aa3K= BY-LAWS GOVERNMENT RICHMOND RANDOLPH LODGE, Revised and passed at a Stated Meeting in September, 1850. RICHMOND: PRINTED BY JOHN WARROCK. 1850. XGStt " BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF RICHMOND RANDOLPH LODGE, Revised and passed at a Stated Meeting in September, 185®. RICHMOND: PRINTED BY JOHN WARROCK. 1850. BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF RICHMOND RANDOLPH LODGE, no. xix. article i. Of the Meetings of the Lodge. The Stated Meetings of Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19, shall be held on the Evening of Wednesday preceding the full moon, in each month; on the Festival of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist; and, on the eve of St. John the Baptist, for the Install- ation of Officers. article ii. § 1. The Officers of the Lodge shall be chosen by ballot, at the Stated Meeting preceding the Feast of St. John the Baptist, in every year, and shall be installed on the eve of that festival. 2. Before the election of officers takes place, the list of delinquents shall be called over; and no member who may be in arrears to the Lodge, to the amount of six dollars, shall be entitled to hold an office, ballot or vote in any case whatever. § 3. No Brother holding an office in any other Subordinate Lodge, (the Steward and Tiler excepted,) shall be eligible to any office in this Lodge. 4 Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. ARTICLE III. Of some particular ditties. § 1. It shall be the duty of the Master at every meet- ing, when time will admit of it, to give the Brethren the benefit of a lecture in one of the degrees,—also, to have read, previous to balloting, the 8th section of the 4th Article of these By-Laws^ § 2. The Treasurer shall keep a regular account of all receipts and disbursements, and also, a list of all the members with an account of their respective arrearages annexed, which he shall call over at each Stated Meet- Ing, in order that they may be collected. § 3, The Treasurer shall collect the introductory fee for each degree, and shall acknowledge himself satisfied In this respect, before any degree shall be conferred. <§> 4. The Secretary, on application, shall furnish any Member of this Lodge with a Diploma, for which, he shall be entitled to one dollar, provided, the said member produces to him the Treasurer's receipt for all dues. § 5. The Steward shall provide such refreshments as the Master or Presiding Warden shall direct, providedr that the expenses of the Lodge, for any one meetings all things included, (except the Tiler's fee and occasi- onal charges for music,)shall not exceed eight dollars; and, provided, that this law shall not interfere with the right of individuals, at called meetings, to provide such refreshments as they may judge necessary. Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19 5 § 6. The Livery of the Lodge shall be deep blue, and it shall be the duty of the Tiler to see that , every Brother is properly clothed before he enters the Lodge. § 7. Any Brother who wishes to speak on any sub- ject, shall rise and address the Worshipful Master, in* due form, and no Brother shall be allowed to speak more than twice on any subject, without leave. § 8. No Brother shall absent himself from the Lodge after having taken his seat, without leave from the* Worshipful Master. § 9. No Initiation shall take place on the Evening of Annual Election, unless the candidate be about to traveL <§ 10. Any member wishing to obtain a recommend- ation from this Lodge to the Grand Secretary for a Grand Lodge Diploma, shall first produce the Treasurer's receipt for all dues, upon the production of which, the- Master, or in his absence, the Presiding Warden, may grant him a certificate to procure the same, or refer his application to the Lodge. ARTICLE IV. Of Recommendations and Ballotings. § 1. No Brother shall be recommended as a candi- date for membership to this Lodge, unless he has resided' in the City of Richmond or County of Henrico, at least six months, unless he is a person whose character is well known to the generality of the members. 6 Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. § 2. Every candidate for initiation must possess the requisites specified in the Book of Constitutions,—must have resided in the City of Richmond or County of Henrico, six months, and must be recommended by petition in writing, signed by himself, and seconded by two or more members of the Lodge at a Stated Meeting, and shall stand recommended one month, (except in cases of emergency,) after which time,, he shall be bal- loted for. § 3. Every member who recommends a candidate for Initiation, shall deposite five dollars in the hands of the Treasurer; the said five dollars to be returned if the candidate be rejected ; if he be received and initiated, it shall be considered as part of his initiation fee, but if he be received and do not apply to be initiated within three months, it shall be forfeited to the Special Charity Fund. § 4. Every member who recommends a candidate for membership, shall deposite five dollars in the hands of the Treasurer at the time, the said five dollars to be returned if he be rejected, but if he be received, it shall constitute the fee for membership. § 5. The mode of recommending and balloting for Brethren who may wish to become members of this Lodge, shall in every respect, (except the petition and fee) be the same as in recommending candidates for initiation. § 6. Every candidate for membership or initiation, after having been regularly recommended, shall be balloted for and disposed of by the Lodge. Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. 7 ^ 7. In balloting for a candidate for initiation, one dissentient shall reject him, and, when rejected, he shall not be again eligible for twelve months. ^ 8. No member or visiting brother shall make known the member or members objecting to, or rejecting a candidate, under the penalty of suspension during the pleasure of the Lodge if a member, and, if a visiter, of never more being allowed to enter this Lodge. § 9. Each person Initiated, Passed, and Raised in this Lodge, shall be permitted to declare himself a member thereof, without the fee for membership. article v. Of Fees and Expenses. § 1. Every member, except the Chaplain, Secretary, Treasurer, Steward, and Tiler, shall pay into the hands of the Treasurer six dollars per annum, in monthly payments. ^ 2. The fee for Initiation shall be fifteen dollars, for Passing eight, and for Raising eight. 3. The expenses attending any extraordinary or called meeting, shall be defrayed by the person or persons for whose conveniency or benefit the meeting may be called. § 4. The Tiler as a compensation for his services, shall receive two dollars for every meeting, the Steward two dollars, and the Secretary one dollar. 8 Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. § 5. Should any member absent himself from the Lodge for twelve months successively, or be in arrears to the Lodge to the amount of ten dollars, he shall be summoned to appear at the next regular Lodge, to show cause why he should not be suspended therefor, during the pleasure of the Lodge. ARTICLE VI. Of Committees. % 1. In the appointment of all committees the Master shall have the right to nominate two members, after which, the Lodge may nominate as many others as they may think proper, § 2. A Standing Committee shall be appointed after every Annual Election, to examine the Treasurer's accounts, who shall report the situation thereof at the Stated Meetings in June, and December. § 3. The Master and Wardens or any two of them, shall be a Committee of Charity, for the relief of tran- sient brethren in distress, and shall report their proceed- ings at the Stated Meetings in June, and December. ARTICLE VII. Of the Special Charity Fund. § 1. A Fund shall be established by this Lodge to be called, " The Special Charity Fund," and set apart and held sacred to the purposes herein after mentioned. § 2. To establish and support the said fund, the admission fee of five dollars paid by every brother who may become a member of this Lodge, and three dollars out of every fee received for making, passing and raising, shall be placed to the credit of said fund. Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. 9 § 3. At every meeting of the Lodge, whether stated or occasional, the Special Charity Fund Box shall be sent round, in order to collect whatever may be volun- tarily contributed to said fund. The amount so collected, shall be entered on the minutes, and passed by the Treasurer to the credit of said fund. § 4. The proceeds of this fund shall be appropriated exclusively to the relief of such distressed Master Masons, their Widows and Orphans, as are or have been residents of this City, or the County of Henrico, and whose claims to our relief are personally and positively known to be real and grievous, and not to have resulted from habits of intemperance or idleness. § 5. Not more than ten dollars shall be voted out of this fund to any one applicant, at any one session of the Lodge. § 6. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the Lodge, so to keep the accounts of this fund, that he may be enabled, at any moment, to inform the Lodge of the actual state of it. ARTICLE VIII. Of Visiters. Every Brother of good standing and of regular habits, is at liberty to visit this Lodge once, free of expense, but on the second visit, (unless he be a contributing member of a Lodge,) he is to pay to the Treasurer, for the use of the Lodge, fifty cents, which it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect, except when such visiter may be invited by a member of this Lodge. TO Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. ARTICLE IX. Of Withdrawals. Any member may withdraw himself from the Lodge on producing the Treasurer's receipt for all dues, and giving notice, to the Lodge, either personally or by proxy, but no member shall be considered as having regularly withdrawn himself, until he has complied with this article.. ARTICLE X. Of the By-Laws. § 1. Whoever may wish to introduce a new law, or alter an existing one, shall, at a Stated Meeting, hand up the said law or alteration, in writing; if it be then seconded, it shall be audibly read by the Secretary, and lie over until the next Stated Meeting, when, if approved by two-thirds of the members present, it shall become- a part of these By-Laws. § 3. Whoever may wish to introduce a general revision of these By-Laws, shall, at a Stated Meeting, hand up a written notice thereof, which shall, if the majority agree thereto, lie over until the next Stated Meeting, and then be determined on by a vote of two- thirds of the members present. § 3'. Every member shall be furnished with a printed copy of these By-Laws at the expense of the Lodge. § 4. These laws shall go into operation from the passage thereof, and all laws heretofore passed, are hereby repealed. Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19. 11 PERMANENT REGULATIONS. RICHMOND RANDOLPH LODGE, NO. XIX. Wednesday, June 22d, A. L. 5823. The Committee to whom was referred the expediency and propriety of investing the Surplus Charity Fund, offered the following Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:— Resolved, That a Committee of five members be formed, who shall be denominated " The Committee for Investing the Surplus Charity Fund of this Lodge," (of whom, the Treasurer shall always be one,) with power to make such investment of such Charity Funds in Bank «or any other Public Stocks as to them shall seem most likely to be productive. The said Stock to be taken in the name of all the Members of said Committee as such, trausferrable by a majority of them, or whomsoever they may appoint as their agent for that purpose, and for the purpose of receiving the interest as it may accrue; that die Certifi- oates of all such Stock shall be placed in the hands of the Treasurer of the Lodge, who shall have a statement of them on his table, open to the inspection of every member of the Lodge, at every Stated Meeting, and shall produce the Certificates at the Stated Meetings in June and December; and that the said Committee invest the interest from time to time, together with any portion of said Charity Fund as it may accrue to the Lodge, in such manner as they may deem expedient. Resolved, That said Committee may change Stock so held, for other more productive, whenever they shall be of opinion that such change will manifestly benefit the said Fund. Resolved, That the Treasurer pay to the order of the Committee such money as he may hold, belonging to said Fund, from time to time, for the purpose of investment, as before mentioned. Resolved, That said Committee have power to fill all vacances occur- ing in their number, by death, resignation or removal, subject to the approval of the Lodge, and that they be required to make a report of the state of this Fund and all their doings annually, in the month of June. Committee. to Invest ike Special Charily Fund. Wor. John Dove, Wor. James Evans, Wor. William B. Isaacs, Bro. John A. Lancaster, and Wor. Thomas Tyrer. Treasurer. a list of The MEMBERS OF RICHMOND RANDOLPH LODGE, Worshipful William B. Isaacs, Brother Bartholomew Slade, " Benjamin T. Chalk, " John Lester, Worshipful Thomas Tyrer, Brother William C. Tompkins, " John C. Paoe, Jr. " Emanuel Semon, Master, S. Warden, J. Warden, Secretary, Treasurer, S. Deacon, J. Deacon, S. & Tiler. M. W. Robert G. Scott, P. G. M. W. John Dove, P. M. " Richard O. Haskins, " " James Evans, " " Thomas U. Dudley, " " John McConnell, " " Edward H. Gill, " Bro , John A. Lancaster, Antoine D. Victor, Andrew Johnston, Titus C. Rice, Richard H. Dickinson, Lewis Hyman, Myer Myers, Solomon Myers, William F. Depriest, Francis W. Lewis, John W. McKiel, John G. Turpin, Alexander Craig, Charles A. McEvoy, Thomas Ritchie, Jr. John M. Sheppard, Augustus Bodeker, John W. Starke, Alpheus R. Timberlake.- Bro. Samuel Reese, " James S. Kent, " Philip K. White, " William M. Fulton, Hector Davis, Frederick Boyden, John P. Roberts, Solomon Haunstein, George W. Allen, Benj. B. Whitlock, George E. Sadler, Charles R. Allen, James P. Hambleton, Thomas C. Sarvay, Henry M. Turner, James M. Sublett, Js. C. Schermerhorn, John Poe, Jr.