V f; . 7 • • • - y ACTS of the CALLED SESSION, 1863, # and of the THIRD REGULAR AlfiuAL SESSION of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF ALABAMA, held in the ' c CITY OIT MONTGOMERY, t commencing on the V _ 17th day of August and the 2d Monday in^Noyimbbr, 1863. JOHN" OILY, SHORTER, Governor vintil Deo. 1st, 1863. I THOMAS H. WATTS, Governor. ' WALTER H. CRENSHAW, Speaker House Representatives. ! ROB ERT JEMISON, Jr., President of the Senat^ until Aug. 34,1863. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: 8aff0ld & figures, state printers. 1864. LAWS- OF ALABAMA ACTS OF THE CALLEDSESSION", ; A). l.]( ' AN ACT To Reorganize the Militia 'of* the State of Alabama. . Sectiox 1. Belt enacted b/f the Senate and House" of . Jit'iivesr/datives of the State of Alabama,in Gthcral Auseijl- i • V tf convened, That. each county in the State shall oonsti- °iay 1 * hue a separate military district, and it .-hull be'the'duty rf the Governor, as soon as practicable after' the passage of this act, to appoint a special Aid-.d'o-O'amp in each dis¬ trict who shall be charged with the duties hereinafter'set forth. ' • - Sec.' 2. Be it further enadef, That within' four day? after being- notified of his appointment-, it shall !)e tlie Euumsiation, duty of each special 'aid to commence the enumeration ■ of all free.white males resident of Iri'A county, .-who 'are or shall be of the age of sixteen years, and not over sixty years of age, except'those who shall actually hp. in the army or navy of .the Confederate States. The enumera¬ tion shall'be by "beats, and shall show the aye and occu¬ pation of each person enumerated, the' number of the beat in'which'he may reside, and: if any exemption is claimed, the ground of it. For the purpose of faoilitat1 Aids to appoint ing the enumeration, the special aid sliall be authorized a"lstilute''■ ■' to employ three or more assistants, who shall receive for their seryices cdmpensation at the rate of fifty cents for each person enumerated by them.. For a failure faith¬ fully to discharge their duties without .a sufficient excuse, Be"1'7 for fai^ to be judged of by the Governor, the assistant enumer- 1863. 4 ating officer shall forfeit all compensation, and shall in addition be guilty of a misdemeanor, upon conviction of which, they shall bo fined not less than one hundred dol¬ lars, and imprisoned in the county jail not less* than one nor longer than nine months, at the discretion of the jury trying the same. * * Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the special aid within five days "after the enu¬ meration has been completed in his county, ^ to divide the entire list of persons so enumerated into two classes. <3ms Ob#. Class number one shall be composed, 1st,* of all persons under the age of seventeen years : 2d, all persons over the age of forty-five years : 3d, all officers belonging to the executive, legislative or judicial departments of the Confederate States of America and of the State of Ala¬ bama: and 4th, all persons who shall be certified by a board of surgeons, as hereinafter provided, to be unfit for service in. the second class hereinafter mentioned, but ■aw* two. f°r service i*1 8aid first class. Class number two shall consist of all enumerated persons except those enumer¬ ated in class number one, and of such persons in. class .number one as may choose to enumerate themselves in class number two, which they are authorized to do. In all cases of doubt as to the age of parties who may be Enumerated, the question shall be decided by the special aid of the county, upon the affidavit of the person whose age may be in question, and upon such other evidence as li#u to be m»de. may be adduced. It shall be the duty of the special aid to file one copy of these lists in the office of the Probate Judge of his county, and to forward duplicate copies to the office of the Adjutant General of the militia. The b#»u to b# con- 8Pecial shall also be empowered when there are but •oiidated. a few persons enumerated in a particular beat, to incor¬ porate and consolidate two or more adjacent beats into one, and to define the boundaries of beats when they are not sufficiently defined or understood, and provided, that the special aid for the county shall be empowered for the . purposes of this act, to define said be.it lines, and may combine the beats when in his judgment the beats so combined" shall be too small to admit of organization : Exemption#. Provided further, the Governor may exempt any portion of the State from the operation o ' thin act, as to the first class, whenever he thinks propm, and for any length of time.ho deems fit: And prqvide ' •< oVr, That the per¬ sons composing the first class n< mod desiynate t>jie class to which they bnloyy'r ajud ffiso die number of enumerated persons ot tliat class en if1 raced in tbe command of each officei. The officers cleffird, when commissioned, shall be vested with all the authority ipjwrtaimn.ee to similar rank in 'the present-hub tin system of tlie State. Commandants Bi«ed°offleefs sljall lie nut ho rim d ' to appoint the norfconiinffisicuied .appointed. ofiffierft usually appertaining to .similar command^ that is to say, in commands of captains, there shall be four sergeants and four corporals : in commands of itrffi lieutenants, two se rye ants and, two corporals: in eom- mands pf second lieutenants, on,e sergeant and one ccr- ppral. * Suspension of Seo. 5,( Be it J u Biter. enacted, That vffieiiever tlie military code. , Q-^vemor shall have been advised that the oryaniznti3 m hffiejnbefoTc provided,, for littve been completed inffiny county, and* the officers therein elected. Iffive been crw- •missioned, it-shallf be his duty, within ten days th^re.it- tyr* tp declare the mili ny ore am mtium theretofore crust¬ ing in'paid county under-the Milhary Code of-Aid .qua 'suspended, and the uffic-ers under said oryanffiations relievpd frpm their commands duriny the continuum r „ 0 the, present war with the United States, and the officer-, iivsaid, ory'anizffiionfi shall be subject to all the military 'duties imposed, by cthis'not upon persons of the same -aye'pith themselves, ^erm, compensa-, $£0. ffi. , Be further enacted, That the -duties of the o^owmiiltta^rite: spwffi'd aid jn each^fCountv shall uease when he lias ret tprned to- the Governor the names of the officer'^ fleeted aft hqrfinbeJTpra provided for, and he shall he entitled to compensation at the rate of five dollars per day for tkf time be W5)s tliys employed. For a failure to discharge the duties, herein imposed upon him with promptness apd fidelity, without a good excuse to be judged. of by tho Governor the special aid shall, forfeit aljypmpensa- 7 1863, tion, and in addition , shall lj>e guilty of a misdemeanor, upon conviction of which lie shall be punished by fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and imprisonment in the county jail of not less- than one month nor more than nine months, at the discretion of the jury trying the same. Sec. 7. lit'it. further enacted, That whenever a va-v&eattcieg cancy shall occur atnong the beat commandants either of®1®*. ' State'militia or. county, reserves, or when the command¬ ant shall fail or 'refuse to- serve, it shall be the duty of the county commandant of the class in which' the va¬ cancy occurs, within five days after ascertaining such vacancy, to issue writs of election filling such vacancy, giving the same notice thereof as in the first election. And when a vacancy shall occur in the office of county commandant of either class, or when the commandant shall1 fail or refuse to serve, it shall be |he duty of the Probate Judge of the county to isSue- writs of election as the special aid was required-to do in the first election, and in' all cases the offiqers ordering the election shall give the casting vote in case of a'tie. . , . Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That -it shall be the duty of the commandant of each class in each bea,t to BaatRoiIS' keep a roll of all persons embraced in their respective classes, and as persons may "arrive at or 'pass beyond the ages embraced in their classes, to give notice thereof to the county commandant, and also to notify the' county commandant when any person shall move'into or'out of their respective beats, so that the county commandant' shall continue a complete enumeration of all persons of both classes in their respective counties.. And it shall be the duty of the county commandants of the State cA^adam^? militia, once in three months, to report to the Adjutant' General of militia all changes-which may haye occurred in the State militia of their respective counties since the last'report. ' Sec. 9,' Beit further enacted, That whenever, in the _ • - •'» n ' i • •, .1 J'i •. "Goxernor ra&y opinion of the Governor it shall be necessary, either' to can out militia repel'invasion.or suppress insurrection, or exe6ute.tlie: laws, to'call thq State'militia oy* any part thereof into' active military service,'he shall' be authorized and em¬ powered to do so, and whenever a requisition for either of these, purposes shall be'made upon him by the Presiq dent' of the Confederate. States, the Governor, shall' ap¬ portion the number of militia required, among the dif¬ ferent-counties,, jn proportion to the enumerated militia 1863. 8 therein, and make a requisition therefor upon the several county commandants of the State militia. And when¬ ever the Governor shall .make a requisition, he shall be and is hereby authorized to make all necessary regula¬ tions as to the mode of calling out the militia and organ¬ izing them into companies, battalions, regiments, brig¬ ades and divisions ; Provided, however., That in all com- •SdVnd»p- Pany> battalion and regimental organizations, the com- pomted. missioned officers shall be elected by the men composing such organizations, and in all brigade and division organ¬ izations, the commanders shall be appointed by the Governor. < Sec 10. Be it further enacted, That whenever the £rrice!eBlB,r militia shall be called into actual service as hereinbefore provided for, they shall receive the pay and allowances, and shall be subject to the regulations for the govern¬ ment of the army of the Confederate States of America ; p«n»itiea for an<^ any mditiaman now being so ordered into service, Mur». °r who shall fail or refuse after due notice, to enter said service, or being therein, shall leave the same without permission, shall be liable to be tried and punished as a deserter, and subject to all the pains and penalties im¬ posed upon deserters in the articles of war for the gov¬ ernment of the army of the Confederate States. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the county re- serves embraced in class number one, under the enume¬ ration hereinbefore provided for, shall be subject to the . order of the Governor to be employed as a military force for repelling invasion, suppressing insurrections and ex¬ ecuting the laws, at any point within the county to which they belong ; or in case of any sudden incursion of the enemy, in which the county commandant of re¬ serves has not time to communicate with the Governor, or to await his orders, it shall be the duty of such county commandant, and without delay, to call out the whole or such portion of his command as may be necessary ; and while so actually in service, the reserves shall be gov¬ erned by the regulations which govern the army of the Confederate States, but they shall not be retained in service any longer than the immediate necessities of the case may require. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the' cadets of the JMhnMjo* University of the State shall be organized into a military corps, and made subject to the orders of the Governor, for any military service within the State. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That there^ shall be & 9 1863. board of not less than two nor more than three surgeons for each county, to be appointed by the county, comman-pe¬ dant of militia, a part of whose duty shall be to examine all persons who claim to be unable to bear arms, and who • Bhall be sWorn "faithfully, impartially, and without favor, to discharge their duties. Each member of the board shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of five dol¬ lars per day during the sitting of the board ; and for the purpose of classification, as provided by the third sec¬ tion of this act, the county aid shall appoint said board of surgeons, who shall continue in office until another is appointed by the county commandant. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That no person shall he coruficat# or excused from service in the second class on the groundge*^?u,rminM that he is unable to bear arms, unless he obtain a certifi¬ cate of the board of surgeons to that effect, and the cer¬ tificate shall show whether such person is capable of ser¬ vice in the first class or not, and if he be, he shall enu¬ merate himself in the proper beat of the first class. . Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That in case of a failure to hold an election, or in case an officer elected shall fail Appoiatmeuu or infuse to serve, the special aid of the proper county e°oct, a£? shall make the appointment, and report the name and rank of the officer appointed to the Governor, who shall commission him as if duly elected. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That any person made mar TOi_ subject to service by this act, may volunteer in the mili- tary or naval service of the Confederate States, or in any company authorized by the act of the Congress of the Confederate States, approved August 21, 1861, entitled "an act to provide for local defense and special service," but shall again be subject to State service when his term of service as a volunteer shall expire. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is voiuntw*. authorized to receive volunteer companies for such term and under such organization as he may deem expedient, which companies shall be subject to his orders. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the Governor may, voiunuer orgaui. in his discretion, organize such volunteer companies into "aUoM* battalions and regiments, in conformity' [with the provi¬ sions of an act of the General Assembly of this State, entitled " an act to. raise an additional volunteer force for the defense of the State, and to resist invasion," ap¬ proved 22d November, 1861. Sic. 19. Be it further enacted, That the members 'of^, «ucb volunteer companies, battalions and regiments, gub-m»iu*4<*ir. 1863. 10 ffi,militia duty, shall he, subject tp»the enumeration; , provided for..by this act, precisely as'.if no such compa-. nies, battalions or regiments'- liad .been formed ; ptnd in, cas.c .a draft is ordered from, the militia, such members shall be subject thereto in tho(sanip maimer and to the. • same extent, as if,the volunteer' company, battalion or regiment to which they belong had not been organized.. unless, if privates or,.company officers, the company to* ■which they belong, or jf fiejd,01* staff officers, the batta¬ lion or regiment to which - the}' belong, shall - volunteer ftp the term and service for which such draft is ordered. ►Sec. Lffi. Be it further exacted, That any person subject ranroad^cmpu.y-to service, in.the second class, who is in the employ of ■ ees, how exempt-^}ie government' of .the Confederate States, or has a con- • tract with, said .government, pr is employed on any rail¬ road, may he exempted from service under this act, upon the. re quest of the, .Secretary of. War, naming the em¬ ployee or contractor to 'be exempted, communicated to the proper commandant, through ..the Governor or other military officer of the county, ibr such length of time as may he requested ; and wiien that time expires he shall.' ; take his plape in the class tp Avhich he properly-belongs; P:rovkhn' or IVn.llti^for officer who is required to perform a duty by this aci;, failure. t shall wilfully'and knowingly're-fuse or fail to perform tlie same, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, arid subject to indictment therefor,1 and on conviction thereof sliall.be fined hr imprisoned at the discretion of the jury1-trying the. case. . ' . t SeO; "XI- Be it farther endctbd,)'That the Governor shall militia ordered fie authorized to order but the. militia of aity county or to°!w^her?oimty Counties in this ^tate for the purpose of arresting desert¬ ing or .straggling soldiers-, or spies or traitors, in any oth- er county of tin? State. ■ 11 : Seo,'12-. Beit farther enacted, That for "the purpose ^Appropriation, paying the expenses that mUy.be' -incurred nude,r, this act, the sunt of one hundred'thousand, dollars, or so 'much "thereof as is necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any fnofiey in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. /Approved August 29, 1863. ' H63. U No. 4.] AN ACT In relation to working on Public Roads. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all white male persona between the ages of sixteen and fifty years shall be liable to work on pub¬ lic rpads. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all male white per¬ sons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years of age, shall be liable to appointment as overseers of public roads. Xefroe* u »o-eo. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all male slaves and free negroes between the ages of fourteen and sixty years shall be liable to work on public roads. t°rce- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the same laws now governing roads, shall in all other cases be applied to this act. Approved August 29, 1863. Bmd working ag« 10 to 60. Orernoem 31 to W. No. 5.] AN ACT To contribute to the support of the families of Soldiers in the Military service from the State of Alabama. Appropriation. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of one million of dollars be and the . same is hereby appropriated for the support of the indi¬ gent families of soldiers who are now in or may hereafter enter the military service of the Confederate States from the State of Alabama, or who may be in the military ser¬ vice of this State, to be distributed in the months of Oc- Wheu distributed tober, November and December next, one-third in each month, under the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide for the support of the indigent families of sol¬ diers in the army of the Confederate States from the State Provigo. of Alabama/* approved 12tli November, 1862 : Provided, That-no family of any substitute that has been, is, or shall be in the military service, shall be entitled to any of the bone/its of this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any judge of pro¬ bate, commissioner or agent employed in carrying out the IT 1863. provisions of this act, shall appy any of the funds or arti¬ cles which may come into his hands to his own use, he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if the unappropri¬ ated funds in the treasury should be insufficient to meet pernor author, this appropriation, the Governor is hereby authorized to neasuVNotw. use treasury notes of this State, which have been or shall hereafter be issued, redeemable in treasury notes of the Confederate States. • '' • Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any agent or offi¬ cer who may be entrusted, with the distribution of the?®°alty for fail" funds appropriated for the benefit of the indigent fatni- lies of' soldiers, shall wilfully fail to make an equal and impartial application of the same, he shall be subject to indictment^therefor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hun¬ dred, and shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than six months. , Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the indigent families Famines of de- • whoro taxes must resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly i)« paid. convened, That all persons who have been declared by acts of the Legislature, liners, and made citizens of coun¬ ties other. than the county in which they live, or their houses are situated; shall pay their State and county taxes on slaves and other property in the county in which such property may be held and located at the commencement of the tax year. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts Repeal- 0f laws in conflict with this act, be and the same are here¬ by repealed. Approved August 27; 1863. No. 12.] AN ACT i i To* authorize Circuit Judges to hold special terms of the Circuit Court in .certain cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- judgo may holdresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly wnoour™ C'r convened, That section 13-4 of the Code of Alabama, be and the same is hereby amended so as to authorize the 21 1863. judge of a circuit in which there may happen a failure to hold a term; to make an order in vacation for a special #term to be held for the disposal of the business of the court, and to direct the clerk of the court to publish no¬ tice of the time when the court will be held, in a news¬ paper in the county, if there be one, or in an adjacent county, if there be none in the county where the term is' to-be held. Approved August 27, 1863. No. 13.] AN ACT To amend section 1934 of the Code. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 1934 of.the Code of Alabama, he^emimon^ot and the same is hereby amended as .follows, to-wjt} add administrator;, to the end of said section, "No suit which has been or may be brought by any such executor or administrator in any court iii this State, shall be abated, barred or affected by any appointment of an administrator in this State made after the commencement of such suit." ^ Approved August 27, 1863.*. No. 14.] AN ACT Supplementary to an act to .authorize the Confederate • States to purchase and hold in Alabama a site for Rol¬ ling Mills, Foundry, , « Sec. 3. Be it further'enacted, That when a party to a ■ ■suit or other proceeding in chancery, is alleged, to be ofbHe^veid- ™^ unsound mind, and to have lio legal guardian, such party <»an ad num. may be brought into, court, by service of process upon 1863. 26 him or her personally ; and a guardian ad litem shall be appointed for such person, as in case of infants over four¬ teen years of age, who fail to select or nominate a guar¬ dian ad litem. Approved August 29, 1863. .No; 21.] ' AN ACT To authorize Probate Judges to impress provisions in certain cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- when and how resentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly may" made. convened, That whenever any commissioners court in this. State shall determine to purchase supplies for the desti¬ tute families of soldiers • instead of distributing morfey, the probate judge shall. be authorized to purchase the same ; but in the event that he cannot do so, he is.hereby authorized to impress any provisions that may be necessa¬ ry for the purpose above specified and pay for the same just compensation, to be ascertained in the mode and under the rules mentioned and laid down in the act enti¬ tled J" Ah act to provide for the public safety," approved October -31st, 1862, and the act entitled " An act to amend an act to provide for the public safety," approved Novem¬ ber 17th, 1862, for ascertaining compensation for proper¬ ty impressed under said acts, making the necessary changes in said acts so as to make them applicable to the , cases contemplated - by this act. The iudge of probate l'owors conferred. ,. ' ■Jr . . J: . j f . ,i m relation to arriving at compensation, may do what the Governor is authorized by said acts in relation to arriving at compensation; provided, the • provisions absolutely necessary for the support of a person's family shall not be impressed under this act. -Approved August 2^ 1863. No. 22:] AN. ACT ' . To regulate the toll of Grist Mills in this State. , . Section 1. Be it enacted by theSenate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 27 1863. convened. That from and after the. passage of this act, Toll t0 be no owner or employee of any steam grist mill or other grist mill in this State, shall take or receive as toll, or otherwise, for grinding grain of any description more than one-eighth of the grain ground. Seb. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall, , violate the provisions of the first section of this act, he p*nsUJr' or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and or convic¬ tion thereof, shall be fined in any sum the jury trying the case may assess, besides being liable to the penalty pre¬ scribed by section 1111 of the Code of this State-i Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all special and. gen- eral acts-of the General Assembly of this State, in con- repealed^ ■ flict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are (hereby repealed. Approved August 29,1863. No. 23.]. AN ACT To provide for the printing and distribution of the Acts of . the present extra session of the General Assembly.* Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly &cmo 01 printiDe> convened, That within five days after the adjournment of the present extraordinary session of the General Assem-^ .bly, it shall be the. duty of the Secretary of State to de^ liver to the State printers copies of all the' acts passed at said session, to be printed, stitched and trimmed in pamphlet form, at the earliest practicable moment, and delivered at the office of the Secretary of State.- . / Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That on the delivery to How Acts are t<} him of the requisite number of copies of said acts, so *>a distributed, printed, stitched and trimmed, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to transmit by mail, pr some oth§r ex¬ peditious and safe conveyance to the probate judges of the respective counties of the State, the number of copies, to which each- county is now entitled under the law regu¬ lating the printing and distribution of the acts qnd jour¬ nals of regular -sessions, of the Legislature. • Sec.'3. Be it further enacted, That,-the printing of the journals of the Senate and House of Representatives hej^^g^^ri dispensed with until the next regular session of the Gen¬ eral Assembly, and that they be embodied in and printed 1863; 28 with the journals of that session at the regular time of printing said journal. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted That for the purpose of pre¬ serving in a more durable form the acts of the present extra session, they shall be embodied in and printed with the acts of the next session of the Legislature. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That the sum of three hun¬ dred dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to carry into effect the provisions of the second section of this act, to be drawn by warrant of the Comptroller on the State Treasurer in favor of the Secretary of State, on the certificate of the ' latter, officer that said sum or any part thereof, has been expended by him in carrying out the provisions of the second section of this act. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, that he Comptroller is o&Se°rotaryhefeby authorized -to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of the Secretary of State, for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for reading the proof sheets and superintending the printing the acts of the present session, for placing marginal notes and preparing an index for , the same, and attending to the distribution thereof. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That fifteen hundred ex- Miiiury laws to tra copies of the laws passed at the present session upon rateiymtod the subject of the military and militia, shMl be printed at,the same time and under the provisions of this act, eighth undred copies of which shall be delivered to the Adjutant General, for his use and distribution in execu¬ ting the law, two hundred copies to be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State, and the balance shall be distributed by mail to the members of the General As- senibly. ' Approved August 29,1863. No. 24.]. " AN ACT To amend " an act to provide for the reorganization' of the State Penitentiary. • Section 1. Be it enacted hp the Senate and House qf Bep- IZTcrtpuotsteii resent atives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly' not be guards, convened, That the proviso contained in section 4, of an act entitled " an^act to provide for the reorganization Acts to be re¬ printed. Appropriation for hostage, &c. 29 1863; of the State Penitentiary," .approved Dec. 5, 1862, be and the same is hereby amended so as to make it read , as follows, to-wit: " Provided, that none of the guard, ex-, cept the sergeant thereof, shall be filled by persons eubi ject to conscription under the acta of the Congress of the Confederate States, Approved August 29,1863. No. 25.] AN ACT For the benefit of the Widow and children of Philip McGuire, deceased. Section 1. Bs it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Jeremiah Efogan, 'the administrator pfAdminsitrator Philip McGuire, deceased, ■ or any successor in the ad- ministration of the estate of said McGuire, be author¬ ized to invest such an amount of Confederate Treasury notes, assets of the estate of said Philip McGuire, as lie may deem for the benefit of the widow and childrpn of said Philip McGuire in real estate, in the city or county of •Montgomery : Provided, that, before any such pur¬ chase shall be held valid the administrator shall report ^ruo^thcT the same to the judge of probate of, said county, and ifJud*oi?r prob»t«, said judge on an examination of ,the facts shall deem the same for the benefit of said widow and children, he shall confirm the purchase, and it shall then be held, valid and legal; .and the said judge shall enter on his minutes his proceedings therein, which shall be a record and proof o£ what was done in the premises. ■ Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the real estate thus Held purchased by such administrator shall be held by himisLau*.'whni* m the same manner'as personally held by the said Philip McGuire at the time of his death, and as part of his "estate, , ( ■ , • - ^ SeC. 3. Be it further enacted, That all the expenses . and costs incurred in said purchase and proceedings shall be paid out of the* assets of said estate. Approved August 29, 1863. 1863. 30 No. 26.] AN ACT To repeal M an act to authorize the court of county com* missioners of Fayette and Morgan counties to levy a tax oil dogs." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act entitled " an act to authorize the court of county commissioners of Fayette' and Morgan counties to levy a tax on dogs," approved Dec. 6th,*1862, he and the same is hereby repealed. * ' Approved August 27, 1863. No. 27.] AN ACT To authorize M.' McCorvey, Judge of Probate of Mon¬ roe county to act as- such in the settlement of the estate "of Henry 0. Abney, deceased. * Section 1. Be it enaeted by the Senatf and House of Rep "EBtate of Abne reseniativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly e ney' convened, That from and. after the passage of this act, M.. McCorvey, judge of probate in and for Monroe county, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to act as such probate judge in the settlement of the estate of Henry 0. Abney, deceased, late of said county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted,* That all laws and parts of law's conflicting with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed, , • • Approved August 27, 1863. No. 28.]' AN ACT t To authorize the "court of probate of Chambers county to grant letters of administration upon the estate of James M. Kennedy, deceased. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep auto of Ken- resentatives of the Stale of Alabama in General Assembly Pe r' .convened, That the court of probate of Chambers county have jurisdiction of the administration of the estate of 31 1863. James M. Kennedy, late of Russell county, deceased, to grant letters of administration thereon, and to do all things necessary and proper to cause the estate of said decedent to be settled and distributed in said court ac¬ cording to the laws of this State, as fully and effectually as if the said deceased had been an inhabitant of the county of Chambers at the time of his death. Approved August .27.1863. ■ No. 29.] AN ACT »To amend section 1784 of the code so far as relates to Bibb county. section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly sales on credit.» eonvened, That section 1748 of the code of Alabama, be so amended as to authorize the court of probate of Bibb county to grant orders of sale of all kinds of - personal property of deceased persons' estates oh a credit of three years. - " Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the preceding sec- . tion of this act be so construed that said court shall not length of credit, in any case grant an order of sale of any personal prop-1 erty to any executor or administrator of any deceased person's estate on a longer credit than one year, unless the .executor or administrator shall petition said court for an order of sale of such property on a credit of more than one year, and not exceeding three years. Approved August 27, 1863.- No. 30.] AN ACT To change the boundary line of the counties of Mobile and Washington. t Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the boundary line between the counties Boundary of Mobile and Washington be sc| altered .as to includechanged- the dwelling houses and out-houses of John Bates, Gil¬ bert R. Hollinger, Teno Orso and Robert Dickens in • the county of Mobile.' 1863. 33 Sepeai. Ssc. 2. Be it further enacted, That all, laws, and parts of laws contravening the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved August 27,1863. No. 31.] . AN ACT To increase the compensation for printing Supreme Court Reports, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itep- $250° appropri- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 1 •convened, That hereafter, instead of the sum now appro printed by ldw, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars fie and the same is hereby appropriated for the printing of the reports of the Supreme Court. Approved August 29, 18G3. No. 32,] AN ACT In relation to prisoners sent to the Penitentiary of Ala¬ bama from other States. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- orncers h*ro fait reseutatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly pc!wor' convened, That the warden and-inspectors and all other officers of the penitentiary of this State, shall have the same authority, powers and rights, as to the keeping, management and control of prisoners sent to said peni¬ tentiary, by order or authority of the'Governor or other officer of any of our sister Confederate States, so long as they remain there, that said warden, inspectors and other officers of said penitentiary have- as to prisoners sent to said penitentiary by the courts or authorities of this State. , Approved August 29, 1863. 33 1863. No. 33.] AN ACT To authorize Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees of the county of Russell, to make publication in a newspaper of Columbus, Georgia. > ' Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-. • resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly pUbu»h i» convened, That during such time as no,newspaper is pub-Colunibu',G*" lished in the county of Russell, all executors, administra¬ tors, guardians and trustees of the same are hereby au-, thorized to have published in any newspaper of the1 city of Columbus, in the State of Georgia, all such notices and advertisements as by law they are required; to have, inserted in a newspaper. Approved August 29, 1863. To authorize Charles W. Oliver to marry. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives ef the State of Alabama in General Assembly ohvm>*7 convened, That Charles W. Oliver, whose wife has ob-1^17; tained- a divorce and married again, be and is, hereby authorized to marry, as if he had never before been mar¬ ried. » Approved Augusf £9, 1863. To authorize the Probate Court of Autauga 'county to grant letters on the', estate of A. B. Penick, late of St. Claif county. ' 1 Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the. State of Alabama in General Assembly May urant letur* convened, That it Shall be lawful for the probate court of swlminS"lraW0B' Autauga county to grant letters of administration on the estate of A. B. Penick, late of St. Claif county. Approved August 29,1863. Nov 34.] AN ACT - No". ,35.] AN ACT 5 1863. 34 No. 36.] AN ACT To compensate the commissioners of roads and revenue in the counties of Choctaw and.Marion, . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly fWe^L^mue3 convened, That from and after^ the .approval of this act, age. the commissioners of roads and revenue of Choctaw ' county, and Marion county, shall be entitled to three dollars a day while actually engaged in the duties of the commissioners' court, and five cents per mile from each one's residence to the court house and returning home. Approved August 29, 1863. No. 37.] AN ACT To incorporate the Ashby and Cahaba River Railroad Company. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly commissioners 'convened, That C. C. Huckabee, of Greene county,.A. appointed. K. Shepard, of Perry county, Thomas Gholson and Dan¬ iel Prentice, of Shelby county, J. N. Smith, Ezekiel Smith and William L. Saunders, of Bibb county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, any 'five of whom may act and do business necessary to be don^ under this act preparatory to the organization of the Ashby and Cahaba River Railroad Company, and they shall open books of subscription for the capital stock of said company at 'such time and places and with notice, not less than ten days, as they ma,y think proper. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock* of capital one mii-'Said railroad company my be one million of dollars, lion. . , which may be increased at any time, and from time to time by resolution of the board of directiors to such amount as the board may deem necessary and expedient for carrying into full effect the objects and purposes of said company." " . » Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said railroad shall Termini. extend from some point on the " Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad," near Ashby depot, by the most practi- »cable route to some point (on the Cahaba river, near the coal fields of Thomas Gholson and J. N. Smith & Co. * 35 1863. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That as soon as twenty- Pow#ri five thousand dollars shall have been subscribed to the capital stock of said company, the subscribers of said stock, their successors and assigns, shall be and they are hereby declared to be-incorporated into a company by ^the name of the " Ashby and Cahaba River Railroad Com¬ pany," and by that name shall be capable in law of purchasing, holding, leasing, selling and conveying, real, personal and mixed property, so. far as shall be necessary for the purposes ef,this incorporation; and by said in¬ corporated name, may sue and be sued, plead and be im¬ pleaded, answer and be answered unto in any court of law or equity in this State or else where, and to have and .use a common seal .and the same to alter lor amend at pleasure ; to pass such by-laws, rules and ordinances for the good government of said corporation as to them may se.em proper, and generally to do all things necessary to' carry into effect fully and completely the objects of this act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That, as soon as. tenGeneril me0tlO{t thousand dollars shall have been subscribed the com- ihissioner hereby "appointed shall call a general meeting of the subscribers at such time and place as they may appoint; and at such meeting the said subscribers, or a .majoritv of them in value, shall elect eleven directors b}' Election of Direc. ballot to manage the affairs of.said company, and thetors' commissioners as aforesaid, or any three, or more of them, shall be judges, of said first election of directors, and the directors thus chosen shall elect among themselves a' president of said company, and allow him such compen- President, sation as they may think proper; and on all occasions,; whenever a vote of stockholders shall be necessary to be VotoJ- taken, each stockholder shall, be allowed one vote for every share owned by him or her ; and any stockholder p^xie* may.depute any other person to vote and act for him or her as his or her proxy Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, ■ That the president and Annual oiactk-na. directors of said company shall be chosen annually by the stockholders of said company, ' and if any. vacancy shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise, of any president or director, before the. year for which they were elected shall have expired,, such vacancy shall'be filled by the president or directors, or a majority of them * and that the president and directors shall hold their office until their successors are chosen and quali¬ fied, shall haVe power to call meetings of stockholders 1863.- 36 Officer*, &o pointed. By-law*. Instalments. at any time, and a majority of stockholders' shall have "power to remove the president or any director and to fill all vacancies occasioned by removal at pleasure. ; Sec. I.Beit further enacted. That the said president and directors,-or a majority of them, may appoint all such officers, engineers, agents or servants whatsoever, as they may deem necessary to carry on the business of said company, and may dismiss them at pleasure, and a majority of them may determine the compensation of all officers, engineers and servants' of said company; shall have power to pass all by-laws which they may deem necessary and proper for exercising all the power8 vested in the company for carrying into effect the ob¬ jects of this act: Provided, only that such by-laws shall not be contrary to the laws of this State or the Confed¬ erate States and said president and directors, or a majority of them, are empowered to borrow money to carry into- effect the objects of this* act, to issue certifi¬ cates or other evidence of such loan, and, to pledge the property of .said company for the payment of .the same with interest. Sec., 8. Be it further enacted, That the president and directors shall have power to require the stockholders of said company to pay such instalments on their re¬ spective shares of stock in said company, and at such time as they may think best for the interest of said penalty for fail, company, and upon the refusal or failure of any stock- nre to pay. hol.der to pay the instalment required on his, her or their stock in pursuance of any call made by the presi¬ dent and directors as aforesaid, said 'president and di¬ rectors may, upon giving thirty days' notice, proceed to Sell at public sale the share or shares of such stock own¬ ed by sucfi .delinquent stockholder, or any part there¬ of, to the highest bidder ; and if. the proceeds of the sole of such share or shares. should amount to less than the amount due upon instalments as * above mentioned, said stockholder shall be and remain liable to pay to the said company the deficiency in manner and form as here¬ inafter specified. Sec. 9, Be it further enacted, That npon failure or refu- iMrther penalty, sal of any stockholder to pay any instalment called for or demanded by the president and directors of said oompany, or if npon the sale of said shares as before specified, they shall he sold for a less amount than that due upon instal¬ ments as'above mentioned, tfie president and directors, upon giving tAventy days notice to said delinquent' stock- $1 1863. holder, may proceed By their attorney to move the cir¬ cuit court of the county in which said stockholder may reside for judgment against the sajd stockholder for the amount called for. by the president and directors of said company, or as the case may be, for ahy deficiency that may occur id the sale of said stock as hereinbefore spci- fied, and said court is hereby auihorized and required to • render judgment against such delinquent stockholder at Jndffment. the same term of the court at which such motion is made, which judgment so given shall be a lien on. the real or personal property of said stockholder, and. execution shall.issue as upon other judgments for the amount of the judgment and costs, and all notices hereby required to.be given in such cases to such delinquent stockholder shall be issued by and in the name of the secretary to the board of directors and served by the sheriff of the" county in which the stockholder may reside-, and shall be return¬ ed to the office of the clerk of the circuit court as in cases of common writs; and the sheriff shall be entitled to- a ' fee of one dollar for serving such notice, which, with!all costs that may accrue on such.proceedings, shall be'paid by the party against whom the judgment is. rendered: And be it further provided, that said company," acting, by Attachments, the board of directors or their authorized agent, or attor¬ ney, in, addition to the remedies already herein provided "against stockholders, shall h^ve the right in all cases ' "where an attachment would be - allowable between indi¬ vidual persons, to resort to the ordinary process of at- ' tachment, not only to secure or collebt instalments which 'maybe due, but also to secure the remaining unpaid-por¬ tion of subscriptions. to. the capital stock of said com- ' pany, which attachments shall be levied by the proper officer in all respects as othe'r attachments, and the same affidavit and bond shall be given by the plaintiff iand the same bond given by' the defendant or defendants as in other 'cases. The affidavit may be made and bond given by an agent "or attorney of the company, and garnishees may be summoned as in other cases, and these rights and powers shall extend and apply as well to ancillary as to other forms of attachments : :And be it also'further pro¬ vided, that in all suits or motions of the president and di¬ rectors pf this company against stockholders, where, it shall appear that the presiding judge before whom the case or cases may come for hearing is interested, on motion of the plaintiffs attorney therefor, the case-' or cases shall be by the providing judge transferred for trial 1863. "38 to the nearest circuit court next sitting, the presiding judge of which may be supposed not to be interested, so that the case or caseB may be determined as speedily as practicable ; and the case or cases shall be heard and de¬ termined in the court to which they may be removed (the presiding judge being disinterested) as if they had been originally brought in said court. • Right of wa &c Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the said company, wajr' c .acting by its board of directors, is hereby authorized to contract for and purchase such timber, stone, fixtures and other materials as may be needed in the construction, completion, and operating of their said road, and to purchase, receive and hold in fee simple such quantity and parcels of land as may be required by the company for right of way for single or double track railroad, and such lands and appurtenances as may be acquired at dif¬ ferent, places for. stations, turnouts, ample depots and warehouses, workshops, machine shops, and other neces¬ sary purposes in connexion with the railroad; and the said company may, by their agents, engineers and ser- conreya&eos. Vanfs, enter upon and occupy all the lands and tenements authorized to be purchased or held as aforesaid. In case any portion of the land authorized to be required by said company shall belong to the estate of any deceased per¬ son or persons, the company may contract with the exe-, cutor or administrator of such deceased person or per¬ sons, who are hereby made competent to convey to said company such title in such lands as was held by his, her or their testator or. intestate at the time of his, her or their death", of in case said lands shall belong to a minor .or minors, or persons non compos mentis, the company may contract with his, her or their guardian or guar¬ dians, who are hereby made competent in their fiduciary > capacity to convey to said company such portion oi the lands of his, her or their ward or wards, as the company is, by this section authorized to receive and hold, and in , "case such lands or any part shall be held by trustees of school or other trustees or body corporate, the said com¬ pany may contract with and receive Conveyances from such trustee of trustees or cestui que. trust or the mana¬ gers or directors qf the body corporate. All "which con¬ veyances so authorized, when made in conformity with the provisions of this section, shall vest in said company Writ or ad such title as the person or persons who may be represen- d»mnum. ted by the parties hereby authorized to make such con¬ veyances may have in the lands at the time of making 39 1863. such conveyances. In the event that the said company and the owners of the lands, or any portion thereof au¬ thorized to be acquired by said company, shall not agree about the same, and this provision relates also to the lands belonging to the estates of deceased persons, mi¬ nors, or persons non compos mentis,- or lands held by trusr tees or bo'dies. corporate, as above specified, and those authorized in this section to make conveyances thereof,, or in case the owner or owners of such lands may be unknown, or may reside without the State, or his, her or.» their residence may be unknown, in these, or any such cases, the said company, acting by its board of directors or duly authorized agent or agents, may apply to the- clerk of the circuit court of the county in which such lands may lie for a writ ad quod damnum, -which writ, whenever so applied for, shall be issued by said clerk, directed to "the sheriff of his county, commanding and requiring him to summon a jury of sevefi good and dis- , creet .freeholders of his county 'no ways related to the owner or owners of the lands to be assessed, nor stockhol¬ ders of the company, and who are not likely to be inter¬ ested in similar proceedings, to be and appear at such suitable and. convenient place as he may designate, "on a day or days to be fixed by him, which day or days shall be as early as practicable after the said writ'may come to his hands, to asses the value, of the lands specified in the writ ad quod damnum and required by said company, and the damages which the owner or owners may sustain by the construction of the railroad of said company through such lands and the right of way which-may be required for said railroad ; and it shall the duty of such persons so summoned as jurors, to appear at the time and, place appointed, then and there to determine and assess the value of said lands and the damages which may be "sustained as aforesaid by the condemnation of said lands for the use of the company as they may be specified in •the said writ of ad quod damnum, and the same jury may act in one or more cases to be set forth in the same writ or separate writs of ad quod damnum as may be deemed most expedient and convenient, so as to render the cost bf such proceedings as Binall as practicable. If any ju¬ ror'so summoned fail to appear according to the snm- "mons without reasonable and sufficient excuse, to b'e ren; »dej-ed at the next term of the circuit court of his county, he shall be subject to a fine for such default, to. be assess¬ ed by the presiding judge of said court) of not exceeding 1863." 40 *—rrr \ fifty dollars,.for which judgment may;be rendered against him in said court with costs, and the return of the sheriff or his deputy on the.summons \vhich may have beep served on such juror,, stating his failure to appear, shall, be evidence of the default, • The sheriff, if, he shall fail or wilfully refuse to perform the duty required of him by this section, shall, for every such refusal or*wilful ne¬ glect be subject to a fine, to be assessed by the judge of the circuit court of his county presiding, of not less tfian ten nor .more than fifty dollars. If any jurors who may be summoned as aforesaid fail to appear, or by reason of challenge for cause or otherwise fail to sit, the sheriff shall forthwith summons, if practicable, other competent jurors sufficient to complete the.panel, and if the jurors empannelled, a majority of whom shall be competent to * render'a verdict in each and every case, shall fail to ren¬ der a verdict, a new jury shall be empannelled in all such cases'as soon as1 practicable thereafter, and this may be done as often as may be -required, until .a verdict; is had. When the empannelling of the jury shall have been com-1' pleted, they shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, pro¬ ceed te inquire into the matter or "matters submitted tc) their decisions, and for'this purpose shall hear such tes¬ timony. as to them may appear material and pertinent to the matter in issue, having taken an oath, to be adminis¬ tered by the sheriff, to well and truly try the case pend-. ing and submitted to their decision, between A B, com¬ plainants,' and the Ashb'y and Caliaba River Railroad Company, defendants., and that they will take into con¬ sideration the advantages and value which the construc¬ tion of the railroad may give to lands or .other property, as well as the injury said lands or other 'property may sustain by. its construction through or near which it may be constructed. The jury shall appoint one of their num¬ ber to.preside during the investigation, who shall have power to preserve order and administer oaths to witness¬ es, as he is hereby authorized and empowered to do, or the oaths may be administered by any acting justice of the peace, all witnesses being required to take, tfie ordi- , nary oath or, affirmation administered by courts of jus- v«rdicton wrtt. When,the jury shall have made sufficient enquiry into their estimation by inspection of the premises, antf by hearing testimony or by other means, they shall pro-' ceed to render their verdict in accordance with the sense, of the majority,, which verdict shall be certified by the ■ jurors assenting, to it, arid attested by the sheriff* or hi? 41 1863. deputy, and with the writ of ad quod damnum shall be returned to the clerk of the said circuit court, by whom - it shall be filed and securely kept among the records of the court, and a certified'copy thereof shall, when requir-. ed, be delivered by the clerk to either party, who shall ' pay therefor at the rate of charges allowed for recording,' which copy, in the event of the loss of the original pa¬ pers, shall be sufficient evidence of the finding of the jury in the case, the clerk certifying that a writ of ad' quod damnum has been duly issued, and annexing therej to the verdict of the jury as returned to him, certifying » that it is a true copy of the verdict, and also setting forth in his certificate (if not stated in the verdict) a descrip¬ tion of the land to which the verdict applies. Every verdict thus rendered and returned so soon as the dam: ages which may be awarded to the owner or owners of the land condemned, if any be awarded, shall have behn , paid, (and the same if no dafnages be awarded) shall vest in said company, absolutely, all the right, title and inter- ' est in the land specified in the proceedings, and condemn¬ ed, which the person or persons with whopijthe trial was had or to whom notice had been given as hereinafter pro¬ vided -for, if claiming in their own 'right may have or pos-' sess, or if not claiming in.their own right, then all.the right and title of the person or persons by him or them , represented: Provided, however, that ,if either partyAppea1' "should be dissatisfied witli the finding of the jury thq 'dissatisfied party may appeal to the next term of the. said circuit court after the finding, if 'as much as .thirty -days shall.intervene between the finding of the. jury and the holding of said court; if not, then the' term of the court next after, when the case shall be tried de novo by the court and jury •. Provided, the appealing'party shall givfe the opposite party as much as .twenty days' notice 'of the appeal, and shall also before the clerk of said court enter into bond and security, to be approved by him, payable to the party appealed against in; a sum double the amount of what the clerk may estimate the probable . Cost, conditioned to pay the party appealed against all the costs of the trial de novo, as well as the costs of the •writ of ad quod damnum, in the event that the finding of the jury in the trial-de novo shall hot be more favorable , to the appealing party than th3 trial on the writ of ad quod damnum in the first instance. When the person ot non-regents, ••persons whose claim or claims are involved shall be non¬ residents, or their residence shall be unknown, or the. ' 6 1863. 42 owners of-the land stall be unknown, in either of these cases the person or persons whose rights are involved shall be allowed as much as thirty days to appeal, reck ohing from the date of the verdict. In all other cases, the appeal shall be taken in thirty days, and in either event, if the party desiring to appeal neglects to do so until the time allowed has expired, the judgment there¬ upon shall become conclusive and final. The said com¬ pany- shfalh not be hindered or delayed in the prosecution of any portion of their work by or during the pendency of these proceedings, but no title shall be vested in thd company until the proceedings shall have terminated and the company, shall have paid the amount of damages which shall be awarded against ify as well as the costs ' payment jo partp which may be awarded against it. All payments requir- or judge. ^ e(^ company under any proceedings which may be had as by this act provided, may be paid directly to the party or parties entitled to receive payment, or else may be made to the judge of the probate court of the county in which the lands involved in the proceedings may lie, for the use of the party entitled, which payment said judge shall be bound to receive and receipt for in his official Character^ and the judge of probate, to whom such payments may be made, shall be liable on his official bond to account for and pay Over to the parties entitle4 all sums so. received, property of°comS Sec." 11. Be it further enacted, That the said lands or pany.j'» ' other property, when so condemned and estimated as • aforesaid,, shall enure to and become the property of said r company forever upon the payment by said company of the amount assessed by the jury as provided for in the 10th section of this act to the party claiming damages on ' account of the construction of said road through said lands, or for such other property. ' Sec, 12. Be it further enacted, That in case any per- tnjury taroad. -gon shall" wifu'lly injure or obstruct in any degree the said road or roads, he shall forfeit and pay to the presi¬ dent and directors of said company three times the amount of all damages' they may sustain in conse¬ quence thereof, to be sugd lor and recovered in the same manner as provided by law "for individuals nil like cases, and on complaint made to any magistrate with¬ in whose jurisdiction such .offence shall or may have been committed, it shall be his duty thereupon to bind ,the person 'o,r persons so offending with sufficient .secu¬ rity for his or their good behavior for a period of not 43 1863. less than one year, and such offender shall also he sub¬ ject to indictment, and shall be sentenced, at the dis¬ cretion of the court, to be imprisoned not less than three nor more than twelve monthsv ... Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That in the construe-not to,obstruct tion of said railroad, the president and directors Qfpu1)1ic roa^- said company shall not in any way or manner obstruct any public road now established, but shall prepare con¬ venient passages to travel over said railroad. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That after the com*®3118* pletion of said road, or any part thereof, the said presi% dent and 'directors may lay and collect ■ tolls from all persons, property, merchandize and other commodity transported thereon. . ' ., 1 •Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the general as-respiration, sembly reserves the right and power to authorize the construction of any railroad to cross the one authorized by; this " act^ at any* point the general assembly may- think: proper. . ' ' Approved August 29, 1863. . No. 38.] AN a!CT To amend the act incorporating the Alabama Direct Trade and Exchange Company. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate'and House of Hep- , „ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ^eamersf&c.war convened, #That in addition to the powers conferred, the president and directors of sdid company and their suc¬ cessors, be and they are hereby authorized to invest.in war steamers, gunboats "or other water craft, to engage ' in the volunteer navy, or as 'privateer's under the laws of the Confederate States. • • Sec. 2. Be itfurther enacted, That said, company byj^0yd8iand 8011 their board of president and directors may purchase and sell goods, wares and merchandize, foreign and do* mestic, as natural persons. ' . Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the stockholders in Liabil!tr- * said Alabama Direct Trade and Exchange Company now being, or who may hereafter became such, shall only be liable for the amount of stock subscribed, and no more.- Sec. 4 .Beit further enacted, That all .laws.ahd parts * of laws in any wise contravening the "provisions of this ep6ai actvbe and the saine are hereby.rerpealed. . Approved August 29,1863; 1863. 44 No. 39.] AN ACT To pay the Secretary*of the Senate and Chief Clerk' of.the House of Representatives for services therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives, of the State of Alabarrlafn General Assembly $<5o appropria- come^e^ That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated each to the Secretary of- the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House 'of Representatives, for completing the journals of . their respective houses, ar¬ ranging and filing away papers in proper order for the next session of the general assembly. Approved August 29, 1863. No. 40*]' AN "ACT. For the relief of Ellen E., .Robinson 'and Elizabeth Main. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Robinson made resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly free dealer. convened, That hereafter Ellen E. Robinson, the wife of W. T. Robinson, of Montgomery county, be authorized to make contracts ■ and acquire and hold property, and deal generally in her own name as if- she was sole and unmarried. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all property acquired by her under the provisions of this act shall be held by her Property soio. for p0-r goie aiic[ separate use, free from the control/of her „ • said husband, and not liable in any manner for his debts, contracts or engagements either present or future. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That upon all contracts Maybe?dod. made by the said Ellen E. Robinson, who may sue -or be sued, as if she was sole and unmarried, without joining her said husband with her in such suits, and that she may maintain actions,in her own name alone to recover prop¬ erty acquired by her under this act, or for injuries done to such property, and that she may also be sued and made liable in'her own name alone for injuries done by her to the property of othe^ persons. ^ Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all the benefits and Mam entitled, provisions of this act shall extend to and be enjCyed by 45 1863. Elizabeth Main, the Wife of Travis Main, of Covington county. Approved August 29; 1863. * No. 41.] AN ACT For the relief of a person therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate arid House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in Generab Assembly $m.5o uppropri; convened, That the comptroller of public accounts be an&atod> he is hereby required to draw his .warrant on the State treasurer for the sum of one hundred and ninety-eight dollars and a half, in favor of. Charles A. Toney,, the «ab*ove amount having been paid out by " J. W. Latham . for amunition to" be used in defense of the State, and the -account transferred to said Toneyz Approved August 27,1863. No. 42.] AN ACT For the relief of "Wiley J. Coleman, of 'Choctaw county.• Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- pesentatives'of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly refunded. convened, That the comptroller be and he is hereby, au¬ thorized to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of Wiley J. Coleman, late tax collector of Choctaw county, for' the sum of five hundred and eighty-six dollars and ^fortfy-eight cents, which he improperly paid as tax collec¬ tor to the comptroller, for taxes assessed' in the year 1861, and" which ought to be refunded to him. • Approved August 29,1863. No. 43'.] AN ACT For the relief of R. R,. Pickering and James L: Terrell, as Executory of John D. Catlin, deceased, late of Ma¬ rengo county^ Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and. House of Rep- 1863. 46 fre&ito%smiyUirtteritatives of the State cf Alabama in General Assembly ve,t- convenedThatR. R. Pickering and James L. Terrell, as executors of thei'last will and testament of JohnD. Cat- lin, deceased, late of Marengo county, be and are hereby- authorized and empowered to vest any moneys, of the estate of their said testator, now in, or which may come to their hands in bonds of the State of Alabama, or of the Confederate States of America* 'Approved August 29, 1863. No. 44.] * AN ACT For the relief of P. M* Frazier and P. A. Brandon. Preamble. Wheras, Patrick M. Frazier has been elected sheriff, and Philip A. Brandon has been elected clerk of-the cir- • cuit court of the county of DeKalb, in this State, and "wjuereas- both of said persons were at the time in the ac-' tual military service of the Confederate States, and were unable to get home within the time prescribed by law, •in which tormake their respective official bonds,-there* fore. i o bond" Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- Maygivobo , reMntatives-of the tStote of Alabama in General Assembly convened, -That it shall be lawful for the said ^Frazier and Brandon to execute their respective official bonds, condi¬ tioned and approved as now required by law, and to be as valid and binding as-if the same had been filed within the time prescribed by the code of Alabama, any law to the- contrary notwithstanding. Approved August 27, 1863. No. 45.] AN ACT For the relief of -the indigent families of soldiers in' Washington county. Section 1/ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly mrToVrow'mo1 cowve?ie^> That the court of. county commissioners of may orrow m°- Washington county, be and is hereby authorized to bor¬ row a sum of Imoney not exceeding ten thousand dollars, 47 1863. and to appropriate the same to the support of the indi¬ gent families of soldiers in said pounty as directed by th6 act entitled " an act to provide for the support of indi¬ gent, families of soldiers in the army of the Confederate States from the State of Alabama." •Sac. 2. Be it further enacted, That themourt of county commissioners of "Washington county, be and is h&reby ^ leyy special authorized to levy a specirl tax in said county, not ex¬ ceeding in any one year fifty per cent, on the State tax, for the purpose of repaying any sum that may be bor¬ rowed under the first section, pf this act. , , ' Approved, August 27, 1863. No 46.] . AN ACT To provide compensation to the doorkeeper and other officers therein named of the two Hoiises at the pres¬ ent session. „• SectIon 1. Be it enacted by the Senate an# House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in*General Assembly convened, That the doorkeepers of the Senate and Ho'use of-Representatives shall'be entitled to, receiye in addi-» tion to the compensation now allowed by-law, two dol¬ lars per day during the present session of the General Assembly; that the assistant clerk and engrossing clerk'$2 pef ia»y add*, 'of the house, and the assistant secyetay of the senate, shall each receive two dollars per day in addition to thp ' amount now allowed by law. ' Approved August 29,1863. No. 47.] , AN.ACT., For .the relief of William B. Robinson, of Tuscalposd ♦ Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- , " rqsentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ^6}67opriates convenedu That the comptroller of public accounts be and he is hereby authorized and required to draw his war¬ rant .on the Stat^treasurer in favpr of William B. Rob¬ inson, for the sum of six thousand five hundred and sev- 1863. 48 enty dollars, ($6,570) the said sum being a balance due for extra work done on the. insane hospital. ' Approved August 27,(1863. "No. 48.] " AN ACT.* For the relief of the Gas Light Company of Selma and other gqs companies. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate arid Souse of Rep¬ resentatives of the, State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That during the war, and for twelve months af- May increase ter the declaration ef peace with the United States, the charge. JSelma-Gas Light Company, and other gas light compai^-' ,ies in this State,--are' hereby authorized to charge the same prices for gas, gas fixtures and fittings as the gas light companies of the cities of Montgomery and Mobile are now legally authorized to.cliarge. Approyed August 27,1863. Ntf.49.]- AN ACT Making appropriation to pay Joel White and B. B. Davis for stationery furnished the State of Alabama and M. M. Nail, &c; Section 1. .Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of- the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened',Hhsf the* comptroller of public accounts be and $so2. white. ,pe is hereby authorized and "required to draw his war¬ rant on. the State treasurer for the sum of eight hundred and two dollars in faVor of Joel White, in payment of stationery furnished the State. " * Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the comptroller of $124.85. Davis, public accouts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant in like manner in favor of Benj. B. Davis,.for the sum of one hundred and twenty-four dollars and thir- •ty-five cents, in payment foa stationery furnished the State.. . Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That the comptroller of $5. m. m. nan. public accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant in like manner in %vor of M. M. Nail, '49 1863; h # for tlie sum of five dollars in payment for box rent in the postoffice for the use of the members! of the House of Representatives. Approved August 29,1863. No 50.} AN f CT To divorce Lemons Box from his wife Rutha Box. » Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- box divorced. resenjtatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Lemons Box be and he is hereby divorced from his wife Rutha Box, pursuant to a decree of of the.' chancery court of the eleventh district, 'southern division, made at the November term 1860 thereof. Approved August 27,1863. No SI.) AN ACT To divorce Moses Jones from his wile Sarah* Ann Jones. Secti6n 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General. Assembly convened, That in pursuance of a decree of the chancery Jones divorced, court for the eleventh district of the southern chancery 'djvision of the State of Alabama, at the May term I860 thereof, Moses Jones be and he is hereby divorced, from his wife Sarah Ann Jones. Approved August 27, 1863. 7 JOINT RESOLUTIONS OF, THE CALLED SESSION". JOINT RESOLUTIONS To equalise Taxation for the support of. indigent families of sol-! diers, and to support the same by the State. Whereas, the appropriation made,at the session of the legisla¬ ture of 1862, and approved November 12th, 1862, for the support of the indigent families'of soldiers has been found insufficient for said object; -and whereas, in consequence of said insufficiency the commissioners' courts of the various counties of the State have been compelled to levy an additional tax to supply the deficit^ said appropriation for the support of said families ; and wherea.« the counties furnishing the largest number of soldiers ar# in .the* main the least able to supply said deficit, in consequence vdi^rfeqf the said families in some of the counties are very inadequately sup¬ ported, and whereas, all the soldiers of the State are alike battling for the rights and liberties of the State and Confederacy, therefore be it * • 1." Besolved by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama, .in General , Assembly convened, That the indigent families of soldiers of this State be treated with the same considera¬ tion, and that taxation for the support of the same be equally borne by the people of the State, and an amount necessary for such sup¬ port be appropriated from the treasury of tLe State." . . 51 2, Be it further resolved, That for the purpose of .ascertaining the appropriation necessary to be made, the comptroller be instruct¬ ed to obtain from the various .judges of probate of the State the respective amounts raised by 'the several, counties of the State, together with an estimate of the amount of funds that will.be re¬ quired for the support of such families during the ensuing year, and report the same to this body at its next regular session. Approved August 27,1863. JOINT RESOLUTIONS *[n relation to the increase of the-Army of the Confederate States. W3EREAS, the, Confederate Government demands the. services' of all persous subject to conscription to fill up the rapks of. our regi¬ ments now in the field, and.our State taxed to its utmost to furnish troops for. State defense ; and whereas, there are large numbers of able-bodied men connected with the army of the Confederate States on service as clerks, agents, estates of "deceased persons; Provided, that the judge' of probate, shall receive the same fees for. his servioes, as Fees, are allowed by law for similar services in the settlement of an estate in the probate court. Approved^ November 30th, 1863. No/65.] ' AN ACT To allow Probate Judges to appoint special Adnfinistra- . > tors in certain cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate ancl House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in all proceedings in the Probate Courtf0rStoCo^ue! where a deceased party must be represented, and there is no administrator, or the administrator is a party in¬ terested adversely to the estate, it shall be the duty of the Judge of Probate to appoint a special Administrator t0 appoint for the particular proceeding, without requiring a bond and in the same manner, and under the same regulations under which guardians " ad litem " are now appointed. 9 1863. 66 ^ * > Sic.. 3. Be it further enacted, Thaf said special ad- Paf • ministrator shall be allowed for his services such com¬ pensation as the Probate Court may direct. Approved November 27th, 1863. No. '66.] AN ACT To authorize the several Judges of "Probate of this State to appoint 'clerks for their officfes. Section 1; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Pep- ju(ie9 mar &v'reseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly * pomt ciort. , convened, .That the several Judges of Probate of this S.tate shall be authorized to appoint a clerk, who shall be authorized to' do and perform all acts not judicialrelating to such office. . ( » Sec. Be it further enacted, That such clerk shall be p«wor* of ciert. authorized in all cases where there is no contest tb issue letters testamentary, of Administration, or Guardianship, all citations and other process necessary to the business of such office.* "He shall be authorized to administer oaths in all cases pertaining to the business of such office, to take', and certify acknowledgments, and proof of any instrument in writing, required or authorized to be recorded in such office. 1,1 * Sec. 3. Be it further 4 enacted, That such -clerk before Oath and bond." entering upon the* duties of his office shall take the oaths, prescribed by la\^, and shall give bond-and security in guch sum as the judge may require, not to exceed the •'Sunroof five thousand dollars, made payable to stick judge, ppon which, bond such clerk shall be liable to thb judge, to the' extent" and Amount to which said judge may he made'liable, and the costs of any suit against such judge, for any act 'performed by such clerk; or the omission, or failure to perform any of the duties of such office. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding : Pro- profit. vided, That no clerk shall be appointed that is liable to conscription. Approved November 27th, 1863. No. 67.] 67 r . AN ACT 1863. To require the Probate Judges to make certificates and affix county seals free of charge in certain cases. • ^ * Section 1: Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That during the existence of the act to increase *fi£c£#tf°rprt the fees of probate judges and other public,officers,, no▼**<*,ap¬ probate judge shall make' any charge for .official certifi¬ cates 'and seals upon application by non-commissioned officers and privates or their representatives, for. j)ay on account of military services, or on application to extend furloughs. , Approved December 8, 1863. * No. *68.]. AN ACT To provide compensation for Judges of probate in cer¬ tain cases, i * « % 9 , Section 1. Be it.enacted by the.Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of AldbamcC in 'General,Assembly F«es for ketpiuK convened, That on all-moneys ;which • judges ^ of probate ™aideyb^f Biacu*' shall be required to teceive under the f)rdvisions of the *°r- apt entitled An act to amend section 672 of the 'Code, ap¬ proved December, 7, 1861, and as compensation fpr the duties required of them by said act, they, shall be enti- ' tied to one-half of one per cent:'to be paid by the execu,- , tor, administrator or guardian in his individual character, and the judges of probate shall not be required to' take the custody of suclj moneys until said payment shall have been made. Approved November 30, 1863. No. 69.] AN ACT To increase the fees of Judges of Probate'and other pub¬ lic officers of this State.. Section 1. Re it enacted by th$ Senate and House of Rep- resentatjyes of the State *of Alabama iw General Assembly 1863. 68 Fees increase*' 'j convened,, That from and after the passage of this act, and percent. until one year after the declaration of peace between,.the Confederate States'and the United States, judges of pro¬ bate, registers in chancery, clerk of the supreme court, clerks of the city courts of Mobile and Montgomery, &nd of the circuit courts, sheriffs, coroners, justices' of the peace,''-ahd constables of this State, shall be entitled to charge and receive an increase of fifty per cent, upon the fees now allowed by law. Provided, the fee not to apply to any estate, the. amount of which does not "exceed five hundred, dollars. Sec. 2.. Be it further enacted, That no officer shall be when not cntr entitled to the benefits of this act who shall in any ip- tled- stance refuse Cqnfederate treasury notes or the treasgry notes of this State, in payment of the fees of his'office. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in the counties in per eentBly 35' this State having special fee bills for courts of probate, the fees contained, in said special acts shall be raised and increased only twenty per cent, upon the fees provided sumtor oxeinded. in said special a'cts ; ■provided that this section shall not • apply to the county of Sumter. Approved December .7; 1863. No. 70.] AN ACT To regulate the fees of solicitors Un certain cases. ' - * * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bey- reseiitatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly f«* in.diswiery Convened, That in all convictions for offences under "an act to prohibit the distilation of grain in the State of Al¬ abama, except under the direction and authority of the Governor," approved December 8th 1862, the fee of the solicitor shall be one hundred dollars. ApprovediDecembey7th, 1863. No. 71.] AN ACT To cpmpen'sate sheriffs and other officers in certain cases. Section 1.. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bey- resehtcdives of the State of Alabctma in General Assembly 69 1863. convened,, That in alLcases where any execution from any • coilrf in this State has been levied by" any lawful officei4 divide^ betwcon of this State and taxed by operation of law under the a"rfrrs. ° acts to regulate judicial proceedings, and known as the " Stay Law,"- afid the term .of office for which such officer was elected or appointed has expired before the collect tion of such execution the commissions allowed.upon such execution shall be equally divided between the of¬ ficer levying and the officer collecting. Approved December 8th, 1863. N0. 72.] AN ACT To increase the fees of Jailors.' Section 1. • Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- $1 M fur wh.(-e resemtative.f of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ° 1 ! convened, That from and. after the passage of'this act the jail fees a£ to matters hereinafter specified shajlbe as fol¬ lows; viz: To victualing each white person, one dollar and half per day : for victualing each slave or free person of ?1 lor sIav°' color, one dollar and a quarter per day in lieu of thefeeS now allowed by law for similar services. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall con-Durms w*r' tinue ip force no longer than' the continuance of the pres-' ent warl Approved December 8th, 1863. No. 73.] AN ,ACT To increase, the pay of jurors in this State. , Section "1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ^ of rcgu]Ar pesentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly smovu. convened, ^That regular jurors, both grand' and petit, seyving as such are entitled to receive four dollars for each day's service and ten cents a mile in going to and returning from court, and ferriages. , Taios- jurors. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That tales jurors shall receive the same compensation ap is allowed Jo regular jurors, but are allowed no mileage or ferriages. Reposing. Sec. 3, Be it further enacted!,' That all laws 'and "parts of laws' in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 1863. 70 ♦ tvoive months »Sec. 4\. Be it further-enacted, That this act shall remain after pe#c«, jn force until twelve. "months after a ratification of a treaty of peace between "the Governments of the Con¬ federate States and United States, and nb longer. • Approved November '25th, 1863. Fee*,Hiile"bg», ka. Repeal. $0. 74.} ; AN ACT To increase the fees of witnesses in this State. i Section'1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the. State of Alabama in General Assembly * convened, That witnesses in civil and criminal cases in this. State' shall be Entitled to receive- three dollars per day, .also ten cents per mile for each mile to and from their residence, by the usual travelled route and "all necessary ferriages, feea 'of turnpikes and toll bridges, whether a£: tending under subpoena or at the' request of the party. Sec. 2. 'Be it further enaqted, That all* laws and parts- of laws in conflict'with the'provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. ' * Sec. 3. Re it further enacted, Tha't this act shall con- ' tinue, in force until one year after a ratification of a treaty ;.of peace between the Confederate States and the*United. States, ,ahd. ho longer. Approved'Decembdr# 4,1863. No. 7(5.] AN ACT •To .amend section 1143 of the code. „ Section ! . Be: it enacted by the Senate and Housiof Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly &[ " convened, That section eleven hundred and.forty three of repealed.' the Code, be'and the same is hereby amended by strflripg but all of said section after the words " two years " in the second line therof. ' Approved November 25th, 1863. n 1863. No. 76.] AN ACT To amend section 1203k>f the Code.. Section 1. Be. it enacted by the Senate and House-of Bej>* resentatives of the Statet of Alabama in General Assembly-sen on.bo«d if convened, That when any bridge has been erected^ by ^STepsir contract with the county commissioners, -with guaranty feridg°-' • by bond, or otherwise, to stand for a stipulated' pefiodf apd is washed away or bo damaged as to become unsafe to the public, the court of county .'commissioners "shal^ upon the fact being made known to them -by "any. free¬ holder of the. county, notify the' contractor. to * rebuild said fridge if it be washed away, or repair ft if 'damaged," and m" case of his refusal or neglect to do se in a reason¬ able time (to be judged of by the court) shall order- suit 'tp b,e brought in the name of the county, on,said bond-. , Approved November 28th, 1863. * No. 77;] AN'ACT, * To provide for the appointment of oversebrs of ipads in .• certain cases and'* amendatory of ,'sectfdn lldt2 of theJ „ eode of 'Alabama. ' Section,!. Be it enacted "by the Senate and House cf.B&p- re§entatives of the State of Alabalnd in General Assembly convened, That from and after/the parage of, this * act, Apportioned to whenever by death, removal or'any other cause, a vac'&n- when"1 oveH!eer' cy shall'occur in the office of road overseer in any'read, precinct of this State, the apportioners of said road pre- oinct' may and are hereby authorized'to, fill.the unex¬ pired term of said overseer by appointment, and the overTi seer so appointed shall exercise all the powers, perform allthe duties and be liable to all the penalties that.would have been, imposed, had he been appointed by the com¬ missioners of the county court. Approved December 3, 1863. 1863. 72 No. 78.] AN- ACT •To increase the duties of overseers of public roads, and 4 to prevent parties from joining fences to public bridges. »' 1 ' • Section 1. Be it enacted, by the Senale 'and House of rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly overseer to keep convened, That when .bridges on public roads become when!1 °r °r'" ""dangerous,or have fallenjdown, it is hereby made the duty of the* overseer on the road on which such bridge or bridges are located, to keep the ford in order, if deemed practicable by the supervisor, and for a failure to dis¬ charge" this duty, he shall be guilty of a, misdemeanor. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted,. That it shall not be law- "Fence cot to bo fnl for any party or parties to join fences'to bridge's on joined to bridge, r(jads, unless empowered to do so by an order from the court of county commissioners, which must bft obtain¬ ed by a^petition to said court, showing that the water over which - said bridge passes is not necessary to the travelling public, of to stock of adjoining neighborhood. Approved December 8,. 1863. No., 79.] AN ACT .To authorize- .overseers of roads to serve* process in certain cases, and for other purposes. Section. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JXep- resentatives of the State * of Alabama in General Assembly Overseers to ■ 4 Convened, y That the overseers of public roads'are hetein serve process, authorized and empowered to serve all legitimate process that may be issued front the magistrates court in his beat against defaulters to work on said overseer's road, and the said overseer shall receive the same fees for siich. Fees. service as is allowed by law to constables for the same; Provided, there is no constable in the beat in which such process is'issuedbv the Justice of the Peace. . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That a notice to the Notico to owr- f overseer of any slave ^Liable to work on any public road in seer °r ownoi |]rjs gtate, a? provided for by section 1166 of the "Code, shall be a notice to the owner of such slave as effebtually as if- the notiqe was served on such owner in person; and if such »slave fail"'to attend »at the time and place and with the tools mentioned by said notice, judgment 73 1863. for tfre penalty now provided , by law,' may be rendered against the owner of such •slave by the service of process, on the overseer aforesaid, in the same manner as if such process were served on such owner in person. Approved December 3d, 1863. No.. 80.] AN ACT To amend Section 3301 of the Code. Section 1., Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly' convened, That'section 3301 of the Code be and the same option or jury is hereb}'' amended by striking out- all after the Word muaemMnor " fine" in the fourth lino of said section, and inserting the following words "or imprisonment, the fine not to exceed' two thousand dollars, and the imprisonment not to exceed six months, one or both, at the discretion of the jury try-, ing the same." Provided, however ', that nothing herein y , ' contained shall destroy, abate or* bar any prosecution rov so' now pending, or hereafter commenced for any offence re4- ferred to in this aot. Approved December 7, 1863. No. 81.] AN ACT To amend section 3600 of the Code. Pi " / < Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly conviction on convened, That section 3600 of the Code shdll nof extend compiles. °f *°~ to trials on indictments for misdemeanor. Approved December 5th, 1863. No. 82.] AN ACT To repeal section 3948 of the Code. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 10 1863. 74 No Sunday suit convened, That section 3948 of-the Code, be and the «ame for convicts. fs hereby repealed- Approved NovembeF 30th, 1863. No. 83.] AN ACT To amend the Revenue Laws of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and-House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Tax on bonds wr conver'fid, That fi'om and after the first day of March next chased from other, there shall be assessed and collected upon bonds of the than Government gj.^ 0£ ^Jabama, and also upon bonds of the Confederate States, a tax of thirty seven and one-half cents on each and every hundred dollars : Provided, that no fax shall be imposed upon bonds of the Confederate States held and,owned by any party who may have purchased the same .from the government of the Confederate States. "Provided, that no fax shall be levied or collected on any Bonds of the State, of •-Alabama, issued and sold before the passage of this act, which, under/the law providing for their issue, was exempt from taxation. " , Sec. 2.' Be.it further enacted, That a tax of seven and a eoeid.&c.ats on Pe'r cent- shall be assessed and collected upon the nett profits which may be derived during the year ending • on the last day of February, 1864,. from the purchase and sale of g§>ldKsilver, sterling exchange, bank notes, bonds of the Confederate States, and of the State of Alabama, bonds of railroad companies, domestic bills of exchange, notes and other evidences of debt. * * * Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall be assess- Arrcaragcor ta.x3 ed and collected a tax of five per cenf. upon the nett profits derived during the year which ended on the last day ol February, 1863, upon all the sources of income enumerated in the preceding section, in all cases where there has been an omission to assess the same under an a'ct entitled " an act to amend the revenue laws of this State," approved 9tli December, 1862 ; and it shall be the duty of the tax assessors to reqftire'tax flayers to make ,an affidavit in writing, stating whether they have or have not paid the tax upon the profits derived from these source^ during the year ending the last day of February, f 863 ; "and in all cases where there has been an omission to assess and collect such tax, the omission shall be cor¬ rected as directed in this act. 75 18g3. Seo. 4. Be it further enacted, That the eleventh para- Amcnd's A*ct ofj graph of the second section of an act entitled " an act toy8^. amend tlie revenue laws of this State," approved Decem¬ ber 9, 1862, be and the same is hereby amended by add¬ ing the words " money on deposit in this State" between the words " State" and "money" where they occur in the fifth line of said paragraph ; and it shall be the duty of the tax assessor to require all parties who return "money hoarded" to state under oath whether the money so hoarded, consists of bank bills or coin. Sec. 5. Beit further enacted, That all taxes on gold and silver and sterling exchange on hand, on, deposit, or Couoctel°nkm.' hoarded, shall, from and after the first day of March next, „be collected in gold and silver*; and all taxes on bank •notes shall in like manner be collected in bank notes. Sec. 0. Be it further enacted, That'the gold and silver To pay(interest and bank notes, which may.be collected for taxes under on bonds, this act shall be retained in the treasury until needed to •pay interest on bonds of the State, payable "in Loidon, and shall be used for no other purpose unless hereafter authorized by law. * ..Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That from and after the Money in hand, first day of March next, the tax on money, on hand;on deposit, or hoarded; shall be one-half of one per cent. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the act to amend Tax on potion, the revenue laws of this State, approved December* 9, 4862, be amended by striking out the word " ten" where it occurs in the eighth line ot the 9th.section of said act, and inserting in lieu thereof* the wox*d "fifty/* aiid the0n sbiapIasters, tax of fixteen per cent, mentioned in the 7th section of said act shall riot be collected, except from' persons or corporations who have actually refused to redeem some of the paper issued by them, respectively ; where there is no such refusal there shall be no Such tax of fifteen per cent, mentioned in said 7th section of said act-of Decem¬ ber 9, 1862. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 84.] AN ACT For the relief'of those Counties which are or shall be overrun by the public enemy. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and house oj. xiep- resentatiues of .the State* of Alabama in General Assembly •1563. .76 No tax to b« eel- convened, That whenever any county in this State shall lectod in counties be overrun by the armies of the United States," and shall remain in their possession for such a length of time as to prevent the cultivation and gathering of the ordinary- crops, the Governor shall be, and he is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation to the tax assessors and tax col¬ lectors therein, directing them to suspend the assessment and collection of all State taxes therein for the current tax year in which said invasion and occupancy shall occur; and upon the publication of the proclamation aforesaid, the tax assessors and tax collectors in said county shall »desist from the assessment and collection of all State taxe§ in said county for the current year. Approved December 5, 1863. No. 85.], t . AN ACT „ For the relief of the Tax Collectors of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of-Rep- - resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ism# extended u> convened, That all the tax collectors of this State shall collector*. have until the first day of March, 1864, to make* final »et- tlements of their accounts with the Comptroller of public accounts: Provided, they shall respectively file a written proriso. consent of their securities on their official bond for such extensiqp in the office of the Comptroller of public ac: counts, before this act shall take effect. Approved December 7, 1863. No! 86.] AN- ACT To, relieve tax payers in certain cases. * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly b"«ru°nS*4111 tH convened, That in all cases where th€ tax collector of any county in this State shall collect from any person in his or her individual or representative capacity, a larger amount, as his or her tax, than is really due, the Comp¬ troller of public acoounts of this State is required to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the State in favor, of such person for the amount of the excess of money so collec¬ ted : Provided, the Comptroller is Satisfied by the certifi- 77 1863. cate of the judge of probate, under the' seal of the county ETid9'ftC9 0VOT. in which (such excess is collected, that the amount claim,- Pv*«Bt- ed as such excess, is correct, and has been overpaid by the party claiming the same. Approved December 7*1863. No. 87.] AN ACT Where real estate of soldiers is sold for taxes, to extend the time for the redemption of the same, Section 1. Bs it enacted by the Senate and. Mouse of Hep-1 resefitatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly , convened„ That whenever any real estate,'the property of tioBC«xTea*«dmp a soldier in the military service of the Confederate States, shall have been" sold for payment of.any taxes'due, the time \yithin which such real estate may be redeemed, is hereby extended until three years after the ratification of a treaty of pejace between the Confederate«Statesw and thC United States.* .• Approved December 3, 1863. No. 88%] AN ACT To' authorize [the redemption of lands of alien enemies', sequestered to the Confederate States, which, have been or may .'be sold for taxes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep* resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Receiver may ra. convened, That whenever any lands, tenements or here- estw'aX1 ditaments belonging to alien" enemies and liable fot se¬ questration, under the acts of Congress of the Confede¬ rate "States, have been heretofore sold, or may hereafter be sold for non-payment of taxes, and the same shall afterwards be sequestered by decree of ,a competent court of the Confederate States, such lands may be re¬ deemed, on behalf of the Confederate States, by any re¬ ceiver appointed under said acts, and the? time, for making such redemption is hereby extended for two years.from the passage of this act. ■ Approved December 3, 1863. 1863. 78 No. 89.]. AN ACT To provide for the igsue and sale of State Bonds and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcp- Act of 1862 re- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly vived. r° convened, That all the provisions of an act entitled " An act/to authorize-the issue and sale of State Bonds," ap- • proved December 9, 1862, be and the same are hereby re-enacted aOd continued in full force. Appropriation. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of one hun¬ dred thousand dollars, or so much thereof* as shall be necessary, be and the same is hereby7 appropriated and 'placed at the disposed of the Governor, for the purpose of carrying" said act into effect, to be drawn from the treasury7 upon his warrant, as occasion, may7 f equire. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 90.] AN ACT Appropriating^ sum'of money7 to pay7 for the prepara¬ tion of Treasury Note Change Bills. Section 1.' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRep- Appropriation for resefdatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly deficiency, convenedy That the sum of twenty-one thousand, seven 'hundred and three'and 25-100 dollars be, and'the same is hereby appropriated out of any money7 in the treasury, to cover the amount .necessarily7 expended for carrying into effect the provisions of an "Act to authorize the issuance of Treasury Note Change Bills by7 the State of Alabama," approved the 8th of November, 1862,, and of " An Act. to amend an act to authorize the issuance of Treasury Note Chdnge Bills by the State of Alabama," approved the 4th of December, 1862. Approved December 5, 1863. No. 91.] AN ACT To make appropriations for the fiscal year ending on the 30t.h September, 186*4. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the Staie ' of Alabama, in General .Assembly 79 1863. convened, That the following sums of money be, and the same rire htereby appropriated for the payment of salaries and other claims against the Statd for the fiscal'year end¬ ing the 30th day of September', one thousand eight hun¬ dred and sixty-four, viz ; To the Governor, of the i State,, four thousand dollars ; to the Secretary of,State, sixteen oth^s^bouse hundred dollars ; to the Comptroller of Publin Accounts,offiCisrs- two thousand four hundred dollars ; to the State Trea¬ surer, two thousand six hundred dollars ; to the Superin¬ tendent 6f Education, two thousand dollars ; to the Com¬ missioner of Public Lands, two thousand five hundred dollars; to the draughtsman in the Land office. tw:elve huFjdreri* dollars'; to the Supreme Court Judges, each,,TlKlges. four thousand dollars ; to the Supreme Court Reporter, twelve hundred dollars ; to the Supreme Court Marshal and State Librarian, one thousand dollars ; to the Circuit Court Judges, each, two thousand dollar,*.; to the' Solici-Soljcrtorgand At. tors, each, two hundred and fifty dollars ; to the Chancel- torn°y General, lors, each, two thousand dollars ; to the Attorney Gene¬ ral, four hundred and twenty-five dollars ; to the. ClerkClerk3) in the comptroller's office, one thousand dollars * to the Clerk in the .treasurer's office, seven hundred and fifty dollars ; 'tp the Clerk in the secretary of State's office, five hundred dollars ; to the Secretaries of the Governor, twenty-five hundred dollars,; to the keeper of the State House, one hundred and fifty dollars ;. to the Quartermas¬ ter General, three hundred dolhms ; to the State Afmo-Militaryofflcers. rer, one hundred and fifty dollars ; to the" Adjutant and Inspector General, four dollars per day for each day he shall be engaged in the actual duties of his office, not to exceed two'hundred dollars ; to the principal Secretary door of the Senate, and the principal Clerk of the House, .each, keepers, &c. ten dollars and fifty cents per day for each day -of the session ; to the assistant Secretary of the Senate and the assistant and engrossing Clerks of the House, each, nine dollars per day for each day of the session";'to such ad¬ ditional assistant clerks as may be employed by the Sen¬ ate and House, nine dollars per day, each, for the number of days so employed ; to the cjoor-keeper of the Senate and House, seven and a half dollars per day, each, for the session ; to the Messenger of the House, two 'dollars and fifty cents per day, for the session ; to pay contingentEducation, expenses in the office of superintendent of education, nine contingent, hundred .dollars ; to the. principal Secretary of the. Sen-Secretaries and ate and the principal Clerk of the House, for completing Clerks- the Journals of their respective (houses, arranging and 8i 1863. No. 93^ AN ACT To authorize the Governor of this State to lease the » public,lands for certain purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate g.nd House of Rep¬ resentatives of 'the State of Alabama in General Assembly , convened„ That the Governor of. this State be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to'lease the public ptoses lands of this State to companies or persons engaged or who may desire to engage in the manufacture of- Potash pr Nit^e, either under contract with or directly for the Nitre, apd Mining Bureau of the Confederate .'States ' Government, and also to lease for' like purposes' caveSj .mines and mineral deposits upon such terms as he may deeih just and proper. ' / Annr-oved November 23,1863.* No. 94.]. AN ACT * * To Contribute to xne support of the indigent families of, soldiers in the military service from the State of Alabama., " t * * T * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sefiate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of Three millions of dollar^ be Appropriatlonfor and'the s&me is hereby appropriated, for the support of*uPP°rt- * the indigent families of soldiers who are now in or may ' hereafter enter the military service of the,Confederate States from the State of Alabama, br who- may now or hereafter be in the "military service-of this State,,to be distributed in equal amounts in the "months of January, May and October of the year 1864, under the provisions 'of an act entitled "An act to provide for the support of ' the indigent families of soldiers in the army of the Con¬ federate States from the State of Alabama,'" approved 12th November, "1862: Provided, That indigent farhilies Subgtitutes, faml. of substitutes be allowed equal participation in the dis-u«s included, tribution of the funds herein appropriated, except in cases where the substitute received more than fifteen hundred dollars for becoming a substitute., t SeC. 2. Be it further enacted, That -if any Judge-of Probate, popamissioners or agehf* employed in'carrying 11 1863. 82 Penalty for u»ihe out the provisions of this act, shall apply any of the ftmds by agents funds .or articles which myy come into his hands to his own use-, he, shall he deemed guilty of embezzlement, and on conviction shall.be punished as now provided by Jaw for such offence. * « Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That' if any agent or Negieet or faiiqrs officer who may be entrusted with the ' distribution^ by agent. the funds appropriated for the benefit of the indigent families of soldiers, shall wilfully fail to make" an equal and impartial application of the same, he shall be subject to indictment therefor, and on conviction shall be fiped not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, and shall be imprisoned in the county jail not ' less than six months. , Sec. 4.r Be it further enacted, That, the indigent famn Families of da- lips of deceased soldiers and those discharged soldiers; charged Dsoidiers w^° are incapacitated for physical labor on account of wounds received or permanent diseases contracted in the service, be and the same are hereby made beneficiaries Under this act. *, Approved December 8,1863. No: 95.] AN ACT To amend "an act to contribute to the support of the fam¬ ilies of soldiers in the military service from -the State ' of Alabama/' approved 29th August, 1863. 9 4 . Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Souse of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly instalments for convened, That the " Act to contribute to the syppo.rt Of 1863 consoiida- the families of soldiers in the military service from the State of Alabama," approved the 29th of August, 1863, be, and the same .is hereby so amended as to authorise the consolidation of the second and third instalments, for the months of November and December, of the one * million of dollars appropriated by said act, and that the , comptroller apportion the same to the several counties . according to the number of families reported to his said office, and issue hig warrant therefor, at any time after the approval of this act, to the probate judges of their respective counties, to be by them distributed as direc¬ ted by the " Act to provide for the support of the indi¬ gent families of soldiers in the army of the Confederate 83 1863. States from the State of Alabama," approved 12th No¬ vember, 1862. . ■ $ Approved November 28, 1863 No.96.] AN. ACT To give the carpets of the State of Alabama for the UBe • of private soldiers from Alabama in ti^e Confederate service. " - " Section 1. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemblyaoaat#d convened, That such of the carpets of the State tof Ala- to Alabama «oi- bama, in fh,e State capitol, as can-be beneficially used for diers blankets, are hereby given away for the use and comfort of the private soldiers from Alabamd in the Confederate service, to be divided and distributed -amongst them as- the.Governor of the State may direct. * Approved December 8, 1863. No. -97,] AN XCT To provide indigent families with Salt - and Cotton Y&rn.' Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and'House of Rep- maTasait^&c, resentatwes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly "convened, That the-Courts of County Commissioners-of »this St|te shall have authority to engage in the manu¬ facture ' of salt for the use of the indigent families of their counties, and that they shall have, authority to buy or lease a furnace or furnaces, and so much land as may be necessary, to employ necessary agents, to'(hire hands, buy or hire wagons, teams, and to make any and all necessary ^contracts to" carry on the business, and that they shall furnish .the indigent families of their 'counties surplus." M with salt so made, at a price not to exceed the c.ost of manufacture and expenses of delivery: Provided, That If at. any time there shall be in the possession of the .Commissioner's Court a surplus -of salt over p.nd above what may be necessary to supply such indigent families of their county, such salt.may be sold.by .them at the market price for the use of the eourity; And provided 1863. 84 ** ' No ton to st&te. further, that if such furnace, or furnaces snail he located on the State land6 no toll shall be paid to the State." Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the do'ur^ of Cord* May buy yarns.. m}ggi0Iierg Bhall have authority to purchase cotton yarns or the use of the indigent families of their counties,Uhe rarn to be furnished to them at a price not exceeding >ost and expenses. ' * Sec. 3." Be it further enacted, That When any county when not enti* so engages' in the manufacture of salt, and shall make a tl#dtoStata salt'surplus or sufficiency to supply their indigent families, they shall not be entitled to receive any from the St&te. appropriations. ' . . • * ,Sbc. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Court of County fnYioyyTwT7 Commissioners shall have authority to use any money in • the county treasury for the purposes mentioned in this actti and if it is necessary may impose a special tax, not exceeding-one hundrpd per cent, on the State tax, for the purpose of raising funds to carry out the provisions of this act. * Approved December' 3, 1863. No. 98..] AN ACT For the'relief of indigent families of soldiers'in the ar^my ■of the Confederate States. j «< Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the agent of the Court of County Commis- bution. sioners in the several counties in this State, appointed to distribute funds or provisions amongst fhe indigent fami* lies of soldiers in the army of the Confederate iStates, 'shall npt 'be'entitled to more than one*per cent, on the * amount of the cost of said provisions, or on the amount.of funds so distributed. ' Approved December 3, 1863. No. 99.] AN ACT To provide for paying for medicines furnished to indi¬ gent families of soldiers from the State of Alabama, in* the military or naval service of the Confederate States. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- .resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 85 1863. * * r converted, That from and after the approval of this act, if county'to pay any physician o? sufgeon shall, at the request of any fur tflember of an indigent family of a Soldier in the military or naval eeryice of the Confederate* States,'from this State, or any member of the indigent family of any deceased soldier from this State, furnish any neces^&ry and -proper drugs or medicines for the use of any mem¬ ber of such family at a price or charge' not exceeding the market price or usual charge; and shall make affidavit that suph drug or medicine was so furnished, and was ne-Affidau ces?ary and proper, and that the price charged for the same does not exceed the market price, or usual .charge,, , and shsftl make out his account accordinglj^ it .shall be the duty of the court of county" commissioners of the ♦county in whi.ch the drug or medicine was,so provided, "to order t}ie t amount of such account to be paid' out of the treasury 'of the county ; and it shall .be the duty of the" county treasurer to pay it -out of any' county -funds,, not otherwise appropriated ; Providedt however,'that if when court may said court shall be satisfied.by-other evidence that therefQse" account is unjust, it'shall not be allowed : And 'provided Pregcriptroil ^ furtherthat thig act shall not authorize any allowance for not included, apy.'prescription, qr attendance, or medical advice pf any t such physician or surgeon. Approved December 8, 1863/ No. .100.] * AN ACT To authorize the use of funds "appropriated for -military' j and. hospital purposes, to meet appropriations.for the indigent families of soldiers. Section" 1* 'Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives 'of thet State of Alabama in General Assembly Military fund ta convenedT That any unexpended funds heretofore appro-soTiiea^lUes of priated for military or hospital purposes, may be.use.d and paid out by tjie proper officers, for the purpose of meet¬ ing apprppriations for the indigent families, of -soldiers from this Sta*e, until otherwise provided by law, any law to, the contrary notwithstanding. Approved December. 3„ 1863. „ 1863. 86 No. 101.] AN ACT • For the relief of persons rendered destitute by the sei¬ zure, waste or destruction of their means of subsist¬ ence by the public enemy. 4 Sectioh 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itep- peserltatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly commissioner' convened, That it shall bp the duty of the Court of County ^"rt bp ^ Commissioners within the counties of this State, which have been, Or' which may hereafter be invaded by the armies of the United States during the existence bf the E resent war, so soon as it shall become practicable, to old a special session of their respective courts, under, such rules as shall be prescribed by said courts, to'aa- xscortain desti- certain the number of .persons within their respective tutefatniiiss. counties who have been rendered destitute by the sei¬ zure, "waste or destruction -of their means of subsistence either by the public enemy, or by the State or Confed- Eenort. erate forces, and to report the same to the Comptroller, and the extent of the assistance needed for- the support and maintenance of" such persons : Provided, that no Proviso, person shall be entitled to any benefit under this act , who has "not resided in" this State continuously since the •1st day of Mhy, 1861. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That where, in any eoun-, when judge ma ^ may found impracticable to hold such session of report!V, maythe Commissioners' Court,'by reason of the presence of the' enemy, it may be lawful for the judge of the Court of Probate thereof, to render to the Comptroller a re¬ port, founded upon the best evidences which he can ob» tain,.,of .the amount of money actually needed by the destitute of .his county, to prevent want and destitution, which report shall be received and. acted.upon as though, it had- been ^regularly made as provided by the other ' section of this act. SlC. 3. fe it further enacted, That it shall.be the duty of said Commissioners' Court to ascertain," if possible, Mcertdm. ey- Aether or n0£ persons are loyal' to the Confeder¬ ate States ; whether such persons have taken the oath of allegiance to the government of the Upited States, and under what circumstances, whether voluntarily pr1 under duress, and report the same. * Sec. 4. Be it f urther enacted, That when any Court pf Comptroller's County Commissioners, or Judge of Probate, shall Wake duty, &c, their report to the Comptroller, it shall be hik duty to 87 1863. report the same to 'the Governor, who shall determine what amount shall be applied to such counties out of the moneys hereinafter appropriated. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That i any person or p©r-DisloJ,alnotea sons who shall have voluntarily taken the oath "of allegi-titled-. ance to the government of the United States, Or who is , disloyal to'the Confederate government, or who has de¬ serted from the Confederate-, army, or who has harbored ' deserters from 'said army, shall not be entitled to the benefits of this act. ' ' ' S£c. 0. Be it further enacted, That the sum of five Appropriation hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby ap-1 propriated. * . ' - - Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the sums of money so appropriated to each county under this' act, shall be riistributioA of distributed by'the Judges of Probate of .their respective un counties, in the same manner,- and such officers shall be ' entitled tp the same compensation and subject to the same pains ,and -penalties for a misappropriation of the moneys, as is now'provided by law, under an act entitled "-An Act to provide for the support of the indigent" families of soldiers," approved November 12th, 1862. > * Approved December 8, 1863. No: 102.] ' AN ACT To give .the Governor power in certain cases. , . Section 1. Be Henacted by the Senate and,Souse.of Bepf reseritatives. of the State of Alabama in General Assembly \ convened, That the staff officers of the Governor of the Governor may State of Alabama, whose appointments are now" or may dlsmiss staff- be hereafter-provided ,for by law, shalbhold their com- , missions subject to the discretion of the Governor, and may be dismissed at any time, when in his judgment the public service requires it to be done. Approved December 7, 1863. No. 103.] AN ACT To increase the efficiency of the Quartermaster's Depart¬ ment Of the State.of Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and house of ttep- resentatives of [the State of Alabama in General Assembly 1863/ 83 n_ . convenedThat the office of Quartermaster General'as provided for in the military code of the State of Alaba¬ ma, be, and -the same is hereby abolished, and that all the duties imposed upon that office by the laws' of this State, Duties to»be per-shall be jDerformedby the Quartermaster -Generhl provid- formed oy. -n an orciinailce'" To provide*for the military de- ' fence of the State of Alabama," adopted January 19th, 1861. ' ' , • Sec. -2. Be it further enacted, That the Quartermaster* office la bo wt General shall be stationed at the capital of the State, and capita. shall keep an office at that place for the transaction of all business pertaining to this department. , SeCv 3; Be it further enacted, That all appropriations cfothing'and" madp 'by the General Assembly for- the purchase, manu- equiptoents. facture -or distribution- of clothing and camp equipments of'every description-whatever, for the soldiers of, this State, shall bo ©upended'under the supervision of the Quartermaster General,-and it shall be his duty to s^e that all such appropriations are properly, economically, , and in good faith applied to the purposes for whiOh" they are intended, ' * * Sec. 4. Be it1further enacted, That the Quartermaster Distribution 'of General shall.be, and he is hereby charged-with the dis- salt' tributiori of all salt ^either manufactured or purchased by the Sjtate for. the -use of the people thereof, and for this pur¬ pose it is hereby made' the duty of the State salt commis- rnd^cntTto ro- SiOper, and of all agents and contractors who may either port. &c. make or purchase salt -for the State of Alabama, to report *.to the Quartermaster General the amount so purchased or tnade, and to deliver the same to his order for distribu¬ tion. And it is hereby made the duty of the Quartermas¬ ter, General to perform all the acts which' are now requir¬ ed by law to be performed by any other officer of the State'in'the- distribution of salt. * Sec. 5. Bev it further enacted, That all moneys which ,To disburse salt may be appropriated by the General Assembly for the funds. purchase, manufacture or distribution of salt in this State shall be disbursed by the Quartermaster General, to* tfie several agents who may be employed by the State in * such purchase, manufacture or distribution- * ' Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, Thaf all mattys connec- supportofmdi- ted with the support of indigent families of soldiers shall gem families, ^ devolved upon the Quartermaster's department, and it is hereby made the duty of the Quartermaster General . to superintend the execution of all laws .of the State pro¬ viding for this purpose. And all duties which are now" $9 1863. by la"\v imposed upon any other officer of The State gov¬ ernment at Montgomery, in carrying into effect the-leg¬ islation of this State; for the support of the indigent fam¬ ilies of soldiers, are'hereby lhade obligatory upon the Quartermaster General.- ' Seo. 7. Be it further enacted, That all money expend* ed by the Quartermaster General in the discharge of the how t duties herein required of him, shall be drawn from the treasury updn the warrant of the Quartermaster General; sotting forth the fund from which it is to be paid, and the purpose to which it is to be applied. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty 6f the Quartermaster General to submit annually to the RCpo'rt8 tu be Governor, by the first day of November, a complete re-1Jiade- - port of the operation of his department during the year immediately preceding such report, showing the, amount4' of all money received and disbursed in, said department, and 'also exhibiting what has been done by said1 depart¬ ment in providing clothing for the soldiers, in furnishing salt, and making provisions for the support'of the indigent families of soldiers. * ( S;pC.* 9. Be it further enacted, That the Quartermaster Geperal be*, afad he is hereby authorized to employ a omploy clerk, at a salary not to exceed two jdiou&and dollars" per annum. k SfiSc. 10. Be it further enacted, That all matters con- *nected wifh the ordnance department, created by an ordi¬ nance " To provide fpr the military defence of the State r n Approved December 8,. 1863. No. 104.]. : AN AOT . * ' 0 Tq regulate the settlement of accounts in the military department of this State. Section 1/ Be it enacted by the iSenate and Mouse of *Rep* 12 1863. 90 resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly officers to report convened, That it shall be the duty of the several officers quarterly. an j agents in the military department of this State .to re¬ port every three months, in writing, a full statement of all their respective operations for said period, stating the amount of cash on hand, and materials and stores of all kinds, and their situation. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said agents and of- resettle garter- ficers shall be required to settle with the military audi¬ tor oftcuer, tor for g£a£e at the end of every three months, and oftener if required by the Governor, and pay. over into the treasury of this State all cash balances in their hands, if required by the Governor, and on failure to comply penalty for fail- wjth the provisions of this act, or any one of them, shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined in such sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, as the jury trying the same may assess. < Approved December 8,1863. No 105.] AN ACT » » ' * .To consolidate the unexpended fund of the Military Appropriation. i- Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of three million, six hundred and thirty-three thousand, one hundred and seventeen 27-100 dollars, being the unexpended balance of former appro¬ priations for military purposes, be and is hereby placed to the credit of an account in the Auditor's office, to be known as the " Military Fund," and the Governor be and is hereby authorized to draw his warrant upon the Audi¬ tor, specifying in his warrant the purposes of said draft1, and the amount to be charged either to the Quartermas¬ ter, Commissary, Ordnance, or Medical Department, as the occasion may require. Approved December 7, 1863. Military funds consolidated. How drawn and charged. 91 1863. No. 106.] * AN ACT To exempt certain persons therein named from military duty in the provisional army of the Confederate States. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly • convened, That in accordance with the provisions of the er^^sessori^coi- fourth section of an act of the Confederate States . Con- lectors, county gress, entitled " A^. act to. repeal certan clauses of an act cOuuty treasur- entitled ah act to exempt certain persons from military ^ft™tr0ar1sad" service," approved May 1st, 1863, the following State and. county officers are hereby declared exempt from military duty^ in the provisional army of the Confederate States, to-wit: The reporter of the Supreme Court, assessors and collector^ of State and county taxes, county commission¬ ers, county treasurers, general administrators, where they have been in office for five years or - upwards. •' Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor be/ and he is hereby requested to communicate a copy of$^a1£Secretary this act to the Secretary of War at Richmond. . Approved December 5,1863. No. 107.] AN ACT For the exemption of the officers of the Penitentiary-from conscription. "* Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of 'Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the inspectors, warden, deputy warden , Officers, &c.j . physician, clerk, turnkeys, and such number of overseers •'"p1- and guards, pot to exceed in all twenty in number, be and the same are hereby exempted by. this act from military service in the Confederate States; Approved December 8, 1863. No 108.1 AN ACT In relation to Alabama Hospitals in Richmond. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep* 1863. 92 resentatives of thq State of Alabama in General Assembly Hospitals Macon-Convened, Thai) all acts for the establishment of-Hospi' turned ^ajs »n Richmond, Virginia, fqr sick and wounded soldiers from this State,-be and the same .are'hereby repealed, that said Hospitals be discontinued, and that all appro¬ priations for carrying them on be withdrawn. • Sec. 2, Be it further enacted', -That, the Governor be, Disposition of arid he-is hereby authorized to sell or otherwise dispose property, ^ tjie pr0perfy belonging to the State connected with (said Hospitals, and ' to withhold from sale any of said property which he may deem best to retain for the use pf the State,' or for present or futui'e Hospitals, or hu¬ mane purposes, and to do whatever shall be necessary ,to accomplish all or any of their objects. Approved December 8th, 1863. No. .109.] AN ACT More fully, to explain and carry into effect Joint Resolu¬ tions in relation to Alabama Volunteers, passed by 'the General'Assembly of the State of Alabama, and" ap¬ proved November 5, 1862. "Whereas, It is desirable to preserve by proper recofd Preamble nai?ies) organization, services and* facts concernirig 'Alabama troops, in their participation 'as, Confederate soldiers in this great "struggle for freedom, so that relia¬ ble reference mriy be had thereto, for the present benefit of relatives of .those deceased, and the survivors hereaf¬ ter, and the descendants of these brave men; as well as that such may be kept.in the archives of the State, as a perpetual testimonial of the distinguished service these troops have rendered to her Be it therefore enacted by the fifenatd and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section two of " Joint Resolutions in rela- poiWsupoHntrta-li°n 1° th© Alabama Volunteers," approved Nov. 5, 1862, cords*ArmyBo'be so explained and amended as to instruct the Govern¬ or of the State of Alabama to appo^it a«superintendent of Army Records, with the rank and pay of a Colonel of Artillery, whose duty it shall be to collect the names of all officers „and soldiers from thife State, who have been ?Hties' or may hereafter be mustered into the service of "the Confederate States, -apd have them transcribed into suit-' 93 1863. # * • able books of record, designating the cordpany find bat-R0eord. talion or regiment to which each belonged, with his rank, age,'description, place, date and torhi of enlistment, res-' idence, occupation, 'time of actual "service, and when, „ where, find bow such service terminated; and, with ref-Accoimt'R „f Ae. erence to soldiers who have died or been killed in sucbc,'a,HS0!(licrs- service, to ascertain and state in suitable form, as accu¬ rately as possible, the account of such deceased .soldiers, for pay, clothing, &c., with the Confederate government, to the end that their representatives may Have informa¬ tion thereof, to the obtaining of the balance due, without, cost, noting also, s.uch as may be wounded, and when and where, and such incidents of gallantry as may cause any ' . ta be specially distinguished; and keeping such tran-^0gUuDjgUeri*x,lli" script as far'as possible, separately for each regiment, battalion or independent company, and compiling "the same alphabetically, in the order of Companies for each Alphabetical or- command, and with separate references as to organize- d,er of Becord- tion, marches, battles and incidents, as may^e necessary to furnish .history general and special'as complete as' caii be obtained. And such records shall be finally perfected • by such amplifications and tabular statements in recap¬ itulation as the Governor may direct. And sgid superj>f,gisUuts allswi intendent shall be allowed such assistance, in thb pey- form an ce of the duties of his office, and such remunera- Remuneratio». tion*for expenses and labor therein, as1 the Governor may authoyifee. Provided^ that the office herein Ci'eated"shall be discontinued at any time at the^ discretion of the Discontinuance, Goyernor, and the records and business thereof trans-&c- ferred to the office of the Secretary of State. Appr.oyed. December 7, 1863. No 110.] ' AN ACT Ifor the relief of the families of soldiers wjio'liave died • in the military servicC of the Confederate States. '* Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly AKe»tto b0 convened, That the Governor of the State be, and he isPoin'«d- ' ... hereby authorized to appoint an agent, vhose duty it Dut»s. shall be to'collect and 'settle all claims for pay, bounty, ©r commutation money, that may be due by the Confed-, '^rate States to any soldiers from the State of Alabama,' 1863. 94 who may have died, or who may hereafter die in the military service of the Confederate. States during the present war : Provided,.the Governor shall have power to remove and discontinue said agent. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said agent shall be required, under such rules as the Governor of the State may prescribe, to settle &nd adjust the claims and accounts of all such deceased soldiers from this State as may be entrusted to his charge, collecting therefor scrip from the Confederate Government, payable to the par¬ ties entitled thereto, and to. transmit the same to such • parties as are authorized by law to receive the same, without charge to such persons. Sec.. 3. Be it further enacted, That said agent-shall he required to give bond for the faithful performance of his duties, if in the opinion of the Governor such bond shall be deemed necessary, in (such form as the Governor of the State may require. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is hereby authorized to pay said agent such compensation as he shall deem just and reasonable, not to~ exceed the sum of three thousand dollars, which shall be paid by his'warrant on the Treasury of the State. Approved December 8,1863. No. 111.]' AN ACT To provide for the military defence of the State of Ala¬ bama. , Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Appropriation, convened, That the sum >of fifteen hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby placed at the disposal of .the Governor, to be used and expended under his direction, and paid out upon His warrants, for the mili¬ tary defence of the State, if necessary, in such manner as he shall deem best for the good of the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Thafif the sum hereby Bonds may is««e. appropriated shall not be in the treasury when necessary to be used, thp Governor may supply the deficiency by the,sale of State D'onds, bearing interest at the rate of six per .cent, per annum, having twenty years to tun,, and renewable at the pleasure of the State* which bondi To settle claims. Bond. 95 1863. shall have coupons for interest "attached, payable, semi¬ annually in such funds as may be current at the time of their maturity. Sec. 3. Be it further •enacted,' That all coupons of bonds issued under the provisions of this act shall be received a'i:oiv; in payment of all taxes'and public dues of every descrip- iUs, &c.l'ubho tion, and for all corporate and county taxes levied or assessed after the passage of this act, except the tax on gold or silver, sterling exchange and bank notes. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person .or persons shall forge or falsely alter any bond or coupon ^1en^tg0f^sforg" issued by virtue of this act, or shall „ alter or attempt to - pass any forged or altered bond or coupon purporting to be issued in pursuance of this act, knowing such bond or coupon to have been forged or altered, such person shall b© guilty of forgery in the first "degree, and'shall suffer the pains and penalties now affixed by law for forgery in the first degree. , • Sec. 5. Be it further enactedThat the Governor is authorized to pay the person or* persons employed by for him to sign and-number coupons, and to number, date and fill up the same, such compensation as he shall deem just, either by the day or by the thousand numbers and signatures. , Approved December 7,1863. No. 112.]' AN. ACT To amend an act entitled " An Act to fe-organize the Militia of the* State of Alabama," approved August 29th, 1863. p Section T. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama inj General Assembly convened, That whenever the State militia, or any part of G nor m.t the same, is called into the active service of the State, organize, that the Governor maty, at his discretion, organize the militia, so called into active service, into companies, bat¬ talions, regiments, brigades and divisions ; the Generals of said brigades and divisions to be appointed* by the Officers, how ap- Governor, and the commissioned officers of said com-pointed\&c' panies, battalions and regiments, to be elected* by said respective commands, upon such notice and under such rules and regulations as the Governor may) prescribe; 1863.' 96 —K the organization in other respects to conform to that of the Provisional Army of the Confederate. States. , Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any requisition Requisition 0f which has been or may hereafter be made by the Presi- pivRidont, how ^nt upon the State militia, for Confederate'service, shqfl be supplied by the Governor -by draft or otherwise, as* he may direct, from all or any part of such mjlitia at his 'discretion, according to the exigencies to be met, the number of troops required and the term of service, and in'case of 'a draft the same shall # be made aqd enforded under such" rules and regulations as he may prescribe ; 1 and' he. shall designate the time and places at which the drafted men Shall rendezvous ;• to cause defaulters, tailing to appear after reasonable notice, to be published' and, arrested and punished as deserters, according to the rules of the military law to organize the drafted men how organized. ' into companies; battalions' and, regiments, brigades and divisions, Us-prodded bj* the first section of this act, and fo/urni,sh subsistence ymd transportation to the places Of .rendezvous. * ' SEC. 3. Be it f urther enacted, That the organization gs Organization to * provided by this act shall continue no longer than the continue. ■* .state militia shall continue in active service. ♦ Sec. '4. Be it further enacted, That the relative rank of Rank of office^. • officer's of* the tame grade, elected on the same day, shall be deqided by lot, under the direction of the Governor, and that the rank of officers- appointed shall be decided by the ordeT t)f their appointment.. ' 1 Approved Deceipber 4, 1863. supplied. Draft. (Defaulters^ No. 113.] AN ACT To amend an " act*declaring who shall he exempt,from' militia duty in this State," approved August 29th,-1863. * * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRep- : resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Repeals Sec. 2, 'convened, That Section 2 of an act declaring who shall "be exempt from militia duty in this State, approved Au¬ gust 29tb, 18|3, be, and the same is hereby repealed. : Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person liable to service in the militia of this State, who shall make as Salt ma vers. much as ten bushels of salt per day on. his individual account, or on a partnership account in which said per- .9? 1863. son is concerned, and shall sell the same for Confederate or State treasury notes to the Governor of the State.for the use of the people thereof,. at a price not exceeding iifteen dollars per bushel, fend deliver the salt in such quantities apd at such places as • the Governor may di¬ rect, shall be exempt from such service. Provided, but one person making salt for a company or partnership in which he is concerned shall be exempt under this act. And provided further, that salt manufactured within the limits of this State shall be delivered at the yworks where made. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That Section 1 of said act be amended as follows : 1st, Strike out the words Exempts wagon "and no exemption in any case can be made except for^ei'-s^andfo/pub- State or public purposes," where they occur fn lines 54lics™d *y Goy- and 55 thereof, and insert in lieu thereof the words "when he thinks the public good will be promoted by such exemption." 2nd, Insert the words. " and wagon maker and tanners," Provided, they have been engaged exclusively in that business for three years next prece¬ ding the commencement of the war, " and will not sell leather for more than one hundred per cent, on the cost of the raw material. After the words " blacksmith " in the 22nd line thereof, and the words " and negro wagon maker" after the wor*ds " negro smith" in the same line. 3d, After the words "blacksmith" in the 24th line of said section insert'the words " and wagon maker." Approved December 7th, 1863. No. 114.] AN ACT In relation to ' the Exemption of Firemen from militia duty. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Fjremen exempt convened, T^iat no Fireman shall be'exempt from militia*^, duty under the existing laws of this State, unless he belongs to some lawful military (Organization and duly performs his duties as a member of such organization. Approved December 7, 1863. 13 1863. 98 No.* 115.] AN ACT To amend an "act therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and ftouse of Bep- Firemen or Tub- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly •aioosa exempt. convenec^ That Section 1 of " an act entitled an act declaring who shall be exempt from militia duty in this State," approved August 29th, 1863, be so amended aq to insert the word " Tuscaloosa " after the word " Mont¬ gomery," where it occurs in said section. * Approved December 3,1863. No. 116.] AN ACT To suppress more effectually the Distillation of Grain. , Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- Governor to cer- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly' i y icense is n(^nvene^ 'That it shall be the duty of" the Governor of ;his State on the first day of January next, and also at the beginning of each, and ever^ month thereafter, to certify, to the Commandant of the Home Reserves of each county in this State, a list of the names of all per¬ sons, authorized, under contract made, to distill grain, under the provisions of an act passed and approved on the "8th day of* December, 1862, entitled " An Act to pro¬ hibit the distillation of grain in tfye State of Alabama, except under the direction and authority of ^the Gov* ernor." v ♦ Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That upon the receipt of such list by the County Commandant, he shall proceed to satisfy himself whether any person or persons within the limits of his county, whose name does not "appear on such list, are engaged, either in person or through the agency or assistance of any other person or slave; in the distillation of grain into ardent spirits contrary to Jaw ; he shall be authorized, and it is hereby made his duty, to make affidavit, before the Judge of Prolfate, or any Justice of the Peace of his county, that, on information and belief, such person is engaged in distilling grain into ardent spirits contrary to law, apd thereupon it shall be warrant to ancst ^ie suc^ Judge Probate to issiie his warrant and seize stiii, directing the said County Commandant to arrest suqh tillers. Duty of Com¬ mandant. To make oath. Judge to issue 99 1863. person, and seize such still so employed, and bind such person in a bond of five thousand dollars, payable to the State of Alabama, and conditioned to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court of said county, to. answer an indictment ^to be preferred against him for distilling grain, 6ontrary to the "provisions of said act, approved the 8th day of December, 1862, " to prohibit the distil¬ lation of grain in the State of Alabama, except under the direction and authority of the Governor and upon Faiiing t0 give sitoh person failing or refusing to give such bond, it shall ^omh be the duty of such County Commandant to commit him to the jail of said county, by a mittimus in writing ; it shall fuVtlier be the duty of such Commandant to return to the clerk of the Circuit Court said affidavit .and bond, papers, befpre the first day of the next. Circuit Court'for said county, who shall -turn the same over to the gtand jury of said county, and if said defendant or person so charged fail to appear according to the condition of such Bond, ^hen ror- bond, the same shall be forfeited by the Circuit Courtfelted" thereof, in the'same manner as other bonds and recogni¬ zances in criminal cases. In making such arrest and seizure-on such warrants, the said Cormty Commandants May nse mjlitarjr are Authorized to use the entire military force of tlieforce' Home Reserves under their commands. , Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if upon the trial of said indictment the defendant shall be convicted, the still ^JJ,'/11®^ for' so seized shall be forfeited 'to the State of. Alabama, in consequence of such violation of said law and the con¬ viction therefor ; but if he be acquitted the still shall be returned to him, with just compensation for its use, to be compensation, determined by fhe court and jury trying the case. Sec.1 4. Beit further enacted. That if an3r County Con> mandant in this State fail or refuse to do and perform p^aiiy ror faij the duties required of him by this act, he shall be guilty ure' of a misdemeanpr, and, upon indictment and- conviction, shall b.e subject to a fine of not less than -five, hundred dollars^ and not more than two thousand dollars, in the discretion of the court trying the samek Approved December 7th, 1863. 1868. 100 No. 117.tl AN ACT To authorize the Governor of the State of Alabama to suspend the right of licensed retailers of spirituous liquors to retail or sell spirituous liquors within ten miles of any military encampment in said State, whenever he may think the public good requires it. section 1. Be it enacted by .the Senate and House of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly si s convened, That the Governor of said State be, and he is hereby authorized to suspend the right of any licensed retailer of spirituous liquors within ten miles of any military encampment in said State, whenever he may think the public good requires it; Provided, the provi¬ sions of this act shall not apply to licenses heretofore •■granted. Approved November 17,1863. No. 118.] AN ACT t * ■To amend the 3rd section of an act entitled "an act to enable the people of Alabama to procure necessary supplies of salt at reasonable prices, and for other purposes, approved December 9th,1862. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- - Fow«r or GoTom- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly or to remove and convened, That the third section of the above recited act, »loner! a?rais be, and. the same is hereby amended by'adding the fol¬ lowing wdrds thereto : " In case the commissioner ap¬ pointed under this section should be removed or should die, the Governor shall appoint another, and may remove, and appoint whenever - in his opinion the public good requires it, and shall fill the vacancy whenever one occurs for any cause. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the 6th section of Governor may sa^ ac^ be an<^ fhe same is hereby amended by adding sei^personai pro- the following words thereto : " and may at dby timp spll • per y" any portion of the- personal property used in the produc¬ tion of salt, if in his judgment it would be for the inter¬ est of the "State ; Provided, that the commissioner or commissioners and other agents appointed by the Gov¬ ernor under this act-shall receive the amount of'their1 Liconso •d. Proviso. 101 1863. pay or salaries in Confederate or State Treasury notes— pay of commi*- at the option of the State Treasurer of .the State."' mldt'.6'h9W Approved December 8th, 1863. No. 119.] AN ACT For the protection of Artesian Salt Wells of this State. Section 1. Jbe it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep* resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly , convened, That if any person or persons shall wilfully ftructu^?1- ° * or maliciously obstruct any of the Artesian Salt Wells in the State, by throwing in said wells pieces of iron* wood or any other substance, or in any other manner, shall, on Conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than.one thousand dollars. Approved November 28th, 1863. No. 120.]/ AN ACT To repeal in part " An Act to regulate the sale and export tation'of Corn," approved December '8th, 1862. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General. Assembly convened, That from , and •after the passage of this act, no ^friction ou porn and all other articles of provisions may be trans- Mo^ie.0*8 Scatt° ported to the city of Mobile by rail road or otherwise, and sold free from all restrictions whatever. Sec. 2. Be'it further enacted, That nothing contained in the act mentioned in the title of this act, shall he con-g^,^ pur. strued to include or embrace any oase where a person chaser of farm who may have purchased from another a plantation or110 su J*c ' farm, may have also purchased or may purchase the corn or other grain on such plantation of farng, in good faith, and without intent to evade the said act, and corn and other grain so purchased shall not be subject to the, pro¬ visions of said act. 1863. 102 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That • all Jaws or parts Repeal. 0f laws contravening the provisions of this act be arid the saihe are hereby repealed. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 121.] AN ACT 'To continue the office of Comhiissioner and Trustee, and to provide for the payment of the foreign .debt of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Ben. office or cotamis rescn^a^ves of pie State of Alabama in General Assembly, sioner continued convened, That John Whiting be, and he is hereby con¬ tinued in the office of Commissioner and Trustee to set¬ tle any remaining business of the State Bank and branches •and to provide for the foreign debt of the State and the interest thereon, with the same powers as heretofore conferred upon him by law. Provided, he shall give Bond. bond and security as heretofore provided by, law for the faithful discharge of his duties/ And provided further, .that this act shall remain in full force until otherwise directed by the General Assembly ; and that the com- Pay, pensation pf. said Commissioner shall be one thousand dollars per annum until changed by the General Assem¬ bly. ; Sec. 2. Be it f urther enacted, That the said Commis- Authority to use sioner be, and he,is hereby- authorized to use any money funds. in the .Treasury, coin, bank notes or Confederate treas¬ ury notes, in pajring off the interest due by the State on her foreign debt, and .should it ,become necessary to raise coin to pay the interest due on the bonds of i;he State, payable in London, ou*the 1st June, 1864, on the 1st July,1364, and on the 1st January, 1865, amounting -to the sum of eighty thousand three hundred and seventy dollars and thirteen cents, the said Commissioner and May borrow. Trustee be, and he is hereby authorized to borrow from any one or more of the Banks of this State, or of any person or persons, in coin, the amount that may be re¬ quired to pay said amount, or any balance of said sum so due as aforesaid fn June, July and January, amounting to eighty thousand three hundred and seventy dollars *and thirteen ?cents, at a rate of interest not exceeding five-per centum per annum, to be paid in coin. 103 Seo. 3. it further enacted, That the^ Governor be, . and he is hereby required to hav6 issued and delivered Bond« may urn. to said Commissioner and Trustee, such a bond or bonds of the State, with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, as may be required to carry out the provis¬ ions of this act, sai$ bond or bonds to be issued in the same manner and under the same restrictions as is "now required by law in the issuance of bonds of this State. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 122.] AN ACT To authorize the destruction of mutilated Treasury Note Change Bills of -the State of Alabama. » Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate afid House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama i(ii General Assembly convened, That the mutilated Change Bills now in the Change bills to be State Treasury, and also those which may be hereafter » roy8d received, shall be destroyed by burliing as hereinafter directed. ,, t Sec. 2^ Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer from time to time to cause the g[3et,^1."rtir t0 re" said Change Bills to" be registered by their denomina¬ tions in a. book to be provided for that purpose,and after, the same shall be. ^e^istered, it shall be his duty to burn To burn bins, said, bills in the presence of the Governor, Secretary of State and Comptroller of Public Accounts, or either of them, who* must certify ta the burning of the same in the book in which the saia bills are registered, and the* Comptroller of Public Accounts is hereby authorized tq draw a special warrant in favor of, the said Treasurer special warrant, fur the amount of said bills to be burned as aforesaid, which said warrant'.shall be entered as a credit to the * Treasurer on the books of the Compfroller's office. Sec. 3. Be it f urther marled, That, for registering said bills the 'Treasurer shall h> nlW.rd such reasonable com-, °^ft™fatlun fur pensation as the Governor nmj oi^der; and the Comp¬ troller shall on such order, draw his warranjt on the Treasurer for the same. Approved November 25,1863. 1863, 104 No. 123.] AN ACT For the distribution of the Educational Fund. Section 1. Be itenacted-by the Senate and Hoitse of Rep¬ resentatives of' the State of Alqbama in General Assembly superintendent to convened, That the Superintendent o£ Education is here- not^uepoi'tlug!ties by authorized, in'declaring a dividend of the educational fund, to allow to counties from which returns of the number of children therein have not been made, in con¬ sequence- of their occupation by the public enemy, a pro¬ portion of such funds, basing his allowance upon the re¬ turns last made to his office. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That where in any coun- how drawn when ty the tax collector thereof has failed or been unable, by ce]!ect°r ftils t0' reason its occupation by the public enemy, to collect 'the taxes due therein and to pay to the County Superin¬ tendent the. dividend of the educational fund which has been of may hereafter be declared due to each county, the County Superintendent of such county may draw his warrant on the Stat6 Superintendent, who shall draw his warrant on the Comptroller, who shall draw his warrant •on the'Treasurer in favor of such County Superintend¬ ent for the amount due such county from the educational fund. . Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall con- Duration of act. ., . n 7 timie m lorce during tije war. Approved December 7, 1863. No. 124.] AN AfT To amend " an act to establish an institution for the Deaf and Dumb," approved January 27th, 1860. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Appropriatitm iu- resentatives of the Shate of Alabama in General Assembly' creased. convened, That in the 7th line of the 7th sectiop of said act strike out " five," where it occurs and insert "eight." Approved December 8,' 1863. 105 No. 125.] AN ACT To provide for Insane , convicts' sent from the Peniten¬ tiary to the Alabama Insane Hospital. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House qfBep- rescntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the expenses already incurred, and which support ®r uon- may herealter accrue in the support of insane convicts Tia* who haye been and may hereafter be sent from the4 Pen¬ itentiary to the Alabama Insane, Hospital, shall be "paid by the State on the drafts of the Treasurer of the .said Hospital,-endorsed by the President, of the Trustees,4 drawn quarterly on the Comptroller of Public Accounts, who shall isiiue his warrant therefor on the State Treas¬ urer in favor of the Treasurer of the Hospital. Sec. '2. Be it further enacted, -That all other acts in conflict with this act be, and the-same are hereby re-Rep"i' pealed. Approved December 3, 1863./ No. 126.], AN ACT * ' * To provide for the location, partition and allotment*of lands held in dommon by two "or more Railroad Companies. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama:in General Assembly convened, That <>• Tracts a description of all the lands sold-(and not al-e,,Wrniiath¬ ready so entered) up to the lirst day of October, 1863, and thereafter pp to the first of October in each and every year, as now required by the Comptroller. • ,IJe p;Ust also make out and furnish each Probate Judge by the, first day of January in each year thereafter, a regis- R.RwtV 'r*>#l,> county of-such Ju.dge of Probate and not embraced in any register or statement previously furnished. „4 t , Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Probate Judges must by the first day of March in each year; transfer "such entries* into the Tract Book in their respective offi-toA**M«<»r- ces and furnish copies thereof to the Tax Assessor's of their respective counties, who must see that each;tract is properly assessed, unless exempt by law from taxa¬ tion.- * * Sec.' v4. Be if further enacted, That for making out the registers or statements for tho different counties, the^, f0 ieg> Commissioner of Public Lands is authorized to employ 'a person *at not exceeding thirty cents a page for each page of ordinary foolscap paper, to be paid by the war¬ rant of the Comptroller on the State Treasurer, in favor of th§ person, so employed, upon the certificate of said Commissioner of Public Lands, stating that the services have been correctly performed according to contract, ;>nd specifying the amount due therefor. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That sections 434, 435,scions of co . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of ten' thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated Montgomery for the benefit of the Soldiers^ Home'Society, aiffi Sol- '68" triers' Wayside Home, in the city of Montgomery ; said sum to'be ^equally -divided between said Societies, and the same be placed under the control of the Governor, to be paid over from time to time to such officer or. offi¬ cers, ageijt or agents of said Societies, as may be author-" izod to receive it, and to be expended for the relief of the sick and'wounded soldiers in *the city of Montgomery ; and the sum of ten'thousand dollars is a^so appropriated, 15 1863. 114 scima Aid and to t>e equally divided between the Ladi.es' Military Aid Hospital. Society and the Wayside Hospital of Selma, under the same regulations as hereinbefore provided. Sec.' 3. Be it further enacted, That the sunt of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- 5.™"?®,?oclcty* sary, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the benefit of the Ladies' Humane Society in the city of Huntsville, and that the same be placed under the con* trol of the Governor, to be paid over, from time to time, to such officer or agent of said Society as may.be au¬ thorized to receive it, to be expended for the relief of the'sick and wounded soldiers in Huntsville. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Auditor of the Treasury for all or any portion of the money ap¬ propriated by. this act, to be paid as directed by clause 3, section 3, of an act entitled " An Act making appro¬ priations for the military defence of the State," appro¬ ved 6th February, 1861 ; and the Governor shall cause vouchers for ex-a statement or statements to be submitted to the next pmditures. General Assembly of the amount and manner of expend¬ iture, and shall require vouchers to be taken for all ex¬ penditures, when practicable : Provided, the Governor shall have the right to appoint a resident agent or visit- Govemormayap-or, if he thinks proper, on behalf of- the State for each pomtagent 0p ga^ institutions, whose duty.it shall be to aid In ap¬ plying the funds hereby appropriated, in . a manner best calculated to carry out the objects of the several Socie¬ ties : said visitor must report to the Governor at such times as the Governor .shall direct.- ' Approved December 8, 1863. How drawn. Statement and No. 142.]- AN ACT To amend " An Act in relation to the support of indigent families of soldiers," approved August 29th, 1863. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ghaii eountyr'hov convened, That sixteen thousand seven hundred and tliir- drawn. ty-seven dollars and sixty-six cents, due the*county of Marshall for the November and December installments under said act, is hereby appropriated out of the Trea¬ sury, and the Comptroller is hereby required forthwith 115 1863, to dr$w his warrant for the same on the Treasurer, in favor of the Judge of Probate for 'Marshall county, to be distributed by said Judge as said act No. 5 directs. Approved November 14,1863. No. 143.] AN ACT To amend " An Act in relation to the support of indigent families of soldiers," approved August 29th, 1863. . Sectipn 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That fourteen thousand nine hundred and fifty- Fund ror st. ciatr eight dollars and thirty cents, due the county of St. Clair,how d 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of sixteen thousand, six hundred and twenty dollars and forty-three cents, due the county of Fayette for the November and Decerned' installments under said act, is also appropria¬ ted from any money in the Treasury, and the Comptrol¬ ler will draw his warrant on the State Treasurer there¬ for, in favor of Alexander Cobb, for the Probate Judge 117 1863. of said cotmty, to be by him distributed as directed .by the said act of August 29, 1863. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the sum of fifteen, thousand, one hundred and thirty-five dollars and twenty- five cents, due the county of Morgan for the October,Morgan. November, and December installments under said act, is also appropriated from any money in the Treasury, and the Comptroller will draw his warrant on the State Trea-: surer therefor, in favor of George P. Charlton, for the Probate Judge of said county, to be by him distributed as directed by the said act of August 29, 1863. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted,,That the sum of twenty- seven thousand, nine hundred and forty-four dollars and. ninety cents,#due the county of Franklin for the August, i'u,,df"r?ra[r,klin Dctober, November, and Decembef installments, under* the acts of November 12,1862, and 29th of August, .1863, is also appropriated from any money in the Treasury, and the Comptroller is required .to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer therefor, in favor of Anderson Orr and A. W. Ligon, or either of them,-for .the Probate Judge of said county, to be by him distributed as di-' rected by the said acts of 12th November, 1862, and 29th August, 1863. , Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the sum of. ten- thousand, three hundred and seventy dollars and forty- five cents, dub the county of Limestone for the October, Fund for Limo- November and December installments under said,act, isBtone- also appropriated from 'any money in the Treasury, and the* Comptroller * will draw liis warrant on the State i Treasurer therefor,- in favor of John B. McCleland and J. W. S.Donnell, for the Probate Judge of said county, to be by him distributed as directed by said act of Au¬ gust 29 th, 1863. - Approved December 3, 1863. No. 147.] AN ACT To authorize M. L. Davis and D. W. Hollis to draw cer¬ tain funds for the relief of indigent families of sol¬ diers in Marion county, and for other purposes. Section 1.* Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, Tljat the Comptroller be, and he iB hereby au- 1863. 118 Fund for Marion thorized to draw his warrant on the Treasurer-in favor county how cf M. L. Davis and D. W. Hollis, or either ot them, tor drawn. am0Unt to which the county of Marion is entitled as her distributive share of the apprppriation for the sup¬ port of indigent families of soldiers for November and December, 1863 ; and that F. W. Sykes and J. S. Clarke, or either of them, are in like manner authorized to draw Fund for Law- the share of Lawrence county in said fund for November reac« how drawn i i o /»n and December, 1863. Approved December 7, 1863. No 148.] AN ACT For the relief df indigent families of soldiers in Bald¬ win county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep* resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Court of County Commissioners of Baldwin county be, and they are hereby directed to ap¬ propriate to the use of indigent families of soldiers, four thousand dollars of the fine and forfeiture fund now in the treasury of said county. Approved November 19,1863. 'No.'149.] ' AN ACT For the relief of indigent families of soldiers in the county of Macon. Section 1. Be it exacted by the Senate and Hou§e of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Commissioners' Court for the county of Macon be, and are hereby authorized, if in their judg¬ ment they dfeem it expedient, to levy a tax in kind on the producers of said county, upon the following articles, to-wit: corn, meat and potatoes ; which tax shall not ex¬ ceed one-twentieth of the articles mentioned, and which' ta,x in kind shall be collected for' the use and benefit of the families of indigent soldiers in said county. Sec. %. Be it further enacted, That said Commissioners' Court be, and they are hereby authorized to^ appoint a County commis¬ sioners may ap¬ propriate fines »nd forfeitures, Commissioners may levy tax in kind. 119 1863. special Commissioner for the families of indigent soldiers, • • j , i i ii ' • n i - ' i Special commis- in saia pounty, who snail receive tor his services such sioner appointed, compensation as said court shall determine, and shall bePay and powers- removed at .the discretion of said court; and the said special commissioner shall receive from the Probate Judge of said county all money paid, over to said judge by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, and receipt for the same, and shall appropriate the same to the support of said indigent families, under such rules and restric¬ tions as said Commissioners' Court shall prescribe ) and in the event of a levy of a tax in kind, the said special commissioner shall be charged with the duty of collect¬ ing said tax and of disbursing the same, under the difec-, tion.of said court; and he shall furnish the tax payer with a receipt .of the articles delivered, and shall return his list of tax in kind to said.Commissioners' Court, un¬ der oath, for public inspection, and subject to such other regulations as said court shall prescribe. „ Sec. Z.Be it further enacted, That before entering up¬ on the duties of his office, said special commissioner shall conditioner t0 take an oath to faithfully and impartially discharge the "give bond, duties herein imposed, and to distribute any money or provisions, placed under his control by the provisions of this act, with due regard to economy .and the wants of each family, and shall enter into bond with good and suf¬ ficient security, approved by said Commissioners' Court, for. the faithful performance of his duties as said special •commissioner. , Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if said special com¬ missioner, or any agent, employed in carrying out the p#naItjr for mig_ provisions of this act, shall apply any of the funds or applying funds, articles which may come into his hands to hi? own use, he shall be guilty of embezzlement and liable to indict¬ ment therefor, and on conviction shall be punished as if he had feloniously stolen such funds or articles. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That in tin? event of- a levy and collection of a tax in kind, the said special com- A men{a missioner shall appraise the value of said articles, and in how made, the event' the said special commissioner cannot agree as to the value, each may call in a disinterested party, and if they cannot'agree a third' party may be called in, and they shall determine the value ; and either party shall have the right of appeal i\> tin? Commissioners' Court for said county, which appraisers shall first take an oath, which may be administered by said special commissioner, to faithfully and impartially value said articles ^ and said 1863. 120 tax payer shall be entitled to a credit on hia or her coun¬ ty taxes to the • amdunt of the value of the articles re¬ ceived and collected of said tax in kind, and upon the production of the receipt of said special commissioner, the tax collector for said county shall discharge said tax payer's county taxes to the extent of the value of the articles received under said tax in kind ; and in the event that the value of said articles * shall exceed hia county tax, the said tax collector shall give to the party how i?a?d.er Ux receipt or certificate specifying the amount of said ex¬ cess, which shall be allowed as a credit upon the county taxes of said party for the subsequent year or years un¬ til the same is exhausted. - Sec. 6. Beit further enacted, That the said Commia- courttopioa«iih«gioner8' Court may prescribe such rules and regulations lues' as they deem best tor the benefit of said* special commis¬ sioner, and for the protection of the tax payers of said county of Macon. Approved-December 7, 18631 No. 150.] AN ACT Comniisiouer*' Court may l«ry tax iu kind. Property, i»- oomua. ke. For the relief of Soldiers' Families in Pike County. * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Mouse of Rep¬ resentatives .of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, Tljat in addition to the powers and authority 'now, or hereafter conferred by law, .the courflof county commissioners of Pike county be, and is hereby author¬ ized to levy and collect a tax in kind upon all articles and commodities, and a tax in money upon .all property, professions^trades and incomes-upon which the Congress, of the Confederate States has authorized a tax to be col¬ lected, for the exclusive use of the indigent families of soldiers in said county, and to do and perform all things necessary for the collection and distribution of the*same, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that' uq tax in kind shall be collected from any person who does not produce over four hundred bushels of corn. Approved December 4, 1863. 121 1863. No 151.] AN ACT To consolidate tlie offices of County Treasurer -and Clerk *' of the Circuit Court in Baldwin county. Section 1. Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Jtiep- resentatives of, the State of [Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and |fter the passage of this act, ^lces consoiwa- tho offices of county tre;|(mrer and clerk of the circuit court of Baldwin, he aiu the same are hereby consoli¬ dated; and the duties/>f said offices lpay.hereafter be' performed by the samV person. Approved Decemby 4,1863. NoA52.] . 1 AN ACT ToPtablish a Criminal Court for the county of Mont¬ gomery, with civil jurisdiction. I v • ' iction 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcp- fktatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly cJened, That there is hereby established in the city of " „ f, itgomery, an interior or court ot record, to be called lished. jeity court of Montgomery, to consist of one Judge, oad^ *1UW oloct~ b .shall reside in said city, or within six miles of the jrt house of Montgomery county, to be elected by the Llified voters of Montgomery county, on the first Mon- r in May next, and every six years thereafter,' who ill take the same oaths, hold his office for the same fm, and be^removable for the same causes as judges of b circuit courts of this State. iSec.' 2. Be it further enacted, That said court shall Ivo a seal, a clerk'and other officers for the exercise of ciark, &c. |i jurisdiction as the Circuit Courts have ; the clerk of id court shall be * felected on the same day that the E,ectiou of idge is elected,, and hold his office for four years, and " Iter the first election", he shall* be elected on the first londay in August. He shall give bond as required of brks o£ the Circuit Courts, and in all respects, shall be Ioverned by the laws in relation to the clerks;of the Cir- nit Courts, except as changed by this apt. 8eo. 3. Beit further eimcted, That said court shall be K>lden, and the ctffice of clerk thereof, kept at the court aud'whgu liaise in said city. It shall hold three terms each year, ° 16 1863. 122 commencing first Monday in October, February and June, and may by special tidjournmeAt, bold such other terms as may be necessary for the dispatch of business. Sec. '4. Be it further enacteq, That said court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Courts in ur» am. administration of criminal law in said county, and that the powers and jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts of this State be, and are her.eb; conferred on the City Court of Montgomery (except »n actions to try titles to, land), and in order to confer upm said court the same power and authority for the conplete exercise of its jurisdiction, as is, or may be conferred upon the Circuit Courts, in the exercise of like jurisdiction, it is declared j^rT*dfct"ofloifg that all laws conferring jurisdiction in all cases/except circuit courts *p- in actions to try titles to land) up oil the Circuit Courts phe*bie., giving them the power to hear and dttermine cases, ap¬ point and remove their officers, punish contempts, regu¬ late their practice, and forms of process prescribing the duties of their officers and of Sheriff and Coroner, allow¬ ing established fees to each officer, and- providing for the collection thereof, or requiring of such officers official oaths and bonds, shall be held1 to extend to said court and its officers, as fully as they extend to the Circuit Courts. The judge of said court herein provided for, shall be a conservator of the peace in Montgomery coun¬ ty, and as such, and in the exercise of the jurisdiction hereby conferred, shall, in the recess or vacation of said court, have the same power and authority as Judges of the- Circuit Courts. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Supreme Court of this State shall have appellate jurisdiction Over said pri'uie'Court " City Court, and causes may be remqyed froA that court to the Supreme Court in the same way provided for by law for the exercise by that court, of. like appellate or supervisory jurisdiction over the courts or judges of the Circuit Courts. . • • Sec. 6. Be It further enacted, That the process of said' City Court shall be teste.d, served, returned, and be in U°W tCSt f°rin as is> °r may be, provided for the process of the Cir¬ cuit Courts, varying only in the style of the, court, and conform to its terms. . Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the grand and pet- Turen amtra- tit jurors for said court shall be drawn and empannelled uirw. in the same manner as is, or may be, provided -for juries of the Circuit Courts, and a venire thfirefor, issued in the same way as is now provided ; and the said court 123 1863. shall have the game power to issue special venires, and call in tales jurors, as the Circuit Courts. Sue. 8. Be it further enacted, That no grand jury shall he summoned for any term of the.Circuit Court of saidrTrRH,ljury fnr county, hut in case the judge of said court, at any time C'rcuiti Caurt- during the terms of said court, shall find occasion for a grand jury, he shall direct one to be empannelled in the Rama manner, as the law now provides, in cases where a grand jury has not been drawn and summoned, in conse¬ quence of the neglect of any officer charged therewith: * Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all laws of a gene¬ ral nature (except as to actions to try titles to land)^ that i»w» may hereafter be adopted, giving jurisdiction to the Cir-*111111**1'1*' cuit. .Courts of this State, or to the Circuit Gourtof Mont¬ gomery county, shall be held to apply and extend to the City Court of Montgomery, within said county, although said City Court may not be mentioned in said law. . Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the ■ salary of the. judge of the court, hereby established, shall be three s«i«ry «r.jndg# thousand dollars a year, and also three dollars for each case not defended, and five dollars for' each case defend¬ ed iu aaid court, to be taxed as cost against the unsuc¬ cessful party, which shall not be diminished during his continuance in office, and be payable quarterly at the IJ6w j(1 treasury of the county of Montgomery, upon his order, out of any moneys therein, unappropriated ; and for the . 'remuneration of said county for the payment of the same, the fees and forfeitures of all State cases in Montgomery county, to the full amount of said salary, shall be paid into said treasury in preference to any other appropria¬ tion of the same, and in all cases which shall be tried in said City Court herein established, in which the defend- , ant, after conviction, shall be unable to pay the costs of prosecution, the jsame shall be paid out of the fines and forfeitures which have accrued, or may accrue in crimi¬ nal cases m Montgomery county. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That whenever any change of venue shall be made from said court, to any other county, the Circuit Court trying such cause upon*r rnu*. • the change of venue, shall order the fine or forfeiture, .upon the conviction of the accused, to he paid, when col¬ lected, to the sheriff of Montgomery county, which shall be applied to ^ie purposes herein provided. * Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the Sheriff, Corp-^ ner and Constables of the county of Montgomery shall *u«nd! '' bound to attend said eourt, preserve order, and exe- 1865. 124 cute and return its processes as they are, or may be re¬ quired to do in the Circuit Courts. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That an act entitled an county court ac^ to establish a County Court for Montgomery county, ■abolished. approved February 24th, 1860, be repealed, and that all cases now standing for trial on said county court docket, shall be transferred to thQ 'docket of said City Court of Montgomery, with all the papers, books and orders here¬ tofore made by said county court. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That power is hereby rowers or judge conferred on the said judge of said City Court, to order the. issue of writs of injunction, or any other writ or pro¬ cess, in any and every case, in which, by the existing laws a circuit judge might order the issue of any 'such or. like writ or process. Approved December 7, 1863. No. 153.] AN ACT To change the times of holding the Circuit Courts "in the- Eighth Judicial Circuit. Section 1. Be it enacted, by the .Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter the Circuit Courts of the eighth judicial circuit shall be begun and holden as follows': In the.county of Pike on the fourth Vonday in March and September; and may continue two weeks ; ,m the county of Coffee on the second Monday after the fourth,. Monday in March and September, and may continue one. week ; in the county of Dale on the'third Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, and may continue one week ; in the county of Henry on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, and may continue one week ; in the'county of Barbour on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, and ma}7 continue in session until the business is disposed of. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall con- Ettent and limit tinue in force until the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the ^United States^ and after that time the Circuit Courts in the eighth ju¬ dicial circuit shall be holden as provided by law before the passage of this act. Pike Ceffee Dale Benry • Barbour 125 , 1863. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor be, and he is-hereby authorized' and 'requested to have this Publication act published for three successive weeks in the Southern Advertiser, the Clayton .Banner, and the Spirit of the. South, and also to have copies of this act forwarded, to .the Circuit Court clerks in the several counties compos¬ ing the eighth judicial circuit.. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 154.]. AN ACT To change the time of holding the Courts of thp Eleventh Judicial Circuit. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Circuit Courts of the eleventh judi¬ cial circuit shall hereafter be held as follows, to-wit": IP the county of Covington, on'the first. Monday in March Covington and September,.and may continue in session one week ; in the county of Conecuh, on the second Monday in Conecuh March and September, and mn}T continue in session one week in the county of'Butler, on the third Monday insutirr March and September, and may continue in session two weeks ; in the county of Monroe, on the first Monday in Monro9 April and^ October, "and may continue in session one week; in the county of Clarke, on the second Monday in ciarko April and October, and may continue jn session one week; and in the county of Wilcox, on the third Mon-Wilcox day in April and October, and may continue in session three weeks. * Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That all process to saidprocess return courts shall be made-returnable accordingly, and all pro- able, cess heretofore issued shall be deemed and held returna¬ ble to the terms fixed by this act. ,Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws contra¬ vening the provisions of this act be, and the same are epea' hereby repealed. ' . Approved December 17,1863. 1863. 126 No. 155.] AN ACT To authorize the Judge of 'the Sixth Judicial Cireuit to fix the place of holding the Circuit Court of Baldwia county. . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- t , . . resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Ja4ge appoints , •' ^ .. .i • j /» i-i p)a«« »r h#Mt»K convened, 1 hat during the existing war the judge of the •sixth judicial circuit may direct the holding of each term of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Baldwin, at any place in said county to be selected by him for public convenience at the time, at which place the aet» and proceedings of the court shall be as binding and ef¬ fectual as if done at Blakely, the county seat: Provided, NeMee t© effi««rg that said judge shall notify the sheriff and clerk of the Circuit Court of the place selected by him, at least sixty days before the day appointed by law for the commence¬ ment 6f each term of said court. < Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the clerk of the Ree9nis to be*#- pircuif Court and the sheriff of said county be author- . ized to remove the records of their respective offices to the place so appointed for holding the court, and return the same after each term to Blakely, in said county, and the expense thereof shall be paid by the county. ' Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty No.ti«e by offle©rs ^e sheriff, or clerk of the Circuit Court of said coun¬ ty, to give notice, prior to each term,, for thirty, days by publication in one weekly newspaper at Mobile, of the place appointed for holding said court. Approved November 28, 1863. No. 156.] AN ACT To regulate the time of holding the Chancery Oouyts of the Northern Chancery Division. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Housl of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly aUBo«u«r *ay convened, That during the existence of the present war, pk£1.BUlM' whenever it shall be impracticable,'from a threatened invasion, or an occupation by the public .enemy, of any district of the Northern Chancery Division, to hold , the regular terms of the Chancery Court of said* district, it 127 1863. shall be th© duty of the Chancellor of said division to hold a term of said court for such district, at such time, and at such place in said division as he may appoint, upon giving notice thereof, for twenty days, by adver-^^ 'tisement, in some newspaper published in said division. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when such term of said court shall be ordered, it shall be the duty of the K#gistaa t#aUond Register of said court to attend at the time and place appointed, with the records and papers of all suits pend¬ ing and undetermined in the court of the district for which such term is to be held, and all orders and decrees rendered at such time, shall have the same force and F«roe d^es effect as if rendered at a regular term of said court, at the usual place of holding said court. Approved November 30,1863. No. 157.] AN ACT To detach certain counties from the Middle Chancery Division, and attach others thereto—also, to detach certain counties from the Southern Chancery Division, and attach others thereto. Sbctiox 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the first day of January, cua*. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, the Chancery Districts composed of the counties of Russell, Chambers, Talla- r»n-«d t« s»»th- poosa and Coosa, be and the same are hereby detached •rndlTisi8n- from the Middle Chancery Division, and attached to the^ar#I1 Southern Chancery Division, and that the Chancery Dis- 'itiimx tricts composed of the counties of Marengo, Choctaw,mld<1#- and Wilcox b© detached from the Southern Chancery Division, and attached to the Middle Chancery Division. Sec. 2. Be it further- enacted, That the Chancellors of "•u the said Middle and Southern Divisions, whenever any of the terms of the courts of the Chancery District* mentioned in the first section of this act, as now fixed by law, conflict with the term* of other courts in their re¬ spective Divisions, the sai<' Chancellors respectively, un¬ til otherwise provided by law, may fix the time for hold¬ ing any such term so coming in conflict, by notice pub- Xotio4 t, b8 lished for thirty days, in sorpe newspaper issued from ft»im point nearest r final decree in vacation, by consent of parties, or their Solicitors or guardians ad litem ; and as to parties against whom decrees pro con- fesso have been properly entered without their consent, but not until twenty days after such decrees have been entered. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, All demurrers, any mo¬ tion or appeal from the decision of the Register, or appli- cation'for orders to execute a decree, may be heard and determined in vacation, upon five days' notice to the. ad; verse party of the time and place and hearing pjbut no notice shall be required to be .given to any party against whom a decree pro confesso has been entered. Sec. 4. Beit further enacted, All parties against whom Decrees pro con* .i * i . A-• /««. decrees pro confesso may be entered, may at any timo before final decree, upon application to the Chancellor, under existing laws and rules, be allowed to file an an¬ swer, and to continue the cause upon a prope^ showing. Sec. 5. Be it further eriacted, That for the purpose of Motions, &c., how hoard. 129 1863. this act, the Chancellor of said'division shall remain at Duty orchatlceI. the place of his residence during the month of Februaryffor and powers, but may hear'and determine all matters which may come before him under the provisions, of this act or existing laws, in any month, and orders or decrees rendered by the Chancellor, in vacation, shall be entered according to the present rules of court, and be as valid in all re¬ spects as if entered in term time. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, Thattlie provisions of this limitation, act shall only continue in force during- the war. Approved November 19, 1863. No. 159.] AN ACT To change the time of holding the Chancery Courts for Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Twelfth Districts of the Southern Chancer/ Division of the State of Ala¬ bama. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Seriate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, the Terms changed. Chancery Courts for the following districts of the-South¬ ern Chancery. Division, shall. be held in each year, as follows : For the fifth district, composed of the counties of Henry and Dale, on the Wednesday next preceding Henry and Dale the second Monday in May and November ; for the sixth district, composed of the county of Barbour, on the se¬ cond Monday1 in May an.d November ; for the seventh *r our district, composed of the counties of Pike and Coffee, on PikeanJ Co(ree the fourth Mondays of April and October ; for the ninth "district, composed of the county of Lowndes, on the Lowndes. Thursday next preceding the fourth Monday in April and October ; and for the twelfth district, composed of the counties of Butler, Covington and Conecuh, on the Butler, Covington third Monday in April and October. - anaconeeuu Approved December 8,1863. 17 1863* 130 No. 160.] AN ACT To authorize the County Commissioners of Mobile coun¬ ty to increase the salary of the Judge of the City Court of Mobile. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- saiar ma bum resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly oruasoiJ. Jm convened, That the county commissioners of Mobile coun¬ ty are hereby authorized to increase the salary of the Judge of. the City Court of Mobii^ to an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars per annum. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this power shall exist Limitation jn ga^ commissioners until a ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and United States. Approved December 7, 1863. No. 161J AN ACT To better regulatfe the fees of the Judges of the -Probate, Courts of Greene, Marengo and Choctaw counties. ' Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Foea during war convened, That the Judge of the Probate Courts of Greene, Marengo and Choctaw counties for and during the existing war, be allowed to receive for their services hereinafter mentioned, the fees hereto attached and no other, and the same to he paid, taxed and collected, in the manner provided by law : Estates of decens- ;por &\\ orders on presenting a Will for Probate, Arc,' $2 0U od parsons. ..'I ' 1 or examining witnesses, and order admitting Y\ ill , to Probate, where the gross value of the estate is ten thousand dollars or more. a 4 00 For like services, where gross value of estate is less than ten thousand dollars. 2 00 For presiding on the trial of a contested Will, where gross value of estate is ten thousand ' dollars or-more—per diem 8 00 For like services where gross value of estate is. less than ten thousand dollars. i t.... 4.00 For another jury trial 4 00 131 1863. For granting letters testamentary, or of adminis- I tration, where gross value -of estate is ten thousand dollars or more $3 00 For like services, where gross value of estate is less than ten thousand dollars 2 00 For taking, approving and recording bond, and entering order of appraisement 2 00 For granting order of appraisement 1 00 For grunting order of sale of real or personal prop¬ erty, where the value of the property to be'- • . sold is ten thousand dollars or more, pi 0.0 Fol* like services, where value of propert}7- to b.e . sold is less than ten thousand dollars ' 2 00 For issuing copy of order of appraisement or sale, 5Q For order to record inventory, appraisement and sale, eaeh ' 1 00 For order removing'executors, administrators or ' . guardians 4 00 For granting and inning letters of guardianship, Minors '•taking, approving' and recording bond, where estate of ward is ten thousand dollars or more, 5 00J For like services, where estate of ward is less than ten thousand dollars 3 00 For ofrler appointing eolnmirsioners to divide real or" personal' estate, and for issuing writs to the sheriff, where property to be divided is of the value of ten thousand dollars or more, 7 00 For like' services, where property to be divided is less than ten, and live thousand dollars or more. 5 00 For'like services, where property to be divide"! is less than five thousand dollars in value.... - 300 For order on petition to sell real estate, appoint- rotates ing a day for hearing, and orders for notices, where estate petitioned to be sold, is of flie value of ten thousand dollars or more 4 10 For like services, where value of estate petitioned to be sold is less than ton thousand dollars.. 2 00 For appointing all guardians ad litem, and giving . notice to such guardian ad litem............ 2 00 For examining testimony and giving decree, to sell land, wherd the land is of the value of ten thousand dollars-or more 8 00 For like services, where the value of the land is less than ten thousand dollars.. . v : 5 00 For order approving sale and recording same .. 1 00 1863. 132 DoWer For hearing application for dower, issuing writ, entering all orders, and alloting dower, where dower allotted is of the value of ten thousand dollars or more $8 00 For like services, where value of dower allotted is . less than ten thousand dollars 5 00 Accounts For examining, stating and reporting the accounts of executors, administrators or guardians, for settlement, order appointing day for hearing, and copy for publication, where gross value of estate is ten thousand dollars or more.... 8 00 For like services in all other cases ; - • : * • ^ ^ For examining voucher, and allowing or rejecting such on each side of account, where estate is of the value of ten thousand dollars or more, ' 10 For like services in all other cases.. 05 Decires m settle- For making decrees on annual or partial settle- . mcnt- ments, and order to record, where gross value of estate is ten thousand dollars or more..... 5 00 For like services, where value of estate is less than ten thousand dollars 2 00 For making all entries, except decrees in final set¬ tlements, and order to record, where gross value of estate is ten thousand dollars or more, 8 00 For like services, where value of estate is less than ten thousand dollars 4 00 For each decree of distribution...' : 1 00 i insolvent estates For entering all necessary orders in relation to in¬ solvent estates, for each order* 25 For issiyng notice to creditors, each notice * 50 For decree in favor of creditor, each 50 For filing each claim in office, and giving receipt therefor, to be paid by person filing 'claim... 50 Fon issuing each writ, citation or notice, required to be issued in pursuance of law 1 00 Bonds For approving every bond, except those of execu¬ tors, administrators and guardians 1 00 Records For recording wills, inventories, appraisements, re¬ ports, decrees, and for recording conveyances and all other instruments required by law to be recorded, for ever^ hundred wonds ' 20 Certificate For each certificate, witli or without seal of office, 1 00 license F°r granting retail license,and filing oath 3 00 For each other license not otherwise provided for, 2 00 Apprentico For order binding .out apprentice 1 00 commissions For commissions to take depositions in any one case, 2 00 133 J863. For administering oaths not otherwise provided for $ 50 a For presiding in Commissioners' Court, per day.. 5 00 raiding For posting estray, or advertising the same 2 00 &trny ' For filing claim against an estate solvent, to be FUillK clairo paid by the person filing the same 50 When estates are less than $200, one-fourth of the t lowest of above fee For making out lists of'licenses, and exhibiting General scn-ico bonds of public officers to grand juries, and . making up and keeping records of Commis* * sioners' Courts, and issuing citations to appor¬ tioned and overseers of roads, and drawing drafts on county treasurers, and exhibiting records t'o grand juries, filing and approving bonds for bridges, &c., oaths and bonds for militia officers, &c.,—per annum .. 300 00 Approved December 7, 1863. No. 162.] AN ACT To repeal in part "An Act to regulate the Fees of Pro-' bate Judges in Greene, Marengo, and Choctaw coun¬ ties." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- rcsentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the act entitled "An Act to regulate the Repealed as tq Probate Judges' fe§s of Greene, Marengo, and Choctaw Choctaw counties," approved December 7th, 1863, be, and the1 ; same is hereby repealed, so far as relates to said fees in the county of Choctaw. Approved December 8,1863. No. 163.] AN ACT To increase the pay of8the county officers of Clarke county, &c. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Feeg increMPd resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Wty Per ceBt- convened, That* the fees of the Judge of Probate, 1863. 131 Clerk of the Circuit Court, and Sheriff of Clarke county, and witnesses in the courts of said cdunty, be and the same are hereby increased fifty per cent, on the fees heretofore allowed by law. Approved November 28, 1863. No 164.] AN ACT To increase the per diem of Commissioners, Tax Collec¬ tors and Assessors of Clarke, Choctaw and Tuscaloosa counties. " Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and^House of Rep- rer diem of com .resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly mission*™ - convened', That the county commissioners of Clarke, Choc- i taw and Tuscaloosa counties shall receive five dollars per day for their services while their court is in session. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the tax collector Fees of Assessor and assessor shall receive one dollar for visiting' the Collector **r o i ■ p 11 pitj**' house oi a tax payer tor the purpgse ot collecting or •assessing taxes, Provided said tax payer is not a soldier or the relict of a soldier. * Approved December 3, 1863. No. 165.] AN ACT To increase the Fees of Commissioners and Constables in Chambers county. ' Section 1. Be it ena< ltd by the Senate and House; of Rep- mcrensed reseidativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly City ppr c<*nt. convened, That members of the Court of County Com-. missioners, and Constables, in the county of Chambers, .be allowed an increase of fifty per cent, on the fees now allowed by law. . Approved December 8, 1863. 135 1863. No. 166.] AN ACT To repeal an act approved November 9th, 1861. . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act, approved November 9th, 1861, to m reduce and define the fees .of Notaries' Public for the protest'of notes, bills of exchange, or other' papers, in the city of Mobile, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 167.] -AN ACT • ' # • To authorize the Judge of Probate of Lowndes county- to record a certain paper. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly cvnvened, That it shall bo lawful for the Judge of Pro- m^wners i*gai bate of Lowndes county to record the report of Simeonlzod R. May, Felix Jordan, George Hazard and Jas. A. Gra¬ ham,,a commission appointed to set off from the estate of M. E. Murphree, one-sixth part of the negro property of said estate to Rebecca F. Sitmple}r, formerly Rebecca F. Murphree.' Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the commissioners cu^mwuionors tu named in the first section, be and are hereby authorized to designate the slave Eliza or Liza, as the one-sixth part of the slave property,of the estate of M. E. Murphree, to Rebecca F.- Sainpley, Provided said slave be the one-provi.w sixth part of the value of said property. Approved November 27, 1863. No. 168.] AN ACT To remove ihe» settlement of the Guardianship of Julius C. Alford, deceased, late guardian of Julius S. Alford, from the Probate Court of Fike county, to the Probate. Court of Montgomery county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Havre of Rep¬ resentatives of the State >of Alabama in General Assembly 1863. 136 Administrator of convened, That D. B. Banks, administrator of thq, estate j. c. Aiford to 0f Jnlus C. Alford, deceased, late of Montgomery eonnty, be authorized to remove the settlement of the guardian¬ ship of Julius C, Alford, deceased, late of Montgomery county, from the Probate Court of Pike county, the Judge of said Probate Court of Pike county being connected by consanguinity with the said Julius S. Alford, within the degree, and tliat'the Judge of the Probate Court of Pike county shall make a complete record of all the proceed¬ ings had in said court of the guardianship of the estate of the said Julius S. Alford, by the said Julius C. Alford, and cause the same to be transferred to, and be deposit¬ ed in the Probate Court of Montgomery county, which court shall forthwith take jurisdiction of said settlement, and proceed to hear and determine all matters and things pertaining thereto, and the final settlement of said guardianship. Approved November 27,1863. remove settle¬ ment. Juilgo to make record. Jurisdiction changed to Montgomery. No. 169.] AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the Probate Court of Busier county over the estate of George N. Lewis, dee'd. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of'Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly court orButior convened', That the Court of Probate of Butler county, ha» jurisdiction: shall have jurisdiction over the estate of George N. Lewis, deceased, late of Lowndes county, to grant let¬ ters testamentary on the Will of said' deceased, and to ,do all things necessary and proper to qausethe estate of said deceased to be settled and distributed in said court, according to the laws of. this State, under the. provisions of said Will, as fully and effectually as if the said .de¬ ceased had been an inhabitant of the county qf Butler at the time of his death. Approved December 4, 1863. 137 1863. No. 170.] AN ACT To give jurisdiction of the estate of William Garner to the Judge of Probate of Bibb county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Judge of Probate of Bibb county have, ^^jicUon con" and he is hereby given jurisdiction of the estate of Wit- Hum Garner, to probate the last will of William Garner, deceased, late of Bibb county, and to exercise jurisdic¬ tion .of said estate as fully as though no relation existed between said Judge of Probate and the deceased, and the legatees under said will or executor thereof. Approved November 19, 1803. No. 171.] AN ACT To authorize the Court of Probate of Pike county to grant an order of sale of the land of Eli Parks pri¬ vately. Section 1. Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly *convened, That the Court of Probate of the. county of Pike be, and the same is hereby authorized and empowr-sale- ered to grant an order to F. E. Boykin, the administrator on the estate of Eli Parks, late of said county, deceased, to sell the lands of said estate, either at private or public sale, as it may appear best to the interest of the said es¬ tate, said" sale shall be returned by said administrator, and passed upon and 'confirmed by said court, as provided couHnnmion j'ov by law in relation to sales of lands by administrators. t Approved December 7, 1863. No. 172.] AN ACT ( To extend to 'the Probate Court of Jefferson county the. provisions of an act therein named, and other counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 18 1863. 138 Provisions of act convened, That the provisions of an act to amend Section Axtaaded. 1748 of the Code, so far as relates to Bibb county, "ap¬ proved August 27,1863," be and the same are hereby extended to the Probate Court of Jefferson, • Perry, Greene, Macon and "Dallas counties. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 173.] AN ACT To authorize the administration of the estates of James K. Breazeale and Sarah K. Breazeale, to remove the administration of said estate from the county of Lowndes to the county of Dallas. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- , J , . 4 4 resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly AdnuaistraUr v authorised te r#-convened, That Absalom D. Breazeale, of Dallas county, JOTS?' administrator of the estate of James K. I^reazeale, arid also of the estate of Sarah A. Breazeale, be authorized to remove the property and administration of said estate . from the county of Lowndes to the county of Dallas, and that the Judge of Probate of the county of Lowndes. Kocord to i>u cer-be authorized to serve a transcript properly certified of the proceedings heretofore had in said court, in rela¬ tion to said estate, with all papers on file in his courts belonging to said estate to the Probate Judge of Dallas county. Provided, the said Absalom D. Breazeale shall Bond first give bonds to the Judge of Probate of Dallas county as are required by law, and shall, pay to the Judge of r«e« to be pxii. Probate of Lowndes county all 'costs that have accrued in the administration of said estate in Lowndes county,, settlement an(j shall make full settlement of said estates with the probate court of Lowndes county before the order of removal is granted. Approved November 17, 1863. No. 174.] AN ACT •To authorize the Governor to rescind certain contracts therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep■ 139 1863. resentatives of thie State of Alabama jin General Assembly convened., That the Governor be and he is hereby an- w. starke-s thorized upon -just terms to rescind a contract made by contr*®t him with E. W. Starke, of Pike" county, for the distilla¬ tion of alcohol and whisky. Provided, said Starke con¬ sents thereto, and that in the opinion of the Governor the. interest of the community in which the distillery is located requires such rescission. * Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions of fhe first section of this act be and apply to the con- R„bin*«» aT*y- tracts made by James L. Robinson and William L. Tay-lor- lor,'of the county of Chambers, for the distillation of al'cohol and whisky. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 175.] AN ACT For the relief of Dickson Nelson a"119 c®MeiiU'r sioners to R. Z. Barlow, the tax collector of said county, for errors and insolvencies in the year 1862, be paid to the order of said Barlow by the State Treasurer, on the . warrant of the Comptroller, the. same having been refus¬ ed payment .only on account of not having been present¬ ed during the fiscal year 1862. Approved December 4,186&. 1863. 144 No. 184.] AN ACT For- the relief of the Tax Collector of Calhoun county, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly makuToturuit0 convened, That the tax collector of Calhoun county be allowed, until the, first of Mayf 1864, to make his return Proviso to the Comptroller for the taxes of 1863 ; Provided, that this act shall not take effect until the sureties on the of¬ ficial bond file their written assent thereto in the office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Approved December 7,1863. No. 185.] AN ACT For the relief of Samuel B. Harmon, Tax Collector of Macon county. Whereas, Samuel B. Harmon, late tax collector for Macon county, has fully paid off and satisfied the judg¬ ment, principal, interest and costs obtained against said Harmon, for the gum of five thousand'one' hundred and thirty dollars and eight cents, the balance due from said county for the tax year 1860, and the further sum of twelve hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty-two cents recoverod as damages thereon. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and, House.of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of twelve hundred and pighty- two dollars and fifty-two cents ($1,282 52), be and the same is hereby appropriated to Samuel B. Harmon, late tax collector for the county of Macon, the same being the amount of damages recovered on a judgment against said Harmon, for the taxes of 1860, and by him paid into the State treasury, and that the Comptroller of public ac¬ counts issue his warrant on the State Treasurer therefor, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not other¬ wise appropriated. Approved December 5,1863. Approprl»tioa Hon? drxwa 145 ,1863. No. 186.] AN ACT, For tlie relief of William Hulsey, Tax Collector of Walker coymty. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- 'resmtatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convenedThat the Comptroller of public accounts be, *1' ami he is hereby authorized to allow^to William Hulsey, tax collector of Walker county, for the year 18G2, a credit of one hundred and eighty-one dollars and seventy-four cents, for insolvencies, errors, *&c., in the assessment of the State taxes of said county for that year, Provided, that said collector shall present to said comptroller theFlwlsu certificate of the court of county commissioners that the said sum of one hundred and eighty-one dollars' and sev¬ enty-four, cents is the correct amount allowed therefor to* said.Hulsey. Approved November 27, 1863. No. 187.] ' AN ACT For the relief of Theopliilus C. Greenhill, Tax Collector of Franklin county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in tlie settlement with the Coni]droller A t Ml. of the account of Theophilus C. Greenhill, tax collector tot.® i»y for Franklin county for the year 1862, the sum of seven e"e,n>rr,i""tt011' hundred and thirty-two dollars be remitted to him of the isum due, th^t being the amount of public money that had been collected for taxes due the State of Alabama, •that was taken from him by forch of arms by the public enemy, on the -1st February, 1803. Approved November 19,1863. . No. 188.] AN ACT For the relief of John Mosely, Tax Collector of Dallas county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the Stale of Alabama in General Assembly 19 1863. 146- convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts is credit allowed in authorized and required, in his settlement with John Mtuement. Mosely, tax collector of Dallas county, for the year 1802, to allow the said John Mosely a credit of two thousand, eight hundred and ninety-eight dollars and ninety cents, being the amount of errors and insolvencies in the as- proTiao sessment of Dallas county for said year ; Provided, the said John Mosely shall file with the Comptroller, the proper certificate of the Court of County Commissioners of Dallas county, as now required by law. Approved December 3,1863. No. 189.] AN ACT For the relief of Jame3 P. Buggan, jr., Tax Collector of Butler county. section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorized, on his settlement with Jas. P. Boggan, jr., late tax collector for Butler county, for the taxes of 1862, to allow credit for the amount of his insolvent and error list for the taxes of that year ; Pro¬ vided, the same be' filed with the Comptroller, properly certified, as now required by law. Approved December 4, 1863. No. 190.] AN ACT For the relief of Stephen Gipson, of Lawrence county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ApproRriatio* convened, That the Comptroller be authorized and re¬ quired to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the sum of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents, in favor of Stephen Gipson, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. •, Approved December 3*0, 1863. Credit allowed PrarUc 147 1863. No. 191.] AN ACT For the relief of Virginia Mathews, of £)allas county. Section 1. Beitcna.ctedby the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly m f i mi i/-i n pit pi Tax orerpaid r*. convened, that the Comptroller ot public accounts of thOfiindad. State is hereby required to draw his warrant on the trea¬ sury of the State, in favor of Virginia Mathews, as the. administratrix of Peter E. Mathews, deceased, late of- Pallas county, for thd sum of two hundred and forty-four dolla^ and forty cents ($244 40), being the amount of State taxes overpaid by her by mistake, on- lands not be¬ longing to estate of the said Peter E. Mathews. Approved November 25, 1863. For the relief of the heirs of Catharine Baker. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and, House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, Whereas, Catharine Baker, late of Montgomery pre?mbI* county, deceased, by her last will and testament, devised to her daughter, Mary Eliza Peacock, of said county, cer¬ tain real estate, situated near the. city of Montgomery, to her sole and separate use, free from the dominion, debts and liabilities of, her present, and any future husband, during her natural life, and at her death to the issue of her body then living, and their heirs forever. And- Whereas, the' children of the said Mary Eliza Pea¬ cock, now living, to-wit: William Williamson, Jesse Pea-p«acocic cock, Cammilla P. Edwards, Mike Peacock, M. C. Tay- lor,'who are of full age, and Sarah Peacock and Fnnnie Peacock, by their guardian, and the said Mary Eliza, have solicited a sal® of the said lands for distribution, by their petition signed by them respectively^ and for this purpose, the said Mary Eliza, "having given her assent, and has surrendered her life estate in consideration of receiving therefor, a child's part in fee (simple, which , has also been assented to by all of said children and guardian. No. 192.] AN ACT 1863. 148 Sec. 2. Now, therefore, he it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in Gen¬ eral Assembly convened, That it shall be lawful for th« administrator, with the will annexed, of said .Catharine Baker, to sell said land at either public or private sale, for cash, or on a prcdit, or part cash, and part credit, and in a body, or in separate lots as he may be advised is best for the interest of said parties. Sec. 3. B( it further enacted, That within thirty days after said sale, the said'administrator shall report the same to the 1'robate Court of Montgomery county, and Jf no objections be made to said sale by any of thai par¬ ties interested, within twenty days after notice of the fil¬ ing of said report, and the terms of said sale shall be complied with by the purchasers,. the sale shall be eon- Deeds 10 firmed, and the court shall order deeds of conveyance to jbe made to the purchasers by said administrator, which said deed or deeds shall convey to the purchase? all the right, title, interest and claim of the said Mary Eliza Proviso Peacock, and each and all of her children above named, whatever it may be in law or in equity. Provided, that the" guardian of said infants shall elect as to terms of the sale of their interest, and it he elect to sell oil time, then the. administrator shall in his sale require such part of said purchase to be on time., as will equal the interest of said infants, or as much of tlieir interest as the guardian shall demand, to be on time, secured by mortgage on the premises. i Pec. 4. Re if further enacted, That upon the conlirma- of pro" lion of said sale, the said administrator with the will an¬ nexed, shall bo authorized to pay over to the said Mary Eliza Peacock one-eighth portion of the nett proceeds,and to each of her said adult children one-eighth, and to the guardian of each of the infant children, one-eighth jn money, or in the time notes as they. Inay demand. Pro¬ vided,- that this act shall in no wise interfere with the vights of the creditors of said estate, if there he any. Nor shall any sale take place until the administrator of said estate, file his assent thereto in said Probate Court. . Approved November 21, 1863; Administrator may sail insH Report 149 1863. No. 193.] AN ACT For the relief of Wiley. Glover, of Calhoun county. . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sena te a nd Hovsi of Rep¬ resentative# of the. State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Secretary of State ia hereby imthor-,Tl1lM ized, and it is hereby made his duty to make title to Wiley Glover, of Calhoun1 county, for the following de- Elt-ribed land, to-wit': The West half of the North West quarter of Section Sixteen, in Township Fifteen, range Eight, East, in Calhoun county, Alabama, all laws and- parts of laws to the contrary not withstanding. Approved December 7, 1863. No 194.] AN ACT For the relief of Duncan-Findley, of the county of Pike. Wherab, Duncan Findley, of Pike county, State ot Al¬ abama, became the surety of one Jacob Folman, late ofProaHllrlfi said county, deceased, for the purchase money for the South West quarter of North East quarter and North half of South East quarter of Section Sixteen, Township Nine, Range Nineteen, at a public sale made by thetrus- ■ tees of said township,in accordance with law ; and where¬ as, the said Duncan Findlay has paid the whole of the purchase money for said lands, and the estate of the said Folman is insolvent, and there is no administration upon the same, therefore, . Section 1. Be it enacted by the. Senate and Home of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of' Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Secretary of State be authorized and iiti*s to Findlay required to make as full and complete titles to the said •South West quarter of North East quarter and North half of South East quarter of Section Sixteen, Tovnship Nine, and Range Nineteen, to the said Duncan Findlay, as he would be require^ to do, had the said Findlay been the original purchaser of said lands. Provided, howev- Pmiw er, that this act shall not affect the legal or equitable rights of the heirs or personal representatives of the said Jacob Folman. r" r ' ( Approved November 27,1863. 1863. * 150 No. 195.] AN ACT For the relief of E. Shiver, of Dale county. Whereas, on the 19th day of February, 185G, Elijah Shiver, of Dale county, entered at the land office at Elba, Frcambi# Alabama, forty-one 37-100 acres of the South East quar¬ ter of the North West quarter of Section No. 3, in Town¬ ship No. 3, of Range Twenty-five. And • whereas, said Elijah Shiver intended to enter fort}-one 37-100 acres of i the North East quarter of the North West quarter of said section, township and range, said Shiver having pre¬ viously, to-wit: on the 13th day of October, 1855, enter¬ ed the South East quarter of the North West quarter, therefore Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Register and Receiver of the Land omngewuiT office at Elba be, and he is hereby directed to change said entry from the South East quarter of the North West quarter to the North East quarter of the North West quarter of said Section, Township and Range. Provided the latter tract is vacant and subject to entry. _ • Sec. 2. Be it furthe * enacted, That all laws and parts R«p®ai of laws militating against this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved November 19, 1863. No. 196.] AN ACT For the relief of Boy kin G-oldsby and others. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of tie Sbdc of Alabama in General Assembly Rpiiovofi from convened, That hereafter, should it become necessary for . James T. Reese and Eo}kin Ooldsby, of Dallas county, ahd Samuel G-. Hard away, of Montgomery county, to take the oath against duelling, require*! by Section 110 of the ' Code of Alabama, the oath shall bo confined, iu point of time to the first day of November, 1863. Approyed November 25,1863. 151 1863. No. 197.] AN ACT For tile relief.of Edward P1 Holcombe, of Lowndes county. section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That whenever hereafter it shall become no1 cessary for Edward P. Holcombe, of Lowndes county, Alabama, to take the path against duelling prescribed by section 110 of the Code of Alabama, sucli oatb shall be confined, in point of time, to the first day oi Novem¬ ber, A. D., 1863. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Edward P.. Holcombe be, anl he is hereby relieved from all the From see. 3o«9 f pains and penalties of section.3089 of the Code of Ala¬ bama. 1 Approved November 28, 1863. No. 198.] AN ACT For the relief of "William A. Rose. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assetnl ly Mu.de oitben or convened, That from and after the passage of this act,Da1lM- William A. Rose, of Perry county, according to the boundaries of said county, is hereby declared to be a citizen of Dallas county, so long as he continues to live where he now resides. ' Approved November.25,1863. No 19$] : AN ACT , For the relief of N. Y. Alston. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the county line between the counties of 9f Perry and Marengo be changed so as to make Nathaniel Y. Alston a citizen of Marengo county, and entitled to all the privileges of citizenship therein, so long as he shall continue to reside at the place which he purchased from Mrs. Talbot. Approved November 28,1863. 1863, 152 No. 200.] AN ACT . For the relief of L. R. Davis, of Limestone comity. •i * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in, General Assembly wUlt convened, That hereafter L. R. Davis, of the county of Limestond, shall be considered a liner between the coun¬ ties of Limestone and Madison, with all the privileges 'and liabilities which attach to a citizen of Limestone county. Approved November 30, 18(53. No. 201.] AN ACT For the relief of Lewis Anderson. Section. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly «ntsca »r convened, That the comity line between the counties of pmtt- Terry and Marengo be changed so as to make Lewis An¬ derson a citizen of Perry county, and entitled to all the privilege* of citizenship therein. Sec. 2. Be it fur iher enaeted, That the slaves of the vwj'k Lewis Anderson shall be liable to work on public ruaas. roads in the county of Perrv. " >proved November 30, 1803. No. 202.] AN ACT For the relief of Sedwine Dolive and Alexander Dolive of Baldwin county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Sedwine Dolive- and Alexander Dolive, of Baldwin county be, and thev are hereby made citizens of the State of Alabama, entitled to all the privilege# as such. Approved November 28, 1863. 153 1863. ,No. 203.] ( AN ACt *For tlie relief of Eliza Jane Harris, of Randolph county, Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Eliza Jane Harris, of Randolph countyt)lvorde!(1 be, and she is hereby relieved from all disabilities impos¬ ed by law on persons against whom a divorce has been obtained. ' Approved December,8,18G3. No. 204.] AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Jane Kirk, of Macon county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and H6use of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Mrs. Jane Kirk, whose son v<»lunteered in the military service of the Confederate Slates fromliei onumiiiw. the State of Mississippi, is hereby declared entitled to share in the several acts for the relief of indigent fami¬ lies of soldiers, as fully as if her son had volunteered in said service from this State. Approved December 7,1863. No. 205.] AN ACT For'the relief of T. ^ Bethea, of Montgomery county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly May s,u 0ora in convened, That T. B. Bethea, of Montgomery county, be,tbis sute- and he is hereby authorized to sell his corn, which he- purchased of A. P. Calhoun in Marengo county, in any market in this State, any laws to the contrary notwith¬ standing. • Approved December 8, 1863. 20 1863. 154 No. 206.] AN, ACT For the relief of Charles Irby Mitchell. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House, of Bep- resentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly duabIrn/rom convened, That Charles Irby Mitchell, of the •county of Mobile, be, and he is hereby released from the disabili¬ ties of non-age, so as to authorize him to make settle¬ ment with, and to receive from his guardian all his pro-' perty, in the same manner, and to the same extent, as though he was of full age ; and liis guardian is hereby authorized and fully empowered to settle with and de¬ liver to said Mitchell all his property, and the settlement and-receipts of the said Mitchell shall be as effectual as if he were of full age ; and the said Charles Irby Mitch¬ ell is hereby authorized to exercise all the privileges and ' the rights of an adult, except the right to vote ; and he. shall be subject to all the liabilities and duties of an adult, notwithstanding his non-age. Approved December 5, 1SG3. No.207.] AN ACT* For the relief of Lindsey C. Spratling, of the.county of Chambers. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly my transact convened, That Lindsey C. Spratljng, a minor of the businoss. county of Chambers, be and he is hereby authorized to manage and transact all business connected with" his es- coutracts tate, and that all contracts which he shall make after thi? passage of this act, shall be as legal and as full*effect.as though he were twenty-one years of age, and he is here¬ by fully authorized to settle with and receive his prop- Recowo property er^y from his guardian, as fully as though he were twen¬ ty-one years of age. Approved November 17, 1863. 155 1863. No. 208.] AN ACT » For the relief of Algernon A. Henderson, a Minor. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State, of Alabama hi General Assembly convened, That Algernon A. Henderson, a minor, of the ^.recone es" county of Macon, be and he is - hereby relieyed from his disabilities as a minor,.so far as to authorize him to re¬ ceive his estate at the hands of his guardian, George B. Slaughter, and to receipt for the same as fully as he could do, if he, said minor were twenty-one years of age, and upon such final settlement and receipt, the said Slaugh- ter shall be discharged from all further liability therefor as guardian. (< Approved December 7, 1863. No. 24)11.] AN ACT For the Relief of James M. Calhoun. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sentiti and, House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened,, That upon the probate of the will of Williarn rcn'^tyrojr w* M. Smythe, late of.the county of Marengo, by James M. r"nc,,,n Pi,Uas Calhoun, the executor thereof, in the Probate Court of Marengo count1}', the administration and settlement of said estate, with all of the property belonging thereto, be and the same is hereby transferred and removed from the county of Marengo to the county of Dallas, and to this end the Judge of the Prolrate Court of Marengo county, upon application of said James M. Calhoun, shall make out and certify to the Probate Court of Dallas county, a full and complete transcript of all the proceedings of said Transcript court in relation to the probate of the will of said Wil¬ liam M. Smythe, which "transcript, with all fees due to to pay fees tha Judge of Probate of Marengo county, shall be paid by the said James M. Calhoun. . &ec. 2. Be it further enacted, That upon the filing of said transcript,'with the will of said William M. Smythe, court of Dallas to in the Probate Court of Dallas county, and the executionissurt lettPrs>ltc- of the proper bond by the said James M. Calhoun, the Probate Court of .Dallas county shall give letters/ testa¬ mentary to said James M. Calhoun, as the executor of 1863. ,156 said William M. Smythe, and shall become invested with as full and complete jurisdiction over the estate of said, Smythe as if he had died in Dallas county, and shall exe¬ cute all the provisions of the law in relation to said estate, as if said court had had original jurisdiction of the estate of said William M. Smythe. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 210.] AN ACT For the relief of William S. Knox, of Dallas county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and*House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly May wii n<\?ront conike?2erf, That William S. Knox, of Dallas county, as the privutR EiUc, &c. administrator of Aunius B. King, late of said county, is hereby authorized and empowered to sell at private sale for cash, or on a credit, in or out of the State, a certain negro woman named Patsey, and her infant child, the proviso property of said estate ; Provided, the said William S. Knox shall make due report and return of said sale'to the Probate Court having jurisdiction of said estate, within the time now required by law. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 211.] AN ACT For the relief of the heirs of Hardy Aljney, deceased. Section 1. Be if enacted by the Senate and House, of Repn resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ^ithstomiing'1 convened, That it shall be lawful for the Court of Probate widowhood, &c. 0f Sumter county, on petition of- the heirs of Hardy Abnev, deceased, to grant an order to the administrator of the estate of said Hardy Abney to divide the pro¬ perty of said decedent, as nearly as possible in accord¬ ance with his Will, but setting aside the provisions of proviso the Will that the property shall not be divided during , the widowhood of his late wife ; Provided, the court shall be satisfied that all the parties interested are adults and consent to such division. Approved November 27,1863. 157. 1863. No. 212.] AN ACT For the relief of the estate of William T. Smith', of But¬ ler count}7. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Some of Bep- •reseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That upon Sarah A. E. Smith, of Butler county, tnmKfor- prodiicing to the Probate Court of Macon county a bondeounty.aton with sufficient surety, approved by said court, condition¬ ed faithfully to execute, all and singular the trusts ap¬ pertaining to said estate of William T. Smith, and to do and perform whatever the law requires in regard to the management and settlement thereof; upon the certificate of said judge that §ucli bond has been given, the admin¬ istration of said estate shall be, and is hereby declared transferred to the county of Macon, from the county of Butler.; Provided, that the said Mrs. Sarah A. E. Smith scttiem«nt to bo shall make a settlement of said estate with the Probate ™tntyn Butkr Court ol Butler county, previous to such transfer. Approved November 19, 1863. No. 213.] AN A.CT For the relief of the heirs and representatives of John Flood McGrew. Section 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse, of Bep- rcsentative$ of the State of Alabama in General Assembly , convened, That the claim of John Flood McGrew, as as- la"4 signee of Hardy Perry, under an act of the Congress of the United States entitled " ah act for the relief of Bich- ard Crevat, Hardy Perry and Bailey Chaney," approved 5th day of July, 1838, is hereby ratified and confirmed, in and to the following land? to-wit: The South half of Section twenty-four, containing three hundred and twenty acres ; the North-East quarter of Section twenty- four, one hundred and forty-six acres ; the South-East quarter of the South-East quarter, Section thirteen, forty acres—all in township eight, Bange two, West. Also, the North-West Fractional quarter of Section thirty, Township eight, Bange one, West, containing one hun¬ dred and thirty-four acres according to a patent certifi¬ cate issued by James Magoffin, Begister, and E. H. Gor- 1863. 158 Fut«nt. {n i^uo Claim to land ccnfirmwl. Pa font fat i Section 1. Be it enacted, by the Senate and Home of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Samuel A. Fitts, administrator of the es- Pdrtuarshi tcm tate of William Fitts, deceased, be, and he is hereby au-timnd. thorlzed to work the property of the estate of said Wil¬ liam Fitts, deceased, in partnership with James Fitts, on the same terms, that said partnership existed during the life time of said William Fitts, deceased ; Frovided that Limintiou said Samuel Fitts, 'administrator as aforesaid, shall not be authorized to work the said property as aforesaid, beyOnd the lst'day of January, 1865. Approved December 8,1863. For the relief of tlnj heirs of Cornelia Steele, deceased. - Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep¬ resentatives of the State i«M convened, That Dr. J. S. Hays, of Walker county, be and he is hereby authorized to erect a mill dam not exceed¬ ing four feet high, across the Black Warrior river in Walker county, at the Hyche Shoals in said river, any law, custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved November 17, 1863. No. 225.] AN ACT To authorize. A. T. Kanady to erect a fish trap in a por¬ tion of the Coosa River. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-, resenfative# of the State of Alabama in General Assembly May «r«ct trap# convened, That / . T. Kanady, of the county of C'oosa, be and he is hereby authorized to erect a fish trap or traps in the Coosa river, between the mouth of Paint Creek and Long Island-, on the east side of said river; 1863. 164 any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand- v .. , , . ing* Provided, the navigation of said river for flat boats shall not be obstructed thereby. Approved November 17, 1863. No. 226.] AN ACT To abolish the office of Public Accounts in the county of Mobile. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly omce airshed convencd, That the office of Auditor of public accounts in the county of Mobile, created by an act approved 9th day of February, 1852, be and the same is hereby .abol¬ ished from and after the first Monday of August, 1864. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the present in- inc'umbfiit. con- cumbcnt may continue in office until the expiration of tnmcs presen£ term, the first day of August, 1864. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws contraven- Rcpeai v ing the provisions of this act, be and the same are here¬ by repealed. .Approved November 17, 1863. No. 227.] ' AN ACT To authorize Franklin C. Pinkston to erect agate across the " Ray Road" in Montgomery county. Section 1. Be it ena< ted by the Senate and House of Rep- ■ resent a tives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly May crcei pato_ convened, That. Franklin C. Pinkston, of the county of Montgomery be, and he is hereby authorized to erect a gate'across the "Ray Road," in Montgomery county; where said road runs through his land. Approved November 25, 1863. 165 1863. •No. 228.] AN ACT To repeal an act entitled " An Act to regulate the num¬ ber of Grand Jurors in the county of Marion." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentativejt of the. .State, of Alabama In General Assembly convened, That an act entitled "An Act to regulate the ^al'f i,ct nf number of grand jurors in the county of Marion," ap- . proved February 2d, 1856, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved November 17, 1863. No. 221).] AN ACT : \ To authorize John S. Moragne and R.ufus R. Rhea to build abridge across liig Wills' Creek. section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and, House, of Brp- resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened,, That John s. Moragne and Rufus B. Rhea are !,y'r'1" hereby authorized to erect a toll bridge across Big Wills' Creek, at the said J. S. Moragne's mills, on said creek, inDeKalb county, or at or near the old Hampton ford, asHowhew they may determine. They are to hold and own the same as tenants in common to themselves, their heirs and as¬ signs, and are authorized [to demand and receive from persons crossing on said bridge such toll as the Court ofRm,,v,>t0n County Commissioners of DeKalb county may.from time to time assess ; Provided, however, this grant, shall not preclude the building of a free public bridge across said miso creek, at any time and within any distance of said bridge. Approved November 25,1863. No. 230.] AN ACT To repeal an act therein named. * Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoiise of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Aet of. convened, That the act entitled "an act to authorize Justices of the Feace to appoint apportioned of roads 1863. 166 in Pickens county, and for other purposes/' approved February 15, 1860, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions cod« inform of chapter 14, article 1, of the Code upon the subject of public roads, which were repealed by the act aforesaid, be and the same are hereby revived and restored to full force and effect in the county of Pickens. Approved November 17, 1863. No. 231.] AN ACT Tp regulate the number and pay of Grand and Petit Jurors in the county of Walker. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly fintmj jurv oi' convened, That from and after-the passage of this act ihteen. drani jnry in the county of Walker shall consist of fifteen, and no more. Also there shall be but one Petit one etit ur ^U1T twelve, with th© right of the Sheriff to fill all nope jury vacanciea whicli may occur in said Jury', and he may, if necessary, einpannel another Jury from the bystanders present. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the aforesaid ju- ray find miio.igo rors shall be entitled to two dollars and fifty cents per day and five cents per mile going to and returning from the court house on the most direct route of travel, out of any money in the county treasury not otherwise np' propriated. 1 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts ■ Repeal of laws contravening the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved November 27, 1863. No. 232.] AN ACT To repeal a certain local act for Cherokee county, therej in named. i « ♦ Section ' 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Afit;or lsei ro_ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General'Assembly ixwicd. convened, That Act No. 201; of the regular session of the 167 J863i General Assembly ip 1861, entitled "An Act to author- ize the Commissioners' Court of Cherokee .to levy a spe¬ cial tax, Ac.," approved December 7th, 1861, be and'the same is hereby repealed. Approved November 27,1863. No. 233.] AN ACT Authorizing the Commissioners' Court of Dale county to pay a certain claim. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House t>f .Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alalia in a in General Assembly convened, That the, County Commissioners of Dale county ,,ay p00tor are hereby authorized to pa)* Dr. James Bottoms suchBoUumii compensation as.they may deem proper for services ren¬ dered to the indigent families of Dale county, afflicted with small pox, out of any county funds not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in the event of there being no surplus fund in the county treasury, the 1#vy ux of Commissioners' Court shall be, and they are hereby au-tB"»hur oout- thorized and empowered to levy and have collected a tax not exceedipg ten per cent, on the State tax for the pay¬ ment of said claim, when clearly established to the satis¬ faction of said Commissioners' Court. Sec. 3. Beit further enacted, That all laws and parts ofR0peai. lawTs militating against this act be and the same are here¬ by repealed. Approved-November 27, 1863. No. 234.]. AN ACT To amond Sections 430, 431 and 432 of the Code, as to Shelby county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sena te and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Ah dm ma in General Assembly convened, That Sections 430, 431 and 432 of the Code of {J1" Alabama be amended as to Shelby county, that from *<-•• and after the passage of this act, the tax assessors for •aid county shall give notice by advertisement, posted- 1863. 168 Notice required UP tlire6 'or more public places in each precinct, of the time and place 01 meeting the tax payers of said beats at least, ten days before the time of meeting them. Sfic. 2. Be it f urther enacted, That the assessor shall Assassor toimmt meet the tax payers of each precinct in said county at twice, kc , . i i • i iiii-i i least twice, and his last meeting shall be at least ten days before the. 1st day of July. -Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That each tax payer who on imiuio ot tax shall fail to meet said assessor and furnish him \vith a aoabiJui list of his laxable property and effects, or in some other' way furnish said assessor with such list by the 1st day. of July, shall be double taxed. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the tax assessor Uliik# shall as soon after the 1st day of July, as may be, from the best information within his reach, assess double tax upon eaeli tax payer avIio shall have failed to furnish a" list of his taxable property, as by this act required ; Pro- ri.iMso vided the tax payer is not a soldier or the widow of a soldier. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, Thiit if in any case a tax Comuusaiwierg' Payer w^° may have been double taxed, who shall have court imay remit a good excuse for having failed to furnish to the assessor on good «xous« a as herein required, to be determined of by the Commissioners' Court, may by the -first Monday of Sep¬ tember, after such assessment, submit his excuse to said Commissioners' Court, and if said excuse be deemed by said court sufficient, said court may remit the excess so assessed, and make the proper allovyance. Approved November 28, 1863. No. 235.] AN ACT To authorize the formation of volunteer companies m the first, second and third Congressional Districts. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly luThoriy,.'j'ifv" oonvened, That the persons composing class number one, form cewyuuiwi as defined in the third section of an act entitled " am act to reorganize the Militia of the State of Alabama, ap¬ proved 29th of August, 1863, residing in the first, second, and third Congressional Districts, and who are by the provisions of said act exempt from the. operations of said act, be and said persons are* hereby authorized to lorm themselves into one w' wore companies, in their respective counties \ such, companies to be composed of not less than thirty nor more than sixty rank and file, and entitled to the commissioned officios now allowed by the provisions of said act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^, That upon the formation Of such companies they shall organize by the election 1>rtlim mA ap of the commissioned officers to which the Company may ol' be entitled, and the appointment of non-commissioned vffl"'rh' officers as follows; If the company shall number forty or tnore, tbere shall be tour sergeants and ibur coi poi als, if less than forty, three sergeants and three corporals. And such company shall return a muster foil of the Mu lt,.r r„n same to1 the county commandant or special aid tor said county, together with a statement of the number and de¬ scription of such arms as the company can lurnish, a copy of which roll and statement shall be forwarded to t))1)ttSl.llttll the Governor by such county commandant or special aid. cwwriur. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when ever smh com¬ panies have been forwarded ynd reported as proviiledr((tnl)aui(,,.HMl). by the preceding sections of this act* sin h company or j^to ,nilltli companies shall be subject to the provisions of the act to dVN re-organize the militia, which are applicable to the liist class, or county reserves, defined by said act, and shell be entitled to receive arms and ammunition, as provided by said act i Provided, such companies shall not be re |.roviao quired to discharge any militia duty beyond the limils of the county in which such companies are organized. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if in any one coun¬ ty there shall be organized as many as three companiesB.tt.i]ilJUS,01in,d mider the provision of this: act, suoh form themselves into a battalion, for county service, and elect such officers as are required for a battalion b\ the laws of this State. Approved December 4, 1863. No. 236.] Atf ACT To liable the treasurer of the county of Calhoun to pay sufplus funds in his hands to purposes therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted, hj the Senate and.House of Bvp- resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened, That from and" after the passage of this act, all 22 '1863.' 170 mes &c. to surplus funds in the hands of the treasurer of the county credit or county of Calhoun, now and hereafter arising from fines and for- nn'' feitures in the Circuit'Courts thereof, he passed ovei to the credit of all ordinary county claims. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 237.] • AN ACT To divide the county of Tuscaloosa into four Commission¬ ers1 Districts. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ^commissioners' convened,That the Court of County Commissioners for districts fjjg county of Tuscaloosa, shall at their first regular.meet¬ ing-, in the year 1S64, or as soon thereafter as practica¬ ble, divide the said county into four Commissioners' Dis tricts, to be numbered from one to four. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in all elections for iioaion tor each Cougly Commissioners in said count}, after the same has district been so divided into districts, there shall be a commis¬ sioner chosen for each district, who shall leside in the district for which he is chosen, but to be elected by a general vote of tlie county. The candidate for each dis¬ trict receiving the highest vote in the county, shall be Proviso the commissioner for such district : Provided, that noth¬ ing in this act shall he so construed as to prevent any commissioner now in office, from holding the office dur¬ ing the time lor which he was elected, and that all laws conflicting with this act be, and the same are repealed. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 238.] AN ACT For the establishment of an additional Ferry on the Ala¬ bama River, near the city of Montgomery. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly parsons autheriz- convened, That James Porter, Boiling Hall, A. L. Clapp, establish ^ Clapp, and their assigns be, and they are here¬ by authorized to establish a public, feiry on the Alabama 171 1863. river, near the city of Montgomery, at some point above the Fair Grounds, and within one-fourth of a mile of the steam saw-mill of W. S. Pierce & Co. Sec. ii. Be it further enacted, That said ferry be estab¬ lished and kept up, upon and under the same, terms and cbd« applicable conditions as are, prescribed in Article 3, Chapter 14, Title 13, and part First, of the Code of Alabama, except, that the license hereby granted to establish said ferry may be revoked or repealed by the General Assembly of li»bi« to repeal this State at any future session thereof. Approved December 3,1*463. To repeal an act to compensate Jurors and Witnesses in Monioe county, approved January 5th, 1848. Section 1. Be if enacted, by the Senate ami House of Rep¬ resentatives of the Stale if Alabama in General Assembly oflS4Rn> convened, That an aft entitled "An Act to compensate p^m. jurors and witnesses In Monroe county," approved Jan¬ uary 5th, 1848, be, and the same is hereby repealed: Provided, that the county treasurer of said county of Monroe shall attend at each and every term of the Cir-proviso ouit Court for said county,, for the purpose of paying off such jurors and witnesses as may be entitled to be paid at each term of said court. Approved December 4,1863. To 'authorize the Court of Cpunty Commissioners of Walker county to levy a tax for county purposes. Section 1. Be if enacted, by the. Senate a nd, House of Rep¬ resentatives of the. State of Alabama, in General, Assembly (xmyemtd, That the Commissioners of Boads and Bevenue *r taxation in tne county of Walker shall have no power, to levy more than.one hundred per cent, on the State tax for county purposes in one year, any law to the poji+rary notwithstanding. Approyed December 3,1863, No. 239.1 AN ACT No. 240.] AN ACT . 1863. 172 No. 241.] AN ACT To requisite the election of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue in the county of Marion. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and IIvise of Bep~ resent*dives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly <'°m" (,onv* ned, That hereafter in all elections for commission¬ ers of Roads and Revenue in the county of Marion, it ■ shall he the duty of the Sheriff of said county to hold an election in each commissioners' district of said county, lor the purpose of electing one commissioner for said county in each of said districts, rotem district ^BC. 2. Be it, further enacted, That in the .elections above specified, nq person shall be entitled to vote out of the district of his residence. Terms Sec. 3. Be if further enacted, That said commissioners shall hold their terms of office as now prescribed by law, Hud shall have power, and it is their duty acting as a Vjicuncy how nmr£ with the Probate Judge, to fill all vacancies in the court by appointment, from the district in which the retiring commissioner lived when tbe vacancy occurred, im iiHibcuts con- Sec/4. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be so construed us to prevent the present incum¬ bents from serving out the term for which they were' elected. Approved December 3, 1803. No. 242.] AN ACT To repeal a local law therein named in Jefferson county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Act «r i85i ma re8f*nt°tives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly amendment r"' convened, That from and after the passage of this act, an pcaM. act entitled u'An Act to regulate the sale of spirituous liquors in the town of Elyton/' approved 16th De§om- her, 1851, and the amendment thereto, be and the sarqe are hereby repealed. Approved December 4, I860. 173 1863. No. 243.3 AN ACT To amend an act entitled " An Act to render more effi¬ cient the system of Public Schools in the State of Ala¬ bama, so far as relates to Sumter county." I Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly T#liehPrg rtrilw con vened,¥That hereafter all teachers in Sumter county Pr»rota. who have been examined by the county superintendent of public schools of the county, and been duly licensed by such superintendent to teach a public school, shall be entitled to draw and receive a proportionate part of the school fund of the township in which any person so li¬ censed shall teach, any law or usage to the contrary not¬ withstanding. Approved December 8,1863, To authorize Richard T. Starr and other persons therein named to marry. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Btarr convened, That Richard T. Starr, whose wife has obtain¬ ed a divorce from him, be and he is hereby authorized to "marry, as if he had never before been married. \ Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions of Te4d T8fi(J this act be extended, and shall apply to Jesse B. Todd "* and Mary Todd, of Chambers county. Approved December 8,1863. To amend the charter of the city of Selma. / . .Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-' resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 6 of the charter of the city ofgjwjfXrfwd Selma, approved February 9, 1852, be and the same is «h*rg* wh*rf»g« hereby so amended aft to insert in said^ section as part No 244.] AN ACT No. 245.] AN ACT 1863. 174 thereof, and immediately after the sentence " to' regulate the stationary, moorage and* anchorage of steamboats and other boats and crafts within their jurisdiction,1' the following* words: 14 to establish a city wharf, on any lands belonging to said city, and to'charge such wharf¬ age on goods and freights landed thereat as the city council may, by its bchedule of rates establish, to be collected out, of' the owner or consignee of said goods and freights: Provided, that such schedule of rates for wharfage shall not exceed those that are or may be es¬ tablished at other places upon the river. Approved November 25, 1863. No. 246.] AN ACT To amend the charter of the city of Huntsville. Section 1. Be it enaded by the Senate and Hornf of Rep- 'ieucnlatives of tJie Stah of Alabama in General Assembly May prohibit sale convened, That daring the existence of the present war &B.,©rliquers. een ^he Confederate States and the United States, the mayor and aldermen of the city of Huntsville bhall have power to prohibit the introduction into the corpo¬ rate limits of said ci(y of spirituous liquors, and to pro¬ hibit the sale of spirituous liquors within .said corporate limits, and within one'inile of said corporate limits. Approved November 19, 1863. No. 247.] AN ACT To grant further powers to the corporate authorities of the city of Mobile. Section 1. Be U enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened, That the existing laws upon the subject" of the thcriBod business tax of persons doing business in the fcity of Mo¬ bile be so amended as to enable the corporate authori¬ ties of said city to assess and collect from all persons trading or carrying on guy business, trade or profession within the limits of said city (mechanics carrying on their trades, or journeyman work excepted), a "license 175 186s: whfcli shall be assessed in three grades ; the amount of the license tax of the first grade shall not exceed one hundred dollars * the amount of the second grade shall Amoimt (>f tas not exceed fifty doll sirs ; the amount of the third grade shall not exceed twenty-five dollars. The amount of said license taxes shall be fixed by ordinance from Lime to time as may be deemed necessary; and when lesser rates are assessed, the amount of the several grades shall bear the same.proportion to each other as the above. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts- of laws conflicting writh the provisions of this act, be sndKoi"Ml the same are hereby repealed. Approved "December 4,1863. To repeal "An Act to amend the Chaiteis of the towns of Marion, in Poiry county, and Montev alio, m Shelby county." Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resenlatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act to amend the charters of the towns of Marion, in Perry county, and Montevallo, in ut' aa ot' Shelby county, approved December 10th, 1861, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved December 8, 1863. To aineiid "An Act to incorporate the city of Mont¬ gomery." . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ben- reseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the corporate limits of the city of Mont- Detlu(1, UlfllU gomery^P* heretofore defined, be and are hereby so ex¬ tended afiwo embrace the following additional metes and bounds, to-wit: The Past half of the South-East quarter of fractional section eleven, h»a uwhip sixteen, range sev¬ enteen ; commencing again at the South-West corner of fractional section twelve, thence East on the section line to a point where the West line of Holt, street, produced, No. 248.] AN ACT No. 249.] AN ACT would intersect said section Hue 5 thenco direct to Ihe centre of section thirteen, township sixteen, range sev¬ enteen ; thence South four hundred and sixty feet; thence East six thousand and forty feet; thence North* two thousand five hundred feet ; thence East eight hun¬ dred and sixty feet ; thence North to the North line of section seven, township sixteen, range eighteen ; thence West on said line to a point where the East hue of De¬ catur street, produced, would intersect said section line ; thence North six hundred and sixty feet; thence West to the Alabama river. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That ihe City Council of Clung# of wards Montgomery shall have pov er to change, remodel, or in¬ crease the number of the Wards of the city, as they may deem fit. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of lupsdi ' laws, in anywise conflicting with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are liereby repealed. Approved December 7, 1863. No 250.] AN ACT Amendatory of an act to incoiporate the city ol Mont¬ gomery, approved December 23, 1837. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Taxconvened, That "an act to incorporate the city of Mont¬ gomery," approved December 23d, 1837, be, and the same is hereby so amended as to empower the city council of Montgomery to impose ,a tax on every cart, dray, wagon and other vehicle used for the transporta¬ tion of goods and commodities irom one part of said city to another, for hire, a tax not exceeding twenty-five dollars where one or two horses are used in hauling the same, and not oxceeding fifty dollars where four horses Hawbi are used ; on hacks, fifty dollars, on omnibusses drawn by four horses, one hundred and fifty dollars ; on omni- Oiiiiiibna buses drawn by twu borsos, seventy-five dollars; 011 MarehaMiz-s every vender ot goods, wares and merchandise, drugs and medicines, or either of them, fifty dollars per annum; Aucttwuors on auctioneers, a tax not exceeding one hundred dollars stauie* per annum ; for each livery or sale stable, one hundred inanrau'ea oak*.* dollars ; insurance offices, foreign or otherwise, one hun- xegro tratioru dred dollars; negro traders or brokers, two hundred dol- 177 1863. 'lars; hotels, one hundfed dollars; theatres, shows, or™, . . other exhibitions, ten dollars for each exhibition ;• lec- ea res' c" tares, when an admission fee is charged, except for Char- Lectur°8 itable or benevolent purposes, ten dollars ;4circuses forcing each performance, forty dollars ; restaurants, fifty dollars; u^tau.aut concert's, for profits, ten dollars each; warehouses forWim0l(iu e. storage of cotton, two hundred dollars ; companies for the manufacture of gas, two hundred dollars ; on licen-0'^ sed day laborers, twenty dollars per annum ; on w usher ^"hulttouicu women, ten dollars per annum; on barbers, twenty dol-^1^ lars per annum. Approved December 3, 1863. No. 251.] AN ACT 1 To amend " An Act to repeal an act imposing restric tions on tbe City Council of Montgomery, and for other purposes," approved 13th January, lSffb Section 1. Be it enacted, by the Senate and Holme of Iicp- renentativen of the State of Alabama in General Annembly convened, That "An Act to repeal an act imposing re- ^ strietious upon the City Council of the city of Mont gomery, and for other purposes," be, and the same u- hereby amended, so that the City Council of Muntgom ery shall, from and after the passage of this act, have full power to collect, demand and receive of and from the owners, or consignees,, of all goods which shall be landed on or shipped from the Montgomery city wharf or wharves, landing or landings, such wharfage as said Council shall, from time to time, deem necessary, not ex¬ ceeding the following rates, to-wit: For each bale of cot- tuor ton, sixteen cento; for each barrel, ten cents ; for euclimm' ttn,1'u sack of coffee, salt or grain, six cents ; for each hogshead or pipe, forty cents ; for each hundred weight of iron or other metal, five cents ; for all boxes, packages and mer¬ chandize, by measurement, two cents per square foot: for each buggy or sulky, one dollar and fifty cents ; for each carry^re, two dollars ; for each thousand feet of lumber. ojTflollar ; for each horse or cow, twenty cents; stock for each sfftep or hog, five cents ; for all steamboats, un-a)atg less unavoidably detained, not exceeding ten dollars per\ day, and all barges or flatboats two dollars per day, each day they shall remain at said wharves of landings. Approved December 3,1863. 23 1863. 178 No. 252.] AN ACT. To attach the road leading from the eastern boundary of Adams street, in the city of Montgomery, to the Line Creek road.. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovse of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Road preemct convened, That the road leading from the eastern terrni- • nus of Adams street, in the city of Montgomery, to the in¬ tersection of the Line Creek road in precinct No. 1, shall be, and hereby is attached to and forms a part of precinct No. 1, of the Line Creek road in Montgomery county, and that the overseer of said precinct No. 1, shall be re¬ quired to work npon and keep the same in the same re¬ pair and order he is required to do of precinct No. 1, of the Line Creek road, and be subject to the same penal¬ ties lor neglect, omission or default in keeping the Hame in proper repair. , Approved November 27, 1863. No. 253.] AN ACT To amend "An Act to incorporate the Girard Railroad Company," approved 21st January, 1846. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House if liep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly umsudttd convened, That Section 16 of an act to incorporate the Girard Railroad Company be so amended that all after the word "Provided," where it occurs in said section, he and the same is hereby repealed. Provided, that this act Proviso remain in force "Until the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States'and Understates, and no longer. Approved December 4; 1863. 179 18G3. No, ?54.] AN ACT A To authorize the construction of a Branch Rail Road therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate, and Home of Bcp- resenta fives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Alabama and Tennessee River Rail- |^»ch author in¬ road Company, a body corporate of this State, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to construct a branch railroad from their present railroad, from such point and in such direction as the board of directors of said company may deem best for the development of the mineral coal m the vicinity of their railroad; and said branch railroad may be so located and constructed as to connect with any other railroad or roadR author- W,'F ized b^ any law of this State ; and in the location and construction of said branch railroad: and in operating the same completed in whole or in part, all the powers and privileges granted to said company by their existing p™0™ charter, original and amended, shall be applicable to and vested in said branch railroad to the full extent as if the same was fully re-enacted in this act, so far1 as the same may be pertiuant, subject to the stipulations, and pro¬ visions hereinafter specified. Provided, that this branch Pmrm road shall commence at or near Ashby Station, on the Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad, aiid shall terniin-Tmnmi ate at or South of Elytonjin Jefferson county. And pro¬ vided further, that it shall not cross the Tennessee andProv,,,f> Alabama Central Railroad. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the said branch Railroad may be constructed by the said railroad com- yRy construct pany alone, or in connection with such persons as may ^7!^ *lth subscribe for stock as hereinafter provided,'^expressly for the construction of said branch railroad. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the board of direc¬ tors of said company shall have power to open hooks of. t . , . 1 • • I- i »j. j Subscription for subscription and receive subscriptions on such'terms and sto«K. conditions ps they may prescribe, not inconsistent with this act, ahd for such amount as the said board may deem proper, to be used exclusively in the construction and equipment of said branchy railroad. Accurate ac- Amonnt f count shall be kept of the cost of the construction and&<-. equipment of said branch railroad, which may be kept separate and apart from the> present stock of said com¬ pany or to be merged in said stock according to the 1863. 18Q stipulations to be set forth in the subscriptions author¬ ized as aforesaid. If the stipulations in the subscrip¬ tions shall so provide, the subscribers shall receive < er- CprtillCMto.' tificat^s of stock in the said company for the amounts which may be subscribed and paid similar to the certifi¬ cates issued to the original stockholders of said com¬ pany ; or they may receive special eertificab'S, making them interested to the amount of the certificates respec¬ tively, alone in the stock which may be created for the construction and equipment of the said branch railroad; and in the latter ease, the said branch railroad shall be owned pro-htta by said company and the persons who may subscribe and pay for its construction and equip¬ ment, in proportion to the amounts which may be paiil; stock not imbic uni^ 111 ^is case, the stock of the subscribers lor the said for debtsot com-branch road shall not be liable for any debt, contract or pa": ''' obligation of said company now existing, or hereafter to be created, except such debt or obligation as may be cre¬ ated or incurred for, or on acc< mnt of said branch road, with which a special account shall be kept and stated from year to year, setting forth its earnings and expenses. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in case the stock .-pwi.ii Rn.ud or? which niay be created for the construction and equip- Duwtoir xnent of said branch railroad, shall be separated from the general stock of said company as authorized, the said branch railroad my \ be placed under the management of a special board of directors, to consist of such a mlmher as may be determined by said company or their board of directors, part of wbont shall be chosen by the said com¬ pany or tlieh board of directors, and part by the indi¬ vidual stockholders in said branch road, the party own¬ ing the majorily of the stock to chose the majority of the directors, the mnjorit} to correspond us nearly as prac¬ ticable, with the amount of itock owned ; the directors of the said branch road to ha\e the power to pass such By laws and by-laws and regulations, and to appoint such officers as officrs. they may deem necessary aq,d proper for the manage¬ ment of their business. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That in the event of the, wo.* may ne creation of separate stock for the construction ftnd_ equip- consolidated. ment; 0f gap;[ jbranoh road as above provided, it shall at any time thereafter be competent for said company and the majority in interest of the individual stockholders of the st< >ek which may be created for the construction and equipment of Baid branch road, to consolidate^ said sepa¬ rate stock with, and merge it in the general stock of said 181 18631 company, on such terms and conditions asbnay be agreed on. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That neither the passage of thi s act, or. anything herein contained, shall be so con-Nottt(rspp(llftnr strued, either in whole or in part, to repeal the eleventh and twelfth scrtions of an act entitled "An Act to loan and appropriate the three per cent, fund and its interest,1' approved February 18th, 1860, or in any wise release the Nm, r„, said Alabama and Tennessee Elver Eailroad Company p«n\ from from any obligation in said sections, imposed on said*10" company, but the said company are hereby bound in all things, to a faithful compliance with said obligations, to extend the said railroad from Jacksonville to Gadsden, according to the terms, stipulations and agreements in said sections above mentioned. Approved December 8,1863, No, 255.] AN ACT Authorizing the Montgomery Mining and Manufacturing Company to construct railways to and from the diffcr- Hit portions of their works. Section 1. Be. it enacted In/ the Senate ami Haune of Rep rente ntatives of the State of Alabama, in General Ansembhj convened,, That the Montgomery Mining and Manufactur- Authorized to ing Company, whose mines are located in Ta11ad< ga count ^",1"" rni ty, he and are hereby authorized and empowered to lo¬ cate, construct and complete, and use and occupy, a rail¬ road from their mines in said county, to their sulphur wprks, and from thence connecting with their roj peras, copper and other works. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted,, That said company he, and is hereby authorized to locate said road upon any K'aUtofway lands through which it may.be necessary for the same to' pass, paying the owners of such lands a reasonable com compensation pensation theretoi, and if said company cannot agree with the owner or owners of the lands as to^theVprice of the same, then"upon application of said company, it shall he the duty of the clerk of the Circuit Court of Talladega county to issue a writ of ad P" rc 'as to said damages, and tbe verdict of said jury "rBP shall be returned to the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court aforesaid, there to be filed among the records, and shall vest in said company the right to use such lands for i he purposes of said railroad, upon payment or the ten¬ der of payment of the damages so ass< sscil by the jury aforesaid, against said company. Sec. 3. he it further enacted, That nothing herein con¬ tained, shall he so construed as to authorize said compa¬ ny to locate said road, on cr through any land which is occupied by any dwelling house, or the yards and gar¬ dens thereto attached, or thiough that occupied by any stable, gin-house or other building, without the consent of the owner thereof, first liad and obtained. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in all cases where either party may be dissatisfied wilh the verdict of the jury assessing the damages sustained by reason of taking land for the use of said ro id. as provided for in the se¬ cond section of this act, said party so dissatisfied, wheth¬ er the said company or the owner of the land condemn ed, may i ppealto the Circuit Court of Talladega county at any lime within three months thereafter, and have the same tried dc novo, at the lirst tsrm of the court, on an issue made up under 111* direction of the same, audit, shall be si fii -lenl to authorize the clerk to place said cause on the d >cket, and t > bring either party into court, that 1 lis adversary has had him served by the sheriff of said county with"at least twenty days uotice in writing, of saiil ppcal. -Approved Poroi il cr 8,1863, Ajippal fioni i flict to Circuit Court. Trial nncketiiif, Nntwo of No. 256.) AN#ACT To incorporate the (Vi.lnl City Insurance C< mpanv. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Br/** rescntaNves of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Corporators convened, That C. E. Thames, A. S. Huntington, W. S. Kndx, J. E. Prestridge, W. M. Smith and W. M. Byrd and such others as, may hereafter be associated with 183' 1863. them, and their successors are hereby declared and cre¬ ated a body politic and corporate, by the name of The Central City Insurance Company, and by that n ime .shallN-tme be capable of sueing and being su< d in un^ of the courts of law and equity in this State as a natural person. They shall have power to purybnso, h< Id and enjoy real and personal estate of any description whatever, an 1 Pmms may dispose of the same at plensuie, and shall have pow¬ er, generally, to do and perform any and t vuy in t neees sary to be done to carry into effect the objects of thic charter, not inconsistt nt with the Uws and <. institution of this State and the .Confederate States. They in ay have and use a common seal, and may alter the seme at pleasure. Sec. kl. Be it faether enacted, That the capital stm k of , said company shall not he less than tilty tlions md <1 >1 L" dll>tuUt lars, the whole of which shall be paid in at the time of subscril ing, and shall be divided into slimes of on hnn drepl dollars e«Vh; and the B >ard of Directors may, at any time after the organization of said company, in crease the capital stock of the company to three hun dred thousand dollars, at their discretion, under such re¬ gulations as they may think best to adopt. . Sec. 3. Beit further eurated, That the othce oi tlie()ffii.(> company shall be in the city of Selrna, county < f Dallas. The book of subscription shall 1 e opened in the city ot Selma at any time prior to the first .day of Alan h next ( and at such place in said city aw i majority of the [ c i ' sons named in the first section of this act may deter mine, and shall be kept open until the sum of fifty thou¬ sand dollars shall be subscribed and p; id in; and the persons aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall, us soon as the sum of fifty thousand dollars has been subscribed and paid in, call a meeting of the stockholders who shall proceed to the election of not loss tlum tliieo Imd notcooiouorei- more than seven directors, as may be determined upnu™;'t^'ts and Prti by them; and said Board of Directors slcdl pro rt d Li elect one of their own body president, and lire said president and directors shall have full power and au¬ thority to appoint and remove at pleasure all officers and Puu. u, ^ a agents of said corporation; to fix their compensation; prescribe their duties^, and provide for taking of bonds of officers for the protection and security of said, as may be confided to it ; it shall have power to borrow money and issue its bonds therefor ; to invest its money or property in any wTay, thing, or any manner which would be lawful for a citizen to invest money or proper¬ ty in ; and the said property and securities to sell and man luouuy, transfer at pleasure ; it may loan money or property to any person or j oi.-mns, or coiporation, on any security it may think proper ; the corporation shall have power to purchase, discount and sell bills of exchauge.and pro- Bay au'd soi) ex- missory notes, subject to the lawrs against usury; to re- chuaga ceive on deposit for collection promissory notes and bills of exchange, charging the usual rites therefor ; 1he said corporation shall not make*or issue any bills bonds, or notes to circulate in the community as money, and all bills, bonds, notes and other securities made payable at the office of said coiporation shall be subject to the same rules of law, and to the same- legal remedies, as if made payable at any of the banks of this State. * 185 ISUh Sec. 6. Be it further enacted,. That the president and directors of said corporation shall have power to fix the Transi er ■r Ptuok mode of the transfer of the certificates of stock, as well as the time,.mode, and places of payment of interest and dividends ; and a majority of the Board of Directors shall Dividends constitute a quorum. The said corporation shall also have Quorum power to pass all such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions, 0f By"lawSr this Charter, and to carry on the business of said corpo¬ ration, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, and the laws and constitution of this State and the Confederate States ; and said corporation shall have power to make all shell contracts, by the president contracts and directors or by such agents as they may appoint, as Officers & agents may seem to them most to the interest of said corporation; and said president and directors may, by resolution or by law, create all such officers, and agents, not herein named, as they may determine to be necessary to carry on their business ; they shall have power to prescribe,,., ,, ■, ., i t , , i i Oaths and bonds an oath, and to require each officer and agent to take and subscribe the same, before he epters on the duty of his office, and they shall fix and prescribe the. amount of each bond to be given by the officers. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said corporation shall be liable to its creditors to the full' amount of its^jgjfetyofstouk property and.assets, and the several stockholders shall be liable to creditors of the corporation to the extent of their stock subscribed and not paid in. Sec.'8. Beit further enacted, That this Charter, and tion(),.cli.ir all the privileges herein contained and granted, shall re- tor.' main in full force for the period of thirty years from, the date of its approval. s Approved November 28, 1868. No. 257.] AN ACT To amend the Charter of the Eufaula Home Insurance Company. • ' . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-' resentatives of the'State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the act entitled " An Act to incorporate u?/tocL°fcair'' the Eufaula Home Insurance Company," approved Feb¬ ruary 8th, 1861, and the several acts amendatory there- 21 " 1863. 186 of, be, and the same ,are liereby amended so as to -au¬ thorize the Board of Directors of said Insurance Com¬ pany to increase the capital stock of said company to one million of dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the franchise lucres, orfnui- and privileges conferred upon the u Mechanics'Aid As- chlsg' sociation of Selma," in the fourth section of an act en¬ titled " An Act to incorporate the Mechanics' Aid Asso¬ ciation of Selma," be, and the same are hereby granted to the Eufaula Home Insurance Company. Approved November 28, 1863. No. 258.] AN ACT To amend " An Act to incorporate the Eufaida Marine and Fire Insurance Companv," approved February 9th, 1861. Section 1. Be it enacted hi/ the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly uuk!tor;oi'w»uKconvened, That the act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Eufaula Marine and Fire Insurance Company," ap¬ proved the 9th day of February, 1861, be and the same is hereby amended by extending the time within which the books of subscription for stock in said company may be opened to the 1st day of Julv, 1864. Approved November 25, 1863. No. 259.] AN ACT To increase the capital stock of the Woodville In.Nurance Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act entitled-" An Act to incorporate «rea^*t0l'k the Woodville Insurance Companv," approved February 9th, 1861, be so amended as to allow an increase of the capital stock of said company to any amount not exceed¬ ing five hundred thousand dollars. Approved November 19, 1863. 187 1863. No. 260.] AN ACT To increase the capital stock of the Selma Insurance and Trust Company, and the Planter's and Merchant's In¬ surance Company, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House, of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the President and Directors of the Plant-capital *twk in- era and Merchants Insurance Company in Selrna, and the "r,,a'',,'d President and Directors of the Selma Insurance and Trust Company, and. each of them he, and they are by this act authorized and empowered to increase the capi¬ tal stock of their respective companies by additional subscriptions to the sum of six hundred thousand dol¬ lars, to be subscribed and, paid in such manner as they by their respective boards of directors may proscribe. Approved November 19, 1863. To incorporate the Factors' and Grocers' Marine and Fire Insurance Company of Mobile. section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the State of Alabama in Gent ral Assembly convened, That a company is hereby incorporated for the corporate nnre* purpose, of transacting a general Insurance business, in the city of Mobile, under the name and style of the '• Factors' and Grocers' Marine and Fife Insurance Com¬ pany." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted,, That the said company shall have power to sue and be sued, to have a common powers seal, and to change or alter the same at pleasure, to hold, purchase, convey and dispose of all kinds of estates, real and personal, to receive and accept agencies, to appoint such subordinate oiheers and agents as in the opinion of the directors; the business of the company requires, pre¬ scribe their duties, and fix their compensation. To make . by-laws not Inconsistent with the existing laws of this State or of the Confederate States, for the transfer of its stock, the management of its property, or the. regulation Fo 261.] AN ACT 18.63. 188 of its affairs, and to alter and amend the same at their pleafture. To make notes and draw bills of Exchange, and to endorse and transfer its bills receivable, to dis¬ count bills of Exchange and promissory notes, or buy and sell the same. To buy and' sell goltl, siher, bullion or foreign coin. To receive deposits on ti ust. Tomor¬ row money. To loan its funds on any public stock ot in- corjHjrate companies, or obligations of the Stati s, or that ot the Confederate States, or to invi st the saw in real or personal securities; and goieially to do all things nete.-sary tp carry into expeuLion the powers herein itutnctiun granted ; Prodded, that nothing liciein contained shall anthojinn said company to exercise banking privileges, or of issuing hills to circulate as money. i'EC. 3. Be it further enaettd, The capital stock of 'aid c |; |ui i, com p my shall be one bundled thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to three hundred thou¬ sand, ^ believer the stockholders deem it expedient to do so, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, ten dollars on each share .to be paid in at the time of subscribing, and the remainder in such instalments as the directors may appoint. Sec. d. Be it further enacted, That if any stockholder stiirkiioiiifison- shall fail or refuse to pay the amount due for his stock, mrntVnlf^ t° the call of the directors, the company may foru-iUMi. obtain judgment against him, by motion and three days' notice, in any of the < onrts of this State, and if execu¬ tion chail be returned, no property ftnnd, such stockhol¬ der shall forfeit his stock, or the amount paid into the company. * Sec. F. Tit it fin th r enacted, That Br. Tardy, Samuel Wolil and O.H. Minge are hereby authorized" to open «i}»eu i. |)U()]IK jn f}1Pl cp;y 0f Mobile, for subserij: tions to said cap¬ ital stock, which m. d books shall continue op^n until one hundred, thousand dollars is subscribed, when the com¬ pany may organize and commence business. Sec. (>. Be it further enacted, That the affairs of the Dim-tors how company shall be conducted by a board of five directors, owtovt,,each one of whom shall own at least twenty shares of stock, to he elected by the stockholders, and boll their office for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. They shall not be directors in any other insurance companies, .and before entering'on the duties of their office, shall take and subscribe such oath as the powms Ofdiroc;stoddioldersmay prescribe for them. The board of di- torfs" 1 rectors shall have power to elect one of their number 189 President of the company, and to fix his salary, and to pass by-laws herein before provided foi-, which, however, shall be subject to revision or alteration by the stock¬ holders in general meeting. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That as. soon as the sum ^ ^ of fifty thousand dollars shall be subscribed, the said commissioners, Br. Tardy, S. Wolff and C. H. Minge4"'- shall give notice, for three weeks published in one of the newspapers of the city of Mobile, calling the stockhold¬ ers together at such time and place as they shall suggest in said notice, for an election of directors. The election Eieoti<>nbow,c.on_ shall be by ballot, each stockholder being entitled to onedllctP(1- vote for each share of stock owned by him, and he may vote by proxy in meeting or personally, which election shall be held and conducted by said commissioners. 1 All subsequent elections shall be held under the directions of board of. directors, or in such manner as may be pre- ■ scribed by the stockholders in general meeting. Sec. .8. Beit further enacted, That the said company., •, •, •' . ' . . i Powers of corn- Shall have power to make general insurances upon houses, pany. gin'houses, 'cotton, corn and other produce, upon lives,Insurance and health, of both white persons and slaves, upon live stock of every description, upon vessels, freights, steam¬ boats and ships of every kind, upon all sorts of goods, wares and merchandize, money, gold, silver, bullion and foreign coin, and every othqr species of property, against' loss by fire," dangers of the sea, river and any other risks, and to fix premiums for the same, and to do all other things appertaining to a general insurance business. That the President and one director, or two directors, in absence of the,President, shall be sufficient to make in¬ surances, and all policies subscribed by the President, or two directors, and countersigned by the Secretary, shall be binding upon the company. , Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, The said company shall have power to receive in trust, or on deposit, money or funds of any kind that piay be offered to them, on inter-Doiloslt,,< est or'otherwise, and give their receipts and obligations for the same, and such deposits and trust funds shall in no case be liable to the debts or obligations of said com¬ pany, growing out of its insurance business. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That in case of a vacan¬ cy occurring in the board of directors, the remaining vacancy yow directors may fill said vacancy by electing any stockhol-mlea" der qualified under this charter, to hold until the next general election. 1863. 190 Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, Thai any stock in said debtsi'u.com- company owned by any person or persons indebted tn puiiy.; said company, of liable to said company, either aR prin¬ cipal or security, and whether such indebtedness or lia¬ bility be due or not, shall be held by said company as security on said indebtedness or liability, which lien shall continue until the said indebtedness or liability shall be fully paid and satisfied. And in case the said owner shall fail to pay his said indebtedness (whether he isprincipul or security), within twenty days after the same shall be h«w sold due auf] pnyjhhle, the directors shall have-power to sell the said stock +o the highest bidder, at public auction, in the city of Mobile, or so much as may be necessary, first giv¬ ing at least twenty days notice of the time and place of said sale, in one of the newspapers of said city, and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of said debt and the costs and expenses of said sale, or as much thereof as will pay. the sum, and the President shall give to the pur¬ chaser a certificate of his purchase, which shall convey a good title thereto. Sec 12. Be it further enacted, That all contracts made contraetg how by said < onipany for the payment of money, or for the n,ad*' assignment of its effects, or sale of its property, must he in writing, signed by its President, and countersigned by its Secretary, and bo authorized by a resolution of its board of directors. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the amount of cap- Lwjiniity »• taw ital stock of said company actually paid in, and its prop- n' erty, shall at all times be subject to same rules of taxa¬ tion as the property and stock of like corporations in this State. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That said company shall .Agencies. have power to establish such, agencies consistent with the laws of this State, as they may deem expedient and for the interest of the corporation. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That' each stockholder Liability ofF.to«k- shall ho liable for the debts and obligations of said com- ,holder*. pany to the full extent of the stock subscribed by him, but no more.- Sec. 1G. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take Duration effect from the day of its approval by the Governor, and shall continue in force for twenty years. Sec. 17. Be it fu/ther enacted, That, the President of stat«ment of &s.^H}d COmpanv ahall on the first Monday in January in S«t» h liahihtiw. * i_ . i xi i x x x x r each year, make out, under oath, a complete statement ot the affairs of,the company, showing its assets and liabili- 191 1863. ties, and publish the same in one of the newspapers in the city of Mobile, and on failure to comply herewith, the charter of the company shall be forfeited. Approved December 4, 1863. No. *262.] AN ACT To incorporate the Montevallo Coal Mining1 Company. Section 1. Be it enacted, by the Senate ami Home of Rep¬ resentative# of the State of Alabama in, General Assembly convened, That W. W. "Waller, T. H. "Watts, L. E. Par- sons, Alex'r White, Jno. Kenan, Joel Riggs and I. T. "1|",r»atruut from their coal mines to the Alabama and Tennesseerailwayi river railroad and the branch of the Tennessee and Ala¬ bama central railroad, and the South and North Alabama railroad, and may levy and collect tolls from all persons, property, merchandize and other commodities transport¬ ed thereon. The-said corporation shall have the privi¬ lege of prescribing the number of shares into which the ghar« capital stock of said corporation shall be divided ; the 1863. 192 mode in which it shall be taken, paid, .transferred or as¬ signed, and also to*prescrib'e the mode bv which stock¬ holders in."' • vote, and the number of votes to.which.'each proviso share sln.ii be entitled ; Provided, nevertheless, that the rules adopted shall be uniform, equally securing the lights of each stockholder ; and Also to provide for4the officers election of such officers as may be deemed necessary for the. government of the affairs of said corporation, and also to ordain, establish and put into execution such by- By kiws laws, ordinances and resolutions as they may deem ne- ' cessary and expedient for the government of said cor¬ poration, not being inconsistent with the laws of the State of 'Alabama, or of the Confederate States, and in general to do and execute all and singular the acts, mat¬ ters and tilings which may be necessary for mining, transporting and selling coal • Provided, also, that no stockholder shall bo held liable for more than the amount of his orher sfock in said corporation. • v *Sec. 3. Be it further endcted, That if the officers are corporation not dot elected by the stockholders of saicl company on the ureUiJa«iectlail"<-% ^xe ii PoWurs of dircc- have power to elect all agents necessary to carry on the tors business of the company; they shall have power to re¬ quire bonds from all officers and agents of the company, 1863. 200 presoribe the duties of all, and remove any officer or agent at pleasure ; they shall have power to prescribe rules and regulations, and generally to do and perform all things which a natural person could do, in order to the proper prosecution of their business. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said corporation ot»joct k powem shall have power to manufacture any and every thing that is made of iron, brass, copper, lead, zinc, or any another metal, and to manufacture any thing that is made of wood, and especially to make castings, and roll iron of all sorts. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said corporation Limitatiuu aui shall and may exist for thirty years from the passage of liability. ^his act, and that the whole assets and property of the corporation shall be liable to its creditors for the debts of the same, and each stockholder shall be liable to cred¬ itors fur his stock not paid up. Approved December 8, 1863. No. 267.] AN ACT To incorporate a Rolling Mill Company. Whereas, John D. Gtay, Isaac J. Moses, B. L. Wy- Prwuabi* man, Henry C. Moses, W, C. Bibb, E. H. Metcalf and A. J. Rogers have formed themselves into a company for the purpose of doing the business generally done in a rolling mill, and whereas for the more conveniently car¬ rying on the operations of said company, the said par¬ ties desire an act of incorporation : Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Rep- resentatives of the State of' Alabama. in General Assembly corporal®.-* convened, That John D. Gray, iRaac J. Moses, B. L. Wy- man, Henry C. Moses, W. C. Bibb, E. H. Metcalf and A. J. Rogers, and such persons as they may hereaf¬ ter associate with them, and their successors and as¬ signs, shall be, and are hereby created a body politic un^ corporate by the name and style of the Montgom¬ ery Rolling Mills," and by that name shall be capable in Powers, lkw of suing and being sued in any of the courts of this State or Confederate States, to have, hold, purchase, to seize and to retain to them and to their successors, lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects of any kind whatsoever, and the same to grant, devise, alien 201 1863. and dispose of at {heir pleasure, and also to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter and renew as they may deem proper, arid to make, ordain and es¬ tablish such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall seem necessary and convenient for the government of said corporation, not being contrary to the laws of this State or ConfoiLiat y, or repugnant to the fundamental laws of this corporation, and generally to be vested with all the rights :ud powers which usually appertain to corporate bodies. Sec. 2, jBeit further enacted, That the capital stockralJltal stork of said company shall be one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in shares of one thousand dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the stock to five hundred thou¬ sand dollars. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted,, That the business of Said company shall be managed by a board of directors,I)"'4ctu"s to be elected by the stockholders, each share having one vote, which1 may be .voted personally or by proxy ; that the said board of directors shall consist, of three stock¬ holders, to be elected annually, and to hold their office until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. •!. Be it further enacted, That said board of di¬ rectors shall annually elect from their number a Presi- dent by whom and by whose authority all the contracts of said company shall he signed, and said President shul hold his office until his successoisnre elected an 1 qualified. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted,, That the said hoard of directors shall, whenever they deem the business of f^aid"/"^ hov' company requires it, elect such subordinate officers as they deem necessary, and the said subordinate offi¬ cers shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the President and directors and no longer. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the shares of said corporation shall not he transferable without consent ofTra"V the majority of the stockholders voting by shares, which consent shall be recorded in the stock book of said com- ' pany, in which the transfer is made. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the business of said corporation shall embrace all the business requiredI,lteQt for, the manufacture of iron. Approved December 8,1863. 26 1863* 202 No. 268.] AN ACT Corporators Name Powers, 4c To incorporate the Oakfu&keo Manufacturing Company. Section 1. Be it emitted bif l/te ficuatt and Hon e of Rep¬ resentatives of tJtc State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Benjamin J. "Wilson, together with such other persons as may hereafter be associated w ith him, and their successors be, and they urehejrely made and constituted a body corporate'in fact and in name, under the name, style and title of "The Oekfuskee Manufac¬ turing Company," and by that name shall be, and are hereby made able and capable inlaw to lia\e, hold, re¬ ceive, purchase, possess and enjoy, to the in and their successors, all real and personal estate, of whatever kind or amount said corporation may deem n:ce sary to carry all the objects of said torpor,' ti< n into lull lorce and effect, and ma) sell, grant, conve) or otherwise dis¬ pose of the same , and ma) sue and be sired, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, dtfen 1 and be defended, in all counts having < oinpetent jurisdiction; to make, use and have a common seal, and the same t > ailei, break and renew at pleasUie, ai i to do all othei acts in¬ cident to a body corporate md p ilitic. Sec. 2. Be it further inc Vi/ That the objects it ^nd corporation shall be the ni umf. Jure of w >rl and euLton into thread or cloth, tin mannfmtuie of meal, Hour,lum¬ ber, shingles, boards, or sueh br inches or parts tlicie if as they see proper to ong.igt in. The place of business shall be at Wilson's fa(tory,"iir Randolph county, Ala¬ bama ; and to enable tire said Benjamin J. Wilson to carry out the purposes of thi4 charter, he aud his asso¬ ciates and successors may. control and use the water of the Big Tallapoosa river by locks, dams, can ils, or oth¬ erwise, for marmfa( turing purposes generally; and to secure their property agaiii.-t loss by lire or other inju- Preveat fishing, ries, may prevent persons from fishing in the river or &0- pond, at or near their mills or factory in the night, or make fires at any time within three hundred yards of the factory buildings. Sec. 3. Be it further enacttd, That said body corpo¬ rate shall havo power to prescribe tbe number of shares jnto which the capital stock of said corporation shall he divided, the mode in which it shall be taken, paid, trans¬ ferred or assigned, and also to provide the mode by which v«ta stockholders may vote, and the number of votes to which Object Lecatiou Coutrol Water, Itc. Share* 203 1863. each share shall be entitled, that the rules adopted shall be uniform, equally securing the rights of each stockhold¬ er : and also to provide for the election of such officers oncers as may be deemed necessary for the government and management of-the "affairs of said corporation :• to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances By-iaw* and resolutions as they shall deem necessary and expe¬ dient for the government of said corporation, not Jbeing inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, or of the Confederate States: and in gene¬ ral to do and execute all and singular the acts, tnatters and things which may be necessary for manufacturing, subject fo such restriction as may be hereafter imposed Bestrictu» by the Legislature, not inconsistent with the objects for which this act of incorporation is granted. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if officers are not elected by the stockholders of said corporation on the day fixed by the by-laws or ordinances, the corporation shall not for that cause be dissolved; and it .shall be law- . ful to hold said election on some other day, according to the by-laws of said corporation. $ec 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall sell ardent spirits or intoxicating liquors within one mile of the factories or mills of said corporation, by the re¬ tail or otherwise, such person or persons shall be subject to indictment in the Circuit Court of the county in which the selling or retailing may be done, and may be liable to all the pains and penalties by the laws then in force, concerning retailing without license, except for medici¬ nal purposes. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, -That said corporation Rostriction sh^ll not exercise banking privileges, but is authorized to carry the foregoing granted powers into execution, according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Approved Deceiqber 8, 1863. No. 269.] AN ACT To incorporate the Dallas Oil Works. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¬ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That C. E. Thames, C. G. Wayne, J. C. Gra-^ t ham, p. H. Golson, H. H. Ware, N. Waller; A. DeLoffe, J% Brady and J. W. Lapsley, of Dallas county, and their future associates apd successors, be aw] they are hereby 1863. 201 Nam« created a body cbrporate, by the name of "The Dallas Oil Works," an(| in and by that name shall have contin- r.wi>n», \-c. nal succession, and may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, have and use, and alter at pleasure, a common seal ; may enact all by-laws and regulations deemed proper in and for the conduct and management of their affairs, and change or repeal the same at plea¬ sure ; and may appoint or elect annually, or at such oth- Directotv *im er time or times as they may deem proper, a board of directors ancj such officer or officers as they may deter¬ mine ; and may confer on the board of directors (who shall be members of the corporation), and officers to be appointed or elected, such powers, and impose such du¬ ties as may be prescribed in and by the laws of the cor¬ poration, not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this State, or of the Confederate States. The proper and legitimate business of said corporation is hereby de¬ clared tcf be to manufacture oil and such other article or articles as may be made from materials used in the man¬ ufacture of oil, and to dispose of the same. Sec 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of the company shall be of such amount as shall be fixed by agreement among the corporators, not less than twen¬ ty thousand dollars, nor more than one hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of such amount as may be fixed by agreement, or by the by-laws of the corpo¬ ration. Every corporator or stockholder shall, in all conventions of tho corporators, be entitled to one vote for every share of stock owned ; and it shall require a representation of a ntajoritv of all the stock of the cor¬ poration, by the owner of the stock, or by his duly au¬ thorized agent, to constitute a quorum in convention or meeting, i'or the transaction of business. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall have the right to purchase and own all such prop¬ erty, real or personal, as may be needful'and convenient in the business of the corporation, to be determined by corporators in convention, or by the board of directors to be chosen by them, with power to sell and convey, or otherwise dispose of the same. The corporators shall have power to admit new members of the corporation, as they may deem proper, and on such terms as they may prescribe : Provided, nothing in this act shall au¬ thorize the corporators to invest more than twenty thoiv sand dollars in the purchase .of real estate, Approved November 28, 1863. O.pital Etoi-k. Quorum May hold pro¬ perty. 205 18G3. No. 270.] AN ACT To incorporate the Fa&t Freight Forwarding Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate'caul House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama, in.'General Assembly convened, That "W.H.Karnes, J. E. Simpson, S. S. Bar-(Vir (orR naby, J. M. Willis, J. J. Aldington, Sum'l H. Chiles, J. C. Lopez, W. W. Simpson, P." H. Brittan, and Barnett Phillips, and their associates, successors and assigns, he, and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, by the name of the " Fast Freight Forward- xnmo ing Company," of the Confederate States, for the pur-ob^t ami pose of doing a general forwarding business over thep"wm"- several railroad and steamboat lines, or other modes of conveyance tint may be deemed desirable, in the Con¬ federate St.itcg of America, and by that name contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any couit of law and equity whatsoever ; and may make, and have, and use a common seal, to be changed at pleasure. Sec1. 2. Be, it further enacted, That thoscapital stock of this company shall be two hundred and fiI ly thousand CaritB, ,trrk , dollars, divided.into twenty -live hundred shares of one hundred dollars each, and in case the said capital stock be found insufficient for its purposes, this company may increase its capital stock, from time to time, to such amount as may be deemed necessary for the purposes aforesaid, not exceeding one million of dollars ; such in-Limitation crease' must be sanctioned by a vote, in person oi by proxy, of two-thirds in amount of stock of the company, present, or represented, at a meeting of such stock¬ holders. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this company shall n6) not commence business until its capital stock is fully until *twk*nii- subscribed, and one hundred thousand dollars of, thescra'*d' • same actually paid in. Sec. 4. die it further enacted, That this company shall have power to do a forwarding business, by land or by rewarding water, for the carrying of goods, wares, and merchan¬ dize of all kinds, and generally all such other descrip* tions, or modes of conveyance of property, as may be required or deemed advisable by the said company, from, to, and between any places in the Confederate States, by their own conveyance or those of other per¬ sons, and to create and organize'branch agencies for the Agenda 1863. 206 same purpose and to hire) establish and maintain store¬ houses, warehouses and other buildings, and to purchase lands to build thereon such store-houses, and other build¬ ings as may be required for the safekeeping of anything entrusted to them for conveyance ; and shall have power jiay insure to indemnify themselves by insurance against losses or damage b}7 fire, .or the risk of navigation in the trans¬ portation of any goods, wai*es, or merchandize, or other -property in their custody, received by them for trans¬ portation, or held by them as their property ; Provided, K"iXr°r company shall at all times be liable for losses, de¬ faults, and miscarriages to the same extent as other com¬ mon carriers in this State' are liable; and whenever goods or other articles are forwarded by them on rail¬ roads, or other conveyances not their'own, they shall an¬ swer for the negligence, default, or miscarriage of such rail road, or other conveyance, to the sajne extent as if they were' the owners thereof. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the principal office principal oQre 0f said company shall be kept at Atlanta, Georgia, un¬ less the same bo changed by a vote of two-thirds of the directors, at a meeting called for that purpose, to any Branch officor other place, and the said company may establish as many branch of local offices as their business may require. ' Sec. 6. Beit further evaded, That,'the regular meet- wpoting of prcc- jyjgg 0f the board of directors of said company shall be tors wncre held e> J had at the principal office of the company. Special meetings of its directors, for the transaction of business, may be had at any place which the majority of the di¬ rectors, with the approval of the President, may appoint. Sec. 7. Beit further evaded, That if the said dompa- rXh^owdif-hy shall have unclaimed- freight or baggage, 'not - per- rofiedoi' ishable, in its possession, for the period of at least one yeaf, it may proceed to sell the samo at public auctiob, Nonce * after giving notice to that effect, in one or more news¬ papers published in the State, or at the place where sucji goods are to be sold, once a week for not less than four weeks, and shall also keep a notice of such sale posted for the same time, in a conspicuous place in the princi¬ pal office of the said company, said notice shall contain as near as practicable, a description of such freight or baggage, the place and time, when and where left, ..to¬ gether with the name and residence of the owner or per¬ son to whom it is consigned^ if the samp be known ; Pro- Hotlw'tQ ripper vifodi that no sale shall take place until thirty days pre¬ vious notice shall bo given to the shipper or consignee of 207 186S. such articles, or an affidavit shall be filed that they re¬ side out of this State, or that they are unknown to the principal officer of said company, and on diligent enquiry could not be found. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That all moneys arising from the sale of freight or bagghge as aforesaid, after Disposition of deducting therefrom charges and expenses for the trans-proceoil!j"uld portation, storage, advertising, commissions, for selling *the property, and any amount previously paid for ad¬ vances on such freight and baggage, shall be paid by the company to the persons entitled to receive the same, and the said company shall keep books of record of all such sales as aforesaid, containing copies of such notices, proof of advertisement and posting, affidavit of sale, with the amount'for which each parcel sold, the total amount of charges against such parcel, and the amount held in trust for the owner, which books shall be opened for in¬ spection by claimants, at the principal office of the said company, and at the office where the sale was made. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That in addition to the stock aud the property of said company, each stockliold- ors,ock' er shall be individually liable for all debts, defaults and miscarriages of said company accruing while he is a stockholder, to an amount equal to the amount of stock owned by him at the time of the creation of said debt or accrual of liabilities. Sec. 10. Be it farther enacted, That the fiscal year of this company shall commence on the first day of January ^ in each year, and terminate on the last day of December h"'1 in each year, and the duration of this charter shall be twenty years. Sec. 11. fde it f urther enacted, That the corporate powers of this company shall be vosteH in and exercised Directors by a board of directors of this company, to consist of the elective officers, agreeably to the by-laws of said com¬ pany, who shall hold their office until others shall be elec- ted in thoir places,.as hereinafter provided. Sec. 12. Be'it further enacted, That every election of directors of this company shall be held on the first Mon-Funum or au-ec- , day in August, bach year subsequent to the year one whore thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, in the city of Atlanta, or Avherever the principal office may be located, as the board of directors for the time being^shall appoint* and public notice shall be given by the said directors in x0uoe at least two of thejmblic newspapers printed in the city of Atlanta or wherever the principal officq may be lo- 1863. 308 Who elac.tei! I'rciidout Vacancy, how 111 led Failure to «laot does not diswolv Vlca-presidont how elected Proviso Vote of stork- holder Elisibilily of di¬ rectors. Secretaries and other officers. cated, at least three times in each week for two succes¬ sive weeks immediately preceding the time of holding such election, and the said election shall be made by such shareholders of this company as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy, and elections for directors shall be by ballot, and shall be conducted by -two or more inspectors, neithei of said inspectors shall he a director or officer of this company. Ihe five persons' who shall' have the greatest number of votes shall be directors, and within one week ai'ter the elec¬ tion, they shall proceed to elect by ballot one of their number, who shall be their president and the president of this company, and vrhenever any vacancy shall hap¬ pen by death, resignation or otherwise, such vacancy or vacancies may be filled for the remaindei of the year in which the same shall happen, by the remainder of the directors or a majority of them, but the failure to elect directors at the time hereinbef re mentioned, shall not "operate to dissolve this < ompany, and it shall 1 e the ex¬ press duty of the board cl directors in case of accidental or unavoidable omission t> take measures foi such elec¬ tion with all reason it le speed, in the manner hereinbe¬ fore provided : the board may also elect from I heir num¬ ber a vice piesident win shall possess such of the pow¬ ers and perform su< h of the duties of the president as the board of directors may by the by-laws or by resolu¬ tions from time to timn direct; Provided, that the offi¬ cers, agents and employees ol said company shajl not be exempt from military duty by virtue of their being such officers, agents or-employe cc, if otherwise lialle. Sec. 13. Be it further cnaituj, That each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote on each share of the said stock, but in order to exercise such right, he shall have had said shares in lis < iwn name at least thirty days' prior to the time of *v< Ling. Sec. 14. Be it furth r tnccfed, That no person shall be eligible to tho office of director unless ho be a holder of one hundred and twenty-five shares or rripre of the cap- it al stock of the company. If any director- shall cease to be a stockholder, his office thereupon shall be vacant. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, -That the board of* di¬ rectors shall have power to appoint one or more secreta¬ ries and such other officers, agents, clerks and servants as may be deemed necessary, and to fix and at pleasure to change, the salaries or allowances of any of them. Sec. 16. Beit fhither enacted, That three of the di- 209 1863. rectors shall constitute a quorum of the board for the QUOrum transaction of business, and the board may delegate pow¬ er to transact any ol its business to committees of direc- ^terd !li day of April, 1863, Congress passed an act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the State of Alabama the. sum of ninety thousand dollars in eight percent, bonds of the Confederate States for said steamer, and whereas the bonds ?16 paid by the State to the owners of said steamer had coupons attach¬ ed for the interest from July 1st; 1862, while the coupons attached to the bonds received by the State from the Confederate Govern¬ ment give interest from April 22d, 1863, the date of the act of Con¬ gress, thus leaving a balance of interest yet due th6 State of fire thousand eight hundred and forty doHar$; therefore, 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in the opinion of this General Assembly, the claim of the State of Alabama upon the Confederate Government for the balance.of interest due on the bonds delivered .to the State for the steamer Florida, is just and should be paid by the Confederate States, and that our Senators and Representatives in Congress be requested to secure the appropria¬ tion refunding the balance due the State. 2. Be it further resolved!, That his Excellency the Governor he and he is hereby authorized to dispose of the bonds received from the Confederate Government in payment of said steamer, upon such terms as he deems best, and to pay the proceeds into the State Treasury. 3. Be it f urther resolved, That;His Excellency the Governor "be requested to transmit a qppy of these resolutions to each of our Sen¬ ators and Representatives, in Congress, and to the Secretary of the Treasury. ■ ' 1 Approved December 7, 1863. JOINT RESOLUTION To secure the passage of a law exempting certain persons'fron*pay- ■ ment of Confederate " Tax in kind." , Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama m General Assembly convened, That our Senators in Con¬ gress be instructed, and our Representatives requested to use all honorable means to secure the passage of a law exempting from the payment of the Confederate " tax in kind,2' the people residing in all those parts of the State of Alabama-which have been overrun by 'the public enemy. Approved November 28, 1863. 217 JOINT RESOLUTIONS To exempt from the payment of the tax in kind, the families of sol¬ diers, whose support is derived from white labor alone. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liepresentatives of the Stat$ of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That our Senators in Congress he instructed, and our Representatives requested to use their eiforts to secure the passage of an act by Congress to ex¬ empt Irons, the payment of the "tax in kind," the families of all sol-, diers in the service of the Confederate States, or either of them, whenever the support of such families is derived entirely from the proceeds of white labor. 2. Bt, it further •tesnlvc.d, That the Cmvernor be requested to cause a copy of these resolutions to be forwarded to each of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from this State. Approved November 28, 1863. JOINT RESOLUTION In testimony of the wisdom and patriotism of John Gill Shorter, Governor of the State of Alabama. Wheiieas, His Excellency John Gill Shorter, Governor of the State of Alabama, during his term of office, about to expire, has been surrounded by unusual and extreme responsibilities ; and ivhcreas, these rosponsibilitiesjiave been met with a highly commen¬ dable patriotism highly deserving the thanks of the people of the State of Alabama : and ivhereas, the proud position Alabama has attained to in this revolutionary struggle for Southern independence, is attributable greatly to the wisdom and energetic efforts of His Excellency: # Be it resolved, the Senate concurring, That John Gill Shorter, the present Governor of the State of Alabama, lias exhibited a capacity adequate to'the circumstances surrounding his term of office, and highly deserving the thanks of the people of the State of Alabama. Approved December 4, 1863. 23 218 JOINT RESOLUTION In respect to the enforcement of the Conscript Law of the Confed¬ erate States. Whekeas, It is absolutely necessary that the whole military strength of the country shall be speedily brought into requisition for the defence of Our rights and the establishment of our indepen¬ dence. This great.'desideratum must be supplied by the energetic- enforcement of the conscript law of the Confederate Congress. For some cause, the provisions of said law have not been carried into effect in such a manner as to produce the results anticipated. With¬ in the last few months, Alabama, Mississippi, and tliat part of Ten¬ nessee not in possession .of the enemy, have been assigned to Briga¬ dier General Gideon J. Pillow, as the field of his operations. With that zeal and ability which has ever characterized Gpn. Pillow, he has infused new life and vigor into the system, and from the small territory under his control, he has sent many thousands of strag¬ glers, deserters .and conscripts to fill up the shattered regiments of our gallant army. . Had the same efficiency been exercised in other States, our ranks would have been swollen far beyond their present numbers : therefore, • Be it resolved by the Senate tend House of liepre.seidolises of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That we recom¬ mend (jjur Senators and Representatives .in Congress to use their 'official influence to have the jurisdiction of General Pillow's Bureau soextended as to cover a, larger area, if not the Avhole of the States of this Confederacy. Approved December 4, 1863. JOINT RESOLUTIONS In relation to Taxation and the Confederate Currency. 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of llepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in the opinion of this General Assembly, the people of (Alabama will'- cheerfully submit to any tax which the Congress may impose for the purpose of reducing the volume of the currency and appreciating its .value : Provided the tax be not too oppressive in amount, or unequal in its operation. 219 2. Be it f urther resolved, That the financial scheme originated and recommended by the Convention of Bank officers, recently held in Augusta, Georgia, to-wit: the issue of one thousand million of dol¬ lars of bonds of the Confederate States, with coupons attached, pay¬ able in coin, and the imposition of a tax of sixty millious of dollars, to be paid in coin or the coupons of said bonds, is disapproved by this General Assembly. 3. Be it further resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a'copy of these resolutions to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and also a copy to the Governor of each State in the Confederacy. Approved December 8, 1863. ' JOINT RESOLUTION In relation to the services of General Joseph E. Johnston. Be it resolved, by th<* Senate and House > of Representatives af tfie Stale of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the country recognizes in'General Joseph E. Johnston, one of itstruest, bravest and ablest military chieftains, and would hail with universal satis¬ faction lus, appointment to the command of an army commensurate with his unquestioned skill an (J eminent services. Approved December 7,1863. , OFFICII OF SECRETARY OF STATE, I Montgomery, Ala., February 20, 1864. 1 I II hue by Certify, that the foregoing Acts, Memorial, and Joint Resolutions, are correct copies from the original rolls now on file in this office*. • P. H. BRITTAN, Secretary of State, TABLE or THF RATES OF INTEREST IN THE SOUTHERN AND CONFEDERATE STATES, Coitipilal in pHi'tmime t AIDS, SPECIAL— To be appointed for each county 3 To enumerate militia. 3 IIow appointed H ALIEN ENEMIES— Sequestered lands of, sold for 1 axes may be redeemed by Eeo.r> Registers in Chancery authorized to take £9 ■ Tax levied upon../ 74 To provide for issue and sale ol 7S To meet deficiencies in military appropiiatrons 94 To pay interest on foreign del t 102 BRIDGES— ■ Bonded contra dors to repair w hen notified 71 To prevent parties from joining fences to 72 To authorize John S. M rgan and Rufus B. Rhea to build across Big Wills1 Creek 1U5 CADETS— Of University subject to orders < t Governor 8 CALHOUN COUNTY— * To enable the Treasurei of tc pay surplus funds, Ac... 109 CxkRDS— Agreement of Governor for manufacture lutiiied Ill CARPETS— Of Capitol donated to the soldicis 8 > CERTIFICATES— . • . " Of Probate Judges without charge in certain casc> f»7 CHAMBERS COUNTY— Transferred to Southern Chancery Division 127 To increase lees of Commissioners and Constables in..' 144 CHANGE BILLS— Appropriation to pay foi preparation of 78 • * To authorize destruction of "wben ihutildted 194 CHEROKEE COUNTY— For relief of poor in 141 To repeal act authorizing bpeciul tax. lhl> CHOCTAW COUNTY— ¥ To compensate Commissioners, Ac., in. G ' Transferred*to Middle Chancery Division.... ....... 127 To better regulate fees of Judge of Probate in 149 CHOCTAW COUNTY—(Continued.) T< > repeal act to better regulate fees of Juf Peas and Potatoes prchil Fed » 19 ()f Molasses and S igar prchihited :.. 19 Fees of Solicitor s in proaecut'on* foi * ^ To suppress more effectually "D Governor may rescind cert in i mtriotsfer 13° PermitteN.VL FUND— In counties omipie 1 by the miny 194 In schools in Sum ler tuiintv 17'.'• DISTRIBUTION OF LAW,1— ' To provide II >r, of exti a sn =sicn 27 Appropriate ,n for - * ^0 ' DIVORCE AND MARRIAGE— Charles W. Oliver authorized to lrniry 33 Lemons Box divorced from wif.* 49 Moses Jones divoiced-from wile ^4 Eliza Harm lelieved from disal jjity $. Ia3 Richard T. Starr vuithowerl to niairy 173 Jesse B. Todd and Man Tod 1 authorized to many 173 DOGS— Tax on in Fayette and Mortnn repealed 311 DUELLING OATH * Parties relieved irow '. 150 Edward P. Hoi combe relieved 151 EDUCATIONAL FUND 4 To provide for distribnti »n of, 7 Manufacturing and Mininq— * Incorporating Montevallo Coal Mining Company 191 Incorporating Mobile and Selma Coal Mining Co.... 194 Incorporating Cahaba Iron and Coal Mining Co 19t> 233 IN CORPORATIONS—(Continued.) Manufacturing and Mining— Incorporating Calhoun Iron Works....... v....... 197 " Setrna Iron Works 199 Montgomery Rolling Mills..;. 200 Odkiuskee Manufacturing and Mining Company in¬ corporated 202 Dallas Oil WorkA incorporated 203 Railroads— Incorporating Ashby.and Caliaha River Railroad Co.. 04 To provide for location, &c., of land held in common by Railroad companies 105 To require Railroad companies to keep water and lights on tlieir trains.. 104 ■ For relief of Western Railroad Company 142 Amend Act to incorporate Girard Railroad Company 178 Authorize construction of branch Railioad by Ala¬ bama and Tennessee Rivers Railroad 179 Authorize Montgomery Mining and Manufacturing Company to construct railways, Ac 181 Miscellaneous— . " Amend charter of Alabama Direct Trade and Ex¬ change Company 43 Relief of Gas Light Company of Selma and other Gas companies 48 Fast Freight Forwarding Company incoi porated.... 205 INDIGENT FAMILIES— To provide *with Salt ahfl Cotton Yarn 83 Of Soldiers (see Soldiers). ♦ INTEREST— On Judgments and Executions 50 On foreign debt of State provided for 102 JACKSON COUNTY— • * Fund for indigent families of soldiers, drawn 114 JAILS— Of the State may be used for keeping deserters 15 JAILORS-L To increase fees for victualling prisoners 24 To increase the fees of: .f 69 JEFFERSON COUNTY— Section 1784 of the Code amended as to 138 * To repeal a local law in 152 JOINT RESOLUTIONS AND MEMORIAL— ' To equalize taxation for the support of indigent fami¬ lies of sjldiers 5(J In relation to increase of the Army 51 39 2 34 JOINT RESOLUTIONS AlSTD MEMORIAL—(Continued.) In relation to the war * j ..... 52 For the'purchase of stationer}' unti fuel 53 To procure passage, of a law paying for horses lo, t in the war ^ ....... *..... . 53 ■ Act more fully to explain Joint Resolutions in ielation to Alabama Volunteers, Ac y ... 1)2 Memorial for the relief of 20th'Regiment Alabama Volunteers .. 212 Donating a section'of land and a Gold Medal to Miss Emma Sansom, of Cherokee county, in consideration of public services rendered by her 213 Directing Commie si oner of Public Lynda to withhold patents in certain cases. .. . . .. 214 For the purchase of stationer} and* fuel 214 Appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer.. 215 In relation to the steamer Florida 215 To secure the passage of a law exempting certain pei- sons fiom payment of Confederate " tax in kind. ... 21(1 To exempt from the payment of the tax-in kin 1 three whose support is derived from white labor ai mc ... 2 IT In testimony of the wisdom and patriotism of John Gill Shorter, Governor of the State ot Alabama 217 In respect to the enforcement of the conieript law of the Confederate Statute 2D In relation to taxation and the Confederate currency.. ' 21S In relation to the. services ol* Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, 219 JUDGES OF PROBATE— Protected against suits foi money collected upon tender made. - 5S Authorized to appoint clerks C<» Required to make certificates ipid aiiix county seals, froe of charge, in certain cases * I>7 To increase the fees of ' ... (»7 To transfer < ntiies inlo tract books and furnish topic. to assessors,- 1011 JUDGMENTS— 1 Acts regulating judicial proceedings repealed. ...... '55 JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS— Suits brought by foreign administrators not abated or barred by appointment, of resident administrators. , 21 For the relief of securities who have paid mono for their principals , . *. .. H4 To provide for prosecuting and defending suits for per¬ sons of unsound mind ................ 2o 235 JU DTOIAL PPO CEEDINGS—(Continued.j Acts regulating judicial proceedings repealed Foi the protection of Attorneys, Agents, and other of¬ ficers in tliis'Stute- . ~ '. To authorize action of ejectment To enable married "women the more effectually to se- < ure the property secured to them by the Code Registers in Chancery authorized to take forthc oming bondp in certain cases To present the impressment or purchase of property Under false pretences. L . To provide for the maintenance of civil authority and the preservation of law and order To secure the tiial-of slaves under indictment To prevent gaining in this State. To proyent illicit trading with slaves To secure the property of non-residents, To allow Ih'obate Judges to appoint special adminis¬ trators in certain case? JURORS— . * To increase the puv of r ANUS— • ■" . • , Of soldiers sold for taxes, time for redemption extended Of alien enemies sequestered, when sold for taxes, may be redeemed by'Confederate States Act to increase frie price, of certain public lands re¬ pealed and amended Governor authorized to lea^e public lands for certain purposes ' . •• To provide for location and partition of, when held in common by Railroad companies.. * E. Shiver authorized to change location of Interest of State in certain escheated, released to Berry Driver f 4 .-••••/ To dogate, certain, to Miss Eipina Sansoni for heroic Directing the Commissioner of Public Lands to "with¬ hold putentsjn certain cases LAND OFFICE— • . i Allotments to Railroad^ companies to be certified to, and Commissioner to issue Patents... State Tract Books transferred to. ...... • • Commissioner and Register to issue Patent and Ceitifi- eate to heirs of John Flood McGryw LICENSES— * it* Of distillers to be certified to County Commandants., • 236 LICENSES—(Continued;) Of retailers may be suspended by Governor 100 LIEN— Of judgment, upon property of defendant .17 LIMESTONE COUNTY— Fund for indigent families of soldiers in, drawn 117 L. R. Davis made liner 152 LINERS— Where required to pay taxes 20 LOWNDES COUNTY— 'Judge of, allowed to reeord certain paper 135 LUNATICS— To provide for prosecuting and defending suits for and against MACON %COUNTY— For the relief of indigent families in 11S Section 1748 of Code amended as to—• 1HS MADISON COUNTY— Fund for indigent families drawn 110 , L. R. Davis made liner ... -.. . J 152 MARENGO COUNT Yt— Transferred to middle Chancery Division 127 To increase fees of Probate Judge in.............. lid Boundary changed to make N. Y. Alston citizen ot... 151 Boundary changed to make Lewis Anderson citizen ot Perry. ' MARION—'' Town of, charter amende'! ..... 175 MARION COUNTY— To compensate Commissioners, &c.. in -',4 Fund for indigent families drawn 117 Act to regulate mimbe* of Grand Jurors in. repealed.. lt>5 To regulate election of Commissioners in 172 MARRIED WOMEN— -To enable, the more ' effectually to secure the property secured to Ihem by the Code -"h MARRIAGE AND DTVORCE— (See Divorce.) ' MARSHALL COUNTY— Fund for indigent families, drawn..- Ill MEDICAL BOARD— For Militia established 0 MILITARY AID SOCIETIES— Appropriations for * 11.1 MILITARY CODE— Suspended 11 237 MILITARY FUND??— Authorized to be used for support, of indigent families of soldiers.-... • S5 To consolidate unexpended portion 90 MILITARY DEPARTMENT— To regulate settlement of accounts in ,S9 To increase efficiency of Quartermaster's department... MILITIA— * . Act to re-organize 3 Exemptions from duty in 12 Commandants of, to arrest deserters 14 Officers of to aid enrolling* officers in arrests, Ac ...... 13 May be ordered from one county to another, «Vc 13 Governor to tender for provost duty t»l Act to re-organize amended. 93 Exemption law amended .... 99 In relation to exemption of Firemen from 97 Firemen of Tuskaloosa included in exemption 98 May be used to suppress distillation. 99 MTLLS—' - • . To regulate tolls of 2f> Doctor J.' S. Hays authorized to erect mill dam across Black Warrior river 193 MINORS— * To secure estates of.... *.... 1 198 To remove settlement of .guardian of Julius S." Alford from Pike to Montgomery county 133 Charles Irby Mitchell relieved from disabdity 154 Lindsey C. Spratling relieved from disability 154 A. A. Henderson relieved from disability 155 , * (And see Guardian and, Ward.) MISDEMEANORS— Sections 3301 and 3600 of Code amended 73 MOBILE— Restrictions on sale of Corn in, remove 1 101 Act to reduce. Ac., fees^of Notaries Public repealed.. 135 To grant further powers to corporate authorities of.. . 174 MOBILE COUNTY— Boundary line changed Commissioners authorized to increase salary of Judge of City Court For relief of poor in To abolish office of Auditor of Public Accounts in. MOLASSES— * N Distillation of, prohibited 238 MONEY— Tax on.. .............. 75 MONTEYALLO— , . • Town of, charter amended .• 175 MONTGOMERY— Act incorporating amended. 175 Amendatory of Act incorporating 1. 17(» Amending Act to repeal an Act imposing restrictions on City Council, of....' 177 MONTGOMERY COLJNTY— To establish Criminal . Court for 121 For relief of Justices of the Peace in i. 140 MORTGAGES— On prqperty of soldiers affected by repeal of " stay law," 55 .No sale under when tender is made, Ac.' .. 57 MORGAN COUNTY— - . * Act authorizing tax on dogs in, repealed 30 Fund for indigent families drawn .. 117 NON-RESIDENTS— - .To p reserve property of i.\ 04 NITRE AND POTASH— , Governor may lease public lands for manufacture of',.. 81 OILS, LUBRICATING—' To authorize distillation for manufacture of •... 81) ORDINANCE— . ; ' * ' f . • To provide for the military -defense, Ac., amended... 87 . u u u • ' u OF ROADS— Exemption from duty on roads repealed , 70 . . To provide for appointment o£ 71 To increase the duties of...........'. 72 May serve-process in certain cases • 72 PARTITION— . # Of lands held by. Railroad companies * 105 PAY— - ... Of members and officers of General Assembly increased 23 / Of Door-keepers, Clerks and Secretary '. 47 Of A. B. Clitherall as Ordnance officer.?. 113 ... - 239 PEAS— / ; . . : Distillation of prohibited 19 PENITENTIARY— " • To amend Act to provide for re-organization of 28 To authorize receipt of prisoners from other States-.. 32 . Section 3918 of Code repealed..*. '73 Exempting officers of from conscription.. 91 Providing for convicts sent to Insane Asylum 105 To provide water for. ' 110 PERRY COtfNTY— Section 1748 of Code amended as to 138 . Wm. A. Rose of, made .citizen of Dallas 151 Boundary changed t'O make N. Y. Alston' citizen of 0 Marengo ,i ....... 151 , Lewis .Anderson made citizen of. . .... 152 PHYSICIANS— To be paid for medicines furnished indigent families of . Soldiers >. 84 * PICKENS COUNTY— % Act to'authorize Justices,of the Peace to appoint over¬ seers of roads in, repealed . 1G5 PIKE COUNTY— Act for the relief of soldiers' families in 120' POTATOES—* $■. <* Distillation of, prohibited./. 19 PRINCIPAL AND SURETY— t- . • •.Act for relief of securities who have -paid, Ac 24 PROFITS— , * . ; 'On gold, Ac., tax on..' '74 PUBLIC DEBT— ' To provide for -payment of interest on foreign 102 PUBLIC LANDS—* % 1 To repeal and amena Act to increase price of certain. SO To authorize Governor to lease, Ac 81 Locations of, allotted to Railroad companies, to be re¬ turned to Commissioner. 10(> State Tr^ct Booksttransferred to Commissioner 109 • Trespassers upon' relieved. 139 E. Shiver authorized to change entry of. 150 Patents and certificates to issue to heirs of John Flood McGrew .*. 157 Patents to.be Avithheld in certain cases 214 PUBLIC PRINTER— Act directing the binding oi certain copies of Acts re¬ pealed ....*. 107 ^ Act to provide for election of, amended.. 108 240 QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT— To increase efficiency of. °< RECORD, ARMY— To provide for making • • . 9* RELIEF ACTS- Eilen E. Robinson, and Elizabeth Mafia.... 44 Charles A. Toney .'. 15 45 0 Ly. • 45 40 f... 47 Executors of John I). Catlin Wiley J. Coleman, Tax Collector P. M. Frazier and P. A. Brandon William B. Robinson .. MM . Gas Light Co. of Selma, and other Gas companies 48 Dickson, Nelson A Co., and 13. G- Sturdivant 130 Jeremiah Fail. 142 Western Railroad Company 142* II. P. Watson 143 Robert Z. Barlow, Tax Collector 143 Tax Collector of Calhoun county , . .. 144 3. B. Harmon, Tax Collector..' 144j William Unlsey, " ... 14 3 T. C. Greenhill, • 145. John Mosley, ' . v 145 James P. Boggan, jr.,. u > . 146 Stephen Gipson. ; x • • * 146 Virginia Matthews v..... . ...t. . .. 147 Heirs of Catharine Baker 1.. 147 Wiley Glover y. ' 140 Duncan Findlcy. :\ 140 E. Shiver. •* 15b . Roykin Goldsby and others 15b Edward P. Holcombe... % 151 Wra. A. Rose ». 151 N. Y. Alston............ 7 ... f 151 L. R. Davis !..... 152 Lewis Anderson 152 Ledwiu Dolive and Alexander Dolive. 152 Eliza Jane Harris 153 Mrs. Jane Kirk • t 153 T. B. Bethea 153 Charles Irby Mitchell 154 Lindsey C. Spratling. <•.... ... .u...... . 154 Algernon A. Henderson 155 James M. Calhoun. ...... 155 William S. Knox ... f ,15' Heirs of Hardy Abney 15 Estate of Wiffiam T. Smith If