wmm mfa W^mMmm A ^v. 5=#/Y< ^/ / - J (r* ^ u * '"' " - ^Z^- / ^2^ 6&fr^e-** RULES AND TABLES OF THE EAST-LOTHIAN MUTUAL ASSURANCE OR FRIENDLY SOCIETY, INSTITUTED 13 th SEPTEMBER 1830, FOR GRANTING BENEFITS IN SICKNESS, OLD AGE, AND AT DEATH. PUBLISHED BY GEORGE NEILL, GEORGE TAIT, AND JOHN WOOD, HADDINGTON; AND WILLIAM MILLER, DUNBAR. MDCCCXXXI. CONTENTS. RULES. I. Objects of the Society, II. Honorary Members, III. Admission of Ordinary or Benefit Members, .... IV. General Rules as to Contributions, V. General Rules as to Benefits, VI. Payment of the Benefits, Sickness, Annuities, Life Assurance, VII. Management Fund, t VIII. Meetings, IX. Office-Bearers, Standing Committee, District Committees, . President and Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, • Secretary, Auditors, Medical Officer, Accountant, . . . Trustees, X. Books, XI. Arrears, XII. Disputes and Arbitration, XIII. Investment of the Funds, XIV. Investigations of the Affairs of the Society, and Adjustment of the Funds, . XV. Alterations and Amendments, XVI. Dissolution of Society, Penalties, Page ib. 4 6 7 10 ib. 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 ib. 20 21 ib. ib. ib. 22 ib. 23 ib. 25 27 28 ib. 29 TABLES AND EXPLANATIONS. Explanations of the several Tables, I. Sickness Fund, II. Deferred Annuity Fund, . III. Life Assurance Fund, . . . . IV. Balancing or Present Annuity Table, V. Redemption of Payments for all the Funds, Rules for Conversion of Decimals, 30 32 33 34 35 36 ib. FORMS. I. Claim for Sickness Allowance, II. Sickness Certificate, III. Certificate applicable to the Life Assurance Fund, IV. Nomination to be indorsed on the foregoing Certificate, V. Mandate to Proxies, VI. Award by the Arbitrators, Schedule of Return of Sickness and Mortality, . 37 ib. ib. 38 ib. ib. 39 RULES I. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY. 1. The designation of this Institution shall be The East-Lothian Mutual Assurance or Friendly Society ; the objects contemplated being to bring within the reach of the labouring and trading part of the community the invaluable blessings of independent support, by means of mutual assurance, and by contributions regulated by a graduated scale of rates suited to the ages and circumstances of the members. 2. This Society shall consist of Honorary and Benefit Members ; and shall be open for the admission of Honorary Members to the public through- out the kingdom ; but for Benefit Members, only to persons residing within the County of Haddington at the time of admission, 3. The whole of these Rules shall apply to, and be binding on, all Members of the Society, whether males or females, in so far as applicable to their particular circumstances. 4. The Society shall comprise the three following Schemes, or Funds, for the benefit of the Ordinary Members, who shall contribute thereto in manner after mentioned ; and these three Schemes or Funds are declared to contain the whole purposes for which the Society is constituted, and to which, and the necessary expenses of managing the same, the whole funds of the Society shall be exclusively applied : 1st, A Sickness Fund — For affording weekly payments in money during Sickness or disability for labour, until the members com- plete the 60th year of their age ; 2d, A Deferred Annuity Fund — For affording annuities, or per- manent annual allowances to members for life after completing the 60th year of their age ; and, 3d, A Life Assurance Fund — For affording a sum payable at the death of the Members. II. HONORARY MEMBERS. 5. Every person contributing either a single payment of not less than L. 2, 2s., or an annual payment of not less than 5s., shall be an Honorary Member. 6. The annual subscriptions of the Honorary Members shall be pay- able in advance, immediately after the meeting of the Society hereinafter appointed to be held in the month of June annually ; and if the subscrip- tion of any such Honorary Member shall remain unpaid until the Annual Meeting subsequent to that at which it was payable, he shall be held to have renounced his membership. A 2 4 7. The contributions of the Honorary Members shall form an Auxiliary- Fund, to assist in defraying: the expenses of management, and in supplying any deficiency which may arise from unforeseen circumstances in any of the Funds. 8. The Honorary Members resident in Haddington, or its immediate neighbourhood, and those in the country who may require it, shall receive notice of, and be entitled to attend, all General Meetings of the Society, and give their advice either in regard to the management of the Society's affairs generally, or in regard to the matters which may be brought under the consideration of such General Meetings, but they shall be entitled to vote only in matters relating to the Honorary Fund. 9. A copy of the Rules of the Society shall be delivered to every Ho- norary Member, who shall likewise be furnished with a copy of all printed statements of the Society's affairs. III. ADMISSION OF ORDINARY OR BENEFIT MEMBERS. 10. Any man of good character, in good health, above the age of 18, and under 50, not engaged in any profession or trade considered by two- thirds of the Committee, present at a stated meeting, as peculiarly dange- rous or detrimental to health, and who shall, at the time of his application, have his ordinary residence within the County of East- Lothian, may be admitted a Member of the Sickness Fund ; any male or female, residing as above, of good character, and above the age of 18, and under 50, may be admitted to the Deferred Annuity Fund ; and any male or female, qualified as required by the Sickness Fund, may be admitted to the Life Assurance Fund. 11. No person, being a minor, shall be admitted a member, unless with the consent of his or her parents, master, or guardians ; and such consent shall be sufficiently indicated by the parent, master, or guardian, signing the declarations mentioned in clause 17. of these Rules. 12. All applications for admission as Benefit Members shall be received at such times and places as may from time to time be fixed by the Com- mittee. 13. The Entry-Money to each Fund shall be 2s. 6., payable upon ap- plication for admission ; and all applicants must, at the same time, or at admission, produce regular certificates of their ages from the Parish or Baptismal Register ; or if their ages have not been registered, such other evidence as shall be judged sufficient by the Committee. 14. Members applying for additional shares in any Fund or Funds to which they may previously belong, shall pay One Shilling of Entry-money for each Fund in which they may apply, for such additional shares. 15. If any person who may be admitted a member shall, at the time of application, produce any other evidence of his age than a parish certificate, when such could have been obtained, the person so offending shall forfeit a sum of Five Shillings ; and in case any such person shall have made a wilfully false statement of his age, he shall forfeit all benefit from the Funds of the Society. 16. Every male applicant for admission into the Society, not residing more than three miles from Haddington, shall appear at the time of ma- king application ; and every such applicant, wherever his residence may be, shall appear personally before the Committee, at the meeting at. which hie application is to be taken into consideration ; but females may be admitted as members without the necessity of personal appearance on any occasion. 17. In all cases, the applicants shall be required to make and sign, be- fore two witnesses, a declaration of their age and present state of health before admission to the benefit of the Sickness or Life Assurance Funds, and a declaration of their age before admission to the benefit of the An- nuity Fund. These declarations, which it shall be the duty of the Se- cretary to see properly filled up, shall be of such form as the Society shall from time to time see fit to appoint. 18. All applicants for shares in the Sickness or Life Assurance Funds, shall appear personally before the Medical Officer of the Society, or before such other Medical Practitioner in his or her neighbourhood as the Com- mittee may name, at such time and place as the Committee may appoint, for the purpose of being examined in regard to the declaration as to their state of health, which shall be retained by the Medical Officer, and re- turned to the Secretary, with his report thereon, before the ensuing meet- ing of the Committee. 19. The Secretary shall each month make up a List, to be exhibited in the place appointed for receiving the contributions, shewing not only the name, age, and designation of every male applicant, and the name and designation of every female applicant, but also the number of shares in each particular fund wanted by the respective applicants. 20. The object of exhibiting the List above mentioned being, to afford to the members an opportunity of informing themselves with regard to the qualifications of the persons applying for admission, the members are re- quired, if they know of any reason why any particular applicant should be rejected, forthwith to communicate the same to some member of the Com- mittee. 21. After such List shall have been so exhibited for a period of one month, the Committee shall decide upon the application at their next or any sub- sequent stated meeting, of which due notice shall be given by the Secre- tary to those applicants whose attendance is required by Rule 16; and if two -thirds of the members present at such meeting shall be of opinion that any applicant ought to be admitted, such applicant shall be admitted a member of the Society, on payment of his monthly, quarterly, or annual contribution. 22. Upon the admission of any person in manner foresaid, he or she shall commence payment of his or her contributions, not later than the third meeting for receiving contributions subsequent to that at which such person shall have been admitted, otherwise he or she shall be held to have abandoned his or her intention of becoming a member, shall forfeit the en- try-money, and be admissible only on the footing of a new applicant. 23. In all cases the payments of the members shall be calculated ac- cording to their age, not at the time of application, but at the time when they shall pay their first contribution ; and their ages shall be counted at the age they will be of at their then next birth-day thereafter. 6 24. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer immediately after any member has commenced payment of his or her contributions, to enrol in a book, to be kept for that purpose, and to be named the Permanent Roll-Book, the name, designation, present residence, and date of birth of such member, and the benefits for which he or she is admitted, with such other particu- lars as shall be deemed requisite ; and also to make out, and deliver to the member, a Certificate of these particulars, signed by himself, the Secretary, and President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, in such form as the Society may from time to time direct. 25. Every member of the Society (excepting in the case of a married individual whose spouse may be already a member) shall, along with his first contribution, pay for a copy of these Rules, at the price to be fixed by the Committee. Persons admitted members previously to the enact- ment of these Rules, shall do so with their first contribution, after they have been sanctioned by the Justices and published. 26. Any applicant who is rejected, shall receive back the entry-money deposited, except sixpence for each fund for admission to which he or she may have applied, which shall be retained to assist in defraying the ex- penses of management. IV. GENERAL RULES AS TO CONTRIBUTIONS. 27. Each Benefit shall be divided into shares, one or more of which, under the restrictions after mentioned, may be taken according as indivi- duals shall incline. Those taking one or more shares in the Sickness Fund, must also take one share at least in the Deferred Annuity Fund, the allow- ances from which shall commence at the age when those from the Sickness Fund terminate ; but members may hold shares in the Deferred Annuity or Life Assurance Funds, either separately or together, without being- obliged to hold a share in the Sickness Fund. 28. It shall be in the power of the Society, by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at any stated General Meeting, upon a motion made at the preceding meeting, to resolve to admit future entrants to a smaller benefit in any of the funds than a single share. 29. The benefits of each Fund may be obtained either by a single pay- ment on admission, or by a monthly, quarterly, or annual contribution, payable in advance, corresponding to the number of shares held, to the age of the member, when he or she shall make his or her first payment, as specified in the Tables hereunto annexed, or the Tables of the Society for the time being, and to the duration of the contribution ; which annual, quarterly, or monthly payments shall cease with the completion of the 60th year of the member's age. By quarterly payments is meant a fourth part of an annual contribution. 30. Those who adopt a monthly or quarterly payment may, if so in- clined, at the contribution payable in May, change the same to an annual payment, upon giving one month's previous notice in writing to the Trea- surer, of the intention to make such a change. And those who adopt an annual payment may, on like notice, be allowed to change the same to a monthly or quarterly payment, at the termination of the year for which he or she had last paid his or her contribution. But members baying neglected to give such notice, shall only be allowed to make the change, on payment of Is. towards the Management Fund. 31. Any member, upon an application to the Committee, shall be al- lowed to redeem his or her future contributions, either in whole or in part, by making equivalent payments of not less than 10s. at a time ; and, for every such payment, a corresponding deduction shall be made from the fu- ture monthly or annual contributions of the member, according to the Tables and relative Rules hereto annexed, and to the age of the member at the time of redemption. Provided always, that, in order to create as much as possible a uniformity in the rate of monthly contributions, and simplify the collection, it shall be competent to every member to redeem the difference exhibited in the Tables between the first month's and the other months' contributions, payable by him or her, in any or all of the Funds, although the redemption-money should not amount to 10s.; and, in every case, the redemption-money shall be applied, in the first place, to the redemption of these differences, and thereafter as much as possible to- wards reducing the annual contributions to some multiple of two shillings, and the monthly contributions to some multiple of two pence. 32. If the annual or monthly contributions stated in the Tables payable by any member, should at any time be redeemed by one or more payments, the value of the future contributions payable by such member for manage- ment, referred to in the 6th branch of these Rules, shall be ascertained and paid at the same time. 33. All monthly or quarterly contributions shall be payable in advance, on the first Monday of each month, or quarter, under the penalty of One Penny per month for every Ten Shillings, or under, that may be due. All annual contributions shall be likewise payable in advance, on the first Mon- day of May in each year, under the like penalty. And the Treasurer shall, at least ten days before the said meeting in May annually, give notice to the whole of such members, that their contributions are then due ; the non- delivery of which notices, however, shall not be held as an excuse for non- payment of any penalties which may be incurred. 34. No partial payments of a member's contributions or of arrears, to any of the funds, shall at any time be received ; nor, where a member has a share or shares in more than one fund, shall his or her contributions for the one fund be received without those for the other fund or funds, unless he or she at the same time, by letter to the Secretary, intimate his or her desire to claim the benefit of Rule 42, or that he or she does not intend any longer to contribute to such other fund or funds ; it being understood that no member can wholly withdraw from the Deferred Annuity Fund and remain in the Sickness Fund. V. GENERAL RULES AS TO BENEFITS. 35. A weekly allowance of Five Shillings shall constitute one share in the Sickness Fund, and each member may obtain either one, one and a half, or two shares ; and shall pay for each share the single, annual, or monthly contributions, according to his age at entry, as specified in Table, No. I., hereto annexed. Every member paying the stipulated 8 contributions, shall be entitled to receive from the fund a weekly allowance or pay of Five Shillings per share, corresponding to the number of his shares therein, during the time he remains sick or disabled for work, and until he has completed his 60th year of age, but always with and under the follow- ing limitations and restrictions : — In case any member shall draw fifty-two weeks' full pay, of Five Shillings per share (at however distant intervals from each other, so that he has drawn in all at the rate of Thirteen Pounds for each share from the funds of the Society), he shall thereafter only re- ceive three-fourths of the weekly pay during sickness or disability, to which he would otherwise have been entitled ; and, in case the same member shall, after having been reduced to three-fourths pay, draw at that rate for other fifty-two weeks (in manner before mentioned), he shall thereafter re- ceive, during sickness or disability, only one-half of the weekly full pay of Five Shillings per share, or such other rate as shall be resolved on, after any investigation, as provided for by Rule 162. It is, however, intended immediately to frame an additional Table of Rates, to enable members to subscribe for the full Sickness allowance. 36. An Annuity, or permanent annual allowance, of Four Pounds, pay- able in manner after mentioned, whether the annuitant be in sickness or in health, and commencing at the termination of the 60th year of age, shall form one share in the Deferred Annuity Fund; and members may sub- scribe for one, two, three, four, or five shares, as they shall judge proper. The single, annual, and monthly contributions for each share, according to the age at entry, shall be those specified for males in the first column, and for females in the second column, of Table II. 37. A sum of L. 5, payable at death, shall constitute one share in the Life Assurance Fund. Four shares may be taken by any member ; but these may be gradually increased, according to the amount of the annual contributions, in manner following : That is to say, when, upon the report of the Committee, it shall appear that the whole annual contributions pay- able in respect of life assurances, amount in any one year to L 25, the So- ciety, at a General Meeting, may authorise five shares, or L. 25, to be taken upon any one life ; and thereafter when, upon such report as afore- said, it shall appear that the whole annual contributions payable in respect of life assurances amount, in any one year, to L. 30, then the Society, at a General Meeting, may authorise six shares, or L. 30, to be taken ; and so on increasing the extent of the sum assured on any one life, according to the amount of annual contributions payable in respect of the highest num- ber of shares allowed to be taken at the time. The single, annual, and monthly payments for each share, corresponding to the age at entry, shall be those specified for males in the first column, and for females in the second column, of Table III. 38. All the Tables (and relative explanatory Rules) herein before and after referred to, being five in number, and marked I. II. III. IV> V. are hereto annexed, and hereby declared to be part of these Rules, in the same manner as if the whole were engrossed herein. 39. Members not having at first taken the utmost extent of the benefits allowed, and wishing afterwards to increase the number of their shares, may do so as to the additional shares upon the same conditions as new en- trants, with this exception, that One Shilling only shall be charged for 9 entry ; and any member who has been reduced to the second or third rates of sick allowance (as above mentioned) shall, on the same terms as new entrants, be allowed to take a quarter, or half, or whole share addi- tional, in order to restore him to the same benefits as he was entitled to when he first became a Free Member. Provided always, that his age, at the time of his first contribution for such increased shares shall be under 50 years, and that such contributions shall correspond to the age of the member at the time of such increase. 40. Any member of the Sickness or Life Assurance Funds, on going beyond the limits of Great Britain and Ireland, except as provided for by Rule 45, or on entering the Army or Royal Navy, or Merchant Navy or Regular Militia, when in active service, shall thenceforth cease to be a member entitled to the benefits of these two Funds ; but shall be entitled to receive a sum not exceeding two-thirds of the then value of his or her interest in these two funds, and also in the Deferred Annuity, in option, (if he or she decline to continue a member of that fund alone) ; and in any of the other funds to which he or she may have contributed, according to his or her age at the time, the state of the funds at the last period of investi- gation, and Table IV. hereto annexed. 41. No person who is entitled to benefit from the Sickness Fund of any other Society, shall hold more than one share of that Fund in this Society; nor shall a member holding more than one share of the Sickness Fund of this Society, be at liberty to become a member of that Fund of any other Society. And deviation from the provisions of this rule will subject the person in forfeiture of all benefit from the Sickness Fund of this Society, so long as he continues a member of, or receives alloVance from, the other. 42. The Committee shall have power to purchase the interest of any member, either in whole or in part, at a rate not exceeding that mentioned in a foregoing rule, upon such member satisfying them that he or she is unable to continue his or her contributions, or is about to leave Scotland, and wishes, on either of these accounts, to dissolve or to restrict his or her interest in the Society. Provided always, that the Committee shall not be at liberty to purchase the interest of a member of the Deferred Annuity Fund, and to allow him to continue a member of the Sickness Fund. 43. No member shall be entitled to any benefit from the Sickness or Life Assurance Funds till the expiry of one year from the date of the pay- ment of his first monthly, quarterly, or annual contribution, or his single payment, and until he has cleared the books of all arrears for that period ; but should he die before the expiration of that time, all his payments shall be returned to his representatives, with the exception of entry- money and of interest. 44. The Committee shall have power to make an agreement with any member likely to be permanently upon the Sickness Fund, and yet able to work a little, whereby he shall be allowed to do so, on submitting to a re- duction in the rate of his Sick Allowance, or on complying with such other conditions as he and the Committee may agree upon. Or, if a member shall, from any accident, be permanently disabled from following his usual employment, the Committee shall have it in their power to make a similar agreement ; and, in the event of them and the member differing as to the 10 terms of agreement, the whole matter shall be referred to the arbitrators hereinafter named, whose decision shall be final. 45. In case any member of the Sickness or Life Assurance Funds have occasion to undertake a voyage or voyages by sea to any place, not reputed unhealthy, other than Great Britain or Ireland, for a limited period, it shall be in the power of the Committee to grant license to that effect. Provided always, that the Society shall not be liable in any sickness allowance to the member during his absence. VI. PAYMENT OF THE BENEFITS. SICKNESS. 46. When any member of the Sickness Fund is rendered incapable, through sickness, infirmity, or accident, of following his usual trade or calling, and is desirous of receiving the benefit for which he has contributed, he shall send a claim to the Secretary of the Society, if in the parish of Haddington; and, if in the country, to the President of the Sub-committee of the district in which he resides, in the terms of the Form No. I. hereto annexed. 47. Upon receiving this claim, the Secretary, or District President, shall direct either the Medical Officer, or Visiting Director, forthwith to call upon such member, and report to him, according to the form hereto annexed, No. II ; and, if the claimant shall be found entitled to the allowance, upon such report, or (in case of his living in the country), upon a certificate from the minister of the parish, or of the congregation to which he may belong, or that of two respectable householders, residing in the neighbourhood, the Secretary, or District President, shall grant him an order weekly upon the Treasurer for payment thereof; and this report or certificate shall be re- newed every four weeks. N. B. All persons shall be considered country members who reside more than a mile from Haddington. 48. The member thus entitled to the allowance shall cause the order so granted him to be presented to the Treasurer on such day and hour as the Committee may from time to time appoint, and receive the said allowance so long as he is entitled to it. 49. The delivery of the order shall be a sufficient receipt to the Trea- surer for the allowance paid under its authority. 50. A member whose state of health incapacitates him for his usual employment, but who is able to give directions regarding his business, shall be entitled to the allowances, on producing a satisfactory certificate from the Medical Officer. 51. All these claims on the Sickness Fund are to operate and have effect from the date of the Secretary or District President's order, or from the time they are received. 62. A claimant shall either send notice in what way he wishes his money to be remitted to him, which shall be done at his own expense and respond sibility, or authorise some person to receive it at the appointed place and time. 11 53. All sick applications, and other communications from members, or others, in the country, must be post or carriage paid (otherwise the expense shall be debited to the member as fines), and addressed to the Secretary, Vice-President, or Treasurer, as the case may be. 54. The Treasurer shall pay no sick-money to town members, without the Medical Officer's certificate, or Visiting Director's order, nor to country members without the certificate above mentioned, and shall deduct all ar- rears that may be due by the claimant. 55. Allowance shall not be paid for less than six days' continued sick- ness or disability : For odd working days beyond that period, Ten Pence per day shall be paid : No payment shall at any time be made in ad- vance. 56. The weekly sick allowance shall always be paid at the office of the Society, on such day and hour as shall be fixed by the Committee ; but should any member have been more than three and less than six days sick, he shall be paid at the rate of Tenpence for each share for each working day from the date of his application ; and should he have applied later in the week than Monday, the odd days shall be paid to him the week follow- ing, along with that week's payment, or any smaller sum he may then be entitled to receive ; — it being understood that a member may at any time return to his employment without waiting until the expiry of a week, and shall receive payment for whatever odd days may be previously due. 57. Should any sick or disabled member not be paid as prescribed in the foregoing rules, within one week after the date of his order, he shall give notice of the same to the Senior Vice-President, and, if by post, at the expense of the Society. The Senior Vice-President, within twenty-four hours after having received such notice, shall inquire into the reason of the neglect, and, if necessary for its rectification, shall call a meeting of the Committee. For every week's delay of payment, the sick member shall have a claim of Sixpence on every share, or part of a share, to be paid by the party in fault. 58. The Committee shall, in such cases as may be deemed necessary, cause sick claimants under these rules to be visited by such Visitors as may be appointed by them for that purpose. 59. Should any of the Vice-Presidents judge it proper to authorise the Treasurer to refuse or suspend payment of allowance, even though the Me- dical Officer or Visiting Director shall have reported a member entitled to it, or certified in manner above directed (which either of them is hereby em- powered to do in cases in which he may conceive the same to be necessary), any member who considers himself thereby aggrieved, may, within six days, insist upon an Extraordinary Meeting of the Standing Committee to inves- tigate his case ; or he may defer it till the first stated meeting. Should he be dissatisfied with the decision of the Committee, he may appeal to the first General Meeting of the Society; and should the decision of the Committee be reversed, besides the amount of the allowance due, he shall be entitled to Sixpence per week of sickness, additional, on every share or part of a share; but should the opinion of the Committee be sanctioned by a majo- rity of the Society, he shall be fined Two Shillings on every share or part of a share in the Sickness Fund for trouble and expense. 60 If it shall at any time happen, and be proved to the satisfaction of 12 the Committee, that, from extraordinary circumstances connected with the nature of the malady, any member of the Society was prevented from send- ing the sickness claim herein referred to, the want of such claim shall not prevent him from applying for and receiving his sickness allowance, at any time within one month from the period for which he claims; the Committee being, however, the judges of the validity of the claim so made. 61. No member, while receiving the Society's allowance, shall be at li- berty to engage in any employment unsuitable to his situation as a sick member ; but the Medical Officer, in the event of a sick member only be- ing able to give directions regarding his business, shall be entitled to grant a certificate of sickness, if it appear his state of health incapacitates him for his usual employment. 62. No claim shall be allowed on the Sickness Fund for sickness or ac- cidents brought on by intoxication, intemperance, or debauchery of any description. 63. If any member shall be detected in a state of intoxication while he is receiving benefit, he shall forfeit one week's allowance for the first offence, and if it be repeated, he shall be deprived of all benefit during the conti- nuance of that sickness. 64. It shall be the duty of each member who shall detect any sick mem- ber in a state of intoxication, or at work, or in any manner imposing on the Society while receiving benefit therefrom, to give immediate information thereof to any of the Vice-Presidents or Treasurer. ANNUITIES. 65. As soon as any member of the Deferred Annuity Fund shall have completed his 60th, and entered on his 61st year, he shall, along with an intimation of his claim for the annuity, transmit his certificate of member- ship to the Secretary, to be laid before the Committee, who, if the claim appear just, shall authorise the Treasurer to commence^ payment of the annuity. 66. The Deferred Annuities shall be payable by regular quarterly in- stalments at the place and times above mentioned, the first payment con- sisting of the proportion corresponding to the period from the date of com- mencement to the next quarter-day, on which the same shall be paid. 67. All contributions by members of the Deferred Annuity Fund shall cease as soon as the annuity becomes payable ; but, if arrears or fines are due, they shall be deducted from the moneys first payable. 68. Such annuitants as may reside at a distance, shall either empower some person in Haddington to receive the money, or appoint the Treasurer to remit the same, which shall be done at the risk and expense of the an- nuitants ; and, at the same time, they shall transmit to the Treasurer a cer- tificate, signed by a magistrate, minister, or elder, or by two reputable householders, of their being still in life. 69. The proportion of all annuities, corresponding to the period from the preceding quarter-day up to the death of the annuitant, shall imme- diately thereafter be paid to his or her representatives. 13 LIFE ASSURANCE. 70. When any member having an interest in the Life Assurance Fund shall die, it shall be lawful for the Committee to authorise the Treasurer to pay the amount assured to the relatives or representatives of the deceased member, in terms of the 23d and 24th sections of the Act 10th Geo. IV. c. 56. 7 J. The relations or representatives shall, if the sum assured do not ex- ceed L. 10, receive the same within one month after a written notice of the death of the person upon whose life the insurance was effected shall have been transmitted to the Secretary, along with a certificate of the interment of the deceased member from the recorder of the burying-ground where he or she was interred, or other reasonable evidence of the death of the mem- ber, and every sum exceeding L. 10 shall be paid within two months. No interest shall be given on any sums allowed to remain with the Society longer than the periods prescribed for their payment. 72. It shall be in the power of every member having an interest in the Life Assurance Fund, to nominate the person or persons to whom the benefit or sum assured shall be payable upon his death, and that by a wri- ting under his hand, indorsed on the certificate to be granted to him at entry, according to the forms No. III. & IV. hereto annexed, subscribed by him before two credible witnesses, or by a writing of any other legal or competent form, or by a writing subscribed by the minister of his parish, or of the congregation to which he belonged, in the minute-book of the Society, in presence of the Directors, who shall subscribe the book along with him ; and the person or persons nominated as aforesaid shall, on pre- senting the certificate and nomination indorsed thereon, or any other pro- bative writing of similar import, and on proof of the death in manner fore- said, be entitled to receive the benefit out of the Life Assurance Fund with- in the times respectively limited by the foregoing regulation. 73. In case any member of the Life Assurance Fund shall die, leaving a widow or widower, and without having made any nomination as aforesaid, the benefit shall be paid to the survivor, or to such other person or persons as may be appointed by the Committee, in virtue of the power hereinafter granted for behoof of such survivor, and of the children left by the member, if any. 74. Incase any member of the Life Assurance Fund shall die, leaving a child or children under 21 years of age, but without having made any no- mination as aforesaid, and without leaving a widow or widower, or in case the Committee shall, in the event foresaid, deem the surviving parent an unfit person to be entrusted with the money, it shall be in the power of the Committee to nominate and appoint a fit and proper person or persons, as trustee or trustees, for the purpose of receiving the benefit, and laying out and expending the same for the use of the family, or the survivor and fa- mily, as the case may be ; it being hereby specially declared, that such trustee or trustees shall be no farther liable than that they have laid out and expended the money for the use and behoof aforesaid, according to his or their own sound discretion. 14 75. In case any member die without having made a nomination as afore- said, and without leaving a widow or widower, or children under 21 years of age, the benefit shall be payable to the legal representatives of the member deceased. 76. In all cases before mentioned, the simple receipt or acknowledg- ment of the person or persons to whom the benefit is appointed to be paid as aforesaid, written or indorsed upon the said certificate, shall be a valid and effectual discharge and acquittance to the Society for the money ex- pressed in such receipt or acknowledgment. 77. In every case where a member of the Life Assurance Fund shall die, leaving a child or children under 21 years of age, and when a trustee or trustees is or are appointed by the Committee for taking a charge of the benefit in manner foresaid, it shall be in the power of the Committee, if they think fit, to require and take security from such trustee or trustees, appointed for the application of the benefit committed to their charge ; and it shall also be in the power of the Committee, either of their own accord, or at the suggestion of any of the friends or relations of the family, to call the said trustee or trustees to account for the application of the money. But it is hereby declared and expressly provided, that neither the Society nor the Committee of Management shall be in any way responsible for the application of any benefit after the same has been paid into the hands of any nominee or nominees, trustee or trustees, appointed in terms of the foregoing regulations. 78. If the nominees, trustees, or relatives of any deceased member should require assistance to enable them to defray the funeral charges, the President or any one of the Vice-Presidents may direct the Treasurer to pay any sum not exceeding L. 10 for that purpose, deducting, however, any arrears that may be due, if the amount insured do not exceed the sum so advanced. 79. If any member of the Life Assurance Fund commit suicide, or die by the hand of justice, or by duelling, his representatives shall not be en- titled to any benefit from that fund. 80. If the allowance payable on the death of any member of the Life Assurance Fund be not claimed within two years from the death of the member, the Society shall be ipso facto discharged and no longer liable. VII. MANAGEMENT FUND. 81. The Treasurer, the Secretary, the Medical Officer, and the Ac- countant, shall receive such salaries as the Society shall from time to time deem to be fair and reasonable ; for the purpose of paying which salaries, and the other necessary expenses of conducting the Society's affairs, a se- parate Management Fund shall be formed and maintained. 82. A proportion of the contributions of Honorary Members, (See Rule 7.) — the entry-moneys payable by the Benefit Members — a sum of sixpence per annum from every Benefit Member for each fund to which he may be a contributor, to be paid along with his first contribution — all fines and penalties not specially belonging to any particular fund — all legacies not otherwise appropriated, and the sums arising from the sale of the So- ciety's Rules, shall all be placed to the credit of the Management Fund. 15 83. The salaries and expenses above mentioned shall be paid at the time out of the general stock of the Society ; but at the 31st December annual- ly, when the Treasurer balances his accounts, he shall place whatever de- ficiency may appear on the account of the Management Fund to the debit of the accounts of the other several funds, in the proportion of two parts to the Sickness Fund for one part to each of the other funds. 84. In the event of it being at any time found inexpedient so to appor- tion any deficiency appearing as aforesaid on the Management Fund account, or that any unforeseen expense has been incurred, it shall be in the power of any General Meeting, upon the recommendation of the Committee, either to increase the above payment of sixpence per annum, to such sum as shall be found necessary ; or to levy a special contribution, to defray such deficiency or expenses ; — such rule or order of the General Meeting, making such increase, or levying such special contribution, being agreed to and sanctioned in terms of the provisions of the Act of Parliament relative to alterations and amendments of rules. 85. If, on the other hand, it shall appear at any stated period of inves- tigation, that the Management Fund shall be greater in amount than is re- quisite for the various charges upon that fund, it shall be in the power of the Society to dispose of any such surplus fund, either in aiding any of the other funds which may have been found to be deficient, or in reducing, or altogether dispensing with, either permanently or for a limited time, the payments to the Management Fund, above mentioned. Such rule or order of the Society reducing or dispensing with the payments to the Manage- ment Fund being duly agreed to and sanctioned as above. VIII. MEETINGS. 86. There shall be two general meetings of the Society, to be held on the first Wednesday of June and December every year, at each of which meetings the Committee shall report their minutes and proceedings since the immediately preceding general meeting, and communicate any infor- mation that may be useful or beneficial to the Society, and receive such instructions in relation to the Society's affairs as shall seem to be proper. 87. There shall be levied from each male member (excepting those who may be in the actual receipt of a Deferred Annuity, or w ho may be sick, or at a distance of three miles from town), a fine of Sixpence for absence at the commencement of the general meeting in June, being the Election Meeting. 88. All meetings of the Society shall be held in the Town- Hall of Had- dington, the School of Arts' Lecture Room, the Burgh or Parochial School- rooms, or any of the Dissenting Meeting-houses in Haddington, or such other place as may be fixed by the Committee, from time to time, they giving notice to the Clerk of the Peace, as required by the 10th section of the Act of Parliament. 89. Every member shall be held to be acquainted with the times at which the stated General and Committee Meetings are held ; and it shall therefore be no valid objection to the proceedings of such meetings, that any individual did not receive intimation. And it shall be the duty of each member to give written notice of any change which he may have 16 made in his place of residence, to the Secretary, at the first meeting for re- ceiving his contributions after such change shall have been made, under the penalty of Sixpence for each neglect. 90. At all general meetings of the Society, the President, whom fail- ing the Vice-President highest on the roll who may be present, all whom failing, one of the Directors, to be chosen at the time, shall take the chair ; and at all General and Committee Meetings, every question put to the vote shall be decided by the majority of the members present, except when otherwise provided by the Rules, or by- the Act of Parliament. In case of an equality of votes in any General .or Committee Meeting, the Chairman shall have the casting vote, besides his deliberative vote, if he have one. 91. At every General Meeting of the Society, the chair shall be taken, and business commenced, at 7 o'clock in the evening, or such other hour as the Committee may from time to time fix. 92. The Secretary shall,' at the meeting in June annually, announce the then number of the male Benefit Members of the Society, when the num- ber (exclusive of proxies) requisite to form a quorum at all general meet- ings, during the ensuing year, shall be fixed. 93. Should there not be a quorum of members present at any General or Committee Meeting, no business shall be transacted ; and the meeting shall be adjourned till a future day, of which due notice shall be again given to the members. 94. All the Benefit Members, to whatever fund or funds they may be- long, and without distinguishing those who may be receiving the benefits of the Society from those who may only be contributing to the funds, shall, with the exception of female members, be entitled to 'attend and vote at all General Meetings of the Society ; but the female members, and members on the sick or deferred annuity lists, shall have the right of appearing and acting by proxy in all matters involving any of the fundamental rules of the Society, or in which the class of members to which such individuals may belong shall be specially interested, such proxy being a Benefit Member of the Society, and producing a written mandate in the form, No. V., hereto appended, from the person represented by him. 95. The members of the Society who may be present at any stated ge- neral meeting, or at any time to which such stated meetings may adjourn, or at any special meeting called in manner after mentioned, shall have power to control the proceedings of the Committee, to decide upon any doubtful or disputed matter that may be referred to them by the Commit- tee, and to judge of, order, and direct, all matters relative to the affairs of the Society. 96. Every member shall, while speaking, address himself to the Chair- man, standing and uncovered ; and should two members rise at one time to address the Chair, the Chairman shall decide which shall have the pre- ference ; but no member shall be allowed to interrupt another, or deliver his opinion till the preceding speaker has taken his seat. 97. No member shall introduce any subject unconnected with the pur- poses for which this Society is instituted ; nor any matter not immediately connected with the business under discussion at the time. 17 98. In all questions relating exclusively to any of the funds, and which do not affect the others, the members having an interest in such fund only shall be entitled to vote. This rule, however, shall not apply to questions arising in meetings of the Committee, the members of which shall be en- titled to vote without any distinction of interests. 99. The Standing Committee, of whom any five shall be a quorum, shall meet twelve times in the year, viz. on the first Monday of every month, and on any other days to which they may adjourn ; and, at such meetings, the Committee shall have power to dispose of all applications for ad- mission ; to judge of claims upon the funds, and order payment thereof (witl out prejudice, however, to the Secretary or District President grant- ing orders on the Sick Fund in manner before mentioned) ; to examine the Treasurer's cash transactions for the preceding month ; and also to order and direct the investment of the moneys that may belong to the Society, and the uplifting or transference thereof from time to time ; and to trans- act all the ordinary business of the Society. The Committee shall also meet on any other day for special purposes, upon being required to do so in manner after mentioned. 100. Any ten members may, by a signed requisition addressed to the President (if a Benefit Member) or to the Senior Vice-President, stating fully the object in view, order a General Meeting to be called ; or any three members of the Committee may, in the same way, order a meeting thereof to be convened ; and, in either case, the President or Senior Vice- President is hereby authorised and required to direct such meeting to be called. But if it shall be declared by a majority of the members present at the meeting so called, that the same was unnecessary, then each one of the requisitionists shall be fined in the sum of One Shilling. 101. Intimation shall be given by the Secretary to the members at least twenty-four hours previous to all General or Committee Meetings, by printed circulars, or otherwise, stating, in the case of General Meetings, the business to be brought forward, so far as the same may be known. The circulars for all meetings shall be transmitted in such manner as the Committee may from time to time appoint. IX. OFFICE-BEARERS. 102. The management and direction of the affairs of the Society shall be vested in the following Office- Bearers, subject always to the control of the General Meetings of the Society, viz. — A President, three Vice-Presi' dents, twelve Directors, and three Auditors, — the Vice-Presidents and Di- rectors shall be chosen from among the Benefit Members, in manner af- ter mentioned, the others may either be Honorary or Benefit Members ; a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Medical Officer, and an Accountant, who may or may not be members of the Society ; and five Trustees to be chosen from among the Benefit and Honorary Members, but of whom not more than two shall be Honorary Members. 103. All the above Office- Bearers shall be chosen annually at the General Meeting of the Society to be held in June, by a majority of the members then present, and shall continue in office for one year, with the exception B 18 of the Trustees, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Medical Officer, and the Accountant, who shall be continued in their respective offices during the pleasure of the Society. At every election, the senior Vice-President, and four Directors at the top of the list, shall go out of office ; and all the rest of the Office-Bearers may be re-elected. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Directors, five being a quorum, shall constitute the Standing Com- mittee. 104. The Secretary shall lay on the table, on the evenings of the first Mondays of March, April, and May, annually, a book, in which the mem- bers may insert the names of those individuals whom they may wish to be appointed as Office-Bearers at the next election. 105. The names so inserted shall be appended to the notices for the elec- tion meeting in June, and from these, and such others as may be proposed at the meeting, previously to the election being begun, the different Office- Bearers shall be elected. 106. In the event of the death, resignation, or non-residence, of any of the Office-Bearers of the Society, their offices shall be filled up at the next stated General Meeting. STANDING COMMITTEE. 107. The President (if a Benefit Member), or one of the Vice-Presidents, and two of the Directors, shall, in rotation, meet, along with the Treasurer and Secretary, at the office of the Society, on the first Monday of every month, at such hour and for such period as may from time to time be fixed by the Society, for the purpose of receiving the contributions, and applications for admission. If inconvenient for any one to attend, he shall send another to officiate for him. 108. The Standing Committee shall have power, if they see fit, to ap- point a district Medical Practitioner, to act in terms of the Rule 18 ; and at any tine, provided three-fourths of their number concur, to suspend the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Medical Officer, and the Accountant, or any of them, from their respective offices, until the next General Meeting of the Society ; and, in that event, or in the event of the death, resignation, or indisposition, of all or any of such Office-Bearers, the Committee shall appoint fit and proper persons for discharging the duties of such Office- Bearers in the mean time. 109. Two copies of the Rules, two copies of each Annual Report, and all bonds, dispositions, and other important papers, shall be deposited in a chest, to be kept by the Secretary; and it shall be the duty of the Com- mittee, at the first stated meeting after the annual election, to examine the papers contained in the chest, and to compare the same, with an inventory thereof, to be deposited along therewith, and with a duplicate of the in- ventory to be kept by the President, if a Benefit Member, otherwise by the Senior Vice-President. 1 10. The twelve Directors shall act as Visiters in rotation, or as the case may require ; they shall report, at stated periods, to the Secretary, by whom such report will be laid before the Standing Committee ; they shall repeat their visits as often as the Committee may think the case requires. DISTRICT qOMMITTEBS. 111. To prevent the inconvenience attendant upon the payment of con- tributions by, and allowances to, members residing at a distance from Had- dington, the Society shall have power from time to time to divide the County into districts, and the Benefit Members residing therein may elect from their number a President and Treasurer, and also, if necessary, a Clerk, any two of whom may act as delegates to the meetings of the So- ciety at Haddington, whenever they think proper to attend. 112. The Treasurer of each Sub-Committee shall keep a Book, to be named the District Cash-Book, in which he shall enter all the moneys received and disbursed on account of the Society, with the names, resi- dences, and ages of the persons giving or receiving any sum, and speci- fying the purpose for which such sum is given or received. 113. The President, who may act as Clerk, shall also keep a Book, to be called the District Roll and Minute Book, in which shall be entered the names, residences, occupations, and date of birth and admission, of every member within his district. He shall also regularly meet with the Trea- surer once a-month, or oftener, if required, at the place of meeting in his parish, or district, and see the contributions of the members paid, and write a minute of each and every such meeting, mentioning the gross amount then collected. 114. The President shall receive all applications for admission, with cer- tificates of age, &c. as provided in Rule 17 ; shall exhibit a list of all applicants in the usual place of meeting ; and shall, along with his Minute- Book, and applications for allowance, send them to the Secretary at Had- dington once a quarter, and at such other times as he may be desired by the President or Vice-President for the month. The Treasurer shall also send in his Book, and claims for aliment, to the office of the Treasurer at Haddington once a- quarter. The President's order shall be held as a suf- ficient receipt for the moneys disbursed by the Treasurer. PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. 115. The President (if a Benefit Member) is hereby vested with all the powers conferred on the Vice-Presidents, who shall, in rotation, and in ad- dition to any other duties specially imposed on them by any of the other Rules, in the absence of the President, preside and keep order at all meet- ings of the Society and Committee, — and generally conduct, or give orders for conducting, all the affairs of the Society, to the best of their judgment and ability, in conformity to the spirit and meaning of these Rules. 20 TREASURER, 1 16. The Treasurer shall, in addition to the other duties specially impo- sed on him by any of the other Rules, be present at all General and Com- mittee Meetings of the Society from their commencement, collect all con- tributions, fines, and other sums of every description due to the Society ; attend at his office once a-week, for the purpose of paying the Sickness and other allowances, at such day and hour as the Committee may from time to time appoint ; pay out of the funds at the time in his hands, all lawful demands on the Society, and take proper vouchers for the same ; regularly enter all receipts and disbursements in the Society's books ; and lodge in the Bank appointed by the Society, all the Society's moneys, up- on an account in the name of the Treasurer and Trustees of the Society, or otherwise dispose of them, as directed by the Society or Committee. 117. The Treasurer shall, before entering on the duties of his office, find security, to the satisfaction of the Society, to such extent as shall from time to time be required. 118. At each stated meeting of the Committee (and at any Extraordinary Meeting if required), he shall submit his books, vouchers, &c to the in- spection of the Committee. 119. He shall make out an abstract of his cash transactions, shewing the balance in his hands, and the amount of funds in the possession of the Bank, or of others, and lay the same before the Meeting of the Committee immediately preceding the General Meetings, whose duty it shall be to submit the same to the ensuing Meeting of the Society. 120. He shall balance his accounts on the 31st day of December an- nually, and immediately thereafter make out a particular account of the re- ceipt and expenditure of each of the funds during the past year, — of the balances in hand, and of the moneys due to and by the Society, specifying in whose hands the funds of the Society then are placed, and deliver the accounts to the meeting of the Committee in February thereafter, for the purpose of being handed over to the Auditors. 121. A true abstract of the accounts, attested by the Auditors, as after mentioned, and countersigned by the Secretary, and containing the par- ticulars mentioned in the preceding Rule, shall be delivered to every mem- ber, seven days previous to the Annual General Meeting in June, on payment of a sum not exceeding Threepence, and a copy thereof shall be preserved in the Treasurer's books. 122. The Treasurer shall, in terms of the 34th section of the 10th Geo. IV. cap. 56, within three months after the expiration of the month of De- cember 1835, and so again within three months after the expiration of every further period of five years, make up and transmit to the Clerk of the Peace for the County, a return of the rate of sickness and mortality experienced by the Society, within the before mentioned period of five years, according to the form prescribed in the schedule appended to the Act, and hereto annexed. 123. In order that the above mentioned return maybe made up as accu- rately as possible, it shall be the duty of every Member who shall at any time after his or her admission, change his or her usual occupation, to give notice thereof to the Secretary, in writing, within one month after every such change, under the penalty of Sixpence for every such neglect. 91 SECRETARY. 124. The Secretary shall, in addition to the other duties specially im- posed on him by any of the other Rules, attend all meetings of the Society, and of its Committees, — issue all the notices for convening General and Committee Meetings, — keep the Society's minute and letter books, — care- fully preserve all the correspondence and documents of the Society com- mitted to him, and enter regularly the minutes of all General and Com- mittee Meetings, and sign the same along with the Chairman of the Meet- ing, after they have been approved of. He shall particularly state, in the minutes of the monthly meetings of the Committee, the sums received, and the sum expended, during the preceding month, and each quarter he shall shew the balance of the Society's total stock, whether in the Bank, the Treasurer's hands, or otherwise. 125. He shall produce the scroll minute-book at every General and Com- mittee Meeting, and the principal minute-book at every General Meeting ; and, at the same time with the Treasurer, deliver all his books into the hands of the Committee, for the use of the Auditors. AUDITORS. 126. The duty of the Auditors shall be, to examine annually the whole books, accounts, and vouchers of the Society for the preceding year, and report thereon ; for which purpose the same, made up, as already directed, to the 31st day of December annually, shall, on or before the 1st day of March thereafter, be laid before them for inspection, at such place as the Committee may appoint. As soon as they have completed their exami- nation, which must be on or before the 1st day of April annually, they shall inform the President, and return the books to the respective custodiers thereof. MEDICAL OFFICER. 127. The Medical Officer shall examine all applicants for admission to the benefits of the Sickness or Life Assurance Funds, and report his opinion of their state of health and eligibility to the Committee ; blank forms shall be furnished to him by the Society for that purpose. 128. The medical certificates required by these rules to be transmitted by Members claiming the Sick Allowance, and resident in the country, shall be handed over monthly to the Medical Officer, who shall return the same, with any observations that may occur to him thereon. ACCOUNTANT. 129. The Accountant shall, once a-year at least (or oftener if required by the Society or Committee), examine the whole books exhibiting the pecu- niary transactions of the Society, and report on the state in which he may- find the same, and make the periodical investigations of the Society's affairs. He shall also examine and certify the Treasurer's Annual Abstract of the Society's affairs. TRUSTEES. 130. The Trustees appointed in manner foresaid, of whom any three shall be a quorum, shall hold the investment of the funds of tiie Society for the greater security thereof, in terms of the 12th branch of these Rules, s.nd shall obey all the lawful orders of the Committee and General Meetings of the Society in regard to the uplifting, discharging, and reinvesting the funds, and shall be fully exonerated and discharged upon their acting in conformity to such orders ; and they shall not be answerable for the acts of the Committee. X. BOOKS. 131. In the first instance, the Standing Committee shall prescribe the particular form in which the respective books are to be written out, and may order alterations when they judge proper ; but, at the General Meet- ing in June 1832, the forms shall be fixed, and not afterwards altered, un- less on a motion made and seconded at one General Meeting of the Society, and carried by a majority either of the next General Meeting, or of any Committee specially appointed for that purpose. 132. All Books and other Documents necessary for transacting the busi- ness of the Society, shall be produced at the different meetings by the Officers, whose duty it may be to keep the same ; and, whenever office- bearers go out of office they shall be bound to return to the Secretary any books or documents they may have received officially during their admi- nistration. 133. All the Books, Documents, or Papers belonging to the Society, shall be open to the inspection of every member who may desire to see the same, or to take extracts therefrom, at such times as the Committee, on appli- cation from the member wishing such access, shall deem reasonable. 134. Any Office-bearer refusing to shew such Books, Papers, or Docu- ments, either to any member who may desire to see them, in manner above mentioned, or to the arbitrators, in any arbitration, or who shall refuse to allow any member, or arbitrator, to take extracts therefrom, shall, on proof thereof before the Committee, be dismissed from his situation, unless a satisfactory cause can be shewn why such books, papers, or documents were withheld. 135. It shall be the duty both of the Treasurer and Secretary to keep a book, to which shall be appended a copy of the Act 10th Geo. IV. c. 56, which shall contain not only the whole laws now enacted for the management of the affairs of the Society, but also all alterations and amendments thereof, or additions thereto ; and the names of all persons, either medical or others, appointed as arbitrators, in terms of the powers herein contained ; one or other of which books shall be open to the inspection of every member, at every meeting of the Society, and at the times appointed for receiving con- tributions, and paying the sick-money and other allowances. 1 XI. ARREARS. 136. If any member run in arrear for eleven months, a written notice of the amount, signed by the Treasurer, shall be transmitted to such member by post or otherwise, at least three weeks previous to the ensuing Monthly Meeting for receiving contributions. 137. If the said notice, from the member not having furnished his proper address, or otherwise, do not reach him, he shall notwithstanding be held to know the rules of the Society, and be liable to all the penalties incurred. 138. Any member being twelve months in arrear, whether his or her con- tributions be payable monthly, quarterly or annually, shall then be deemed to have deserted the Society, and shall forfeit all right to any benefit from, or interest in, the Funds. 139. Whenever a member shall forfeit his interest in the Society, his right and that of his representatives in the funds, in the event of his sickness or death, shall cease and determine ; neither shall the member, though after- wards reponed, have any claim for such sickness as may have occurred in the interval between his forfeiture and his being reponed. 140. The Treasurer shall, at each stated meeting of the Committee, re- port whether any and what members had, at the previous collection, for- feited their interest in the Society, which forfeiture shall be entered in the minutes of the said meeting. 141. It shall be in the power of the Committee to repone any town mem- ber within one month after forfeiture, upon payment of a fine of One Shil- ling ; and if a country member be struck off the roll for non-payment, and it be proved to the satisfaction of the Committee, within two months from the period when the money ought to have been paid, that it was owing to the fault of an agent or unforeseen delay in the arrival of the remittance, he shall be again placed on the roll, upon paying a fine of One Shilling Sterling. 142. No contributions shall be inserted in the books but at a Monthly Meeting, and on no account shall partial payments be received, unless in the case of a member in arrear claiming sick-money, whose first week's al- lowance does not amount to the sum he is due, but which must neverthe- less be retained according to Rule 54. XII. DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION. 143. All matters in dispute between this Society, or any person acting under them, and any individual member thereof, or person claiming on ac- count of any member, shall be submitted and referred to Arbitrators nomi- nated by the Society, in terms of the Act 10th Geo. IV. cap. 56. sect. 27. 144. The number of Arbitrators to be appointed for this Society shall be Ten, to be chosen by the Society, at their first stated meeting after the en- rolment of these Rules, from among persons who are not benefit members, and consequently not beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in the funds of the Society, three of whom shall be chosen in manner after men- tioned, in each case of dispute, at any Meeting of Committee, to which the parties interested shall be summoned to attend ; and the award to be made by the said Arbitrators, or the major part of them, shall be binding and conclusive on all parties, and shall be final to all intents and purposes, without appeal, or being subject to the control of one or more Justices of the Peace, and shall not be removed or removable into any court of law, all in terms of the aforesaid Act, sect. 27. 145. Immediately after the election of the said Arbitrators, their ap- pointment shall be notified to them ; and, in case of the death, or refusal, or neglect of the said Arbitrators to act, the Society shall, at their next meeting, name and elect one or more Arbitrator or Arbitrators, as afore- said, to act in the place of the said Arbitrator or Arbitrators so dying, or refusing, or neglecting to act as aforesaid. 146. Any member considering himself aggrieved, shall first apply to the Committee for redress ; if he do not receive satisfaction there, he may ap- peal to a General Meeting. If he continue to complain, he may demand an arbitration, which shall be conducted in the following manner: — 1. It must be demanded, of the Committee, in writing, within one month after the date of the General Meeting of whose decision complaint is made. 2. The Committee shall comply with such demand for arbitration within three weeks, and, having summoned the party complaining to attend, shall choose the three Arbitrators, in manner following, — that is to say, the names of the whole ten Arbitrators shall be written out each on a slip of paper, and rolled up, and deposited in a box, from which the party com- plaining, if present, or if absent, then the Chairman of the Committee, shall draw three, who shall be the Arbitrators for deciding the case in dispute. 3. In the event c r the absence from town, or indisposition of any of the arbitrators 6o balloted, or their refusing to act, the Committee shall, within ten days from their previous meeting, proceed, in the manner above men- tioned, to ballot from the remaining number of arbitrators, one or more, as shall be necesscry to make up the required number for settling the matter in dispute. 147. The Arbitrators thus named shall meet within two weeks after their appointment, to consider the matter in dispute. There shall be no written pleadings or statements ; but the two parties shall state the case in each other's presence ; and, if witnesses be necessary, no member of the Society shall refuse to appear, and answer any questions which may be put to him or her, respecting the point in dispute, without forfeiting a sum equal to that in dispute, which shall be levied or deducted in the manner prescribed by the next Rule. The arbitrators shall besides have free access to all the books and documents wh^ch they may wish to inspect Having maturely deliberated on the subject, they shall, within six weeks from their appoint- ment, pronounce their award (which shall be in the form prescribed by the Act of Parliament, and hereto appended, No. VI.), according to the true purport and meaning of the Rules of the Society, confirmed by the Justices according to the directions of the Act. 148. The portion of the expense of said arbitration to be charged to any member shall not exceed Ten Shillings; but the whole sum shall be paid, 3 25 in the first instance, by the Treasurer of the Society, leaving it to the Ar- bitrators to determine whether any part of such expense shall be charged to the individual member ; in which case, such part shall be placed to his debit, and levied along with his first monthly, quarterly, or annual contri- bution, or deducted from the first benefit to which he may become en- titled. 149. If any person who has been receiving benefit from the Sickness Fund, and who shall be declared by the Visiting Director or Society's Me- dical Officer sufficiently recovered to resume his employment or ordinary occupation, shall be dissatisfied with such declaration, he may, on his be- half, call in any professional person, being a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, or a Member or Licentiateof the Royal College of Physicians, to give his opinion as to his fitness, or otherwise, to resume his said em- ployment or usual occupation. Should such person and the Society's Me- dical Officer be unable to agree, the question shall be decided in manner following, viz. : — The Society shall, in the same manner in which, by the foregoing Rules, they are appointed to choose Arbitrators for the set- tlement of other matters of dispute, name three persons, Members of the Colleges of Physicians or Surgeons, or Licentiates of the former College ; one of whom shall, in each such disagreement of opinion, be chosen by ballot ; and the award of the person so chosen shall, after having examined the member, and heard the opinions of the other professional men, be con- sidered decisive of the question as to the health of the complaining mem- ber. The Treasurer shall, immediately after the case is decided, pay the person so balloted a fee of Ten Shillings'; and he shall at the same time de- termine whether any portion of such fee ought to be incurred by the com- plaining member, in which case such portion shall be levied or deducted in the manner pointed out by the preceding Rule. 150. In order to prevent the Management Fund from being wasted in law expenses, or in any way diverted from its proper purposes, no law pro- ceedings shall be instituted by any Office-bearers without the authority of a General Meeting. XIII. INVESTMENT OF THE FUNDS. 151. All real and heritable property, moneys, goods, chattels, and all titles, securities for money, or other obligatory instruments and evi- dences, or muniments, and all other effects whatever, and all rights and claims belonging to, or bad by, this Society, shall be, and are hereby, vested in the Treasurer for the time being, or in such Trustees as the General ! Meetings of the Society may from time to time appoint, for the use and benefit of this Society, and the respective members thereof, and their respective executors or administrators, according to their respec- tive claims and interests ; and, after the death or removal of any Trea- surer, Trustee, or Trustees, shall vest in the succeeding Treasurer, Trus- tee or Trustees, for the same estate and interest as the former Treasurer, Trustee or Trustees, had therein, and subject to the same trusts, without any assignment or conveyance whatever, except the transfer of stocks and securities in the public funds of Great Britain and Ireland. 152. Whatever money the Treasurer has in hand when contributions 26 have been received, more than what the Vice-President and Directors judge requisite for defraying the current expenses, shall be forthwith de- posited in the Bank appointed by the Committee, in name of the Trea- surer and Trustees of the Society ; directions being given to the Bank, that no sum of L. 20, or under, shall be given out, except on an order signed by the Treasurer, a Vice-President, and the Secretary ; and that no sum above L. 20 shall be given out without the additional signature of two of the Trustees ; and it is hereby expressly declared, that no money shall be drawn, except under the previous authority of the Committee ; and the Treasurer and Secretary shall, in every case, give the Trustees an extract of the minutes, containing their authority to sign the order for drawing the money as aforesaid ; and all moneys, when drawn from the Bank, as aforesaid, shall be under the management and direction of the Committee. 153. All money received by the Treasurer, shall, if the sum amount to L. 5, or upwards, be forthwith deposited in the Bank, unless otherwise or- dered by virtue hereof, such Bank being one of those specified in the 13th section of the act. 154. Money may be lent on real or heritable security, provided a majo- rity of the members present at a stated meeting of the Society shall autho- rize it ; that a higher interest than what can be obtained from a bank, or from the public funds, be promised, payable half-yearly; that two credit- able men of business, not members of the Society, assure the Society, un- der their subscriptions, that, in their opinion, the property is worth double the sum, after deducting all previous burdens on it, or that the security is good ; the granters of the bond paying for the expense of a full and suffi- cient search, and all other expenses. 155. Money may be deposited in the Bank of England, or in the public funds of Great Britain, by the authority of a majority of the members pre- sent at a stated meeting of the Society. 156. All moneys belonging to this Society, deposited in the Bank of England, under the authority of the 31st section of the 10th Geo. IV. cap. 56, shall be invested in the names of the Treasurer or Trustees to be appointed as aforesaid. 157. Interest shall be drawn yearly (or half-yearly if agreed upon) by the Treasurer, on all money lent out by the Society, whether the same be in- vested in the Bank of England, or remain in the current Bank account, or otherwise ; and he shall be accountable to the Society for any loss which may be sustained by his negligence in this particular. 158. All the interest, dividends, and profits, which may accrue on the So- ciety's stock shall be divided between the several funds, in the proportion which the stock in possession of each fund for the time shall bear to the total stock of the Society ; and, in like manner, the loss of interest that may be sustained by the drafts made on the Bank-account, if any, shall fall on the several funds, in the proportion which the payments from each fund shall bear to the total payments from all the funds during the year, when such profits shall have been made or losses sustained. All other losses on the proper funds of the Society, if any such shall occur, shall be allocated in proportion to the stock of each particular fund, with the ex- ception of the Honorary Fund, which, it has been already provided, is to be kept separate and distinct. 27 159. The titles and securities of all moneys belonging to the Society, that may be invested in the Bank of England, in the public funds, or other securities, shall be taken in the names of the Treasurer or Trustees of the Society for the time being, and their successors in office ; and al- though it is declared by Rule 151, and under the authority of the said act of Parliament, that all titles and securities for moneys belonging to the So- ciety, except those vested in the public funds, shall vest in the succeeding trustees without any assignment or conveyance whatever, yet, notwith- standing thereof, but for the greater security and convenience, and in or- der to avoid disputes with third parties, it is hereby provided and declared that the surviving Trustees or Trustee, or Treasurer, in whose names the titles or securities of the funds of the Society, or any part thereof, may etand vested for the time, shall from time to time, and at all times when required by the Committee or General Meetings of the Society, transfer, assign, and convey, in a legal and habile manner, into their own names, and the names of the other persons who may have been nominated Trustees, for the time, jointly, and their successors in office, the whole funds, stock, and sums of money which may be standing vested in the names of such surviving Trustees or Trustee, as aforesaid, in trust for the use of the So- ciety, and of the different members thereof, according to their several rights and interests. XI7. INVESTIGATIONS OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE SO- CIETY, AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE FUNDS. 160. Distinct accounts shall be kept for ascertaining the amount of the stock belonging to each fund separately, and the progress thereof and the charges affecting the same, and for shewing the net amount of each fund, and the casualties and occurrences in the society from time to time. 161. The books shall be balanced at the 31st December annually ; and there shall also be periodical investigations of the affairs of the Society, to ascertain if the funds in possession be equal in value to the amount es- timated as necessary, along with the future contributions, for meeting all the stipulated allowances, such value being calculated according to the Tables hereto annexed. 162. The first investigation shall be on the 31st December 1835, and there shall be investigations at the end of every five years thereafter, and if it shall appear, at any of these periods of investigation, that there is a surplus in possession of any of the funds of the Society, over and above the sum or stock estimated to be required, along with the future contribu- tions, to meet the expected claims on such funds, to the extent of 25 per cent, of such estimated stock, it shall be in the power of the Society, in a Meeting assembled for the purpose, to make an equivalent deduction from the future contributions of the existing members of such fund ; or if it shall appear, as aforesaid, that there is a deficiency, in any one of the funds, of the stock required, along with the future contributions to meet the expected claims on such fund, it shall, in like manner, be in the power of the Society so assembled, to make an equivalent addition to the future contributions, 28 or to diminish the benefits of the members of such deficient fund, such de- duction or addition being made according to the calculations exhibited in the Tables and relative explanations hereto annexed, and declared to be part of these Rules : Provided always that the Accountant, or other per- son or persons to whom the Committee, if necessary, may have remitted the investigation of the affairs of the Society, shall report that the addi- tions or deductions proposed to be made are just and proper, and will not endanger the stability of the fund ; and farther provided, that care is taken always to reserve at least one-third of the surplus (when such is ascertain- ed to exist) for answering contingencies ; and if the order made by a Meet- ing of the Committee for an adjustment of any of the funds as aforesaid, be approved of by a General Meeting of the Society, the same shall be car- ried into effect forthwith. 163. In the event of a deficiency at any time arising in the stock of any particular fund or funds, the stock of the other fund or funds shall on no account be taken to make up such deficiency. XV. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. 164. None of these Rules shall be altered, rescinded, or repealed, nor shall any additional Rules be made, unless at a General Meeting of the Society, convened by public notice, signed by the Secretary, in pursuance of a requisition for that purpose, by seven or more of the members, which said requisition and notice shall be publicly read at the two usual meetings of the Society, to be held next before such General Meeting, for the pur- pose of such alteration, repeal, or addition, unless a Committee shall have been nominated for that purpose at a General Meeting of the members convened in manner aforesaid, in which case such Committee shall have the like power to make such alterations or repeal, or additions, and unless such alterations, or repeal, or additions, shall be made with the concurrence and approbation of three fourths of the members then and there present, or by the like proportion of such Committee, as aforesaid, if any shall have been nominated for that purpose. XVI. DISSOLUTION OF SOCIETY. 165. This Society shall not, at any time, be dissolved, as long as the in- tents or purposes declared by these Rules, or any of them, remain to be carried into effect, without obtaining the votes of consent of five-sixths in value of the then existing members ; and also the consent of all persons then receiving, or then entitled to receive, relief from the Society, either on account of sickness, age, or infirmity, to be testified under their hands, individually and respectively ; and for the purpose of ascertaining the votes of such five-sixths in value, every member shall be entitled to one vote, and an additional vote for every five years that he or she may have been a member, provided that no one member shall have more than five votes in whole ; and that the intended appropriation, or division, of the funds, or other property of the Society, shall be fairly and distinctly stated in the proposed plan of dissolution, prior to such consent being given. 29 PENALTIES. Rule 15. For producing other evidence of age than a parish certificate when such could have been obtained, 5s. . . . P 4 For making a wilfully false statement of age, all benefit from the Funds forfeited, ib. 22. For not commencing payment of contributions at third meet- ing after admission, entry-money forfeited, ... 5 30. Neglecc of notice to change mode of contributing, Is. . 6 33. Non-payment of contributions, one penny per month for every 10s. or under that may be due, 7 57. Neglect to pay Member's Sick Allowance, 6d. per share for each week's delay, 11 59. For expense of appeal to Society, if opinion of Commitee with- holding the allowance be sanctioned, per share 2s. . 12 63. For being intoxicated while receiving benefit — first offence one week's allowance ; if repeated, deprivation of benefit during that sickness, ib. 80. For not claiming sum due from Life Assurance Fund within two years of Member's death, claim forfeited, ... 14 87. For absence at the commencement of the general meeting in June, being the election meeting, 6d 15 89. For neglecting to give notice of a change of residence, 6d. 16 100. For directing an unnecessary meeting of the Society or Com- mittee to be called ; each requisitionist Is. 17 123. For neglecting to notify a change of occupation, 6d. . . 20 134. Any office-bearer refusing, improperly, to shew the books, shall be dismissed, 22 138. Any Member being 12 months in arrear, shall forfeit his inte- rest in the Funds, 23 147. Any Member refusing to appear in an arbitration, shall forfeit a sum equal to that in dispute, . 24 30 EXPLANATIONS of the following TABLES. Table I. (Sickness Fund) contains both the values at any age from 19 to 50, of a Sick Allowance of 5s. per week, commencing after that age, and continuing till 60 *. Table II. (Deferred Annuity Fund) contains both the values, and also the Annual and Monthly Payments at any age from 19 to 50, of an Annuity of L. 4, to commence being payable at 61 years of age, and to continue during the remainder of life. Table III. (Life Assurance Fund) contains the values and also the Annual and Monthly Payments, at any age from 19 to 50, of an allowance of L 5 at death, to be paid whenever that event takes place. Table IV. (Balancing Table) contains the values at any age from 19 to 95 of an Annuity of L 1, or the sums equivalent to an Annual Pay- ment of L 1 during life ; also o.f Annuities of L 1 continuing till 60 and 65 years respectively. Table V. (Redemption Table) contains the Annual and Monthly Con- tributions, commencing at any given Age betwixt 19 and 60. and con- tinuing till 60, equivalent to a Single Payment of L 1 at the given Age : — In Col. 1. are the Annual Contributions, and in Col. 2. the Monthly Contributions till 60. The following are a few examples of the uses of the Tables : I*/, Suppose that it is required to know the sum to be paid down at 26 years of age or the Annual or Monthly Contributions for a Male person of that age, to secure the benefit of one share in the Sickness Fund, (see Rule 35), till 60 years of age, an Annuity of L 4 during life after that age, and L 5 to be paid at death, we find opposite the age 26, in Single Payment. Annual Payment. First Month. Other Months. Table I. L 5 7 L.O 6 6 L.O 1 L.O 6 II. 5 10 5 6 8f 9J 6£ III. 1 J2 10J 2 2 2 L.12 10 3i L.O 15 2f L.O 1 11J L.O 1 2£ 2d, If, after contributing a number of years, a person required to know the value of his future contributions, or the Society wanted to know the value of an Annuity after being payable some time, it is only necessary to multiply the values at the given age in the corresponding column of Table IV. by the Annual Contribution given, and the sum is obtained. Again, to know the value of the past contributions, it is only necessary, after doing as before, to subtract the sum given from the value of the given allowance at the same age. Thus, if a person commences at 26 years of age, paying for the Sick Allowance of 5s., the Annual Payment of 6s. 6d., or (converted in man- ner explained at foot of page 36) L .3250, and continues paying till 40, the value of his future contribution is found, by taking the sum in Col. 3. • By CO, is always meant the completion of CO years of age. 31 Table IV., opposite 40, L 12.5837, and multiplying it by L .3250 ; and the product L. 4.0897 is the value required ; and if we subtract this sum from L 5, 18s., or L. 5.9000, the Single Payment opposite 40 in Table I., we have L 1.8103, the value of the past contributions. Or perhaps these examples will be better understood if shewn in the following detail : — Thus, were a person to enter the Society at 26 } r ears of age, for a weekly sick allowance of 5s. till the age of CO, and to pay an Annual Contribution of L 0.3250 (6s. 6d.) as required by Table I., for 14 years, or till the age of 40, and should he then wish to know the amount of the Single Payment required to supersede all farther Annual Contributions — What would that Single Payment be ? Ans The Annual Contribution he is then paving is, as stated above, (6s. 6d-) (Table I.) . . . . . L 0.3230 The number of years' purchase which it is worth at the age of 40, (Table IV. Co'l. 3.) or the value of an Annuity of L 1 till 60, is (L 12: 11: 8), . . • • . 12.5837 And this being multiplied by the former, the product is the value of his Future Contributions, or the sum he has to pay, (L 4 : 1 : 9A,) L 4.0897 Again, were the value of his Past Contributions wanted to be known, then, as the value of the Future Distributions, or Single Pavment, (Table I.), is (L5, 18s v ) ...... L 5.9000 And the value of his Future Contributions, as above, (L4 : 1 : 9|) 4.0897 The difference (L. 1:16: 21), . . . . L 1.8103 is the value of his Past Contributions, or the stock he should then have in the Sickness Fund ; and a proportion of this last sum, not exceed- ing two-thirds, after deduction of arrears, a member thus situated would be entitled to receive, on withdrawing from the Society See Rule 40. Hence it is evident, that as the Future Distributions or Allowances to a member who entered at 26 years of age, and is now 40, is calculated at . L. 5 18 This sum must be made up, 1st, By his stock then in the funds, of . L. 1 16 2i 2 1 0| 7 33 5 12 8 7 8 9i 7£ 1\ 34 5 13 6 7 10 11' 35 5 14 4 8 2 10 8* 36 5 15 11 8 3| 1 8 37 5 15 10± 8 6i. 9 8. 81 38 5 16 6| 8 9i 1 39 5 17 4 9 l 2 10 + d . yearly, which is little more than l^d. a-week, be entitled to the benefit ; share. A person at 26 will be required to pay £ 5, 7s. at once to secure the same advan- or Gs. (id. yearly, which is Is. 7jd. a quarter, or l£d. per week. 33 TABLE II. DEFERRED ANNUITY FUND. ONE SHARE OF ANNUITY, £ 4 annually, to commence with the Q\st Year. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO CEASE WITH THE GOTH YEAR. Age RJAX.ZS. FEMALES. Age next birth- day. next birth- day. Single Payment. Annual | First Payment. .Month. Other Months. Single Payment. Annual Payment. First Month Other Months. £ s. d. £ s. As. d. S. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. s. d. 5. d. 19 3 17 6 4 2 6 4 4 16 10| 5 24 74 5 19 20 4 1 I'M 4 7|0 «k 44 5 2 4 5 91 9* 84 54 20 21 4 6 24 4 11 A 7* 4| 5 7 9 6 2i 6 21 22 4 10 H 5 3| 54 5| 5 13 2| 6 7 74 64 22 23 4 15 i a 1 4 5 710 6f 54 5 18 111 7 7 7 23 24 4 19 llf 5 1110 8 5| 6 4 HA 7 5 I 7 24 25 5 5 OfO 6 4 5 6 8|0 7i 6 6 11 4 7 11 1 0i 74 25 2G 5 10 9| 64 6 18 8 5 1 1 8 26 27 5 16 0f0 7 2 9 7 7 5 1 8 114 1 2 84 27 28 6 1 llf 7 7f n 74 7 12 5f 9 64 oi- 9h 28 29 6 8 3 8 1|0 *\ 8 8 3f 10 2i 1 10" 29 30 6 14 10|0 8 840 11 8| 8 8 6| 10 10| 1 4 31 104 30 31 7 1 94'0 9 3| 10 9J 8 17 if 11 7| 1 U 114 31 32 7 9 140 9 mi O4 1 9f 9 6 5 12 5 1 4 5 1 32 33 7 17 0£'0 10 8 1 04 I0i 9 16 31 10 6 8f 13 4 I 5 1 1 33 34 8 5 44|o 11 5il 11 11| 14 31 15 44 1 61 74 5 1 2 34 35 8 14 240 12 3| 1 1 1 01 10 17 9 1 3 35 30 9 3 6|0 13 2|1 2 1 1 11 9 5 16 6h I I 4i 36 37 9 13 4 14 3 1 5 1 2 12 1 8 17 9| I 9! 1 54 37 38 10 3 9| 15 4| 1 n 1 3 12 14 9 19 31 1 10i 1 7 38 39 10 15 H 16 7fl 6 1 41 13 8 104 1 9| 2 4 1U 1 84 39 40 U 7 04 18 Oil n 1 6 14 3 94 1 2 6f I 1 104 40 41 11 19 8f 19 7|1 8 1 74 14 19 8 1 4 53 2 4 5| 2 41 42 12 13 2 114 2 1 1 9 15 16 54 1 6 8 2 4 44 2 24 5 42 43 13 7 5 1 3 33 2 2f 1 11 16 14 3\ 1 9 If 2 6| 2 43 44 14 2 6f 1 5 642 2 2 11 17 13 24 1 11 ll 4 3 04 2 74 11 44 45 14 18 74 1 8 l)2 H 2 4 18 13 3| 1 15 1 1 2 45 46 15 16 24 1 11 2 7 2 7 19 15 3* I 18 9 3 54 3 24 64 Hi 46 47 16 14 9 1 14 413 2 2 10 20 18 54 2 2 111 1 3 47 48 17 14 7 1 18 343 5A 3 2 22 3 3 2 7 10J 4 3? 3 48 49 18 15 9 2 2 11 3 7" 3 7 23 9 81 2 13 73 4 4 71 4 54 49 50 19 18 3|2 8 514 04 4 04 24 17 10f 3 63 5 * 4 5 04 50 EXAMPLE. EXAMPLE. A person entering this scheme in his 20th year, will, for the small sum of £4: 1 : 11 ■> paid at once, or for 4s. 7|d. yearly, which is little more than Id. a week, be entitled to the benefit of one share. A person at -26 to reap the same advantage, must pay £5 : 10: 5 at once, or 6s. Hid. yearly, or a traction more than lid. a week. * A person entering this scheme in her 20th year, will, for the small sum of £ 5 : 2 : 4 paid at once, or for 5s. 02(1. vearlv, which is little more than l*d. a week, be' entitled to the benefit of one share. A pers-m at 96 to reap the same advantage is to pay £ 6, 18s. at once, or 8s. 5d. yearly, or a fraction more than 2d. a week. TABLE III. LIFE ASSURANCE FUND. ONE SHARE OF LIFE ASSURANCE, £ 5 at Death. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ro CEASE WITH THE 60TH YEAR. Age \ MALES. FEMALES Age next birth- birth- c . , dav s mgle Payment. Annual First Other Single Annual First Other Payment. Month. Months. Payment. Payment. Month. Months. day. £ s. d. £ s. d. v. d. S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d S. d. S. d. 19 1 9 5 1 8 ) 34 14 1 4 6| 1 41 5 3 1 19 20 1 9 10 1 8| 4 14 1 4 104 1 54 64 1 20 21 1 10 H 19 ) If If 1 5 3 1 54 64 1 21 22 1 10 < i "4 1 94 9 24 If 1 5 7| 1 6 x 2 14 22 23 1 11 H 1 10| > 3 11 1 6 Of 1 64 2 n 23 24 1 11 H 1 I0f ) 34 if 1 6 5f 1 7 I) 24 14 24 25 1 12 3| 1 n| ) H 13 A 4 1 6 11 1 74 3 H 25 26 1 12 10| 2 ) 2 2 1 7 4f l 8 34 14 26 27 1 13 5J 2 Of 1 2| 2 1 7 104 1 83 H H 27 28 1 14 o 4 2 14 ► 34 2 1 8 41 1 n 4| 14 28 29 1 14 74 2 24 1 44 2 1 8 1010 1 10 54 14 29 30 1 15 3| 2 31 I 24 24 1 9 4f l 10f 6| *S 30 31 1 15 111 2 44 > 31 n 1 9 1140 1 HfO 74 14 31 1 16 74 t) 2 5i 4 a ^4 91 "4 1 10 610 2 040 24 2 32 1 17 34 2 6| 3 »4 1 11 Of JO 2 14 3| 2 33 34 1 17 11* 2 74 4 24 1 11 74 i© 2 24 H 2 34 35 1 18 74 2 8| 5| 24 I 12 21 2 3i H 2 35 36 1 19 4 2 10 3| 2| 1 12 91 10 2 44 64 2 36 37 2 Of 2 114 51 p 2f 1 13 4| 2 5| 74 2 37 2 10 3 1 4 3 1 14 01 2 7 34 01 "8 38 2 1 n 3 23 °4 3 1 14 7| 2 8| 4 3 24 39 2 2 3| 3 U 4f 34 1 15 34 2 95 64 24 40 2 3 1 1 1 4 3 6| 3f 34 1 15 11 2 1140 7! 24 41 42 2 3 I0| 3 84 6 34 1 16 7 3 1 4 3 42 43 2 4 9 3 10§ H H 1 17 34 3 3 6 3 43 44 2 5 74 4 14 H 4 1 13 04 3 5| 8| 3 44 45 2 6 6| 4 44 51 4,1 1 18 91 3 7 3 51 34 45 46 . 2 7 4:] i) 4 n 6| 44 1 19 6 3 104 8 34 46 47 2 8 3. !) 4 ll| 7 4 4:; 2 3 4 1| 5 ! 4 47 I S 9 2| 5 3| 6 H 2 1 04 4 5 4 i 94 4 48 2 10 -,' 5 81 <''', 5 A 2 1 10 4 9>, 8 44 49 50 2 11 24 1) 6 25 8f 6~ 2 2 84 5 24 74 5 | 50 EXAMPLE. EXAMPLE. nn a t the ape of 21 may insure one hare A person at the age of 21 may insure one share me by a single payment < jf£l:H >:3i. in this scheme >y a single payment of & 1 : 5 : 3, i.il one of Is. 9d.,or 2 monthly one or by an annual one of Is. 5 ,d.i being somewhat lil ;licageofGO. more than ^d. per week, till the age of 60. 35 TAB. IV.— BALANCING OR PRESENT ANNUITY TABLE For explanation of which, see p. 30 and 31. Age. Annuity for Life. Annuity till 65. Annuity till 60. Age. Annuity for Life. 1. 2. 3. Col. 1. (continued.) 19 £18.6561 £ 18.0986 £ 17.6863 66 £ 8.4949 20 18.5450 1/.9594 17.5227 67 8.1816 21 18.4296 17.8144 17.3520 68 7.9001 22 18.3099 17.6636 17.1778 69 7.6159 23 18.1859 17.5070 16.9965 70 7.3515 24 18.0576 17.3443 16.8080 71 7.0909 25 17.9247 17.1751 16.6115 72 6.8370 26 17.7870 16.9992 16.4069 73 6.5934 27 17.6442 168161 16.1936 74 6.3395 28 17.4961 16.6257 15.9713 75 6.0737 29 17.3424 16.4273 15.7393 76 5.8225 30 17.1829 16.2207 15.4974 77 5.5941 31 17.0172 16.0054 15.2448 78 5.334P 32 16.8451 15.7810 14.9811 79 o.iu^O 33 16.6851 15.5646 14.7223 80 4.8383 34 16.5192 15.3392 14.4520 81 4.6087 35 16.3472 15.1041 14.1697 82 4.3460 36 16.1686 14.8590 13.8745 83 4.1319 37 15.9832 14.6033 13.5666 84 3.8892 38 15.7905 14.3363 13.2430 85 3.6604 39 15.6094 14.0747 12.9207 86 3.4585 40 15.4217 13.8016 12.5837 87 3.2143 41 15.2270 13.5164 12.2305 88 2.9852 42 15.0249 13.2184 12.8604 89 2.7872 43 14.8150 12.9067 11.4722 90 2.4783 44 14.5969 12.5806 11.0650 91 2.3062 45 14.3700 11.2391 10.6371 92 1.9406 46 14.1535 11.8977 10.2009 93 1.7119 47 13.9287 11.5400 9.7422 94 1.4808 48 13.6952 11.1648 9.2626 95 1.0000 49 13.4525 10.7712 8.7555 50 13.2000 10.3577 8.2211 51 12.9567 9.9382 7.6689 52 12.7041 9.4969 7.0858 53 12.4415 9.0322 6.4693 54 12.1682 8.5424 5.8166 55 11.8837 8.0256 5.1252 56 11.6069 7.4924 4.3992 . 57 11.3189 6.9282 3.6275 58 11.0191 6.3305 2.8058 59 10.7263 5.7068 1.9333 60 10.4219 5.0434 1.0000 61 10.1050 4.3365 62 9.7747 3.5819 63 9.4495 2.7805 64 9.1306 1.9240 65 8.7994 1.0000 36 TABLE V.— REDEMPTION OF PAYMENTS FOR ALL THE FUNDS. For explanation of which, see p. 30 and 31. Age. Annual. Monthly. Age. Annual. Monthly. 1. 2. Col. 1. {continued). Col. 2. (continued). 19 £0.05653 £0.00471 40 £0.07947 £ 0.00662 20 0.05707 0.00476 41 0.08176 0.00681 21 0.05763 0.00480 42 0.08431 0.00703 22 0.05822 0.00485 43 0.08717 0.00726 23 0.05884 0.00490 44 0.09038 0.00753 24 0.05950 0.00496 45 0.09401 0.00783 25 0.06020 0.00502 46 0.09803 0.00817 26 0.06095 0.00508 47 0.10264 0.00855 27 0.06175 0.00515 48 0.10796 0.00900 28 0.06261 0.00522 49 0.11421 0.00952 29 0.06354 0.00529 50 0.12164 0.01014 30 0.06453 0.00538 51 0.13040 0.01087 31 0.06560 0.00547 52 0.14113 0.01176 32 0.06675 0.00556 53 0.15458 0.01288 33 0.06792 0.00566 54 0.17192 0.01433 34 0.06920 0.00577 55 0.19511 0.01626 35 0.07057 0.00588 56 0.22731 0.01894 36 0.07207 0.00601 57 0.27567 0.02297 37 0.07371 0.00614 58 0.35641 0.02970 38 0.07551 0.00629 59 0.51722 0.04310 39 0.07740 0.00645 60 1.00000 0.08333 The two following Rules may be found useful: — 1st , To reduce a sum of money, expressed in decimals, to its equivalent value in pounds, shillings, pence and farthings: Multiply the given decimal, omitting the integer, hy such a number as will reduce it to the next inferior name, and point off' in the product as many places of decimals as are in the given number; then reduce the remaining decimals in the same manner to the next name; and so continue the reduclion to the lowest name required, or till the decimals pointed off be all ciphers; then the numbers on the left of the points will express the value required, as in Example 1. 2d, To convert shillings and pence into decimals of a pound : Write the given numbers under each other, proceeding orderly from the least to the greatest names, for dividends: draw a perpendicular line on the left of these, and on the left of it write opposite to each dividend such a number for a divisor, as will reduce it to the next superior name ; then begin with the upper division, and affix the quotient of each to the next dividend, as a decimal part of it before it be divided, and the last sum will be the answer, as in Example 2. Example 1.— What is the value of £ 2l.6937i in pounds, shillings, and pence ? £21.69375 20 Example 2.— Express £21: 13: 10A in deci- mals. 4 1 2.0 12 10.500 2)0 I 13.«7« .69373 Answer, adding the pounds, £21.09375. 2.0IKHK!.— Answer £21 : 13 : 10J. Another method of converting decimals into shillings and pence is as follows :— Double the first deci- on the right of the point for shillings, increasing this number by 1, if the 2d decimal be 5, or above ;onsider"the number expressed by the 2d and 3d decimals (deducting 50, if 1 was added to the shil- ^s farthings ; diminishing this number, however, by 1, if it be above 12, and less than 37; and \bc above 36. Any other decimals may be neglected. 37 I. FORM of Claim for Sickness Allowance, referred to in Rule 46. Haddington, 18 Sir, Being incapacitated by sickness for my usual employment, I request the Society's allowance from this date ; and I hereby declare that I am [or am not as the case may be~] entitled to make a similar claim upon \liere naming the other Society, or Societies, 'with which he may be connected, ifany~\. I remain yours, &c. [ Signature of the Claimant or a Member of his Family. ,] To the Secretary of the East-Loth. Mut. Ass. or Friend. Soc. II. FORM of Certificate (which must be renewed every Four Weeks), referred to in Rule 47. We hereby certify, that since the ultimo, [or instant, as the case may be~\ has laboured under \_naming the disease^ to such an extent as to unfit him for his usual employment. (Signed) ^) Surgeon or Dated at the day of 18 III. FORM of Certificate applicable to the Life Assurance Fund, referred to in Rule 72. Haddington, 18 We hereby certify that A. B. has been admitted a Member of the Life Assurance Fund of the East-Lothian Mutual Assurance or Friendly Society, and that the person or persons duly nominated and appointed by (him or her), whom failing, the relict of the said , or other person or persons having power to receive the benefit after mentioned, in terms of the Regulations of the Society, shall be entitled to receive out of the said Fund the sum of Sterling, or such other sum or sums of money as may be due, in reference thereto, in terms of the re- gulations for the time being, provided always that the said 38 shall regularly pay the contributions due by him in reference to the said benefit, from time to time, and shall conform to all the Rules of the Society, otherwise this obligation to be null and void. "} President or " I Vice-President. — ( Treasurer. - J Secretary. IV. FORM of Nomination to be indorsed on the foregoing Certificate. I , within named and designed, do hereby, in virtue of the powers reserved to me by the Rules of the Society, nomi- nate and appoint to receive the benefit mentioned in the within Certificate, and that for the use and behoof of [Jill in here the nominee himself or herself, the family of the Member, or such other use as he or she may think Jit to declare']. In witness whereof, I have subscribed these presents, the writ- ing of which is filled up by myself at the day of , One thousand eight hundred and years, before these witnesses [ Jill up names and designations oftivo Male witnesses'], (Signed) A. B. C. D. Witness. E. F. Witness. V. FORM of Mandate to Proxies, referred to in Rule 94. I, A. B., being a Member of The East-Lothian Mutual Assurance or Friendly Society, do hereby, in terms of the power conferred on me by the Rules thereof, empower C. D to vote for me in all matters wherein my interest shall be involved, to be brought before the said Society at their meeting on the next. A. B. Dated at the day of 18 VI. FORM of Award by the Arbitrators, referred to in Rules 147 and 149. WE, the major part of the Arbitrators duly appointed by the East- Lothian Mutual Assurance or Friendly Society, established at Haddington, in the county of East-Lothian, do hereby award and order, that A. B. (specifying by name the party or the officer of the Society J do, on the day of , pay to C. D. the sum of (or We do hereby reinstate in, or expel, A. B. from the said Society, as the case may be J. — Dated this day of One thousand eight hundred and E. F. G. H. 39 a P- B £-, +-> u ^ cu S-c -P -»-» s P »d D P td o to P p CO faj ^> r ~' ts o CO * £ p CD ^ a • * •"3 ?i © P w CO UJ «> « fa a? « .a £ CO i-H QJ o PH 0) rH < Oft K «H 3 & P EG r>- 03 UQ Rl •-a <| ^ OJO J •4J C — 1 CM CJ CD & (!) d * o ft d CJ ■« o pfl w 'd CD n CD >H CD H- 1T5 > Sh ■a fa QQ to CD «4H O K a r-a c CD e* fa CD o -m +-> rrt H •_H w £ p g *CD u rt U s o rP o if j r^ a T3 Cm O rt CD CJ p CD Place of Residence at time of Death. Date of Death. o CJ . " ci c 3 T3 g CD c3 ,<**