rillllllillllllillllllilllllUIIIIIMIIIll l!l I! OTTA&E LIBKAIIY. BA? < OpN| \ Vl)-L'. .1 ■; IlKr: 1 1 IIIIIIIIUIII II: 1 Hill' !; 1 1 — OJ •^ a. ;^ _ro # >^* (^ 2 ^' -C 1 ^ ^ o w O CD C •< .^' "a; =J E 1'; CO > ^ S i.r §^ S4-* 2 cq O >> ;5 ^ ^ ^ -o :^* 1 "c ray for him. You should feel, that he is, in some measure, under your care, till he is old enough to declare with his own mouth, at Confirmation, that he will faithfully follow Christ. Then the Bishop will lay his hands upon him, and give him his blessing ; and he will be received as a confirmed and full member of the church. Think, then, how solemn your duty is, when you attend your God- child at its baptism ! First, you promise, that he will renounce, or give up, the service of AND GODMOTHERS. 57 the devil, the pomps and vanity of the world into which he is enter- ing, and all the sinful lusts and in- clinations of the flesh. See, then, that you have from your heart given up these things, and have de- voted yourself to God. Secondli/, you promise, that he shall be a believer in Christ's ofos- pel. Examine yourself, whether you are resting with simple and humble faith on that Saviour, whom the Gospel offers to you. Thirdly^ you promise, that he shall keep God's commandments. And here let me beg you to search and try your ways ; and see whether you are living in sincere and faith- ful obedience to the will of your heavenly Father. 58 HINTS FOR GODFATHERS It is, indeed, enough to make one shudder to see those, whom we know to be ungodly persons, coming to the font as godfathers and god- mothers. They dare to promise for others, what their own consciences tell them they have no desire them- selves to perform. We tremble, too, for Parents who choose such Guar- dians for their children. Nothing has been said, it is hoped, to keep back serious and thoughtful Persons from undertaking this duty. The office is solemn, but the Lord's grace is sufficient to enable you to discharge it faithfully. It is your duty, who really love the Lord Jesus, not to shrink from it. On the contrary, you should feel glad to lend a hand, as it were, in build- ing up His spiritual Church. Look AND GODMOTHERS. 59 upon it rather as " a work of faith," and "a labour of love;" for, as our Prayer Book says, it is '' a chari- table work." 60 CHAPTER VII. ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED, WHEN OLD ENOUGH TO LISTEN TO IT. It ought to make you very thank- ful, to think that you have long been placed within the shelter of Christ's Fold. You have been wel- comed into the family and church of God, by the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. It is your privilege now to look upon G od, as your God ; upon Jesus, as your Saviour ; upon the Holy Spirit, as your Guide and Sanctifier; upon Heaven, as the ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. 61 bright and happy home, where you 11] ay dwell for ever. This, I say, should make you feel thankful. But it should make you very thoughtful too. For, can it be a light thing to belong to Christ; to engage yourself as His servant; to have been publicly enlisted into His army ; to be one of His mem- bers? All this took place when you were very young. You could then promise nothing for yourself. But your kind Friends, who knew what was best for you, promised for you, that you would become the servant and follower of Jesus Christ. They became bound for you; pledg- ing themselves, that nothing should be wanting on their part to lead you into this blessed service. And now let me solemnly ask G 62 ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. you, whether you are keeping these promises, or breaking them. Two paths are before you. One path is very easy to find, and it is very easy to continue in it. The Bible says of it, " Wide is the gate, and broad is the way ; and many there be that go in thereat." The road is for the most part downhill. Little or no toil is ne- cessary for those who walk in it. There are many gay flowers and delicious-looking fruits to entice you by the way. But, then, some of these only last for a moment ; and others, which taste sweet at first, soon turn into gall. It is true, there are crowds of fellow travel- lers to be met with ; and yet, in one sense, you must journey on alone. I mean, you will be without Christ. ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. 63 And, every step you take, you will be getting farther from him. But now comes the great question, Whither will this road lead us ? To DESTRUCTION ! ! The other path is very different. We cannot even find it of our- selves. The Spirit of God must enlighten us to see the way; and He alone can give us a desire to w^alk in it. It is written concern- ing this road, " Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and few there be that find it." It is uphill at times. There are here and there rugged and steep places, where we need the arm of Some One, stronger than ourselves, to lean upon. And yet it is a safe road ; a way too of pleasantness, and a path full of peace. Every pilgrim is expected 64 ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. to give up his own will, to resist his own inclinations, and to struggle manfully against his enemies ; and these enemies are many, and they try all they can do to turn us from our course. But there is a Friend always near to help us, to cheer us on, to give us counsel, and to clear the way for us. He can support us when we are weak, and comfort us when we are cast down. He seems to be for ever whispering in our ears, " This is the way ; walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." Oh ! there is joy and blessedness to be found in this path, which the other promises, but cannot give. And it becomes brighter and brighter as we journey on ; for " the path of ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. 65 the just is as the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect clay." And whither will it lead us? to eternal LIFE ! ! ! Now, my dear Reader, if your friends, who took you to be chris- tened, had pledged themselves that you would follow the first of these paths, would they have acted a kind part towards you? No; certainly not. And therefore they promised in your name, that you would be a traveller on the other road, which leads to heaven. And is it not truly a happy thing to be a Follower of Christ ? Is it not a great honour to belong to Him, and to be a member of His Church and Family ? " Behold, what manner of love the Father g3 66 ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God !" How careful, then, and how watchful you should be, lest you disgrace that holy name by which you are called ! How eagerly you should look to your own heart, +o see whether Christ, and Christ alone, is ruling there ! To have re- ceived the blessing of Baptism, and yet not to be serving Christ, is to be in a most awful condition. This is making our very Baptism a wit- ness ao^ainst us. I fear there are man v baptized persons who have " lifted up their eyes, being in torments." Think not, then, that you are truly Christ's, unless your life and conversation show that you are His ; for " if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.' ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. 67 I feel it necessary to give this warning. But I hope that my dear Reader is not merely bearing the name of Christ, and wearing His livery ; but is also living the life of a Christian. Then it is well with you. Go on in your blessed course. You are called to pass through a dangerous world ; but fear not. Only keep your eyes steadily fixed on your Lord ; for He is very near you, though you see Him not. In all your weakness cling to Him; for He has said, " My grace is suffi- cient for you ; for my strength is made perfect in weakness." " I will never leave you." When sin entices you, (and this it most assuredly will do,) think to yourself, " I am God's child ; how then can I do this great wicked- 68 ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. ness, and sin against my heavenly Father ?" When Satan troubles you, fly to your Saviour for sup- port. And, when the world offers you a bribe, think of that better world — your own true Home — to which you are hastening. Tel J those who would lead you astray, that you are already pledged to Christ; that you find His yoke easy, and His burden light; that you have been signed with the sign of His cross, in token that you should be faithful to Him. Tell them, that He gives you a comfort and a peace even now, which the world cannot give; and that you are looking forward to your pro- mised rest in heaven, where you hope to be received, being washed from all your guilt in the blood of ADVICE TO THE BAPTIZED. 69 the Lamb, and clothed with His righteousness. And now, dear Reader, I take my leave of you. If there has been any truth in these pages, if there has been anything said to do you good, then think of these things. Most heartily do I commend you to God. May you become a true and faithful member of His Church ; so that, having been admitted into His Kingdom here, you may hereafter be welcomed to a higher and better Inheritance above. And va^yyour ear be one day gladdened by that heavenly voice, which shall say to you, " Come, ye blessed of my Fa- ther, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world !" 70 CHAPTER VIII. PRAYERS. 1 . For Parents^ before the Baptism of a Child. Almighty Father, we thank thee for thy great goodness in hav- ing given us this dear Chikl. Make us to feel a deep concern for the well-being of his^ soul. Oh, how great is thy mercy, in sending thy Son from heaven to die for us ! Grant that, by His precious blood, * "His" may be changed for "her/' &c. PRAYERS. 71 both we and our children may be cleansed from our sins. Thou hast promised to give thy Holy Spirit to them that ask thee ; and thou hast promised to pour that Spirit upon our offspring. Lord, fulfil thy promise at this time. May all who are dear to us be dear to thee. Especially we pray for this our Infant, whom we now desire to bring to thy holy Baptism. We know that he was born in sin ; but w^e ask thee, gracious Lord, to bestow thy pardon on Jdm^ for Christ's sake. Wash Mm from his guilt, and sanctify him by thy Holy Spirit. thou great and good Shepherd, we bring this Lamb to thee. Re- ceive him into the arms of thy mercy, and carry him in thy bosom. 72 PRAYERS. Sow tlie seed of eternal life in his heart, and make him thine for ever. Guard Aiwz bythy230wer. Guide A^;?^ by thy wisdom. Keep him by thy grace. Strengthen him by thy help. A nd, as he grows in years, make him to grow in grace, and in likeness to Thee his Saviour; to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory for ever. Amen. 2. For Parents, after the Baptism of a Child, O MOST holy and gracious God, we come to thee in the name of thy dear Son. Hear us for His sake. Both for ourselves, and. also for our dear Child, we offer thee our hearty thanks. PRAYERS. 73 We have solemnly given him up to thee in Baptism : and thou hast graciously received him into the number of thy flock. Oh give us grateful hearts to praise thee for these thy mercies. Enable us to feel, that our child is no longer our own, but thine. Our desire now is, that thou wilt enable us to bring him up for thee. Lord, give us much wisdom ; and show us how to act concerning him. Do thou mercifully teach its, so that we may teach hhn. May our words and our example be such as to lead him in the right path. thou blessed Spirit, dwell with- in him. Open his eyes, that he may early see the hatefulness of sin. Create in him a new heart; and may that heart be given to thee. H 74 PRAYERS. Fill Mm with love towards Ms Sa- viour. Make Mm a blessing and comfort to Ms Parents ; useful to those around him ; and faithful to his heavenly Master. Oh be thou with Mm in every stage of his life. And, after thou hast safely carried him over the troublesome waves of this world, receive Mm into everlasting rest, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our blessed and only Saviour. Amen. 3. For a Sponsor, before Baptism. O God, thou delightest in show- ing mercy to thy people ; and thou teachest us to be kind towards our brethren. Make us to feel more and more that "we are members PRAYERS. 75 one of another." Give me grace now to discharge rightly the solemn office, which I have undertaken. When I go presently to thy house, give me a serious and praying heart. Take away all my coldness and un- belief; and grant me grace heartily to believe thy promises. Thou hast taught us, heavenly Father, to pray for one another. Receive, then, the prayers which I offer for him whom we are about to present to Thee. Do thou gra- ciously receive him. Wash him in the blood of thy dear Son. Let thy Holy Spirit rest upon him, and dwell within him. Make him not only a Christian in name, but a Christian also in heart and in life. O Lord, direct his parents ; and give him thy heavenly blessing, both 76 PRAYERS. now and ever, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. 4. For a Sponsor, after Baptism. O Lord Jesus Christ, thou didst suffer little children to come unto thee when thou wast upon earth ; and thou hast graciously appointed a way for bringing them to thee now. I heartily thank thee that thou hast permitted us to approach thee, in the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. Blessed be thy name, that this Child hath been received into the Christian fold. Grant that, " being buried with Christ in Baptism," he may live the life of Christ. - Make Mm to walk in the path of holi- ness. Make him happy. Give Jd77i a spiritual mind ; and may he PRAYERS. 77 earnestly set his affections on things above. heavenly Father, thou knowest the temptations to which he is ex- posed ; shelter him under thy wings, and keep him thine for evermore. Give me grace to do my duty, in this solemn office. May I be faith- ful to my trust, feeling that thine eye is upon me. Lord, I know my exceeding weakness. Do thou help me in my endeavours, and then pardon all my failings. And now, hear me, my God, in these my imperfect prayers ; and do for me, and for this dear child, more than I can ask or think, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our ever-blessed Re- deemer. Amen. 78 PRAYERS. 5. For a Baptized Person. Almighty Father, I thank thee that I am allowed to draw near to thee as thy child, and to call thee my Father. 1 was once a poor out- cast, a child of wrath, but thou didst mercifully receive me into thy family. 1 confess. Lord, that I have not lived up to my high calling. Though I am a Christian in name, I have not always been a Christian in con- duct. Father, I have sinned. I have dishonoured thee, and have not been a faithful follower of my Saviour. My own heart condemns me. Oh ! forgive, for Christ's sake, all my weakness, my ignorance, and PRAYERS. 79 my sins. And make me more obe- dient, more watchful, and more holy. Give me more of the mind of Christ. Form me, and shape me according to His blessed image. May I be Christ's ; and may Christ be mine. May I live by faith on the Son of God. Blessed Saviour, I have been marked with thy Cross. Oh ! let me never be ashamed of Thee. En- able me to fight the good fight, and to be faithful unto death. As I have been buried with thee in bap- tism, may I now be truly risen with thee; and may I seek those things which are above. Send down thy Holy Spirit, to be my daily Guide and Teacher. my God, never leave me to my- self whilst I am here. And at 80 PRAYERS. length, take me to thyself, to dwell with thee for ever. Grant this, I beseech thee, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. LONDON: PRINTED BY O. J. PALMER, SAVOY STREET, STRAND. ! ' i mi'I '1': li' i i 'ih|!!'!| j i:l 1 1