959 \ 5 Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him.. Unknown 482 \ Praise to God, immortal praise Mrs. Barbauld 895 \ Praise to God, the great Creator Fawcett 491 j *> Prayer is the breath of God in man Beddomc 708 } ) Prayer is the soul's sincere desire Montgomery 703 J Prepare me, gracious God Elliott 326 Preserved by thine almighty power Unknown 941 Prince of peace, be ever near us Unknown 1250 \ Proclaim, said Christ, my Father's grace.. Newton 540 \ Prostrate, dear Jesus, at thy feet... Stennett 263 j 8L Qo INDEX OF FIRST UNKS. HYMN. KXCH not the Spirit of the Lord.... Umhnw RAISE your triumphant songs WaU Rapid my days and months run on... Unknown lo:;T Rejoice, believer in the Lord Newton <;<;!) . for Christ, the Saviour, reigns. ..jB in Jesus' birtb Unknown 11") d is King C. W< s Religion is the balm Unknown rioD is the chief concern Fawcett 407 j ark, my soul, the narrow bound. ...Doddridge 1033 mbei'j man, thou hast a soul Unknown ! Remember, sinful youth / "nknown Remember thy Creator now Unknown Repent ami be baptized Bur nh am Repent, the voice celestial cries Doddridge 299 s Retire, vain world, awhile retire Unknown 848 < Return, my soul, unto thy rest Cennick Return. 0 wanderer, return CoUyer Return, (> wand'rer. to thy home thv work, <> Lord" // Rich are the joys that cannot die ' \ . and Btretch thy wings 0 my soul! pursue tne path Veedham 635 y soul, and leave the ground Unknown 9 Be from thy mourning Unknown 190 Btandard rally.... Unkno f cleft lor me Toplady 123 Roll on, thou joyful day / SILT through .mother week Saints, exult!— adieu to tears W. N. l!i:» / '/'/./< Salvation! how pre ions the sound Chappcl 155 a r<>ll ( 91 I sound ! Wa i h y plantal ion Saw y - ;:'.' S iw ve my Unkno within fl j th; one... '/' ••. 8 ■ ■ '• 685 -mi 5 TIT f the Lord... C. Wi '838 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. See th' eternal Judge descending! Cleland \ See what a living Stone Watts j Servant of God, well done .ft Wesley > Shall foolish, weak, short-sighted man.. .ft Wesley \ Shall I, for fear of feeble man J. Wesley \ Shall man, 0 God of light and life Dwighi \ Shed not a tear o'er your friend's Mrs, Dana \ Shepherd divine, our wants relieve ft Wesley \ Show pity, Lord; 0 Lord forgive Watts i Since all the varying scenes of time Harvey \ Since Jesus freely did appear Berridge j Since, Lord, thy mighty grace did ca.]\... Unknown j Since man, by sin, has lost his God Unknown j Sing, all ye ransomed of the Lord Doddridge ) Sing to the Lord — Jehovah's name Watts \ Sin has a thousand treacherous arts Watts i Sin, like a venomous disease Watts \ Sinner, art thou still secure? Xca-ton \ Sinner! awake, to think Unknown j Sinner, behold! behold the Man ! G. Wesley ! Sinner, can you slight the Saviour B. H. P. Sinners, hear, for God hath spoken Unknown Sinner, how oft hath God reproved Unknown Sinner, 0 ! why so thoughtless grown? Watts Sinners, this solemn truth regard Faicceit Sinners, the voice of God regard Faiccett Sinners turn, why will ye die ? C. Wesley Sinners, will you scorn the message ....Allen Sinner, your danger view Unknown Sister thou wast mild and lovely S. F. Smith So did the Hebrew prophet raise Unknown Softly, now. the light of day Doane Soldiers of Christ, arise ;. C. Wesley Solemnly, sadly, the mourners draw near. ..Miller So let our lips and lives express Watts Songs of praise, the angels sang Montgomery Soon shall the trump of freedom Unknown Soon we shall see the glorious morning Unknown Sovereign of worlds, display thy. ...I?. II Draper Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all Eojfies Sovereign Ruler of the skies Eyland Sow in the morn thv seed Montgomery Sparkling and bright in its liquid lightJfra. Dana Speak gently ! it is better far Unknown I Speak gently to the erring ones F. G. Lee \ Spirit divine attend our prayer Reed 'MX. ) 1165 J 1023 , 1102 14 446 1163 1122 s 627 ) 311 51 ' 922 307 1208 '. G39 : 474 J 65 j 66 ' 247 250 ; 173 1173 236 ' 252 253 360 ; 237 i 241 . 517) 863 1112 85 735 . 663 J 183) 585 : 485 986 1139 i 815 273! 55 440 1 998) 931 612 j 1028* ;3 [NDKX 01 EJNBS. 839 II V it of God, thine influence shed ./. IT. 650 | Stand up, and bless the Lord Montgomery 486 , Stand up, my soul, Bhake off thy fears H of peace, to wanderers weary 'V,-, ' Stay, thou insulted Spirit . stay Q, H • d winter throws his icy chains sfr». .s . poor sinners, stop and think VJ p down, my thoughts, that used to rise. WatU 1097 Strait is the way, the door is strait Watts 601 Stretched on the cross, the Saviour diesJ/r*. Steele ir,4 Submissively, my God Unknown 631 Supreme in wisdom, and in power Unknotc Sure, there is a righteous God ]V<<> I .'Mies rush upon my sig:ht Unknon the work, my God, my King WaU - the work. 0 Lord I Unknown 464 Sweet rivers of redeeming love Unknotc Sweet, to rejoice in lively hope I \um 1099 t Swell the anthem, raise the song Unfcnow Swift the moments fly awav Unknow Sweet was the time when urst 1 felt Ni wton 826 HHAKE up thy cross ! the Saviour said.. Unkn 1 Teach me the measure of my days R h us, in time of d h us, O Lord, aright to plead •/. W. 740 'i us, O Lord. t;» sin-- and pray ■>'. W. me no more of earthly toy- //". That awful day will surely come Watts I to know Wright ' Bible is a bli Unknown 71 Tli- christian knows his God aright Church of God believes it right /. W. The cross of Jesus purifies Unknown joyful day Unk The • ind gone Unknown - in tii«- di unkard' The • our borne ' 1 1!,:' I name I King '/■ \ p loomy night oi dai Itness 1 a loi ions lighl of Zion I rod of bai i '<''• The God of nature and \ Th • happy morn 840 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. j HYMN. j The head that once was crowned with thorns. Kelly 203 > The heavens declare thy glory, Lord Watts 39 i The King of heaven his table spreads.. Doddridge 556 J The last lovely morning Unknown 1146 j 5 The law by Moses came Watts 231 i \ The long-lost son, with streaming eyes... Unknown 306 j '( The Lord is ris'n indeed Kelly T87 j 5 The Lord Jehovah reigns J Faffs 20G j \ The Lord Jehovah reigns Watts 7 J The Lord my Shepherd is Watts 127 \ The Lord, our God, is full of might... .H. K. White 20 \ J The Lord, who truly knows Newton 746 \ The Lord will come, the earth shall quake... Heber 1164 1 \ The Lord will happiness divine Cowper 877 ] j The moment a sinner believes Bart 346 \ The morning light is breaking S.F.Smith 810 j j The pearl tnat worldlings covet Unknown 396 ! \ The people called christians L. G. Wells 919 I The perfect world, by Adam trod X. P. Willis 46 ; \ The promises I sing Doddridge 87 i \ There is a dark, a silent home Unknown 1131 \ There is a dwelling house above Unknown 683 ' s There is a fountain fill'd with blood. Cowper 176 j \ There is a God — all nature speaks Mrs. Steele 2 < j There is a God, who reigns above E. Jukes 939 ■ i There is a God, who rules on high Jukes 3 s There is a happy land Unknown 1184 j There is a heaven above the skies Unknown 1205 | There is a hope, a blessed hope Unknown 124 j i There is a house, not made with hands Watts 1098 | There is an hour of hallowed peace... W.JS.Tappan 1176 i There is an hour of peaceful rest W.B. Tappan 1196 \ There is a land, like Eden fair A. C. Ooxe 1095 ] There is a land of pure delight Watts 1175 \ There is a path that leads to God Watts 636 \ There is a place of sacred rest Turnbull 1195 There is a place where my hopes are Unknown 1187 There is a region, lovelier far Tuck 1201 There is a school on earth begun Unknown 972 . There is a time, we know not when Unknown 257 {< There seems a voice in every gale Mrs. Opie < There's joy in heaven and joy on earth... Unknown ; There's not a tint that paints the rose Watts } The rich memorial of thy grief. Unknown \ The sabbath school, how dear to me Unknown j The sabbath school's a place of prayer... Unknown J The sabbath school, that blessed plan Unknov-n 43; 858 : 40 I 564) 945) 938 ? 943 i J lM)r.X ul- i-tkst LINKS. SJrl ° HYMN. The sacred bond of perfectnesa 0. ' red page proclaims abroad Unknown 541 i The Saviour calls— let every ear Mrs, Steele J The Saviour — O what endless charms I.. Mr 8. Steele 120 ^ The Saviour ris'n to-day we praise Unknown 1 85 Son of man they did betray Unknown 17.'> The spacious firmament on high iddison The Spirit in our hearts Unknoum The sun that lights the world shall lade.. Unknown 1091 < The time is short, the season near Hoskins 1051 \ The true Messiah now appears Watt* 86 ; The truth ol God shall still endure lid dome 31 \ The voice of free grace cries, escape to.... Thornhy 839 \ ■: The wanderer no more will roam Unknown ', The worth of truth no tongue can tell.... Unknown 411 ■ Thine earthly sabbaths. Lord, we \0Ye.. Doddridge This bethel now, eternal God Unknown 1026 < This book of books I'd rather own Unknown 72 This day belongs to God alone Unknown !";i This is a precious book indeed Unknown This is the day the Lord hath made Watts , This is the field, the world below Unknown 1167 This Is the word of truth and love Watts This life is but a summer's day Unknown !>71 I This new built bethel now is done ./. IT. 1029 world is all a fleeting show | 197 \ Thou art the way ; to thee alone Doane \ Thou didst, O mighty God, exist Unknown 8 Though earth-born shadows now may Barton 619 ; Though parents may in covenant be..* I> Though troubles assail, and dangers Newton j Thou great First Cause, least understood Unit i i Thou great Foundation of the church Unknown 1 Thou hast -aid, exalted Jesus /. A'. G ; Thou Jndge of quick and dead O. H'. Thou Refuge of my soul lfr».& I Thou'rt gone to the grave ; but we will i '.. I: Thou shalt not covet Unknown 1 Thou shalt not kill Unknoum 1224 Th<>u .-halt not steal Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine C. \\'< Kedron Unknown l»;i Thou, who art tfa Unkno Thou, who dosl my life prolong] Thou, who for Through all the changi Through all the <3 hi AV/y ;j_- 2£ k 1^842 I INDEX OF FIRST LINES. ) HYMN. 5 Through Christ, when we together came... Bulwer 1236 <■ Through endless years thou art the same Unknown 11 \ Throughout the Saviour's life we trace.... Unknown 156 \ Through sorrow's night and danger's path.. White 1133 j Through tribulations deep Unknown 916 \ Thus I resolved before the Lord Watts 1211 \ Thus said Jesus : Go and do Roscoe 603 \ \ Thus saith the first, the great command Watts 600 j Thus saith the Lord, my son shall reign Watts 817 $ Thus saith the wisdom of the Lord Seott 234 | Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess Gibbon 23 $ Thy footsteps, Lord, with joy we trace... Unknown 1212 5 Thy kingdom, Lord, forever stands Unknoicn 49 j Thy mercy heard my infant prayer Glenely 1047 ) Thy presence, gracious Lord, afford Fawcett 511 < Thy people, Lord, who trust thy word Voke 798 '/ Thy way, 0 Lord, is in the sea Fawcett 48 > Time is earnest, passing by Unknown 245 Time is winging us away Burton 1053 Time, like an ever-rolling stream Watts 1052 j Time ! — what an empty vapor 'tis Watts 1056 \ 'Tis a point I long to know Newton 871 j 'Tis faith that lays the sinner low Beddome 337 I 'Tis finish'd — so the Saviour cried Stennett 172 > 'Tis finished! the conflict is past Unknown 1105 ;'Tis finished! the Messiah dies! C. Wesley 180 I 'Tis God, the great God we adore Hart 1237 j { 'Tis my happiness below Coicper 618 < j 'Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow Tappan 162 i ) To-day,— if ye will hear his voice Meller 298 j \ To-day the Saviour rose Unknown 460; j To God, the mighty Lord, Unknown 486 »: To God the only wise Watts 507 j \ To our Redeemer's glorious name Mrs. Steele 508 \ !i To praise thee, ever bounteous Lord Needham 896 J j To thee, O Lord, my heavenly King 3Iedley 757 j To the flowing stream of Jordan Unknown 545 \ i To us a child of hope is born Montgomery <; Try us, O God, and search the ground... C. Wesley I 'Twas by an order from the Lord Watts \ 'Twas Jesus' last and great command B. ) Twas on that dark that doleful night Watts >f 'Twas on that night, when doomed to kn.. Unknown ; 'Twas the commission of our Lord Watts UNCERTAIN how the wav to find Newton 879 | 109! 748^ 82 441 550 558 534 U Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb Watts 1125 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. 843 " HYMN. Upon the banks of Jordan stood Unknown 89 I Upward, onward ! is our watchword Unknown 987 j T7AIX are the hopes, the sons of men Watts 351 j J V Vain delusive world, adieu C.Wesley 393 J Vain man thy fond pursuits forbear Hart 300 j \ Vital spark of heavenly flame Pope 10S8 ', \XT AKE up, my muse, condole the loss.. Unknown 1121 j VV Walk in the light, so shalt thou know. Barf on 605 j j Watchman ! tell us of the night Bon-ring 1143^ Weary of struggling with my pain Watts 8G9 J j We bless the Prophet of the Lord Watts 134 ) j We bid thee welcome in the name Montgomery 443 j We bless the Lord, the just and good Watts 906 \ > We come, 0 Lord, before thy throne Watts 918 | We come to sing thy praise Unknown 964 \ [Weep, mourning scholars, weep Unknown 950 ' 5 Weep not for a brother deceased C. Wesley 1114 ; \ We give immortal praise Watts 36 ; !We know, by faith we know Unknown 1107 Welcome, delightful morn Hay ward 459 Welcome, sweet da}7 of rest Watts 450 j Welcome, ye anxious, to this place Unknown 864 \ Welcome, ye well-beloved of God Unknown 427 s Welcome, *0 Saviour, to my heart Unknown 865 :; We live as pilgrims and strangers below... Unknown 640 j ( We'll not give up the Bible." Unknown 948 ' We meetvagain in gladness Unknown j We now to Christ, the Saviour King..... Unknown 963 > S We now have heard our brethren tell.... Unknown 786 We're marching to the promis'd land Unknown 646 \ We're met dear friends in Jesus' name J. W. 764 We're met, O Lord, before thy throne J. W. 71 1 j We're traveling home to heaven above.. Unknown | We speak of the realms of the blest Unknown 1193 We ^ing the Saviour's wondrous death... Unknown 1 74 S We've no abiding city here Kelly 642 What a meeting, what a meeting that will Unknown 12 1 5 \ What a mercy, a mercy is this Unknown What cheering words are these Kent | What contradictions meet Unknown 449 \ \ What dreadful spot is this I nknown 471 i \ What glory gilds the sacred page? Unknown 77 J J What heavenly music do I hear Unknown 859 \ ft I 844 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMN. | | What have I in this barren land Watts 1182 { J What, if our bark, o'er life's rough wave. Unknown 1192 \ \ What is the thing of greatest price.... Montgomery 1217 \ ; What is this something in the mind Unknown 579 \ I What language now salutes the ear ? Hoskins 276 i | What mean ye, that ye bruise and bind.. Unknown 984 \ \ What now is my object and aim? Unknown 779 i What poor despised company Unknown 653 '< \ What shall I render to my God Watts 1221 j \ What shall the dying sinner do? Crittenden 229 £ ) What sinners value 1 resign Watts 1155 ) | What sound is this ? a song through Unknown 28 \ j What sound is this salutes my ear ? Unknown 1147 s \ What's this that steals, that steal upon.. Unknown 1083 \ < What strange perplexities arise Davies 874 < What sweet emotions in me move Unknown 376? \ What think you of Christ? is the test Newton 133 What tho' no flowers, the fig-tree clothe... Unknown 58 \ ) What various hindrances we meet Cowper 745 < \ What various lovely characters Unknown 131 \ < When Abrah'm, full of sacred awe Bippon 1001 \ \ When Adam sinned, thro' all his race.... Unknown 64 \ j When all thy mercies, 0 my God Addison 493 \ \ When any turn from Zion's way Newton 623 \ ,' When blooming youth is snatched away Mrs. Steele 1113 \ When brightersuns and milder skies/.. ...Pcalody 1041 \ ' When Christ, at Heaven's command alone Unknown 102 j : When daily I kneel down to pray Unknown 958 I • Whene'er a sinner turns to God Stennet 856 < ; When for some little insult given ./. Taylor 952 \ ; When for th' eternal world I steer Unknown 913 J ( When gathering clouds around I view...Z. Glenelg 632 $ j When God revealed his gracious name Watts 353 s I When God is nigh, my faith is strong Watts 1157 ) \ When I can read my title clear Watts 668 \ \ When Israel's sons, a murm'ring race.... Unknown 84 \ \ When I survey the wondrous cross Watts 167 J | When Jesus Christ was here below Unknown 547 \ \ When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay Gibbon 142 J I When languor and disease invade Toplady 1057 '> j When marshall'd on the nightly plain//". K. White 121 \ | When o'er the mighty deep we rode Unknown 917 \ \ When our Lord was crucified Unknown 1210 > 1 When rising! from the bed of death Addison 1169 j When shall we all meet again Unknown 1243 < When shall we meet again Unknown 1235 i INDEX OF FIRST LTN1ES. 845® HYMN. d the dark and heavy cloud Unknown 1222 When the first parents 01 our raf-<- Unknown 92 ' When the harrest is past and the 3. F. Smith 836 ; When the last trumpet's voice Unknown 1152 When the sabbath bell, which we love... Unknown mi When thou, my righteous Judge, shall comeBippon 1 L68 When torn is toe bosom by sorrow or care Unknown 707 When we with welcome slumber | Where'er we meet, you always say Unknown Where two or three together meet Kent 787^ Where two or three with sweet accord Stennett 7.'.] While life prolongs its precious light Dwighi While shepherds watched their flocks fate 108 1 While sounds of war are heard around Aikin B87 While thee I seek, protecting power Mies Williams 715 While through this changing world.. ..Montgomery 1183 \ While to the grave our friends are borne. Unknown 1132 j i While with ceaseless course the sun Newton 103G \ Who are these, arrayed in white C, Wesley 1188 Who but thou, almighty Spirit Unknown 813 > Who can describe thejoys that rise ? Watte 860 \ Who is as the christian great? Unknown 569 < Who is this that comes from Kdoin ? Unknown 210 ^ Why do we mourn departed friends? Watts 1130 > Why is my heart so far from thee ? H Why should 1 join with those in play.... Unknown 942 \ Why should our tears in sorrow flow Unknown 1110 Why should the children of a King R Why should we mourn the sainted dear!.. Unknown '. Why should we spend our youthful day-. Unk Why should we start and fear to die Watte 1087 Wide is tin- gat" and broad the way Unk With aching heart and we< | 272 With banner and with badg With cheerful voices r: . Unknown With guilt oppr I down with. Unknown With (grateful hearts and tuneful lays Unk\ With heavenly power, O Lord, defend... Unknown 1019 Within thy court-. 0 God, to-dav Unknown 1031 Within thy house, O Lord, our (Jod Unk With joy w<- h:i 'day With joy v. H With my substance I will honor With < 1 i n _r lo»d R With stately towers and bulwark- 413 ^ With lean of anguish 1 1 ue L » 846 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. With what a fixed and peaceful mind Unknown 1118 \ With willing; hearts we tread S. F. Smith 537 j Would you win a soul to God? Hammond 444 i Would'st thou an erring soul redeem Unknown 608 I YE burden'd souls, to Jesus come Dobell 868 Ye followers of the Prince of Peace Unknown 563 I Ye careless professors, who rest on your Unknown 829 \ Ye friends of liberty, awake Unknown 985 I Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu Mrs. Steele 410 > Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm... Doddridge 976 j Ye humble souls, approach your God... Mrs. Steele 22 < Ye living men, the tomb survey Doddridge 1128 i Ye lovely bands of blooming youth Doddridge 974 J Ye messengers of Christ Vo'ke 1016 i Ye nations 'round the earth, rejoice Watts 487 \ Ye saints of God, below Welsh ampel 1206 \ Ye saints, proclaim abroad Ryland 500 | Ye servants of the Lord Doddridge 606 \ Ye sin-sick souls dismiss your fears Phip])ard 290 I Ye sin-sick souls, draw near Unknown 297 | Yes, I will bless thee, O my God ! Heginbotham 481 j Y^es, my native land, I love thee S. F. Smith 790 \ Yes, we trust the day is breaking Unknown 808 J Ye trembling souls dismiss your fears Beddome 594 | Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor — Mrs, Steele 287 I Ye unconverted, careless souls J. W. 251 > Ye virgin souls, arise O. Wesley 1137 > Y'onder amazing sight I see ...Stenntt 165 \ Yroung people all, attention give Unknown 981 ZEAL is that pure and heavenly flame Newton 593 Zion, awake! thy strength renew Shrubsole 423 > Zion stands with hills surrounded Kelly 426 >®