Annual Catalogue of the Price Normal and industrial School 1910-1911 Columbus, Georgia ^ | ( ) ( U ' • X '- A 'r k&ttf&k.i.. >* V >: f ifj#' >. .. ,.'i ANNUAL CATALOGUE OF THE PRICE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL I9I0-I9II No. 1508 Fifth Avenue, Columbus, Georgia. - We know of no way to invest, say, $10.00 per month, that will bring more happiness and add more to the refinement of your home than in a new KIMBALL PIANO besides, a daughter can always take care of herself, in case she is thrown on her own resources, If she is educated in music. THINK OF THIS. Arthur Piano and Organ Co., R. J, ARTHUR, Proprietor. Successor to J. N. Pease & Co.and Arthur & Humes. Phone 217 1038 Broad St. Columbus, Ga. PIANOS TUNED BY EXPERTS. TRUSTEES. Edwin J. Turner, M. D., President Columbus, Ga. Eev. W. D. Johnson, D. D., Vice-President Columbus, Ga. F. H. Anderson, Treasurer Columbus, Ga. J. T. Bailey, Secretary Columbus, Ga. J. T. Shepherd Columbus, Ga. R. P. Porter Columbus, Ga. P. W. Walker. Columbus, Ga. Eev. P. S. L. Hutchins, D. D Dothan, Ala. Eev. E. J. Carter, D. D Columbus, Ga. Dr. E. H. Cobb, D. D. S Columbus, Ga. He v. John Cooper, D. D Columbus, Ga. Eli Colston Phenix City, Ala. Eev. Jas. H. Carter Columbus, Ga. Eev. G. W. Allen, D. D Columbus, Ga. Eeese B. Bell Fortson, Ga. Dabney Williams Flournoy, Ala. Eev. G. W. Smith, D. D Albany, Ga. Eev. G. W. Williams, D. D Columbus, Ga. Eev. J. B. Miller .Columbus, Ga. Eev. A. Bell Columbus, Ga. Eev. E. K. Paschal Columbus, Ga. Eobert Mack&y Columbus, Ga. Eev. King Midland, Ga. I.'E. Eobinson Fortson, Ga. JRev. Ernest Senior Midland, Ga. H. H. Williams Albany, Ga. FACULTY. THOMAS S. PRICE, President of the School, Professor of Higher Mathematics, Latin and Philosophy. MRS. LEILA M. THORNTON, Principal of Grade School and Instructor in Music. JAMES E. PETERS, Ph. C., Professor of Chemistry. MRS. KATE C. DOZIER, Domestic Art. THOMAS B. PRICE, M. D., Professor of Physics, Physiology and Hygiene. Other teachers not elected at time of publication of Catalogue. Price Normal and Industrial School 3 NORMAL COLLEGE. GRADUATES. Minnie F. McDuffie, Marie I. Walker, Joseph T. McDuffie, Andrew K. Wright, 3, 1 896. Annie B. Smith, Annie M. Williams, James L. Jones, Willie H. Wright. Mary L. King, Nellie E. Porter. Celia C.Stafford, Shahaker Colton, Maggie A. Pierce, 8, 1897. Mosell L. Mahone, Chester M. Price, Moses J. Myricks, Hermon D. Leonard, Joe. W. Taylor. 1898. Addie L. Andrews, Princess P. Hutchinson, Lelia M. Jackson. 1899. Eddie Dents. Louise M. Hunley, Eva B. Spicer, Effie M. V. Bailey, Nettie L. Guerry, Matilda E. Lewis, Mary L. Reid, Sarah A. Lewis,' Katie M. Jones. Thomas B. Price, Robert Greyar, Norma Walker, Annie B. Flournoy, 4, 1901. Mary O. Jenkins, Fannie Marshall, Maggie Jones, Rachael Johnson. june 2, 1903. Mamie Robinson, Willie B. Harris, Della B. McDonald. Annual Catalogue of the JUNE 1 , 1904. Anna M. Calhoun, Carrie L. Be:ll, Florie Li. Arrington, Ella Nora D. Butler, Don W. Gallimore, Frank P. Hutchinson. JUNE 2, 1 905. Ida B. Robinson, Pearl Riles, Kittie Jarrett, Reuben Riles. JUNE 1, 1906. Emma K. Robinson, Florie R. Hull, Jessie Harris, Annie L. Roote, Minnie L. Jarrett. MAY 30, 1907. Odie B. Robinson, Mary Alice Young. MAY 29, 1908. W. D. Hargroves, Willie B. Walker, Luester Harvey, Willie P. Jarrett, Luella Finney, Mary L. Lewis. Price Normal and Industrial School. 5 WHERE A WAY DOES NOT APPEAR, WE MUST MAKE ONE. THE SEVENTEENTH Scholastic Year of the Pric'e Normal and In¬ dustrial School will commence on Monday, September the 5th, 1910. We strive each year to do more and better work. Our School is centrally located in the most prominent part of the city. We thank the patrons for their liberal patronage during the past years, and ask a continuance of the same, assuring you our most earnest service in the school. The plan of the course of instruction has been changed during the present year to take effect at the beginning of the session of- 1910-1911. There are now two separate and distinct departments; an English and a Normal Course. The great need of the South today is competent teachers. We there¬ fore urge our young people of ability and ambition to consider seriously the question of taking a Normal Course in this Institution. This Course has been especially arranged and adapted for young men and women who intend pursuing a Professional or Scientific Course, as, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, etc. Our Normal Graduates are admitted into Professional Schools with¬ out further preliminary work. Grade School Graduates will, upon pass¬ ing an examination, be admitted to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year Normal. Without an examination, they will be admitted to the 1st year Normal. The introduction of such industrial features as Dressmaking, Cooking, Systematic Drafting and Cutting, Carpentering; the low incidental fee and the increase in the number of studies and instructors, make this an ideal School for young men and women desiring a thorough Normal Education. The Courses in Physics, Chemistry, Latin, Physiology, etc., thor¬ oughly prepare young men and women for a Professional or Scientific Course. For further information address the President of P. N. I. S. 1508 Fifth Avenue. 6 Annual Catalogue of the GENERAL INFORMATION. ADMISSION. The Price Normal and Industrial School is open to young men and women of all races and religions. It aims to give all, alike, a thorough Christian education. Applicants for admission must furnish satisfactory evidence of good moral character. No student leaving another school during the year will be admitted without a letter of honorable dismissal. Students are not admitted for less than one month and no deduction will be made for absence except in case of protracted sickness. Students coming from other schools should bring a certificate show¬ ing what studies they have completed. Students should be in attendance on the first day of each term so as not to hinder themselves or others. Incidental fees and all other student bills are due and payable strictly in advance. This is the rule of the Institution and should be carefully observed. It is expected that all students will be prepared to pay their fees on dates not later than the following: PAYMENT DAYS, September 12th, 1910. October 10th, 1910. November 7th, 1910. December 12th, 1910. January 9th, 1911. February 6th, 1911. March 6th, 1911. April 10th, 1911. May 8th, 1911. In order to secure further time for payment of fees, special arrange¬ ments must be made with the President. In case such arrangements are not made, the student may be suspended. Price Normal and Industrial School. 7 SCHOOL CALENDAR—1910-1911. FIRST SEMESTER. Opens September 5th, 1910. Closes January 13th, 1911. SECOND SEMESTER. Opens January 16th, 1911. Closes May —, 1911. EXAMINATIONS. For admission to Normal Department, September 5th, 1910. Written Examination Once each three months. Annual Examination May 15-20th, 1911. PRIZES. The Board of Trustees will award a Gold Medal to the Normal Graduate who bears the best record of deportment and makes the high¬ est average in his or her studies. EXPENSES. Incidental fee, for day students, per month: First Grade $ 75 Second Grade 80 Third Grade 90 Fourth-Fifth Grades 1 00 All other students 1 50 Diploma, Normal Department 2 00 All bills must be paid fn advance. Students should not purchase text books until they are assigned classes. 8 Annual Catalogue of the EXAMINATIONS, GRADES, ETC. Thrice each term all students are required to pass a written examina¬ tion and are graded accordingly. A daily record is kept, in each recitation of the students proficiency and averaged with the examination grade, which determines the stu¬ dent's actual standing in a given study. A grade of seventy-five per cent, in any study is necessary for ad¬ vancement in all grades above the Fifth. A grade of sixty-five per cent, is required of students of the First and Second Grades. A grade of seventy per cent, is required of students of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades. Actual attendance on 80 per cent, of all the exercises of each subject will be required. Upon completion of the prescribed course of studies, students of the Seventh Grade will be granted a Certificate. Upon completion of the prescribed course of studies, students of the Senior or Fourth Normal will be granted a Diploma. GOVERNMENT AND REGULATIONS. It is the aim of the school to develop the habit of virtuous self-gov¬ ernment, so that this will become a fixed principle of character. With this end in view the rules adopted are plain and reasonable. Students who do not apply themselves diligently to their studies, who do not conform willingly to the rules or whose influence is evil will be suspended or expelled at the discretion of the President. All students are required to attend a daily chapel exercise at 9 a. m., consisting of singing, Scripture reading and prayer. The use of intoxicating liquors or tobacco in any form, using inde¬ cent or profane language, and all other improper acts are strictly forbidden. Price Normal and Industrial School. 9 NORMAL COURSE. To meet the demand for thoroughly equipped teachers, the course has been lengthened to four years. Practice teaching in charge of the President is a part of the regular course and is obligatory. This enables the Normal student to face the problems of actual teaching, while the suggestions of the President and members of the Faculty under whom the practice teaching is done en¬ ables the student to solve these problems in accordance with modern ideals and methods. NORMAL COURSE. FIRST YEAR. Algebra. Physical Geography. English Classics and Orthography. Latin. History. Botany. Music. Manual Training. Bookkeeping. General History. Civics. Mechanical Drawing. Physics. Physiology and Hygiene. Geometry. Literature with Rhetoric. Physics. Practice Teaching. Mechanical Drawing. Pedagogics. Physiology. Higher Mathematics. Practice Teaching. Music. SECOND YEAR. English Composition. Algebra. Latin. Botany. Chemistry. Music. THIRD YEAR. Astronomy. Moral Philosophy. Latin (Caesar's Gallic War). _ Chemistry. Physiology. FOURTH YEAR. Geography (Methods). Grammar (Methods). Latin (Cicero). Chemistry. History of Georgia. 10 Annual Catalogue of the ENGLISH COURSE. Students in the first seven grades come under the instruction of teachers with thorough equipment and usually with long experience. The need of thorough preparation for advanced work in the Normal Course is so great that special attention is given to the English Course. Students from other schools, desiring to take up the English Course should enter, if possible, before reaching the seventh grade. SEVENTH GRADE. History. Arith metic—Ad vanced. Grammar and Orthography. Physiology and Hygiene. Geography. SIXTH GRADE. History. Arithmetic—Advanced. Geography. Spelling. Hygiene. FIFTH GRADE. Spelling. Reading. Arithmetic. Drawing. FOURTH GRADE. Reading—Fourth Reader. Spelling. Arithmetic. Drawing. THIRD GRADE. Reading—Third Reader. Spelling. Arithmetic. Grammar. SECOND GRADE. Reading—Second Reader. Spelling. Arithmetic. FIRST GRADE. Reading—First Reader. Numbers—Counting and writing to 100. Addition and subtraction. Penmanship. Spelling. Music. Nature Study. Etymology. Grammar. Penmanship. Business Form. Music. Drawing. Grammar. Geography. Penmanship. Geography. Grammar. Penmanship. Geography. Language Lessons. Penmanship. Drawing. Penmanship. Language Lessons. Drawing. Spelling. Writing. Music. Price Normal and Industrial School. 11 REGISTRY OF STUDENTS. NORMAL COURSE. GRADUATING CLASS- Bell, Mamie L Columbus, Ga. Hudson, Nena E Columbus, Ga. Pearson, Lila F Columbus, Ga. Stephens, Vera Phenix City, Ala. Thomas, Georgia L Columbus, Ga. FRESHMEN. Brooks, Rochelle Columbus, Ga. Byrd, Alvin Columbus, Ga. Harvey, Fred D Columbus, Ga. Hudson, Echel Hamilton, Ga. Hudson, Mary B Hamilton, Ga. ENGLISH COURSE. SEVENTH GRADE. Colston, Lena Mae Phenix City, Ala. Colston, Norah Phenix City, Ala. Givens, Mary L Phenix City, Ala. Givens, Rosetta Phenix City, Ala. Greenlee, Brady Columbus, Ga. Hensley, Bessie E Columbus, Ga. Hudson, Alfred W Columbus, Ga. Johnson, Mabel E Columbus, Ga. King, Alberta Columbus, Ga. Mapp, Eputher E Columbus, Ga. Marshal], Ella Mae Ellerslie, Ga. Mathews, Ellen Columbus, Ga. Rozier, George Columbus, Ga. Small, Nina M Phenix City, Ala. Williams, Lizzie Lee Columbus, Ga. 12 Annual Catalogue of the SIXTH GRADE. Butler, Nathan Columbus, Ga. Clark, Callie H Cusseta, Ga. Gore, Mary Fortson, Ga, Gunn, Essie Lee Hamilton, Ga. Harris, Alice Columbus, Ga. King, Hay ward Columbus, Ga. Pitts, Jessie Fortson, Ga. Tncker, Mattie Mae Columbus, Ga. White, Lillie Mae Columbus, Ga. Wynn, Clarence Columbus, Ga. FIFTH GRADE. Alford, Doc Columbus, Ga. Andrews, Maurie Lee Columbus, Ga. Bennett, Susie M Motts, Ala. Borders, Frances Columbus, Ga. Couch, Bessie E Columbus, Ga. Garrett, Lillian Phenix City, Ala. Grier, Charlie Pittsview, Ala. Harvey, Carrie Lee Phenix City, Ala. Lustre, Fedie Columbus, Ga. Martin, Evelina Girard, Ala. Rhymes, James R Columbus, Ga. Wright, Mary Lou Columbus, Ga. FOURTH GRADE. Andrews, Fred Columbus, Ga. Austin, Lois O Girard, Ala. Cox, Adele Girard, Ala. Dixon, Bartow Columbus, Ga. Hensley, Jimrnie Ft. Mitchell, Ala. Johnson, Edgar Columbus, Ga. Johnson, Willie Columbus, Ga. Lawson, William : Girard, Ala. Lewis, Clifford Willett, Ga. Raiford, Willie Mae Columbus, Ga. Reynolds, Marie Columbus, Ga. Ruffin, Arthur Columbus, Ga. Spye, Cansadie Columbus, Ga. Thompson, Maidie Fortson, Ga. THIRD GRADE. Adams, Eddie Columbus, Ga. Beecher, Love Columbus, Ga. Brunt, Claude Columbus, Ga. Coleman Dorsey Lumpkin, Ga. Price Normal and Industrial School. 13 Colston, Mary Phenix City, Ala. Goldsmith, Lizzie Mae Columbus, Ga. Griffin, Clifford Willett, Ga. Hargrove, George Columbus, Ga. Harris, Marie. . 4 Gentian, Ga. Hickson, Alexander Columbus, Ga. Hickson, Calvin Columbus, Ga. Jackson, Mary... Columbus, Ga. Jackson, Onie Columbus, Ga. Johnson, Mattie Belle Columbus, Ga. King, Spencer Willett, Ga. Lee, Bennie Dawson, Ga. McCleod, Joseph Columbus, Ga. Moore, Hattie B Buena Yista, Ga. Smith, Susie Columbus, Ga. Spye, Susie Columbus, Ga. Washington, Marcellus Columbus, Ga. Williams, Virginia Columbus, Ga. Willis, Sedalia Macon, Ga. SECOND GRADE. Carson, Willie Columbus, Ga. Clark, Philip Columbus, Ga. Cooper, Edmund Columbus, Ga. Goldsmith, Leo Columbus, Ga. Jackson, Willie Lee Columbus, Ga. Jessey, Walter Columbus, Ga. Jones, LennieLee Phenix Ciiy, Ala. Jones, Moselle Columbus, Ga. Lamar, Everett Columbus, Ga. Martin, Orzella Columbus, Ga. McCarter, Irma Lou Columbus, Ga. Mingo, Arthur Columbus, Ga. Murphy, A. J Columbus, Ga. Williams, Thelma Columbus, Ga. Wise, Trennis Columbus, Ga. Wynn, Minnie Columbus, Ga. FIRST GRADE. Broadnax, Willie Columbus, Ga. Coleman, Mamie Columbus, Ga. Cooper, Eva Mae Columbus, Ga. Gardner, Joseph Columbus, Ga. Glover, Charlie Columbus, Ga. Henry, Louie Columbus, Ga. Jackson, Johnnie... Columbus, Ga. Jenkins, Curvie Columbus, Ga. u Annual Gatalogne of the Jones, Jimmie Lee Columbus, Ga. Jones, Rutha Columbus, Ga. Marshall, Annie Columbus, Ga. Marshall, Jesse Columbus, Ga. McMillen, Bertha Lee Columbus, Ga. Price, Oliver . Columbus, Ga. Robinson, Minnie Columbus, Ga. Samuel, Clarence Columbus, Ga. Sparks, Johnnie L Columbus, Ga. Spellars, J. B Columbus, Ga. Thomas, Rochelle Columbus, Ga. Thomas, Samuel Columbus, Ga. Thomas, Trusella Cataula, Ga. Williams, Deophilus Columbus, Ga. Williams, Major Columbus, Ga. We thank our good friends for the interest they have taken in the School and ask a continuance of their patronage. For further information, address T. S. Price, President, 1508 Fifth Avenue. Dr. E. J. Turner, President of the Board of Trustees. Get in Line!—e®. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Tenth Street Drug Store, Corner Tenth Street and Sixth Avenue. Efficient Service, Prompt Delivery, Courteous Treatment. ROOSEVELT!!! HAS MANY FRIENDS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Co. See R. L. COOK at 823 Sixth Avenue and get a policy. DON'T WALK ON YOUR UPPERS I CAN SAVE YOUR SOLE H. R. DAVIS, 115 Twelfth St., Columbus, Ga. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING. Years of experience backed up by the best of material. Colston Tailoring Co., Albert Colston, Mgr. SUITS MADE TO ORDER PANTS From FIVE DOLLARS up CLEANING, PRESSING, DYEING, and REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Work called for and delivered promptly. 117 Twelfth St., near^PosiQffiGe^ (jDrh^fes ffierno^eci FROM YOUR CLOTHES CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. JOHN W. HILLMAN. 1028 FIRST AVE. PHONE 1578. I'LL DYE FOR YOU. Jack Johnson Will win all of his battles if he takes his meals at the Sims' Cafe 4 Tenth Street Everything all the time. Come around and see. A. F. HERND0N, Pres. E. W. HOWELL, Sec'y. Home Office 202 Auburn Ave., Atlanta. Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. Operating throughout Georgia and Alabama. Issuing Industrial Policies from 5c to 50c. With an enrollment of more than 75,000 members. S. M. JOHNSON, Mgr. Columbus District. Office 1033^ First Ave. Phone 1197. YOUR MEMBERSHIP SOLICITED. C. W. PETERMAN. F. L. O'BRYAN. LETS GO AKOUND TO THE People's Grocery Co., DEALERS IN Choice Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Vegeta¬ bles, Tobacco, Cigars, Soft Drinks and Household Articles. You can get anything you want to eat, both Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Prices Cheaper Than Anywhere Else in the City Please give us a call. It will be a pleasure to serve you. Rock Bottom Prices. Bell Phone 471. 12, Tenth St., - COLUMBUS, GA. MEET ME IN ROSETIME, ROSIE AT THE HESTER 800 FOURTH AVE. COLUMBUS, GA. CREAM, CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS, DRINKS, CIGARS, TOBACCO and AlLjDELICAGIES GUARANTEED TO TICKLE YOUR PALATE * Jipdsey ai^d The place for all kinds of refreshing drinks, canned goods, tobacco and cigars. Call and give us a trial. We are as anxious to please you, as you are to be pleased. ICE CREAM ON HAND, DAILY. Serving to Banquet Parties a Specialty. 1502 Fifth Avenue, Columbus, Ga. WHEN HUNGRY GO TO ROGERSS 1007 First Ave., Columbus, Ga. Everything in the eating line. NUF SED! WHY Let your old Furniture, Baby Carriages, Chairs, Parasols and Umbrellas lie around your house and he thrown away, when the WRIGHT BROTHERS can repair and make them good as new? All work guaranteed. Trunks Repaired. We do Packing and Shipping CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. CLARENCE WRIGHT & BROTHERS. 116 Thirteenth St., Columbus, Ga. For Reliable Shoes Always Go To Satititcj Sboe Company Every pair guaranteed as represented Rex Flintkote Roofing Sherwin-Williams Paint These are the Best and Cheapest WILLIAM BEACH HARDWARE COMPANY. COLUMBUS, ■ • ■ ■ • * GEORGIA. IT IS JUST AS IMPORTANT, that you know WHERE TO BUY your clothes as to know THE SORT OF CLOTHES you ought to buy. It is the primary step in assuring yourself of good reliable clothes service of absolutely correct STYLE, QUALITY and VALUE. Such a store as ours guarantees you this security and more. PRICES RANGE $12.50 to $30.00 Hofflin & Greentree, 1128 BROAD ST. COLUMBUS, GA. Buy Your Furniture and Household Goods From the Best Place in the City H. ROTHSCHILD, 1228 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. ' V' J.t :• ^ ~ ' - WE SELL ON EASY TERMS.