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In oblong 8vo, price zs., red roan. HOPPUS'S MEASUR Enlarged and Revised. Showing at sight the Solid or Superficial Contents (and o the value) of any Piece or Quantity of Square or Rou; either Standing or Felled : also of Stone, Board, Glass, &c of in the Erecting or Repairing of any Building, &c. C answer all the occasions of Gentlemen and Artificers far L thing yet extant ; the Contents being given in Feet, i Twelfth-parts of an Inch; with a copious Introductory Ex; the Several Tables, showing the Excellence of this Newt Measuring. Edited by William Richardson. Bedford Street, Covent Garden. . i Sfl£ miKSMM® 1CA3nrjEl.iSAE.Eis LOJNTD ON, FREDERICK WARNE & C9 SCOTT and SEBRIGHT BY THE DRUID. REVISED AND RE-EDITED. WITH STEEL PORTRAITS AND WOODCUTS. LONDON: FREDERICK WA R N E AND CO. BEDFORD STREETj COVENT GARDEN. NEW YORK: SCRIBNER, WELFORD AND CO. LONDON: "AVIT.L, EDWARDS AND CO., PRINTERS, CSANDOS STREET, COVENT GARDEN. PREFACE. A THIRD work of the same class scarcely calls for a preface, except as pure matter of form. In writing it I have adhered strictly to my original plan of endeavouring to fill up from oral evidence some blanks in the sporting history of the last seventy years ; and where I have had the good fortune to meet with an especially well-known character, I have got him, Dick Christian fashion, to give the public the butt end of his mind in the first person. The three books must be taken as a whole, and hence any seeming omissions, or very slight notice of a cele- brated man or horse in the present one, will generally be accounted for by reference to its predecessors. The difficulty of the task has been great, as no two men ever seemed to give precisely the same account of anything, and on some points I have despaired of getting more than an approximation to the exact truth, amid so many conflicting statements. The name of " Post and Paddock" could cause no mistake, but "Silk and Scarlet" deluded a few into iv P rejoice. the belief that it was a contribution to Church Polemics. When I had to think out a third title, I did hope that by adopting the names of two of their most accomplished practitioners as the types of The Turf and The Chase, I ran no risk of being misunder- stood ; but still I found one of my old Rugby school- fellows under the firm belief that by the heading " Sebright" I must be taken to contemplate a treatise on Bantams. As regards the first three chapters, I have nothing to remark, except that I have handled the great winners as nearly as possible in chronological order, and separated man from horse by a pony chapter, which, with about twenty pages more, has already appeared in print. " The Flag" part of the fourth chapter is a mere fragment, for the sake of illustrating the career of one of its most celebrated riders, when steeple-chasing really was a sport; and both " The Stag" and "The Drag" might have been worked out much more fully if there had been space at command. 10, Kensington Square, June 10th, 1862. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. TURF WORTHIES. A word at starting—Horse traditions—Old sporting writers—Eccentric Turf characters—Old Q.—Colonel Thornton—The Swaffham Club —Cricketing and archery—The dawn of Goodwood—The driving era—Ascot qualification tickets—Doncaster Moor to wit—The Prince Regent at Bibury—Dr. Cyril Jackson on Bibury and Hunting —Dean Milner's interview with Mendoza—Sir Tatton Sykes and his sheep tastes—His little difficulty with Mr. Baker of Elemore—His early days in London—His probation in Lincoln's Inn—Humours of the Yorkshire shrievalties—A word with Lord Thurlow—Sir Tatton's race-riding—Visits to Doncaster—His rides to London—The old race of Turfites—The old Derby course—Early betting—The cer- tainties of '17—How they kept the course at Epsom—The year of Gustavus and Augusta—The Warren Hill parade—The Nomination night at York—The Leger eve at the Salutation—Crutch Robinson's sayings and doings—Michael Brunton—The old school of Yorkshire trainers : Thuytes—His views on tails and training—Mark Plews— His interview with the Marquis of Queensberry—John Smith—Mrs. Smith's love for Middleham—Old Sykes and his cards inspection— Billy Pierse—Mrs. Pierse's training tact—His test of two-year-old form—Tact in stopping a quarrel—His studies in Political Economy —The Borodino tip in the bedroom—Old Forth—Buckle, Robinson, and Chifney—Grandfather Day and Tom Goodisson—Wheatley and Clift—Bill Arnull on money matters—William Edwards—Plot to make Orville run away—John Jackson—Ben Smith—Malaprop sayings of Ben—Early humours of Bob Johnson—First mount on General Chasse—His perpetual thirds for the St. Leger—His fall at Doncaster—Colloquies and correspondence with Mr. Old—The vi Contents. Pilgrim's rest at Gosforth—Sam Darling's wastes—Mr. Horsley's story of Sam—Winning the St. Leger oil Rockingham—John and Sam Day's first pony race—Sam in the crate—Grandfather Day— John Day as a jockey—His race on Amphitrite—His waste walk and Danebury discipline—Sir John Mills at Stoclcbridge races— Isaac Day—Uncle Sam in the Epsom paddock—Uncle Sam on the pipe—His lecture on wasting—His London practice—Early tuition of John and Bill Scott—Filho da Puta's match—Looking over the Squeers lot—The sporting bagman—Performances of Filho—Dis- pute about his name—John's riding—Life on Sherwood Forest— Forest privileges—Birth of Matilda—Mr. Petre's career—Bill Scott's jockeyship—His riding of Attila—His amusements—Visit to Harro- gate—Training of his colt, Sir Tatton Sykes—The Whitewall snug- gery—Pictures of the cracks—The Whitewall dining-room—The guests at Whitewall—Baron Alderson's visit—Old Cyprian—Lang- ton Wold—The schoolmaster at home—"Ben" and the hounds — John Scott's commentaries—Pavis and Conolly—Isaac Day's descent with Little Boy Blue—Jemmy Chappie—A word on Nat—Job Marson—Frank Butler's surprise with The West—Colloquy with Isaac Walker on the Moors—The Old Victory jacket—Last days of Frank—Mr. Theobald of Stockwell—Camel—Mr. Bransby Cooper's opinion of him—Stockwell sires—Mr. Theobald's love of being in the fashion—Plis dress and dogs—Trap horses—Trips to Doncaster and Newmarket—The late Mr. Tattersall—Dislike to betting—His entry on the business—The yard at Tattersall's—Mr. Tattersall's connexion with the Prince—Difficulties with H.R.H. about a chal- lenge—His Majesty's care for old chums—Mr. Tattersall as a hunting man—Understanding with highwaymen—Sir Clement Dormer in difficulties—The stories of Slender Billy—Boiling the exciseman— Billy's warning voice, and his execution-—Parson Harvey—Mr. Vernon on long preaching—Coaching, dogs, and fists—Theatre rows—The late John Warde—Mr. Tattersall's Derby dinner—The first guests—Humours of Charles Mathews, sen.—Drawing the Derby Lottery—Frightening the Chelmsford postboy—Mr. Tatter- sail as a breeder of blood stock—Mr. Tattersall's scrap-book—James Ward, R.A.—Mr. Femely—Principal pictures—His habits—Visit to Mr. Herring at Meopham—Horse and donkey models—The Arab Imaum—Mr. Herring's first efforts—Other subjects— Interior of his studio—Recollections of his "Book of Beauty"— Painting Bay Middleton—Baron Petroffski—His love of sport—His racehorse breeding—Racing in Russia—Training troubles pp. 1-94 Contents. vii CHAPTER II. EXMOOR TO WIT. The road to Exmoor—Emmett's Grange—Mr. Robert Smith's cob breeding—Bobby—The inn at Simon's Bath—Origin of the Exmoor ponies—The Dongalas—Thoroughbred crosses—The first pony sales —Mr. Knight's pony stock—Their mode oi life—Habits and battles of the sires— Annual marking oi the hoofs—Average of casualties—The herdsmen—A ride by the Barle—On Exmoor—Bringing up the ponies—The Sparkham pony—The Doons of Badgery PP. 95—1" CHAPTER III. TURF CRACKS. County rivalry in Arabs—Indian blood-sire contract—WillesdeA pad- docks—Voltigeur and Sir Edwin Landseer—The Willesden staff— The selected sires—On shipboard—Arabs in England—Mr. Wilson and Omer Pacha—Mr. Elliot on Arab champions—Landing of Arabs at Bombay—Racing in India—Breeds and peculiarities of Arabs— Tricks of Native dealers—The early English cracks—Hambletonian —John Smith at Streatlam—" I see Queen Mab has been with you"— The. Queen Mab family at Streatlam—Streatlam trainers—Isaac Walker at home—Isaac's interviews with Will Goodall—The Streat- lam Paddock pets—The Yorkshire greys—Delpini of the woolly coat—Turf doings at Sledmere—Sam Chimey in Yorkshire— Camillus and Stumps—Death of Stumps—An afternoon with Sir Tatton and Snarry—Diplomatic relations of Snarry and the Sled- mere sires—The Diall's field—Swale's wold—The Cottage Pasture— Cherry Wood End—The Craggs Flat—The Castle Field—The King's Field—Across the road and into the Park—A little arith- metic—The sire paddocks—Old times at Ashton Hall—"The best of all good company"—Lancashire turf rivals—St. Leger sons of Sir Peter—The Waxy blood—Whalebone at Petworth—The Petworth stud—Blacklock's youth—Racing finish of Blacklock—The sire and sons of Tramp—Lottery—Peculiar action of Lottery and Tomboy— The last of Lottery—The Catton tribe—Dr. Syntax and Reveller—• Death of Dr. Syntax—Ralph—Scottish cracks—Sir John Maxwell and "Old Nelson"—Canteen and Sprinkell at Carlisle—Difficulties viii Contents. of the Iloddom Castle butler—Matilda—Purchase of Rowton—His race for the St. Leger—Velocipede on the Turf—The Colonel— Charles Marson at Lord Exeter's—The Sultan stock—Beiram— Green Mantle and Varna—Galata ripping them up—Darling's best race—Camarine and Taurus—The Duke of Bedford as a racing man —The Oakley meet—Envoy, and Magog the giant—The late Earl of Albemarle—Bad Beaufort luck—Muley and Muley Moloch—The grandsire of Touchstone—John Scott's first sight of Touchstone— His mishaps and medicine—Mostyn-Mile martyrs—Ascot Cup trem- blings—Touchstone's peculiarities—His descendants—Jereed and Mundig—Mundig's Derby Day—Hornsea, Scroggins, and Carew— Gladiator—Early days of Cyprian—Purchase of Epirus—His train- ing in the metropolis—The trial of Don John and Cardinal Puff— The Colonel and "the Admiral"—Horse whims—A horse's know- ledge of sound—Purchase of Charles XII.—Hetman Platoff— Industry and Ghuznee—Launcelot—Satirist's St. Leger trial—Attila's trial—Jacob's bet about Attila—Jacob on a tout hunt—King Cole— Marlow and old John Day—Sam Darling and Isaac—History of Isaac—Weighting him for the Audley End—The old Scottish cracks—The late Lord Eglinton—Sir James Boswell—Myrrha and Philip—Gullane—Zohrab and Co.—Scottish coaching days—In- heritor and the Ramsay lot—Lanercost—Mr. James Parkin—Laner- costiana—Outwitting St. Martin—Labours of Lanercost—Winning the Cambridgeshire—His after-career—The love of Lanercost for a dog—Blue Bonnet—Cotherstone—Cotherstone's trial—Attempt to hocus him—A visit to Althorp Paddocks—Cotherstone in retire- ment—His stock—Orlando's maiden race—Young John Day's win on Wiseacre—Death of Franchise—"Running Rein" and St. Law- rence—The Baron—Iago—The B. Green two-year-olds—Two-year- old trials—The purchase of Cossack—War Eagle—The Hero— Chanticleer—Canezou and Springy Jack—Maid of Masham—Eller- dale—Sale of Stockwell and West Australian—The late Lord Londesboro'—Van Tromp—Marlow and The Dutchman—The Dutchman's Derby race—Vatican—Surplice—Accidents to Surplice —The roaring humour—Beginning of the Aske stud—Death of Comfit—Voltigeur—Purchase and trial of Voltigeur—Bobby Hill's training notions—Voltigeur at Epsom—Bobby's Lightfoot fancy— Voltigeur's decline—Vedette—Waking up Sabreur—His trial at Richmond—Nunnykirk—Teddington—His yearling form—His two- year-old trials with Aphrodite, &c.—His Derby trial—Derby anxieties—Kingston—Death of Kingston—The Cawston stud Pantaloon and Phryne—The Windhound rout—A visit to Cawston Contents. ix —The late Lord John Scott—Old Helen—Hobbie Noble—Cannobie —Pocahontas—Early history of Stockwell—Birth of Rataplan—Rata- plan's racing and training habits—King Tom—Longbow—Miss Bowe—Daniel O'Rourke—Little Harry—Joe Miller—Umbriel— West Australian—Isaac Walker's annual appearance at Whitewall— Frank's first introduction to "The West"—The West's Doncaster Jubilee—Catherine Hayes—Goorkah's history—Butterfly—Boiardo —Knight of St. George—Virago—Lord of the Isles—Wild Dayrell's History—Birth of Wild Dayrell—His change of hands—His train- ing and trial—Ellington—Warlock—Imperieuse—Horse eccen- tricities—St. Giles—Queen Mary's blood—Blink Bonny—Her race for the Derby—Balrownie, Blooming Heather, and Bonnie Scotland —Beadsman—Antonio, Anton, and Actaeon—Trumpeter—Musjid— His Derby trial—Underhand and the greyhounds—His Newcastle- triumphs—St. Albans—Ashdown Park—Ride to the coursing ground—Notabilities of the field—Coursers' talk—The two blacks at work—Beating the plantations—Over the hill to Russley—A peep at Russley Park—Thormanby—Thormanby's early labours—Dundee —His breakdown—A peep at Benhams—Fisherman and Co.— Avalanche—Caller Ou—Trials and peculiarities—Her St. Leger race—The youth of Kettledrum—Training Kettledrum—Col. Towne- ley's paddocks—An hour with the Whitewall brood mares pp. 112—261 CHAPTER IV. STAG, DRAG, AND FLAG. Old hunting times—The first Master of the Royal Hounds—The Royal Staghounds—Reverence of the country people—The King out hunt- ing—The original pack—The Goodwood kennels—George IV.'s hunting—Mr. Davis's best runs—Fun in the Vale of Aylesbury— The Marquis at bay—Visit to the Royal Kennels—Pictures and testimonials—The Hound kennel—Old Swinley revelries—The Deer Paddocks—Deer diet—Paddock exercise—Carting the deer— Peculiarities of great stags—Harry—The great Leicestershire Stag- hunt—"The Marquis's" freaks—Baron Rothschild's deer—Sir Clifford's deer—Harvey Combe—The Baron's pack—Limits of the Vale—The Rothschild cracks—Grouse, King Pippin, and Hark- over—Bill Bean, the arch-trespasser of England—The perils of the drag—Will White and his successor Kit—Bill Bean's horses—Perse- cution of the farmers—The great indignation meeting—How Bill X Contents. attended to the notices—His graceful manners with the Tax Com- missioners—Jem Hills' steeple-chase—The start—The plot thickens —The last brook—First steeple-chase in Leicestershire—Captain Becher—The palmy days of St. Albans—First St. Albans steeple- chase—Tommy Coleman's volunteers—Moonraker—A fierce lawyer —"The Squire" as steward—Grimaldi v. Moonraker—Grimaldi and Napoleon—Viviana—Vivian v. Cock Robin—Fun in the Vale —Latter days and death of Grimaldi—Flacrow and the Leamington —Lottery's beginnings—Fun in the Midlands—Vivian v. Lottery— Beginning of the Liverpool Grand National—Leicestershire to wit— Lottery's zenith and finish—Establishment of the Brocklesby Hunt steeple-chases—Brocklesby steeple-chases, 1842-49—Mr. Tilbury the dealer—His class of horses—His coachmanship—The two French- men and the Three Pigeons—The Ehnores—The Elmores as hunter dealers—John Elmore at home—John Elmore's stories—Staghound diplomacy—Larking with Lottery 262—317 CHAPTER V. HORN AND HOUND. Visit to Joe Hewitt—Service under Mr. Frank Fawkes—Joe's stag- hunting in Norfolk—Fox-hunting in Norfolk—A new light on fox-' hunting—Fox-hunting lecture—Fox-hunting, 1790-1810—The late Earl of Darlington—Squire Draper—The Yorkshire Wolds—The Wold Hunts—The Sykes hounds—The Badsworth—Engagement of Will Danby—Waifs and Strays for Holderness—Kennel build- ing—Life in Holderness—Will Danby's sayings—Dreams of the chase—Holderness foxes—Mr. Hodgson's Scurry Stakes at Beverley —Practical jokes in Holderness—The biter bit—Captain Percy Williams—Mr. John Bower—Mr. Ralph Lambton—His habits of life—Mr. Lambton on the flags—His hound feeding—Mr. William- son's mastership—The late Sir Harry Mainwaring—Tom Ranee's history—The late Dick Gurney—Tom in Cheshire—Tom's table- talk—Head, Maiden, and Markwell—Foxes and their troubles— Tom's disasters—The Cheshire green collars—Old Zach Goddard—■ The snooze in the Park—Celebrities at Bicester—Sir Thomas Mostyn and the B.D.C.—Stephen Goodall—Stephen in kennel—Tom Moody—Griff Lloyd—Griff Lloyd's power of bearing fatigue—Jem Hills—View from the kennel—The Heythrop covers—New kennels near Chipping Norton—Heythrop foxes—Making up forty brace Contents. xi Jem and the badgers—Glories of Cribb the terrier—Jem's early days—Special day for the Duke of Beaufort—Blooding future Masters of Hounds—Scent symptoms—The South Warwickshire's triumph—Dislike to water—Cricket reminiscences—Clarke's sane- •tun).—'The kennel beauties of Badminton—Recollections of Will Ls De_ At the eleventh hour, Isaac Day deter- 'scent with mined to start Little Boy Blue, and brought Sam to ride him. Pavis had been elected king of the revels at the inn, and was bouncing most valiantly of what he was going to do next day, when the fatal forms of Sam and Isaac loomed in the door-way. Little Arthur nearly dropped under the table at the sight, and years after Isaac would go solemnly through the scene, with increasing humour at each performance. Chappie's yChapple. great country successes were with Spectre, and his forte was waiting with a quiet horse, and taking a beautiful measure. Somehow or other, the country knew his value better than they did at head- quarters, and this he felt so keenly, that it somewhat hardened and crisped his manner. They were ready enough to offer him engagements after he won the Cesarewitch and Cambridgeshire, and it was no very cynical asperity in him to decline them. It was Nat's misfortune to have out- Aw .a vn lived his fame, and the baseless objec- 01 °n tions which were taken to his mode of riding Toxophi- 6o Scott and Sebright. lite (who was "never half a good horse"), for the Derby, made it the fashion to call him "old Nat," and to say that he was nervous. For our own part, we believe that the public (who had always praised his riding most extravagantly up to that point) merely followed suit, and that his brother-jockeys are right in saying that he was as good as ever to the last. At no period of his career had he been quite a first-class man ; but still a most efficient rider, a respectful servant, and as honest as the day. He had been creeping well up for four or five seasons ; but the death of Pavis in 1839, at a time when he could ride 6st. iolbs. cleverly, and there were no "Tinies" or " Bantams," gave him an opening which he knew well how to use. He was the first Newmarket jockey that ever regularly got a footing at the Northern meetings; and Garbutt, whose practice had all but departed from him, did not much like this innovation. On one occasion, Jem made the running very good in a race at Newton, and turning round in his rough way, he contemptuously bellowed out to him as they returned to the scale, " There, Mr. Nezvmarket, what do you think of that to a pace ?" Weight always favoured him, as he was barely 1 libs, heavier at fifty than he was at twenty-nine. His great knack was his quickness at a T.Y.C. post ; and, al- though he just kept within the line and avoided being fined, he often put the starter's temper sadly to the test by his determination if possible to anticipate the "Go along." We should call him rather a good jockey by profession, than a great horseman by intuition. He seldom did anything brilliant, but his good head and fine patience served him, and he rarely made a mistake as regards measure in the last few strides. A tremendous finish, when a horse had to be ridden home from below the distance, was not his forte; and it put him all abroad if he had to make running. His thighs were so short that he hadn't sufficient purchase Turf Worthies. from the knee to use a sluggish horse, and if he had a free goer he was a little apt to overdo it. In his annus mirabilis 1848, he scored 104 victories ; but it was generally believed that he made most in Orlando's year, and entered about 5000/. to the credit side of his riding book in fees and presents alone. His ill- ness was very painful and wearing. As the spring came on, he seemed to recover a little, and got out, we believe, a few times, in a carriage ; but when he went up to London to have the best advice during the July meeting, he learnt that there was no hope for him, and quietly returned to Newmarket to die. Strange to say, it was one of his last requests that he should not be buried in the cemetery at the entrance of the Heath. He was not very sociable in his temper, _b Marson or popular with his brother-jockeys, and between him and poor Job Marson there was always a sort of secret feud, and nothing delighted the latter so much as to beat him in a finish. Job was best on a very free goer, as he could hold anything, and pre- ferred it to having to ride them all the way. There was less of the Chifney style about him than Frank, as he was never fond of lying too much away, and then trusting so implicitly to the creeping business, which once put Frank quite wrong on Nunnykirk at York. According to his own notions, the A.F. match on Colleen Bawn when he beat Frank _ on Leopard in the Newmarket Craven of 1847, and his Humdrum victory over the same jockey and Wolfdog for the Queen's Plate the same spring, after a most terrific finish from the Plantation, were about the best things Job ever did ; and the men were worthy of each other. His anxiety to pull off a great race for Mr. Bouverie and his uncle, after their Derby disappoint- ment, rather upset his nerve in the Chester Cup, and he always believed that he had won his race with War Eagle at the Castle Pole, and that if he had waited 62 Scott and Sebright. longer under that crushing weight, he might have landed their money. It was somewhat singular that both Job and Frank should have been each specially known during their last season, in connexion with the horse they loved best of all. Job made his last great finish for the Doncaster Cup on Fandango, and Frank's sun set Frank Butler's gloriously in "The West." The first con- Surprise with nexion of the latter couple was rather The West. an ocj^ one Frank had been on him at Whitewall, but never expected that he was coming for the Criterion. His astonishment was unbounded when he first learnt the news from John Scott's lips at the Newmarket Station. " What T said he, "youdorit mean to say you've brought the big bay horse with you ; we've tried a rare good un, and I've backed him for a devil of a lot of money /" " I'm very sorry for it," replied John, "but we've had Sim and Jack up, and we like him, and Mr. Bowes has backed him for the Derby,—the money's all on—and you're to stand the odds to fifty." There was no help for it, and so Frank went and told his brother that Rogers would have to take the Sitting- bourne mount. He strictly obeyed his orders to " ride him tenderly up the hill, for fear he flounders in the dirt," but the horse could not move in it, and Speed the Plough dropped on to him at the finish. Colloquy with Frank's opinion of " the big bay horse" Isaac Walker underwent a great change after the Glas- on the Moors. gQW Stakes, and he thought all the winter of what he and " my hack" were to do. He had liked what he had seen of the colt in the pre- vious summer, though he never expected him to be got fit that year. In the August of Daniel's year, when he was riding back with Isaac Walker from the Hunderthwaite Moors to Streatlam, he thus broke 6ut, " Isaac, I've been thinking how wonderful it would be if we should win the Derby next year for Mr. Bowes. I've got a rough customer for them ; I've won with a Turf Worthies. 63 little one this-year, and I shouldn't be surprised if I pull through with a big un next." He came down to Durham for the grouse-shooting both years, but there was a great change in him in '53. No day was too long for him in Daniel's year, but the next August he could not follow his game. He wanted constant flask refreshers, and he was glad to sit down on the heather with the daily paper, and talk about what they had been doing at Egham. His fund of anecdote and chaff, which he delivered in a thick, husky voice, and with a visage as grave as a mustard-pot, seemed to have failed him, and there was no "Fine Old English Gentleman," or " Return of the Admiral" at night. Isaac still sadly remembers how they visited Tom Flint at Raby, and how out of that party of six he alone remains. Frank never exactly alluded to his The Old Victory growing weakness ; but it was in these Jacket, pleasant summeg days that he promised Isaac to give him his Bowes jacket, whenever he died. " All the boys," as he used to say when he spoke of the bequest, " when they don't go for the stuff, they put 011 the flash jacket, but I always put on the old Victory." Next month when he came out of the weighing-house after the St. Leger, and gravely asked Isaac if he had ridden him quite to orders, he slapped his hand on his jacket breast, and repeated the promise: " You' 11 never breed another West," he added, " / never knew zvhat he was, I only touched him with the spur once in the Derby, and I was glad to get him stopped." It was to Hobby Horse that he could positively give 6st. in a rough gallop, and strangely enough, it was on that wretch that Frank weighed in for the last time on the Houghton Saturday of '53. Sore as the trial was, he kept at 8st. /lbs. till this last afternoon^ and won two matches, the second of them on Ariosto against his old opponent Nat. Acrobat had been his Derby delight ever since he 64 Scott and Sebright. Last Days of got off him after the Doncaster Two- Frank. Year-Old Stakes, with a prophecy in his mouth, and Dervish was his abhorrence ; but he never saw them put together with Boiardo, at three Two years old. He was at the Ditch Stables on the Thousand day, just about a stone over weight, and led Sim on Boiardo their canter ; and he took his saddle down to Goodwood that July in the hope of meeting The West once more, and getting upon him at exercise. His first master, Colonel Anson, lingered before going to India just to see The West win at Doncaster, and he had arranged to meet John Scott when it was over, near the Rubbing House, that they might say good-bye. Both had, however, a melan- choly consciousness that they should never see each other again, and when John did not trust himself to come, the other knew " the reason why," and with the kindest of farewell letters they parted. Jockey and master died almost together, the one in his tent at Poonah, on Ellington's Derby day ; and when we pass by that low St. Margaret's church wall, and glance over the "P. C. i842"*stone of little Conolly, and the grave of cheery Will Beresford beside him, towards the railings in the Nunnery corner, we may well think of the glorious time of Whitewall, and Frank in the " all white," and trust that, like his old master, he sleeps well. Mr. Theobald, Mr. Theobald, of Stockwell, was one of Stockweii. 0f fhg most remarkable of the Southern patriarchs. The old gentleman swore by Whalelxme, Whisker, and Orville; and Camel of the Whalebone and Selim blood, whom he bought from Lord Egre- mont, held the undisputed premiership of his stud. Camel This horse was as good as an 800/. annuityfor some seasons after Touchstone had brought him out, and Caravan, Wapiti, and Callisto carried on the game. When the Americans arrived and bid Mr. Theobald 5000 guineas, he " gave Turf Worthies. 65 a verdict without turning round in the box." In fact, he did not even allow Lowry time to strip the brown before he refused the offer. The horse was then rising seventeen, and he lived for six seasons more. Nothing delighted the old man more than to*stroll into the paddock, with General Wemyss and Bransby Cooper, to visit my " bit of Whalebone," and his fairy genius the white rabbit. Mr. Cooper used in- Mr Bransby variably to visit Stockwell on a Sunday, Cooper s opinion and Camel was always stripped as a ofhim- relish before dinner. The great surgeon always maintained that he never looked over a more powerful piece of anatomy. His gaskins were enormous, and his leverage and mettle so great, that when Lowry lunged him, he could leap mid air almost to the last, to the full extent of a cavegon-rein. Mr. Theobald used to tell how Banter came there from Moor Park in the shape of a low lengthy mare of fifteen-two, but she was on a visit to Peter Lely when her first fruits appeared in the frail-looking foal Touchstone. Camel, Smolensko, and the little thir- other Sires at teen-hand racing pony Mat-o'-the-Mint stockwell. were buried in that paddock along with Laurel, Cydnus, Norfolk Phenomenon, and the rest, but there were no tablets. " That would have touched the old gentleman up," and there was not even a tree to mark them. He had another bit of Whalebone in the grey Exquisite, the second to Frederick in the Derby, and the subject of Old Forth's bet about placing two ; but he served only a few hack mares, and that was also the line, though in a more eminent degree, of the short, thickset Caccia Piatti by Whisker. Cydnus, who beat Serab, was a chestnut by Quiz, and good for long distances in his day, and for half-breds in his decline; and even old Fibbertigibbet, a blind chestnut by Comus from a Selim mare, was added to his col- lection* from Jemmy Messer's of Welwyn. Tarrare by Catton was a great strapping sire for job horses, F 66 Scott and Sebright. after his mud tour with Tommy Nicholson at Don- caster ; but " the coarse and larky coach-horse" Laurel, who had under the same guidance avenged himself on both Matilda and Mameluke, and put Longwaist, Medora, Purity, and Mulatto to shame in the greatest of his eight cup victories, never made or had much chance of making himself a name at Stockwell, or anywhere else. The big, leggy Muley Moloch found a quiet refuge here, when he was compelled to abdicate in favour of Lanercost at Walm Gate Bar Without, and held it till the old gentleman died. Rockingham, Calmuck, Belgrade, and The Baron were also in resi- dence; Sorella was rather a favourite purchase ; and Pocahontas came in the course of a city transaction from Mr. Greatrex. His Love of Mr. Theobald's highest ambition was being in the to have the best of everything, cost what Fashion. ft might. Mat-o'-the-Mint was the re- suit of this feeling, and so was a dun trotting mare. He also owned Rochester, who did the five miles on the Bourne Bridge Road in 15 minutes 38 seconds, against the Squire's hunting-looking Rattler; and Macdonald never handled anything much better than his Rockingham, who with his shaggy mane and low- set tail, reminded bystanders more of a lion than a horse. In short, the Squire of Stockwell carried out the fashion of the day in everything, and pushed it to the very extreme. Cost what it might, he would be in the front. Sometimes his harness was smothered in brass, and then plated would come up once more, and he had the best of that. All his bacon was never more "At Home" than at his friend Tat's house. He would mimic his selling manner to the life, and his " Take Care ! " was absolutely tremendous. An- other of his annual encores was in the story of the foreigner, who went to purchase blood-stock at New- market, and utterly confounded the trainer by asking " What years he has ?" If he was in his best form, he would go behind the curtain, and come out quite a different man, just as when he dined with a rich pawn- broker, and slipping out of the room unobserved, appeared in the shop below, and pawned him his own knives and forks. In the Derby Lottery Drawing the of the evening, he was of course Mr, Tat- Derby Lottery. 8o Scott and Sebright. tersall's deputy. The stakes were two sovereigns each, and of the eighteen or twenty subscribers one always took the field. The lots were placed in a claret-cup, and drawn after dinner, and those who did not like their horse's chance, or wanted to hedge, had it put up for sale. Mathews knew his Calendar and Corner quotations right well, and could dilate to any extent on the merits of a favourite, which he some- times sold as high as 20/. " Some say Glaucus, some Forester, and others Whale, but I say that Astra— can win the Derby," was one of his neatest hits in 1833. Frightening the He nearly frightened a post-boy out chesterford of his wits, when he accompanied Mr. Post-boy. Tattersall and his son Richard to New- market. They had dined at Chesterford (whose old waiter never wore a hat except when he came to Lon- don to receive his half-yearly dividends), and had got about a mile on the road, when Mathews put his head out of the window, and imitated the cry of a child which had been run over. The post-boy pulled up with a jerk, but being very short and humpbacked, he was unable to get off, and had to run along the pole, and so to earth by the splinter-bar. Once there, he groped about hopelessly in the dark for the suf- ferer, till Mr. Tattersall ordered him to ascend once more. Beyond Bourne Bridge, the screams were again heard, and descending still more swiftly, he was not content this time with crawling under the carriage to make sure that he had not committed infanticide, but drew the neighbouring hedges blank as well. Again the same agonizing scream startled the night; but the little man could bear it no longer, and going at his horses, hand and heel, he raced them past Six- mile Bottom, roaring that he would stop for no one, and that there was " something evil in the chaise." As a breeder of blood stock, Mr. Tattersall was Turf Worthies. 81 not particularly successful. He always Mr. Tattersaii sold when he could, and his foreign cus- as a Breeder of tomers cleared him out so often, that his Blood Stock* brood mares and yearlings were but little tested. It seemed his duty to keep the thing going, and as he , quaintly told a committee of the House of Commons, with a low bow, he " did not wish to see an end of horse racing and your humble servant." He bought The Colonel out of pure loyalty at the Hampton Court sale, because he did not consider that France ought to have him so cheap; but neither him nor Glaucus, nor Ratcatcher (a very great favourite) did much for him. Charles XII., Sir Hercules, and Hark- away were also hired by him to stand at Dawley or Willesden. The " race Sunday" there never quite looked itself unless Mr. Tattersaii appeared in his wonted seat of honour at old St. George's, making the responses in a deep, sonorous voice, along with the Marquis of Westminster (who seldom quitted the borough all September), from the front row of the Corporation pew. Scarcely an alderman or common councillor was absent from the rear of the mace that day; and never did men look so important as they marched down Baxter Gate in procession. His collection of horse portraits, which Mr. Tattersaii's is far the largest in England, was Mr. Scrap-book. Tattersaii's great delight, and each member of that congress of cracks, lies like a veiled prophet under silver paper, with its performances written out by the collector himself, in small round-hand. Lord Lons- dale's collection merged in it, and it goes back to Sedbury, 1734, who was " for justness of shape the most beautiful." Stubbs begins in 1768, with Mambrino, of the lofty style, and the forefather of some of the best American trotters. Firetail's head is a remarkable specimen; and in Jupiter we have the softer line of Gilpin, about 1790, and again in Sir Peter Teazle. According to the picture of G 82 Scott and Sebright. Orville and Selim, they must have been giraffes of a trifle under nineteen hands, and their painter need hardly have made such a point of drinking " The Arts," as the last toast wherever he dined. High- flyer's 113 winners stand, in rows of nine, opposite him, and close by the original deed of conveyance which Lord Bolingbroke literally sealed with his thumb. The new era of steel engraving seems to dawn with Ben Marshall, and Haphazard. Quiz (1808) is remarkable for its curious Newmarket background, in which the Duke's Stand, a heavy-sterned jockey, a soldier, and a man with a wooden leg, have not been forgotten ; and Rubens, after Barenger, and supposed to be in training, is as fat as a Dutch vrow. James Ward, The late Mr. James Ward, R.A., is R,A* well represented in that strange turf missal. He was related by marriage to Morland, and took to the same line of art, with such success as to become quite the first animal painter of the early part of the century. "He showed," as an eminent critic writes us, " wonderful facility in the management of white animals, particularly bulls; and painted the skins of his horses most delightfully, and his Earl Powis's Arabian and portrait of a Hunter, exhibited in the Royal Academy about 1818, are marvellous both in colour and execution. Unfortunately he did not let well alone, but began to study Rubens ; and in all his after backgrounds there were the heavy blues and purples so conspicuous in that great master's works, but which were quite out of place in the portrait of a horse or other animal. Instead of continuing his beautiful skins, he now sought to give more texture, and consequently exchanged the satin for the door- mat. He was, it has been considered, a good anato- mist; but now he made a bad use of his knowledge, for some of his horses looked as if they were skinned. Arabians and thoroughbreds show this to a great extent, but never as drawn by him. This he called Turf Worthies. 83 " giving character;" but he forgot that, by adopting crooked lines where they should be straight, in many instances he introduced that which gave the appear- ance of disease—i.e., curbs, thorough-pins, spavins, splints, and ringbones. He also introduced so many lines and veins into his horses' heads, and more par- ticularly into the eyes and nostrils, that, instead of producing the effect he intended to express, they quite looked as if they were laughing. His " Doctor Syntax " has some strange drawing in the under-lip, and also in the hind-legs : but his " Phantom " is better. Mr. Ferneley's father was a wheel- Mr> Fernel wright at Thrussington (where the future painter was born on the 18th of May, 1782), and obliged him to follow that trade until he was twenty- one. He had, however, chosen his own line long before that; and every leisure moment was spent in preparing his colours and canvas, and copying pic- tures lent him by a gentleman in the neighbourhood. His father soon found that it was no use contesting the point, and accordingly sent him in 1803, to study under Ben Marshall, the great horse-painter of that day. After a year's tuition from his brilliant but lazy tutor, he started to seek his fortune in Ireland. In 1806 he turned up at Quorn, about the time when Mr. Assheton Smith bought the hounds; and achieved, as it were, his Leicestershire. diploma by painting some hunting pictures for " Le Grand Chasseur," beginning with little Will Burton and Manager. The next three years were spent between England and Ireland. He then retraced his steps to Thrussington, and was married ; and 1814 found him regularly settled at Melton Mov/bray, where he painted two generations of Leicestershire hard riders and stable beauties, and received a very extensive patronage from other hunts. His works since that date amount to some hundreds, several of them of a G 2 84 Scott and Sebright. very large size. Among the earliest of them was " Mr. Assheton Smith and his Hounds," for the Earl of Plymouth. He seldom recurred to this picture without telling how one day, when he strolled out as a lad to the meet, the Leicestershire hunting-field first became cognisant of Mr. Smith's existence by seeing a young man (of whom nothing more was then known, except that he was a guest at Belvoir) put his chestnut, Jack-a-Lantern, eight or nine times at a flight of rails, before he could get him over. Principal Pic- The late Marquis of Westminster, Mr. tures. Foljambe, Mr. Russell, of Brancepeth Castle; the Earl of Kintore, Mr. Ralph Lambton, and Sir Bellingham Graham were also among his large hunting-picture patrons ; and the latter selected as his subject "The Meet at Kirby Gate." One also adorned the lobby of the late Master of the Hur- worth; and Mr. Craufurd, of Langton Hall, has a large " Scurry" from his hand, with portraits of Sir Harry Goodricke, Mr. Osbaldeston, and Sir Francis Holyoake. The study for these three was a very favourite one, and hung in his studio, like a sacred relic of the good old times, as long as the little, en- feebled form of the hoary devotee to art could bend over the easel. There, too, was another and a smaller " Scurry" of modern scarlets, which Earl Wilton won in a raffle; a half-finished picture of Sir Harry Goodricke, with Mumford and his whips, Will Derry and Beers at the Whaw-Hoop ; and a sort of caricature of hard riding, in which Sir Francis Holy- oake, on his white-legged chestnut Brilliant, is trying to catch the fox, and within an ace of succeeding. " Silver Firs" was also a well-known shooting picture of his, and the Duke of Rutland had many hunters from his hand. Miss Burdett Coutts honoured him as well with an order for an equestrian portrait of her late father; and his last professional journey was undertaken in company with his daughters, to paint Turf Worthies. 35 some hunters for Lord Middleton, in Yorkshire. Racehorses were less in his line; but a commission from Lord Jersey included Filagree and Cobweb, with their foals; and Velocipede and The Cur (for Mr. Craufurd) are among his Turf memorials. He was a man of unwearied industry His Habits and perseverance; and although he had been a great invalid for the last two years, he never gave up his habit of early rising till a very short time before his death. However sleepless and painful the night might have been, it seemed a relief to him to be back, with the morning light, in his studio. Every June found him up in London for his annual visit to the exhibitions; and, if we remember rightly, his last sketching expedition was into the Vale of Belvoir; and he showed us the stable-interiors he had gathered in that quarter with particular delight, from some connexion they had with the hunting days of Mr. Musters. Amongst his latest works were two very large ones of "The Horse Fair" and "The Cattle Market," containing portraits of celebrated horses and horse-characters in the neighbourhood. The chase was, after all, his great forte. He loved it best; and hence he painted it best; and his pictures were real bits of Cream Gorse memory. In his plain groups of horses there was more mannerism, and his outline and shadows were often rather too hard ; but although he lacked any very remarkable finish, there were the higher qualities of feeling and breadth about everything he handled. Beyond what they were doing at Belvoir, the hunting of the present had , but little interest for him. He sighed for the old regime when " George the Fourth was king," and when Moore, Maxse, and Maher were names of Melton renown, "Him go vip, vip, vip I Vot he know visit to Mr. about horses ?" said a jealous old artist, Herring at when Herring, the well-known coachman Meopham. 86 Scott and Sebright. of the London and York Highflyer, had thrown aside the reins in Jack Spigot's year, and fairly cast in his lot with the mahl-stick. We thought of the saying as, under the guidance of "Sailor Jack," another of the North Road men who had followed Mr. Herring's fortunes, and then looked after his Arabs, we bowled over the three miles from Tonbridge to Meopham Park. Even in the tender sunshine of a May morn- ing, the hop-fields with their countless wigwams of poles wore a very dreary air, and made us long for the autumn, when their rich green clusters will once more claim to be Barley Brides. The carriage-drive shaded by oaks with large fantastic arms, which would have made Parson Gilpin of the New Forest gaze for a moment and then rush for relief to his pencil, is kept in faultless " Quicksilver mail order," as a memento of the old whip days. Scarcely a wheel has touched it since Charles Herring was borne over it in 1856 to his grave, and it is really sacred to his memory. And well it may be, as a better son or a more skilful lover of art for his years never passed to his rest. White and red rosebuds just bursting into bloom, clustered round the verandah, and from it the outline of the pleasant woods of Penshurst, which " Heard the sounds of Sydney's song, Perchance of Surrey's reed," was just visible in the drowsy distance. Partridges were feeding on the lawn, and scarcely caring to rise on the wing, or run behind the purple beech at your approach; and the deep coo of the wood-pigeons as they perched on the Scotch and silver firs, which towered above the thickly interlaced grove of holly and laburnum, so vocal with its song of spring, was all in harmony with a painter's home. Horse and Don- J ack, the thirty-seven inch pony, is key Models, nearly as free to range, and he mounted Turf Worthies. 87 the steps of the front-door and walked gravely into the room, in search of his gingerbread, or to inquire if he was wanted for the basket that day. Favourite as he is, we did not meet with him on canvas, and in this respect he differs widely from the white Arab Imaum, of which the story goes that he has not been seen to lie down for at least eight years. He sleeps leaning against his stall, and like the oldest Alderney, and the donkey which runs unicorn in the bush- harrow and roller team, and wins half the saddles in the neighbourhood when so disposed, he is on canvas all the world over, in nearly a hundred positions. Sometimes an Ironside stables him in a cathedral nave, or he waits for some boisterous cavalier, hard by an alehouse bench. He was one of the four first horses that The Arab .was ever sent over by the Imaum of imaum. Muscat to Her Majesty; and was made a present to the Clerk of the Royal Stable, whc* sold him at Tattersall's. When it became necessary to have a model for the dead horses, which Mr. Herring was to have introduced into the Battle of Waterloo at the Gallery of Illustration, he sent for Pedro, a black man from Batty's Circus, and had him taught to lie down. With a few lessons he became so complete a trick horse, that Pedro declared he wanted nothing but youth to beat the Bedas, and the other time- honoured pets of the horse ballet, quite out of the field. He looks peaky and worn now, and his tricks have rather departed from him; but in his prime, Mr. Herring was followed by a gentleman into a yard in Piccadilly, and had 200 guineas bid for him there and then. In spite of the prejudice against Arabs, he was wonderfully stout, and when his master drove him from Camberwell to Stevenage and back, about 75 miles in one day, to paint The Switcher and other " Steeple-Chase Cracks" for Lord Strathmore, he was fresher than the English black, who was in the phaeton 88 Scott and Sebright. with him, and who had never shirked his work by comparison before. Her Majesty hearing of Mr. Herring's severe asthma, which for some time quite disabled him from leaving home, sent down three of her horses for him to paint. They included Kor- seed (a white Arab), Bagdad, a black charger of the late Prince Albert's, and Said, the Arab on which Mr. Meyer instructed the royal children. The latter is among the Osborne collection, with a background of white sand and Arab tents, in the composition of which his friend Mr. D. Roberts, R.A., gave Mr. Herring the advantage of all his Eastern lore. The painting-room almost adjoins the stable, but it has been but little used since his son's death. A model of a coach in a case rests upon some packing- boxes, and the original sketch for the picture which he took of the beautiful Attila, just before he went abroad, is the only tenant of the easel; but the sketch, like that fatal journey, was never completed. Mr. Herring was then about sixty-seven, or just the mean in age between his old friends John and William Mr. Herrings Scott. Doncaster and its Town Moor First Efforts, associations naturally whetted his zeal for the brush long before he took to it as a profession, and many a little horse or mail-coach sketch by him crept on to the tavern walls, and the signs. His earliest anatomy study was the fractured leg of Spartan, one of whose small bones near the pastern was completely pulverized by his break down ; and Smolensko and Comus were the racers on which his " prentice han" was tried. Other Subjects. , A gigantic " Horse Fair" adorns the lobby, which is, as Mr. Herring's pictures so invariably are, " all daylight." The mail is again in requisition, following in the wake of a gig, whose horse trots right out of the picture, and whose driver casts a glance at the troops of nags and stallions, which are dispersing to their stalls when business is Turf Worthies. 89 over. All kinds have mustered there, and the supply of ginger-nuts and ginger in the raw has been of course unlimited. Then we get among the Eight Day-Waggons and a pair of the blue jacket and white hat line, stopping for refreshment at one of the old road-side inns near the orthodox trough and tree. Wood-piling and hop-picking are not forgotten. It seems that there is a family in the neighbourhood who especially pride themselves on the accomplishment; and accordingly, at half-past six one summer morn- ing, Mr. Herring sallied out, and caught them by appointment, just at the most picturesque crisis, when the timber is slung aloft, and the truck is being backed under it. In the other, the artist in a straw- hat, with a black ribbon and mahogany tops, plays " Farmer Oldfield," and does not look, as he gazes complacently at the fast-filling bins, as if the iron of Gladstone was piercing his soul so acutely. The jaunty ribbons and tunics of the hop-pickers blend very prettily with the green avenues which they are so ruthlessly rifling, and the farmer's daughter with her bonnet carelessly tossed back is taking the tally as the widow brings up her bin to be measured. At that time Mr. Herring painted in interior of his his dining-room, which was hung all studio, round with prints from his works, of which " Dis- tinguished Members of the Temperance Society" was the premier. It is there that he loved to grapple with the Giant Foreshortening, who has given the cross- buttock to so many, and flung him in picture after picture. Leading lines have always been his great guide for perspective, and he invariably works from left to right. His great racing pictures were gene- rally got by the aid of a sketch-book, with ideal horses and jockeys, which a few strokes from life at the post converted into portraits. Of Vision he had no sight at all, but sketched her, years after her death, merely from the description of Will Beresford, who 9° Scott and Sebright. pronounced the likeness perfect. All the elder heroes caught our eye, as we turned from a gigantic* Dutch- man galloping, and scanned the oil treasures of his portfolio. Sultan was there, with his beautiful Arab Recollections of head and dish nose, not more beautiful his "Bookof but more masculine in its expression Beauty. tjian ^ttila's. Langar's was another of the glorious heads, and so was Dr. Syntax's, Mame- luke's, Partisan's, and Venison's, with his deep jowl and tapering nose. Mr. Herring considers that the coarsest thorough-bred horse he ever painted was Ardrossan, the sire of Jack Spigot (the first of his St. Leger winning series), as his neck was really heavier than even Stubbs's sketch of the Godolphin Arabian; and Welbeck, the sire of the neat little Bedlamite ranks nearly as high in his list of the Ugly Club. Mr. Lambton's Don Juan by Orville, who wrought wonders among the Cleveland mares, was quite one of his delights, and so were Magistrate, and Filho da Puta; while The Duchess (who always ran in high company) was his prima donna among the small, and Crucifix and Queen of Trumps among the larger-sized mares. painting Bay We trace in a pictured line the Cother- Middieton. stone pedigree on both sides, till the Whalebone and Whisker strains united; and in essay- ing The Dutchman's, we came across the original sketch of Bay Middieton, just as it was left about a quarter of a century ago. It occupied only I hour 10 min., but it looks like the work of a day. No horse impressed Mr. Herring more firmly than this son of Sultan with the belief that he had the heart and ■* Apropos of this picture, Mr. Herring told a landlord of an inn, the sign of which was a half moon, that if he would get his licence altered to The Flying Dutchman, he would make him a present of a new sign, which Boniface considering too good for a sign, never hung outside, and refused a very long sum for, although painted on the Half Moon wood. Ttirf Worthies. 9i the muscular energy to do what he liked with his fields, " George Villiers" too stood by the easel, watch- ing every stroke as it was dashed in; and never had painter a higher stimulus to bring all his manhood to his hand. If we want to sketch an enthusiast n D „,. .. . , , - baron retrofiski. among Continental sportsmen, we need only turn for a space to the Romanoff dominions and its Baron Ippolyte Petroffski. The Baron, who is better known in the thirty-six-letter alphabet of his country as " Ummoiuml Nemjsobevez," resides at Petroffski Park, a short distance out of Moscow. The house is a two-storied one, built in the oriental style, among beautiful gardens, and with a large set of stables attached, These are, after all, merely his head-quar- ters during the season of ice and snow, and hardly furnish any index to the magnitude of his possessions, which consist of three large estates in the interior. On each of them he keeps nearly a thousand serfs ; but his sway is not of a very iron kind, and those who are not engaged in agriculture are all brought up to some trade. Everything necessary for himself and this huge family is produced on his own estates, from sheep-skins down to his renowned kish-le-shee, a species of mead of an aromatic rose flavour, and com- pounded from apple juice, honey, and flour and water. Sixty-five summers have done very His Love of little towards blanching his hair or dim- sP°rt- ming his sharp hazel eyes, and he still carries his light wiry frame erect, as beseems a captain of the Imperial Guard. No one who has visited him can forget that quiet, courteous bearing, or the delight with which he speaks of everything English. Sir Joseph Hawley and John Scott are breathing types to his imagination of everything cute in connexion with horse management; and if a Witch of Endor gave him his choice as to what spirit among the departed thoroughbreds he should recall from the Happy 92 Scott and Sebright. Pastures to his delighted gaze for a season, he would decide for old Waxy or Orville. His fowls, sheep, pigs, and dogs (not forgetting the favourite black terrier which has been painted in one of his pictures), are all English ; but we are not so sure as to the nativity of his fighting geese. They are stouter than the common geese, and on shorter legs, and are put down just like game cocks on to the green sod for the fray, which they solemnly conduct by seizing each other by the beak, and striking furiously with the butts of their wings. Such is his passion for the sport, that for one of the most warlike he paid no less than 500 silver roubles. His Race-horse The Baron breeds his horses at one of .Breeding. hiS estates, and trains at another, where his string do their work in the winter, without shoes, on frozen snow regularly harrowed for the purpose. The ground is, however, mostly flat, without any extent or variety of gallops. His breeding farm is bordered by a noble river of great width, and in summer, when the flies teaze the young foals to dis- traction, they dash in and swim, while their dams watch them placidly from the bank, and occasionally join in the sport. If a ten-stone by five-feet-eight figure is seen standing by, in a blue tunie, and trow- sers tucked inside his boots, it is even betting that it is the Baron himself, meditating on Moscow or Crena- voy Meetings to come. Many of them have excellent hind-leg action, and their owner invariably attributes it to their early swimming habits. The brood mares alone number about 160, some of which are still unbroken, and most of them never trained. The blood is, strictly speaking, a cross between the Russian and Arab mares, and the horses imported by Govern- ment—Memnon, General Chasse, Van Tromp, An-' dover, &c. ; and the stock are generally browns, of great length and on short legs, having all the Arab deficiency of shoulder, but catching the Eastern cha- Turf Worthies. 93 racter in their fine eye and small nostrils, and bearing the Sir Hercules crest at the root of their tails. In 1859 his racing stud consisted of seventeen horses in training, fifty brood mares, twenty-five two-year- olds, nearly as many yearlings and foals respectively, while Signal, Granite, and Bombardier were the princi- pal sires, and the Signals his best racing stock. The spring opens for training in April, Racing in and early in June the racing season be- Russia, gins at Moscow, where the Baron gives 500 silver roubles in prizes. The Moscow Meeting then lasts for a month ; they race for three days out of the seven, and run off four or five races per day. The Jockey Club, of which Baron Petroffski is an active member, have a stand of their own, and the horses are entered the night before at their rooms. There is very little betting, and that has been principally introduced by the English jockeys, who are, alas! too true to their old Tattersall's instincts. The Toola meeting is on July 8th, and on August 18th the one at Tsarskey Sela begins. Lebedan, on September 12th, is the fourth and last meeting ; and here, in 1859, Petroffski " boy in yellow" literally carried off every prize. "*Of his training troubles, however, the Training Baron shall speak for himself: "You Troubles, like the horses of old stock," he says, in writing to a friend, " and old form, just the same, which I prefer to the new-fashioned, who win great races on a short distance. Such a horse is the same as the card at the play of bank, only by accident ready at time. I would like very much to try the best English race-horse with my poor fellows. I call my horses poor fellows. We have only two months to prepare them for the races, that is May and June. The horses are led 500 versts, with all the road inconveniences. They change water and food, and suffer much before they come to the racing place. All that is not easy to support for a 94 Scott and Sebright. racing horse. Our prizes are not worth carrying food and water, and the horse itself in equipage. It would be supportable yet to run once, having passed 500 versts, but they go again 200 versts and run, and then again 500 versts, and yet 200 versts and run again." The English Stud Book is his Koran, and in his library may also be found every Racing Calendar and Sporting Magazine that has ever seen the light. He is himself an author, and has been at the pains of publishing, in the Russian language, a most complete synopsis of the celebrated stallions in England from 1811. It enters with the greatest accuracy into the number of years they were at the stud, the price at which they covered, and the dams of their most cele- brated winners. Upwards of 135 paintings or engrav- ings of racers and sporting subjects adorn his rooms; and if there was an alarm of fire, we are afraid that his valuable gallery of old Dutch and Italian masters would be left to take their chance, till those dearly- loved forms of Derby and St. Leger renown were safe out of harm's way. chapter II. EXMOOR TO WIT. " I ride as good a galloway As any man in town ; He'll trot you sixteen miles an hour, I'll bet you half-a-crown ; He's such a one to bend the knee, And tuck his haunches in ; And to throw the dirt into your face, He never deems a sin." Devonshire had done its best to The Road to naturalize us. Its clotted cream Exmoor. had appealed to our feelings through the tart and the teacup ; and its junket had whispered " Stay !" We had borne our part in our pleasant pastorals among the deep shady lanes and orchard clusters of Barton. We had viewed that grave Wittenagemote of the red- line elders of the West, which met under old Frank Quartly's picture in the black wainscoted parlour at Champson, and arose from their rump cuts and cider, to "try a fall" for the Flowers and the Pictures of that grand old stock. Still the gipsy element of our nature was strong upon us, and we longed to wander afield. It may be that our labours had been too much in one groove. After four long days among the cattle, we might well wish for a change, and even consider that Locke of Lynemouth, who roasted an Exmoor pony for his friends after one of the Simon's Bath sales, judiciously sympathized with Tartar tastes. Both sheep and ponies acted as a magnet in our case. We bade good-bye to our kind host and his chestnut hack, without one ounce of saddle ache, as a forget-me-not 96 Scott and Sebright. at parting ; and Flitton Oak, that far-famed tryst of the Poltimore hounds was soon upon our lee. The time of nuts was not yet come, and it was rather exasperating to see them brush the gig with their clusters as we toiled up the rutty lanes. Mist was fast closing over the land of the Devons when we reached North Molton Ridge, and then the long dark line of forest wall bade us welcome to Somerset, and the pony glories of its Exmoor hills. Emmett's The lights in Emmett's Grange, about Grange. a mqe the right, acted as a still more cheery beacon, and the white gates, dotted here and there, as guardians to the richly irrigated tracts, of which Philip Pusey so loved to talk, told too surely that the glorious days of hound and horse, when " Fred Knight" led the field over Exmoor, will ere long live only in hearth-side story, or the songs of the Somerset dames. The Red men of North America have already succumbed before the dread fire-water, and the red deer are equally certain in their turn to bow their antlered heads before Mr. Robert Smith and his water-sluices. Mr. Robert Ponies and mountain sheep were his Smith s Cob first Exmoor aim, but as cultivation grew Breeding. apacG) an(j irrigation laid its green velvet hand on the meadows, where the rushy swamp and the snipe had flourished amicably since the days of William Rufus, the former gave way in the natural order of things to galloways. The necessity of sticking to mountain produce ceased, when only 250 acres out of the 700 were left unenclosed ; and hence the only ponies on the Emmett's Grange holding consist of some twenty-five short-legged brood mares of about thirteen-two. Three parts of the year these mares live on the mountain land, while the farm is making beef and mutton below, and supporting the Taunton sale lot of that autumn to boot. Their foals are care- fully wintered in paddocks with the yearlings, and if Exmoor to Wit. 97 the weather is very severe, the two-year-olds have hay as well. The paddocks are principally four acres in extent; little open sheds, neatly thatched, nestle in cunning nooks, to shelter the young stock, and when its whole array is marshalled on to the lowlands, the stud is about 120 strong. At first Mr. Smith used neighbouring sires, among whom Old Port, the first- born of Sir Hercules and Beeswing, had the lead, and at length started on his own account with " Exmoor." His dam was one of the seven mares, with hunting blemishes, which migrated to Emmett's Grange from Burley ; but they were all sold off with the exception of a Redgauntlet, .after adding some high-priced entries to the ledger. The renowned fourteen-hand Bobby Bobby then came from Dr. Beevor, for two sea- sons, and won the Champion prize, and a two-guinea bonus at " The Bath and West of England," at Barn- staple. He looked more than his height, and the officials measured him three times before the fourteen- hand chain was allowed. The greybeards of Devon were, one and all, amazed at his remarkable likeness to the renowned Katerfelto of their youth. Both of them had the same Eastern blood in their escutcheons. Bobby could trace his descent through two degrees 011 his dam's side to Borax, who beat all the best horses, under high weights, at Madras; and Katerfelto's dam, after being stolen by some gypsies, was recovered in foal with him to an Arab. Independently of his fine stock, which is still referred to in nearly every pedigree, Katerfelto was a mighty hunter, and earned deathless glory, both for himself and his owner, a lusty farmer, by taking the bit between his teeth on the Barkham Hills, and carrying him bodily over a twenty-foot gap in an old Roman iron mine. Bobby's stock so far have almost invariably fallen bays, and nearly all of them have a star. Twenty-five foals, with their chubby chieftain " Master Bobby," from a black H 98 Scott and Sebright. mare were running with their dams, so that The Life's query, " Where are the Bobbies ?" receives a highly practical answer from Somersetshire. They are so thick that the clerical visitor, who broke out into an exclamation, "I can only describe them as bantam cocks f" did not draw his description bow at a venture. An Arab has succeeded Bobby, and if he only proves a second Katerfelto, the day may come when the poet, who summed up mere human felicity under six heads, and placed "the gentle wife" behind "the haunch of good buck" and " the glass of Madeira old," may feel that the " Exmoor" has as good a right as the " Nor- folk" cob, in the fifth. The inn at The mist was thick upon Long Hal- Simon's Bath. combe, and the rain was rattling down on to the devoted " Bobbies" as we took our first glance at Exmoor by broad daylight, and it seemed like an act of sheer self-immolation to wander forth on the hills that day. However, it cleared up towards ten o'clock, and we were soon on our road towards Simon's Bath Lodge. The most inveterate stickler for blood would have been satisfied with his mounts, as " Sambo," a grandson of old Beeswing, was alloted us for the first day, this being " positively his last ap- pearance" before his departure for Cornwall; and as if to aid our Newcastle Cup recollections, we found ourselves next day on " The Comet," a grandson of Lanercost's—who was also fourteen-two, and from an Exmoor pony dam. The original colour of the Ex- moor seems to have been a buffy bay, with a mealy nose, and it is supposed to have preserved its charac- teristics ever since the Phoenicians brought it over, when they visited the shores of Cornwall, to trade in tin and metals. The climate was propitious ; and thus the private sale at the Simon's Bath Inn gradually became a sort of rustic fete. The aspirants to the Cann and Polkinghorne line of business met there, and showed rude feats of wrestling, not only with each Exmoor to Wit. 99 other, but at the expense of the ponies, which they seized and dragged out of the fold, with all a giant's thew. " Seventy years ago, sir," said a bailiff to us, "there were only five men and a woman and a little girl on Exmoor, and my mother was that little girl. She drew beer at the Simon's Bath public-house;—they were a rough lot of customers there, I promise you." And no doubt they were. The Doons who had retired to Badgery, and carried out their Commonwealth yearn- ings, by becoming the Moss-troopers of the West, had taken their last leap from the cart, one after another, at Taunton Assizes, or " saved their lives by dying in jail." After them, the illicit love of mutton extended, to spirits. Smugglers slung their kegs across their " Scrambling Jacks" at night, and, if they did not care to hide their treasure in the rocks, or leave it at a certain gate, till the next mystic hand in that living chain should give it his allotted lift on its road to- wards Exeter, there were always friendly cellars under the ale-house at Simon's Bath. The ale was decent, and the landlady was judiciously deaf, and hence its old ingle, where the date 1654 still lingers on a beam, shorn or built into half its length, heard many a roy- stering tale of prime brandy and extra-parochial enor- mities, bad enough to make a beadle blush and an exciseman groan. The time of pony memory for all Origin of the Ex- practical purposes goes back to Sir moor Ponies. Thomas Acland, who rented a great part of Ex- moor from the Crown. When it was disforested in 1818, the father of the present Mr. Frederick Knight, M.P., bought the 10,000-acre Crown allotment, and by the subsequent purchase of 6000 more, became the owner of at least four-fifths. The ponies had for some years past only fetched from 4/. to 61, and in spite of " the anchor brand," and the death code, the Exmoor shepherds took very liberal tithe of them, as well as the sheep, and passed them at nightfall over H 2 ioo Scott and Sebright. the hills to their crafty Wiltshire customers. Sir Thomas carried away his original uncrossed stock to the Winsford Hills, and only about a dozen mare ponies were left to preserve the line. Luckily, an after-dinner conversation led Mr. Knight, senior, to consider the great pony-question in all its bearings. The party met at Sir Joseph Banks's, the eminent naturalist, in the days when Soho Square was equiva- lent to Belgravia in fashionable ears, and Bruce's Abyssinian stories were all the rage. Passing from live beef-steaks, they discussed the merits of the Dongala horse, which " the travelling giant" had described as an Arab of sixteen hands, and peculiar to the regions round Nubia. Sir Joseph proposed to the party to get them some of the breed, and accord- ingly Lords Headley, Morton, and Dundas, and Mr. Knight then and there gave him a joint IOOO cheque as a deposit for the expenses. The English Consul in Egypt was applied to in due course, and the horses and mares which he sent over bore out Bruce's description to the letter. It was said that they were got through the agency of a High Priest, who " had his priceand after trying unsuccessfully for two years, dissembled most artfully at the end. The Moorish Princes felt that they had been duped, and a century of bullocks was offered in vain as the ransom. In addition to their fine height, they were rather Roman-nosed, with a very fine texture of skin, well-chiselled under the jowl, and as clear-winded as all their race. Their action was quite of the " knee- in-the-curb-chain " school ; and they had short thick backs, and great hind-quarters. Still, there were three or four points against these " gaudy blacks," in the shape of flattish ribs, drooping croups, and rather long white legs. As manege horses they were perfect; and the dusky Nubian, who brought them over, delighted to gallop Exmoor to Wit. 101 them at a wall in the riding-school, and make them stop dead when they reached it. About ten or twelve arrived, and Mr. Knight was so pleased with them, that, acting on the advice of the late Marquis of Anglesey, who considered that they " would improve any breed alive," he bought Lord Headley's share. Lord Dundas bred a good many from his lot in Scotland, and one especially nice white one sprang from the stock. Mr. Knight's two sires and three mares were brought to Simon's Bath at once, where he had estab- lished a stud of seven or eight thorough-bred mares, and thirty half-breds of the coaching Cleveland sort. A dozen twelve-hand pony mares were also put to one of the Dongalas, and the produce generally came fourteen-two, and very seldom black. The first cross knocked out the mealy nose, as completely as the Leicester destroys the Exmoor horn; but the buffy stood true to its colour, and thus the type was never quite lost. The half-Dongalas did wonderfully well with the West Somerset, which often came to Exmoor to draw for a fox, and they managed to get down the difficult hills so well, and crossed the brook so close up with the hounds, that the vocation of the white- clad guides on chase days gradually fell into disuse. One of the Dongalas was never put to the stud, and preceded the Quicksilver colts in Mr. Frederick Knight's hunting stable. This cross-out was only in- tended for size, and not for character, as no sire of half Dongala blood was used, and the mares which did not retain as much as possible of the Exmoor type were drafted forthwith. Pandarus, a whole-coloured fifteen-hand Thoroughbred son of Whalebone, was the first important Crosses, successor of the Dongala; but though he confirmed the original bay, he reduced the standard to thirteen hands or thirteen and a half. The fine breeding as well as the " Pandarus bay" were kept up by Cano- pus, a grandson of Velocipede, and while the experi- io2 Scott and Sebright. ment was in progress, the eolts were better wintered on limed land, which enabled them to bear up pretty well against the climate. When, however, the farms were let by the present Mr. Knight, they had to go back en masse to the naked moor, and then it was found that even if the mares with the first cross could put up with the fare and climate, they grew far too thin to give any milk, while those which were of the old stock stood it well with their foals. Hence, about the year 1844, the whole pony stud was remodelled, the lighter mares were drafted, and Mr. Knight determined to stick henceforth to his own ponies, with the buffy bay sire. So strict has been this rule, that for many years, with the exception of the chestnut Hero, whose massive form and Pandarus dam preserved him from " Schedule G," and the grey Lillias, whose original Acland blood knows but little alloy, no other colour has been used. The First Pony They were disposed of by private con- Sales. tract until 1850, when the public sales were established. At the first, the whole of the hunt- ing stock were sold along with some forty ponies. Sir Thomas Sebright gave 16/. for a pony which had rather a large-sized cross in him, and Mr. Pole Carey, M.P., 41/. for three, which were an exact bay unicorn match, with the exception of one slight star. The hunters had long been under the charge of Robert Milton, Lord Portsmouth's training groom, who got old Tory and the other steeple-chase denizens of the eight-stall stable, so well up to their " flag line" form, and they fetched good prices, along with the colts, which were principally of the Dongala and Quicksilver blood. The stock of ponies was sold up so close, that no more were brought out for sale until the autumn of 1853, when Stony Plot, the knoll with its belt of quartz boulders, on which the picturesque new parish church stands, had a hammer auditory of Exmoor to Wit. 103 two hundred. The average was an improvement over that of other years; but the plan of selling in the heart of the wilds was far too primitive, and in the following autumn the venue was changed to Bampton fair, fourteen miles nearer the rail. Then they were broken and brought as far as Reading, with Kettle- drum and Dundee, " names worth all the money" (as the auctioneer observed) among them ; and after- wards the foals were weaned in October, and fed more highly, instead of running with their dams all winter. The pony stock in 1863 consisted of Mr. Knight's about 400, of which nearly a fourth were Pony Stock- brood mares, of all ages from one to thirteen. The mares were put to the horses at three, and up to that age they shared the 800 heather acres of Badgery, with the red deer and the blackcock, protected on all sides by high stone walls, which even Lillias, the gay Lothario of the moor, could not jump in his moonlit rambles. The average height was \2\ hands, but the smaller mares were being gradually drafted. In order to keep up the size, one hundred and thirty acres of the pasture land and water meadows round Simon's Bath have been taken in hand, to winter the foals and weakly yearlings. The foals came in for the first time in '59, and the effect upon the two-year-olds and yearlings was most encouraging. This wintering begins after the marking in November, Their Mode of and the meadows are shut up for hay Life- again on the 1st of May. The older ponies live on the hills all winter, and seek the most sheltered spots during the continuance of the wind and wet, which are much more the features of the climate, than extreme cold. These favourite nooks are well-known to the herdsmen, who build up stacks of hay, straw, and rushes, and dole forth their out-door relief over the rails, without any regard to the Union dietary scale. Still, like honest, hard-working labourers, the ponies 104 Scott and Sebright. never assemble at the wicket, till they have exhausted every means of self-support, by scratching with their fore-feet in the snow, for the last remnants of the summer tufts ; and drag wearily behind them an ever- lengthening chain of snow-balls. Habits and Bat- The bays and the buffy bays (a de- ties of the sires, scription of yellow), both with mealy noses, are in a majority of at least three to one, but there are several browns and greys, half-a-dozen blacks, and a few chestnuts, which have strained back to their great grandsire Velocipede. They are grouped about on certain hills, and " The Sparkham pony" (a son of the beautiful mare Bay Lillias), soon earned his name from such constancy. He won the head prize at Barnstaple in '59, with Cheriton second, and a Pandarus pony third, and the instant the three shook off civilization and its halters on their return, they galloped off several miles, as straight as a minie ball, to their respective hills. The ten sires are all wintered together in an allotment, until the 1st May, apart from the mares ; but Lillias, who had more of the old pony blood in him than any of them, twice scrambled over at least a score of six-feet walls, and away to his loved North Forest. It is a very beautiful sight to see them jealously beating the bounds, when they are once more in their own domains; and they would, if they wore shoes, break every bone in a usurper's skin. The challenge to a battle royal is given with a snort, and then they commence by rearing up against each other's necks, so as to get the finest leverage for a worry. When they are weary of that, they turn tail to tail, and commence a series of heavy exchanges, till the least exhausted pony of the two watches his opportunity, and whisking round, gives his antagonist a broadside in the ribs, which fairly echoes down the glen. In the closing scene, they face each other once more, and begin like bull-dogs to manoeuvre for their favourite bite on the Exmoor to Wit. arm. The first which is caught off his guard, goes down like a shot, and then scurries off, with the victor in hot pursuit, savagely "weaving," while his head nearly touches the ground, and his "flag" waves triumphantly in the air. With the exception of Lillias, the ten were generally pretty content, each with their one thousand acres of territory, and like Sayers and Heenan they are ultimately " reconciled," —in November. Stock is taken Of the whole in the Annual Marking second week of this month, when the hills of the Hoofs, are swept by the three "hard-riding Dicks," for a couple of days, and the four hundred are brought into a paddock at Simon's Bath in lots. The first process is the separation of them into ages, and placing them in distinct paddocks for marking. The foals are then branded on the saddle place, with " the forest mark," which has been changed from the Acland anchor, to the spur, which forms part of the crest of the Knight family. It is burnt in with a hot iron, just sufficiently to sear the roots of the hair, and no age eradicates it. If a pony wanders away, and there is any dispute, the hair is clipped off to make the identity more perfect, and on one occasion a white sire was discovered by the head herdsman's brother, after he had been lost for three seasons. The spur has only one heel, and as the brand can be made with the rowel pointing in four directions (beginning towards the neck), on each side of the pony, it coincides with an eight year cycle, and serves as a guide, in case the foot-marks are prematurely worn out. The foal is of course not marked on the foot, but an exact record is taken of his dam and all his marks, by the land-steward, who stands book in hand under all weathers, for at least a week, to act as the Weatherby of the hills. The mares then come under review, and if any are absent, the stud-book tells its infallible tale. A mare io6 Scott and Sebright. and two yearlings were missing one November, and the herdsmen set forth on their search so completely primed with these stud-book data, that the two were very shortly discovered. The register hoof-marks are then renewed on the mares, &c., and the Dominical letter of their year of entry is placed upon the year- lings. The marks are twofold, to wit, that of the year, which began with B in 1848, on the off hoof, and the register figure of the dam from the stud-book, on the near. They are marked as close to the coronet as possible, as it is found that in all the ages, the hoof has the faculty of reproducing itself in twelve months. In the older ones it grows more rapidly, and not unfrequently the spur mark has to be referred to as a guide. The letters A and I have proved ex- cessively troublesome, as the one broke away towards the end of the year in the shape of a triangular fissure; while the other merged into a species of sand-crack. Average of Under the old system, when the mares Casualties. ancj their foals were never separated, it was not unusual to see one of the matrons with two or three of her progeny trotting after her, and trying to get a stray suck; but since the foals were weaned, and drafted into their Simon's Bath quarters, the family tie is quite broken, and the new winter associations foreshadow the hill groupings of the summer. The percentage of deaths is comparatively small, and during the winter of '59, when many of the old ponies fairly gave in on the neighbouring hills, Mr. Knight's mares fought through it, but five or six of them died from exhaustion at foaling, or slipped foals at ten months. Their greatest peril is when they are tempted into the bogs about that period, by the green bait of the early aquatic grasses, and flounder about under weakness and heavy pressure, till they die. The stud-book contains some very curious re- cords, " Died of old age in the snow," forms quite a Exmoor to Wit. 107 pathetic St. Bernard sort of entry. " Found dead in a bogp has less poetry about it. " Iron grey, found dead with a broken leg, at the foot of a hit If is rather an odd mortality comment on such a chamois-footed race ; while " Grey mare C 22, and grey yearling missing ; both found, mare with foal at her footf gives us rather a more cheery glimpse of forest history. Will Court, the head herdsman, and his Th two aides-de-camp, Bill Shapland and Will Scott, formed the staff of the pony department: and the latter had been gazetted from the Scotch hills, vice Jack Huxtable, promoted to be ground-keeper on Larkborough and Badgery. Will Court had been bred up among "our ponies" from a boy, and treated "the droop-rumped mongrels" on the adjacent hills with the most magnificent disdain. He was a perfect Follett in his advocacy of "the old sort" on the review- day, and unwavering in his fealty to Lillias as a lineal descendant of the anchor brand. The trio had two ponies apiece, besides occasional young ones in break- ing; and Will's boast about Exmoor endurance re- ceives strong confirmation from the fact, that his men, who like himself were no feather weights, could ride a pony incessantly through a ten-hour herding-day. If we had prefaced all this pony lore a Ride by the in the true G. P. James fashion, by saying Barle- that it was morning, &c., and that two men on horse- back were seen in conversation, as they wound their way, &c., we should be pretty nearly describing our- selves on Sambo, and our informant on the stag-loving Rattler, as we rode towards Simon's Bath Lodge, with a very promising sky overhead. There had been nothing but a common-place succession of pasture and moorlands, varied with " Bobby foals" and iron-ore piles (which a private railway is destined to carry Wales-ward to the Bristol Channel); but a turn in the road brought us on to a sort of plateau, and re- vealed the heather and gorse-clad rocks of Cornham o8 Scott and Sebright, Brake, with the Barle rippling quietly along its valley, to join the Exe, near Dulverton. A herd of nearly three dozen Devons were march- ing in slow, Indian file along the opposite bank, and foxhunters tell that nearly half as many cubs were " at home" in the Brake, when the North Devon drew it some seasons ago. Milton, by Old Port, whom Mr. Knight has used for a good brown cross, was grazing at the water's edge, with a pony mare of Burley and Dongala blood. The patriarchs Hero and Nelson, the son of the Forest prima donna Nelly, then told by their joint pasture presence, .on the opposite side, of the proximity of the Simon's Bath stables. The renowned Pocket Hercules of Exmoor lifted his white Velocipede forehead, and shook his shaggy chestnut forelock more assiduously than ever into his eyes, as he gave back an answering cheer to our Sambo ; while the massive Nelson (whose sire pined himself to death to escape the indignity of the breaking bit) ate calmly on, as befitted the deposed head of the bufify bays, or perchance reserved his greeting for one of his great namesake's lieutenants, who had long since risen to admiral's estate, and had just arrived, " as green as grass," for a cruise among the hills, in his poncha. On Exmoor day had quite broken long before noon, and hence there was nothing for it but to mount a military cloak, which the rain of the tropics could hardly soak, and with a second com- panion cased in oilskin, and on a bit of Dongala blood at our side, and Will Court making strong running on his pet sister to the Sparkham pony, we were soon pointing across the deer park for the South Forest. Hundreds of red and fallow deer used to consider this as their sanctuary, but they have been shot or hunted down, or have fallen back for a last stand amongst the old haunts of the Doons of Badgery. The moor was like a sponge ; but the clay pan which holds up the peaty surface has since been broken by Fowler's Exmoor to Wit. 109 subsoil plough, and a top-dressing of railway-brought lime completed this great measure of Reform. A perfect parliament of sale ponies, sixty strong, was met at the corner of the South Forest, after the most active whip on the part of Scott and Shapland, who kept them steadily in position till we got up. Some of the draft brood mares had foals at their sides, and all the horse ponies dated from the May or June of '56. Buffy Bay was quite in the ascendant, and five or six Lillias greys formed that Stump element which has hitherto given such pleasant character to the thorough-bred Sledmere park troop. Some dark browns added life to the whole, and one of them, with a piece of bracken hanging carelessly in his mane tresses, would have reminded us of Herring's fine study of Muley Moloch and Rebecca. A solitary Devon kept running among them, vainly claiming kindred ; but their sympathies had evidently been too much for a brown in his strangles troubles, as they had licked his ears till they were raw, and the festering blast had converted him into a croppy. Our military-capped leader then gave Bringing up the word for the North Forest; and in a the Ponies- few minutes the whole troop were dispersed into little friendly knots once more, while Will and Bill scoured wildly away, with their whips aloft and driving their brothers to Lillias and Tipton Slasher with as much energy as if they were racing for life or a bride. The office was, to gather the Sparkham and Pinfordponies ; and, heedless of the Exmoor cavaliers, who dashed carelessly down something very little short of a pre- cipice, we accomplished a more cautious, but success- ful descent in the neighbourhood of an iron mine, whose water-wheel was lazily resting till the railway era sets in. Once across the brook, in which our cloak which already weighed some fourteen pounds, went in gallantly for another, there were no obstacles on the Honeymead and Warren farms. The latter is I IO Scott and Sebright. said to have sheltered a banished lord, who beguiled his unwilling martyrdom by breeding and eating rabbits. Not a trace of his furry fancy crossed our path ; and in fact, throughout our entire stay, we saw neither red deer nor " heather poult." A leash of wild ducks certainly sailed far above us, into the Buscome mist; while three other flying black specks were seen against the outline of the horizon, in the shape of the two Wills and Bill. In utter despair at their not bringing up the Sparkham pony—the Barnstaple pet of his heart —Will Court had gone off, with an expressive grunt and a Chifney rush on " my Polly," into space, across The Sparkham bogs and heather, to do the deed, or die ; Pony- and we watched him as he made a series of masterly casts on the Sparkham hill, with his two whips waiting handy to turn them to him. It seemed likely to be a twenty-minutes' job, at least; but as we quietly rested in our saddle—on a knoll near the rushy Pinford bottom, where Mr. Knight saw his first fox found—(a small clump of rushes is often a sure Ex- moor draw) a trampling behind us told that Will's grand coup was achieved. Up came the Sparkham pony, as if he had dropped from the clouds, with his crest erect and his mane flying in the van, and, draw- ing himself proudly into attitude for a moment, snorted his defiance, and paced on to his companions. The second prizeman, Cheriton, was not far behind; and the Pandarus pony promptly ran alongside of him, as if to move for a fresh trial on the points which so puzzled the bench at Barnstaple. The Doons of The bones of a pony, which the foxes Badgery. and the ravens had pecked bare between them, lay bleaching across our path, as we turned for the Lillias hill. Badgery had been our original point; and as the sun shone out for a brief quarter of an hour, and just lit up the yellow surface of the dying brackens, and tipped the grey boulders in their Exmoor to Wit. ii i rich green setting, we felt inclined to make a pil- grimage to its forty fillies, its desolate huts, and the spot where the late Lord Alford got into a bog, and named a pet Pytchley horse in its honour. How- ever, the thin indigo haze on the Culbourne hills behind soon died away; rain followed hard on the train of the rainbow, which spanned the Doons' val- ley; and Lillias was still unseen. A little chestnut colt, " as thick as a bear," raised countless surmises, as to whether he was one of the race of " Heroes while Will and his men, with a most energetic vo- lunteer on a chestnut to aid them, routed up the crafty white from his lair, and drove him past at a smart trot. After this specimen of Will's " old sort," which has no particular style about him, and looks, as they all do, much larger on the heather than off it, we beguiled the road home by seeing the little twelve-hand brother to Tipton Slasher crawl up a six-feet wall like a cat, after Bill Shapland, and trot away, seemingly " as fresh as a kitten," after his eight hours' enjoyment of something beyond a thirteen-stone hamper. The Hero was waiting at the door of Simon's Bath Lodge, to give its young heir his third taste of saddle-life, as we passed it; and, leaving that last note to memory, we shook up " The Comet " into a smart canter, and chased the groom and our carpet-bag, over hill and heather, to " the boat" at Lynemouth. 112 CHAPTER III. TURF CRACKS. " If our author had lived in the days of the Emperor who made his horse a consul, he would undoubtedly have been the first to pro- pose a vote of confidence in the Government." County Rivalry T T is to the rivalry of the county fami- in Arabs. J_ lies jn the three great Ridings of Yorkshire, even in the days when they were up to their very cruppers in politics, that we may be said to owe the foundation of our finest English blood. The cockfighter, who lies full length on the floor to judge of his champion's action ; the naturalist who nearly hatched a fowl's egg in his arm-pit; the gardener " who sat up all night with a sick cactus," and the lunatic lady who, for six long years addressed the editor of a stern. Radical newspaper weekly, as " My dearest Alphonso," had not one whit more en- thusiasm than these jealous vendees of Turks, Barbs, and Arabians. "To winde their horn, to carry their hawke fair," and to see Matchem Timms riding the pick of their stables for the Gold Cup over Hambleton or Rawcliffe Ings, made up no mean portion of their ancestral pride. Timms went to glory on his own hook with Bald Peg at Hambleton, but his finest vie- tories were on the Earl of Carlisle's Buckhunter, by the Bald Galloway. Not the oldest man who used to totter to Castle Howard, year after year, in the begin- ning of the century, to see the annual Buck's Head run for by Levy Eckersley and other crack foot-racers of Yorkshire, could remember that renowned chestnut, whose half-sister Roxana was the first consort of the Turf Cracks. 113 Godolphin Arabian. This foreign blood still flourished long after 1770, and even Eclipse's 25-guinea Epsom advertisement, and that of " Mask* sire of Eclipse— witness my hand, B. Smith," are almost overshadowed in the Racing Calendar by a cloud of Arabs. One of them won the Arabian Plate at Newmarket, and another had been presented by the Emperor of Mo- rocco, " on a particular occasion, to Thomas Adams, merchant of Rotherhithe, whose groom could be en- quired for at the Europa Inn." Such were the flea-bitten and "bloody- Indian Blood shouldered" treasures which the East Sire Contract, sent us, and it was not until 1861, in compliance with Lord Canning's request, that the Indian Council would export some young blood sires between fifteen- two and three, instead of such half-bred, actionless coachers, that we began systematically to pay back our heavy horse debt to the East. Sir J ohn Law- rence, Sir Erskine Perry, and Sir Frederick Currie, three 01 the most "stable minds" of the Indian Council, undertook, with Mr. Jex, V. S., of the First Life Guards, the preliminary inspection of the twenty-two which had been sifted by Mr. Phillips, during six months, from upwards of 200. On the day after the private inspection, in which two only were put back," the rest of the Council arrived at Willesden, headed by the President, Sir Charles Wood, a right good man with the Badsworth, and as fond as every other tyke of the side of the horse ring. The Council did not attend in the capacity of a Court of Error, but they freely endorsed the choice which had been made. Willesden Paddocks are very beauti- willesden Pad- fully adapted for such an inspection. docks. The place is so daintily kept, and the green ivy- clustered boxes are so nicely interspersed among the * Another reading of " Marske." I H4 Scott and Sebright. foliage and the paddocks, where a choice Southdown or a Leicester disputes the supremacy of the herbage with a blood mare, that on a sunny day it reminds us of one of Madame Vestris's drop scenes. We had no need to dwell on the memories of Harkaway, Charles XII., or Ratcatcher. Vandermulin and Elling- ton were there in the flesh under the same roof where Pyrrhus the First dwelt; and a little farther on, the tortoise-shell cat, with the leather-collar round her neck, was snoozing on the yellow sheet, which covered the haunches of Voltigeur. Voitigeur and When his friend is in the rack, the Sir°Edwin horse will lift his head affectionately, and Landseer. w-p crawi along his nose and neck to the old spot ; and Sir Edwin was so delighted with the partnership, when Lord and Lady Zetland intro- duced him, that it furnished an idea at once for his canvas. The groom, however, put in a special demurrer, and convinced him, by removing the sheet and placing the cat on the bare back, that she was far too particu- lar to rest on that natural couch, and that therefore painting her there was dead against nature. Fifteen times did Voltigeur wend his way to St. John's Wood, and his canvas carte de visite, which adorns the great staircase at Aske, represents him as large as life, with his liead down, whispering soft things to his furry friend. Martha Lynn, along with Hersey and Birth- day (dam of Lupellus) had departed after their visit to Ellington, and therefore we had not the pleasure of comparing sire and dam together; but the Lion Rampant, the whilom champion of the carriage world, passed the door just as we emerged (pulling at his new mahogany-coloured water-cart with a vigour worthy of the days when the most languid of the park strol- lers would run to the rails to have a look at " Batthy- any's turn out,") and we got up a pleasant contrast between the two browns, so pre-eminent in their peculiar spheres, Tttrf Cracks. 115 About five-and-twenty men are em- TheWiiiesden ployed about the spot, under Mr. Charles Staff- Phillips, who acts as his cousin's secretary. Indepen- dently of Mr. Phillips's own mares and foals, the stalls and paddocks are seldom less than half-full. Some- times a troop of blacks are there, waiting to be passed for the Life Guards. Then there are chargers, hunters, or brood mares, for the King of Italy, or some other of the European potentates, resting a space before they are shipped ; and Asia also takes her turn, as the Egyp- tian cavalry contract brought up four hundred. New- market, too, claims its place in the arrangements, and we found some yearlings preparing for Mr. Saville's trainer, and about, we trust, to follow in the footsteps of Parmesan, who drew breath here. The little fellow excited Mr. Phillips's attention so much by his action in the paddock, that he pressed Mr. Saville to over- look his lack of size, and buy him for 60 guineas, and a contingency of half his first five races, which made 250 more.* Besides Voltigeur, there were eight- The Selected and-twenty sires in residence that day, Sires- and the great majority of the Indian ones were on ship parade. They had been duly physicked, and cooled down with bran-mashes, and now they stood side by side in blinkers, fastened with white pillar reins, in order to drill them for the long voyage. Seventeen of them " all in a row" in one stable, and champing at their bits, was a sight worth remember- ing ; but alas ! Field Marshal the Duke of Duty, a chestnut with a very beautiful forehand, by Pyrrhus the First, was sadly belying Mr. Hutchinson's nomen- clature, and misconducting himself far worse than any of them. Young Pyrrhus and Apollo were also there, to keep up the Gully chestnut line; and the rare * Nine years after this was written, Favonius and Cremorne brought Parmesan into prominent notice as a sire. I 2 116 Scott and Sebright. jumper Eremite bore solitary witness for his Hermit. Touchstone had only one son, Jasper, amongst them; but in direct succession came Garibaldi and Volcano by Orlando, Heart's Delight by Pontifex, and the mouldy-looking Sermon by Surplice, the most beauti- ful of the lot and the most uncertain in his temper. Mr. Rarey had been with him; and his remembrance of the system was still so keen, that he would go down the moment his foot was taken up. Brown Holland, with his dark glossy coat, was quite The Dutchman's son, and there too was the sturdy little, white-maned Lord Nelson, who would puzzle all the physiologists to discover where his dashing mile talent could have come from, unless they knew of his Collingwood and Velocipede descent. Bumble Bee was a good-looking relic of the glorious days of Curraghmore, and beside him stood Young St. Francis, with many traces of the old horse, who learnt the language of the bit from Sam Chifney's hand. ./Ethiopian was one dark-brown level, from his ears to his croup, as many of the Robert de Gorhams are wont to be. Near him was Ryedale, long, low, and untried, and dubious as to his paternity between Vatican and John O'Gaunt. The Alderman by the Knight of Avenel was so neat, that Tom Dawson could hardly bear to let him go ; and Professor Dick and young Marcian (h.b.) were of the hunting field order; Belgium had furnished Namur by Corban, with only three summers on his head, and Ackworth, half-brother to Mincepie, and the best of the score, carried the fortunes of Simoom. On Shipboard. u Four grooms, two of them appointed by the company (for Mr. Phillips s re- sponsibility ceased the moment the horses were on shipboard), and two of Mr. Green's men, went to attend on them during their voyage. The stalls were built in two lines between decks, with a gangway separating them, to admit of exercise in fine weather, Ttirf Cracks. 117 and were five feet wide, well-padded and laid down with mats. The allowance for the ninety-five days was iolbs. of compressed hay, 81bs. of oats, and i| bushels of bran for each horse per diem. Twelve loads of hay was the general supply, with 33 quarters of bran, and 60 quarters of oats, the latter pure Riga, and not Scotch " potato." The great London job- masters have long held by the Riga, and old Bob Newman used to say that his greys could face Barnet Hill, and go the eleven mile stage in ten minutes less time, when they were not stuffed up with that "thick-skinned potato stuff." There was also *a medicine chest, with a good stock of directions, and as the horses were not allowed to lie down, stays were provided, and adjusted so as to prevent the pressure, which slings too often produce on the intestines. They hang loosely when things are going right; and in case of a horse losing his sea legs by a sudden heave, or becoming unduly weary, he learns to drop and lie upon them. The embarkation was managed nicely enough; as they started from Willesden Paddocks soon after daylight, with their twenty aides-de-camp and a blacksmith. Their shoes were then taken off, and after a little remonstrance on the part of Sermon and Namur, they were all in position between decks by eight o'clock. The President of the Council, the examiners, and others of the Board, looked in upon them once more, and in ninety days their leagues along the watery way were over, and the Pilgrim Fathers set foot on Eastern ground, without one death in the lot* Young St. * In Bengal there are two Government stud establishments—one called "The North-west Stud," and the other "The Central Stud." The former consists of two depfits—viz., at Hauppu and Scharunpore, with a breeding district; and the latter of four depots—viz., Ghazee- poor, Bunar, Kurruntadhee, and Poosah, also with a breeding district. The North-west breeding district is conducted on what is called the Zemindaree system. The mares belong to the farmers, but before 118 Scott and Sebright. Francis, however, broke from his picket one night on the way to his station, and dashed out his brains against a wall. Arabs in Eng- The prejudice against Arabs was not land. lessened by the strange mixed lot which were brought home after the Crimean war. About that time, if you saw a crowd in the city, and a turban elevated above it, you might be sure that it was some unhappy native on an Arab, as damp as if it had been dragged through a river. Those who have passed their lives in India wonder why the Arab sires will never take in England ; and others wonder, in reply, why the " nabobs" who come over do not give them the chance themselves, by buying a being covered they are duly registered, and the man is bound to bring the produce to the Deputy Superintendent when he goes on his yearly tour of inspection. If the foal is approved of, and the price agreed to, the foal is purchased, and goes into the Government depot at once. If the foal is not approved of, it becomes the property of the farmer. Formerly, when entire horses were ridden in the ranks (what a mistake that was, by the way, and what thousands of pounds have been lost by it, through not being able to make use of mares !), colts only were pur- chhsed, fillies always belonging to the farmers ; now, however, fillies are also purchased, if they appear likely to make troopers. In the Central Stud the system is different altogether. There the mares belong to Government, and they are given out to the farmers at four years old under the following conditions :—The farmer signs a bond that he will keep the mare in good condition, that she shall want for nothing, that he will bring her and her foal for inspection when called on, &c. ; and he has also to give a security; When the mare comes in season she is covered by a Government stallion, the farmer merely paying a groom's fee of two rupees, equivalent to four shillings—as I dare say you know. Both in the North-west and Central Studs the mares are classed to the stallions thought most fitted for them, by the Deputy Superintendents in their yearly tours of inspection. In the Central Stud the mares are inspected in the districts once a month by the district officers, when their condition and everything con- nected with them is noted down in a book kept for the purpose. Three times in the year the Deputy Superintendent purchases the young stock that are over seven months old. The prices vary from 7/. to 13/., being never under the former or above the latter sum, and the following is the system :— It is considered that, as both the mare and stallion belong to Govern- Turf Cracks. 119 few thorough-bred brood mares, and boldly leading the way. Precepts fall dead from the lips of men who have plenty of time and money, and yet dare not back their opinions by stud practice, or claim the 321b. allowance in the Goodwood Cup, or the 281bs. in the Royal Ascot Stand Plate. To judge from Mr. Wilson and his late Mr. Wilson and fifteen-hand bay charge, Omer Pacha, at 0mer Pacha- Althorp, the habits of some of these Arabs are remarkable. This horse was ridden ninety miles in one day, without drawing rein, by Omer Pacha's messenger, with the news of the Russian repulse, from Silistria to Varna; and although he was none the worse, the unhappy rider died. Mr. Wilson does ment, and she was classed to that particular horse by a Government servant, if the farmer has invariably done justice to the mare and foal, it is not his fault if the latter prove worthless, and consequently it is a standing rule that if a man's mare and foal have always been mus- tered good, he gets the highest price—131, for the latter, whatever it may be like. If, however, the farmer has at any time neglected the mare in any way, he at once forfeits this privilege. You may probably think these prices low ; but when I tell you that if a man sells a foal for 130 rupees (13/.), he can, without loss, keep the mare for three years, even if she does not have another foal—in other words, that 13/. will keep the mare for four years—you will, I think, consider the remu- neration sufficient. When these foals are purchased, the colts go to the Bunar and Kurruntadhee depots, from whence they are at three years old transferred to Ghazeepoor, where they remain till they go into the service at four years old. The fillies all go t« Poosah (there are gene- rally upwards of 1500 there), and remain there till they are four years old, when the best go into the districts as brood mares, the second-best go into the Light Cavalry regiments and batteries, and the others are sold in the Calcutta and other markets, where they realize fair prices. The stallions are stationed in the districts, and each has about thirty mares allotted to him. The situation of the stable of course depends on the number of mares in the vicinity. At some stands there are six stallions, at others only one. Those horses that are now coming out will be kept in the depots until they are in good condition, when they will be sent into the dis- tricts ; but if, when the hot weather comes on, any of ,them show signs of feeling the heat, they will be at once brought to the depot again. From the 15th June till the 15th October all covering is stopped, and the horses come into the depot.—Sporting Magazine. I 20 Scott and Sebright. not wonder at that, as he believes "that nothing short of a cast-iron man could sit on him for six hours." He certainly speaks from a pretty vast experience, as he rode him out every morning on his rounds. Their matutinal progress was not unfre- quently marked by a succession of pirouettes. Owing to his peculiar military training, he has acquired a habit of always keeping a leg in reserve. If he is cantering, it is with only three legs, and he is trotting with the other; and then he will suddenly reverse matters. Again, seized by a sudden fit of martial enthusiasm, he would gallop across the paddock at thirty miles an hour, then stop dead, and wheel round on one leg for a pivot. He was given by Omer Pacha to Sir Richard Airey, and was bought by the late Lord Spencer for 200 guineas, quite weak and almost hairless from the effects of the voyage. When his present lordship gave up his stud, he was given to his agent Mr. Beaseley, who has since let him to Mr. Smith, to follow up the Katerfelto cross at Exmoor. Mr. Elliot on Mr. Elliot, late of the Bombay Presi- Arab Champions, dency, in an article in the India Sporting Review (1852), gives it as his deliberate opinion, that up to that point the silver-grey Barefoot* was of the purest Arabian blood he had met with. To The Child of the Islands he assigns the palm of racing * The following is the description given by Major Gwatkin of Barefoot in 1828 :—Barefoot is of the Nedgdee caste, eight years old, stands 14 hands 2 inches ; is a silvery grey, with a dark skin; blood head, full eye, large thropple, light neck ; the shoulders are flat, with the muscular lines very distinct ; withers well raised ; a good arm ; legs flat, and the sinews large and well detached from the bone ; pasterns of a moderate length. His back and loins are particularly beautiful, and convey the idea of great strength. His quarters are finely turned and very muscular. His temper is exceedingly good. When led out to start, he appears to great advantage, full of fire, yet very tern- perate ; and when at work no horse could evince more vigour and determined courage. Turf Cracks. 121 superiority at gst. 7lb. and under; and selects Elepoo, whose race with the Cape horse Sir Benjamin, was described in these terms—which, if they had been embodied in a telegram, would have sorely puzzled Lord John and the Foreign Office,—"Asia gave Africa a stone and a beating," as the Champion of the Heavy Weights. Taking, however, purity of breed and goodness combined, there has, perhaps, been nothing to beat Barefoot, who was imported in 1820, and after running at Bombay, and Baroda, passed over into the .hands of Major Gwatkin, and distin- guished himself at Meerut and Cawnpore. He was only fourteen hands two inches, and of the Nedgdee caste, and his owner at one time intended to have sent him to the stud in England, but Mr. Weatherby did not think he would take, and dissuaded him from it.* Bagdad is the great emporium at Landing of Arabs which the Arabs are collected for India, at Bombay, and shipped thence to Bombay in droves of forty to seventy, where the great dealers from Calcutta and Madras await them. They begin to arrive about October 1st, and never cease till the middle of March. Formerly they used to come as threes and fours, but of late years the system has been changed. The buyers like them with more age on them, and they require at least a year's seasoning before they can be got into racing condition. From 6000 to 9000 are landed at the Apollo pier annually, the majority of them grey sires, which become quite white at eight. The prices range generally from 45/. to 60/., but no good charger for a I2st. man can be got under 100/. to 150/., while a racer will fetch his 150/. to 250/. The landing is a very picturesque sight, as the native dealers in long yellow robes and turbans struggle with * Mr. Elliott ranks Ruby next to Barefoot. 122 Scott and Sebright. their charges on the landing boards, and hand them over to little African boys, who flock down to the pier, and ride them to the different stables with nothing but a halter. Many of them have never seen a carriage in their lives before, and there is not unfrequently some terrible devilry among them in consequence. They rush from one side of the street to another, till they are one" mass of foam, and occasionally dash headlong through the Bazaar, and perhaps kill a child. The voyage varies from thirty to seventy days, and reduces some of them to mere grey ghosts. Very few mares come, and those are generally barren. Their food on board consists of barley and dates, and what with this, day after day, following on their bad pasture, they get sadly heated, and their legs fill. Barbadoes aloes, and a little soap and ginger, is principally given them on landing, and it not unfrequently removes , a plate of pebbles, which they have brought inside them, as a most appropriate memento from Stony Arabia. Their food is changed to gram, which is a species of pulse, and very much resembles dry peas. It is so apt to ferment in the stomach, that it is not possible to give them very much of it, and it is usually mixed with English oats, which are very much better than the oats of the country. p . . T Madras used to be the Newmarket of Racing in India. T .. , . _ ^ India, and its success from 1826-38 may be fairly attributed to the energetic system of the late and 'Tanlcy Will Hall," who was then training for General Showers. Till 1838 no Arab had ever run two miles under 3 minutes 54 seconds ; but at Madras in the January of 1838, it was first done in 3 minutes 51 seconds, with 7st. I2lb., by the bay four- year-old Samnite.* The courses are measured to a * It has been done three times since, in 3 min. 48 sees. Turf Cracks. 123 yard, about twelve inches from the inside, in order to make the time test as perfect as possible. Racing at Madras is in a great measure a dead letter now, and the authorities have rather set their faces against the sport everywhere, on account of the great amount of gambling which went on. Calcutta and Barrackpore were the worst in this respect, and the system of lotteries (which is somewhat elaborate and rather different to ours), had grown to such a height, that at times a lac of rupees (10,000/.) would be depending on the issue of one race. There are still 100 courses in India, the principal of which are Bombay, Poonah, Mysore, Baroda, Guzerat, Calcutta, and Cawnpore. General McDowell had seldom less than fifty Arabs in training; Colonel Macleane had also a large string, and the late Sir Walter Gilbert's was very re- nowned at Cawnpore. In Calcutta they begin to race at seven in the morning, but have to wait till nine, sometimes, on account of the fogs; while at Madras and Bombay they begin at three or four in the afternoon. The " Bombay ducks " consider their racing season to extend through January, February, and part of March. Heats have been abolished; from four to six races' are run off in an afternoon, and seldom more than eight or nine start in each. The Maiden Plate at Bombay, for horses imported the previous year, generally ensures a capital start, and as there are sometimes seventy subscribers, it has been known to reach 1200/. The course on which it is run is circular, about a mile and a half round, and very flat and hard, as in portions of it there are not more than eight or nine inches of soil above the rock. Arabs and Mahrattas and Parsees all look after the racers in the stables, and lead them at exercise for about three-quarters of an hour before they gallop. The native jockeys (which have been of late years nearly superseded by English ones), are prin- 124 Scott and Sebright. cipally Mahrattas, and ride to the course on their hacks in true English style; and as a general thing, they do not extend their circuits out of their own presidency. Breeds and Pe- Arabs are invariably quick beginners, cuiiarities of as most horses with hocks well under Arabs, them are, and it is generally a case of trying to cut down each other from the very post. In point of speed they are not remarkable ; but their forte is to keep up to the very " top of their foot" for two miles. Their legs are very good naturally, and none the worse for being calf-kneed ; but the fetlocks often become ossified with hard work on hard ground. Some of them will run three seasons in this state, and the excessive stiffness only seems to tell against them by their getting off from the post rather slower. As hacks they are inferior, and often stumble most dread- fully. One of their greatest peculiarities is, that owing to their compact form, their over-stepping sometimes goes to the extent of fourteen inches, whereas the English horse seldom does more than just clear his fore-foot print. The Arab dealers lay great stress on this talent, as indicative of the highest racing capacity. With respect to carrying weight, the real test is whether the shoulder is well laid, and the girth deep. Hog hunting is quite in their way, and if their master is a cool hand (which they very soon find out), they are not long in learning how to turn with the boar, and receive his charge with the most unflinching courage. The most approved colours are bays and light greys, and in the case of the latter, it is easy to tell from an examination of the subtle red and black shades under the skin, whether they will be silver grey or flea-bitten ; and the tendency to the latter coat de- velopes itself very distinctly at four years old. If the Arabs have a golden chestnut, they love the accom- paniment of a blaze, and four white stockings. The two principal tribes are the Aneza, in the Turf Cracks. 125 centre of Arabia, and the Nedgdee, so called after the capital of Stony Arabia. Several of a distinct tribe are bred at Bagdad ; but although they are very handsome and showy, they are hardly so pure in blood, and seldom stay a distance so well.' The Aneza horses have very great endurance, and during the last twenty years they have gradually got ahead of the Nedgdee, which scarcely ever exceeds fourteen- two, while the Aneza is seldom less than that, and occasionally reaches fifteen. Both are fine in their tempers, though, perhaps, the Nedgdee has the pull in this respect. The Anezas are mostly bays and chestnuts, whereas the most famous Nedgdee tribe of Saglowdie is almost invariably grey. As regards the heads of these desert' rivals, that of the Aneza horse is the least pure of the two, and there is, perhaps, a cross of the Turcoman (native dealers say the English) horse in it, which makes the head larger and more Roman-nosed, though the eye is equally good. In this point, the Nedgdee is remarkably beautiful, and retains the small head, fine eye, neat ears, and clean jowl of his patrician race ; and as a general rule, these two tribes are not crossed with each other. One of the leading marks of the, pure Tricks of Native Nedgdee, is the line at the root of the Dealers, ear, arising from the practice of sewing the ears together when they are young. As this point is always looked for by purchasers, the dealers take care not to disappoint them, and a hot skewer makes a very fair fac-simile of it. In the Aneza, a white mark above the near hock, caused by the chain attached to the fore-leg, which prevents them from straying in the desert, has been almost made a sine qua non, since Major Seaton first noticed it; but the " Fort Adju- tant's mark" gradually came up in horses of apparently such coarse caste, that forgery and friction had no doubt been at work. 126 Scott and Sebright. The Early Eng. Horizon, the first of the Eclipses, came lish Cracks. out in 1774, and Competitor, the last of them, died towards the close of 1816. Neither the late Mr. Kirby, nor any other of the Turf patriarchs we have talked with, could remember seeing the mighty chestnut, and we have therefore no fresh tra- ditions, wherewith to rush into that profitless contro- versy which rages at intervals over his bones. Good old Sylvester Reed is also gone ; but many a little hint of his, on man and horse, is scattered through these pages. Of Champion, he was wont to say, that he showed remarkable breeding, and had no coarse- ness about him, except his lop-ears. Hambletonian, „ ,, , . although " more of a harness horse," was Hambletonian. 53 . > . another of his boyish darlings. llus horse was not thought much of as a yearling, when he was in the paddocks at Shipton, with Beningbrough, and his mares were his best runners. In his seventeen starts he was never beaten but once, and then he jumped the cords ; but his sister Gipsy gained a most unhappy notoriety, by throwing George Herring (who won nineteen races in succession) three times at Hull, in 1796, and killing him at last on the spot. She was sold as a maiden to Russia, and there have been no races at Hull since. Mr. Reed's invariable story of Crowcatcher, whom John Smith at John Smith insisted on so naming, when Streatiam. ^e had seen him deftly behead a wool- stealer in ipso facto, led us insensibly on to the Streat- lam stud-. It is quite the oldest in the North, and well has it held its ground. John Smith entered the tenth Lord Strathmore's service in 1795, and was with him-till 1808. Before this, his lordship had quite a small stud at Esher, near Kingston, and Pipator, one of Lord Clermont's. breeding, and Queen Mab, the "I see Queen nursing mother of the stud, both came Mab has been from there. Queen Mab was by Eclipse, with you." from a Tartar mare, and the youngest of Turf Cracks. 127 the ten chestnuts, five colts and five fillies, with Jupiter and Mercury among them, which her dam threw to Eclipse dn 1772-85. Some would have it that she was foaled when the Tartar mare was thirty-six ; but Isaac Walker, after making himself, as in duty bound, a perfect Strype on the subject, cannot find that she was more than twenty-seven. She was trained at Epsom and Newmarket, butu like one of Captain Meynell's (who had four years of it on the Warren Hill) she never started. Lord Strathmore gave 2961. for her, and she was sent, in 1795, to Tattersall's; but as 180 guineas was the highest offer, she did not change hands, and com- menced a three hundred mile walk, to Gibside. As regards her looks, Isaac has all the facts and figures of the thing, down to " white nearly up to hock on near hind leg, and a few white hairs close to hoof on near forefoot, &c.but it is enough for us to know that she was a thick and lengthy fourteen-three chestnut, with white mane and tail, and wide drooping ears. Her Remembrancer by Pipator won the St. Leger in Ben Smith's hands, and Cassio by Sir Peter, who was born when she was a desperate sufferer from a gathered udder, ran second to Fyldener, and per- formed most brilliantly the following year. It was, however, through Remembrance by Sir Solomon, and Oblivion by Jerry, that her blood descends in female tail to Forget-me-Not, the dam of Daniel O'Rourke. The three other "hlue ribbons" of TheQueenMab Streatlam, only inherit a strong collateral Family at dash of her blood through her dark Streatlam- chestnut nephew Hermes by Mercury, from a Wood- pecker dam. He went blind from inflammation, at Winchester races, and Lord Strathmore rode him hack, and drove him in his curricle. John Smith was wont to say, that he never rode a faster trotter, and bade the farmers be of good courage, and not mind a fifteen-shilling fee, Hermes died at Gibside in 1814, 128 Scott and Sebright. but not before he had united the Eclipse and High- flyer strains in his Gibside Fairy, from Vicissitude by Pipator. From the cross of this bloody-looking brown and Whisker, came Emma, the dam of Mundig, Cotherstone, and the grandam of West Australian, and as Isaac triumphantly observes, " There we have it." Vicissitude was foaled at the paddocks, and was forfeited with her dam to his lordship, because her owner left her till the expenses of the keep were far beyond her seeming value. She was the grand- daughter of Pyrrha, the produce of those two Nor- thumberland flyers of Mr, Fenwick's, of whom a highly equitable poet observes, in allusion to there not being the weight of a stable-key between them, " Matchem he was the best of all, But Duchess the flower of By well Hall." s treat lam In 1808, John Smith went to the Mar- Trainers. qUjs Qf Queensberry, as stud-groom, in Scotland, and from thence with his lordship's horses to Middleham. Dunn succeeded him as trainer at Streat- lam, and then Charles Marson, who trained for his lordship till he died, and afterwards entered the Mar- quis of Exeter's service, taking with him a 2000-guinea colt, by Ardrossan from Vicissitude. After him there was no more training at Streatlam, and a riband of rather greener turf in the park still faintly marks the course, over which he worked the Remembrancer stock, with Lord Foley and Sir John Shelley to look on during the grouse season. Isaac Walker at Independent of all this Turf heraldry, Home. the spot is as beautiful a one as you may find in the county of Durham. A large herd of Argyles formed a red, black, and cream array, as they gathered beef in the park, where the Pipators and Remembrancers got rid of it. A herd of fallow deer, which had months before " Hung their old heads on the pale," Turf Cracks. 129 were sauntering past the boxes of the fated Night- watch and the bay filly, Culotte de Peau, a name just fresh from Paris, and over the meaning and pronuncia- tion of which we found Isaac fiercely struggling for the mastery, in the recesses of his saddle-room. Among the inner and outer treasures of that cupboard were Obadiah the Quaker musing on the future ; and the Doncaster return sheet of The West's year in full. There, too, were the gilt plates of that hero, while one of a larger size represented Mundig. Isaac himself went as a stripling to Mr. George Lane Fox's, of Bramham, and first visited Newmarket, in charge of Macduff, when he beat the Duke of York's Moses, the Derby winner of '22. After a few years there with Bloss, he joined Perren, of Settrington, and putting into Hambleton, in stress of weather, with Euphro- syne, Macduff, New Baith, and Sir Tatton's Nego- tiator, he first saw his future ally, John Scott. It was a rare harbour of refuge for Yorkshire trainers in hard weather ; and there, too, among others, came Dicky Shepherd, with Muta and Manuella, and Bobby Pettit, with Sir R. K. Dick's Ajax and Euphrates. After this little interlude, near " the white mare of Whissencliffe," Isaac lived three years as pad groom to Mr. Bowes at Cambridge ; and when isaac-s intel- that gentleman sat-for South Durham, in views with Will the first Reform Parliament, he still held GoodalL his post. He met Will Goodall, who was there on duty for Mr. Drake, and " on the other side of the question," night after night, under the St. Stephen's horse shed ; and when their minds, like the Laird of Cockpen's, were not " ta'en up wi' affairs of the State," during a great division night, they exchanged many a reflection on horse and hound. Isaac's father gave up his place soon after ; but he lived to see his son hold it in his room for exactly a third of a century. The earliest stud recollection of the The streatiam latter was seeing his father help to drag Paddock Pets- K 130 Scott and Sebright. out Hermes from his box, to be buried under the hawthorn, close by the precipice of the Lune bank, to the side of which he had galloped even in his blind days, and stopped short like a manage horse. A few nettles close by bloom over Pipator and Queen Mab ; and the paddocks in which their progeny roamed, still flourish, guarded by those thick holly hedges which the stable lads planted, and John Smith watered with such care. The stones for their high walls came from the old buildings, and Frank never failed to tell Isaac that he knew he " shut up his yearlings for another twelve months, if they were not big enough, and only brought them up honest if they were." The West's paddock is generally reserved for the crack of the year, but Welcome and Ratomski were its doubtful denizens of 'Sixty. Among the mares, which were a little further on, The Flapper looked like a lengthy, lame poster, and Mowerina, an own sister to Cotherstone, with her chubby-headed old Orange Girl at her side, was quite light enough below the knee. Still there can be no doubt, if you look at her, whence The West catches his beautiful head and shoulders, and Isaac observes to us, as he tenderly passes his hand under her jowl, that " she has no chance of roaring when the machinery is so clean." The year that she went to Bay Middleton she was his only thoroughbred mare, and she lost her colt foal, owing to the man in charge turning idle and riding her for fifteen or sixteen miles. Forget-me-Not was there, with the first and last foal by The West they ever had at these paddocks ; and when Isaac is called on for the other curiosities of his Streatlam ex- perience, he will tell you that Balderdale and Lune- dale have been the only roarers on the place, that in Cotherstone's year all seven mares produced colts, that he never had twins except the brothers to Klarikoffi, and that Gibside Fairy carried Emma for a twelve- month and a day. Turf Cracks. 131 Phenomenon had the honour of making The Yorkshire roaring as fashionable in the North, as Greys, the stock of Cervantes made two-year-old running. Delpini filled it with rather leggy greys, most of which could go four miles. He was the sire of Mr. Gar- forth's Vesta, who, with her dam, Faith, and her half- sister Marci'a, formed the most beautiful trio of greys that ever adorned a stud, Mr. Pierse's not excepted. There were three Delpini greys amongst the eight St. Leger starters in Beningbrough's year; and his grey Symmetry soon afterwards proved his claim to be the sweetest-looking colt that ever won that Delpini of the "race. Delpini himself was very closely WooiiyCoat. allied to the Arab in his look, light-bodied, and with a prominent eye and head, which told of desert descent; and even when he was wasted almost to a skeleton, he miraculously retained his beauty. During his last three years, he never shed his coat, and be- came like the woolly child of caravan lore. The fact was so well known in Yorkshire, that when an old gentleman with very long white hair sat on the Grand Jury for the first time at York, and went up to the foreman to pay his footings, there was heard this pretty audible aside from one of them, " Here comes the Del- pini colt." Golumpus was the first sire Sir Tat- Turf Doings at ton ever used, when he began to keep a siedmere. few mares at Westow, and Siedmere, by Delpini from a Gabriel mare, who went to Sir Bellingham Graham for 800 guineas, was the first good sale he made. Half of this horse belonged to Sir Mark, who had four or five brood mares at Siedmere in 1804, and among them the sisters Miss Teazle Hornpipe and Miss Hornpipe Teazle by Sir Peter from a Trumpator mare. Both of them were sent to Sancho, and they returned in foal with Prime Minister and President. The former beat Tramp, after a most desperate finish in the Four-year-old Subscription at York, and the K 2 132 Scott and Sebright. latter was a little brown horse, which passed into Sir Tatton's hands, and was given by him to an earth- stopper. To the donor he proved rich treasure-trove, as he soon ranked next to Screveton in the North Riding's eyes, and nearly all the young things were fathered on the pair. The Sledmere horses were then trained at Marramat, by George Searle, and while Mr. Bethell, of Rise (who was confederate with Mr. Pratt) confined his racing nomenclature to Green- gage and other fruits, Sir Mark bethought himself of the Knights-of-the-Round-Table, and went in for Sir Sacripant, Sir Bertram, Sir Marinel, and the like. Sam Chifney in Sam Chifney, who had attracted his Yorkshire. notice at York, was engaged as jockey at ioo/. a-year, but his dawdling ways were against him, and he was spoken of, in the Sledmere stable, as " the long, thin, lazy lad." As he lived at Newmarket, a hack had to be sent over frequently by appointment to meet the coach at Malton, and as often as not it returned without him. When Woldsman was to be tried for his Shuttlecock match, over Knavesmire. Sam kept Sir Mark and his brother waiting three or four hours, and then arrived a stone over weight, from a venison feast. After his discharge on the trial morning, Garbutt, who was, like Snarry, a lad with Searle, rode occa- sionally for the stable; but J ackson got the best mounts, and never showed finer horsemanship than when he met Petronius with Theresa, at York. Camiiius and Sir Mark gave 500 guineas for Camil- stumps. lus by Hambletonian from Faith, and kept him for eight or nine seasons, till he died. He was barely fifteen-one, and full of Arab quality, and his portrait, with the old coachman at his head, forms one of the Penates at Sledmere. One of his fillies was the dam of Negotiator by Prime Minister, a strong, useful horse, but rather a rambling goer, and sold to Lord Kennedy for 700 guineas, at three. Turf Cracks. 133 Stumps by Whalebone was the first sire Sir Tatton ever bought, and he combined his favourite fifteen- two standard, with rather light bone, and an aptitude lor heats, in which he had beaten Goshawk. He had Delpini's style of head, and it was from his light fore- legs, and his stumped-up way of going on them, that he acquired his name. Two hundred guineas was his Doncaster price, and he was finally given away after five seasons to a tenant in Holderness. His end was a Death of sad one, as he broke v away from his Stumps, leader, who was in his cups, and caught a fatal in- flammation from wandering up and down a field in a rainy night, with his sheets dragging at his heels. But Snarry in his snow-white jacket An Afternoon must step forward now, ashen plant in with Sir Tatton nand, like the Chorus in the play, and and Snarry- tell his experience of Sledmere past and present. The inspiriting presence of Dick Stockdale, more deep than ever in the Maroon faith since he became his own, was not wanting that day. Both openly and by implication he set forth his praises. We heard of high stepping bays by him, which had worked their way into the Royal Mews, and again that mysterious story of a presumptuous rival, who only lived to break two men, and well nigh caused another to hang himself. And so, passing for the present, over Daniel the delight of Snarry's Di lomatic Re_ heart, Colsterdale with whom he has lation of Snarry never held more than an armed truce, aadre sire?" and Fandango towards whom he has al- ways preserved a highly dignified neutrality, we com- menced our journey with The Dialls field. It was high-tide with The Lawyer that summer and Snarry's Manchester Examiner was perpetually bringing good tidings. As luck would have it, his dam stood fore- most among the eleven mares ; and our interpreter spake on this wise. 134 Scott and Sebright. The Diaii's " That's Lawyer's damshe's by Hamp- Field. ton, dam by Cervantes, great grandam by Smasher. Lawyer'd have been a lost horse if he'd not been sold at York; he's just got hold of four Queen's Plates in four days. They rode her at Birdsall when the hounds went there, hunter and hack occasionally. That's a half-brother to him by Caster, that chestnut Sir Tatton's on now; Mr. Sykes has another of them in London. The old brown horse, he was shot last week, not very safe at last, he'd carried Sir Tatton sixteen years. I thought I was right on that point, however ; I don't think he ever had a name. Hampton ?—yes, we must go back a bit; he'd be by Sultan out of Sister to Moses ; we had him first in '38 ; his mares are going off now, Lord Westminster had him ; gave 600 guineas for him at the Hampton sale; he was a chestnut; he got us short-legged, strong chestnut mares ; Sir Tatton gave three hundred for him ; he was a slow beast, did us a deal of good for all that. Cervantes ! you want to know about him ? he was a compact-looking horse ; not so very big ; they were pretty fair stayers. That's a Fernhill mare, we had him a season. That's sister to Odd Trick by Sleight, she's got the best foal here, that's by Daniel. That's Thornhill's dam ; hers'll be by Colsterdale ; like him too ; second best foal, but a long way behind. We've thirty or forty Colsterdales. That's Grey ling's dam there, and, sister to Jack Frost, both by Sleight. They've each got one, so has the Jereed mare. That's a Knight of the Whistle ; she's one of the best bred ones in England, I'll be bound for it; her foal's by Daniel, and a very good one it is. We had a good way on to a hundred foals, five double ones, seven or eight mares slipped, and some not put to. That mare's by Hampton, dam by Young Phan- torn out of sister to Barefoot, she's the prettiest mare we have. " This is Swale's Wold; that will be an ash belt, oaks Tttrf Cracks. 135 don't manage much of a tap-root in Swale,s Wold> these parts. We've four Fernhill mares here; that's one of them, the chestnut; let me see, she's by Pyrrhus from Odd Trick's dam; a Daniel foal too, such a thick one. Pyrrhus was only here one season, and left us large chestnut mares. That's a Burgundy : we'll not say much about her looks, rare bred un for all that, out of a Muley Moloch mare, the foal's a Colsterdale ; got his hind-legs to a shaving. Do you mean that white-faced one on the heap ? Algebra, best of Mathematician's get. Poor Mr. Drinkald, he would send him : she's got a chestnut filly by Daniel, bloody-looking—the white-faced one, I mean. They're ten foals here, all of them fillies. That's a Caster mare, Colsterdale again, and very like him. We had Caster seven or eight seasons, I think you'd put thirty to him one season, Sir Tatton ; aye ! it would be fully that; he was a thick, short horse, got us little stumpy mares, we've very few of them. That mare's off sister to Spotted Boy's dam;— * * * Yes, it's a good cow, I question whether we've a better about the place. "They call this The Cottage Pasture. The Cottage There are the mares among those white Pasture, thorns in the slack : sister to Sauter le Coup, she's a beautiful mare by Sleight of Hand out of Black Tommy's dam ; we bred him, he was second for the Derby. That Orlando-looking colt's out of her own sister, and her first foal; you needn't ask if it's a Daniel, when we see the legs and limbs. Yon brown mare, she's by Sleight out of Darling ; a grand mare ; we've best mares of anybody's, I don't care where they are, we can challenge any stud in England with our Sleight of Hand mares ; bring what they like, we'll meet them. That's a Stumps mare, as like the family as aught we have; he had sweet legs and hind-quarters, his fore ones wern't much to crack of; 136 Scott and Sebright. she's got a grey, short-looking Daniel; it may make something yet ; from grey mares Daniel gets as many grey as anything ; we've put her to' Fandango,—he's rather starved Daniel; that Stumps mare Wicket we had, she scratched her hip with a nail in the railway- box, and died of lock-jaw. This will be as good as ever she was. That's a Pyrrhus mare, dam by Sleight of Hand, she's sister to Baronet. Colsterdale, he got them half chestnuts the first go off; after that more bay ones. Cherry Wood "We're coming into Cherry Wood End- End ; there are five mares, all of them with fillies; three whites among them. That's Pan- mure's dam by Stumps ; we had Stumps six or seven years ; he'd be fifteen-two, Sir Tatton, and not very good measure either; we've a granddaughter of Wicket, she's had nothing that's come to hand yet; Monge's dam by Bay Middleton, she's another of the whites ; and that mare by Sleight of Hand dam by Cervantes, grandam by Young Phantom, we call her blue grey. That great, stout-bodied mare, she's sister to Grey Tommy by Sleight of Hand ; Mr. Drinkald bought five or six that turn. The brown mare next her (the Colsterdale's a twin), she's by Sleight of Hand, dam by Comus, grandam by Go- lumpus. We've most stout mares by Sleight, he got us nice bays and browns; St. Giles is from them. Sleight of Hand, he was as narrow as a rail across the hips; he hit with the Hampton's, they're low and wide, with wonderful fore legs, and the Comus mares. Mr. Scott said he was good, but a bit delicate— bloody head and neck. Sir Tatton and Mr. Osborne were a long time over the bargain, it went on nearly all the Doncaster week—325 guineas at last; he was a cheap horse to us. We had two Comus mares last year, one's put down and one's dead ; he got foals, did the old horse, when he was twenty-eight ; he got us chestnuts with white legs ; he had no white himself; Turf Cracks. *37 Sir Tatton hired him for six seasons. Grey Momus, he was the pick of the basket, he was from a Cervantes mare. Many Comus mares are grey, they get it from Camillus,—he got them grey ; Cervantes's and Young Phantom's, they come bays. Young Phantom never got us a chestnut; he was half Bill Scott's ; lame at three years old, though ; he got his foot into a rabbit hole; Comus never had a spavined one, and only one ring-bone that I know of. "You'll know Craggs Flat again, we The Craggs put the cracks here ; all colts looking Flat- like yearlings and all chestnuts but "one ; five Colster- dales and two Daniels. They're very forward pas- tures ; there are two black lambs to make stockings of. That chestnut mare's by Sleight out of sister to Hamptonia ; she only lived to have a colt and a filly ; that's the filly. The pretty dark chestnut by itself, that's Thornhill's dam ; that's the first Colsterdale foal we had; there's Naughty Boy's dam close by her ; that's a rare thick chestnut Colsterdale she's got with her, it's a horse now; Amati's dam never made a mistake; Mr. Cookson came here and found the name on a fiddle, that's why we called him that. We must get it correct anyhow; only four of them have ever had a bridle on. Gorse Hill, Amati, Elcho, Bogle Hill—Marquis of Bowmont they called him when he won—all winners; bred nothing but what's won,— what's been tried however. The chestnut's by Sleight of Hand out of Darling ; she has a chestnut; t'other's a bay Colsterdale foal, and like him too ; that Darling blood's as good as anything we have. Little Hampton was from the old mare. That's a Pyrrhus mare, none of them's run but Bayonet; I doubt he's not so good as he ought to be; they keep matching of him ; I don't know what they're doing with him ; they don't measure him well, I think. Yes! he gave 22lbs., Sir Tatton. " There are lots of mushrooms in this Castle field t38 Scott and Sebright. The Castle we get the best view of Sledmere from Field. ^ ; that's Marramat among the firs and ashes over there. Sir Christopher planted the woods ; there's a good gallop two miles round among those woods at Marramat; Sam Chifney's ridden in it many a time. George Serle had the farm, and trained Sir Mark's horses; I was there as a lad, fifty years ago ; aye! it will be fully that; then Sir Mark's horses went to Joe Ackroyd's, where Mr. Scott lives now; then on to Perren's at Settrington. Tibthorpe Wold Farm lies over there ; a good bit of Boddle was a rabbit warren; those red roofs there, that's it; then we get round—Marramat—Mowthorpe—Kirby and the rest of them. The separate trees look like a wood. We're forgetting these mares ; there are five Sleights amongst them ; have you got that one down ? I sup- pose you'll be bringing out something in the Silk and Scarlet style ; one of them's by Sleight out of Wicket, white mare you were talking of; next her, let me see, she'll be by Sleight of Hand, dam by Stumps, grandam by Oiseau. The white-legged bay walking off; that's Wynnstay's dam, with a foal just the make of Colster- dale. Mr. Sykes rode the little chestnut mare with the harriers ; that's her Daniel foal, that thick un. Daniel's fillies have a deal more grey at the root of their tails than the colts ; there are a deal of grey hairs from Daniel ; that's the Irishman; the tails always witness of Daniel,—they used to be called the Matchem arms. That big foal in the middle, he's brother to—Highflyer, and not fly so very fast either. We only once brought up twins, they were a couple of Riflemen. The King's " There are only two Pyrrhuses in this Field. King's Field, and a sister to Wollaton; the skewballed one's out of sister to Baronet; I didn't know what was coming, so Sir Tatton says. Well! there was a great white patch on the side,—as like a calf as aught. That other Pyrrhus, Sir Tatton thinks Turf Cracks. 13 9 her about his best. Now, there is a good halter full, Mr. Stockdale! We had seven or eight Pyrrhuses, Sir Tatton's never sold but two, and those to the King of Italy ; Mr. Phillips came, and Count Cigar or Cigala, I think they call him—well, it's some name like that. "We must crOSS the Driffield Road, Across the Road and through the wood ; that will bring and into the us into the Park. This reservoir, it's Park> about thirty yards across. We've only fifty-five mares here. How many have we got ? I never counted them,—better than a hundred ; Sir Tatton gave the word, and we left off early in May; several good mares have never been touched with nothing, four, five, six, not one in this Park too young; we've that Lanercost mare, dam of Monsieur Dobler, she's all we've got or ever had of that sort. That's by Caster, she goes into a Muscat Arab, bought at Hampton Court. The great grandam of that mare, it's supposed to be by Grey Orville from a pony that was at Waterloo, Sir Tatton will tell you all about it; Grey Orville, he'd got a skip with a coach-horse some way. There are nineteen on the other side of Marramat; we've seen about fifty. There are eight we haven't seen, other side of Colly Wood. There's one Wo- mersley here, sister to Gaspard, neither covered or nothing else ; most of them are Daniels, when we get at them below. That's a Russian ; this is an Andover out of a Caster mare ; it's a bit damaged in the eye ; the other's a Cossack out of sister to Grey Tommy ; three white legs, she's sister to Baronet; there's sister to Juggler ; that's a Young Barefoot. This is either a Colonel mare or a Langar dam ; they're four-year- olds, I must look at my book: W00! my lass / No. 57, what marks ? ' A star, a spot on the nose, far hind-leg white nearly up to hock;' that will be Colonel. We've seven or eight Andovers, they suit Daniels, they're on a longer leg. 140 Scott and Sebright. " I don't see any Recovery mares ; Sir Tatton sent six to him : King of Hearts' dam is from one. We had Sir Joseph here; he looked the yearlings over, and King of Hearts was the only one he had out the second time. He didn't buy him for all that; and he just beat his Duke Rollo. It would be at Northampton, Sir Tatton. That's a Defence mare : we've only one Andover and Pyrrhus ; they both go back to Lord Fitzwilliam's Amadis blood. Mr. Kirby hired him ; he came once a week to the kennels at Eddlethorpe ; he got the best hunters Lord Fitzwilliam ever had. He was got by Quicksilver, the same horse as Cer- vantes. There's Gaspard's dam, and the chestnut, she's by Sleight of Hand out of Ragged Petticoat by Comus. That brown's been ridden in the harrier stables a bit of one season. " That black un's a Fernhill ; I don't fancy the sort much,—game horse too for all that. Most of them down here are Daniels ; that wants to be out of sight, Poverty's been there since it came from Heslington Wold. That Andover out of Caster mare wants to be shown; she thinks herself better than common. Don't be so proud, Miss I That Daniel's out of a Lanercost mare ; she's very like him. That one never had a tail to speak of, and never will have. That's by Fugleman ; next her's an Andover, let me see my book, a twin ; yes ! she will be, Sir Tatton, out of sister to Billy-go-Rarely. That was one of Lord Waterford's names ; he put him in his drag, and drove Mr. Legard down to Epsom first time he'd been in harness. That mare's the best of Daniel's ; the thin end of them we picked out to go to York, the thick's not covered yet. a Little " We're through them at last; they're Arithmetic, middle-sized, these Daniel mares; they're not big, still they're wide mares. How many have we ? I don't know rightly, Sir Tatton ; there are twenty-five two-year-olds at the kennels; eleven threes Turf Cracks. 4i we picked out to keep, they're at Heslington Carr; eleven three-year-old colts down in Holderness on the Marshes ; the fours and fives are about Home : I can't just tell about the yearling fillies ; I've not cast them up lately ; there'll be thirty-two or thirty-three of one kind or another, fifteen on farmers' seeds, eighteen left at home; I don't know without looking at my book where they are. This is the tally-board, I've just done chalking up all the filly foals with their marks. I'll copy them out some evening into the book ; there we fix them ; there'll be twenty-five this year, one of them's dead. We'll begin swinging them at the stack, when we've done with York, to teach them to lead ; we do two or three stack-fulls a day, eight a piece about two hours at a time, that's quite long enough. We've been a good deal bothered with these worms— they're five or six inches long—but I think we've matched 'em; we give them a gill of cold drawn linseed oil, and an ounce of spirits of turpentine; it brings them away in scuttles full ; they've forks at both ends, and they fairly eat through the bowels. " Sir Tatton's had these laurels by the The Sire road-side cut down lately. Daniel gets Paddocks, plenty of swing here; he goes once round the pad- dock, whoever's here ; now he does that nicely; Sir Tatton still says, I hang to him a bit ; look at those legs moving, just like a fiddle for all the world ; Derby course, indeed ! he could have run to Derby that day, if Frank had asked him. He mastered them a bit latterly at Mr. Scott's ; aye ! it's a good colour ; dark chestnut's as pretty as aught when it's blooming. Now, you Colsterdale men ! he's up in that corner among the peacocks; he's as proud as any of them in his way; he needn't be ; it's a very silky skin, but he's no credit to himself, he tears at himself; his thighs are straight enough, they'll just suit the Daniel crook ; Sir Tatton looked at Loupgarou, and five or six more before he bought him. Take care of him; keep a look out or 142 ■Scott and Sebright. he'll begin his dot-and-go-one, and wheedle up to you. He's all wire ; he was a great jumper with hounds in his pauper days, so they tell me ; well, he's had a rare chance now. Be off with you ! None of your tricks! We'll shut him up with his gay company. That will be the bell, Sir Tatton." Old Times at From Sledmere to Ashton Hall is a Ashton Hail, long leap, but we must make it for chro- nology's sake. It lies about three miles from Lan- caster, and in the Duke of Hamilton's zenith, no paddocks were a surer find for a St. Leger winner. They are like a fortified town, with walls seven feet high, which, with a belt of planting, form a good bulwark against the breezes of the Irish Ocean. Un- derley was twenty-five miles away, and Muley had not then made for it a name. The Duke was very often at the Hall, and he had a jovial custom that the sailors, when they came in from abroad, and passed on their route from Glaston Dock to Lancaster, should make it their half-way house, and pledge Old England in a horn of ale. The Duke's and their Polls' healths were not forgotten, and if his Grace was about, they would huzza, till for peace and quietness he was compelled to show himself and bow. His own dress was quite of the good old fashion, and he was not above grey breeches and drab gaiters, with a double- breaster of blue and yellow stripes, and a large drab coat. His horses were his great delight at home, but he cared very little for seeing them run, and had the re- "The Best of suits across the hills by express. When ail Good Com- he did get as far as York, he stayed with pany. Archbishop Harcourt at Bishopthorpe, and they would watch the running together from a stile. It was said that they gradually shifted their ground nearly half-a-mile in six or seven years, and finally finished opposite the Gravel Road. Eyes as keen had been content to look on at the running from Ttirf Cracks. 143 Middlethorpe Corner, and it was there that Mr. Bethell's Ruler broke his fetlock-joint in '83, and the three young Sykeses, then boys with a tutor at Bishop- thorpe, were the first to get up to him. The era of 1808-10 was a merry one at Lancashire Turf Ashton Hall. The York Herald was Rivals. The Lifeoi that day, and " Nap's" battles were keenly looked for and talked over by the lads, amid the in- tervals of cricket, nine pins, and nurr and spell. Of all such games, his Grace was a great patron, and he engaged Mendoza, whose "limbs like an ox" were the astonishment of that little community, to come down and instruct his sons. Theakstone trained for him, and Charles Marson, who looked after Petronius and Ashton in turn, rode his light weights. There had been some little dispute between his Grace and Lord Strathmore, as to'which should have the black jacket, which," by-the-by, had no gold braid till Mr. Bowes came of age. The former gave way, and adopted a blue belt, and went to Lancaster to see Marson win- ning the first race in it on Ploughboy, and getting carried shoulder high into the stand. Preston was then quite the county race course, and his Grace made it a point of honour to go there, and pit his steeds specially against Lord Derby, Sir Thomas Stanley, and Mr. Clifton. Sir Peter had long been the Touch- st. Leger Sons stone of Knowsley, and Mr. Clifton of Sir Peter, owned the first St. Leger winner Fyldener, and the Duke of Hamilton the last in that extraordinary triple succession of luck (1806-8) which has never before or since fallen to the lot of one sire. Petronius went to 100 to 3 at starting, as a report got wind that he had flung his lad behind the Rockingham, and lunched up to his knees in clover. Ashton was tried to be a§ good as him at /lbs. that autumn, and hence the stable considered that they had four horses good enough to win the St. Leger, and pretty well proved 14 4 Scott and Sebright. it by running first and second. Ashton was quite a hunter-looking horse, with very hairy legs, which " took a lifetime to dry," and none of the elegance of his reputed sire Walnut. The latter never ran, as he broke his shoulder, which united with a curious knot at the point, and brought about a complete wasting of the foreleg and foot. The Waxy Sultan's head, Memnon's Doncaster Bi°°d- coat, Oiseau's ability to "give his year away and win the St. Leger," and Whisker's quarters seem still to haunt the old school of sportsmen. The Duke of Grafton was wont to say, " Let us find the horse, and then we'll talk about the jockey and Pene- lope and Waxy furnished him with a worthy pair in Whisker and Whalebone. Short legs, high-bred nostrils, and very prominent eyes were the principal trade-marks of the Waxy stock, and the mottled brown Whalebone was the smallest amongst them. The standard could never make him more than fifteen and half an inch, and as he did not seem likely to become fashionable, he was sold at seven for Whalebone at 510 guineas. His old Petworth groom, Petworth. Dayman, enthusiastically says of him "He was the lowest, and longest, and most double- jointed horse, with the best legs—eight and a half below the knee—and worst feet I ever saw in my life." The latter were contracted and high on* the heel, and became so Chinese boot-like and full of fever at last that he never moved out of his box. The Earl of Egremont tried to train him after he bought him with Octavius at Mr. Ladbroke's sale, but he never ran, and his principal occupation in training was to rear and knock his hoofs together like a pair of castanettes, a freak which once cost him three tumbles in a day. His hunters were good and mostly bays and browns, and Myrrha and Sir Her- cules were the last of his racing line. He was ten years at Petworth, but he did not seem to have Turf Cracks. 145 created much private veneration. No enthusiasts helped to rob him of his tail, and the kennel copper and the knacker claimed every hair. Octavius had quite his share of the ThePetworth mares, of which his lordship had at least Stud- thirty at Upwaltham, and his son Little John from Greyskin got several hunters, which were often slug- gish, and went blind. Among the thirty, only a tithe of which in one very slippery spring produced foals, were Wasp, the dam of Chateau Margaux ; and the Canopus mare, which twice over hit to Whalebone, with that natty little pair of Derby winners, Lapdog and Spaniel. Wanderer by Gohanna was another great Petworth character, and grandsire on the dam's side to Sir Hercules. He was quite a slug when he was put in training, but all alive after his sweats, and so restless as a sire that he would fight a stick, or toss a stone or straws about all day, and vary matters by kicking all night. Blacklock's dam, the chestnut Rosa- Blacklock's lind by Coriander, was originally one of Youth, the Wiganthorpe stud in Atalanta and Faith's day. Mr. Garforth also bred his sire*Whitelock "a naggish horse with a big, coarse head and plumb forelegs." He became the property of Sir Mark Sykes, who named him from the lock in his tail, and sold him to Mr. Sylvester Reed for three hundred. Mr. Reed had the offer of Blacklock as a foal for fifty, but he neither liked his forelegs nor the remembrance of his dam, when he saw her crawling past his window to Mr. Moss's, through the streets of York, after she had been purchased for 3/. Aristotle's forelegs were not more " plumb" than Blacklock's, and hence Tom Dawson begged Mr. Meiklam, who was very loath to risk it, not to part with him as a yearling. Blacklock's most desperate race was four miles over York Racing Finish with Magistrate, whom he barely defeated of Biackiock. by a head. The severity of it finished them both ; I, 146 Scott and Sebright. Magistrate never ran again, after his defeat the next day by St Helena, who had been pulled up in the first race, a mile froni home, Blacklock was saddled no more. He used to lead the unhappy Duchess such dances, that Tom Peirse exclaimed in his anguish, when he saw the great half-moon head and seven-leagued stride at work, " Father's going to kill the mare by following that half-thick? John Smith was of the same opinion, and thought that " if Eclipse himself came again he couldn't beat him and Tommy Sykes was so con- fident before the St Leger, that he would give Jack- son no orders, but " Rid him as thou likes, lig thee 'hands down and let him stride away, and distance them? Sire and Sons Jemmy Rooke had Joe and Dick of Tramp. Andrews on Wychwood Forest, when he was sold up, and it was quite a novelty to see the latter eat hay with his giraffe-like neck, from the top of his rack. In ugliness of ears and head altogether, he was almost unsurpassable, and so light in the body that he required next to no training. Tramp was narrow like all his tribe, when a yearling, but he gradually became one of the grandest boned horses in England, and Herring's likeness of him at the Tickhill Castle Paddocks makes him well worthy to be the sire of Lottery from Mandane. This horse's finest race L0ttery was for that Doncaster Cup, whose wan- derings and uses by land and river were so varied and remarkable. He made his own running all the way, and just beat Longwaist behalf a neck, and scattered his field nearly half a mile. Sam Day still says that it " was like going after a steam-engine," and that he " suffered to keep near him at all." He always went like a machine, and the trainers declared that they " could hear him a mile off." Sam was not on Longwaist, when that horse had such a great finish with Fleur de Lis, who nearly fell on his head, and left Sam, as he pathetically says, " hanging by the spurs." Turf Cracks. 147 Lottery was a curious horse to meet, as he threw his Off foreleg quite OUt. Still he was not Peculiar Action so eccentric as Tomboy, who threw of Lottery and both legs clean round, and had all his Tomb°y- action so completely from behind, that Johnny Gray said of him when he rode him at Durham, " He couldnt get on to his legs, without first sitting down on his tail" Lottery was an unsatisfactory, erratic The Last of genius all his days. He was tried to run Lottery, away from Barefoot in private, but he would hardly make an effort in the St. Leger, and Mr. Watt did not care to run him after the false start. In his last race, he whipped in sixth to Fleur de Lis at Doncaster, and the first of his get, Chorister from the dam of Crow- catcher, won the St. Leger. Finally he became a Government sire at the Bois de Boulogne, with Cadland and Physician, and the fame of the three quite spoilt the sport of Palmer at Viroflay, who had made 2000/. in three years, or sufficient to stock a farm in Poland, by fees from the Parisians. They came over by cart- loads every Sunday to see Rainbow and the Viroflay mares, and clubbed from five to twenty francs, to have the door opened. Catton by Golumpus was stout and TheCatton useful, and with unsurpassable legs. Old Tribe- Tom Taylor (or " Catton Tom" as he was then called), looked after him when he was with Sammy King, who had always the credit of being rather tender with his horses. Mulatto was more blood-like than the ma- jority of the Cattons ; Royal Oak, the sire of Slane, ran first as Mr. Catton ; and the game Ossian had to live the greater part of his time " on the muzzle." Slane had a sad aptitude for getting roarers, and there were no less than ten or eleven by him in one year. Like The Princess, who very much resembled Altisi- dora in her chief points, their specialty was to be game and slow. L 2 148 Scott and Sebright. Reveller was a thick-necked, fine goer, with square hips and short ribs, and ran with his head low. The defeat of Underhand and Beeswing at Newcastle, or Isaac at Warwick, never struck the beholders with Dr. Syntax and sucli ci chill, cts did thcit of Dr. SyntcLX clt Reveller. Preston. It was there that the little brown won his Maiden Plate, and for seven years in succession carried off the Old Gold Cup. So sure did the Guild make of his winning the eighth, that they had prepared gilt shoes, and marshalled the pro- gramme of a procession in his honour. The race was worthy of the anticipations it raised, as Reveller and Jack Spigot came for it, but Dr. Syntax divided them at the finish. If spurred or whipped, " Doctor" would invariably swerve, and Bob Johnson and Bill Scott, (who rode him in a few of his first races), would never venture to do more than talk to him, and hiss at him in an extremity. Death of Dr. The old horse passed into William Syntax. Edwards's hands, with a promise to Mr. Riddell, that he would never give him away. He be- came so paralyzed that a party of Newmarket jockeys and trainers were invited to see him shot, and buried in the paddocks behind the Palace. They gave three times three over his grave, and then toasted his me- Ral h mory. Ralph, from a sister to Altisidora, was one of the very few chestnuts he ever got. He had the same prominent eye, and such a velvety skin that critics were wont to say of him that he had no hair except on his mane and tail. A very fine cross was lost by his death, which was occasioned by his being poisoned before the Ascot Cup. He won, but pulled up in a desperate state of gasping, and the perspiration and distension of the nostrils never seemed to leave him. Scottish Cracks. uSc°"'Sh ™Ci"Z 'tS beSt f°™ when Mr. bharpe became secretary, in 1827, to the Caledonian Hunt. He has stood to it, Turf Cracks. 149 and seen old friends drop off, year after year, till very few of those who sat round the ordinary at Edinburgh in 1828, and first drank his official health, are left to greet him in his October tryst. Leda by Filho da Puta, and purchased from Mr. Houldsworth, com- menced matters for him by winning two races at that meeting; but although his own luck with the white body and blue sleeves has been but scant, he has held what proved trumps, either as dams or runners for others. From Leda he bred Martha Lynn, the dam of Voltigeur; he gave away Old Bessy, the dam of Myrrha, and grandam of Wild Dayrell ; he sold Butterfly to William Oates, as a foal; he did not stand to the steeplechaser Mauchlin, and lastly he did not bid quite enough for Isaac. His brother, General Sharpe, Sir A. Ramsay, Sir David Moncrieff, and Sir William Maxwell were all thoroughly staunch, and so was Sir John Heron Maxwell, whose ancient brown cob was nearly as well known as himself. The two Maxwells were exceedingly alike, and when Charles Lord Queensberry joined them at the side of the cords, the three in their cool calico waist- coats made up, as the agriculturists have it, " a very thick and level pen." Sir William trained at Bogside, with Richard Greathead, and had Monreith, brother to Filho, while Springkell and Fair Helen flourished under "Old Nelson" and his lad sir John Max- " Finkle," in Sir John's own park. There well and " Old was a good deal of quiet humour about Nelson- Sir John, and on one occasion when "Old Nelson" rather demurred to his recommendation about taking Springkell back to his stable by the least crowded way, after winning the Cup, he stopped any further bounce by solemnly pulling off his hat in the streets of Carlisle, and saying, with a most courteous bow, " I beg your pardon, Mr. Nelson, for presuming to give you a little advice about my own horsed Scott and Sebright. His Fair Helen was a red grey, with a most pecu- liarly arched neck and weaselly body, and the potions, which were administered to her during the season, no doubt affected her foals. Springkell was a round, useful, thick-necked hunter; but good as the two were, their names are quite wiped out of the stud- book. Perlet, by Peter Lely, was one of the first Canteen and ever trained in the Holme at Hoddom Springkell at Castle, and he bettered the instruction Carlisle. at £)umfries : but it was when the neat little Canteen came from Brecongill to meet Spring- kell, for the Carlisle Cup, that Dumfriesshire made its great exodus southwards. Difficulties of Even old Mr. Bird, the Hoddom the Hoddom butler, was persuaded on to horseback, Castle Butler. fQr first ^jme Jn ftjg Jjfe> an(J rQCJe twenty miles, with the tails of his dress-coat pinned in front of him. The course was too deep to suit Canteen, and hence the Cup returned in the Spring- kell carriage, and Mr. Bird retired into the fastnesses of his Border Tower, leaving his bark in the saddle, and his crowns in the hands of others. However, Mr. Kirby had a still more bitter recollection of Canteen, as he laid iooo to 5 against Jerry and him coupled, as first and second for the St. Leger. Matilda Matilda was-sadly fidgetty, and in and out in her running, after the St. Leger. When she was taken up as a yearling late in .September, she was only fourteen-one-and-a-half, but still she was half an inch bigger than The Colonel. Perhaps a handsomer little mare and big horse than she and Mameluke never met in a race. Eventually Mr! Petre gave her to the Duke of Cleveland, and she bred Henriade, Alzira, and Foxberry, and some other fair things. Purchase of Rowton had his beauty as a heritage Rowton. from Oiseau and Camillus, and John Scott thus sums up the delight of his heart, as " long Turf Cracks. 151 and low, not fifteen at the Leger, calf-kneed, straight hocks, no girth, and a regular tickler." He was rather light-fleshed, and not one to come every day. His dam Katharina was bred precisely like Augusta, by Woful from a Rubens mare, and he was bought at her foot, from Mr. Allen, after dinner. The bargain was a regular Dutch auction. During dinner, Mr. Allen was deaf to anything less than five hundred ; but after the first bottle, he was down at four. With the second bottle, the colt stood at three; but John Scott had his guard up, and no business was done, so Mr. Allen offered to drive him home, and they shook hands for two hundred at parting. Never but once, that his friends can remember, did John Scott miss anything peculiar when he looked over a horse, but it never struck him that Rowton had no warts on the inside of his legs, and his brother won a sovereign from him on the point. In his slow paces, he was not remarkable, and he lurched like a fox with his head down. To all appearance, his St. Leger His Race for finish with Voltaire was quite as despe- the St- Leger- rate as Mundig's Derby one; but Bill Scott always said that he won quite easily. He certainly allowed to his friends that he "got the fog down his throat but his private report to his brother was, that he left off riding at the distance, after forcing the pace from the hill, and could not get his chestnut to begin again. Like the sisters to Touchstone and Lanercost Moss Rose, sister to Velocipede, was a Velocipede on very faint reflection of him, and not fond the Turf- of more than half-a-mile. Her brother was bought for 120/. from Mr. Moss, after Mr. Houldsworth had said that he would not give sixpence for such a slight- legged one. His mettle under leg difficulties elicited this eulogy from Bill Scott, " that if his legs had been cut off he'd have fought on his stumps and the way in which, four-year-old cripple as he was, he cut down 152 Scott and Sebright. Bessy Bedlam over the T.Y.C., at York, was his highest triumph of speed. His first great race was won at York August, during a meeting, in which Mulatto and Fleur-de-Lis were winners, and Jerry, Laurel, Humphrey Clinker, and Emma were not; and as a parting gift he beat Dr. Faustus, Economist, and a good field for the Liverpool Trades Cup. Soon after that, he ran away with his lad, and broke down so badly after galloping several times round the field in front of Whitewall, that they had the greatest difficulty to support him back into his stable with sacks. The Colonel J°hn Scott considered him in his prime, quite 21 lbs. better than The Colonel, who was bred by Mr. Wyvill, of Burton Con- stable, and bought by Mr. Petre, as a yearling, in settlement of some confederate bets. The latter was short and pudgy, with fine speed, and high and fighting in his action, "ready to curl up into a mousehole, if he was reached, but very difficult to reach." Charles Marson Charles Marson's ten years of service at Lord produced about 60,000/. to the Exeter Exeter s. stable, as he won or received forfeit 207 times; and hence it is hardly to be wondered, that with such a sterling memento, his lordship stuck so long and so tenaciously by his Sultans. Previous to Marson's engagement, his lordship had seventeen horses at Prince's, but with no very great result ; and Augusta, Holbein, and The Athenian, with Robinson up, were the first of the new era. When Sultan, of the lovely head, long back ribs, and muscular quarters, was pur- chased at seven, his legs had become quite fine, and The Sultan he won one out of four races in the st°ek. narrow blue stripes. The T.Y.C. was his forte, but he could get well over the Flat. He was a long horse, and many were wont to compare him to the prints of The Darley Arabian. In his last trial, Turf Cracks. 153 a bad-tempered half-brother to Galata won, with Augusta second, and then his lordship put him out of training, and sent ten mares to him. His stock were fleshy and good doers ; and for beauty, Vanish had no peer among them. Enamel by Phantom had been a successful horse for the stable before the Sultans were ready ; and it was after the Two Thousand that the Burleigh agent and Mr. Tattersall raced off to Simon's Bath, on Exmoor, to look after his Rubens dam. Enamel got his name from the gold patches on one quarter. This colt's two remarkable white stockings were well known to all Newmarket; and his way of nodding his great, lop-eared, and flesh-nosed head, secured an uncommon affectionate look-out for " Old Baldy" about the Bushes. Beiram was nervous and irritable, and Beiram so wet through when he came to the July post, that Bill Arnull vowed he ''would never want sweating again." Running, however, hardened his confidence, and he pulled up as dry as a bone. Being thrown up for two years effected nothing, and he came out in Rockingham's Goodwood Cup only to break down. Even in his prime, a half-brother to Zinganee could give him any weight, and was con- sidered by Marson the best he ever trained. This colt unfortunately slipped upon some wet bricks in his box, and was good for nothing afterwards. Green Mantle could get two miles well; but Green Mantle she would jump all ways but the right and Varna, one at the post. Nothing could be more deceptive in her trials, as she was beat to nothing by Bessie before the July ; but her speed, when she meant it, was such, that a loss of forty yards in the Clearwell went for very little. Hers was a very glorious year with Lord Exeter, as Green Mantle and Varna were first and second in the Oaks, and Patron won the Two Thousand and four other races that spring before he went for the Derby. This colt had beaten 154 Scott and Sebright. her easily in an A. F. trial; and Lord Exeter, who would try three times over if it did not exactly suit him, and worked the weights by a clock, tried them in opposite directions on the same course, to be sure of the form. Gaiata Ripping Galata was, after all, the best of the them up. Burleigh mares, and in the Ascot Cup of 1833, Will Arnull received the daring orders to "rip up Lucetta," and acted up to them most effectually. Her timidity was such, that Marson was obliged to train her alone, or else she would not have touched an oat. She was leggy, light-fleshed, and with large feet, and if she was held she would utterly beat her- self, as she proved in a trial with Beiram. In the Port Stakes, Sam Darling had the cue to let her go, and finish them in the first mile. " We'll catch the countryman," said Robinson to Will Wheatley, " be- fore he gets to the cords but " Well, you may go and do it; I'll stop 071 this side of the Ditch',' was Will's only reply. Lord Chesterfield, Mr. Payne, Col. Udney, and Marson were all at the Ditch gap, and Darling so literally obeyed his orders to " catch her by the head and come along," that there was soon a fearful spread-eagle of Emiliana, Archibald and Co. In fact, the Ditch gazers did not think it was a race at all,- and declared that there was something running away; but Marson soon informed them, " That's Galata; they'll never catch her',' and he and Col. Udney each drew Will Chifney of a tenner upon it. It took a good deal to excite Lord Jersey; but on this occasion he was as pleased as when he jumped out of his phaeton after Cobweb had won the One Thousand, and left the gout behind him. " Hold her fast, Darling'' he roared, as he galloped down the side of the course. "All right, my lord'' was the reply. " If I was going to Bury I should win'.' Darling's Best Darling was pitted successfully against Race. Robinson in the dead heat for the Grand Turf Cracks. 155 Duke Michael, between Muley Ishmael and Amurath. The first race was not so severe ; but Darling had his orders to force the running as much as possible the second time. He did not like his job ; but Lord Exeter said, " You've a great man against you, keep up your spirits," and " a pony" from his. lordship, and a twenty-pound note from Lord George Bentinck, rewarded his steady riding. In the decider Robin- son had a taste coming down the Bushes Hill, and Sam watched his shadow over the left, in the rays of the afternoon sun, and calling on his horse almost at the instant that he saw it glide slightly back, he got a clear length, and was never quite reached again. The public had a notion that Cama- camarine and rine was far beyond Lucetta in point of Taurus, speed, but had no chance with her over a Queen's Plate course; and that she required to run with her near leg first. If she started 011 the off one, said they, she swung it round so much, that, unless she had been steadied and made to change, she would soon have been in distress. Robinson, however, declared that the former was the very best mare he ever rode, and that Lucetta had no chance with her at any distance, and he knew nothing whatever of the leg peculiarity. Taurus stuck well up for two miles and a quarter to her in the Jockey Club Plate, over the Beacon course. He had won an A. F. handicap so cleverly under 9st. 31b., that his Grace was determined to give him full Newmarket measure. Robinson made steady running on Camarine, to take the edge off his old friend's speed ; but the victory was a costly one, and neither of them saw the post again. " Our Jim" felt so sure of the result in every way, that he went in vain to both owners to beg them not to run, but they would not heed him. Taurus was sixteen hands high, with enormous pace for a mile and a quarter, and a very beautiful horse to look at. William 156 Scott and Sebright. Edwards bought him from Lord Warwick, at Tatter- sail's, and sold him to the Duke of Bedford. At three years old he suddenly became a high-blower, but he was tried to have such speed for three-quarters of a mile, that 110 other measure was ever taken of him. He was matched five times at half a mile, and as he would be going best pace in forty yards, scarcely anything could get to his shoulder at that distance. His sons, Oakley, John o' Gaunt, King of the Peak, &c., were all in the Bedford stable when Admiral Rous became the Duke's " Master of the Horse." The Duke of His Grace was very uncertain in his Bedford as a attendance at Newmarket. He seldom Racing man. came jn spring, and looked upon the October meetings more as a tryst where he could meet his Whig friends, than his horses. He was veiy seldom through his stables, and cared for a race- horse about as much as he did for a unicorn. None of his winners were ever painted, as he considered it " quite an acquired taste." Admiral Rous persuaded him to have occasional trials, but the only one he ever attended in Edwards's day, was when John o' Gaunt was tried before the Newmarket Stakes. His heart was not in " The Bushes but roving back to the Cowper's Oak of his earlier days, with Hercules and Marmion waiting for the word to draw. Pearce's canvas has placed him once more among them, on his white Shamrock, with Colonel Higgins on his rat- tailed horse, Major Macginnes, Mr. Magniac on The The Oakley . Saddle (which Mr. Phillimore bequeathed Meet- to him when its Newmarket match days were over), old Sam Whitbread, on his odd-coloured chestnut, Captain Newland, and George Beers on Cognac, looking as fierce as if he had just pulled down a fox, and was breaking him up in the spirit. At Tedworth, too, his Grace would be on the flags with Carter for hours to the last, tracking back lines Tttrf Cracks. 157 of blood, and recalling the work of every hound in his own and the Grafton pack ; but for racing he had no real heart, and merely wished his stable to pay. John o' Gaunt was always tried to be better than Oakley.; but he put out incipient ring- Envoy and bones, and no one ever knew how good Magog the he was. Edwards swore by Envoy, as Giant- the best, bar Ralph, that he ever trained, and the chestnut was an equal favourite with the Duke. He ran quite untired for the Drawing Room Stakes, and hence the House party had no reason to wonder that they had not heard of him. No horse required so much long walking exercise, in addition to his work, at least five days a week ; and the petting and lack of exercise at Woburn made him so round and foul- blooded, that he could never be trained again. Oakley and Robinson " knew every post on the Flat," and over a T.Y.C. he was just about 5lbs. better than Celia. He might have run further, but his great muscular top hardly comported with his small knees and hocks ; and as he showed a tendency to put out curbs, they dare not go on with him for a longer course. Magog was bought by the Duke for 300from Mr. Ransome, and for three-quarters of a mile he was immensely fast; but his leg gave way at three, and his temper soon after. He quite ate up to his weight, and when his rations were gone, he would have been ready to take his turn at a pig-trough. The Earl of Albemarle was in the The Late Earl Palace stable at the same time as His of Albemarle. Grace; but Barcaroll's Oaks chance was put out by illness, after she had won the One Thousand, and Mr. Kirby's 400/. cheque was ready. His lordship formed very little judgment about horses, and as Dr. Johnson said of his Derbyshire friend, " His talk is of sheep and bullocks." He would, in fact, have never kept horses at all, but for the very laudable feeling that, as 158 Scott and Sebright. Master of the Horse, he had no right to see Ascot racing at other people's expence. Still, as is often the case when owners take things easy, and do not make their lives miserable by watching the market, his green-and-white cap had a good time of it with Ralph and the Emperor ; and he purchased Royal George for 150/. from Edwards, and sold him to the foreigners for more than thrice that sum. The ill Bad Beaufort luck of the stable seemed to concentrate Luck- itself on the Duke of Beaufort. What- ever he bought, bred, or borrowed, turned out badly, and when it really seemed on the cards, his horse would tumble down, or run out of the course, or go amiss. MuleyandMuley Muley was a good runner, despite his Moloch. somewhat odd pins, and Muley Moloch was rather high on the leg, and rather short quartered. His Champagne and York Derby wins had made him a hot St. Leger favourite in Yorkshire, but he never had a chance, and they hedged their opinion after the race, by saying that his teeth had been so bad that he lived on balls of meal for six weeks before. Mr. Tattersall, who had the charge of the Underley stud, was not a little fond pf selling them at Doncaster, and it was from Marpessa, one of the old Muley's daughters, and Alice Hawthorne, his granddaughter, that Pocahontas and Thormanby sprang. TheGrandsire of Master Henry, the sire of Touchstone's Touchstone, dam, is embalmed in Sam Day's memory, as being one of his favourite platers ; and especially great in mud. John Scott had never seen Touch- stone till the Liverpool St. Leger, when the brown made his own running, and was beaten by General John Scott's Chasse. Godfrey Kirkley, who was .with First Sight of IVJr. Riddell, trained him, and had him touchstone. as as a j still Birdlime and Inheritor, who had just beaten Physician at 32lbs. for the two years, in the Cup, were behind him, Turf Cracks. 159 and Scott told Lords Derby and Wilton that he felt sure he could win the St. Leger. The beginning was not favourable, as he was put in the charge of a drunken groom to walk to Yorkshire, and got loose on the Lancashire moors for hours, where a sailor caught him and brought him to Sheffield. After such neglect, he arrived at Malton in a pain- His Mishaps and fully weak state, and a course of Peruvian Medicine.^, bark had to be resorted to before they dared to work him. "What with this and his jaundice, John Scott seldom had a horse which required so much doctoring. A record of the calomel and other drugs which he swallowed would form a portion of Whitewall history, as remarkable as the recovery of its Prince Llewellyn, who answered to the old ale and port, and won two races after he had been covered up in the stall as dead, and his grave had been dug in the paddock. He had his final polish at Hambleton, and when Bill declared after the trial to ride Lady le Gros, Dar- ling was applied to for Touchstone. However, Lord Sligo had been beforehand, and Sam weighed for Bran, and declares to this day that Touchstone stopped to him at the finish; while Bob Johnson "dodged backwards and forwards on Chasse before us and between us, all over the course." Touchstone was only third up the Mostyn-mile Mostyn mile to Intriguer and Birdlime, Martyrs, both of his year. Oddly enough, as soon as his flag was lowered, Blenkhorn led out his Leger successor Queen oi Trumps for her maiden race, but although they were both at the same meeting the next autumn, and each walked over for two stakes, they never met at the post. In 1835, when he had just shown in good Cup form at Doncaster, he again failed up the Mostyn mile, but he was before Birdlime, who essayed that heart-breaking hill four times in vain. At five years old, he did a great thing with Hornsea and Scroggins at Epsom, the week before the Ascot Cup, 160 Scott and Sebright. in which he beat Rockingham and Lucifer. His near fore-ankle was never very good, and even in his first Ascot Cup race, it had almost risen to the dignity of " a leg." Its chance of rising to it was furthered by the wild notions of the man in charge, who persisted Ascot Cup in doctoring it during John Scott's Tremblings, absence at Manchester, with hot oils instead of Gowland's lotion. Still, it was 100 to 1 on him if the leg stood, though Connolly and Pavis had been clever enough to get on nearly 5000/. against him, and it was half-past-twelve before Mr. Hill would release them. Joe Rogers was another of the sceptics at Death's, and expressed such a confident determina- tion to eat him if he won, that John Scott could not refrain from subsequently sending his compli- ments, and a request to know how " he should like him cooked." Touchstone's Touchstone was a peculiar horse in Peculiarities, every way. He had very fleshy legs, and turned his hocks out so much, and went so wide be- hind, that a barrel could have been got between his legs when he was galloping. He went with a straight knee ; and in short he was nearly the oddest goer that ever cleared its pipes in good air on Langton Wold, as he pitched and yet stayed as well. Ground made no appreciable difference to him, but he was desperately lazy at exercise, and could hardly be kicked along on most days. As a beginner he did not excel, and his fine speed was quite his greatest point. It was a very hard matter to catch him when he was once set agoing, and no horse pulled harder. If he was at all stale, it would never do to squeeze him too much, or he would swerve to the left like a shot. He just lived into his 31st year, and although that wondrous hind action in his walk rather failed him, and he was quite wasted over the back and loins, he could wave his flag and march very proudly round his court-yard at Eaton. For two years J&e had been Turf Cracks. 161 on the wane, but still he never had an hour's illness at the stud, and never had a dose of medicine in Cheshire till just before he died. He was quite a valetudinarian, and it was remarkable to see how on wet days he would retreat, quick march, to his shed, and stand earnestly watching the weather. There was appa- rently great pain in the head for three days before his death, and he took nothing but a little gruel, and scarcely any notice of Fisher, who had attended him for seven years. His feet were all taken off, and the greater part of his mane and tail, and sent to the Hall, and he was buried in the middle of the stable-yard. Till within the last three years, he was His Descen- a very sure stock-getter, but not partial dants- to young mares, nor to old ones till May or June. He got his sires especially in every form, and we fancy that Surplice was the finest and biggest of them, Orlando the most beautiful and blood-like, and Touch- wood more like himself than any of them, but on a larger scale. His luck with distinguished mares was variable. There was Orlando from Vulture, Newmin- ster and Nunnykirk from Beeswing, Cotherstone from Emma, Surplice from Crucifix, Assault from Ghuznee ; but Alice Hawthorne and Lady Evelyn failed, Eller- dale, Inheritress, and Queen Mary missed; Refraction and Canezou were not very lucky; Miss Twickenham, Ellen Middleton, Pocahontas, Barbelle, and Martha Lynn never honoured him with a visit; and Mr. John- stone's Harriot was the last mare that went to him. He and Liverpool were selected by the late Duke of Orleans for four of his best mares, when with Edgar Pavis, and then with Charles Edwards, that true- hearted sportsman held his racing court at Chantilly. As a general thing, his stock were best at a mile, bad on their legs after three, and, like him, with no great action in their slow paces. Jereed could live with him well at weights for M 16 2 Scott and Sebright. jereed and age, and John Scott quite hoped to stand Mundig. on him for the Derby instead of Mickle Fell, that anything but brilliant Brother to Mundig. It was not to be ; he was all well at eight one night, but a secret foe got at him before five next morning, and a glance at his legs told the treacherous tale. Mundig was a very moderate horse, and Consol was his schoolmaster. Still he convinced the brothers so completely that he was worth backing for the Derby after his "Yorkshire gallop" in clothes with Marcian over the D.I., that the double had to be promptly put on the touts. They had " got" one of the stable lads, and so the chestnut and Consol were started off, as if they had given up Epsom, and were going home, and then turned back after a six miles walk, when the lad had fully gazetted their departure for the North. Although the chestnut had never run in public, he came to 6 to i in a few hours, and those who had been most active in " drawing" the lad, immediately said that it " was a nice robbery, and the Scotts ought to be ashamed of themselves." Mundig's Derby When he ran for the Derby, Lord Day- Chesterfield lent John a bad-mouthed pony, which landed him among the furzes. At last his rider got him straight and milled him well across the Downs, and at their next effort he cannoned a carriage near the winning-post. He was barely pulled off that, when Lord Jersey rode up : " Welt, John, Fm sorry for yon—Ascot's won." " Nowt of the sort," said a cad with enough rags ready made on his back for a mop, " the old beggar in blacks wont' " Has he?" said John, "you're the man for my businessand flinging him half-a-crown, he rode off to meet his horse and congratulate the young heir of Streatlam on his eighteen thousand. Bill Scott never rode a severer race, and he had to shout as loud to Nat to keep his colt from hanging on to him, as he did in the Satirist Leger when he summarily ordered him to pull Van Turf Cracks. 163 Amburgh to one side after coming round the bend, and " let me have a shy at Omld John Day." ^ Hornsea, Scroggins, Carew, and Gla- Hornse£l) Scrog_ diator were all contemporaries of Touch- gins, and stone at Malton, and when the three first Carew. were tried with him, Scroggins was beat a distance. Hornsea and Touchstone were regularly laid alongside each other at 2olbs. in the Doncaster Cup, and the young one was the better favourite of the two at start- ing, and beaten a neck. The chestnut, the origin of whose wall-eyes once strangely puzzled a German was a " good, steady horsebut Carew, who sepa- rated Touchstone from Venison, Beeswing, and Gene- ral Chasse in the Doncaster Cup of the next year, and beat a Goodwood Cup field as well, was really "very moderate." He cut himself down in the St.Leger, to serve the narrow thin-fleshed Scroggins, of whom John Scott speaks as " queer in the pipes, but smart." Gladiator by Partisan was a very blood- Gladiator like, dark chestnut, but rather delicate, and requiring remarkable nicety in his preparation. John and William Scott gave 100/. for him, and sold him to Lord Wilton for 200/., and a contingency of half the Derby and St. Leger. He lost the first, and never started again, but his price gradually rose to 800/., and finally to 20001. For Sweetmeat's sake alone be was worth every penny of it, but he also left Queen Mary the dam of Blink Bonny and the gran- dam of Caller Ou. His sire Partisan was a beautiful, short-legged horse with a lovely head, straight hocks, and a clubby fore foot. Many of the elder trainers still recur to him fondly as "like a bit of machinery in his stride." His Patron, a half-brother to Augusta, was very good; but Venison was the gamest and stoutest of his sons. Still that little fellow could never quite do himself justice, as his very long action hardly fitted him for forcing the running, as he was often obliged to do. M 2 164 Scott and Sebright. The mare Frailty was presented to John Scott by Mr. Petre, and was sent to Partisan, when she was rising five. There was nothing particular about her, but a very curby hock, which had sprung going round Ferguson's Corner at Catterick. Her Cyprian was Early Days of sent for a few months before breaking to Cyprian. ]y[r Hebden at Appleton, among the Helmsley Moors, near the haunts of the renowned Jemmy Golding, who when he was rising ninety-two, thus addressed John Scott, " There are no hunters bred now-a-days, Mr. Scott. Til just away and buy some brood mares, and breed a few." She was made quite a pet of in that country, and knew the taste of cheese- cakes, and all that sort of thing ; but Bill Scott did not think much of her Oaks chance when he " had a taste," and it hung upon her beating Aveline for a 40/. stake at Malton, whether she went to Epsom at all. She had a hard time of it, as she walked into Surrey, and then back to Newcastle, and then home to Malton, and won both Oaks and Northumberland Plate, during the six weeks. Joe Wilkins the Aintree trainer, con- ducted her on a pony, and they travelled on an ave- rage twenty miles per day. She was terribly high- mettled, and never trained after four, and Songstress, also a winner of the Oaks, and Meteora, were her best foals. She never caused any death herself, and her ill-temper did not descend to her stock; but one of them, Artful Dodger, hit a lad who was washing his feet with his hock on the jugular vein, and killed him outright on the spot. Purchase of Epirus, the Malton horse of '37, was Epirus. purchased along with his brother Epi- daurus from Mrs. Savile Lumley for 1700/., with a 500/. contingency if he won the Leger, but it needed all John Scott's eloquence, in a two hours' confab, to get them at the price. Epirus was untried, and "the young" beauty," as his mistress termed him in her delivery order to Hornshaw, was disqualified, or else Turf Cracks. Elis's brilliant 'running, both as a two-year-old and with Bay Middleton a fortnight before, would have made the figure a much higher one. Langar filled a 25 sov. subscription at Tickhill Castle in the fol- lowing year, and such was Lord George's admira- tion for Elis, that he took a fourth of the forty sub- .scriptions. The chestnut died there at last, and he is buried on one side of the hedge in the principal paddock, and Catton on the other. Epirus could stay well enough, al- His Training though speed was his best point, and in the Me- his trial, in which he gave Cardinal Puff troPolls- iolbs., seemed quite good enough for the St. Leger. He was the only horse that ever broke Bill Scott's collar-bone ; and as John Scott adds, " the only one I ever trained in the streets of London." Owing to there being no North-Western truck at liberty, he had to stay three days there in stables behind All Saints' Church, and he used to take long constitu- tionals from four A.M. up and down Regent-street. Sam Chifney had a heavy retainer to go down and ride him at the Potteries, but he never looked near, and Nat got a winning mount on him. Cardinal Puff bore a very distinguished The Triai Gf part in the great Don John trial, when Don John and the young one beat him at I2lbs. for the Cardmal PufF- year. George Nelson's orders were simply to " stand none of Bill's humbug, but come right through." Both Lord Chesterfield and Colonel Anson thought it mad- ness to try at that weight; and at the far side of the hill Bill thought the young horse had the worst of it. He accordingly shouted to George to ease a bit; but the more he shouted the harder went " The Admi- ral." Bill suffered a little, and caught his leader on the hill, " fairly jumping over me the moment he was touched with the spur." George, " who never made a mistake with the old un," gradually fancied himself in full command of The "Fleet," at Pigburn, and at 166 Scott and Sebright. The Colonel and last demanded, in his vinous valour, from "theAdmiral." Colonel Anson, whether he called himself a Colonel. However, he rode over special to Don- caster in the morning to apologize; and the Colonel, who had the keenest appreciation, for years after, of his antics and carols on that memorable night, only replied, " Never mind, George; Fm glad to be blown tip on such an occasion; you only ride another Don John trial, and you may do it again d Horse Whims. . Don John detested Bill Scott, owing, it was supposed, to his having hit him twice with a whip in his box at York. All the carrots in the East Riding would not have reconciled them, and like Jack Spigot, it made him furious even to hear the sound of Bill's voice. The Princess took a dislike to every one at Whitewall, and after giving Jacob more trouble than half the stable to shoe, she ended by running John Scott and Markwell out of the paddock when they went to see her at Bretby. It is a pretty general opinion among trainers that horses cannot tell one person from another except by the A Horse's Know- voice, and that, in this respect, they are ledge of Sound. pke the fairy " Fine Ear." Ellerdale, for instance, took no notice of Tom Dawson when he went to see her at Admiral Harcourt's some four or five years after she had left his stable ; but the mo- ment he said " Coachman !" she wheeled round, and struck at him quite viciously. Mentor was quite as odd this way, and he proved pretty well that the dis- like arises from the association of the voice with the orders at exercise. Mat Dawson had him under his charge for a short time in Scotland, when his legs were wrong ; and as he gave him no work, there w&s no raw established between them. Hence Mat quite laughed at the notion that the horse would not let him go up to him, if he heard his brother Torri's voice, and a bet of a new hat was made on it. They adjourned with some visitors to the box, and Mat got Turf Cracks. 167 OA most affectionately with his old charge, till there came Tom's whisper from behind—"Poor old Mentor /" and the whole party were dispersed in a second. Even General Chasse, as gluttonous a feeder as ever faced a manger, would pause in his swallow, and grunt if he heard Bob Johnson's voice ; and Meretrix became so fidgety from hearing Fobert's at exercise, that he was obliged to employ a code of stick and hand signals tovthe boy. Charles XII. was a very curious-coated Purchase of horse, and very delicate at three. Like Charles xn. Touchstone, he had rather a queer time of it on Black- stone Edge (over which Sydney Smith had years before proved himself such a Hannibal in the " Im- mortal"), as he stuck there for three hours, with every trace broken, on his return from the Liverpool Cup. In the same journey he had an equally narrow escape on the Liverpool platform, and hung on the ledge of it for minutes without injuring a hair. He came into Mr. Johnstone's hands in rather a curious way. That gentleman had always nursed the wish, while in India, to own one of the finest horses that money could buy on his return. Accordingly, when he did reach Eng- land, he commissioned Tom Dawson to buy him one for three thousand. " Better get two for that price" was Tom's counsel, and Hetman Platoff was priced to him at 1200/., and the Provost at 1500/. The latter was not up to Mr. Johnstone's mark, and accordingly a bid of 2000/1 was made for Euclid. " Vd sooner shoot him than take it," was Mr. Thornhill's reply, and at length it was decided to-give the 3000/. for Charles XII. Mr. Johnstone had a thousand offered for his bargain, but he refused it in real Thornhill style, and he was never prouder of his resolve, than when two years in succession he felt all the glory of winning the Good- wood Cup. At first Charles's stock sold pretty well at Doncaster, but at last he himself could only com- mand a 20/. bid. He was then sold privately for 50/., i68 Scott and Sebright. but the vendee forfeited the 201, rather than take him. His tail was so short, and his back so down, that even Tom Dawson stood at the ring side and asked what he was. tj . ™ f «• Hetman Platoff had much finer speed, Hetman rlaton. - - 1^11 1 1 11 although Charles stayed rather the best, but still John and Bill Scott always fancied, that if Hetman had not put out a curb, he would have been the A 1 on the St. Leger day. He was a wonderful weight-carrier, and of such boundless nerve that he would have walked among a park of artillery and never moved a muscle. The Melton farmers first told John Scott of him when he was a yearling, and pathetically described him as half-starved in a field near Stilling- ton, " with a half-bred colt, which had got master of him." Mr. Bowes and John made a rapid descent on that village, whose smoky alehouse and its indigestible Noah's Ark bacon dwell upon John's mind yet; but it ended in Colonel Croft selling the colt for 200 guineas, and engaging to pay his St. Leger forfeit ; and Mr. Bowes took half of him. The bad fare of the day was made up when Bill joined them at The Black Swan at night, and " Nancy" Martinson waited on them. industry and Industry was pretty, but as nervous as Ghuznee. Hetman was bold; and the Brown Duchess she met in the Oaks was not of the Saxon mint. Caroline Elvina, who went to help her, was " without exception the finest-looking mare that ever was at Whitewall and Ghuznee was " only fourteen- three on the Oaks day ; but a perfect rattler. The latter was also one of the many proofs in John Scott's mind that " very superior-looking legs go the quickest," as she had rest and green meat for a fortnight after Ascot, and her sinews were quite crooked when she was taken out of the box. Launceiot. Launcelot had enormous speed, and pulled even harder than his brother Turf Cracks. 169 Touchstone, with his head right into his chest. In fact, hardly anyone could hold him ; and the hunting curb which Bill selected for his St. Leger race, was a most formidable affair. He had rather heavy shoulder points, a short neck, and not very good ankles, and John Scott considered him fully 21 lbs. better than Maroon. After the St. Leger he lay two days in his box, and it is a miracle how he contrived to reach The Salutation at all. Meteor, after the Two Thousand, was in nearly the same plight, but he was such a chronic cripple, that his lad had to chase him about his box for an hour or two before a race, to get him to "act" at all. Satirist was soon forgotten at Malton, Satirist's st. but not the joke about his Doncaster Leger Trial, trial. The Corporation Steward took up the chains and held his peace, and the neat-herd who was charged not to tell anyone, gave the office most freely. In order to disappoint them, the Pigburn party arrived at the Moor about half-past three, and found only a few sweeps and Irishmen in attendance. As it rained hard, they were most politely invited to share the Rubbing-house, and then the Scott party slipped out and locked them up till it was over ; and squared the " false imprisonment" with half-a-crown's worth of gin. It was rather a hard matter to bring off a trial at Don- caster, and on one occasion the blacking pot had to be freely used on their legs and faces, before the horses set out from Pigburn. Attila's Newmarket trial at two years old was quite in the dark, and . .. , T . , Colonel Peel's Hardinge and Sir Harry _ had just tried him half-a-mile on the limekiln-hill, when the renowned J. B. arrived with a lantern to re- connoitre. John Scott could not see the horses, but he knew from Attila's peculiarly quick and delicate step, that he was coming away in front two hundred yards before they finished. He was a cheap 120/. bargain at two years old, but 17° Scott and Sebright. Jacob's Bet about not a lucky horse, as he was got at three Attik. times, and was coughing sadly before the Drawing Room Stakes. On the Derby day, after Jacob had discharged his plating functions, he stationed himself near the winning post with Charley Robinson, and waited there in the most boundless faith. A stranger presumed to doubt him, when he said, " Yon!It precious soon see his white feace first" and clenched his opinion by a sovereign bet. With a presence of mind, which Yorkshire can never cease to venerate, he added, " Fit just tak hold of your horsds head, and Fit thank you, sir, not to stir fra the spot;" and suiting the action to the word, he secured his man and his money. It is on record that he and his companion gave away a barrel of beer to the multitude, and that in the hilarity of the mo- ment he would have signed a week's truce with the touts. Jacob on a Tout That fraternity's experiences of the de- Hunt. ceased are of a most doleful kind. He was long in partnership with an American dog, which Mr. Harry Hill bought at a baker's in Knightsbridge, and sent for John Scott's acceptance as an Under- Leadbeater to Whitewall. The dog had been regularly educated to track slaves, and hence it took to touts with the highest imaginable zest. At times, the pair would come to a check at the foot of a tree, and when Jacob made his eye-cast among the branches, it be- came his turn to give tongue, " Now Fve got ther, thoo must, and thoo shalt come doou," and when his brown- and-white friend, had enjoyed a good muzzled worry, the game would fly Malton-wards, bawling ten thou- sand murders. Well might one of them confide to his Malton allies, " It's not that John Scott, but his old thief of a blacksmith and ' Captain' that I'm afeard 011." The old Pottery course is now so built upon, that the most imaginative mind cannot conjure up the idea Turf Cracks. 171 that Attila ever won a Champagne Stakes over it, and that it ever witnessed a struggle between The Poten- tate and " The Alderman's" King Cole. King Cole Marlow won no less than two dozen races on this son of Memnon, and the Buxton Cup three years in succession. Hp never had a horse so difficult to handle, as he always hung to the left, despite a Magogian pricker; and if the running was that way round, he could hardly be kept off the posts. Holmes, who got on him at exercise at Liverpool, voted it the worst mouth he had ever touched, but it was not inherited by his hunters and carriage horses, which were always at a premium in the district. At the first time of asking, he departed with Marlow down a lane at Bridgenorth, but got such a refresher for it, that he wiped off his maidenhood very quickly at Ludlow. Marlow always considers that his Chester Cup was an enormous bit of luck. He lay in front with 7st. 81bs. to the Castle Pole, and took the lead at the distance, and Lye, who watched nothing but Birdlime, could never quite reach him, and was beaten a neck. The Potentate always beat him afterwards, and was a good 7lbs. better at least. Marlow, who began life as " a feather" Marlow and Old on the same day and in the same race as John Day- Sam Rogers, got another good race for The Alderman, still more out of the fire. It was a hundred sovereign Stake, and all the money at Ascot; and The Deputy went there on the chance of getting his stake back, not to run. Accordingly Marlow, who had sole charge of the colt, made this proposition to old John Day, when they met at scale ; but John could " settle nothing till I've seen my Lord Lichfield and so saying, he seated himself on the weighing-chair, and called " eighty-seven." Sam Darling sat there quietly tapping the toes of his boots with his whip, and pro- bably thought more than he said, but Marlow did not fail to mark that the generally accurate John, and 172 Scott and Sebright. Doe, the trainer, had overlooked the 5lbs. extra on The Corsair, for winning the Two Thousand. John then went to seek out Lord Lichfield, and was not a little surprised when he returned with his lordship's consent to give back the stake, that Marlow should meet him with "I've altered my mind; Fit have all or none; — but we'd better make haste, it's getting late'.' It will do now, thought Marlow, when he had John fairly in the saddle, and cantering and whistling, and singing, as was his wont, down to the post; but still he was not quite comfortable, and he took care to get alongside of him, and keep him in conversation upon things in general. Mr. Davis started them, and they merely cantered to the distance ; but when the black was set going, he smashed up the chestnut in a trice, and went nearly to the Swinley Course post before he could be stopped. The chestnut " wanted no stop- ping;" but when John arrived back, Marlow placed eight twelve in the scale. "Ididn't weigh that',' said John. u I know yGU didn't',' was the reply ; " but you ought. Where's the penalty ?" " Fetch the bridlesaid John. "Better bring the horse," said Marlow; "it will be a new kind of snaffle if it zveighs %lbs." John was fine weight as usual to begin with, and he could not stir the beam. " You did that very well, my boy ; I give you great credit," he shouted to Marlow, as he rode past him off the course, and away he went whistling and singing once more. Job Marson and Taylor made the same mistake with Aphrodite, in the Doncaster Stakes, but one of the local reporters found it out, and gave Job the hint, to Nat's intense disgust. Sam Darling Not to have a word on old Isaac and and Isaac. Sam Darling would be a strange omis- sion indeed, and one that Warwick would not overlook in a hurry. Sam was ever true to his boyish impres- sions, and never thought either him or Hesperus quite Turf Cracks. 173 so wonderful as Mantidamum, by Sir Solomon. On that horse, at Stafford, with 3|st. of saddle-cloths, &c., he beat Dick Spencer and Jack Hayes, both great men on that circuit, but they had their revenge at Holywell, as they combined on Ambo and Stella, and fairly drove him into the Ditch. " Fll have yozi some day," he muttered, like another D'Israeli, when he met them in the weighing-house, and we should rather think he had. When Major Pigot gave up his horses, Sam, at his mother's particular request, did a little in the yard-wand way, at Oxford and Worcester ; but he longed to wear the silk instead of selling it, and he went to Mr. West and old Sadler, at Bibury, to tuck up his cuffs in another cause, and carry out his great principle, that " any man may wait, but it requires a wise head to make running." But we must put him on Isaac, who History of Isaac, made his start on the Turf at the York August of'33, as the " gr c. by Figaro, out of Jack Spigot's dam," and was beaten any distance in a two- year-old field, by Colonel Cradock's Emigrant. Like his half-brother, he had a pretty wayward temper, and paid the penalty of it. Sam first marked him in a Maiden Plate at Liverpool, two years afterwards, and took such a fancy to him, from the way he finished second to Luck's All, in the first heat, that he confided to Tom Speed, that he had got his eye on a treasure. He was sent by Mr. Ord Powlett, in the autumn to lead gallops for The Potentate, at Doncaster, and bolted near the Neat-herd's House, and took a little of "the bark off his leg." He was put up on the Thursday, and Mr. Sharpe began to bid for him ; but stopped, under the idea that he had been fired ; and when Mat Milton took a turn, Sam got close to him, and put it to him confidentially, whether " those great flat feet will ever suit the London stones." Hence " gr. g., by Figaro, 46 guineas, Mr. S. Darling," was the sale entry; and Isaac Blades, who then trained 174 Scott and Sebright. him, was so angry, that " such a rip should be named after me," that he cut Sam, and never spoke to him again. The grey appeared in a Hack Stakes, winner to be sold for fifty, the next week at Liverpool; but Sam agreed with Mr. Sirdefield, who was second on Aratus, about the cross claim. The race was run off by moonlight; and near the Canal turn, the light-blue of Isaac was leading. " Is it over yet ?" said Sam to Mr. Sirdefield. " Oh ! not yet, I think," was the reply, and Sam set the grey going again. He repeated the question over his shoulder at the distance, and then it was, " Oh!yes! Yes, Sam! it is all up, now? When he next came to Liverpool, Harry his brother Sam Darling had taught him jumping with Lord Fitz- hardinge's. He dwelt a little at his jumps, in conse- quence of being rather down in his eyes; but still he pulled off 176/. over the hurdles. He got 30/. more at a little Ellesmere meeting, on his road home, after Sam had run half over Liverpool in search of a Shropshire paper, which had the conditions. Isaac Day begged a mount at Bibury, and returned him with the assurance that his own back would never be itself again after the job ; but he was ridden by Sam in almost all his flat races, of which he won forty-six. He went lobbing easily along, with his head out, and was great in dirt, as Caravan found to his cost, and went best when Sam kept shouting at him, " Come along, old un? His victories at Warwick, when he belonged to its M.P., were looked at both from an electioneering and a racing point of view, and Isaac Day was sadly disappointed that he never could get Sam chaired. Amidst all his triumphs, he nearly died at Knutsford, and the guard of the coach went so far as to hail Sam, who was Newton-bound on his hack, and tell him that his horse was dead, and all Knutsford talking of it. Lear arrived at the races with the intelligence that he was better, and in a short Turf Cracks. 17 5 time he succeeded in walking, by seven-mile stages, to Kynnersley, near Croome. Two miles was his favourite distance; hut at half-a-mile less, Modesty could always do him. Still, if Isaac was beaten over a distance of ground, it was by a pace which left its mark upon the winner. His Ditch-in race with the five-year- weighting him old I'm-not-aware, in which he had 22lbs. for the Audiey the worst of the weights, and made all End' the running, gave (Admiral) Rous such an opinion of him, that he put lost, on him for the Audiey End. " I sharit want you to ride him, Captain Rous," said Sam, rather grimly, when they fell to chatting in front of the Rooms, next morning. " What do you mean now, Sam V said the Admiral; " Oh! I thought, Sir, you handicapped him to get a mount; according to your weights, there's not been such a horse in New- market since Sultan." However, taking the line through Roscius, there was not much fault to find with the weighting. A hurdle race in the Novem- ber of '42, saw the last of him in public, and then Mr. Robins, of Stoneleigh Park, gave him a run out for four or five years, till he had to be shot for infirmity. Sam occasionally saw him in his retire- ment, but he " took no notice of me for good or evil." His skin now covers a favourite chair, and his portrait adorns the old inn sign at Bourton and many a bar-parlour down the Warwick and Worcester way. Scotland's finest sportsmen seemed The Old Scot- fated to die in their prime. " Willie tish Cracks. Sharpe" still relishes his coursing at Knockhill and his training at Hambleton, with a zest which deserves better luck; and Mr. Merry has crept quietly on since he was content with the little Paisley bouts of poor Edgar on Beadershin, till he has made his yellow jacket a name of dread across the Border; but where are the other gallant chiels who were wont, year after Scott and Sebright. year, to meet in the stand portals at the Caledonian Hunt ? " The Inches of Perth, girdled as they are by the bright and brimming Tay ; the short but try- ing bit of green carpet on the Firth of Clyde, where you are within hail of ' the auld clay biggin,' where the Ploughman Bard was born ; the base of that grim grey keep, round which Forth winds its silver links; the fair regions of Tweed, or Musselburgh's dead flat margined by the snell and gurly sea," hold high festival for them no more. Sir David Baird, the hardest man, not barring Assheton Smith and Dick Christian, that ever fought his unswerving way through the bullfinches of Leicestershire, and. Sir Frederick Johnstone, live only by Mr. Gilmour's side in the Melton Hunt picture. Sir James Boswell can never again tell of the pluck and bottom of his Pugilist over Amesbury, or banter " The General" in return, when he reminds him of General Chasse and his Ayr dose of " Tincture of Myrrh." Lord Drum- lanrig, " the doucest lad of them a'," no longer keeps the country side alive, and leads Joe Graham and his field across Dumfries-shire. William Hope Johnstone is no more among them, with an Era, a William le Gros, or The Returned, that winner of his two memorable four-mile steeplechases in succession at Eglinton Park; and Mr. Meiklam cannot whisper his last order to " Simmy Templeman," and then tell him how well the new blue-and-white stripes look, on which he has set a special loom to work, and bid them not mind the expense. " The Turf, The Chase, and The Road," all drooped in Scotland when " Mr. Ramsay and the Hounds" ceased to be a toast in Mid Lothian, when his Laner- cost or Inheritor were not under cup orders for Ayr, and when his mail-coach team, with himself or his good friend from Ury in command, no longer stepped gaily down Leith Street towards cannie Aberdeen. He had his summons when he had barely lived out Turf Cracks. 177 half his time, and in the autumn of'61 the crape on the Caledonian Hunt scarlet, and the words of sorrow to his memory, told that one still more radiant element was wanting in the great gathering of Scottish sportsmen. " Eglinton" was one of them The Late Lord in every sense of the word, and the Eglinton. thistle on his racing-jacket was no unmeaning emblem of his love for his " ain countree." No one enjoyed a game more heartily on the ice, the sward, or the racket-court; and there was scarcely a non-professional to beat him at billiards. " Major quo non major" was the neat tribute on the monument of his favourite greyhound; and old coursers will tell you exactly how his Waterloo took and worked his hare over the Flat; and how that son of Dusty Miller beat Gracchus, the Ashdown crack, on his own ground, and was looked on, in Scotland, as the veritable champion of the smooth interest against the rough. The history of the " Eglinton Tartan" from the days when Queen Bathsheba first bore it, till Coroebus and Fandango,— that last great struggle between it and the Zetland spots, gave us one more glimpse of old times,—needs no more recitals. Political duties claimed him, as they had done Lord George; and he seemed to have quite forgotten his way to Doncaster. " Nimrod" de- clared that the late Duke of Beaufort was the most popular man in England ; but the Earl of Eglinton was the most so in the three countries combined. The Irish loved him for his frankness, his impartiality, his Viceregal munificence, and his nice turns-out; the English reverenced him as the soul of honour on their favourite Turf; and his countrymen delighted in his hearty national feelings, whether he was play- ing golf at St. Andrew's, or laying his chaplet with manly eloquence in the resting-place of Burns. Sir James Boswell had a strong dislike sir James to dividing a race or a course, and 011 one Bosweii. occasion he ran three No-goes rather than give in. N 178 Scott and Sebright. He also disliked exceedingly to see his horses punished, and his last orders to his jockey were inva- riably to that effect. In General Chassis case he was perforce obliged to be silent on that head. -The General's Ayr defeat by Myrrha never seemed to be forgotten, and was married to " immortal verse," in which the mare " only gave her tail a wag," and of course won as she liked. The " black and white stripes," men said with no little truth, did not meet the mare on equal terms, as their champion was quite stale with a twelve days' walk from Doncaster." Fobert has never yet been weaned from his first love by any of his " Spigot Lodge" flyers, and quite be- lieves that in these times of comfortable railroad tra- veiling, Chasse would have been a wonder. No one understood his peculiar temper better than poor Jack Holmes, or managed it so nicely in a race. He never would make his own running, and liked to come once for all a few strides from home. All distances and weights were much the same to him, but he wanted a severe hill to bring the leaders back to him at the finish, which was the reason that Liverpool suited him so well. Myrrha and Myrrha was a low, cart-breasted mare, Philip. by Malek (own brother to Velocipede) out of Bessy, whom Mr. Sharpe rode as his Edinburgh hack, and, as in Enamel's and North Lincoln's and Kangaroo's cases, there was quit-e a rush for her dam. She was traced, with some trouble, to a cab-stand in York; but death had come to the rescue some months before. The people liked as much to see Sim (whom Mr. Sharpe first brought down to Scotland, when he was light weight to Mr. Lambton) in the Elcho blue and black cap upon Philip, as Southrons did Nat on Lady Wildair. Philip was the death of Ballochmyle, and stuck to him so resolutely in some four-mile heats, at Gullane, on a very warm day, that the bay died in less than five minutes. The races had been Turf Cracks. 179 removed that summer from Musselburgh to Gullane, on account of the cholera; and when that Caledonian Hunt was held at Cupar, in which Harry Edwards won his celebrated race on Terror, six or seven hearses went past during the afternoon entry; and the races almost seemed like a death-dance round the plague pit. Gullane was once the Malton of Scot- Gullane land, and half-a-dozen horses busy at their o\ shaped work in the " myres" served in 1861 to keep up a faint association with Lanercost, Inheritor, and Despot, those knights of the straw body and green sleeves, who were once the presiding genii of the spot. The house where all the Dawsons were born and bred nestles at the foot of the hill, on which stands the rude wooden lighthouse, keeping watch and ward over the deep blue seaboard of the German Ocean, and we could hardly wonder that I'Anson has always kept his " Caller Ou" impressions, as the breezes " fresh fra the Forth" swept over us that July. On one side the yellow harvest fields of East Lothian were waving; and Dirleton's woods grow green and fair down to the very edge of the beach. Following the " gently curving lines of creamy spray" to the right, the eye rests on the Bass Rock,—ever clan- gorous with sea-fowl, and standing out blunt and bare from its wave-washed base—and the cone-like emi- nence of Berwick Law; while the distant range of the Fife Hills takes us back to Johnny Walker and his "dearies" before his View Halloo was heard at Wynnstay. Like Ambo, who revelled over the 7 . . . _ _.r ,, ' , . 1.1 ^ohrab and Co. Mostyn mile, and Chanty, the third Great Liverpool Steeple Chase winner, some of the best Gullane geldings took to the road at last. Wee Willie, Zoroaster, and Clym-o'-the-Clough, all came trotting out at the sound of the horn, to take their turn in the fourteen miles an hour Defiance; and N 2 i8o Scott and Sebright. Pyramid, who led out of Edinburgh, when two bays and two greys, cross-fashion, was Mr. Ramsay's de- light, worked himself stone-blind in the cause, The old Ury lion was roused once more in his lair, and horsing this crack coach from Lawrencekirk to Aber- deen, and driving it many a stage, was as great a boon to him as getting up his dog Billy's muscle for another fight, or going through solemn pedestrian exercises, for the same end, with " my friend Tom Cribb." Scottish Coach- Even the gravest Edinburgh professors ing Days. liked to see the Ramsay coaches with their rich brass-mounted harness, and the scarlets and white hats, when the dashing young owner was on the box, and Alick Cooke, Jim Kitchen, George Murray, and Jamie Campbell were the reigning favourites. inheritor and Mr. Ramsay hunted the Carnwath the Ramsay country as well as the three Lothians, Lot' and as he did not scruple to give 1500 guineas for Lanercost, 1000 for The Doctor, and 850 for Inheritor, " Nimrod " might well find in him al- most the only breathing embodiment of his memorable Quarterly Review labours. His Inheritor was an old- fashioned weight-carrying hunter, with very long quarters, and big ribs and gaskins, but with rather a light ewe neck, and thinnish shoulders. Blinkhorn the trainer always compared him to old Walton, and said that his " action spoke vengeance : " and Harry Edwards, after he had won two Liverpool Cups on him in '37, declared that he had not been on such a horse since Jerry. In The Trades' Cup (in which he carried 9st. 4-lbs. the highest weight it has ever been •won with), he fairly kicked Snyders out of the race at the post, or as Harry phrased it in the weighing-house, " We just gave Snyders one-two for himself, and settled him." Vestment was a more chubby, but an unlucky sort of horse. He split his pastern, running with Queen of Trumps, and " turned over here and Tiirf Cracks. 181 there," and finally received such a severe cut to the bone, that he died of a lock-jaw. Despot was long, low, and dark brown ; very honest, but with no great constitution ; and The Doctor, by Doctor Syntax, out of a sister to Zohrab, had especially fine quality, with nice symmetry, and ability to carry weight. Tom Dawson considers Lanercost the Lanercost finest-grown two-year-old he ever saw, and when he came up at that age to Tupgill, he could hardly believe he was the same yearling, " all belly and no neck," which he had seen at The Bush, at Carlisle, just after Mr. Ramsay had given 130/. for him, because he was by his horse Liverpool. In fact, his crest became so muscular, that " we might have put a saddle on and fitted it." As a two-year-old, he was tried to do a good thing with Aimwell, on the High Moor; but forcing him on for the trial spoilt him, and he went all to pieces during the winter, and had no business to come out at Catterick. His defeat there by Jemmy Jumps was a sad disappointment to the Carlisle division ; but the spirits of his nominator, "Jim Parkin," never failed. This Cumberland Squire was a singu- Mr. James larly handsome man, of a commanding Parkin, height which quite carried off his bulk, and with a fund of mellow humour which never seemed to fail, whether in the hunting-field, on the coach-box, the yeomanry parade, or at his own table. When the great North Road was in its glory, and the Glas- gow, the Edinburgh, and Portpatrick mails used to be changing horses almost together in Carlisle each afternoon, and "the little Glasgow mail," with its two horses, achieved its thirteen miles an hour, then was Mr. Parkin in his glory too. It was strange, indeed, if he wasn't seen waiting at the Bush door, with his low-crowned hat, and his hands in his capa- cious pockets, and a droll good-humoured word for everybody, from baronet to ostler, to work one of 182 Scott and Sebright. them to Penrith ; or if the night was peculiarly in- viting, as far as Lancaster. If there was a steeple> chase or a horse show, he would be in the thick of it, keeping every one on the grin with his quaint comments and suggestions. If a Cumberland Eleven had to be carried to Greystoke, or anywhere to play a match, he would invariably get up a team of greys to take them ; and it was said that he was so sincerely disgusted when the rail was first opened between Newcastle and Carlisle, that, having business among the Black Diamonds, he went down by the coach to Borough Bridge, and got on to the Newcastle mail there, and home again the same way, thus nearly doubling the distance. In fact, he was so fond of driving, that there was a county joke against him, that when in London he sent in the driver and conductor one night to have a glass, and then utterly regardless of passengers and time-keepers, drove the omnibus four miles to Hammersmith without a check. His bachelor home at Greenaways was quite a curiosity-shop, in the way of driving-whips and fox- brushes, and many was the quiet little party he used to have there in the days of the Inglewood Hunt. The hounds were then kept in kennels on the banks of Tarn Wadlin, where the pike and the cranberries flourished together, and on summer evenings we used to have drags right round the edge of the lake. The hunting field would have seemed as nothing without him and his grey; and although his weight, which at one time was fully twenty stone, precluded his going across country, his knowledge of short cuts, and his power of knocking a padlock to pieces with the butt- end of his whip, or getting off and fairly crushing his way at one shove through a fence, with the grey wait- ing on him, combined to make him a very rare ab- sentee at the Whaw-hoop. For racing he did not care much ; but he nominated Lanercost for all his three- 7urf Cracks. i S3 year-old engagements, and made one of the Cumber- land quartet, which used to book the inside of the coach or mail, and go to Catterick, Newcastle, and Doncaster, to see him run that year. They held the firmest belief that he would prove to be one of the best horses the world ever saw, and that Harry Ed- wards, who was then living at Carlisle as a vet., and getting occasional mounts from Alderman Copeland, or John Scott's stable, was the only man who could get him out. And so he did at Newcastle, but The „„ Hydra who was " not in the same day with him at home," got so near him that Tom Daw- son was far from satisfied. He began to come very quick after that, and he was tried very high with St. Andrew before the St. Leger. Flat, thin-soled feet were always his bane. Walking up and down in front of Belle Isle he got a stone the size of a bean into one of them, which nearly lamed him, and stopped him in his work for the Liverpool Cup ; and the next year at Chester (the scene of his daring attempt as an aged horse to give the fresh four-year-old Alice Haw- thorn e 51 lbs.), his soles were quite festered, and he was nearly on his head at the Castle Pole. I'Anson used to say, that his feet were as good as stable-ba- rometers at last, and that he would fall lame as if he knew it was going to be hard. He was gross and sluggish to a degree, but became less so with age, and " passed his life in great eating and great work." The heavier the weight the better he liked it, as the three most celebrated Scottish geldings Zohrab, Potentate, and Olympic discovered at Eglinton Park. In fact, it seemed to make him much more lively, and Colonel Richardson always declared that " with thirteen stone he would pull walking." An incident at Dumfries proves how Outwitting St. Lord Exeter's invariable plan of having Martin, a cut at the favourite for the off chance, is far too 184 Scott and Sebright. often neglected. Lanercost had beaten St. Martin twice at the Caledonian Hunt, and the pair came on to Dumfries and were both entered in the Fifty Pound Plate. In his gallop, Lanercost fell lame, and I'Anson had only time to get to the boy, and tell him to slip him into Mr. Wilkins's stable close by, before any one found it out. The leg was so big, that it was quite thought that the back tendon had gone, but fomentations through the night reduced it sufficiently to let him just walk on to the course. St. Martin's party had not got wind of it, and brought their horse to the post merely to try for a compromise. Cartwright's orders on Lanercost were to walk from the post, and pull up if Sir Martin offered to make a pace. He was spared the pre- caution, as Lye turned his colt round, the moment the word was given, and left Lanercost alone in his glory. The rivalry for the Ayr Cup was then so great among the Scottish dons, that Mr. Ramsay dare not trust to The Doctor (although at 2st. he had upset a great Liverpool pot on Deception that year) when St. Bennett was to do battle for Eglinton Castle, and Lanercost was accordingly prepared for it. Labours of His four-year-old labours that Sep- Lanercost. tember and October were equal to those of a Hercules. On September 4th, he duly did the needful for St. Bennett at Ayr, tried Easingwold for die St. Leger at Catterick, the morning after he got back to Richmond, and then walked off to Borough Bridge on his way to Doncaster. At Doncaster he won a Four-Year-Old Stake, and divided Charles XII. and Beeswing in that splendid Cup finish of two. The next week he was at the Liverpool Autumn, trying to give Melbourne a year and 4lbs. in the Palatine, and Cruiskeen a year and 39lbs, in the Heaton Park; and running second both times. Thence he was sent back immediately to Glasgow by Turf Cracks. 185 sea, and won twice against Bellona and Malvolio at the Caledonian Hunt. From Cupar, where he arrived the night before running, he was vanned to Kelso, where Zohrab and Bellona were no use to him for the Berwickshire Gold Cup; and then through Hawick to Dumfries, where St. Bennett and Malvolio met him separately, but to no purpose, in the latter part of that week. Mr. Ramsay thought that he had gone to run for the Cesarewitch, but I'Anson dare not risk it, and with true Scottish caution preferred the cer- tainties near home. This brings him up to October 18th, and as his five races had been mere exercise gallops, and he seemed to get tone every day, I'Anson determined to put his head Heath-wards for the Cam- bridgeshire on the 28th. Between Dumfries and Annan his winning the troubles began, by the breaking down Cambridgeshire, of one of the horses of his three-wheel van, which was hardly big enough for him when he was travelling riight and day. For the last seventy miles he grew so weary that he stood on his toes with his heels up against the door, and propping his loin as he could. Hence when he reached Newmarket he was so para- lyzed that he " could hardly be abused into a trot," and to coax him out of a trot into a canter was quite out of Noble's power. There was nothing for it but to cover him up from nose to tail in his box, till the sweat fairly poured off him, and he was so fresh two or three days afterwards that he positively " wanted to go shopping on his road to the course, and not through the shop-door either." Still he settled down at the post, and if Mickleton Maid had not mettled him up so tremendously by the pace she made for Hetman Platoff, to whom he gave nibs., Noble could never have driven him in a sharp finish with such a speedy customer as "Bowes's Bay." This was the maiden year of the two great stakes, and although some high weights and those three-year-olds have run Scott and Sebright. close up for them since, neither of them has been won by any horse at 8st. 9lbs. Lord George might well say, " What a wonderful animal he is! he neither sweats nor blows!" and it only proves that race- horses will generally do their best thing when they have been a little off. His After- His career after that was as variable eareer. as ever. There was that short-head New- castle Cup victory over Beeswing, with "The Young un" so handy at the finish, that it did not speak very highly for either the Cumberland or Northumberland crack. Then he was snapped by Jem Robinson on Beggarman at Goodwood; and then Beeswing set him a task twice over at Kelso. With the high weight and The Doctor in attendance he gave her no chance in the Cup, although Bob Johnson offered 20/. to 10/. on his mare and lost it to I'Anson : but she, would have infallibly won after the dead heat, as the short preparation told in two miles, and there was nothing to help that time. Next year he was carried out twice in the Ascot Vase, first when Zeleta, and then when Miss Stilton bolted, and could never reach Satirist; and then he won the Cup, making all his own running. After he was beaten " over the bricks" at Newcastle by Beeswing, there was an order to sell for 2500/., which I'Anson did not think nearly enough. Eventually Mr. Kirby gave 2800/., with some con- tingency (as Mr. Ramsay always maintained) about sending two mares gratis. No one expected to see him out again in '42, but John Scott wound him up only to experience the same see-saw luck, a brilliant performance at Chester, and a poisoning at Ascot. His stud career in England tapered away to nothing, but we began to think of him again in the evening of his days at Chantilly, and reflect on the folly of over- doing a horse when he first goes to the stud, when we saw Cosmopolite winning under any weight, and noted that the dam of Nutbush was by him. Turf Cracks. 187 Between Lanercost and his dog (for The Love of which Goody Levy offered 5ol. and Lanercost for a would have gone on), a most devoted Dog" friendship existed. Lanercost and Cabrera walked half-way to Doncaster together from Swinton before the meeting of 1841, and then the former was sent by the Malton Road to Pigburn, to be delivered to John Scott. The dog took no notice of the severance at the time, but during the Doncaster week he was miss- ing. It seems that although he had never been there before, he went straight to Pigburn, found out Laner- cost's box among all the others in the different yards, and rushed in at stable time.* It was a question whether horse or dog seemed most pleased at the meeting, and although the latter was treacherously coaxed t>ut with a cat, he would not quit the yard. During the night he climbed to a loft above the horse, and after revenging himself for the cat cheat on all Jacob's ferrets, he departed for Doncaster, and met the bellman, who was calling him, in French-gate. The fox, which a too confident hostler would pitch against him, and the gentleman who would have another peep at Lanercost in the van as the horse was crossing the Mersey to Chester, did not forget this sentinel very easily, and his dog opponents seldom survived their engagements. It is a curious coincidence respecting Blue Bonnet Our Nell and Blue Bonnet, which won the Oaks and St. Leger in '42 out of Tom Dawson's stable, that neither of them had ever run in public before, and neither of them ever won again. Blue Bonnet broke down twice as a two-year-old, and was thrown up instead of going for The Ham. Dawson got her quite sound by the following August, and as with The Biddy turned loose to make running, she beat the five-year-old Charles XII. by a head at 2st., and scattered Galanthus, Moss Trooper, and Aristotle pretty widely over the High Moor, Tom 188 Scott and Sebright. Dawson had every right not to be much frightened of Attila "with his Goodwood race on him," on the St. Leger Day. , Whitewall never received a thinner- o ers one. yearijng ^■|lan Cotherstone from Isaac Walker's hands, and at two years old he was always amiss. He was very fat before Doncaster, and The Era beat him in his trial. Bill Scott said he went fast and tired, and when he did not get well off in The Criterion, which was alike fatal to " Daniel" and " The West," and only ran a dead heat for the Nursery, Mr. Bowes said, " Pit sell," and John Scott said,"/'// buy." No bargain was made, and after Christmas he went into work again, with All Fours, and as he was " always on the old horse's back, and he never deceived us," Bill was sent for, and so were Sim, and Nat, and Frank, and "all the swells." Cotherstone's Bill got on Cotherstone and followed the Trial- old horse, but in the bottom he felt so satisfied that he had never been on so good a colt, and that it was a sin to show him up, that he swung him a little out of the course, and left the rest, Parthian, Armitage, Greatheart, Castor and Co. to finish as they liked. Sim was the only one who was up to it, but Colonel Anson was quite sceptical, even under Bill's assurance that " I coidd have won to York." However, Mr. Bowes got on at good odds to win 20,000/., but then came the teething troubles. The horse was sent to Newmarket for the Riddlesworth, "quite beautiful from fever," and in such pain that for a week he would only lick cold mashes, but the teeth came through just in time, and Lye lost 700/. on his Pompey mount. Attempt to The Two Thousand made him a hot Hocus him. firsj- favourite for the Derby, and the effort to get at him at Leatherhead was worthy of adaptation at the Adelphi. The man with the little bottle of stuff in his pocket who pretended to be Turf Cracks. drunk, the foray of Bill (who was quite a police- sergeant on the occasion) and Markwell into a cock- loft under the pretence of wanting a bed, the squaring of the carpenter, the finding of poisoned oats in an old stocking on the top of a clock, and a packet of brown powders in the church porch, are all clearly part and parcel of a tremendous " sensation drama." However, it all ended well, and Bill declared that he could have won if necessary by fifty yards. We had not seen Cotherstone for a Visit at ai- seventeen years since the day he broke thorP Paddocks, down so heavily at Goodwood. Hence we combined the coming-in of the new Spencer hound era and the going-out of the old blood stock one, into the same day ; and when our Brixworth survey was ended, we drove off through Chapel Brampton, past Harleston Heath—so dear to Payne and his Pillagers—and very soon exchanged the flags for the foals. The paddocks are partly at Harleston and partly at Althorp, in the proportion of fifteen acres to eighty ; and the former were planned by Squire Andrew, after whom the sire of Cadland was named. They are delightfully roomy and' comfortable, with a sort of grey antiquity about them which takes one back insensibly to the old Grafton and Bunbury days ; and if these young occupants do not quickly learn to recognise and love Mr. Wilson, in his white hat, blue blouse, and extensive beard, they must be most deeply ungrateful for his care. His aspect was a little start- ling and Republican at first; but we found his flow of animal spirits and quaint vocabulary perfectly un- impaired under the coming parting from his brood mares. He had done a little jockeyship in his day, and it was on Helena by Rainbow from Urganda that, in 1833, he won the first race ever run over Chantilly. Isaac Walker and he were origi- nally at Bloss's together, and it is somewhat re- markable that the one should have had the nursing 190 Scott and Sebright. of Cotherstone in his foalhood, and the other in his old age. Cotherstone in A noble avenue of trees leads from Retirement. «Cotherstone Hall" right down to Al- thorp House, and the sweet white Wicket, which was grazing with her Storm foal in the centre of it, gave a charm to the scene, which made us doubly regret that even the inauguration of the Pytchley era should en- tail the dissolution of the Cotherstone cabinet. The door of another shed bore a plate of Wryneck, which recorded in almost illegible characters how she won 300 sovereigns for his late lordship at the New- market Craven of '44. This mare was from Gitana by Tramp, and the first he ever bought. It is about nineteen years since Mr. Wilson took the head of affairs, and then Gladiator came for a season. The first Earl Spencer (the Shorthorn and Exchequer Earl) bought Cotherstone for 3000 guineas in '44, before he broke down at Goodwood; and when he arrived in his van, his fetlocks almost touched the ground. He is " not much of a dandy now but on seeing the well-known bit of blue, he came whinnying up for a recognition. As it happened, he was quietly grazing ; but he is for ever on the move for a regular set of constitutionals, which consist in walking round and round his paddocks, or on the sunny side. Well may his friend observe that "He looks as if he was matched against Mountjoy, and had nothing to do but to make haste." His jumping up is his oddest trait, and he sometimes greets Mr. Wilson by going off all four legs, just like a lamb. His Stock colts and fillies have been about equal in numbers, but the first fourteen out of sixteen foals after the horse was thrown open to bond fide tenant farmers, all fell colts. True to his sire's charter, he has very seldom got a chestnut. His blood has hit well with Slane's and Priam's, and Mr. Payne had no reason to repent his Turf Cracks. 191 Althorp fancy in Glauca's and Farthingale's year. Stilton was quite his best, and if he could always have been wound up as he was for the Metropolitan, he would have fought Stockwell and Kingston hard for the supremacy of '52. He gave Evadne and Paddy- bird, both of his year, 2olbs. easily, but he never got off at Chester, and was not in the race till quite at the finish. The Chester Cup has always been an unlucky matter for Tom Dawson, as he has been second five times, and once second and third. Orlando's first race at two years old Orlando's was a Produce Stake at Ascot, in which Maiden Race, there was five to four on him, and great betting. All the seven had orders to wait, and John Day, junior, who was on Wetnurse, considered that go or wait he would be out of it. Walking down to the post, he heard Nat, who was very cautious in money matters, propose to Rogers to hedge rides, and he accordingly chimed in with, " Well, if it's a good thing for Sam, it's a good thing for me; yotid better let me do the same!' "A very likely thing," said Nat; "your little pony has no chance." " Welti well!" rejoined John, " never mind, I'll stay you up, though you are on such a grand one? Mr. Davis started them; three-quarters of a mile over the Old Course, but the only response they gave to his " Go" was to stop and look at each other. " Mind, I've started you /" he observed, and left them ; and on they walked for a hundred yards. " This is a pretty thing ! none of you, seem inclined to take the lead; shall I take it for you ?" said Young John. Then Robinson struck in, "For goodness' sake, John, canter or do something, or my horse will bolt'.' Thus encouraged, John led the phalanx, which were pulling all over the course, at a slow canter ; but when his mare got her feet on to the road for the Brick Kilns, he stuck the spurs in and stole fifty yards in an instant. The others had to begin then, and Nat 192 Scott and Sebright. upset his horse with following her. John stopped his mare at the distance, and let Orlando reach his girths, and when he heard Nat's " Chick ! chick !" he knew that the little man had begun to drive the crack. He could only sit quiet and hold his mare, and she just won a neck, tiring every stride. The Stand thought it was a false start, and when General Peel went to ask John about it, he thought it best to refer him to Jim " the schoolmaster." And well might they call him that, and agree that for patience and fairness in a race he was unrivalled. Young John One of John's most tremendous races Day's Win on was on Wiseacre, who was a terrible horse Wiseacre. tQ an(_j fejj ]ame jn Jjjs joints, and went to nothing. The Ham Stakes at Goodwood was a very remarkable finish, and the handling on that occasion was equal to Sam Rogers's celebrated Findon win of 1861 on Caterer. John's orders were not to be second, and he went and tried to catch them at the distance. Then he suffered, and made another effort half-way up, and crept to the girths of the leaders, without asking his colt a question. Firebrand and Barrier were beat on his right, and he just thought he might land him, and getting up inch by inch, he hit him twice and just won a head. Nat trotted back on Chatham under the firm impression that he had won, and it was in vain for Sam to try and undeceive him. " John Day won ?" he said ; "he was beat off at the distance, and I've never seen him since John was so weary with the job, that he could hardly sit on his saddle, and after he won the Prendergast, the stirrup broke, and he made a second finish by going to grass. Death of Franchise was the first great winner Franchise. for Alfred Day, and it was by the merest chance that she was trained at all. A purchaser had his offer of three in a straw-yard. He chose the other two, and left her, although she might have been Tttrf Cracks. x 93 his for 20/., aifd hence her owner trained her in de- spair. At last, she broke her near hindleg short off in a gallop near Sadler's Plantation ; the leg spun round in the air, nearly hitting her lad, and she was left staggering on three, till William Day gal- loped home for a pistol and shot her through the head, as soon as there was a moment's cessation in the plunging. Of the fictitious hero of "The Run- "RunningRein" ning Rein year," a celebrated character and st. Law- still observes most feelingly, " What is the rence' use of winning a Derby, if they don't let you have it ?" He was own brother, it is supposed, to one of our most celebrated runners; and he got upset in his van on board ship, and died soon after he was taken off. Such at least is the legend of this dark offender. St. Lawrence was one of the Irish division originally, and began by running second for the Madrid Stakes. No horse was nicer to wait with, and like Sweetmeat, a jockey could put him just where he liked. He never varied a pound from his form all the time that he kept the clock at Danebury, and save and except the yellow bay Spume, on whom he won fifteen races, there was none that Young John loved better to ride. Speed was his point, and he never showed it in a higher degree than when he beat Garry-Owen, who gave him only 5lbs. over the T.Y.C. He arrived at Danebury when he was four years old, and became such " a cal- culating boy," that if he found he couldn't reach home he would stop in the last hundred yards, and he did so in the Suffolk Stakes, and again across the Flat in the Craven. The story of The Baron is somewhat The Baron on all fours with Touchstone's, but as the playbills have it, " a period of eleven years elapses." John Scott was again on the Liverpool Stand with Earl Wilton and another nobleman, when he saw the chestnut beaten. He was as fat as a bull, and had o 194 Scott and Sebright. bar-shoes and fearfully festered soles, «and had been made twice the savage he was by muzzles. Still " The Wizard" thought he had a St. Leger in him. And so he went to Malton, and a very rough snappish custo- mer they thought him at first. He was well physicked and then rammed along behind old All Fours, and as John Scott says, "took more work than I ever gave a horse in my life, and required more management." He was tried at Pigburn at the St. Leger distance to give As You Like It a stone, and did it with nearly a length to spare. i&go Iag°> the Whitewall Leger horse of the next year, was quite as game, but he wanted speed. Still he would have outstridden the lazy Poynton at York, if Cartwright, who was riding Sheraton, had not got at the brown's girths for the honour of Mr. Meiklam and the stable, and given him three such stinging strokes on the quarters, that the horse, although one of his sinews had been cut by a hoof-hit in the race, dare not dwell any longer. Tem- pieman was hard at him at the time, little looking for such a Blucher to aid him. Iago was rather short and high-legged, but for a horse of that make he stayed well. His head and back were beautiful, and his temper very good, but his stock were generally very short of temper and wind as well. The b. Green B. Green's and the Grafton scarlet were Two-year-olds. jn every one's mouth in '47, and Hamble- ton began at last "To raise its head for endless spring, And everlasting blossoming," till Voltigeur's Derby knocked it out of time. The party of which the ex-Manchester traveller was the ostensible chief had some thirty-five in training, and won thirty-two two-year-old races. In fact, every two- year-old they brought to the post that year contrived to rub off his maidenhood. At Chester in '49> they Tyrf Cracks, 195 won ten races,*the Cup among the number, with the eccentric Malton, who would not go into a stable, unless the door was a very wide one, and would then canter right in. Sometimes they could manage him blindfolded, but to make matters all right at Chester, they hired a coach-house. Teddy Edwards and Win- teringham did the riding part for the stable, and Basham, who first rode as a feather at Stockton-on- Tees in '45, on sister to Andover's dam, had a few light-weight mounts. The Confederacy gave 500/. for Assault, Two-year-old the same for Chaff and Flatcatcher, 350/. Trials, for Beverlac, and 150/. for Swiss Boy; and acting on the approved fashion, bought their own brothers the next year. They tried them in November, but B. Green did not care to go and see it come off. If s no use my going to see it," he used to say ; "you can tell me what's firstf and he comforted himself at home with his snuff and cigars. He also delighted in whisfi and billiards, and was very clever in watching the market, and managing his betting-lists. Before the trial, it was quite expected that Beverlac, who wanted no spurs, was the best of the three, but Assault won by two or three lengths, and Beverlac was beaten as far from Flatcatcher. The second trial ended the same way, and their forms never changed' till Bur- lesque knocked up Assault, and he could never be got sound again. The trial was kept so quiet, that the public rather stood Beverlac, and 15 to 1 was taken about him at Chester for the Derby, a year before the race! Harry Stebbings had always an immense opinion of Flatcatcher, but he overdid it with him, especially in the St. Leger, by not giving Robinson waiting orders ; and he refused, it was said, 3000/. from the French Government for him. Danebury seemed sadly down on its The Purchase luck in the early part of '46, as Old John of Cossack, was very ill at the Gloucester Coffee-House, and there o 2 igO Scott and Sebright. were only twelve horses in training. Such a remark- able lot never followed each other at exercise before, as five of them won two Derbies, two Oaks, a One Thousand, two Newmarket Stakes, and four of the great cups ; and Conyngham, a future Two Thousand winner, came later on in the year. Pyrrhus the First was bought as a foal with his dam Fortress for 300/., after Old England was tried, and was half Mr. Gully's. Cymba and Mendicant were also there, but Cossack was the best of the bunch. J ohn Day first heard of him from Dilly, when he was at Northampton races, and consented to accompany him to Mr. Elwes's of Billing, and look at two Hetman Platoffs for Mr. Payne. Dilly liked the brown, but thought the chestnut rather upright before, and too small as well. His companion was greatly taken with the latter, and after trying in vain to get him for 200/. and a Derby con- tingency of 1000/., he sent a 200 guinea cheque, and sold the colt for the same sum to Mr. Pedley during the Gorhambury meeting. Mr. Elwes had asked Charles Marson to go and have a look at them, and Mr. Coape, who trained with him, would have bought them, but he did not just fancy the blood, and al- though he went past the very Park wall, he did not even care to look in. Had he got Cossack, the first and second for the '47 Derby would have been in his stable, and the heavy War Eagle hit would have been averted. „ , Valentine threw all her stock leggy, War Eagle. , TT7 „ . . and War Eagle was no exception, and fully sixteen-one. He pitched in his slow paces, but for a mile he was immensely fast, and if he was held, he would run on, but not go far when he was once in distress. His finest turn of speed was when he cut down Volley from the post at Doncaster. In the Cup he followed The Hero "just like clock-work," and came the moment Sam Mann touched him with the Turf Cracks. 197 spur. Mr. Payne said of his Newmarket Stakes race with Cossack, that it was the fastest he ever saw. It was in fact like two races, as the pair came right away by themselves leaving a cloud of dust behind them. Mr. Bouverie would not hear of War Eagle waiting, but ordered him to " come away and beat them right out." War Eagle had a little the best of the start, on the whip hand, but they were soon at it, head and head, all the way up the cords. Sim never moved, but "felt for him," and when his horse answered his hand so truly, he felt sure that the Derby was over. Cossack was a delightful horse to ride, never pulling, and always as ready as a shot, when he was wanted. A strong pace was his delight, and he could make it for himself, and except when War Eagle headed him coming down the hill, he led in the Derby from The Warren to the winning-post. Hero was quiet when in front, and The Hero rather too free if he was behind, and liked to run big and above himself. He was rather shelly at three, but he thickened amazingly after- wards. In wet ground he could not move at all, and Footstool made a sad exhibition of him at York in consequence. Young John Day was on him in his first race, the Woodcote Stakes, and his last the Goodwood Cup, and he has used one or two good hunters by him, Nelson to wit, with his harriers. Still as a sire he was not very valuable, as his stock from thorough-bred and half-bred mares ran rather small, and when fever in the feet set in, and he could hardly move in his box, he was vanned down to Hermit Lodge, where his Grace the Duke of Beaufort stays during the Stockbridge week, and shot and buried in the garden. Chanticleer was a horse of great con- Chant;cieer. stitution, but always touched in the temper, and in fact "a perfect mad horse," when 198 Scott and Sebright. I'Anson first got him at Liverpool. Robertson stuck to his head in one of his frenzies, but he became so bad at last, that they were glad to get the lad out of the horse box by the window. He had thrown him- self down in the box, and the stall had to be taken out before he would consent to go in it again. When he got to Hambleton, Harry Stebbings used to say, that he would just as soon be off the Moor when he was on ; but I'Anson gradually got him quiet, and in the next year he did all his best things. Still he would not go up a passage, but roar his dissent like a bull, and kick by way of variation for a whole day. He was a free goer, and had fine pace, and if he was above himself he could stay with most of them, and go equally well on hard and soft ground. Canezou and Two miles over the flat suited Canezou Springy jack, best, but still she could stay much fur- ther if she had assistance. She always wanted much management in her training, and so did Springy Jack, a nice smart goer, but as heavy-fleshed as a bull, and quite competent and willing to eat up to his weight. There never was such a somnolent horse, as he would lie down and go to sleep for two or three hours, as soon as he had emptied his manger, and no training could keep his legs in order, with such an ever increas- ing top. Butler seldom rode a horse more desperately from the distance than he did him for the Great York- Maid of shire, and finished on him bare-headed ; Masham. but Maid of Masham was not to be got rid of. If a jockey only sat as still as Sim did that day, she was one of the sweetest mares to ride, but a great martyr to windgalls in the knees, which were so bad that Tom Dawson did not wish her to run. And well he might not, as she took nearly an hour bring- ing on to the course from Middlethorpe, and they had to knock her about most unmercifully to get her warm. Eiierdaie F°r Ellerdale, who won this stake for r a ' the same stable the year before, the York Turf Cracks. 199 course seemed to have a hidden charm, and she never seemed so unsettled, when she had to run there, as she generally did during her absence from Middleham. She was a delicate, second-class mare, and rather lacking in speed. Tom Dawson always says that hers is the only case he ever saw of.a sinew slipping inside the hock. It occurred when she was at exer- cise, and she pulled up on three legs, and kicked so furiously from the pain, that he quite thought she had broken her leg. Full a fortnight elapsed before she could touch the ground, and she was trained no more. At the stud she threw winners to everything she was put to ; and in the first five seasons, Ellermire, who beat the speediest field that has been seen in modern days at York, Ellington, Wardersmarke, Gildermire, and Summerside came in succession. Never did any- thing look more thoroughly the type of an English brood-mare as she walked into the Grimston ring, with the well-nurtured 1500 guinea Nugget, looking as big as herself, at her side, and gazed round for the last time at her Yorkshire admirers. It was 500 to 600 in no time, and so on to 1120 guineas, but the un- tried Gildermire quite overlapped her, and got up to 1260 guineas. Such bidding quite petrified an old tyke, who was wandering round the outer circle. " Oh, dear! it beats me" he observed, resting on his staff; " these gentlemen—they get fuller of money at the latter end of the day f and could only account for it by saying that she was such " a well performed mared The Yorkshire mind had been stirred Sale of stock- to its utmost depth by attempts to solve well and West the great problem, whether Stockwell Australian- would sell "for more than " Westy." With true local pride they hoped he would not, but yet they felt sure he would, and the speculation in crouns and pots principally ran on the point whether or not the chest- nut would touch five thousand, and the brown four. 200 Scott and Sebright. St. Albans brought the former gallantly up, and the thousand soon became four thousand five hundred. We never heard such a price bid in a ring before, and yet there was no apparent enthusiasm. All of it was reserved for " The West." " Here comes the pick of England? said they, as he emerged from a gate be- hind, and strode with his beautiful white reach head aloft into the ring. There was quite a thrill as the biddings slowly rose to three thousand, and a sort of burst of suppressed impatience and vexation when no one could beat Count de Morny. " He carit be re- leased," said a tyke close by us, in such a melancholy strain, and down went the hammer. There was quite a fond rush after him for a last view, but somehow or other he was only an ordinary horse to look at when his head was out of sight ; and his stock, considering the chances he had, justified the dubious verdict passed upon them when they first came out in 1857 at Tattersall's. And so this grand sale passed into history; and when shall we see 20,689 guineas again made in one afternoon, twenty-three brood- mares averaging 409^ guineas, one brood-mare and her two brood-mare daughters making 2990 guineas, and three St. Leger winners, chestnut, brown, and roan, standing up to the hammer in the self-same ring ? The Late Lord When all was over, we strolled quietly Londesboro'. across the Park—so fresh and beautiful from the rain, that leaving such a spot made death seem doubly terrible—and lingered for a few minutes near the house, among its rich ribbon borders, its laurel banks, and its grotto. The Armourer, with a skin as dark as Saladin him- self, conducted us among his glorious collection of sword-breakers, thumb-screws, and coats of mail, and tried in vain to stir us up to enthusiasm upon horns of tenure and Damascus blades; and anon we took refuge from positively the last shower of the evening, under the gigantic tree which shades the remains of Tttrf Cracks. 201 the retriever Sal, the faithful companion of the late Lord " in all his changes of residence and fortune." The paddocks joined the Grimston plantation on our left, and just above the wall we could see the top of the gilt coronets surmounting the private gate which communicated between the two. His brood- mares were his lordship's delight, and even his yacht Ursula which won the Emperor of the French's cup, ranked second. In his days of comparative health he was always in his paddocks, on his bay pony, chatting to Jack Scott, and watching the yearlings as they ripened for Tattersall's; and when he could ride there no longer, he would be among them in his pony carriage. An accident in rook-shooting, which sprained or broke a small tendon in his foot, was the beginning of his last illness, and with the consequent loss of active exercise, his gradual break-up commenced, and no sea-breezes could fan him back to health. He left Grimston in September, and slept there but one nigh the following month, and then he bade good-bye fo ever to the place which of all others he loved best1" Grimston church is pulled down, and another has been erected on the site to his memory. The family vault is in an enclosure by itself, just to the right of the church- yard. Four small trees, cypress or arbor vitse, mark the corners, and at the upper end a honeysuckle, which had half fallen from its hold on the wall, leant over, and pointed almost to the exact spot in the vault, which contains that pale, fragile form we all remember so well. Van Tromp was an exceedingly idle VanTrom horse, but not at all deficient in speed. P' The St. Leger day was his best, and he had won his race a mile from home. Marlow had backed him for the Derby for 2001, after his race with Wanota in the Mersey Stakes, but he did not think him in his Liver- pool form, when he saw him at the Derby post, and felt most keenly that any slur in the public mind 202 Scott and Sebright. should have ever been thrown on Marson. On the St. Leger day, he was quite a different horse, and we can only summon up three or four during the last twenty- five years that seemed to our mind just so ripe on the day. Marlow always considered that "The Dutch- man" stayed better as he grew older, but that his staying arose rather from the fact that his speed was so tremendous that no horse could get him out, than from innate gameness, and hence for a really hard cup fight, when both were in their prime, he would have, preferred being on Van Tromp. Never did horse win an Ascot Cup in such an unflinching style as Van; but if Nat had persisted in waiting to the Stand, in- stead of trying to take up the running soon after the last turn, when he got nearly a length, Marlow would never have got a pull, and Van could never have answered to the whip as he did. Single-handed, Chanticleer ought always to have got the last run and beaten him, but still there was hardly 3lbs. between them either way. Marlow and The Marlow's experience has been a pretty Dutchman, extensive one. He looked after Water- watch when Lye rode her for the Oaks, and spurred her almost in the hips. His maiden victory was won when he was a lad at Lord Warwick's, on Gab at Cheltenham, beating his beloved Waterwitch, who, hoAvever, furnished him with win No. 2 before long. Still even his maiden win did not delight him so much as when he first got on The Dutchman (who was fully 2ilbs. better than Elthiron), and followed Van Tromp up the gallop. They only went half speed, but he returned him with " Well! Mr. Fobert, I was never on such an 07ie as this before." Marlow never rode him in a trial, and always with a curb, as hard pulling was one of his specialities, and he once took the bit in his teeth, and gave Jack Sharpe a rough ride of it on Middleham Moor. His stride was immense, and. he always showed his fore shoes, but as a two-year-old, Turf Cracks. 203 nothing could ever make him gallop except Escalade at Liverpool, and although he won by a length, Mar- low smiled to himself when he read how "cleverly" or " easily" it was done, and noted how the seers dwelt all winter on " the fact, that this magnificent son of Bay Middleton has never been extended." At the Derby, Marlow lay in the middle The Dutchman's of his horses up to the mile-post, and DerbyRace- found that he could beat all before him. Round the turn, Hotspur came up so unexpectedly on the right, and so like a winner, that for a moment Marlow could not make out what it was. Nothing was in the "race after the turn, but the two and Tadmor ; and as the Dutchman seemed all muddled and confused in the deep ground, and perfectly inactive in comparison with his old self, there was but one thing, viz., " to sit and suffer." Hotspur went over the dirt like a swallow, and shewed no signs of coming back till within three strides of home, when Marlow, who had a length to get, strucfe his horse twice (the only time in his life that he ever touched him), and the last stride gave him the short neck. He was quite sure he had won, as he said to the lad who was waiting for him, " Old felloiv !jit's a tight fit, but I've just done it." White- house is not certain upon the point to this day, but Marlow has no further remark to offer when he begins, than " You, won at the wrong place, George; you didn't win at Judge Clark! In the St. Leger, deep as the ground was, The Dutchman won all the way. The course exactly suited him, and he could have almost trotted in, if there had been a bet depend- ing on it. He also won his match as he liked, and the Ascot Cup proved that Marlow had not overstated his hopes, when he said to Butler, who had a wonder- ful belief in Canezou that week, " You'll see what a mess I'll make of you, to-morrowArthur Briggs visited the great brown in France, and found him in what English trainers call, "the condemned cells," 204 Scott and Sebright. near The Baron and Cassock, but he looked quite down, and very unlike his old Middleham or Rawcliffe self. With such views as our neighbours entertain on stallion exercise, it could hardly be othenvise. Still they contrive to breed many of their racers, with far better substance than we do. Vatican principal three-year-old rival, Vati- can, was as full of quality as horse could be, but latterly quite the victim of temper. He nearly worried one lad walking from Ely, and savaged another in a corner. On a race-course he was very difficult to saddle, and once got loose at York, with his bridle off, among the ditches. They at last built a place at Hambleton, supported by pillars, where he could stand and hit nothing when he kicked. He was coy and very savage with his mares, and con- trary to the usual rule, loved the satin-coated ones, and they had to use bluffs and all manner of double leading rein experiments for service. As is often the case with very irritable horses, his stock were washy and small, and the fine cross of Slane and Venison was in his case quite thrown away. Surplice. Among the ten St. Leger winners, whose plates keep off the witches from the stable-doors of the Turf Tavern, the home-bred Surplice must not be forgotten, albeit we have got him a year out of his turn. He was a very early foal of January 24th, and Lord George took some Derby double event bets about him at Goodwood that July, and liked him still better when he got his measure at the end of the next year. He was then fifteen hands and rather leggy, and had arrived at that Accidents to maturity in the face of two accidents, Surplice. which made Cunningham tremble in his shoes. The first snow shower he was out in terrified him so much that he dashed at a wall and performed a complete somersault into an adjoining garden. That did him no harm; but when he was being Turf Cracks. 205 lunged he made a slip, and lay for a few seconds with his fore and hind feet right away from him, in such a perilous position, that it seemed all over with his back. Luck favoured him again, and he rolled on to one side and picked himself up unscathed. No colt had a sweeter temper, and he The Roaring was such a rare walker that he could Humour, almost get four times round the ring when Loadstone and the other yearlings were doing it thrice. Nat and Butler paid him a visit when he was a yearling, and informed Colonel Anson and Lord George that, from the throppling noise he made in grazing, he must be a roarer. His lordship stopped at the paddocks on his way from Welbeck to the races next morning specially to listen; but as nearly all the other fourteen were similarly afflicted, he com- forted himself with the thought that " they can't all be roarers," and listened to these augurs of ill no more. Siberia, the dam of Troica and Comfit, Beginning of the was Lord Zetland's first racer, and he AskeStud. gave only 35/. for her, which was about the price paid for his Nickname by Ishmael, the dam of Augur and Castanette, and the grandam of Fandango. This old mare was eventually given to Bobby Hill, who sold her to Mr. John Bowe of Richmond, the breeder of El Hakim. Mr. Jacques had her next, and in his hands she bred Massaniello, for which a thousand was refused as a yearling. Comfit's death DeathofComfit. was quite a tragical one. A gamekeeper had hung his white pony to the gate of the paddock in which she was grazing, and the mares became alarmed. Comfit arrived in a gallop at the gate, and tried to take it in her stride. She was within a month of foaling to Newminster at the time, and catching the top-bar with her fore-legs, she rolled over and broke her shoulder. Staggering on through the wood and holly bushes, she reached the 206 Scott and Sebright. door of her own stable and fell. She was carried to a short distance, and the foal, a fine colt, was taken from her immediately, but some little delay occurred in tying up the navel, and it lost a pint of blood and died. Voitigeur. Although the mares were pretty good and bred well, the Voltaire colts did not rank very high when Martha Lynn threw Barnton and Voitigeur to him. They were generally heavy- necked and heavy-fleshed, and it was these pecu- liarities which made Lord Zetland and one or two more of the Jockey Club men dislike Voitigeur when Bobby Hill marked him as a yearling at Doncaster, and begged his lordship to have a look at him. Their verdict was pretty well confirmed when the colt came up before Mr. Tattersall, and the " Take him away !" soon boomed forth, as not a soul there would give a hundred. And so he went back to Hart, to Mr. Stephenson's great disappointment, and he' might have been cut for the hunting field if Mr. John Brown (a nephew of " British Yeoman and Black Diamond Blakelock") had not once confided to Mr. Williamson, when they were out coursing near Sedgefield, that if he could only have it trained by Robert Hill, who had once looked after his uncle's horses, he would buy a racer forthwith, and that he had something in his eye. Purchase and Lord Zetland consented to allow the Trial of Vol- colt to come to Aske, on condition that ugeur. jle wag jent tQ jyj-r> Williamson, and accordingly he arrived about the time of the next Catterick races. He was put along quietly till his Richmond engagements drew near, and then tried to give Castanette, who had ju^t won at Doncaster, I2lbs. and a year over three-quarters of a mile. His victory was so hollow that they thought it could not be right, and tried them over again next morning with the same result. He had always thinnish soles, Turf Cracks. 207 and ran these trials and his Richmond race in bar shoes, but Lord Zetland had him plated, and for the third time within the fortnight he was called upon to give the mare the same weight. His lord- ship came to see the trial this time, and had Ellen Middleton put in to make a pace, and Cantab to scramble where he could with i61bs. less than the crack, who had a white hood on and positively came in alone. " This is awful; we ought all to be downright 'shamed of ourselves," groaned poor Bobby when he saw his stable so completely cleaned out. It came off over Richmond about two o'clock in the afternoon, but there was not a strange eye, save that of Mr. Rich, M.P., to see it, and his sporting constituents were not one whit wiser when the shades of evening descended. Their trial determined his lordship to give the 1500/. which was asked, with a 500/. contin- gency on each of the great events, and the luck of " the spots" began. Bobby Hill, who had a very intuitive nobby Hill's perception of all stable matters, went at Training Notions, him forthwith, and never had a man a finer bit of stuff to work upon, as he was never known to have a cough or a swelled leg. To keep up perpetual war- fare against the latter was a great point with Bob, and his favourite elixir was turpentine and cream. He gum-bandaged nearly every horse he had. If a privileged person asked him his reasons on that head, he would reply, " They're a vast deal better ford? If a non-privileged individual presumed to do so, he would answer short: " to keep 'em reet, to be sur? He was not the man to let his horses be idle; but be his system what it might, the three-year-old Voltigeur throve under it. He could sweat week after week with twelve stone, lad and all on his back, and quite deserved his most glowing eulogy, " his legs and feet, my lord, is like hiron? 2o8 Scott and Sebright Voitigeur at When he had fairly broken down Epsom. Castanette, he was carried on by St. Anne, but nothing came with him to Epsom. Job had not a regular engagement from his lordship in '49, and did not ride in the trials, but he had been sent for, early the next spring, and seen enough to make him tell his lordship and Mr. Williamson at Catterick, that "I think well be about winning the Derby'.' " Hell never gallop again till he gallops for t'money',' said Bob, when he gave his colt the wind up on the Friday before Epsom, and he kept his word. The touts put out a very different tale, and (although he had never been at more than half-speed) it was all over London on the Sunday, that he couldn't follow an Epirus gelding of Lumley's, which was lent to lead him up the gallop, and he went back to 30 to 1. The Eglinton party, who were strong in their Ma- vors faith, declared that he had no muscle, but other eyes scanned him before the Wednesday, and he came back to sixteens." He was within an ace of being scratched on the Monday from sundry heavy forfeits attaching to his nominator, and there was a doubt as to whether Job could be released from another en- gagement to ride him, but the right resolve was taken, and the Aske housemaid who stood him, simply be- cause he had " such a nice dark satin coat," won her money like a woman and a Britoness. Rhadulphus worked him between the two events, and as Doncaster drew nigh, those who consulted Bobby received these words for their comfort: "He's fit for t' job, or " He's going tremendious slap I' Bobby's Light- The latter expression was most freely foot Fancy, applied by Bobby to Lightfoot before Chester next year. He observed at exercise one day, " Bedad, Mr. Williamson, that colt's a nailer; he stretched Voitigeur's neck as sure as I'm sitting on this galloway'.' John Gill thought he had got a Derby Turf Cracks. 209 line for Neasham by trying him to give a Red Deer colt of the same year iglbs. cleverly; and the latter was accordingly borrowed and tried at the same rela- tive weight with Lightfoot. Voltigeur was put in to secure a pace, at weights for age with Bobby's delight (who received 9lbs. from Rhadulphus), and pulled it off by a length, and it was all that Rhadulphus could do to beat the young un, while the Red Deer colt cut up awfully. Job was on the young un, and rode him out severely to the finish. His trial seemed both to Gill and the Aske party to make him within 3 or 4-lbs. of a Derby winner's form, but his Dee Stakes exhi- bition was fearful, and he never could really gallop again. Hunting he managed fairly enough, and while Mr. Bell kept hounds, he performed very well with a whipper-in. Voltigeur's heart went next, and George Voitigeur's De- Wallace and Hauxwell, who knew how clme- gallantly he was wont to face that severe finish from the race-course into the Aske grounds, found to their sorrow that he began to fail " from the Sweating Gates." It was all • very well for poor Bobby to menace them with the pitchfork if they told any one; the brown's match fate was sealed, and when they tried him after his defeat, Rhadulphus told them that he was fully a stone below his Doncaster Cup form. His stock, which are generally whole-coloured, whatever the mare may be, inherit his tendency to be thick-necked (which he gets from Voltaire), with his very fine substance, moving, and temper. It is diffi- cult to say, as it was with him, whether speed or staying is their especial forte ; but there is too often an unsound one among them; and they take an im- mense deal of preparation. His finest nick was with Mr. Chilton's vedette Birdcatcher mare, and from it came Vedette, with Blacklock blood on both sides. Seeing that luck had attended Mr. Bowes's nomenclature, he p 2 IO Scott and Sebright. began the world as "West Hartlepool." Nothing could have been more unpromising than his yearling look, as his head was big, his middle like a brood mare's, and his hocks very far behind him, and hence much as his lordship liked the blood, he wavered for some time, till Mr. Williamson used all his eloquence in favour of " the ugly one." At last the 250/. went the right way, and unpromising as the beginning seemed, it is doubtful whether such a horse has ever been at Aske. He had quite as little notion as Fan- dango of leaving off, and for pace and staying as well, if the trainers and jockeys were polled, he would have as many votes as Voltigeur. When the chronic rheu- matism was not troubling him, few had such action, and as he went with his head down, he seemed to " get all he stretched for." He was the last horse that Job Marson ever rode in public, and Job told the stable that Voltigeur the second had been found at last. His first great trial was at Catterick before the Two Thousand at even weights, a mile and a half, with Ignoramus and the four-year-old Gaudy, while Skirmisher received 7lbs. He just won it, but when he and Ignoramus were put together again over two miles of the same course, he gave Lord Fitzwilliam's horse i61bs., and beat him half a length. This course proved fatal to both of them at last, as well as seven others from Aske, including Sabreur, Zeta, and Fandango, and in every instance it was the left leg which went. Waking up Sabreur did not run at two years old : Sabreur. aj- three his action was odd ; and the attempts to prepare him did not improve it. Bivouac gave him a stone, and did what he liked with him before Newcastle the next year. He was only pre- pared for a mile, and he showed no speed whatever in the Members' Plate ; and as a forlorn hope, they decided to give him a gallop for " The Guineas." There must have been an immense reserve of power Turf Cracks. 211 about the horse, which he did not know how to use. As fate willed it, Ticket-of-Leave gave him a kick inside the thigh, just as they left the post. It might have broken his leg, but it did not, and mettled him up to such an extent,- that he rushed through his horses, and the jockeys having no telescopes with them, saw him no more. In fact, he won by nearly half a distance, and although he was lame for a week after pulling up, he had his nerve fairly kicked into him. He never lost it, and his form and stride ever after were thoroughly altered. Between him and Bivouac this happy His Trial at kick made a difference of two stone, and Richmond, when he had a rough Cup course gallop on Richmond race-ground, ten days before York, he cantered away from Volatile with 2st, Vanquisher with i81bs., and Bivouac with I4lbs. less. The thing was done so openly and so easily, that, although the public saw it they had not the least idea what it meant. The New- castle mode of cutting down the field did not answer at Doncaster, and the "orders were given under the impression that it would be a false-run race, to suit The Wizard, who would be trying to stop the pace, if possible. It has, indeed, been singular ill-luck for "the spots," that after being disappointed of Rogers for Ivan, and just losing by a head—neither Vedette nor Fandango should have been in the St. Leger, and that Sabreur should have cut himself down. Nunnykirk was " a fair horse—nothing Nunnykirk more," with slack loins, a sweet head, and still sweeter action. His brother, Newminster, was not so pretty, but better ribbed up. He was tried with the Exotic filly in the spring, and John Scott thought him a great horse, but he ran dead amiss for the Derby, and equally so at York, and even on the St. Leger day he was not really himself. In fact, he was never exactly able to show what he could do. P 2 2 12 Scott and Sebright. He went near the ground, with great leverage from behind, and his style of creeping along without any bustle was quite beautiful to see. We shall not easily forget watching him as he stole down from the dis- tance in his canter, little as we expected that he could bring Aphrodite to grief. He was a bad walker, quite, in fact, one of the " kick up a sixpence school and Sir Tatton thought his slow paces so bad, that he declined the offer of him at twelve hundred. He won no more after the St. Leger, and as a sire he knocked Teddington quite into the shade. To our minds, Oldminster, who spent his yearling life in the Jervaux Abbey paddocks with Dictator and Stanton, is the most perfect model that he ever begot. Teddington Joseph saw Teddington at three years old, and was wonderfully struck with his action, and bought him with the mare from a blacksmith, at Stamford, for 250/., and a thousand contingency. He was a trifle clubby in one foot, and had to wear a long shoe, but he very early wound himself into the affections of Sir Joseph's old groom, by the style in which he walked away from all the others, when they were in the breaking bridle, a test which is in nineteen cases out of twenty almost the only sound one by which a yearling's horoscope can be cast. His Yearling Sir J oseph made no bad bargain when Form. he took Fernhill, Sponge, and everything else at Fyfleld, down to furniture and stable-fittings, from Mr. Parr for 3000/. The place, with its church tower and straw-thatched buildings to the left, looks just like the snug home of a well-to-do rector, with a strong tendency to stock and white crops. There was only room for eight horses there; but the bricklayers were soon set to work, and now the accommodation is multiplied eight-fold. Fourteen yearlings came up from the Leybourne Grange Paddocks in the autumn of the next year, and of these, a Venison colt, from Turf Cracks. 213 Haitoe, was the only one which did not win or show some running form. Teddington, The Ban, Aphrodite, and Merry Peal were the most noticeable among them, and The Confessor did not join com- pany for a month or two later. Teddington's near forefoot was still rather of the donkey order, and al- though, by constant paring and attention, it was got nearly right, there is a remarkable difference in the size of his plates, which remain as trophies on Alick Taylor's sideboard. As a yearling, he was always getting his head up, and running away with the boy, and hence his trainer was obliged to mount him for the first three weeks himself, at exercise, to get him a little into order. He had a rough gallop with the two-year-old Slang in November; but he did not seem up to his business, and was beaten a long way. In March they were tried again at 21 lbs., and Ted- dington won so easily, that they were put together at evens, and with nearly the same result.. No jockeys rode trials at Fyfield in Sir His Two-year- Joseph's day, and five boys never had a old Trials with grander spin than when Teddington, APhrodlt^>&c- Aphrodite, Storyteller, Confessor, and The Ban finished in that order, with little more than a length between the lot. Teddington had half a length the best of it; but the very natural impression followed that all five were moderate. General Peel then lent his four-year-old lone, which had cleaned out his two- year-olds at iolbs. ; but at ^lbs., Teddington finished a length in front of her; and when he tried her at evens, and three-quarters of a mile, over again, he had just a head the best of it. He was short, and on high legs, the only form in which a short horse generally proves a clipper ; but unlike most short horses, he never began well. On the whole, his two-year-old season, what with his tumble and his very close wins, was not a very prosperous one. After Goodwood he was thrown up in a box till October, and with Bac- 214 Scott and Sebright. chanalian to lead him, went on till before his New- market race, when he was tried to be better than Vatican at 21 lbs. His Derby Aphrodite, who was not remarkable Trial- as a stayer, was never measured with him after two years old, and in the great Derby trial on Middle Down, he gave 61bs. to Vatican, ran with Storyteller at evens, and gave Ban 21 lbs., and Gladiole 2st. Gladiole forced the running at her best pace, but Vatican and Teddington (who was pulling over him) caught her half a mile from home, and the chestnut won so easily, that Taylor might well tell Fobert, when they met at Epsom, that now he knew through Vatican that he had a second Dutchman at last. Derby In fact, Sir Joseph thought the trial Anxieties, t00 good. A week before the Derby " the quicksilver fell," as the front of the shin of his off foreleg festered and filled all round. Stopping him, perhaps, did him good in every way, and the leg came all right; but he rather fretted with the change of stable at Epsom, and would do nothing more than pick the split peas out of a little corn on the Derby morning. Still his heart was all right, and as Job said, " I had only to spur him once to get him out near the turn!' He came with such vengeance that he almost ran over Ariosto. " Where are you going to V said Nat. " Beg your pardon, I can't hold my horse," replied Job ; and he just heard Nat's ready rejoinder above the din of the thirty-two, "I wish I couldrit hold mined The chestnut was no great match horse; being in a cluster seemed to give him double con- fidence ; and up a hill he was especially suited, as he was all hind action. Giving Little Harry 2st. 5lbs., and beating him for the Warwick Cup, was a very great thing, and even after his last Cup at Ascot, when he gave 9lbs. to a horse like Stockwell, who seemed fit to carry him, he was neither sick nor sorry. One Turf Cracks. 215 of his back sinews began to give way that summer, and that he had not left his heart at Ascot was pretty well proved by the style in which he lived under 9st. ^lb. almost into the bottom in the Cesarewitch, for which he was only half prepared. At the stud, the Vulture part of his pedigree cut two ways, and although the action and speed have been good, the courage has been lacking as it was in his dam, and no cross, however stout, could correct this tendency. Harry Stebbings never considered that Kingston. Kingston was so fit as when he met Ted- dington for the Doncaster Cup. He had just been tried, to give Hungerford a year and /lbs., and yet "the canoe" carried I2lbs. more in that race, and was only beaten a neck. The party were also deeply dis- appointed when he was beaten at Ascot by Grapeshot; but sadly as the hill told against his bad hind action, Basham felt sure that he was beaten on his merits, and revenged himself when he was taken off at Newcastle by Backing Grapeshot to win him 800/., and leading him back to scale. From to if miles was about his mark, provided he had something to come away, and as he grew older he began worse in short races. Both Defiance and Lascelles were before him in a great finish for the Craven Stakes at Epsom, but he just defeated himself by trying to make a pace, and by an alteration of tactics with Rataplan in the Cup, he pulled off one of the best, if not his best victory, Both fetlocks touched the ground after Death of his Whip breakdown, and one of his legs Kingston, filled as well. Sir Tatton liked the blood, and would have given 2500 for him, but Mr. Blenkiron, who never will be denied, got him for 3000. He died at Eltham, just as he was commencing his seventh sea- son, within a fortnight of Omoo, whose post mortem showed that she was in foal with twins by him, one of which had begun to putrify, and so caused her death. 216 Scott and Sebright. For his first two seasons, he got twice as many fillies as colts ; but for the last three the numbers were balanced, and he seemed to get them with more length. An oak tree shades him, and a harvest has waved over the spot where that beautiful Knight of the Silver-hair lies buried. The Cawston The Cawston stud owes its celebrity to Stud- the advice which John Nutting the Eaton stud-groom gave Hemming, to buy Phryne at the sale in '45. He was sent to buy another, but she didn't suit, and accordingly his lordship's 70 guineas was in- vested in the daughter of Touchstone and Decoy, which had just come out of training. Mr. Oldaker bid for her, and offered Hemming 10 guineas for his bargain, and " pay all your expenses as well but her purchaser was inexorable. It seems that he had met Bill Scott in the interim, and been solemnly assured on that almost infallible authority, that he had got " a mare fit to breed you a winner of the three events if she's only used right." She broke to Pantaloon that spring ; but Elthiron was the result of second thoughts during that month that she was left. Pantaloon was also hired for the next season at Cawston ; and Lord John might well say to Hemming, as the white-reach tribe grew up round them, " That's the best day's work, Hemming, you ever did in your life, when you hired Pantaloon and bought Phryne." Pantaloon and Pantaloon was hired the next season Phryne. for j cj0 guineas, and then 200 guineas ; and he never went back. The cross between this grand-looking chestnut and Phryne hit five years in succession. He had a curious hatred to a boy or a dog, and a peculiar partiality to a grey mare. Irish Birdcatcher had somewhat similar notions ; but he extended his antipathies to pigs and hens, and turned quite savage if they crossed his path. Phryne had spasms when she was in foal, and seemed to get no permanent relief from them except she Turf Cracks. 217 had a goat to go with her, which had tired of his first love in the shape of his lordship's old charger Helen. She was always the pet mare, and on The Windhound that eventful afternoon when Catherine Rout- Hayes won the Oaks, and Windhound broke loose among the fifteen mares, to " get hold of Phryne" was Mrs. Hemming's first impulse. There never was such a rout, and Cannobie, who was a foal at the time, jumped a hedge and high rails on the off side, and back-through the gate to his little dam, Lady Lure- well. To judge from the hoof havoc in a Visit to Dunkley's Meadow, there had been a Cawston. second Windhound rout among the mares on the afternoon of our visit, and it turned out that the North Warwickshire had brought a fox across it from Frank- ton Wood. The troupe were quietly grazing in the next paddock, after the morning's alarm. Old Helen had long been laid with Pantaloon and Rasselas under the holly; but the flesh-coloured nose of the old Camel mare, the crooked white reach of Miserrima, which knew no crooked way up the Ascot Hill, and Pearlin Jean, with that white fore foot in rest, were all good to descry. But, alas ! the piebald pony, which roamed amongst them, knew its good master's voice and step no more; the new cricket ground on which he had hoped that year to see Dunchurch beat Rugby, was left half-sodded, and the roses and honeysuckles, which were clinging to the clay walls of the " House that Jack built," told sadly that another summer was fulfilling its course, but not for him. All knew and loved Lord J ohn, and as The Late Lord a universal sportsman he was unsurpassed. John Scott- Punt shooting, the leash, otter hunting, with his red- and-white Gyp (which killed a thirteen-pounder by herself, and then managed another, which stuck to its tail), a bit of racing, or a little patronage to " the lads of the Fancy"—whom he brought up in great force 2l8 Scott and Sebright. under General " Dick Cain," to look after " The Brums" on a polling-day—were quite in his line. His unfortunate lameness (which arose from an injury to his ankle at a stone wall, out hunting) debarred him from joining, but he felt great interest in cricket; and one summer he took two Rugby men, at his own expense, right away to Scotland, to play in a match. In fact, he was always doing something, either out of doors or on paper, and he not only wrote an anonymous pam- phlet on the currency, purely as he said " to bother my old friend Spooner," but he proved himself a hard hitter when he had an occasional turn at polemics. There never was a mord liberal landlord ; but he quite enjoyed the joke when one of his tenants, who paid twenty-five shillings a-year for a cottage, and got two substantial dinners at the audit as well, told him that he really ought to have his rent lowered. His farms were remarkably low rented ; and four or five years before his death, when he considered that the farmers were not employing enough labour, he spoke his mind in such a Downright Shippen way at a Benefit Society Dinner at Dunchurch, that the poor fellows had to hang about the cottage doors no more with their hands in their pockets. At the time of the railway mania, he kept, like Mr. Assheton Smith, a regular look-out for the " theodolite scamps." They did The Squire of Tedworth, and managed matters comfortably enough, to his intense rage, on a very wet Sunday, when he was at church ; but Lord John was too sharp for them, and when he and his watchers caught them at work for the Leamington line, they pitched into them, tore up their books, and sent them flying. He was, however, the last man to bear malice, and he got one of those he put to rout that day a most capital place. n1, tt , His old charger Helen was by Octavian 6 e ' out of Lady of the Lake, and the first he ever had in his life. Once he rode her for a bet up the stone steps of the Bank of Dublin, when he was Turf Cracks. 219 quartered there, to get a cheque cashed, and down again with value received. Her dislike to a jockey was extreme, and like Pickpocket, she insisted upon his getting up with a great coat on. Queen of the •Gipsies, by Camel, was the best of her sixteen foals, and she went as a yearling for 90 guineas, and turned out to be the speediest, bar Semiseria, of her year. Among his stud Lord John was very fond of Miserrima, " a good, fair mare," and the only one except Cannobie that was kept, when Mr. Merry purchased the lot, with Phryne, Catherine Hayes, LadyLurewell, Blanche of Middlebie, Folkestone, Trovatore, &c. in it, for five thousand. Independently of his blood, Lord John H ... Nobl had always specially noticed Hobbie Noble from a yearling, in consequence of his hermit habits. No one ever caught him in company ; but he would come to a whistle just like a dog, and his lord- ship would often take his friends out, after dinner, and call him up to the garden wicket to be looked at. The habit seemed to foreshadow "for the proud young porter" that a 6500/. cheque was in store for him, and that Her Majesty would send for him a second time to the front of her stand at Ascot. He was tried with Miserrima, who had just been second for the Oaks, at i61bs. for the year, and John Day and John Scott both thought it must be too good to be correct. _ However, the former was pretty well convinced, the next year, after he had tried him with Little Harry before the Cambridgeshire, that he was a very great horse. Windbound was never much, although there is little doubt that he is Thormanby's sire; and The Reiver, who got very awkward in his temper, was a good stone below Catherine Hayes, when they were two-year-olds together. The lengthy Cannobie, who was left as n ,. , , tV • r 1 Cannobie. a legacy to Hemming, was of a cleverer stamp than many of the Melbournes, and could stay 220 Scott and Sebright. and race as well. He was coughing at the Derby when he ran third ; but the public had not seen the best of him, and but for the severe strain which he gave his leg, by jumping the road at Newcastle, when he was following Heir of Lynne, two days before the Northumberland Plate, Mat Dawson quite believed that he would have ripened into a very superior Cup horse. Blanche of Middlebie seemed to be as lengthy for a foal as Cannobie was for a horse, and when we strolled to Cawston on our first visit with " Dick Over," and found her at Phryne's side, we thought that she and the firing of a chestnut yearling's hocks by the late Mr. Lucas's hand, were two of the finest pieces of workmanship we had ever seen in one day. She did not belie her promise in her two-year-old season, and swept 2900/. off the board. On the Friday before the St. Leger, she was tried on Weathercock Hill, at equal weights, with Sunbeam. Saunterer gave them each 261bs., and came through from end to end, and Blanche, who was slightly carried out at the bend, was just half a length behind him, and rather more in front of poor Luke Snowdon and his first St. Leger winner. The black, whose performance under 8st. I2lbs. in the Cam- bridgeshire, and his reaching his horses like a flash at Chester, stamp him as one of the greatest wonders of the century, never lost his speed to the last; but his near foreleg gave way in the Doncaster Cup. He broke down hopelessly at Ascot the next year, and twenty-five hundred was his price to the Austrians. p , Beyond being the size of Miss Twick- oca on as. enjlam ^am Teddington) Rock- ingham did no good at the Stockwell paddocks ; but The Baron, who came about the same time as Sorella, made a double hit in his second season, with Chief Baron Nicholson's dam, and Mr. Theobald's own mare Pocahontas. The latter had been to Muley Moloch for the three preceding seasons, and was Turf Cracks. 221 bought as a four-year-old for 500/., after she' was beaten for the Cup at Goodwood. She ran five times afterwards without success, and her last performance was for a Plate, at Chatham, where she finished second out of nine. She was then five months gone in foal with Cambaules, by Camel, but this grand cross was lost to the world, as he took the influenza, and became a roarer quite early. Stockwell, her fifth, was a very fine Early History of colt; but every one assured Mr. Theobald stockwell. that he was too big. John Lowry was a most con- sistent admirer of him, and as he was determined that he should have " an honest race," he begged his master, when he went to Brighton Races, to try and see Lord Exeter, and received as his answer, "Put it down in my book, my memory fails me." In due time his lordship arrived, and the white-faced chestnut was proudly displayed by John in the "burial paddock." His lordship thought him too big, but he went into committee with the old man, and after an hour of most anxious suspense, the latter strolled out to tell John, that he was to get his pet weaned as soon as he could, and that he was to go to Burleigh. The price was 180/., and a 500/. contingency if he won the Derby. This information was clenched with a present of a ten-pound note, and the promise of being put on at 50/. to o at Epsom. The colt started in a month's time, by the earliest train in the morning, and by way of having something to " help him" through London, John hired a cab, and led him close behind it. Lord Exeter just made the purchase in time, as the old man died a month after the colt had left; and his stud, with the exception of Pocahontas and Sorella, was sold by Mr. Tattersall. Pocahontas foaled Rataplan the morn- Birth of ing that Mr. William Theobald died, and Rataplan. Rataplan became the property of Mr. Thellusson, who gave him to his father. Lowry's earliest recollections 222 Scott and Sebright. of Rataplan were symptomatic of the after-vigour of the chestnut. " He got up directly," sa^ys his historian, with admirable brevity, " blew his nose, and sucked his motherd Luck attended the mare, and when she and Sorella went to Willesden Paddocks, and the choice lay between Don John and Harkaway, the trustees chose the latter for the future Prunella, and King Tom was the result. Thus from the nicks, of three successive seasons, there came the respective sires of St. Alban's, Kettledrum, and Old Calabar. Stockwell made little out during his first season, as, with all his fine speed, he never could be made fit enough to get home. Still those who were near the judge's chair will have it that Mr. Clark overlooked him in the Prendergast Stakes, when he gave the race to Maidstone. Rataplan's Racing Rataplan always " went proppy" on and Training his long pasterns, and at the best of Hablts' times was only a middling beginner. " Let him alone till he gets into his action," were the orders which his jockeys received, and his " custom of an afternoon" was to creep up to his horses at the half-distance, and make one effort. His shoulders, and not his heart, forbade a long struggle. When Sim rode him strictly to Mr. Parr's orders at Edin- burgh, he thought at one time that he should never catch his horses ; but, perhaps, his most wonderful race was when he won the Manchester Cup with 9st. 3lbs. Like Stockwell, his back power was almost miraculous, and if he threw up his heels no boy aliv£ could sit him ; but when he did get rid of them, he would walk straight off home to Ilsley. It was but seldom that he took these vivacious fits, and seeing that he generally contrived to stumble about twelve times between his box and the Downs, it was never safe to take him without knee-caps. There never was a lazier one foaled, bar Lanercost and Springy Jack, as he would lie full length while they plaited his Turf Cracks. 223 mane, and go to sleep after feeding, with unerring re- gularity. King Tom, ft " Tom," as he was gene- Ki Tom rally styled in the stable, was first trained by Wyatt, at Myrtle Green, near Findon. During the Doncaster meeting of '53, when he had been beaten-at* Goodwood, and had won at Brighton, Baron Rothschild finally agreed, after some highly involved negotiations, to give Mr. Thellusson 2000/. for him. William King brought him up to London, and so on to Gorhambury, where he gave the two-year-old Twinkle a stone with all ease in his trial, and on the next Wednesday won the Triennial at Newmarket. He was a good-tempered, light-fleshed horse, and with fine speed, and ready for any distance that was set him. Before the Derby, he was tried at 8st. 9lbs. with Orestes 9st. lib., Hungerford 8st. 2lbs., and Middlesex 7st. 2lbs. The last-named just beat him by half a neck, and the others were nowhere. On the Monday week before the Derby, he fell lame in the off hock, or at all events somewhere in the ofif- quarter, and as he did not do more than take a couple of canters between then and the race, it was no slight performance for him to separate Andover and Hermit. To carry a high weight for three- Lon°bow quarters of a mile was Longbow's line, as 0 he showed so ably in the Goodwood Steward's Cup, but his long distance running, especially when he met Stockwell in the most muggy of days for the Great Yorkshire, was most wonderful. Foreigners are in the habit of giving wet hay as a roaring antidote, and before Larry McHale ran his matches, John Scott gave him a ball of lard, with some shot in it, to try and keep down the lights ; but with Longbow he used nothing but limed water. Daniel O'Rourke, whose departure was Daniel thus solemnly heralded in a Turf paper, O'Rourke. 224 Scott and Sebright. " Daniel slept in London last night, previous to his de- parture for Austria? at 800 guineas, was tried before the Derby, to give Champion 7lbs., aftd beat Back- biter at evens. Songstress gave him a stone, and a beating after the Oaks ; and he first had his temper spoilt when going in the van to Ascot. " The West" finished him, as he was always on his heels up the gallop, and made him turn coward. At last he would kick and fly, and could hardly be got on to the wolds; but Snarry's soothing manners put him all right, when the scene was changed to Sledmere. During his seven seasons there, Sir Tatton bred upwards of 170 foals by him, and fully two-thirds of them chestnuts. He was not very lucky in getting colts from the Pyrrhus mares, and although he suited with the Hampton blood, his foals from the Sleight of Hand mares had more power. Little Harry Little Harry was just the reverse of Mincepie, very good when the ground was not deep, and John Day liked him so much after the Bedford Stakes, that he got on at fifteens and twenties to one to win an independency. If Danebury had a sad disappointment, Woodyeates had one of its grandest Chester triumphs that year, with little Joe Joe Miller. who could get equally well through wet or dry. He was never fifteen hands, very sweet-headed like his sire Venison, but shorter and most beautifully turned. Mr. Sadler brejJ him, and Mr. Farrance bought him for 200 guineas at Newmarket. In the Metropolitan Stakes he got knocked over by Miss Anne ; but in the Chester Cup he got away in front from end to end; and Stilton, after his bad start, could never reach him. Grosvenor, in the same stable, was all the go for the Cup that year, and Davis thought so little of Joe in consequence, that Mr. Parker "got him" for 12,000/., at 24 to 1 after the Metropolitan, and again for 6000/. Turf Cracks. 225 over the Ascot Cup, at half those odds. Like most light-bodied and light-fleshed horses, Joe stayed well, but he was cut for temper, and shot very early in the day, and honoured with burial in the centre of the Woodyeates yard. The little wall-eyed Umbriel lured a umbriel few, including one of the cleverest men we have, into the belief that he was better than "The West." Sam Wheatley, who had trained w . A , ,. Haphazard and Agonistes for the then Earl of Darlington, and been stud-groom at Cheveley as well, gazed at the son of Melbourne and Mowerina with intense delight, and declared that he had never put his hand on a finer yearling. He, moreover, backed his opinion by getting on first of any one, and never hedging a penny. Isaac Walker's annual jubilee com- Isaac Walker.s prises the ten days during which he takes Annual Appear- the yearlings up to Whitewall, where he ance arwmte- stays Saturday and Sunday, after placing them at school, and then proceeds to Doncaster as a finish. For five-and-twenty years it had been his habit to deposit his charges on the Friday before the St. Leger. In old days, Tom Carter would show up on that evening, and so would Ben Eddison, full of dry observations on society, and ready, when his county recollections of the Caunt and Bendigo tournament were evoked, to show, with appropriate gesture, how " Bendy felled him like a to-ad" Bill Scott, who was never at the paddocks in his life, always addressed Isaac on these occasions as 11Streat- lam," and John would only recognise him officially as " Queen Mab" Frank was always full of his husky chaff, confiding to Isaac what Mr. Scott had said about him, and vice versa ; and so those merry days passed on. The splendid grunt of Frank when he Frank's First first caught sight of The West delighted introduction to John Scott and Isaac above all things. "TheWest- Q 226 Scott and Sebright. " What's that ?" he said. " That" quoth John Scott/ quite gravely, " oh ! that's only a rough thing by Free- dom ; wed better pass him but " What a pretty pair you are !" replied Frank, as he went up to introduce himself to his love at first sight. The trial with this colt and Longbow at 21 lbs. for the year was run three-quarters of a mile in very deep ground, and the young un won it, hands down. There were never any proved attempts to get at him, although the betting before Doncaster betokened that the " black cloud " was going to descend, and the great difficulties in the way of training him were his heavy flesh and his tendency to a sort of off-and-on lameness, first in his feet and then in his ankle. The West's Frank and Isaac could never quite Doncaster settle how far the Leger was to be won; jubilee. an(j j-Qhn Scott delicately said, that as Mr. Bowes would not be at Doncaster, of course Isaac must give the orders. Frank would have it, that it would do " if I win by the length of my arm but Isaac didn't see it at all. " None of your dodging said he; " I don't like these heads and half necks ; you make me shake in my shoes; let him out at the Red House, and see how far he can win!' Nothing seemed so absurd to Frank as the popular idea of his horse not staying. " Stay, indeed!" he was wont to say in his fervour, " he'll stay a thundering deal too long for any of them ; the faster they'll go, the sooner it will be over ; they'll wonder what's coming when I lay hold of them at' White Willie! " It was of course gratifying to him to hear from Isaac that he had ridden the horse to his mind ; but he rejoined, " I was thinking of you all the way from the distance ; the beggars stood stock still, or I'd have put you in a nice szveat." Isaac accompanied the horse home to the Salutation, and when John Scott and Hayhoe got there, they both saw that something was up. One might well say of the horse that " he looks welland the other that he Turf Cracks. 227 was "as bold as a hero for Isaac, in the exuberance of his enthusiasm at having at last reared a winner of the double event, had poured a bottle of Champagne into the pail. Catherine Hayes, who shares with Catherine Ellerdale the honour of being the best Hayes, daughter of Lanercost, has always been a great fa- vourite with Mat Dawson. She required drawing light, and was a particularly sweet-tempered and wide- hipped mare, with her hocks close together. No action could be more easy and sweeping, and we have always maintained that to our eye nothing ever crept so beautifully up the Epsom hill. Her Nursery Stakes win at Goodwood, when looked at by the sub- sequent performances of the horses behind her, was a remarkable performance, as she won easily under the top weight, 8st. 7lbs., and gave Rataplan I4lbs., Ethelbert and Pantomime I3lbs., and Dagobert 2lbs. Mat Dawson never tried a two-year-old so highly, and as he knew her to be just as good at even weights as the four-year-old Kilmeny, who had won The Steward's Cup that week at 6st. I3lbs., he had no GoodWood fears. After the Oaks she caught cold across the loins, and had a heavy fringe of leeches applied on each side of her spine. Her action went sadly; but still she made a game wind-up of it, by giving Mayfair half a stone and " a long head " beat- ing for the Coronation Stakes. Goorkah claims a mention, but more Goorkah's for the peculiar manner of his dam's History, subsequent purchase. She belonged, with a mare called Fairy Queen by Brutandorf, to a farmer and bone-setter in Lanarkshire. Once on a time he dreamt that he sold these two mares, and that Mr. Sharpe, of Hoddom Castle, purchased them, and he wrote off forthwith to apprize that gentleman of his dream, and beg him to hasten its fulfilment. Mr. Sharpe did not exactly see it in that enthusiastic Q 2 228 Scott and Sebright. light, and as Fairy Queen was blind, he declined her at once. With regard to Fair Jane, he said that he liked her blood ; but that, as she had been drawing coals from the station, and had been barren, he was only open to a swap for her with his filly Seclusion by St. Martin, a greyhound puppy (afterwards Cora Lynn), a couple of Dorkings, and a piece of plaid for trowsers. And so this novel bargain was arranged. She was in foal to Turnus, and as Goorkah showed some form, she was sent to Annandale again. At Kelso, Mr. Barber proposed to purchase her, and offered three hundred, but Mr. Sharpe would hear of nothing under five; and when another application came, he declared his ultimatum, by letter to each, and said that the first who gave that sum should have her. Both applications, as it turned out, were from the same quarter, and by the time the letter arrived, enclosing the five IOO/. notes, Hamlet was dropped. Butterfly ^r- Sharpe sold Butterfly and her dam for 70/. to the Brothers Oates, and the late Mr. Eastwood took such a fancy to the former, when he first saw her as a yearling, that he purchased her at once, and sold half to Culshaw, who stipulated most rigidly that she should be called after his "herd matron"—that rare prize mould in which both Master and Royal Butterfly were cast and quickened. The luck he predicted from this process followed in due course. In her first trial with Buttercup she was beaten, and although she won five times, she had some mischances as a two-year-old, getting knocked about at Beverley, and very badly off with Thor- manby at York. Before she ran for her engagements at three years old, she had a rough gallop with Sparrow Hawk and Dilkoosh, and an Oaks win and rare seconds both for the Ascot Cup and Northum- berland Plate confirmed the promise which she then showed. Turf Cracks. 229 John Scott firmly believes that, accord- Boiardo ing to his trial, Boiardo would have won the St. Leger in a canter. He was a rank roarer, and not a very taking horse in any way ; but he subse- quently ranked high in Australia. Holmes, on Dervish, made all the running in the trial, and Sim lay last with Boiardo, who lost a shoe, and beat Acrobat very cleverly at the finish. Still Sim did not trust his leg, but chose Acrobat on the Leger day ; and the severe pace which Dervish made from the start found out the crack's weak point. Their victor, Knight of St. George, grew Knight of St. into more after, and left a most beautiful, George, enlarged likeness of himself in Knight of St. Patrick ; but when he won the St. Leger he was only just fifteen hands. There never was a more difficult horse to ride. He took a long time to make up his mind whether he would try or not, and then nothing but easing and coaxing, which Basham did to perfection, would make him put his good resolutions in force. Spurs and whip were quite out of the question. He always hung to the left, and nothing but a very severe pricker and long cheek to the left side oLthe bit, could keep him straight at all. As an Irish two-year-old he bolted once, lost twice, and won once, and his edu- cation was still in a sad state when he came to Ham- bleton with Gamekeeper. He was ridden all the winter by Basham in a yearling's breaking tackle, and when he found that he couldn't bolt, going up the gallop, he went open-mouthed among the yearlings. His Derby trial was at iolbs. with the five-year-old King- ston, and at evens with Eulogist, on the Saturday before Chester, and he won it cleverly. Kingston was, perhaps, not what he had been, although he fought out the Ascot Cup so well with " The West" that summer ; but still the trial looked uncommonly hope- ful. " The Knight," however, contracted a " gouty leg" before Epsom ; his fore and hind feet caught, 230 Scott and Sebright. following Kingston up the gallop, and he cut his boot clean off, and into the flesh as well. Kingston was away on Her Majesty's service, the week of his Doncaster trial, and not liking to try " The Knight" farther, they made him give the speedy Corin an enormous amount of weight over a mile, and brought it off. Virao-Q There were more nuggets than Volti- geur at the Hart diggings, as Virago was foaled there the year after his double event. She was advertised for sale as a yearling, at Doncaster, when old John Day slipped down and tried to buy her privately, but Mr. Stephenson insisted on her going to the hammer along with Epinician. John Scott liked her, but left off at 340, and the next ten settled the job for Mr. Padwick. She was tried as a two-year-old in October, at 7lbs., with Little Harry, and William Day, who rode in the trial, was so pleased with her, that he increased the two thousand offer, which he made on the ground, to three when they got into the house ; but Mr. Padwick was as firm as Gibraltar. After the Doncaster meeting of '54 she turned roarer; still old John could not bring himself to believe that she was so changed, and when the little, jumped-up St. Hubert beat her at something under weight for age, he thought him a wonder, and never blanched when " my boy William " assured him that at i81bs. Lord of the Isles could quit Nabob when he liked in a mile. Lord of the This combination of Pantaloon and Isies. Touchstone, which had nicked so well reverse ways in the Phryne stock, was a thin,, deep, flat-sided horse, who did not require very much work. His winding up for the Two Thousand, for which no horse ever came to the post more thoroughly fit, must have told on him, although he repeated his perform- ance with Nabob on 4lbs. worse terms over the Derby distance afterwards. This was a great year for the threes, with Wild Dayrell, Rifleman, and Fandango Turf Cracks. 2 31 also in it, and if the big and short De Clare's trial— to give Paletot 27lbs.*bver Leatherhead Downs, and manage Old Bracken at evens—was correct, he would have been very busy at the finish. However, his ankle went in the effort, and he was seen in public no more till the Middlesboro' Show. With the exception of Lady Flora, wild Dayreil's Mr. Popham had never had a thorough- History, bred mare, until he bought Ellen Middleton. Rickaby, his stud-groom, saw her advertised in The Life, and thought her Bay Middleton and Myrrha blood so good, that he was authorized to write to Bobby Hill for the price, and bought her unseen for fifty pounds, in the June of '51. As there was no very suitable horse near Littlecote, he was despatched the next spring on a little voyage of discovery among the stud farms. Harkaway, Ratcatcher, and The Libel were not to his fancy ; Enfield could only offer Red Deer and the Earl of Richmond; and at last he came upon quite a seam of wealth at Barrow's of Newmarket, in Birdcatcher, Don John, John o' Gaunt, and Ion, and clenched matters with the latter, which was the last one brought out. Both the mares were sent to him, and after a month they were ordered home. Ellen Middleton had not been at Littlecote two hours before she turned to him, and was sent back that night. The arrival of the first blood colt produced the sen- sation which those little matters will produce in quiet country homes, and they sat up with Ellen for at least a fortnight before the event. When a colt appeared between 12 and Birth of Wild 1 A.M., the butler was rung up and rushed Dayreii. on to the scene with his nightcap on his head, and a bottle of wine in his hand ; and as it was necessary to remove the little stranger into a warmer box, he got a wheelbarrow, and insisted upon " wheeling the ivinuer of the Derby once in my life" There was nothing in that speech ; but when Rickaby got home to his cot- 232 Scott and Sebright. tage about five on that April morning, he assured his wife there must be something remarkable for good or for evil about the colt, as he had just seen the strange sight of a wild duck and a wild drake actually sitting on a quickset hedge, close by the high road. That morning was indeed a remarkable one in Littlecote annals. It hailed the first blood colt Mr. Popham had ever possessed, and the first that Rickaby ever trained, and the latter never was at Epsom in his life till he fulfilled his threat of " bringing the money away." His Change of At this time, Mr. Popham had no idea Hands. Gf training, and advertised both the colt and his half-sister for sale next year. Sam Reeves used never to tire of looking at him, as " the biggest and the best, &c."; Jones, the Rockley trainer, bid money for him ; and when Dagobert had put the Goodwood stable in love with the Ion blood, by win- ning the Chesterfield Stakes, Kent arrived and bid 500 gs. for the pair. As might have been expected with so big a yearling, the filly beat him in his trial, and Kent did not think that Lord Henry Lennox lost much when he was sent with the rest of his stud up to Tattersall's. Mr. Popham was in Scotland at the time, but forwarded Rickaby a commission to buy both back at 250 gs. and 50 gs., and he did so with, in both in- stances, very little to spare. And thus, as Lord George parted with a Surplice, General Peel with a Kingston, Admiral Harcourt with a Summerside, and Lord Exeter very nearly with a Stockwell, for lack of waiting a little longer, " Mr. Gordon" got rid of Wild Dayrell. His Training His early training was done in the most and Trial, rural style. Two miles, principally on the banks of " The Kennet swift for silver eels renowned," were marked out in Littlecote Park, as the winter ground, and at it they went, Rickaby leading the Turf Cracks. 233 gallops on the five-year-old Zegra, an old gelding of Mr. Drinkald's, and his sons Tom and John on Wild Dayrell and the filly Creusa. In May the three adjourned to Lord Craven's, and had the use of his lordship's Ashdown Park stabling; but still there was not time to bring out the colt against Bonnie Morn, at Stockbridge. They had no line except through Zegra, who had been tried and beaten two lengths by old Inder, and in the trial, an exceedingly rough one in clothes, the colt gave him about a couple of hundred yards over three-quarters of a mile, and never quite reached his head. The Newmarket vie- tory was a very easy one, and the horse was fully six- teen one-and-a-half before they began with him for the Derby. Lord Albemarle was bought to do fast work for him ; but he and Zegra were incompetent, as he used to run over them, kicking his heels, at intervals, into the air, so high that it was as much as Robert Sherwood or his lad could do to stick on. He soon stumped up Lord Albemarle, and then six- teen hundred was given at Lincoln for Jack Shep- pard; and early in March they adjourned to Ash- down once more, with a whole regiment of touts in their train. The stable of the two was like a fortress, and two dogs below, and Rickaby, who did the dragon, above, guarded the golden apple of Berkshire. It was thought advisable to keep Jack pretty fresh for the trial,, and Gamelad was hired from John Osborne, and came with Robert Osborne in charge. Lord Craven and the house party used often to ride out at six o'clock, to see the gallops ; but on the trial morn- ing, ten days before the Derby, Mr. Etwall, Mr. F. Craven, and Mr. Popham were also on the Weather- cock Hill. Wild Dayrell was asked to carry 8st. iolbs. and give Jack, whom they knew to be in form after beating Orinoco at Chester, iolbs., and Game- lad, for whose sake Osborne had faithfully subsisted 234 Scott and Sebright. on salts and animalculae for some twenty-four h$uj£, about 2st. and a year. Zegra was nobody on $hat occasion, and like Gamelad was soon cut down ; ^but Jack Sheppard and the crack went a splitting pace for a mile, where Jack fairly stood still. Mr. Etwall rode down to Charlton, to ask what had happened. Charlton, however, assured him that his colt was well enough, and added, "/ thought King Toms trial a good one last year, but I never rode against such a horse as this before." And so every one there thought, when they saw him come in alone, with Gamelad toil- ing a full distance behind him. The orders at the Derby were simply to "get quietly up the hill, and then stride along," and Sherwood did not make the pace so strong afterwards as they wished. Perhaps in the hard state of the ground it was as well, and either from that cause, or the horse hitting it when he ran into the quickset hedge in the paddock, before he could be pulled up, there was mis- chief in the near foreleg, halfway between the knee and the fetlock ; by the end of that week, and for the first time in his life, he was put into bandages. They went on with him for the Goodwood Cup, but the other leg began to fill, and it was all that Rickaby could do to prepare him for York. After his Don- caster break down, they tried to patch him up no more, and he began the Buccaneer, Horror, and Avalanche business. His mate, Jack Sheppard, passed even- tually into Mr. Saxon's hands, Mr. McGeorge got Lord Albemarle, and Zegra became Lord Craven's hack for a season or two. His foals were principally mouse-browns ; but unfortunately Alice Hawthorne's colt died quite early, and The Rake, who would pro- bably have credited him with a Derby, broke a blood- vessel when taking one of his final gallops. Ellington Ellington, his successor in the Derby honours, was ridden about at Admiral Harcourt's after his two-year-old season, by the Tttrf Cracks. 235 coachman, and made as handy at gate-opening as a hack,—the first time, perhaps, that a future " blue ribbon" has so passed the winter. One of those who won upon him got his hint in a curious way. His book was beating him, and in a half-desperate mood he sauntered down Piccadilly. Looking up at the clock above the Wellington Club, he saw that the hands stood at twenty-two minutes to eight, and just obscured the W. ; and in an instant he had his cue, and felt so convinced he was right that he took the odds about the colt, to win 500/. Warlock was the most unlucky of Warlock horses the next year. He had sore shins at Epsom, he fell twice at Newcastle, a-nd he was pulled up by mistake, after going once round, at Carlisle, where Caller Ou also distinguished herself subsequently by running against a post. The roan was game and slow, and wanted a wonderful amount of nice management, but still John Scott felt as- sured that if anything happened to Ellington at Doncaster he had everything else safe enough, and so it proved. His finest race was when he beat Fisherman by a neck for the Queen's Plate at York. Imperieuse was not regularly tried before the St. Leger, but had merely a rough gallop with Warlock and Forbidden Fruit, ridden by their boys, who were not weighed beforehand. The stable saved stakes with Blink Bonny ; but though John Peart, who was at Newmarket, had orders to lay the odds to a hun- dred, he did not, and the telegram announcing the One Thousand success, bore the welcome postcript, " None of the money hedged The eccentricities of horses are endless. Horse Eccen- It was necessary to tie up Lucetta by a tricities. piece of twine, or she would have turned nervous and broken everything. Pickpocket would never let his jockey mount, except he had a coat over his white 236 Scott and Sebright. satin jacket, simply because he had once picked his owner's pocket of a white handkerchief, and turned so frightened at the flapping, that he clenched his teeth and would not drop it. Bellona blemished her hip in a horse-box, and would only consent to stand loose in one after; and Lightning would never go into a stable unless he was bluffed, and then he would enter by himself. The love of company is also a great trait in horses. It was said of the Godolphin Arabian, that when he had flattened out his own cat by mistake, he missed it so much that he pined from remorse, and savaged every other cat that was put in to him. If little One Act had to make her own running, she would be staring about on both sides for her com- panions ; and Gemma di Vergy was so exacting that no cat would satisfy him for company, but Joe Daw- son was absolutely obliged to have a lad there with a book or newspaper all day, and another sleeping close by him at night in a stall. The habit began when he was a yearling. He climbed over a partition, no man can tell how to this day, so as to get at the window, and was espied with his feet on the window-sill, gravely looking out into the yard. St Giles Giles was the first colt that made people remember that there was such a horse as Womersley, and the ten of them which started that season were all winners. He was skin and bone when he came to Sledmere, and Sir Tatton did not consider him ill sold at 300/., when he and Lanercost were exiled together. His stock were the first that ever went up from Sledmere to meet Mr. Tattersall at York August; and St. Giles, Greyling, Companion, and another, all came back unsold. For St. Giles, there was not a solitary bid, and William Day thought he was giving quite enough, when he drew a 240-guinea cheque for the four. When St. Giles had satisfied him, he came direct from Chester to Sledmere, and not only bought his dam in foal with Turf Cracks. 237 the 500 guinea St. James, and-a filly foal at her foot, but hired four Womersley fillies at 100 guineas apiece. The mare paid well, but the quartett were duly returned as incapables in the Woodyeates sense of the term. St. Giles was a big sixteen-hand horse, who " Sid not come to hand easily," with no great pace, but a glutton at a distance. Lord Ribblesdale took him at the Sledmere price, and his yearling trial was remarkably good. His race with Skirmisher at Northampton was a very great one, but the party were never more confident, and the commissioner began his operations a fortnight before. Many of the modern cracks have been Queen Mary's drawn out of the Doncaster lucky-bag, Blood, and Mr. Ramsay found himself wavering between Mendicant and Queen Mary on the morning of Foig- a-Ballagh's St. Leger. Something put him against the brown, for whom Mr. Gully gave 400 guineas, and he got the bay for a hundred less. Strange, indeed, that one of the pair should be destined to win the Oaks and throw a Derby winner, and that the other should be the dam of Blink Bonny and Broomielaw, and grandam of Caller Ou, Blair Athol, and Bread- albane as well. Mr. Ramsay died five years after, and there was so little promise about the puny Haricot, that I'Anson heard a remark in the crowd to the effect that " some madman has given twenty pound for her and the foal (Braxey)" (which was afterwards in the Hampton Court stud), and smiled to think that he had given the commission. Balrownie (a very good-looking horse), Blooming Heather, and Bonnie Scotland made about 6000 guineas, in stakes and sales, and then TAnson was compensated for Queen Mary missing to Touchstone by the suspicions which ripened into certainty, when he had sent her Mel- bourne filly along for a few weeks. She was the first of the family he ever Blink Bonny trained as a two-year-old, and he never 238 Scott and Sebright. gave one more work, but a short T.Y.C. was not her line of business, and she was always a most moderate beginner. William Scott, Sir Lydston Newman's stud-groom, took a great fancy to her, both for her own^and his old Melbourne's sake, and fidvised Lord Londesboro' to give the three thousand which I'Anson offered to take for her after the Beverley meeting. This price was contingent on his being allowed to train her, and when he found that such was not his lordship's intention, he raised it a thousand, and the bargain went off; and at the Northallerton meeting he refused 5000/. from Mr. Jackson. She throve pretty well till late in the autumn, but then the dentition fever, which was always peculiarly severe with the Melbournes, came on, and she sank, as Blooming Heather had done before her, to a complete skeleton. She was always leaning to the off-side as if flying from some unseen fury on the near, and they only dare tie her up with a string to snap if she ran back in one of the paroxysms. Newminster's teeth had punished him a good deal before the Derby, but his state must have been bliss in comparison. After the One Thousand, where her looks fairly shocked the public, I'Anson told his family that he wouldn't take 1000/. to a penny about her Epsom chance. Still on his return from Chester she seemed to have got some relief, and although she would seize her corn and then drop it as if it was red-hot shot, she ate grass greedily, started her work once more, and crept on very fast. Her Race for She seemed to improve on the journey the Derby. Up^ ancj when she galloped with Strath- naver at Epsom, she drew away from him with her head down in her rare, old fashion. Charlton's orders were never to try and win till close on the post, and he did it without asking her a question. I'Anson hardly knew what to think before they started, or when the race was running. He twice thought she Turf Cracks. 239 looked like her old self at the whins, as she was setting her ears back and flinging up her tail, as she always did when she meant vengeance. Then although he swept the thirty backwards and forwards with his glasses, he could never find her yellow cap again, and when he did, he mistook it for something else, til] they were close at home. On the Oaks day, her form was fully half a stone better, but Charlton as nearly as possible broke his Stirrup iron, coming round Tat- tenham Corner. Balrownie was troubled with sand- „ , , , i-i.... Balrownie, cracks, and was bad to train in conse- Blooming Hea- quence. I'Anson thought he had tried ther, and Bonnie him high enough to win the St. Leger, cot an ' but he injured his hock in his trial, and had to be stopped in his work; and with a view to the Doncas- ter Stakes, he was not ridden out when winning was hopeless. Mr. Padwick gave 2000/. for him ; and old John Day was delighted with his trial, and so was Wells, who rode him. He was a very unfortunate horse. When he ran with Virago, at York, he was so severely kicked at the post, that the starter felt bound to give him a little time to recover from it; and he got pricked in his shoeing before he met Rataplan, at Manchester. Blooming Heather shyed at a butcher's cart coming through London, and was still quite stifl from slipping upon the stones, when she went for the Oaks. Bonnie Scotland nearly broke his leg at twc years old, and never could be got thoroughly fit. He had the greatest constitution of the family, and was the most indolent at exercise that I'Anson ever hac to do with ; and the last heard of him was, that he hac won the Great Prize for sires at Cincinnati, Ohio against Lexington and all comers. Beadsman, the son of Mendicant, had R , all the fine action of his dam, and if ea sman* people did pronounce him " a rum 'un to look at,' they were more confirmed in their opinion when hi; 240 Scott and Sebright. photograph appeared. There was not much promise about him at two years old, and if he had not won a trial with a light weight on him at Danebury, he would have been probably put out of training. After the Two Thousand, he was tried to give Fitzroland 61bs., and won so far that Wells hallooed to his lad to stop, as the touts were about. Antonio, Anton, Of the three A's, Antonio, Anton, and and Actseon. Actaeon, which John Day had in hand at one time, Anton was the smallest, and very neat, but sadly touched in the temper; and if Vaultress and Maid of Orleans divide the honours of the speediest Danebury mare, Actaeon could probably have beaten everything of both sexes for half a mile. Anton's luck was beyond the average in his great three hun- dred-guinea match with Kent. His near hind leg had gone months before, and was kept in perpetual cold bandages, but it just stood out with the most careful nursing over the mile and a quarter, and he won by a neck. Antonio's A.F. match with Luff was also a most brilliantly ridden finish. Wells on Luff held the lead down the hill from the Bushes, and Alfred Day, who could not take any liberties on his roarer, got to him in the Bottom. Neither of them dared to do more than touch his horse's mouth, and when Wells stopped Luff half-way up, in order to " reach home," Alfred drew up to his knee, and holding his bay there till the last few strides, just got up and won by a short head. The old school, with all their Robinsonian and Chifney memories, are bad to beat, but the patience and tenderness of this finish stamped it as a master- piece on both sides, and none spoke of it more highly than General Peel. Trumpeter Marionette and Trumpeter were never put together at two years old, but tried collaterally with Pinsticker, who made out Trumpeter to be iolbs. the better of the two. On the Monday before the Derby, they were measured, and John Day Turf Cracks. 241 again considered that Marionette had iolbs. the worst of it. Trumpeter's leg which had been hit at Bath went very badly in the Derby, and the other followed suit the moment they tried to put him into slow work again. Mr. Harry Hill bought him for 220 guineas at the last "Corner" sale of the Royal Yearlings, and it would be strange indeed if one of the Hampton anniversaries came off without some little jocula*r passage of arms between Mr. Hill and Mr. Tattersall on the subject of that memorable purchase. Musjid was one of the Tickhill ticklers, M ... and Ariadne, the Moulvie, and Cast-off USJ1 were the other winners out of the lot which went with him to Doncaster that Autumn. Their sire Newminster had two seasons there, and Langar, Tramp, Catton, Barefoot, Interpreter, Juggler, Cardinal Puff, Hetman Platoff, and Rataplan have also flourished in turn under those ivied battlements girdled with a moat, and above whose tangled mass of elm and sycamore, the gilt Tarrare stands out, to tell of the " blue stripe" days when poor George Nelson seldom missed a morning stroll to the Castle. Elis was foaled in the elder-tree box beneath it, and " a great, strong foal he was," according to his accou- cheur, John Hornshaw ; and Slane saw the light in these paddocks, when his Orville dam came to the handsome Langar. The saddle-room box was Musjid's birthplace, and he only contrived to save his year by six days. He was the finest galloper among them in the paddocks, but went so wide and awkwardly behind, that the buyers at Doncaster all thought that he was lame. Mr. Gerard Sturt first told Sir Joseph Hawley of him, and advised him very strongly to go and have a look. No one would give the 300 which Lord Scarbo- rough set upon him, and the colt went home to Tick- hill. Still Sir Joseph did not forget him, and on second thoughts, about the middle of October the bargain was R 2 42 Scott and Sebright. His Derby struck. In his Derby trial he was made Trial |-0 gj:ve 2ilbs. to Gallus, and Wells on Beacon, and something loose to make a pace, took what part they could. For a mile it was a tremendous splitter between Musjid and Gallus, but the latter was told out in the next quarter, and Sir Joseph felt sure that he had the Derby again in his grasp. Wells vowed forthwith that he had never ridden anything so good, and never expected to do again. The match with The Blacksmith the next year seemed a wonder- fully good thing, but the Derby winner went dead amiss before the day. Underhand and Underhand's finest two-year-old per- the Greyhounds, formance was at Ripon, where he stum- bled and ran Saunterer, who only gave him 2lbs., to a head ; while Skirmisher, who received 61bs., was just beaten as far. He was a very small colt, and was foaled at the Consett Ironworks, from one of whose functionaries he derived his name. Mr. Forster consigned him to Spigot Lodge, as a yearling ; and one of his admirers from the Works, who wanted a little outing, came shortly afterwards to see him. It was to him that Fobert and the world are indebted for a new wrinkle in the preparation of yearlings. " This and another colt," he said, " have run together from foals ; but there never was such a promising galloper as this one; we know it, Mr. Fobert, for we've set the greyhounds on them regular." On cross-examina- tion by Arthur Briggs, it was further elicited that Underhand had not altogether approved of being made a hare, and had once jumped a wall with the long-tails after him, and dropped without injury, on to the thatched roof of a pigsty. His Newcastle His style of carrying his head very high Triumphs, impressed many with an idea that he was not a stayer. This was a mistake, but still about a mile and a half was his best distance, and his great speed enabled him to get up through his Turf Cracks. 243 horses from the half - distance under very high weights. He always ran best in Aldcroft's hands, as his .tender, patient way of nursing him pulled him through if it was at all on the cards. Dr. Syntax at Preston, and Beeswing at Newcastle, might be said to " farm the Cups," and Vampyrenearly had a monopoly of the Ascot Stakes for three successive years, yet no horse save Underhand ever ran in the same handicap for five out of his six seasons, and not only win it three times but finish by being second. Well might the " Black Diamonds" be found clustering round him like bees, year after year, waving their hats, and sing- ing out excitedly from their platform stands, for minutes before the race began, " Unneyhand wins; Unneyhand wins /" We never saw his muscle so splendidly up, as when he won the Great Ebor Handi- cap at gst. lib. He never had a day's illness in his life, and his legs were as sound to the last as when he fled from the greyhounds. St. Albans came to Fyfield about Oc- gt Albans tober, and pleased his lordship and Taylor in a trial by giving Plumper iolbs. He was amiss all _his two-year-old season, and so unwell after running third for The Ham, that Taylor assured his lordship it, would be death to him to start again that week. In fact, he put him into the van in Cantine's place at Salisbury, as he was far too weak to walk across the country. At Newmarket that autumn he made out very badly, but he began to come rather later on, and in a two-mile trial with Compromise, who gave him 25lbs. for the two years, the six-year-old Clarissa gelding 6st, and the two-year-olds Conscript and Gwellyan, he won just as he liked. He was tried at Stevens' of Ilsley in the spring, and was in Godding's hands for the Metropolitan and Chester Cup. This severe pre- paration knocked his legs about so much, that it was some weeks before Taylor could go on with him for the St. Leger; but he couldn't have made weather to R 2 244 Scott and Sebright. suit the immense work his colt had to do, more exactly; and a rough gallop in clothes for the St. Leger distance with Plumper showed him to be more than 2st. the best of the pair. Luke Snowdon had never been on him till the day before the race, and his orders to come at the distance resulted in the most decisive victory, since The Dutchman's day. The outside of the fet- lock joint ot the oft fore-foot had always been his weak spot, and he was so lame on the Friday, that he had to be blistered and thrown up as soon as he got home. The Ascot Cup was fatal, and the weak foot went hopelessly on that hard course as he came round the bottom turn. Although he seemed more, he was only fifteen-two when in training, of a remarkable rich dark chestnut, with a peculiarly proud way of carrying his tail, and always ramping and neighing about. His length and hind-quarters, and great thighs and hocks were all fine points with him, and his staying qualities most undeniable. Ashdown Park. , Ashdown is rich in something more than mere historic fancies. It was here that Miss Ann Richards, the strong-minded virgin of Wiltshire, used to leave her coach and six on the hills and do beater's duty close by her dogs all day, with her pole in her hand, and her kirtle up to her knee till:— " Poor Ann, at last, was view'd by death, Who coursed and ran her out of breath." Here, too, met the renowned club who made such glorious matches, sang such merry songs, invented such luscious puddings, and found such a worthy chronicler in old Mr. Goodlake. We first saw it on a peculiarly lovely morning, in fact, the one which, after a dreary winter, seemed to herald in earnest the welcome springtide of '60. The South Berkshire hounds, passing under the railway- bridge at Reading, on their way to a distant meet, gave us a passing peep at country recreations as we Turf Cracks. 245 swept along to the Shrivenham station ; and there, too, the very pointer, emblazoned as a trade mark on a whole heap of returned corn-sacks, bore its silent witness to those sporting tastes which fairly permeate an Englishman's being. A friend's horse was duly in waiting Ride to the for us, and we were soon cantering along Coursing Ground, towards the hills, beyond which lay our coursing land of promise. An occupation road to the left led us past a farm, half hid in ivy, with rent-paying Herefords and juicy Devons lazily chewing the cud in its straw- yard, while the thrashing-machine kept relentlessly " crushing the air," not with its " sweetness," but its beetling hum, in the snug stack-garth behind. The farmer was as mellow and pleasant as his holding, and with a " Good morning!" and a few cheery words about Ashdown, we ride briskly on across the old pasture, and along the brook studded with willow- stumps, where the pike-fishers linger in the long summer days. A labourer with a waistcoat still deeper in its yellow than the straw-laden wain which rumbles along the ruts, recalls us from the delights to the stern realities of nature, as his wife addresses him behind the fence, in anything but the tones of the turtle ; and anon we are climbing the hill to the downs in the wake of a little slipper, who is recount- ing his triumphs of " four years ago." Once at the summit, and the downs seem to stretch away for miles in one vast, brown, rippling surface, with no sound to break their stillness, except the bleatings of the Hampshires, as they answer their newly born lambs; and the bullock language of the white-smocked ploughmen. The Vale of White Horse, so dear to Tom Brown's heart, furnishes a delightful sunny panorama, rich with trees and water, behind us. In front is a strip of tableland flanked on one side by a woodland dell, where the fox lies curled at- the mouth of his earth, careless of V. W. H. 246 Scott and Sebright. horn and hound ; while on the other is Compton Bottom, with its patches of stunted bushes and under- growth, and peopled with countless generations of " merry brown" and straight-backed hares. The plough, that gentle innovator, has stolen a march on those ancient solitudes at last. Teams of oxen toil along the furrows and scare the partridges in their track, while a group of farm-sheds and straw ricks remind us of a storehouse in a desert, and that civili- zation and rats will gain a settlement everywhere. Notabilities of Now, a dark mass of carriages, carts, the Field. ancj horsemen seems to be forming ahead round the " Rubbing House," and we press on for a true and correct card. The word of command is given when the Earl and his party arrive, and the tryer and slipper, both in scarlet, move down into the Bottom to begin, while the foot people and the commissariat carts linger on the hill. The Ashdown Cavalry are there, at least four hundred strong ; and when a hare does take the hill, and they all sit down in their saddles and catch fast hold of their horses' heads, the very ground seems to start and tremble under them. Three or four daughters of a noble house are in the throng, and one of them especially, with a simple white feather in her hat, steers her beautiful grey to the front, each time, with a grace and dash that makes many a rugged courtier exclaim, that " It's worth coming to Ashdown to see those ladies ride." A rigid costumier would have been puzzled among that motley throng. Even the two field stewards have no unity on the point. The one is still faithful to the trim velveteen which was in such vogue years ago, while the other communicates lustre to a spruce over- coat of faultless whiteness, with cords and tops to match ; and knickerbockers are all the fashion among the younger men, with, as lawyers were wont to say in the good old days of special demurrers, a little scarlet at the knee and wrist, to "give colour." Turf Cracks. 247 Grave Scotchmen are there in plaid, from head to foot; while the rough shooting-coat and unshackled Doric of the East Riding mark the Yorkshiremen, who have come many a mile to back Glengarry in vain. Smart young jockeys leave Lambourne for the day, and are easy to pick out from their clever hand and seat; some of them on two-year-olds, to teach them to face a crowd and harden their confidence for future contests. There, too, conspicuous from his tall, active figure, is Grantley Berkeley, the mighty hunter and rifle-shot of The Field, fresh from the buffaloes and the other spolia opima of the Prairies. " Stone- henge," too, looks on, and gathers material for new chapters in his mind's eye on the sport which he has made his own ; while the editor of The Life, scorning to call horse or pony to his aid, be it hill or be it plough, is always in his place, near the judge, and scanning every turn with an ardour worthy of " The Sleepless Eye." Their talk is all of dogs, distemper, Courserg. Talk and fine young puppies coming forward a or lost for ever to the slips; and a joke about a Macclesfield man, who advertised "a low-bred grey- hound," seems to be keenly enjoyed. One takes up more general ground, and details plaintively that there were only three waiters to forty-five diners at Lam- bourne over night, and that fears of coming frost had deterred the cautious landlord from speculating more extensively in his brother man. Then there is a slight dispute between a little ancient courser on a pony and a young farmer, as to the whereabouts of the White Horse Hill. Neither of them will bate one jot of his opinion. One says that he has coursed up to it for thirty years, yea, even before the other was born ; and the elderly infant doesn't at all see the overwhelm- ing force of that argument, as he " came from the hill this morning." And now the great match of sixteen dogs of " The 248 Scott and Sebright. The Two Blacks World" against sixteen of Altcar Club, at Work. js renewed. Sixteen courses have been run off the day before, and the former has ten standing to the latter's six ; but still Altcar does not despair, and the crowd predict that Rosy Morn, thanks to the Chadbury training, will come out as fresh as ever to-day. " There she goes" soon passes from lip to lip, as the first hare gets up in the Bottom, but it is not much of a course. The judge takes off his hunting cap and waves it to indicate that he will give no decision as to merits, and the flag steward waves both red and white flags accordingly. Some- how or other the white flag seems to win every course in the early part of the day, and people begin to follow luck instead of judgment, and to try and back every dog on the "white" side of the card. Rosy Morn, however, does all that is expected of her ; the brown and white crack from Yorkshire toils after her in vain, and there is no hat off that time. But the course of courses is to come, " one of the old sort," as the white-haired Nestors affectionately say. In vain the hare makes for the hill, and the cover on the other side, which she has known of old. The two blacks wont be denied, but they have the problem of perpetual motion to solve this time. " There's a picture of Ashdown !" says Mr. McGeorge, as at last, after watching them work her for nearly three miles on the hill-side, he sees them both lying down on the brow, near the Rubbing House, and the hare scampering away towards her old form in the Bottom. A painter might have followed the slips for inspiration all his life, and never lighted on such a beautiful " bit." Alas ! poetry soon fades into a hard reality when the trainers "take up" their wearied charges ; and then is heard the sad homily on the cunning of Patience, that she'll " not get over such a towelling this season." Turf Cracks. 249 There is another pretty picture to Beating the hand, as a small plantation is drawn. A Plantations, few beaters go in, and the slipper crouches behind a hedge with his dogs, while hare after hare scampers towards him over the vacant space, with their heads straight for the City of Refuge over the hill. In not one instance is it reached, though the hares are nothing loth to charge the foot people. One is picked up in such dashing style that the crowd involuntarily raise a cheer, and a winner bears another proudly back in his mouth, as if yearning for his ovation as well. From the style in which he grips it, it looks at the distance like one of those troop of white mountain hares which a bewildered Southron (better read in the "Pilgrims of the Rhine" than "British Rural Sports") mistook for an elfin crew, as the Highland gillies drove them up to him, and, throwing down his Manton, fled on his lordly legs. Another is so dis- inclined to quit his hold, that it is only by the aid of three men, one of whom pinches his ear, that his fangs can be forced open at all. But the day wears on, and the hares begin to wax troublesome, and get up by threes and fours, three hundred yards ahead of the beaters. Sometimes twenty or thirty are on foot together, and they look nearly as big as foxes against the horizon line, as they move restlessly about or stand derisively on their hind legs to listen. But it is not for us to— 44 Sing in venturous guise Of ricks and turns, and falls and byes, And all the courser's mysteries." Suffice it to say, that when the ties of that day were run off, the antagonists stood 4 to 4. The next day's post told of evens for the last time ; and be- fore Saturday's sun had set, Rosy Morn, daughter of Black Cloud and Riot, had vanquished the game Sweetbriar ; and thus Altcar gloried in a double victory. 250 Scott and Sebright. Over the Hill But Effort, Riot, Sackcloth, Mocking to Russiey. Bird, and even our old Cumberland neighbour Truth are out of mind, as we skirt the Bishopstown field, on another winter day, and think, as we are obliged, from stress of ruts and mire, to put into the fallows, that such a name as Trip the Daisy is only a delusion and a snare. Ashdown Park and its ancestral avenue of limes lie away in the homestead-dotted valley to the left, and just above it is seen the quaint old Rubbing House upon Weathercock Hill. St. Lawrence, the two "Blacks" —Tommy and Doctor—and Pretty Boy knew it well, and it was there poor Luke Snowden gave Brown Duchess many a breather for the " Green and Gold," when Kettledrum cleared his pipes behind Dilkoosh along the White Horse Ridge, and Dundee strode his defiance on Bishopstown Hill. Never before did three such flyers hold three neighbouring heights. Their grave and potent senior Thormanby is on the Bishopstown side, and there too Leamington, Satin- terer, Sunbeam, Hungerford, and King Tom were sent along in their day, over the one and a half miles from the Craven Cricket Ground to the Two o'Clock Bush. a Peep at Once over that velvet turf, and Russ- Russiey Park. \ey park is below us, with its mysterious vista of beeches, which leads to nothing. A St. Leger and an Oaks winner are roaming under them, and the neat stable-yard on the left holds not only a Derby winner, and the mightiest second that ever made the Scots " cock their bonnets" so boldly, but the first favourite for the next year as well. A white reach and foot mark tell the tale of the massive sixteen-one Sunbeam, as she grazes quietly in the distance with the weight-carrying Miss Anne, both of them due to Lord of the Isles. Little Lady Lurewell carries her Wild Dayrell burden bravely, and so does Russley's dam, and the whole-coloured Turf Cracks. 2 51 Catherine Hayes, as she loiters affectionately round the house away from them all, and raises her sweet, mild head for her wonted pat as Mat Dawson comes up. One of the very first Fisherman colts is in a paddock beyond the yard, and, true to his Scottish ownership, Newhaven is his name ; and we find a memento indoors of his aunt Rambling Katie, in the oxydized black duck inkstand, which tells its own tale of York, and a kind-hearted owner dead and gone. Thormanby forms a pleasant link for Thomranby Mat Dawson between his old service and his new. He thought " Old Alice," as we did when we saw her at Cawston, a very hopeless subject, but the spring brought strength, and she did not turn from Windhound as she had done at the end of three weeks from Melbourne, who got no foal that season. It was in Sunbeam's year that Mr. Plummer encoun- tered Mat, and begged him to come and look at "one of Alice's, which will suit Mr. Merry." Off they went to the Turf ,Tavern, and Mr. Merry struck a bargain at 350/. for him on the Friday, thus carrying away as it were a Derby and St. Leger out of the town at one stroke. Northern Light, Trovatore, Lady Falconer, and Apollyon were in the yearling lot that autumn, and he squandered them so decidedly when they did have a brush that it was thought advisable to hire the old mare. She foaled a filly to Wild Day- rell, and it died, and then she was barren to him again, and died herself, a mere steed of Old Mortality, with an enormous gathering in her udder, at Saun- terer's paddocks. Never did a two-year-old work much Thormanby's harder than the chestnut, as he was out Earh Labours, no less than twelve times between Northampton and The Criterion, in which his 3lbs. to Thunderbolt stamped him. A severe course like Ascot and the Newmarket finish always suited him best. When 252 Scott and Sebright. Northern Light was beaten by Cape Flyaway (who was a first-rate tryer) at Bath, John Scott thought he had got the line, and sent Mat Dawson a friendly warning that he had a tremendous horse in The Wizard, and Mat sent back his compliments and his " Who's afraid ?" The trial with Northern Light a week before had been high enough to allow of a margin, and as the chestnut had not a drawback, both trainer and owner considered that the Derby cheque only wanted Mr. Weatherby's signature. Twenty- four hours after the race their champion had a bad swollen gland, and as he required a great deal of pre- paration, it was not all plain sailing up to the Leger, where the infallible sign of turning a little awkward on going down to canter, was as fatal to the favourite as ever. Dundee Dawson had never heard of Dundee, till Thomas Winteringham begged him at Doncaster to come to the ring- side directly, as " They're just going to bring in Mr. Cookson's, and there's one by our horse." Strange as it may seem, Kettledrum was No. 1 on the list, and Dundee No. 2, and as Mat Dawson thought the latter a well-grown colt, and knew that Mr. Merry wanted a bit of Lord of the Isles, he put him in at 150. Reeves of Epsom got one or two bids, and when the colt was knocked down at 170, he repented his lack of ardour too late, and begged Dawson to give up his bargain. Mr. Parr had one bid, but he did not go on, as his mind was rather set on taking home a Rataplan. He quavered between Kettle- drum and Parasite, and got the one he wanted at 400 guineas, but found that he could only act in dirt, and was infirm in his hocks, and a roarer as well. Dundee bullied Russley, Folkestone, Starlight, and Sweet Hawthorn in his gallops in quite the Thor- Turf Cracks. 253 manby style, and although very backward, he was tried very highly before Liverpool. A finish with Lady Clifden, Big Ben, Dundee, and Little Lady, and not three-parts of a length between, is one Liverpool may not see again, and Folkestone's defeat of " The Lady" at Epsom Spring kept the stable right. Once in form, and Dundee ruled for the sea- son. Brown Duchess certainly extended him at Liverpool, in a splendid finish, for which the mare never got sufficient credit that year, as he walked away from her and Nemesis so completely in the Findon Stakes. On paper, the Stockbridge race was a great one, but the dead heat with Maggiore at York weighed more with the public than the stable. A young one was not likely to improve with heats, but Mr. Merry and Mat thought so little of Maggiore's form, that they would have tried their colt higher at home. Dundee was rather a coltish, light- His Break- fleshed horse, with a beautiful wind, a very down, blood-like head, and fine thighs, but, like his sire, a little upright on his fore joints. Custance always liked to bring him eight or ten strides from home, and to feel him " come like a steam-engine." Thormanby left it to Sir William, Russley, and Folkestone to try him among them, as he was almost too idle a horse to do so" satisfactorily. Dundee did all that was de- sired, but there were indications two or three days before Epsom, which made them watch the pointer of the weather-glass very jealously, and wish themselves and the horse well out of it. Of his standing another preparation they had not a hope, and the lower part of the suspensory ligament in the near foreleg went so badly that after the Derby the fetlock touched the ground, and it was nearly forty minutes' labour getting him back to Sherwood's. Then it was another week before he could be got into the van; three months of cold-water bandages hardly put him into 254 Scott and Sebright. a walking gear, and Habena was his first consort at Eltham. a Peep at A few miles over the downs, and we Benhams. are among Tom Parr and his lot, which do their long summer work on the Seven Barrow or Sparsholt Down, and in bad weather on the Charlton range. " Puce and white wins," has now been heard from Weymouth to Kelso, for ten long years, and gradually the parchments of Letcombe Regis and Bowers, Benhams and the Manors of East and West Challow have given a solid significance to the cry. The Goodlake crest lingers in almost unde- cipherable characters above one of the gable ends in the most venerable of yards, where the green moss and the houseleek still cling to the thatch. The highly conservative corn chamber in the centre, whose stores have enabled so many thorough-breds to face the hill, is still faithful to its wooden steps and rusty staddles, and gallantly defies all change. The ancient kennel of Glider and the other G.'s of the King of Wiltshire's coursers is there, close by the box of Wyon and Tolurno, but nothing but a fir cone arch, round which the ivy is clinging, and an armless statue of Neptune among the wild flowers on the edge of the swan lake, tell of the old man's home. Kildonan was in Fisher- man's barn, ripening (as it was then hoped) by a long winter's rest for Marlow's hand, but the Heron brown is not forgotten. Fisherman Mr. Parr still loves to tell how he hu- and Co. moured him with a long gallop or a short one, but " never left him many days together," and points to the 65lbs. and the head-beating which he gave Misty Morn (the winner of thirteen races that season) at Derby, as the greatest triumph among his sixty-eight. The deceptive Lupellus had already died out of Benhams memory; but, wonder as he might seem in his day, he was never so fast as his little Punch of a brother Lupus; and it was the style in Turf Cracks. ■ 15 5 which Kildonan gave him 2st., and Avalanche 9lbs. over the D.I. which made Mr. Parr feel sure that Imaus would beat his half-brother no more. Avalanche was one of the pots of Avalanche treasure which Mr. Parr is ever turning vaanc e- up.» Captain Oliver met him in the train, and begged him to take her for her forfeits, which he did, but she seemed so unpromising that at first he only rode her as a hack. When the work on Sparsholt Down was over one morning, he rode her to Bowers Farm, where he intended to shoot, and her action in a brisk gallop across the plough at once decided him to train her. Her.turn soon came, and she had to take Rattlebone's place in the Newmarket Biennial, when he fell amiss, and the trial at a stone with the four-year-old Indiffer- ence was so good, that her owner got on at 2000 to 200 about her. And well he might, as whatever beat Indifference in a trial won its race. Still, even Ford- ham, who can communicate his fine confidence to a nervous horse beyond almost any jockey of the day, could make but little of Indifference in public. In a trial at home, he gave Gaspard a stone and a year cleverly, and yet at Stamford he was himself beaten by Wallace in a walk. According to this truest of tryers, Avalanche took the horrors after Ascot, but " the shooting pony" won between 4000/. and 5000/. in bets and stakes, and went to Belgium for 800 guineas more. I'Anson had almost made up his mind Caller Qu to send Queen Mary to West Australian in '57, but he changed his mind and chose Stockwell for her. He gave effect to his first fancy the next season, but she returned from Grimston with Caller Ou at her foot and barren. Scott told him by way of comfort that the little brown filly was a clipper, and that no foal in the paddock could come near her, when she galloped. She never lost a trial either at two or three years old; and nothing in the stable 256 Scott and Sebright. could take more work, provided she was allowed to do it by herself. Trials and In point of action it was Blink Bonny Peculiarities. for choice, but their head notions were totally different. If Blink's jockey pulled hers up, she would have it down again, whereas if Caller Ou got excited and pulled about, up it went, and she would fight and wear herself out. Her first two- year-old trial was half-mile at even weights with the four-year-old Donati. Her victory was so hollow, that I'Anson tried them over again, and found it to be a true bill. Soon after that, a friend came through the stable, and casually remarked as they passed, " If she could knock over Donati at evens, Fd give a thou- sand for her/' but I'Anson never answered a word. After i^everley, he began to think that Donati was a . deceiver, and the post-breaking feat at Carlisle did not improve matters. On the Oaks day I'Anson had not discovered her mouth secret, and as Challoner did not ride her ten- derly enough, she summarily shut up at the turn. Before York, she allowed Prologue to lead her in her fast work ; but backward as she was, Starlight, whose heels were full of humour, never made her gallop there, and H. Grimshaw liked his mount so much, that he backed her to win him three hundred in the St. Leger. I'Anson's Doncaster hopes re- vived on Knavesmire, but still he offered her to Mr. Robinson of Australia for fifteen hundred. At Stockton she ran out two or three lengths, and the world did not know how good Oldminster was ; and Derby did no't at all convince her owner that there was going to be a Saucebox encore. Her St. Leger The arrangement that Grimshaw Race. should come down for a week to Malton to ride in her gallops, was abandoned, and when she did come to Doncaster, he met I'Anson at the station and begged to give up his mount. In short, the night Turf Cracks. 257 before the race, Lord Stamford had the refusal of her for 1200/., and if it had not been " all the money" she would most probably have never started. Challoner's orders to let her do what she liked with her head were carried out to the letter, and at the Red House she was going so well that he felt sure of a place. At the distance she was still going, and when Kettle- drum came away, he felt that there was just one thing for it, and that was to tackle him and never let Luke have a pull. He found he had the best of the speed the moment he placed her alongside of the crack, who was running as game as a bull- dog in his difficulties,, and there he sat, till the post was passed, not daring to move on her and touch her, and expecting every instant that she would cut it. It seems but yesterday that we saw The Youth of Kettledrum for the first time at Mr. Kettledrum. Cookson's paddocks, in that unsatisfactory transi- tion state of a yearling in January. He was short, and not the most elegant, but the strongest limbed one we ever met with at that age. Rataplan had been chosen for his dam Hybla, who was never broken, purely for the sake of the double cross of Whalebone, through The Saddler and The Baron. It has alway been this celebrated breeder's theory, that whatever may be the best strain the mare has, a horse should be selected with the same. It was on this ground that Marmalade was sent to Lord of the Isles, that the double cross of Whalebone might unite through Waverley and Touchstone. The same end might have been effected by choosing Chanticleer, who also stood at Croft, but Dundee's sire got the preference on account of his Pantaloon strain, which always nicks well with Whalebone, either through Castrel, Selim, or Buzzard. At Doncaster, many took against Kettledrum, as having far too heavy a top ; but still he had a strong S 258 Scott and Sebright. party, and it was then written of him, that " with that strong neck, and those wonderfully springy pasterns, it will be strange indeed if he does not race or stay, or both." Poor William Oates felt no peace of mind till Colonel Towneley consented to purchase ; and if he had got his way, nothing would have stopped him for Dundee as well. The heavy top made the biddings languid. Messrs. Robinson and J. Dawson were " in" a few times ; but Mr. Eastwood's nods came from the dangerous left with the regularity of a piston, and the craclc fell beneath them for four hundred. Three times before had Col. Towneley nearly drawn a great winner in the yearling lottery. Oates had said a great deal about not going past Thormanby ; and on the advice of Heseltine, who looked after his dam Peggy as a boy, money had been bid for Musjid ; and Gla- diolus was preferred; and but for Mrs. P Anson and her daughters begging their father not to part with the blood, the joint offer of 500/. for Haricot and the yearling Caller Ou would have been accepted. As it was, Mr. Eastwood bid' 300 gs. for Caller Ou herself on the very Doncaster Thursday that he bought Haricot and Kettledrum for Colonel Towneley. Training To get the young Kettledrum reduced Kettledrum. [n j3Upc was rather a snail-like process, and his first gallop was about December with Doefoot, who received 7lbs., and fairly danced away from him. At the next time of asking he was some lengths nearer ; but he was a delicate feeder, aifd never took regular 'work till a month before the York August. His preparation had been so short, that although he got a bad start in the mud, and regularly cut up the Lincolnshire regiment of Dictator Volunteers, who crossed the Humber next morning in the direst dismay, he did badly over the same course on the Friday, and ran some pounds below his form in the Champagne. His dentition was tedious, and hence the intention of coming through with him in the Two Thousand was Turf Cracks. 259 abandoned. On a straight course he could make his* own running, when he had a little time to settle, but he got his head up and crossed his legs immediately if he tried to do it on a round ones A tremendous pace was what he wanted, and the style in which he stole along on the Derby day from Tattenham Corner,—ever handy with Dundee, when the bay came down the fatal hill into the straight like a. flash ; 01* flew up the Doncaster one as if he fairly revelled in the design of Rising Sun to break The Wizard's heart, and heeded nothing of iolbs. to an Oaks winner,— was not a sight to be forgotten. The five-year-old Dilkoosh, who never told them wrong yet, was the stable barometer, and he was fully 5 lbs. the worst of the two before the Derby. He was laid up with plaisters on his legs, long before the St. Leger ; but from a collateral trial, they believed Kettledrum to be fully 7 lbs. better than he was at Epsom. Perhaps, to our eye, he was not in such perfect bloom, but Yorkminster's flat refusal to help him up to the Red House was fatal, and instead of taking the fifth double first, he had to cast in his lot with Cotherstone, Coro- nation, Thormanby, and the baffled fifteen. His Doncaster and Epsom guardian Col. Towneiey's had returned to his velveteen fellows, Paddocks, and their guns were echoing in chorus among the plantations on Beatrix and Middle Knowe, when with Wolfinden Crag as our beacon, we followed the wind- ings of the "trout-haunted Hodder. Above us were Staple Oak, Brennand, Whitendale, and Whitmore, links in the chain of those everlasting hills, and spon- sors to Newminster and West Australian colts, over which Heseltine, the Dr. Caius of the glen, watches so tenderly. The " Black mutton," as the Monks of Whaley and* the Robin Hoods of the district delicately termed it in the days of the " Bold Buccleuch," has departed for ever and aye since the fiat of disparking went forth. Those who remember the killing of the S 2 26o Scott and Sebright. last buck have long since grown into greybeards, and when antlers were extinct, the curved horn of the Lonk King reigned paramount on the dark heather sides, and up the ash and sycamore gullets of the Forest of Bowland, of which Mr. Richard Eastwood was the Bow-bearer. Two counties unite close by the Root Stud-farm, and we might well ponder whether we should stop in the West Riding to look at the Beeswing-like style of the yearling Stella, as she stood ready to greet us with the Voltigeur-necked Lamb Hill, and the well-grown Nugget in their polished boxes of home-forest oak,—or cross the elder-shaded stream, to give her spotted namesake with Faith, Emma, and Rosette, of Royal fame, a hearty Lanca- shire greeting- It was well to be off with the old love first, so we chose the Yorkshire side. An Hour with the The old matrons Florence by Veloci- Brood Mares, pede, and the hollow-backed Boarding School Miss still remember their Grimston Paddock days, and enjoy an undying nine months' friendship, when they meet again each spring. Nelly Hill (on which Luke Snowdon won his maiden race), Honey- dew by Touchstone, and the white-faced Haricot, have nearly as great a bond of union in Langdon Holme, and the little white-nose tip of Ellermire reminds us that the quickest starter in England, a daughter of old Beeswing, the dam of the St. Leger winner of the year, and the mare who beat off the fly- ing squadron of King of Trumps, Hospodar, Kingston, and Ephesus, in a mile at York, are all confederates now. Rosaura, by Don John the germ of the stud, is there, with " fifteen or sixteen pure crosses, and yet one hair in her tail not right," as Heseltine observes in his fervour ; and so is her daughter Hesperithusa, the first foal and the first Cup winner that Col. Towneley ever owned. Her half-sister Passion Flower waits for an audience close by the edge of the pheasant brake which fringes the holme, and Heseltine tells triumph- Turf Cracks. 261 antly how Doefoot, their Liverpool Cup winner, went as a yearling to Doncaster with old Rosaura, and how they returned without a single bid. Two white hind legs marked a second slice of Touchstone in Ame- thyst, and the blood of Windhound and Melbourne, which lays rival claim to the honour of Thormanby's paternity, is united here in the whole brown Be Quick. Patience, whom William Oates never failed to have a word with, and the old steeple-chasing Velocity, another of the h. b. brand, consort with the white- legged Evadne in the Smithy Paddocks, and Nightin- gale, who has nothing but " three event blood in her veins," gives back an answering note as the white Velocipede face of King of Trumps is seen approach- ing across the bridge from Holme Head to give us a meeting on the knoll. Pompadour, who could boast of nearly as proud a lineage as Repartee, had just joined the ranks from Middleham, and Castle Hill, Rappel, Deerfoot, and Ellerby fill up the boxes, which Stella, Lamb Hill, Goldfinch, and Campanile have left. And so year quietly succeeds to year, and year- ling to yearling; and perchance a third bonfire may announce the Epsom telegram from the summit of Staple Oak, and a cheer may be heard at last for a St. Leger winner, and " the white and black sleeves," in its own sweet valley of the Hodder. 262 CHAPTER IV. STAG, DRAG, AND FLAG. " I was lately in a company of very worthy people, where we had the Pleasure of a small Consort of Musick ; a good Hand on the Violin, and a Young Lady (esteemed a top Mistress), sung and play'd on a very tine Harpsichord. 'Tis the fashion (you know) for every one to commend ; and the most,insensible Auditor, for fear of discover- ing his own Ignorance, must seem to be in Raptures. The Lady performed to Admiration ; one stared, another talked of Angels and the Spheres, a third wept, a fourth was ready to drop into a Trance. At last a very honest Gentleman that sat by in a musing Posture, having his Ears shaken with a longer and louder Quiver than ordinary, look'd abroad, and gave me a Nod and Wink, with this ingenious remark—'By Jingo, I never heard anything better but a Cry of Dogs ; she draws out her Note like my old Toler.' The Lady herself was not unacquainted with the Attractions of Hunting, and (as she told me afterwards) she was more proud of this sincere compliment from 7'olers master than all the rest she received oil the occasion."—A Country Squire's Essay on Hunting. Old Hunting QO spake Old Toler's master, the Times. ^ sworn liegeman of the Prince of Orange, with all the freshness of the time when it first became the highest family ambition to have " a member for the county, a lad for the living, and a fox from the family gorse." An earlier generation had found pleasure in chasing the yellow-breasted marten, and the bustard. " Thick woods also extended from the village of St. Giles westward towards Tybourne; and Mary-le-bonne was then also a great Black Forest, into which the Queen used to send the Muscovite ambassador to hunt the wild boar." How and where the last acorn-eater was run into is involved in his- torical o-loom ; but no fox was found in Kensington Stag, Drag; and Flag. 263 Gardens after 1798* when the gardeners combined against two litters in the sewer " for ^carrying off water into the fosse under the upper bastion," and shot one of their own body in their undisciplined ardour. Over fox-hunting, whether London or The First Master provincial, the old Master of Hounds to of the Royal the King of Wales did not much care Hounds, to preside. He busied himself more about beaver, marten, and float, and it was ordained by Forest law, that, his hunting clothes should be bordered with their skins. His bugle was the horn of an ox valued at 1 and his protection extended as far as its note could be heard. He could only be cited to a court of justice early in the morning, before he had put on his boots, and whenever he had to be sworn, it was by his horn, his hound, and his leashes. Such was the Charles JDavis of antiquity. There are records of a tremendous run of seventy miles in the Merrie King's reign, and the Duke of York with five others rode it from end to end. They took their stag near Lord Petre's in Essex, and lay there for the night, and on the earliest opportunity, the Luke repaired to Court, to give an accurate account of his saddle labours. Towards the close of the eighteenth The Royal Stag- century his Majesty George III. was in hounds, the zenith of his stag-hunting. Earl Sandwich wore the golden dog-couples ; Johnson was the huntsman, and six yeomen prickers, with French horns, wound the reveille on Holyrood day. The fern-cutters never put in the sickle before that morning, and his Majesty seldom failed to give the field its first greeting of the season, at Charity Farm, or Billing Bear. " Farmer George" met his hounds twice a week when he was at Windsor, clad in his light-blue coat, with black velvet cuffs and top-boots buckled up behind ; but as he rode nearly nineteen stone, the hounds were very often 264 Scott and Sebright. Reverence of stopped to bring him on to terms. The the Country country people loved dearly to see their People. King amongst them. We cannot cap the story which Bill Bean (who was hunting six years before the present century) once begged permission to tell to the late Prince Consort, when they were taking the deer in a cellar, that a rustic of that Georgian era believed his sovereign to have a lion for one arm, and a unicorn for the other. Still Ave saAv pleasant traces of the feeling in an old workhouse dame, Avho told us how, when quite a girl, she had seen the deer killed near Leatherhead. Years had evidently created a little confusion in her mind, between the gayer dress of the huntsman, and the simple insignia of the King, and so she spake on this wise : "His Majesty had a scarlet coat and jockey cap, with gold all about; he had a star on his heart, and we all fell on our knees." The King Out The runs were long, and the stags Hunting. «Moonshine" and " Starlight" earned their title from the time at which they were taken. An own brother to " Sir Henry Gott" (a fine old sportsman, whose hunting-groom ahvays Avore a green plush coat down to his ankles), gave them the severest day from Aldermaston to Reading, and as his Majesty's horses Avere both knocked up, he was seen returning to Windsor in a butcher's taxed cart, and talking of crops and stock by the way. The only emblem of royalty on these occasions was the yeoman pricker riding 011 either side. At first, these guardians of the night merely had their hunting-whips ; but Avhen Ave Avere at Avar Avith all the world, and a spy or highwayman had shot down Mr. Mellish, the Master of the Epping Forest lemon pyes, on his return from hunting, tAvo boys (of Avhom Charles Davis was one), each Avith a brace of horse pistols, were added to the hunting corps, and-as soon as the chace was over, they handed their pistols to two yeomen prickers, in ex- Stag, Drag; and Flag. 265 change for their horns. The horse for his Majesty's statues was modelled from the white Adonis, or the Hanover-bred Arrogant, which were strictly kept as chargers. Perfection was a favourite hunter, for many years, but the bay Hobby was his Majesty's last, and best. By the royal order, no hand but Mr. Davis's was permitted to shoot him, and his ear is still kept among that great huntsman's treasures, with the first hare (a white one) that he ever saw killed. The original staghound pack, the whole The Original forty couple of which were bought by Pack- Colonel Thornton to go to France, were lemon-pyes, and black-and-whites, from 24 to 26 inches. Their skins were rather thin, and their ears " as big as cobblers' aprons," and in fact they seemed all head and throat. For half an hour they were very fast, and gave tongue like " Big Ben but after that they sobered down, and never thought of racing like the present foxhound pack for their deer, when it was sinking. Kennel lameness was the Ascot scourge. In vain did Sharpe adjourn to Brighton for a month in the summer, and astonish " the languid bathers on the Sussex coast," by taking a boat, morning and afternoon, and making them swim after him till he looked a sea-god among attendant Tritons, or rather sea-dogs. They were as bad as ever before they had been back at Ascot for a week, and until Mr. Davis had a false flooring put, so as to admit a free current of air, the effect of the sand upon the bog substratum was never wholly neutralized. The Goodwood pack were given to his Majesty in 1813, and sadly the Sussex men grudged their departure. Their old kennels were considered a model at that The Goodwood time, and one Sporting Magazine poet Kennels, had been inflamed into writing a copy of verses in the architect's praise. It is only the other day that we turned aside for a minute under their ivied arch- 266- Scott and Sebright. way, to have a look at such a memorable spot. Two stone foxes guard it yet; but the Southdowns in the meadow beneath told how truly Goodwood had found a new love, before which, even the horn and the " red cap with golden tassel" had to bow; and all those pleasant hazel copses, across which old Tom Grant rattled the cubs so often in the dew of the autumn morning, invite him and his badger-pyes back in vain. With this pack a new state of things began at the kennel. Mr. Davis, whose father was " the hare- huntsman" to royalty, left the harriers to become first whip, the Duke of Richmond's men going on second and third, and Sharpe blew his first blast on a Robin Hood, instead of a French horn. George iv. s The Prince Regent, who used to draw Hunting. hjs deer supplies from the New Forest each August, left stag for fox about '93, and with Mr. Poyntz, their ex-master, as his manager, and Sharpe as his huntsman, he took the H. H. country and Albury Park, whose ale cellar alone was valued at five hundred. His Royal Highness met the stag- hounds no more, either in his royal father's reign or his own. Once he thought of coming out again with the harriers, and had his breeches and boots duly ordered, but he never put them on. Mr. Davis's appointment as huntsman in 1822 was quite after his heart. " It delights me," he wrote, after it was gazetted " to hear that you've got the hounds; I hope you'll get them so fast that they'll run away from every- body." Such was the handsel of that ever memorable career. Mr. Davis's Best ~ Mr. Davis was then thirty-four, and had Runs. been exactly the term of a minority in the royal service, and spent a third of it with the harriers. It needs a Bill Bean to truly tell his tri- umphs ; of his stopping hounds when they had a slow deer in front of them, and of the daring talent of those casts, which none but the old stag-hunters can Stag, Drag, and Flag. 267 fathom till they see the hounds again striking the line, Mr. Davis's own ideas of his fastest things centred upon two. The first was from Salt Hill to the " Old- aker kennels," fourteen miles within the hour, and he remembered it too well from the fact that his rat- tailed Nimble broke down. Mr. Harvey Combe, who was then the master of the Old Berkeley, happened to be on the flags that day. They took out their watches to mark the time before any one came up. Lord Alvanley was placed second at the end of ten minutes, but he jocularly claimed to reverse the yacht- iftg rule, and claimed " some minutes to the good over Davis for my extra tonnage." Richmond Trump gave them such a Fun in the Vale tremendous twenty miles from Aylesbury of Aylesbury, to Twyford Mill, that he was re-named " Twyford and he seemed so anxious to deserve the name, that he took them in his next run to Twyford in Oxford- shire. The first was a white stone day, in Lord Lich- field's first year of mastership ; and Mr. Davis rode The Clipper, so called from being the first that was ever clipped for royal use. He had been originally in harness, and as he was up to sixteen stone, and his rider, even with a 7lb.-coat, did not ride above ten stone, he went through from end to end over grass in little more than an hour and a quarter. The hounds never checked for bullocks or anything else ; and as Mr. Davis lay in the ditch with one arm round the deer's neck, he took out his watch with the other. For twenty minutes he had no companions, save the miller and his men, who were not a little astonished at the position of affairs ; a gasping huntsman, " a hor-;^ stag," and a pack baying like mad. Still Mr. Davis felt his position much The Marquis more perilous when Earl Errol had es- at Bay- tablished a club at Aylesbury, and went for a week into the country. The Marquis of Waterford came to see the fun, and a merry time there was of it at 268 Scott and Sebright. the White Hart. Mr. Davis slipped away early, and they determined to be revenged. When they had conducted one of Mr. Osman Ricardo's handiest horses into the big room, and made him jump over the chairs and tables, the next proposition was to " unearth the old badger." Recognising whom they meant by the expression, Mr. Davis was out of bed in an instant, and almost before he could get his door locked, and a table and a chest of drawers thrust against it, he heard the horse coming upstairs and the men of war with him. A fearful attack was made on the entrenchments, but they were not to be carried. Mr. Davis stood well to his guns within, and the landlord, whose patience had been exhausted by the horse's ascent, fought like a Trojan without, and " the old badger" lay curled in his earth till morning. Visit to the Royal Ascot Heath seemed drear and strange Kennels. as we walked across it, to pay our an- nual May visit to Mr. Davis and the hounds. Two or three horses were slowly cantering round in their sheets, but even quite a summer sun overhead could not light up the scene ; and it was one desolate ex- panse of brown ling and bracken, with here and there a solitary gorse flower. Time had dealt very gently with the veteran himself, as all the field allowed that they never saw him go better or enjoy the sport more than during the seasons of 1861-2. His parlour was rich in picture history. Mr. Farquharson and Jem Treadwell, by Mr. Davis's late brother, occupied the post of honour over the chimney-piece, and, in fact, the great majority of the engravings were from paint- ings by his well-known hand. Old Hermit, who loved nothing more dearly than the doubles in the Vale, was there in no less than seven positions, and Columbine, who finally went to the Duke of Beaufort's and bred some rare coach-horses, was not forgotten. The little chestnut Sepoy was happily still ripe and ready for the Stag; Drag, and Flag, 269 Buck's side ; but poor Pioneer's seven seasons among the stiffer fences of Berks were ended. The earliest picture of Mr. Davis him- Pictures and self (who rode everything in a simple Testimonials, snaffle) represented him as a lad of eighteen, whipping- in to his father with the Royal Harriers ; and beneath it hung the series of English Hunt Pictures, which preserve so vividly the fine outline of the head of Tom Goosey, and the thunder and lightning features of the redoubtable Jack Shirley. The Silver Testimonial of'59 was in the dining-room, with Lord Maryborough's bust on guard. Lord Chesterfield's mastership was commemorated by a silver stag-group, and tributes of the same character were ranged daintily below it, and flanked by two horns, one of them the gift of the present Duke of Beaufort. Not the least among them was the hoof of a hunter, The Miller, whose white fore hoof was selected in preference to his black, to show that popular prejudice as to soundness may err. Radiant, Byron, and Landscape of the beautiful skulls, were foremost among the hounds ; and the Ripley Deer twice over claimed his place, both in his paddock and going like great guns with his head quite low. The Miller ran for thirteen seasons ; and went for eleven before he became cunning and useless. They seldom used to uncart him more than three times a season, and then Mr. Davis always put an extra guinea in his pocket, as he knew it would be a case of sleeping out for his men. This noted deer was a hero of Lord Maryborough's time, and looked such a rough unpre- pared thing, that Mr. Davis could hardly persuade his lordship to hunt him. He knew his lines of country so well that if he got a few hundred yards wide, he would invariably right himself; and at times he would swim a river, dodge down the opposite bank, and lie with his nose just out of the water. In the kennel we begged to have Waterloo, of 270 Scott and Sebright. The Hound that rich grey tan family by Woodman Kennel. from Fife Wishful, and his sisters, Wanton, Waspish, and Widgeon (my " Little Lady," as Mr. Davis always termed her) drawn together. Then we had out the Rockwoods, seven couple strong—Relish, Rakish, and Rally on one side of the rails, and Ring- wood, Rifler, Random, and Rasselas on the other. There they stood, almost a pack by themselves, and yet it was a mere oversight, which Mr. Davis sadly deplored at the time, which brought the first lot of them into being. The old dog was of course there, looking as meek but yet as sly as a Quaker, and run- ning well in his sixth season. He was from the old Goodwood sort, which Mr. Davis always found to last the longest; but he was then the victim of kennel lameness, which stopped him a good deal in his regular work. Old Swiniey A walk of two miles over the common, Revelries. past the edge of the heath, and finally up a pleasant avenue found us at Swiniey Paddocks. The house where the Marquis of Cornwallis and divers ancient masters of buckhounds kept such state, and where huntsmen and foresters drained horns quite as often as they blew them, has long since disap- peared, and there was nothing save a large indenta- tion in the ground, under the shade of some noble limes, to mark the tomb of all such revelry. High holiday was kept there when George III. was king, and each fourth of June came round. The Master of the hounds gave a great dinner to all the foresters and farmers, and twice or thrice the Royal party drove over and watched them while they danced upon the green. The Deer The Cotterill family live in a solitary Paddocks, house close by, and the present man's father and mother discharged the duties of deerkeeper for 79 years. George Cotterill, the son, passes quite a simple forest life, without even a badge or livery for Stag, Drag, and Flag. 271 high days. He knows no special festival of St. Hubert; but sundry trophies of departed favourites hang round his walls. Wildboy's head is there ; and judging from it he may well speak of him as " the largest deer I ever saw." There, too, in due array, are the four feet of Sepoy, of whom Cotterill has a vivid recollection as being not only a first-rate, but " a most amiable deer." His herd consisted of about 21, and stags were once all the rage ; but the difficulty of getting them to run well between October and Christmas determined the question in favour of the haviers and *hinds. Many of the former are caught and cut as calves at ten days old, and then they never have horns ; while those which are selected later 011 for their style of going, throw up one set of antlers with soft tips after the operation. The Windsor Little Park and Richmond Park stags have not done well, and the best have come from the Great Park, which may be owing to the breed having been more crossed. The red deer from Woburn were the finest strangers, as instead of the usual cat-hams, they had quarters more like a horse, with- rare backs and gaskins to match. In Lord Errol's mastership, the hounds went each April to the New Forest; Lord Palmerston used to meet them there, and Mr. Asshe- ton Smith and nineteen other masters of hounds were once in the field together. Nearly all the stags are born in Windsor n n. Great Park, and the ill-luck which at- eer 16 tended four that were bought for 80/. from Chilling- ham in Lord Kinnaird's time, decided them to keep to the home breds. Of this quartet Percy and Douglas did not run particularly well ; and the other two, Robin Hood and Rob Roy, met with tragical deaths— one of them being spiked on some palings, and the other jumping over a railway bridge. Three runs in one season is a good allowance, and they have to be kept in tip-top condition to achieve that. Clover hay 2/2 Scott and Sebright. of the second crop, as the first is rather too coarse for their teeth, is given them at the rate of about 7 trusses per week for the 17, and to this are added 2 bushels of the smallest and heaviest old beans that can be got, with carrots to vary matters in the winter. The deer-cart stood in a shed in the first paddock, on the door of which was nailed a foot, of apocryphal age; and the sick-house was in another corner, but with only Whimsey and her puppies in possession. Paddock We were quite sorry to disturb a most Exercise. harmonious and picturesque jparty of deer and cock pheasants in the next paddock. The former will come warmly enough round Cotterill at feeding time, but they would not fraternize with strangers at all, and we took care that they should show their action in three or four smart gallops. Richmond, with his fine antlers and great length, was far the most imposing among them, and he derived his name from having been dropped in the park of that ilk, to which he did the highest credit. He and The Doctor raced for the lead in the first heat, and in the second Sulky, who earned that unenviable name from his performance, or rather non-performance, at Hawthorn Hill, took the lead and kept it throughout. As to the third, we have an indistinct idea of Lightning, a very small but nicely-made hind, cutting well in at the turns, and-getting the lead from Jack Tar, the biggest there, but with not an inch of apology for horns, and of Red Rover finishing close up. Carting the On the day before hunting, a well- Deer. trained sheep-dog is called in to separate the chosen pair from the rest, and they are driven across paddock No. 3, to the enclosure in the corner, and so into a little house just big enough for a brace to fast in all night. It is very dangerous to go into them there, except with a large board for a shield; and the pieces of hair strewn about proved how fierce some of the anti-Cotterill conflicts must have been Stag) Drag, and Flag, 273 before he got them righted. King Cole was quite a savage ; but as Cotterill used to say, " I wouldn't care about his fighting the shield if he'd only fight the country'd One side of this house has a moveable window, against which the door of the van is backed, and as the deer of the day has been adjusted, by dint of shield fighting, into the half of the house nearest the window, he gets the first leap, and running up one side of the partition-board in the van and round the space at the end, naturally settles with his head ready for " putting himself on the country." The partition-board is then pushed up to the end, and the reserve deer has to jump in, and ride with his head to the horses. A run from Farnham Common on Peculiarities of March 1st, 1861, was the last great thing Great Stags, that the lamented Sepoy (who first showed his form on the morning that news of the fall of Delhi arrived) ever gave them. He was out once more on Easter Monday, and was taken, after a run from Maidenhead Thicket, six miles beyond High Wickham, among the junipers at Mapple Common, where very few were left to see him dodging like a beaten fox ; but he never lived to come back, and broke his leg that night, fretting over his captivity in a barn. They had hunted him four times a season since 1857, and he is quite embalmed in Mr. Davis's memory, with Wood- man, the Ripley, and the Hendon deer. He was not a very large deer, but good in any country ; of " the straight bang-away sort," no sulkiness or subterfuge, never letting a hound see him till he was fairly tired, and invariably taking some distant hill for his point. He was originally bred in Windsor Park, and there was not a bite upon him after all his perils. Red Hart was also a marvellous deer, of about the same size ; but, unfortunately, when he got to a spot where he had been before, he never would leave it, even if he had another half hour in him. Occasionally T Scott and Sebright. lie would make an honourable compromise, by running a 'short circuit and back again ; but this was rather the exception than the rule. Cashiobury Park was a very favourite spot with him ; and it was beautiful to see the hounds pick it out when he got among the fallow-deer there; and when Harry joined the red ranks once more in Windsor Great Park they actually stopped, and looked up to Mr.. Davis for counsel, at the point where he entered the herd, after holding it for a few hundred yards over the foiled ground. The flints in the fair fields of Bucks play havoc with them ; and Jack Tar, who made the.hounds sleep out two or three times, came to grief in consequence at last. Harry The specialty of the ten-year-old Harry of five season renown, was that he liked to finish in a house, and would never leave a wood if he was once there ; and that he would have one parti- cular run, and that the Bracknell one. In fact, " Harry and BrackneW acted quite like a charm upon the London men, and they were loth indeed to miss it. They knew the length of his foot to a nicety that morning; and he never sent them back without seeing Binfield, Billing Bear, Haynes Hill, Ruscombe Lake, Hare Hatch, Park Place, " then~down the hill to Medenham Abbey, and there we are" three times a season. Commodore was very great in deep ground, and Cranbourne's forte was in a hill-and-wood country, as he never dwelt in it by any chance; and once gave Mr. Davis nearly forty miles home of it, from Gar- sington, near Oxford. Woodman, who was then in his eighth season, would not be taken at all, and went on jumping, at the end of a very long run, among the fields near Highgate, till he broke a blood-vessel and died. Two jumped over a railway bridge, thirty feet into a cutting ; and the renowned Kit-Kat was hope- lessly lost in his fourth season, and no doubt became the prey of some venison-stealer. He got into a large cover, and the heavy rain from the boughs destroyed Stag', Drag, and Flag. 275 the scent so completely, that they gave him up. Tom Wingfield sent word, in a month's time, that he was in a cover near Mr. Drake's ; but he was nowhere to be found when the hounds arrived. The late Marquis of Waterford improved The Great his Aylesbury recollections when he was Leicestershire at Lowesby, and the " Great Leicester- Stag Hunt' shire Stag Hunt" was the earliest result. The prepa- rations for the meet at Twyford were on a remarkable scale. The stag was trained for days before in a large walled kitchen-garden, and the Marquis with a horn and a whip and a couple of little dogs kept him in exercise for hours among the gooseberry bushes. The hounds had one of their best pipe-openers by running the drag of a clerical visitor, whose horse's feet had been secretly aniseeded, and all seemed ripe for action except the huntsman. He was a stranger, and the grooms and second horsemen had got at him, and made him so low-spirited by their geographical sketches of the probable line of country, that his pack was doubled in his eyes before he was told to lay them on. The stag made his point for the Queni- borough-road, between Barsby and South Croxton, and then bent to the right, through Barsby village, leaving Gaddesby on the left. Up to this point the huntsman had gone well, and hallooing like a maniac ; but his right foot was seen to fly up as high as his own head, crossing a ridge and furrow, and he was heard of no more. The Marquis on Saltfish was then left in command, and the hounds ran well for Brooksby, and down the turnpike road for Rearsby village. There the stag bolted into a farm-yard, and finally into a cellar, with his lordship and Tom Hey cock after him, and kicked the spigot out of the ale barrel, and flooded the place before those eminent specials could secure him. Riders were lucky who could find their "The Marquis's" way home, as the precaution had been Freaks. T 2 276 Scott and Sebright. duly taken of sawing the guide-posts in that part, and turning the arms the wrong way. Those be- tween Lowesby and Leicester especially suffered, and are still braced with iron as a token. At all events it was a great day; and how the Marquis once rode to Melton and back, thirteen miles in the hour by moon- light, and jumped all the stiles between Twyford and Lowesby on his way back; how he fastened his horses into the fishing-boat from Lowesby Pond, and enjoyed the locomotion along the frosty road, till they took fright at Twyford Windmill, and leapt the hedge; how he and his friend Sir Frederick Johnson bought a gipsy baby for 51, (as a salve for having overset an encampment the night before, by means of a rope tied round each of their horses' necks), and in order to get rid of it, stuck it on to a hedge to shoot at, as they told the mother, till that nut-brown dame crept up behind, and nipped off with it; how he stopped a pulling horse, by riding him at a hedge, on the other side of which he had made a deep hole full of water, and exclaimed, "There, old fellow, I have you nowand how he missed buying Mr. Hodgson's lady pack, from looking too long at the dogs—will long be told at the midland firesides, along with the Great Leicestershire Stag Hunt. Baron Roths- Most of the principal herds in the child's Deer, kingdom have furnished deer for the Barons of " The Vale," but with very varied success. The five brace from Stowe failed, but two out of a trio from the Cheltenham Hunt went most famously. The Berkeley deer were middling, and the Knowesley ones were too tame, and lacked jumping qualities. One of the stags was, however, a brilliant exception, but after his first run from Pitchcote over The Vale to Tring Park, the hounds got him down in a muddy pool, near Lord Lonsdale's kennels, and Tom Ball on Billy the Beau could not get up in time to save him. Mr. Drax's were out of condition when they came, Stag, Drag, and Flag,. 2 77 and were killed off very quickly before they were thoroughly fit. Those from Richmond Park went in pretty good form, but Sir Clifford Constable's,— which strained back to some of the originals that did such service to the Hon. Grantley Berkeley when he kept staghounds at Cranfield Bridge,—showed, along with the too few which could be got from Woburn, the finest sport of all. Sir Clifford's were larger and lighter in their colour, but hardly so strong in their loins as the Woburn deer, and required very careful picking. Of the two breeds, they were the larger and the better scented, and were all sent as haviers with cropped ears. " Burton Constable " was the wildest sir Clifford's and straight est going amongst them, and Deer- once when he was turned out at Wing, Lord William Beresford was almost the only man at the take near Oakley, in Mr. Drake's country, after eighteen miles by the Ordnance map. " Pipemaker," another of these Holderness flyers, was apt to run a ring for the first mile, but when he did get his head straight, ten to fifteen miles was his regulation allow- ance, and if he had the chance he was sure to point for the Claydon or Doddershall country. From Perren's Farm over a very rough country on to the hills near Checquers Court was another of his great things. One of the hinds was, we believe, the heroine of the run of nearly twenty-four miles over the Brill Hills to the turnpike on the Thame Road, close by Oxford, and she never hung for a second in the Wootton House Woods. Roffey, the huntsman, killed his Little Billy on this day, and Baron Na- thaniel on Foscote, and Mr. Crommelyn beat all the field out except Tom Ball on Paddy, who had no second horse to assist him. The shade of Little Billy was avenged the next time she was uncarted, and great was the lamentation over her. The Chesterton Hind was also killed, but it was remembered in con- 278 Scott and Sebright. nexion with her death, how Tom Crommelyn want on Nonsense; and how the Hon. Robert Grimston and Bill Golby jumped the Rousham Brook. Not content with that, Mr. Grimston, when only himself and two others were left in the run, charged the Eythrop river, brimming full, and swam out on a different side to his mare. The best Woburn stag survived all his four season perils, and after giving them an infinity of good runs, became so infirm in his joints that he was sold as a stock deer. His greatest effort was from Golby's Farm, to Dunstable, when only three rode at the brook near Blackgrove Wood, and Mr. Oldaker and another got in. One of the Woburn hinds was drowned in the river below Thame in a run, which told out all the gentlemen except Young Baron Nathaniel on Peacock, and Baron Alphonse, and they could not get nearer than Wootton; and Ribston Pippin dropped dead under Tom Ball, a hundred yards after he had laid the hounds on to another of the hinds, which ran from Cublington to Hanslope. The Duke could only spare a brace of these jewels each season. They inherited, immense speed from the large, wild park where they were dropped, and their dark red coats, smutty faces, and fineness in the single, induced the belief that they had got some high-bred foreign cross originally. Harvey Combe. Harvey Combe, the biggest havier that Baron Rothschild ever had, earned his name from having been taken in the old Berkeley country. He never waited or hung, and made up for his lack of pace by his eternal bottom. His grandest run was from Aston Abbotts through Eythrop to Thame. He was brought out as second deer, and by mere chance Baron Lionel, who was going home with the hounds, met the deer-cart, which had missed its mark. This havier was particularly adapted for the Vale, as he did not care for being mobbed by Stag, Drag, and Flag. 279 " the carrion," who pretend to hunt with the Baron, and carry out their boast by starting off as their only chance along the roads the moment the deer is uncarted. Still true to a favourite's fate, he died at last in a cesspool near Ledburn. Another havier met a rather more tragical death. He was uncarted at Wing, and went right over the Vale to Shardloes, where every one was beaten off except Tom Ball on Economy, and Tom was obliged at last to leave his mare on the road, and run over three fields to Mr. Grove's Farm at Amersham, just in time to find him impaled to his very back-bone on the iron palisades near the house. The white-faced havier must not be forgotten. He had strayed into the grounds of Combe Abbey, and Roffey was sent down with ten couple to catch him, and he proved himself worthy of the toil in his first one hour ten minutes without a check. The Barons Rothschild commenced The Baron's their pack in the spring of '39, and Pack- Bill Roffey, who was great on the Carbonaro mare, hunted them till the gout gave him warning. Bar- wick, Tom Ball, and Fred Cox have held the horn in turn. Fourteen or fifteen couple of Sir Charles Shakerley's staghounds, which were almost entirely of Cheshire blood, began the pack, and they wrere strengthened with a draft from Mr. Harvey Combe, whose Osbaldeston's Tapster was used pretty freely. Gunnersbury by Osbaldeston's Falstaff from Cheshire Guilesome was one of the first and best that they ever bred, and was the.sire of Dairymaid. Cheshire also sent a draft, and Berkeley Castle did the same for two seasons. Among the latter was old Paradox, who contributed Primrose and Princess, and some other beauties to the lady pack, but never bred a dog- hound straight enough for Baron Lionel's fancy. Fitz- villiam Marmion suited her best, but still it was the Feudal and Bluecap blood, the former especially, which made the Mentmore kennel so indebted to the Milton. 28o Scott and Sebright. The smutted-faced Feudals were quite staghounds by nature. They broke themselves, and one word was sufficient to stop them. Sebright always de- clared that the old dog was one of the most sensible that he ever cheered. At one time there were five or six couple of the sort in work, and although his sons did not get their stock with quite the same substance, the taste for the slot did not dwindle. Fitzwilliam Bluecap was also represented by eight couple at one time, but their beautiful noses were rather counter- acted by their head-long style. There were also a few in the kennel by Belvoir Rallywood (when he was at Brocklesby), and of Belvoir Ranter as well. With their introduction to " The Vale," they seemed to forget all about fox, and when one jumped out of a hedgerow and ran up a furrow in view, close behind the deer, they let it bend to the right without even noticing it, and went straight over the fence. Limits of The During October, an old deer or two Vale- are turned down on the Ivinghoe and Chiltern Hills, on the Dunstable side, to give the hounds a good half-hour or three-quarters with blood at the end ; and very early in November they descend into The Vale, which is all doubles and grass. Winslow to Marsh Hill below Aylesbury, and Mentmore to the Claydon Woods are the limits of this splendid coun- try. Golby's Farm is its Kirby Gate; but Aston Abbott's is its queen of meets, as it generally secures them a run for Hardwicke, or over the endless acres of Creslow Big Ground. The Rousham, the Hard- wicke, the Creslow, the Winslow, and the Hulcoat Brooks have all brought grief to heroes, and heroines as well, who will try to be even with the huntsman, " even if he goes through a canal." Black Grove and Quainton are the deepest countries, and there is scarcely a hedge in them without a back brook to it. The Rothschild Baron Meyer used to hunt on both, Cracks. but Monday was Sir Antony's, and Stag; Drag; and Flag. 281 Thursday Baron Lionel's day. Baron Lionel has gone best on Rachel the old bay steeple-chaser, who was wonderfully clever and steady among the doubles. A grey was another of his favourites ; and he rode Grouse latterly, till the black injured its coffin bone on landing over a brook, and had to be shot that day. Sir Antony has been most at home on Pea- cock and Topthorn; and Sir Nathaniel's delights be- fore he went to reside in Paris, were Foscote and Scotsfoot. As a proof of their good going, they fetched a thousand guineas when they Were sold, and the latter won the Cheltenham steeple-chase. Baron Meyer's peculiars have been Hornsby, King Charles, and Squib, and it was on King Charles be- fore he received his knee accident, that he popped over the very high posts and rails by the side of a gate, at which a whole crowd were waiting, and got cheered for his style of solving " the real jam" difficulty. Grouse, King Pippin, and Harkover Grouse> King were the elite of Tom Ball's lot. He had Pippin, and won a steeple-chase on Grouse, a big Harkover- horse by Muley Moloch, at Aylesbury, and run second to Dragsman at Chelmsford. Waterloo was Grouse's original name, which was intended to point attention to a wart that had been cut out of his ear, and as he gave Roffey one or two falls, he thought that he was rather blind. However he soon became a top sawyer, and " galloped everything blind" on a great day from Whaddesdon Windmill to Hudnall Common; and Mr. Crommelin, who stayed the longest, was glad to give in, four miles from the finish, at the foot of Ivinghoe Hills. The chestnut Harkover, who had won a steeple-chase near Oxford with Bob Barker upon him, was a wonder through dirt or at a brook. During their four seasons together, he never gave Tom a fall, and if there were not too many casts, and he was not " rifled about " early in the day, he was not to be beaten. He carried his head up like a deer, 282 Scott and Sebright. and was ridden in a double-reined snaffle and mar- tingale, and although he never seemed to see them, he " went at the doubles forty miles an hour, as if he was going to eat them." Still at this branch of science, he was not such an artiste as the little King Pippin, whose praise was in all The Vale, and who never required of Tom Ball to open any gates. If there was no landing in a double, he crushed through it, and out like a shot, and once on a time, he jumped six or seven yards over some trees and a sawpit, which were ensconced on the other side of one of them. Such have been the trio of leaders in their day, and when Lord Petre was on his chestnut, the Hon. Robert Grimston on All Serene, Mr. Oldaker on Pilot, James Mason on Wil- lesden, Cheslyn Hall on Brutandorf, Sam Baker on The Corporal, Mr. F. Knight on The Tory, Mr. Crom- melin on Nonsense, Mr. Dawncey on a little chestnut mare as good in her way as his Alderneys, Mr. Lee on an old un of Charles Payne's, Mr. Learmouth on Jerry, and Will Golby, Will Eustace, and Morrice on. their best, they have had to meet a field which it was a glory to cut down. Bin Bean, the A word on Bill Bean and the drag-hunt. Arch-trespasser What " stable mind " in and round the of England. metr0polis is not cognizant of that arch- trespasser, once the very Apollyon of the farmers in the Harrow and Stanmore country—that ancient youth who was stag-hunting nearly ten years before the century began, and ready still, in his disgust at the degeneracy of the steeple-chase age, to "jump my old pony Bean Stalk blindfold over a fence," which had been denounced at Hendon as presenting a pre- mium on coroners' inquests. Still, a service of seventy years in the saddle has had its disadvantages. There are the books of doctors extant and deceased, whose testimony welded together would furnish some little account as follows : Slag, Drag, and Flag. 283 " 1792-1862. "Mr. William Bean. "To Messrs. . "Attending you when you broke both your thumbs, fractured the near leg (twice), broke the near ribs, injured the near knee, dislocated the near shoulder, ditto off shoulder, scalped your head, broke your nose, and other severe falls, £ , &c." " Actceon Nimrod, Esq., Tyho Paddocks, Huntingdon- shire" was the name which his deer-cart bore. The yokels used to stare at it, and say, " See Tom / what a long ivay they've corned!' At one time he purposed inscribing on it, " William Bean, Land Surveyor," but the conception was too grand and too dangerous. With the hounds he was more open, and duly branded them with a B. Hence another identity-puzzle arose among the rurals. Says Jack to Tom, " What does that big B mean on the hounds V' Says Tom, in reply, " Why, J ack, you ain't half sharp this morning : it manes ' The Baron's', to be sure." The deer-cart inscription was but a The Perils of very faint index of the mission of that the Dras- remarkable M. S. D. H., after whom so many tax- gatherers toiled in vain. When the Chancellor of the Exchequer's fangs were almost in him, he would " fold his tent like the Arab, and as silently steal away," into another district with Splendour, and the rest of the five couples, old Will White and the three brace of deer. Sometimes he would be at Willesden, then at Finchley, and anon at Golders Green. Be the kennel where it might, Captain Nesbitt and the guardsmen and a dozen or two more of "the upper ten thousand," &c., always had the office, but whether it was to be stag or drag, they never exactly knew. Five or six years ago the pack was given up, and Splendour, that meekest of hounds, who could carry half a bellyfull of victuals, and three pounds of shot round his neck, and yet hold the lead, was given to Mr. Tom Mason, with whom he lately died. He had stood by his master in perilous times; and when farmers would 284 Scott and Sebright. vindictively house the deer, and he " ran heel"-to tell him, they generally knew that their trespassing was over for that day. Bill was more fortunate when he merely drove his deer into a china closet, or when he coaxed a farmer (who had been previously breathing out pitch-forks and slaughter against him) into a public-house, while his barn lock was being wrenched, and actually getting him to put on his coat and cap to see how he liked himself in the character of a British sportsman, left him at last to pay the score. But the drag was the thing after all, and in the trusty Will's hands, it became an engine of the deepest agricultural oppression. Will White and Will White had been originally an his Successor officer's servant in the Tenth, and when Klt" he was no longer in commission, his fine eye for country recommended him to Bill Bean. When he had duly fastened the aniseed cloth to his shoes, he would be told to come out at a certain milestone nine or ten miles, away, and even if he had never been over the line before, he was certain to hit it to a half or a quar- ter of a mile. His finest performance was starting on Hampstead Heath, and going as straight as a pigeon to the ninth milestone on the Romford Road. " There's London, Will, and there's Romford," said his master, pointing with his whip, and Will touched his cap, and waited to hear no more. He got over the widest brooks by making for a reclining pollard, and jumping with a sort of double-jointed spring from the top ; and the hounds ran into him on the Bull's Eye night as he was snugly seated, after his toils, in a public-house at Hanwell. The customers were more tolerant of his aniseed flavour than the farmers. One of the latter went so far as to say that " He's a rcgidar nuisance; he injures oitr implementsand when he was asked to explain his dark speech, he replied, "Hegoes and sits on them in the fields to rest himself, and leaves such a smell of aniseed that our men wont go near them." On Stag, Drag, and Flag. 285 another occasion, he was taken up before a magistrate for trespassing. The complainant swore that he was only on the footpath, but that he " knew he was tres- passing by the smell," and was exceedingly surprised at the dismissal of the case. Dulwich Park was a great country for him, as it was in Chancery at the time, and no one looked after trespassers. The perpetual heats and colds killed the poor fellow at last, and " Kit," his Irish successor, was generally too drunk either to run or drive. In his private account of this malady, he threw the whole onus on to the deer cart. " Kit, my boy, one of them says 1 It's a could morning for yet ' Faith and it is says I! i Kit, my boy, will you have a nip of anything f So I coiddn't be off refusing. ' Kit, my boy I says another, ' what deer have you got to-day V ' Faith, and it's not iligant in me to telly el ' I'll stand ye a little drop if you will.' So I had a little drop wid him. Faith, and that deer-cart wotdd make any boy drunk ?" The two "Gunners" and Red Deer Bill Bean's did well, but " Chunee" was one of Bill Horses. Bean's best, although he did give him thirty-seven falls in a very limited space of time. He was the biggest and the stupidest of hunters, and received his name from the elephant which attracted so many visitors to Exeter Change. A noble lord, who was not averse to the drag, gave 200 guineas for him and declared that he would now " serve out all the white gates in Yorkshire." In due time his lordship reported from his bed to Bill, that he had, in an incredibly short time, run up his fall score to seventeen on him, and despairing of stopping him, when he took the bit in his teeth, he had sent him at a haystack, in which Chunee had buried his head eight feet, and then tumbled backwards. Knowing his locomotive antecedents, Bill replied that he could believe all that and a great deal more of Chunee. His lordship also bought old Bag o' Nails, alias " Old Bag," who had 286 Scott and Sebright. lamed himself by jumping with Bill into a gravel-pit. He could shuffle along very well in spite of it, and it used to be said that " he was so lame that he couldn't get up in time for the foxhounds ; but he was always ready for the drag at one o'clock." Persecution of The farmers said that they did not the Farmers. mind John Elmore as he was always so polite, and would stop when they told him ; but " as for that Bill Bean, when we're ordering him not to go over one place, he only pops over another." In vain did they lock up their gates, pile hurdles on to them, and lie in ambush with pitchforks and other missiles, when they saw the avani courier of the Aniseed sweep by like the storm. One of them watched till nearly dusk, and then heard the hounds go past, as he sat tri- umphantly at his tea. He was in fact so astonished that he found himself reduced to asking Bill in con- fidence how he did manage in the dark, and was ad- mitted to his confidence in return. DidriI you see us f" said Bill; " we ride with a hdl's-eye on eack stirrup, and a bulVs-eye on our breast-plates, we can go just as well by night as by day!' Well might the per- secuted ones say ever after that when they heard the cry, " There goes Bull's Eye Bill / it's no use trying to stop him!' He was not always so good to know. The legs and the seat might seem like his, but as often as not there was an enormous false nose, a fiery red moustache of fearful size, and red wafers on the checks, which utterly destroyed his upper-part identity. The Great Notices not to trespass arrived by every indignation post, and the Uxbridge ordinary resolved Meeting. itself almost weekly into an Indignation Meeting. "Bull's Eye Bill" must and shall be put down. The day for striking the blow arrived, and as the arch-trespasser sat under his own fig-tree at Wil- lesden, a clatter of horses' hoofs down the road broke on his guilty ear. In a few minutes a phlanx of Stagy Drag, and Flag. 287 farmers presented themselves/ and the very air seemed whitened with notices. Keeping his seat he received the " patent fulminators" from his foes with the most baffling courtesy. He marked and numbered each with a pencil as he received it His countenance was unmoved, and wore the very slightest shade of con- trition to be in keeping with the crisis. When the several notices were delivered a scroll containing their substance and all the names, was presented by a deputy on a sheet of foolscap. " I can't read it in your presence, gentlemen !" said Bill, " it would not be fespectfal',' and it was docketed with the rest of the papers. The situation seemed an alarming one, but ere another sun had set his line of action was taken. Calling his first lieutenant to him, he How Bill At_ made a masterly sketch of a drag-hunt tended to the for the morrow, which went through the Notlces- very heart, or touched every farm in the round-robin. That afternoon he scorned all disguise. Once only he drew rein, and once more the oppressor bearded the oppressed. " Why" do I come here ?" he said ; " I come here, sir, on purpose to be pidled up and then he poured it out just like a leading article. " The time had now arrived when farther concession became impossible, and forbearance a crime. If you begin, I'll begin. I've got all your signatures. You don't knoiv what you've signed. I do. I've had counsel's opinion 071 it. That's why I ivasn't here yesterday ; Tve beefi to 7ny solicitors with that paper. I'll indict you all for corispiracy." And so saying he magnificently rode away, and he had rest from notices for nearly half a season. • Then the commissioners set at him, His Graceful and he was charged for a whole pack. Manners with For once his spirits gave way, as he knew the Tax Com- the chairman to be a man of wrath and misslonen:" endless notices, and that he and Splendour had not 288 Scott and Sebright. o spared him. In fact Bill had never been off his place, and kept him, rushing wildly forth into his flower garden, in an attitude of protest, and once in his dressing-gown only and his slippers. It may be that those were nose or moustache days, but at all events he did not recognise him till the case was called on. Then a flood of light gradually broke on him. " William Beau" he said, as he put his nose down on the paper. " What's your business ? about dogs, I see ; Ah! hounds! Oh! stags.— Why! you're the man who's always over my place. I've sent you several notices, I think!' One of the other commissioners, who wasn't altogether guiltless, and who keenly en- joyed the fun, winked at Bill, as much as to say, " Now, Master William, he's regularly twigged you and then folded his arms and placed his eyes on the ceiling to hear the end. " I admit it, sir ; I admit it said the crafty culprit, in his most unctuous tones; " but really, sir, yours is such a sweet little inviting spot on the top of that hill, that I don!t wonder at the deer always making for it'.' Bill scored four by that slashing hit to leg. The prospect, as the chairman felt, was certainly very pretty, it was well that his brother commissioners and the public should hear that confirmed, and he was mollified as to the first point. Still justice must have its way. "But Mr. Bean',' he continued, "you have a pack, I see, and you don't pay for them!' " A pack, sir',' said Bill, more blandly i than ever, " I have only five couple. Mine is strictly a miniature establishment; I have a miniature pack; everything is in proportion. Would you favour me by coming to see it ? My benches are only made for five couple ; they coiddn't hold five and a half; I am at your service any day, if you will favour me with an in- spection." And so point No. 2 was got rid of. Oddly enough, the assessors had overlooked the " Actccon Nimrod" &c., and only rested the third part of their case on the name not being behind as well as Stag; Drag, and Flag. 2B9 on the off-side of the deer-cart; but Bill had quite got their , range by this time. He accordingly went for the in-fighting, and involved them in such learned discussions upon stick-doors to admit air, a " thing absolutely necessary for air in the heated state of an animal's blood" might have difficulties with the Society for the Suppression of Cruelty to Animals " the impossibility of painting a letter on each stick that they gave him up as a bad job, and all the points as well. He returned gracefully to his friends and retainers, and he and Splendour trespassed worse than ever. In 1833, Wiltshire had its first steeple- jem Hills' chase, and Jem Hills won it. It had its Steeple-chase, origin in a match which Mr. Horrocks made with Lord Ducie after dinner at Mr. Thomas Goodlake's, to match himself on one of his own horses against the whole of his lordship's stud, one to the post, and Jem, who was then the Vale of White Horse huntsman, to ride. There was to be no mistake about it, and the conditions specified that it was to be " four miles straight ahead, neither to ride more than 100 yards along a road, every gate to be locked, and no fences cut." Mr. Robert Codrington picked the ground from Tadpole Copse to Lyssal Hill, near Eyworth, all over the Water Eaton Vale, with bulfinches, gates, and two brooks to boot. The only guide-posts were a flag in the Cold Harbour Road, and another on Lyssal Hill, and they were to get to them as they could. The adventurous pair met in scarlet coats and caps at Cold Harbour, Jem with five horses, and a goodly allowance of shot to make up the thirteen stone. As soon as they had been taken up to the top of the brow, and learnt the line, Jem knew that it was the "old chestnut mare's" day. The history of that steeple- chase is one of Jem's finest bits of recitative; and we heard it to peculiar advantage, when he was warmed to his work by the deep sympathy he had just re- U 290 Scoit and Sebright, ceived from the party on the grubbing up of Lyne- ham Gorse. Sometimes in his energy he fairly walked away from our pencil. The start " The-first fence," he always begins, " was a double post and rails. We both stood and looked at it. You see I wanted to find out whether he'd take his own line or follow me. I said, ' This wont do. Come, yon have it first! He said, ' No ! if you cant have it, I cant! We might have been there all day, so I turned the old mare's head and popped in and popped out. He followed, and came over very prettily. The next was a great bulfinch, with a ditch ; we got over that. I said, ' Mind your next fence, we must both fair (we chatted all the way). It was a stiff fence—post and rail— hedge and bank to clear. When we were coming to it, he said, ' Don't let us kill one another, Jem; I wont ride on you if you wont ride on me! I said, ' Give me plenty of room, and give him pepper! My mare cleared twenty-nine feet, and his horse twenty- nine and a half. We sent them at it with such a swing, I never saw a man so high in the air before. I looked round and saw his horse's shoes glittering the height of my shoulder. Then came the gate into the Cold Harbour road. I said, ' Mr. Horrocks, which of us shall have it first f he said ' You do', and we went over it side by side, our boots almost touched. Same way through the bulfinch out of the lane, like a bullet. The Plot " Then we had some very small en- Thickens. closures with very big fences; what I call creepers ; my old mare, she could go the same pace all the way; the country was tremendously deep. When I found that he intended to wait on me, I knew how to deal with him. Then we came into a dirty lane, with a tremendous fence towards us. I tried the old mare at it; it knocked her backwards into the ditch, but without getting a fall; she re- Stagy Drag, and Flag. 291 cBvered herself. I said, ' Now Mr.- Horrocks, you have a try.' We were very friendly all the way. He said, ' No, Jem, if your old mare can't bore a hole, my horse can't! So I put her at it; I couldn't help myself; and I got through. Well, he attempted, and his horse floundered, and he nearly got off, and there he hung. I looked back for my companion, when I'd got half a fkld ahead, and when I saw him in his saddle, and coming full tilt, I eased my mare. We had two miles to go then. It was up rising ground, I k^bt pulling, and he kept pressing till he caught me, bulfinches all the way not so big, we got very well over them, and came to a barn. "Then there was a very large field down T . n. >1 1■ . 1 1 t 1 t-x • 1 11 1 The Last Brook. to the last brook. Lord Ducie and all the gentlemen were there. I was a hundred yards ahead when I passed the barn. I knew devilish well that neither of our horses could jump the brook (you know they always laugh at me about the brooks). The gentlemen kept hollering at him, ' Now Horrocks, co7ne along, Jems beatand he came down past me at the brook, as fast as his horse could go. Believe me, the horse jumped right into the brook, pitched upon his head, and turned with his rump on to the other side, and there he lay. I rode quietly down to the brook ; Lord Ducie was there on a fresh horse. He said, ' Jem, Jem ! jump it, the mare will bring you over, I'll give you a lead! and over he went and jumped it beautifully. I pulled up and sat looking at Mr. Horrocks in the brook. It was quite a study. He was standing on the bank, and the bridle came off; he fell backwards bridle and all, and the horse went sideways. Lord Ducie was at me all the time, ' Come, come, Jem ! he'll get out! I said, ' No, no, my lord! There's plenty of time! Then I saw a ditch, which led from the brook into the field at the opposite side. I stood as long as I could to let the mare get her wind; the pace had been strong all the way. When 292 Scott and Sebright. I thought she'd had sufficient time, I let her down very quietly, and waded her across the brook, to go up this ditch. She made a plunge or two, and I went up it twenty yards, and into the field. I had still three fences to jump, and a gate at the finish. My mare was so beat, I scrambled her on to them, and then we scrambled out. The gate was locked, so I crammed her round the gate-post between the gate and the hedge. She was just like my old horse Bendigo, jump anywhere, where he can get his head. So I got to the winning-post, and into the farm-house, and had a glass of brandy and water before he was out of the brook. It was the only steeple-chase I ever rode. I was to have ridden another the next week at Cheltenham, only the horse broke down, and very glad I was, I never care to ride another." Such is the defendant's account of the great Wiltshire case of Horrocks v. Hills. First steeple- The first steeple-chase was run off chase in Lei- in Leicestershire about the year 1792. cestershire. distance was eight miles, from Barkby Holt to the Coplow and back, and Mr. Charles Meynell, son of the great M. F. H., won it; Lord Forester was second, and Sir Gilbert Heathcote last. There is very little oral tradition respecting it, except that Sir Gilbert's horse was rather fat, that Lord Forester was the favourite, and that Mr. Need- ham of Hungerton said to his lordship, " I'll save you a hundred yards, if you'll come through my garden, and jump the gate into the road." A „ , From Noseley Wood to the Coplow, apam ec er. ^ country on March 12th, 1829, when Clinker's bridle came off, to Tom Hey- cock's great discomfiture, in a fall at the second fence from home, and Field Nicholson won on Sir Harry Goodricke's Magic. Capt. Becher (who made one of the lot on Bantam) was entered to harriers in his native Norfolk, as a copper-bottomed infant, on a pony CAPTAIN BECHER. Stag, Drag, and Flag. 295 which 110 other boy could hold. A better berth than the saddle was soon found for him in the Storekeeper's General Department, and at sixteen, he was one of the staff in charge of the field equipments to the Peninsula, and spent two or three years with the army of occupation. Ramsgate was his first scene of action after the peace, and his horse-flesh yearnings had the fullest scope in landing the troopers and mules, which " Champagne Tommy," of Pimlico, had furnished by contract, and making them swim ashore with" the guy-ropes. To use his own words, he "never had The Palmy Days such a lark in my life," and when steeple- of St-Albans- chases and hurdle-racing became all the fashion, under the auspices of Tommy Coleman, of St. Albans,! he entered on such an amphibious existence for nine or ten seasons, that quiet householders who read of him almost weekly for six months of the year, began to have grave doubts whether he was an otter or a man. Tommy gave him a mount in the first hurdle race, which was got up specially to please the ladies, when races were established at No Man's Land. George IV., although within six weeks of his death, took such an interest in their success, that he requested Mr. Delme Radcliffe to enter the Colonel and Hindo- stan, and beat Tommy's mare Bunter by a head, for the Gold Cup. Figurante was as simple as a young turkey in hurdle matters, and Becher's orders were to get her between two others, so that she would find the hurdles (which had no stakes, and were separately fixed), "the easiest place to get away." Under this pilotage she jumped in such style that Lord Verulam told her owner " That's a deep fellow you've got on your mare ; her feet were higher than our carriage when she went over." The first St. First St. Albans Albans steeple-chase came off in that steeple-chase, spring of '30. Sixteen started from Arlington church to the Obelisk in Wrest Park, near Silsoe ; and Cole- 296 Scott and, Sebright. man so managed the line, that he could start them, and then by making a short cut, judge them as well. Lord Ranelagh's grey horse Little Wonder, with Colonel Macdowell up, won the stake, which was worth about 300 sovereigns. The Colonel's orders were to watch nothing but Lord Clanricarde, who was on a little Irish chestnut; and one of the Berkeleys was third. The rest found their way into the Park from all quarters; with the exception of poor Mr." Stretfield 011 Teddy the Tiler, who had a fall in jumping a gate back on to a bridge after he had missed his line, and died in consequence. Coleman's general idea of a steeple-chase was two miles out and two miles in, and " keeping the line quite dark." Hence he concealed men in the ditches, with flags, which they raised on a given signal, as soon as the riders were ready. Other managers liked four mile straight, and after erecting scaffold poles, with a couple of sheets to finish between, they left the riders to hunt the country for their line, with no further directions than " leave that church on your right, and the clump on your left, and get to the hill beyond." Tommy Cole- The March of '31 saw the St. Albans man's Voiun- Steeple-chase in real form ; and the car- teers. riages and horsemen poured in so reso- lutely for hours, that there was a regular block on the outskirts of the town, till Tommy gave the word. The horses came a week before, to train in Gorham- bury Park, and other places about, and Moonraker created great excitement among the inhabitants, by jumping the Holloway lane in the course of an ex- , ercise canter. Beardsworth of Birming- oonra e' ham, had bought him out of a water- cart, and sold him, with his sinews quite callosed from work, for 18/. to Sirdefield, who borrowed the crimson St. Leger jacket of the previous year for Mr. Parker to ride him in. The bay was fully seventeen at the time, not fifteen three, and with quarters as good as his Stag, Drag, and Flag. 29 7 head was ugly. Coleman in his blue coat and kersey breeches proclaimed martial law among the riders that day. They saddled at his bugle-call in the paddock of his Turf Inn (then called The Chequers), came out of the yard three abreast, like cavalry, and marched up the town behind. If their general caught any of them peeping over the hedges, he was down on them at once, and declared that for a repetition of the offence, he would sentence the culprits to " run as a dead letter." Mr. Delme Radcliffe was judge, and Bill Bean on Chunee rode with them, as umpire, and had a fall at a brook. The line began on the St. Albans side of Coombe Wood, leaving Haddons on the left, and Colney on the right ; but it was not nearly so formidable as the Aylesbury or Market Harboro' line, and the finish was between two trees in Coleman's Paddock. Moonraker beat eleven cleverly, and Wild Boar, with Captain Becher on him, fell close at home, and was bled so severely that he died next day. The Captain had very nearly a share A Fierce in further bloodshed. A London lawyer Lawyer, claimed his bed after he had retired to rest, in a double-bedded room with his father, and as he stoutly refused to evacuate, the other thrust his card under the door, and announced himself through the keyhole as ripe and ready for the coffee and pistol business next morning. However, Coleman reasoned with him, and informed him, in such strict confidence, that the Captain had shot three men already, that discretion and economy proved the best part of his valour, and he disappeared so mysteriously from his sofa in the course of the night, that Coleman " hunted the country" in vain for his bill. Jack Elmore, who made an admirable chairman, had, as Lord Palmer- ston observes, a similar "invitation." He settled it very summarily, by saying that he knew nothing about cards and pistols, but he understood punches 298 Scott and Sebright. on the head ; so it too fell to the ground, and as he had already put one man bodily out of a window of that very inn, it was perhaps well for society that it did. "TheSquire" Twenty came to the post the next as steward, year, and Moonraker, with Seffert on him, disposed of them once more. He and Corinthian Kate jumped the last fence together, and Grimaldi, who came in a different direction to avoid it, closed in with them at that point. Mr. Osbaldeston was umpire, and after lecturing them all in his raciest style, led the way on horseback to Ellenbrook Green. The troop would have been almost too much for Coleman that day, and he might well say, " Do face them for me, Squire ; hold up your head like a Colonel, and be very decisiveand indeed he was. Grimaldi v. "The Squire" was so dissatisfied with Moonraker. Grimaldi's defeat, that he offered Elmore 50/. to make a five hundred match between the two, over his own farm near Harrow. The referees, accord- ing to the custom in those days, carried the stakes in bank notes sewn up in their pockets, and Elmore gave a capital spread to the Marquis of Abercorn, Colonel Anson, and several others at his farm. " The Squire" had a very slight opinion of Seffert as a rider, and requested to have " a bulfinch to begin with, that I may shake this fellow offand when some friend told him that he himself was in a flurry, he poured out a glass brimful of sherry, and held it out as steady as a rock at arm's length, to reassure his backers. There was only one thing, he said, which he did fear, and that was being " ridden against by those London dealers." However, the only clashing was between him and Moonraker, but Colonel Anson ruled in his favour ; and the course, which was a very light one, and without brooks, suited his fast grey exactly. Water was the grey's great bane, and in a race from Brixworth to Cottesbrook Cow Pastures, in 1833, the Stag, Drag, and Flag: 299 two brooks quite brought him to grief, and the men had to get into one of them and hold up his head, Nothing daunted by this disaster, Grimaidi and "The Squire" determined to go on Napoleon, with his thousand a side match against Colonel Charritie's Napoleon, a slow half-bred horse, but a magnificent jumper. In the St. Albans Steeple- chase, Napoleon had been nowhere to him ; but now there were two brooks and the Lem to be got over. The first two miles of the six was on a curve, and the last four straight; and the line was chosen from The Wharf to Gibraltar Farm, with the Windmill as the great landmark. The Pytcheley, of which " The Squire" was then master, met at Dunchurch, and a perfect regiment of scarlets lined the Lem side, which was the thirty-eighth jump, and six from the finish. Said "The Squire" to the Captain before the race (for it was especially stipulated that they were not to address each other while running)—" I dorit like zvater, I can't swim like you;" and when they did charge it, they both went- in headlong. It was thought that Napoleon would come up no more; but at last Becher's cap was seen, and then his horse's ears, and the pair floated a hundred yards down stream, the bay " fighting like a bad swimming dog." Napoleon got a hundred yards the best of it on land- ing ; but he was fairly overhauled and beaten, and then a tremendous wrangle commenced. An envoy was sent back to see if The Squire had gone on the right side of a flag, before they would let them weigh in the granary, and Becher was so cold after his bath, that he told them they might send another man to look up the coroner. Eventually the stakes were withdrawn, and after being rubbed down and dressed, both of them went out hunting, and had the Lem again. Bill Bean, who rode two dozen steeple- . 0 , , ' , y . Viviana. chases, and won seventeen, was on Gn- 3°° Scott and Sebright. maldi in the first Aylesbury race the next November .year. The bold Field Nicholson was there, but so was Becher on Vivian, with both his wrists bandaged. He fell over a gate, and got ducked in a river ; but got first past the winning flags notwithstanding. This grandson of Swordsman was great in the Vale, and as Becher said, he seemed to " gallop open- mouthed over the doubles." Hence he was a most dangerous horse if he made a mistake, but he very seldom did. The present Lord Vivian bought him for 30/. from Dycer of Dublin, who had selected him at one of his Repository sales for the Hon. Colonel Westenra, M.F.H., by whom he was, we believe, re- turned, as unfit to carry his men with hounds. He had been previously in harness, but he didn't enjoy leather, and had kicked a most respectable family out of an Irish car. Lord Vivian rode him for one season and part of another, and made him a perfect fencer. He was so fond of his new business that after giving his lordship a fall early in his first season, he got away, and went to the end of a brilliant run by him- self, and was one of the few, if not the only horse, which reached Charlton Park with the hounds. In consequence of illness, his lordship gave up hunting for a time, and sold Vivian to a clerical friend, who resold him to Captain Lamb. The Captain thought so lightly of his purchase, that shortly after- wards, when Lord Vivian had gone to Leamington for his health, he pressed the horse on him at 130/., the same price that his lordship had got for him ; and the bargain only went off, because the latter declined to consent to his starting for the Debdale Stakes at Warwick. Soon after that Captain Lamb discovered the full truth of what Lord Vivian had told him, that the bay was one of the best weight-carrying hunters ever bred, and began to profit accordingly. His future " orange cap and purple" ally had never seen him before Mr. Osbaldeston challenged all the world Stag, Drag, and Flag. 301 with Cannon-ball ; and he came in fact from Market' Harbro' expressly to ride Vanguard. At the eleventh hour, the owner's own son decided to take the mount, and Becher was put on Vivian. The horse's coat was very long, and as Captain Lamb concluded that Becher had brought his own saddle with him, he was not provided with one, and there was a regular borrowing of a leather here, and a stirrup there, 011 the ground, to get one fitted up of the exact weight. The finish was up a tremendous hill, on which the gentlemen of three hunts assembled five hundred scarlets strong, and Becher by jumping a very great fence came up the ascent on the slant, and contrived to keep more in his horse to finish with. A month after he had won at Aylesbury, Vivian Cock Becher found himself once more putting Robin, his saddle on Vivian, to meet " The Marquis" and Cock Robin from Shankton Holt to the Rams Head cover. Cock Robin and Monarch were two of the best hunters that ever drew breath in Ireland ; and the defeated hero of this day, a smart brown, fenced so well and went so fast, that he got nearly three hundred yards in advance. For once in his life The Marquis, who was always in a hurry, was suddenly seized with a prudence fit, and in trying to avoid two tremendous jumps, which Becher was obliged to have, he got stuck in a dingle. The Captain saw his difficulty, and following some wheel ruts to the left, closed with him against the hill at the finish, which is quite as steep as " The Primrose." The Marquis always stood in fifty with The Captain, one to win, and was as good as a small annuity to him, as while the arrangement lasted, the former had only once the pull of him. On this occasion his lordship was rather wrath about his defeat, and said that he was " beat by the best horse so Becher offered to run him back again and change the horses, feeling sure that Vivian 302 Scott and Sebright. would disagree with him before they had gone over four fields. Fun in The February found The Vale in its glory, Vale- and there were two races, one for the Light and one for the Heavies, the first of which was set for half-past nine. Bill Bean was on Rochelle, but he made too close a shave of it between two trees, and was knocked out of his saddle, and " left sitting." They were close at home at the time, and Bill believes that, but for his accident, which partially lamed one leg for life, he could not have lost. He had not been over the ground like the other riders, and not knowing the exact course of the river, had to jump it, and a gate on a bridge as well. Powell on Saladin got the better of Vivian this time, and the Marquis on his Yellow Dwarf, who looked exactly like a dun coach- horse, just beat Mason on Grimaldi for the third place. Powell did not win the light race on Lauristina, though he distinguished himself quite as much by jumping over a treble, consisting of Grimaldi, Seffert, and the fence; but the grey got up in time to be second to Vivian. It was a great day, and Mr. Davis, who gave the starting signal, brought out the staghounds as soon as the chases were over, and uncarted one of his flying haviers. Latter Days and Early in the ensuing year, Becher was Death of Gri- again on the snaffle-mouthed Grimaldi, maidi. among the brooks near Waltham Abbey. This time he was more unfortunate than usual, as he threw his rider on to some stubbs on his stomach, and destroyed his powers of articulate speech for hours, but still he contrived to steal to them and catch them at the last fence. The March of '36 witnessed the death of this memorable grey at St. Albans. He had hurt his back and kidneys in a grip at Uxendon a few days before, and Becher thought that he was dull, although he jumped as steadily as ever. Three hundred yards of Stag, Drag, and Flag. 303 deep meadow finished him, and he was scarcely past the post before he reared and died. How he got through his work was a marvel, as his kidneys were proved on a post mortem to be one mass of congealed blood. He was a perfect fencer, and if there was a bit of sound ground he never missed it, but to the last he would never do more or less than walk into water, and all that the facetious Bill Bean could sug- gest as a cure was to " water him well before he started." " The Marquis," Lord Clanricarde, Fiacrow and the Lord Macdonald, Sir David Baird, and Leamington, the Hon. Mr. Villiers were all in " the Leamington " of that year. Mr. Coke would not ride Fiacrow, " because I should be beaten long before the horse," and Tom Hey cock, who was his deputy, was rewarded with a golden shield for his side-board. Vivian with ylbs. extra " went as if his head was on fire," to the lane before the last field, where he fell over a faggot, which had been kicked out of the hedge, and could scarcely rise at the last fence. Fiacrow had gone like a stumped-up horse when he came out of the stable, but he soon got his legs at liberty, and Tom was cheered by the Marquis, when he caught him and passed him in the lane. "Who is Heycockf said some Warwickshire men to Captain White. " Who is he ?" replied the Captain, "Lord Heycock of Oivston, to be sure; a very old titled In the same spring, Vivian literally Lottery's walked over at Worcester, where every- Beginnings, thing else fell, and as the walk-over included a flight of five feet rails done with hoop-iron, and a ditch of four or five yards on the other side, it is a mercy that he ever landed on to the Pitchcroft meadows at all. His new rival, Lottery, appeared at the end of this season at Barnet with young Henry Elmore on him, and one of the strange, towering jumps at a road in which he then indulged, brought him over with a complete somersault. 3°4 Scott and Sebright. Fun in the Mid- St. Albans closed its career soon after iands. this, as the crowds were very unmanage- able, and farmers began to be rusty about lending their ground. To its last celebration but one, Prince Paul Esterhazy gave a ioo-guinea cup, in order that he might see one more steeple-chase before he left England. His Highness and Coleman had it all over again when they met -at the Hampton Court Pad- docks' last year, and there was the Prince at 74 and " as fond of riding and horses" as when he summoned Mr. Anderson to present him with the cup, which his Splendour had won. Although the tap-root was dead at last, the sport blossomed everywhere in the Mid- lands, and there was a match or two per week in the Harrow country. Vivian carried a load of penalties, and had Jerry and Cock Robin behind him at Dun- church, but he could only contrive to repeat his second at Leamington, where he divided Jerry and Flacrow. Jerry was a tremendous horse for a severe race, but with his I2lbs. penalty he was only second to Conrad soon after at Northampton, which furnished a line of the biggest fences and brooks that living man had ever ridden over, in the country about Wootton Hill. Milton Brook was unusually swollen, and Mr. Payne lost a bet of 100/. to half a sovereign, that all the horses did not get over, and only one of them fell on landing. The Marquis had got another of his tremendous leads on Yellow Dwarf, but the shoemakers fairly blocked him in at one of the brooks, and he had to pull his horse into a trot. It was not done ill-temperedly on this occasion, but it was a common trick of the mob to dictate the line by " the pressure from without," and they always set their faces most decidedly against skirting, if there was a good stiff place which they wished to see negotiated. Vivian v. Nothing more was heard of St. Albans Lottery. after the December of this year, and Stag, Drag, and Flag. 305 Midnight appropriately closed the scene. Her pros- pects were, however, completely obscured when her rider went to scale, as he could not draw his weight to half a pound. It was objected that the cart swayed about during the operation, but Bob Barker was not allowed to descend, and was solemnly carted in procession to Coleman's, only to try his weight once more with equal ill success. Mr. Anderson got the stakes, with Performer, and Lottery very much out of form, and ridden for the first time by the re- nowned Jem Mason, was third. Six weeks after " Elmore's horse" beat a good field at Barnet, and then Mason jumped a flight of bullock rails extra with him on their route to the weighing place. The McDonoughs and Oliver came out about this time ; Cannon-ball, Charity, and Railroad were heard of in the West, and The Nun began to be a familiar word in Warwickshire. Lottery had not quite come to his form, and Vivian was not quite done with, and for the last time the great rivals met in April, 1838, from Drayton Grange to Flecknoe, and the one very big fence settled the question in favour of the junior. Liverpool began its Great National Beginning of in earnest the next year, and when True the Liverpool Blue and Bob Barker had done Charity Grand NationaL over the hurdles, both of them with Lottery, Seventy- Four, three of " Harkaway Ferguson's," Railroad, Cannon-ball, and The Nun were among the seventeen which answered the saddling-bell. Becher was on Conrad, and went first to get him to settle down, up to what was then a fence with double rails, and a large ditch dammed up on the off-side. The horse made a mistake and hit the rails, and in a second the gallant Captain had " formed to receive cavalry" by crouching under the bank. As for his charger he got back on the wrong side, and he lost him, and the place, although sadly degenerated, is called Becher's brook unto this day. x 3°6 Scott and Sebright. Leicestershire The Whissendine was the last jump to wit. that spring in the steeple-chase, which marked Lord Suffield's mastership of the Quorn. Mr. Villiers was first on Gipsy, and as the last horse had to pay the second horse's stake, there was a fine rear finish between Sir David Baird and Lord Cran- stoun. Lord Desart was not satisfied at being behind Lord Waterford and his 6oo-guinea Sea, and attri- buted it entirely to his fall; but a match of 100 sovereigns from Shankton Holt to Ram's Head, that favourite old battle ground of Leicestershire, con- firmed the first event. Lottery's Zenith The Nun held her own pretty well in and Finish. Midlands, Lottery bullied everything when he had the chance; and when Gaylad did the same, and no penalties seemed to stop them, the handicap era gradually loomed. Lottery began as Chance, and was licked into fits by Fop in a mile and a half trial; and then he was a performer at Jack- son's Grounds, where The Mite and Columbine were heads and tails with him. He was a very peculiarly-, short in his quarters, deep in his girth, but light in his middle and back ribs ; with a perfect snaffle-bridle mouth, fine speed, and a very " trap to follow." When others could hardly rise at their fences, he seemed to jump as if from a spring-board. His jumping muscles were first brought into such high play by putting him in a ring, with flights of rails round it, and a man in the middle to keep him moving, and he perfected his jumping education with Mr. Anderson's stag-hounds. After his mistake at the Liverpool wall, he refused the first fence, a post and rails, five times at Fakenham; he showed his finest speed soon after that, when he caught Seventy- Four on the post at Leamington, and he was scratched along with Jerry, Seventy-Four and Peter Simple in the 100 sov. 25 forfeit steeple-chase, which was made up at Horncastle Fair, and which Stag, Drag, and Flag. 307 fell to Mr. Anderson's lot with his blood-like Cigar. When Peter Simple and Gaylad came out from Lin- colnshire, his reverses began. He was third to Peter at Boston, and was leading at Chelmsford when he came down in a ploughed field, and left Gaylad, who had I4lbs. extra like himself, to win it. Fit or not fit, Mr. Elmore would have him out, despite all that George Dockeray could say; and it was owing to this determination that he was enabled to pay off Gaylad soon after at Newport Pagnell. Later in the year he was beaten a length in this country by Lucks' All, who was ridden in most daring style by Tom Goddard. He was giving away 29lbs., and the meadows were so flooded that no one exactly knew where the brooks began and ended, and five out of the twenty were all swimming together. ^ From '35 to'49, the Brocklesby men Establishment of did the legitimate thing, and never Brockiesby Hunt " drooped and turned aside " either for SteePle-chases- a fence or a handicap. Their annual steeple-chase was for maiden horses, open to all England, and a victory or a good performance added so much to the value of their young horses, that they fetched very high prices at Horncastle. The Brockiesby Hunt Union Club was formed at Caistor in the November of the first named year, and it got under way very shortly at Rigby Slingsmere. Tom Brooks of Croxby was its president, William Richardson and William Torr its secretary and trea- surer ; and old Will Smith blew his horn, as the starting signal. Lionel Holmes won the first race on' a mare of Mr. Plargreaves's, and was so determined to lose no time after a fall, that he got on to her back when she was rising, and so to work once more. 'Flying Billy fell at the last fence but one, and lived to run for the Doncaster Cup against Touchstone, who beat him with nearly two distances in hand, to the infinite astonishment of " The Squire of Limber." X 2 3°8 Scott and Sebright. In '36, the course was paralled to Barton Street, and Cannon-ball the winner jumped a sheep-fold in a corner as his last fence but one. A lot of men were sitting there to see the finish, and they " dropped like rooks off a rail" when they found him thun- dering among them. Captain Becher had a mount, and fell clean out of Laceby into Aylesby Lordship, but some one lent him a fresh horse, and he got close up with the leaders again, and sung a tremen- dous song about Grimaldi that night, and " the stile at the top of the hill." " I'd stay longer, gentlemen," he said in conclusion, " but a mount on Vivian is too good a thing to give away," and to Egham he departed forthwith. The Old Granby at Grimsby had a still more roystering party the next year, and George Skipworth was duly congratulated on coming all his length into the winning field, and being first after all. Valentine an old grey, which had been lame and drawn a harvest waggon, had to thank Loft's steady riding for his win in '38, against a field of twenty-one; and Gaylad was nowhere to Ormsby the next year, and Peter Simple second. Better luck attended Gaylad the second time, but Peter Simple had a mis- chance some distance from home. As the maiden clause had been abolished ere this, Gaylad went in a third time, but he only won by the quickness of Cap- tain Skipworth, who saw that the winning-waggon had been moved, and wheeled his horse round so as to go on the proper side of the flag. The owner of Croxby by Velocipede had to refund, and this little affair cost the fund 140/. One county never sent out two finer steeple-chase champions than Gaylad and Peter Simple, but still neither of them could be said to be of the Lottery mint. Peter, for whom John Elmore offered seven hundred in vain, was a most beautiful horse to look at, and when lie " paced he seemed fit to carry a king." He could go up to his Stag, Drag, and Flag. 309 knees in dirt; but his mouth was not first-rate, and he was far too impetuous at his fences. Gaylad, 011 the contrary, was not the horse to catch the eye, and had a forbidding head, and was rather light through his brisket. He went fast, and flew his brooks and fences magnificently, but he was not particularly clever at timber. There is nothing connected with '42, BrocMesby except that Loft's Creeper won, and a Steeple-chases, cream-coloured colt called Paul Pry was lS42-49- the first entry in the mortuary tablets of the Club ; and then for three years the fine, patient riding of Charles Nainby 111 the scarlet, had its reward on his own and his father's horses, the clever Crocus, and the two grey Tommies, Newcastle, and Northal- lerton. Crocus's was the last race which the second Earl of Yarboro' attended. His lordship delighted in seeing the thing done in good orthodox style, and hence the riders were all solemnly taken by way of prelude into a deep chalk-pit, to receive their instruc- tions as to the line. Both the Tommies were sold for 200/. a piece, and but for a storm which prevented " Northallerton " from crossing the Humber to Bever- ley fair, he would have been sold for thirty some months before. In '46, Captain Skipworth did one of his best things on the hard-pulling Dubious ; Lam- plough crossed the Humber the next year with Saliva- tion, and stole the race for the first time out of the district ; and Mr. Oldaker wound matters up at twice, first by winning it with his Jenny Lincl (when Pilot ran third), and lastly by a winning mount on Rachel. Twenty-two tried their hand against the bay mare in vain, and then the silk jackets were laid aside, and for many seasons no red flag has waved, to show the line to the lads of the Brocklesby. The horse world of London could boast during this time of two men both equally great in their line ; to Scott and Sebright. wit, "Old Tilbury" and Jack Elmore, the hunter dealers. The former lived to nearly eighty, and al- though he had signed no pledge, and received no. pewter medal as a signet of his allegiance, there was not such a rigid teetotaller in the length and breadth of Her Majesty's dominions. He never got his full credit in this respect, seeing that the smell of ale or spirits was quite as exhilarating in its effect upon him, as if he had been in the Docks, and then he could be handicaped to give weight to most men in a story. In later life, he was generally black and all black in his attire, save and except his white neck-tie; and to the last his whole talk was of horses. Mr. Tilbury, The conventional pun upon the first the Dealer, syllable of the word had peculiar signi- ficance in his case, as, barring a little water when he could get nothing else, tea was the only fluid that ever passed his lips. He was always very neat in his dress, but short, and of the heavy-sternius build; and it was this peculiarity which used to call forth some funny remarks from " The Squire," when they were going from covert to covert, in those merry days when the two Georges, equally great in their line, ruled at Windsor and Quorn. His Class of He was never much of a rider across Horses. country, and perhaps not a first-class judge of a horse. As a general thing he seemed to go for horses of a certain power and substance, which would either frame into hunters or machiners, or as he used to put it, " if there was not one there was the other." When he first began, he had a little wheel- weight's shop in Bryanston-street, Edgeware-road, and let out buggy horses. From this humble spot, he went on to South-street, the scene of his fine tilbury trade, and rising at last into all his glory in Mount- street, began to let out hunters, and took a farm at Elstree, three miles beyond Edgeware. After that, he took 200 acres at the Dove House, Pinner, which Stag, Drag, and Flag. 311 afibrded plenty of exercise and larking ground, of which his aid-de-camps, Newcome and Jim Mason (whom Bill Bean claims to have led over his first flight of park palings), and Jim Payne availed them- selves to the full. Mat Milton, who was wont to say, that if he did lose his horse in the hunting- field, he could always "pay jive or six stout fellows and run him downf was then at the head of the crack hunter business in Piccadilly ; but Tilbury's stud, many of which were purchased from the El- mores, was never under seventy. He would let them by the day or the season, and Count Matuschevitz and Mr. Harvey Combe opened very paying accounts with him. In fact, many of his sixty-pound horses would earn their fifty guineas per season, and if any accident happened, he had always another ready to send down. They were picketted out everywhere, all over the Midlands, but principally at Melton and Northampton ; and he would ride enormous distances, week after week, looking them up and making ar- rangements about proxies. He also did a little in the steeple-chase line with his Culverthorpe, Prospero, and Tomboy, when Vivian, Cigar, and Lottery had brought up matters to a white heat; but he left off on the wrong side, both in this and his hunter dealing. The latter sadly dwindled a few years before his death in i860. Mount-street and a few common stamp horses still remained, with a small farm at Thatch End, adjoining the Pinner acres of his more glorious days; but the younger generation knew him not, and went elsewhere for their hunters. On the box it might truly be said of him that— " Difficulties prove a soul legitimately great." As a four-in-hand whip he had no par- His Coachman- ticular pretensions ; but his delight was shiP- to have two raw young things in a break or a curricle, 312 Scott and Sebright. and drive them in and out of places and along tho- roughfares which hardly any coachman, with the most metallic nerves, would have dared to essay. 11 Such hands" as a good whip once said to us, " never let them begin kicking; knew just when to stop them to a yard." If a young horse would not go on, he would sit as calm as a Mohawk Chief, biding his time. To take his tilbury into a field, and turn it neatly over, and step out of it, without the horse falling, was another sleight-of-hand diversion with the ribbons to which he was peculiarly partial. He had all the quiet manner of the old school, and was very full of anecdotes, which of course grew on as his life-shadows length- ened, till one or two of them became perfect sea- serpents. To the last he was faithful to the one The Two French- about the two foreigners who hired men and the horses from him to meet Her Majesty's Three Pigeons. a1; « Magpies" on Hounslow Heath. Their horses were so beaten when they left off near Red Hill, that they were obliged to leave them and get a post-chaise. Then came the difficulty, which Mr. Tilbury told with appropriate action and streaming eyes. They had forgotten the name of the inn where they had left their hacks, and they only knew that it had to do with a bird. " Drive us to the Pigonsf they said, " de birds of colour; you do khoiv —de black and white Pigojisj till they had utterly bewildered and exasperated their postboy, and were only helped out of the dilemma by a friendly scarlet. tipfi nrpq William Elmore, the father of the 1 m ' three brothers' George, John, and Adam, settled in Hampshire, and came up to town only once a week latterly. He was a very big man, so much so that he used to tell a story of a countryman, who could not be persuaded to tell him and his fat friend which way the hounds had gone. " You doiilt want the hounds," he said, forking the dung into his cart all the time, with the most provoking coolness, "yoiid Stag] Drag, and Flag. 313 better both send yonr gnts on by the waggon afore yon go after than! Upon the subject of dressing, he was particular and - sensitive, and equally so upon having a beefsteak pudding always ready for him 011 his return from hunting. Once when he did not appear till twelve o'clock, it had been disposed of in the household supper, but his peremptory orders from that day forth were, to this effect, " If Fm away for a week, never take the padding out of the pot!" Iiis-son John was like him, rather a The Eimoves as boil vivant, and inherited many more of Hunter DeaL-rs. his ways. George, the elder brother, and the master of the concern, was a quiet "man, and hated steeple- chasing, but left his brothers to do pretty much as they liked. He simply saitl that the more they spent, the less there would be for them at his death. John was a better driver, but not such a good rider as Adam, who had wonderfully fine " show hands," and an imposing figure on a horse. Still he was not equal as a salesman to his brother, but quite the best buyer, so that their special talents blended exactly, and for many years they had quite a first-class business. Their head man, Old John Haynes, with his bent leg and top-boots, went hopping about to all the country fairs, and knew every likely farmer and breeder in the Midlands. He also took Worcester- shire and Shropshire in his rounds, with all the saga- city of a truffle hunter*; and never seemed to think that his masters could purchase enough. It was no argument in his eyes that the cheque-book could stand no more. In those days before the rail, George Odell, Catlin, Sam Wilson, and the Drages used to buy up young horses in Yorkshire, and place them out with the Northamptonshire and Leicestershire farmers for a year or two, to be got handy, and it was on these fives and sixes, that the Elmores pounced at the Midland county fairs. Now, they are bought in 3T4 Scott and Sebright. Yorkshire as threes and fours, and railed up at once; and all the grand middle education is lost. The firm removed from Duke-street, Manchester-square, to John-street, Edge ware-road, and after George's death in 1845, Adam stayed on there, and kept on the foreign trade, while John exchanged Neasdon for Uxendon, which he soon fitted up with a steeple- chase course, and cared very little more about business. John Elmore In his heyday, he was fully sixteen at Home, stone; but a -slow consumption had gradually worn him down to about nine-stone-eight; and those friends who remembered so well his once florid and portly presence, hardly knew him again towards the close. He once farmed nearly a thou- sand acres, but latterly he held only one farm of about half that amount. As a judge of horses, and steeple-chasers in particular, he had no superior. A clever pony he dearly loved ; and even the rough, hairy-heeled ones, which he did his farming on, had a character peculiarly their own. One of them would get over a fence, and regularly wait for him to follow and seize it by the tail, so as to be dragged up the bank on the "off-side." Like many of the old school, he was also right fond of a bit of cocking, and fought many a quiet " in-go" during the London; season. John Elmore's He was the best of companions, and Stones. with some good'story to tell of every horse or sporting man that could be named. One of Carlin the steeple-chase jockey especially delighted him. " Where have you been to ?" he said when that worthy did not arrive till some minutes after the ruck. " Been to, Mr. Elmore ?" was the reply; " 1 had a fall, and a fellow called me an old brick-maker, and asked me ivhere I was taking all the clay aivay to with me; so I stopped and had a fight with him, and so would your Carlin was equally ready to account for Stag, Drag and Flag. 315 his absence on another occasion. " You told me," said he, " to leave it all to the horse, and I trusted to his honour, and he put me down—that's a pretty thing!' One about Bob ****** pleased him still more. Bob had sat up too late with his friends, after ordering himself to be called early next morning, and before putting him to bed they had amused themselves with shaving his head. Not being very particular in his toilet, he never got a view of himself till he came to breakfast, opposite the pier-glass in" the coffee-room. He had the presence of mind to grasp the bell-handle and summon the waiter. " Waiter',' he said, " where's that fool of a boots ? He's gone and called the bald- headed old gentleman in the next room ; and he's never called Bob ****** at all!" This story has been told in a variety of ways, but Bob was,-we believe, the great original of it. It was always "my dear boy," when stag-hound John Elmore wanted to impress an Diplomacy, opinion on you; and to disbelieve him seemed treason. It was said of an eminent manager, that he had a voice which could lure a bird from a tree ; and, as a friend of John Elmore's once said to us, "If John had done me out of ten thousand, I couldrit have found it in my heart to blame him!' The farmers, during the time he kept his stag-hounds, would occa- sionally arrive at the farm, boiling over with a sense of injury to their crops ; but the interview generally ended in their stopping'to make an evening of it; and then assuring him, at parting, that they would take it as a personal insult if he did not continue to pursue the very same line of conduct they had come to pro- test against. He was a great favourite with them, and was, in fact, almost free to hunt his stags for miles round Harrow without being harassed with trespass notices. " The stag-hounds" were half blood and half fox- hound, and perfectly indifferent as to whether they 316 Scott and Sebright. had deer or hare in front of them ; and he took to them the season after Mr. Anderson gave up his. He seldom kept more than half-a-dozen, and a brace and a half of stags ; but they went at it the moment the hay was off the ground, and would often be seen tolling along through crops of standing beans. He was a good horseman, but very excitable in a run ; and the time to see him go best was when he turned out his second deer for a lark after luncheon. None went better with Mr. De Burgh's ; and occasionally he would have a day with the Queen's, or change to fox with the Old Surrey and Lord Dacre's, and then spend a month at a time in Hampshire. His last hunter was Paddy, a very excellent horse under his weight, but a great savage in the stable. Some years ago, when he had quite ceased to take a fence, he would go wonderfully on his fourteen-hand ponies, always the very best of their kind, whenever the Queen's came into the Harrow and Barnet country, and dash down lanes, however rough, with an energy which the most inveterate road-professors could only envy, and not dare to imitate in its in- tegrity. If any of his horses had a thorn, he didn't care how big the. leg got; but he sent them hunting, to make it suppurate and come out. Nothing pleased him better than to set five or six of his friends larking as they rode back from hunting by the side of the road, and to halloo at them all the way. Those were days when he was in full health ; but for the last few years one lung had entirely gone. When he warded his horses trained, he would invariably put his stable lads on them in red spencers, and watch them while they jumped everything before them with hounds; and it was thus that The British Yeoman "got into a fine practice." Larking with Grimaldi, Lottery, Jerry, Gaylad, The Lottery. Weaver, Sam Wefler, and British Yeo- Stag, Drag; and Flag. 317 man bore the " blue and black cap," in turn; but Lottery was the only one he cared to talk much about. His friends used to laugh at this " Horncastle horse," who was lamed with larking the day he got him, but he always said, " You may laugh—you'll see it come outand well was his patience rewarded. When the horse had ceased to defy creation with Jem Mason under thirtcen-stone-seven, if ever a friend went down for an afternoon, with "Jack" to Uxendon, he would order him to be saddled. " Hang it !" he would say, " have you never been 011 the old horse ?— get up!" and be the ground ever so hard, or the fences ever so blind, he would insist on their back- ing him, one after the other, if there were half-a- dozen of them. He would turn him over anything ; and occasionally it would be the iron hurdles be- tween the garden and the paddock, or, for lack of a handier fence, he would put the rustic garden chairs together. He was in his sixty-sixth year when he died ; and with him and " The Marquis "—the two original props—professional and amateur—of the steeple-chase have gone from amongst us. In these poor-spirited days, when too many owners think " the grass- hopper a burden" in the shape of iost. /lbs., and rope away till they can blind the handicapper into a stone less, we may well wish for a par- tide of the spirit which brought the Uxendon and Curraghmore blues into "the tented field," and made even St. Albans a place of real spirit and renown. *3l8 CHAPTER V. HORN AND HOUND. " And Alvanley, too, shall Meltonia forget thee, Oh ! never while wit and wine have a charm ; Thou, too, wilt return, blithe as ever we met thee, And with joke, fun, and glee still old Sorrow disarm ; And Chesterfield, too, and our honoured De Wilton, With Plymouth and Stanley shall come in their train; And the Lord of the Chase and the Monarch of Melton Shall be Harry of Ribstone—success to his reign i" Visit to joe "X/'OU should go and see my old friend Hewitt. joe Hewitt," said an M. F.H. to us; "I hear he's been giving them a capital lecture on foxhunting at Mexborough." The advice was too good to be lost, so away we strode from Doncaster on a January afternoon, down the short cut through that hazel cover, under the Conisboro' cliff, past the British School, whose rafters, on the testimony of the vil- lagers, had rung again on that memorable night when Joe found his fox therein, and killed, after a brilliant burst of five-and-thirty minutes, from " The Platform Wood," and on to the lecturer's lair. He was full forty when he went to hunt Sir Jacob Astley's stag- hounds, in Norfolk, and that was in 1820; but age had, in i860, told but little on his tall, active frame. The walls of his snug little home reflect the triple phases of his hunting life. Two stags' heads hang in the ante-chamber; Joe himself is on Paddy, with the Badsworth Watchman, and Ranter, Cottager, and Glider from Lord Scarborough's at his side; and a stout man, in a buff waistcoat, Horn and'Hound. 3*9 with gaiters, and a dog-whip, is neither more nor less than the Mr. Frank Fawkes of his harrier days. It was just 5 to I on Joe in his good Service under master's mind, and he was butler, groom, Mr. Frank gamekeeper, valet and huntsman to him. Fawkefe They had not many horses between them ; but still the stable cleared 500/. in seven years. Scarlet was the livery of the hunt, and they used the privilege to the full, by never whipping off if they crossed the line of a fox. They gave one such a dusting from Hickleton Spin- neys, that Lord Darlington expressed a lively belief to Joe, that "you'll come into my dining-room, at Bilham, next'.' And Joe did arrive there shortly after. His lordship had run a fox to ground at Barnboro' Grange, and asked Joe to dig him out and bring him to Bil- ham. Late in the evening, Joe was duly announced, with " Charley" in a sack, and after showing his prisoner to the Duchess and the family, dismissed him from the front door to his old head of earths. Colonel Mellish cared quite as much, if not more, for the harriers than the Darlington and the Rufford ; and mounted on the brown Lancaster, he kept the field alive. And so for seven seasons "Joe" used to make the hares tender on Mexboro' side, with old Master Franky's harriers, and " prepare them for the spit by the inflammatory process of an hour's run, with a ten minutes burst at the finish." Two years after this merry little pack joe Stag-hunting was given up (in consequence of Mr. in Norfolk. Fawkes's- death in '18) Joe departed to Sir Jacob Astley's staghounds, with Bill Turpin and Jim Shirley as his whips, and half the country came to see his first day. The stag took at once to a creek, and Joe's jump over it on Paddy, eight yards, and rotten banks on both sides, "put him right in Norfolk." Still they never expected to behold him again. He wound his way over quicksands, where horse and rider had never 320 Scott and Sebright. ventured before, on the beach between Morston and Wells, and only just got back with his hounds when he had seen the deer picked up by a boat, before the creek filled again. In token of his jump, and his restoration to them, after their terrible suspense, the field filled his pockets with silver, till he could hardly button his coat. Mr. Coke went specially to see the place, and introduced Joe to the Duke of Sussex and Sir Francis Burdett at the next Hoik- ham sheep-shearing, with " There s a fellozu who's done such a thing as has never been done in this county before Fox-hunting in After a couple of seasons Sir Jacob Norfolk. turned to fox-hunting and did it well for ten seasons, four days a week. The Burrow Kennels soon had seventy couple in them, and a hundred and fifty foxes were got together, in paddocks near Melton Constable, and kept there for four months. Mr. Coke was very friendly, and told Sir Jacob to quarter any quantity he liked on Holkham, so they took him at his word, and turned down ten brace at his front door. Still well disposed as the great landlord might be, they were " taken care of" by some one, and scarcely two brace were ever hallooed away again. a New Light on The steward at Gawdy Hall, which is Fox-hunting. just Qn the Suffolk border, was well dis- posed; but had only been entered to pheasant and rabbits. Trusting to his natural instincts, the first time Sir Jacob met there, he rode furiously down the road the moment he espied Joe and the hounds, and called out, " Vou're too late, huntsman. Tve got all my men together to beat the cover, and we've found such a beautiful fox" He seemed to feel that he had acted so prudently, and so strictly with a view to sport, that as there was no help for it, Joe swallowed his feelings, and did not care to undeceive him, but simply inquired the line. It seemed a nice one over grass to a wood, and there was comfort in the hope that the fox might Horn and Hound. 321 wait there. Sir Jacob and the officers from the Norwich barracks did not dwell much at breakfast after the startling news of that morning, and they were soon out of the Hall, and into the saddle. Luck was on their side; one or two hounds feathered, and spoke to their fox when Joe held them on the line ; they dressed him for five-and-twenty minutes in the wood, and ran into him over a fine open country almost without a check. Still, even this anecdote of the dark Fox-hunting ages of Norfolk did not satisfy us. We Lecture, had come specially to hear the lecture, and as we had been duly told that he had " a most humoursome voice in drawing covers," we persevered till the horn came down. When the lecture did begin, and Joe was finding and then breaking up his fox, we sat aghast at the pent-up volume of sound, the perfect cave of CEolus, whose blasts we had let loose on that quiet street, and hardly dared to calculate the effect upon " rurals" and passers-by. Clogs seemed to come with measured steps as far as the garden-gate, and then become suddenly spell-bound. Joe's own head was his manuscript, and always has been, and a mere skeleton abstract was the only result of our pencil attempts to follow him. " If I had a piano," he said, " I could make a devil- ish good run of it, and give plenty of music to it; the piano should do the hounds. I begin with a single hound, then two, and so keep increasing. That's ' The try^ we don't find; then we try another cover. Yooi in} yoicks ! yoicks ! Push him up ! one hound speaks. In that case, I should give the piano a single tap. I should then call, if it was a hound we could depend upon, Hark ! hark ! to such an one ; if it still continues, and there's a fox on foot, Hark! hark! to Watchman ! Hark ! There I want the piano for the body of the hounds. Hark ! Get together ! Push hint up ! Hooi ! that puts their mettle up. Y 322 Scott and Sebright. " There's a view halloo [and indeed it was one, more clogs seemed to be arrested in their course, and we heard voices]—this is just the way, only shorter, that I gave it them in the British School ; if there's a view halloo, then comes Gone-away ! Hark forward! Now, you must begin with the piano, it should make the hounds ; now I carry a great head. Bless you,* gentlemen ! Hold hard ! Yoi Gaurt ! Come back / You see the hard riders have pressed the hounds too much, and they've overrun the line ; as soon as you see your dashing hounds taking the lead, and your best hounds slackening, you may depend on it things are not all right. El-loo back ! " Now, gentlemen, do hold hard ! You try back, and generally make it out if well up; Yokes ! there's a chirrup; now I want the piano; there's another chirrup ; I want two strokes ; the whole body are sensible of it. Have at 'em, my little fellows / what's leading ? I say Hark to Ranter, or such an one; then the whips and the piano go to work, and I carry a great head till we kill. We're in a wheatfield now. Bless you, gentlemen, do keep furrows! Now we view—that's a Dead, Halloo [and thankful indeed we were that the whole village did not turn out at the summons]. I get the fox, and keep him up, hollering to get stragglers together. Then I told them about Madcap ; she was keen, she jumped up and got hold of my ear ; don't you see the mark ? you can feel a little knob there ; I could have kissed her to see her so anxious. That's the way the lecture goes on, I can draw it out any length that's desirable. I gave them another lecture about my visit to Raby Castle. I saw the Duke ; his Grace remembered that fox and sack business at Bilham, though I hadn't seen him for fifty- two years." * According to the accounts in the Old Sporting Magazine, a more courteous huntsman never blew up a horn or a man. Horn and Hound. 3^3 So much for Mexboro' and its cheery lecturer ! The closing and opening decades of Fox-hunting, the two centuries found hunting sound to 1790-1810. the core. Meynell was " King of Quorn." Tom Old- aker, of " Huntsman's Hall," in his yellow plush coat almost to his ankles, woke up the beech woods of Chilton and the wild ridings of Easthamstead, with the three sharp bugle notes, which told that he had gone away, and the still more tuneful La Mort. The lady of Hatfield was first in the field, and last at the ball. Mr. Coke's hounds hovered between Castle Hedingham, Holkham, and Epping. The Duke of Grafton's dwarf pack were busy in Salcey Forest and the vast Whittlebury woodlands. Dick Knight's cheer was heard in Sywell Wood, and foxes were dying an honourable death of old age in Bedford Purlieus, despite all the talent of Will Dean. Petworth, Woburn, Brocklesbury, and Belvoir, had each a family pack; and Cheshire mourned for its Bluecap, to which it subsequently erected an obelisk. Tom Grant was getting up and down the hills of Sussex like a flash on his chamois-footed steeds. Mr. Chute took everything that was too small for Tom, and kept up the glories of The Vine, which " The Iron Duke" nurtured so well in after years, and three times saved from grief. Lord Stawell was in the Holt Forest country, and Mr. St. John gradually changed back from hare to fox. Mr. Poyntz looked upon the killing of a May fox and a dance round the May-pole, when the Prince was at Albury Grange, as two vital points before he returned to Cowdray. The hounds and Tom Crane were always kept on the right of the line, whenever the army changed quarters in the Peninsula; and later still with Burdett, Whitbread, Canning, and Romilly, as the line-hunters in St. Stephens. " The sport of all sport was reserved for the day, When out of a bag they turned Lord Castlereagh." Y 2 324 Scott and Sebright. The Late Earl The Earl of Darlington was long the of Darlington. Nimrod of the North, "with his chin sticking out, and his cap on one ear." Many of the old hands still speak of him as always having his finger in his ear, or his cap in his hand, and consider that his hunting was conducted on no especial system. " He was all for riding, and four couple of hounds in front, and the rest coming as they could, was the general order of things." The stud, which was headed by the grey Ralph, whose skin still covers an arm chair at Raby, was first-rate, and worthy of their master. His lordship came into the Badsworth country each spring and autumn for six weeks at a time, and as he had finished his own cub-hunting before the autumn visit, his hounds, which had been well blooded, pulled down the foxes wholesale. „ . n Squire Draper of Beswick and King's quire raper. jquntsman for East-Riding, has still a strong traditional fame in Yorkshire. Foxes were destroying the lambs to a great extent in 1726 when he began his operations, and Sir Mark Constable was one of his chief supporters. He had only 700/. a year wherewith to keep up his old Hall, and was blessed with three daughters and eleven sons. Kickshaws he eschewed, and once a month he killed an ox for roast- ing and salting. " All the brushes in Christendom" was his chosen toast, after he had drunk " King and Constitution," and a leathern girdle round his drab coat and a rusty velvet cap were his royal insignia of office. The general effect could not have been im- pressive, as a tailor who had come over from York to measure the Miss Drapers for new hunting-habits, did not guess him at his front-door, and he most rigidly exacted twopence for holding the horse. On another occasion when one of the same order came over equipped for riding, and said that he had left his horse elsewhere, he insisted on accompanying him to it, and made him confess at the end of a two or Horn and Hound. 325 three miles' walk, that his boots and whip were a pious fraud. He was a little caustic in his humour, and considered from what he had seen in his visit to the metropolis that "a Yorkshire haft" could at least hold its own. The drains of Holderness also suggest how he declined to assist a sufferer, on the short ground that he was " a whipper-in, and not a whipper- out." His daughter Diana, a regular " Di Vernon" in her way, had a rare voice and eye to hounds, but died after many perils in her virgin bed, at a good old age at York, and she is buried with him at Market- Weighton. Ash, "the weed of the Wolds," had The Yorkshire not begun to flourish in the old man's Wolds, time. Beyond a few solitary elms and beeches, and an occasional belt of firs, there was hardly a tree to be seen on his vast hunting grounds of hill, valley, and morass. Except round the village garths, there was not a gate between Market-Weighton and Be- verley. The Wolds were covered with ling, to which the bee-wives carried their swarms in order to reflect its perfume and dark colour in the honey ; but there was not cover enough for ten miles round Sledmere to hide a goose, much less a travelling fox. The land was worth two-and-sixpence an acre, and had hard work to pay that. Barley for future " Haver Cake Lads" was its only white crop, and big-boned, and flat-sided black and whites very faintly foreshadowed the era of the " Driffield Cow," which was almost as wonderful in its generation as the guinea-hen which hunted running and flying with the Castle Howard hounds. 'The title-deeds of the Middleton hunt TheWoid date back nearly 100 years, - and seven Hunts, separate masters, and a triumvirate consisting of Earl Carlisle, Lord Middleton, and Mr. Crompton owned them till Sir Mark Sykes purchased them from the first Lord Feversham in 1804, aud hunted them for 326 Scott and Sebright. two seasons at his own expense. The coats of the Club had light blue collars with a silver fox, and " Sykes, Goneazvay /" on the buttons; and Sir Mark mounted his men on Camilluses and Scrivingtons, many of his own breeding. The hounds were valued at 300 guineas, when Mr. Watt and Mr. Digby Legard formed a second triumvirate with Sir Mark, and after a Middleton interregnum, Sir Tatton took them in 1811, and held them with only a two-season break for two-and-forty years. Old Will Carter and his son Tom Carter were huntsman and first whip, and as Mr. Bethel and his successor had given up Holderness, Sir Tatton's country extended from Cox- wold to Spurn Point. They always hunted on the Wednesday in the York country; and Sir Tatton (who was laying in a hunter stud from four Camillus mares), used to leave Sledmere in the dark, get on his hunter at Eddlethorpe, and often ride forty miles home. The Sykes Every March and November Sir Tatton Hounds. went to the Brandsburton Kennels to work the Holderness side, which he held for four seasons, till the Holderness Hunt was established, and Martin Hawke and George Osbaldeston, who then lived at Hutton Bushell, were the very life of the Hunt Club at Beverley. The election spirit, which ran so high in those days, did not penetrate within the walls of The Tiger. It made no matter to the Club, that a hare with a blue ribbon and " No Popery" round its neck was sent to every one of the plumpers on one side; or that a fair electioneerer; who had expressed a wish to be a man for a moment, that she might pull a rubicund opponent's nose, re- ceived as her answer, " Yon are zvelcome to do so, Mam, but it will burn your fingers /" The young "Squire" was fresh from Brasenose, and if some clever cork- cutters had not lived near the bridge at York, and by their joint efforts promptly put in his neck after Horn and HowidJ. 327 a tumble, that greatest and most versatile of all sporting careers would have been quenched very early. A season under Mr. Musters and two „ . .. o- 1 ✓-> 1 1. The Badsworth. Shnder Sir Bellingham .Graham, brings the Badsworth up to the era of Mr. "Tom Hodgson," about 1817. Sir Bellingham left him twelve couple of hounds and three horses as a nest egg, and he pur- chased several couple of hounds from the Duke of Leeds, and kept the pack at Thorpe. Engagement of Will Danby had been with the Badsworth Wl11 Danby- during part of Mr. Hodgson's mastership, and Jack Richards, Mr. Petre's huntsman, was so surp that he was just the man to work Holderness, that he wrote him to go over to Snydale, and apply for the place. Will was then with some harriers near Halifax, and on the first non-hunting day he set off at three A.M. in his topboots, and at nine he stood before Mr. Hodgson. The energy of the man delighted him, and when he heard Will declare that "the distance mat- tered nowt," it was a bargain at a guinea a week ; and Will walked back again the two-and-twenty miles, but " with a much lighter heart," to give his week's notice. To get the hounds together was the Waifs and strays next object. Before his draft was ready, for Holderness. Mr. Foljambe sent to say, " I know you'll take waifs and strays, so you're welcome to a young hound which has come to my kennel." It was duly sent in the boot of the coach and lost, and yet, utterly strange as it was to the country, it came straight to Snydale, and was called Sensible in consequence. Young Will Carter happened to see it, and the moment his memory was confirmed by the ear mark, he chal- lenged it as " Sister to our Driver." Still he begged Mr. Hodgson to tell his brother Tom nothing about it, as he has " far more than he can work." Ranter and Rosebud were all that Tom could spare in addition; 328 Scott and Sebright. but Sir William Gerard, Mr. Foljambe, and The Badsworth sent in some fourteen or fifteen couple. Ranter was rather undersized, but a rare hound; and although Badsworth Reginald could hardly crawl into Holderness, from kennel lameness, and was nearly hung on the road, he gradually worked himself sound. . 0 .... In his time, Mr. Hodgson has built enne ui mg. ^ fennels, and the lady pack of twenty couple which he sold to Lord Ducie for iooo guineas at his Quorn sale, were kennelled for a whole summer in a transmuted hovel at Snydale. It did not look worth as many pence, and has since then been the birthplace of Prologue and Virgilius, and the shelter of the old grey hunting mare Twilight. The last ken- nel he had a hand in was at Whiston, near Rotherham, in conjunction with Sir George Sitwell, who was " Master of the horse." Mr. Foljambe gave up part of his country to him; but Lord Scarborough took the whole, and bought the pack from Mr. Hodgson when the veteran became the West Riding Registrar of Deeds at the end of his second season after leaving the Quorn country. Life in Holder- During Mr. Hodgson's sixteen seasons ness- in Holderness, the hounds changed their kennels three times. Their first was at the Rose and Crown, Beverley, and then they were removed to other kennels in the town, and finally to Mr. Watt's, at Bishop Burton. The subscription never exceeded a thousand a year, and for the first two seasons, it was barely 800/. for four days a week. At one time the work was so hard, that Mr. Hodgson and Will between them had only two horses that could get out of the stable at all. As Will said, they were "never bet yet? but when a bye-day was asked for as well, Mr. Hodg- son stood firm, on the ground that it took " horses of cast-iron, hounds of steel, and men of India-rubber" to achieve what they were doing already. There were Horn and Hound. 329 never more than 36 couple of hounds in kennel; and although the horses were only thirty-pounders to begin with, two of them sold for 130I. and 160I. at Quorn, after Mr. Hodgson had got five or six seasons out of them. Comical by Comus, and the gift of Mr. William Maxwell (the present Lord Herries) carried him for ten. Once he was scarcely off his back for fifteen hours, and when his master's reign in Holder- ness and Leicestershire was over, the old black found honourable burial under an oak tree inEveringhamPark. Will stipulated on going, as he did wiiiDanby's when he joined the York and Ainsty as Sayings, huntsman, that he was not to wear gills ; and the sport did not suffer in either case by his resolve. His speeches were not so caustic as that of a celebrated brother-chip, who sat on his horse in the middle of a •heavily top-dressed field, and observed, " I've had fourteen boiling-house lectures, and I shall now proceed to hunt my way out of this 100-acre field on purely scientific principles but they were always straight to the point. On the legitimate duties and responsibility of the Legislature, his views were not expansive. " Mr. is to be a Member of Parliament, Will /" said one of the hunt, as he was riding home with the hounds. " Is 'erf replied Will. " Well, he's good for nozvt else." Again, when a black coat, whose horse was rather staring in his coat and hips sought counsel with him upon the matter, he clenched it with, " I think Mr. , you must keep your horse on chopped sarmons'.' Nothing could induce him to have his por- trait taken, and when the ladies asked him to sit, he put the question by, and said he was not handsome enough. At last Mr. Hodgson conspired against him on this point, and having deeoyed him into treeing a fox, he held him so long, and gripped him so fast as he sat astride of his shoulders, that he got into a sketch-book irrevocably in this highly-favoured position. 33° Scott and Sebright. Dreams of the Master and man often -rode five-and- Chase. twenty miles to cover, and early in the spring, Will hallooed a fox away from Wassand Wood, as the church clock was striking seven. Mr. Hodgson called to give Mr. Constable notice, but found the soup and fish on the table, and retired without him to the enjoyment of a merry kill by moonlight. This was nothing either to him or Will, as they invariably "hunted in dreams," and Mr. Hodgson had one of the most remarkable import at Bishop Burton. Will had drawn sixteen couple of the best dog hounds, to go into" the Brandsburton country as usual; when to his surprise, his master appeared at daybreak and said, " We must take old Melody with us, Will. I've had a dream ; she must go, or zve shan't get ourfox? " She'll disgrace us, sir',' replied Will, in the blankest astonish- ment, as her toes were all down, and she was so nearly worn out that she had not hunted five days that sea- son ; but Mr. Hodgson stood firm. A fox was found in Dringhoe, and was lost beyond Wassand, after running across the finest part of the country. Melody came on the line as she could, and was of course missing when they checked. They could make no- thing out, and Will had held them forward past a drain, where a fox had gone to ground two seasons before, when Mr. Hodgson bethought himself to trot back. In a minute or two he heard Melody's short yap in it, and digging up to her they found that she was baying her fox, and almost touching him. La- vender was another of Mr. Hodgson's handmaids, and so resolute, that when her master saw his pack carry a tremendous head to the top of Bempton Cliff, his heart quite failed, and he knew that she must be over. His prophetic mind was so Convinced on the point that he pulled up, and went sadly home, dreading to hear the end. Luckily only six went over, but she was one. The late Ned Oxtoby, the first whip, and a very valued servant of Mr. Hodgson's was equal to the occasion. Horn and Hound. 33i He peeped over the edge of the cliff, and saw three hounds lying dead near the fox, and the others bruised, and yelping on the most remarkable crevices. By the aid of a rope, he brought up Lavender and another, but a ledge prevented him from getting at Romulus, 1 and he left him with an aching heart, for the sea-gulls. When he looked at the place afterwards in cool blood, he declared that 100/. a year for life wouldn't have tempted him to go down. The reward was worth the risk, as a couple of Lavender's eight puppies lived, and at the end of twenty miles, Will Webb, who was then huntsman, saw the hounds swaggering over a new arrival, and guessed that it was Romulus, who had backed himself up a cliff almost as steep as a house side. The Holderness foxes of that period Hoiderness were generally long, and dark-coloured in Foxes- the low country, while those on the wolds, which Mr. Hodgson handled with his lady pack, were rather big- ger, and lighter in their coats. Five were found in a rape-field, near Roos, which they drew four times that day. One was chopped to begin with, by being caught in a sheep-net, and the four others furnished runs of different duration from five-and-twenty to ten minutes. As regards foxes' habits, Mr. Hodgson was a perfect Buffon. On one occasion he sent his horse to a farm- house, and lay "stretched many a rood" in a dry ditch for hours, to see the vixen come and move nine cubs, which had been disturbed. When she did come, she proved to be the largest he had ever seen ; but two magpies were chattering above her, and d'iscomfited her so much, that she would not go up to them that night, and that long vigil was void. However, a sen- tinel was found, and his report was that she moved them to the opposite side of thd field before daybreak, in lots of three at a time. Again he was summoned to a consultation by a farmer at Lowthorp, to come over and see thirteen cubs. His man had disturbed them on ploughing a headland, and taken seven out of 332 Scott and Sebright. one angle of the earth, and six out of the other, both of which had only one common entrance. They were put in a stable with a half-door, and a lad sat up all night in the opposite granary, to pull the top part to, in case the dams came to them. Although the stable was half a mile from the earth, he had not to watch long ; but the tarred string with which the door was tied, seemed to make them suspicious, and after scratching for nearly an hour at the bottom of the door they departed, and never came again. Mr. Hodgson's Strychnined-rabbits and traps were Scurry stakes at then happily unknown in Holderness, Beverley. an(j farm{ng men, with " master's com- pliments," and consignments of stub-bred foxes and cubs were perpetually arriving at the kennels, to await further orders. On one occasion a litter was dug up at Sigglesthorne, and the farmer came with them himself. " I will show you what I do with them," said Mr. Hodgson, and when Will had mealed them well, the trio adjourned from Bishop Burton to the bottom of the T. Y.C. at Beverley, with their burden in a couple of sacks. All four foxes ran together up the course, head and head, to the stand, as straight as if they were going down a furrow at Dringhoe, and then the old fox drew away from them, and straight to Bishop Burton Woods, while the others bent to the right. Mr. Hodgson would never bolt a fox till he had been made safe, but on one occasion, he felt specially glad to let his fox have a second chance for its life. He had run one to ground in Sir Tatton's country, and was taking his hounds away, when the ladies and the gardeners arrived armed with pickaxe and spade, and full of complaints about peacock and guinea-hen slaughter. In vain did Mr. Hodgson propound to them, in his most chivalrous tones, the whole law of hunting on the point. His learning and sophistry availed him nothing. The fox was a regular ticket- Horn and Hound. 333 of-leave offender, and they declared that if the digging occupied all night they would have him, and "the imminent deadly breach" began. There was only one chance of foiling them politely, and Mr. Hodgson descending from his horse in his legal agony and leggings, commenced stamping wildly on the top of the earth, and succeeded in bolting him, and then bolted himself. However, he was enabled to send back the brush and mask to his fair persecutors, at the end of an hour; and his treachery was condoned. Still, as the ground had been opened he felt bound to lay their conduct before Sir Tatton. The baronet had deftly apologized for his hunter's rudeness in jumping away when the lady of Thorpe Hall came out to speak to him, by saying that " it had never seen any- thing so handsome beforeand his dictum in this ■equally difficult case was as follows " Dear Hodg- son,— Whenever the ladies tempt you to do anything wrong, get out of their way." These were not Mr. Hodgson's only Practical jokes difficulties. An East Riding veteran in Hoidemess. remembers why he did not care to sleep at The Tiger again, when its merry club were having a night of it in the next room, with Sir Bellingham and Mr. Hodgson at their head, but the latter was the victim of many plots in turn. They stuffed his horn so full of egg and buttered toast, that, although he showed them a capital run from Kilnwick Percy, he could not give thern a note on finding. Again, with Mr. Foljambe as the principal, they disappointed him most grievously when he looked for blood. A Bessingby fox had gone to ground in a head of rabbit holes near Carnaby, and as it was rather a dragging day, a few scarlets agreed to stop and dig him out, when Mr. Hodgson went to draw elsewhere. " We've got him," shouted Mr. Foljambe, when he returned, " in that sack; I know you, don't like much lazv, I'll take the sack myself, and go into the middle of that grass field, 334 Scott and Sebright. and give yon a famous start" The sack was accord- ingly held up, shaken, and emptied. Alas! tlu hounds were still more disgusted than Lord Middle- ton's, when they were racing half a century ago for their fox from Kexby Wood, and threw up at a stuffed one, which was put to frighten carrion,—as they ran for nothing but an empty pie'-dish, some plates, and a mutton bone. The party had sent for a capital lunch from Bessingby, and had never dug a yard. The Biter Bit On another occasion Mr. Hodgson went to bed at eleven after a very hard day, and forgot to bolt the door. He was in his first sleep, when he suddenly became conscious of what seemed like a hairy pillow at the foot of the bed, and waking out of a sweet dream of Dringhoe and Black- smith Gorse, viewed a party of his friends dressed in hats and scarlets for the occasion, and with spades and pickaxes in their hands, just putting in a terrier at the foot of the bed, to draw a tame fox. " I know he's here, Will; I saw him go in" said one in true Hodgsonian tones ; but their victim waited to hear no more, and in an instant the Gentleman in White dashed out into the passage, and tried the first head of earths he could get to. The wife of one of the scarlet conspirators, who had been listening for the " Goneaway!" just got her bedroom door bolted in time, and he went to ground in Lord Hawke's earth. In vain did the unhappy bachelor beg to be let in. The key was turned for the night, and " No, no! go on zvith the digging; there's clean litter in the Bads- zvorth Kennel, and fotil in the Holderness; I'll stop zvhere I am till morningwas the only response. And so he did, and the pie-dish and the horn business were amply avenged. Captain Percy Two troops of the Ninth Lancers were Williams. at Beverley at that time, with Captain Percy Williams among them. It was under Mr. Hodgson, to whom he often whipped in, that the Horn and Hound. 335 Captain first began his hunting career, and he subse- quently took charge of the hounds at the Oadby Kennel during Mr. Hodgson's second season with the Quorn. The first time he ever handled them was when they had a bye-day from the willow garths near Loughboro', and killed after an hour and forty-five minutes in Stamford Park. No one at that time could beat Mr. John Bower on his chest- Mr. John nut Marquis, or in fact upon anything, Bower, made or unmade, even when at last he could hardly hold the reins. One of the finest proofs of his horse- manship was in a very peculiar run from Gransmoor, after a poacher with a lurcher. His horse stuck fast in Barmpton drain, and was utterly exhausted when he got him out. He then hailed some ploughmen, and asked them if they had seen a man, and learnt that one had just fastened a dog to a gate, and run off. " Can any one of your horses get over a fence ?" said he, and hardly waiting for a reply, and feeling sure of his friend Duggleby, the owner, he jumped on a raw young four-year-old, bare backed, with chains and collar, just qs it was,, and loosing the dog to run the scent, handed the filly over the fences, to the utter astonishment of herself and the ploughman, and ran into his game five or six fields beyond. Mr. Ralph Lambton was one of the Mr. Ralph keenest disciples of Hugo Meynell. His Lambton. brother, the father of the late Lord Durham, was one of the earliest of the sojourners at Melton, and kept a pack of harriers there as well. After leaving Cam- bridge without a shilling of debt (a rare feat which he loved to dwell upon), Ralph was a frequent visitor to Mr. Meynell at Quorn, and occasionally hunted with Sir Carnaby Haggerstone, who was manager of the Bel voir during the late Duke's minority. His father General Lambton always said that he would leave his boy " enough to live upon, and keep a pack of fox-hounds with any squire in the county of Dur- 336 Scott and Sebright. ham," and well he kept his word. For upwards of forty years did that son keep a pack nearly at his own expense, and infuse a Meynellian freshness into Northern hunting such as it had never known before. After the death of James Shelly, who came as hunts- man to Lambton Park, with the Talbot pack (which were of Vernon, or rather Meynell blood), Mr. Lamb- ton always hunted them himself, until he was in his seventieth year, when The Kitten fell with him in the middle of a grass field near Long Newton, and lite- rally broke his back. He had injured the vertebrae in 1825, and made matters no better by a second fall, but there was no hope now, and for six years and four months he faced without a murmur all the weariness of a sick room, with the calm heroism so peculiarly his own. A harder man or finer rider has scarcely ever crossed a country. Once or twice he was picked up for dead, when he had been riding some raw four- year-old ; and at last Mr. George Baker of Elemore became so impressed with the belief of his having an invulnerable body, that he would not hear of his being called an iron man, but carried the ^comparison a point further to " those stub heads they make gun- barrels of." His Habits of He was a remarkably high-bred man, Life- in his look and address, and sat in Par- liament several years for Durham. Boodle's was his great resort when in town, but with the exception of a few weeks in the season, he was rarely absent from his hounds for a day. Few were more abstemious and sparing in their diet, and he used to tell young sportsmen, "You'll be lucky if you've no more dinner- bag at my age." He touched nothing from breakfast till dinner, and rarely tasted any liquid but wine. It was his boast that he was never hungry or thirsty in his life. He always kept his weight eleven-four to within a pound, and barring his grey head, he stripped quite young at sixty. Such a Nestor, in the field or Horn and Hound. 33 7 in the coffee-room, could not fail to command respect, and the younger members of the Sedgefield Club always addressed him as " Sir." Scarlet with a silver button, and black with a scarlet under-waistcoat, were the field dress and livery, when the Club was in its bloom ; and Lords Durham and Kintore, Sir Hed- worth Williamson and his son, Sir M. White Ridley, Sir David Baird, the Messrs. Lambton (his nephews), Admiral Dundas, Mr. Spiers, Messrs. Shafto, Mr. Har- land of Sutton, &c., &c., are names well remembered at Sedgefield, where it was duly held in November and February. Of horses he was no very great judge, but liked to buy thorough-bred young ones ; and Volunteer, Firebrand, Undertaker, Doctor, Zephyr, Hermit, and Hannibal were among his best. No one was a more regular hunter of a country; no matter how rough it might be, every cover heard his boxwood horn in its due proportion, and that cheery " Yi, Haro ! Forrard. Yi, Haro /" which came booming out in all its melody when his hounds had settled to their scent and seemed inclined to run hard. Mr. Lambton went to very few ken- Mr. Lambton nels; but when he did go to Belvoir, he on the Flass- told Goosey that he had quite spoilt him for home, and that he should return perfectly down-hearted. He hated a short-necked hound, and made an im- mense point of good shoulders, as the best preventive of lameness, but for legs and feet he cared less than hound breeders generally do. They seemed to lose their nerve entirely during their Quorn season. Old Talisman, Whipster, and Forester would look round, and when they saw the Melton Cavalry coming, they never stopped for a scent, and in one instance went nearly three miles across country without one, at tip- top pace, and no Treadwell or Tom Ball could stop them. Sometimes they did not taste blood for three weeks together; but when they and Treadwell fell on z 338 Scott and Sebright. quieter times in the Berwickshire country, and they could run away over the bogs from the horses till they seemed like little terriers on the cliffs, they soon got back their old form, and rendered a capital ac- count of the Cheviot Hill foxes. His Hound Of a stale hound, Mr. Lambton had Feeding. an immense horror. He kept a large pack, and gave those that were not hunting long, steady exercise, and brought them out as fit as fight- ing-cocks. It was a saying of his,, that if he saw a hound tire, he felt as if he could hang himself. Fresh pudding and flesh, and none of the latter on the day before hunting, were the great points of his feeding system, which he nearly always superintended in person; and Fenwick Hunnam his feeder, who had scarcely ever seen a hunt in his life, quite coincided with his master, and was most oracular on the subject of condition. " When hounds arn't done to," he used to say, " as hounds should be done to, they neither do credit to themselves nor them that's consarned with them. They may kill a fox in a shabby short of a way, but when they have to work for a second fox, and he's a strong un, they disgrace themselves, and them that's consumed with them; I'll not have my hounds treated in no syke way." Fenwick was a most faithful fix- ture, and so were all Mr. Lambton's servants. He did not give very high wages, but he knew how to in- spire their loyalty, and his butler and housekeeper, his second groom, and several others lived with him from fifteen to fifty years. His head man, John Winter, was with him at Cambridge, and never left him till his death. Mr. Williamson's When he was at last laid to rest, Mastership. Durham was aghast at the blank, but the Marquis of Londonderry headed the subscription, and came out in scarlet again, and charged the fences, as he had done the Cuirassiers at Waterloo, and Mr. Williamson became master for two seasons of the Horn and Hound. 339 " Wynyard and Durhaih Foxhounds." The Lambton hounds had been sold to Lord Suffield, and Mr. Wil- liamson had to put together such odds and ends as he could get, late in the summer of '38. Mr. Foljambe, who has so often been a friend in need on such occa- sions, sent a draft, and so did Sir Tatton Sykes, and Sir Matthew White Ridley, and others. Mr. William- son was his own huntsman, and steadied his wild young pupils most wonderfully before the season was out. His woodland labours were well repaid, and in his second season, although he had to bring an un- usual number of young hounds into the field, they carried a head and went the pace. Those who had played with the drafts of the previous season, began to be reminded of " the flying ladies" of old Ralph Lambton's heart. Once again the old Sedgefield country was in peril, but as the renowned yeoman-farmer, Dickey Wood of Close—who was always in front on Buckram or Bags- man, or a raw four-year-old, or an " auld-gunner " out of the plough—expressed himself, my Lord London- derry came forward once more and " kept the tarn- bourine a rowling " without any subscription. His lordship bought the hounds, with a rare stock of old meal, and brought them to Wynyard, and with John Glover, a pupil of Walker's from The Fife, as hunts- man, and a friend of Mr. Williamson as field-master, soothed the shade of Ralph Lambton once more, with the most remarkable run that the country has known. " The morning " (Feb. 16th, 1841), says its chronicler, '' was calm and dull, and the little wind that was blowing was from the south- west. The field was not numerous, as the Wynyard family were abroad for the season. Our meet was at Newbiggin, and before the hounds had been in the old cover at Foxy Hill (our first draw) three minutes, and almost before they had time to find him, Tommy Arrow- smith the whipper-in hallooed him away at the south-west corner of the Ten Acre Gorse. The field were stationed at the other end, and the hounds were away and half over the first field with a blazing scent, before the leading men could get to the Halloo. Facing as fine a piece of country as hounds ever ran over, we were evidently (barring Z 2 54° Scott and Sebright. accidents) in for a run of the old sort from Foxy Hill, and so it proved. After pointing for Newton Grange and Sadburge, he turned northwards over Newbiggin Bottom, which was very deep, and the 'stell' brimful of water, crossed the water by Dales House, leaving Barmpton a little to the left, and then straight for Byers Gill, to the south-west of Great Stanton, crossed the Sedgefield road, sank the hill to Little Stainton, and had another turn at the 'stell,' rather broader, and quite as full of water as we had found it above, and so straight to Bryan Harrison earths. "Up to this point the time was 45 minutes. The hounds were on the earths for two or three minutes, but the body of them (18 couple as it afterwards proved) came out of the small plantation round the south side of the earths, and settled to a fair holding scent, and away across the Darlington turnpike road near Newton Grange, and the Yarm Road near Oak Tree, where they had their only check of impor- tance, and had slow hunting down by Traffick Hill to the river Tees. We had then run 1 hour 25 minutes in Durham, the first 45 minutes as hard as we could split over about 17 miles of country. Then the river Tees, swollen nearly up to the top of the embankment, and sweeping down with a volume and rapidity which might have deterred any fox, brought us all to a stand. Such as were left of the field and the celebrated ' black coat' of the country, concluded that the day was over, when up came John Glover, who naturally, after such a run, was anxious to account for his fox, and cast them along the embank- ment, not thinking that the fox had crossed. After holding them along it for a few yards, every hound dashed in, having winded their fox from the opposite side, and in an instant the torrent was carrying them down at twenty miles an hour. After being carried down about 300 yards every hound landed, and they quietly cast themselves back exactly opposite to the spot where they had taken the water, struck the scent into W orsell Gill, and away up it, with as fine a cry as if they had just found. Now, Mr. Glover, a pretty business you've made of it! It's a 100 to 1 against their being got home to-night. Worsell Gill is full of wild Cleveland hill foxes, and the chances are the hounds will go straight to the Hills. ' Where is the nearest bridge?' says poor John. 'Yarm or Dinsdale,' is the reply, 'and neither of them nearer than three miles,' chimes in our friend of the black coat, and with a counte- nance as black with despair at the thought of the hounds out all night. John Glover is an entire stranger to the Yorkshire side of the Tees, and Arrowsmith almost as much, and the notes of hounds going direct south from the Gill, is dying away from the ear in the distance ! Horses are nearly cooked, as well they might be. "Fortunately the manager was able to get a fresh horse at the Dinsdale Hotel, and with John and the whip crossed at Dinsdale Bridge, and held on towards Pickton, in the direction of which the hounds seemed to be bending from Worsell Gill. Between. Pickton and Appleton the cry was heard again, and at Appleton we found them still ahead, and at Enter-Common they had crossed the Great North Road about ten minutes before us, going straight down for Lord Alvanley's Plantation in the Bedale country. At Cooper House, near Cowton, and at least twelve miles from Worsell Gill (where the hounds Horn and Hound. 341 entered Yorkshire), we heard a halloo, and found a countryman with the fox and eighteen couple of hounds baying round him. Every hound took the river at Traffick Hill, and they were all up at Cooper House, and had killed their fox, according to the countryman's account, in about I hour and 20 minutes from crossing the river. There is no doubt that they had changed foxes at Bryan Harrison earths, the only hounds wanting at the end of this extraordinary run being those which were recovered at Foxy Hill, where they had run their first fox back to cover, and some still think it was a fresh fox from Worsell Gill. And so ended this wonderful day." Cheshire- is truly faithful to the me- sir Hany Main- mory of the venerable father of its hunt- waring, ing field, Sir Harry Mainwaring. He was hale and vigorous to the very day of his death ; and, although the glories and hospitalities of Peover had ended, he was as cheerful as ever at seventy-six, and fond of a little quiet cub-hunting when Sir Watkin's or the Cheshire came within reach of his quiet village home at Marbury. He assisted the late Mr. Heron for many years before he was Master himself; and his dynasty, which lasted for nineteen seasons, came to a close in '37. Will Head was his huntsman for several of them, and then came his favourite Joe Maiden, who bore such a distinguished part in those memor- able days whose memory is embalmed in the Warbur- ton songs. Sir Harry was a capital judge of a hound in kennel, or in his work, and made a tour of the best kennels every year. However promising might be the stories he heard of a hound's work, he never would breed from him, unless the kennel used him them- selves; and the excuse " we have a good deal of the sort" was wholly lost upon him. He liked a large hound, and was most particular about legs and feet. Bedford, Gloucester, Gulliver, Bangor, Whynot, and Marquis, of the direct blood from the first introduction of hounds into Cheshire, were his favourites ; and when he gave up the pack, it would have been difficult to find many superior to them in England; while the hunt had three or four men among its first-flight dozen who would bow to none. The day was never too 342 Scott and Sebright. long for Sir Harry in hunting, and no man ever kept a country better together, or hunted it more fairly. It was his boast that during the whole of his master- ship he was never five minutes late at the cover side, and yet he had sometimes immense distances to reach from Peover. When there, he would never allow more than five minutes' law. He always wore flannel, never drank spirits, never had a rheumatic pain or headache in his life, and was always an early riser. His best hunters were Brown Bess, an eighty- -pound one-eyed mare called Alice Grey, Virgo, De- lamere Lass, and a little chestnut from Shropshire, which he bought for 50/., and sold to the Roths- childs. He had also a wonderful long-tailed brown hack, called Sweetbread, from the fact that she was purchased from a Knutsford butcher for 18/., which always kept up a perpetual-motion canter to covert, whatever the distance might be. Across country he was a good performer, when the day was not too misty ; but being very short-sighted, he carried his eye-glass in the handle of his whip, and required a horse to pull at him a little, so as to keep him straight. The Vale of Chester and the Nantwich country he liked best; and Seighton Gorse in the former, and Ravensmoor Windmill, Warmingham Wood, and Bradfield Green in the other parts were the principal places and meets in his day. Tom Ranee's Tom Ranee was born with the cen- History. tury, and lived full a third of it with the Cheshire, as first or second whip, under seven masters and six huntsmen. His ambition was never stirred to be more than the successor of Zach Goddard, th e "Father of English Whips," and he uniformly de- clared that 'he would as soon break stones as hunt a pack of hounds. The family seems to be subject to coincidences. His father and grandfather both died at sixty, but he safely passed that-age, and went out Horn and Hound. 343 with his spade on long earth-stopping excursions, with all the zest of youth, Again he is one of ten, and he has begotten ten in turn. He began by whip- ping in two harriers, near Yarmouth, and came on from thereto Mr. "Dick Gurney," of Thickthorn, near Norwich, This stout gentleman first " broke out" Dick Guniey with ten or eleven brace of greyhounds, and Tom had to lead them gallops, and act as slipper on field-days. He then kept six or seven hunters for The Puckeridge and the Pytcheley, and said that he only weighed sixteen stone. Tom rode second horse for him, and he led home the great slapping Sober Robin, when his near foreleg gave way in the Ware country. Robin was fully sixteen and a half hands, with remarkable couplings, and rather a hot temper of his own ; and in his heyday, Mr. Gurney refused a thousand guineas for him over the dinner-table. Clinker was another of his best, and so was a thickset chestnut mare. Tom always gave his master five-and- twenty minutes before he brought up the second horse, and delighted to watch him crashing away with no spurs, and nothing but a dog-whip. If a horse did refuse, he would " cut a life-time out of him ;" and he •would discharge the best groom he had if he found him putting his horse over a leaping bar. Six of them fetched upwards of 1300 guineas when they were sold off at Tattersall's, and Master Fray was bought in. When " Dick " was not hunting, he had plenty of time on his hands, and had abundant consolation in his snuff-box, the contents of which he used to fling about so profusely in church that he would set the pews behind him off sneezing. It has been well said that— " The Ethiop Gods have Ethiop lips, Bronze eyes, and Woolly hair ; The Grecian Gods are like the Greeks, As keen-eyed, cold, and fair 344 Scott and Sebright. and perhaps it was on this principle, that the great Pytcheley welter-weight set up as his idols, an enor- mous pair of twin Scotch bullocks. Once, if not twice a day, he pondered fondly over them, and when they had been feeding for three years he had a van made to take them to Smithfield. The best died before the day of departure, and the other never went after all. Southdown rams, one of which, Thickthorn, he hired from Mr. Webb, for 200 gs. a season, were another of his fancies, and, taking him all in all, Tom considers "he was a right unV Tom in From his service, Tom departed to Cheshire. Baron Rothschild, as pad-groom " for two months, as near as a toucher," but the Baron released him at Lord Delamere's request, and in 1830 he met Sir Harry at Vale Royal, and accepted the seals of office, which he held to the end of the '61 season, till his eyesight became too dim. There was no finer characteristic of the man, than his genial tone and polite manner of steering his hounds at the end of his drooping whip lash, through a crowd of horsemen in a narrow lane. " Jest stand a one side, gemmen, if yon please ; beg yer pardon ; a little mossel, to let the 'onnds paass ; thank ye, Sir ; now gemmen, be so good ; thank ye, Sir and the feat was accomplished. Stimulated by these gentle blandishments, every one felt proud of the room he made, and quite a party to the safe conduct desired. Conciliation was the key- note of all his addresses, except to a transgressing hound, and there Tom was not forgiving, and rigidly included any previous conviction for riot in his sentence. Toms Table- Of course we wandered off to have a Talk. word with Tom on the Forest, and found him most communicative on the few little points we had to ask, " We had four horses apiece," he said, " when I came ; we had no second horse that time of day. We lost the Wrenbury and Wickstead country; Horn and Hound. 345 that's all done away with ; we used to go to Wren- bury, and stop the week. " Will Head was here when I came ; Head, Maiden, he was a good little huntsman, a deter- and Markweri. mined little fellow, but not so much so latterly. Joe Maiden came from the North Warwickshire ; they were great times, few could go with him ; resolute, determined chap was Maiden across country ; so persevering ; never liked to lose a fox. No one knew better how to handle a pack of hounds than poor Markwell. " The foxes are sadly changed ; so Foxes and their many of 'em turned down ; very few Troubles, straight-forward foxes at all now; keepers level the old uns off, and the young uns, a hignorant lot of little devils, they know no country ; they've no parents to show them, or yet larn them the country, and it ain't likely they can find it for themselves. We had very straight-forward foxes in the Wrenbury country; the Chester country was never the same as the Wrenbury country for good foxes ; they might chance about Saighton and Waverton to pick up a good one, and take it to the hills. We had two devilish good runs from Wharton Gorse to The Willingtons ; time Maiden was here; one fox from Beech House cover, Hurlestone Gorse they call it, used to go away regularly, at the lower end for Radnor, and on for Peckforton Wood, up by Ridley. We ran him three seasons, and killed him at last. He was a greyhound fox ; regular leggy one. They used to send me to the old corner at the lower end of the gorse. He knew us—before the hounds got there, you'd see Charley walking off quickish. These foxes on the hills, bless my heart and body, they don't half rouse them. We want two or three days amongst them, then we'd get some better foxes in the country; they want well rousing ; that was a great point with Captain White ; he made us stick to the hills and drive them down. 346 Scott and Sebright. Tom's Disasters " 1 have had a £ood maiW accidents; I beg your pardon, gemmen ; I lost my eye, when I was twelve,—with a gun ; it's given me a deal of trouble ; the first time I felt the other so bad, was at feeding time, the hounds and everything looked like a cloud of sulphur. The Manchester doctors have been trying their hands on it; I think they've cleared it a little ; fire seemed to come out of it; and then something like a bottle screw, a black wavy thing from the eye to the ground. I could hardly see a fox at last; I dare say I missed some of then) my last season. My horse once ran away with me, and broke the bridge of my nose against a bough ; I couldn't blow it again for weeks ; then a stub got into the blind eye, and I pulled it out; but when I broke the corner of my rib, I was in furious pain all the day. I still never gave in. Sir Harry Main- " Sir Harry, he was a good un, coming waring. Up wjth his glass in his whip-handle; never a rattling rider ; his two greys and a bay horse Briton I liked best to see him on ; he would come on his hack be it where it would, and his hunters met him from the kennels. He liked General of the old Galloper sort, and Hannibal and Hotspur; the best we had we lost in the madness; we put eighteen and a half couple forward after it; we had the sweetest pack before the malady. The Cheshire " I beg your pardon, gemmen ; talk Green Collars, about riding, I saw Mr. Wilbraham Tollemache take the river Weaver brimming full close by Nantwich : he had a black, snaffle-bridle mare ; she slipped back again, and he jerked himself clean over her head on to the bank, and pulled her out, ' That's zvell done, Tollemache /' said Lord Delamere, and in the next field but one they ran to ground. Mr. Tollemache stripped, and met us going on for Aston Gorse, in an old farmer's clothes, and rode the run ; he rode little thorough-bred things ; he was Horn and Hound. 347 , a, neat horseman, and had a deal of nerve, Sir •Richard Brooke was a very good one, as long as he could last; he'd go as long as he could go ; never nursed his horses. Mr. Glegg would take a line to himself, wide, always with the hounds, not as some of these young uns do ; if they see the hounds a little at fault, they go by them and make the fences crash again. Mr. Smith Barry was a fancy rider, he rode to his horse; he was rather on the larking system, jump off and make horses come over gates and stiles after him. I've seen Mr. Warburton go along pretty well; he has his glasses on; he's obliged to take them off and polish them a bit, when we get to slow hunting. Colonel Cholmondley bruises along, I've heard him make these wire fences rattle a bit; Captain White he was a clipper; he could ride and keep them in first- rate order too. " I beg your pardon, gemmen; there are great changes ; men and country ; they were all small fields, ditches never cleaned out in that Saighton country ; jiow it's like a garden ; for two miles round these cops are kept high and narrow, cut sharp as the ridge dof your hand to keep the harriers off; they're getting a little flatter, horses get their hind feet on them; there's a deal of bone-dust about this country now ; it alters scent; the hounds stop and peck at it, it's a bad fault these bone-dust fields ; and there's so much of this goano used. I beg your pardon, gemmen, but I must go, I've some earth-stopping." And so all the richer not only by these notes, but by a fox's head, and some teeth which Tom considers a worthy breast- pin for the highest earthly potentate, we parted from the worthy old fellow, and watched his thin, upright form disappearing through the mist on his 'midnight errand. One word for varmint " Old Zach," the old Zach great link, in whipper-in succession, be- Goddard. tween Tom Moody and Tom Ranee—who died in 34§ Scott and Sebright. 1856, in his seventy-second year. Like Jem Morgan, he had four sons, who all followed his profession. Besides Jack, the inventor of " Tailby Thursdays," and Ben, late of the Bicester, there was Jem, a very determined fellow, who died when first whip to Ben Foote with Mr. Villebois ; and Tom, who was very distinguished as a steeple-chaser and first whip with the Pytcheley, but he too died young, and is buried near Jack Stevens and Jack Woodcock, at Brix- worth. Zach was only five foot six, and never much above nine stone ; and it was when some one said to Mr. John Warde, " If I had hounds I should so like to get all men like Zach," that he made his much quoted answer : "Oh / yon should, eh ! fond of light weights ? I don't know much difference between heavy and light weights, except that the one breaks horses' backs, and the other breaks their 'hearts!' Zach had a large £und of natural humour, and many a tale to tell of the days when he was second whip under Nevett to " Glorious John," who made their place no sinecure during cub-hunting. The men slept over the stables, and he would often wake them with the thunders of his stick at three in the morning, to " come and give those foxes a second touch." However, they were of Billy Lackaday's opinion on bell-ringing, and never got up, unless he " persewered," and came at the door panels a second time. The Snooze One sleep he never forgot to remind in the Park, them of. It was a hot summer's day, and the three agreed to take a copper of ale, and sit out with the hounds in Westron Park. Zach vowed that he could keep awake, if no one else did, but they slept well on into the evening, and when they awoke, there were only two hounds left. One by one they had slipped off home, and the old gentleman had let them in. It was quite a matter of discussion who "dare and go face him first," when they saw him hovering in the distance about the kennel, but he put Horn and Hound. 349 them out of difficulty by meeting them and ironically asking after his hounds. Another day he dropped on to Zach on the hat question. Once a year he allowed each of his men a dog-skin hat, and Zach's had been ordered a month. Not seeing him at church, he asked Zach the reason, and he at once laid it 011 to his shabby hat. " Oh ! that's your excuse, Zach ?" he said : " a very poor one, Zach ; if you had the best hat in England the parson zvould not let you zuear it; you'd have to pull it off'.1 Zach didn't quite see his way out of this argu- ment, so he simply told his friends, " Squire had me there; old man done me again." It was on a hat too that Mr. Warde's great New Forest story turned. " I never knew the nature of a bog," he used to say, "till I went to Hampshire. I saw a good hat on the top of one, and there was a head in it, and the head said, ' I don't care for myself, but do help to get my horse up, he's in a bog below.' " Zach was with "Gentleman Smith" oidZachs for a time, but he was best known during Career, his seventeen seasons with Lord Middleton in War- wickshire. His scream was almost unearthly in its shrillness, and he trusted to the natural organ under all circumstances. Once, when Harry Jackson had "broken his thigh, he was in command, and Lord Middleton told him to blow his hounds away from Woolford Wood. He put the horn to his lips, and then he said, almost in a passion, " Hang it, my lord, you know I never could blow a hornf and he flung it away in the mud. In his latter days he became kennel huntsman to Mr. Bradley, in whose service he remained, much respected, during the time that gentleman kept stag-hounds, and he turned out the pack in excellent condition for their celebrated runs with "The Nob," and "Water Witch," &c., over the pastures of Warwickshire and Northamptonshire. When his days of service were over, he would come to Heythrop, when Jack was there. His ankles were 35° Scott and Sebright. weak from rheumatism and a number of severe falls, but he would often come out on a mule and see Jim and Jack rattle the cubs about. In the evenings he would take his pipe out of his mouth to give them a " Southerly Wind" or " Tom Moody," and a series of those view hallooes which the Woolford and Farnboro' sides of Warwickshire knew so well. Itchington was a horse he liked to talk of, and the mention of his Grassini, which died when his lordship lost so many, was enough almost at that lapse of time to bring out a second flood of tears. He swore by " Mr. Shawe" as the best huntsman, and Woodman the best hound he had ever seen, and the picture of the last, and Grassini's foot were the only memorials of his woodcraft which he cared to keep. Celebrities at The Bicester country had the good Bicester. fortune to be held, with the exception of Lord Sefton's one season, by only three masters for nearly seventy years. Early in the century there was not a chimney corner to be let in its little capital, and upwards of a hundred hunters were stabled there. It kept its prestige amidst no small attractions elsewhere. The Billesdon Coplow day, than which Lord Jersey used to vow that he had never known a colder, had sealed the fame of the Quorn country years before; and it was not suffering in Mr. Assheton Smith's hands. John Warde was with the Pytcheley, and " Mr. Shawe" with the Belvoir. Still the Bicester men were quite content with Stephen Goodall and Sir Thomas Mostyn's four days a week, and the choice of Tom Rose and the Grafton, or Philip Payne and the Badminton on the other two. Sir Thomas, with Mr. Griff Lloyd as his factotum, lived at Bainton, close by the first set of kennels. Lord J ersey hunted with them when he was not at Melton; and when he was not on Gipsey, he generally rode the Hon. Mr. Vanneck's second best horse, and as generally beat him. Mr. Vanneck (who gave 700 guineas for two to Horn and Hotind. 35i Mr. Lloyd, of Aston) was far below him as a horseman, and John Warde used to say of him, that he had seen him ride all round a field, and-come out at the same place. This statement was rather qualified by its invariable conclusion. " If he had not been a Melton man I'd not have shown him tip! Sir Harry Peyton went straight on Spartacus, and Mr. Harrison of Shelswell would give any money so that the twins Lindow and Rawlinson (who was great on Spread Eagle) might not have a pound the best of him in a fast thing. Sir John Cope and Mr. John Moore both joined the throng. Lord Stamford's nephew, Mr. Booth Grey, lived with Mr. Drake, who was very regular at the cover side, but he never rode hard; and the walls of " Hetters" or " The Cocked Hat," as it was termed, witnessed the good fellow- ship of Sir Charles Knightley, John Tremayne, twenty years member for Cornwall, and "Mr. Tom Pennant," from Wales. The latter was a very fair horseman, but Mr. Tremayne was more for hunting than riding. Sir Charles united the two in an eminent degree, and although Guidepost had a high character, and was named to correspond, his Consol and Tilton (which he purchased for 250 guineas from Mr. Harrison) were far better. Baron Robeck, the Swede, backed himself for 20 guineas when the Pytcheley found at Holderby, to follow Sir Charles on the latter over the three first fences, and came to grief at a bridle gate. Tilton surprised Mr. Assheton Smith when he came over occasionally to reconnoitre, and he said of him that " he pulled for two hours after he seemed beat." It was remembered as characteristic of the man dur- ing one of these visits, that on a Claydon Woods Day, when he could not get his horse to face his fences, he got off him at last, and flogged him away in his fury up a lane. Lord Anglesey's " winter officers," as the hard riders of the 7th were called, were often at the cover side, and so was Jacob 352 Scott and Sebright. Wardell, one of the Billesdon Coplow men. As his friends dropped off, Jacob gradually gave up fox- hunting for wife-hunting, and set up a regular agency- office for the purpose. His latest report of himself upon the subject was, "that he had married no end of people." sir Thomas Sir Thomas was nearly as fond of his Mostyn and four-in-hand as his hounds, and nothing the B. o. c. pjeaseci so much as to get behind a team of old hunters, which had only been in harness for a day or two; wait till they had done their shindy, and drive them for their first lesson 150 miles to his house in Wales. He was one of the B. D. C. Club, which preceded both " The Whip" and " The Four-in-Hand" Clubs ; and Squire Annesley, with his strawberry roans; Mr. Harrison, with his bays; and Sir Henry Peyton, with his greys, used to delight in doing their twelve miles from Oxford to Benson, down the Henley Road. Sir Thomas was not a keen fox-hunter, and if he felt any great enthusiasm he never showed it. Stephen Goodall used to say that he was a good but a most provoking man, as " you never could judge from his face whether he was pleased or angry with the day's sport." He was, in fact, rather idle, and a sufferer from gout, which kept him out of the saddle for the last five years of his life. All his horses had short tails ; and if he was regularly put up, he would go very straight on the chestnut Marcus, or Park Keeper, which had gra- duated in Leicestershire. He drove down punctually from London every April to make the draft, and generally looked over them in the dining-room. A few were put back the first day, the final pick was made on the second, and the naming came off on the third. As he then said, he had them thoroughly in his eye, and he could have drawn them without a mistake, when he saw them again in the autumn. Horn and Hound. 353 Stephen Goodall came from Quorn, Stephen and Harry King, who was whip, with Goodall. Will Lepper, and afterwards head-groom, rode many hundred miles in search of suitable horseflesh for him. Cyclops formed part and parcel of his Leicestershire baggage, and Prince, Trinket, Convention, King Charles, and Chawbacon, were picked up in Harry's rounds. Ragman latterly became Stephen's cover hack, but he never had more than four hunters at the beginning of the season. Although they lived in a perpetual state of sore back, he never lamed them, and really tired them less than men of half his weight. When a horse suited him, it generally lasted him till it was worn out. Ragman was too often disposed to put him down, and wallow whenever they went through a stream. "Coo?n tip ! coom up!" was his constant adjuration, "7 dorit want a toast in the water to-day." Trinket would also watch for an opportunity of favouring himself, and he would sometimes lie down when they were breaking up their fox. Stephen made it a point never , to get on King Charles till they had found, and then there was a password in the hunt, " Are you all ready? Yes, my lord;" in allusion to what Buckle had said (touching his cap) to Lord Jersey, when his lordship once acted as starter at Newmarket. There were very few rides in Stephen's day, and the paths in Claydon Woods were such an utter bog from end to end, that if they kept changing foxes his horse soon got beat. If any one asked him his weight, he gene- rally replied rather angrily " About a quarter of a ton;" but the best gauge of him and his five-foot-five is his scarlet hunting-coat. Poor Will Goodall, who was always a great pet with him, and just eight years old when he died, used to produce it solemnly from a cupboard, on state occasions, for his friends to try on, both for warning and encouragement, and accom- pany the ceremony with a tune on the veteran's horn. A A 354 Scott and Sebright. Stephen in From old association, Stephen used the Kennel. Quorn sires in his kennel, and liked a large hound. Seventy couple came in from quarters in Wales his first season, and the first draft of fifteen couple was sold to the Duke of Beaufort for 150 guineas. Lady was sent to the Quorn Sultan soon after Stephen came, and then to Quorn Ranter, and five and a half couple, Lucifer, Libertine, Lexicon, Loyal, Lydia, Lovely, Lazarus, Lictor, Lashwood, Lightning, and Lawless formed the two litters. All of them were entered; and some of the best hounds in England sprang from them. Lady generally ran hare till the fox was found ; but she was beauty itself, and her head among foxhounds was much what Rosy Morn's is among greyhounds. Madness came into the kennel through a bite from a strange dog, as they were trotting along the road from one cover to another, and nearly twelve couple had to be put away. The rest were chained up in a large barn, and after watching them carefully for three months, Stephen signed a clean bill of health. -His whips were always at the kennels at six in the summer, to feed and clean out the puppies ; and if they were not there at the moment, they would hear the well-known clearing grunt, which preceded : " Young man, you must have had fish for breakfast, and you've stopped to pick the bones'd For the whipcord he was a most vigorous advocate, and used to take the pack once a week to Stowe Park, to show them the deer and hares. His great talk was of Quorn, and his proudest remembrance was pulling down a hedgerow fox in the Loughboro' country, after three hours, with a few couple of old hounds, and a most ticklish scent. He was wont to represent himself on that occasion as a perfect deliverer of shepherds and hen- wives. , Of his old Shropshire lieutenant, Tom °m 1 00 y. 3yj;00(j^ he seldom spoke, except to say, Horn and Hound. 355 that he thought"him fonder of fishing in the Severn than hunting, and fonder of ale than either. One of his stories about him was that they went into the servants' hall for an hour or two at the meet, to wait till the frost had got a little out of the ground. "Now, Tom, theres something to do to-day," said Stephen; "don the too free with the ale." "Right, I wont, master," replied Tom. "Til sit opposite you, and you tread on my foot if you see me getting on too fast." So far so good ; but a Newfoundland dog, which had crept in unobserved, pressed Tom's foot when it shifted its position, and Tom mistaking the signal, called out in the most injured tone, "Oh! hang it, master ! Tve only had one horn yet /" Tom Sebright's father made one of this memorable group of hunts- men and whips. Stephen lived two or three years after leaving Sir Thomas Mostyn, and had the use of old Ragman till his death, and a man from Mr. Villebois', for one sea- son, and then Tom Wingfield the elder reigned in his stead. Ben Foote helped to carry him to his grave in If ethe churchyard ; and Griff Lloyd was rather disap- pointed at not being asked to read the funeral service. This curious character and Fellow of G.-ffL1 d All Souls was the rector of Christleton, " °y ' near Chester, and curate of Newton Purcell, in Oxfordshire. He made no sermons, but said that he was a better man who knew how to make a good selection, and, like old John Day, he generally fell back upon Blair. He read them in a low impressive tone, and never pitched his voice. They did say that he would put off marriages and burials to suit the hounds ; but only once was he caught napping, and then he preached a Christmas-day sermon in February, and never found it out till he got to the words " The anniversary of this day." He lived with his cousin at Chesterton, bought the hay and corn, and well earned his title to be called the " Black Whipper-in," when he A A 2 356 Scott and Sebright. went to work 011 his rat-tailed Ascham (which de- lighted him by throwing up its heels whenever he mounted) in the woodlands. He was very faithful to the family jacket, and whenever it won at Holywell he would wave his stick, and hit his hack and shout right lustily " Yellow one first!' Liverpool races he seldom missed, and made one at the annual race ban- quet of the " Double Dandy," who was several stone heavier, and in fact so big that he had to wait a day when his servant mistook the tenor of his order to take two seats in the mail, and returned after securing one in and one out. GriffLiovds No one could go through such an Power of Bear- amount of fatigue as " Griff." He would mg Fatigue. come coach ancj chaise from Christie- ton to Swift's house during the cub-hunting season, get there about twelve o'clock at night, and be up and off at four, ten miles to cover ; and he has been known to go back to Cheshire, always on the outside, the same night. If he was at Bainton or Swift's house he thought nothing of riding thirty miles to Shuck- borough Hill, home again, and then out to dinner on a pony. Chaises on such occasions he regarded as the merest delusions. With hounds he was very per- severing, and always fond of getting a nick in a run. If they were in a narrow dirty lane, he would call to the man before him in the blandest spirit of inquiry, " Where did you buy that horse of yours, sir V and before he had time to answer, Griff would go to the front of his victim, and give him the dirty reversion of his heels. His voice in covert was magnificent, and when the hounds were slack in drawing Stratton Audley Gorse, which was unusually thick, the field would look round for Griff to aid them, and after a few of his stentorian cheers they would make it shake again, and the fox was hallooed away in no time. The joke he liked worst to hear of was that of the young polecats, which Stephen Goodall did not fail to trea- JEM HILLS. Horn qpid Hound. 359 sure up against him, and produce at all seasons. His terrier worried a nest of four, as he thought, near the Bainton Kennels, and he was so proud of Vixen's ex- ploit, that he nailed them up, and called Stephen to look and commend. Alas ! the clearing grunt that time again heralded the words of doom, " Well! Mr. Lloyd,\ you have done a pretty morning's work, you've killed four cubs for us !" It was rather a bad job, as that same season a farmer's dog scratched eleven out of a bank, and killed them, and the farmer's tribulation was such, that he kicked the lad who was with the dog clean out of his yard, and declared that he " would sooner have lost a flock of sheep." When Sir Thomas Mostyn died, Griff took a house at Chesterton, and lived there in the hunting season, till his health began to go. At last a groom rode hunting with him, or he might hardly have known his way back. Hunting was still the theme of his discourse to the last, and he only survived his absence from the field for two seasons; and there never will be his " marrow" again. Jem Hills was born with the century, Tem Hiris which thus did a good thing early on ; and he whipped-in when he was ten, and marked his pig-skin jubilee in i860, by not having a single fall that season. The fine weather, and the pleasure of slipping down the fifty-three miles to Didcot in some two minutes under the hour, determined us to go and have a quiet afternoon with him at the kennels. On a July day, when the sun lights up the market- hall, and those nice old-fashioned houses, there is no pleasanter little town than Chipping Norton ; but from its high position, no winter residence could be desired more exactly in keeping with " the man who couldn't get warm." Failing to find Jem at the old spot, we turned to the left through the churchyard, where old Zach lies ; and skirting the station we found our- selves, after a walk of a mile, at the new kennels. 36° Scott and Sebright. They are more in the centre of the country than Hey- throp, whose ruins, after so many decades of ducai revelry and hound entries, are handed over bodily at last to the rats and to the owls. Tar Wood is sixteen miles distant, and Jem and his men only sleep out for New Barns. View from the Although there is a pretty steep road Kennel. f-0 mount from the station, still when you are fairly at the kennels, you seem to be in a sort of bason among the hills. Jem, looking remarkably well, but with his right hand tied up in consequence of an attack of the old chalk-stone enemy, swept the horizon for us, with the eye of a general, as we stood by his garden wicket. " Boulter's Barn," of happy memory, was in front of us, in the shape of a clump of trees, clinging unobtrusively to the side of a hill; and beyond it we were requested to believe in the existence of Churchill Heath, on the principle of the groom who accepted the artist's explanation, that although he might be invisible in the picture, he was coming up the other side of the hill. The Heythrop For the gazer on Churchill Mount the Covers. chain of covers which have long since prompted the saying, " Better by half shoot a child than kill a Heythrop fox," take up the tale, as the eye sweeps into the opposite valley, and rests on the three hundred acres of the Brewin, where the long and white-legged foresters have their earths ; on Churchill Heath, which is too damp for lying ; the oaks and the ashes of the Norrells; but alas! on no Lyneham Heath. Well may Jem bewail that extinct gorse in the "Give me back my Legions" vein. "None of your grubbing," as he invariably says to Mr. Langston's agent, when that gentleman tries gently to lead his mind to the great subject of agricultural improve- ment, with axe, steam-plough, and tile : " You've grubbed enough ; I'm afraid of you'.' Then he will propose his annual compromise, which was repeated Horn and Hound. 361 again that day: " You may grub up Churchill Heath and the Norrells, and Sand Pits, if you'll give us back only twelve acres of Lyneharn GorseOver these past, and present battle-grounds the eye roams off once more to Merry Mouth, and up a fine hunting vale to Gawcombe Wood, looking like two globe-shaped hollows, then leaving Oddington Ashes (the noted hermitage of wild outlying foxes) to the left, and so on to the spire of Stow-on-the-Wold, the village of the noted May and October horse fairs. There, too, is Seisingcote Wood, creeping up the valley towards Evesham, and there too, almost in front of us, are the quiet groves of Daylesford, to which, " when under a tropical sun he ruled fifty millions of Asiatics, the hopes of Warren Hastings, amidst all the cares of war, finance, and legislation, still pointed," and to which he at length retired to die. Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, and Worcestershire all meet hard by the Four Share Stone to the right of the Park ; and between us and it, as we wrap up that stirring Mount panorama, is the expanse of Kingham Field, still bear- ing all the signs of recent enclosure, and alive with double fertilizers and ploughs, in which the Herefords and a few " doubtful" Shorthorn heifers are con- tentedly toiling together. The stables, like the kennels, are built The Kennels of Chipping Norton sandstone, with near Chipping rooms above for the grooms and the Norton- whips. The geological formation of the ground changes at this point, and the stables are on clay, and the kennels within twenty yards of them on sand. Save and except four clever-looking hacks, one of which Jem considers to be the best 251, bargain he ever made, there were no horses to be seen, as the whole eighteen were at Little Compton,an yards and other loose places. Mr. Charles Simmond's contract with the hunt ceased some four or five years ago, and ever 'since then it has horsed itself. Pamela and her 362 Scott and Sebright. litter of Hector puppies were the sole tenants of the loose-box of Bendigo, a great horse, but not more loved than Sailor, Betsy Baker, and the yellow bay. The field is on a slope, and a very beautiful one for hounds to spread themselves over. At the bottom is a small orchard, where they lie under the apple-trees with Jem in the summer, and dream of rich red fores- ters past and to come. In the snow, such is the con- fiding or rather chaffing nature of those foxes, although Jem has brought about a thousand brace to book in a quarter of a century, that they sometimes come to meet him, and a brace played such antics close up to the kennels a few winters ago, that the whole pack was in an uproar till Sam got up and view hallooed the intruders away. There was no maiden nurse about, and we merely heard the story of Dairy Maid, who brought up five cubs and a puppy in days when Goosey and Shirley both adopted the system. We thought that there would be some music in the Nathan key, after the clouds of chaff which have descended upon Jem's devoted head by reason of him ; and accordingly it soon burst forth, " Talk aboiLt horses / that's a dangh- ter of' the clothes horseI was never to get Nathans zvith short legs!' Welcome, her sister, was not of her stamp behind the shoulders, but it is an unspeakable comfort to Jem that she wanted no entering. She always joined the pack, when they came to Tackley Heath, and made a hit down a field of swedes, which will be mentioned in connexion with her to the end of her days. Jem had then hardly set his house in order, but there in full array was the fox which got drowned in the trap. " Two dog foxes like wolves" preserve his race, as far as size goes, in the Forest. One of them had already licked J em two or three times, so that he breathed vows of vengeance on the smallest allusion to the case. Still, amid this warfare, he is Horn and Hound\ 363 not neglecting more peaceful pursuits ; and although he has no Young Chipping Norton eleven in training to take the shine once more out of the crack Forest Club, the cricket spirit which he acquired in Broad- bridge's and Wenman's day has not died out, and he has recently been umpire in a match at Ded- dington. He claimed to have four hundred foxes Heythrop at that moment within his protectorate, Foxes, and barring one with white toes, which he killed at Worton Heath, he has seen no approach to hereditary white pads lately. He rather thought of getting some Scotch grey-hound foxes for a cross, but did not . succeed. This failure does not seem to weigh upon him, as, contrary to the generally received horse and hound notions, he attributes the stoutness of his foxes to the fact, that the blood has been kept intact for generations. One of the patriarchs which had baffled him most rancorously for two or three seasons came to hand at last, after 1 hour 45 minutes from Langley to Wroughton. The crafty old foresters of Will Long's day would hardly recognise Wychwood now, as, with the exception of four hundred acres at each end, the whole of the forest has been stubbed up, and the consequence is, that the cub-hunting, which once began on the 1st of August, is now delayed till the middle of September. Some of Jem's best runs have been after a frosty morning ; and when other people didn't hunt, the Heythrop would have their fun if they threw off at two o'clock, and, to use his ener- getic expression, " fairly fetched it out of the fire." The last great Tackley Heath day of Making-up 1859-60 began at half-past one. Hunting Forty Brace, had seemed -an impossibility, and, in fact, they dare not draw the Great Tew country, but a clipping one hour and thirty-five minutes rewarded them for their pluck. Up to February 20th it was a capital season, and they killed 39J brace, and then for their last six 364 Scott and Sebright. weeks, do what they might, they had not scent enough to complete their 40 brace. However, their last day produced an old dog fox, who broke twelve times from the top of the Forest, and at last went a four mile gallop straight along the turnpike-road, and brought Jem to a complete stand-still at the cross roads. Things looked so critical that Jem, as a last hope, proposed to Mr. Hall to go and chop a lame fox which had been hanging for some days about a little spinney. Still he felt sure that his hunted fox had gone round towards Chorlbury, and that, if he came back, he should hit him over the wall; and so it turned out. Keeping along the wall en route to the lame un, he heard a view halloo at last, and ascer- tained that his fox had just gone into Boinall, so beaten that he had to jump three times at the wall before he could get over. The hounds could just hit it on the grass, but could hardly speak to it in cover, where a vixen did all the work for half-an-hour, till at last Helena dropped across the beaten fox, and pulled him down. Of course, we had a cup of tea and a little con- versation ; and of course, we found Jem in a most " affable" mood, in every sense of the word. We discoursed of the forest and its changes, which seems a very delicate subject. " It's nearly all grubbed up," he said, " and the deer killed, red and fallow; we used to go through hundreds of them on the drives. Lords Churchill and Redesdale have left only a bit of it at the top and bottom, where the foxes must fly. The old foresters get puzzled, and they can't dwell; they get lost, and dare not touch certain covers and go down wind. It's a blackthorn and hazel cover, with grass. They used to put a six-foot hedge, with thorns outside, to keep the deer out. The foxes smeused, and the hounds would jump at the fences, and lose their eyes or get staked and drop into the ditch; that's done away with now, Horn and Hound. 365 that's one little Somfort, but there's no badger hunt- ing." Debarred as we were from seeing Jem jem and the at this game, we pressed him to set it Badgers, before us, which he did as follows : " Twenty couple are useless, if you want to kill without the brisket dodges, they can't smother or bite him to death. Five couple which really like it," he went on to say, " will stick to it and catch a badger, where there are lots of cubs about. Lord Dillon and Mr. Webb didn't believe me, so Lord Vaux came and had a night of it with them ; hot supper at Ditchley. We sent a man at twelve to sack the hole. The run of a badger is very odd 1J1JU1, and so on. We got on to it at the bottom of the Park, and picked it out into the Oak riding. The cubs were up, and the vixen came squalling across the rides, after the badger and the hounds, a hundred yards behind. We gave him an hour and a half in the Park, and then to ground, and brought him home at three. I used to be with the hounds under a tree, and put a man to sack the hole, and watch. They'd be out eating beans like a pig. Three and four season hunters did it best. The Rocket sort were good at that game, and Platoff was very great. If another hound spoke to a fox, he'd come back to me. His note for a badger was short and deep, and for a fox light and clear. He'd bay them, but he'd not turn them up. Plarlequin knew the brisket dodge, and we dare not take him out. Badgers and foxes go very well together. They tell me that they killed nearly all the badgers in one of the woods in Sir Tatton's old country, and that there was one found next day, and it was lying curled up in the earth with a fox. They're friendly enough, but the foxes are the lazy ones, and the badgers do the digging, and right they should. I killed nine badgers the first season I came here, and some of them with terriers. Once I turned one out in the frost with a 366 Scott and Sebright. couple of my terriers, Cribb and Fan, and they shuffled along well. They held him till I walked a couple of miles and got a sack. Glories of Cribb " Cribb would fight a redhot poker till the Terrier, ft became cold; his jawbone was quite bare; there was not a bit of under-lip, and he'd put out a fire with his feet. That's why they called him 'The Fire Eater.' You had only to say ' Kill that cat,' and it was done. Still he would bear any amount of teasing, and never fought till I told him. I kept him two years after he was blind; he would make his bed at the badger's door, and get in next morning, and go creeping along by the wall to find his head. He was a biggish eighteen pound dog, and he'd draw a cover beautifully. They would go to his cry. I have got Jack, a great grandson of his, now, and he'll draw and find foxes with any hound. Never speaks to riot. Jack threw his tongue last season, and out came a hare. Mr. Hall was there. ' Oh! Jack, Jack /' he said, ' you've made a mis-takel Then out came a fox close under the hedge." Jem's Early We then tried back a little for Jem's Days- earlier days, when "grubbing" troubles were unknown. It seems that he whipped in to Bob Bartlett and the Duke of Dorset's harriers at Noel House near Sevenoaks in Kent, while Tom whipped in to the Surrey. The Duke was a fine, tall young fellow, of nearly six feet; and he was killed larking a Eorse over a wall near Dublin. " I did a little whipping-in when I was ten," said Jem, "but his Grace would have it—he was all wrong—that I was too little to be trusted for fear of accidents, so I was left at home with the little grey hack, and precious savage I was about it. I had four brothers with hounds, we were by an earthstopper from a hunts- man's daughter, so we couldn't be better bred. My father was a quarryman, and stopped earths as well. Horn and Hound. 367 IMFy word, what a hand he was, stopping all the old quarries about Godstone ! I was with the Duke three seasons, and wore a green coat. After that I was pad- groom, and whipped-in to Tom with the Surrey for seven seasons, then to Colonel Wyndham, then to the Badminton and Lord Ducie, and so on here. I knew this country well when I was with his Grace and Will Long, and the hounds used to come to Heythrop on September 16th, and the Duke on the 1st of November, and we carried on the game till Christmas. Then we had six weeks in the Badminton country, 'till February 16th, and then back again here till April. "I had the present Duke here in '57. special Day for I had told him how fast Harlequin was, the Duke of and his Grace said he should like to see Beaufort- me prove my words. Mr. Hall had a special meet for his Grace at Bradwell Grove, and we had the largest field I ever saw out, foot and horse. I like to see foot people, they enjoy it so, and they never interfere with me. I've got them in pretty good training. We killed a brace in Bradwell Grove, then we found in Winrush Poor Lot, and ran to Aldsworth Village into a coalhole. His Grace said, ' I should like to see this Harlequin of yours catch a fox in six fields.' We turned him up, and the fox came back to the top of the wall, and all the hounds viewed him. Then he ran a mile along a green lane near Aldsworth, and we had a regular lay on. Harlequin led a hundred yards out of the pack, the fox went under a wall and Har- lequin over, up a bank to a plantation, he wrenched and turned twice all by himself, through the fence into the next field, and pulled him down. His Grace said, that he ' never saw such pace in a hound before.' It was a rare day's welcome to the present Duke, and the hounds were as steady as beagles. Fast hounds are the thing, give him what old Philip Payne called ' palpitation of the heart' in the first ten minutes and 368 Scott and Sebright. you'll do. Lord Valentia says I've ' no business with more than two couple;' and Captain Anstey's only for allowing me one hound" He says, ' Jem knows exactly where the fox is going with all this lifting and telegraphingI Captain Anstey was the only one who followed the Duke of Beaufort into his two countries. Blooding Future " ^ blooded the present Duke at Hey- Masters of throp in the deer park, close beside an Hounds. eider tree, and I did a good day's work. The Duke was only speaking of it the other day; he remembered all about it; he said, ' I got a good scold- ing for giving you a slap on the face, but you did put it on so very thick! I blooded Lord Granville, he was master of the buckhounds then—he'll be leader of the Lords now; he was a good deal older, so I got no slap that time. He quite enjoyed it. When the meets were at Heythrop, the two Mr. Baileys from Bath, the two Mr. Worralls, Mr. Rawlinson and Lindow, Mr. Webb of Kiddington, Mr. Evans of Dean, and Mr. Holloway of Chorlbury, were the cracks. The sixth Duke was among us then on his horse St. George. Will Long had Bertha, Gimcrack, and Milk- man then. I rode the first a little when she was five years old. I liked a grey mare, Tilburina, best. His Grace bred her, but she was a wicked one—the grooms couldn't ride her, so I begged to have a try. I made conditions, mind you, that if I killed her I was not to be blamed ; and the Duke told me I might kill her if I liked. She was a devil certainly at first, but I got her to carry me as quiet as a dog horse. She was one of the best looking ones I ever saw, and a rare gal- loper and jumper. I never rode anything like her. She knocked them about right and left when I had gone, so they sent her to the stud. In '26 we hunted the Forest only spring and autumn. There were 8000 acres of it then ; if they cut a place, they put a large fence to keep the deer out; it was well rided, and the Horn and Hound. 369 hounds pressed the deer hard if they got a scent. Ditchley Wood's only half what it was. I'll tell you what, there's only one-third of the cover left in the country to what there was then. We used to pay 160/. a year for gorses, which are gone—Cooper's Gorse, Hilbury Gorse, and Dunster Gorse, — all stubbed up. "The scent is twice as good from scent Brewin to Northleach as from Brewin Symptoms, to Aston, and the fleeces of the Cotswolds are better. You know pretty well how the scent is by the hounds. If there is a nasty blue mist, there is no scent. Even in Gloucestershire where the scent is far better, they'll not go into cover, make any excuse. A little black cloud will stop them in the middle of a field ; when you can hear well there's a scent; if it's bad hearing, it's a bad scenting day." Then we had the great story of the The South War- Warwickshire killing their fox at last, wickshire's which despite any delicacy towards Jem lnumPh- must be given in all its details. " Well, you will have it," said Jem, "so you must. I had always been teazing them about never getting across the turnpike- road, which divides our countries, and they sometimes got quite riled, when I offered to have it sodded. Well, Mr. Henry Greaves was master then, and poor George Wells—a sterling good fellow and huntsman, was George—lived with him. They found at Wool- ford Wood, and carried a good head over Larches-on- the-Hill, down by Cornwell, over the hill by Boulters Barn, Sarsgrove to left, Sarsden Village ; they were astonished to see a pack of hounds there, and Jem not at the head of them. Then on to The Norrells, through it, and killed him at Puddlicote Quarries. That was enough. Mr. Greaves and George Wells, and all of them,—it was our Hunt Meeting that day,— they came to the White Hart and regularly had me up before all the gentlemen, and Mr. Greaves pre- B B 37° Scott and Sebright. sented me with the brush. ' Jem wouldrit sod that lane as he promised, from Stow to Bloxam, and so he's quite entitled to this brush! George Wells stood there grinning, poor fellow. Then the gentlemen said, I must of course not receive it without a speech, and they said I ought to have a white sheet on. So I took it, and I said, ' I'll have it mounted in silver, with an inscription, This is the brush of the fox which took the South Warwickshire five-and-twenty years to kill! So I gave them it back pretty well. Mr. Greaves said, ' Well, George ! I think we'd better not have brought it,— Jem's down on us harder than ever! I tell the South Warwickshire men now, that I know it was only a three-legged one out of The Norrells, and that I've missed one since. The real truth is, if I can find a fox on these hills and get him over that road, and sink that fine scenting vale of theirs, when he's half beat, I can hook him, but if they find a fox in that Vale and bring him on to our cold hills, it's a good reason why they lose him. Dislike to "They say I don't like water, and they've Water. g0^ a picture of me stepping into it. There was a huntsman's dinner at Banbury to Wingfield, Stevens, and myself, the farmers gave it, first-rate fel- lows ; and they were all on me about it. I said very well, when we're at North Aston, and the fox goes over the brook, I'll pound you all. Going down from Dod- dington next time, I called up my second horseman; he was on the grey mare Julia. I said, go and stand under the thick hedge on the opposite side of the bank from where we draw. We drew first on Dean Hill. Cooper and Selsby were great at water, and they said, ' Come along down this field! There was a tree across, I turned my black horse loose and ran across it, and got on the grey, and George went back for the black. I said I should go across the brook at a place where not a man in England dare jump it, and I was right. I always go in and out. Another time when I got to a brook I Horn and Hound. 371 kept hallooing them on, forty or*fifty of those Oxford boys, and I popped down to a ford 100 yards below, and crept up the other side of the hedge ; the hounds checked on a fallow, and I heard them say, ' We've done him,—we've left the old un behind.' ' Have you V I said, and I peeped through the hedge, ' The hunts- maris here, and he don't want you to hunt them! So I did them again. " Poor Will Goodall was SO fond Of the Cricket Remi- brook business. Such a carpentering he niscences. used to have the day after they had been at Melton Spinney with those rails at the fords, ' to keep the tinkers out,' as he called them. He was very fond of cricket; he went and fielded for a friend, when The United came to Grantham. He jumped about so in his white cord breeches ; I had great fun watching him. I used to play a great deal; when the game went against me the better I liked it. Old Jem Broadbridge used to make me go in first, when things looked odd. When Brown came to play with the Brighton Club, we practised a fortnight throwing balls at each other's wickets, to be ready for him. I was one of the Petworth Club, and we went to Brighton to play them. " Broadbridge said, (Do go in first, Jem, they're all afraid of these shooters.' I got three runs off Brown, and twelve runs in all; Lillywhite bowled me. Brown was a. great fellow, six feet high, his balls came like bullets; they were all over the place, three long-stops couldn't handle them. I never lost my wicket with a catapulta, I knew how to watch the machine; I was in with a catapulta up at the Forest, and I went and fetched seven off it. I watched where he set it for leg-stump, middle, or near stump. Once I took a young Eleven to play this grand Forest Clubhand dressed them. I lasted them out each time, and made 130 runs. We wanted five to win. ' Dortt you move your bat,' I said to the last man; they shouted, B B 2 372 Scott and Sebright. ' That's not fair, Jem! I got the next over, and I got seven, and we regularly chaffed the Club. I've not played them since. I always leave off a winner. Once I shot a pigeon match for 10/. a side; I won that, and I'll shoot no more. I've played one single-wicket match, and beat my man, and they'll not catch me at that again. I've ridden this steeple-chase and I won, so I may say that I've never been licked." Clarke's With an idle afternoon on our hands, Sanctum. ancj a dear sky overhead, we left the train at Chippenham, and faced the io| miles, heel and toe, to Badminton, to see that first Wonder and Spangle entry, which united the scarlet and black collar of Tubney, with the green plush of the Duke. The road is nice, but too flat to be interesting; and we were right glad to find ourselves in Acton Turvile, and then among the pretty cottages of Badminton, one or two of which seem perfectly clustered over with vine and ivy leaves. We found Clarke almost roofless, as his house was being enlarged, and he was living in the village pro tem.; but still he stuck to his snuggery, which seemed like a sort of oasis in a brick- and-mortar wilderness. Mr. Morrell's well-known print occupied the place of honour above the fireplace, on each side of which hung the heads of Vigil and Ade- line. Old Trumpeter, who was put away soon after he came, looks out of canvas, in company with the young Harlequin ; and beneath them was Trouncer, a relic of Clarke's service with Sir John Gerard. Sham- rock and Grimaldi, two old Berkshire friends, Hor- lock's Statesman (sire of Friendly and Filagree), poor Will Goodall, Hercules, and Philip Payne, found their place as well; and there, too, was Clarke him self on Topthorn, cheering Forester and Bobadi of Tubney renown ; while Farmer, who died under his first whip after a great Craven run, at Lambourne, has left him his foot as a forget-me-not, for the side- board. Horn and Hound. 373 The " blue and white" scalp-board The Kennel with its fringe of pads, pleasantly keeps Beauties of up the connexion with Kingstown, who Badminton- stands near the kennels, and the yearlings which were coming forward for John Day. During the last four seasons, the average of noses has been 73 brace, and in the last they reached 91, the largest number, we believe, on record. His Grace can generally count on five hundred head of foxes in a country which is about forty square miles in extent, and from 14 to 15 brace are killed each season off Mr. Holford's pro- perty, which abounds with game. So much for true- hearted and industrious keepers, and an owner who has not one face for the master of the hounds, and another for his own men! This year (i860) was the first of the Tubney cross, and the result was to be found in twelve out of the twenty-one litters, from which the entry had been selected. Nearly 38 couple of dog-hounds were on the flags, ranging from 23^ to 24 inches, with Hengist even slightly over that standard. The half-faced Fleecer, Clarke's friend of seven seasons, was there, by Fitzhardinge Furrier from Heroine, and so back through Fitzhardinge Flourisher, and Beaufort Fairplay to the Furrier fountain-head of honour. There, too, was the gay-coloured Forester, Wonder worthy in looks of his mate, and Wrangler, Sailor, and Sportsman of Warwickshire Saffron de- scent. Termagant and Tenderness had spoken up elsewhere for Harlequin, who was with his sister Honesty, the prize Tubney Cup holders in "the Her- cules year," and blest with a remarkable head, which marks him among ten thousand. Limner had been put away, but his Legacy and Loyalty were left, and so was his Paragon, straining back to Beaufort Warlock on one side, and from a dam the very last of the Beaufort Potentates. Sports- man, Prodigal, Sparkler, and Whynot were among the particulars, and Trimbush, who had been in train- 374 Scott and Sebright. ing for the hound match. Spangle, the fifty-guinea matron of the Tubney sale, prospered in her genera- tion after she came to Badminton, and did her work well as an eight-season hunter. Her rare Wonders inherit her somewhat smutty face, and Woldsman in his work exactly resembles her. Jack Jones bred her, and Clarke entered her, and looked forward to raising a pack from her when she died. She left eight couple of them in work, and a couple of handsome ones coming forward. Among the matrons were Vistula and Vestal, San- guine, and Vigil of the Warwickshire Saffron sort, in which Clarke delights, as " there is no end of them Wisdom, too, of the old badger-pie sort, Harriet, Hasty, Pleasant, and Pastime, and Countess, with Skilful, who has a deal of the old Sunderland head and crown. It would never do to forget Friendly, the yellow-pied Handmaid, or Caroline. There, too, was the grey face of old Spangle, and the very handsome Fallacy. Honesty and Toilet, both Tubney Cup winners, were in the throng, but as yet they had bred from neither of them; and so were Rarity and Playful, to tell of old Remus, who had been put away in his tenth season. Faithless by Flagrant, and Woful by Belvoir Comus, were there with Baroness; Seamstress was the least among that fair and good- tempered array, and never did two sisters show better than Waspish and Woodbine, as they passed side by side through the wicket. Recollections of If you ask Will Long about his old Will Long. Badminton pack, he will generally reply that he would lay his life down for Prophetess by Plunder, and Tuneful by Warwickshire Tarquin. Still Dorimont is the burden of his discourse. The day when the sixth Duke ordered him to draw Stowe-on-the-Wold, fifteen miles away from Bad- minton, only twenty minutes before dark, or when the seventh requested him to bring out Milkman in a Horn and Hound. 375 frost, and lark him over some flights of hurdles in the straw-ride, are still specially marked in his memory, but not more than the work of the old dog in Ditchley "Woods, when he had been for months on the retired list. His blood comes up in all the best strains in the kennel. Rufus and Remus have it through their dam Rarity by Rutland, a capital son of his, and it can be traced in Wonder through Fear- nought to Gaiety. Remus was the cleanest in his fore- hand, but Rufus had most power, and was nearest the ground, and decidedly the best of the two, and the Duke of Rutland and Sir Richard Sutton used him freely. Mr. Childe of Kinlet first began hard- The Dawn of riding in Leicestershire, to Mr. Meynell's Leicestershire, great disgust; and after Lords Forester and Jersey came with " the splittercockation pace," he declared that he " had not had a day's happiness." He and Tom Tit knew no troubles till then, and his horses used to rear on their hind legs, and jump gates and stiles standing, in the most sober and comfortable way. In fact, it was the regular Musters' regime; getting through a country, and not over it. The Bull's Head and The George of Loughboro' were the head-quarters, and a hundred horses would go past the window in the morning to cover. Mr. Meynell hunted the whole of the original Quorn country, from Clifton Gardens near Nottingham to Market Har- borough, thirty miles away, and the Leicester harriers, whose patrons met once a week at The Bell, enjoyed themselves under his wing and got his small draft. Mr. Cholmondley, Sir Stephen Glynne, Sir Harry Featherstone, and Prince Boothby were great at Loughboro', and Brooksby Gate was the first meet of the season in November. Gradually Melton was dis- covered to be more central, and the attractions of the Belvoir and " Lord Lonsdale's Tuesdays" brought Loughboro' to g-rief, and the opening day to Kirby 376 Scott and Sebright. Gate, which for sixty years never lacked Mr. Sheldon Cradock's presence on horseback, and at last in a chaise. The Quom Fourteen masters — Sefton, Foley, Country. Smith, Osbaldeston, Bellingham Graham, Osbaldeston, Southampton, Goodricke, Holyoake, Er- rington, Suffield, Hodgson, Greene, Sutton, and Stam- ford—have reigned since. Still through all the changes of tillage and draining, Sixhills, Shoby, Widmerpool, and Willoughby held the best scent then, and hold it still. The Forest still continues to be what Mr. Meynell said of it, "the finest scenting country in the world and the best for breaking young hounds. The only part of the old enclosure is Charley, which remains the, same as it did in 1800. All was then an open sheep-walk of heath and stone, and without any fence or even a tree, save a few hazels and oaks, for miles. The foxes were as wild as hawks, and were generally found among the Whitwick rocks near the present Monastery, where Mr. Meynell and his men would dig for hours. The four M's of the Old Club and Mr. Cradock of Loughboro' gradu- ally took the management of the covers, and the sub- scriptions when Mr. Assheton Smith had the hounds and about 3500/. a year, were paid as punctually as a bank dividend. " The Blue Coats" were in their glory, and among them " Gamboy Henton" who spoke to his own nose down a drain, when Meynell's Gamboy could not. These flyers would " hardly open their mouths under two hundred and Jona- than King of Beeby would take a horse out of his stable for no one. " Come and ride him" he used to say, " and if you like him, three hundred's my price I' Mr. Assheton For his tackle, Mr. Smith still stands Smith. confessedly the first man across Leices- tershire, and except Sir David Baird very few at- tempted to go so straight. The fences were higher Horn and Hound. 377 then, and no caps were worn, and both of them would have their clothes torn off their backs, and their flesh from their faces, rather than not go every inch of the way with hounds. As Tom Heycock used to observe of Sir David, " If he did get a fall, and you thought he was out of the run, he would always pop up by your side." Mr. Smith brought his little horse Benjie into the country, and as he said then, so he said to the last, that Jiis present horse was his best. It was another of his axioms, that the Hunting-field great secret was "learning how to gallop," Habits, and he had to put out his highest proficiency on the Mondays, when Messrs. Rawlinson and Lindow would invariably come to ride against him. " He would often ride for a certain fall, when he wanted to make a.cast," and no one knew how to fall oft'better. He studied it as a science, and when his horse was at all blown, he always sent him at timber a little aslant, so as to get free of him easier if he made a mistake. People knew what unmade, uncertain-tempered brutes he rode, and when he did something quite out of the common, they cheered him. This made him very tenacious, and if any one followed him over any of those " sensation jumps," he was quite crabbed and seldom forgot it. One man he was never jealous of under any circumstances. Speaking of the finish of a run he said, "No one was there but myself; " and when some one suggested Tom Gamble, he replied, " Oh, hes nobody ; he's akvays there." He once rode against Sir James Musgrave, near Clawson, in the days when hunter pairs were all the fashion at Melton Thorns, but Sir James changed his black without his observing it, and jumping the locked gate at the bottom, left him pounded and in a fearful passion. From Broderip Oak over the Vale to Lydiard Wood, was another of his great rides, when Lord Kintore had the V. W. H., and he was 37B Scott and Sebright. gracious enough to say to his lordship, " Well! old friend, you had just the best of it /" Be the country what it might, he never gave it a thought, and Mr. Davis always says that he was " the best stag hunter of us all," when he went into the New Forest. The Biiiesdon One of his greatest Leicestershire leaps Brook Leap. was the Biiiesdon Brook, which he leapt in a place where it was a regular ravine. The bank had rather curved in, and it required at least thirty-four feet to cover it, and a plashed hedge on the opposite side. The field saw him coming up the turnpike from the Coplow to Biiiesdon ; and for the first time in his life nursing his horse. He knew what was before him, and then rushing through the crowd like a bullet, he went at it determined to do something tremendous ; but Lord Aylesford followed him, and got over with a slight scramble on the other side. Dick Christian jumped the same brook, on Mr. Maxse's grey King of the Valley in his steeple-chase, and the measurement from hind foot to hind foot, was thirty-six feet. All Mr. Smith's escapes were as nothing compared to one of his friend Mr. Coke's when he went to stay with him in Hampshire. Seeing a nice practicable fence, he charged it, but not only found himself dropping all in a heap into a deep lane, but right in front of a horse and cart. This vision so startled the horse, that it dashed forward, and drew the cart right over the legs of Mr. Coke's hunter, as it lay on the ground, and lamed it for many a week after. Training Little Mr. Smith seemed to relax towards no Will Burton. one so much as Mr. Greene, whom he considered his best pupil, and there was also an ex- ception in favour of little Will Burton. He deter- mined to give Will his first lesson, when he was little more than four stone. Putting him on one of his steadiest hunters, he observed by way of prelude, " Boy / if you don't stick close to me, you 11 never see your mother again! " Having made this first Horn and Hound. 379 and last appeal, he proceeded to give him a lead over some hog-backed stiles, and chose one so close under a tree, that the little fellow's hat was knocked off. In a minute his master was down picking it up. " Rare fun this, boy, isn't it?" "Yes, master," said Young Hopeful, " but if we don't look sharp, we wont see the hounds again?' The retort suited his grim humour to a nicety, and he chuckled at the thoughts of it long after poor little Will was in his grave. At that time, the hounds spent alter- will's Hound nate three weeks between Quorn and Education. Bowden Inn, where Lord Plymouth, Mr. Maxse, and Mr. Maher also sent their horses, and Mr. Smith told the story of the hat so well at Serlby, that the hero of it was summoned to be looked over and tell his weight. This occurred so often afterwards that Will began to think that " master will never have done showing me to the ladies." In other respects he was a precocious pupil, and in his leisure hours he clipped his master's cat. It came up as usual to be stroked by Mr. Smith at stable hour, and an inquiry soon fixed suspicion on the culprit, who said he " thought it would make her handsome." We do not know whether the punish- ment, blended as it was with the deepest instruction, would suit the authors of the Revised Code, but it simply consisted in writing out and then spelling over to his master, twenty of the hardest hound names in the pack. Old Tom Wingfield, who had a peculiar -habit of always catching his horse up, before he took a fence, never got on with Mr. Smith in kennel. Tom smoked morning, noon, and night; he did so at eighty- seven. Hence " Send tliat fellow to me, when he's sure he's done his pipe',' was the general form of cabinet council summons. There is a good deal of truth in what Dick Burton always says to George Carter, " I had the lion, you had the lamb," as Mr. Smith grew much milder latterly, and he took the Scott and Sebright. dog-hounds into the open, and George the lady pack and the puppies into the woods, without at all interfer- ing with each other. There never was a better man to get away from a big wood. He would not speak a word after they found. There was no " Whey ! con- found the horse f as with Mr. Codrington (when it wasn't stirring an ear), but he kept quietly moving in the ridings; and when they broke he was at them like a shot. Mr. Hames of In Leicestershire, Mr. Hames of Glenn Glenn- was his great hound secretary. He would put out twenty couple of puppies for him, and go round twice a week to shepherd them. " If you don't keep the one well," he used to say, " I'll send you two ; and if you don't keep the two well I'll send you the dam and the whole litter." His good humour had its effect, and they came in from quarters like bacon pigs. Mr. Hames's enthusiasm did not die out, and they used to say in Mr. Osbaldeston's day, that if he heard Dick Burton crack his whip as a signal on passing through the village, he would have run out of church from a wedding or a funeral. A fox with a mangy brush and loins in Shankton Holt was a great card with him, and he named him "Jack." "I'll back old Jack to-day" was his offer, directly they found ; and they never could succeed in killing him. " The Squire" in It was in Lincolnshire that "The Lincolnshire. Squire," after a capital season up to Christmas Eve, underwent all the agonies of " the great frost," which never broke up again till past the middle of February ; when hunting men felt like the exiles of Siberia. After that, he had three things good enough to make the fortune of a season, one of them with scarcely a check seventeen miles from point to point, with Jim Wilson and Tom Sebright cheeking him all the way over Tower Moor, to keep him out of the Heath. It was all grass and no Horn and Hound. 381 plough in Lincolnshire then ; drains have now made the top of the soil light; and sheep no longer rot almost up to their hocks in water, so that the labours and difficulties of those days must not be judged of by the standard of the present, when there is a stable of 70 or 80 hunters to pick from and sometimes 120 couple of hounds out at quarters, The picture of Dick Burton and the The Osbaideston hounds is the key, as far as sires go, to the Hound-blood, finest Osbaideston blood. Dick is not on the Big Grey, which "had always one spur in him, and the other never out of him," but Cervantes, one of his own making. Walton Thorns has just been drawn blank, and Vanquisher by Musters's Proctor, always one of the last out, comes up flying a stile. He was one of the most beautiful dog-hounds at Quorn, not so fast as Furrier, and, like him, he never smeused. The farmer who walked him at Hutton Bushell sent him in with the comment, that he ought to be a very good hound, as " he had eaten the mistress's prayer-book one day." The old black and white Vaulter lies down near the yellow-pied Pilgrim, " such a dog for ribs and thighs, and eight inches round the arm," who looks wistfully up in Dick's face, waiting for the word to move on to Mundy's Gorse. His sire, Rocket by Vernon's Rallywood, also shows those grave, long features, which were such a type of his road wisdom, and Furrier comes cantering up to the group, in which Mindful, his companion in the Belvoir draft, bears part with Nabob " an owdacious stinger, with a true Brocklesby head." The yellow-pied Hermit bears testimony to a Beaufort draft, and there, too, are Primrose, and Rosebud, the faithful consort of Furrier, and one with Rocket in the Vernon pack purchase. The little terrier Nettle is almost the " dearest of them 'a" to Dick. Her dam used to ride to cover in Lord Middleton's carriage, but Nettle despised all such help. Dick often tells how she was somehow or other 382 Scott and Sebright. always first, second, or third over the rides for an hour and twenty minutes in Martinshawe Wood, and then pitched' in to her well earned fox for the first time; how she went in at a badger with her legs under her, when she had hardly a cheek-tooth left, and how she honourably retired when "The Squire" had jumped upon her at the last fence but one before the fox went to ground after a very fast thing. The Squire's Blood rather than size was "The Hound Tastes. Squire's" aim in kennel. Four couple and a half of Rockets, none of them less than four season hunters, three couple of Vanquishers, and 26^ couple of Furriers, were the cream of the pack, when he went to the Pytcheley. Over the great grass- fields of Kelmarsh and Oxendon, the " Furrier ladies" for two seasons especially, were in their greatest glory. He had made them so handy, that at a signal they would divide in their cast, but latterly they were always flashing over the scent, when their fox doubled back, or dodged ; and four or five scurries with dif- ferent foxes, too often made up the journal entry at night. When they did settle to one, and blew him up in the open, " The Squire" might well say, " they don't fly like pigeons, they fly like angels." The Squire's Never was he known to go in a car- Scorn of riage to cover ; and he never seemed to Fatigue. know what fatigue was. " If you will have two horses, you shall have two packs a day," he said to the Quornites, and as he never went to sleep after dinner, he wouldn't have objected to a turn with a third by moonlight. Tommy Coleman, who often cut in for a half-mile gallop at his side during the eight hours and forty minutes of his great Newmarket match, declared that he could see no difference in him at the 20th and 200th mile ; and yet some of his horses, old Guildford especially, pulled hard. He rode it a race all the way, standing up in his stirrups. Horn and Hound. 383 There was always quite a set-to at the end of each four miles; and he would blow any one up if they attempted to help him on to his fresh horse. When all was over, he insisted on riding into the town, and Mr. Gully was so grieved at seeing fine training and stamina so fearfully taxed, that he said, " Really, Squire, you ought to have a whip over your shoulders /or taking such liberties with yourself!" An aci*e of manuscript might be filled M , . with the sayings and doings of the hard- e oniana' riding men of Melton, back to the days when Ralph Lambton was treasuring up for Durham County use . every waif and stray that fell from the lips of his St. Htigo; or when Lord Sefton set the whole country talking, by jumping the Decoy Brook near Bunny on his grey. He carried top weight about 20st., and won in a tremendous fast thing of 20 minutes, " a stone a minute," as he afterwards said. Then there was General Grosvenor, General Gros- equally quaint in his way at Newmarket venor- or at the meet, where he would sometimes arrive from Brooksby, with a perfect cloud of grooms after him, by way of giving his hunters exercise. "You ride no more for me," he said to " The Vicar" after he had ridden Daedalus, " you lay so far out of your ground, you nearly frightened Mrs. Grosvenor to death." A dislike to sleeping out was another of his leading features. A bed was at his service after he had dined out in the Cottesmore country, but he could not make up his mind. At last he sent for the house- maid, who was a woman of short stature, and asked when it had been slept in ? " I slept in it, General, only last night," said she. " You slept in it ?" he re- plied, looking her well over; "you're not big enough to air a bed: order my carriage." WIC V/m V-'iU L/j dHvl UlLi lllw CUllCC'llUUbC part of the business" by keeping men together, and Mr. John Moore. 384 Scott and Sebright. gathering in the subscriptions quite early in the season. He was a thin man with long legs, and " daylight knees" in his saddle, and always a quiet rider. Like most of the men of that period, he never liked to be asked too little for a horse. Wright of Syssonby offered him one in the spring at rather a low figure, but he returned him after a trial, and a dealer bought him. The next season Wright espied his old. friend at Thorpe Trussells ; and it was a perfect bit of news for Mr. Moore, when he was told " You're sitting, sir, on the same horse you were on at the end of last season ; I suppose I asked you a hundred too little." He was also a little of an epicure, and his friends . used to tell him that they had heard his Shorthorn soliloquies at cattle shows : " I should like to have a rumpsteak out of you." Once he was regularly taken in when he was yachting abroad. He found, as he thought, a young lamb tethered to a stake, and gave five shillings for it. He had as it seems forgotten the size of the sheep of that country, and only thought of the Bakewells, and it turned out, as he said, with disgust, to be " an old tup, and as strong as a Billy Goat." Lord Alvaniey. . "Harden your hearts and tighten your girths, was Lord Alvaniey s great watch- word at the "View Halloo," and it was magnificent to see him go over the first half-dozen fences. Twenty minutes was his allowance, or about five more on an average than Lord Sefton. He butchered his horses along when they would go, spurs well home and reins slack; and Prick Ears understood him best. Once, when he was on his white horse, they found at Whis- sendine Pastures, and as all the steam was in him, he came right out of the crowd, and had the brook first. The horse got in and plunged his lordship's hat to the bottom, and to the end of the day he persevered on bare-headed, and with his horse perfectly black, or rather pyebald from the slush. He had a skew- . Horn and Hound. 385 ball, but the weight did not suit him, and his "lordship announced after one ride, that he was sure that " the horse would commit suicide rather than carry him again." A woodland day he abhorred. " What sport have . you had to-day, Alvanley?" said one of his friends when he met him coming home rather glum. " Oh ! beautiful, we've been up Tilton Wood, and down Tilton Wood, and through Tilton Wood, then we went away from Tilton Wood, and back again to Tilton Wood, and they'll very likely finish at Tilton Wood." On another day, he declared that he had been quite beaten in the " Whole Art of Riding made Easy," by a Circus man from Leicester, who came out to see the fun in a property scarlet, and on an old grey trick- horse. Near Quenby Hall, the man pretended to ride at a gate, and when the horse stopped short, he threw himself over his head, and made such a series of somersaults that the field thought that he and his top- boots would never come to earth again. Spending, his lordship termed " realizing," and defied any one to give a more philosophical definition of it; and when his servant told him that he was sorry to say that the corn-factor had turned awkward at last, he asked what was the state of his confectioner's mind, and on learning that it was favourable, he said, " Oh ! that will do : give 'em biscuits /" His finest stroke of policy was when he gave away a whole boat-load of coals to the poor of Melton, and the inference from this liberality was so favourable, that he had a roaring credit for months, at the expense of the Navigation Com- pany. Be it Erin-go-Bragh or Shugaraoo, or Mr. Maher's anything else, Mr. " Paddy" Maher never " old Tommy." used anything but a snaffle. Mr. Frank Forester in- troduced a great change into the cover horse system, as he generally rode his own there, and this prevented the grooms from running riot as of yore. In Old C C 386 Scott and Sebright. Tommy, Mr. Maher had a veritable treasure, as he seemed to have a private key to the run of every fox. He was such a wizard that Mr. Burton ordered his lad never .to keep his eye off him, and go exactly where he did. Old Tommy was indignant at this, and when he could not shake him off, he pulled up, and sitting down on a gate began to read the newspaper. The lad thought that Tommy would be lost that day, and rode on; but when he was wanted, the veteran was there to a minute, and Mr. Burton had to look into space for his second horse. The lad explained matters, and acted so rigidly in future up to his directions, " If Tommy gets on to a gate to read the paper, get up beside him, and ask him to edify you as well as himself," that Tommy and he became fast friends. Mr. Mayer There was a story against Mr. Maher Outwitted. 0f the way jn which he tried to trick Old Tommy, who was on a horse with about the same walking pace as his own. He held that going on one side of a wood was much shorter than the other, and sent Tommy to come along it with the strictest injunc- tion not to break from a walk; but seeing from an opening in the wood that he was making as good time as himself, stealthily started to canter. Tommy saw it and did the same, and got to the meeting place first. Mr. Maher was exceedingly angry, and was not at all satisfied with the explanation, that Tommy had seen him canter just after he came to the wood corner, and saw no possible harm in doing the same. sir Francis Bur- Many compared Sir Francis Burdett's dett seat on Sampson to a pair of compasses across a telescope. He cared little for personal com- forts, and his Westminster and provincial supporters who believed (after they had seen him seated at a window teaching it to his boy), that he did nothing but study Magna Charta all day, would have hardly Horn and Hound. 387 known "Old Glory" as the fox-hunting devotee in in those two little rooms which had once been part of the stables, at Kirby Hall, or dining out after hunting, and stopping all night in his dirty but historical top- boots. He had a soul for subscribing as well as hunt- ing; and he and Lord Plymouth each gave 400/. to the Quorn. In fact, if he only hunted once in a season, he gave 200/., and Mr. Sheldon Cradock tells no story with more zest than how, on hearing of cover wants, he asked for his two hundred cheque back, when that gentleman called on him in London, and wrote out a new one for three. Dr. Russell and Smasher were Sir sir Harry Good- Harry Goodricke's best horses. The ricke- latter went with his head up, and his ears nearly in his rider's face, looking as if he saw nothing, and yet seeing everything. It was, in fact, hardly possible for him to make a mistake. Dr. Russell's head, on the contrary, was set on very differently, but he was one to which Lord Lonsdale's saying applied, " I don't dis- like a horse that pokes his nose out if he has a strong neck, and can't throw his head into your face." Mr. Coke brought him into the country, and could make nothing of him, as he always rode him in sharp curb bits.' He then lent him to Tom Heycock for part of a season, and he trained him in a snaffle on his Owston Farm, which was too strongly fenced for anything but a hunter to get over. Sir Harry rode one of his sons afterwards, and the likeness to his sire was very striking. Tom Heycock, who first acquired his Doing Tom fine decision as to line and fences on Heycock. " The Pony," used often to handle these awkward cus- tomers, and as he was so accustomed to be rolled over, and " see the sun, moon, and stars in full illumination," as he phrased it, the Meltonians felt no delicacy in asking him to get on. Sir James Musgrave was espe- daily fond of the fun, and after he had seen him put C c 2 388 Scott and Sebright. one of his young horses over half-a-dozen fences, and had him reported as " a little queer," he replied, " I should be surprised if he was not, he's never been over one before, but I thought it made no matter to you." Lord Lonsdale used to give Tom many a quiet lecture, when he was a boy, for being so forward, and said that he and " The Pony" (for which Mr. Coke refused 500/. after giving 50/.) were "just like a brace of wild hares." Old Snow Snow, the farmer of this period, was like nothing else that ever was created. He knew nothing about " Harry of Ribstone, success to his reign," and cared still less. When he saw the hounds coming to draw John o'Gaunt, he would turn out grinning like a hyaena, with all his household, men and women, pans and pitchforks, and loose the yard dog as well, to prevent the fox breaking on his side. Sir Harry sent him the usual game compliment among the rest, but he sent back to say, that he " would not sell his birthright for a mess of red pottage." Nothing daunted by this message, Sir Harry forwarded two gallons of gin, and then he said that the donor was "the finest man in the world ;" and should come just when he liked. But these times and prospects of a master for life were too good to last. Sir Harry's illness began with a violent cold, which he caught deer-stalking in Scotland ; and when he came back the next season, his friends knew when he greeted them that his hand had lost its firmness, and was as shrivelled as a washerwoman's; and although he struggled on with all his innate energy, they never saw him looking well again. Mr. Hoiyoake. Mr- Holyoake lived with Sir Harry when they first came to Melton from the Burton country, where their friendship commenced. It was this lucky legatee's hunting principle that a Horn and Hound. 389 good start, and twenty-five minutes best pace, was long enough for any man and any horse. A friend asked him one day whether he would like them to kill their fox at the end of it, and he replied, " Yes ! if it's a satisfaction to the master of hounds; but it's none at all to me'.' He brought Clinker into the country, and the bay gave Captain Ross, who bought him, four falls the first day he rode him. He had a very long stride, and was bad in dirt; and if anything came upon him suddenly, he as often as not put his foot in it, and his rider down. Captain White graduated with " The r . w,. Squire" in Lincolnshire, and was the ap am 1 e" friendly go-between, who arranged that he should purchase Quorn from Mr. Assheton Smith. His first day in Leicestershire was on " The Widow," at Scrap- toft, and they had eight minutes from The Laurels, very sharp, to ground. They went back and found again, and had eleven miles. Mr. Smith saw the mare and her young rider so forward, that although his temper went from being bogged almost imme- diately after, he did not forget it. The next time they appeared was in a very fast thing from Billesdon Coplow to Slawston Windmill. Only five were left in at last, and when Mr Smith saw his brook ac- quaintance down, he caught his mare for him, and only gave him a warmish exhortation to be quick, as, with scarcely a breath left in him, he staggered over a fallow. Putting up horses for auction at the putting-up Old Club was quite a business each Hunters at the night. Parties were often made on old Club' purpose, and after a couple of bottles of claret, business became quite brisk. Each owner had one reserve bid, and it was quite a sight the next morning to watch the different horses change stables, to the great bewilderment of the grooms. Several were very sweet on The Widow the first day she came out, and "four 39° Scott and Sebright. hundred" was put under the candlestick. The Cap- tain's reserve bid was a hundred above that sum, and after the Billesdon Coplow day, Lord Middleton did not scruple to close for her. Mistakes frequently arose from the habit of having hunters of the same colour and style. Sir James Musgrave, who would give good prices at the end of the season for horses he had seen go well, had three greys, by Fitzjames (for which he paid a thousand guineas to a Shropshire man), so alike that the grooms and their owner only knew them; and Captain White had two equally " winsome marrows," in his dark chestnuts. The Quorn had had a very fast forty minutes, and the Captain had been in the front rank as usual with one of them, and come a tremendous cropper into a green lane. Luckily his groom was close at hand with the other, and as not a soul knew of the change, it was sold for four hundred at night. Harlequin Harlequin, by Sir Oliver, was the best horse venture the Captain ever made, and was bought out of a Derbyshire team, for 100/.,- when he was four years old. He had two splints his first season, but the bone grew up to them, and his action and blood made him quite equal to fourteen stone. He made his debut at Easton Wood, and a few of them had two miles over the plough and back before the field knew what was going on ; and they then changed foxes, and ran to Wood well Head. The style in which the horse had jumped on and off a little bulrush island, during the run, got so bruited about, that when Lord Plymouth heard of it, coupled with Mr. Standish's report of his action across ridge and furrow, he determined to have him at any price. It was eventually agreed that he should give Pedlar and a 900/. cheque for him ; and as the Captain sold the latter for 250/., he made a clear thousand guineas of his horse. His lordship had got four falls off his 400-guinea Assheton, the first time he rode him, and Horn and Hound. 39i was glad to sell him to Mr. Holyoake; but he never repented buying Harlequin, and vowed after riding him for seven seasons, that he was the only one he ever liked. He was a perfect snaffle-bridle horse, and the only instructions the Captain gave with him were, " Don't bully him, my lord ; hold him nicely for three fences, and then sit down on him, and send him along." From hip to tail he was all muscle, and Mr. Gilmour said of him, that he " only seemed to gallop over an ox-fence/' There is, however, always a set-off to luck, and his brother Jupiter met his death, by a stake running into his chest, just as the hounds were killing ; and General Grosvenor insisted on giving him honour- able burial in the centre of the middle riding in Stockersten Wood. What Harlequin or Merry Lad might Mr Maxse have said to it is a different thing, but Pounding a even the Captain and Admiral Berkeley* CouPle- confess that Mr. Maxse with all the weight fairly set them over four oak rails, at the corner of Harlesdon Wood. Cognac, who took them with his chest, drew the stumps right out of the ground, and his rider looked back when the crash was over, and said, "Ah! I always thought you were a pair of soft ones /" This was the third 01* fourth flight of rails which Cognac, who was very fresh after a frost, and in one of his rushing humours, had served out that day. Mr. Campbell, of Saddell, had introduced him into his Melton song, and therefore he was more talked of; but Mr. Maxse was quite as fond of Treacle and the Baron, both of which he purchased from Sir Belling- ham Graham ; and it was for the latter that Captain Ross, who yearned to be the steeple-chase champion, offered him a thousand guineas in vain. Captain White bought Merry Lad from M T . Mr. Tilbury, for 200/.; but although he * Now Lord Fitzhardinge, 392 Scott and Sebright. did not go the length of Lord Cardigan's Dandy, who danced about on his hind legs, and flew at everything at the cover side, till they were obliged to bring him in blinkers; he was very restive at first, and required to be flogged out of the yard. His great day was one from Thorpe Trussells, by Great Dalby to Rolleston, where they killed in a ditch. He played first fiddle with the Captain for some twelve seasons, when Alice Grey took his place, and he was used in harness at last. The Captain at To see the Captain starting for the Croxton and Scurry at Croxton or Heaton Park, and Heaton Park. cajpng the young ones to order at the post was a very grand sight, and often in the middle of the race, a series of most sonorous Tally-hoes were heard from the same quarter, to make the impetuous ones go a little faster. Dick Christian has already told of the Waste Walk on the Kettleby Road ; but the Captain had harder work than that when he had to get off iolbs. in two days for Theodore, when he was staying at Heaton Park. During the last two miles of one walk, he was so beat, that in order to have something to force the running, he picked up a bag-piper, and was marching in state behind him up the flower-garden on his return, with a face like a furnace, when the house party encountered him. Mr. Greene, of Besides profiting by the countless Rolleston. riding hints which he received from Mr. Assheton Smith, when he first came out, Mr. Greene went into strong practice on off days, over his own Rolleston estate. He would invite parties to course there, and mounting one of his best hunters, ride so close up to the dogs, that at times their owners would be a little nervous lest he should jump on to them. He negotiated the ox-fences and wide ditches with which the estate abounds so brilliantly, that dog owners often said, that to see him at work was worth all the sport among the hares. Horn and Hound. 393 His hand and seat were so light, that G. , ,0.,. he went by the name of " The Fly," and S'y'e °f 1<,dl"g' he seemed to tell his horse more by knee-pressure than anything, exactly what he expected of him. "When he came out cub-hunting within the last two or three seasons, on a little chestnut, " Nat" (which Mr. Richard Sutton had bought from its namesake at Newmarket), the finest horsemen thought it quite a head-and-hand' lesson to watch him gradually soothe the little gentleman, which would fly and kick about in every direction, into a quiet canter. Horse hand- ling was a science he had quite thought out, and we remember well his delight when we sat with him, the last time we ever met, at the Alhambra, and saw Mr. Rarey have his first interview with King of Oude. He always said that he endeavoured to make his horses take their fences a trifle aslant, and he " came up to them," as a first flight friend writes us, " with bounding strokes to the last, when he slackened his rein, and allowed them to exert their full power, the fling almost invariably bringing him safely into the next field." Latterly he hunted about two or three The Riding of days a week, in a quiet sort of way, but llis Later Years. enjoyed it as much as ever. In fact, he said that in one or two runs he had " never ridden more up to the mark when he was one-and-twenty," and nothing gave him greater pleasure than a remark of Lord Gardner's: " I say, Greene, you're cutting the young uns dozvn!' He had a great " eye forward" for hounds, and stoutly carried out the maxim, never to take timber if you can avoid it. He repeated this to Goddard (who was riding side by side with him in a fast thing by Holt), and Jack often tells how beautifully he suited the action to the word, and popped his horse through the hedge close by the gate-post and into the front rank in an instant. The white Glanagyle, which was given to him by 394 Scott and Sebright. His Horses ^r" Otway Cave, was his cover hack for nearly fifteen seasons. He always rode it in the Park when he came to town, and it finished out its days with Sir Frederick Fowke. He seldom kept more than six hunters, and was not given to change. " The bay mare" never had a name ; and after her, Muley, of whom he records in 1835, "I was never carried better in my life," and Don John " very clever," were in force about 1837, Fanny, Asparagus, and Symmetry were in his stables together ; Syssonby stood very high with him ; Phantom, who was out of one of his own mares, won a Hunter's Stake at Northampton ; and Alice Grey, little Piccolo, and the water-loving Mrs. Caudle carried him to the front, during his memorable mastership. The first was given away to a tenant, and Mrs. Caudle was bought in for 230 gs., when half worn out, and carried him .for some seasons after that. His Hunting He kept a rough journal of every day journal. he was out 5 a little limp-backed red book, tied with a red ribbon. The entries till he be- came master seemed very slight, and those who expect to glean much of what took place in 1835-39 would search in vain. With Mr. Hodgson's two seasons, his writing ardour seems to have been quickened, although once or twice we detect a mere pencil entry, the gist of one of which is, " rode Norton, a fall." " Rolleston, lots of foxes" occurs several times, but the great Assheton Smith day of 1840 has merely these three lines : " Assheton Smith, met at Rolleston, we had about two thousand horses and thirty carriages, Prince Ernest present, rode Don JohnHowever, a Leicester news- paper extract, pasted into each end of the book, puts the flesh on to this skeleton entry. Among the more varied entries are "stopped the hounds in conse- quence of a mad dog" Laughton Hills, excellent day, was on my horse twelve hours " Coplow, only our old fox, plenty at Barkby Holtand then comes Horn and Hound. 395 " Kilby Wharf, found one of the best foxes I ever saw." " Waterford's hounds at Somerby, turned out a stag, rode Norton," shows that steady and orthodox as he was, he could not resist a peep at " The Wild Huntsman," and " I hour 45 minutes" was his reward. Two runs with Mr. Hodgson's seem to have delighted him most in the whole of the seven years' chronicle, which we have glanced at. One of them, January 20, 1840, is described as "a great run, two hours from the Coplow, killed, one of the finest runs I ever saw, car- ried brilliantly by Harlequin." To the other, of December 9, 1840, he applies the terms, " best run I ever saw ; ran from Thorpe Trussells to Spinney at Rolleston Brook, 52 minutes. From Halstead to Rolleston not a horse within a half-a-mile of them, 22 couple, and all up ; rode my grey mare, and she had decidedly the best of it, and not beat." Latterly he rather leant to the belief His Great Thorpe that a run in his own mastership from Trussells Run. Thorpe Trussells to Rolleston Gorse, was perhaps the best of the two, and Tom Heycock is with him on the point. There were twelve horses in Twyford Brook, and full fifty per cent, of the remainder were beaten off in Tilton Bottom, Mr. Greene on Retriever, Tom Day on Cossington, and only five or six others being able to get up the Skeffington Vale. How he and Tom Day ever got such a pack put together astonished all Leicestershire; and not one blank day went into the diary during his six seasons. He took great pains with his foxes : one of the broad-backed, short black foxes which Captain White sent him from Derbyshire went, like the celebrated Manton Gorse ones of two seasons since, and gave him three runs from John Ball, before Tom could bring him to book. As an M.F.H., none were more energetic or popular both with the gentlemen and the farmers. If the meet was thirty miles off, he would never miss it, and he would saunter down to the kennels at Billesdon on 396 Scott and Sebright. every non-hunting day. It was at that village that Mr. Grant had his studio while he was engaged on the Melton Hunt picture, and spent some weeks at Rolle- ston while it was in progress. Mr. Greene at It was beautiful to hear Mr. Greene talk Home. 0f hunting, especially at the head of his own table. He was all animation, and you hardly knew whether most to admire the conciseness and spirit of his descriptions, or the delicate grace with which he kept self so completely in the background, —giving every first-flight man his due, and hitting off his peculiar style. He was tenacious of his old friend- ships and early predilections. "Holyoake," for whom he acted during his mastership, Goodricke and Bel- lingham Graham were ever on his lips; and the riding of Lords Wilton and Gardner, and Mr. Gilmour, a theme which never grew old ; but still he did not grudge the younger men their laurels. Fairness and kindness were great features in him, and no one had finer tact in settling a vexed question, or putting two men together, when they had begun to fight a little shy. To give another chance was the great rule of his magisterial life, and young offenders might well say appealingly, " Take me to 1 The Squire ! ' " He delighted in a little farming, and never seemed happier than when he had his tenants round him at the rent dinners, and invited Sir Frederick Fowke and Mr, John Marriot, and perhaps one or two of the neigh- bouring clergy to dine with them. Latterly he was a good deal in London, and loved dearly to meet his friends Sir Bellingham and Mr. Maxse (who had been at University College, Oxford, with him) in his daily visits to Boodle's, or to have a chat with Mr. Payne and " The Squire," at the Arlington. He often dropped in at Tattersall's on a Monday, and if he did not care to accompany Lord Berners, who always came to dine with him in Upper Baker-street on the evening of the Private View, each Christmas, he amaz- Horn and Hound. 397 ingly enjoyed judging the hunters at the Leicester Agricultural Show. Up to the last winter before Mr. Smith died he was a regular visitor at Tedworth, and it was there that he renewed his acquaintance with Mr. Coke. An affection of the heart had given Hig Latter Days its infallible warning some ten years previously, and he should then have given up hunting. He would stop for breath at the bottom of Bushy Close Hill between Billesdon and Rolleston ; but it was not till his grey Topthorn gave him a fall at a hedge and back-dyke between Norton Gorse and Barkby Holt, about twelve months before his death, that he really began to fail. He had never recovered the loss of his nephew, who was to have inherited Rolleston ; but when the shadows began to thicken round him at last, he was enabled to look more steadily into the future. Taking a friend into his stables to show him Topthorn and Crinoline, his eyes filled with tears when he said, " There they are, I shall never want them again." To many he seemed wasted, and he thought so himself; but when his groom Shield weighed him just a fortnight before his death, after a lapse of two years, he was within a pound of what he had been in 1855, " Eight stone one, Shieldhe said. " Is that all you can make it f that was exactly my weight zvhen I was at CollegeI He seemed to take heart from this, and not only ordered a new whip and scarlet, but rode over to Leicester the day before his death to try a horse at Hames's. The next morning was the first monthly The Meet at meet of the hounds at Rolleston. He Rolleston. was in more than his wonted spirits at seeing so large a field, and Sir Frederick Fowke, Captain Baily, Mr. Tailby, and so many of his friends round him. It was quite a summer day, and the servants said they " had never seen the sun shine so brightly on 39§ Scott and Sebright. master before," and thought sadly afterwards of the old country omen, when they knew the end. While the second breakfast was going on, he sauntered down to the sunk fence, to have a word with the master and Jack Goddard. " I never saw a nicer lot," he said, when Wildboy and Welfare, the cup winners, and two couple more from Sutton's Lively, had been pointed out. to him ; "you're just getting them the size I like so much." ... T „ Shield had taken the fine edge off is as un, £rjnojine wiien they had looked them through, and there was soon a view halloo on the Tugby side of the gorse. The fox bore away by the keeper's house, leaving Loddington Village on the right, and so on to Launde Park Wood. Jack God- dard's horse hit him a sharp blow on the muscles of the back in a somersault over some rails near the Up- pingham Road, but he picked himself up in fearful pain, and on his Poet once more; and Mr. Greene caught his last glimpse of the chase as Mr. Tailby led the field up Skeffington Vale. He had got a good start, but he jumped no fences, and between Rolleston and Skeffington Wood, he suddenly turned quite pale, and said, pressing his side, "/ feel very ill, Shield; I can't ride to-dayS A little brandy rather restored him, and he cantered and trotted along homewards. " Shield, I've done with them" were his last words to his faithful groom as he gave him his mare, and he never crossed that threshold again. ,,. ~ He sat down in his armchair in the and his Death. ... . dming-room, and had scarcely asked for a little brandy, and said that he thought he had ridden too hard, and felt " that odd sensation again," when he bowed his head and died. The thoughts of a lingering death had always possessed a peculiar ter- ror for him, so much so, that he often declared that he would rather be shot down in a battle or a battue. His wish was fulfilled, and a mere lad took him up in Horn and Hound. 399 his arms, and laid him just as he was, in his scarlet coat and boots, on his bed in the east room, which he had specially chosen as his bedroom, so as to see his hunters go out for exercise each morning. The coat of arms keeping their grim dog and boar guard in the entrance-hall, with " Love and Loyalty" to the last, stood out sad and unchanged amid the dreary havoc of the sale day. The Billiard-table was blocked up with the claret- warmer, the china, and the books. The chair in which he died was on the terrace, waiting to be carried away by its new owner. The Billesdon Coplow, " The Whissendine appears in view," " The Melton Hunt," and the pictures of the hunters were ticketed on the floor, and turned with their faces to the wall ; while a crowd were pressing round the gay, sweet-topped Topthorn, and the slashing, hard-pulling Crinoline in the meadow, or following the auctioneer, all eager for 'a relic, if it were only a spud, into every nook and cranny of the yard. It was indeed, " after me the Deluge." Rolleston was there still ; the silver firs with their quaint rec- tangular branches near the knoll once so dear to the Quorn ; the deep claret shade on the fish pond in front of the house, from which generations of foxes had filched the ducks and swans and received a free pardon; the cross by the old grey church worn on the south side with pilgrims' knees ; and the dark boat- shaped arbour at the top of the dark yew walk, where Mr. Assheton Smith and his pupil so often sat and gathered inspiration from the view of the top end of Rolleston Wood and Goadby with its " tremendous " vale,—they knew no change, but there was now an- other lord of the soil, and the heart of the place was gone. Sir Richard Sutton's style of going sir Richard was rather slow, but straight. He was Sutton, never anxious to be first, and did not seem to ride for 4-00 Scott and Sebright. a place, but took the fences just as they came. Even when quite a young man, he never cared to go beyond a certain pace. Hedge and ditch he liked, but to timber and water, the latter especially, he was not very partial. He liked Emperor quite as well as Whitenose, who gave him six or seven falls in one day, and he went well on Snowdrift, which he pur- chased for 250 guineas from Sir Tatton, and named from the circumstance of his being obliged to return to Sledmere that day, to borrow a snow-plough, so as to enable him to get on to Mr. Osbaldeston's at Ebberston. Thrussington Gorse, Barkby, and Scraptoft were his most favourite Quorn meets, and he always said that he was not sure that he had done a wise thing in gravelling the Burton country wood rides during his long mastership, as instead of the field being left fetlock-deep in them, they could get away and interfere with his hounds. If he was pleased after a run, he had a peculiar way of putting his whip- hand on his hip, and holding his horn against the pit of his stomach, and snapping his little dark eyes. Hunting Nothing perhaps delighted him so incidents, much as Daphne the grandam of Dry- den, of whom Will Goodall said that no hound "brought so much intellect into our kennel." On this occasion, Sir Richard ran his fox from Shoby Scholes to Lord Aylesford's covert, and Grimston Gorse, and right up to Belvoir, and to ground again in the middle of a field near Shoby Scholes. Daphne rushed right into the drain in her stride, and was working there up to her shoulders when Ben Morgan came up, and on hearing of it from Ben, Sir Richard got off in his delight to clap her. He enjoyed no hunting-field joke more afterwards, than that of a labourer waving to him at a check. When he got to him, and asked how long the fox had been gone, the Horn and Hound. 401 man scratched his head, and replied, seemingly in all sincerity, " I seed him at five o'clock, when I wur a foddering the beasts." Well might he say to Lord Wilton, " that man must have a great opinion of my hounds." He did not care for hounds being very level if they worked well; but he never forgot it if any of them were too free of tongue. Giving away the old and young draft, generally about five-and- twenty couple, was a great fancy of his, and the huntsman was allowed 70/. in lieu. He was going very deep latterly into the Belvoir Guider blood, when he had done as much as he cared to do with True- man, whose dam Pastime came, like Wildair, in a Brocklesby draft. No one exactly knew why he took such a fancy to Trueman, but he and old Bluecap were the only ones which shared his carriage to cover, and stood in with him for the lunch of cold chicken or pie, with which it was always stored. Trueman was a fair dog, but never ran to head, and crossed well with the Brocklesby blood, and Affable by Vine Grampian. Will Goodall was placed in Mr. Drake's Early Days stables under his father, when he was of wm Goodall. eleven, and after three seasons as cover boy for Mr. Tom Drake, he was put on as second whip under Wingfield. Dick Simpson was first whip, and judg- ing from the style in which he had seen Will from a boy "jumping the church walls like a hare," he knew that he should have a lively colleague. Will had had his early perils, as Flounce dragged him fully twenty yards across the stable-yard at Shardloes before his father's eyes. As he grew older, he " had an aching tooth to be with Jem Hills," who had just then come to the Heythrop. His father, who had been a hunt- ing-groom for eight seasons in the Belvoir country, wrote to Tom Goosey, but there was no answer, and the lad still pined for change. Nothing might have come of it, but Mr. Cox once said to him before Lord D D 402 Scott and Sebright. Forester's brother in the hunting-field, " I am told you want to leave, Bill; they tell me the Duke of Rutland wants a whip." Mr. Forester hearing this, struck in and said he was not aware of the fact, but promised to write, and in ten days, which Bill de- scribed as a lifetime, his lordship sent for his weight, and ten stone was the reply. Another letter arrived from Belvoir to say that he was to go down directly, and he saw the '37 season out, beginning on his first morning at Woolsthorpe Cliff Wood. Goosey received him in a very candid way. " You must net mind" he said, " if I give you a good blowing up in the field; I'm as likely to do so if you're right as wrong!' This great huntsman told his mind to his whips without circum- locution, but to the field it was generally prefaced with " I beg leave to say." " You jumped on that hound, sir, at the fence, and I beg leave to say, sir, you buried him as wellf was his ironical remark to one of them. Win Goodaii at Will's was latterly a very forced voice, the Belvoir. an(} summer and winter he generally said he had a cold. He was broad-across his shoulders, and big in the legs, and seemed at least two stone above The Emperor's mark; but he always nursed his horse, and this added to his immense quickness of eye, brought him where he was. He also rode Lightheart, Knipton, Swing, Multum in Parvo, Nim- rod, and Melton during his last season. The two first were his best, and it was Lightheart by Greatheart from a mare of Mr, Frank Grant's, and bred by Lord Forester at Willey, which carried his successor Jem Cooper so well on the Hose Gorse day, which first marked his maiden year. The end of Will's ambition was to get his foxes over the Nottingham turn- pike by Lord Plymouth's lodge, from Melton Spin- ney, and so by Goodricke's Gorse into the "grass, but it was scarcely once in a season that he had this felicity. Horn and Hound\ 4°3 Two runs on February 15th and 21st of his last season pleased him, so he wrote us, more than any he had ever known. In the first they were hallooed for- ward to a fresh fox, when their old one had crept in somewhere near Culverthorpe, after "one hour and fifty minutes of regular blazing." " From Dembleby Thorns," he adds, "they went away like pigeons in flight, the horses, and even many of our good men melting away like snow in summer; they ran from scent to view ; and killed him by themselves (with the exception of fifteen minutes from Culverthorpe), as hard as ever they could split, for three hours and twenty- two minutes. I was first into the last field, and the only person who saw them course him, and his Grace was in the field when they caught him. We were the only two, but Mr. Frank Gordon, Mr. Hardy of Gran- tham, and Mr. Housen, Mr. Brooksner, and Jem came up to see them eat him. Sir Thomas Whichcote's horse stood stock-still one field away." We had no further particulars of the run of the 21st than "We had a regular trimmer ! Oh ! such a trimmer, which few men live to see. The hounds did not get home till one o'clock the next morning. With their first fox they had two hours and ten minutes to ground nearly in view, and with their second one hour fifty minutes. They tired everyone out and ran into him by them- selves charmingly; it was all over our best country with both foxes." Goosey had a story that he was never driven but once from cover by a foggy day; and " then I beg leave to say I had done my best, for I drew a turn- pike-road, and thought that the trees on the other side were the cover." How Will's genius would have dealt with this emergency it is difficult to divine, but he used to declare that when a Humby Wood fox beat him in the morning, he went back again in the even- ing, and had a lot of old men and women with lan- terns in the rides, and so worked on till he had just D D 2 404 Scoti and Sebright. time to get home, and save Sunday. He considered that he had kept all Goosey's quality in the kennel, and that he had got length with Rallywood ; and he swore by Trusty by Foljambe's Forester, and in fact all the sort, as such close workers and steady hounds for an afternoon. Almost his last piece of advice to Ben Morgan, when he told him, " I've had many rough falls, but none like this," was, to use one of the sort, Alfred from the celebrated Nightshade, and he had one more word ere they parted for the glories of Comus and Guider. T Sh tr,t Tom Sebright was wont to say, that om e £rst learnt to ke so foncj Gf hounds by running after the late Mr. Villebois' pack, when he hunted the Romsey side of the old Hampshire country. Time scored him on its page at Stowe-on- the-Wold in 1789, and it dealt very tenderly with him to the close. His father, Tom Sebright, who died there in his eighty-sixth year, was quite a huntsman worthy in his day. He showed all the science of a " master forester," when he hunted the New Forest; and nearly to the last, he would trot out on his pony, to meet Jem Hills when he came to Heyford Village. No wonder that such a keen hand wished his lad to begin early ; and at fifteen Tom was duly entered with Mr. Musters, who soon observed his fine hand and quick eye to hounds. He went from the Annesley kennels to Sir Mark Sykes, who was then master of the North Riding Hounds in conjunction with Mr. Digby Legard, but his style of riding was too tre- mendous. Hence, when " The Squire" came after the drafts which he wished to add to his new purchase of the Monson pack, Mr. Legard said to him, " You may take the whip as ivell: we've tried him three seasons, and he kills all our horses." And so this brilliant pair crossed the Humber, and hunted the Burton country, and the Southwold woodlands, and worked theirwayround through Nottinghamshire to the Quorn. Horn and Hound. 405 We have dwelt so often before on Tom's Tom in Leices- Leicestershire career, that we are not tershire. going to " run heel" now. He never hunted the hounds except when " The Squire" was away, and that only happened twice, to speak of—when his mother died, and when he broke his leg. Tom's day had very nearly ended in the canal near Stragglethorpe. They had found at Ella's Gorse, and away by Widmerpool, into the Vale; and the fox, after running the towing path a short distance, took the water. He was viewed over, and as some one must go, Captain White swam it on Pilot ; and Tom tried to follow. Half way across the horse sank like a stone, and was drowned^ and Captain White had no little difficulty in rescuing Tom, by fishing for him with the lash of his hunting- whip. Mr. John Moore recommended him to First Day in the Earl Fitzwilliam as successor to John Milton Country. Clark, and he headed this celebrated pack for exactly forty seasons. He came in March, and the first meet was at Bedford Purlieus ; but the hounds kept chang- ing their foxes, and his lordship decided to have a turn at Sutton Wood. Tom rode Thorney that day, and the decision with which he lifted his hounds for five hun- dred yards over the plough, and did not allow his fox to dwell for an instant in Abbot's Wood, made the old hands say, that " There's no mistake about our new man." Monk's Wood and Bedford Purlieus were latterly very different to what they had been in the dykeless days of Will Dean, when horses had fairly to skip from one sound bit of ground to another in the ridings, and Tom found no better places for making hounds steady. Aversley Wood foxes had always an honourable mention, and he looked upon them as quite the wildest and the best. The Soke of Peter- boro' with its Castor Hanglands and Upton Wood, was a very favourite place for his infant school in the autumn. " When there was a scent," he used to say, 406 Scott and Sebright. "hounds run as well there as anywhere;" but taking the season through, he leant to Barnwell Wold. Of Morehay Lawn he was also very fond, and it was there that he entered George Carter to the country, three weeks before the season closed, in the April of '45- Scenery about We loved to stroll out with the old man Milton- and the hounds into Milton Park, and by judiciously leading up to her, induce him to talk of " Relish," a name which he used to pronounce with as much unction as Robert PI all was wont to throw into " Mesopotamia and we mischievously got him to say it for the last time, just before we bade him good- bye on the show ground at Yarm. He was one of those fine, sterling characters which well repaid the study ; and the whole place and its accessories seemed so exactly in keeping with him. The rick-backed church, with its crooked wooden belfry, the Fox Hounds sign nailed to the elm, the straggling thorn clumps at the edge of the park, over which, under a cold December sky, the withered clematis was hanging in rich tracery, like the veil of a bride, the Nen creeping on its " lazy Scheldt "-like course along the broad meadows of Overton, the white sun-dial on the wall of the steward's house, and the quaint intermixture of the martello tower, with the thatch and the ivy at the kennels, all blended so thoroughly with him, and his honest pride of being part and parcel of an old English home. Tom on the During the summer he spent nearly all Flags. his time among " my lambs," and cared very little to wander afield. The Yarborough, Beau- fort, and Belvoir kennels were what he principally used ; but during his last two seasons he dipped deeply into Mr. Selby Lowndes's Royal, an old- fashioned-looking dog, and rather wild in his work. " Ah ! my lad, the dam is the secretwas his constant remark to young huntsmen. Like most reserved men, Horn and Hound. 407 he was tough in his opinion, both in the field and the kennel, and no one but the boiler knew what the puppies were by, till they were ready to go out to quarters. He hung very much to the notion that in breeding two negatives would make a positive, both in style of work and make, and enforced it pretty gene- rally in all his correspondence. It was delightful to hear him tell, almost under his breath, when you asked after the cream of entry, that they were " perhaps just the most beautiful I ever had," and believing him- self most implicitly, summer after summer. " A thing of beauty" was most truly his "joy for ever." If he was showing one of his hounds, which he thought a little out of the common way, he would indicate his delight by thrusting his hands deep into his breeches pocket, and kicking out his little right leg. He would then draw his hand over the hound from the head to the stern, and remark, in his gentle tone, that " it couldn't be more beautiful if it had been spoke- shaved." To Stroll among the hounds, as they The Kennel after lay cub-dreaming on their benches was his Death- quite like entering a congress of woodland senators. Old Hardwicke, the winner at Yarm, had ended his line hunting, after his sixth season, and was there no longer to tell of the Harper sort though eleven couple of his puppies may. One of them was the last that Tom gave any directions about, and he requested George to call him " Hardwicke," and send him to Mr. Strixon's. Foreman sat up, showing in his wise countenance all the intelligence of the Feudals, which enabled him to be pilot so often ; and near the one- eyed Fugleman, was Bachelor, who " kept Greenwich time" for Tom, and Rasselas, with that ancient grey- dished face, which always made him remark, without any disrespect to dignitaries, that he " had a head like an archbishop." Friendly of the Feudal sort, for which Milton has to thank Badminton, and repaid its 408 Scott and Sebright. debt with Hermit, had also devoted her best years to the pack ; and with his paw on her, and his brother the line-hunting Bachelor's white-face on his own quarters, old Bluecap takes his snoose, Susan and Shiner with his long tan features, speak up well for the Shiner sort; and the Feudals are here again, with Finisher, who lies with his smart head over the ledge. The badger-pied Ferryman, from Hardwicke's sister, which Tom was always quoting as "the neck and shoulders to keep in your eye," is also in the group, full of honourable scars, and with a split-up ear, which show that he will have his cub dividends in full. Tom in the Tom's manner was rather phlegmatic ; Field- and he never wearied of enforcing the trite maxim, " that so much mischief is done by being in a hurry." When a fox was found, his scream " made you shake in your saddle but still his View Halloo was hardly so musical as his predecessor's, John Clark. In hound language and horn blowing, none could excel him, even when he was long past the thirty to sixty era, which he spoke of as " the prime of a huntsman's life." His language to the field was remarkably courteous and guarded, even under deep provocation. If a fox was headed right into his face, he seldom got beyond " Odd Rabbit it altogether /" and if a whip did not put hounds to him immediately, or mistook orders, he appealed most forcibly to " Rags and Garters /" to aid him. Perhaps he tried too high for the majority of whips, and not only expected great excellence too early, but was a little impatient if he did not find it. Although very kind in his nature, he was decidedly chary of his professional praise. He would listen to some eulogy on a whip or huntsman whom he knew to be far below proof, and observe as a closer, with his little short laugh, that " He might have made a good boiler if he had been properly brought up to itor else "He can halloo and blow Horn and Hound. 409 the horn." Then, perhaps, he would put down his lip, and sum up a horse with, " When the wind was in him he was good enough." The fast talkers he always dismissed with the comment, that they were " not always so fast over the country, when it came to the contest." In the great woodlands, where he was style of so quiet, and always there, it was beauti- Hunting, ful to see the hounds fly to his horn ; and nothing pleased him so much as " to give him a rattling good turn round, and get them close at him bfefore he goes away." His broad bald forehead, of the Old Noll mould, was a treat to look at, when he lifted them to their fox, which he never did till they had made their own cast first. He was not fond latterly of long casts forward. " Odd Rabbit it! let them hunt, gentle-men," was all his desire ; and then came his cheery " Catch them if you can now'.' At the death he was almost nervously anxious lest the horsemen should tread upon his darlings ; and then, if the master was out, there came the fine retainer-like courtesy and touch of the cap : "A dog fox, my lord !" Never but once did any one of his three Milton masters speak a word of reproof to him. " Tom ! Tom !" said his late lord- ship, in his quiet way, when he had been left behind at Washingley Wood, uyou rode azvay from the master of the hounds" I blezv my horn three times, 1 assure you, my lord, before I left the coverC was the answer. Nothing more was said, till his lordship broke the silence, as they rode back to Milton, with " Tom! don't let the sun go down upon my wrath f and Tom often said afterwards, " This was the first and last scolding I ever got at Milton Along with this story and the deeds of Describing a Thorney, Patriot, and " The Squire," he Run- generally got in a word for Mr. Hopkinson, his hero of that great day from Barnewell Wold, when they killed in the ploughed field, near Papley Gorse. 410 Scott and Sebright. Hounds and hunting were his unvaried theme, and latterly he had rather a curious habit of exaggerating the distance of a burst when he was giving the points of a run. " Then right a/way" was his mode of deline- ating it, with a triumphant wave of his right hand into space. His friend John Payne used often to quiz him about it, when he went to smoke his pipe with him in the evening, and tell that octogenarian sportsman what they had been doing. " Right long way that was, Tom ; rare long round, I should think ; about two or three miles, eh f' and then, if Tom added that they " went as straight as a pigeon," he would good- humouredly drop on him again, with " a pretty pigeon that tvould be /" and being thus duly cautioned, Tom had to begin again. Pie considered the season of 1847-48 as his best. For the first ten seasons at Milton he kept a diary of the sport, and then he tired of it. His hound-book, on the contrary, was a perfect Talmud in his eyes, but it was not till within the last three seasons that he began to entrust its treasures to print. He stuck to r~ . „ his few old cronies whom he had known lomatHome. , when he first came into the country, and as he saw them dropping off one by one, he could cheerfully say that he " had had a very good innings," and tell George Carter that they would " soon be changing houses." Frank Buckle used to hunt with him, and they were, of course, acquainted ; but Frank was " on the other side of the question," and came very little to Milton; and Tom felt sure that "he cared a good deal more for bull-dogs than hounds." Shirley and Goosey were his earliest friends among the huntsmen, and when they or any of their juniors came over, he would solemnly take his pipe out of his mouth, to announce that he was " bomb-proof," and then " puzzle out the sort" with them into the short hours. One or another of his neighbours ploughed up . his close for him, and helped him in his few farming Horn and Hound. 411 operations ; but his heart was in the gorse and not in the granary. He hardly ever went near a race- course, till Ignoramus became too much for his philo- sophy, and then he not only timed a visit to Old George Carter, in order to see the colt run at Stock- bridge, but duly appeared at the Grove Kennels on the eve of the St. Leger. He once only had an impulse to shoot at a private pigeon-match, and scored with the best of them. The joke of his beating Lord Fitzwilliam's gamekeeper was much too good to be lost, and he found himself promptly figuring in a true and correct list of the crack shots on that occasion. His mingled dismay jqer loss two years before, had almost bowed him down. " She helped me through many a hard trouble ; nothing but her tender care made me the man I have been, but God's will be done." It was thus he told the grief, which in his quiet nature sank so deep ; and those who knew him best, knew too how truly he had spoken through the lines which he selected for her headstone-: " Restrained from passionate excess, Thou bidst me mourn in calm distress, For those who rest in Thee." And there the old man sleeps ; and as we passed away from the spot, and lingered for a moment by the grave of Will Dean " aged 79," and read how " all fall .alike, the fearful and the brave," we might well think how long and brilliant had been their career, and what pages might have been added to the annals of the Chase, if " The Master of the Donnington," Will Goodall, and Sir Harry had not died in their prime. THE END. Frederick Warne 6° Co., Publishers. THE DRUID'S" SPORTING LIBRARY. Large fcap., price 2s. 6d. each, picture boards. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN. ^ POST AND PADDOCK. SCOTT AND SEBRIGHT. SILK AND SCARLET. NEW EDITIONS. Revised by SYDENHAM DIXON. By the ; Druid." 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