BV 4070 .A56 G4 1883 Andover Theological Seminary. General catalogue of the GENERAL CATALOGUE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ''ANDOVER, MASS. 1880 ANDOVER: PKINTED BY WARREN F. DRAPER. 1883. Charter Granted, June 19, 1807. CoxsTiTUTiON OF THE SEMINARY ESTABLISHED, September 2, 1807. Associate Foundation Established, May 10, 1808. Seminary Opened for Instruction, September 28, 1808. The First Class Graduated, September 25, 1810. TEUSTEES. By Statute. 1778 Died or Resigned.l *HoN. SAMUEL PHILLIPS, M.A. *1790 *Hox. JOHN PHILLIPS, LL.D. *1795 *Hox. WILLIAM PHILLIPS 1802 *HoN. OLIVER WENDELL, M.A. *1818 *HoN. JOHN LOWELL, LL.D. *1802 *Rev. JOSIAH STEARNS, M.A, 1781 *Rev. ELIAS smith, M.A. »1791 *Rev. WILLIAM SYMMES, D.D. 1795 *Rev. JONATHAN FRENCH, M.A. *1809 *His Honor SAMUEL PHILLIPS, LL.D. •1802 *Rev. ELIPHALET PEARSON, LL.D. *1826 *Mr. NEHEMIAH ABBOT *1808 Elected. 1781 *Rev. DAVID TAPP AN, D.D. 1786 *EBENEZER PEMBERTON, LL.D. 1791 *His Honor WILLIAM PHILLIPS 1795 *SAMUEL ABBOT, Esq. 1795 *MARK NEWMAN, M.A. 1795 *Rev. JEDIDIAH MORSE, D.D. *1803 1793 *1827 1808 1836 *1826 1 The star (*) prefixed to the year in this column, signifies that the person died in office. IV TRUSTEES. Elected. Died or Resigned. 1795 *HoN. JACOB ABBOT 1801 1801 *IIoN. JOHN PHILLIPS, M. A., of Andover *1820 1802 *Hox. JOHN PHILLIPS, M.A., of Boston *1823 1802 *HoN. JOSIAH QUINCY, LL.D. 1828 1802 *SAMUEL FARRAR, M.A. 1846 1804 *Rev. DANIEL DANA, D.D. 1856 1809 *Rev. ABIEL HOLMES, D.D., LL.D. *1887 1810 *JOHN ADAMS, LL.D. 1833 1811 *SAMUEL HALL WALLET, Esq. 1848 1820 *HoN. JONATHAN PHILLIPS 1838 1820 *Rev. JUSTIN EDWARDS, D.D. *1853 1823 *HoN. SAMUEL HUBBARD, LL.D. 1843 1826 *Rev. JOHN HUBBARD CHURCH, D.D. *1840 1826 *Rev. BENJAMIN BLYDENBURG WISNER, D.D. *1835 1827 *Hox. WILLIAM BOSTWICK BANISTER, M.A. 1837 1829 *JEREMIAH EVARTS, M.A. *1831 1831 *IIis HoxoR SAMUEL TURELL ARMSTRONG *1850 1833 *OSGOOD JOHNSON, M.A. *1837 1835 *Rev. EBENEZER BURGESS, D.D. 1846 1837 *Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, D.D. 1845 1837 *EBENEZER ALDEN, M.D., M.A. *1881 1838 *SAMUEL HARVEY TAYLOR, LL.D. *1871 1839 *SAMUEL FLETCHER, M.A. 1858 1839 *Rev. BROWN EMERSON, D.D. 1856 1841 *Rev. RUFUS ANDERSON, D.D., LL.D. 1847 1844 *IIox. JOHN AIKEN, M.A. 18G3 1846 *Rev. LUTHER FRASEUR DIMMICK, D.D. *18G0 1846 *Rev. WILLARD CHILD, D.D. 1849 TRUSTEES. V Elected. Died or Resigned. 1846 *IIoN. WILLIAM JOSEPH HUBBARD, M.A. *1864 1847 *Rev. SAMUEL CRAM JACKSON, D.D. 1852 1848 *Hox. SAMUEL HURD WALLEY, M.A. • 1850 1850 *Rev. SETH SWEETSER, D.D. »1878 1850 *DANIEL NOTES, M.A. *1852 1851 *Hon. LINUS CHILD, M.A. *1870 1852 Rev. JOHN LORD TAYLOR, D.D. 1868 1852 Hon. WILLIAM HYDE, M.A. 1858 1853 *Rev. SAMUEL CRAM JACKSON, D.D. *1878 1856 *Rkv. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS STEARNS, D.D., LL.D. *1876 1858 *HoN. REUBEN AT WATER CHAPMAN, LL.D. *I873 1858 Hon. ALPHEUS HARDY 1858 *Rev. AMOS BLANCHARD, D.D. *1870 1861 Rev. DANIEL TAGGART FISKE, D.D. 1863 Hon. EDWARD SH.AS TOBEY 1867 1866 *HoN. JOHN KINGSBURY, LL.D. 1869 1867 EDWARD TAYLOR, Esq. 1868 Rev. EDMUND KIMBALL ALDEN, D.D. 1882 1870 Rev. JOSHUA AVYMAN WELLMAN, D.D. 1870 *PETER SMITH, Esq. *1880 1871 FREDERICK WILLIAM TILTON, M.A. 1873 1873 Rev. CECIL FRANKLIN PATCH BANCROFT, Pu.D. 1874 THOMAS HASTINGS RUSSELL, M.A. 1874 Hon. JOSEPH SAMUEL ROPES, M.A. 1876 Rev. ALEXANDER McKENZIE, D.D. 1878 Rev. WILLIAM HENRY WILLCOX, D.D., LL.D. 1881 Hon. ROBERT ROBERTS BISHOP, M.A. 1881 PuES. FRANKLIN CARTER, Pu.D., LL.D. VI TREASUHEllS. Elected. Died or Eesigned. 1807 *SAMUEL FARRAR, MA. 1840 1841 *SAMUEL FLETCHER, M.A. 1850 1850 *DANIEL NOTES, M.A. *1852 1852 Rkv. JOHN LORD TAYLOR, D.D. 1868 1868 EDWARD TAYLOR, Esq. VISITORS. By Dpath, By Statute. Limit of Age, or Kesigiiation. 1808 *SAMUEL ABBOT, Esq. *1812 *Hox. WILLIAM BARTLET *1841 " *MOSES BROWN, Esq. *1827 " *PIoN. JOHN NORRIS *1808 *Rev. SAMUEL SPRING, D.D. *1819 " *Rev. timothy DWIGHT, D.D., LL.D. 1816 *HoN. GEORGE BLISS, LL.D. 1826 Elected, 1816 *Rkv. CALVIN CHAPIN, D.D. tl832 1819 *Rev. SAMUEL WORCESTER, D.D. *182i 1821 *Rev. JEREMIAH DAY, D.D., LL.D. 1837 1826 *HoN. WILLIAM REED *1837 1832 *Rev. HEMAN HUMPHREY, D.D. tl849 1837 *Rev. JOHN CODMAN, D.D. *1847 1837 *HoN. WILLIAM BOST WICK BANISTER, M. A. 11843 1843 *H0N. SETH TERRY, M.A. tl850 1848 *Rev. RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D.D. tl856 1849 Rev. MARK HOPKINS, D.D., LL.D. 1857 1850 *HoN. SAMUEL HURD WALLEY, M.A. 1870 1856 *Rev. WILLIAM THEODORE DWIGHT, D.D. flSes t Limit of Afre, Yin VISITORS. Elected. 1858 *Rev. SELAH burr TREAT 1865 *Rev. ASA DODGE SMITH, D.D., LL.D. 1865 Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D. 1870 THOMAS HASTINGS RUSSELL, M.A. 1874 Hon. CHARLES THEODORE RUSSELL, M.A. 1874 Rev. JULIUS HAWLEY SEELYE, D.D., LL.D. 1878 Rev. GORDON HALL, D.D. 1880 Rev. WILLIAM TAPPAN EUSTIS, D.D. Ry Death, Limit of Age, or Kesignation, 1865 tl^74 tl878 1874 ^1879 FACULTY. PRESIDENTS Elected. Died or Resigned. 1827 *Rf.v. EBENEZER PORTER, D.D. *1834 18.36 *Rkv. JUSTIN EDWARDS. D.D. 1842 PROFESSORS. SACRED LITERATORE. 1808 *Rev. ELIPHALET PEARSON, LL.D., 1809 Associate Professor. 1810 *Rev. MOSES STUART, M.A., 1848 , Associate Professor. 1830 *Rev. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D., 1833 Professor Extraordinary. 1848 *Ret. BELA BATES EDWARDS, D.D,, *1852 Associate Professor. 1852 Rev. CALVIN ELLIS STOWE, D.D., 1864 Associate Professor. 1854 Rev. JOSEPH HENRY THAYER, D.D., 1882 Associate Professor. 1882 FRANK EDWARD WOODRUFF, M.A., Associate Professor (elect). HEBRE"W LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1837 *Rkv. BELA BATES EDWARDS, D.D., 1848 Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature. 18.53 Rev. ELIJAH PORTER BARROWS, D.D., 1866 Seminary Professor of Sacred Literature, to 1858; Hitchcock Professor, 1858 to 1866. 1866 Rev. CHARLES MARSH MEAD, D.D., 1882 Hitchcock Professor. 1883 Rev. GEORGE FOOT MOORE, Hitchcock Professor (elect). b CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Elected. Died or Kesi^ned. 1808 *Ret. LEONARD WOODS, D.D., 1846 Abbot Professor. 1847 Rev. EDWARDS AMASA PARK, D.D., 1881 Abbot Professor. 1882 Rev. GEORGE HARRIS, Abbot Professor (elect). SACRED RHETORIC. 1809 *Rev. EDWARD DORR GRIEFIN, D.D., 1811 Bartlet Professor. 1812 *Rev. EBENEZER PORTER, D.D., 1832 Bartlet Professor. 1819 *Rev. JAMES MURDOCK, D.D., 1824 Brown Professor. 1833 *Rev. THOMAS HARVEY SKINNER, D.D., LL.D., 1835 Bartlet Professor. 183fi Rev. EDWARDS AMASA PARK, D.D., 1847 Bartlet Professor. 1848 Rev. AUSTIN PHELPS, D.D., 1879 Bartlet Professor. 1879 Rev. WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER, D.D., Bartlet Professor. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 1824 *Rev. JAMES MURDOCK, D.D., 1828 Brown Professor, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. 1829 *Rev. RALPH EMERSON, D.D., 18.53 Brown Professor, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theolofjy. 1853 Rev. WILLIAM GREENOUGH THAYER SHEDD, D.D., LL.D., 1862 Brown Professor, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. 1863 Rev. EGBERT COFFIN SMYTH, D.D., Brown I'rofessor, and, to 1868, Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. SPECIAL COURSE. 1868 Rev. JOHN LORD TAYLOR, D.D., 1879 Smith Professor of Theology, Homiletics, etc., and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. FACULTY. EliOCUTIOISr. Elected. Died or Resigned, 1868 Rev. JOHN WESLEY CHURCHILL, M.A., Jones Fi-ofessor. KELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY TO THE SECUIiAR SCIENCES.] 1878 Rev. JOHN PUTNAM GULLIVER, D.D., LL.D,, Stone Professor. BIBLICAL THEOLOCr AND HISTORY. 1882 Rev. JOHN PHELPS TAYLOR, M.A., Taylor Professor (elect). BIBLICAL THEOLOGY. 1882 Rev. EDWARD YOUNG HINCKS, Smith Professor (elect). INSTRUCTORS. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS. IJSr SACRED LITERATURE. Elected. Died or Resigned. 1821 *Rev. THOMAS COGSWELL UPHAM, D.D., LL.D. 1823 1823 *Rev. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D. 1826 1826 *Rev. GEORGE cone BECKWITH, D.D. 1827 1827 *Rev. JOEL WORTHINGTON NEWTON, M.A. 1829 1828 Rev. CALVIN ELLIS STOWE, D.D. 1830 1830 *Rev. LEONARD WOODS, Jr., D.D, LL.D. 1831 1834 Rev. DANIEL SMITH TALCOTT, D.D. 1836 1836 *Rev. OLIVER ALDEN TAYLOR, M.A. 1837 184.5 *Rev. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D. 1847 1848 Rev. EDWARD ROBIE, D.D. 1852 1877 Pbof. WILLIAM WELLS EATON, M.A. 1879 1882 Rev. OWEN STREET, D.D. 1883 IlSr SACRED RHETORIC. 1829 *Rev. LOAMMI IVES HOADLY, M.A. 1830 1831 *Rev. GEORGE CONE BECKWITH, D.D. 1832 TEACHERS OF ELOCUTION. 1843 *Mr. WILLIAM RUSSELL 1866 1862 *Prof. lewis BAXTER MONROE, M.A, 1866 OF MUSIC. 1836 *Prof. LOWELL MASON, Mus. Doc. 1837 1855 Prof. GEORGE FREDERICK ROOT, Mus. Doc, 1860 LECTURERS. LECTURERS. ON FOREIGN" MISSIONS. (Hyde Lectureship.) Term of Office.i 1866-68 *Eev. RUFUS ANDERSON, D.D., LL.D. 1869-71 Rev. SAMUEL HARRIS, D.D, LL.D. 1872 Rev. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. 1873 Rev. JULIUS HAWLEY SEELYE, D.D., LL.D. 1874 Rev. CYRUS HAMLIN, D.D., LL.D. 1876-79 Rev. AUGUSTUS CHARLES THOMPSON, D.D. 1880-82 Rev. SAMUEL COLCORD BARTLETT, D.D., LL.D. ON CONGREGATIONALISM. (South worth Lecturesliip.) 1866-68 *Rev. LEONARD BACON, D.D., LL.D. 1869-71 Rev. INCREASE NILES TARBOX, D.D. 1873-75 Rev. TRUMAN MARCELLUS POST, D.D. 1876-78 Rev. HENRY MARTYN DEXTER, D.D. 1879-81 Prof. GEORGE TRUMBULL LADD, D.D. 1882- Rev. ABEL HASTINGS ROSS ON REVIVALS. 1866-68 *Rev. EDWARD NORRIS KIRK, D.D. ON THE RELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY TO POPULAR INFIDELITY. 1866-72 *Rev. JACOB MERRILL MANNING, D.D. ON HOME EVANGELIZATION. 1866-70 Rev. DANIEL PARKER NOYES, M.A. ON INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 1869-72 Rev. NOAH PORTER, D.D., LL.D. 1 The date marks the beginning of the Seminary year. XIV LECTURERS. ON EGYPTOLOGY. Term of Office. 1872 *Rev. JOSEPH PARRISH THOMPSON, D.D., LL.D. ON THE RELATIONS OP PHYSIOLOGY TO RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. 1874 Rev. AMOS HOWE JOHNSON, M.D. ON HYMNOLOGY. 1878 Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D. ON HOME MISSIONS. 1873-77 Rev. ALEXANDER HUNTINGTON CLAPP, D.D, 1878-79 Rev. GEORGE FREDERICK MAGOUN, D.D. ON SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. 1881 Rev. DANIEL TAGGART FISKE, D.D. ON BIBLICAL THEOLOGY. 1881 Rev. JOSEPH TUTHILL DURYEA, D.D. 1881 Rev. ALEXANDER McKENZIE, D.D. LECTURERS TO THE ADVANCED CLASS. 1881-1882. Rev. AUSTIN PHELPS, D.D. (Professor Emeritus), On the Studies of a Pastor. Rev. Prof. GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT, Oil the Method of Investigation in Physical Science. Prof. GEORGE TRUMBULL LADD, D.D., On the Inspiration of the Scriptures. Rev. ALBERT ELIJAH DUNNING, On Sunday-School Work. Prof. MOSES STUART PHELPS, Ph.D., On Modern Psychology as affecting Christian theory and practice. LECTURERS, LIBRARIANS. XV 1882-1883. Rev. EZEKIEL OILMAN ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D., On Selected Topics in Systematic Divinity. Rt. Rev. FREDERIC DAN HUNTINGTON, D.D., Winkley Lecturer, On the Christian Use of Troperty. Rev. CONSTANS LIBERTIE GOODELL, D.D., On Church Work at the West. Rev. JOSEPH TUTHILL DURYEA, D.D., On the Interpretation of the Old Testament. Prof. GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, M.A., On the Course of Development of Ethics in England. LIBRARIANS. Elected. • Died or Resigned. 1808 *SAMUEL FARRAR, M.A. 1830 1830 *Rev. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D. 1833 1833 *SAMUEL FARRAR, M.A. 1844 1844 *RENSSELLAER DAVID CHANCEFORD ROBBINS, D.D. 1848 1848 Rev. EDWARD ROBIE, D.D, 18.51 1851 *SAMUEL HARVEY TAYLOR, LL.D. 1866 1866 Rev. WILLIAM LADD ROPES, M.A. EXPLANATIONS. The Catalogue of 1870 was the last which has been published in the series of General Catalogues of the Seminary. The account there given of the history of the series and the metliod of construction need not be repeated. The substantial excellence of its system has commended it to students, and few changes have been introduced. The most considerable addition now made will be found in the record of birthplace and birth- date. The general interest in such memoranda, and the demand for them, as a contribution to fiimily history, have increased rapidly and emphatically, and nearly all important catalogues of similar character have recognized their value. The data under this head have been gleaned, with no little labor, from all available sources, of which the more impor- tant are, files of the Quarterly Register and Congregational Quarterly, family and town histories, biographies and obituary notices, town records, college records, class memorials, other catalogues, and the archives of the Seminary ; while a large proportion, in the case of persons now living, are given on personal authority. The completion of this Catalogue, intended to be published in 1880, has been delayed by circumstances beyond control. The accomplished editor of the last two Catalogues, the Rev. A. H. Quint, D.D., whose labors deserve most grateful acknowledgment, carried the early classes, to 182G, through the press; when, under pressure of other duties, he found it necessary to resign the charge, and the work has been continued by other hands. The editor de.sires to express liis4.1iaiiks to the Rev. Samuel L. Gerould, of Goffstown, N.H., and the Rev. Charles C. Carpenter, of Mont Vernon, N.II., for valuable assistance ; and to Prof. Willis J. Beecher, D.D., of XVIII EXPLANATIONS. Auburn Theol. Sem., for advanced sheets of the recent admirable Cata- logue of that Seminary. We cannot name all the correspondents who have been most kind and helpful; but a few must not be omitted: Prof. J. K. Chickering and Mr. W. S. Biscoe, of Amherst Coll. ; Prof. A. S. Packard, D.D., of Bowdoin Coll. ; Rev. J. L. Sibley, of Harvard Coll. ; Pres. I. W. Andrews, D.D., of Marietta Coll. ; Prof. W. H. Parker, of Middlebury Coll. ; Prof. F. B. Dexter, of Yale Coll. ; Mr. J. M. Corn- stock, of Springfield, Vt., Statistical Secretary of the Dartmouth Alumni ; Rev. E. B. Parsons, D.D., of Baldwinsville, N.Y., Secretary of the Wil- liams Alumni ; Dea. E. F. Duren, of Bangor ; Rev. E. F. Hatfield, D.D., of New York ; Rev. W. E. Schenck, D.D., of Philadelphia, Secretary of the Princeton Alumni ; and Rev. A. W. Wild, of Charlotte, Vt., Historian of the Vermont Churches. And, for any fulness or accuracy which this Catalogue may be found to possess, much credit is due to Miss Mary E. Stone, Assistant Librarian of the Congregational Library in Boston. The method of construction is simple, and generally explains itself; but a few hints may be useful. 1. Under each year the names of graduates are given in heavy-faced type ; other members of the same class who did not graduate follow in common type, and the number in parenthesis, after these names, indicates the years of membership. After 1869, students of the Special Course are entered in the same way. Resident Students, Resident Licentiates, and members of the Advanced Class are given in separate lists. 2. The record in each case is continuous, unless broken by a dotted line, which denotes ignorance. A date in parenthesis indicates informa- tion at that point, but uncertainty before or after, p. (pastor) is inserted in every case to which by installation it is known to belong; a.p. (acting pastor) and w.c. (without charge) are not repeated at successive places, but are to be understood. 3. A half-dash and period closing a record indicate that the last-men- tioned service continues to date. 4. Churches are supposed to be Congregational, unless otherwise desig- nated ; but when a different denomination is mentioned, any following churches are of the same denomination until another is specified. EXPLANATIONS. XIX Ref. (Dutch), Reformed f.m., foreign missionary, a.p., acting pastor, p.e., r., rector, res.. 5. Few abbreviations are used which do not explain themselves. The following may be noted : Of denominations : Bapt., Baptist. Cong., Congregational. Episc, Episco- pal. F. W. Bapt., or F. Bapt., Freewill Baptist. Luth., Lutheran. Meth. Episc Methodist Episcopal. Presb., Presbyterian. (Dutch). Unit., Unitarian. Of occupation : chap., chaplain, col., colporteur. h.m., home missionary, m., minister, p., pastor, pastoi: elect, pr., preacher, pres., president, prin., principal, resides, sec, secretary, w.c., without charge. Of societies : A. B. C. F. M., American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Am., American. Am. Ed. Soc, American Education Society. Am. and For. Chr. Union, American and Foreign Christian Union. Am. Home Miss. Soc, American Home Missionary Society. Am. S. S. Union, American Sunday- School Union. Am. Tr. Soc, American Tract Society. Chr. Com., United States Christian Commission. Dep't, Department. San. Com., Sanitary Cora- mission. U. S. A., United States Army. Vols., Volunteers. Of colleges, etc. : A. C. — Amherst College, Ms. All. C. — Allegheny College, Pa. B. C. — Bovvdoin College, Me. B. U. — Brown University, R. I. Ba. C. — Bates College, Me. Bel. C. — Beloit College, Wis. C. C — Columbia College, N.Y. C. U. — Colby University, Me. Cal. C. — College of California. Cr. C. — Centre College, Ky. D. C. — Dartmouth College, N. H. Dick. C. — Dickinson College, Pa, F. C. — Farmers' College, O. Gen. C. — Geneva College, N.Y. Green. C. — Greeneville College, Tenn. H. C. — Harvard College, Ms. H. S. C. — Hampden Sidney College, Va. Ham. C. — Hamilton College, N. Y. Hills. C. — Hillsdale College, Mich. 111. C — Illinois College. To. C. — Iowa College. J. C. — Jefferson College, Pa. K. C. — Knox College, 111. Ken. C. — Kenyon College, O. King's C. — Kings College, N. S. L. C. — Lafayette College, Pa. L. U. — London University, Eng. M. C. — Middlebury College, Vt. Ma. C. — Mary ville College, Tenn. Mad. U. — Madison University, N.Y. Mar. C. — Marietta College, O. Mi. U. — Miami University, O. N. J. C. — College of New Jersey. N. Y. C. — New York College. O. C — Oberlin College, O. O. I. — Oneida Institute, N.Y. O. U. — Ohio University. 0. W. U. — Ohio Wesleyan University. 01. C. — Olivet College, Mich. P. C. — Pennsylvania College. R. C. — Rutger's College, N. J. Ri. C. — Ripon College, Wis. S. C. C. — South Carolina College. Trin. C. — Trinity College, Ct. U. C. — Union College, N.Y. U. Ed. — University of Edinburgh, So. U. G. — University of Georgia. U. Glas. — University of Glasgow, Scot. U. M. — University of Michigan. U. N.C.— University of North Carolina. U. N.Y. — University of New York. U. P. — University of Pennsylvania. XX EXPLANATIONS. U. Vt. — University of Vermont. Washb. C. — Washburn College, Kan. U. W. — University of Wisconsin. Wg. C. — Waynesburg College, Pa. W. C. — Williams College, Ms. West. Un. Pa.— Western University, Pa. W. U. — Wesleyan University, Ct. W.R.C. — Western Reserve College, O. Wab. C. — Wabash College, Ind. Wh.C. — Wheaton College, 111. Wash. C. - Washington College, Va. Y. C. — Yale College, Ct. When the initials of a college are set in Italics, it is imj)lied that the person was once a member of that college, but did not graduate. 6. In a few^ instances the middle name of a person consists of a single letter. This is indicated by the omission of the period after that letter. Additions and Corrections received too late for insertion in their proper place will be found on pages 315-318, 351. Notice of all errors will be gladly received; and any person able to correct errors or to supply deficiencies is requested to communicate at once with Rev. Henry A. Hazen, Secretary of Alumni, Congregational House, No. 1, Somerset Street, Boston. June 1, 1883. EARLY CATALOGUES AND PROGRAMMES WANTED. The Librarian desires to obtain copies of the Annual Catalogue of the Sem- inary for any year previous to 1867; also, of the Order of Exercises of the "Annual Examination" and "Anniversary" during the same period. Any persons having copies of the above, which they are willing to dispose of, are requested to connnuiiicate with Rev. W. L. Ropes, Andovcr, Mass. CATALOGUE. 1810. *Ei)hraim Abbot, born 28 Sept. 1779, Newcastle, Me. H. C. 1806. — Home Missionary, Washington Co., Me., 'll-'l 2. — Acting pastor, Coventry, Ct., '12. — Agent Mass. Bible Soc, '12-13. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1813. pastor, Greenland, N. H., '13-28, and Prln. Acad, there, '25-28. — prin. acad., Westford, Ms., '28-'37. — a.p. First ch., (Unit'n), Westford, Ms., partially, '31-47. — Without charge, Westford, Ms., '47-'48 ; Harvard, Ms., '48-50 ; Westford, Ms., '50 until died there, 21 July 1870. *Wiiithrop Bailey, b. 7 May 1784, Berlin, Ms. H. C. 1807. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., 'lO-'ll.— Ord. 15 May 1811. p. Brunswick, Me., '11-'14. — p. Pel- ham, Ms., '15-'25. — p. Unit'n ch., Greenfield, Ms., '25 until died, in Deer- field, Ms., 16 March 1835. *Jolm R Crane, D.D., b. 16 April 1787, Newark, N.J. N. J. C. 1805.— Eeslded Newark, N. J., occ. pr., '10-18. — Ord. 4 Nov. 1818. p. Middle- town, Ct., '18 until died there, 17 Aug. 1853. (The middle " R" re^iresented no name.) *Hooper Gumming, D.D., b. 28 Feb. 1788, Newark, N.J. N.J.C. 1805.— Ord. 3 Oct. 1811. p. Second Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '11-'14 — p. Schen- ectady, N.Y., '15-'17. — p. Third Presb. ch., Albany, N.Y, '17-'22. — p. Vanderwater st. ch., New York, '22- 23. — p. Charleston, S. C, '24 until died there, 24 Dec. 1825. *AI)el Cutler, b. 16 Feb. 1781, Sudbury, Ms. W. C. 1807. — H.M., N.Y., '10-'16, at Russell's Mills, N. Y., '15. — Ord. 24 Oct. 1816, in Ms., to be pastor at Yarmouth, N. S. ; p. there '16-33. Health failed. Not after- wards settled, nor in regular service, but occ. pr. Died, at Northamp- ton, Ms., where lived from '46, 27 Feb. 1859. *Jolm Field, b. 21 Jan. 1780, Greenwich, Ms. W. C. 1807. — Ord. by a Mass. Assoc'n, 1811. h. m. Burton, O., '11-13; Western Res., O., '13-16. — p. North Wrcntham (now Norfolk), Ms., '16-19. — h. m. West- ern Res., O., '19-'23. — a p. Atwater, O., '23-'24. — Teacher, Miss., '24 until died, near Washiiiirton, Miss., 7 Aug. 1827. 2 1810. [1880. *Jolin Frost, b. 3 Sept. 1783, Sandgate or Dalton, Vt. M. C. 1806. — agent A. B. C. F. M., N. E. and N. Y., '1 l-'l 2. — Ord. 1 7 March 1813. p. Presb. cb., Whitesborough, N. Y., '13-'33. — general agent Oneida Institute, '33-'34. — p. Ehnira, N.Y., '35-'39. — p. Waterville, N.Y., '41 until died there, 1 March 1842. *A(loiiiram Jiidson, D.D., b. 9 Aug. 1788, Maiden, Ms. B.U. 1807.— Ord. 6 Feb. 1812. f. m. Bapt, Maulmain, Burmah, '12 until died, at sea, 12 April 1850. *Samiiel Thomas Mills, b. 6 May 1785, Saybrook, Ct. Y.C. 1807. — Ord. 11 Oct. 1811. p. Litchfield, N. Y., '11-'16. — p. Onondaga, N. Y., '17-'18. — a.p. Moscow, N.Y., '. .-'25.— p. Peterborough, N.Y., '25-35.— p. Chester, Ct., '35-'38. — a.p. Oswego, N.Y., '40-'41. — teacher, and some time chap- lain of Penitentiary, Columbus, O., '42-'45. — w.c. Cleveland, O., '46-'52; New York, '52 until died there, 27 Feb. 1853. * Rinuel Newell, b. 25 July 1785, Durham, Me. H. C. 1807. — Ord. 6 Feb. 1812. f.m. Bombay, '12 until died there, 30 March 1821. ♦Samuel Nott, b. 11 Sept. 1787, Franklin, Ct. U. C. 1808. — Ord. 6 Feb. 1812. f.m. Bombay, '12-16.— teacher. New York, '16-23. — p. Galway, N. Y., '23-'29. — p. Wareham, Ms., '29-49. — teacher, Wareham, Ms., '49-66. — -w.c. Wareham, Ms., and Hartford, Ct., '66 until died, at Hart- ford, Ct., 1 June 1869. ♦Gamaliel Smith Olds, D.D., b. 11 Feb. 1777, Granville, Ms. W. C. 1801. Tutor, Williams Coll., '03-'05 ; Prof. Math., '06-'08. — Ord. 19 Nov. 1813. p. Greenfield, Ms.,'13-'16. — Prof.Math., and Nat. Phil., Univ. Vt., '19-'21. — Prof. Math., and Nat. Phil., Amh. Coll., '21-'25. — Prof. Math., and Nat. Phil., Univ. Geo., .. '..-'.. — w.c. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. ; Circleville, O., '41 until died there, 13 June 1848. *Samuel Parker, b. 23 April 1 779, Ashfield, Ms. ^Y. C. 1806. — h. m. N. Y., and Penn., 'lO-'ll.— Ord. 23 Dec. 1812. p. Danby, N. Y., '12-'27. — w.c. and agent Auburn Sem., '27-'30. — p. Apulia, N. Y., '30-32. — p. Middle- field, Ms., '32-33. — Exploring agent A. B. C. F. M., Oregon, '35-'3 7. — Volney, N. Y., occ. sup., '37-47. — w.c. Ithaca, N. Y., '47 until died there, 21 March 1866. *Sylyester Selden, b. 1 9 Oct. 1 786, Chatham, Ct. W. C. 1807. — Ord. 3 July 1811. inst. p. 10 June 1812, AVestbrook, Ct, '11-34. — a.p. Prospect, Ct., '34-'35. — p. Hebron, Ct, '35-'41. — Died, at Hebron, Ct, 24 Oct 1841. ♦Richard Salter Storrs, D.D., b. 6 Feb. 1787, Longmeadow, Ms. W.C. 1807. — Ord. 3 July 1811. p. Braintree, Ms., '11 until died there, 18 Aug. 1873. 1880.] 1810. 1811. 3 *Nath.'liiiel Swift, b. 8 Feb. 1783, Warren, Ct. W. C. 1806. Ord. 11 Sept. 1811. p. Skaneateles, N. Y. '11-12. — res. Warren, Ct., Salisbury, Ct., and (perhaps) Pittsfield, Ms., disabled. — Died, 1833. *David Bates (1+), b. 12 Sept. 1784, Westborough, Ms. H. C. 1807. — Not ordained, res. Westborough, Ms. (disabled), from soon after 1809 until died there, 9 Feb. 1869. *Jonathan Cogswell, d.d. (1—), b. 3 Sept. 1782, Rowley, Ms. H. C. 1806. — Tutor Bowd. Coll., '07-09.— Ord. 24 Oct. 1810. — p. Saco, Me., '10-28. — p. New Britain, Ct.,'29-'34. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Tlieol. Inst., East Wind- sor, Ct., '34-'44. — w.c. New Brunswick, N. J., '44 until died there, 1 Aug. 1864. *Lewis Le Conte Congar (1—), b. 12 May 1788, Newark, N.J. N. J. C. 1806. — Died at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 6 Jan. 1810. *Gardiner Spring, D.D., LL.D. (1), b. 24 Feb. 1785, Newburyport, Ms. Y. C. 1805. — Ord. 8 Aug. 1810. p. Brick Presb. ch.. New York, '10 until died there, 18 Aug. 1873. *Henry Pierce Strong (2—), b. 23 Feb. 1785, Salisbury, Ct. Y. C. 1807.— Ord. 4 Sept. 1811. p. Elizabeth st. Presb. cb.. New York city, '10-13 — p. Cong, ch., Woodbury, Ct., '14-'16. — p. St. Albans, Vt., '17-'21. — p. Presb. ch., Phelps, N. Y., '24-'31. — p. Rushville, N. Y., '32 until died there, 28 Aug. 1835. ♦Benjamin White (1+), b. 8 May 1781, Thetford, Vt. D. C. 1807. — Ord. 26 June 1811. Wells, Me., '11 until died, at Thetford, Vt., 23 March 1814. *Worthington Wright, M.D. (1), b. 16 June 1785, Windsor, Ms. W. C. 1806. — Ord. 30 Jan. 1811. Woodbury, Ct., '11-'12. — h. m. Penn., '12-'13. — p. Bethany, Pa., '13-'15. — Practising medicine, Riga and Rochester, N. Y., '15-'33. — a.p. Presb. ch., Churchville, N.Y., '33-'36. — p. Cong, ch., Woodstock, Vt., '38-50. — p. Charlestown, N. H., '51-'58. — w.c. Fredonia, N. Y., and Ripley, N. Y., '58 until died, at Buffalo, N. Y., 28 Oct. 1873. 1811. *Jolin Bascoin, b. 23 Dec. 1784, Chester, Ms. W.C. 1807. — h.m. Western Penn., '13-'14. — Ord. . . Jan. 1814. Presb. (?) ch., Smithfield, Pa., '14-'15. — p. Genoa, N.Y., '..-'18. — p. Lansing (in Genoa), N. Y., '18 until died there, 2 Mar. 1828. *Joseph Ward Clary, b. 21 Nov. 1786, Rowe, Ms. M. C. 1808. — Ord. 7 May 1812, p. First ch., Dover, N. H., 'l2-'28. — p. Cornish, N. H., '28- '34. — w.c. Cornish, N.H., '34 until died there, 13 April 1835. 4 1811. [1880. *RicIiard Hall, b. 20 Aug. 1784, Mansfield, Ct. M. C. 1807. — Ord. 12 March 1812. p. New Ijiswich, N.H., '12 until died, at New Haven, Ct., 13 July 1824. *Josiah Peet, b. 21 June 1780, Bethlehem, Ct. M. C. 1808. — a.p. Shoreham, Vt., (one year). — Ord. 4 Aug. 1814. p. Norridgewock, Me., '14 until died there, 17 Feb. 1852. *Benjaiiiin Rice, b. 9 May 1784, Sturbridge, Ms. B.U. 1808.— h.m. Me., '11-'12. — a.p. Sturbridge, Ms., '12.— Ord. 7 July 1813. Presb. ch., Skane- ateles, N. Y., a.p. '12-13 ; p. '1 3-'l 7. — a.p. Chester, Ms., '18. — p. Second Cong, ch., South Deerfield, Ms., '19-27. — p. New Gloucester, Me., '28- '35. — p. Buxton, Me., '35-42. — a.p. Winchendon, Ms., '43-46 ; w.c. there '46 until died there, 12 July 1847. *Timotliy Woodbridg-e, D.D., b. 21 Nov. 1784, Stockbridge, Ms. W. C — Ord. 23 July 1817. p. Green River, N. Y., '16-'42. — p. Presb. ch., Spen- ccrtown,N.Y.,'42-'51. — a.p. Cong ch., A]fbrd,Ms., '52-'53. — w.c. Spencer- town, N. Y., '53 until died there, 7 Dec. 1862. *AVilliara Barker (1), b. 10 June 1787, Middleborough, Ms. B.U. 1809.— Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 29 Nov. 1809. *John Chandler (1—), b. 30 Dec. 1784, Elizabeth, N. Y. Y. C. 1808. — Not ordained. Elder in Third Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., 26 Jan. 1829 until death. Late in life res. Brooklyn E.D., N. Y., and died there, 1 Dec. 1875. *Seth Chapin (2+), b. 25 June 1783, Mendon, Ms. B. U. 1808. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1812. p. Ilillsboro', N. H., '12-'16. — occ. pr. Rowley, Ms., Mansfield, Ct., etc., '16-19. — p. Hanover, Ms., '19-24.- a.p. East Haddam, Ct., '25 ; a.p. Hunter, N.Y., '25-'27; a.p. Attleborough, Ms., '..-'..; West Granville, Ms., '33-35. — w.c. '35-42; Providence, R.I., '42 until died there, 19 April 1850. *DanIel A. Clarke (2—), b. 1 March 1779, Rahway, N.J. N.J. C. 1808.— Ord. 1 Jan. 1812. p. Weymouth Landing, Ms., '12-'13. — p. Southbury, Ct., '16-'19. — p. First ch., Amherst, Ms., '20-'24. — p. Bennington, Vt., '26-30. — temp, sup., Utica, N. Y., '31-32. — p. Presb. ch., Adams, N. Y., '32-33. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '33-38; New York, '38 until died there, 8 March 1840. *Noah Coe (1+), b. 25 May 1786, Durham, Ct. Y. C. 1808. — Ord. 3 July 1811. p. Chester, N. Y, '11-'13. — p. Presb. ch.. New Hartford, N. Y., '14-35. — a.p.,Woodbridge,Ct., '35-36; a.p. Southbury, Ct., '36. — West Greenwich, Ct., a.p. '36-37; p. '37-45. — w.c. '45-48. — city miss'y, New York, '48-52; Williamsburg, L. L, '52-54. — a.p. Northfield, Ct., '54-'56; New Preston Hill, Ct., '56-57, but res. at New Haven, Ct., *54 until died there, 9 March 1871. 1880.] 1811. 5 ♦Jonathan Cone (1+), b. 12 July 1785, Colchester, Ct. Y. C. 1808.— Ord. 22 May 1811. p. Bristol, Ct., 'll-'28. — p. Durham, N. Y., '30-'48. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '48 until died there, 4 Jan. 1850. ♦Matthew Eice Button (1), b. 30 Jan. 1783, Watertown, Ct. Y. C. 1808.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '10-'14. — Ord. 24 Sept. 1814. p. Stratford, Ct. '14-'22. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Yale Coll., '22 until died there, 17 July 1825. *I)arIus Oliver Griswold (1+), b. 5 Aug. 1787, Goshen, Ct. W.C. 1808.— Ord. 1 July 1812. p. East Bloouifield, N. Y., '12-'14. — Presb. eh., Sara- toga Springs,N.Y., a.p. '15-22; p. '22-'23. — p. Cong, ch., Watertown, Ct., '23-'33. — a.p. Presb. ch., Saratoga Springs, N.Y., '33-39; w.c. there, 39 until died there, .. Dec. 1841. ♦Gordon Hall (1—), b. 8 April 1784, Tolland, Ms. W.C. 1808. — Ord. 6 Feb. 1812. f. m. Bombay, '12 until died there, 20 March 1826. ♦Luther Hart (1—), b. 27 July 1783, Goshen, Ct. Y. C. 1807. — Ord. 5 Sept. 1810. p. Plymouth, Ct., '10 until died there, 25 April 1834. ♦John Wilson Kimball, m.d. (1—), b. 24 Jan. 1787, Concord, N. H. D. C. 1807. — Not ordained. — teacher, Rahway, N. J., '12-'13; Flushing, L. I., '13-'14. — N.H. Medical School, '14-'l 6. — physician, Bath, N.H., '17-'19; Campton, N. H., '20-45 ; Beaver Dam, Wis., '45 until died there, 7 March 1868. ♦Jeremiah Mayhew (2+), b. 23 Dec. 1788, New Bedford, Ms. B. U. 1808.— Died at New Bedford, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 4 Jan. 1811. ♦John Patten (2—), b. 4 Oct. 1785, Topsham, Me. B.C. 1808. — Not or- dained. — teacher, N. C. — res. Charlestown, Ms. — res. Bowdoinham, Me., '21 until died there, 28 Aug. 1866. ♦Ezeklel Rich (1+), b. 2 April 1784, Greenwich, Ms. B. U. 1808. — Ord. 1812. h.m.— p. Troy, N. H., '15-'l 8. — teacher and h.m. Troy, N.H.,'18-'24, and h.m. Cheshire Co., etc., N.H., '24-'2 7.— teacher, Troy, N.H., '27-'45. (a.p. East Woodstock, Ct., '30-'31.) — w.c. Rochester, N.Y., '45-' . . ; Deep River, Ct., ' . . until died there, 22 Nov. 1854. ♦Abraham Miller Smith (1—), b. 26 June 1790, East Hampton, N. Y. Y. C. 1808. — Not ordained. — res. Easthampton, L. I. — Died, 1839. ♦Ebenezer Peck Sperry (2), b. 3 June 1785, New Haven, Ct. M. C. 1808.— Ord. 3 Nov. 1813 p. Dunstable, N.H., '13-'19. — p. Wenham, Ms., '20- '36. — chaplain House of Correction, Boston, Ms., '38-39. — p. Peru, O., '42-46. — p. Lyme, O., '46-48. — p. Ruggles, O., '49-52. — w.c. Ruggles, O., '52 until died there, 1 Jan. 1853. ♦William Allen Tomson (2—), b. 18 April 1787, South Berwick, Me. B.C. 1808. — Not ordained. — prin. acad., South Berwick, Me., '13-'19. res. there, and died there, 3 Oct. 1835. 6 1811. 1812. [1880. ♦Comfort Williams (1), b. 23 Jan. 1783, Wethcrsfield, Ct. Y. C. 1808.— Ord. by Oneida Presb'y, .. Feb. 1813. h. m. Oneida Co., etc., N. Y., '12-14 ; Western N. Y., and Pa., '15-16. — p. Presb. ch., Rochester, N. Y., '16-21. — w.c. Rochester, N. Y., '21 until died there, 26 Aug. 1825. 1812. *Josluia Dean, b. 16 July 1788, Taunton, Ms. B.U. 1809. — Ord. 30 Nov. 1814. p. East Groton, N. Y., '14 until died there, 30 Nov. 1824. *Joha Wallace EUingWOod, D.D., b. 2 May 1782, Beverly, Ms. — .— Ord. 4 Nov. 1812. p. Bath, Me., '12-'43 ; w.c. there, '43 until died there, 19 Aug. 1860. *Jacob Ide, D.D., b. 29 March 1785, Attleborough, Ms. B. U. 1809. — Ord. 2 Nov. 1814. p. West Medway, Ms., '14 until died there, 5 Jan. 1880. * Jonathan Lee, b. 19 July 1786, Salisbury, Ct. Y. C. 1809. — Ord. 28 June 1815. p. Otis, Ms., '15-'31. — p. Tecumseh, Mich., '32. — p. Weybrldge, Vt., '34-37. — teacher, Salisbury, Ct., '37-'40; w.c. there, '40 until died there, 13 Oct. 1866. *Samuel John Mills, b. 21 April 1783, Torringford, Ct. W.C. 1809. — Ex- ploring agent of Mass. and Conn. Miss. Soc, in West and Southwest, '12-13. — Miss, and Bible agent. Southwest, '14-15. Ord. 21 June 1815. — agent School for Ed. Col. men, '16. — agent Am. Col'n Soc, to Africa, '17 until died, at sea, 16 May 1818. *Ansel Nash, b. 26 Jan. 1788, Williamsburg, Ms. AV. C. 1809.— Ord. 21 Jan. 1813. p. Tolland, Ct., '13-31. — p. Bloomfield, Ct, '31-35. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '35-'39, — p. Rockville, Ct., '39-'41. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '41-44. — a.p. Colchester, Vt., '45-'48. — Died, at Brattleborough, Vt., 11 Aug. 1851. ♦James Richards, b. 23 Feb. 1784, Abington, Ms. W.C. 1809.— Student of Med., Philadelphia, Pa., '12-'14.— a.p. Deering, N. H., '14-'15. — Ord. 21 June 1815. f. m. Ceylon, '15 until died there, 3 Aug. 1822. ♦Robert Ohauncey Rohbins, b. 16 May 1786, Westchester, Ct. W.C. 1809. — Ord. (?) — agent A.B. C. F. M., '16-17. — h. m. and occ. sup., Ct., '17-'22.— a.p. Chester, Ct., '22. — w.c '23 until died, at Darien, Ga., 18 May 1825. ♦John F[reeinan 2] Scherinerhorn, b. 24 Sept. 1 786, N. Y. U. C. 1809. — Exploring agent Muss, and Conn. Miss. Soc, in West and Southwest, '12-'13. — Ord Ref. (Dutch) ch. (joined Rcf. (Dutch) ch. from Congregationalists, '13.)— h.m. N.Y. — Middleburgh, N.Y., 'l6-'27; also sec. Western Dom. Soc, Utica, N.Y, '26-28. — gen. agent Dom. Miss. (R. D.) Soc '29-'32. — — U. S. Indian agent, Cherokees, '35- 1880.] 1812. 7 '36. — — w.c. Salem, '46 ; N. Y., '47^48 ; w.c. '49. — Died, at Eich- niond, Va. (on business there), 6 March 1851. *Edward Warren, b. 4 Aug. 1786, Marlborough, Ms. M. C. 1808.— Ord. 21 June 1815. f.m. Ceylon, '15 until died, at Cape Town, Africa, 11 Aug. 1818. *Simeon Woodruff, b. 26 July 1782, Litchfield, Ct. Y. C. 1809. — Ord., at Washington, Ct., 21 April 1813. h.m. Ohio, '13-'14. — p. Talhnadge, O., '14-'23. — a.p. Bath, O., '24. — p. StrongsviUe, O., '25-'34. — a.p. Wor- thington, O.y '35-38. — h. m. Bainbridge, Mich., '38 until died there, 28 Aug. 1839. *Garrett Garnsey Brown (2—), b. 13 Feb. 1785, Bethlehem, Ct. Y. C. 1809. Not ordained. — teacher in many places in South and Southwest, '11-'61, and at Hawaiian Islands, '54-'55. — res. later in Bethlehem, Ct., and after in Woodbury, Ct., where he died, 1 Oct. 1870. *John Brown, d.d. (2.), b. 4 July 1786, Brooklyn, Ct. D. C. 1809. Ord. 7 Dec. 1813. p. Presb. ch., Cazenovia, N.Y., '13-29. — p. Pine st. (now Berkeley st.) ch., Boston, Ms., '29-31.— p. Hadley, Ms., '31 until died there, 22 March 1839. ♦John Flavel Clark (1+), b. 10 Dec. 1788, New Brunswick, N.J. N.J. C. 1807. — Tutor, N.J. Coll., '11-'14. — Ord. 15 June 1815. p. Presb. ch., rieraington, N. J., '15-36. — p. Paterson, N. J., '37-41. — p. Cold Spring, N. Y., '41-'45. — p. Oyster Bay, L.I., '45-'46. — p. Fishkill, N. Y., '47 until died there, 7 Oct. 1853. *Micaiah Fairfield (1), b. 3 April 1786, from Pittsford, Vt., prob. born in N. H. M. C. 1809. — Ord., at Clarksburg, Va., Bapt., 1817. h.m. Va., Pa., and Ohio, '17-'27. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Ohio, ('29); Indiana, ('3]-'33). agent Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, '. .-'40. — occ. pr., and lecturer against slavery, '40 until died, at Hillsdale, Mich., 19 Feb. 1858. *Cyrus Winthrop Gray (1—), b. 8 Aug. 1784, Sharon, Ct. W.C. 1809.— Tutor, Williams Coll., '10-'12. — Ord. 4 April 1813. p. Washington, Ct., '13-'15. — p. Stafford, Ct., '17 until died there, 20 Aug. 1821. ♦Alfred Mitchell (1—), b. 22 May 1790, Wethersfield, Ct. Y. C. 1809.— Ord. 27 Oct. 1814. p. Norwich, Ct., '14 until died there, 21 Dec. 1831. »Luther Rice (1+), b. 25 March 1783, Northborough, Ms. W.C. 1810.— Ord. 6 Feb. 1812. f m. India, '12-'13. — agent Bapt. Miss. Conven- tion, '13-26; agent Columbian Coll., Dist. Col., '20-26 — In volun. labors, '26 until died, in Edgefield District, S. C, 25 Sept. 1836. 8 1812. 1813. [1880. *WilHam Raymond Weeks, d.d. (1—), b. 6 'Aug. 1 783, Brooklyn, Ct, N. J. C. 1809. — Tutor, N.J. C. '09-'10. — a.p. Hebron, N. Y,, '11.— Ord. 16 Feb. 1812. p. Prcsb. eh., Plattsburg, N. Y., '12-'14.— w.c. Albany, N. Y., '14- '15. — teacher, Litchfield, Ct., '15-'18; Clinton, N.Y., '18-'20. — a.p. Paris Hill, N.Y., '20-31; also teacher, '29-31. — a.p. Third Presb. oh., Utica, N. Y., '31-32.— p. Fourth Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '32-46.— w.c. '46 until died, at Oneida, N. Y., 27 June 1848. *Stephen Maynard Wheelock (1), b. 4 April 1789, Rutland(?), Vt. U. Vt. 1809. — Ord. .. Oct. 1819. h. m. N. Y., Vt., and N. H., '22-'25, including a.p. Pittsfield, N.H., '22-'23. — p. Warren, Vt., '25-'28. — a.p. Westford, Ct., '32-33; Sandgate, Vt., '34-35; Derby, Vt., '36-'40. — w.c. Rutland, Vt., '40 until died there, 12 Aug. 1847. 1813. *Burr Baldwin, b. 19 Jan. 1789, Weston, Ct. Y. C. 1809. — prin. acad., Newark, N. J., '14-16. — h. m. Ohio and Western Va., '16-17. — city miss'y. New York, '17-'18. — h.m. N. J., '18-'19. — Ord. 2 June 1819. agent Presb. Ed. Soc, '19-20. — agent United For. Miss. Soc, '20-21.— a.p. Presb. chhs., North Hardiston and Frankford, N. J., '21-23. — h.ra. Pa., '23. — p. Montrose, Pa., '24-29. — p. Cong, ch., New Hartford, Ct., '30-33. — temp, sup., R. I., Ct., and West'n Mass., '33-36. — p. Ashfield, Ms., '36-'38. — teacher, Newark, N. J., '38-47. — h.m. res. Montrose, Pa., '47-'67; also Post chaplain, U.S.A., Beverly, West Va., '61-63.— w.c. Montrose, Pa., '67 until died there, 23 Jan. 1880. *Chauncey Booth, b. 15 March 1783, East Windsor, Ct. Y. C. 1810. — h.m. Bridgewater, N. H., '14-'15. — Ord. 20 Sept. 1815. p. Coventry, Ct., '15- '44. — w.c. Coventry, Ct., '44 until died there, 24 May 1851. *William Eaton, b. 18 Aug. 1783, Framingham, Ms. W.C. 1810. — Ord. 30 Aug. 1815. p. Fitchburg, Ms., '15-23. — p. Middleborough, Ms., '24-'34. — p. Charlotte, Vt., '34-37. — p. Hardwick, Ms., '37 until died, at West Brookfield, Ms., 15 April 1840. *William Hanford, b. 11 Nov. 1787, Norwalk, Ct. Y. C. 1808.— Ord. 13 Oct. 1813. h.m. Ohio, '13-'15. — p. Hudson, O., '15-31. — p. Windham, O., '31-'40. — Tallmadge, O., occ supply, or w.c., '40 until died there, 31 May 1861. *rifleld Holt, b. 27 May 1785, Hollis, N. II. M. C. 1810. — Ord. 15 June 1814. p. Bloomfield, Me., '14 until died there, 15 Nov. 1830. *Ben3amin Clark Meij?s, b. 9 Aug. 1789, Bethlehem, Ct. Y. C. 1809. Ord. 21 June 1815. Ord. 21 June 1815. f.m. Ceylon, '15-'58. — w.c. '58 until died, at New York, 12 May 1862. 1880.] 1813. 9 *Eiios Merrill, b. ISMarch 1786, Fcalmoutli, Me. B. C. 1808.— h.m. Thomaston and vie, Me., '13-'14. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '14-'16. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1816. p. Freeport, Me., '16-30. — a.p. and prin. acad., Wolfeborough, N. H., '31- '32. — p. Alna, Me., a.p. '32-34; p. '34-41. — w.c. Falmouth, Me., '41- '44. — a.p. Naples, Me., '44. — h.m. Sweden, Me., '45. — p. Mechanic Falls, Me., '46-'55. — a. p. Fairlee, etc., Vt., '55 until died, at Orford, N. H., 22 March 1861. *Ei)liraiin Holland Newton, D.D., b. 13 June 1787, Newfane,Vt. M.C. 1810. — Ord. 16 March 1814. p. Marlborough, Vt., '14-33. — p. Presb. ch., Glenn's Falls, N. Y., '33-'36. — p. Presb. ch., Cambridge, N. Y., '37-'43.— prin. acad., Cambridge, N. Y., '43-48. — w.c. Cambridge, N. Y., '48-61. — a.p. Cong, ch., Marlborough, Vt., '61-62; Wilmington, Vt., '63-64.— Died, at Cambridge, N. Y., 25 Oct. 1864. *DaTid Olipliant, b. 9 Nov. 1791, Waterfbrd, N. Y. U. C. 1809. — Ord. 25 May 1815. Keene, N. H., '15-'l 7. — p. Third (now Dane st.) ch., Beverly, Ms., '18-'34. — p. Second ch.. Wells, Me., '34-'38. — a.p. West Haverhill, Ms. (and Plaistow, N. H.), '38-'52. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '52 until removed to St. Louis, Mo., '68, where he died, 26 Oct. 1871. *Tha{l(lens Pomeroy, b. 28 Feb. 1 783, Southampton, Ms. W. C. 1810. — Ord. 22 Nov. 1815. Kandolph, Ms., '15-'20. — p. Gorham, Me., '22-40. —p. Presb. ch., Otisco, N. Y., '41-'43. — w.c. Onondaga,N. Y., '43-'49; DeWitt, N. Y., '49 until died there, 14 April 1858. *Daniel Smitli, b. 6 Oct. 1789, Bennington, Vt. M.C. 1810. — Exploring agent Mass. Miss. Soc, at the South, '14-'15. — Ord. 29 Sept. 1815. h.m. at South, '15-'19. — a.p. Natchez, Miss., '19-22.- p. Louisville, Ky., '22 until died there, 22 Feb. 1823. *Beujamin Brearley Stockton, b. 31 Jan. 1790, Hackettstown, N. Y. M. C. 1809. Ord. by Utica Presbytery, 1812 h.m. Western States, '13-'18. — p. Presb. ch., Skaneateles, N. Y., '18-'22. — p. Palmyra, N. Y., '24-'27. — p. Pompey, N.Y., '29-'31. — p. Camillus, N. Y., '31-'33. — p. Leroy, N. Y., '33-35. — p. Montgomery, N. Y., '35-38. — p. Brockport, N. Y., '38-'43. — p. Genesee, N. Y., '43-'48. — w.c. Rochester, N. Y., '48-'50. — p. Phelps, N.Y., '50-57.— w.c. Jersey City, N. J., '58-59 ; w.c. Williams- burg, N. Y., '59 until died there, 10 Jan. 1861. *Francis Delion Wait, M.D., b. 23 Feb. 1791, Boston, Ms. B. U. 1810.— Not ordained. — physician, M. D. Univ. Penn. Died In 1833. *Hezekiali Woodruff, M.D., b. 18 Feb. 1789, Ct. U. C. 1810.— Ord. 16 Feb. 1816. p. Presb. ch., Elmlra, N. Y., '16-'20. — res. Erin, N. Y., for " many years," lawyer, and died " about 1860." 10 1813. 1814. [1880. ♦Justin Edwards, d.d. (1), b. 25 i\pril 1787, Westhampton, Ms. W. C. 1810. — Ord. 2 Dec. 1812. p. South ch., Andover, Ms., '12-27. — p. Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '28-'29.— Sec. Am. Temp. Soc, '29-36. — Pres. Theol. Sem., Andover, Ms., '36-'42. — Sec. Am. and For. Sabbath Union, '42-49. — w.c. Andover, ]\Is., '49 until died, at Bath Alum Springs, Va.,. 24 July 1853. *Laurin Chittenden Hatch (1), b. 19 March 1789, Granville, Ms. W. C. 1810. Not ordaiued. Died in 1812. ♦Preserved Jennings (1—), b. 11 Oct. 1788, Westport, Ct. Y. C. 1808. — Not ordained. — res. Green's Farms, Westport, Ct., disabled, '10 until died there, 27 Nov. 1837. '*Jacob E. Vosburgh (1), b. 15 Feb. 1787, Kinderhook, N. Y. Y. C. 1810.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '12-'13. — Ord — Died, at Kinder- hook, N.Y., 1836. *James Wakeman (1), b. 25 June 1 788, Ballston, N. Y. U. C. 1809. — Said to have been teacher and planter at the South, and to have died. 1814. *Horatio Bardwell, D.D., b. 3 Nov. 1788, Belchertown, Ms. — . — Ord. 21 June 1815. f.m. India, '15-21.— p. Holden, Ms., '23-'31. — agent A. B. C. F. M., '31-'36. — p. Oxford, Ms., '36-'64 ; w.c. there, '64 until died there, 5 May 1866. . ♦Calvin Colton, LL.D., b. 14 Sept. 1789, Longmeadow, Ms. Y. C. 1812.— Ord., Presb., 1 July 1817. h.m. N.Y., '17-'20. — p. Prcsb. ch., Leroy, N.Y., '20-24. — p. Batavia, N.Y., '25-26. — w.c. and author, '26-'31; in England, '31-35. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 24 April 1836 ; priest, 2 July 1837. — r. Ch. of the Messiah, New York city, '37-38. — author, '38-52. editor, Washington, D. C, '42-'44. — Prof. Polit. Econ., Trin. Coll., Hartford, Ct., '52 until died, at Savannah, Ga., 13 March 1857. ♦Kalph Emerson, D.D., b. 18 Aug. 1787, Hollis, N. H. Y. C. 1811. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '14-'16. — Ord. 12 June 1816. p. Norfolk, Ct.,'16-'29. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Andover, Ms., '29-53. — w.c. '53 until died, at Rockford, 111., 20 May 1863. ♦Jeremiah Flint, b. 16 Nov. 1784, Braintree, Vt. M. C. 1811.— Ord. 31 July 1817. p. Danville, Vt., '17-'18. — w.c. '18 until died, at Eden, Vt., . . Oct. 1843. ♦Thomas Hopkins Gallaiidet, LL.D., b. 10 Dec. 1787, Philadelphia, Pa. Y. C. 1805. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '08-'10. — in Europe, '15-'16-— Sup. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Ct., '1 7-'30. — Ord. 23 Sept. 1834. — res. Hartford, Ct., '30-38. — chaplain. Insane Asylum, Hartford, Ct., '38 until died there, 9 Sept. 1851. 1880.] 1814. 11 *Salmon Gfiddin^S, b. 3 March 1782, 'llartland, Ct. W. C. 1811.— Tutor, Williams Coll., '14-'15.— Ord., by Hartford So. Assoc'n, 20 Dec. 1814. h.m. Mass., Conn., and N. Y., '14-'15; Mo., '15-'26. — p. First Presb. ch., St. Louis, Mo., a.p. partially, '17-'26 ; p. '26 until died there, 1 Feb. 1828. *Wimam Ripley Gould, b. 27 May 1789, Sharon, Ct., Y. C. 1811.— Ord., by Hartford No. Cons'n, 12 Oct. 1814. h.m. O., '14-'15. — a.p. Galllopolis, O., '15-'26. — p. Torrington, Ct., '27-'32.— p. Barkhamsted, Ct, '32-'38. — p. Galliopolis, O., '39-46. — w.c Pottstown, Pa., '46 until died there, 2 July 1867. *Calvia Hitchcock, D.D., b. 25 Oct. 1787, Westminster, Vt. M.C. 1811.— Ord. 15 Aug. 1815. p. Newport, R.L, '15-'20. — p. Randolph, Ms., '21- '61. — -vv.c. Wrentham, Ms., '51 until died there, 3 Dec. 1867. ♦Leonard Jewett, b. 2 Oct. 1787, Hollis, N. H. D. C. 1810.— h.m. in West- ern N. Y. and in N. H., preaching at Chester, N. H., Londonderry, N. H., Litchfield, N. H., Wilton, N. H., and Roxbury,N. H. — Ord. 6 March 1833. p. Temple, N. H., '33-'44. — w.c. Hollis, N. H., '44 until died there, 16 Feb. 1862. *DaTid Meaubec Mitchell, b. 9 May 1788, Yarmouth, Me. Y. C. 1811. — h.m. Me, '15-'16.— Ord. 19 June 1816. p. Waldoborough, Me., '16-'42. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '42-45. — a.p. Cape Elizabeth, Me., and city mlss'y, Port- land, Me., '45-52. — city miss'y, Boston Highlands, Ms., '52-'61. — w.c. South Natick, Ms., '61-65 ; Waltham, Ms., '65 until died there, 27 Nov. 1869. *Daniel Poor, D.D., b. 27 June 1789, Danvers, Ms. D. C. 1811. — Ord. 21 June 1815. f.m. Ceylon, '15 until died there, 2 Feb. 1855. ♦Israel Warbxirton Putnam, D.D., b. 24 Nov. 1786, Danvers, Ms. D. C. 1809. — Ord. 15 March 1815. p. Portsmouth, N. H., '15-'35. — p. First eh., Middleborough, Ms., '35 until died there, 3 May 1868. ♦DaTid Marsh Smith, b. 11 Aug. 1790, Marlborough, Ms. Y. C. 1811. — h.m. N. Y. '15-'16. — Ord. 6 July 1817. p. Presb. ch., Lewiston, N. Y. '17-'28. a.p. Little Falls, N. Y., '30 ; a.p. and prin. acad., New Stockbridge, N. Y., '30-'35. — prin. sem., Stockport, N. Y., '35-'39 ; also a.p. Newman's Mills, N. Y., '35-'36. — Cor. Sec. and gen. agent of N. Y. State Soc. for impr. popular education, '39-'42. — w.c. (?) '42-53. — a.p. Big Hollow, N.Y., '53-'54. — a.p. Osceola, N. Y., '55. — h.m. vicin. of Osceola, N, Y., '56-59. — w.c. Princeton, N. J., '60 until died there, 25 July 1860. *Miles Powell Sqnier, D.D., b. 4 May 1792, Cornwall, Vt. M. C. 1811.— a.p. Oxford, Ms., '14; a.p. Vergennes, Vt., '14-'15, — h.m. Western N. Y., '15-'16.— Ord. 3May 1816. p. Presb. ch., BuSalo, N. Y., '16-'24. — Finan. agent Auburn Theol. Sem., '24-26. — Sec. Geneva Agency, Am. H.M. Soc, '26-34. — prin. GenevaLyceum, and occ. sup., '31-'41. — res. Geneva, occ. sup., '41-'49. — Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil., Beloit Coll., AVis. (res. Geneva, N.Y.), '49-63.- w.c. Geneva, N.Y., '63 until died there, 22 June 1866. 12 1814. 1815. [1880. *Julins Steele, b. 29 Dec. 1 786, Woodbury, Ct. Y. C 1811. — Orel. 13 March 1816. p. East Bloomfield, N. Y., '16-'29. — ap. Warsaw. N.Y., '29-'31 ; West Bloomfield, N.Y., 'ol-'38 ; White Piireon, MIcL., '38-'10. — w.c. Con- stantine, Micb., '40 until died there, 20 Feb. 1846. *Hervey Talcott, b. 6 Jan. 1791, Coventry, Ct. Y. C. 1810. — h.m. "various places," '14-'16. — Ord. 23 Oct. 1816. p. Portland, Ct., '16 until died there, 19 Dec. 1865. *SjlYester Woodbridjje, D.D., b. 9 Nov. 1790, Southampton, Ms. — . — Ord. 23 April 1817. p. Greenfield, Ms., '17-'23.— p. Greenville, N.Y., '24-'31. — agent Am. Tr. Sec, '31-38. — agent Auburn Theol. Sem. — p. Presb. eh., Hempstead, L. 1., '38-'.'. — agent Oakland Coll., Miss. — a.p. Westhampton, L. I., '41-'48. — w.c. '49-'51. — p. Second Presb. ch.. New Orleans, La., '52-'60. — w.c. New Orleans, La., '60 until died there, 30 June 1863. *William Reed (1—), b. 20 Feb. 1788, Burlington, Ms. H. C. 1811. — Died, at Burlington, Ms., probably while a member of the Seminary, 25 June 1812. *Heman Swift, m.d. (1— ), b. 30 Sept. 1791, Bennington, Vt. M. C. 1811.— Not ordained. — physician, Bennington, Vt., '21 until died there 30 Jan. 1856. 1815. *Joiiatlian Adams, b. ..July 1785, Boothbay, Me. M. C. 1812. — Ord. 26 Feb. 1817. p. Woolwich, Me., '17-'32. — p. Deer Isle, Me., '32-52. — a.p. Boothbay, Me., '52-'58. — w.c. New Sharon, Me., '58 until died there, 10 April 1861. *Elijali Baldwin, b. . . June 1789, Milford, Ct. Y. C. 1812. — Not ordained. Died, at Derby, Ct., 6 June 1819. *Elbeiiezer Burgess, D.D., b. l April 1790, Wareham, Ms. B. U. 1809.— Tutor, Brown Univ., '11-'13.— Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Univ. Vt.,- '15-'17. — agent Am. Col'n Soc. to -Africa, '17-'18, and in U. S., '18-'19. — Ord. 14 March 1821. p. First ch., Dedham, Ms., a.p. '20-21; p. '21 until died there, 5 Dec. 1870. *Josepli Wait Curtis, b. 12 April 1790, Windsor, Vt. D. C. 1811. — Ord 5 July 1816. p. North Yarmouth, Me., '16-'l 7. — occ. pr. North Yarmouth, Me., '17-'20. — p. Warren, O., '20-32. — chaplain Vt. State Prison, '32- '34. — h.m. Canada, '35 ; Charlestown, N. H., '35-36. — w.c. Vt., '36 ; llad- ley, Ms., '36 until died there, 16 March 1857. 1880.] 1815. 13 *Elesizer Thompson Fitcli, D.U., b. 1 Jan. 1791, New Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1810. — Ord. 5 Nov. 1817. p. Yale Coll. cli., New Haven, Ct., and Prof. Div., Yale Coll., '17-'52 (Prof. Sac. Lit., '20-24) ; Lecturer on Homiletics, '52-61 ; Prof. Emeritus, '61 until died there, 30 Jan. 1871. *Alleii Graves, b. 8 April 1792, Rupert, Vt. M. C. 1812. — Ord. 3 Sept. 1817. f.m. Western India, '17 until died there, 30 Dec. 1843. Herman Halsey, b. 16 July 1793, Bridghampton (L.L), N.Y. W. C. 1811. a.p. Southampton, L.L, '15-'16. — Ord. at Bethlehem, Ct., 15 May 1816. h.m. Ky., '16-'17; North Stonington, Ct., '17-'18; Western N. Y., '18-'19. — p. Byron and Bergen, N. Y., '19-30. — a.p. Cambria, N.Y., '30-35; Presb. ch. Middleport, N. Y., '35-'36 ; Chalmers ch., Niagara, N. Y., '36- '39 ; Niagara Falls, N. Y., '39-42. — w.c. since '42, now res. East Wilson, N. Y. *Elbeuezer Kello^^, b. 25 Oct. 1789, Vernon, Ct. Y. C. 1810. —Not ordained. — Prof. Lang., Williams Coll., '15-44. — w.c. Williamstown, Ms. until died there, 2 Oct. 1846. *Cyrus Kingsbury, D.D., b. 22 Nov. 1786, Alstead, N.H. B. U. 1812.— Ord. 29 Sept. 1815. h.m. Va. and East Tenn., '15-'l 7. — missionary ( A.B.C.F.M.) Cherokee Indians, '1 7-'18 ; Choctaws, '18 until died, in Indian Territory,27 June 1870. *Nathan Lord, D.D., LL.D., b. 28 Nov. 1792, Berwick, Me. B. C. 1809.— Ord. 22 May 1816. p. Amherst, N. H., '16-'28. — Pres. Dart. Coll., '28- '63. — w.c. Hanover, N. H., '63 until died there, 9 Sept. 1870. *Stei)lien Mason, b. .. May 1788, Litchfield, Ct. W.C. 1812.— Ord., at Bethlehem, Ct., 15 May 1816. h.m. Ky., '16-'17. — p. Washington, Ct., '17-29. — p. Nantucket, Ms., '30-35. — a.p. Collinsville, Ct., '35-36.— p. Goshen, Ms., '36-'37. — a.p. Marshall, Mich., '38-'39; Eckford, Mich., '39- '42; Battle Creek, Mich., '42-44; Marengo, etc., Mich., '45-'50. — w.c. from '50, res. Marshall, Mich., until died there, 8 Nov. 1870. *Rol)ert Page, b. 25 April 1790, Readfield, Me. B. C. 1810.— h.m. in Me., occ. service, '15-20. — Ord. 22 May 1822. p. Bradford, N. H., '22-'28.— p. Durham, N. H., '28-31. — p. Hanover, N. H., '31-33. — p. Hardwick, Vt., '33-'35. — p. Levant (now Kenduskeag), Me., '35-'44. — a.p. Lincoln, Me., '44 ; Old Town, Me., '44-46 ; Carroll and vie, '47 ; Hillsborough, N. H., '47-'51 ; Lempster, N. H., '51-56 ; West Farmington, O., '57-63. — w.c. West Farmington, O., '63 until died there, 12 Jan. 1876. *Isaac Parsons, b. . . Aug. 1780, Southampton, Ms. Y. C. 1811. — Ord. 3 Oct. 1816. p. East Haddam, Ct., '16-56 ; w.c. there, '56 until died there, 22 Aug. 1868. *George Payson, b. .. July 1789, Pomfret, Ct. Y. C. 1812.— Ord. 3 July 1816. p. Kennebunkport, Me., '16-'20; w.c. there, '20 until died there, 22 Oct. 1823. 14 1815. 1816. [1880. *Henry Sinitll, b. ..Jan. 1879, Durham, N. II. B.C. 1810. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1817. p. Camden, N. Y., '17 until died there, 19 July 1828. ♦Job Sedg-wick Swift, b. 11 April 1794, Bennington, Vt. M. C. 1812. — Not ordained. — Preached in Me., '15. — a.p. Royalton, Vt., '15-'16. — went to Georgia in 1816. — teacher. Hatcher's Bluff, Ala. — merchant. — planter, from near 1824. Died, at Dalton, Ga., . . June 1859. *Samuel White, b. 12 Oct. 1791, Randolph, Ms. D. C. 1812. — Ord. 24 Feb. 1818. p. Presb. eh., Williamson, N. Y., '18-'28. — p. Starkey, N. Y., '25- '30. — a.p. Pultney, N. Y., '30-'32 ; Rockstream, N. Y., '32-35. — p. Tyrone, N. Y., '35-'37. — w.c. '37-'39. — Pultney, N. Y., a.p.'40-'44; p. '44-'52.— w.c. Starkey, N.Y., '53 until died, at Rockstream, near Starkey, N. Y., 9 June 1864. ♦Thomas Ruggles Gold (1+), b. 25 March 1787, Cornwall, Ct. Y. C. 1806- Not ordained. — Died, 30 Dec. 1829. 1816. Dayid Lathrop Hunn, b. 5 Nov. 1789, Colerain, Ms. Y. C. 1813.— Ord. 17 Feb. 1817. p. Sandwich, Ms., '17-'30. — a.p. South Vernon, Ct., '30-32; South Windsor, Ct., '32-35 —p. Somerset, N. Y., '35-37,- a.p. North Hadley, Ms., '38-'40. — p. Presb. ch., Lenox, N. Y., '41-44. — w.c. Roch- ester, N.Y., '44-'58; Buffalo, N. Y., '58-'63; Angelica, N.Y., '63-'72; Rochester, N. Y., '72-. ♦Lavius Hyde, b. 29 Jan. 1789, Franklin, Ct. W. C. 1813.— Ord. 18 March 1818. p. Salisbury, Ct., '18-22. — h.m. Monroe Co., N. Y., '22. — p. Bolton, Ct, '23-'30. — p. EUington, Ct., '30-35. — p. Wayland, Ms., '35-'40. — p. Becket, Ms., '41-'49.— p. Bolton, Ct., '49-'60. — w.c. Vernon, Ct., '60 until died there, 3 April 1865. ♦William Kimhall, b. 4 Jan. 1789. From Hanover, N. H. Y. C. 1813.— Not ordained. — Died, near Natchez, Miss., 1823. ♦Alexander Lovell, b. 1 Feb. 1787, West Boylston, Ms. D. C. 1813.— Ord. 22 Oct. 1817. p. Vergennes, Vt., '1 7-'a5. — p. Phillipston, Ms., '35-'44. — w.c. Westborough, Ms., etc., '45 until died, at Nashua, N. H., 2 July 1855. ♦John Nichols, b. 20 June 1790, Antrim, N. H. D. C. 1813. — Ord. 3 Sept. 1817. f.m. Bombay, '17 until died there, 9 Dec. 1824. ♦Henry Robinson, b. 20 Dec. 1788, Guilford, Ct. Y. C. 1811. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '16-'17.— Ord, 30 April 1823. p. Morris, Ct., '23-'29. — p. Suflield, Ct., '31-'37. — p. East Putnam, Ct., '38-'45. — p. Plainfield, Ct., '47-'56.— w.c. Guilford, Ct., '56 until died there, 14 Sejit. 1878. 1880.] 1816. 15 *TIiomas SLepard, D.D., b. 7 May 1792, Norton, Ms. B. U. 1813. — h.m. Ga. '16-'18. — agent Ct. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, '18-'19. — Ord. 16 June 1819. p. Aslifield, Ms., '19-33,— agent Am. Bible See, '33-35. — p. Bristol, R.I., '35 until died there, 5 Oct. 1879. *Hart Talcott, b. 8 Nov. 1789, Bolton, Ct. D. C. 1812.— Ord. 11 May 1817. p. Clinton, Ct., '17-24. — p. AVarren, Ct., '25 until died there, 28 March 1836. CalTin Tale, b. 7 Oct. 1789, Lenox, Ms. U. C. 1812 — a.p. Lynn, Ms., '16-'17. Ord. 15 Oct. 1817. p. Charlotte, Vt., '17-33. — prin. acad., Kingsborough, N. Y., and preacher, '33-37. — Presb. ch., Martinsburgh, N. Y., a.p. '36- '37; p. '37-41; also teacher, '36-38. — a.p. BroAvnville, N. Y., '41-43, and teacher at Watertown, N. Y. — a.p. in Lewis Co., N.Y., '43-'53. — w.c. Martinsburg, N. Y., '53- *SoIomon Metcalf Allen (1), b. 18 Feb. 1789, Pittsfield, Ms. M. C. 1813.— Not ordained. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '14-'17. — Prof. Lang., Mid. Coll., '17 until died, at Middlebury, Vt., 23 Sept. 1817. ♦Joseph Raphael Andrus (1), b. 3 April 1791, Cornwall, Vt. M. C. 1812.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 19 June 1816; priest, 22 April 1817. — prea. in Marble- head, Ms., and Northern Vt., '16-'l 7 ; in Va., '1 7-'21. — Colonization agent to Africa, '21 until died, at Sierra Leone, 28 July 1821. *Elam Calhoun Clarke (1—), b. 4 Feb. 1789, Easthampton, Ms. W. C. 1812. — — Ord. 13 April 1824. p. Richmond st. ch.. Providence, R. L, '24-'25. — a.p. various places, '25-'31. — prin. acad., Greenwich, Ct., '31- '35. _ w.c. Suffield, Ct., '35 until died there, 19 Feb. 1837. *Nehemiah Cleaveland (1), b. 16 Aug. 1796, Topsfield, Ms. B. C. 1813. — Not ordained. — teacher, Topsfield, etc., Ms., and Me., '14-'16; Portland, Me., '16-17. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '17-'20. — prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '2I-'40. — Prof. Greek, Phillips Acad., Exeter, N.H., '41. — prin. High School, Lowell, Ms., '41. — prin. young ladies' school, Brooklyn, N. Y., '42- '50. — from '50 res. New York, Westport, Ct., Topsfield, Ms., and last in Westport, Ct., where he died, 17 April 1877. *Nathan Douglass (2), b. 30 Jan. 1 787, New London, Ct. M. C. 1813. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1816. p. Alfred, Me., 'l6-'27. — East St. Albans, Me., a.p. '29-'33 ; p. '33-46.- h.m. Me., '46 until died, at Bangor, Me., 16 Dec. 1866. ♦Nathaniel Hewit, d.d. (1—), b. 28 Aug. 1788, New London, Ct. Y. C. 1808. — Ord. 5 July 1815. p. Presb. ch., Plattsburg, N. Y., '1 .'5-'17. — p. Cong. ch., Fairfield, Ct., '18-27. — agent Am. Temii. Soc, '27-'30. — p. Bridge- port, Ct., '30-53. — p. Presb. ch., Bridgeport, Ct., '53 until died there, 10 Feb. 1867. 16 1816. 1817. [1880. *S7lvester Larned (l),b. 31 Aug. 1796, Pittsfield, Ms. M. C, 1813. — teacher, Pittsfield, Ms., '14. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1817. — Ord.,Presb., 15 July 1817. p. First Presb. oh., New Orleans, La., '17 until died there, 31 Aug. 1820. *Hiram Foot Mather (1+), b. 13 Feb. 1796, Colchester, Ct. Y. C. 1813.— Not ordained. — lawyer, Elbridge, N.Y., '19-44 ; Niles, Mich., '44-53; Chicago, 111., '53 until died there, 14 July 1868. *John McKeen ( ),b. 21 Dec. 1789, Beverly,Ms. B. C. 1811. — Not ordained. — res. Brunswick, Me., '02 until died there, 2 Dec. 1861. *William Perrin (1— ),b. 25 April 1792, Berlin, Vt. M. C. 1812. — prin. acad., Tyngsborough, Ms. — Ord h.m. Vt., N. Y., and Pa. — a.p. Christ ch. parish (Cong.), in S. C, ('19) "two or three years." — Died, at Berlin, Vt., .. Feb. 1824. *Alfred Wright (1), b. 1 March 1788, Columbia, Ct. W. C. 1812.— teacher acad., Hadley, Ms., '12. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '14-'15. — res. Raleigh, N. C, '16-'19, prin. fem. acad., '17-19.- Ord., at Charleston, S. C, by Cong'l Assoc'n, 17 Dec. 1819. h.m. N. C, '19. — missionary (A.B.C.F.M), Choctaw Indians, '19 until died, at Wheelock, Ark., 31 March 1853. 1817. *Samuel Clark Aikiii, D.D., b. 21 Sept. 1790, Windham, Vt. M. C. 1814.— Ord. 3 Feb. 1818. p. First Presb. ch., Utica, N. Y., '18-'35. — p. First Presb. ch., Cleveland, O., '35-'58. — w.c. Cleveland, O., '58 until died there, 1 Jan. 1879. *Elilm Wliittlesey Baldwin, D.D., b. 25 Dec. 1789, Durham, N. Y. Y. C. 1812. — Ord., Presb., at Londonderry, N.H., 10 Sept. 1817. city miss'y, New York, '17-'20.— p. Seventh Presb. ch.. New York, '20-'35. — Pres. Wabash Coll., '35 until died, at Crawfordsville, Ind., 15 Oct. 1840. *El)eiiezer Bowditcli Caldwell, b. 14 March 1792, Salem, Ms. D. C. 1814. — Ord. 10 July 1818. p. Ind. Cong, ch., Waynesborough, Ga., '18 until died, at Bath, Ga., 6 Aug. 1819. *George Albion Calhoun, D.D., b. 11 Oct. 1788, Washington, Ct. Ham. C. ■ 1814. — h.m. near Geneva, N. Y., '17-'18. — Ord. 10 May 1819. p. North Coventry, Ct., '19 until died there, 7 June 1867. *Irali Chase, D.D., b. 5 Oct. 1793, Stratton, Vt. M. C. 1814. — Ord., Bapt., at Danvors, Ms., 17 Sept. 1817. h.m. Va., '17-1 S ; — Prof. Lang, and Bib. Lit., Columbian Coll., D. C, '18-'25. — Prof. Bib. Theol., Theol. Sem., Newton, Ms., '25-36 ; Prof. Eccl. Hist., '36-45, being the first Professor of that Seminary. — w.c. Newton, Ms., '45 uutil died there, 1 Nov. 1804. 1880.] 1817. 17 ♦William Ely, b. 27 June 1792, North Killingworth, Ct. Y. C. 1813. — Ord. 18 March 1818. p. Vernon, Ct., '18-'22. — p. North Mansfield, Ct., '25- '41. — w.c. '41 until died, at Worcester, Ms., 20 Nov. 1850. *Noah Emerson, b. 4 Oct. 1787, New Ipswich, N. H. M. C. 1814. — Ord., at Woodstock, Vt., 6 Nov. 1822. h.m. in Me., Vt., and Ms. — p. Baldwin, Me., '25-'50. — w.c. Hollis, N. H., '50-'60. — niiss'y, Shinnecoek Reserva- tion, L. I., '60 until died there, 8 July 1860. *Joel Hawes, D.D., b. 22 Dec. 1789, Medway, Ms. B. U. 1813. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '16-'17. — Ord. 4 March 1818. p. First eh., Hartford, Ct., '18 until died, at Gilead, Ct., 5 June 1867. ♦Willard Holbrook, b. 7 April 1792, Uxbridge, Ms. B. U. 1814. — a.p. Hudson, N. H., '17-'18. — Ord. 22 July 1818. p. Rowley, Ms., '18-'40.— p. Millville, Ms., '41-50. — a.p. Linebrook, Ms., '51-54. — w.c. Rowley, Ms., '54 until died there, 7 Feb. 1860. *Edward WiUiam Hooker, D.D., b. 24 Nov. 1794, Goshen, Ct. M. C. 1814. Ord. 15 Aug. 1821. p. Green's Farm., Ct, '21-'29. — assoc. gen. agent Am. Temp. Soc, and editor, '29-'30. — p. Bennington, Vt., '32-'44. — Prof. Rhet. and Eccl. Hist., Theol. Inst., East Windsor, Ct, '44-'48. — p. South Windsor, Ct., '49-'56. — p. Fair Haven, Vt, '56-'62. — w.c. and occ. pr. from '62, res. Newburyport, Ms., until '70 ; Stockbridge, Ms., '70-73 ; Fort Atkinson, Wis., '73 until died there, 31 March 1875. ♦Jonathan McGee, b. 5 Oct 1789, Coleraine, Ms. W.C. 1814.— Ord. 13 Jan. 1819. East Brattleborough, Vt, '19-34. — p. First ch., Nashua, N. H., '35-'42. — p. Francestown, N. H., '43-'50. — a.p. Greenfield, N, H., '51-'59. — w.c. Nashua, N. H., '59 until died there, 3 Aug. 1876. ♦Richard Cary Morse, b. 18 June 1 795, Charlestown, Ms. Y. C. 1812. — Not ordained. — occ- sup. and editor, '17-'23 ; a.p. Presb. ch., St. John's Island, S. C, '17-'18. — one of the originators of New York Observer-^ in '23, and, propr., '23-57. — res. New York, '57-63 ; New Haven, Ct , '63 until died, at Kissingen, Bavaria, 22 Sept 1868. ♦John Luke Parkhurst, b. 7 Sept 1789, Framingham, Ms. B.U. 1812.— Not ordained. — prin. acad., Amherst, Ms., '17-'19. — p. Plainfield, N. H., '19-'21. — p. Gilmanton, N. H., '21-'25. — teacher. Monitorial school, Wis- casset, Me., '25-'26, — editor Christian Mirror, Portland, Me., '26. — prin. acad., Gilmanton, N. H., '27-32. — teacher, Portland, Me., '32-34 ; Stan- dish, Me., '34-'43. — author. — res. Gorham, Me., '43 until died there, 20 May 1850. ♦Levi Parsons, b. 18 July 1792, Goshen, Ms. M. C. 1814. — Ord. 3 Sept. 1817. f. m., Palestine, '17-; died, at Alexandria, Egypt, 10 Feb. 1822. ♦Otis Rockwood, b. l May 1791, Chesterfield, N. H. M. C. 1813. — Ord. 1 July 1818. p. First ch., Lynn, Ms., '18-32. — p. Woodstock, Ct., '34-'43i^ — w.c. '43 until died ,^ at Cambridge, JVIs., 30 Dec. 1861. 18 1817. [1880. *Jesse Strattoil, b. 1 Jan, 1780, Athol, Ms. W. C. 1814. — Ord., at Wood- bridge, Ct., 12 Dec. 1821. h.m. Va. — — was in Madison, Ga., '30- '36; Bethesda, Miss., '36. — a.p. Strongoli, Miss., '37; Panola, Miss., '40; agent, DeKalb, Miss., '46 ; h.m. Mt. Auburn, Miss., '49-51 ; Chesterfield, La., '52-'55. — w.c. Winsborough, La., '55 until died there, 9 March 1870. *Hutcliins Taylor, b. 7 Aug. 1 791, Monterey, Ms. W. C. 1814. — Ord., Presb., at Londonderry, N. H., 10 Sept. 181 7, h.m. Pa., '1 7-'. . — p. Salina, N. Y., '22-'26. — a.p. Camillus, N. Y., '27-'29. — p. Canaan Centre, N. Y., '31- ('33).— p. Salina, N. Y., '36-'39. — p. Presb. ch., Ulysses, N. Y., '39-44.— a.p. Cong, ch., Joliet, N. Y., '44-48 ; Udina, 111., '48-49 ; Newark, Wis., and Shirland, III, '49-'52; Presb. ch., Rockton, 111., '52. — w.c. Rockton, 111., '52-58; Belvidere, 111., '58 until died there, 31 Aug. 1868. *Carlos Wilcox, b. 22 Oct. 1794, Newport, N. H. M. C. 1813. — a.p. First ch.. New Haven, Ct, '23. — Ord. 1 Dec. 1824. p. North ch., Hartford, Ct., '24-'26. — author. — Died, at Danbury, Ct., 29 May 1827. *Moses Eaton Wilson, b. .. Aug. 1786, Francestown, N. H. M. C. 1814.— Ord., by Berkshire Miss'y Soc, h.m. Went " west "in 1817. h.m. O. and 111. — prea., St. Louis, Mo., '. . , and died there, . . April 1822. *Ebenezer Burt Wright, b. 12 April 1795, Westhampton, Ms. W.C. 1814. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1819. Ludlow, Ms., '19-'33 (dism. '35). — a.p. South Wil- braham, Ms., '33-'35. — p. First ch., Chicopee, Ms., '35-39. — Huntington, Ms., a.p. '39-42; p. '42-48. — a.p. Ludlow Mills, Ms., '51-54. — chaplain State Almshouse, Monson, Ms., '54-'59 and '60-'64. — w.c. Huntington (Norwich P. O.), Ms., '64 until died there, 19 Aug. 1871. ♦Alexander Metcalf Fisher (1), b. 22 July 1794, Franklin, Ms. Y.C. 1813.— Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '15-' 17. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Yale ColL, '17 until lost by wreck of the Albion, on the Irish coast, 22 April 1822. ♦Otto Smith Hoyt (1), b. 22 May 1793, New Haven, Vt. M. C. 1813.— Tutor, Mid. Coll., '15-'l 6. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1817.— Ord. 30 Sept. sj 1818. p. Hinesburg, Vt., '18-'29. — teacher, '29-32. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '32-37. — p. HInesburgh, Vt., '38'-'54. — teacher, New Haven, Vt., '54-'57, and a.p. there, '57. — w.c. New Haven, Vt., '5 7 until died there, 13 Nov. 1869. ♦Ebenezer Perkins (1—), b. 4 July 1794, Topsfield, Ms. D. C. 1814. — Ord. 17 Feb. 1819. p. Royalston, Ms., '19-46. — w.c. Royalston, Ms., '46 until died there, 26 Nov. 1861. ♦Philanthropes Perry (1— ), b. .. Aug. 1793, Buffiilo, N. Y. M. C. 1814.— Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 26 May 1815. 1880.] 1818. 19 1818. *Amzi Benedict, b. 19 May 1791, New Canaan, Ct. Ord., Presb., at New- bury, Ms., 24 Sept. 1818. h.m. — In h.m. service or teaching, '18-'24. — p. Cong, ch., Vernon, Ct., '24-30. — p. Pomfret, Ct., '31-34. — p. Manlius, N. Y., '37-'41. — prin. fern, acad., New Haven, Ct.. — a.p. Norwich, Ct., '45-'46 ; Yorktown, N. Y., '55 until died, from railway accident, at Brook- lyn, N. Y., 17 Nov. 1856. * Blod^ett, b. 2 March 1788, Randolph, Vt. D. C. 1815. — Ord., at Wil- liamstown, Vt., 12 Oct. 1825. h.m. '25-30. — a.p. Vershire, Vt., '31-32. — p. West Fairlee, Vt., '33-'40, and Post Mills, Thctford, Vt., '33-'35.— agent Vt. Bible Soc, '41-'42. — w.c. Randolph, Vt., '42 until died there, 16 April 1855. *William J. Boardman, b. 28 March 1794, Dalton, Mass. W.C. 1815.— Ord. 20 Sept. 1820. p. North Haven, Ct., '20-33. — p. Northford, Ct., '35 until died there, 1 Oct. 1849. Alran Bond, D.D., b. 27 April 1793, Sutton, Ms. B. U. 1815. — Ord. 29 Nov. 1819. Sturbridge,Ms.,'19-'31. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., Oct. '31-April '35. — p. Second ch., Norwich, Ct., '35-'64. — w.c. Norwich, Ct., '64-. *Samuel Williams Brace, b. 1 May 1791, , N. Y. Ham. C. 1815.— a.p. Bridgewater, N. Y. '18-'19. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1819. p. Presb. ch., Phelps, N. Y., '19-'24. — p. Bleecker st. Presb. ch., Utica, N.Y., '24-'28. — p. Skaneateles, N. Y., '28-'43. — a.p. Cong, ch., Binghamton, N.Y., '44-46 ; Bridgewater, Paris Hill, Sangerfield, and Norwich Corners, N. Y., '46-'56. — agent Am. Corn Soc, Utica, N. Y., '65-'72; w.c. there until died there, 16 Aug. 1878. *Anios Wood Burnham, D.D., b. 1 Aug. 1 791, Dunbarton, N. H. D. C. 1815. — prin. acad., Pembroke, N. H., '19. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1821. Rindge, N. H., '21-'67, — w.c. Rindge, N. H., '67-'69 ; Keene, N. H., '69 until died there, 9 April 1871. *Pliny Fisk, b. 24 June 1792, Shelburne, Ms. M C. 1814. — Ord. 4 Nov. 1818. miss'y tour in Southern States, '18-'19 ; Syria, '19 until died, at Beirut, 23 Oct. 1825. *Caleb Hobart, b. 20 Feb. 1794, Braintree, Ms. D. C. 1815. — h.m. '18-'23 (Robbinstown and Calais, Me., '23).— Ord. 3 Dec. 1823. p. Second ch., North Yarmouth, Me., '23 until died there, 9 Dec. 1859. *Alpha Miller, b. 18 Jan. 1792, Winsted, Ct. Ham. C. 1815. — h.m. Northern Penn., '18-'19. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1819. p. Bridgewater, N. Y., '19-'29. — p. Andover, Ct., '29-52. — a.p. Grassy Hill, Lyme, Ct., '53-63. — w.c. Ando- ver, Ct., '63 until died there, 29 March 1867. 20 1818. [1880. *Thomas Jewett Murdock, b, 27 Nov. 1790, Norwich, Vt. D. C. 1812.— Tutor, Dart. Coll., '13-'16. — Ord. 29 Sept. 1819. p. Portland, Me., '19- '21. — p. Canterbury, Ct., '21 until died there, 15 Dec. 1826. *Alonzo Phillips, b. 1 Sept. 1792, Bradford, Ms. M. C. 1815. — Ord. 7 June 1820. Princeton, Ms., '20-35. — w.c. '35 until died, at Newburyport, Ms., 24 April 1838. ♦Charles StebMns Robinson, b. 29 May 1791, Granville, Ms., W.C. 1814. — Ord., Presb., at Newbury, Ms., 24 Sept. 1818. h.m. Mo., '18-'25. — St. Charles, Mo., '25 until died there, 25 Sept. 1828. ♦Franklin Sherrill, b. 2 Aug. 1795, Richmond, Ms. W.C. 1815. — Not or- dained. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '18-20. — prin. acad., Westfield, Ms., ('21).— teacher, Madison, N. Y., and died there, or in its vie, 1850. *LeTi Spauldin^, D.D., b. 22 Aug. 1791, Jaffrey, N. H. D. C. 1815. — Ord. 4 Nov. 1818. miss'y, Ceylon, '18 until died there, 18 June 1873. *DaTi(l Tenney, b. 14 Jan. 1787, from Bradford, Ms. II. C. 1815.— Ord., Presb., at Newbury, Ms., 24 Sept. 1818. h.m. —Died, at Shoal Creek, 111., 21 Oct. 1819. *John Bliss Warren, b. 20 May 1794, from Wilbraham, Ms. B. U. 1815.— h.m. (from N, Y. Miss'y Soc. of Young Men), in Dallas, Monroe, and Bald- win counties, AL, '19-'23, chiefly at Blakely, Baldwin Co. — Ord., Presb., ..Dec. 1823. — p. Protestant ch.. Mobile, Ala., '24-26. — teaching and preaching in Mobile, '26-'29, while building new (Presb.) ch., of which was p. '29-'30. — teacher and preacher, res. New Orleans, La., '30-'41, incl. a.p. Abberville, '33, Donaldson, '36-'37, New River, '38. — occ. pr., and editor New Orleans Protestant, *41 until died there, 1844. *Miron Winslow, D.D., LL.D., b. 11 Dec. 1789, Williston, Vt. M. C. 1815. — Ord. 4 Nov. 1818. f. m., India, '18 until died, at Cape of Good Hope, 22 Oct. 1864. *Rufus William Bailey, d.d. (1), b. 13 April 1 793, North Yarmouth, Ms. D. C. 1813. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '17-'18.— Ord. 24 Nov. 1819. p. Norwich, Vt., and Prof. Moral Phil., Mil. Univ., '19-'23. — p. Pittsfield, Ms., '24-'27.— teacher, S. C, '27-'39; N. C, '39-'42 ; Va., '42-'48. — agent Col'n Soc, Va., '48-'54. — Prof. Lang., Austin Coll., Texas, '54-56 ; Pres., '58 until died there, 25 April 1863. ♦Silas Smith Chipman (1—), b. 18 Jan. 1793, Shoreham, Vt. M. C. 1815.— Died, at Shoreham, Vt., 9 Jan. 1817. ♦Isaac Chapin Day (1+), b. 27 June 1788, Springfield, Ms. —. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 5 May 1817. 1880.] 1818. 1819. 21 *Alfred Finney (1—), b. 27 March 1790, Plymouth, Vt. D. C. 1815.— Ord. 4 Nov. 1818. h.m. '18-19. — miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Cherokee Indians, '19- '. . ; died, at Salisan, Ark., 13 June 1829, *Horatio Gridley, M.D. (1), b. 10 Sept. 1792, Berlin, Ct. Y. C. 1815. — Not ordained. — physician, res. Berlin, Ct. ; from '52, Hartford, Ct., until died there, 9 Nov. 1864. *Alvan Hyde (1— ), b. 18 June 1794, Lee, Ms. W. C. 1815. — Ord. 1 Sept. 1819. p. Presb. ch., Madison, O., '19 until died, at Lee, Ms., 12 Aug. 1824. *Eeuel Keith, d.d. (1—), b. 26 June 1792, Pittsford, Vt. M. C. 1814.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 10 May 1817 ; priest, 24 May 1818. ass't minister, St. John's ch., Georgetown, Dis. Col., '17-'19; r. Christ ch., Georgetown, '19- '20. — Prof Humanities and Hist'y, AVilliam-and-Mary Coll., and r. Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, Va., '20-22. — Prof Pulpit Eloq. and Past. Theol., Theol. Sem. near Alexandria, Va., '27-'40, being the first Professor of that inst'n. — w.c. '40 until died, at Sheldon, Vt., 3 Sept. 1842. *Elisha Mitchell, d.d. (1), b. 19 Aug. 1793, Washington, Ct. Y. C. 1813.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '16-'17.— Ord., Presb., at Hillsborough, N. C, . . Aug. 1821. Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., Univ. N. C, '18-'25 ; Prof Chem., Min. and Geol., '25 until died, from accident, at Black Mountain, N. C, (27 prob.) June 1857. *David Longworth Ogden (2), b. 6 Oct. 1792, Hartford, Ct. Y. C. 1814.— Ord. 31 Oct. 1821. p. Southington, Ct., '21-36.— p. Presb. ch., Whitestown, N.Y., '36-'44. — p. Cong. ch., Marlborough, Ms., '48-50. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '50 until died there, 31 Oct. 1863. *Ludovicus Bobbins (1—), b Mansfield, Ct. M. C. 1815.— Ord. 26 April 1820. p. West Avon, Ct., '20-'22. — h. m. Va. — a.p. Clarksfield, Eitchville, and Ruggles, O., '27-'28; Sparta, N. Y, '30-'33 ; Eden and West Evans, N. Y., '33-36. — occ. pr. Mich., '36 until died, at Algansee, Mich., 4 Aug. 1850. ♦Ebenezer Washburn (1— ), b. 21 Dec. 1788, Bridgewater, Ms. M. C. 1815. — Ord., at Lee, Ms., 11 Dec. 1816. h.m. — Presb. ch., Blendon, O., '17- '59 ; also Prof Math., Central Coll., O., '42-'57; Prof Emeritus, since '57. — w.c. Central Coll., Blendon, O., '57 until died there, 8 March 1873. 1819. *EayiioMs Bascom, b. 26 Nov. 1794, Chester,Ms. W. C. 1813. — Tutor, Wil- liams Coll., '15-'17. — miss'y tour. Southern States, '20-'21. — Ord., by Cong'l Assoc'n of So. Car., 3 Jan. 1821, in Charleston, S. C. — city m. Charleston, S. C, '21-26. — prin. acad., and a.p. Presb. ch., Camden, S. C, '26 until died there, 6 Oct. 1827. 22 1819. [1880. •*Hiram Bingham, b. 30 Oct. 1789, Bennington, Vt. M. C 1816. — Ord., at Goshen, Ct., 29 Sept. 1819. f. m., Hawaiian Islands, '19-41, and p. First ch., Honolulu. In U. S. and not released by A.B.C.F.M., until '46. — a.p. Chester, Ms., '48-'50. — teacher, young ladies' sem.. New Haven, Ct, '52-'. . — a.p. Temple st. eh., New Haven, Ct., '58-'60. — w.c. New Haven, '60 until died there, 11 Nov. 1869. *Cyras Byin^toii, b. 11 March 1793, Stockbridge, Ms. —. — agent A. B.C. F.M. '19-20.— Ord. 4 Oct. 1827. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Choctaw Indians, '20 until died, at Belpre, O., 31 Dec. 1868. *Rodney Gore Dennis, b. 17 April 1791, New Boston, N. H. B. C 1816.— a.p. Brunswick, Me., 19-20. —h.ra. Me., '20. — Ord. 4 Oct. 1820. p. Tops- field, Ms., '20-'29. — a.p. Maiden, Ms., '29-'30. — p. Somers, Ct., '30-'39. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '39-'40. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '40-41 ; Fairfield and Greenfield Hill, Ct., '41. — w.c. '41-'55. — occ. sup. the re- mainder of his life : a.p. Darien, Ga., '55-'56 ; Hillsborough, N. H., '57-'59 ; Squan Village, N. J., '59-'60. — w.c. Southborough, Ms., '60 until died there, 29 Sept. 1865. OrTille Dewey, D.D., LLD., b. 28 March 1794, Sheffield, Ms. W. C. 1814. — Ord. 17 Dec. 1823. p. Unitarian ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '23-'33. — p. Second Unitarian ch.. New York, '35-'48. — p. New South ch., Boston, Ms., '57-'61. — w.c. Sheffield, Ms., '61-. *Luther Fraseur Dimmick, D.D., b. 15 Nov. 1790, Craftsbury, Vt. Ham. C. 1816.— Ord. 8 Dec. 1819. p. North ch., Newburyport, Ms., '19 until died there, 16 May 1860. *Louis Dwig-ht, b. 25 March 1793, Stockbridge, Ms. Y. C. 1813. — agent Am. Tract Soc, '19-'21. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 27 Nov. 1822. agent Am. Ed. Soc, '21-'24. — Sec. Prison Discipline Soc, Boston, Ms., '25 until died, at Boston, Ms., 12 July 1854. *Daniel Hemenway, b. 15 July 1790, Bridport, Vt. M. C. 1815. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '17-'18. — Ord. 29 Aug. 1821. p. Wareham, Ms., '21-'28.— teacher, fem. sem., Norwich, Ct., '28-'31. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '31-32. — p. East Granby, Ct., '32-42. — teacher. Family school, Suffield, Ct., '42- '61. — w.c. Suffield, Ct., '61 until died there, 11 Feb. 1871. *Hezekiah Hull, b. 20 Aug. 1796, from Now Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1814. — Ord., at West Hartford, Ct., 13 Oct. 1819. h.m. prin. acad. and pr., Mont- gomery, O., '19-'20. — agent Miss. Soc, Mississippi, '20; h.m. and teacher, Alexandria, La., '21 until died there, 3 Aug. 1823. ♦William Poole Kendrick, b. 27 June 1790, Hollis, N. H. H. C. 1816. — h.m. Mc, '19-'20; N. E., '20-'23. — Ord., at Hollis, N. H., 3 Doc 1823. h.ra. Western N. Y., '24-'26. — a.p. Presb. ch., Byron, N. Y., '2G-'27; Shelby, N. Y., '27-'30 ; West Bloom field. N. Y., '30-'31 ; Hopewell, N. Y., '31 -'3 2 ; Nunda Valley, N. Y., '32-'35 ; Ossian, N. Y., '35-'36 ; Grove and Allen, N. Y., '36-'37. — h.m. N.Y., '37-'40. — a.p. Parma, N.Y., '40-'42 w.c. Parma, N. Y., '42-'45; in III., '46 until died, at Bristol, 111., 5 Nov. 1854. 1880.] 1819. 23 *Jonas King, D.D., b. 20 July 1792, Hawley, Ms. W. C. 1816. — Ord., at Charleston, S. C, by Cong'l Assocn of S. C, 17 Dec. 1819. f. m., Jeru- salem, '19-'25 ; Prof. Oriental Lit., Amh. Coll., '22-'28; miss'y, Greece, '28 until died, at Athens, Greece, 22 May 1869. *Abner Morse, b. 5. Sept, 1793, Medway, Ms. B. U. 1816.— Ord. 16 Dec. 1819. p. Nantucket, Ms., '19-22. — p. Presb. ch., Sennett, N. Y., '27-'28. — W.C.Hartford, O., '28-'29 ; Boundbrook, N. J., ('33). — p. Southbend, Ind., '. .-'41. — Died, at Sharon, Ms., 16 May 1865. *Heiiry Jones Ripley, D.D., b. 28 June 1798, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1816.— Ord., Bapt., at Boston, Ms., 7 Nov. 1819. h.m. North Newport, Liberty Co., Ga.; p. there, '19-'29. — p. Eastport, Me., '20-21.- a.p. North New- port, Ga., '21-26. — Prof. Bib. Lit. and Past. Duties, Theol. Sem., Newton, Ms., Sept. '26-39 ; Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Duties, '39-'60. — In private literary work, res. Newton, Ms., '60-'65. — instructor of freedmen preachers, Savannah, Ga., '65-66. — Librarian, Newton Theol. Sem., '66 until died there, 31 May 1875. *Joseph Sawyer, b. 5 July 1792, Wendell, Ms., W. C. 1813. — Ord. 30 Oct. 1822. p. Leverett, Ms., '22 until died there, 14 Dec. 1822. *Wortliington Smith, D.D., b. 11 Oct. 1795, Hadley, Ms. W. C. 1816.— Ord. 4 June 1823. p. St. Albans, Vt., '23-'49. — Pres. Univ. Vt., '49-'55. — w.c. St. Albans, Vt., '55 until died there, 13 Feb. 1856. *Asa Thurston, b. 12 Oct. 1787, Fitchburg. Ms. Y. C. 1816. — Ord., at Goshen, Ct., 29 Sept. 1819. f. m., Hawaii, '19 until died there, 11 March 1868. ♦Joseph Torrey, D.D., b. 2 Feb. 1797, Rowley, Ms. D. C. 1816. — Ord. 25 Aug. 1824. p. Royalton, Vt., '24-27. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Univ. Vt., '27-'42 ; Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil., '42 until death ; also Pres., '62-'66. Died, at Burlington, Vt., 26 Nov. 1867. *Aaron Warner, D.D., b. 20 Oct. 1794, Northampton, Ms. W.C. 1815.— miss'y to seamen, etc., Charleston, S. C, '19-23. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 25 Sept. 1823. — p. Second ch., Medford, Ms., '24-'32. — Prof. Sac. Rhet., Gilmanton Theol. Sem., N. H., '35-'43. — Prof. Rhet., Amh. Coll., '44-'53. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '53 until died there, 14 May 1876. *John Wheeler, D.D., b. 11 March 1798, Grafton, Vt. D. C. 1816. — Ord. 1 Nov. 1821. p. Windsor, Vt., '21-'33. — Pres. Univ. Vt., '33-'49. — w.c. Burlington, Vt., '49 until died there, 16 April 1862. *DaTid Wilson, b. 6 Aug. 1789, Hebron, N. Y. M. C. 1816. —h.m. Vt., '19- '20; Western N.Y., '..-'.. (one year at Essex, N. Y.) — Ord. 16 May 1832. p. Rupert, Vt., a.p. '26-'32 ; p. '32-'44. — a.p. Hebron, N.Y., '44-'46. — w.c. Port Byron, N. Y., and Hebron, N. Y., '46 until died, at Hebron, N. Y., 9 Feb. 1864. 24 1819. 1820. [1880. *Jasper Adams, D.o. (2), b. 27 Aug. 1793, Medway, Ms. B. U. 1815. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '18-'19. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 2 Sept. 1819; priest, 4 Aug. 1820. Prof. Math., Brown Univ., '19-24. — Pres. Charleston Coll., S. C, '24-'26.—Pres. Geneva Coll., N. Y., '26-'28. — Pres. Charleston Coll., S.C, '28-'36. — Chaplain and Prof. Ethics, U. S. Military Acad., West Point, N. Y., '38-'40. — Died, at Pendleton, S. C, 25 Oct. 1841. ♦Theodore Clapp (1), b. 29 March 1792, Easthampton, Ms. Y. C. 1814.— Ord., at Easthampton, Ms., 12 Sept. 1822. a.p. First Presb. ch.. New Orleans, La., '22-34. — p. Unitarian ch.. New Orleans, La., '34-57. — w.c. '57 until died, at Louisville, Ky., 17 April 1866. ♦William Cone (1), b , from East Haddara, Ct. Y. C. 1813. — Not ordained. — teacher, Phillips Academy, Andover, Ms., '17-'18. — Died, at East Haddam, Ct., . . March 1819. ♦Charles Brickett Haddock, d.d., ll.d. (2), b. 20 June 1796, Franklin, N. H. D. C. 1816. — Ord., at Windsor, Vt, 3 Nov. 1824. Prof Rhet., Dart. Coll., '19-38; Prof Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., '38-54. — Charge d' Affaires, Portugal, '50-55. — res. at West Lebanon, N. H., supplying neighboring churches, '55 until died, at West Lebanon, N. H., 15 Jan. 1861. ♦Charles James Hinsdale (2+), b. 12 Feb. 1796, Newark, N.J. Y. C. 1815. — miss'y tour at the South, '20-22. — Ord. 15 June 1823. p. Meriden, Ct., '23-33. — p. Blandford, Ms., '36-'60; a.p. there, '60-63 ; w.c. there, '63 until died there, 17 Oct. 1871. ♦James Kimball (3—), b. 21 Nov. 1789, from FItchburg, Ms. Y. C. 1816.— Not ordained.- Died 1821. ♦Francis Wayland, d.d., ll.d. (1), b. 11 March 1796, New York city, N. Y. U.C. 1813. — Tutor, Union Coll., '17-'21. — Ord. 22 Aug. 1821. p. First Bapt. ch., Boston, Ms., '21-26.- Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., Union Coll., '26. — Pres. Brown Univ., '27-'55. — res. Providence, R. L, (a.p. First Bapt. ch., '57-'58), author, etc., '55 until died there, 30 Sept. 1865. ♦Allen Porter White (1), b. 7 May 1797, Boston, Ms. D.C. 1816. — Not ordained. — Went to Buenos Ayres, S. A., as teacher, about 1817, and is said to have died there. 18 2 0. ♦Horace Belknap, b. 10 Dec. 1791, from Ellington, Ct. M. C. 1816. — Ord., Presb., at Bradford, Ms., 26 Sept. 1820. h.ra. Was of PLarmony Presbytery, S. C, '25-'29, without P. O. address ; is then dropped. Said to have become a physician "at the South," and is doubtless deceased. ♦Jonathan Bigelow, b, 5 April 1793, Boylston, Ms. B. U. 1817.— Ord. 11 July 1821. Lubec, Me., '21-'26. — p. Rochester, Ms., '27-'49 — p. Euclid, O., '50 until died there, 26 Jan. 1854. 1880.] 1820. 25 *Isaac Bird, b. 19 June 1 793, Salisbury, Ct. Y. C. 1816. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '20-'22. — Ord., at No. Bridgewater, Ms., 31 Oct. 1821. f.m. Syria, '22- '36. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '36-'38. — acting Prof. Sac. Lit., Gilmanton Theol. Sem., '38-'44 ; Prof, same, '44-'45. — teacher family school, Hart- ford, Ct, '46-69. — w.c. Great Barrington, Ms., '69 until died there, 12 June 1876, *El(lerkin Jedediah Boardman, b. l June 1791, Norwich, Vt. D. C. 1815. — Ord. 4 July 1822. p. Bakersfield, Vt., '22-'26. — p. Danville, Vt., '27- '33. — p. Randolph, Vt., '34-'42. — w.c. Randolph, Vt., '42-'56 ; w.c. and occ. sup. '56 until died, at Marshalltown, lo., 21 March 1864. *Johu Boardmau, b. 8 Nov. 1785, Newburyport, Ms. — D. C. 1817. — Ord. 28 Feb. 1821. p. West Boylston, Ms., '21-'34. — a.p. East Douglass, '35 until died there, 8 Nov. 1841. *Josei>li Brown, b. 8 Sept. 1789, Ashby, Ms. M. C. 1817. — Ord., in Charles- ton, S.C., by Cong'l Assoc'n, 3 Jan. 1821. preacher to Seamen, Charleston, S. C, '21-29. — agent Am. Seamen's Friend Soc, New York, '29-'32 ; gen. agent, '32-33; Sec, '33 until died there, 15 Sept. 1833. *Willard Child, D.D., b. 14 Nov. 1 796, Woodstock, Ct. Y. C. 1817. — prin. acad.. Blue Hill, Me., '20-23. — occ. pr. '23-25. — a.p. Benson, Vt., '25- '26. — Ord. 25 April 1827. p. Pittsford, Vt., '27-'41. — a.p. North Wood- stock, Ct, '41-42. — p. Broadway ch., Norwich, Ct, '42-'45. — p. First ch., Lowell, Ms., '45-55. — p. Castleton, Vt., '55-'64. — temp. sup. First ch., Worcester, Ms., '65. — a.p. First ch.. No. Brookfield, Ms., '65-'66 ; First ch., Crown Point, N. Y., '66-'73 ; w.c. there, '73 until died, at Mooers, N. Y., 13 Nov. 1877. Bonis CLarke, D.D., b. 2 June 1797, Westhampton, Ms. W. C. 1817. — Ord. 5 Feb. 1823. p. Blandford, Ms., '23-'35 — p. Chicopee, Ms., '35-'40. — editor New England Puritan, '41-'45. — editor Christian Parlor Magazine, '45-'47. — editor Christian Times, Boston, Ms., '45-'51. — w.c. Waltham, Ms., and (now) Boston, Ms., '51-. *Bana Clayes, b. 3 Oct 1792, Framingham, Ms. M. C. 1815. — Ord. 4 July 1821. p. Meriden, N. H., '21-37. — a.p. Mariner's ch., Portland, Me., '39- '41. — h.m. Vassalborough, Industry, Jefferson, etc., Me., '41-'51. — w.c. '51-59. — h.m. West Danvers, Ms., '59-'65. — w.c. South Reading (now Wakefield), Ms. (where he res. from '51), '65 until died there, 30 Oct. 1877. *Jonas Colbum, b. 25 Oct. 1790, Dracut, Ms. M. C. 1817. — h.m. and agent Am. Ed. Soc, Northern N. Y., '20-'21. — occ. pr. N. H., Vt., and Ms., '21- '24. — Ord. 21 Dec. 1824. p. Leverett, Ms., '24-'32. — p. Stoneham, Ms., '32-37. — p. Wells, Me., '37-44. — a.p. New Salem, Ms., '45. — res. Am- herst, Ms., '45-'51, and other places, occ. sup. '51 until died, at Chicopee, Ms., 19 Nov. 1862. 4 26 1820. [1880. *Asa Cumiiiiiigs, D.D., b. 29 Sept. 1790, Andover,Ms. H. C. 1817. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '19-'20.— Ord. 14 Feb. 1821. p. North Yarmouth, Me., '21-'29. — editor Christian Mhror, Portland, Me., '26-'55. — Died, at sea, 5 June 1856. *Ralph Cushman, b. 7 Feb. 1792, from Goshen, Ms. W. C — Ord., Presb., at Hopkinsville, Ky., 16 Nov. 1821. h.m. Ky., '21-23. — p. Pittsford, N. Y., '24-'25. — p. Manlius, N. Y., '26-'30. — agent Am. H. M. Soc, N. Y., '29 ; Ohio, '30 until died, at Wooster, O., 27 Aug. 1831. *Elijah Demond, b. 1 Nov. 1790, Rutland, Ms. D. C. 1816.— Ord. 7 March 1821. p. West Newbury, Ms., '21-26. — p. Lincoln, Ms., '27-'32. — p. Holliston, Ms., '32-36.- p. Princeton, Ms., '36-'39. — '. .-'. . — a.p. North- bridge, Douglass, Shrewsbury, and Waquoit, Ms., '44 ; agent Doc. Book and Tract Soc; farmer, Grafton, Ms., '42-'54, and a.p. Chilmark, Ms., '50-51. — res. Westborough, Ms., (a.p. Mendon, Ms., '56-59; — — Waquoit, Ms., '59-62), a.p. Chilmark, Ms., '69-72; '54 until died there, 20 July 1877. *Jolm Duncklee, b. 26 Feb. 1792, Greenfield, N. H. D. C. 1817. — Ord. 26 March 1823. Wendell, Ms., '23-'30. — w.c, Greenfield, N. H., '30 until died there, 23 Jan. 1869. *William Goodell, D.D., b. 14 Feb. 1792, Templeton, Ms. D. C. 1817.— agent A.B. C.F.M., '21-'22. — Ord., at New Haven, Ct., 12 Sept. 1822. f.m. Turkey, '22-65. — w.c. '65 until died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 18 Feb. 1867. *Damel Gould, b. 12 Nov. 1879, from New Ipswich, N. H. i7. C. — Ord., Presb., at Bradford, Ms., 26 Sept. 1820. h.m. in 111. and Mo., '20-'21.— h.m. N.€., '21-'. . ; and a.p. Statesville, N. C. ; died there, 20 April 1834. Loamrai Ires Hoadly, b. 25 Oct. 1790, Northford, Ct. Y. C. 1817.— Ord. 15 Oct. 1823. p. Calv. ch., Worcester, Ms., '23-'30.— p. Bradford, Ms., '30-32. — In lit'y work, res. Charlestown, Ms., '32-'44. — teacher, North- ford, Ct, '44-46. — a.p. No. Guilford, Ct., '46-47; w.c. there, '47-'50.— Orono, Me., a.p. '50-'51 ; p. '51-'53. — p. Auburn, Ms., '54-'58. — a.p. Craftsbury, Ct., '58-'65. — w.c. Northford, Ct., '65-'67; New Haven, Ct., '67-75 ; Warren, Me., '75-. *Edward HoUister, b. 26 Feb. 1796, Salisbury, Ct. M. C. 1816. — Ord., Presb., at Bradford, Ms., 26 Sept. 1820. h.m. Mo., and 111., '20-22.— p. Danville, Vt., '23-26. — w.c. Va., '26-'27. — a.p. Presb. ch., Buffalo Springs, Va., '28-29. — teacher, fern, sem., Oxford, N. C, '30-34. — a.p. Griggsville, 111., '34-'. . — w.c. and occ. pr., West Tenn., '. .-'45. — p. Presb. ch., Woodville and Chili, 111., '45-'50. — agent Am. Bible Soc, in 111., '51-'57. — w.c. Griggsville and Alton, 111., until died, at Alton, 111., il Jan. 1870. 1880.] 1820. 27 Peter Lockwood, b. 8 Fob. 1798, Bridgeport, Ct. Y. C, 1817. — Ord., at Green's Farms, 15 Aug. 1821. h.m. Va., '22-'23. — h.m. Peekskill, N. Y., *23-'26. — p. Presb. ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '27-33. — teacher, Bingham- ton, N.Y., '34-37. — a.p. Cortlandville, N.Y., '37-'42; Cong, ch., Berk- shire, N. Y., '43-'48. — w.c. since '48, now res. Binghamton, N. Y. ♦Jacob Noble Loomis, b. 8 Oct. 1790, Lanesborough, Ms. M. C. 181 7.— Ord. 3 Jan. 1822. p. Hardwick, Vt., '22-'30. — a.p. Plainficld, N.H., '30-'32; Greensborough, Vt., '32-34; Hardwick, Vt., '35-36. — w.c. Craftsbury, Vt., '36 until died there, 5 Dec. 1864. *PliiIlips Payson, b. 1 Aug. 1795, Rindge, N. H. — . — h.m. Niagara Co., N.Y., '23. — Ord. 17 Nov. 1825. p. Leominster, Ms., '25-'3 2. — p. Second ch., Hadley, Ms., '32-35. — — a.p. Hamburg, Ct., '38-'41. — occ. pr., '41-'47. — w.c. '47 until died, at his res. at Fayetteville, Nova Scotia, 16 Feb. 1856. ♦Baxter Perry, b. 16 April 1792, Worcester, Ms. H. C. 1817. — Ord. 3 Jan. 1821. p. Lyme, N. H., '21 until died there, 18 Jan. 1830. *Jacob Scales, b. 7 March 1788, Freeport, Me. D. C. 1817. — Ord. 27 Dec. 1820. p. Westchester, Ct., '20-'26. — p. Henniker, N. H., '27-'39. — p. Cornwall, Vt., '39-'42. — a.p. Plainfield, N. H., '42-'61. — w.c. Plalnfield, N.H., '61 until died there, 16 Oct. 1873. *Thomas Mather Smith, D.D., b. 7 March 1796, Stamford, Ct. Y. C. 1816. — Ord. 31 July 1822. p. Third ch., Portland, Me., '22-'24. — p. Fall River, Ms., '26-'31. — p. Presb. ch., Catskill, N. Y., '31-'39. — p. North Cong, ch., New Bedford, Ms., '39-42. — agent Am. S.S. Union. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 2 Nov. 1844; priest, 12 Nov. 1845. Prof. Theol., Theol. Sem., Gambier, O., '45-63, including four years Pres. Kenyon Coll., '50-'54. — Died, at Portland, Me., 6 Sept. 1864. ♦Charles Backus Storrs, b. 15May 1794, Longmeadow, Ms. N.J.C. — Ord., at Charleston, S. C, by Cong'l Assoc'n, 3 Jan. 1821. h.m. in S. C, '20- '22. — p. Ravenna, O., '22-'28. — Prof. Theol., Western Reserve Coll., '28- '31 ; Pres., '31 until died, at Braintree, Ms., 15 Sept. 1833. ♦Daniel Temple, b. 23 Dec. 1789, Reading, Ms. D. C. 1817. — agent A.B.C. F.M., '20-21. — Ord., at No. Bridgewater, Ms., 31 Oct. 1821. f.m. Malta, '21-'44. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '45. — p. Presb. ch., Phelps, N. Y., '47-'49. — Died, at Reading, Ms., 9 Aug. 1851. ♦Elipha White, D.D., b. 8 Oct. 1795, from Randolph, Ms. B. U. 1817.— Ord., at Charleston, S. C, by Cong'l Assoc'n, 3 Jan. 1821. h.m. in S. C, '21-22. — p. John's Island, S. C, '22 until died there, 20 Nov. 1849. ♦Ezra Youngs, b. 12 Oct, 1792, Southold, L.L, N. Y. N.J.C. 1815. — a.p. Orient and Shelter Island, L. I., '22-'28. — Ord., Presb., 27 Aug. 1828. a.p. Cutchogue, L. I., '28-'45. — res. Cutchogue, L. I., occ. sup., '45-65 ; w.c. '65 until died there, 25 Aug. 1876. 28 1820. [1880. ♦Patrick Hinds Folker (1+), b from S. C. S. C. C. 1816. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 9 Dec. 1818; priest, 2 Sept. 1819, then res. No. Kingston, R. I. In 1820 res. Charleston, S. C — r. Trinity ch., Columbia, S.C., ('23)- ('26). — min. at Greenville, S.C, '29; r. Christ's ch. there, '32. — assist, min., St. Stephen's chapel, Charleston, S.C, ('35)-('38). — w.c. Spartans- burg, S. C, ('41). — In 1844 had been " at his own request displaced from the ministry." — In Presbytery of S. C, w.c. Hollands, '46 ; Fingersville, '47. — teacher, Spartansburg, S. C, '48-'51 ; Charleston, S.C, '52-53. Died between May 1853 and May 1854. Luther Hamilton (2), b 1798, Conway, Ms. W. C 181 7. — Ord. 25 July 1821. p. Unitarian ch., Taunton, Ms., '21-32. — clerk, U.S. Custom House, Boston, Ms. — — Died, at Boston Highlands, Ms., . . Aug. 1853. ♦Uriel Holmes (1—), b. 15 Sept. 1796, Litchfield, Ct. Y. C 1816. — Died, at Litchfield, Ct., while a member of the Seminary, . . July 1818. *Eleazer Lathrop (2), from Homer, N. Y. Ham. C 1817. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '1 9-22. — Ord., at Charleston, S. C, 20 March 1825. h.m. — p. Presb. ch., St. Augustine, Florida, '25-26. — a.p. Elmira, N. Y., '27-29.— w.c. Painted Post, N. Y., '29-'30. — p. Elmira, N.Y., '30-'31. — w.c. Geneva, N. Y., '31 until died (?) there, 1834. ♦Sidney Edwards Morse (2+), b. 7 Feb. 1794, Charlestown, Ms. Y. C 1811. — Not ordained. — editor of Boston Recorder, '\Q. — author. — founder (with younger brother, Richard C, class of 1817) of New York Observer, in '23, and one of the propr. from '23; chief editor till '58. res. New York city, and died there, 23 Dec. 1871. ♦Samuel Phillips Newman (1— ), b. 6 June 1797, Andover, Ms. H. C 1816. — Prof Lat. and Greek, Bowd. Coll., '20-'24 ; Prof. Rhet. and Orat., '24- '39. — prin. State Normal School, Barre, Ms., '39 until died, at Andover, Ms., 10 Feb. 1842. Adiel Sherwood, d.d. (1), from Sandy Hill, N. Y. U. C 1817. — h.m. Ga., '18-'20. — Ord. 20 March 1820. p. Bethlehem Bapt. ch., Oglethorpe Co., Ga., '20-'22. — p. Greensborough, Ga., '21-32; also p. Newhope, Ga., and Freeman's Creek, Ga., '22-26. — p. Eatonton, Ga., '27-37; also Milledge- ville, Ga., '27-'33, and Monticello, Ga., '34-37. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Colum- bian Coll., D. C, '37-'38. — Prof Moral Phil, and Sac. Lit., Mercer Univ., '38-'41. — Pres. Shurtleff Coll., 111., '41-'45. — Sec. Am. Ind. Miss. Assoc, '46-47. — Pres. Masonic Coll., Lexington Ky., '48-49. — p. Cape Girar- deau, Mo., '52-'57. — p. Griflin, Monticello, etc., Ga,, '57-65. — min. at large, St. Louis, Mo., '66-. ♦Spencer Wall (1—), b. 9 July'l790, from Norwich, N. Y. M. C 1814.— Ord, deacon, Episc, G June 1820; priest, .... — — Reedtown, O,, '..-'.,; w.c. there, '53 until died there, 24 June 1879. 1880.] 1820. 1821. 29 *William Williams (2+),b. 2 Oct. 1797, Wethersfield, Ct. Y. C. 1816.— Ord. 5 July 1821. p. Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '21-32. — p. Crombie st. cli., Salem, Ms., '32-38. — p. First ch., Exeter, N. H., '38-42. — physician, Salem, Ms., '42 until died there, 17 June 1860. 1821. *SeIah Root Arms, b. 21 Feb. 1789, Deerfield, Ms. TV. C. 1818. — h.m. Wind- bam and Cavendish, Vt., '21-23. — Ord. . . Jan. 1825. Windham, Vt., a.p. '23-25 ; p. '25-34 (also Grafton, Vt,,'25-'31). — a.p. Livingstonville, N. Y., '34-'35. — p. Windham, Vt., '36-'49. — w.c. Springfield, Vt., '49-'63.— a.p. Westminster East, Vt., '63. — w.c. Windham, Vt., '63-66. — a.p. Windham, Vt., '66 until died there, 9 Nov. 1866. *Joseph Bennett, b. 13 May 1798, Framingham, Ms. H. C. 1818. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1822. First ch., Woburn, Ms., '23 until died there, 19 Nov. 1847. *Al)el Caldwell, b. 20 Nov. 1794, Ipswich, Ms. D. C. 1817. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1822. h.m. N.Y., '21-'23. — p. Westford, N.Y.,'23-'27. — p. Volney, N.Y., '27-'30. — Presb. ch., Portage, N.Y., '30-'35. — a.p. Sheldon, N.Y., '35- '38; Black Creek, N. Y., '39-'41 ; Centerville, N.Y., '41-'. . — colporteur N. Y^ and Can., '50-'60. — Died, at Black Creek, N. Y., 1 Aug. 1861. *Neheniiali Baldwin Cook, b. 20 Sept. 1793, Quogue, L. I., N. Y. — . — Ord. 31 Aug. 1825. h.m. Wayne Co., Pa., '25-'27. — a.p. Presb. chh., Babylon and Fresh Pond, L. L, '27-37 ; in L.I., '37-'38. — p. Cong, ch., Stonington, Ct, '38-39. — w.c. Ledyard, Ct., '59-64; a.p. Ledyard, Ct., '64-68; w.c. there, '68 until died there, 17 Nov. 1879. *Baxter Dickinson, D.D., b. 14 Aprill795, Amherst, Ms. Y. C. 1817.— Ord. 5 March 1823. Longmeadow, Ms., '23-29. — p. Third Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '29-'35. — Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Lane Theol. Sem., '35- '39.— Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Auburn Theol. Sem., '39-'47.— Sec. and gen. agent Am. and For. Chr. Union, '47-'59. — teacher, young ladies' sem., Lake Forest, 111., '60-68. — w.c. Brooklyn, N. Y., '68 until died there, 7 Dec. 1875. *Chauncey Eddy, from Lanesborough, Ms. W.C — h.m. S. C, '21-'22.— agent A.B.C.F.M., Vt. and N. Y., '22. — Ord., at Morgantown, N. C, 1 May 1824. h. m. N. C, '24-'26. — Presb. ch., Penn Yan, N. Y., a.p. '27-'30 ; p. '30-'31.— agent Western Ed. Soc, '31-32. — agent A.B.C.F.M. for Central N.Y., '32-'42.— agent N. Y. Col'n Soc, '43. — p. Jacksonville, 111., '44-'.. — p. Lanesborough, Ms., '53-56. — Died, at Beloit, Wis., .30 Dec. 1860. ♦William Graham, b. 9 May 1798, from Cincinnati, O. J. C. 1816.— Ord. p. Dayton, O., ('25). — p. Presb. ch., Chillicothe, O., ('28)-'31. — w.c. Chillicothe, O., '31-32; Cincinnati, O., '33. — a.p. Mt. Pleasant, O., '34. — — Woodbury, N. Y., '48 until died, 1854. 30 1821. [1880. *Samuel GriswoW, b. 25 Oct. 1 795, East Lyme, Ct. Y. C. 1818.— Ord. 14 Oct. 1828. evangelist, Ct. ,'22-'29. — editor Neio York Evangelist, '30. — evang., Ct., '31-'33. — a.p. Brighton, N. Y., '34-'36 ; Prattsburgh, N. Y., '36-'37 ; Bergen, N. Y., '37-'40. — res. and occ. pr., Mumfordville, N. Y., '40-'43. — agent for feeble clihs., res. Covington, N. Y., '43-44. — a.p. North Lyme, Ct., '44-48. — '48-50. — chaplain Ct. State Prison, Wethersfield, Ct., '50-52. — a.p. Gouverneur, N. Y., '52-54 ; Andover, Ct., '54-55 ; Talcott St. ch., Hartford, Ct., '55-'56. — w.c, removing to Old Saybrook, Ct., in '63, until died there, 18 Jan. 1875. *James Howe, b. 13 Aug. 1796, Jaffrey, N.H. D. C. 1817. — Ord. 16 Oct. 1822. p. Pepperell, Ms., '22 until died there, 29 July 1840. *David Kimball, b. 18 March 1791, Hopkinton, N. H. • Y. C. 1818.— Ord. 27 June 1822. p. Presb. chhs., Martinsburg and Lowville, N.Y., '22-'31. — p. Cong, ch., Plainfield, Ms., '31-'35. — editor N.H. Observer, Concord, N. H., '35-'40 ; its publisher, '40-43. — a.p. Hanover Centre, N. H., '45-48. — superintendent Dartmouth Press, Hanover, N. H., '45-'66. (also a.p. Weathersfield Centre, Vt, '51-'55). — w.c. Rockford, 111., '67 until died there, 8 Feb. 1875. *Asa Mead, b. 25 March 1792, Meredith, N.H. D. C. 1818.— Ord. 18 Dec. 1822. p. Brunswick, Me., '22-29. — p. East Hartford, Ct., '30 until died there, 22 Oct. 1831. *William Mitchell, b. 9 Dec. 1793, Chester, Ct. Y. C. 1818.— Ord. 20 Oct. 1824. p. Newtown, Ct., '25-31. — p. Rutland, Vt, '33-47. — a.p. Wall- ingford, Vt., '47-'51. — agent of Vt., N. Y., and N. J. State Col'n Societies (successively), '53-'58. — res. Corpus Christi, Texas, '58 until death; a.p. Presb. ch., Casa Blanca, Texas, '58-'62; Corpus Christi, Texas, 'G6 until died there, 1 Aug. 1867. *Samuel Moseley, b. 24 Sept. 1 790, Mansfield, Ct. M. C. 1818. — Not ordained. — h.m. in S. C, '21-'22. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '22. — h.m. Ms., '23.— miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.) Choctaw Indians, '23 until died, at Mayhew, 11 Sept. 1824. *Ebenezer Newliall, b. 5 Aug. 1789, New Ipswich, N. H. H. C. 1818. — h.m Me., '21-22. — a.p. Palmer, Ms., '22; Holden, Ms., '23.— Ord. 17 Dec. 1823. p. Oxford, Ms., '23-'32. — p. Lincoln, Ms., '33-'47. — Willsborough, N. Y., a.p. '47-'48 ; p. '48-'52. — a.p. Chesterfield, N. H., '52-'54. — p. Presb. ch., Litchfield, N. H., '54-'62. — w.c. from '62, later res. Cambridgeport, Ms., until died there, 15 Aug. 1878. ♦Francis Norwood, b. 2 Nov. 1797, Rockport, Ms. D. C. 1818. — Ord. 5 July 1825. p. Laconia, N. H., '24-30. — p. Wilmington, Ms., '3l-'43. — a.p. Windsor, Ms., '44-'46. — p. Washington, Ms., '46-'51. — a.p. West Gran- ville, Ms., '52-'55 ; Barkhamsted, Ct., '55-'57 ; Phippsburg, Me., '58-'67.— w.c. Beverly, Ms., '67-69. —chaplain House of Correction, Ipswich, Ms., '69-'. . — Died, at Beverly, Ms., 6 Oct. 1871. 1880.] 1821. 31 *George Edmond Pierce, D.D., b. 21 Sept. 1794, Southbury, Ct. Y. C. 1816. — Ord. 12 July 1822. p. Harwinton, Ct., '22-34. — Pres. Western Res. Coll., '34-55. — w.c. Hudson, O., '55 until died there, 27 May 1871. *Charles DuMarisque Pigeon, b. 12 Nov. 1 799, from Newton, Ms. H. C. 1818. h.m. prin. acads., Amesbury and Newburyport, Ms. editor Lit. and Theol. Review, New York, '. .-'39. — Ord 1840 a.p. West Gloucester, Ms., '68 until died there, 16 Oct. 1872. *Ebenezer Poor, b. 24 March 1796, Danvers, Ms. D. C. 1818.— Ord., at Bev- erly, Ms., 29 Oct. 1823. a.p. Upper Beverly, Ms., '23-'29. — — a.p. Edgartown, Ms., '33-'34. — Berkley, Ms., '35-'37. — from '37-'45 a.p. Lynnfield, So. Hadley, and Danvers, Ms. — a.p. Presb. ch., Perrysburg, O., '45-'48. — w.c. Lawrence, Ms., '48 until died there, 18 Oct. 1868. *James Prentiss, b. 4 Feb. 1795, from Roxbury, Ms. H. C. 1815. — Not or- dained.— Died, at Boston Highlands, Ms., 26 Aug. 1828. *David Choate Proctor, b. 28 Sept. 1793, Essex, Ms. D. C. 1818. — Ord. " at the East," 1821. h.m. a.p. Presb. ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '21- '22. — p. Springfield and Lebanon, Ky., '22-'27. — temporary Pres. Centre Coll., Danville, Ky., '26. — h. m. Prince Edward Co., Va., '27-'33. — a.p. Walker's ch., Va., '33 ; Shelbyville, etc., Ky., '34 until died, near Frankfort, Ky., 18 Jan. 1865. Thomas Lefflugwell Shipman, b. 28 Aug. 1798, Norwich, Ct. Y. C. 1818.— h.m. in S. C. and Ohio, '21-25. — Ord. 28 June 1826. p. Southbury, Ct., '26-'36. — a.p. Bozrah, Ct., '37-'41 ; Norwich, Ct., '42. — Jewett City, Ct., p. '43-'54; a.p. '54-'56. — a.p. Plainfield, Ct., '56-'57. — w.c. '57-'60. — a.p. Scotland, Ct., '60-'61. — res. Jewett City, Ct., occ pr., '61-. Jonatlian Silliman, b. 22 July 1 793, Chester, Ct. Y. C. 181 7. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1823. h.m. New Kent, Charles City, and King William Counties, Va., '23- 29. — p. Presb. ch.. New Kent, Va., '30-'35. — Canterbury, N. Y., p. '35-'61 ; a.p. '61-'62.— w.c. Cornwall (Canterbury), N. Y., '62-. *Horace Smith, b. 15 Oct. 1798, Hadley, Ms. Y. C. 1818. — Ord., at Hadley, Ms., 27 Feb. 1822. h.m. through life. a.p. Canfield, etc., O., '22-'23 ; Peru, Ms., '23-24 ; Dummerston, Vt., '24-25 ; Canfield and Boardman, O., '25-27. — h.m. 111. and Mo., '28-'29. — a.p. Canton and Lewiston, 111., '30-31 ; Granger and Bath,0., '31-32. — p. Richfield, O., '32-48; Boston, O., '49-'50; Bath, O., '50; Hinckley, O., '51-'53 — p. Richfield, O., '54- '59. — a.p. Copley and Granger, O., '59-60; Bath, O., '61-'65. — w.c. Richfield, O., '65 until died there, 20 Nov. 1868. *Marcus Smith, b. 15 June 1791, Dorchester, Ms. M. C. 1818. — a.p. Wil- mington, Vt., '21-'22. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1823. Rensselaerville, N. Y., a.p. '22-23; p. '23-24; also p. Presb. ch., Westerlo, N. Y., '23-27. — teacher, Hebrew, Greek, and Ch. Hist., Theol. School, Watervliet, N.Y., and a.p. West Troy, N.Y., '34-35. — p. Second ch., Watertown, N. Y., '35-'44.— — a.p. Durham, N. Y., '47-55 ; Collamer, N.Y., '56 until died, at Dunkirk, N.Y., 1 July 1871. 32 1821. [1880. *Noah Smith, b. 8 March 1794, Hanover, N. H. D. C. 1818. — Ord 1821. h.m. N. Y., '21-22 — p. South Britain, Ct., '22 until died there, 10 Oct. 1830. *Samiiel Spring-, D.D., b. 9 March 1792, Newburyport, Ms. Y. C. 1811.— — Ord. 2 Jan. 1822. p. Abington, Ms., '22-'26. — p. North ch., Hartford, Ct., '27-'33. — p. East Hartford, Ct., '33-61. — chap. Insane Retreat, Hart- ford, Ct.,'63-'69.— w.c. East Hartford, Ct., '69 until died there, 13 Dec. 1877. *Thomas Cogswell Upliain, D.D., LL.D., b. 30 Jan. 1799, Deerfield, N.H. D.C. 1818.— Ord. 16 July 1823. p. Rochester, N. H., '23-'24. — Prof. Ment. and Mor. Phil., Bowd. Coll., Brunswick, Me., '24-'67. — w.c. Kenne- bunkport. Me., '67 until died, at New York city, 1 April 1872. *Charles Walker, D.D., b. 1 Feb. 1791, Woodstock, Ct. —. — Ord., Presb., 27 Feb. 1822. — p. Cong, ch., Rutland, Vt., '23-33. — prin. sem., Castleton, Vt, '33-34. — p. Brattleboro, Vt., '35-46.— p. Pittsford, Vt., '46-64.— w.c. Pittsford, Vt., '64 until died, at Binghamton, N. Y., 28 Nov. 1870. *Lyman Whitney, b. 2 Dec. 1793, Marlborough, Vt. M. C. 1817. — Ord. (with D. C. Proctor and Noah Smith) 1821. h.m. in O., Ind., 111., Ky., Tenn., and Ala., '21-25. — agent Presb. Coll., Ky., '25 until died, at Ashville, N. C, 20 May 1826. Alya Woods, D.D., b. 13 Aug. 1794, Shoreham, Vt. H. C. 1817. — Ord., Bapt., at Boston, Ms., 28 Oct. 1821. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Eccl. Hist, and Chr. Dis., Col. Coll., D. C, '21-'24. — Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., Brown Univ., '24-28. — Pres., and Prof Moral and Int. Phil., Trans. Univ., '28-'31. — Pres., and Prof Moral and Int. Phil., Univ. of Ala., Tuscaloosa, '31-'38. — w.c. Providence, R.I., '39-. *Silas Blalsdale (2+), b. 25 Aug. 1 790, Ware, N. H. D. C. 181 7. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 4 Mar. 1821 ; priest, 25 Sept. 1825. — prin. Salem st. acad., Boston, Ms. — p. Ashfield, Ms. ; Salem, Ct. ; Barkhamsted, Ct. ; Amesbury, Ms. ; Hopkinton, N. H. — teacher, Norwich, Ct. ; Lawrence, Ms., '47 until died there, 13 Nov. 1861. *Ira Henry Thomas Blanchard (1), b. 9 Sept. 1797, Weymouth, Ms. H. C. 181 7. — Tutor, Harv. Coll., '20-'21. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1823. — p. Unit, ch., Har- vard, Ms., ' 23-'30. — w.c. '30-33. — p. Chelmsford, Ms., '33-35. — p. South Natick, Ms., '35-'40. — a.p. East Bridgewater, Ms., '40-43. — w.c. '43 until died, at South Weymouth, Ms., 9 April, 1845. *Alfred Chester (1), b. 17 Mar. 1798, Hartford, Ct. Y. C. 1818. h.m. Cam- bridge, etc., S. C, '21-'24. — Ord. 18 July 1826. — p. Presb. ch., Rahway, N. J., '26-29. — prin. classical school, Morristown, N. J., '29-43. — w.c. '43- '47. — agent Presb. Board of Pub., '47-48. — w.c. '48-60 ; Elizabeth, N. J., '60-'62. chaplain Union Co. prison, res. Elizabeth, N. J., '62 until died, in New York city, 2 July 1871. 1880.] 1821. 33 Jonathan Clement, d.d. (2), b. 20 June 1797, Danville, Vt. M. C. 1818.— teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '20-30. — Ord. 13 Oct. 1830. p. Chester, N. H., '30-'45. — p. Topshani, Me., '45-'52. — p. Woodstock, Vt., '52-'67. — res. Norwich, Vt., from '67 (a.p. Queechee, Vt., '69-74). *Elias Fiske (1-), b. 24 May, 1790, from Upton, Ms. B. U. 1818. — Not or- dained.— Died, 1854. ♦Justus Warner French (2), b. 20 April 1793, Hardwick, Ms. M. C. 1817.— Tutor, Mid. Coll., '20-'21. — Ord. 23 May 1822, Barre, Vt. a.p. '21-'22 ; p. '22-32. — a.p. Hardwick, Vt., '32.— prin. Geneva Lyceum, N.Y., '33-42. — prin. acad., Albion, N. Y., '42-'49. — teacher. Palmyra, N. Y.,'49-'55. — Prof. Lang., acad., Albany, N. Y., '55-'56. w.c. '56 until died, at Brooklyn, N. Y., 25 Dec. 1862. *Samuel Green (2), b. 3 Mar. 1 792, Stoneham, Ms. H. C. 1816. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '17-'19. — Ord. 20 Sept. 1820. p. Reading, M3.,'20-'23. — p. Union ch., Boston, Ms., '23-34. — Died, at Boston, Ms., 20 Nov. 1834. *Hinman Booth Hoyt (1), b. 27 June 1796, from Wilkesbarre, Pa. N. J. C. 1818. — Not ordained. — teacher in E,. L, Huntsville, Me., etc.; later, civil engineer. — Died, at Kingston, Pa., 1838. *Benjamin Huntoon (1+), b. 28 Nov. 1792, Salisbury, N. H. D. C. 1817.— Ord. 30 Jan. 1822. p. Unit, ch.. Canton, Ms., '22-29. — p. Bangor, Me., '29-33. — a.p. Savannah, Ga., '33-'34. — p. Milton, Ms., '34-'37. — p. Cin- cinnati, O.,' 37-39. — p. Peoria,Ill., '39-'40. — p. Canton, Ms., '41-'.. —p. Marblehead,Ms., '49-55. — p. Winchendon, Ms , '56-57. — p. Westborough, Ms., '59-60. — w.c. '60 until died, at Canton, Ms., 19 April 1864. *Henry Jackson, d.d. (1+), b. 16 June 1 798, Providence, R. L B. U. 181 7. — Ord. 27 Nov. 1822. p. Bapt. ch., Charlestown, Ms., '22-36.— p. First, Hartford, Ct., '36-'39. — p. New Bedford, Ms., '39-'45. — p. Cen- tral ch., Newport, R. L, '47 until died, in a railway car, 2 March 1863. *Thoraas Jameson (1), b. 7 Mar. 1794, Dunbarton, N. H. D. C. 1818. — prin. acad. (and pr.) Effingham, N. H., '20-25. — Ord. 29 June 1825. p. Scar- borough, Me., '25-40. — w.c.Gorham, Me., '40-'60 ; Exeter, N. H., '60-'. . ; Cambridge, Ms., '. . until died there, 14 April 1879. *Benjamin Franklin Neally (1), b. 6 June 1791, from Montpelier, Vt. Y. C. — Ord., at Lisbon, N. H., F. W. Bapt., 14 June 1835. h.m., Howard and vie, Mich., '35-'38. — ret. to Vt. in autumn of 1838, and is said to have died "about 1839." *David Page (1+), b. 29 Jan. 1790, Hanover, N. H. D. C. 1817.- Ord. 21 May 1821. p. Rushville,N. Y.,'21-'25.— p. Sweden, N. Y., '26-'29. — a.p. Knowlesville, N. Y., '30-32. — — (rec'd to Transylvania Presb'y, from Niagara, 8 April 1857). — w.c. and prob. teaching, Columbia, Ky., '37-39.— (dism. from Trans. Presb'y to Schuyler, 5 June 1839). — w.c. 5 34 1821. 1822. [1880. Peoria, 111.. ('41)-('43). — (dism. from Schuyler Presb'y to Peoria, 3 April 1845). — h.m., res. Peoria, 111., '46-50. — teacher, Canton, 111., '50 until died there, 10 Feb. 1855. *James Swan, M.D. (1), from Methuen, Ms. H. C. 1818.— Not ordained. — phy- sician. Died, at Springfield, Ms., 16 Aug. 1846. *Stephen Taylor, d.d. (1—), b. 26 Feb. 1795, Tyringham, Ms. W. C. 1816.— Tutor, Williams Coll., '17-'19. — teacher acad., Boydtown, Va. — Ord. , . .... 1824. p. Presb. ch., Halifax Co., Va., '24-26. — p. Shockel Hill ch., Richmond, Va., '26-35. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Prince Edward Co., Va., '35-'38. — p. Abingdon, Va., '38-'43. — p. Petersburg, Va., '43-'47. — teacher, Richmond, Va., '47-'50. — p. Duval st. eh., Richmond, Va., '50 until died there, 4 March 1853. *John Whiton (2), b. 13 Feb. 1796, Stockbridge, Ms. W.C. 1818. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 27 Nov. 1822. city miss'y, Salem, Ms., '22-23. — p. Granville, N.Y., '23-'29.— p. Salem, N. Y., '29-'. . — p. Enfield, Ms., '3 7-'41. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '41-42. — "West Stockbridge, Ms., a.p. '42-44 ; p. '44-49. — — Died, at Wolcott, N. Y., . . Nov. 1868. 1822. *J[ames Abell, b. 1 May 1 791, Norwich, Ct. Y. C. 1819. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1825. p. Presb. ch., Oswego, N. Y., '25-'30. — p. Oxford, N. Y., '30-'37. — p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Chittenango, N.Y., '38-'57. — w.c. Oshkosh, Wis., etc., '57 until died, at Oswego, N. Y., 7 May 1868. *RufuS Anderson, D.D., LL.D., b. 1 7 Aug. 1 796, North Yarmouth, Me. B. C. 1818. — Ord., at Springfield, Ms., 10 May 1826. assistant to Cor. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., '22-24; assistant Sec, '24-32 ; Foreign Sec, '32-'66. — lect. - on For. Missions, Andover Theol. Sem., '6 7-'69. — res. at Boston Highlands, Ms., '69 until died there, 30 May 1880. *Benson C. Baldwin, b 1796, Granville, Ms. M. C. 1816.— h.m., Den- nysville and vie. Me., '22-'23.— Ord. 31 Jan. 1828. p. Norwich, Ct., '28-'30. — a.p. Middlebury O., '30-'33. — a.p. Cuyahoga Falls, O., '34-'35. — — a.p. Medina, O., '38 until died there, 19 Jan. 1844. *Jolm Barton, b. 15 March 1795, Stockbridge, Ms. Ham. C. 1819. — Ord., Presb., 26 Sept. 1822. h.m. Hanover and Goochland Counties, Va., '22-23; N. Y., '23. — a.p. Presb. ch., Vernon Centre, N. Y., '23-'26 ; Orville, N. Y., '26. — temp, sup.. First ch., Geneva, N. Y., '27. — a.p. Elmira, N. Y., '27- '28; Camden, N.Y., '28-'31. — p. Corning, N.Y., '32-'35. — p. Camden, N. Y., '35-'45. — p. Clinton, N. Y., '46-'49. — w.c and occ. sup., Clinton, N. Y., '49 until died there, 28 April 1877. 1880.] 1822. 35 *Stephen Iiigalls Bradstreet, b. 27 Oct. 1794, Pelham, N. H. D. C. 1819.— Ord. 26 Sept. 1822. h.m. — a.p. Cleveland, O., '23-'30; also Euclid, O., •23-'26, and Brooklyn, O., '26-27; ap. Vermillion, etc., O., '30-33; also Sandusky, O., '30-31, and Florence, O., '32-33. — editor OAjo Observer, '33-'3-l. — a.p. Perrysburg, O., '33; Stowe, O., '34-35. — p. Perrysburg, O , '35 until died there, 9 June 1837. *EIeazar Brainard, b. 7 July 1793, Haddam, Ct. Y. C. 1818. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., Presb., 26 Oct. 1825. h.m. O. — a.p. Presb. ch., Portsmouth, O., '28-('36) ; Lewis, O., ('39-'40) ; Mason, O., ('43-'46) ; Oxford, O., '. .-'49 ; h.m. there, '50 ; s.s. Manchester, O., '50-'53. — w.c. Oxford, O., '53 until died there, 24 July 1854. *Johil Clark Brigham, D.D., b. 28 Feb. 1 794, New Marlborough, Ms. W. C. 1819. — Bible agent, South America, '22-26. — Ord. 10 Oct. 1832. agent Am. Bible Soc, '26-'27; Cor. Sec, '27 until died, at Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Aug. 1862. *Oren Catlia, b. 17 Sept. 1794, Homer, N. Y. Ham. C. 1818. — Ord. 26 Sept. 1822. h.m., Ill , '22-'28. — p. Warren, Ms., '29-'31. — a.p. Presb. ch., Cin- cinnatus, N. Y, '32-33. — p. Castleton, N. Y., '34-3 7. — p. Fairport, N. Y. '38-'41. — p. Newstead, N.Y., '42-'43. — p. Collins, N. Y., '44-'46. — Died, at Evans, N. Y., 11 Aug. 1849. *John Clancy, b. 26 March 1793, from Johnstown, N. Y. M. C. 1818.— Ord. 26 Sept. 1822. h.m., Va., '22. — a.p. Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., '22-23 ; Presb. churches, Stillwater and Johnstown, N. Y., '24. — p. Freehold, N. Y., '25-'45. — agent Presb. Board of Ed., '45. — p. Cong, ch., Belchertown, Ms., '46-49. — a.p. Presb. ch., Princetown, N. Y., '49-50; Hamilton, Albany Co., N.Y., '50-'55. — p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Florida, N. Y., '55-'60. — a.p. Presb. ch., Little Falls, N.Y., '60-61; Ref. (Dutch) ch., Schenectady, N. Y., '62. — w.c. Schenectady, N. Y., '62 until died there, 9 Sept. 1876. *Moses Clarke, b. 7 Dec. 1792, from Westfield, Ms. H. C. 1819. — Ord., at Salem, I\Is., 27 Nov. 1822. h.m. Louisiana, '22 until died there, 1823. *Calvm Cutler, b. 10 Oct. 1791, Guildhall, Vt. D. C. 1819. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1823. p. Lebanon, N. H., '23-'27. — p. Presb. ch., Windham, N. H., '28 until died there, 19 Feb. 1844. *Francis Danforth, b. 28 Feb. 1793, Hillsborough, N. H. D. C. 1819. — Ord. 11 June 1823. p. Greenfield, N. H., '23-'31 —p. Winchester, N. H., '31- '39. — p. First ch., Hadley, Ms., '39-42. — w.c. '42-44. — p. Byron and Medina, N. Y., '45. — a.p. Presb. ch., Clarence, N. Y., '46-52. — w.c. Clarence, N. Y., '52 until died there, 29 Jan. 1854. *Cjrus Downs, b. 8 June 1792, from South Britain, Ct. Ham. C. 1819.— Ord p. Bowman Creek, Canajoharie, N. Y., '.. until died there, before 1827. 36 1822. [1880. *Peter Sydney Eaton, b. 7 Oct. 1798, Boxford, M?. Ham. C. 1818. — h.m. Cooper and vie, Me., '23.— Ord. 20 Sept. 1826. p. West Amesbury, Ms., '26-'37. — teacher, New Britain, Ct. — res. Andover, Ms. — res. at Chelsea, Ms., for "twenty years," and died there, 13 Mar. 1863. •Ansel Doan Eddy, D.D., b. 15 Oct. 1798, from Lanesborough, Ms. U. C. 181 7. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 25 Sept. 1823. h.m. Canandaigua, N. Y., '24- '35. — p. First Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '35-'48. — p. Park st. Presb. oh., Newark, N. J., '48-'55. — p. Westminster ch., Chicago, 111., '55-58. — a.p. Wilmington, 111., '59-63 ; Seneca Falls, N. Y., '64. — agent Am. and For. Chr. Union, res. Lansingburg, N. Y., '65-'70 ; w.c. there, until died there, 7 Feb. 1875. •Joseph Fowler, b. 7 Oct. 1798, Milford, Ct. Y. C. 1817. — Not ordained. Died, at Milford, Ct., 15 Mar. 1825. *FlaTel Stebbins Gaylord,b. 22 Aug. 1795, Hartland, Ct. W.C. 1816. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1822. h.m. Ohio, '22-'24 (sup. Elyria, O., '23). — a.p. Presb. ch., Sparta, N. Y., '. .-'28. — p. Gorhara, N. Y., '28-38. — prin. acad. (and occ. pr.), Prattsburgh, N.Y., '38-47. — a.p. Naples, N.Y., '47-'52; Hopewell, N. Y., '52 until died there, 8 Feb. 1860. •Jonathan Lee Hale, b. 21 May 1790, Goshen, Ct. M.C. 1819. — Ord., at Concord, N. H., 23 June 1823. h.m. Colebrook, N. H.,'22-'24. — p. Camp- ton, N. H., '24-32. — p. Windham, Me., '32 until died there, 15 Jan. 1835. •William Allen Hallock, D.D., b. 2 June 1794, Plainfield, Ms. W. C. 1819. — Ord. 5 Oct. 1836. Sec. Am. Tract Soc, N. Y., '25-' 70 ; Hon. Sec, res., '70 until died, in New York city, 2 Oct. 1880. •Carlton Hurd, D.D., b. 26 Dec. 1795, Newport, N. H. D. C. 1818.— Ord. 17 Sept. 1823. p. Fryeburg, Me., '23 until died there, 6 Dec. 1855. •Henry True Kelly, b. 13 Aug. 1794, Hampstead, N. H. D. C. 1819. — h.m. Me. — Ord. 29 June 1825. p. Newfield and Parsonfield, Me., '25-'27.— — occ. pr. '27-29 (h.m. N. H., '28). — p. Presb. ch., Kingsville, O., '29-34. — p. Cong, ch., Madison, O., '34-'36. — teacher, Grand River Inst., Austin- burgh, O, '36-37. — w.c. '37-'40. — h.m. col'd people. Can., '40 until died, at Chatham, C. W., 9 Sept. 1840. •James Marsh, D.D., b. 19 July 1794, Hartford, Vt. D. C. 1817. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '18-'20. — Ord., at Hanover, N. H., 12 Oct. 1824. Prof Lang, and Bib. Lit., Hampden-Sidney Coll., '24-26 — Pres. Univ. Vt., '26-33; Prof. Moral and Intel. Phil., '33 until died, at Colchester, Vt., 3 July 1842. Joseph Meriam, b. 15 Oct 1797, Grafton, Ms. B. U. 1819.— Ord. 26 Sept. 1822. h.m. Va., '22-'23 ; Ohio, '23-'24. — p. Randolph, O. '24-. •Jared Reid, b. l March 1 788, Colchester, Ct. Y. C. 181 7, — Ord. 8 Oct. 1 823. p. Reading, Ms., '23-33. — p. Belchertown, Ms., '33-'41. — p. Tiverton, R. I., '41-'50. — w.c. Tiverton, R. L, '50 until died there, 17 June 1854. 1880.] 1822. 37 *John Rennie, b. 8 Aug. 1799, from Newtonards, Ireland. U. Glas. 1817. — Ord., at Cambridge, S. C.,by Presb. of S. C, 9 Aug. 1823 ; (in Cambridge, S. C, in '24; Liberty, Mo., in '48). — Died, at St. Joseph, Mo., about 1859. *William Richards, b. 22 Aug. 1792, Plainfield, Ms. W. C. 1819.— Ord., at New Haven, Ct., 1 2 Sept, 1822. f.m. Hawaian Islands, '22-38. — res. H. I., '38-'42. — ambassador to England, etc., '42-45. — Minister of Public In- struction, Councillor, and Chap, to- the King, '45 until died, at Honolulu, 7 Dec. 1847. ♦Daniel Green Sprague, b. 8 July 1796, Killingly, Ct. B. U. 1819. — Ord., at No. Mansfield, Ct., 2 Oct. 1822. h.m. 111. and Mo., '22-23 —p. Hamp- ton, Ct., '24-'39. — p. Colchester, Ct., '39-'44. — p. Presb. ch.. So. Orange, N. J., '44-'60. — w.c. So. Orange, N. J., '60-'. . ; Salem, N. Y., '. . until died there, 11 Jan. 1873. *Seneca White, b. 29 Feb. 1794, West Boylston, Ms. D. C. 1818.— Ord. 10 Sept. 1823. p. Second ch., Bath, Me., '23-30. — p. Wiscasset, Me., '32- '37 ; p. Marshfield, Ms., '38-50. — w.c. Amherst, N. H., '50 until died there, 11 Jan. 1865. *AVeston Bela Adams (1), b. 10 Nov. 1794, Plainfield, N. H. D. C. 1818. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '20-'21. — h.m, N. H. and Vt. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1832. p. Auburn, Me., '32-'38.— w.c. Danville, Me., '38 until died there, 16 Oct. 1841. *Isaac Richmond Barbour (2),b. 14 Feb. 1794, Bridport, Vt. M. C. 1819.— Ord., at Sumpterville, S. C, Presb., 29 May 1823. h.m. S. C, '23-'25. — p. New Ipswich, N. H., '26. — p. Byfield, Ms., '27-33. — agent Boston Soc. for Moral and Rel. Ed. of the Poor, '33-'34. — p. Charlton, Ms., '36-'39.— w.c. '39 until death; res. New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y., in '67. — Died, at Galesburg, 111., 26 Feb. 1869. Stephen Coburn (1), b. .. March 1798, Dracut, Ms. M. C. 1819. — Not or- dained, teacher, Tyngsborough, Ms., Bangor, Me., North Andover, Ms., and Ipswich, Ms., '20-'27. — postmaster at Ipswich, Ms., '23-'60. — res. at Ipswich, since '24. ♦Jacob Cummings (l4-), b. 5 Dec. 1792, Warren, Ms. D. C. 1819. — teacher, acad., Atkinson, N. H., '21-23 ; Hampton, N. H., '23-24.— Ord. 28 Apr. 1824. p. Stratham, N. H., '24-34. — p. Sharon, Ms., '35-'37. — p. South- borough, Ms., '38-'41. — p. Hillsborough Bridge, N. H., '43-56. — w.c. Ex- eter, N. H., '56 until died there, 20 June 1866. ♦Beriah Green (2), b. 24 March 1795, Preston, Ct. M. C. 1819.— teacher, Phil- lips Acad., Andover, Ms., '20-'21. — a.p. East Lyme, Ct., '21-22 — Ord. 16 April 1823. p. Brandon, Vt., '23-29. — p. Kennebunk, Me,, '29-30. — Prof. Sac. Lit., West, Res. Coll., '30-'33. — Pres. Oneida Lit. and Theol. Inst., Whitesborough, N. Y., '33-43. — a.p. Whitesborough, N. Y., '43-'67. — w.c. there, '67 until died there, 4 May 1874. 38 1822. 1823. [1880. *Benjamin Hale, m.d., d.d. (1), b. 23 Nov. 1797, Newbury, Ms. B. C 1818. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '20-'22. — prin. Gardiner Lyceum, '22-27. — Prof. Chem. and Min., Dart. Coll., '27-'35.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 28 Sept. 1828. priest, 6 Jan. 1831. — Pres. Hobart Coll., N. Y., '36-'56. — w.c. Geneva, N.Y., '56-58 ; Newburyport, Ms., '58 until died there, 15 July 1863. *Joseph Hurlbut (1+), b. 22 Aug. 1799, New London, Ct. Y. C. 1818.— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1822. — a.p. First Presb. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '22- '23. — Ord. 25 Oct. 1823. p. Third Presb. ch., Albany, N.Y., '23-'26. — w.c. New York, '26-32 ; New London, Ct., '32-35. — a.p. Cong, ch.. New London, Ct., '35-38. — miss'y Mohegan Indians, '38-'62. — chap. U. S. A., Fort Trumbull, New London, Ct., '62-67. — res. New London, Ct., w.c. and occ. sup., '67 until died there, 5 June 1875. *William Kirkland (1—), b. 4 March 1800, from Utica, N. Y. Ham. C. 1818. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '20-25; Prof. Latin, '25-27 5 prin. acad., Geneva, N.Y., '28-'.. — teacher, Detroit, Mich., '..-'.. — In 1840 founded Pinckney, Mich. ; in 1844 ret. to New York city, res. there, and editor of Enquirer, until drowned, at Newburg, N. Y., 18 Oct. 1846. *Koswell Mills (1+), b. 23 April 1793, from Johnstown, N. Y. M. C. 1819.— Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 11 April 1821. *Jonathan Coleman Southmayd (1), b 1793, Castleton, Vt. M. C. 1817. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '20-23. — prin. acad., Montpelier, Vt., '23-'35. — teacher, Burlington, Vt, '35-'36. — Rutland, Vt., teacher and occ. pr., '37 until died there, . . Oct. 1838. 1823. ♦Solomon Adams, b. 30 May 1 797, Middleton, Ms. H. C. 1820. — prin. acad., East Machias, Me., '23-'28. — Ord., at East Machias, Me., 1 March 1825. prin. young ladies' school, Portland, Me., '28-'40; same in Boston, Ms., '40-56. — res. Auburndale, Ms., '56 until died there, 20 July 1870. ^Xeonard Bacon, D.D., LL.D., b. 19 Feb. 1802, Detroit, Mich. Y. C. 1820. — Ord., at Windsor, Ct., 28 Sept. 1824. — p. First ch.. New Haven, Ct., '25-; and, since '66, acting Prof. Rev. Theol., Theol. Dept., Yale Coll.; also lect. on Congregationalism, Andover Theol. Sem., '66-'69. Heraan Miller Blodgett, Vt. U. Vt. 1820. — Ord., at Boxford, Ms., 30 Sept. 1824. h.m. Was at Dawfuskie Island, S. C, in '24; a.p. there, ('29)-'30. — w.c. Savannah, Ga., '31-'33 ; Mandarin, East Florida, ('37), being of Georgia Presb'y, and does not appear afterward. ♦Joseph Himt Breck, b. 9 July 1798, Northampton, Ms. Y. C. 1818. — Ord., by Ilampsliire Central Assoc'n, Ms., .. Dec. 1823. h.m. — a.p. Wadsworth and Harrisville, O., '23-24. — h.m. West'n Res., O., '24-27. — p. Andover, O., '27-'29. — a.p. Brecksville, O., '29-'3 2. — teacher, Cleveland, O., '33- '35. — w.c. and occ. pr., Cleveland, O., '35-'43. — w.c Newburgh, O. '43 until died, at Cleveland, O., 21 June 1880. 1880.] 1823. 39 *William Lewis Biiffctt, b. 22 April 1799, Greenwich, Ct. Y. C. 1819.— h.m. Me. and N. Y., '23-'25. — Ord. 27 June 1827. a.p. Atwater, O., '25- '33; Ruggles, O., '34-'35 : Franklin, 0.,'36.— p. Tamwortli, N.H., '37-'42. — h.m. De Peyster, N. Y., '43-'44. — a.p. Sylvania, O., '..-'..; Presb. ch., La Salle, Mich., '45-'52. — p. Presb. ch., Perrysville, Ind., '53 until died there, 29 Aug. 1856. *John L. Burnap, b. 28 Dec. 1792, Windham, Vt. M. C. 1819. — Not or- dained. — agent Vt. Dom. Miss. Soc, '23-24. — h.m. western States, '24- '25. — w.c. Windham, Vt., '25 until died, at West Townshend, Vt., 1 7 Jan. 1876. ♦Moses Chase, b. . . March 1797, Hopkinton, N. H. D. C. 1820. — h.m. near Lake Winnepesaukee, N. H., '23. — Ord. 22 Feb. 1826. p. Presb. ch., Platts- burg, N. Y.,'26-'35.— p. Cong, ch., Clinton, N. Y., '35-'40. — p. West Pn-ook- field, Ms,, '42-'44. — gen. agent Am. Col'n Soc. for N. Y. — p. Brasher Falls and Mooers. — a.p. Mooers, N. Y., '52-'56 ; Brasher Falls, N.Y., '57-'59 ; Stockholm, N. Y, '60-61. — w.c. Plattsburg, N. Y., '61-'. . ; Norwood, N. J., '. . until died there, 31 Dec. 1878. ♦Benjamin Franklin Clarke, b. 18 Jan. 1792, Granby, Ms. AV. C. 1820.— Ord. 4 Feb. 1824. p. Buckland, Ms., '24-'39. — p. North Chelsea, Ms., '39-42. — Rowe, Ms., a.p. '42-49; p. '49-50. — a.p. North Orange, Ms., '52-'54. — p. Winchendon, Ms., '55-'65. — w.c. Wellesley, Ms., '65 until died there, 16 Nov. 1872. ♦Nathan Welby Fiske, b. 17 April 1798, Weston, Ms. D. C. 1817. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '18-'20. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 25 Sept. 1823. preacher to seamen. Savannah, Ga., '23-'24. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Amh. Coll., '24-'25 ; Prof. Greek, '25-'33 ; Prof Latin and Greek, '33-'36 ; Prof Moral Phil, and Met., '36 until died, at Jerusalem, 27 May 1847. ♦Edmund Frost, b. 16 Nov. 1791, Brattleborough, Vt. M. C. 1820. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 25 Sept. 1823. f m. Bombay, '23 until died there, 18 Oct. 1825. ♦Jacob Cram Goss, b. 4 June 1793, Henniker, N. H. D. C. 1820. — h.m. Ga., '22-'24. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1824. p. Topsham, Me., '24-35; also a.p. Second ch., Warren, Me., '31-32. — p. Woolwich, Me., '35-43. — First ch., San- ford, Me., a.p. '43-'46; p. '46-'50. — p. Second ch.. Wells, Me., '51-55.- a.p. Randolph, Vt., '56-58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Concord, N.H., 21 April 1860. ♦Elnathan Gridley, b. 3 Aug. 1796, Farmington, Ct. Y.C. 1819. — agent A.B.C.F.M. '23-'24.— Ord., at Boston, Ms., 25 Aug. 1825. f.m. Smyrna, '25 until died, at Caesarea, Cappadocia, 27 Sept. 1827. ♦Joseph Hyde, Ct. Y.C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Died, at Litchfield, Ct., • 27 Dec. 1824. 40 1823. [1880. *Chester Ishani, b. 29 March 1798, West Hartford, Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Ord. 18 Feb. 1824. p. Trin. ch., Taunton, Ms., '21 until died, at Boston, Ms., 20 April 1825. *James Kimball, b. 5 Oct. 1797, Bradford, Ms. M. C. 1820. — h.m. Vt., '23- '25, — Ord. 13 Jan. 1825. p. Townsbend, Vt., '25-'30. — city miss'y, Boston, Ms., '30-32. — p. Oakham, Ms., '32-60. — w.c. '60 until died, at St. Louis, Mo., 16 March 1861. *George Porter King, from Utica, N. Y. Ham. C. 1820. — h.m. Walterbor- ough and Jacksonborough, S. C, '23-'25. — Ord a.p. Cong. ch., Henrietta, N. Y., '26-29. — — a.p. HornellsvIUe, N. Y., '32- '33; Ossian, N.Y., '32-'34; Portageville, N. Y., '34-'35. — w.c. Michigan, '35-'41. — a.p. Lima, Mich., '41-'42; Presb. ch., Brownstown, Mich., '42- '44 ; Cong, ch., Grand Blanc, Mich., '44-'46. — a.p. Presb. ch., Fentonville, Mich., '46-'50. — w.c. Jackson, Mich., '51 until died there, . . March 1863. *William Watson Niles, b Fairlee, Vt. D. C. 1820. — Ord., at Bradford, Ms., by Haverhill Assoc'n, 13 Aug, 1823. h.m. Tenn., '23-24 ; Ohio, '24-'. . ; a.p. Maiden, Ms., soon after '24. — — a.p. Holden, Ms., '29-31. — — Ord. deacon, Episc, 13 April 1834 ; priest, 24 April 1836. r. Rome, N. Y., '. . ; r. Kingston, R. L, '.. ; after which h.m. or w.c. until died, at La Porte, Ind., 8 June 1854. *Isaac Oakes, b. 10 June 1795, Hawley, Ms. W. C. 1820. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 25 Sept. 1823. h.m. —p. Presb. ch., Westfield, N. Y., '24-'31. — a.p. Warsaw and East Bethany, N. Y., '31-34.- p. Lancaster, N. Y., '34-39. — a.p. East Evans, N. Y., '40-('41) ; Bethany, N. Y., ('46)-'49 ; Riga, N. Y., '49-52; Oakland, N. Y., '53-58. — w.c. Nunda, N. Y., '58 until died there, 4 July 1876. *Horatio Adams Parsons, b. 27 March 1797, Granby, Ms. W. C. 1820.— Ord. 28 May 1824. p. Manchester, Vt., '24-26. — a.p. Presb. ch., Niagara Falls, N. Y., '27-'29. — merchant in Buffalo, N. Y. ; afterwards res. Niagara, N. Y., and died there, 4 Sept. 1873. *Solomon Peck, D.D., b. 25 Jan. 1800, Providence, R. L B. U. 1816.— Ord., Bapt., at Providence, R. I., 5 Dec. 1823. city miss'y, Charleston, S. C, '24. — a.p. North Yarmouth, Me., '24-'25. — Prof Latin and Hebrew, Amh. Coll., '25-'32. — acting Prof, Brown Univ., '32-33. — a.p. Gloucester, Ms., '34 ; Weston, Ms., '35. — assistant Cor. Sec. Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, '35- '38; For. Cor. Sec, '38-'58. — p. Beaufort, S. C, '62-65. — chap. Disch. Soldier's Home, Boston, Ms., '66-'. . ; also Cor. Sec. Nat. Inst. Ed. Col. Pas., '67. — Died, at Rochester, N. Y., 12 June 1874. *Urias Powers, b. 12 May 1791, Croydon, N. H. D. C. 1818. — Ord., at Weathersfield, Vt., . . Oct. 1823. h.m. S. C, '23-'24. — w.c. N. H., '24-'25. — h.m. Cheraw, S. C, '25-27; a.p. Presb. ch., '27-34. — agent Am. S. S. Union, '34. — agent Presb. Board of Dom Miss., '34-'35. — a.p. Darlington, 1880.] 1823. 41 S. C, '35-37.— Salem, Va., a.p. '37-'39; p. '39-50; ap. '50-52. —a.p. Bi<^ Lick, Va., '53-'61 and '62-'64. — w.c. Big Lick, Va., 'G4 until died there, 12 Feb. 1869. *William Shedd, b. 16 July 1797, Mont Vernon, N. H. D. C. 1819. — Ord., by Haverhill Assoc'n, at Bradford, Ms., 13 Aug. 1823. seamen's chap., New Orleans, La., '23-'24; also some time Prof. Coll., New Orleans, La., ('24), and perhaps chap, again, '25 and later. — p. First ch., Ablngton, Ms., '29-30. — Died, at Abington, Ms., 11 Nov. 1830. *George Sheldon, b. 26 Aug. 1797, West Suffield, Ct. Y. C. 1819. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 25 Sept. 1823. h.m. — agent Am. S. S. Union, O., and a.p. Painesville, O., '23-25. — p. Franklin, O., '25-30. — agent Am. Bible Soc, '29-'36. — p. Franklin, O., '36-'37. — agent West'n Res. Coll., '3 7-'54.— w.c. Monticello, Ind., '54-56 ; Bellefontaine, O., etc., '56 until died, at Col- fax, Ic, 14 June 1873. *Samuel Austin Worcester, D.D., b. 19 Jan. 1798, Worcester, Ms. U. Vt. 1819. — Ord., at Boston, Ms., 25 Aug. 1825. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.) Chero- kee Indians, '25 until died, at Park Hill, Cherokee Nation, 20 April 1859. *Horace Publius Bogue, d.d. (1), from Paris, N. Y. Ham. C. 1820. — Ord. 6 Jan. 1823. p. Presb. ch., Gilbertsville, N. Y., '23-'29. — p. Norwich, N. Y., '29-33. — p. Vernon, N. Y., '33-'40. — agent N. Y. Col'n Soc, '40-42. — p. Seneca Falls, N. Y., '42-'50. — agent Jewish missions, '50-'52. — agent N.Y. Col'n Soc, '52-'62. — a.p. Preble, N. Y., '62-'64; East Hamburg, N. Y., '64-66. — w.c. Buffalo, N. Y., '66 until died there, 15 Jan. 1872. *John Dickson, (1), b. 4 Nov. 1795, Charleston, S. C. Y. C. 1814. — Ord., at Charleston, S. C, 20 March 1825 ; was on list of Charleston Union Presb'y, '25-'37, P. O. Charleston when given. Prof. Math., Charleston Coll., S. C, in '25 ; Moral Phil., '28-'. . ; also sup. chhs. — Moved to Ashville, N. C, and founded male and female academies, and died there, 28 Sept. 1847. *Judah Ely(l+),b 1796, Sharon, Ct. W. C. 1820. — Ord. (?) .... h.m. Isles of Shoals, '22-'23 (ten months) ; afterwards res. Buffalo, N.Y. — Died, in England, 1841. *Israel Newell (1), b. 5 April 1794, Durham, Me. B. C. 1819. — Not ordained. — prin. Kimball Union Acad., Meriden,N. H., '22-35. — a.p. New Glouces- ter, Me., '37. — w.c. East Durham, Me., '38 until died there, 9 Feb. 1846. *William Page (1), from Middlebury, Vt. M. C. 1818. — Ord., Presb., 10 Sept. 1823. h.m. Mich., '23-24. — a.p. Presb. ch., Fredonia, N. Y., '24-'26; Ann Arbor, Mich., '26-'30. — agent Am. H. M. Soc, Ct. and N. Y., '30.— p. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., '32-34.— p. Village ch., New York, '34-35. — agent 6 42 1823. 1824. [1880. Am. H. M. Soc, Mich., '35-'36. — — agent Am. H. M. Soc, N. Y., '46. — a.p. Chagrin Falls, O., '47-'48 ; Hillsdale, Mich., '48-'49 ; Allegan, Mich., '49-'50; Three Rivers, Mich., '51-'54. — Died, 25 May 1856. *Gideon Lane Soule, ll.d. (1), b. 25 July 1796, Freeport, Me. B.C. 1818. — Not ordained. — teacher, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H., '18- '19. — teacher, Phillips Academy, Andover, Ms., '20-'21. — prof. Anc. Lang., Phillips Exeter Academy, '22-38 ; prin., '38 to 30 June 1873; from that date prin. emeritus, until died, at Exeter, N. H., 28 May 1879. *Marshall Southard (2), b. 14 March 1796, Auburn, Ms. D. C. 1820. — Ord. 20 Dec. 1829. Never settled ; farmer, Newbury, Vt., '30-50 ; Lyme, N. H., '50 until died there, 12 March 1857. *Elijah Thayer (1), b Buckland, Ms. W. C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Died, 1824. *John Milton Waldo (1—), b from Griswold, Ct. H. C. 1818.— Died, at while a member of the Seminary, 8 Dec. 1820. *John West (2), b. 13 Nov. 1794, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1813.— lawyer in early life. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 11 May 1823; priest, 1825. r. St. Thomas's ch., Taunton, Ms., '27-'32. — r. Zion ch., Newport, R. L, '32-42. — r. St. John's ch., Bangor, Me., '42-'46. — h.m. — res. Bristol, R. I., many years ; later at Providence, R. L, where he died, 6 June 1870. *Henry Clark Wright (2+), b. 29 Aug. 1797, Sharon, Ct. —. — a.p. Warner, N. H., '24-26. — Ord. 21 June 1826. p. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '26-'33. — agent Am. S. S. Union, '33-'34. — minister to the poor, Boston, Ms., '34-'36. — anti-slavery lecturer. — Died, at Woonsocket, R. L, . . Aug. 1870. 1824. *Natliaiiicl Boutoii, D.D., b. 29 June 1797,Norwalk, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Ord. 23 May 1825. p. First ch.. Concord, N. IL, '25-67. — editor Provincial records of N. H., Concord, N. H., '67-'77. — w.c. there, until died there, 6 June 1878. Milton Palmer Bramau, D.D., b. 6 Aug. 1799, Rowley, Ms. H. C. 1819.— Ord. 12 April 1826. p. First ch., Danvers, Ms., '26-61. — w.c. Danvers, Ms., '61-68, and Auburndale, Ms., '68-. *Caleb Burbank, b. 12 Aug. 1 792, Boscawen, N. H. D. C. 1821. — h.m. War- ner, Wakefield, etc., N. IL, '24-'26. — Ord. 5 April 1827. h.m.- a.p. Chester and Kirtland. O., '27-'29. — p. Madison, O., '29-34. — a.p. Meso- potamia and Bloomfield, O., '34-37; Brecksville, O., '38-'40. — p. Presb. ch., Chatlnim, O., '40-'55. — w.c. Chatham, O., '55-'68 ; Stamford, N. Y., '68 until died there, 5 Oct. 1876. 1880.] 1824. 43 Frederick Edwards Cannon, D.D., b. 20 Jan. 1800, Greenwich, INfs. U. C. 1822. — Ord.,by Rovalton Assoc'n, Vt., 11 Oct. 1825.— agent A.B.C.F.M., '24-'26. — p. Ludlow, Vt., '26-'31. — p. Presb, eh., Potsdam, N. Y , '31-'36. — agent and Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M. in N. Y., '36-'63. — w.c. Geneva, N. Y., '63-. *Pluuiiuer Chase, b. 13 March 1794, Newbury, Ms. B.C. 1821. — Ord. 1 March 1825 — p. Carver, Ms., '28-35. — Died, at Newbury, Ms., 17 Sept. 1837. *Georffe Cowles, b. ll March 1798, New Hartford, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Ord., at Taunton, Ms., 18 Jan. 1826. p. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '27 until lost at sea, near Cape Hatteras, in wreck of the Home, 9 Oct. 1837. *Sainuel Hooker Cowles, b. 5 March 1798, Farmington, Ct. Y. C. 1821.— Not ordained. — Died, at Farmington, Ct., 1 Feb. 1827. *Ornan Eastman, b. 27 March 1796, Amherst, Ms. Y. C. 1821.— agent A.B. C.F.M., N.H.,'24-'25. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, N. Y., '25-'26. — Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '27-'28. — Ord. 27 Aug. 1828. gen. agent Am. Tr. Soc, N. Y., for Miss. Valley, '27-'30. — gen. agent Lane Theol. Sem., and A.B.C.F.M., '31. — Sec Am. Tr. Soc, New York, '32-'70; Hon.Sec, '70 until died, at New York city, 24 April 1874. *Isaac Esty, b. 24 April 1796, Sutton, Ms. Y. C. 1821. — h.ra. Chesliire Co., N.H., '26-'29. — Ord. 29 Jan. 1829. p. Cape Elizabeth, Mc, '29-'31. — a.p. Bridgeton, Me., '32. — w.c, invalid, '32-43 ;jW.c. and occ sup., '43-'45 ; a.p. Westminster East, Vt., '45-46 ; Bethlehem and Franconia, N. H., '46- '51 ; Westminster East, Vt., '53-55 ; Lunenburg, Vt., '55 ; Heath, Ms., '59- '60. — w.c. '60, res. Amherst, Ms., from '55, where he died, 31 July 1875. *Josepll Ives Foot, D.D., b. 17 Nov. 1796, Watertown, Ct. U. C. 1821.— Ord., at Boxford, Ms., 30 Sept. 1824. h.m. S. C, '24-25. — h.m. Epping, N.H., '25-'26. — p. West Brookfield, Ms., '26-'32. — p. Salina, N. Y., '33- '35. — a.p. Cortland, N. Y., '35-'37. — p. Knoxville, Tenn., '39-'40.— chosen Pres. Washington Coll., Tenn., '40 ; died, near Knoxville, Tenn., 21 April 1840. *Stephen Foster, b. 15 Feb. 1 798, Andover, Ms. D. C. 1821. — Ord., at Box- ford, Ms., 30 Sept 1824. h.m. — teacher, near Estellville, Scott Co., Va., '24-'26. — Prof Latin and Greek, Greenville Coll., Tenn., '26-'27. — Prof. Latin and Greek, East Tenn. Coll. (now Univ. of Tenn.), '27-'34 ; Pres., '34 until died, at Knoxville, Tenn., 11 Jan. 1835. *John Flavel Oriswold, b. 14 April 1795, Greenfield, Ms. Y. C. 1821.— Ord., at Shelburne, Ms., 8 Nov. 1825. h.m. N. H., '25-'28. — p. South Hadley Falls, Ms., '28-32. — p. Fayettevllle, Vt., '34-39. — p. Hartland, Vt., '39-'44. — a.p. Washington, N. H., '45-'66. — w.c. Brooklyn, N.Y. (res. Bernardston, Ms., in summer), '66 until died, in Brooklyn, 15 Feb. 1872. 44 1824. [1880. *Lemiiel Hall, b. 17 Aug. 17D4, from Sutton, Ms. B. U. 1820.— h.m. Fran- conia, N. H., '24.— Ord. 7 Feb. 1827. h.m. N. Y. — a.p. Presb. ch., DeKalb N. Y., '26-'28; Annisville, N.Y., '28-'29 ; Holland, N. Y., '29-'30. — p. Hamburg, N.Y., '30-'32. — a.p. Bethany, N. Y., '33; Sparta, N. Y., '34; Mt. Morris, N. Y., '35 ; Centrevllle, N. Y., '36-'38 ; Geneva, Wis., '38-'40. — p. Virginia Settlement, N. Y., '39-'46. — -w.c. Geneva, Wis., '46 until died there, 9 April 1868. *Orramel Strong Hinckley, b. 13 Sept. 1790, Thetford, Vt. B. C. 1819.— Tutor, Dart. Coll., '21-'22. — Ord. (?). teacher, Sylvan Acad., Ivy. — Prof. Lang., Greenville Coll-, Tenn., '..-'.. — teacher, Lexington, Ky. — Prof. Lang., Oakland Coll, Miss., '. . until died, at Natchez, Miss., 14 Sept. 1837. Elbridg-e Gerry Howe, b. 14 Aug. 1789, Paxton, Ms. B. U. 1821. — Ord., at South Wilbraham, Ms., 6 Oct. 1824, h.m. Kaskakia, etc.. 111., '24-'27. — invalid, '27-'28. — h.m. N. E., '28-'31. — p. Southwick, Ms., '31-'32.— p. Halifax, Ms., '3 2-'35. — a.p. East Marshfield, Ms., '36-'38. — h.m. Will Co., 111., '38-'41; Will, Lake, and McHenry Counties, 111., '41-'49. — w.c. Waukegan, 111., '48-73; Paxton, Ms., '73-. *OYa Phelps Hoyt, D.D., b. 25 May 1800, New Haven, Vt. M. C. 1821. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1826. p. Presb. ch., Potsdam, N. Y., '25-30. — agent Am. H. M. Soc, '30-34. — editor Western Recorder, Utica, N. Y., '34-35. — p. Cambridge, N. Y., '35-38. — a.p. First Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., 39-40. — p. Kalamazoo, Mich., '40-'49. — p. Second Presb. ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '49-'52. — Dis. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., '52-'60. — a.p. Elkhart, lo., '60-63.— w.c. Kalamazoo, Mich., '63 until died there, 11 Feb. 1866. ♦William Worthing-ton Hunt, b. 7 Sept. 1796, Belehertown, Ms. W. C. 1820. — Ord. 7 March 1827. p. North ch., Amherst, Ms., '27 until died there, 5 Oct 1837. *Henry Jones, b. 15 Oct. 1801, Hartford, Ct. Y. C 1820.— Ord. 12 Oct. 1825. p. New Britain, Ct., '25-'27. — prin. young ladies' high school, Green- field, Ms., '28-38. — prin. Cottage School, Bridgeport, Ct., '38-65. — w.c. Bridgeport, Ct., until died there, 9 Nov. 1878. *Daniel Lancaster, b. 30 Nov. 1796, Acworth. N. H. D. C. 1821. — Ord. 21 Sept. 1825. p. First ch., Gilmanton, N. H., '25-32. — Centre ch., Gilman- ton, N. H., a.p. '32-35; p. 35'-'52. — a.p. Fisherville, N. H., '53-54. — p. Middletown, N. Y., '55-'59. — w.c. '59, res. New York city, until died there, 28 INIay 1880. *Eo(lolphus Landfear, b. 2 Nov. 1794, Manchester, Ct. Y. C, 1821, — li.m. Mayville and Ashville, N.Y,, '25-'26.— agent Ct. Bible Soc, Ct., '28.— Ord., at Hartford, Ct., 1 Jidy 1828.— S. S. Agency, Hartford, Ct., '28. — p. Mont- ville, Ct., '29-32. — a.p. Bozrahville, Ct., '32-34. — w.c. Ashford, Ct., '34-41. — Westford, Ct. (one year). — w.c. Manchester, Ct., '49-56. Hartford, Ct., '56 until died there, 30 Sept. 1880. 1880.] 1824. 45 ErastllS Maltby, b Northford, Ct. Y. C. 1821 .— Ord., at Windsor, Ct., 29 Sept. 1824. h.m. — a.p. Marietta, O., '24-25.— p. Triu. ch., Taunton, Ms., '26-. *Sailuiel Marsh, b. 3 July 1796, Danville, Vt. D. C. 1821.— Ord. 31 Jan. 1825. h.m. — a.p. Derby Centre, Vt.; Danville, Vt. ; Pomfret, Vt., '25-'27. — p. Mooers, N. Y., '27-'.. — colporteur, Montreal, Can., '30-'31. — a.p, Beeknianton, Sweden, and Sennett, N. Y., '31-'38. — res. Danville, Vt., '38-'42. — p. Hardwick, Walden, and Marshfield, Vt. — a.p. Plainfield, Vt. '42-'45. — res. Wolcott, Vt., '45-'52. — a.p. Second ch., Underhill, Vt., '52-'54. — w.c. Underhill, Vt., '54 until died there, 1 April 1874. *Jaiiies Noyes, b. 8 Dec. 1798, Wallingford, Ct. U. C. 1821. — Ord , at Box- ford, Ms., 30 Sept. 1824. hm. N.H., Vt., and Ct., '24-'26. — p. Middle- field, Ct., '29-39. — teacher, Haddani, Ct., '40-'41. — a.p. Cutchogue, L. I., '42. — p. Burlington, Ct., '43-46. — teacher, Haddam, Ct., '47-60; also, a.p. Haddam, Ct., '48. — a.p. Hadlyme, Ct., '51-52; Hamburg, Ct., '52- '53. — w.c. Haddam, Ct., '53 until died there, 11 Oct. 1869. Edward Palmer, b. 25 Dec. 1788, Charleston, S. C. — . — Ord., at Boxford, Ms., 30 Sept. 1824. h.m. —p. Cong, ch., Dorchester, S. C, '25-'27.— p. Presb. ch., Walterborough, S. C, '27-'31.— p. Prince William's Parish, S. C, '31-'43. — p. Walterborough, S.C, '43-'55. — p. Prince William's Parish, S. C, '55-'60. — a.p. Walterborough, S. C, '60-'. . ; Barnwell C. H., S. C, '79-. *Joshua Payne Payson, b. 15 Aug. 1800, Pomfret, Ct. Y. C. 1819. — occ. pr. '24-'27.— Ord. 26 June 1828. a.p. Chilmark and Tisbury, Ms., '27-'30. — w.c. Abington, Ct. (blind many years), '30 until died, at Pomfret, Ct., 29 April 1871. *Ora Pearson, b. 6 Nov. 1797, Chittenden, Vt. M.C. 1820. — a.p. Gaines, etc., N. Y., '24-'25. — Ord. 7 March 1827. p. Kingston, N. H., '26-'34, — p. Barton, Vt., '34-36. — h.m. Compton, C. E„ '36-39. — p. Barton and Glover, Vt., '39-44. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, '45-'51. — w.c. Peacham, Vt., '51 until died there, 5 July 1858. *John Richards, D.D., b. 14 May 1 797, Farmington, Ct. Y. C. 1 821. —agent A.B.C.F.M., '25. — Ord. 2 Dec. 1827. p. Woodstock, Vt.,'27-'31. — assoc. ed. Vermont Chronicle, '31-37. — teacher, Woodstock, Vt., '37-'41. — p. College ch., Hanover, N. H., '41 until died there, 29 March 1859. *Zabdiel Rog-ers, b. 2 Oct. 1 793, Groton, Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Ord., at Boxford, Ms., 30 Sept. 1824. h.m. — — p. Willtown, S.C, ('29) until died, at Charleston, S. C, 22 Nov. 1852. *Samuel Russell, b. 24 Sept. 1798, Bow, N.H. D. C. 1821.— Ord. 21 June 1826. p. Boylston, Ms., '26-32.- p. Norwich, Ms., '32-35. — Died, at Norwich, Ms., 27 Jan. 1835. 46 1824. [1880. *Horace Sessions, from Wilbraham, Ms. Ham. C. 1821. — Ord., at South Wilbraliam, Ms., 6 Oct. 1824. agent Am. Col'n Soc. to Africa, '24 until died, on homeward passage, 1826. *Johii Sherer, b 1791, Bridgewater, Pa. Ham. C. 1821. — Ord. .. Sept. 1825. p. Presb. ch., Litchfield, N. H., '25-'27. — w.c. Litchfield, N. H., '28. — a.p. ColesviUe, N.Y., '30-'31 ; Pembroke, N. Y., '31-'33. — — a.p. Wysoe, Pa., '36-'37; Gibson, Pa., '37-'38. — teacher, Eddy- ville, Ky., '38 ; and teacher in different places until '54. — w.c. Pleasant Ridge, O., '54 until died there, 14 Feb. 1863. *Josepll PLatt Taylor, b. 9 Aug. 1794, Danbury, Ct. Y. C. 1814. — Not or- dained. Died, at New Haven, Ct., 14 May 1825. *Royal Washburu, b. 6 Dec. 1797, Royalton, Vt. U. Vt. 1820. — Tutor, Univ. Vt., '20-'22.— Ord., at Boxford, Ms., 30 Sept. 1824. h. m. New Orleans, La., '24-25. — p. Amherst, Ms., '26 until died there, 1 Jan. 1833. *Samuel Barrett (2), Ms. H. C. 1820. — Not ordained, teacher, Charlestown, Ms., '23-'25; Cambridge, Ms., '25-27. — prin. Adams School, Boston, Ms., '28-52. — prin. Hawes School, South Boston, Ms., '52-'65. — clerk in U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C, '65-'. . — Died, at Middleborough, Ms., 28 April 1877. *William Case (2), b. 25 April 1 794, Winchester, Ct. Y. C. 1821.— Ord. 1 Sept. 1824. p. Chester, Ct., '24-35. — a.p. New Hartford, Ct., '35-36.— w.c. East Windsor, Ct, '36-42. — a.p. Middle Haddam, Ct., '42-'44. — teacher, Haddam, Ct., '44-46. — a.p. No. Madison, Ct., '46-47. — w.c. '47 until died, at Hartford, Ct., 28 April 1858. *John Payne Cleaveland, d.d. (1—), b. 19 July 1799, Byfield, Newbury, Ms. B.C. 1821.— Ord. 14 Feb. 1827. p. Tab. ch., Salem, Ms., '27-'34. — p. First Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '35-'38. — Pres't elect Marshall Coll., Mich., '38-'43 ; and a.p. at Marshall, etc. — p. Second Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '44-46. — p. Benef. Cong, ch.. Providence, R. L, '46-53. — p. First ch., Northampton, Ms., '53-'55. — p. Appleton st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '55-'62. — chaplain 30th Mass. Vol., '62. — a.p. Park st. ch., and Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '63-64. — p.e.Mattapoisett, Ms., '66-67. — a.p.Billerica,Ms., '67-'69. — w.c. Ipswich and Newburyport, Ms., '69 until died, at Newburyport, Ms., 7 March 1873. * Cutter (1), b. 15 May 1801, North Yarmouth, Me. B.C. 1821.— Not ordained. — invalid some years; author; res. Portland, Me., until '39 ; then in New York city, and in Bedford from '46 until died there, 8 Feb. 1867. *Hcnry Edwin Dwight (2—), b. 19 Apnll797, New Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1815.— Not ordained. — teacher and author. Died, at New Haven, Ct., 11 Aug. 1832. J 1880.] 1824. 47 *Josiah Fletcher Goodhue (1), b. 31 Doc. 1791, Westminster, Yt. M. C. 1821. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '22-'23. — Ord. 27 May 1824. p. WlUiston, Vt., '23- '33. — p. Shoreham, Vt., '34-'57. — w.c. Whitewater, Wis., '58 until died there, 3 May 1863. *Roswell Goodwin (2+), from New Hartford, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Died, at New Hartford, Ct., while a member of the Seminary, 25 Jan. 1824. *John Hotchkin (2), from Richmond, Ms, U. C. 1821. — Not ordained. — prin. acad., Lenox, Ms., '23-'49 ; res. Lenox, occ. teacher private pupils, '49 until died there, 19 Feb. 1862. *Orson V. Howell (1+), from Durham, N. Y. U. C. 1821. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 31 July 1825; dropped from roll before 1830. — lawyer, Nashville, Tenn. Died before 1843. *WilIiam McDougall, m.d. (1+), from Gorham, Me. B.C. 1820. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '23-24. — physician. Died, in Alabama, 1852. Samuel Bulkley Mattwks (1), b. 14 Dec. 1802, Middlebury, Vt. M. C. 1821. — Not ordained. — lawyer, clerk of courts, register of Probate, member of Vt. House and Senate, cashier, etc. ; res. Danville, Vt. *John Mitchell (1+), b. 29 Dec. 1794, Chester, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — editor Christian Spectator, '23-28. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1830. p. First ch., Fairhaven, Ct, '30-36. — p. Edwards ch., Northampton, Ms., '38-42. — w.c. Stamford, Ct., '42 until died there, 28 April 1870. *Amasa Corbin Moore (1), from Champlain, N. Y. M. C. 1821. — Not or- dained.— lawyer, Plattsburg, N. Y., '21 until died there, 20 Jan. 1865. *Swan Lyman Poraeroy, d.d. (2+), b. 4 March 1799, Warwick, Ms. B. U. 1820.— Ord. 31 Aug. 1825. p. Bangor, Me., '25-'48. — one of Sees, of A.B.C.F.M., '48-59— W.C., chiefly res. Portland, Me., '59-66. — clerk in State Dep., Washington, D. C, and sup. col'd Presb. ch., '66-'68. — w.c. Sunderland, Ms., '68 until died there, 17 March 1869. ♦William Augustus Porter (1), b. 3 Oct. 1798, Spencertown, N. Y. W. C. 1818. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '19-'21. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '22-'23.— Ord. (?) —Prof Greek and Latin Lang., Univ. Vt., '25-'27. — Prof Moral Phil, and Rhet., Williams Coll., '27 until died there, 30 April 1830. *Ralph Shepard (2+), from Amherst, Ms. B.U. 1821. — Died, at Amherst, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 24 Jan. 1824. Elisha Noyes Sill (2), b. 6 Jan. 1801, Windsor, Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Not ordained. — lawyer, Cuyahoga Falls, O. *John Smith (2-f-), b. 28 July 1785, Preston, Ct. — . — was physician in early life at Stonington Point, Ct.— Ord. 14 Feb. 1826. p. Second Presb. ch., Genoa, N. Y. ; dism. 25 Oct. 1826 ; then resumed the practice of medicine in Genoa, N. Y. ; in '35 moved to Mecca, O., where he died, 16 Jan. 1863. 48 • 1824. [1880. *John Smith (2), b. 2 Sept. 1 796, Wethersfiel.l, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Ord. 8 May 182G. p. Presb. ch., Trenton, N.J., '26-'28. — p. Exeter, N. H., '29-'38. — p. Wilton, Ct., '39-'-48. — p. Kingston, N. Y., '48-50. — p. YorTc, Me., '50-'55. — a.p. Long Ridge, Stamford, Ct., '56-'58. — w.c. Stamford, Ct., '58 until died there, 20 Feb. 1874. *Samuel Kirby Sneed (1), b. 16 Jan. 1 798, Louisville, Ky. Y. C. 1820. — Ord., Presb., at Middletown, Ky., 10 May 1826. p. Presb. chhs., Lebanon and Springfield, Ky., '27-29. — agent, '30-'31, and in Ky. until '33. — p. Presb. ch., New Albany, Ind., '33-('43). — a.p. Evansville, Ind. — agent, '51-'52. — p. Keokuk, lo., '53-'55. — agent, '55-'58. — a.p. Godfrey, 111., '58. — h.m. Kirkwood, Mo., '59-'61. — w.c. Kirkwood, Mo., '61 until died there, 30 Aug. 1876. *Wales Tileston (1+), b. 24 Nov. 1792, Williamsburg, Ms. U. C. 1822.— Ord. 16 March 1825. p. Charlemont Ms., '25-'37. — p. Nunda, N. Y., '38-'40.— res. Nunda, occ. sup., '40-'42. — a.p. Perry Village, N. Y., '42 ; Perry Centre, N. Y., '43. — w.c. Rockford, 111., '44-49. — a.p. Andover, 111. (res. Galesburg), '49-'50. — w.c. Galesburg, 111., '50 until died there, 22 Feb. 1851. *Ebenezer Carter Tracy (2), b. 10 June 1796, Hartford, Vt. D. C. 1819.— Tutor, Dart. Coll., '23-'24. — Not ordained. — pi-op. and editor Vermont Chronicle, Bellows Falls, Vt., '26-'28. — editor Journal of Humanity, An- dover, Ms., '29-'31. — editor Boston Recorder, '31-34. — editor Vermont Chronicle, Windsor, Vt., '34 until death. Some time chaplain Vt. State prison. Died, at Windsor, Vt., 15 May 1862. ♦Edward Turner (2), b. 8 July 1797, East Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1818. — Not or- dained. —Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil, Mid. Coll., '25 unftl died there, 17 Jan. 1838. Alexander Catlin Twining, ll.d. (l),b. 5 July 1801, New Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '23-25. — res. New Haven, Ct. ; civil engineer, '25 until now, except Prof. Math., Nat. Phil., and Astron., Mid. Coll., '38-'48. *Charles White, d.d. (2), b. 28 Dec. 1795, Randolph, Vt. D. C. 1821. — Ord. 5 Jan. 1825. p. Thetford, Vt., '25-'29. — p. Presb. ch., Cazenovia, N. Y., '29-'33. — p. Oswego, N. Y., '34-'41. — Pres. Wabash Coll., '41-..; died there, 29 Oct. 1861. William Withington (2+), b. 28 Oct. 1798, Dorchester, Ms. H. C. 1821.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 26 Sept. 1824; priest, 10 Sept. 1840. r. Ashfield, Ms., '24-52. — r. Swanzey, Ms., '52-55. — h.m. Ohio and Mich., '..-'59. — w.c. Dorchester, Ms., '59-. 1880.] 182 5. 49 1825. *Azariali Adams, b Plainfield, N. H. D. C. — Not ordained. — Travelling alone, at the South, became suddenly sick on the road, turned to a public house and died almost instantly; date and place not preserved, but before 1842. Brother of Weston Bela Adams, class of 1822. Lucius Alden, b. 18 June 1796, East Bridgewater, Ms. B.U. 1821. — Ord., at Boston, Ms., 29 Sept. 1825. h.m. Dearborn Co., Ind., '25-30. — Third ch., Abington, Ms., a.p. '30-32 ; p. '32-43. — a.p. East Bridgewater, Ms., '43- '44 ; Lancaster, Ms., '45; Newcastle, N. H., '46-'. . ; w.c. there, '. .-. Nathaniel Barker, b. 6 Jan. 1796, Amesbury, Ms. D. C. 1822.— Ord. 1 Nov. 1826. p. Mlllville, Ms., '2G-'33. — a.p. Wakefield, N. H., '35-'56. — w.c. Wakefield, N. H., '56-. *Lutlier Goodyear Bingliam, b. 10 June 1798, Cornwall, Vt. M. C. 1821.— Tutor, Mid. Coll., '24. — Ord., at Boston, Ms., 29 Sept. 1825. h.m. — p. Marietta, O., '25-'38, and teacher. — agent Western Ed. Soc, '38-43. — p. Williston, Vt., '43-'51. — w.c. from '51, res. Brooklyn, N. Y., etc., until died, at Middlebush, N. J., 22 Jan. 1878. ♦Charles Boyter, b. 2 Feb. 1798, Hull, England. —.— Ord., at Sharon, Ms., 10 May 1826. h.m. Pottsville, Pa., '25-'28. — p. Springfield, N. H., '28- '30.— w.c. '30-'36. — p. Truro, Ms., '36-'43. — a.p. Orange, Ms., '44-'48 ; Eastham, Ms., '49-50. — w.c. (invalid) Beverly, N. J., '50-55. — a.p. Presb. ch., Beverly, N. J., '55-58 ; w.c. there '58 until died there, 31 Oct. 1870. *Hirain Chamberlain, b. l April 1797, Monkton, Vt. M. C. 1822. — Ord. 16 Oct. 1825. h.m. St. Louis, Mo., '25-26. — a.p. Dardenne, Mo., '27. — agent Am. H, M. Soc, N. Y., '28. — p. Boonville, Mo., '28-33. — agent Marion Coll., '34. — p. St. Charles, Mo., '35-'41. — editor Herald of Re- *■ ligious Liberlji, St. Louis, Mo., '42-'44. — a.p. Memphis, Tenn., '45-'47; Somerville, Tenn., '47-'50 ; Presb. ch., Brownsville, Texas, '50 until died there, 1867. •Aaron Billings Church, b. 20 June 1797, Amherst, Ms. M. C. 1822. — Ord., at East Machias, Me., 21 June 1826. p. Calais, Me., '28-34. — — a.p. Presb. ch., Princeton, III., '49-53. — Died, at Princeton, 111., 23 April 1857. *Moses Billings Church, b. 20 June 1797, Amherst, Ms., brother of next pre- ceding. M. C. 1822. — h.m. Madbury, N. H., '25 ; Robbinston, Me., '27. — Ord. 10 Oct. 1827. — — p. East Stafford, Ct., '31-3 7. — — Died, in Iowa, 28 Dec. 1871. 7 50 1825. [1880. ♦Nathaniel Cobb, b. 9 May 1800, Rochester, Ms. B. U. 1 8 2 1 . — h. m. Harwich, Ms., '25-'26.— On]. 31 Oct. 1827. a.p. Nantucket, Ms., '27-'29. — h. m. Bloomfield, O., '29-'3G; Hampden, etc., O., '30-34. — a.p. Parkman, O., '33-'35 ; Presb. ch.,Clear Creek, O., '35-'37. — p. Mount Eaton, O., '37-40. — Bible agent and colporteur, O., '40-'41. — p. Salem, O., '41-'45. — Bible agent and colporteur, O. '45-'49. — city miss'y, New Bedford, Ms., '49-'50. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '50-'51 ; Chilmark, Ms., '52-53 ; Monument, Sandwich, Ms., '53. — evangelist, res. Kingston, Ms., '53 until died, at Taunton, Ms., 15 Nov. 1878. *Walter Colton, b. 9 May 1797, Rutland, Vt. Y. C. 1822. — Ord. 5 June 1 827. Prof. Moral Phil, and Bib- Lit., Mil. Acad., Middletown, Ct., '25-'30. — editor American Spectator, Washington, D. C, '30-'31. — chap. U. S. N., '31 until died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 22 Jan. 1851. (Also, author, editor Colonization Herald, '37 ; editor North American, Philadelphia, Pa., '38, etc. — alcalde of Monterey, '46. — editor Alta California.) *Jolin Millot Ellis, b. 14 July 1793, Keene, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Ord., at Boston, Ms., 29 Sept. 1825. h. m. Kaskaskia, 111., '25-28. — p. Jacksonville, 111., '28-31.— agent Am. Ed. Soc, '31-35. — p. Grass Lake, Mich., '36-'40. — p. East Hanover, N. H., '40-42. — agent for Dart. Coll., '43-44. — agent for Western College Soc, '44 until died, at Nashua, N. H., 6 Aug. 1855. *Lucius Field, b. 21 Aug. 1796, Northfield, Ms. W.C. 1821. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., 1822. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1832. — p. Tyringham, Ms., '33-'36. — not again settled, a.p. various places, '36-'39. — w.c. Northfield, Ms., '39 until died there, 1 June 1839. *Daiiiel Filz, D.D., b. 28 May 1795, Sandown, N. H. D. C. 1818. — Ord. 28 June 1826. p. South ch., Ipswich, Ms., '26 until died there, 2 Sept 1869. *Aaron Foster, b. 19 March 1794, Hillsborough, N. H. D. C. 1822.— Ord., at Rutland, Vt., 19 Oct. 1825. h.m. S. C, '25-'28. — p. Presb. ch., Pendle- ton, S. C, '28-32.- agent Mass. Dom. Miss'y Soc, '32-33. —a.p. Fort Covington, N. Y., '33-37. — a.p. East Constable, N. Y, '37-'43. — agent Am. Peace Soc, '44. — a.p. Plymouth, Ms., '45-'49. — p. East Charlemont, Ms., '49 until died, at Geneva, N. Y., 11 April 1870. *Wakefield Gale, b. 18 Jan. 1797, Pembroke, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., h.m. 17 May 1826. Eastport, Me., a.p. '25-29 ; p. '29-'35.— p. Rockport, Ms., '36-64. — w.c. Rockport, Ms., '64-'65 ; Easthampton, Ms., '65-67. — a.p. West Granville, Ms., '67-'70. — w.c Easthampton, Ms., '70 until died there, 2 Oct. 1881. *Moses Gill Grosvenor, b. 23 Sept. 1796, Paxton, Ms, D. C. 1822. — Ord. 27 Dec 1826. p. West Haverhill, Ms., '26-'29. — p. Acworth, N. H., '29- '32. — p. Barre, Ms., '32-34. — p. Marlborough, N. H., '35-40.— a.p. Med- field, Ms., '41; Marshall, N. Y. ; Gardner, Ms.; Guilford, Vt., '65-56; Clarendon, Vt., '58-61; Guilford, Vt., '63-'65.— w.c and occ sup. Troy, O., '65 until died, at Worcester, Ms., 24 July 1879. 1880.] 182 5. 51 ♦Richard Charles Hand, b. 21 June 1802, Shoreham, Vt. M. C. 1822.— Ord., at Rutland, Vt., 19 Oct. 1825. Presb. cb., Gouverneur, N. Y., a.p. '25-'26; p. '26-'34. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '34. — Dis. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., for northern N.E., '35-'39. — Danville, Vt., a.p. '39-'41 ; p. '41-'46. — p. First eh., Bennington, Vt., '47-53. — w.c. Brooklyn, N. Y., '53 until died there, 27 July 1870. *Heiiry Brown Hooker, D.D., b. 31 Aug. 1802. Rutland, Vt. M. C. 1821.— Ord., at Rutland, Vt., 19 Oct. 1825. h.m. S. C, '25-26. —p. Lanesborough, Ms., '26-36.- p. Falmouth, Ms., '37-'57. — Sec. Mass. H. M. Soc, Boston, Ms., '58-73; w.c. '73 until died there, 4 July 1881. George Howe, D.D., b. 6 Nov. 1802, Dedham, Ms. M. C. 1822. — Ord. 7 Aug. 1827. Prof. Theol., Dart. Coll., '2 7-'30. — teacher of Lang., Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C, '31 ; Prof. Bib. Lit., '31-. *Samuel King-sbury, b. 18 May 1798, Franklin, Ms. B. U. 1822. — h.m. New York, '25-'27.— a.p. Shirley, Ms., '27-'28 ; Unity, N. H., '28. — Ord. 14 Jan. 1829. p. Andover, N. H., '29-31. — p. Jamaica, Vt., '31-33. — p. Warwick, Ms., '33-35. — a.p. Middlesex and Worcester, Vt., '35-36 ; Un- derbill, Vt., '36-39. — teacher, Jericho, Vt., '39-40. — a.p. Thornton, N.H., '41. — w.c. Tamworth, N. H., '41 until died there, 8 Nov. 1867. *Jacob Little, D.D., b. l May 1795, Boscawen, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Ord., at Goffstown, N. H., 31 May 1826. h.m. Hoosick, N. Y., '25-'26 ; Washing- ton Co., O., '26. — p. Granville, O., '27-'64. — a.p. Presb. ch., Warsaw, Ind., '65 until died there, 17 Dec. 1876. *John Maltby, b. 8 March 1795, Northford, Ct. Y. C. 1822.— Ord. 28 June 1826. p. Sutton, Ms., '26-34. — p. Hammond st. ch., Bangor, Me., '34 until died, at Worcester, Ms., 15 May 1860. *David Merrill, b. 8 Sept. 1798, Peacham, Vt. D. C. 1821. — Ord. .. April 1828. Presb. ch., Urbana, O., a.p. '27-'35 ; p. '35-41. — p. Peacham, Vt., '41 until died there, 21 July 1850. ♦Augustus Pomeroy, b. 2 Oct. 1795, Belchertown, Ms. W. C. 1821. — Ord., at Boston, Ms., 2 Oct. 1825. h.m. Mo., '25-'27 ; Gallipolis, etc., O., '27-'32. — prin. fem. sem., Chillicothe, O., and h.m. '32-'36. — p. Presb. ch., Ham- ilton, 0., '36-'41. — a.p. Lacon, 111., '41-'43 ; Cong, chh., Rockville and AVinsted, Ct., '43-'45 ; Presb. ch., Fredonia, N.Y., '45-'46. — Cong, ch., Ashtabula, O., a.p. '46-48; p. '48-52. — agent Am. H.M. Soc, Mo., '52- '53.— p. Groton, N. Y., '54-65. — w.c. Groton, N. Y., '65 until died there, 9 Feb. 1875. *Isaac Rogers, b. 13 July 1795, Gloucester, Ms. D. C 1822.— Ord. 9 March 1826. p. Farmington, Me., '26-58. — a.p. Enfield, N. H., '59-60. — w.c. and occ. pr. Farmington, Me., '60 until died there, 14 Feb. 1872. 52 1825. [1880. Heman Rood, D.D., b. 29 Jan. 1795, Jericho, Vt. M. C. 1819.— Ord. 12 July 1826. p. Gilmanton, N. H., '26-'30. — p. New Milford, Ct., '30-'35. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Gilmanton Theol. Sem., N. H., '35-'43. — teacher, high school, Haverhill, N.H., and occ. sup., '43-53. — a.p. Queechee, Vt., '53-58 ; Hartland, Vt., '58-'64. — w.c. Hanover, N.H., '64-'80 ; Westfield, N. J., '80-. *Kol}ert Shaw, from Barnet, Vt.— .— Ord. 27 Oct. 1830. p. Presb. ch., Hoosick, N.Y., '30-'31. — w.c. '31. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 15 Aug. 1832; priest, 16 Feb. 1834. h.m. Oxford, etc., N. C, '33. — St. Peter's ch., Washington, N. C, '34. — St. Andrew's ch., Walden, N. Y,, '36-38 ; with Christ ch., Marlborough, N. Y., '37-38. — miss'y, res. Marlborough, N. Y., '38-'39. — Trinity ch., Fishkill, N. Y., '40-'41. — St. Andrew's ch., North- ford, Ct., '42-43. — St. Philip's ch., Philipstown, N. Y., and St. Mary's ch., Coldspring, N. Y., '44-52 ; and St. Mary's only, '52-61. — w.c. Cold- spring, N. Y., '61 until died there, 1871. *Cyrns Stone, b. 9 June 1793, Marlborough, N. H. D. C. 1822. —agent A.B.C.F.M., '25-'26. — Ord.,at Springfield, Ms., 10 May 1826. fm. Bom- bay, '26-'41. — p. Bingham, Me., '41-'44. — p. Harwich, Ms., '44-'48. — a.p. East Bridgewater, Ms., '49; Saugus, Ms., '50. — publisher Mothers' As- sistant and Happy Home, '50-'62. — p. Beechwood, Cohasset, Ms., '62-'67. — Died, at Cohasset, Ms., 19 July 1867. *Jereiniah Stow, b. 15 Feb. 1796, Hillsborough, N.H. D. C. 1822.— Ord., at Springfield, Ms., 10 May 1826. h.m. — p. Presb. ch., Livonia, N. Y., '28 until died there, 15 Dec. 1832. *Jollii Todd, D.D., b. 9 Oct. 1800, Rutland, Vt. Y. C. 1822.— Ord. 3 Jan. 1827. p. Groton, Ms., '27-33. — p. Edwards ch., Northampton, Ms., '33- '36. — p. First Cong, ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '36-'41. — p. First ch., Pitts- field, Ms., '42 until died there, 24 Aug. 1873. *Josiah Tucker, b. 4 June 1792, Milton, Ms.— . — Ord. 10 May 1826. p. Madison, Me., '26-37 ; also a.p. Anson, Me., '26-32. — p. Bingham, Me., '37-'41 ; also a.p. South Solon, Me., '38-39, and a.p. Madison, Me., '39-42. — p. South Orange and Erving, Ms., '42-'44. — colporteur Am. Tr. Soc, res. Madison, Me., '44-'46 ; res. Milton, Ms., '46-'48. — a.p. Mercer and Industry, Me., '49-'51. — colporteur Am. and For. Chr. Union, res. Taunton, Ms,, '52-'. . — Died, at Taunton, Ms., 9 Sept. 1856. Isaac Watts Wheelwright, b. 12 Sept. 1801, Newburyport, Ms. B. C. 1821. — Not ordained, assist, teacher, Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '22. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '22-'26. — a.p. Harwich, Ms., '27. — assist, teacher, Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '27-28. — teacher, acad., Newburyport, Ms., '28-('30) ; New Orleans, La., '. .-'. . — agent Am. Bible Soc, South America, '33-36. — sup't of schools, Quito, Ecuador, '36-'40. — res. Byfield, Ms. (three years). — teacher, Valparaiso, Chili (ten years). — res. Byfield, Ms., '. .-. 1880.] 1825. 63 ♦Jacob Abbott, d.d. (2), b. 14 Nov. 1803, Hallowell, Me. B. C. 1820. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '24-'25 ; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., '25-'29. — prin. Mt. Vernon School, Boston, Ms., '29-'33.— Ord. 18 Sept. 1834. a.p. Eliot ch., Rox- bury, Ms., '34. — teacher and author, res. Roxbury, Ms., until '39 ; Farm- ington, Me., and New York city, '39-70; Farmington, Me., '70 until died there, 31 Oct. 1879. *Curtis Phelps Baker (1+), b Granville, Ms. W. C. 1821.— Died, at while a member of the Seminary, 1 5 Aug. 1824. *Seth Bliss (1— ),b. 23 April 1793, Springfield, Ms. — . — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll. (1+).— Ord. 1 June 1825. — p. Jewett City, Ct, '25-32. — gen. agent Am. (Boston) Tr. Soc, '32-33; Sec, '33-58. — w.c. New York city, '58- '70; Berlin, Ct., '70 until died there, 8 April 1879. *Josiah Brewer (2), b. 1 June 1 796, Monterey, Ms. Y. C. 1821 — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1825. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '24-'26.— Ord., at Springfield, Ms., 10 May 1826. fm. Smyrna, etc., A.B.C.F.M., '26-28; under other or- ganizations, '28-'38. — chap. Conn. State Prison, '38-'41. — agent Anti- Slavery Soc, and editor, Hartford, Ct., '42-'44. — prin. female schools, New Haven and Middletown, Ct., '44-'57. — a.p. Housatonic, Ms., '57-'66. — w.c. Stockbridge, Ms., '66 until died there, 19 Nov. 1872. *Abijah Cross (1—), b. 25 Oct. 1793, Methuen, Ms. D. C. 1821.— Ord. 24 March 1824. p. Salisbury, N. H., '24-'29. — West Haverhill, Ms., a.p. '29-31; p. *31-'53. — w.c. West Haverhill, Ms., '53 until died there, 16 July 1856. *PIndar Field (2), b. 1 May 1794, Sunderland, Ms. A. C. 1822. — h.m. Pe- nobscot Indians, '24-25. — Ord. 12 July 1826. h.m.— a.p. Madison, N.Y., '26-'28. — p. Hamilton, N. Y., '28-'31. — a.p. Apuha, N.Y., '31-'34. — p. Oriskany Falls, N.Y., '34-46. — p. Marshall, N.Y., '48-52. — a.p. North Pitcher, N.Y., '52-'56 ; Oriskany Falls, N. Y., '56-'57 ; Munnsville, N. Y., '58-59; Madison, N. Y., '59-'60. — w.c. and occ. sup. Hamilton, N.Y., '60-'66. — a.p. North Pitcher, N. Y., '66-'68. — w.c Hamilton, N. Y., '68 until died there, 24 Nov. 1873. •William Gragg (2), b. 17 Sept. 1786, Groton, Ms. H. C. 1820. — Ord. 15 Oct. 1828. p. Windham, Me., '28-'31. — res. successively, w.c, in Carlisle, Bedford, and Groton, Ms., and died, at Groton, Ms., 19 Nov. 1852. *Aaron Hardy (1+), b. 1 Dec. 1795, Lempster, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Not or- dained, teacher, Lempster, N. H. — Died, at Edingsville, S. C, 21 Oct. 1826. *Theodore Hinsdale (2), b. 27 Dec 1800, Colebrook, Ct. Y. C. 1821.- Not ordained, raei'chant and manufacturer, Winchester, Ct., '26 until died there, 27 Nov. 1841. 54 18 25. [1880. *Stephen Morse (1), b. 24 Feb. 1794, Bradford, Ms. D. C. 1821.— Ord. 6 July 1825. p. Merrimack, N. H., '25-'28. — p. Troy, N. H., '29-'33. — p. Blddeford, Me., '33-'35. — p. Sharon, Vt., '36-'39. — a.p. Post Mills (and Fairlee, '39-44), Vt., '39-47. — w.c. Thetford, Vt., '47 until died there, 22 May 1855. *Thomas Smith Webb Mott (2), from Nova Sco. B.U. 1822. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 3 May 1825 ; priest, 16 Feb. 1826. r. St. Michael's ch., Marblehead, Ms., '25-28. — Christ ch., Gardiner, Me., '28.— St. James's ch., Wilmington, N. C, '28, and h.m. N. C.,'28-'36. — ch. of St. John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock, N. C, '36-44. — Lenoir, N. C, '44-52, and h.m. — St. Peter's ch., Charlotte, N. C, '53-60 (including two years at St. Paul's ch., Columbus, Miss.). — editor Church Intelligencer, '60-64. — res. on plantation. Silver Dale, Catawba Co., N. C, '64 until died there, 20 Sept. 1869. Joseph Muenscher, d.d. (2—), b. 21 Dec. 1 798, Providence, R. I. B. U. 1821. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 March 1824; priest, 13 March 1825.— dirist ch., Clappville, Ms., '24-'27.— St. John's ch., Northampton, Ms., '27-'31. — Trinity ch., Saco, Me., '31-33. — Prof Sac. Lit., Episc. Theol. Sem., Gam- bier, O., '33-41 ; instructor in Hebrew, '41-43.- St. Paul's ch., Mt. Vernon, O., '41-55. — miss'y and author, Mt. Vernon, O., '55-; also Sec. Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Soc, '45-. George Whitefield Lawrence Smith (2), from Troy, N. Y. U. C. 1818. —Not ordained, lawyer, Troy, N. Y. ; New York city. *William Smyth, d.d. (1), b. 2 Feb. 1797, Pittston, Me. B.C. 1822. — Not ordained. Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '23-25 ; Assoc. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Bowd. Coll., '25-'28; Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., '28 until died there, 4 April 1868. *Charles Soule (1—), b. 29 Aug. 1794, Freeport, Me. B. C. 1821.— Ord. 24 June 1824. p. Belfast, Me., '24-26. — h.m. Dresden,'etc.. Me., '26-27. — a.p. North Bridgeton, Me., '27-30 — p. Denmark, etc.. Me., '31-32. — p. North Bridgeton, Me., '33-35. — h.m. Gilead, Me., '35. — Norway, Me., a.p. '35-'36 ; p. '37-'45. — a.p. Scarborough, Me., '47. — agent Am. Col'n Soc, '48. — a.p. Westbrook, Me., '49-'50. — h.m. Biddeford, etc., Me., '51 ; Patten, etc. Me., '51-52; Perry, Me., '52. — a.p. Amherst and Aurora, Me., '56- '60; Standish, Me., '63. — lecturer, etc., Freeport, Me., '63 until died, at Portland, Me., 31 May 1869. ♦Joseph Clay Stiles, d.d., ll.d. (1), b. 6 Dec 1795, Savannah, Ga. Y. C. 1814. — lawyer. Savannah, Ga. — Ord. by Hopewell Presb'y, Aug. 1826. h.m. of that Presb'y, '26-29. — h. m. res. Mcintosh Co., Ga., '29-35, including a.p. First Presb. ch.. Savannah, Ga. — p. Cincinnati, O., '35. In Kentucky, a.p. Versailles, '36-'38 ; Harmony, '39-'. . ; Medway, '. .-'44. — p. Shockoe Hill ch., Richmond, Va., '44-48. — p. Mercer St., New York city, '48-'50. — Gen. Sec Am. Bible Soc, for the South, '50-'51. — a.p. South ch., New 1880.] 1825. 1826. 55 Haven, Ct., '52-'57, and Sec. Southern Aid Soc, '53-'61. — evang., prin- cipaUy Southern army, '61-'65. — p. various places in Ga., Mo., and Va., or w.c. '65-74. — Died, at Savannah, Ga., 27 March 1875. *Abner Towne (2), b. 28 April 1797, Belchertown, Ms. U. C. 1823.— Ord. 20 July 1825. p. Litchfield, N. Y., '25 until died there, 20 June 1826. *Charles Wadsworth (1—), from East Hartford., Ct. — . — Ord — h.m. — p. Presb. chh., Warren and Richfield, N. Y., '25-'.. — a.p. Car- lisle, N.Y. ('34-'43); Westford, N.Y., ('46)-'51. — w.c. Cherry Valley, N.Y., '51-'53. — a.p. Richfield Springs, N.Y., '53-'58 ; Cherry Valley, N.Y., '58-'59. — w.c. Cherry Valley, N.Y., '59-'68 ; Butternuts, N.Y., '68 until died, at Marcellus, N.Y., 15 July 1878. ♦Jonathan AVard (2), b. 30 Nov. 1800, Alna, Me. D. C. 1822.— Ord. 26 Oct. 1825. p. Biddeford, Me., '25 until died there, 3 Feb. 1826. *Samuel Melancthon Worcester, d.d. (1), b. 4 Sept. 1801, Fitchburg, Ms. H. C. 1822. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '23-'24 ; teacher Latin and Greek, '24- '25; Prof. Rhet. and Oratory, '25-'34. — Ord. 14 Jan. 1832. — p. Tab. ch., Salem, 'Ms., '34-'60. — w.c. Salem, Ms., '60 until died there, 16 Aug. 1866. 1826. *George Eliashib Adams, D.D., b. 27 Oct. 1801, Worthington, Ms. Y. C. 1821. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Bangor Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '27-'29. — Ord. 25 Feb. 1829. p. Brunswick, Me., '29-'70.— a.p. Trinity ch.. Orange, N. J., '70-75. — w.c. there, until died there, 25 Dec. 1875. ♦John Ripley Adams, D.D., b. 20 March 1802, Plainfield, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — h.m. and teacher, Western N. Y., '26-'31.— Ord. 5 Oct. 1831. p. Presb. ch., Londonderry, N. H., '31-'38. — a.p. Cong, ch.. Great Falls, N. H., '38- '41. — p. Brighton, Ms., '42-46. — p. Gorham, Me., '4 7-'58. — chaplain 5th Me., '61-'64. ; 121st N. Y., '64-65. — w.c. '65 until died, at Northampton, Ms., 25 April 1866. ♦Edwin Barnes, from Lawrence, N. Y. Ham. C. 1823. — Ord. 26 Feb. 1829. p. Booneville, N.Y., '29-'32. — a.p. Norway, N.Y., '32-'33; Fairfield, N.Y., '33-('34).— — Died before 1839. ♦James Bates, b. 17 Jan. 1799, Randolph, Vt. D. C. 1822. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1827. p. First ch., Newton, Ms., '27-39. — p. Granby, Ms., '39-'51. — p. Plainfield, Ct., '53-54. — w.c. Granby, Ms., '54 until died there, 9 Dec. 1865. ♦George Cone Beekwitli, D.D., b. 3 Jan. 1801, Granville, N.Y. M.C. 1822. — Ord. 18 July 1827. p. First ch., Lowell, Ms., '27-'29. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Lane Theol. Sem., '29-'30. — instr. Sac. Rhet., Andover Theol. Sem., '30- '32. — p. High St. ch., Portland, Me., '32-35. — agent Am. Peace Soc, '35- '37 ; Sec, Boston, Ms., '37 until died there, 12 May 1870. 66 1826. [1880. *Asaliel Bigelow, b. 11 May 1797, Boylston, Ms. H. C. 1823. — a.p. North Yarmouth, Me., '27.— Ord. 12 March 1828. p. Walpole, Ms., '28-'49.— p. Hancock, N. H., '50 until died there, 16 Aug. 1877, George Washing-ton Blag-den, D.D., b. 3 Oct. 1802, Washington, Dis. Col. Y. C. 1823.— Ord. 26 Dec. 1827. p. Brighton, Ms., '27-'30. — p. Salem St. ch., Boston, Ms., '30-36.— p. Old South ch., Boston, Ms., '36-72. — w.c. Boston, Mass., '72-. *Albert Barlow Camp, b. 16 Feb. 1797, Northfield, Ct. Y. C. 1822.— Ord. 24 Jan. 1827. p. Ashby, Ms., '27-'32. — occ. sup., Northfield, Ct., '32-34, — p. Bridgewater, Ct., '34-43. — occ. sup., '43-45, — w.c. Bristol, Ct,, '45 until died there, 17 May 1866. *Eber Child, b. 31 July 1798, Thetford, Vt, D. C. 1821. — prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '21-23. — Ord., Presb,, 19 Feb, 1829. — p. Deering, N. H., '30-'34, — p. Calais, Me., '34-'37. — p. Presb. ch., Byron, N.Y., '39-43, — a.p. Varysburgh, N. Y., '. .-'46 ; Newstead, N.Y., '46-47; Fulton, Wis., '47 until died there, 15 Dec. 1847, *Asahel Cobb, b. 8 May 1793, Abington, Ms. Ham. C. 1823.— Ord. 13 Dec. 1826. p. Mattapoisett, Ms., '26-'30. — p. Sandwich, Ms., '31-42. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '44-'48 ; North Yarmouth, Ms. ; Little Compton, R.L — p. First ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '57-'67. — w.c. New Bedford, Ms., '67-68 ; Sandwich, Ms., '68 until died there, 2 May 1876. Paul Couch, b. 21 June 1803, Newburyport, Ms, D.C>1823. — Ord. 21 March 1827. p. West Newbury, Ms., '27-'28. — p. Bethlehem, Ct., '28-'34. — p. First ch.. North Bridgewater, Ms., '36-59. — a.p. North Cambridge, Ms., '59-'60. — occ. pr. various places, '60-'63. — a.p. First ch., Stonington (P. O. Mystic Bridge), Ct., '63-. ♦Daniel Crosby, b. .. Oct, 1799, Hampden, Me. Y. C. 1823. — Ord. 31 Jan. 1827. p. Conway, Ms., '27-33, — p. Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '33- '42. — editor Dayspring, A.B.C.F.M., '42 until died, at Charlestown, Ms,, 28 Feb. 1843. *DaTid Greene, b. 15 Nov. 1797, Stoneham, Ms, Y.C, 1821. — Ord. 14 Aug. 1833, assist. Sec, A.B.C.F.M., '28-32 ; Sec, '32-48. —w.c. from '48, res. Westborough, Ms., '49-'..; Windsor, Vt., ',.-'60; Westborough, Ms., '60 until died there, 7 April 1866. Boswell Harris, from Brattleborough, Vt. M. C. 1821. — temp. sup. Salis- bury, Ms., '26. — teacher, Hampton, N. H. ; West Brattleborough, Vt. — res. West Brattleborough, Vt. *Samuel Cram Jackson, D.D., b. 13 March 1802, Dorset, Vt. M. C. 1821. — Ord, 6 June 1827. p. West, ch., Andover, Ms., '27-'49.; Assist. Sec. Mass. Board of Ed'n, res. Andover, Ms., '49-77 ; w.c. there, '77 until died there, 26 July 1878. 1880.] 1826. 57 Peter Kimball, b. 5 March 1793, Boscawen, N. H. Ham. C. 1822. —h.m. Goshen, N. H., '27 ; Presb. ch., Manchester, N. Y., '28-30. — Ord. . . Aug. 1831. — p. Presb. ch., Watertown, N.Y., '31-'34. — a.p. Hamburg, N.Y., '34. — p. "West Aurora, N. Y., 18 Feb. '35 to Sept. '35. — res. Leroy or Rochelle, N.Y., "next two or three years." — in Boston, Ms., '45-'56; 111., '56 ; ; Rochester, N. Y., '72-'78 ; w.c. Cleveland, O., '78-. *James Frisbie McEwen, b. 25 Aug. 1793, Hartford, Ct. D. C. 1823.— Ord. 7 June 1827. p. Bridport, Vt., '27-'29. — p. Topsfield, Ms., '30-'41. — p. Rye, N.H., '41-46.- w.c. West Brattleborough, Vt., '46 until died there, 14 April 1850. *Clark Perry, b. 11 April 1800, Worcester, Ms. H. C. 1823. — Ord. 4 June 1828. — p. Newbury, Vt., '28-'35. — a.p. Perkinsville, Vt., '36. — p. Stan- dish, Me., '37-'40. — a. p. Lancaster, N. H., '41-'42. — w.c. '42 until died, at Gorham, Me., 22 July 1843. Miner Giles Pratt, b. 13 Nov. 1799, Pawlet, Vt. M. C. 1823. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, '26-'27. — a.p. East Millbury, Ms., '27-'28. — Ord. 22 Oct. 1828. p. Auburn, Ms., '28-48. — agent Am. Col'n Soc, Andover, Ms., '48-'70. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '70-. *Samiiel Hopkins Riddel, b. 2 Jan. 1800, Bristol, Me. Y. C. 1823. — Ord. 27 June 1827. p. Glastonbury, Ct., '27-37, and editor Evany. Mag., Ct., '34-'35. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '36-'38. — editor Congregationalist, Hart- ford, Ct., '39-'40. — Sec. Am. Ed. Soc, Boston, Ms., '42-50, and editor Quar. Reg., '42-43. — editor Puritan Recorder, '53-58. — p. Tam worth, N. H., '60-'71. — w.c '71 in different places, until died, at Des Moines, lo., 1 June 1876. ♦Thomas RiggS, b. 11 May 1794, Oxford, Ct. Ham. C. 1823. — Ord. 26 June 1831. p. Gray, Me., '31-'33— —p. Westmoreland, N. H., '36-'39. — p. West Barnstable, Ms., '40-42. — a.p. Presb. ch.. West Mendon, N. Y., '43-'44; Honeoye Falls, N. Y., '44-'46. — —h.m. Bristol, Me., '49; a.p. Lewis, N. Y., '49-'50 ; Stowe, Vt., '52-53 ; Presb. ch.. Constable, N.Y., '53-'54. — — w.c. at Glens Falls, N.Y., until died there, 9 July 1880. *Baalis Sanford, b. 6 July 1801, Berkley, Ms. — B. U. 1823.— h.m. Lubec, Me., '26-27. — Ord. 4 Oct. 1827. p. East and West Bridgewater, Ms., '27-49. — p. Trin. ch.. East Bridgewater, Ms., '50-61. — w.c. East Bridge- water, Ms., '61 until died there, 28 July 1880. *Eli Smith, D.D., b. 13 Sept. 1801, Northford, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Ord., at Springfield, Ms., 10 May 1826. f.m. Beirut, Syria, '26 until died there, 11 Jan. 1857. Solomon Jackson Tracy, b. 1 April 1796, New Marlborough, Ms. W.C. 1823. — Ord. 10 March 1830. p. Presb. ch., Nassau, N. Y., '30-'33. — a.p. Third ch., Troy, N. Y., '33-'36 ; Free ch., Hartford, Ct., '36 ; Canaan Cen- tre, N.Y., '36-'37 ; North Cornwall, Ct.,'37-'38; Fly Creek, N.Y., '40-'41 ; Presb. ch., Springfield, N. Y., '41-'54. — w.c. Springfield, N. Y., '54-. 68 1826. [1880. *Joseph Punderson Tyler, b. 14 Sept. 1797, Griswold, Ct. B. U. 1823.— Ord. 3 June 1828. — h.m. L.I., '28. — agent Am. H.M. Soc, and pr. in Eastern Conn., L. L, and N. Y., '28-'34. — p. West Gloucester, Ms., '34. — a.p. Voluntown and Sterling, Ct., '35-36; Chllmark, Ms., and Little Compton, R. I., between '36 and '41. — p. New Castle, N.H., '41 until died, at North Bridgewater, Ms., 26 Dec. 1844. *Charles Walker, b. 21 Nov. 1795, Rindge, N.H. D. C. 1823.— Ord. 28 Feb. 1827. p. New Ipswich, N. H., '27-'35. — p. Windsor, Ct., '36-'37.— p. Medfield, Ms., '3 7-'38. — p. Wells, Me., '39-'44. — w.c. Italy, '45 ; Groton, Ms., '46 until died there, 23 Oct. 1847. Thomas Winthrop Coit, d.d., ll.d. (1 — ), b. 28 June 1803, New London, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '24-25. — Ord. deacon, Episc., 7 June 1826; priest, 14 Nov. 1827. St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '27-'29. — Christ ch., Cambridge, Ms., '29-34. — Pres. Trans. Univ., Ky., '34-37.— Trinity ch., New Rochelle, N. Y., '39-'49. — Prof. Eccl. Plist., Trinity Coll., Ct.,'49-'54. — St. Paul'sch., Troy, N.Y., '54-'72.— Prof. Ch. Hist., Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, Ct., '73-. ♦Sutherland Douglas (1—), b. 25 Oct. 1804, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Y. C. 1822. — Gen. Theol. Sem., N. Y., 1826. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 17 May 1826; priest, 23 Nov. 1828.— Georgetown, D. C, '27-28. — Rochester, N. Y., '28-29. — Quincy, Ms., '29-30.- w.c. England, '30 until died, at London, 6 May 1831. *Daniel LeBaron Goodwin (1+) b. 28 July 1802, Easton, Ms. B.U. 1822.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 3 May 1825; priest, 26 July 1829. — Sutton, Ms., '25 -'64. — miss'y. Providence, R. I., '54 until died there, 25 March 1867. *John Ingalls (2+), b 1799, Canterbury, N. H. D. C. 1823. — Not or- dained. Died, at Cambridge, Ms., 5 Sept. 1828. ♦William Jones (2+), b. 20 Oct. 1794, KIngsboro', N. Y. Ham. C. 1823.— Ord., Presb., 19 Feb. 1829. — a.p. Brighton, N.Y., '29-'30.— White Pigeon, Mich., '31. — Gull Prairie, '32-'..; prin. La Grange Sem., Ind., *..-'.. ; Allegan, Mich., '..-'... In business, Neenah, Wis., until died there, 8 June 1871. Louis McDonald (1—), b. . . Jan. 1801, Middlebury, Vt. M. C. 1823.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 23 Oct. 1825; priest, 10 Oct. 1827. Shelburne, Vt., '27- ('32). — Berkshire, etc., Vt., ('35); Granville, N. Y. — — w.c. Brattleborough, Vt. *John Nott, D.D. (2), b. 14 Dec. 1801, Albany, N.Y. U. C. 1823. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1826. — Ord. Pres. of Albany, 19 May, '27. — Tutor, Union Coll., '30-'39 ; assist. Prof. Rhet., '39-'54. — a.p. R. D. ch., Rotterdam, N.Y., '39. — p. '41-'54. — p. Presb. chs., Goldsborough, and Evansville, N. C, '54-'61. — res. Fonda, N. Y., and a.p. R. D. ch. Auriesville, '61 until died there, 12 May 1878. 1880.] 1826. 1827. 59 *Ichabod Plaisted (2), b. 31 March 1796, Gardiner, Me. B.C. 1821. — Ord. 6 June 1827. p. Third ch., Rochester, Ms., '27-31. — Died, at Gardiner, Me., 21 June 1831. *George King Poraroy (2-f-), b Boston, Ms. D. C. 1822. — Not or- dained. Died, at Boston, Ms., 9 March 1826. *Eli Burnham Smith, d.d. (2), b. 16 April 1803, Shoreham, Vt. M. C. 1823. — the first on list of grad. Newton Tlieol. Seni., 1826. — Ord., Bapt., at South Reading, Ms., 21 Sept. 1826. — p. Bapt. ch., Buffalo, N. Y., '26-'29. — p. Poultney, Vt., '29-33. — Pres., and Prof. Bib. Theol.and Past. Duties, Theol. Inst., New Hampton, N. H. (and, after its removal, Fairftix, Vt.), '33 until died, at Colchester, Vt., 5 Jan. 1861. ♦Daniel Starr Southraayd (24-), b. 11 Feb. 1802, Castleton, Vt. M. C 1822. Ord. 25 April 1827. p. Concord, Ms., '27-32. — editor of Observer, Lowell, Ms., '33-34. — editor, New York, '..-'.. — In Texas, '..until died, at Fort Bend, 13 Jan. 1837. *John Stevens, D.D. (2), b. 6 June 1798, Townsend, Ms. M. C. 1821 —teacher, New Ipswich, N. H., '23-24. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '25-27. — teacher. South Reading (now Wakefield), Ms., '27-'30. — editor Bapt. Weekly Journal, Cincinnati, O., '31-38. — Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil., Granville Coll., '38-43. — Ord., Bapt., 14 May 1845. Dist. Sec. and agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, '43-49. — Sec. Western Bapt. Ed. Soc, '49-50. — agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, '50-57. — teacher, Fairmount, O., '57-'59. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Denison Univ., Granville, O., '59-68 ; Prof. Latin, '68 until died there, 30 April 1877. *William Torrey (2+), from Bethany, Pa. Ham. C. 1823. — Ord (At Buenos Ayres, '30; at St. Catherine, Brazil, '37.) — Woodstock, Va. — Died, 1858. *James Towner (1—), from Charlotte, Vt. U. Vt. 1823. — Not ordained. — prin. acad., Wolfeborough, N. H., '27-'..; prin. Lawrence acad-, Groton, Ms., '30-35. — — Died, at Michigan City, Ind., 2 March 1844 . *John Equality Weston (2), b. 13 Oct. 1796, Amherst, N. H. —. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1826. — Ord. 10 Oct. 1827, p. Bapt. ch., East Cambridge, Ms., '27 until drowned, at Wilmington, Ms., 2 July 1831. 1827. Darwin Adams, b. 10 Oct. 1801, Leominster, Ms. D. C. 1824. — Ord. 16 July 1828. p. Camden, Me., '28-34. — p. Alstead, N. H., '34-42. — p. Paper Mill Vill., Alstead, N.H., '42-'45. — p. Fayetteville, Vt., '46-'50. — p. Dun- stable. Ms., '50-'5 7.— a.p. Auburn, Ms., '57-'60; Alstead, N. H., '60-'6 7.— w.c. Groton, Ms., '67-. 60 1827. [1880. *Eli Adams, b. 24 Jan. 1797, Partridgefield, in the part now Hinsdale, Ms. W. C. 1 824. — Ord., at Middlefield, Ms., 2 June 1 830. h.m. Abbeville and Laurens districts, S. C, '27-'29. — a.p. Chester and Goshen, Ms., '29 ; Port Bay and Wolcott, N.Y., '29-'31. — city miss'y, Charleston, S. C. '31-32.— a.p. Port Bay and AVolcott, N. Y., '32. — agent Am. S. S. Union, '32-34. — a.p. Euclid, O., '34-'36 ; Edenburg, O., '37-'39; Willoughby, O., '39- '40 ; Brunswick, O., '40-43. — w.c. Euclid, O., '43-'. . — — Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 Sept. 1847; priest, — St. Paul's eh.. Col- lamer, O. — Trinity ch., Peru, Ind., '53-59. — h.m. Nebraska City, '59-64 ; w.c. there, '64-67. — sup. Council Bluffs, lo., '67-'70; w.c. there, '70-('72). — Died, at Central City, Col., 30 March 1876. *Jolin Adams Albro, D.D., b. 13 Aug. 1799, Newport, R. I. —. — Ord. 21 Nov. 1827. p. Chelmsford, Ms., '27-'33. — p. Fitchburg, Ms., '33-'35.— p. First ch., Cambridge, Ms., '35-65. — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '65, until died, at West Roxbury, Ms,, 20 Dec. 1866. *DaTid Olirer Allen, D.D., b. 14 Sept. 1799, Barre, Ms. A. C. 1823. — Ord. 21 May 1827. f.m. Bombay, '27-'53. — w.c. and author, '53-56. — a.p. Westford, Ms., '57-58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Lowell, Ms., 19 July 1863. *Spencer Field Beard, b. 4 July 1799, West Brookfield, Ms. A. C. 1824.— agent A.B.C.F.M., '27-'28. — Ord. 14 Jan. 1829. p. Methuen, Ms., '29-'32. a.p. Norton, Ms., '32-34; Greenville, Ct., '35-36. — p. Montville, Ct., '38- '46. — a.p. East Falmouth, Ms., '48-53. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '53 until died there, 8 Jan. 1876. *CalTin Butler, b. 23 May 1 797, Jericho, Vt. M. C. 1824. — Ord., by Wabash Presb'y 1827. hm. Princeton and Evansville, Ind., '27-'31, remov- ing from Princeton to Evansville in '28. — p. Presb. ch., Evansville, etc., Ind., '31-'35. — a.p. Washington, Ind., '35-'38; Boonville, Ind., '39-'49.— p. Marine, III., '49 until died there, 2 Nov. 1854. *Sumiier Gallup Clapp, b. 10 March 1800, Easthampton,Ms. Y. C. 1822.— Ord. 9 Jan. 1828. p. Enfield, Ms., '28-37. — p. Third ch., Chicopee, Ms., '37-'50. — a.p. Orono, Me., '50. — St. Johnsbury, Vt., a.p. '50-52; p. '52- '55.— p. Sturbridge, Ms., '55-62. — a.p. Lyndon, Vt., '64-'65. — w.c. Dor- chester, Ms., '65 until died, at Boston, Ms., 26 Jan. 1869. *Epliraim Weston Clark, b. 25 April 1799, Haverhill, N. H. D. C 1824.— Ord. 3. Oct. 1827. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '27-'50; p. Honolulu, '50-'63.— In U.S. from '64 ; superintended, at New York, the stereotyping of Hawaiian Scriptures. Res. New York city, '64-67 ; Middletown, Ct., '67-68 ; Port- land, Ct., '68-73 ; Chicago, 111., '73 until died there, 15 July 1878. *Samuel Wallace Clark, b. 15 Nov. 1795, Hancock, N. H. D. C. 1823.— Ord. 5. Aug. 1829. p. Greenland, N. H., '29- ; died there, 17 Aug. 1847. 1880.] 1827. 61 William Clark, D.D., b. 28 Sept. 1798, Hancock, N. H. D. C. 1822.— Ord. 30 April 1828. agent A.B.C.F.M., '28. — p. Wells, Me., '29-'35. — agent Am. Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '35-'36; Dist. Sec. for N. E., '36-'40. — Dist. Sec. A.B.C.F.M. for N. E. '40-'56. — Sec. N. H. Miss. Soc, Amherst, N. H., '56-74. — w.c. res. Amherst, N. H.. '74-. *Leander Cobb, b. 5 Dec. 1801, Marion, Ms. B. U. 1824. — Ord. 7 Sept. 1827. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch., Charlestown, Ind., '27-'38. — Cong, ch., Marion, Ms., a.p. '39-41 ; p. '41 until died there, 2 Sept. 1872. ♦John Crosby, b. 11 Sept. 1803, Bangor, Me. B.C. 1823. — Ord. 11 June 1828. p. Castine, Me., '28-32. — w.c. '32 until died, at Barbadoes, W. I., 26 May 1833. *Thomas Russell Diirfee, b. 14 May 1801, Fall River, Ms. B. U. 1824.— Ord. 10 Nov. 1827. h.m. — a.p. Calloway Co., Mo., '26-'31. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Mo., '31 until died, at St. Charles, Mo., 15 July 1833. Lyman Gilbert, D.D., b. 13 June 1798, Brandon, Vt. M. C, 1824. — a.p. Danbury, Ct., '27-28.— Ord. 2 July 1828. p. Second ch., Newton, Ms., '28-'55; teacher there, '5 7-'5 9. — p. Presb. ch.. Maiden, N. Y., '69-'63.— In Gov't service, Brooklyn, N. Y., '63-75 ; w.c. there, '75-. *Jonatlian Smith Green, b. 20 Dec. 1796, Lebanon, Ct. — .— Ord. 3 Oct. 1827. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '27 ; of A.B.C.F.M. until '42 ; afterward of Am. Miss. Assoc'n. p. of ch. at Makawao, until died there, 5 Jan. 1878. *Alfre(l Greenwood, b. 4 Feb. 1801, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1824. — a.p. Cheviot and Cleves, O. (six months) ; Plainfield and Big Rock, 111. (one year) ; Martinsburg, Ind., '33-34. — Ord. 18 May 1836. p. West Barnstable, Ms., '36-'40. — p. Cincinnati, O. — — w.c. '• . until died, at Grant- ville, Ms., 20 April 1868. *Solomon Hardy, b. 27 Sept. 1796, Hollis N. H. M. C. 1824.— Ord., at Boston, Ms., 10 Nov. 1827. h.m. — Presb. chhs., Greenville and Shoal Creek, 111., a.p. '27-28; p. '28-30. — agent Am. Bible Soc, '31. — a.p. Quincy, 111., '32. — p. Mendon, 111., '33-'36. — a.p. South Welfleet, Ms., '38-'40; East- ham, Ms., '40 until died there, 18 Sept. 1842. *Amasa Austin Hayes, b. l Aug. 1797, Granby, Ct. Y. C. 1824. — Ord. 25 June 1827. p. Presb. ch., Londonderry, N. H., '27 until died there, 25 Oct. 1830. *Gurdon Hayes, b. 24 April 1798, Granby, Ct. Y. C. 1823. — Ord. 30 July 1828. p. Presb. ch., Cambridge, N. Y, '28-'29. — p. Cong, ch., Washing- ton, Ct., '29-51. — w.c. Bennington, Vt., ('53-54). — a.p. Pownal, Vt., '55-56; East Arlington, Vt., '56-59; Brighton, lo., '60-65. — w.c, later res. Muscatine, lo., '65 until died there, 26 May 1874. 62 1827. [1880. *William Horton, D.D., b. 14 March 1805, Newburyport, Ms. H. C. 1824. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 15 Nov. 1827 ; priest, 15 Oct. 1830. r. St. Paul's eh., Windsor, Vt. — Trinity ch., Saco, Me., '35-*. . — St. Thomas's ch., Dover, N. H., '39-47. — St. Paul's ch., Brookline, Ms., '49-'. . — St. Paul's ch., Newburyport, Ms., '53 until died there, 29 Oct. 1863. *Henry Cusliing Jewett, b. 10 Feb. 1803, Rowley, Ms. B. U. 1824. — a.p. Kennebunkport, Me., '28. — Ord. 29 April 1829. p. Westbrook, Me., '29- '34. — p. Winslow, Me., '35-42. — a.p. West Gloucester, Ms., '43 until died there, 4 Nov. 1846. Cephas Henry Kent, b. 17 July 1802, Benson, Vt. M. C. 1824.— Ord. 22 Oct. 1828. p. Barrington, N. H., '28-'30. — p. Kennebunkport, Me., '30- '32._p. Freeport, Me., '32-36. — p. Bradford, Vt., '37-42. — Sec. and general agent Vt. Dora. Miss. Soc, '42. — occ. pr. '42-46. — agent Vt. BibleSoc.,'46-'48. — a.p. East Poultney, Vt. '48-51. — p. Enosburg, Vt., '52-'60. — Ripton, Vt., a.p. '60-63; p. '63-79. — w.c. New Haven, Vt., '79-. Asa Mahan, D.D., b. 9 Nov. 1800, Vernon, N. Y. Ham. C. 1824. — Ord. 10 Nov. 1829. p. Pittsford, N. Y., '29-31. — p. Sixth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '31-'35. — Pres. Oberlin Coll., Assist. Prof. Theol., and Prof. Int. and Moral Phil., '35-50. — Pres., and Prof. Mental and Moral Phil., Cleveland Univ., Jackson, Mich., '50-'54. — p. Cong, ch., Jackson, Mich., '55-'57. — p. Adrian, Mich., '57-60. — Pres., and Prof. Mental and Moral Phil., Adrian Coll., Mich., '60-'71. — w.c. since '71, now in England. Joseph Marsh, b. 24 Aug. 1799, Sharon, Vt. D. C. 1824.— Ord. 24 Sept. 1828. p. Pomfret, Vt., '28-31. — a.p. Waitsfield, Vt., '31-34. — p. Hins- dale, N. H., '35-'38 ; Bath, N. H., '39-'40 ; Orford, N. H., '40-'43 ; Dalton, N. H., '45-'48 ; and Whitefield, N. H., '46-'47. — — a.p. Tunbridge, Vt., '57-'64; Bradford, N. H., '65-'67; Nelson, N. H., '67-'68. — w.c. Thetford, Vt., '69-. *Joel Worthington Newton, b. . . May 1799 Colchester, Ct. Y. C. 1818.— assistant teacher, Andover Theol. Sem., '27-'29. — prin. Mount Pleasant School, Amherst, Ms., '. .-'. . — agent Am. Bible Soc, Ind., '33. — Ord. 29 Oct. 1834. p. Norwich Falls, Ct., '34-37. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., etc., '37-44. — chap. U. S. Navy, '44 until died, at Mare Island, Cal., 4 Nov. 1865. ♦DaTid Perry, b. 26 July 1 798, Worcester, Ms. D.C. 1824.— agent A.B.C.F.M., '27-'29. — Ord. . . May 1828. p. Cambridgeport, Ms., '29-'30. — p. HoUis, N.H., '31-42. — p. Lancaster, N. H., '43-47. — p. Danville, Vt., '47-'50. — teacher, Pepperell, Ms., '50-'54 ; Brookfield, Ms., '54-60. — a.p. Brook- field, Vt., '60-'65; Worcester, Vt., '65-'69. — w.c. Hollis, N. H., '69-'72. — a.p. East Falmouth, Ms., '72, until died, at Wareham, Ms., 27 Aug. 1876. *Dudley Phelps, b. 25 Jan. 1798, Hebron, Ct. Y. C. 1823 — Ord. 9 Jan. 1828. p. Haverhill, Ms, '28-'33. — editor Salem Landmark, '34-'35. — p. Groton, Ms., '36 until died there, 24 Sept. 1849. 1880.] 1827. 63 *Josiah Wakefield Powers, b. 19 June 1 799, Croydon, N. H. U. Vt. — Ord. h.m. S. C, '27. — h.m. Yates Co., N. Y., '28. — h.m. Granville Co., N. C, '29-30. — p. Kingston, Ms., '31-34.- p. Kennebiink, Me., '34- '37. — a.p. Scituate, Ms., '..-'.. — agent Am. Bible Soc, O., '40 until died, at Putnam, O., 31 March 1840. ^Austin Richards, D.D., b. 9 Feb. 1800, Plainfield, Ms. A. C. 1824. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1827. p. Francestown, N. H., '27-'36. — p. Olive st. ch., Nashua, N. H., '36-'66. — a.p. Francestown, N. H., '66-'70. — w.c. since '70 — now res. Boston, Ms. *Heiiry Augustus Rowland, D.D., b. 18 Sept. 1804, Windsor, Ct. Y. C. 1823. — agent Am. Bible Soc, N. Y., '27-'29. Ct., '29-'30. — Ord., Presb., 24 Nov. 1830. a.p. Presb. ch., Fayetteville, N. C, '31-'34. — p. Pearl st. ch.. New York, '34-'43. — p. Honesdale, Pa., '43-'55. — p. Park Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '55 until died, at Boston, Ms., 4 Sept. 1859. *George Shepard, D.D., b. 26 Aug. 1801, Plainfield, Ct. A. C. 1824.— Ord. 5 Feb. 1828. p. Hallowell, Me., '28-'36. — Prof. Sac. Rliet., Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '36 until died there, 23 March 1868. *Frederick Adolphus Strale, b. in Sweden. Univ. Upsala, 1809. — Ord., Presb., 16 Sept. 1829. h.m. to Germans in Pa., '29-'.. — teacher. Great Bend, Pa, '..-'32; IBinghamton, N. Y., '32. — w.c. until died, at Brooklyn, N.Y., 24 July 1849. ♦Taylor Gilman Worcester, b. 6 April 1799, Hollis, N. H. H.C. 1823.— Not ordained. — farmer, Hollis, N. H., and died there, 7 Sept. 1879. ♦Milton Badger, d.d. (2+), b. 6 May 1800, Coventry, Ct. Y. C. 1823. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '26-'27. — Ord. 3 Jan. 1828. p. South ch., Andover, Ms., '28- '35. — Sec. Am. H. M. Soc, New York, '35-'72. — Died, at Madison, Ct., 1 March 1873. Edward Beecher, d.d. (2), b. 27 Aug. 1803, East Hampton, L. I. Y. C. 1822. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '25-'26. — Ord. 27 Dec. 1826. p. Park st. ch., Boston, Ms., '26-'30. — Pres't IlL Coll., '30-44. — p. Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '44-65 ; also assoc. editor Congregationalist, '49-'53. — Galesburg, 111., '55- *71. — res. Brooklyn, N. Y., writer and preacher, '71-. *Henry Davis (1), b. 14 Feb. 1805, New Haven, Ct. W. C. 1824.— Ord., at Bridgewater, N. Y., 8 June 1827 — lawyer, res. Syracuse, N. Y., '29 until died, at Gk-aefenberg, Austrian Silesia, .. Sept. 1844. *Ebenezer Davenport Maltbie (2), b. 20 Dec. 1799, Stamford, Ct. Ham. C. 1824. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '26-'31.— Ord — p. Hamilton, N.Y., '31-35; teacher, Stockport, Lansingburgh, and Clinton, '35-'47. — res. Syracuse, until died there, 16 July 1858. 64 1827. 1828. [1880. ♦Sylvester Goodman Pierce (1), b. 18 Jan, 1797, Wilmington, Vt. U.C — — Ord., at Dracut, Ms., 11 June 1828. — p. Dracut, Ms., '29-'32. — p. Methuen, Ms., '32 until died there, 8 May 1839. *Arebelaus Fuller Putnam, m.d. (1), b. 3 July 1793, Danvers, Ms. D. C. 1819. — Not ordained. — physician, Beverly, Ms., '29 until died there, 11 Aug. 1859. *Ezra Scovel (1), b. 2 Feb. 1798, Cornwall, Vt. M. C. 1822. Ord. 21 Nov. 1827. p. Pittsfield, N. H., '27-'29. — a.p. Presb. ch.. Chili, N. Y., '31-'32. — p. Warsaw, N. Y., '33-'35. — a.p. Cong, ch., Covington, N. Y., '36-'38. p. Presb. ch., Phelps, N. Y., '38-'40.— p. Groton, N. Y., '41-'44.— p. Mexico, N.Y., '45-'53. — a.p. Marathon, N. Y., '54-'55; Triangle, N. Y., '56-'57; West Newark, N. Y., '58-'62 ; Spencer, N. Y., '63-'64. — w.c. New Haven, N. Y., ('64-). Died, at Saugatuck, Mich., 1876. ♦Charles Huntington Weld (2), b. 26 April 1799, Hampton, Ct. Y.C. 1822.— Not ordained. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Miss., '30. — (res. at Belleville, N. Y., in '60 — in Bristol, '. . — " near Boston," Ms., '69). Died, at Hyde Park, Ms., 14 July 1871. *John William Yeomans, d.d. (2+), b. 7 Jan. 1800, Hinsdale, Ms. W. C. 1824. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '26-'27. — Ord. 12 Nov. 1828. p. North Adams, Ms., '28-32. — p. First ch., Pittsfield, Ms., '32-34. — p. Presb. ch., Trenton, N.J., '34-'41. — Pres. Lafayette Coll., Pa., '41-'45. — p. Presb. ch., Dan- ville, Pa., '45 until died there, 22 June 1863. 1828 ♦Harrison Allen, b. 26 April 1792, Norridgewock, Me. B.C. 1824. — agent. A.B.C.F.M., '28-'29. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h.ra. Choctaw Indians, '29 until died, at Elliot, Choctaw Nation, 19 Aug. 1831. ♦James Anderson, b. 13 Sept. 1798, Hartford, Ct. ^.C — Ord. 12 Aug. 1829. Manchester, Vt., '29-58. — res. Manchester, Vt., occ. sup., '58 until died there, 22 Dec. 1881. ♦Elisha Gulliver Babcock, b. l Dec. 1799, Milton, Ms. A. C. 1825. — Ord. 22 April 1829. p. Wiscasset, Me., '29-31. — p. Thetford, Vt, '31 until died there, 21 Sept. 1848. ♦Ainos Blanchard, b. 8 Sept. 1800, Peacham, Vt. —. — agent Am. Tr. Soc. for Western N. Y., '28-'29. — editor Cincinnati Christian Journal, '30-'31. — Ord. 27 July 1831. p. Lyndon, Vt., '32-35. — agent Indiana Com. Sch. Assoc'n, '35. — a.p. Chicopee, Ms., '36. — p. Warner, N. H., '37-39. — p. Meriden, N. H., '40-'65. — w.c. Barnet, Vt., '65 until died there, 6 Jan. 1869. 1880.] 1828. 65 *Harrison Gray Otis Dwi^ht, D.D., b. 22 Nov. 1803, Conway, Ms. Ham. C. 1825. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '28-'29. — Ord., Presb., at Gt. Barrington, Ms., 15 July 1829. f.m. Turkey, '29 until died, by railway accident, in Vermont, 25 Jan. 1862. ♦Charles Robinson Yisk, b. 27 Oct. 1804, Wrentham, Ms. B. U. 1824.— Ord. 25 Sept. 1828. h.m. '28-31. — p. Holden, Me., '31-33. — p. Poland, Me., '34-35. — a.p. Presb. ch., Logan, O., '36-'. . — editor, Galesburg, 111., ('49)- '51. — p. Mendota, El., '53-55; w.c. there, '62-'. . — editor, Delavan, 111., '. . until died there, 28 Dec. 1869. Samuel Hezzleton Fletclier, b. 21 May 1800, Putney, Vt. Y. C. 1824.— Ord. 25 Sept. 1828. h.m. a.p. Ibberville, La., '28-'. . — p. Northbridge, Ms., '32-34. — teacher, St. Mary's Prairie, Nauvoo, and Carthage, 111., '34-40 ; book agent, etc., New York city, '40-. Brainerd Kent, b. 25 April 1802. Dorset, Vt. W. C. 1824. — prin. high school, Fishkill, N. Y., '28-'31. — h.m. Sandgate, Vt., '31-'32. — Ord. . . Sept. 1833. a.p. Hinesburgh, Vt., '33-36. ; Housatonic, Ms., '37-39. — p. Presb. ch., Canaan, N.Y., '39-'50. — teacher, N. Y., '51-'53. — city miss'y. New York, '53-'58.— sup't R.R. mission, Chicago, 111., '58-'66. — miss'y of do., '67-. *James Lawton KimbaU, b. 25 April 1799, Lyndon, Vt. D. C. 1824. — Ord. (?) Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., •31-'32. — w.c. '32 until died, at Lyndon, Vt., 8 Sept. 1833. Addison King-sbury, D.D., b. 5 July 1800, Coventry, Ct. A. C — Ord., by Newburyport Presb'y, 25 Sept. 1828. h.m. Southern Ohio,'28-'29.— p. Presb. ch., Warren and Belpre, O., '29-'39. — p. Putnam, O., '40-' 78 ; p.em., res. at Marietta, O., '78-. *Abner Johnson Leavenworth, b. 12 July 1803, Waterbury, Ct. A. C. 1825. — a.p. Orange, Ct., '28-'29. — Ord. 16 Dec. 1829. p. Bristol, Ct., '29-'31. — p. Presb. ch., Charlotte, N. C, and prin. sem., '32-39. — teacher, War- rentown, Va., '39-'40. — p. Second Presb. ch., Petersburg, Va. '40-('43) ; w.c. there, and teacher, ('46) until died, 12 Feb. 1869. Leonard Luce, b. 14 May 1799, Rochester, Ms. B. U. 1824. — Ord. 8 April 1829. Westford, Ms., '29-52. — a.p. Littleton, Ms., '52 ; Boxborough, Ms., '53-58. — w.c. Westford, Ms. (res. there since '29), '58-. *Lyman Matthews, b. 12 May 1801, Middlebury, Vt. M. C. 1822. — agent Am. Ed. Soc. '29. — Ord. 4 Aug. 1830. p. South Braintree, Ms., '30-44. — w.c. Cornwall, Vt., '44 until died there, 17 Aug. 1866. CalTin Noyes Ransom, b. 15 Feb. 1800, Sandgate, Vt. O. U. 1825. —Ord. 25 Sept. 1828. h. m. Southern Ohio, '28-'32; a.p. Hamilton, O., '29-'32. p. Berlin, 0., '32-'37. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Ohio, '37-39. — agent Western Ed. Soc, '39-'40. — p. Presb. ch., Hebron O., '40-'46. — First Presb. ch., Scipio, 0., a.p. '46-48; p. '48-50. — a.p. Cong, ch., Benning- 9 66 1828. [1880. ton, N. H., '50-'53 ; Westbrook, Me., '53-'54. — p. Poultncy, Vt., '55-'59. — p. Lowell, O., '64-'C8, — w.c. Lowell, O., '69-'75 ; Columbus, O., '75-'80; Wyoming, '80-. ♦David Sliepley, D.D., b. l June 1804, Solon, Me. B. C. 1825. — Ord. 18 Feb. 18-29. p. North Yarmouth, Me., '29-'49 ; w.c. there, '49-51. — a.p. Winslow, Me.. '51-'62. — w.c. Yarmouth, Me., '62-64; a.p. there, '64-65; w.c. there, '65-'71. — w.c. Providence, R. L, '71 until died there, 1 Dec. 1881. John Spauldin?, D.D., b. 30 Nov. 1800, Mason, N. H. M. C. 1825. — Ord., by Presb'y, at Newburyport, Ms., 25 Sept. 1828. h.m. — p. Presb. ch., Athens, O., '28-33. — cor. sec. Western Ed. Soc, '33-'37. — p. Presb. ch., Peoria, 111., '37-'41. — cor. sec. Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, New York, '41-'57. — w.c. New York, '5 7-. ♦Samuel Horatio Stearns, b. 12 Sept. 1801, Bedford, Ms. H. C. 1823.— Ord. 16 April 1834. p. Old South ch., Boston, Ms., '34-'36. — w.c. '36 until died, at Paris, France, 15 July 1837. Amasa Steirart, b. 4 Jan. 1802, Sherman, Ct. M. C. 1824.— Ord. 15 Oct. 1829. p. Essex, Vt., '29-'32. — a.p. Hampden, O., '34-'35 5 Berlin, Vt., '..-'.. — teacher, Alabama, '37-'44. — a.p. Ohio, '44-54. — w.c, invalid, Holly, N.Y.,'54-'59. — a.p. South Granville, N. Y., '61-'62. — w.c Pitts- ford, Vt., '62-. CalTin Ellis Stowe, D.l)., b. 26 April 1802, Natick, Ms. B.C. 1824.— assist, teacher. Sac. Lit., Andover Theol. Sem., '28-30. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Dart. Coll., '31-'33. — Ord. 24 May 1833. Prof. Bib. Lit., Lane Theol Sem., '33-'50. — Prof Nat. and Rev. Rel, Bowdoin Coll., '50- '52. — Prof Sac. Lit., Andover Theol. Sem., '52-'64. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '64-. Samnel TVilliams, b. 2 July 1803, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1824. — Ord. 25 April 1832. p. Brewster, Ms., '32- '43. — p. Presb. ch., South Onondaga, N. Y., '45-'47._(?) ♦Alexander Aikman (1), b. 28 Nov. 1803, Burlington, N. J. N.J. C. 1821.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '23-'25. — German Ref Sem., Gettysburg, '. .-'. . — J Licen., New York, '28. — Ord., Presb., at Philadeljihia, Pa., 22 Oct. 1828. h.m. Tallahassee, Fla., '29 ; St. Augustine, Fla., '30 until died, at Natchez, Miss., 1831. ♦John Boynton (1—), b. 11 Feb. 1801, Wiscasset, Me. B. C. 1822, — Ord. 19 Sept.1827. p. Phippsburg, Me., '27-'40. — w.c, res. Wiscasset, Me., Rich- mond, Me., Winthrop, Me., and from '64 Felton, Del., where he died, 1 March 1876. 1880.] 1828. 67 *Eber Carpenter (2), b. 24 June 1800, Vernon, Ct. Y. C. 1825. — h.m. Me. and R. I., '28-'30. — Ord. 17 Feb. 1830. p. First ch., York, Me., '30-35.— Soutbbridge, Ms., '35-'64. ; also editor National Preacher, '53-57. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '64 until died there, 21 Oct. 1867. *Ephraim Eveleth (2+), b. 3 March 1801, Princeton, Ms. A. C. 1825. — Ord., Bapt., 1 March 1829 — agent Am. S. S. Union,'. .-'. . — Died, at New York, 5 March 1829. Caleb Sprague Henry, d.d., ll.d. (1+), b. 2 Aug. 1804, Rutland, Ms. D. C. 1825. — Ord. 21 Jan. 1829. p. Greenfield, Ms., '29-'31. — p. West Hart- ford, Ct., '33-35. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 28 June 1835; priest, 27 Nov. 1836. — Prof. Moral and Nat. Phil., Bristol Coll., Pa., '35-'38. — Prof Moral and Intel. Phil., New York Univ., '38-'52, and rector St. Clement's ch., '47-'50. — w.c. Poughkeepsie and Newburgh, N. Y., '50-'68 ; Hartford, Ct., '68-'70. — r. St. Michael's ch., Litchfield, Ct., '70-'73. — w.c. Stamford, '73-'80 ; Newburgh, N.Y., '80-. Henry Herrick (2-|-), b. 5 March 1803, Woodbridge, Ct. Y. C. 1822. — a.p. MiddlefOn, etc., Ms., '28-29. — Ord. 14 April 1830. h.m. Carrollton, 111., '30-'31. — sab. sch. and other agencies, N. E. and N. Y., '32-35. — prin. fem. acad., Knoxville, Tenn., '35-'. . — prin. acad., Somerville, Ala., '. .-'42. — occ. sup., '42-44. — h.m. Canada E,, '44. — p. Cllntonville, N. Y., '45- '49. — a.p. Ticonderoga, etc., N. Y., '49-'53 ; Middlefield, Ms., '53 ; Arch- bold, Pa., '54-'55 ; Colchester, N.Y., '56-'58 ; Exeter, etc., N.Y., '58-'67.— w.c. North Woodstock, Ct., '67-, ♦Jonathan Leavitt, d.d. (2-|-), b. 21 Oct. 1800, Cornish, N. H. A. C. 1825.— Ord., at Pomfret, Vt., 24 Sept. 1828. h.m. Pendleton, S. C, '28-'29 ; Lin- colnton, Ga., '29-'31. — temp. a.p. (Westbrook, Me., Acworth, N. H., Wal- tham, Ms.), '3 1-'35. — Bedford, Ms., a.p. '35-'37; p. '37-'40. — p. Richmond St. ch.. Providence, R. L, '40-63 ; w.c. until died there, 7 Oct. 1877. *Abram Mai-sh (2), b. 15 June 1802, Hartford, Vt. D. C. 1825. — prin. acad., Thetford, Vt., '27-'28. — Ord. 25 Jan. 1829. a.p. Reading, Vt, '29-31. — p. Tolland, Ct., '31-69. — Pres. Conn. Bible Soc, '68 until death, and agent, '69-'71. a.p. West Woodstock, Ct., '74-'77. — Died, at Tolland, Ct., 2 Sept. 1877. *Solomon Maxwell (1-|-), b. March 1799, from Lebanon, Ct. A. C. 1824.— Not ordained. — prin. acad., Amherst, Ms., '26 until died, at Lebanon, Ct., 21 July 1828. *Alvan Nash (2), b. 6 Feb. 1799, Middlefield, Ms. W. C. 1825. — Ord. 3 Sept. 1829. p. Presb. ch., Ravenna, O., '29-35. — p. Sandusky City, O., '36- '39. — p. Ravenna, O., '39-'41. — p. Chester, O., '41-45. — a.p. Chagrin Falls, O., '45-47; Conneaut, O., '47-'60, and prin. young ladies' sem., Willoughby, O. — a.p. Isllp, L. L, '60-'65 ; Garland, Pa., '66-'67; Corry, Pa., '67 until died there, 18 March 1868. 68 1828. [1880. *Jolm Adams Nash (1), b. 8 Sept. 1798, Conway, Ms. A. C. 1824. — prin. Hopkins acad., Hadley, Ms., '26-28. ; Bloomfield acad., N. J., '28-30.— prin. private school, New York city, '31-'36. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1836. p. Presb. Binghaniton, N. Y., '36-'38. — prin. Com'l school, Pittsfield, Ms., '38-'45. — prin. Mt. Pleasant Institute, Amherst, Ms., '46-'54; also teacher Agri- culture, Amh. Coll., and editor, '52-'55. — agricultural editor, New York city, '55-73. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '73 until died there, 7 Oct. 1877. Jeremiah Porter (2+), b. 27 Dec. 1804, Hadley, Ms. W. C. 1825. — Prince- ton Theol. Sem., '31. — Ord. 3 Oct. 1831. h.m. St. Ste. Marie, Mich., '31- '33. — a.p. First Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '33-'35 ; Peoria, 111., '35-'37.— p. Farmington, III, '37-'40. — p. Green Bay, Wis., '40-58. — p. Edwards Cong, ch., Chicago, 111., '58-'62. — chap. 1st 111. Light Artillery, '62-'65.— agent U. S. san. and chr. coms,, Texas, '65-'66. — a p. Prairie du Chien, Wis., '66-68. — chap. U. S. A. since '69 ; now in California. *Samuel Rockwell (2), b. 18 April 1803, Winsted, Ct. Y. C. 1825. — Theol. Dep., Yale Col., 1828. — Ord. 11 April 1832. p. Plainfield, Ct., '32-'42.— p. New Britain, Ct., '43-58. — w.c, from '58 Probate Judge, etc., New Britain, Ct. ; died there, 25 Dec. 1880. *David Sanford (2), b. 28 Aug. 1801, Medway, Ms. B. U. 1825. — Ord. 22 May 1828. p. Newmarket, N. H., '28-'30. — p. Village ch., Dorchester, Ms., '30-38. — p. Village ch., Medway, Ms., '38 until died there, 17 Dec. 1875. Lucius Linsley Tilden (1—), b. 11 Nov. 1802, Cornwall, Vt. M. C. 1823.— Ord. 17 March 1830. p. West Rutland, Vt., '30-'40. — prin. fern. sem. Middlebury, Vt., '40-'45, and a.p. Weybridge, Vt., '42-'43. — supt. common schools, Addison Co., Vt. '46-'48, and a.p. Cornwall, Vt., '47. — bank cashier, Bethel, Vt., '51-'54 ; Royalton, Vt., '54-'57. — assist, libr. congressional library, '61-'62; clerk in agr. dept't, '62-'65; treas. dep't, Washington, D. C, '6 5-' 74. — w.c. Nashua, N. H., '74-. William Twining (1—), b. 9 Dec. 1805, New Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1825. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1828. — Ord. 6 Jan. 1830. a.p. Great Falls, N. H., '29-'31. — p. Appleton st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '31-35. — res. Madison, Ind. (including prin. fern, sem.), '36-'43. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Wabash Coll., '43-55. — — a.p. Beardstown, 111., '59-63. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., and now St. Louis, Mo., '63-. *Russell Whiting (1), from Albany, N. Y. U. C. 1825. — Princeton Theol. Sem. (one year). Ord., by Albany Presb'y, 29 Oct. 1828. — p. Batavia, N.Y., '29-'31. — a.p. Bethany, N. Y., '31-'34; w.c. there, '34-'37. — a.p. Elba, N. Y., '38 ; Bethany, N. Y., '38-'. . — — a.p. Volney, N. Y., '45-'47 ; Cong, ch., Chapinsville, N. Y., '47-'49 ; Oswego, 111., '49-'51 ; Lockport, 111., '51-'52; Richmond and West Hebron, 111., '52 ; Bristol, III., '62-54. — Died, at Sugar Grove, 111., 25 Nov. 1855. 1880.] 1828. 1829. 69 *Hubbard Winslow, d.d., ll.d. (1—), b. 30 Oct. 1799, WiUiston, Vt. Y.C. 1825. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1828. — Ord. 4 Dec. 1828. p. First ch., Dover, N. H.. '28-'32. — p. Bowdoin st. ch., Boston, Ms., '32-'44. — prin. Mt. Ver- non inst., Boston, Ms., '44-'53. — p. First Presb. ch., Geneva, N. Y., '57- '59. — teacher, New York, '59-61. w-c. Brooklyn, N. Y., '61 until died, at Williston, Vt., 13 Aug. 1864. *Dennis Marvin Winston (1+), b. 1 Jan. 1801, Utica, N. Y. Ham. C. 1825. — agent Am. Bible Sbc, N. C, '27-'28. — Ord., Presb,, at Greensborough, Ga., 7 Aug. 1829 — w.c. Darien, Ga., ('30)-'33 ; Bryan, Ga., '34. — a.p. Bryan, Ga., '34. — Died, in Kentucky, 25 Feb. 1840. 1829. *John Stevens Cabot Abbott, D.D., b. 18 Sept, 1805, Brunswick, Me. B. C. 1825. — Ord. 28 Jan. 1830. p. Calv. ch., Worcester, Ms., '30-'35. — p. Eliot ch., Boston Highlands, Ms., '35-41.- p. Nantucket, Ms., '41-44.- w.c. New York city, '44-'51. — Brunswick, Me., '51-'61. — p. Howe st. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '61-'66. — res. Fair Haven, Ct., author, from '66 ; also a.p. Second ch.. Fair Haven, Ct., '69-'74; died there, 17 June 1877. Judah Isaac Abraham, b Hitchen, Hertfordshire, England. — . — Ord. 12 May 1830. miss'y among Jews, New York, '29-30; London, etc., England, '30- (?) *Neliemiali Adams, D.D., b. 19 Feb. 1806, Salem, Ms. H. C. 1826. — Ord. 17 Dec. 1829. p. First ch., Cambridge, Ms., '29-34. — p. Union ch., Boston, Ms., '34 until died there, 6 Oct. 1878. *Cyrus Williams Allen, b. 28 Oct. 1806, Taunton, Ms. B. U. 1826. — agent Am. Tract Soc, 111. and Mo., '30-33. — Ord., Presb., at St. Louis, Mo., 6 Oct. 1833. h.m. — a.p. Potosi, Mo., '33-34. — p. Cong, ch., Norton, Ms., '35-'42, — p. Pelham, N. H., '43-'47.— p. Coleraine, Ms., '49-'52. — p. Hubbardston, Ms., '52-'60. — w.c. Hubbardston, Ms., '60-63. — a.p. East Jaffrey, N. H. '63-70; Hanover, Ms., '71-78. — w.c. West Roxbury, Ms., '79 until died there, 11 April 1882. *Calvin Washington Babbit, b. .. June 1798, Goshen, Ms, A. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829, h.m, Tenn, '29; Taze- well Co,, 111., '30-'., — a.p. Prince's Grove, 111., '37-'. .; Grand Detour, 111., '. .-'40 ^ w.c. Blooniington, 111., ('43) ; Washington, 111., ('46); Metamora, 111., '50 until died (accident), at La Salle, 111., 26 Nov. 1869. *Elijah Coleman Bridgman, D.D., b. 22 April 1801, Belchertown, Ms. A. C. 1826. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1829. f.m. China, at Canton and Macao, '29-47 at Shanghai, '47 until died there, 27 Oct. 1861. 70 1829. [1880. John White Chickering, D.D., b. 19 March 1808, Woburn, Ms. M. C. 1826. Ord. 16 March 1830. p. Bolton, Ms., '30-35. — p. High st. ch., Portland, Me., '35-'65. — Sec. Suffolk Temp. Un., res. Wakefield, Ms., '65-'70; of Mass. and Congressional Temperance Societies, '70-. Ansel Russell Clark, b. 27 June 1800, Lunenburg, Vt. D. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. Sec. Western Reserve Branch Am. Ed. Soc, '29-36.— editor Ohio Observer, '36-37 ; editor Cleveland Observer, '37-'40. — w.c. '40-44 — a.p. Presb. ch., Wellington, O., '44-57; Cong, ch., Huntington, O., '58-'73. — w.c. CoUamer, O., '73-. ♦Walter FoUett, b. 7 Jan. 1799, Worcester, Ms. M. C. 1825. — Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '29-31. — Ord. 17 Oct. 1832. p. Southborough, Ms., '32-'37. — p. Dudley, Ms., '37-'41. — p. Temple, N. H., '45-'54. — w.c. Temple, N. H., '54 until died, at Hannibal, Mo., 21 Feb. 1874. •Hervey Owen Hlgley, b. 14 July 1801, Castleton, Vt. M. C. 1825. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h.m. a.p. Presb. ch., Georgetown, O., '29-30;, Hartford, O., '31-36. — w.c. 36; res. Castleton, Vt., '40 until died there, 4 April 1878. Isaac Hosford, b. 10 Nov. 1796, Thetford, Vt. D. C. 1826.— h.m. Vt. and Ms., '29-'38. — Ord. 14 Feb. 1838. p. Saxonville, Ms., '38-'48. — city miss'y, Lowell, Ms.. '49-'56. — chap, insane asylum, Worcester, Ms., '57-'60. — a.p. North Thetford, Vt, '60-'70 ; w.c. there, '70-. Spofford Dodge Jewett, b. 21 Sept. 1801, Bamstead, N. H. D. C. 1826.— — Ord. 4 Feb. 1830. p. Griswold, Ct., '30-'36. — p. Windsor, Ct., '39-'43. — p. Westchester, Ct., '44-58. — a.p. Middlefield, Ct., '58-67. — w.c. Middlefield, Ct., '67 — postmaster at Middlefield since 1 April 1860. Seth Harrison Keeler, D.D., b. 24 Sept. 1800, Brandon, Vt. M. C. 1826.— Ord. 15 Oct. 1829. p. South Berwick, Me., '29-36. — p. Amesbury Mills, Ms., '36-'39. — p. Calais, Me., '39-67. — a.p. Mont Vernon, N. H., '67-75. — w.c. and occ. pr., now res. Somerville, Ms., '75-. *Henry Little, D.D., b. 23 March, 1800, Boscawen, N. H. D. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h.m.— agent Am. Ed. Soc, '29-31. — p. Oxford, O., '31-33. — agent Am. H.M. Soc. for Western States, Cincin- nati, O., '33-38. — p. Second Presb. ch., Madison, Ind., '38-39. — Sec. Cin. Agency, Am. H.M. Soc, Madison, Ind., '40-'61. Dis. Sec. Presb. Home Miss., res. Madison, Ind., '61 until died there, 25 Feb. 1882. ♦Cutting Marsh, b. 20 July 1800, Danville, Vt. D. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. miss'y Stockbridge Indians, '29-48. — h.m. Northern Wis., '48-52. — a.p. Presb. ch., Waupacca, Wis., '52-65. — w.c. Waupacca, Wis., '65 until died there, 4 July 1873. ♦Martin Mercillian, D.D., b. 3 Dec. 1806, Cornwall, Vt. M. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h.m. — Presb. ch., Logans- port, Ind., h.m. '2U-'30; p. '30 until died there, 11 Oct. 1876. 1880.] 1829. 71 *LeYi Pratt, b. 17 Oct. 1799, Cumraington, Ms. A. C. 1S26.— Ord. 23 June 1830. Hatfield, Ms., '30-'35. — p. First Trin. cli., Medfbrd, Ms., '35 until died there, 9 Aug. 1837. ♦George Puncliard, b. 7 June 1806, Salem, Ms. D. C. 1826. — Ord. 11 March 1830. p. Plymouth, N. H., '30-'44. — assoc. proprietor and editor Boston Traveller, 'ib-bl. — Sec. New Eng. Branch Am. Tr. Soc, '59-67. — assoc. editor Boston Traveller, '67-'71. — writer and pub. History of Congi-ega- tionalism, res. Boston, Ms., '71 until died there, 2 April 1880. *€harles Marsh Putnam, b. 24 Feb. 1802, Marietta, O. Y. C. 1826. — Ord. Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h.m. Jersey, O., '29-32. — p. Presb. ch. (with Cong, ch., St. Albans, O., '32-34), '32-69. — w.c. Jersey, O., until died there, 17 April 1870. ♦Andrew Hunter Reed, b. 25 Feb. 1799, Oakham, Ms. A. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. — a.p. Bozrahville, Ct., '29-34; — p. Raymond, N. H., '34-36. — p. Mason, N. H., '36-'39. — a.p. Bozrah- ville, Ct., '39-41; Mendon, Ms., '41-'48. — w.c. Mendon, Ms., '48-'80.— Died, at Littleton, Ms., 4 Dec. 1881. *Loren Bobbins, b Wethersfield, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Tutor, Trans. Univ., Ky., '29-30. — a.p. Sandusky, O., '30-31. — Ord., by Huron Presb'y, 14 April 1831. a.p, Portland, O., '31-'32. — p. Cong, ch., Oxford, Ms., '32-35. — w.c. Wethersfield, Ct., '35-36. — (Huron Presb'y reports him, without P. O., '37-'43.) — — a.p. Presb. ch., Fairplay, AVis., '50-52 ; Orono, Wis., '52-'54. — — a.p. Cong, ch., Neponset, 111., '. .-'58. — w.c. Kewanee, 111., '58 until died, at La Salle, 111., 29 March 1866. ♦Jonathan Maltby Rowland, b. 26 Jan. 1804, Fairfield, Ct. B. C. 1826.— Ord., Presb,, at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h.m. — a.p. Batavia, N.Y., '29-33; Union, Pa., '33-'40. — city miss'y, Brooklyn, K Y., '41-50. — p. South Ref. (Dutch) ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '50 until died there, 2 Oct. 1853. Henry Shedd, D.D., b. 16 May 1803, Jaffrey, N.FL D.C. 1826.— Ord., Presb., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. h,m. a.p. Presb. ch,, Mt. Gilead, Centre, O, (and others), '29-33; p, '33-'36. — a.p. Pisgah, O., '36-38; Mt, Gilead (and others), O., '38-42. — p. Lower Liberty, etc., O. (and a.p. Little Mill Creek, O.), '42-50. — a.p. Delhi, O., '50-52 ; Lexington, etc., O., '52-54. p. Mt. Gilead, O,, '54-'62. — Mt. Gilead, O,, occ. pr. '6 2-' 70. — a.p. York, etc., O., '70-'73, and '74-'75. — res. Mt. Gilead, O., '54-. ♦Robert Sonthgate, b, 28 Jan. 1808, Portland, Me. B. C. 1826.— Ord. 4 Jan. 1832. p. Woodstock, Vt., '32-'36. — p. Wethersfield, Ct., '37-'43. — p. Presb. ch., Monroe, Mich., '45-49, — p. First ch., Ipswich, Ms., '51-68. — a.p. Fourth ch., Hartford, Ct,, '68-69; Orford West, N. H., '70-'71. — p. Hartford, Vt., '71 until died, at Woodstock, Vt., 6 Feb. 1873. 72 1829. [1880. *Tertins Dnnning- Southworth, b. 25 July 1801, Rome, N.Y. Ham. C — a.p. Paris, N. Y., '29-'32. — Ord., by Oneida Presb'y, 7 Oct. 1832. p. Cong, ch,, Claremont, N. H., '34-38. — p. Franklin, Ms. (colleague with Dr. Em- mons), '38-50.— occ. sup. '50-59. — a.p. Pleasant Prairie, Wis., '59-68. — w.c. and occ. sup. Bridgewater, N. Y., '69 until died there, 2 Aug. 1874. *John Starkweather, b. 27 Oct. 1800, Worthington, Ms. Y. C. 1825. — Ord. 22 April 1830. p. Billerica, Ms., '30-'31. — p. Bristol, R. I., '31-'34. — a.p. Buffalo, N. Y. ; Binghamton, N. Y., '. .-'. . — p. Orange, Ct., '39-'40. — w.c, res. chiefly New Haven, Ct., and Hamden, Ct., '40 until died, at Hamden, 5 Dec. 1865. *01iver AWen Taylor, b. 18 Aug. 1801, Yarmouth, Ms. U. C. 1825. — In lite- rary labor, Andover, Ms. ; also occ. sup. Andover, Topsfield, etc., Ms., '29- '38. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1838. a.p. Greenfield (and other places), Ms., '38-'39. p. Manchester, Ms., '39 until died there, 13 Dec. 1851. Erdix Tenny, D.D., b. 11 June 1801, Corinth, Vt. M. C. 1826.— Ord. 5 Jan. 1831. p. Lyme, N. H., '31-'67. — w.c. Westborough, Ms., '67-'80. ; Nor- wich, Ct., '80-. *Caleb Branch Tracy, b. 1 1 July 1 799, New Marlborough, Ms. W.C. 1826.— Ord. 10 March 1830. a.p. Canaan, N. Y., '30 ; Troy, N. Y., '30-'31 ; Glens Falls, N.Y., '31-32. — p. North Adams, Ms., '32-34, — p. Petersham, Ms., '34-37. — p. Boscawen, N, H., '37-51. — a.p. St. Johnsbury, Vt, '51-53; Northfield, Vt., '54-'56 ; Rochester, Vt., '56-'59 ; Jericho, Vt., '60-'65 ; Ben- nington, N. H., '65-'68; Wilmot, N. H., '68-'77; w.c. there and at Potter Place, Andover, N. H., until died there, 14 Jan. 1881. ♦Georg-e Trask, b. 15 Aug. 1798, Beverly, Ms. B.C. 1826. — Ord. 15 Sept. 1830. p. Framingham, Ms., '30-36. — p. Warren, Ms., '36-4 7. — p. Trin. ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '47-'49. — temperance agent, Fitchburg, Ms., '50 until died there, 25 Jan. 1875. *Phanuel Warner Warriner, b. 17 March 1799, Wilbraham, Ms. Ham. C. 1826. — Ord. at Boston, Ms., Presb., 24 Sept. 1829. b.ra. — a.p. Presb. ch., Monroe, Mich., '29-33. — p. White Pigeon, Mich., '33-39. — w.c White Pigeon, Mich., '40. — tea. in Texas, (three years). — chap., U. S. Navy. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Eastern Texas, '47-'61. — w.c. since '61, res. Troup, Swift Co., Texas ; in Tyler, Texas, until died there, 3 Nov. 1879. *Ira Mason Weed, from Hinesburg, Vt. U. Vt. 1825. — Ord. at Boston, Ms., Presb., 24 Sept. 1829. h.m. Ypsilanti, Mich., '29-'30 ; p. '30-'47. — dis. sec. A.B. C.F.M., Chicago, 111., '47-'56. — fin. agent Lind Univ., Lake Forest, 111., '56-'58. — w.c. '58-'6 2. — a.p. First Presb. ch., Granville, 111., '62-66. — w.c. or agent, Ypsilanti, Mich., '66 until died there, 30 Nov. 1871. *Seward Wyman, b. 8 Oct. 1803, North Yarmouth, Me. B. C. 1825. — Not ordained. — Died, at Portland, Me., 4 May 1860. 1880.] 1829. 73 *John Kimball Young, D.D., b. 22 March 1802, Dover, N. H. D.C. 1821.— Ord. Presb., in Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1829. agent Am. Ed. Soc, '29-'30. — p. Cong, cb., Laconia, N.H., '31-67. — a.p. Hopkinton, N. H., '67-'74. — w.c. Laconia, N. H., '74 until died there, 28 Jan. 1875. John H. Black (1), from Newark, N. J. Ham. C. 1821. — Not ordained. — *Amos Blanchard, d.d. (1), b. 7 March 1807, Andover, Ms. Y. C. 1826.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '28-'29.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1829. — Ord. 25 Dec. 1829. p. First ch., Lowell, Ms., '29-'45. — p. Kirk st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '45 until died there, 14 Jan. 1870. ♦Peter Allan Brinsmade (1), b. 1 April 1804, New Hartford, Ct. B. C. 1826.— Not ordained — merchant, Augusta, Me. — U. S. Consul, Hawaiian Islands, '39-45. — Died, at Lowell, Ms., 6 Jan. 1859. ♦Artemas Bullard, d.d. (1), b. 3 June 1802, Northbridge, Ms. A.C. 1826. — Ord. 20 April 1831. — Sec. Mass. S.S.Union, '28-'32. — Dis. Sec. A.B. C. F.M., Cincinnati, O., '32-38. — p. First Presb. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '38 until died near Jefferson City, Mo., from railway accident, 1 Nov. 1855. ♦Charles Cleaveland (1), b. 26 June 1804, Guilford, Ct. M. C. 1824. — Episc. Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1829. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 3 Nov. 1829; priest, — r. Shelburne, Vt., '41-50. — r. Canton, Miss., '51.— Ashfield, Ms., '53-'59. — r. East New York, N.Y., '60 until died there, 19 Dec. 1865. ♦Joseph Metcalf Driver (2), b. 4 April 1801, Salem, Ms. H. C. — Ord. 6 Oct. 1828. Bapt. ch., North Reading, Ms., '28-'. . — Brookline, Ms., '30-'..— ' Randolph, Ms. — Sharon, Ms. — Maiden, Ms. — Plymouth, Ms. ('41).— Poultney, Charlotte, and Grafton, Vt. — Rockport, Ms. ('57-'58). — chap- lain U. S. A., Columbian Hospital, Washington, D. C. (two years and a half). — Hampton Falls, N. H., '67-'., — Died, at Windsor, Vt., 22 Dec. 1878. ♦Daniel Freeman (1), from Canaan, Ct. W.C. 1826. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 6 Oct. 1827. ♦Marcus A. Jones (2-f-), from Athol, Ms. H. C. — Died, in Ky., or Tenn., in 1837 or 1838. ♦Caleb Kimball (l-f-), b. 3 June 1798, Ipswich, Ms. D.C. 1826. — Ord., at Barnstable, Ms., 1832. a.p. Harwich, Ms., '32-'34 ; Biddeford, Me., '40-'42. — w.c. from '42, res. at Medway, Ms. ; author. — Blind for more than forty-seven years. — Died, at Medway, Ms., 19 June 1879. ♦Milton Kimball (1—), b. 20 Feb. 1799, Boscawen, N. H. A. C. 1826. — Ord., Presb., 21 July 1829. h.m. — a.p. Chester, O., '29-'33. — agent A.B.C.F.M., 111. and Mo., '34-36. — p. Presb. ch., Augusta, III, '36-46.— w.c. Augusta, 111,, '46 until died there, 10 Oct. 1865. 10 74 1829. 1830. [1880. ♦Frederick Luke (1), from Bethlehem, N. Y. U. C. 1826.— Not ordained, farmer, Bethlehem, N. Y. ; died there 1829. ♦Joseph Peck, b 1797, Amherst, Ms. A. C. 1826. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 24 Sept. 1827. ♦George William Perkins (2), b. 22 Feb. 1804, Hartford, Ct. Y. C. 1824.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1829.— Ord. 30 May 1830. Am. Presb. ch , Montreal, P. Q., a.p. '29-30; p. '30-39. — p. Meriden, Ct., '41-54.- p. First Cong. ch., Chicago, 111., and editor Cong. Herald, '55 ; died there, 13 Nov. 1856. ♦Anson Rood (1), b 1801, Jericho, Vt. M. C. 1825. Princeton Theol. Sem., '28. — Ord. 23 April 1829. p. Danbury, Ct., '29-'37. — p. Presb. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '37-'49. — engaged in independent benevolent operations, in Pa. (assoc. editor North American, '49-'51. — Died, in Philadelphia, Pa., 27 Nov. 1857. ♦Asa Milton Train (1), b. 26 July 1800, Enfield, Ms. A. C. 1825. — Yale Theol. Sem.,'27-'28.— Ord. 16 July 1828. p. Milford, Ct., '28-'50. — a.p. Prospect, Ct., '55-56; '58-'60. — w.c. Milford, Ct., '60 until died there, 14 June 1863. ♦Melancthon Gilbert Wheeler, (1—), b. 22 May 1802, Charlotte, Vt. U. C, 1825. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1828. — Ord., Presb., at Newburyport, Ms., 12 Aug. 1829. h.m. '29-'30. — p. First ch., Abington, Ms., '31-'33.— p, Conway, Ms., '34-41. — p. Williamsburg, Ms., '42-46. — a.p. Edwards ch. Northampton, Ms., '46. — agent Am. Col'n Soc, '48-'55. — p. South Dart mouth, Ms., '55-59. — a.p. Grafton, Vt., '59-62. — w.c. West Roxbury, Ms. '62-'65; North Woburn, Ms., '65 until died there, 9 Feb. 1870. 1830. ♦Joseph Abbott, D.D., b. 16 Aug. 1808, Philadelphia, Pa. U.C. 1827.— Ord. 23 Oct. 1834. p. Dane st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '34-66. — w.c. Beverly, Ms., '66 until died there, 10 April 1867. ♦William Adams, D.D., LL.D., b .25 Jan. 1807, Colchester, Ct. Y. C. 1827. — Ord. 2 Feb. 1831. p. Brighton, Ms., '31-34.- p. Central Presb. ch., New York city, '34-'53. — p. Madison Square ch., New York city, '53-'73. — Pres. Union Theol. Sem., New York, and Prof. Sac. Rhet., '73 until died, at Orange Mountain, N. J., 31 Aug. 1880. ♦John McClcnch Bartley, b. 15 May 1 799, Londonderry, N. H. A . C. — a.p. Martha's Vineyard, Ms., '30; Orleans, Ms., '30-'32.— Ord. 12 Oct. 1836. p. Hampstead, N.H., '36-58. — a.p. York, Me., '59; Kittery, Me., '59 until died there, 2 June 1860. 1880.] 1830. 75 *John Batchelder, b. 18 July 1801, Wendell (now Sunapee), N. H. D. C. 1827. — a.p. Barrington, etc., R. I., '31-33. — Ord., Episc, dea., 5 July 1831. r. Trinity ch., Jacksonville, 111., •33-'38. — — r. Christ ch., Burlington, lo., '40-*50. — h.m. 111. and lo., res. Burlington, Ic, '50 until died there, 25 March 1867. George Barrell Cheerer, D.D., b. 17 April 1807, Hallowell, Me. B.C. 1825. — Ord. 13 Feb. 1833. p. Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '33-36. — in Europe, '36-38. — p. Allen st. Presb. ch., New York, '39-44. —editor New York Evangelist, '45. — p. Cong. Ch. of the Puritans, New York, '46- '67. — w.c. Englewood, N. J., '67-. *Bela Bates Edwards, D.D., b. 4 July 1802, Southampton, Ms. A. C. 1824. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '2 7-'29. — assist, sec. Am. Ed. Soc, '28-33; editor Am. Quarterly Register, '28-'42. — Ord. 3 Oct. 1837. — editor Am. Quar- terly Observer, '33-'34 ; Biblical Repository, '35-'38; BiUiolheca Sacra, '44-'5 2. — Prof. Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '37-'48 ; Prof. Bib. Lit., '48.— Died, at Athens, Ga., 20 April 1852. *John S Emerson, M.D., b. 28 Dec. 1800, Chester, N. H. D. C. 1826.— agent A.B.C.F.M., '30-'31.— Ord. 19 May 1831. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '31 until died, at Waialua, Oahu, 28 March 1867. *Luciail Faruham, b. 8 July 1799, Lisbon, Ct. A. C. 1827. — Ord., Presb., at Newburyport, Ms., 23 Sept. 1830. h.m. Fulton Co., 111., '30-31. — a.p. Jacksonville, 111., '32-33. — p. Princeton, 111., '35-38. — a.p. Hadley, 111., '40-42 ; Presb. ch., Batavia, and Cong, ch., Big Grove, 111., '42-44 ; Big Woods, 111., '42-47. —p. Batavia, III., '48-49. — a.p. Lockport, 111., '49- '50 ; Newark, 111., '51-57. — occ. sup. for destitute chhs., res. Newark, 111., '57 until died there, 8 July 1874. *Ferris Fitch, b. 3 Oct. 1802, Pawlet, Vt. M. C. 1826. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1830. p. Belfast, Me., '30-'31. — a.p. Castine, Me., '32 ; Eliot, Me., '32-34. — p. Painesville, O., '34-36. — p. Presb. ch., Richmond, O., '36-37. — a.p. Huron, O., '37-'38. — Lower Sandusky, O., a.p. '38-'39 ; p. '39-'43. — a.p. Avon, O., '44-'. .— Died, at Brownhelm, O., 30 June 1847. Joseph Fuller, b. 18 Dec. 1806, Vershire, Vt. M. C. 1827. — Ord. 29 Sept. 1830. p. Kennebunk, Me., '30-34. — p. Brimfield, Ms., '35-'37. — p. Ridgefield, Ct., '38-42. — occ. sup. Vershire, Vt., '43-53. — a.p. Vershire, Vt., '53-'60; w.c. there, '60-. *DaTid Downs Gregory, b. 27 Aug. 1802, Sand Lake, N. Y. ^Y. C. 1827. — a.p. Ripley, N. Y., '30-31. — Ord. 10 Nov. 1831. a.p. Presb. ch., Fredonia, N.Y., '31-'32. — p. Westfield, N. Y., '33-'38. — p. Binghamton, N. Y., '38-47. — p. Tab. ch., Cincinnati, O., '47-'53. — a.p. North East, Pa., '53- '58 ; Tab. ch., Cincinnati, O., '58-59. — p. Cong, ch., Prattsburg, N. Y., '59-'66. — a.p. Presb. ch., Apalachin, N. Y., res. Binghamton, '66; a.p East Maine, N. Y., '74.— Died, at Binghamton, N.Y., 16 Sept. 1874. 76 18 30'. [1880. Ichabod Andrus Hart, b. 16 Feb. 1803. Paris (the part now Marshall), N.Y., Ham. C. 1826. — Princeton Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 23 Sept. 1830. h.m. — a.p. Adams, N. Y., '30-'31 . — agent Am. Ed. Soc, Central N. Y., '31-'33. a.p. Cooperstown, N. Y., '33-35. — p. Franklin, N. Y., '35-39. — p. San- dusky, O., '39-'44. — a.p. Kenosha, Wis., '45-'47; Greenwood, etc., 111., '47-'57. — agent Walworth Co. Inst. '56-'60. — in business, '60-'65. — agent Western Tract and Book Soc, Wheaton, 111., '65-67. — treas. Wheaton Coll., and assoc. editor C/im/iatt Cynosure, '67-73. — w.c. Wheaton, 111., '73-. George Wliitefleld Hathaway, b 1808, Fall River, Ms. W.C. 1827. — agent A.B.C.F.M., and assist, at rooms, '30-31. — a.p. Canton, Ms., '32; West Bridgewater, Ms., '32-'33. — Ord. 20 March 1833. p. Bloomfield (now Skowhegan), Me., '33-60. — a.p. Grinnell, lo., '60-'61 ; Bingham, etc., Me., '61-63. — chap. 19th Me. Vols., '63-65.— occ. pr. '65-69.— supervisor of schools, Somerset Co., Me., '69-'70. — Skowhegan, Me., occ. pr., '70-77. — Santa Monica, Cal., '78-79. *Osgood Herrick, b. 19 Nov. 1799, Marlborough, N. H. D. C. 1826. — Ord. 9 Dec. 1830. — p. Millbury, Ms., '30-'. . ; died there, 16 March 1837. Edwin Jennison, b. 26 Aug. 1805, Walpole, N.H. D.C. 1827.— Ord. 17 Aug. 1831. p. Walpole, N. H., '31-'35. — p. Mount Vernon, N. H., '36-'41. — p. Ashburnham, Ms., '42-'46. — p. Hopkinton, N.H., '47-49. — a.p. Alstead, N. H., '50-'52 ; Langdon, N. H., '52-'55. — w.c. Walpole, N. H., '56-'60 ; Winchester, N. H., '60-. John Ballard KendaH, b. 26 Dec. 1 799, Phillipston, Ms. A.C. 1827.— Ord. h.m. — p. Easton, N.Y., '32-'. . — p. Bethany, Ct., '34-'36. — a.p. So. Wilbraham, Ms., '37. — farmer, Washington Co., N.Y., '37-'.. was in Eckford, Mich., in '57; farmer, res. near Marshall, Mich., '72. *Moses Kimball, b. 24 July 1 799, Hopkinton, N.H. D.C. 1826. —a.p. Haver- hill, N.H., '30.— Ord. 25 Jan. 1832. Randolph, Vt., a.p. '31-'32; p. '32- '33. — p. Hopkinton, N.H., '34-'46. — p. Tewksbury, Ms., '47-49. — a.p. Ascutneyville, Vt., '49-68; East Haverhill, Ms., '68 until died there, 17 Sept 1868. *CharIes Herbert Little, b. 4 Dec. 1804, Boscawen, N.H. D.C. 1827. — Not ordained. — editor N.H. Observer, '33-35. — w.c. Boscawen, N. H., '35 until died there, 1 Jan. 1836. *Alexander Wilson McClure, D.D., b. 8 May 1808, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1827. — Ord. 19 Dec. 1832. First ch.. Maiden, Ms., a.p. '30-32; p. '32-'43.— — a.p. Presb. ch., St. Augustine, Fla., '44-46. — editor Christian Observa- tory, Boston, Ms., '47-'50. — p. First Cong, ch.. Maiden, Ms., '48-'51. — p. Ref (Dutch) ch., Jersey City, N.J., '51-'54. — Sec. Am. and For. Chr. Un., '55-57. — Died, at Canonsburgh, Pa., 20 Sept. 1865. 1880.] 18 30. 77 *Je(le(liah Clark Parmelee, b 1803, Bethlem, Ct. M.C 1827.— agent A.B.C.F.M., '30-'31.— Ord — a.p. Presb. ch., Westfield, N.Y., '32-'33 ; Tallmadge, O., '33-'40. — w.c. '40 until died, at Sandy Hill, N.Y., 28 June 1841. *Abel Patten, b. 1 May 1805, Billerica, Ms. D.C. 1827. — Ord. 7 Feb. 1832. p. Billerica, Ms., '33-35. — p. Monument, Sandwich, Ms., '35-38. — a.p. Hanson, Ms., '38-'39 ; Jamaica, Vt., '39-'42 ; Wilmington, Vt., '44-'47; Marlborough, Vt., '47-'52 ; Pittsfield, Vt., '53-'55 ; Burlington, Ms., '56-'57. — w.c. Burlington, Ms., '57-'58. — a.p Alstead Center, N. H., '58-59.— w.c. Billerica, Ms., '59 until died, at Lowell, Ms., 23 Feb. 1864. *William Richardson, b. 4 March 1801, Gilmanton, N. H.— .— Ord. 15 Dec. 1830. p. Second ch., Wilton, N.H., '30-'40. — a.p. Lyndeborough, N. H., '40-41. — p. Deering, N.H., '42-46. — w.c. Manchester, N. H., '46 until died there, 6 Sept. 1869. *TVilliam Matticks Rogers, b. 10 Sept. 1806, Island of Alderney. H.C. 1827. —Ord. 16 Feb. 1831. p. Townsend, Ms., '31-35. — p. Central ch., Boston, Ms., '35 until died, at Dorchester, Ms., 11 Aug. 1851. ♦Charles Gilman Safford, M.D., b. 14 Nov. 1804, Exeter, N.H. D.C. 1827. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1831. p. Gilmanton, N.H., '31-36.- physician. South- borough, Ms., Rutland, Ms., until died there, 27 April 1847. ^William Gottlieb Schauffler, D.D., b. 22 Aug. 1798, Stuttgart, Ger. — res. in Odessa, 1804-26. —.— Ord. 14 Nov. 1831. miss'y to the Jews, Con- stantinople, '31-'55; to the Moslems, '55-'61. — translator of Bible into Turkish, Constantinople, Am. and British and For. Bible Socs., '60-'74. — in Austria, '74-'77 ; New York, '77-. ♦Orsamus Tinker, b. 5 Nov. 1801, Worthington, Ms. W.C. 1827.— Ord. 8 Dec. 1830. p. Newmarket, N.H., '30-33. — p. Ashby, Ms., '34 until died there, 13 Oct. 1838. •Moses Winch, b. 23 Feb. 1801, Holden, Ms. A.C. 1827. — Ord. 21 Sept. 1831. p. Paxton, Ms., '31-33. — occ. sup., '33-37. — w.c, res. Wellesley, Ms., '37 until died there, 8 Dec. 1875. ♦Leonard Woods, D.D., LL.D., b. 24 June 1807, West Newbury, Ms. U. C. 1827.— teacher of Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '30-31.- Ord., by N.Y. 3d Presb'y, 12 May 1833. editor Literary and Theol. Review, N. Y., '34- '37.— Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '36-'39. — Pres. Bowd. Coll., '39-66. — w.c. Brunswick, etc.. Me., '66 until died, at Boston, Ms., 24 Dec. 1878. 78 1830. [1880. *Henry Axtell (1), b 1802, Mendham, N. J. Ham. C. 1823. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '25-'26. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1830. — Ord. 16 June 1830. p. Presb. ch., Lawrenceville, N.J., '30-'35. — p. Second Presb. ch., Orange, N.J., '35-38. — w.c. and occ. pr. St. Augustine, Fla., '38-43. — chap. U.S.A., Tampa Bay,' 43-'50; New Orleans, La., '50-'53. — w.c. Phila- delphia, Pa., '53 until died there, 15 July 1854. James Taylor Dickinson (2), b. 27 Oct. 1806, Lowville, N.Y. Y.C. 1826.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1830. — Ord. 4 April 1832. p. Norwich, Ct., '32-'34. — stud, med., '34-35. — f.m. Singapore, '35-'40. — teacher, Singapore, '40- '43. — res. Middlefield, Ct., since '44, teacher, occ. pr., etc., '45-56. — w.c. '56-. *John Hubbard Eaton (1), b. 12 April 1806, Boxford, Ms. H. C. 1827.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1831. — Not ordained. — teacher, New York ; died there, ..July 1862. ♦Henry K. Greene (1—), from Waterford, N.Y. U.C. 1827.— Ord., Bapt., at Salem, Ms., Sept., 1828, to be a.p. Bapt. ch., Halifax, N.S. — — Tutor, Wash. Coll. ('43).— — p. First Bapt. ch., Trenton, N.J., '50-53. — p. First ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '..-'.. — p. Second ch., Danbury, Ct., '58-'59. — Died, at Orange, N.J., 23 Feb. 1862. Charles Payson Grosvenor (2), b. 12 Aug. 1804, Porafret, Ct. Y.C. 1827.— h.m. 111. — Ord. 16 July 1834. p. Waterford (now Blackstone), Ms., '34- '35. _ a.p. Kingston, R.I., '35-38. — p. Scituate, R.I., '38-47. — a.p. Reho- both, Ms., '47-'56; Stoneham, Ms., '57-'58.— p. Canterbury, Ct, '68-71. — a.p. West Woodstock, Ct., '71-'75; Ashford, Ct., '75-. Henry Pearl Hickok (1—), b. 27 Aug. 1804, Burlington, Vt. U. Vt. 1827. — Ord. 25 June 1832. li.m. — a.p. Georgia, Vt., '31-32 ; Peru, N. Y., '33- '34 — in business, since '34; now Pres. Merchants' National Bank, Bur- lington, Vt. *George Huntington (1—), b. 27 Aug. 1807, Rome, N.Y. Y.C. 1827. — Died, on journey home, at New York city, while a member of the Seminary, 25 March 1828. ♦Charles Colcock Jones, d.d. (2-f), b. 20 Dec. 1804, Liberty Hall, Ga.— .— Princeton Theol. Sem., '28-'30. — Ord. 27 Nov. 1831. p. Presb. ch., Sa- vannah, Ga., '31-32. — h.m. Liberty Co., Ga., '32-36. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Columbia, S.C, '36-38. — h.m. Riccborough and vie, Ga., '38-48. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C, '48-'50. — Sec. Presb. Board of Missions, '50-'53. — a.p. Pleasant Grove, Ga., '53-'. . ; died there, 16 March 1863. *John Taylor Jones, d.d. (2-|-). b. 16 July 1802, New Ipswich, N.H. A.C. 1825. — Newton Theol. Sem. 1830. — Ord., Bapt., at Boston, Ms., 28 July 1830. f.m. Burmah, '30-'32 ; Siani, '32 until died there, 13 Sept. 1851. 1880.] 1830. 1831. 79 ♦George Farrar Moulton (1—), b. 25 Sept. 1805, Biicksport, Me. B.C. 1827. — Not ordained. — teacher, Newcastle, Del, '32-33 ; Bangor, Me., '33-34 ; Philadelphia, Pa., '35-'66. — lib. Phil. Ath.. '66 until died, 20 Nov. 1872. *Amos Augustus Phelps (2+), b. 11 Nov. 1804, Farmington, Ct. Y.C. 1826. — Yale Theol. Seni., 1830. — Ord. 14 Sept. 1830. p. Hopkinton, Ms., '30-32. — p. Pine st. ch., Boston, Ms., '32-34. — agent Am. Anti-Slav. Soc, '34-'S6. — editor Emancipator, '36-'37. — gen. agent Mass. Anti-Slav. Soc, '37-39. — p. Marlborough Chapel, Boston, Ms., '39-40. — city miss'y Boston, Ms., '40-42. — p. Maverick ch.. East Boston, Ms., '42-45. — Sec. Am. and For. Anti-Slav. Soc, '45 until died, at Boston Highlands, Ms., 30 July 1847. ♦Barnabas Phinney (1), b. 23 July 1798, Sheffield, Ms. W.C. 1827.— Auburn Theol. Sem., '28-'29. — Ord. 3 March 1830. p. Hanover, Lisbon, Ct., '30-32. — p. Pawtucket, R.I., '33-36. — p. Westborough, Ms., '36. — w.c. '36 until died, in Miss., 14 Nov. 1848. George Jeffrey Tillotson (1+ ), b. 5 Feb. 1805, Farmington, Ct. Y.C. 1825. — Yale Theol. Sera., 1830. — Ord. 25 May 1831. p. Brooklyn, Ct., '31- '58. — a.p. Putnam, Ct., '58-'70; Central Village, Plainfield, Ct., '70- -'73; Hampton, Ct., '73-'75; w.c. Rocky Hill, Ct., '76-'77; Wethersfield, Ct.', '78-. ♦James Wilson Ward (I), b. 21 'May 1803, Alna, Me. D.C. 1826— teacher, acad,. South Berwick, Me., '29-31. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1832. — Ord. 21 May 1834. — p. First ch., Abington, Ms., '34-56. — w.c. Madison, Wis , '56-57. — in Mass. House of Rep., '51, '52, and '57, and Senate in '55. — w.c. Madison, Wis., '57-'62; Davenport, lo., '62-'63. — a.p. Lakeville, Ms., '63-'69. — w.c. there, until died, from accident, in New York city, 31 Jan. 1873. 1831. Silas Baker, b. 9 Sept. 1807, Edgecomb, Me. B.C. 1828. — Ord. 7 March 1832. p. Truro, Ms., '32-34.- p. Hampden, Me., '34-37. — a.p. Kenne- bunkport, Me., '38-'40 ; Standish, Me., '41-43. — w.c. Standish, Me., '43-. ♦Gamaliel Carter Beaman, b. 20 March 1799, Winchendon, Ms. U.C. 1828. Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch., Croton, lo., '31. — p. Piketon, O., '31-37. — a.p. BurHngton, O., '37-'45, and prin. acad. there, '40-45. — a.p. Montrose, lo., '46-'52; Croton, lo., " '52-72 ; Montrose, lo., '73 until died, at Keosauqua, lo., 26 Oct. 1875. Daniel Cole Blood, b. 2 Feb. 1803, Orford, N.H. D.C. 1828. — Ord. 26 Sept. 1831. h.m. Covington, and Newport, Ky., '31-32; Cheviot and Cleves,0., '32-34 ; chaplain, Cleveland, O., '34-35, and a.p. Strongsville,0., '34-'36 ; p. Tecumseh, Mich., '37-'39.— sec. West. Res. Ed. Soc, '39-'42.— p. Strongsville, O., '42-'50. — a.p. Presb. ch., Massilon, O., '51-'66. — w.c. CoUamer, O., '66-. 80 1831. [1880. *Asaph Boutelle, b. 7 Oct. 1804, FItchburg, Ms. A.C. 1828. — Ord., Presb., at Bradford, Ms., 26 Sept. 1831. O., '31-43. — p. Alexandria, O., '43-'47. — p. Lunenburg, Ms., '48-'50. — p. Peacham, Vt., '51 until died there, 12 Jan. 1866. William Thurston Boutwell, b. 4 Feb. 1803, Lyndeborough, N. H. D.C. 1828.— Ord., at Woburn, Ms., 7 June 1831. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.) Ojibwa (etc.) Indians, '31-'46. — Stillwater, Minn., occ. pr., '47-'54; w.c. '54-. *Tliomas Brainerd, D.D., b. 17 June 1804, Leyden, N. Y.— . — Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. — p. Fourth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '31-'33. — editor Cincinnati Journal, and Youth's Magazine, *33-'36. — p. Third Presb. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '37 until died, at Scranton, Pa., 21 Aug. 1866. *Jason Chapin, b. 7 Sept. 1801, Newport, N.H. A.C. 1828. — Ord. 26 Sept. 1831. h. m.— a.p. Madison, O., '31-33. ; Jefferson, O., '33-34 ; West ch., Farmington, O., and teacher, '34-'. . — tea. Geneseo, 111., '40 until died there, 11 Sept. 1846. ♦Joseph Sylvester Clark, D.D., b. 19 Dec. 1800, Plymouth, Ms. A.C. 1827. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '28-'29. — Ord. 21 Dec. 1831. p. Sturbridge, Ms., '31-39. — Sec. Mass. H. M. Soc, '39 '57. — Sec. Cong. Lib. Assoc, '53-'., — editor and prop. Congregational Quarterly, '59 until died, at South Ply- mouth, Ms., 17 Aug. 1861. ♦Samuel Woodworth Cozzens, D.D., b. 25 Oct. 1801, Mayfield, N.Y. M.C. 1828.— Ord. 8 Aug. 1832. p. Second ch., Marblehead, Ms., '32-'37. — p. First ch., Milton, Ms., '37-'47. — a.p. Second ch., Milton, Ms., '47-51; Kingsboro', N. Y., '52. — p. Presb. ch., Mount Vernon, N.Y., '53-'59.— a.p. Cong, ch., Weybridge, Vt., '59-68; South Plymouth, Ms., '68-72.— w.c. '72 until died, at Medfield, Ms., 7 Aug. 1875. *Edward Francis Cutter, D.D., b. 20 Jan. 1810, Portland, Me. B.C. 1828— Ord. 8 May 1833. p. Warren, Me., '33-46. —p. Second ch., Belfast, Me., '46-'55. — editor Christian ikfinor, Portland, Me., '56-'57. — a.p. Beards- town, 111., '57-'59. — w.c. Belfast, Me., '59-'63. — a.p. Rockland, Me., '63- '71 ; Andover, Me., '73. — w.c. Belfast, Me., until died, at Charleston, S.C, 27 March 1880. *John Quincy Adams Edgell, b. 15 Aug. 1802, Westminster, Vt. U. Vt. 1827. — Ord. 19 Sept. 1832. p. Second ch., West Newbury, Ms., '32-53. — agent Soc. for Prom, of Coll. and Theol. Ed. at the West, Andover, Ms., '53-65. — w.c. Burlington, Vt., '66 until died there, 15 Sept. 1867. *Josiah Fisher, b. 17 Oct. 1802, Blue Hill, Me. B.C. 1828.— Ord. 15 March 1832. p. Orono, Me., '32-'35. — h.m.. Me., '35-'36. — p. Clyde, N.Y., '36-'40. — a.p. Huron, N. Y., '40-'42. — p. Heath, Ms., '4 2-'4 5. — Green- bush, N. Y., teacher and occ. sup., '45-'50. — p. Presb. ch., Succasunna, N.J., '51-'65. — w.c. Succasunna, N.J., '65-'71. — w.c. Providence, Pa., '72 until died there, 17 June 1875. 1880.] 1831. ■ 81 Nathaniel Smith Folsom, D.D., b. 12 March 1806, Portsmouth, N.H. D.C. 1828.— Ord., Presb., 26 Sept. 1831. h.m. Ga., '31-'32. — a.p. Presb. ch., Cleveland, O., '32-'33. — Prof. Lang., Lit. Dep., Lane Theol. Sem., '33.— Prof. Bib. Lit., Western Res. Coll., '33-'36. — p. Francestown, N.H., '36- '38. — p. High St. ch., Providence, R.L, '38-40. — p. Unitarian ch., Haver- hill, Ms., '40-'46. — minister at large, Charlestown, Ms., and editor Christian Register, '46-'48. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Theol. School, Meadvllle, Pa., '48-'61. — teacher. Concord, Ms., '62-; also, a.p. Cong, ch., Concord, Ms., '67-'68. — w.c. there, '. .-'75, and Boston '75-. *Edward Josiah Fuller, b. 5 Jan. 1806, Plainfield, Ct. A.C. 1828. — Ord. 11 Jan. 1832. —p. No. Chelsea (now Revere), Ms., '32-35.— p. Hardwick, Ms., '35-37. — a.p. Brooklyn, O., '37-40. — agent Western Anti-Slavery Soc, '40-'45. — w.c. after. — Died, at Brighton, O., 12 March 1876. *William Gage, b. 16 Nov. 1797, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1828. — Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. — p. Concord, O. (and Pisgah, O., '32- '55), '32 until died there, 9 July 1863. Edmund tfarland, b. 15 Feb .1 799, Parsonsfield, Me. D.C, 1 828.— Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. — a.p. Stony Creek and Liberty, O., '31-32; New Richmond, O., '33-34. — teacher, Granville, O., '35-37; also a.p. St. Albans and Hartford, O., '35-37 ; Unity and New Lexington, O., '37-'40 ; Watertown, O., '40 ; Baltimore, O., '41-49. — teacher. Central College, O., '49-51. — a.p. Johnstown, O., '51-62. — w.c. Johnstown, O., '62-'67 ; Granville, O., '67-. *Sherman Hall, b. 30 April 1800, Weathersfield, Vt. D.C. 1828. — Ord., at Woburn, Ms., 7 June 1831. miss'y, A.B.C.F.M., Ojibwa Indians, LaPointe, Lake Superior, '31-52; Crow Wing, Minn., '52-54. — a.p. Sauk Rapids, Minn., '54 until died there, 1 Sept. 1879. *Cyrus Holmes, b. 9 July 1800, Halifax, Ms. D.C. — Not ordained. — prin. Acad., Woburn, Ms., '31-35. — teacher, Northampton, Ms.,'..-'.. — prin. Acad., Hanover, Ms., '40 until died there, 16 Aug. 1849 Samuel Hopkins, b. 11 April 1807, Hadley, Ms. D. C. 1827.— Ord. 26 Oct. 1831. p. Montpelier, Vt., '31-35. — p. Saco, Me., '36-45. — w.c, author, Northampton, Ms., '45-66. — a.p. Standish, Me., '66-73; Topsham, Me., '73-74.— res. Milton, N.Y., '75-. *Edmund Otis Hovey, D.D., b. 15 July 1801, Hanover, N. H. D.C. 1828.— — Ord., by Newburyport Presb'y, 26 Sept. 1831. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch.. Coal Creek, Fountain Co.,Ind., '32-34. — finan. agent Wabash Coll., Ind., '34-35 : Prof. Rhet., '34-'36 ; Prof. Chem., Min., and Geol. (also treas. Wabash Coll., '38-64), '36 until died there, 10 March 1877. Thaddeus Beman Hurlbut, b. 28- Oct. 1800, Charlotte, Vt. Ham.C. 1828. — agent Am. Tract Soc, Va., '31-'32. — gen. agent Am. Ed. Soc. for Ohio and Ky., res. Cincinnati, O., '33-'34. — Ord., Presb., St. Louis, Mo., 1 June 11 82 1831. [1880. 1834. — agent Am. Tract Soc, 111. and Mo., '34-37. — assoc. editor Alton Observer, 111., '37-38. — a.p. Edwardsville, 111., '38-39. — and teachi-r, Alton, 111., '39-43. — a.p. Presb. chhs. St. Charles and Lowell, 111., '43-47. Upper Alton, etc., 111., a.p. '47-'52; p. '52-'56. — res. Upper Alton, 111., a.p. Concord, Sliipman, Brighton, etc., 111., '57-'60. — a.p. Cong, chhs., Hammond and West Salem, Wis., '60-65. — Upper Alton, 111., occ. pr., '65-70; w.c. there, '70-. *John Wilson Irwin, b 1798, Chester, Pa.— . — Ord., Presb., at Ne%v York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. — p. Presb. ch., Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., '32-35. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, Tenn., '35. — teacher, Danbury, Ct., '45- '60. — w.c. Branchport, N.Y., '60.— Died, at Clifton Springs, N.Y., 26 July 1861. Benjamin Labaree, D.D., LL.D., b. 2 June 1801, Charlestown, N.H. D.C. 1828. — Ord, by Presb'y of Newburyport, at Bradford, Ms., 26 Sept 1831. h.m. Tenn., '31-'32. — Prof. Anc. Lang., Jackson Coll., Tenn., and Pres., '32-'37. — Sec. Central Am. Ed. Soc, '37-'40. — Pres. Mid. Coll., '40-'66. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '67-'69 ; Hyde Park, Ms. (a.p. South Weymouth, Ms., '69), '69-70. — res. West Roxbury, Ms., '70-'75; Charlestown, N.H., '75-'80; Walpole, N.H., '80-. *Henry J. Lamb, b. 23 Dec. 1800, Palmer, Ms.— .— Ord. 6 June 1833. p. Southbridge, Ms., '33-35. — p. No. Chelsea (now Revere,) Ms., '3G-'38. — chap. Fort Jesup, La., '40-47. — p. Peterborough, N. H., '4 7-'52.— p. West Suffield, Ct., '53-57. — a.p. Windsor, Ct., '57-59. — w.c. '59 until died, at West Springfield, Ms., 31 Oct. 1862. Darid Belden Lyman, b. 29 July 1803, New Hartford, Ct. W.C. 1828.— Ord. 25 Oct. 1831. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '31-. *Giles Lyman, b. 16 March 1802, Belchertown, Ms. A.C.* 1827. — Ord. 11 Jan. 1832. p. Jaffrey, N.H., '32-37. — a.p. Fowlerville, N. Y., '37-'38; Ashburnham, Ms., '38-'39 ; Gardner, Ms., '39-'40 ; Marlborough, N.II.,'40- '69. — w.c. Marlborough, N. H., '69-'. . — Died, at Winchendon, Ms., 11 Nov. 1872. *William Loomis Mather, b. 6 July 1806, New Britain, Ct. Ham. C. 1828. — Ord., at Hartford, Vt., 28 Sept. 1832. Sec. N.W. Branch Am. Ed. Soc, '32-37. — p. Wiscasset, Me., '37-'43. — p. Concord, Ms., '43-'48. — p. Mattapoisett, Ms., '49-'55. — temp, labors in Wis., '56-'61. — chap. 3d Wis. Vols., '61-62; hospital chap., U.S.A., '62-65. — w.c Andover, Ms., '65 until died there, 15 April 1868. *John Morrill, b. 25 Aug. 1796, Warren, N.H. A.C. 182G. — Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. Vevay, Ind., '31-33; Connersville and Brownsville, Ind., '33-34 ; Laporte and Michigan City, Ind., '34-36 ; Rockford and vie, 111., '37-'41 ; Lamoille, 111., '41-'43; Gap Grove, III., '43-44; Ridott and vie. 111., '46-56. — w.c '56, res. Pecatonica, 111., until died there, 16 March 1874. 1880.] 1831. 83 *Jolin Jason Owen, D.D., LL.D., b. 13 Aug. 1803, Johnstown, N.Y. M.C. 1828. — Old., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. Sec. Prcsb. Ed. Soc, '31-34. — prin. Cornelius Institute, N.Y., '35-48. — Prof. Latin and Greek, and Vice Pres., Coll. of the City of New York, '48-'. . ; died there, 18 Aprd 1869. Edwards Amasa Park, D.D., b. 29 Dec 1808, Providence, R.I. B.U. 1826. — Ord. 21 Dec. 1831. p. First ch., Braintree, Ms., '31-34. — Prof. Mental and Moral Phil, and Hebrew Lit., Amh. Coll., '34-'36. — Prof. Sac. Rhet., Andover Theol. Sem., '36-'47 ; Prof Chr. Theol., '47-'81 ; Prof, em., '81-. editor Blbliotheca Sacra since 1844. *John Usher Parsons, b. 1 Nov. 1806, Parsonsfield, Me. B.C. 1828. — Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. Ind., '31-34. — p. Berkley, Ms., '36-'38. — h.m. Wis., '38-'42; Ga., '44-'52. — a.p. Hyannis, Ms., '52- '55. — in Kansas, '55-'57. — a.p. Bristol, Me., '58-'61 ; Sanford, Me., '61- '63. — evang. North Acton, Me., '63-'. . — Died, at Wellesley, Ms., 21 May 1874. •Charles Summerfield Porter, b. 9 Dec. 1804, Ashfield, Ms. A. C. 1827.— Ord. 1 Aug. 1832. p. (Jloucester, Ms., '32-35. — p. Second A v. Presb. ch.. New York city, '35-'41. — p. Utica, N. Y., '41-'45. — p. Cong, ch., Plymouth, Ms., '45-53. — p. Phillips ch., South Boston, Ms., '54-57. — a.p. E St. ch.. South Boston, Ms., '57-62. — w.c. '62-66. — res. Boston, Ms., (sup. North Beverly, Ms., '66-67), '66 until died there, 10 April 1870. John Bronson Richardson, b. 18 Nov. 1804, Middlebury, Ct. D.C. 1828. — a.p. Portland, Me., '31-'32. — Ord., by New Haven Assoc'n, at Milford, Ct., 30 May 1832. h.m. — a.p. Naugatuck, Ct., '32-'33. — Presb. ch., Pittsford, N.Y., a.p. '33-34; p. '34-'50. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Geneva, N. Y., '50-'71. — w.c Geneva, N.Y., '71-. •Simeon Salisbury, b. 1 Feb. 1801, Brattleboro', Vt.— . — Ord., Presb., at New York city, 7 Oct. 1831. h.m. Woodford Co., Ky., '31-'36 ; near Madison, Ind., '36 until died, 26 April 1837. •Preserved Smith, b. 11 Sept. 1801, Winchester, N.H. A.C. 1828. — Ord. 12 June 1832. a.p. Pittsfield, N. H., '32-34. — occ sup. '34-36. — p. Carlisle, Ms., '36-46. — w.c. invalid, until died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Dec 1853. *Ephraim Spauldin^, b. 10 Dec. 1802, Ludlow, Vt. M.C. 1828. — Ord. 21 Nov. 1831. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '31-36; Westborough, Ms., still con- nected with A.B.C.F.M , until died there, 28 June 1840. •William Augustus Stearns, D.D., LL.D., b. 17 March 1805, Bedford, Ms. H.C. 1827.— Ord. 14 Dec 1831. p. Prospect st. ch., Cambridgeport, Ms. '31-54. — Pres. Amherst Coll., '54 until died there, 8 June 1876. 84 1831. [1880. *Benjamin Perkins Stone, D.D., b. 11 Feb. 1801, Reading, Vt. M.C. 1828. — Ord. 26 May 1831. p. Franklin, N. H., '31-'32. — Campton, N.H., a.p. '32-33; p. '33-37. — Sec. N. H. Miss. Soc., '37-59. — editor Congrega- tional Journal, '54-'62. — editor Christian Reporter, '65-'66. — treas. N. H. Miss. Soc, '53, and N. H. Bible Soc., Concord, N.H., '54 until died there, 26 Nov. 1870. *Samuel Talbot, b. ll Jan. 1801, Freeport, Me. B.C. 1824. — Ord. 1 Feb. 1832. p. Wilton, Me., '32-'42. — p. Alna, Me., '42-'..; died, at Waldo- borough, Me., 15 Nov. 1859. Sewall Tenney, D.D., b. 27 Aug. 1801, Bradford, Ms. D.C. 1827. — Ord. 10 Aug. 1831. a.p. Gorham, Me., '31-32. — p. Bethel ch., Portland, Me., '32-35. — p. Ellsworth, Me., '35-'75. — w.c. there, '75-. *AlYan Tobey, D.D., b. l April 1808, Wilmington, Vt. A.C. 1828. — Ord. 20 Nov. 1833. — p. Durham, N.H., '33-'70. — w.c. Durham, N.H., '70-73; South Berwick, Me., '73 until died there, 20 Sept. 1874. *John Adams Vinton, b. 5 Feb. 1805, Boston, Ms. D.C. 1828.- a.p. Bloora- field. Me., '31-'32.— Ord. 16 May 1832. p. Sharon, Me., '32-'34. — h.m. Me., '34-35. — a.p. Exeter, Me., '35-36; Chatham, Ms., '36-'38; Kings- ton, Ms., '38-'39; Stoneham, Ms., '39 ; West Randolph, Vt., '39-'42 ; Wil- liamstown, Vt., '42-'44. — agent Am. Soc. for Mel. Cond. of Jews, '46-'47. — a.p. Bristol, Me., '48-'49. — w.c. Stoneham, Ms., '50-'52. — chap. State Almshouse, Monson, Ms., '59-'60. — w.c. South Boston, Ms., '60-70; Win- chester, Ms., '70 until died there, 13 Nov. 1877. *Morris Edward White, b. 27 April 1803, Ashfield, Ms. D.C. 1828. — Ord. 20 June 1832. p. Southampton, Ms., '32-53. — w.c. Northampton, Ms., '53 until died, at Florence, Italy, 15 Oct. 1861. *John Wilde, b. ..June 1803, Dorchester, Ms. M.C. 1827. — Ord. 20 June 1832. p. Grafton, Ms., '32-'38. — p. Conway, N.H., '39-'45. — p. Second ch., Falmouth, Me., '45-'52. — p. Topsham, Me., '53-'55. — w.c. Brewer, Me., '55-'56 ; Brunswick, Me., '56-'57. — agent Am. S. S. Union, '57. — teacher. Deposit, N. Y., '58-'60 ; Stamford, N. Y., '61-64.- w.c. '64 until died, at Alexandria, Va., 9 Feb. 1868. ♦Asher Wright, born 7 Sept. 1803, Hanover, N.H. D.C— Ord. 12 Oct. 1831. miss'y, A.B.C.F.M., Seneca Indians, Buffalo Creek Res., N. Y., '31-'45 ; Cattaraugus, N. Y., '45 until died there, 13 April 1875. *Gorham Dummer Abbot, d.d., ll.d. (1-f-), b. 3 Sept. 1807, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1826. — Ord. evan., by 3d N.Y. Presb'y, 25. Dec. 1837. — a.p. New Rochelle, N.Y., '37-'41. — prin. Spingler Inst., New York, '43-65. — w.c. New York, '65-71 ; So. Natick, Ms., '71 until died there, 3 Aug. 1874. 1880.] 1831. 85 Henry Adams (1+), b. 13 April 1806, Worthington, Ms. A.C. 1828.— teacher, Ohio, '29-'.. — Ord. 25 Dec. 1833. p. Worthington, Ms., '33- '38. — w.c. West Andover, Ms., '38-'41. — p. Bolton, Ms., '41-43. — p. Berlin, Ms., '43-'52. — a.p. Peoria, 111., '54-'55. — Ord. deacon, Episc, . . 1858; priest, Cincinnati, 1860. — Chicago, 111. — Akron, O. — w.c. Milford, Ms. — Independence, lo., '65-'. . — Lyons, lo , '68. — Pas- saic, N.J., '68-'69. — w.c. Brooklyn, N.Y., '69-'.. — Milan, O., '72-'79.— Wachita, Kan., '79-. Thomas Bellows (1-f), b. 23 Sept. 1807, Walpole, N.H. D.C. 1827. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1831. — Ord. 12 March 1833. p. Second ch., Greenfield, Ms., '33-34. — a.p. Lunenburg, Ms., '35-36.— w.c. Walpole, N. H., '36-. *Ebenezer Green Bradford (1), b. 24 May 1801, Francestown, N. H. A.C. 1827.— Ord. 29 Feb. 1832. p. Colebrook, N. H., '32-'36. — p. Wards- borough, Vt., '36-42. — a.p. Presb. ch., Platteville, Wis., '42-'43; Cong, ch., Prairie du Sac, Wis., '44-47; Waupun, Wis., '47-'50; Princeton, Wis., '50-58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Leverett, Ms., 29 Aug. 1861. *Gurdon Saltonstall Coit, d.d. (1), b. 28 Oct. 1808, New London, Ct. Y.C. 1828. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 8 Aug. 1830; priest, 16 Dec. 1832. Trin. ch., Milton, Ct., '30-31. — St. Peter's ch., Plymouth, Ct., '32. — St. John's ch., Bridgeport, Ct., '33-62. — chap. U.S. Vols., '63.— Christ ch.. West Haven, Ct., '64-65.— St. Michael's ch., Naugatuck, Ct., '66-68. — occ. pr. '..-'.. — Died, at Southport, Ct., 10 Nov. 1869. Edmund Allburn Crawley, D.D. (1 — ), b. 20 Jan. 1799, Ipswich, Eng. K. C, Nova Scotia, 1828. — Ord., Bapt, at Providence, R.L, 16 May 1830. p. Bapt ch., Halifax, N.S., '36-'39 and '47-'52. — Pres. Acadia Coll., Wolf- ville, N.S., '39-'47 and '52-'55. — teacher and p. Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O., '56-'60. — prin. Limestone Springs Y. L. Sem., '60-64. — Prof. Ment. Phil., etc., Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N.S., '65-'70; prin. Theol. Dep., '70-. Josiah Davis Crosby (1), b. 1 March 1807, Ashburnham, Ms. U.C. 1826.— Ord. 4 Oct. 1837. p. Jafirey, N. H., '37-44. — teacher, and occ. sup., Ashburnham, Ms., '46-. *Isaac Foster (2), b. 7 July 1806, North Andover, Ms. D.C. 1828. — Not ordained, teacher, Portland, Me., '30-31 ; Exeter, N.H., '34-36 ; Kings- ton, R.L, '36-38; Stonington, Ct., '38-39. — farmer, res. North Andover, Ms., '39 until died there, 23 Aug. 1877. ♦Hosea Kittredge (2+), b. 25 March 1803, Mt. Desert, Me. A.C. 1828.— Ord. 10 July 1832. prin. acad., Blue Hill., Me., '30-36. — teacher and pr., Rushville, N.Y., '36-'42. — Jordan Acad., '42-44. — a.p. Presb. ch., Sodus, N.Y., '44-'50. — p. Second Presb. ch.. Red Creek, Wolcott, N.Y., '50-'56. — a.p. Eckford, Mich., '56-'60. — h.m. Mason, Mich., '60 until died there, 30 March 1873. 86 1831. 1832. 1880.] *David Peabody (1), b. 16 April 1805, Topsfield, Ms. D.C. 1828. — Union Theol. Seni., Va. — — Ord. 5 Nov. 1832. p. First cli., Lynn, Ms., '32-35. p. Worcester, Ms., '35-38. — Prof. Orat., Dart. Coll., '38 until died there, 17 Oct. 1839. *James Allwood Smith (1), b. 6 Nov. 1806, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1826.— Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1831. — Ord. 17 April 1832. p. Great Fails, N.H., '32- '37. — p. Glastonbury, Ct., '37-58.— a.p. Unionville, Ct., '58-'61. — w.c. Unionviile, Ct., '61 until died there, 15 April 1882. 183 2. *Asher Bliss, b. 20 Feb. 1801, West Fairlee, Vt. A.C. 1829.— Ord., at Post Mills, Vt., 25 Sept. 1832. niiss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Seneca Indians, Catta- raugus, N.Y., '31-'52 : also Alleghany Reservation, '32-'37. — a.p. Corydon, Pa., '51-'54. — miss'y Seneca Indians, '54-'56. — a.p. Stockton, N.Y., '56- '57 ; Alleghany Mission ch., Oldtown, and h.ra. South Valley, N.Y., '57- '67. — w.c. South Valley, N.Y., '67 until died there, 23 March 1881. *Tllomas Boutelle, b. 1 Feb. 1805, Leominster, Ms. A.C. 1829. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '33-'34. — Ord. 21 May 1834. p. Third ch., Plymouth, Ms., '34-'37. — p. East Woodstock, Ct., '37-'49. — p. Bath, N.H., '50-'56.— a.p. Ashburnham, Ms., '57-'63. — w.c. Fitchburg, Ms., '63 until died there, 28 Nov. 1866. Daniel Crane Burt, b. 31 March 1808, Berkley, Ms. B.U. 1828. — Ord. 1 July 1835. p. First ch., New Bedford, Ms., '35-57. — w.c. Berkley, Ms., '57-'65; Fairhaven, Ms., '65-'71 ; New Bedford, Ms., '71-. *Moody Chase, b. 25 Feb. 1802, Cornish, N. H. D.C. 1829. — Ord. .. Aug 1833. h.m. — a.p. Orleans, Ind., '32-35 ; Presb. ch., Danville, etc., Ind., '35-'41 ; Bainbridge, etc., Ind., '41-'47; p. Parkersburg, Ind., '47-'54. — w.c. Parkersburg, '54 until died there, 22 March 1879. *Elisha Lord Cleaveland, D.D., b. 25 April 1806, Topsfield, Ms. B.C. 1829. — Ord. 24 July 1833. p. Third ch.. New Haven, Ct., '33 until died there, 16 Feb. 1866. *Samuel Austin Fay, b. 19 Nov. 1809, Brimfield, Ms. A.C. 1828.— Ord. 16 Oct. 1832. p. Northborough, Ms., '32-36. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, '36-37. — p. Barre, Ms., '37-'40. — ^2'^'"* acad., Monson, Ms., '40-'. . ; died there, 19 Dec. 1842. Albert William Fiske, b. 16 Jan. 1802, Upton, Ms. B.U. 1829. — Ord. 8 May 1833. a.p. Alfred, Me., '32-44; First ch., Scarborough, Me., '44- '48; Houlton, Me., '48; Upton, Ms., '49. — p. Kittery, Me., '50-57. — p. Fisherville, N. H., '57-63. — a.p. Centre Harbor, N. H., '64; Boscawen, N.H., '65; Warner, N H., '65; Barnstead, N.H., '66-'68; Groton, N.H., '69-71. — res. Fisherville, N. H., '57-. 1880.] 1832. 87 ♦Charles Forbush, b. 13 Dec. 1803, Upton, Ms. A.C. 1829. — Ord. 21 Aug. 1833. p. Marlborough, Ms., '33-34. — p. Northbridge, Ms., '34-'. . ; died, 9 Sept. 1838. Jeffries Hall, b. 3 Feb. 1802, Cornish, N. H. A.C. 1829.— Ord. 5 June 1833. p. Hopkinton, Ms., '33-38. — occ. sup., res. Andover, Ms., '39-41. — teacher, Hopkinton, Ms., '41-42. — a.p. Wolfeborough, N. H., '43-51, and prin. acad. there, '43-45 ; Eliot, Me., '52-56 ; Chesterfield, N.H., '58- '68. — w.c. Chesterfield, N.H., '69-. ♦Ochiis Graves Hubbard, b. 7 Jan. 1805, Sunderland, Ms. A.C. 1829.— Ord. 23 May 1833. p. Leominster, Ms., '33-51. — a.p. East Falmouth, Ms., '52 until died there, 15 Aug. 1852. ♦William Albert Hyde, b. 5 June 1805, Lisbon, Ct. A.C. 1829.— Ord. 2 Jan. 1833. Yorktown, N.Y., a.p. '32-33; p. '33-38. — p. Westbrook, Ct., '38-54. — a.p. Greenwich, Ct., '54-64. — Grassy Hill, Lyme, Ct., a.p. '64-'67; p. '67 until died there, 19 Dec. 1874. *Corbin Kidder, b. l June 1801, Wardsborough, Vt. A.C. 1828. — Ord. 30 July 1834. p. Saxonville, Ms., '34-'37. — in revival work, Hatfield, etc., Ms., '37-'38. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, '38-39. — p. Brattleborough, Vt., '39-45. — Warsaw, N.Y., a.p. '47-48; p. '48-'49. — a.p. Groton, N. Y., '50-'53 — prin. boys' high school, Owego, N. Y., and temp. sup. neighboring chhs., '53-'59. — a.p. Spencer, N. Y., '59-62; Churchville, N.Y., '62-'65 ; Orland, etc., Ind., '66-'72 ; Poplar Grove, 111., '73 until died there, 29 Dec. 1874. Charles Baker Kittredge, b. 4 July 1806, Mont Vernon, N. H. D.C. 1828. — Ord. 16 Oct. 1833. p. Groton, Ms., '33-35. — p. Westborough, Ms., '37-'45. — p. Monson, Ms., '46-'53. — occ. sup. Worcester, etc., Ms., '53- '56. — a.p. South Coventry, Ct., '56-57; South Wilbraham, Ms., '57-59. — w.c. Monson, Ms., '59-63; Westborough, Ms., '63-. ♦Solomon Kittredge, b. 13 March 1801, Mont Vernon, N. H. — . — h.m. Salem, etc., Ind., '32-'33. — Ord., Presb., 19 June 1834. — a.p. Bedford, Ind., '33-'. . — Died, at Indianapolis, Ind., 12 Nov. 1847. Giles Leach', b. 1 April 1801, Bridgewater, Ms. A.C. 1829.— Ord. 5 Feb. 1833. p. Sandwich, N. H., '33-'40; a.p. '40-'41. — Meredith Village, N.H., a.p. '41-'42; p. '42-'54. — ap. Wells, Me., '54-'67; Rye, N.H., '67- '70. — occ. sup. now res. Meredith Village, N.H., '70- *James Davis Lewis, b. 28 Dec. 1808, Falmouth, Ms. l^C. 1828.— Ord. 4 June 1834. p. North Reading, Ms., '34-37. — East Falmouth, Ms., a.p. '40-'42; p. '42-'46. — prin. fem. academy, Schenectady, N. Y. — collector, U.S., at Falmouth, Ms., '. .-'.. — Died, at East Falmouth. Ms., 7 May 1854. ♦Henry Lyman, b. 23 Nov. 1809, Northampton, Ms. A.C. 1829. — Ord., at Northampton, Ms., 11 Oct. 1832. f.m. Malay Archipelago, '32 until mur- dered, in Sumatra, 28 June 1834. 88 1832. [1880. *Saiimel Munson, b. 23 March 1804, New Sharon, Me. B.C. 1829.— Ord., at Orleans, Ms., 10 Oct. 1832. f.m. Malay Archipelago, '32 until murdered, in Sumatra, 28 June 1834. *Warren Nichols, b. 26 Jan. 1803, Reading, Ms. W.C. 1828. — a.p. Chelms- ford, Ms., '32. — Ord. 21 Nov. 1832. h.m. — a.p. Leominister, Ms., '32- '33. — a.p. Second ch., Loudon, N.H., '33.— h.m. St. Charles, Mo., '33-'34 ; in., '34-'35. — a.p. Atlas, 111., '35-'3 7; Columbus, 111., '38-'40. — w.c. Quincy, 111., '40-'45. — a.p. Hillsgrove, 111., '46-'49 ; Presb. ch., La Harpe, 111., '49-'50 ; Genoa, O., '50-'62; New Lexington, O., '53-'54; Roseville, O., '55; Lima, O., '56-'57. — agent Am. Bible Soc, '58-'Gl. — w.c. '61 until died, at Lima, O., 7 June 1862. *William Pomeroy Paine, D.D., b. 1 Aug. 1802, Ashfield, Ms. A.C. 1827. Tutor, Amh. Coll., '30-'31. — Ord. 24 Oct. 1833. Holden, Ms., a.p. '32- '33 ; p. '33 until died there, 28 Nov. 1876. *Beiijamin Wyman Parker, b. 13 Oct. 1803, Reading, Ms. A.C. 1829.— Ord. 13 Sept. 1832. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '32 until died, at Honolulu, 23 March 1877. ♦John Charles Phillips, b. 15 Nov. 1807, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1826.- Ord. 18 Dec. 1833. p. First ch., Weymouth, Ms., '33-37. — p. Methuen, Ms., '39-'60. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '60 until died there, 5 Nov. 1878. Elias Riggrs, D.D., LL.D., b. 19 Nov. 1810, New Providence, N. J. A.C. — 1829. Ord. 20 Sept. 1832. f.m. Athens, Greece, '32-'34 ; Argos, '34-'38 ; Smyrna, '38-'53 ; Constantinople '53-. Joseph Washburn Sessions, b. 30 June 1801, Lunenburg, Vt. B.C. 1829. — Ord. 2 Oct. 1833. p. West Needham (now Wellesley), Ms., '33-42.— p. AVest Suffield, Ct., '43-'52. — a.p. Centre Brook, Ct, '52-'54. — p. West Woodstock, Ct., '54-63. —a.p. Durham Centre, Ct., '63-68 ; Westminster, Ct., '68-78. — w.c. there, '78-. Samuel Francis Smith, D.D., b. 21 Oct. 1808, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1829.— editor Baptist Missy Magazine, '32-33. — Ord. 12 Feb. 1834. p. Bapt. ch., Waterville, Me., and Prof. Mod. Lang., Colby Univ., '34-42. — p. First Bapt. ch., Newton, Ms., '42-'54, and editor Chriatian Review, '42-'48. — editor of publications of Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, and in literary pursuits, Newton, Ms., '48- William Tliompson, D.D., b. 18 Feb. ,1806, Goshen, Ct. U.C. 1827.— Ord. 17 Sept. 1833. p. North Bridgewater, Ms., '33-34. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Inst., East Windsor and Hartford, Ct., '34-81 ; Prof, em., '81-. *Ira Tracy, b. 15 Jan. 1806, Hartford, Vt. D.C 1829. — Ord., at Hartford, Vt., 28 Sept. 1832. f.m. China, '32-34 ; Singapore, '34-39; Southern Hindostan, '39-'41; ret. to U.S., '41; released, '46. — a.p. Franklin (now Kent), O., '46-49; Streetsborough, O., '49-'51. — p. Blake's Prairie (now Bloomington), Wis., '51-'56. — p. Spring Valley, Minn., '56-'61. — w.c. Bloomington, Wis., '61 until died there, 10 Nov. 1875. J 1880.] 1832. 89 *James Franklin Warner, b. 15 June 1802, Wilbraham, Ms. A.C. 1829.— Ord. 31 July 1833. p. Morris, Ct., '33-'34. — p. Athol, Ms., '35-'37.— teacher of music, New York, '. .-'. . — Died, at New York city, 6 March 1864. ♦Samuel Washburn, b. l Jan. 1807,Minot, Me. — . — agent Am. S.S.Union, '35_'37.— Ord. 2 Aug. 1837. p. Second ch., Greenfield, Ms., '37-'41.— agent For. Evang. Soc, '43. — p. Central ch., Fall River, Ms., '44-'49. — occ. pr. '49-51. — p. Fifth Presb. ch,, Baltimore, Md., '51-' . . — Died, at New York, 15 Sept. 1853. William Perkins Apthorp (2), b. 23 March 1806, Quincy, Ms. Y.C. 1829.— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1832. — h.m. Raleigh, N.C., '32-33.- a.p. Quincy, Ms., '34 ; Mcndon, Ms., '35. — Ord. 20 April 1836. h.m. — teacher, Mission Institute, Quincy, 111., '37-'47.-^a.p. Oskaloosa, lo., '49-'52; Port Byron, III, '52-53. — w.c. (except a.p. Moultonborough, N.H., '55-56) '53-63. — a.p. Polk City, lo., '63-65; Bowen's Prairie, lo., '65-66. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Fairfield, lo., '67-'68. — w.c. Tallahassee, Fla., '69-. Asa Bullard (2), b. 26 March 1804, Northbridge, Ms. A.C. 1828. — Ord. 13 Jan. 1832. — agent and Sec. Maine S. S.Union, '3 1-'34. — cor. sec. and gen. agent Mass. S. S. Soc, now Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, Boston, Ms., '34-74. — editor Wellspring, '74-. ♦John Parker Bullard (1), b . . Nov. 1809, Pepperell, Ms. H.C. 1829. — Not ordained. — lawyer. — Died, at Clinton, La., 7 Jan. 1845. ♦George Whitefield Cofiin (1), b. 21 June 1802, Newbury, Ms. B.C. 1829.— Died, at Newbury, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 1 Sept. 1830. ♦George Edwin Delavan (2), b. 16 April 1804, Dover, N. Y. Y.C. 1827.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '31. — Yale Theol. Sem., '33. — Ord. 19 June 1833. a.p. Hamden, Ct., '33-'34 ; Presb. ch., Hammond's Port, N.Y., '35-37.— p. Sherburne, N. Y., '38-'39. — — p. Lafayette, N. Y., '45-'49. — p. Wilson, N. Y., '50-56. — a.p. Maquoketa, lo., '56-57; Wyoming, lo., '57-; died there, 18 March 1861. ♦John Diel (2), b. 9 Aug. 1808, Cherry Valley, N. Y. Ham.C. 1826.— Prince- ton Theol. Sem., '30-31.— agent Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, '31-32. — Ord., Presb., 19 Sept. 1832. seamen's chaplain, Honolulu, H.I., '32-39. — Died, on the Pacific Ocean, 18 Jan. 1841. ♦Edward C. Eells (1—), from Orwell, Vt. M.C. 1828. — Died, at Orwell, Vt., while a member of the Seminary, 31 May 1830. ♦Allen Gannett (2+), b, 5 June 1804, Tamworth, N.H. D.C. 1826.— Ord. 20 Jan. 1836. Conway, N. H., a.p. '33-'36; p. '36-'38. — a.p. Edgartown, Ms., '41-43. — p. Fourth ch., Beverly, Ms., '47-53; also, editor Watch- tower, '47-48. — Nahant, Ms., res. '53-57 ; a.p. Independent ch., '56-'58 ; Second ch., Lynnfield, Ms., '58-'65. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '65-'. . ; Edgartown, Ms., '. .-'..; died there, 16 Oct. 1881. 12 90 18 32. [1880. *Thomas Douglas Gregg (1), b. 22 July 1806, Salem, M?. A.C. 1828. — Not ordained. — res. Indianapolis, Ind., twenty years. — Adell, lo., '51-'60. — Died, at Ayletts, King William Co., Va., 17 Dec. 1876. ♦Sheridan Guiteau (2), b. 17 April 1801, Norfolk, Ct. M.C. 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '32,— Ord. 29 April 1834. — a.p. Presb. ch., Montgomery, N.Y., '34-35 ; Fourth Presb. ch., Baltimore, Md., '36-37; Ellicott City, Md.; First col. ch., Baltimore, Md. — Newburgh, N.Y. ; agent Am. Tr. Soc, Baltimore, Md., '42 until died there, 10 Oct. 1872. Edwin Francis Hatfield, d.d. (2), b. 9 Jan. 1807, Elizabethtown, N.J. M.C. 1829.— Ord., Presb., 14 May 1832. p. Second Presb. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '32-35.— p. Seventh Presb. ch., New York city, '35-56.— p. North Presb. ch., New York city, '56-63. — agent Union Theol. Sem^, '64-66. — New York city, in literary pursuits, '66-68. — Sec. Presb. H.M. Com., '68-70. — special agent Union Theol. Sem., New York city, '70-. *William L. Keyes (1), b Hillsborough, O. Wash. C, Va. 1828. — Died, at Hillsborough, O., 1850 or 1851. *David Tappan Lane (2+), b. 24 April 1805, Sturbridge, Ms. A.C. 1829.— Not ordained. — Died, at Sterling, Ct., 2 Dec. 1832. *John Nevin Lewis (1—). b. 23 Feb. 1809, Northumberland, N.Y. U.C. 1832. — law student. — Princeton Theol. Sem. — Ord., Presb., evang., Oneida, N. Y., 9 Feb. 1837. a.p. Fairfield, N. Y., '35-'39 ; Truxton, N.Y., '39-'43. — p. Lisle, N. Y., '43-'51. — a.p. Lodi and Lowville, Wis., '51-57. — Lodi, Wis., '63-'64 ; died there, 7 April 1879. *Henry Blake McLellan (2), b. 16 Sept. 1810, Maidstone, Vt. H.C. 1829. — in Europe, '31-'32, stud. Theol., Scotland. — Not ordained. — Died, at Boston, Ms., .. Sept. 1833. ♦Samuel Maxwell (2), b. 9 March 1804, Lebanon, Ct. A.C. 1829. — Not or- dained. — prin. prep, dep.. Marietta Coll., '33-'54. — teacher. Marietta, O., '54-64. — agent Freedmen's Aid Com., '65-'. . — Died, at Marietta, O., 24 Jan. 1867. ♦Zibeon Packard (2-f), b. 27 March 1801, Hebron, Me. —. — Not ordained. Died, at Hebron, Me., 11 Feb. 1833. *John Otis Payson (1—), from Pomfret, Ct. Y.C. 1828. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 24 Jan. 1830. *Lucius Maro Purdy (2), b. 21 May 1805, Rutland, Vt. M.C. 1827. — Gen. Theol. Sem., — Tutor, Trin. Coll., Ct., '32-'33. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 13 Sept. 1832; priest, 22 Feb. 1834. — Sharon and Salisbury, Ct., '..-'37. — editor Southern Churchman, Va. — Scottsville, Va. — Wells, Vt. — Christ ch., Hampton, N. Y.. '40-43. — in Turkey, '43-'. . — in La. and S.C, partially, '. .-'51. — St. Mary's, Ga., '51-'. . ; died there, 27 April 1853. 1880.] 1832. 1833. 91 John Chapin Tliorapson (2), b. 27 Sept. 1804, Heath, Ms. A.C. 1829. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1835. p. Rowe, Ms., '35-'.37.— p. Goshen, Ms., '37-'42. — agent Franklin Co. Bible Soc, '46. — a.p. Halifax, Ms., '46-47; Montgomery, Ms., '52-53. — w.c. Holyoke, Ms., '53-60. — a.p. Cummington, Ms., '60-'61 ; Goshen, Ms., '61-'62. — in business, Belvidere, 111., '63-. 1833. William Arms,M.D., b. 18 May 1802, Wilmington, Vt. A.C. 1830.— Ord., at Boston, Ms., 4 Aug. 1833. f.m. Patagonia, '33-'34 ; Batavia, Singapore, and Borneo, '35-'38. — physician (m.d. 1839), AVestminster West, Vt., '39-'40; in Wis., '40-'46; in 111. (now Du Quoin, 111.), '56. *Luke C. Baker, from Chatham, Ms. KC — Not ordained. — Died, at Chatham, Ms., 25 Oct. 1834. *Thompson Bird, from Caswell, N.C. U.N.C. 1827. — Ord., Presb., at Me- thuen, Ms., 9 Sept. 1833. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch.. Spring Garden and Gilead, N.C, '33-'40 ; Thorntown and Bethel, Ind., '40-47 ; Central Presb. ch., Des Moines, lo., '47-65. — w.c. Des Moines, lo., '65 until died there, 4 Jan. 1869. *Charles Backus Dana, D.D., b. 26 March 1806, Orford, N. H. D.C. 1828. — instr.. Mount Hope Coll., Md , '29-31 ; Prof. Rhet. and Belles Let., '33-34.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 30 May 1 834 ; priest, — — Md. — Christ ch., Alexandria, Va., '60-62. — St. James's ch.. Port Gibson, Miss., '62-66. — Trinity ch., Natchez, Miss., '66 until died there, 25 Feb. 1873. *George Eastman, b. 18 Oct. 1800, Granby, Ms. A.C. 1830. — Ord., Presb., at Methuen, Ms., 9 Sept. 1833. h.m. Troy and Mt. Clemens, Mich., '33- '36. — p. Presb. ch., Farmington, Mich., '36-43. — Died, at Wayne, Mich., 12 Aug. 1845. *Ei)liraim Fobes, b. 12 May 1805, Bridgewater, Ms. A.C. 1830. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1834. p. Edgecomb, Me., '34-'36. — p. Weld, Me., '3 7-'43. — Patten, Me., occ. sup. (a.p. Patten, Me., '52-'60), '43-69 ; Crystal Plantation, Me., '69 until died there, 11 Jan, 1870. *Job Hall, b. 11 May 1802, Pomfret, Ct. A.C. 1830. — Ord. 14 Jan. 1834. p. Ashford, Ct., '34-37. — agent Am. Ed. Soc, '37-40. — w.c, farmer, Orwell, Vt., '40 until died there, 15 Feb. 1872. *Israel Hills, b. 12 Oct. 1801, Glastonbury, Ct. A.C. 1830. —a.p. Saxon- ville, Ms., '34; Frankfort, Me., '34-35 ; Jackson and Brooks, Me., '35-'36. — Ord. 31 May 1837. p. Lovell, Me., '37-'45. — a.p. Dixmont, Me., '46- '54. — farmer, w.c. Bolton, Ct., '54 until died there, 6 Dec. 1874. *John Holmes, b. 9 May 1809, Ryegate, Vt. — . — Not ordained, farmer, Jordan's Grove, III., '42 until died there, 19 Jan. 1854. 92 1833. [1880. Edward Porter Hiimphrej, D.D., LL.D., b. 28 Jan. 1809, Fairfield, Ct. A.C. 1828. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '32-'33. — Ord., by Salem Presb'y, 21 Nov. 1834. a.p. Jeffersonville, Ind., '33-'35. — p. Second Presb. cli., Louis- ville, Ky., '36-'53. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sera., Danville, Ky., '53-'66. — p. College St. ch., Louisville, Ky., '66-79 ; p. em., '79-. *Daiiiel Hunt, b. 16 April 1806, Columbia, Ct. A.C. 1828. — h.m. Gardiner, Me., '33. — a.p. Goshen, Ct., '34.— Ord. 8 April 1835. p. Fii-st ch., Pom- fret, Ct., '34-'61. — w.c. Pomfret, Ct., '61 until died there, 2 July 1869. ♦Nathan Strong Hunt, b. 5 July 1802, Coventry, Ct. W.C. 1830.— Ord. 12 Feb. 1834. p. Abington, Ct., '34-'35. — a.p. Montville, Ct., '46-47.— p. Preston, Ct., '47-'58. — a.p. Bozrah, Ct., '58-'70. — w.c. Bozrah, Ct.,'70 until died there, 13 April 1882. *Milo Parker Jewett, LL.D., b. 27 April 1808, St. Johnsbury, Vt. D.C. 1828. Prof. Teacher's Dep., Marietta Coll., '33-35; Prof. Rhet. and Polit. Econ., '35-38.— Ord., Bapt., 26 June 1842. — founder and prin. (seventeen years) Judson Fern. Inst., Marion, Ala. — prin. fem. sem., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. — Pres. Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., '62-64. — w.c. Milwaukee, Wis., '66 until died there, 9 June 1882. George Washington KeUey, b. 5 Aug. 1808, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. O.U. 1830. — Ord. 3 July 1834. Hamilton, Ms., '34-50. — w.c. Haverhill, Ms., '50-. *Freeman Lane, from Cavendish, Vt. M. C. 1828. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 25 Sept. 1833; priest, — Manchester, Vt. — Springville, Pa., ('36-'40). — Troy, Pa., ('44-'50).— Huntington, Pa., ('51).— Died, 1852. Joseph Loring, b. 28 March 1804, Cumberland, Me. B.C. 1828.— Ord., by Presb'y of Newburyport, at Methuen, Ms., 9 Sept. 1833. h.m. — a.p Cong, ch., Balnbridge, O., '34; Andover, O., '34-'35. — p. Lebanon, Me., '36-54. — p. Pownal, Me., '55-59. — a.p. Monson, etc., Me., '59-60 ; West Falmouth, Me., '61-62; Raymond and Casco, Me., '62-63; West Fal- mouth, Me., '63-'64; North Edgecomb, Me., '65-'74. — w.c. and occ. sup. East Otisfield, Me., '74-. Stephen Noyes Manning, b. 3 Oct. 1804, Sharon, Vt. D.C. 1830.— Ord., by Presb'y of Newburyport, at Methuen, Ms., 9 Sept. 1833. h.m. — a.p. Watertown, O., '33-34; New Richmond, O., '35-36. — teacher, Coving- ton, Ky., '37-'39; Lancaster, Ky., '39-'43. — h.m. Trumbull Co., O., '43- '48. — a.p. Presb. ch., Fairport, O., '48-'50. — p. Elkhart, Ind., '50-52. — a.p. Cong, chhs., Otisco and Greenville, Mich., '52-'54; Momence, 111., '54-'56; Kankakee, 111., '56. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Kankakee, III., '56-'68. — w.c. Kankakee, 111., '68-. 1880.] 1833. 93 ♦Caleb Mills, LL.D., b. 29 July 1806, Dunbarton, N.H. D.C. 1828.— Ord., by Presb'y of Crawfordsvllle, 10 May 1835. Prof. Latin and Greek, Wa- bash Coll., Crawtbrdsville, Ind., '33-'41 ; Prof. Latin (also sup. pub. instr'n, Ind., '54-'56), '41 until died, at Crawfordsvllle, 17 Oct. 1879. *Sendol Barnes Munger, b. 6 Oct. 1802, Fair Haven, Vt. M.C. 1828.— Ord. 12 Feb. 1834. f.m. India, '34 until died, at Bombay, 23 July 1868. Lewis Pennell, b. 19 Feb. 1803, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1830. — Ord., at Brunswick, Me., 17 Sept. 1833. h.m. Me., '33-36; West and South, '36- '38. — p. Northbridge, Ms., '39-43. — a.p. Weston, Ct., '44-'49. — p. New Fairfield, Ct., '49-'53. — p. West Stockbridge, Ms., '54-69. — w.c. West Stockbridge, Ms., '69-79 ; Southport, Ct., '79-. *Asa Putney, b. 11 Oct. 1799, Warner, N.H. A.C. — — a.p. Ver- shire, Vt., '42-47. — Died, Syracuse, N.Y., 25 Aug. 1867. ♦Benjamin Schneider, D.D., b. 18 Jan. 1807, New Hanover, Pa. A.C. 1830. — Ord., Presb., 2 Oct. 1833. f.m. Turkey, '33-'75. Died, at Boston, Ms., 14 Sept. 1877. ♦Henry Smith, D.D., LL.D., b. 16 Dec. 1805, Milton, Vt. M.C. 1829.— Prof. Lang., Marietta Coll., '33-'46 ; Pres., '46-'55. — Ord. 14 Jan. 1855. Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Church Hist., Lane Theol. Sem., '55-'62. — p. North Presb. ch., Buffalo, N. Y., '62-'65.— Prof. Bib. Lit. and Sac. Rhet., Lane Theol. Sem., Walnut Hills, O., '65 until died there, 14 Jan. 1879. ♦William Boyd Adams (1—), b. 26 Oct. 1809, Wiscasset, Me. B.C. 1829.— — Died, at Boston, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 4 Jan. 1832. ♦Joseph Welch Barr (1), b. 22 July 1802, Liberty, O. W.R.C. 1830.— Prince- ton Theol. Sera., 1832.— Ord., Presb., at Philadelphia, Pa., 12 Oct. 1832. Died, at Richmond, Va., while under appointment as missionary to Western Africa, 28 Oct. 1832. James Radcliffe Davenport (2), b. 15 Nov. 1812, Stamford, Ct. Y.C. 1830. — Yale Theol. Sem., '32-'33. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '33-'35. — Ord., by Bedford Presb'y, 13 Oct. 1836. p. Presb. ch.. Rye, N.Y., '36-'38. — p. Cong, ch., Francestown, N.H., '39-42. — p. Presb. ch., Cazenovia, N. Y., '42-46.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 19 Dec. 1847 ; priest, 4 March 1849. Grace ch., Albany, N. Y., '49-'57 (including temp, charge St. John's ch., Chris- tiansted. Vera Cruz, six months, in '57). — St. Anne's ch., Annapolis, Md., '58-65. — in Europe, '65-67. — res. New York city, occ. sup., since '67. — r. St. Mary's ch., Mott Haven, '78-. 94 1833. [1880. *Erasmus Darwin Eldredge (1—), b. 10 March 1804, Dunstable, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Ord. 4 April 1838. p. First ch., Hampton, N. H., '38-49, — p. Salisbury, N. 11., '49-'54. — teacher, Monticello, Ga., '55-'56. — prin. acad., Mille<]gcville, Ga., '56-60. — p. Alton, N. H., '61-62. — p. Kensington, N. H., '64-'75. — Died, at Athens, Ga., 18 April 1876. Daniel Hopkins Emerson, d.d. (2), b. 23 Jan. 1810, Salem, Ms. D. C. 1830. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1836. — Ord. 19 Oct. 1836. p. Northborough, Ms.,'36-'40. — p. Presb. ch.. East Whiteland, Pa., '41-'45. — p. York, Pa., '46-'55. — p. St. George's, Del., '55-68. — p. Mariners' ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '69-'73. Sec. Y.M. C. A., Oswego, N. Y., '73-'76. — miss'y of First Presb. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '78-. Leverett Griggs, d.d. (2), b. 17 Nov. 1808, Tolland, Ct. Y.C. 1829. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '32-'33. — Ord. 30 Oct. 1833. p. North Haven, Ct., '33-'45.— p. Chapel St. ch., New Haven, Ct., '45-'47. — p. Millbury, Ms., '47-56. — p. Bristol, Ct., '56-69. ^ agent Am. Ed. Soc, '70-74. —w.c. Bristol, Ct., '74-. Isaac William Hallam (1—), b. 20 Nov. 1809, Stonington, Ct. Trin. C. 1830. — Theol. Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1832. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 20 May 1832; priest, 18 Dec. 1833. — St. James's ch.. New London, Ct., '32-34. — miss'y, Chicago, 111., and, afterwards, St. James's ch., there, '34-'43. — w.c. '43-46. — St. Stephen's ch., Lynn, Ms., '46-60. — St. Peter's ch., Clarksboro, N. J., '60-69. — St. Paul's ch., Windham, Ct. (and miss'y, Wil- limantic), '69-'75. — r. New Canaan, Ct., '76-'.. — w.c. Stonington, Ct., '. . *George Felix Heard (1), b 1812, (Greensborough ?) Ga. U. G. 1829. ^ — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1833. — Ord 1834. — p. Bapt. ch.. Black Swamp, S. C, '34-'35. — p. Mobile, Ala., '35-'41; also editor of Monitor, '38-'41. — Harrison Co., Texas, '41-'. . ; died there, 1844. *Erastus Hopkins (1), b. 7 April 1810, Hadley, Ms. D. C. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. — Ord., Presb., 6 April 1835. p. Presb. ch.. Beech Island, S. C, '35-37. — p. Second Presb. ch., Troy, N. Y., '37-'41. — w.c. Northampton, Ms., '41-'. . ; died there, 24 Jan. 1872. *Alfred Hough (1), b. 23 Feb. 1803, Turin, N. Y. Y. C. 1830. —Yale Theol. Sem,, 1833. — Ord. 20 May 1835. p. Presb. ch., Vernon Centre, N. Y., '35-'.. — Died, at Philadeli)hia, Pa., 28 May 1839. *Peter Lanman Huntington (1), b, 16 Sept, 1809, Norwich, Ct, Y.C, 1828, — Died, at Norwich, Ct,, while a member of the Seminary, 24 Dec, 1832. *Gilbert Hall Marsh (2), b, 10 March 1801, Thomaston, Me, B.C. 1828.— Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 6 Jan. 1832. ♦Stephen Caldwell Millctt (2), b. 20 May 1810, Salem, Ms. A. C. 1830.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 8 March 1833; priest, 26 June 1834. Clapville, Ms., 1880.] 1833. 1834. 95 '33-34. — Saco, Me., '34-'. . — Pompey and Janesville, N. Y., '39-'40. — Stafford, N. Y., '40-'50. — Beloit, Wis., '45-'..— w.c. '.. until died, at Beloit, Wis., 28 May 1867. William Whiting Newell, d.d. (2),b. 17 Sept. 1807, South Natick, Ms. Y.C. 1830. — Ord. 15 July 1833. p. Brighton, Ms., '34-37. — p. Maverick ch., East Boston, Ms., '37-'42. — p. Presb. ch., Montgomery, N.Y., '42-47. — p. Syracuse, N. Y., '47-'60. — p. Allen st. Presb. ch., New York, '60-77. — w.c. New York city, '77-. Benjamin Ober, (2+), b. 4 April 1805, Beverly, Ms. A. C — Ord. 1 Jan. 1834. p. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., 'S4-'35. — a.p. West Attleborough, Ms., '36-'38. — p. West Woodstock, Ct., '39-'46. a.p. Holland, Ms., '46- '50 ; Alstead, N. H., '54-'57 ; Saxton's River, Vt., '57-'59 ; Wardsborough, Vt., '59-62; Fayetteville, Vt., '63-68 ; East Longmeadow, Ms., '68-69 ; Petersham, Ms., '68-'69 ; w.c. there, '69- *Justin Perkins, d.d. (2+), b. 12 March 1805, West Springfield, Ms. A.C 1829. — Tutor Amh. Coll., '32-'33. — Ord. 7 July 1833. f.m. Persia, '33-'. . ^ —Died, at Chicopee, Ms., 31 Dec. 1869. *Alanson Scofield (1), b. 3 Sept. 1800, Coeymans, N. Y. U. C. 1830. — Prince- ton Theol. Sem., 1834. — Sec. Western Ed. Soc, Auburn, N. Y., '34-'39.— Ord. 3 Oct. 1839. Presb. ch., Fayette, N. Y., a»p. '37-'39; p. '39-'45.— a.p. Red Creek, N. Y., '45-48; Augusta, Mich., '48-49. — p. Stony Creek, Mich., '49-'56.— a.p. Corunna, Mich., '56-'60; Fremont, Mich., '62-'63 ; California, Mich, (and Quincy, Mich., '64-68), '64-'71. — w.c. California, Mich., '72 until died there, 18 June 1876. *John Jay Slocum (1), b. 21 Jan. 1803, Pittston, N. Y. —.— Princeton Theol. ■Sem., '34. — Ord. 15 June 1834. p. Presb. ch., Manhattan Island, N. Y., '34-'39. — a.p. Presb. ch., Manlius, N. Y., '40-'. .; Boonville, Mo., ('44); Salina, N.Y., '50. — agent, '51-'55. — w.c. Chicago, 111., '55-'56 ; New York, '56 until died, at Lansing, Mich., 12 March 1863. 1834. *Samuel Gilman Appleton, b. 5 Nov. 1808, Gloucester, Ms. A. C. 1830.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 26 Aug. 1834; priest, 10 Dec. 1835. — St. Andrew's ch., Hanover, Ms., '35-'38. — Manlius, N. Y., '39-'41. — Avon, N. Y., '41- '45. — miss'y Onon. Co., N.Y., '45-'48. — r. Richfield, N.Y., '48-'51 ; Delhi, N. Y., '51-'55; Ansonia, Ct., '55-'57; Christ ch., Ansonia, Ct., ('54) ; Water- bury, Ct., '58-'60. — assist, min. Morrisania, N. Y., '60 until died there, 29 Nov. 1873. *Hem7 BaUantine, b. 5 March 1813, Schodaek, N.Y. O. U. 1829. — Ord., Presb., 6 April 1835. f.m. Western India, '35-; died, off Cape St. Vin- cent, on passage home, 9 Nov. 1865. 96 1834. [1880. *Jolm Ballard, b. 12 Dec. 1804, Temple, Me. B.C. 1831. — Ord. 20 May 1837. Presb. h.m. Ohio. — p. Unity. O., '36-'38. — p. Griggsville, 111., '40- '43. — a.p. Perry, 111., '43-; died there, 13 Feb. 1857. ♦Nelson Barbour, b. 8 Oct. 1805, Bridport, Vt. M. C. 1831. — agent Am. S.S. Union, '34-'35.— Ord. 13 Nov. 1836. p. Saxton's River, Vt., '35-'39.— p. Dummerston, Vt., '40-'46. — agent Am. Prot. Soc, '46-'.. — a.p. Lang- don, N. H., '49-52. — p. Wolfeborough, N. H., '52-54. — a.p. Cummington, Ms., ('57)-'58 ; Jamaica, Vt., '59-'60 ; Sullivan, N. H., '61-'63 ; West Fairlee, Vt., '64-'67; Georgia, Vt., '67; died there, 31 July 1867. *Homer Barrows, b. 19 Dec. 1806, Wareham, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Ord. 1 June 1836. p. Lakeville, Ms., '36-'42. — a.p. Norton, Ms., '42-'45. — p. First eh., Dover, N. H., '45-'52 — p. Wareham, Ms., '52-'59. — a.p. Plaistow, N. H., '59-69; Lakeville, Ms., '69-72. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '72 until died there, 1 April 1881. ♦Samuel Dickinson Barton, b. 4 July 1803, Granby, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Not ordained. — agent Am. S. S. Union, '34-. — Died, at Jacksonville, 111., 14 April 1836. ♦Nathan Benjamin, b. 14 Dec. 1811, Catskill, N.Y. W. C. 1831. — Ord. 21 April 1836. f.m. Argos and Athens, Greece, '36-'4 5 ; Smyrna and Con- stantinople, 45-'..; died, at Constantinople, 27 Jan. 1855. ♦William James Breed, b. 10 June 1809, Lynn, Ms. Y. C. 1831.— Ord. 10 June 1835. p. Nantucket, Ms., '35-39. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Miss. Valley, '40-'41. — p. Bucksport, Me., '41-'45. — a.p. First Cong, ch., Cin- cinnati, O., '45-'46. — p. High st. eh., Providence, R. I., '46-'52. — finan. agent, Yale Coll., '53-'58. — p. Southborough, Ms., '58-'G3. — a.p. Hamil- ton, Ms., '64-65; Raynham, Ms., '65-69. — Died, at West Taunton, Ms.. 12 April 1869. ♦George Champion, b. 3 June 1810, Colchester, Ct. Y. C. 1831, — Ord. 19 Nov. 1834. f.m. South Africa, '34-'. .—Died, at Santa Cruz, W. I., 17 Dec. 1841. David Quimby Cushman, b. 2 Dec. 1806, Wiscasset, Me. B. C. 1830.— Ord., at Millville, Ms., 23 June 1836. a.p. Millville, Ms., '35-37. — p. Boothbay, Me., '38-43. — a.p. Richmond, Me., '43-'44 ; Newcastle, Me., '44-'55 ; Bristol, Me., '56. — p. AVarren, Me., '57-63. — a.p. Bremen, Me., '63-65; Hubbardston, Ms., '65-68. — w.c. and occ. sup., Bath, Me., '68- ♦Robert Ogden Dwight, b. 31 Oct. 1802, Stockbridge, Ms. —. — Ord. 28 Aug. 1835. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '35-; died, at Madura, 8 Jan. 1844. ♦Joshua Emery, b. 5 Aug. 1807, Ncwburyport, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Ord. 13 May 1835. p. Calv. ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '35-38. — p. First ch., Weymouth, Ms., '38-73. — w.c. North Weymouth, Ms., '74-78; Kansas City, Mo., '79 until died there, 24 April 1882. 1880.] 183 4. 97 Aldiii Grout, b. 2 Sept. 1803., Pelham, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Ord. 19 Nov. 1834. i'.m. 8outh Africa, '34-70. — w.c. Springfield, Ms., '71-. *Horatio Balch Hackett, D.D., LL.D., b. 27 Dec. 1808, Salisbury, Ms. A.C. 1830. — Tutor, Amb. Coll., '3I-'32. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Brown Univ., '35-'38; Prof. Hebrew, '38-'39. — Ord., Bapt., 8 Dec. 1839. — Prof Bib. Lit., Theol. Inst, Newton, Ms., '39-'68 — in literary labors, res. Newton, Ms., '68-'70. — Prof. Bib. Lit. and N. T. Exeg., Theol. Sem., Rochester, N. Y., '70 until died there, 2 Nov. 1875. *Story Hebard, b. ll March 1802, Lebanon, N. H. A.C. 1828. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '30-'31. — Ord., Lebanon, N. H., 21 Oct. 1835. fm. Beirut, Syria, '35-', . — Died, at Malta, 30 June 1841. Samuel Storrs Howe, b. 20 June 1808, Shoreham, Vt. M. C. 1829. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '35-36. — teacher acad., Canandaigua, N. Y., '36-'38. — a.p. Presb. cb., Dresden, N. Y., '38-'39. — Ord. 6 May 1841. Presb. ch.. Painted Post, N.Y.,a.p. '40-41: p. '41-42. — a.p. Cong, ch., Ticonderoga, N. Y., '43-'44. — Presb. ch.. Brasher Falls, N. Y.. a.p. '44-'45; p. '45-48 ; also a.p. Cong, ch., Stockholm, N.Y., '44-45. — Sec. West. Ed. Soc, Auburn, N.Y., '48-'49. — Iowa City, lo., '49-'51. Sec. Presb. Ch. Erection for Iowa, '51-'54. — editor Temperance Journal, '54-'55. — a.p. Iowa City, lo., '56. — Sec. Iowa Col'n Soc, '57 ; also editor Lit. Advertiser, '59-'60. — a.p. Cong, ch., Elizabethtown, N. Y., '60-'61 ; Presb. cbhs., Scott and Atalissa, lo., '63-'64 ; vac. cbhs., lo., '64-66. — Presb. miss'y of Iowa City Presby- tery, '66-'68. — occ. sup., '68-; res. Iowa City, lo., since '49. *Daniel E. Jewett, from Gilford, N. H. D. C. — Ord., Bapt., 25 Dec. 1834. Died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 28 May 1844. William Reed Jewett, b. 12 Sept. 1811, Rockport, Ms. A. C. 1831. — a.p. First ch., Braintree, Ms., '35. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1837. p. Griswold, Ct., '37- '43. — p. Plymouth, N. H., '45-'62. — p. FIsherville, N. H., '63-'74. — w.c. Concord, N. H. '75-80 ; Andover, Ms., '80-. Ezra Jones, b. 16 Nov. 1804, Waitsfield, Vt. M. C. 1831.— Ord. 18 Sept. 1834. p. Greenfield, N. H., '34-'38. — p. Dorset, Vt., '38-'41. — p. Johnson, Vt., '41-'44. — a.p. Clarendon, Vt., '46-'50 ; Junius, N. Y., '51-'55 ; West Fayette, N.Y., '56; Somerset, N. Y., '57; Sherman, N.Y., '58-'59 ; Bristol Centre, N. Y., '60-'61 ; Canoga, N. Y., '61-'65 ; West Groton, N. Y., '65- '68 ; North Evans, N. Y., '68-'72 ; Pendleton, N. Y., '72-'74 ; Akron, N. Y., '74-'78. — w.c. Medina, N. Y., '79-. *Tliomas Kidder, b. 15 April 1801, New Ipswich, N. H.— . — Ord. 10 Jan. 1838. p. Windsor, Vt., '38-42. — chap. Vt. State Prison, '42-48. — w.c and occ. sup. St. Johnsbury, Vt., '48-63. — private In 9th Vt. Vols., '63. — Died, at Bermuda Hundred, Va., 29 Nov. 1864. 13 98 1834. [1880. David Tenney Kimball, b. 7 Sept. 1808, Ti)swich, Ms. M.C. 1829. — Not ordained. — teacher. — in Atkinson, N. II., in 1851. — now res. Lowell, Ms. lewis Flanders Laine, b. 7 Sept. 1806, Loudon, N. H. D. C. 1830. — Ord. 18 Feb. 1835. p. Brunswick, O., '35-'37. — p. Bath, O., '37-'46. — p. Portland, N. Y., '47-'59. — a.p. Presb. ch., Canisteo, N. Y , '60-'74. — w.c. Canisteo, N. Y., '74-. ♦John Jay Lawrence, b. 12 July 1807, Geneseo, N. Y. U.C. 1829. — Ord. 24 Feb. 1835. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '35-'. . — Died, at Tranquebar, 20 Dec. 1846. ♦Chester Lord, b. 30 July 1812, Williamsburg, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Not or- dained. —Died, at Williamsburg, Ms., 8 Nov. 1834. James Mclntire, b 1808, Oxford, Pa. J.C. 1827. — Ord. 22 Jan. 1835. — p. Hopkinton, Ms., '35-'38. — p. Presb. ch., Elkton, Md., '39-'49. — w.c. Elkton, Md., '49-'60. — a.p. Presb. ch., Elkton, Md., '60-'61.— w.c. Elkton, Md., '61-. Israel Taintor Otis, b. 8 July 1805, Colchester, Ct. W^C. 1828. — Ord. 10 June 1835. p. Goshen, Lebanon, Ct., '35-'44. — chap. U.S. Navy, '45. — p. Rye, N. H., '47-66. — res. Exeter, N. H., '66-69. — a.p. Brownington, Vt., '69-71. — now res. Exeter, N. H. ♦Philander Oliver Powers, b. 19 Aug. 1805, Phillipston, Ms. A.C. 1830. — Ord. 29 Oct. 1834. f.m. Armenians in Brusa, Trebizond, etc., '34-62.— a.p. South Windsor, Ct., '64-'66. — f.m. Armenians, Southern Turkey, '68 until died, at Kessab, Turkey, 2 Oct. 1872. *Stillman Pratt, b. 24 April 1804, Reading, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ord. 22 April 1835. p. Orleans, Ms., '35-39. — a.p. Eastham, Ms., '39. — p. South Adams, Ms., '39-48. — p. Melrose, Ms., '49-'51. — p. Carver, Ms., '51-54. — editor Mother's Assistant, '50-'52. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '5 7. — editor Middleborough Gazette, Ms., *54-'. . — Died, at Middleborough, Ms., 1 Sept. 1862. *Daniel Ford Richardson, b. 16 Aug. 1807,, N.H. D.C. 1831.— Prof. Latin and Greek, Wake Forest Institute, N.C., '34-39.— Ord., Bapt., 8 April 1838.— p. Bapt. ch., AVake Forest, N.C., '38-39. — — p. Cavendish, Vt., '43-'44. — p. Mason Village (now Greenville), N. H., '45- '47. — p. Hanover, N. H., '48-52. — a.p. Plainfield, N. H., '53-63.- w.c. Hanover, N.H., '63 until died there, 7 Feb. 1882. ♦Charles Jtockwell, b. 22 Nov. 1806, Colebrook, Ct. Y.C. 1826. — Ord. 23 Sept. 1834. chap. U.S. Navy, '34-'37. — p. Chatham, Ms., '38-'45. — a.p. Pontiac, Mich., '46-47. — in Ky., '47-49. — a.p. Sharon, Ct., '50-'51 ; Eastburn Presb. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '52-'53 ; Cong, ch., Castine, Me., '53-54; Pelham, N. H., '54; Acton, Ms., '55-56. — teacher, Boston, Ms., '66-'57; Brooklyn, N.Y., '58-'59. — p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Kiskatom, N. Y., 1880.] 1834. 99 'C0-'66. — a.p. Mongaup Valley, N. Y., '67-69. — teacher and pr., New- burgh, N.Y., '69-'70. — a.p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Gansevoort, N. Y., '71-72 ; Cong, ch., Dunstable, Ms., '71-'72; Winchendon, Ms., '73-'75. — w.c. Chatham, Ms., '79-80.— Old Men's Home, Albany, N.Y., '81 until died there, 17 April 1882. ♦Asa Dodg-e Smith, D.D., LL.D., b. 21 Sept. 1804, Amherst, N.H. D.C. 1830. — Ord. 2 Nov. 1834. p. Brainerd Presb. ch., which in 1851 was reorganized as the Fourteenth st. Presb. ch., New York city, '34-63. — Pres. Dart. Coll., '63-'77. — w.c. Hanover, N. H., '77 until died there, 16 Aug. 1877. ♦Buel Willoughby Smith, b. 13 Nov. 1806, Monkton, Vt. M.C. 1831.— Ord., by Woburn Assoc'n, Ms., 23 April 1834. a.p. Ferrisburg, etc., Vt., '34-'35. — p. Montpelier, Vt, '36-'40. — a.p. Plainfield, Vt., '40-'41.— prin. acad., Keeseville, and a.p. Port Kent, N.Y., '. .-'. . — prin. fem. sera., Burlington, Vt., '48-*65 ; also a.p. Shelburne, '52-'55 ; Ferrisburgh, '53- '56; West Milton, '56-57; Westford, '64-65. — w.c. Newton, Ms., '65-'. . — w.c, ins. agent, Ishperaing, Mich., '. . until died there, 7 March 1882. *AlTah Spaulding, b. 9 Sept. 1807, Townsend, Ms. A.C. 1831. — a.p. Troy, N.H., '34; Chesterfield, N.H., '34-'35. — Ord. 1 Oct. 1835. p. Cornish, N.H., '35-65. — p. Weathersfield Centre, Vt., '65 until died there, 11 May 1868. *Seth Sweetser, D.D., b. 15 March 1807, Newburyport, Ms. H.C. 1827.— Tutor, Harvard Coll., '29-31. — Ord. 23 Nov. 1836. Gardiner, Me., a.p. '34-36 ; p. '36-'38. — p. Calv. ch., Worcester, Ms., '38 until died there, 24 March 1878. Daniel Smith Talcott, D.D., b. 7 March 1813, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1831. — teacher Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '33-36.— Ord. 7 Dec. 1836. p. Sherborn, Ms., '36-38. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '39-'81. — w.c. Bangor, Me., '81-. Hiram Averill Tracy, b. 20 Sept. 1804, Lisbon, Ct.— . — Ord. 1 Jan. 1835. p. Sutton, Ms., '35-'50. — Dis. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., O., '51-'60. — Sec. Com. for Sabbath observance, Cincinnati, O., '60-'61. — p. Presb. ch., Glendale, O., '61-'67. — a.p. Eagleville and Taftville, Ct., '67-'68. — Sec. Sab. Com., Cincinnati, O., '68-70. — a.p. First ch., Sutton, Ms., '71-75. — w.c. Sutton, Ms., '75-. *John Whitney, b. 1 Sept. 1804, Harvard, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ord. 15 Oct. 1834. p. First ch., Boxford, Ms., '34-'37. — p. Waltham, Ms., '37-'58.— a.p. Westford, Ms., '59 ; West Boylston, Ms., '60 ; Robbinston, Me., '61-62 ; Presb. and Cong, chhs., Canaan Four Corners, N.Y., '62-'67. — w.c. Newton Centre, Ms., '67 until died there, 31 May 1879. 100 1834. [1880. *Diarca Howe Allen, d.d. (2+), b. 13 July 1808, Lebanon, N.H. D.C. 1829. — Orel 1834. — teacher, Marietta, O., '33-35. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Marietta Coll., '35-'38 ; Prof. Rhct. and Polit. Econ., '38-40. — Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Lane Theol. Sem., '40-'51 ; Prof. Syst. Theol., '51-'67.— w.c. Granville, O., '67-'..; died there, 9 Nov. 1870. John Chester Backus, d.d. (I—), b. 3 Sept. 1810, Wethersfield, Ct. Y.C. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '33-34. — Ord., by New Brunswick Presb'y, .. Dec. 1835. — assist. Sec. Bd. Dom. Miss., '35-'36. — p. First Presb. ch., Baltimore, Md., '36-'75 ; p. em., '75-. *01iver Baker (1), from Templeton, Ms. Y.C. 1829. — Yale Theol. Sem., and died, while a member of that Seminary, at Rahway, X.J., 15 March 1834. John Abeel Baldwin (1), b. 25 April 1810, New York city, N. Y. Y.C 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1833.— Ord. 22 March 1836. — p. Ref (Dutch) ch.. Flat Lands and New Lots, N.Y., '36-52. — p. First Presb. ch., Lan- caster, Pa., '52-'56. — p. New Providence, N.J., '57-'69. — a.p. Woodhaven, N. Y., '69-76. — occ. sup., res. Brooklyn, N. Y., '76-. *Charles Lurvey Bartlett (1— ), b 1804, Unity, N.IL —. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '31-33. — Ord. 24 June 1835. — a.p. Rising Sun and Unia, Ind., '35-39 ; Pleasant Ridge, Ind., '39-'44 ; Central ch., Jefferson Co., Ind., '44-'46; Newark, 111., '46-'50. — p. Presb. ch., Du Page, III, '51-'56. — h.m. Du Page, 111., '58 ; Lake Forest, 111., '60-62. — w.c. Lake Forest, 111., '63-'. . — Died, at Taberville, Mo., 16 Sept. 1867. James Boutelle (2-f), from Townshend, Vt. M.C. *Hilliard Bryant (2), b. 3 Feb. 1808, Middleborough, Ms. A.C. 1831.— Episc. Theol. Sem., New York, 1835. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 28 June 1835 ; priest, 22 Sept. 1835. — assist., mission school, Athens, Greece, '35-'37. — r. Trinity ch., Litchfield, Ct., '37-'40. — r. Christ ch., Westport, Ct., '40-'41. r. St. Paul's ch., Wallingford, Ct., '41-'50. — teacher, acad., Cheshire, Ct., '50-52. — r. St. Peter's ch., Cheshire, Ct , '52-65. — r. St. Peter's ch., Hebron, Ct., '65-'..; died there, 11 Sept. 1880. Edward Coleman Bull (1), b Danbury, Ct. Y.C. 1826. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 26 Sept. 1834; priest, .. May 1838. — Brookfield, Ct., '38- '41.— Westport, Ct., '41-'4 7. — Rye, N.Y., '47-'58. — w.c, Brooklyn, N.Y., Bridgeport, Ct., Saratoga, N.Y., '58-'70 ; Tarrytown, N.Y., '70-. *Alpheus Crosby (2), b. 13 Oct. 1810, Sandwich. N. H. D.C. 1827. — Not or- dained.— Prof. Latin and Greek, Dart. Coll., '33-37 ; Prof Greek, '3 7-'49; Prof emer., '49-'.. — prin. State Normal School, Salem, Ms.,'57-'65. — res. Salem, Ms., '65-'. . ; died there, 17 April 1874. John Jay Dana (2), b. 5 Nov. 1811, Poultney, Vt. U.C. 1831. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. — Ord., by Troy Presb'y, 9 Sept. 183S. h.m. — a.p. Pittstown, N.Y., '35-'36; Blissfield, Mich., •36-'38.— Canaan Four Cor- ners, N. Y., a.p. '38-'40; p. '40-'48. — p. South Adams, Ms., '48-'58. — a.p. Cummington, Ms., '6l-'65 ; North Bucket, Ms., '66-' 74 ; Alford and West Stockbrid'^e, Ms., '76- 1880.] 1834. 101 *\Villiam Coombs Dana, d.d. (1), b. 13 Feb. 1810, Newburyport, Ms. D.C. 1828. — Columbia Theol. Sem., S.C. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1835.— Ord. 14 Feb. 1836. p. Central Presb. ch., Charleston, S.C, '36 until died there, 30 Nov. 1880. ♦Nathaniel Shatswell Dodge (1), b. 10 Jan. 1810, Haverhill, Ms. D.C— J^ot ordained. — prin. Maplewood Inst., Pittsfield, Ms.,'..-'.. — res. Pittsfield, Ms., '. .-'51. — London, Eng., '51-'61. — quartermaster, '62-66. — — Died, at Boston, Ms., 2 Feb. 1874. Joshua Trowbridge Eaton (1), b. 23 Feb. 1803, Framingham, Ms. — Y.C. 1830. r— Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 Sept. 1834; priest, 11 Sept. 1836. — a.p. or r. Portsmouth, O., '34-'35 ; Painesville, O., '36-'38. — w.c. and occ. pr. Charleston, O., '39. — a.p. or r. Boardman and Canfield, O., '40-'45 ; Allen's Hill, etc., N.Y., '46; Corning, N. Y., '47-'48; Allen's Hill, etc., N.Y., '49-52 ; Buffalo, N.Y., '53-56 ; Plymouth, etc., O., '57. — w.c. Painesville, O., '58-'59.— Ord., New Church, 13 June 1860. Urbana, O., '60-'61. — Wilmington, Del, '62-63. — Urbana, O., '64-69. — Yarmouth, Ms., '70. — w.c. Shrewsbury, Ms., '70-. *Albert Mirabeau Egerton (2), b 1807, Randolph, Vt. D.C. 1829.— Columbia Theol. Sem., S.C...... — Ord — teacher, Augusta, Ga., '..-'..; died there, 7 April 1839. David Fosdick (2-f ), b. 9 Nov. 1813, Charlestown, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ord. 3 March 1841. p. Unit'n ch.. Sterling, Ms., '41-'45. — p. HoUis st. ch., Boston, Ms., '46-'47. — res. Groton, Ms., since '48; a.p. South Groton, Ms., '54-'60. — minister at large, Groton, Ms., '60-. *John Northend Goodhue (1), b. 29 Jan. 1810, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1831.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1834. — Ord. 4 May 1836. p. Marlborough, Ms., '36-'. . ; died there, 13 Sept. 1839. Frederick West Holland (1), b. 22 June 1811, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1831.— Harvard Div. School, 1834.— Ord. 11 April 1838. p. Unit'n ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '38-'42. — p. East Cambridge, Ms., '51-'59. — p. Neponset, Ms.,'59- '62. — p. North Cambridge, Ms., '62-'65. — p. Rochester, N.Y., '65-'68.— — miss'y, res. Cambridge, Ms., '69-'71. — p. Newburgh, N.Y., '71-'77, — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '78-. Henry Augustus Homes, ll.d. (l),b. 10 March 1812, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1830.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1833. — in Oriental studies, Paris, France, '34-35. Ord., by the Eglise Refbrmee, at Paris, . . June 1835. f.m. Constantinople, '35-'51. — interpreter, and Charge d' Affaires, U.S. Legation, Constanti- nople, '51-'53. — librarian, State Library, Albany, N.Y., '54-. *Elbridge Hosmer (2-f-),b. 28 Sept. 1807, Walpole,N.H. D.C. 1831.— Not or- dained. — teacher, Craftsbury, Vt. ; Newton, Ms.; Auburn, N.Y. ; Glens Falls, N. Y.; and Cleveland, O. ; died, at Cleveland, O., 14 Sept. 1852. *Franklin Jones (1), b. 9 Aug. 1801, Royalston, Ms. A.C. 1829. — Not or- dained. — Died, at Bowling Green, Ky., 16 Aug. 1846. 102 1834. [1880. William Vaiip;han Jordan (1), b. 31 July 1804, Saco, Me. B.C. 1831.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 183.5.— Ord. 13 Sept. 1836. p. Dixfield, Me., '36- '41. — p. Pownal, Me., '42-'52. — a.p. Deer Isle, Me., '52-54 ; Mechanics Falls, Me., '55-58 ; Dixfield, Me., '58-59; Andover, Me., '59-67. — w.c. Concord, N.H., '67-'70. — a.p. Sanford, Me., '70-'71. — w.c. various places, now res. Saco, Me., '71-. Daniel Kimball (1), b. 25 May 1810, Ipswich, Ms. — 31.C. — Not ordained.— temperance editor and lecturer, Ms., '41-52 ; teacher, Woburn, Ms., '53- '54.; Williams Acad., Stockbridge, '55-'63. — storekeeper, Boston Custom House, '64-76. — res. Lexington, Ms., '76-82; now res. Woburn, Ms. Daniel Leach, D.D. (1), b. 12 June 1806, Bridgewater, Ms. B.U. 1830.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 Feb, 1833; priest, 10 April 1834. — Northampton, Ms., '33. — Quincy, Ms., '33-38. —teacher classical school, Boston High- lands, Ms., '38-'44. — teacher boarding school, '44-'50. — agent Mass. Board of Education, '51-55. — supt. of public schools. Providence, R.I., '65-. •Clement Long, d.d., ll.d. (2), b. 1 Dec. 1806, Hopkinton, N. H. D.C. 1828. — Ord., by Presb'y of Portage, at Franklin, O., 6 April 1836. — Prof. Intel, and Moral Pliil., West. Res. Coll., '3 t-'44 ; Prof. Theol., '44-'52. — Prof. Theol., Theol. Sem., Auburn, N.Y., '52-'54.— Prof Intel. Phd. and Polit. Econ., Dart. Coll., '54- '. . — Died, at Hanover, N. H, 14 Oct. 1861. Elias Loomis, ll.d. (1+), b. 7 Aug. 1811, Willington, Ct. Y.C. 1830. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., •33-'36. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., West. Res. Coll., '36-'44. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., N.Y. Univ., •44-'60. — Prof. Nat. Phil, and Astron., Yale Coll., '60-. ♦William McLain, d.d, (1+), b. 8 Aug. 1806, Buck Creek, O. Mi.U. 1831. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1834. — Ord. 11 Jan. 1837. p. First Presb. ch., Washington, D.C, '37-'40. — Sec. Am. Col'n Soc, Washington, D.C, '40 until died there, 13 Feb. 1873. *Daniel Eddy Manton (1), b. 3 Nov. 1811, Kinderhook, N.Y. A.C. 1831.— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. — a.p. Fayetteville, N.Y., '36 ; Redding, Ct., '36-37. — Ord., by Presb'y of Alton, 1 April 1838. — a.p, near Kinder- hook, N. Y. '39. — Died, at Kinderhook, N. Y., 5 March 1841. *Ezekiel Marsh (1), b. 5 Oct. 1808, South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms. B.C. 1831. — Yale TheoL Sem., 1834.— Ord. 29 April 1835. p. JElhngton, Ct., '35-'44. — Died, at Enfield, Ct., 30 Aug. 1844. ♦Charles Matthews (1), b. 8 March 1813, Putnam, O. O.U. 1830. — Died, at New York city, 4 Dec. 1872. ♦Edward W. Mitchell (1), b. July 1809, Steuben, N.Y. —. — teacher, Lexington, Ky., until died, in 1838. y 1880.] 1834. 1835. 103 John Humphrey Noyes (1), b. 3 Sept. 1811, Brattleborou^ewton, b. 29 July 1808, St. Albans, Vt. U.Vt. 1831.— Ord. 27 July 1836. p. Plattsburg, N.Y., •36-'39. — h.m. Penn., '39-'41.— Chelsea, Vt., '41-'46. — res. St. Albans, Vt., teaching and in business, '46- '65 ; Brooklyn, N.Y., '65- — Ord. deacon, Episc, 11 Jan. 1867 — assist, r. ch. of Holy Trinity. — Died, at Brooklyn, N.Y., 17 Jan. 1875. ♦Christopher Mardenborough Nickels, D.D., b. 18 Jan. 1805, Pemaquid, Me. B.U. 1830. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '32-'33. — Ord. 29 Sept. 1835. p. Gloucester, Ms., '35-48. — — p. Barre, Ms., '51-56. — p. Cen- tral Presb. ch., Newark, N.J., '56-'64. — w.c. Newark, N.J., '64-66; Mor- ristown, N. J., '67-'70; Montreux, Switz., '71-73 ; Newark, N. J., '74; Princeton, N.J., '75-76 ; New London, Ct., '77 until died there, 10 July 1878. -*■ Jesse Page, b. 23 Feb. 1805, Atkinson, N.H. D.C. 1831. — Ord. 16 Sept. 1835. p. North Andover, Ms., '35-43. — a.p. Atkinson, N. H., '46-69.— — w.c. Atkinson, N. H., '70-. Calvin Emmons Park, b. 30 Dec. 1811, Providence, R.T. A.C. 1831.— Tutor, Amh. Coll., '35-'37.— Ord. 31 Oct. 1838. p. Waterville, Me., '38-'44, and instr. Rhet., Colby Univ., '39-'43. — p. West Boxford, Ms., '46-'59.— teacher. West Boxford, Ms., '59-. ♦Francis Vergnies Pike, b. 2 Jan. 1813, Newburyport, Ms. Y.C. 1831.— Ord. 20 Feb. 1839. p. Rochester, N. H., '39-41. — occ. pr., '41 until died, at Newburyport, Ms., 4 Sept. 1843. ♦Tobias Pinkham, from Andover, Me. — . — a.p. Parsonsfield, Me., '35-36. — Ord. 18 May 1836. p. Dracut, Ms., '36-'39. — Ord., Bapt., 24 Sept. 1840. — — Died, at Tioga, Pa., 17 Aug. 1813. 1880.] 1835. 107 *Samuel Prince Bobbins b. 25 Aug. 1811, Marietta, O. O.U. 1830. — Ord. 8 May 1836. f.m. Borneo, '36-'38 ; Siam, '38-'40. — h.m. Waldo Co., Me., '42 ; Naples and Raymond, Me., '44. — — w.c. Marietta, O., '. . until died there, 6 July 1846. Ezekiel Russell, D.D., b. 12 March 1810, Wilbraham (Hampden), Ms. A.C. 1829. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '31-'32. — Ord. 22 June 1836. p. North Adams, Ms., '36-'39. — p. Second ch., Springfield, Ms., '39-'49. — p. East Randolph, Ms., '50-57. — p. Winthrop ch., East Randolph (now Holbrook), Ms., '57-'72. — w.c. Holbrook, Ms., '72-. ♦Albert Smith, D.D., b. 15 Feb. 1804, Milton, Vt. M.C. 1831. — Ord. 10 Eeb. 1836. p. Williarastown, Ms., '36-39. — Prof. Lang., Mai-shall Coll., Pa., '39-'40. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '40-'45. — p. Vernon, Ct., '45-'54. — a.p. Peru, Ind., '54-55. —h.m. Duqaoine, 111., '55. —p. Presb. ch., Monticello, 111., '55 until died there, 24 April 1863. Horatio Southgate, D.D., b. 5 July 1812, Portland, Me. B.C. 1832. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 July 1835; priest, 3 Oct. 1839. Consecrated bishop (miss'y), 26 Oct. 1844. — exploring tour, Persia, '36-38. — f.m. Constan- tinople, '40-'44. — miss'y bishop for Turkish dominions, '44-'50. — St. Mark's ch., Portland, Me., '51-52. — ch. of the Advent, Boston, Ms., '52- '58. — r. Zion ch., New York city, '59-72. — r. St. Thomas' ch., Ravens- wood, L.I., '82. James Leonard Thompson, b. 27 May 1800, Montville, Ct. U.C. 1832.— Ord. 18 Nov. 1835. f.m. Cyprus, '35-'41. — (in New York city, '52; in Astoria, N.Y., '53.) *Selah Burr Treat, b. 19 Feb. 1804, Hartland, Ct. Y.C. 1824. — Ord. 23 March 1836. p. Presb. ch., Newark, N.J., '36-40. — editor Biblical Re- pository, an^ Eclectic, '40-'42. — editor Missionary Herald, '43-'56 ; Day- spring, '43-'49 ; Journal and Dayspring, '56. — Rec. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., Boston, Ms., '43-'47 ; Cor. Sec, '47 until died there, 28 March 1877. John Calvin Webster, D.D., b. 19 Jan. 1810, Hampton, N. H. D. C. 1832. — a.p. Wells, etc.. Me., '35-37. — Ord., at Newburyport, Ms., 15 March 1837. seamen's chap., Cronstadt, Russia, '37-'38. — p. Hopkinton, Ms., '38-64. — Prof. Rhet., Logic, and Belles Lettres, Wheaton Coll., 111., '64- '76. — w.c. there, '76-78. — a.p. Lisbon, 111., '78-82; w.c. Wheaton, 111., ♦Jacob White, b. 20 Nov. 1806, East Bridgewater, Ms. B.U. 1832. — Ord. 13 Jan. 1835. p. Lyndeborough, N.H., '35-'40. — p. Orleans, Ms., '41-61. — w.c. Orleans, Ms., '61-65 ; Bridgewater, Ms., '65 until died, at Lynde- borough, N.H., 3 April 1866. 108 1835. [1880. •John Baker (2+), b. 30 May 1811, Edgecomb, Me. B.C. 1831. — Bangor Theol. Seni., 1835.— Ord. 16 Sept. 1835. p. Monson, Me., '35-'39. — a.p. Kennebunkport, Me., '36-46; Eliot, Me., '46-49. — p. Kennebunkport, Me., '49-56. — a.p. Wilton, Me., '56 until died, at Edgecomb, Me., 27 Oct. 1859. *Samuel Beman (1), b. 12 Feb. 1808, Bridgeton, Me. B.C. 1832. — Not or- dained. —Died, at New York city, 9 July 1877. *Zenas Bliss (2), b. 24 Nov. 1808, Randolph, Vt. U.Vt. 1831. — assoc prin. acad., Fredonia, N.Y., '34-'35. — Ord., by Buffalo Presb'y, 28 Oct. 1835. a.p. vie. of Fredonia, N.Y., '35-37 ; Quechee, Vt., '37-'39 ; Jericho Centre, Vt., '40-'42; Winooski, Vt., '43-44. — teacher and occ. pr., Ala., '44-48. — a.p. Richmond, Vt., '49-'54. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '54 until died there, 9 Dec. 1865. *Jonathan Brace, d.d. (1), b. 12 June 1810, Hartford, Ct. A.C. 1831.— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1835.— Ord. 12 June 1838. p. Litchfield, Ct, '38-'44. — p. Milford, Ct., '45-63. — editor Religious Herald, Hartford, Ct., '57 until died there, 1 Oct. 1877. ♦Thomas Bronson (1), b. 4 June 1808, Waterbury, Ct. Y.C. 1829. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1835. — Not ordained. — — teacher, Smithfiuld, Va., '43-47 ; Quincy, 111., '47 until died, at Waterbury, Ct., 20 April 1851. Joseph Warren Cro^s (2—), b. 16 June 1808, East Bridgewater, Ms. H.C. 1828. — Ord. 1 Oct. 1834. p. Boxborough, Ms., '34-'39. — p. West Boyls- ton, Ms., '40-59. — a.p. Waukegan, 111., '59; Sterling, Ms., '60; Sag Harbor, N.Y., '62. — chap, insane asylum, Worcester, Ms., '72. — a.p. mission chapel, Worcester, Ms., '74. — w.c. West Boylston, Ms., '74-. ♦Gideon Dana (1—), b. 11 Sept. 1805, Oxford, Ms. B.U. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '33-34. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1836. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '36-3 7. — Ord. 3 Jan. 1838. p. South Amherst, Ms., '38-40. — p. West Springfield, Ms., '41-44. — Harmar, O., a.p. '45-'47 ; p. '47-'50.— agent Western Seamen's Friend Soc, '50, — a.p. Delaware, O., '51-'52; Strongsville, O., '52-'55. — Dis. Sec. Am. and For. Chr. Union, for North- ern Ohio, '55-'58. — a.p. Bucyrus, O., '60-'61 ; North Ridgeville, O., '62; Wauseon, O., '63-65. — w.c. '65-67.— a.p. Rochester, O., '67-68; West Farmington, O., '69-'. . — Died, at Oberlin, O., 9 May 1872. *Henry Eddy, m.d. (2), b. 1 Oct. 1805, New Britain, Ct. Y.C. 1832. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1836. — Ord. 16 Feb. 1836. p. Granville, Ms., '36-'39. — p. Stoughton, Ms., '40-44. — h m. Turner, Me., '44-46. — p. Kennebunkport, Me., '46-48. — a.p. North Guilford, Ct., '49-51. — physician (m.d. 1851) and farmer. North Bridgewater, Ms., until died there, 23 Sept. 18 72. John Fairchild (2), b. 21 Aug. 1804, Georgia, Vt. U.Vt. 1831. Union Theol. Sem., Prince Edward Co., Va., 1835.— Ord., Presb., at Newtown, Ind., 19 June 1841. p. Presb. chhs., Newtown and Rob Roy, Ind., '41-44; p. 1880.] 1835. 109 Newtown, *44-'51. — miss'y of Indianapolis Presb'y, '51-'53. — a.p. Presb. ch., Franklin, Ind., '53-56; AVabash, Ind., '56-63. —b.m. Marinette and vie. Wis., 'G3-'67; a.p. Marinette, Wis., '67-71. — h.m. Upper Peninsula, res. Marinette, '71-. William Henry Hoyt (1), b. 8 Jan. 1813, Sandwich, N.H. D.C. 1 831. — Gen. Tbeol. Sem., 1836. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 31 July 1836; priest, .. Sept. 1837. — St. Luke's ch., St. Albans, Vt., '38-'46. — — lawyer, St. Albans, Vt., '..-'59 ; Burlington, Vt., '59-'61. — editor Burlington Sentinel, Burlington, Vt., '61-68. — merchant. New York city, '68-. Cortland Lucas Latimer (1), b. 8 Feb. 1810, Waterford, Ct. F.C — lawyer, Norwalk, O., '34-63 ; Cleveland, O., '63-. •Harmon Loomis, d.d. (2), b. 26 Oct. 1805, Georgia, Vt. U.Vt. 1832.— Princeton Tbeol. Sem., 1835. — a.p. Union Presb. ch.. New York city, '35-36. — Ord., at Vergennes, Vt., 31 Aug. 1836. chap. Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, New York city, '36-'40. — a.p. Presb. ch., Williamsport, Pa., '40-'41 ; Mt. Joy, Pa., '41-45. — Cor. Sec. Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, New York city, '45-' 71. — Died, at Brooklyn, N.Y., 19 Jan. 1880. *Aurelian Hulburd Post (1+), b. 9 Feb. 1808, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1832.— Not ordained. — teacher, Natchez, Miss., '33. — Died, at Logansport, Ind., 5 Oct. 1834. ♦Lewis Sabin, d.d. (2), b. 9 April 1807, Wilbraham, Ms. A.C. 1831.— Ord. 8 June 1836. h.m. Stanstead, C.E., '36-37.— p. Templeton, Ms., '37-72. — w.c. Templeton, Ms., '72 until died there, 8 June 1873. Alexander Joseph Sessions (2), b. 13 Aug. 1809, Warren, Ms. Y.C. 1831.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1835. — Ord. 6 June 1838. p. Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms., '38-49. — — p. Melrose, Ms., '54-58. — w.c. Salem, Ms., '58-63.— p. North Scltuate, Ms., '63-69. — w.c. Brookline, Ms., '69-72. — a.p. Second ch., Beverly, Ms., '73-76; w.c. there, '76-. •Joseph Sherman, ll.d. (2), b. 3 March 1800, Edgecomb, Me. B.C. 1826.— Ord 1836 or 1837. — Prof. Lang., Jackson Coll., Columbia, Tenn., '37-'.. ; Pres., ('43) ; Prof. Lang., ('46) until died, in Tenn., 1849. Jonathan French Stearns, d.d. (1), b. 4 Sept. 1808, Bedford, Ms. H.C. 1830. — Ord. 16 Sept. 1835. p. Presb. ch., Newburyport, Ms., '35-'49. — p. First Presb. ch., Newark, N.J., '49-82 ; p. em., '82-. John Orville Taylor (1), b. 14 May 1807, Charlton, N.Y. U.C. 1830. — Not ordained. — editor Common School Assistant, '3Q-'40. — joui-nalist, res. New Brunswick, N.J., ('80). John Spencer Wallis (1), b. 5 Feb. 1811, Danvers (now Peabody), Ms. Y.C. 1832. — Not ordained, teacher and farmer, now res. Bolton, Ms. no 18 36. [1880. 1836. *Sereno Timothy Abbott, b. 17 Aug. 1805, Andover, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord. 12 July 1837. p. Seabrook, KH., '37 until died there, 28 March 1855. Nathaniel Beach, b. 5 Oct. 1809, Mendham, N.J. W.C. 1832. — Ord. 22 Nov. 1837. p. First ch., Millbury, Ms., '37-57. — p. Little Compton, R.I., '57-'67.— a.p. Woodstock, Ct., '68-'78; Second ch., Mansfield, Ct., '78-. *Pomero3r Belden, b. 15 March 1811, Whately, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord., by Franklin A.ssoc'n, 8 Aug. 1837. — a.p. Deerfield, Ms., '37-42. — p. Second ch., Amherst, Ms., '42 until died there, 2 March 1849. Levi Brig-ham, b. 14 Oct. 1806, Marlborough, Ms. W.C. 1833. — Ord. 15 March 1837. p. Dunstable, Ms., '37-49. — Saugus, Ms., a.p. '49-'51 ; p. '51-'68. — Troy, N.H., a.p. '68-70; p. '70-'76. — a.p. First ch., Win- chendon, Ms., '77-'80. — w.c. Marlborough, Ms., '80-. *Robert Carver, b. 22 April 1810, Taunton, Ms. Y.C. 1833. — h.m. C.E. and Vt., '36 and '37.— Ord. 21 Nov. 1838. Berlin, Ms., a.p. '37-'38 ; p. '38-'42. — a.p. Lancaster, Wis., '43-44; Pittston, Me., '44; Cutchogue, L.L, '44-46. — p. Raynhara, Ms., '47-'57. — a.p. South Franklin, Ms., '59- '61. — chap. 7th Mass. Vols., '61-'62. — w.c. '62 until died, at Orient, L.L, 25 Feb. 1863. Lucius Root Eastman, b. 15 Sept. 1809, Hadley, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord. 15 Nov. 1837. p. Sharon, Ms., '37-40. — a.p, Berkley, Ms.; Cornwall, Ct. ; Provincetown, Ms., '43-'44. — Pilgrim ch., Boston, Ms. — a.p. Berkley, Ms., '46-56 ; Needham, Ms., '57-'59 ; Neponset, Hyde Park, Ms., '59-62 ; Boston, Ms., '63- James Bryant Hadley, b. 8 Jan. 1805, Goffstown, N.H. A.C. 1833.— Ord. 20 Sept. 1837. p. Union ch., Araesbury and Salisbury, Ms., '37-'48. — Bible agent, Essex Co., Ms., '49-'50. — p. Standish, Me. '51-58. — p. Campton, N.H., '58-63. — a.p. Wentworth, N.H., '63-'64. — w.c. Campton, N.H., '64-. Eli Whitney Harrington, b. 28 Nov. 1804, New Braintree, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord. 26 April 1837. p. Lunenburg, Ms., '37-47. — a.p. Mason Centre, N.H., '47-'50. — p. Rochester, Ms., '50-58. — a.p. North Beverly, Ms., '59_'66. — w.c. North Beverly, Ms., '66- ♦Daniel Mansfield, b. 8 Aug. 1807, Lynnfield, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord. 26 July 1837. p. Wenham, Ms., '37 until died there, 8 April 1847. ♦Clarendon Fay Muzzy, b. 20 Nov. 1804, Dublin, N.H. M.C. 1833. — Ord., at Madura, India, 21 Feb. 1838. f.m. Madura District, India, '36-57.— a.p. Ferrisburg, Vt., '59; Brasher Falls, N.Y. '62-'64 ; Waverly, Pa., '65; Mohegan ch., Montville (res. Norwich), Ct., '66-73. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '74 until died there, 4 Jan. 1878. 1880.] 1836. Ill Daniel James Noyes, D.D., b. 17 Sept. 1811, Springfield, N.H. D.C. 1832. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '36-'37. — Ord. 3 May 1837. p. South cli., Concord, N.H., '37-'49. — Prof. TheoL, Dart. Coll., '50-'70; Prof. Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., '70-. George Waters, D.D., b. 30 May 1810, Chesterfield, Ms. A.C. 1831.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 31 July 1836 ; priest, 11 Jan. 1838. — r. Christ ch., Lynn, Ms., '3 7-39. — r. Trinity ch., Lenox, Ms., '40-42. — r. St. John's ch., Delhi, N.Y., '42-49. — r. St. John's ch., Kingston, N. Y., '49-69. — res. Cam- bridge, Ms., '69. — sup. St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '70-'72. — res. Kingston, N. Y., occ. sup., '72-. *Reed Wilkinson, b. 8 Dec. 1804, Townshend, Vt. A.C. 1830.— prin. acad., Vincennes, lud., '36-'38. — prin. high school, St. Louis, Mo., '38-42. — Ord., Presb., 10 Nov. 1842. h.m. Mo., '42-'43.— a.p. Presb. chhs., Reading and Sharon, O., '43-46; Pomeroy, O. (and teacher, '52-54), '46-66.- — p. Cong, ch., Fairfield, lo., '56-'63. — prin. State Institution for the Blind, Vinton, lo., '64-66. — a.p. Toledo, lo., '67-'70. — w.c. Fairfield, lo., '70 until died, at South Londonderry, Vt., 24 Aug. 1879. *James Adger (l),b. 22 Aug. 1812, Charleston, S.C. C.C. 1831.— Ord .... miss'y. — Died, near Philadelphia, Pa., 28 June 1882. *Frederick Augustus Barton (1), b. 24 Jan. 1809, Chester, Vt. D.C. 1831.— teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '32-'38. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1839. — a.p. Collinsville, Ct., '38-'43. — p. Chicopee, Ms., '43-'46. — w.c. '46-'58.— a.p. Indian Orchard, Springfield, Ms., '58-'61. — chap. 10th Mass. Vols., '6i-'62. — w.c. Nashua, N. H., '62-68; East Boston, Ms., '68-71 ; New- tonville, Ms., '71 until died there, 23 Feb. 1881. *Amos Brown, ll.d. (2), b. 11 March 1804, Kensington, N.H. D.C. 1832.— prin. acad., Fryeburg, Me., '33-'34. — prin. sem., Gorham, Me., '35-'47. — Ord. 11 April 1848. p. Machias, Me., '48-51. — prin. sem., Ovid, N.Y., '52-57. — Pres. People's Coll., Havana, N.Y., '57-64.— w.c. Havana, N.Y., '64 until died there, 27 Aug. 1874. *Mahlon Pomroy Chapman (2), b. 16 June 1807, Southampton, Ms. A.C. 1832. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 1 Sept. 1835. Kendall Flint, m.d. (2), b. 4 Feb. 1807, Peabody, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Not or- dained. — Harv. Med. School, m.d. 1839. — physician, Haverhill, Ms., many years; now retired, res. there. Alfred Goldsmith (2), b. 14 Dec. 1809, Hallowell, Me. B.C. 1835. — Ord. 12 Sept. 1837. p. Great Falls, N.H., '3 7-38.— p. Little Compton, R.I., '39-44. — p. Princeton, Ms., '45-49.— p. WalpoIe,N.H., '51-53.- a.p. South Abing- 112 1836. [1880. ton, Ms., '53; Walpole, N.H., '53-'55. — w.c. Groton, Ms., '55-57. — a.p. Peterborough, N. H., '57. — w.c. Groton, Ms., '58-'66. — ap. Lunenburg, Ms., '66-68; West Avon, Ct., '68-75; Hampton, Ct., '78-'81. *Frederick Jordan Goodwin, d.d. (1), b. 30 April 1812, South Berwick, Me. B.C. 1832. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 3 July 1836 ; priest, 2 July 1837. Prof. Lang., Bristol Coll., Pa., '36-37. — temp. Prof. Latin, New York Univ., '37. — r. St. George's ch.. Flushing, L.I., '37-44. —r. Ch. of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Ct., '45-'72; also Prof. Evidences of Cin-istianity, Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, '54 until died there, 29 Feb. 1872. *Jeremiah Jay Greenough (1), b. 18 Nov. 1807, Bradford, Ms. D.C. 1828.— Union Theol. Sem., '36-'37. — Not ordained. — teacher. New York city, '39-60. — Died, at Great Barrington, Ms., 18 July 1860. *Solomon Boltwood Ingram (2), b. 1 April 1807, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1831.— Tutor, Amh. Coll., '35-'36. — Ord. 28 Dec. 1836. p. Sunderland, Ms., '36 until died there, 2 June 1840. Mark Ives (2), b. 10 Feb. 1809, Goshen, Ct. U.C. 1833.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1836.— Ord., at Sharon, Ct., 28 Sept. 1836. f.m. Hawaiian Islands, '36- '51. — farmer, Cornwall, Ct., '51-. ♦Samuel Lamson (1), b. 6 June 1807, Salem, Ms. B.C. 1828. — prin. Abbot Acad., Andover, Ms., '32-'35. — Ord. 20 Sept. 1837. — p. Brighton, Ms., '37-'41. — a.p. Tewksbury, Ms. '..-'.. — — p. Nashua, N. H., '46- '48. — w.c. New York city, or vie, ('56) until died, at Jersey City, N.J., 24 Jan. 1864. Walter Raleigh Long (1), b. 16 Jan. 1811, Cambridge, N.Y. U.C. 1832.— 4 Princeton Theol. Sem., 1836.— Ord., by Troy Presb'y, 28 Aug. 1839. a.p. Cong, ch., Woodbridge, Ct, '37-'40 ; West Troy, N.Y., '41 -'42. — p. Fourth Presb. ch., Troy, N.Y., '42-'44. — Whitesborough, N.Y., a.p. '44-'45 ; p. '45-'50. — p.e. Pine st. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '51-52. — p. Cong, ch., Mystic Bridge, Ct., '53-63, — p.e. Montville, Ct., '63-65. — agent Am. Freedmen's Un. Com., '65-70. — agent Am. Bible Soc, '70-'72 ; sup't for eastern N.Y., '72-'75; sup't for W.Va., res. Wheeling, '75-. John Milton Mackie (1), b 1813, Wareham, Ms. B.U. 1832. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '34-'35. — Not ordained. — author, res. Great Barrington, Ms. ♦Charles Mason, d.d. (1), b. 25 July 1812, Portsmouth, N.H. H.C. 1832.— Gen. Theol. Sem., New York city, 1836. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 31 July 1836 ; priest, — r. St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '37-47. — r. Grace ch., Boston, Ms., '47 until died there, 23 March 1862. Joseph Packard, d.d. (1), b. 23 Dec. 1812, Wiscasset, Me. B.C. 1831.— Prof. Bristol Coll., Pa., '35-'36.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 17 July 1836 ; priest, 29 Sept. 1837. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Sem., near Alexandria, Va., '36-; also now dean of the faculty. 1880.] 183G. 1837. 113 *Joseph Lewis Riggs (1), b. 19 March 1809, New Providence, N.J. A.C. 1831, — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1836. — teacher, '36-38. — advanced class, An- dover Theol. Sera., '38-39. — teacher, '39-43. — Ord., by Presb'y of Pa. (now Wellsborough), 27 Aug. 1845. — a.p. Presb. ch.. Wells, Pa., '43-'54 ; Millerstown, Pa., '. .-'. . ; Cumberland, III, '58. — city miss'y, Elmira, N.Y., '60-63; died there, 20 Aug. 1865. •Theodore Sayre (2), b. 25 Nov. 1805, Ticonderoga, N.Y. W.C. 1833.— teacher, Lowndesborough, Ala., '36-'39. — editor, Haynesville, Ala., '40- '41. — Ord. .. Oct. 1842. a.p. Haynesville, Ala., '41-'44«; Oak Grove, Ala., '44. — teacher, '44-'50 ; prin. fern, acad., Deraopolis, Ala., '60 until died there, 21 Nov. 1853. Samnel Salisbury Tappan (1), b. 2 Sept. 1809, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1833.— Ord. 11 Nov. 1835. p. Winterport, Me., '35-'41. — p. Bridgewater, Ms., *42-'44. — a.p. Holmes' Hole (now Vineyard Haven), Ms., '46-48. — p. Conway, N. H., '49-'52. — w.c. since '52, now res. Providence, R.I. *VVilliam Tracy, D.D. (1), b. 2 June 1807, Norwich, Ct. TF. C. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1835. — Ord. 12 April 1836. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '36 until died, at Tirupuvanum, India, 28 Nov. 1877. Anson Yale Tuttle (2), b- 24 June 1802, Barkhamsted, Ct. A.C. 1833.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1836. — Ord., Presb., 2 Dec. 1840. p. Rootstown, O., '40-'44. — a.p. Charlestown, O., '45-'47; Palmyra, O., '47-'51; Edinburg, O., '52-'53 ; Troy, O., '53. — w.c. Edinburg, O., '53-. William Seymour Tyler, d.d., ll.d. (2), b. 2 Sept. 1810, Harford, Pa. A.C. 1830.— Ord., at North Amherst, Ms., 6 Oct. 1859. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '32-34 ; Prof Latin and Greek, '36-47 ; Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., '47-. ♦Aaron Kinne Wright (2), b. 9 Feb. 1810, Tallraadge, O. W.R.C. 1832.— W.R. Theol. Sem., 1835. — Ord. 11 Jan. 1837. p. Presb. ch., Rootstown, O., '37-39. — a.p. Wadsworth, O., '39 until died there, 8 July 1842. 1837. *Charles Edward Abbott, b. 24 Dec. 1811, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1832.— Not ordained. — teacher, Boston, Ms.; New York city; Norwich, Ct. ; Pittsfield, Ms.; Hartford, Ct. — Died, at Hartford, Ct., 25 July 1880. John Wlieelock AUen, b. .. Nov. 1813, Pittsfield, Ms. B.C. 1834.— Ord., Presb., 27 Dec. 1838. a.p. Presb. ch.. Homer, Mich., '38-'39; Trenton, N.Y., '39-'41.— p. Cong, ch., Wayland, Ms., '41-48. — h.m. Marquette Co., Wis., '50-53. — a.p. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., '53-57; Chesterfield, Ms., '59- '62. — chap. U.S.A., Baton Rouge, La., '62-'63. — occ. pr. Woodstock, etc., Ct., '63-'66. — a.p. Brandon, Wis., '66-68, — w.c. Ripon, Wis., '68-'71 ; North Woodstock, Ct., '72-. 15 114 1837. [1880. ♦Stephen Thompson Allen, b. 6 Sept. 1809, Heath, Ms. A.C. 183.S.— Onl. 18 April 1838. p. Charlemont, Ms., '38-'39. — p. Merrimack, N.H., '39- '50. — editor Mother's Magazine, New York city, '50-56. — — Ord. deacon, Episc, 10 Aug. 1861; priest, 14 Sept. 1862. — r. Trinity ch., Aurora, 111., '61-65. — r. Trinity ch., Muscatine, lo., '65-68. — r. Trinity ch., Aurora, 111., '68-'71. — r. Grace ch., Galesburg, 111., '75-'77.— r. St. John's ch., Chicago, 111., '77 until died, at Aurora, 111., 13 May 1878. John H. Avery, b. 22 July 1807, Boston, Ms. U.C. 1834. — Ord., Bapt., at Harwich, Ms., .. Oct. 1839. — —Plymouth, Ms., '42-'43.— Danvers, Ms., '43-45. — Austlnburgh, O., '50-54. — w.c. Conneaut and Amboy, O., '54-. ♦Philander Bates, b. 26 Sept. 1810, Southampton, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord. 18 Feb. 1840. — a.p. Presb. ch., Grand Blanc, Mich., '38-41 ; Utica, Mich., '41-44; La Peer, Mich., '44-46.- p. Cong, ch., Greenfield, N.Y., '47-'50. — a.p. Oriskany Falls, N. Y., '50-'52 ; Virgil, N. Y., '52-'55 ; East Groton, N.Y., '55-57; Truxton, N.Y., '57-'58; Moravia, N.Y., 'o8-'62; North Truro, Ms., '63-'66 ; Cornish, N.H., '66-'71 ; Ludlow, Vt., '71 until died there, 9 April 1873. Charles Cotesworth Beaman, b. 12 Aug. 1799, Boston, Ms. — . — Ord., at Houlton, Me., 20 June 1839. — a.p. Houlton, Me., '37-'40 ; also U.S. chap, there, '38-'40.— agent Am. Ed. Soc, Ct., '40-'41. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '41-44; Edgartown, Ms., '44-46. — p. Wellfleet, Ms., '46-51. — a.p. Southborough, Ms., '52-53; North Scituate, R.I., '53-57; Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms.,'''57-'64; Westford, Ct., '69-'74. — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '74- '75; Boston, Ms., '75-. Hubbard Beebe, b. l Sept. 1808, Richmond, Ms. W.C. 1833. — Ord, 18 Nov. 1837. p. Longmeadow, Ms., '37-43. — prin. Westfield Acad., and a.p. Chester Factories, Ms., '44-48; South Wilbraham, Ms., '48-52. — p. Sturbridge, Ms., '52-55. — p. West Haven, Ct., '55-'57. — Dis. Sec. Am. S.S. Union, Ct., '57-'60. — agent Am. Bible Soc, New Haven, Ct., '61-'68. — Dis. Sec. Am. Seaman's Friend Soc, New Haven, Ct., '68-'70. — w.c. New York city, '70-. ♦Benjamin Franklin Brown, b. 6 May 1810, Goshen, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Not ordained. — Died, .. Sept. 1842. ♦Isaac BrOTfn, from Hamilton, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1840. p. West Gloucester, Ms., '40 until died, at Hamilton, Ms., 14 Sept. 1841. Samuel Oilman Brown, D.l)., LL.D., b. 4 Jan. 1813, North Yarmouth, Me. D.C. 1831. — prin. Abbot Acad., Andover, Ms., '35-'38. — Ord., evang., at Woodstock, Vt., 6 Oct. 1852. Prof. Orat. and Belles Let., Dart. Coll., '40-63; Prof. Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., '63-6 7. — Pres. Ilam. Coll., '(;7_'81. — w.c. Utica, N.Y., '81-. 1880.] 1837. 115 *Ebenezer Burgess, b. 25 June 1805, Grafton, Vt. A.C. 1831. — Tutor, Anih. Coll., '33-35. —teacher Hebrew and Greek, Union Theol. Sera., New York city, '37-38.— adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-39. — Ord. 19 March 1839. f.m. Marathas, Western India, '39-54.— agent A.B.C.F.M. — a.p. Centreville, Ms., '57-59; Lanesville, Ms., '61-63; South Franklin, Ms., '64-'67 ; also lecturer Lowell Inst., Boston, Ms., '65 and '67. — lecturer, etc., '67 until died, at Newton Centre, Ms., 1 Jan. 1870. CaMn Butler, b. 25 April 1810, Pelham, N.H. D.C. 1834.— h.m. Richmond, N.H., '37-'38.— Ord. 31 Oct. 1838. — p. Heath, Ms., '38-'40. — a.p. Bur- lington, Ct, '40 ; Salisbury, Vt., '40-41.— Bristol, Vt., a.p. '41-42 ; p. '42- '45. — prin. Washington Acad., Salem, N.Y., '45-'48. — prin. acad.. New Paltz, N.Y., '48-'51. — prin. Somerset Young Ladies' Inst., Somerville, N.J., '51-'62; prin. Somerset Classical Inst., '63-64. — prin. acad., Salisbury, Ct., '64. — w.c. '64-'66. — a.p. Eastport, Me., '66-67.— w.c. Mendon, Ms., '67-71; Worcester, Ms., '71-78. — city miss'y, Worcester, Ms., '78-'80; w.c. there, '80-. Hiram Carleton, D.D., b. 18 July 1811, Barre, Vt. M.C. 1833. — Ord. 4 Jan. 1838. p. Stowe, Vt., '38-'52. — a.p. West Barnstable, Ms., '52-'62 ; Stoneham, Ms., '62-63. — teacher, and a.p. Fairmount, Ms., '63-'65. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 March 1866; priest, 15 Feb. 1867. — r. Wood's Holl, Ms., '66-. William Symmes Coggin, b. 27 Nov. 1812, Tewksbury, Ms. D.C. 1834.— Ord. 9 May 1838. p. First ch., Boxford, Ms., '38-'68. — res. Boxford, Ms., '68-. also, a.p. Byfield, Ms., '69-'75. *Pliny Butts Day, D.D.,b. 21 April 1806, Huntington, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Ord. 4 Oct. 1837. p. First Cong, ch., Derry, N. H., '37-'51. — p. Hollis, N.H.,'52 until died there, 6 July 1869. Henry Luce Deane, b. 31 Jan. 1809, Charlestown, Ms. — . — Ord., at New- buryport, Ms., 2 Oct. 1838. a.p. White Bluff Cong, ch., near Savannah, Ga., '36-'39. — occ. pr. '39-'41. — p. Griffin, and three other Presb chhs., Ga., '41-'45. — w.c, invalid. Griffin, Ga.,'45-'56. — a.p. Presb. ch., Waynes- ville, Ga., '56-59 ; Mount Vernon, Ga., '59-'62. — w.c. Griffin, Ga., '62-75 ; Fort Reid, Fla., '75-. ♦Cyrus Bryant Drake, D.D., b. 18 Aug. 1812, Weybridge, Vt. M.C. 1834. — Ord. 12 Oct. 1837. p. Royalton, Vt., '37 until died there, 21 April 1878. Samuel Hopkins Emery, b. 22 Aug. 1815, Boxford, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Ord. 23 Nov. 1837. p. Winslow ch., Taunton, Ms., '37-'40. — p. Bedford, Ms., '41-46. — p. Winslow ch., Taunton, Ms., '46-55. — p. First Cong, ch., Quincy, 111., '55-69. — a.p. N.E. ch., Chicago, 111., '69; Richmond st. ch.. Providence, R.I., '71-'72; Olivet ch., Bridgeport, Ct., '72-74.- p. North Middleborough, Ms., '74-'76. — minister at large for the chhs. in Taunton, Ms., '76-. 116 1837. [1880. *Henry Sewall Gerrisli French, b. 27 April 1807, Boscawen, N. H. Y.C. 1834. — Ord. 19 Sept 1837. f.m. Bangkok, Siam, '37 until died there, 14 Feb. 1842. *Ozro French, b. 8 June 1807, Dummerston, Vt. W.C. 1834. — Ord., at Brattleborough, Vt., 7 Nov. 1838. f.m. Marathas, Western India, '39-49. — a.p. Bentonsport, lo., '51-56. — p. Knoxville, lo., '56-63. — p. Franklin, 10 , '63-64 ; Blairstown, lo., '64 until died there, 28 Sept. 1865. *Henry Solomon Greene, b. 9 Feb. 1807, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1834. — Ord. 27 Dec. 1837. p. Lynnfield, Ms., '37-50. — Ballardvale, Ms., a.p. '50-55 ; p. '55 until died there, 11 June 1880. *EdTfard Joseph Hallock, from Madrid, N.Y. M.C. 1833. — Ord. .. Oct. 1844. prin. Castleton Sem., Vt., '38-56. — Died, at St. Louis, Mo., 11 Sept. 1866. ♦William Burnham Haskell, b. 20 April 1807, Gray, Me. B.C. 1834.— Not ordained. — Died, 1856. John Lord, LL.D., b. 27 Dec. 1810, Portsmouth, N.H. D.C. 1833. — Not ordained. — agent Am. Peace Soc, '37-39. — a.p. New Marlborough, Ms., '39-'40; Stockbridge, Ms., '40. — in literary pursuits; lecturer on Hist., Dart. Coll., etc. ; res. Stamford, Ct., '40-. ♦William Henry Lord, b. 10 Sept. 1812, Portsmouth, N.H. D.C. 1832.— Ord. . . Sept. 1838. p. Unit'n ch., Southborough, Ms., '38-42. — — Milwaukee, Wis., '45-'47. — U.S. Consul at St. Thomas, W.L, '50-'53. — clerk, U.S. Treas'y Dep't, Washington, D.C, '61 until died there, 30 June 1866. John Wesley Merrill, D.D., b. 9 May 1808, Chester, N.H. W.U. 1834.— Ord. deacon, Meth. Episc., 11 May 1834; elder, 10 Sept. 1838. — Pres. and Prof., McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., '37-'41. — East Boston, Ms., '41_'42. — Ashburnham, Ms., '42-43. — South Boston, Ms., '43-44.— Boston Highlands, Ms., '44-46. — Lynn Common, Ms., '46-48. — Dorches- ter, Boston, Ms., '48-50. — East Cambridge, Ms., '50-52. — Saxonville, Ms., '52-54. — Prof. Nat. and Hist. Theol., and Mental and Moral Phil., Bibl. Inst., Concord, N.H., '54-'68. — Quincy Point, Ms., '68-'69. — Southampton, Ms., '69-70. — Ludlow, Ms., '71-72. — w.c. Concord, N.H., '73-. Edward Wolcott Noble, D.D., b. 14 Feb. 1811, Adams, Ms. W.C. 1831.— teacher, Amoskeag, N. H., '37-'38 ; Feeding Hills, Ms., '39-'40; Benning- ton, Vt., '41 ; Heath, Ms., '42 ; Eastham, Ms., '46-'48. — Ord. 26 Dec. 1849. p. Truro, Ms., '49-. *Lyman Bert Peet, b. l March 1809, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1834.— Ord. 13 Dec. 1837. f.m. Singapore, '39-40; Bangkok, Siara, '40-46; Amoy and Foochow, China, '46-'71 — w.c. West Haven, Ct., '71 until died there, 11 Jan. 1878. [1880. 1837. 117 John Pike, D.D., b. 3 July 1813, Newbury, Ms. B.C. 1833. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '37-'40.— Ord. 25 April 1838. p. Rowley, Ms., '40-'69. — w.c. and occ. pr. Rowley, Ms., '69-. •Alonzo Sanderson, b. 24 June 1808, Bernardston, Ms. A.C. 1834. — h.ra. Canada, '37-'38. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1839. p. Ludlow, Ms., '39-'43. — p. Tol- land, Ms., '43-52^ — Wellington, O., a.p. '52-'54; p. '54-56. — a.p. York, O., '56-59. — p. Goodrich, Mich., '59-'61.— a.p. Owosso, Mich., '61-62.— p. Grand Blanc, Mich., '62-67. — a.p. Goodrich, Mich., '67-'72; Bridge- port, Mich., '73-'74; Clinton, Mich., '75-'76 ; Bedford, Mich., '76-'77.— w.c. Flint, Mich., '78 until died there, 18 May 1882. *WilIiam Scales, b. 28 Sept. 1805, Lebanon, N.H. M.C. 1832.— Ord. 27 Dec. 1837. p. Lyndon, Vt., '37-'41. — p. Rochester, Vt., '41-'47. — a.p. Brownington, Vt., '47-'51. — teacher and occ. sup. Conneaut, O., '52-'55. — a.p. Lyndon, Vt., '55 until died there, 24 Jan. 1864. ♦Timothy Stearns, b. 23 Jan. 1810, Billerica, Ms. A.C. 1833. — a.p. Presb. ch., Athens, O., '37-38. — Ord. 2 July 1839. p. Worthington, O., '38-42. — Kingston, O., a.p. '42-'43; p. '43-'55. — a.p. Mount Pleasant, lo., '55- '58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Fort Madison, lo., 19 July 1861. *Samuel Harrey Taylor, LL.D., b. 3 Oct. 1807, Londonderry, N.H. D.C. 1832. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '33-'35. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '36-37. — prin. Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '38-'71 ; also, one of the editors Bibliotheca Saa-a, '52 until died, at Andover, Ms., 29 Jan. 1871. George Franklin Tewksbury, b. 14 Feb. 1811, Oxford, Me. B.C. 1833. — Ord. 31 Jan. 1838. p. Albany, Me., '38-52. — a.p. Benton and Fair- field, Me., '52-53; Oxford, Me., '53-58; also West Minot and Mechanics' Falls, Me., '55-58; Gorhara, N. H., '59-'65; Naples and Casco, Me. (res. Oxford), '65-'67 ; North Bridgton, Me., '67-'68 ; Gorham, N. H., '68-'76 ; Lyman, Me., '76-. Thatcher Thayer, D.D., b. 9 Dec. 1811, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '33-'35. — Ord. 13 Feb. 1837. p. South Dennis, Ms., '37-'41. — p. Newport, R.L, '41- Samnel Wolcott, D.D., b. 2 July 1813, South Windsor, Ct. Y.C. 1833.— assist. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., Boston, Ms., '37-'39. — Ord. 13 Nov. 1839. f.m. Beirut, Syria, '39-'43. — p. Longmeadow, Ms., '43-'47. — p. Belchertown, Ms., '49-53. — p. High st. ch., Providence, R.L, '53-59. —p. N.E. ch., Chicago, 111., '59-'61. — p. Plymouth ch., Cleveland, O., '62-'74.— Sec Ohio H.M. Soc, res. Cleveland, O., '74-'81. — w.c. Cleveland, O., '81-. 118 18 37. [1880. Daniel Bates Woods, b. 20 Sept. 1809, Andover, Ms. U.C. 1833. — Ord. 19 Sept. 1839. p. Presb. ch., Springwater, N.Y., '39-41. — pr. and teacher, Cumberland, Prince Edward Court House, and Appomattox, Va., '41-44. — teacher, PhUadelphia, Pa., '44-49 ; Cincinnati, O., '52-55 ; St. Louis, Mo., '55-. ♦Charles Baker Adams (2), b. 11 Jan. 1814, Dorchester, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Not ordained. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '36-37. — Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist., Mid. Coll., '38-'47. — Prof. Zobl. and Astron., Amh. Coll., '47-'52. — Died, at St. Thomas Island, 19 Jan. 1853. Frederick Augustus Adams, ph.d. (2-j-), b. 19 July 1807, New Ipswich, N.H. D.C. 1833.— Tutor, Dart. Coll., '36-'37.— Ord. 15 Nov. 1837. p. Amherst, N.H., '37-'40. — prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '40-'46. — teacher. Orange, N.J., '47-5 7. — prin. acad., Newark, N J., '57-59. — teacher, Orange, N.J., '59-. Kinsman Atkinson (2), b. 16 Oct. 1807, Buxton, Me. H.C. 1834. — Ord. 7 Nov. 1838. p. Miilville, Ms., '38-'39. — p. Washington, Ms., '40-'42.— joined Methodist Conf., 7 July 1843. Meth. ch., Belchertown, Ms., '43. — Winchendon, Ms., '44. — Princeton, Ms., '45. — Weston, Ms., '46-'47. — Farnumsville, Ms., '48. — Topsfield, Ms., '49-'50. — Dedham, Ms., '51-52. Barre, Ms., '53. — Ludlow and Jenksville, Ms., '54-'55. — Hubbardston, Ms., '56. — Quincy Point, Ms., '57. — colp. Am. Tr. Soc. (N.E. br.), res. Cam- bridge, Ms., '57-. *Josiah Ballard (1— ), b. 14 April 1806, Peterborough, N.H. Y.C. 1833.— Ord. 5 Aug. 1835. — p. Chesterfield, N. H., '35. — p. Nelson, N.H, '36-'40. — p. Sudbury, Ms., '41-'52. — p. Second ch.. New Ipswich, N. H., '52-'55. — a.p. Plympton, Ms., '55-'59. — p. Carlisle, Ms., '59 until died there, 12 Dec. 1863. ♦Robert Birch (2+), b. 13 July 1808, New York, N. Y. Dick. C. 1829.— j Princeton Theol. Sem., 1837. — Ord., by Presb'y of New York, 17 Sept. 1837. p. North Presb. ch.. New York city, '37-'38.— p. First Presb. ch., New Brunswick, N. J., '38 until died there, 12 Sept. 1842. Jonathan Blanchard (2), b. 19 Jan. 1811, Rockingham, Vt. M.C. 1832.— — Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord., by Cincinnati Presb'y, 31 Oct. 1838. p. Sixth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '38-46. — Pres. Knox Coll., 111., '46-60 ; also p. Presb. ch., Galesburg, 111., '47-'49. — Pres. Wheaton Coll., 111., '60-. *Jesse Caswell (1), b. 17 April 1809, Middletown, Vt. M.C. 1832. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1837.— city miss'y, Cincinnati, O., '37-'38.— agent A.B.C.F.M., '38.— Ord., at Shoreham, Vt., 22 Jan. 1839. f.m. Siam, '39 until died there, 25 Sept. 1818. 1880.] 1837. 119 Henry Theodore Cheever (1), b. 6 Feb. 1814, Hallowell, Me. B.C. 1834.— Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 1839. — teacher, La., and "travelling," " five years." — Ord. 4 June 1847. — p. Lodi, N.J., '47-'48. — p. Free Cong, ch.. New York city, '48-49. — editor, etc., New York city, '49-'52. — p. Greenport, L.I., '52-'55. — a.p. Westbrook, Ct., '55-'56.— p. Jewett City, Ct., '56-'61. — a.p. South Royalston, Ms., '62-'63; Trin. ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '63-'64. — p. Mission Chapel ch., Worcester, Ms., '64-73. — w.c. Worcester, Ms., '73-. Rufus Chapman Clapp (2), b. 15 Aug. 1808, Southampton, Ms. A.C. 1833.— Ord. 18 Sept. 1839. p. Tinmouth, Vt., '39-'46. — teacher, Chester, N. Y., '47-'61. — w.c. Chestertown, N.Y., '61-77. — a.p. Chestertown, N.Y., '78-. ♦Benjamin Clark (1— ), b. 16 July 1805, Charlestown, N. H. D.C. 1834.— Not ordained. — teacher, Urbana, O., '..-'58. — res. Bloomfield, 111., '58-'. . — Died, at Aurora, 111., 11 Feb. 1873. Josiah Bartlett Clark (1), b. 10 Jan. 1808, Stratbam, N.H. M.C. 1834.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1837.— Ord. .. Dec. 1838. p. Rising Sun, Ind., '38- '40. — a.p. Sharon, Vt., '40-42. — p. Eliot, Me., '42-45. — a.p. West Ran- dolph, Vt., '46. — p. Pittsfield, Vt., '47-'50. — a.p. Clarendon, Vt., '51-'56 ; Rupert, Vt., '57-'69; Pittsfield, Vt., '69-'73; Weathersfield Centre, Vt., '74-'75. — w.c. Ludlow, Vt., '76-'79. — a.p. Ludlow, Vt., '80-'81. George Cooke (1), b. 26 Dec. 1811, Keene, N.H. D.C. 1832. — Ord. 16 Jan. 1839. p. North ch., Amherst, Ms., '39-'52. — Pres. Univ. East Tenn., '52- '59. — teacher, Amherst, Ms., '60-63. — w.c. Winchester, Ms., '63-. Thomas Douglas (2+), b. 29 March 1807, Waterford, Ct. Y.C. 1831. — Not ordained. — now farmer and teacher, San Jose, Cal. *Joseph Bartlett Eastman (1), b. 4 Feb. 1804, Salisbury, N.H. D.C. 1821.— physician, '25-'31. — teacher, '31-35. — Ord., by Troy Presb'y, 1844. — a.p. Caldwell, N.Y., '44-'46 ; Sandy Hill, N.Y., '47-'49; Ticond- eroga, N.Y., '50; Greenfield, N. Y., '51 ; Saratoga Springs, N. Y., '52-53; Amsterdam, N.Y., '55. — teacher, Princetown, N.Y., '56; Windsor, N.Y., also a.p. '57 until died there, 31 Dec. 1864. Philip Eveleth (1), from New Gloucester, Me. C.f/. — Yale Theol. Sem., '34_'35. _h.m. Eaton, L.C., '37-'.. — a.p. Weybridge, Vt., '40-'41.— — a.p. Fairfield, 111., '44-'. . — , Thomas Kendall Fessenden (1), b. 10 Sept. 1813, Brattleborough, Vt. W^C. j 1833. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1837. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1838. — a.p. Hatfield, Ms., '38-'39. — Ord. 16 Nov. 1839. p. Norwich Falls, Ct., '39- '41. — p. Homer, N.Y., '43-53. — p. Ellington, Ct., '55-64. — in various educational offices, res. Farmington, Ct., '64-. *Hirara Gibbons (2), b. 1 July 1810, Westerlo, N. Y. U.C. 1834. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 10 April 1836. 120 1837. [1880. Daniel Raynes Goodwin, d.d., ll.d. (l),b. 12 April 1811, North Berwick, Me. B.C. 1832. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '35; Prof. Mod. Lang., '35-'53. — Ord deacon, Episc, 13 July 1847; priest, 10 Sept. 1848. — Pres. Trin. Coll., '63-60. — provost of Univ. Penn., '60-68. —Prof. Apologetics, Div. School, Philadelphia, '62-'65 ; Prof. Syst. Div., '65-. ♦Alfred Kimball Gould (1), b. 2 Aug. 1810, Hopkinton, N.H. Y.C. 1833.— Died, at Concord, N.H., while a member of the Seminary, 29 July 1835. *Azariah R. Graves (1), from Pawlet, Vt. M.C. 1833. — Ord hm. Miss. — a.p. Zion, Miss., and Zion Sem., Miss., '46-'65. — w.c. Rodney, Miss., '66-'67.— a.p. Baton Rouge, La., '68-70.— Died, at Oakland, Miss., 5 Nov. 1871. *Seth Parsons Merwin Hastings (l),b. 13 April 1813, Clinton, N. Y. Ham.C. 1833. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1837. — Ord., Presb., 1837. — a.p. Cong, ch., Bridgewater, N. Y., '37-'38. — p. Vernon, N. Y., '39-'41.— a.p. Moravia, N.Y., '42-'45 ; Summer Hill, N.Y., '45-'48 ; Pompey, N.Y., '48-'55. — p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Chittenango, N. Y., '55-'59. — p. First ch., Coxsackie, N.Y., '60-70. — Accord, N.Y., '70 until died there, 24 Feb. 1876. ♦Robert Wilson Hume (1), b. 8 Nov. 1809, Stamford, N. Y. U.C. 1834.— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1837. — Ord. Presb., 18 March 1839. fra. Ma- rathas (and editor Dnyanodaya, '44), '39 until died, on passage home, east of Cape of Good Hope, 26 Nov. 1854. ♦Leonard Salmon Matthews (1), from Pawlet, Vt. M.C. 1832. — Died, while a member of the Seminary, 1835. ♦James Meacham (2), b. 16 Aug. 1810, Rutland, Vt. M.C. 1832. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '36-'38. — Ord. 29 May 1838. p. New Haven, Vt., '38-'46. — Prof Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '46-'50. — Member of Congress, '49 until died, at Middlebury, Vt., 23 Aug. 1856. ♦Calvin Morrill (1—), b. 6 Dec. 1805, Boscawen, N.H. D.C. 1829. — Not or- dained. — farmer, Webster, N.H., '37 until died there, 14 May 1875. ♦Humphrey Morse (2), b. 6 April 1808, Newbury, Ms. — A.C. 1834.— Died, at Newbury, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 4 April 1836. ♦Charles Packard (l),b. 12 April 1801, Chelmsford, Ms. B.C. 1817. — lawyer, Brunswick, Me. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1840. p. Lancaster, Ms., '40-'53. — p. Cam- bridgeport, Ms., '54-55. — p. North Middleborough, Ms., '55-57. — Bidde- ford, Me., a.p. '57-'58; p. '58 until died there, 17 Feb. 1864. ♦Lucius Parker (1), b. 3 Sept. 1807, Southborough, Ms. H.C. 1834. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1838.— Ord. 6 Sept. 1838. h.m. — — a.p. Bloom- ington, III., '41-'54 ; Copper Creek, lo., '54-'55 ; West Java, N.Y., '57-'69 ; Buda and Neponset, 111., '59-'60. — p. Presb. ch., Montello, Wis., '62-64, and Cong, ch., Princeton, Wis., '62-65. — a.p. Palmyra, Wis., '65-67. — w.c. Nebraska, '67 until died, at Laramcr Mills, Neb., 24 Sept. 18G8. 1880.] 18 37. 121 William Henry Parker (2), b. 23 Aug. 1809, Flartford, N.Y. M.C. 1830.— Not ordained. — teacher lang., aoad., Potsdam, N.Y., '36-'46 ; prin. acad., '46-'48. — Prof. Matii. and Nat. Phil., Mid. Coll., '48-'81 ; Prof, em., '81-. Ebenezer Greenleaf Parsons (1), b. 15 May 1813, Westport, Me. B.C. 1833. Bangor Theol. Sem., 1837.— Ord. 4 Oct. 1837. p. Freeport, Me,, '37-'51. — p. First Cong, ch., Derry, N.H., '51-'69. — prin. Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N.H., '69-72; prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '72-82. — w.c. Derry, N. H., '82-. David Charles Perry (1), b. 5 Jan. 1810, Sharon, Ct. Y.C. 1833. — Ord. 12 Dec. 1838. — p. New Fairfield, Ct., '38-'44. — p. Barlow, O., '46-'48.— w.c. Barlow, O., '48-72; Columbus, O., '73-. Koyal Reed, m.d. (1), b. 12 Aug. 1807, Palmyra, N. Y. W.C. 1834.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1837. — a.p. First ch., Windsor, Ct., '37-'38. — Ord. 14 Sept. 1839, p. Cummington Village, Ms., '39-42. — p. Goshen, Ms., '42-47. — a.p. Joliet, 111., '48-'51. — M.D. 1851. — physician, Joliet, 111., '51-65; Chicago, 111, '65-. ♦Benjamin Washington Reynolds (2), b Abbeville, S.C. M.C. 1832. — Ord h.ra. — a.p. Bloomingdale, 111., '44-'45 ; Fairfield, 111., '45-'48; Pleasant Grove, 111., '48-'.. — h.m, Wabasha, Minn., '52-'.. — Died, 1877. Benjamin Gilbert Riley (1), b. 7 Aug. 1810, Middlefield, N.Y. W.C. 1834.— Union Theol. Sem., 1839. — Ord., by Ontario Presb'y, 25 Feb. 1840. p. Cong, ch., Hartwick, N. Y., '40-42. — p. Livonia, N. Y., '43-55.— prin. Genesee Model School, Lima, N.Y., '55-'56. — a.p, Presb. ch,, Horseheads, N.Y., '56-'57; Lodi, Wis., '5 7-'63; Berlin, Wis., '63-'64. — syn. miss'y, Lodi, Wis., '64-. Edwin David Sanborn, ll.d. (1), b. 14 May 1808, Gilmanton, N.H. D.C. 1832. —Not ordained. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., 1835; Prof Latin and Greek, '35-'37; Prof. Latin, '37-59. — Prof Hist, and Class. Lit., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., '59-63. — Prof Orat. and Belles Let., Dart. Coll., '63-'82. — res. Hanover, N. H., '82-. David Sylvester Sheldon (1), b. 6 Dec 1809, Rupert, Vt. M.C. 1831.— teacher Math., acad., Potsdam, N.Y., '35-'40. — teacher, Northampton, Ms. — farmer, Rupert, Vt., '. .-'50. — prin. prep, dep., Iowa Coll., '. .-'. , ; .Prof. Chem., '53-'54, and '55-'58. — *Edwin Jenner Sherrill (2), b. 23 Oct. 1806, Shoreham, Vt. Ham.C. 1833.— Ord. 13 June 1838. Eaton, C.E., a.p. '37-'38; p. '38-'75.— w.c. Lee, Ms., '75-. — Died, at New York city, 13 June 1877. Asa Bowen Smith (2), b. 16 July 1809, Williamstown, Vt, M.C. 1834. — Yale Theol, Sem., 1837, — Ord. 1 Nov. 1837. — miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Oregon Indians, '37-43; Oahu, H.I.. '43-46. — a.p. South Amherst, Ms., '47. — p. Buckland, Ms., '48-59. — a.p. Southbury, Ct., '60-'71. — w.c. Rocky Hill, Ct., '71-. 122 1837. [1880. *Henry Boynton Smith, D.D , ll.d. (1), b. 21 Nov. 1815, Portland, Me. B.C. 1834. — Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 1836. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '36-'37 and '40- '41.— Ord. 29 Dec. 1 842. p. West Amesbury, ISIs., '42-4 7. — Prof. Moral Phil, and Met., Ainh. Coll., '4 7-'50. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Union Theol. Sem., '50-'54 ; Prof. Syst. Theol., '54 until died, at New York city, 7 Feb. 1877. John Derby Smith, m.d. (2), b. 9 April 1812, Hanover, N.H. Y.C. 1832.— Yale Theoh Sem., 1836. — a.p. Athol, Ms., '38-'39.— Ord. 20 Nov. 1839. p. Charlemont, Ms., '39-'44. — stud, med., Baltimore, Md. — p. Charlemont, Ms., '48-'52. — a.p. First ch., Berkley, Ms., '54-'58 ; Douglas, Ms., 'G0-'63. — in the army, '63-'.. — clerk Treas. Dep't, Washington, D.C., ('67). — acting assist, surgeon, U.S. Navy, '67-'.. — -in charge of U.S. Naval Hos- pital, Pensacola, Fla., '72-'. . — w.c. Scotland, Ms., '. .-. *WilHam H. Smith, m.d. (1), b. 8 Oct. 1816, Georgetown, D.C. P.C. 1834.— Ord. (?) Lutheran minister in Charleston, S. C. ; Barren Hill, Pa. ; St. Louis, Mo., and Baltimore, Md. — physician. — res., in later life, in London, Eng., and died there, about 1861. Erastus William Thayer (2), b. 7 June 1812, Barre, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ord., by Palestine Presb'y, 9 May 1840. a.p. Presb. ch., Palestine, 111., '40-45 ; Paris, 111., '46-'51. — w.c. Paris, IlL, '51-'53 ; Springfield, 111., '53-'55. — a.p. Decatur, 111., '55-56. — w.c. Decatur, 111., '57-'60. — a.p. Chatham, 111., '62-'71. — w.c. Chatham, IlL, '72-'78; Springfield, 111., '79-. *Eli Thurston, d.d. (1), b. 14 June 1808, Brighton, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Ord. 3 Jan. 1838. p. Hallowell, Me., '38-'48. — p. Central ch., Fall River, Ms., '49 until died there, 19 Dec. 1869. *David Tilton (1), b. 6 July 1806, Gilmanton, N.H. Y.C. 1833.— Ord. 14 Oct. 1835. p. Edgartown, Ms., '35-38. — p. Lanesville, Gloucester, Ms., '40-'50. — agent for publishing houses, and latterly for Mason Brothers (res. Woburn, Ms., from '62), '50 until died, at Woburn, Ms., 10 Feb. 1869. ♦Charles Turner Torrey (1), b. 21 Nov. 1813, Scituate, Ms. Y.C. 1833.— Ord. 22 March 1837. p. Richmond st. ch.. Providence, R.L, '37. — p. Howard St. ch., Salem, Ms., '38-'39. — agent Anti-Slavery Soc, '39 until died, in Maryland Penitentiary, 9 May 1846. *Abner Barnard Warner (2), b. 8 Jan. 1814, Northampton, Ms. W.C. 1833. — Gilmanton Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 6 Feb. 1839. p. Milford, N.IL, '39-46.— p. Mystic ch., Medford, Ms., '47 until died there, 26 May 1853. ♦Theodore Sedgwick Wood (1), b. 7 Aug. 1809, Westminster, Ms. A.C. 1832. Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 20 Aug. 1835. 1880.] 1838. 123 1838. Lucien Cyrus Boynton, b. 13 Feb. 1811, Weathersfield, Vt. M.C. 1834.— Not ordained. — teacher, Wilmington, Del., '38-39; in Va., '40-41; Heathsville Acad., Northumberland Co., Va., '41-'44. — res. Weathersfield, Vt., '45-'46. — lawyer, Worcester, Ms., '47-'58 ; Springfield, 111., '58-. William Crai^e Burke, M.D., b. 19 Feb. 1812, Woodstock, Vt. D.C. 1833. — Ord — a.p. Lancaster, N.H. — teacher, Moor's Charity School, Hanover, N. H., '42-'44. — physician. New York city, '44-'56; Skaneateles, N.Y., '56-'62 ; Norwalk, Ct., '62-'64. — res. Skaneateles, N.Y., '64-. Daniel Butler, b. 23 June 1808, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1835. — Ord. 31 Oct. 1838. p. Village ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '38-45. — agent Am. Bible Soc, '45-52. — Sec. Mass. Bible Soc, Boston (P.O. Waverley), '52-. Aaron Merrick Colton, b. 25 Aug. 1809, Georgia, Vt. Y.C. 1835. — adv. class, Andover Theol Sera., '38-39 ; res. lie, '39-40.— Ord. 10 June 1840. p. First ch., Amherst, '40-52. — p. First ch., Easthampton, Ms., '53-'80 ; p. em., '80-. ♦George Washington Cressey, b. 13 Dec. 1810, Rowley, Ms. B.C. 1835.— adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-39. — Ord. 9 July 1840. Union ch., Kennebunk, Me., a.p. '39-'40; p. '40-'51. — a.p. Buxton, Me., '52 until died there, 12 Feb. 1867. Charles Dame, b. 12 Sept. 1810, South Berwick, Me. B.C. 1835. — Ord. 29 May 1839. — p. First ch., Falmouth, Me., '39-53. — p. Brentwood, N.H., '54-57. — w.c. and occ. sup., Exeter, N.H., '57-'72. — a.p. Quasqueton, lo., '72-76 ; West Newbury, Ms., '77-'81 ; Falmouth, Me., '81-. *Allen Washington Dodge, b. 9 April 1804, Newburyport, Ms. H.C. 1826. — adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-39. — Not ordained. — Co. Treasurer, Essex Co., res. Hamilton, Ms., '53 until died there, 17 May 1878. *DaYid Eastman, b. 16 June 1806, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ord. 12 Feb. 1840. Leverett, Ms , a.p. '38-'40 ; p. '40-59. — a.p. Shutesbury, Ms., '60- '61 ; Minneapolis, Minn., '61-62; New Salem, Ms., '63 until died there, 13 Sept, 1876. *Johu Phelps Foster, b. l Feb. 1807, Holden, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Ord. 21 Sept. 1842. p. Fowlerville, N.Y., '42-'43. — p. Oconomowoc and Summit, Wis., '43-45. — p. Sweden, Me., '48-'50. — w.c. '50 until died, at Oxford, Ms., 27 April 1851. Daniel Goodwin, b. 25 Jan. 1809, Londonderry, N.H. D.C. 1835. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1839. p. Brookline, N. H., '39-'55. — a.p. Hillsborough Bridge, N.H. '55 ; Presb. ch., Londonderry, N.H., '56 ; Cong, ch., Derry, N.H., '56. Mason, N.H., a.p. '57-'60 ; p. '60-78 ; w.c. there, '78-. 124 1838. [1880. *Alonzo Gray, LL.D., b. . . Feb. 1808, Townshend, Vt. A C. 1834. — Not or- dained. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms,, '37-'43. — Prof. Chem., Mar. Coll., '44-'45. — prin. Brooklyn Heights Fern. Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y., '51 until died there, 10 March 1860. Samuel Harris, D.D., LL.D., b. 14 June 1814, East Machias, Me. B.C. 1833. — teacher, acad., Machias, Me., '38-'41.— Ord. 22. Dec. 1841. p. Conway, Ms., '41-'51.— p. South ch., Pittsfield, Ms., '51-'o5.— Prof. Theol., Bangor Theol. Sem., '55-'67. — Pres. Bovvd. Coll., Brunswick, Me., '67-'71. — Prof. Syst. Theol., Yale Theol. Sera., '71-. Asa Hemmenway, b. 6 July 1810, Shoreham, Vt. M.C. 1835. — Ord., at Shoreham, Vt., 22 Jan. 1839. f.m. Bangkok, Siam, '39-50. — a.p. Corn- wall, Vt., '50-51 ; Ptipton, Vt., '51-'G0 ; Keeseville, N.Y., '60-'64 ; Mooers, N.Y., '64-'69; West Hartford, Vt., '69-71 ; East Chazy, N.Y., '71-'72.— w.c. Manchester, Vt., '72-. Thomas Swan Hubbard, b. 20 Dec. 181 1, Franklin, Vt. M.C. 1834.— Ord. at Stockbridge, Vt., 18 June 1839. p. Stockbridge, Vt., '40-46 ; also Co. sup't common schools, '45-46. — a.p. Royalton, Vt., '46. — Chelsea, Vt, a.p. '47-49; p. '49-54. — a.p. Stockbridge, Vt., '55-56. — res. Stock- bridge, Vt., occ. sup., '56-'62; also member Vt. House of Repr., '57-'58, and State Senate, '60-'61. — a.p. Presb. ch., Dunton, 111., '62-64; Cong ch., Gaysville, Vt., '64-68; Rochester, Vt., '68-78. — res. Stockbridge, Vt., and a.p. Pittsfield, Vt, '78-'81. — w.c. Rochester, Vt., '81-. John Jones, b. 8 Sept. 1812, Lyndeborough, N.H. D.C. 1834.— Ord. 1 July 1841. p. Chittenden, Vt., '41-44. — agent Am. Bible Soc, N.H., '44-'46. — teacher, Sandusky, O., '48-52. — a.p. Earlville, 111., '53-'55. — agent Am. Bible Soc, III., '55-62.— w.c. Meriden, 111, '62-'. .— Colorado Springs, Col., '80. Edward Alexander Lawrence, D.D., b. 7 Oct. 1808, St. Johnsbury, Vt. D.C. 1834.— adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-39.— Ord. 8 May 1839. p. Centre ch., Haverhill, Ms., '39-44. p. First ch., Marblehead, Ms., '45- '54. — Prof. Eccl. Hist, and Past. Duty, Theol. Inst., East Windsor, Ct., '55_'65.— a.p. Orford, N.H., '65-'68. — p. Third ch., Marblehead, Ms., '68- '73; w.c. there, '73-. Edwin Leigh, M.D., b. 10 Sept. 1815, South Berwick, Me. B.C. 1835.— adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — a.p. Kehnebunk, Me., '39 ; Win- chendon, Ms., '41-'42.— Ord. 2 Aug. 1843. Woonsocket, R.L, a.p. '42-'43 ; p. '4 3-'44.— teacher, Bristol, R.L, '44-46. — stud. med. '47-'50 ; m.d. Harv., 1850. — assist. Prof Agassiz (also physician, Somerville, Ms.), '49-'51. — physician, Townsend, Ms., '51-54. — — teacher, high school, St. Louis, Mo., '57-'64. — special teacher, St. Louis, Mo., and Brooklyn, N.Y., '64-. 1880.] 1838. 125 *Janies Means, b. 27 April 1813, Amherst, N. H. B.C. 1833. — adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — Ord. 8 Jan. 1840. p. Concord, Ms., '40- '44. — teacher, Groton, Ms., '45-53 ; New York city, '55-57; West Lebanon, N.H., '59-'61 ; Auburndale, Ms., '61-62. — hospital chap., '62-'63. — sup't contrabands, Newborn, N.C., '63 until died there, 6 April 1863. Washington Adams Nichols, b. 4 April 1808, Buckland, Ms. A.C. 1834.— Ord. 12 Sept. 1838. p. Brookfield, Ms., '38-'42.— prin. family school for boys, Brookfield, Ms., '43-53. — a.p. Edwards ch., Chicago, 111., '54-57.— p. Salem ch., Chicago, 111., '58-'63. — w.c. and occ. pr. Lake Forest, 111., '62-; also, in Europe, private tutor, '67-'70. Dennis Powers, b. 24 May 1808, Croydon, N.H. A.C. 1835.— Ord. 5 Dec. 1838. p. East Randolph (now Holbrook), ]\Is., '38-41. — p. South Abing- ton, Ms., '42-50. — clerk, Dep't of Int., Washington, D.C., '51-53. — agent Am. Col'n Soc. for N.H. and Me., '53-'56.— p. South Braintree, Ms , '56- '59. — w.c. and occ. sup., res. South Abington, Ms., '59-'G7. — a.p. Rindge, N.H., '67-'72; Worthington, Ms., '73-76. — occ. sup., res. Abington, Ms., '76-. Charles Selden Sherman, b. 26 April 1810, Albany, N.Y. Y.C. 1835.— Ord., at Woburn, IMs., 30 Nov. 1838. fm. Syria and .Jerusalem, '39-42. — a.p. Naugatuck, Ct., '43-'44. — p. New Britain, Ct., '45-49. — p. Naugatuck, Ct., '49-69. — agent Sys. Ben. Soc, res. Naugatuck, Ct., '69-'70. — Presb. ch., Nassau, N.Y., a.p. '70-'72; p. '72-75. — a.p. Lutheran ch., East Schodack, N.Y., '7 7-' 78.— w.c. Nassau, N.Y., '78-. *Reuben E. Taylor, from Savannah, Ga. N.J.C. — Ord. 24 Sept. 1840. p. Presb. ch., Carbondale, Pa., '40-'.. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 June 1843. " Died early." *Timothy Alden Taylor, b. 7 Sept. 1809, Hawley, Ms. A.C. 1835.— Ord. 23 Jan. 1839. — p. Slatersville, R.L, '39 until died there, 2 March 1858. Leander Thompson, b. 7 March 1812, Woburn, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ord., at Woburn, Ms., 30 Nov. 1838. — a.p. Granby, Ms., '38-'39. — fm. Syria, '39- '43. — p. South ch.. South Hadley, Ms., '43-50.— p. "West Aniesbury, Ms., '54_'67. — w.c. '67-'68. — a.p. Wolfeborough, N.H., '68-'69 ; North ch., Woburn, Ms., '69-73 ; w.c. there, '73-. *Eleazer Wells True, b. 4 Oct. 1806, Durham, Me.— . — Not ordained.— teacher, acad., Henrietta, N. Y., '38-'.. — prin. acad., Macedon, N. Y. ; Pittsford, N.Y. — prin. acad., Lapeer, Mich., '45-'48. — teacher, and later farmer, Armada, Mich., '48 until died there, 18 Jan. 1874. *Ed Richard Tucker, b. 4 Feb. 1816, Newburyport, Ms. D.C. 1835. — adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — Ord. 9 July 1841. p. Presb. ch., Defiance, O., '40-63. — w.c. Newburyport, Ms., '63 until died there, 13 Jan. 1866. 126 1838. [1880. ♦William Warren, D.D., b. 21 Oct. 1806, Waterford, Me. JS.C — prin. acad., Windham, Me., '39.— Ord. 14 Feb. 1840. p. Windham, Me., '40- '49. — p. Upton, Ms., '49-56. — agent Am. Col'n Soc, '56. — Dis. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., Gorham, Me., '56-78. — w.e. Gorham, Me., '78 until died there, 28 Jan. 1879. Artemas Augustus Wood, D.D., b. 22 June 1811, Leominster, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ord. 19 Dec. 1838. p. West Sprinrrfield, Ms., '38-49.— p. Pearl St. Presb. ch., New York city, '49-'53. — p. Central Presb. ch.. New York city, '53-60. — p. First Presb. ch,, Geneva, N.Y., '60-73. — p. First Presb. ch., Lyons, N.Y., '73-. Charles Wilkes Wood, b. 30 June 1814, Middleborough, Ms. B.U. 1834. — adv. cUlss, Andover Theol. Sem., '38-39.— Ord. 30 Oct. 1839. p. Ashby, M<., '39-'58. — p. Campello, Brockton, Ms., '58-'72. — sup't schools, Brock- ton, Ms., '72-73. — a.p. Lakeville, Ms., '73-'77; Scotland parish, Bridge- water, Ms., '78-. ♦Charles Abbot, m.d. (l),b. 31 Oct. 1808, Wilton, N.H. D.C. 1833. — teacher, Nashville, Tenn. ; Orange, N.J. ; Newark, N.J. — Died, at Newark, N.J., 20 Dec. 1878. Henry Belden (1), b. 9 Aj^ril 1813, Greenfield, Ct. U.C. 1835.— Union Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 2 May 1839. p. Presb. ch., Marlborough, N.Y., '39- '40. — a.p. New Windsor, N. Y., '41; Washingtonvllle, N. Y., '41-44. — p. Cong, ch., Boonton, N.J,, '44-'46. — p. Blooming Grove, N.Y., '46-'52. — p. Free Cong, ch. New York city, '52-'56. — city miss'y, Brooklyn., N.Y., '56-66. — w.c. New Providence, N.J., '66-68.— p. Parkville, L.L, 'G8-'71. — evang. Parkville, L.L, '71-74. — w.c. '74-. •Benjamin Burge (1), b. 25 April 1812, Francestown, N.H. D.C. 1835.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 1 July 1840.— p. Enfield, N.H., '40-'48.— Died there, 3 Sept, 1848, ♦Stephen Chase (2), b. 30 Aug. 1813, Chester, N.H. D.C. 1832. —Not or- dained. — teacher, Va. and Md. (two years). — prin. acad., Gorham, Me., '. .-'. . ; South Berwick, Me., ', ,-'. . — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '38 ; Prof, Math., '38 until died, at Hanover, N.H., 7 Jan. 1851. ♦James Clark (1), b. 14 Jan. 1810, Nelson, N.H. D.C. 1834. — prin. acad.. Savannah, Ga., '36 until died there, 31 July 1837. Sereno Dickinson Clark (1), b. 8 April 1809, Southampton, Ms. A.C. 1835. —Ord. 11 June 1840. p. Ashfield, Ms., '40-'51.— p. Lee, Ms., '51-'52.— p. Sunderland, Ms,, '53-64. — Sec. Cong, Board of Pub., Boston, Ms., '65- '68. — p. Provincetown, Ms., '69-'71. — a.p. Temple, N.H,, '72-76. — w.c. Somerville, Ms., '76-. 1880.] 1838. 127 Alfred Emerson (2) b. 5 April 1812, Beverly, Ms. Y.C. 1834. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '37-'40. — Orel. 15 Oct. 1845. — p. South Reading (now Wakefiel.l), Ms., '45-53. — Prof. Nat. Phil, and Astron., West. Res. Coll., '53-'56. — p. South Berwick, Me., '57-'58. — p. First ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '58-70. — w.c. Lancaster, Ms., '70-'77 ; Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '77-. ♦Joseph W. Faulkner (1), b. 27 Oct. 1812, Andover, Ms. — . — Not ordained. — res. Worcester, Ms., until died there, 12 Oct. 1871. *Josepli Steele Gallagher (1), b. 25 Oct. 1801, New York city. — . — assist. astron., U.S. Gov't, '18-20.- Second Lieut, Artill., U.S.A., '20-'30 ; First Lieut., '30-36. — Princeton Theol. Seni., '36-37. — Ord., by Presb'y of Newark, 12 Oct. 1837. — p. Second Presb. ch.. Orange, N.J.. '37-'50; also chap. Fort Columbus, '4 2-'4 3. — gen. agent Union Theol. Sem., '50-'63 ; gen. agent and treas., '63-'74. — w.c. Bloomfield, N.J., until died there, 12 April 1877. Stephen Sewall Norton Greeley (1), b. 23 Jan. 1813, Gilmanton, N.H. D.C. 1835. — Gilmanton Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 31 Jan. 1839. p. Gilman- ton, N.H., '39-42.- p. New Market, N.H., '42-47. —a.p. Chicopee, Ms., '47-'51. — p. Great Barrington, Ms., '52-'56. — p. Grand Rapids, Mich., '57-'62. — p. Oswego, N.Y., '66-'74. — a.p. Pittsfield, N.H., '74-'79 ; Gil- manton, N. H., '79-. *Charles Howe Greenleaf (2), b. 6 Aug. 1806, West Newbury, Ms. D.C. 1832. — Not ordained. — Died, at Brooklyn, N.Y., 18 May 1838. *Samuel Hunt (1), b. 18 March 1810, Attleborough, Ms. A.C. 1832.— Prince- ton Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 17 July 1839. p. Natick, Ms., '39-'50.— p. Franklin, Ms., '50-64. — sup't Freedra. Ed., Am. Miss'y Assoc'n, N.Y., '65-67. — clerk U.S. Senate Com. Mil. Aff., '68-'73; sec. '73-'76. — Died, at Boston, Ms., 23 July 1878. *Charles Davis Jackson, d.d. (2), b. 15 Dec. 1811, Salem, Ms. D.C. 1833.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 23 May 1841 ; priest, 5 March 1842. — r. St. Luke's ch., Rossville, Staten Island, N.Y., '43-'47. — r. St. Peter's ch., Westchester, N.Y., '47 until died there, 28 June 1871. *Willard Jones (1), b. 17 July 1809, Hillsborough, N.H. D.C. 1835. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — agent A.B.C.F.M., '38-'39.— Ord., at North Wey- mouth, Ms., 4 July 1839. f.m. Persia, '39-45. — a.p. Northfield, Ms., '46- '50; North Orange, Ms., '50-52; Middlefield, Ct., '53-54. — p. Central Falls, R.L, '55-59. — p. Northfield, Ms., '59 until died there, 21 Nov. 1861. ♦Nathaniel Abbot Keyes (1), b. 26 Dec. 1808, Wilton, N.H. D.C. 1835.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord., at Pelhara, N.H., 9 Aug. 1839. f.m. Beirut and Jerusalem, '40-'44. — a.p. Charlemont, Ms., '45-'46 ; South Royalston, Ms., '46-'47. — p. German Ref. ch., Lancaster, Pa., '47-'.. — p. Cong, ch., Princeton, 111., '56 until died there, 30 March 1857. 128 1838. [1880. Harvey Dennison Kitchel, d d. (1), b. 3 Feb. 1812, Whitehall, N.Y. M.C. 1835. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '36-'37. — Yale Theol. Sein., 1838. — Onl. 20 Feb. 183D. p. Thomaston, Ct., '39-48. — p. First Cono;. ch., Detroit, Mich., '48-'G4.— a.p. Plymouth ch., Chieajro, 111., '64-'66.— Pres. Mid. Coll., '66-'73; also a.p. Weybridge, Vt., 'G7-'74. — w.c. since '74 ; now res. Mil- waukee, Wis. *Charles Kittredge (1), b. 1 Aug. 1808, Newburyport, Ms. D.C. 1834. — Hart. Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 27 March 1839. p. Cohimbia, Ct., '39-'41.— a.p. North Canaan, Ct., '42-44. — Presb. ch., Parma and Greece, N.Y., a.p. '44-'45 ; p. '45-'56. — teacher and occ. pr., res. Clarkson, N.Y., '56-'.. — Died, at Kocliester, N. Y., 16 Sept. 1880. Eleazer Jewett Marsh (1), b. 21 March 1811, Cabot, Vt. M.C. 1833.— teacher, Jericho, Vt., '33-'35 ; Concord, Ms., '36-'37 ; Thetford, Vt., '37- '40; Milton, Ms., '40-'45 ; Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '45-'47; Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '47-'54. — res. Leominster, Ms., '55-. *Edmund McKinney (1), b. 21 April 1815, Middlesex, Pa. Wash.C. 1835.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '36-'37. — h.m. Clearfield Co., Pa., '37-'38; Warren Co., Pa., '39.— Ord., by Erie Presb'y, at Meadville, Pa., 13 Nov. 1839. a.p. York Springs and Monaghan, Pa., '40-41. — teacher, Ilolidaysburg, Pa., '42. — sup't Spencer Acad., Choctaw nation, '43-'45. — miss'y, Omaha Indians, '4G-'53. — sup't pub. schools, Hillsborough, O., '54-56. — teacher, Dunlapville, Ind., '57-59. — a.p. Presb. ch., Montgomery, O., '60-61. — chap. 9th Pa. Cav., '62-64. — agent Freedmen's Com., Clarksville, Tenn., '65-'71. — w.c. Keyport, N.J., '71 until died there, 3 March 1878. Burtis Cunningham Megie, d.d. (1), b. 4 Dec. 1813, New York city. U.N.Y. 1835. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '36-37. — Union Theol. Sem., 1838.— Ord. evang., by North River Presb'y, 31 Oct. 1838. — p. New Paltz, N.Y., '38-39. — a.p. and p. Dover, N. J., '39-76. — p. Pleasant Grove, N.J., '76-. *James Nichols (2-f-), b. 6 Aug. 1811, Berkley, Ms. U.C. 1835. — Tutor, Union Coll., '38-39 ; assist. Prof. Anc. Lang., '39-'41. — prin. fem. acad., Utica, N. Y., '41-'. . — Ord., by Albany Presb'y, 1845. p. Presb. ch., Oneida, N. Y., '45-'49. — prin. synod, acad., Geneseo, N. Y., '50-'58. — chap. Western House of Refuge, Rochester, N.Y., '59-62. — chap. 108th N. Y. Vols., '62-'63. — Died, at Rochester, N.Y., 31 Jan. 1864. George Cotton Partridge (1), b. 27 Aug. 1813, Hatfield, Ms. A.C. 1833.— Tutor, Amh. Coll., '36-'38. — Ord. 21 Nov. 1839. p. Nantucket, Ms., '39- '41. — p. Brimfield, Ms., '42-47. — p. Greenfield. Ms., '48-54. — w.c. Rockford, 111., '54-'60. — a.p. Batavia, 111., '60-66. — in business, Batavia, 111., '66-. rrederic W. Isaac Pollard (1), from Boston, Ms. U.C. 1835. Roman Catholic priest in Cambridge, Ms., 1878. 1880.] 1838. 129 James Rosamond (2), b, 6 Sept. 1806, Pendleton, S.C. Mi.U. 1833.— Prince- ton Theol. Sem., 1837. — Colum. Sem., 1838. — h.m. Ripley and Farming- ton, Miss., '38-'41 ; Camden, '42 ; teacher, Monroe, Ga., '42-50, and during same time a.p. Alcovia, Fellowship, Jacksonville, and McDonough. — Ord., Presb., at Newnan, Ga., 22 Oct. 1849. teacher, and a.p. Raleigh, Tenn., '50-'51 ; Kosciusko, Miss., '52-'55 ; Stackville ; a.p. Big Spring, Unity, and Hebron, Miss. ; teacher, Union City, Tenn., '68. — a.p. Harmony, '69. — Austin, Texas, Synod. Coll., '72. — a.p. there, and at Waverly, Texas, '. .-*. . — teacher, Mesopotamia high school, '. .-'. . — res. Memphis, Tenn., '80-. *George Sheldon, d.d. (1), b. 2 Oct. 1813, Northampton, Ms. W.C. 1835.— prin. sem., Orangeburg, S.C, '37-'40. — Ord., Presb., at Summerville, S.C, 13 June 1841. p. Dorchester Ind. ch., St. George's parish, S.C, '41-'48. dis. sup't Am. Bible Soc, res. Princeton, N.J., '48 until died there, 16 June 1881. *Sarauel Howard Shepley (1), b. 5 March 1810, Quincy, Ms. B.C. 1833.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 31 Oct. 1838. p. New Gloucester, Me., '38-'47. — prin. acad.. North Yarmouth, Me., '47-50. — assoc. sup't, fem. sem., Steubenville, O., '50-'52. — propr. and prin. fem. sem., Blairsville, Pa., and occ. pr., '52-'65 ; prin. Classical and Eng. acad., '65 until died, at Blairsville, Pa., 17 Nov. 1874. Edward Josiah Stearns, d.d. (1), b. 24 Feb. 1810, Bedford, Ms. H.C 1833. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 14 June 1840; priest, at Baltimore, Md., 24 Dec. 1843. r. Elk Ridge Landing, Md., '43-45. — teacher, Baltimore, Md., '46. — r. Ellicott City, Md., '47-'48. — Prof. Mod. Lang., St. John's Coll., '49- '53. — sub-master Latin school, Boston, Ms., '56. — teacher, Catonsville, Md., '59-60. — r. Centreville, Md., '62-63. — teacher, Cambridge acad., '66-68. — chap. Md. Hospital for Insane, '69-'70.—r. Denton, Md., '71- '78. — W.C. Easton, Md., '79-. *Caleb Strong (1), b. 31 Jan. 1816, Northampton, Ms. Y.C 1835. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1838,— Ord. evang., at Oxford, Ct., 16 Oct. 1838. p. Am. Presb. ch., Montreal, Can., '39 until died there, 4 Jan. 1847. Thomas Benedict Sturges (1), b 1810, Stratford (?), Ct. Y.C. 1835.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1838.— Ord. 8 June 1842. p. Greenfield Hill, Ct., '42- '67. — W.C Greenfield, Ct., '67-. *Homer Taylor (2+), b. 10 July 1809, Lempster, N. H. D.C 1834. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 1 Aug. 1838. Allen Hayden Weld (2), b. 7 Sept. 1812, Braintree, Vt. Y.C. 1834. — Not ordained. — prin. acad.. North Yarmouth, Me., '37-'48. — prin. Cumberland Acad., Md., '50-56. — prin. Tilden Fem. Sem., West Lebanon, N.H., '56- '59. — farmer. River Falls, Wis., '60-. 17 130 1839. [1880. 1839. *DaTid Andrews, b. 15 Sept. 1807, South Dedham, Ms. A.C. 1836. — Ord. 29 Jan. 1840. p. Pepperell, Ms., '40-'50.— a.p. Tiverton, R.L, '51-'57. — occ. sup., Minn., '57-'61. — w.c. Winona, Minn., '61 until died there, 21 Nov. 1870. *Daniel Hutchinson Babcock, b. 17 Dee. 1810, Wilhamsfiekl, O. W.R.C. 1836. — Ord. 7 Nov. 1839. p. Eastham, Ms., '39-'40. — a.p. West Yar- mouth, Ms., '40-41. — p. Cohasset, Ms., '42-46. — a.p. Salem, N.H., '47- '49; Harrisville, N.H., '50. — p. Littleton, Ms., '51-'53. — p. Manomet, Plymouth, Ms., '53-'59. — a.p. Shirley, Ms., '60-63 ; First ch., Berkley, Ms., '64-66; North Gray, Vt, '67-69; East Falmouth, Ms., '69-'71 ; West Townshend, Vt., '71 until died there, 14 Jan. 1873. *Setli Warriner Banister, b. 15 Jan. 1811, Brookfield, Ms. A.C. 1835.— Ord. 2 June 1841. p. Hinsdale, Ms., '41-'46. — p. Carlisle, Ms., '47-'52. — p. Lyndon, Vt., '53-'54. — p. First ch., Ware, Ms., '55-'57. — mail agent, Ms., '57 until died, at Newton, Ms., 5 Oct. 1861. Timotliy Green Brainerd, b. 24 Jan. 1808, Troy, N.Y. Y.C. 1830. — Ord. 5 Nov. 1840. — p. Presb. ch., Londonderry, N.H., '40-55. — p. Halifax, Ms., '55-'65. — w.c. '65-'67; Grinnell, lo., '67-. *Anios BuUard, b. 13 July 1807, Med way, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '35-37. — assist, prin. acad., Leicester, Ms., '39-'4l. — Ord. 26 Oct. 1843, p. Barre, Ms., '43 until died there, 21 Aug. 1850. *Josiali Leonard Case, b. 5 March 1808, Johnstown, N.Y. U.C. 1836. — Ord. 17 Oct. 1839. p. Kingston, N.H., '39 until died there, 15 Nov. 1839. Jacob Cliapman, b. 11 March 1810, Tamworth, N.H. D.C. 1835. — teacher, Bridgeton, Me., '39-'41. — w.c, invalid, '41-'42. — a.p. Pelhara and Kings- ton, N.H., '42-43. — teacher and pr. to Germans, Myerstown, Pa., '43-46. —Ord., at Fryeburg, Me., 23 June 1845, h.m. — Prof. Franklin Coll., Pa., '47-'50. — prin. acad., Harrisburg, Pa,, '50-52. — p. Marshall, 111., '52-64. — a.p. Onarga, 111., '64-65; South Paris, Me., '65. — p. Deerfield, N.H., '66-72. — p. Kingston, N. H., '72-79. — w.c. Exeter, N. H., '79- *Jolin Edward Farwell, b. 9 Dec. 1809, Ashby, Ms. A.C. 1836. — Ord. 30 Oct. 1839. occ. pr. '39-43. — p. Rochester, N.H., '43-'52. — a.p. Pelliam, N. H., etc, '52-'58. — Died, at Fitchburg, Ms., 24 Dec. 1858. ♦Nathaniel Breed Fox, b. 3 Oct. 1811, Hancock, N.H, A.C. 1835. — a.p. Dracut, Ms., '39-'40. — Ord. 25 Aug. 1841. Granby, C.E., a.p. '40-'41 ; p. '41-'44. — city miss'y, Worcester, Ms., '45-'.. — — Died, at Abington, Ct., 11 Dec. 1848. 1880.] 1839. 131 *CIiarles Alonzo Gager, b. 15 March 1814, Bozrah, Ct. Y.C. 1835. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '37-39. — Not ordained. — Died, at Cairo, Egypt, 16 Nov. 1841. *Wayne Gridlcy, b. 12 Nov. 1811, Clinton, N.Y. Ham.C. 1836. — Ord. 25 Sept. 1839. Clinton, N.Y., a.p. '39-'40; p. '40 until died there, 23 Nov. 1846. ♦Joseph Haven, D.D., LL.D., b. 4 Jan. 1816, North Dennis, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1839. p. Ashland, Ms., '39-46. — p. Harvard ch.. Brook- line, Ms., '46-'50. — Prof. Moral Phil, and Met., Arah. Coll., '50-58.— — Prof. Sys. Theol., Chicago Theol. Sem.,'58-'70. — Died, at Chicago, 111., 23 May 1874. Henry Hurlburt, b. 29 June 1813, New Hartford, N.Y. Gen.C — Yale Theol. Sem., 1838. — Not ordained. — a.p. Utica, Rome, Geneva, Palmyra, and Rochester, N.Y., and Painesville, O., '41-'46 ; Rutland, Vt., '47-'48. — in charge of state publications, Albany, N.Y., '54-'56. — In trade, Utica, N.Y., '56-'70. — in Custom House, New York city, res. Brooklyn, N.Y., '70-. Georg-e Leeds, D.D., b. 25 Oct. 1816, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1835.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 14 April 1838 ; priest, 9 March 1841.— assist. St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '39-'40. — r.e. St. Stephen's ch.. Providence, R.I., '40-'41. — temp, sup. St. John's ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., and in Boston, Ms., '41-42. — Grace ch., Utica, N.Y., '43-'53. — r. St. Peter's eh., Salem, Ms., '53-60.— r. St. Peter's ch., Philadelphia, Pa., 'GO-'67.—r. Grace ch., Baltimore, Md., '67-. James Heney Merrill, b. 16 Oct. 1814, Lyndeborough, N.H. D.C. 1834. — teacher acad., Fryeburg, Me., '35-'37, — Ord. 26 Nov. 1839. p. Mon- tague, Ms., '39-55.- p. West ch., Andover, Ms., '56-79. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '79-. *WilIiam Page, b. 4 May 1808, Atkinson, N.H.—.— Ord. 4 Nov. 1840. a.p. Dracut, Ms., '40-'42. — p. Hudson, N. H., '42-'52. — p. Salem, N. H., '52-'58. — a.p. Bath, N.H., '58-'60. — w.c. Atkinson, N. H., '60 until died there, 18 Oct. 1861. *Josiall Peabody, b. 7 Jan. 1807, Topsfield, Ms. D.C. 1836.— Ord. evang,, at Clinton, N. Y., 25 Sept. 1839. a.p. Bolton, Ms., '39-'41. — f.m. Erzroom and Constantinople, '41-60. — — a.p. Poquonock, Ct., '65-68 ; North Stamford, Ct., '68 until died there, 20 June 1873. *Samuel Leland Rockwood, b. 16 Nov. 1810, Sherbom, Ms. A.C. 1836.— Ord. 11 March 1840. p. Hanson, Ms., '40-58. — p. North Weymouth, Ms., '58-'71. — a.p. Hanson, Ms., '72-77. — w.c. North Weymouth, Ms., '77 until died there, 12 April 1881. ♦Ashley Samson, b. 2 May 1819, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1836.— Ord agent Mo. S.S. Union, '39 until died, at Fayette, Mo., 19 Oct. 1840. 132 18 39. [1880. James Andrews Blin Stone, D.D., b. 28 Oct. 1810, Piermont, N.H. M.C. 1834.— Ord. 13 Nov. 1839. p. Bapt. ch., Gloucester, Ms., '39-41, — in journalism, Boston, Ms., '42-'43. — p. Kalamazoo, Mich., '43-'49. — Pres. Kalamazoo Coll., and Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil., '43-63 ; also Prof. Sys. Theol. and Bib. Int., Theol. Inst., Kalamazoo, Mich., '54-'63 ; w.c. there, '63-66. — p. Tab. Bapt. ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '66-'69 ; res. there, in jour- nalism, '69-. Charles William Treadwell, b. 25 June 1816, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1836.— Ord., by Albany Presb'y, 1842. a.p. Cong, ch., Moreau, N.Y., '41-'51. — a.p. Presb. chh., Plessis and Theresa, N.Y., '51-63; Wheat- land and Clarence chs., lo., '63-'82 ; w.c. there, '82-. Thomas Wright, b. 11 Oct. 1814, Bennington, Vt. W.C. 1835.— Ord., by Geneva Presb'y, 29 July 1840. p. Presb. ch., Wolcott, N.Y., '40-56.— agent, Ypsilanti, Mich., '58-59. — a.p. Fentonville, Mich., '60-'64. — sup't missions, Am. S.S. Union, res. Fentonville, Mich., '64-. *Jeremiah Smith Young, b. 10 Sept. 1809, Whitestown, N.Y. — .— Ord. 20 Nov. 1839. p. First ch., Dover, N. H., '39-43. — a.p. North Andover, Ms., '43-44. — agent Steam Mill, Portsmouth, N.H ,'. .-('50). — manufr, Ballard Vale, Ms. — gen. agent and treas. Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Ms, — Died, at Fall River, Ms., 26 April 1861. *Charles Chamberlain (1), b. 4 Oct. 1813, Holliston, Ms. B.U. 1836. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '37-'38. — Union Theol. Sem., 1839.— h.m. O. and Ind., '39- '41. — Ord. 8 July 1842. p. Berkley, Ms., '42-44. — a.p. Freetown, Ms., '45-47; Mendon, Ms., '47-50. — p. Auburn, Ms., '51-'53. — p. First ch., Ashford, Ct., '54-'58. — p. Eastford, Ct., '58-'67. — a.p. Oxford, Ct., '67- '69; Redding, Ct., '69-71; Burlington, Ct., '71-'74 ; East Granby, Ct., '74 until died there, 30 March 1881. *John Orr Chandler (1) b, 1 Jan. 1816, Bedford, N.H. D.C. 1836. — Not or- dained. — Died, at Matanzas, Cuba, 23 June 1839. *Nehemiah Cogswell Coffin (1), b. 24 March 1815, Boscawen, N.H. D.C. 1836. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1843. a.p. Presb. ch., Fearing, O., '42-45; Bethel and Bremen, O., '45-46; Presb. ch., Hebron, O., '46- '61. — teacher, Granville Fem. Coll., O., '51-'52. — a.p. Second Presb. ch., Piqua, O., '52-'60. — w.c. Sandusky, O., '60-'61 ; Marblehead, O., '61 until died there, 9 Jan. 1868. ♦John A. Collins (2-\-), from Manchester, Vt. M.C. — agent Anti-slavery Soc, etc. —Died, 1857. *Elbridge Gerry Cutler (1), b. 1 2 May 1812, Farmington, Me. /7.C. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1839.- a.p. Phipsburg, Me., '40-'41.— Ord. 15 Jan. 1842. p. Belfast, Me., '42 until died, at Reading, Pa., 28 April 1846. 1880.] 1839. 133 *Ebenezer Porter Dyer (1), b. 15 Aug. 1813, South Abington, Ms. B.U. 1833. — prin. acad., Stow, Ms., '37-38. — Ord. 25 Sept. 1839. p. Stow, Ms., '39-46. — city miss'y, Boston, Ms., '46-47. — Hingham, Ms., a.p. '47-49; p. '49-'63. — a.p. North Somerville, Ms., '64-67. — p. Shrewsbury, Ms., '67-77. — a.p. Hanover, Ms., '78-81. — Died, at South Abington, Ms., 22 Aug. 1882. William Davis Ely (1), b. 16 June 1815, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1836. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1839. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '39-'42. — lawyer, Hartford, Ct., '43-56 ; Providence, R.I., '56-. *Thomas Parsons Emerson (1), b. 17 May 1809, Parsonsfield, Me. B.C. 1836. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1840. — Ord h.m. Marion, lo., '40-'41 ; Wapsipinicon River, lo., '41-'42. — — a.p. Presb. ch., Riley Creek, O., ('51)-'53. — h.m. Portageville, O., '54-'56 ; McComb, O., '57-'62.— a.p. Kalida, O., '63-64; Mahomet, 111., '65-70. — Died, at Champaign, 111., 8 Nov. 1870. Alonzo Kimball (1), b. 20 Nov. 1808, Leroy, N.Y. U.C. 1836. — teacher, Remsen, N.Y., '39 ; Lee, Ms., '40-46 ; in business, Dalton, Ms., '47-48 ; Green Bay, Wis., '49-. William Harris Latham, m.d. (1), b. 6 March 1814, Lyme, N.H: D.C. 1836. — Lane Theol. Sem., '37-'38. — Not ordained. — m.d. Ohio Med. Coll., 1843. — teacher,in institutions for deaf mutes, in Ohio and Lid., more than thirty years. — now res. Indianapolis, Ind. Parker Pillsbury (1), b. 22. Sept. 1809, Hamilton, Ms. —. — Anti-slavery lec- turer. — now res. Concord, N.H. Charles Emery Stevens (2), b. 24 March 1815, Pembroke, N.H. D.C. 1835. — Not ordained. — prin. acad., Worthington, Ms.; Fitchburg, Ms.; prin. high school, Barre, Ms. — editor N.H. Statesman, Concord, N.H., '46. — editor Patriot, Barre, Ms., '49-52. — editor Daily Transcript, Worcester, Ms., '52. — assist, editor Mass. Colonial Records, 'Boston, Ms., '53-'54. — literary reader and editor for Gould and Lincoln, Boston, Ms., '55-'58. — assist, reg. of Probate and Insolv., for Woi'cester Co., Worcester, Ms., '59- '69 ; reg., '69-. Samuel Rowley Thrall (2+), b. 16 Jan. 1811, Rutland, Vt. M.C. 1835.— a.p. Perkinsville and Wells River, Vt., '39-42. — Ord. 13 April 1842. p. Wells River, Vt., '42-47.- a.p. Hubbardton, Vt., '48-52; Cuttingsville, Vt., '52-'53; Wethersfield, 111., '54-'55 ; Tremont, 111., '55-'57 ; Bristol, 111., '57-'59; Rockport and Summer Hill, 111., '59-65. — p. La Harpe, 111., '65-69. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Galesburg, III., '69-80.— w.c. there, '80-. ♦Wellington Hart Tyler (1+), b. 14 Oct. 1812, Harford, Pa. A.C. 1831.— Not ordained. — teacher, Mercer Co., Ky., '32-34. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '34_'36. — prin. acad., Manlius, N.Y., '37-'38. — prin. S.C.Fem. Coll. Inst., Columbia, S.C, '40. — prin. Young Ladies' Inst., Pittsfield, Ms., '41-53. — prin. fern, sem., Cincinnati, 0., '62. — Died, on voyage to Labrador, 19 Aug. 1863. 134 1840. [1880. 1840. *Sainuel Phillips Abbott, b. 8 Dec. 1815, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1836.— Ord. 15 July 1841. p. Houlton, Me., '41-'44. — teacher, Farmington, Me., '. . until died there, 29 June 1849. *John Lang-don Ashby, b. 8 Oct. 1810, Warner, N.H. A.C. 1837.— a.p. South Newmarket, N.H., '40-41. — Ord. 7 July 1841. p. York, Me., '41- '49. — p. Saccarappa, Me., '51-'58 ; and a.p. there, '60-63. — clerk, U.S. Treas'y Dep't, Washington, D.C., '63-76. — bookseller, Washington, D.C., '76 until died there, 29 March 1881. *Williani Bates, b. 19 Jan. 1816, Dedham, Ms. M.C. 1837. — Ord. 5 Nov. 1845. p. Northbridge, Ms., '45-58. — p. First ch., Falmouth, Ms., '58 until died there, 9 Sept. 1859. *Samuel Beane, b. l March 1812, Lyman, N.H. D.C. 1836. — Ord. 7 July 1841. p. Great Falls, N.H., '4 1-'44. — Little Compton, R.I., a.p. '45-'46 ; p. '46-57. — prin. fem. sem., Beloit, Wis., '57-'60. — p. Norton, Ms., '60 until died there, 8 May 1865. *Joel Blackmer, b. 11 April 1810, Barnard, Vt. D.C. 1834. — prin. Bradford (Vt.) Acad., '34-'36. — agent Univ. Vt., '37. — (Ord. ?) a.p. South Wey- mouth, Ms., '40-'41. — teacher, Ridgebury, N.Y., '43-'45. — prin. Clinton Place Inst., New York city, '45-'. . — clerk. New York Custom House, '64 until died, at Staten Island, 7 Nov. 1879. ♦James Boutwell, b. 14 May 1814, Lyndeborough, N.H. D.C. 1836.- Ord. 4 Nov. 1841. p. Brentwood, N.H., '41-52. — p. Sanbornton, N.H., '52 until died there, 21 April 1865. *James Churchill Bryant, b. 8 April 1812, Easton, Ms. A.C. 1836. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1840. p. Littleton, Ms., '40-45. — f.m. South Africa, '40 until died there, 23 Dec. 1850. *RufHS Freeman Buel, b. 5 Nov. 1812, Plymouth, N.Y.— .— Ord., Bapt., at Hamilton, N.Y., 23 Jan. 1841. f.m. Greece, '41-'55. — teacher, Providence, R.I., '55-'64. — in service of U.S. Chr. Com., '64. — officer of Internal Rev- enue, Washington, D.C, '65 until died there, 20 Feb. 1866. James Davie Butler, LL.D., b. 15 March 1815, Rutland, Vt. M.C. 1836. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '37-'38. — in Europe and Asia, '42-'43. — Prof. Lang, and Eng. Lit., Norwich Univ., Vt., '45-47.— Ord. 14 Oct. 1847. p. Wells River, Vt., '47-'50. — p. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '51- '52. — p. First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '52-'55. — Prof. Anc. Lang., Wa- bash Coll., Ind., '55-'58. — Prof. Anc. Lang., Wisconsin State Univ., Wis. '58-'6 7. — lecturer, and occ. pr., Madison, Wis., '6 7-. 1880.] 1840. 135 Henry Callahan, b. 5 Jan, 1811, North Andover, Ms. U.C. 183G. — Ord. p. Niagara Falls, N.Y., '40-49. — p. Presb. ch., Oxford, N.Y., '51-'61. — chap. 119th N. Y. Vols., '61-'63. — teacher, Franklin, N. Y., '. .-'. . — w.c. (occ. pr.) Franklin, N.Y., '63-. *Abel A. Case, from Paris, Ky. Ken.C— (in St. Johnsbury, Vt., '41.— teacher, Greenup, Ky. — Died, ) *Josiali Clark, b. 7 Feb. 1814, Leicester, Ms. Y.C. 1833.— Not ordained.— prin, acad., Leicester, Ms., '41-'49 ; prin. Williston Sem., Easthampton, Ms., '49-'63 ; teacher, Northampton, Ms., '63-75. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Smith Coll., Northampton, Ms., '75-76. — -w.c. Northampton, Ms., '76 until died there, 30 May 1878. *Joel Lyman Dickinson, b. 20 May 1812, Granby, Ms. A.C. 1837. — a.p. Chicopee, Ms., '42; South Hadley, Ms., '42; Northborough, Ms., '42-43. — Ord. 28 Feb. 1844. p. Northfield, Ct., '44-'51. — Plainville, Ct., a.p. '51-'52; p. '52-58. — w.c. Plainville, Ct., '58 until died there, 13 July 1867, Thomas Power Field, D.D., b. 12 Jan. 1814, Northfield, Ms. A.C. 1834. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '37-'39,— Ord. 8 Oct. 1840. p. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '40-'50. — p. Second Presb. ch., Troy, N.Y., '50-'53. — Prof. Rhet., Orat., and Eng. Lit., Amh. Coll., '53-56. — p. First ch., New London, Ct., '56-'76. — w.c. New London, Ct., '76-' 7 7. — Prof. Bib., Amh. Coll., '77; Prof. Bibl. Hist, etc., '77-. Franklin Davenport Harris, b. 8 Sept. 1812, Philadelphia, Pa. P.U. 1837. — Ord., by Presb'y of Philadelphia, . . Oct. 1840. h.m. Central Pa., '40- '51. — p. Presb. ch., Bristol, Pa., '51-'60. — p. Port Byron, N. Y., '61-'67. — p. Woodbury, N.J., '67-76. — w.c. Camden, N.J., '76-, Morris Holman, b. 11 Feb. 1811, Union, Ct. A.C. 1837, — h.m. Farmington Falls and Chesterville, Me., '40-'.. — res. Bangor, Me., '..-'43. — Ord. 15 Jan, 1845, York, Me,, a.p. '43-'45 ; p. '45-'58. — a.p. Kennebunkport, Me., *58-'63 ; Deering, N. H., '63-74. — w.c. Antrim, N.H., '75-. *William Bradford Homer, b. 31 Jan. 1817, Boston, IMs. A.C. 1836. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1840. p. South Berwick, Me., '40 until died there, 22 March 1841, *Charles Coffin Jewett, b. 12 Aug, 1816, Lebanon, Me. B.U. 1835. — Not ordained. — Prof. Mod. Lang., Brown Univ., '43-'48 ; also librarian, '42- '48. — librarian, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D.C., '48-'55. — connected with Public Library, Boston, Ms., '55-'57 ; sup't, '57 until died, at Braintree, Ms., 9 Jan. 1868. Gideon Southward Johnson, b. 25 April 1810, Haverhill, Ms. D.C. 1835, — Ord., at Haverhill, Ms., 13 Sept. 1841. h.m. Lucas and Fulton Counties, O., '41-'51. — p. Seward and Pecatonica, '51-'55. — w.c. Pecatonica, 111., '56-58 ; Rockford, III., '59-'67; Hale (Stillman Valley P.O.), 111., '68-. 136 1840. [1880. *James Toml) McCollom, b. 20 Sept. 1814, Salem, N. Y. D.C. 1835.— Ord. 25 June 1841. p. Pittston, Me., '41-44. — p. Great Falls, N.H , '44-54. — p. Bradford, Ms., '54-65.— p. First Trin. ch., Medford, Ms., '65 until died there, 25 Nov. 1874. Josiah Wheelock Peet, b. 11 Sept. 1808, Enosburgh, Vt. M.C. 1836.— Ord. 15 Dec. 1841. p. Gardiner Me., '41-48. — prin. Mt. Hope Sem., Fall River, Ms., '49-59. — teacher, Eastharapton, Ms., '59-62; Oshkosh, Wis., '62-64; Yellow Springs (now Parsons) Coll., lo., '64-67. — h.m. Fonta- nelle, lo., '6 7- '80. — w.c. Nevinville, lo., '80-. *Samuel Peirce, b. 16 July 1816, Haverhill, Ms. D.C. 1835. — Ord. 19 April 1843. p. Atkinson, N.H., '43 until died there, 27 March 1844. *Jonas De Forest Richards, b. 28 Dec. 1809, Hartford, Vt. D.C. 1836.— Ord. 26 May 1841. p. Charlestown, N.H., '41-'51. — p. Chester, Vt., '53- '57. — a.p. Weathersfield, Vt., '57-'62. — w.c. Weathersfield, Vt., '62-'63. — prin. fern, sem.. College Hill, O., '63-65. — Monroe, Mich., '65. — Prof. Astron., and act. Pres., Ala. State Univ., '69-' 72. Died, at Mobile, Ala., 2 Dec. 1872. *George Phillips Smith, b. 11 Feb. 1814, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ord. 17 June 1841. p. Winchester, Ms., '41-'45. — p. First ch., Worcester, Ms., '45 until died, at Salem, Ms., 3 Sept. 1852. ♦Aldace Walker, D.D., b. 20 July 1812, Strafford, Vt. D.C. 1837,— Ord. 30 Dec. 1840. p. West Rutland, Vt., '40-'62. — Wallingford, Vt., a.p. '62-69 ; p. '69 until died there, 24 July 1878. *Leonard Hemenway Wheeler, b. 18 April 1811, Shrewsbury, Ms. M.C. 1837.— Ord. 5 May 1841. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Ojibwa Indians, LaPointe, Wis., '41-44; Odanah, Wis., '44-'66. — w.c. Beloit, Wis., '66 until died there, 25 Feb. 1872. Daniel Wight, b. 18 Sept. 1808, Natick, Ms. H.C. 1837. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1842. p. North Scituate, Ms., '42-58. — a.p. Boylston, Ms., '59-61.- miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Seneca Indians, '62-'63. — Second ch., Ashburnham, Ms., a.p. '63-64 ; p. '64-71. — w.c. Natick, Ms., '72-75. — librarian, Morse Institute, Natick, Ms., '75- Worcester Willey, b. l Sept. 1808, Campton, N.H. W.C. 1835. — a.p. South Wellfleet, Ms., '40-'41. — teacher, Plymouth, N.H., '41-'43.— Ord. 3 Oct. 1844. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Cherokee Indians, '44-62. — w.c. Fort Gibson and vie, Cherokee Nation, '63-'70 ; Andover, Ms., '71-. *Thomas Bailey (1), b. 27 Sept. 1808, Little Compton, R.I. Y.C. 1836.- Yale Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — Ord a.p. Presb. ch., Coldsprinj N.Y. — Died, at Washington, D.C, 15 July 1850. 1880.] 1840. 137 Sylvanus Bates (1), b Randolph, Vt. M.C. 1837.— Not ordained. — prin. acad., Royalton, Vt., (six years). — teacher, La Grange, Ga. — *Charles Cotesvvorth Pinckney Burnap (2+), b. 26 Oct. 1812, Temple, N.H. A.C. 1836. — Died, at Holliston, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 30 Dec. 1838. Josiah Gardner Davis, d.d. (1), b. 23 Feb. 1815, Concord, Ms. Y.C. 1836. Union Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord. 22 May 1844. p. Amherst, N.H., '44- '80. — w.c. Amherst, N. H., '80-. Edmund Fowler Dickinson (1+), b 1813, Granby, Ms. U.C. 1837. — Union Theol. Sem., 1840.— Ord. 17 May 1843. a.p. Conneaut, O., '43- '54. — city raiss'y, Chicago, 111., '54-. *Charles Backus McLean (1), b. 23 Aug. 1815, Simsbury, Ct. Y.C. 1836.— Union Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — Ord. 7 Feb. 1844. p. Coninsville, Ct., '44- '66. — w.c. Wethersfield, Ct., '66 until died there, 29 Oct. 1873. *Alexander Montgomery (1), b. 24 July 1808, Westfield, N.Y. A.C. 1837.— Union Theol. Sem., '38-39, — Ord., evang., at Springfield, Ms., 23 July 1839. — p. Presb. ch., Maysville, N. Y., '39-'41. — prin, Westfield, N.Y., '41-'46. — a.p. Beaver Dam, Wis., '46-'50. — gen. agent Am. Tr. Soc. fiar JJorthern 111., etc., Chicago, 111., '50-'55. — Dis. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., for the Northwest, Belolt, Wis., '55-57. — w.c, '57 until died, at Beloit, Wis., 19 Feb. 1859. Joseph Peckham (1—), b. 23 April 1816, Bolton, Ms. A.C. 1837. — Union Theol. Sem., 1842. — Ord. 30 Nov. 1842. p. Kingston, Ms., '42-56, — w,c, Minnesota, '56-58, — a.p. Chiltonville, Ms., '58-59; Kingston, Ms,, '59-80. — w.c. Kingston, Ms., '80-. *Philo Columbus Pettibone (2+), b. 7 March 1815, Stockholm, N.Y. O.L 1837. — Ord. 8 Jan. 1841. p. Presb. ch., Mercer, Pa., '41-'44. — a.p. Trim Cong, ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '44-45. — p. Stockholm, N.Y, '45-56. — a.p. Burlington, Wis.,'56-'63. — agent Beloit Coll. WIs,,'63-'70. — agent Chicago Theol. Sem., '70 until died, at Chicago, 111., 10 Sept. 1870. Charles Chauncy Shackford (1), b. 26 Sept. 1815, Portsmouth, N.H. H,C. 1835.— Union Theol. Sem,, '37-'39.— Ord. 19 May 1841. p, Hawes Place Cong, (Unit'n) ch.. South Boston, Ms., '41-43. — w.c. BurUngton, lo., '43- *l=6. — p. Lynn, Ms., '46-64. — teacher, Boston, Ms., '65-'71. — Prof. Corn. Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., '71-. *Ezra C. Smith (2), b. 1 Aug. 1810, Gilmanton, N. H. —. — Not ordained. — Died, near Skaneateles, N. Y., 25 July 1844. Henry John Van Lennep, d.d. (1), b. 18 March 1815, Smyrna, Asia Minor. A.C. 1837, — Ord. 27 Aug. 1839. f.m, Smyrna, '39-'69. — Great Barring- ton, Ms., ',,-'.. — Prof. Nat, Scl,, Gr. and Mod. Lang., Ingham Univ., Le Roy, N.Y., '76-78. — teacher. Great Barrington, Ms., '79-. 138 1840. 1841. [1880. Eobert Kansom Wells (1), from Chazy, N.Y. M.C. 1836. — Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny, Pa.,'..-'.. — Ord p. Soulh Bend, Ind., ('46)-'47. — — prin. acad., Belvidere, N J., '. .-'53. — prin. acad., Shippensburg, Pa., '54-'56. — teacLer, Govansto\vn,Md.,'57-'59. — teacher, Baltimore, Md,, '60-66.— w.c. San Francisco, Cal., '67-'68.— a.p. Healds- burg, Cal., '70-'72. — w.c. San Francisco, Cal. (part of the time colp. and city miss'y), '72-'80. — a.p. Bolinas, Cal., res. San Francisco, '81- *Alphonso Wood (1), b. 17 Sept. 1810, Chesterfield, N.H. D.C. 1834.— teacher, Kmiball Union Acad., Meriden, N.H., '34-'49. — Pres. and Prof., Ohio Fern. Coll., '51-'57; also occ. pr., '46-'53. — Prof. Fem. Coll., Terra Haute,Ind., '57-'60. — prin. Clinton Fem. Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y., '60-65.— travelling, '65-66. — author. — res. West Farms, N.Y., '67 until died there, 4 Jan. 1881. 1841. *Robert Atkinson, M.D., b 1813, Ballina, Ireland. —. — Union Theol. Sem., '38-'40. — Not ordained. — a.p. Taunton, Ms., '41-'42. — Died, in New York city, . . June 1842. William Metcalfe Bircliard, b. 14 Feb. 1810, Bozrah, Ct. Y. C. 1837 — a.p. Littleton, N.H., '42. — Ord. 25 Oct. 1843. p. Bozrah, Ct., '43-48. — a.p. Eastford, Ct., '52-53 ; Hebron, Ct., '53-'54. — p. Broad Brook, East Wind- sor, Ct., '54-'58. — a.p. Agawam, Ms., '60-63. — p. Voluntown and Sterling, Ct., '64-'68. — a.p. Montville, Ct., '68-'70. — w.c. Washington, D. C, '71- '78; Montville, Ct., '79-. *Josliua Rogers Brown, b. 14 June 1812, Stonington, Ct., Y.C. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 21 May 1845. p. Goshen, Ct., '45-'52. — p. East Longmeadow, Ms., '54 until died there, 7 Sept. 1858. Joseph Andrew Canfleld, b. 11 April 1813, East Haddam, Ct. O.T. 1838.— a.p. Belleville, N.Y., '41-'42. — Ord. 17 Sept. 1815. Presb. ch., Chaumont, N.Y., a.p. (with Dexter), '42-'45 ; p. '45-63. — chap. State Prison, Danne- niora, N.Y., '63-'69. — a.p. Cong, ch., Antwerp, N. Y., '69-'74. — chap. Sing Sing, N.Y., '74-'75; w.c. Sing Sing, N.Y., '76. — p. Theresa, N.Y., '77-. *Lewis Franklin Clark, b. 11 Sept., 1812, Southampton, Ms. A.C. 1837.— Ord. 1 June 1842. p. Whitinsville, Northbridge, Ms., '4 2 until died there, 13 Oct. 1870. Theodore Jarvis Clark, b. 14 Feb. 1815, Northampton, Ms. W.C. 1836.— Hart. Theol. Sem., (1), — Ord. 11 Oct. 1842. Village ch., Cumming- ton,Ms., p. '42-'52; a.p. '52-'59; Bernardston, Ms., '59-'61. — p. Ashfield, Ms., '62-65. — Northfield, Ms., a.p. '65-'70; p. '70-'80. — w.c. Northfield, Ms., '80-'81 ; Manchester Depot, Vt., '81-. 1880.] 1841. 139 George Washington Cleaveland, b. 21 Dec. 1815, Salem, Ms. B.C. 1837.— Ord., at Orleans, Ms., 27 Sei^t. 1843. a.p. Presb. cb., Waterford, Pa., '43- '49. — Harbor Creek, Pa., a.p. '49-'o2; p. '52-. *Davi(l Coggin, b. 14 Sept. 1816, Tewksbury, Ms. D.C. 1836. — Ord. 11 May 1842. p. Westhampton, Ms., '42 until died there, 28 April 1852. *William Hunter Conkey, b Belchertown, Ms. M.C. 1837.— — Died, at New Haven, Vt., 8 March 1847. Moses Kimball Cross, b. 24 Sept. 1812, Danvers, Ms. A.C. 1838. — Hart. Theol. Sem., '38-'40. — Ord. 2 Feb. 1842. p. Palmer, Ms., '42-'49. — p. First ch., South Deerfield, Ms., '50-54. — a.p. Tipton, lo., '55-65 ; Wash- ington, lo., '65-67; Waverly, lo., '67-'71. — w.c. Waterloo, lo., '72-. Samuel Chenery Damon, D.D., b. 15 Feb. 1815, Holden, Ms. A.C. 1836. V Princeton Theol. Sem., (1). — Ord., by Andover Assoc, 15 Sept. 1841. seaman's chaplain and editor Friend, Honolulu, H.I., '41—. George Thurlow Dole, b. 30 Oct. 1808, Byfield, Ms. Y.C. 1838.— Yale Theol. Sem., '38-40. — Ord. 6 Oct. 1842. p. Washington st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '42-'51. — ]). North Woburn, Ms., '52-'55. — a.p. Lanesborough, Ms., '56-'63; Curtisville, Stockbridge, Ms., '64-72. — w.c. and occ. sup. Stock- bridge, Ms., '72-75; Reading, Ms., '75-. *Isaac Groot Duryee, b. 29 July 1810, Schenectady, N.Y. U. C. 1838.— Yale Theol. Sem., (1). — Ord. 13 July 1842. p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Falls- burgh, N. Y., '42-'51. — p. Glenham, N.Y., '51-'52. — p. Second Ref. (Dutch) ch., Schenectady, N.Y., '52-58. — a.p. Port Jackson, N.Y., *59- '62. — chaplain 81st N.Y. Vols., '62-66. — Died, at Schenectady, N. Y., 8 Feb. 1866. *Thomas Abbott Farley, b. 8 July 1813, Hollis, N.H. A.C. 1838. — Not or- dained.— Died, at Hollis, N. H., 26 August 1841. Luther Farnham, b. 5 Feb. 1816, Concord, N.H. D.C. 1837. — Ord. 20 Nov. 1844. p. Northfield, Ms., '44-'45. — res. Boston, Ms., '45 until present time. — ass't editor Christian Alliance, and correspondent, '45-'47. — a.p. Marshfield, Ms., '47-49; Concord, Ms.; Tiverton, R,I., '60-'61 ; Lynn- field, Ms.; First ch., Wf .t Newbury, Ms.; East Marshfield, Ms., '65-'66 ; Concord, Ms., '66; Pu.'lington, Ms., '66-67. — Sec. Southern Aid Soc, Boston, Ms., '55-61. — Sec. Gen. Theol. Library, Boston, Ms., '62-; also a.p. First ch., New Bedfiard, Ms., '69. ♦David Gibbs, b. 25 June 1814, Banff, Scotland. D.C. 1838. — Ord. 27 Sept. 1842. a.p. Russelltown, C.E., '41-'45. — p. Granby, C.E., '45'until died there, 16 March 1848. Mark Gould, b. 2 Dec. 1811, Wilton, Me. B.C. 1837. — prin. fern, sem., Georgetown, O., '42-'43. — — instructor. Central Coll., O., '46. — a.p. Huntington, O., '47-'48; Wadsworth, O., '48-'49.— Ord. 8 Oct. 1851. 140 1841. [1880. p. Andover, Me., '51-'58. — a.p. Standish, Me., '58-62; West Minot and Monmouth, Me., '63-'64; Chichester, N.H., '64-'72 ; Nelson, N.IL, '72-'76. — w.c. Ashburnham, Ms., '77-. Henry Laurens Hammond, b. 14 Feb. 1815, Smyrna, N.Y. O.C. 1838.— Union Theol. Sem., '39-40. — Ord., at Kintrston, Ms., 8 Dec. 1841. a.p. Kingston, Ms., '41-'42 ; Presb. ch.. Homer, Mich., '42-44. — p. First Cong, ch., Detroit, Mich., '44-47. — a.p. Morrisville, N. Y., '48-50. — p. Grand Rapids Mich., '51-'56. — editor Conc/ref/ationnl Herald, Chicago, III.. '57- '61. — a.p. Princeton, 111., '61-'62. — treas. Chicago Theol. Sem., '62-72. — in business, Chicago, 111., '72-. James Holmes, b. 14 April 1811, Londonderry, N.H. D.C. 1838. — Lane Theol. Sem., '38-'40. — Ord. 22 June 1842. p. Presb. ch., Watertown, O., '42-'46. — Cong, ch., Auburn, N.H., a.p. '46-49 ; p. '49-69. — a.p. Ben- nington, N. H., '69- *Benjamin Franklin Hosford, b. 11 Nov. 1817, Thetford, Vt. D.C. 1838. — Ord. 21 May 1845. p. Centre ch., Haverhill, Ms., '45-'63. — w.c. Haver- hill, Ms,, '63 until died there, 10 August 1864. *John Humphrey, b. 19 March 1816, Fairfield, Ct. A.C. 1835. — Hartford Theol. Sem., '..-'.. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '37-39, — Ord. 30 Nov. 1842. p. Winthrop ch,, Charlestown, Ms., '42-'47. — p. Presb. ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '49-'54. — appointed Prof. Moral Phil., Ham. Coll., '54. — Died, at Pittsfield, Ms., 2 Dec. 1854. Isaac Jennings, b. 24 July 1816, Trumbull, Ct. Y.C. 1837, — prin, acad., Washington, Ct,, '37-'38, — prin, Hopkins gram, sch,. New Haven, Ct., '39-'40; also Yale TheoL Sem., '39-'40, — Ord. 14 June 1843, p, Akron, O,, '43-'47.— p. First ch., Stamford, Ct., '47-'53.— p. First ch., Bennington, Vt., '53-, *James Robertson Keiser, b, 29 Sept, 1813, Waynesborough, Va. P.C. 1838. — Ord., by Ev. Luth. Synod of Va., 3 May 1842. p. New Germantown, N.Y., '42-'48. — p. Schoharie, N.Y., '49-'56, — gen. agent Am, Tr. Soc, Plainfield, N.J., '56-'58. — p. Gettysburg, Pa., '58-'61. — p. Dixon, 111., '61-'64, — Dis. Sec. Am. S.S, Union, for N.J., '64-'67. — a.p. Presb. ch., Theresa, N.Y,, '67-'69. — w.c. Ream's Station, Dinwiddle Co., Va., '69 until died, at Chesterfield, Va., 12 Oct. 1872. Charles Kello^^, b. 31 March 1816, Hudson, N.Y. U.N.Y. 1839. — Union Theol. Sem., '39-'40.— Ord. 10 Nov. 1841. h.m, Richmond, Mich., '41- '46. • — Almont, Mich,, '46-56, — in business, Detroit, Mich., '57-. (V) Henry Kingsley, b. 3 Nov. 1809, Canajoharie, N. Y. M.C. 1838. — Not or- dained.— a.p. Sudbury, Vt., '41-'42. — h.m. Ind., '44. — a.p. Clarendon, Vt., '45. — bookseller, Brandon, Vt., '46-56. — dentist, Middlebury, Vt., '56-76. — farmer, res. Middlebury, Vt., '76-. 1880.] 1841. 141 Thomas Laurie, D.D., b. 19 May 1821, Edinburgh, Scotland. lll.C. 1838. — Ord., by Presb'y of 111., 6 March 1842. f.m. Nestorians, '42-44 ; Syria, '44-46. — p. First ch., South Hadley, Ms., '48-'51. — p. South ch., West Roxbury, Ms., '51-'67. — w.c. West Roxbury, also in Europe, etc., '67-'69. — p. Pilgrim ch.. Providence, R.I., '69-. *Eolbert Coit Learned, b. 31 Aug. 1817, New London, Ct. Y.C. 1837.— Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 23 Sept. 1843. p. Twinsburg, O., '43-'46. p. Canterbury, Ct., '47-58. — p. Berlin, Ct., '58-'Cl. — p. Plymouth, Ct., '61-65. —w.c. Plymouth, Ct., '65 until died there, 19 April 1867. *Johu Kin? Lord, b. 22 March 1819, Amherst, N. H. D.C. 1836. — Ord. 3 Nov. 1841. p. Hartford, Vt., '41-47. — p. First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '47 until died there, 13 July 1849. Georg-e Lyman, b. 19 Nov. 1812, Westhampton, Ms.. A.C. 1837. — teacher, Va., '42-44. — a.p. South Deerfield, Ms., '44-45; Charlemont, Ms., '45- '46; Norwich, Ms., '46-'47; South Deerfield, Ms., '48-49. — Ord. 12 Nov. 1851. p. Sutton, Ms., '51-67. — w.c. '67-'69. — p. South Amherst, Ms., '69-'73. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '75- Anson Me Loud, b. 22 June 1813, Hartland, Ct. Y.C. 1838. — Union Theol. Sem., '39-'40. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1841. p. Topsfield, Ms., '41-'69. — a.p. Madison, N.Y., '70; Barkhamsted, Ct., '71. — member Mass. Legislature, '72. — sup't public schools, and librarian public library, Topsfield, Ms., '73-. *William Murdoch, b. 3 July 1813, West Boylston, Ms. A.C. 1837. — Ord. 1 Dec. 1841. p. Candia, N.H., '41-53.- w.c. '53-57. — a.p. Boylston, Ms., '57-59; Centre Harbor, N.H., '61. — w.c. West Boylston, Ms., '61 until died there, 13 Nov. 1879. Charles Peabody, b. 1 July 1810, Peterborough, N.H. W.C. 1838.— Ord. 8 Dec. 1841. p. Biddefbrd, Me., '41-'43. — a.p. Barrington, R.L, '43-'46. — p. Ashford, Ct., '46-'50. — a.p. Windsor, Ms., '50-54; North Pownal, Vt., '54-'57. — p. Biddeford, Me., '57-'66. — a.p. Eliot, Me., '66-'69; Ep- som, N.H., '69-'72 ; Ashburnham, Ms., '72-'75. — w.c. Ashburnham, Ms., '75-'76 ; Springfield, Ms., '77-. *Aaron Gajlord Pease, b. 22 Feb. 1811, Canaan, Ct. U.Vt. 1837. — Ord. 21 June 1842. p. Pittsford, Vt., '42-45. — a.p. Poultney and Royalton,Vt., '45-47. — Waterbury, Vt., a.p. '47-49; p. '49-53. — Norwich, Vt., a.p., '53-'55 ; p. '55-'57.— teacher, family school, Norwich, Vt., '58-60. — w.c. "60-64. — member Vt. Legislature, '64-65. — sup't Vt. Reform School, '65-69. — w.c. Rutland, Vt., '69 until died there, 7 Aug. 1877. Whitman Peck, b. 16 May 1815, Greenwich, Ct. Y.C. 1838.— Union Theol. Sem., '38-40. — a.p. Erving, Ms., '41-42; Gustavus, O., '42-'43. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1844. p. Presb. ch., Genoa, N. Y., '44-49. — a.p. Auburn, Ms., *49-'50 ; North Branford, Ct., '51-'55. — teacher, North Greenwich, Ct., '56-'58 ; Newark, Del., '59-'61 ; Ridgefield, Ct., '62-'64 ; Fishkill, N.Y., '65- '68 ; New Haven, Ct., '69-. 142 1841. [1880. *Emery Moulton Parter, b. l April 1815, Rye, N. H. H.C. 1838.— Yale Theol, Sem., '39-40. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 19 June 1842; priest, 8 Nov. 1843. r. St. Paul's ch., Bradleyville, and Trinity ch., Milton, both in St. Michael's parish, Litchfield, Ct., '42-44. — r. Christ eh., Lonsdale, R.L, '45- '48. — r. Church of the Ascension, Fall River, Ms.,'49-'63. — tem. sup. R.L (agent Prot. Episc. Freedmen's Comm'n, R.L, '65), res. Providence, R.L, '63-70; Lonsdale, R.L, '70 until died there, 12 Dec. 1880. Kenssellaer David Chanceford Robbins, D.D., b. 23 Dec. 1811, Wards- borough, Vt. M.C. 1835. — Not ordained. — res. lie, Theol Sem., Andover, Ms., '41-'44; librarian, '41-'48. — Prof. Lang., Mid. Coll., '48-'72. — w.c. Newton Highlands, Ms., '72- George Berkley Rowell, b. 22 Jan. 1815, Cornish, N.IL A.C. 1837. — Ord. 22 Oct. 1841. f.m. Kauai, one of the Hawaiian Islands, '42-'64. — p. native ch., Kauai, '64- *Richard Thurston Searle, b. 2 April 1814, Georgetown, Ms. U.C. 1835. — Ord. 8 May 1845. p. Middleton, Ms., '45-'47. — p. Henniker, N. H., '47-'50.— a.p. Marblehead, Ms., '51.— p. New Marlborough, Ms., '52-'62. — a.p. Harwinton, Ct., '64-65; Thomaston, Ct., '65-'G6. — p. Presb. ch., Liverpool, N.Y., '66-'68. — p. Cong, ch., Thetford, Vt., '68-'73. — p. Windsor, Vt., '74 until died, at Danvers, Ms., 30 June 1880. *Rasselas Lowe Sears, from Bristol, N. Y. U.C. 1838. — prin. ac ad., Mar- shall, Mich., '41-'42. — Ord. .. Oct. 1842. h.m. Presb. chh., Lima and Greenfield, Ind., '42 until died, at Lima, Ind., 11 May 1844, aged 33. *Williain Henry Sheldon, b. 24 Feb. 1816, Southampton, Ms. Y.C. 1837 — Not ordained. — Died, at Southampton, Ms., 7 Sept. 1841. John Curtis Smith, b. 12 Sept. 1824, Williamstown, Vt. M.C. 1838.— Ord. 29 Sept. 1841. f.m. Ceylon, '41-74. — w.c. Winchester, N.H., '74-. *Elijah Withing-ton Tucker, b. 31 Marcb 1810, Dorchester, Ms. B.U. 1838. — Ord. 15 Sept. 1841. p. South Newmarket, N.H., '41-'45. — p. Chatham, Ms., '46-'52. — a.p. Essex, Ct., '52-'53. — p. Goshen, Ct., '53-58. — a.p. Preston, Ct., '58-65; Northfield, Ct., '65 until died there, 6 July 1866. *Thomas E. Turner, b. 17 May 1812, Montville, Ct. O.L 1838. — Not or- dained. — prin. acad., Dundee, N. Y., '41-45 ; Starkey Sem., '45-47; Byron, 111., '48-53. — res. Quasqueton, lo., '54 until died there, 3 Jan. 1861. William Walker, b. 3 Oct. 1808, Vershire, Vt. A.C. 1838. — Ord. at Greensboro', Vt., . . Nov. 1841. f.m. Gaboon, Africa, '41-. William Walter Woodworth, b. 16 Oct. 1813, Cromwell, Ct. Y.C 1838. — Yale Tiieol. Sem., 1840.— Ord. 6 July 1842. p. Berlin, Ct., '42-'52.— p. Waterbury, Ct., '52-'58.— a.p. Mansfield, O., '58-'60 ; Olivet ch., Spring- field, Ms., '60-'62; Plymouth, Ms., '62-'64 ; Painesville, O., '64-'66. — p. Belchertown, Ms., '66-70.— a.p. Grinnell, Jo., '70-75.— p. Berlin, Ct., '76-. 1880.] 18 41. 143 Edwin Swift Wright, D.D., b. 31 March 1815, Bethany, Pa. U.C. 1838. — Ord. 7 Jan. 1846. p. Acworth, N.H., '46-'55. — a.p. Second Presb. ch., Newark, N.J., '55-'56. — p. Fredonia, N.Y., '56-'70. — p. Ripley, N.Y., '70-. Ephraim AViUiams Allen (1), b. 9 Oct. 1813, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1838. Yale Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord. 17 May 1843. p. North Reading, Ms., '43-52. — p. Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '52-57. — p. South Berwick, Me., '58-66. — p. West ch., Haverhill, Ms., '67-76. — a.p. North Middleborough, Ms., '77-. James Birney (1—), from N.Y. Mi.U. 1836. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2).— Ord. 14 June 1842. p. Mt. Carmel (in Hamden), Ct., '42-'46. — lawyer, Cincinnati, O., and Bay City, Mich., '. .-'82. — U.S. minister at the Hague, '76-'82. *Erasmus Irvin Carpenter (1), b. 29 April 1808, Waterford, Vt. U.Vt. 1837. — Ord. 13 Dec. 1842. p. Littleton, N.H., '42-'57. — p. Barre, Vt., '57- '67. — a.p. Berlin, Vt., '67-'69. — agent Vt. Bible Soc, Berlin, Vt., '69- '74. — a.p. Swanzey, N. H., '74 until died there, 10 Feb. 1877. *Wiiliam Rogers Chapman (1), b. 26 Feb. 1812, Bethel, Me. D.C. 1837.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord. 8 Sept. 1841. p. Garden st. ch. (in 1842, by union. Green st. ch.), Boston, Ms., '41-'47. — p. Eighth st. ch.. New York city, '47-'49. — p. Presb. ch., Aurora, N.Y., '50-'54. — a.p. Hanover, Ms., '54 until died there, 25 Oct. 1855. Eufus Wheelwright Clark, d.d. (1), b. 17 Dec. 1813, Newburyport, Ms. Y.C. 1838. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord. 7 Jan. 1842. p. Second Presb. ch., Washington, D.C, '42. — p. Cong, ch., Portsmouth, N.H., '42-51. — p. Maverick ch.. East Boston, Ms., '51-57. — p. South ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '57-'62. — p. First Ref. (Dutch) ch., Albany, N. Y., '62-. *Hereules Rice Dunham (1), b. 26 Sept. 1815, Jackson, N.Y. U.C. 1838.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord. 1 1 Jan. 1843. p. Presb. ch., Cortlandville, N.Y., '43-56. — p. Galena, 111., '57 until died there, 29 April 1858. ♦Andrew Seymour Flower (l+),from Parishville, N.Y. M.C. 1838. — teacher, Evergreen, Ala., '39-'41 ; Manningham, Ala., '41-'42 ; Allenton, Ala., '42- ('44). — lawyer, Mansfield, La., in '52. — Died, 1858. *Eden Burroughs Foster, D.D. (1+), b. 26 May 1813, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1837.— Ord. 18 Aug. 1841. p. Henniker, N.H., '41-'47. — p. Pelham, N.H., '48-53. — p. John st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '53-61.— p. West Spring- field, Ms., '61-66. — p. John st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '66-78 ; p. em., '78 until died there, 11 April 1882. 144 1841. [1880. *Benjamin Griswold (1+), b. 13 Aug. 1811, Randolph, Vt. — D.C. 1837.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ord., at Randolph, Vt., 2 Sept. 1841. f.m. Cape Palmas, Africa, '41-43 ; Gaboon, '43 until died there, 14 July 1844. David Greene Haskins, d.d. (1—), b. 1 May 1818, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1837. — — teacher, Portland Acad., '41-'44. — stud, theol., '44-'46. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 29 April 1847-; priest, 26 June 1848. r. Grace ch., Medford, Ms., '47-'52. — teacher, Boston, Ms., '52-'62. — r. Brighton, Ms., '62-66 ; chap, insane asylum, '68-'69 ; r. Arlington, Ms., '75-'80 (res. Cambridge, Ms., since '62). ♦Leonard Hawes (2), b. 12 Dec. 1808, Weld, Me. B.C. 1836. — Not ordained. — Died, at Weld, Me., 3 Nov. 1876. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock, d.d., ll.d. (1), b. 15 Aug. 1817, Machias, Me. A.C. 1836. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '39-'42. — Ord. 19 Nov. 1845. p. First ch., Exeter, N.H., '45-'52. — Prof. Nat. and Rev. Rel., Bowd. Coll., '52-55. — Prof. Ch. Hist., Union Theol. Sem., '55-'80: Pres. do., '80-. ♦Samuel Stillman Leighton (2), b. 18 Oct. 1809, Westford, Ms. U.C. 1838. — Ord. 25 Aug. 1841. p. Bapt. ch., Andover, Ms., '41. — p. West Bridge- water, Ms., '42. — p. China, Me., '43. — p. Leeds, Me., '43-'45. — p. Newton Upper Falls, Ms., '45-47. — p. Sanbornton, N.H., '47-49. — p. Bow, N.H., '49-51. — p. Londonderry, N. H., '52-'56. — w.c. and teacher, West Town- send, Ms., '56 until died there, 4 July 1860. *Henry Lorenzo Low (1), b. 10 Sept. 1817, Concord, N.H. D.C. 1836.— Tutor, Hobart Coll., Geneva, N.Y., '39-'43. — teacher, Milwaukee, Wis., (one year). — Prof. Latin and Greek, Hobart Coll., Geneva, N.Y., (one year). — student in Europe, (two years). — Ord. deacon, Episc, 18 June 1848 ; priest, — r. St. Andrews ch., Hopkinton, N.H., '50 until died, at Somerville, Ms., 26 April 1852. ♦Robert McMath (1), b. 26 Feb. 1815, Romulus, N.Y. U.C. 18.38. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1841. — h.m. Lodi, Mich., '41-'42.— Onl. 1 June 1843. Farmington, Mich., a.p. '42-'43 ; p. '43-'45. — a.p. Presb. and Cong, chh., Salem, Mich., '45-46 ; Presb. ch., Three Rivers, Mich., '46-'49; Otsego, Mich., '50-'51 ; Millport, N.Y., '5i-'5o ; Hector, N.Y., '55-56; West Dresden, N.Y., '58-59. — w.c. Web.ster, N.Y., '59-68. — a.p. Ontario, N.Y., res. Webster, N.Y., '68 until died there, 22 Aug. 1871. ♦Thomas Plununer (2), b. 18 Sept. 1812, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1838.— Not ordained. — Died, at Philadelphia, Ph., 18 Feb. 1881. ♦Joseph Parrish Thompson, d.d., ll.d. (1 — ), b. 7 Aug. 1819, Philadelphia, Pa. Y.C. 1838. — Yale Theol. Sem., '39-'40. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1840. p. Chapel St. ch., New Haven, Ct., '40-45. — p. Tabernacle ch., New York city, '45-'71. — w.c. Berlin, Prussia, '72 until died there, 20 Sept. 1879. 1880.] 1842. 145 1842. • George Washing-ton Ash, b. 31 Dec. 1808, Putney, Vt. A.C. 1839. — Ord. 25 Oct. 1843. p. Westmoreland, N.H., '43-'46. — a.p. Salisbury, N.H., '47. — teacher, Fleraingsburg, Ky., Lexington, Ky., Grenada, Miss., Canton, Miss., Liberty, Mo., and occ. pr., '47-'57. — prin. high school, Warsaw, 111., '57-'58. — a.p. Presb. ch., Louisiana, Mo. (and Ellington three years), '59- '65; Young America, 111., '65-'6 7. — ■w.c. Young America, 111., '67-'69. — prin. Washington Sem., Belvidere, III., '69-'.. — teacher, Young America, 111., '71. — a.p. Young America, III, '72-73; Irvington, 111., '74-75; Rich- view, 111., '76-. ♦James Henry Bancroft, b. 4 May 1819, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1839. — Not or- dained. — Died, at Boston, Ms., 25 Aug. 1844. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D.D., LL.D., b. 25 Nov. 1817, Salisbury, N. H. D.C. 1836.— Ord. 2 Aug. 1843. p. Monson, Ms., '43-'46. — Prof. InteL Phil., Western Res. Coll., '46-52. — p. Franklin st. ch., Manchester, N. H., '52-'57. — p. New Eng. ch., Chicago, 111., '5 7-'59. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '58-'77.— Pres. Dart. Coll., '77-. Edwin Elisha Bliss, D.D., b. 12 April 1817, Putney, Vt. A.C. 1837.— Ord., at West Springfield, IVIs., 9 Feb. 1843. f m. East. Turkey, '43-'56 ; Constantinople, '56-. Edward Phelps Blodgett, b. 23 Aug. 1815, East Windsor, Ct. A.C. 1838. — Ord. 5 July 1843. p. Greeenwieh, Ms., '43-. *Willard Brigham, b. 4 May 1813, Marlborough, Ms. W.C. 1838. — Ord. 24 May, 1843. p. North Wardsborough, Vt., '43-'55. — p. Ashfield, Ms., '56-'63. — a.p. Wendell, Ms., '64-'67; South Wellfleet, IMs., '67-'69; First ch., Winchendon, Ms., '69-'71. — w.c. Winchendon, Ms., '71 until died there, 2 March 1874. *Franklin Butler, b. 3 Oct. 1814, Essex, Vt. U.Vt. 1836. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1843. p. Windsor, Vt., '43-'58. — agent Am. Col'n Soc, Windsor, Vt., '59-'68. — editor Vermont Chronicle, '6 7-' 74, and Vermont Journal, '67-'80 (also chap. Vt. State Prison). — a.p. Ascutneyville, Vt., '69-'76. — Died, at Windsor, Vt., 23 May 1880. Calvin Chapman, b. 13 Nov. 1814, Bethel, Me. B.C. 1839. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1842. p. Epping, N.H., '42-'45. — p. Saccarappa, Me., '45-'49. — p. Lake- vlUe, Ms., '51-57. — a.p. Chatham, Ms., '58-59. — p. Foxcroft, Me., '59- '62. — p. Standish, Me., '63-66.— a.p. Island Pond, Vt., '67; Mannsville, N.Y., '67-'69 ; Kankakee, 111., '69 ; Windham, Vt., '70-'74 ; Andover, Me., '74-75. — w.c. Kennebunkport, Me., '76-. 19 146 1842. [1880. •Nelson Clark, b. 18 Aug. 1813, Brookfield, Vt. D.C. 1838.— Tutor, Western Res. Coll., '39. — Ord. 16 July 1844. p. Randolph, Vt , '44-'46. — a.p. Charlton, Ms., '46-'49. — p. Quincy, Ms., '50-'58. — a.p. Tiverton, R.I., '58-66; Somerset, Ms., '66-'71. — p. Rochester, Ms., '71-73. — a.p. Clear- water, Minn., '76-'78 ; National and Garnavillo, lo., '79 until died, at National, lo., 16 March 1880. Daniel Emerson, b. 20 Aug. 1818, Norfolk, Ct. W.R.C. 1839. — a.p. Newton Falls, O., '4 2-'43. — Ord. 1 June 1844. h.m. — a.p. Copley, O., '44-'45 ; Presb. ch., Brownstown, Mich., '46-48. — p. Flat Rock, Mich., '48-49.— a.p. Springfield, Mo., '49-'50, — teacher, West Ely, Mo., '51-52. — a.p. West Ely, Mo., '53. — p. Hannibal, Mo., '54-57; res. Peninsula, O. Asa Farwell, b. 8 March 1812, Dorset, Vt. M.C. 1838.— prin. Abbot Acad., Andover, Ms., '42-'53. — Ord. 21 April 1853. p. West Haverhill, Ms., '53-66. — a.p. Bentonsport, lo., '66-'70; Ashland, Neb., '71-76. —teacher, Crete, Neb., '77-78. — w.c. Ashland, Neb., '79-. *Alonzo Hayes, b. 22 Aug. 1810, Barrington, N.H. D.C. 1839. — Union Theol. StMi)., '40-41.— Ord. 24 May 1843. p. West Barnstable, Ms., '43- '50. — p. Dublin, N.H., '51-53. — w.c. '53 until died, at Hall's Cross Roads, Va., 15 July 1858. Robert Stevens Hitchcock, b. 19 Jan. 1818, Newport, R.I. A.C. 1837.— Ord. 19 July 1843. p. North ch., New Bedford, Ms., '43-'46. — p. Maverick ch.. East Boston, Ms., '46-'50. — p. Fifth Presb. ch., Baltimore, Md., '54- '58, — teacher, Baltimore, Md., '58-6 1. — chap. U.S. Vols., '62-'64.— teacher, Frankfort, Ky., '65-'69 ; Lexington, Ivy., '70-'76 ; Danville, Ky., '77-. John Sumner Kidder, b. 22 Jan. 1811, Crown Point, N.Y. A.C. 1839. — a.p. Canton, Ms , '42-'43. — Ord. 12 Sept. 1843. h.m. — a.p. Schoolcraft, Mich., '43-47; Leoni, Mich., '47-48; Wayne, Mich., '48-51; Litchfield, Mich., '51-55; Eaton Rapids, Mich., '55-59 ; Windsor, Mich., '59-64 ; Wayland, Mich., '64-67 ; Rockford, Mich., '67-'69; Rochester, Mich., '69-'71 ; New Haven, Mich., '71-'74 ; Nunica, Mich., '74-'76 ; Hopkins, Mich., '76-'79.— w.c. Hopkins, Mich., '80-. ♦Charles Lord, b. 27 Jan. 1816, Williamsburg, Ms. A.C. 1838.— Hart. Theol. Sem. — Ord., at Boonville, Mo., 20 Oct. 1843. a.p. Independence, Mo., '43-46. — Madison, Wis., a.p. '46-51 ; p. '51-'54. — p. Second ch., Whately, Ms., '56-'60. — Backhand, Ms., '60 until died, at New York city, 29 March 1872. Asa Mann, b. 9 April 1816, Randolph, Ms. A.C. 1838.— Ord. 19 June 1844. p. Ilardvvick, Ms., '44-51. — p. Second ch., Exeter, N.H., '51-'58. — a.p. Welifleet, Ms., '62; Granville, Ms., '63; Springfield, Vt., '64-'65.— Bath, N.IL, a.p. '66-'67; p. '67-'73. — p. Raynham, Ms., '73-75. — a.p. South Plymouth, Ms., '77-78. — w.c. Braintree, Ms., '79-. 1880.] 1842. 147 Anson Hall Parmelee, b. 14 Sept. 1810, Bristol, Vt. M.C. 1839. — gen. agent Am. Tr. Soc, N.C., S.C, and Ga., '42-'45. — Ord. 21 Oct. 1846. Presb. ch., Addison, N.Y., a.p. '45-'46 ; p. '46-'55. — p. Livonia, N.Y., '55-69. — a.p. Seneca Castle, N. Y., res. Geneva, N. Y., '69-73.— w.c. Seneca Castle, N.Y., '74-. •William Augnstus Peabody, b. 6 Dec. 1816, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1835.— Tutor, Amh. Coll., '38-40. — Ord. 2 March 1843. p. East Randolph, Ms., '43-49.— Prof. Latin and Mod. Lang., Amh. Coll., '49 until died there, 27 Feb. 1850. Timothy Emerson Ranney, b. 7 June 1815, Westminster West, Vt. M.C. 1839. — a.p. Barnet, Vt., '43. — Ord. 1 May 1844. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Pawnee Indians, '44-46 ; Cherokees, '46-'60. — a.p. Oxford, Me., '62-63. — w.c. St. Johnsbury,Vt., '63-'66. — a.p. West Charleston, Vt., '66-'67; Holland, Vt., '67-'72; North Troy, Vt., '72-'74. — w.c. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., '75-. Henry Hamilton Saunderson, b. 12 Sept. 1810, Hollis, N.H. F.C. — a.p. Presb. ch., Ypsilanti, Mich., '45-'46. — Ord. 20 April 1848. p. Ludlow, Vt., '48-'53. — a.p. Wallingford, Vt., '53-'62 ; Ludlow, Vt., '62-'64 ; Charles- town, N.H., '64-73. — w.c. Charlestown, N. H., '73-'77. — a.p. Swanzey, N. H., '77-'82. — w.c. Amoskeag, N. H., '82-. Luther Harris Sheldon, b. 22 Nov. 1815, Easton, Ms. M.C. 1839. — Ord. 1 Aug. 1844. p. Townsend, Ms., '44-56. — p. Westborough, Ms., '56-67. — sup't State Reform School, Jamesburg, N. J., '67-74. — res. Andover, Ms., occ. pr., '74-76. — a.p. Easton, Ms., '76-'78. — sup't State Reform School, Westborough, Ms., '78-'80. — w.c. Andover, Ms., 81- Jesse George Davis Stearns, b. 24 Feb. 1812, Ashburnham, Ms. A.C. 1836. — Ord. 10 May 1843. p. Billerica, Ms., '43-67. — a.p. Clearwater, Minn., '68-76. — w.c. Zumbrota, Minn., '76-. Alfred Stevens, D.D., b. 31 July 1810, Waterford, Vt. D.C. 1839. — Ord. 22 Feb. 1843. p. Westminster West, Vt., '43-. *Samuel Mellen Stone, b. 26 Feb. 1812, Greensborough, Vt. D.C. 1839.— a.p. Newfield, Me. '42-'44; West Hartford, Vt., '45-'46. — Ord. 15 Oct. 1846. p. Chester, Vt.,'46-'51. — a.p. Nelson, N.H., '52. — w.c. '52 until died, at Lebanon, N.H., 21 April 1853. Timothy Dwight Porter Stone, b. 27 July 1811, Cornwall, Ct. A.C. 1834. — teacher, Plymouth, N.H. — prin. Abbot Acad., Andover, Ms., '39-'42. — Ord. 1 March 1843. p. HoUiston, Ms., '43-'49. — prin. State Reform School, Westborough, Ms., '49-50. — prin. Ct. Normal School, '50-56. prin. Sem., Norwich, Ct., '56-'59 ; also a.p. Bozrah, Ct., '56-'57; Fitchville, Ct., '57-'59. — p. Amesbury Mills, Ms., '59-62. — prin. Lafayette Sem., Ind., '62-64.— p. Third ch., Marblehead, Ms., '64-67. — p. Stowe, Assabet, Ms., '6 7-'70. — a.p. Hanover, Ms., '71-'77. — teacher, and occ. sup., Albany, N.Y., '79-. 148 1842. [1880. Eliphalet Young Swift, b. 16 Jan. 1815, Fairfax, Vt. M.C. 1839. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, '42-44. — Ord. . . Jan. 1844. p. Second ch., Chillicotlie, O., '44-'45. — p. Northampton, Ms., '45-'51. — p. South Hadley, Ms., '52-'57. — p. Clinton, N. Y., '58-'62. — p. Williamsburg, Ms., '62-'68. — p. Den- mark, Ic, '68-. lathrop Taylor, b. 3 Aug. 1813, Buckland, Ms. M.C. 1839. — Ord. 16 May 1843. p. Winslow ch., Taunton, Ms., '43-45. — p. Springfield, Vt., '45-51. p. Francestown, N.H., '51-'57. — p. Bloomington, 111., '57-'61. — a.p. Mad- ison, Wis., '61-64. — p. Farmington, 111., '64-76. — p. Wheaton, 111., '76- '80. — a.p. Peru, 111., '80-. *Saniuel Austin Taylor, b. 1 7 Dec. 1817, Worcester, Ms. A.C. 1837.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 4 Sept. 1842. f.m. Constantinople. — Died, at Worcester, Ms., 31 Aug. 1847. *Lutlier Townsend, b. 12 Aug. 1813, Fitzwilliara, N.H. D.C. 1839. — Ord. 5 March 1845. p. Troy, N. H., '44-'G0. — a.p. Loudon, N. H., '60-61. — w.c. '61 until died, at Fitzwilliam, N. H., 9 Feb. 1862. ♦TTintlirop Faulkner Wheeler, b. 27 March 1815, Acton, Ms. A.C. 183D. — Ord., at Portland, Mich., . . Jan. 1844. h.m. — a.p. Presb. chs., Ionia and Otisco, Mich., '43-'44 ; Grand Haven and Muskegan, Mich., '44-'45 ; Byron and Shiavvasse, Mich., '45-'46. — w.c. Ms., '46-'48. — a.p. Cong, ch.. West Gloucester, Ms., '48-'49. — w.c, farmer, Westford, Ms., '49 until died there, 27 June 1880. William James White, b. 11 March 181 1, Boylston, Ms. W.C. 1839.— Ord., at Boylston, Ms., 20 Sept. 1842. h.m. Chateaugay, Canada, '42-'43 ; Con- cord, Mich., '44. — a.p. Lubec, etc.. Me., '45-'. . ; Fairfax and Fletcher, Vt., '47-49. — w.c. Worcester, Ms., '50-. ♦Charles Whiting, b. 23 July 1813, Lyndeborough, N.H. D.C. 1839.— Ord. 11 Jan. 1843. Wilton, N.H., p. '43-'50 ; a.p. '50-51. — a.p. Fayetteville, 111., '51 until died there, 5 May 1855. Lyman Whiting, D.D., b. 28 April 1817, North Brookfield, Ms.— . — Ord. 11 Jan. 1843. p. Brookfield, Ms., '43-'47, — p. Lawrence st. ch., Lawrence, Ms,, '47-50. — p. South ch., Reading, Ms., '50-55. — p. North ch., Ports- mouth, N.H., '55-'58. — p. High st. ch.. Providence, R.I., '59-'64. — p. Du- buque, lo., '64-69. — p. Janesville, Wis., '69-74. — p. Plymouth ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '74-'77. — p. Pres. ch., Charleston, W. Va., '78-. Benjamin Franklin Atkins (1), b. 10 Oct. 1817, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1838.— Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Not ordained. — res. Boston, Ms. Cyrus Baldwin (1—), b. 14 April 1811, Antrim, N.H. D.C. 1839. — Not or da c. — prin. acad., Tlictford, Vt., '40. — teacher, acad., Meriden, N. IL, 1880.] 1842. 149 '40-55. — prin. Union Acad., Palmyra, N.Y., '55-57. — merchant. Provi- dence, R.I., '57-'62. — teacher. Freehold, N.J., '62-'G8. — w.c. Galesville, Wis., '68-'69. — teacher, acad., Meriden, N.H., '69-71; res. Meriden, N.H., '71-'79; Wilmot, N.H., '79-. David McGee Bardwell (2), b. 29 Aug. 1815, Williamstown, Ms. W.C. 1839. — a.p. Salisbury, Vt., '42-'44; South Woodstock, Ct., '44-'45.— Ord. 19 May 1845. h.m.— a p. Ontario and Greenfield, Ind., '45-48 ; Grass Lake, Mich., '48-50 ; Sharon, Mich., '50-51 ; Michigan City, Ind., '51-55.— w.c. '55-59. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Wis., '59-'65. — a.p. Markesan, Wis., '65-69. — w.c. Markesan, Wis., '69-'. . — p. Presb. ch., Whippany, N.J., '71-. Hiram Bingham (1+), b. 30 May 1815, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1839.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1842.— Ord., by Ptipley Presb'y, .. June 1843. p. Ports- mouth, O. — Prof. Chem., Min., and Geol., Marietta Coll., '46-49. — a.p. Presb. ch., Watertown, O., '50. — p. Windham, O., '51-54. — occ. sup. Windham, O., '54-. *Darius Richmond BreAver (1—), b. 23 June 1819, Dorchester, Ms. H.C. 1838. — Yale Theol. Sem., '40-'41. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 Nov. 1842; priest, 14 Feb. 1844. — St. Peter's ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '42- '44. — temp, charge of Ascension ch.. Fall River, Ms., '44. — St. Paul's ch.. Concord, N. H., '44-46. — Trinity ch., Newport, R.L, '46-55. — Emanuel ch., New- port, R.L, '55-'58.— St. Paul's ch., Yonkers, N.Y., '58-66. — Ch. of the Reformation, Brooklyn, N.Y., '66-' 73. — Christ ch.. Westerly, R.I., '73 until died there, 18 March 1881. *John Sumner Brown (2-f), b. 16 Nov. 1816, Newburyport, Ms. D.C. 1836. — Not ordained. — Died, at Newburyport, Ms., 13 Jan. 1842. Charles Clement (1), from Newburyport, Ms. — . — ♦James Kelsey Colby (1), b. 31 Jan. 1812, Hampstead, N.H. D.C. 1838.— Lane Theol. Sem., '39-40. — Not ordained. — teacher, Chester, Vt., '41 ; New Ipswich, N.H., '42-'43. — prin. acad., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '43 until died there, 13 Aug. 1866. Elisha Woodbridge Cook (1—), b. 16 July 1816, Manchester, Ct. Y.C. 1837. — Yale Theoh Sem., 1845.— Ord. 18 Nov. 1846. p. Haddam, Ct., '46-52. — p. Haydenville, Ms., '54-58. — p. Townsend, Ms., '58-59. — p. Hopkinton, N.H., '61-65. — a.p. Ripon, Wis., '65-68. — h.m. Yankton, Dak. Ter., '68. — a.p. Stockbridge, Wis., '68. — h.m. North Platte, Neb., '69 ; Cheyenne, Wyo., '69. — a.p. New Lisbon, Wis., '70. — w.c. Ripon, Wis., '71-. *Daniel Gordon Estes, d.d. (1), b. 5 June 1819, Maiden, Ms. Y.C. 1839.— Gen. Theol. Sem., New York city, 1844.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 July 1844; priest, 30 July 1845. — St. James's ch., Amesbury, Ms., '44-'51. — Christ ch., Boonville, and St. Ann's ch., Brunswick, Mo., '52-'54. — St. Paul's ch., St. Louis, Mo., '54-'55. Christ ch., Lexington, Mo., '55-56. — St. James's ch., Amesbury, Ms., '57 until died there, 9 Aug. 1873. 150 1842. [1880. Nathaniel Thomas Fay (1), b. 26 Nov. 1813, Camden, Me. C.U. 1839.— Ord. by Mauniee Presb'y, 8 Nov. 1843. — p. Cong, ch., Montgomery, O., '43-'75 ; also a.p., half time, Scott, O., '42-75, — w.c. there, P. O. Prairie Depot, '75-. Justin Field (1), b 1816, Northfield, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Union Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 Jan. 1842; priest, — w.c. Boston Highlands, Ms., '43-45. — r. St. Paul's ch., Stockbridge, Ms., '46-50. — r. St. James's ch.. Great Barrington, Ms., '50-52. — r. Grace ch., Medford, Ms., '52-'62. — r. Trinity ch., Lenox, Ms., '62-. Samuel Henry Galpin (1—), b. 18 Oct. 1812, Wethersfield, Ct. Y.C. 1835. — Hart. Theol. Sem., 1844. — Not ordained. — teacher, Lexington, Ky., Flemingsburg, Ky., Indianapolis, Ind., '46-'53. — station agent, Bristol, Ct., '53-63. — clerk, Treas. Dep't, Washington, D.C., '64-. *William Whitaker Hartwell (1—), b. 30 June 1814, Princeton, Ms. Mar. C. 1839. — Died, at Holden, Ms., 21 July 1840. James Whelpley Hickok (1—), b. 19 March 1819, Burlington, Vt. U.Vt. 1837. — Not ordained. — lawyer, Burlington, Vt, '43-. Dudley Leavitt (2+), b. 19 June 1810, Meredith, N.H. D.C. 1839. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 7 Jan. 1842. *William Herbert Norris (1), b. 4 Nov. 1814, Alexandria, D.C. Y.C. 1839.— Episc. Theoh Sem., Va., 1842. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 Nov. 1841 ; priest, 13 Feb. 1842. — r. Carlisle, Pa., '42-50. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., '..-'..— r. Woodbury, N.J., '52-75. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., '75 until died there, 18 Feb. 1880. Daniel Warren Poor, d.d. (2), b. 21 Aug. 1818, Tillipally, Ceylon. A.C. 1837. — Ord. 1 March 1843. p. Central ch., Fairhaven, Ms., '43-49. — p. High St. Presb. ch., Newark, N.J., '49-'69. — p. Oakland, Cal., '69-'71.— Prof. Ch. Hist., San Francisco Theol. Sem., '71-76. — Sec. Presb. Board of Ed., Philadelphia, Pa., '76-. *Kinne Prescott (1—), b 1815, Rupert, Vt. M.C. 1839.— Not or- dained. — in West Indies, '. .'-. . — merchant, Rupert, Vt., '41 until died there, 12 Feb. 1846. Edward Augustus Renouf (2), b. 15 Nov. 1818, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1838.— Yale Theol. Sem., '40-'41. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6Nov. 1842; priest, 12 Nov. 1845. h.ra. Bayou Teche, etc., La., '43. — r. Trinity ch,, Lowville, N.Y.,'43- '53. — assist, min., St. Stephen's ch., Boston, Ms., '54-'55 ; St. Mark's ch., Boston, Ms., '55-'57 ; St. Stephen's ch., Boston, Ms., '57-'59. — r. St. James's ch., Keene, N.H., '59-68.— r. St. Peter's ch., Drewsville, N.H., '68-71.— travelling, '71-77. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '77-'78. — r. St. Peter's ch., Drews- ville, N.H., res. Keene, N.H., '78-. 1880.] 1842. 151 Daniel Rice, d.d. (1), b. 13 Oct. 1816, Conway, Ms. A.C. 1837. — Lane Theol. Seni., 1842. — Ord. 6 April 1842. p. First Presb. eh., Troy, O., '42-55.— w.c. Troy, N.Y., '55-57. — Prof. Belles Let., Western Fern. Sem., Oxford, O., '57, — a.p. Eighth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '58. — p. Second Presb. ch., Lafayette, Ind., '58-'71. — Pres. fern, coll., Logansport, Ind., '72-'74. — p.e. Presb. ch., Duluth, Minn., '76-'79. — ap. Fifth Presb. ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '80-. *Myron Webb Safford (1), b. 18 June 1812, Cambridge, Vt. M.C. 1839.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1842. — teacher, and a.p., Morganfield, Ky., '43-49; Evansville, Ind., '50-56; Tenn., '56-60.— Died, at Morganfield, Ky., 10 Dec. 1862. ♦Joseph Couch Smith (2), b. 18 July 1819, Waltham, Ms. B.C. 1838. — Div. Sch., Cambridge, Ms — Ord. evang., Portland, Me., 11 Oct. 1842. p. Unitarian ch., Groton, Ms., '43-'51. — a.p. Unitarian ch., Newton, Ms., '58-57. — Died, at the Sandwich Islands, 29 Dec. 1857. *David Tappan Stoddard (1+), b. 2 Dec. 1818, Northampton, Ms. Y.C. 1838. — Tutor, Marshall Coll., Pa., '38-39. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '40-'42. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1842.— Ord. 27 Jan. 1843. f.m. Oroomiah, '43 until died there, 22 Jan. 1857. William Bowman Stone (1—), b. 24 Jan. 1811, North Brook field, Ms. A.C. 1839.— Ord. 23 Feb. 1842. p. Gardner, Ms., '42-50. — w.c, now res. West Brookfield, Ms., '50-. James Tufts (1), b. 2 Nov. 1812, Wardsborough, Vt. Y.C. 1838.— prin. acad., Fairfield, Ct., '38-40. — Ord. . . Sept. 1844. — — teacher. Castle- ton, Vt., '46-'47. — sup't schools, Windham Co., Vt., '48-'50. — teacher, Northampton, Ms., '51-'52. — prin. acad., Monson, Ms., '52-59. — teacher, private school for boys, '59-. ♦William Warner (2+), b. 28 Jan. 1812, Pittsford, Vt. M.C. 1837. — Not or- dained. — treas. Univ. Vt., '43-'49. — treas. Vt. Central R.R. — res. De- troit, Mich., '55 until died, at Quincy, 111., 26 July 1868. ♦Edward Abiel Washburn, d.d. (1), b. 16 April 1819, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1838. Yale Theol. Sem. (1).— Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 July 1844; priest, 9 Oct. 1845. — r. St. Paul's ch., Newburyport, Ms., '44-51. — r. St. John's ch., Hartford, Ct., and Prof. Church Polity, Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, Ct., '53-'62. — r. St. Mark's ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '62-'65.— r. Calvary ch,, New York city, '65 until died there, 2 Feb. 1881. Samuel Weld (1), b. 27 April 1818, Roxbury, Ms. H.C. 1838. — Not or- dained. — 152 1843. [1880. 1843. Ephraim Adams, D.D., b. 5 Feb. 1818, New Tpswioli, N. II. D.C. 1839. — Onl., at Denmark, lo., 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. Mt, Pleasant, lo., '43-44. — Davenport, Ic, a.p. '44-'47 ; p. '47-'55. — agent Iowa Coll., '55-'56. — agent Western Coll. Soc, '56-'57. — p. Decorah, lo., '57-'71. supt. home missions, lo., res. Decorah, lo., '72 ; Waterloo, lo., '73-. Harrey Adams, b. 16 Jan. 1809, Alstead, N. H. U. Vt. 1839. — Ord., at Franklin, Ms., 27 Sept. 1843. h.m. — Farmington, lo., a.p. '43-45 ; p. '45- '59; a.p. '59-60; Council Bluffs, lo., '60-'C3. — p. Farmington, lo., '63- '66. — a.p. New Hampton, lo., '66-'71 ; Fairfax, lo., '71-74; Bowen's Prairie, lo., '75-. Ebenezer Alden, b. 10 Aug. 1819, Randolph, Ms. A.C. 1839. — Ord., at Denmark, lo., 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. — a.p. Solon, lo., '43-44; Tipton, lo., '44_'48. — p. Marshfield, Ms., '50-. ♦Joseph Bartlett,, b, 26 Jan. 1816, Salisbury, N.H. D.C. 1835. — teacher, Andover, Ms., '37-'38. — Tutor, D.C, '38-'41. — Union Theol. Sem., '41- '42. — a.p. Waterville, Me., '46-'47. — Ord. 7 Oct. 1847. p. Buxton, Me., '47-'67. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '67-68. — a.p. South Newmarket, N.H., '69- '77. — w.c. Gorham, Me., '79 until died there, 12 Aug. 1882. *Clinton Clark, b. 9 May 1812, Granby, Ms. A.C. 1835. —Tutor, Amh. Coll., '37-'41.— Ord. 26 Feb. 1845. p. Pompey, N, Y., '45-'48. — prin. acad., Onondaga Valley, N. Y., '48-'49. — p. Eidgefield, Ct., '50-'64. — a.p. Mid- dlebury, Ct., '65 until died there, 23 Sept. 1871. Thomas Allen Gale, b Auburn, Ms. A.C. 1838.— Ord h.m. Perrysburgh, N. Y., '44-45.; a.p. Collins, N.Y., '45-50; Sheridan, N.Y., '50-'51.— p. Carroll, N.Y., '51-'53.— a.p. Randolph, Pa., '54-'56 ; Riceville, Pa., '56-'60. — w.c. Riceville, Pa., '. .-'. . — merchant, James- town, N.Y., '72-. *Amos Delos Gridley, b. 3 Nov. 1819, Clinton, N. Y. Ham. C. 1839. — Ord. 11 June 1846. (Prof. Latin and Mod. Lang., Amh. Coll., '47-'49, by appointment, but not serving.) — p. Presb. ch., Waterville, N. Y., '47-'50. — w.c. Clinton, N. Y., '50 until died there, 23 Oct. 1876. ♦Lemuel Grosrenor, b. 27 April 1814, Boston, Ms. M.C. 1835. — Ord., by St. Louis Presb., 21 April 1846. a.p. Presb. ch.. Rock Hill, Mo., '45-46. — p. Collinsville, 111., '48-'50.— a.p. Jerseyville, 111., '51-55 ; Woodstock,Ct., '55-60.— (w.c. Pomfret, Ct., in '64).— Died, in London, Eng., 8 Aug. 1870. William Blankenship Hammond, b. Fairhaven, Ms. A.C. 1840. — Ord. 5 June 1844. p. Canton, Ms., '44-49. — p. South Braintree, Ms., '49-56. agent Mass. S. S. Soc, Iowa, '56. — a.p. Morrisville, N.Y., '56-'63 ; Lenox, N.Y., '64-'70 ; First ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '70-78. — w.c. Rome, N.Y., '79-. 1880.] 1843. 153 *Janies Jeremiah Hill, b. 29 May 1815, Phipsburg, Me. B.C. 1838. — Ord. 30 April 1844. h.m. — a.p. Jacksonville, lo., '43-46. — p. Garnavillo, lo., '46-'49. — p. Albany, 111., '49-'53. — a.p. Savanna, 111.. '53-'55 ; Wapello, lo., '55-57; Glencoc, Min., '57-59; Butlerville, etc., lo., '59-'. . — p. Genoa Bluffs, lo., '62-64. — p. Fayette, lo., '64-67. — agent Am. Miss. Assoc, Fayette, lo., '67 until died tbere, 29 Oct. 1870. •Horace Hutchinson, b. 10 Aug. 1810, Sutton, Ms. A.C. 1839.— Ord. 27 Sept. 1843. — h.m. a.p. Burlington, lo., '43 until died there, 7 March 1846, aged 29. •Horace James, b. 6 May 1818, Medford, Ms. Y.C. 1840. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 1 Nov. 1843. p. Wrenthara, Ms., '43-'52. — p. First ch., Worcester, Ms., '53-63. —chap. 25th Mass. Vols., '61-64. — capt. and A.Q.M., U.S. Vols., and sup't freedm., '64-66. — p. First ch., Lowell, Ms., '67-'70; also joint proprietor and assoc. editor Congi-egadonalist, '67-'75. — Sec. Am. and For. Christ. Union, '70-'71. — p.e. Second ch., Greenwich, Ct., '71-'73. (in Europe, '72-73). —w.c. Boylston, Ms., '74 until died there, 9 June 1875. Elijah Kellogg, b. 20 May 1813, Portland, Me. B.C. 1840. — Ord. 18 June 1844. p. Harpswell, Me., '44-54. — a.p. Mariner's ch., Boston, Ms., '55-66. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '67-'. . — res. Harpswell, Me., '68-. Daniel Lane, b. 10 March 1813, Paris, Me. B.C. 1838. — Ord., at Denmark, lo., 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. — Keosauqua, To., a.p. '43-'50; p. '50-53. — prin. prep, dep't, Iowa Coll., '53-55; Prof. Moral Phil, and Met., '55-58.— teacher, Davenport, lo., '58-62. — a.p. Eddyville, lo., '62-66 ; Belle Plain, lo., '66-'72. — w.c. Belle Plain, lo., '72-'78 ; Oskaloosa, lo., '79-. ♦Horatio Merrill, b. 26 April 1817, Brownfield, Me. D.C. 1840.— Ord. 7 INIay 1845. p. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '45-'47. — prin. Washington State School, Md., '4 7-'48. — Prof. Lang., Yarmouth Inst,, Me., '48-'49.— a. p. Bloom field, Me., '49-'50; New Gloucester, Me., '50-54. — w.c. Port- land, Me., '54-'57. — p. Salisbury, N.II., '58-63. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '63- '. .; Cambridge, Ms., '..-'.. — Died, at Hopkinton, lo., 7 Sept. 1878. *Erastns Ripley, b. 15 March 1815, Coventry, Ct. U.C. 1840. — Ord. 3 April 1845. h.m. — a.p. Bentonsport, lo., '44-'48. — Prof. Anc. Lang., Iowa Coll., '48-58. — teacher, New Britain, Ct., '61-65; Somers, Ct., '65 until died there, 21 Feb. 1870. Alden Burrill Bobbins, D.D., b. 18 Feb. 1817, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1839.— Union Theol. Sem., '41-42. — Ord., at Salem, Ms., 20 Sept. 1843. p. Mus- catine, lo., '43-. Edward Robie, D.D., b. 5 April 1821, Gorham, Me. B.C. 1840. — Unlr. Halle, Ger., '43-'45; Univ. Berlin, '45-'46. — teacher, Sem., Gorham, M©., '46-'48. — assist, instr. Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '48-'52 ; also libra- rian, '48-'51. —Ord. 25 Feb. 1852. p. Greenland, N. H., '52-. 154 1843. [1880. William Salter, D.D., b. 17 Nov. 1821, Brooklyn, N.Y. U.N.Y. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '40-42.— Ord., at Denmark, lo., 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. — a.p. Maquoketa, lo., '43-'46. — p. Burlington, lo., '46-. Peter D. Schory, b 1811, Berne, Switzerland. N.J.C. 1840.— Union Theol. Sem., '40-'41. — Ord 1843. p. German Kef. ch., New Holland and New Providence, Pa., '43-48. — p. Mt. Bethel, Pa., '49-'54. — p. Lancaster, O., '5G-'62. — w.c. Lancaster, O., '62- William Grcenough Thayer Shedd, D.D., LL.D., b. 21 June 1820, Acton, Ms. U.Vt. 1839.— Ord. 4 Jan. 1844. p. Brandon, Vt., '44-'45.— Prof. Eng. Lit., Univ. Vt., '45-'52. — Prof Sac. Rliet. and Past. Theol., Auburn Theol. Sem., 'o2-'53. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., and Leet. on Past. Theol., Andover Theol. Sem., '53-'62. — p. Brick Presb. ch.. New York city, '62-'63.— Prof. Bib. Lit., Union Theol. Sem., New York city, '6 3-' 74. — Prof. Syst. Theol., '74-. ♦Benjamin Adams Spaulding-, b. 20 July 1815, Billerica, Ms. H.C. 1840.— Ord., at Denmark, lo., 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. Wapello Co., lo., '43-45. — Otturawa, lo. (and a.p. Agency City, '45-'49), a.p. '45-'51 ; p. '51-'63. — a.p. Eau Claire, Wis., '63-'64. — w.c. '64-66. — sup't schools, Wapello Co., lo., '66 until died, at Ottumwa, lo., 31 March 1867. ♦Ebenezer Harrey Squier, b. 27 May 1809, Rutland, Vt. M.C. 1838. — Ord. 4 Feb. 1846. Hartland, Vt., a.p. '44-'46 ; p. '46-'52. — p. Lewis, N. Y., '52-'54 — a.p. Wey bridge, Vt., '54-'58 ; Highgate, Vt., '58-'64. — w.c. Mid- dlebury, Vt., '64-65.- p. Presb. ch., Scipio, N. Y., '66 until died there, 4 March 1870. Josiah Howe Stearns, b. 1 Oct. 1812, Epping, N.H. D.C. 1840. — Ord. S Nov. 1844. p. Dennysville, Me., '44-57. — a.p. Epping, N.H., '57-. ♦John Herrick Stratton, from Salem, Ms. A.C. 1840. — a.p. Pittston, Me., '44-48; Erving, Ms., '49-50. — w.c. Erving, Ms., '50 until died there, 26 April 1851, aged 37. *Loren Thayer, b. 7 July 1815, Thetford, Vt. D.C. 1840. — Ord. 5 Nov. 1845. p. Presb. ch., Windham, N.H., '45-66. — w.c. Windham, N.H., '6G until died there, 19 Sept. 1869. Edwin Bela Turner, b. 2 Oct. 1812, Great Barrington, Ms. Ill.C. 1840.— Ord., at Denmark, lo., 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. — a.p. Cascade, lo., '43-'4 7; Colesburg, lo., '47-'54. — Morris, 111., a.p. '54-'55; p. '55-'64. — sup't Am. H.M. Soc, Hannibal, Mo., '64-76. — a.p. Owego, N.Y., '76-77 ; Columbus, N.Y., '78-'80 ; Chenango Forks, N.Y., '80-. ♦George Stayley Van Cleef, b. 28 June 1817, New York city, N.Y. C.C. 1837. — Union Theol. Sem., '40-'42. — Not ordained. — a.p. Sandy Hill, N.Y., '45 ; Bridport, Vt., '46 — disabled, '46 until died, at New York city, 26 Nov. 1863. 1880.] 1843. 155 Frederic Yintou, b 9 Oct. 1817, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1837. — Yale Theol, Sem. (1). — Not oi'dained. — res. St. Louis, Mo., occ. pr., '43-'45. — res. Nan- tucket, Ms., '45-'4 7; teacher, '46-'47. — prin. high school, Eastport, Me., '47-'48. — res. Boston, Ms., '48-'49. — prin. high school, Eastport, Me., '49 -'ol. — librarian, res. St. Louis, Mo., '51-'55. — teacher, South Boston, Ms., '56; Portland, Me., '56. — assist., Public Library, Boston, Ms., '57-65. — assist, libr., Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., '65-'73. — libr., New Jersey Coll., '73-. •Augustus Wing, b. 19 Nov. 1808, Rochester, Vt. A.C. 1839. — Not ordained. — res., occ. pr., Rochester, Vt., '43-'45. — occ. pr. and teacher, in various places, until died, at Whiting, Vt., 19 Jan. 1876. *Samuel Badger, m.d. (1+), b. 31 March 1814, Kingston, N.H. D.C. 1840. — Not ordained. — physician. — Died, at Kingston, N.H., 14 June 1848. ♦Selvvyn Bapson Bowman (1+), b. 14 Nov. 1819, Bedford, N.H. D.C. 1840. — Not ordained. — Died, at West Chester, N.Y., 3 Jan. 1843. Sylvanus Bunton, m.d. (1), b. 8 March 1812, Allenstown, N.H. D.C. 1840. — Not ordained. — physician, Baltimore, Md., '44-'46 ; Manchester, N. H., '46-'62; assist, surgeon, 2d N. H. Vols., '62-64; also surgeon, 7th N.H. Vols., '64-'65 ; HoUis, N. H., '65-'67 ; Mont Vernon, N. H., '67-. *Perkins Kirkland Clark (1—), b. 8 Dec. 1811, Westfield, Ms. Y.C. 1838.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1843. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '42-'45.— Ord. 26 Aug. 1846. Chester Village, Ms., a.p. '46-48 ; p. '48-52. — Hinsdale, Ms., p. '52- '56 ; a.p. '56-59. — p. South Deerfield, Ms., '59-65. — p. MIttlneague, Ms., '66-71. — p. Charlemont, Ms., '71 until died there, 4 Jan. 1872. Sumner Clark (1— ), b. 4 Oct. 1812, Framingham, Ms. A.C. 1840. — Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1843.— Ord. 1 Jan. 1845. a.p. Unity, Me., '44-'50 ; Pittston, Me., '50-'51 ; North Marshfield, Ms., '51-'53 ; Eastford, Ct., '55- '67; Wolfeborough, N.H., '57-'59; Rochester, Ms., '60-'61. — w.c. South Natick, Ms., '61-64.— a.p. South Franklin, Ms., '64-'65; Wolfeborough, N.H., '65-'68; Eastford, Ct., '68-72; Wakefield, N.H., '72-'75. — w.c. Wolfeborough, N.H., '77-. George Francis Cushman, d.d. (1 — ), from Pawtucket, Ms. A.C. 1840. — teacher, '43-49. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 13 May 1849; priest, 29 May 1850. — r. St. John's ch. in the Wilderness, Ala., '49-'51. — r. Trinity ch., Pawtucket, R.L, '51-53. — r. St. Luke's ch., Cahawba, Ala., '53-65. — r. Sycamore, 111., '67-69. — r. Church of the Redeemer, Princeton, 111., '69-'.. — r. St. Stephen's ch., Chicago, 111., '75-'. . — now in New York city. Henry Bond Elliott (1), b. 21 June 1823, Woodstock, N.Y. U.N.Y. 1840.— Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ord. 24 May 1844. — a.p. Alexandria, N.J. '44. — p. Waterbury, Ct., '45-'51. — a.p. Springfield, Ms., '52-'54; Brook- 156 1843. [1880. lyn, N.Y., '54. — p. Stamford, Ct., '55-'57. — p. Columbus, O., '58-'60.— a.p. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., '65 ; New Canaan, Ct., '66-69 ; Litchfield, Ct., '70-73; Stonington, Ct., '74-'78. — w.c. Stonington, Ct., '79; New Haven, Ct., '80-. •George Farrar (1), b. 19 July 1818, Lincoln, Ms. A.C. 1839. —lawyer, Charlestown, Ms. — Died, at Aiken, S.C. 18 Jan. 1851. Charles Granger (2), b. 4 July 1806, Randolph, Vt. — . — Ord. 5 Nov. 1843. h.m. Washington and Crawfordsville, lo., '43-'46. — a.p. Oregon, lo., '46- '48. — w.c. '48-57.- a.p. Prospect City (now Paxton), 111., '57-60; w.c. there, '60-. ♦Horace Hall (1), b. 6 April 1819, Cornish, N.H. D.C. 1839. — prin. acad.. South Berwick, Me., '41 until died there, 27 Feb. 1842. Edwin Harwood, D.D. (2), b. 21 Aug. 1822, Philadelphia, Pa. U.P. 1840.— Gen. Theol. Sem., New York city, 1844. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 30 June 1844; priest, 21 Sept. 1846. — r. Oyster Bay, L.L, '44-'46. — r. East Chester, N.Y., '46-47. — r. St. James's ch., Hamilton Square, N. Y., '47- '50. — r. Church of the Incarnation, New York city, '50-'54. — Prof. Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, Ct., '54-'59. — r. Trinity ch.. New Haven, Ct., '59-. George Baker Jewett, d.d. (1+), b. 11 Sept. 1818, Lebanon, Me. A.C. 1840. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '42-44. — teacher, '45-49. — Prof. Lat. and Mod. Lang., Amh. Coll., '50-55.— Ord. 24 May 1855. p. First ch., Nashua, N. H., '55-56.— w.c. Salem, Ms., '56-. John Lawrence (1), b. 21 May 1814, St. Johnsbury, Vt. D.C. — Gilman- ton Theol. Sem. (1). — teacher, acad., Westfield, Ms., '42-43; Classical School, Springfield, Ms., '43-45 ; prin. acad., Lyndon, Vt., '46-47. — Ord, 3 Aug. 1848. a.p. Hookset, N.H., '48 ; Salem, N.H., '49-62. — p. Carlisle, Ms., '53-59. — a.p. Salem, N.H., '59-62. — occ. pr., Wilmington, Ms., '62- '63. — a.p. Wilton, Me., '63-66. h.m. Franklin Co., res. Wilton, Me.,'66- '68. — w.c. Wilton, Me., '68-69 ; Reading, Ms., '69-. *Daniel Gregory Mason (1), b. 8 May 1820, Savannah, Ga. Mar. C. 1840.— Died, at Schwalbach, Germany, 24 June 1869. *Benjamin Mead, (2), b. 28 Dec. 1813, Newfield, Me. B.C. 1838. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1843. — Died, at Newfield, Me., 1845. Samuel John Mills Merwin (2), b. 3 Nov. 1819, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1839. Yale Theol. Sem., 1844. — Ord. 18 Dec. 1844. p. Southport, Ct., '44-'59. — p. South Hadley Falls, Ms., '60-'67. — p. Wilton, Ct., '68-'80. — w.c. Wilton, Ct., '80-. Ariel Ebenezer Parish Perkins, d.d. (l),b. 11 Oct. 1820, Royalston,Ms. A.C. 1840.— Ord. 18 Sept. 1844. p. Phillipston, Ms., '44-'55. — p. Ware, Ms., '55-. 1880.] 1843. 18 44. 157 William Porter, d.d. (l),b. 10 Jan. 1820, Lee,Ms. W.C. 1839.— Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — res. Florida and Georgia '4.3-'50.— Ord. 25 Aug. 1847.— teacher, Marietta Coll., '50-52. — Prof. Math, and Latin, Beloit Coll., '52-. *Lubin Burton Rockwood (1), b. 8 April 1816, Wilton, N.H. D.C. 1839.— Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ord., Presb., 18 April 1845.— finan. agent Union Theol. Sem., '43-50. — p. Rocky Hill, Ct., '50-59. — Dis. Sec. Am. (N.Y.) Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '59 until died there, 7 May 1872. ♦George Washington Sill (1—), b. 26 Feb. 1812, Lyme, Ct. Y.C. 1838.— teacher. Holly Springs, Miss., '38-'41. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 17 Dec. 1843; priest, 1845.— Prof., Kemper Coll. '42-45 ; also r. chs., Hannibal and Palmj-ra, Mo., '. .-'45. — r. Holly Springs, Miss., and prin. fem. sem. there, '45-'53. — r. Trinity ch., Pass Christian, Miss., and assoc. prin. Trinity fem. sem., '53-'60. — w.c. La., '61-'65. — teacher, Trinity Sem., Pass Christian, Miss., '65. — w.c. Pass Christian, Miss., '65 until died there, 24 Aug. 1866. Thomas Harvey Skinner, Jr., d.d. (1), b. 6 Oct. 1820, Philadelphia, Pa. U.N.Y. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1843. p. Presb. ch., Paterson, N. J., '43-'46. — p. West Presb. ch.. New York city, '46-'55. — p. Honesdale, Pa., '56-'59. — p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Staten Island, N.Y., '59- '68. — p. Presb. ch., Fort Wayne, Ind., '68-71. — p. Second Presb. ch., Cin- cinnati, O., '71-. *James Allen Taylor (2), b. 21 Aug. 1814, Granby, Ms. A. C. 1839. — Not ordained. — Died, at Atkinson, N.H., while a member of the Seminary, 2 Oct. 1842. Hiram AVason (1—), b. 18 Dec. 1814, New Boston, N.H. A. C. 1838. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ord. 20 Nov. 1843. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch., Vevay, Ind., '43-'57. — a.p. West Creek, Ind., '57-64. — occ. sup., West Creek, Ind., '64-'.. — w.c. Lowell, Ind., '81-. 1844. Homer Henry Benson, b. 22 April 1816, Hinesburgh, Vt. U. Vt. 1838.— Ord. 13 Feb. 1845. h.m. — Presb. ch., Geneva, Wis., a.p. '44-'46 ; p. '46- '54. — p. Appleton, Wis., '54-'58. — p. Waupun, Wis., '58-'60. — p. Mineral Point, Wis., '60-63. — chap. 10th Wis. Vols., '63-64. — agent N. W. Freedmen's Aid Com., '65-'66. — agent Am. Miss. Ass'n, Beloit, Wis., '66- '73. — dis. sup't Am. Bible Soc, Indiana, '73-'76. — finan. agent Beloit Coll., '77-'78. — a.p. Presb. ch., Richland Centre, Wis. '78-80; Wyocena, Wis., '81-. John Jay Butler, D.D.,b. 9 April 1814, Berwick, Me. B.C. 1837. — teacher, Parsonsfield and Farmington, Me., '37-39. — Ord., Free Bapt., 28 Jan. 1846. — Prof. Chr. Theol., Theol. Sem., AVhitestown, N.Y., '44-'54. — Prof. Chr. Theol., Theol. Inst., New Hampton, N. H., '54-'70. — Prof. Theol., Bates Coll., '70-' 73. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Hills. Coll., '73-. 158 1844. [1880. *Erastns Baldwin Cla^ffett, b. 9 May 1815, Newport, N. H. D.C. — Ord. 30 Sept. 1846. p. Lyndeborough, N. H., '46-70. — a.p. New Fairfield, Ct., '70 until died there, 16 May 1877. *David Burt Colton, b. 20 June 1821, Longmeadow, Ms. Y.C. 1841. — Hart- ford Theol. Seni. — teacher, Elizabethtown, N.J, '48-'51. — in office of Springfield Republican. — Died, at Longmeadow, Ms., 16 Sept. 1853. Georg-e Cook, b. 31 Aug. 1817, Swanzey, N.H. A.C. 1841. — Hartford Theol. Sem. (2) — Not ordained. — Prof. Math., Dallas Coll. Institute, Selma, Ala., '44-'49. — in business, '50-'66. — now res. Keene, N.H. Henry Martyn Dexter, D.D., b. 13 Aug. 1821, Plympton, Ms. Y.C. 1840.— Ord. 9 Nov. 1844. p. Franklin st. eh., Manchester, N.H., '44-49. — p. Berkeley St. ch., Boston, Ms., '49-'67. — editor Congregational Quarterly, '59-'65. — editor Congregn(i(»iaIist, Boston, Ms., '67-. (lecturer on Con- gregationalism, Andover Theol. Sem., '76-"78). res. New Bedford, Ms. Joseph Myron Rensselaer Eaton, b. 15 Oct. 1814, Fitchburg, Ms. A.C. 1841.— Ord. 9 Jan. 1845. p. Clinton, Ms., '45-47. — p. Shirley, Ms., '47-50.— p. Henniker, N.H., '51-68.— res. West Fitchburg, Ms., '68-; a.p. Second ch., Medfield, Ms., '69-76.— w.c. Worcester, Ms., '77; Fitchburg, Ms., '78-. *Joel Sumner Everett, b. 28 Aug. 1813, Halifax, Vt. A.C. 1840. — Ord., at Southbridge, Ms., 10 Oct. 1844. f.m. Smyrna, '45-'47 ; Constantinople, '47 until died there, 8 March 1856. *Alfred Hawes, b. 2 April 1818, Holliston, Ms. B U. 1841. — Ord., at Hol- liston, Ms., 16 Oct. 1844. h.m. — p. Presb. ch., Marion, Ind., '44 until died there, 31 Aug. 1854. *Nonnan Hazen, b. 7 Sept. 1814, Hartford, Vt. D.C. 1840. — a.p. Ludlow, Vt., '45-'46. — Ord. 24 March 1847. p. First ch., Royalston, Ms., '47 until died there, 13 Feb. 1852. John Pinkerton Humphrey, b. 29 April 1817, Derry, N.H. D.C. 1839.— a.p. Shirley, Ms., '45-'46. — Ord. 3 Feb. 1847. p. Winchester, N.II., '47- '67. — p. Third ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '68-79. — w.c. Claremont, N.H., '79-80; Winchendon, Ms., '81-. *Reuben Safford Kendall, b. 5 Oct. 1814, Hope, Me. Ill.C. 1839.- Tutor, Knox Coll., '40-41.— Ord. 24 Dec. 1845. p. Machias, Me., '45-47.— Prof Greek and Latin, 111. Coll., '47-52. — p. Middlebury, Vt, '53-'56.— a.p. Freeport, Me., '58-'59. — p. Lenox, Ms., '59-65. — w.c. Newton Centre, Ms., '65-67. — p. Vernon, Ct., '67-71.- U.S. consul, Strasbourg, Alsace, '71 ; Brindisi, Italy, '72 until died, at Geneva, Switzerland, 20 June 1873. Simeon Miller, b. 20 March 1815, Ludlow, Ms. A.C. 1840. — Ord. 7 May 1846. p. First ch., Holyoke, Ms., '46-'70. — p. South Deerfield, Ms., '70- '72.— a.p. Ludlow Mills, Ms., '72-73.— w.c. Springfield, Ms., '74-'. . — a.p. Andover, Ct., '76-'82. 1880.] 1844. 159 DaTid Pinkerton, b. 3 Nov. 1814, Landaff, N.H. D.C. 1841. — Ord., by Beloit Conv.> 13 Feb. 1845. h.m. — Elk Horn and Siijjar Creek, Wis., '44-46. — Salem and Pine Grove, Wis., '47-'51. — Presb. ch., Somers, Wis., '51-'53. — a.p. Two Rivers, etc, Wis., '53-'57 ; Oakfield, AYis., '57-'60. — w.c. Waupun, Wis., '60-'68, — a.p. Greencastle, lo., '68-70. — w.c. Grinnell, Ic, '70-. Abijah Stowell, b. 20 Aug. 1815, Lyndon, Vt. —. — Ord., at Boylston, Ms., 18 Sept. 1844. h.m. Washintrton Co., Me., '44-'46. — p. Perry, Me., '46- '50.— a.p. Gardner, Ms., '51-57; Gill, Ms., '58-'65 ; Erving, Ms., '65-68 ; Petersham, Ms., '68-'72 ; Erving, Ms., '72-79; Windsor, Ms., '80- Francis Verg-nies Tenney, b. 19 April 1819, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1841. — Ord. 7 Aug. 1845. p. South Braintree, Ms., '45-'48. — p. Byfield, Ms., '50-'5 7. — p. Manchester, Ms., '58-69. —p. Saugus, Ms., '69-78. — a.p. Phillipston, Ms., '78-80. — w.c. Ipswich, Ms., '82-. Leonard Tenney, b. 5 Oct. 1814, Groton, N.H. D.C. 1840.— Ord. 19 April 1845. p. Jaffrey, N. H., '45-'57. — Thetford, Vt., p. '5 7-'66 ; a.p. '66-'68; a.p. Barre, Vt., '68-'81.— w.c. Thetford, Vt., '81-. Richard Tolman, b. 30 Sept. 1817, Dorchester, Ms. A.C. 1839. — Ord. 17 Sept. 1845. p. Third ch., Danvers, Ms., '45-48. — ]>. South Dennis, Ms., '49-'52. — p. Tewksbury, Ms., '52-70. —Hampton, Va., '71-78. — Rollin Diarca Hemenway Allen (1), b. 10 Jan. 1821, Middlebury, Vt. M.C. 1841. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1844. — Not ordained. —teacher, Tolland, Ct., Geneseo, Riga, N.Y., Terryville, Ct., '47-'51. — in business, Terryville, Ct., '51-. William Stinson Blanchard (1+), b Wilton, Me. B.C. 1840.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1845.— Ord 1848, at Knoxville, III. ; a.p. She- boygan, 111., '48-'51. — Prof. Anc. Lang, and Hist., Cleveland Univ., O., '. .-'. . — a.p. Mendota, 111., '60-'61. — w.c. Chicago, 111. — •Jackson Jones Bushnell (1), b. 16 Feb. 1816, Saybrook, Ct. Y.C. 1841.— Not ordained. — Tutor, West. Res. Coll., '42-'44 ; agent, '44-'48. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Beloit Coll., '48-'57. — in business, '57-'63. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Beloit Coll., '63 until died there, 8 March 1873. *Alender Osmyn Clapp (2), b. 28 Jan. 1811, Easthampton, Ms. A.C. 1837. — Not ordained. — teacher, Worthington and Pittsfield, Ms., and Woodville, Miss. — Died, at Northampton, Ms., 3 March 1867. Thornton Washington ■ Clapp (2+), b. 28 Jan. 1811, Easthampton, Ms. W.C. 1835.— Prof. Math., Washmgton Coll., Miss. — lawyer. Miss.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 July 1844. — pr. in western Ms. — res. Fremont, O., '71.— 160 18 44. [1880. John Lanr^don Dudley, d.d. (1), from Andover, N.H. A.C. 1844. — Ord. 11 June 1847 — South ch., Middletown, Ct., a.p. '49-54 ; p. '54-'C8. — p. Plymouth ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '68-74. — w.c. Milwaukee, Wis., '74-. •Charles Hammond, ll.d. (1), b. 15 June 1813, Union, Ct. Y.C. 1839. — Ord. 9 Oct. 1855. prin. acad., Monson, Ms., '39-41. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1844. occ. pr., '44-'45. — prin. acad., Monson, Ms., '45-52. — prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '52-63. — prin. acad., Monson, Ms., '63 until died there, 7 Nov. 1878. *Joseph Edward Hood (1+), b. 24 Oct. 1815, Amesbury, Ms. D.C. 1841.— Not ordained. — editor Essex Transcript, Amesbury, Ms., '42; People's Advocate, Hanover, Ms., '43 ; Granite Freeman and Independent Democrat, Concord, N.H., '45-48. — telegraph sup't, Springfield, Ms., and Boston, Ms., '49-54. — assoc. editor Springfield Republican, Ms., '54-'.. — editor Rocky Mountain News, '..-'.. — Died, at Denver, Col., 23 Nov. 1871. *James Jackson (24-), b. 19 Nov. 1814, Coventry (now Benton), N.H. D.C. 1841. — Episc. Theol. Sem., near Alexandria, Va., 1844. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 14 July 1844. Christ ch., Savannah, Ga., '44. — assist, min. St. John's ch., Savannah, Ga., '44 until drowned, in Savannah River, 19 March 1845. ♦Joseph Leland Lord (1), b. 30 June 1820, Amherst, N.H. D.C. 1839.— Not ordained. — lawyer, Bath, Me. ; Boston, Ms. ; Saxonville, Ms. — Died, at Saxonville, Ms., 1 April 1874. George Frederick Magoun, d.d. (1), b. 29 March 1821, Bath, Me. B.C. 1841. Yale Theol. Sera. (2). — Ord. 25 Jan. 1848. h.m. — a.p. Shullsburg, Wis., '47-48. — p. Second Preeb. ch., Galena, 111., '48-'51. — Cong, ch., Daven- port, lo., a.p. '55-56; p. '56-60. — p. Lyons, lo., '60-64. — Pres. Iowa Coll., Grinnell, lo., '65-. Henry Child Morse (1—), b. 22 May 1811, .... N.Y. Y.C 1839. — prin. acad., Dudley, Ms., '39-'42. — Ord. .. July 1843. h.m. — p. Presb. ch., Lima, Ind., '43-45. — Ontario, Ind., '47-48. — Cong, ch., Union City, Mich., '48-'51. — w.c. Union City, Mich., '51-56. — a.p. Ontario, Ind., and prin. Lagrange Inst., '56-'58. — farmer. Union City, Mich., '59-. Albert Paine (1), b. 21 July 1819, Woodstock, Ct. Y.C. 1841. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1845. — a.p. Presb. ch., Lancaster, N.Y., '46. — Ord. 7 Sept. 1848. p. West Amesbury, Ms., '48-54. — p. North Adams, Ms., '56-62. — hospital chap. U.S.A., '62-'.. — editor Beloit Journal, '64-67. — w.c. Eockford, 111., '67-'70; Charlestown, Ms., '70-'81 (except a.p. North Fal- mouth, Ms., '75-78) ; Roxbury, Ms., '81-. Charles Richards (1). b. 9 Dec. 1814, Darien, Ct. U.C. 1841. — Union Theol. Sem., 1844.— Ord. 25 May 1847. Presb. ch., Lakeville, N. Y., a.p. '45- '47; p. '47-'49. — a.p. Hector, N.Y, '49-'51 ; Rcnsselaerville, N.Y., '51- '55 ; Monroeville, 0., '55-58 ; Maumee, O., '58-68 ; Pardeeville and Wyo- cena, Wis., '68-'73. — w.c. Maumee, O., '73-'75; South Toledo, O., '76-. 1880.] 1844. 1845. 161 *Davi(l Cochran Scobey, (1—), b. 10 Sept. 1814, Francestown, N. H. D. C. 1839. — Not ordained. — teacher, high school, Lowell, Ms., '. .-'. . — Died, at Lowell, Ms., 1 March 1850. Edmund Farwell Slafter (2+), b. 30 May 1816, Norwich, Vt. D.C. 1840.— prin. acad., Topsfield, Ms., '42. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 July 1844 ; priest, 30 July 1845. — r. St. Peter's ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '44-46. — r. St. John's ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '46-53. — assist, min., St. Paul's ch., Boston, Ms., '53-57. — agent Am. Bible Soc, res. Boston, Ms., '57-. Jeremy Webster Tuck (1—), b. 8 Oct. 1811, Kensington, N.H. A.C. 1840. — Hart. Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ord. 6 Sept. 1843. p. Ludlow, Ms., '43- '60. — a.p. First ch., Palmer, Ms., '60-'65. — p. Jewett City, Ct., '66-'76. — p. Third ch., Middletown, Ct., '77-'81.— John B. Van Dyck, m.d., (1), from Coxsackie, N. Y. U.C. 1841. — physician, Coxsackie, N.Y., in '68. ♦John Adam Walker (1), b. 7 Jan. 1821, Lenox, Ms. W. C. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'44 and '45-'46.— Tutor, Will. Coll., '44-'45. — lawyer, Lenox, Ms., '48-'53 ; Pittsfield, Ms., '53 until died there, 24 May 1864. John Webster m.d., (1), b South Kingston, N.H. D.C. 1841. — Not ordained. — physician, Providence, K.I. ; Chicago, 111. ; Gibson's Sta- tion, Ind. 1845. Lauren Armsby, b. 16 Jan. 1817, Northbridge, Ms. A.C. 1842. — Union Theol. Sem., '42-'43. — a.p. Pittsfcon, Me., '45-46. — Ord. 27 May 1846. p. Chester, N.H., '46-56. — p. Faribault, Minn., '56-64. — chap. 8th Minn Vols., '63-'65. — a.p. Candia, N.H., '65-'71 ; Mound City, Kan., '71-'73 Council Grove, Kan., '73-. Josiah Wolcott Brown, b. 18 May 1812, Concord, Ms. — .— Ord., at Concord, Ms., 5 Aug. 1846. h.m. Oswego, 111., '46-48. — w.c. '48-53. — a.p. North Ashburnham, Ms., '53-'54. — w.c. Manchester, Vt., '54-69; Westborough, Ms., '69-'72; Charlton, Ms., '73-' 76 ; Westborough, Ms., '77-. ♦Daniel Reed Cady, D.D., b. 8 Oct. 1813, Malta, N.Y. W.C. 1838. — Ord. 27 Oct. 1845. p. Rutland, Ms., '45-'49. — p. Westborough, Ms., '49-'56. — p. West Cambridge, (now Arlington) Ms., '56-77. — w.c. Westborough, Ms., '77 until died there, 17 May 1879. Alexander Huntington Clapp, D.D., b. l Sept. 1818, Worthington, Ms. Y.C. 1842. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 14 Oct. 1846. p. Brattlebor- ough, Vt., '46-53. — p. Beneficent ch.. Providence, R.I., '65-65. — See Am. H. M. Soc, New York city, '65-77 ; treas., '78-. 21 162 1845. [1880. Lncins Curtis, b. 16 Nov. 1812, New Hartford, Ct. W. C. 1835. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 6 July 1846. p. Woodbury, Ct., '46-54. — p. Colchester, Ct., '56-68. — a.p. Ripon, Wis., '69-'70; Lyons, lo., '71-75. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '75-. *Noadiah Smith Dickinson, b. 22 March 1815, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1841.— Ord. 27 May 1847. p. Wendell, Ms., '47-52. — p. Chatham, Ms., '52- '58. _ p. Foxborough, Ms., '58-69. — occ. sup., '69-'72. — a.p. South Egre- mont, Ms., '72 until died, at Jacksonville, Fla., 28 March 1876. David Diniond, D.D., b. 26 April 1816, Groton, N. H. D.C. 1842. — Ord. 12 April 1846. h.m. St. Charles, Mo., '45-46. — a.p. Presb. ch., Troy, Mo., '46-50; Colhnsville, 111., '51-54.- Prof. Latin and Greek, Webster Coll., '55-58,— a.p. Rock Hill, Mo., '58-59 ; Brighton, 111., '60-'65 ; Anna, 111., '66-'71. — p. Brighton, 111., '71-. William Plumer Eastman, b. 20 Sept. 1813, Hollis, N. H. D.C. 1842.— Ord. 5 May 1846. h.m. New Comerstown, O., '45-46. — a.p. Union and Greenland, O., '47-'52. — p. Union, O., '52-67. — teacher, Piketon, O., '67-'70; Kingston, O., '71-'74. — a.p. Union., res. Chillicothe, O., '75-. William Tappan Eustis, D.D., b. 6 July 1821, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1841. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 8 April 1846. p. Winchester, Ms., '46-'48. p. Chapel St. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '48-'69. — p. Memorial ch., Springfield, Ms., '69-. Samuel Bacon Eairbank, D.D., b. 14 Dec. 1822, Stamford, Ct. 111. Coll., 1842. — Ord., at Jacksonville, 111., 1845. f.m. Marathas, Western India, '46-. George Ford, b. 27 Feb. 1819, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1842. — Ord. 7 Oct. 1846. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '46-53. — p. East Falmouth, Ms., '56-'62. — p. Tolland, Ms., '63-69. — miss'y, Seneca Indians, Cattaraugus, N. Y., '69-. John Harper Garman, b. 20 Jan. 1811, Meredith Bridge (now Laconia), N.H. ^.C — a.p. Baldwin, Me., '46-47.— Ord. 3 Nov. 184 7. p. Liming- ton. Me., '47-'55. — a.p. Scarborough, Me., '55-'60. — p. Lebanon, Me., '60-65. — a.p. North Orange, Ms., '66-74; Shutesbury, Ms., '75; North Orange and Warwick, Ms., '76-. Joshua Sanders Gay, b. 7 Feb, 1819, Stoughton, Ms. A.C. 1841.— Ord. 27 Jan. 1848. p. Andover, Me., '48-'50. ; a p. '50-'51. — p. Pittston, Me., '52-54.- a.p. Stoddard, N. H., '54-57; Chichester, N.H., '57-63; By- field, Ms., '66-'69. — w.c. Byfield, Ms., '69-'70. — a.p. Brookfield, Vt., '70-71; Auburn, N. H., '71-74; Centre Harbor, N. H., '74-77. — w.c. '77-'78. — a.p. Hanson, Ms., '78-'82. — Waguoit (in Falmouth), Ms., '82-. 1880.] 1845. 163 John Patnam Gulliyer, D.D., LL.D., b. 12 May 1819, Boston, Ms. Y. C. 1840. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1).— Ord. 1 Oct. 1846. Main st. (now Broad- way) ch., Norwich, Ct., a.p. *45 ; p. '46-'65. — p. New England eh., Chicago, 111., '65-'68. — Pres. Knox Coll., 111., '68-'72.— p. First Presb. ch., Bingharaton, N. Y., '72-'78. — Prof. Christianity and Science, Andover Theol. Sem., '78-. Allen Hazen, D.D., b. 30 Nov. 1822, Hartford, Vt. D.C. 1842. — Ord. 1 July 1846. f.ra. Marathas, Western India, '46-'72. — a.p. Hope Chapel, Springfield, Ms., '74; Pomfret, Vt., '75-'77; Norwich, Vt., '77-'79; Aga- wam, Ms., '80-'81 ; Deerfield, Ms., '82-. James Herrick, b. 19 March 1814, Broome, P. Q., Can. W.C. 1841. — Ord., at Brattleborough, Vt., 10 Oct. 1845. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '45-. James Mason Hoppin, D.D., b. 17 Jan. 1820, Providence, RJ. Y.C. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '42-'44.— Ord. 27 March 1850. p. Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms., '50-59. — Prof. Horn, and Past. Charge, Yale Coll., '61-79; Prof. Hist, of Art, '79-. William Asa Keith, b. 3 Sept. 1810, Eastport, Me. W.C. 1841. — a.p. Presb. ch., Shelbyville, Mo., '45-'46.— Ord. 5 May 1847. a.p. Cong, ch., Maquoketa, lo., '46-48. — p. Tipton, lo., '48-'51 ; a.p. Pedee, lo., '51-'53 ; Decorah, lo., '54-57; Brookfield, lo, '57-66. — w.c. there in '71. John Henry Martyn Leland, b. 25 Jan. 1821, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1840.— Ord. 13 Oct. 1847. p. South Royalston, Ms., '47-'49. — p. Bethel, Me., '50-'53. — a.p. First ch.. Palmer, Ms., '55-'58. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '58-. William Miller, b. 8 Aug. 1817, New Braintree, Ms. A.C. 1842. — Hart. Theol. Sem. (1+). — Ord. 1 Oct. 1845. p. Halifax, Vt., '45-'47. — Gill, Ms., a.p. '47-48; p. '49-'50. — teacher, North Brookfield, Ms., '50-54.— p. Sterling, Ms., '55-58. — occ. sup. '58-'65. — a.p. Petersham, Ms., '65-67 ; Mt. Carmel, Ct., '67-'69 ; Killingworth, Ct., '69-79; Rocky Hill, Ct., '79- '82 ; Southbury, Ct., '82-. William Porter, b. 31 Oct. 1814, Lyme, N.H. D.C. 1840.— Ord. 12 April 1846. h.rn. — Presb. chs., Waterloo, etc. Mo., '45-46. — Des Moines, Mo., '46-48. — a.p. Alexandria, Mo., '47-'51 ; St. Francisville, Mo., '51- '54 ; Port Byron, 111., '54-'60 ; Granville, 111., '60-64. — res. Webster, Mo., '65-'73; also editor Journal of Agriculture^ St. Louis, Mo., '64-'72. — w.c. Los Angelos, Cal., '72-78 (agent Am. Bib. Soc, San Francisco, Cal., '74- '75). — w.c. Westminster, Cal, '78-. Charles Smith, b. 10 Aug. 1818, Hatfield, Ms. A.C. 1841. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 10 Oct. 1847. p. Warren, Ms., '47-'52. — p. South ch., Andovei-, Ms., '52-'53. — p. Shawmut ch., Boston, Ms., '53-'58. — a.p. Oak Place ch., Boston, Ms., '60-'61. — p. South ch., Andover, Ms., '61-76 ; w.c there (rep. Mass. Gen. Court, '82-'83), '76-. 164 1845. [1880. Samuel Jones Spalding-, D.D., b. 11 Dec. 1820, Lyndeborough, N. H. D.C. 1842. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1846. p. Salmon Falls, Rollinsford, N.H., '46-'51.— p. Whitefield ch., Newbury port, Ms., '51-. Richard Salter Storrs, Jr., D.D., LL.D., b. 21 Aug. 1821, Braintree, Ms. A.C. 1839. — Ord. 22 Oct. 1845. p. Harvard cb., Brookline, Ms., '45-'46. — p. Ch. of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y., '46-. William Wakefield, b. 5 Dec. 1812, Reading, Ms. A.C. 1839.— Ord. 17 June 1846. p. McConnelsville, O., '45-52. — a.p. Madison, O., '52-55. — p. Harmar, O., '55-'72. — p. La Harpe, 111., '73-'80. — w.c. Peoria, 111., '80-. Edward Webb, b. 25 Dec. 1819, Lowestoft, Eng. — .— Ord., at Ware, Ms., 23 Oct. 1845. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '45-64. — a.p. Presb. ch., Darby, Pa., '65-'66. — p. Glasgow, Del., '66-'71. — p. Andover, N. J., '72. — Lincoln Univ., Oxford, Pa., p. and finan. sec, '73.- Moses Hemmenway Wells, b. 27 Aug. 1814, Deerfield, N.H. D.C. 1839.— — teacher, Canandaigua, N.Y., '40-'42 ; Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '42 ; prin., '44-45. — Ord. 1 9 Oct. 1845. p. Pittsfield, N.H., '45-53. — teacher, South Berwick, Me., '63-'55. — p. Hinsdale, N.H., '56-'65. — a.p. Lyndon, Vt., '66-70; Waterford, Vt., '71-'78; Ascutneyville, Vt., res. Claremont, N.H., '80-. Royal Gould Wilder, b. 27 Oct., 1816, Bridport, Vt. M.C. 1840.— Ord., at Malone, N.Y., 22 Oct. 1845. — f.m. Marathas, Western India, '46-57; of a soc. in Ct., and of Presb. Board, Kolapur, '58-'75. — editor Aliss'y Review, res. Princeton, N.J., '78-. Rowland Ayres, d.d. (1), b. 1 May 1817, Granby, Ms. A.C. 1841. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '44-'46. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ord. 12 Jan. 1848. p. First ch., Hadley, Ms., '48-. ^Samuel Brace (1+), b. 24 Feb. 1817, Newington, Ct. Y.C. 1841. Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '44-48. — teacher, Pittsfield, Ms. '48-'51. — in business, Pittsfield, Ms., '51-54 ; New Britain, Ct., '54-'63 ; New Haven, Ct., '63-. *Moses Parmelee Case (1—), b. 12 Oct. 1814, Westford, Vt. U.Vt. 1839.— (Ord.V) — teacher, high school, Newburyport, Ms., (seven years). — Died, at Pepperell, Ms., 18 Dec. 1859. Luther Clapp (2+), b. 18 Oct. 1819, Westhampton, Ms. W.C. 1841.— Ord. 5 Oct. 1845. Wauwatosa, Wis., a.p. '45-48; p. '48-73 ; also, editor Wis- consin Puritan, '63-67. — w.c. Wauwatosa, Wis., '73-81. — a.p. Pewaukee, Wis., '81-. William Coffin (1+), b. 14 Jan. 1842, Wiscasset, Me. Ill.C. 1841. — Prof. Math., Nat. Phil., and Astron., 111. Coll., '44-'53. — res. Batavia, 111., '53-. 1880.] 1845. 165 Azariah Eldridge, d.d. (1), b. 7 Feb. 1820, Yarmouth, Ms. Y.C. 1841.— — Yale Theol. Sem., 1845. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '45-'47. — Ord. 15 Sept. 1847. p. North Cong, ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '47-'55. — p. Fort st. Fresb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '59-65. — a.p. American Chapel, Paris, France, '66-68. — trav. Europe, '68-69. — Sec. Evang. Alliance, New York city, '70-'71. — res. New York city, '71. — trav. Europe, '73-74. — w.c. Yarmouth Port, Ms., '74-. Joseph Emerson, d.d. (2), b. 28 May 1821, Norfolk, Ct. Y.C. 1841. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Tutor, Yale Coll., '44-48. — Ord. 22 Feb. I860. — Prof. Anc. Lang., Beloit Coll., '48-'56 ; Prof. Greek, '56-. George Rigor Entler, ph.d. (1 — ), b. 18 June 1818, Shepherdstown, Va. W.C. 1842. — Bangor Theol. Sem., '43-'45.— Ord. 6 Aug. 1845. p. Presb. ch., Hillsdale, N.Y., '45-'46.— Cong, ch., Windsor, Ms., a.p. '46-'47; p. '47-'50.— agent A.B.C.F.M., in Western Ms., '50. — w.c. Pittsfield, Ms., '50-'52. — a.p. Harford and Preble, N.Y., '52-'57 ; Riverhead, L.I., '57-'61 ; Meredith, N.Y., '61-66. — stud. comp. philol., Univ. Berlin, Prussia, '66- '67. — teacher German, Franklin, N.Y., '67-'69, and a.p. Westbrook, N.Y., »68-'69. — Prof German, Delaware Lit. Inst., Franklin, N. Y., '69-70.— res. Franklin, N.Y. (teacher, and a.p. Osceola, N. Y., '72-'73), '72-. William Hinman Gilbert (1+), b. 12 Feb. 1817, Weston, Ct. Y.C. 1841.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1843. — a.p. First ch., Haddam, Ct., '45-'46. — Ord. 21 Oct. 1846, p. Westminster, Vt., '46-'51. — p. Ashfield, Ms., '51-'55.— p. Granby, Ct., '56-'65 ; also agent Am. Bible Soc. (res. Colebrook, Ct., '64-'65; Brattleborough, Vt., '66-'69; Berlin, Ct., '69-'70; Hartford, Ct., '70-74 ; New Haven, Ct., '74-78), '64-78. — Sec. Ct. Bible Soc, res. South Norwalk, Ct., '78-. *Joel Grant (1), b. 24 Jan. 1816, Colebrook, Ct. Y.C. 1838. — teacher, Berlin, Md., '38-39. —Prof. Math., U.S. ship of war Potomac, '39-42. — Ord., at South Cornwall, Ct., 29 Sept. 1845. h.m. — a.p. Lockport, 111., '45-47. — p. West Avon, Ct., '48-52. — p. Lockport, 111., '52-58. — a.p. Bristol, 111., '59-'60 ; Lockport, 111., '60-'61. — chap. 12th 111. Vols., and 113th U.S.C.T., '6l_'66. — a.p. Colebrook, Ct., '67-68; Bristol, III, '68-'70 ; Cambridge, 111., '70-73; Downer's Grove, 111., '73 until died, at Chicago, 111., 31 Dec. 1873. Charles Henry Hall, d.d. (1), b. 7 Nov. 1820, Augusta, Ga. Y.C. 1842.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 24 Aug. 1844; priest, 12 Nov. 1845. r. St. John's ch., Huntington, L.I., '45-'47. — r. West Point, N.Y., '4 7-'48. — r. John's Island, S.C, '48-57. — r. ch. of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C, '57-69. — r. ch. of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N.Y., '69-. Marcus R. Keep (1), b. 27 March 1816, Swanton, Vt. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ord. 4 Jan. 1847. h.m. Fort Kent, etc., '46-'48 ; Burlington and Passadumkeag, Me., '48-'50 ; Aroostook Co., Me., at Alburgh, Fort Kent, Portage Lake, Ashland, Masardis, and Oxford (res. Ashland), '50-. 166 1845. [1880. ♦Charles French Low (2), b. 14 Jan, 1819, Concord, N. H. D.C. 1842.— Union Theol. Sem., '42-43. — Not ordained. — stud, law, Concord, N.H., and New York city, '45-'47. — private, 9th U.S. Inf., Mexican War, and afterwards Second Lieut., '47-'49. — lawyer, Jamestown, Cal. (?). — in Minn., '..-'.. — Drowned, near Titusville, Fla., 16 Jan. 1874. Jabez Baldwin Lyman, m.d. (1), b. 18 April 1820, Easthampton, Ms. A.C. 1841. — Not ordained. — teacher French and German, Amh. Coll., '48-'49. — teacher, Abbeville, S.C, and in Ga., '50-'54. — Prof. Math., Oglethorpe Univ., Ga., '54-'55. — M.D. JefF. Med. Coll., 1857. — physician, Chicago, 111., '57-'58; Rockford, III., '58-'81 ; Salem, Ms., '81-. Dwight Whitney Marsh, i>.D. (1), b. 5 Nov. 1823, Dalton, Ms. W.C. 1842.— Union Theol. Sem., 1849. — Ord. 2 Oct. 1849. f.m. Mosul, Eastern Turkey, '50-'60. — a.p. Hinsdale, Ms., '61-'62. — prin. young ladies' sem., Rochester, N.Y., '63-67. — a.p. Godfrey, 111., '67-68. — prin. young ladies' sem., Rochester, N.Y., '68-69. — a.p. Whitney's Point, N.Y., '69-71; Owcgo, N. Y., '71-'75; North Amherst, Ms., '76-'77; Haydenville, Ms., '78-'82.— W.C. Amherst, Ms., '82-. *Enos Janes Montague (2), b. 16 March 1820, Westhampton, Ms. W.C. 1841. Hart. Theol. Sem., 1845.— Ord., at Westhampton, Ms., 14 May 1846. h.m. — Summit, Wis., a.p. '46-'48 ; p. '48-62. — p. Oconomowoc, Wis., '62-72. — p. Fort Atkinson, Wis., '73-79. — p. Rosendale, Wis., '80 until died, at Westhampton, Ms., 30 Sept. 1880. George Washington Porter, d.d. (1), b. 21 June 1817, Beverly, Ms. Halle, and Witt., Ger., 1844. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 8 Sept. 1846 ; priest, 2 Oct. 1847. — r. St. Mary's ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '46-53. — r. St. An- drew's ch., Schoharie, N.Y., and (founder and) head of Wainwright Inst., Middleburgh, N.Y., '53-'57. — r. Christ ch., Morehouse, N.Y., '57-'64. — r. St. Michael's ch., Brattleborough, Vt., '64-65. — r. St. Peter's ch., Drews- ville, N.H., '67-'68, — r. Trinity ch., Woburn, Ms., '68-'71. — r. Constable- ville, N.Y., '72. — r. Bainbridge, N.Y., '75. — r. Hamilton, N.Y., '77-'79. — r. Wrentham, Ms., '82-. *George Richards (1), b. 2 Nov. 1816, New London, Ct. Y.C. 1840. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1845. p. Central ch., Boston, Ms., '45- '59. — a.p. Litchfield, Ct, '61-65. — p. First ch., Bridgeport, Ct, '66-'70; died there, 20 Oct 1870. William Ward Whipple (1), b. 25 Aug. 1813, Boylston, Ms. A.C. 1841.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ord., by Presb'y of Northern Mo., 8 Nov. 1846. h.m. Presb. chs., Monticello, etc.. Mo., '45-'46. — La Grange, Mo., a.p. '46-'50; p. 'o0-'62. — a.p. Cong, ch., Griggsvllle, 111., '61-'66; Presb. ch., Clayton, 111., '66-75; Presb. ch., Janesville, lo., '75-'80. — w.c. Camp Point, 111., '80-. 1880.] 1845. 1846. 167 Moses Eaton Wilson (2), from Fredonia, N.Y. Ham.C. 1842. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1845. — h.m. Burlington, Me., '44-45. —Ord. deacon, Episc, 24 Dec. 1848. — h.m. Catherine, Havana, and Jefferson, N.Y., '49-52; Alton and Cuba, N.Y., '52-'56 ; Houma, La., '57-59; Brownville and Pulaski, N.Y., '59-'62. — r. Pulaski, N.Y., '62-'64. — chap. U.S. Army, '64- '65. — r. Harpersville, N. Y., '68-'70. — Waverly, N.Y., '70-'72; Alton, '74.— w.c. New York city, '. .-'82. 1846. George Henry Atkinson, D.D., b. 10 May 1819, Newburyport, Ms. D.C. 1843. — Ord., at Newbury, Vt., 24 Feb. 1847. Oregon City, Or., a.p. '47- '53; p. '53-'65. — p. Portland, Or., '65-. James Munroe Bailey, D.D., b. 3 March 1817, Andover, N.H. D.C. 1843.— Ord. . . Feb. 1847. p. Free Will Bapt. ch.. West Buxton, Me., '47-'55.— p. Casco St. ch., Portland, Me., '55-56. — p. Saco, Me., '56-59. — p. Man- chester, N.H., '5 9-'6 2.— p. Great Falls, N.H., '62-'66. — Prof. Sac. Lit. and Honi., Theol. School, New Hampton, N. H., '66-'68.— (in Saco, Me., 1880.) *Eliplialet Birchard, b. 21 Jan. 1815, Lebanon, Ct. H. C. 1843. — Not or- dained. — a.p. Linebrook, Ms., '49-'50; Andover, Ct., '53-54. — Died, at Lebanon, Ct., 20 Sept. 1854. Timothy Farrar Clary, b. 25 April 1817, Dover, N.H. D.C. 1841.— Ord. 12 Dec. 1849. p. Thetford, Vt., '49-'56. — p. Ashland, Ms., '56-59. — p. Wareham, Ms., '60-'67. — w.c. Wareham, Ms., '67-73 ; Dorchester, Ms., '73-. Charles Cummings, b. 7 June 1817, Hollis,N.H. D.C. 1842. — Not ordained. — prin. acad., Abington, Ms., '44-'45 ; prin. high school, Medford, Ms.,'46- '76., res. Medford, Ms., '76-. Daniel Taggart Fiske, D.D., b. 29 March 1819, Shelburnc, Ms. A.C. 1842. — Ord. 18 Aug. 1847. p. Belleville ch., Newburyport, Ms., '47-. James Fletcher, b. 5 Sept. 1824, Acton, Ms. D.C. 1843.— a.p. Kingston, N. H., '46-'48. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '48-'49. — Ord. 20 June 1849. p. Maple St. ch., Danvers, Ms., '49-'64. — prin. Holton high school, Danvers, Ms., '64-'70 ; Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '71-'77 ; Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '78-. Daniel Little Furber, D.D., b. 14 Oct. 1820, Sandwich, N.H. D. C. 1843. Ord. 1 Dec. 1847. p. First ch., Newton Centre, Ms., '47-. Dayid Garland, b. 22 March 1815, Newfield, Me. A.C. 1843. — Ord. 15 Aug. 1849. p. Second ch., Bethel, Me., '49-. Lewis Grout, b. 28 Jan. 1815, Newfane, Vt. Y.C. 1842.— Yale Theol. Sem., (2). — Ord. 8 Oct. 1846. f.m. Zulus, South Africa, '46-'62. — a.p. Saxton's River, Vt., '62-63. — p. Feeding Hills, Agawam, Ms., '63-65. — agent Am. Miss. Ass'n for N.H. and Vt., res. West Brattleborough, Vt., '65- 168 1846. [1880. Edwin Kuthyen Hodg-man, b. 21 Oct. 1819, Camden, Me. D.C. 1843.— Union Theol. Senv, '44-'.45. — Ord. 17 May 1849. a.p. East Orford, N.H., '48-'50. — Lunenburg, Ms., a.p. '51-'52; p. '52-'55. — p. Lynn field Centre, Ms., '56-'58. — a.p. Westford, Ms., '59-64 (res. there, '64-82 ; Mason, N.H., '82-). — occ. pr., Chelmsford, Ms., '67-'70. — agent of Home for^Des- titute Children, Burlington, Vt., '69. John Summers Holmes, b. . . Feb. 1822, New Bedford, Ms. — . — Not or- dained. — lawyer, Boston, Ms. *William Hayes Lord, D.D., b. 11 March 1824, Amherst, N. H. D. C. 1843. — Ord. 20 Sept. 1847. p. Montpelier, Vt., '4 7 until died there, 18 March 1877. Horace Lyman, b. 15 Nov. 1815, Easthampton, Ms. W. C. 1842. — Ord., at Castleton, Vt., 1 Nov. 1848. h.m. — p. Portland, Or., '48-54. — p. Dalles, Or., '54-'57. — Prof. Math., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Or., '57-. *Pliilip Stodard Myers, from Westerlo, N.Y. U.C. 1843. — Not ordained.— a.p. Presb. ch.,Warsaw, N.Y., '46-47. — Died, at Coxsackie, N.Y., 22 Aug. 1847, aged 27. William Aaron Patten, b. 28 June 1816, Kingston, N.H, D.C. 1843. — a.p. Colebrook, N. H., '47; Hinsdale and Chesterfield, N. H., '47-'50. — Ord. 18 July 1850. p. Deerfield, N. H., '50-'52. — Hinsdale, N. H., '53-54. — a.p. York, Me., '55-58; Maquoketa, lo., '58-59; Grass Valley, Cal., '59; San Francisco, Cal., '60-'61. — occ. pr., '61-64. — chap. 32d Maine Vols., '64. — a.p. Stellapolis, lo., '65-69. — w.c. Wiliamsburg, lo., '69. — a.p. Fort Dodge, lo., '71; Deerfield, N. H., '73; Raymond, N. H., '74-'75. — w.c. Kingston, N.H., '76-. Francis Greenleaf Pratt, b. 30 Jan. 1821, MIddleborough, Ms. A.C. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-45. — Ord. 19 Oct. 1849. p. Winthrop ch., South Maiden (now Everett) Ms., '49-57. — a.p. Peacedale, R.I., '58. — w.c. Middleborough, Ms., '58-. *Cortlandt Wilkins Shattuck, b. 23 Sept. 1816, Groton, Ms. D.C. 1840.— teacher, South, '40-'43. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'46. — Not ordained. — a.p. Bethesda ch,, Charlestown, Ms., '46-'47. — Died, at Groton, Ms., 12 Oct. 1847. *Henry BSLgg Smith, b. 8 Nov. 1819, Westfield, Ms. A.C. 1843. — Ord. 22 July 1847. p. Granville, Ms., '47-'5.1.— p. Abington, Ct., '52-63. — p. Burlington, Ct., '64-67. — p. Newtown, Ct., '67-73. — p. Greenfield, Ct., '73-'77.— a.p. Staffordville, Ct.,'7 7-'78; Shutesbury, (res. South Amherst) Ms., '80 until died there, 10 Aug. 1882. ♦Leonard Swain, D.D., b. 26 Feb. 1821, Concord, N.H. D.C. 1841. — Ord. 24 June 1847. p. Pearl st. ch. Nashua, N.H,, '47-'52. — p. Central ch.. Providence, R.L, '52 until died there, 14 July 1869. 1880.] 1846. 169 James Bradford Richmond Walker, b. 15 April 1821, Taunton, Ms. B.U. 1841. — Ord. 27 Oct. 1847. p. Bncksport, Me., '47-53. — p. Second ch., Holyoke, Ms., '55-'64. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '64-67. — p.e. First ch.,Win- sted, Ct., '67-'69. — in lit. pursuits, Hartford, Ct., '69-80; Boston, Ms., '80-. Henry Lewis Bullen (1+), b. 17 Aug. 1820, East Medway, Ms. D.C. 1842. teacher, Sherb.orn, Ms., '42; West Newbury, Ms., '43 ; Eatonton, Ga., '44- '45 ; Macon, Ga., '46 ; Holliston, Ms., '47-'49. — Ord. 7 May 1850. p. Port Byron, 111., '50. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Iowa Coll., '50-'58. — p. Durant, lo., '60-67.- w.c. Durant, lo., '67-71 ; Moline, 111., '71-. Orramel Wellington Cooley (1), b. 18 Jan. 1816, Hawley, Ms. W.C. 1841. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ord. 4 May 1848. Dover, Ms., a.p. '47- '48; p. '48-50. — a.p. Presb. ch., Granville, 111., '52-'53; Cong, ch.. Fox Lake, Wis., '54-'56 ; Newport, Wis., '56-'58 ; Nora, 111., '59-'61 ; Lanark, 111., '62-63 ; Henry, 111., '63-64; Glenwood, lo., '65-68. — w.c. Glenwood, lo., '68-'78. — a.p. Lanark, 111., '80-. *Isaac Mills Ely (1), b. 14 Jan. 1819, Fairfield, Ct. Y.C. 1843. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1846. — a.p. Silver Creek, N.Y., '46 ; Shelbyville, Tenn., '48 ; Attica and Whitesborough, N.Y., '50. — res. Rochester, N. Y., sup. various places, »50-'66. — Ord., at Brighton, N.Y., 9 Feb. 1861. a.p. Cherry Valley, N.Y., '62; Perry Centre, N. Y., '63. — chap. Alexandria, Va., '64-'65. — a.p. Chenango Forks, N.Y., '66-'68 and '69-'71 ; Ellicottville, N.Y., '68-'69.— prin. family school for girls, Chenango Forks, N. Y., '72-'74; w.c, until died there, 7 Jan. 1880. Caleb Emery (2+), b. 18 March 1813, Sanford, Me. D.C. 1842. — Not or- dained. — prin. Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N.H., '46-48. — sub-master Latin school, Boston, Ms., '50-'55 ; prin. fern, school, '55-'63. — head master high school, Charlestown, Ms., '48-'50 and '63-. Samuel Ware Fisher, (2+), b 1818, Northampton, Ms. W.C. 1841. Union Theol. Sem., '42-'43. — Not ordained. — teacher, Northampton, Ms., '. .-'. . — now res. Huntington, Ms- Mills Bordwell Gelston (1), b. 27 Aug. 1817, Sherman, Ct. Y.C. 1843.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ord., at Somerset, Mich., . . April 1847. — Presb. ch., Albion, Mich., a.p. '46-'51; p. '51-'55. — a.p. Naples, N.Y., '55-76 ; Ann Arbor, Mich., '77-. Burdett Hart (1), b. 16 Nov. 1821, New Britain. Ct. Y.C. 1842. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1846.— Ord. 1 Oct. 1846. p. Fairhaven, Ct., '46-'60. — in business, Philadelphia, Pa., '60-'70. — Fair Haven, Ct., a.p. '73-'80 ; 2, '80-. 22 170 184G. [1880. Charles Goddard Hazeltine (2), b. 12 Oct. 1820, Warren, Pa. W.C. 1839.— Not ordained. — teacher, Millville, N. Y., '40-42 ; Westborongh, Ms., '43- '46; Williamstown, Ms., '46-49; prin. fern, sem., Cherry Valley, N. Y., '49-'61 ; prin. fem. sem., Morristown, N.J., '62- *Josiah Torrey King (1—), b. 21 July 1819, Abington, Ms. Y.C. 1843.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1846. — Not ordained. — h.m. String Prairie, 111., '47- '48. — a.p. East St. Johnsbury, Vt., '49 until died, at Abington, Ms., 7 Oct. 1849. Edward Duffield Neill (1—), b. 9 Aug. 1823, Philadelphia, Pa. A.C. 1842.— Ord 1848. h.m. Elizabeth, 111., '47-'49. — a.p. Presb. ch., St. Paul, Minn., '49-'60. — chap. 1st Minn. Vols., '61-'63 ; U.S. hospital, '63-'64.— priv. sec. to Pres. Lincoln and Pres. Johnson, Washington, D. C, '64. — U. S. consul, Dublin, Ireland, '69-'71. — Pres. Baldwin school and coll., St. Paul (now Macalester Coll., Minneapolis), Minn., '71-. ♦Charles Symmons Putnam (1), b. 29 Nov. 1817, Andover, Ms. U. Vt. 1838. Episc. Theol. Sem., Va., — Ord. deacon, Episc, 18 June 1846; priest, 28 May 1847. Woodbury, Ct.— Derby, Ct. — Warehouse Point, Ct. — Wallingford, Ct. — Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Died, at Hanover, N.Il., 19 Jan. 1860. Philip Titcomb (1), b. 29 Feb. 1812, Newburyport, Ms. Y. C. 1813. — Ban- gor Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ord. 7 April 1847. h.m. — Presb. ch., Hillsdale, Mich., '46-48. —a.p. Cherryfield, Me., '48-'51 ; Dexter, Me., '52-54. — p. Kennebunkport, Me. *55-'64. — a.p. Limerick, Me., '65-'68 ; Plympton, Ms., '68-79 ; Kensington, N.H., '80-. David Torrey, D.D. (1— ),b. 13 Nov. 1818, Bethany, Pa. A.C. 1843. — Union Theol. Sem., 1846. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '46-'47. — Ord. 29 Jan. 1850. p. Presb. ch., Delhi, N.Y., '50-60. — p. Ithaca, N. Y., '60-64. — Ann Arbor, Mich., p.e., '65-66. — w.c. Honesdale, Pa., '66-69. — p. Cazenovia, N.Y., '69-. *David Turner (2), b. 9 Dec. 1815, Lyme, N.H. D.C. 1841. — Not ordained. — prin. Class, and Eng. school, Eichmond, Va., '42-'68. — prin. acad., Tdetford, Vt., '69 until died there, 9 Aug. 1832. Francis Brown Wheeler, d.d. (1+), b. 9 Sept. 1818, North Adams, Ms. U.Vt. 1842. — Ord. 29 May 1850. p. Brandon, Vt., '50-'54. — p. Saco, Me., '54-59. — p. Presb. ch., Poiighkcepsie, N.Y., '59-. John Wickes (1), b. 14 Feb. 1823, Jamaica, N. Y. Y.C. 1843. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 6 Dec. 1848. p. Canaan Four Corners, N.Y., '48-56. — a.p. Brighton, N.Y., '56-'62 ; Presb. ch., Attica, N.Y., '64-. 1880.] 1847. 171 1847. Isaac Grout Bliss, D.D., b. 5 July 1822, Springfield, Ms. A.C. 1844.— Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord., at West Springfield, Ms., 4 May 1847. f.m. Smyrna and Erzriim, '47-'52. — a.p. Soutlibridge and Boylston, Ms., '52- '57. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Turkey, '57-. Lucius Manlius Boltwood, b. 8 June 1825, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1843.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '45-'46. — Not ordained. — res. Amherst, Ms., '47-'52. — librarian, Amh. Coll., '52-'63 ; also postmaster, Amherst, Ms., '61-"65. — assist, librarian, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C, '67-'68. — libra- rian, Young Men's Inst., Hartford, Ct., 'G8-'75. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '75- '79; New Haven, Ct., '79-. *Enoch Haskin Caswell, b. 25 March 1818, Middletown, Vt. M.C. 1843.— Union Theol. Sem., '45-'46. — Ord. 28 June 1848. p. Salisbury, N.H., '48-49. — a.p. Stockbridge, Vt., '49-'51 ; Barnet, Vt., '51-54. — teacher, Bristol, N.H., '56. — a.p. Loudon, N.H , '56-'57; Hookset, N.H., '57-'59. — teacher, Bristol, N.H., '60-'61. — a.p. Bennington, N.H., '61 until died there, 11 Nov. 1863. Edward Warren Clark, b. 6 Oct. 1820, Tewksbury, Ms. D.C. 1844. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1850. p. Bethesda ch., Reading, Ms., '50-'53. — w.c. '53-57. — p. Auburndale, Ms., '57-61. —chap. 47tb Mass. Vols., '63-64. — p. Clare- mont, N.H., '64-70. — w.c. Westborough, Ms., '71-. ♦Christopher Minta Cordley, b. 2 Jan. 1821, Oxford, Eng. W.R.C. 1844. Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 15 Sept. 1849. p. Hopkinton, N.H., '49-'52. — p. First ch.. West Randolph, Ms., '52-57. — p. West Brookfield, Ms., '59-'62. — p. Central ch., Lawrence, Ms., '62 until died there, 26 June 1866. ♦Christopher Cusliin?, D.D., b. 3 May 1820, Scituate, Ms. Y.C. 1844.— Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 27 Feb. 1849. p. Edwards ch., Boston, Ms., '49-'51.— p. North Brookfield, Ms., '51-68.— Sec. Am. Cong. Union, Boston, Ms., '67-77. — Treas. Mass. H.M. Soc, '79. — editor Congregational Quarterly, '6 7-' 78. — Died, at Cambridge, Ms., 23 Oct. 1881. *Samuel Bering- Bexter, b. 3 Oct. 1826, Gloucester, Ms. H.C. 1843. — Ord. 2 Dec. 1847. p. Second ch., Exeter, N. H., '47 until died, at Boston Highlands, Ms., 20 April 1850. Walter Price Boe, b, 30 March 1813, Wilton, N.Y. U.C. 1844. — Union Theol. Sem., '44-'46.— Ord. 11 Nov. 1847. a.p. Greenville, R.L, '47-'49 ; Ref. (Dutch) ch., Gansevoort, L.L, '51-53; Cong, ch., Mendon, Ms., '54- '55; West Stockbridge, Ms., '55-56; Moreau, N.Y., '56-'57; Rehoboth, Ms., '57-'59. — w.c. Providence, R.L, '59-. 172 1847. [1880. Jonathan Edwards, b. 17 July 1820, Andover, Ms. Y.C. 1840. — Yale Theol. Scm. (1). — Ord. 7 Sept. 1848. p. First ch., Woburn, Ms., '48-'56. — p. Plymouth ch., Rochester, N.Y., '56-62. — p. First ch., Dedham, Ms., '63-'74. — p. Grantville (now Wellesley Hills), Ms., '76-. Solomon Payson Fay, b. 21 June 1820, Westborough, Ms. Mar.C. 1844. — Ord. 6 Sept. 1849. p. Hampton, N.H., '49-54. — p. Dayton, O., '54-69. — agent Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '60-'61. — p. First ch., Fall River, Ms., '61-'63. — a.p. Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '63-'65. — p. Hammond st. ch., Bangor, Me., '66-79. — Village ch., Dorchester, Ms., a.p. '80-'81 ; p. '81-. Amos Jones, b. 9 Aug. 1821, Lunenburg, Ms. D.C. 1844. — Ord., Presb., .. April 1849. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch., Danville, Ind., '48-'52; Williamsport, Ind., '53-'56; Presb. ch., Delphi, Ind., '58-'76. — w.c. San Jose, Cal., '77- '79. — a.p. Thorntown, Ind., '81- James Howard Means, D.D., b. 13 Dec. 1823, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1843.— Ord. 13 July 1848. p. Second ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '48-78; w.c. there, '79-. Francis Horace Muzzy, b. 5 Jan. l8l3,Middlebury, Vt. D.C. 1842. — h.m. Dixfield, Me., '47-'48. — Ord. 8 June 1850. p. Salem Presb. ch., Portage, O., '48-52. — a.p. Cong, ch., Milton, O., '53-57. — w.c. South Paris, Me., '57-. ♦Francis Parker, b. 31 Aug. 1823, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1845. — Princeton Theol. Sem. (1 — ). — Not ordained. — Died, at Athens, Greece, 14 Aug. 1849. '^oyal Parkinson, b. 8 Nov. 1815, Columbia, N.H. D.C. 1842.— Union Theol. Sem., '44-'46.— Ord. 18 Oct. 1848. Cape Elizabeth, Me., a.p. '47- '48; p. '48-51. — a.p. Windham, Vt., '52-55. — p. West Falmouth, Me., '55_'57._a.p. Sandwich, N.H., '58-'61 ; Quechee, Hartford, Vt., '61-'63; Randolph, Vt., '63-'64. — chap. 23d U.S.C.T., '64-'65. — a.p. North Brook- field, Vt., '65-'66; Milton, Vt., '66-'68. — Temple, N.H., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70-'72. — clerk, Agric. Dep't. and U.S. Pension Office, Washington, D.C, '72-. ♦Alfred Reynolds, b. 15 Dec. 1811, Derry, N.H. D.C. 1844. — Not ordained. — res. Derry, N.H., '47 until died there, 25 March 1861. Augustus Smith, b. 29 Jan. 1816, Washington, Ct. Y C. 1842. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Not ordained. — teacher, Manchester, Ct., '47-48. — a.p. Bethany, Ct., '48 ; New Hartford, Ct, '49-51. — res. Washington, Ct., '51-'68.— clerk, Treas. Dep't, Washington, D.C, '68-. ♦John McClary Steele, b. 3 Sept. 1822, Epsom, N.H. D.C. 1844.— Ord. 14 Aug. 1847. p. Winchester, Ms., '47-'51. — p. Stratham, N.H., '53-65.— p. Columbus, O., '55 until died, at New York city, 7 April 1857. 1880.] 1847. 173 Joseph Richardson Whittemore, b. 16 May 1817, Greenfield, N.H. A.C. 1843. — a.p. Bridgewater and Holderness, N. H., '49-'50.— Ord. 30 Jan. 1850. a.p. Dracut Centre, Ms., '50-'51 ; Stratliam, N.H., '51 -'5 2. — book- seller, Chillicothe, O., '53-'68; Milwaukee, Wis., '68-'..; Kansas City, Mo., '75-. Thomas Wilson, b. 15 June 1822, Paisley, Scotland. D.C. 1844. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 1 March 1848. p. Second ch.. Palmer, Ms., '48- '53. — p. AVestford, IVIs., '53-'56.— p. Stoughton, Ms., '56-'76. — a.p. Eaton, N.Y., '77-. ♦Joseph Augustus Adams (1), b. 17 March 1818, South Newmarket, N.H. W.U. 1842. — prin. acad., Norwich, Ct., '42-43. — teacher, N.H. Conf. Sem., '45.— Medford, Ms., '46.— Ord., Meth., 1847.— Walpole, Ms., '47-48. — Watertown, Ms., 48-'50. — Common st. ch., Lynn, Ms., '50-52. — Saugus, Ms., '52-53. — Boston, Ms., '53-56. — Salem, Ms., '56-5 7.— Melrose, Ms., '57-'59. — Cal., invalid, '59 until died, at San Francisco, Cal., 27 Aug. 1860. Samuel Valentine Blakeslee (1), b. 5 Nov. 1818, Claridon, O. W.R.C. 1844. -Yale Theol. Sem., '45-46.- Ord. 24 March 1849. h.m. — a.p. Lenox, O., '47-'48; mining regions, Cal., '49-50. — a.p. Hampden, O., '51-'52. — miss'y to Chinese, San Francisco, Cal., '52-'55. — editor Pacific, res. Oak- land, Cal. (except teacher, Folsora and a.p. Lockeford, three years), '55- '78. — w.c. Oakland, Cal., '79-. ♦Richards Cushraan (1), b. 2 June 1819, South Attleborough, Ms. B.U. 1844. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ord. 1 Dec. 1847. miss'y For. Ev. Soc, Hayti, '47 until died there, 9 June 1849. Lewis Green (1), b. 20 Nov. 1818, Hartford, Vt. A.C. 1844. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '46-'4 7.— Ord. deacon, Episc., 1 March 1848; priest, 12 Oct. 1849. r. Trinity ch., Van Deusenville, Great Barrington, Ms., '48-'61. — r. Christ ch., Harwinton, Ct., '61-62. — r. St. John's ch., North Adams, Ms., '64.— r. St. John's ch., Asiifield, Ms., '64-. William DeLoss Love, d.d. (1), b. 29 Sept. 1819, Barre, N.Y. Ham.C. 1843. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1847.— Ord. 5 April 1848. p. Howe st. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '48-52. — p. Second ch., Berlin, Ct., '53-57. — p. Spring st. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '58-71. — p. East Saginaw, Mich., '71-76. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '77-78. — p. South Hadley, Ms., '79- Jaraes Roe Mershon (1), b. 19 April 1815, Fleming Co., Ky. Y.C. 1844.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ord. 27 April 1848. p. Durham Centre, Ct., '48-'50. — a.p. Ansonia, Ct., '50-'51 ; Colebrook and Middlefield, Ct., '51- '52; Marion, lo., '52-54. — w.c. (now Pres. Missouri Valley, St. Paul, and Chicago R.R. Co.), Newton, lo., '54-. 174 1847. 1848. [1880. Henry Swain Parker (2), b. 20 April 1820, Southborough, Ms. D.C. 1843. — Not ordained. — teacher, Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N.H., '4G-'47 ; Way- land, Ms., '47-'..; Greenville, Ct., '. .-'51; boys' school, Thompson, Ct., '51-64. — farmer, Shopiere, Wis., '64-. George Slocum Folger Savage, d.d. (1 — ), b. 29 June 1817, Cromwell, Ct. y.C. 1840. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ord., at Upper Middletown, Ct., 28 Sept. 1847. p. St. Charles, III, '47-60. — Sec. AVestern Agency, Am. Tr. Soc. (Boston), Chicago, 111., '60-'61. — Western Sec. Am. Tr. Soc. (Boston), '61-'70. — Western Sec. Cong. Pub. Soc, '70-72. — Sec. and Treas., Chicago Theol. Sem., '72-. Joseph Wallace Tarleton (1), b. 9 Feb., 1817, Epsom, N. H. D.C. 1842.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1847.— — Ord. 5 Dec 1850. a.p. Hookset, N.H., '50-53. — w.c Boston, Ms., '53-57. — a.p. North Chelsea, Ms., '57-58. — evangelist, res. Waverly, Ms., '58-. Jeremiah Taylor, d.d. (1), b. 11 June 1817, Hawley, Ms. A.C. 1843.- Princeton Theol. Sem., 1847.— Ord. 27 Oct. 1847. p. Wenham, Ms., '47- '56. — p. First ch., Middletown, Ct., '56-'68. — p. West Killingly, Ct,., '69- '72. — p. Elmwood ch., Providence, R. I., '72-77. — Sec E.I. Miss'y Soc, res. Providence, R.I., '76-. Douglass Kellogg Turner (1), b. 17 Dec. 1823, Stockbridge, Ms. Y.C. 1843. — Yale Theol. Sem., '45-46. — teacher, Neshaminy, Pa., '46-'48. — Ord. 18 April 1848. — p. Presb. ch., Hartsville, Pa., '48-. Martin Kellogg Whittlesey, D.D., (1), b. 14 Sept. 1821, Stockbridge, Ms. Y.C. 1844. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ord., at Lockport, 111, 10 Jan. 1849. First ch., Ottawa, 111., a.p. '48-'49 ; p. '49-'70. — p. Alton, 111., '70-'72.— sup't miss. Am. H. M. Soc, res. Jacksonville, III, '72-78. — w.c. Jackson- ville, 111., '79-'81 ; Ottawa, 111., '81-. 1848. Edmund Kimball Alden, D.D., b. 1 1 April 1825, Randolph, Ms. A.C. 1844. — Ord. 2 Jan. 1850. p. First ch., Yarmonth, Me., '50-'54. — p. Lenox, Ms., '54-'59.— p. Phillips ch., South Boston, Ms., '59-'76.— Sec A.B.C.F.M., Boston, Ms., '76- Alanson Darius Barber, b. 22 Oct. 1818, Beekmantown, N.Y. U.Vt. 1845. — Ord. 17 Jan. 1849. — a.p. Peru, N.Y., '49-'52. — p. Williston, Vt, '52- '60. — w.c. Williston, Vt., '60-'66. — a.p. Willsborough, N.Y., '66-'71 ; New Milfbrd, Pa., '72; Wysox, Pa., '73-'74; Clarendon, Vt., '75-'76 ; editor Vermont Chronicle, Montpelier, Vt., '77-. Joseph Vau Horn Barks, b. 15 Sept. 1817, Shanesville, O. Mar.C. 1845. — Ord. .. Ajjril 184 9. h.m. Presb. cli., Warsaw, Mo., '48-63. — a.p. Presb. ch., Troy, Mo., '64-69 ; Perry, Mo., '69-'81. — w.c, there, '81-. 1880.] 1848. 175 *Joseph Lamson Bennett, b. 8 Nov. 1823, Woburn, Ms. A.C. 1845.— Ord. 1 Oct. 1848. h.m. Hannibal, Mo., '48-51. — p. East Cambridge, Ms., '52- '57. — p. Lockport, N.Y., '58-70. — p. Indianapolis, Ind., '71-73. — p. Springfield, O., '73-74. — a.p. Suspension Bridge, N.Y., '7.5-79. — p. Spencerport, N. Y., '79 until died there, 22 May 1882. Henry Buslmell, b. 31 Jan. 1824, Granville, O. Mar.C. 1845. — Ord., by Franklin Presb'y, 5 Sept. 1849. — a.p. Presb. ch., Lexington, O., '50- '52. — p. Marysville, O., '52-'56. — teacher. Central College, O., '60-'G6. — w.c. Columbus, O., '66-68. — teacher, Albany, Or., '68-69 ; Mc- Minnville, Or., '69-'70. — agent, Granville, O., '70-75. — agent Central Coll., O., '76-. Anson Clark, b. 2 July 1822, Westhampton, Ms. W.C. 1845. — Ord. 10 Jan. 1849. a.p. Brookfield, etc, Wis., '48-'56 ; Hartford, Wis., '56-'67; West Salem, Wis., '67-. *John Townsend Coit, b. 8 May 1824, Buffalo, N.Y. Y.C. 1844. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '49-51.— Ord 1855. — a.p. St. Peter's Presb. ch., Rochester, N. Y., '53-54. — p. Albion, N.Y., '55-60. — p. St. Peter's ch., Rochester, N. Y., '60 until died, at Albion, N". Y., 23 Jan. 1863. *William Upson Colt, b 1824, Ct. Trin. C. 1844. — Not or- dained.— Died, at East Med way, Ms., 28 Sept. 1848. Joshua Cooke, b. 30 Sept. 1821, Lewiston, N.Y. Gen. C — Ord 1850. h.m. — — p. Presb. ch., St. Catherine's, C. W., '51-'55. — a.p. Lewiston, N.Y.. '55-'67. — except private and chap. 8th N.Y. Heavy Art., and 10th Inf., '64-'65. — a.p. Marshalltown, and Adel, lo., '68-'70 ; Moin- gona, lo., '71-'72. — p. Boone, lo. '73-'78. — a.p. Storm Lake, lo., '79-. Ebenezer Cutler, D.D., b. 21 Aug. 1822, Royalston, Ms. U.Vt. 1845.— Ord. 6 March 1850. p. St. Albans, Vt. '50-55. — p. Union ch., Worcester, Ms., '55-'80. — w.c. Worcester, Ms., 80-. Artemas Dean, b. 9 Feb. 1824, Cornwall, N. Y. A.C. 1842. — Auburn Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 5 Feb. 1849. p. Johnson, Vt., '49-51. — p. Newbury, Vt., '51-'57. — p. Greenfield, Ms., '61-'66. — p. Westborough, Ms., '67-69. — w.c. Westborough, Ms., '69-71; Vails Bridge, N. Y., '72. — Ref. ch., Owasco Outlet, N.Y., '73-'75. — High Bridge, N.J., '75-. *Tliomas Edwin Foster, b. 16 Dec. 1820, Andover, Ms. Y.C. 1840. — Yale Theol. Sem., (1). — Not ordained. — 'teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '43-47. — Died, at Andover, Ms., 17 March 1851. Timothy Seymour Goodman, from Cincinnati, O. Mar. C. 1845. — Ord, .. — — a.p. Reynoldsburgh, O., '51-'. . — in business, Cin- cinnati, O., '..-'82. John Wheeler Harding, b. 12 Oct. 1821, Waltham, Ms. Y.C. 1845. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1850. p. Longmeadow, Ms., '50-. 176 1848. [1880. William Ireland, b. 20 Dec. 1 821, Shropsliire, England. 111. C. 1845. — Ord., New Ipswich, N.H., 22 Sept. 1848. f.m. South Africa, '48-. *Jolm Jackson, b. 25 Dec. 1817, Maiden, Ms. Y. C. 1844. — Not ordained. — assist, sec. Boston Board of Trade, '55-'68. — Died, at Boston, Ms., 23 Jan. 1877. *Tlioinas Kennedy, b. 19 Aug. 1822, Ireland. Y.C. 1845. — Not ordained.— Died, at Baltimore, Md., 8 Sept. 1849. Orpheus Thomas Lanphear, D.D., b. 26 Jan. 1 820, West Fairlee, Vt. U.Vt. 1845.— Ord. 25 Oct. 1849. p. Derby, Vt., '49-'55.— p. High st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '55-56. — p. Second ch., Exeter, N.H., '58-64. — p. College st. ch., New Haven, Ct.. '64-67. — p. Dane st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '67-80. — w.c. Beverly, Ms., '80-. *Plinias Moody, b. 23 April 1822, South Hadley, Ms. A.C. 1845. — Not or- dained. — Died, at Kirtland, O., 6 April 1858. *Geor^e Harrison Newhall, b. 15 Nov. 1825, Athol, Ms. A.C. 1845. — Ord. 18 Sept. 1850. p. Walpole, Ms., '50 until died there, 24 Aug. 1853. Joseph Thomas Noyes, b. 4 March 1818, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1845.— Ord. 20 Sept. 1848. f.m. Ceylon, '48-'53 ; Madura District, Southern India, '53-. John Parsons, b Alfred, Me. B.U. 1842.— Yale Theol. Sem. — Ord. 14 May 1857. h.m. Me., '48-'56. — p. Liraington, Me., '57-63.— a.p. Kennebunkport, Me., '63-66. — p. First ch., York, Me., '66-'69. — p. Lebanon, Me., '69-'73. — w.c. Lebanon, Me., '74-76 ; Kennebunk, Me , '77-'80 ; Exeter, N.H., '81-'82 ; Newton Centre, Ms., '82-. Hezekiah Danford Perry, b. 21 March 1818, Rehoboth, Ms. A.C. 1845.- Not ordained. — farmer, Conway, Ms., 1878. Joshua Mackrice Pitman, b. 29 May 1819, Meredith, N. II. D.C. 1841.— Not ordained. — a.p. Bapt., Sutton, N.H., '52-'53. — teacher and pr., Menomonee, Wis., '54-60; Cedar Mills, Minn., '60-. Silas Goodyear Randall, b. 26 July 1819, Weybridge, Vt. M.C. 1845.— Union Theol. Sem., '45-'46. — Ord., Presb., .. June 1850. h.m. — a.p. Roscoe, 111., '48-'50; Essex, N. Y., '50-'52. — w.c. Elgin, Mich., '53-'54 ; Rockford, 111., '54 ; Chicago, 111., '65 ; Rockford, 111., '56-'. . ; Providence, R. I., '. .-. *Nathan Bnrnham Rogers, b. 17 April 1821, Exeter, N. H. D.C. 1845.— Ord. 6 Dec. 1848. p. South ch., Hallowell, Me., '48 until died there, 29 Oct. 1849. *Levi Wheaton, b. 4 Oct. 1817, Warwick, Ms.. A.C. 1845.— Ord. 23 Jan 1850. p. West Gloucester, Ms., '50-57. — a.p. North Falmouth, Ms., '58- 'G7; Poplar Grove, 111., '6 7-' 71. — Died, at Beloit, Wis., 8 Oct. 1872. 1880.] 1848. 177 Abel Wood, b. 7 June 1818, Westminster, Ms. D. C. 1843. — Not ordained. — teacher, Canton, N.Y., '49-50. — a.p. Warner, N. H., '51-52. — teacher, Coll. Inst., Gilbertsville, N. Y., '52-'53. — a.p. First ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '53-54. — prin. Coll. Inst., Gilbertsville, N. Y., '54-'56. — teacher, Kimball Un. Acad., Merlden, N.H., '56-69. — prin. acad., Albany, N.Y., '69-'70: Coll. Inst., Gilbertsville, N.Y., '71-. ♦Caleb Alexander (1), b. 25 Dec. 1817, Brattleborough, Vt. —. — Not or- dained.— Died, at Brattleborough, Vt., 23 Jan. 1873. Oliver Crane, d.d. (1), b. 12 July 1822, West Bloomfield (now Montclair), N.J. l^C. 1845. — Union Theol. Sem., 1848. — Ord., by Newark Presb'y, 29 June 1848. f.m. Turkey, '49-50; Aintab, Syria, '51-53. — p. Presb. ch., Huron, N. Y., '54-'57. — p. Waverly, N. Y., '57-'60. — f.m. Turkey, '60-'63.— p. Presb. ch., Carbondale, Pa., '64-'70. — w.c. Montclair, N.J., '70-'71 ; Morristown, N.J., '71-. William Tyler Herrick (1), b. 24 Sept. 1818, Milton, Vt. U.Vt. 1839. — Ord. 28 May 1851. p. Winooski, Vt., '51-'54. — p. Candia, N.H., '54-'58. — a.p. Pelham, N.H., '58-'61.— Clarendon, Vt., a.p. '61-'63; p. '63-'72.— a.p. West Charleston, Vt, '72-82. — w.c. Elizabethtown, N.Y., '82-. Timothy Lyman (2-^), b. 28 Aug. 1819, Chester, Ms. A.C. 1844. — Ord. 23 Nov. 1850. h.m. Presb. ch.. Fort Madison, To., '50-51. — p. Cong, ch., Griggsville, 111., '51-52. — a.p. Lansing, lo., '53-56; North Pepin, Wis., '56-'58; Plainfield, 111., '59-'62. — p. La Salle, 111., '62. — a.p. Beardstown, 111., '63-66. — p. Killingworth, Ct., '66-69. — w.c. Northampton, Ms., '69- '. . — a.p. Southwick, Ms., '71-72. — w.c. Westfield, Ms., '73. — a.p. Ludlow Mills, Ms., '74-'77. — w.c. Ludlow Mills, Ms., '78-'79 ; Rutland, Ms., '81-. *Silas Merriam (2), b. 19 Dec. 1819, Middleton, Ms. D.C. 1844. — Not or- dained. — teacher, Ky., '45-48. — in business, Marion, lo., '48-'.. — Died, at Chicago, 111., 5 April 1877. William Thomas Reynolds (1), b. 23 Nov. 1823, West Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1845. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1848. — Ord. 22 April 1852. Sherman, N. Y., '51- '55. — a.p. Kiantone, N. Y., '56-62. — North Haven, Ct., a.p. '63-69; p. '69-. Joseph Emerson Swallow (1), b. 21 April 1817, Nashua, N. H. D.C. 1843. — Union Theol. Sem., 1848. — Ord. 18 July 1848. p. Greenport, L.L, '48- '50. — p. Wilmington, Ms., '51-'55. — p. Nantucket, Ms., '56-'58. — a.p. Stoneham, Ms., '58-'59. — p. Southampton, Ms., '59-'61. — a.p., partially, Burlington, Ms., res. Woburn, '63-66. — p. Groton, Ct., '67-'70. — a.p. South Canaan, Ct., '70-73 ; Alford, Ms., '73-76. — — a.p., Edgar- town, Ms., '81-. 23 178 1849. [1880. 1849. Joseph Baiigher Bittinger, D.D.,b. 30 March 1823, Berwick, Pa. P.C. 1844. — prin. Abbot Acad., Andover, Ms., '49-50. — Orel. 28 April 1852. Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '51-'53. — p. Euclid Av. Presb. cb., Cleve- land, O., '53-63. — p. Sewickley, Pa., '64-. Silas Morrison Blanchard, b. 9 March 1820, Windham, N. H. D.C. 1842. — Columbia Theol. Sem., (1). — Ord. 27 Oct. 1853. a.p. Chichester, N.H., '52-'57; Bath, N.H., '57-'58. — p. Wentworth, N.H., '59-'60. — w.c. Wentworth, N. H., '60-66. — a.p. Hudson, N. H., '67-'68. — w.c. Hudson, N.H., '69-. *LeTi Alpheus Field, b. 17 Sept. 1821, Leverett, Ms. A. C. 1846. — a.p. Agawam, Ms., '50-53.— Ord. 31 Aug. 1853. p. Marlborough, Ms., '53 until died there, 22 Oct. 1859. George Elislia Fisher, b. 22 Jan. 1823, Harvard, Ms. A.C. 1846.— Ord. 27 Feb. 1850. p. Rutland, Ms., '50-52. — p. North ch., Amherst, Ms,, '52-58. — p. Mason Village, now Greenville, N. H., '59-'62. — p. Ashburn- ham, Ms., '63-67. — p. South Hadley Falls, Ms., '67-'78. — p. Second ch., Amherst, Ms., '79-. Edward Hanford Greeley, b. 23 April 1817, Hopkinton, N.H. D.C. 1845. — Ord. 7 Nov. 1849. p. Haverhill, N.H., '49-58.- p. Pearl st. ch., Nashua, N.H., '58-'60. — p. Methuen, Ms., '61-'66. — w.c. and occ. pr., '66-'69.— p. Haverhill, N. H., '69-74. — Sec. N.H. Home Miss. Soc, res. Concord, N.H., '74-. Samuel Newell Grout, b. 5 July 1818, Stratton, Vt. M.C. 1846. — h.m. '49- '50. — Ord., by Presb'y of Northeast Mo., 28 April 1850. h.m. Presb chs., Edina and Memphis, Mo., '50-54. — AVest Ely, Mo., '54-55. — a.p. Cong, ch., Fulton, III, '55; Big Rock, etc., lo., '56-'67; Munroe, lo., '67-'69; Elmore, Neb., '69. — w.c. Elmore, Neb., '70-72. — a.p. Macon, Neb., '72-. John Hopkins Gurney, b. 21 Sept. 1821, Dover, Me. O.C. 1845. — Ord. 22 Feb. 1850. p. East St. Johnsbury, Vt., '50-56. — p. New Braintree, Ms., '56-69. — p. Foxcroft and Dover, Me., '69-75. — a.p. Trinity ch., Neponset, Ms., '76-'77; Harvard, Ms., '78-'79 ; Humboldt, Jo., '80-'82 ; Dover, Dakota, '82-. Stephen Abbott Holt, b. 15 Feb. 1841, Norway, Me. B.C. 1846. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1850. p. Milton, Vt., '50-'51. — in business, Boston, Ms., res. Win- chester, Ms. George Alvan Howard, D.D., b. 22 Jan. 1816, Salem, Ms. —. — Yale Theol. Sem., (2). — - Ord. 17 July 1850. p. Presb. ch., Catskill, N. Y., '50-. 1880.] 1849. 179 *Zephaniah Moore Humphrey, D.D., b. 30 Aug. 1824, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1843. — Union Theol. Seni., '46-47. — a.p. Milwaukee, Wis., '49-'50. — Ord. 9 Oct. 1850. p. Fir^^t Presb. ch., Racine, Wis., '50-56. — p. Plymouth Cong, ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '56-59. — p. First Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '59_'68. — p. Calvary ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '68-'75. — Prof. Ch. Hist, and Pol., Lane Theol. Sem., '75 until died, at Cincinnati, O., 13 Nov. 1881. Josliiia Huntington, M.D., b. 11 Feb. 1812, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1832. — Not ordained. — teacher, Brooklyn, N.Y., '53-63. — clerk, U.S. Treas. Dept., Washington, D. C, '65- Jolin Edward Bullard Jewett, b. 9 Dec. 1821, Pepperell, Ms. D.C. 1843. — Ord. 25 Sept. 1850. p. East Jaffrey, N.H., '50-52.— res. and occ. pr.. East Jaffrey, N. H., '52-'59. — w.c. Pepperell, Ms., '59-'67. — prin. high school, Pepperell, Ms., '67-72. — w.c. Pepperell, Ms., '73-. *George Barker Little, b. 21 Dec. 1821, Castine, Me. B.C. 1843. — Ord. 12 Oct. 1849. p. First ch., Bangor, Me., '49-57. — p. West Newton, Ms., '57 until died, at Roxbury, Ms., 20 July 1860. John Oliver Means, D.D., b. 1 Aug. 1822, Augusta, Me. B.C. 1843. — Ord. 3 Dec. 1851. p. P^ast Medway, Ms., '51-'55. — p. Vine st. ch., Boston Highlands, Ms., '55-'77.— Sec. Cong. Pub. Soc, Boston, Ms., '78-80.— Sec. A.B.C.F.M., '80-. *Jason Morse, b. 9 March 1821, Southbridge, Ms. A.C. 1845. — teacher, Monson Acad., '45-46. — Ord. 12 Dec. 1849. p. Brimfield, Ms., '49 until died there, 14 Oct. 1861. Charles William Munroe, b. 27 Oct. 1821, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1847.— Ord. 26 Dec. 1849. h.m. Blake's Prairie, Wis., '49-50. — a.p. Appleton, Wis., '50-'54; Fort Howard, Wis., '54-'56. — in business, res. Cambridge, Ms., '56-. Richard Osborne, b. 25 Dec. 1821, Fonda's Bush, N.Y. U.C. 1846. — Auburn Theol. Sem., (1). — Ord., at Champion, N. Y., 19 Jan. 1853. a.p. Manns- ville, N. Y., '52-'55 ; also a.p. Sandy Creek, N.Y., '52-'59 ; Coleraine, Ms., '60-62; Champion, N. Y., '63-65; Green Island, N. Y., '65-'68. — w.c. Northumberland, N.Y., '68-76 ; Saratoga, N. Y., '76-. ♦Salem Marsh Plimpton, b. 21 April 1820, Sturbridge, Ms. A.C. 1846.— Ord. 8 May 1851. p. Wells River, Vt., '51-61. — chap. 4th Vt. Vols., '6i-'62. — a.p. North ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '62-63 ; East Douglas, Ms., '63-64; Chelsea, Vt., '65 until died there, 14 Sept. 1866. *John Newton Putnam, b. 26 Dec. 1822, Andover, Ms. D.C. 1843.— teacher, Newport. R.I., '43-44; Leicester, Ms., '45-47. — Ord., at Woodstock, Vt., 6 Oct. 1852. Prof. Greek, Dart. Coll., '49 until died, at sea, near St John's, Newfoundland, 22 Oct. 1863. 180 18 49. [1880- Eoger Moses Sargent, b. 7 Sept. 1824, Barton, Vt. D.C. 1846. — a.p. West Newbury, Ms., '49-'50; Farniington, N.II., '50-51.— Ord. 27 April 1852. p. Gihnanton Centre, N.H., '52-'60. — p. Farmington, N.H., '60-69. — p. Princeton, Ms., '69-'71. — a.p. Ind. ch., Godfrey, 111., '71-'74; Webster Groves, Mo., '75 ; lUIni (Harristown P.O.), 111., '75-'82. — w.c. there, '82-. James Carter Seagrave, b. 14 April 1821, Uxbridge, Ms. B.U. 1845. — Ord. 3 Dec. 1851. p. Fifth Cong, ch.. Providence, R.L, '51-'53. — Roch- ester, N. PI., a.p. '53-'54; p. '54-'56. — a.p. Scotland, Bridgewater, Ms., '57-'65; Wentvvorth, N.II., '65-'70. — p. East Marshfield, Ms., '70-74.— a.p. Fourth ch., Haverhill, JVls., '74-78; Otis, Ms., '78-. *Ainl)rose Smith, b. 9 July 1820, Ossipee, N.H. D.C. 1845.— Ord. 9 July 1850. p. Northfield, Vt, '50-53. — p. Boscawen, N.H., '53 until died there, 3 Oct. 1862. Bernhard Steinthal, from N.Y. Oldenburg, Ger. 1835. — Ord., by Presb'y of Philadelphia, 4 Nov. 1851. miss'y to Jews and Germans, Philadelphia, Pa. — Lutheran miss'y, Lawrence, Ms. ; said to have returned to Germany. William Gardner Tuttle, b. 25 Sept. 1819, Littleton, Ms. A.C. 1846.— Ord. 16 April 1851. p. Harrisville, N. H., '51-60. — p. First ch. Ware, Ms., '61-. Isaac Cushing White, b. 24 Feb. 1822, Abington, Ms. O.C. 1845. — Ord. 23 Oct. 1850. p. North Abington, Ms., '50-60. — a.p. Nantucket, Ms., '61-'62. — res. Boston Highlands, Ms., occ. sup., '62-'65. — a.p. Newmarket, N.H., '65-. Lyman White, b. 23 July 1818, Roxbury, N.H. D.C. 1846. — Ord. 23 Oct. 1849. Epping, N.H., a.p. '49-54 ; p. '54-55. — p. Easton, Ms., '55-62.— p. Phillipston, Ms., '63-'71. — a.p. Pembroke, N.II., '71-'75; Deerfield, N.H., '75-. Philo Beckwith Wilcox, b. 18 Jan. 1818, Benson, Vt. U.Vt. 1845. — Ord. 14 May 1851. p. East and West Bridgewater, Ms., '51-60. — a.p. First ch., Norway, Me., '60-'65 ; Otisfield, Me., '65-'70; Blue Hill, Me., '71-'72. — w.c. Northborough, Ms., '72-. Rensselaer Winchell, b. 8 Feb. 1818, West Springfield, Ms. lll.C. 1845.— Ord., at Hannibal, Mo., . . Oct. 1849. h.m. Presb. ch., Tully, Mo., '49-'51. — a.p. Cong, ch., Warren, lo., '53-'54. — accountant, Boston, Ms., '54-. ♦William Woodruff Atwater (1), b. 4 Nov. 1824, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1846. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1850. — Ord. 3 Dec. 1850. h.m. — a.p. Lima, Mich., '50-'52 ; Niles, Mich., '52-'54 ; Hudson, Mich., '54-'56 ; Elkhart, Ind., '56- '59. — p. Prospect, Ct., '60-65. — a.p. West Avon, Ct., '65-68. — w-.c. Plainville, Ct., '68-'69. — a.p. South Killingly, Ct., '69-'73. — librarian, Yale Law Sch., '73 until died, at New Haven, Ct,, 15 March 1874. 1880.] 1849. 1850. 181 Nathaniel Purdy Bailey, d.d. (1), b. 18 May 1817, Marlborough, N.Y. Y.C. 1846. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1849. — Ord. 7 Nov. 1849. p. Akron, O., '49- '56. — Ind. Presb. ch., Painesville, O., a.p. '56-'57; p. '5 7-'64. — editor Telegraph, Painesville, O., 'G7-'70. — p. First Presb. ch., Warren, O., '70- '79. — p. Massillon, O., '80-. Lorenzo Prentice Blood (l4-),b. 25 July 1824, Pepperell, Ms. A.C. 1846.— — Not ordained. — teacher, Shrewsbury, N. Y., '48-'49 ; Upper Marl- borough, Md., '50-51; Pepperell, Ms., '52-53; Marblehead, Ms., '54; South Braintree, Ms., '55-'..; Baltimore, Md., '58-'..; acad., Pembroke, N.H., res. Pepperell, Ms., '. .-. Joseph Franklin Griggs (1), b. 24 April 1822, Sutton, Ms. Y.C. 1846.— Not ordained. — teacher, Sutton, Holden, Worcester, Ms., '47-'49; Alle- gheny City, Pa., '49-'52; Pittsburgh, Pa., '52-'55. — Prof. Gr., Univ. West. Pa., res. Pittsburgh, Pa., '55-. George Edwards Hill (2), b. 3 Nov. 1824, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1846.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1849. — a.p. Durham Centre, Ct., '50-'51.— Ord. 5 June 1851. p. Manchester, Ct., '51-53. — w.c. Belchertown, Ms., 1854. — p. Sheffield, Ms., '55-63. — p. Saxonville, Ms., '63-'70. — p. Southport, Ct., '70-76. — a.p. Marion, Ala., '77-'80. — p. Pittstield, N. H., '81- Issachar Lefavour (1), b. 30 Dec. 1816, Beverly, Ms. A.C. 1842. — Not or- dained. — teacher, Beverly, Ms., '47-. Edwin Gaylord Moore (2), b. 19 Jan. 1818, Avon, N.Y. Mar.C. 1846.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1850.— Ord. 21 Nov. 1852. p. Third Presb. ch., Chi- cago, 111., '52-'54. — a.p. Willoughby, O., '55-'56; Geneseo, N.Y., '57-'60 ; Chillicothe, O., '62 ; Wilmington, 111., '62-'66 ; Gardner, 111., '67-'69. — w.c. Joliet, 111., '69-. Charles Smith (1), from Hudson, N.Y. — . — Albert Tolman (1), b. 13 Feb. 1824, Dorchester, Ms. A.C. 1845. — Not or- dained. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '48-'50. — teacher, Maplewood Young Ladies' Inst., PIttsfield, Ms., '51-'55; Lanesborough, Ms., '55-'68. — prin. high school, Pittsfield, Ms., '68-. Charles Hooper Trask (2), b. 4 Sept. 1824, Manchester, Ms. Y.C. 1846.— Not ordained. — merchant, New York city, '51-. ♦Charles Braman White, m.d. (1), b. 14 Feb. 1826, Thetfbrd, Vt. Wab.C. 1846. — physician, New Orleans, La., '52 until died there, 16 April 1882. 1850. George Moulton Adams, b. 7 July 1824, Castine, Me. B.C. 1844.— Ord. 18 Sept. 1851. p. Conway, Ms., '51-63. — p. North ch., Portsmouth, N.H., '63-72.— p. HoUiston, Ms., '73-. 182 1850. [1880. William James Al^er, b. l July 1823, New Lebanon, N.Y. U.C. 1846.— Ord. 4 Feb. 1852. p. Ellsworth, Ct, '52-'53. — Ord. deacon, Episc., 25 Jan. 1854 ; priest, 13 Dec. 1854. r. St. John's ch., Richfield Springs, N.Y., '54-'55.— r. Zion ch., Morris, N.J., '55-'58. — r. St. Paul's ch., Paris, N.Y., '58-'68. — r. Christ ch., Biddeford, Me., res. Saco, Me., '68-80. — res. Au- burndale, Ms., sup. Milford, '80-'81. — r. Camden, S.C., '81-. Richard Salter Billings, b. 29 Sept. 1820, Conway, Ms. A.C. 1847.— Ord. 6 June 1855. p. Shelburne, Ms., '55-'71. — p. Dalton, Ms., '71-'78. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '78-'79 ; Boston, Ms., '79-'80. — a.p. Stamford, Ct., '80-. William Bird, b. 1 7 Aug. 1823, Valetta, Malta. D.C. 1844. — Ord., at Mer- rimack, N.H., 15 Nov. 1852. f.m. Syria, '53-. Swift Byington, b. 4 Feb. 1824, Bristol, Ct. Y.C. 1847. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 17 Nov. 1852. p. West Brookfield, Ms., '52-'58. — a.p. North Avenue ch., Cambridge, Ms., '59; North Woburn, Ms., '61-62; Old South ch., Boston, Ms., '62-63.- p. Stonehara, Ms., '64-71. — p. First ch., Exeter, N.H., '71-. *Moses MeLellan Colburn, b. 17 Sept. 1819, Fair Haven, Vt. U.Vt. 1844.— Ord. 12 June 1851. p. Pacific ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '5I-'52. — p. South Dedham, Ms., '52-66. — a.p. AVaukegan, 111., '66-70; St. Joseph, Mich., '70 until died there, 26 Jan. 1876. Henry Cnmmings, b. 12 Sept. 1823, Rutland, Ms. A.C. 1847. — Ord. 16 July 1851. p. Newport, N.H., '51-'66. — p. Rutland, Ms., '66-'73. — a.p. StraflTord, Vt., '74-. *Lyman Cutler, b. 4 Aug. 1826, Holliston, Ms. D.C. 1847. — Ord. 22 Jan. 1851. p. Pepperell, Ms., '51-53. — p. Eliot ch., Newton, Ms., '54 until died there, 28 April 1855. *Clark Elam Ferrin, D.D., b. 20 July 1818, Holland,Vt. U.Vt. 1845.— teacher, Ga., '45-47.— Ord. 9 Dec. 1850. p. Barton, Vt., '50-54. — p. Hinesburg, Vt., '56-'77. — p. Plainfield, Vt., '78 until died there, 27 June 1881. Charles Henry Gates, b. 26 Aug. 1823, Palmer, Ms. A.C. 1847.— a.p. Nottingham, N.H., '50-'51. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1851. h.m.— a.p. Fairfield, lo., '51-56. — p. Washington, lo., '56-62. — p. Oskaloosa, lo., '62-68.— a.p. Buxton, Me., '68-71 ; Soraersville, Ct., '71-74 ; Kennebunkport, Me., '74-. ♦William Dorus Hitchcock, b. 18 Nov. 1823, Pittsford, Vt. U.Vt. 1847.— Ord. 22 Oct. 1851. p. Clinton, Ms., '51-53.- p. First ch., Exeter, N.H., '53 until died there, 23 Nov. 1854. Benjamin Judkins, b. 28 May 1820, Boston, Ms. — H.C. 1848. — Ord. 1 April 1851. p. Nantucket, Ms,, '51-55.— p. Somerville, Ms., '56-58. — p. Presb. ch., Allentown, Pa., '59-'62. — p. Cong, ch., Clinton, Ms. '62-'67. p. Keokuk, I).. '68-'70. — now Episc, Dedham, Ms. 1880.] 1850. 183 John Tallmadge Marsh, b. 17 Dec. 1825, Iladdam, Ct. Y.C. 1845. — Union Theol. Sem., '46-'47. — a.p. Galena, 111., '51-'52; Rock Island, 111., '52-'53. — Ord. 14 Sept. 1853. p. Peoria, 111., '53-55. — a.p. Le Claire, lo., '55- '56 ; Fort Howard, Wis., '56-'58 ; Sheboygan Falls, Wis., '58-'60 ; Hart- land, Wis., '60-62; New Lisbon, Wis., '62-63. — private 1st Ohio Light Artillery, '63-'66. — a.p. Harpersfield, N.Y., '67-'71. — p. New Haven, N.Y., '71-'72. — W.C., travelling, '72-'73.— a.p. Black Creek, N.Y., '73- '74 ; Second cL., Crown Point, N.Y., '74-'77 ; Lisle, N.Y., '77-'79 ; Barry- ville and Eldred, N.Y., '79-'80; Millerton, N.Y., '80-'81.— Abel Eiiigmau Packard, b. 19 March 1823, North Bridgewater, Ms. A.C. 1845. — Ord. 16 Dec. 1851. p. First ch., Yarmouth, Ms., '51-59. — a.p. St. Anthony, Minn., '59-'60. — p. Anoka, Minn., '60-74. — a.p. Greeley, Col., '74-'82. ♦Charles Henry Peirce, b. 29 Nov. 1822, Peru, Ms. O.C. 1845. — Ord. 9 Oct. 1850. p. West ch., Andover, Ms., '50-55. — a.p. Kewanee, etc., 111., '55-'61. — p. Millbury, Ms., '61 until died there, 5 Oct. 1865. ♦Albert Perry, b. 17 Dec. 1820, Rindge, N. H. — .— Ord. 8 Jan. 1851. p. Stoughton, Ms., '51-55. — w.c. New Ipswich, N.H., '55 until died there, 17 June 1862. ♦Timothy Stowe, b. 6 Sept. 1824, Dedham, Ms. A.C. 1847. — Ord. 11 April 1854. Pacific ch.. New Bedford, Ms., a.p. '52-54; p. '54 until died there (of disease contracted while in service of U.S. Cbr. Com., '65), 12 Aug. 1866. John Riddle Upton, b. 4 Oct. 1819, Wilmot, N.H. A.C. 1847.— h.m. Alex- ander and Cooper, Me., '51. — Ord., at Wilmot, N.H., 22 April 1851. h.m. Tivoli, etc., lo., '51-'53. — a.p. Inland, etc., lo., '53-'55. — occ. pr., res. Moreton, Vt., '55-'57. — a.p. Wolf Creek (now Buckingham), etc., lo., '57-59 ; Monona, lo., '60-69. — h.m. Lakeville, Dickinson Co., lo., '69-'80. — w.c. Spirit Lake, lo., '81-. Joshua Wyman Wellman, D.D., b. 28 Nov. 1821, Cornish, N.H. D.C. 1846. — Ord. 18 June 1851. p. Derry, N.H., '51-'56. — p. Eliot ch., Newton, Ms., '56-73. — p. Maiden, Ms., '74-. ♦T. P. Calhoun (2), from Lebanon, Tenn. Mi.U. 1844. — killed, at St. Cloud, Minn., 10 Feb. 1859. Warren Fales Draper (1), b. 12 Dec. 1818, Dedham, Ms. A.C. 1847. — Not ordained. — publisher, Andover, Ms., '49-. Henry Luther Edwards (2), b. 24 Jan. 1822, Southampton, Ms. A.C. 1847. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '49-52. — Ord. 12 July 1857. p. South Abington, Ms., '57-68. — a.p. North Middleborough, Ms., '68-72. — sup't schools, Northampton, Ms., '73-. 184 1850. 1851. [1880. *Donatus Merrill (1), b. 7 March 1826, Kittery, Me. B.C. 1846. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1850. — h.ra. Me., '50-'51 ; Arcadia, Mo., '51-'52. — Ord. 20 July 1853. a.p. Woodburn, 111., '52 until died there, 17 Aug. 1853. Charles Temple (1), b. 10 July 1824, Valetta, Malta. A.C. 1845. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1850. — Ord., at Unity, Me., .. Oct. 1851. h.m. Milo and Sebec, Me., '50; Unity, Me., '50-'52. — a.p. Godfrey, 111., '52-'54-, Ver- montville, Mich., '54-'62. — p. Otsego, Mich., '62-65. — teacher, Otsego, Mich., '65-. *Ambrose Tower TilLson (2-f-), b. 16 June 1821, Cummington, Ms. W.C. 1845. — Died, at Cummington, Ms., whilea member of the Seminary, 6 March 1850. 1851. George Atliearn Adams, b. 21 Dec. 1821, TIsbury, Ms. O.C. 1847. — Ord., at Bowling Green, Ind,, 19 Dec. 1852. a.p. Presb. ch., Rockville, Ind., '52-'55; Willonghby, O., '55-'56 ; Perrysburg, O. (chap. 11th Ohio Vol. Cav., '63-'64), '57-. Thomas Eliakim Bliss, D.D., b. 25 Nov. 1824, Brimfield, Ms. U.C. 1848. — Ord. 2 June 1852. p. North Middleborough, Ms., '52-55. — p. Black- stone, Ms., '55-'61. — a.p. Hancock, Mich., '62-'63. — exploring agent Am. H.M. Soc, Mo., '63-64. — Un. ch., Memphis, Tenn , '64-70. — Denver, Col., '71-'73. — a.p. St. Paul's ch., Presb., Denver, Col, '73-'80 ; w.c. Den- ver, Col., '82-. *Tliomas Scott Bradley, b. 15 April 1825, Lee, Ms. W.C. 1848. — Hart. Theol. Sem. — a.p. Lanesborough, Ms., '51-52; Cornwall, Ct.,'52. — Ord. 6 July 1853. p. Wilton, Ct., '53-57. — teacher. South Norwalk, Ct., '58- '61. — New Lebanon, N.Y., '61-'. . — capt. 1st N.Y. Sharpshooters, '62 until died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 28 June 1863. Justin Edwards Burbank, b. 18 March 1825, Washington, N.H. D.C. 1848. — Ord. 13 April 1858. a.p. Carimona, Minn., '57-62. — occ. sup. Union (now Bristol), Minn., '59-'60. — editor, Preston, Minn. (a.p. '61), '61-'65. — a.p. Quincy, Minn., '69-'70; Nelson, N.H, '71-'72. — now at Concord, N.H. *Davld Burt, b. 2 Aug. 1822, Monson, Ms. O.C. 1848. — Ord. 5 Nov. 1851. p. Raymond, N.H., '51-'55. — p. Rutland, Ms., '56-'58. — a.p. Winona, Minn., '58-66. — Freedm. Bureau, .Nashville, Tenn., '66-'68. — a.p. Min- neapolis, Minn., '68-'69 ; New Braintree, Ms., '70. — sup't schools, Winona Co., Minn., '70-75. — state sup't pub. ins., res. Northfield, Minn., '75 until died there, 23 Sept. 1881. Lucian West Chancy, b. 16 Oct. 1822, Barnard, Vt. U.Vt. 1844. — Ord. 29 Dec. 1852. a.p. Heuvelton, N.Y., '52-'58, and Rensselaer Falls, N.Y., '55-'58; Pulaski, N.Y., '58-'64 ; Rutland, N.Y, '64-'72. — p. Mankato, Minn., '72-'81.— a.p. Waseca, Minn., '81-. 1880.] 1851. 185 Samuel Emerson, b. 9 May 1827, Norfolk, Ct. Y.C. 1848. — a.p. Enfield, N. H., '51 ; Genesee, Wis., '53-54. — teacher, Flushing, L. I., '55. — miss'y Am. S. S. Union, Va., '56. — teacher, near Natural Bridge, Va., '56-'57 ; Pocahontas, Va., '57-'58 ; "in various places," '58-66. — res. He. Andover Theol. Seni., '78-'79 ; res. Charlottesville, Va., '82. George Park Fisher, D.D.,LL.D., b. 10 Aug. 1827, Wrentham,Ms. B.U. 1847. —Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 24 Oct. 1854. Prof. Div., Yale Coll., '54-'61 ; Prof. Eccl. Hist., '61-. William Brooks Greene, b. 8 Nov. 1823, Nantucket, Ms. Y.C. 1845.— teacher, Milford and Wethersfield, Ct., and Middleport, N.Y., '45-48. — Union Theol. Sem., '48-'49. — Yale Theol. Sem., '49-'50. — a.p. Sterling, Ms., '51-'52. — Ord. 15 Nov. 1855. p. Waterville, Me., '55-'58. — a.p. Needham, Ms., '59-73 ; Scituate, Ms., '73-79. — w.c. Needham, Ms., '80-82. — a.p. Dighton, Ms., '82- *Henry Hamilton Hadley, b. 19 July 1826, Fairfield, N.Y. Y.C. 1847.— Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '51-52. — res. stud., New Haven, Ct., '55-'58. — instr. Sac. Lit., Union Theol. Sem., '58-62. — Prof Hebrew, Yale Coll., '6 1-'6 2. — Prof. Hebrew, Union Theol. Sem., New York city, '62 until died, in service of U. S. San. Com., at Washington, D. C, 1 Aug. 1864. John Gardner Hale, b. 12 Sept. 1824, Chelsea, Vt. U.Vt. 1845.— Ord. 29 Sept. 1852. Grass Valley, Cah, '53-57. — a.p. Lyndon, Vt., '57-59. — p. East Poultney, Vt., '60-69. — a.p. Chester, Vt, '69-76; Stowe, Vt., '7 7-81 ; San Bernardino, Cal., '81-. George William Harlan, b. 7 Sept. 1824, near Cadiz, Ky. Ill.C. 1846.— a.p. Presb. ch., Carrollton, Mo., '52-'53; Brazeau, Mo., '53-54. — Ord., Presb., 20 April 1856. h.m. — a.p. Osceola, Mo., '54-58. — teacher, Osce- ola, Mo., '58-59; Pleasant Hill, Mo., '60-63 ; Elmwood, Mo., '65-68.— a.p. Farmington, Mo., '65-. Charles Hutchinson, D.D., b. 15 July 1820, Norwich, Vt. D.C. 1848.— h.m. Edinburgh, Ind., '51-'53.— Ord. 14 May 1854. Third Presb. ch., New Albany, Ind., a.p. '53-54 ; p. '54-. Nathaniel Alden Hyde, D.D., b. 10 May 1827, Stafford, Ct. Y.C. 1847.— a.p. Central Village, Plainfield, Ct., '51-'52 ; Rockville, Ct., '52-'53.— assist. Sec. Children's Aid Soc, N.Y., '54-56. — a.p. Deep River, Ct., '57; Columbus, O., '57-58. — Ord., at Columbus, O., 23 Dec. 185 7. p. Ply- mouth ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '58-'67. — agent Am. H.M. Soc, Indianapolis, Ind., '67-'73. — a.p. Mayflower ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '73-. *Israel Hall Leyings, b. 13 June 1818, Fairfax, Vt. U.Vt. 1848, — Ord. at Madrid, N. Y., 3 March 1858 — a.p. Madrid, N.Y., '65-'66 ; Milton and Georgia, Vt., '67-68. — Died, at Madrid, N. Y., 20 July 1871. 24 186 1851. [1880. *Edward Goddard Miner, b. 21 Sept. 1824, Roxbury, Ms. H.C. 1847.— Ord. 12 Feb. 1852. a.p. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '51-54. — a.p. Geneva, Wis., '55-'56; White Water, Wis., '58-66. — inst'r Rliet. and Eng. Lit., Beloit Coll., Wis., '66-67. — a.p. Presb. ch., Geneva, Wis., '67 until died there, 4 July 1875. •Daniel Temple Noyes, b. 20 April 1824, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1847. — Union Theol. Sem., '48-49.— Ord. 16 Feb. 1853. p. Village ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '53-'55. — a.p. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '55-'58 ; Spring Green, Wis., '58-'61. — Lieut. 6th Wis. Battery, '61 until killed in action, at Corinth, Miss., 4 Oct. 1862. fieorge Pierson, M.D., b. 10 May 1826, Cedarville, N.J. 111. Coll., 1848.— Ord., at Jacksonville, 111., 9 Nov. 1851. f.m., Choctaws, '52-55 ; Strong's Island, Micronesia, *55-'57; Ebon, Covell's Island, '57-'60. — Presb. ch., Brooklyn, Cal., a.p. '62-66; p. '66-'69. — w.c. Brooklyn, Cal., '70. — a.p. Adel, lo., '71-'75. — Solomon, Kan., a.p. '76-'78; p. '79-. Henry Martyn Storrs, D.D., b. 20 Jan. 1827, Ravenna, O. A.C. 1846.— Ord. 15 Jan. 1852. p. Lawrence st. ch., Lawrence, Ms., '52-'55. — p. First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '55-67. — p. South ch. Brooklyn, N.Y., '67-71. — Sec. Am. H. M. Soc, New York city, '72-82 ; p. First Presb. ch., Orange, N.J., '82-. •Edwin Teele, b. 7 Dec. 1820, Charlestown, Ms. H.C. 1848.— Ord. 20 Oct. 1852. miss'y, Fairfield, Cherokee Country, '52-'54. — w.c. '54-'61. — a.p. Bristol Centre, Minn., '61-'63 ; Saratoga, lo., '63-64. — w.c. Bristol Centre, Minn., '64-'69. — prin. select school, Florence, lo. (P.O. Granger, Minn.), '69-'. . — Died, at Florenceville, lo., 24 Nov. 1873. * James Aikman Veale, from Washington, Ind. Wab.C. 1847. — Ord. . . April 1856. a.p. Presb. chs., Pisgah and Concord, Ind., '55-'59 ; Huntington, Ind., '59-65 ; White Lake, Mich., '65-67. — w.c. Huntington, Ind., '67-'69. a.p. Topeka, Kan., '69 until died there, 1 Jan. 1871. *Lutlier Rice White, b. 16 March 1816, Northbridge, Ms. A.C. 1848.— Hart. Theol. Sem. — Ord. 22 Dec. 1852. h.m. Le Claire, lo., '51-55. — teacher, Port Byron, III. — a.p. Brighton, lo., '57 until died there, 30 May 1858. Henry Wickes, b. 11 Feb. 1821, Jamaica, N. Y. Mar. C. 1848. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2).— Ord. 16 June 1852. p. Pijinceton, Ms., '52-55. — p. Guilford, Ct., '56-58. — p. Deep River, Ct., '58-69.- a.p. Brighton, N.Y., '69-74; Rochester, N.Y., '75-76 ; Alden, N.Y., '77-'80.— w.c. Rochester, N.Y.,'81-. Giles Buckingham Willcox, D.D., b. 7 Aug. 1826, New York, N. Y. Y.C. 1848. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 15 June 1853. p. Fitchburg, Ms., '53-56. — p. First ch., Lawrence, Ms., '56-'59. — p. Second ch., New London, Ct., '59-'69. — p. Jersey City, N.J., '69-'74. — p. Stamford, Ct., '75_'79._Prof. Past. Theol., Chicago Theol. Sem., '79-. 1880.] 1851. 187 •Frederick Humphrey Brewster (1), b. 20 Feb. 1822, Waterloo, N. Y. W. C. 1846. — Hart. Theol. Sem. 1851. — Ord., at Enfield, Ct., 25 Feb. 1852. f.m. Canton, China, '52 until died there, 29 Jan. 1853. Ira Case (1), b. 11 Aug. 1820, Chelsea, Vt. A.C. 1848.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1851. — Ord. 30 Nov. 1852. p. Orford, N.H., '52-'54. — a.p. Underbill, Vt, '55-57 ; Croydon, N. H., '57-58. — in business, Providence, R.I., '60- *72. — teacher and pr., North Scituate, R.I., '73-'74; farmer there, '75-. William Mellen Chamberlain, M.D. (1+), b. 10 Oct. 1826, Hanover, N. H. D.C. 1845.— teacher, Randolph, Vt., '46-'47 ; St. Mary's Parish, La., '47-'48. — Not ordained. — physician, Astoria, N.Y., '53-'59 ; New York city, *59-. Charles Whitefield Homer (2+), b. 22 Jan. 1828, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1847.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 30 Sept. 1851 ; priest, 1 Nov. 1852. — Grace ch., New Bedford, Ms., '52-54. —h.ra. Newark, N.Y., — r. St. John's ch., Lowell, Ms., '61-62. — chap. 16th Mass. Vols., '63. — r. St. James's ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '68-. ♦Leonard Humphrey (1), b. 19 Jan. 1824, Weymouth, Ms. A.C. 1846. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '49-50. — Died, at Weymouth, Ms., 30 Nov. 1850. Thomas Colton Parmelee Hyde (2), b. 28 Oct. 1825, Bolton, Ct. W.C. 1848. Hart. Theol. Sem., 1853. — Not ordained. — prin. acad., Spencertown, N.Y., '53-'56. — pr. in various places, '56-59. — res. Andover, Ct. ♦Samuel Fisher Miller (1), b. 5 Oct. 1822, Heath, Ms. A.C. 1848. — Not op- dained. — (res. Waukegan, Bl., in '57. — teacher, acad.. Lake Forest, 111., '59-'62.) Prof. Math., Agricult. Coll., Amherst, Ms., '68 until died there, 28 Oct. 1870. Charles Frederick Mussey, d.d. (1), b. 26 Jan. 1826, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1848. — Lane Theol. Sem., '48-'49. — Union Theol. Sem., 1852. Halle, Gier., '52-53. — Ord., Presb., 26 March 1854. a.p. McConnelsville, O., '^4-'5,5. — p. Presb. ch., Westfield, N.Y., '55-'61. — p. Batavia, N.Y., '61- '69. — a.p. Blue Rapids, Kan., '70-76. — w.c. Cincinnati, O., '77. — a.p. Leavenworth, Kan., '78-'80. — w.c. Cincinnati, 0., '81-'82; a.p. Westwood ch., Cheviot, O., '82. Horace Norton (2), b. 13 Aug. 1821, Decatur, O. Mar.C. 1847.— Not ordained. — teacher, Columbus, O., and in 111. — Tutor, Marietta Coll., '51-'53. — h.m. Bloomington, Kan. — in business, Cincinnati, O., '. .-. ♦Edward Frederick Ross (1+), b. 12 Feb. 1826, New York, N.Y. U.C. 1848. — Union Theol. Sem., 1851.— Ord. 26 Sept. 1851. p. Morrisania, N.Y., '51-54.- w.c. '54 until died, at Pleasant Valley, N.Y., 22 Feb. 1855. Ransom Bethune Welch, d.d., ll.d. (2), b Greenville, N.Y. U. C. 1846. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1852.— Ord. . . Dec. 1854. p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Gilboa, N.Y., '54-'56. — p. Catskill, N. Y., '56-'59. — Prof. Logic, Rhet., and Eng. Lit., Union Coll., '60-'76. — Prof. Chr. Theol., Auburn Theol. Sem., N.Y., '76-. 188 1852. [1880. 1852. Henry Allen, M.D., b. 6 Sept. 1822, Lebanon, N.H. D.C. 1849. — Ord. 30 Sept. 1852. p. Wayland, Ms., '52-'57. — p. Saxonville, Ms., '57-59. — a.p. Milo, 111., '59-62. — physician, Beaver Dam, Wis., Hartland, Wis., Charles- ton, Neb. Joshua James Blaisdell, D.D., b. 8 Feb. 1827, Canaan, N.H. D.C. 1846. teacher, Montreal, Can., '47-'48 —Ord. 27 Feb. 1853. p. Third Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '53-59. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Beloit Coll., Wis., '59-64 ; Prof. Mental and Moral Phil., '64-. Edmund Harvey Blanchard, b. 26 Jan. 1821, Greensborough, Vt. M.C. 1848.— a.p. Epsom, N.H., and other places. — Ord, 25 April 1860. p. Warwick, Ms., '60-69.— George 'Hje Boardman, D.D., b. 23 Dec. 1825, Pittsford, Vt. M.C. 1847.— res. lie. Andover, Ms., '52-'53. — Ord. 12 Oct. 1854. Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '53-'59. — p. Presb. ch., Binghampton, N. Y., '59-'72.— Prof. Syst. Theol., Chicago Theol. Sem., '72-. Henry Kinsman Craig-, b. 29 May 1826, Augusta, Me. B.C. 1844. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '4 7-49.— Ord. 24 Jan. 1855. p. Bucksport, Me., '55-'66. — a.p. Lake City, Minn., '67; Norton, Ms., '68-70. — p. First ch., Falmouth, Ms., '71-. Obed Dickinson, b. 15 June 1818, Amherst, Ms. Mar. C. 1849.— Ord., at West Andover, Ms., 2 Sept. 1852. h.m. — Salem, Or., '53-67. — w.c. Salem, Or., '67-. Wilson Amos Farnsworth, D.D., b. 29 Aug. 1822, Greene, N.Y. M.C. 1848. — prin. West Boylston Acad., '48-49.— Ord. 21 Oct. 1852. f.m. Cesarea, Turkey, '52-. Charles Patterson Felch, b. 5 Aug. 1822, Limerick, Me. U.M. 1849. — a.p. Houlton, Me., '53-'54.— Ord. 30 April 1857. p. Aniboy, 111., '57-'59.— p. Naperville, 111., '60-64. — a.p. Presb. ch., Lacon, 111., '64-65. — Dan- ville, 111., '66-68. — W.C. Aurora, 111,, '68-75; Chicago, 111., '75-. Simon James Humphrey, D.D., b. 31 Dec. 1820, Derry, N.H. B.C. 1848. — a.p. Central ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '52-'53. — Ord. 8 June 1854. p. Second Presb. ch., Newark, O., '54-'60. — p. First Cong, ch., Beloit, Wis., '61-64. — Dis. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., Chicago, 111., '64-. Sylvanus Cobh Kendall, b, 23 Nov. 1824, Searsmont, Me. A. C. 1849.— Ord. 29 March 1854. p. Webster, Ms., '54-'57. — p, Milford, N.H., '58- '60. — p. Webster, Ms., '60-'G8. — p. Milford, Ms., '68-72. — a.p. Winthrop ch., Holbrook, Ms., '72-73. — w.c Lancaster, Ms., '74-75. — a.p. Williams- burg, Ms., '76-'77. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '80. — p. Ellington, Ct., '81-. 1880.] 1852. 189 Cephas Augustus Leach, b. 24 Jan. 1823, Pittsford, Vt. M.C. 1846. — a.p. Granby, Ms., '53; Detroit, Mich., '54. — Orel, 7 Jan. 1855. a.p. Presb; ch., Carlinville, 111., '54-'56 ; Cong, ch., Payson, 111., '56-'66 ; Brimfield, 111., '66-68. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '71-'72 ; Eockford, 111., '72; Sedalia, Mo., '73-. John Quincy Peabody, b. 28 July 1825, Ipswich, Ms. A.C. 1848. — h.m. Sedgwick, Me., '53. — a.p. North Beverly, Ms., '53-55 ; Topsham, Me., '55-56.— Ord. 17 Dec. 1856. p. Fryeburg, Me., '56-59. — w.c. Ipswich, Ms,, '59-. ♦Joseph Dexter Poland, b. 14 Sept. 1828, North Brookfield, Ms. A.C, 1849. — Not ordained. — Died, at North Brookfield, Ms., 1 Aug. 1853. Alonzo Hall Quint, D.D., b. 22 March, 1828, Barnstead, N.H. D.C. 1846. — res. lie. Andover, Ms., '52-53. — Ord, 27 Dec. 1853. p. Central ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '53-63. — chap. 2d Mass. Vol., Inf., '61-64. — p. North ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '64-'75 ; also one of editors and proprietors of Con- gregational Quarierli/,'5d- 75. — Sec. National Council of Cong, chs., '71-. member N.H. House of Reps., '81-'83. — a.p. Broadway ch., Somerville, Ms., '81-. (res. Dover, N.H., '75-.) William Ladd Ropes, b. 19 July 1825, Newton, Ms. H.C. 1846. — Ord, 14 Sept. 1853. p. Wrentham, Ms., '53-'62. — a.p. Crombie st. ch., Salem, res. Cambridge, Ms., '62-'63 ; South Hadley, Ms., and Windsor Locks, Ct., '65-'66. — librarian, Andover Theol, Sem., '66-. Edwin Smith Skinner, b. 14 July 1824, Prattsburg, N. Y. O. C, 1849.— Ord, 19 May 1853. p. South Wllbraham, Ms., '53-55. — in business, Ms,, and Chicago, III, '55-69. — finan, sec. Lake Forest Univ., 111., '69-'.. — in U. S. Custom Service, '..-'81. — in business, Chicago, 111., res. Lake Forest, '82-. *James Wright Stone, b. 29 Dec. 1815, Fitzwilliam, N.H. D.C. 1845.— — Not ordained. — teacher, Nashua, N.H., Milfbrd, N. H., and Pepperell, Ms. — Died, at FitzwiUiam, N.H., 15 Dec. 1854. *Samuel Howe Tolman, b, 21 Aug. 1826, Dunstable, Ms. D.C. 1848. — city miss'y, Bath, Me., '54-'56. — Ord. 14 Aug. 1856. p. Wilmington, Ms., '56- '70. —p. Lenox, Ms., '72-73. — Died, at Nelson, N. H., 6 Oct. 1873. ♦AugUjStus Walker, b. 30 Oct, 1822, Medway, Ms. Y.C. 1849. — Ord., at East Medway, Ms., 13 Oct. 1852. f.m. Turkey, '52 until died, at Diarbekir, 13 Sept. 1866. Warren Weaver Winchester, b. 22 April 1824, Madrid, N.Y. M.C. 1847. Ord. 23 March 1854. p. Clinton, Ms., '54-62. — hosp. chap. U.S.A., *62- '65. — p. Bridport, Vt., '67-'81. — w.c. Blackinton, Ms., '81-. 190 1852. [1880. Edwin Augustus Buck (1), b. 31 May 1824, Bucksport, Me. Y.C. 1849.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. — a.p. Pownal, Me., '52-'54.— Ord. 31 May 1854. p. First ch., Bethel, Me., '54-58. — p. Slatersville, R.I., '59-67.— city miss'y, Fall River, Ms., '67-. Nathaniel George Clark, d.d., ll.d. (2), b. 18 Jan. 1825, Calais, Vt. U.Vt. 1845. Tutor, Univ. Vt., '49-'50. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1852.— Ord. 13 Oct. 1857. Prof. Eng. Lit., Univ. Vt., '52-57 ; Prof. Eng. Lit. and Latin, '57-63. — Prof. Logic, Rhet., and Eng. Lit., Union Coll., '63-66.— Sec. A.B.C.F.M., Boston, Ikls., '66-. John Russell Herrick, d.d. (2), b. 12 May 1822, Milton, Vt. U.Vt. 1847.— Auburn Theol. Sem., 1852.— Ord. 21 June 1854. a.p. Malone, N.Y., '54- '67. — Prof. Syst. Theol., Bangor Theol. Sem., '67-'73.— p. South Hadley, Ms., '74-'78. — w.c. West Hartford, Ct., '79 ; Pres. Pacific Univ. Or., '80-. *Philip Henry Ireland (2-f-), from Quincy, 111. Ill.C. 1847. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 8 Sept. 1851. *John Hall Newton (1—), b. 22 March 1826, Durham, Ct. W.U. 1847. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1855. — (law student, '50-52.) — a.p. Middle Haddam, Ct., '55-61. — Ord. 9 June 1856. res. Middletown, Ct., '56 until died there, 15 Aug. 1863. Henry Thayer Niles (2), b. 28 Jan. 1825, West Fairlee, Vt. D.C. 1847.— — Not ordained. — teacher, Wrentham, Ms., ('53)-'. . — lawyer, New York city. — Prof. Greek, Urbana Univ., O., '55-'58. — lawyer, Urbana, O., '58-. *Eli Brown Smith (2), from Frankfort, Ky. Mar.C. 1848. — Ord 1852. p. Presb. ch., Paris, Ky., '52-'54. — p. Connersville, Ind., '54-'57. — p. Be- thesda. Miss., '57-'58. — p. Louisiana, Mo., '58-'61. — Vincennes, Ind., a.p. '61-62; p. '62-'66. — a.p. Elizabethtown, Ky., '66-68; Smyrna, Ind., res. Wheatland, Ind., '68-'70. — p. Louisiana, Mo., '71 until died there, 17 Sept. 1872. George Ludington Weed (2-|-), b. 9 April 1828, Union Mission Station, Ark. (now Indian) Ter. Mar.C. 1849. — Not ordained. — teacher, or sup't Ohio Inst'n for Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, O., '54-'66. — city miss'y, Ann Arbor, Mich., '66-'71. — prin. Deaf and Dumb Inst., Delavan, Wis., '71-'74; Phil. Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, '74-. *Luther Baker Whittemore (1), b. 1 Feb. 1824, Bridgewater, N. H. D.C. 1849. — Not ordained. — teacher, Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N.H. — res. Bridgewater, N.H., '..-'58. — a.p. Orfordville, N.H., '58 until died there, 28 Dec. 1861. 1880.] 1853. 191 1853. Charles Augustus Aiken, Ph.D., D.D., b. 30 Oct. 1827, Manchester, Vt. D.C. 1846. — teacher, Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '46-'..; Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '48-'49. — Univ. Berlin, and Halle, Gi»r., '51-'53. — Ord. 19 Oct. 1854. p. Yarmouth, Me., '54-'59. — Prof. Latin, Dart. Coll., '59_'66.— Prof. Latin, N.J. Coll., '66-'69. — Pres. Union Coll., Schenec- tady, N.Y., '69-'71. — Prof. Chris, Eth. and Apol., Princeton Theol. Sem., '71-. George Esdras Allen, b. 8 Dec. 1829, Taunton, Ms. B.U. 1850.— Ord. 20 May 1858. p. Second ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '58-'61. — w.c. Chelsea, Ms., Norton, Ms., East Somerville, Ms., '61-79. — p. North Reading, Ms., '80-. Joseph Avery Bent, b. 22 April 1823, Middlebury, Vt. M.C. 1845. — prin. acad., Union Co., Ind., '45-'4 7. — prin. acad. dep't, Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., '47_'49,_ Tutor, Mid. Coll, '49-'50. — Union Theol. Sem., '50-'51. — a.p. Stowe, Vt, '53-'54. — Ord. 1 Nov. 1854. p. Cornwall, Vt., '54-'56.— a.p. and teacher, Hoyleton, 111., '56-65. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil, Wheaton Coll., IlL, '6 5-' 71. — agent, Kan., '71.— w.c. Wheaton, 111., '78-. Shearjashnb Bourne, b. 28 Dec. 1822, Bristol, K.L Y.C. 1849. — teacher, Madison Co., Ky., '49-'50. — Ord. 6 Dec. 1854. p. Flushing. L.I , '54-'59. — w.c. New York city, '59-'6 2. — Harlem, N. Y., a.p. '62-'65; p. '65-'70. — a.p. Ellington, Ct., '72-74; Paterson, N.J., '75-. David Bremner, b. 25 Jan. 1828, Keith, Scotland. D.C. 1850. — Ord. 2 May 1855. p. Pvockport, Ms., '55-63. — chap. Mass. House of Rep's, '64. — p. Third ch., Plymouth, Ms., '64-'68. — w.c. Boxford, Ms., '68-70. — p. Derry, N.H., '70-'73. — w.c. Boxford, Ms., '74-'78. — a.p. Raynham, Ms., '79-81. clerk in Agric. Dep't, Washington, D.C, '82-. William Covrper Dickinson, D.D., b. 26 Jan. 1827, Longmeadow, Ms. A.C. 1848.— Union Theol. Sem., '49-'5l. — Tutor, Amli. Coll., '51-'52. — Ord. 12 April 1854. p. Middleborough, Ms., '54-56. — a.p. Hanover st. Presb. ch., Wilmington, Del., '56; Cong, ch., Gloucester, Ms., '56-'57; Kenosha, Wis., '58-'59. — p. Presb. ch.. Lake Forest, 111., '59-'67; also Prof. Lang., Lake Forest Univ., '59-63. — a.p. Calvary Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '68. — p. Cong, and Presb. chs., Battle Creek, Mich., '70-72. — p. Second Presb. ch., Lafayette, Ind., '72-82. — w.c, there, '82-. •Oliver Dimon, b. . . Sept. 1818, Fairfield, Ct. W.C. 1840. — lawyer, Boston, Ms., '44-'50. — Not ordained. — a.p. Keosauqua, lo., '53-54. — w.c. '54 until died, at New London, Ct., 22 Aug. 1855. *Joseph Payson Drummond, b. 15 Sept. 1824, Bristol, Me. B.C. 1843.— teacher, Gorham Acad., Me., '44-'. . ; Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '48-'49. — a.p. West Cambridge (now Arlington), Ms. — Ord. 2 Jan. 1856. p. West Newton, Ms., '56-57.— Died, at Bristol, Me., 23 Nov. 1857. 192 18 53. [1880. Roswell Foster, b. 30 June 1824, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1849. — Ord. 14 March 1855. p. Waltham, Ms., '55-'5G. — p. Westhampton, Ms., '56-59. p. South ch., Pittsfield, Ms., '59-'60.— Second ch., Chicopee, Ms., a.p. '60- '63; p. '63-'67. — a.p. Nebraska City, Neb., '67-'72; Fremont, Neb., '72- '75. — W.C.Newton, lo., '75-76 ; Ottumwa, lo., '76-77. — a.p. Winthrop, lo., '77 ; Independence, lo., '77-. Edmund Young Garrette, b. 14 March 1823, New Hartford, Ct. A.C. 1850. — Hart. Theol. Sem. — Ord. 12 April 1854. p. Foxborough, Ms., '54-'57. p. First ch., Millbury, Ms., '57-'69. — p. Plymouth ch., Pittsburg, Pa., '69- '72. — a.p. La Crosse, Wis., '72-80. — w.c. Atlanta, Ga., '81-. Richard Gleason Greene, b. 29 June 1829, East Haddam, Ct. Y.C. — a.p. Springfield, O., '53-54 ; Eastern Cong, ch.. New York city, '54-56. — Ord. 25 June 1856. p. Adrian, Mich., '56-57.- p. East Cambridge, Ms., '58- '60. — p. Brighton, Ms., '60-'62. — a.p. Bedford ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '62- '65; Orange, N.J., '65-'66. — p. North ch., Springfield, Ms., '66-'74. — p. Trinity cli.. Orange, N.J., '75-. Joseph Beckford Johnson, b. 9 Oct. 1825, Boston, Ms. — . — Ord. 4 Jan. 1855. p. Plymouth, Ms., '55-57. — p. South Reading (now AVakefield), Ms., '57-'62. — a.p. Neponset, Boston, Ms., '62-64. — p. Uxbridge, Ms., '64-'68. — — now res. Boston, Ms. Charles Dexter Lothrop, from Taunton, Ms. A.C. 1849. — a.p. Sterling, Ms., '53-54. — Ord. 14 Dec. 1854. p. East Attleborough, Ms., '54-56.— a.p. South ch.. North Bridgewater, Ms., '57; Globe Village, Ms., '57; Raynham, Ms., '57-'58; First ch., Berkley, Ms., '58-'60; Somerset, Ms., '60-'61. — w.c. and occ. sup., Norton, Ms., '61-'65 ; Amherst, Ms., '65-'. . — *Jacoh Merrill Mannin^r, D.D., b. 31 Dec. 1824, Greenwood, N.Y. A.C. 1850. — Ord. 3 Jan. 1854. p. Mystic ch., Medford, Ms., '54-57. — assoc. p. Old South ch., Boston, Ms., '57-; also chap. 43(1 Mass. Vols., '62-'63, and lecturer on the Relations of Christianity to Popular Infidelity, Andover Theol. Sem., '66-'72. — p. emeritus, res. Newton Centre, '82 until died, at Portland, Me., 29 Nov. 1882. Thomas Morong, b. 15 April 1827, Cahawba, Ala. A.C. 1848. — Ord. 12 April 1854. p. Pepperell, Ms., '54-'55. — p. Iowa City, lo., 'o6-'58. — a.p. Webster, Ms., '59. — p. GlobeVillage, Southbridge,Ms.,'60-'. . — p. Lanesville, Ms., '64-68. — p. South ch., Ipswich, Ms., '68-76. — p. Ashland, Ms., '76-. Henry Johnson Patrick, b. 20 Sept. 1827, Warren, Ms. A.C. 1848.— Union Theol. Sem., '49-'51. — Ord. 16 Nov. 1854. p. Bedford, Ms., '54-'60. — p. West Newton, Ms., '60-. *John Bulkley Perry, b. 12 Dec. 1825, Richmond, Ms. U.Vt. 1847. — a.p. Presb. ch., Sandlake, N.Y., '54; Hinesburgh, Vt., '54-'55. — Ord. 12 Dec. 1855. p. Swanton, Vt., '55-'66; also U.S. Chr. Com., Va., and chap. 10th Vt, Vols., '65. — a.p. Wilmington, Vt., '66-67. — Univ. lecturer on Geol., Harv. Coll., and assist, in dep. of Paleontol., '68; (also lecturer on Geol., Univ. Vt., '69-; until died, in Cambridge, Ms., 3 Oct. 1872. 1880.] 18 53. 193 Elias Hunting-ton Richardson, D.D., b. 11 Aug;. 1827, Lebanon, N.H. D.C. 1850. — Ord. 18 May 1854. p. GofFstown, N. H., '54-'56. — p. First ch., Dover, N. H., '56-'63. — p. Richmond st. ch.. Providence, R.I., '63-67. — p. First ch., Westfield, Ms., '67-'72. — p. Centre ch., Hartford, Ct., '72-'79. — p. First ch.. New Britain, Ct., '79-. William True Sleeper, b. 9 Feb. 1819, Danbury, N. H. U. Vt. 1850. — Ord. 29 June 1854. city miss'y, Worcester, Ms., '54-56. — chap. State Ref. School, Westborough, Ms., '56-60. — Sherman Mills, Me., a.p. '60-'70; p. *7C-'71. — a.p. Caribou and Fort Fairfield, Me., '72-75. — Sumner st. chap, ch., Worcester, Ms., a.p. '75-'77; p. 77-. *Franklin Tuxbury, b. 23 Sept. 1829, Salisbury, Ms. —. — a.p. and p.e. First ch., West Newbury, Ms., '54-'55. — a.p. Shelburne Falls, Ms., '55 ; Charleston, S.C, '55-'5G. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '56-'57. — Ord.. 15 July 1857. p. Russell ch., Hadley, Ms., '57-62. — res. Exeter, N.H., occ. pr., '62-65. — p. Brandon, Vt., '65-75. — p. Watertown, Ct., '77 until died there, 6 May 1879. *Granville Wardwell, b. 7 Dec. 1819, Nelson, N.H. D.C. 1848. — Lane Theol. Sem., '48-'49. — Ord., at Sullivan, N.H., 19 Oct. 1853. p. Kala- mazoo, Mich., '53-'55. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, '51-53 ; '55-'57. — a.p. Kennebunk, Me., '57-'58. — Died, at Westminster, Vt., 24 June 1858. John Willard, b. 10 Nov. 1826, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1849. — Ord. 25 Jan. 1855. p. Fairhaven, Ms., '55-67. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '67-'68. — a.p. Birmin-rham, Ct., '69-73. — p. Marlborough, Ms., '73-79. — w.c. Newton- ville, Ms., '80-. *Enoch Charles Aug-ustus Woods, b. ll Sept. 1824, Newport, N.H. D.C. 1850.— Ord., at Sullivan, N.H., 19 Oct. 1853. h.m. Wapello, lo., '53 until died there, 4 Nov. 1854. George Bent (2), b. 29 March 1827, Middlebury, Vt. K.C. 1849.— Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — a.p. Dundee, 111., '53-'55. — agent Am. Bible Soc, Minn., '55. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1856. a.p. Anoka, Minn., '55-'57; Lansing, lo., '58-'60.— p. Burr Oak, lo., '60-'70. — a.p, Otho, lo., '70-'72; Seneca, Kan., '73-'77; Loup City, Neb., '79-. ♦Nathaniel Hooper Broughton (1), b. 5 Feb. 1826, Marblehead, Ms. A.C. 1847. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord., at Petersburg, Tenn., 1856. h.m. Tenn., '56-'59. — p. North Yarmouth, Me., '60-'61. — a.p. East Bridgewater, Ms., '61 until died there, 2 June 1866. 25 194 1853. [1880. Edward P. Clisbee (1), b. 19 April 1827, Cleveland, O. O.C. 1849.— Ord. 18 Feb. 1857. a.p. Berea, O., '56-62 ; Lenox, O., '62-65 ; Jefferson, O., '65-'66; Sinclearvllle, N. Y., '67-'68; Randolph, N. Y., '68-'70 ; Olmsted Falls, O., '71-'74. — w.c. Oberlin, O., '74-'75. — a.p. Columbus, Wis., '75- '76. — Av.c. Oberlin, O., '76-78. — a.p. Gustavus, O., '79-. Henry Kingman Edson (1), b. 5 Oct. 1822, Hadley, Ms. A.C. 1844.— teacher, '44-'49. — Union Theol. Sem., '49. — Not ordained. — a.p. West- hampton, Ms., '52. — prin. acad., and occ. pr., Denmark, lo., '52-. ♦Samuel Fisk (2), b. 23 July 1828, Shelburne, Ms. A.C. 1848. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '52-55. — in Europe, '55-'56. — Ord. 3 June 185 7. p. Madison, Ct. (also Second Lieut., First Lieut., Capt., 14th Conn. Vols., '62-), '57 until died (of wounds received in battle of Chancellorsville), at Fredericksburg, Va.,_ 22 May 1864. George Henry Gould, d.d. (1), b. 20 Feb. 1827, Oakham, Ms. A.C. 1850. — Union Theol. Sem., 1853. — a.p. Waukegan, Wis., '53; Kenosha, Wis., *54; evang., '55-'56. — in Europe, '57. — evang., '58-62. — Ord. 13 Nov. 1862. a.p. Olivet ch., Springfield, Ms., '63-64. — p. First ch., Hartford, Ct., '64-'70. — w.c. and occ. pr. '70-72. — a.p. Piedmont ch., Worcester, Ms., '72-76 ; Union ch., Worcester, Ms., '78-'80.— w.c. Worcester, Ms., '81- *James Barber Howard (1—), b. 18 Nov. 1827, Pittsfield, :Ms. W.C. 1849.— Union Theol. Sem., '49-'50. — Ord. 12 Dec. 1854. p. Rockport, Me., '54- '55. — Died, at Pittsfield, Ms., 16 Jan. 1856. Henry Smith Huntington (1—), b. 30 June 1828, Camden, N.Y. N.J.C. 1850. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1853. — Ord., by Troy Presb'y, 15 Nov. 1858. a.p. Caldwell, N.Y., '57-'62; lone City, Cal., '63-64; Watsonville, Cal., '65-'67; First ch., Wilmington, Del, '68-'69; Ref. ch., Owasco, N.Y., '69- '70; Calvary Presb. ch.. Auburn, N.Y., a.p. '70 ; p. '71-74. — p.e. Cald- well, N.Y., '76-'79. — evang.. Lake George, N.Y., '79-. *Joseph Hurlbut (1), b. 19 Feb. 1828, Ncav York, N.Y. Y.C. 1849. — Union Theol. Sem., '49-'50. — Tutor, Beloit Coll., '50-51. — Not ordained.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '52-'54. — Died, at Paris, France, 4 July 1855. William Augustus McCorkle, D.D. (1), b. 2 Nov. 1822, Troy, O. Wab.C. 1850. — Tutor, Wab. Coll., '51-'52. — Lane Tlieoh Sem., '52.— Ord. 19 June 1853. p. Presb. ch., Attica, Ind., '53-'54. — agent Am. Tr. Soc., '54_'55._h.m. Superior, Wis., '56-'58.— p. Marshall, Mich., '58-'63.— w.c. Detroit, Mich., '64-65. — p. First Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '65-'71. — p. Third Presb. ch., Boston, Ms., '71-73. — a.p. Second ch., Princeton, N.J., '74-'78; Lake Forest, 111., '78-'79 ; Nyack, N.Y., '79-'80; Chicago, 111., '81. — p. Ypsilanti, Mich., '82-. *George Jarvis Means (2+), b. 29 March 1827, Augusta, Me. B.C. 1847. — miss'y Am. S.S. Union, Tenn., '53-'56. — agent Am. S.S. Union, Rochester, 1880.] 18 54. 195 N.Y., '56-'58. — Ord. 25 Oct. 1859. Perry Centre, N.Y., a.p. '58-'59 ; p. '59-63. — Howell's, N.Y., a.p. '63-65; p. '65-77. — Died, at Augusta, Me., 30 May 1879. ♦James Browning Miles, d.d. (1—), b. 18 Aug. 1823, Rutland, Ms, Y.C. 1849. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '52-53. — Yale Theol. Sein., 1854.— Ord. 2 Jan. 1855. p. First ch., Charlestown, Ms., '55-'71. — Cor. Sec. Am. Peace Soc, res. Boston, Ms., '71 until died, at Worcester, Ms., 13 Nov. 1875. William Bainbridge Rice (1— ), b. 12 Jan. 1824, William.sburg, Ms. W.C. 1844. — Not ordained. — teacher, Norfolk, Ct.,'46-'58. — in business, Pitts- field, Ms., '58-. ♦Francis N. Shaw (1), b. 10 Jan. 1824, Middleborough, Ms. iV. F. C. — Union Theol. Sem., '51. —Died, at Washington, D.C., 8 March 1854. Charles Strong Smith (1), b. 24 July 1824, Ilardwick, Vt. U.Vt. 1848.— Hart. Theol. Sem, 1853. — a.p. New Preston, Ct., '53-55. — Ord., at Franklin, N.Y., 14 Nov. 1855. a.p. North Walton, N.Y., '55-'57 ; Waits- field, Vt., '57-'58; Hardwick, Vt., '58. — w.c. '58-'63. — Sec. Vt. Dom. Miss. Soc, Montpelier, Vt., '63-. *Alvan Hyde Washburn, d.d. (l),frum Columbus, O. Mar.C. 1846. — Tutor, Mar. Coll., '47-49. — prin. acad., Leicester, Ms. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 14 Feb. 1861 ; priest, 13 Nov. 1861. — r. Christ ch., Hyde Park, Ms., '61- 'G6. — r. Grace ch., Cleveland, O., '66 until killed by a railroad disaster, at Ashtabula, O., 29 Dec. 1876. Wellington W. Wells (1), b. 14 July 1829, Hanover, O. Mar.C. 1850.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1853. — a.p. Georgetown, O., '53-54. — Ord.. 18 Jan. 1855. p. Presb. ch , Monticello, III, '55. — w.c. '56-58. — a.p. Waltham, 111., '58-'65; La Salle, 111., '65-'66 ; Wenona, 111., '66-'67; Vandaha, 111., '6 7-'68 ; Waltham, III, '68-'72. — p. Buchanan, Mich., '73-'80. — a.p. Rich- land, Mich., '80-'81. —w.c. Buchanan, Mich., '82-. 1854. William Fisher Avery, b. 4 Dec. 1826, Conway, Ms. A.C. 1850. — Ord. 20 June 1855. p. Sparta, Wis., '55-58. — a.p. (successively) Tomah, Leon, and Angelo, Wis., '..-'.. — chap. State Almshouse, Monson, Ms., '..-'.. — occ. sup, res. Huntington, Ms., '61-72. — teacher, Huntington Hill, Ms., '. .-'. . ; Conway, Ms., '74-77. — a.p. Lanesborough, Ms., '77-. Ariel Anson Baker, b. 9 Dec. 1826, Enosburgh, Vt. U.Vt. 1851. — Ord. 30 Aug. 1854. p. Petaluma, Cal, •54-'57. — p. Cornwall, Vt., '58-'65.— a.p. East Concord, N.H., '66-67 ; Marchester, lo., '67-69 ; Ames, To., '69- '74; Eldora, lo., '74-'76 ; Hardwick, Vt., '76-'78; Winooski, Vt., '78-'80 ; Kellogg, lo., '80-. 196 1854. [1880. ♦Warren Big-elow, b. 29 June 1822, Chester, Vt. M.C. 1851.— Oi-d., at Chester. Vt., 14 Nov. 1854. h.m. — a.p. Black River Falls, Wis., '54-62. — p. Mazeppa, Minn., '62 until died there, 31 Oct. 1866. Edward Bingham Chamberlin, b. 18 Jan. 1826, Strafford, Vt. U.Vt. 1848. — a.p. Lancaster, N.H., 1855.— Ord. 12 March 1856. — p. First Presb. eh., Plattsburg, N.Y., '56-'58. — p. Cong, ch., Shoreham, Vt., '59-'63.— a.p. Essex, Vt., '63-65; Westford, Vt., '65-68. — p. South Wilbraham, Ms., '69-74.— a.p. Sharon, Vt., '74-. ♦Henry Martyn Cliapin, b. 21 April 1825, Woodstock, Vt. D.C. 1850. — Ord. 14 March 1855. p. Ceresco, Wis., '55-'56. — a.p. Springvale, Wis., '57 ; Grandville, Wis., '58 ; Green Lake, Wis., '59-'60. — agent Brockway Coll., Wis., '61. — a.p. ]\Iarkesan, Wis., '62-65. — w.c. Markesan, Wis., '65-66. — a.p. Green Lake, Wis., '66-69 ; Markesan, Wis., '69-70. — w.c. Ripon, Wis., '71. — White Earth, Minn., agr. work, and pr. to Indians, '71 until died there, 10 July 1872. Joseph Collie, b. 4 Nov. 1824, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Bel.C. 1851. — Ord. 9 April 1855. — p. Delavan, Wis., '55-. Isaac Newton Cundall, b. 17 Aug. 1826, West Killingly, Ct. A.C. 1851.— Ord. 5 Sept. 1854. p. Rosendale, Wis., '54-'64. — sup't schools of Fond du Lac Co., res. Rosendale, Wis., '64-'68. — sup't Soldiers' Orphan Asylum, Madison, Wis., '68-'69. — a.p. Plymouth eh., Burlington, Wis., '69-'70. — teacher, Wash. Univ., St. Louis, Mo., '70- James McLaren Breed Dwig-ht, b. 11 Aug. 1825, Norwich, Ct. Y.C. 1846. — teacher, Haddam,Ct., '46-4 7. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1852.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '49-53. — Not ordained. — lawyer, New York city, '61-66. — res. New Haven, Ct., '66 (in Europe, '69-'76)-. ♦Stephen Fenn, b. 6 Oct. 1824, Plymouth, Ct. Y.C. 1849. Yale Theol. Sem. (2).— Ord. 16 Nov. 1854. p. Torringford, Ct., '54-'57.— p. South Corn- wall, Ct., '59-67. — p. Watertown, Ct., '68-72. — a.p. Wapping, Ct., '72 until died there, 19 Feb. 1875. Elias Brewster Hillard, b. 6 Sept. 1825, Preston, Ct. Y.C. 1848. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 15 May 1855. p. Hadlyme, Ct., '55-'60. — p. Kensington, Ct., '60-67,- p. South Glastonbury, Ct., '67-69.— p. Plymouth Centre, Ct., '69-. Francis Homes, b. 17 July 1826, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1848. — Ord. 29 Oct. 1854. h.m. — a.p. Presb. ch., CarroMton, Mo., '54-56 ; Second ch.. West- field, Ms., '56-'5 7 ; West Granville, Ms., '57-60; Third ch., Marblehead, Ms., '60-63. — miss'y of First ch., Lynn, Ms., '63-69. — w.c, invalid, Andover, Ms., '70-'71. — farmer, Easton, Ms., '71-. Samuel Dana Hosmer, b. 26 July 1829, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1850. —h.m. Alexander and Cooper, Me., '55. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1856. a.p. Eastport, Me., '55-61; Nantucket, Ms., '62-72 ; South Natick, Ms., '73-78 ; Easton, Ms., '78-79; Clarendon Hills, Ms., '79-82. — w.c. Hyde Park, Ms., '82-. 1880.] 1854. 197 *James Parker Kimball, b. 29 Dec. 1828, Townshend, Vt. A.C. 1849.— Ord. 12 May 1857. Keokuk, lo., fv.p. '55-57; p. '5 7-59. — p. First ch., Falmouth, Ms., '60-' 70. — p. Haydenville, Ms., '71-'76. — Sec. N. E. Branch Am. Tr. Soc, '76-'81. — w.c. '81 until died, at Amherst, Ms., 2 May 1882. John Hyrcaiuis Mellisli, b. 30 Aug. 1824, Oxford, Ms. A.C. 1851. — Ord. 14 Feb. 1855. p. Kingston, N.H., '55-'68. — a.p. Dayville, Ct., '68-'70; North Scituate, R.I., '71-'79 ; Tisbury, Ms., '80-'82 ; Temple, N. H., '82-. Henry Mills, b. 21 May 1828, Kingsville, O. O.C. 1849.— Ord. 23 Nov. 1854. p. Granby, Ms., '54-'63. — p. Kalamazoo, Mich., '63-'65. — occ. sup., res. Kalamazoo, Mich., '65-68. — a.p. Independence, lo., '68-'69 ; St. Cloud, Minn., '70; Buckingham, lo., '71; Canton, 111., '72-'82. — w.c. Canton, 111., '82-. James Ormsbee Murray, D.D., b. 27 Nov. 1827, Camden, S.C. B.U. 1850. — inst'r in Greek, Brown Univ., Providence, R.I., '51-'52. — Ord. 24 Oct. 1854. p. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '54-'61. — p. Prospect st. ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '61-'65. — p. Brick Presb. ch., New York city, '65-' 75. — Prof. Belles Let., and Eng. Lang, and Lit., Coll. New Jersey, '75-. Stephen Denison Peet, b. 2 Dec. 1830, Euclid, O. Bel.C. 1851. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. . . Feb. 1855. a.p. Genesee, Wis., '55-'57 ; New London, Wis., '57-59 ; Fox Lake, Wis., '60-63 ; Racine, Wis., '64-'65 ; Elkhorn, Wis., '65-66 ; New Oregon, lo., '66-68 ; Chatham, O., '69-72 ; Ashtabula, O., '73-76. — w.c. Ashtabula, O., '77. — a.p. Unionville and North Madison, 0., '78 ; Clinton, Wis. (also editor American Antiquarian, '78-), '79-. Ira Fayette Pettibone, b. 24 March 1824, Stockholm, N. Y. U.C. 1849.— Ord., at East Stockholm, N.Y., 28 Feb. 1855. f.m. Constantinople, Turkey, '55-. Jeremiah Eames Rankin, D.D., b. 2 Jan. 1828, Thornton, N.H. M.C. 1848. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1855. — p. St. Albans, Vt., '55-'62.— p. Appleton St. ch., Lowell, Ms., '62-64. — p. Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '64-69. — First ch., Washington, D.C., p.e. '69-70; p. 70-. Augfiistine Root, b. 5 Feb. 1824, Conway, Ms. — . — a.p. Erving, Ms., '54- '55 ; Presb. ch., Orwell, Pa., '65-'56 ; Cong, ch., Altona, 111., '56-'57 ; Ray- mond, Wis., '57. — Ord. 20 May 1858. p. Lakeville, Ms., '58-60. — a.p. North Rochester, Ms., '60; Petersham, Ms., '61 ; Danielsonville, Ct., '62. — miss'y Am. Miss. Assoc, Port Royal, S. C, and supt. Plantations (U.S ), '62-'63. — agent for Freedmen, '63-65. — Freedmen's Un. Com., '65- 66. — a.p. Riverhead, L.I., '66-'67. — w.c. and occ. pr., Belchertown, Ms., '67- '.. ; Taunton, Ms., '76-. 198 1854. [1880. Charles Comfort Tiffany, b. 5 Oct. 1829, Baltimore, Md. Dick. C. 1850.— Ord. 15 July 1857. p. Derby, Ct., '57-'63.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 22 July 1866; priest, 4 Nov. 1866.— a.m. Germantown, Pa., '66-68. — r. St. James's ch., Fordham, N.Y., '68-71.- a.m. Trinity ch., Boston, Ms., '71-'74. — r. Ch. of the Atonement, New York city, '74-'80. — r. Zion's ch., New York city, '80-. Charles Cutler Torrey,b. 4 Jan. 1832, Salem, Ms. U.Vt. 1849.— Ord. 7 Sept. 1855. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M.), Choctaw Indians, '55-56 ; Cherokees, '56-61. — a.p. Georgia, Vt., '61-'62; Waterford, Vt., '62-64. — p. Chester, Vt., '64-'65.— a.p. West Randolph, Vt., '65-'67. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '67-'68. — p. Georgia, Vt., '68-71.- p. Charlotte, Vt, '71-'78. — a.p. Island Pond, Vt., '78-'79; Chelmsford, Ms., '80-; also Billerica, Ms.,'81-'82. James Gardiner Vose, D.D., b. 3 March 1830, Boston, Ms. Y. C. 1851.— Ord. 20 Oct. 1857. Prof. Rhet., Orat., and Eng. Lit., Amh. Coll., '56-'65. — a..p. Second ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '65. — p. Benef. ch., Provi- dence, R.I., '66- Leonard Woolsey Bacon, d.d. (2), b. 1 Jan. 1830, New Haven, Ct. Y. C. 1850.— Ord. 16 Oct. 1856. p. Litchfield, Ct., '56-'60. — state miss'y for Gen. Assoc, Ct., '61-62. — a.p. Stamford, Ct., '62-65.— p. New Eng. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '65-70. — a.p. First Cong, ch., Baltimore, Md., '70-72.— in Europe, '73-'. . — p. Park ch., Norwich, Ct., '79-82. — w.c. there, '83-. Albert Graham Beebee (1+), b. 3 July 1826, Hartwiok, N.Y. A.C. 1850.— Union Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord., Presb., 20 June 1854. f.m. Aintab, Syria, '54-55; Marash, Turkey, '55-59. — p. Presb. ch., Pleasant Mount, and Unionville, Pa., '60-62. — a.p. Hancock, N. Y., '62-63.- Manitowoc, Wis., '64-'65. — a.p. Geneva, 111., '65-'66. — w.c. Geneva and Lombard, 111., '66-'70. — a.p. Austin, 111., '70-'72 ; Milford, N.Y., '73-'74. ; East Wor- cester, N.Y., '74-'76; Stephentown, N. Y., '7 7-'78. — w.c. Pittsfield, Ms., '79. — a.p. Cong, ch., Curtisville, Ms., '80-. *Arnold Welles Brown (1—), b. 19 Jan. 1827, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1851.— Died (killed by railway accident), at Newton, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 21 Jan. 1852. Joseph Warren Pickering Carter (2), b. 27 Sept. 1828, Portsmouth, N. H. D. C. 1849. — Not ordained. — teacher, Winchester, Ms.; Portsmouth, N.H.; Portland, Me., (five years in all). — in business, Portsmouth, N. H. Walter Frear (1), b. 16 Aug. 1828, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Y.C. 1851. — Union Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord. 17 Oct. 1855. a.p. Presb. ch., Iowa city, Cal., '55-'56; Placerville, Cal., '57-'61 ; Cong, ch., Grass Valley, Cal., '62-64. — p. Santa Cruz, CaL, '64-'70. — a.p. Honolulu, ILL, '70-'81. — a.p. 2nd ch., Oakland, Cal., '82-. 1880.] 1854. 199 Thomas Nelson Haskell (1), b. 20 Jan. 1826, Mina, KY. Mi. U. 1851.— Union Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord. 7 Feb. 1855. p. AVestern Presb. ch., Washington, D.C., '54-'58. — p. Maverick Cong, ch., East Boston, Ms., '58-62. — p. Presb. ch.. East Boston, Ms., '62-67. — Prof., Madison Univ., Wis., '67-68. — p. New Eng. Cong, ch., Aurora, 111., '68-73. — finan. agent. Col. Coll., '74-75. — -w.c. Denver, Col., '76-. Martin Kellogg (1), b. 15 March 1828, Vernon, Ct. Y.C. 1850.— Union Theol. Sem., 1854.— Ord. 2 Oct. 1855. a.p. Shasta, Cal., '55-'57. — p. Grass Valley, Cal., '57-'59. — Prof. Latin, Cal. Coll., Oakland, Cal., '60-'69; Prof., Univ. Cal., '69-. Isaac Gray Ogden (1—), b. 27 Nov. 1824, Binghamton, N.Y. W.C. 1849. — Tutor, Lafayette Coll., "about one year."— Ord., Presb, 26 Jan. 1858. a.p. Presb. ch., Portville, N.Y., '59-'68; Almond, N.Y., '69-'71. — teacher, East Greenbush, N.Y., '72-'75. — — p. Nineveh, N.Y., ('80)-. ♦John Lemuel Thomas Phillips (1+), b. 16 March 1827, Windsor, Ms. W.C. 1847. — prin. acad., Spencertown, N.Y., '47-'49. — teacher, Williston Sem., ■ Easthampton, Ms., '49-5 7. — Not ordained. — Prof. Greek, Williams Coll., '57_'68. — res. Ballston Spa., N.Y., '68-'. . — Died, at Williamstown, Ms., 4 April 1879. *Newton Henry Rosseter (2+), b. 29 Oct. 1830, Great Barrington, Ms. W.C. 1849. — Died, at Great Barrington, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 20 Dec. 1853. Jotham Bradbury Sewall (1), b. 3 Oct. 1825, Bluehill, Me. B.C. 1848.— Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '51-52.- Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord. 7 Feb. 1855. p. Central ch., Lynn, Ms., '54-65. — Prof. Anc. Lang, and Lit., Bowd. Coll., '65-77. — head master, Thayer Acad., Braintree, Ms., '77-. William Sewall (1), b. 14 Dec. 1827, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1849. — Ord. 2 May 1855. a.p. Lunenburg, Vt., '55-'65. — Norwich, Vt., a.p. '65-66; p. '66- '77. — a.p. Littleton, Ms., '77-'82 ; Saxton's River, Vt., '82-. James Barlow Simmons, D.D. (1), b. 17 April 1827, North East, N.Y. B.U. 1851. Rochester Theol. Sem., and Newton Theol. Sera., 1854. — Ord. .. July 1854. p. Third Bapt. ch.. Providence, R.L, '54-57. — p. First ch., Lidianapolis, Ind., '57-'61. — p. Fifth ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '61-'67.— Sec. Am. Bapt. H. M. Soc, res. New York city, '67-74. — — p. Trinity (Bapt.) ch., New York city, '77-. 200 1855. [1880. 1855. Frederic Randolph Abbe, b. 28 Oct. 1827, Litchfield, Ct. Y.C. 1848.— Ord. 3 Sept. 1857. p. First ch., Abington, Ms., '57-70. — p. Cottage st. eh., Dorchester, Ms., '71-'73. — w.c. Dorchester, Ms., '74-. Edward Aiken, M.D., b. 10 April 1830, Amherst, N.H. D.C. 1851. — Ord., at Rutland, Vt., 7 Sept. 1855. Beirut, etc., Syria, '55-58. — Yale Med. Coll., 1861. — physician, Fitzwilliam, N.H., '61-'65 ; Amherst, N.H., '65-'. . ; also. Prof Mat. Med. and Thcrap.,N.E. Fern. Med. Coll., '64-'72.— Orson Parda Allen, b, 6 Nov. 1827, Smyrna, N.Y. A.C. 1852. — Ord., at Mt. Morris, N.J., 6 Sept. 1855. f.m. Smyrna and Trebizond, '55-'57; Harpoot, Eastern Turkey, '57-. George Nelson Anthony, b. 17 Nov. 1823, South Kingstown, R.I. B.U. 1850.— Ord. 3 Oct. 1855. p. Great Falls, N.H., '55-'60.— p. Marlborough, Ms., '60-69. — p. Peabody, Ms., '69-76. — W.C., Cambridge, Ms., '77-79. — treas. Mass. H.M. Soc, res. Newton Highlands, Ms., '79-. Herman Norton Barnum, D.D.,b. 5 Dec. 1826, Auburn, N.Y. A.C. 1852.— Ord. 6 Sept. 1855. f.m. Harpoot, Eastern Turkey, '59-. John Bascom, D.D., LL.D., b. 1 May 1827, Genoa, N.Y. W.C. 1849.— Tutor, Williams Coll., '52-53. — Ord. 15 Dec. 1859.— Prof Rhet., Williams Coll., '55-74 (also a.p. North Pownal, Vt., '5G-'64). — Pres. Univ. of Wis., '74-. Elisha Dickinson Bates, from Providence, R.I. — . — a.p. West Newbury, M?., '56-57. — Ord. 8 Jan. 1857. p. Southborough, Ms., '57. — a.p, Refl (Dutch) ch., Gilboa, N.Y., '59-'60 ; Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., '61-'62.— stud, law, De Witt, lo., and admitted to bar, '63. — a.p. Pleasant Plains, N.Y., '64-65. — in business, Peekskill, N.Y., '..'-. George Lewis Becker, b. .. Nov. 1820, Natural Bridge, N.Y. A.C. 1852. _Ord a.p. First ch., Sanford, Me., '56-57; Powhattan, ICan., '57-'60. — w.c. Powhattan, Kan. '. .-'. . — Granada, Kan., '75. — Daniel Bliss, D.D., b. 17 Aug. 1823, Georgia, Vt. A.C. 1852. — Ord., at Amherst, Ms., 18 Oct. 1855. fm. Syria, '58-62. — Pres. Syria Coll., Beirut, 'G4-. Samuel Ward Boardman, D.D., b. 31 Aug. 1830, Pittsford, Vt. M.C. 1851. — Ord. 16 April 1857. p. Norwich, Vt., '57-'59. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '59-'61.— p. Second Presb. ch.. Auburn, N.Y., '62-77.— res. Syracuse, N.Y., occ. sup., '77-79. — p. First Cong, ch.. Sterling, 111., '79-. Lucius Delison Chapin, b. 26 Sept. 1821, Butternuts, N.Y. A.C. 1851.— Ord p- Presb. ch., Ann Arbor, Mich., '67-'. . — Prof. Mental and Moral Phil., Univ. Mich., '..-'68. —p. East Bloomfield, N.Y., '68-'72. — Pres. Ingham Univ., Le Roy, N.Y., '73-'76. — w.c. Chicago, IlL, '77- '78. — a.p. Chicago, 111., '79-. 1880.] 1855. 201 John Colby, b. 2 Oct. 1821, York, Me. D.C. 1852.— Ord. 31 Oct. 1855. p. Hampton, N.II., '55-63. — Soutliborough, Ms., a.p. '64-65 ; p. '65-73. — a.p. Fitzwilliam, N.H., '73-. Prescott Fay, b. 8 Dec. 1826, Westborongh, Ms. A.C. 1851. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1856. p. Lancaster, N. H., '56-65. — a.p. Rochester, N.H., '66-67. — p. New Ipswich, N.H., '67-'69. — a.p. Minneapolis, Minn., '69-' 73. — h.m. Minn., '73-78. — w.c. Minn., '78-81 ; Cambridge, Ms., '81-. Davis Foster, b. 26 Oct. 1822, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1849. — teacher, Bucks- port, Me., '49-52. — Ord. 1 Nov. 1855. p. West Newbury, Ms., '55-68. — p. North Winchendon, Ms., '68-. William Grassie, b. 23 March 1823, Gay's River, Nova Scotia. A.C. 1852. — Ord. 3 Oct. 1855. p. Presb. ch., Wattsburg, Pa., '55-'63. — p. Edin- borough, Pa., '63-74. — a.p. Cambridge, Pa., '75-. ♦Erskine Joel Hawes, b. 23 July 1829, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1851. — Ord. 19 Jan. 1858. p. Plymouth, Ct., '58 until died there, 8 July 1860. George Cushing- Knapp, b. 30 Oct. 1823, Lyndon, Vt. M.C. 1852. — Ord. 7 Sept. 1855. f.m. Diarbekir, Eastern Turkey, '56-'58; Bitlis, '58-. ♦Alfred Lawtoii, b. 1 July 1827, Newport, RJ. B.U. 1851. — Not ordained, — a.p. Brookline, N.H., '55 until died there, 30 Aug. 1855. Julius Yale Leonard, b. 12 June 1827, Berkshire, N.Y. Y.C. 1851.— Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord., at New Haven, Ct., 14 June 1857. f.m. Caesarea, Western Turkey, '57-60; Marsovan, '60-82. — w.c. Berkshire, N. Y., '82-. ♦Wilbur Fisk Loomis, b. 11 Aug. 1830, Manchester, Ct. W.U. 1851.— teacher. East Greenwich, R.I., '51-'52. — Ord. 15 April 1856. p. Shelburne Falls, Ms., '56 until died, in service of Chr. Com., at Nashville, Tenn., 10 Jan. 1864. Caleb Spencer Marsh, b. 20 Jan. 1830, Bath, Me. D.C. 1849. — Ord. 6 Nov. 1856. p. First ch., Burlington, Vt., '56-60. — p. Presb. ch., Haverstraw, N.Y., '62-68. — w.c. New York city, '69-70; Burlington, Vt., '70-72; Prof. Mod. Lang., U.Vt, '73-75; w.c. Burlington, '75-79 ; assist, lib. of Congress, Washington, D.C, '79-. George Mooar, D.D., b. 27 May 1830, Andover, Ms. W.C. 1851.— Ord. 10 Oct. 1855. p. South ch., Andover, Ms., '55-61. — First Cong, ch., Oakland, Cal, p. '61-'70; a.p. '70-' 7 2. — Prof. Syst. Theol. and Ch. Hist., Pacific Theol. Sem., Oakland, Cal. (also a.p. Plymouth Avenue ch., Oak- land, Cal., '74-'77; p. '77-), '70-. Mason Moore, b. 28 Feb. 1822, Sheffield, O. A.C. 1852. — Ord. 3 Dec. 1867 a.p. Lee, N.H., '55-69. — w.c. Saratoga, N.Y.,'70-'., — a,p. Plymouth, Vt., '78.— 202 1855. [1880. ♦John Safford Parsons, b. U May 1828, Hartford, Vt. Y.C. 1852. — Not ordained. — teacher, Meriden, N.H., '55-'5G ; Schenectady, N.Y., '56-'5 7 ; Schoharie, N.Y., '57-60 ; Byfield, Ms., '60 until died there, 23 Oct. 1862. Moses Patten, b. 4 July 1824, Candia, N.H. D.C. 1850. — a.p. Dracut,Ms.; Raymond, N. H. ; Candia, N.H. — Ord. 7 June 1860. p. Townsend, Ms., '60-63.— a.p. Plympton, Ms., '64-6 7 ; West Dracut, Ms., '68-70 ; p. Carlisle, Ms., '70-'75; p. Greensboro', Vt., '76-'80 ; Rochester, Vt., '81-. *Edward Henry Pratt, b. 4 Nov. 1826, Shrewsbury, Ms. A.C. 1853. —Hart. Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 16 March 1858. a.p. East Woodstock, Ct., '55- '67. — Sec. Conn. Temp. Union, Woodstock, Ct., '67 until died there, 13 Nov. 1878. ♦Benjamin Franklin Ray, b. 11 April 1824, Burke, Vt. D.C. 1851.— teacher, Litchfield. Ct., '55-'56. — Ord. 5 March 1856. p. McTndoe's Falls, Vt., '56-'59.— p. Hartford, Vt., '60-'70. — a.p. New Ipswich, N.H., '70 until died there, 7 Jan. 1872. •Edward Parmelee Smith, b. 3 June 1827, South Britain, Ct. Y.C. 1849. — teacher. Mobile, Ala., '49-'52. — Yale Theol. Sem., '52-'53. — Union Theol. Sem., '53-54.— Ord. 11 June 1856. p. Pepperell, Ms., '56-'64 ; also agent Chr. Com., '62-'63. — sup't Western Dep't Chr. Com., '63-'65. — field sec'y Chr. Com., Phil'a, Pa., '65-'66. — gen. field agent Am. Miss'y Assoc'n, New York city, '66-71. — Indian agent, Minn., '71-73. — U.S. Comm. of Indian affairs, Washington, D.C, '73-'76. — Pres. Howard Univ., Washington, D.C, '76 until died, at Accra, West Africa, 15 June 1876. Elnathan Ellsworth Strong, b. 2 May 1832, Hardwick, Vt. D.C. 1852.— Ord. 16 Nov. 1859. p. South Natick, Ms., '59-65. — p. Waltham, Ms., '65-'78. — editor Missionary Herald, res. Auburndale, Ms., *78-. ♦Oswald Langdon Woodford, b. 31 Oct. 1827, West Avon, Ct. Y.C. 1850. — teacher, Cherokee male sem., '51-'52. — Ord. 7 Feb. 1855. prin. Cherokee fern, sem., '55-'56. — a.p. Grasshopper Falls, Kan., '57-'59. — — w.c. West Avon, Ct, '59 until died there, 21 Oct. 1870. *Simeon Borden Durfee (1+), b. 2 Sept. 1829, Tiverton, R.I. B.U. 1851.— Div. School, Cambridge, Ms., 1855. — Ord., Meth., 1855. — a.p. Cong, ch., Peacedale. South Kingstown, R.I., '57. — Died, at Tiverton, R.I., 19 Feb. 1858. James Riley Hale (2), b. 14 June 1823, Orwell, Vt. —. — Union Theol. Sem., '54-'55. — Ord. . . April 1858. a.p. De Kalb, N.Y., '. .-'. . ; Massena, N.Y., '..-'.. — teacher, York, Pa., '..-'61. -marine, US. Navy, '61-65.— in business, Charlcstown, Ms., '..-'..; Portsmouth, N.H., '. .-. 1880.] 1855. 1856. 203 Elijah Howe (1+), b. 27 Sept. 1828, Dedliam, Ms. A.C. 1849. — Not or- dained. — res. Dedham, Ms., clerk of Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank, Boston, Ms., '55-'64. — business agent, Boston, Ms., '65-'76. — ♦Everett Beman Hurlbut (1), b. 9 Oct. 1830, Rochester, Vt. K.C. 1852.— Union Theol. Sera., 1856. — Ord. 1 Nov. 1858. a.p. Fontanelle, Neb., '58-63; Elkhorn City, Neb., '63-66; Papillion, Neb., '66-70. — w.c. Omaha, Neb., '71-'74; Hayward, Cal., '75-'76; Omaha, Neb., '77 until died there, 24 Sept. 1879. James Henry McChesney (2+), b. 12 Feb. 1825, Newark, N. J. K.C. 1852.— res. Grand Marsh, Wis., '55-'56 ; '6 1-'64. — Prospect Park, 111., '56-'58; '64-'68. — Sparta, Wis., '58-'61. — Ord. at Westfield, Wis., 2 June 1869. res. Grand Marsh, Wis. — a.p. there, and preaching in vicinity, '69-. *Sylvanus Baker Roel (1+), b. 3 Nov. 1827, Dammerston, Vt. A.C. 1852.— Died, at Holden, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 17 Sept. 1854. Edwin Watts Shaw (2), b New Chester (now Hill, N. H). U.M. 1852. — a.p. Bedford, Mich., '54-'55; Milford,Mich.,'5&-'57.— Ord. 1 Sept. 1858. a.p. Wheatland, Mich., '57-60, and North Adams, Mich., '59-'60; Leslie, Mich., '61-69; Ithaca, Mich., '69-70; Lawrence, Mich., '71-76; Saranac, Mich., '76-'78 ; Vernon, Mich., '78-82. — w.c. Lansing, Mich., •82-. George Nelson Webber, d.d. (1+), b. 27 Aug. 1826, Pomfret, Ct. A.C. 1852. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '54-'55. — Ord. 5 Dec. 1855. p. South ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '55-'59. — p. North ch., Hartford, Ct., '59-62. — p. First ch., Lowell, Ms., '62-'67. — Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil., Mid. Coll., '67-'74. — p. First Presb. ch., Troy, N.Y., '74-. 1856. Ezra Judson Alden, b. 13 Jan. 1827, Lyme, N.H. D.C. 1852. — Ord. 21 July 1858. p. West Springfield, Ms., '58-'59. — p. Sycamore, III, '60-'63. — a.p. Naperville, 111., '64 ; Presb. ch., Fostoria, O., '65-'68 ; Cong, ch., Eootstown, O., '69-'70; Medina, O., '70-'74. — w.c. Medina, O., '74-'76. — a.p. Covert, Mich., '77-'78.— p. Woodstock, 111., ' 7 9-'81. ^bookseller, Chicago, 111., '81-. Edward Sumner Atwood, b. 4 June 1833, Taunton, Ms. B.tJ. 1852.— Ord. 23 Oct. 1856. p. Grantville, now Wellesley Hills, Ms., '56-'64. — p. Third ch., Salem, Ms., '64-. John Stockman Batchelder, b. 30 Nov. 1825, Hampton, N.H. W.C. 1852. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1858. p. Jaffrey, N.H., '58-'64. — a.p. West Springfield, Ms., '65. — p. Hinsdale, N.H., '66-'71. — p. Webster, Ms., '7l-'75. — a.p. Hampton, N.H., '75-77; Kingston, res. Stratham, N.H., '79-80; West Auburn, Me., '82-. 204 185 6. [1880. Horatio Nelson Burton, D.D., b. 17 Dec. 1826, Washington, Vt. D.C. 1853. — Hart. Theol. Sem., '53-'55. — Ord. 31 Dec. 1857. p. Newbury, Vt., '57-69. — a.p. Sandusky, O., '69-76; Plymouth ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '76-79. — p. Sycamore, 111., '80-. *Williani Baufield Capron, b. 14 April 1824, Uxbridge, Ms. Y.C. 1846.— Ord., at Uxbridge, Ms., 3 Sept. 1856. f.m. Madura, South India, '56 until died there, 6 Oct. 1876. Joshua Coit, b. 4 Feb. 1832, New London, Ct. Y.C. 1853. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '56-'57; Univ. Berlin, '5 7-'58. — res. New London, Ct., '58-'60.— — Ord. 13 Nov. 1860. p. Brookfield, Ms., '60-73. — Sec. pris. com., res. Salem, Ms., '71-'74. — p. Lawrence st. ch., Lawrence, Ms., '74-'83. — Sec. Ms. H. M. Soc, '83-. Amos Hill Coolidg-e, b. 17 Aug. 1827, Sherborn, Ms. A.C. 1853.— Ord. 21 April 1857. p. Leicester, Ms., '57-. Charles Cutler, b. 19 April 1827, Lebanon, N.H, D.C. 1852. — Ord. 18 Nov. 1857. p. Francestown, N.H., '57-'66. — a.p. Wayne, Mich., '67-69.— w.c, invalid, '69-'71. — a.p. Tallmadge, O., '71-'75 ; Burton, O., '75-. Samuel Chase Dean, b. 28 March 1823, Oakham, Ms. A.C. 1853. — Ord. 13 Aug. 1856. f.m. Ahmednagar, Western India, '56-61 ; Satara, '61-67; released, '69. — pr. Nacoochie, Ga., '69-'72. — a.p. Steele City, Neb., '72- '80; Wymore, Neb., '81-. Lysandcr Hickerman, b. 8 June 1825, North Bridgewater, Ms. B.U. 1851. — Ord. 29 April 1858. p. Gloucester, Ms., '58-'60. — p. Weymouth Landing, Ms., '61-'67. — a.p. Rindge, N.H., '67-'68. — a.p. AValpole, N.H., '68-'69. — in Europe, '70-'71. — a.p. Quincy, 111., '72-'74 ; Gilroy, Cal., '74- '75; Chico, Cal., '76-'78. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '80- *Jeremiah Lewis Diman, D.D., b. l May 1831, Bristol, E.L B.U. 1851.— — Ord. 9 Dec. 1856. p. First Cong, ch., Fall River, Ms., '56-'60. — p. Harvard ch., Brookhne, Ms., '60-'64. — Prof. Hist, and Polit. Econ., Brown Univ., Providence, R.L, '64 until died there, 3 Feb. 1881. Ephraim Menachen Epstein, from — . — Ord f.m. Pal- estine. (?) James Thomas Ford, b. 13 Sept. 1827, Abington, Ms. W.C. 1851.— teacher, East Windsor Hill Acad., '51-'53. — Hart. Theol. Sem., '53-'55. — h.m. Vt. Dom. Miss. Soc, '56-'57.— Ord. 25 Nov. 1857. p. Stowe, Vt., '57- '69.— a.p. Plymouth ch., Charleston, S.C., '69-75; SanBernardino,Cal.,'75-. Isaac Smithson Hartley, D.D., b. 27 Sept. 1830, New York, N.Y. U.N.Y. 1852. — Union Theol. Sem., '53-54. — a.p. Second ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '66-'57; New York city, '57-'62.— in Europe, '6 2-'63.— Ord. 8 May 1864. p. Sixth ave. Ref. (Dutch) ch., New York city, '64-'69. — p. Second Rcf. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '69-'71. — p. Ref. ch., Utica, N.Y., '71-. 1880.] 1856. 205 Charles Jenkins Hill, b. 2 Feb. 1830, Portland, Me. W.C. 1852. — Union Theol. Sem., '53-'54. — Ord. 28 Jan. 185 7. p. First ch., Nashua, N.H., '57-'64. — p. Gloversville, N. Y., '65-'68. — p. Presb. ch., Whitehall, N.Y., '68-'72. — p. Cong, ch., Ansonia, Ct. '72-75. — p. Middletown, Ct., '75-. Oscar Blakeslee Hitchcock, b. 24 May 1828, Windham, N.Y. U.C. 1852. — a.p. Owasco Lake and Whitney's Point, N.Y.,'59-'60. — hospital chaplain, U.S.A., '62-'65. — W.C. Windham, N.Y., '65-. Amos Howe Johnson, M.D., b. 4 Aug. 1831, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1853.— Ord. 1 Jan. 1857. p. Middleton, Ms., '57-65. — w.c. Middleton, Ms., '65-66.— physician, Salem, Ms., '66-. John Denison Kingsbury, b. 19 April 1831, Hanover, N.H. U.Vt. 1852.— Ord. 24 Sept. 1856. p. Brandon, Vt., '56-'60. — a.p. Winooski, Vt., '60- '66. — p. Bradford, Ms., '66-. Edward Clarkson Miles, b. 2 Oct. 1831, Sharon, Ct. U.N.Y. 1849. — Union Theol. Sem., 53-'54. — a.p. Brooklyn, Ct., '58-'59.— Ord. 28 June 1860. p. Stratham, N.H., '60-64 — w.c. Exeter, N.H., '64-66 — a.p. Second ch.. West Falmouth, Me., '66-69. — assist. Cor. Sec. A.B.C.F.M., New York city, res. Mont Clair, N.J., '69-'71 ; w.c. Mont Clair, '71-. Charles Fitch Morse, b. 28 July 1825, Salem, Vt. A.C. 1853.— Ord. 13 Aug. 1856. f.ra. Adrianople, Turkey, '57-'63 ; Sophia, '63-67; Eski Zagra, '67-'70. — p. Phillipston, Ms., '71-'72. — p. Atkinson, N.H., '72-75. — p. Thetford, Vt., '75-'78. — a.p. Waterford, Vt., '78-'80 ; Monroe, N.H., '81 ; Mclndoe's Falls, Vt., '82-. George Blagden Safford, D.D., b. 6 Jan. 1832, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1852.— teacher. Deaf and Dumb Inst., New York city, '52-'53. — Ord. 2 Sept. 1858. a.p. Northbridge, Ms., '58-60. — p. Third ch., Burlington, Vt., '60- '82. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '82-. George Edward Sanhorne, b. 16 April 1827, Reading, Ms. A.C. 1853. — Ord. 1 Jan. 185 7. p. Georgia, Vt., '57-'61. — p. Mont Vernon, N.H., '62- '65. — p. Northborough, Ms., '65-'70. — sup't orphan asylum, Hartford, Ct., '70-'75. — steward Insane Retreat, Hartford, Ct., '76-. William Ripley Tompkins, b. 19 March 1826, Madison, N.Y. W.C. 1850. — Ord. 9 Oct. 1 856. p. New England ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., •56-'64. — w.c. '64-66. — a.p. Wrentham, Ms., '66-. *Clarendon Waite, b. 12 Dec. 1830, Hubbardston, Ms. B.U. 1852. — Univ. Halle, Ger., 1857. — Ord. 25 Feb. 1858. p. Rutland, Ms., '58-'66. — p. Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms., '66-'67. — appointed temp. Prof., Beloit Coll., Wis., '67; died there (before entering on its duties), 16 Dec. 1867. 206 1856. [1880. O'liver Westcote Winchester, b. 18 April 1826, Madrid, N. Y. — M.C. 1849. — teacher, Madrid, N.Y., and St. Lawrence Acad., Potsdam, N.Y., '49-'50 ; Ealeigh, Tenn., '50-51. — Ord. 18 Sept. 1856. f.m. Constantinople, '57- '58; Tocat, '5S-'59; Sivas, '59-'65. — a.p. Wadham's Mills, N.Y., '66-'67; Presb. ch., Beekmantown, N.Y., '67-69; Manistee, Mich., '69-'71 ; Jef- ferson, Wis., '.72-'74 ; Fergus Falls, Minn., '75-'80 ; Reedsburg, Wis., '81-. *Theodore Iliram Benjamin (1), b. 11 March 1827, Bethel, Ct. A.C. 1852.— Union Theol. Sem., '54-'55. — Died, at Bethel, Ct., 11 Sept. 1855. Augustus Hart Carrier (1), b. 2 March 1831, Canton, Ct. Y.C. 1851. — teacher, Monson Acad., Ms., '51-'52. — Ord. 28 Jan. 1856. a.p. Presb. ch., Paris, Ky., '56-'57. — in Europe, '57-'58. — a.p. North East, Pa., '58-'63.— p. Cong, ch., Auburndale, Ms., '64-67. — p. Presb. ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '67-'70. — p. Erie, Pa., '71-'78. — p. Fourth ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '80-. Jesse Morris Cross (l),b. 24 Feb. 1828, Grantham, N.H. —. — Ord. 22 Feb. 1859. p. Presb. ch., Urbana, O., '59-'64. — p. Findlay, O., '65-'69.— lawyer. Grand Haven, Mich., '69-. William Hawley Dickinson (1), from Ms. B.U. 1852. — lawyer, New York city. — *Osgood Johnson (2), b. 31 July 1831, Andover, Ms. D.C. 1852. — Not ordained. — prin. Woburn Acad., Ms., '52-'53. — prin. high school, Wor- cester, Ms., '. .-'. . — prin. high school, Cambridge, Ms., '55 until died there, 14 April 1857. *Elias Osgood Libby (1), b. 17 Aug. 1829, Limerick, Me. B.C. 1851. — Not ordained. — Died, . . Jan. 1861. Lyman Marshall (2), b. 20 June 1823, Weare, N.H. D.C. 1850. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1856. a.p. Miss, ch., Manchester, N.H., '56-'60 ; Greenfield, N.H., '60-'63. p. Harrisville, N.H., '64-65. — a.p. Presb. ch., St. Peter, Minn., '66-'70.— p. Lebanon, III, '71-'80. — a.p. Greenfield, 111., '81- Charles S.Marvin (1), b 1828, Walton, N.Y. —. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1856. — Ord. Pres., at Colchester, N.Y., .. June 1857. — p. Harpers- field, N. Y., '57-'59; a.p. '65-'66 ; res. Walton, supplying chs. there, in Pharsalia and Hebron, and in service of Chr. Cora., '59-'64. — h.m. Iowa and Nebraska, '67-79 ; Roxbury and Canton, Kan., '80-82. — a.p. Ness, Kan., '82-. ♦George Frederick Mellen (1+), b. Feb. 1821, Brookfield, Ms. W.U. 1849.— Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 20 Sept. 1855. Nathan Wheaton Moore (1), b. 30 Nov. 1832, Warren, R.L B.U. 1852.— Not ordained. — now prin. Urban Acad., San Francisco, Cal. 1880.] 185G. 1857. 207 Edward Francis Baxter Orton, PH.D., ll.d. (1), b. 9 March 1829, Deposit, N.Y. Ham.C. 18-18. — assist, acad., Erie, N. Y., '48-49. — private tutor, Cincinnati, O., '49-50. — assist., Delaware Lit. Inst., Franlvlin, N.Y., '51- '54,_Ord., Presb., 2 Jan. 1856. a.p. Colchester, N.Y., '55-'56. — Prof. Nat. Science, State Normal School, New York city, '56-'59. — prin. acad., Chester, N.Y., '59-'65. — Prof. Nat. Hist., Antioch Coll., O., '65-'69; also assist, state (Ohio) geologist, '69-'72. — Pres. Antioch Coll., '72-73. — Pres. Ohio State Univ., '73-'81. — state geologist, Columbus, O., '82-. Elijah Bailey Smith (2), b. 13 Dec. 1825, Lyme, Ct. AC. 1853. — Ord 1858. p. Presb. ch.. Corning, N.Y., '58-59. — p. Lewinsville, Va., '59- '61. — a.p. South Cong, ch., Durham, Ct., '62; Middle Haddam, Ct., '63-'.. — w.c. Middletown, Ct., '. .-. Joseph Howe Tyler (1), b. 11 Feb. 1825, Pelham, N.H. D.C. 1851. — Not ordained. — lawyer, Lowell, Ms., '53-'54. — Register of Probate for Middle- sex Co., Ms. (res. East Cambridge and Winchester, '72-), '54-. James White (2), b. 9 July 1828, Hinsdale, Ms. W.C. 1851. — teacher Math., Williston Sem., '51-53. — merchant, Boston, Ms., '54-. Lyman Richards Williston (2), b. 7 Nov. 1830, Maui, H.L A.C. 1850. — Not ordained. — teacher, Williston Sem., '50-53. — stud. Europe, '53-'57. — master, high school, Cambridge, Ms. '57-62. — prin. young ladies' sem., Cambridge, Ms., '62-'70 ; head-master high school there, '70-'81 ; super visor of schools, Boston, res. Cambridge, 'Ms., '81-. 1857. John Gunn Baird, b. 27 Nov. 1826, Milford, Ct. Y.C. 1852. — Ord. 2 June 1859. p. Centrebrook, Saybrook, Ct., '59-65.— w.c. New Haven, Ct., '65- '67. — assist. Sec. Conn. Board of Ed., New Haven and Hartford, Ct., '67-. James Madison Bell, b. 25 Feb. 1833, New York, N.Y. U.N.Y. 1854.— Ord. 21 July 1858. Ashby, Ms., '58-64. — p. Phillips ch., Watertown, Ms., '65- '71.— p. North Hadley, Ms., '73-76. — p. West Medway, Ms., '76-. Oliver BroTfn, b. 31 March 1830, Kingston, R.L Y.C. 1850.— Ord. 2 Dec. 1857. p. Kingston, R.I., '57-59. — a.p. Quincy, Ms., '59-62; South Maiden (now Everett), Ms., '62-63. — p. St. John, N.B., '64-67. — p. Fox Lake, Wis., '6 7-'70. — a.p. Breckenridge, Kidder, and Kingston, Mo., '70- '75. — Prof Math., and Nat. Sci., Drury Coll., '75-77 ; Lat. and Gr. Lang., '77-; and a.p. North Springfield, Mo., '75-. *Abraliam Buruham, b. 9 April 1829, Dunbarton, N.H. D.C. 1852. — Ord. 30 Sept. 1857. — p. East ch., Haverhill, Ms., '57-65. — a.p. Hooksett, N.H., '65-'72 ; East Concord, N.H., '72-79 ; West Stewartstown, N.H., '79 until died there, 7 March 1879, 208 18 57. [1880 Ezra Hoyt Byington, b. 3 Sept. 1828, Hinesburgh, Vt. U.Vt. 1852. — Ord. 23 Feb. 1859. p. Windsor, Vt., '59-'69. — a.p. Am. Presb. ch., Montreal, P.Q., '69-70; Brunswick, Me., '71-'78. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '79-80. — p. ]\Ionson, Ms., '80- Levi Henry Cobb, D.D., b. 30 June 1827, Cornish, N.H. D.C. 1854.— Ord. 28 Oct. 1857. p. North Andover, Ms., '57-'64. — sup't schools, Memphis, Tenn., '64-65. — instr. Nat. Sci. and Latin, K.U. Acad., Mcriden, N. IL, '65-'67. — p. Springfield, Vt, '67-'74. — sup't H.M., Minn., '74-'81 ; Rocky Mountain Dist., '81-82. — Sec. Am. Cong. Un., '82-. Richard Cordley, D.D., b. 6 Sept. 1829, Nottingham, Eng. U.M. 1854.— Ord. Quindaro, Kan., 27 Feb. 1858. h.m. — a.p. Plymouth ch., Law- rence, Kan., '57-'75. — a.p. Flint, Mich., '75-'78 ; Emporia, Kan., '78-. Henry Edwin Dwiglit, M.D., b. 2 Aug. 1832, Portland, Me. Y.C 1852.— — Ord. 29 Dec. 1859. — p. First ch., Randolph, Ms., '59-'62. — in Europe, '62. — stud, med., m.d. 1867. — physician, Philadelphia, '67-. Henry Fairbanks, Ph.D., b. 6 March 1830, St. Johnsbury, Vt. D.C. 1853. — Ord., at St. Johnsbury, Vt, 17 Feb. 1858. a.p. Burke, Vt, '57-58; Barnet, Vt., '59. — Prof. Nat Phil., Dart Coll., '59-'65 ; Prof. Nat Hist, '65-68. — w.c. St Johnsbury, Vt, '68-. *William Dodd Flag-^, b. 4 March 1829, Boylston, Ms. A.C. 1853. — Ord. 12 Jan. 1858. — a.p. Barton, Vt, '58-59. — Died, at Boylston, Ms., 12 May 1859. Henry Allen Hazen, b. 27 Dec. 1832, Hartford, Vt D.C. 1854. — a.p. Bridgewater, Vt., '5 7-'58. — Ord., at St Johnsbury, Vt., 17 Feb. 1858. h.m. Barnard and Bridgewater, Vt, '57-'58. — a.p. Hardwick, Vt,'58-'59; Barton, Vt, '60; West Randolph, Vt, '61. —p. Plymouth, N.H., '62-68. p. Lyme, N. H., '68-'70. — p. Pittsfield, N.H., '70-'72. — p. Billerica, Ms., '74-79. — clerk in Sedtretaries Dep't of A.B.C.F.M., res. Auburndale, Ms., '80-. Levi Little, b. 18 July 1830, Boscawen, N.H. D.C. 1854. — a.p. Falmouth, Ms., '5 7-'58. — a.p. Sandwich, N.H., '59-60. — Ord. 19 Nov. 1862. a.p. Danbury, N. IL, '62-'64 ; a.p. Presb. ch., Ilidgway, Pa., '65-'72. — clerk, Washington, D.C, '72-73. — w.c. Waquoit, Ms., '76-. Amzi B. Lyon, b. 22 March 1831, Brownhelm, O. O.C. 1854. — Ord., at West Andover, O., 4 Feb. 1858. a.p. Strongville, O., '58; Sylvania, O., Vermillion, O., '60-'62 ; Strongsville,'0., '62-'64 ; Salisbury, Vt., '65-67. — p. Bristol, Vt., '67-'70. — a.p. Ferrisburgh, Vt, '70-74; West Newbury, Vt, '75-. *Hiram Mead, D.D., b. 10 May 1827, Cornwall, Vt M.C. 1850. — Ord. 29 St'pt 1858. p. First ch.. South Hadley, Ms., '58-67. — p. Olive st ch., Nashua, N.H., '6 7-'69. — Prof. Sac. Rhet, Theol. Dep't, Obcrlin Coll., O., '69 until died there, 18 May 1881. 1880.] 1857. 209 John Moore, b. 12 Dec. 1827, .... Ireland. W.U. — Ord. ..July 1852.— — a.p. Cong, ch., Yarmouth, N. S., '58-59 ; North Carver, Ms., '59-60. — p. Chestnut st. ch., Lynn, Ms., '60-61. — p. South Presb. ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '64-'66. — a.p. Presb. ch., Westonville, Phil, Pa., ('66); also editor Avierican Guardian, '66-69. — lecturer and editor, Philadelphia, Pa., '70-'73; Brooklyn, N.Y., '73- (?) *Grosvenor Clark Morse, b. 19 April 1827, Acworth, N. H. D.C. 1854.— Ord. 14 Sept. 1857. h.m. — a.p. Emporia, Kan., '57-68; Grasshopper Falls, Kan., '68-70. — Died, at Emporia, Kan., 13 July 1870. ♦Charles Jfewman, b. 9 April 1831, Egremont, Ms. W.C. 1851. — Ord. 18 May 1858. p. Torringford, Ct., '58-'62. — a.p. New Lebanon, N.Y., '63 ; Lanesborough, Ms., '63-"72 ; West Stockbridge Centre, '72 until died there, 20 May 1874. Alpheus Sanford Nickerson, b. 29 April 1831, South Dennis, Ms. A.C. 1854.— Ord. 2 Feb. 1858. a.p. North Woburn, Ms., '57-58. — p. Unit'n ch., Chelsea, Ms., '59-64 — p. Sterling, Ms., '64-69. — p. Melrose, Ms., '69-'70. — W.C. Stoneham, Ms., '71. — a.p. Plymouth, Ms., '72-'73; New- port, N. H., '74-76; Charlestown, N. H., '76-78. — w.c. South Dennis, Ms., '78-. William Alfred Packard, Ph.D., b. 26 Aug. 1830, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1851. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '52-53. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '53-'54. — Univ. Gottingen, Ger. — Not ordained. — Prof. Mod. Lang., Dart. Coll., '59-'63 ; Prof. Greek, '63-'70. — Prof. Latin, Coll., of New Jersey, '70-. Roswell Davenport Parker, b. 31 Oct. 1826, Homer, N. Y. U.M. 1854.— Ord. 31 March 1858. h.m. — a.p. Leavenworth, Kan., '57-59; Wyan- dotte, Kan., "59-67 ; Manhattan, Kan., '67-'81 ; editor there, '81-. Charles Redfleld, b. 26 June 1826, Troy, N. Y. W.C. 1852. — Ord. 9 June 1859. a.p. Elizabethtown, N.J., '58-60; Lewis, N.Y., '60-'61. — Schenec- tady, N.Y., a.p. '63; p. '63-'64. — a.p. Arlington, Vt., '65-'66 and '68-'72; Plalnfield, Vt., '73-'77. — w.c. Arlington, Vt, '77-'79 ; Troy, N.Y., '79-. Charles Edward Reed, b. 28 Jan. 1830, Taunton, Ms. — . — Ord. 7 April 1858. p. First ch.. Maiden, Ms., '58-'69 (also chap. Mass. Senate, '67). — in busi- ness, Milwaukee, Wis., '82-. Thomas Edward Roberts, b. 21 Jan. 1828, Ebensburg, Pa. J.C. 1854.— Ord. 28 March 1861. a.p. Oskaloosa, lo., '60-'62; Troy, N.H., '62-'64; Swanzey, N.H., '64-'68. — w.c. Keene, N.H., '69-'81; Newark, N.J., '82-. Sylvester Dana Storrs, b. 11 Sept. 1820, Lapeer, N.Y. D.C. 1851.— Ord. 27 Jan. 1858. p. Quindaro, Kan., '57-'62 (and a.p. W^yandotte, Kan., '58-59). — a.p. Atchison, Kan., '62-68 ; Glenwood, To., '68-69 ; Quindaro, Kan., and h.m. in N.W. part of AVyandotte Co., '69-72. — sup't H.M. Soc. for Kan., res. Topeka, Kan., '72-. 27 210 1857. [1880. Joseph Henry Thayer, D.D., b. 7 Nov. 1828, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1850.— a.p. Quincy, Ms., '58-59. — Ord. 29 Dec. 1859. p. Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms. (also chap. 40th Mass. Vols., '62-'63), '59-64. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Andover Theol. Sem., '64-82. —res. Cambridge, Ms., '82-. William Smith Thompson, b. 22 Aug. 1828, Wilmot, N.H. D.C. 1853.— — a.p. Enfield, N. H., '58-59.— Ord. 17 Oct. 1860. a.p. Solon and Bingham, Me., '60-61 ; Alna and Newcastle, Me., '61-66; Loudon, N.H., '67-'68 ; Acton, Me., '69-. Lyman Warner, b. 4 July 1826, Bolton, Ct. W.C. 1854. — Hart. Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 28 Oct. 1857. p. Second ch., Ashfield, Ms., '57-'59.— teacher, and occ. sup., '59-62. — a.p. North Becket, Ms., '62-64 ; Rockford, Id., '64-72; Hartland, Ct., '72-76, — occ. pr., res. Salisbury, Ct., '76-79. — a.p. Burlington, '79-'81 ; West Granville, Ms., '81-. John Hill Windsor, b. 19 Dec. 1827, Liphook, Eng. To.C. 1854. — Ord. 22 Dec. 1858. a.p. St. Charles City, lo., '58-60; Marion, lo., '60-'64. — p. First ch., Saco, Me., '64-'68. — p. Grafton, Ms., '68-. William Windsor, b. 17 Sept. 1830, Petersfield, Eng. lo.C. 1854. — Ord. 28 April 1858. a.p. Mitchell, lo., '58-61 ; Davenport, lo., '61-'66; Eddy- ville, lo., '66-6 7 ; Sycamore, 111., '67-72 ; Marshalltown, Ic, '74-81 ; New England ch., Aurora, 111., '81-. Samuel John Austin (1—), b. 22 Nov. 1826, Becket, Ms. U.C. 1847.— Au- burn and Hart. Theol. Sem. — Ord. 25 Feb. 1857. p. Mason Village, now Greenville, N. H., '57-59. — p. Ev. ch., Gardner, Ms., '59-64. — p. Oxford, Ms., '64-68. — p. Warren, Ms.,'68-'77. — p. Second ch., Chicopee, Ms., '77-. James Chaplin Beecher (1+), b. 8 Jan. 1828, Boston, Ms. D.C. 1848. — Ord. 10 May 1856. seamen's chap.. Canton and Hong Kong, China, '^6- '61. — chap. 1st Long Island Vols., '61-'62. — Lt. Col. 141st N.Y. Vols., '62-'63. — Lt. Col., and Col., 35th U.S.C.T., '63-'66 ; Brev. Brig. Gen. .Vols., '66. — a.p. Cong, ch., Owego, N. Y., '67-'70; Poughkeepsie, N.Y., '71-73,- W.C there, '74-'80. — sup. Plymouth Bethel, Brooklyn, N. Y., '81-'82.— Hiram Bingham (1+), b. 16 Aug. 1831, Honolulu, Oahu. Y.C. 1853. — Ord. 9 Nov. 1856, f.m. Ascension Island, Micronesia, '57 ; Apiang, '67-'65. — commander of missionary packet Morning Star, '66-'68, — f.m. Apiang, '68-76 ; Honolulu, '76-. *James Lawrence Clarke (2), b. 19 May 1830, Great Barrington, Ms. W.C. 1853. — Not ordained. — teacher. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Philadelphia, Pa., '58 until died there, 6 Nov. 1863. ♦Charles Reuben Davis (2), b. 25 Dec. 1829, New London, Ct. Mar.C. 1854. — reporter, St. Louis, Mo., '.. until died there, 21 July 1873. 1880.] 1857. 1858. 211 Edward Chipman Guild (2), b. 9 Feb. 1832, Brookllne, Ms. H.C. 1853.— Cambridge Div. Sc-hool, 1857. — Ord., at Meadville, Pa., 22 Sept. 1859. p. Unit'n ch., Marietta, O., '59-60. — p. Canton, Ms., 'G1-'G6. — p. Ithaca, N.Y., '66-68. — a.p. Northborough, Ms., res. Andover, Ms., '68-69. — p. First Ind. ch., Baltimore, Md., '69-'72. — p. Waltham, Ms., '73-'80. — w.c. Brookline, Ms., '80-. Charles Cotton Salter (1), b. 19 Feb. 1832, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1852.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '56-'57. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1857. — Ord. 20 April 1859. p. Kewanee, 111., '59-'61. — chap. 13th Conn. Vols., '62. — Plymouth ch., Minneapolis, Minn., a.p. '62-64; p. '64-69. — a.p. Brookfield, Mo., '69-'71. — p. Duluth, Minn., '72-'76. — a.p. Denver, Col., '77-'79 ; Waverly, 111., '79-'81 ; Duluth, Minn., '81-'82. — w.c, '82-. Stephen Lewis Bates Speare (1—), b. 6 May 1834, Corinth, Vt. D.C. 1854. — teacher, Bradford, Ms., (one year). — in business, Haverhill, Ms., '56-61. —Chicago, 111., '62-'67.— Chicago Theol. Sem.,'67-'68. — Ord., at Charles- town, Ms., 30 Jan. 1874. chap. Mass. State Prison, '73-77. — First ch., Bangor, Me., a.p. '78-'79; p. '79-'81. — p. Middlebury, Vt., '81-. Abner Leavenworth Train (1), b. 16 Sept. 1830, Milford, Ct. Y.C. 1853.— Not ordained. — lawyer, Milford, Ct., '56-62. — clerk U. S. Navy Dep't, Washington, D.C, '63. — editor. New Haven, Ct., '64-73 ; res. there, and in New York city, '73-. Lot Norton Woodruff (2-|-), b. 29 May 1832, Westfield, N.J. Mar.C. 1853. — Ord. 6 Jan. 1858. a.p. Glover, Vt., '57-'58; Gaysville, Vt., '58-'60 ; Hudson, Wis., '60-62; Wabasha, Minn., '62-64; Falls Village, Canaan, Ct., '65-66. — w.c. Beverly, N.J., '66-'71 ; Marietta, O., '71-73. — p. Presb. chs., Amesville and New England, O., '73-'82. — w.c. Amesville, O., '82-. 1858. Abram Elisha Bald'yin, b. 18 Nov. 1830, Goshen, Ct. Y.C. 1854. — Ord. 28 Feb. I860., a.p. Akron, O., '58-'62. — p. Ann Arbor, Mich., '62-'67.— p. Lincoln, 111., '67-'70. — a.p. Memphis, Tenn., '70-74. —p. Presb. ch., Bound Brook, N.J., '75-. William James Batt, b. 5 Oct. 1834, Fall River, Ms. B.U. 1855. — a.p. Niagara City, N.Y., '58-59. — Ord. 29 Sept. 1859. p. Stoneham, Ms., '59-61. — a.p. Bedford, Ms., '61-65. — p. Leominster, Ms., '65-74. — w.c. Leominster, Ms., '74-'75. — p. Stoneham, Ms., '75-. Charles Robinson Bliss, b. 5 Nov. 1828, Longmeadow, Ms. W.C. 1854. — Ord. 28 April 1859. Presb. ch., Beverly, N.J., a.p. '58-'59; p. '59-'62.— p. South Reading (now Wakefield), Ms., '62-'77. — Prof. Col. Coll., '78- '79. — Sec. New West. Ed. Com., res. Chicago, 111., '80- 212 1858. [1880. Joshua Metcalf Chamberlain, b. 2 Oct. 1825, West Brookfield, Ms. D.C. 1855. — a.p. Dubuque, lo., '59. — Ord. 14 Dec. 1859. Des Moines, lo., a.p. '59-60; p. 'G0-'G5. — agent Am. Miss'y Ass'n, '65-66. — agent Iowa Coll., Grinnell, lo., '67. — a.p. Eddyville, lo., '67-'68. — treas. Iowa Coll. (also editor Potveshiek Co. Herald, '69-), '68-. Charles Wallace Clark, b. 25 Oct. 1831, Georgia, Vt. U.Vt. 1855. — Ord. 13 June 1861. a.p. Island Pond, Vt., '61-'63 ; Rochester, Vt., '63 ; Hart- land, Vt., '64-'69 ; Charlotte, Vt., '69-'71 ; Gaysville, Vt., '71-'78 (also Pittsfield, Vt., '74-'78) ; Georgia, Vt., '78-. James Franklin Clarke, b. 31 Jan. 1822, Buckland,Ms. A.C. 1854. — h.m. Bridgewater, Vt., '58-59. — Ord. 14 April 1859. f.m. Philippopolis, Euro- pean Turkey, '59-. James Cruickshauks, b. 12 Nov. 1828, Haddington, Scot. Y.C. 1855.— Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 8 Sept. 1858. p. Winthrop ch.. South Maiden (now Everett), Ms., '58-'59. — p. Second Presb. ch., Newburyport, Ms., '60-'62. — Cong, ch., Spencer, Ms., a.p. '63-64; p. '64-71. — p. Webster Groves, Mo., '71-'74. — p. Presb. ch., Rockford, 111., '74-'76. — a.p. Kenosha, Wis., '79-'81. — p. Ref. ch., Metuchen, N.J., '82-. William Eastman Dickinson, b. 11 June 1832, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1855. — Union Theol. Sem., '55-'57.— Ord. 19 Dec. 1860. a.p. Orleans, Ms., '60-62; Sprague, Ct., '63-65; Montville, Ct., '65-68. — p. Canton, Ms., '69-'70. — p. Walpole, N.H., '70-75. —p. First ch., Chicopee, Ms., '76-. John Dolbeer Emerson, b. 29 May 1828, Candia, N.H. D.C. 1853. — prin. Pembroke Acad., '53-55. — Ord. 1 Oct. 1858. p. Haverhill, N.H., '58- '67. — p. Second ch., Biddeford, Me., '68-'76. — a.p. Underbill, Vt., '76-. Franklin Ebenezer Fellows, b. 23 Feb. 1827, Weathersfield, Vt. D.C. 1855. — Ord. 15 Dec. 1858. p. Kennebunk, Me., '58-65. — p. Bridgton, Me., '66-68. — p. Sutton, Ms., '69-'71. — a.p. Griswold, Ct., '71-75; Bozrah, Ct., '75-82. — William Henry Fenn, b. 1 March 1834, Charleston, S.C. Y.C. 1854.— Ord. 10 Feb. 1859. p. Frankhn st. ch., Manchester, N.H, '59-66. — p. High St. ch., Portland, Me., 'QQ-. Constans Libertie Goodell, D.D., b. 16 March 1830, Calais, Vt. U.Vt. 1855. — Ord. 2 Feb. 1859. p. South ch., New Britain, Ct., '59-'72.— p. Pilgrim ch., St. Louis, Mo. (lecturer on Church Work at West, Andover Theol. Sem., '83), '72-. John Alexander Hamilton, b. 8 Dec. 1829, Chester, Ms. A.C. 1853.— teacher, Williston Sem., '53-55. — Ord. 29 Jan. 1861. First ch., Keene, N.H., a.p. colleague, '58-61; p. '61-65. — w.c. '65-67. — a.p. Olivet ch., Springfield, Ms., '67; Davenport, lo., '67-71.- — -p, Norwalk, Ct., '74-'82.— 1880.] 1858. 213 ♦Nathan Sherbnrn Haseltine, b. 29 March 1829, Chester, N.H. D.C. 1855. — Ord. 13 Jan. 1859. p. Springfield, Vt., '59 until died there, 22 Jan. 18G0.-- Hiram Lowell Howard, b. 3 Nov. 1827, Ware, Ms. Y.C. 1855. — a.p. Pel- ham, Ms., '58-'60; Second ch., Ashfield, Ms., '60-61; Burlington, Ms., '61-'63, — Ord. 10 April 1864. chap. 59th Mass. Vols., '64-'65.— a.p. Presb. ch., Odessa, Del., '65-67. — assist, p. Ch. of the New Testament, Philadelphia, Pa., '67-'68. — a.p. Cong, ch., Cambridge, O., '69 ; Ruggles, O., 'G9 ; Atkinson, 111., '70-72 ; Aledo, 111., '73 ; Lisbon, 111., '74-'77 ; Fair- view, Kan., '78; Centralia, Kan., '79-'80. — w.c. Hiawatha, Kan., '81-. Ephralm Orcutt Jameson, b. 23 Jan. 1832, Dunbarton, N.H. D.C. 1855. — Ord. 1 March 1860. p. East Concord, N.H., '60-65. — p. Union ch., Amesbury and Salisbury, Ms., '65-'71. — p. First ch., Medway, Ms., '71-. *Cliester Daniel Jefferds, b. 20 Feb. 1828, Dixfield, Me. A.C. 1855. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1858. p. Chester, Vt., '58 until died there, 20 Nov. 1862. William Anderson McGinley, b. 15 Feb. 1831, Fairfield, Pa. — . — Ord. 2 June 1859. p. Shrewsbury, Ms., '59-'65. — p. North ch., Newburyport, Ms., '65-'68.— p. Gloversville,N.Y.,'69-'74.— p. Ross st. Presb ch., Brook- lyn, N.Y., '74-'78. — p. Second ch., Greenfield, Ms., '78-79. — p. Ports- mouth, N. H., '79-. ♦William Ward Meriam, b. 15 Sept. 1830, Princeton, Ms. H.C. 1855.— Ord., at Cambridgeport, Ms., 29 Nov. 1858. f.m. European Turkey, '59 until killed, on the road from Constantinople to Philippopolis, 3 July 1862. *James Orton, b. 21 April 1830, Seneca Falls, N.Y. W.C. 1855. — Ord., Presb., at Greene, N.Y., 11 July 1860. a.p. Cong, ch., Greene, N.Y., '60-61 ; Thomaston, Me., '61-63 ; Brighton, N.Y. (also teacher of Nat. Sci., Univ. of Rochester, '66-'67), '64-'69. — Prof. Nat. Hist., Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsle, N.Y., '69 until died, on Lake Titicaca, S.A., 25 Sept. 1877. William W. Parker, b. 2 March 1824, Princeton, Ms. — . — Ord. 28 Dec. 1858. a.p. York, Me., '58-61.- p. East Cambridge, Ms., '61-64. — p. Groton,Ms., '65-68. — p. Williamsburg, Ms., '69-73. — a.p. West Boylston, Ms., '73-'77 ; First ch., Milton, Ms., '78-80.— w.c. West Boylston, Ms., '81- Francis Brown Perkins, b. 7 Aug. 1833, Boston, Ms. W.C. 1854. — a.p. Central ch., Dracut, Ms., '58-'59. — Ord. 15 Feb. 1860. p. Montague, Ms., '60-64; also chap. 10th Mass. Vols., '63-64. — p. Central ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '64-'70. — Sec. N.E. br. Am. Tract Soc, N.Y., Boston, Ms., '72-76. — sup't H. M., Denver, Col., '77.— a.p. Sonoma, Cal., '77-78; Grass Valley, Cal., '79. — p. Stockbridge, Ms., '80-. Albert Hale Plumb, D.D., b. 23 Aug. 1829, Gowanda, N.Y. B.U. 1855. — Ord. 10 Nov. 1858. p. Winnisimmet ch., Chelsea, Ms., '58-'71. — p. Walnut ave. ch., Roxbury, Ms., '72-. 214 1858. [1880. Evarts Scudder, b. 2 Jan. 1833, Boston, Ms. W.C. 1854. — Ord. 1 June 1859. p. Kent, Ct., '59-67. — p. Great Barrington, Ms., '67-. Uriel Whitney Small, b. 23 July 1825, Pownal, Me. A.C. 1854. — Ord. 22 Sept. 1859. p. Sterling, 111., '59-'64. — a.p. Lisbon, 111., '64-'69 ; Cum- berland Centre, Me., '70. — h.m. Howard Springs, East Tennessee, '71. — a.p. Pomona, Tenn., '72; Turner, Me., '74-75; Wilton, Me., '76-'79.— W.C. Sterling, 111., '80. — a.p. Parkersburg, lo., 'Si- Edward Payson Tliwing, b. 25 Aug. 1830, Ware, Ms. H.C. 1855. — Ord. 22 Sept. 1858. p. St. Lawrence st. ch., Portland, Me., '58-62. — p. Quincy, Ms., '62-'67. — W.C. '67-'69. — a.p. Second ch., Westbrook, Me., '69-'71. — W.C. Portland, Me., '71-' 74. — Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Voc. Cul., Free Coll., Brooklyn, N.Y., '74-78; also a.p. ch. of the Covenant, Brooklyn, N.Y., '76-'79.— Joseph Torrey, D.D., b. 25 Dec. 1832, Burlington, Vt. U.Vt. 1852. — a.p. Sherbrooke, C.E., '58-59. — Ord. 30 May 1860. p. East Hardwick, Vt., '60-'74.— p. Yarmouth, Me., '75-. Alexander Stevenson Twonibly, b. 14 March 1832, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1854. — Ord. 10 Feb. 1859. p. Presb. ch.. Cherry Valley, N.Y., '59-'62. — p. State St. ch., Albany, N.Y., '62-67. — p. First Presb. ch., Stamford, Ct., '68-72. — p. Winthrop ch., Boston, Ms., '72-. Nathaniel Lord Uphara, b. 28 April 1833, Concord, N.H. D.C. 1853.— Ord. 10 March 1859. p. Manchester, Vt., '59-62. — a.p. Presb. ch., Flemington, N.J., '62-63. — chap. 35th N.J. Vols., '63-65. — p. Reaville, N.J., '65-'71. — Merchantville, N. J., a.p. '74-'76 ; p. '76-82. — w.c. '82-. George Thomas Washburn, b. 5 Sept. 1832, Lenox, Ms. W.C. 1855.— Ord. 24 March 1859. f.m. Madura District, Southern India, '60-. Henry Willard, b. 11 Sept. 1830, Troy, N.Y. D.C. 1851. Princeton Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 20 Oct. 1858. h.m.- a.p. MonroevIUe, O., '58-'59 ; Zumbrota, Minn., '59-63 ; Plainview, Minn., '63-'80 ; Mantorville, Minn., John Henry Anketell (1), b. 8 March 1835, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1855.— Univ. Halle, Ger., '57-'58. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1859.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 29 Dec. 1859 ; priest, 22 Dec. I860. — Christ ch., Eastport, Me., '60. — r. St. Luke's ch., Darien, Ct., '61. — St. Paul's ch., Windham, Ct, '62- '64. — St. James's ch., Winsted, Ct., '65. — assist, min. Trinity ch., New- port, R.I., '66. — ch. of Holy Trinity, St. Anthony's Falls, Minn., '67. — St. Paul's ch., Havana, N.Y., '67-'68 ; also Prof. Lang., Masonic School, Havana, N.Y., '67-'68. — founder and first rector, St. John's American ch., Dresden, Saxony, '69. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '69- 1880.] 1858. 1859. 215 Lucius Erastus Barnard (1+), b. 14 June 1828, Waitsfield, Vt. U.Vt. 1853. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1858. — Ord., by Onondaga Presb'y, 8 March • 1859. — a.p. Hannibal, N.Y.,'58-'59; Amboy, N.Y., '59-'60; Waukegan, III., '61-'62; Galesburg, 111., '62 ; Georgia, Vt., '63-64. — stud, law.— *Warren Brooks (1+), b. 15 Feb. 1831, Townsend, Ms. H.C. 1855. — Died, at Townsend, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 4 Feb. 1857. Edmund Woodward Brown (1), b. 3 Nov. 1831, Burdett, N.Y. Y.C. 1855. — Union Theol. Sem., 1858. — a.p. Cornwall, Ct., '58; Second Presb. ch., Alexandria, Va., '58-'59.— Ord. . . Jan. 1860. a.p. Presb. ch., West Dres- den, N.Y., '59-65. — Presb. miss'y, '65. — syn. miss'y, '65-66. — in Europe, '66-'67. — a.p. Carthage, N.Y., '67-'69; North Bergen, N.Y., '69-'72; Wellsville, N.Y., '72-'74; Burdett, N.Y., '74-'78; West Dresden, N.Y., '79 ; Ithaca, N.Y., '80-'82. — w.c, '82-. Smith Norton (1+), b. 18 April 1824, Madison, Me. O.C. 1855.— Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1858.— Ord., at Lebanon, O., 22 Feb. 1859. a.p. Granville, 111., '59-'..; Churchville, N.Y., '61-'63; Augusta, Mich., '65-'66. — p. Michigan City, Ind., '66-'.. — a.p. East Concord, N. H., '69; Baraboo, Wis., '69-'70.— w.c. Riga, N.Y., '71 ; Evanston, 111., '72-'74 ; Ripon, Wis., '76; Boston, Ms., '77. — a.p. Harwich, Ms., '77; Bethlehem, N.H., '80; Lake Preston, Dak., '81 ; Pierre, Dak., '82-. Alpheus Justus Pike (2), b. 7 March 1828, Topsfield, Ms. D.C. 1855. — a.p. Pomfret, Vt. — Ord. 9 March 1859. p. Marlborough, Ct., '59-'67. — a.p. Sauk Centre, Minn., '68-79. — w.c. there, '80-81. — a.p. Mandan, Dak., '81-. Charles Augustus Young, PH.D., ll.d. (1), b. 15 Dec. 1834, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1853. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '54-55. — Not or- dained. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., West. Res. Coll., '56-'66. — Prof. Nat. Phil, and Astron., Dart. Coll., '66-'77. — Prof Astron., Coll. of N.J., '77-. 1859. Solon Albee, b. 14 April 1827, Langdon, N.H. M.C. 1851. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Lafayette Coll., '5 2-54. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '55. — teacher, Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '60-'62 ; Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '63-64; Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '64-66. — Prof Latin, Mid. Coll., '66-'80. — res. Langdon, N.H., '80-. William Frederick Arms, b. 24 Feb. 1831, Hebron, Ct. Y.C. 1853. — Ord. 26 Jan. 1860. fm. European Turkey, '60-62. — p. Newtown, Ct., '63-64. — a.p. Greenwich, Ct., '64-66. — p. Presb. ch., Nicholson, Pa., '67-'73. — a.p. Second ch., Wantage, Beemerville, N.J., '73-75. — p. Cong, ch., Sun- derland, Ms., '75- 216 1859. [1880. Franklin Demin? Ayer, b. 19 Dec. 1832, St. Johnsbury, Vt. D.C. 1856. — a.p. Dracut, Ms., '59-'60. — Ord. 1 May 1861. p. Milford, N.H., '61- '67. — p. First ch., Concord, N.H., '67-. Benjamin Branian, b. 23 Nov. 1831, Norton, Ms. B.U. 1854. — a.p. ShutPS- bury, Ms., '60. — prin. acad., Westport, Ms., '62-63. — teacher, Astoria, N.Y., 'G3-'64 ; New York city, '64-. ♦Augustus Chandler, b. l Dec. 1830, Woodstock, Ct. W.C. 1855. — a.p. North Woodstock, Ct., '59-60. — Ord. 12 Sept. 1860. a.p. Saxton's River, Vt., '60-'61; Lempster, N.H., '61-'64. — p. Strafford, Vt., '64-'67. — p. Durnmerston, Vt, '67-'70. — w.c. Brattleboroiigh, Vt., '70-75. — editor and proprietor, Record and Farmer, '75 until died, at Brattleborough, Vt., 26 March 1880. *John Henry Dodge, b. 14 Feb. 1828, Wenham, Ms. A.C. 1856. — Ord. 21 Sept. 1859. f.m. Mendi, Africa, '59-'61. — a.p. Wendell, Ms., '61 until died there, 18 June 1863. George Dustan, b. 26 Nov. 1827, Lebanon, N.H. D.C. 1852.— Ord. 19 Oct. 1859. p. Peterborough, N.H., '59-. Elijali Stites Fairchild, b. 24 May 1833, Mendhara, N.J. N.J.C. 1856.— Ord. 11 Jan. 1860. p. Morrisania, N.Y., '60-'61. — a.p. Orient, N.Y., '61; Oyster Bay, N.Y., '62-'65. — p. Ref. ch.. Flushing, N.Y.,'66-'72. — College Point, N.Y., a.p. '72-'77; p. '77-'78. — editor, '78-'79. — w.c. '79-. *Natlianiel Porter Gilbert, b. 17 Feb. 1831, PIttsford, Vt. U.Vt. 1854.— Ord. 18 July 1860. f.m. Am. and For. Chr. Union, Chili, S.A., '60-'71.— Dis. Sec. A.F.C.U., '71-'73. —a.p. Clarendon, Vt., '73-'75; Hubbardton, Vt., 76 until died there, 1 July 1876. *Zenas Goss, b. 11 Oct. 1832, Waterford, Vt. D.C. 1856. — Ord. 11 Jan. 1860. f.m. Central Turkey, '60 until died, at Marash, 28 Aug. 1864. Austin Hazen, b. 14 Feb. 1835, Hartford, Yt. U.Vt. 1855. — Ord. 29 March 1860. p. Norwich, Vt., '59-'64.— a.p. Jericho Centre, Vt., '64-; also Richmond, Vt., '75-. George Frederick Herrick, D.D., b. 19 April 1834, Milton, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Ord. 7 Sept. 1859. f.m. Constantinople, '59-'70; Marsovan, Western Turkey, '70-. Henry Lynes Hubbell, b. 24 June 1831, Wilton, Ct. Y.C. 1854. — Union Theol. Sem., '56-57, — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '59-'61. — Ord. 24 April 1861. p. First ch., Amherst, Ms., '61-'65. — a.p. Unionville, Ct., '66-'68 ; Ann Arbor, Mich., '69-'76. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '78-'80. — p. Jamestown, N.Y., '80-. Calvin Butler Hulbert, D.D., b. 18 Oct. 1827, Sheldon, Vt. D.C. 1853. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1859. p. New Haven, Vt., '59-'69.— p. Belleville ave. ch., Newark, N.J., '70-72. — p. Bennington, Vt., '72-75. — Pres. Mid. Coll., '75-80. — a.p. Lyndonville, Vt., '81- 1880.] 1859. 217 Abbott Eliot Kittredge, D.D., b. 20 July 1834, Roxbury, Ms. W.C. 1854. — Ord. 14 Sept. 1859. p. Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '59-64. — p. Eleventh Presb. ch.. New York city, '65-'70. — p. Third Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '70-. Benjamin Labaree, Jr., b. 21 March 1834, Columbia, Tenn. M.C. 1854.— Ord. 13 June 1860. f.m. Persia, '60-. John William Lane, b. 7 Sept. 1827, South Newmarket, N. H. A.C. 1856.— Ord. 17 Oct. 1860. p. Whately, Ms., '60-'78. — p. North Hadley,Ms.,'78-. William Wallace Livingston, b. 15 Dec. 1832, Potton, P.Q., Can. U.Vt. 1856. — Ord. 27 April 1860. f.m. Sivas, Western Turkey, '60-'72. — p. North Carver, Ms., '73-'78. — a.p. Jaffrey, N.H., '78-. James McLean, b. 25 June 1830, Glasgow, Scot. W.C. 1856.— Ord. 30 Aug. 1859. p. Thomaston, Me., '59-'61. — p. South Dennis, Ms., '61-'62. — p. Milwaukee, Wis., '62-'65. — a.p. Berlin, Wis., '65-'66; Menasha, Wis., ♦66-'69. — p. Hampton, N.H., •70-'72. — p. South Weymouth, Ms., '72-'76. — a.p. West Boxford, Ms., '76-78 ; Groveland, Ms., '79 ; Pierce City, Mo., '80-. ♦Charles Tenney Melvin, b.23 June 1835, Chester, N.H. D.C. 1856.— Ord. 18 Oct. 1859. First Presb. ch., Columbus, Wis., a.p. '59-'60 ; p. '60-'63. — a.p. Boscobel,Wis., '63-'64 ; Cong, ch., Elk Grove, Wis., '64-'65. — Sun Prairie, Wis., a.p. '66-67; p. '67-'71. — p. Emporia, Kan., '71-74. — a.p. Atkinson, N.H., '75-'80. — Died, at Walpole, Ms., 7 Dec. 1880. Charles Ray Palmer, b. 2 May 1834, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1855. — Ord. 29 Aug. 1860. p. Tabernacle ch., Salem, Ms., '60-'72. — p. First ch., Bridgeport, Ct., '72- Albert Bradstreet Peabody, b. 1 Nov. 1828, Boxford, Ms. —. — Ord. 24 May 1860. p. East Longmeadow, Ms., '60-67, — a.p. Seabrook and Hampton Falls, N.H., '67-'69. — p. Strathara, N.H., '69-. Daniel Phillips, b. 14 Feb. 1826, Swansea, Wales. — lay preacher, Victoria, Monmouthshire, Eng., '47-'48 ; Pittsburgh, Pa., '48-'51. A.C. 1856.— Ord. 20 Feb. 1861. Sparta, Wis., a.p. '60-'61 ; p. '61-'62. — a.p. Orange, Ms., '6'?-'65 ; Groton Junction, now Ayer, Ms., '66-'69. — p. North Chelmsford, Ms.,'70-'76. — a.p. Bath, N.H. (also Lisbon, '79-'80) '78-'82. — res. North Chelmsford, Ms., '83-. Henry Jackson Richardson, b. 23 June 1829, Middleton, Ms. A.C. 1855. — Ord. 6 Sept. 1860. p. Lincoln, Ms., '60-. George Washington Sargent, b. 16 Feb. 1833, Dover, N.H. D.C. 1856.— Ord. 21 Dec. 1859. p. Raymond, N.H., '59-'65. — p. John Eliot ch., South Natick, Ms., '65-'67. — a.p. Racine. Wis., '67-69 ; Negaunee, Mich., '69- *70. — p. Menasha, Wis., '70-72. — w.c. Milwaukee, Wis., '72-77. — a.p. Salem, Liberty, and Wilmot, Wis., '77-'80 ; Granite Falls, Minn., '80-. 218 1859. [1880. *David Coit Scudder, b. 27 Oct. 1835, Boston, Ms. W.C. 1855. — Ord. 25 Feb. 1861. f.ra. Periaculum, Madura District, Southern India, '61 until drowned, in river near Periaculum, 19 Nov. 1862. John Haskell Sliedd, D.D., b. 9 July 1833, Mt. Gilead, O. Mar.C. 1856. — Ord. 3 Aug. 1859. f.m. to the Nestorians, Persia, '59-70. — Prof. Biddle Univ., N.C., '72-'78.— f.m. Persia, '78-. Edward Alfred Smith, b. 22 July 1835, East Woodstock, Ct. Y.C. 1856. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Univ. Gottingen, '60; Halle, '61-62. — w.c. Hoboken, N.Y., '62-'65. — Ord., at West Springfield, Ms., 13 Nov. 1865. a.p. Second ch., Chester, Ms., '65-74. — p. Farmington, Ct., '74-. Moses Smith, b. 16 Aug. 1830, Hebron, Ct. Y.C. 1852. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 22 Sept. 1859. p. Plainville, Ct. (also private, 8th Conn. Vols., '63; chap., '63-65), '59-69. — Leavitt st. ch., Chicago, 111., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70-73. — p. Jackson, 111., '74-79. — p. Second ch., Detroit, Mich., '80-. Julian Monson Stnrtevant, Jr., D.D., b. 2 Feb. 1834, Jacksonville, 111. Ill.C. 1854.- a.p. Jacksonville, 111., '59-'60. —Ord. 5 July 1860. p. Han- nibal, Mo., '60-69. — a.p. New Eng. ch.. New York city, '69-70. — p. First ch., Ottawa, 111., '70-73. — p. Denver, Col., '73-7 7. — p. Grinnell, lo., '77-. *Amherst Lord Thompson, b. 16 April 1834, Newark, N.Y. A.C. 1856.— Union Theol. Sem., '56-'57. — a.p. Ansonia, Ct., '59-60. — Ord. 2 Feb; 1860. f.m. Oroomiah, Persia, '60 until died there, 25 Aug. 1860. *John Winn Underhill, b. 22 April 1829, Ipswich, Ms. A.C. 1854. — Ord. 5 Oct. 1859. p. North Amherst, Ms., '59 until died there, 17 Oct. 1862. William Hayes Ward, D.D., b. 25 June 1835, Abington, Ms. A.C. 1856. — Union Theol. Sem., •56-'57.— Tutor, BeL Coll., '57-'58. — Ord. 8 Jan. 1860. Oskaloosa, Kan., a.p. '59-60 ; p. '60-'61. — teacher, Williston Sem., Easthampton, Ms., '61; Free Acad., Utica, N.Y., '62-65. — Prof. Latin and Nat. Sci-, Ripon Coll., Wis., '65-'67. — assoc. editor Independent,'i>ievr York city, '68-'70; superintending editor, '70-. Pliny risk Warner, b. 20 Dec. 1830, Strykersville, N.Y. Y.C. 1855. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2).— Ord. 31 Oct. 1860. p. First ch., Stonington, Ct., '59- '63. — a.p. Clinton, Wis., '64-'66; Como, 111., '66-'69; Alcdo, 111., '69-'72; Newaygo, Mich., '72-'74 ; Fort Scott, Kan., '74-76; Mattoon, 111., '77- 78; Aledo, 111., '78-'80 ; w.c. there, '80-. 1880.] 1859. 219 *Thomas Lyford Ambrose (1), b. 18 June 1829, Ossipee, N.H. B.C. 1856.— Union Theol. Sem., '56-'57.— Ord. 21 July 1858. f.m. Persia, '58-'62.— chap. 12th N. H. Vols., '62 until died of wounds, at Fortress Monroe, Va., 19 Aug. 1864. Charles Montgomery Barnes (2), b. 8 Sept. 1833, Canton, 111. K.C. 1856.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1859.— Ord. 16 Sept. 1859. p. Lamoille, 111., '59- '60. — p. Neponset, 111., '61-'64. — chap. 93d 111. A^ols., '64-'65. — a.p. Plymouth, 111., '67-'70. — w.c. (res. Chicago, 111., '78-), '70-. *Joseph Bloomer (1), b. 10 June 1829, N. Washington, Pa. A.C. 1856. — Not ordained. — a.p. McGregor, lo., '57 until died there, 21 Feb. 1858. Isaac Bridgman (1—), b. 2 Oct. 1833, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1856. — Not ordained. — teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '57; Munroe Acad., Elbrldge, N.Y., '59-61 ; Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '61-66 ; Syracuse, N.Y., '67-'75; acad., Cleveland, 0., '76-. Edward Payson Crowell, d.d. (1+), b. 7 Sept. 1830, Essex, Ms. A.C. 1853. — teacher, Williston Sem., Easthampton, Ms., '53-'55. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '55-'56. — Not ordained. — Prof. Latin, Amh. Coll., '58-. Asa Severance Fisk (1—), b. 2 March 1833, Strongsville, O. A.C. 1855.— Yale Theol. Sem., '57. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '57-'59. — Ord. 6 June 1860. St. Paul, Minn., a.p. '59-60; p. '60-62. — chap. 4th Minn. Vols., '62-65, and sup't freedmen, '63-65. — p. Second ch., Rockville, Ct., '65-'71. — p. Presb. ch., Rochester, N.Y., '72-'75. — p. Howard st. ch, San Francisco, Cal., '75-7 7 ; a.p. there, '77-. ♦Stephen Sargeant Morrill (2), b. 24 Dec. 1831, Danville, Vt. D.C. 1855.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1859.— Ord. 12 May 1859. p. Maiden, 111., '59-'64 ; also hosp, chap. U.S.A., '62-65. — a.p. Hillsborough Bridge, N.H., '65-68. — Henniker, N.H., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70-73. — a.p. Harvard, Ms., '74-77. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., until died, at Danville, Vt., 2 May 1878. Elisha Mulford, ll.d. (1+), b. 19 Nov. 1833, Montrose, Pa. — Y.C. 1855.— Ord. deacon, Episc, .. March 1859; priest, 19 March 1862. Darien, Ct., '61. — South Orange, N.J., '61-64. — w.c, author, Montrose, Pa., '64-77; Friendsville, Pa., '77-'81 ; Cambridge, Ms., '81-. Robert Samuel (2), b. 17 June 1818, Paisley, Scot. D.C. 1856. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1859.— Ord. 3 Nov. 1859.— a.p. New Rutland and Nebraska, III, '59-60 ; Wataga, III., '60-'61. — teacher, Brewster, Ms., '61-63.— a.p West Yarmouth, Ms., '63-65 ; West Hawley, Ms., '65-70. —West Cum- mington, Ms., '70-'72; Weston, Vt., '72-'75. — p. Cawker City, Kan., '75- '79 ; w.c. there, '79-. Azro Andrus Smith (1— ), b. 6 Sept. 1827, Tunbridge, Vt. U.Vt. 1856.— teacher, Burlington, Vt., '57; Franklin, N. H., '59-'63. — Ord. 11 Feb. 1864. p. Lowell and Westfield, Vt., '64-'70. — a.p. Irasburgh, Vt., '70-77 ; Ashby, Ms., '77-'78.— w.c. '78-'80. — a.p. Johnson, Vt., '80-. 220 1859. 1860. [1880. Joseph Morgan Smith (2+), b. 26 April 1833, Glastonbury, Ct. Y.C. 1854. — Ord. 2 Aug. 18G0. a.p. West Avon, Ct., '59-'G2 ; Grand Rapids, Mich., '63-. Edward Alexander Strong (1—), b. 10 Dec. 1834, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1855. — Not ordained. — in business, Boston, Ms., '57-. 1860. Henry Mills Alden, b. 11 Nov. 1836, Mt. Tabor, Vt. W.C. 1857. — Not ordained. — res. Metuchen, N. J., editor Harper's Weekly, New York city, '. .-. Samuel Ralph Asbury, b. 11 Feb. 1833, Hanley, Staffordshire, Eng. L.U. 1852. — Ord., in England, 3 July 1861. f.m. India, '61-'64. — a.p. Gill, Ms., '65-'67. — res. lie. Andover, Ms., '68-70. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 2 Sept. 1870. r. Trinity ch., Moorestown, N.J., '70-'73. — r. ch. of the Be- loved Disciple, Philadelphia, Pa., '74-75. — incumb. Christ ch., Forest, Ont., Can., '..-'..; Trinity ch., Aylmer, Ont., '79-81 ; Durham, Ont., '81-'82.— George IngersoU Bard, b. 5 May 1835, Francestown, N.H. U.Vt. 1857.— Ord. 17 Oct. 1860. p. Lower Waterford, Vt., '60-66. — p. Dunbarton, N.H., '66-'73. — p. Meredith, N.H., '73-82. — a.p. Orford and Orfordville, N. H., '82-. James Atwood Bates, b. 2 May 1832, Newton, Ms. A.C. 1856. — Ord., at Granby, Ms., 19 Sept. 1860. f.m. Ceylon, '61-'63; released, '65. — a.p. Huntington, Ms., '66-67. — p. Belpre, O., '67-'71. — a.p. Brooklyn, O., '72-'73; Pawtucketch., Lowell, Ms., '74-'76; Wolcott, Vt., '77-'78; Barton Landing, Vt., '79-. George Augustus Beckwitli, b. 16 July 1829, East Haddam, Ct. A.C. 1857. — Ord. 20 J\Iay 1862. p. Manhattan, Kan., '62-67. — a.p. Olathe, Kan., '67-'69; Neodesha, Kan., '70-75 ; Franconia, N.H., '76-'77 ; Warner, N.H., '78 ; Harrisville, N.H., '79-'80 ; East Alstead, N.H., '81-. George Street Biscoe, b. 22 Sept. 1835, Cambridge, Ms. A.C. 1857. — Ord. 25 Oct. 18G1. p. Cottage Grove, Minn., '61-67. — a.p. Tipton, lo., '68- '75; Shullsburg, Wis., '76-'78; Clarksville, Neb., '79-. John Qnincy Bittinger, b. 20 March 1831, Berwick, Pa. D.C. 1857.— Ord. 25 Oct. 1860. p. Central ch., Yarmouth, Me., '60-64. — p. St. Albans, Vt., '64-'67. — a.p. Broadway ch., Norwich, Ct., '67-'68; Hartland, Vt., '69-'73. — p. Haverhill, N.H., '74-. Joseph Boardman, b. 18 June 1833, Amesbury, Ms. A C. 1855. — Ord. 20 March 1861. a.p. Pownal, Me., '60-'65. — p. Hopkinton, Ms., '65-'68.— — a.p. Chiltonville, Ms., '69-'70 ; Pawtucket ch., Dracut (now Lowell), Ms., '70-74 ; Craftsbury, Vt., '76-80; Seabrook, and Hampton Falls,N.II., '81-. 1880.] 1860. 221 William Otis Carr, b. 19 June 1833, Derry, N.H. A.C, 1857. — Ord. 13 Feb. 1861.— a.p. Barnstead, N.H., '61-. William Crawford, D.D., b.3 Jan. 1835, Barre,Vt. A.C. 1857.— Union Theol. Sem., '57-58.— Ord. 2 May 1861. h.m. — a.p. Clear Water, Minn., '60- '62; Danvers Centre, Ms., '62-63; Central City, Col., '63-68. — p. Presb. ch., Green Bay, Wis., '69-'80; w.c. there, '80-82. — a.p. Washington, Ct., '82-. Temple Cutler, b. 4 May 1828, Lynn, Ms. Mar.C. 1857. — Ord. 20 Feb. 1861. p. Skowhegan, Me. (chap. 9th Me. Vols., '61-62), '61-'68. — p. Athol, Ms., '68-'75. — a.p. Chattanooga, Tenn., '76-78 ; Cliarleston, S.C., '79-'80; Hamilton, Ms., '81-. *AIonzo Taylor Demin^, b. 7 Feb. 1833, Williston, Vt. M.C. 1854. — Ord. 10 June 1863. a.p. Bridgewater, Vt., '60-63; Bridport, Vt., '63-64; Franklin, Vt., '64-'66. — p. Swanton, Vt., '66-'68. — a.p. Post Mills, Thet- ford, Vt., '68-'70; Newbury, Vt., '70-71. — w.c. Northfield, etc., Minn., '71. — a.p. Glyndon, Minn., '72 until died there, 17 Sept. 1872. John Webster Dodg^e, b. 16 Oct. 1836, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1857.— Ord. 6 Dec. 1860. p. Gardiner, Me., '60-'63. — p. Hampton, N.H., '65-'68.— p. First ch., Yarmouth, Ms., '68- Lewis Francis, b. 14 Sept. 1836, Royalton, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Ord. 18 Feb. 1863. a.p. Colchester, Vt., '63-64. — p. Castleton, Vt., '64-72.— a.p. Third ave. mission chapel. New York city, '73. — p. Kent st. Ref. ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '73-. Simeon Gilbert, D.D., b. 19 June 1834, Pittsford, Vt. U.Vt. 1854. — Ord. .. Feb. 1863. Hopkinton, N.Y., a.p. '61-63 ; p. '63-'65.— a.p. Chateaugay, N.Y.,'65-'67 ; Ames, lo., '68-'69 ; Lyndon, 111., '69-'70.— w.c. Chicago, 111., '71-'72. — assoc. editor. Advance, Chicago, 111., '73-82. — western editor of Congregaiionalist, '82-. Edward Nichols Goddard, b. 26 Oct. 1834, New Bedford, Ms. D.C. 1856. — h.m. North Hyde Park and Eden, Vt, '60-61 ; Morristown, Vt., '61 ; Presb. ch., Markesan, Wis., '61-62. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 3 May 1863; priest, 11 Dec. 1863. — r. Trinity ch., Windham, N.Y., '63-65. — miss'y Otsego Co., N.Y., '65-'67. — assist, to Bishop of Montana in miss'y inspec- tion, '67.— Helena, Mont., '68-69. —Virginia, Mont., '69-' 70. — r. Port- landville, N.Y., '71-'74. — r. Fairfield, N.Y., '75-'78. — Ogden, Utah, '78. — r. Windsor, Vt., '79-. John Ellsworth Goodrich, b. 29 Jan. 1831, Hinsdale, Ms. U.Vt. 1853.— Ord. 17 May 1864. chap. 1st Vt. Cav., '64-65. — a.p. Richmond, Vt., '67-68. — sup't schools, Burlington, Vt., '68-70. — prin. K.U. Acad., Meriden, N.H., '71-' 7 2. — Prof. Eng. Lit., Univ. Vt, '72-77; Prof. Gr. and Lat, '77-. 222 I860. [1880. John Smedes Hanna, b. 4 Dec. 1836, Boston, Ms. — . — Ord., Presb., 3 Sept., 1862. a.p. Cong, ch., Richford, N.Y., '62-'64 ; Presb. ch., Great Bend, Pa., '64-'65; Gloucester City, N.Y., '66-'67; Anderson, Ind., '67-'68; Erie st. mission cli., and editor Masonic Magazine, Chicago, 111., '68-'71. — w.c. South Amenia, N.Y., '72-75; Sparta, N.Y., '76-77; Bald Mount, Pa., '78-'79; Elgin, III, '80-'81. — Prof. Phonography, Business Coll., Chicago, 111., '81-. Henry Chapman Hitchcock, b. 9 July 1836, Fredericktown, O. O.C. 1856. — Ord. 12 Dec. 18G0. a.p. North and South Amherst, O., '60-69. — p. Kenosha, Wis., '69-'77. — a.p. Hanover st. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., *77. — W.C.Milwaukee, Wis., '78. — a.p. Thomaston, Ct., '79-'80. — w.c. Somer- ville, Ms., '81-. Frank Howe Johnson, b. 15 Jan. 1835, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1856. — Ord. 15 Oct. 1801. p. Hamilton, Ms., '61-64. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '67-. *James McHose, b. 20 June 1825, Buffalo, N. Y. Y.C. 1855.— Ord .... h.m. Brownsville, Minn., '60 until died, at Red Wing, Minn., 18 July 1861. Peter McVicar, D.D., b. 15 June 1829, Le Sang, N.B. Bel.C. 1856.— Union Theol. Sem., '57-'58. — Ord. 29 May 1861. p. Topeka, Kan., '61- '66. — statesup't of schools, Topeka, Kan., '66-'71. — Pres. Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan., '71-. Charles Edward Milliken, b. 5 Feb. 1830, Fitzwilliam, N.H. D.C. 1857. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1860. p. Littleton, N.H., '60-79. — a.p. Maynard, Ms., '79-'82. — w.c. '82-. Eldridg-e Mix, D.D., b. 15 Jan. 183.3, Atwater, O. W.C. 1854. — Union Theol. Sem., '57-'60. — Ord. 6 Dec. 1860. assist. West Presb. ch.. New York city, '60-61. — p. First Cong, ch., Burlington, Vt., '62-67. — p. First Presb. ch., Orange, N.J., '67-'82. — p. Central ch.. Fall River, Ms., '82-. Bennett Hubbard Nash, b. 6 July 1834, Bloomingdale, N.Y. H.C. 1856.— Not ordained. — res. Boston, Ms., '.. '. . — inst'r Ital. and Span., Harv. Coll., 'G0-'71 ; assist. Prof, Harv. Coll., '71-'81 ; Prof Harv. Coll., '82-. Abel Hastings Ross, b. 28 April 1831, Winchendon, Ms. O.C. 1857.— Ord. 17 Oct. 1861. p. Boylston, Ms., '61-'66. — p. Springfield, O., '66- '73. — p. Columbus, O., '73-75. — p. Port Huron, Mich, (also lect. Ch. Pol., Oberlin Theol. Sem., '72-; and Southworth lect. Cong., Andover Theol. Sem., '82-), '76-. Norman Scaver, 1).D., b. 23 April 1835, Boston, Ms. W.C. 1854.— Ord. 29 Aug. 1860. p. First ch., Rutland, Vt., '60-'68. — p. First Presb. ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '68-'76. — p. Fourth Presb. ch., Syracuse, N.Y., '77-. 1880.] 1860. ^223 Oscar Moses Smith, b. 20 Dec. 1828, Java, N.Y. Y.C. 1855. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1).— Ord. 25 Feb. 1863. a.p. Centre, Wis., '62-'64 ; Milton, Wis., '64-'66; Java, N.Y., '66-'67: Strykersville, N.Y., '67-'69; Monticello, Minn., '69-74; Strykersville, N. Y., '76-'77; Breckenridge, Minn., '78; Hawley, Minn., '79-. Henry Augnstus Stevens, b. 29 Dec. 1834, Salisbury, N. H. A.C. 1857.— Ord. 12 Sept. 1861. — p. Melrose, Ms,, 'Gl-'68. — p. First ch., North Bridge-water, Ms., '68-74. — p. Brighton, Ms., '74-81. — p. Bristol, R.I., '81-. *Chauncey Boardman Thomas, b. 7 Sept. 1834, New Salem, Ms. A.C. 1855. — Ord., at Boston, Ms., 28 Jan. 1862. hospital chap., Alexandria, Va., '62-'e3 ; New Orleans, La., '63-'66. — a.p. Salem ch., Chicago, 111., '66-'68 ; Peru, 111., '69-'72. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '7 2-' 7 6. — Glover, Vt., a.p. '76- '78; p. '78 until died, at Amherst, Ms., 20 Jan. 1881. Charles Wheeler Thompson, b. 26 Feb. 1832, Berlin, Vt. U.Vt. 1855.— Tutor, Univ.Vt., '56-'57. — a.p. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., '61 ; Prairie du Sac, Wis., '61-'62; Northfield, Vt., '63. — temp. Prof. Latin, Univ.Vt., '63-'67.— Ord. 1 July 1869. p. Danville, Vt., '69-. ♦Edward Payson Walker, b. 24 May 1834, Ames, O. Mar.C. 1856. — Not • ordained. — Tutor, Mar. Coll., '56-'57 ; Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., '60 until died, at Athens, O., 27 Dec. 1861. Henry Dwi^ht Woodworth, b. 18 Feb. 1826, Lebanon, Ct. A.C. 1855.— Prof. Math., Paducah Coll., Ky., '55-'56.— Ord. 12 Sept. 1860. p. Union ch.. East and West Bridgewater, Ms., '60-62. — a.p. Wellesley, Ms., '63- '65. — city miss'y, Boston, Ms., '66-'67. — p. Westford, Ms., '67-69. — p. Rehoboth, Ms., '70-73. — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '74-. Richard Ridgely Bird (1), b. 25 Sept. 1828, North Yarmouth, Me. D.C. 1857. — Not ordained. — res. Bunker Hill, 111. Richard Crittenden (2— ), b. 10 June 1831, Guestling, Eng. O.C. 1856.— Ord. 1 Aug. 1860. p. North Guilford, Ct., '60-'64.— miss'y Am. S.S. Union, Towanda, Pa., '64-'73 ; Bellefonte, Pa., '74-. Leonard Zenas Ferris (1), b. 16 July 1834, Ogden, N.Y. D.C. 1856.— Ord. 30 Nov. 1865. p. Pittsfield, N.H., '65-70. — a.p. South Lawrence, Ms., '70-72 ; Gorham, Me., '72-76 ; Kennebunk, Me., '77. — w.c. Chelsea, Ms., '78-79.- p. Rockland, Ms., '80-. Alva LiUie Frisbie, x>.v>. (2—), b. 22 Oct. 1830, Tompkins, N.Y. A.C. 1857. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 22 March 1860. p. Ansonia, Ct. (also chap. 20th Conn. Vols., '63-'64), '60-65. — p. First ch., Danbury, Ct., '65-71. — p. Des Moines, lo., "71-. 224 1860. [1880. Charles Harden (1), b. 2 Jan. 1834, Mansfield, Ms. A.C. 1855. — teacher, Delaware Lit. Inst., Franklin, N.Y., '55-'62 ; prep, dep't, Urbana Univ., O., '62-64. — Ord., New Jerusalem Church, 4 Dec. 1864. New Church, Urbana, O., '63-66. — St. Louis, Mo., '66-'67. — Mansfield and Foxborough, Ms., '67-'68. — miss'y of New Church Assoc'n for Ms., res. Lowell, Ms., '68-71. — Contoocook, N.H., '71-75. — Peoria, 111., '75-76. — Contoocook, . N.H., '76-'79. — Providence, R.L, '79-'81. — Salem, Ms., '81-'82.— w.c. Contoocook, N.H., '82-. William Dodge Herrick (2+), b. 26 March 1831, Methuen, Ms. A.C. 1857. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1860. p. Redding, Ct., '60-64. — p. First ch., Gardner, Ms., '64-67. — p. North ch., Amherst, Ms., '67-74. — p. First ch., Gardner, Ms., '74-82; w.c. Amherst, Ms., '82-. Chester Case Humphrey (1), b. 13 July 1830, Middlebury, O. lo.C. 1857. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1861. — Ord. 21 July 1861. a.p. Austin, Minn., '61-'63 ; Cass, lo., '63-'67 ; Amity, lo., '68-'69. — w.c. Tipton, lo., '69-'71. — a.p. Camp Creek, Neb., '71-72; Osceola, Neb., '72-74; Albion, Boone, and Dayton, Neb., '74-78. — w.c. Osceola, Neb., '78-. David Sumner Johnson, d.d. (1), b. 4 June 1834, Waterford, N.Y. W.C. 1857. — Auburn Theol. Sem., '57-'60. — Ord. . . Oct. 1860. p. Presb. ch., Waverly, N.Y., '60-'66. — p. Hyde Park, III., '66-'81 ; Second Presb. ch., Springfield, 111., '81-. Charles Artemas Kent (2), b. 10 Oct. 1834, Hopkinton, N.Y. U.Vt. 1856. — Not ordained. — lawyer, Detroit, Mich., '59- ; also. Prof. Law, Univ. Mich., '68-. Starr Hoyt Nichols (2), b. 16 Nov. 1834, Danbury, Ct. Y.C. 1854. — Ord. 28 June 1860. a.p. Mansfield, O., '60-62 ; New Eng. ch., Chicago, III, '62-'65. — p. Vine st. ch., Cincinnati, O., '65-66. — w.c. Danbury, Ct., '66- '71; Philadelphia, Pa., '71-'82.— Samuel Scoville (1), b. 21 Dec. 1834, West Cornwall, Ct. Y.C. 1857.— Union Theol. Sem., 1861. — Ord. 17 Sept. 1861. a.p. Norwich, N.Y., '61- '79 ; Stamford, Ct., '79-. Laurenus Clark Seelye, d.d. (1), b. 20 Sept. 1837, Bethel, Ct. U.C. 1857.— Ord. 20 Jan. 1863. p. North ch., Springfield, Ms., '63-65, — Prof. Rhet., Orat, and Eng. Lit., Amh. Coll., '65-73. — Pres. Smith Coll., Northamp- ton, Ms., '75-. Charles Augustus Stork, d.d. (2), b. 4 Sept. 1838, near Frederick City, Md. W.C. 1857.— Prof. Latin and Greek, Newberry Coll., S.C, '59-'60,— Ord., Luth., .. Oct. 1861. a.p. St. James's ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '61-'62. — St. Mark's ch., Baltimore, Md., assoc. p. '62-'65 ; p. '65-'81.— Prof. Dog. Theol., Gettysburg Theol. Sem., '81-. 1880.] 18G0. 1861. 225 Moses Coit Tyler, ll.d. (1), b. 2 Aug. 1835, Griswolrl, Ct. Y.C. 1857. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 24 Aug. 1859. p. Owego, N.Y., 'SO-'GO. — p. First ch., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., '60-62. — in Europe, '63-'66. — Prof. Rbet. and Eng. Lit., Univ. Mich, '67-73; Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit., '73-81.— Prof. American Hist, and Lit., Cornell Univ., 'Si- George Washburn, d.d. (l),b. 1 March 1833, Middleborough, Ms. A.C. 1855.— Ord. 29 July 1863. f.m. Constantinople, '58-68. — Prof., Robert Coll., Constantinople, '68-75; Pres., '75-. 1861. •Charles Frederick Abbott, b. 27 Nov. 1831, Lemington, Vt. M.C. 1858. — Ord. 2 Jan. 1862. a.p. Bristol, N.H., '61 until died there, 20 Sept. 1866. Lncien Harper Adams, b. 28 July 1829, Londonderry, N. H. D.C. 1858.— Ord. 28 Oct. 1862. p. Petersham, Ms., '62-65. — f m. Aintab, Western Asia, '65-. Walter Scott Alexander, D.D., b. 29 Aug. 1835, KlUingly, Ct. Y.C. 1858. — Ord. 22 Nov. 1861. p. Pomfret, Ct., '61-'66. — p. First Presb. ch., Eacine, Wis., '66-'72. — f.m. Italy, '72-74. — w.c. Pomfret, Ct., '75. — a.p. Central ch.. New Orleans, La., '76-; also Prof. Theol., Straight Univ., '76, and Pres., '77-. William Macleod Barbour, D.D., b. 29 May 1827, Fochabers, Scotland. O.C. 1859. — Ord. 2 Oct. 1861. p. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '61-68. — Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Duties, Bangor Theol. Sem., '68-75; and of Sys. Tbeol., '73-'77. — Prof. Sac. Theol., and p. Yale Coll., '77-. *Alanson Saltmarsh Barton, b. 14 Feb. 1832, New Haven, Vt. M.C. 1857. — Ord. 29 Oct. 1862. — — a.p. Georgia, Vt., '64-'66 ; Saxton's River, Vt., '66-67. — p. Townshend East, Vt., '67-69. — w.c. Townshend East, Vt., '69-'70; Middlebury, Vt., '71-'76. — a.p. Colchester, Vt., '77 until died, at sea, on the Pacific, 8 Dee. 1882. Joseph Perry Bixby, b. 28 Jan. 1833, Thompson, Ct. W.C. 1858. — Union Theol. Sem., '58-'60. — a.p. Milford, Ms., '61-'62.— Ord. 30 April 1862. p. Oak Place ch., Boston, Ms., '62-64. — p. First Presb. ch., Boston, Ms., '64-'66. — a.p. Cong, ch.. South Dedham (now Norwood), Ms., '66-'78. — p. Revere, Ms., '79-. Daniel J Bliss, b. 21 Oct. 1833, Warren, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Private 34th Mass. Vols., '. .-'. . — — Ord. 9 Dec. 1868. p. Holland, Ms., '68- '74. — a,p. Hamilton, Minn., '74-75 ; Peru, Ms., '75-'80 ; Ilarpersfield, N.Y., '80-. 29 226 18G1. [1880. *Amlrew Josiah Clapp, b. 2 May 1833, Southampton, Ms. A. C. 1858.— Ord. 19 Feb. 1862. a.p. Shutesbury, Ms., 'G2 until died there, 13 Sept. 1863. *George Henry Clark, b. 23 May 1835, Georgia, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Ord. 15 Jan. 1862. p. First ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '62 until died, at Georgia, Vt., 25 April 1865. Isaac Clark, b, 30 June 1833, South Coventry, Ct. Y.C. 1856. — teacher, Ellington, Ct., '56-58. — Union Theol. Sem., '58-59. — Ord. 12 Nov. 1861. p. Presb. ch., Elmira, N. Y., '61-'68. — p. First Cong, ch., Aurora, 111., '68- '72. — p. Elm Place ch., Brooklyn, N.Y,, '72-74. — p. Presb. ch., Rondout, N.Y., '74-82. — p. Edwards ch., Northampton, Ms., '82- Josepll Bourne Clark, b. 7 Oct. 1836, Sturbridge, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1861. p. First ch., Yarmouth, Ms., '61-68. — p. Newtonville, Ms., '68-'72. — p. Central ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '72-79. — Sec. Mass. H. M. Soc, res. Dorchester, Ms., '79-82. — Sec. A. H. M. S., New York city, '82-. Calyin Cutler, b. 19 Feb. 1833, HoUiston, Ms. D.C. 1856. — teacher, St. Johnsbury, Vt., '56-'58.— Ord. 12 March 1862. p. New Ipswich, N.H., '62-'67. — p. Auburndale, Ms., '67-. Perley Bacon Davis, b. 26 April 1832, New Ipswich, N. H. — , — Ord. 29 Jan. 1862. p. Sharon, Ms., '62-'67. — p. Hyde Park, Ms., '67-. Henry Anderson Dickinson, b. 27 June 1833, Granby, Ms. Y.C. 1855.— teacher. West Hartford, Ct., '55-'56 ; New York city, '56-'57; Binghamton, N.Y., '57-'58. — a.p. Wellesley, Ms., '61-'63.— Ord. 16 Oct. 1863. a.p. Vermillionville, Ilh, '63-65. — w.c. '65-'67. — p. Chester Centre, Ms., '67- '77. — a.p. Second ch., Huntington, Ms., '77-82; w.c. there, '82- Lucius Root Eastman, Jr.,b. 25 Jan. 1839, Sharon, Ms. A.C. 1857. — prin. Bacon Acad., Colchester, Ct., '57-58. — Ord. 1 May 1862. p. South ch., Braintree, Ms., '62-65. — p. Second ch., Holyoke, Ms., '65-'67. — p. Frank- lin st. ch., East Somerville, Ms., '67-'71. — p. Plymouth ch., Framingham, Ms., (also instr. Greek and Anc. Hist., State Normal School, Framingham, Ms., '72-'78) '71-. Alfred Augustus Ellsworth, b. 12 June 1832, Bath, Me. A.C. 1858.— Union Theol. Sem., '58-59. — Ord. 4 Sept. 1862. p. Milford, Ms., '62- '65. — a.p. Newbern, N.C., '66-68. — p. Weymouth Landing, Ms., '68-'71. — a.p. Waterloo, lo., '71-' 76 ; Galesburg, 111., '76-. Rufus Emerson, b. 22 Feb. 1825, Salem, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Ord. 7 Jan. 1863. p. Wilton, Me., '63.— a.p. Grafton, Vt., '63-67; Wilmington, Vt., '67- '68; Chestnut St. ch., Lynn, Ms., '68-'70; Granby, Ms,, '71-73 ; First ch. Pracut, Ms., '74-78; Centreville, Ms., '80-. 1880.] 1861. 227 *Stephen Harris, b. 28 Jan. 1830, Fitzwilliam, N.H. A.C. 1858. — Hartford Theol. Sein., (1).— Ord. 24 Oct. 1861. p. Windham, Vt., '61-'69. — a.p. West Suffield, Ct., '69-'70; Indian Orcliard, Ms., '71-'73. — p. Phillipston, Ms., '73 until killed by railway accident at Athol, Ms., 27 June 1874. Ed^ar Laing Heerinance, b. 30 April 1833, New York city. Y.C. 1858.— Yale Theol. Seni. (2). — Ord. 12 Nov. 1861. p. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Castle- ton, N.Y., '61-69. — w.c. New Haven, Ct. '69-'74. — p. Presb. ch., White Plains, N.Y., '74-. ♦Philander Hatch HoIIister, b. 21 Dec. 1836, New Preston, Ct. —. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 31 Dec. 1862. p. Brookfield, Ct., '62-'65. — chap. 29th Conn. Vols., '64-65. — a.p. Stanwich, Ct., '66; Kenosha, Wis., '67- '68; Hancock, Mich., '68 until died there, 6 Dec. 1876. Edward Payson Hooker, D.D., b. 2 July 1834, Poultney, Vt. M.C. 1855. — Ord. 13 Nov. 1861. p. Mystic ch., Medford, Ms., '61-'69. — a.p. Fair- haven, Vt., '70. — p. Middlebury, Vt., '7O-'80. — p. Eliot ch., Lawrence, Ms., '81-. Franklin Chappell Jones, b. 20 March 1837, New London, Ct. Y.C. 1857. — Tutor, Beloit Coll., '5 7-'58. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '58-'59. — Ord. 4 Feb. 1863. p. Franklin, Ct., '63-'80. — a.p. Manitou, Col., '82-. Jesse Henry Jones, b. 29 March 1836, Belleville, Ont., Can. H.C. 1856.— Ord. 19 May 1861. capt. 60th N.Y. Vols., '61-'65. — a.p. Antwerp, N.Y., '65-69. — p. Natick, Ms., '69-71. — a.p. East Abington, Ms., '71-73; North Abington, Ms., '74-79; Schroon Lake, N.Y., '81 ; North Abington, Ms., '82-. William Koyal Joyslin, b. 11 Sept. 1833, Lancaster, N.H. D.C. 1856.— a.p. Bath, N. H., '63. — Ord. 3 Feb. 1864. p. Berlin, Vt., '64-65. — a.p. East Burke, Vt., '65-68; Wenham, Ms., '68-'70. — p. East Portland, Or., '71-'73. — a.p. Rowley, Ms., '74-75; Orient, N.Y., '76-'77 ; Rochester, Ms., '78-. John Codman Labaree, b. 30 Aug. 1835, Spring Hill, Tenn. M.C. 1856.— Ord. 4 Feb. 1863. a.p. Sterling, Ms., '61-'65. — p. First ch., Randolph, Ms., '65-. Edward Beecher Mason, D.D., b. 7 March 1838, Cincinnati, O. F.C. 1858. —Ord., at Cincinnati, O., 2 Feb. 1862. Ravenna, O., a.p. '61-'63; p. '63- '73. — p. Fourth Presb. ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '73-79. — p. JefFerson ave. Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '79-81. — p. Cong, ch., Arlington, Ms., '82- Alexander McKenzie, D.D., b. 14 Dec. 1830, New Bedford, Ms. H.C. 1859. — Ord. 28 Aug. 1861. p. South ch., Augusta, Me., '61-'67. — p. First ch., Cambridge, Ms., '67-; also lecturer on Theology of New Testament, An- dover Theol. Sem., and Harvard Div. School '82. John William Miller, from Jacksonville, 111. 111. C. 1858. — Ord. 26 May 1863. a.p. Prescott, Wis., '62-65 ; Hammond, Wis., '65-68.— ? 228 18 61. [1880. Thomas Nichols, b. 5 Feb. 1838, Yonkers, N. Y. N.J. C. 1856. — Union Theol. Sem., '58-'60. — Ord. 11 March 1863. p. Presb. ch., Chester, N.Y., '63-71.— p. Ref. ch., Queens, N.Y., '71-'75. —p. Presb. ch.. New Bruns- ■vvick, N. J., '75-80.— p. Pittston, Pa., '81-. *Peter Nutting, b. 13 July 1827, Otisfield, Me. — . — Not ordained. — Died, at Westfbrd, Vt., 17 July 1862. Frederick Webster Osborne, b. l Feb. 1834, Newark, N.J. Y.C. 1855.— teacher, Stamford, Ct., '55-'58. — Union Theol. Sem., '58-'60. — Not or- dained.— a.p. Wolcottville, Ct., '62-63. — teacher. New York city, '63- '64; Hartford, Ct., '64-'65 ; Brooklyn, N. Y., '65-73. — sup't and instr., Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y., '73-. *Joseph Worthy Pickett, b. 28 Jan. 1832, Andover, O. All.C. 1855. Y.C. 1858.— Ord., at Bristol, N.H., 2 Jan. 1862. a.p. Wentworth, N.H., '61-63 ; Mount Pleasant, To., '63-'69. — sup't Am. H.I\I. Soc, for Southern Iowa, res. Des Moines, '69-'78 ; for Rocky Mountain district, res. Colorado Springs, Col., '78 until killed, by accident, 14 Nov. 1879. Gnstavus Dorman Pike, D.D., b. 6 Aug. 1831, Topsfield,Ms. D.C. 1858.— Ord. 23 April 1862. p. Olive st. ch., Nashua, N.H., '62-'65. — a.p. East- hampton, Ct., '65-'6 7. — agent Am. Miss'y Assoc'n for N.Y., res. Brooklyn, N.Y., '67-'70; Dist. Sec, '70-. Charles Henry Pratt, b. 17 May 1837, Providence, R.L N.Y.C. 1856.— Ord. 20 Feb. 1863. a.p. Lisbon, III., '62-'64; Brookfield, Mo., '64-'69. — surveyor, Ashland, Minn., '70-'78. — in business, Minneapolis, Minn., '78-. Daniel Warren Richardson, b. 7 Nov. 1831, Middleton, Ms. U.C. 1857. — Ord. 14 Aug. 1862. p. Dayville, Ct., '62-66. — a.p. Auburn, Ms., '66- '69; Easton, Ms., '69-72. — w.c. Middleton, Ms., '72-75. — a.p. East Bridgewater, Ms., '75-80. — p. Derry, N.II., '80- Daniel Foster Savage, b. 31 Jan. 1828, East Machias, Me. —. — Ord., at Lawrence, Ms., 16 Oct. 1861. h.m.— a.p. Cedar Rapids, lo., '61-62; Cass, lo., '62-63 ; Stacyville, lo., '63-64. — teacher, or w.c, '64-68.— a.p. Stoddard, N.H., '69-'70.— w.c. Danvers, Ms., '70-. Samuel Bartlett Sherrill, b. 3 Feb. 1832, Lebanon, N. Y. A.C. 1858.— Ord. 7 Feb. 1862. p. Presb. ch., Cato, N.Y., '62-'68. — a.p. Cong, ch., Bellevue, O., '68-74. — — a p. Moravia, O., '77-80 ; West Bloom- field, N.Y., '80-. George Burley Spalding, D.D., b. 11 Aug. 1835, Montpelier, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Union Theol. Sem., '58-'60. — Ord. 5 Oct. 1861. p. Vergennes, Vt., '61-'64. — p. North ch., Hartford, Ct., '64-69. — p. First ch., Dover, N. H., '69-83. — p. Franklin st. ch., Manchester, N. II., '83-. 1880.] 1861. 229 Charles Langdon Tappan, b. 26 June 1828, Sandwich, N. H. A.C. 1858. — Hart. Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord., at St. Paul, Minn., 28 Jan. 1864. a.p. Owatonna, Minn., '64-66. -^editor Republican Journal, Owatonna, Minn., '67-68. — a.p. Brighton, 111., '68-70. — temp. res. Sandwich, N.H., '70-71. — a.p. Sandwich, N.H., '71-77. — w.c. Concord, N. H., '77-, also a.p. East Concord, N.H., '8 1-'82. Jolin Coleman Taylor, b. 28 Feb. 1833, Benton, N.Y. U.C. 1858.— Auburn Theol. Sem., '58-'59. — Union Theol. Sem., '59-'60.— Ord. 11 Feb. 1862. p. Presb. ch., Sweden, N.Y., '62-'65. — a.p. Corry, Pa., '65-'67; North ch., St. Louis, Mo., '67. — Cong, ch., Groton, N.Y., a.p. '67-'69; p. '69-'71.— in Europe, '71-72. — p.e. Hanover st. Cong, ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '72-'74. — p. Presb. ch., Cuba, N.Y., '75-. *James Edwin Tower, b. 10 June 1834, Granby, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Union Theol. Sem., '58-60. — Not ordained. — a.p. North Brookfield, Ms., '62 until died, at Groton, Ms., 18 Aug. 1862. John Whitehill, b. 11 Aug. 1833, Paisley, Scot. A.C. 1858.— Ord. 11 Dec. 1861. — p. South Wilbraham, Ms., '61-68. — a.p. West Attleborough, Ms.*, (rep. Mass. Gen. Court, '82-'83) '69-. Jesse Allison Wilkins, from Beverly, Ms. — . — Not ordained, a.p. Hub- bardston, Ms., '61-62. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '62-63. — a.p. South Wood- stock, Ct., '63-64 ; Chesterfield, Ms., '64-65. —w.c. South Woodstock, Ct., '65-67. — a.p. Scituate, R.L, '67-68. — Albert Adams Young, b. 10 May 1836, Hanover, N.H. D.C. 1856. — Ord., at Watertown, Wis., 26 Feb. 1863. a.p. Vershire, Vt., '62-'63 ; Lake Mills, Wis., '63 ; Presb. ch., Oconto, Wis., '64-66 ; Cong, ch., Bloomington, Wis., '66-'71 ; Sharon, Wis., '71-'75 ; Presb. ch.. New Lisbon, Wis., '75-. ♦George Blagden Bacon, d.d. (1—), b. 23 May 1836, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1856. — Yale Theol. Sem., '58-'60. — Ord. 27 March 1861. p. Orange Valley, N.J., '61 until died there, 15 Sept. 1876. William Henry Bowen, d.d. (l),b. 27 Feb. 1836, Johnstown, R.L B.U. 1857. — Ord. 2 Nov. 1859. p. Free Bapt. ch., Blackstone, Ms., '59-62. — a.p. Olneyville, R.L, '63-64. — p. North Scituate, R.L, '64-'68. — p. Lewiston, Me., '69-. William Lewis Bray (1), b. 5 Feb. 1832, St. Martins, Cornwall, Eng. A.C. 1858. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1861. — Ord. 8 Aug. 1861. p. First ch., Aurora, 111., '61-'67.— a.p. Hatfield, Ms., '68-'69 ; Newton, lo., '70. — p. Marshalltown, lo., '70-73. — a.p. Kalamazoo, Mich., '73-75. — CHnton, To., '75-. 230 1861. [1880. *Samuel Watson Brown (2—), b. 7 April 1828, Winchendon, Ms. Y.C. 1850. — teacher, New Jersey, '51-'52; Matagorda, Tex., '52-'55. — merchant, Ludlow, Vt., '55-'58. — Chicago Theol. Sem., '58-'59. — Ord. 31 Dec. 1861. a.p. South Coventry, Ct., '61-64. — p. Groton, Ct., '64 until died there, 9 Nov. 1866. Samuel Russell Butler (1), b. 21 July 1837, Northampton, Ms. W.C. 1858. — Union Theol. Sera., '62-64. — Ord. at Montreal, Que., 10 Sept. 1866. f.m. Labrador, '64-'70. — a.p. Hutchinson, Minn., '71-72 ; Washington, Me., '73. — f.m. Labrador, '73-'80.--w.c. Northampton, Ms., '80- *Henry Martyn Frost (1), b. 26 March 1835, Sullivan, N. H. D.C. 1857.— Ord. deacon, Episc, .. April 1860; priest, — chap. 7th Vt. Vols. — r. St. Stephen's ch., Middlebury, Vt., '64. — w.c. '64 until died, at Thetford, Vt., 20 Feb. 1866. Charles Henry Hitchcock, PH.D. (2—), b. 23 Aug. 1836, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1856. — Not ordained. — lect. on Zoology, Amh. Coll., '58-'64. — Prof. Geol. and Metall., Lafayette Coll., Pa., '66-'69. — Prof. Geol. and Min., . Dart. Coll. (also State Geologist, N.H., '68-), '69-. *John Milton Holmes (2—), b. 23 May 1831, Isle of Sheppy, Kent, Eng. Y.C. 1857.— Ord. 23 May 1861. p. Jersey City, N.J., '61-'69. — w.c. Du Quoin, IIL, and elsewhere, '69 until died, at Jersey City, N.J., 20 Sept. 1871, Charles Hopkins (1), b. 31 Jan. 1832, Rutland, N.Y. Mad.U. 1858. — Not ordained. — bookseller, Norwich, N.Y., '60-'70. — gen. agent. Equitable Life Assurance Soc, New York city (also in S.S. and miss'y work), '70-. ♦Lewis Emmons Matson (3—) b. 24 Sept. 1838, Simsbury, Ct. Y.C. 1857.— Ord. 31 July 1861. p. Racine, Wis., '61-'64. — p. Madison, Wis., '64-'66. — p. Plymouth ch., Chicago, 111., '66 until died, at Lyons, France, 21 June 1868. Frederick Alphonso Noble, d.d. (2), b. 17 March 1832, Baldwin, Me. Y.C. 1858.— Lane Theol. Sem., '60-'61.— Ord. 16 July 1862. p. Presb. ch., St. Paul, Minn., '62-'68.— p. Third ch., Pittsburg, Pa., '68-'75. — p. First ch., New Haven, Ct., '75-79. — p. Union Park ch., Chicago, 111., '79-. Thomas Albert Perkins (1), b. 17 Jan. 1839, Brooklyn, N.Y. Y.C. 1858.— Not ordained. — res. Brooklyn, N.Y. Charles Morgan Peirce (2), b. 18 Oct. 1835, Hinsdale, Ms. W.C. 1857.— Tutor, Will. Coll. '60-'62.— Ord. 2 Sept. 1863. p. West Boxford, Ms., '63-'67. — inst'r Math., Will. Coll., '67-'68. — p. Middlefield, Ms., '68-'81. — w.c. Salem, Ms., '81-. ♦Edward Clarke Porter (1), b. 3 Dec. 1836, Hadley, Ms. Y.C. 1858. —inst'r Met. and Eng. Lit., high school, Chicago, 111., '62-66. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 10 March 1866; priest, 23 Sept. 1866. — assist, min. St. James's ch., Chicago, 111., '66-'67. — St. Luke's ch., Racine, Wis., 'G7-'75. — Died, at Racine, Wis., 8 Jan. 1876. 1880.] 18G1. 1862. 231 Thomas Roberts (1), b. 9 April 1833, Cannonsburg, Pa. W.R.C. 1856.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1861.— a.p. Thompson, O., '61-'62; Andover, O., '62- '68; Ellsworth, O., '63-64. — Ord., by Mahoning Presb'y, . . Oct. 1863. — chap. 12th Ohio Cav., '64-65. — teacher, Tenn., '65-79. — h.m. Wart- burg, Tenn., '79-. *Elizur Wolcott (1—), b. 14 July 1833, Tallmadge, O. Y.C. 1854.- Tutor, West. Res. Coll., '55-'58. — Not ordained. — farmer, Tallmadge, O., '60 until died there, 21 Dec. 1873. Horace Bliss Woodworth (1), b. 1 March 1830, Chelsea, Vt. D.C. 1854.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1861.— Ord. 27 Feb. 1862. p. Hebron, Ct., '62-'65.— p. Ellington, Ct., '65-'69. — p. Charles City, lo., '70-73. — a.p. Decorah, lo., '73-'82. William Burnet Wright (1+), b. 15 April 1838, Cincinnati, O. D.C. 1857. — Univ. Berhn, Ger., '60 ; Univ. Halle, '61.— Ord. 2 Dec. 1862. p. South ch., Chicago, III, '62-'67. — p. Berkeley st. ch., Boston, Ms., '67-. 1862. David Marks Bean, b. 30 March 1832, Tamworth, N.H. Y.C. 1858. — Ord. 23 July 1863. a.p. Groton Junction (now Aver), Ms., '63-64. — p. South Maiden (now Everett), Ms., '64-68. — p. Webster, Ms., '68-'70. — invalid and trav., '71-72. — a.p. South Framingham, Ms., '73-79. — sup't schools, Framingham, Ms., '80. — w.c. Newtonville, Ms., '81-. Edwin Spencer Beard, b. 15 May 1832, Methuen, Ms. Y.C. 1859.— Ord., at Riverhead, L.I., 2 April 1863. a.p. Second Presb. ch., Easthampton, L.I.,'63-'64. — p. Cong, ch., Warren, Me., '64-'73.— p. Brooklyn, Ct, '73-. Horace Elijali Boardman, M.D., b. 18 May 1835, West Rutland, Vt. M.C. 1857. — Ord. 15 July 1863. h.m. — a.p. Fort Dodge, lo., '63-'64 ; Earl- ville, lo., '64-65. — physician, Appleton, Wis.; Sun Prairie, Wis., '69-'78 ; Monroe, Wis., '78-. Natlianiel Greene Bonney, b. 30 May 1834, Marshfield, Ms. B.U. 1856.— Ord. 26 May 1864. p. First ch., Peru, Ms., '64-68. — a.p Poquonnock, Ct., '68-'73. — p. Falls Village, Ct., '73-'76. — p. East Hartland, Ct., '76- '78. — a.p. Hanover, Ct., '78-82.. Thomas Mason Boss, b. 20 May 1836, New London, Ct. A.C. 1859. — a.p. Jewett City, Ct., '62-'63 ; Mystic Bridge, Ct., '63 ; Norwich, Ct., '64 ; Madison, Ct., '65.— Ord. 6 June 1866. p. Lyons, lo., '66-70. — p. Put- ram, Ct., '70-'76. — p. Springfield, Vt., '78-. *Daniel Bowe, b. 13 Jan. 1833, Agawam. Ms. Y.C. 1859. — Union Theol. Sem., '59-'60. — Not ordained. — sup't plantations, Port Royal, S.C, '62. — Died, at New York city, 30 Oct. 1862. 232 1862. [1880. Henry James Bruce, b. 5 Feb. 1835, Hardwick, Ms. A.C. 1859. — Ord., at Springfield, Ms., 11 Sept. 1862. f.m. Marathas, Western India, '62-. Edward Chase, b. 8 Oct. 1836, Baltimore, Md. U.C. 1859. — Ord. 8 April 1863. a.p. Second ch., Falmouth, Me., '63-64 ; Eastport, Me., '64 ; South ch., Kennebunkport, Me., •65-'68. — p. Bedford, Ms., '69-75. — a.p. Pa- vilion ch., Biddeford, Me., '76-82.— George Constantine, b. 1 Jan. 1833, Athens, Greece. A.C. 1859. — Ord., at Amherst, Ms., 10 Sept. 1862. f.m. Am. and For. Chr. Union, Athens, Greece, '62-72 ; ind., Athens, '72-'80 ; A.B.C.F.M., Smyrna, '81-. Albert Henry Currier, b. 15 Nov. 1837, Skowhegan, Me. B.C. 1857.— Ord. 3 Dec. 1862. p. Ashland, Ms., '62-65. — p. Central ch., Lynn, Ms., '65- '81.— Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Oberlin Theol. Sem., '81-. Elijah Cutler, b. 14 Feb. 1829, Holllston, Ms. W.C. 1856. — Ord. 9 Sept. 1863. p. Conway, Ms., '63-68. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '68-69. — a.p. First ch., Greenfield, Ms., '69-' 71 ; East Charlemont, Ms., '71-'72. — gen. agent Mass. Bible Soc, Boston, Ms., 73-. Daniel Henry Evans, b. 16 April 1838, Ripley, O. Mi.U. 1859. — Union Theol. Sem., '60-'61. — Ord., by Presb'y of Monroe, 16 April 1863. — a.p. Presb. chs., Blissfield and Palmyra, Mich., '62-'65. — p. Grand Haven, Mich., '65-69. — a.p. Pittsburg, Pa., '69. — p. Youngstown, O., '70-. Gilbert Otis Fay, Ph.D., b. 8 Nov. 1834, Wadsworth, O. Y.C. 1859.— Not ordained. — teacher, Ohio Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Columbus, O., '62-'66; sup't, '66-'80. — teacher, Am. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Ct., '80-. William Gill, b. 28 March 1829, Derbyshire, Eng. Ill.C. 1859. — Ord. 26 May 1863. River Falls, Wis., a.p. '62-63; p. '63-75. — a.p. Mantonville, Minn., '75-81 ; Alexandria, Minn., '81- Henry Anthony Goodhue, b. 29 July 1833, Westminster, Vt. D.C. 1857.— Ord. 20 May 1863. West Barnstable, Ms., a.p '62-63 ; p. '63-. *Hiram James Gordon, b. 26 April 1830, Charleston, Four Corners, N.Y. U.C. 1858. — Tutor, Union Coll., '59-'62. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1863. p. Chris- tian ch., Haverhill, Ms., '63-'65. — p. Franklin st. Christian ch.. Fall River, Ms., '65 until died there, 20 Oct. 1866. *Charles Fowler Hand, b. 18 May 1837, Madison, Ct. W.C. 1859. — Not ordained. — in the army, '61-'65. — invalid. — Died, at Washington, D.C, 23 Sept. 1874. Henry Charles Haskell, b. 25 Dec. 1835, Anson, Me. W.C. 1859. — Ord., at South Deerfield, Ms., 13 Aug. 1862. f.m. Sophia and Philippopolis, Turkey, '62-63; Philippopolis, '63-72. — a.p. Huntington, O., '73-75; High St. ch., Columbus, O., '75-77 ; North Amherst, O., '77-81 ; Harmar, O., '81-. 1880.] 1862. 233 George Wilson Howe, b. 5 Jan. 1833, Lowell, Ms. B.C. 1859. — a p. Free Bapt. ch., Lowell, Ms., '63. — Ord. 12 Nov. 18()3. p. Free Bapt. ch., Buxton, ]\Ie., '63-66. — p. Harrison, Me., '67-72. — p. South Limington, Me., '73-75. — now prin. Colburn grammar school, Lowell, Ms. James Albert Howe, D.D., b. 10 Oct. 1835, Dracut, Ms. B.C. 1859.— Ord. 30 Oct. 1862. p. Free Bapt. ch., Blackstone, Ms., '62-63. — p. Olneyville, R.I., '63-'72. — Prof. Syst. Theol. and Horn., Bates Coll., Lew- iston. Me., '72-. Henry Strong Huntington, b. 15 July 1836, New York city. Y.C. 1857. — Ord. 31 Jan. 1866. Warner, N. H., a.p. '63-'65 ; p. '66-'72. — p. First ch. of Christ, Galesburg, 111., '72-76. — p. Gorham, Me., '77-. ♦Enoch Place Ladd, b. 25 Aug. 1835, Deerfield, N.H. D.C. 1858. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '62-63. — Ord., Free Bapt., 10 Jan. 1865. a.p. Alton, N. H., '64-69. — p. Limerick, Me., '69 until died there, 14 July 1874. James Anderson Laurie, b. 4 March 1835, Jacksonville, 111. W.C. 1859.— a.p. Berlin, Wis., '. .-'..— Ord. 18 Jan. 1865. a.p. Presb. chs., Lowville and Arlington (and Poynette, '67-69), '64-69 ; Leroy, Minn., and Chester, lo., '69-'72; Fergus Falls, Minn., '72; Rice's Point, Duluth, Minn., '73-. Charles Henry Learoyd, b. 7 June 1834, Danvers, Ms. H.C. 1858. — Ord., deacon, Episc, 10 July 1862; priest, 23 June 1863. assist. Emmanuel ch., Boston, Ms., '62-'63. — r. Grace ch., Medford, Ms.,'63-'72. — r. St. Thomas ch., Taunton, Ms., '72-. Charles Marsh Mead, Ph.D., D.D.,b. 28 Jan. 183 7, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1856. — teacher, Phillljis Acad., Andover, Ms., '56-58. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '59- '60. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '63-64; Berlin, '64-'6 6 ; Dr. Phil., Tubingen, 1866. — Ord., at Cornwall, Vt., 10 Aug. 1866. Prof. Hebrew, Theol. Sem., Andover, Ms., '66-82. — in Germany, '82-. William Eaos Boise Moore, b. 22 April 1831, Agawam, Ms. A.C. 1858. Union Theol. Sem., '59-'60. — a.p. Tolland, Ms., '62-63; Curtisville, Ms., '63-64 ; Montgomery, Ms., '64-65. — Ord. 4 Oct. 1865. a.p. Huntington, Ms., '65-67. — Bolton, Ct, a.p. '67-68; p. '68-78. — a.p. West Stafford, Ct., '79-'82; East Haddara, Ct., '82- George Henry Morss, b. 7 Aug. 1832, Lowell, Ms. — . — teacher, Choctaws, A.B.C.F.M., '57-'58. — Ord. 11 May 1864. p. Abington, Ct., '64-'66.— a.p, Centreville, Ms., '66-'69 ; Townsend, Ms., '69-73; Henniker, N. H., '73-76. — Clarendon, Vt., a.p. '76-'77; p. '77-. Cyrus Pearl Osborne, b. 22 July 1834, Waterville, Me. H.C. 1859. — U.S. Chr. Com., La., '62-63. — a.p. North Andover, Ms., '63-64; Hopklnton, Ms., '64 ; Shelburne Falls, Ms., '64-'65 ; Pacific ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '65. — Ord. 2 Nov. 1865. p. Bristol, R.L, '65-70. — trav. Europe, etc., '70-71. — a.p. Cong, ch., Baltimore, Md., '73-74. — res. Andover, Ms., '75-76. — p. Southlngton, Ct., '76-'80. — p. Branford, Ct., '80-. 234 1862. [1880. John AIsop Paine, Ph.D., b. 14 Jan. 1840, Newark, N.J. Ham.C. 1859.— in literary labor, Utiea, N.Y., '62-'66. — Ord. 29 IMay 1867. Prof. Nat. Science, Robert Coll., Constantinople, '67-'G9. — Univ. Halle, Ger., and tour in East, '69-'70 — w.c. Newark, N.J., '70-'. . — now at Tarrytown, N.Y. Albert Reedjb. 12 Feb. 1836, Jacksonville, 111. lU.C. 1859.— res. lie., Andover, Ms., '62-'63. — teacher, freedmen. Fortress Monroe. — now in Jacksonville, 111. Edward Gerrish Thurber, D.D., b. 28 May 1 836, Monroe, Mich. U.M. 1857. — Union Theol. Seni., '59-'61.— Ord. 22 Oct. 1862. p. Walpole, Ms., '62-'70. — p. Park Presb. ch., Syracuse, N.Y., '70-. Luther Tracy Townsend, D.D., b. 23 Sept. 1836, Banjror, Me. D.C. 1859. — Adjutant 16tli N.ll. Vols., '62-63. — Ord. deacon, Meth., 10 April 1864 ; elder, 1 April 1866. — Wat ertown, Ms., '64-66. — Maiden, Ms., '66-67.— Auburndide, l\Is., '67-68. — Bromfield st. ch., Boston, Ms.,'68-'70. — Prof. Hebrew and Greek, Boston Theol. Sem., '67-68; Prof. Hist. Theol., '69; Prof. Sac. Rhet., '72. — Prof. Pract. Theol, '73-. Azel Washburn Wild, b. 12 June 1836, Brookfield, Vt. M.C. 1857. — a.p. Pittsfield, Vt., '62-'64. — Ord. 26 Oct. 1864. p. Greensborough, Vt., '64- '73. — p. Peacham, Vt, '74-'81. — a.p. Charlotte, Vt., '82-. B. Parker Davis (l),b. 16 June 1832, Newburyport,Ms. — . — Not ordained. — clerk, Washington, D.C. — assist, fourth auditor, Treas. Dej/t, Washing- ton, D C. Edward Everett Herrick (2), b. 4 Dec. 1835, West Randolph, Vt. U. Vt. 1856. — private. Second Lieut., First Lieut., 15th Vt. Vols, '62-63. — Ord. 24 Feb. 1864. a.p. Rochester, Vt., '63-'G6 ; Colchester, Vt., '66-69; Wil- mington, Vt., '69-'70. — p. Chelsea, Vt., '70- *Charles Hosford, m.d. (1), b. 1 Jan. 1837, Thetford, Vt. D.C. 1859 — Not ordained. — physician, Thompson, Ct., until died there, 18 March 1877. James Mascarene Hubbard (2), b. 15 Aug. 1836, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1859. — Ord. 23 July 1862. a.p. Gospel ch., Longwood, Brookline, Ms., '62-63. — Middleton, Ms., a.p. '64-65; p. '65-68. — p. Grantviile (now Wellesley Hills), ]\Is., '69-74. — res. there, fassist. Public Library, Boston, Ms., '75- '79.) '74-. Horatio Curren Lillie (1), from Butternuts, N.Y. U.C. 1859.— •Walter McDuffie Potter (1+), from Roxbury, Ms. B.U. 1859. — — Died at Cranston, R.I., 29 April 1866. James Augustus Sanderson (1 — ), b. 14 May 1834, Lowell, Ms. D.C. 1859. — Berkeley Theol. School, Middletown, Ct., '..-'.. — Ord. deacon, Episc, ..June 1862; priest, 15 June 1864. St. Stephen's ch., Pittsfield, N.H., '62-64. — Christ ch., Eastport, Me., '64-'66. — St. Paul's ch., Wickford, 1880.] 1862. 1863. 235 R.I., '66-'68.— Church of Messiah, Boston, Ms., '68-'69. — r. Zion ch., Pierrepont Manor, N. Y., '69-76. — Dover, N. H., '7G-'78. — r. Christ ch., Plymouth, Ms,, '78-'81 ; w.c. tliere, '82-. William Clark Sanford (1+), b. 31 Aug. 1829, Orwell, Vt. U.Vt. 1854.— in business and teaching, '62-'74. — Ord., at Oak Grove, Wis., 1 Dec 1875. a.p. Oak Grove, Wis., '75-80 ; Onaga, Kan., '80-81 ; Mount Vernon, Clay Co., Kan., '81-. Henry Albert Schauffler (2), b. 4 Sept. 1837, Constantinople, Turkey. W.C. 1859. — Prof., Robert Coll., Constantinople, '62-65. — Ord., at Constanti- nople, 3 June 1865. f.m. Constantinople, '65-70; Austria, '72-'81. — city niiss'y, Cleveland, O., '82-. Jonathan Young Stanton (2-f), b. 16 June 1834, Lebanon, Me. B.C. 1856. — prin. Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N.H., '62-64. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Bates Coll., Lewiston, Me., '64-. ♦Gardner Perry Stickney (2-^-), b. 1 Nov. 1835, Groveland, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Not ordained. — Died, at Urbana, O., 29 March 1862. Henry Upson (2), b. 21 May 1831, Wolcott, Ct. Y.C. 1859. — Yale Theol. Sem., '61-62. — Ord. 22 Jime 1862. chap. 13th Conn. Vols., '62-'63. — p. New Preston, Ct., '63-'72. — a.p. New Preston Hill, Ct., '73-'76. — prin. Upson Sem., New Preston, Ct., '77-. 1863. Henry Freeman Allen, b. l March 1838, Boston, Ms. H.C. I860. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '63-65. — Ord., deacon, Episc, 20 May 1863; priest, 13 March 1865. — r. St. Paul's ch., Stockbridge, Ms., '65-'72. — r. Amhei-st, Ms., '72-77. — r. ch. of the Messiah, Boston, Ms., '77-. John Otis Barrows, b. 4 Aug. 1833, Mansfield, Ct. A.C. I860. — Ord. 9 June 1864. p. North Hampton, N.H., '64-66. — p. First ch., Exeter, N.H., '66-69. — fm. Western Turkey, '69-80. — w.c. Mansfield, Ct., '81. — a.p. Atkinson, N.H., '82-. Samuel Lysander Bates, b. 11 Nov. 1831, Brookfield, Vt. U.Vt. 1857.— Ord. 23 March 1864. p. Underbill, Vt., '64-'71. — p. Newbury, Vt., '72-. Moses Bradford Boardman, b. 25 May 1833, Francestown, N.H. A.C. 1860. — Union Theol. Sem., '60-'62 — Ord. 1 Oct. 1863. — p. Lynnfield Centre, Ms., '63-'70. — p. Brimfield, Ms., '70-75.- w.c. Harwinton, Ct., '75-79; New Britain, Ct., '79-. ♦Charles Henry Boyd, b. 4 Nov. 1836, Francestown, N.H. — D.C. 1858.— Tutor, Dart. Coll., '59-60. — a.p. Second ch., Norwich, Ct., '63-64.— Ord. 4 May 1864. p. Stonington, Ct., '64-'66. — Died, at Manchester, N.H., 5 Jan. 1866. 236 1863. [1880. Henry Bullard, b. 23 Sept. 1839, St. Louis, Mo. A.C. I860.— Ord. 1 Oct. 1863. p. Wayland, Ms., '63-'68. — p. Tresb. ch., St. Joseph, Mo., '68-. ♦William Wilbeiforce Cliapiii, b. 2 Dec. 1836, Somers, Ct. W.C. I860.— Ord. 24 Sept. 1863. f.m. Marathas, Western India, '64 until died, at Ahmednagar, 22 March 18G5. Henry Lincoln Chase, b. 9 Sept. 1832, Westford, Vt. C.U. 1857. — Hart. Theol. Seni. — Ord. 27 July 1864, p. Carver, Ms., '64-'67.— a.p. Dyers- ville, lo., '67-'70. — p. Green Mountain, lo., '70-82. — Edward Lord Clark, D.D., b. 3 Feb. 1838, Nashua, N. H. B.U. 1858.— Ord., in Boston, Ms., 8 Aug. 1861. chap. 12th Mass. Vols., '61-'62. — p. First ch., North Bridgewater (now Brockton), Ms., '63-66. — p. North ch., New Haven, Ct,, '6 7-'72.— p. Presb. ch. of the Puritans, New York city, '72-. *Hollis Sampson Clark, b. 8 March 1838, .... N.II, — , — Hart. Theol. Sem. — Ord. 27 Oct. 1863. p. Raymond, AVis., '63-65. — a.p. Presb. ch.. New Lisbon, Wis., '65-66; Cong, ch., Lisbon, III., '67-'68; Williamsburg and Genoa Bluffs, lo., '69-'73. — Died, at Genoa Bluffs, lo., 28 May 1873. Josiah Taylor Closson, b. 26 Nov. 1833, Norwich, Vt. D.C. I860.— Ord., at Bowen's Prairie, lo., 8 June 1871. a.p. Orfordville, N. H., '63-'64 ; Del. Chr. Com., '64-'65 ; North Deer Isle, Me., '66-67; Fayette, lo., '67-'G9 ; Bowen's Prairie, lo,, '69-'73 ; Second ch.. Deer Isle, Me., '75-77 ; North Thetford, Vt., '78-'81 ; Salisbury, Vt., '82-. George Curtiss, b. 5 Jan. 1837, East Hampton, Ct. A.C. 1860. — Hart. Theol. Sem., (2).— Ord. 28 Dee. 1865. p, Avon, Ct., '66-'68, — p. Har- •winton, Ct., '69-'77. — p. Union, Ct., '78-'81. — a.p. Wethersfield ave. ch., Hartford, Ct, '81-. Samuel Dunham, b. 8 Feb. 1835, Southington, Ct. Y.C. I860. — Union Theol. Sem., '60-'62. — Ord. 4 Oct, 1864. AVest Brookfield, Ms., a.p. '63-'64 ; p. '64-70. — a p. First ch., Norwalk, Ct., '70-'72. — p. West Presb. ch., Bing- hamton, N,Y., '73-, ♦William Hale Dunning, b, 12 Nov. 1836, Mobile, Ala. H.C. 1858, Ord. 10 Feb. 1864. p. Rockport, Ms., '64-'67. — in Europe, '67-68. — w.c. '68 until died, at Faribault, Minn., 7 Feb. 1869. Albert Ira Dutton, b. 5 Aug. 1831, Stowe, Vt. M.C. 1858. — Hart. Theol. Sem., (2). — Ord. 1 1 Nov. 1863. p. Shirley, Ms., '63-'69. — p. East Long- meadow, Ms., '69-. Frank Haley, b. 20 Feb, 1 835, Tuftonborough, N.II. — . — Dart. Med. Coll., '58, — Ord, 7 Oct. 1863. p. Enfield, N.H., '63-66. — p. Concord, Ms., '67. — miss'y Am. Miss. Assoc, Macon, Ga., '67-'68. — a.p. Boscawen, N.H,, '69 ; Milton, N.H., '70-74 ; Belknap ch., Dover, N.H., '74-75 ; Seabrook, N. H., '75-'81 ; Boscawen, N. H., '81-'82 ; p. '82-. 1880.] 186 3. 237 tieorg-e Hardy, b. 12 May 1835, Groveland, Ms. D. C. I860. — Ord., at Essex, Ms., 2 Sept. 1863. h.m. — a.p. Ellenburgh Centre, N.Y., '63-'67.— p. Potsdam Junction, N.Y., '6 7-'72. — a.p. Madison, N. Y., '72-82; Man- lius, N.Y., '82-. Eoswell Harris, b. 17 Dec. 1835, Brattleborough, Vt. M.C. 1860. — Not ordained. — inst'r, Mid. Coll. (at diiferent times), '62-'67. — prin. Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '6 7-'68. — prin. Castleton Sem., Castleton, Vt., 'G8-'69, — in business and occ. pr., East Saginaw, Mich., '69-. William Skinner Hazen, b. 18 Aug. 1836, Hartford, Vt. U.Vt. 1858.— Ord. 12 Oct. 1864. p. Northfield, Vt., '64-. Lucius Hopkins Hi^gins, b. 4 July 1832, Sonthington, Ct. Y.C. 1860. — Yale Theol. Sem., (1). — a.p. South Coventry and Killingworth, Ct., '64- '65. — Ord. 21 June 1866. p. Lanark, 111., '66-74. — a.p. Huntington, Ct., '75-'81 ; Mt. Carmel, Ct., '81-. James Wakeman Hubbell, b. 29 March 1835, Wilton, Ct. Y.C. 1857.— teacher, Stamford and Norwalk, Ct., '57-59. — Union Theol. Sem., '59-60. — a.p. Plainville, Ct., '63-'64.— Ord. 21 Sept. 1864. p. Milford, Ct., '64- '69. — p. College st. ch., New Haven, Ct., '69-76. — a.p. North ch., Portsmouth, N.H., '77-'79. — p. First ch., Danbury, Ct., '79-. Fayette Hurd, b. 12 Aug. 1835, Burlington, Mich. U. M. 1859. — Ord. 1 Oct. 1863. h.m. — a.p. Hancock, Mich., '63-64; Lansing, Mich., '64; Memphis, Mich., '65-66 ; Columbus, Mich., '65-68 ; Orford, lo., '68-'76 ; Cherokee, lo., '76-79 ; Laingsburg, Mich., '79-82 ; Grand Blanc, Mich., '82-. Nathan Bangs Knapp, b. 21 March 1832, Rochester, N.Y. A.C. I860.— a.p. Presb. ch.. Hector, N.Y., '63-64. — Ord. 30 May 1865. a.p. Sandy Creek, N. Y., '64-'66 ; Presb. ch., Sturgis, Mich., '66-67; Fentonville, Mich., '68-'70; Saline, Mich., '70-'72 ; Cong, ch., Elbridge, N.Y., '72-'73. — p. Presb. ch., Five Corners, N.Y., '73-'77*i — p. Hannibal, N.Y., '78-80. — p. Preble, N.Y., '80-'83. George Roswell Leavitt, b. 7 June 1838, Lowell, Ms. W.C. 1860. - Tutor, Williams Coll., '62-64. — res. lie. Andover, Ms., '64-65.— Ord. 29 March 1865. p. Lancaster, Ms., '65-'70. — p. Stearns Chapel (now Pilgrim) ch., Cambrlilgeport, Ms., '70-. Alba Levi Parsons Loomis, b. 2 Aug. 1836, Coventry, Ct. Y.C. I860.— Hart. Theol. Sem., (1). — a.p. South Coventry, Ct., '63. — miss'y of First Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '64. — Ord., at Coventry, Ct., 15 Aug. 1865. a.p. Presb. ch., Columbus, Wis., '65-'66; Cong, ch.. Fort Atkinson, Wis., '66- '68; Elkhorn, Wis., '68-'71 ; Downer's Grove, 111., '71-73.— p. Mattoon, 111., '73-'7G. — a.p. Milton, Wis., '76-'81. — p. Rosendale, Wis., '81-. Austin Luther Park, b. 24 Aug. 1836, Bennington, Vt. — . — res. lie, An- dover, Ms., '63-64. — Ord. 2 Feb. 1864. p. Gardiner, Me., '64-'81. — a.p. Falls Church, Va., '81-. 238 1863. [IS80. *George Pierce, b. 20 Sept. 1834, Marblehead, Ms. D.C. I860. — Ord. 14 Oct. 1863. p. Centre ch., Dracut, Ms., '63-'67. — p. Paterson, N.J., '67-'72. — p. Milford, N.H., '72-78. — p. North Andover, Ms., '78 until died there, 14 Sept. 1881. Theodore Strong Pond, b. 13 Sept. 1838, New York city. Ham. C. 1860. Union Theol. Sem., '60-'61. — teacher, New York city, '63-'64. — in Europe, '65-'66. — a.p. Williams' Bridge, N.Y., '66.— Ord. 29 Aug. 1867. p. Middlefield, Ct., '67-'69. — f.m. Mardin, Eastern Turkey, '69-'73. — w.c. Brooklyn, N.Y., '74-. George Arden Rockwood, b. 2 June 1832, Champion, N.Y, M.C. 1858.— U.S. Chr. Com., '63. — Ord., at Bridgewater, Vt., 16 Dec. 1863. chap. 8th U.S.C.T., '63-'65. — a.p. Carthage. N.Y. (also Deer River, N.Y., '66-'68), '66-'69. — Rensselaer Falls, N.Y., a.p. '69-'71 ; p. '7]-'82.— Lyman Sibley Rowland, b. 4 Jan. 1831, Oxford, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '60-'62. — Ord. 16 Nov. 1864. — p. First ch., Bangor, Me., '64-'67. — Prof. Rliet. and Eng. Lit., Belolt Coll., Wis., '68-'71.— p. Sara- toga Springs, N.Y., '71-'77. — p. Lee, Ms., '77-. Milton Leonard Severance, b. 14 Oct. 1830, Middlebury, Vt. M.C. 1859.— — Union Theol. Sem., '60-'62. — Ord. 17 Feb. 1864. p. Boscawen, N.H., '64-'68.— p. Orwell, Vt., '69-'80. — a.p. Ripton, Vt., '81-'82. — prin. Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '82-. George Edward Street, b. 18 June 1835, Cheshire, Ct. Y.C. 1858. — Ord. 6 April 1864. Wiscasset, Me., a.p. '63-64; p. '64-71. — p. Second ch., E.xete/-, N.H., '71-. Asher Henry Wilcox, b. 16 Nov. 1837, Norwich, Ct. Y.C. 1859. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1) —Tutor, Yale Coll., '63-'64. — a.p. Gardner. Ms., '65.— Ord. 29 June 1865. p. Preston, Ct., '65-'72. — a.p. Westerly, R.I., '72- '75 ; Plainfield, Ct., '76-. Charles Henry Williams, b. 27 May 1837, Salem, Ms. Y.C. 1858. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '63-'64. — Ord. 25 July 1867. p. Grantville, Ms., '67- '68. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '68-75. — a.p. Howard ave. ch., New Haven, Ct., '75-'80. —w.c. New Haven, Ct., '80-. Edward Abbott (2), b. 15 July 1841, Farmington, Me. — U.N.Y. I860.— U.S. San. Com., Army of Potomac, '62-'63. — Ord. 28 July 18G3. chap, city institutions, Boston, Ms., '63-65. — p. Stearns Chapel (now Pilgrim) ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '65-69. — assist, editor Conffrer/aflonalitit, Boston, Ms., 69-'77. — editor Literary World, '77-. — Ord., deacon, Ejiisc, 8 Jan. 1879 ; priest, 20 Jan. 1880. — r. St. James Parish, North Cambridge, Ms . 1880.] 1863. 239 ♦William Hooper Adams (1—), b. 8 Jan. 1838, Boston, Ms. H.C. I860.— teacher, Georgia, '61-'62. — Columbia Theol. Sem., '62-63. — Ord. 21 Nov. 1863. evancr. of Hopewell Presb'y, Ga., '63-65. — a.p. First Presb. ch., Eufala, Ala., '65-67.- p. Circular ch., Charleston, S.C., '67-'78. — a.p. Cong, ch., Lexington, Ms., '78-79. — w.c. Lexington, Ms., '79-80. — Died, at Charleston, S.C, 15 May 1880. ♦Robert John Carpenter (2+), b. 13 Oct. 1839, Demorestville, Can. Y.C. 1859. — Not ordained. — in business, New York city, and London, Eng. — Died, at Berlin, N.H., 2 Feb. 1879. Edward Taylor Fairbanks (2), b. 12 May 1836, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Y.C. 1859. — a.p. Chester, Vt., '62-66. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1868. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., a.p. '66-68; p. '68-73. — p. South ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '74-. Edward Brown Furbish (2), b. 21 May 1837, Portland, Me. Y.C. I860.— Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord., at Portland, Me., 3 Oct. 1862. chap. 25th Me. Vols., '62-63. — — p. Presb. ch.. New Hartford, N.Y., '65-72. — p. Potsdam, N.Y., '72-'79. — p. Cong, ch., Lockport, N.Y., '79-. Thomas Gordon Grassie (2),b.29 Nov. 1831, ... . Scot. A.C. 1857. — Ord. 31 March 1863. chap. 108th N. Y. Vols., '63-64. — a.p Richmond, Me., '65- '67. — p. Methuen, Ms., '67-'73. — p. Appleton, Wis., '73-74. — p. Osh- kosh. Wis., '75-76. — a.p. Sycamore, 111., '77-79; Keokuk, lo., '80- ♦Williara Augustus Haselton (1+), b. 27 July 1834, Bellows Falls, Vt. D.C. 1858. — Not ordained. — Died, at Swissvale, Pa., 13 Aug. 1864. James Haughton, (2+), b. 14 April 1839, Boston, Ms. H.C. I860. — in Europe, '63-65. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 March 1866; priest, 30 Oct. 1866. — r. St. Thomas's ch., Hanover, N.H., '68-75 ; dean All Saints' Cathe- dral, Albany, N.Y., '76-'79. — r. Yonkers, N.Y., '79-. ♦Dearborn Dudley Leavitt (2), b. 17 Feb. 1832, Grantham, N.H. D.C. 1859. — Not ordained. — California, invalid, '..until died, at Sonora, Cal, 3 Nov. 1862. •William Wisner Martin (1), b. 18 Dec. 1837, Rahway, N.J. Y.C. I860.— Union Theol. Sem., 1863. — Ord., Presb., 28 June 1863. h.m. Sonora, Cal., '63-'64. — a.p. San Jose, Cal., '64-65. — w.c. '65 until died, at Brooklyn, N.Y., 16 Oct. 1865. Cyrus Pickett (2), b. 29 May 1837, Andover, O. All.C. 1859. — Yale Theol. Sem. (2—). — a.p. Cheshire, Ct. — Ord. 28 Feb. 1867. p. Enfield, Ct., '67-'70. — p. Keokuk, lo., '70-72. — a.p. St. Cloud, Minn., '72-74 ; Second ch., Jersey City, N.J., '74-77.— John Marshall Thacher (1), b. 1 July 1836, Barre, Vt. U.Vt. 1859. — Not ordained. — Capt. 13th Vt. Vols., '62-'63. — assist, prin. Barre Acad., Vt., '61-'62 and '63-'64. — examiner U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C, '64; through successive promotions until Com. of Patents, '74-'75. — in legal practice, Chicago, 111., '75-. 240 1863. 1864. [1880. Aithiir Martin Wheeler (1) b. 21 Jan. 1835, Weston, Ct. Y.C. 18o7. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '61-'64. — In Europe, '64-'68. — Prof. Hist., laleColl., '68-. 1864. *Thomas Alleilder, b. 10 Nov. 1836, Birmingham, Eng. _. — Ord. 4 Jan. 1866. a.p. Assabet, Ms., '65-66. — p. Westliampton, Ms., *66 until died, at New London, Ct., 17 Sept. 1869. Silas Leroy Blake, b. 5 Dec. 1834, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1859. — Ord. 7 Dec. 1865. p. Pepperell, Ms., '65-68. — p. South ch.. Concord, N.H., '69-77. — p. Woodland ave. Presb. ch., Cleveland, O., '77-'80. — p. Calv. ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '80-. Francis Hayden Boynton, b. 14 March 1839, Troy, N.Y. A.C. 1861. — Ord. 19 Oct. 1864. p. Rehoboth, Ms., '64-6 7. — a.p. Freetown, Ms., '67-'71 ; Mill River, Ms., '72-'75; Raynham, Ms., '75-'78. — p. Essex, Ms., '79- '82. — a.p. Rye, N. H., '82-. ♦TliaddeilS Howe Brown, b. 17 June 1838, Billerica, Ms. Y.C. i860. — a.p. Pittsford, Vt., '65. — res. lie, Andover, Ms , '65-'66. — Ord. 11 April 1866. p. North Woodstock, Ct., '66 until died there, 19 Oct. 1868. Jay Clizbe, b. 16 June 1836, Amsterdam, N.Y. U.C. 1861. — Union Theol. Sem., '61-'62.— Ord. 5 April 1865. p. Second ch., Amherst, Ms., '65-'67. — a.p. St. Anthony, Minn., '67-68. — in Europe, '68-69. — a.p. Marshall, Mich., '70-71. — p. Newark Valley, N.Y., '72-. Gabriel Havens De Bevoise, b. 7 Jan. 1831, Brooklyn, N.Y. — . — res.lic, Andover, Ms.. '64-'65 — Ord. 26 July 1865. p. Walpole, N.H., '65-68.— p. First ch.. North Brookfield, Ms., '68-'80. — p. Leominster, Ms., '80-. Daniel Dcnison, b. 4 Sept. 1838, Hampton, Ct. Y.C. I860. — Union Theol. Sem., '61-'62. — agent U.S. Chr. Com., '64-'65.— — Ord. 30 Dec. 1873. p. Middle Haddam (P.O. Cobalt), Ct., '73-. Samuel Franklin French, b. 22 Dec. 1835, Candia, N.H. D.C. 1861.— Ord. 29 Sept. 1864. p. Hamilton, Ms., '64-71. — p. Tewksbury, Ms., '71- '82. — res. Andover, Ms., '82-. George Leroy Gleason, b. 25 Feb. 1835, Bristol, N.H. D.C. 1861. — Ord. 1 Feb. 1866. Bristol, Vt. (also Ferrisburgh, Vt.), a.p. '64-'66 ; p. '66-'67. — p. West Rutland, Vt., '67-'69. — p. Manchester, Ms., '69-'8l. — res. lie. Andover Theol. Sem., '81-'82. — p. By field, Ms., '82-. Chauncey Goodrich, b. 4 June 1836, Hinsdale, Ms. W.C. 1861. — Union TheoL Sem., '61-'62. — Ord. 21 Sept. 1864. f.m. Peking, China, '65-. 1880.] 1864. 241 John William Haley, b. 8 June 1834, Tuftonborough, N.H. D.C. I860.— Ord., Christian, at Tuftonborough, N.H., 23 Sept. 1864. p. Chr. ch., Eastport, Me., '64-65. — Prof. Met., Union Coll.-, Merom, Ind., '65. — p. Somerset, Ms., '66-69. — a.p. Cong, ch., Duxbury, Ms., '69-70. — res. lie., Andover, Ms., '70-'71 and '72-'74. — a.p. Dudley, Ms., '72; Tyngsborougb, Ms., '74-'75; Hudson, N. H., '76-'78 ; Francestown, N.H., '78; Temple, N.H., '80-'82. — author, res. Lowell, Ms., '81-. Benjamin Franklin Hamilton, b. 4 Nov. 1835, Chester, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Hart. Theol. Sem. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '64-'65. — Ord. 28 June 1865. p. North Andover, Ms., '65-'71. — p. Eliot ch., Roxbury, Ms., '71-. Henry Martyn Holmes, b. 13 Dec. 1832, Dorchester, Ms. A.C. I860.— field agent, Chr. Com., lower dep't. Army of the Cumberland, '64-'65. — Ord. 10 May 1866. — a.p. Lunenburg, Vt., '65-66; Ticonderoga, N.Y., '66-67.— sup't Childrens' Aid Soc, Brooklyn, N.Y., '67-'68. — a.p. Green- wich, N.Y., '68-69 ; Benson, Vt., '69-'75. — p. Southborough, Ms., '75-78. — a.p. Ayer, Ms., '78-. Robert Grosvenor Hutcliins, D.D., b. 25 April 1838, West Killingly, Ct. — . — Union Theol. Sem., '61-62. — a.p. Trinitarian ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '64-'66.— Ord. 13 June 1866. p. Bedford ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '66-'72.— p. First ch., Columbus, O., '72-82. — p. Plymouth ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '82-. Josiah Edwards Kittredge, b. 12 Oct. 1836, Boston, Ms. Y.C. I860.— Union Theol. Sem., '61. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '64-'65. — in Europe and the East, '66-'68. — Ord. 10 March 1869. — p. Glastonbury, Ct., '69- '73. — p. Am. Union ch., Florence, Italy, '74-' 76. — p. Presb. ch., Geneseo, N.Y., '77-. *James Laird, b. 4 Sept. 1833, Huntington, Can. O.C. 1861. —a.p. Jewett City, Ct., '64-'65.— Ord. 15 March 1866. p. Guildhall, Vt., 'G6-'70. — p. Hollis, N.H., '70 until died there, 20 Aug. 1874. ♦John Hart Manning, b. 8 Feb. 1824, Andover, Ms. — . — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '64-'65. — h.m. Chattanooga, Tenn., '65-'66. — Ord. 6 March 1867. p. Brookline, N. H., '6 7 until died there, 19 Aug. 1868. Edward WilUams Morley, M.D., Ph.D., b. 29 Jan. 1838, Newark, N.J. W.C. 1860. — Not ordained. — in service of U.S. San. Com., Fortress Mon- roe, '64-65. — teacher, South Berkshire Inst., New Marlborough, Ms., '66- '68. — Prof. Nat. Hist, and Chem., West. Res, Coll. (now Adelbert Coll., of West. Res. Univ.), '68-. Myron Andrews Munson, b. 5 May 1835, Chester, Ms. H.C. I860. — U.S. Chr. Com., '63. — private, 60th Mass. Vols., '64. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '64-'65. — Ord. 31 May 1S66. Pittsford, Vt., a.p. '65-66; p. '66-69.— W.C. St. Paul, Minn., '70. — a.p. Northfield, Minn., '70-'71 ; Moriah, N.Y., '72-'73 ; Neponset, Ms., '74-'76. — w.c. Neponset, Ms. (except a.p. Faiir- haven, Vt., '78), '76-'81 ; Huntington, Ms., 81-. 31 242 1864. [1880. Henry Francis Clough Nichols, b. 9 Feb. 1833, Kingston, N.H. W.C. 1859.— Union Theol. Sem., '61-62. — a.p. Boxborough, Ms., '..-'..— Not ordained. — a.p. Norfolk, N.Y., '66-'67. — in business. New Lisbon, Wis., '68-. Edward Norton, b. 11 Oct. 1835, Essex, Ms. D.C. 1861. — Ord. 28 Dec. 1864. p. Montague, Ms., '64-73. — p. Quincy, Ms., '74-. *Beujamin Greeley Page, b. 3 Jan. 1835, Gilmanton, N.H. D.C. 1861.— Ord. 27 Sept. 1865. p. Lebanon, Me., '65-68. — a.p. Greenwood, Mo., '68-71; Emerald Grove, Wis., '71-74; Friendville, Neb., '74 until died there, 14 Nov. 1878. George Austin Pelton, b. 15 April 1833, Stockbridge, Ms. Y.C. 1861.— Yale Theol. Sem., (1). — Ord. 9 Aug. 1865. a.p. Franklin, Ms., '64- '67; Bethel, Ct., '6 7-'69. — Candor, N.Y., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70-'73. — p. Groton, N.Y., '73-'76. — a.p. Morrisville, N. Y., '77; Greene, N. Y., '78; Sandy Creek, N.Y., '79 ; Deadwood, Dak., '80-'81 ; Shelburne Falls, Ms., '81-. Benjamin Franklin Perkins, b. 22 Feb. 1834, Hampton, N.H. D.C. 1859. — Ord., at Andover, Ms., 22 Nov. 1865. h.m. — a.p. Mirabile, Mo., '66- '69, and Kingston, Mo., '67-69 ; Stowe, Vt., '69-73; Kankakee, 111., '74; Union Grove, Wis., '74-'76 ; Sterling, Ms., '77-. George Wliiteiield Phillips, b. 5 July 1836, Hubbardston, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Ord. 12 Oct. 1864. p. Haydenville, Ms., '64-'68. — p. Columbus, O., '68-'71. — p. Plymouth ch., Worcester, Ms., '71-. Edward Griffin Porter, b. 24 Jan. 1837, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1858. — in Eurojje and the East, '. .-'. . — Ord. 1 Oct. 1868. p. Lexington, 'Ms., '68-. ♦William Franklin Snow, b. 13 Dec. 1838, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1861. — Ord., at Somerville, Ms., 6 Oct. 1862. chap. 5th Mass. Vols., '62-63. — a.p. Grass Valley, Cal., '64-'65. — p. Eliot ch., Lawi-ence, Ms., '66 until died there, 11 Jan. 1871. Edwin Alexander Spence, b. 2 Oct. 1837, Salem Mich. U.M. I860. — Au- burn Theol. Sem., '61-'63. — U. S. Chr. Com., '64. — a.p. Belknap ch., Dover, N. H., '64-'65.— U.S. Chr. Com., '65. — Ord. 27 Sept. 1866. a.p. Westford, Ms., '65-67. — w.c. '67-'73, res. Lyons, lo., '70-'73. — gen. sec. Y. M. C. A., Grand Rapids, Mich., '74-'78. — a.p. Rockford, Mich., '78-'79. — w.c. Ann Arbor, Mich., '79-82. — finan. ag't Fisk Univ., '82-. *Lyman Sargeant Watts, b. 9 Aug. 1832, Peacham, Vt. M.C. 1859.— Ord. 7 Feb. 1866. a.p. Dracut, Ms,, '65-67; Barnet, Vt., '67-71 ; w.c. until died, at Peacham, Vt., 3 June 1872. 1880.] 1864. 243 ♦Bradford Young Averill (2+), b. 17 Feb. 1833, Wiscasset, Me. W.C. 1855. — Prof. Rhet., Knox Coll. — Ord p. Presb. cb., Hyde Park, 111., '66. — Died, at Chicago, 111., 12 July 1867. Henry Louis Baugher, d.d, (1), b. 6 Aug. 1830, Gettysburg, Pa. P.C. 1857. — Gettysburg Theol. Sem., 1862.— Ord., Evang. Lutheran, 15 Sept. 1863. a.p. Mission in Wheeling, Va., '63-'64. — Lutheran ch. of the Trin., Norris- town, Pa., '64-67. — in Europe, '67-68. — Mt. Pisgah ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '68-'69. — Prof. Greek, Penn. Coll., Gettysburg, Pa., '69-80. — p. Omaha, Neb., '80-'81. — (editor Augsburg S.S. Teacher and Lesson Helps, '75-.) now res. Gettysburg, Pa. George Buckingham Beecher (2+), b. 7 Sept. 1841, Zanesville, O. Y. C. 1861. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1866. p. Howe st. ch., New Haven. Ct., '66-'68.— — p. First Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '73-78. — res. Hillsborough, O., '79-; and a.p. New Petersburgh, '81-. George Sayles Bishop, d d. (1), b. 28 June 1836, Rochester, N.Y. A.C. 1858. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1864. — Ord., by Presb'y of New Brunswick, 16 June 1864. p. Second Presb. ch., Trenton, N.J., '64-66. — p. Calvary ch., Newburgh, N.Y., '66-72. — p. Second ch.. Orange, N.J., '72-75.— p. First Ref. ch.. Orange, N.J., '75-. *Charles Alfred Boies (1), b. . . June 1838, Boston, Ms. Y.C. I860. — teacher, Fernandina, Fla., '60-'61. — Princeton'Theol. Sem. (1). — Died, at Keene, N. H., while a member of the Seminary, 14 May 1863. Henry Edward Butler (l),b. 21 Feb. 1835, Essex, Vt. U.Vt. 1861. — Prince- i ton Theol. Sem., 1864. — Ord., by Presb'y of Champlain, 12 Jan. 1865. ' Keesville, N.Y., a.p. '64-65; p. '65-'80. — p. Cong, ch., Jacksonville, 111., '80-. Douglass Campbell (1), b. 13 July 1840, Cherry Valley, N.Y. U.C. I860.— Not ordained. — capt. 121st N.Y. Vols., '62-'. . — lawyer. New York city, '65-. ♦Stephen Goodhue Emerson (1), b. 17 July 1838, Chester, N.H. H.C. 1861.— private, 1st Mass. Vols., '62 until killed at Chancellorsville, Va., 3 May 1863. Christopher Wilkinson KnauflF(l) b. 19 July 1838, Philadelphia, Pa. P.C. 1861. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 12 Nov. 1864 ; priest, 23 June 1865. St. Paul's ch., Lock Haven, Pa., '64-66. — St. Michael's ch., Trenton, N.J., '66-73.— canon. Cathedral of all Saints, Albany, N.Y., '73-'76. — r. Calvary ch., New Orleans, La., '77-'79. — assist, minister, St. Paul's ch., Rochester, N.Y., '80-'82 ; St. Andrew's ch., Stamford, Ct., '82-. Joseph Allen Leach (2+), b. 15 April 1838, Rockingham, Vt. A.C. 1861.— Ord., at Amherst, Ms., 23 Feb. 1864. chap. 19th U. S. C. T., '64-'G6.— p. First ch., Keene, N.H., '66-67.— Second ch., Keene, N.H., a.p. '67-69; p. '69-82. — teacher, Keene, N. H., '82-. 244 1864. 1865. [1880. Arthur Little, d.d. (l),b. 24 May 1837, Boscawen,N.IL D.C. 1860.— Prince- ton Theol. Sem., '62-63.— Ord. 16 March 1863. chap. 1st Vt. Heavy Art'y, '63-'65. — p. Presb. ch., Bedford, N.H., '65-'68.— Cong, ch., Fond du Lac, Wis., a.p. '68-69 ; p. '69-78. — p. New England ch., Chicago, 111., '78-. ♦Nathaniel Mighill (1+), b. 25 Aug. 1839, Rowley, Ms. A.C. 1860. — teacher, acad., Cortlandville, N.Y., '60-'61.— Union Theol. Sem., '61-'62.— Tutor, Amh. Coll., '64. — Ord. 29 Sept. 1864. p. East Cambridge, Ms., '64-'67. — p. Brattleborough, Vt, '67-75. — p. First ch., Worcester, Ms., '75-77. — w.c. '77 until died, at Grantville, Ms., 3 Feb. 1878. Franklin Burroughs Norton (1), b. 5 March 1833, Ware, Ms. A.C. 1856.— teacher. Mo. and Tenn., '56-'61. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1864. Ord. 11 July 1864. a.p. Kenosha, Wis., '64-'G6 ; Janesville, Wis., '66-69; Osh- kosh, Wis., '69-70. — r. r. and exp. agent, Burlington, Wis., '72-. Francis Porter Woodbury, d.d. (1), b. 18 March 1839, Beverly, Ms. W.C. 1861. — Union Theol. Sem., 1864.— Ord. 11 Jan. 1865, a.p. Olivet, Mich., and Prof. Rhet., Logic, and Eng. Lit., Olivet Coll., '64-'66. — p. Meriden, N.H., '66-'67. — a.p. Flint, Mich., '67-'70; Rockford, 111., '70-. 1865. William Penn Alcott, b. 11 July 1838, Dorchester, Ms. W.C. 1861. — Ord. 18 Feb. 1868. p. North Greenwich, Ct., '68-'74. — a.p. Barton Landing, Vt., '74-'77; North Chelmsford, Ms., '78-'80. — p. Boxford, Ms., '81-. Alexander Viets Giiswold Allen, D.D., b. 4 May 1841, Otis, Ms. Ken. C. 1862.— res. lie, Andover, Ms., '65-67.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 5 July 1865 ; priest, 24 June 1866. r. St. John's ch., Lawrence, Ms., '65-'67. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Episc. Theol. School, Cambridge, Ms., '67-. ♦Rowland Hiissey Allen, b. 13 Aug. 1840, Norton, Ms. A.C. 1862. — Ord. 1 Nov. 1865. p. Canton, Ms., '65-'67. — w.c. Chelsea, Ms., '67-69. — p. Trinity Cong, ch., Nepouset, Boston, Ms., '70 until died there, 12 Sept. 1872. John Rodney Barnes, b. 15 Dec. 1829, Preble, N.Y. O.C. 1861.— Ord. 5 Oct. 1865. p. Central ch., Plainfield, Ct., '65-67. — a.p. Rosemond, III., '67-'69; Presb. ch., Collinsville, 111., '69-'74 ; Earlville, 111., '74-'76 ; El- dora, lo., '76-'78 ; Fayette, lo., '78-81 ; Earlville, III., '81-'82; Normal, III., '82-. Pliny Steele Boyd, b. 18 May 1835, York, N.Y. O.C. I860. — Ord. 5 Oct. 1865. p. Shelburne Falls, '65-'69. — p. Ridgefield, Ct., '69-'71. — p. Amesbury, Ms., '71-. 1880.] 1865. 245 Albert Bryant, b. 30 Jan. 1838, Troy, N.H. A.C. 1862. — Princeton Theol. ^ Sem., (2). — Ord. 20 Sept. 1865. f.ra. Sivas, Asiatic Turkey, '65-'68.— p. Everett, Ms., '69-74. — West Somerville, Ms., a.p. '75-77; p. '78-'80. — a.p. Lead City, Dak., '81- Anstin Dodg-e, b. 4 March 1839, Newburyport, Ms. A.C. 1861.— Ord. 9 Oct. 1866. p. North ch., Winchendon, Ms., '66-67. — p. Uni(jn ch., Globe Village, Ms., '67-70. — East Bridgewater, Ms., '70-75. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '76-'77. — a.p. Putney, Vt, '78-'81 ; Dennis, Ms., '81-. Samuel Page Fowler, M.D., b. 6 Dec. 1838, Danvers, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Ser- geant 8th Mass. Vol. Militia, '62-'63. — teacher to Freedmen, '65. — assist, sup't, Freedmen's Bureau, '65-66. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '66-'68. — physician, California, '68-'70. — Harv. Med. School, M.D., 1874. — res. Danvers, Ms., and New York city, '74-. ♦George Dickinson Goodrich, b. 29 April 1834, Ware, Ms. W.C. 1857.— y Hart. Theol. Sem. — Pi-inceton Theol. Sem., (1). — Ord., at Templeton, ^ Ms., 12 Sept. 1865. h.m. — a.p. Denver, Col., '65-67. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '68-69. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '69 until died there, 26 July 1870. Stephen Knowlton, b. 20 Jan. 1831, Stockbridge, Vt. M.C 1857. — teacher, Castleton, Vt., fem. sera., '57-62. — Ord. 2 Nov. 1865. p. West Medway, Ms., '65-'72. — p. New Haven, Vt., '73-'81. — a.p. Greensborough, Vt., '81-. Joseph Brown Ladd, b. 7 March 1838, Boston, Ms. W.C. 1860. — a.p. Hebron, Minn., '66-67.- Ord. 25 March 1868. a.p. Woodland Mills, Minn., '67-'. . — a.p. Mazeppa, Minn., '..-'74. — .... — res. Minneapolis, Minn., '. .-. *Silas Harvey Mellis, b. 6 May 1834, Brooklyn, N.Y. U.N.Y. 1862. — Union Theol. Sem., ■62-64.- Ord. 17 Jan. 1866. p. Empire City, Col., '66 until died, at Central City, Col., 25 May 1866. Georg-e Gardner Phipps, b. 11 Dec. 1838, Franklin, Ms. A.C. 1862. — a.p. Ashland, Ms., '65-'67.— Ord. 23 Jan. 1868. p. Wellesley, Ms., '68-'78.— p. Newton Highlands, Ms., '78- Charles Herbert Richards, D.D., b. 18 March 1839, Meriden, N.H. Y.C. I860. — Union Theol. Sem., '61-'62, '63-'64. — Ord. 16 July 1866. a.p. Kokomo, Ind., '66-'67. — p. Madison, Wis., '67-. Nathan Thompson, b. 26 Aug. 1837, New Braintree, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Ord. 13 Sept. 1865. h.m. — a.p. Boulder Valley, Col., '65-75; Boxborough, Ms., '76-'81. — prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '82-. *Engene Henry Titns, b. 16 Nov. 1834, Stockbridge, Vt. AV.C. 1862. — Ord. 15 Feb. 1866. p. Dane st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '66-'67. — First ch., Bethel, Me , a.p. '68-69 ; p.'69-'70. — p. Farmington, N.H., '73-76. — w.c. George- town, Ms., '76 until died there, 21 July 1876. 246 1865. 1866. [1880. Joseph Hopkins Twichell, b. 27 May 1838, Soutlungton, Ct. Y.C. 1859.— — Union Theol. Sem., '59-61. — Ord., at Southington, Ct., 30 Jan. 1863. chap. 71st N.Y. Vols., '61-'64. — p. Asylum Hill ch., Hartford, Ct., '65-. *Henry Beman Underwood, b. 25 Dec. 1839, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. W.C. 1862. — Union Theol. Sem., '62-'63. — Ord. 19 Jan. 1866. a.p. Ring- wood, III., '65-67; East Longmeadow, Ms., '67-'68 ; Marlborough, N.H., '69; Baxter Springs, Kan., '69-'70. — p. Hillsborough Bridge, N.H., '71- '72. — a.p. Algona, lo., '73 until died there, 2 Sept. 1875. ♦James Wilson Ward, Jr., b. l Dec. 1836, Abington, Ms. A.C. I860. — a.p. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., 'G5-'66 ; First ch., North Bridgewater, Ms., '66-'67.— Ord., at Middleborough, Ms., 15 Oct. 1868. a.p. Rochester, Ms., '68-'70; Laconia, N.H.,'71. — W.C. '71 until died, at Schuylkill Haven, Pa., 25 Oct. 1875. James Edward Wriglit, b. 9 July 1839, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1861. — in 44th Mass. Vols., '62-'63. — a.p. North Christian ch., Eastport, Me., '65-66.— Ord. 24 July 1866. p. Christian ch., Jacksonville, 111., '66-'69. — p. First Ind. Rel. Soc, Montpelier, Vt., '69- Henry Anstice, Jr., d.d. (1), b. 7 Oct. 1841, New York, N.Y. W.C. 1862. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 2 July 1865; priest, 21 Nov. 1865. — r. St. Barnabas's ch., Irvington, N.J., '65-66,- r. St. Luke's ch., Rochester, N.Y., '66-. Solon Cobb (1), b. 12 Sept. 1838, Carver, Ms. —. — Auburn Theol. Sem., (1>— Ord. 11 Oct. 1864. p. Presb. ch., Owego, N.Y., '64-'69. — p. Mystic Cong, ch., Medford, Ms., '69-74. — a.p. Pacific ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '74-'76 ; Jacksonville, Fla., '76-'77. — p. Central Presb. ch., Erie, Pa., '78-. Levi Wentworth Stanton (1—), b. 19 Jan. 1827, Lebanon, Me. B.C. 1855. — Not ordained. — assoc. prin. New Hampton Lit. Inst'n, N.H , '55-'56 ; prin., '56-'57. — prIn. Brown High School, Newburyport, Ms., '57-'60. — teacher, classical dep't, Maine State Sem. (now Bates Coll.), '60-63 ; Prof. Gr., Bates Coll., '63-'66. — prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '66-'72.— res. Sandwich, N.H. (Exeter, N.H., '73-75), '72-. 1866. Frederick Baylies Allen, b. 5 Nov. 1840, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1863. — a.p. Newport, R.I., '66-'67.— Ord. 2 April 1868. p. Canandaigua, N.Y., '68- '73. — W.C. '73-'75. — a.p. Chambers st. ch., Boston, Ms., '76-'79.— Ord., deacon, Episc, 5 Nov. 1879 ; jmest, 12 Dec. 1880.— assist, min., Trinity ch., Boston, Ms., '79-. vi 1880.] 1866. 247 Samuel Warren Dike, b. 13 Feb. 1839, Thompson, Ct. W.C. 1863. — Hart. Theol. Sem. (2). — a.p. Pomfret, Ct., '66-'67. — Ord. 3 Feb. 1869. West Randolph, Vt., a.p. '68-'69 ; p. '69-'78. — Royalton, Vt., a.p. '78-'80 ; p. '80-82. — Cor. Sec. N. E. Divorce Reform League, res. Royalton, Vt,, '82-. Horace Button, b. 16 July 1840, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1862.— a.p. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '66-'67. — Ord. 21 Jan. 1868. a.p. Wareham, Ms., '67-68; Eddyville, lo., '68-69. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '69-'70. — a.p. Northborough, Ms., '70-79. — w.c. West Roxbury, Ms., '80 ; Auburndale, Ms., '81-. Melatiali Ererett Dwight, M.D., b. 15 Oct. 1841, South Hadley, Ms. K.Y.C. I860. — Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1.864. — stud, med., '66-'67.— trav. Europe and the East, '67-'68.— Ord. 25 Feb. 1869. p. Onarga, 111., '69-'79. — a.p. Fairfield, lo., '79-. Addison Pinneo Foster, b. 25 Sept. 1841, Henniker, N.H. W.C. 1863.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '63-'65.— Ord. 3 Oct. 1866. p. Appleton st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '66-'68. — occ. sup. *68-'70. — a.p. Dubuque, lo., '70-71. — p. Maiden, Ms., '71-72. — p. First ch., Chelsea, Ms., '72-77.— p. First ch., Jersey City, N.J., '77-. Elbridge Gerry, b. 5 July 1837, Braintree, Vt. M.C. 1862.— Ord., at West Randolph, Vt., 24 Sept. 1868.— a.p. Bethel, Vt., '72-'82 ; Oregon City, Or., '68-'72, and '82-. Chauncey Lewis Hamlen, b. 2 Nov. 1840, Cleveland, O. W.R.C. 1863.— Ord. 2 July 1867. a.p. Louisiana, Mo., '66-'G8 ; Brooklyn, O., '68-'71 ; Aurora, O., '72-'80 ; Collinwood, 0., '80-. William Stone Hubbell, D.D., b. 19 April 1837, Wolcottville, Ct. Y.C. 1858. — Andover Theol. Sem., '60-62. — private, 25th Conn. Vols., Aug. '62; Second Lieut., 21st Conn. Vols., Dec. '62; Reg'l Adj't; Capt. and A.A.G.; Brevet-Major; mustered out, July 1865. — a.p. (associate) First ch., Brain- tree, Ms., '66-68. — Ord. 30 Jan. 1808. p. South ch.. West Roxbury, Ms., '68-72. — p. First ch., Somerville, Ms., '72-81. — p. North Presb. ch., Buffalo, N.Y., '81-. Alfred Perry Johnson, b. 3 April 1836, Bedford, Ms. H.C. 1861.— Ord. 19 Nov. 1867. a.p. Paola, Kan., '66-'69 ; Woodstock, 111., '70-'72 ; Platte- ville, AVis., '72-. Nathaniel Tenney Kimball, b. 9 Oct. 1838, Bradford, Ms. D.C. 1861.— Not ordained. — res. Bradford, Ms. James Griswold Merrill, b. 20 May 1840, Montague, Ms. A.C. 1863. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '63-65. — Ord. 20 Nov. 1867. h.m. — a.p. Mound City, Kan., '67-69 ; Topeka, Kan., '69-'70. — agent Am. H.M. Soc, for Kan., '70-72. — p. Edwards ch., Davenport, lo., '72-82. — p. First Trin. Cong. ch., St. Louis, Mo., '82-. 248 1866. [1880. John Henry Morley, b. 3 Jan. 1840, Hartford, Ct. W.C 1863. — Ord. 2 Jan. 1867. h.m. — a.p. Magnolia, lo., '66-69. — Sioux City, a.p. '69-72; p. '72-76. — p. Winona, Minn., '77-. Bernard Paine, b. 21 Sept. 1834, East Randolph, Ms. D.C. 1863. — Union Theol. Sein., '63-'64. — Ord. 6 June 1867. p. Pacific eh.. New Bedford, Ms., '67-'71. — p. Foxborough, Ms., '71-77. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '79 ; West Barnstable, Ms., '80. — a.p. Sandwich, Ms., '80-. Samuel Barrett Pettengill, b. 7 Feb. 1839, Grafton, Vt. il/.C — Princeton Theol. Sem., '63-65. — Not ordained. — a.p. Little Sioux, To., '67-68. — w.c. Little Sioux, Io.,'68-'69. — a.p. North Granville, N.Y., '69 ; Castleton, Vt., '71. — trav. Col. and New Mexico, '72. — w.c. Grafton, Vt., '73-'.. — editor Rutland Herald, '74-'78 ; St. Albans Messenger, '80-'82 ; w.c. Grafton, Vt., '82-. William Hamilton Pliipps, b. 3 July 1841, Paxton, Ms. A.C. 1862. — prin. high school, Leicester, Ms., '62-63. — Union Theol. Sem., '6.S-'64. — Ord. 29 Aug. 1866. h.m. — a.p. Empire City,Col., '66-69 ; North Beverly, Ms., '69-70 ; Southville, Ms., '70-'71 ; East Woodstock, Ct., '71-'73 ; Poquonock, Ct., '73-78 ; Prospect, Ct., '78-. William Churchill Reade, b. 1 Nov. 1835, Hampden, Me. Y.C. 1863. — Princeton Tlieol. Sem. (1). — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '66-'67, — a.p. West- brook, Ct., '67-'68.— Ord. 10 Feb. 1870. p. South Dennis, Ms., '70-'74.— p.e. First ch., Milton, Ms., '76-'77. — a.p. Candia, N.H., '78-. Alvah Mills Richardson, b. 30 April 1833,Woburn, Ms. A.C. 1862. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1866. p. West ch., Ipswich, Ms., '6 6-' 70. — agent Am. Tract Soc., '70-71. — farmer, Winchester, Ms. Frank Hunting-ton Snow, Ph.D., b. 29 June 1840, Fitchburg, Ms. W.C. 1862. — Not ordained. — Prof. Math., Nat. Sci., and Nat. Hist., Kan. Univ., Lawrence, Kan. (also a.p. Kanwaka, Kan., '66-67; Wakarusa, Kan., '66- '68), '66-. Thomas W. Thompson, b. 31 Aug. 1837, Plymouth, N. H. D.C. 1859.— Andover Theol. Sem., '59-'61. — Ord. 24 June 1868. f.m. North China, '68-75. — now at Worcester, Ms. William Jewctt Tucker, D.D., b. 13 July 1839, Griswold, Ct. D.C. 1861. — Ord. 24 Jan. 1867. p. Franklin st. ch., Manchester, N.H., '67-'75. —p. Madison sq. Presb. ch., New York city, '75-79. — Prof. Sac. Rhet., Andover Theol. Sem., '79-. Daniel Wlngatc Waldron, b. 11 Nov. 1840, Augusta, Me. B C. 1862.— a.p. South Braintrce, Ms., '65-66. — Ord. 3 April 1867. East Weymouth, Ms., a.p. '66-67; p. '67-'71. — p. Maverick ch., East Boston, Ms., '71-72.— city miss'y, Boston, Ms., '73- ; also chap. House of Rep's, '79-. 1880.] 1866. 1867. 249 John Kilbourn Williams, b. 21 Feb. 1835, Charlotte, Vt. M.C. 18G0.— Auburn Theol. Sem., '63-'64. — Ord. 21 Nov. 18G6. p. Bradford, Vt, '66-'72. — a.p. West Rutland, Vt., '72-, ♦Frank W. Winslow, b. 4 March 1844, Philadelphia, Pa. P.U. 1863. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 March 1866; priest, 25 July 1868. assist, minister, St. Luke's eh., Philadelphia, Pa., '66-'67. — h.m. Col., '67-'68.— r. St. Peter's ch., Pueblo, Col., '68-69. — sup. St. Thomas's eh., Newark, Del., '69-'70. — r. Emmanuel ch., ManviUe, R.I., '70-' 71. — assist, minister. Advent eh., Philadelphia, Pa., '71-'73. — h.m. Plymouth, Pa, '73-'74. — r. St. Paul's ch., Minersville, Pa., '74-'75.— r. St. James's ch., Washington, D.C, '75-'77. — Died, 1878. John Henry Denison (2), b. 3 March 1841, Boston, Ms. W.C. 1862.— miss'y to colored people, Hampton, Va., '66-67.— Ord. 30 Jan. 1870. South Williamstown, Ms., a.p. '68-'70; p. '70-'71. — p. First ch.. New Britain, Ct., '71-78. — a.p. Hampton, Va., '79-80. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '81- William D'Orville Doty (1), b. 28 Dec. 1834, Windham Centre, N.Y. Ken.C. 1862. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 20 June 1864; priest, 25 Jan. 1866. — assist, minister, St. Paul's ch., Boston, Ms., '64-'67. — r. All Saints ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '67-'71. — r. Waterloo, N.Y,, '71-77. — r. Christ's ch., Rochester, N.Y., '7 7-. Charles Thaddeus Haynes (1+), b. 19 March 1835, Townsend, Ms. A.C. 1862. — Not ordained. — teacher lang. and higher math., Townsend, Ms., '65-67. — prin. high school, Edgartown, Ms., '68-69. — instructor. Highland MiUtary Acad., Worcester, Ms., '69-'70. — prin. high school, Webster, Ms., '70-'72. — prin. Lamartine School, Worcester, Ms., '72-. *David Starrett Morgan (1), b. 24 Jan. 1835, Johnson, Vt. U.C. I860.— private, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, '62-'64. — Union Theol. Sem., 1866. — Ord. 26 June 1867. p. Worthington, Ms., '67-69. — a.p. Presb. ch., Mon- tello. Wis., '69-'70; Westfield, Wis., '71-'72. — p. La Porte, lo., '72-'75, — w.c. La Porte, lo., '75 until died there, 10 Jan. 1879. Zaccheus Test (1), from Richmond, Ind. Haverford C. 1851. — Prof,, Earl- ham Coll., Richmond, Ind. 1867. Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson Abbott, b. 20 Sept. 1841, Concord, N.H. D.C. 1863. — Union Theol. Sem., '64-'66.— Ord. 6 May 1868. p. Meriden, N.H., '68-'73. — p. Newport, N.H., '74-. 82 250 186 7. [1880. George Whitefleld Andrews, b. 4 Feb. 1833, Wayne, O. O.C. 1858. —Ord. 13 Nov. 1867. p. East Hampton, Ct,, '67-'70. — a.p. Marion, Ala., '70-'71 ; Montgomery, Ala., '72-'74; Talladega, Ala. (also inst'r Theol, Talladega Coll., '76-),' '75-. Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft, Ph.D., b. 25 Nov. 1839, New Ipswich, N.H. D.C. I860. — teacher, Mt. Vernon, N.H., '60-'64. — Union Theol. Sem., '64-'65. — Ord. 1 May 1867. prin. Educational Institutions, Lookout Mountain, Tenn., '67-72. — stud. Halle, Ger., '72-73. — prin. Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '73-. Lyman Horace Blake, b. 19 July 1840, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1863. — Ord. 14 Nov. 1867. p. River Point, R.I., '67-69. — p. Rowley, Ms., '69-74. — p. Methuen, Ms., '74-'77. — p. Immanuel ch., Roxbury, Ms., '77-'81. — p. Second ch., Westfield, Ms., '81-. Samuel Ingersoll Briant, b. 28 July 1839, Beverly, Ms. U.Vt. 1863.— Union Theol. Sem., '64-'66.— Ord. 22 April 1868. p. Sharon, Ms., '68-74. — p. Hartford, Vt., '75-. Georg;e Phelps Byin^ton, b. 17 Aug. 1838, Hinesburgh, Vt. U.Vt. 1863. — Union Theol. Sem., '64-'66.— Ord. 11 March 1868. p. Benson, Vt., '68-69. — a.p. Westford, Vt., '70-. James Alexander Daly, b. 11 April 1838, Munstereven, Ireland. C. of Cal. I860. — Union Theol. Sem., 'G4-'66. — Ord., at Brooklyn, N.Y., 1 7 March 1868. — p. Stockton, Cal., '69-70. — a.p. Williamsport, Pa., '70-72. — p. Painesville, O., '72-76. — a.p. Wellington, O., '77-. M. Angelo Dougherty, b. 15 May 1839, Brooklyn, N.Y. N.Y.C. 1864.— Union Tiieol. Sem., '64-'66. — Ord. 15 June 1869, p. Bapt. ch., Great Falls, N.H., '69-'70. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '70-'71. — p. Stoughton st. Bapt. ch., Boston, Ms., '71-77. — a.p. Second Cong, ch., West Newbury, Ms., '78-. Joseph Emery Fiske, b. 23 Oct. 1839, Needham, Ms. II.C. 1861.— Andover Theol. Sem., '61-'62.— Not ordained.— 43d Mass. Vols., private, '62; First Sergeant, '62-'63. — Second Lieut., First Lieut., and Capt., 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, '63-'65. — res. Grantville (now Wellesley Hills), Ms., '65-. Alfred Sereno Hudson, b. 20 Nov. 1839, Sudbury, Ms. W.C. 1864. — Ord. 19 Dec. 1867. p. Burlington, Ms., '67-'73. — a.p. Easton, Ms., '73-76; Linden, Ms., '76-81 ; also Maplewood, Ms., '76-. Joseph Lannian, b. 9 April 1840, Norwich, Ct. Y.C. 1864.— Union Theol. Sem., *64-'66. — Ord. 2 June 1868. — p. Presb. ch., Windham, N. II., '68- '72. — p. Presb. ch,, Lynn, Ms., '72-73.— p. Cong, ch., Westhampton, Ms., '74-76. — a.p. Woodland, Cal., '76-'78. — w.c, Oakland, Cal., '79. — a.p. Presb. ch., Taylors Falls, Minn., '80-. Everett Edward Lewis, b. 4 .June 1837, Bristol, Ct, W.C. 1862.— Ord. 17 Jan. 1872. p, Iladdam, Ct,, '72-. 1880.] 1867. 251 Charles Myron Palmer, b. 16 Jan. 1837, Orford, N.H. D.C. 1862.— teacher, Brimfield, Ms., '62-'64. — Union Theol. Sem., '64-'65. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1868. Harrisville, N.H., a.p. '67-'68 ; p. '68-'71.— a.p. Cornish, N.H., '71_'73._p. Meriden, N.H., '73-'81. — a.p. Saratoga, Cal, '81-82. — w.c. Meriden, N. H., '83-. TTilliam Edwards Park, b. l July 1837, Andover, Ms. Y.C. 1861.— Ord. 13 Nov.186 7. p. Central ch., Lawrence, Ms.,'6 7-'75.— p. Gloversville, N.Y., '76- William Henry Savage, b. 27 Sept. 1833, Woolwich, Me. B.C. 1858 — Prof. Math., Del. Coll., '59-'. . — Capt. 1 7th Maine Vols., '62.— Ord. 7 Nov. 1867, p. HoUiston, Ms., '67-69. — p. Jacksonville, 111., '70-75. — a.p. Hannibal, Mo., '75-'76. — p. Unit'n ch., Leominster, Ms., '76-. George Robert White Scott, b. 1-7 April 1842, Pittsburgh, Pa. M.C. 1864, — Ord. 17 Sept. 1868. p. Newport, N. H., '68-73. — a.p. Chambers st. ch., Boston, Ms., '73-75. — p. Rollstone ch., Fitchbiirg, Ms., '75-. Newman Smyth, D.D., b. 25 June 1843, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1863.— First Lieut., 16th Maine Vols., '64-65. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '67-68.— Ord. 29 Jan. 1868. a.p. Harrison st. chapel (now Pilgrim ch.), Providence, R.L, '68. — in Europe, '68-'69. — p. First ch., Bangor, Me., '70-75. — p. First Presb. ch., Quincy, 111., '76-'82. — p. First ch., New Haven, Ct, '82-. Edward Payson Sprague, b. 18 Oct. 1843, Westchester, Ct. U.N.Y. 1864. — Ord. 29 April 1868. p. Presb, ch., Salem, N.Y., '68-'81, — p, Meadville, Pa., '82-. Charles Burt Sumner, b. 17 Aug, 1837, Southbridge, Ms, Y,C, 1862,— private, 45th Mass, Vols., '62-'63. — teacher, Monson Acad., '63-65, — Ord. 2 Jan. 1868. p. Monson, Ms,, '68-80.- p. West ch., Somerville, Ms., '80-'82. — a.p. Tucson, Ariz., '82-. Henry Martyn Tenney, b. 16 May 1841, Hanover, N.H. A.C. 1864.— Union Theol. Sem., '64-65. — Ord. 21 Oct. 1868. p. Village ch., Dorchester, Ms., '68-70. — p. Winona, Minn., '70-75.- p. Steubenville, O., '75-80. — p. First ch., Cleveland, O., '80-. John Low Rogers Trask, b. 19 Dec. 1842, Hampden, Me. W.C. 1864.— Ord. 4 Dec. 1867, p. Second ch,, Ilolyoke, Ms,, '6 7-, George Willis Warren, b, 13 Feb, 1841, Boston, Ms. H.C. I860. — Prof. Bib. Exeg., Bapt. Union Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., *67-'69. — teacher, Boston, Ms., '70 ; Orange, N.J., '74-'77 ; Farmington, Ct., '77-'81. — now res. Somerville, Ms. Moseley Hooker Williams, b. 23 Dec. 1839, Farmington. Ct, Y,C. 1864,— Union Theol. Sem,, '64-'66, — Ord. 26 March 1868. Second Cong, ch,, Philadelphia, Pa., a.p. '67-68 ; p. '68-69. — a.p. Grand ave. chapel, Brook- lyn, N.Y., '69-'70. — p. Plymouth ch., Portland, Me., '70-73. — literary work, Philadelphia, Pa., '74-'79. — assist, editor, publications of Am. S.S. Union, Philadelphia, Pa,, '79-. i 252 18 67. [1880. Lyman Walker Winsloyr, b. 16 Sept. 1840, Liverpool, N.Y. Bel.C. 1863. — Ord. 11 Aug. 1869. ap. Hydesville, Cal., '69-'72; Peshtigo, Wis., '72- '81 ; Fayette, Ic, '82-. Alden Allen (1+), b 1837, Potsdam, N.Y. U.M. 1862.— John Perry Barrett (1), b. 19 Feb. 1841, AVatertown, Ms. H.C. 1864.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1877. — Ord., at Manchester, lo., 22 Dec. 1877. a.p. Manchester, lo., '77-80 ; Geneva, 111., '80-81 ; Hennepin, 111., '81-. Thomas Wetmore Bishop (I), b. 27 Aug. 1840, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1863.— Ord., deacon, Meth., 27 March 1870; elder, 31 March 1872. — minister, Jamaica Plain, Ms., '68-71 ; Florence, Ms., '71-'73 ; Wilbraham, Ms., '73- '76 ; Watertown, Ms., '76-79 ; Newtonville, Ms., '79-82. — registrar, Bos- ton Univ., '82-. Emory G. Chaddock (I—), from Mich. Hills.C. 1863. — Ord. 20 March 1860. p. Freewill Bapt. ch., Girard, Mich., '61-64. — Bangor Theol. Sera., 1866. — F. Bapt. ch., Lawrence, Ms., '66-'69. — a.p. Cong, ch.. Union City, Mich., '70-73. — p. First ch., Wellfleet, Ms., '74-78. — a.p. Manistee, Mich., '78- '81 ; Alton, 111., '81-. Benjamin Angier Dean (1+), b. 4 Nov. 1838, Shrewsbury, Ms. A.C. 1862. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '62-'64. — Union Theol. Sera , '64-'65. — Ofd. 20 July 1866. p. Shrewsbury, Ms., '66. — a.p. Zumbrota, Minn., '66-67; Monticello, Minn., '67-'69; Garnavillo, To., '69-72; Sibley, lo., '72-78; Clarksville, Neb., '78-79; Exeter, Neb., '79-. Samuel Edwards Evans (2), b. 17 March 1841, Fitchburg, Ms. H.C. 1863. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1867. — Ord. 18 April 1867. p. East Providence, R.L, '68-'71. — p. Meth. chs., Millville, R.L, '71-'72. — p. Mystic, Ct., '72 -'74. — p. Nantucket, Ms., '74-'75. — p. Cotuit Port, Ms., '75-'77. — p. East Glastonbury, Ct., '77-'79. — p. North Easton, Ms., '79-'80. — p. Digh- ton, Ms., '80-'81. — a.p. Cong, ch., Middlefield, Ms., '81-'82 ; First ch., Hanover, Ms., '82-. Bradford Morton Fullerton (1+), b. 17 April 1837, East Bridgewater, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Andover Theol. Sem., '61-62. — teacher, Lexington, Ms., 'C6-'67.— Ord. 12 Feb. 1868. p. Second ch.. Palmer, Ms., '68-'81.— p. Waltham, Ms., '81-. Nathaniel Schuyler Moore (2), b. 16 Feb. 1839, Brooklyn, N.Y. Y.C. 1861. — Andover Tlieol. Sem., '62-63.— Union Tiieol. Sem., '63-'65.— a.p. Presb. ch.. Port Penn, Del., '68. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1868. a.p. Presb. ch., Westford, N.Y., '68-69; Cong, ch., Gilmanton Iron Works, N.H., '70-'74; Norway, Me., '74-'75 ; Westport, Ms., '75-'76 ; Hancock, N.H., '77-'78 ; Colebrook, N.H., '78-'79 ; Pawlet, Vt., '80-'82 ; Boylston Centre, Ms.,'82-. 1880.] 1867. 1868. 253 Amos Skeele (1-f-), b. 7 Oct. 1833, Chlcopee, Ms. Ken. C. 1864. — Episc. DIv. Sch., Philadelphia, Pa., '66-67.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 21 June 1867; priest, 30 June 18G8. r. ch. of the Saviour, Providence, R.I., ♦67-'75. — r. St. Paul's cb., Holyoke, Ms., '77-'81. — r. cb. of the Epiphany, Rochester, N.Y., '81-. 1868. Edwin Ang-ustns Adams, b. 21 Oct. 1837, Franklin, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Union Theol. Sem., '64-65. — Ord. 3 Sept. 1868. p. North Manchester, Ct., '68- '72. — f.m. Prague, Bohemia, '73-82. — a.p. Ncrthborough, Ms., '82-. Thomas Earle Babb, b. 21 Aug. 1840, Orange, N.J. A.C. 1865. — Bangor Theol. Sem., '65-67. — Ord. 19 Jan. 1869. a.p. Eastport, Me.,'68-'71. — p. Oxford, Ms., '71-'77. — Presb. ch., Victor, N.Y., a.p. '77-'78 ; p. '78-. James Howard Babbitt, b. 13 Jan. 1839, Taunton, Ms. A.C. 1865. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1868. p. Waitsfield, Vt., '68-76. — a.p. Swanton, Vt. (also High- gate, '78-), '77-. Albert Galliford Bale, b. 10 Sept. 1841, Barnstable, Eng. A.C. 1865.— Ord. 3 Dec. 1868. p. Melrose, Ms., '68-. Edward Totterson Bartlett, b. 25 July 1 843, Philadelphia, Pa. U.P. 1865— Ord. deacon, Episc, 1 Aug. 1869; priest, 13 March 1870. r. Trinity ch., Sharon Springs, N.Y., '69-74. — r. St. Luke's ch., Matteawan, N.Y., '74-. Newton Tracy Blakeslee, b. 8 Dec. 18U, Chagrin Falls, O. W.R.C. 1864. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1868. p. Atwater, O., '68-70. — a.p. Union ch., Berlin, Wis., '70-'71 ; New London, Wis., '71-'72; De Pere, Wis., '72-'74. — p. Mason City, lo., '74-76. — a.p. Baraboo, Wis., '77-78 ; River Falls and Kinnickinnick, Wis., '78-. Addison Blanchard, b. 12 Feb. 1840, Cumberland, Me. B.C. 1863. — Ord. 9 Sept. 1868. p. South Bridgton, Me., '68-72. — p. Warren ch., Westbrook, Me., '72-'77. — gen. miss'y, Me., '77-'80. — p. St. John, N. B., '80-'81.— sup't H.M., Col., Wyo., and New Mexico, res. Denver, Col., '81-. "William Augustus Bosworth, from Middleport, O. Mar.C. 1863. — Ord., Presb.,.. Oct. 1871. p. First Presb. ch.. College Hill, O., '71-'74. — p. Cong, ch., Woodford's Corner, Deering, Me., '75-'80. — a.p. Independence, Kan., '81-. Albei-t Bowers, b. 11 April 1837, Hancock, N.H. D.C. 1863. — Ord. 28 Feb. 1869. Macon, Mo., a.p. '68-69; p. '69-73.— a.p. Huntington, W.Va., '73-; and Ceredo, W.Va., '79-. Ezra Brainerd,b. 17 Dec 1844, St. Albans, Vt. M.C. 1864. — Not ordained. — Prof. Rhet., Eng. Lit., and Eloc, Middlebury Coll., '68-'81 ; Prof Nat. Phil., '81-. 254 1868. [1880. John Wesley Churchill, b. 26 May 1839, Fairlee, Vt. H.C. 1865.— Ord. 30 April 18G9. Prof. Elocution, Andover Theol. Sem., '68-. De Witt Scoville Clark, b. 11 Sept. 1841, Chicopee, Ms. A.C. 1863.— teacher, UptJn and Saxonville, Ms., '63-65. — Ord. 11 Nov. 1868. p. Clinton, Ms., '68-78. — p. Tabernacle ch., Salem, Ms., '79-. Benjamin Drake Conklin^, b. 9 May 1840, Sycamore, O. Mar.O. 1865. — Ord. 23 Dec. 1868. p. Kent, O., '68-'71. — a.p. Flint, Mich., * 1 ; Hudson, Mich., '72-74. — p. Whitewater, Wis., '75-'80. — dist. sup A.M.A., Sa- vannah, Ga., '80-81. — a.p. Watertown, Ct., '81- Joseph Cook, b. 26 Jan. 1838, Ticonderoga, N.Y. H.C. 1865.— Not ordained, — temp, sup., East Abington, Ms., Middlebury, Vt., Maiden, Ms., etc., (also res. lie. Andover, Ms.), '68-'70. — a.p. First ch., Lynn, Ms., '70-'71. — in Europe, '72-'73. — Monday Lecturer, Boston, Ms., '74-80. — in Eng- land, Italy, India, Japan, and Australia, '80-'82. — Monday Lecturer, Boston, Ms., '83-. James Wesley Cooper, b. 6 Oct. 1842, New Haven, Ct. F.C.- Ord. 10 Sept. 1868. p. Rockport, Ms., '68-71.- p. Lockport, N.Y., '71-'78. — p. New Britain, Ct., '78-. Ethan Curtis, b. 15 Feb. 1844, East Palmyra, N.Y. W.C. 1866.— Hart. Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 14 Oct. 1868. p. Camden, N.Y., '68-. Marshall Munroe Cutter, b. 9 April 1843, Cambridge, Ms. H.C. 1864.— Ord. 29 Dec. 1868. p. Ashland, Ms., '68-'73. — p. West Medford, Ms., '74-82. — Dist. Sec, Am. Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '82-. *Charles Thomas Bering-, b. 21 Jan. 1842, East Setauket, N.Y. Ham.C. 1864. — Ord. 9 March 1870. Rosemond, 111., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70 until died there, 23 Sept. 1880. *Henry Cary Dickin.son, b. 14 May 1841, Harmony, Wis. Bel. C. 1863.— Ord. 4 Feb. 1869. Appleton, AVis., a.p. '68-69 ; p. '69-72. — a.p. Central. City, Col., '72. — Died, at Appleton, Wis., 11 March 1873. James Gregrory Dougherty, b. 22 Sept. 1838, Newport, R.L B.U. 1805.- a.p. South Lawrence, Ms., '68-'69. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '69-'70. — Ord. 3 June 1870. p. First ch., Chillicothe, Mo., '70-'72. — p. Wyan- dotte, Kan., '73-'75. — Pres. Col. Coll., '75-'76. — a.p. Ottawa, Kan., '76-. Ellis Richmond Drake, b. 11 Feb. 1840, Woolwich, Me. B.C. 1862. — Ord. 10 Nov. 1868. p. Wayland, Ms., '68-'71. — p. Central ch., Middleborough, Ms., '71-'76.— a.p. Union ch., Quincy Point, Ms., '76-78; Olivet ch., Boston, Ms., '79. — p. Nortbfield, Ms., '80-. John Edjjar, b. 12 June 1842, near Edenderry, Ireland. — . — Ord. 11 May 1869. p.,Mount Joy,Pa.,'69-'70.— p. New Bloomfield, Pa., '70-. Hermann Ficke, b. 19 April 1838, Hammershick, Hanover, Ger. — . — Ord. 14 April 1870. German Cong, ch., Dubuque, lo., a.p. '68-'70; p. '70-. 1880.] 18 68. 255 George Henry French, b. 27 July 1838, Candia, N.H. D.C. 1863. — a.p. Auburn, Me., '68-'69. — res. Andover, Ms., '69-'. . — Ord. 8 Nov. 1871. p. Jobnson, Vt.,'71-'77. — a.p. Ludlow, Vt., '78-80; Charlestown, N.H.,'80-. Sereno Dwigllt Gammell, b. 2 March 1842, Charlestown, Ms. A.C. 1865. — Ord. 9 Sept. 1868. p. First ch., Boxford, Ms., '68-'80. — p. Chestnut St. ch., Lynn, Ms., '80-. Lewis Gregory, b. 17 June 1842, AVilton, Ct. Y.C. 1864. — Union Theol. Sem., '64-'G5. — Ord. 15 Oct 1868. p. West Amesbury (now Merrimac), Ms., '68-75. — p. Lincoln, Neb., '75-. Thomas Lafon Gulick, b. 10 April 1839, Kauai, Hawaiian Isl. W.C. 1865. — Union Theol. Sem., '65-67. — city miss'y. New York city, '68-69. — a.p. Am. Presb. ch., Montreal, Que., '70. — Ord. evang., 15 May 1870. f.m. Zaragoza, Spain, '73-. Azel Washburn Hazen, b. 10 April 1841, Berlin, Vt. D.C. 1863. — Hart. Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 10 March 1869. p. First ch., Middletown, Ct., '69-. Charles Lawrence Hubbard, b. 4 July 1839, Candia, N.H. D.C. 1865.— Ord. 2 Sept. 1868. p. Merrimack, N.H., '68-78. — p. West Bedford, Ms., '79-. ♦Charles Edward Lane, b. 27 Dec. 1837, South Newmarket, N.H. A.C. 1865. — Not ordained. — Died, at Stratham, N.H., 17 Aug. 1868. David Dana Marsh, b. 14 April 1842, Orford, N.H. D.C. 1865. — Ord. 16 Sept. 1868. p. Memorial ch., Georgetown, Ms., '68-. Henry Grimes Marshall, b. 2 Jan. 1839, Milford, Ct. Y.C. I860. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 1 Feb. 1871. a.p. Avon, Ct., '71-'72.— p. Charle- mont, Ms., '72-77. — a.p. Middlebury, Ct., '77-. Daniel Merriman, D.D., b. 3 Dec. 1838, Manchester, Vt. W.C. 1863.— Ord. 30 Sept. 1868. p. Broadway ch., Norwich, Ct., '68-75.— w.c. Boston, Ms., '75-77. — p. Central ch., Worcester, Ms., '78-. Henry Pitt Page, b. 12 Feb. 1839, Gilmanton, N.H. D.C. 1861. — private, Serg't, and Second Lieut., 14th N.Y. Vols., '62-'65. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1868. f.m. European Turkey, '68-77. — a.p. Harvard, Neb., '77-79. — w.c. Brovvnville, Neb., '79- ♦Webster Patterson, b. 8 Oct. 1841, Vershire, Vt. D.C. 1865.— Ord. 28 April 1870. Chestnut st. ch., Lynn, Ms., a.p. '70-'73; p. '73 until died there, 25 Sept. 1873. Joseph Carlton Plumb, b. 11 Sept. 1832, Gowanda, N.Y. —. — Ord. 28 Feb. 1869. Fort Scott, Kan., a.p. '68-69 ; p. '69-74.— a.p. North Spring- field, Mo., '74-'76 ; Joplin, Mo., '76-'78 ; Brookfield, Mo., '79-'81 ; Hannibali Mo., '81-. 256 1868. [1880. John Phelps Taylor, b. 6 April 1841, Andover, Ms. Y.C. 1862, — stud. med. and teacher, New Haven, Ct., '62-63. — in Europe, '63-65. — Ord. 12 Nov. 1868. p. South ch., Middletown, Ct., '68-74. — p. United eh., New- port, R.I., '74-'76. — w.c. Newport, R.I., and Andover, Ms., '76-'78. — p. Second ch.. New London, Ct. (Taylor Prof, elect, Bib. Theol., Andover Theol. Sera., '82-), '78-. Philander Thurston, b. 25 May 1837, Pelham, Ms. A.C. 1865. — Ord. 19 Jan. 1869. — a.p. East Machias, Me., '68-69. — p. Sudbury, Ms., '70-74. — p. Village ch., Dorchester, Ms., '75-'80. — w.c. Mattapan, Ms., '80- Joseph Ward, b. 5 May 1838, Perry Centre, N.Y. B.U. 1865. — Ord. 17 March 1869. p. Yankton, Dak., '69-. William Harrington Warren, b. 11 Aug. 1840, Westborough, Ms. H.C. 1865. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '68-'69. — Ord. 7 Dec. 1869. p. Plymouth ch., St. Louis, Mo., '69-72.— a.p. Cleveland Heights, O., '72-74. — p. Springfield, O., '75-. Henry Mitchell Whitney, b. 15 June 1843, Northampton, Ms. Y.C. 1864. — Princeton Theol. Sem. (1). — Ord. 12 May 1869. p. Geneva, 111., '69- '71. — Prof. Eng. Lit., Beloit Coll. (also a.p. Roscoe, 111., '76-'82), '71-. Will Converse Wood, b. 24 Jan. 1839, Boston, Ms. H.C. I860. — Ord. 15 Oct. 1868. p. Lanesville, Ms., '68-70. — p. Wenham, Ms., '70-76. — a.p. Assonet, Ms., '77 ; Scituate, Ms. (also a.p. East Marslifield, '79-80), '79-. Myron Samuel Dudley (2), b. 20 Feb. 1837, Peru, Vt. W.C. 1863. — Union Theol. Sem., 1869. — a.p. Otego, N.Y., '69-70. — Ord. 28 Sept, 1871. a.p. Peacham, Vt., '71-74, — p, Cromwell, Ct., '74-, *John Irving Forbes (1+), from Philadelphia, Pa, U.P. 1861. — Episc. Div. Sell., Philadelphia, Pa., 1868. — Ord. deacon, Episc, ; priest, — Sharon Springs, Pa., '68-'69. — minister, ch. of the Nativity, South Bethlehem, Pa., '70. — Died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 26 June 1871. Holland Bard Fry (1), from Brighton, Ohio. O.C. 1865. — a.p. Presb. ch., Upper Sandusky, O., ('69). — Ord. 5 Jan. 1870. p. Cong, ch., Carthage, Mo., '70-72. — a.p. Claridon, O., '73-76; Nelson, O., '76-77. — p. South Bridgton, Me., '7 7-'79.— James Ilattrick Lee (1+), b. 23 Aug. 1843, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1864.— Univ. Tubingen, Wurtemberg, '67-'68. — Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., 1869. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 2 March 1869; priest, 30 Jan. 1870. — r. St. John's ch., Lawrence, Ms., '70-'73. — r. St. James ch., Smithtown, N.Y., '73-75. — r. St. John's ch., Canandaigua, N.Y., '75- 1880.] 1868. 1869. 257 Samuel Wells Powell (1), b. 6 May 1838, Phillipsville, N.Y. — Yale Theol. Sem. (1). — Chicago Theol. Sem., '6 7-'68. — teacher Heb., Bapt. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '68-'69. — h.m. lo., '69; Wis., '70; also teacher Heb., Presb. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '70. — Ord. 8 Feb. 1872. a.p. Arena, Wis., '71-'72; Viroqua, Wis., '72-'73 ; Medford, Minn., '74; South Plymouth, Ms., '76. — — w.c. Brooklyn, N.Y., '82-. Edward Moore Williams (1), b. 15 Nov. 1841, Chicago, 111. Y.C. 1864.— Chicago Theol. Sera., 1868. — Ord. 25 Feb. 1869. a.p. Austin, Minn., '69-'70.— p. Faribault, Minn., '70-'72.— —p. First ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '75-'81. — a.p. Northfield, Minn., '82-. 1869. *Laban Wheaton Allen, b. 11 Dec. 1843, Pelham, N.H. A.C. 1866. — Ord. 13 Oct. 1869. p. South Braintree, Ms., '69-72. — a.p. Greeley, Col., '72- '73. — in Europe, '73-74. — invalid, Los Angeles, Cal., '74-75. — Died, at Hanover, Ms., 23 Aug. 1875. Samuel Bell, b. 20 Oct. 1839, St. John, N.B. D.C. 1866. — Ord. 1 Sept. 1869. p. Groton Junction, Ms., '69-70. — p. East Cambridge, Ms., '70-72. — p. East Attleborough, Ms., '72-78. — a.p. Saxonville, Ms., '79-82; Great Falls, N.H., '82-. James Brand, b. 26 Feb. 1834, Three Rivers, Que. Y.C. 1866.— Ord. 6 Oct. 1869. p. Maple st. ch., Danvers, Ms., '69-73.- p. First ch., Oberlin, O., '73-. Charles Sylyester Brooks, b. 19 Jan. 1840, New Braintree, Ms. A.C. 1863. — Ord. 15 Sept. 1869. p. Tyngsborough, Ms., '69-72. — p. South Deer- field, Ms., '73-'77. — p. Putnam, Ct., '77-. Willard Deming Brown, b. 10 Nov. 1838, New Haven, Vt. M.C. 1866.— Ord. 6 Dec. 1870. Gilbertville, Ms., a.p. '69-'70 ; p. '70-. Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain, D.D., b. 26 Sept. 1837, West Brook- field, Ms. Y.C. 1863. — Ord. 27 Oct. 1869. p. New Eng. ch., Chicago, 111., '69-77. — p. Broadway ch., Norwich, Ct., '77-. David Augustus Easton, b. 10 May 1842, Yellow Springs, O. B.C. 1865. — Ord. 29 De'c. 1869. Danbury, Ct., p. '69-'71 ; a.p. '71-'75. — a.p. Nau- gatuck, Ct., '75-'79. — w.c. New York, N.Y., '79-, Ebenezer Nichols Fernald, b. 10 March 1833, West Lebanon, Me. A.C. 1862. — Ord. 12 Nov. 1869. p. First Freewill Bapt. ch., Winthrop, Ms., '69-'.. — p. Auburn, Me., '72-'. . — res. Lewiston, Me., '82. — Lucien Haskell Frary,b. 19 March 1839, Haverhill, N.H. D.C. 1866.— Oi-d. 7 Oct. 1869. p. Middleton, Ms., '69-75. — p. Weymouth and Braintree, Ms., '75-. 83 258 1869. [1880. Daniel Crosby Greene, D.D., b. 11 Feb. 1843, Roxbury, Ms. D.C. 18G4. — Ord. 28 July 1869. f.m. Japan, '69-. Georg-e Harris, b. l April 1844, East Machias, Me. A.C. 1866. — Ord. 6 Oct. 1869. p. High St. ch., Auburn, Me., '69-'72. — p. Central cli.. Providence, R.I. (Prof, electa Clir. Theol., Andover Theol. Sem., '82-), '72-. Jolin Pease Harsen, b. 16 May 1844, New York, N.Y. N.Y.C. 1864.— Union Theol. Sem., 1867. — Ord., Presb., 13 Feb. 1868. a.p. Presb. ch., Martinsburg, N.Y., '67-70. — p. Pleasanton, Kan., '70-72. — p. Wichita, Kan., '72-'78. — a.p. Green Point, N.Y., '79. — p. Nanticoke, Pa., '80-. Cliarles Elliott Harwood, b. 16 June 1842, Enfield, Ms. A.C. 1865. — a.p. East Machias, Me., '69-'70. — Ord. 7 June 1871. Orleans, Ms., a.p. '70- '71 ; p. (also sup't schools, '73-'80), '71-'81. — w.c. Orleans, Ms., '81-'82.— a.p. Wymore, Neb., '82-. George Alfred Hood, b. 13 July 1846, Philadelphia, Pa. N.J.C. 1866.— Princeton Theol. Sem. (2). — Ord. 30 Sept. 1869. sup't freedmen, Savan- nah, Ga., '69-'70. — a.p. Cambria, N.Y., '70-72; Fergus Falls, Minn., '72- '77. — p. Pilgrim ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '77-. Edward Seymour Huntress, b. 9 July 1840, Portsmouth, N.H. C.U. — Ord. 3 Sept. 1869. a.p. Wareham, Ms., '69-'70; Hanover st. ch., Mil- waukee, Wis., '7l-'73. — p. First ch., Derry, N. H., '75-77. — a.p. Wal- linglbrd, Vt., '77-'79 ; Dayville, Killingly, Ct., '79-. George Henry Ide, D.D., b. 21 Jan. 1839, St. Johnsbury, Vt. D.C. 1865.— Ord. 28 Oct. 1869. p. Hopkinton, Ms., '69-76. — p. Central ch., Lawrence, Ms., '76-80. — p. Spring st. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '81-. Henry Erastus Jewett, b. 9 April 1842, St. Johnsbury, Vt. A.C — Ord. 12 July 1870. — p. Redwood, Cal., '70-79. — prin. Hopkins Acad., Oakland, Cal., '79-. Evarts Kent, b. 12 March 1843, Benson, Vt. M.C. 1865.— a.p. Sterling, Ms., '69-'70; Billerica, Ms., '70-'71. — Ord. 23 May 1871. p. Michigan City, Ind., '71-'80. — a.p. Clinton st. ch., Chicago, 111., '80-81; Atlanta, Ga., '81-. George Trumbull Ladd, D.D., b. 19 Jan. 1842, Painesville, O. W.R.C. 1864.— Ord. 26 May 1870. a.p. Edinburg, O., '69-71, — p. Spring st. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '71-79. — Prof. Int. and Mor. Phil., Bowd. Coll., '79-'81. — Prof. Ment. and Mor. Phil., Yale Coll., '81-. Henry Marden, b. 9 Dec. 1837, New Boston, N.H. D.C. 1862. — teacher, Bradford, Ms., '62-64; Brimfield, Ms., '64-'66. — Ord., at Francestown, N.H., 2 Sept. 1869. f.m. Aintab, Central Turkey, '69-75. — a.p. Frances- town, N.H., '76-'77; Dummerston, Vt., '77-'78. — i,m. Marash, Turkey, '78-. 1880.] 1869. 259 George Thomas Packard, b. 11 Feb. 1844, Lancaster, Ms. B.C. 1866.— Old. deacon, Episc, 9 Oct. 1870 ; priest, 16 Dec. 1870. min. St. Ann's eh., Brooklyn, N.Y., '70-'74. — r. Holy Trinity ch., Jersey City, N. J., '74.— r. St. John's ch., Bangor, Me., '75-'78. — w.c. Brunswick, Me., '78-81. — assoc. editor Daily Advertiser, Boston, Ms., '82-. Leroy Matthew Pierce, b. 14 Jan. 1842, Olney, 111. M.C. 1866.— Ord. 4 Feb. 1870. a.p. Glenwood, Mo., '69-70 ; p. '70-71. — a.p. Provincetown, Ms., '71-72 ; Bernardston, Ms., '73- Isaac Pierson, b. 11 Aug. 1843, South Orange, N.J. Y.C. 1866. — Yale Tbeol.Sem. (1). — a.p. Harwich Port, Ms., '69-'70. — Ord., at Hartford, Ct., 30 March 1870. f.m. North China, '70-. James Powell, b. 24 Dec. 1843, Newtown, Eng. D.C. 1866. — Ord. 24 Nov. 1869. p. North ch., Newburyport, Ms., '69-'74. — Dist. Sec. A.M. A., Chi- cago, 111., '74-. Cynis Richardson, b. 30 March 1840, Dracut, Ms. D.C. 1864. — Ord. 30 Sept. 1869. p. Plymouth, N.H., '69-'73. — p. First ch., Keene, N.H., '73-. William Henry Ryder, b. 25 July 1842, Elyria, O. O.C. 1866. — Ord. 14 Dec. 1869. p. Watertown, Wis., '69-'70. — Prof. Gr., Oberlin Coll., '70- '77. — p. Ann Arbor, Mich., '77-. Frank Dana Stedman Sargent, b. 10 Nov. 1844, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1866. — Ord. 20 Oct. 1869. p. Brookline, N.H., '69-. Alvan Foote Sherrill, b. 24 Dec. 1842, Eaton, Que. McG.U. 1864. — Ord. 5 Jan. 1870. First ch., Omaha City, Neb., a.p. '69-'70 ; p. '70-. Samuel Bingham Shipman, b. 19 June 1843, Marietta, O. Mar.C. 1864. — Ord. 12 Jan. 1870. p. Atwater, O., '70-74. — a.p. Franklin st. ch., Cleveland, O., '74-. Thomas Snell Smith, b. 24 Jan. 1845, Jaffna, Ceylon. A.C. 1866. — a.p. Charlemont, Ms., '70. — Ord., at Concord, 111., 21 March 1871. f.m. Ceylon, '71-. Henry Albert Stimson, b. 28 Sept. 1842, New York, N.Y. Y.C. 1865.— Union Theol. Sem., '66-'67.— Ord. 25 May 1870. Plymouth ch., Minne- apolis, Minn., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70-'80. — p. Union ch., Worcester, Ms., '80-. Charles Abraham Gardner Thurston, b. 23 July 1841, Fall River, Ms. B.U. 1866. — a.p. Bradford, N.H., '69-'70; Danbury, Ct., '70-'72; Green- wood, Wakefield, Ms., '72-'75. — Ord. 17 Oct. 1877. North Eaynham, Ms., a.p. '75-'77 ; p. '77-'81. — a.p. Laconia, N. H., '81-. James Augustus Towle, b. 5 Oct. 183«, Albany, N.Y. H.C. I860. — a.p. Rootstown, O., '70. — Ord. 11 April 1871. a.p. Ashtabula, O., '71. — p. Northfield,Minn., '72-'75.— Prof. Gr. Lang, and Lit., Ripon Coll., Wis., '76-. 260 1869. [1880. ♦Henry Crosby Weston, b. 9 May 1844, Charlestown, Ms. A.C. 1866. — Ord. 13 Oct. 1869. p. North Bennington, Vt., '69-'74. — p. Sharon, Ms., '74- '8l._w.c. Sharon, Ms., '81 until died there, 24 Feb. 1883. Daniel McKay Breckenridge (1), b. 28 Feb, 1837, Belpre, O. Mar.C. 1866. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1869. — Ord. 21 Sept. 1869. Clinton, Wis., a.p. '69-'71 ; p. '71-'72. — a.p. Darlington, Wis., *72-'74; Fort Dodge, lo., '74-'78; Keosauqua, lo., '79-. William Merrick Bristoll (2), b. 3 Sept. 1839, Milford, Ct. Y.C. I860. — Not ordained. — Prof. Latin, Ripon Coll., Wis., '69-73. — Prof. Latin, Atlanta Univ., '73-74. — prin. Yankton Acad., Dak., '74-'75. — sup't schools, Yank- ton, Dak., '75-82. — Prof. Latin, Yankton Coll., '82-. Charles Chester Cragin (1+), b. 20 Dec. 1841, Providence, R.L B.U. 1863. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1869. — Ord. 16 Feb. 1870. Owatonna, Minn., a.p. '69-70; p. '70-'71. — a.p. Watertown, Wis., '71-75 ; McGregor, lo., '75-. Homer Taylor Fuller, ph.d. (1 ), b. 15 Nov. 1838, Lempster, N.H. D.C. 1864. — teacher, Fredonia, N.Y., '64-'66. — Union Theol. Sem., 1869.— Ord. 1 9 Jan. 1870. a.p. Peshtlgo, Wis., '70-'71. — prin. acad., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '71-82. — prin. Worcester Free Inst, '83-. Horace Sylvester Shapleigh (l+),b. 11 March 1844, Lebanon, Me. — . — Union Theol. Sem., '68-69. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1869. p. South Egremont, Ms., '69-'71. — invalid, '72-'75. — a.p. Essex Junction, Vt., '75. — invalid, Atlantic City, N.J., '76-. Edward Payson Smith (1—), b. 20 Jan. 1840, Middlefield, Ms. A.C. 1865. — Not ordained. — teacher, AVilliston Sem., Easthampton, Ms., '68-'70. — in Europe, '70-72. — Prof. Lang., Worcester Free Inst., '72- Charles Augustus Towle (2), b. 20 June 1837, Epsom, N.H. D.C. 1864.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1869.— Ord. 9 June 1869. p. Sandwich, 111., '69- '73. — a.p. South ch., Chicago, 111., '74-'76 ; Bethany ch., Chicago, 111., '77-'82.— Samuel Henderson Virgin (2), b. 25 Aug. 1842, North Carver, Ms. H.C.— — Ord. 27 Oct. 1868. p. Broadway ch., Soinerville, Ms., '68-71. — Har- lem ch., New York city, a.p. '71-'72; p. '72-. Martin Luther Williston (2), b. 20 March 1843, Attleborough, Ms. A.C. 1864. — Union Theol. Sem., 1869.— Ord. 3 March 1870. Flushing, N.Y., a.p. '69-'70; p. '70-72. — p. Galesburg, 111., '72-76. — p. Jamestown, N.Y., '76-'79. — in Europe, ' 7 9^!^ '81. — Prof. Pol. Econ. and Hist, Carleton Coll., Minn., '80-82. — p.e, Davenport, lo., '82.— 1880.] 1869. 1870. 261 SPECIAL COURSE. Georg-e Warren Barber, b. 3 Dec. 1835, Warwick, Ms. A.C. 1867. —h.m. Greenville and vie, Me., '69-'.. — Ord. 25 Sept. 1872. chap. Nat. Home Dis. Vol. Soldiers, Augusta, Me., '7 2-' 74 ; librarian Nat. Home, Milwaukee, Wis., '74-. Frank Gray Clark, b. 22 Feb. 1838, Lyndeborougb, N. H. A.C. 1862.— Ord. 2 Sept. 1869. city miss'y, Manchester, N.H., '69-73. — p. Rindge, N.H., '73-'79. — p. Ev. eh., Gloucester, Ms., '79-. Thomas Albert Emerson, b. 27 Dec. 1840, Wakefield, Ms. Y.C. 1863.— Ord. 25 Nov. 1869. p. Wolfeborough, N.H., '69-'73. — p. First eh., Braintree, Ms., '74-. 18 7 0. Amory HoTve Bradford, b. 14 April 1846, Granby, N.Y. Ham.C. 1867.— Ord. 28 Sept. 1870. p. Montclair, N.J., '70-. Horace Bumstead, b. 29 Sept. 1841, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1863. — Ord. 1 May 1872. p. Vine st. oh., Minneapolis, Minn., '72-75. — Prof. Atlanta Univ., Ga., '75-. Michael Burnham, b. 28 June 1839, Essex, Ms. A.C. 1867.— Ord. 25 Oct. 1870. p. Central ch , Fall River, Ms., '70-82. — p. Immanuel ch., Roxbury, Ms., '82-. Charles Edwin Cooledge, b. 16 Aug. 1847, Lowell, Ms. ^.C — Ord. 24 May 1871. p. First ch., Holyoke, Ms., '71-'72. — a.p. Union ch.. North Brookfield, Ms., '72-'74; Westminster, Ms., '74-82. — advanced class, An- dover Theol. Sera., '82-. Sidney Crawford, b. 31 Jan. 1841, Barre, Ms. A.C. 1861. — prin. acad., Walton, N.Y., '61-64. — assist, paymaster, U.S. Vols., '64-65. — Ord. 2 Dec. 1870. a.p. Fairhaven, Vt., '70-72 ; Presb. ch., Green Bay, Wis., '73-'74. — p. Lyons, lo., '75-. Henry Morton Dexter, b. 12 July 1846, Manchester, N. H. Y.C. 1867.— Ord. 30 April 1873. p. Union ch., Taunton, Ms., '73-'78. — assoc. editor Congregationalist, Boston, Ms., '78-. Albert Elijah Banning, b. 5 Jan. 1844, Brookfield, Ct. Y.C. 1867.— Ord. 30 Sept. 1870. p. Highland eh., Roxbury, Ms., '70-'81. — S. S. Sec. Cong. Pub. Soc, Boston, Ms., '81-. John Lewis Ewell, b. 4 Sept. 1840, Byfield, Ms. Y.C. 1865. — private, 60th Mass. Vols., '64.— Prof. Latin, Washington Univ., '66-67. — Ord. 4 March 1871. p. Clinton, lo., '71-'74. — p. Waverley, Ms., '74-78. — p. Second ch., Millbury, Ms., '78-. 262 1870. [1880. Jeremiah Ellsworth FiiUertoii, b. 4 July 1843, Readfield, Me. B.C. 1865. — Orel. 8 Sept. 1870. a.p. Cumberland Mills, Westbrook, Me., '70-73.— p. Southbridge, Ms., '73-'76. — p. Laconia, 2^.11., '77-'81. — a.p. Hopkinton, Ms., '81-. James Taylor Graves, b. 2 Feb. 1843, Townshend, Vt. Y.C. 1866.— Ord. 13 April 1871. p. Austin, Minn., '71-'73. — a.p. Marshall, 111., '73-'77.— ♦Frederick Augustus Hand, b. 23 Oct. 1842, Hancock, Ms. W. C. 1867.— res. lie, Andover, Ms., '70-'71. — a.p. Miller's Falls, Ms., '71-72. — Ord* 10 Dec. 1873. p. Cottage st. (now Pilgrim) ch., Dorchester, Ms., '73-75. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '75 until died, at Pittsfield, Ms., 4 Oct. 1880. Edward Young Hincks, b. 13 Aug. 1844, Bucksport, Me. Y.C. 1866.— Union Tlieol. Sem., '66-'67. — Ord. 18 Oct. 1870. p. State st. ch., Port- land, Me., '70-81.— in Germany, '81-82.- Smith Prof, elect. Bib. Theol., Andover Theol. Sem., '82-. Francis Theodore Ing-alls, b. 3 Jan. 1844, Haverhill, Ms. W.C. 1864.— Princeton Theol. Sem., (1). Ord. 20 Dec. 1870. p. Olathe, Kan., '70-'72. — Atchison, Kan., a.p. '72-74; p. '74-. John Henry Jones, b. 18 Dec. 1836, Carmarthenshire, Wales. W.R.C 1867. — Ord. 22 May 1871. a.p. Bristolville and North Bloomfield, O., '71-'74 ; Presb. ch , Plymouth, O., '74-78; Akron, O., '78-'81. — evang.. Youngs- town, O., '81-. Lucian Dwight Mears, b. 29 March 1838, Beloit, Wis. Bel. C. 1862. — Ord. 8 Nov. 1871. Sterling, Ms., a.p. '70-71; p. '71-73. — w.c. Sterhng, Ms., '73-75. — a.p. Danby, Vt., '76-. James Fiske Merriam, b. 2 May 1845, Springfield, Ms. Y.C. 1867. — Yale Theoh Sem., (1).— Ord. 13 Sept. 1871. p. Farmington, Ct., '71-'73.— — a.p. Indian Orchard ch., Springfield, Ms., '76-79. — at Santa Barbara, Cal., '81-. Charles Henry Merrill, b. 16 June 1845, Haverhill, N.H. D. C. 1867.— Ord. 8 Nov. 1870. p. Mankato, Minn., '70-72. — p. West Brattleborough, Vt., '73-. Charles Langdon Mitchell, b. 28 March 1845, Brooklyn, N.Y. Y.C. 1866. — Ord. 28 June 1871, p. Little Valley, N.Y., '71-'73. — a.p. Wysox, Pa., '74-75; Sedalia, Mo., '77-79. — res. Methuen, Ms., '79-. Nathan Round Nichols, b. 17 July 1840, Fort Ann, N.Y. M.C. 1866.— a.p. Westfbrd, Ms., '70-'71.— Ord. 1 Feb. 1872. p. Acworth, N.H., '72- '73. — a.p. Barnet, Vt., '74-'80; Norwich, Vt., '80-. George Lyman Nims, b. 3 Oct. 1838, Sullivan, N.H. M.C. 1865. — a.p. Roxbury, N.H., '72-'73.— 1880.] 1870. 263 Gfeorge Herbert Palmer, b. 19 March 1842, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1864. — Not ordained. — Tutor Greek, Harvard Coll., '70-'72; inst'r Phil., '72-'73; assist. Prof. Phil., '73-; also lect. Ethics, Andover Theol. Sein., '82-. Charles Ware Park, b. 8 Sept. 1845, North Andover, Ms. A. C. 1867.— Ord., at Amherst, Ms., 15 June 1870. f.m. Marathas, Western India, '70- '82. — w.c. Mt. Auburn, Ms., '83-. John Warren Partridge, b. 24 Sept. 1843, Princeton, Ms. Y.C. 1867.— Princeton Theol. Seni., (1). — Ord. 7 Feb. 1871. p. Davenport ch.. New Haven, Ct., '71-'74. — p. Second Presb. ch., Scranton, Pa., '74-'76. — a.p. San Diego, Cal., '77 ; Greeley and Evans, Col., '77-79; Canon City, Col., '79-. Henry Dwight Porter, M.D., b. 19 Aug. 1845, Green Bay, Wis. Bel. C. 1867. — stud. Med., Columbia Coll., '70-'71. — a.p. Clifton, 111., '71-'72. — M.D.Chicago Med. Coll., 1872. — Ord. 29 May 1872. f.m. North China, '72-. *Andrew Jackson Rogers, b. 10 Nov. 1833, Medford, Ms. B. U. 1867.— Ord. 10 July 1873. p. Pavilion ch., Biddeford, Me., '73-75. — a.p. Under- bill, Vt., '75-'76. — Died, at Winooski, Vt., 6 May 1876. Charles McLellan Southgate, b. 18 Nov. 1845, Monroe, Mich. Y.C. 1867. Ord. 15 Dec. 1870. p. North ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '70-75.- p. First ch., Dedham, Ms., '75-. Charles Edward Sumner, b. 31 Dec. 1837, Spencer, Ms. Y.C. 1863. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1873. Lincoln Park ch., Chicago, 111., a.p. '72-73; p. '73-'76.— w.c. Chicago, 111., '76-78. — a.p. Lancaster, N.H., '78-'80. — w.c. Concord, N. H., '81-'82 ; Spencer, Ms., '82-. Thomas Rigney Willard, b. 18 Nov. 1844, Groveland, 111. K.C. 1866.— acting Prof. Rhet., Knox Coll., '71-'72. — Not ordained. — Univ. Leipsic, Ger., '7 3-' 75. — Prof. Greek and Ger., Knox Coll., '75-. Arthur Brooks (1), b. 11 June 1845, Boston, Ms. H. C. 1867. — Episc. Div. Sch., Philadelphia, Pa., 1870. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 25 June 1870; priest, 12 Oct. 1870, r. Williamsport, Pa., '70-72. — r. St. James ch., Chicago, 111., '72-75. — r. ch. of the Incarnation, New York, N.Y., '75-. Theodore Lansing Day (2),b. 18 Sept. 1845, Boston, Ms. Y.C. 1867. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '69-'72. — Yale Theol Sem., '69-'71. — Ord. 18 Dec. 1872. p. First ch., Holyoke, Ms., '72-74. — a.p. Guilford, Ct., '74-77. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '7 7-' 78. — a.p. Talcottville, Ct., '79-82. — Saxonville, Ms., 264 1870. [1880. Elijah Janes (1), b. 31 Oct. 1843, New York city. Cal. C. 1865. — Yale Theol. Seni., 1870. — a.p. Cloverdale, Cal., '70-'71. — acting Prof. Lang., Knox Coll., '72-'73.— Ord. 31 March 1874. a.p. Fox Lake, Wis., '74-' 75 ; Belpre, O., '75-76. — teacher and occ. pr. Oakland, Cal., '77-82. — ♦William Tilton Patterson (2), b. 9 April 1840, Alexander, O. private and sergeant 116th Reg. Ohio Vols., '62-65. — Wg.C. 1867. — Died, at Ando- ver, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 2 July 1869. *John Carroll Proctor (1), b. 25 Oct. 1840, Manchester, N.H. D C. 1864.— teacher, Castleton, Vt., '64-'65; Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '65-67. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '68-70 ; Prof Greek, '70 until died, at Hanover, N. H., 29 Oct. 1879. Arthur Henderson Smith (2), b. 18 July 1845, Vernon, Ct. Bel.C. 1867.— Union Theol. Sem., 1870.— a.p First Presb. ch., Ann Arbor, Mich., '70. — stud. Med., New York city, '70-'71. — Ord. 29 May 1872. f.m. North China, '72-. Edward Comfort Starr (1), b. 12 Jan. 1844, Guilford, Ct. Y.C. 1866.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1870. — Ord. 30 March 1871. a.p. Waseca, Minn., '70-75. — p. Wethersfield av. ch., Hartford, Ct., '76-'80. — a.p. Northfield, Ct., '81-. Charles Russell Treat (2+), b. 2 Oct. 1842, Newark, N.J. W.C. 1863.— Andover Tlieol. Sem., '64-'66. — Prof Physiology, Elocution, and Phys. Culture, Williams Coll., '66-69 (also a.p. Pownal, Vt., '67 ; South Williams- town, Ms., '68). — Ord. 30 March 1870. p. Marlborough, Ms., '70-73.— p. Second ch., Greenwich, Ct., '74-'80. — sea. chap., Antwerp, Belgium, '80-'81. — W.C Greenwich, Ct., '81-'82. — r. St. John's Episc. ch., Stamford, Ct., '82-. Thomas Jefferson Volentine (1), b. 10 Dec. 1841, Cottonwood Grove, 111. B.U. 1867. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1870. — Ord. 13 Oct. 1870. p. Cham- paign, 111., '70-73. — a.p. Ottawa, 111., '74-77. — now at St. Louis, Mo. Charles Swan Walker (1), b. 7 Oct. 1848, Cincinnati, O. Y.C. 1867. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1870. — Ord. 1 Aug. 1871. p. Darien, Ct., '71-'72. — a.p. Huntington, West Va., '73-74; First ch., Holyoke, Ms., '74-75; South Amherst, Ms., '76-78. — p. Vineland, N.J., '79-'81. — p. South Amherst, Ms., '81-. SPECIAL COURSE. Thomas Scott Burnell, b. 3 Feb. 1823, Chesterfield, Ms. — . — miss'y printer (A.B.C.F.M.), Jaffna, Ceylon, '49-'55. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1856. f.m. Melur, Madura District, South India, '56-. — in America, '69-'71 and '83-. John Walter Lees, b. 24 June 1836, Edinburgh, Scot. —. — Ord. 16 Nov. 1870. p. Lee, N.IL, '70-'80. — a.p. Lisbon, N. II., '80-. 1880.] 1871. 265 1871. Henry Tucker Arnold, b. 31 March 1844, Providence, E.T. B.U. — Ord. 27 Sept. 1871. a.p. Lyman, Me., '71-72; Charles st. ch., Providence, R.I., '73-'76 ; a.p. Limerick, Me., Providence, E..I., and vie, '77-'7D. — Second ch., Wells, Me., a.p. '79-'80; p. '80-. Charles Dana Barrows, b. 21 April 1844, Fryebnro:, Me. D.C. 1864.— Ord. 13 July 1871. p. Kirk st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '7l-'81. — p. First ch., San Francisco, Cal., '81-. Charles Terry Collins, b. 14 Oct. 1845, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1867. — Union Theol. Sem., '68-'69. — Ord., Presb., 21 Dec. 1871. city miss'y, New York city, '71-'74.~p. Plymouth Cong, ch., Cleveland, O., '74-. Oliver Pomeroy Emerson, b. 27 April 1845, Lahainaluna, Maui. W.C. 1868.— Ord. 13 Sept. 1871. p. Lynnfield Centre, Ms., '71-'73. — p. Alle- gheny City, Pa., '74-77. — a.p. Shelburne Falls, Ms., '77-'80. — p. Peace- dale, RL, '81-. Austin Samnel Garver, b. 19 Dec. 1847, Chambersburg, Pa. P.C. — Ord. 31 Oct. 1872. p. Hingham, Ms., '72-75. — a.p. Greenwood, Ms., '76-80; Hopedale, Ms., '81-. Marquis Lafayette Gordon, M.D., b. 18 July 1843, Waynesburg, Pa. Wg.C. 1868. M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp,, 1872. — Ord., at Waynesburg, Pa., 6 Aug. 1872. f.m. Kioto, Japan, '72- Georg-e Anson Jackson, b. 17 March 1846, North Adams, Ms. Sci. Dep't Y.C. 18G8. — Ord. 26 Sept. 1872. p. Leavenworth, Kan., '72-'.. — a.p. Globe Village, Ms., '76- 77. — Swampscott, Ms., a.p. '78-80 ; p. '80- *George Whitefield Kinne, b. 20 Aug. 1841, Norwich, Ct. AV.C. 1868.— a.p. Monterey, Ms., '71-'72.— Ord. 29 April 1874. p. Charlestown, N.H., '74- '76. — a.p. Bath, N.H., '76-'77. — w.c. Bath, N.H., '77 until died there, 16 March 1880. Bnrke Fay Leavitt, b. 21 Sept. 1844, Lowell, Ms. W.C. 1868.— Ord. 8 May 1873. p. Williston ch., Portland, Me., '73-76.- p. Lincoln Park ch., Chicago, 111., '76-. Stephen Morrill Newman, b. 21 Nov. 1845, West Falmouth, Me. B.C. 1867.— Ord. 17 Oct. 1871. p. Trin. ch:, Taunton, Ms., '71-'78. — p. Ripon, Wis. (also Prof. Math, and Astron., Ripon Coll., '81-83), '78-. Leyi Kodg-ers, b. 9 May 1843, Guildhall, Vt. D.C. 1866.— teacher, Cleve- land, O., '66-'68. — Ord. 19 Oct. 1871. p. Claremont, N.H., '71-'80. — p. First ch., Georgetown, Ms., '81-. 84 266 1871. [1880. Adolphus Frederick Schaufflcr, b. 9 Nov. 1845, Constantinople, Turkey. W.C. 1867. Union Tlieol. Sem., '68-'69. — Ord. 13 Sept. 1871. a.p. Brookfield, ^Is., '71-'72. — city luiss'y, New York city, '72-'73. — a.p. Olivet ch.. New York city, '73-. Jesse Porter Sprowls, b. ll March 1845, East Finley, Pa. Wg.C. 1868.— Ord. 30 Sept. 1871. p. Cumb. Fresb. ch., Lebanon, O., '71-. James Brainerd Taylor, b. 23 Aug. 1845, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1867. — Not ordained. — Prov. Prof. Eloc. and Orat., Bowd. Coll., '71-'73. — teacher, Chauiicy Hall Sch., Boston, Ms., '74-. Lonis Bevier Toorhees, b. 10 June 184 7, Rocky Hill, N.J. N.J.C. 1868.— Ord. 6 Dec. 1871. p. North Weymouth, Ms., '71-76. — p. First ch., Wor- cester, Ms., '77-80. — in Europe, '80-81. — a.p. Saundersville, Ms., '82-. Jonathan Wadhanis, b. 4 Dec. 1846, Clarkson, N.Y. W.C. 1867.— Ord. 20 Dec. 1871. a.p. Oswego, III., '71-'72 ; Belle Plain, Io.,'72-'74; Charles City, To., '74-'78. — p. Ashfield, ]Ms., '78-. Joel Fisk "Whitney, b. 30 March 1843, Wadham's Mills, Westport, N.Y. M.C. 1868.— Ord. 3 May 1871. f.m. Micronesia, '7 1-'82. — a.p. Wadham's Mills, N.Y., '82-. Franklin Parker Wood, b. 24 Nov. 1844, Enfield, N.H. D.C. 1868.— Union Theol. Sem., '68-70. — Ord. 21 July 1871. Acton, Ms., a.p. '71- '72; p. '72-. Henry Collins Woodruff, b. 16 Feb. 1845, Brooklyn, N.Y. Y.C. 1868.— Union Theol. Sem., '68-'69.— Ord., at Brooklyn, N.Y., 18 Feb. 1873. a.p. Presb. ch., Northport, N.Y., '72-'81. — p. Black Kock, Ct., '81-. Levi Gilbert Chase (2), b. 30 April 1840, Loudon, N.H. D.C. 1862. — Ord. 24 Aug. 1870. p. Dummerston, Vt., '70-'79. — a.p. Guildhall, Vt., '79-'80 ; Gilmanton Iron Works, N.H., '81. — w.c. Loudon, N. H., '81-. Ephraim Meacham Corey (1), b. 12 Sept. 1848, Hills.C. 1868.— Chicago Theol. Sem., '68-'69. — Ord. 22 Feb. 1872. p. Freewill Bapt. ch., Raymond, Wis., Ashkum, 111., Commerce, Highland, and Davison, Mich., '71-'81. — p. Arlington (res. Paw Paw), Mich., '81-. Charles Henry Rowley (2—), b. 7 May 1842, Moriah, N.Y. M.C. 1868.— Union Theol. Sem., '68-69.- a.p. Sheldon, Vt., '72-74; Norwood, N.Y., '75-'78. — W.C. '79. -Ord. 23 Feb. 1881. Westford, Ms., a.p. '80; p. '81-. SPECIAL COURSE. Benjamin Stephen Adams, b. 16 Dec 1836, Carlisle, Ms. — . — Ord. 22 Nov. 1871. Cabot, Vt.. a.p. '71-'72; p. '72-'81. — a.p. Glover, Vt., '81-. 1880.] 1871. 1872. 26T ITilliam Redfleld Stocldug-, b. 31 March 1844, Oroomiah, Persia. W.C. — Ord., at We.nfield. M:^., 19 June 1871. f.m. (Presb.) Oroomiah, Persia, '71-78. — iu America, '78-. Henry Laureus Talbot, b. 4 Aug. 1836, East Machias, Me. —. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1873. p. Durham, N.H., '73-82. — w.c. Maiden, Ms., '82-. Ludmg WoKsen, b. 8 Oct. 1840, Jardelund, Schleswig, Prussia. — . — Ord. 14 Oct. 1873. a.p. Markesan, Wis., '73-75 ; Plymouth, Wis., '75-77. — w.c. Plymouth, Wis., ' 7 7-. Mitchell Carver True (1), from Me. — . — res. Lowell, Ms., '70-. 1872. Thomas Kissel Beeber, b. 18 June 1848, Muncy, Pa. P.C. 1869. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '73. — Ord. 30 Jan. 1873. assoc. p. First ch., Georgetown, Ms., '73-'75. — p. Mahoning Presb. ch., Danville, Pa., '75-'80. — p. Second Presb. ch., Scranton, Pa., '80-. John Kittred^e Browne, b. 4 July 1843, Saxonville, 'Ms. H.C. 1869.— Ord. 16 Oct. 1872. p. Chapel ch., Cambridgeport, 'Ms., '72-75. —f.m. Harpoot, Eastern Turkey, '75-. Almon Taylor Clarke, b. 19 Feb. 1840, Ticonderoga, N.Y. — .— Ord. 9 Oct. 1872. p. Tiverton, E.I., '72-77. — p. Second ch., Crown Point (P.O. Ironville), X.Y., '77-. William Henry Cobb, b. 2 April 1846, Rochester (]Marion). Ms. A.C. 1867. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '69-70. — Ord. 18 Sept. 1872. p. Fourth ch., Chiltonville, Plymouth, Ms., '72-'76. — a.p. Medfield, Ms., '76-'78.— p. Uxbridge, Ms., '78-. John Scott Copp, b. 17 Jan. 1843, St. Albans, Me. Hills.C. 1869.— Ord., at Litchfield, Mich., 17 March 1873. assoc. Prof. Heb., Theol. Dep't, Hillsdale Coll., '72-'Sl ; Prof. Logic and Belles Let., '81-. Samuel Howard Dana, b. 11 Feb. 1847, Portland. Me. Y.C. 1869.— Ord. 9 Oct. 1872. p. Newton Highlands, ^Is., '72-78. — p. Stratford, Ct., '79- *81. — w.c. Xew Haven, Ct., '81-. Charles Fletcher Dole, b. 17 May 1845, Brewer, Me. H.C. 1868. — Ord. 22 April 1874. p. Plymouth ch., Portland, Me., '74-77. — p. Unit'n ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '77-. 268 1872. [1880. Archibald Duff, LL.D., b. 26 Sept. 1845, Fraserburgh, Scot. McG.U. 18G4. — tc-iiclier, Cmiada, '64-'69. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '72-74; Univ. Gottingon, '74-75. — Not ordained.— lect. Bib. Theol., Cong. Coll. of Brit. N.A.,'75-'7G. — pro^em. Prof. Heb., McGill Coll., '76-'77, and assist, to Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., '76-'78. — Prof. Heb., Old Test. Theol., and Math., Airedale Coll., Eng., '78-. James Demarest Eaton, b, 18 March 1848, Lancaster, Wis. Bel.C. 1869. — Chicago Theol. Sem., '69-'70. — Ord., at Lancaster, Wis., 15 Dec. 1872. a.p. First ch., Portland, Or., '73-76. — Bound Brook, N J., a.p. '76-77; p. '77-'81. — adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '81-'82. — f.m. Mexico, '82-. James Henry Ecol), D.D., b. 7 Sept. 1844, Buffalo, N.Y. Ham.C. 1869.— — Ord. 2 Oct. 1872. p. Augusta, Me., '72-81. — p. Second Presb. ch., Albany, N.Y., '81-. Rufus Ciisliman FLig-g, b. 3 Aug. 1846, Hubbardton, Vt. M.C. 1869. — Ord. 26 Sept. 1872. p. North Andover, Ms., '72-77.— a.p. Westford, Ms., '77-'79; Fairhaven, Vt., '80-. Omar White Eolsom, b. 24 April 1844, North Sandwich, N.H. D.C. 1869. — Ord. 31 Oct. 1872. assoc. p. First ch., Newbury, Ms., '72- Perley Morse Griffin, b. 14 May 1841, Methuen, Ms. Washb.C. 1869.— Ord. 13 July 1873. p. Parsons, Kan., '73-'79. — a.p. Fredonia, Kan., '79-'80 ; East Bridgewater, Ms., '80- Theodore Charles Jerome, b. 31 Jan. 1850, Oxford, N.Y. Ham.C. 1869,— Lane Theol. Sem., '69-'71.— Ord. 2 July 1872. p. Pacific ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '72-'73. — a.p. Central City, Col., '73-'74; Geneseo, 111., '74-'75 ; San Buenaventura, Cal., '75-76 ; River Falls, Wis., '76-'78 ; Patchogue, N.Y., '78-'81; Manistee, Mich., '81-'82. — p. Gorham, N.H., '82-. Henry Ketcham, b. 5 May 1848, Indianapolis, Ind. W.C. 1869, — Lane Theol. Sem,, '69-'70.— Ord. 28 Oct. 1873, p, Austin, Minn,, '73-75, — ■W.C. '75-'78, — a.p. Wolfeborough, N. H., '78-'79. — p. Menomonee, Wis., '80-. James Kellogg- Kilbonrn, b. 3 April 1845, Bridgewater, Ct. Bel.C. 1868. — Ord. 16 Jan. 1873. a.p. Hartland, Wis., '72-'74. — f.m. Mexico, '74- '80. — a,p. Genesee, Wis., '80-. Thomas Melbonrne May, b. 4 Jan. 1845, Melbourne, Australia, — , — Ord. 25 Sept. 1872. a.p. Willianistown, Vt., '72-'74 ; Quechee, Vt., '74-75; Taftville, Ct,, '76; Volney and Palermo, N.Y., '77-'79 ; Austerlitz, N.Y., '81-. Albert Weston Moore, b. 29 Aug. 1842, Boston, Ms. D.C, 1864,— Ord. 22 Jan. 1873. a.p. Blackstone, Ms., '72-74; Bristol, N.H., '75-77, — w,c. Maiden, Ms,, '77-79. — p. Farmington, Me., '79-82. — p. Central ch,, Lynn, Ms., '82-. 1880.] 1872. 269 Frederick Palmer, b. 6 Aug. 1848, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1864.— Ord. 11 March 1874. p. Revere, Ms. '74-78. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 Dec. 1878; priest, 18 Dec. 1879. — assist, min. Emmanuel ch., Boston, Ms., '78-79. — r. Lons- dale, R.I., '79-80. — r. Jenkintown, Pa., '80-. Moses Stuart Phelps, Ph.D., b. 16 March 1849, Andover,Ms. Y.C. 1869.— Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '73-'76.— inst'r Ment. Phil., Middle- bury Coll., '76. — Univ. Berlin, '76-'77. — res. Andover, Ms., and New Haven, Ct., '77-'78.— Prof. Ment. and Mor. Phil., Smith Coll., '78-. Edward Kirk Rawson, b. 21 Feb. 1846, Albany, N.Y. Y.C. 1868. — Yale Theol. Sem., '69-70. — Ord., at Newton Highlands, Ms., 9 Oct. 1872. chap. U.S.N., '72-. Darius Bullock Scott, b. 27 Oct. 1843, Bloomfield, N.Y. Wh.C — Ord. 12 July 1872. a.p. Milton Mills, N.H., '72-'74 — p. Lynnfield, Ms., '74-'76.— a.p. Milton Mills, N. H., '77-'78. — p. HoUis, N. H., '78-. Anson Phelps Tinker, b. 15 Oct. 1844, Old Lyme, Ct. Y.C. 1868. — Yale Theol. Sem., '68-'69. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '69-'70. — Ord. 16 Oct. 1873. p. High St. ch., Auburn, Me., '73-82.— p. Fort st. Presb. ch., Detroit,Mich.,'83-. Alfred Edwards Tracy, b. 2 July 1845, West Brookfield, Ms. A.C 1869.— Ord. 3 Sept. 1872. p. Harvard, Ms., '72-74. — a.p. Oconomowoc, Wis., '75-'78. — p. Wilton, N.H., '79-. William Haskell Woodwell, b. 9 Sept. 1844, Newburyport, Ms. B.C. 1869. — Ord. 12 June 1873. a.p. First ch., Wells, Me., '73-75 ; Mont Vernon, N.H., '76-'80; Pahala, Hawaii, '80-'82. — w.c. Newburyport, Ms., '82-. Walter Howard Ayers (1—), b. 26 April 1845, Canterbury, N.H. D.C. 1868. — Union Theol. Sem., 1871.— Ord. 16 July 1872. a.p. Bethel, Me., '71 ; Winooski, Vt, '72 ; Castleton, Vt., '73-74. — p. Lebanon, N.H., '74-75.— in Europe, '75-'77. — a.p. Hudson, Wis., '77-'78; La Salle, 111., '79-'81.— evang., Chicago, III., '81-. Hiram Payson Barnes (1), b. 31 March 1841, Morgan, O. — . — Lane Theol. Sem., 1872. — Ord. 10 Oct. 1872. p. Presb. ch., Collamer, O., '72-'77.— a.p. Windham, O., '77-. William AVells Eaton (2—), b. 24 Aug. 1846, Colchester, Ct. A.C. 1868.— teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '71-'73. — Leipsic and Gottingen, Ger., '74-'76. — assist, to Prof. Sac. Lit, Andover Theol. Sem.,'77-'80 ; in literary labor, Andover, Ms., '80-82. — Prof. Greek, Middlebury Coll., '82-. Lewis Emerson (1 — ), — . — Edward Cleeves Hood (1), b. 21 April 1848, Lawrenceville, Pa. N.J.C. 1868. — Union Theol. Sem., 1874. — Ord., Presb., at Passaic, N.J., 8 May 1874. evang., Passaic, N.J., '74-75. — a.p. Hingham, Ms., '75-82. — p. West Medford, Ms., '82-. 270 1872. 1873. [1880. *Elihu Root, PH.D. (1), b, 14 Sept. 1845, Belchertown, Ms. A.C. 1867.— teacher, Williston Sem., '67-69. — inst'r Eng., Amh. Coll., '70-71.— Univ. Gottingen, Ger., '71-72; Univ. Leipsic, '72; Univ. Berlin, '72-76; Dr. Phil., Berlin, 1876. — adj. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Amh. Coll., '76-'77; Walker Prof., '77 until died, at Belchertown, Ms., 3 Dec. 1880. Stephen Gould Updyke (1), b. 18 Jan. 1845, Enfield, N.Y. Hills.C. 1869. — Ord., Freewill Bapt., 11 June 1871. p. Freewill Bapt. cli., Hudson, Mich., '71-72. — a.p. Cong, ch., Litchfield, Mich., '72-75; Pentwater, Mich, '75-77; Augusta, Mich., '77-'80; Watertown and Henry, Dak., '80-. Robert McEwen Woods (1), b. 24 Jan. 1847, Enfield, Ms. A.C. 1869.— Union Theol. Sem., '69-'70. — teacher, Amherst, Ms., '71-'73; Enfield, Ms., '73-'. .— Ord. 21 Nov. 1877. p. Hatfield, Ms., '77-. SPECIAL COURSE. Robert Walter Raskins, b. 12 July 1841, Roxbury, Ms. U.N.Y. 1869.— Ord. 19 Nov. 1872. p. First Cong, ch., Deny, N.H., '72-'78. — a.p. Bald- winsville, Ms., '79-80. — p. First ch., Abington, Ms., '81-. Samuel Ollerenshaw, b. 4 Nov. 1838, Manchester, Eng. — . — a.p. Hancock, Minn., '72-'73. — Ord., at St. Paul, Minn., 2 April 1873. a.p. Princeton, Minn., '73-75; Laclede, Mo., '76-77; Newtown (P.O. Adams), 111., '78- '80; Presb. ch., Laporte City, lo., '81 ; Albia, lo., '82-. 1873. Walter Manning Barrows, b. 12 April 1846, Franklin, Mich. Olivet C. 1867. — Ord., at Marshall, Mich., 1 Nov. 1871. p. Salt Lake City, Utah, '74- '82. — Sec. Am. Home Miss. Soc, New York city, '82-. Lewis Payson Broad, b. 17 Dec. 1840, Ashland, Ms. Y.C. — Ord., at Tem- pleton, Ms., 3 Sept. 1873. a.p. Baldwinsville, Ms., '73-77; Paola, Kan., '77-. Charles Henry Brooks, b. 6 Sept. 1846, Lennoxville, Que. McG. U. 1868. — Ord., at Montreal, Que., 28 Sept. 1874. f.m. Manisa, Western Asia, '74-'76 ; Constantinople, '76-. George Walker Christie, b. 14 Aug. 1840, Strathmiglo, Scot. Bel.C. 1870. — Yale Theol. Sem., '71-'72. — Ord. 11 Dec. 1873. , p. Kittery, Me., '73- '76. — a.p. Wiscasset, Me., '76-'78; Salmon Falls, N.H., '78-'80.— p. Wolfe- borough, N.H., '80-. Henry Calvin Crane, b. 30 Nov. 1845, Norton, Ms. D.C. 1869. — Ord. 9 Sejit. 1873. p. Nantucket, Ms., '73-74. — a.p. Franklin, Ms., '74-76.— p. Plymouth ch., Allegheny City, Pa., '77-. 1880.] 187 3. 271 Alfred Henry Hall, b. 7 March 1845, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1867. — Ord. 4 March 1875. p. First ch., Meriden, Ct., '75-79. — a p. Centre ch., Meriden, Ct., '80-. William Dickinsou Hart, b. 16 April 1843, Ira, N.Y. O.C. 1870. — a.p. Presb. ch., Litchfield, N. H., '73-'75. — Ord. 1 Oct. 1875. p. Little Comp- ton, R.I., '75- William Soutliworth Howland, b. 8 July 1846, Jaffna, Ceylon. A.C. 1870. — Ord., at Conway, Ms., 7 May 1873. f.m. Madura, Southern India, '73-. Robert Allen Hume, b. 18 March 184 7, Bombay, India. Y.C. 1868. — Yale Tlieol. Sem., 'G9-'71. — Ord., at New Haven, Ct., 10 May 1874. f.m. Mara- thas, Western India, '74-. Edward Winthrop Jenney, b. 18 Dec. 1843, Monticello, 111. K.C. 1870.— Ord. 4 June 1873. f.m. Monastir, European Turkey, '73-. Horace Hall Leavitt, b. 8 July 1846, Lowell, Ms. W.C. 1869. — Ord., at Cambridge, Ms., 19 June 1873. f.m. Osaka, Japan, '73-'81. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '81-82. — p. North Andover, Ms., '82-. Albert Livermore, b. 3 Sept. 1843, Spencer, Ms. A.C. 1868. — Ord. 18 Nov. 1874. a.p. Miller's Falls, Ms., '74-'75 ; New Richmond, Wis., '76-'79 ; St. Ignace, Mich., '80-82 ; w.c. there, '82-. George Hale Scott, b. 23 April 1839, Bakersville, Vt. W.C. 1865. — Lane Theol. Sem., '71-'72.— Ord. 13 Sept. 1873. p. Plymouth, N.H., '73-'81.— adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '81-'82. — p. Lawrence, Kan., '82-. Edward Griffin Selden, b. 9 June 1847, Hadlyme, Ct. Y.C. 1870.— Ord. 16 Dec. 1873. p. First ch., Manchester, N.H., '73-. Joel Martin Seymour, b. 3 Feb. 1842, Roofstown, O. W.R.C. 1870. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1873. p. Brookfield, Ms., '73-77.- a.p. Plymouth ch.. Fort Wayne, Ind., '77-. William Parmelee Sprague, b. 21 June 1843, East Bloomfield, N.Y. A.C. 1870.— Ord., at New Haven, Ct., 8 May 1873. f.m. Kalgan, North China, '73-. George Sterling, b. 27 July 1842, New Milford, Ct. A.C. 1870. — Union Theol. Sem., '70-72. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1874. a.p. Wayland, Mich., '74-'75; Stacyville, To., '75-76 ; Lenora, Minn., '76-78 ; Higganum, Ct., '78-'80. — p. Milton, N.H., '81-. George Henry Tilton, b. 31 Jan. 1845, Nashua, N.H. A.C. 1870. — Ord., at Hopkinton, N.IL, 4 June 1873. — a.p. Attleborough Falls, Ms., '74-75; Wolfebovough, N.H., '76-'77 ; Rehoboth, Ms., '78-. John Tefft Ward, b. 20 Jan. 1847, Norway, N.Y. Hills. C. 1870.— Ord. .. Dec. 1873. p. Freewill Bapt. ch., Lexington, Ms., '73-'. . — Ashland, N. H., '. .-'78. — p. Georgiaville, R. L, '78-. 272 1873. 1874. [1880. Charles Abner White, b. 2 Nov. 1842, Wardsborough, Vt. W.C. 1870.— Ord. 3 Sept. 1873. p. Templeton, Ms., '73-76. — a.p. First cli., Palmer, Ms., '7 7-'78. — p. Hallowell,Me., '78-83. — a.p. Mechanic Falls, Me., '83- John Healy Williams, b. 4 Dec. 1843, Dudley, Ms. A.C. 1868. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1873. p. First ch., Marblehead, Ms., '73-83. — p. Kansas City, Mo., '83-. Newell Stephen Wright, b. 5 Dec. 1843, Adams, N.Y. Bel. C. 1869. — Ord., at Liberty, AVis., 7 Aug. 1873. — a.p. Salisbury and Amesbury, Ms., '74-77 ; Berlin Heights, O., '78-79 ; Plymouth ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '79-'81. — in business, Detroit, Mich., '81-. William Franklin Davis (2—), b. 21 Aug. 1840, Attica, N.Y. H.C. 1867.— Ord., Freewill Bapt., 20 Nov. 1872. p. Olneyville, R.I., '72-75. — sup't North End Mission, Boston, Ms., '75-78. — evang., res. Chelsea, Ms., '78- '80 ; East Saginaw, Mich., '80- *Albert Llewellyn Norton (1—), b. 15 Jan. 1848, Guilford, 111. Bel.C. 1867.— teacher, Burlington, Wis., '68 ; Cresco, lo., '69. — Died, at Denver, Col., 5 April 1872. Roderick Terry, d.d. (2), b. 1 April 1849, Brooklyn, N.Y. Y.C. 1870.— Union Theol. Sem., 1875.— Ord., Presb., 11 Nov. 1875. p. Peekskill, N.Y., '75- '79. — W.C Irvington, N.Y., '79-'. . — p. South Ref. ch., New York city, '81-. SPECIAL COURSE. William Avery Lamh, b. 1 Feb. 1842, Mystic, Ct. —. — Ord. 14 April 1874. a.p. RockviUe, Ms., '74-75; Holden, Ms., '75-77; Foxborough, Ms., '77-'78; Milford, N. H., '78-'81. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '81-82. — W.C. Newton Highlands, Ms., '82-. George Augustus Foss (1—), b. 5 Nov. 1839, Epsom, N.H. — . — Ord. 24 Feb. 18 74. p. Chichester, N.H., '74-'77, — a.p. Pawlet, Vt., '78; Lewis, N.Y., '79-'81 ; Warner, N.H., '81-. Charles Pinckney Holbrook Nason (1), b. 7 Sept. 1842, Newburyport, Ms. W.C. 1862. — a.p. Lafayette st. Presb. ch., Buffalo, N.Y., '72-74. — Ord. 24 June 1874. p. Central Cong, ch., Chelsea, Ms., '74-. 1874, Sidney Emory Bailey, b. 24 Sept. 1844, Saxton's River, Vt. A.C. 1871.— Not ordained. — teacher, Rutland, Ms., Princeton, Ms., Maynard, Ms., '77-78; Swampscott, Ms., '78-81 ; Walpole, Ms., '81-. 1880.] 1874. 273 Edward Angnstine Benner, b. 31 March 1848, Pittston,Me. A.C. 1869.— Ord. 24 Oct. 1874. Prof. Math, and Phys., Drury Coll., '74-76; Prof. Latin, and inst'r Ger., '76-77. — prin. Salt Lake Acad., '79- John Thomas Criiiurine, b. 24 Dec. 1846, Morris Township, Pa. Wg. C. 1871. — Ord. 28 July 1874. p. Waterville, Me., '74-75. — a.p. Chilton- ville, Ms., '77 ; Northbridge, Ms., '77-80. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '80-81. — a.p. Baldwinsville, Ms., '81-'82. — Lindly's Mills, Pa., '82-. Elisha FaiTington Fales, b. 22 Nov. 1849, Wrentham, Ms. B.U. 1870.— Ord. 20 Dec. 1874. a.p. Carthage, Mo., '74-'82; Palestine, Tex., '82-. Charles Nelson Flanders, b. 24 Aug. 1845, Bradford, Vt. DC. 1871.— res. lie, Andover, Ms., '74. — Ord. 29 Dec. 1874. p. Westmoreland, N.H., '74-78. — a.p. Wapping, Ct., '78-. James Bartlett Gregg, b. 15 April 1846, Medford, Ms. H.C. 1866. —Ord. 29 Sept. 1874. p. Windsor av. ch., Hartford, Ct., '74-82. — p. Colorado Springs, Col., *82-. Charles Lemon Hall, b. 18 Sept. 1847, Winchester, Eng. N.Y.C. 1866.— Union Theol. Sem., '72-'73. — h.m. Springfield, Dak., '74-'76.— Ord., at Yankton, Dak., 22 Feb. 1876. miss'y (A.B.C.F.M. and A.M. A.), Dakota Indians, Fort Berthold, Dak., '76-. John Wood Hird, b. 27 Dec. 1841, Bradford, Eng. Y.C. 1871. — Ord. 19 March 1879. p. North Brookfield, Ms., '79-. George Milton Howe, b. 23 July 1844, Westminster, Ms. A.C. 1871. — Ord. 8 July 1874. p. Princeton, Ms., '74-. Frank Duncan Kelsey, b. 15 Nov. 1849, New Washington, Ind. Mar. C. 1870. — Ord. 7 July 1874. a.p. Third ch., Marblehead, Ms, '74-'77. — p. Attleborough Falls, Ms., '77-79. — p. New Gloucester, Me., '80-. ♦Henry Lueien Kendall, b. 5 March 1849, Providence, R.I. B.U. 1871.— Ord. 27 Jan. 1875. a.p. Walpole, Ms., '74-75. — p. First ch., Charlestown, Ms., '76-'79. — a.p. Jacksonville, Fla., '79-'80 ; Northfield, Minn., '81-'82. — w.c. Walpole, Ms., '82 until died there, 23 Jan. 1883. Samuel Sherberne Mathews, b. 3 June 1847, Salisbury, Ms. — . — Hart. Theol. Sem., '69. — Ord. 22 Oct. 1874. p. Wilmington, Ms., '74-'75. — a.p. Maynard, Ms., '76-'78. — p. Boylston ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '79-. Lyman Flsk Rand, b. 16 June 1848, Keene, N. H. O.C. 1871. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '71-'73. — Ord. 13 Oct. 1874. a.p. Staffordville, Ct., '74-'75 ; Lyndeborough, N. H., '75-76. — w.c. Keene, N. H., '76-'..; Brooklyn, N.Y., '..-'82.— Joseph Bartlett Seahnry, b. 17 March 1846, New Bedford, Ms. A.C. 1869. — Ord. 8 Sept. 1875. assoc. p. John st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '75-82. — w.c. New Bedford, Ms., and in Europe, '82-. 85 274 18 74. [1880. Edward Breathitte Sellers, b. 16 March 1842, Andalusia Plantation, Miss. Wh.C. 1866.— Ord., at Selma, Ala., 12 Nov. 1874. a.p. Chattanooga, Tenn., '74-76. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '76-77; Taunton and Worcester, Ms., '7 7-. Charles Rollin Seymour, b. 23 July 1845, Rootstown, O. W.R.C. 1870. — Ord. 8 Oct. 1874. p. North ch., Newburyport, Ms., '74-'79. — p. Win- chester, Ms., '79-. John Edward Smith, b. 22 Aug. 1843, Henrysburgh, Que. O.C. 1870.— teacher, Atlanta Univ., Ga., '74-76. — Ord. 3 Jan. 1877. p. Andover and West Andover, O., '77-81. — w.c. Oberlin, O., '81-. Edwin Charles Stickel, b. l Dec. 1844, Lewlsberry, Pa. A.C. 1869.— Ord., at Oberlin, O., 20 Sept. 1875. a.p. Montgomery, Ala., '75-'76 ; Mazom- anie, Wis., '77-'80; Boscobel, Wis., '80-'81. — w.c. Oberlin, O., '81-. Edward George Stone, b. 4 Aug. 1845, Warren, Ct. A.C. 1871. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1874. a.p. New Castle, N.H., '74-'75 ; South Royalston, Ms.,'76-'78; Granby, Ct., '78-'80; West Suffield, Ct., '80-'82 ; Acworth, N. H., '82-. Charles Lucius Tomblen, b. 26 June 1848, West Brookfield, Ms. A.C. 1871. — Ord. 30 Aug. 1877. a.p. Gilmanton Iron Works, N.IL, '77-78 ; South Royalston, Ms., '78-81 ; Simsbury, Ct., '81-. Edward Payson Wheeler, b. 29 Nov. 1849, Odanah, Wis. Bel.C. 1870. a.p. Georgetown, Col., '75-'76. — Ord. 5 Oct. 1876. p. Wilmette, 111., '76-'80. — w.c. Beloit, Wis., '81-. Leverett Supply Woodworth, b. 13 Aug. 1845, Wayne, O. B.U. 1871.— Ord. 29 Oct. 1874. p. Campello, Ms., '74-79.— p. Seekonk, Ms., and East Providence, R.I., '79-. Marvin Davis Bisbee (2), b. 21 June 1845, Chester, Vt. D.C. 1871.— Chi- cago Theol. Sem., 1874.— Ord. 10 Sept. 1874. p. Fisherville, N.H., '74-77. — p. Chapel ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '77-'81. — assoc. editor Congrega tionaliat, Boston, Ms., '81-. Albert Jerome Chittenden (2), b. 4 July 1839, Westbrook, Ct. Ri.C. 1868. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1874. — Ord., Meth., 28 Sept. 1872.— a.p. Clinton, lo., '75 ; Georgetown, Col., '76 ; Boulder, Col., '76-80 ; w.c. there, '80-. Edward Southworth Fitz (1+), b. 6 Sept. 1842, Pembroke, N.H. A.C. 1871. — Ord. 20 May 1874. p. Southampton. Ms., '74-76. — w.c. '76-. William Henry Hubbard (1), b. 16 April 1851, Clark Co., Ky. Louisville U. 1867. A.C. 1871. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1874.— Ord., Presb., at New Brunswick, N.J., 29 Oct. 1874. — a.p. Cong, ch., Rutland, Ms., '74-75.— Merrlmac, Ms., a.p. '75-'76 ; p. '76-. 1880.] 1874. 1875. 275 Jolin Philip Sanderson (1-f-), b. 29 Oct. 1850, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Witt.C. 1869. — teacher, prep, dep't, Wittenberg Coll., '69-70.— Wittenberg Theol. Seui., '70-71. — dep. p.m., Springfiehl, O., '72-75.— Ord., Luth., at Mount Carroll, 111., 20 Aug. 1876. South Dixon, 111., a.p. '75-'76; p. '76-'77.— a.p. Cong, ch., Clio, Mich., '7 7-'82 ; Plymouth ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '82-, SPECIAL COURSE. Joseph :Xee-Sima, b. 14 Feb. 1844, Yedo, Japan. Scl. Dep't A.C. 1870.— Ord., at Boston, Ms., 24 Sept. 1874. f.m. Kioto, Japan, '74-. W. H. H. Collins (1—), from Lawrence, Ms. — . — 1875. Frank Louis Bristol, b. 26 March 1853, Milford, Ct. —. — Ord. 21 Oct. 1875. a.p. Halifax, Ms., '75-77. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '78. — a.p. West Tisbury, Ms., '79-'80; Ithaca, Mich., '80-. William Stanley Bugbey, b. 24 Sept. 1852, Hagerstown, Md. Witt.C. 1872. — Ord. 2-2 Oct. 1875. p. West Stewartstown, N.H., '75-78. — a.p. Mid- dleville, Mich., '78-. Almon Whitney Burr, b. 18 Jan. 1845, Strongsville, O. O.C. 1868. — Union Theol. Sem., '68-'69.— Oberlin Theol. Sem., '6 9-' 70. — Tutor, O.C, '70- '74. — Ord. 27 July 1875. — prin. Hallowell clas. and sci. acad., Hallowell, Me., '75-. Austin Hannahs Burr, b. 18 June 1849, Charleston, O. O.C. 1871. — Ord. 3 Nov. 1875. p. Franklin, N. H., '75-'80. — p. West ch., Andover, Ms., '80-. Charles Carroll Carpenter, b. 9 July 1836, Bernardston, Ms. — . — Harv. Med. School, '59-60. — Ord., at Montreal, Que., 9 May 1860. miss'y, Labrador, '58-'65. — sup't Lookout Mountain Ed. Inst., Tenn., '66-'72. — a.p. Rockville ch.. South Peabody, Ms., '75-80. — Mt. Vernon, N.H., a.p. '80 ; p. '81-. James Hobart Childs, b. 25 May 1847, Gilmanton, N.H. A.C. 1869. — Ord. 7 Oct. 1875. p. Byfield, Ms., '75-'80. — a.p. Wenham, Ms., '81-. John Wilmarth Colwell, b. 3 May 1847, Providence, R.L B.U. 1872.— Ord. 22 Sept. 1875. West Concord, N.II., a.p. '75-'77; p. '77-'79. — a.p. Pitts- field, N.II., '79-81 ; Rockville ch., South Peabody, Ms., '81-. Samuel Elijah Eastman, b. 17 May 1846, Oswegatchie, N.Y. O.C. 1872. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1875. p. Swampscott, Ms., '75-78. —p. Newport, Ky., '78-79. — a.p. Marlborough, Ms., '80-'81. — p. Canandaigua, N. Y., '81- 276 187 5. [1880. Charles Edwin Gordon, b. 15 Oct. 1848, Lawrence, Ms. F.C — Ord. 17 May 1876. p. Pomfret, Ct., '76-'78. — p. Hardwick, Vt., '78-'82.— a.p. Salisbury and Webster (P.O. Salisbury), N.H., '82-. James Lans,'don Hill, b. 14 March 1848, Garnavillo, lo. lo.C. 1871.— Ord. 15 Sept. 1875. p. North ch., Lynn, Ms., '75-. Francis Jewett Marsh, b. 19 Feb. 1849, Groton, Ms. A.C. 1870. — inst'r Anc. Lan>ing, b. 9 Nov. 1853, New Sharon, Me. H.C. 1876. Ord. 25 Sept. 1879. p. North av. ch., Cambridge, Ms., '79-. 286 1879. 1880. [1880. Malan Hiimplirey Wright, b. 14 Feb. 1851, North Castle, N.Y. — . — occ. pr. (res. Greenwich, Ct.), '79-'80. — a.p. Oakwood, Mich., '80. — Ord. 16 March 1882. a.p. Utica, Mich., '81-. Anson Greene Phelps Atterbury (2), b. 18 June 1854, New York, N.Y, Y.C. — Union Theol. Sem., 1879. — Ord. 20 April 1880. p. Eighty-fourth st. Presb. ch., New York city, '80-. Ellory Albee Baldwin (1—), b. 17 Nov. 1845, Newport, Vt. .4.C. — Not ordained. — in business, Upton, Ms., '77-'81 ; New Bedford, Ms., '81-. George Champlin Shepard Southworth (1 — ), b. 13 Dec. 1842, West Spring- field, Ms. Y.C. 1863. — Harv. Law School, 1865. — in business, West Springfield, Ms., (abroad '69-'70) '65-71 ; also rep. Mass. Gen. Court, '71. — in Europe and around the world, '71-'75. — Andover Theol. Sem., '76- '77. — in Europe, '77-80. — Prof Eng. Lit. and Hist., Kenyon Coll., '81-. SPECIAL COURSE. Thomas Morris Owen, b. 29 July 1839, Llanrust, North Wales. —. — Ord., at Turin, N.Y., 1 Oct. 1868. p. Cong, chs., Nebo and Turin, N.Y., '68- '70. — p. New York Mills, N.Y., '71-'77. — w.c. Utica, N.Y., '79-. George Allen Mathews (1), b. 4 Feb. 1845, Monson, Ms. — . — Not ordained. — res. Lowell, Ms. Lawrence Phelps (1—), b. 22 Aug. 1852, Andover, Ms. M.C. 1875. — Ord. 5 Sept. 1878. p. Barton, Vt., '78-. ♦William Proctor Stacy (1— ), b. 26 May 1839, Andover, Ms. — . — Not or- dained.— res. Groveland, Ms., '76-77 ; East Haverhill, Ms., '77-80; Mollis, Me., '80 until died there, 28 Feb. 1882. 1880. Frank Stone Adams, b. 31 Dec. 1855, Westborough, Ms. A.C. 1877.— Ord. 13 Oct. 1880. p. Bethesda ch., Reading, Ms., '80-. William Capell Calland, b. 27 Dec. 1847, Summerfield, O. O.C. 1877.— Ord. 7 Dec. 1880. a.p. Rochester, Mich., '80-'82. — w.c. St. Louis, Mich., '82-. Edward Lane Chute, b. 27 Nov. 1853, Castine, Me. —. — Ord. 21 July 1880. p. Saugus, Ms., '80-82. — p. Duxbury, Ms., '82-. 1880.] 1880. 287 Joseph Frederick Flindt, b. 19 Sept. 1850, Freeport, 111. iJt.C. — gr ad. class, Yale Theol. Sem,, '81-'82.— Ord., Presb., at Plattsburgh, N.Y., 21 Feb. 1883. a.p. Presb. ch., Mooers, N.Y., '82-. George Augustus Gates, b. 24 Jan. 1851, Topsham, Vt. D.C. 1873. — Ord. 13 April 1882. p. Upper Montclair, N.J., '82-. Hastings Hornell Hart, b. 14 Dec. 1851, Brookfield, O. O.C. 1875.— Ord. 2 Feb. 1881. p. Worthington, Minn., '81-. Robert Mackemmie Higgins, b. 21 July 1846, Glasgow, Scot. W.C. — Ord. 17 Nov. 1880. a.p. Calumet, Mich., '80-. Samuel Lane Looniis, b. 16 Aug. 1856, Littleton, Ms. A.C. 1877. — Yale Theol. Sem., '7 7-' 7 8. — Ord. 14 Oct. 1880. p. York st. ch., Newport, Ky., '80-. Tliomas McClelland, b. 1 May 1846, Quily, Ireland. O.C. 1875.— Oberlin Theol. Sem., '75-'76. — Union Theol. Sem., '78-79. — Ord., at Tabor, lo., 13 June 1882.— Prof. Ment. Sci. and Logic, Tabor Coll., '81-. John Merriam, b. 14 April 1855, Merrimack, N.H. D.C. 1877. — a.p. Presb. ch.. North Platte, Neb., '80.— Ord. 19 May 1881. a.p. Cong, ch.. New Hampton, lo., '80-'81. — grad. class. Union Theol. feem., '82. — a.p. Cong, ch., Harford, Pa., '82-. Egbert Newcomb Munroe, b. 28 March 1849, St. John, N.B. — .— Ord. 4 May 1881. p. East Granville, Ms., '81-'82. — p. First ch., Holyoke, Ms., '82-. Charles Lothrop Noyes, b. 11 Sept. 1851, Ceylon, India. Y.C. 1875. — Union Theol. Sem., '77-78. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '80-'81. — Ord. 29 March 1881. p. Third ch., Jersey City, N.J., '81-82. — a.p. Winter Hill ch., Somerville, Ms., '82-. Frank Palmer, b. 30 Nov. 1850, Preston, Ct. Y.C. 1873.— Union Theol. Sem., '77-'78. — a.p. Merrimack, N. H., '82-. Frank Herbert Palmer, b. 6 March 1853, Cambridge, Ms. A.C. 1875. — inst'r, Oahu Coll., Honolulu, '76-78. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1880. p. North Scituate, R.I., '80-82. — a.p. Essex, Ms., '82- Arthur Haydn Pearson, b. 28 June 1850, Haverhill, Ms. A.C. 1877. — Hart- ford Theol. Sem., 77-'78. — Ord., at Haverhill, Ms., 7 July 1880.— Prof. Chem., Phys., and Min., Carleton Coll., '81-. Theodore Claudius Pease, b. 14 Oct. 1853, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. H.C. 1875. — Ord. 8 Sept. 1880. p. West Lebanon, N.H., '80-. Edgar James Penney, b. 15 Jan. 1852, Oxford, Ga. Atlanta U. 1876. — Ord. 6 Dec. 1880. p. Marietta, Ga., '80-. 288 1880. [1880. Sidney Kinsman Perkins, b. 21 Aug. 1854, Weymouth, Ms. A.C. 1877. — Ord., at Weymouth, Ms., 20 July 1880. a.p. Sherburne and Westford, Minn., '80- Erwin Hart Ricliards, b. 4 May 1852, Orwell, O. O.C. 1877. — Ord., at Oberliii, O., 20 Aug. 1880. f.m. South Africa, '80-. James Herron Skiles, b. 18 Jan. 1857, Blue Grass, lo. Griswold C — Ord. 6 April 1881. a.p. Dexter and Grand Meadow, Minn., '80-81. — w.c. Davenport, lo., '8l-'82. — a.p. Jamestown (P.O. Riceville), lo., '82-. Daniel Elijali Smith, b. 5 Aug. 1852, Quincy, Ms. H.C. 1877. — Yale Theol. Sem., '77-'78. — Ord., at Lanesville, Ms., 16 Nov. 1881. a.p. Albany, Vt., '80-'81 ; Robbinston, Me., '82-. John Calvin Staples, b. 31 Jan. 1842, New Bedford, Ms. — .— Ord. 6 July 1880. p. East Jaffrey, N.H., '80-'82.— a.p. South Deerfield, Ms., '82-. Goodwin Deloss Swezey, b. 10 Jan. 1851, Rockford, 111. Bel.C. 1873.— Yale Theol. Sem., '73-74, '75-76. — inst'r, Beloit Coll., '76-79. — inst'r Nat. Sci., Doane Coll., Crete, Neb., '80-'81 ; Prof. Nat. Sci., '82-. Frederick Albert Thayer, b. 10 June 1848, New Ipswich, N.H. D.C. 1873. — Bangor Theol. Sem., '78-79. — Ord. 30 Sept. 1880. p. Westborough, Ms., '80-82.— p. First ch., Quincy, 111., '82-. Rufus Babcock Tobey, b. 6 May 1849, New Bedford, Ms. A.C. 1877.— Ord. 30 Nov. 1880. p. Harwich, Ms., '80-, Georg-e Toung-s Washburn, b. 9 Sept. 1849, Cincinnati, O. A.C. 1874.— Union Theol. Sem., '7 7-'78. — res. lie, Andover, Ms., '80-'81. — Ord. 26 April 1882. p. Everett, Ms., '82-. William Orne Weeden, b. 4 April 1855, Providence, R.I. A.C. 1877.— Univ. Gottingen, Ger., '80-'81. — adv. class, Andover Theol. Sem., '82-. Sumner Gilbert Wood, b. 23 May 1855, Boston, Ms. W.C 1877. — Ord. 30 Dec. 1880. p. New Ipswich, N.H., '80-'83. Frederic Arthur Churchill, m.d. (1—), b. 25 June 1856, Hillsdale, Mich. O.C. 1877. — physician, Chicago, 111. Harrison Walter Furber (2), b. 17 Jan. 1850, Northwood, N.H. — . — Hamil- ton Theol. Sem., 1880. —res. East Northwood, N.H. Wilbur Claudius Miller (1— ), b. 2 Dec. 1855, Livingston, N.Y. —. — Chi- cago Tiieol. Sem., 1880. — city miss'y, Cliicago, 111., '80-. William Ichabod Nichols (1—), b. 13 June 1852, Saco, Me. H.C. 1874. — Harvard Div. Sch., 1880. Ord. 4 Oct. 1882. Second Unit'n ch., Hingham, Ms., a.p. '81-'82; p. '82-. 1880.] 1880. 1881. 289 Eollo Ogden (2), b. 18 Jan. 1856, Sandlake, N.Y. W.C. 1877. — Union Theol. Sem., 1880. — Orel., Presb., at Cleveland, O., 13 May 1881. — f.m. City of Mexico, Mexico, '82-. Henry Hildreth Piper (1+), b. 28 Oct. 1852, Dublin, N.H. — D.C. 1876.— Union Theol. Sem., '76-'77. — res. Dublin, N.H., '79-. SPECIAL COURSE. Frederick Joel Conner (1 — ), b. 29 Feb. 1848, Dracut, Ms. — . — merchant, Sterling Centre, Ms., '77-78 ; Waterville, Me., '78-. Samuel Hodgkiss (1), b. 12 March 1849, Stourbridge, Staffordshire, Eng. — . — Episc. Theol. Sch.. Cambridge, Ms., 1881. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 15 June 1881; priest, 1 June 1882. min. Wakefield, Ms., '79-82. — r. St. Paul's eh., Brockton, Ms., '82-. Thomas White Nickerson (1), b. 6 Jan. 1826, Boston, Ms. —. — Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., '78-'80. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 9 Jan. 1879; priest, 10 June 1881. assist, min. St. Matthew's ch., South Boston, Ms., '79-80. — r. Christ ch., Rochdale, Ms., '80-. Joseph Newton Walker (2), b. 10 Aug. 1852, Wood End Mossley, N. Man- chester, Eng. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1880. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1880. p. North Troy, Vt., '80-. 1881. Gilbert Brounell Balch, b. 9 Feb. 1856, Topsfield, Ms. D.C. 1877. — Ord. 4 Aug. 1881. p. Kingston, N.H., '81-. Tilton Clark HaU Bouton, b. 2 Nov. 1856, Chicago, 111. D.C. 1878.— Ord. 14 July 1881. p. Dunbarton, N.H., '81-. William Rogers Campbell, b. 2 Feb. 1855, RushviUe, 111. W.C. 1876.— Ord. 12 Oct. 1881. p. Highland ch., Roxbury, Ms., '81-. Daniel Herbert Colcord, b. 10 Jan. 1851, Danvers, Ms. A.C. 1878. — Ord. 8 Sept. 1881. p. Presb. ch., Bedford, N.H., '81-. Edward Oscar Dyer, b. 14 Jan. 1853, South Abington, Ms. A.C. 1878.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '78-'79. — a.p. Raymond, N.H., '81-83. Wasliiug-ton Horace Forbes, b. 29 Feb. 1852, Manchester, Ct. — . — Theol. Sch., Boston Univ., '78-79. — Ord., at Revere, Ms., 27 July 1881. a.p. Princeton, Minn., '81 ; Verndale and Wadena, Minn., '82-. Herbert Wendell Gleason, b. 5 June 1855, Maiden, Ms. W.C. 1877.— Union Theol. Sem., '78-79. — res. lie, Audover, Ms., '81-82. — h.m. Peli- can Rapids, Minn., '83-. 29C 1881. [1880. Eichard Baxter Grover, b. 3 Aug. 1851, Woonsocket, R.L Mass. Ag.C. 1872. — Ord. 4 Oct. 1881. p. Ludlow, Vt., '81-. iTOiy Horey Bartlett Headley, b. 23 Feb. 1852, New Bedford, Ms. A.C. 1875. — Yale Theol. Sem., '75. — Ord. 4 Jan. 1877. a.p. Rowley, Ms., '76-'77; South Coventry, Ct., '81. — p. Elmwood ch., Providence, R.I., '82-. John Franklin Home, b. 3 Jan. 1853, Genesee, Wis. Bel.C. 1876. — assist., prep, sch., Bel. Coll., '76-'77, '79-'80. — Yale Theol. Sem., '77-'78. — adv. class, '81-82.— Ord. 14 Nov. 1882. a.p. Viroqua, Wis., '82-. Charles Francis Wayland Hubfjaid, b. 15 Jan, 1857, Dresden, Tenn. A.C. 1876. — adv. class (also a.p. First ch, iall River, Ms.), '81-82. — Univ. Berlin, Ger., '82-. Charles "White Huntington, b. 22 May 1854, Stockbridge, Ms. W.C. 1876. — Ord. 6 Sept. 1881. p. Ellsworth, Me., '81-. Raymond Greene McClelland, b. 14 Nov. 1848, Mt. Jackson, Lawrence Co., Pa. O.C. 1874. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., '74-'75. — West. Theol. Sem., '78-'79. — Ord. 3 Nov. 1881. a.p. Canfield, O., '85 -'82; Austinburg, O., '82-. Albert Francis IVorcross, b. 11 April 1853, Rindge, N 'L D.C. 1878.— Ord. 31 Aug. 1881. p. Shirley, Ms., '81-. Henry Porter Peck, b. 25 Oct. 1853, Kalamazoo, Mich. A.C 1878. — Au- burn Theol. Sem., '78-'80. — adv. class, '81-'82. — Ord. 1 Jun i 1882. p. Plymouth, N. H., '82-. John Waite Savage, b. 19 July 1853, AVaupun, Wis. Ri.C. 1876.- adv. class, '81-'82. — Ord. 19 Sept. 1882. p. Tower Hill ch., Lawrence, Vis., '82-. Joseph Henry Selden, b. 27 Sept. 1855, Hadlyme, Ct. A.C. 1878. — Hart. Theoh Sem., '78-'79. — Ord. 10 May 1882. p. Methuen, Ms., '82-. Arthur Fessendeu Skeele, b. 3 April 1854, Hallowell, Me. A.C. 1875.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '78-79. — Ord. 21 Feb. 1882. p. East Bloomfield, N.Y., '82-. Ezra Allen Slack, b. 17 May 1852, Brockport, N.Y. A.C. 1878.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '78-79. — Ord. 13 Oct. 1881. p. First ch., Merrimack, N.H., '81-. David Brainerd Spencer, b. 11 Dec. 1854, Pembina, Minn. O.C. 1878.— adv. class, '81-82. — Ord. 26 Sept. 1882. p. Storrs Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '82-. George Warren Stearns, b. 24 Dec. 1856, Windham, Ct. A.C. 1878. — a.p. Patten and Island Fulls, Me., '81-. 1880.] 1881. 291 Edwin Huntington Stickney, b. 10 Oct. 1853, Campton, N.H. D.C. 1878. — Ord., at Campton, N.H., 5 July 1881. a.p. Detroit, Minn., '81-. Clement James Strang, b. 20 Dec. 1854, Beaver Island, Mich. Mich. Ag.C. 1878. — Oberiin Theol. Sem., '79-'80. — adv. class, '81-'82. — a.p. Keeler and Coloma, Mich., '82- Charles Selden Taile, b. 18 July 1852, Centreville, Ind. O.C. 1878.— adv. class, '81-82.— Ord., at Spencer, Ms., 25 May 1882. a.p. Santa Barbara, Cal., '82-. Frank Newliall White, b. 25 Oct. 1858, Lyons, lo. Ri.C. 1878. — Ord. 17 Dec. 1881. p. Hancock, Mich., '81-. John Dayton Willard, b. 12 Sept. 1856, Fairhaven, Ms. A. C. 1878.— Hart. Theol. Sera., '78-'79. — Ord. 1 March 1882. p. Appleton, Wis., '82-. William Edgar Wolcott, b. 26 April 1852,Belchertown, Ms. O.C. 1874.— adv. class, '81-82. — Ord. 21 Sept. 1881. p. Riverside ch., Lawrence, Ms., '81-. George Shaw Butters (1+), b. 11 May 1856, Lowell, Ms. Boston U. 1878. — Theol. Sch., Boston Univ., 1881. — Barre and Hardwick, Ms., '82-. Herbert Delos Goodenough (1—), b. 22 May 1852, Barton, Wis. O.C. 1877. — Oberiin Theol. Sem., 1881. — Ord., at Oberiin, O., 26 June 1881. f.m. Adams, South Africa, '81-, Irving Wight Metcalf (1), b. 27 Nov. 1855, Bangor, Me. O.C. 1878.— Ober- iin Theol. Sem., 1881.— Ord. 31 Jan. 1882. p. Eastwood ch. (also a.p. North ch.), Columbus, O., '82-. Henry Beman Miter (1), b. 14 Nov. 1852, Milwaukee, Wis. Ri.C. 1873.— Not ordained. — prin. prep, sch., and inst'r Gr., Ripon Coll., '79-. George Lane Smith (1—), b. 31 May 1853, Windsor, N.Y. A.C. 1876.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '78-79.— teacher, Colorado Springs, Col., '80-'81.— Ord., at Greeley, Col., 5 Oct. 1881. h.m. Rock Springs, Wyo. Ter., '81-'83. — a.p. Riverside, Cal., '83-. Frederick Willis Sylvester (2—), b. 17 July 1856, Ashburnham, Ms. A.C. 1878. — Not ordained. — in editorial work, Lincoln, Neb., '81-. George Brainerd Wellington (1), b. 14 Nov. 1856, Troy, N.Y. Rensselaer Pol. Inst. 1875. — lawyer, Troy, N.Y., '79-. SPECIAL COURSE. i^George Arthur Case (1), b. 2 Nov. 1851, Boston, Ms. — . — Chicago Theol. Sem., '77-'79. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary 3 July 1880. 292 1881. 1882. [1880. Daniel Webster Clarke (1), b. 25 Oct. 1850, Roxbury, N.H. —. — Hart. Theol. Sem., '79-'81.— Ord. 27 June 1882. Croydon, N.H., a.p. '81-. Clarkson Wilberforce Richards (2), b. 18 March 1838, West Bridgewater, Ms. — .— P.O. Matfield, Ms. 1882, Melven James Allen, b. 7 May 1852, Cindnnatus, N.Y. A.C. 1879.— Ord. 8 Nov. 1882. p. Asbby, Ms., '82-. Nehemiali Boynton, b. 21 Nov. 1857, Medford, Ms. A.C. 1879. — Ord. 11 Oct. 1882. p. Littleton, Ms., '82-. Harry Leroy Brickett, b. 14 Sept. 1852, Newburyport, Ms. O.C. 1875.— teacher, Schroon Lake, N.Y., '75-'76 ; Hillsborough Bridge, N.H., '76-'79. — a.p. Lynnfield, Ms., '82-. Georg'e Collins Capron, b. 22 April 1857, Madison, Wis. U.W. — adv. class, '82-. Charles Francis Carter, b. 14 June 1856, Chicopee, Ms. Y.C. 1878.— adv. class, '82-. Joseph Hayes Chandler, b. 14 Aug. 1854, Brattleborough, Vt. Y.C. 1877. — teacher. Rye, N. Y., '7 7-' 7 9. — Union Theol. Sem., '79-'81.— a.p. St. Cloud, Minn., '82-. Edward Danforth Curtis, b. 31 March 1851, Philadelphia, N.Y. —. — a.p. Sand Bank, N.Y., '77-'78 ; Wahpeton, Dak., '82-. Edg-ar Thomas Farrill, b. 21 Aug. 1854, Providence, R.I. B.U. 1879.— Ord. 27 Sept. 1882. p. Hopkinton, N. H., '82-. James Wesson Flag-g, b. 4 May 1855, Castleton, Vt. M.C. 1878. — teacher, Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '78-79. — Union Theol. Sem., '79_'8l. — Ord. 25 Oct. 1882. p. Presb. ch.. South Ryegate, Vt., '82-. George Benjamin Frost, b. 2 Oct. 1854, Durham, N.H. — . — adv. class, '82-. Edward Mnnson Hill, b. l April 1855, Wallingford, Vt. Bel.C. 1876.— teacher, Beloit and Lone Rock, Wis., 76-'78. — assist., prep, sch., Bel. Coll., '80-'81. — grad. class, Yale Theol. Sem., '82-. William DeWitt Hyde, b. 23 Sept. 1858, Winchendon, Ms. H.C. 1879.— Union Theol. Sem., '79-'80. — adv. class, '82-. Arthur Willard Kelly, b. ll Oct. 1859, Lawrence, Ms. A.C. 1879. — adv. class, '82-. Henry Nason Kinney, b. 30 Jan. 1856, Chicago, 111. H.C. 1879. — Ord. 19 Oct 1882. p. Fergus Falls, Minn., '82-. 1880.] 1882. 293 Charles Albert Marsli, b. 3 Aug. 1850, Lockport, N.Y. O.C. 1877. —Yale Theol. Sem., '77-'78; Chicago Theol. Sem., 1880. — Ord. 4 Nov. 1880. p. Cheboygan, Mich., '80-81. — adv. class, '82-. Charles Loreland Merriam, b. 9 Oct. 1855, Meriden, Ct. Y.C. 1879.— Ord. 13 Sept. 1882. p. Kingston, Ms., '82-. William Carter Merritt, b. 25 Aug. 1846, Barry, 111. Y.C. 1879.— Union Theol. Sem., '79-'81. — a.p. Woodland, Cal., '82-. Darius Augustine JVewton, b. 1 Oct. 1855, Westborough, Ms. A.C. 1879.— Ord. 21 Sept. 1882. p. Lancaster, Ms., '82-. Henry Mixter Penniinan, b. 23 June 1851, New Braintree, Ms. B.U. — teacher, Princeton, Worcester, Rutland, and Holden, Ms., '78-79. — adv. class, '82-. Heryey Gorham Pillsbury, b. 9 Oct. 1851, Newburyport, Ms. Cor.U. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1882. p. Bristol, N.H., '82-. John Ladd Sewall, b. 27 Feb. 1856, Lunenburg, Vt. D.C. 1877.— prin. prep, dep't. Olivet Coll., '77-'79. — Ord. 19 July 1882. p. Westminster, Vt., '82-. John Taylor Shaw, b. 28 Feb. 1854, New Bedford, Ms. B.U. 1876.— teacher, New Milford, Ct., '76-79. — adv. class, '82-. Herbert Warner Stebbins, b. 15 March 1857, Worcester, Ms. D.C. 1878. — adv. class, '82-. Charles Darwin Adams (2), b. 21 Oct. 1856, Keene, N.H. D.C. 1877.— prin. People's Acad., Morrisville, Vt., '77-'79. — teacher. Cashing Acad., Ashburnham, Ms., '81-. James Miller Bennett (2), b. 5 Dec. 1859, Canonsburg, Pa. Ham.C. 1879. — West. Theol. Sem., '82-. William Franklin Coburn (1—), b. 25 Dec. 1856, Montpelier, Vt. D.C — Yale Theol. Sem., '78-80.— Ord. 18 May 1882. p. Boulder, Col, '82-. Charles Homer Percival (2), b. 25 Dec. 1854, Waterville, Me. A.C. 1879. — stud. Edinburgh, Scot., '81-'82; Univ. Halle, Ger., '82; Berlin, '82-. Frank Travis (1), b. 15 Nov. 1845, Greenpoint, L.L — . — Charles Luke Wells (1—), b. 23 June 1858, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1879.— Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., 1882. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 21 June 1882. min. Mission of St. John the Evangelist, Hingham (res. Cambridge), Ms., 294 1882. 1883. [1880. Theodore Chickering Williams (1—), b. 2 July 1855, Brookline, Ms. H.C. 1876. — teacher, Keene, N.H., '77-'79. — Harvard Div. Sch., 1882. — Ord. 24 Nov. 1882. p. Unit'n ch., Winchester, Ms., '82-. SPECIAL COURSE. Au^ustin Frangois Rivard, b. 7 Feb. 1846, Louiseville, Que. — . — a.p. Franklin Centre, Que., '83-. REMAmmG CLASSES. 1883. Edward Percival Allen, b. 10 Oct. 1857, Harpoot, Turkey. A.C. 1880. Harlan Page Beach, b. 4 April 1854, South Orange, N.J. Y.C. 1878.— teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '78-'80. Josiah H Heald, b. 18 April 1859, Lovell, Me. Bates C. 1880. Charles Werden Holbrook, b. 25 Oct. 1856, East Abington (now Rockland), Ms. A.C. 1880. Edward Lovell Houghton, b. 20 Sept. 1858, Wakarusa, Kan. Tabor C. 1876 ; H.C. 1879. — grad. course, Harv. Coll., '79-'80. George Washington Mitchell, b. 22 Feb. 1855, Loveland, O. Doane C. 1877. — teacher. Sunlight, Nebraska city, and Weeping Water, Neb., '77-'80. William Josiah Parmelee, b. 13 Aug. 1858, Hopkins, Mich. W.R.C. 1880. Clarence Pike, b. 16 Dec. 1857, Waterford, Me. D.C. 1880. — Union Theol. Sem., '80-'81. Wesley Frank Price, b. 9 Nov. 1854, Lumberton, N.C. H.C. 1880. — Prince- ton Theol. Sem., '80-'81. James Tobey Pyke, b. 2 Dec. 1858, Providence, R.L B.U. 1880. Frederic Augustus Holden (1—), b. 12 Aug. 1854, Fitchburg, Ms. A.C. 1878. — teacher, INIendon, Brewster, and, Oxford, Ms., '78-'80. — ILart. Theol. Sem., '81-. John Francis Hooper (1 — ), b. 12 Jan. 1853, Cornwall, Eng. — . — Pacific Theol. Sem., 1879.— Ord. 18 Nov. 1879. a.p. Martinez, Cal., '78-'80; Stockton, Cal., '80-82. — p.e. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Saugcrties, N.Y., '83-. Francis Percival Stewart Lamb (1 — ), b. 4 Sept. 1859, Montreal, Que. McGiU C — Newton Theol. Sem., '80-'82. — Toronto Bapt. Coll., '83-. 1880.] 1884. 1885. 295 1884. Amos Frederic Dunnels, b. 29 June 1859, Chelsea, Ms. A.C. 1881. — Harvard DIv. Sch., '81-'82. Edward Collins Porter, b. 10 Nov. 1855, Charlestown, Ms. H.C. 1881.— Union Theol. Sem., '81-'82. Hiram Miner Stanley, b. 1 Aufi^. 1857, Jonesville, Mich. Lake Forest U. 1881. — Union Theol. Sem., '81-'82. James Spencer Voorhees, b. 14 May 1858, Rocky Hill, N.J. N.J.C. 1881. Myron Winslow Adams (1), b. 27 Nov. 1860, Gilsum, N.H. D.C. 1881.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '82-. Augustus Stiles Carrier (1—), b. 30 Dec. 1857, Ripley, N.Y. Y.C. 1879.— stud, law, '79-'80. — teacher, Acton and Indianapolis, Ind., '80-81. — Hart. Theol. Sem., '82-. James Edwin Odlin (1), b. 10 April 1857, Laconia, N.H. D.C. 1881.— Hart. Theol. Sem., '82-. Langdon Lauriston Ward (1—), b. 25 June 1858, Boston, Ms. A.C. 1879. — Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., '82-. 1885. James Edwin Culliton, b. 14 Feb. 1854, Salem, Ms. W.C. 1882. John Alexander Macdonald, b. 6 Nov. 1849, Hopewell, Nova Scotia. — . — f.m., teacher, Trinidad, W.I., '74-'77.— sp. course, Dalhousie Coll., '77-'79. — h.m. Florenceville, Quaco, and Kouchibouguac, N.B., '81-'82. Horace Edwin Morrow, b. 27 Aug. 1858, Gloucester, Ms. Wesl.U. 1880.— teacher, South Harwich, Ms., '80-'81 ; Essex, Ms., '81-'82. Charles Fremont Roper, b. 13 April 1857, Princeton, Ms. — . — a.p. Canter- bury, N.H., '79-'80 ; Loudon, N.H., '80-82. ADVANCED CLASS, 1838 — 1839. *WiLLiAM Ives Budington, d.d., b. 21 April 1815, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1834. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ord. 22 April 1840. p. First ch., Charlestown, Ms., '40-54. — p. Clinton av. Cong, ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., '55- '78; died there 29 Nov. 1879. *Ebenezer Burgess. Andover Theol. Sem., 1837.2 Aaron Merrick Colton. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. *George Washington Cressey. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. *Allen Washington Dodge. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. Edward Alexander Lawrence, d.d. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. Edwin Leigh, m.d. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. *James Means. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. LuMAS HoYT Pease, b. 20 June 1811, Colebrook, Ct. W.C. 1835. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1838.— Ord., Presb , at Cohoes, N.Y., 19 Feb. 1843. chap. Am. S. F. Soc., Savannah, Ga., '65-'67; New Orleans, La., '67-. ♦Joseph Lewis Riggs, b. 19 March 1809, New Providence, N. J. A.C. 1831. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1836. — Ord., Presb., 27 Aug. 1845. a.p. Wells, Pa.; Millerstown, Pa. ; Cumberland, 111. — city miss'y, Elmira, N.Y. ; died there 20 Aug. 1865. *Ed Richard Tucker. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. Charles Wilkes Wood. Andover Theol. Sem., 1838. 1 A Fourth Year for advanced study was established, with the expectation of its permanence, in this Seminary in the year 1838. Tlie names of the twelve members of the "Advanced Class" of 1838-39 were given in the printed catalogue for that year. Owing to special circumstances the Class was not continued, with a dcfuiite programme, after the year 1839. For some time afterwards instruction was given to advanced students in an informal way. The present organization of the Class was established by the Trustees in 1881. The new plan embraced a system of scholarships and fcllowsliips, designed for graduates who have disdnguished themselves in the studies of the three years' course, here or in other theological seminaries. Mr. Henry Winkley's recent generous gifts to the Sem- inary ])lace this important enlargement of its work on an assured basis. 2 The record of members of the advanced class who graduated at Andover will be found under the year of graduation. 1880.] ADVANCED CLASS, 1881-83. 297 1881 — 1882. Arthur Payson Dana, b. 23 Jan. 1855, Brookline, Ms. Y.C. 1878. — Union Theol. Sem., 1881. — a.p. Union chapel, St. Simon's Mills, Ga., '82-. James Demarest Eaton. Andover Theol. Sera., 1872. John Alfred Faulkner, b. 14 July 1857, Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. Acadia Coll., 1878. — Drew Theol. Sem., 1881. — a.p. Meth. Episc. ch.. Beech Pond, Pa., '82-. John Franklin Horne. Andover Theol. Sera., 1881. Charles Francis Wayland Hubbard. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. Henry Porter Peck. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. Almon Jordan Rackliffe, b. 3 Dec. 1855, Searsport, Me. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1881. — Ord. 13 June 1882. p. Skowhegan, Me., '82-. John Waite Savage. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. George Hale Scott. Andover Theol. Sem., 1873. David Brainerd Spencer. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. Edward Strieby Steele, b. 20 April 1850, Sangamon Co., 111. O.C. 1872. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1877. — Ord. 19 Dec. 1877. a.p. Joy Prairie (P.O. Concord), 111., '77-'81. — adv. class, Andover, '82-. Clement James Strang. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. Charles Selden Vaile. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. William Edgar Wolcott. Andover Theol. Sem., 1881. 1882-1883. George Collins C apron. Andover Theol. Sera., 1882. Charles Francis Carter. Andover Theol. Sera., 1882. Charles Edwin Cooledge. Andover Theol. Sem., 1870. George Benjamin Frost. Andover Theol. Sem., 1882. William DeWitt Hyde. Andover Theol. Sera., 1882. Arthur Willard Kelly. Andover Theol. Sera., 1882. Charles Albert Marsh. Andover Theol. Sera., 1882. Thomas Wesley Minnis, b. 10 April 1850, Monmouth Township, N. J. — . — Bangor Theol. Sera., 1882. 298 ADVANCED CLASS, 1882-83. [1880. Henry Mixter Penniman. Andover Theol. Sem., 1882. Ezra Jackson Riggs. Andover Theol. Sem., 1879. John Taylor Shaw. Andover Theol. Sem., 1882. Herbert Warner Stebbins. Andover Theol. Sem., 1882. [ William Orne Weeden. Andover Theol. Sem., 1880. Charles Taylor Hawes, b. 16 Aug. 1853, Bridgton, Me. B.C. 1876. gor Theol. Sem., 1882. — Inst'r Rhet, Bowdoin Coll., '83-. RESIDENT STUDENTS. 1816. Albert Hyde (1 — ). — (Nothing known of him but the entry of his name.) 1816. *NathanShaw (1— ), b. 3 June 1788, Abington, Ms. W.C. 1814. — Ord. 8 March 1820. p. West Stockbrldge, Ms., '20-22. — — p. North Stockbridge, Ms., '27-31. — in business. West Stoekbridge, Ms., '31 until died there, 26 Sept. 1872. 1816. *CoN8TANT SouTHWORTH (1 — ), b. 30 May 1794, Southington, R.I. M.C. 1815. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1818. — agent Bangor Theol. Sem., '18-'l9. — Ord — p. Cong, ch., Canton, N.Y., '20-36. — South Canton, N.Y., '..-'.. — colporteur, Ohio and Can. — (said to have been Bible distributer, Fort Wayne, Ind., in '50 ; was colporteur in '54.) Died, at Williams Centre, O., 10 Dec. 1870. 1816. Leonard Withington, d.d. (1 — ), b. 9 Aug. 1789, Dorchester, Ms. Y.C. 1814. — Ord. 31 Oct. 1816. p. First ch., Newbury, Ms., '16-. 1818. Henry Wheeler (1 — ). — (Nothing known of him but the entry of his name.) 1821. *WiLLiAM Arms Chapin (1—), b. 1 March 1791, Newport, N.H. D.C. 1816. — Ord. 25 Sept. 1822. p. Craftsbury, Vt., '2 2-'34. — Greens- borough, Vt., a.p. '35-41 ; p. '41 until died there, 27 Nov. 1850. 1823. *David Brown (1), Cherokee Nation. — . — in Foreign Mission School, Cornwall, Ct., '20-22. — returned to his nation, '24; was Sec. of Ind. gov- ernment, and died, at Creek Path, Cherokee Nation, 14 Sept. 1829. 1825. *Daniel Newell (1+), .... — .— a.p. Brownfield, Me., '26-'27.— Ord. 24 Oct. 1827. p. Bridgton, Me., '27-'30. — a.p. Third Presb. ch., Utica, N.Y., '30. — Winfield, N.Y., '31-'.. — w.c. New York city, ('34)-'41.— editor Christian Family Magazine, '^e\f York city, '41-'45. — — Died, at New York city, 14 April 1848. 1 Persons specially allowed the privileges of the Seminary, without being members of classes. The year given is that of the class with which they were last contemporary. Possibly some of the earliest were temporarily connected with particular classes. 299 800 RESIDENT STUDENTS, 1826-30. [1880. 1826. Eli Newton Sawtell, d.d. (1—), b. 8 Sept. 1799, Milford, N.H. Green. C. 1823. — Ord. 7 Oct. 1825. '25-'28. — p. First Presb. ch., Louisville, Ky., '29-'30. — p. Second ch., Louisville, Ky., '30-'36. — sea- men's chap., Havre, France, '36-43 (in U.S. '40-'41). — Sec. For. Evang. Soc, '43-'50. — Prof., fern, sem., Cleveland, O., '50-54. — seamen's chap., Havre, France, '54-'64. — p. Cong, ch., Saratoga, N.Y., '65-68. — in sea- men's cause, Philadelphia, Pa., '68-'69. — finan. Sec. Lincoln Univ., Pa. (res. Saratoga Springs, N.Y.), '69-73. — w.c. Brooklyn, N.Y., '73-. 1826. Charles Albert Spooner (1—), b. 20 Aug. 1796, Oakham, Ms. U.C. 1826. — teacher, acad., Leicester, Ms., '29-33. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 4 May 1836. r '34-39. — teacher, Norwich, Ct.,'40-*. .; still res. there. 1826. *Edward Royall Tyler (1—), b. 3 Aug. 1800, Guilford, Vt. Y.C. 1825.— teacher, Cambridgeport, Ms., '25-26. — Yale TheoL Sem. (1).— Ord. 27 Dec. 1827. p. South ch., Middletown, Ct., '27-'32.— p. Colebrook, Ct., '33-'36. — agent Am. Anti-Slavery Soc, '36-37. — editor Conn. Obser- ver, Hartford, Ct., '38-'42. — proprietor and editor, in whole or part. New Englander, '43 until died, at New Haven, Ct., 28 Sept. 1848. 1827. *Ebenezer Putney Salmon (1 — ), b. 5 April 1804, Goshen, Ms. — . — Princeton Theol. Sem. (1+). — Ord., at Williamsburg, Ms., 26 Oct. 1830. a.p. Ruggles, O., '30-'31 ; Ridgefield, O., '3l-'33; Greenfield, O., '32-35; Peru, O., '35-'39. — p. Fairfield, O., '39-'53. — a.p. Bronson, O., '53-56 ; Plymouth, O., '56-'60 ; Allen's Grove, Wis., '60-64 ; Palmyra, Wis., '64-65 ; Columbus, Wis., '65-67. — w.c. Beloit, W^is., '67 until died there, 11 Dec. 1880. 1827. *George Palmer Williams, ll.d. (1 — ), b. 13 April 1802, Wood- stock, Vt. U.Vt. 1825. — Tutor, Kenyon Coll., '27-'31.— Prof. Ancient Lang., AVestern Univ., Pa., '31-'34. — inst'r, Kenyon Coll., '34-37.— Prof. Lang., Univ. Mich., '41 ; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil, (also Ord. deacon, Episc, 24 Jan. 1847. r. St. Andrew's ch., Ann Arbor, Mich., '50-'52), '41-'54; Prof. Math., '54-'63 ; Prof. em. Physics, '63 until died there, 4 Sept. 1881. 1828. *Alexander Logan (1 — ), from Pa. West.U., Pa — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1826. — Ord. 15 May 1829. — w.c. New York city, '29-'31 ; Maysville, Ky. (perhaps h.m. or agent), '31-'32. — a.p. W^ashington, Ky., '3 2-'. . — Died, 8 March 1834. 1830. Abner Barrett (1 — ). — (Nothing more known.) 1830. *Edward Jones (2), from S.C. A.C. 1826. — Episc Theol. Sch., Hartford, Ct., — Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 Aug. 1830; priest, 5 Sept. 1830. f.m. Africa. — prin. Fourah Bay Christian Institution, Sierra Leone, ('56). — min. Freetown, and Sec. Sierra Leone Mission, '..-'.. — Died, at Chatham, Eng., 1864. 1880 ] RESIDENT STUDENTS, 1844-G4. 301 1844. Daniel Garland Holmes (1—), N.II. — .— Theol. Sem., Whites- borough, N.Y., 1846.— Ord. 20 Sept. 1846. p. Freewill Bapt. ch., Fairport, N.y., '46-'47. — p. Walworth, N.Y., '4 7-'57. — city niiss'y, Buffalo, N.Y., '57-'50; also a.p. West Falls, N.Y., '58-'60.— p. Fairport, N.Y., '60-'69.— a.p. Prairie Centre, 111., '60-' 70 ; also publisher Christian Freeman, Chicago, 111., '69. — Sec. and Ti-eas. Freewill Bapt. Missions, dep't of the West, Chicago, 111., '69. — in Chicago in '79. 1850. John Coombs (1—), Ms. — . — 1856. *JoHN Singleton Copley Greene, m.d. (3),b. 27 Nov. 1810, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1828.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 15 Jan. 1855 ; priest, 24 Feb. 1856. r. Grace ch., Newton, Ms., '56-64. — Cor. Sec. Mass. Ch. Miss. Soc, '64-'..; also assist, miu. St. Paul's ch., Brookline, Ms., ('65) until died there, 6 July 1872. 1859. George Reid Ferguson (1), b. 19 March 1829, Attleborough, Ms. A.C. 1849. — Ord., Presb., 5 Sept. 1860. a.p. Cong, ch.. North East Centre and at Millerton, North East, N. Y., '59-74 ; Torringford, Ct., '74-77. — teacher, Wellington, So. Africa, '77-. 1859. Edward Brenton Otheman (1 — ), b. 11 Oct. 1833, Boston, Ms. W.U. 1854. — teacher, Amenia Sera., N.Y., '55 ; Wesleyan acad., Wilbra- ham, Ms., '56.— Ord., Meth., — Hillside, N.Y., '60-'62. — West Harlem, N.Y., '62-'64. — St. Paul's ch., New York city, '64-'65. — Whit- lockville, N.Y., '65-67. — in Europe, '67-68. — Lenox, Ms., '69. — inst'r Greek and Mod. Lang., Wesleyan Univ., '69-70. — White Plains, N.Y., '70. — Rhinebeck, N.Y., '71-'73.— 1860. John Eaton, ll.d. (1+), b. 5 Dec. 1829, Sutton, N.H. D.C. 1854.— prin. Clinton st. school, Cleveland, O., '54-'56. — Ord. 5 Sept. 1861. chap. 27th Ohio Vols., '61-'.. — Colonel U.S. Vols., and Brev. Brig. Gen., and sup't freedmen, Memphis, Tenn. — comm'r of freedmen's bureau, D.C. — state sup't of public instruction, Tenn., '68-'70. — U.S. Comm'r of Education, Washington, D.C, '70-. 1860. William Stratton Palmer, d.d. (2 — ), b. 6 Aug. 1827, Orfordville, N.H. D.C. 1853. — teacher, Kingston, R.L, '53-'55.— prin. South Berwick Acad., Me., '55-56. — prin. Central High school, Cleveland, O., '56-59. — Ord. 19 Feb. 1862. p. Wells River, Vt., '62-'74. — p. Second ch., Norwich, Ct., '74-. 1864. Henry Boardman Ensworth (2), b. 17 May 1832, Cincinnatus, N.Y. Genesee Coll. — lawyer, Rochester, N. Y., '58-62. Ord. 18 Dec. 1867. p. Plymouth ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '6 7-'68. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., '69-74.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 29 May 1874 ; priest, 26 June 1875. r. Wol- cottville, Ct., '74-'75. — assist, r. St. Mark's ch., New York city, '76-'80; Portsmouth, O., '80-'81. — r. St. Andrew's ch., Chicago, 111., '81-. 302 RESIDENT STUDENTS, 1864-83. [1880. 1864. George Lyman Locke (1), b. 28 Aug. 1835, Boston, Ms. H.C. 1859. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 7 Nov. 1863; priest, 29 May 1865. assist, niin. Grace ch., Boston, Ms., '63-'64. — assist, min. Trinity ch., Boston, Ms., '64- '67. — r. St. Michael's ch., Bristol, R.L, '68-. 1868. "William Wallace Silvester (l—),b. 18 Oct. 1834, Danvers, Ms. — . — Episc. Theol. School, Cambridge, Ms., 1868. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 16 April 1868 ; priest, 13 April 1869. r. Trinity ch., Norwich, Ct., '68-74. — r. St. Mary's ch., Dorchester, Ms., '74-'77. — Prof., Griswold Coll., and pr. Grace cathedral, Davenport, lo., '77-'81. — assist, r. Christ ch., St. Louis, Mo.. '81-. George Wallace Shaav, b. 6 Nov. 1840, Little Compton, Rl. B.U. 1865.— teacher. New Hampton Lit. Inst., N.H., '66-'68. — priu. high school, Wey- mouth, Ms., '68-82. — Andover Theol. Sem., '82-. PvESIDENT LICENTIATES.^ 1812. *Daniel Huntington, b. 17 Oct. 1788, Norwich, Ct. Y.C. 1807. Ord. 28 Oct. 1812. — Died, at New London, Ct., 21 May 1858. 1815. *EIeazer Lord, ll.d., b. 9 Sept. 1788, Franklin, Ct. —. — Not or- dained. — Died, at Piermont, N.Y., 3 June 1871. 1819. *EHas Cornelius, d.d., b. 3lJuly 1794, Somers, N.Y. Y.C. 1813.— Ord. 9 April 1817. — Died, at Hartford, Ct., 12 Feb. 1832. 1819. *Loring Daniel Dewey, b. 28 July 1791, Sheffield, Ms. W.C. 1814.— Not ordained. — Died, at London, Eng., 31 July 1867. 1822. *James Delap Farnsworth, b. 11 Sept. 1793, Groton, Ms. H.C. 1818. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1823. — Died, at Bridgewater, Ms., 12 Nov. 1854. 1822. *Joel Harvey Linsley, d.d., b. 16 July 1790, Cornwall, Vt. M.C. 1811. — Ord. 25 Feb. 1824. — Died, at Greenwich, Ct., 22 March 1868. 1823. *Austin Dickinson, b. 15 Feb. 1791, Amherst, Ms. D.C. 1813.— Prince- ton Theol. Sem., 1818. — Ord. 19 April 1826. — Died, at New York city, 15 Aug. 1849. 1824. *George Dana Boardman, b. 8 Feb. 1801, Livermore, Me. CU. 1822. — Ord., Bapt., at West Yarmouth, Me., 16 Feb. 1825. f.ra. Burmah, '27 until died there, 11 Feb. 1831. 1824. *Benjamin Wooodbury, b. 13 Aug. 1792, New London, N.H. D.C. 1817. — Ord. 9 June 1824. — Died, at Plain, O., 29 Dec. 1845. 1825. *Edward Robinson, d.d., ll d. (2), b. 10 April 1794, Southington, Ct. Ham. C. 1816. — Died, at New York city, 27 Jan. 1863. 1825. Isaac Willey, b. 8 Sept. 1793, Campton, N.H. D.C. 1822. — Ord. 18 Jan. 1826. — now at Pembroke, N.H. 1826. 'Stephen Crosby, b 1790, Thompson, Ct. U.C. 1814.- Ord. 8 June 1819. — Died, at Norwich, Ct., 5 June 1838. 1 This list includes only such persons as were specially admitted to the privileges of the Seminary. The year is that of the Class with which the person was last contem- porary. No name found in the foregoing Catalogue is here given. 303 304 RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1827-37. [1880. 1827. *Tliomas Anderson Ogden, b. 25 Dec. 1801, Sparta, N.J. N. J.C. 1821. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1826. — Ord., by Abingdon Presb., 20 Jan. 1829. — Died, at Trenton, N.J., 8 Dec. 1878. 1830. *Herman Hooker, d.d., b. 17 April 1806, Poultney, Vt. M.C. 1825.— Princeton Tiieol. Sem., '27-'28. — Episc. Theol. Sein., Va., 1832.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 20 May 1832. — Died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 25 July 1865. 1830. *Barnas Sears, d.d., ll.d., b. 19 Nov. 1802, Sandisfield, Ms. B.U. 1825. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1828. — Died at Saratoga, N.Y., 6 July 1880. 1830. *Seth Spencer AVhitman, b. 5 Feb. 1802, Fairfield, Vt. Ham.C. 1825. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1828. — Ord., Bapt., 18 Aug. 1839. — Died, at Madison, Wis., 2 Jan. 1852. 1831. Jonathan Trumbull Backus, d.d.. ll.d., b. 27 Jan. 1809, Albany, N.Y. C.C. 1827. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1830.— Ord. 6 Dec. 1832. — now at Schenectady, N.Y. 1831. *John Whitfield Cunningham, d.d., b 1804, Salem, East Tenn. Wash.C.,Tenn., 1823. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1829.— Ord 1834. — Died, at Naperville, 111., 8 Feb. 1874. 1831. Elliot Palmer, from Ct. —.-Bangor Theol. Sem., 1829.— Ord. 6 June 1832. — now at Portland, Ct. 1831. *Charles Pinckney Russell, b. 3 April 1801, Greenfield, Ms. — .— Ord. 25 Dec. 1833. — Died, at Washington, D.C., 2 Feb. 1874. 1833. * William J. Keith, from Tenn. —. — Southwestern Theol. Sem., Maryville, Tenn., — Died, 1875 (?). 1834. *Lorenzo Warriner Pease, b. 20 May 1809, Hinsdale, Ms. Ham. C. 1828. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1832.— Ord, 9 July 1834. — Died, at Cy- prus, 28 Aug. 1839. 1835. *Leonidas L. Smith, Petersburg, Va. jy.S.C— Union Theol. Sem., Va., '30-31.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '31-32. — Ord. deacon, Episc, 21 May 1843. — Died, 1865. 1835. *Samuel Budd Swaira, d.d., b. 22 June 1809, Pemberton, N.J. B.U. 1830. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1832.— Ord., Bapt., 7 Nov. 1833.— Died, at Boston, Ms., 3 Feb. 1865. 1835. Isaac Redington Worcester, m.d., b. 30 Oct. 1808, Peacham, Vt. —.— Ord. 27 Sept. 1837. — res. Aubiirndale, Ms. 1837. *John Vose Beane (2), b. 16 Dec 1807, Lisbon, N.H. D.C. 1832.— Not ordained. — Died, at Evansville, Ind., 4 Oct. 1861. 1837. *Nelson Bishop (3), b. 20 Nov. 1802, East Hartford, Ct. -.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1827.- Ord. 19 Nov. 1828. — Died, at East St. Johnsbury, Vt, 10 Jan. 1871. 1880.] RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1837-44. 305 1837. *Edward Nathan Harris (3), b. 23 July 1806, Cornwallis, N.S. — Bapt. — Died, at Germantown, Pa., 26 Jan. 1880. 1837. *John Orcutt, d.d., b. 20 May 1807, Acworth, N.H. — . — Ord. 4 Aug. 1835. — Died, at Hartford, Ct., 9 March 1879. 1840. Charles Adams, d.d., b. 24 Jan. 1808, Stratham, N.H. B.C. 1833.— Meth. — now at Washington, D.C. 1840. Stedman Wright Hanks, b. 6 Sept. 1811, Mansfield, Ct. A.C. 1837. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1840.— Ord. 20 March 1840.— Dist. Sec. Am. Seamen's Friend Soc, res. Cambridge, Ms. 1840. *Henry Neill, d.d., b. 16 Oct. 1815, Philadelphia, Pa. A.C. 1834.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1839. — Ord. 16 April 1840. — Died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 21 April 1879. 1840. Moses Mighels Smart, b. 18 May 1812, Parsonsfield, Me. C.U. 1836. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1839.— Ord., Freewill Bapt., 1838. — now at Whitestown, N.Y. 1841. Ephraira Chambers, b 1808, Marblehead, Ms. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1839. 1841. *Ambrose Prentiss Merrill, b. 14 July 1807, Frankfort, Me. W.U. 1834.— Ord. deacon, Episc, 6 Dec. 1840.— Died, at Wayland, Ms., 24 Aug. 1854. 1842. *Benjamin Smith Corbett, b. .. Feb. 1812, .... Ms. B.U. 1837.— Newton Theol. Sem., 1840. — Died, 1862. 1842. Zachariah Atwell ]\Iudge, b. 2 July 1813, Orrington, Me. —.— Ord., Meth., 1839. — at Dedham, Ms., in 1880. 1842. Austin Phelps, d.d., b. 7 Jan. 1820, West Brookfield, Ms. U.P. 1837. — Yale Theol. Sem., '39.— Ord. 31 March 1842. — now Prof. em. Sac. Rhet., at Andover, Ms. 1842. Joseph Addison Saxton, b. 27 Nov. 1810, Tolland, Ct. U.N.Y. 1835. — Yale Theol. Sem., '36-'38.— Union Theol. Sem., 1839.- Ord., Presb., 7 June 1843. — now in New York city. 1842. *Henry Augustus Woodman, b. 24 Sept. 1813, Newburyport, Ms. — . — Ord. 30 Nov. 1842. — Died, at Newburyport, Ms., 21 Jan. 1871. 1844. *Joseph Merriam Grout, b. 11 Sept. 1814, Westborough, Ms. Y.C. 1840.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1843.— Died, at Warsaw, 111., 1 Aug. 1855. 1844. *J. Wesley True. 1844. Charles Willey, b. 9 Sept. 1815, Derby, Vt. —.— Ord. 15 Oct. 1845. — now at Newfield, N.J. 306 RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1845-48. [1880. 1845. *Edward Pratt, b , Marblehead, Ms. — . — Gilmanton Theol. Sem., 1844. — Ord., evang., 13 Aug. 1845. — city miss'y. New York city, '51-'. . — Died 4 April 1861, aged 54. 1845. Henry P. Tassey. 1846. William Thomas Briggs, b. 1 Dec. 1815, Scituate, Ms. O.I. 1844.— Theol. Dep't, O. I., '44-'45. — Ord. 4 Nov. 1846, — p. East Douglas, Ms., '66-. 1846. Samuel Witt Eaton, b. 25 Dec. 1820, Framingham, Ms. Y.C. 1842. — Union Theol. Sem., '42-'43. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ord. 28 Jan. 1848. — a.p. Lancaster, Wis., '47-. 1847. James B. Harbison, from Ky. Cr.C. 1844. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1847.— Ord 1852. 1847. Josiah Merrill, b. 31 Jan. 1819, Otisfield, Me. D.C. 1841. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1844. — Ord. 1 March 1848. — a.p. Dummerston, Vt., '80-. 1847. *Solomon Dwight Pitkin, b. 20 June 1822, Amherst, Ms. A.C. 1843. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'45. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ord., Presb., 1847.— Died, at Woodbridge, N.J., 30 Sept. 1858. 1847. Cyrus Smith Richards, ll.d., b. 11 March 1808, Hartford, Vt. D.C. 1835. — Not ordained. — prin. prep, dep't, Howard Univ., '70-. 1847. W. W. Robinson. 1847. Charles Noyes Todd, b. 25 Aug. 1812, Rowley, Ms. A.C. 1839.— Union Theol. Sem., 1846. — Not ordained. 1848. *Samuel Hurlbut, b. 26 Nov. 1816, Charlotte, Vt. M.C. 1839. — Union Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ord. 2 June 1847. — Died, at New Haven, Vt., 2 Dec. 1856. 1848. Jacob Marshall, from Philadeli)liia, Pa.— Newton Theol. Sem., '. .-'. . 1848. Daniel Parker Noyes, b. 4 June 1820, Newbury, Ms. Y.C. 1840.— Ord., Presb., 18 April 1849. — p. Cong, ch., Wilmington, Ms., '77-. 1848. John Philander Perry, b. 23 Feb. 1819, Rindge, N.H. D.C. 1842.— Ord. 9 May 1852. — now at New Ipswich, N.H. 1848 *Hohannes Der Sahagyan b 1808, .... Turkey. —. — Union Theol. Sem., '44-45. — Ord., at Adabazar, Turkey, 10 May 1848. — Died, at Nicomedia, .. Feb. 1865. 1848. Edward Sweet, b. 23 Oct, 1815, l].5wich, Ms. Y.C. 1844.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1847, — now in New icrlc, res, Montclair, N.J. 1848. Daniel Herbert 'lemple, D. i3 Nov. 1822, Valetta, Malta. A.C. 1843. — Bangor Theol. Sem., )4-'46 -Ord 25 May 1851. — now in Sun Francisco, Ca 1880.] RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1849-53. 307 1849. William Ely Boies, b. 27 Jan. 1823, Charleston, S.C Y.C. 1844.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1848, — Not ordained. — now at Longmeadow, Ms. 1849. Ezekiel Dow (2), b. 9 April 1807, Warren, N.H. — . — Ord. 12 Feb 1845. — now at Warren, N.H. 1849. Henry Martyn Goodwin, d.d., b. 8 June 1820, Hartford, Ct. Y.C. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'45. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ord. 19 Feb. 1851. — Prof. Eng. Lit., Logic, and Rhet., Olivet Coll., Mich. 1849. *William Sidney Huggins, b. 19 March 1822, New Haven, Ct. Y.C. 1842. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1848. — Ord. 9 Nov. 1852. — Died, at Kala- mazoo, Mich., 23 March 1862. 1849. J. N. Jones. 1850. Henry Isaac Coe, b. 6 April 1826, Indianapolis, Ind. B.U. 1846.— Princeton Theol. Sem., '47-'49. — Ord., '""resb., .. Sept. 1850. — now at St. Louis, Mo. 1850. Charles Eliphalet Lord, d.d., b. 11 Feb. 1817, Portsmouth, N.H. D.C. 1838. — Union Theol. Sem., '39-41.— Yale Theol. Sem., '4 1-'42. — Auburn Theol. Sem., '42-43. — Ord. 8 May 1844. — now at Brooklyn, N.Y. 1850. *Charles H. Marshall, b. 11 March 1823, Dunbarton, N.H. Wab. C. 1844.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1848.— Ord. . . June 1849. — Died, at Indian- apolis, Ind., 27 Jan. 1872. 1850. *William C. Whitcomb (3), b. 9 Feb. 1820, Marlborough, N.H. — .— Oilman ton Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ord. 1 May 1851. — Died, at Morehead city, N. C, 29 Oct. 1864. 1851. AUyn Stanley Kellogg, b. 15 Oct. 1824, Vernon, Ct. W.C. 1846.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1850. — Not ordained. 1851. Orlando Henry White, D.D., b. 9 Jan. 1820, Livermore, Me. A.C. 1846. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1849.— Ord. 21 Aug. 1851.— now at New Haven,Ct. 1851. Eliphalet Whittlesey, b. 14 May 1821, New Britain, Ct. Y.C. 1842.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1850. — Ord. 1 Oct. 1851. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Howard Univ., '67-. 1852. Franklin HoJmes, b. 26 March 1823, West Boylston, Ms. Y.C. 1846. —Yale Theol. Sem., 1850.— Ord. 15 Sept. 1852. — now in New York city. 1852. *Chester Newell Righter, b. 25 Sept. 1824, Parsippany, N.J. Y.C. 1846. —Yale Theol. Sem., 1850. — Ord. 22 Sept. 1854. — Died, at_ Diarbekir, Turkey, 16 Dec. 1856. 1853. George F.Bacon (2), b 1815, .... Ohio. U.N.Y. 1837,— Lane Theol. Sem., 1848. 1853. Simon Barrows, b. 28 April 1811, Monson, Ms. D.C. 1842. — Union Theol. Sem., '42-'43. — Ord. 11 Jan. 1855. — now at Osceola, Neb. 308 RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1853-56. [1880. 1853. *Erastus Chester, b. 2 March 1823, Colchester, Ct. W.R.C. 1848.— Died, at Rome, O., 28 Sept. 1870. 1853. Stephen Rollins Dennen, d.d., b. 6 Nov. 1826, Poland, Me. C.U. 1849. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. — Ord. 11 July 1855. — p. Third ch.. New Haven, Ct., '75-. 1853. Franklin Woodbury Fisk, d.d., b. 16 Feb. 1820, Hopkinton, N.II. Y.C. 1849. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1852.— Ord. 28 April 1859.— Prof. Sac. Rhet., Chicago Theol. Sem., '59-. 1853. I. H. Northrop, from N.Y. 1853. *Daniel Webster Pickard, b. . . June 1830, Auburn, Me. B.C. 1848.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. — Ord. 28 Sept. 1853.— Died, at Auburn, Me., 6 Feb. 1860. 1853. Cornelius Reimensnyder, b. 26 Dec. 1819, Augusta Co., Va. — . — Lane Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ord., Luth.,19 Oct. 1846. — now at Lancaster, Pa. 1853. Alfred Loring Skinner, b. 23 Nov. 1824, Bueksport, Me. Y.C. 1849. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. — Ord. 27 Jan. 1854. — now at Bueksport, Me. 1853. John Smith. 1853. D. Thompson. 1853. *Joseph Binford Tufts, b. 1 7 May 1828, Charlestown, Ms. H.C. 1849. — Harv. Div. School, 1852. — Ord. . . Aug. 1855. — Died 11 Dec. 1864. 1854. William Barker Clarke, b. 27 Dec. 1829, Gibara, Cuba. Y.C. 1849. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1853. — Ord. 4 May 1855. — now at Norwichtown, Ct. 1855. Thomas S. Goodwin (2). — Theol. Dep't Ken. Coll., .... 1855. Charles Josiah Hutchins, b. 8 Sept. 1825, Waterford, Pa. Y.C. 1849. —Yale Theol. Sem., 1853. — Ord., Presb., 14 Oct. 1855. — a.p. Los Angeles, Cal., '79-. 1855. Jacob Ide, Jr., b. 7 Aug. 1823, West Med way, Ms. A.C. 1848. — Ord. 26 March 1856. — p. Mansfield, Ms., '56-. 1855. Levi Gardner Marsh, b. 20 May 1825, Conesus, N.Y. A.C. 1851.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord. 3 Oct. 1855. — a.p/ Lewiston, N.Y. 1855. Hugh McLeod, b. 1 Jan. 1826, Pictou, N.S. A.C. 1851. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord. 27 June 1855. — a.p. Valley Ford, Cal. 1855. Egbert Coffin Smyth, d.d., b. 24 Aug. 1829, Brunswick, Me. B.C. 1848. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1853.— Ord. 23 July 1856. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Andover Theol. Sem., '63-. 1856. *Nathaniel Bailey Blanchard, b. 16 July 1827, Abington, Ms. A.C. 1853. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855.— Ord. 15 July 1856. — Died, at Con- cord, N.H., 7 Aug. 1862. 1880.] RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1856-61. 309 1856. *Henri Byron Haskell, m.d., b. 20 June 1830, Albany, Me. Med. School of Maine, 1855. — f.m. Western Asia. — Died 23 Feb. 1864. 1856. Ebenezer Stevens Jordan, b. 11 Sept. 1819, Raymond, Me. B.C. 1847. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855.— Ord. 17 Dec. 1857.— a.p. Brownfield,Me., '74-. 1856. Theodore Thornton Munger, b. 5 March 1830, Bainbridge, N.Y. Y.C. 1851 — Yale Theol. Sem., 1855. — Ord. 6 Feb. 1856. — p. North Adams, Ms., '77-. 1856. Johnson Logan Tomlinson, b. 1 May 1826, Washington, Ct. — .— Yale Theol, Sem., 1855.— Ord. 1 Oct. 1863. — now at Berlin, Ct. 1856. Findlay Wallace, from Scotland. —. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. — Ord. 17 Nov. 1856. — now at Liverpool, Eng. 1857. Amos Abbott, b. 2 June 1812, Wilton, N.H. — .— f.m. India, '34-'47 and '57-69. — Ord. 5 June 1857. — now at Steele City, Neb. .... Ebenezer Douglass, b. 7 Aug. 1826, Ticonderoga, N.Y. A.C. 1851. — Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 1855. — Ord. 5 Sept. 1855. Cuthbert H. Powell, from N.Y. Andrew Jackson Willard, b. 19 March 1832, Harvard, Ms. Y.C. 1853, — Yale Theol. Sem., 1856.— Ord. 30 April 1857.— now at Burlington, Vt. 1858. *Charles Brooks, b. 24 March 1831, Townsend, Ms. Y.C. 1853.— Yale Theol. Sem., '56-57.— Ord. 16 June 1858. — Died, at Townsend, Ms., 11 June 1866. 1858. Kinsley Twining, b. 18 July 1832, West Point, N.Y. Y.C. 1853.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1856. — Ord. 26 Aug. 1858. — lit. ed. Independent, New York city, '81-. 1858. George Leon Walker, d.d., b. 30 April 1830, Rutland, Vt. — .— Ord. 14 Oct. 1858. — p. Fii-st ch., Hartford, Ct., '79-. 1859. Blackford Condit, b. 6 Aug. 1829, Sullivan Co., Ind. Wab.C. 1854. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1857. — Ord. 25 Oct. 1859. — now at Terre Haute, Ind. 1860. George A. Rogers, from Ms. — . — Meth. Inst., .... 1860. J. A. Ross. Free Ch. C 1861. *Williara Elliott Bassett, b. 24 May 1829, Derby, Ct. Y.C. 1850.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1854.— Ord. 14 Oct. 1856. — Died, at Norfolk, Ct., 6 Nov. 1881. 1861. Augustus Berry, b. 17 Oct. 1824, Concord, N.H. A.C. 1851.— Ord- 30 Oct. 1861. — p. Pelham, N.H., '61-. 310 RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1861-66. [1880. 18G1. *Francis Eugene Butler, b. 7 Feb. 1825, Suffield, Ct. Y.C. 1857.— Princeton Theol. Sem., I860. — Ord., Presb., 16 April 1862. — Died, at Suffolk, Va., 4 May 1863. 1861. Jacob B. Davis, from Nottingham, N.II. 1861. James Pills^bury Lane, b. 2 Sept. 1832, Candia, N.H. A.C. 1857 — Ord. 10 Jan. 1861. — p. Norton, Ms., '82-. 1861. A. B. Meservey, from Appleton, Me. 1862. Edward Griffin Beckwith, d.d. (2), b. 16 Nov. 1826, Great Barrington, Ms. W.C. 1849. — Ord. 8 Feb. 1863. — p. Third ch., San Francisco, Cal., '68-. 1862. John McKinley, from Lawrence, Ms. — . — New Hampton Theol. Sem., .... 1862. Daniel Augustus Miles, b. 2 April 1835, Rutland, Ms. Y.C. 1858.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1861. — Ord. 27 July 1864. 1862. Lorenzo Johnson White (2), b. 31 Aug. 1828, Cavendish, Vt. O.C. 1851. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ord. 7 June 1858. — now at Green Bay, Wis. 1863. *Jonathan McDuffie Brewster, b. 1 Nov. 1835, Alton, N.H. D.C. 1860. — New Hampton Theol. Sem., 1862. — Ord., Freewill Bapt., . . Dec. 1863. — Died, at Providence, R.I., 2 June 1882. 1863. Joseph Francis Dudley, b. 11 June 1830, Raymond, N.H. D.C. 1858. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1862. — Ord. 28 Dec. 1864. — p. Eau Claire, Wis., '69-. 1863. Martin Nelson Root, M.D.,b. 14 Dec. 1829, Byfield.Ms. A.C. 1849.— now at Charlestown, N.H. 1863. Edward Payson IngersoU, ll.b., d.d. (2), b. 6 May 18.34, Lee, Ms. W.C. 1855. — Ord. 29 Dec. 1863.— now at Brooklyn, N.Y. 1865. Samuel Haven Hilliard, b. 13 Dec. 1838, Cambridge, Ms. H.C. 1859. — Gen. Theol. Sem., New York city, 1863. — Ord. deacon, Episc, — now at Pittsburgh, Pa. (?) 1865. Henry Milton HoUiday, b. 3 March 1833, Ruggles, O. —. — Lane Theol. Sum., '62-64.— Ord. 6 March 1866. — now at Olivet, Mich. 1865. George Huntington, b. 5 Nov. 1835, Brooklyn, Ct. — . — Ord. 11 May 1864. — now at Northfield, Minn. 1866. William Henry Beard, b. 1 April 1836, Norton, Ms. — . — Union Theol. Sem., 1865.— Ord. 19 Nov. 1867.— a.p. South Killingly, Ct., '73-. 1880,] RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1866-71. 311 1866. William Henry Dowden, b. 14 Jan. 1833, Fairhaven, Ms. — . — Ord. 5 Nov. 1863. — a.p. Easton, Ms., '81-. 1866. Hugh Elder, b. 29 March 1838, Dunfermline, Scot. U.Ed.— Cong. Theol. Hall, Edinburgh, Scot.— Ord. 29 Jan. 1868. — p. Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms., '68-. 1866. Mason Noble, Jr., b. 12 Sept. 1842, New York, N.Y. W.C. 1862.— Union Theol. Sem., 1865. — Ord. 29 Dec. 1869. — now at Canaan, Ct. 1866. John C. Phelps, b 1814, Hebron, Ct. Ord., Bapt., 1855. — at Brenham, Tex., 1878. 1866. Benjamin Adams Robie, b. 9 Sept. 1836, Gorham, Me. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1865. — Ord. 22 March 1866. — a.p. Groton, Ms., '74-. 1867. *Ephraim Flint, D.D. (2), b. 29 Nov. 1828, Lincoln, Ms. W.C. 1851.— Ord. 19 Sept. 1867.— Died, at Hinsdale, Ms., 28 Nov. 1882. 1867. James Elliot Hall, b. 20 April 1838, Spencer, Ms. B.U. — Rart. Theol. Sem., 1866. — Ord. 27 Feb. 1867. — now at St. Louis, Mo. 1867. Edwin Jarvis Hart (2), b. 10 Sept. 1825, Brewer, Me. —. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. — Ord. 1 Jan. 1856. — now at Cottage Grove, Minn. 1867. Leverett Wilson Spring, b. 5 Jan. 1840, Grafton, Vt. W.C. 1863.— Hart. Theol. Sem., 1866. — Ord. 16 April 1868. — now at Lawrence, Kan. 1867. *William Augustus Thompson, b. 22 Nov. 1838, East Windsor Hill, Ct. D.C. I860. — Hart. Theol. Sem., 1863. — Ord. 30 Sept. 1868. — Died, at Reading, Ms., 16 Sept. 1875. 1868. Amos Franklin Shattuck (2), b. 9 July 1832,Hollis, N.H. A.C. 1859. — Union Theol. Sem., 1862.— Ord. 3 June 1868. — now at Hollis, N.H. 1869. Albion Henry Johnson, b. 12 Oct. 1840, Vienna, Me. B.C. 1861.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1864. — Ord. 31 Oct. 1865. — now at Hyde Park, Ms. 1869. Edward Ezra Lamb, from Ms. O.W.U. 1858. — Theol. Dep't O.W.U., 1858. — Ord. 5 Sept. 1859. — now at Springfield, Ms. 1869. Edward Newman Packard, b. 16 Dec. 1838, Lancaster, Ms. B.C. 1862. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1866.— Ord. 30 Jan. 1870.— p. Dorchester, Ms., '79-. 1870. *John Francis Aiken, b. 31 Oct. 1835, Lowell, Ms. D.C. 1858. — Ord. 2 Oct. 1873. — Died, at Chichester, N.H., 13 Aug. 1880. 1870. George Sherwood Dickerman, b. 5 June 1843, Hanulen, Ct. Y.C. 1865. — Yale Theol. Sem., 18G8. — Ord. 5 Aug. 1868. — p. Lewiston, Me., '74-. 1871. Henry Swift DeForest, b. 17 March 1833, South Edmeston, N.Y. Y.C. 1857. — Ord. 2 Aug. 1863. — now at Talladega, Ala. 312 RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1871-75. [1880. 1871. James Hill Fitts, b. 3 March 1829, Candia, N.H. —. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1858. — Orel. 2 Nov. 1859. — a.p. South Newmarket, N.H., '80-. 1871. George Daniel Marsh, b. 12 Dec. 1844, Hartford, Vt. To. C. 1867.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1871.— Ord. 7 July 1872. f.m. Philippopolis, Euro- pean Turkey, '72-. 1871. Henry Burnham Mead, b. 27 Jan. 1839, Littleton, N. H. Y.C. 1866. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1809.- Ord. 7 June 1871. — a.p. Stonington, Ct., '80-. 1871. Theodore Constantine Pratt, b. 3 Jan. 1829, Weymouth, Ms. A.C. — Ord. 21 June 1859. —a.p. Auburn, N.H., '82-. 1871. William Henry Teel, b. 30 Nov. 1843, Clinton, N.Y. Ham. C. 1863. — Union Theol. Sem., 1867. — Ord. 28 Oct. 1868. — p. Waverley, in Bel- mont, Ms., '78-. 1871. John Hopkins Worcester, Jr., b. 2 April 1845, St. Johnsbury, Vt. U.Vt. 1865.— Union Theol. Sem., 1871. — Ord., Presb., 10 Jan. 1872.— p. Chicago, III., '83-. 1872. Edwin Augustus Grosvenor, b. 30 Aug. 1845, West Newbury, Ms. A.C. 1867. — Prof. Lat. and Hist., Robert College, Constantinople. 1872. Henry Harrison Hamilton, b. 1 Feb. 1842, Chester, Ms. A.C. 1868. — Union Theol. Sem., 1871. — Ord. 1 Sept. 1872. — p. Hinsdale, N. H., '78-. 1873. Edwin Sprague Gould, b. 20 Feb. 1844, New Braintree, Ms. — . — Hart. Theol. Sem., 1872.— Ord. 1 Oct. 1873. — a.p. Carthage, Mo., '82-. 1873. George Edward Lovejoy, b. 30 June 1843, Bradford, Ms. — . — Ord. 16 July 1873. — p. Franklin, Ms., '80-. 1873. WInfield Scott Stockbridge, b. 1 1 Feb. 1841, Byron, Me. Ba.C. 1867. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1869. — at No. Scituate, R.I., 1880. 1874. Charles Anderson, Jr., b. 4 April 1847, Sennett, N.Y. Ilam.C. 1869. — Auburn Theol. Sem., '72-'73. — Ord. 2 Sept. 1874. — p. North Woburn and Burlington, Ms., '74-. 1874. Rosclle Theodore Cross, b. 21 Aug. 1844, Richville, N.Y. O.C. 1867. — Union Theol. Sem. — Oberlin Theol. Sem.— Ord. 4 Nov. 1869. — a.p. Denver, Col., '81-. 1874. Henry Marsh, b. 17 Sept. 1842, Eckford, Mich. Ol.C. 1870. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1873. — Ord. 23 April 1875. — a.p. Edmore, Mich., '80-. 1874. Augustus Marcus Rice, b. 2 Dec. 1842, Granby, N.Y. U.W. 1870. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1873. — Ord. 17 Dec. 1873. — now at West Tisbury, Ms. 1875. William Parmenter Bennett, b. 6 Nov. 1836, Groton, Ms. W.C. 1862. — Ord. 8 Dec. 1870. — p. Ames, lo., '80-. 1880.] RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1875-81. 313 1875. Walter Rice, b. 25 Dec. 1836, Asliburnliam, Ms. Bel.C. 1862.— New- ton Theol. Sem., 1865. — Ord. 25 July 1865. — a.p. Brandon, Vt., '80-. 1875. Albert Walter Safford, b. 25 Nov. 1854, Guilford, 111. —. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1871.— Ord. 2 Aug. 1872. — a.p. Darlington, Wis., '80-. 1875. Albert Edward Winship, b. 24 Feb. 1845, West Bridgewater, Ms. —. — Ord. 17 March 1875. — p. Somerville, Ms., '76-. 1876. Truman D. Childs, b. 28 March 1847, Russell, O. O.C. 1870. — Yale Theol. Sem., 1873. — Ord. 21 May 1873. — a.p. Anthony, Kan., '80-. 1876. David Philip Lindsley, b. 22 March 1834, Colchester, N.Y.— Boston School for Ministry, 1868.— Ord., Unit'n, 14 June 18G8. p. Mendon, Ms., '68-'70. — inst'r, Plainfield, N.J. 1876. Joseph Alexander Tomlinson, b. 28 March 1844, Bedford, Pa. P.C, 1869. — Yale Theoh Sem., 1872. — Ord. 10 Sept. 1872. — a.p. Westbrook, Ct., '80-. 1877. James Hudson Roberts, b. 11 June 1851, Hartford, Ct. — Ord. 12 Sept. 1877.— f.m. Kalgan, North China. 1877. John G Taylor, b. 12 Nov. 1844, near Land's End, England. U.W. 1869.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1872.— Ord. 9 Jan. 1873. — now p. Melrose Highlands, Ms. 1878. Charles Franklin Burleigh, b. 9 Sept. 1841, Tuftonborough, N. H. — . — Ord., Chris., 1873. 1878. Joseph Hammond. Fic.C — Theol. Sch., Boston Univ., 1876. 1878. Newton Irving Jones, b. 28 June 1849, Enfield, N.H. D. C— Hartford Theol. Sem., 1881.— Ord. 15 July 1875. — a.p. Taylor ch.. New Haven, Ct., '81-. 1878. Horace Hutchinson Robbins,b. 20 Aug. 1846, Muscatine, lo. lo. C. 1869. —Chicago Theol. Sem., 1874.— Ord. 28 July 1874.— now at Prince Arthur's Landing, Ont, Can. 1879. Stephen Goodyear Barnes, PH.D., b. 2 April 1853, Perth Amboy, N.J. L.C. 1873. — Ord. 25 April 1881. — Prof. Eng. Lang., Lit., and Rhet., Iowa Coll., '73-. 1880. Charles Parkhurst, b. 29 Oct. 1844, Sharon, Vt. D. C. 1878. — Ord. deacon, Meth., 1876; elder, 1878. — p. Garden st. ch., Law- rence, Ms., '83-. 1881. Frank Theodore Clark, b. 17 March 1857, Buckland, Ms. — . — Yale Theol. Sem., 1880. — Ord. 18 Dec. 1881. — a.p. Spokane Falls, W.T.,'81-. 1881. Isaac L. Cory, b. 26 Dec. 1849, near Thorntown, Ind. Wab.C — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1879. — Ord. 16 Sept. 1879. — p. Sauk Centre, Minn., '79-. 40 314 RESIDENT LICENTIATES, 1881-83. [1880. 1881. Sylvester S. Grinncll, Mary ville C. 1874. — Oberlin Theol. Sem., 1878. — Ord. 14 Jan. 1879. — a.p. Green River, Wyo., '82-. 1882. Judson Wade Shaw, b. 6 Sept. 1833, Paris, Me. C.U. 1858. — Not ordained. — a.p. North Conway, N. H., '83-. 1882. Stephen Weston Webb, b. 10 Jan. 1842, Skowhegan, Me. A.C. 1866. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1869. — Ord. 19 April 1870. — editor, Worcester, Ms., '83-. 1883. Franklin Solomon Fitch, b. 24 Feb. 1846, Geneva, O. O.C. 1870.— Yale Theol. Sem., 1873.— Ord. 17 June 1873. — p. First Cong, ch., Buf- falo, N.Y., '83-. ADDITIONS AND COllHECTIONS. 1810. Field, b. in Hardwick. 1810. Storrs, (1. 11 Aug. 1810. Wright, for ' '58 ' read ' '55.' 1811. Chandler, b. Elizabeth, N.J. 1811. Coe, d. 9 May. 1812. Fairfield, prob. b. Plainfield, N.H. 1813. Woodruff, b. Stonington. 1813. Vosburgh, J. Evert, d. in Illinois. 1814. Smith, b. New Marlborough ; d. 1880. 1815. Parsons, b. 28 August. 1815. Pjiyson, b. 12 July. 1815. Smith, b. 2 Jan. 1790. 1816. Yale, d. 17 Aug. 1882. 1816. Hunn, Ord. 25 Feb. 1818. 1817. Parklmrst, for ' p.' read ' prin. acad.' twice. 1818. Bond, Ord. 30 Nov.; d. 19 July 1882. Brace, b. Rutland, Vt. 1818. Bobbins, b. 10 Feb. 1789. 1819. Dewey, d. 21 March 1882. 1819. Hemenway, b. 1791. 1819. Ripley, d. 21 May. 1819. White, d. 1862. 1820. Clarke, b. Jan. 1820. Gould, b. 1789. 1820. Hoadly, Craftsbury, Vt., and d. 21 March 1883. 1820. Lockwood, d. 16 Nov. 1882. 1821. Eddy, b. 2 June 1796, Middle Haddara, Ct. 1821. Clement, d. 6 Sept. 1881. 1821. Swan, b. 31 Oct. 1794. 1822. Baldwin, B. Curtis, b. 30 Aug. 1792. 1822. Brig'ham, read ' f.m. and Bible agent.' 315 316 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. [1880. 1822. Eaton, ' H.C.,' not ' Ham.C 1822. Coburn, b. 4 March; d. 23 Nov. 1881. 1823. Bacon, d. 24 Dec. 1881. 1823. Blodg'ett, b. 8 Aug. 1795 ; a.p. and planter, Dawfuskie and Hilton Head Islands, '24-'55, and w.c. at Princeton, N.J. after; colonization agent, '55- '60; d. at Pawtucket, R.I., 1 Nov. 1877. 1823. Bogue, b. 22 Dec. 1796, Winchester, Ct. 1823. Waldo, b. 10 Aug. 1811. Wright, d. at Pawtucket, 16 Aug. 1824. Braman, d. 10 April 1882. 1824. Howe, b. 1799. 1824. Maltby, b. 2 Dec. 1796 ; d. 28 March 1883. 1824. Palmer, d. 30 Sept. 1882. 1824. Sessions, b. 28 Jan. 1794; d. 4 March. 1824. McDoiigall, b. 1 March 1797. 1824. Shepard, b. 24 May 1799, Little Compton, R.L 1824. Smith (p. 48), for ' N.Y.' read ' N.H.' 1824. Turner, d. 27 Jan. 1824. White, b. Ms. 1825. Chamberlain, d. 1 Nov. 1866. 1825. Church, M.B., Ord. Calais, Me. 1825. Howe, G., D.D., LL.D., d. 15 April 1883. 1825. Little, after ' '65 ' insert ' -'74 ; w.c. Wabash, Ind., '74-. 1825. Rood, d. 8 June 1882. 1826. Crosby, b. 8 Oct. 1826. Harris, b. 6 March 1798 ; d. 6 March 1871. 1826. Torrey, b. 18 Sept. 1798, Mount Pleasant, Pa. — Ord., Presb., 25 Oct. 1826. f.m. Buenos Ayres, '26-'37. — p. Presb. ch., Sparta, N. J., '39-'46.— Woodstock, Va., '46-'54.— Ralls Co., Mo., '54 until died there, 1 July 1858. 1827. Newton, b. 29 May. 1827. Richards, d. at Boston, Ms., 9 May 1883. 1828. Allen, for ' h.m.' read ' f.m.' 1828. Maxwell, omit * from.' 1829. Tenny, d. 14 Nov. 1882. 1829. Weed, b. 14 Jan. 1804. 1829. Driver, Ord. 8 Oct. 1829. Peck, b. July 1796. 1830. Hathaway, b. Aug 1807. 1830. Schauffler, d. 26 Jan. 1883. 1830. Greene, Ord. 12 Sept. 1831. Adams, d. 27 March 1883. 1880.] ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 317 1831. XX Cunningham, b. 1803. 1831. JJPalmer, b. 29 Sept. 1800, North Coventry, Ct. 1832. Keyes, W. Lyie, b. Nov. 1807, Lexington, Va. ; d. 1848. 1832. Payson, b. 5 Sept. 1807. 1833. Bird, b. 7 Jan. 1804. 1833. Lane, d. 26 Aug. 1833. Manning, d. 24 Oct. 1882. 1833. Griggs, d. 28 Jan. 1883. 1833. Perkins, read ' until ' instead of * . . .' 1834. Jewett, D. Emerson, b. 13 July 1804. 1834. Jewett, W. R., d. 26 Aug. 1882. 1834. Bartlett, b. 28 April. 1835. Page, d. 2 March 1883. 1836. Noyes, b. 1812. 1837. Beaman, for ' Ed.' read ' Tr.' 1837. Brown, Isaac, b. . . Oct. 1809. 1837. Emery, read ' '69-71,' instead of ' '71-72.* 1837. Hallock, b. 2 March 1806, Richmond, Vt. 1837. Sanderson, d. 19 May. 1837. Tewksbury, for ' North ' read ' South.' 1837. Eveleth, b. 5 Feb. 1808 ; Ord. 1844.— w.c. Northwood, lo., (1883). 1837. Parsons, b. Edgecomb (in the part now Westport). 1838. Weld, d. 18 Oct. 1882. 1839. Babcock, for ' Gray ' read ' Troy.' 1840. Callahan, Ord. July 1840; a.p. Franklin, '63-'65; tea. there, '65-'77. 1840. Bates, b. 19 Jan. 1813.— teacher, Macon, Ga., '53-83. 1840. Wells, d. 18 Oct. 1882. 1841. Birchard, d. 20 March 1883. 1841. Farley, b. l July. 1841. McLond, d. 21 Feb. 1883. 1841. Bobbins, d. 3 Nov. 1882. 1842. Stearns, d. l Nov. 1882. 1842. Field, b. 10 April. 1843. Hammond, b. 5 June 1812. 1844. Blanchard,b. 10 Feb. 1813. 1844. Van Dyck, b. 19 April 1823 ; grad. Coll. Phys. and Sur., N.Y., 1846.— Coxsackie, '49-. 1844. Webster, b. 25 May 1809. 318 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. [1880. 1846. Bailey, Ord. 26 Feb.; a.p. West Buxton, Me., '69-'72. — w.c. Saco, Me., '72-. 1846. Holmes, b. 2 Feb. 1847. Parkinson, d. 22 Dec 1882. 1847. Tarleton, d. 27 Feb. 1883. 1848. Lyman, d. 18 March 1883. 1848. ftHobannes Der Sahagyan, Ord. 1849. 1853. lothrop, b. 16 April 1828. 1853. Washburn, b. 12 July 1824, Genoa, O. 1855. Bates, b. 24 July 1822, Gilboa, N.Y. 1855. Chapin, Ord. . . Oct. 1856 ; and read ' '57-'63.' 1855. Shaw, b. 19 July 1822. 1856. Marvin, b. 28 Jan.; read ' Schoharie, Ness Co.' 1857. Little, d. 2 April 1883. HWillard, prefix 1857. 1858. CLarke, b. 1832. 1858. Anketell, omit ' Henry,' and add : r. St. Peter's ch., Oxford, Ct., '73. — assist, min. St. Thomas' ch.. Fifth ave.. New York city, '75. — Prof. Heb. and Gr. Exeg., Seabury Div. Sch., Faribault, Minn., '77. — r. Christ ch., Austin, Minn., '78.— r. St. Mark's ch., New Castle, N.Y., '80-. 1861. Young, Ord. 28 Jan. 1861. Frost, Ord. 26 Feb. 1862. 1862. Bonuey, d. 12 April 1883. 1869. §Barber, Ord. 25 Feb. 1873. 1870. Bumstead, inst'r Nat. Sci., '76-80 ; Prof. Lat, '80-. 1871. Kinne, d. Charlestown. 1873. Ward, for ' Ms.' read ' Mich.,' and insert ' '75 ' between ' '73 ' and ' '78.' 1873. JJLovejoy, read Edwards, instead of Edward. 1875. §Wilson, James Theodore, b. 27 July 1838, Brooklyn, N.Y. Ord. 29 June 1875. a.p. Port Leyden, N.Y., '75-77 ; d. at Brooklyn, N.Y., 1 July 1878. 1878. §Scruton, b. 1846. 1880. Thayer, d. 25 March 1883. 1881. Butters, Ord. deacon, Meth., 8 April 1883. 1881. Sylvester, d. 23 April 1883. 1882. **Faulkner, Ord. deacon, Meth., 8 April 1883. p. Beech Pond, Pa. '83-. p. 302. J||Sliaw, George W., His name sliould be placed at the foot of p. 295 as Kesidemt STUi>JiNT, under " liemaining Classes." ALPnABETICAL CATALOGUE.' Year. Name. Tear. 1855 Adams, Harvey 1843 1838 f Adams, Henry ai83i 1810 ■fAdams, Henry Carter 1878 1831 fAdams, Jasper 1819 IV IT Adams, John IV III Adams, John Ripley 1826 III, VII Adams, Jonathan 1815 1857 fAdams, Joseph Augustus 1847 1837 Adams, Lucien Harper 1861 1861 fAdams, Myron Winslow 1884 1863 Adams, Nehemiah 1829 Adams, Solomon 1823 1867 fAdams, Weston Bela 1822 1825 Adams, AVilliam 1830 1829 fAdams, William Boyd 1833 1830 fAdams, William Hooper 1863 1840 f Adger, James 1836 1836 f Adriance, Samuel Wincliester 1877 1822 Aiken, Charles Augustus 1853 1829 Aiken, Edward 1855 1875 ITAiken, John IV 1825 J{.\iken, John Francis 1870 1871 Aikin, Samuel Clark 1817 1840 f Aikman, Alexander 1828 1837 Albee, Solon 1859 1882 Albro, John Adams 1827 1827 Alcott, William Penn 1865 1868 TTAlden, Ebenezer IV 1827 Alden, Ebenezer 1843 1843 Alden, Edmund Kimball 1848 1880 Alden, Ezra Judson 1856 1837 Alden, Henry Mills 1860 1851 Alden, Lucius 1825 1826 f .Alexander, Caleb 1848 1850 Alexander, Walter Scott 1861 Name. Abbe, Frederic Randolph f Abbot, Charles Abbot, Ephraim f Abbot, Gorham Dummer lAbbot, Jacob lAbbot, Nehemiah IFAbbot, Samuel $JAbbott, Amos Abbott, Charles Edward Abbott, Charles Frederick f Abbott, Edward Abbott, Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson fAbbott, Jacob Abbott, John Stevens Cabot Abbott, Joseph Abbott, Samuel Phillips Abbott, Serene Timothy Abell, James Abraham, Judah Isaac fAdams, Allison Dwight Adams, Azariah §Adams, Benjamin Stephen JJAdams, Charles fAdams, Charles Baker fAdams, Charles Darwin Adams, Darwin Adams, P^dwin Augustus Adams, Eli Adams, Ephraim Adams, Frank Stone fAdams, Frederick Augustus Adams, George Athearn Adams, George EHashib Adams, George Moulton 1 Marks prefixed to names denote as follows : §, Special Course ; {, Resident Stu- dents ; it, Resident Licentiates ; || , members of Classes yet remaining in the Sehiinary ; **, Advanced Class. Persons of either description, leaving the Seminary without com- pleting the course, have the mark t added to the descriptive mark of the Course ; t with no other mark, denotes persons not completing the Full Course. Those without mark are Graduates in the Full Course. Tlie " year " denotes the year of graduation of the Class of which the person was a member, or with which he was last contemporary. Trustees, Visitors, Professors, Lecturers, and Instructors, if they have not been mem- bers of the Seminary, are designated by a H. The letter a following a name in this list refers to the "Additions and Corrections." 319 320 Name. Year. Alfjer, William James 1850 t Allen, Alden _ 1867 Allen, Alexander Viets Griswold 1865 1829 1827 1834 1883 1841 1877 1866 1853 al828 1852 1863 1837 1869 1882 1855 Allen, Cyrus Williams Allen, David Oliver f Allen, Diarca Ilowe ||Allen, Edward Porcival f Allen, Ephraim Williams Allen, Fred Lyman Allen, Frederick Baylies Allen, George Esdras Allen, Harrison Allen, Henry Allen, Henry Freeman Allen, John Wheelock Allen, Laban Wheaton Allen, Melven James Allen, Orson Parda f Allen, RoUin Diarca Heraenway 1844 Allen, Rowland Hussey 1865 t Allen, Solomon Metcalf 1816 Allen, Stephen Thompson 1837 AUender, Tiiomas 1864 ■j" Ambrose, Thomas Lyford 1859 Ament, William Scott 187 7 JJ Anderson, Charles, Jr. 1874 Anderson, James 1828 Anderson, Rufiis 1822 Andrews, David 1839 Andrews, George Whitefield 186 7 fAndrus, Joseph Raphael 1816 JAnketell, John al858 JAnstice, Henry 1865 Anthony, George Nelson 1855 Anthony, Julius Caesar 1835 Appleton, Samuel Gilman 1834 tApthorp, William Perkins 1832 Arms, Selah Root 1821 Arms, William 1833 Arms, William Frederick 1859 Armsby, Lauren 1845 ITArmstrong, Samuel Turell iv Arnold, Henry Tucker 1871 Asbury, Samuel Ralph 1860 Ash, George Washington 1842 Ashby, John Langdon 1 840 fAtkins, Benjamin Franklin 1842 Atkinson, George Henry 1846 fAtkinson, Kinsman 1837 Atkinson, Robert 1841 fAtterbury, Anson Green Phelps 1879 •j-Atwater, William Woodruff 1849 Atwood, Edward Sumner 1856 fAustin, Samuel John 1857 fAverell, Bradford Young 1864 Name. Tear. Avery, John H. 1837 Avery, William Fisher 1854 jAxtell, Henry 1830 Ayer, Franklin Deming 1859 fAyers, Walter Howard 1872 fAyres, Rowland 1845 Babb, Thomas Earle 1868 Babbit, Calvin Washington 1829 Babbitt, James Howard 1868 Babcock, Daniel Hutchinson al839 Babcock, Elisha Gulliver 1828 fBackus, John Chester 1834 tjKackus, Jonathan Trumbull 1831 Bacon, Edward Everett 1877 fRacon, George Blagden 1861 tJ Bacon, George F. 1853 Bacon, Leonard al823 fBacon, Leonard Woolsey 1854 fBadger, Milton 1827 fBadger, Samuel 1843 Bailey, James Munroe al846 fBailey, Nathaniel Purdy 1849 fBailey, Rufus William 1818 Bailey, Sidney Emory 1874 fBailey, Thomas 1840 B iley, Winthrop 1810 Baird, John Gunn 1857 Baker, Abijah Richardson 1835 Baker, Ariel Anson 1854 fBaker, Curtis Phelps 1825 fBaker, John 1835 Baker, Luke C. 1833 Baker, Oliver 1834 Baker, Orrin Gay 1877 Baker, Silas 1831 Balch, Gilbert Brownell 1881 Baldwin, Abram Elisha 1858 Baldwin, Benson Curtis al822 Baldwin, Burr 1813 fBaldwin, Cyrus 18-12 JBaldwin, Cvrus Grandison 1876 Baldwin, Elihu Whittlesey 1817 Baldwin, Elijah 1815 fBaldwin, EUory Albee 1879 •j-Baldwin, John Abeel 1834 Bale, Albert Galliford 1868 Ballantinc, Henry 1834 Ballard, John 1834 fBallard, Josiah 1837 Bancroft, Cecil Franklin Patch 1867 Bancroft, James Henry 1842 Banister, Seth Warriner 1839 IFBanister, William Bostwick IV, VII Barber, Alanson Darius 1848 321 Name. §Barber, (leorge Warren fBarbour, Isaac Kicliiiiond Barbour, Nelson Barbour, William ]\Iacleod Bard, Georpje In2 Richards, William Rogers 1879 Richardson, Alvah Mills 1866 Richardson, Cyrus 1869 Richardson, Daniel Ford 1834 Richardson, Daniel Warren 1861 Richardson, Eiias Huntington 1853 Richardson, Henry Jackson 1859 Richardson, John Bronson 1831 Richardson, John Peabody 1879 Richardson, William 1830 Richmond, James 1877 Riddel, Samuel Hopkins 1826 Riggs, Elias 1832 Riggs, Ezra Jackson 1879 •j-Riggs, Joseph Lewis 1836 Riggs, Thomas ftRighter, Chester Newell 1826 1852 fRiley, Benjamin Gilbert 1837 Ripley, Erastus 1843 Ripley, Henry Jones §Rivard, Augustin Frangois al819 1882 Robbins, Alden Burrill 1843 JJRobbins, Horace Hutchinson 1878 Robbins, Loren 1829 • Robbins, Ludovicus al818 .bobbins, Renssellaer David Chanceford ai84i Robbins, Robert Chauncey 1812 Robbins, Samuel Prince 1835 Roberts, Henry Bellows 1878 tJRoberts, James Hudson 1877 fRoberts, Thomas 1861 Roberts, Thomas Edward 1857 tJRot'ie, Benjamin Adams 1866 Robie, Edward 1843 Robinson, Charles Stebbins 1818 Jf Robinson, Edward 1825 i Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman XV Robinson, Henry 1816 §tRobinson, Thomas 1875 ftRobinson, W. W. 1847 Rockwell, Charles 1834 fRockwell, Samuel 1828 Rockwood, George Arden 1863 • Rockwood, Lubin Burton 1843 . lockwood, Otis 1817 Rockwood, Samuel Leland 1839 Rodgers, Levi 1871 fRoel, Sylvanus Baker 1855 Name. Tear. Rogers, Andrew Jackson 1870 ttliogers, George A. 1860 Rogers, Isaac . 1825 Rogers, Nathan Burnhara 1848 Rogers, William Clayton 1877 Rogers, William Matticks 1830 Rogers, Zabdiel 1824 fRood, Anson 1829 Rood, Heman al825 Root, Ausiustine 1854 fRoot, Elihu 1872 TTRoot, George Frederick xii JJRoot, Martin Nelson 1863 ||Roper, Charles Fremont 1885 Ropes, Charles Joseph Hardy 1875 URopes, Joseph Samuel v Ropes, William Ladd 1852 fRosamond, James 1838 Ross, Abel Hastings 1860 fRoss, Edward Frederick 1851 ifRoss, J. A. I860 fRosseter, Newton Henry 1854 Rowell, George Berkley 1841 Rowland, Henry Augustus 1827 Rowland, Jonathan Maltby 1829 Rowland, Lyman Sibley 1863 fRowlcy, Charles Henry 1871 jjRuPsell, Charles Pinkney 1831 TIRussell, Charles Theodore viii Russell, Ezekiel 1835 fRussell, John Edward 1876 Russell, Samuel 1824 URussell, Thomas Hastings v, viii TI Russell, William xii Ryder, William Henry 1869 fSabin, Lewis 1835 ijSaffbrd, Albert Walter 1875 Saftbrd, Charles Gilman 1830 Satfbrd, George Blagden 1856 fSafFord, Myi-on Webb 1842 iJSahagyan, Hohannes Der al848 Salisbury, Simeon 1831 JSalmon, Ebenezer Putney 1827 fSalter, Charles Cotton 1857 Salter, William 1843 Sampson, Cassander Gary 1878 Samson, Ashley 1839 fSamuei, Robert 1859 jSanborn, Edwin David 1837 Sanborn, Francis Wood 1878 Sanborne, George Edward 1856 Sanderson, Alonzo a 183 7 fSanderson, James Augustus 1862 fSanderson, John Philip 1874 342 Name. Year. Sanford, Baalis 1826 fSanford, David 1828 tSanfbrd, William Clark 1862 Sargent, F'rank Dana Stedman 1869 Sarirent, George Washington 1859 bargent, Roger MosevS 1849 Saunderson, Henry Hanulton 1842 Savage, Daniel Foster 1861 fSavage, Georsre Slocum Folger 184 7 Savage, John Waite 1881 Savage, William Henry 186 7 JSawtell, Eli Newton 1826 Sawyer, Joseph 1819 JJSaxton, Joseph Addison 1842 tSayre, Theodore 1836 Scales, Jacob 1820 Scales, William 183 7 Schauffler, Adolphus Frederick 1871 fSchauffler, Henrv Albert 1862 Schauffler, William Gottlieb al830 Schermerhorn, John F. 1812 Schneider, Benjamin 1833 Schory, Peter D. 1843 •fScobey, David Cochran 1844 ■fScofield, Alanson 1833 Scott, Darius Bullock 1872 Scott, George Hale 1873 Scott, George Robert White 1867 fScovel, Ezra 1827 fScoville, Samuel 1860 §Scruton, Herbert Morton al878 Scudder, David Colt 1859 Scudder, Evarts 1858 Seabury, Joseph Bartlett 1874 Seagrave, James Carter 1849 Searle, Richard Thurston 1841 ttSears, Barnas 1830 Sears, Rasselas Lowe 1841 Seaver, Norman 1860 IFSeelye, Julius Hawley viii, xiii fSeelye, Laurenus Clark 1860 Selden, E