^ o* ^ ^ Is o w o ft w o J « Evangelical Repentance /ff' UNTO %&**€& SALVATION Not to be Repented of, Id Upon 2 Cor. 7. 10. 'l/3*rAs jMnd as moft Seafonable5/3, Short Confiderations on that Great Context Hebr. 12. 26. Tet once more I /bake not only Earth , &rc. Upon the Solemn Occafion of the Late Dreadful Earthquake in Jamaica ; and the Later Monito ry Motion ..of the, Earth io London, and other Parts of the Nation, and beyond the Sea. W hereunto is Adjoined a DISCOURSE on Deatl)-2i5eD Repentance, On Luc. 12. ;?y. Now God commandetb every one every -xhsre to Repent. Ads xvii. 20. T5l By % ¥ IdtUKlty. London : Printed by R. Smith, for IV. Miller at the Gilded Acorn in Si. Paul's Church-yard, where Gentlemen and others may be furnifhed with Bound Books of moil Sorts, Ads or Parliament, ^Speeches, and other forts of Difcourfes, and State-Matters; as alfo Books of Di- vinity, Church-Government, Humanity, Sermons on moil" Occaiions, &c. M DC XC III. licenfed and Entred According to ORDER- THE Epiftle Dedicatory TO THE KING and ^VEEK TO Their Majefties is mofi Humbly prefented Tbefe Difcourfes of Repentance, exten- ding to National Reformation, in order to the Kingdom of Chrift. Into which are inserted Confederations upon the late Earthquake in Jamaica, and the later Motion of the Earth in Lon- don, and other Parts in the Nor A 2 tion, The Epiltle Dedicatory. tion, and beyond the Seas : And all this on greatefl Right and Due. For who, as Religious Prin- ces, are fo concerned in Public^ Reformation according to all the Precedents of Serif ture ? Who, as Protefiant Princes, are Intereft- ed in the Kingdom of Chriit ? of which the Proteftation againft Papal and Antichriftian Abo- minations, and Usurpations, was a Preparation $ even for that Kingdom of Chrifl: 5 tho at the diftance 0/180 Tears, fly led in Prophecy, Half Time,wew exp- ring into the Succejfion of that Kingdom 5 when Reformed Princes, ' truly fo, Jhall not lofe, hit highly gain in Glory 3 Who, . as The Epiftle Dedicatory. as Goocf y and, indeed Gracious Princes, arefo deeply afefled in public^ udgments, unhappy Re- volutions 5 or general Mercies and happy Revolutions -^foreboded by Earthquakes or Gentle Moves of the Earth ? For they tfreNur- iing Fathers and Nurfing Mo- thers of their People. And of what Princes can we hope or promife our felves better than of their fo United Majefties, Two- One in True Religion ? As there- fore the Suprcam Majefty was pleas d to give particular Dire- ctions to Them/elves of thofe Tremblings of Earth ; whether for Judgment a?id Repentance 3 or for Mercy-, in their Port in Jamaica The Epiftle Dedicatory. Jamaica ; ftyld Royal; and in thk their Capital City ; and not only fo , but peculiarly in the Camp Royal in Flanders 5 So All thefe Difcourfes upon All, are moft Humbly and with profound Obfyfance fir ft, laid at their Ma- jelties Feetj as having the fir ft National EpifcOpacy committed to them from God in Succeffion to Conftantine the fir ft Chriftian Prince ; in much greater and tru- er Right, than the Popes have their Primacy from Peter; or his Hicrarchv their Epifcopacy, fom the Ape itles ; And, next it is Prefented 10 the National ■ifcopacy fo Conft'ruted by their hte^Cvs^vena* an Ev an- gelica! The Epiftle Dedicatory.' gelical Miniftry, is, / hope, more immediately committed to them by Chrijij wherein being near to Chrift 5 as in their National Epifcopacy to their M ajefties 5 they can, and I doubt not, will Represent to them what is accor- ding to his Gofpel by this Mi- niftration. For wherein have we in the Hifiory of Scripture found a greater Configuration of the happinefs and {lability of Times ? than when David's, and Na- than's 3 Jehofaphat's, Micaiah's, and Jehaziel's 3 Joafh's and Ichoiadah'sj Zerubbabel's, a?id Jofhuah's 3 Nehemiah's and Ez- ras have been conjoin d! And in Church Hiftorv, than when Conftan- The Epiftle Dedicatory, Conftantine's and Athanaflus's 3 Theodofe's and Ambrofes 5 the Proteftant Princes and Luther's &c* and in our Nation 5 than when fuch as K. Edw. VI. and Cranmer.,&v. or ^.Eliz.^ Jewel, &c. have been United in Pub- lick Reformation. And oh that at fuch a time as this, General Reformation by Both might be tintlurd with the Knowledge of the Kingdom of Chriit 5 when {by the Sure Word of Prophecy ( deeply to be fearch'd, ) it is fo near 3 How great Honour would be return d from hence I All which is mofi Humbly Prayed by Their Majelties molt Humble and Obedient Subject and Servant in the Kingdom of Chrilt, T. BEVERLT. TO THE R E ADER, B Y A Friend of the Authors. WE live in an Age, where* in lS[ames and fcrofefft- ons ate many Ihoufands ; and ten Thoufands are dijlinguijhed thereby, every one faying Lo, here is Chrift,<*wiLo,there - } that thou haft a Name, that thou liveft, may be [aid to the Rational Qhurch, and to all the Diffenting Lhurchesa- mong us j the Temple, the Tern* pie, faith the owe, and faith the o- ther j yet may it not be J "aid to the mofl of theje Churches j But thou J 3 ate To the Reader. art dead, be watchful and strengthen the things, that re- main, that are ready to Dys, (^ev. 5 2,3,4. God hath (lam per* (waded) a few "Names in all, and every the [aid Qmrcbes, who have not defiled their Garments , but do indeed repent* and turn to the Lord ; who are bom not of Fleflh, nor of Blood, nor of the will of man, but of God ; fitch to whom the kindnefs and love of God ourSaviourn'ath appeared, not by works of Righteoufnefs, tehkbthey have done, but according to his mercy he hath fwedthem by the warning of -Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft j and for others, let them be of thelomft, or of the hi^efl form, fuel? tint luye made the frfl flip to To the Reader. fy formation, or higher andgreater Jleps thereto j they are but the leaves of the Fig Treee that is curfed of Chrift, and fhall Toon wither a- way : It is no matter what name you have ( 1 would there were not any JSfatne aniong us but Chriflian)- y It is thelSLature and Tower of Chrijiiani' ty : What is the Chaff to the Wheat S It is f aid in the Throphefies o/Ifaiah and Micah, that the Mountain of the Lord's HoufeyM fo exalted to the top of the Mountains, and all NaticnsyM flow unto it - y 1 do not think by Mountain in theft places is meant any one particular Qmrch, by what ]S(ame joeVer they be dignified or diflinguified : 'But the true Living, Miftick and Qatbo- lick Church -Juch,who having been in the Jpojlacy, with others ? do <]{epent, and I o the Keader. and turn to the Lord • and that you may the better know them,. you have the) 'e following Vifcourfes to help you in fo great a work ; fome Dejpije this great Grace y and jlumble at this mighty work of God upon the Heart, as too high, too hard y and too difficult a work ; hut God hath his Fire in Zi >n y and his Furnace in Jerufa* lem and he will throwly purge his Floor : There muft he a cut" ting off a right Hand, a pluck- ing out a right Eye } and it is letter going to Heaven with one By e,e if thou keep wandring from thy Father's Houfe ; If 1 dont To the Reader.' don't feed thee, thou perifieft I thou haft be-thought thy felf at laft, and art come home -, ftand not at the door any longer ftar ing TSfatimd Repentance and (Re- formation • as I have alfo in the Inferences of the difcourfe.p'ejs'd- y ieeing therein is raoft certain* ly the greateft Magnification of your Rational Office , or Epijco- pacy ; that as having greateft nearnefs to the Ajfairs,znd Per- fons, that are at the Top • and who, as Springs, move what is below them ; you do therein *$*&& minifter in Offering them up to God- f F-r not Worldly Gran- dieur t nor any of the Cathedra- lilies, of your State, nor an Animal The Epiflle Dedicatory. Animal or Senfitive , (however not Senfual) Hofpitality will fujlain you i but this is the beft Account that can be given of fuch. a Pre eminence ; when it is indeed of National Super'u ority in an Elijah Like Fervor, and Influence for Rational Reformation • feeing it is certain in an Union in true Religion ; a Rational Epifcopacy Devoted to its true ends, tho in it felf but Civil , may be fervice- able to Rational Godlinefs. He. n Ihavefet my Foot in this Dedication to you, and Acknowledgment of you j that it you are indeed for,' and with God in your ^relations - t you will be ( Blejfedj not only with Gocd The Bpiftle Dedicatory. Good Withes , and Endeavours > but with hapfy Succeffes ; not only ia Wwd , but in Power, in luch your Characler and Sta- tion. For all Wife and Good Mens Eye; are now upon you, to know not yoxtftfams or Titles y or Speech ,but your Power in £7o» ifjf Influences upon the Ration from you. But the very «wtf of'Bleffing from Heaven and Suctejs t herein , andt o find that National Vices , and Irre/Jgion furmount your Sphere 3 and grow up ahoy>e it to HeaVen ) is red/on for great Humiliation, and even Jealoufy over your Con[litu* tion • tho without jtf«r £«*/f. But this will bear you in fo £>*£4t 4 Revolution t fonear, as I The fyijlk Dedicatory. I declare to you. For even as that Building call'd ftm/s, that is rifivgfo Sumptuous, e*re it aimo to its top, fhall only ftand, if it can be any way Serviceable in that/^'wgdow'j Succefjion fo nigh, fb it m^y £e fupported ; elie its ^ood/j; Stone; and Building will not, at kaft, to fuch an ufe, as Cathedral only, be one Stow left up* on another, with how magnificent a Zeal foever it be carried on : It is begun too late to fuch a p«r- f o/e, if it be fo intended : Even Jo a Rational Epifcopacy fuffer- ing the Lofs of all that is but Hay and Stubble in if, as byiiire, may yet be SaVd, or Continue in its 2{ational Preftdency , if it can be found rs fuch. Service- able the TLpiftle Dedicatory. able for Offering up whole 2^- tions more ipeedily to God, and Cbrift ; elfe it will yanijb away as Froth, and empty Bubbles • For let us all be fure, the Kingdom of God is coming upon us, which is not Word but Power ; Although therefore , you do not J mite the menferVants, or ^Maidservants, or eat and drink with the Drunken 5 Yet I humbly b'feech you to take heed t that as Wife, a.nd good Stewards fet over the ffloujkold, you in this Do&rineof Repentance. And indeed the very whole cafe of the (inner, and his fin , that was the occafion of this Context ; the Apoftles fevere Reproof of the Church of Corinth about it \ the wonderful grace of God in this extraordinary Repentance^ and for- row after God, in both the Particular Offender, and the Church, confequent upon it ; may make a very admirable Symbol or Reprefentation of that Repentance, and Mourning that fhali be at the Kingdom of Chrift, in preparation of l its Appearance. For that Foul Apoftafy of the Chriflian Church i into Anticbriflianifm, fo often flyled ^Fornication, a 2 Adultery , I The Introduction. Adultery, Whoredom, the great Whore) may very much be likened to that unparalell'd Fornication of the Incestuous Corrinthian. The infenfiblenefs of not only the kritichrfflians themjelves, but of all the Chriftian Churches, and not Mourning, that it might be caft out j but having, and fuffering it in the Churches of Pergamus, and Thyatyra, may be much fhadowed, and Typed out by the Corinthi- an Church not Mourning, that the Incefluous Perfon might be caft out ; the little Leaven Leavening the whole hump, was too much Full- filled in Ephefus, or the very Primitive Church of the Ape files times, leaving the firfl Love ; the Apoftafy becom- ing a Synagogue , a Throne , an antient Kingdom of Sathan having his Depths, in following Time ; even throughout T; me, Times, and half Time. But when God fhall pour out. a Spirit of Grace, how great fhall be the Mourning ol Penitent offen- ders ; even in that Remnant, affrighted, and giving Glory to the God of Heaven, in whom the Flefo is Dejiroyed by a Miracle of Grace, that the Spirit may be faved in that day of Chrifl, Rev, 1 1. 1 3. How Univerfal a Repentance and cafiing ont Antichrifiiantfm by the whole Church of Chrift fhall then be, and a return to higheft Purities 5 and to Salvation, in the Glory of Chrift** Kingdom, I^eentance never to be Repented of I this fhall be in his Name at his Comming, by the Apoftolic Spirit and Power. And how much this very Reprefentation might fce Intended, as an Allegory by the Holy Spirit , I will not dare to affirm ; but I know, Scripture Siath defignations beyond what we are able to Find s *the Introduftion. Find, till particularly Revealed, or that day de- clares them ; and fo this may be an Holy Difpofe of God, that this Impurity fhouid be Permitted in the Church of Corinth^ and the folemn Repentance fhouid become an Emblem, as hath been now fee out. And fo I am very propenfe ta think, the Cafe of Eating things offered to Idols with €onfcience of the ldol\ under the obligation to con- form to thofe, who pretended to do fo without any fuch Conscience of the Idol; was given, as a great Parable of the Cheat of Transforming Heathen and Pagan Idolatry into Antichriftian Ido- latry under the Difguife of Chnftian Liberty and Honour to Martyrs ; and fo the Epiftlesto Pergamus andThyatjra import concerning eating things Offered to Idols, Rev. 2. compared with i Cor. 8. and chap, i c. Of the fame Kind are Viftinflion cf Meats, and Days , that obtained fo n uch under the Synagogue of Sathan , under gloffy pretences of Valfe Jews, as fome way ferving the Honour of Chriftianity j and that sre yet retained by thofe, who in the Reformation are the They* or who are on the fide of that Synagogue, as the Vene- rators of Antiquity, for the three firft Centuries at Ieaft ; not confidering, how early the Myflery of Iniquity wrought even in the Apoflles days Rev. 29. compared with Rom. 14. And laftly, Thofe great Scriptures, 2 Pet. c.3. the Epift.of Judejini fome paflages intheEpifiles of the Apoftle 'the Introduction* ApofHe John, however their immediate occasi- on, and ground were fome foul , and impure Nerefies , whether of the Gmjlicl>s , or o:hers, Herefies properly fo cilled *. yet they give the great Types of the AntichriftUn Impurities, as is plain by thofe Deeds and Dottrine of ihe Nicolations , We meet with fo Branded ; Deeds, Canonized into a Do8rine y Rev. 2. d, 1 $, All this will , I hope % jnftify my joyning the Do&rine of the Kingdom to the Dodrine of Repentance* How, even Providentially , I was fummoned to the Publication of thefe two Treatifes, al- thongh it is of great Remark, and Obfer- vation to my felf *, yet I think not necellary to give an open Account of*, but hope, this Doftrine of Repentance, was, as I may mod Humbly fay, called for by God in my, how- ever mofl unworthy , Nlinittracion of it *, that all might be moved to it at this very fea- fon, when / declare the Kingdom of God fo nigh at //and; and wherein / acknowledg, / my felf ought to be the Principal Audi- tor 9 Reader and Learner, and, as / may fay, Chief Mourner* And / cannot but hopej that through the Grace of Chrift ; and his good Hand upon this Difcourfe ; it will make that Prejudice againft the DoSrine of the Kingdom^ and efpecially of a Line of Time to it, in fo many good Perfons, in fome m:afure to Abate 5 when they find it *tht Introdu&ion* it fo clofe conjoyned with the Dilcourfe o! fo acknowledged a Point, as this of Repentance, Treated with all ferioufflefs of Heart) and fober- nefs of Judgment ; as / have good hope through Grace, God hath herein Enabled me \ and fee- ing fuch Commotion ef Nations , fuch Earth- Shakes in Divers places, and So gentle an Admo- nition in this very City, fo juft now agree with my Line of Time-, and that the moving of the Earth is fo cenftant an umbrage of Preparatories for the King- dom of Chrifly I hope all this will perfwaae. 1 am as cautious, ss any one can defire, of laying too much ftrefs on unufual Events: fuch may be tra- ced back, pofiibly, to their Natural Canfes> by Great Philofofhers. But as this does not leffen God, the Supream Caufe * fo it does not leflen their Vreditlive- tiefa or Fitnefs to Foretel Events. For he who had the whole Scheme of all hii Works lying before him, knew how to lay fuch Caufes, fuch Admo- nitions by Prodigies, and the Great Events toge- ther, into an admirable Harmonioufnefs to his Ends. 1 know too, Thefe Prodigies have been in all Times and Places: But feeing they are fcretold near Chuffs Kingdom, and Coming ; and that by the Sure Word of Prophecy, much furcr indeed Fore- telling it, than fach Appearances ; the Kingdom of Chrift is near ; Thit Warning-piece, fliould much a- waken us to Repentance. For how much better is it for us, that God fliould be own'd, as the Supream Lord of All 9 than fuch a Foolifh impertinent Caufe as Chance 5 or fo fullen a one as Nature, who have no gra- cious The IntroduStiQiil rious End in what they do , nor are to be ap« plied to by Prayer and Repentance, to prote&us in the Danger, or give a good iflue. Now feeing all this, / hope this Difcourfe of Re- pentance , together with the great motive of it, The Kingdom n. ■ I ....*.. boiflg tlk&Mgn j$jfrfl>a -fallen, fuch a Peccant, 1 and:"jDtrending.Natufev;'U is infinite grzee in God, -that tlirr£ is fuch a Nation, fuch Action in mans • Soul, as Repentance ; and that UiCic is not an utter 'irreconcilablenefs, an iinpardonablenefs afrer Offenfe committed: jneither; Jn Heaven nor on Ejrth ; not In the Court gf Heaven, nor in she Court of Human Nature Of an Evangelical Repentance^. 3 Nature one towards another ; nor in the Court of a mans Confcience within himfelf. If it were not fo, every fin would be like the Elafpbemy ag.wift the Holy Spirit , Matt, 12. Unpardonable; and be- caufe Unpardonable, Impenitable, or not to be %- pemed of; and that not only in this World, but in that which it to come; the World would become a Theater of fin, and damnation*, even a Hell, without any Chsrncery, any Appeal to Grace, to Mercy; or Helenrmg of Repentance from the hopes of Mercy, the reverence and awes of Goodnefs, and Forgive- , nefs Now that which lies loofeand fcartered, or dif- feminated, fowfl through the whole human Creati- on ; That, the word of God, efpccially in the Gof- S'ei, iftfac New Testament; that the Spirit of God nth colle&ed into a more full, and folemn-Docl> rine, and bpen'd the Foundarion 3 ind hid bare, and in view die- root, or the greatpiace of it ; Howie ,: hrath room, and reception ; what are the Sources, fpriqgs of Efficacy, from which it Rifes:even iti the Sacrifice, Blood, and Redemption of Chrifl; and the mighly Efficacv, and Grace of the Divine .Spirit j what is t\m godly forrcw, which is given tty God, as the Elaboratory or the Inftrument of God for the Operation of it; what are the Laws and Rules of it; the true form and confiitution of ]r y what are the motives, and inward con fide rat ions mooving to it ; what are the figns, and evidences of its Truth; what is the proper time, and fpace tor it ; Icrefolves the Scruples or Cafes of Con- fcience, that may arife in the ^oul Gf Man concern^ ingit; itfhews the great' Fruir^ certain Benefit, and Advantage of it. B 2 And 4 Of an Evangelical Repentanccl And all thefe are either moil innately refidkig or fome way reducible to this great, and excellent Context of the Apoftle ; in which regard I have chofenit, and fhall endeavour t3 bring Light ac- cordingly to it ; and according to thefe 1 eads, I will by the grace of God endeavour to Difcourfe it, i. In regard it is Repentance to Salvation, and that Salvation k no ether, but in Chrifl alone, Ads 4. 12. it plainly (hews, That the whole Redemption and Salvation of Chrffi, is the proper Bafif, and Foun- dation of it; the whole Area, Court, Space and mod proper place of it ; and that the whole Notion and Spirit of ir 5 as any way Commenfurate to, or extended upon the whole human Nature, hath its Rife, and Original*, flows from fome Communicati- on to the human Nature from Jefus Chrift, the Re- deemer; and that yet the word of God and his Gofpel only Reveals it fully and genuimly 5 and his fpirit is the fupreme Operator of it. 2. Here is plainly laid down to us the Elabora- tory, or Inftrument God hath prepared in infinite Wjfdcm, and Grace, and inlay d the Soul with, in order to Repentance. Firit, as it is a Natural Af- fe&ion fubfervient to it; and then as it is Sanctified by God to fo great an end. Godly forrow, or forrow after \ and accoraing to God worketh down Repentance, or brings it forth ; a forrow oppofed to the forrow of the W$rld 9 that wor^eth Death. 3. In that it is, 1. Repentance to Salvation, ef- fectual to it. 2. Repentance not to be Repented of u Not I Of an Evangelical Refentance* $ r. Not as a falfe counterfeit Repentance to be Repented of. 2. Always to be carried on, and promoted j and not recall»d,repeard, or revers'd, but confirm'dby progreflive 3 repeated A&s,and renewed after Falls. 3. In that it is, to, or lays held of Salvation. 4. In that it rifes not from an earthly fpring, or anv farrow, not after God. In all thefe Regards, ityeilds juft reafon toDif- courfe the true Laws, and Rules j the Frame, and true conftitution ; the motives, means and confede- rations for-, tliefigns, and evidences of fincere Re- pentance. 4. The admirable Fruit and Benefit of it is mofl vifibly, and illuftrioufly fet forth before us in thofe words, It k Repentance to Salvation^ not to be repented of. i. It is to Salvation', It is a great and certain fe« curity againft Ruin, Damnation, Perifhing for ever. 2. It fhall not only be a fecurity from Damnati- on, but an a.lurance of a ftate of Life, Glory, Bleflednefs. g. There fhall never bethe Ieaft caufe to Repent, to look back wirh Sorrow, or Regret, that we have Repented. For we fhall find, we have loft no good, we have run upon no evil, in having Repented. 4. It fhall give us Reafon of everlaflin^ Joy, Rejoycing, Triumph, Eleffing and Adoring God in Chrift, we have fo by his grace Repented to Sal- vation. $. I will Reduce to the Do&rin of Repentance the fjruplcs, and Cafes of Conference that may ajrife concerning either thejtrue Dodrinal State of it, or the grace of, or pradife it felf of repentance, B 3 Thefe 6 Of an Evangelical Repentance. Thefe are the heads, I Fropofe by Divine Grace? and Affiftance, to Difcourfe the Do&rin,and grace of Repentance upon j but I find it is in the firft place necefiary to give fome fhorc defcriptions of the thing, I$epentdnc>, according to the very impor- tance of the word-, and of the General Importance, and Narure of the Notion, or rhe thing it ftJf. The word? us'd by the Spirit of God in rhe Old Teffament, are either that ft rid word DP J, a word tlut alfo (ignifies Confolating a mans felf y (hewing, after fin, and oflFenfe reflected upon, vi%. with Grief, and Trouble fuppofed j the greatefl con- solation is recovery of a mans felf by Repentance: Or elfc, it is 3 word, that fignifies Turning from what a man has be en Turnd and Pofited, and fe\ himfelf to before. On this Account we meet fo often with the words of Turning in the Old Teftament, and being Converted, and Turning in the New. The moft proper and flrid words in the New Teftament, are either an After Care, a Reflection with farrow, and follicitoufnefs upon what a man hath done, with Trouble , He did fo ; and a care, a caution not to do fo any more for the time to come ; or an after-mind, an after-wit, an after un- (ierftandin*, a tranfmentatton, a new Mind, a new Heart andSprit. To fpeak of it therefore in the general 5 Repen- tance -is given by Go 3, as a mighty Spiritual Inflru- ir.enr., or Engine in the hand of his Grace, in rhe Arm of God made Bare , by which the finful Ni- rurc, in every true Penitent, is unhing'd, uncen- tefd from fin, and corruption. It is a return of rhe Soul home to it felf, after a Spiritual Phrenfy, aadMtttaeiss The Prodigal isfaid to come to him- Of an Evangelical Repentance. ft fclf: /c is a return to its Fathers Houfe, after a long bevvildred State \ This my Son was lo]l, and is found. But beyond all this, it is a Spiritual Refurreftion, a return from Death to Life j This my Son was Dead y and is A Live> Luke 1 5. And indeed, as there is no notion of Scripure, that is more fuited to expre/s\he corrupt Nature of Man, than Death ; fo the firft Threat Ran, In the day thm eatejl thereof Gen. 2. 17; thou ft ah dye the Death . Death hy Jin pajji'd urcn all. Dead in TrefpaJJes, Rom. 5.12. and J ins. Vmverfal Death. And fo Ephef. 2, 1. in the Lexituai Law y there was no greater uncleannefs than the Touch of a Dead Body, Accordingly when the Apoflle,/&£. d.names Repen- tance among the grand Fundamentals.or^n/iop/er of tie Dollrin of " Cbrffi , He calls it Repentance from Dead Worlds, or Re-enPiating the Soul in Life after tip, or Works, as Unclean , and Loa-hfome, as a Dead Body removed from the fight of the Living, Or as a Dead feoriy was in the Eye of God under the Leiitical Law . This is the general Notiou of Repentance \ buc it may be further Explained in thefe three Particu- lars, and yet in a general way. 1. Repentance is an inward, fincere, habkual Change of the Heart, and of the def:gn, and pur- pofe 5 and fo of the outward Action, and Courfe of Life, and Conduct of a mans ways •, arifing from an utter difiike of his, former Counfel, Purpofe andDefign, arid the courfe of Corv/e nation, Life, and A&ion proceeding from it \ fo that it becomes wholly New : This is the g:nerel Nature of Re- B 4 pentance # Of an Evangelical Repentance. pentance, as it looks to the government of a man 9 felf, and of his Actions : Now this in Scripture* and Evangelical Repentance is the change from (in to Holinefs, from a worldly flare, and conversion to an Heavenly •, and from the Creature, to God, and toChrift*, an utter diflike o-f, and trouble at the former Regiment, and fleerage of a mans courfe, fo ss utterly to forfake it; and with forrow, fhame, 2nd ailoniflimenr, to fay to his finful ways, fo con- trary to the Rules of Holinefc, Righteoufnefs, and Purity, Get ye her,ce % and what have 1 to do any more with you * I will now guide my felf by the wordof my God, and hate every falfe way, Pfah i ip.Thisis that, 0/ which Scripture is full every where*, the through amending tye ways, and doings^ which were not gouty the wicked man forj al^eth his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and Jcrem.7. 5. returns to the Lord ; Chrift bleffes in £fay. 55. 7. Turning us every one from our Iniquities. .Acts 3. 26. Cleanfeyour Hands , you fanners *, and James 4,8. Purify your Hearts^ you double minded. Rom. 6. 2 r . Wlxtt profit had you in thefe thingsjwhere- of you are now afhamed ? For the end I Cor. 6. 1 1. of thoje things is Death s fucb were fome of you. But now ye are waflied. &c. 2. Repentance, as it looks to an offended Perfon, is full of forrow, that it hath offended 5 moves ear- neftly to Pardon, ar.d Reconciliation j and is rea* dy to make ufe of any powerful Mediator, in order to Reconciliation ; end defires ever after to pleafe, and to offend no more *, and herein the Affections are all mov'd according to the degrees of obligation. Now in Scripture and Gofpel Repentance, the of- fending Of an Evangelical Repentanci. 9 fending perfon, the {inner, hath to do with God, the offended perfon, in and through • .nriftj and fo bewails offence* and move, carncti) to Pardon, and Reconciliation with Go i by the "led uion of Chrift, and with Cjbrift for his own Names fal?e f I bed. ?ch thee, O Lord i Tabe away the Iniquity of thy Servant. Takeaway Mof. 14. 3. ail Iniquities; Receive us graciy^fly. And here aifo rifes an ingenuous forrow, (hame, and confuiion., that we jjave offended a God fo Good, fo Holy, fo Wife, fo Tender, and Compaf- fjonatea Father, and dcfpisU fo gracious av.d oblig- ing a Redeemer. David's Heart (mote him ; and he jaid to the Lord, I have filmed in that 1 have done ; / have done very foolifhly, 2 Sam. 24. 10. I was a* fijamedy yea, even confounded. I [mote on my thigh, becaufe I did bear the i^e- Jerem. 3 u f roach -f my youth. We are afljamed, 19. andblufh to li\t up our* Facet. They Ezra.9^. fhall under a Iprit of Grace, and melt- ing fenje of God, looh^ upon him whom Zach.12. they have peirced, and mourn. It is 10. meet to be [aid to God, If I have offend- Job.34.3i; ed, I will do fo no more. Oh foolifh pe> Deuteron. pie, and unmfe, do you ihus requite the 31,6. Lord our God. This is a faithful f^ing 1 Tim, 1,15, and worthy of all Acceptation, that J e- fus Chrisl came into the World to favefmners t rfwhom I am chief. The deep and duly ^feeding confede- ration of God, and of Chrift, the infinite excel- lency of their Nature, their fo great Benefactions and loving kicdnefs towards us * and that God pro- fefles, He is Grieved, Vexed, Provoked, prejjed with our fins, as a Cart with /waves 5 wearied, made to ferve > 10 Of an Evangelical Repentance* fervc'i that he cries out, as one that would move companion ', Oh ! do not that abominable thing that I hate, Thefe (o enkindle allche Aflfe&ionsof (hame, forrow, gratitude, holy defire, zeal, revenge upon our felves, that there is fuch a change wrought, as is always found in true Repentance. 3. In Repentance in general, there is found, as motives and pcrfwafives of it; felf- prefervation -, a defire of happinefs, and an avoidance of, and fly- ing from mifery ; Men, dearly, as we fay, Repent it, when the folly of their own ways is feeninthe bitter Fruits', the lofs of their Health, Prov. 5. 1 1% lofs of Eitate, lofs of Friends, of Re- putation, and of all Enjoyment -, and c. I. 24. when they fee all manner of diftrefs, Marc, 9. anguifh, and mifery,come upon them ; 43- &c. then they mourn at the laft, when they fee allconfumed, and fay, How have we hated Inftrttfiion , and defpfid Reproof ! Thus in Scripture, and Evangelical Repentance , there is a fear of Hell, and an Eternity of Mifery *, A cutting eff the right hand, and Fo3t, a pulling out the right Eye, when any of them are underftood in Repen- tance, to have offended, and to continue to offend \ under the fenfe *, It is better to enter into Life, blind, halt, than having two Hands, Eyes, Feet: maimed jather than to be caji into Hell whole ; where their Worm dyeth not, and their Fire is not quenched. There is a jeelgng Honour, Glory and immortality , By ingagtng in Repentance into a patient continuance in well doing;, on tbe other Mc tribulation, and anguifb> indignation, find .wrath, vehemently Agitate the Spirit, and 'Thoughts, againft a continued courfe of doirg evil. What j}: all ir[rofit a Man if be gain the whole World, a::d Of an Evangelical K epcritance* 1 1 and loofe his own Soul i or what frail a man give in ex- change for his Soul I J fay unto you, my ^reinds , fear not than that Kill the Body, and have no msre that they can do ; but I will forewarn you, whom you (l)all fear , fear him, who after hath killed, hath power to caftinto Hell, yea, I fay unto ym, fer.r him: Ob ! that they were wife, that they under (hod this, that they would coufder their latter era : / jay unto you, repent^ elfeycu fhall HJ(ewijeperiJfj 5 who hath forewarned you to fly from the wrath to come; God hath commanded al! men every where to Repent ; becaufe he hath ap- pointed a day , in which he will Judg the World : Re- pentance unto Life : Repent x and turn your felves, that Iniquity may not be your ruin; Repent, andbeConvcrted % that your 1ms may be blotted out, when the times of Re- frefl)ingf\)all come forth from the prefence of the Lord ; Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Thus Scripture having thefe two handles of the Soul, Fear of Evil, and defire of happinefs, mightily moves it to Repentance by them ; it holds theie two great Globes, the World of Happinefs, and the World of Mifery, both prefent, and to come ; and fo with a Scepter fo Forent, it fways the Spirits of Men 'j as the Divine Spirit, that dwells in it, plea- fes. I have thus far given the Nature of Repentance in general, that it maybe the better underflood, whac we are now to Difcourfe : I begin therefore with the firft Head: that Repentance, which is fo Com- municated to the very inward fenfe of mankind, fprings from, and hath its whole place in the Re- demption of Chrift. The Apoftle fpeaks of Efau, sbat he fund no place for Repentance > there is a pro- per i% • Of an Evangelical Repentance^ per place for Repentance. And this, I fay, is the Re- demption of Chrift, that hath laid the Bafts, the Foundation of Repentance ; that hath fpread over Human Nature, the notion and fenfe of Repentance, And where it is truly wrought, the Spirit of Chrift takes it from Chrift, and gives it to the Soul, and It is accepted qplyin, and through Chrift. It is therefore to be underftood, that there had no Place been Found for Repentance, had it not been for the undertaking of Chrift *, For Repen- tance being a rational Aft, it muft have a Rational Foundation, and Encouragement. If there were then no Mercy, no Forgivenefs, no Salvation ; there could be no Repentance but that of fruitlefs forrow, Iiorror, and defpair: the Repentance of wailing and Gnafhing the Teeth: that is, the Repentance that is in Hell, a Repentance without being chang'd or made better. Seeing then Salvation, Forgivenefs, Mercy are all bound up in the Name of Chrift ; For they are no where elfe 5 the Redemption of Chrift is the only foundation of Repentance , fuch a Repentance as hath in it a change from fin to Holinefs : David gives us this great Inftru&ion, Pfal. 130. There is forgivenefs with thee, that thou maifi be feared, that thou maieft be feared with the Awes, with the Re- verences of Repentance, there is Forgivenefs with thee ; there had been no place for fuch Fear of thee, if thou hadS been fo extreme to mar\what is done a- mf, as that there had been no Forgvenefs with thee. And this isrnoft evident alfo in that Dodrinof the Apoftle before mentioned, concerning the Re- pentance in the cafe of Efau: When he had defpif ed mdfold his Birth-right, anc| would after Inherit Of an Evangelical Kefentance. I£ the Bkfling, he was Re)eUed, or Reprobated from it i and he found no place of Repentance, tho he fought it, that is, the blejjing carefully with Tear s' y Heb. 12.17, He found no Place of Repentance, becau fe he was re- jefled. Whether we underfland it of IfaacQs, or of Efatfs Repentance, ic is much at one : If we un- derhand it of Efaus Repentance, finding no place in himfclf ; fo ic hath this fenfe; Thac Repentance flies into Defpair, if it be not accepted, when we tender it : Or if we underfland it of Ifaac not Re- penting, when Efau wept to procure if, butftill fixed the bleffing 00 Jacob, it is flill the fame thing 5 for if God did not pleafe to accept our Repentance, or himfelf, to Repent in a fenfe worthy of him ; our Repentance would be to no more purpofe, than Efaus Tears , or than the weeping in Hell ; we fhould be Re)efted, and Reprobated mour Repentance. The Law, that fays, curfed is every one that hath not continnedin all things, to do them, Gal. 3. and Dj this in the firfl A&, and Live,Ieaves no room for Re~ pentancefcut the bringing in a better hope even pardon of Sin, Attonement,and Recottciliarion in the Blocd of Chrift, does, by this we draw nigh to God in Repentance, and are not, Re- Heb. 7. 'ill jefled but Accepted. Here then there is Rational Fonndation, and Encouragement for Repentance; becaufe it fhall not be thrown upon, and into Defpair ; there is Hope concerning this thing in the Gq/prfj. lee us therefore by Repentance prefs home, and return ro God in Chrift. 2. Again, Repentance is the gift of God, a Grace given by him j If God, peradventur*> will give Re- pentance, and, then hath God granted unto thiGentiles Re* 14 Of m Evangelical Repentance* Repentance unto Life ; Chrift is a Prince zTim,2.2$. and Saviour raifed up by God to give 4&3 5.31. Repent ance ) and Remifjion of Sins. So Repentance is a Gift or a Grace j ft cannot be Educed, it cannot be drawn out by anv Powers of Narure \ It is not of Man, or of the Will cf Man, R is not of Bloods : It is not by Derivation, or Dcfcent from Adam; It does not run in the Chan- nel of Human Blood. God therefore does not give fuch Grace in Vain \ but when he hath fettled a Fund of Pardon, Reconcilement, and Salvition: He firft fettled that ; elfc Repentance had been in Vain, as the Eye would have been, if God had not firft made Light ; Light is alone in Chrift : He dots not .give Grace that. /hall be to no purpofe, he gives no man the Repentance he will hot Accep: and Par- don upon : Tie does not expofe Ins own Grace to Damnation, or to ^he Fiames of Hell ; fior does he give any Grace, but in the Mediator ,fn die Redeem- er : So the /Redemption of Chrift muft needs be the Foundation of Repent? ice ; there had never been elfe the Motion the poffibility of Repentance ; there had never been the found, or report of ir heard in the World. This then being the-Foundation, Jet us take the true-degrees of the ftate of Repentance in two Fa? fnims % Po/rf. i; God hath written in the yefy Heart of Man the excellency of this Grace, and Duty of Re- pentance ; that it is not far from him, Rom. 10. that he fhoMgo up into Heaven, or down into the S>#£ or bzyond the Sea fir it 5 It kin his Heart: So the Knowledg of it is very Vf an evangelical heptntaxce* t$ very near him: God hath alfo put aTefldernefK towards it, a Flexiblcnefs , he hath made the Sau! of Man, the Confcieoce, and AftecYions plyable to it : And this, we fhall fee, is from the Mediator* I confefs, this may feem hard to be undefftbtfd ; Teeing Repentance is fitted and prepared foi" 4 fin- Ful fallen Creature : Now in that man wasatfirft Created upright, and perfect, and good ; attd what vras mitten in mans Hearty w*s written ttere it* his Creation ; what place could there be for Re- pentance ? Adam was fo righteous a perfon he could need no Repentance, why then fhould refentance . be watt etiin his Heart ? And yet norwitManditfg , we find by *Kpefi*» ence, and univerfal Obfervation , It is a m$&h very intimate to every mans Sou!, and even in- dear'd to his Thoughts: Every man feemstobfc glad, ttiefe is fuch a notion, fuch an Idfea in his Soul ; and they that hear of it, and know it from Scripture, acknowledg immediately tfte goddnefs and reafbftablenefs of it, and rejbyce in it: And thoa man do not fall down right upon the 'fcfcr&ife of it, yet lie is pteaTed ! wirhthe promife to ifth- felf, he .will at fome time repent, and reforra,anti grow better 5 and there is proportionally a general Faith, Repentance will be accepted, atattfte relent- ing Offender Pardoned. If men are told, they muft of neceffity change, repent and reform from their finful courfes : If they are perfwaded to beeothe o« thefrfieti, they are not fo apt to be Angry, but rather fay, They will take Afis 24.35. a convenient time jor it ; tho Temptati- on carry them away, yet they heartily 'Embrace 'the -thing it felf, as to the aftnt, *nd Tttbmfffion, and 10 uj an jbvangeiicai txcfentancc: and acknowledgment, chat nought to be fo. Men are convinc'd, that while they defer to enter inco the Pra&ife, that yet they ought to repent. This I aiTert is through the Grace of the Redeem- er 5 X would therefore endeavour to find our, how this notion of repentance conies to be fo very inti- mate and connatural to mans Soul j and with fuch a Engraven, Engrafted Hope, and belief of Pardon upon it ? How it comes to pafs, that the demands of Natural Confcience do fo wonderfully lead to Repentance^ and are like thofe of Natural juftice, and common Honeftyj of Sober nefs, sndiTemper- ance~of Trut^ Mercy, and Ccmpuffion, or what- ever is accepted in the World as morally good and excellent ; and even as the deep impreffions of natural Religion, feifeof God, and obedience to him ? All thefe give an honour to Repentance, exert and urge the Soijl to it. By the fame fenti- raents of Soul, we allow the one, we allow the other alfo: If the remains of natural Confcience call a man out to the one, they fummon him to the other alfo .• And yet all this, I affirm, is from the Grace of the Redeemer. And this I would make out by two things. I. The Lord Jefus Chrift, the one Mediator, be- tween the one God, aH man \ who is I Tim. 2.$. the Light thtf Lt<ct eii/y Manthat John i > p. cemmeth into the rr/ orld y h^th natural Heb. i. 3. Confcience nderhis ha id, and uphold- eth all things, even as Redeemer, by the nor A of his Power: He then bears up that Law of Hoiinefs, engraven on mans Heart in Creation ; he holds up that rational Moral I'umc \ he keeps that Light, Of an Evangelical Repentance* 17 Light, that Candle or Taper of God in mans Spirit* that it may not be a Lamp put out in obfcure Darknefs ; Through him therefore, there are remains of that excellent Image, wherein Man was firft Created , even in that Knowledge Right eoufne ftj and true Ho/i- nefs ; fo that Man does not fink, either inro thac blacknefs of darknefs, an utter Ignorance of God, and infenfiblenefs of him; or into an extreme ha- tred, and enmity to God, and all Goodnefs , as damned Spirits do: Here is the great Efficacy of the Mediator, that he fhoresup, and ftaies this Law of Original Goodnefs and Holinejs in Mans Heart % that it does not Aide utrerly away, nor fink. 2. Through the Redeemer, there is yet fo graci- ous an Adminiftration of the Government of the World ; the Vengeance of God, his juft Indignati- on and Fury againft a finful World, and againft particular Sinners, is retrained ', God Refrains him- felf in, and through Chrift ; and does not fpeedily execute Judgment : He Exercifes an ad- mirable Patience and long Suffering, and Jere. 9.24, loving Ktndnefs in the Earth. The Earth is full of his Goodnefs in rhe midft of much Pro- vocation ; It is of his tender Mercy , weare not Confumed, and becaufe hi* K a I J lcn ** * 2 * Companions fail not. I am the Lord, J WJIiac • ? # 6# change not \ therefore you the Children of Men every motion of Nature wichia C and i& Of an Evangelical Repentance] PfaJ. 135. and without us, tell us, that hk mercy endurethfor ever. Now thcfc two bid together, explain ro us how Repentance is through the Grace of the Mediator, written : even as all natural Religion, and Morality in the very Heart of Man, and difcernable by that Light : For when the firft Commands and Emoti- ons of Natural Conference are to do the things that are Holy, and Righteous, and Good j and wc find, that tho we have violated and perverted the thing t)m is rioht ; yet we retain a love to thofe Laws of Eternal Right eoufne ft and Goocfneft; we have not loft all fenfe of them , of defire of hkenefs to, and a- greement with them $ thus we find a forrow in and trouble within us, that we have offended ; and that the wrath and juftice of the fupreme Ruler , and Governor, and Judgof all the World is not fo fud- den and immediate in his Revenges upon us $ but that we have fpace and time for return to God, and to Holinefs : There is by the very fame Authority of natural Confcience, that requifd Holinefs in our firft Acts, and thereby to pleafe God : a clofe obli- gation to return to him by Repencance, and to a- mend what we have done of evil againft him, and to befeech Pardon and Reconciliation with offended juftice : Afow when on the other fide, the Patience \nd long- fiffemig of' God gives encouragement, and even A durance, he will accept Repentance by his giving fcope, fpace and opportunity for it : Here is great ground for Repentance: For the Soul and Mind if Man finding (till in it fdfthat Primitive Love to, reverential fenfe of Righteoufnefs, and that it cannot bid defiance to it, as loft Spirits do ; there imme- diately rifes in it an earned endeavour to Self re- flim- Of an Evangelical Repentance. ig fiitution, to refiore, and recover ones felf by Repen* tance, thus that Light given to a Man in his firft Creation, and the (late of Tnnocency ('"the grace of Chrift fuftaining it by an Ur.iverfal Grace to human nature J does not Joofe it felf by fin; but as ir points and directs it felf, firft to H linefs without finning or falling from it ; fo it now points and direfts it felf to Repentance , when it hath fallen by Iniquity 5 and, as firft, it mooves it felf to the Favour of God by not offending, or finning againft him •, fo after- iin finding him not presently executing wrath, and taking vengeance , it befeeches him to Receive it Grackufly % and to Hofea 14. 1. talte way its Iniquities, tlu'.L may See, not Die : For that God is a moft good, and gracious, and merciful Being in himfelf is a clear principle in the Law of Natural Religion ; even where ever God hath not awaketvd that Na- tural Confidence, to find it If in the Chains of everlafiing Difpleafure, as the Devils and Damned are j againft whom he bath in Anger ffjut up for ever his Tender Mercies', when therefore a man finds, notwithstanding the fo great degeneracy, and bold- nefs in fin, thac every where Testify to our very Faces, and that we fo well know , yet that God leaves not himfelf without fo great Witnefsot his goodnefs, giving fruit- Ads 14. £* ful Times and feafms ; {Ming mens Hearts with Food and Gladnefr, and that in Rela- tion to himfelf in particular, he hacb fpared, and fori orn, it draws out Natural Cmcience to rerurn to him by Repentance ; For the tubes of Goodnefs, the long Suffering and forbear mce of God lead to Repentance, Rom. 2. 4. C z Thus ^0 Of -M Etfimgtlkd Rtfenun'ce] "fhtfs the King vf Niwveh by Natural Light re£* Yotfd, even when God had pofitively declared, Ta forty Days, and Ninevfch {hall bedefireyed: Sure- ly in iliac there are forty Days allowed, they are -rzfiowed as a (Quarantine, as a time of Trial and Probation whether t\\cy would ^ptenr, or not; ■die whyrrotprcfemly Destroyed ? Why forty Day* delay, if there were not Hope of Pardon in fuch ■a -Repentance j fo they humbled themselves in that extraordinary manner, and turned to God by ffc- pevtta*.ice $ and God {aw it and Repented of the evH f the bad {aid, he would d$ wnto them> and he did it *wr, Jonah 3. $. Ifcc. H)w much more have the generality of Man- kind, 2gainft whom no fuch pofitive Denounci- ation hath gone forth from God, and to whom the time of Patience rs not fo limitted and de- ia'd : How great reafon have they to look upon the time of Gori^s forbearance, as a mod gracious Call, and Opportunity and fpace for Repentance* Thus we fee Repentance, in fome light and ibnfe concerning it , runs through the whole World, fb that the very Heathen, who have not had, nor fo much as heard, many of them of Scripture, yet have great fenfe of fome vray of expiating fin, and turning from evil 3 and the very feeing, God hath made Repentance and Forgivenefs a moft neceffary and ufeful expedient of mutual Conversion of Men one with another; without which Human So- dety could not fupport it felf ; ic (hews very plainly there is a Mediator between God and Man, a Re- derner of loft Man, that hath for the great pur- pofesof his Redemption inlay'd the Saai of Man $ith the intimate and inward notices of Repen- tance Of art EvangelicdReptntatzr* 21 tance*,and that men (hew the wor\ of it written inthep Hearts, and that their Confidences accordingly, either Accufe, or Excufe > to allude to /ty/w» cv 2. 14, & and therefore hath given the feme motions of Natural Confcience to Repentance, when a man hath finned, as taHolmeS and Righteoufnefs before fin > and hath manifested! them, both alike) within man y and hadifhewedt to them ; and by the vifible things of Human Pre- fervatton hath made clearly Jejtown the eternal Goed^ nefs and Mercy y that pardons fin through the Re* deemer> to allude again to -J^m* *. 20* Thus we read in the Book of Job r a Book treat- ing much of Natural Religion»afliftedl>y fuch mca~ fures of Divine Revelation concerning Cbrift> as God had vouchfafed to. /j&and to his Fmends^ veiy high expreflions on this great point, c* 33* 27* God loofah upon man, and if any fay, I have fumed* and perverted, that which is right, and it. profited me not \ he will deliver his. Scul from going down. yito> the fit, for he will fay, I have found & ranfpmfor bim, and his life Jhall fee the Light x A man, a&y of mankind have >uft reafon to fay thus, have gpeac occafion to &y fo j / have finned, and perverted that which is tight, and do .find* it hath, not Profit- ed* It is very near to any man to fay Co y and if this take place in them > and they do from their Hearts fay fo, and ratify it by Action ; Godloo^s- Apori them, he beholds them with Acceptance^ D^U vers, through the great Ranfom^ Jefxs {ChriS^ <&c. Ir is repentance to Salvation; fo c. 34, : jf| 32, ferity it h mm to be fmi to God, I haxt bomchaflife*. € 5 siftt! 22 Of an Evangelical Repentance. ment *, / xvill not offend any more ; That which I fee not, teach thou me\ If I have done Iniquity , I mil do tm more . Even according to the fenfe of Natural Religion, and natural Cnnfcicnce, It is meet to be jo fatdto God ; All this is meet to be done. This is even the Drfctpline of Natural Conference, as God is faid to open the Ear to Difciphne, and to fed In- flruflim^c. 33, 16. c. g5. 10. This is that earneft morion of Natural Conference ; to take faft hold of Repentanee, to return all it can, after it hath loft its Inocency, Purity and i:erfe£tion s of Rlghteoufnefsand Obedience*, even as it fhould have mov'd, firft powerfully and efFe&ually againfi: fin, and to good : and the fame motion of Natural Cor,fcience 9 that is to the one, is to the other alfo ; when it is ftirrM up by further G*ace from the Spi- rit of Gcd ; and there are generally fuch motions as argue this work in the Heart, when the Confer- ence is not deprivV! of fenfe, Feeling, Vigor, not twice Dead, puli'd up by the roots, delivered up to a reprobate ferfe ; and when God hath given Co treat, and gracious Auflrance, that Repentance mall find Place "for it felf*, That this ftate is not Ddl, either in regard of the height of Wicked- rYefs or unpardorjablenefs ; it is an eafy and very le Declination of Confcience from the fyttth, thr higheft point of Tnnocency to the next point, Repentance: which by the righteouf- nefs and obedience of the Redeemer (hall tranfeend the very firft heighth ; But that indeed is known by Revelation, and not by Natural Light: But take Repentance, as it is the neceffary referve after fm, and tha G d hath provided it a Place j fo it is near > and even m^x to Natural Conference* Of an Evangelical Repentance] 23 Toft. 2. The fecond poficion I lay down con- cerning Repentance, and that gives the trueft de- gree of its Elevation through the Redeemer, is i That the word of God in the Old and New Tcfla- ment gives the cleareft and fulleft knowledg of Repentance, and of the Divine Spring of it j the grace of God in Chrift, and the blefled operation of the Holy Spirit through his Redemption ; Re- pentance therefore is found to be one of the prin- cipal Doctrines of Scripture, whein it is conveyed unto us under all the variety , and complex of Notions, that can exprefs fo great a point to us, viz, remembring^beth'mking, turnings converting, renewing^ amending, feaiching and Trying our way spurning to the Lord, bringing forth fruits meet for Repentance* The Revelation of the word of God beyond all expref- fion excells Natural Knowledg concerning it: It opens to us the great Frince, the Redeemer and Me' diator, who gives it a place, a poflibility ; he is the Prince, whom God hath raifed up to make this fupreme Donation, Ye- Aftsc.$.3$« pentance, and forgiveness of Sins, and c. 3. 26. blefles in turning us away from every one of our Iniquities : Scripture opens to us that great and blefled Spring, and efficient of it, x^.the true grace of God} and the blefled Spirit is the effici- ent of if, It Jays before us the great motives of ir, the fenfe of the favor and goodnefs of God who will have mercy, and a- Efa. $$♦ 7, bundantly Vardon ; fcal'd to us by fo Heb, c. 1 2. great an Attornment, as the Blood of 24. v. 29, J ejus [peaking better things than the Mood of Abel ; and on the other fide, a dread of him, whv ii a con faming fire ; the living Gd> into C 4 54 Of an Evangelical Refentance. whofe hands in his wrath and difpleafure , It is a dreadful thing to fall', the wrath that iThef.i. 10 it to come, and ever to come; it gives us all the qualifications of it, Repentance with the whole Heart, turning from all our evil ways y and all the evil in our evil ways •, it moves us with all manner of Applications, that may ftir us up to it ; commands, exhortariors, counfek, Threats ; it never leaves Ezek. 18,30 fpeaking, and crying out to us, Re- pent -, it fays to us, Repent, and turn Matt.4. 1 7. your felves ; fo Iniquity (hall not be your Ruin: It preaches, Repent, for the Ezek.18.3c Kingdom of Heaven is at hand \ ic even weeps over us, that we would Luke 19.42. doit ; Turnyou, turn you, for why will ye Die ? It weeps, when we have not known,ft/^» we 9 in our day the things of our peace ; It offers it as the only remedy againft Eternal Mife- ry ', Repentance is advifed exprefly to five of the [even Churches, Revel, c. 2. c. 3. to (hew the univer- fality and neceflity of its ufe : It js one of the great principles of the Dotfrine of Chritt, Heb. 6. 1. and thus Repentance is the moft Native, Domeftick Docttin of the Word of God, and of theGofpelof Jefus ChriS } fo that what is found in the Light of Nature, ferves to thefelower purpofes only . 1. It ferves to the purpofe of Human Order, Go- vernment, and prefervation of the World from falling into a perfect Hell ; for were there not fome fentiments of God, of his Mercy, and reacji- hefs to forgive, tending to make men better -, were there not a fenfe of the goodnefs of Righteouf- aefs , Temperance , Mercy, and of all Virtue ; not Of an Evangelical Repentance. 'i$ not only as what wefhould firft be, but alfo, what we fhould endeavour to return to, when we have Fallen ; were there not (uch a thing, as Vicious Men being reftrain'd from running into utmoft ex- cefs and extremity \ and as, being reclaimld, cor- rected, reform 'd, moderated, and culrivated by- precepts of Natural Religion, Wtfdorr, add Morali- ty ; all which flow from, and are fptcimensof the Scripture Doclrin and grace of Repentance ; the World would be a ftye of fenfualifls and im- pure CreaturcSjWallowing in bruitifh,and worfethan Swinifh Lufts '. And did not this Notion fwceten men cne to another, the World would be a Defer t or Wildernefs of Savage, and Wild Beafls, rear- ing in peices one another ; and both wa\s a Hell of a World. 2. Hereby God will juftify himfelf in the con- demnation of the Pagan World', that they have not only the Law Written in their Hearts, but fo much of the Gofpel alfo, as this great notion of Repen- tance Teaches \ For when the Refpit of forty "Days imported it to the King, and City of Nineveh,\\hy fhould not that Patience, wherewirh God governs even the Pagan World , Preach Repentance to it •? Why fiiould they not be led to Repentance by the Wit- nefs they have of God, and of his goodntfs in giv- ing them* fruitful times andfeafons, and fil Imp. their H rarts with food and gladnefs*, which he would not leave himfelf without in his great Wifdom, and Righteoufnefs, as well as Mercy and Grace ? How does this riches of Goodnefs, Long- {offering, and Forbearance, if not lead Rom, 2.5.4. them tj Repentance^ juftify their Con- demnation', who after their hardnefs andlmpemter: -Hearts %6 Of an Evangelical Repentance* Hearts Treafure up to themjelves wrath, again!} the da) of wrath ? So that as Niniveh (hall rije up in Judgment with thofe, who repented not at the Preach- ing of Chrifl, the greater than Jonah; fo it fhal! rife up in Judgment with other Heathen Nations, Cities and People, who might by the fame propor- tion have been argued to Repentance ', fo that tho God hath in his fupreme Dominion and Juftice, thought fit to deny them, what Ciirift fays, They would have repented in Sackcloth and Afhes upon ; yet even by the ftandard of Nineveh's Repentance, theyV not Repenting by that Light they have, will be Condemned at the manifeflation of that righteous Judgment of Gd the Apoftle fpeaks of in that fore- nam^Rom. 2. 5. The great Goodnefs of God, in Chrift, giving the Notion of Repentance into the Heart of Man ; (feeing the Original of whatever is worthy, or Ex- cellent in Matty is but a tranfcripty or Copy taken from ihe fjp:eme Excellency and G)odnefs ) hath thereby dlfpos'd the Hem of M n to a I(zadinefs to forgive ^ one man to forgive amther, and thereby to be engaged to an Acknowledgment of Of fences one againJ: ano:her: todefire Pardon^md to offend no more: Wherein much of the Peace and Happinefs of Humane Nature, in this pvefent . is fupported and preferv»d; And herein, and by thefe very mutual Repentances toward, and For- ces one of another, is there a greater Illuflrati- oa of the Grace aad Goodnefs of God, in Fardon and Forgivenefs upon Repentance^ and thereby an Invitation, Encouragement, and hading to Repentance towards God. For in that rhe Gofpel-Command, to l$ve themy who having tvefpajfed againft ur> tho Of an Evangelical Repentance* 27 [even times a day, turn again, and fa\, 1 repent: and chat if we forgive not men their trefpajjl'*. neither will our Heavenly Father forgive us : Our Lord both appeals to the Senfe oj Mankind, and excites and encourages unto Repentance toward God, in hope of Korgivenefs ; as well ab to mutual Repent an- ces, and Forgivenefs for the Perfce and Good of /Han- Qnd\ to which our Lord had great Regard in all he faid, and did. 4. The Natural Light God hath given concern- ing Repentance, and the Scnfe in Man's Soul con- cerning the Goodnefs and Reafonablenefs of that Grace and Duty ; upon which the Redeemer hath pointed the Law written in the Heart ', is as a Ground, and Rude Draught, that the Knowledge of Repentance, by the Word of God, and Divine Revelathn, ace m« pliflies, and fills up ; and that the Spirit of God plants his Supreme Operations upon ', even as San- ttification is engrafted into that Senfe of Good and Evil that is fonnd in the Soul of Man ; and thofe Irritations, and Provokingsof Natural Confcience, to do the Good, and fly from the Evil. For thus JefusChrift hath, as our Creator and Redeemer, our Preferver and Mediator in one, ta- ken Care to feenre a Remnant, and Remainder, of whatever was excellent in his firft Creation; thatie may be taken hold of, and beapplied to in Redemp- tion* And thus \ have endeavoured to difcourfe the Ground-voor^ and Foundation of this Grace, Duty and Dottrine of Repentance; That it is all fetled in the Grace and Mercy of God in the Redeemer, without which it had been an utter Impoflibility , and there had aS Of m Evangelical Repentance* had been no more, nor any other Repentanoe,thm what is ia HelL, I come therefore to the Second i£ad a Head 2. Here is plainly laid down to us the great- Elaboratorj, or Inftritment God hath prepared in in- feme Wifdom, and Grace, and in-laid the Soul with in-order to Repentance*. Godly Sorrow, or Sorrow af UT, and according to God, worketh down, or brings into Effcd this Repentance : This God hath prepared as a Natural Affection of it felf, and in its own Ge* s&eraland Original Form, fit tofuch a purpofe ; and then God fan&ifks k to rhis Great &£ts 4. 12- Purpofe, to worl^ thk Repentance: t* Salvation, not to be repented of It is - am immediate Instrument in the Hand of God, to ope- rate under his Spirit, to fo great an Effect: Qf diia 1 ffcali difcoufffe m Three Generals : General 1. I begin therefore with a Defcription of Sorrow, firft, as it is a Natural A&ftion, or Paffion of the Humane Nature; and then as it is faja&ifted by God , or as it becomes a Sorrow after God, and is feted ta fo great an End and Purpofe; and as it is fo,k is counterdiftinguifbM to worldly Sorrow, that •motketfe Death. General. 2. I will confider the excellent life and Service of godly Swore, to fo great an End and Puj- pofe, as the wiring Repentance to Salvation. General 3* I will open the Wifdorra of God, and $h£ Reafonabfeneft of his making ufe of Sorrow, actd gktingu as after himfelf or according tohimfelf to fa $?z& an End and Purpofe ; ani that according to lbs very Reafyn and Nature of TjMiJi it could n^t Df an Evangelical Refentancel 29 be otherwife, but that gedly fomwmaft be fo made yfe of above, and before any other Affeflion s and thatit becomes him, by whom, and for whom aw ail things fo to make ufe of it. General r. For the Defcription of this Affetihn of godly Sorrow : Firft, as it is a Natural Affe£lie*y or Paffion of the Humane Nature ; and then as it is fan&ified by sm& is -counter-diftinguifh'd to the forrow pf the World, that werlgth Death. Sorrow theft, as it is an AffeZlim, or Vajjion of the Humane Nature, muft be confidered Two ways $ and each of them muft be applied to the Sorrow that worlds Hepentance^ or to Sorrow according to Go&j and fo a different and oppofite Sorrow to the forrow of ibis World. i . Sorrow, that is a Humane PafTton, or Affedioo, ntufl either begin in the Body, and fo paffeth from the Soul,|and afcends up to the Spirit of a Man} or it begins in the higher Region, the Spirit, and de- fcends by the Soul iHto the Body, and makes \m* preffiens fuitable to its own Nature there •, and the Body is govern'd according to this A ffedion, and to its Place, Eftimation, Power with, and Intereft is the Spirit. Now indeed all AffeBion^nd even F.t///(m,tofpeak mod ftri&Iy and properly, is in the Spirit ; For it is4ll one to matter, how it be ufed ; cr into what Form it is made to pafs : or out of what, or in di£ ^ira&ion from what Form it is fore'd to move • So that AH we feel, by way of fuffering, or Enjoyment, isbythe Spirit's having a Pleafing, or an Affii&iqg Scofe of Things : But this I ware, as notfo irtceffa- 30 Oj an Evaugelkal Repentance** ry to the Praftical Difcourfeof Repentance I intend. It is plain and certain, the fenfe of fome things be- gins in the Spirit ; vi^. thofe things which are pro- per to the Narureof a Spirit, and which are (^pro- per to a Spirit, whether it dwelt in a Body or not: But yet when the Spirit isaffe&ed with them, be- caufe it inhabits a Body, the Affe&ion of the Spirit, even whether the Spirit will or not, works upon the Matter and Frame of that Body ; and thereby the Truth, and Reality of the Spirit's being aftcded, is difcovered to it felf-, and it may alfo be thereby dif- covered to others : On the other fide, there are Paf- fions, or AfTe&ions, that the Spirit is affefted with,as finding it felf mov'd and concerned ; as that Frame of Body, wherein it dwells, is either more or lefs fit- ed for its Enjoyment of it felf in that Body; or put, quite out of Order ; or is in pain, and afflicted fo, as to afflift 'he Spirit : And both, and each of thefe is in fome D-gree tev\ctib\e to godly forrow, though the hrft is the Chief and Principal in godly }or~ row. i. The Spirit of Man afte&ed with the confidera- tion of fin, as it hath all the Reafons §f for row in it, as it is a foul, and impure, and (liameful thing ; and as it is an Offence agaimi the Holy, and only Wife and gracious Majefty of God s and as it brings Wrath, and Ruine, and Condemnation upon it 5 contemplates, confiders, and weighs thofe Reafons* and therebv finds it felf affedied with forrow and af- flillttm, as if it were after the manner of a broken Bone 9 or brut fed Flefh : Thus we read of a broken and antrite Spirit'-, and of thofe who are bruifed in Spi- rit, and grieved in Spirit; and of a wounded and a troubled Spirit j and of a forrowful Spirit : And this when Of an Evangelical Repentance* 3 1 when it eyes God, as a Father in Chrift, Gracious, and Good, and ready ro be Reconciled, and to for- give, is a true godly Sorrow, or a Sorrow after God: For it is in the True Region of godly forrow, theSpi- ric ; and it hath the Right Stnfe and Affeftion, even fuch an apprehenfion of God: And fuch a Sorrow the Spirit communicates to the Body in which it dwells, fo as to make the Appearance of it Solemn, Hum* ble, and Lowly : It denies it thofe Ornaments or Refreftments, that it feJf at other Times defires for it ; it bridles, and curbs if* own appetites and dejares of pleafure and faxisfntlion in it ; it humbles ic by Fafjing, it lays it in the Duft, it keeps it waking, ic difiblves it into Tears j and if it be very great, as fome times, it dries up the Benign Juices of it y and it carries ^11 the Marks of the Spirit foafttded. And becaufe thefe arife from a forrow within, after God, God is pleafed with them, and accepts them 9 asfgns of fuch forrow, and calls for them. 2. The Sic^neffes, or Wants, or Pains, or Notes of Difgrace, that the Wife, and Holy Providence of God fends fometimes upon the Body, that make ic an uneafie, or a di (honour able Habitation of the Spirit: Thefe the Spirit takes Notice of with troublesome and unquiet thoughts j the thoughts being in a Motion^ a Conflict, and Agony, if by the Grace of God, diey are guided to fearch the Caufes of thefe Strops on the Body \ and finds them to be an offended Juslice^ afro* voiced and difpleafed Holinefs, upon the account of Sin and Iniquity ; and that it apprehends Thefe are but the Beginnings of Sorrows ; and that they are Indications and Fore- bodes of Wrath to come 9 aod of further Judgments from Heaven, even at the prelent, upon both Body and Spirit, if there be not that courfe taken ji vj an tLvangeiicaL Repentance; taken, of feekjng Pardon and Reconcilement in Chrifl, and turning from Iniquity : Thcfe thoughts fanftified, and conduced by God upon himfelf thus, upon the oc- cafion of outward affliction, become that forrow after God, of which the Apoftlefpeaks, and often works that Repentance to falvation, never to be Repented of. Thus Scripture very often (peaks of Outward Af- flictions, made ferviceable to Converfion^ to returns to God: Famine, and Peftilence, and War, and Capti- vity in the Land of Enemies, are Reprefented in the Prayer of Solomon, as great Motives, and even procu- ring, and exciting Caufes of Humiliation , Bethinking our felves, turning to the Lord, Tbe Afflictions of Men are often fpoken of by God, and ufed as Argu- ments to fuch Refentments as call to Selfjudging, 3nd fo to reforming : Even often not only in the Old but in the New Testament : We are Chatterid of the Lord, that we might not be condemned with the World j Affliction yieldeth the peaceable Fruit of Righteoufnefs rothem, who are exercifed thereby y i Cor. u. 31; Hcb. 12. 11. Both thefe Operations of godly forrow, feem to be Reprefented with a great Ele- V. 14. gancv, and Holy Eloquence, Job 33. the firft , when this Sorrow begins in the Spirit of a Man, and Thoughts arifing therein. God fpeaks once, and twice ; in a Dream, in a V't- fion of the Night ; He opens the Ears of Men, and fealeth their Uflrutfion •, That he may withdraw Man from hkpurpofe, and hide Vride from \Aan : He brings him to fuch Humiliation, as keeps him from going on in his former purpose. Again uj an tLvangeatai i\ef>eniance+ 3$ Again when for row begins in the Body, v. 19. He, a man, any man upon whom the methods of God for Repentance are fo laid ; is chaflen'd with ■pain upon his Bed, ana the multitude of his Bones mth ftrong Pain ; fo that hit Life abhorreth Breads and hk Soul dainty meat -, hk Fleflj is confumed away, that it cannot be feen t and hk bones that were notjeenfticl^ out ; yea hk Soul draweth near unto the Grave, and hk Life to the Deftroyers'} if there be a MeJJenger with him, an Interpreter one among athoufandytofhew to man hk uprightnefs, then he k gracious unto him, and faith, d eliver him from going down to the Pit j I have found a Ranfom 5 hk Flefl) (halt be frefier than a Cbilds; He (hall pray unto Gtd, and he will be fa- vourable unto him j and hefliallfee hk Face with Joy 9 he will Render unto man hk Righteoufrejs. Aud now thk forrow, thus after God, fan&ified thus, to have Refpeft to God, and carried out after him, is Counter diftinguiflffd ; it is mod different from the forrow of the Wtrld, that worfceth Death. The forrow, that hath no higher fpring, than this World, workj Death ; that is, however the Mind, or the Body be Aftefted j when it does not mount up to a confideration of Gxl, offended for fin y when it does not feek pardon of him, and Recon- ciliation to him in Chrift j when it only pores upon the things of this World, and agitates it felf about them ; it runs down into the dead Sea of Sorrow, that weeping, and wailing , and gnaffring of Teeth tha: is in Hell, It is an Idolatrous Sorrow , arifing from an Heart deeply fet on this World, and glew- cd to it ; and fo goes down into the Vault and Pit of eternal Sorrow : It tends to the Death of the Body 3 it brings down the Head u the Grave : Tc D tends 3 s- Uf an Evangelical Repentance, tends to wear, and grind bodily Nature to the Drift *, every fuch forrow not after God, that hath tio rin&ure from him on it ; IF it be not Antidoted by forrow after God, and by Repentance to Salvati- on, It tends to eternal Death , and is the Inlet un- to it ; For it is certain, all forrow here, that comes from Heaven, afcends up to Heaven, as Water af- cends as high as its Spring; But that which is of a terrene, earthly Nature, fmks down to the Center, which is the neathermoft Hell. I come now to the fecond Hea:I, to (hew the ex- cellent ufe and fervice,forrow after God,yei Ids in this wife, and holy preparation of it by God to that Re- pentance to falvation, not to be Repented of. i, In that, fo great, and principal an Affection of the Soul is given up to God ; It hath an ufe, and a fervice to fleer the Soul to God ; For rhe Affecti- ons are, as the Rudder of the Soul, as the Helm of it, guided by the judgment, as by a Pilot : And thefe affections are all in a Linck, and in a chain: If any one of the principal Affections are mov'd , that mighty Yeffel of the whole Soul isturn'd this way, or that way by a very fmall thing, as it may feem; even by one Affe&ion, becaufe all are joyn'd and united with it; F:>r where Sorrow goes, Love goes, becaufe forrow is for the wantof fome good, the Souls defires ; If then forrow be after God, and for Holinefs ; It aflures, the Soul hath a fpring- ing Love for God and Holinefs, and in thediftance it apprehends it felf from thefe, itlaments. Where forrow goes, there hatred alfo goes : For forrow arifes from fome evil that the Soul hates and abhors, that ! Of an Evangelical Repentance. 35 that prefks in upon it : In forrow after God, fin, and the wrath, and difpleafure of God, is, what the Soul hates ; and it finding thefe near, and clofing upon it, if forrows and laments that they may be caji out and removed. And how do thefe, the Love of God, and hatred of fin rvorl^to Repentance ? And thus alfo it might be fhewn, How Fear 9 Hope, Joy, Delight move as forrow moves. The Apoftle knowing with what a ftrength, and force, and pre- fence the Affe&ions move, writes to the Coloflians % c. 2, To fet their Affeftions on things above : For if the Affections are fo fet, the Spirit and Soul will be fo fet, and therefore the whole man will be fo ftn. O i the contrary, the forrow of the If or Id carries the ftrength of the Soul, the Affections on the World; which not able to fuflain and bear up an Immortal Spirit, it often deftroysthe Body by Violence -, and leaves the Soul to fink alfo , the Spirit to fall down from God, which is the Death of it. 2. The Affedion of forrow, is the Affection that is mod properly converfant about fin, and the con- (equences of it ; the wrath, and difpleafure of God, the curfe, and evil. Now then, as fin is a depar- ture from God the fountain of Life, and happinefs, the fupreme good, and fo ufhers in, and introduces all unhappinefs : fo forrow that is after Cfod, begins in the apprehenfion of God, and of his Law j and fo defcendson all the evil confequential, or follow- ing on the lofs of God : But the forrow of the World, not beginning with God, fetters it felf with the Evils which prefs upon k, with relation to the pre- sent World*, which can never be well removed with- out removing the principal caufe, fin, and the dif- D 2 pleafure 36 Of an Evangelical Repentance ; difpleafureof God fork: But to this thcjorrow ofthk World hath no regard, and fo is never cured, but becomes of a peice with the forrows of the fecond Death : For fo all forrow here not Healed by the repentance to Salvatim, mt to be repented of, (which Heals the forrow after God) becomes one with the forrows of Hell, and everlasting wailing : Bv god- ly forrow therefore , forrow is made to be its own Death, and Plagues. For wording repentance to Sal- vation, never to be repented of] when it is forrow cjter God, it U the Dejlruttion of all forrow. For it can be no longer , but, as Scripture fpcaks, forrow and ftghing fhall fee away, and there (hall be no more jor- row. As it came in by fin, fo by fin Repented of, and Pardoned, it for ever ceafes, and vanishes a- way : So forrow is converfant about its proper ob- ject, and caufe, and it hath the great efteci of re- moving it felfi and of it felf loofing it felf in that Joy, that follows upon the Salvation of that Repentance it felf hath wrought} which mud needs make an end of Sorrow, or Perfects it info it felf never to be Repented of 3. T&fc ferviceablenefs of godly forrow to Repen- tance, is, that this Aflfe&ion of all the Affections, or Pafliotfs of the human Sou!, is that which makes it wife, and confiderative j feeing Repentance then^ that is to Salvation, is a molt Wife, and prudent grace ; This Affection of forrow is mofl prepara- tory, and contributary to it. The forrow after God is no Ignorant, or unreafonable Paflion, or Aftedionj caird Attrition ; no fuperftitious Pen- nance, or ceremony of| Sorrow , not a mere foft- nefs, and diflbiving into Tears ; not any defultory Paffion, that falls into fome morning Dew, or as it were Of an Evangelical Repentance* 37 were, heat Drop ; but a deep inward trouble, that we have offended God, and (inn'd againft him, and endangered our (lives to Eternity by our fins : And however, there may be at flrft Tome fudden ftroke, or Impreflion, and a Paffion upon ir, that may gooff; vet 1: is indeed a fpring that dif-em- bogues it felf through the whole ccurfe of a Chri- ftuns Life : There is a forrow. and a relenting of Soul, that is a foftDew, or Diftillation from the Soul upon it felf, that makes it very tender, hum- ble, and Apprehenfweof the Evil of Sin j of the Ingratitude, and unrhankfulncfs of having finned againft God, and given Offence to the Eyes of his Holinefs, and of hisGIory. And as this arifes from underftanding, fo ic begets underftauding, and clofe Confideration j h is obferv'd in Niture, that forrow and fadnefs encline to Wifdom, and attentnefs of Mind ; fixation gives underftanding, is a faying : And hereuuro the wife King Solomon agrees, forrt» x Ecclef. 7, better than laughter. \c is better to go to 3. fyc. the houfe of Mourning , than to the houfe of Feafiing * for the Living will lay it to Heart. And by the fadnefs of the Countenance, the Heart is made better. In the day of Adverfity confider, thar is the proper feafon of ir;Gcner2lly,our Mirth and Rejoycing is to: lighr and rWliv ; it fcjtters, and fets the Spirits in wandring 5 I fiid of Laughter y it it Mad, and of Mirth, v hat does it? As the crack- ing «f Thorns under a Pot, fo the Laughter of Fools is Vanity. Sbrtow is like a fbade that ongregate?, rhvrs up the Spirits to think, 2nd weigh, and p )iz: filings, borrow loves folitude, and fo the Repenting Ferfon is defcribed - y he fittetb ahne y D 3 and 38 Of an Evangelical Repentance. and keeper!) (lence , becaufe he hath Lam. 2. born it upon him. Vanity, and folly, 28. the pleaftres offm, that are but for a(ea(on, cannot endure the tediouf- nefSj and melancholly of an Hour alone : And this is the unhappinefs of mankind, they cannot endure to be alone, and to fpeak with themfelves ; I ht.tr ken d and heard, but no man Jerem.8.6. (pake aright, or (aid , What have I done? We are fo naturally for Diver- fion, They that are not fo mad, as to to be for. the roar, and madnefs of Company; yet they cannot be content, without what, we call Divertifement and Merryment, and cannot endure forrow and fad- nefs. Let us now but ask our felves, whether we think Sohmon was a Wife Man, or not ; and whether he was not incircumftances of greateft advantages to rejoyce in all the Pleafure, Mirth, and Enjoyment of this World? which he calls, Laying Ecclef.2. 1. hid 'on folly ; while yet he acquaint- t&c* ed hit Heart with Wtfdom to under- ftand, what was the utmoft amount, or to be had from all the Entertainments of thac kind: And when he afiiires us, as he does, that Mirth is but Madnefs and the Laughter of this World fo unrcafonable j that no Man can tell, what it ferves for, or to what purpofe it is ; and that he io much commends forrow to us ', let us then take Counfel with our felves, whether he fpake wifely, or not? And what (hall we think of the words of our Lord, Luke 6. 21. Slefcd are you that Weep, and you that Mourn ; and, woe to you that Laugh. Now i? is not to be fuppofed thatfp Good Of an Evangelical Repentanci. 59 Good, and fo Merciful, and fo Gracious a Saviour, as our Lord Jefus Chrift is , fhould envy to man any thing, that could be to the Good, and Wel- fare of his Nature. But he knew how much the Carnal Joy, and Mirth, that is fo common, and fo much valued among Men, lavifhes out thofe Thoughts, and Spirits , and that Time, that fhould be laid out upon fo ferious, and great things, as Reconciliation to God, Pardon of Sin 9 Newnefs of Heart, and Life', and that Sorrow, and Mourning, and Weeping are prepared by God, as fitted ia their Nature to make us more Grave, and Pon- dering of Things ; and that being Sanctified, and in the Hand of his Grace, are made ufeof to bring us home to himfelf : For when men are under (Sdncfs, finding the prinrs of the Wrath, Juftice, and Difpleafure of God upon them, they enquire after the Reafon; Their fins, as to Jofepfrs Brethren, come to their Remembrance ; They are provoked to move to God by Humiliation, Confejfion of Sin? Prayer for Pardon, Defre of hk Grace, and Spirit ta enable them to Reform', they enquire into his word, how they may cleanfe their way, order their Convey- fation aright to pleafe him ', they are moved to con- fid er. by thefe drops , and Touches of Sorrow, what that flate of forrow without Banks or Bounds or Bottom is, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnafhing of Teeth : They are taken off from that Pride, and Self- Conceit; they find fo little in all things here below, and in rhi? prefent State, that they enquire for thofe better, and greater Things that are Above, and in Eternity: When farrow, ttardiff>ofes toftrong, and fcrious enqui- ries beccm^ j'jrrow after, and according to God; Oh ! D 4 how 40 Of an Evangelical Refentance. how excellently does it work ? How lam. 3. 40. do men (earcb, and try their ways that they may turn to God. Now becaufe of the Order, that God hathplac'd forrow in to all thefe great Eftefts ; therefore our Lord pronoune'd a Biefling upon Weeping* and Mourning, For elfe he loves our Joy, when it is Spiritual ', he command* to Repycc in the Lord all way, and again he fays, I{ejoyce: He Johm5.11. fpoke many great things, that our Joy might be full', that he might fill our Mouths with Laughter, and our Tongues with Singing. But our carnal, our fenfual joys, he knows, are our Death, and Deilru&ion *, he knows we are in no better cafe in our prophane, foolifh, finful Laughter, than they who are flung with the Tar an* tula, and Dye Laughing : Thus we have §reateft reafon in the midfi of fuck Laughter to be Sorrowful^ and the end of that Mirth will be heavinefs: Thus it will be bitternefs'm the latter end> therefore he warns us of it before , and in greateft Love to us, declares a Woe on fuch Laughter. But now to conclude this particular, The forrow of the World, How different a thing is it ? For tho it caufes Thoughts and Enquiries, yet it is only how to be rid of the Worldly Caufes of Sorrow^ and it turns only to Worldly Remedies; And it is very often in a rage at the caufes it finds *, and when either the Remedies are not to be found, or fail in their Succefs, ic is in a Rage, and flies out too often againft God , and Providence , and fo it wor\s Death : It begins that Hatred of God, that Blafphemy, and Rage, that is in Hell ; or if ic does net thus, it is a fallen, defpondent 3 unadive itate Of an Evangelical Repentance. 4 1 (late of Mind, that (huts, and fealsupall A&i\ like the Night wherein no Man can Worl>j and fo goes down into utter John p. 4. Darlyieff . Tt eirher fay , ihticLilu of the Lord, why flmdd I )vait any i Kings 6. longer? Or like Cain, My Iniquities 33. are greater,, than can be Forgiven ; and fohattehs out from the FrefenccfGnd -, or it recoyls upon it felf, as Saul, Achilophel, Judas -, or the Heart under the Power of it Dies as a ftone within k felf, as Nabals Heart <>ied within him* Thus it every way worlds 1 5am. 25. Death, becaufe it hath nothing to do 27. with him, who is the fountain of Life: For the Being of God is infinitely happy, and blefled , and all lighr, and luftre 5 and in him is no Darfyiefs at all of forrow as not of Sin ; he therefore when forrow is after him , fprings a Light into it * that whereas , the Dark and Black part arifes from fin , and the finful Creature j yet becaufe it is after him, it fhall ne- ver fet in the darkuefs of Death, and Hell; It receives from him as a Tin&ureof Holinefs, fo a Tinciureof Life, a Ray and Beam of it j It works Repentance unto Life and to Salvation, and fo ic fprings up after into Joy in his Favour,in the Light of his Countenance, in the aflurance of his|Love. But the Sorrow of the World is like a Night, that no kind of Light at ail Enlightens- Like the Night Job Curfed, it does nor turn to the Light, becaufe ic is not turn'd to God ; and fo is a (hade of Hell, be- fore Hell it feU"> a valley of the fhaddow of Death : and the horrors of it arc the beginnings of the hor- rors 42 Of an Evaugelical Kepentancel rorsof Hell; As therefore Car nal^ Joys ixe [parks of curwn kindling, Efay. 50/ notwithftanding which we fhall lye down in forrow, even (6 is for row not after God y as a black fhade of our own. 4. The fervice of (orrow after God to Repentance unto Salvation, is, that it breaks, and forces a- iunder that finful Frame in our Hearts, of fin, and contrariety to God, and to Holynefs: The very Natural Affc&ion of forrovv Ioofens, and Divides the Heart, from that which is the Caufe and occa- fion of fuch forrow : Becaufe that great Self-love, the force of that Law of Self- prefer vation is fo firong upon us ; that feeing forrow is an Affedion 3 that (lands in an enmity to our Peace, Comfort, and Enjoyment, and to our Life it felf \ if it be extreme, or too long continuing \ we therefore come off from what is the occafion, or that gives reafon to our forrow ; though we had exceedingly lov'd it before. This we find in all Cafes, and through the whole Nature of Things*, when there- fore fin, and lofs of the favour of God .becaufe of it, is made by the grace of God the jufl Reafon, and moftfenfible, and prevailing reafon of our for- row ; h diflblves the Frame of fin in our Heart, that had been before compaft, as the Adamant, and as the neither Mill-ftone ; Now this forrow divi- ding, and feparating between fin, and the ioul \ it brings forth that broken and contrite Heart, that QoimU riat dejpife. Again, This forrow is a fpiritual melting, fofr- ning and dillblving Thing. It feparatesthe Sou! every particle as it were from other; (6 that it is fofr, and ready to t< k * **rW figm^tha Of an Evangelical Repentance* 43 would have it take *, Ic brings the Joul to quick, and lively fenfe, which is as it were taking the fionc out of the Vlejh, and giving a Heart ofFlefii It is that Spirit of Grace, ot Ingenuous fen(e of our In- gratitude , and unworthy carriage towards God 9 mentioned before out of Zech. i 2. ai.d £?e£. 36. Hereupon the Apoftle James pre Iks to a grf at Mourning after God, or exercife cf Godly jonon\ •James 4. 2. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you ; clean \e your hands you finners, purify your hearts you double minded : How fhould this great Self- Purification be ErTeded ? By being Afflifad, by mourning and weeping *, by having the Laughter turned to Mourning *, and the Joy to Heavinefs; This Godly Sorrow, like warning and rubbing the Hands with Water, and the clofe Application of k, foftens and loofens the Filth that cleaves fo clofe, adheres and (ticks fo faft to the Hands. And it arifes from that Love, and Compaflion, that is feated towards our felves in our own Natures, which, when it is by the Hand of Grace pointed aright*, Ic is made a mighty Inflrument, a mighty Efficacy for Converfion, and Repentance ; becauie when our great Difguft, our Sorrow and Self- Af- fliction is pitch 'd upon fin, wecaft it off, as that, which is the reafon of our farrow, and that fiands in our Eye, as iiareful, Joathfome filth, and impu- rity, that we can by no means endure ; and therefore we fay to it, get ye hence, Oh / you Foul and abominable Lufis, what have I any more to do with you ? Bui more particularly, two ways this Godly for- row works to Converfion, Repentance, Self-Purifi- cation. i c By 44 Of An Evangelical Repentance. r. By being fo prevailing upon the Soul, as to drink up all the impure, and unholy Affe&ions in our Hearts. God giving it therefore by that his Spi- rit of Grace y and ingenuous fenfe, an afcendency, a fuperionty over all other Affe&ions in the Heart, at this time, he is working Repentance ; it drinks up all thepleafurable fenfual Affeftions in a Man : vihcnaman k in bitternefs, as one k in bitternefsfot bisfirfl Born y and for an only Begotten Child; He hath no more Appetite nor Emotion of his Spirits toLufl, and Stenfuality, and finful Pleafures, than fuch a one hath to do the ufual Encertainments, and Pleafures of life; when God therefore calls for this farrow, he looks upon it as a great Of- fence ; when there is flaying of Oxen, Efay.2i.15, and drinQng of Wine, lying upon beds Amos 6. 3. of Ivory , C haunting to the found of &c. Viols, Inventing Inftruments of Maficl^ like David ; when there is putting on Xpparel, and the Furniture of Pride : Por then he commands us, as he did the Children of Ifrael cfcer the fin of the Golden Calf to put Exod. 3 3. £ off their Ornaments , that he might know what to do to them, whether they fhould, as true Penitents, be fpar'd, or deftroyed in their Impenitency, And indeed when any are un- der the power of thxsGidly Sorrow, in fuch a po- ilure to Repent ancefcll fuch Ornaments are nothing; All fuch pleafures are quite out of Taft. The Soul hath no relifli*of them. 2: Godlv farrow thus made an Infirumentin the H md <*f Grace for working Repentance, hath by that its afcendency and foperiority 5 an engagement upon Of an Evangelical Repentance. 4 5 upon all the other Affections withitfelf, to the wording Repentance Mo \ this the Apoftle fhews in the very next words to thefe, we are Difcourfng upon, 2 Cor. 7. 11. For this ve>y jelf fame things that ye for f owed after a Godly fort ; what c are f nine fs it imitght inyouf\o\v great is the care and fcllicitude it works in all, that fo forrow, to get out of their Sins, and to return home to God ? What Apology for flolpefs, for God, andagainft Sin ? what Judg- ment againfl fin ? What Fear and Awe of God finking to the very Heart of fin ? what vehement defire after God, after true Grace, and perfect He- formation i and this boyling up to Zeal, or the heigth of Defire ; that Powerful Religious Affe&i- on, under the Operation of which a Man cannot bear Evil, no, noc for a moment. And laflly, there is an holy Revenge upon fin, Sathan, luft, even a man's finful feif; by which the Irreconcilable Hatred to every fia is Difcovered, and a Monument of that Hatred fet up in the Soul. Thus works godly forrow to Repentance ; but the forrow of the World having nothing to do with God, withfenfeof his |Difpleafure for fin, with fin, asfo great a reafon of forrow and trouble ; the Spirit re- mains in all irs former Frame of union to the world, and to fin ; and fo with the whole flare of fm, and of die World, and of forrow, it finks dowa to the center, to the place of forrow for ever ; For when forrow that is the Infirument cf God in working Aepeoidnce, does not prevail to that God's end \ it more certainly finks down to its Center* and that with great Violence ^ as we fee in thofc fore-nam'd Examples of Cain, Efau y Saul, A^tfo- phel, Jada^ who not fmming to Repentance went down 46 Of an Evangelical Repentance* «fown with greater violence to the Chambers of J>eath aud Sorrow, even everlafting farrow. $. The efficacy of godly for row to ^epnntance, is, tint it makes the So*d very humble before God ; the natural effect of forrow is to meeken, and bow the Spirit ; heavinefs in the Heart of Manmal^ef it tfoop, Prov. 1 2.25 the guife and mein,or Pofture of forrow* is to bow down the head like a Bullruflu The Hipocritkal mourner does fo, to imitate true forrow, Efay. 58. 5. Now this indeed , excepc it turn to God, and have Relation to him, is tha meannefs and pufilanimity of a Man ; but it is the true greatnefs^of Mind to lye down before God,and Tremble in his Prefence, as the melted Metal trem- bles and quivers before the Founder : This dif- folving, melting Efficacy of godly forrow is that, which turning to God nukes the Heart fubmit it felf as the Apoftle James fpeaks in the fame Con- text, c. 4. 10. Under the mighty hand A and that according to the very He . ^n, and Nature of Things, it could not be other <*;{> 3 but that godly forrow mud be fo made ufe of a- bove, and before any orher AffcSion j and that ic becomes him, by whom are all things, and for whom are allthings, Co to make uf< of it, 1. There can be, according to what the Apoftle fays, no other objeft of Rational, Intellectual Sor- row, but only thelofs of che Favour of GH« or his difpleafure for fin, or fubordinjred ro k 5 which makes it frrow after dd. For if on one fide the forrow fo plac'd. and fix'd , harb fo blefled Eflfe&s, that he that fofoi rows, receives noiniury by it, bur fo great good, at Repentance toSalvatu 6n, never to be Repented of \ that iris nor fo much Loft, as chang'd into Fulnefs of Joy, and fo per- fe&ed ; and on the other fide, that forrow hid ouc on any other objeft, ("which is forrow after the World) mr^s Death: Then it muft needs oecqme the wife, and gracious God, of whom, by whom are all things in bringing many Sons to Glory, to bring them tfi Jfcrfeflion, by fiich a forrow as this, E For 5° Of an Evangelical Repentance'. For if God was pleas'd to make fuch a Rational, Intellectual Nature, as man, that might, though made Holy, fall inro fin*, It mud needs be, thac it muft have a fitnefs to turn it felf with forrow up- on fuch an evil, and reafon of forrow, as God of- fended and difpleas'd for fin ; fuppoiing a man, by that fin had not loft either the ufe of his Uader- ftanding, or not loft the fenfeof God, Holinefs, and Goodnefs ; feeing if it did not lye Dead, and Benummed, or ftrongly diverted and turned off from itsObjed-or that God does not appear an Irre- concileable Judg, and Revenger, and give up man to the wickednefs and rage of Death.lt muft fo turn. Whenever therefore God by his grace in Chrift, and by his Spirit, turns any finner to himfelf, and ftirs up thofe Powers of underftanding, and Ccn- fcience after himfelf ; The very order of the Cre- ation of God Requires, that the underftanding and Natural Confcience, and Afte&ion of Man fhonld be turn'd upon him, difpleas'd by Sin, by this hum- ble forrow of Love; even as upon his wrath, and Vengeance, with a forrow of Pain, Fear, and Ter- ror; fo that both the Bondage of Heb. 2. 15. Fear of Death, and the Reverence of godly Fear, and Love move to this forrow , and the wife order of Things fettled by God, cannot allow it otherwife. On the other fide, if the turn of the Rational Nature, and Affe&ion, be drawn out upon the fenfe of any evil with trouble, and diflike, and re- lie&ion on its difagreeablenefs and inconveniency, and vet its preflure upon ir, which is forrow, grief, and fadnefs ; it mnft either be turn'd upon God of- fended, and difpleas'd by fin; or ic is to no pur- pofe Of an Evangelical 'Repentance*. 5* pofe of good, that there is fuch a Paffion or Af* fe&ion in man : For if it be plac'd on any other objeft, it is but forrow of tbis World, how juft fo ever, in regard of any evil of fuffr ring, it may feem to be: It is but forrow to Death, and fo of no good at all to us, but evil , till it be deriv'd into a higher and more excellent Channel : So that ic may be faid of this forrow , as Solomon fays of Laughter. It is madnefs, and what doth it? And ia place of Thorns crackling under a Fot 5 It is as the flow Fire, of too near a- Ecclef. 7. greement with that of BrimHone of 2. fyc. the Lal^e : It is not of any merciful or gracious ufe, but for the manifeftation of the wrath, and difpleafure of God againft fin. 2. Let us conf der ferioufly,what Jefus Chrifl ouf Lord fuffered under the fcnfe of fin j and then think vvhether it be re_Xonable* that the whole fhould fall on him, and none of the drops, and end of ic, come to us, and fo be fiWd up by us * We fhould never Col. T. 24. read that part of Sacred Hiftory t f the Agony of Chrifl) but we fhould deeply take it to Heart, Luke 22.44. He being in an Agony \Prayed more earneftly, and hisfweat was as it were drops of Blood : Chrift was not at this time feiz'd upon, and in the hands of thofe that Crucified him, but was in perfect Meditation, in an entire folitude of Thoughts : He was in Contemplation of the great evil of fin, and of the wrath and juf rice of God upon it : We may then fay, Dyed Chrifl as a Fool ? Or wa$ ChriSl in an Agony, as a Fool, or as a weakperfon? E * Did 54 Of an Evangelical Refentancel Did he not purfue the true Reafon of Things ? Did he nor follow fin by his holy and wife confideration of it from its beginning to its end ? Did he not fee it, as God looks upon ir, and as the Nature of fin requires, it fhould be looked upon ? Did he not behold it in the ruin, and damnation of mankind, in the everlafting horror of Confcience in Hell i Jf nor, vvhy this Agony ? Did he not behold our fins in all the aggravations of them ? Elfe why was our Lord under a forrow, that no ones forrow was like to it : He might juftly fay, to all that Read of it, behold, was any mans forrow like to mine ? Ought we not therefore, though we cannot fuffer, as he did , nor to fuch an effect of Suffering ? Yet ought we not to be Conformed to our Head? If thefe things were done in the green Tree, ought there not to be a Conformable Senfe of them, upon us, who are as the dry Tree, and much more reafon- bly to be foaifeded7 g. The great difadvantages that come upon the profeffionof Chriftianity, in the want of this godly forrow >prefs for it. i. Either Men reft and center in afalfe Repen- tance : The fallow ground of the Jerem. 4: 3: Heart is not truly broken up, fo that they forv on the Ityck, or among Thorns, and build in the Sand\ and their Repentance is not this Repentance, the Apoftle fpeaks of; they do Rot go down to the bottom of the Heart , nor dig deep to find the Springs of true Repen- tance: ■ 2: Or, Of an Evangelical Repentance* 53 2. Or, 2dly, Suppofe the Repentance not Falfe ; fuchareyetin Danger of Falls after Conversion; for no man is fo truly, and continually afraid of fin, as he that hath found the fmart and evil in pro- founded forrow for it. 2,. There is Danger, when godly forrow hath not had its perfeft worl^ , there fhould arife after per- plexities of Confcience, either upon the furprifal of outward Afflictions, or on the Death Bed, and fometimes with great Agonies, becaufe we have not gone through the exa& courfe of Repentance in forrow for Cm> and after God. 4. Oftentimes God leads through outward Cha- ftifements, to bring us through a more folemn fenfe of fin, and the evil of it *, and to clofer a&s of felf Judging^ and more exacl: Reformation of our Hearts and ways, 4. That we may be under the full efficacy of godly forrow, God hath made that gracious promifc, EZ e k* 3$* 2 5* That he will tal^e away the Heart of Stone, and give the f/ea*t of Flefh: Thus that Ada- mantine and to Jefus Chrijl the Saviour, and Re- deemer j Of an Evangelical Repentance". 55 deemer; but efpecially let us earneftly beg that Spirit of Grace, and Ingenuous fenfe, that may caufe us to be in bitternefs, as he that is in bitternefs for his Fir si Born; that we may thus forrow after God. Infer, 3. Let us fweeten to our felves , that which may feem very harfh, and contrary to Fkfh and Blood ; this forrow after God; with the confi# deration of this ; that Chrift hath eftablifhed a BlefTing upon it, the bleffing of an everlafling Confutation, Luke 6. 21, 25. Blefed are you that Mourn, and that Weep j for you fl;all be Comforted: And on the other fide, there is a Woe on them that Laugh now ; Confider \ Chrift the Captain of our Sal- vation, and all the Saints of God h.ve pafled through the Vally of Baca, this Valley of weeping, the way to the Heavenly Jerujalem, while the mad roaring merry World are going that broad way down to Deiiru&ion: This works that Repentance to Salvation never to be Repented of Head 3d. I come now to the Third Head in the Dottrin of Repentance, and that is to Difcourfe the true Laws and Rules of Repentance, the Frame, aid the true conftitution of Repentance ; the Mo- tives , and confiderarions for it j the figns and evidences of true Repemarce; all which muft n^eds be very great \ in that, ic is Repentance to Sal- vation, not a falfe, or counterfeit Repentance,or but to be Repented of ; not to be recalFd, revers'd, or re- pented, but to be coufirm'd by progreflive, repeated Ads, and renewals after Falls, even till it lays hold of Salvation* E 4 Genera 5^ Of an Evangelical Repentar.ce. General i. Iu the opening the grand Doftrin of Repentance, as on this head, I (lull endeavour to guide the Difcourfe of it, by keeping to the Oriel:, proper and precife Nature, and notion of Repen- tance ; For I know it does not really, and fub- flantially differ from other grand Evangelical No- tions of a through change of Heart, and Life *, as Regeneration, tbenewCteation; a new Heart, anew Spirit ; the Laws of God pit into our Jerem. 31. Hearts, and writ in our minds, that Ezek. 56, we way never depart from him \ the Heart of Stone tal^en out of our Flefb^ and having Hearts of Fk(h\ a being cau^d to wall^ in his ftatutes and judgments, and to do them : Uif fear put into cur hearts and his (j/Sr/f; rial. 19.12. within us; It is Mortification, and 19. Sanctification; Ic is Converfion, ard turning to the Lord ; a being cieans'd from fecret fms and Ice-pt bacl^from prefumptuousfms, acleanfing cur way y by ta\ing heed thereto according )e word of God ; the ordering our Ffal. lie. ftcps in his word^ that no Iniquity may 133. have dominion over lis i Nay, It dif- fers nor from Fairh in the Blood of Ghrift by any Effential Difference; from feeking Pardon and Reconciliation by Fairh in that great Attonemenr, and Sacrifice ; nor from the Love of Chrift) constraining all thofe, who Lives that is, have their Lives given to them, through his Death, to Live to him, who dyect for them\ All thefe are, as I havefaid, Eflemially, and fubftanrially the fame: Gut yet there is a very Diftind, and even Critical confideration of Repentance, that I fhall apply to la the prefent Treaty, under thefe three heads. Fartu Of an Evangelical Repentance. 57 Particular ift » Repentance carries always a Notion of fevere, and rigorous Afte in relation to our felves upon account of our Sins, and high Of- fences agai nil God : PaAticular 2. Repentance imports very clofe, and particular Ngotpnons, and TranfacYions with God in Relation to F.rgivenefs; and fuch, asex- prefs our particular ihame, and forrow, that we have offended him *, and earned defrres, that he would fhewto us, that he is at Peace with us, and hath Pardon'd ail, that is part in Chrift: Pantcular 5. Repentance is a hearty an univer- fal Change of our inward Thoughts, Ccunfel, Pur- pofe, and Defign 5 and of our outward Convei ra- tion, out of a true, and real Hatred, and difiike of what we have been, done, and chofen ; and a Love, Choice, and Delight in what we have not been, and have not done, nor delighted in. Particular r. Repentance confifts of many great, and fevere Acts in Relation to our ftlves •, up- on Account of our fins, and High Offences againft God ; under uhich [ will in every one of them, fhew the great excellency, and ufefulnefscf this duty, and the acceptablenefs of it to God. 1. The feriou ft, and moft dec^> exa- mination of our Hears, and Thoughts, and Lives, fo as :o know them, and to fit in Judgment upon them, is found in true Repentance . This is a won- derful Power, and grace tha: G^d gives, when he gives Repentance ; that a Man (hall be made to fit upon himfelf, and to dall himieif to an Account, to 58 Of an Evangelical Repent ancel to fearch himfelf as it were, with Candles^nd to fay, what have I done ? To fearch, and to try his ways, and to turn to the Lord, ro think of his ways, and to turn hit Feet to God's Teftimonies$ to declare hit ways in God's hearing j and becaufe his own fearch cannot be clofe, and exaft ; to cry oat to God, Pfalm 139. to fearch, and to try him, and to lead 23,24. him into the way everlasting: And this is performed by laying a mans Actions to the Line and F^ule of the Law of God, and entring into the particulars of every Com- mand 5 of every Age, and, as much as may be, every great and remarkable Action. Now this is evidently a very fapernatural effi- cacy j for we fee how afraid we are all of it j 3 Man in this way of Inquifition, and Vifuation of himfelf, is in a manner v as afraid of himfelf, as he is of God; and hides himfelf from himfelf, even as from the Eyes of God ; it is true, when men are in the cariere of fin, they are bold enough with themfelves % they devife mifchief upon their Bed, the fecret Thought and Heart of every one of us is very deep in fin $ and we know it, and are willing enough to know, we know it , when all is of a Peice i to go on in fin ; But when a Man finds him- felf coming, as a Judg upon himfelf; he is pre- sently aware of himfelf, and defirousto hide him- felf from himfelf, and toftartaway from himfelf ; when any therefore come to fay to themfelves, I will find out all the fecret ways of my own fin- ful Heart, of my Pride, of my Luft, of my Hi- pocrify, of my Deceit , of my Formality, and vain (hews in Religion, and the worfhip of God ; that I may Reform all, and caft out all that is evil Of an Evangelical Repentance* 59 evil : I will be known ro nr (elf, even the worft of mv felf I will make known to my felf, to nace and to loarh ir j we may certainly fay, Ic is very hopeful, God is giving Repentance to Life : For I would not walk in Difguife , under a Vizor^ and 3 Mask to my felf ; we hear therefore fo often this Vc ice of Scripture, Examin your feltes. prove yovr own fell es&norv ye 2 Cor. not your own Jelves ? except we are in a ftate that as to its prefent, is reprobated by God> So let a man Examin himfelf let him prove his owp» work. Gal 6, Tht rr are certainly many Truths of God, and parrs cf Beligion, and of the Action, and Duty of k, that a>e more fmooth and agreeable ro Men of Reafon. and ingenious Temper 5 that do not, though feemingly complyed with, fearch the carnal unre generate Heart to the bottom: Thefe therefore will not give fuch Evidence of the Truth of Grace, and of the mighty Operation of the Pivine Spirit : But this Durv of Selt-examination, itcanferve no Carnal Interefr; fo far as a man is led in it, he is led by rhe mighty Hand and Power of God: For in this Poinr, he is elfe ready to be Merciful to him r elf to (pare himfelf. When God caufes a man to fearch himfelf, that what is loweil, and at the bottom in him, may rife up; when he makes a Man purfue himfelf, and all his fins, till he can find none that he hath not had his Eye and his Search upon; furely, there is nothing that more allures a fincere work of God upon a mans Heart, nor nothing, more than the want of this, Difcovers Infinceriry, 2. lu So Of art Evangelical Repentance! 2. Id true Repentance there is an Authoritative and down right Self-Judgding, a Condemnation of what is Evil, and contrary to the Word of God, and the Laws of Holinefs, and Rules of the Gofpel of Chrift y In Repentance, a man muft plainly fay with, and in the Authority of 2 Sam. 12. God upon himfelf, Thm art the Man, i.fyc. Thou art fuch a finner, fuch an un- clean, fenfual , voluptuous Perfon : Thou art fuch a Covetous, Worldly, Griping, Ex- torting Perfon: Thou art fuch a deceitful, unjufc Cheat, or Lyar : Thou art fuch a Hipocrite, that arc more afraid of the Eye, of the judgment of the cenfure of Man, than of God : Thou art he, that choofeft any, or fuch, and fuch a Sin, rather than Affliction : This plainly, and in the Name of God, and of Confcience, that is made a Judg with- in a Man, and the Soul hearing it with Terror, and Awe upon it, is the true Work of Repentance: This is a fever e Difcipline, a day of Terror in? deed u;»cn the Sou 1 , when it is carried home by the Hand, and Finger of God. Now this Scripture calls a Judging our Selves, and this Self examination, and Self-judging are re- commended to us, as what would fave Gods Judg- ing us : If we would judg our [elver, I Cor. 1 1. 3 1 we fhoulJ not be Judged of the Lord', and furely if it be done to the purpofe, and fo as ftronglv to afTeft the Heart ; icisa very grea the Spi it of God, and .rilt, convincing of Sin t and John 1 6. of Right eoufnefs, and of Judgment ; 8, &c 4 And I fhould rather crtoofe it, as ar* Evidence of the Grace of God, chap fotae Of an Evangelical Repentance. 61 fome fair appearances, that corrupt Nature can bet- ter bear. 3. In Repentance there is a real Trembling, and Affli&ing, and Grieving , and Shaming a Mans felf j a fmicing on a Mans Thigh, a being Afmrrid and Confoundedly bearing the Reproach of our trays. ; a loathing our [elves, an abhorring our [elves in duftand ajhes ; a not opening of $ur Mouths \n any [elf Apology * or Jujiification , but a fmiting on our Bretitt, as fo great Jinners, as the chief of /inner s. This is the true, and real work of Repentance in this part of it: This is a truly Spiritual Penance, in comparifonof which all impofed Bodily hardfhips are nothing; and yet if God lays Affliction upon us, though it be very fevere j there is an Accep- tance of the Fmmflithent of our Ini- Lev. 26.41. quities. Oh ! that God would enable us to thefe fecret Afts upon our corrupt felves, to rend our Hearts, and not our Garments, to Sacrifice to Gxd broken Hearts, and contrite Spirits, to Tremble at his word, to humble our [elves, and to lye down before him, with our very Souls and Spirits as well as to roll our Bodies in the Duft. Oh \ that God would give us thefe proofs of true unfejgn d Repentance. 4. There follows in a true Repentance, a real ex~ ecucion upon our corrupt, impure felves, a cutting off the Right Hand, Mark 9. 43, and the Rjght Foot, a pulling out the Right Eye , a true Spiritual being put to Death, a flay- ing, a crucifying our jelves in the Flefh, that we may live to God in the Spirit \ a fuffering the Spirit of Judgment 6% Of an Evangelical Repentance* Judgment , and of Burning, a faking the Saorifice, not only with Salt, but with Fire. Now All thefe Things are of great ufe, as they arc Acknowledgments of the Righteous Judgment «f God, due to us in our Eternal Condemnation, as they are Judging our felves to the very Fire of Hell ; As they declare the exceeding Evil of Sin, and the Foulnefi of it *, as they fhew us the ahfo- late Neceffiry of a Redeemer , as they lay a Foun- dation of feparatittg our felves from fin, and of the fitter Hatred of iu And laflly, They are fuch , as rm.fi needs refult from Rarional Nature, endued with molt powerful Principles of the Law of Righ- teoufttefs, Knowledge of God, and of his Righte« <©us judgment, written in the We arts and the Thoughts he hath made % the Confcienee he hath created, eirher for Accufing or Excufing ; and efpe- ciaily all thefe mightily fet home by the power of the Spirit of God ; that fo he may have," though toozReal Satkfdlion from the Sinner \ for that is *- tone from Chrtft, Yet fuch an Honorary fatisfaUhn % and Acknowledgment ; as is due from a finner, even is his very Soul, and from the bottom of his Heart ; in the Daft wherein rhe Lord is pacified towards bhm, that files for Refuge to the hope fet before him* Particular 2. The jecond Particular in this Head, concerning Repentance, in the SriS confider ation of It, is> That it imports very clofe and particular Negoti- ation, and Tranfattions with God, in relation to For- givenefs\ and fuch, as exprefs our particular fhame 9 and forrow> that we have offended him *•> and earneji Defires, that he muld fftew U4> that he is at peace with Of an Evangelical Repentance* 6$ with us % and hath pardon! d all that is pafs'd in Cbri8. Under this I willDifcourfe thefe following Parti- culars . I. In Repentance : The Humble, Repenting Soul cafts it felf down in the moil lowly, and SeJf-aba- iing Acknowledgment of fin, and confdlion of it. Scripture therefore points fo much at Confejjion : He that confejjeth, and firfa\eth : He mud firft confefs y and then for fake his fins, and he (hall find mercy 9 Prov. 28. 13. And David defcribes a Penitent, as one , in whofe Spirit there is no guile : that is, he makes an open, fmcere, hearty Confeflion. This is one Branch of the Defcription of the Blefled Man, whofe Iniquities are forgiven, and whofe fins or? co- vered; and to whom the Lord mil not impute Iniqui- ty: And after, it follows, I acknowledged my Iniqui- ty unto thee, and my fm have I not hid: I [aid, I will vonfefs my tranfgreffion unto the Lord, and thou forga- vefl the Iniquity rf my fn. But before I did this, and while / kept filence, thy hand was heavy upon me 5 fo that my moifture was turned inio the drought offummer, Pfalm 32. 1, &c. I acknowledge my tnanf- grefjion, and my fin is ever before me, Pfalm $ i.^E^ra thus made confejjion, c. 9. So Kehemiah, c. 9. So Daniel, c. 9, And the Apoftle, John^ Ep. 1. c. 1. 0. fays, If we confefs our fins, he is faithftl and }ufl to forgive us our fins, and to clean fe us from all un- righteoufneft. Thus we fee how much Scripture puts upon Confejjion throughout. Now Confejjion of fm is not accepted of God for it felf: For what can we fuppofe, the Relation of our 6f Of an Evangelical Repentance^ our fins can be to God, the Eyes of wfiofe Holinefs % and Glory, are foprovol£d by our fins ? But he hath only Regard ro us, that we fhould in hatred of our fins, and of our rinful felves, expofe them with ha- tred, and abhorrence of our felves ; and becaufe we are refolved co have rm more to do with them, we difcover and dered them, without any thing of Guile, without any Referve: For, as the Expref- fion is in Job, when we [pare our fins* weroiltkem under our Tongues. The more therefore we con- fefs them with trouble of Mind, and in bitternefs of Spiric, and with Refolutions of having no more to do with them, the more acceptable is our Confeffion to God ; becaufe thereby our Confeffion the more attains God's Ends, and what he is mod pleas'd with in our Confeffion. For therein is our iiicerky, when weconfefs fin, becaufe it is Reafon- able to expect we will not be reconcil'd to the fins we confefs : For that is for the Dog to return to his Vomit. Confeffion of our fins, with Loathing and Abhorrence, is vomiting themout of our mouths. And sherefore to return to them again, is to return to our V'vmt : and Confeffion is like Wafhing and Purify- ing our felves : To retturn therefore to the fins we have confefs'd is wallowing our [elves in the mire, af- ter wafhing. This feems fo Reafonable, and ev^n NeceiTary, that when it is firft (aid, He that hideth and cover eth his fins, (hall not profper : Then, he that eonfejjeth, and forfa^eth, (liall find mercy. It is fup- pofed, if any Man does not confefs, he will not for- p%; but if he confefles,, he does it in order to for- JaJ^ing. But yet becaufe Men are fo apt to deceive themfelves with Formality, and to think, God may be fa put off, and pleased, he adds) lie that not on- ly Of an 'Evangelical Repentance* 6$ Iy confefl.'th, but does that which is fo neceflary with Confeflion ftrfa1>es *, {hall find mercy. Thus Solomon, all along his Pray- i Kings 8. ei\ joyns manv Expreilions, that are the undoubted Afts of fincere Repentance, to- gether with the Confeffion of fin And if Confeflion be thus joyn'd with Sorrow, Shame, Trouble, Ha- tred of (ins and urtcr reparation from them *, ic couJd not defervedly fall under that Ridicule, and Contempt, that prophane men put upon it; as if it were the telling God only the Story of our wick„ ed Hearts, or Lives : But without other fincere, effective Powers of Repentance, i: too juftly falls under that Reproach *, but any fuch Reproach, our Lord will return upon us, and our Confeflion. 2. Fn Repentance there is an earned and moft ve- hement, butalfo mod humble Application to the Throne of Grace, in Jefus Chri t, for Pjrdon and Re- conciliation*, and with fuch a Continuance and Per- feverance, as till there be fome Anfwer, that God is our Gracious Father in Chrift ; that we hear the Joyful found, that our fins are forgiven us. It is not only that common and formal way of asking Pardon, whether we mind it or not; but to make it our Bu- finefs, the Aim and D^fign of our Souls, till we re- ceive fome gracious aiTurance, that our Defires are anfwered, and our Pravers heard. The truly Re- penting finner fitteth alone, and Igepeth fi/ence ; that is, he is in a waiting* and earnefUy expelling poflure ; He pntteth his mouth in the dufi, if there may be hope} He faith of God, He is my portion ; he hath pro- mifed pardon, therefore will I hope in him : For in- deed the Lord \s good to all that thus wait for him , te the foul that thus fee^eth him : It is good therefore F fir 00 Of an Evangelical Repentance! fir a man, that he both hope, and quietly wait for the falvation of the Lord ', It it good for a man to bear the T l>e in hti youth : Till G d is pleas'd to fay to him, Be of good cheer , J am thy falvation : Fear not, I have blotted out thy Tranf/reffions as a cloudy and thy fins as a thicl^ chui : Wnen they are fought for, there (hill be mne\ and though they are fearch'd fir>they fl) all not be found. For thus the truly repenting (in- ner follows hard after God : Repentance is a Grace on purpofe for the Cuing out Pardon and Reconci- liation. \ni bccauie it is moved and a&ed by Faith, it feeks this Pardon in Chrift, and through the Mediator , by whom alone [(epzntance bath place, and from whom alone the Notion of it fprings, as hath been fhewn : Thus David in his Repentance renewed, through the whole Pfalm 51. repeats and redoubles hi* prayer for pardon \ as if he would not ceafe, nor be quiet, rill he had the ajurance of it: He turns himfelf therefore everyway to God, and all the Efficacies of his Grace for Pardon, and with a Refpect to the Blood of Chrift, under the Hy- fop. Particular 5, In true Repentance, the Soul makes Full and Firm Refolutions of New Obedience, and j4- mtndment of Life ; and fuch as are ready to ifTue out into A&ion; and this through the Grace, and Power, and affiftance of the Divine Jpi- rir. And herein, indeed, is the very great Point of Repentance, and that gives Evidence to the Truth of all that goes before ; When there is fuch a HlToc{Aihei0Ci fuch an after jollicitkde } itid feriou s afflu Of an Evangelical Repentance^ 6y affli&ive Qoncernednefs for the fmfulnefs and unholi- fiefs of our former Aclions and Uf\ that we can no longer endure that Scare, or Courfe, in regard of the very anguifh, and trouble of Thoughts upon us^ as it alfo iflues into a drift Care and Government over all our Future Aftions, to keep them within the Holy Rule and Government of the Word of God the Laws of Holinefs, and of Obedience to him: And herewith is joyned a \|c T ^;oi a . fuch an Af ter-mind, fuch an After -counfeU fuch Second Thoughts as change the whole Matt. 3. £• Purpfe and Manner of Life : fuch an engaging the Heart to approach to God, Jere.30.2 r. So that the True Penitent is prepared, and actually brings forth Fruits meet Ads 26.20. for Repentance, and amendment of life. There is a turning from Dar^nejs ; that is, from the whole Night of Ignorance, Injudicious Mind, Un- holinefsof AcYion, Sinfulnefsof Life, under a con- tinued Night, and Dunknef>\ to Light $ that is, to a true found Judgment and Mind, even the Spirit of a \ound Mind, and rightlv Informed Vnderftanding', to an high and perfefl fenje of things, and to an«- mverfal Holinefs, Purity and < leanjednefs from allfil- thinefs of Fit 'fh and Spirit, and fo a perfecting of Holinefs in the fear of 2 Cor. 7. God: a juft Account of the Time 1. pajt, as that which may have much more than fufficed, to have wrought the Will of the Gentiles, and to have fpent in the Lufls of onr lg« mrance 3 and now we are wholly Dedicated to God. F 2 This 68 Of an Evangelical Refentancel This is the Noble Grace of Repentance, that is, indeed, to falvation, and never to be repented of: So wonderful and admirable a Contrivance of the Grace of God, and fuch an liluitftration thereof, that Angels, even the whole Heaven, Reioyceth over one pinner that repents, more than over Ninety Nine jufl perfons that need no Repentance : That is, there is a greater Refplendency, and fhining out cf the Glory of the Divine Companion, and Efficacious Power of hisSpirit in Repentance, than even in an innocent State. It is the joyful Aftonifhment of Angels and Saints : They adore, and throw their Crowns before God, even the Crowns of Luke 1 5. Angelical Perfetlion -, and adore the io. Infinite and Incomprehenfible My fie- ry of the Divine will ', that when the ilnning Angels had no allowance of after, or fecond thoughts; of after-care-, or judging better, of an af- ter-mind, but are under Final Impenitency, and in Chains of Darfyiefs, to the Judgment of the Great Day, when Repentance to Life is grant ed to men. The Lord hath been pleas'd to Jerem.&go. bring out of that Reprobate Silver in it felf fuch Veffels of Mercy, which 2 Tim. 2.2 1 he had before Prepared to Glory ; mak- ing them by- Repentance Veffels meet for the matters ufe, prepared to every good TVorl& and who herein yeild this great Glory to Righ- teoufnefs, and Holynefs, that upon full Judgment and Experiment made $ They imcomparably pre- fer Holynefs to alkthe Pleafuresof Sw* that are but for zfeafon-, and choofe even the bitter Draught, it I may fo fpeak, the bitter Waters of Repen- tance, Of an Evangelical Repentance \ 69 tance, before the Intoxicating Cup of the Vleafnrc s of Sin that are but for a feafon; and ftand for ever obliged and deeplyeft indebted to true Grace, that not only their after thoughts, and Judgment in Repentance are accepted ; but that they are Re- trieve by the Er. carious Operations of it to New- nefs of Life. General 2d, I have thus far open'd the Nature of Repentance, by confidering the ft rift, and pre - cife Notion of ir, and (hewing how excellent, ad- mirable, and even noble aGrace, this Evangelical Grace is, even in that ftrift and preciie Notion : I will now go on to confider it in the excellent motives, and Incentives to it; that will further (hew the excellency of its Nature, and then the fignesof irs Truth, that it i; Repentance of the true Allov •, the truly excellent Nacure under that great fign, It U Repentance to Salvation, and that is never to be Repented of, which is the Second Gene- ral under this Third Head in the Do&rin of Re- pentance. Particular 1. I begin with Motives to this true Repentance, wherein I Record thefe following, of which I will but briefly fpeak, having already comprehended much of them : And as they are motives , fo they are to be Iook'd upon as the highefr means, arid inflru&ion?, fitted by God for Repentance } and the Soul accordingly is to apply and ftretch forth it felf in the ufe of them. r. The principal, not Motive, but Mover is the Supreme Grace and Operation of the Divine Spi- S F 3 ric, lo Of an Evangelical Repentance. rit, who firs as a Refiners Fire, and Mabc. 4, 2. Fullers $ddp within the Temple of the Zcch.i 2.10 Siul'j is a 5/>/r*f of Grace, and of Sup- Efay 4. 4. plication, a Spirit of Judgment and Burning, wafting away the Vilthinefs of the Flefi, and of the Spirit ; The divine Spirit is the great Superintendent of the Grace , and Work of Repenrance, by his inward Morives, and Ovcrfhaddo wings of the Soul -, For Afts ir. 18. feeing Repentance is the Gift and 2Tim.2.2$. Grant of God y the Divine Spirit, that Luke 1 1.20. is the Power and Finger of God, muft needs be the Supreme Operator : What the Love of God is the Fountain of in the Divine Operation^ that the Spirit of God,by whom, the laft Operarion, and Irfed is in every thing perfe£Ud, is the immediate Hand and Finger that brings i; to pafi; and fo what Jefus Chrift is a Prince to Give; that which is his, the Riches, the Purchafe of his Redemption, his Spirit John 1 6. 15* is fent, he fends him in the Fathers Name, to ta\e of it, and to give it to his ^deemed. Repentance therefore being the Purchafe of the Redemption of Chrift, he gives it as the Fruit of that Redemption , and whence elfe fhould Repentance arife <* For except by ver- tue of the Redemption of Chrift, it were Created and Born with us , It is not in any Created Power co raife, or to bring it forth ; That belongs to the all Creating Power : That Chrift hath fhored up the Moral Faculties fo far, as to preferve the polTibilitks of Repentance is Evident; and to his Glory be it declared-, That by him the fame mo- tions and endeavours^ that Natural Conscience hath to Of an Evangelical Refentanctl 71 to Holynefs , and Righteoufnefs before fin ; the fame it hath to Repentance after fin ; and fo even as in finning, fo in not Repenting the Impenitent .Sinner is moft righteofly Condemned. But even as a Man cannot exert, nor put forth his Faculties to Holinefs, and Righteoufnefs be- fore fin without a Regeneration, and new Creati- on j even fo can he not afccr fin, either, as it is habitual in his Nature, or as he is fallen by innu- merable Actual Sins, return by Repentance, except by the fpecial Afliftances of Divine Grace, and Almighty Power. For furely, as nothing lies for ever in a ftate cf nothing, except an almighty moover gives Being from himfelf j fo Impenitency lies for ever in a ftate of Impenitency, except an infinire Spirit of Grace give Repentance to Life; which fhcws, that mankind Hands in no other ftate for Repen- rance, than it does to Holinefs, and Righteoufnefs; There is that preferv'd in him , that fhews the goodnefs of both, and moves him to both; but how to Perform in either he finds not, but as he is Affifted by Infinite Grace, and by an Infinite Spirit : And this fhews Supremacy of Grace, di- ftinguifhing between thofe, to whom it gives Re- pentance unto Life, and to whom it does not give ; evenasir dtftinguifhr's between thofe, to whom it gives Regent ration, Renovation, new Creation to Holinefs, and Righteoufnefs and to whom it does not give. For except thefe, even, Repentance, new Crea- rti, Regeneration, were (o by Chrift communicated to our very Natures; that every man had them by the very Grace of continuing Creation ; except he 1 4 toft J i Of an 'Evangelical Repentance. Loft it for himfelf (as Adam did Original Righre- oufuefs for himfelf, and his Pofterltv) which no man will daretoatiert \ ic is fo evident to the con- trary ; elfe what is not, never will be; and whatis at Reft will never move, except an Almighty Mover give it Motion. For though, ic is true ; the Engrafted Notions ot Righteoufnefs, and Hoiinefs, firft; and then cf Repentance in cafe of f fo iniquity (hall not be your ruin: Caj\ away your Tr<,nf- greffionSy triage you a new Heart and a new Spirit ; for why will you Die ? Implying this as the great motive to Repentance ; that without it we mutt needs Die, Lzek. 18. 5c. Ads 17.gr. Gcd com- mands all Men every where to Repent ; because he hath appointed a day, wherein he will Judg the World : The confederation of a Judgment, to wit, of Condemnation upon an Impenitent Perfon is one great motive to Repentance. God is pleas'd therefore generally to ufher in Repentance by a fhaking, an Earthquake in the Soul, fhewing' it the Honors of Wrath and erer- nal Punifhment , which is call'd the Spirit of Bon- dage, Rom. 8. 15. For that Law of Self-prefervati- on being feated fo deep in Man j the fear of an evil fo Defiruftive to our Beings, as wrath to come y and the eternal Difpleafure of the Supreme Being 5 Nothing moves (a Itrongly and powerfully, nothing makes fo violent concuflions in the Heart of Man, as thefe deep apprehenfions, or tears up the very Roots of that old finful Frame , and make it fly every way, to change its Scituation, and Pofture for the avoiding of that Difpleafure : Thus Nine- veh a$rightned with that preient dreadful Denuncia- tion of Judgmentjturn'd it feif every way to Attorn- ment with God j although the Judgment then De- nounc'd did not reach to Everla fling Punnifhment ; how much mote do the Apprdienfions of Wrath 70 74 Of an Evaugelical Repentance*. tocome^ and ever to come, as was before obferved of it, move ? And though this is not the high- eft, and nobleft Kind of Motive ; yet it is fuch as our Lord earneftiy , and doubly recommends to his Friends. I fay unto you my Freinds, fear not them that l>jll the Body, and have Luke 12. no more that they can do ; but I will 1 4. forewarn you whom you (hall fear ; fear him that after he hath kjWd , hath power to ca§t into Hell, yea, I fay unto you> fear him. 3. The fo great Affiirance God hath given in Jefus Chrift the Mediator, and Redeemer, that our fins fhall be Pardoned upon our Repentance, , is a mofl excellent motive to Repentance, and follows the former; as that dill Voice^ wherein God is,didthe Earthquake.,! Kings c 19a 2.ThisAfTurance is that, which gives Life, and Spirit to Repentance, and alfo the true Evangelical Sweetnefs, and Di- vine Temper to it ; which elfe would turn into the Horrors of Cain and Efau, which afterwards relaps'd into a Wordly fecurity, fenfelefnefs, and fenfuality ; for Cain went Ohtfrom the Gen* 4. 1 5. Vrefenee of the Lord, and dwelt in the c.56. 15. Land of Nod, and fell to Building : Efau became a great Earthly Prince, and Father to many Du^es, without any further thought of the Birthright, or Blejjing, or elfe the horrors arifing from the fenfe of fio, and Divine Difpieafure turn into the Dcfpair of Saul , and Judas , that are but the forecafts of Hell, and e'verlafting reparation from the prefence of God, and the light of his Countenance. This fenfe of the Love, Of an Evangelical Repentance* 75 Love, and Favor of God in Chrift, is that which draws the Soul, by the melting , and diflblving that Stony Heart, and making that Slijf Neckj, ind Iron Svmew to be ready, and pliant to all Holy Rules, and Heavenly Motions ; and fweetens fear, forrow , and horror into Love, and Reverence , and filial difpofirions to Obedience; while there are any beginnings of foedding abroad the Love of God in the Heart, and when the Love of Chrift begins to Conftrain us: This' glance of the Eye of Chrift on Peter with Love, and Grace, made him go out and weep bitter!} ; this fenfe of Mercy humbled David, and Diftilfd into all thofe Heavenly Peni- tential Expreflions, we have Pfal. 51. 4. When, by the grace of God, the Heart is deeply Affefted with the fight of the great Evil, abominable Foulnefs, and Harefulnefs of fin ; and wirh the Beauty of Holineji j this is a »~? oft efle&ive motive to Repentance; when we are ftruck with the fenfe of the Intrinf ck fhamefulnefs of every evil way, the falfenefs of thofe appearances of good, that are found upon fin, but wen an Inheri- tance of Lies ; it makes us hate every falfe way, and caft away the Things, that can yeild no true good or profit •, and of which we have reafon for ever to be afl)amcdy the end of which is Death, Rom. 6\ Through the word of thy Lips I keep my felf from the Paths of the Deflroyer. Pfal. 17.4. Through thy Precepts I get underft anding , therefore J hate every falfe way. Thy word is very pure, therefore thy fen ant hveth it. lhave found thy precepts concerning all things to be right* and I hate every falfe way. The righteo^fnefs of thy Teflimomes is everlaSiing, give y6 Of an Evangelical Repentance! give me understanding, and I (hall live, Pfalm 1 1 pi The Ltw of the Lord it right, converting the foul \ the testimony of the Lord U fure, making wife the fimple^ the Statutes of the Lord are right, re)oycing the heart. How fweet are thy words to my tafte 7 . fweet er than ho- ney to my mouth. Moreover, by them u thy fervant warned, and in the peeping of them there U great re- ward, Pfalm 19, All thefe are Expreflions of the mighty Power of Holinefs moving to Repentance; from the Beauty and Amtablenefs of it lelf, and the Odioufnefs of Contrary Sin and Evil. ?. The Word of God, throughout all thefe, is the Inftrument of the Holy Spirit ; and with the Variety of its Divine Reprefentations, Collects, and . BirTufcs into the Soul, and Univerfal Spirit of a Man, being fuiced to every Faculty and \ffeftion, the fteafons and mighty Efficacies both of Fear and Hope ; vi^ the Wrath and Indignation a- gainft fin; of Grace and Mercy in Chri it to the tru- ly Repenting (inner, and together with them, the Beauty of Holiuefs, and the Hatefulnefs of Sin. For the Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit, execu- ting Vengeance on fin, and yet fparing the Humble Returning finner, and effectually movinghim by it to Repentance. 6. The fixth, and laft Motive I fhall ufe, is the true Consideration of the Gofpel ftate, both as it is now, and as it fhall be in its Glorious Manifefta- tion : For that being a flare fo New, and fo diffe- rent from theprefent ftate of Sin, and Flefti, and Corruption, we can never be fuued toitbutbyihis great Change, by Repentance for it : the pmting off ■ the Uf an Evangelical Repentance, . >/ the Old Man % which it corrupt, accord- ing to it j deceitful Lufls, and put tin? on Ephef. 4. the New Km, which is renewed after 22, 23. God, in Knowledge, Righteoujnefs, and true Holinefs , is mod abfolutely necefTary to enjoy this Kingdom: And this is the Truth of Repen- tance ; It is the having fuch an Eve upon him, who is Rifen from the 2 Cor. $. Dead, and to the Refurreflion of the 15. Dead it felf, as to know neither Per- fons, nor Things, as we knew them before, after the Fief}). On this account our Lord fent John as an Herald before him, preachings and faying, /^e- pent, for the Kingdom of Heaven k at hand. And as foon as John had finifh'd his Miniftry of Repen- tance, to (hew it was not only the MeJJage of the Forerunner, but of the Lord himfelf, whofe way he was to prepare, Jefus himfelf from that time, be- gan to preach, and to fay, Repent ; for the Kingdom of Heaven U at tam/,Matth. 3. 1. c. 4. 17. he (hewed to us, this New ftate requires New Perfons, New Hearts and Spirits, New Lives and Actions, to lay the Foundations and Beginnings of it here, and now ; and that it may breakout into Salvation, and Glory, at the Glory of that Kingdom : That it may be fo tryed now, as to be found unto Honour , Fraije, and Glory, at the appearance of Jefm Chrift. I come now to the fecond part of this Genera), vi^ to difcourfe the fignsof the fincericy of this Repentance, under that great Note, and rnoft fig- nal Character of it, That it is Repentance to falvati- on, never to be repented of Which gives thefe Four great Characters as flgns of it. 1. Re- 78 Of an Evangelical Repentance* 1. Repentance th.it is not to be Repented of, muft Seave no known evil or fin unrepenred of: For then that fin fo ears into the very heart of fuch Repen- tance, that it needs to be begun a -new, and to be entred upon a-frelh, being not through, and fin- cere, and therefore falfe and counterfeit : This makes Scripture to often infifl upon the through a- mending our ways and dungs ; and re- Jerera. 7. turning to God, not fignerfly, but with 5. the whole heart. And Chrift bleffes Ads 5. 25. in turning away from every one of our L Pfal. 65. 1 8 « niquities. If I regard Iniquity, viz. z- ny Iniquity, in my heart, the Lord md n& hear me. The. leaving of one fin unrepented of, makes a man double -mm Jed, and James 1.8 fo unft able in all his ways, who can ob- tain nothing of the Lord, He mifles that Great Wifdom, that after-mind, or Wifdm of True Repentance: David in the fenfe of this fo earneftlv prays ; Search me, Oh God, Pfal. 139. Try my Reins, and my Thoughts ; and fee if there b? any evil way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting : And to (hew his fin- cerity, he fiys, All my ways are before thee: As he therefore that breaketh one Command, is Guilty of all ; fo he that repents not of all, truly re- pents of none : He that breads one of thefe leafl, Commands, and teacheth men fo, fljall be caWd leafl in the King* dem of Heaven. I was upright b?jore him, and Jt>ept my J elf from my Iniqui- ty. By all thus ^nxi many more fuch like 5crip- tures> it is molt evident, a, Repentance not to be Re* pented James 2. xo. Matrh. 5- 19- Pfalm 18. 23. vj m Hvangeucai Kepentance* 79 pentedof, requires Vniverjality: For willfully mif- fing in one fin, or Duty, it betrays it felf infincere throughout, every way *, it hath forgotten it felf, if it negleft any one known Grace. Such a Repen- rance is blind, and cant lool^ affar off and fee every way. 2. It is a perfevering continuing Repentance, that is never to be repented of It mud go on j it Renews and repeats it felf* but never is fo tobe re- pented of, as to be revers'd, repented, orrecaird. It goes on even till it touches, and even enters in- to falvation it felf: For it u better not tohxvekpsvonthewaysof Right eottfne fs , 2 Peter 2. than having knmn them, to depart from 21, 22. the holy Commandment given to m. For tofuch it happens, according to the true Proverb: The Dog it returned to hit Vomit, and the Swine that was wafhed, to her wallowing again in the mire. He that hath truly repented, finds fnch fatisfa&i- on in his Repentance, that as the up- right man, he holds on hit way, and grows Job 1 7. 9* fironger and ftronger in it. And in cafe of any Falls or Returns to former fins, there is both a daily Renewal, and perfe&tng of Repen- tance for lefrer Failings, and fecret Faults-, and more folemn for greater Sins and Falls, The true Repenting Soul is as the Light that flnnes more and more to the perfeft Day. Prov,4. 1 o„ But the falfe Penitent walketh in Darl^nefs, and knows not at what he Humbles. Thus true Repentance knows nor, finds not any Reafon of calling tack, or Repenting of it felf, ei- ther as if there had not been Reafon, or greateft advantage in Repenting in General ; or as if it had not So Of an Evangelical Repentance. nor been true, of the right kind, /% precious Re- pentance