ACTS OF. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, PASSED IN MILLEDGEVILLE, AT AN ANNUAL. SESSION IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 1861. I*t BI.IMI1KD BV AUTHOBITV. MILLEDGEVILLE : BOUGHTON, NISBET & BARNES, STATE PRINTERS. 1S62. PRINTED AT THE SOUTHERN FEDERAL UNION OFFICE, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, > Milledgeville, Ga., December 20th, 1861. > Wm. H. Hunt, Esq., Compiler of the Laws of 1861: Sir : In compiling and preparing for publication, the Acts passed at the late Session of the General Assembly, you will abbreviate the enacting and repealing clauses, as has been the custon for several years past, where the same can be done without changing the true import of the Acts. Respectfully, &c., JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor. TABLE OF TITLES, DIVISIONS, &C. PART I. PUBLIC LAWS. Title I.—AGRICULTURE. " II.—APPROPRIATIONS. " III.—ATTORNEYS AT LAW. « IV.—BANKS AND BANKING. « V.—CODE OF GEORGIA. " VI.—COUNTY LINES. " VII.—COUNTY REGULATIONS. " VIII.—ELECTIONS. " IX.—EXRS., ADMRS., TRUSTEES, ORDINARIES, &C. " X.—GENERAL ASSEMBLY. « XI.—GEORGIA RELIEF & HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. " XII.—GREAT SEAL OF STATE. " XIII.—INSOLVENT DEBTORS. " XIV.—INSURANCE COMPANIES. U XV.—JUDICIARY. « XVI.—MILITARY. « XVII.—MONOPOLIES, EXTORTIONS, &C. " XVIII.—PENAL CODE. " XIX.—SALARIES. " XX.—SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, » XXI.—STATE HOUSE OFFICES AND OFFICERS. » XXII.—STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM. << XXIII.—STATE PRINTER. » XXIV.—TAXES. « XXV.—WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. PART II. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS. Title I.—APPROPRIATIONS. " II.—CITIES AND TOWNS. " III.—CORPORATIONS. " IV.—COUNTIES. " V.—COUNTY LINES. « VI.—COUNTY REGULATIONS. » VII.—EDUCATION. " VIII.—EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, ORDINARIES, &C» « IX.—INTERNAL TRANSPORTATION. « X.—PATROLS. " XI.—PHYSICIANS. « XII.—RELIEF. « XIII.—RIVERS AND DAMS. " XIV.—ROADS. " XV.—SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR. " XVI.—TAXES. " XVII.—TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. STATUTES OF GEORGIA, PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1861 PART I.—PUBLIC LAWS. TITLE I. AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE.' Sec. 1. $50,000 appropriated to encourage the manufacture of salt in Georgia. " 2. May be advanced in parts to different persons or Companies. " 3. Direct Trading Company of Georgia, incorporated. 5* 4. The Company may own real-estate, Ware-houses, vessels, &c. " 5. Capital stock $1,000,000, which may be increased to $3,000,000. Sec. 6. Location of main office and branches. " 7. Officers of the Company—when Com- pany may organize. " 8. May insure cotton against fire on sea or land, and act as agent of Foreign Insurance Companies in Georgia. " 9. Personal liability of the stockholders for debts of the Company. " 10. Duration of charter 20 years. (No. 1.) An Act to encourage the manufacture of Salt within the limits of the State of Georgia, and for other purposes. Whereas, The supply of salt, in consequence of the blockade of the ports of this State, is exceedingly limited, and much incon-PreamWe- venience must result to the people unless measures are afforded to manufacturers of said article. 1. Sec. I. Be it enacted, That his Excellency the Governor of this State, be and he is hereby authorized to draw his warrant upon the Treasury of this State, for the sum of fifty thousand dollars -ap- which said sum, in his discretion, shall be advanced without inter- est, to any Company or Corporation, which has been or may here-of Salt after be established in this State for the manufacture of salt: the advance so made to be secured to the State by mortgage, or other- wise, and to be refunded to the Treasury aforesaid, at such time or times, as may be designated by the said Governor, after peace shall have been restored between the United States and Confed- erate States of America. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is hereby au- thorized to draw his warrant, or several warrants, upon the Treas- 1 propriated to encourage the manufacture PUBLIC LAWS.—Agriculture and Commerce. Direct Trade and Navigation Company. met ad-ury of Georgia, in favor of such persons or Corporations as may be sauts to dif- engaged, or may hereafter engage in the manufacture of salt, not to exceed in all the sum of fifty thousand dollars; and the Governor may draw for any part of said sum, in favor of any responsible par- ties or corporations, in sums as may be, in each case, agreed upon ; Provided, that in each case, before the same shall be drawn from fVraJ* tipon ' . advan-the Treasury, good and sufficient security shall be given by the party or corporation in whose favor it shall be made, in bond or mortgage; the sufficiency of the security to be judged of by the Governor, and the time of repayment to the State to be likewise stipulated by his Excellency; Provided, that no interest shall be .charged on the sum or sums so advanced. .Sec. HI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 16,1861. (No. 2.*) An Act to incorporate the Direct Trading fy Navigation Company of Georgia, and for other purposes. 3. Section I. Be it enacted, That Perino Brown, C. G. Baylor, curators. Thomas P. Fleming, A. S. Atkinson and William J. Russell, of the State of Georgia, their associates, successors or assigns be, and the same are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, under the name and style of the " Direct Trading Company of Georgia" ; and by that name shall be capable in law, of suing and being sued, in any of the Courts of this State ; to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter, or renew, as they may deem proper ; and also to make, ordain, and establish, alter or amend such by- aj&ws. laws, ordinances and regulations as shall seem to them necessary .and convenient, for the organization of said Company—the election of its Directors—the subscription to its stock—the selection of the officers of the Company—prescribing the duties, compensation and responsibilities of the same; and generally to provide for the Gov- ernment of said Company, in accordance with the forms, usages and stipulations of corporate bodies in this State ; said by-laws and regulations not being contrary to the Constitution of this State or of the Confederate States, or repugnant to, or inconsistent with the fundamental laws of this Corporation, as hereinafter set forth and enacted by the authority aforesaid. 4. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the said Company shall be ca- m?«K«ir<>aipable of holding, owning and retaining such real-estate, buildings •SS,Wv«-and ware-houses, in the State of Georgia, as may be necessary for ^ transaction of its business; and shall have power to conduct and carry on a general Foreign and Domestic, Mercantile and Ex- change business, and own ships or sea going vessels propelled by sail, or steam, or import by steam or sail. * Another Act was passed during the late Session, incorporating the " Direct Trading Com- pany of Georgia," which was, word for word, like this one, except the 6th Sec. as embraced in this, which was entirely wanting; and by direction of the Governor, this one only of the two is published.—Compiler. PUBLIC LAWS—Agriculture and Commerce. 9 Direct Trade and Navigation Company. 5. Sec. III. Be it farther enacted, That the capital stock of said Company shall consist of one million of dollars, which may be in- ooo^ooo. $1"' creased by the stockholders, at a regular meeting, to a sum not ex- ceeding three millions of dollars; -which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. 6. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That said! Company shall haveLocation of power to establish the main office of the same, in any City or Seamain office- Port Town of Georgia, with such Branches or Agencies in any Branche8. Town or district of the State, as it may deem necessary in conduct- ing its commercial and exchange transactions. 7. Sec. V. For the well ordering of the affairs of said Company, ofEcersofthe • o x v Comp&ny, there shall be elected by the stockholders, a President and Cash- ier, and not less than three Directors or business Managers, so soon „ru 7 o 7 when Com* as two thousand bales of cotton, or one hundred thousand dollars may or- in Confederate or State Bonds or current Bank notes, or specie to a similar amonnt, shall have been subscribed to the stock of, or re- ceived by said Company. 8. Sec. VI. And he it farther enacted, That said Company shall *^nBsJ2®gt have power to grant policies of insurance upon Cotton, against riskfi™doiis®a or by fire on sea or land ; and to act as Agent for European Insurance May act as Companies within the State of Georgia, subject always to the laws eign Insu- of this State relating to Foreign Insurance Companies. nies in ga. 9. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That the private property of personal ha- stockholders of said Company, shall be liable and bound to the num- Stockholders, ber and amount of shares or stock subscribed or held by each indi- vidually, and no more, for the payment and discharge of the debts, and obligations of said Company. 10. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ThatDuration of this charter shall last, continue and pertain, to said Company in-®^®r 20 corporated as aforesaid, for and during the period of twenty years from and after the passage of this Act. 11. Sec. IX. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. 10 PUBLIC LAWS.—Appropriations. Salary of Governor—Salaries of State House officers. TITLE II. APPROPRIATIONS. Sec. 1. Salary of the Governor, of Secretary of State and Treasurer, of Comptroller General, of Secretaries of Executive Department. Pay of Messenger to Executive Department. Salary of State Librarian, of Attorney. and So- licitor3 General,of Judges of the Su- preme Court, of Judges of the Superi- or Courts, of Reporter of decissons of Supreme Court. " 2. Appropriation to pay for puplishing General Orders by Major and Briga- dier Generals. " 3. Contingent fund—Printing fund. Pay to Chaplain of Penitentiary. Pay |for cleaning and taking care of Senate Chamber and House of Representa- tives. Pay of joint committee who visited Academy for the Blind. " 4 Pay of State House Guard. Appropria- tion to buy books for the State Libra- ry in 1862. Appropriation to Clerk of Supreme Court, to pay for stationery advertising meetings of Court, &c To pay for keeping in repair and wind ing up State House Clock in 1862. Salary of Superintendent of Georgia Military Institute. Appropriation to Col. A. V. Brumby, Capt.Thomas R McConnell and Capt. R. S. Camp. " 5. Per diem pay of President Senate and Speaker House of Representatives their mileage. Per diem of Members of General As sembly, their mileage. " 6. Pay of Secretary of Senate, of Clerk of House Representatives. " 7. Contingent expenses of Secretary Sen- ate and Clerk House Representatives. Pay of Messengers and Door-Keepers 16. to Senate and House Representatives. Pay for cleaning and lighting cliande- tiers. State Treasurer to make advance pay- ments to officers of Government. Governor to pay for services rendered where no appropriation is made. General appropriation to pay fixed sal- aries. Appropriation to the G eorgia Relief and Hospital Association. Appropriation to pay Public Debt and interest thereon, as they fall due. State Bonds or Treasury Notes may be issued to meet appropriations by this Act, if money not in Treasury; kind to be issued. Appropriation to John M. Cooper & Co. Appropriation to pay guard of State Magazine; to pay Military Store Keeper at Savannah: to pay Mili- tary Store Keeper at Milledgeville. Appropriation to pay expenses of Elec- toral College for President and Vice President, to pay Major J. H Steele as Secretary to Electoral College. . Appropriation to pay balance to Com- missioners to other 'States, sent by State Convention. Certain Clerks allowed to Comptroller General. Appropriation for relief of sufferers by late fire in Charleston. Military fund of $5,000,000 for 1862. Pay to Clerk of Judiciary Committee of Senate. Appropriation to Major H. J. G. Wil- liams. Governor authorized to draw |100,- 000 for support of State Troops. (No 3.) An Act to provide for raising a revenue for the political year 1862, and to appropriate money for the support of the Government during said year, and to make certain special appropriations, and for other pur- poses therein named. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby appro- priated, to the respective persons and objects hereinafter named, salary of got; yiz: The sum of Four Thousand Dollars to his Excellency the Governor, as his salary for the year 1862; and the further sum of reta^ofstate Sixteen Hundred Dollars each to the Secretary of State and Treas- fordi862aBurer nrer, and no more > and the sum of Two Thousand Dollars to the compy>-.0Gen. Comptroller General for the year 1862, and no more ; and the sum salary of Sec-°f Twelve Hundred Dollars each to the Secretaries (not exceeding Dept!^oTi862. two) employed in the Executive Department, for the year 1862, PUBLIC LAWS.—Appropriations. 11 Salaries of Judges—Contingent Fund—Printing Fund—Chaplain of the Penitentiary—State House Guard. and no more; and the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to pay the feay Messenger to the Executive Department for the year 1862; andDeptfor1862- the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to the State Librarian, as his 1^7 Libra- salary for the year 1862, and no more ; and the sum of Two Hun-rian for 1862- dred and Twenty-Five Dollars to each, the State's Attorney, and Solicitors General, for the year 1862: and the sum of Thirty-Five Hundred Dollars to each Judge of the Supreme Court, whose com- mission bears date prior to the 29th day of November, 1861; and ^julgefof the sum of Two Thousand Dollars to each Judge of the Supreme EXt for 1862 Court, whose commission bears date since the 29th day of Novem- ber, 1861, for his salary for the year 1862 ; and the sum of Twen- Salaries of ty-Five Hundred Dollars to each Judge of the Superior Courts, ^?res<^urt, whose commission bears date prior to the 29th day of November/0118C2- 1861; and the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars to each Judge of the Superior Courts, whose commission bears date since the 29th day of November, 1861, as his salary for the year 1862; and the Salary of Re- sum of Eight Hundred Dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the preme Court salary of the Reporter of the Decisions of the Supreme Court forfor 1862' the year 1862. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the sum of One Thousand Dollars (or so much thereof as may be necessary) be, and the same to pay for is hereby appropriated for the purpose of defraying the expense ofp"utarynsor- the publication of general orders by the Brigadier Generals andders- Major Generals of the Militia of this State, of their respective Bri- gades and Divisions. .3 Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That the sum of Sixteen Thous- and Dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, as a contin- ruTdhfim. gent fund for the year 1862; and the sum of Thirty Thousand printing fund Dollars be appropriated for a Printing fund for the current year;for mz and that in case of a deficiency in this appropriation, the Gover- Provision for nor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant upon the Treasurydeficlt for the deficit, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated ; and the sum of One Hundred and Fifty chaplain of Dollars to pay the Chaplain of the Penitentiary for the year 1862 .lemteutiary- and the sum of Fifty Dollars to the person selected by the Gover-For cleaning nor to keep clean, scour, air the chambers, and dust the carpets, care of Senate &c., of the Senate Chamber and Representative Hall, for the year RepmHarnafor 1862. and the sum of Forty-Five Dollars to pay the-expenses ofT o the com- the Committee of the two Houses, which visited the Academy for visited Acad- the Blind. Biind?f the 4. Sec. IY. Be it further enacted, That the sum of Twelve Hun- dred Dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the Guard for State House Guard, for the year 1862; and the further sum of1862' Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars is hereby appropriated, to be used if necessary, by his Excellency the Governor, for the increase offo? Stete Li- • • brary in 1862* the State Library, m selecting and purchasing such books as he may deem advisable for the year 1862 ; and the further sum of One Hundred Dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay court 'for"#! the Clerk of the Supreme Gourt for the correction of errors, for stationery, and advertising notices of the meeting of said Court in 12 PUBLIC LAWS.—Appropriations. Georgia Military Institute—Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House of Representatives. For repairing the year 1862; and the sum of Fifty Dollars be, and the same is Ho'ufeaciock hereby appropriated, to pay for repairing and keeping in order for 1862. gfcate House clock for the year 1862 ; and the further sum of !upFoffGa. Two Thousand Dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the salary of fo^'i862.titute the Superintendent of the Georgia Military Institute at Marietta; Appropriat'n. an(t the sum of Six Hundred and Eighty-nine Dollars and Eighty BrumbyA v Cents, or so much thereof as the Governor may find to be due, be and the same is hereby appropriated to pay arrearages due to Col. Capt Th0e rA. V. Brumby, Captain Thomas R. McConnell, and Captain R. S. cip^R^s Camp, for their salaries as Superintendent, and Professors, of the camp. Georgia Military Institute, for the year 1859 ; and that the Gover- nor do draw his warrant on the Treasury in favor of the widow of said McConnell, for that portion of this appropriation which is due to her deceased husband, to-wit: the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars and Fifty Cents. 5. Sec. V. And be it farther enacted, That the sum of Six Dollars ofTreiXsM^ach, per day, be paid to the President of the Senate, and Speak- erHouSeak"er °f House of Representatives, during the present session of the General Assembly; and the sum of Four Dollars for every Mileage. ^-wen|.y mpeg 0f travel going to, and returning from the seat of Government—the distance to be computed by the nearest route Per diem of usually travelled; and that the sum of Five Dollars each, per day, members of ^ . 7 J. ■ «/ 7 Geii'iAssem-to the Members of the General Assembly, during the present ses- Mileage sion, and Four Dollars for every twenty miles travel going to, and returning from the Capital, under the same rules which apply to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House : Pro- vided, That no Member of the General Assembly shall receive pay for the time he may be absent, unless his absence was caused by the sickness of himself or family, or had leave of absence granted by the Senate or House, for satisfactory reasons. 6. Sec. VI. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Pay of sec-y Senate be paid Eighty-Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents per day, for p!7°f cierkpresent session; and the Clerk of the House of Representa- Rep"6 °f fiyes be paid the sum of One Hundred Dollars per day, for the present session : Provided, That no warrant shall be issued in fa- Proviso. vor of either until his Excellency the Governor shall have satisfac- tory evidence, that they have respectively made, or caused to be made, and attached to the Journals of their respective Houses, a good and sufficient index, and shall have carefully marked and filed away all reports of Standing Committees, and all other papers of importance connected with either House. 7. Sec. VII. And be it further enacted, That the sum of Fifty Dol- Contingent^ ]ars, 0r so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropri- sec-y senateated each to the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of and Clerk _ . . • -i/> i • « . , House of Repr esentatives, to defray the contingent expenses oi their respec- tive offices at the present session of the Legislature; and the sum pay of Mes- of six dollars per day be paid to each of the Messengers and Door- DooSreKeeptrSKeepers of the Senate and House of Representatives, the present HoSuTete obsession of the General Assembly ; and the sum of Fifty Dollars is Rep8, hereby appropriated to pay for cleaning, lighting, and keeping in PUBLIC LAWS.—Appropriations. 13 Georgia Relief and Hospital Association.—Public Debt—Bonds and Treasury Notes. order the chandeliers of the Senate Chamber and Representative for dean- Hall, during the session of the General Assembly. ing Chande- 8. Sec. VIII. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer be au- thorized to pay from time to time, to the officers of the Govern- ter to make ment, whose salaries are appropriated by this Act, seventy-five ments to Pffi- per cent of the amount for which service has been actually ren-ment dered at the date of such payment, taking receipts from said offi- cers for the same : which receipts shall be his vouchers, and are hereby declared offsets to the extent of said payments to Executive warrants drawn at the end of the quarter for said officer's salary. 9. Sec. IX. And be it further enacted, That in all case, where theGovtopayfor General Assembly directs the performance of any service or labor, for which no provision for compensation is made, the Governor is fonawr°S~ hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the Treasury for such sum or sums, as in his judgment, may be a just compensation. 10. Sec. X. And be it further enacted, That the various sums of the General annual salaries of all the officers of this State, whose salaries are fixed £™prB^°gto by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated annually, to pay said salaries, until they are otherwise altered by law. 11. Sec. XI. And be it further enacted That the sum of Two Hun- dred Thousand Dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated Hospftaiiei^ for the Georgia Relief and Hospital Association ; to be drawn andsociatioa- expended according to an act passed at the present session : and if no money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated shall be available for said appropriation, then his Excellency the Governor^fota™oua^e be, and he is hereby authorized to issue Treasury Notes or Bonds, ^LUappro-er" not to bear exceeding eight per cent, in such sums as may bePriatse^ Gov needed from time to time, to effect the object of said appropria-Jy;ay(ystate tion ; said Treasury notes to be fundable in eight per cent bonds Bonda- when the sum of five hundred dollars shall be presented at the Treasury ; said bonds not having longer to run than ten years, and to be redeemed at the option of the Governor, twelve months from and after their issue. 12. Sec. XII. Be it further enacted, That the further sum of seven hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated,pbFicdebfag to pay any portion of the public debt which may become duellm'TiLe,1^ within the present political year, and to pay the interest on such thereon. Treasury Notes and State Bonds as may be issued under authority of any law passed during the present session of the Legislature ; the same to be paid out of any money in the treasury not other- wise appropriated. 13. Sec. XIII. In case, at at any time, the money should not should not^ be be in the treasury to meet any of the appropriations herein made, ury to meet the Governor is authorized to have issued and used to meet any de- ,de ficiency, bonds bearing not more than eight per cent, or treasury Gov mavissue notes, as he may deem best; said bonds when issued, not to run or Treasury for a longer time than thirty years, and redeemable at any time af-^£f^Js ter five years from their date, at the option of the Governor. and Treasury 14. Sec. XIV. And be it further enacted, That the sum of seven-i«"ue JL «/ tui'c supplied of W. A. M. Lanier, for household and kitchen furniture, crockery, to Georgia &c., purchased of said Lanier for the Georgia Military Institute, stuute. for the use of the State, on the . tenth day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty ; Provided, the Governor, after investigation, finds the same to be just and due. 25. Sec. XXV. Be it further enacted, That the sum of three hunered and eighty-nine dollars and eighty-five certs be, and the s5npi£n, tJ; same is hereby appropriated to pay A. N. Simpson, Treasurer of/a^gi%^-: the Georgia Military Institute for his services as such Treasurertttte* since the purchase of said Institute by the State of Georgia. 26. Sec. XXVI. And he it further enacted, That His Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw his warrant IoydVm'f oVr upon the Treasurer for such sum of money, and as he may, upon proof ^odrgia01Mii- thereof, find to be due and owing to William W. Boyd, former tute before Commissary and Quartermaster of the Georgia Military Institute, chargeontk for military goods, &c., sold by him to said Institute when the State took charge thereof. , . *For appropriation of $100,000 for support of State Troops, which was made for immediate relief to the Troops till the general military appropriation should be made, see next Act. 16 PUBLIC LAWS.—Appropriations.—Attorneys at Law. State Cadets—State Troops—Attorneys at Law who fail to pay Professional Tax. 27. Sec. XXVII. Be it further enacted, That, in addition to the to pay state two thousand dollars appropriated for the education, board, &c., Georgia4 Mif- °f the ten State Cadets in the Georgia Military Institute, the tutef Iustl"further sum of four hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby ap- propriated for the payment of the two additional State Cadets, one from each of the newly created Congressional Districts. Assented to December 14, 18G1. (No. 4.) An Act to authorize the Governor to draw money from the Treasury for support of the State Troops. 28. Sec. I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact Governor an-as follows: That the Governor of the State of Georgia be, and he draw26$ioo -i® hereby authorized to draw from the Treasury the sum of one port of stu?e hundred thousand dollars, to be used in the support of the State troop.. troops now employed in the defence of the State, or such as may here- after be employed : to be drawn in such sums, and at such times as he may think proper. Assented to November 30th, 1861. Note—For appropriation of $50,000, to encourage the manufacture of Salt within the State, see Act No. 1., Title '-Agriculture and Commerce." For appropriation of $200,000 to the "Georgia Relief and Hospital Association," see Act No. 29, Title XI; for appropriation of $'350,000, for the manufacture and purchase of arms, see Act No. 61, Title Military ; for appropriations on account of State Lunatic Asylum, see Acts Nos. 70 and 71, Title State Lunatic Asylum. For Act authorizing the Treasurer to make an advance to State Printers, see Act No. 73, Title State Printers. For appropriation of $6,000 for support of pupils in Academy for the Blind, see Act No. 82, Title Appropriations, Local and Private Laws ; also same title, Act No. 82, for appropriation to John H. Seals, for extra compensation for publishing the Revised Code. For Act appropriating $504 80 for re- lief of Mrs. Boggess, widow of late Surveyor General of this State, see Act No. 122, Title Re- lief. For appropriation of $33 47, for relief of Mrs. Margaret Dillon, see act No. 123, same Title. For Act appropriating $4.40 for relief of Abner Hern, see Act No. 125, same Title. For Act appropriating $13.30 for relief of Wm. J. Rush, see same Act ; also for conditional appro- priation for relief of W esley Shuffield, see same Act. TITLE III. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Sec. 1. Attorneys at law who fail to pay their professional tax, may be stricken from the roll of Attorneys. (No. 5.) An act to prevent Attorneys at law from practicing in the Courts of this State, who fail to pay their Professional Tax. l^wwho"fan $EC. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this proSona'^ct) whenever it shall be made to appear to any Judge of the Su- ittfiok™nyfromPer^or Courts, that any Attorney at Law practicing in said Courts, t^roiiofAt-pag failed to pay his professional tax, or fails to pay his said tax PUBLIC LAWS.—Banks and Banking. 17 Attorneys at Law. levied according to the laws of this State, and execution has been issued for the same by the Tax Collector, and returned by the proper officer no property to be found, it shall be the duty of the Judge presiding in the Superior Court of the county in which the said Attorney resides, to cause to be issued a rule by the Clerk of of said Court, requiring said Attorney to show cause by the next term of said Court, why he should not be struck from the list of Attorneys, and his License to practice declared of no effect, for his failure to pay his said professional tax; which rule shall be served by the Sheriff upon said Attorney, twenty days before the next term of said Court; and if at said term of said Court, said Attorney fails to show sufficient cause, said Judge shall pass an order striking said Attorney from the list of Attorneys, and declare his license to practice in the Courts of law and equity in this State, null and of no effect. Assented to December 14, 1861. TITLE IV. BANKS AND BANKING Section 1. Suspension of specie payment by the Banks, continued till 1st Dec, 1862. Banks must redeem their bills when presented in sums of $100, in Confederate or State Treasury Notes- Banks must issue change bills; but may not issue them till 1st Jan. 1862. " 2. Gov. to issue seven per cent. State Bonds in lieu of the six per cents, here- tofore delivered to the Banks, and for certain advances made by them to the State. Bonds issued under this act, when redeemable, &c. '• 3. Corporators. Cotton Planters' Bank of Georgia, incorporated. Powers and privileges. " 4. Capital stock not to exceed $3"000,- 000. Stock may be subscribed in Cotton; or in Confederate or State Bonds " 5. Bank to be located in Thomosville; may have agencies at Bainbridge, Quitman, Valdosta, Blakely and San- dersville, and elsewhere. " 6 When Bank may commence business; Directors ; President. If a majority of its stockholders be non-residents ot Ga. charter forfeited. " 7 By-laws. " 8 The Bank may hold certain real es- tate; may erect ware-houses. " 9. Stockholders taking stock by paying in cotton, must insure the cotton; or deposite their notes. Liability of stock- holders. Transfer of stock. " 10. Bank not bound to pay specie till the other banks in the State resume. " 11. Amount of issues allowed. " 12. Stock Bonds to be registered. Bills issued to form a lien on the Stock Bonds, for their redemption. Entry must be made on the books, of Stock Bonds sold. 13. Bank may build, purchase or char- ter ships. Proceeds of cotton sold, to be used to redeem the bank bills which were issued upon it. Overplus to be paid to the Planters, or become a part of the stock of the Bank. 14. Cotton paid in for stock must be marked. 15. The Planter subscribing and paying . in cotton,' may direct when it shall be i sold, if it will bring more than what, was advanced on it, with expenses. 16. Sale by Planters of cotton paid in- Conditions and restrictions of such sale. 17. Subscriptions in Sea Island cotton at $45 per bale of 300 lbs. 18. None but Planters to own stock in the Bank, nor can any cotton be paid in except that produced by them- selves. 19- Bank of Pulton may hold real estate- taken bona fide, in payment of debts- due the Bauk. 20. Any citizen of the Confederate- States may take stock in said Bank. 21. North Western Bank of Georgia may establish an office of discount and deposite in Atlanta. 22. Purchase and sale of foreign ex- change governed by the laws of trade; all statutory restrictions removed. 23. A married woman may deposit her or her childrens' earnings in Savings-- Bank, to am'tof $1,000, which shall not, be subject to control of her husband; 24. Banks in Savannah may be removed; to any point in the interior whilst S.. C. or Ga. is invaded. 25. Payment may be demanded on notes &c., due the Banks so removing, at the place to which they may be re- moved. 18 PUBLIC LAWS.—Banks and Banking. Belief of the Banks. 26. Timber Cutters' Bank. 27. Publication of semi-annual returns as required by charter of Timber Cutter's Bank, may be made only in the paper in Savannah having the largest circulation. 28. Issue of change bills by the Palace Mills in Columbus, legalized. Those already issued must be returned and no more put in circulation. 29. R. L. Mott and the Palace Mills re- lieved from all penalties incurred for having issued such change bills.— Provisions of this Act extended to all other persons and companies who have issued change bills, on certain conditions. 30. City Council of Augusta may issue City Treasury Notes of small denomi- nations. 31. Amount in circulation at any one time not to exceed $100,000. 32. Penalty for putting in circulation a greater amount than $100,000. 33. Penalty for counterfeiting same. 34. Property pledged for redemption of the notes so issued. 35. Supt. of W. & A. R. R. may issue change bills; amount so issued not to exceed $200,000. 26. How redeemed. Property of Road and faith of State pledged for their redemption. 37. Such change bills to be issued on bank note paper if it can be pro- cured. 38. These change bills receivable for texes and dues to State or Road. 39. Penalty for counterfeiting them. 40. Penalty for a violation of any part of this act. Proviso. 41 all such bills to be registered. 42 — authority to issue bills under this Act, to cease on resumption of specie payment by the Banks of the State. 43. Supt. required to furnish $500 in such change bills for current bank bills, when demanded by any County Treas- urer of this State. (No. 6.) An Act to re-enact and continue in force the first, second and third Sec- tions of an Act to grant relief to the Banks and the people of this State, &fc., passed over the Governot's veto on the 30th day of JSSovem- her, 1860 ; and also to re-enact and continue in force the 4th Sec- tion of an Act to add a proviso to the Fourth Section of an Act, en- titlen an Act for the reliej of the Banks and people of this State, Sfc., assented to 20th December, 1860. 1. Section 1. The General Assembly of the State of Geocgia do enact as follows : Be it enacted that the first, second and third sections of the before recited Act passed on the 30th of November, I860,* lpeCfelsl0pnay-be, and the same are hereby re-enacted and continued in force until Banks, con- the first day of December, 1862, except the last proviso! of said Dccfisez.1 l8t second section ; arid that the fourth Section! of the before recited Act assented to on the 20th of December, 1860, be, and the same is hereby re-enacted and continued in force until the first day of December, 1862. Provided, That none of the Banks of this State Banks must8hallbe entitled to the relief from the penalties imposed by exist- bmrwhhen^n§ laws> nor shall be authorized or permitted to suspend the pay- fumrofe$ioomen^s specie of their bills upon demand, unless such Banks coufeder-griall, at all times, give the Treasury notes of this State or of Hot }gsaed shall constitute and form a lien upon such bonds, or their proceeds, to form a lien and shall be liable for their redemption ; and if, in the course ofb°?d/foL the business of said Bank, any of said bonds should be sold, an en- tion!redemp' try of the time of their sale, and the particular bond, and thej>£maaemnof amount for which it sold, shall be entered upon the books of said the books. Bank. 13. Sec. XI. And be itfurther enacted, That said Cotton Planters' Bank may Bank shall have authority to build, purchase, charter, or employ chaieo/chaV ships for the purpose of shipping their Cotton, after the blockadeter Bhips- shall have been removed; and upon the sale of said Cotton and the Proceeds 0 r receipts of the proceeds thereof, the thirty dollars in bills issued up -tobe used to on such Cotton, per bale, shall be redeemed, and the overplus, af-b^bm,* iB! ter paying all expenses thereon, including freights, storage, insu- Overplus t o ranee, wharfage, &c., shall be paid to each Planter that may have Planter'd to subscribed, or it shall become a part of the stock of said Bank, and part of the be placed to the credit of such Planters as may have subscribed the Bank.of the same. 14. Sec. XII. And be it further enacted, That, as each subscrip- 22 PUBLIC LAWS—Banks and Banking. Cotton Planters' Bank of Georgia—Bank of Fulton. cotton paidtion of Cotton may be made and the same is stored, it shall be xnwkedf be marked in such manner as it may be known by whom it was sub- scribed after the sale thereof. 15. Sec. XIII. And be it further enacted, That at any time after Scribing any planter shall subscribe stock in said Bank, in cotton, he shall tacfttton^have the right to direct his cotton so subscribed, to be sold, when- when nrshaiiever its market value shall rise above the sum of thirty dollars per wiiiolbring bale, so as to meet the amount issued thereon by the Bank and the was advanced expenses thereon; and the surplus shall be paid over to said plan- Spens^.11 bfer» so as to allow each planter to determine.for himself as to the market, and to exercise his own judgment, without any restriction, as to when the cotton subscribed shall be sold, without loss to said Bank. 16. Sec. XIV. And be it further enacted, That any person who ton (subscri- may subscribe stock in cotton and the same has been used as the in. basis of circulation, and thirty dollars is issued thereon, he shall be and restric- at liberty to sell his stock, or the cotton which represents his stock, sale.3 0 BUC subject to the liability resting upon it for the bills that may be is- sued thereon. 17. Sec. XV. And be it further enacted, That subscriptions shall fns'r'i'landbe received, in sea island cotton, at forty-five dollars per bale; a perbateofloobale to be estimated at three hundred pounds, per bale, and consti- pounds. ^u^-e sai(j Bank. No one but a 18. Sec. XVI. And be it further enacted, That no one shall hold teftS oPw n stock in said Bank, except he be a cotton Planter; nor shall he payn any subscribe to the capital stock of said Bank, any other than cotton hfrTis^c7l raised by himself. hxmseif. gEC> xyip Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14, 1S61. (No. 9.) An Act to amend An Act incorporating the Banlc of Fulton. 19. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, Bank of Fui-That the Act incorporating the Bank of Fulton, in this State be, real e st a t e and it is hereby so amended, as to allow the said Bank to purchase w11 fideki£real estate whenever the same shall be done bona fide, in the settle- any debt due ment or collection of claims due and owing by note, bill, or iudg- the bank. men^ Bank. Any citizen 20. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That any citizen of the Con- f e d*e rVVe federate States may take stock in said Bank.* tSakee3to®kain Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. the Bank of Fulton. Assented to December 17, 1861. * By the XVIII See. of the Act incorporating the Bank of Fulton, it is declared that " two- thirds of the stock shall be owned by citizens of Georgia." Acts of 1855—6 p. 69. PUBLIC LAWS.—Banks and Banking. 23 North-Western Bank—Foreign Exchange— Married women may deposit money in Savings Banks. . (No. 10.) An Act to amend An Act incorporating the North Western Bank of Georgia. 21. Section T. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact as follows: That the Directors of the North Western Bank of Georgia, shall be ^Balk6^ authorized, at any time after the passage of this Act, in their dis- Statfuh cretion, to establish an office of Discount and Deposit in the city of?®??ta0/dde- Atlanta, in the county of Fulton, and upon the same terms, and infanta?111 At* the same manner as shall be practiced at said principal Bank; and to commit the management of said office, and the making such dis- counts, to such persons, on such terms, and under such regulations, as said Directors shall deem proper, not being contrary to law or the Charter of said Bank. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 5th, 1861. (No. 11.) An Act to regulate Foreign Exchange. 22. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do Foreign ex enact, That the purchase and sale of Foreign Exchange, shall here- change to be after be regulated by the laws of trade.* thel'fw« of And that all laws or parts of laws heretofore enacted, which strictions re- place restrictions upon Foreign Exchange, be and the same aremove * hereby repealed. Assented to December 14, 1861. * By the X Sec. of the Act of 1857, passed over the Executive veto, it was provided, " that no bank or bank agency, by itself, its officers or agents, shall either directly or indirectly sell any kind of exchange, except sight checks; nor exact, demand, ask or recieve for exchange in or out of this State, of any citizen of this State, a greater premium than one per centum, on the amount of exchange sold, when the bills of the bank from which the exchange is sought to be obtained, are presented at its counter in payment of said exchange." Acts of 1857, p. 28. See also, Supra, Act No. 6, and notes thereto. (No. 12.) An Act to authorize Married Women to deposit money in any Savings Bank or Institution now chartered, or which may hereafter be chartered by this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 23. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do en- act as follows: That it shall and may be lawful for any married wo- man to deposit in any of the Savings Banks or Institutions for Sa-me"may X vings, now chartered in the State of Georgia, or which may here-fingS6 BanS^ after be chartered in said State, any sum or sums of money, the ?hefre own or proceeds of her own labor, or that of her children, less than one^nViUoV? thousand dollars taken in the aggregate, and to control, draw for, $i,o™o™nfwe dispose of, devise, or transfer in any way whatever, the sum oroftheTu^l sums thus deposited, in every respect as if she were not a marriedband- woman. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 16, 1861. PUBLIC LAWS.—Banks and Banking. Savannah Banks may remove to the Interior—Timber Cutters' Bank (No. 13.) An Act to authorize the several Banks and Banking Institutions located lit Savannah, to remove their places of business into the interior during the invasion of the enemy. 24. Section i. Be it. enacted, That it shall be lawful for the sev- BMk«nm*yera^ Banks and Banking Institutions located at Savannah, to re- IPKBSOVft to ill- move their places of business to the interior of the State, that eith- er of them may respectively select; and there to carry on their busi- " ' ness during the invasion of the State of South Carolina or of this State, by the forces of the army or navy of the United States. 2-5. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That, in respect of notes or bills, or acceptances or obligations hereafter to fall due and pay- able in the city of Savannah, it shall be lawful for the holders of the same, to make demand of payment at any point, or points, in ^ uftlle interior to which said Banks may remove their places of busi- p*s*-ne8s; and upon such demand and notice to drawers of bills or en- the Worses of notes or bills, or obligations, of non-payment of the same, t«given or sent by mail within a reasonable time, such drawers of bills ^Lyberemo-or endorsers of notes or bills, or obligations, shall be held and bound for the same, in the same manner as if such demand of pay- ment had been made in Savannah. Sec. HI. Repeals all conflicting laws. Assented to November 22, 1861. (No. 14.) An Act to authorize the removal of the Timber Cutters' Bank, and for ■other purposes. 26. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Stato of Georgia, That by and with the consent of the Stockholders feSfs fuk in the Timber Cutters' Bank, located at Savannah, to be made r^dr L" known by a vote of a majority of the shares of the Capital Stock, the said Bank may be removed to, and permanently located at either the city of Darien or the city of Brunswick, in this State; Provided, that the selection of either place for its location shall pre- elude the removal to the other. 27. Sec. II. Be itfurther enacted, That the said Bank shall not be ynWr,5t-10i10frequired hereafter, to advertise'its semi-annual statement as set- forth in Section fourteen of the act incorporating the same, passed the twenty-sixth day of February, 1856,* in more than one of the Gazetts printed in the city of Savannah having the largest circulation. Assented to Dec. 17, 1861. *By this Act, such publications were required to be made "in each of the newspapers prin- ted in Savannah." See Acts of 1855-6, p. 92. PUBLIC LAWS—Banks and Banking. 25 Palace Mills Co. may issue change bills.—City Council of Augusta may issue Treasury Notes. (No. 15.) An Act to legalize the action of the Palace Mills Company of Columbus, in issuing change hills, and to legalize the issue of change hills hy others, on certain conditions. Whereas, Heretofore, to-wit: on the 26th of October, 1861, Randolph L. Mott, President of the Palace Mills Company, of the city of Columbus, at the request and solicitation of many citizens of said city, did issue and put in circulation change bills, for the preambia. convenience of the citizens of Columbus, as there was a great scarci- ty of silver change ; And Whereas, the issue of said change bills and the circulation of the same, was contrary to the Statutes in such case made and provided ;; 28. Sec. I. Be it enacted, That the change bills issued by thePal-^ ace Mills, of Columbus, and signed by R. L. Mott, President, and chang" mi0u dated 26th of Oct., 1861, and put in circulation, that said issue of^nis Vco6- change bills are hereby made legal, and the property of the said gaUzed8.' Palace Mills and all the property of the said R. L. Mott, is and are hereby made liable for the redemption of said change bills ; and Those issued that the said Palace Mills and Randolph L. Mott are hereby requir- aruea ed to redeem, on presentation, and destroy, so as not to put in cir-Si0c™OTieatio^ culation again, the said change bills. 29. Sec. II. And he it further enacted, That said Palace Mills and r. Mott Randolph L. Mott, its President, are hereby released from any pen- ace Mills re- alty for and on account of issuing and puting in circulation the all penalties for liEvinj is- said change bills dated on the 26th of October, 1861, any law to«.«ed said the contrary notwithstandingand that the provisions of this Act Prolong Cf be extended to all individuals and Corporations who have issued and oth-" put in circulation change bills, upon their redeeming all such bills k7uTdh°ha£gI as may have been issued ; Provided, that no Corporation or personSin'con ST: shall be relieved from the pains and penalties of the existing laws,tlons- who shall fail or refuse to redeem the change bills heretofore issued by them, when presented; Provided further, that this act shall not be so construed, as to authorize said Randolph L. Mott, or any other person or corporation, to issue any other change bills, or to re-issue those which he or they may redeem.* Assented to December 17, 1861. *See Notes to Act No. 6, (No. 16.) An Act to authorize the City Council of Augusta, to issue one hundred thousand dollars in Treasury notes, and for other purposes. Whereas, It is important that the circulating medium of this State, grounded upon good and sufficient securities, should be at this time increased to meet the demands and wants of the people: And. Whereas, the City Council of Augusta are possessed in theirPreamble" corporate right and name, of a large quantity of Bank Stock, Rail Road Stock, and real estate, greatly exceeding in value the sum of 26 PUBLIC LAWS.—Banks and Banking. City Council of Augusta may issue Treasnry Notes—Supt. W. & A. R. R. may issue change bills. one hundred thousand dollars, as well as the taxable property owned and possessed by the citizens of said city: 30. Sec. I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia, do there- city council fore enact, That the City Qouncil of Augusta be, and they are here- m^yu issue by authorized, during the suspension of specie payments by the notet of "mafi banks of this State, to issue their Treasury notes redeemable eith- tions.mina"er in specie or in current Banknotes, of the denominations respec- tively, of five cents, ten cents, twenty-five cents, fifty cents, and one dollar : which jffiall be signed by such officer or officers as said City Council may by Ordinance direct. Amount in 31. Sec. II. The amount of said notes in circulation at any one aiyone°timetime, shall never exceed one hundred thousand dollars ; and said $°ioo°ooo.°eednotes shall be taken in payment of all dues to the City Council of Augusta ; and this provision shall appear on the face of the notes issued by said City Council. 32. Sec. III. The General Assembly do further enact, That, if the penalty forTreasurer of the city of Augusta, or other persons authorized by ruiSn'sV the City Council of Augusta, to sign said notes, shall sign and ImounUthanP11^ circulation at any one time, a greater sum than one hundred $100,000. thousand dollars, he, or any one of them, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined or imprisoned ; said fine not to exceed one thousand dollars, and said imprisonment not to exceed six months. 33. Sec. IV. The General Assembly do further enact, That, if any penalty forperson or persons shall be guilty of forging or counterfeiting any ^t£u-of said notes, [or shall pass any of said notes?] knowing them to be forged or counterfeited, he, she, or they, shall be guilty of a fel- ony; and on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the Peni- tentiary of this State, for a term of years not less than five nor more than ten, in the discretion of the Court before whom the conviction takes place. 34. Sec. V. The property of the City Council of Augusta, both pledged Correal and personal, shall be liable for the redemption of said notes; redemption of -i i • • i i jt i i c ji ^ notes issued, and a lien is hereby created upon such property lor the redemp- tion of any notes issued under the provisions of this Act : Which lien shall not be impaired or defeated by any transfer of such prop- erty after the passage of this Act.* Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 26th, 1861. *See Notes to Act No. 6. (No. 17.) An Act to authorize the Superintendent of the Western Sf Atlantic Rail Road of this State, to issue change Bills, and for other purposes. 35. Sec. I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact as follows: That the Superintendent of the Western & Atlantic Railroad of thorized to is- this State, be and he is hereby authorized to issue and put in circu- wu«. lation, change bills of the denomination of one dollar, fifty cents, twenty-five cents, ten cents, and five cents, the aggregate amount PUBLIC LAWS—Banks and Banking. 27 Supt. W. A. R. R. may issue change hills. of which shall not exceed the sum of two hundred thousand dol-^^®*^ lars; which change bills shall be signed by the said Superintendent °ooin amount and countersigned by the Treasurer of said Road ; Provided, that the amount of said change bills of the denomination of one dollar, shall not exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. 36. Sec. II. Said change bills shall be redeemed by said Treasur- er in current bank notes, whenever presented in sums of five dol-redeem" lars or upwards ; and for the ultimate redemption of the change property of bills which may be issued as aforesaid, the said Western & Atlan- S"thd0f"state tic Railroad, its fixtures, property and revenues, together with the &etr redemp- faith of the State, are hereby pledged. tion- 37. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That the Bills so issued,,To |ie ™axieA J . 7 7 on Bank pa- shall be upon such paper as is now used by the banks of this State, or the best paper that can be procured. 38. Sec. IV. All change bills issued under the provisions of this Such change Act, shall be, and are hereby made receivable in payment of taxes, ble for iaxes and all other dues to the State, as well as dues to said Western & to State or to Atlantic Railroad. 1 itoaY& A K 39. Sec. V. Any person who shall alter, or counterfeit any Penalty for change bill issued as aforesaid, or shall knowingly pass, or utter any ^gthfbiii*. change bill so altered or counterfeited as aforesaid, shall be guilty &c- of a felony ; and on indictment and on conviction thereof, the offend- er shall be punished by confinement and labor in the Penitentiary of this State, for a time not less than two, nor longer than ten years, at the discretion of the Court. 40. Sec. VI. And be it further enacted, That for a violation ofPenaUy for any part of this Act, the person or persons violating the same, °/ shall be guilty of a felony ; and on conviction shall be imprisonedoftllis aot in the Penitentiary for a term not less than two, nor more than ten years ; Provided, it shall not be a violation of the provisions of this Proviso. Act, for the Agent, or Superintendent, or Treasurer, to furnish at his discretion, change bills for current bank bills, when it is desired for change. 41. SeC. VII. The said Superintendent shall have a register Air such bills kept of all change bills issued under this Act; which register shall ed.beregl8ter" contain the number and amount of each change bill issued ; and shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the Governor, or any committee of either branch of the Legislature. 42. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, Provided, the authority to^uebmlu^ issue change Bills under this Act, shall cease and determine, so ceasthoncr<^ soon as the payment of specie shall be assumed [resumed?1 by"pSpaym't the Banks of this'State. Ktsute! 43. Sec. IX. Be it further enacted, That the Superintendent of^^^ the Western & Atlantic Railroad, be required, on demand, to furn-j£™^,]ig ish to the Treasurer of each county in the State, as much as five 28 PUBLIC LAWS—Code of Georgia. Revised Code of Laws. manrtedei,y hundred dollars of change bills, in exchange for current Bank any Co.Treas. # of this State. OliiS. Sec. X. Repeals conflicting laws. Asseeted to December 17, 1861. *See Notes to Act No. 6. Supreme Court Decisions.—The charter of a Bank, granted by an act of the General As- sembly of Georgia, is a public act, and Courts must take judicial cognizance of it, in all cases, without having been specially given in evidence. 31. Ga. Repts. 69. Where a clause in a bank charter authorizes the joining in one action of all parties to a note or bill given to be negotiated, or actually negitiated in that bank, such joinder is proper.—Ibid. Such a clause in a bank chartor is not unconstitutional because not expressly recited in the title of the Act of incorporation.—Ibid. By the 9th. Sec. of the charter of the Planters' and Mechanics' Bank of Dalton, it is declared that "the bills obligatory and of credit, notes and other contracts whatever, in behalf of said corporation, shall be binding upon the said company, provided the same be signed by the Presi- dent and countersigned by the Cashier of said corporation; and the funds of said corporation shall be in no case liable for any contract or engagement whatever, unless the same be signed and countersigned as aforesaidHeld, that bank bills signed by a Vice-President and countersigned by an Assistant Cashier, there being a regular President and Cashier in office at the time, discharging their respective duties, are not binding on the corporation. 31. Ga. Repts. 371. TITLE V. CODE OF GEORGIA. Section 1. Code not to go into effect till 1st Jan-i Section 2. Each member of General Assembly uary, 1863, j to be furnished with a copy. (No 18.) An Act to amend an Act to approve, adopt, and make of force, in the State of Georgia, a revised Code of Laws, prepared under the direction and by authority of the General Assembly thereof, andfor other purposes therewith connected, assented to December 19, I860.* 1. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That the provisions Code not to^ of the aforesaid Act he, and the same are hereby so amended that tnfi.t m the said revised Code of Laws shall go into operation the 1st day Of January, 1863, and not before. 2. Sec. II. Be it fuither enacted, That so soon as said Code Efach member hag been properly published and indexed, the Governoris authorized «rai Assem- and instructed to take the necessary steps to furnish each member Dlyfcobefurn* i i • i ished with »oi the present General Assembly with a copy, to the end that he may examine and prepare to decide upon the merits of the same, previous to the next meeting of the Legislature. Assented to 16th December, 1861. *For this Act, see Acts of 1860, p. 24. PUBLIC LAWS—County Officers. 29 Offices of Tax Receiver and Collector consolidated—Bond of Tax Receiver and Collector. TITLE VI. COUNTY OFFICERS. Sec. 1. Offices of Receiver of Tax Returns and Sec. 3. When the Tax Receiver and Collector Tax Collector, consolidated. resigns, or dies, after performing a " -2. Bonds to be given by the Tax Receiver part of his duties, compensation shall and Collector,same as those heretofore be allowed for the work done, given by Tax Collectors. (No. 19.) An Act to Consolidate the Offices of Receiver of Tax Returns and of Tax Collector in this State, and to require the duties thereof to he discharged by one Officer, to he styled Tax Receiver and Collector. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact as follows, to-ivit: From and after the passing of this Act, the offices of Re- Receiver of ceiver of Tax Returns and the Collector of Taxes, in the several and TaxTo*- counties of this State8, be, and the same are hereby consolidated ; idated.C0nB0i~ and the duties thereof, shall be discharged by one officer, to be styled Tax Receiver and Collector; who shall receive therefor the compensation now allowed by law to the Collector : Provided, no Collector shall recieve more than fifteen hundred dollars. Sec. II Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 30th, 1861. (No. 20.) An Act to prescribe the Bond of Tax Receiver and Collector, and for other purposes. 2. Sec. I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That the bonds* to be required of the Tax Receiver and Collector, shall be gived8b^T.^ those heretofore required of the Tax Collector ; and that the laws coSot and heretofore enacted in reference to the bonds of Tax Collectors, heretofore re- shall apply to the bonds to be given by the Tax Receiver and Ool- anc* to have said stores and supplies promptly forwar- such agents destination : said Agent or Agents, to be located at to be located Richmond, Virginia, or at such other place or places as said Asso- at Richmond. ... i j • j 1 . 1 ciation may determine to be necessary to carry out the objects of this act ; and the said appointee shall receive such compensation jfeneation™" from saitl Board of Managers, out of the foregoing appropriation, as may be reasonable, and be discontinued at any time said Board may determine. Assented to December 10, 1861. TITLE XII. GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE. Section 1. Commissioners appointed who, in Sec. 2. When new Great Seal is agreed upon,, co-operation with Secretary of State. it shall be used as such in lieu of the are to prepare a new Great Seal of old one. the State. (No. 30.) An Act to alter the Great Seal of the State of Georgia. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That S. polXd who"®* Stafford and G. N. Lester and B. II. Bigham be, and they are with Sec'y. of hereby appointed Commissioners in co-operation with the Secre- hrrePatresaedTf^ary State, to prepare a new Great Seal for the State of Geor- the state. gia> and to make all necessary preparations and arrangements to bring the same, as agreed on by said Commissioners, into use. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That so soon as the Great Seal is when agreed agreed upon and prepared, as provided in the foregoing section, used instead the Secretary of State shall forthwith use it instead of the Seal now in force; and all attestations under the new Seal shall from then thenceforth be valid.* Assented to December-14, 1861. *This act was passed in obedience to the requirements of the latter clause of the 9th Item of the 2d Section of the 3d Article of the new Constitution of the State, which declares that " the General Assembly shall, at their first session after the rising of this Convention, by law cause the Great Seal to be altered." For Acts heretofore passed relative to the Great Seal of the State, the devices &c. thereon, •ee t. R. R. Cobb's new Digest, pp. 959,960,961. PUBLIC LAWS—Insolvent Debtors. 39 Act to abolish imprisonment for Debt, amended. TITLE XIII. INSOLVENT DEBTORS. Sec. 1. Act of 11 Dec. 1858, to apply to any person arrested on any civil process ; and notice to be given by pllff. to be ten days. " 2. Continuances under said act. Sec. 3. Affidavit must be made to truth of facts in tender of issue. (No. 31.) An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to abolish imp? isonment for debt, on certain conditions herein set forth, and for other purposes, as- sentedto December 11, 1858.* Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That the Act of n Dec. provisions of the second section of the above recited Act, be and to persons ai> the same are hereby extended to all persons arrested under any any civil pro- civil process whatever, mesne or final; and that the notice required^88' t by said Act to be given to the Plaintiff, shall be ten days, which given by pl'ff. i ii i i "ii i • must bo ton shall be effected by personal service. days. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That in no event, except for Providential cause, shall a continuance be granted to the Plaintiff continuances ,1 in i i • iin r under said act more than one time, nor shall such continuance delay the case for more than thirty days from the day of arrest. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That the Plaintiff, his Agent or Attorney, shall be required to make affidavit that he has reason ^.th to believe that the facts set forth in the tender of issue, are true.i11 tende*ol ' issue. Sec. IV. Eepeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14, 1861. *This Act will be found in Jhe Acts of 1858, pp. 59-60. Supreme Court Decision.—When the term to which a ca. sa. is returnable, is adjourned to another day, a return of the ca. sa. to the adjourned term, will be regular, and will serve as the return required, before a sci. fa. against bail can be issued. 29 Ga. Repts, 197. If the officer arresting a defendant in ca. sa., take bond for his appearance at the Court to which the ca. sa. is returnable, on a certain day which is not the day appointed for the sitting of the Court, and the defendant appear on the day designated in the bond but after the time appointed for the holding of the Court and after its adjournment, the security is not responsi- ble. It is the mistake of the arresting officer. 31. Ga. Repts. 421. 4:0 PUBLIC LAWS.—Insurance Companies. Planters Insurance Trust and Loan Company. TITLE XI. INSURANCE COMPANIES.* Sec. 1. Planters' Insurance,Trust and Loan Co. incorporated. " 2. Objects ofthe Company; its powers and privileges. " 3. Capital stock ; shares; organization, &c. " 4. By-laws ; Principal office, Agencies, &e. " 5. Property of Co. subject to taxation as that of other Insurance Companies in the State. " 6. Duration of charter 30 years. " 7. Foreign capitalists not to control the Co. " 8. The Georgia Insurance Company incor porated. " 9. Its powers and privileges. " 10. Organization, by-laws, and may, from time to time, increase the resources of the Com- toe. pany, by borrowing money on the pledge of their property, or who may without such pledge, or by new subscriptions ; and any citizen or ^coharesinsubject, company or Corporation, of any State, Government or country, may subscribe for, purchase, own and hold shares, in the said Company ; and the owners of such shares shall each be lia- fci^a tadngble for, and bound to pay the said Company the sums due. or to be- Stockholders come due upon such shares ; and which sum or sums being paid, fu0rtherbpea^orsuch owner shall not be liable for any further payment on account New sub thereof; and when new subscriptions are made, the shares may scnptions. issuec[ par? or for.the benefit of the owners of the shares By-laws; and previously issued. may'provide 4. Sec. IY. The by-laws may priscribe the number of, and the for- manner in which the Directors and Officers and Agents of the Com- Principal of.pany shall be appointed, and designate their terms of service, pow- Maco°nbeat ers, duties and compensation : the principal office shall be at Ma- ?itaeba8h maycon in this State; but the Directors, under such rules and regula- agendeTin^tions as they may approve, may establish branches and agencies eisewhered in Europe and elsewhere ; and the said Directors may require all Office™ may the officers and agents of the said Company, to take an oath that takeeqauiro£b! they wiB- faithfully and honestly, to the best of their ability, dis- misconduct charge their duties as such ; and any such officer or agent misap- agentir™ or propriating the assets of said Company or of any creditor thereof, with fraudulent intent, shall be personally liable, and all the prop- erty and estate of such officer or agent, shall be subject to, and officer or a?t. bound for the payment of any damage or loss which the said Com- misappropri- t i n rv* r i • conggfuuty ofPany or cre(!itor thereof, may sutler on account of such misappro- felony. priation ; and such officer or agent, upon conviction of such mis- appropriation, shall be held to be guilty of felony, and may be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisoned in the Penitentiary of this State, for a term not exceeding ten years, at the discretion of the Court before whom such conviction is Capital used had. 5. Sec. V. So much of the capital of the said Company as may otheerthau8u- be used within the limits of this State, shall be assessed in the tbisCstate.' insame manner, and there shall be paid thereon, the same tax as is assessed and paid on the capital of other Insurance Companies 5ausa.lmg in this State; and all acts and parts of acts conflicting with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. ^arter03o°yfrs. 6. Sec. VI. That this act shall take effect and be in force, for thirty years from and after its passage, and until the same be modi- fied or repealed. faiuts^not^to Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That nothing contained in oorporatimi. this act, shall be so construed as to give to Foreign Capitalists a controlling influence in this corporation ; but the same shall al- ways be under direction and control of the share-holders of the PUBLIC LAWS.—Insurance Companies. 43 Georgia Mutual Insurance Company. Confederate States of America, or a majority of the Stock owned by them ; Provided, that they shall publish once a year, duringp^isah^darin the time that they shall continue in business, a list of the Stock- holders in some newspaper published in this State. Assented to December 12, 1861. (No. 33.) An Act to incorporate the Georgia Mutual Insurance Company. 8. Sec. I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That Wil-CorporatorB. liam King of Charleston, A. J. Brady of Fulton, J. J. Gresham of Macon, E. P. Clayton of Richmond, J. W. Wheatley of Sumter, and R. McLeod of Cobb, be Commissioners to receive subscrip-The Georgia tions to the stock of a Company to be known as the "Georgiara^e coU8u" Mutual Insurance Company the capital stock shall consist of two Capital stock thousand shares of one hundred dollars each. $100 shares. 9. Sec. II. When all the stock shall have been subscribed, the Commissioners shall give notice to the subscribers, who shall, with p™'. or any other officers or Agents, whose services may be needed agents. in carrying out the objects of this Corporation; a vacancy in the Bd?aof%irec-S°ar^ of Directors can only be filled by the stockholders, at a meet- tow, how en-jng held after notice of the time and place of meeting ; and further, Sch si£re.forthafc there shall be one vote for each share, and that absent stock- Proxy. holders may vote by proxy, provided, the party so voting by [as ?] proxy, is himself a stockholder. 31. Sec. IV. Be it*further enacted, That said President and Di- p^t.r&°Bd.rectors shall have power to appoint, and remove at pleasure, all of Directors. 0f£cers or ^gents of said Corporation; they shall have power to ap- Agencies. point Agents and locate offices, in such places, and at such times, as they shall deem best for the interest of said Company; to pre- Bonds may be scribe the duties of Agents and officers, to take from them bonds indeoffiierf8'for the faithful performance thereof, to apppoint a President pro Pwsidenf pro tem. }n the absence of the President; and further, that said Presi- dent and Directors shall have power and authority, from time to un^idenstock.time, to call for the payment of the unpaid stock, in such sums as Stock to be „ they may deem proper; and said stock shall be considered and held personafpro- as personal property ; and upon the neglect or refusal of any stock- perty' holder to pay the installments as called for by the President and Directors, thereupon, ten days notice being given in one or more Delinquent of the city papers, said Board may sell such stock, at public out- stockholders. cry.. an(j ga|^ (3e]jnqUen^ stockholders shall still remain liable for any balance due, or which may become due by him to said Corpo- ration, and may be sued therefor, in any Court having jurisdiction; and said President and Directors shall have further power to make Dividends, dividends, and fix the place and define the manner of paying the Transfer of dividends, paying interest and transferring stock ; and said Presi- Holders of denf and Directors shall also have the power to give the holders of wiowed1to the policies of said Company, the right to participate in the net ^profittin profits of the Company, to such an extent, in such manner, and up- on such terms, as they shall deem proper. 32. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation shall insurance. have authority to insure against losses by fire, in all kinds of prop- erty, either real, personal or mixed ; also against all the hazards of ocean or inland navigation and transportation of every kind, also to make insurance on lives, ahd all and every insurance appertaining to the duration of life, for such premiums as it may determine; and Payrnent of said Company shall be liable to make good, and pay to the several persons who may insure in said Company, for the losses they may sustain, or for life insurance, in accordance only with the terms Policies and of the contract or policy issued by said Company ; and no policy c°atoabebind?or other contract of said Company, shall be binding except it be sbfned'by e signed by the President or Vice President, and Secretary or Actu- sJc'yOTActu-ar'y of said Company ; and said Company shall have power to re- co.'may re- ceive money on deposit, to loan and borrow money, to take and ondepds?t?y give such securities therefor as maybe considered best, to invest its row money- "monies upon such terms as may be best, and transfer its property PUBLIC LAWS—Insurance Companies. 49 Southern Insurance Company.—Confederate Fire & Marine Insurance Company. at pleasure, to purchase and discount notes and bills of Exchange, Other powers and do all other acts it may deem advisable for the safe keeping and secure investments of its funds ; and said Company shall have pow- P°- m«yre* f /■» insure. er and authority to make re-insurances of any risks that may be taken by them. 33. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That the said Company shall L;aMity of be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its property, andgt%^d1(j£s the stockholders shall be liable to the extent of double the amount'™; det>tsof of their respective stock, for the debts of the Company, in propor- tion to the number of shares held by each. 34. Sdc. VII. Be it further enacted, That all claims for losses against said Company shall be due and payable in sixty days afterof proof of the loss has been furnished at the office of said company ;i°sseS. and in disputed cases, in ten days after final decision of the proper tribunal; and in each case named, the sum ascertained to be due, shall bear interest from the time made due and payable. 35. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, That all bills, bonds, and bui*, wn promisory notes made payable at the office of said Company, shall payable to Co. have the same legal effect, and may be subject to all legal remedies, same reme- the same as if they were made payable at any Bank in this State. Sau pay" 36. Sec. IX. Be it further enacted, That this charter shall con- Do ration of tinue and be in full force and effect, for the term of thirty years. IsuyeLV0 be 37. Sec. X. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws RepeaU containing anything contrary to this charter be, and the same- areclause- hereby repealed. Assented to December 17. 1861. (No. 36.) An Act to incorporate the Confederate Fire Marine Insura nce Com- pany of Atlanta, and to confer certain powers and privileges. 38. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That William Ez- zard, William Markham, James Clark, John Collier, S. Root, j; corporators, Calhoun, A. Sloan, Albon Chase and A. Merrill, citizens of the Oonftaerlltf, State of Georgia, and their associates and successors, are hereby created a body corporate, under the name and style of the Confed-™^(ip^*; erate Fire & Marine Insurance Company, of Atlanta; by which name they may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have and^£®esand use a common seal, elect its own officers, and make such by-laws By-laws.' as may be deemed necessary to carry into effect the object of this corporation. 39. Sec. II. The General Assembly do further enact, That said Cor-Eoard orD. poration shall be governed and managed by seven Directors, eachrector8' of whom shall be a stockholder, who shall be elected at such time and place as the corporators and their successors may direct, and hold their office for one year, and until their successors are elected; one of said Directors shall be elected President, and hold his office fresideEt- for the same length of time ; said Directors shall fill all vacancies O 7 . • office - Fres- which may occur in the office of President by death, resignation oridtEt- 4 .50 PUBLIC LAWS—Insurance Companies. Confederate Fire & Marine Insurance Company. otherwise ; a majority of said Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business ; and with the advice and consent of secretary and Bresi of Rabun, shall be held on the fourth Mondays in March and Sep-Ia tember; the Superior Courts of the county of Habersham, shall -be in Hater- held on Thursdays after the fourth Mondays in March and Septem- am' ber; the Superior Courts of the county of Franklin, shall be held In Franilin on the first Mondays in April and October; and the Superior Courts of the county of Banks, shall be held on Thursday after the first and Bants. Monday in April and October; and that all writs and processes pend- Writs, pro- ing therein, or returnable to any of said Courts, shall be held valid, as if made returnable to the time of holding said Courts respective- ly as fixed by this Act. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. (No. 43.) An Act to legalize the adjournment of the Superior Courts in the counties of Habersham and Banks, and for other purposes. Whereas, From providential causes the Superior Courts in the counties of Habersham and Banks, were not held at the October pre,unW*- Term of the present year, 1861: 56 PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciaby. Judges of the Superior Courts—Justices of the Inferior Courts and Ordinaries. 10. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That the adjourn- melTo?su- ment of said Superior Courts of the counties of Habersham and in rHiibCT-u rts Ban ks, by the Clerks thereof, to the next April Term of said Courts, Banksffsgai-be made legal and valid ; and that parties to suits in said Courts be Parties to ap-authorized to enter their pleas and file their answers to suits in said dingiy?c"r" Courts; and that said suits stand for trial at the next April term of said courts, as though the Dockets of said Courts had been called and pleas and answers filed at the regular Terms of said Courts, in October last. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14, 1S61. (No. 44.) An Act to amend the Act approved 11 th December, 1858,* to compel the Judges of the Superior Courts of each Circuit in the State, to hold ad- jowned terms in every County within their Circuit where the business requires, until the docket is cleared, and for other purposes. hoiking ad- 1L Section I. Be it enacted, That the holding of adjourned tertrnfof Su- t or ins of the Superior Courts, for the disposition of the business S^ieW-upon its dockets, shall rest in the sound discretion of the presiding discretion of Judge. 0 O 12. Sec. II. Beit further enacted, That when an adjourned Court Jui. f shall become necessary in the opinion of the presiding Judge, he jourued shall, in the exercise of a sound dircretion, cause new Juries to be drawn for the same, or order the Juries drawn for the regular term to give their attendance at such adjourned term. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17th, 1861. * Acts of 1858, p. 85. (No. 45.) An Act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courts and Ordinaries of the several Counties, to appoint some ft and proper person to open and adjourn said Courts in the absence of an officer to do so. 13. Section I. Be it enacted, That from, and immediately after Adjoum- the passage of this Act, it shall be lawful for the Justices of the ferior courts Inferior Courts and Ordinaries of the several Counties, to appoint ordinary!8 i°nsome ^ and proper person to open and adjourn said Courts in the certain cases. abgenCe 0f" an officer tO do SO. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14, 1861. Note.—For Acts relative to adjournment of Inferior Courts, see T. R. R. Cobb's new Di- gest, p. 461; and see for adjournment of Courts of Ordinary, ibid. 284-5. There being no provision in the Act of January 21, 1852, reorganizing the Court of Ordinary under the amen- ded Constitution of that year, in relation to the mode of adjournment of the new Court, or by whaf officer it should be adjourned, the old law obtained, which governed in that respect when the Probate Court was held by the Justices of the Inferior Court, "sitting as a Court of Or- dinary." PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciary. 57 Act to empower Justices of Inferior Courts to discharge criminals, &c. amended.—Claims of alien enemies. ART. II.—ACTION, PROCEEDINGS, &c. Sec. 1. Inferior Conrts may discharge crimi- nals from jail, in certain cases. " 2. Collection of sequestrated claims in this State. " 3. Costs in such cases. " 4. Costs to be paid out of funds raised from sequestrated claims. " 5. Attachments on such claims. Sec. 6. Suits against Insurance Companies. " 7. Service how perfected. " 8. Continuance of causes in the Courts where parties are in military service. " 9. Also where a material witness is in mil- tary service and his testimony can- not be had. (No. 46.) An Act to amend an act to authorize and empowei the Justices of the life- rior Courts of this State, to discharge criminals or offenders against the law, from Jail, in certain cases, and also to discharge Defendants in cer- tain civil cases, approved December 29th, 1847.* I. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That the first sec- tion of the above recited Act be so amended as to read as follows, to-wit: That from and after the passage of this Act, when any criminal or offender against the law of this State shall be confined Courts may in any of the jails thereof, under a sentence of imprisonment for a criminals definite period and until all costs and fines are paid, and the said certain cases, criminal or offender, after the time of his imprisonment shall have expired, shall be unable to pay [such ?] fines and costs, or either, it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the Inferior Court, in their discretion, (the whole Court therein concurring) when such criminal or offender against the law may be confined, to discharge him from such confinement. Assented to December 14,1861. * For this Act see T. R. R. Cobb's new Digest, p. 863. (No. 47.) An Act to authorize the Receiver or Receivers appointed under tfie Se- questration Act of the Confederate States, to bring suit on all claims of Alien enemies, sequestrated in any of the Courts of this State, and to maintain all suits which are now pending in any of the Courts, and for other purposes. 2. Section I. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this Act, the Receiver or Receivers appointed under and by virtue questrated of the ^Sequestration Act passed by the Congress of the Confeder- bla™ou™htyin ate States, be and they are hereby authorized to sue all sequestra- state Gourtt" ted claims which are not in suit, and maintain and prosecute all ca- ses which are now pending in any of the Courts, and to proceed to collect all judgments, fi fas issued from any of the said Courts in favor of said Alien enemies, that have or shall hereafter be seques- juagments trated, in the same manner as the original plaintiffs would have tedcS»tra~ been entitled to have done, provided they had not have become ^tyed^e co1" Alien enemies; and in all such cases, the Receiver or Recievers shall be made a party plaintiff, on motion before the Court, and the name of the Alien enemies shall be stricken out and the name 58 PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciaky. Suits against Iusurance Companies, of the Receiver or Receivers inserted, in all cases now pending, and in all fi fas ; and that all suits shall be commenced by petition on all sequestrated claims, in the name of the.receiver, for the use of the Confederate States, according to the law of this State regu- costs &c. lating actions at law or in equity, [and they?] shall be the same as in all other cases in said Court; [and ?] the Court in which the judgment may be rendered shall have discretionary power as to taxing the costs, according to the equity of each case. 3. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That in all cases where the said ReceiveTfausReceiver or Receivers shall fail to recover judgments in any cause, meltjudg" judgments may be signed against such Receiver in his official capa- city ; but no personal liability shall attach to said Receiver, but such cost accruing shall be paid out of the first money raised in said Court out of the sequestration funds. 4. Sec. III. That all costs due to the officers of Court, on any Costa to be of said sequestrated cases, shall be the first money paid out of the Funds°u raLa sequestrated fund arising in said Court; And he it further enacted, trated proper- That said Receiver or Receivers may prosecute such claims through fTe'ceiYermayany attorney at law whom he may appoint or employ for such sue by Attor-purp0se> Sec. IV". Andteit further enacted, That said Receiver or Receiv- ers, or any attorney at law, may sue out attachment in the name onsauchment8 of the Receiver, for the use* of the Canfederate States, by making 6Uns' the affidavit as now required by the laws of this State in case of at- tachment; and the proceedings shall be the same as in all other ca- ses of attachment. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 48.) An Act to define and. fix the manner in which suits may he instituted against Insurance Companies in this State, and to prescribe the manner in which service shall be effected upon them. 6. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That whenever any person may have any claim or demand upon any Insurance Company having agencies, or more than one place of doing busi- f^9ra^inBtness, it shall be lawful for such person or persons, to institute suit companies, against said Insurance Company, within the county where the prin- cipal office of such Company is located, or in any county where such Insurance Company may have an agency, or place of doing business, [which] was located at the time the cause of action ac- crued, or the contract was made out of which said cause of action arose. Sec. II. In all such suits, service shall be effected upon such In- tob£pe^09 surance Company, by leaving a copy of the bill or writ, with the fecw against agen£ 0f Company, if any ; if no agent should be in the coun- ty, then at the agency or place of doing business, or where the PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciaey. 59 Continuances.—Open Accounts. same was located at the time such cause of action accrued, or the contract was made out of which the same arose. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 16, 1861. (No. 49.) An Act to authorize Continuances of Cases pending in the Superior and Inferior Courts and City Courts of this State, during the War, in cer- tain cases. 8. Sec. I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That the Judges of the Superior and Inferior Courts and City rfct™ Courts of this State, are hereby authorized to grant a general con- the war when tinuance, and from Term to Term, of all causes in behalf of Plain- the servic#.' tiffs and Defendants when they are in the military service of the Confederate States or of the State of Georgia, as also where the Attorney of either Plaintiffs or Defendants is in the military service, and who was employed as Counsel before entering said military ser- vice. 9. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That when it shall be made n to appear that either party has a material witness absent, or who is material wit- i, •i«i • i> -ii i ,i i nessiB in the in the military service as aforesaid, who alone can prove the mate- service,^ and rial facts in the case, and that it has not been in the power of the cannot'be party to procure the testimony of said absent witness by interro- gatories since the passing of this-Act, then, in such case, the Court, being satisfied from the circumstances, that the showing for a con- tinuance was not made for delay only, may enter the case continu- ed generally. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14, 1861. ART. III.—EVIDENCE. Sec. 1. Proof of open accounts. I Sec. 2. Eules of evidence to be relaxed by I Judges, in certain cases. (No. 50.) An Act to prescribe the proof in certain cases of open Accounts in the several Courts of this State. 1. Sec. I. Be it enacted, That in all cases of suits on open ac- counts in the several Courts of this State, where the writ or pro- cess has been served personally as the law now directs, on the de- fendant, and there is no defence made by the party sued, either in r™o0unuopca person or attorney, at the time the case is submitted for trial, the case shall be considered in default ; and the plaintiff or plain- tiffs shall be permitted to take verdict, as if each and every item has [been ?] proved by testimony. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 13, 1861. 60 PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciary. Copy Wills, Deeds, &c.—Stay Law. (No. 51.) An Act to allow Secondary proof and Testimony in cases where Copy Wills, Deeds, and other 'papers cannot he procured, and for other pur- poses. Whereas, In sonsequence of the Secession of the State of Geor- gia from the late United States, and the impossibility of com muni- cation with the States now composing said Government of the United States, by reason of the existing war, it is not practicable to procure certified copies of Wills, Deeds, Contracts, and other pa- pers, under the rules of Law, nor the testimony of witnesses resid- ing therein, by reason whereof much wrong and injury is likely to hapen to citizens of this State,—for remedy whereof. 2. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That in all suits or other legal proceedings, whether at law or in equity, and whether the same are now pending, or shall be hereafter instituted, it shall iJwdruie8t0ofe" and may be lawful for the presiding Judge in the trial of all such wrt£nCo'asin cases or proceedings, so to relax and change the rules of evidence, as to him may seem best and most to promote the ends of Justice ; and to admit and allow such proof and testimony as the nature of each case may require. Sec. II. All conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Assented to December 16, 1861. ART. IV.—JUDGMENTS AND EXECUTIONS. Sec. 1. Stay law re-enacted. Sec. 4. Certain judgments and orders of Or- " 2. Stay of executions on judgments ob- dinaries while in service legalized, tained against soldiers while in ser- Proviso, vice. _ "2. Effect of judgment of divorce. " 3. Such judgments may be opened. (No. 52.) An Act to continue in force the kth Section of an act passed over the Governor's veto on the 30 th day of November, I860,* entitled "An Act to provide against the foifeiture of the several bank charters of this State on account of non-specie payments for a given time, and for other purposes, passed in the year 1857 ;f and to suspend the pains and penalties imposed upon the several banks and their officers in this State, for non-payment of specie, and other purposes," and also " An Act to add a proviso to the 4:th Section of An Act entitled An Act for the relief of the people and banks of this State, and for other purposes, passed on the 30th of November, 1860 ; and to add an additional Section to said Act," assented to 20th December, 1860.| 1. Section 1. Be it enacted, That the before recited part of An stftyLawre_Act, anc^ also the before recited Act, be, and the same are here- enacted. by re-enacted and continued in force until the first day of De- cember, 1862. Assented to November 30th, 1861. *Acts of I860, p. 21, 22,23. tActs of 1857, p. 26, 27, 28, 29. JActs of 1860, p. 23. See also notes of Act No. 6, to continue Bank suspension, Title Banks and Banking. PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciary. 61 Stay of execution on judgments against soldiers in service—Orders and Judgments of Ordinaries. (No. 53.) An Act for the Protection of Soldiers in the service, against judgments, in certain cases. 2 Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact gta of ^ as follows: That no judgment which has been obtained, orF°tion8 rt ^ l iidcinciits ob» which may hereafter be obtained in any of the Courts of this State, tained against ii» -t'-i-i n i . n . soldiers while against any soldier, during his absence irom home m the service in service, of this State or of the Confederate States, shall be enforced by execution until three months shall have expired from such time of such soldier's discharge from service. 3. Sec. II. That in all cases where any judgment has been or may hereafter be obtained against any soldier whilst he is absent from home in the service of the State or Confederate States as aforesaid, such soldier shall have the right at any time within three months after his discharge, to open such judgment, by making an°Pened- affidavit that he was not personally served with process in the case in which the judgment was obtained, and that he has a good and subsisting defence against such judgment; which defence shall be stated in the affidavit; and the issue thus made shall be tried as in cases of illegality. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to 14th December, 1861. (No 54.) An Act to legalize the Orders and Judgments of Ordinaries of this State, where the same may be passed by them beyond the limits of the same. 4. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That all orders or judgments heretofore passed or pronounced in granting leave to sell land or other property of deceased persons, by the Ordinary certain jUdg- of any county while he is absent in the service of the State or der^ rendered Confederate States, where all the legal notices required by law while have been, or may be given of such intended application, and allSedllegal" legal requirements have been, or may be complied with, and where no objections have been, or shall be filed, shall be deemed, held aiid taken, as binding and effectual to all intents and pur- pokes; as if the same were pronounced in open Court by the Or- dinary at the proper time. Provided, nevertheless, that any person who may have an interest in the property ordered to be sold, his agent, attorney or next friend, shall have the right to enter a caveat against the sale of said property, at any time before the sale there- of; which caveat shall suspend such judgment or order, until all Proviso, the parties can be heard before the Ordinary in the county, in the regular mode of such proceeding; and any person aggrieved by said order, may attack it for fraud, in any Court where it may be sought to be used for the protection of the party procuring the same. Assented to December 13,1861. 62 PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciary. Divorce.—Statutes cf Limitations. (No. 55.) An Act to relieve certain persons from the pains and disabilities of a judgment of Divorce. A person a- aajadgm"ntof 5. Section I. The Gcueral Assembly of Georgia do hereby enact, wTendered That all persons who have had a judgment Divorce rendered against Sarria°getract them, shall have the right and privilege of contracting marriage XT™ froma again, after the lapse of one year from the time of the rendering judgm°entuoh of the final judgment in the Divorce case. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 12th, 1861. Note.—The third Section of the act of 5thDec. 1860, was in these words, viz.- ' ' In all cases where the verdict shall be for an absolute divorce, the party whose improper or criminal conduct shall authorize such divorce, shall not be permitted to marry again during the life of the other party, and in case of such second marriage, the party so offending shall be subject to the pains and penalties enacted against bigamy. Provided always, that where the mar- riage is declared void for such causes existing before such intermarriage as are recognized by the Ecclesiastical Courts, the said parties may marry again, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding." See T. R. R. Cobb's New Digest, p. 225. ART. V.—STATUTES OP LIMITATIONS. Sec. 1. Statutes of limitations suspended. iSec. 2. Shall commence to run again when [ peace shall be declared. (No. 56.) An Act to suspend the Statutes of Limitation, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do fimitaumf enact, That from and after the passage of this Act, the Statutes of ,upended, imitation now in force, be and the same are hereby suspended during the present war. shah com- 2. Sec. II. Be it, further enacted, That in all cases where the mence to run gtatute 0f limitation has commenced to run, the same shall be sus- jig&in when u liTredis de"pended until peace is declared by the Proclamation of the Presi- dent of the Confederate States; at which time it shall commence, computing the time it had already run at the time of the passage of this Act, in favor of any person or persons, or corporation rely- ing on the same. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14, 1861. Note,—The Statutes relating to limitation of actions are too numerous to be referred to separately in a note. See, generally, T. R. R. Cobb's New Digest, Title "Limitation of Ac- tionsfrom page 559 to 570. See also Acts of 1851 '52, p. 238 to 240: Acts of 1855 '56, p. 233; Acts of 1859, p. 50. PUBLIC LAWS.—Judiciary. 63 Justices Courts. III. COURTS OF SPECIAL JURISDICTION. Art. I. City Courts. [For Act authorizing the City Council of Augusta to fix the salary of the Judge of the City Court of said City, see Act No. 87, Title " Cities and Towns," Private and Local Laws.] Art. II. Justices Courts. Sec. 1. Cases of trespass upon personal prop-lSec. 2. When J. P. dies before answering a erty may be tried in Justices Courts.! certiorari pending, Judge to order a I new trial in the Court below. (No. 57.) An Act to give to the several Justices Courts of this State, jurisdiction in cases sounding in damages* in certain cases. 1. Section 1. Be it enacted, That the Justices Courts of this State, shall have power to try all cases of trespass upon personal Cages oftre8. property, where the amount claimed does not exceed the juris-f^9a"^°°Peer: diction of the Court, and give judgment for plaintiffs for theg.f™aLbju8. amount of damages that may be proven, under the same rules andtices Courts- regulations in such cases, as in the Superior Courts. Provided, That either party being dissatisfied with, the judgment of the Court, shall have the right of an appeal to a jury; and the same shall be tried as other appeals in said Court. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 9, 1861. *By act of 1799, it was declared that " no Justice of the Peace shall sustain or try any sat- isfaclion in damages for any trespass on the person or property of such plaintiff." T. r. r. Cobb's New Digest, p. 638. (No. 58.) An Act to amend the Certiorari laws of this State. 2. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That in all cases now pending, or which may be hereafter When the j pending in the'Superior Courts of this State, upon certiorari, from any Justices Court, and the Justice or Justices before whom theCertj?raJ • *i _ pending, case was tried, may have died before answering the writ of certio-Judseto°r7, • Til • 1111 11 1 /> l • T T 1 "er DeW tlla* ran served, then it shall be the duty of the presiding Judge, in Court be- forthwith, to order a new trial to be had upon the case in the Court below. Sec. II. All laws conflicting are hereby repealed. Assented to December 11, 1861. Supreme Court Decision. Where the Justices of the Inferior Court issue execution against the County Treasurer and his sureties, improperly, Certiorari is not the remedy— such Justices not being a Court. 29 Ga. Repts, 155. 64 PUBLIC LAWS.—Military. Military Laws.—Public Defence. TITLE XVI. MILITARY. Sec. 1. Pay of troops in State service. No. of troops in Company. Chaplains. " 2. Chaplain, how appointed.—his pay, &c. " 3. Persons heretofore serving as Chaplains to be paid. " 4. $350,000 appropriated for manufacture and purchase of arms. Sec. 5. Governor to buy machinery, &c., and put in operation in Penitentiary for the manufacture of arms. " 6. Governor may purchase arms and artil- lery. " 7. Inspection of arms. (No. 59.) An Act to amend the Military Laws of this State. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do en- act as follows, to-wit: That all troops, of every character, now in to trance of" seryice °f Georgia, or that may hereafter be called into the ser- troop^mce vice, shall receive the same pay and allowance as that allowed to Ho. in a Com- the Confederate troops; and each Company hereafter called into paay * Oii&p-" ■*- a v fains.' service, shall have the same number,* rank and file, as that requir- ed by the laws of Congress and the Army Regulations of the Con- federate States ; and Chaplain and Surgeon maybe appointed, with the same rank and pay as those in the Confederate Army. Assented to December 14, 1861. * By the third Section of Act of 18th December, I860, a Company of Infantry must have no less than fifty nor more than eighty rank and file-, and by the fifth Section of the same Act, a Company of Cavalry could not have less than thirty-five men, rank and file, nor more than sixty; and by the sixth Section, a Company of Artillery could not have less than sixty-four not more than eighty men. See Acts of i860, p. 50. (No. 60.) An Act to amend An Act entitled An Act to provide far the Public De fence, and for other purposes, assented to December the 18 th, 1860. 2. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That to each regi- Chaplains, ment organized under the provisions of the above entitled Act, ed. PP there shall be a Chaplain, to be appointed by the Governor, upon the recommendation of a majority of the commissioned officers of the regiment, whose pay and rations shall be the same as those al- lowed by the Congress of the Confederate States to Chaplains of the Confederate Army, and who shall be provided by the regimen- tal Quartermaster with a separate tent for his use as Chaplain. 3. Sec. II. The General Assembly do further enact, That such per- teforeTemngSons as have been serving in the capacity of Chaplain in any of the to bepiiia"' military forces of this State, with the approbation of the command- ing officer, shall be entitled to the foregoing pay and emolument, from the date of the commencement of their services. Assented to December 16,1861. Note.—Heretofore our Statutes made no provision for Chaplains in the Army. PUBLIC LAWS.—Military. 6£ Manufacture and purchase of Arms for the public defence. (No. 61.) An Aci to provide for the manvfacture and purchase of arms for the pub- lie defence, and to {appropriate money for the same. 4. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the sum $350 000 ap. of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is propmtedfbr J > manufacture hereby appropriated ond set apart out of any money m the Treas- a£d pafhasc ury not otherwise appropriated, as a fund for the manufacture and purchase of^rms for the public defence; and should there at any time be a deficiency of money in the Treasury, not otherwise ap- propriated, necessary to meet in whole, or in part, as it may be Gov. may is- needed, the said appropriation, then His Excellency the Governor bonds to raise shall be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and or may issue negotiate bonds of the State, in sums of five hundred dollars each 9 ry Notes in payable twenty years from date, bearing eight per cent interest pay-then stead' able semi-annually with coupons attached, in such amount as may be needed from time to time, to supply such deficiency; which bonds may be redeemed at the option of the State, at any time,, after the expiration of five years from the time they are issued; Provided, That in lieu of the bonds provided for herein, the Gov- ernor, in his discretion, may issue a part of said amount in Treasury notes of this State. 5. Sec.II. Be it further enacted, That His Excellency the Gov- ernor be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to procure-aov. to boy and purchase all the machinery, tools, implements, and materials necessary to be used in the manufacture of arms, such as muskets, IS PeSteX- rifles, and bayonets, and to pay for the same out of the appropria-S.tudn™aiul~ tion herein made; and to direct said machinery to be put in opera-arms tion in the Penitentiary of this State ; and to employ such of the convicts therein confined, as may be needed, in the manufacture of the arms aforesaid, under the direction of an Armorer and Superin- tendent, to be appointed by the Governor, together with as many master workmen, as may be necessary to conduct said Work, at such salaries as the Governor in his discretion may deem proper; and His Excellency the Governor is hereby empowered to put such machinery in operation at such other place or places, as he in his discretion may think proper. 6. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That His Excellency the Gov- ernor be, and he is hereby authorized to use, from time to time, such part of said appropriation as may be necessary to pay for such pU°^h™ay arms above specified, as he in his discretion may purchase, and for™aTand aI" the purchase of such artillery as may at any time be needed for the public defence, together with all accoutrements and munitions of war necessary to accompany the same, and as far as practicable, to have said arms and artillery thoroughly tested and inspected before a purchase is made. 7. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That His Excellency the Gov- ernor be, and he is hereby authorized to employ one or more com- 5 66 PUBLIC LAWS.—Monopolies. Monopolies, Extortions and Speculation in Breadstuffs. petent officers to test and inspect such arms as he, in his discretion, in^peetwn °fmay. pUrchase, so far as it may be practicable to have them tested and inspected ; and to pay such officers out of the fund hereby ap- propriated, such compensation as he, in his discretion, may deem proper. Assented to December 12, 1861. TITLE XVII. MONOPOLIES. Sec. I. Buying certain articles pretending false- ly to purchase for Government, made penal. Imprisonment in Penitentiary. Onus of proving agency on defendant. " 2, Monopolizing certain articles made pe- nal. Penalty, fine not over $5,000. " 3. Demanding exorbitant prices for sucli articles, deemed extortion. Penalty, fine or imprisonment, or both. " 4. Duties of juries in all trials under said 3d Section. Sec. 5. Provision m case a Corporation violates the foregoing Sections of this Act. " 6. In relation to such articles purchased outside of Georgia. " 7. Judges Superior Courts to give this Act in special charge to Grand Juries. " 8. Indictments under this Act. 9. Act to take effect 15th December, 1861; and continue in force 12 months, or till end of war. (No. 62.) An Act to prevent, during the existing War, Monopolies, Extortions and Speculation in Breadstvffs and other articles of general use and con- sumption, and to make such acts criminal, and to provide penalties for the same. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That if any person shall purchase any articles of clothing, shoes, leather, cloth tehfarttoks any kind, provisions, wheat, flour, corn, corn meal, meat, bacon, LTseeiydtoI1|ur-Logs, cattle, salt, bagging, rope and twine, or any or either of the ®^ent^?v" aforesaid articles, or any other article or thing, and shall falsely ernment or soldiers, made penal. represent that he or they is or are purchasing such article or arti- cles for the soldiers or Government, or Army of this State, or of the Confederate States, or of any of the Confederate States, or for any Army or troops friendly to the Confederate States, or shall, by any fraudulent contrivance, induce, or attempt to induce the vendor to believe that he or they is, or are, purchasing such article or articles for the Army or Government of this State, or the Con- federate States, or of any of the Confederate States, such person so Penalty, im- offending, shall be guilty of a felony; and upon conviction thereof IeniteatiMyn^n fhe county where the purchase may be made, shall be punished by imprisonment and hard labor in the Penitentiary, not less than onus of Pro-one year> nor longer than three years; and upon all trials for such ,an defendant, offence, after proof of the representation shall be made, the onus of proving "the agency shall rest upon the defendant. PUBLIC LAWS.—Monopolies. 67 Monopolies, Extortions and Speculation in Breadstuff's. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That all and every person or per- sons who shall monopolize any of the articles above mentioned, ^°na°p°^s with intent to produce a scarcity of such article or articles in lhe^enflaIma^n_ market, or of raising the price or prices of such articles, or either^ |n5e0o0ot of them, or if any person or persons shall purchase, procure, or re- ceive any of the articles specified in the preceding section, and hold the same for the purpose of engrossing the market and raising the price of such article or articles, such person or persons so offending, shall be guilty pf a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred dollars, nor ex- ceeding five thousand dollars. 3. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That any person or persons who shall exact, demand, or receive exorbitant, unjust, orunreas- exorbitant onable prices for any of the articles enumerated in the foregoing such article^ sections of this Act, shall be guilty of the crime of extortion; and tortion. Peri- upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, fmpiSn-01 or both, in the discretion of the Court; the fine not to exceed onement>orbotl1- thousand dollars, and the imprisonment not to exceed six months. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That in all trials for a violation Duties and of the third section of this Act, the Jury may take into considera-^?™^^; tion the cost of producing the articles, with expenses of transpor-sa^du^rgec. tation to market, if the defendant be a manufucturer or producertion- thereof; and the original price paid therefor, with cost of transpor- tation, if the defendant be a merchant or trader. 5. Sec. Y. Be it further enacted, That if any or either of the of- fences specified and described in the foregoing sections, shall be case a Corpor- committed by a Corporation through its agents, the President and tile act." Directors of such Corporation, as also the agent so offering the ar- ticle for sale, shall be liable to be severally indicted for such of- fence; and upon conviction, shall be punished as is herein before prescribed. 6. Sec. VI. And he it further enacted, That any of the above arti- cW may be purchased without the limits of this State, and im- such articles ported into this State for sale, and at a price not exceeding the cur- ofthKtte"' rent prices in the neighborhood where the same may be offered for sale. 7. Sec. VII. Be it fwither enacted, That it shall be the duty of^^su- the Judges of the Superior Courts of this State, at the opening of£t^pg££ial -each session of their respective Courts, to give the provisions of thisg1*^ Act in special charge to the Grand Jury. ries- 8. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, That in all indictments under this Act, it shall only be necessary to state the offence generallyact- and substantially, in the words of this Act. 9. Sec. IX. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect and go into operation from and after the 15th day of this present month,* and shall continue in force for twelve months, or until the^a^o? end of the present war. of Assented to December 14, 1861. * 15th December, 1861. 68 PUBLIC LAWS.—Penal Code. Additional Section added to the Tenth and Thirteenth Divisions of the Penal Code. TITLE XVIII. PENAL CODE. Sec. I. Another Section added to the 10 h Di- vision of the Penal Code—A white """oman cohabiting with a negro or free person of color, commits adultery—tri- al and punishment. " 2. Another Section added to the 13th Di- vision of Penal Code. Slave or free person of color wilfully damaging, &c. R. Ii. property shall be punished with death. Sec. 3. A 12th Section added to the 5th Divis- ion of the Penal Code. Slave or free Eerson of color wilfully burning R. R. ridge, to be punished with death. " 4. Act of 22d February, 1S50, amended— Solicitors General rtceiving fees or cost in certain cases declared a mis- demeanor—punishment. " 5. Trading with the enemy during the war, a felony—punishment. (No. 63.) An Act to add an additional Section to the Tenth and Thirteenth Di- visions of the Penal Code of this State. 1. Section I. Be it, enacted, That from and after the passage of this Act, the following Section shall be added to the tenth division of the Penal Code now of force, and shall be part thereof: Adultery for Any white woman within the limits of this State, who shall live in an to co- or cohabit with any negro slave ox free person of color, shall be guilty slave or free of adultery or fornication, as the case may be, and be indicted for person of coi-same ; and on conviction, shall be fined or imprisoned in the mshment; common jail of the county, or both, at the discretion of the Court; and said slave or free person of color so found living or cohabiting punishment with any white woman in this State, shall be imprisoned for one of elave or J „ . 1 ' , • i i coiofrson ofweek, in the county jail, and receive, during said week, thirty-nine lashes on his bare back, on three several days during said week; and the owner of said slave shall pay the expenses of said impris- onment and correction of said slave ; and if a free person of color, his Guardian shall pay all of said expenses and costs. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of this Act, the following shall be added as an additional Section of the thirteenth division of the Penal Code, to-wit: That if any slave, or free person of color, shall wilfully destroy, or in any manner hurt, damage, injure, or obstruct, or shall aid and assist in any way whatever, to hurt, damage, injure, or obsuct, any siave or freeKailroad bridge in this State, or any branch thereof, or any bridge orh°iuringco1" connected therewith, or any vehicle, edifice, car, carriage, or en- property', giue, of any of said Railroads; or shall, without the consent of the witudlath. Company, move, or interfere or meddle with any gate, switch, sidling, or other appurtenance to any such Railroad, such slave or tree person of color so offending, shall and may be indicted ; and on conviction, shall be punished by death. Assented to December 16, 1861. PUBLIC LAWS.—Penal Code. 69 Rail Road Bridges.—Criminal Prosecutions. (No. 64.) An Act to add an additional Section to the Penal Code of Georgia. 3. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact as follows: That the following shall be, and is hereby added as a twelfth Sec- tion of the fifth Division of the Penal Code of this State : The wilful or malicious burning, or attempting to burn any Rail-^venGfr free road Bridge within this State, (orherwise than under the order of^rVLm the Governor, or some military officer of this State or of the Con-R- R- Mdge- federate States, during the continuance of the existing war,) shall Punishment be deemed and adjudged Arson ; and shall be punished with death.death' Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 65.) An Act to amend An Act entitled An Act to authorize the settlement of criminal prosecutions in certain cases, and to regulate more particular- ly the duties of the Attorney and Solicitors General, and fix their lia- bilities, approved February 22d, 1850.* Whereas, By the fourth Section of the above recited Act, the Attorney and Solicitors General are prohibited from demanding or receiving any fee, or cost, on any criminal case which has not been tried by a Petit Jury, except such as are provided for in the first Section of said Act, whereby the Attorney and Solicitors General,, ' *? Preamble. are deprived of the cost in all cases settled under the third Section of said Act, as well as in all cases finally disposed of without going before a Petit Jury, by the defendants placing a demand for trial upon the minutes, or otherwise, for remedy whereof, 4. Section I. Be it enacted, That the fourth Section of the above A misde. recited Act, be so amended as to read as follows : Any Attorney g^StorGen- or Solicitor General, who shall demand or receive any fee, or costs, ceiveVfee on any criminal case which has not been tried by a Petit Jury, or^^ses. otherwise finally disposed of, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and on conviction shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court. Assented to December 16, 1861. * For this Act, see T. R. R. Cobb's New Digest, p. 456. (No. 66.) An Act to prevent Trading with the Enemy in time of War, within this State, or a Port of any other State. 5. Section I. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person to send or carry, to Trading with sell, or offer for sale, in any port, city, town, or other place, within during the this State, whilst the same is in possession, or under the control ofwar'atelony' the enemy of the Confederate States, or the State of Georgia, any 70 PUBLIC LAWS.—Salaries. Salaries and compensation of certain officers. cotton, grain, provisions, or other article of trade, and merchandize of any kind, or shall send, or cause to be sent out of this State, with the intention of carrying, or sending to sell, or offer for sale, any such articles at any such ports or place. And any person who shall, directly or indirectly, violate the provisions of this Act, shall Punishment. ke (]eeme(j guilty of a felony; and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the Penitentiary, for a term of not less than two years, nor longer than ten years. Assented to December 16, 1861. TITLE XIX. SALARIES. Sec. 1. Of Governor. Judges of Supreme Court. Reporter o. Supreme Court decisions. Secretary of State and Surveyor Gen. Comptroller Gen- eral. State Treasurer. Governor's Secretaries. Sec. 2. Salaries may be drawn quarterly.. (No. 67.) An Act to fix the Salaries and Compensation of certain Officers mention- ed therem, and for other purposes. Section I. The General Assembly do enact as follows: That from and after the passage of this Act, the salaries and compensa- tion of the officers hereinafter named shall be as follows, to-wit : The Governor of this State shall have and receive for his services GoyeLor as such, the sum of three thousand dollars per annum, and no $3,00000, more. The Judges of the Supreme Court of this State, shall each ?/supdrlme Lave and receive for their services as such, the sum of two thaus- court $2,oooan(j 72 PUBLIC LAWS—State Officers. Secretary of State and Surveyor General. the pains or penalties of any law now existing prohibiting their leaving or returning to Georgia.* Sec. II. All conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Assented to December 11, 1861. * The first Sec. of the Act of Dec. 17, 1859, provided that from and after the passage of that Act "it shall not be lawful for any free person or persons of color, commonly known as free ne- g^oes, now residing, or who shall reside after the passage of this act in any State of this Confed- eracy, or foreign country, to come, or be brought into this State ; and any and all free person or persons of color who shall come or be brought into this State, after the passage of this act, in violation thereof, shall, on conviction of said violation, be sold as a slave or slaves, by the Sheriff of the county in which said conviction shall be made." Acts of 1859, p. 68. TITLE XXI. STATE OFFICERS. Sec. 1. Offices of Secretary of State and Sur- veyor Gen. consolidated. " 2. Duties and powers of Sec'y of State as to office of Surveyor Gen. Sec. 3, Secretary of State must reside at the Capitol. (No. 69.) An Act to Consolidate the OJJices of Secretary of State and Surveyor General ; and to require all the duties of said offices to be 'performed by the Secretary of State, and for other purposes. Section I. Be it it enacted by the General Assembly, That from and se®retaryfof after the passage of this act, the offices of Secretary of State and lurvevor Surveyor General of this State, shall be, and are hereby declared Genemi eon-to be consolidated ; and in addition to the duties heretofore de- aohdated. 7 volvedby law on the office of Secretary of State, incumbent there- of, shall perform all and singular the duties of the office of Sur- veyor General, retaining his official designation as Secretary of State. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of State shall Duties and be the legal and proper custodian of all Records, Mamps, and oth- ISetary of er Papers of file connected with the office of Surveyor General, offi^of sur- and responsible for the safe keeping of the same. His testimony veyor Gen- touching the same, taken in pursuance of Law, shall be entitled to full faith and credit in all the Courts of law and equity in this State, as legal custodian aforesaid ; and his official signature to any plat or duplicate, certificate, or other paper heretofore issuing from the office of Surveyor General, and necessary to be signed by said Surveyor, shall entitle said paper to the same credit and validity as if said offices had not been consolidated. ■secretary of Sec. III. Be it, further enacted, That the Secretary of State shall, state must re-for the term of his service, be a resident at the Capitol of the side at Capi- L State. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 22,1861. PUBLIC LAWS.—State Lunatic Asylum. 73 Money appropriated for State Lunatic Asylum. TITLE XXII. STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, Sec. 1. Salary for Supt. for 1862 $2,400. " 2. $12,000, appropriated for salaries of Trustees, Treasurer, &c., for 1862. " 3. $20,000 for support of pauper patients for 1862. Sec. 4. How the mohey to be drawn. " 5. Tax for 1862 to be assessed with ref- ference to said appropriations. " 6. Appropriation of $6,762 54 to pay ar- rearages of 1861. (No. 70.) An Act to appropriate money for the support of the State Lunatic Asy- lum for the year 1862, arid for other purposes. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the sum of twenty-four hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby Saiary of appropriated to pay the salary of the Superintendent and resident dent "llW Physician of the State Lunatic Asylum for the year 1862. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the sum of twelve thous- and dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay the Trustee^ salaries of Trustees, Treasurer, sub-officers, attendants, and hire treasurer, of servants, for the said Asylum for the year 1862 ; provided such an amount is found necessary for said purposes. 3. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is here- Support of by appropriated for the support oY pauper Patients, in said Asy- aS.1 pa~ lum for the year 1862. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That the money herein appro- priated shall be drawn by Executive Warrant on the Treasury, in f the same manner as heretofore practiced; provided however, Thattobe drawn- the amounts appropriated in sections third and fourth of this Act, shall be drawn and used, subject to the conditions, restrictions and regulations, prescribed in the fourth section of "An Act to provide for raising a revenue for the political year 1861, and to appropriate money for the support of Government during said year, and to make certain special appropriations, and for other purposes,'.' assent- ed to December 19th, I860,* so far as said fourth section contains provisions applicable to similar items of appropriations as are con- tained in the second and third sections of this act. 5. Sec. V. And be it further enacted, That the Governor and Comptroller General [shall?], in applying the rate per centum ofwmoK,. taxation to support the Government far the political year 1862, so reference to increase the rate per centum thereof, as will be necessary to pay p nation,, the foregoing items of appropriation and other appropriations which may be made by this General Assembly for said Asylum. Sec. VI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 14, 1861. *See Acts of 1860, p. 13 6c 14. 74 PUBLIC LAWS.—State Printer. State Lunatic Asylum.—Duties and compensation of State Printer. (No. 71.) An Act to appropriate money to pay certain debts contracted on the credit of the State, for the State Lunatic Asylum during the year 1861. Whereas, The political troubles of the country have raised the prices of all articles of prime necessity, to an unusual degree; Preamble. and whereas, the last annual appropriation for the State Lunatic Asylum, was based on usual prices, thereby compelling the authori- ties of said institution to purchase many articles on the credit of the State, which remain unpaid for to an amount hereinafter speci- fled: 6. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That the sum of proprfatedatisix thousand seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty-four ofyi86i!essors cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay arrearages due by the State Lunatic Asylum for the year 1861; to be drawn by an Executive warrant on the Treasury, and disbursed by the proper authorities of said Institution, as their Regulations may prescribe. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to Dec. 17, 1861. TITLE XXIII STATE PRINTER. Sec. 1. Tenth Section of Act of 16th Feb'y 1854 amended. " 2. Distribution of Acts and Journals. Act not to apply to Acts and Journals of present session. Sec. 3. Advance of $3,000 made to State Prin- ter. (No. 72.) An Act to alter and amend the tenth Section of an act entitled, " An Act to amend the several acts of the General Assembly in regard to the election of public printer, and more particularly to prescribe the du- ties, liabilities and compensation of said officer, and for other purposes," approved February 16th, 1854.* 1. Section I. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, of^AcfofirThat from and after the passsage of this act, the tenth section of amende^' the before recited act, be so altered and amended as to read, There ^OjCopiegQfshall be printed, until otherwise . altered by law, two thousand of each 8 copies of each of the Journals of the Senate and of the House of House and -1- *See Acts of 1853 '54, p. 77 78. By this Act 4,000 copies of the Journals of each House, and 5,000 copies of the Laws, were to be printed. PUBLIC LAWS.—State Printer. 75 Appropriation for State Printer. Representatives, and four thousand copies of the laws ; [of] the woo £°pieSof latter to be bound by the printer according to the provisions 0 the act of 18524 "bound as heretofore. 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That ten copies of the Journals of the Senate, and ten copies of the Journals of the House Representatives, be sent to the Clerk of the Inferior Court of eachJournals- county, to be kept by the said Clerks, in their offices, for the use of any of the citizens of their respective counties; and further, that one copy of each be sent to each member of the General Assembly; and also that one copy of the acts be sent to each Justice of the Inferior Court, to each Ordinary, to each Clerk of the Inferior Court, and to each Clerk of the Superior Court, and to each Sheriff in the State; and further, [that?] one copy of theproviso that acts be sent to each member of the General Assembly : Provided, the act shall That the provisions of this act shall be prospective, and shall not five, and not interfere with the Laws and Journals of the present session ofwsana .. r . , . - Journals of the Legislature.^ present ses- Sec. HI. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. tit is presumed this 'of was not intended tobehere, but it is in both the enrolled Act and en- grossed bill. Compiler. JActs of 1851 '52. p. 253. $Noti.— Query: Does not this proviso prohibit the sending to each member of the present General Assembly a copy of the Laws and Journals of the present session, and to all the county officers mentioned in the II Sec. of the Act? That it does according to its wording, there oan be no doubt, but the intention undoubtedly was, that it should apply only to the number of copies to be printed. Compiler. (No. 73.) An Act to authorize and require the Treasurer of the State to make an advance to the State Printer. 3. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the ^vanLd°tobe Bum of Three Thousand Dollars be, and is hereby appropriated,StatePrinterB as an advance to Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, on the State Print- ing, for the year 1861; and that the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay the same to said State Printers, on the warrant of the Governor of this State. Assented to Dec. 9th, 1861. 76 PUBLIC LAWS.—Tax. Justices of Inferior Courts may levy a tax for soldiers, &c. TITLE XXIV. TAX. Sec. I. Levy and collection of County taxes on account of soldiers. " 2. Collection of such taxes—certain coun- ties exempt. '* 3. Contracts, &c., heretofore made by Jus- tices of the Inferior Courts legalized. " 4. Liabilities of Tax Collectors collecting such taxes. " 5. Application of certain funds heretofore 6. Certain portion of such taxes may be paid in produce. 7. Produce how delivered. 8- A Digest of all such tazes to be kept. 9. Basis of leving such tax. 10 County Treasurers to charge no commis- sions on such taxes. : 11. Defaulters. ; 12. Time of commissioning Tax Collectors. Payment of Tax money into State Treasury. : 13. Confederate war tax assumed by State 114. State Bonds to be issued. Sec. 15. Act of 2lst December, 1857, re-enacted 16. No costs to be collected on tax fifas, unless made out of defendants. 17. $1,000,000 to be assessed for tax of 1862. 18. Pees on tax fi fas. 19. Insolvent lists. 20. Costs on tax fi fias. 21. Allowance of insolvent lists by Comp- troller General. 22. Tax on Railroads. 23. Tax Collectors' commissions, how al- lowed. 24. Preamble. "25. Code modified—Act of 5th December, 1799, re-enacted. 26. Receipt of Comptroller General. 27. The words " Confederate States " to be substituted in tax laws for the words •' United States." : 28. Time for Tax Collectors to make final settlement, extended to 1st March, 1862. (No. 74.) An Act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Courts of the several coun- ties of this State, from time to time, in their discretion, to levy such extra taxes as they may deem necessafy to equip Volunteer or other soldiers from their respective counties, and to provide for the indigent families of soldiers; to authorize the collection of the same, and to legalize their previous action in the premises, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, Courts of the several counties of Levy and county taxes fThat the Justices of the Inferior soldiers. this State, are authorized, from time to time, to levy such extra taxes as they may think necessary to equip such Volunteer or other soldiers as have gone, or may go, from their respective counties, and to provide the necessary support and maintenance for such in- digent families of soldiers as may he resident in their respective counties, and such indigent soldiers as may return home wounded or disabled. 2. Sec. II. The said Justices may have all such taxes collected Collection of either by the regular Tax Collectors of their respective counties, or auch taxes, Slich other person or persons as they may think best; and may take such bond, and fix such compensation as they may think pro- certain per for the collection of the same. And be it further enacted, That emptedsftomtfie counties of Monroe, Burke, Pickens, Wayne, Cherokee, Taylor, 2d%lctionsofFayette, Clinch, Dawson, Lumpkin, Echols, Upson, Spalding, this act. Campbell, Forsyth, DeKalb, Macon, Wilkes, Warren, White, Ware, Rabun, Chattooga, Decatur, Charlton, Berrien, Coffee, Paulding, PUBLIC LAWS—TAX. 77 Justices of Inferior Courts may levy a tax for soldiers. Bryan, Appling, Crawford, Fannin, Telfair, Emanuel, Clarke, Banks, Schley, Worth, Muscogee, Wilcox, Butts, Mcintosh, Brooks, Newton, Gilmer, Irwin, Montgomery, Laurens, Murray, Dooly, Clayton, Pierce, Wilkinson, and Gwinnett, be excepted from the operations of the first and second Sections of this Act; and that, in said counties, during the present war, the Justices of the Inferior tax to b"1 as-8' Courts of said counties, shall have the authority to assess, annually, commenda- on the amount of the State tax of said counties, such tax as may jury? Grand be recommended by a majority of the Grand Jurors of said counties at the Spring Terms of the Superior Courts, for the purpose of raising funds to equip soldiers for the service of the State and Con- federate States, and to support such of their families as are indi- gent, during their term of service, to be collected as other county taxes in said counties ; and all taxes levied in said counties the pres-m'sucht™. ent year for the same purposes, are hereby legalized and made val- year legalized, id; and in the event there be no Court at the Spring Term in any If no Court of the counties thus excepted, then, the Justices of the Inferior Term, Jus- ° Courts in said counties, shall proceed to assess such taxes as may beJw taf.assess absolutely necessary for the purposes aforesaid; and that the coun-®°_s- ties of Coweta, Tattnall, and Whitfield, be excepted from all the„™?j.?j?onf8r"f provisions of this Act. act- 3. Sec. III. All taxes heretofore levied, or any contracts entered Certaill BCta into, or money procured whether by bond or otherwise, or by salef/J^ehctf!- of railroad or other stocks, by the Inferior Courts or the Justicesheretofore'ic- thereof, or by other persons with the sanction of the Inferior Court, salized- and all orders passed, or which may be passed by any of said Courts equalizing said tax among the tax payers for the purpose aforesaid, are hereby ratified and made legal, and the same authorized to be collected under this Act. 4. Sec. IV. All Tax Collectors, or other person or persons who shall be, or who have been appointed by the Justices of the o{ or Courts of any county in this State, to collect any tax which has£a* c°ue<> been, or which may be levied under this Act, shall be liable to all the remedies and liabilities to which Tax Collectors are now liable bylaw, for any violation or failure of duty under this Act, or for failing to pay over, on demand, any money or other thing which may be collected by him or them under the same. &. Seo. V. The Inferior Courts of the several counties are au- thorized to use and apply any county funds, except Academy and of certain Poor and Common School funds, in their respective counties, to the fore made, purposes aforesaid ; but all "applications of any funds heretofore egaizu' made in auy county, are hereby made legal and valid. 6. Seo. Vl. In any county where the Inferior Court may so or- der, the amount of tax levied for the support and clothing of sol-certa™ part diers' families, may be paid in such articles and in such proportions ^4"the paws as may be necessary for the support of the families; the value ofm produoe- which articles shall be fixed by such Assesssors as may be appoint- ed by said Inferior Court, and in such manner as said Inferior Courts may think best. 7* Sec. VII. That, in all cases where the taxes are paid under 78 PUBLIC LAWS.—TAX. Time for payment of Taxes for 1861, extended. Produce this Act, in produce, the same shall be delivered by the said tax how delivered payer a£ such place or places as the said Inferior Courts may di- rect. 8. Sec. VIII. The Inferior Court shall have kept a digest of the taxes already raised and disbursed, or hereafter to be raised, and the ™cshtaxLatouse and disbursement of all funds raised, or hereafter to be raised be kept. by taxation; which digest shall be kept by the Clerk of the Inferi- or Court, for the inspection of the citizens of the county; and said Courts may make all such arrangements as they think best, to carry out this Section. 9. Sec. IX. The assessment for State taxes made next previous B«eis of levy-to each particular levy of tax by the Inferior Court, shall be adopt- mg said tax. ag j-,agjg 0f an(j va}ue 0f property in such levy as they may at any time order in pursuance of the provisions ot this Act. 10. Sec. X. Whenever any funds authorized to be raised by any ch^InJ't0 Provisi°ns of this Act, shall go through the hands of the commissions Treasurer of any county of this State, it shall not be lawful for moneys. such Treasurer to charge or receive any commissions or compensa- tion for receiving or paying out such funds. 11. Sec. XI. That the Tax Collectors, or other persons appoint- ford odhfJ- ed to collect the tax in accordance with the provisions of this Act, of0Lfauitcers?s be authorized to proceed in cases of default, in the same manner as is now provided by the laws of this State for the collection of the general tax. Sec. XII. Repeals all conflicting laws. Assented to November 29, iSGl. Note.—The above Act, strictly speaking, is a Local Act; but being one of great importance to all the counties in the State except three, (which are wholly exempt from its operations,) it is thought best to class it with the Public Laws.—Compiler. (No. 75.) An Act to extend the time for the payment of Taxesfor the year 1861. 12. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of tor* elected" Georgia, That His Excellency the Gfovernor, be, and he is hereby Stfg-i8* authorized and required, to suspend issuing commissions to Tax tm^MarctoCollectors in this State, who may be elected on the first Wednes- aiio^edtf" day in January ensuing, until the first day of March next; and that t0the Tax Collectors for the present year, be allowed until said first to^MwuryT day of March, to make their final payment to the Treasurer of this State. Provided nevertheless, that said Collectors shall be required inUmtoeJ15 to pay into the Treasury on the first day of each month, until their monthly. gnaj settiement, the amount of State tax collected by them respec- tively. * Assented to December 11, 1861. * By Act of 23rd December, 1840, (Cobb's New Digest, p. 1073,) Tax Collectors were requi- red to pay the State Taxes into the State Treasury, by the 1st December in each year there- after; and by Section II, of Act of 3rd March, 1856, the time was extended to 20th December. Acts ©f 1855-6, p. 276. PUBLIC LAWS—TAX. 79 Assumption of Confederate War Tax.—Tax Laws amended. (No. 76.) An Act to provide for the assumption and payment of the Taxes assessed against the citizens of this State, by virtue of An Act of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, entitled An Act to authorize the issue of Treasury Notes, and to provide a War Tax for their redemp- tion; approved the 19th of August, 1861. Whereas, The twenty-fourth Section of the before recited Act of Congress, provides that if any State shall, on or before the first day of April next, pay into the Treasury, notes of the ConfederatePreamWe States, or in specie, the taxes assessed against the citizens of such State, less ten per centum thereon, it shall be the duty of the Sec- retary of the Treasury to notify the same to the several Tax Col- lectors in such State, and thereupon, their authority and duty un- der said Act shall cease; and whereas, economy and a proper regard for the interest of the tax payers of Georgia, make it the duty of the State to assume' and pay said taxes. 13. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do, therefore, enact Confea t as follows: That the State of Georgia hereby assumes, and will pay war Tax as- the taxes assessed against her citizens, under the provisions of the state. by Act of Congress of the Confederate States before recited. 14. Sec. II. That so soon as the amount of said taxes shall be ascertained, it shall be, and it is hereby made the duty of his Ex- cellency the Governor, to cause to be issued the bonds of this State, to be issued, payable in such sums, and at such time and place, and bearing such funds1 to ply rate of interest, not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, as willthe ^ar Tax* enable him to raise and obtain the means of paying such taxes, (less ten per centum thereon,) upon the most advantageous terms to the State; and that when said means of paying said taxes shall be rais-^^p?^ ed, His Excellency shall cause the said taxes (less ten per centum ^ thereon) to be paid to the Confederate States, under the provisions of the said twenty-fourth section of the Act of Congress aforesaid. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 11, 1861. (No. 77.) An Act to amend the Tax Laws of this State. Whereas, An Act entitled " An Act to repeal An Act approved February 26th, 1856, entitled An Act in relation to allowing Tax Collectors an insolvent list by the Grand Jurors of the several counties of this State, and to amend the various laws for the collec- tion of taxes," assented to December 21st, 1857,* has been omitted altogether by the Code of this State to go into effect from and after the 1st day of January, 1862. For remedy whereof, 15. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the * See Acts of 1857, p. 132. 80 PUBLIC LAWS.—Tax. Tax for 18(12.—Revenue Laws amended. ^57°^Mctiabove and before recited Act be, and the same is hereby re-enact- ed> ed, to take effect from and after the first day of January next. «c'd?Sontotax 16. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That no Collector,! Sheriff or collected688 Constable shall receive cost on any Tax fifa, unless the same is col- thereon. lected from the defendant. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 12, 1861. t See 1st Section of Act No. 79. (No. 78.) An Act to levy and collect a Tax for the political year 1862, and for other purposes. 17. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact as follows: That his Excellency, the Governor of this State, with the assistance fe^esTdis0^ ^ie Comptroller General, shall assess on the entire amount of taxesfor is62-taxable property in this State, such a rate per cent, "as will raise an amount of revenue not exceeding one million of dollars, for the sup- port of the government of this State for the political year 1862; any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Assented to December 14, 1861. (No. 79.) An Act to amend the Revenue Laws of this State, and jor other purposes herein named. Whereas, In the adoption by the Legislature of 1860, of the Code prepared by a commission authorized by law, several omissions Preamble, and changes in that law require additional legislation for the prop- er execution of the revenue laws of this State, for remedy whereof: 18. Sec. I. Be it enacted, That Tax Collectors in issuing^, fas. fi.efas.°n tax to collect State and County tax, shall be allowed a fee of fifty cents on all f.fas. issued for said purpose. 19. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the Act entitled An Act ws6°aft«ffn-to repeal An Act approved February 26, 1856, entitled An Act in re-enacted!"8' relation to allowing Tax Collectors an insolvent list by the Grand Jurors of the several counties in this State, and to amend the vari- ous laws for the collection of taxes, having been omitted in the Code, the same is hereby re-enacted.* no costs to be 20. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That no Collectors, Slier- or Constable, shall receive costs on a tax fi.fa., unless the same defendants!111^6 collected Ifoin the defendant.! 21. Sec. IY. Be it, further enacted, That the 792d section of the ■ Code, allowing the Comptroller General to pass upon the solvency 4ioiTentc?istsfor insolvency of tax payers of the several counties in this State, be by Comp'Gen repealed; and that from and after the passage of this Act, whenever the Comptroller General shall be satisfied that a Tax * This Section is a mere repetition of the 1st Section of Act No. 77, Supra. t This also is a repetition of the 2d Section of same Act. PUBLIC LAWS.—TAX. 81 Revenue Laws amended. Collector has exercised due diligence in his efforts to have his insol- vent list allowed by a Grand Jury or Inferior Court, within the time prescribed by law, the said Comptroller General shall be au- thorized, if in his judgment the public interest will not suffer there- by, to wait with the Collectors fifteen, and not exceeding thirty days, for said insolvent list, before issuing^.^/?«. for the same. 22. Sec. V. Be it farther enacted, That so much of the 646th and 647th sections of the Code, as relates to the tax on Railroads, be iToaa^°n Rail- repealed ; and that in lieu of the same, the 8th section of An Act assented to December 11th, 18-58,f taxing all Railroad companies one-half of one per cent, upon their net annual income, be contin- ued in force ; and the returns of said Railroad companies shall here- after be made to the Comptroller General instead of the Treasurer. 23. Sec. VI. Be it furthei enacted, That the Inferior Courts of T„x coiiec- this State, in allowing Collectors their commissions for collecting the taxes levied by their respective counties, be, and they are here-allowed- by authorized and required to aggregate the taxes for the various, purposes levied,-and to allow commissions on the whole amount, in< accordance with the schedule from which the Comptroller General is authorized to allow commissions to Collectors for collecting tha State tax. 24. Sec. VII. And Whereas, By the Comptroller General's Re- port, it appears that a portion of the new Code prepared by the Commissioners and by previous Act of the Legislature of Georgia,A PreamUe» intended to go into effect on the first day of January, 1862, is so framed as to destroy the necessary checks and balances between the offices of the Treasurer and Comp'r. General, for remedy whereof: 2-5. Sec. VIII. It is hereby farther enacted, That so much of the 96th section of the Code as requires the Comptroller General f0 5 give certificates of the amount due from the Tax Collectors and ^na1Jt9e9^ other debtors of the State, before the same has been paid into the Treasury, be repealed; and that in lieu of the same, the Act ap- proved December 5th, 1799, entitled " An Act further explaining and defining the duties and powers of the Comptroller General," be substituted therefor, and hereafter continued in force ; and that so much of section S9 of the new Code aforesaid, as requires the Treasurer to account for moneys received in the Comptroller Gen-Jo'uS^or" eral's certificates, be, and the same is hereby repealed; and the™™eTonehu Treasurer shall be accountable for money received on his certifi-<:ertlfioate8' cates. 26. Sec. IX. And be it, farther enacted, That no receipt or certifi- cate of payment from the State Treasurer, for any money paid, orRecei^. of to be paid into the Treasury, shall be valid against the State, until ComPr- Gen- the same shall have been turned over to the Comptroller General, and his receipt given in lieu thereof. TI]e wordg 27. Sec. X. And be it. further enacted, That whenever in the va~'sSeI"diaaau rious Tax laws of this State, the words " United States" occur, L^afobe ; See Acts of 1858, p. 105. $ For this Act see T. R. R. Cobb's New Digest, p. 1022-3. 6 82 PUBLIC LAWS—Western & Atlantic Kail Road. Salaries of officers and employees on Western & Atlantic Rail -Road. I?raelwordSthe words " Confederate States" be, and the same are hereby sub- stituted therefor. Assented to December 14, 1861. (No. 80.) An Act to extend the time for Tax Collectors, in this State to make their settlements ivith the State Treasurer.* 28. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State oj Fine for'Tax Georgia^ That the Tax Collectors in each of the counties of this SakeeCtfi°nait0 State be, and they are hereby allowed until the first day of March, settlements 1862, to make their final settlements with the State Treasurer, in- -extended to ' ,, _ . l ' March, stead of the 20th of December, 1S61 ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Assented to November 29th, 1861. * This Act is a repetition of part of Act No. 75, Super a. TITLE XXV. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAIL-ROAD. Sec. i. Reduction of salaries of officers and pay of employees on State Road. (No. 81.) An Act to provide for the Reduct ion of the Salaries of the Officers and Employees of the Western Sf Atlantic Railroad. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That the Seduction of Governor be requested to scrutinize the salaries of the officers and State Road. employees of the Western & Atlantic Railroad; and whenever it can be done with a due regard to the best interests of the Road, a fair and proper reduction of the salaries shall be made. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14,1861. * For Act authorizing the Superintendent of the W. & A. R. R. to issue $200,000 in change "bills, see Title BANKS AND BANKING, Act No. 17. PART II. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS. Title I.—APPROPRIATIONS. « II.—CITIES AND TOWNS. « III.—CORPORATIONS. « IV.—COUNTIES. « V.—COUNTY LINES. " VI.—COUNTY REGULATIONS. « VII.—EDUCATION. " VIII.—EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, ORDINARIES, &C. " IX.—INTERNAL TRANSPORTATION. " X.—PATROLS. " XI.—PHYSICIANS. " XII.—RELIEF. ♦< XIII.—RIVERS AND DAMS. " XIV.—ROADS. » XV.—SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR. « XVI.—TAXES. " XVII.—TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. PART II. PRIVATE AMI LOCAL LAWS. TITLE I. APPROPRIATIONS. Sec. 1. $G,000 appropriation for support of pu- pils in Georgia Academy for the Blind for 1 Sl'rf. Sec. 2. One dollar per copy appropriated to .John II. Seals as extra compensation lor publishing Code of Georgia. Sec. 3. Governor to draw his warrant on Trea- sury for same. (No. 82.) An Act to appropriate money for the support of the pupils of the Georgia Academy for the Blind. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That priated for the sum of six thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appro-pnp?uin° priated for the support of the pupils of the Georgia Academy formjndeforfor the Blind, during the current political year ; and that the Gover- Governor to nor be authorized to draw his warrant upon the Treasury in favor rant on Treas- of the Trustees of said Academy, for said sum of money. in^avor of Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Trustees. Assented to Decembers, 1S61. (No. 83.) An Act to appropriate extra compensation to John H. Seals for the publi- cation of'the Code of Georgia. 2. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That one dollar per One dollar copy be, and the same is hereby appropriated to John H. Seals as |r^l*ed^to extra compensation for the publication of the Code of Georgi a. Seals as extra 3. Sec. II. The General Assembly do further enact, That the Gover- tion^for Code nor of Georgia do draw his warrant on the Treasury of this State Governor to in favor of John H. Seals for the sum aforesaid to be paid out ofmXonT^ any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. for same. Assented to December 14th, 1861. Note.—For sundry appropriations to individuals, see Title "Relief;" also Title "Appropria- tions," in Public Laws, and notes thereto. 86 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. Americus. TITLE II. CITIES AND TOWNS. AMERICUS, (No. 84.) Sec. 1. Corporate limits defined. " 2. Aldermen; Co.poratelimits ; Powers. " 3. Council to elect Mayor, who shall act without compensation ; Term of office one year. 4. Council to have no salary; Taxes on property of Mayor and Council-men. " 5. Offices of Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal and Sexton, consolidated ; Marshal to he elected; his salary, term of of- fiee, &c. " G. Duties and liabilities of Marshal. He may be removed. 7. Marshal shall give bond, and make weekly reports ; Publication by City Council quarterly. 8. Tax on free negroes, and on slaves hiring their time, &c.; assessment of Taxes ; Tax on Banking and In- surance Agents. 9. Duties and powers of Mayor. Appeal to Council. 10. Time of holding elections ; qualifiea- tions for Alderman. 11. Assistant Marshal. Sec. 12. Clerk of Market; his election. Termf of office one year. I ATHENS, (No. 85.) 13. Duties and fees of Clerk of market. ATLANTA, (No. 86.) Sec. 14. Time of holding election for Mayor and Council; when to be qualified and enter upon the discharge of their duties; Financial year. " 15. Vacancy in office of Mayor; vacan- cy in Council. " 16. Receiver of tax returns and Tax Col- lectoi. " 17. Market. " 18. Street duty. Street tax, and how col- lected. Sec. 19. Powers of Mayor and Council to en- force ordinances. Common jail of Fulton county may be used by city. Default tax payers may be double taxed. Attendance of parties and witnesses at the Mayor's Court. Fees of officers. Corporate limits changed. 20. 21. 22. 23. AUGUSTA, (No. 87.) Sec. 24. Salary of Judge of City Court of Augusta may be fixed by City Council—not less than one thousand dollars per annum. BELLVILLE, (No. 88.) Sec. 25. Bellville incorporated—Corporate lim- its. •' 26. Mayor and Aldermen. " 27. Election of Mayor and Aldermen. " 28. Oath of Mayor and Aldermen. " 29. Marshal, Clerk of Council and Trea- surer. " 30. Salaries of officers. " 31. Powers of Mayor and Alderman. On all questions in Council, a majority vote to govern. Mayor and each Alderman to be, ex officio, a magis- trate for certain purposes. May is- • sue warrants, and bind over offenders to appear at Court for trial. Keeper of common jail of Richmond county to receive offenders. Sec. 32. Ordinances— other powers of Mayo? and Aldermen. " 33. Fines. " 34. Powers and jurisdiction of Mayor and Aldermen. " 35. Fees. " 36. Officers sued may justify,under this Act. CUSSETA, (No. 89.) Sec. 37. Poll tax. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. 87 Americus. JONESBORO, (No. 90.) Sec. 38. Corporate limits. SUMMERVILLE, (No. 91.) Sec. 39. Village of Summerville in Richmond,Sec. 43. Oath of Commissioners. county, incorporated. " 44. Marshal. " 40. Election of Commissioners. ' " 45. Taxes, tines, &c. By-laws. " 41. Intendent. " 4G. Treasurer, &c. " 42. Manner of electing Commissioners. SPRING PLACE, (No. 92.) Sec. 47. Retail License. ROME, (No. 93.) Sec. 48. Retail License. (No. 84.) An Act to alter and amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Americas, and to alter and amend an Act to incorporate the town of Americus in the county of Sumter, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. Be it enacted, That the corporate limits of the city of Americus in the county of Sumter, shall extend from the CourtCorporate. House within the present comporate limits, one mile in every direc-limits- tion, except westward, in which direction the limits shall be as al- ready enacted, to-wit : the eastern bank of Mucalee Creek. 2. Sec. II. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the municipal government of the city of Americus shall con- sist of seven Aldermen, who are hereby constituted a body corpo- Aldermen,, rate, under the name and style of the Common Council of the city corporate of Americus ; and under such name shall have perpetual succes- sion ; shall have a common Seal, and by such name and seal plead °wer8* and be impleaded in any Court of law and equity in this State. 3. Sec. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the termination of the year 1861, and upon the election of a Common Council under this Act, one, a member Council to of said Common Council, shall be selected by the same, by ballot, *uct Mayor' who shall perform the duties of Mayor for said city of Americus Mao h ^ without salary or other compensation ; and at the first meeting ofactwltho^ Common Council in the year 1862, and at the first meeting in each**'"17' succeeding year, the members of the Common Council shall pro- Election of ceed to elect a Mayor, who shall hold his office for the space of one Term of of- * A nee, one yea2^. year. 4. Sf.C. IV. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the Common Council of the city of Americus shall receive nownosai-- compensation for their services ; and all property held, owned orary' possessed within the limits of said city of Americus by the Mayor Mayor ana or Councilmen of said city shall be alike subject to and^pa^tSe?' shall pay the regular rates of taxation, the same as may beertyl\nrthnop" paid by the citizens of said county. Clty' 88 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. Ainericus. 5. Sec. V. And he it, further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, offices of That from and after the termination of the municipal year of 1861, urer,kkal!imlthe offices of city Clerk, city Treasurer, city Marshal, and city consolidated. Sexton, shall be consolidated and made one and the same office, and that the duties appertaining to the several offices shall be perform- city Marshal ed. by one and the same officer, who shall be styled city Marshal, to be elected an(j wq0 fog elected by the citizens of Americus on the same day that the members of the Common Council are elected, and MaSaif who shall receive as full compensation for his services a sum not to His term of exceed six hundred dollars per annum, and who shall hold his office term 0f one year, unless for cause he shall be removed by the Common Council. 6. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That liabilities of ^ shah he the duty of the city Marshal to patrol said city, to over- Marshal. see anc[ qirect the work on the Streets, in the Semetary, and other public works of the city ; to collect under the direction of the Com- mon Council, when assessessed by them, the taxes of the city; and to perform all of the duties necessaiy to be performed pertaining to the offices of Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal and Sexton ; and upon the complaint of any citizen, substantiated by proof, he shall be subject Marshal may to be removed from his office, for malpractice, insufficiency or nejr- be removed. Jggf 0f dllty. 7. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That gfvebhondfaI1the Marshal be required to give bond and security for the faithful performance of his duties, in such sum as maybe deemed sufficient make weekly by the Common Council ; he shall be required to report weekly to reports. the Common Council, his collections, expenditures, acts and doings; Publication ^ and the Common Council shall publish once every three months, a oil quarterly, full and complete account of all receipts and disbursements, and all other matters of immediate interest to the city. Tax on free S. Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The onldavea Mr-tax to be paid by free persons of color, or slaves hiring their own &S.theirtime time or living by themselves in said city, shall not be less than Twenty-five Dollars per annum ; that the Common Council shall Assessment assess all taxes as at present provided for, except Banking and Insur- BanHnVaud ance Agents ; and on Bank Agents and Insurance Agents the tax JST" shall [not ?] exceed one per cent, upon the gross earnings of the respective Agencies, Banks or Companies. 9. Sec. IX. Be it further enacted bu the authority aforesaid, That Duti©8 ftDfl t/ \t ' jiowersof at all meetings of the Common Council, the Mayor shall preside; a7°r' and in case of a tie, give the casting vote ; he shall be empowered to hear and determine upon all infractions of the Ordinances of the Appeal to city, and to fine or imprison in accordance therewith, an appeal ly- Council. -n caseg from the decision of the Mayor, to the Common Council. 10. Sec. X. Be it, further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That ^wtlonshford the election for Aldermen of the city of Americus, shall be held on Aidermen. grgj. gatur(]ay 0f each year ; and that no person shall be eligi- ofAi- hie to the office of Alderman or Marshal, unless he shall be of the dermen. Qf twgnt-y-one years, a citizen of the Confederate States, and PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. 89 Athens.—Atlanta. shall have resided in said city for the space of two years next pre- ceeding said election. 11. Sec. XI. Be it. further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That should it become impossible for the Marshal to discharge properly ^gtSf the several duties allotted to him, the Mayor with the consent of the Common Council, shall appoint a competent assistant to serve for such time as his services may be needed, whose salary shall not be exceeding Four Hundred Dollars per annum, or in that ratio; but he shall only be employed and receive pay for such time as his services are deemed actually necessary. Sec. XII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. Note—For former Acts relating to Amerlcus, see Acts of '55-6, p, 377 ; Acts of 1857, p. 163; and Acts of 1858, p. 129. (No. 85.) An Act to alter and amend a •portion of the 8th Section oj An Act to amend the several laws in relation to the town of, Athens, and to extend the power of the corporate authorities thereof," passed by the General Assembly of Georgia, and assented to Dec. 22, 1857. 12. Section I. The office of Clerk of the Market in the town office of Plerk of the of Athens, shall be disconnected from the office of Clerk of the market dig- Council; and it shall be the duty of the Council at its first regular office of meeting in January in each year, to elect a Clerk of the Market, council. cj t v •/ Council to who shall hold his office for one year unless sooner removed by the elect a Clerk Council for good and sufficient cause. Hiitem'S*" Id. Sec. il. All the duties heretofore required of the Clerk of°ne the Council, under the general ordinances with reference to theDutieg and Market, shall be performed by the Clerk of the Market; and he ofethefr^* shall receive for said services the usual fees prescribed for said services. Sec. III. All laws conflicting are hereby repealed. Assented to Dec. 17, 1861. Note.—For AotR heretofore passed in reference to the town of Athens, see Acts of 1853-4, p. 211; Acts of 1855-6, p. 400; and Acts of 1859, p. 127. (No. 86.) An Act to alter and amend the several Acts incorporating the city of At- lanta, in Fulton county, Georgia. 14. Section I. Be it enacted, That the annual elections of Mayor and Council of said city, after the next regular annual election in Jan-^efectioM • uary next, shall beheld on the first Wednesday in December, lS62,indcoyunrca. in each and every year thereafter; and that they shall be entitled when qmdi- to be duly qualified and assume the discharge of their respective duties at the first regular meeting in January thereafter; and that the financial year shall terminate on the last day of December. 15. Sec. II. In the event the office of Mayor shall become vacant 90 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—Cities and Towns. Atlanta. at any time within three months of the expiration of his term of office, the President pro tern, of Council shall act as Mayor during the balance of said term, and exercise all the rights and power of Mayor during said time; and in the event of a vacancy in the Council of said ^fficenofMay- city within the like period, the acting Mayor and Council shall or- have power to fill said vacancy by the election of an Alderman be- longing to the Ward in which said vacancy may occur, for said un- expired term. 16. Sec. III. Be itfurther enacted, That the Mayor and Council of TaxeKet«rU8 sa^ shall have power and authority to elect a Receiver of k'"torax c'jl" Tax Returns and Tax Collector, at the same time of electing a Clerk and other officers, and prescribe their respective duties and compensation. 17. Sec. IV. Be it, further enacted, That said Mayor and Council shall have full power and authority to establish a Market in and Market. for g^q cjty . and t0 pass a]} ordinances necessary to sustain, pro- tect,^regulate and govern the same, not contrary to the laws and constitution of this State. 18. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That all persons liable to per- street duty of f°rm road duty, by the laws of this State, shall be liable and sub- citizens. jec£ work on streets of said city, under the direction and control of the proper officer of said city ; Provided, That the Mayor street tax. an(j Q0UIlcii 0f said city shall have power to levy a street tax in lieu thereof; And provided further, That all persons who shall fail or refuse to pay said tax on or before such day as said Mayor and Council by ordinance may require, the person failing shall be required, upon three days notice, to do and perform street work as aforesaid, and upon failure thereof, such defaulter shall be liable to be dealt with by the Mayor and Council as for a violation, of other ordinances of said city. 19. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Council Power of of said city shall have power and authority to enforce the ordi- coXcTto nances of said city, by appropriate fines and penalties ; and when- nmces! ordl~ever it shall become necessary to imprison any person by sentence under a judgment of said Mayor, or Mayor and Council, it shall be common jaii ]awful to use the common Jail of Fulton county, Georgia, instead of fc^city6 U8e gusta." (88.) An Act to incorporate the town of Bellville in the county of Richmond. 25. Section I. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this Act, the town of Bellville, on Butler's Creek, in the county ofcoe^w"teir Richmond, and State of Georgia, be, and is hereby declared and. constituted an incorporated town; and that the corporate limits corporate of the same shall extend one mile in every direction from Bellvillelumt8. Factory building. 26. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the corporate powers of said town shall be vested in a Mayor and four Aldermen, who shall 92 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. Bellviile. Mayorand elected on the second Wednesday in January next, 1862, ten days notice having been given, and on the same day of January of each year thereafter ; and that said Mayor and Aldermen shall hold their offices for one year, or until their successors are qualified; and all citizens residing in said incorporation ten days previous to said election, who shall be entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, shall be entitled to vote for said Mayor and Aldermen. 27. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That any two citizens in said town, being first sworn to hold said election properly and Election of justljb m»y preside over said election, neither of whom being a candidate ; and the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared to be duly elected; and that the managers of said election shall give their certificate to such persons as shall be thus elected; and said certificate shall be evidence of that fact, and their authority to act as Mayor and Aldermen of said town ; and the said certificate shall be recorded by the Clerk of the Council in a book kept for that purpose; and this record shall always be the highest evidence of said election and qualification. 28. Sec. IV. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Aldermen, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, shall, before a Justice of the Inferior Court or Justice of the Peace, take and subscribe the following oath: "I do solemnly ortndAuS-swear that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully discharge the men- duties of Mayor, (or Aldermen,) of the town of Bellviile, during my continuance in office—so help me God." 29. Sec. V. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Marshal ci'k Aldermen shall, at their first annual meeting after their being qualified, proceed to elect by ballot, a Marshal, Clerk of Council, and Treasurer; each of whom, unless removed, shall remain in office until a new election for, and qualification of Mayor and Aldermen; and that said Mayor and Aldermen shall have full power and authority to remove from office, and to elect others in their places, or to punish by fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, any officer elected by them for any neglect, malpractice in or abuse of said office, or for any misdemeanor. 30. Sec. VI. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Alder- Saiarie* of of- men shall have the power to fix and regulate the salaries of each and fioerB- every officer they may elect; which salaries shall not be increased or diminished during their continuance in office ; and the said officers shall give bond and security to the Mayor and Aldermen and their successors, in a sum to be fixed by them for the faithful perform- ance of his or their duties. 31. Sec. VII. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and any ST^'and ^W0 Aldermen shall form a quorum for the transaction of all busi- Airmen, ness; and the Mayor shall have the casting vote; and a majority of the votes shall determine all questions and elections before the Council; and the Mayor and each Aldermen shall be, to all intents and purposes, a Justice of the Peace, so far as to enable them, or either of them, to issue warrants for offences committed within the PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—Cities and Towns. 93 Bellville. corporate limits of said town; which warrants shall be executed by the Marshal, or in his absence or sickness, by such Deputy as the Mayor may appoint for the time and occasion ; and to commit to the common jail of Richmond county, or to admit to bail ac- cording to law, all offenders for their appearance before the next Superior Court thereafter for said county, to await his, her, or their trial; and it shall be the duty of the Jailor of said county of Richmond to receive alfsuch persons so committed, and then safely to keep until the same is discharged by due course of law. 31. Sec. VIII. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and Grd5nariceil, Aldermen shall have full power and authority to pass all ordi- nances and laws necessary for the government, good order and well being of said town of Bellville, and to remove pests and nui- sauces, and to perform all acts necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this Act, not incompatible with the constitution and laws of Georgia. They shall also have full power tootherpower8 make all contracts in their corporate capacity which they may deem necessary for the welfare of said town ; and in their corporate capacity to hold property, and to sue and be sued. 33. Sec. IX. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor, and in hisMayorand absence any two of the Aldermen of said town, shall have full^y6™®^ power and authority to try all offenders against any of the by-laws £^ders and ordinances of said town; and to punish for each and every violation thereof within the corporate limits of said town, by fine,^0^ or fines not to exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars. 31. Sec. X. And be itfurther enacted, That the Marshal shall have full power and authority to examine all places or houses in said town where he may suspect a violation of the laws of this State or the ordinances of said town may be carried on ; and he shall report all offenders in said town against said laws, to the Mayor or any Aldermen of said town, whose duty it shall be, upon such report beitm made, to issue a warrant or warrants for the apprehension of,ana , O 7 # # .r 1 a jurisdiction of every such offender, and to commit the same to rail, or admit toy,iuorand *> . Aldermen. bail according to law, to await his, her, or their trial before the Su- perior Court of Richmond county, when such offence is in viola- tion of the laws of the State; and also, that the said Marshal be fully authorized to arrest any and all disorderly persons who shall violate any of the by-laws and ordinances of said town, and to take the same before the Mayor or any two Aldermen of said town, for trial, according to the provisions of this Act; and also, that upon all trials, or examinations authorized or required by any of the pro- visions of this Act, the said Mayor, or two Aldermen who may be conducting any such trial or examination, shall have full power to compel the attendance of any witness or witnesses by a fine not to exceed twenty dollars; and also, that said Mayor and Aldermen shall have power to establish and regulate a police or patrol over all slaves and free persons of color in said town ; and that said Mayor shall have full power and authority to call to his aid any and all white male citizens of said town, capable of bearing arms, for the arrest and apprehension of any offender against the laws of 94 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. Bellville—Cusseta—J onesboro. this State, or of the ordinances of said town ; and in case any such citizen shall refuse to render such aid, he shall be liable to such fine not to exceed twenty dollars, as said Mayor and Aldermen may impose. 35. Sec. XI. And be it further enacted, That the cost for issuing, serving and executing all warrants, process writs, and subpoenas Fees. authorized by this Act, for the violation of any of the ordinances or by-laws of said town against the laws of the State, shall be the same as upon warrants, process, subpoenas, &c., by the laws of this State; and shall be paid by the offender or offenders, in case he, or she, or they be guilty of the alleged violation of said ordi- nances or laws. officers sued 36. Sec. XII. And be it further enacted, That any of the officers Xr5tuisy sa^ incorporation who may be sued for any act done in his or Act- their official character, may justify under the Act. Assented to December 6, 1861. (No. 89.) An Act to amend the fourth Section of An Act to incorporate the town of Cusseta, in the county of Chattahoochee, and to render permanent the county site, approved December 22d, 1855. 37. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That so much of the said fourth Section* as prescribe the rate of taxes to be levied by the Intend ant and Commissioners, up- poii Tax c on ProPerty sa^ town be, and the same is hereby repealed; and uiatedln r ° that in lieu thereof, said portion of said Section be made to read as seta?10 us"follows: Provided, said poll shall not exceed two dollars per poll; and said tax shall not exceed one hundred per cent upon the State tax. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. * For this Section see Acts of 1855—6. p. 363. (No. 90.) An Act to alter and amend An Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the town of Jonesboro, in the county of Clayton ; to provide for the election of Commissioners, Marshals, and Clerks ; and for other purposes there- in mentionedassented to December 13th, 1859.* 38. Section I. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this Act, the twelfth Section of the above recited Act, be altered by striking out the words " two miles North and South," and inserting fmed!boro dc" the words " one mile North and South," instead thereof. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 6, 1861. 9J3ee Acts of 1859, p. 175. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. 95 Sutnmerville. (No. 91.) An Act to incorporate the Village of Summerville, in the county of Rich- mond; to provide for the election of Commissioners for the same ; to pre- scrihe the powers and duties of said Commissioners, and for other pur- poses. 39. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do hereby enact, That from and immediately after the passage of this Act, all persons who are citizens of the Confederate States, and who are residing within one mile in every direction from the intersec-J^ee°flle tion of Milledge street and Walton Way, in the village of Summer-iouutyh£co£ ville, in the county of Richmond, and State aforesaid, shall be deem-p°rated- ed, and they are hereb}7- declared to be a body politic and corpo- rate ; which corporation shall be known as the village of Summer- ville; it being understood that the residences and premises of Por- ter Fleming, Robert Campbell, Antonio Poullain, S. D. Linton, George W. Lamar and James Gardner, Esquires, are to be included within the limits aforesaid. <40. Sec. II. Ik it further enacted, That all free-holders withm the limits aforesaid, who are entitled to vote for members of theLegis- Election of lature, shall on the 2d Saturday in January, 1862, and on the firste«. Saturday in January in each and every year, after the year 1S62, meet at the Academy in said village, or at such other place, as may be from time to time designated by the Commissioners of said vil- lage, (by notice given in one of the gazettes of the city of Augus- ta.) and by ballot elect live commissioners for said village; and in the event that such election, from any cause, should not take place at the time specilied, then the Justices of the Peace, in the 119th District, G. M., in said county, may appoint some other day for such election and give notice accordingly; such Commissioners shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualilied. 41. Sec. III. The said Commissioners shall have authority to ap- point one of their number Intendent of said village; and the saidIntendent Intendent, in addition to such authority as may be given to him by the Ordinances and By-Laws which shall be passed by said Com- missioners, shall be clothed with all the powers of a Justice of the Peace, within the limits of said village ; and shall hold his office for one year from the time of his appointment, or until his successor is elected and qualified. 42. Sec. IV. The polls for the election of said Commissioners shall be opened at (10) ten o'clock, of the day on which the same electing Com- takes place, and close at (4) four; the first election shall be manag-"'18810ntrs' ed and presided over by any Justice of the Peace in said county, and two free-holders in said village ; and the subsequent elections shall be managed by any two of the Commissioners and a free-holder of said village; or by a Justice of the Peace and two-freeholders of said village; and the managers of such election shall have authori- 96 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Cities and Towns. Summerville.—Spring1 Place. ty to issue to the persons who are elected, certificates of their elec- tion, which shall be sufficient evidence thereof. 43. Sec. V. The said Commissioners so elected, shall, at the time they receive their certificate of election, take and subscribe the fol- lowing oath : " I do solemnly swear that, to the best of my abili- oath of com-sy, I will conduct myself uprightly as a Commissioner of the vil- lage of Summerville ; and that 1 will do equal justice to all persons who may be concerned in my administration of the law and of the by-laws of said village, within the same.'' 44. Sec. VI. The said Commissioners shall have power and au- Marshal. thority to elect and commission a Marshal and Deputy Marshal, for said village; and also to appoint and organize a patrol within the same, with such powers, and subject to such duties as may be pre- scribed by the Ordinances or By-laws of said village. 45. Sec. VII. The said Commissioners shall have full power and Taxes, fines, authority to make assessments of taxable property within the said village ; to lay and collect such taxes as they may deem necessary for the purposes of carrying their powers into effect; to impose and collect fines for all offences committed against the By-laws or Ordi- nances of said village; and generally to make and enact all such By-iaw3. By-laws or Ordinances not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the land, as they, or a majority of them, may deem expedient for the security, welfare and convenience of said village, or for preserv- ing peace, order and good government within the same; Provided, that nothing in this Section contained, shall be so construed as to authorize any inteference with the working, management and care of the public roads in said village by the Inferior Courts of said county, or its agents. 46. Sec. VIII. The said Commissioners shall have authority to TreasamSic. appoint a Clerk, Treasurer, and such other subordinate officers as they may need ; and to collect all taxes or fines due and payable to them, by Execution or other process issued in such form as shall be by their By-laws prescribed. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 92.) An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the Town of Spring Place, in Murray county, to issue license for the retail of Spirituous IJquors, and to fix the amount of the license for the same, and to punish for sell- ing without license. 47. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That the Commis- Retail licensesioners of the town of Spring Place, in Murray county, are author- place"11*' issue license to retail spirituous liquors therein; and to charge and collect for the same, such sum as they may think best, not exceeding $250, per year, for each license; And be it further enact- ed, That all persons who shall retail spirituous liquors within said town, without such license, shall be punished as now provided by law for retailing without license. Sec. II. All conflicting laws are hereby repealed. Assented to December 13,1861. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Corporations. 97 Rome—Cavender's Creek and Field Mining Company. (No. 93.) An Act to amend the several laws heretofore passed incorporating the city of Rome, in the county of Floyd ; and to enlarge the powers of the City Council of the City of Rome, in relation to the granting of license to retail and sell liquors. 4S. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia en~ acts, That from and after the passage of this Act, the City Council Licenge to re_ of the city of Rome, in the county of Floyd, shall have full PoweUfqLo?s1nuffie and authority to impose a tax of not exceeding three hundred dol-city ofRome> lars annually, upon all persons who shall sell spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of said city, in less quantities than by the gallon or barrel; the said tax so assessed, to be applied to the use of the said city. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. Supreme Court Decisions.—A clause in the charter of the City of Albany, conferring the- power, in general terms, to pass all By-laws, &e., not inconsistent with the Constitution andi laws of the State, does not confer the power to pass an Ordinance making it a penal offence to sell spirits in quantities of a quart or more, to be drank on the premises where sold, this being - inconsistent with the State law on the subject. 29. Ga. Reports. 56. A took out a license from the State to retail spirits in Gordon county, in November, 1858. In December thereafter, the Legislature passed An Act authorizing and empowering the Com- . mon Council of Calhoun, in said county, to levy and collect a tax not less than one hundred dol- - lars, upon any retuil establishment, &c., in that place: Held, that the Statute was not intend- ed to apply to one who had already paid the State for the privilege of retailing. 29. Ga. Kepts. . TITLE III. CORPORATIONS. CAVENDER'S CREEK AND FIELD MINING CO., (No. 94.) Sec. 1. Cavender's Creek and Field Mining Co. incorporated. Powers and privi- leges. By-laws. " 2. Company may own and sell real es- tate. " 3. Capital stock $50,000. Shares. Per- soual liability of Stockholders for debLs of Co. Sec. 4. Flume or aqueduct. Dam on Chesta- tee river. Damages. Execution. Appeal. " 5. Deposit of money for damages as- sessed, on appeal. " 6. Penalty for damaging, &c., Compa- ny's works. TURNER MOUNTAIN COPPER MINING CO., (No. 95.) Sec. 7. Company incorporated. Corporate powers, Seal. By-laws. " 8. Company may own and sell real es- tate. Sec. 9. Capital stock $500,000. Shares. Per- sonal liability of Stockholders for debts of Co. " 10. Location of office of Co. DALTON CITY COMPANY, (No. 96.) Sec. 11. List of Stockholders to be filed in Clerk's office. (No. 94.) An Act to incorporate the Cavender's Creek, and Field Mining Com- pany. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That John C. Early, L. D. Davis, and such persons as 7 S3 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Corporations. Cavender's Creek and Field Mining Company. they may associate with them, and their successors and assigns, <®™aer'S shall be and they are hereby declared, as soon as they shall organ- fM^Goid ize under this Act, a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of "Cavender's Creek and Field Gold Mining Compa- ny," to work for Gold, or other valuable minerals, in the county of Lumpkin, and State of Georgia, on Fractional Lot of Land, No. 1182, 12th District 1st Section, known as the Doling W. Field Gold Vein, in Chestatee River, or on any other lands that they may now own or on any other lands that they may hereafter own either by purchase, lease, or otherwise, from the above described lot, or fractional lot, up the Chestatee River, to the mouth of Cavender's Creek, and up said creek to William Anderson's; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead or be *«wet8 mid impleaded, answer, or be answmred unto, in any Court of law or Jcjsriitges. equity in this State or in the Southern Confederacy, or any State thereof having competent jurisdiction ; and shall enjoy perpetual succession of officers and members, have and use a Common Seal, and alter the same at pleasure; may make, ordain or establish such By-Laws, rules and regulations as they may deem expedient and necessary to cary into effect the objects of said Company ; provi- ded such by-laws, rules and regulations, are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Laws of this State, nor with the Constitution and Laws of the Confederate States. 2. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid Compa- ny hereby created, shall by its corporate name, be capable, in law, 'S^waaudof purchasing, owning, selling, and conveying, any real or person- al estate, which may be necessary to enable said Company efficient- ly to carry on the operation mentioned in the first section of this Act. 3. Sec. III. And be it farther enacted,, That the capital stock of said Company shall be fifty thousand dollars; which capital stock may be divided into such number of shares as may be determined on by a vote or votes of three-fourths of the Stockholders, at a reg- ular meeting of said Stockholders, to be ascertained by the rules and by laws of said Company, all parties at interest first having notice of the time and place of such meetings ; and the Stockhold- lia~ers of said Company shall be liable pro rata for the debts of said ^"debt's o" Company, to the amount of their stock by them respectively held, ■cxuigmj. for n0 greater amount. 4. Sec. IV. And be it farther enacted, That said. Company shall staM, or bave power and authority to construct Aqueduct on any part, on j3ssu«duct. Cavender's Creek which they may select, below the above named William Anderson's, by ditch to carry water, trussel-work or flume to the said Boling W. Field's Gold Vein, for hose washing, and oth- tuMBonChea-er process of mining ; and to construct a coffer dam in Chestatee Exvei. p|ver? sajq qam not to occupy more than one-third of the bed of adages, said Chestatee river, subject to such damages or compensation to the legal owners of the lands on which said ditch, trussel-work or flume may may be constructed, as are reasonable and just, to -be adjudged of and determined by three free holders of said county axMreai es- f Act, the name of the county of Cass be, and the same is herebyc^s'clan^ changed to the name of Bartow, in honor of the late Colonel Fran-Bartow.of cis S. Bartow, of Chatham county of this State, who fell at the bat- tie of Manassas Plains, gallantly leading his men, on the 21st of July, 1861. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the name of Cassville, the p res-Name of conn- ent county site of the county of Cass, be, and the same is hereby e5 tothawf changed to the name of Manassas. Manassas. Sec. III. Beit.jurther enacted, That no writ or process of &nychangeof kind, deed, contract or agreement in said county, shall be vitiated name of ^ ^ by being entitled Cass county; but the same may be amended on motion when necessary, without any delay or cost. Assented to December 6, 1861. 102 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—County Lines. Dooly and Macon—Clayton and Fulton. TITLE V, COUNTY LINES Sec. I. Act of 17th December, 1860, changin VOL U1 LH JL-'CUtJIIIUei , lOOU, line between Clayton and Fulton, amended. except a half acre lot in Eougli and Ready. " 2. Lot No. 65, 14th District of originally Henry count}7 added to Fulton county, Sec. 3. Lines between Sumter and Scliley chan- ged. (No. 98.) An Act to alter and amend An Act entitled An Act to change and alter the county lines between the counties of Dooly and Macon, assented to December 17th, I860;* and also to change the lines between the com- ties of Clayton and Fulton, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do en- >J J, O 4Cangkig8Hneac^ That the words "east of Hog Creek," occuring in the first clayton and Section of the above recited Act, be, and the same are hereby amended stricken from said Act; and that, in lieu thereof, the words " all Northwest of the East bank of Hog Crawl Creek," be, and the same are hereby inserted in said Act, and shall become a part of the same; and that this alteration in said Act shall have relation to the date of the passage and approval of said original Act, and shall, to all intents and purposes, be construed and treated as though said original Act had read as the same is hereby altered and amended. Lot No. 65, 2. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That lot of land No. 65, in the originally 14th District of originally Henry, now Clayton county, be, and the t) Fulton, ex- same is hereby added to the county of Fulton, excepting that part acre lot in" of said lot owned by W. H. Dearing, being a town lot in the town fiea!y.& of Rough and Ready, on the south side of said land lot, being a square of one half acre, which is to remain in the county of Clayton. See. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to November 25, 1861. For this Act see Acts of 1860, p. 142. An Act to repeal so much of An Act assented to December 15th, 1859, * as includes the North half of lot of land, number 10, in the 27th Di$- trict of Sumter county in the county of Schley. 3. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Lines te Georgia, That so much of An Act assented to December 15,1859, wn |nm-^ as includes the North half of lot of land Number 10, in the 27th changed. District of Sumter county, in the county of Schley, it being the resi- dence of George Dykes, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Assented to December 11, 1861. * Acts of 1859, p. 273. (No. 99.) PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—County Regulations. IIS Jury fees of the Superior and Inferior Courts in Whitfield. TITLE VI. COUNTY REGULATIONS. Sec. I. Act of 18th February, 1856, amended so as to include Whitfield county. " 2. Clerk's duties as to jury fees. Duty of County Treasurer as to jury fees. " 3. Sheriff iu Elbert county not to be paid for sunimouing tales jurors wlio do not serve. " 4. Act of December 16, 1857, repealed. " 5. Tax on stock of non-residents, in Col- quitt county. " G. Such stock to be double taxed. Sec. 7. Non-residents of State not to drive stock: into Murray and Fannin counties to> graze. l< 8. Penalty for so doing. '' 9. Fees of officers acting under this Act. Such stock may be levied on for the forfeiture. " 10. Public sales to be held at Court House in Muscogee county. " 11. Persons prohibited from felling timber in Toccoah river. " 12. Penalty for a violation. (No. 100.) An Act to extend the provisions of An Act entitled An Act to regulate the collection of Jury fees in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the counties of Coweta, Floyd and Cass, approved February 18th, 1856,* so as to include the county of Whitfield, and to add another Section to provide for the collection of the same. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State se acts only which the Ordinary, had there been no vacan- cy, as " Clerk of Ordinary," or his " Deputy Clerk of Ordinary," could have done, and no others. • From the ambiguous language of parts of the Act of January 21, 1852, [Laws of 1851-2, p. 91.] it is not surprising that the impression has been made upon ininds not accustomed to the' close scrutiny, nor possessing the legal acumen of the thorough bred lawyer, that there is such an officer as " Deputy Ordinary." In the 14tli Section of the Act, after providing that the Ordi- nary •' ehull give bona and security, in the sum of two thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge ■of his duties as a Clerk," it is enacted, that " said Ordinary shall have power to take bond and security, from his Deputy, for the faitiiful performance of his duty as such." This latter clause is calculated to mislead the mind and to leave the impression upon it, that the bond is to be ta- ken of a Deputy Ordinary, whereas the intention was to authorize a bond to be given by the " Deputy Clerk of Ordinary." Again, in the next section, after prescribing the official oath to be taken by each Ordinary, (not merely as Clerk of Ordinary, for no separate oath is required of him as such,) it is provided, that " each and every deputy appointed under the provisions of this Act, shall take and subscribe a similar oath." If he does "take and subscribe a similar oath," be swears that he will " well and faithfully discharge the duties of Ordinary"—or Dep- nty Ordinary—"for the county of," &C., which certainly was not intended to be required of him; but that he should take an oath that he will " well and faithfully discharge the duties of" Dex puty Clerk of Ordinary " for the county of," &c. 112 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Internal Transportation. Brunswick & Florida Railroad Company. TITLE IX. INTERNAL TRANSPORTATION. Sec. 1. Acts of Southern Stockholders and Board of Directors of B. & Fla. R. R. Co. legalized; " 2. Name changed to Brunswick and Al- hany R. R. Co. " 3. All rights and privileges under old name extended to Company under new name. " 4. Suits to proceed under new name. " 5. Road never to be abandoned or de- stroyed without consent of Southern stockholders. " 6. City of Brunswick may be released from her subscription to stock in Com- pany. " 7. Reorganization of the Company. Sec. 8. Extension of S. A. & G. R. R. to Tybee Island. " 9. Tax on extension. '' 10. Right of way. " 1J. Track of C. R.Road may he connected with track of S. A. & G. R. R. Rates of freight and passage. " 12. The C It. It. & Banking Co. or the S. A. &. S. It. It. Co., or both jointly, may connect the tracks of the two Roads at Savannah. " 13. If Mayor and Aldermen of Savanuah object, track to run round the city. " 14. Connecting track to be the property of the Company constructing it. (No. 116.) An Act to legalize the proceedings of the Southern Stockholders of the Brunswick Florida Railroad Company ; to change the name of said Company, und to amend the Act of incorporation ; to extend the charter thereof and to facilitate the building thereof Whereas, owing to the existence of the war, and the President and a majority of the Directors of the Brunswick and Florida Rail- road Company, being inhabitants of the enemy's country, and hav- ing all the assets, books, and records of the Company in their preamble, possession, and the subordinate officers and employees being with- out authority or direction how to proceed, or the means to keep up the Road and the running of the trains, or to protect the prop- erty, the Chief Engineer in charge did, on the day of call a meeting of the Stockholders, to assemble in Brunswick on the 25th day of September last; And whereas, a large majority of the Southern owners of stock, did assemble in pursuance of said call, and elect a Board of Directors, all citizens of the State of Georgia, to take charge of the interests, and to manage the affairs of the Company, until such time as the Legislature can be applied to, to afford relief. 1. Section I. Be it therefore enacted, That the acts of the Stock- Acts of South holders of the Brunswick and Florida Railroad Company, and the era stock- . . i /» BoarTVd\-ac^s °* ^ie B°ar(l of Directors, at their meeting on the 26th day ol getoMof thegeptember last, be, and they are hereby ratified, confirmed, legal- r^co. iegai-ized, and made valid to all intents and purposes. Name ®ec* ^further enacted, That the name of the Brunswick changed to and Florida Railroad Company, be changed and altered to the Ra1iroaduy L runs wick and Albany Railroad Company, to take effect from the company, passage of this Act. 3. Sec. III. Be itfarther enacted, That all the powers, rights, and PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Internal Transportation. 113 Savannah, Albany &. Gulf Railroad Company.—Central Railroad and Banking Company. privilege heretofore granted to the Brunswick and Florida Rail-priVulge8aild road Company, by the original charter and the Acts amendatory charetedld thereof, be and they are hereby continued and confirmed to thefS/S Brunswick [and Albany?] Railroad Company, for thirty years from^£^ and after the passage of this Act. 4. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That all suits in favor of andguit8t0 pro_ against the Brunswick and Florida Railroad Company, may be^sn^®r prosecuted in the name of the Brunswick and Albany Railroad Company, without amendment or further pleading. And whereas, The said Brunswick and Florida Railroad Company was chartered to aid and advance the general, agricultural, uianu-Preamble_ factoring, and commercial interests of the State of Georgia, by opening up an easy access to the port of Brunswick, to the com- merce of the State; now, therefore, to prevent the object thereof from being at any time defeated, Ran. -3. Sec. V. Be %t enacted., That this Road shall never be aban-tu beaban- doned nor destroyed without the consent of a majority of the indi- troyed with- vidual Southern Stockholders of said Company. soVhernntof G. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That the present Board of Di- ^ock|lolders- rectors, or any future Board who may be elected, shall have power may release to release the city of Brunswick from her subscription of fifty Brunswick thousand dollars, or any part thereof, which she has heretofore scrijition of • • .$50 000 to made to the capital stock of said Company, and for which stock of she has issued her bonds now in the hands of Northern officers of this Company; and that thereupon said city shall beRoftdnofcto forever released from the payment of said bonds or the interest there-iw on, to said Company, or to the holders, being now alien enemies ; Pro-on such sub- vidtd, That this shall not be applicable to any bond which may have been bona fide transferred to any person other than an alien enemy, to bonds in prior to the declaration of war; Provided, That nothing hereinnohnt^hobT contained shall be so construed as to defeat any right of the Con-«"emies.aie federate States or of the State of Georgia. Confederate 7. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That said Brunswick and ^]_statessaved- bany Railroad Company, may be reorganized at any time by theReor„aniza Stockholders, upon the call of any two of the present Directors.*"onofco. Sec. VIII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 16, 1861. * For AoN relative to the Brunswick and Florida R. R., see Acts of 1835, p. 187, 216; Acts of l^S-h p. l'.;7 ; Acts of 1847, p. 184; Acts of 1851-2, p. 128; Acts of 1853-4, p. 406, Acts of 1855-0. p. 186. (No. 117.) An Act to authorize the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Com- j>anij to extend its track to Tybee Island, upon certain canditions ; and to authorize the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia to extend its track and transport freight and passengers over said line to Tybie Island. S Section I. Beit enacted, That the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Company, is hereby authorized to extend its track, from 8 114 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—Internal Transportation. .Savannah, Albany &■ Gulf Railroad Company—Central Railroad & Banking Company. l! & g any point at, or in the limits of the city of Savannah, to Tybee vybeeis- Island ; and the said Company shall have for those purposes, all Jaud- the rights and powers conferred by its charter of incorporation, and the Acts amendatory thereunto. 9. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock issued for toided ««i. ^e construction of said extension, shall be liable to such rates of taxation as may be fixed, from time to time, for all other like prop- erty in this State. 10. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That in all cases when it shall ®f be necessary to use private property in the construction of said Railroad, the Company shall be liable for the right of way, which images, shall be ascertained in accordance with the laws now in force in ac- cordance with the laws now in force in relation to the samejand that SraSsucii at the crossings made by the Company, of any way of travel, or --^dthat of commerce, whether on land or water, the said Company shall SX obltruut- construct such adequate works as will leave the same free to the ,6d- unobstructed enjoyment and use of all persons. 11. Sec. IV. The General of Georgia Assembly do further enact, That it shall be lawful for the Central Railroad and Banking Com- Tra* of Pany of Georgia, and that Company is hereby authorized and em- central Road powered to extend the track of the Central Railroad, and to ioiti may connect L Aa&G a unite the same with the track of the said " The Savannah, Al- bany and Gulf Railroad Company," at, in, or near the city of Sa- vannah; and when the track to Tybee Island shall be completed, the said " The Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Company," shall not make any discrimination or regulation, in its charges and rates, against the said "The Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia," nor give any preference to its own transportation, whether of freight or passengers, over that of said Central Railroad and Bank- ing Company of Georgia ; but that all things sent by the said " The Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia," shall be Rates of* transported over the line to Tybee, at the same rates, and all pas- sengers from the Central Railroad shall go at the same rates that i5b^.louto shall be charged by the said "The Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Company, on things and passengers coming from the Road of the said Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Company. Assented to December 11,1861. (No. 118.) . An Act to authorize the connection of the Railroad of the Savannah, Albany and, Gulf Railroad Company with the Railroad of the Central JSlailroad and Banking Company of Georgia, by a track running vtlirmigh, or around the city of Savannah. r-camue Whereas, There exists an absolute military necessity at this time to connect the aforesaid Roads: Tiwa r. it- I S- Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia fiiht hereby enacts, That it shall and may be lawful for the Central Rail- fiiif,:f moyJ'oad and Banking Company of Georgia, or the Savannah, Albany nwoaect ^"- an(] Gulf Railroad Company, or for both of said Companies, jointly, PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—PATROLS. 115 —, . —,—,—in 1 Patrol Laws amended. to construct, maintain, use, and enjoy a Railroad track, joiningtractg of%he the tracks of said Railroads, in the city of Savannah, with the slva^Sf.8afc assent of the honorable, the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah. 13. Sec. II. And it is further enacted, That if the assent, of the if Mayor ana iait p i • p-\ ii iji Aldermen of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of toavannah be not granted, then it shall be lawful for either dr both of said Companies to construct, maintain, use, and enjoy a track outside of the limits of the city of Savannah, joining the aforesaid Roads. 14. Sec. III. And it is further enacted, That if the said junction cpnnecting track sahll be constructed by the Central Railroad and Banking pVt of the Company of Georgia, then the same shall be part and parcel of the structing it. Central Railroad, to all intents and purposes whatsoever; and if the same be constructed by the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Company, then it shall be part and parcel of the said Savannah*. Albany and Gulf Railroad, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. TITLE X. PATROLS. Sec. I. Patrpr laws amended, as to Dade county. (No. 119.) An Act to alter the Sixth Section of An Act to amend the Patrol Laws of this State, approved February 20th, 1854.* Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the pro- viso of the sixth Section of An Act to amend the Patrol laws oft0abAAP" this State, approved February 20th, 1854, be altered so as not.toamendei include the county of Dade, and that the .provisions of said Act ex- tend to the county of Dade. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 11, 1861. * Acts of 1053-4, p. 103. 116 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Physicians. Physicians and Millers in Jefferson county.—Eclectic Board of Physicians. TITLE XL PHYSICIANS. Sec. I. Practicing Physicians and Millers in Jef- Sec. 2. Electic Board of Physicians established. ferson county, exempt from military " 3. Board to be located at Athens, Georgia, duty. (No. 120.) An Act to exempt Practicing Physicians and Millers in the county of Jefferson, from Military duty, and for other purposes. 1. Section I. The General Assembly of Georgia do enact, That all physSfa practicing physicians and millers in the county of J efferson be, and jeffCTsonr con they are hereby exempt from all military duty, muitut'duty™ Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. (No. 121.) An Act to constitute an Electic Board of Physicians to examine and li- cense young men to ;practice medicine upon the Eclectic system, and to locate the same in the town of Athens, Georgia. 2. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That I. J. Goss, of Jackson county, M. P. Alexander, of ^tfbifahed"'®all county> J* B. Beecham, of Franklin county, Travis Latner, of White county, H. S.Brady, of Madison county, and their sue- cessors in office, be, and they are hereby constituted an Electic Board of Physicians, to examine and license young men to practice medicine upon the Electic or Progressive system; and the said Board shall conform to the same rules and regulations as are provi- ded for the government of the Alopathic Board of Physicians, lo- cated at Milledgeville, Ga. 3. Sec. II. Be'it further enacted, That said Board shall hold its Board tote sessions annually, in the town of Athens, Ga., on the first day of Atw,aG«. April, and shall continue in session as long as may be necessary to transact the business of said Board. Eclectic Bd. Assented to December 19, 1861. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—RELIEF. 117 Widow of A. J. Boggess.—Mrs. M- Dillon. TITLE XII. RELIEF. •Sec. I. $504,80 appropriated for relief of the widow of a. J. Boggess, late Surveyor General. " 2. $33,47 to Mrs. Margaret Dillon. " 3. Moses Formby, of Floyd county,. " 4. $4,40 appropriated for relief of Abner Hern. $13,30 for relief of W. J. Bush, " 5. Conditional appropriation for relief of Wesley Shuffield. Sec. 6, Official' acts as Deputy Sheriffs of Sunil- ter county legalized. " 7. Sessions and proceedings of Courts in which they officiated as such Deputies legalized. " 8. Gabriel Toombs to pay taxes in Chatta- lioochee county. (No. 122.) An Act to authorize arid require His Excellency the Governor, to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of this State, in favor of the widow-of A. J. Boggess, late Surveyor General, for the sum offve hundred and four dollars and eighty cents, and for other purposes! Whereas, A. J. Boggess, late Surveyor General of this State, after making all necessary arrangements to secure the faithful, prompt and efficient discharge of the duties of his said office, did, with the concurrence ofthe Governor, enter the ranks of our arrny,Preamble* as a private soldier, paying his o\Vn expenses; And Whereas, after participating in the struggle with the enemy, on the plains of Ma- nassas, with distinguished gallantry, which he survived, was, from his untiring efforts and exposure in relieving the wounded after'tlie battle, stricken down with fever, which resulted in his death, on the fifteenth day of August last; And Whereas, it is the true policy of this State to signify, in some way, her approval of such instance? of true heroism and self denial as displayed in the conduct of thitf officer; And Whereas, he has left a,widow and children who were dependant upon his personal efforts for the means of maintenance and education of which they are now deprived : 1. Section I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of the State *f 80 a Georgia, That the Governor be and he is hereby authorized and in- propriatcd for structed, to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of this State, in fa-°wof a. j. , vor of the widow of said A, J. Boggess, late Surveyor General ofd^M' this State, for the sum of five hundred and foiir dollars and eighty cents; which amount the said officer would have been entitled to, had he continued in life and discharged the duties of said office un- til the expiration of the term for which he was elected. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 12th, 1861, 118 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Relief. Mrs. M. Dillon.—Moses Formby.—Abner Hearn and Wesley Shuffield. (No. 323.) Preamble. An. Act for the relief of Margaret Dillon, administratrix of the estate of Michael Dillon, all of Chatham county. 2. Section I. Be it enanted by the General Assembly of the State of 3344 Georgia, That his Excellency, the Governor, be, and he is author- priated for re- ized to draw his warrant on the Treasury of this State, lor the sum ii. Diiion1.8' of thirty-three dollars and forty-seven cents, in favor of Mrs. Mar- garet Dillon, administratrix of the estate of Michael Dillon, of Chatham county, deceased ; which said sum was paid by the ad- ministratrix aforesaid, to the Tax Collector, of Chatham county, in the year 1857, in excess of the just and legal claim for taxes against said estate, upon a true return made of the property thereof. Assented to December 9, 1861. (No. 124.) An Act for the relief of Moses Formby, of the county of Floyd, a school teacher, under the Acts in relation to common schools. Whereas, Moses Formby has been engaged in teaching a school in the county of Floyd, during the year .1861, many of whose pu- pils are entitled to the benefit of the Act, for the distribution of the common school fund ; And Whereas, the said Formby, from a want of knowledge of his duty, has failed to render to the Ordinary of Floyd county a list of his pupils entitled to the benefit of said fund, in accordance to the law, and is about to suffer loss on that account: 3. Section I. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the Moses Form- State of Georgia, That the said Moses Formby, be now permitted to te7acherchm°ay make his return of indigent scholars, taught by him in the year retum of5hls 1861, to the Ordinary of Floyd county, and that he be allowed to taughtbv participate in said common school fund, as though his returns had and'receive' been regularly and legally made. his pay. gEC> jp Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. (No. 125.) An Act for the relief of Abner Hern, of Miller county, Wesley Shuffield, and William J. Bush, of Early county, and to appropriate money for the same. Whereas, Owing to a misunderstanding as to the true line be- Preamble, tween the counties of Early and Miller, Abner Hern has been com- pelled to pay taxes in both counties : 4. Section I. Be it enacted, that four and 40-100 dollars be, and ^fated for re- h hereby appropriated out of the Treasury of this State, to said HeImf Abner Abner Hern, the same being the amount paid by him for taxes for $ 13 30 for re- the year 1860, to the Sheriff of Early county,* and the sum of thir- jffBuah^in' teen dollars and thirty cents to William J. Bush, of the county of PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Relief. 1X9 Augustus B. Raiford and Sterling Glover. Early, the same being the amount paid by him, after paying his taxes in Miller county for the year 1860. 5. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That the Governor draw his Cond;ticTIB? warraut on the Treasury in favor of Wesley Shuffield, of Early county, for such money as he was compelled to pay as State tax in g^Bley Shss£" the county of Miller, in 1860, upon the said Shuffield satisfying the Comptroller General and Governor, of the amount of State tax so paid in Miller county. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 14,. 1861, (No. 126.) An Art to make valid the doings and actings of Augustus B. Raiford and Sterling Glover, as Deputy Sheriffs oj the county of Sumter. Whereas, Samuel Dawson ;was duly elected Sheriff of the couH- ty of Sumter, on the :— day of January, 1860, and after being coffi- missioned and before his term of office had expired, he appointed' Augustus B. Raiford and Sterling Glover, who were duly qualified and proceeded to discharge the duties-of said office ; And Whereas, since then, the said Samuel Dawson has been regularly commission-Preamlfes- ed as an officer in a volunteer company and is now doing duty as. such in the army of the Confederate States, in Virginia, without having, at any time, formally resigned his commission as Sheriff aforesaid, and since his absence his said Deputies have continued to discharge all of the duties incident to the office ofSheriff in said county; And Whereas, doubts have arisen as to the legality of the official acts of said Deputies, and much litigation is likely to grow out of it, for remedy whereof: 6. Secton I. Beit enacted, That all of the official acts of Augus-Acts or a*®. tus B. Raiford and Sterling Glover, as deputies of Samuel Dawson, st'erung0rdfe late Sheriff of Sumter county, be, and the same are hereby made le^ed!6* gal and valid, both in law and equity, to all intents and purposes, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. 7. Sec. II. Bs it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That theCrmrtg ^ several Courts held in said county of Sumter since the absence their principal, the said Samuel Dawson, and in which they, the^^j®4 said Raiford and Glover, or either of them, officiated as Deputy Sheriffs, be, and the same are hereby declared to be regular Courts; and all of the judgments, orders, decrees, and all other proceedings of said Court are hereby made valid and legal, and shall not herhr- after be ever called in question, or. disputed, on account of any ir- regularity in the office of Sheriff as aforesaid; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Assented to December 17, 1861. 120 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Rivers and Dams. Gabriel Toombs.—B. P Key may keep up a dam across the Ocmulgee river. (No. 127.) An Act for the relief of Gabriel Toombs. Whereas, The General Assembly of the State of Georgia, at the annual session in 1856,* in passing An Act for the relief of John Woolfork and William Woolfork, by making their plantations in preamble. county of Chattahoochee, part of Muscogee county, did, unin- tentionally, create great doubt and confusion as to the boundaries of Chattahoochee county, and did thereby excite conflicting claims for taxes from Gabriel Toombs, a planter in said county of Chattahoo- chee, the same taxes being demanded of him by the Collectors of Muscogee and Chattahoochee; And Whereas, redress from these conflicting claims is difficult, if not impossible to be had through the Courts, and no citizen should be thus troubled and injured: 8. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Gabnei Georgia, That the Tax Collectors of the county of Muscogee shall pay tax iu not demand or receive of said Toombs any taxes for the year 1861, chee county, or previous year or future years ; and that he shall pay taxes only to the Collectors of Chattahoochee county, whose receipts shall be a sufficient discharge in all cases. Assented to December 3, 1861. 0 See Acts of 1855-6, p. 134, for this Act. TITLE XIII. RIVERS AND DAMS. Sec, 1. B. P. Key allowed to erect a Dam across Oemulgee River on his own lands in eoun- ties of Jasper and Butts, (No. 12S.) An Act to authorize B. P. Key of the county of Jasper, his heirs and assigns, to extend and keep up a Dam across the Ocmulgee River, at his mills on his own lands, in the counties of Jasper and Butts. 1. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That B. P. Key B.p.Key of the county of Jasper, his heirs and assigns be, and they are erect a dam e hereby authorized to extend and keep a dam across the Ocmulgee Eiverwnu °ee River at his mills, on his own lands, in said counties, so as to raise a two and half foot head of water, for the purpose of propelling saw and grist mills, and such other machinery as the conveniences of the country may require; Provided, The raising of the above head of water does not cause the water to overflow and damage the land of any other person or persons; And provided further, That said dam PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—ROADS.—Slaves, &c. 121 Road Laws in Camden qounty amended.'—Elmira Mathews. shall be so arranged by lock or slope, as not to prevept the pas- sage of fish up said river, from the first of November to the first of May, any law to the contrary notwithstandidg. Assented to December 12,1861. TITLE XIV. ROADS. (No. 129.) An Act to amend an Act assented to the 19th day of December, 1860* in relation to the Road Laws of Camden county; also to repeal an Act entitled An Act to authortze the Inferior Court of Early county to levy a Road Tax, approved December VSth, 1859.t Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That the Pr0Vi"Actofl9 sion in the first Section of said Act in relation to Cumberland t>^c. m Island be, and the same is hereby repealed. pea Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That an Act entitled an Act tofDec to authorize the Inferior Pourt of Early county, to levy a' 'Road is®i8», r£ Tax, be and the same is hereby repealed. pealed' Assented to December 17, 1861. • Acts 1800. p. 223. t Acts of 1850, p. 367. TITLE XV. SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR. Sec. 1. Elmira Mathews, a free person of iSec. 2. Mode of perfecting the sale. color, may sell herself into slavery to '• 3. Order of sale to be recorded—Clerk's Jno. J. Doherty. (• fee. (No. 130.) An Act to authorize Elmira Mathews, a, free person of color, to sell her- self into perpet ual slavery. Section I. The General Assembly do enact, That Elmira ElmiraMath. Mathews, a free person of color in .Grreene county, be, and she is o^col_ heraby authorized to voluntarily become'the slave.of John J. Do-f^y,*^ herty for life. ' ^ Sec. II. That in order to carry into effect the first section, of this 122 PKIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—TAX. Tax for county purposes in Butts county. Mode of ver-Act, the said John J. Doherty and the said Elmira Mathews shall go before the Justices of the Inferior Court, or a majority of them, in said county, who shall faithfully and fully examine her as to her willingness to become the slave for life of said John J. Doherty; and upon being satisfied of the same, they shall pass an order to the effect that said Elmira Mathews be held, deemed and considered the slave of said John J. Doherty, for and during her natural life, sub- ject to all the incidents of slavery, except the liability of being sold during the lifetime of said Doherty, by himself or his creditors for his debts: The sole consideration for which voluntary enslavement on her part, shall be the obligation thereby incurred by her master of feeding, clothing and protecting her. Sec. III. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Inferior Court torberrecor-le record said order on the minutes of the Court as evidence of title; ded- also, to record the same in the book kept by him for recording other evidences of title to personal property ; for which the said John J. Doherty shall pay a fee to said Clerk of five dollars. Assented to December 17, 1861. ifying the eale. Considera- tion. TITLE XVI. TAX. Sec. 1. Levy of county tax in Butts co.. in!861 legalized. " 2. Inferior Court of Coweta county on recommendation of Grand Jury, may levy a county Tax for relief of indi- gent soldiers and their families. " 3. County Tax not to exceed 100 per cent, on State Tax. Property of privatt soldiers exempt from this Tax. " 4. Collection of such Taxes, and fees ot Collector. " 5. Extra Tax in Stewart county, on ac- count of soldiers in service. Such Tax not to exceed 30U per cent, on State Tax. " 6. Soldiers in service whose taxable prop- erty is not over $2,000, exempt lrom this Tax. Executions not to be issued for collection of this Tax on property of soldiers till 6 months after the Tax is to be collected. " 7. Commissioners and their duties. 8. Collection of such Tax. " 9. Certaiu credits to be allowed. " 10. Taxes assessed in 1861, legalized. " 1L. Extra Tax in Sumter county on account of soldiers. Such Tax not to exceed 300 per cent, on State Tax. " 12. Two setts of Tax Books to be made out. " 13. Collectors to be appointed. " 14. Duties of Collector. Executions for Tax, Sec. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. . Disbursement of the funds raised by such Tax. Advancements by citizens to be re- funded. Inferior Court to settle with Belief Committee. Certain tax payers to be allowed cred- its. Soldiers whose taxable property does not exceed $2,000, exempt. Tax exe- cutions. This Act to continue in force during the War, or till altered or repealed. Extra tax in Tattnall county, on ac- count of Soldiers in service. Discrim- ination in favor of those who have con- tributed to soldiers. After assessment for first year, tax to be equal according to taxable property. Disbursement of such Taxes. Treasurer to give bond. Duties of Treasurer. No taxes to be assessed in Ware CO., for building Court House till the war closes. Application of tax money heretofore raised in Ware to build Court house. Act of 19 Dec., 1859, repealed as to Wilcox county. Extra tax in Whitfield county on ac- count of soldiers iu service. (No. 131.) An Act to legalize and make valid the levying of a Tax for county jpur- poses, for the county of Butts, for the year 1861, and to authorize its Collection. 1. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Tax. 123 Extra Tax in Coweta.—Extra Tax in Stewart. Georgia, That, whereas the Inferior Court of the County Butts, did levy a tax for County purposes, for the year 1861, without re- county tax in commendation from a Grand Jury, the same is hereby made legal and valid; and that all the laws now of force for the collection ofsaIlzed" Taxes be, and the same are hereby declared to be in force for the collection of said Taxes. Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 11, 1861. (No. 132.) An Act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of Coweta county, from time to time, to authorize the levying and collecting of such taxes, in so id county, as are her em-after provided, for the purposes herein pro- tided , and for no other purposes whatever ; which shall he known and • designated, as a tax for the purpose of supporting the indigent families of soldiers, who have, or may hereafter go into the actual service of the country ; and also for the support of such indigent soldiers who have, or may hereafter return home from such service, either in a crippled or disabled condition. 2. Section I. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That it shall, and may be lawful for the Inferior Court of Coweta county, to levy and collect an extra tax upon the State Coweta coun- tax, for the purpose contemplated in this Bill, to-wit: That it shall mendation of be the duty of the said Court to levy, upon the recommendation may levy I of the Grand Jury of said county, at their Spring Term, and cause fofreiLfof to be collected, such amounts of Taxes as may be necessary for diers and j. 1 j. 1 • j_i • * j. their families. the purposes contemplated in this Act. 3. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That the said Justices shall Thfi not be allowed to levy and collect in any one year, for said pur- tax not to 7ex- ceed 100 pgf poses, more than 100 per cent, on the State Tax. The property of ct. on State soldiers now in the service, or may hereafter go into such service1, Property ^f is, and shall be exempt from the provisions of this Bill, except that diera exempt n r, ■ . T from this tax. ot Commissioned Officers. 4. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That the Justices of said Collection of Court, shall have the Taxes contemplated by this Act, collected by S^s omoifec- the Collector of State and County Taxes of said county, whose °r' fees shall not exceed per cent, on said amount. Sec. IV. Repeals conflicting Laws. Assented to December 12, 1861. (No. 133.) An Act to direct and empower the Inferior Court of Stewart county to levy, collect, and disburse ah extraordinary tax for the support of the indigent families of such soldiers as have gone, or may hereafter go into the service of the Confederate States or the State of Georgia, and to appoint- Commissioners for the disbursement of said lax, and to legalize the orders or judgments of the Inferior Court of said county, which levied an extraordinary tax for the year 1861, and provide for the collection of the same. 5. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of 124 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—TAX. Extra Tax in Stewart county. Georgia,, That from and after the passage of this Act, the Inferior Extra taxin Court of Stewart county shall have power to levy a sufficient tax, county for upon the State tax, from year to year, during the continuation of soldiers. pregen-£ war) to raise such an amount as they and the Commis- sioners to be hereafter provided for, shall in their judgment, deem sufficient to provide for the necessary wants of the indigent fami- lies of such soldiers as have gone, or may hereafter go into the ser- Taxnottoex-vice of the Confederate States or the State of Georgia ; Provided, cent, on&tata such tax shall not exceed three hundred per cent, on the State tax. tax* 6. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That all persons in actual emTfrom61" military service of the Confederate States or State of Georgia, sucn tax. whose taxable property cloes not exceed twro thousand dollars, shall be exempt from the payment of said tax; and that no execution Executions shall be issued against the property of any person who is in actual of such tax. military service, as a default tax payer, for six months after the expiration of the time allowed for collecting said tax. 7. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That the Inferior Court of commission- said county shall have power to appoint five or seven Commission- duties"d their ers, whose duty shall be to enquire into, and report to said Inferi- or Court by the first Monday in March, for each and every year during the war, the amount necessary for the purpose heretofore named, and superintend the disbursement of said funds as they, in their judgment, shall deem best. 8. Sec. IV. And be it further enacted, That the Inferior Court in connexion with the Commissioners, or a majority of said Com- missioners, shall have power to contract with the Tax Collectors of said county, or some other person, as they in their judgment, fujiftaxes.of shall deem best, for the collection of said tax ; and said Collectors thus appointed, shall have all the powers now vested in Tax Collectors, and be liable to all the penalties now imposed on Tax Collectors of this State for failing to perform the duties of their office; and said Collectors shall be required to give such bond and security for the faithful performance of their duties, as said Inferior Court and Commissioners shall require, and shall pay over to said Commissioners, all taxes by them thus collected, within ten days after the time designated by the said Inferior Court for the collection of said taxes. 9. Sec. V. And be it further enacted, That the said Inferior Court and Commissioners, or a majority of said Commissioners, through their Collectors, shall be permitted to allow persons who desire it, certain wed- such sums as credits on the amounts assessed against them, as they lowed?6 al may have paid in money or clothing for the outfit of all soldiers that have gone into the service of the Confederate States or the State of Georgia, up to the passage of this Act; Provided, such per- son or persons shall file their affidavit with the Commissioners of said Court [county ?] setting forth said amounts by the first Mon- day of February, 1862 ; And provided, the amount given in money, to any one soldier shall not exceed ten dollars; Arid provided fur- ther, that the credit, or credits shall not exceed the amount of the assessment for one year; but said credit or credits may be allowed PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LAWS.—1TAX. 125 Extra tax in Sumter county. from year to year, until the amounts paid out are entirely refund- ed; And provided, that in no case shall credits be allowed, for more than fifteen dollars in money, and twenty dollars in clothing, fur- nished or given to th6 same soldier, although the amounts may have been furnished or given by different tax payers. 10. Sec. VI. And be it further enacted, That the extraordinary tax Taxes assess- assessed by the said Inferior Court, for the fiscal year 1861, for the ^lSei861'le* relief of the indigent families of soldiers in actual service from said' county be, and the same are hereby declared legal and valid; and the tax payers of said county shall be liable to pay said tax as fully as any State or county tax. Assented to December 12, 1861, (No. 134.) An Act to direct and empower the Inferior Court of Sumter county, or a majority thereof to levy, collect and disburse an extraordinary tax, for the support of the indigent families of such soldiersfrom Sumter county, who are now, or may hereafter be absent, in the State or Confederate military service, and for other, purposes connected therewith. 11. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia,- That from and immediately after the passage of this Act,Inferior the Inferior Court, or a majority thereof, of the county of Sumter, court of shall levy upon the taxable property of said .county as returned the Tax Receiver of said county for the present year, and as may on account _ be returned for each succeeding year hereafter, such a tax as their judgment will raise an amount of funds'sufficient to support the indigent families of such soldiers, who, have left, or may here- ' after leave said county, and are now or may herefater become en- gaged, either in the Confederate or State Military service, for and during the time of said service ; Provided, said levy shall not exceed such tax not three hundreed per cent, on the State tax now paid by said county, three hun- 12. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That the saidJnferior Court atonstotre°S£ the same time, or within ten days thereafter, shall appoint sQmeTaxbooka suitable person whose duty it shall be to make up by districts, two to made out. books with the names and aggregate amount of property returned by each tax payer, as they may appear on the book of the Tax Re- ceiver of the county of Sumter for the present year; and shall like- wise enter, in connection with said names and amount of property returned, the amount due by each in accordance with the levy made by said Inferior Court; and shall then deposit one of said books with the Clerk of the Inferior Court of said county, and the other with the person designated by the Inferior Court to collect said tax; amj shall receive for said service, a compensation to be determined by the Inferior Court. 13. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That the said Inferior Court ^ „ . . i n ji • , -a - iiii Collector to shall then appoint some proper person whose duty it shall be toappointed, collect said tax; the person thus appointed giving bond and secu- rity for the faithful performorice of said duty, in such an amount as 126 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS—TAX. Extra Tax in Suinter county. may be determined by the said Inferior Court; and shall receive proper compensation for his services, to be determined by the In- ferior Court. 14. Sec. IV. It is further enacted, That the Collector thus ap- pointed and qualified, shall proceed at once to the discharge of the Collector. duties of his office, by first giving ten days notice in the public ga- zette of Americus, and by posting a like written notice at some public place in each Justice's district of said county, stating the times and places at which he will attend to collect said tax ; and as the same may be collected it shall be the duty of said Collector to pay it over to the Inferior Court, or their order, at intervals not longer than one week; and if within sixty days after the expiration of said notice, any person or persons shall have failed or refused to cons^aCUbePay tax, then and in that case, the said Collector shall issue issued. execution against the property of the person or persons so refusing or failing to pay; and shall proceed with said execution in the same manner as now authorized by law for the collection of the ordina- ry State and county tax. 15. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That the said Inferior Court of Disburse- the county of Sumter, shall appoint some person, whose duty it fund raised shall be to disburse the fund raised by said tax, under the supervis- by such tax. >on ^ gay jrjferjor Court, and in accordance with such rules and regulations as the said Inferior Court may adopt with a view to an equitable and proper disbursment of the same. And the said Infe- rior Conrt shall have the same control and power over said officer as they now have by law over their connty Treasurer. And Whereas, Several citizens of the county of Sumter, have Preamble, made their notes and have thereby raised large sums of money which were used in the equipment of the Volunteers of said county; And Whereas, the refunding said sums was guaranteed by a large meeting of the tax payers of said county : 16. Sec. VI. Be it therefore enacted, That the said Inferior Court Advance- are hereby empowered and directed to refund the several amounts izens to'be re- to the persons thus making their notes, from the monies colllected wed. ^ virtue of this Act. 17. Sec. VII. Be it further enacted, That the said Inferior Court is hereby authorized and directed, to examine the books and ac- counts of, and-settle with the Committee appointed by the citizens of the county of Sumter, and known as the Military Relief Com- court°to set- mittee, receiving from said Committee the books, money, notes, liefcommit- subscriptions and provisions, that may be in the possession of said tee- Committee at the time of settlement; and shall refund to said Com- mittee all monies they may have advanced over and above their collections ; and shall assume the payment of all debts contracted by said Committee, pertaining legitimately to the duties of their office. Tax payers to Sec. VIII. Be it further enacted, That the said Inferior Court, certafncred- through their Collector, shall allow to persons desiring it, such its- sums as credits on the amounts assessed against them, as they may PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—TAX. 127 Extra Tax in Tatnall county. have actually paid in money or provisions heretofore to the sop- port of the soldiers families, and which may appear to have been paid by the books of the Military Relief Committee j Provided, such credit or credits shall not exceed the amount of the assessment for one year, but may be allowed from year to year, until the amount paid in is thereby refunded. 19. Sec. IX. Be it farther enacted, That this Act shall not apply Sbewied' to any soldier in actual military service, whose property as return-ofSKrfL ed, does not exceed two thousand dollars ; and no execution shalltaxlbie^rop! issue against the property of a person in actual military service, under a less time than six months after the expiration ol the time Tai execu- allowed to collect from such persons as are not in actual militarytions- service. 20. Sec. X. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall continue and be in force, and its requisitions shall be carried out by the said Inferior Court of Sumter county, annually, during the present war, v^c^tm or until the same shall be amended or repealed; all laws and usages 01 re- to the contrary notwithstanding. Assented to December 6, 1861. (No. 135.) An Act to confer ceitain powers, and to impose certain duties upon the In- ferior Court of Tatnall county, and to provide for the collection, by tax- ation, of money to aid and assist the Volunteer company, or companies, now raised, or to be raised in said county ; and to afford such aid to the fam ilies of the soldiers absent, as be compatible with the resources of the citizens of said county. Whereas, a considerable amount of money has already been collected from certain citizens of said county, by voluntary assess- ment and collection by, and from them, a list of which citizens thus Pretim1[)1# paying, has been preserved, and the amount of the sums raised ap- pears from memorandums and books kept by a committee appoint- ed by the people of Tatnall in primary meeting; And Whereas, cer- tain other persons in said county, have not voluntarily or other- wise contributed to the support of said volunteers or their families, and some have not adequate to their means aided in such contribu- tions, and it being right, proper and just, that the burdens of com- mon defence and common protection against our common enemy, should be borne equally by all, in proportion to the value of their property: 21. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the In- ferior Court of said county be, and they are hereby required and t t empowered, to assess such taxes upon the citizens of said county, be levied and i n , i ii_ • n • • i collected in as may be necessary for the aid of the volunteers raised m said Tattnall co. county and their families, (such of them as may be needy,) and to soiS™4 ° have the same collected and assessed, as is now done by the laws . of the State; upon the first assessment of taxes, however, such dis-in'taw^ot11 crimination shall be made in behalf of those who have voluntarily wemade 128 PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—TAX. Extra tax in Ware to build a Court House. voluntary contributed already, so as to make the taxes fall equally upon the tothesoidiew citizens alike, in proportion to the value of their property, regard- ing said just discrimination. 22. Sec. II. And be it further enacted, That thereafter, all assess- ment of first ments of taxes made by the Inferior Court, shall be equally alike yeartaxto eUp0n eveiy citizen, in proportion to the value of his property, there- by preserving a just equality in the burdens of taxation, during the present war. Disbursem'nt 23. Sec. III. And be it further enacted, That the taxes when so of such taxes, collected, shall be paid over to the county Treasurer as a military fund for the benefit of said volunteers, and their families, such as may be needy, and paid out under the order and direction of the Inferior Court of said county. Treasurer to 24. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That the Treasurer, before re- give bond. Ceiving said sums as maybe collected under this Act, shall give bond and security for the faithful application of the money that may come into his hands, to be approved of by the Inferior Court; _ t. , and the Treasurer shall keep an account of the monies received and Duties of the . r pi Treasurer, paid out, in a separate book by him to be kept for that purpose; and shall also be subject to be punished for contempt by the In- ferior Court, in the event of his refusal to account for, and pay out said money under their order and direction. Sec. V. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 6, 1861. (No. 136.) An Act to repeal An Act entitled An Act to ovthoi izc the Inferior Court of Ware county to asesss an extra tax for the purpose of building a Court House in said county, and for other purposes. 25. Section I. Be it enacted, That An Act entitled An Act to wse^d^r] authorize the Inferior Court of Ware county to assess an extra tax, cour^House for the purpose of building a Court House in said county, approv- warlio^es.1111 ed the ninth day of December 1859,* be, and the same is hereby repealed; and that the Inferior Court shall not levy or assess any more extra tax for Court House purposes, for or during the pres- ent war, or collect any tax for Court House purposes, from the citi- zens of Ware county. Application of 26. Sec. II. A?id be it further enacted, That all monies already fofoDreyconect-c0^ec^e^ by virtue of the above recited Act, be applied to the sup- purpose.'18' P0r^ indigent families of soldiers of said county, in the State or Confederate service. Sec. III. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 12, 1861. * For this Act, see Acts of 1859, p. 374. PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWS.—Tax. 129 Act to tax cattle of non-residents in Wilcox repealed,—Extra tax. in Whitfield. (No. 137.) An Act to repeal An Act entitled An Act to compel all persons non-resi" dents of the counties of Wayne, Irwin and Wilcox owning, penning and grazing stock cattle, in said counties, to return and 'pay taxes on the same, in the counties aforesaid, assented to December 19th, 1859,# so ■ far as relates to the county of Wilcox. 27. Section I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, Act of is Dec. That so much of the above recited Act as relates to the county of as to,Wilcox Wilcox, is hereby repealed. °0, Sec. II. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1S61. * See Acts of lSf>l), p. '207. (No. 138.) An Act to authorize the Inferior Court of Whitfield County, to levy a tax of not excu ding fifty per cent, upon the State tax, and to authorize thnn to appropriate the same to the families of those that maybe absent eitfar in the service of the State or Confederate States. 2M. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of ihorgia, That it shall and may be lawful for the Inferior Court of^ the county of Whitfield, to levy a tax of not exceeding fifty per for relief of cent, upon the State tax, and appropriate the same to any families or other persons that may be found in need on account of the ab- sence of their friends in said service ; Provided, also that the parties applying for the benelit of this Act, shall furnish to the Court sat- isfactory evidence that they are actually in need, and have no oth- er means of support. Assented to December 11, 1S61. Notk.—For Act appropriating $33.47 to Mrs. Margaret Dillon, for excessive tax paid, see Act No. 1-J3; also Act No. 1 '35 for appropriation of $4.40 to Abner Hern for excess of tax paid him ; ami same Act for appropriation of $13.30 to Wm. J. Bush for excess of ta,x paid by linn. See also same Act for conditional appropriation to Wesley Shuffield, on a similar account. For Act providing that Attorneys-at-law failing to pay their professional tax, shall be stricken from the roll of Attorneys, see Act No. f>, Public Laws. 9 13U PRIVATE AND LOCAL LAWSr—Telegraph Companies. Georgia Telegraph Company. TITLE XVII. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Sec. 1. Georgia Telegraph Company incorpo- rated. " 2. Powers to construct and use Telegraph lines. " 3. Capital stock and shares. " 4. Board of Directors. S&c. 5. Liability of stockholders for debts of Co. ' 6. Officers and operators exempt from Ml- litia, Patrol and Jury duty. ' 7. Privileges and restrictions of Magnetic Telegraph, extended to Company. (No. 139.) An Act to incorporate the Georgia Telegraph Company. Section I. Be it enacted, That John P. King, John Bones, Rich- ard Peters, and their associates be, and the same hereby crea- ted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of " The Tel- Georgia Telegraph Company"; and by that name may sue and be co. make contracts, have and use a common seal, and establish JSp*14 by-laws not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this State, or of the Confederate States. Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That said Company shall be author- IPocwftirs to • •scyrasfcmct and ized to establish, construct and manage, use and control, lines of°ia Magnetic Telegraph, between any and every two points within this State. casual stork ^ec* HI* Be it farther enacted, That the capital of said Company .nJ. awes.' shall be divided into shares as the by-law7s may provide, transfera- ble according to said by-laws, and shall be of such amount as may actually be required for the lines of Telegraph actually erected by .them. . Sec. IV. Be it farther enacted, That said Company shall be man- sractors. aged by a Board of Directors elected according to their by-laws, wseeinki-w^° shall hold their meetings, and keep their principal office in Au- ***** ° gusta. Sec. V. Be it farther enacted, That the stockholders of said Com- -SsackhoTders. pany for the time being, shall be jointly and severally liable for all the debts contracted, and purchases made by the Company. ■Officers and Sec* VI. Be it farther enacted, That all Telegraph operators and „ officers actually employed as such by said Company, shall be ex- i fS)Undtia' empt from military, patrol and jury duty, during such actual em- ~juw dutjr. jployment. *$ec. VII. Be it farther enacted, That said Company shall be enti- lifd'reftric-- tied to the privilege, and subject to all the restrictions provided for loulie/kf'0 by an Act to authorize the construction of the Magnetic Telegraph, SteSdePdhto approved on the twenty-ninth of December, eighteen hundred and ^GoinPauy forty-seven;* Provided, that the charter herein granted, shall not be so construed as to intefere with the chartered rights of other Telegraphic companies. Sec. VIII. Repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 17, 1861. ■* For this Act, see Acts of 1847, p. 218. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OP THE STATE OF GEORGIA, it an Annual Session in 1861. No. 14. Tax Collectors and Comp. General. " 15. Relative to the blockade. '' 16. Resolutions relative to the resolutions passed by Tennessee. " 17. Copy of the Act to prevent specula- tions, extortions and monopolies, to be sent to Governors of each State in Confederacy. " 18. Tax Collectors and Comptroller Gen-, eral as to settlements for taxes raised by sale of lands of alien enemies. *' 19. Census Takers. "" 20. Committee on Penitentiary. li 21. Repeal or modification of the Seques- tration Act recommended. u 22. Tender of State Troops to Confederate Government. " 23. Supreme Court Reports to be sent to Dade county. " 24. Relative to establishing a mail route from Bengal to Reid'sville. " 25. Asserting Georgia's right to all lands within her limits. " 26. Adjournment of General Assembly. No. 1. Relative to a bill to authorize the Jus- tices of the Inferior Courts to levy an extra tax on account of Soldiers in ser- vice and their families; also relative to the assumption by the State of the Confederate War Tax. " 2. Relative to monopolies, extortion and speculations. " 3. Messrs. Clark and Tucker, Agents Georgia Hospital Association. " 4. Election of Confederate States Sena- tors. " 5. On reduction of salaries. " 6. Relative to Deaf and Dumb Asylum. " 7. Grant to certain lot of land in old Early, to be issued to John Sapp. " 8. Boundary line between Georgia and Florida. " 9. Rev. C. W. Thomas. " 10. Relative to the prosecution of the War. " 11. Duties and pay of Secretary of State as to Surveyor General's Office. •' 12. Resolutions as to collection of cotton and other crops in Georgia. " 13. Instructions to Tax Collectors to be issued by Comptroller General. (No. 1.) Resolved, That the Committee on Finance of the Senate and ILouse of Representatives, be instructed to act as a joint committee mutSfs6 of and report appropriate bills, so soon as it may be practicable, toto'acfa. T the House of Representatives, (where alone such bills can origi-jomt Com* nate,) upon the following subjects, to-wit: 1st. Authorizing the Inferior Courts of the seteral counties inbnitopamho*» this State, to levy such extra tax as may be necessary to defray thetoer£" ac£. •j i.*i • J • • • J war tax for expenses said counties have incurred in raising and equipping com-certain pur- panies for the war and providing for the families of said companies. Export a 2nd. Providing for the equalization of said burthens throughout auchtex9"4 the State, so that each county may bear its pro rata share of said cities » * r ji J J X the State. burthens. to report * 3d. Authorizing and requiring the assumption by the State oftd1 assume the the existing Confederate War Tax. w«T™hi Assented to Noy» 16, 1361, Georgia. 132 RESOLUTIONS. Speculation, Monopoly and Extortion.—Messrs, Clake and Tucker.—Confederate States Senators- (No. 2.) Whereas. A system of speculation, monopoly and extortion, in many articles absolutely necessary to subsistence of the people, is Preamble. now practiced in the State by selfish, base, and unprincipled persons, in violation of the common dictates of humanity and pa- triotism—be it therefore judiciary Resolved, That the Judiciary Comm ittees of the Senate and House of0s^ateeand Representatives , jointly be, and they are hereby instructed to toy«n-enquire into the power of the General Assembly to suppress such bin toPs°up- speculation, and report by bill or otherwise, as early as practicable,. the most effectual means of accomplishing such suppression, tortion. Assented to November 16, 1861. (No. 3.) The Rev. Messrs. Clark and Tucker, Agents for the Georgia Hospital Association being present on a mission in behalf of said. Association, Resolved by the Senate, with the concurrence of the House of Rpcre- c^arkeit sentatiocs, That the Senate repa'r fo the Representative Hall, this- of Georgia 3'dav at 12 o'clock, M., to hear from said gentlemen on the subieet Hospital A#- , ° J sociation. oi their mission, tor one hour. Assented to November 16, 1861. (No. 4.) Whereas, It has been made the duty of the present Legislature.. Preamble, under the newly adopted Constitution of the State of Georgia, to elect two Senators to the Congress of the Confederate States of" America, therefore be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives in General As- confederate sembhj met, That the Semite meet the House of Representatives, in .state. sena-^-g on Tuesday, the 19th instant, at 11 o'clock, A.M., to> elect two Senators to the Confederate Congress, under the provi- sions of the Constitution of the State of Georgia. Assented to November 18, 1861. (No. 5.) Whereas, The crisis upon the country produced by war and' financial embarrassments, imperatively calls for the adoption of a sys- Preamble. tern of retrenchment in the reduction of expenses of the Government by reducing the salaries of the principal officers and otherwise, thereby relieving the people of Georgia, to some extent, from the burdens of taxation, which are pressing upon them, therefore be it committee to Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed by the reduce saia- House to confer with a like committee to be appointed by the • • » X m. ^ Senate, to take into consideration the propriety of reducing the salaries of all the principal officers of the State, and per diem pay of RESOLUTIONS. 133 _ -4 ^ Deaf and Dumb.—John Sapp.—Boundary between Georgia and Florida. members of the Legislature, and to what extent this reduction shallre- be made, and to report by bill or otherwise, at the earliest day^theVL- practicable; and to request our members in Congress to use their influence to have the salaries of officers of the Confederate Oovern-°tfec0°^®r* ment, both civil and military, reduced. . reduced. Assented to November 16,1861. (No. 6.) Resolved, • That the standing committee of the Senate and House Jdint Com_ of Representatives on the Deal and Dumb Asylum, be constituted g1^6}1 a joint standing committee for the investigation of the of the affairs of the same; that His Excellency the Governor, be required to furnish said committee any documents or communications which he may have in his possession pertaining to the same; and that this resolution be transmitted to the House of Representatives fpr its concurrence, immediately. Assented to November 18, 1861. (No, 7.) Whereas, Lot of Land No. 10, in the 11th District of originally' Early, now Mitchell county, was reserved among others for school ' purposes, and not drawn for in the Land Lottery ; And whereas, SaidPreamW9" Lot No. 10, was sold under Executive order, ait public outcry, and knocked off to one Bradley lor a valuable consideration, whereupon the said Bradley received from the Sheriff making the sale as afore- said, a certificate of said sale and purchase, upon which to receive a grant of said Lot No. 10; And whereas, Said certificate was trang- ferred to one John M. Robinson, and by*said Robinson to John Sapp of Mitchell county, which certificate has been lost and [or?] destroyed; therefore be it Resolvedly the General Assembly, That the Governor be authorizedto to cause to be issued to John Sapp. a grant to said Lot of Landj"oesa££to No. 10, in the 11th District of originally Early, Bow Mitchellihh District , of old Early, county. now Mitchell Assented to November 22,1861. county. (No. 8.) Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That Georgia is deeply concerned in having the boundary line between her andgondary iiae her sister State of Florida, permanently settled and fixed. An endo^^r ana to the unfortunate controversy, which has been pending so long, is1?lorida- due alike to the citizens of both States, bordering upon the line of dispute. The settlement of this question is demanded that no in- fringement upon the sovereignty of either State shall happen, nor any question arise, as to conflicting jurisdictions, The undisputed right of citizenship and allegiance should no longer be kept in doubt; and the limits' of the respective sovereignties should be fully determined, recognized and understood. 134 RESOLUTIONS. Boundary between Georgia and Florida. The Legislature of Georgia desires to address the Legislative authority of Florida in a spirit of amity and kindness; and to appeal to her, upon the principles of comity and good neighborhood, to contribute everything she can, compatible with her honor and sense of right, to the adjustment of our unsettled boundary, a source of irritation, discontent and dissatisfaction. The State of Georgia is not unaware of the points of difference existing ever since the treaty Treaty of between the United States and Spain, of ,1795, (and even prior 1795' thereto.) She understood her boundary. The 3rd Article of the Treaty of 1795 defines what should be the correct line of division; which is in these woi ds: " Tin southern bouudary which divides their territory from the Spanish Colonies of East and West Florida, shall be designated by a line beginning on the river Mississippi, at the northernmost part of the thirty-first degree of latitude north of the Equator, which from thence shall be drawn east to the middle of the river Apalachicola or Chattahoochee, thence along the middle thereof to its junction with the Flint; thence straight to the head of the St. Mary's river, and thence down the middle thereof to the Atlantic Ocean." Commissioners were appointed under the treaty to perform their duty in running the line designated by the terms thereof; and the mode of proceeding by said treaty, is declared thus: "In order to carry the preceding Article (the 3rd Article,) into effect, one Commissioner and one Surveyor shall be appointed by each of the contracting parties, who shall meet at the Nathchez, on the other side of the river Mississippi, before the expiration of six Mode of months from the ratification of this Convention; and they shall Fnlfuifdel6 proceed to run and mark this boundary according to the stipula- ti^trcty of tions of said Article. They shall make plats, and keep journals of the proceedings, which shall be considered part of this Convention ; and shall have the same force as if they were inserted therein." From the Mississippi to the Chattahoochee they executed their commission according to the stipulations of the treaty. The re- maining part of their duty they failed to perform. The point of departure and the point of termination are both fixed by the treaty; and it is provided that said Commissioners should run and mark, to and from those points. The points referred to are from the junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee rivers, to the head of the St. Marys. It is a historical fact that no surveys were made be- tween the junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee rivers, and the head of the St. Marys, on account of Indian disturbances; that Ellicott designated on his plat, Mound B., as being a little north of the head waters of the St. Marys, and being the northern branch of the said river, and consented that this point should indicate the true source of said stream, may probably be insisted upon; but the fact is unquestionable that no such power was given him ; he liav- ing power to act as a simple Commissioner, his duties and powers being limited by the treaty, which was the supreme law of the land. The evidence now exists that, at the time the Commis- sioners were endeavoring to ascertain the head of the St. Marys river, that, on account of the heavy rains and heavy freshets conse- RESOLUTIONS. Bonndary between Georgia and Florida. quent thereupon, the low, flat district of country from whence the source of the river takes its rise, it was impossible for them to de- determine the fact. In fact Mound B. is not near the head source of said river, which is now, (since the country is settled.), capable of the fullest and most conclusive proof. Florida insists that Mound B. should be regarded the fixed point to determine the head waters of the river St. Marys. Georgia insists that the most southern branch of the river is the longest, and has the great- est volume of water; and, therefore, that the dividing line between the two States, from the junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee rivers, should be run to the head of the most southern stream. Thus, it will be seen, that if Georgia insists upon her view of the subject, she will claim a considerable portion of the territory of the State of Florida, and include many valuable citizens within the jurisdiction of Georgia. On the other hand, if Florida should ad- here to her views, she would embrace a part of the territory of Georgia, and also take within her jurisdiction many of the re- cognized citizens of Georgia. It is obvious to the two States, holding these adverse positions, and insisting upon the abstract rights set up by each, a settlement of the contested boundary is impossible without long and tedious litigation between the two States, and before the Supreme Court of the Confederate States. The two sovereignties, from their position, being competent to adjust these differences, it seems to the Legislature of Georgia that the question of boundary between them can be settled in a manner more compatible with the dignity, peace, friendship, amity, and good will of both. • The General Assembly, to avoid further dispute, proposes to her sister State, Florida, that what is denominated the Watson line, (which will leave in the limits of this State, the fractional lots of land heretofore sold under an Act of her Legislature,) shall be adopted as the boundary line. The settlement upon this basis, wTill not interfere with the rights of citizenship, as claimed by the citi- zens of either State. The position of the two States, united by a common interest, and sharing perils alike with each other in resist- ing a common enemy, are considerations which require that border difficulties and disputes, and all causes of irritation, should be put an end to. Be it therefore resolved, That his Excellency the Governor, be re- quested to transmit the foregoing preamble and these resolutions, to his Excellency the Governor of Florida, with a request that he submit the same to the Legislature of Florida. And resolved further, That the Governor do appoint two Commis- sioners to visit the Seat of Government of the State of Florida; who are hereby clothed with authority to negotiate and settle the boundary line, with the- authorities of Florida, upon the terms pre- scribed in the aforesaid recital and preamble, or upon such other' terms as will include within the limits of Georgia, the lots and frac- tional lots of land disposed of by the authorities of the State of Georgia. , Assented to Dec, 11, 1861. 136 RESOLUTIONS. Rev. C. W. Thomas —Confederate States.—Offices of Surveyor Gen. and Sec'y. of State. Dissolution of the old Union. (No. 9.) Whereas, Rev. C. W. Thomas, formerly Chaplain in the U. S. Preamble. Navy, was the first to resign his position and tender his resignation to the U. S. Government; and whereas, he has not been assigned any position in the service of the Confederate States, therefore, Resolved, That the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Rev. c. w. do respectfully request the Congress of the Confederate States, or Thnmna L •/ A O 7 the War Department, to provide for the said Rev. 0. W. Thomas, some position either in the Army or Navy of the Confederate States, correspondent to the rank and position held by him in the Navy of the United States. Assented to December 11, 1861. (No. 10.) Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, That it is the sense of this Gener- al Assembly, that the separation of those States now forming the Confederate States of America, from the United States is, and ought to be final and irrevocable; and that Georgia will, under no cir- cumstances, entertain any proposition from any quarter, which may have for its object a restoration or re-construction of the late Un- ion, on any terms or conditions whatever. v Resolved, That the war which the United States are waging up- War to t>e 1 . • 1 i independence011 Confederate States, should be met on our part, with the ut- most vigor and energy, until our independence and nationality are unconditionally acknowledged by the United States. Resolved, That Georgia pledges herself to her sister States of the piedrBeiato Confederacy, that she will stand by them throughout the struggle standby the —sqe wfjj contribute all the means which her resources will supply, other seceded. 11 D states. so far as the same may be necessary to the support of the common cause, and will not consent to lay down arms until peace is estab- lished on the basis of the foregoing resolutions. Approved December 11th, 1S61. (No. 11.) Whereas, By an Act passed at the present Session of the Gener- Preamble Assembly, the offices of Surveyor General and Secretary of State, have been consolidated ; and whereas, many of the Maps and Charts in the Surveyor General's office are very much mutilated and worn out; Be it resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the Secretary of State for the time being, and his successors in office, payof sSfre-be, and he is hereby required to make new all Maps and Charts, iSlum^or'utbat are now worn out or mutilated, and see that the Records in office. sa|j 0piCe are preserved and neatly kept; and as a compensation for his services, the Secretary of State, for the time being, and his successors in office, shall receive a 11 the fees arising in the Surveyor General's office, of whatever kind. Assented to December 14, 1861. RESOLUTIONS. 137 Cotton Crop.—Tax Collectors. (No. 12.) The Committee on the state of the Republic, to whom the Joint Resolutions of the Legislature of Tennessee were referred, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report thatReport it is with pride and gratification that they see in in the spirit of the propositions of our sister State, (the cheif products of whose soil are provisions,) the manifestation of a lofty and unselfish patriot- ism, worthy of emulation, and in keeping with the exalted charac- ter of the "Volunteer State," and they recommend the passage of the following resolutions, and that the same, together with the propositions of the State of Tennessee, be published in the Mil- ledgeville newspapers of this State. Resolved, That the Legislature of the State of Georgia most earnestly recommend to the planters of this State, to reduce theGeorgl™re- quantity of the Cotton Crop for the year 1862, and to grow grain to reduce and other provision crops, not only in sufficient quantities to sup-andVcre^e ply the consumption of our people at home, but for the supply ofcropk8raia our troops in the field. Resolved further, That his Excellency, the Governor, be request-capyofthk ed to forward a copy of this report to the Governor of Tennessee, Resoirutions and the Governors of each of the other Confederate States, with the hover- request that the same be laid before their respective Legislatures, the8states in if in session; and that he also forward a copy to the President ofate state*^ the Confederate States. Assented to December 14, 1861. (No. 13.) Resolved, That the Comptroller is hereby directed to issue suchSaie ofProP- instructions to Tax Collectors throughout Georgia, as will prevent SteLie«.allea all further proceedings for the sale of lands heretofore held by per- sons now alien enemies, until after the General Assembly shall have taken further action on the subject. Assented to December 14, 1861. (No. 14.) Whereas, By a Joint Resolution of this General Assembly, the Comptroller General is directed to issue such instructions to Tax Collectors throughout Georgia as will prevent further proceedings PreamW** for the sale of lands heretofore held by alien enemies, until after the General Assembly shall have taken further action on the sub- ject. And Whereas, The above stated Resolution does not direct the Comptroller General how to settle with Tax Collectors when they Preamble, wish to make their final settlement and obtain a full receipt, for remedy thereof, Be it further Resolved, By the General Assembly of Georgia, That, upon any Collector producing to the Comptroller General a 138 RESOLUTIONS. Blockade.—Resolutions from Tennessee. certificate from the Inferior Court of his county, stating the name T^conL or names of the alien enemies whose land is now subject to be sold Comptroller f°r taxes, and further certifying the amount of State tax due on wgardalton the same, the Comptroller General, if satisfied that the amount onacc^unt8 of stated is correct, is hereby authorized to allow the Tax Collector credit for the same, on his account, together with any reasonable mi9S- advertising fee which said Collector may have paid for advertising said lands; and that such settlements be entered on the Comptroll- er's book, in the same manner that settlements now made with the Tax Collector are entered on the Books of said office. Assented to xyeceiuber 16, 1861. (No. 15.) Whereas, The Ports of the Confederate States of America are now blockaded, or attempted to be blockaded by the Government of the so-called United States ; And Whereas, said Confederate States are not now receiving any revenue in consequence of said attempted blockade: Be it therefore Resolved, That the State of Georgia in General As- thelamock-0 seiTibly met, do urge her Representatives in the Congress of the ade- Confederate States, to exert their influence to open the Ports of the Confederate States, free of duty, to all friendly nations, during the existence of the War between the Confederate States and the so called United States. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 16.) Resolved, The House concuring, 1st. That, in the opinion of this Resolutions General Assembly, the disinterested spirit of fraternity and regard ^jf^-for the common welfare breathed in the resolutions of the State of Tennessee. Tennessee, now under consideration, is worthy of all admiration, and of all emulation. We would assure the General Assembly of Tennessee, and through that body, the people of the State, that the people of Georgia warmly reciprocate the kind spirit so manifest, not only in the Resolutions, but in all the acts of Tennessee towards her sis- ter Confederate States. To the other Confederate States of Amer- ica., wre also take occasion to extend the friendly greetings of Georgia. We would assure them that, while we honor Tennessee for the sagacity, as well as patriotism of the proposition under con- sideration, we. and the people we represent, sincerely cherish for each of them the warmest sentiments of admiration and of amity. A common cause, a common destiny—the common suffering of our soldiers in the field, side by side with each other, keep us all con- tinually reminded that, we are brethren. Sentiments Resolved, 2nd, That the proposition of Tennessee meets the hear- 0f Tennesseepy concurrence of our judgment; and we recommend the policy fppmvSandierein set forth to the careful consideration of every planter in their policy ^ • recommend* ed. RESOLUTIONS. Monopolies and Extortion—Land of alien enemies. 139 Resolved 3d, That the Resolutions of Tennessee be entered on To tie entered our Journals, together with these Resolutions ; and the Governor nau.the Jour" is hereby requested to transmit these Resolutions to the Governor Resolutions of Tennessee, with a request that he deliver the same to the Gen- Governor of eral Assembly of that State. Ten~ Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 17.) Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, That His Excellency be, and he is hereby requested to vee*ttoB^ula have transmitted to each of the Governors of the Confederate States, a copy of the Act passed by the General Assembly of Creor-^eb^nt"to' gia, entitled "An Act to prevent monopolies and extortions in this ail the State," with the request that the same shall be laid before the Gen- confederacy, eral Assemblies of said States respectively. Rf solved, That we most respectfully solicit the General Assembly of each of said States, to take such action as to them may seem best to prevent monopolies and extortion, with a view to equalize the prices of necessity, and army supplies. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 18.) Whereas, By a Joint Resolution of this General Assembly, the Comptroller General is directed to issue such instructions to Tax Collectors throughout Georgia, as will prevent further proceedings Preai?t'le' for the sale of lands heretofore held by alien enemies, until alter the General Assembly shall have taken further action on the sub- ject: And Whereas, The above stated Resolution does not direct the Comptroller General how to settle with Tax Collectors when theyPreamwe. wish to make their final settlement and obtain a full receipt, for remedy thereof, Be it. further Resolved, By the General Assembly of Georgia., That, Settl tg upon any Collector producing to the Comptroller General a cer-Tas titicate from the Inferior Court of his county, stating the name or names of the alien enemies whose land is now subject to be sold for as to taxes raised by taxes, and further certifying the amount of State tax due on thereof of alien en©* same, the Comptroller General, if satisfied that the amount stated^*- is correct, is hereby authorized to allow the Tax Collector credit for the same, on his account, together with any reasonable adver- tising fee which said Collector may have paid for advertising said lands;,and that such settlements be entered on the Comptroller's book, in the same manner that settlements now made with the Tax Collector, are entered on the Books of said office. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 19.) Whereas, There are many Census Takers, who performed the 140 RESOLUTIONS. Penitentiary.—Sequestration Act. duties of their office of Census Taker, for their respective counties, Preamble. jn taking the Census for the old United States before the separa- tion of the State of Georgia from the old Union; And Whereas, on the account of the withdrawal of the State from the old Union, the authorities of the old United States have refused to pay them for the services rendered in taking the Census of (his State : Be it Resolved, That we do most respectfully call the attention census our Members in Congress at Richmond, to take into considera- Takers. tion, and make provision for the payment of such as have not re- ceived their compensation for such services rendered. Assented to Dec. 16, 1861. (No. 20.) Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives, That after committee ^e M°se °f present Session, the Governor is requested to ap- opj^niten- point two competent persons, who, in connection with the Princi- pal Keeper, shall consider the propriety of classifying and separat- ing the convicts in the Penitentiary; with reference to ages, grades of offence and general character ; Also the practicability of arranging the present Institution to accomplish the end proposed ; and that said appointees make their report to the next Session of the General Assembly, with the plans, if any, that may be suggested, and especially the smallest amount of expenditure necessary in the premises. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 21.) The Committee on the State of the Republic, having had under „ , consideration the provisions of the Sequestration Act passed by the Fr6&mhl6i C ♦ x y Provisional Congress, at its last Session, ask leave to report for the consideration of the House, the following Resolutions: 1. Resolved, That, if it shall not be deemed expedient to repeal modification the Sequestration Act, such modifications of, or amendments there- questratfon to, be made, as that the same shall not prevail oppressively, or in- mended!"1" juriously to our own people; and to that end ; Resolved further, That whereas, by the laws of nations, debts due certain modi-to alien enemies are suspended, and bear no interestduring the con- commended, tinuance of the War; it is the sense of this General Assembly, that said Act should not require the payment of debts due to alien enemies, during the existence of the war; but it should require on- ly the evidence of the indebtedness to be returned and placed of record, without security demanded and taken for the ultimate pay- ment of the same. Resolved further, That where there are mutual debts between a mutual debts debtor and an alien enemy, or where such debtor shall hold equita- ble claims against Alien Enemies, the same may be pleaded and set off in the district court, to which the debt is returned. RESOLUTIONS. 141 State Troops.—Books for Dade county. Resolved further. That the Sequestration Aet should take effect „ r \ c i i r» • i p p Recommend* from and alter the date ol its passage, and not Irom the 21st ol May, as now provided. date- Resolved further, That persons laboring under the disabilities of In case of coverture or infancy, and consequently incapable, though desiring in" to change their domicil, and who are not actual enemies to the Confederate States, should be exempt from the operations of said Act. Resolved, That our delegation in Congress be respectfully request- copy of these ed to urge the recommendations contained in these resol utions; and be furnished that his excellency, the Governor, be requested to forward to our be,rs in Con- delegates in Congress, copies thereof. 8ress' Assented to December 16, 1S61. (No. 22.) Resolved, By the General Assembly of Georgia, that the Gover- nor be, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to tender to the Confederate Government the volunteer forces called into service Tender of under the law of 1860, or which may hereafter be called into ser- teers to Con- vice for the State defence, in companies, battalions, regiments, emmaentGov" brigades or divisions, as may be found to be acceptable to the War Department of the Confederate States ; Provided, That the Con- federate States will receive them for the term of their enlistment and for local defence in this State, under the act of Congress to pro- vide for local defence and special service, approved August 21, 1861; And provided further, That, if the Confederate States shall not accept said troops, in that event the troops shall remain in ser- vice as State troops, under the terms of their enlistment; And pro- tnded further, That such tender shall be made, so far as the troops now in the State are concerned, before the 15th day of January next, and before a greater sum than one million of dollars is raised or expended as provided for in the 20th Section of the general ap- propriation bill ; And provided further, That none of said troops shall be transferred to the Confederate service without their full consent, first fairly obtained, by companies, if organized as inde- pendent companies, by battalions, if organized in independent bat- talions, or by regiments if organized in regiments. Be it further Resolved, That we earnestly recommend the Confed-„ t J 7 n n Confederate orate Government to receive said State forces, should they assent, £.™;Xfuto with all their field and general officers; and, if there be no lawrec,ive thein' now authorising such acceptance, we respectfully request our Sen- ators and Representatives to urge the passage of a bill to effect so desirable an Object. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 23.) s ■ • y Whereas, The county of Dade has not been furnished with the first, second and third volumes of Kelley's Reports of the Supreme Preamble. Court of the State of Georgia ; And Whereas, the fourth, fifth, sixth, 142 RESOLUTIONS. Mail Route.—Land in the limits of Georgia. SfsouhT seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh volumes of Cobb's Reports of lupr°eme0fthe^e Supreme Court of the State of Georgia, were furnished said fumis'hed'to county, and were destroyed by fire in the burning of the Court- n»de county, House of said county; therefore, Resolved by the General Assembly, That his Excellency the Gov- ernor, be authorized and requested to furnish said county with said volumes of Reports, or such number as may be in his control; and that he cause them to be forwarded'with the Laws and Journals of this session of the Legislature. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 24.) Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, That our Senators in Congress be from Bengal instructed, and our Representatives requested, to use their influ- recommend16' ence to have established a mail line, for weekly service, from Ben- gal in Bulloch county, (the present terminus of a mail line from Halcyondale on the Central Railroad,) by the way of William De- loach's mills in Bulloch county, thence to Ben. Brewton's mills in Tatnall county, and thence to Reedsville in said county of Tatnall; and that our Senators and Representatives in Congress, be furnish- ed with copies of this Resolution. Assented to December 16, 1861. (No. 25.) Resolved, IsL The Senate concuring, That this General Assembly ^rtsrgher3' deems it due to the sovereignty of Georgia, to declare that Geor- landswitim gia asserts her ancient, paramount right of original proprietory her limits. jnteresfc anq title, in and to all the lands within the limits of the State; and that she will not permit her present attitude and action, or any action upon the part of any power, to be construed against her in the future, as a precedent calculated to show, in the least, that she has, in anywise, yielded this great right. Georgia there- fore enters her solemn request of record, that the Sequestration Act recently passed by the Provisional Confederate Congress, shall not be so proceeded upon, or so construed, as to raise any question as to the sovereign rights of the State over all of the lands within her limits. Resolved, 2d. That the land heretofore held by persons now alien Gwrg"iamof enemies, ought not, at this time, to be sold for any purpose; but Alien em* game gi10u](j iie as it now does, subject to the sovereign, paramount right Georgia has, in and to the same. Resolved, 3d. That a copy of these Resolutions be transmitted to copie. of our delegates in the Provisional Confederate Congress ; and that .Resolutions ii • i i n i • ourmembera°^ same be also transmitted to the Senators and Representatives iu Congress. of Georgia in the Confederate Congress. Assented to December 16, 1861. RESOLUTIONS. 143 Adjournment. No 26. Resolved., That the General Assembly adjourn sine die on Satur- Adjourn- • »i /» . ii • i i " ' ' ment of Gel day the fourteenth instant. eraiAw^a- WARREN AKIN, Speaker of the House of Representatives. J. B. Estes, Pro Tem, Clerk House of Representatives. JOHN BILLUPS, President of the Senate. James M. Mobley, Secretary of the Senate. Read and adopted in each House, 10th December, 1861.* * Reflations on .adjournment do not require* under the Constitution, the signatipM>{,the Governor. . INDEX. a. accounts, How proven in certain cases, 59 administrators, See Exrs., Admrs., Trustees, Go., in index. agencies of foreign ixsu- range companies. Act in relation to, in Georgia modified, 51 agriculture & commerce. $50,000 appropriated to en- courage the manufacture of Salt, " 7 Direct Trading & Navigation company, incorporated, S aliens, Suits on sequestrated claims of 57 (For sale of lands of, under Tax fi. fas. see resolutions.) ame ricus, Charter of, amended, S7 appropriations. Salary of Governor, 10 " " Secretary of State, 10 " " State Treasurer, 10 " " Compr. General, 10 " " Secy s. of Ex. Dept. 10 " " Mess'r. " " 11 " " State Librarian, 11 " " Atty. & Sols. Genl. 11 " " Judges Supr. Ct. 11 " " " Supreme" 11 " " Reptr. of Supreme Court decisions, 11 Pay for publishing military orders, 11 Contingent fund, 11 Printing " 11 10 Pay to Chaplain of Penitenti- ary, 11, Pay for taking care of Repre- sentative Hall and Senate Chamber, 11 Pay of expenses of committee who visited Academy for Blind, 11 Pay of State House Guard, 11 Appropriation for increase of State Library, 11 Appropriation to pay expenses of clerk Supreme court, 11 Appropriation for repair, and winding State House clock, 12 Salary of Supt. Georgia Mill- tary Institute, 12 Appropriation to pay arrears- ges clue Col. A. Y. Brumby, 12 Appropriation to pay arreara- ges due T. R. Me Conn ell, 11 Appropriation to pay arreara- ges due R. S. Camp, 12 Pay of President Senate and Speaker of House, 12' Their mileage, 12' Pay of members of General Assembly, 12, Their mileage, 12* Pay of Secretary of Senate, 12 " " Clerk of House, 12 Contingent expenses of each House, 12 Pay of Messengers and Door- Keepers, 12 Pay for cleaning, lighting and keeping in order the Chan- deliers during the Session, 13 i m INDEX. #fyfiropriatimis.— Continued. Advance payments by State Treasurer, Governor to pay for services required and 110 appropria- tion made, -General appropriation to pay -salaries, Appropriation to Ga. Relief & Hospital Association, Appropriation to pay the pub- lie debt due and interest, Governor to issue State Bonds or Treasury notes in certain cases, Appropriation to J. M. Coop- er &Co. Appropriation to pay Guard of State Magazine, Appropriation to pay Military Store Keepers in Milledge- vilJe and Savannah, Appropriation to pay expen- ses of Electoral College, A ppropriation to J. H. Steele, . Appropriation as additional qovy to Commissioners to other States, sent by State '••Convention, Clerks to Compr. General, Appropriation for relief of suf- ferers by fire in Charleston, Military fund for 1S62, try to Clerk of Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, >ropriation to Maj, H. J. €E Williams, ppropriation to pay balance due to Professors in Geor- gia Military Institute, to A. Green &Co., " A. N. Simpson, .« u "\yra \y. Boyd, Appropriation to support State Cadets in Georgia Military Institute, Appropriation of $100,000 for support of State troops, Appropriation for support of pupils in Georgia Academy ifor Blind, 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 85 Appropriation to J. H. Seals, 8-5 ATLANTA, Bank of Fulton in, charter amended, 22 North-Western Bank of Ga. may have Agency at 2-3 Charter of city of, amended, 81 ARMS, Appropriation for inanufac- ture of 6-5 ARSON, Burning R. R. Bridge by slave or free person of color de- clared to be arson—punish- ment death, 68 Burning R. R. Bridge by white person-penalty death 69 ATHENS, Charter of, amended, 89 ATTACHMENT, May be sued out on sequestra- ted claims, 58 ATTORNEY AND SOLICITORS GENERAL, Appropriation to pay salaries of, for 1S62, 11 Receiving fees and costs by, in certain cases, made penal 69 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Must pay professional tax or be stricken from the roll of Attorneys, ' 16 AUGUSTA, City council of, may issue city Treasury notes, 25 City Council of, may fix sala- ry of Judge of City Court, 91 B. BANKS AND BANKING, Suspension of specie payment by, 'continued till 1st De- cember, 1862, 18 Banks to redeem their bills in Treasury notes when de- manded in sums of $100, 18 Must issue change bills, 19 Advances made to State by, 19 Cotton Planters' Bank of Geor- gia, incorporated, 20 Bank of Fulton, charter amen- ded, 22 INDEX. 147 Banks Sf Banking—Continued. North- Western Bank of Georgia, charter amended, 23 Sale of Foreign Exchange reg- ulated, 23 Deposit of money by married women in Savings Institu- tions, 23 Removal of Savannah Banks to interior, 24 Removal of Timber Cutters' Bank to Brunswick or Da- rien, 24: Charter of, amended, 24 Change bills issued by Palace Mills company, and others legalized, 25 BANK OF FULTON, Charter amended, 22 BARKER, J. W. Appropriation to, 15 BARTOW COUNTY, Name of Cass co., changed to 101 BELL, H. P. Pay to, as commissioner to Tennessee, 14 BELLVILLE, Incorporated, 91 BENNING, H.L. Pay to, as commissioner to Virginia, 14 BOGGESS, MRS. Appropriation to 117 BONDS, Gov. may issue State Bonds or Treasury notes to raise funds for Georgia Hospital, 13 •Gov. may issue State Bonds or Treasury notes to raise funds for other purposes, 13 Gov. to issue State Bonds to Banks for former advances to State, and in lieu of 6 per eta. 19 Bond to be given by Tax Re- ceiver & Collector, 29 •Counties may issue. County Bonds, fof Certain purposes, 30 "Trust funds may be invested in Bonds of Confederate State, 32 New or sufficient Bonds may be required of Exrs., Adrnrs. Trustees, &c., 33 To issue State Bonds to raise the $350,000 appropriated to buy and manufacture arms, 65 BOYD, WM. W. Appropriation to 15 BRIGADIER GENERALS Appropriation to pay for ad- vertising certain orders by, 11 BROOKS COUNTY, Ordinary of, to draw deficit in school fund for, I860, 106 BRUMBY, COL. V. A. Appropriation to 12 BUSH, WM. H. Relief of 119 BUTTS COUNTY, County tax in, legalized, 122 C. CADETS. Appropriation on account of, in Ga., Military Institute, 16 CAMPBELL, D. C. Pay to, as Commissioner to Delaware, .14 CAMDEN COUNTY. Road laws in, amended, 121 CAMP, R. S. Appropriation to, 12 CA. SA. See Insolvent Debtors, 39 CASS COUNTY. Name of changed to Bartow, 101 Name of Cassville, changed to Manassas, 101 For change of name of P O. see Resolutions. CASSVILLE. Name of, changed to ManaS- sas, 101 CAVENDER'S CREEK and FIELD GOLD MINING CO. Incorporated, . 97 CESSIONS OF COURTS. See Superior and Inferior Courts, in index. 148 INDEX. CENTRAL K. R. & BANKING COMPANY. May connect its track with track of S. A. & G. R. R. Co., at Savannah, 113 CHANDELIERS. Appropriation to pay for light- ing, &c. during Session, 12 CHANGE BILLSr Issued by Palace Mills Co., legalized, 25 Those issued by other persons and Corporations, legalized, 25 May be issued by City Coun- cil of Augusta, 25 Sup't. W. & A. E. R. may is- sue, 20 All Banks required to issue certain amounts of Change Bills, 19 CHAPLAIN. To Penitentiary, appropria- tion to pay his salary for 1802, May be appointed to State Troops, CHARLESTON. Appropriation for relief of suf- ferers from the lire in. CHIVE RS, Til OS. IL—DECT), Administration of estate of CITIES AND TOWNS. Americus. Charter of, amended, 37 Athens. Charter of, amended, 89 Atlanta. Charter of, amended, 89 Augusta. Salary of Judge of City Court in, 91 Pellvillc. Incorporated, 91 Cusseta. Charter of, amended, 94 Joncsboro. Charter of, amended, 94 Summervillc, (in Richmond co.,) Incorporated, 95 Spring Place. Charter of, amended, 96 Rome. Charter of, amended, 97 CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUSTA. May issue city Treasury Notes, 25 May fix salary of Judge of city court, CLAYTON COUNTY. Line changed between Pulton and, CLERK. Of House of Representatives, appropriation for his pay, His salary fixed, Clerk of Senate—committee on Judiciary, appropriation to, Comptroller General allowed certain clerks, 25 102 12 33 15 14 11 64 -14 11 79 101 CLERK SUPREME COURT. Appropriation to pay certain expenses of, CODE OF GEORGIA. Operation of, suspended till 1st January, ES63, Certain sections in relating to taxes, &c., changed, COLQUITT COUNTY. Tax on stock of non-residents in> | COMMISSIONERS. 108 j Sent by State Convention to ! different States, their pay, 14 [COMMISSIONER OP iNSUR- ANCE. Act of 12, Dec., 1859, in rela- tion to, modified, 51 COMPANY. Number to compose a Military Company, 64 COMPTROLLER GENERAL. Appropriation to pay salary of, fori 862 _ 10 Allowed certain clerks, 14 Salarv of, fixed at $2,000, 70 His duties in allowing insol- | vent lists to Collectors and j Receivers, (For his duties in reference to | sales of lands of alien enemies | under Tax ft fas, see Peso- I lutions.) SO INDEX. 149 Comptroller General—Continued. Certificate of pr. moneys paid into Treasury, ' 81 His duties in reference to lev- ying the State Tax for 1862, 73, 80 CONFEDERATE FIRE & MA- RINE INSURANCE CO. Incorporated, 49 CONTINGENT FUND. Appropriation for, for 1862, 11 CONTINUANCE. See Insolvent Debtors, 39 CORPORATIONS. Cavender'sCreek & Field Gold Mining Co., incorporated, 97 Turner Mountain Copper Min- ing Company incorporated, 99 Charter of Dalton city Co., amended, . 100 COTTON PLANTER'S BANK- OF GA., Incorporated, 20 COUNTIES. Name of Cass county changed to Bartow, 101 Name of Cassville changed to Manassas, 101; (For request to change name of Post Office, see Resolutions.) COUNTY LINES. Between Clayton and Fulton, Sumter and Schley, 102 COUNTY OFFICERS. Offices of Receiver of Tax Returns and Tax Collector, consolidated, 29 Bond to be given by Tax Re- ceiver and Collector, 29 Commissions due Tax Collect tors and Receivers, 29 COUNTY REGULATIONS. Act of 18th Feb'y. 1856, ex- tended to Whitfield co., 103 Jury fees in Whitfield co., 103 Act 23d Dec. 1836, amended, 103 Fees for summoning talis ju- rors in Elbert county, 104 Act of 16th Dec., 1857, re- pealed, 194 Pay of Superintendents of elections in Decatur co., 101 Tax on cattle of non-residents in Colquitt county, 104 Stock of non-residents in Mur- ray and Fannin counties, 104 Public Sales where held in Muscogee county, 105 Felling timber in Toccoah River, prohibited, 105 Issue of county Bonds for cer- tain purposes, 30 COWETA COUNTY. County tax in, 122 CRIMINALS. May be discharged from jails by Justices of Inferior Courts, in certain cases, 57 CUSSETA. Charter of, amended, 94 D. DALTON CITY COMPANY. Charter of, amended, 100 DADE COUNTY. Patrol laws in relation to 115 DANIEL, N. C. Pay to, as Commissioner to Kentucky, 14 DECATUR COUNTY. • Justices of Inferior of, may is- sue county Bonds, 30 Pay not allowed to Superin- tendentsof elections in, 104 DILLON—MRS. MARGARET. Relief of, 118 DIRECT TRADING AND NAVI- GATION COMPANY. Incorporated, 8 DOHERTY—JOHN H. Elmira Mathews may be Sold into slavery to, 121 DOOR KEEPERS AND MESSEN- GERS. Appropriation for pay of, 12 Pay of fixed, 35 DUG AN—GEO. DEC'D Sale of lands belonging to es- tate of, 107 E EARLY COUNTY, Law to levy a road tax in, re- pealed, 121 150 INDEX. 106 106 107 107 PHYSI- 116 104 31 33. ■ III 14| 23: 61 EDUCATION. Ordinary of Brooks county, John H. Wyly to draw educa- tional fund due Habersham county, for 1861, Unexpended fund in Towns county, to be paid over to Relief Committee, , Ordinary of White co., to pay account of C. II. Ivy tie, ECLECTIC BOARD OF CI ANS.—Established, ELBERT COUNTY. Fees of Sheriffs, &c., for sum- moniner talis jurors in, ELECTIONS. Election ofC. S. Senators, Soldiers in service may vote, ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Appr. to pay expenses of Appropriation to pay Sec'y. of, EXCHANGE. Sale of Foreign, regulated, EXECUTIONS. Against soldiers in service, EXR'S., ADMITS., TRUSTEES AND GUARDIANS. May invest trust funds in Con- federate State's bonds, 32 Appointment of new Assign- ees and Trustees, New or sufficient bonds may be required of Executors, Administrators, Trustees, &c. 33 Sale of lands of estate of Geo. D ugan, deceased, Admr. on estate of Thos. II. Chivers, deceased, Sale of lands of estate of Win. Williamson, deceased, Executor of Henry L. Taylor, Acts of G. I. Green, Clerk of Ordinary of Spalding coun- ty, legalized, EXTORTION. Defined and made penal, EYE—J. C. Appropriation to, EVIDENCE. | Rules of in certain cases to be I relaxed, GO 32 107 fosj ios| 109! 110 66 15 Proof of open accounts, 59 F. FANNIN COUNTY. Stock of non-residents in, 104 FORNBY—MOSES. Relief of, 118 FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Sale of, regulated, 23 FULTON COUNTY. Line changed between Clay- ton and, 102 G GENERAL ASSEMBLY. and mileage of members and officers of, fixed, 33 Appropriation to pay per uiem and mileage of, 12 O 7 , State Treasurer to make cer- tain advances, 3-3 Session to begin on 1st Tliurs- day in November, 36 GA. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Incorporated, 43 GA. ACADEMY FOR THE BLIND Appr. for support of pupils in, for 1862, S3 GA. MILITARY INSTITUTE, Appropriation to pay salary of Superintendent of 12 Appropriation to pay arrear- ages due certain officers of 12 Appropriation to A. Green & Co. on account of, 15 Appropriation to Y. II. Manget, 15 " J. C. Eve, 15 " " A. W. King, 15 " " I. W. Barker, 15 " " A. N. Simpson, 15 " W. W. Boyd, 15 Appropriation on account of State Cadets in, 16 Appr. to A. Y. Brumby, 12 Appr. to Thos. R. McConnell, 12 Appropriation to R. S. Camp, 12 GEORGIA RELIEF AND HOS- ITTAL ASSOCIATION. Appropriation of $200,000, to 13 Appropriated again, and direc- tions how to be disbursed, 36 GEORGIA TELEGRAPH CO. Incorporated, 130 INDEX. ISl GLENN, L. I. Pay to as CommissionertoMis- souri, 14 GLOVER, STERLING. Relief of, 119 GOVERNOR. Appropriation to pay salary of, for 1S62, 10 Duties of, in referencce to ap- propriation to encourage manufacture of Salt, 7 May buy books for State Li- brary, 11 May pay for services to State required by General As- sembly, where no appropri- ation is made, 13 May issue Treasury notes or State Bonds to raise the ap- propriation to Ga., Hospit- al & Relief Association, 13 May issue State Bonds to raise means to meet any appro- propriation when funds not in Treasury, 13 May furnish certain clerks to Compti oiler General, 14 His discretion in paying A. Green & Co., assignees of ' TV. A. M. Lanier, 14 His duties as to Hospital fund, 36 Governor and Comptroller General to assess $1,000,- 000, as tax for 1862. 80 Governor to assess State taxes with reference to appropri- ations made to Lunatic Asy- lum, 73 His duties in issuing warrants for appropriations to Luna- tic Asylum, 73 GREAT SEAL OF STATE. To be altered, 3S GREAT SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated, 44 GREEN, A. & CO. Appropriation to, 15 GREEN, G. I. Acts of, as Deputy Clerk of Ordinary, legalized, 110 GUARD. Appropriation to pay Guard of State Magazine, 3# Appropriation to pay Guard of State House, 11 GUARDIANS. / See Exr's. Admr's. Trustees.. Guardians, &c., in index. H. HABERSHAM COUNTY. Educational fund for, for 1861, to be drawn by John 11. TVyly, lOCt IIALL, SAMUEL. Pay to as Commissioner to North Carolina, It HERN, ABNER. Relief of, 118 IilLL, I). P. Pay to as Commissioner to Ar~ kansas, 1.1 HOSPITAL. See Georgia Relief and Hos- pital Association, in index. I. INDICTMENTS. Under Act to prevent monop- olies, extortions, &c., INSOLVENT DEBTORS. Act of 11th December, 1858, amended, SS Benefit of act extended to all persons arrested under civil! process, SB Continuance of case only for Providential cause, SB Facts in issue tendered to be sworn to, S5* INSOLVENT LISTS. How allowed to Tax Collec- tors and Receivers, SB INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. Act authorising, modified, 5,1 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Planters Insurance, Trust anH Loan Co., incorporated, 4J2- Georgia Mutual Insurance Co.9 incorporated, Great Southern Insurance Co.„ incorporated, 41L 152 INDEX. Insurance Companies.—Continued. Southern Insurance Company, in- corporated, Confederate Fire Sf Marine In- surance Company, incorpor- ated, 47 Act of 12th Dec., 1S59, as to Agencies of Foreign Insur- anc-e Companies, in this State, repealed, except as to Agencies of Companies in the U. S. • 51 Suits against, , 58 INTERNAL TRANSPORTATION. Charter of B. & Fla. R. R. Co., amended, 112 S. A. & G. R. R. Co., may ex- tend its track to Tybee, 113 Track of C. R. R. Co., may connect with track of S. A. & O. R. R. Co., at Say., 114 J. JEFFERSON COUNTY, Phys icians and millers in, ex- empt from Militia duty, JOHN M. COOPER &CO" Apnropriation to JOHNSON, CHALES II. Sale of lands of estate of Geo. Dugan, deceased, JONESBORO, Charter of, amended, JOURNALS, See State Printer, in index. JUDGES, Appropriation to pay salaries of, for 1862, Salaries of, fixed, Of Superior Courts to hold ad- journed terms only when they think proper, Judges of Superior Courts to give Act against monopo- lies, extortions, &c., in spe- cial charge to Grand Juries, JUDICIARY. Term of office of Judges of Supreme Court prescribed, Sessions of Courts: Adjournment of Supr. Courts 116 13 107 94 11 70 56 67 52 in Northern Circuit, legal- ized, Courts in Middle District, Superior courts in Putnam co. Supr. andlnfr. Courts in Blue Uidge circuit, Sessions of Superior Courts in Habersham and Banks, le- Adjourned terms of Superior Courts, Adjournment of Infr. Courts and Courts of Ordinary, Discharge of criminals from jail by Justices of Inferior Courts, Suits against alien enemies, Continuance of causes during the war, Proof of open accounts, Judges to relax rules of evi- dence in certain cases, Stay law continued, Judgments obtained against soldiers in service, Certain orders and judgments of Ordinaries, legalized, Disabilities from past judg- ments of divorce removed, Statutes of limitations suspen- ded during war, Jurisdiction in cases in dama- ges given to J ustices Courts Certiorari laws amended, JUDGMENTS, Executions on, against soldiers in service, not to be issued till three months after close of war, , Stay law, Certain orders and judgments of Ordinaries, legalized, JUSTICES COURTS. Cases in damages for trespass on personal property may be bought in, If Justice dies before making return to a certiorari, cause to be sent back to Court below for new trial, 53 51 54 55 56 56 56 57 53 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 61 60 61 63 64 INDEX. 153 K. KEY, B. P. May build dam on Ocmulgee river, KING, A. W. Appropriation to KYTLE, C. H. To be paid his account for teaching in 1858, L. LANIER, W. A. M. Appropriation on account of LAWS AND JOURNALS. See State Printer, in index. LUNATIC ASYLUM. See State Lunatic Asylum, in index. M. MACHINERY, Governor authorized to pur- chase, to make arms, MAJOR GENERALS, Appropriation to pay for ad- vertising orders by, MANASSAS, Name of Cassville changed to MANGET, V. H. Appropriation to MARUIED WOMEN. See women, in index. McCONNELL, THOS. R. Appropriation to MESSENGER To Ex. Dept. his salary fixed, Appropriation to pay salary of, for 1862, To Senate, pay to, To House, " " Pay of, fixed, MILEAGE, Appropriation to pay mileage of members of General As- sembly. Mileage fixed by law, MILITARY. Pay and allowance of troops in State service, Chaplains and Surgeons, Number to compose a Compa- $5,000,000 appropriated as a 120 15 107 15 65 11 101 15 12 11 11 12 12 35 12 34 64 64 64 military fund for 1862, 15 $350,000 appropriated for manufacture and purchase of ajms, 65 $100,000 appr. for support of State troops, 16 For action in reference to transfer of State troops to Confederate service see res- olution No. 22. Arms to be manufactured in Penitentiary, MILITARY FUND, For 1862, appropriation of $5,000,000 for, MILITARY ORDERS, Appropriation' to pay fot ad- vertising them, MILITARY STORE KIEPI R, Appropriation to pay salary of, at Milledgeville, Appropriation to pay of, at Savannah, MONOPOLIES, Act for suppression of, MOTT, RANDOLPH L. Issue of change bills by, MURRAY COUNTY, Stock of non-residents in, MUSCOGEE COUNTY, Public sales to be held Court House door, ' O. OPEN ACCOUNTS, How proven in certain cases, ORDINARIES, See Exrs., Admrs., Trustees, &c., see index. P. PALACE MILLS CO Issue of change bills by , legal- ized, 25 PATROLS, Act of Feb. 20, '54, atnended 115 Laws as to Dade county, 115 PENAL CODE, White womafa cohabiting with slave or free person of col- or, guilty of adultery, 68 Puishment of such white wo- man, 68 at 65 15 11 14 14 66 25 104 105 59 154 INDEX. Penal Code—Continued. Punishment of the slave or free person of color, Slave or free person of color injuring, &c. Rail Road or R. R. property, to be pun- ishecl by death, Burning, &c., R. R. bridge, made a capital offence, A misdemeanor for the Atty. Genl. or a Sol. Gfenl. to re- ceive costs in certain cases, Trading with the enemy, de- clared a felony, PENITENTIARY, Appropriation to pay Chap- lain of, for 1862, Arms to be manufactured in. PHYSICIANS, Physicians and millers in Jef- ferson county exempt from militia duty, Eclectic Board of, established, 116 PLANTERS INSURANCE, TRUST & LOAN COMPANY, Incorporated, PLEADING AND PRACTICE, Criminals may be discharged from jail by Justices of In- ferior Courts, in certain ca- ses, Suits on sequestrated claims may be brought in State Courts, Issue filed to insolvent debt- or's schedule, must be sworn to, ♦Costs on such suits, Attachments on such claims, Service of writs, &c., in suits against Insurance co's. 58 Continuance of causes during the war, 59 Proof of open accounts, 59 If J. P. dies before making re- turn to certiorari, cause to be sent back to Court be- low for trial, 63 PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESI- DENT, Approriation to pay expenses 68 6S 69 69 70 116| 40 57 39 57 57 of Electors of 14. PRINTING FUND, Appropriation for, of 1862, n PROFESSORS, Appropriation to pay salary of, in Ga. Mil. Institute, 12 15 PUBLIC DEBT, Appropriation to meet 13 PUBLIC PRINTER. See State Printer, in index. R. RAIFORD, A. B. Relief of 119 RAIL-ROADS, Tax on 81 Change bills to be issued by W. & A. R. R. 26 Salaries of officers and employ- ees on W. & A. R. R. to be enquired into and reduced, if reasonable, 82 Charter of B. & Fla. R. R. Co. amended, 112 S., A. & G. R. R. Co. may con- nect its track with track of Central R. R. at Savannah, 114 S., A. & G. R. R. Co., may extend its track to Tybee, 114 C. R. R. &B'k'g. Co. may con- nect its track with that of S. A. & G. R. R. Co. at Sa- vannah, 114 RELIEF. Appr. to Mrs. Boggess, 117 Of Mrs. Margaret Billon, 11S '' Moses Fomby, 118 " Abner Hern, 11S " Wesley Shuffield, 119 " Wm. II. Bush, 119 " Augustus B. Raiford, 119 " Sterling Glover, 199 le Gabriel Toombs, 120 REPORTER OF DECISIONS OF SUPREME COURT, Appropriation to pay salary of for 1862, 11 • Salary of, fixed at $800. RETAIL LICENCE, In Spring Place, 96 In city of Rome, 97 REVISED CODE. See Code of Georgia, in index, RIVERS AND DAMS. B. P. Key may build a dam across Ocmulgee river, ROADS. Road laws in Camden and Ear- ly counties, amended, ROME, Retail license in city of S. SALARIES, Salary of Gov. fixed at $3,000, Appr. to pay salary of Gov. for 1862, $4,000, Salary of Sec. of State fixed at-$1,600, Appr. to pay salary of Sec. of State for 1862, For compensation to Sec. of State for certain duties to be performed in Surveyor Generals's office, see Reso- lutions. Salary of State Treasurer fixed at $1,600, Appr. to pay salary of State Treasurer for 1862, Salary of Compr. General fix- ed at $2,000, Appr. to pay salary of Compr. General for 1862, Compr. General allowed cer- tain clerks, Salary of Sec. to Ex. Dept. fixed at $1,200, Appr. to pay salaries to Ex. Dept. for 1862, Appr. to pay salary of Messr. to Ex. Dept. for 1862, Salary of Judges of Supreme Court fixed at $2,000,, Appr. to pay salaries of Judges of Supreme Ct. for 1862, Salaries of Judges of Superior Courts fixed at $1,500, Appr. to pay salaries of Judges of Supr. Courts for 1862, Salary of Reporter of Supreme decisions fixed at $800, Appr. to pay salary of Rep or- 120 121 97 70 1© 70 10 INDEX. 155 ter of decisions of Supreme Court for 1862, 11 Certain salaries may be drawn quarterly, 71 General appropriation to pay salaries, 13 Appr. to pay salary of State Librarian for 1862, $500, 11 Appr. to pay salary of Supt. Ga. Mil. Inst, for 1862, , 12 Appr. to pay arrearages of sal-? aries due Professors and of- ficers of Ga. Mil. Institute; 15 City Council of Augusta ffi'ay fix salary of Judge of City Court, - 70 Gov. to reduce salaries, if nee-, essary, of officers and enti ty ployees of W. & A. R. R. 82 Salaries and pay oi officer laird members of the General As- sembly, fixed, / 34 Appr. to pay salaries of Atty. and Sols. Genl. for 18627 .-11 Salary of Supt. and Resident Physician of Lunatic Asyr lum, S 73 Salary of Trustees and officers of Lunatic Asylum, 73 Appr. to pay salary of Chap- . lain to Penitentiary for 1862,.. 11 Salaries of officers, &c., of W. f & A. R. R. to be reduced, S2 SALES. Public sales where held Muscogee countv, 7s 105 SALT. . Appr. of $50,000 to encourage ^ the manufacture of, , .. 7 SANDFORD, J. \V. A. Pay to as Comr. to Texas, 14 S., A & G R. R. CQ., luck of, may be connected « with track of C. R. R, Co*, at Savannah; 114 May extend its Tybee island, 113 SAVINGS BANKS, ;L. , Married women may deposit , certain monies in, free from control of their husbands, 23 70 10 70 10 14 71 10 11 .70 70 11 •70 156 x INDEX. SCHLEY COUNTY, Line changed between Sumter and 102 SEAL. Great Seal of State, to be al- tered, 38 SEALS, JOHN H. Appropriation to 85 SECRETARIES OF EX. DEPT. Appropriation to pay salaries of, for 1862, 10 Salaries of fixed at $1200, 71 SECRETARY, Appr. to pay Sec. of Senate, 12 Pay of Secy, of Senate fixed, 34 Salaries of Sec. of Ex. Dept. fixed, 71 Appr. to pay salaries of Sec. Ex. Dept. for 1862, 10! SECRETARY OF STATE, ! Appr. to pay salary of, for 1862, 10 Salary of, fixed at $1600, 70 Offices of Secretary of State and Surveyor General con- solidated, 72 To reside at Capital, 72 SENATE, Pay of President of 12 Pay of Secretary of 12 Pay of officers of, fixed, 34 35 SHERIFFS. Sheriffs sales in Muscogee county, where held, 105 Not to have fees on tax fi-fas. when not collected from de- fendents, 80 In Elbert county not to have costs for summoning tales jurors who do not serve, 104 SHIN-PLASTERS. See change bills, in index. SHUFFIELD, WESLEY Relief of 119 SIMPSON, A. N. Appropriation to 15 SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR, Going from Ga. into the mili- tary service, may return to Georgia, 71 Punishable for cohabiting with a white woman, 68 For injuring, &c., R. R. prop- erty or burning R.R. bridge, to be punished with death, 68 Tax on, in city of Americus, 88 Elmira Mathews may sell her- self into slavery, 121 SOLS. AND ATTY. GENERAL. Misdemeanor to take fees or costs, in certain cases, 69 SOUTHERN INSURANCE CO., Incorporated, 47 SPECIE. Payment of, by banks suspen- ded till 1st Dec., 1862, * IS SPECULATIONS, In certain articles prohibited, 67 SPRING PLACE, Charter of, amended, 96 STAY LAW Continued in operation till 1st Dec., 1862, 60 STATE HOUSE, Appr. to pay Guard of 11 Appr. to pay for winding and keeping in repair State House clock, 12 STATE LIBRARIAN, Appr. to pay salary of, for 1862, 11 STATE LIBRARY, Appr. to buy books for, for 1862, 11 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, Appr. to pay salary of Supt. and officers and employees of, for 1862. 73 Taxes to be assessed in refer- rence to appropriations made to, 73 Extra appropriation to, to pay arrearages due from, 74 STATE MAGAZINE, Appr. to pay Guard of, 14 STATE OFFICERS. Officers of Sec. of State and Surveyor General consoli- dated, 72 Sec. of State must reside at Capital, 72 INDEX. 157 STATE PRINTER. Number of Laws and Jour- nals to be printed, 74 Distribution of Laws and jour- nals, 75 Advance to, of $3,000, 75 STATE TREASURER. Appr. to pay salary of, for 1S62, 10 Salary of, fixed at $1600. SO May make advances to officers of Government, 13 STATE TROOPS. Appropriation for support of, 16 (See Resolutions for proposition to transfer them to the Con- federate service.) 22 STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS. Suspended during war, ' 62 STEEL, J. H. Appropriation to pay him as Sec'y. of Electoral College, 14 STEWART COUNTY. County tax in, 123 SUMMER VILLE. Incorporated, 95 SUMTER COUNTY. Line changed between Schley and, 102 County tax in, 125 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR COURTS. Adjournment of Sup'r. Courts in Northern Circuit, legalized, 53 Times of holding Sup'r. Courts in Middle District, fixed, 54 Time of holding Sup'r. Court in Putnam co., fixed, 54 Times of holding in certain counties in Blue Ridge Dis- 55 trict, fixed, Certain sessions of Superior Courts in Habersham and Banks counties, legalized, 56 Adjourned terms to be held when Judge thinks proper 56 Adjournment of Inf'r. Courts and Courts of Ordinary, -56 SURGEONS. May be appointed to State Troops. 64 T. TATTNALL COUNTY. County tax in, 127 TAX. County Tax on account of sol- diers, 76 Tax Collectors elected in Jan- uary, 1862, not to be com- missioned till 1st March, 78 Tax Collectors allowed till 1st March, 1862 to make payments to State Treasury, 78 But must pay in monthly the collections made, 78 Confederate War Tax amend- ed by State, (79) 79 Allowing insolvent lists to 79 Collectors, No costs allowed to officer on tax fi. fas. unless collected out of defendant, 80 $1,000,000, to be levied and collected as State tax for 1862, 80 Fee of Tax Collector on tax fi. fa. to be 50 cts., 80 Insolvent lists, 80 Costs on tax fi. fas. 80 Insolvent lists, and Comptroll- er General's duty in relation thereto, 80 Tax on Railroads, 81 Commissions of Collectors, 81 Payment of money's into State Treasury, 81 Time of making settlements of Taxes with Treasurer, extended, 82 County tax in Butts county, for 1861, legalized, 122 County tax in Coweta co., 123 County tax in Stewart co., 123 County Tax in Sumter co., 125 County tax in Tattnall co.,. 127 County tax in Ware county, to build a jail, not to l?e col- lected, 128 Act to lay a tax pn stock of non-residents in Wilcox co. repealed, 129 County tax in Whitfield co., 129 158 INDEX. TAX COLLECTORS. See Tax, in index. TAYLOR, HENRY L. deceased. Executor of, 109 TAYLOR, WM. B. Executor of, 109 TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Ga. Telegraph company, in- corporated, 130 TIMBER CUTTER'S BANK. Removal of, to Brunswick or Darien, 24 Charter of, amended, 24 TOCCOAH RIVER. Felling timbers in, prohibited, 105 TOOMBS, GABRIEL. Relief of, 120 TOWNS COUNTY. Unexpended part of school fund in, to be paid over to Relief Committee in, 107 TROOPS. See State Troops, in index. TRUSTEES. See Exr's. Admr's. Trustees, &c., in index. TRUST FUNDS. May be invested in Confeder- ate,State's Bonds, 32 TURNER MOUNTAIN COPPER MINING COMPANY. Incorporated, 99 TYBEE ISLAND. Rail Road may be extended to 113, .V. VASON, W. A. Pay to, as Commissioner to Louisiana, 14. VOLUNTEERS. Soldiers in service may vote— 34 appropriation for support of, in State service, lg (For proposition to transfer State troops to Confederate States service, see Resolu- tions.) W. WESTERN & A. R. R. Change bills to be issued by, 26 Salaries of officers, &c., of, 82 WHITE COUNTY. Account of C. H. Kytle to be paid, 107 WHITFIELD COUNTY. Jury fees in, 103 WILLIAMS, H. J. G. Appropriation to, 15 WILLIAMSON, WM. deceased. Sale of lands belonging to es- tate of, 10S WOMEN. Married, may deposit certain moneys in Savings institu- tions, free from control of their husbands, ' 23 WRIGHT, A. R. Pay to as Commissioner to Maryland, 14 INDEX TO RESOLUTIONS. Js'o. 1 Relative to a bill to authorize the Jus- tices of the Inferior Courts to levy an extra tax on account of Soldiers in ser- vice and their families; also relative to the assumption by the State of the Confederate War Tax. " 2.- Relative to monopolies, extortion and speculations. " 3. Messrs. Clark and Tucker, Agents Georgia Hospital Association. " 4. Election of Confederate States Sena- tors. " 5. On reduction of salaries. " 6. Relative to Deaf and Dumb Asylum. '• 7. Grant to certain lot of land in old Early, to be issued to John Sapp. " 8. Boundary line between Georgia and Florida. " 9. Rev. C. W. Thomas. " 10. Relative to the prosecution of the War. a 11. Duties and pay of Secretary of State as to Surveyor General's Office. " 12. Resolutions as to collection of cotton and other crops in Georgia. " 13. Instructions to Tax Collectors to be issued by Comptroller General. No. 14. Tax Collectors and Comp. General. " 15. Relative to the.blockade. " 16. Resolutions relative to the resolutions passed by Tennessee. " 17. Copy of the Act to prevent specula- tions, extortions and monopolies, to be sent to Governors of each State in Confederacy. " 18. Tax Collectors and Comptroller Gen- eral as to settlements for taxes raised by sale of lands of alien enemies. " 19. Census Takers. " 20. Committee on Penitentiary. u 21. Repeal or modification of the Seques- tration Act recommended. " 22. Tender of State Troops to Confederate Government. ' " 23. Supreme Court Reports to be sent to Dade county. " 24. Relative to establishing a mail route from Bengal to Reidsville. " 25. Asserting Georgia's right to all lands within her limits. " 26. Adjournment of General Assembly.