Robert W. Woodruff Library Gift of J. Durelle Boles EMORY UNIVERSITY Special Collections & Archives "TIDINGS FR.OM THE SOUTH." PROCEEDINGS AT THE TWENTY-SECOND GRAND ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF THE tale xrf l&rssissippi, HELD IN THE CITY OF JACKSON, January 20, 21, A. I. 2400, A. D. 1870. COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI: PRINTED AT THE EXCELSIOR BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. 1870. SPECIAL ORDER It is the order of the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, that the High Priest of each Chapter within said jurisdiction, immediately upon the receipt of these Pro- ceedings, do cause the same to be read in open Chapter, for the information of all the Companions. OSCAR T. KEELER, Grand Secretary. SPECIAL ORDER. It is the order of the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, that Subordinate Chapters are positively prohibited from using substitutes in conferring the Chapter degrees, and any Chapter violating this order will be dealt with by the Grand Chapter. OSCAR T. KEELER, Grand Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICE. The next Annual Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, will be held at the Masonic Hall, in Vicksburg, in Jan- uary, 1871, immediately on the adjournment of the Grand Lodge. OSCAR T. KEELER, Grand Secretary. Officers for 1870. GRAND LODGE OF MISSISSIPPI. GEO. R. PEARN Canton Grand Master. J. L. POWER Jackson Grand Secretary. GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. R. B. MAYES Yazoo City Grand High Priest. OSCAR T. KEELER Columbus Grand Secretary. GRAND COUNCIL OF MISSISSIPPI. B. S. TRICE OSCAR T. KEELER. .Verona .Columbus.. ..M.-. P.*. G.\ M.\ ... Grand Recorder. PROCEEDINGS. At the Twenty-second Grand Annual Convocation of the M.\E.\ Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Mississippi, held at the Masonic Hall, in the City of Jackson, commencing on Thursday the 20th day of January, A. D. 1870, A. I. 2400, at 3 o'clock, P. M., there were PRESENT: M.-.E.-. Robekt B. Mayes, Dep. G.\ H.\ P.*., acting as Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-. George R. Eearn Grand King. R.-.E.-. John S. Gain Grand Scribe. R.-.E.-. A. P. Barry Grand Treasurer. R.-.E.-. Oscar T. Keeler Grand Secretary. M.-.R.-. J. M. Lewis Grand Chaplain. R.-.E.-. Thos. N. Martin Grand Captain of Host. R.-.E.-. John Riley Grand Principal Sojourner. R.-.E.-. H. L. Duncan - Grand R.-.A.-. Captain. R.-.E.-. P. J. Eckles Grand Master 3d Vail. R.-.E.-. J. Jeff. Cooper Grand Master 2d Vail. R.-.E.-. E. M. Martin Grand Master 1st Vail. R.-.E.-. Wm. H. Carkeet Grand Tyler. R.-.E.-. William D. Eerris Grand Lecturer. Past Grand Officers. M.-.E.-. Wm. S. Patton P.G.H.P. M.-.E.-. J. M. Howry " M.-.E.-. Amos R. Johnston " M.-.E.-. Giles M. Hillyer " M.-.E.-. George T. Stainback " M.-.E.-. William D. Eerris " M.-.E.-. Joseph O. Lusher " R.-.E.-. Charles T. Bond P.D.G.H.P. R.-.E.-. Benjamin Springer " R.-.E.-. Dent H. Miles " R.-.E.-. Thomas Hardeman P.G.K. R.-.E.-. W. A. Champlin '• R.-.E.-. R. P. Bowen " R.-.E.-. Rtchard Cooper " R.-.E.-. D. Mitchell P. G. S. R.-.E.-. J. F. Arnold " R.-.E.-. Thomas N. Martin " R.-.E.-. J. H. Mitchell " 296 Tlie Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present, The M.-.E.-. Grand R.\A.\ Chapter of Mississippi was opened in due and ample form. Prayer by M.*.Rev.\ J. M. Lewis, Grand Chaplain. The M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest appointed Companions Oscar T. Keeler, J. H. Elliott and P. M. Savery, as a Committee on Cre- dentials, who made the following Report, which was received and agreed to : To the M.-.E.-. Grand Bayed Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned Committee on Credentials, beg leave respectfully to report that they find the following Companions present, entitled to seats in this M.-.E.*. Grand Body, to-wit : Natchez Chapter, No. 1—E. G. DeLap, High Priest. Vicksburg, No. 3—H. Denio, King. Columbus, No. 4—George T. Stainback, H. P. Wilson, No. 5—E. W. Upshaw, H. P. Jackson, No. 6—Jno. T. Buck, H. P., John Nelson, K., J. F. Harrington, S. Magnolia, No. 7—J. B. Robertson, proxy for H. P. Yazoo City, No. 8—R. B. Mayes, Representative. Lexington, No. 9—C. Oltenberg, Representative. Canton, No. 10—J. M. Lewis, H. P. Macon, No. 11—J. W. Mitchell, H. P. DeWitt Clinton, No. 13—R. Kaufman, H. P., Tho. Hardeman, K. Euphemia, No. 13—J. W. Walker, proxy for H. P. Fayette, No. 14—B. B. Paddock, H. P., Wm. Thompson, proxy for K, Carrollton, No. 15.—B. R. Mayes, Representative. Gallatin, No. 17—A. P. Barry, H. P., Morris Cook, S. Kosciusko, No. 30—S. T. Oldham, K. Quitman, No. 31—Joseph O. Lusher, H. P. Houston, No. 33—T. N. Martin, H. P. Okolona, No. 37—John S. Cain, H. P. Shongalo, No. 30—S. N. Ely, proxy for H. P. Emory, No. 33—R. C. Jenkins, K. Lafayette, No. 33—C. H. Bell, H. P., William Delay, K. Louisville, No. 36—N. Woodward, proxy for H. P. Amite, No. 43—E. Safford, K. Tallahatchie, No. 44—W. H. Fitzgerald, H. P. Enterprise, No. 45—G. M. Shaw, K., J. W. Winn, S. Verona, No. 47—B. F. Trice, proxy for H. P. Ripley, No. 48—J. E. Rogers, H. P. New Albany, No. 49—C. T. Bond, H. P. Mt. Carmel, No. 50—J. A. Bass, proxy for H. P. 297 George Washington Chapter, No. 51—R. P. Bowen, proxy for H. P. Patton, No. 52—W. S. Patton, proxy for H. P. Bethesda, No. 55—W. F. Skinner, proxy for H. P. Wright, No. 56—B. It. Chambliss, H. P. Baldwyn, No. 57—P. M. Savery, proxy for H. P. Shoeboota, No. 59—M. B. Knight, H. P. Panola, No. 60—J. C. Harrison, Representative. G. W. Perkins, No. 63—E. R. Gill, Representative. Dover, No. 64—A. M. Hicks, Representative. Jacinto, No. 66—J. F. Arnold, H. P. Byhalia, No. 68—P. J. Eckles, H. P. Brandon, No. 69—Richard Cooper, Representative. Scooba, No. 70—H. C. Robinson, H. P. Dent H. Miles, No. 72—Dent H. Miles, proxy for H. P. Ward, No. 73—M. D. Johnson, H. P. W. D. Ferris, No. 74—J. H. Elliott, S. Corinth, No. 76—L. M. New, H. P. Crystal Springs, No. 77—J. M. K. Alford, proxy for H. P. Winona, No. 78—G. A. Spivey, proxy for H. P. Brookhaven, No. 80—Thomas F. Rawls, H. P. S. H. Johnson, No. 81—J. W. Anderson, H. P. Starkville, No. 82—C. W. Westmoreland, Representative. Cato, No. 89—John Russell, H. P. Summit, No. 90—George T. Gracy, H. P. Centre Ridge, No. 93—J. C. Gilbert, Representative. Durant, No. 94—J. Jeff. Cooper, proxy for H. P. West Point, No. 95—Benja. T. Palmer, H. P. McConnico, No. 96—M. D. L. Stephens, H. P., L. M. Lawshe, S. R. W. Paine, No. 97—W. L. Lowry, Representative. McDonald, No. 98—R. L. Bouton, H. P. All of which is respectfully submitted, OSCAR T. KEELER, J. H. ELLIOTT, P. M. SAVERY, Committee. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest then delivered the following ANNUAL ADDRESS. Companions : Since our last Annual Convocation, he whom you then elected to the office of Grand High Priest, has bowed before the King of Terrors. Or, rather, as we are fain to believe, the Great High Priest of the Universe has said to him, " Come up hither," and has welcomed him with the plaudit, " Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of the Lord." I was officially notified of this sad event by the Grand Secretary, in a letter 298 dated March. 8, 1869 ; but it had been previously announced to me by Com- panion James M. Howry, P.*. G.\ H.\ P.1., in a letter dated March 4, 1869. He says: " Companion Fee has passed away ' to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns.' He had been confined to his house about ten days, but no one, except his family and physician knew that he was seriously indisposed until a late hour yesterday. He sank very fast after nine o'clock, and at twelve, breathed his last. Our community was greatly shocked, this morning, on hearing of his death, so unexpected and sudden. He left a feeble wife, a grown daughter, and two or three children; but left them in easy circumstances, and had insurance on his life to the amount of ten thousand dollars." It is gratifying to know that our Most Excellent Com- panion, like a Mason good and true, provided for those of his own household, so far as it was possible to be done by human foresight. May the great. High Priest complete what the departed husband and father could but imperfectly perform. May the God of all grace wipe away the tears of the widow and orphans. In the shadow of His wings may they make their refuge until this calamity be overpast. And though the chastening, for the present, seemeth very grievous, may it yield unto them the peaceable fruit of righteousness. From us they need only sympathy and condolence, and that expression of respectful and fraternal regard for our departed Companion which he so richly merited, and which is ever grateful to those who are of heavy heart by reason of the shadow of death. By the untimely death of Grand High Priest, the onerous duties of his office have been unexpectedly devolved upon me. While I am sadly conscious that want of experience and ability have rendered my services imperfect, I feel reassured by the knowledge that my assiduity, if not my skill, has been commensurate with my duties, and that I have to render an account of my stewardship to no austere taskmasters, ready to say, " There shall no straw be given you, yet shall you deliver the tale of bricksbut to those who have been taught that Charity is " the perfection of every virtue." Since my accession to the office of Grand High Priest, I have granted two dispensations for the institution of new Chapters, which will be designated as usual, in the Grand Secretary's Report. I also issued certificates of proxy, to qualified Companions, authorizing them to instal the officers elect. The law requires that the petition for such a dispensation shall be accom- panied by a certificate from the Chapter nearest the place at which the new Chapter is to be opened, vouching for the moral character of the petitioners, and that some one of them is thoroughly versed in the work and lectures adopted by this Grand Chapter." But the certificate which accompanied each of the petitions merely expressed satisfaction with the proposal to form a new Chapter, recommended the petitioners as Royal Arch Masons, in good stand- ing; approved the petition, and recommended that its prayer be granted. As this form seemed to have been thought sufficient for many years, I granted the dispensations, unwilling to cause delay by a degree of strictness which might be deemed more nice than wise. But I think that, until the law is 299 amended to suit the present form of certificate, it would be well to change the certificate so as to conform to the present law. I therefore recommend that something like the following be substituted for the form published annu- ally in the appendix to the Proceedings of the Grand Chapter, and generally followed by the Secretaries of the Subordinate Chapters. " This Certifies that, at a stated meeting of Royal Arch Chapter, No. —, held at in the county of , the — day of , A.\ I.*. 28—, A. D. 18—, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : "Whereas, This Chapter approves the proposal to open a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons at in the county of , nearer to this than to any other working Chapter, therefore^ Resolved, That this Chapter vouches for the moral character of Companions , and , the petitioners for a dispensation for the institution of such new Chapter; and that Companion is thoroughly versed in the work and lectures adopted by the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Given under my hand, &c., &c." On the representation of Companion Turner C. Everett, M.\ E.\ High Priest of Shongalo R.\ A.-. Chapter, No. 30, that a worthy Master Mason had been rejected by Companions who subsequently requested permission to repair the wrong, I granted a dispensation, May 5, empowering Companion Everett to order that the ballot on the petition of the rejected Brother should be re-taken at a stated meeting of the Chapter. I received, July 4, from Companion John B. Gibson, Secretary of Chapter No. 9, at Maysville, Kentucky, a letter, dated June 29, stating that the Key- stone, belonging to Companion W. L. Coopwood, formerly of Charles Scott Chapter, No. 35, had been taken from a Federal soldier, and handed to him. I immediately replied to him, and wrote to Companion Jerome B. Stamps, Secretary of No. 35, putting the two Secretaries in communication with each other. Their correspondence resulted, I suppose, in the recovery of his mark by Companion Coopwood. I received from the Grand Secretary, July 7, a duplicate Charter for Can- ton Chapter, No. 10, which I signed and forwarded, to supply the place of the Charter lost by that Chapter. About the same time, I received a a letter from Companion Richard Cooper, informing me of his appointment as Representative of the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Tennessee, near this Grand Chapter ; and that the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest of Tennessee suggested the name of Companion J. W. Witherspoon as a suitable Companion to represent this Grand Chapter near the Grand Chapter of Tennessee. I wrote to the Grand Secre- tary to prepare the proper credentials, but owing to the irregularity of the mails this matter was not attended to for some time. 800 I find nothing in the Constitutions, or Rules and Regulations, to preclude Chapters from installing their officers in public or in private at their option ; but being applied to for dispensations for public installations, I granted two ; one, December 16, to Starkville Chapter, No. 82 ; the other, December 25, to Canton Chapter, No. 10. In the last case it was only desired to admit Master Masons to witness the ceremonies of installation. During the deliberations of the Grand Lodge, I learned, with deep regret, that Companions John Fatheree and G. W. Perkins, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, have gone the way of all flesh. "With each revolving year, some who have participated in our deliberations, or been honored with official position, are called to their long home; and we who remain are admonished of the uncertain tenure of life, and the urgent necessity of laboring while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work. Let us emulate the virtues of the departed, and give appropriate expression to our appreciation of their worth, and our sorrow for their loss. Companions, I desire to direct youi attention again to the "Orphans' Home," which gives shelter, protection and instruction to ninety bereaved children of our departed Brothers. While Masonic charities are usually dispensed through the Blue Lodges, there is nothing to preclude the active participation of the Chapters. And every Royal Arch Mason, if thoroughly imbued with the zeal which the contemplation of the fatherless innocents is calculated to inspire, may kindle a similar zeal in the Lodge of which he is a member. This cause is worthy of the best efforts of every Lodge and Chapter, and every Mason. " Pure religion, and undefiled, is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep himself unspotted from the world."—James i—27. This is not, nor was it intended to be, a full and adequate definition of reli- gion. Religion may be considered, not only with reference to the conduct, but with reference to the intellectual nature, and to the emotional nature of man. A system of dogmatic Theology, however symmetrical and true, can- not, alone, entitle him who believes it to be called religious; for only his in- tellectual nature is involved, and " faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."—James ii—17. But such faith, accompanied by works, is not religion, whole and entire; for in these there is no religation, or rebinding, of man to God. The vitalizing principle of religion is that which controls the emotional man; it is charity, or love; love of God, manifested in love for all mankind." "Faith works by love, and purifies the heart," and the certain result is " works of faith and labors of love." I am led to tfiese reflections by remarks with which I have met in the pro- ceedings of various Grand Chapters; remarks calculated to injure Masonry by attributing to it all the progress iu enlightenment and virtue which glim- mer through the moral darkness of the times. 1 wish, therefore, to define the extent to which Masonry and Religion are coincident, and limit the assump- tions of the former, so far as the official expression of my opinion can have that effect, within the bounds of truth. 301 The religious man, of whatever creed, may select Masonry as an instru- nient with which to do some things which practical religion demands. But Masonry is not Religion. Its religious creed is expressed in a single article of faith, common to all religions; namely, the existence of God ; so that it may adopt the language of Pope's Universal Prayer, Father of all, in every age, In every clime adored, By saint, by savage and by sage, Jehovah, Jove, or Lord. With these exceptions, Masonry has nothing in common with Religion, except works of charity; and while these may educate our youth, and ameli- orate the condition of our kind, they can never redeem the depraved. Ma- sonry may teach to subdue the passions, but cannot sanctify them. It may lead the erring to reformation, hut not to that repentance which needeth not to be repented of. It may throw restraints around a Brother, yvhich will cause his actions to pass the square of virtue; but it cannot regenerate his nature. Masonry has done, is doing, and long may it continue to do, much good in the world; but hers are ancillary works. She claims for herself no more than to be the humble handmaiden of Religion. And let not her vota- ries bring her into disrepute by pretensions which are so obviously unfoun- ded. By arrogating to Masonry all that is effected by Religion, we will array against the former all the truly religious, who constitute at present, the best element of our fraternity. In the investigation of the questions presented for my consideration, I was was much embarrassed by the very dim and scanty light cast upon capitular Masonry by the works devoted to Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, of which I had obtained all of whose existence I had any knowledge. And on some points I found but little to guide me in the Constitution of the Grand Chap- ter, Permanent Rules and Regulations, and By-Laws of Subordinate Chapters. The valuable Reports of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence were more helpful; but of these, during the greater part of my term, I possessed only the most recent. In general, - the opinions contained in them recommended themselves to my judgment, yet their value to me would have been greatly enhanced if they had been acted on by the Grand Chapter ; and I respectfully suggest that they be referred to a special Committee, and that hereafter so far as they relate to Masonic law and usage, they be carefully considered at the Convocation next succeeded their publication. Otherwise they carry only the weight which is due to the opinion of an individual Companion; and though that individual for years, has been our M.-.E.-. Companion, Vm. S. Patton, P.'.G.\H.\P.\, whose opinion is so strongly persuasive as to be, to all who study his reports, prima facie evidence of accuracy, yet they want the decisive authority which would be derived from the sanction of this Grand Chapter. Nor are we assured that all who make such reports hereafter will be so reliable. In this connection I must acknowledge my indebtedness to our R.*.E.'. Grand King and Grand Lecturer for prompt and efficient counsel whenever I applied to them. 302 1. In response to a letter from the High Priest of a Chapter, inquiring whether the conduct of Companions who, because a friend was rejected, cast black balls against a Brother of acknowledged worth would, if persisted in, subject them to a trial in the Chapter; and in compliance with his request to write such a letter of advice and instruction to the Chapter as the circum- stances demanded, I wrote a letter from which the following is extracted : " The black ball has been called ' the palladium of Masonryand certainly the Mason's duty, with reference to its use, is one of the most important and delicate which he has to perform. On it depends the exclusion of unworthy applicants, who might soon outnumber the worthy, and utterly ruin the fra- ternity. And by it every Mason is enabled to inflict deep and undeserved wounds on the meritorious, and to obstruct the healthful growth of the insti- tution in his vicinity. " It is deemed of the utmost importance to secure entire freedom in ballot- ing, by the absence of every influence which can improperly restrain a Com- panion from expressing his real opinion by his ballot. He ought to vote conscientiously, in spite of all personal consequences; yet, as Masonry cannot eradicate the frailties of nature, it is thought more expedient to remove every temptation by making the ballot secret. The more effectually to guard this secrecy, it is forbidden, not only to enquire how a Companion voted, and why he did so; but even to declare one's own affirmative vote, or his motives for casting it. For by discovering by whom all the white balls were cast, it could easily be ascertained who cast the negative vote. Thus so long as a Compan- ion chooses to keep the secret locked up within his own breast, it is impossible, by any inquiry direct or indirect, to arraign him for abusing the black ball. " But the secrecy of the ballot being intended as a shield for those who feel constrained to give negative votes, they are not precluded from avowing their own votes, or explaining their reasons. When the vote and motives of a Companion are thus voluntarily divulged, they become subject to criticism, and, under some circumstances, to censure. His reasons may be good, erro- neous, or bad. If good, they should be approved; if erroneous, he should be informed; if bad, and persisted in, he should be punished. " The bringing of ' private piques and quarrels' into the Lodge * * is justly considered a Masonic offence.'—(Mackey's Masonic Jurisprudence, 511.) It must be more so to bring them into the Chapter. To black-ball a candidate for the Capitular degrees, known to be worthy, is at once to wrong a Master Mason, and to wrong the Chapter; both of which are unquestionably Masonic offences. If the Companion so doing makes his confession with a laudable desire to repair the wrongs, he deserves commendation rather than censure; but if, after showing the unworthiness of his motives, he should be punished in proportion to the magnitude of the offence. ' The right of balloting should be held and considered as a sacred right; but if any member can be found to wilfully * * injure * * the Lodge, or mar its peace and harmony, such should be counselled ; and, if need be, tried for unmasonic conduct, and suspended or expelled.'—(Chase, Digest of Masonic Law, 283.) BOB " Among the unworthy motives which sometimes cause Masons to abuse the black ball, perhaps the most common is resentment occasioned by the rejec- tion of a friend. It is a motive which has at least one commendable element, devotion to one's friends; and it is therefore less reprehensible than mere malevolence towards a Brother Mason. But, while friendship is a Masonic jewel, it should not be manifested in an illegitimate and unmasonic manner. Let it go forth in offices of kindness to the friend, but not in acts of unkind- ness to those who have done no wrong. " The rejection of a candidate must be attributed to one of three causes ; first, his actual unworthiness; secondly, an erroneous opinion that he is un- worthy; or, thirdly, the un worthiness of the negative voter. Masonic char- ity requires that we should not attribute it to the third cause without good reasons. If the friend of a Companion is rejected, the latter should remember that his own judgment is fallible, and may possibly have erred in his estimate of the candidate. But conceding the worthiness of his friend, it is possible that some Companion has honestly erred in a less favorable estimate of him. But if it were certain that some one has maliciously cast a black ball, that does not justify the friend of the rejected candidate in casting a black ball against a worthy Brother. In the first place, revenge is, at best, a very un- worthy passion, and one which should never warp a Mason in the discharge of a Masonic duty, or the exercise of a Masonic privilege. In the second place, the blow of vengeance does not fall upon the offending party, but upon the applicant, who was certainly innocent of black-balling the previous appli- cant, and upon the Chapter, only one of whose members, perhaps has offended. And in the third place, to reject a worthy Brother because another has been maliciously rejected, is to imitate the unworthy Companion who has aroused resentment, and render one's self as unworthy as he. Shall an honorable man avenge himself on baseness, by rendering himself base ! Shall we emulate the example which we despise! That be far from every Royal Arch Ma- son!" I have since been told that these remarks had desired effect, and that per- feet harmony had been restored to the Chapter. My other decisions, and the reasons for as many as seem doubtful, are sub- stantially as follows: 2. It has been the practice in some Chapters, before conferring any Capitu- lar Degree, to require a fee to be paid in advance for that degree. This I consider, not a culpable disregard, but an erroneous interpretation of the pro- vision that " no candidate shall receive any degree in Masonry in this Chap- ter, except he pay for the same in advance in cash."—(By-Laws of Rejection, § 4.) This clause, considered by itself, fully sustains the practice alluded to. But the rules of hermeneutics require that the By-Laws, of which it is part, should be considered as a whole, and so interpreted as to give meaning to every part, and preserve consistency in all. It is proper to consider also, the objects which the Grand Chapter had in view in enacting the By-Laws, which were, first, to establish uniform laws for the Chapters, and secondly, 304 to remedy the confusion which had previously arisen from the many unneces- sary differences between the laws of Lodges and of Chapters. "With the latter object in view the Committee who prepared the By-Laws for Chapters followed the By-Laws for Lodges as closely as the essential differences between the bodies would permit. Hence it must be presumed that every deviation is intentional and necessary. Thus we may derive information alike from the resemblances and the differences of the codes. Where they harmonize, the interpretation given to the laws of the Lodge, may be extended, by analogy, to the laws of the Chapters. But where they differ, we must seek a rational cause for the discrepancy. Both the Lodges and Chapters open in the highest degree therein conferred, for the purpose of balloting on applications for degrees; but in the former, the ballot is taken "for each degree separately," and ten dollars is " the low- est rate for conferring either of the degrees while in the latter, the ballot is taken " for all the degrees at the same time," and forty dollars is the "min- imum fee for degrees." Thus the Chapter laws departed from the Blue Lodge laws, in stating one fee for all the degrees, instead of stating the fee for each degree. What good reason for the departure can be assigned, except that the one fee for capitular degrees shall be paid in full before any of the degrees shall be conferred ? If this be not so, by what rule shall Chapters be guided in fixing the rate for the degrees respectively ? One, by analogy to the prac- tice of Lodges, may put the same price on each degree; another may require four, eight, twelve, and sixteen dollars for the degrees respectively; others may adopt any other rules by which the aggregate of forty dollars for four degrees may be obtained. This would mar that uniformity which the Grand Chapter desires to establish in the proceedings of Chapters. I can see no method by which the By-Laws for Chapters can be made con- consistent, and their departure from the By-Laws of Lodges be rationally accounted for, except to conclude that, though both codes provide that " no candidate shall receive any degree except he pay for the same in advance in cash in the Lodge there are three fees for as many degrees conferred in the Lodge, and the payment, like the ballot, is to be " for each degree separately;" while, in the Chapter there is but one " fee for the degrees conferred," and the payment, like the ballot, for those degrees, is to be " for all the degrees at the same time." And such was my decision. 3. In response to sevei'al High Priests, I decided that no Ghapter shall " confer the Degrees on an applicant after the expiration of six months from the date of his election, without a second ballot," does not apply when the applicant has taken one or more of the capitular deegrees.—(Per. Rules and Reg. § 24.) In this rule the degrees are spoken of in gross, and it seems to be assumed that they will all be taken as nearly at the same time as possible. Hence the failure of the candidate to advance after taking one or more of the degrees, presents a case not contemplated in the rule. In judging of the ap- plicability of the rule to such a case, we may be guided, to some extent, by the analogy furnished by the Blue Lodge, for the relation of the Mark Master, Past Master, and Most Excellent Master to the Chapter, is analagous to that of the Entered Apprentice and Fellow-Craft of the Blue Lodge. The By-Laws for Lodges provide that " if a candidate for iniatiation, whose petition has been acted on favorably, shall fail to come forward within six months to receive the degree, his election shall be void, and a new petition and proceedings thereon required." But no such provision exists as to subse- quent degrees, though a separate election is required for each of them. The Entered Apprentice is a Brother Mason; and it is supposed that his brethren generally are more intimately associated with him, and have better opportu- nities of estimating his character than previous to his initiation. Besides which, " if there are reasons" for arresting his advancement, " other than want of proficiency, or, in other words, reasons affecting the moral character of the Apprentice, then as a Mason, he has a right to a fair trial that he may, if possible, exculpate himself; or, in the event of his failure to do so, that he may be placed in such position as will not only prevent his advancement, but but forbid the exercise of his rights as an Entered Apprentice."—(Simon's Principles of Masonic Jurisprudence, 173.) These considerations apply with equal, or greater force to the case of one who has taken some, but not all, of the Chapter degrees. 4. As a corollary to the foregoing decisions, I decided also that when a class for exaltation cannot be made up until after the lapse of six months from the election of one or more of the Most Excellent Masters, it is not necessary to re-take the ballot before conferring the degree of Royal Arch Mason. 5. As a second corollary, I decided that when a Brother is tardy in seeking advancement after taking one or more degrees, the Chapter cannot fix a period within which he must advance, or his election be declared void. Another reason for this decision is, that such a proceeding would be to some extent compulsory, and the Brother's advancement must be of his own accord. 6. But I had occasion to decide that the election and inchoate advancement of a Brother do not give him an indefeasible right to further advancement. Circumstances may make it proper to re-take the ballot. If, for example, the delay to seek advancement has been very long, and, in the meantime, the Brother has been removed from the vicinity of the Chapter, it might be advi- sable even to refer the case to a Committee of Investigation. Upon these questions the Chapter, or its High Priest, should exercise a sound discretion, with a view to the protection of the Chapter, and the Fraternity, against the advancement of unworthy persons. 7. Nor is it only in cases of delay that the merits of an applicant may be subjected to further scrutiny. Any member of the Chapter, at any time after the election of the applicant and before all the degrees have been conferred, may object to his advancement. In such event a Committee should investi- gate the objections, and, when they have reported, there should be a ballot, which must be unanimdus in order to entitle the candidate to advance. 8. It is not necessary that the objecting Companion should sustain his ob- 806 jection by legal proof; though, to exonerate himself from the suspicion of unworthy motives, it is desirable that he should produce satisfactory evidence. 9. It would be very reprehensible in a Chapter to elect an applicant known to be unworthy; but such action might be counteracted at any time pending the advancement of the applicant. So, if he was supposed worthy when elec- ted, but previously existing facts should be discovered, showing him to have been unworthy; or if he should subsequently be guilty of unmasonic or im- moral conduct his advancement may be arrested as above stated. 10. Whether continuous affiliation with a Lodge is essential to member- ship of a Chapter, is a question upon which no direct light is thrown by the Constitutions, Laws, Rules and Regulations, or Reports of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, so far as I have discovered. But extending, by analogy, principles therein declared, or recognized, I am inclined to think that so soon as a Chapter receives authentic information that one of its mem- bers does not affiliate with any Lodge, he should be denied the privileges of the capitular degrees until affiliation is obtained. It is required that a petition for the degrees conferred in a Chapter, shall state the Lodge of which the petitioner is a member.—(By-Laws: "Of Degrees" § 1.) If he becomes a member of the Chapter, and his connection with his Lodge should subsequently be terminated by suspension or expulsion, " he is thereby expelled or suspended from Royal Arch Masonry, so soon as authentic infor- mation is made of the fact to the Chapter * * * and should he be afterwards restored to the rights and privileges of a Master Mason," he is thereby restored to the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, by virtue of such resto- ration in the Blue Lodge."—(Per. Rules and Reg. § 7.) Thus, at the com- mencement of one's membership in a Chapter, he must affiliate with some Lodge; and that affiliation must not cease by reason of his suspension or ex- pulsion. From this it seems proper to deduce that affiliation with some Lodge is indispensable to the enjoyment of the privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, unless an exception can be shown to exist in the case of Companions dimitted from their Lodges. The branches may be lopped from a tree without detri- ment to the root; but when the ax is laid to the root of the tree, the branches fall and perish. The Blue Lodge is the root of the Masonic tree. A Com- panion may be suspended or expelled from his Chapter, yet retain membership of his Lodge until tried and suspended or expelled from it. Or he may dimit from his Chapter, yet retain membership of his Lodge. But suspension or expulsion (and why not dimission ?) from his Lodge, severs his connection with his Chapter. Having consulted Companion W. D. Ferris, P.\G.\H.\P.\, upon this point, he replied that the Chapter cannot require its members to affiliate with a Lodge, adding, "I know of no law in Royal Arch Masonry requiring mem- bers of Chapters to be members of Blue Lodges, though it is a Masonic duty." This last remark seems confirmatory of my view ; for,a Chapter should have power to enforce the performance of every Masonic duty. As the accuracy of my conclusion, however, seemed somewhat doubtful, I advised that no 807 action should be taken, in the case presented, until this Grand Chapter should decide. 11. Conceding, however, that the non-affiliation of a Companion with a Blue Lodge does not deprive him of the right of membership in a Chapter, I decided that where a Royal Arch Mason made simultaneous applications to a Lodge and a Chapter for membership, and was elected in the latter under the erroneous impression that he had been also elected in the former, where his affiliation was arrested by the withdrawal of his petition, in consequence of unmasonic conduct; the Chapter has power to try and punish him. The fact that the misconduct occurred in the Lodge does not impair the power of the Chapter, which may try its members for Masonic offences, whether committed in the Chapter, in the Lodge, or out of both. In this opinion I have the full concurrence of Companion Ferris, who says, " If the Lodge within whose jurisdiction he resides, fails to try him, the Chapter should do so as a matter of course." 12. In response to another interrogatory I decided that the Committee on Complaints and Offences, appointed in the Subordinate Chapter, are not re- quired to take cognizance of offences against the laws of Masonry committed by the High Priest of their Chapter; but the members of that Committee, like any other members of the Chapter, may send charges against the High Priest to the Grand High Priest, whose duty it is to appoint a Committee of Past High Priests to investigate the charges and report to him. 18. It became my painful duty to decide that, under Article 54 of the Per- manent Rules and Regulations, a Master Mason who has lost his arm since he was raised, is not eligible to the Chapter degrees. The physical disability alluded to in that section must have been incurred since the Brother was raised, unless he was raised in violation of Masonic law. which could not have been contemplated by the framers of the rule. In this opinion I was con- firmed by that of the Excellent Grand King, to whom the case was first pre- sented and who referred it to me with an expression of his own views. His letter was received and answered the night previous to my departure for San Francisco. On my return, after an absence of a month, I was farther con- firmed by finding that the Grand Chapter of Alabama, in December 1868, decided, " that a candidate who loses a limb after receiving a part of the degrees, cannot receive- the restand the Grand High Priest of Georgia, in April 1868, reported his decision " that a candidate maimed after he receives a part of the degrees, to the extent that he cannot be taught all the mysteries of the Art, cannot be advanced." Past Grand High Priest, W. D. Ferris, has called my attention to the report of a Committee of this Body which was received and concurred in, and which recommended that the Article, now numbered 54, but then 52, should be stricken from the Permanent Rules and Regulations.—(Proceedings 1867, page 14.) It was accordingly omitted in the Proceedings of 1867, but reinserted in those of 1869, by an error of the com- positor who set up the Rules and Regulations, during the illness of Grand Secretary, as the latter informs me. As the time for your Convocation was so 308 near at hand, I concluded to take no further action on the case, hut refer the subject to you. My thanks are due to the R.-.E.*. Grand Secretary for his promptness in sending to me a copy of the proceedings of your last communication, and of the Annual Communications from 1846 to 1855 inclusive. I have found in these much to enlighten me as to the laws and principles of Capitular Masonry. Some suggestions have been made to me, by my Companions of more experience than I possess, which are at least worthy of your consideration. The first is, that the Constitution be so amended as to require that the Grand Chapter shall hereafter elect only the Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Lecturer; and that all the other officers be appointed by the Grand Council. The second is, that the elective officers be paid only their actual expenses in attending the Grand Chapter, and that miliage and per diem be abolished. It is urged that these measures will save both time and money. It may be objected, however, that the second one might prevent the attendance of worthy Companions unable to defray their own expenses, and not chancing to be delegates to the Grand Lodge. I have been pained to observe, for the last year a gradual decadence of the fervency and zeal which should actuate all Royal Arch Masons. Indeed, for one or two years a like warmness has been indicated by the failure of many Chaptei-s to pay their dues and make their returns to the Grand Chapter, by which they lose their right to representation here. Since my accession to office, petitions and letters of inquiry have gradually become less frequent, and for the last four months have almost entirely ceased. This has greatly lightened the burdens of my office, yet I deeply deplore the apathy which it indicates. There is, indeed, much in the condition of our State to palliate a relaxation of Masonic effort; for " if any one provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." But it is to be feared that the proper line of demarkation between a commendable attention to one's own affairs, and that avidity of lucre which has become the ruling passion of the time, is not always observed. The most active business men, unless wholly given up to greed for gain, can find sufficient time for Masonic duties and for devotional exercises. All demands upon the time and attention which preclude one from practical hen- evolence, and a proper acknowldgement of Divine goodness, " cometh of evil." Companions, let not us be forgetful of these high and holy duties, bnt unite with one voice, and with one heart in ascribing praises and blessing to Him who is exalted above all blesisng and praise; before whom all nations are less than nothing and vanity; and yet, who is a God gracious and full of compas- sion, and humbleth Himself to behold the things in Heaven and in the earth. Let us offer to Him the sacrifice of thanksgiving for the great goodness which he has bestowed on us, according to His mercies, and the multitude of His 309 loving kindnesses. Let us beseech him to have respect to us, his servants, and guide our present Convocation -with His counsel; that we may be perfectly joined together, having one mind and one heart; loving one another, not in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth; that he may open unto us His good treasure, that we, having sufficiency in all things may abound in every good work; that we may not be slothful, but do with our might what our hands find to do; that we may fear him forever for our good; and love the Lord our God; that we may obey his voice and cleave unto Him; that He hide His face from our sins, and blot out all our misdeeds; and in the sanctuary which his hands have established, give us, at last, an inheritance incorrupti- ble, undeflled and that fadeth not away. On motion, the Address of the M.\E.\ Grand High Priest was referred to Companions George T. Stainback, W. S. Patton, and W. H. Hardy, as a Special Committee, to divide and apportion the same among the appropriate Committees. The M.*.E.\ Grand High Priest then appointed the following Committees: On Masonic Law—Companions J. M. Howry, Giles M. Hillyer and Wm. S. Patton. On Complaints and Appeals—Companions Wm. A. Champlain, Tho. N. Martin and P. P. Bowen. On Dispensations and Charters—Campanions J. 0. Lusher, D. Mitchell and PI. C. Robinson. On Unfinished Business—Companions John A. Galbreath, John Riley and S. N. Ely" On Finance—Companions J. W. Winn, Jno. T. Buck and J. M. Lewis. On Visiting Companions—D. Mitchell and J. Jeff Cooper. On Death of G. .II. .P.-. Fee—Companions Patton, Palmer and Delap. On Death of Companions Fatheree and Perkins—Companions Lusher, Barry and Trice. On the Bepresenlative System—Companions Ferris, Martin and Champlin. The Grand Secretary submitted his annual Peport and Account Current as follows, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Einance : To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned begs leave to submit his Annual Report, and Account Current for the past Masonic year. On the 10th day of February, 1869, a few days after the close of the Grand 39 310 Chapter, he mailed to the address of the various Grand Officers, and to the Secretaies of the various Subordinate Chapters in Mississippi, the Proceedings of this Grand Chapter at the Grand Annual Convocation, held January 16th, 17th and 18th, and soon thereafter, the volume containing the Annual Pro- ceedings, returns of Subordinate Chapters, &c., complete. Copies were also promptly forwarded to each of the various Grand Chapters, and copies of the 1st volume of the Reprint of the Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Mis- sissippi, from its organization, in May, 1864, to 1855. On the 20th day of September, he forwarded notifications of the meeting of the Grand Chapter to be held in Jackson, in January, 1870, on the adjourn- ment of the Grand Lodge, together with blanks for making out the returns to this Grand Body. In consequence of the uncertain state of the postal service, many packages failed to reach their destination. Wherever he has been advised of the same, duplicate copies have been promptly forwarded. On the 26th day of March last, he received a communication from our M.-. E.\ Companion J. M. Howry, notifying of the sudden death of M.\E.*.G.\H.\ Priest George D. Fee, which melancholly event occurred on Wednesday night March 3d. Your Grand Secretary immediately forwarded a circular to each of the Grand Officers, and to each of the Secretaries of the Subordinate Chapters of Mississippi, and notifying that M.-.E.-. Companion Robt. B. Mayes of Yazoo City, thereby became acting M.\E.\ Grand High Priest of Mississippi. During the past year two dispensations for the formation of new Chapters have by command of the M.-.E.*. Grand High Priest been issued, to-wit: To a legal number of Companions for " Attala Chapter," to be held at Liberty Chappel, Attala county. Also to a legal number of Companions for the formation of " Coffeeville Chapter," at Coffeeville, Yallobusha county. Since the adjournment of the last Convocation of this M.\E.\ Grand Chap- ter, returns and partial dues have been received from various Subordinate Chapters. In some instances the delegates did not attend, but sent up returns, and deducted mileage and per diem—others arrived after the Grand Chapter had adjourned, were not in attendance during the session, and yet claimed mileage and per diem. This your Grand Secretary had no power or authority to allow, and it was not done. He respectfully submits the matter for your consideration. During the past year, your Grand Secretary has, from his love of the Order, spent many hours corresponding with, and endeavoring to resuscitate and revive dormant Chapters. In a very few cases he has been successful; but in many cases no response has been received. Permanent Rule No. 50 says; "Hereafter, every Chapter failing to be represented, make Returns, and pay its dues to the Grand Chapter, for two years in succession, shall forfeit its Charter. That the Grand Chapter may the more readily arrive at a full knowledge 311 of the present status of the Subordinate Chapters in this jurisdiction who come under the provisions of this rule, the following table is appended: Mt. Salus Chapter, No. 58, no returns since 1859. Garrott No. 62, no returns since 1860. John Hebron No. 7'1, no returns since 1860. Walnut Grove No. 75, no returns since 1860. Decatur No. 31, no returns since 1863. Carthage No. 46, no returns since 1866. Zenith No. 54, no returns since 1866. Stonewall No. 87, no returns since 1866. Wilson No. 5, no returns since 1867. Lexington No. 9, no returns since 1867. Marshall No. 40, no returns since 1867. Euclid No. 67, no returns since 1867. Monticello No. 92, no returns since 1867. H. Gunning No. 84, returns for 1868, but made no returns for 1867. Your Grand Secretary has no authority to take action in the matter, and respectfully submits it for such action as you may deem proper. There are balances on the Ledger from various Chapters, amounting to some $800, but little of which it is supposed can be collected, as most of the Chapters have ceased to work. GRAND SECRETARY'S REPORT. Oscar T. Keeeer, Grand Secretary, In account with Grand Chapter of Mississippi : 1869. Db. January 16. Clinton Chapter, No. 2 $ 33 00 " Vicksburg " " 3 101 00 " Columbus " " 4 57 00 " . Jackson " " 6 62 00 " Magnolia " " 7 34 50 " Yazoo " " 8 30 00 Canton " " 10 44 50 Macon " " 11 28 00 DeWitt Clinton "' 12 29 00 " Euphemia " " 13 29 00 " Fayette " " 14 59 80 " Carrollton " " 15 48 00 " W. H.Wilkinson "16 6100 " Gallatin " " 17 76 00 Shields " " 18 60 00 " Yernon " "19 19 00 " Kosciusko " " 20 52 00 Raymond " "22 '■ 46 00 " Houston " " 23 87 30 • ' Meridian " " 25 23 05 «• Okolona " " 27 36 25 Walker " " 28 22 00 " Washington " " 29 48 20 « Shongalo " " 30 47 00 312 GRAND SECRETARY'S REPORT— Continued. January 16. Emory Chapter, No. 32 27 00 " Lafayette " " 33 60 00 " Neshoba " 26 00 " Charles Scott " "35 21 00 " Louisville " " 36 34 " Union " " 37 28 00 " Amite " " 42 37 00 " Tallahatchie " " 44 31 00 " Enterprise " " 45 29 00 " "Verona " " 47 28 00 " Ripley " "48 31 00 New Albany « " 49 160 00 Mt. Carmel » " 50 32 00 Patton " " 52 28 00 " Bethesda " " 55 29 00 " "Wright " " 56 26 00 " Baldwyn " " 57 34 00 " Shoeboota " " 59 23 00 " Panola " " 60 22 60 " Eureka " "61 61 00 " G.W.Perkins" " 63 39 00 " Dover " " 64 22 00 " Chickasaw " " 65 70 00 " Jacinto " " 66 37 00 " Brandon " " 69 45 00 " Scooba " " 70 39 00 DentH.Miles" " 72 22 00 " W. D. Ferris " " 74 70 00 " Corinth " " 76 38 00 " Crystal Springs " 77 76 00 " Winona " " 78 39 00 " Tampico " " 79 21 00 " Brookhaven " " 80 17 00 " S.H.Johnson" " 81 33 00 " Starkville " " 82 32 00 " Summerville " " 83 58 00 " H. Gunning " " 84 30 00 " Salem " " 85 144 00 " • Meadville " " 86 40 00 " Westville " " 88 39 00 " Cato " " 89 32 00 " Summit " " 90 25 00 Centre Ridge " " 93 40 00 Durant " "94 31 00 " West Point " " 95 22 00 " McConnico " " 96 47 00 " R. W. Paine " " 97 16 00 " McDonald " " 98 32 00 " Attala " (U. D.) 90 00 " Coffeeville " {U. D.) 90 00 $3,257 70 1870. Cb. January 19. Grand Treasurer $3,257 70 313 The Grand Treasurer submitted his Annual Beport, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. GRAND TREASURER'S REPORT. A. P. Barky, Grand Treasurer, In account with Grand Chapter of Mississippi: 1869. Dr. January 19. To Cash from Grand Secretary $1,750 00 Jan. 20,1870. " " " " 1,507 70—$3,257 70 1869. Cr. January 19. By Cash balance due Grand Treasurer as per last Report.. .$ 176 45 " " paid Carkeet 14 00 " " " Pay Roll 1692 10 June 1. " " Carkeet 25 00 " " Additional Pay Roll 134 60 Jan. 20,1870. " " on draft to W. S. Patton 40 00 " " Postage account 54 91 " " Printing Proceedings 844 63 " " " " 387 68 • Commission on $3,192 92 at 2)4 per cent 79 82—$3,449 19 due Grand Treasurer this day $191 48 January 20, 1870. M.'.EGrand R.-.A.'. Chapter of Mississippi: I herewith respectfully submit the above account with accompanying4 vouch- ers, showing a correct statement of your funds in my hands for the current year. A. P. BARRY, Grand Treasurer. On motion of Companion A. P. Barry, the election of Officers for the ensuing year, was made the special order for to-morrow at 10 o'clock, A. M. On motion of Companion Giles M. Hillyer, it was Resolved, That Companion W. A. Champlin, the last elected High Priest of Zenith Chapter, No. 54, be and he is hereby authorized to call a meeting of said Chapter at either Pass Christian or Shieldsboro, and at such meeting said Chapter may elect and install officers for the current year, and at said meeting the members present may and shall locate said Chapter by a majority of all the members present at either of the above-named places, and give due notice thereof to the Grand Secretary. Companion Stainback offered the following, which was made the special order of the day for 10 o'clock, to-morrow morning : Resolved, That the next Grand Annual Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi, shall commence on the 4th Monday in January, 1871. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence presented their Be- port, which was read and adopted. (See Appendix.) 814 Companion Stainback submitted the following, which was adop- ted: Whereas, Companion B. W. Collier, a citizen of Oxford, Miss., claims that he was, some years since, a member of Royal Arch Chapter, No. —, in the State of Virginia, that he was one year the elected High Priest of said Chapter, and served as such, that he was dimitted from said Chapter some years since, and his dimit has been lost, and the said Chapter has ceased to exist; the Companions of Lafayette Chapter, No. 83, know him to be a Royal Arch Mason, he being vouched for by Companion members of said Chapter; and said Collier having presented his application in Lafayette Chapter, No. 33, therefore Resolved, That Lafayette Chapter, No. 33, be authorised to investigate the application of Companion B. W. Collier for membership, and admit him, if they deem proper to do so. Companion Arnold submitted the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the name of Jacinto Chapter, No. 66, be changed to Rienzi Chapter, No. 66. On motion of Companion A. P. Barry, it was Resolved, That Companion A. M. Hicks, of Dover Chapter, No. 64, be ad- mitted as repseseutative of said Chapter, and that said Chapter shall be allowed thirty days to make returns and pay dues to this Grand Chapter; also, that this Grand Chapter request the Grand Lecturer to visit said Chapter at an early day and call a meeting, that they may may elect officers; and that he examine the records and finances of the same. Companion A. P. Barry submitted the following, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Dispensations and Charters: Whereas, Many Chapters under this jurisdiction have not met or made returns to this Grand Chapter since the close of the war; therefore be it Resolved, by this Grand Chapter, That all such Chapters as shall go to work and come up to this Grand Chapter, with returns and dnes for this year, shall be recognized as legal Chapters, and exempt from all former dues. Companion P. P. Bowen submitted the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The preparation of the Report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence is attended with considerable expense to the Chairman of that Committee; therefore be it Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars be paid to Companion Pat- ton, as Chairman of that Committee. On motion of Companion William Johnson, it was 315 Resolved, That Eureka Chapter, No. 61, be allowed thirty days to make her returns and pay dues to this Grand Chapter, and that Companion D. Mitchell be allowed to represent said Chapter at this Grand Communication. The Grand Chapter was then called from labor to refreshment until to-morrow at 9 o'clock, A. M. Friday, Jan. 21, 1870—9 A. M. The Grand Chapter was called from refreshment to labor. Leave of absence was granted to Companions L. M. Lawshe, of McConnico Chapter, No. 96, C. W. Westmoreland, Starkville, No. 82, and G. T. Stainback, Columbus, No. 4. Companion Galbreath, on behalf the Committee on Unfinished Business, submitted the following, which was received and adopted: To the M. E. Q. Ii. A. Chapter of the State of Mississippi: Your Committee on Unfinished Businoss, beg leave to report that they find the proposed amendment of Articles 4th and 5th of this Constitution, the only unfinished business. Respectfully submitted, John A. Galbreath, John Riley, S. N. Ely. Companion B. P. Bowen submitted the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the High Priests of all delinquent Chapters whose charters have not been declared forfeited, may represent such Chapters in this Grand Chapter at this Communication, but shall not be entitled to any per diem or mileage. The Grand Chapter then proceeded to the proposed amendments to the Constitution submitted at the session in January 1869, as follows: 1. Amend Article 4 of the Constitution as follows: Strike out the words " and when thereto called by the Subordinate Chapters, he shall visit them and give the like lectures and instructions," and insert in lieu thereof, the following: " and it shall be his duty to visit, either in person or by his Dep- uties, all the Subordinate Chapters in this jurisdiction, and place them in possession of the. adopted work." 2. Amend Constitution, by striking out Article 5, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: " The Grand Lecturer shall receive for his services such compensation as the Grand Chapter at each Grand Convocation may determine." 316 And on a vote being taken, the Constitution was declared as so amended. On motion of Companion "William D. Ferris, is was Resolved, That the officers of the Grand Chapter who are not representatives of Subordinate Chapters, be allowed the same mileage and per diem as representatives. ^ The special order of the day, being action on Companion Stain- back's resolution as to the time of meeting of the Grand Chapter was then considered. Companion Richard Cooper offered the following substitute, which was adopted. Resolved, That the netft Grand Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter be held at the Masonic Hall, in Vicksburg, immediately on the closing of Grand Lodge. The Committee on Charters and Dispensations, submitted the following, which was adopted: To the M.-.E.-.G.-.R.-.A.- Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Chapters under Dispensations, have had under consid- eration, the applications of Coffeeville R.\A.\ Chapter U. D., Toomsuba R.\ A.'. Chapter U. D., and Attala R.*.A.\ Chapter U. D., for charters, and res- pectfully report: That they have examined the minutes presented, and find that Coffeeville Chapter and Toomsuba Chapter have kept their minutes correctly, and show that their work has been done in proper style and form, and recommend that they be granted charters. In the case of Attala Chap- ter every thing is correct except that the Dispensation does not accompany the application. If the Dispensation be forwarded to the Grand Secretary, your Committee recommend that a charter issue to applicant. Thos. S. Gathright, J. H. Mitchell, Companion Richard Cooper presented his credentials as Repre- sentative from the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi, and was duly recognized as such. The special order of the day being the election of Grand Officers, was then taken up, which resulted in the election of the following Companions: Robert B. Mayes Yazoo City G.\H.\ Priest. William A. Champion Pass Christian D.-.G.\H.\ Priest. R. P. Bowen Chulahoma Grand King. Morris Cook Gallatin Grand Scribe. 317 P. j. Eckles Byhalia Grand Chaplain. A. P. Barry Martinsville Grand Treasurer. Oscar T. Keeker Columbus Grand Secretary. E. W. Upshaw Holly Springs Grand Orator. E. Geo. DeLap Nathez Grand C.\ of H.\ H. L. Duncan Water Valley Grand P.\S.\ J. Y. Murray Ripley Grand R.\A.\C.\ B. B. Paddock Fayette G.-.M.*. 3 V.-. W. L. Lowry Morton G.\M.\ 2d V.-. A. P. Sanders Grenada G.-.M.-. 1st V.-. W. H. Carkeet Natchez Grand Tyler. On motion of Companion Giles M. Hillyer, it was Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to consider during the present year, the subject of the erection of a Masonic Temple for the State, with a view to the permanent location of the Grand Masonic Bodies; to devise the necessary plan if possible ; and to report the result of their labors to the Grand Chapter at its next Grand Annual Communication; and that in connection with the same subject, they shall also report upon the feasibil- ity of providing a Masonic Educational Institution for the State; and should either plan, or both, be deemed feasible, the said Committee shall also prepare the proper acts of incorporation, with a view that the same, if adopted, may be obtained from, the State of Mississippi. The M.\E.\G.\H.\ Priest appointed Companions Giles M. Hillyer, William A. Champlin, J. M. Howry, Thomas N. Martin, and Thomas S. Gathright on said Committee. Companion Patton, on behalf of the Committee to apportion the Grand High Priest's Address, made the following report, which was adopted : The Select Committee to whom was referred the address of the M.\E.\G.\ High Priest, ask leave to report: That they have carefully examined the same and apportioned as follows : So much as refers to the death of Grand High Priest, George D. Fee, be referred to a Select Committee of three. So much as refers to Dispensations, to the Committee on Dispensations. So much as refers to the Representative system, to a Committee of three. So much as refers to the death of Companions Fatheree and Perkins, be referred to a Select Committee of .three. So much as refers to the Orphans' Home, to laws and usages of Capitular Masonry, the casting the black ball, decisions of the Grand High Priest, in- stallation, physical disabilities, and Constitution, be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence. All which is respectfully submitted. Wm. S. Patton, Chairman. 40 318 Companion B. P. Bowen submitted the following, which was adopted : To the M.-.E.•. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Whereas, Monticello Royal Arch Chapter, No. 62, having failed to be represented, make returns, or pay dues to this Grand Chapter for two years in succession; therefore be it Resolved, That the charter of said Chapter is forfeited; and the Grand Sec- retary is hereby required to inform the officers of Monticello Chapter, No. 92, of the action of this Grand Chapter, and order them to send their charter to him without delay. Resolved, 2d, That the Grand Secresary is hereby authorized to issue cer- tificates to the members whenever they may comply with the requirements of the Constitution and Regulatious of the Grand Chapter. On motion of Companion D. Mitchell, it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to draw upon the Treas- ury in favor of Companion Dent H. Miles, in payment of mileage due for the last Communication of this Grand Chapter. Companion Bichard Cooper submitted the following, which was on motion made the special order of the day at 3 o'clock. Resolved, That the salary of the Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chapter for the ensuing Masonic year, be fixed at the sum of two thousand dollars. Resolved, That for the purpose of providing for the payment of said salary, each Subordinate Chapter within this Grand Jurisdiction shall pay into this Grand Chapter the sum of one dollar for each and every member thereof, in addition to the amount now required by law. The following proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi were read, ordered to be spread upon the minutes, and submitted to the Subordinate Chapters, and come up for action at the next annual Convocation, to be held in Janu- ary, 1871 : Amend Section 1 of Article 2, by striking out the words " together with a Grand Orator." Amend Section 1 of Article 2, by adding " and all Past High Priests; Provided, They are members of Subordinate Chapters within the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter." Amend Section 3 of Article 2, by adding " Provided, That the following officers shall be appointed by the Grand Council, to-wit: Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch Captain, and the three Grand Masters of Vails." Amend Article 7, by inserting in lieu thereof, 319 " All amendments to the Constitutton of this Grand Chapter, shall be pro- posed at a regular Convocation, and if received and agreed to, shall be pub- lished (and notice sent to each Subordinate Chapter for their considaration,) for action at the next annual Convocation, before the same shall be fully acted upon; and this Constitution shall not be altered or amended without the appro- bation of two-thirds of the members present, and they voting by Chapters. The Grand Chapter was then called from labor to refreshment, until 3 o'clock, P. M. 3 o'clock, P. M. The Grand Chapter was called from refreshment to labor. The special order of the day was taken up and considered, being the Pesolutions of Companion Pichard Cooper, relative to Grand Lecturer and salary. Companion Cooper moved a division of the question, when Companion B^wen moved to lay the said Pesolution on the table. A call was made for a vote by Chapters, which resulted as follows: Ayes, 89—Captain of Host, T. N. Martin ; Tyler, W. H. Carkeet; Past Grand High Priests, Patton, and Lusher ; Past Deputy Grand High Priests, Springer and Bond; Past Grand Kings, Miles, Bowen, Hardeman and Mitch- ell. Chapters, Nos. 1, 4, 11, 12, 14. 17, 23, 33, 36, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 59, 63, 67, 68, 72, 76, 85, 89, 90, 93, 99. Naxs, 72—Grand High Priest, P. B. Mayes ; Grand King, Geo. R. Pearn; Principal Sojourner, John Riley; Past Grand Kings, Champlin, Cooper; Past Grand Scribe, Arnold. Chapters, Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 20, 32, 42, 44, 47, 64, 66, 69, 74, 78, 81, 95, 96. Companion Thos. N. Martin moved to reconsider the vote taken this morning, amending Sections 4 and 5 of Article 2 of the Con- stitution, which was carried. On motion of Companion George B. Fearn, it was Resolved, That further consideration of the proposed amendments to the Constitution be postponed until the next annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter. Companion Winn, on behalf of the Finance Committee, made the following report, which was received and adopted: To the M.'. E.\ G.\ R;. A.\ Chapter of Mississippi: Tour Committee to whom was referred the Reports of the Grand Secretary and Taeasurer, beg leave to report that they have examined the same and find them correct. 320 They would further report, that they have had the subjects brought to the notice of the Grand Chapter by the report of the Grand Secretary, under consideration and would report as follows: That those representatives of Subordinate Chapters who failed to attend the meeting of the Grand Chapter, but retained the per diem and mileage, had no right so to do, and that the Grand Secretary was right in refusing to give their Chapters credit for the amount retained by them. They would respectfully recommend that mileage be allowed those representatives who attempted to attend the Grand Chapter, but failed to leach it in time to sit in the Body, by circumstances beyond their control. A number of Chapters are reported as having forfeited their charters, but still retain them in their possession ; it is the opinion of your Committee that the M.\E.\ Grand High Priest, through the Grand Secretary, should demand of said Chapters the surrender, to him, of their charters. Your Committee find in the report of the Grand Treasurer the amount of $176 45, overpaid by him twelve months ago, which sum has since been in- creased. They therefore respectfully recommend that the Grand Treasurer be allowed interest on the said sum of $176 45 for 12 months, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum. J. W. WlNN, Jno. T. Buck, J. M. Lewis. Companion Patton submitted the following report, which, was received and adopted: To the M.-.E.-.Q.-.R.-.A.-. Chapter of Mississippi: The Committee to whom was referred that portion of the Grand High Priest's address which relates to lhe death of G.\H.*.P.\ Geo. D. Fee, would respectfully ask leave to report the following; Since last we met as a Grand Body, what mighty changes have been wrought? The billows of the stormy ocean of life have tossed us in the fury of its wrath. The frail barques of some have stranded or driven into the whirlpools, and forever lost to the sight of friends on earth. But cast your eyes to the "East," and view the vacant seat of him, who, at the last Convocation of this Grand Chapter, met with, and gave us the benefit of his intelligent counsel. But he has finished his labors, good, square and true work, and we trust he has gone to reap his reward in the presence of the Grand Council above, there to eter- nally enjoy the fruits of that labor. Under the existing circumstances, we think it not out of place to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of our beloved, deceased friend and Companion, Most Excellent Grand High Priest George D. Fee, whom we all were delighted at our last annual Con- vocation, to honor as Grand High Priest. Companion Fee was born in Chester District, South Carolina, on the 14th day of October, A. D. 1824, and died on the 8d day of March, A. D. 1869 : aged forty-four years, four months and nineteen days. 321 He moved to Mississippi some twenty years ago, and settled in Panola co., "from thence to Marshall co., and lastly to Oxford, Lafayette co., where he lived for the last twelve years, when death, the great leveler, terminated his earthly existence. He was by profession a merchant. Honest, fair and liberal in all his dealings, never giving any-one a right to complain or accuse him of taking advantage. He was foremost in every public patriotic enterprise, and was the acknowledged leader in all matters pertaining to civil affairs. He soon became an active Mason, and his delight was to meet and mingle with the craft. Our venerable and much beloved brother and Companion, Past Grand Mas- ter and Past Grand High Priest, James M. Howry, who for many long years had presided over the Masonic Bodies at Oxford, and had faithfully performed his duty with honor to himself and full satisfaction to the Brethren; be- coming enfeebled in health, and feeling the weight of years pressing him down, (bodily,) thought it advisable to look to the interest of the Fraternity, and select some suitable member to occupy the East, one that would be accep- table to the members. The unanimous selection of the different Masonic Bodies at Oxford, as the voice of one man, cast the mantle on Companion George D. Fee. He was active, efficient, and always on hand. By his cau- tious, kind, liberal and charitable disposition, he won the affections of, and gained a high standing in the Grand Masonic Bodies of his adopted State. He leaves an affectionate wife, three children, and numerous friends to mourn his loss, which is greatly felt by all who knew him. But, Companions, while we drop the tear of sympathy in his remembrance, let it induce us to draw the veil of charity over any error, if any, he may have committed, and not withhold from his memory the praise his virtues may have claimed. Our beloved Companion Fee is gone. Gone to that bourne from whence no one ever returns. The vacant chair around the social family circle of beloved ones, and in this Grand Chapter, often cause the silent tear to course its way down the cheek, and the heart becomes sad and melancholy. But this, Companions, should not be so. Though he has been taken from us in the meridian of life, in the midst of his usefulness ; he did not live in vain; his memory will be handed down and cherished by genera- tions yet to come, and his deeds as a man and a Mason, will shine with resplen- dent beauty on history's page, with that freshness which time cannot impair, and that brightness which passing years cannot dim. Then let us cease to mourn his loss. His body has been consigned to mother earth, but his spirit is immortal; and with our spirits, when we too, shall have passed away from the scenes of earth, it is to be hoped, on that bright resurrection morn, will be permitted to wing their way into the presence of the Great I AM, and with God and angels ever dwell. . We can exclaim with the poet— " Such graves as his should he pilgrim's shrines, Shrines to no creed or code confined ; The Delphian vales, the Palestine, The Mecca of the mind." 322 It is not always by words that the living pay to the dead the sincerest and most eloquent tribute. The tears of a nation, flowing spontaneously over the grave of a public benefactor, is a more eloquent testimonial of his worth and of the affections and veneration of his countrymen, than the most highly- wrought eulogy of the most gifted tongue. The heart is not necessarily the fountain of words, but it is always the source of tears, whether of joy, grat- itude or grief. But sincere, truthful, and eloquent as they are, they leave no permanent record of the virtues and greatness of him on whose tomb they were shed. As the dews of heaven falling at night are absorbed by the earth, or dried up by the morning sun, so will the tears of the people shed for their benefactor, disappear without leaving a trace to tell to future generations of the services, sacrifices and virtues of him to whose memory they were a grate- ful tribute. But as homage paid to virtue is an incentive to it, it is right and proper that the memory of our Brother and Companion, George D. Fee, should be preserved and honored. It is right and j ust that posterity should learn from us, the cotemporaries of the deceased, that his services as a man and a Mason were appreciated by his Brethren and Companions. But neither the services which he rendered, nor the affection of friends or Companions, could turn aside the missile of death. But we have this consolation, to know that Com- panion Fee died full of honors and rich in the affections of his Companions. We learn that death at all times is an instructive monitor as well as a mourn- ful messenger; but when his fatal shaft hath stricken down one who is near and dear to us, or the comfort in declining years; how very impressive the lesson it brings to the heart, that the grave is the common lot of all—the great leveler of all earthly distinction. But at the same time we are taught that in one sense the good and noble can never die; for the memory of their deeds will live through all coming time, in an immortality that blooms beyond the grave. In the present instance we believe we can justly say : " Farewell, dear Companion, thou'rt gone from our sight, God speed thee to Heaven, lost star of the night." It is difficult for us to feel that we shall see him no more on earth; that we shall never again greet him as Brother or Companion: gone to that undis- covered country which returns no intelligence of his safe arrival. The gentle breeze fans his verdant covering, but he heeds it not; the sunshine and the storm pass over him but he is not disturbed. We as Masons this day offer to his memory before the world a monument of our affections, thereby demonstrating the sincerity of our past esteem for him, and our steady attachment to the principles of our beloved Order. Unto the grave his body has been consigned, adding earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, there to remain until the last loud trump shall sound on the resurrection morn. But we can cheerfully leavfe him in the hands of the Great I AM, who doeth all things well. To those of the immediate relatives and friends, who are most heart-stricken at the loss we have all sustained, we have but little of this world's consolation to offer. We can only sincerely, deeply and most affectionately sympathise with you in your affliction and bereavement. But in the spirit of Christianity we would say, that " He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," looks down with infinite compassion upon the widow and the fatherless, in the hour of their desolation. And he who wept while on earth, will fold the arms of his love and protection around those who put their trust in Him. Then let us improve the time given us, that at last/when the " sheeted dead are stirring," when the " great white throne is set," we shall receive from the Omniscient Judge the welcome invi- tation, " Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." As we contemplate the sad event, the shadows of the past gather over us; the memories of events, years gone by, crowd upon us, and the shade of our departed Companion seems to hover about us and wait to receive the spirits of those who were worthy to be co-laborers with him in the cause of virtue and morality, and share the re- wards due them. In the death of such men and Masons, even patriotism itself might pause for a moment, while friendship sheds a tear of sorrow upon his grave. Here let all discord die ; " But search the land of living men, Where wilt thou find his like again." We should cherish his recollections for past associations and due self-respect. " But there are deeds which should not pass away, And names that must not wither." Of such deeds the life of Companion Fee affords a bright example. It was such fame he made for himself during his life which will be reverenced by future generations, who will be taught to lisp with enthusiasm the many vir- tues he possessed. Our hearts are melted with sorrow, because of the thought that he is gone. Could we have stayed the missile of death, he would not have died, but would have tarried with us until we had no longer use for Grand Chapters. We will cherish his memory while we live, as one of our brightest Masonic jewels, and endeavor to teach those who come after us, the matchless virtues he ex- hibited. Wm. S. Patton, E. G. DeLap, B. T. Palmer, Committee. To the Grand Chapter of Mississippi: The Committee to whom wg.s referred that portion of the M.\E.\G.\ High Priest's address which relates to the death of Past Grand Officers Fatheree and Perkins, beg leave to offer the following for your considation : Since we last met, two of our Past Grand Officers have left our ranks, have been stricken from the roll, have ceased their connection with us, by the com- pulsory power'of that force alone whose fiat is irresistible, whose command none can gainsay, and at whose word, prepared or unprepared, we must all pass from busy life to the dread inaction of the grave. We are called upon to mourn the loss of two endeared to the heart of every Mason. P.'.D.".G.\H.\ Priests, John Fatheree and George W. Perkins, have closed their earthly pilgrimage, and been called to " fhat rest prepared from 324 the foundation of the world." In the various departments of Masonry they were most earnest and zealous members, and as " wise and accomplished Ma- sons" they were well known in this Most Excellent Grand Chapter. The fact that they were called by their Companions to honor the station of Deputy Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi, affords ample evidence of the high esteem and affectionate regard in which they were held by those " who remember them in scenes to which the world was not witness—and where the better feelings of humanity were exhibited without disguise." Their purity of lile, honesty of purpose, and superior knowledge, have all been devoted with unsurpassed energy to the cause of Masonry, and the impress of their character has been left upon its history. " The memory of their virtues lingers in our remembrance and reflects its shining lustre beyond the portals of the tomb. As a proper testimony of respect to the memory of our deceased Right Ex- cellent Companions, we offer the following Preamble and Resolutions : Whereas, By the dispensation of an All-wise and inscrutable Providence, our P.\D.\G.\H.\ Priests, Fatheree and Perkins, have been removed from their state of labor, trial and suffering, to that Supreme Chapter where the Divine refreshments are enjoyed; therefore Resolved, That in the death of our Right Excellent Companions, this Grand Chapter mourns the loss of two of its members who have long been constant in their attendance, scrupulous in their observance of the Regulations, and solicitous to communicate light and instruction. Resolved, That in the excellence which constitutes the true Masonic Com- panion, which ennobles man in the various relations of life, our late J?.\D.\ Grand High Priests have shown as eminent exemplars; and that the fecollee- tion of their Masonic character shall exert a holy influence on their survivors. Resolved, That a blank page of the printed proceedings of this Grand Chap- ter be dedicated to their memory. Fraternally submitted, J. O. Lusher, A. P. Barrt, Committee. On motion, it was Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of the foregoing reports of the Committees on the decease of our lamented Com- panions, George D. Fee, John Fatheree and George W. Perkins, to theii; fam- ilies, with the seal of the Grand Chapter attached thereto. On motion of Companion A. P. Barry, it was Resolved, That all Past Grand Officers, members of this Grand Chapter, and not Representatives of Subordinate Chapters, be allowed the same compensa- tion as representatives and officers. An account in favor of Wm. H. Carkeet, For coal and drayage $3 00 " servants' hire 4 00 " Gas bill 3 50—110 50 325 Was referred to the Finance Committee, who audited the same, and on motion the account was allowed. On motion, the sum of Twenty Dollars was allowed to Companion William H. Carkeet, for services as Grand Tyler, for the present Convocation. The M.\E.\ Grand High Priest appointed Companions William S. Patton, of Meridian, James Wm. Winn, of Enterprise, and Oscar T. Keeler, of Columbus, as a Committee on Foreign Corres- pondence, for the ensuing year. The Grand Chapter was called from labor to refreshment until o'clock, P. M. Friday, January 21, 1870—7i P. M. The Grand Chapter was called from refreshment to labor. The various Officers elect of the M.\ E.\ Grand P.'. A.-. Chapter of Mississippi were then duly installed into their respective offices. No other business appearing, the M.\E.\ Grand Poyal Arch Chapter of Mississippi was then closed in due and ample form, after the Throne of Grace had been most fervently addressed by M.-.Eev. P. J. Eckles, Grand Chaplain. EOBEET B. MAYES, G.-. H.\ P.-. Attest: Oscar T. Keeler, Grand Secretary. I hereby certify that the fore- going pages contain a true and perfect record of the Proceedings of the Grand Eoyal Arch Chap- ter of Mississippi, at its Grand Annual Convocation at Jackson, in January, 1.870. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto attached my Official Signature and the Seal of the Grand Chapter, this 5 th day of February, 1870. Grand Secretary. 41 BETUBNS OF CHAPTEBS. NATCHEZ CHAPTEE, NO. 1.—61 Membees. (Chartered September 13, 1822.) Natchez, Adams Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each mouth. OFFICERS : Jacob Peebles H. P. E. Geo. DeLap K. A. R. Tyler S. H. C. Mayer C. of H. Charles Katze M. 3d V. Gus. Haase M. 2d V. C. M. Sawyer M. 1st Y. Gus. J. Bahin Treasurer. Samuel Ullman P. S. W. G. Benbrook Secretary. William Noonan. . R. A. C. W. H. Carkeet Tyler MEMBERS: Giles M. Hillyer, P. H. P. F. F. Fowler, P. H. P. A. H. Kendrick, P. H. P. C. F. Merrick, P. H. P. William H. Stewart, P. H. P. Bahin A. Forbes William H. Munce T. Quitman Baker John C. Farrar C. F. Meyer Adolph Baker Joseph D. Gay nor James S. Preston Zenas Ballard Henry Grafton Thomas Profilet J. Quig. Barker Pierre A. Hardie James Ray Henry Belcher Charles W. Holt John S. Scharffe Daniel Brown George M. King Q,. J. Sharp J. K. Buell K. A. King J. S. Silverberg Himan Charles J. W. Lee William M. Smith T. H. L. Dixon Robert S. Lewis Gus. Smythe John Dixon James Lengsfield J. Smythe D. G. Davis A. Y. Leonard T. W. Smokey J. J. Dicks George J. Mayer Simon Stewart Samuel M. Dicks William R. Martin Wm. T. Wade Benjamin Dix William Mason Samuel A. EXALTED, 3: Dixon James Farrar C. F. Silverberg Himan 328 REINSTATED, 1 : Anderson W. H. DIMITTED, 3: Anderson W. H. Douglas W. K. Stanton William DIED, 1: McDowell John OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : E. Geo. DeLap IT. P. Gus. Haase M. 3d Y. Robert S. Dixon K. James Dixon M. 2d V. H. C. Mayer S. Himan Silverberg M. 1st V. Charles Katze C. of H. Gus. J. Bahin Treasurer. Samuel Ullman P. S. W. G. Benbrook Secretary. Alphonse Bahin R. A. C. W. H. Carkeet Tyler. CLINTON CHAPTEB, No. 2.—31 Members. (Chartered September 18, 1826.) Port Gibson, Claiborne Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday night of each month. OFFICERS : H. P. J. O. Ingram M. 3d V K. John G. Hastings, Jr M. 2d V. S. Thomas J. Aby M. 1st V. ..C. of H. Win. B. Fulkerson Treasurer. P. S. Julian L. Foote Secretary. .. R. A. C. George W. Naasson Tyler. James A. Gage L. T. Newman Charles McDougall. James Wylie C. G. Chappel C. H. Barrot Andrews J. W. Barrett Joseph E. Bethea Philip Gordon R. F. Hall William E. McPherson J. V. MEMBERS: Hughes Wm. P. Jones John G. Jones J. A. B. Lewis A. J. McCaleb Wm. C. EXALTED, 3 : Sims Wm. McD. AFFILIATED, 1 : Jones John G. DIMITTED, 1 : McPherson J. Y. Sprott W. D. Sims Wm. McD. Yaughn J. H. Williams L. P. Vaughn J. H. McLaren L. 329 OFFICERS FOR James A. Gage H. P. Philip Bethea K. Wm. B. Fulkerson S. James Wylie C. of H. J. A. B. Jones P. S. C. H. Barrot R. A. C. E YEAR 1870 : J. 0. Ingram M. 3d V. L. T. Newman M. 2d V. J. G. Hastings, Jr M. 1st Y. John G. Jones Treasurer. Julian L. Foote Secretary. George W. Naason Tyler. YICKSBUEG CHAPTER, No. 3.-76 Members. (Chartered September 17, 1841. ViCKSBURGr, "Warren Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W.A. Fairchild ..H. P. J. W. Powell K. F. A. Scanlan S. W. L. Conkley C. of H. T. J. Baker P. S. Jacob Rothschild R. A. C. T. J. Finney M. 3d Y. Alex. Kuhn M. 2d V. A. J. Dirr M. 1st Y. J. D. Miles Treasurer. W. W. Allein Secretary. F. Wood Tyler. MEMBERS: B. Springer, P. H. P. E. Grammer, P. H. P. T. J. Harper, P. H. P. E. T. Henry, P. H. P. Adler Jacob Hackett Thomas Pohl Julius Allen John Herrick H. J. Piazza Frank Bodenheim M. Hornthal L. Richardson R. Butts E. S. Jacquith A. L. Rigby D. Bazinski Jos. Johnson W. C. Rigby Thomas Bender W. G. Keene D. W. Rice David Borden H. Keiser Fred Stranss J. Brown M. Kershaw Thomas Schlenker J. Buckner C. B. Lowenburg L. M. Stein S. Campbell Donald Lord W. W. Spengler Philip Chamberlain W. M. Levi Nathan Stites Girard Cox William Lewis Simon Tappan Amos Denio H. McGarr E. J. Theobold G. P. Dixon M. H. McCray W. Y. Thomas Charles E. 830 Eisleffel Charles Flanagan John Forney John E. French Uriah Goodrum H. H. Grammer J. S. Murphy John Murray William Moody D. N. Mathews Oliver O'Reilley H. E. Paxton A. M. Tinella Theo. Wallein E. W. Wilson W. D. Weil L. Winstin A. Youug S. H. Campbell Donald Denio H. Levi Nathan Mathews Oliver EXALTED, 12 Murray William O'Reilley H. E. Piazza Frank Rice David Shlenker Jacob Stein S. Tinella Theo. Thomas C. E. AFFILIATED, 2 : Chamberlain W. M. Lewis Simon REINSTATED, 2: Jaquith A. L. Sites Girrard DIMITTED, 7: Chew W. R. Harris J. W. M. Brooke Walker Hubbard H. H. Lum W. S. Walton C. A. DIED, 3 : Hill H. W. Moseley A. W. D. S. Sloan W. B. Blanton O. M. Branch H. T. Clague William Davis T. C. SUSPENDED, 13 : For non-payment of dues: Goodrum W. S. Green Wash E. Hammett Henry Holmes Robert Waterberry C. N. Jones Benja. Kline N. E. Scott E. M. Turley F. R. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : W. A. Fairchild H. P. H. Denio K. W. L. Conkley S. H. E. O'Reilley C. of H. David Rice P. S. J. Strauss R. A. C. William Murray M. 3d V. D.Campbell M. 2d Y. S. Stein M. 1st Y. A. Kuhn Treasurer. C. E. Thomas Secretary. F. Wood, P.H.P Tyler. 331 COLUMBUS CHAPTER No. 4.-46 Memeeks. (Chartered September 13, 1844.) Columbus, Lowndes Co.—Regular meetings 2d Friday of each month. OFFICERS: George T. Stainback H. P. Thomas E. Cannon K. Robert F. Matthews .. . S. Ira M. Boswell C. of H. N. E. Goodwin P. S. L. L. Goodrich, Barclay A. H. Brown George C. Brown Stephen A. Cady William Christian Thomas Cook Wm. Henry Curtis James H. Eggleston E. C. Frazee George Humphries Abram S. Humphries W, W., Sr. Kemp Edward F. Baskervill Charles Cook Dennis .. R. A. C. R. L. Morris M. 3d V Henry E. Cox M. 2d V. William A. Moore M. 1st V. Gid. Warren Cox Treasurer. N. Reynolds Secretary. Isaac M. Knapp Tyler. MEMBERS: Halbert Arthur C. Harvey Joseph E. Keeler Oscar T. Kidd Alfred W. Krecker John P. Kemp Edward F. Lanier Robert E. Leigh Joseph E. Meek Samuel M. Mullin John N. Munger Sylvester C. Williams Jones L. EXALTED, 3 : Munger Sylvester C. REINSTATED, 1: Tolson John W. DIMITTED, 5 : Miller James Spillman William DIED, 2: Myrick G. T. McCabe F. M. Odeneal Milton Oxford Allen C. Poleman Alexander Pro well James W. Saville Alfred Shirley Gabriel Symons William T. Tucker L. M. Whitfield James Poleman Alexander Tolson John W. Barry Richard Bestor Daniel P. SUSPENDED, 1 :—For non-payment of dues Feemster Alexander W. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : George T. Stainback.. Ira M. Boswell N. E. Goodwin L. L. Goodrich Nelson Reynolds William A. Moore... H. P. Alexander Poleman M. 3d V. 1. . K. Sylvester C. Munger M. 2d V. S. R. L. Morris M. 1st V. C. of H. Gid. Warren Cox Treasurer. P. S. L. M. Tucker Secretary. .... R. A. C. Edward F. Kemp Tyler. 332 WILSON CHAPTEE, No. 5.-49 Members. (Chartered September 13, 1844.) Holly Springs, Marshall Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Tuesday of each month. OFFICERS: Edward Lea E. W. Upshaw ... W. Caldwell James T. Fant... S. Weiner W. L. Bledsoe .... H. P. C. Barrett M. 3d V. K. J. J. Gately M. 2d "V. S. H. Falconer M. 1st V. ,. C. of H. W. M. Compton .... .Treasurer. P. S. Willis H. Bishop Secretary. .. R. A. C. N. B. Munn Tyler. MEMBERS: Anderson J. H. Glover R. M. McRaven J. S. Armstead John Gregg Thomas McGoWan Robert Abston B. L. Gregg Stephen Manvel T. J. Barrington A. M. Harrall J. J. Mickle B. Clayton W. W. Jones W. L. Read Clement Clark William Julian Calvin Ross U. H. Cunning-ham A. Levi I. C. Stith R. S. Carey S. E. McKissack A. C. AYallace W. W. Ferrell F. M. Megginson H. P. Walter H. W. Farrington J. M. McCarroll J. R. West R. B. Falconer T. A. McGuirk John Willis P. A. Frank Samuel McClatchey H. Winborne H. Wilkerson E. J. EXALTED, 2: Clayton W. W. Ferrell F. M. REINSTATED, 1: Megginson' H. P. DIED, 1: Brown John SUSPENDED, 2 : For non-payment of dnes : Hulbut J. C. McCrockc}* II. A. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1809: E. W. Upshaw H. P. R. S. Stith K. T. J. Manuel S. James T. Fant C. of H. Samuel Weiner P. S. H. Falconer R. A. C. C. Barrett M. 3d Y. R. B. West M. 2d V. W. Caldwell M. 1st V. Clement Read Treasurer. Willis H. Bishop Secretary. Neill B. Munn Tyler. 333 WILSON CHAPTER, No. 5.-48 Members. (Chartered September 13, 1844.) Holey Springs, Marshall Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Tuesday of each month. OFFICERS: E. W. Upshaw H. P. R. S. Stith K. T. J. Manuel S. James T. Fant C. of H. Samuel Weiner P. S. H. Falconer R. A. C. C. Barrett M. 3d V. R. B. West M. 2d V. W. Caldwell M. 1st V. Clement Read Treasurer. Willis H. Bishop Secretary. Neill B. Munn Tyler. Anderson J. H. Armstead John Bledsoe W. L. Barrington A. M. Clayton W. W. Clark William W. M. Compton - Cunningham A. Carey S. E. Ferrell F. M. Farrington J. M. Falconer T. A. MEMBERS: Frank Samuel Glover R. M. Gately J. J. Gregg Thomas Gregg Stephen Jones W. L. Julian Calvin Levi I. C. Lea Edward Mathews B. D. McRaven J. S. McGowan Robert McKissack A. C. Megginson H. P. McCarroll J. R. McGuirk John McClatchey H. Norfleet J. P. Ross U. H. Wallace W. W. Walter H. W. Willis P. A. Winborne H. WilkersonE. J. AFFILIATED, 2 : Mathews B. D. Norfleet J. P. DIMITTED, 1: Mickle B. DIED, 2: Abston B. L. Harrall J. J. OFFICERS FOR E. W. Upshaw H. P. B. D. Mathews K. J- P. Norfleet S. Howard Falconer C. of H. H. Winborne P. S. R. S. Stith R. A. C. 42 HE YEAR 1870: Clement Read M. 3d V. William M. Compton M. 2d Y. J. J. Gately M. 1st Y. W. H. Ross Treasurer. Willis H. Bishop Secretary. N. B. Munn Tyler. 334 JACKSON CHAPTER, No. 6.-49 Members. (Chartered September 13, 1844.) Jackson, Hinds Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. John T. Buck John Nelson William B. Taylor.. R. D. Hardy William French William H. Johnson. OFFICERS: ... H. P. Robert Bradley M. 3d V. K. Henry C. Tapley M. 2d V. S. J.L.Power M. 1st Y. C. of H. H. M. Taylor Treasurer. .. .. P. S. Henry Strauss Secretary. . R. A. C.' A. Robbins Tyler. Ashe Matt F. Baley S. P. Bloom Elias Brown William J. Burnett John W. Christman W. D. Crane W. C. Comfort B. F. Davidson Robert M. Echols John H. Evans Williams Home J. A. MEMBERS: Hilzheim Hyman Harrington J. F. Herrod A. J. Humphries Benj. G. Hobbs Plowell Johnson Christopher Knapp C. S. Levi Henry Lemmon George Lewis William B. Ligon B. T. Martz John Zhenders S. Moore Carter H. Mizell A. McGill R. F. McDonnell Charles Palmer Thomas Porter D. P. Re is Jacob Schwartz Solomon Strauss Isydore Steinberg Edward Ware W. L. Yerger James R. Strauss Isodore EXALTED, 3 : Ligon B. T. AFFILIATED, 1 Davidson R. M. Steinberg Edward REINSTATED, 1 Mizell A. Barrows D. N. DIMITTED, 4: Niedermier Charles Sizer J. S. Reinheimer John W. SUSPENDED, 2: For non-payment of dues : Smythe George A. Putnam Samuel 335 OFFICERS FOR John T. Buck H. P. John Nelson K. J. F. Harrington S. R. D. Hardy 0. of H. James R. Yerger P. S. Isydore Strauss R. A. C. [E YEAR 1870: D. P. Porter M. 3d V. PI. C. Tapley M. 2d Y. Henry Strauss M. 1st Y. H. M. Taylor Treasurer. Edward Steinberg Secretary. Henry Levi Tyler. MAGNOLIA CHAPTER, No. 7.—30 Membeks. (Chartered January 13, 1847.) Brownsville, Hinds Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: Winthrop S. Elkins H. P. J. J. Birdsong K. J. D. McConnell '.... S. Theo. Lamb C. of H. M. T. Anderson P. S. Munro Hamberlin R. A. C. Wilson H. Trotter M. 3d V. John A. Glover M. 2d V. John G. Sparrow M. 1st Y. J. George IPulmn Treasurer. Jonathan B. Robertson Secretary. John Lorance Tyler. Cates A. B. Casper Hezzie Cavalier John Cobb James T. England Trent C. Farr George W. Cobb James T. MEMBERS: Finley J. W. Gold James J. Hall Green H. Klengman William Mellon T. A. McClatchy Wm. T. EXALTED, 3 : McClatchy William T. REINSTATED, 2: McDowell John H. Roberts Charlie Sandidge Hastings T. Taylor Tom Trotter B. W. Wells Benjamin R. Roberts Charlie Cavalier John DIED, 2: Hardy D. G. McDowell John H. Farr James Wilson OFFICERS FOR THE YEAY 1870: Winthrop S. Elkins H. P. Jefferson J. Birdsong K. John D. McConnell S. Theo. Lamb .C. of H. M. T. Anderson P. S. John G. Sparrow R. A. C. Wilson H. Trotter M. 3d V. John A. Glover M. 2d V. John H. McDowell M. 1st V. George J. Hulm Treasurer. Jonathan B. Robertson Secretary. John Lorance Tyler. 336 YAZOO CHAPTER, No. 8.-29 Members, (Chartered January 13, 1846.) Yazoo City, Yazoo Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday of each month, . OFFICERS: Henry B. Kidd H. P. Malatha A. Jenkins K. John O. Hunter S. JohnT. Heth C. of H. Robert B. Mayes P. S. Robert C. Shepherd R. A. C. (Dead) M. 3d V. J. O. Mobley M. 2d V. W. C. Delesdernier M. 1st V. Henry C. Tyler Treasurer. W. C. "Williams Secretarn. Peter Lander Tyler. MEMBERS: Collins A. J. Dunn Richard L. Epperson Wm. S. Friley Martin Garey Francis Harrison Hiram Dunn Richard L. Hunter Isaac H. Kellogg Seth H. Massey Simon T. Monger E. H. Hosenthal Abe Ratcliffe J. N. EXALTED, 3 Schaefer Emile Russell J. T. Schaefer Charles Straine Elbert F. Swaine Charles White Harmon Young John C. Monger E. H. Boyd C. W. Battaile F. W. REINSTATED, 1: Straine E. F. DIED, 2: Wilson S. H. SUSPENDED, 4: For non-payment of dues : Bowman Robert Taylor J. D. Wilson J. H. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : Henry B. Kidd H. P. John O. Hunter K. John T. Russell S. R. C. Shepherd C. of H. Robert B. Mayes P. S. Chas. Schaefer R. A. C. Richard L. Dunn M. 3d V. J. O. Mobley M. 2d V. W. G. Delesdernier M. 1st V. Henry C. Tyler Treasurer. W. C. Williams Secretary. Peter Lander Tyler. 337 LEXINGTON CHAPTER, No. 9.—20 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1847.) Lexington, Holmes Co.—Regular meetings, 2cl Thursday of each month. OFFICERS: John C. Birkhead H. P. F. A. Howell M. 3d V. Cass Oltenburg K. Jacob Southeimer M. 2d Y. Biyant M. Sheehy S. Walter D. Johnson M. 1st Y. (Dead) C. of H. Moses Levy Treasurer. John M. Sargent P. S. George W. Cole Secretary. Joseph Marlow R. A. C. Solomon Southeimer Tyler. Alexander P. M. M. Cole William F. Dyson William H. MEMBERS: Green Alfred M. Grace James W. Harrington Wm. C. Mercer Fleet C. McMillan Wm. A. Wright Thomas S. REINSTATED, 2 : Grace James W. Reed James II. DIMITTED, 1: Reed James H. DIED, 1 : Kelly Lawrence J. SUSPENDED, 1: For non-payment of dues : Anderson Thad. C. OFFICERS FOR John C. Birkhead H. P. William A. McMillan K. Bryant M. Sheehy S. Cass Oltenburg C. of H. George W. Cole P. S. William F. Cole R. A. C. IE YEAR 1870 : P. M. M. Alexander M. 3d V. Thomas S. Wright M. 3d Y. Walter D. Johnson M. 1st V. Moses Levy Treasurer. Joseph Marlow Secretary. Solomon Southeimer Tyler. 338 CANTON CHAPTER, No. 10.—53 Membeks. (Chartered January 13, 1847.) Canton, Madison Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. John T. Cameron H. P. A. M. Gurley K. George R. Fearn S. William J. Cameron C. of H. J. M. Lewis P. S. Charles B. Galloway R. A. C. Kinsman C. Divine M. 3d V". Albert H. Cage M. 2d V. A. Karpe M. 1st V. Archy Macfarlane Treasurer. John W. Yeargain Secretary. Felix M. Baldwin Tyler. Adams C. Archer J. N. Bailey William S. Baughn James W. Bloomfield M. Burns David E. Cameron John C. Cameron Malcolm Cassell William H. Dancy William E. Davis Jos. R. Davis R. M. Dawson John Dew T. T. Baughn James W. Bloomfield M. MEMBERS: Dinfcins Claude H. Drane T. J. Gross Charles L. Gilmer Charles L. Handy John Hart Joseph Landers Dwight C. Meek James L. Montfort John IL. Montgomery John Q. Moorman George McKie M. J. Priestley William Priestly Thomas J. EXALTED, 6 : Gross Charles L. Hart Joseph DIMITTED, 1 : Sims J. R. Powell Jesse R. Richards Joshua J. .Shipp Samuel S. Saunders Richard C. Shackelford Chas. C. Tichenor George Thompson Noah H. Vincent William Wallace Wm. P. Wang Gus Williams W. J. Wood Charles W. Witherspoon Sam'l C. Shipp Samuel S. Witherspoon Sam'l C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : James M. Lewis H. P. George R. Fearn K. A. M. Gurley S. James W. Baughn C. of H. John W. Yeargain P. S. A. Karpe R. A. C. Dwight C. Landers M. 3d V. Joseph Hart M. 2d V. Samuel S. Shipp M. 1st V. M. Bloomfield Treasurer. Charles L. Gross Secretary. Samuel C. Witherspoon Tyler. 339 MACON CHAPTER, No. 11.—26 Membebs. (Chartered January 13, 1847.) Macon, Noxubee Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday of each month. OFFICERS: J. H. Mitchell H. P. M. B. Edwards K. J. C. Williams S. C. M. Boyce C. of H. Jacob Holberg P. S. F. E. Carleton R. A. C. W. F. Eiland M. 3d V Charles A. Baker M. 2d V. William Graham M. 1st V. T. M. Sargent Treasurer. R. E. Y. Yates Secretary. L. Holberg Tyier. MEMBERS: Ames C. B. Blythe Jesse Cochran J. M. Cos-burn E. H. J. J. Beauchamp, P. H. Clement G. W. Daves E. P. Dismukes Elisha Dillard G. M. Sherrod Randal Harris H. C. Haynes W. N. Moreton Jesse Pierce Jacob REINSTATED, 1 : Williams Charles DIMITTED, 2: Rowland A. A. Williams Charles DIED, 1: Poindexter James EXPELLED, 1 : Pitts John A. OFFICERS FOR J. H. Mitchell H. P. J. C. Williams ' K. William Graham S. Louis Holberg C. of H. J. J. Beauchamp P. S. M. B. Edwards R. A. C. TE YEAR 1870 : C. A. Baker M. 3d \ . Jacob Holberg M. 2d V. F. E. Carleton M. 1st V. W. F. Eiland • • • Treasurer. R. E. V. Yates Secretary. T. M. Sargent Tyler. 340 DE WITT CLINTON CHAPTEB, No. 12.—27 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1847.) . Grenada, Yallobusha Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Thursday of each month. OFFICERS : A. P. Saunders .. C. T. Wood W. B. May Julius G. Gibbs.. O. B. Rollins Robert Highgate. Bowles R. S. Chamberlain W. C. Coe J. B. Eblin James Gage J. J. Bowles R. S. Gage J. J. .... H. P. Terrill Rose M. 3d V. K. R. Coffman M. 2d Y. S. J. B. Heath M. 1st V. . C. of H. Jacob Poitevent Treasurer. P. S. S. S. Angevine Secretary. . R. A. C. James M. Hunter Tyler. MEMBERS: Hardeman Thomas Hardeman C. L. Hall James W. Hall W. W. Hughes E. W. REINSTATED, 7: Hamilton E. E. Hughes E. W. Scruggs Albert M. Martin F. A. Moore John Payne John S. Sims James Wile Mayer Jones R. W. Milton John L. Hamilton E. E. Jones R. W. Baker J. J. DIMITTED, 7: Lake Albert C. Milton John L. Wilson L. R. DIED, 1; Rosser Daniel SUSPENDED, 3 : For non-payment of dues : Richardson E. M. Scruggs Albert M. Stokes John E. For unmasonic conduct—[by Blue Lodge.] Penn Creed OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : R. Coffman H. P. Thomas Hardeman K. W. B. May S. Julius G. Gibbs C. of H. E. W. Hughes P. S. C. L. Hardeman R. A. C. Terrill Rose M. 3d Y. O. B. Rollins .M. 2d V. J. B. Heath M. 1st V. Jacob Poitevent Treasurer. Robert Highgate Secretary. A. P. Saunders Tyler. 341 EUPHEMIA CHAPTER, No. 13.—27 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1848.) Aberdeen, Monroe Co.—Regular meetings "Wednesday after the 1st Sat- urday of each month. OFFICERS: R. B. Brannin H. P. J. M. Greene K. W. L. Battle S. W. S. Vestal.' C. of H. J. W. Walker P. S. Jacob Gattman R. A. C. C. Love M. 3d V. Sidney Randle M. 2d V. G. W. Cook M. 1st V. H. D. Spratt Treasurer. Marks Weiler Secretary. A. R.Webb Tyler. MEMBERS: John W. Timberlake, P. H. P. Beckham S. G. Hunt Thomas H. Sadler S. A. M. Candidus P. C. Lowe J. T. Sale John B. Cunningham W. Moore J. T. Stegall S. D. Dalton S. A. McKinney J. G. Thompson J. A. Holloway Ira P. Oldshue James DIMITTED, 1: Boyd A. H. DIED, 1: Pendleton J. G. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : R. B. Brannin J. M. Greene .. .H. P. . ...K. W. S. Vestal C. of H. J. W. Walker P. S. C. Love R. A. C. G. W. Cook M. 3d V. Jacob Gattman M. 2d V. Sidney Randle M. 1st V. H. D. Spratt Treasurer. Marks Weiler Secretary. A. R. Webb Tyler. PAYETTE CHAPTER, No. 14.—33 Members. (Chartered January 12, 1848.) Fayette, Jefferson Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Thursday of each month. OFFICERS: William Thompson H. P. Napoleon L. Guice K. Ely R. Jones S. Simon Lehman C. of H. B. B. Paddock P. S. F. Krauss R. A. C. 43 Thomas Davenport M. 3d V. Henry B. McClure M. 2d V. E. Scharff M. 1st V. Morris Rubel Treasurer. Henry Key Secretary. James McClure Tyler. 342 Bullen S. D. Bullen W. M. Burcli J. W. Brown T. C. Campbell R. W. Darken A. J. Davenport Robert Campbell C. W. MEMBERS: Dixon M. C. Ducker Jobn Fleming Jobn B. Gilbert S. P. Glenn W. F. Harper W. L. Key T. J. REINSTATED, 4: Guice J. G. Scott A. J. Moore J. W. Powell J. J. Ritcbie J. M. Scott J. W. Scott A. J. Shackelford G. W. Trimble M. W. Moore J. W. Campbell C. W. Guice J. G. Coleman J. W. DIMITTED, 5: Harwood F. B. Jones.J. G. SUSPENDED, 3 : For non-payment of dues : Guice E. J. Jobnson W. B. Stampley C. Z. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: B. B. Paddock H. P. M. Eisiman K. R. W. Campbell S. William Thompson C. of H. Thomas J. Key P. S. Thomas Davenport R. A. C. F. Krauss M. 3d V. N. L. Guice M. 2d Y. James M. Lowe M. 1st Y. Morris Rubel Treasurer. Henry Key Secretary. McClure Tyler. CARROLLTON CHAPTER, No. 15.—41 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1849.) Carrollton, Carroll Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: A. M. Nelson H. P. W. M. Stansbury K. William Ray .. S. Samuel Moore C. of H. Samuel Hart P. S. J. A. J. Askew R. A. C. B. R. Mayes M. 3d V. Jonathan Durdin M. 2d V. T. J. Johnson M. 1st V. O. L. Kimbrough Treasurer. Benjamin Roach Secretary. Peter W. Johnston Tyler. 343 Bingham R. L. Curtis W. H. Clark N. A. Catron M. S. Eskridge W. C. Ettenger Robert Ettenger Jas. B. Fox C. S. Gillespie W. A. MEMBERS: William Cothran, P. G. H. Holt B. Hill Charles Johnson A. J. Kimbrough T. T. Liddell M. M. Lipsey W. F. Lott Aaron Marshall J. P. Money Pearson Thompson Stephen AFFILIATED, 1 : Gillespie W. A. REINSTATED, 1: Stoddard A. A. P. Mathews T. H. McCaskill Peter McLeod Daniel Shackelford J. R. Smith G. N. Smith A. G. Stoddard A. A. Stanford J. T. Tusten John L. Bruton B. F. DIMITTED, 3: Kimbrough John W. Moore Elijah OFFICERS FOR -THE YEAR 1870 : A. M. Nelson H. P. W. M. Stansbury K. William Ray S. Samuel Moore C. of H. Samuel Hart P. S. J. A. J. Askew R. A. C. B. R. Mayes M. 3d Y. Jonathan Durdin M. 2d V. T. J. Johnson M. 1st V. O. L. Kimbrough Treasurer. Benjamin Roach Secretary. Peter W. Johnston .. Tyler. GALLATIN CHAPTEE, No. 17.—28 Members. (Chartered January 15, 1850.) martinsville, Copiah Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each month. M. Cook H. P. George Rea K. A. P. Barry S. William J. Rea C. of H. A. L. Potter P. S. Samuel Wilson R. A. C. OFFICERS: J. H. McElwee M. 3d V. B. F. Martin M. 2d V. G. D. Lowe M. 1st V. Tom N. Rea Treasurer. (Dead) Secretary. J. P. Rembert Tyler. 344 Alford H. G. Allison A. L. Beacham S. P. Birdsong L. F. Crawford W. M. Coor D. K. Alford H. Gr. Howard J. D. Green C. J. Bondurant W. H. MEMBERS: Coor R. K. Haley W. M. Hester Josiah Howard J. D. Howard M. J. Jones J. B. REINSTATED, 6: Martin J. C. Poole W. P. DIMITTED, 4 : Martin J. C. Williams A. L. DIED, 1: Strahan William EXPELLED, 1 : Deason William M. SUSPENDED, 4 : For non-payment of dues Carpenter E. W. Robinson John J. Johnson S. H. Lambright W. T. Poole W. P. Starnes L. S. Weeks W. C. Stewart J. H. Williams A. L. Stewart J. H. Hanslow H. OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870 A. P. Barry H. P. George Rea K. M. Cook S. Josiah Hester: C. of H. M.J. Howard P. S. Samuel Wilson R. A. C. J. H. McElwee M. 3d V. J. D. Howard M. 2d V. G. D. Lowe M. 1st V. Tho. M. Read Treasurer. W. J. Rea Secretary. (Not a member) Tyler. KOSCIUSKO CHAPTEK, No. 20.—51 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1849. Kosciusko, Attala Co.—Regular meetings, Monday night on or before the Full Moon of each month. OFFICERS: H. P. John Riley Robert B. Webb K. D. L. Smythe S. M. A. Clark C. of H. John C. Lucas P. S. William E. Meek R. A. C. William G. Aston M. 3d V. S.J. Durham.. M. 2d V. James N. Taylor M. 1st V. M. Roby Treasurer. C. F. Oldecop Secretary. John M. Charpings Tyler. 345 MEMBERS: Alexander J. H. Glazier Louis Rimmer S. P. Allen William Gregory M. H. Rimmer William F. Bullock Richard Gilleland J. H. Roberts John I. Burnley H. T. Hanna N. T. Sallis Sames G. Boyd A. J. Hanna George J. Scarborough I. W. Carr David Henry Richard Scarborough J. W. Chesnut Jacob Herring Isaac A. Simon L. Chesnut James Irving John P. Shrock J. K. Coffey Joseph K. Jamison Henry Tarbert T. A. Dobbs C. H. Jennings F. H. Terry L. S. Dodd William Keeth Asa M. Thompson Wm. B. Dotson A. F. Oldham S. T. Young Samuel Fletcher L. D. Rimmer James D. Zollicoffer F. REINSTATED, 7: Anderson James M. Chesnut Jacob Keeth Asa M. Burnley H. T. Irving John P. Terry L. S. Zollicoffer F. DIMITTED, 9: Anderson James M. Davis Alex M. Morman Benj. F. Cole James W. Dotson Garner M. Richardson John T. Cottrell Wm. M. Durham S. Wasson W. J. DIED, 1: Mabry Alexander SUSPENDED, 2: For non-payment of dues : Stewart R. C. "White Stokely OFFICERS FOR Daniel L. Smythe H. P. S. T. Oldham. K. James H. Alexander S. M. A. Clark C. pf H. I. A. Herring P. S. J. M. Charpings R. A. C. THE YEAR 1870: L. S. Terry M. 3d V. John C. Lucas M. 2d Y. James D. Rimmer M. 1st Y. James N. Taylor Treasurer. Samuel Young Secretary. William G. Aston Tyler. 346 QUITMAN CHAPTEE, NO. 21.—19 Members. (Chartered January 15, 1850.) Hernando, De Soto Co.—Regular meetings, 4th "Wednesday of each month. Joseph O. Lusher... Reuben T. Sanders. Andrew W. Smith.. John W. Hanes Lemuel H. Hall.... William A. Boon ... Caffey Thomas Y. Dodds Isaac C. OFFICERS: ... H. P. Joseph B. Sanders M. 3d. V. K. . D. M. Slocumb M. 2d V. S. C.P.Oakley M. 1st Y. . C. of H. Robert Temple Treasurer. ... . P. S. Robert F. Cook Secretary. . R. A. C. James D. Nichols Tyler. MEMBERS: Doggett Richard E. Morgan John B. Wollard Seth Moseley John T. Oliver James S. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: Joseph O. Lusher H. P. Joseph B. Sanders M. 3d V. Reuben T. Sanders K. D. M. Slocumb M. 2d V. A. W. Smith S. C. P. Oakley M. 1st Y. John W. Hanes. C. of H. Robert Temple Treasurer. L. H.Hall P. S. Robert F. Cook Secretary. William A. Boon R. A. C. James D. Nichols Tyler. HOUSTON CHAPTEE, No. 23.-43 Members. (Chartered January 15, 1850.) Houston, Chickasaw Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Friday of each month. OFFICERS: Thomas N. Martin. * H. P. B. F. Fitzpatrick M. 3d Y. Littleton Hill K. F. M. James M. 2d V. John Smith S. J. R. Mcintosh M. 1st V. W. W. Wood.. .>. C. of H. D. K. Woodall Treasurer. R. P. Mitchell P. S. J. A. Purkey Secretary. J. L. S. Hill R. A. C. P. C. Steger Tyler. MEMBERS: Asley D. C. Dominick R. N. Flynn Z. K. Barton William Doss James T. Gray C. C. Barton Absalom Ellis William Griffin J. T. 347 Harlan William T. Harrill Warren Hargrove B. F. Hague Thomas Martin James Miller James E. Myers Simon Gray C. C. Owen Benjamin F. Pearsall Thomas H. Porter L. A. Park A. A. Paulk Isaac Smith J. D. Smith J. R. Woodall J. M. REINSTATED, 2: DIMITTED, 1: Young Thomas J. DIED, 1: McGarrity J. M. Taft C. E. Thompson R. W. Walker William L. White Allen Williams Samuel G. Wood F. G. Wood A. G. Smith J. R. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: Thomas N. Martin PI. P. Littleton Hill K. Isaac Paulk S. W. W. Wood C. of H. R. P. Mitchell P. S. James E. Miller R. A. C. A. A. Park M. 3d Y. J. R. Smith M. 2d Y. William Hill M. 1st V. D. K. Woodall Treasurer. J. A. Purkey Secretary. P. C. Steger Tyler. WAYNE CHAPTER, NO. 24, EOR 1868.—16 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1851.) Shubuta, Clark Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Monday night of each month. OFFICERS: James A. Heard - H. P. Angus McDonald M. 3d V. John W. Collins K. Solomon Meyer M. 2d Y. John M. Flood S. Thomas G. Sullivan M. 1st Y. David R. Red C. of H. Morris Greenhood Treasurer. Peter Parker P. S. Darius S. Welch Secretary. Jesse W. Lankford R. A. C. Robert Collins Tyler. MEMBERS : Bandy George C. Brown John W. Goodwin Charles F. Harvely John B. 348 AFFILIATED, 1 : Brown John W. REINSTATED, 1 : Bandy George 0. DIMITTED, 1: Boyce Robert P. SUSPENDED, 6: For non-payment of dues : Cherry William H. Groves William Taylor Angus Crosby James A. Jones Samuel Turner James OFFICERS FOR John M. Brown H. P. Clement L. Watson K. Solomon Myer S. Jesse W. Lankford C. of H. Peter Parker P. S. John M. Floyd R. A. C. EIE YEAR 1869 : Robert Collins M. 3d V. Angus McDonald M. 2d Y. James Leggett M. 1st V. Morris Greenhood Treasurer. Darius S. Welch Secretary. Thomas G. Sullivan Tyler. WAYNE CHAPTER, NO. 24, EOR 1869.—20 Members. (Chartered. January 14, 1851.) Shubuta, Clark Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Monday night of each month. OFFICERS: John M. Brown H. P. Robert M. Collins M. 3d V. Clement L. Watson K. Angus McDonald M. 2d V. Solomon Myer S. James Leggett M. 1st V. W. Lankford C. of H. Morris Greenhood Treasurer. Peter Parker P. S. Darius S. Welch Secretary. John M. Floyd R. A. C. Thomas G. Sullivan Tyler. MEMBERS: Bandy George C. Harvely John B. Turner James Goodwin Charles L. Leggett James Watson Clement L. Heard James A. Red David R. 349 AFFILIATED, 2: Leggett James Watson Clement L. REINSTATED, 1: Turner James DIMITTED, 1: Collins John W. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : Clement L. Watson H. P. Solomon Myer K. James Turner S. Peter Parker C. of H. David R. Red P. S. Jesse W. Lankford R. A. C. George C. Bandy M. 3d V. Morris Greenhood M. 2d Y. James Leggett M. 1st V. Robert Collins Treasurer. Darius S. Welch Secretary. Thomas G. Sullivan Tyler. OKOLONA CHAPTER, No. 27.-26 Membees. (Chartered January 14, 1851.) Okolona, Chickasaw Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Friday of each month. John S. Cain H. L. Hill A. D. Brooks W. A. Bodenhamer. Austin Pollard John McCurley OFFICERS: H. P. J. H. Mauldin M. 3d V. K. (Dead) M. 3d V. S. W. H. D. Crawford M. 1st Y. .. C. of H. W. G. Arnold Treasurer. P. S. Amzi Babbitt Secretary. . . R. A. C. S. W. Townsend Tyler. Betts James A. Buchanan W. M. Buckingham E. B. Buford A. Gray H. H. Buchanan W. M. 44 MEMBERS: Joseph Bretney, P. H. P. Knox W. E. Loughridge J. A. Miller J. W. Moore C. J. Noe J. R. EXALTED, 3 : Moore C. J. Penny William, Jr. Rogers J. A. Simpson C. N. Tucker J. H. Wren J. R- Tucker J. H. 850 Bearden W. S. Bearden W. S, AFFILIATED, 1 : Loughridge J. A. REINSTATED, 3: Knox W. E. DIMITTED, 3: Gewin P. T. DIED, 1.: Shearer Thomas B. SUSPENDED, 3: For non-payment of dues: Miller J. W. Gordon James Buckingham W. W. Elliott W. F. Lain John OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : John S. Cain Amzi Babbitt H. L. Hill C. N. Simpson J. A. Loughridge John McCurley H. P. S. W. Townsend M. 1st Y. K. J. H. Tucker M. 2d V. .. S. W. M. Buchanan M. 3d V. C. of H. W. G. Arnold Treasurer. P. S. W. A. Bodenhamer Secretary. R. A. C. J. H. Mauldin Tyler. SHONGALO CHAPTER, No. 30.—38 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1851.) Vaiden, Carroll Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Friday of each month. OFFICERS: Turner C. Everett H. P. S.C. Bains ^ K. J. L. Anderson S. J. A. Applewhite C. of H. T. C. Harris P. S. H. P. Turner R. A. C. S. Lichtenstein M. 3d Y B. J.Kopperl M. 2d V. E. L.Wood M. 1st V. S. L. Hirsh Treasurer. S. Weiner Secretary. S. N. Ely Tyler. Allen Richard S. Adair Daniel Applewhite James MEMBERS: Fullilove T. J. Harris J. T. Haslett J. A. H. Ship J. M. Ship T. C. Sanderson A. J. 351 Blackman Zack Blackman Henry Brantly W. F. Brantly A. H. Coliron D. H. ForcKheimer Ben. Jernigan G. W. Appplewhite J. R. Dunn J. B. Griffin Allen Humphries D. W. Jernigan G. W. Kenedy T. B. Meyers W. Philips W. W. Poindexter J. T, EXALTED, 3 : Wilshire A. DIMITTED, 3: Carter John PI. DIED, 1: Soher Solomon SUSPENDED, 6: For non-payment of dues: Hatcher J. W. Hawkins Frank Sproles S. It. Whittle W. E. Wood J. S. Wilson It. C. Wilshire A. Wilson It. C. Marshal E. J. Kelly Wiley Wimberly Luke Turner C. Everett H. P. S. C. Bains K. J. L. Anderson S. J. A. Applewhite C. of H. T. C. Harris P. S. T. B. Kenedy It. A. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: S. Lichtenstein M. 3d W S. R. Sproles M. 2d Y. G. W. Jernigan M. 1st Y. R. C. Wilson Treasurer. S. N. Ely Secretary. Daniel Adair Tyler. EMOEY CHAPTEE, No. 32.—30 Membeks. (Chartered January 13, 1852.) Black Hawk, Carroll Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Friday of each month. OFFICERS: Joseph R. Young H. P. R. C. Jenkins K. R. D. Meek S. S. A. Eggleston - C. of H. H. M. Hamilton P. S. C. J. Coleman M. 3d V. J. M. Johnson M. 2d V. William H. Johnson M. 1st V. H. T. Hampton Treasurer. Henry Gilliam Secretary. David Kyle. R. A. C. J. M. Hill Tyler. 352 Anderson William Bennett 0. W. Cade William R. Cook A. D. - Hamilton John A. Hicks B. M. Hicks B. M. MEMBERS: McRae John W. King Y. 0. Kitrell B. F. Porter John H. Reeves Andrew J. Reid H. J. EXALTED, 3 King V. 0. Streater James T. Stoops J. R. Towns J. C. Threadgill T. S. Wade H. S. Wallace William J. Kitrell B. F. Bennett C. W. Long H. W. AFFILIATED, 3 Reid H. J. DIMITTED, 4: Lowry William J. Wilson A. A. Streater James T. Raley Abram OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : R. D. Meek H. P. R. C. Jenkins K. C. J. Coleman S. J. M. Johnson C. of H. B. F. Kitrell P. S. David Kyle R. A. C. H. J. Reid M. 3d V. H. S. Wade M. 2d V. T. S. Threadgill M. 1st V. J. C. Towns Treasurer. Henry Gilliam Secretary. Andrew J. Reeves Tyler. LAFAYETTE CHAPTER, No. 33.-52 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1852.) Oxford, Lafayette Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Thursday of each month. OFFICERS: (Dead) H. P. C. H. Bell K. William L. Lyles S. D. M. Smith C. of H. William Delay P. S. J. H. McKie R. A. C. P. J. Slate M. 3d V. George W. Smith M. 2d V. J. H. Howry M. 1st V. Thomas L. Harris Treasurer. J. D. Delbridge Secretary. J. B. Surprise Tyler. 353 MEMBERS: Jamfes M. Howry, P. H. P. Avent W. E. Carter Ed. Graham A. M. Able Josiah Chandler J. T. Hudgins J. C. Bimheim Julius Dooley J. M. Houston B. F. Burney ¥m. S. Delbridge G. W. Isom N. A. Burney S. G. Duncan Isaac A. Jones D. W. Burney J. R. Ferrill F. M. Kindle J. L. Knight M. G. Neilson W. S. Thompson Jacob McCutcheon P. H. Rascoe H. E. Thompson C. M. McMaham W. W. Sanders A. H. Thacker R. B. Matthews E. M. Sartorious M. White J. H. Marshall W. M. Smith "W. H. Worley Henry Morris W. B. Thompson "William Webster Robert Myer Charles Thompson John Wyatt W. W. EXALTED, 6 : Birnheim Julius Houston B. F. Sartorious M. Graham A. M. Marshall W. M. Thompson C. M. AFFILIATED, 1 : Duncan J. A. REINSTATED, 1 : Denton A. S. DIMITTED, 3: Denton A. S. Eades J. E. Owens A. F. DIED, 2: Fee George D. (P.G.H.P.) Sheego g James G. SUSPENDED, 5 : For non-payment of dues : Hollowell W. F. Ragland S. E. Webster Charles Lumbric J. P. Webster William 354 OFFICERS FOR C. H. Bell H. P. William Delay K. William L. Lyles S. D. M. Smith C. of H. James M. Howry P. S. J. H. McKie R. A. C. HE YEAR 1870: P. J. Slate M. 3d V, George W. Smith M. 2d V. J. H.Howry M. 1st Y. Thomas L. Harris Treasurer. J. W. McPherson Secretary. John B. Surprise Tyler. NESHOBA CHAPTER, No. 34.—80 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1852.) Laurel Hill, Neshoba Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Saturday of each month. E. L. Lewis .... William J. Seale. S. Sharp L. C. Franklin .. M. B. Kirk S. E. Steel Booth Zack Booth D. D. Deskin J. G. Dowd W. C. Frasier W. P. Germany J. M. Gamblin E. D. OFFICERS: H. P. William A. Burnside M. 3d Y. K. John McMichael . M. 2d Y. S. James Watkins M. 1st Y. . C. of H. Samuel Williams Treasurer. .. .. P. S. James S. Lewis Secretary. . R. A. C. John M. McMillan Tyler. MEMBERS: Greer H. C. Gamblin E. D. Hays G. J. Holland Charles McBeth John C. McDonald Hugh EXALTED, 3: Holland Charles REINSTATED, 1: Pace J. R. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: McKay Archy Face J. R. Reagan J. W. Richmond Thos. B. Richmond W. D. Simmons J. E. Simmons J. E. E. L. Lewis H. P. Hugh McDonald K. Archy McKay S. W. P. Frasier C. of H. John McMichael M. 3d V. James Watkins M. 2d V. Charles Holland M: 1st V. John M. McMillan Treasurer. E. D. Gamblin P. S. James S. Lewis Secretary. S. E. Steel R. A. C. J. M. Germany Tyler. 355 CHAELES SCOTT CHAPTEE, No. 35.—19 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1852.) Pleasant Hill, (Olive Branch P. O.) DeSoto Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: William H. McCargp H. P. James Jenkins K. Jacob Joyner S. Rice L. Parkinson C. of H. James M. Blassengame P. S. William Crite R. A. C. Bridgeforth Thos Black Pleasant Black Pleasant William H. McCargo H. P. Benjamin F. Griffin K. Jerome B. Stamps S. John T. Smith C. of H. Pleasant M. Black p. S. Thomas O. Bridgeforth R. A. C. .M. 3d V. .M. 2d V. . M. 1st V. Treasurer. Secretary. Tyler. Absalom G. John T. roy Charles W. Jacob Joyner M. 3d V. Charles W. Willroy M. 2d Y. Rice L. Parkinson M. 1st V. James Jenkins Treasurer. Absalom G. Perry Secretary. James Humphreys Tyler. MEMBERS: . O. Griffin Benjamin F. Perr; [. Humphreys James Smit Willroy Charles W. EXALTED, 3: L Humphreys James Will AFFILIATED, 1 : Griffin Benjamin F. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : John McLane Alferd Cole Benjamin Steuart George P. Lane .. Jerome B. Stamps Jacob J. Duhoise. LOUISVILLE CHAPTEE, No. 36, EOE 1868.—35 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1852.) Louisville, Winston Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday night of each month. OFFICERS: J. W. Patty H. P. William Barnes K. Jas. D. Davis S. Lewis Liebenfield C. of H. C. H. Cagle P. S. J. S. Reid R. A. C. B. B. Lindsey M. 3d \ . C. Y. Thompson M. 2d V. William H. Fox M. 1st V. T. J. Patty Treasurer. Geo. Y. Woodward Secretary. H. C. Edwards Tyler. 356 MEMBERS: Alexander J. G. Burroughs A. Brown R. D. Black B. M. Edwards M. L. Foster E. Foster John G. Fulton G. W. Harper "William Hendricks H. J. D. Holmes John C. Hyde E. D. Kennedy John Kilpatrick D. D. Metts M. A. McKinley J. D. Shaw James P. Sullivan Rufus Speakes J. L. Webb William H. Whitten S. R. Wood Henry Woodward Nathaniel REINSTATED, 1: Ball J. L. Ball J. L. DIMITTED, 2: Nichols D. C. Meek W. H. SUSPENDED, 3: For non-payment of dues: McQueen Hugh Tucker Ira OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1869 : J. W. Patty H. P. James D. Davis K. C. H. Cagle S. L. Liebenfeld C. of H. William Barnes P. S. J. S. Reid R. A. C. A. Burroughs M. 3d V. W. H. Fox M. 2d V. M. A. Metts M. 1st "V. B. B. Lindsey Treasurer. Geo. Y. Woodward Secretary. H. C. Edwards Tyler. LOUISVILLE CHAPTER, No. 36, EOR 1869—30 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1852.) Louisville, Winston Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday nightof each month. OFFICERS: John W. Patty H. P. James D. Davis K. C. H. Cagle S. L. Liebenfeld C. of H. William Barnes P. S. Joseph S. Reid R. A. C. A. Burroughs M. 3d V. William H. Fox M. 2d V. M. A. Metts M. 1st V. B. B. Lindsey Treasurer. Geo. Y. Woodward Secretary. H. C. Edwards Tyler. 357 Alexander James G. Black B. M. Brown R. D. Fulton George W. Gillis A. Harper William Covington J. B. Clayton Robert Cockburn P. B. Copp Jacob Coward J. C. Dotson W. R. Edwards M. L. Fulcher J. H. MEMBERS: Hendricks H. J. D. Holmes Jobn C. Kennedy John McQueen Hugh Patty T. J. Poteet J. B. DIED, 1: Rainey W. R. SUSPENDED, 24: For non-payment of dues : Fancher W. H. Gage John J. Hudson William G. Holmes Thomas F. Huffman D. A. Hyde E. D. Kilpatrick D D. Loyd L. L. Speakes J. L. Shaw James P. Sullivan Rufus Tucker Ira Thompson C. Y. Wood Henry Montgomery Thos. P. Miller S. J. McMakin A. Webb A. Whitten S. R. White R. M. Williams D. D. Westerfield C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: E. Foster H. P. W. H. Fox K. C. H. Cagle S. L. Liebenfeld C. of H. James D. Davis P. S. William Barnes R. A. C. Nathaniel Woodward M. 3d Y. J. C. Foster M. 2d Y. M. A. Metts M. 1st V. B. B. Lindsey Treasurer. Geo. Y. Woodward Secretary. H. C. Edwards Tyler. AMITE CHAPTER, No. 42.—85 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1853.) Liberty, Amite Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: Benjamin F. Johns .. H. P. Elias Safford K. Samuel B. Webb S. Charles E. Davis C. of H. Charles Carroll P. S. David Wilson R. A. C. 45 Charles P. Neilson M. 3d V. Thomas Reed M. 2d V. John G. Morgan M. 1st Charles Carroll Treasurer. E. H. Davis Secretary. David Jewett Tyler. 358 Anderson W. P. Aumack J. R. Bates Marshall P. Butler Z. P. Cerf Josiah Davis William L. Day William H. MEMBERS: Faust P. P. Gardner Sylvester Germany Charles C. Gillespie M. B. Hinson James Jagers J. E. Jenkins J. A. Davidson William D. Lea Wilford Z. McCrane H. M. Nunnery John H, Ratcliff H. H. Swearingen Yan F. Tarver E. L. Tebow John Weathersby W. M. Wren F. C. DIED, 1: McKnight Hamilton SUSPENDED, 1 : For non-payment of dues : MeGehee William C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : Charles P. Neilson H. P. Charles E. Davis K. John Tebow S. Benjamin F. Johns C. of H. Charles Carroll P. S. David Wilson R. A. C. Elias Safford M. 3d Y. William L. Davis M. 2d V. M. B. Gillespie '. .M. 1st V. Charles Carroll Treasurer. E. M. Davis Secretary. David Jewett Tyler. TALLAHATCHIE CHAPTEE, No. 44.—87 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1853.) Charleston, Tallahatchie Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday of each month. OFFICERS: W. H. Fitzgerald H. P. J. D. Steele M. 3d V. J. S. Bailey K. R. Quarles M 2d V. J. W. Erwin S. R. K. Stevens M. 1st V. C. J. F. Merriwether C. of H, G. B. Roberson Treasurer. S. C. Barnes P. S. J. M. R. Simmons Secretary. J. W. Buckley R. A. C. W. R. Erwin Tyler. MEMBERS: Ball A. Julian J. A. Richards D. A. Barnes S. Lester Benj. F. Rhen J. P. Bellamy J. W. Lilly B. F. A. Robeson W. H. 359 Boisclair T. W. Crofford J. A. Dame J. H. Finlcy W. W. Holshouser M. F. Martin W. C. Murphy "A.. G. Owens W. A. Rice O. P. Rainwater J. A. Young J. F. M. Ross J. A. Tanner J. W. Walton T. P. Wilkerson F. A. Wright James C. Bellamy J. W. EXALTED, 3: Roberson W. H. Walton T. P. Bell J. Brown A. R. Carr H. E. Dogan J. H. Eskridge W. S. DIMITTED, 3: Langly A. J. SUSPENDED, 11: For non-payment of dues : Finlay H. H. Harper J. N. Horton D. H. Kerr J. D. Walker H. W. Lester W. J. Marcus J. W. Stewart T. J. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: W. H. Fitzgerald H. P. G. B. Roberson K. M. F. Holshouser S. S. C. Barnes C. of H. C. J. F. Merriwether P. S. R. Quarles R. A. C. T. P. Walton M. 3d V. J. P. Wren M. 2d V. W. H. Roberson M. 1st Y. J. W. Buckley Treasurer. J. W. Bellamy Secretary. W. R. Erwin Tyler. ENTEEPEISE CHAPTER No. 45.-29 Members. (Chartered Julyl3, 1853.) Enterprise, Clark Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Thursday of each month. OFFICERS: Horace Harding, P.H.P H. P. George W. Holden K. Samuel Ballard S. Stephen W. Lee C. of H. j. W. Winn, P.H.P P. S. Frank S. Pickel R. A. C. J. M. Hand, P.H.P M. 3d V. Joseph L. George M. 2d V. A. G. Levy M. 1st V. Charles Kramer Treasurer. Charles F. Mayerhoff Secretary. Thomas H. Wilson Tyler. 360 Andrews Julius A. Brown L. B. Buntyn James M. Corbitt Cornelius Davis William P. Easterling Bennett Andrews Julius A. MEMBERS: Flowers William K. Hand Enoch E. Hurst Jacob Kamper John Lee Lee McMillan Alexander EXALTED, 3: Buntyn James M. REINSTATED, 1: Dyess John J. DIMITTED, 2: Morrow L. H. Oliphant Sam R. Shaw Gustavus M. Woods James Woolverton Asher V. Kamper John Dyess John J. Hiller J. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: J. M. Hand, P.H.P... Gustavus M. Shaw J. W. Winn, P.H.P... S. W. Lee J. A. Andrews F. S. Pickel H. P. W. K. Flowers M. 3d Y. K. John Kamper M. 2d V. S. James Wood M. 1st V. .. C. of H. Charles Kramer Treasurer. P. S. Abraham G. Levy Secretary. .. R. A. C. Thomas H. Wilson Tyler. CARTHAGE CHAPTER, No. 46, FOR 1867.—14 Membees. (Chartered January 13, 1853.) Caethage, Leake Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday of each month. OFFICERS: John A. Hanson H. P. K. >■. S. W. M. Cotton C. of H. G. T. Allen P. S. J. D. Eads R. A. C. T. C. Rogess M. 3d Y. Jonathan Beard ..M. 2d Y. J. H. Hamilton M. 1st V.. J. D. Eads Treasurer. J. Wilder Secretary. J. D. Summers Tyler. MEMBERS: Mays H. H. Tucker L. Smythe J. S. 361 Bennett Elias Boyd J. T. Hall William M. Johnson Samuel SUSPENDED, 13: s For non-payment of dues : Mann William B. McDuff R. F. McMurtry Wm. Parrott A. J. Williams John Plunkett J. L. Richmond Samual Triplett W. H. Watkins J. E. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1868: William M. Cotton H. P. J. D. Eads K. T. C. Rogers S. Jonathan Beard C. of H. G. T. Allen M. 3d V. D. J. Summers M. 2d Y. M. 1st V. J. D. Eads Treasurer. John A. Hanson P. S. J. Wilder Secretary. H. H. Mays R. A. C. L. Tucker Tyler. CAETHAGE CHAPTEE, NO. 46, FOE 1868.—14 MEMBERS. (Chartered January 13, 1853.) Carthage, Leake Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday of each month. OFFICERS: William M. Cotton H. P. H. H. Mays M. 3d V. J. D. Eads K. G.T.Allen... M. 2d Y. T. C. Rogers S. D. J. Summers M. 1st V. John A. Hanson C. of H. J. D. Eads Treasurer. Jonathan Beard P. S. J. Wilder Secretary. J. S. Smythe R. A. C. L. Tucker Tyler. MEMBERS: Davis O. H. P. Hamilton J. H. Rushing W. S. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1869 : William M. Cotton H. P. H. H. Mays M. 3d V. J. D. Eads K. G. T. Allen M. 2d V. T. C. Rogers S. D. J. Summers M. 1st V. John A. Hanson r C. of H. Treasurer. Jonathan Beard P. S. J. W. Wilder Secretary. R. A. C. L. Tucker Tyler. 362 CARTHAGE CHAPTER, NO. 46, FOR 1869.—14 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1853.) Carthage, Leake Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Monday of each month. OFFICERS: William M. Cotton .H. P. J. D. Eads K. T. C. Rogers S. John A. Hanson C. of H. Jonathan Beard P. S. J. S. Smythe R. A. C. Davis O. H. P. William M. Cotton H. P. J. D. Eads K. T. C. Rogers S. John A. Hanson :.... C. of H. Jonathan Beard P. S. R. A. C. H. H. Mays M. 3d V. G. T. Allen M. 2d V. D. J. Summers M. 1st V. Treasurer. J. Wilder Secretary. L. Tucker Tyler. ing W. S. H. H. Mays .M. 3d V. G. T. Allen M. 2d Y. D. J. Summers M. 1st V. Treasurer. J. W. Wilder Secretary, L. Tucker Tyler. MEMBERS: Hamilton J. H. Rusl OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : VERONA CHAPTER, NO. 47.—21 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1853. Verona, Lee Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Wednesday of each month. OFFICERS: Hiram Hood H. P. R. C. Cunningham K. J. S. Cobb S. J. O. Carroll C. of H. R. L. Trice P. S. James R. Johnson R. A. C. John H. Garmon M. 3d Y. Sal. Dixon ... M. 2d V. Hugh C. Wilson M. 1st V. B. S. Trice Treasurer. A. H. Raymond Secretary. Marion Forbes Tyler. Burton James M. Clark R. C. Davis Jasper N. MEMBERS: Edwards G. W. McGaughv B. R. Porter H. L. Scales P. A. Trice James M. Whitlow B. F. 363 Bromley James M. Davis Jasper N. Bromley James M. Evans Jeptha Caruth A. L. Cunningham ¥m. R. REINSTATED, 5: Edwards G. W. Evans Jeptha DIMITTED, 6: Logan James M. McGaughy J. S. SUSPENDED, 7: For non-payment of dues : Gullet T. F. Hood William Ward W. C. Logan James M. Sampson Thomas 0. Thoinason A. Russell G. D. Stephenson F. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : R. C. Cunningham H. P. P. A. Scales K. J..S. Cobb S. B. R. McGaughy ,\ C. of H. R. L. Trice P. S. James R. Johnson R. A. C. J. H. Gannon M. 3d Y. Sal. Dixon . M. 2d V. H. C. Wilson M. 1st Y. B. S. Trice... Treasurer. A. H. Raymond Secretary. Marion Forbes Tyler. EIPLEY CHAPTEE, No. 48.-39 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1850.) Ripley Tippah Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Wednesday of each month. J. E. Rogers, P.H.P.. A. L. P. Yarian C. P. Miller, P.H.P ... J. C. Spight J. H. Buchanan S. R. Spight Cox E. A. Crook J. A. Dickson B. W. Fife J. A. Hill R. J- OFFICERS: .... H. P. J. Y. Murry M. 3d V. K. C. G. Haynes M. 2d V. S. A. C. Rucker, P.H.P M. 1st V. . C. of H. W. D. Carter Treasurer. P. S. H. T. Counsell Secretary. . R. A. C. E. F. Jordan Tyler. MEMBERS: McCarley Mose McCowan L. S. Martin J. T. Peeler J. P. Pearce Joseph Stubbs H. A. Smith B. B., Jr. Wilson A. H. White Samuel Walker J. M. 364 Kelly J. 0. Luter J. W. Laird J. S. Lowry M. P. Cook J. A. Fife J. A. Kimbrouali J. A. Rucker C. C. Rutherford B. B. Rutherford W. O. Robinson W. W. EXALTED, 9 : Luter J. W. Martin J. T. McCowan L. S. DIMITTED, 1 : Kimbrough J. A. Wells H. F. Webb H. T. Wilson J. W. Young W. T. Robinson W. W. Wilson A. H. Wilson J. W. J. E. Rogers H. P. J. H. Buchanan K. J. P. Peeler S. J. C. Spight C. of H. A. C. Rucker P. S. J. Y. Murry R. A. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : J. T.Martin M. 3d Y. S. R. Spight M. 2d V. J. A. Crook M. 1st V. W. D. Carter Treasurer. W. W. Robinson Secretary. E. F. Jordan " Tyler. NEW ALBANY CHAPTER, No. 49.—50 Members. (Chartered January 13, 1853.) New Albany, Pontotoc Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Friday of each month. Charles T. Bond George W. Dorsey... Joseph A. Bobbins... William C. Gillen... James B. Reaves^...'. Madison Orr Bacon Waddy A. Berry Micajah F. Buchanon John W. Butler John B. Clary Elisha C. Davis Jo. Jeff. Dean Willis OFFICERS: H. P. James H. Williamson „ .. .M. 3d V. K. Adlai Beard .*.... M. 2d V. S. Nimrod A. Wilkins M. 1st V. . C. of H. Elijah M. Coker Treasurer. P. S. Joel A. Hearne Secretary. . R. A. C. Jefferson Orr Tyler. MEMBERS: Driver Giles L. Duff Jo. Porter Ellis Wiley Martin Foster Booker Ferguson Ancel H. Ford J. R. Graham Joseph F. Harris William H. Harris Press. R. Huston William J. Heard Stephen Hill James Atwood Hogg Elnathan D. McAllister Ben. C. £ 365 Mayes Norbin Jones Martin Major W. Mitchel Charles G-. Pennebaker Wyand Reynolds William L. Robinson J. Harry Swindoll Wm. C., Jr. Stewart David D. Sandford William B. Swofford J. S. Turner Russel J. Tyer Shadrach S. Tyer Durant L. Tally William C. Wade T. A. J. Watson Nat. S. West William DIMITTED, 2: Armour J. B. , Smith Isaiah W. EXPELLED, 1 : By action of Rockyford Lodge, No. 185 : Smith James F. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : Charles T. Bond H. P. N. J. Mayes K. Joseph A. Robbins S. William C. Gillen C. of H. James B. Reaves P. S. Madison Orr R. A. C. James H. Williamson M. 3d V. Adlai Beard M. 2d V. Nimrod A. Wilkins M. 1st Y. Elijah M. Coker Treasurer. Joel A. Hearne Secretary. Jefferson Orr Tyler. MOUNT CAEMEL CHAPTEB, No. 50.—32 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1854.) Mount Carmee, Covington Co.—Regular meetings, Thursday before the 1st Saturday of each month. , OFFICERS: Nathan Barnes H. P. Hambric Hooker K. James A. Bass S. Archy Fairly C. of H. William W. Robeson P. S. John L. Beavers R. A. C. 46 Isaac M. Applewhite M. 3d V. E. T. Hudnel M. 2d Y. John Buckhalter M. 1st V. Louis W. Grey Treasurer. Henry P. Lewis Secretary. Jerry Bass Tyler. 366 Banks M. L. Barnes Harris Barnes Calvin Berry Richard T. Buckley Nathan S. David Oliver H. Fairly Peter Ford Calvin Lee Benj. B. W. McLeod Hugh A. Durr Emanuel A. MEMBERS: Freeman John C. Ford Calvin Hollander Jacob Hooker William R. Lee Benj. B. W. Mathason Neal Mclnnis John N. EXALTED, 3 : O'Rork Michael AFFILIATED, 1 : Barnes Calvin REINSTATED, 4: Mclnnis John N. Williams William A. DIMITTED, 3: Simmons E. W. DIED, 1: Barnes Williams SUSPENDED, 3: For non-payment of dues: Eaton Jasper W. Price Wilson O'Rork Michael Rutledge William Strahan William L. Williams Isaac Williams William A. Simmons E. W. Smith W. G. W. Smith W. G. W. Fortenbury Jesse W. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : Nathan Barnes H. P. Hambric Hooker K. Wilson Price S. John N. Mclnnis C. of H. James A. Bass P. S. Isaac Williams R. A. C. John C. Freeman M. 3d V. Archy Fairly M. 2d Y. William R. Hooker M. 1st Y. Louis W. Grey Treasurer. Henry P. Lewis Secretary. Jerry Bass Tyler. 367 GEO. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, No. 51.—44 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1854.) Chulahoma, Marshall Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: B. N. Alexander.. P. H. Jenkins E. W. Bloodworth R. P. Bo-wen J. W. Stephenson William McKie.. H. P. George W. McKie M. 3d V. K. David Lawman M. 2d V. S. Nich. J. Wilson M. 1st Y. C. of H. C. S. Bowen Treasurer. P. S. J. H. Alexander Secretary. R. A. C. D. M. Davis Tyler. Alexander H. L. Brooks Jos. H. Bowen R. T. Collins J. D. Coyle S. D. Cooper J. C. Cooper William R. Coleman J. G. Coleman J. S. Dotson Isaac Falkner Calvin Collins J. D. Gant W. H. MEMBERS: Gordon J. D. Gordon A. M. Gant W. H. Hamilton Albert Haynes William Hyer W. F. Harris C. B. Jeffries W. A. Mabry J. L. Mims D. H. Moore W. R. REINSTATED, 6: Gordon A. M. Hyer W. F. DIMITTED, 1: Wilson George A. DIED, 1: Parker Henry SUSPENDED, 1 : For non-payment of dues : McKie B. F. McGowan J. L. Pryor S. H. Read R. A. Rogers W. K. Smith C. J. Smith Joe H. Stephenson C. C Still J. H. Wilson J. L. Young W. H. Mims D. H. Wilson George A. B. N. Alexander H. P. P. H. Jenkins K. E. W. Bloodworth S. R. P. Bowen .' C. of H. J. W. Stephenson P. S. William McKie., OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: George W. McKie M. 3d Y. David Lawman M. 2d V. N. J. Wilson M. 1st V. C. S. Bowen Treasurer. J. H. Alexander Secretary. D. M. Davis Tyler. .... R. A. C. 368 PATTON CHAPTER, No. 52.-33 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1854.) Lauderdale Station, Lauderdale Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W. R. McKinley M. 3d Y. S. P. Kennedy M. 2d V. R. B. Wilder...v M. 1st Y. C. G-. Miller -..Treasurer. William S. Patton H. P. R. McKinley K. J. L. Simmons S. J. Gr. McArthur C. of H. J. C. Porter . P. S. J. L. Nunnery R. A. C. Armstrong T. Y. Brown Wesley Babbett J. Gr. Belk L. D. Cocke E. A. R. Cole W. L. Crawley James M. Belk L. D. J. M. Bates Secretary. E. W. Smithwick Tyler. MEMBERS: Crawley J. W. Cullum P. P. Day W. C. Dove John Farris R. E. Furguson S. H. Moore Elias REINSTATED, 4: Cole W. L. Perkins W. R. Moore William McCarty James McCullough A. D. Palmer E. J. Peace Daniel W. Perkins W. R. Smith Reuben Faulkner Gr. J. Calvert Adam Faulkner Gr. J. DIMITTED, 5: Henderson M. R. Lowenstein J. Yaretzky H. DIED, 1: Woods W. C. SUSPENDED, 1 : For unmasonic conduct.—[By Patton Lodge, No. 129.] Miller R. W. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : R. McKinley H. P. J. C. Porter K. J. Gr. McArthur S. J. M. Bates C. of H. J. L. Simmons P. S. Wesley Brown R. A. C. J. L. Nunnery M. 3d V. W. R. Perkins M. 2d V. R. B. Wilder M. 1st V. C. G-. Miller; Treasurer. W. R. McKinley Secretary. E. W. Smithwick Tyler. 3139 PALO ALTO CHAPTER, No. 53.-37 Mekbebs. (Chartered January 14, 1854. j Palo Alto, Chickasaw Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday (at 2 o'clock P. M.) of each month. OFFICERS: Daniel B. Hill H. P. James B. Watkins K. John K. Allen S. James P. Deanes C. of H. "William P. Malone P. S. Samuel A. Deanes R. A. C. J. J. McPherson M. 3d V. C. J. TWnsend M. 2d V. John Wbite M. 1st V. James S. Williams Treasurer. William H. Hill Secretary. John L. Armistead Tyler. Coopwood Wm. C. Ivy H. M. Ivy Sterling G. MEMBERS: Medlock Absalom Miller John C. McVey W. C. AFFILIATED, 1 : St. Clair Clifton Robertson David St. Clair Clifton DIED, 1: Hynche Henry SUSPENDED, 1: For non-payment of dues : Ivy Calvin OFFICERS FOR William C. Coopwood H. P. David Robertson K. Henry M. Ivy S. Daniel B. Hill C. of H. Samuel A. Deanes P. S. John L. Armistead R. A. C. TEAR 1870: John White M. 3d V. Jcmes B. Watkins M. 2d V. Sterling G. Ivy M. 1st V. James P. Deanes Treasurer. William H. Hill Secretary. Absalom Medlock Tyler. 370 BETHESDA CHAPTER, No. 55.-29 Members. (Chartered January 12, 1854.) Palmer's Spring, (Kosciusko P. 0.) Attala Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. H. F. Moore J. N. Richburg.. J. W. Armstrong. J. R. Grier A. W. Mitchell.. F. M. Richburg.. Armstrong S. C. Arterbury J. F. M. Ayres Lansford Bell Matthew Gunter George W. Hudson T. A, Hudson T. A. OFFICERS: H. P. D. N. Stucky M. 3d V. K. R.N.Smith M. 2d Y, S. W. N. Stucky M. 1st Y. . C. of H. J. H. Evans Treasurer. .. .. P. S. C. W. Clark Secretary. , R. A. C. S. J. Leinbach Tyler. Moore W. W. McAfee Robert G. Noah A. G. Roseman Thomas S. Skinner W. F. Skinner W. F. Little William B. Love David MEMBERS: Hudson N. G. Humphryes Geo. U. Humphryes John G. Leinbach S. May field Person Mitchell Samuel EXALTED, 3: Humphryes Geo. IT. DIMITTED, 1 : Green William DIED, 1: Mimms Sebron S. SUSPENDED, 7: For non-payment of dues : Marsailles J. E. Palmer H. D. McGee Joseph T. Wingo W. P. Wallace James OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: J. R. Grier H. P. S. W. Land K. J. H. Evans S. A. W. Mitchel C. of H. F. A. Hudson P. S. J. W. Gilbert R. A. C. H. M. Moore M. 3d Y. J. N. Richburg M. 2d V. W. N. Stucky M. lstW. O. W. Clark Treasurer. W. F. Skinner Secretary. S. J. Leinbach, Tyler. WEIGHT CHAPTEE, No. 56.-24 Members. (Chartered January 12, 1855.) Independence, De Soto Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W. J. Laycock . H. P. W. R. P. Jones M. 3d V. Josiah Dailey K. J. A. Harrison S. J. P. McCracken C. of H. B. R. Chambliss P. S. J. A. Harris R. A. C. J. C. Graham M. 2d V. Evin Perry M. 1st V. Robert Jamison Treasurer. J. W. Bowden Secretary. W. F. Walker Tyler. MEMBERS: Allen D. W. Eason W. Pitt Callicott C. G. Joiner Joel Caradine A. Key Sampson Cathey A. Leonard Thomas DIMITTED, 1: Kennemar Jacob SUSPENDED, 1: For unmasonic conduct: Campbell Cornelius OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: H. P. K. Perry D. J. Peterson M. B. Russwurm W. A. Wallace A. J. B. R. Chambliss. J. W. Bowden.. J. A. Harrison.. J. P. McCracken. A. J. Wallace... J. C. Graham ... . C. of H. .... P. S. .R. A. C. J. A. Harris M. 3d Y. W. R. P. Jones M. 2d Y. Evin Perry M. 1st Y. Robert Jamison Treasurer. Joel Joiner Secretary. W. F.Walker Tyler. BALDWYN CHAPTEE, NO. 57.-32 Members. (Chartered January 12, 1855. Baldwyn, Lee Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W. R. H. Moseley H. P. A. J. Taylor K. W. J. Walden S. J. H. Kennedy C. of H. A. G. Crockett P. S. L. L. Harwell R. A. C. J. G. Cole M. 3d V. J. Stephenson M. 2d V. W. Wilson M. 1st V. J. R. Bristo Treasurer. D. M. Crockett Secretary. T. W. Butler Tyler. 372 MEMBERS: Andrews J. J. Clary Jacob Houston T. W. Johnson David Knott J. H. Lynn W. McWhorter W. D. Oliver J. C. Pannell W. Parker T. Price J. L. Prather L. C. Reeves W. S. Robinson J. P. Savery P. M. Stephenson J. H. P. Stubbs F. H. Stubbs B. W. Stubbs T. B. Williams B. B. McWhorter W. D. Prather L. C. Price J. L. EXALTED, Reeves W. J. Robinson J. P. Savery P. M. Walker W. C. Walker F. C. Walker James Hodges D. Walker A, DIMITTED, 5: Walker W. C. Walker J. Walker H. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: W. R.H.Moseley H. P. A. J. Taylor K. J. H. Stephenson S. J. H. Kennedy C. of H. J. G. Cole M. 3d V. J. L. Price M. 2d V. D. M. Crockett M. 1st V. J. R. Bristow Treasurer. P. M. Savery P. S. L. C. Prather Secretary. A. G. Crockett ,. R. A. C. L. L. Harwell Tyler. SHTJBUTA CHAPTER, No. 59.-28 Membees. (Chartered January 12, 1855.) De SOTO, Clark Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: M. B. Knight . H. P. Abel Boy kin K. R. I. McLeod S. J. S. Bass C. of H. T. C. Bethea P. S. John W. Weems R. A. C. R. D. Weems M. 3d Y. G. W. Ferrell M. 2d V. A. J. Garrant M. 1st Y. J. B. Gordon Treasurer. John S. Dabbs Secretary. S. Scarborough Tyler. 373 Barber J. H. Boykin J. AY. Davis R. AY. Garrard J. A. Gordon Sampson Barber J. H. Boykin J. AY. MEMBERS: Hailes Elias Henry AV. AY. McCarty Berry Sumrall Jacob Sanders Jere. Yarborougb G. AY. REINSTATED, 7: Davis R. AY. Sanders Jere. Terrall S. H. Stovall C. A. Shanks AY. F. Tardy A. B. Terrall S. H. Tobias T. Shanks AY. F. Stovall C. A. Hailes John T. Knight G. A. DIMITTED, I Sheppard G. AY. Stovall C. A. Yarborough J. S. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : M. B. Knight H. P. R. D. AYeems K. J. B. Gordon S. A. Boykin. C. of H. R. I. McLeod P. S. G. AY. Ferrell M. 3d Y. G. AY. Yarborough M. 2d V. J. S. Bass M. 1st Y. S. Scarborough Treasurer. John S. Dabbs Secretary. J. AY. AYeems R. A. C. T. C. Bethea Tyler. PANOLA CHAPTEB, No. 60.—51 Members. (Chartered January 12, 1855.) panola, Panola Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Thursday of each month. Garland G. Nelson ... A. R. McAYilliams ... S. Henry Simmons... John C. Harrison AYilliam M. Marshall. Joseph J. AYaldrip Boyles Felix J. Boyles John M. Bowers D. H. 47 OFFICERS: .... H. P. John AY. Darby M. 3d Y. K. Moses Newton Phillips M. 2d V. S. Robert S. Abernathy M. 1st V. . C. of H. B. L. Ballard Treasurer. P. S. AYilliam E. Farmer Secretary. . R. A. C. A. J. Browder Tyler. MEMBERS: Butts David Byers Joseph J. Cooper John A. Deaton George AY. Dickins Ed. V. Dugger AYilliam 374 Essary James E. Finch. Green Floyd William J. Golf David J. Harris Jamas 0. Harris Hiram W. Harris William S. Hubbard Peter Hubbard Trus Johnson William B. Deaton Thomas Markham J. W. Kinchloe David A. Kuykendall John A. Kyle R. Mc. Lester Simon P. Lester William S. Love George G. Martin Samuel Miller Calvin Mills William S. Moore Franklin DIMITTED, 5: Owen William J. Raitkin G. T. Moore Robert H. Perry Pierce W. Randolph M. M. Sorsby S. F. Stone William E. Taylor James R. Whitten Daniel M. Wright Jesse C. Wright Joseph J. Wright John M. Rhodes Jacob OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870 : Franklin Moore H. P. A. R. Mc Williams K. A. J. Browder S. Moses N. Phillips C. of H. William M. Marshall P. S. R. M. Kyle R. A. C. Garland G. Nelson M. 3d V. John M. Boyles . M. 2d V. Green Finch M. 1st Y. David Butts Treasurer. John C. Harrison Secretary. William E. Farmer Tyler. EUKEKA CHAPTER, No. 61.— 46 Members. (Chartered January 15, 1856.) Goodman, Holmes"Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. D. Mitchell, P.H.P. John Falls, P.H.P. M. L. McGuire J. J. Pickens M. L. Harman James H. Douglas., Arnold S. A. Ashford J. P. Ashley C. M. Ashley J. C. OFFICERS: . .. H. P. B. L. Nor veil M. 3d V. K. R. G. Childress M. 2d V. S. A. G. Knapp M. 1st V. . C. of H. John T. Shines Treasurer. P. S. J. B. Doty Secretary. . R. A. C. R. J. Moody Tyler. MEMBERS: Ball J. M. Buster J. Byrd B. F. Campbell R. R. Costeloe James Cain John G. Doty A. G. Feild W. B. 875 Gould John Hart Daniel Henley W. S. Lipsey L. B. Myers G. W. McMillan J. F. McCleskey J. C. Magruder W. H. Mitchell J. W. Pankey M. C. Pepper D. G. Pope W. A. Smith S. W. Smith Redick Zigler L. J. Swain W. R. Tackett John Tackett 0. H. P. Taggart John W. Taylor W. J. Taylor B. L. Wellons B. H. Ashford J. P. Ashley C. M. Ashley J. C. EXALTED, 9 : Ball J. M. Buster J. H. Costeloe James AFFILIATED, 1 Henley W. S. REINSTATED, 1 Zigler L. J. Doty A. G. Hanks Anthony Pankey M. C. Hanks Anthony DIMITTED, 3: Lomax A. Ship J. M. Allman John Burwell W. B. Bristow J. R. Cooper R. F. Dotson W. H. Harding A. H. Holt W. J. SUSPENDED, 22: For non-payment of dues: Jordan B. C. Little S. H. Lipsey L. G. Loving Bailey May W. P. Middleton Ed. Morrow John Watson Joseph H. McConnell James A. Parker P. A. Roberts B. P. Sample John A. Tackett J. P. Wade Elijah Ward T. M. OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870: W. B. Field H. P. A. J. Knapp K. J. W. Mitchell S. S. W. Smith C. of H. R. G. Childress i.. M. 3d V. M. C. Pankey M. 2d V. W. S. Henley M. 1st V. John W. Taggart Treasurer. M. L. Harman P. S. A. G. Doty Secretary. C. M. Ashley R. A. C. R. J. Moody Tyler. 376 G. W. PERKINS CHAPTER, No. 63.-27 Members. (Chartered January 11, 1858.) Hoen Lake, DeSoto Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS : Edwin R. Grill H. P. William J. Bynum K. William L. Lundny, Sr S. James Turner C. of H. Samuel L. Raines P. S. Watson D. Davis R. A. C. J. H. McLendon H. P. J. W. Powell K. Hugh Logan S. R. A. Nichols C. of H. W. A. Womack .. P. S. James Griffith R. A. C. John W. Rutland M. 3d V. Felix Davis M. 2d V. E. A. Edmonson M. 1st V. Lewis C. Taylor Treasurer. James A. Smith Secretary. R. C. Lea Tyler. V. y. y. er. H. H. Brinker M. 3d V. J. O. McMullen M. 2d V. S. W. England M. 1st V. J. B. E. Caradine Treasurer. R. W. Barton Secretary. S. H. Paden Tyler. MEMBERS: Adams A. H. Bell A. F. Boldin E. Clements John C. Elmore W. G. Jarratt A. L. Fletcher F. M. Gabbert L. G. Gwynn W. B. Harris Robert P. Irwin Silas D. DIMITTED, 4: Lester Stephen J. Upsliaw Thomas L. Nesbit Edward S. Peebles Berlin Robinson Sherwood S. Robinson John L. Robinson J. Manning T. P. DIED, 2: Perkins G. W. (P.G.H.P.) Bell Samuel OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870 : Samuel L. Raines H. P. William L. Lunday, Sr K. John W. Rutland S. Watson D. Davis C. of H. James Turner P. S. W. G. Elmore R. A. C. Berlin Peebles M. 3d John C. Clements M. 2d R. C. Lea M. 1st Felix Davis Treasur James A. Smith Secretai EdwardS. Nesbit Tyl CHICKASAW CHAPTER, NO. 65.-27 Members. (Chartered January 11, 1858.) Sparta, Chickasaw Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: 377 MEMBEES: Avant H. C. Davis J. E. Hasting A. P. Jennings George L. Jennings John L. Eobuck E. M. Paden F. E. Paden John M. Ponder Hugh Eobuck F. M. Eobuck George N. EXALTED, 8: Eobuck George N. Thomas John S. "Woolard James M. Womack M. S. Watkins W. T. Windham E. J. Windham E. J. DIED, 1: Thompson James W. SUSPENDED, 1: For non-payment of dues : LanhanTJohn W. OFFICEES FOE THE YEAE 1870: J. H. McLendon H. P. George N. Eobuck K. E. A. Nichols S. James Griffith C. of H. F. M. Eobuck P. S. A. P. Hasting E. A. C. S. W. England M. 3d V. J. M. Paden M. 2d Y. J. E. Davis M. 1st V. J. B. E. Caradine Treasurer. E. J. Windham Secretary. S. H. Paden Tyler. RIENZI CHAPTER, NO. 66.-36 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1859.) Eienzi, Tishomingo Co.—Eegular meetings, 1st Thursday of each,month. OFFICEES: John F. Arnold H. P. John C. Johnson K. John G. Barton S. Benjamin F. Williams C. of H. John W. Stevens, Jr P. S. J. W. Morris E. A. C. O. D. Pitzgerald M. 3d V. William H. H. Boone M. 2d V. Henry H. Isom M. 1st V. William Gilmer Treasurer. Eobert Henderson Secretary. Jesse Johnsey Tyler. 378 Adair William T. Anderson Joe M. Britton J. S. Blythe William C. Carmack {I. W. ' Cathey Andrew Davenport Robert Feemster M, B. Jumper S. J. Choate A. H. MEMBERS: Gray J. P. Jumper S. J. Reynolds A. E. Sorell E. F. Scally Pryor Smith Pat Stevens John W., Sr. Taylor William A. EXALTED, 3: Scally Pryor DIMITTED, 4: Lowrey J. G. Wallace William F. Taylor Williams Williams William Wade T. J. Wilson John Whitehirst T. J. Whiteside H. S. Whiteside I. N. Williams 0. W. Smith Pat Shelton David OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870: John F. Arnold H. P. John G. Barton * K. Jesse Johnsey S. B. F. Williams C. of H. John W. Stevens, Jr P. S. B. C. Stanley R. A. C. John W. Stevens, Sr M. 3d V. William Williams M. 2d Y. William H. H. Boone M. 1st V. E. F. Sorell Treasurer. Robert Henderson Secretary. John 0. Johnson Tyler. EUCLID CHAPTEK, No. 67, POR 1868.—32 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1859.) Cockrum's, De Soto Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W. P. Bowen H. P. A. F. Powers K. S. O. B. Crockett S. J. D. Miller C. of H. G. H. Anderson P. S. S. C. Powers R. A. C. John Riley M. 3d. Y. J. R. Crumpler M. 2d Y. J. W. McCall M. 1st V. Nathan Ingram Treasurer. J. W. Lide Secretary. J. R. Hollaway ! Tyler. MEMBERS: Anderson James C. Harwell A. M. Pullium J. T. Bowen Charles W. Ingram J. J. Phillips C. Bowen William P. Irwin P. H. Peterson M. B. 379 Collins Jared Culberson James C. Greer J. L. Hope William K. Edwards J. G. Bernard W. Dunnivant J. J. D. Miller A. F. Powers G. H. Anderson.. J. W. Lide S. O. B. Crockett. J. G. Edwards ... Jean J. H. Lea Ransom Manes H. B. McCall J. W. EXALTED, 3: Harwell A. M. REINSTATED, 1: Hoshall E. P. DIMITTED, 1: Hoshall E. P. DIED, 1: Brown Levi T. SUSPENDED, 6: For non-payment of dues : Gary H. Nelson William Robinson William Stevens O. H. P. Thomas John Thomas John Parsons W. L. Still J. H. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1869: H. P. J. R. Hollaway M. 3d V. K. J. R. Crumpler M. 2d V. S. John Riley , M. 1st V. C. of H. Nathan Ingram Treasurer. P. S. C. W. Mobley Secretary. R. A. C. S. C. Powers Tyler. EUCLID CHAPTER, No. 67, FOR 1869.—82 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1859.) Cockrum's, De Soto Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS : J. D. Miller H. P. A. F. Poweas . K. G. H. Anderson S. J. W. Lide C. of H. S. O. B. Crockett P. S. J. G. Edwards R. A. C. J. R. Hollaway M. 3d V. J. R. Crumpler M. 2d Y. John Riley M. 1st Y. Nathan Ingram Treasurer. C. W. Mobley Secretary. S. C. Powers Tyler. 380 Bo wen William P. Collins Jared Culberson James C. Greer J. L. Hope William K. Harwell A. M. Ingram J. J. MEMBERS: Irwin P. H. Jean J. H. Lee Ransom Lee R. E. Manes H. B. Martin B. F. McCall J. W. Peterson M. B. Phillips C. Pullium J. T. Robinson William Summers P. Thomas John Langston J. C. EXALTED, 3: Martin B. F. Summers P. DIMITTED, 1: Anderson James DIED, 1: Bowen C. W. OFFICERS FOR S. 0. B.Crockett H. P. J. C. Langston K. H. B. Manes S. G. H. Anderson C. of H. S. C. Powers P. S. J. R. Hollaway R. A. C. YEAR 1870: Phillip Summers M. 3d V. J. G. Edwards M. 2d Y. John Thomas M. 1st V. J. W. McCall Treasurer. J. W. Lide Secretary. R. E. Lee Tyler. BYHALIA CHAPTER, No. 68.-62 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1859.) Byhalia, Marshall Co.—Regular meetings, Saturday the 4th Monday of each month. OFFICERS: P. J. Eckles H. P. J. B. Owings K. Anderson Arnold S. John F. Thornton C. of H. John A. Gwin M. 3d V. Phillip T. Raiford M. 2d V. Thomas W. Alexander M. 1st V. Wilson Durrum Treasurer. James L. Harris P. S. Jonathan B. Allen Secretary. Benjamin W. Sigman R. A. C. B. R. Neblett Tyler. 381 Alexander Elias Boyce James M. Ford Miles H. Hewett "William K. Henry Frame W. MEMBERS: Harris Wm. H. G-. Ingram S. P. Jarmin Leonidas Moss John Neblett Robert A. Scruggs Anthony I). Walton Lucius A. Wilson Nathan'l L. Wright James W. Blackburn W. S. Boyce James M. REINSTATED, 6: Ingram S. P. Jermin Leonidas Webber Thomas B. Wright J. W. DIMITTED, 1: Blackburn W. S. DIED, 1: Webber Thomas B. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : P. J. Eckles H. P. J. B. Owings K. Anderson Arnold S. John F. Thornton C. of H. James L. Harris P. S. Benjamin W. Sigman R. A. C. John A. Gwin M. 3d Y. Phillip T. Raiford M. 2d V.' Thomas W. Alexander M. 1st V. Wilson Durrum Treasurer. Jonathan B. Allen Secretary. B. R. Neblett Tyler. BEA.NDON CHAPTEE, No. 69.—41 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1859.) Brandon, Rankin Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Friday before the full moon of each month. OFFICERS: H. P. John A. Ray M. 3d V. K. John W. Patton M. 2d Y. S. W. M. Smith M. 1st V. .. C. of H. T. H. Johnson Treasurer. P. S. (Dead) Secretary. .. R. A. C. Richard Shields Tyler. Richard Cooper J. F. Bennett A. J. Frantz Henry Kernaghan. J. L. Hargroves S. R. Collier 48 382 Atkinson Henry Baker James Bennett Joseph Brinkley E. H. Chisholm Alexander Cole H. S. De Castro J. O. Giles John B. Griffin L. L. Hancock J. L. Giles John P. Atkinson Henry Bennett Joseph Cooper W. H. Cooper W. II. Miley James MEMBERS: Hoskins Henry King Hyram Kaufman Benjamin Lindsay J. B. Long W. B. Mayers E. G. Meadows C. H. Moore W. A. McMaster J. W. Peacher W. A. EXALTED, 3 : Kaufman Benjamin REINSTATED, 8: Runge L. A. Seymour J. E. Stevens J. R. DIMITTED, 3: Neely Austin DIED, 2: Pickering W. L. Runge L. A. Seymour J. P- Stevens J. R. Tennen H. P- Ware James Wallace J. C. W eile David White T. S. Ware James Wallace J. C. Wilev James R. Sims C. C. Williams E. G. EXPELLED, 1 : Myers Alving G. Alford Cincinnatus Autley J. S. Cocke J. T. B. Cole J. D. B. SUSPENDED, 12 : For non-payment of dues: Harris T. D. Lamb B. F. H. Langford G. N. Lumbard E. G. Marshall James McLaurin John Starr J. B. Taylor Wesley OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: H. S. Cole H. P. James Ware K. Thomas H. Johnson S. W. L. Pickering C. of H. John W. Patton P. S. Benj. Kaufman R. A. C. Henry Atkinson M. 3d Y. J. F. Bennett M. 2d Y. L. A. Runge M. 1st Y. John A. Ray Treasurer. S. R. Collier Secretary. Richard Shields Tyler. 383 SCOOBA CHAPTER, No. 70.—25 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1859.) Scooba, Kemper Co.—Regular meetings, let Saturday of each month. Henry C. Robinson, B. A. Calhoun J. C. Carmathan.... J. W. Hardin W. H. Lipscomb... J. T. Webb Avery J. C. Dillard Ed. Dillard George Dunlap James R. OFFICERS: . .. H. P. Ed. A. Jackson M. 3d V. K. John C. Dale M. 2d V. ...... S. A. Emmet Jackson M. 1st Y. C. of H. O. Y. Neely Treasurer. P. S. John C. Hardin Secretary. . R. A. C. J. Y. Lipscomb Tyler. MEMBERS: Garner R. A. Hadley O. F. Greenwood D. C. Robinson John Rambo J. M. DIMITTED, 2: Little W. W. McElvain B. H. Nelson E. H. Nicholson F. G. Crawford M. D. Mulholland J. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: Henry C. Robinson H. P. B. A. Calhoun K J. C. Carnathan S. J. W. Hardin C. of H. W. H. Lipscomb P. S. J. T. Webb R. A. C. Ed. A. Jackson M. 3d Y. E. H. Nelson M. 2d V. A. E. Jackson M. 1st V. O. Y. Neely Treasui-er. J. C. Hardin Secretary. J. Y. Lipscomb Tyler. DENT H. MILES CHAPTER, No. 72—20 Members. (Chartered January 10, 1800.) SatARTIA, Yazoo Co.-—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: J. S. Stampley H. P. Asa Sibley K. S. H. Childress S. James H. Martin C. of H. Thomas R. Holloman P. S. Joseph W. Lear R. A. C. William W. Wiles M. 3d V. William A. Mansfield M. 2d V. R. G. Johnson M. 1st V. Turner Lumbley Treasurer. Dent H. Miles Secretary. John Potter Tyler. 384 Bradshaw J. N. Bell J. R. Gibbs W. D. MEMBERS: Hornthal Julius Holloman J. B. Jones J. W. DIMITTED, 1: Langsford Charles W. McCutchen J. H. Stampley John OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870 : W. D. Gibbs H. P. William A. Mansfield K. S. H. Childress S. James H. Martin C. of H. T. R. Holloman P. S. Joseph W. Lear R. A. C. J. S. Stampley M. 3d V. John Stampley M. 2d V. William W. Wiles M. 1st V. Turner Lumbley Treasurer. Dent H. Miles Secretary. John Potter Tyler. WARD CHAPTER, No. 73.-38 Members. (Chartered January 11, 1-860.) Senatobia, De Soto Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Friday of each month. OFFICERS: M. D. Johnson H. P. John Carlock K. J. M. Yeatch S. L. W. Pearce C. of H. R. Stewart P. S. H. L. Anthony R. A. C. M. L. Benge M. 3d Y. G. B. Wright M. 2d Y. J. S. Jones M. 1st V. A. J. Howard Treasurer. J. M. Williams Secretary. A. H. Tooms Tyler. Bailey T. A. Benton J. W. Bowndes W. H. Carter R. J. Cole W. T. Emery W. A. Evans Jeptha Gilmore W. W. Hood C. B. MEMBERS: Hudson A. T. Linley J. M. Logan James M. Larrimore S. M. Matthews J. E. Ruffin James Smith H. J. Saunders D. H. A. Sage A. P. Townsend E. C. Underwood L. P. Waddell V. B. West O. F. Williams N. M. White R. P. White J. T. Woolfork J. E. 3fe5 Bailey T. A. Benton J. W. Bounds W. H. Carter R. J. Smith H. J. Hudson A. T. Larriinore S. M. Anthony II. L. Benge M. L. Cole W. T. Barbee J. W. Dement J. T. Durden C. EXALTED, 21: Williams N. M. Underwood L. P. Waddell V. B. Linley J. M. West O. F. Townsend E. C. Gilmore W. W. AFFILIATED, 10 Evans Jeptha Jones J. S. Logan James M. Wright G. B. DIMITTED, 0: Fitzgerald W. Ruffin J. D. DIED, 2: Woolfork J. E. Sage A. P. Saunders D. H. A. Emery W. A. White J. T. White R. P. Hood C. B. Matthews J. E. Ruffin James Tooms A. H. Ruffin William Spivey J. H. Haynes G. O. SUSPENDED, 1: For unmasonic conduct: Raiford W. B. OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870: M. D. Johnson H. P.' M. L. Benge K. J. M. Veatch S. L. W. Pearce C. of H. J. E. Matthews P. S. H. L. Anthony R. A. C. W. W. Gilmore M. 3d V. J. W. Benton M. 2d V. J. E. Woolfork. M. 1st Y. J. S. Jones Treasurer. J. M. Williams Secretary. E. C. Townsend Tyler. W. D. FEEEISS CHAPTEE, No. 74.-44 Membeks. (Chartered January 15, 1861.) Benton, Yazoo Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W. D. Ferriss, P.G.H.P H. P. H. Yandell K. W. F. Watlington S. G. M. Powell C. of H. J. F. Green P. S. J. A. Sconyers R. A. C. B. A. Griffin M. 3d V. J. Blalock M. 2d V. R. P. Frasier M. 1st V. W. H. Stubblefield Treasurer. W. J. Watlington Secretary. (Not a member) Tyler. 386 Alsop T. B. Beall F. M. Berry E. Bunch D. Blalock A. Brister T. M. Brister A. T. Brister S. H. Brister W. T. Carson A. T. Day W. C. MEMBERS: Dixon S. Z. Elliott J. H. Frasier J. H. Hewett William Hendricks W. A. Hendricks John F. Heard W. F. Henderson C. R. Ledbetter R. Lomax A. A. Moore E. A. McCutchen W. R. Pepper Z. Penny J. W. Purvis J. A. Rickets J. W. Simms J. J. Smith J. W. C. Stricklin W. A. Stubblefield D. Warren R. Fraiser J. H. EXALTED, 3: McCutchen W. R. Purvis J. A. Lomax A. A. AFFILIATED. 3 Smith J. W. C. Stricklin W. A. REINSTATED, 1: Hendricks J. F. Beall J. R. DIMITTED, Frost W. D. Williams J. F. Berry W. H. Blalock A. R. Day R. Daniels J. C. Davenport J. Deason J. L. Dixop C. M. SUSPENDED, 20: For non-payment of dues : Ellison T. P. Ellison C. M. Ewing William King W. P. Mills J. M. Peasler T. H. Pepper J. J. Pepper J. H. Pepper S. J, Smith W. Z. Smith J. M. Vauglian H. Williams B. F. OFFICERS FOR W. D. Ferriss, P.G.H.P H. P. H. Yandell K. J. H. Elliott S. J. A. Sconyers C. of H. D. Bunch P. S. W. A. Hendricks R. A. C. YEAR 1870 : J. W. Rickets M. 3d V. J. A. Purvis M. 2d Y. W. F. Watlington M. 1st V. W. R. McCutchen Treasurer. W. J. Watlington Secretary. (Not a member) Tyler. 387 COEINTH CHAPTEE, No. 76.-36 Members. (Chartered January 18, 18G7.) Corinth, Tishomingo Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Thursday of each month. L. M. New.... James McAmis. W. B. Pannell. A. W. Wills... D. Baum M. Davis OFFICERS: .... H. P. J. W. Dorsey M. 3d V. K. J.W.Butler M. 2d Y. S. C.P.Elgin M. 1st V. .. C. of H. T. D. Duncan Treasurer. P. S. C. P. Sawyers Secretary. .. R. A. C. John Butler Tyler. Baker W. Y. Bradley E. H. Bradley J. H. Butler John W. Davis D. Fleming R. J. Freeman J. T. Gillenwaters E. C. Bradley J. H. Bradley E. H. Davis D. B. H. MEMBERS: Hardwick J. V. Irions Thomas James D. L. Lowery J. G. Malone D. L. Murray F. R. Mitchell T. McMasters W. D. EXALTED, 9 : Hardwick J. Y. Malone D. L. Richey R. W. AFFILIATED, 2 REINSTATED, 1 Irions Thomas Richey R. W. Small J. E. Shloss Samuel Stine J. M. Thompson L. B. Whitfield F. E. Wood W. E. Young T. P. Shloss Samuel Stine J. M. Wood W. E. Loweiy J. G. Cathey John A. DIMITTED, 4: Davis Milton Stewart I. N. Estes B. H. Fowler J. P. Gillham W. H. SUSPENDED, 6: For non-payment of dues: Kilpatrick W. H. Milligan H. V. Malone B. H. Wofford J. L. 888 OFFICERS FOR L. M. New H. P. E. C. Gillenwaters K. T. P. Young S. J. W. Dorsey C. of H. D. L. Malone P. S. R. W. Richey R. A. C. YEAR 1870 : W. E. Wood M. 3d V. L. B. Thompson M. 2d Y. J. H. Bradley M. 1st V. T. D. Duncan Treasurer. C. F. Sawyers Secretary. John Butler. Tyler. CEYSTAL SPRINGS CHAPTER, NO. 77.-46 Members. (Chartered January 29, 1864. Crystal Springs, Copiah Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Friday of each month. J. M. K. Alford .. R. W. Brown.... E. W. Corley H. R. Smith E. N. Sumrall.... J: W. Bailey Alford J. C. Alford J. T. Andre A. F. Barnes W. P. Bridges James Catchings J. B. Coalson V. L. Clatworthy C. C. Clement G. W. Clement O. D. Didlake J. W. Coalson V. L. OFFICERS: H. P. J. D. Carmack M. 3d V. K. J.N.Wilson M. 2d V. S. J. B. Field M. 1st Y. . C. of H. M. W. Eagan Treasurer. P. S. J. F. Alford Secretary. . .R. A. C. T. J. Carmack Tyler. MEMBERS: Holliday 0. P. Hunter A. Kcethley W. M. Lack G. W. Matheny William Massey J. W. Mcintosh Alex. Mcintosh J. H. Mathis J. W. Osburn O. Parsons J. H. Young J. W. EXALTED, 3 : Lack G. W. AFFILIATED, 1 : Williams A. L. REINSTATED, 1: Massey J. W. Renno S. Robinson S. D. Scott T. M. Smith J. C. Smith C. R. Spencer T. J. Sturgess A. J. Welch D. P. Willing W. J. Williams A. L. Wolfe A. T. Parsons J. H. 389 Freeman E. R. Field H. H. Alsop W. S. Berkson T. Clatworthy C. C. Corley Seth Dodds J. C. Grey W. T. DIMITTED, 6: Mullins S. G. Sandifer J. W. DIED, 1: Fatheree John (P.D.G.H.P.) SUSPENDED, 17: For non-payment of dues : Haley J. O. Hood W. M. Lowe A. B. Rawls D. L. Rhymus L. J. Sandifer W. T. Shirley J. J. Shirley R. A. Smith W. R. Terry John Tower I. N. Watkins W. A. "Wilson J. N. OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870 : R. W. Brown H. P. H. R. Smith K. O. Osburn S. J. M. K. Alford C. of H. E. N. Simrall P. S. J. W. Mathis R. A. C. T. J. Cammack M. 3d V. J. W. Didlake M. 2d V. J. B. Field M. 1st V. M. W. Eagan Treasurer. S. D. Robinson Secretary. J. W. Railey Tyler. WINONA CHAPTEK, No. 78.—44 Members. (Chartered January Winona, Carroll Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Friday of each month. OFFICERS: E. Huntley H. P. A. H. Booth K. W. W. Marshall S. G. A. Spivey C. of H. R. D. Palmer P. S. E. N. Hammond R. A. C. H. F. McWilliams M. 3d V. A. C. Stovall M. 2d Y. A. M. Rafter M. 1st V. O. J. Moore Treasurer. J. J. Campbell Secretary. W. J. Nugent Tyler. Arnold C. A. Allen M. H. Bledsoe Green 49 MEMBERS: * Everett G. C. Gary W. W. Gee W. J. Lake G. P. May J. W. Oliver J. Y. 390 Booth J. W. Brown T. P. Cain J. T. Collins Jailies Collins J. F. Curtis Isaac H. Doyle Jessfi M. Eskridge B. R. Arnold C. A. Allen M. H. Cain J. T. CoBins J. F. Bledsoe Green Burton J. R. Gairy A. W. Gooch A. R. Gooch F. J. Harvey J. T. Harvey R. Hamer W. T. Hudgins W. H. Hurt W. A. Killingsworth John EXALTED, 6: Brown T. P. Eskridge B. R. REINSTATED, 30 r Burton J. R. Everett G. C. Gairy W. W. Hurt W. A. DIMITTED, 3: McCarroll M. H. DIED, 3: Harvey G. W. Peery W. B^ Pyron A. P. Shrvock F. M. Stovall W. L. Watson J. R. Williams Richard Young D. L. Pyron J. A. Shryock F. M. Hamer W. F. Harvey George W' Hudgins H. H. Vaughn Aug*. Williams H. H. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: E. Huntley H. P. E. N. Hammond K. J. W. May S. G. A. Spivey C. of H. R. D. Palmer P. S. C. A. Arnold R. A. C. F. M. Shryock M. 3d V. A. C. Stovall M. 2d V. R. Williams M. 1st V. W. W. Marshall Treasurer. J. J. Campbell Secretary. W. J. Nugent Tyler. BBOOKHAVEN CHAPTER, No. 80.—24 Members. (Chartered January 26, 1865.) Brookhavem, Lawrence Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Thursday of each month. T. F. Rawls John W. Martin.. H. P. K. M. J. Whitworth S% J. A. Hoskins C. of H. E. E. Seavey P. S. W. J. Driver R. A. C. E. Pfeifer M. 3d V. S. H. Whitworth M. 2d V. Charles Henck M. 1st V. H. C. Hoskins Treasurer. A. E. Moreton Secretary. E. Knapp Tyler. 391 MEMBERS: Albritton James «Cox A. O. Blue Luther Bowen R. J. East T. W. Ford W. Gr. Fleeman P. R. Harvey C. K. Hobson William Hooker J. M. Oliver J. W. White L. H. AFFILIATED, 1: Fleeman P. R. Albritton James Bowen R. J. Cox A. 0. REINSTATED, East T. W. Harvey C. K. Hobson William Oliver J. W. White L. H. Cook M. V. DIED, 2: Sellers A. V. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : T. F. Rawls H. P. J. A. Hoskins. K. E. E. Seavey S. P. R. Fleeman C. of H. E. Pfeifer P. S. H. C. Hoskins R. A. C. S. H. Whitworth M. 3d V. R. J. Bowen M. 2d Y. M. J. Whitworth M. 1st Y. J. W. Martin Treasurer. A. E. Moreton Secretary. E. Knapp Tyler. S. H. JOHNSON CHAPTER, No. 81.—25 Members. (Chartered January 26, 1865.) Hazlehurst, Copiah Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: John A. Hull H. P. M. J. Massengill K. John Ricker S. D. B. Low C. of H. John W. Anderson P. S. John C.Pitts R. A. C. Charner Price M. 3d. V. R. D. Middleton M. 2d V. J. R. Fortenberry M. 1st V. Joseph Price Treasurer. W. W. Miller Secretary. Bud Higdon Tyler. 392 Beasley M. Faler Martin Groom J. R. Harris B. Hie-way F. E. MEMBERS: Harris A. J. Kilcrease G. W. Middleton J. B. Morrison George Wilson W. J. SUSPENDED, 2: For non-payment of dues: Norman M. G. Page A. Purnall G. W. Rumsey T. J. Ray C. A. OFFICERS FOR THE TEAR 1870: John W. Anderson H. P. J. R. Fortenberry K. R. D. Middleton S. D. B. Low C. of H. W. J. Wilson P. S. John C. Pitts R. A. C. Joseph Price M. 3d V. G. W. Kilcrease M. 2d V. John Richer M. 1st V. J. R. Groom , Treasurer. W. W. Miller Secretary. (Not a member) Tyler. STARKVILLE CHAPTER, No. 82.-39 Members. (Chartered January 26, 1865.) Starkville, Oktibbeha Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Friday of each month. OFFICERS: William H. Gunn H. P. Thomas G. Sellers K. William C. Bishop S. Louis Marten C. of H. Charles R. Montgomery P. S. William H. Cross M. 3d V. John W. Caldwell M. 2d V. Cicero A. Hogan M. 1st Y. Charles F. Miller Treasurer. Henry A. McCreight Secretary. Frank H. Duquercron R. A. C. Middleton E. Owens Tyler. MEMBERS: Brooks J. Martin Bell James W. Carpenter W. Horace Ellis Robert U. Fort Louis A. Fondren Herod Friday Lemuel D. Gay John H. Glenn William H. Ham James R. Henry John Lampkin Robert A. Long James B. Montgomery Wm. T. Montgomery David F. Mcllwain James Randolph Joseph T. Rosenfield Leopold Saunders William E. Steele James H. Terry Charles N. Valentine Paul Valentine Britton Westmoreland C. W. Wilder Rufus A. W oodward Joseph W. Yeasrer William F. 393 Bell James W. Glenn William H. Ham James R. Henry John Long James B. Embry Joseph H. Gaston Ebenezer Griffith James C. EXALTED, 3: Rosenfield Leopold AEEILIATED, 1: Brooks J. Martin REINSTATED, 12: Lampkin Robert A. Montgomery Wm. T. Montgomery David F. Saunders William E. DIMITTED, 1 : Sikes Robert SUSPENDED, 8: For non-payment of dues : Hale William A. Jordan Charles R. Herron Edward Parker Lucius 0. Hutchinson J. L. C. Westmoreland C. W. Terry Charles N. Valentine Paul Wilder Rufus A. Yearger William F. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: Charles N. Terry H. P. William H. Gunn K. Frank H. Duquercron S. Leopold Rosenfield C. of H. William E. Saunders P. S. Middleton E. Owens R. A. C. Clough W. Westmoreland.. M. 3d V. Louis Marten M. 2d V. Thomas G. Sellers M. 1st V. Henry A. McCreight Treasurer. William C. Bishop Secretary. William F. Yeager Tyler. SALEM CHAPTER, NO. 85.-63 Members. (Chartered January 26, 1865.) Union Church, Jefferson Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: John A. Galbreath H. P. William G. Millsaps K. Lewis Cato S. James F. Cato C. of H. Andrew R. Lum P. S. N. R. C. Watson R. A. C. Thomas J. McMillan M. 3d V. Hezekiah Short M. 2d V. James H. Freeman M. 1st V. David G. Clark Treasurer. John B. Bow en Secretary. James N. Clark Tyler. 394 Applewhite Davis Armstrong George C. Bailey Elijah F. Bethea R. 0. Bowen Henry P. Bowen William H. Bridges John D. Buie Robert Buie Joseph P. Cato Henry Cato Joseph W. Cato Sterling Clark John H. Clarke William H. Cleland Thomas H. Cobb Augustus Emory John J. Flowers Ephraim MEMBERS: Erwin C. C. Fairley Daniel P. Flowers Ephraim Furniss Thomas J. Galbreath Malcom A. Godbold Levy R. Codbold Thomas B. Godbold Thomas W. Godbold Charles M. Ha vis William N. Herring F. F. Herring Thomas 0. Jones Benj. F. Kelly Middleton Linton Zedus Maddox William N. Miller Elijah AFFILIATED, 2 : DIED, 1: McClure James Moore A. J. Mullins Thomas J. McCormick John S. McLeod William A. McLeod John J., Sr. Nevils John R. Nevils Martin Newman J. P. Scott R. K. Smith William J. Sibley A. R. Tucker E. T. Warren Daniel Warren Joseph J. Watson Wm. A. Whistine Geo. W. Woods Clarke M. Sibley R. A. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: John A. Galbreath H. P. A. R. Sibley K. Lewis Cato S. F. F. Herring C. of H. N. R. C.Watson P. S. A. R. Lum R. A. C. J. F. Cato M. 3d Y. William H. Clark M. 2d V. E. T. Tucker M. 1st Y. Hezekiah Short Treasurer. C. M. Gordon Secretary. James N. Clark Tyler. MEADVILLE CHAPTER, No. 86, EOR 1868.—24 Members. (Chartered January 26, 1865.) Meadville, Franklin Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: John D. Willis H. P. Albert Q. Porter K. William M. Porter S. Nathan Bunckley C. of H. William G. Smith P. S. M. W. Nevils R. A. C. Thomas J. Scott M. 3d V. W. S. Hickingbottom M. 2d V. John W. Herring M. 1st V. Thomas Havis Treasurer. Fielding J. Whitley Secretary. Hardy H. Mager Tyler. 395 Brown Elijah W. Buie Daniel A. Byrd Cornelius Castley William MEMBERS: Clay John M. Flood Lawrence Hutchins James W. Herring Samuel C. SUSPENDED, 1 : For non-payment of dues : Cassidy W. S. Montgomery S. S. McDaniel James H. Rowland Solomon B. Scott James M. OFFICERS FOR John D. Willis H. P. Albert Q,. Porter K. William M. Porter S. Nathan Bunckley C. of H. William G. Smith P. S. M. W. Nevils R. A. C. IE TEAR 1869: Thomas J. Scott M. 3d V. W. S. Hickingbottom M. 2d V. John W. Herring M. 1st V. Thomas Havis Treasurer. Fielding J. Whitley Secretary. Hardy H. Mager Tyler. MEADYTLLE CHAPTER, No. 86, EOR 1869.—16 Membeks. (Chartered January 26, 1865.) Meadville, Franklin Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. John D. Willis H. P. Albert Q. Porter K. William M. Porter S. Nathan Bunckley C. of H. William G. Smith P. S. M. W. Nevils R. A. C. Thomas J. Scott M. 3d V. W. S. Hickingbottom M. 2d V. John W. Herring M. 1st V. Thomas Havis Treasurer. Fielding J. Whitley Secretary. Hardy H. Mager Tyler. Brown Elijah W. Castley W. C. Clay John M. MEMBERS: Byrd Cornelius McDaniel James H. SUSPENDED, 7 : For non-payment of dues : Herring S. C. Flood Lawrence Scott James M. Montgomery S. S. Hutchins James W. Rowland S. B. 396 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : John D. Willis H. P. William M. Porter K. Albert Q,. Porter ... S. Nathan Bunckley C. of H. William G-. Smith P. S. S. F. Williams R. A. C. Thomas J, Scott M. 3d V. Daniel A. Buie M. 2d Y. John W. Herring M. 1st V. Hardy H. Mager Treasurer. Fielding J. Whitley Secretary. S. S. Montgomery Tyler. STONEWALL CHAPTEE, No. 87, EOE 1866.—81 Members (Chartered January 18, 1866.) Sylvarena, Smith Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: R. F. Barnes H. P. •Chambers McAdory K. Samuel Keown S. Felix Barnes C. of H. Joseph E. Hennington P. S. Hardy L. Flowers R. A. C. H. J. Agee M. 3d V. Allen McKenzy M. 2d Y. J. J. Scarborough M. 1st V. Edwin B. Peacock Treasurer. John T. Lyles Secretary. W. T. Smyth Tyler. Barnes W. G-. Blanchard Robert Carr George W. Carr William C. Carroway A. Collins Gideon S. Gallivant John D. Barnes William P. MEMBERS: Copeland C. Ellis Jesse Gallivant John D. Gowan J. G. Gordan Wayne Hardy James Young J. M. EXALTED, 3 : Gowan Wayne DIMITTED, 4 Barnes Willis Welsh Darius S. Keown R. L. McCoughn J. J. Nunn S. A. Selby S. E. Smythe George W. Weems Samuel S. Smythe George W. Covington J. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1867 : R. F. Barnes H. P. H. L. Flowers K. Jesse Ellis S. John T. Lyles C. of H. J. E. Hennington P. S. Wayne Gowan R. A. C. H. J. Agee M. 3d V. A. McKinzey M. 2d V. John D. Gallivant M. 1st V.' E. B. Peacock Treasurer. S. A. Nunn Secretary. G. W. Smythe Tyler. 397 CATO CHAPTER, No. 89.-26 Membehs. (Chartered January 18, 1866.) Cato, Rankin Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Friday of each month. OFFICERS: F. M. Martin H. P. John Colquhoun M. 3d V. Alexander Murry M. 2d V. L. J. Coleman K. John Morrison S. S. L. Tucker C. of H. O. L. Corley P. S. Esau Bass Barnett. J. M. Barnett W. H. Colquhoun Archy Clark T. C. Dent F. H. O. . R. A. C. C. H. Baker M. 1st V. Daniel Morrison Treasurer. Sol. Dobson Secretary. E. Floyd Tyler. MEMBERS: Dent U. P. Norman C. R. Daniel A. L. Overby P. H. Franklin J. T. Rainwater J. P. Gidden Daniel • Russell John Manning W. L. ' AFFILIATED, 1 : . Barnett W. H. SUSPENDED, 1: For non-payment of dues: Carlyle J. C. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : John Russell H. P. John Colquhoun K. O. L. Corley S. P. H. Overby C. of H. T. C. Clark P. S. Esau Bass '.. R. A. C. W. L. Manning M. 3d Y. Archy Colquhoun M. 2d Y. S. H. Mangum M. 1st Y. S. L. Tucker Treasurer. U. P. Dent Secretary. E. Floyd Tyler. SUMMIT CHAPTER, No. 90.—34 Members. (Chartered January 18, 1866.) SUMMIT, Pike Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Friday of each month. OFFICERS: G. T. Gracey.... H. P. Sol. Hyman K. N. Williams S. J. Moyse C. of H. H. Hiller M. 3d V. P. C. Quin M. 2d V. Jehu May M. 1st V. Benjamin Hilborn Treasurer. Ed. H. Mogan P. S. George C. Taylor. Samuel Hyman 50 . Secretary. ,.. R. A. C. John Williams Tyler. 898 A. A. Boyd Cain W. F. Godbold G. P. Hart J. M. Hart Jacob Haynes Bythell Huffman Geo. W. Boyd A. A. Lyster Charles H. Cain W. F. MEMBERS: Lampkin John T. Lyster Charles H. Marsalis P. L. May G. B. McDowell W. F. Norman H. Nicholson G. Wolf L. EXALTED, 6: Marsalis P. L. McDowell W. F. AFFILIATED, 1 : Stockdale Thomas R. REINSTATED, 3: Prewett A. H. DIMITTED, 1 : Marshall L. L. Prewet A. H. Parsons J. G. Quin K. M. Quin D. H. Stockdale Thos. R. Tyler W. Thad. Wolf S. Parsons J. G. Tyler W. Thad. Quin H. M. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: G. T. Gracey H. P. Jacob Hart K. H. Hiller S. J. Moyse C. of H. Ed. H. Mogan P. S. Samuel Hyman R. A. C. G. B.May M. 3d Y. P. C. Quin M. 2d Y. W. Thad. Tyler M. 1st V. Benjamin Hilborn Treasurer. George C. Taylor Secretary. Charles H. Lyster Tyler. CENTEE EIDGE CHAPTEE, NO. 98.—17 MEMBERS. (Chartered January 17, 1867.) Centre Ridge, (Lauderdale Springs P. 0.) Lauderdale Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: T. C. Murphy H. P. G. J. Fortner K. James Nethery • S. G. C. Gilbert C. of H. J. S. Ross P. S. E. E. Spinks R. A. C. D. Butcher M. 3d V. A. Lilly M. 2d V. R. G. Betsell M. 1st V. N. Grace Treasurer. R. Fowler Secretary. William Stephens Tyler. 399 MEMBERS: Barefield Alfred Dean William Welsch George L. Brittain John R. Kessee W. P. AFFILIATED, 2 : Fowler R. Fortner G. J. DIED, 2: Edmunds R. J. Rush Terrill H. SUSPENDED, 1: For non-payment of dues : Cullum John A. DUBANT CHAPTEE, No. 94.-32 Members. (Chartered January 17, 1867.) Durant, Holmes Co.—Regular meetings, 2d Saturday of each month. T. C. Parrish Charles T. Murphy. J. S. Weatherby.... F. M. Glass J. Jeff. Cooper J. W. Allen Crowder C. A. Ellmore W. A. Godfrey W. W. Gulledge Joel Hays James Heflin J. R. "Herbert J. S. Hays James OFFICERS: ... H. P. B. W. Moore M. 3d V. K. S. W. Weatherby M. 2d V. S. J.W.Elliott M. 1st V. C. of H. James Moorhead Treasurer. P. S. John Murphy Secretary. R. A. C. J. W. Cook Tyler. MEMBERS: Joice William Murphy B. M. Red S. W. Sanders W. B. Shepherd M. C. Smith Nicholas Sproles C. C. EXALTED, 3 : Heflin J. R. DIMITTED, 1: McGee R. H. Sproles John W. Sproles S. M. Stroud B. M. Stroud W. P. Weems S. W. Weston C. H. Smith Nicholas 400 OFFICERS FOR Charles T. Murphy .. H. P. S. W. Red K. R. M. Murphy S. J. Jeff. Cooper C. of H. F. M. Glass P. S. C, H. Weston .R. A. C. YEAR 1870: B. W. Moore M. 3d V. J. R. Heflin M. 2d Y. James Hays M. 1st V. J. S. Weatherby Treasurer. John Murphy Secretary. J. W. Cook Tyler. WEST POINT CHAPTER, NO. 95.-26 Members. (Chartered January 18, 1867.) West Point, Lowndes Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Friday of each month. OFFICERS: James H. Shipman H. P. William F. Franks K. Henry Anderson S. James A. Cox C. of H. David W. Storey P. S. Thomas D. Williamson R. A. C. Baber George T. Baptist John G. Cannon Robert I Dancer J. P. Dugan Pierce B. Baber George T. Dancer J. P. Benjamin T. Palmer H. P. William F. Franks K. Henry W. Henley S. James H. Shipman C. of H. Robert L. Cannon P. S. Jerry Troy R. A. C. Henry W. Henley M. 3d V. Burrell A. Duncan M. 2d V. Benjamin F. Capshaw M. 1st Y. P. H. White Treasurer. James S. Carothers Secretary. John D. Travis Tyler. ason William W. *e Cannon P. ey William B. Jerry fe Cannon P. Abner C. Echols.. David W. Storey.. P. H. White James S. Carothers John D. Travis MEMBERS: Echols Abner C. Ellis John B. Harris Finis E. Harris Robert S. Palmer Benjamin T. AFFILIATED, 5 : Dugan Pierce B. Echols Abner C. Robir Sheik Troy DIMITTED, 1: Westbrook James H. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870 : ..M. 3d V. ..M. 2d V. .M. 1st Y. Treasurer. . Secretary. .... Tyler. 401 McCONNICO CHAPTEE, No. 96.-29 Members. (Chartered January 23, 1868.) Water Valeey, Yallabusha Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Thursday of each month. OFFICERS: Henry Gibbon H. P. M. D. L. Stephens K. John H. Wilson S. Lewis M. Lawshe C. of H. Thomas W. Whitsey P. S. B. R. Harding R. A. C. George W. Smith M. 3d V. F. H. Green M. 2d Y. William Simmons M. 1st V. Andrew J. McConnico Treasurer. Henry L. Duncan Secretary. John C. Butler Tyler. Barr Benjamin Bew W. E. Campbell A. S. Carr B. H. Davidson Ed. C. Fulson J. K. MEMBERS: Guntharp A. L. Huleyhan Francis Kennedy P. C. Marble Lewis Martin Robert Rogers Daniel F. Rogers David W. Smith John E. Sthreshley W. H. Taliaferro William Woods Pinkney D. AFFILIATED, 1: Sthreshley W. H. Guntharp A. L. DIMITTED, Haile James D. Kennedy J. A. P. OFFICERS FOR M. D. L. Stephens H. P. John H. Wilson K. L. M. Lawshe S. P. C. Kennedy C. of H. Thomas W. Whitsey P. S. Henry L. Duncan R. A. C. IE YEAR 1870 : F. H. Green M. 3d V. B. R. Harding M. 2d Y. William Simmons M. 1st V. Andrew J. McConnico Treasurer. W. H. Sthreshley Secretary. F. Huleyhan Tyler. 402 R. W. PAYNE CHAPTER, No. 97.—17 Members. (Chartered January 23, 1868.) Morton, Scott Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Thursday of each month. OFFICERS: Andrew J. Windham H. P. William L. Lowry K. Lebeus H. Jones S. Adolphus P. Sims C. of H. L. R. Moore P. S. Thomas F. Pettus R. A. C. H. H. Moore M. 3d Y. Marcus Myers M. 2d Y. (Dead) M. 1st Y. James D. Finch Treasurer. Arthur M. Record Secretary. Wash. Jennings Tyler. MEMBERS: Dudley S. D. Flanegan W. J. Dudley S. D. Mangham Frank J. McBride W. P. EXALTED, 3: McBride W. P. Owens J. R. Switser A. A. Switser A. A. DIED, 1: Kitchings John W. SUSPENDED, 1: For non-payment of dues : Evans Henry OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: Thomas F. Pettus H. P. J. R. Owen. A. P. Sims K. L. H. Jones S. L. R. Moore C. of H. H. H. Moore P. S. W. J. Flanegan R. A. C. .M. 3d Y. S. D. Dudley M. 2d Y. W. P. McBride M. 1st V. J. D. Finch Treasurer. W. L. Lowry Secretary. W. Jennings Tyler. McDONALD CHAPTER, No. 98.-28 Members. (Chartered January 24, 1868.) McDonald's Store, Tippah Co.—(Saulsbury, Tenn., P. O.)—Regular meet- ings, 3d Wednesday of each month. OFFICERS: R. L. Bouton H. P. J. M. McDonald K. H. F. Lipford S. B. Bright C. of H. A.J. Jordan P. S. J. J. Brown R. A. C. S. D. Bookout M. 3d V. J. R. Roberts M. 2d V. M. J. Cox M. 1st V. J. A. Prescott Treasurer. A. Gr. Parrott Secretary. J. A. Cox Tyler. 403 Ayres A. M. Bouton N. W. Campbell W. A. Cossett L. P. Dickerson G. N. MEMBERS: Freeman Alfred Glenn Lewis Godsey J. H. Harris C. L. Hicks J. J. Wright D. B. Kimbrough B. T. Pegram W. G. Sharp R. J. Spencer H. G. Wingett J. P. Bouton N. W. Cossett L. P. EXALTED, 6 : Dickerson G. N. Glenn Lewis DIMITTED, 1: Freeman Alfred Kimbrough B. T. Wright D. B. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: R. L. Bouton H. P. J. M. McDonald K. G. N. Dickerson S. B. Bright C. of H. A. J. Jordan P. S. S. D. Bookout M. 3d V. M. J. Cox M. 2d V. J. A. Cox \.M. 1st V. J. A. Prescott Treasurer. N. W. Bouton Secretary. J. J. Brown R. A. C. J. R. Roberts Tyler. TOOMSUBA CHAPTEE, No. 99.—16 Members. (Chartered January 21, 1870.) TOOMSUBA, Lauderdale Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month J. R. McLaurin.. M. Riffle W. Y. H. White. J. Calhoun J. G. Knox W. C. Day Bancroft George Cameron H. D. Bancroft George Cameron H. D. OFFICERS: ... H. P. J. P. Welch M. 3d V. ...... K. W. H. Moody M. 2d V. ... .. S. Thomas Graham M. 1st V. , C. of H. Treasurer. ....P. S. Nelson Wood Secretary. . R. A. C. Tyler. MEMBERS: Kelly Duncan Rogers Robert EXALTED, 6 Kelly Duncan Rogers Robert Wilson J. T. Wilson J. G. Wilson J. T. Wilson J. G. 404 COFFEEVILLE CHAPTER, No. 101.—24 Members. (Chartered January 21, 1370.) Coffeeville, Yallobusha Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Tuesday of each month. OFFICERS: R. S. Thomas H. P M. 8d Y. J. H. Kennedy K M. 2d V. Henderson Ray S. M. 1st V. C. of H Treasurer. ..." P. S. Secretary. R. A. C Tyler. MEMBERS: Brannon W. L. Kennedy J. A. P. Strouse Samuel Bondurant Geo. P. Molton J. J. Tempel F. P. Eskridge J. L. Murphree C. J. W. Williams S. T. Gunthorpe A. L. Perkins E. O. Williams B. E. Haile J. D. Perkins R. W. Wells B. C. Hooper W. B. Ross S. M. Willie S. M. Jones R. W. Smith E. W. York W. D. EXALTED, 15: Brannon W. L. Murphree C. J. W. Tempel F. P. Bondurant G. P. Perkins E. O. Wells B. C. Eskridge J. L. Perkins R. W. Williams S. T. Hooper W. B. Ross S. M. Williams B. E. Melton J. J. Smith E. W. York W. D. 405 MARSHALL CHAPTER, No. 40, FOR 1868.—18 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1852.) North Mt. Pleasant, Marshall Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: R. H. Cleere H. P. F. M. Monk K. Benjamin Norris S. W. W. Walker C. of H. Irven West P. S. Jacob Albright R. A. C. D. Curie M. 3d V. J. R. Walker M. 2d V. A. L. Pearson M. 1st V. Drury Smith Treasurer. W. W. Walkup Secretary. W. G. W. Jowers Tyler. MEMBERS: Banks T. R. Bates James Coopwood W. J. Gatewood T. B. Morton T. H. P. Roach E. SUSPENDED, 9 For non-payment of Crawford J. Ivy Wm. Gossett T. A. Kilpatrick E. Crawfdrd W. J. Gossett Allen Moore J. L. Warren John C. Walker J. R. McNabb Carson Sale J. D. Teel J. E. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR R. H. Cleere H. P. W. J. Coopwood K. J. West S. W. W. Walker C. of H. Jackson Steele P. S. E. Cannon M. 3d Y. E. Roach M. 2d Y. J. R. Walker M. 1st V. Drury Smith Treasurer. B. Norris Secretary. Jacob Albright.. R. A. C. W. G. W. Jowers Tyler. MARSHALL CHAPTER, NO. 40, FOR 1869.—14 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1852.) North Mt. Pleasant, Marshall Co.—Regular meetings, 1st Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: R. H. Cleere H. P. E.Cannon M. 3d V. W. J. Coopwood K. E. Roach M. 2d V. I "West S. J. R. Walker M. 1st V. W. W. Walker C. of H. Drury Smith Treasurer. Jackson Steele P. S. B. Norris Secretary. Jacob Albright R. A. C. W. G. W. Jowers Tyler. 51 406 MEMBERS: Bowling G. W. Curie D. E. Morton T. H. P. Wade R. A. DIMITTED, 1: Banks T. R. SUSPENDED, 1 : For non-payment of dues : Hampton John OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: J. C. Warren H. P. B. Norris K. T. B. Gatewood S. W. W. Walker C. of H. E. Roach P. S. Jacob Albright R. A. C. A. L. Pearson M. 3d Y. J. R. Walker M. 2d Y. D. E. Curie M. 1st V. Drury Smith Treasurer^ W. J. Coop wood Secretary. I. West Tyjer. DOYER CHAPTER, No. 64.—20 Members. (Chartered January 14, 1865.) Dover, Yazoo Co.—Regular meetings, 4th Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: V. H. Fugate H. P. James T. Jorden K. W. M. Moore S. W. A. Prestridge C. of H. A. M. Hicks P. S. B. L. Sandidge R. A. C. S. D. Robertson M. 3d V. J. M. Kirk M. 2d Y. W. S. N. Strickland M. 1st Y. Treasurer. A. E. Russell Secretary. J. H. Ferris Tyler. Bowman Claiborn Brumfield T. Chetham John Briggs Jacob P. MEMBERS: Chetham N. P. Collins W. H. J. Q. DIMITTED, 2: Sartley W. F. Willborn A. C. Wilkerson V. A. Burrus James H. 407 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: A. M. Hicks H. P. B. L. Sandidge K. J. S. B. Collins S. W. A. Prestridge C. of H. J. T. Jorden P. S. T. Brumfield R. A. C. W. P. Chetham M. 3d Y. W. H. Collins M. 2d Y. J. W. Kirk M. 1st V. John A. Chetham Treasurer. L. Rice Secretary. J. H. Ferris Tyler. HUNTSYILLE CHAPTER, NO. 91.-25 Members. (Chartered January 18, 1867.) Huntsville, Choctaw Co.—Regular meetings, 3d Saturday of each month. OFFICERS: W. C. Staples H. P. John Crowder K. J. H. Gresham S. J. J. Hunt C. of H. D. M. Simmins P. S. W. P. Thompson R. A. C. W. L. D. White M. 3d V. J. L. Mc Atee M. 2d V. J. F. Wilson M. 1st Y. W. B. Hall Treasurer. John S. Holloway Secretary. J. W. Bramlet Tyler. MEMBERS: Atkins S. J. Bowles J. B. Bufkins F. M. Bradford G. S. Cook J. N. Ellis J. H. England J. M. Dashner G. H. Williams R. A. Fancher H. H. McCafferty T. Powers J. L. Simpson W. E. England J. M. REINSTATED, 2: Williams R. A. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: W. L. White H. P. W. B. Hall K. D. M. Simmons S. W. C. Staples C. of H. G. H. Dashner M. 3d V. J. H. Ellis M. 2d V. J. L. McAtee M. 1st V. J. J. Hunt Treasurer. J. Crowder P. S. J. S. Holloway Secretary. J. H. Gresham R. A. C. J. W. Bramlet Tyler. 408 ATTALA CHAPTER, No. —.—17 Members. (Chartered January 21, 1870.) Liberty Chapel, (Kosciusko P. O.) Attala Co. OFFICERS: S. C. Conly H. P. John A. Wasson K. W. W. Adams S. Jo. M. Thompson C. of H. M. D. Wasson M. 3d V. James T. Mathis M. 2d V. B. F. Norman M. 1st V. J. W. Cple Treasurer. James G. Riley P. S. W. J. Wasson Secretary. E. E. A. P. Lucas R. A. C. G. W. Harrisson Tyler. Harris C. G. Thread way Elijah Harrisson G. W. Harris C. G. MEMBERS: Sweatt W. T. Wasson N. C. Thread way Elijah Sweatt W. T. Wasson James A. Wasson James A. Wasson N. C. S. C. Conly C. G. Harris J. W. Cole W. W. Adams J. M. Thompson... J. G. Riley OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1870: M. D. H. P. M. D. Wasson M. 3d Y. K. Elijah Treadway M. 2d Y. S. W. T. Sweatt M. 1st V. .... C. of H. James A. Wasson Treasurer. P. S. W. J. Wasson Secretary. R. A. C. G. W. Harrisson Tyler. LIST OF GRAND CHAPTERS, WITH THE ADDRESSES OP THEIR GRAND SECRETARIES. GRAND CHAPTER. GRAND SECRETARY. ADDRESS. Alabama Daniel Sayre Montgomery. Arkansas Luke E. Barber Little Rock. California Lawrence C. Owen San Francisco. Canada Thomas Bird Harris Hamilton, C. W. Connecticut Joseph K. Wheeler Hartford. Delaware Alfred T. A. Torbert Milford. District of Columbia Noble D. Larner Washington. Florida Edward Bradford, Jr Tallahassee. Georgia Benjamin B. Russell Augusta. Illinois Harmon G. Reynolds Springfield. Indiana John M. Bramwell Indianapolis. Iowa .William B. Langridge Muscatine. Ireland Charles Walmsley Dublin. Kansas E. T. Carr Leavenworth. Kentucky Philip Swigert Frankfort. Louisiana James C. Batehelor, M. D .New Orleans. Maine Ira Berry Portland. Missouri Geo. Frank Gouley St. Louis. Massachusetts Thomas Waterman Boston. Maryland W. A. Wentz Baltimore. Michigan J. Eastman Johnson Centerville. Minnesota W. S. Combs... St. Paul. Mississippi J. L. Power Jackson. Nebraska R. W. Furnas Brownsville. New Hampshire Horace Chase Hopkinton. New Jersey John Woolverton, M. D Trenton. New York Christopher G. Fox Buffalo. North Carolina Thomas B. Carr, M. D .Wilmington. Ohio .John D. Caldwell Cincinnati. Oregon Charles M. Cartwright Salem. Pennsylvania John Thompson .Philadelphia. Rhode Island G. H. Burnham Providence. South Caronina Ebenezer Thayer Charleston. Tennessee John Frizzed .Nashville. Texas Robert Brewster Houston. "Vermont John B. Hollenbeck Burlington. Virginia John Dove, M. D Richmond. Wisconsin William T. Palmer Milwaukee. West Virginia T. H. Logan Wheeling. General Grand Chapter U. S John D. Caldwell .Cincinnati, Ohio, STATISTICAL TABLE, Giving the Name, Number, Post Office and County, of each Subordinate Chapter within the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi: also the number Exalted, Affiliated, Reinstated, Dimitted, Died, Suspended, and Expelled, durihg the year 1869 : NAMES AND NUMBERS OF CHAPTERS. Natchez No. 1 Clinton " 2 Vicksburg " 3 Columbus " 4 Wilson " 5 Jackson " 6 Magnolia " 8 Lexington " 9 Canton " 10 Macon " 11 DeWitt Clinton.. " 12 Euphemia " 13 Fayette " 14 Carrollton " 15 Gallatin " 17 Kosciusko " 20 Quitman " 21 Houston " 23 Wayne " 24 Okolona " 27 Shongalo " 30 Emory " 32 LaFayette " 33 Neshoba " 34 Charles Scott.... " 35 Louisville " 36 Marshall " 40 Amite " 42 Tallahatchie " 44 Enterprise " 45 Carthage " 46 Verona " 47 Ripley " 48 New Albany " 49 Mt. Carmel " 50 Geo. Washington " 51 Patton " 52 Palo Alto " 53 Bethesda " 55 Wright " 56 Baldwyn " 57 Shubuta " 59 Panola " 60 Eureka " 61 G. W. Perkins... " 63 Dover " 64 Chickasaw " 65 Rienzi " 66 Euclid " 67 Byhalia " 68 Brandon " 69 Scooba " 70 DentH. Miles... " 72 POST OFEICE. Natehez Port Gibson Vicksburg Columbus Holly Springs J ackson Brownsville Yazoo City Lexington Canton Macon Grenada Aberdeen Fayette Carrollton Martinsville Kosciusko Hernando Houston Shubuta Okolona Yaiden Black Hawk Oxford Laurel Hill Olive Branch Louisville North Mt. Pleasant Liberty Charleston Enterprise Carthage Verona.... Ripley New Albany Mt. Carmel Tullahoma Lauderdale Station Palo Alto Kosciusko Independence Baldwyn De Soto Panola.. Goodman Horn Lake Dover Sparta Rienzi Cockrum's Byhalia Brandon Scooba Satartia COUNTY. Exalted. Affiliated. p 1 CD | Dimitted. | Died. | Suspen'd. | Expelled. Members. Adams 3 1 3 1 61 31 76 46 48 49 Claiborne 3 1 1 Warren 12 2 *2 T 3 12 Lowndes 3 i 5 2 1 Marshall 1 1 2 Hinds 3 i "i 2 4 2 Hinds 3 2 Y azoo 3 1 2 2 4 on Holmes "i 1 2 1 i 00 Madison 6 53 Noxubee I i Yallobusha .... 7 7 3 27 07 Monroe f y Jefferson A 5 3 id I Carroll i Tt 1 0 3 41 Copiah 4 i i 4 Attala 9 2 51 19 43 OA De Soto ' Chickasaw 2 i i 3 i Clarx 2 i 3 Chickasaw Carroll 3 3 i i i 3 26 Carroll 3 3 4 6 38 30 LaFayette Neshoba 6 3 1 i i 3 2 5 ou 52 30 De Soto 3 i ov 19 Winston 1 24 Marshall 1 1 1A Amite JL * * 14 QC Tallahatchie... Clark 3 3 "i 3 11 oO 37 Leake 2 29 1A Lee c 14 21 Tippah 9 o i Pontotoc Covington. 3 I 2 'i l l 50 Marshall 4 3 i 32 44 Lauderdale .... g Chickasaw I 5 33 Attala 3 i 1 37 De Soto I 29 Lee 9 1 24 Clark ? 5 5 32 28 Holmes De Soto 9 l i 5 3 22 51 46 Yazoo 4 2 2 27 Chickasaw 3 * * 20 Tishomingo De Soto Marshall 3 4 27 36 3 1 1 32 Rankin 3 6 1 1 62 Kemper Yazoo 8 3 2 1 2 i2 41 25 20 411 STATISTICAL TABLE—continued. Ward No. W. D. Ferris " Corinth " Crystal Springs.. " Winona " Brookhaven " S. H. Johnson... " Starkville " Salem " Meadville " Stonewall " Cato " Summit " Huntsville " Centre Ridge " Durant " West Point " McConnico " R. W. Payne " McDonald " Toomsuha " Coffee ville ' Attala " POST OFFICE. Senatobia Benton Corinth Crystal Springs Winona Brookhaven 811 Hazlehurst 82 Starkville 851 Union Church Meadville Sylvarena Cato Summit Huntsville Lauderdale Station Durant West Point Water Valley Morton (Saulsbury, Tenn.).. Toomsuha Coffeeville Kosciusko 101 COUNTY. | Exaited. | | Affiliated. 1 Reinst'd. j 1 Dimitted.j | Died. | 1 Suspen'd. | | Expelled.) | Members.! De Soto 21 10 3 6 2 j 38 Yazoo 3 1 3 20 44 Tishomingo Copiah 9 3 2 1 1 1 4 6 'i 6 17 36 46 i Carroll 6 10 3 3 44 | Lawrence 1 Copiah i 8 2 "2 8 24 25 [Oktibbeha ..... ' Jefferson 3 j 1 2 12 1 i 39 63 1 Franklin " 7 16 Smith 3 1 . 4 31 26 Eankin 1 ! i 1 pike 6 1 3 i 34 25 Choctaw .. 1 2 Lauderdale Holmes ••• 2 1 2 1 17 32 Lowndes 5 i 26 29 17 Yallobusha Scott Tippah i 3 3 1 1 1 6 1 28 16 24 6 Y allobusha 15 6 1 Attala 17 2565 201 47 1131 156 49 i 203 4 RECAPITULATION. Chapters making Returns 70 Exalted 201 Affiliated 47 Reinstated 131 Dimitted 136 Died 49 Suspended 203 Expelled 4 Members 2565 i S 05 o£0 ©oooooooooo©oooooo©o 00 CO GO 00 QO QO CO 00 GO 00 CO OO GO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO HO^CDM05C^^HOOCOMO)^^Wt.OMOOCDM w3 P£0 ? WWS • 1 sssfs »OTCD.nppcf^» 'S,Prlfg,H^o,ap1,l_ w»| juls g ill g's-g*^gB*Sf § £3-3 HKf If. I * | -p |P pp ■^g' 5" • r.^r, 3 • s mH- • b - pp'S ! ^a£! w» s Its MW$ o£® ' t-M Il5fg.|gss !H 3.|KwP^§ 9 ^ a tdH^niS .S-S^nHO H • £-• >-_■ ■—1 1 ppr jf || s ||| «g?| g r if--r r-° -"fi|ii r r r r r r r r g g g MMMM W>r1 * * * ' ' ^4 ^ ^ J J ^J^WWWUJ £- £5- —4 WWWWW3 HHHHHgg&tlbUObgS S S 33333 hi 11II* gg g'g'g g g'g »ll||l-B-0-B-B-0-»-S-°-0 W|« 0000000 wwwtSwwwsSPggggg^;^ <5 a'ggggggg|§ 21 s 31| ^ « « « « « i$ « 5p g g if 3 3 2 2 3^2 » » b » g 2.2. p> S 2 3 3 2 §fs S'S'S'S'SS 2. ' • * cffJ g 2 :• 3 e 2? £ h y w p I ct- ^ O1 K* [3* j3 W S <§• * -* E 8- V! <3 w o, t*r rS' ckj p & CO I g >- tzi o o w *d s o 3 s t=3 1 M § o x- rT CT qq go GO ES s Q 5§ | o > fe) CSJ E5 I o taj- o >• S S 5Z5 CO H O APPENDIX. Report on Foreign Correspondence. ALABAMA—1868. We have before us the printed Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Alabama, -which held its Forty-second Annual Grand Convocation in the City of Montgomery, A. I). 1868, A. L. 5868, A. I. 2398—M.\ E.\ PELEG BROWN, Grand High Priest, presiding. Fifty-three Subordinate Chapters were represented. The Grand High Priest, in his annual address, says: " At our last Annual Convocation it was your choice to honor me with the position I now occupy; and when I looked around and saw so many whose talents better qualified them to discharge the various duties that must necessarily devolve upon me as your chief, I accepted the trust and entered upon the discharge of those duties with some misgivings of my ability; but with a full determination to perform to the best of my ability, so far as circumstances would permit, to promote the interest and welfare of the Craft." We know Companion Brown, and so far as ability is concerned, he may have equals, but few, if anv, can surpass him. He says: " The time of our earthly pilgrimage, eaeh one of us, is slowly but surely pass- ing away. Many who were wont to meet with us here, have ceased their labors on earth forever. Scarcely had we closed our labors at our last Annual Convocation and returned to our homes, whqp we were greeted with the sad announcement that one who was then with us, and took an active part in our deliberations, has finished his earthly pilgrimage and gone to everlasting rest. James L. Pbice, P.'. D.-. G.-. High Priest, is numbered with the dead —one whom we all knew well, and those who knew him best can best realize our loss." He is opposed to the use of substitutes, the Grand Chapter has also placed its veto upon it. He says: " It is not in accordance with Chapter usages to confer the degrees on Ministers of the Gospel free of charge; the Constitution requires that the fee shall always accompany the petition and no credit given." In all this we fully agree with the Grand High Priest. Many questions were asked him during the year, to all of which we think the proper an- swers were given. The address is good throughout; we can endorse every word. The report of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer shows a balance on hand of $1,627 65. A communication from Companion J. J. Dement, High Priest of Eunomia C7iapter, No. 5, in relation to the sad afflictions of Past Grand High Priest, James Penn, was received. By resolution, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars was donated for the use and benefit of Com- panion Penn. A righteous donation ; no one afflicted as,Companion Penn, is more deserving. The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, report that a candidate elected to receive the Chapter degrees and who has been advanced, and afterwards lost an arm, would render it impossible for the candidate to receive the degrees properly. That corresponds with the law and custom of Mississippi. The Committee on the Grand High Priest's address, recommend the establishment of a Council of High Priests, to confer the Order of High Priesthood upon the several High Priests of that jurisdiction; but that the Council be separate and distinct from the Grand Chapter. "We think that is as it should be. Keep them separate. But would it not have been more in true Masonic order to have met as a Convention of High Priests, organized and estab- lished the Council of High Priests, after the Grand Chapter had been called off, and not have the proceedings mixed up with the Grand Chapter proceedings ? Past G.'. High Priest Norris was presented with a Masonic jewel. Appropriate addresses made on the occasion. APPENDIX. The report of the Committee on Correspondence, presented by Companion P. J. Pillans, shows the examination of sixteen Grand Chapters, including Mississippi. A gentle hint is given to some of the officers of the Grand Chapter of Georgia, for having the addition of 32 to their names—thinks he is ashamed of the proper rank in our Chapters. The Committee takes to task the Grand High Priest of Kentucky, for urging the Grand Chapter to prohibit dispensations for emergent cases, and granting them himself. The Committee says: " If he thought, as he says, that ' these dispensations to confer degrees out of time, and without due inquiry into the character of the applicant, is somewhat calculated to lower the stand- ard of Royal Arch Masonry,' why should he have granted them ? Or, if emergencies might arise when the exercise of this great prerogative would be just and proper, why prohibit its exercise To us it appears that the Grand Chapter makes its selection for the elevated position of G.-. H.\ Priest, having in viewthe capacity, flrmness.and discretion, so impera- tively demanded, but hardly expects a total disregard of all these qualities at any time, much less does it expect him to use his power, and lend his authority for any act which is ' calculated to lower the standard of Royal Arch Masonry.' While we think that these cases of emergency may arise, and also that they should be examined and criticised with suspi- cion, yet we are unwilling to clip the prerogative of the G.-. H.\ Priest. We would rather take lessons from the past, and exercise greater care in the selection of our rulers." We think the Alabama Committee is right in their remarks. We have a rule laid down governing cases of emergency, which is this, in substance : If an individual is suddenly called from home to visit a foreign country, or about to engage in war, then the case may be considered emergent. Even then, we think the greater caution should be used on the part of the Lodge or Chapter. Eor the simple reason if the applicant for years has lived under the drippings of a Masonic institution, perhaps until he has grown gray, and the thought never entered his brain to attach himself to it, but all of a sudden he has discovered that he has been living in sin and wickedness, and that he must become a Mason! For what 1 Be- cause he has to go to the army, or on a long journey to receive a legacy, or some other business in which he alone is interested, and when he gets beyond the sound of his Lodge he could not make any body believe he was a Mason. He returns home, his face is never seen inside the Lodge or Chapter Hall, he is cold and careless until he gets in distress; then he is the most zealous Mason ever seen. Why, yes, he will come up like a good fellow, ac- knowledge his negligence, that he has abused his privileges, and intends to do better in future. Away with such sudden conversions, and skin-deep repentances. They are not worth the room they occasionally occupy in the Hall. Of Mississippi, they say: " We regret that we do pot find the proceedings of our Grand Chapter before the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, and are at a loss to account for their absence when our neighbor is so near and so accessible. The report is a pleasant and able one, and breathes of love." We can assure the Committee that no one regrets the absence of the Alabama proceedings more that we do.. It is like home folks when we get among, or correspond with them—an old-fashion family chat. We know many of the old stand-bys of Masonry in Alabama. We were made from the ground to the Council in your State, several times a member of your Grand bodies, and if no providential hindrance, will visit your Grand body next December. The whole report suits us, and would be read with interest had we time and space to copy it entire. In conclusion, they say: "And now, Companions, we' have finished this, our journey through other jurisdictions. It has been one of pleasure, for wherever we went we felt sure that we would meet with friendly greetings, and such has been our experience. But at times we have been seriously grieved, for we have seen our Companions sometimes straitened for means, and mourning over the distresses surrounding them; and again we have met many green mounds where the grass is fresh with with the watering of tears. Monuments to the loved and lost, mile-stones in life's journey, on which the inscription " passing away," admonishes us "to work while it is yet day, for the night cometh when no man can work." From the records of most of our sister-jurisdictions we gather the names of those who have gone to swell the innumerable multitude which throng the silent halls of the great neerop- olis. Their foot-prints are fast being covered by the drifting dust, and the place which knew them will know them no more forever." APPENDIX. Ill There were represented 53 Chapters ; 2,523 members reported. Exalted during the year, 177; rejected, 14; dimitted, 194; died, 56; suspended for unmasonic conduct, 7; expelled, 4; suspended for non-payment of dues, 214; reinstated, 35. The number of Subordinate Chap- ters runs up to 95,—25 of which have forfeited their charters, leaving now on the roll 70. Companion Pelf.g Brown was re-elected Grand High Piiest, and of course Companion Daniel Sayre was re-elected Grand Secretary. Foreign Correspondence—Palmer J. Pillans, of Mobile. The stated Convocations of the Grand Chapter are held m the City of Montgomery, on Tuesday after the first Monday in December of each and every year. It is our good fortune to receive the proceedings of the last Grand Convocation of the G.-. Chapter of Canada, which was held in the City of Kingston, on the. 10th day of August, A. D. 1869. The Grand Chapter was presided over by M.\ E.\ Companion m ""r ■ " - " - ^ ™ - Present, other Grand Officers, Grand Superintendents, Past Grand Officers, and a Consti- tutional number of Representatives from Subordinate Chapters. The address of the G.\ Z.\ is well written and to the point. He says : " Surely we have reason to congratulate each other on the steady progression of our ancient and loved Order, and the further development of its various excellent attributes; and, provided we are our- selves true to its principles, just as surely have we the precious right to believe that Free- masonry will be blessed by the Great Architect of the Universe, to the furtherance of His divine will, the carrying out of His omnipotent pleasure, the satisfaction of our own hearts, and the welfare of our fellow-creatures." Five Dispensations were granted by him, one of which is located in Goldenville, Nova Scotia. He says : " I hope we shall become finally one Sovereign Body, ruling over Capit- ular Masonry throughout this Dominion. Nevertheless we must not shut our eyes to the fact, that as Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have each its Grand Lodge, so the Companions there may deem it more advantageous to establish their own Grand Chapters, and, if so, we must be prepared to give them our cordial recognition; extend at once the right hand of fellowship, and aid and assist them by every means in our power." This, Companions, is the true spirit of Masonry ; and we know our Canadian Companions will carfy it out to the letter. The G.-. Z.\ says: " There is one more subject I think of, before concluding, and I am sure you will all agree with me that it is one calling for con- gratulation. I allude to the gratifying fact of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales having become a Freemason. I believe I speak your sentiments, when I say in a few sin- cere words, that we have a right to feel a pardonable pride, and a loyal pleasure in having ennolled on the long list Members of our Institution, the Heir to the Throne of the British Empire, and the son of our beloved and most estimable and good Queen ; whom may God preserve!" So mote it be', we say. Canada is divided into eight Masonic Districts; and instead of District Deputies, a Grand Superintendent for each, attends to the Masonic interest and reports to the Grand Chapter. The report of the G.-. S.'. E.\ and Grand Treasurer, shows a balance on hand of $977 87. The report on Foreign Correspondence, from the gifted pen of Companion Henry Robert- son, acknowledges the receipt of the proceedings of twenty-six Grand Chapters of the United States, and also the General Grand Chapter, and the Grand Chapter of Scotland. The report is well written, and covers fifty pages of the printed proceedings. He says of Mississippi : " Tidings from the South," and quotes from P.-. G.\ H.\ P.-. Ferris's address in relation to using the name of Christ in Chapter prayers. CANADA—1869. On the Throne. IV APPENDIX. He further says: "We are unable to give the proper credit for the very excellent report on Foreign Correspondence, as no name is appended to it. The author is evidently very modest, but we should like to make his acquaintance." Thank you for the compliment, my beloved Companion. I hope the day may not be far distant when we shall meet face to face, and at the touch of hands, the warm Masonic greet- ings, like the electric spark, may pass throughout the entire frame and a thrill of joy and gladness spring up in our hearts that will never be forgotten. Our General Grand Chapter of the United States meets in the City of Baltimore in September, 1871. A cordial invita- tion to meet us there. My Companion Bobertson did me the honor of copying at least one page from my report: not that I deserve any honors, but I must confess to have my reports thus noticed, and that by one beyond the limits of the United States, a well of joy springs up in my bosom and prompts me to a double diligence. The Companion says, as no name was appended to the former report, he could not give the proper credit. Hope, Companion, you may live long to enjoy your position as reporter for your Grand Chapter, that you may in due time receive this, our report duly signed. It was resolved, that the next Convocation of the Grand Chapter be held at the City of Quebec. The returns from thirty-four Chapters show one thousand four hundred and three members. M.-. E.-. Companion T. Douglas Harington, re-electedG.-. Z.\ B.\ E.\ Thos. Bird Harris, re-elected G.\ Scribe E. DELAWARE—1869. We have before us a neat pamphlet of twenty-three pages, containing the proceedings of a Convention of Royal Arch Masons, held at Dover, January 20, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399. The four Chapters located in Delaware, were working under the jurisdiction of the Gen- eral Grand Chapter of the United States, and by request of ^aid Chapters. The General Grand High Priest, Companion James M. Austin, issued his order for the Convention. Most Excellent Companion James M. Austin, General Grand High Priest, being present, called the Convention to order, and proceeded to organize a Grand Chapter for the State. A resolution was passed, to elect Grand Officers, which resulted as follows: Companion Daniel C. Goodwin, Grand High Priest. Companion Alfred T. A. Torbebt, Grand Secretary. All other officers appointed by the Grand High Priest. The High Priests of Subordinate Chapters also appoint from Captain of Host down to Sentinel or Tyler. Four Subordinate Chapters, with a membership of one hundred and thirty-two. The proceedings contain a Constitution similar to the Grand Chapter of Mississippi- They differ from us in this particular. Under the head of Charges and Trials, they say: " Charges with distinct specifications of the offence charged, may be preferred in open Chapter; and it shall be the duty of the acting High Priest (except in case of non-payment of dues,)' to appoint three disinterested Companions, as Commissioners to try the accused upon said charges and specifications, and report their proceedings thereon to the Chapter with all con- venient speed, together with their conclusions and recommendations thereon for the action of the Chapter. The decision of the Chapter shall be final, unless an appeal be taken, &c." Why say the Commissioners shall try the accused, and then say the action of the Chapter must be had ? Again, under the head of Witnesses and Expense of Trial, the Constitution says: " The High Priest of any Chapter may summon witnesses in any case provided for in the preceding section, and the expense which may be incurred by Commissioners appointed under the provision of the above section, shall be borne by one or both of the parties, as the Commissioners may determine; and the amount of such expenses and their decision as to who shall be chargeable with the same, shall be set forth in their report, and payment may be enforced in the same manner as Chapter or Grand Chapter dues." This is the first time we ever heard of a money transaction in trials. It may be right, but is certainly something new to Mississippians. APPENDIX. V We "hope to hear often from our young sister, Delaware; hope she may live long, and like a tree by the river's side, may she spread her brandies throughout the State, is the desire of your Companion Patten. FLORIDA—1868. It is with pleasure that we hail the proceedings from the land of magnolias. We are always pleased with their proceedings, but at the same time have to regret that Mississippi failed to make its appearance before the Florida Committee. We cannot tell the cause : we think it very neat, and bearing on its face "Tidings from the South," it is certainly not afraid to visit Florida! We fear there has been some foul play on the road " Keeler" direc- ted it. Now we would say to our Florida Companions that we are satisfied our Keeler started it and gave good directions. He is not a leaky vessel, though a little gas may occa- sionally escape; nevertheless, he is always in time, and never forgets or neglects his sister Grand Chapters. The Grand Chapter held its Annual Convocation in the City of Tallahassee, on the 13th day of January, 1868—D.-. G.-. High Priest, WiiAiam Morrill, presiding as Grand High Priest. Present, other Grand Officers, and a due representation of Subordinate Chapters. The Grand High Priest, in the opening of his address, says: " Again are we, through the mercy of our Grand High Priest above, allowed the exalted privilege of greeting each other at this our lovely Convocation. There is not a heart so obdurate as not to appreciate this inestimable mercy derived from so holy a source, and knowing that it is from the Father of Light, "with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning," we all in a measure, feel the impulses arise in our pent up bosoms, forcing the conviction that our walk and con- versation has not been altogether as it should have been. Some possibly have not been as faithful in cultivating those traits and virtues that are so characteristic of the good and genuine Mason, and that our holy institution recommends to all its members. Some of us perchance, are in the same line of unmasonic living that we would condemn in others, and which it is a shame for us to name—conduct which blights our joys in our meditating hours and makes us blush in our Convocation seasons." This is good advice, not only to Florida, but to the Companions throughout the world advice that all should well digest, and let the practical results be seen day by day, that we as Masons walk according to the precepts taught by our order, and not err, and by our con- duct teach others so to do. He pays a handsome tribute to the memory of P.-. G.\ H.\ P.- Thomas Brown. His address is appropriate throughout. The report of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, shows a balance on hand of six hundred and eighty-two dollars. An order was passed, that the report on Foreign Correspondence be printed during the recess of the Grand Chapter, and laid before the Grand Body on the first day of each Annual Convocation. We highly approve of the measure. Sixteen Subordinate Chapters made returns, showing a membership of 440 members last year, 94 exaltations, 21 admissions, 2 reinstatements, 23 withdrawals, 8 deaths, 14 suspen- sions, 2 expulsions, and 510 members. Companion James Ellexwood was elected Grand High Priest. Companion Hugh A. Corley re-elected Grand Secretary. No report on Foreign Correspondence. This accounts for Mississippi not being noticed. We were led into the error by looking over the report in the latter part of the proceedings, which proved to be the report of the Grand Council. However, the Committee tor the G.\ Council will please apply our remarks to the G.\ Chapter, to the G.\ Council. FLORIDA—1869. The M.-. E.-. G.\ Chapter of Florida, convened in the City cf Tallahassa, on the 11th day of January, A. D. 1899, A. I. 2399. E.-. G.-. S.'., M. M. T. Huchinsox as G.\ H.\ P.-., presiding. Other Grand and pro tern officers, and the Representatives of ten Subordinates present. VI APPENDIX. Chapters not making returns to the present G.\ Convocation, were allowed further time, and the officers present permitted to take their seats as members. The address of the G.' H.\ P.*. is short, but very appropriate. He says: " The eyes of the world are ever open aud our actions are watched. We should be cau- tious how we conduct ourselves, so as not to bring reproach upon our beloved Order. H< should keep in remembrance that we have taken upon ourselves vows, which should evei remind us of our duty to God and to each other. , We should ever remember that although man may not know, and see all our acts, yet that All-Seeing Eye, whom the Sun and Moon obey, watches and knows all that we do, and will reward us according to our works. We should therefore, endeavor to square our lives so as to be enabled to present to the Grand Overseer such work as will be accepted." This is good, wholesome Masonic advice, and can cheerfully recommend it to the Craft generally. And if we, as Royal Arch Masons, will but follow it; Royal Arch Masonry this day would be far beyond the reach of the vulgar. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That all chapters within this jurisdiction, which resume work, and show evi- dence thereof, at the next Convocation of this G.\ C.\ shall be exempt from the payment of all dues, prior to the 24th of December, A. D., 1868, otherwise their Charters shall be forfeited. This we think a good rule, for we know that many Chapters, composed of good and true Masons, by unforeseen circumstances, have become embarrassed, and unable to meet the demands due the G.\ Chapter, who are willing to work and promote the cause of R.\ A.-. Masonry, bnt cannot pay their dues, we would recommend the same to our Grand Chapter. A page is set apart'in the memory of M.\ E.\ Thomas Haywood, JPast Grand High Priest, died, A. D. 1868. The report on correspondence, from the pen of Companion D. C. Dawkins, takes up thirty- three pages of the printed proceedings, and is well written, reviewing the doings of thirty- two G.\ Chapters, and also the proceedings of the G.\ G.\ Chapter of the United States. Companion Dawkins, in the outset, complains that he cannot bestow that time and labor, in reviewing the different Grand Chapters, his report is such as would do credit to any G.\ Chapter, and Florida may well be proud of him. He devotes three pages to Mississippi. He says: " The address of M.\ E.'. Wm. S. Patten, (should be Patton,) is a good Masonic document, and overlaid with true •' fervency and zeal," he then makes his extracts from our address, as G.\ H.-. Priest, for which we feel that Masonic pride, which is unutterable. He says: The address of M.\ E.\ Wm. D. Ferris, G.\ H.\ P.-., is in good tone, and full of interest. In 1864 this G.\ C.\ paged a resolution, purporting to sever connection with the G.\ G.\ C.\, which the M.\ E.\ decided, is now void. Poor Secesh! Solemn strikes the funeral chime J There is much spilt milk to some of us; but it won't do to look back." That is true Companion, if we have committed an error, let us acknowledge the error, and endeavor to learn wisdom from the past. The Committee say : " The G.\ G.\ Chapter, at its recent Convocation in St. Louis, has most cordially and fraternally invited the Grand Chapter to affiliate therewith, upon equal terms and conditions with other constituted G.-. C.\, thereby conceding our unquestionable regularity and respectability, which will more fully appear by reference to the proceedings of the G.\ G.\ C.\, and Circular sent out." The Committee say: "Your Committee recom- mend the acceptance of that invitation in that fraternal spirit, in which it is sell-evidently tendered, and this recommendation is founded upon the motive and principle, that the more united, the more useful is R.\ A.-, or any other branch of Masonry." The G.*. C.\ adopted the following resolution, which we heartily concur in: Resolved, That this Grand Chapter accept such invitation in a true Masonic spirit, and will hereafter bear allegiance and support to the said G.\ G.\ Chapter. This is as it should be, and we recommend to the G.*. G.\ Chapter to do her duty as a General Grand Body , and it will be supported. Membership of Florida, 445, exaltations, 45, admissions, 2, re-enstatements, 3, with- drawals, 24, suspensions, 1*1, present membership, 492—showing an increase from last year of 47. Amount of dues, $537,00 . Companion D. C. Dawkins, elected G.\ H.\ P.-. Companion Ed. Bradford, re-elected Grand Secretary. On motion, which was adopted, that the M.-. E.\ G.-. H.\ P.*. ask the G.\ G.\ H.\ P.*. for dispensation, to hold the next G.*. A.*. C.\ at Jacksonville, Florida. APPENDIX. VII GEORGIA—1868. Tlie Grand Chapter of Georgia held its Annual Convocation in the City of Augusta, on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1868, A. I. 2398—M.\ E.\ Samuel Lawrence, G.\ H.\ Priest, presiding. Other Grand Officers, and the representatives from forty chartered Chapters, and two under Dispentation, were present. The address of the Grand High Priest is full of good, wholesome Masonic teachings, not only to the Royal Arch Masons of Georgia, but to the Craft throughout the world. He says: " Again permitted to assemble in annual Convocation around our sacred altar, our ascrip- tion of thanksgiving and praise are due Him, Exalted Companions, who is " above the Heavens and His glory above the Earth," for His care and protection over us during the past year. In the heart of each of us, as well instructed Royal Arch Masons, the incense of prayer and thanksgiving, and praise should burn day and night, and forever ascend before him; but here, in our assembled Convocation, catching the glow one from the other, the united flame should soar higher and higher unto Him, who, above all the fullness of the majesty of His power and His glory, is known chiefly unto the children of men for His mercies—whose anger is but for a season, but whose " mercy endureth forever." According to the heartiness of this ouij tribute will we go from strength to strength; and unto the God of gods appear every one of us in Zion." Hallowed ought these re-unions to be to the Royal Craftsmen; for they are the occasion of the reviving of the Faith, the renewing of the Hope, and the reluming the Light which will make the wilderness of the world to bios- som like the rose. Here like the eagle in the eyrie, rejoicing from the strain of past flights, looking down on the jangling scenes below, and up to the Great Fountain of Light, we may renew our strength to battle with the world, and renerve the wing of soul for higher and still higher flights, till it reaches its last height and proper resting place, its only home, the bosom of its God." He further says : " As your selected watchman on the tower, I have to report that no note of discord in this jurisdiction has reached my ear during the past year." He granted two Dispensations for new Chapters during the year. He decides that the absence for two years, or longer, of Ministers of the Gospel, members of a Chapter whose By-Laws relieve such of dues, though it is a custom in such Chapter to strike from the roll the names of members after two years for non-payment of dues, does not affect his right to Dimit, when applied for. He also decides that Companion Royal Arch Masons, unaffiliated with a Symbolic Lodge, are under the disabilities of unaffiliated Masons in such, though they do not necessarily lose their standing in the Chapter. Nor will the fact of their being Past Masters, actual or by grade, relieve them. His decision as to mutilated Master Masons since being made Masons, so as to prevent them from being taught, and teaching all the mysteries of the Art, is sufficient to withhold from him the higher degrees. His argument in favor of his views, cannot be controverted. He says: " The reason for the law lies in the Symbolism of the Order. Many suppose—misled by the designation of the three first De- grees as Symbolic, and the Chapter Degrees as Capitulary—that Symbolic teaching is con- fined to the former. But this is a mistake. Symbolic teaching is peculiar and inseparable from the Mysteries in every Rite, and in all Degrees. In what is known as Ancient Craft Masonry, by some called the York Rite, the candidate himself is made a living symbol of a great truth. And this he continues to be, from the time he is entered amid darkness and doubt, and as he passes on through trial and through peril, over rough and rugged ways, until triumphing over all obstacles, he basks in the light of the Omnific World which blazes from under the Holy Royal Arch. Again, under the similitude of a rough stone taken from the quarry, and gradually wrought into fitness for the use of the builder, he is depicted as a living stone, to be worked and polished, and finished into fitness for a Spiritual Temple. Think ye that the Master Builders of that Ancient Temple of Solomon would have placed in its walls a stone, however perfect it had been at the quarry, if it had been broken in the transportation, or by accident at any time .' I trow not. If we would preserve the simili- tude, then neither can we, engaged in the building of a Temple more glorious than that, continue the use of defective material, let the defect appear when it will. Freemasonry is one of the activities of life, and as such requires of all her children that they be workers. VIII APPENDIX. No drones in the hive are countenanced. With what consistency, then, can we introduce a work on material, which from very defect of qualification must be drones, and nothing else." He concludes this portion of his address by saying: " To such, then, as feel aggrieved under this mistaken view, I would say, in the words of the Divine Master himself, " Friend, I do thee no wrong; didst- thou not agree with me for a penny 1" We wish we had time and space to copy the address entire. We must ask pardon of our Companion Lawrence for extracting so largely; hope he will excuse us, it was so good we could not help it. Companion J. Emmett Blackshear presented the Report on Foreign Correspondence, em- bracing twenty-five Grand Chapters, covering forty eight pages of the printed proceedings. He takes up the Grand Chapters in alphabetical order, gives each its just dues, whether merit or demerit, which we approve of, for in this manner only can the different Grand bodies (through their Committees) learn the standing of the Craft in other jurisdictions. He speaks favorably of our previous Teport. Samuel Lawrence re-elected M.-. E.-. Grand High Priest. Benj. B. Russell, re-elected Grand Secretary. Georgia has fifty-four working Chapters, and twenty-three hundred and fifty members. Exalted the present year, one hundred and thirty. We regret that Georgia still uses'substitutes. IOWA—1868. We have before us the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Iowa, a pamphlet of about sixty pages, gotten up in good style. The Convocation was held at Desmoines, on the 16th day of October, A. D. 1868, A. I. 2398—Companion J. W. Stattebtbwaite, Grand King, presiding as Grand High Priest. Present, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, the repre- sentatives of twenty-eight chartered Chapters, and delegates from five Chapters Under Dis~ pensation. The address of the Grand High Priest, generally local, and adapted to his jurisdiction. The Grand Secretary in his report, brings to the notice of the Grand Chapter, the im- provement in the returns of Subordinates. He says: " The Secretaries appear to appreciate the duties and responsibilities of their important office, and consider the making of returns to be, as it is, one of the most important of their various duties." He recommends that the returns be foi-warded to the Grand c ecretary by the first of October, and asks that a resolu- tion be adopted, making it the duty of Subordinate Secretaries to do so. He does not ask that the dues be sent at that time, as they can be better paid by the representative at the Grand Chapter, subject to correction. Your Committee believe the suggestion to be a good one, and would recommend Mississippi to take the matter under consideration. He also asks the usual permission to have the proceedings of sister Grand Chapters bound for preser- vation. This we would also recommend to our Grand Chapter. We atone time were in possession of nearly all the proceedings of other Grand Chapters; but the fate of war de- prived us of them,—but we know the deficiency will with pleasure be supplied by our sisters when asked for. We are pleased to see that Iowa agrees with us in prohibiting the use of substitutes. The following question was submitted: " Is a Mark Master Mason made in England eligible to the balance of the Chapter degrees in a Chapter under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chap- ter!" We can answer for Mississippi. In all such cases, the party must first be healed, then he is eligible. Your Committee cannot but notice the report of the Committee of Ju- risprudence, on the duties of the Deputy Grand High.Priest, and must ask the indulgence of this Grand Chapter to hear it. It is something novel that we had never thought of, but are highly pleased with the idea, and hope it may interest this Body. They agree with us in the absence of the Grand High Priest, the duties devolve upon the Deputy. They say: " For this among other reasons; the Priesthood was alone confined to the tribe of Levi, and no one not of that tribe was permitted to aspire to or assume the duties and responsibilities of the High Priesteood under any pretense whatever. Not even the King under the Mosaic APPENDIX. IX law, although clotbed with absolute power over his subjects, was allowed to meddle with the duties ot the Priesthood or even to touch the vestments thereof, without incurring the displeasure of the Almighty. Even the Ark of the Covenant was not allowed to be borne or touched by any except by those of the tribe of Levi, and Uzza, for his temerity in putting forth his hand to steady the Ark, was struck dead; and Korah, Dathan and Abiram, for their presumption in assuming the prerogatives of the Priestly office, met with a similar fate. With these views, your Committee believe that the Deputy Grand High Priest, being an appointment from the Grand Council for a specific object, and not the King, should pre- side in the absence of the Grand High Priest." We see that the Committee also decided, that after being formally healed, a Mark Master may receive the remaining Chapter degrees. The Einanee Committee report the amount of funds on hand $2,478 71. We also notice a resolution, that the Grand Chapter appoint a Committee, with full power to receive any communication from the Grand Council, tending to restore the Council degrees to the Grand Chapter and its Subordinates, to take exclusive control of said degrees. That said Committee to act in conjunction with a similar Committee on part of the Grand Coun- cil, in arranging and completing such transfer, and to provide for their communication in the Chapter upon a correct basis. We have given our views upon this subject in our report to the Grand Council. And with- out reiterating what we then said, we will only add, that we greatly fear if the transfer should be made, that it may prove detrimental to Council Masonry in other jurisdictions. Consider the matter well, Companions; read the resolutions and edicts of sister jurisdictions; let us complete a thorough organization of Cryptic Masonry throughout the Union,—a platform that all may stand upon and act in conjunction. The proceedings show Tables of Balances, Directory of Chapters, Synopsis ot the Returns of Subordinates, Officers of the Grand Chapter from its organizatibn, Deaths, Dropped from the Boll, Suspensions and Expulsions; also, the proceedings of the Order of High Priest- hood, list of its officers, and the names of all that have been annointed. There are 38 Chapters chartered, 8 Under Dispensation; Exalted, 242; Admitted, 17; Di- mitted, 79; Died, 9; Suspended, 7 ; Expelled, 1. Number of members, 1502. Two Chap- ters making no returns. M.\ E.\ P. C. Wright, elected Grand High Priest. Companion W. B. Langridge, re-elected Grand Secretary. Companions Langridge, Luse, and Griffith, Committee on Foreign Correspondence. The next Grand Chapter will be held at Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 20, A. D. 18G9. KANSAS—1867. We have before us the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Kansas for 1867, held in the City of Leavenworth, October 16th, A. D. 1867, A. I. 2397—M.\ E.\ R. R. Rees, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present—other Grand Officers, and the representatives of six chartered Chapters and three Under Dispensation. The address of the Grand High Priest opens with this beautiful language: " Withdrawn for a time from the outer world, its busy scenes and crowding incidents, we meet to hold communion, and to reason with each other. 'Tis sweet to know, that from the toils and cares of life, we can for awhile retire and with congenial spirits mingle in the work of love, in confidence that He, who sits upon the great white throne, will smile on all our labors, in the cause of light, and love, and truth; then let us in submission bow to Him and offer up our adoration to the Great High Priest, who rules and guides the Universe. 'Tis pleasant here to meet again, and to congratulate each other that life, health, strength, are still vouchsafed." With brotherly feelings, and appropriate language, he mentions the death of Companions Jacob Saqui and Theo. G. Harris. He says : " One by one the loved ones fade, And pass beyond our sight, The grave, the coffin and the spade, Tells mournfully our flight." B X APPENDIX. " How forcibly are we reminded that on. the grave's cold confines, are the clods now crutn bling 'neath our feet." Three Dispensations for new Chapters were granted by him during the year. He says : " Harmony prevails throughout the jurisdiction; that it has been a source of pleasure to receive congratulations from abroad; for everywhere the kindly hand of fellowship has been extended from north and south, from east and west, the greetings of our elder sisters come like summer showers to add fresh verdure to our growth." His views expressed in regard to the Past Master's degree, and also the General Grand Chapter—is just what we think of the subjects. We congratulate our young sister in the selection of her Grand High Priest; hope he may long live to counsel and advise with the Craft, and when the rugged ways of life shall have been passed, may his work be true, good, and square. Companion E. T. Carr reports on Correspondence, sixteen Grand Chapters, Mississippi included. He speaks in high terms of the address of the Grand High Priest for 1867, and also the report on Correspondence. The proceedings show that there are ten Subordinate Chapters. Seventy-five exaltations during the year, one suspension, five deaths, and the membership of the State to be three hundred and fifteen. Companion It. R. Rees, re-elected Grand High Priest. Companion E. T. Carr, re-elected Grand Secretary. KENTUCKY—1869. The Grand Chapter of Kentucky held its Annual Convocation in the City of Louisville, October 18th, A. D. 1869—M.-. E.\ Rich'd G. Hawkins, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present, other Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers, together with the Representatives of eighty Subordinates, and. Delegates from four Under Dispensation. The address of the Grand High Priest is local but full of good Masonic doctrine. The G.\ Treasurer's report shows a balance on hand of $1,303 38, and the resources of the Grand Chapter, including the balance on hand, to be $11,853 38. Companion Henderson, from the Committee on Correspondence, made his report on the proceedings of twenty-nine Grand Chapters, Mississippi noticed among the number. He copies nearly one page from our Correspondence in regard to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Chapter of Kentucky. We hope our remarks did not mar the feelings of any Kentucky Companion. The proceedings show one hundred and three chartered Chapters, and four Under Dispen- sation. Amount paid $2,503 50; 3,472 Companions, 366 exaltations, 39 admitted, 136 dimit- ted, 29 rejected, 68 suspended, 9 expelled, 8 restored, 37 dead. M.\ E.\ Edward B. Jones was elected Grand High Priest. Companion Philip Swigert, re-elected Grand Secretary. LOUISIANA—1869. We are in receipt of the proceedings of the M.\ E.\ G.\ Chapter of Louisiana, which con- vened in the City of New Orleans on the 9th day of February, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399. Samual M. Todd M.\ E.\ G.\ H.\ Priest presiding. All other G.\ Officers present; several P.-. Grand Officers, and the representatives of twenty Subordinate Chapters. The address of the G.\ H.\ Priest, is generally local in its character. He speaks very affectionately, and in high Masonc terms of P.*. G.-. H.\ P.'. Henry Regenburg, and P.-. H.\ P.-. Wm. P. Coleman, who died during the past Masonic year. He says in his concluding remarks, "Let us who survive make due record of the lives and services of our departed Companions, and express in an appropriate manner our sorrow for their loss." He speaks in glowing terms of his visit to the Trienial Convocation of the G.\ G.\ Chapter at St. Louis in September, 1868. He says: " We of Louisiana owe them, (the brethren of St. Louis,) a debt of gratitude for kind attention shown us, which we hope to have an opportunity of repaying in part on some future occasion, it may be when the General Grand Bodies shall honor New Orleans with their presence." APPENDIX. XI He says: "I have stated that Masonry in its every branch and rite in this State is work- ing harmoniously and in perfect accord, but I must not omit to state that we are cursed now, as we have been in former years, with the presence in our midst of a clandestine and spurious body calling its self the " Supreme Council of the A. and A. S. Rite of the Sover- eign and Indipendent State of Louisiana," of which one Chassaignac is Chief, and which consists of a few white men and a number of negroes. This body of itself insignificant and of but little weight or influence, has acquired some importance from the recognition and countenance lately extended to it by the Grand Orient of Trance. There is but little doubt of the action of the Grand Lodge with regard to this infringement of its jurisdiction, and it is eminently proper that this body should also take prompt action in accordance therewith." We find in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, that prompt action was taken in the premises. Grand Master Swasey handled the spurious, clandestine got-up-body, with gloves off. He says: "It has become my painful duty to bring to your notice the action of the Grand Orient of France, with whom we have for many years been upon the most friendly and brotherly terms of esteem and regard. The Grand Orient of France has aided and assisted this Grand Lodge in times of trouble and anxiety, by her firm adherence to constitutional law and Masonic justice. In the month of December, I received from the office of the Grand Orient, through the post office, an official bulletin containing a decree which cer- tainly surprised me. It has, with a strange perversion, and unaccountable want of consis- tency, recognized a clandestine body in this city, calling itself the Supreme Council of the Sovereign and Independent State of Louisiana, a body which has been declared by herself totally unworthy, and which has been repudiated by a large portion of the Masonic world, and even the few prominent and respectable men who once sided with them, have long since deserted and repudiated them, and so low has it sunk in respectability that its G.*. H.\ P.-. aud founder has severed his connection, and no longer acknowledges them in their attempts at demoralization. It is now composed of a few designing men, and a mass of ignorant and degraded people, for whom they care not, except the use they make of them to gratify their own bad pur- poses. The decree of the Grand Orient is followed by a report from a committee, which seems to have prompted its action. The report is a strange jumble of misrepresentations and makes but one correct statement, and that is the disgraceful history of the body which she now recognizes." The following resolutions we find in the proceedings, submitted by the committee on Foreign Correspondence: Resolved, That all Masonic correspondence and fraternal relations between the G.\ L.\ ,of Louisiana, and the Grand Orient of France, cease and be discontinued, and no Mason owing allegiance to that Grand Body, be recognized as such in this jurisdiction. Resolved, That a duly authenticated copy of the above report and resolution be trans- mitted to the Grand Orient of France, and to all regular constituted American and Euro- pean Grand Lodges. We omitted to state above, that the Committee made a full report of the whole matter. We find the following resolution: Resolved, That in the opinion of the G.*. C.\ of Louisiana, the organization known as the G.\ G.-. C.\ of R.\ A.-. Masons of the U. S. A., has become useless, may become dangerous, and ought to cease to exist. That our representatives, at the next G.\ Convocation of said G.\ G.\ C.\, be, and they are hereby instructed, to propose and advocate the adoption of resolutions providing for the total extinction of said G.-. G.\ C.\, and in the event of the non passage of such resolutions, then that our said representatives request the release of this G.\ C.\ from all her obligations to and connection with said G.\ G.\ Chapter. We must acknowledge that we were somewhat astonished to find the above resolution coming from Louisiana, after reading the glowing description given by the G.\ H.\ Priest, of the entertainment, hospitality; and harmonious feelings that prevailed. Let the G.\ G.\ Chapter continue so far as Mississippi is concerned. The Committee on correspondence, signed by Companions Homer, Leake, and Whitaker, had before them the proceedings of thirty G.\ Chapters, and also that of the G.\ G.\ Chapter. Mississippi included in the report. The report is good; fifty pages of closely printed matter. They copy the remarKs of Companion P.-. G.\ H.-. Priest Fenis, in regard to the right of a Christian Minister to use the name of Jesus Christ in Chapter prayer, &c. XII APPENDIX. Of the report on Foreign correspondence, they say: " Is from the pen of the G.". H.'. Priest, which fact we only learned by accident, for as it is unsigned, we were at first inclined to think a report not worth acknowledging by its author, not worth reviewal by us; but in glancing through it, we find the statement of its authorship coupled with another, to the effect that the Companion "is a very modest man." We will not say more than that we are glad that we concluded, on second thought, to read tho document, and will give one or two specimens for others to judge of; and first, this paragraph from the opening, which we will not encumber our report with, as we fear we have been too tedious, aud will be weari- some to the readers. Suffice it to say, we truly appreciate the Companions remarks, and consider ourself highly complimented, rather flattered, and hope the Committee will not be disappointed in finding our name to this report. Samtjep M. Todd, re-elected G.\ H.\ Priest. Jas. C. BAchelob, M. D., re-elected G.\ Secretary. Foreign Correspondence, Companions Homer, Leake and Whitaker. The next G. A. Convocation will be held in the City of New Orleans, on the 13fch day of February, 1870. MAINE—1869. The Grand Chapter of Maine was held in the City of Portland, May the 4th, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399. M.\ E.\ Jas. M. Labrabee Grand High Priest, presiding. Present, a full corps of other Grand Officers, Past Grand Officers, permanent members, and the representatives from thirty Subordinates, and delegates from two under dispensa- tion. It appears from the records, that every Chapter in the State was represented; which seldom occurs in Grand Bodies. The Grand High Priest's address is of a local character, well written, and may serve in many respects for other localities. He commences by saying: "We have assembled once more in solemn convocation, within the vails of our most sacred tabernacle, to give each other greeting, and to encourage one another in our journey along the rough and rugged path of life, to review1 the past, and, correcting its errors, to draw our designs and lay our plans for Masonic work and useful- ness in the royal art, and I trust, stimulate each other in our endeavors to promote the peace and harmony of the Order." He decides, when the High Priest, King and Scribe, of any Subordinate Chapter, are absent, no Companion is competent to open the Chapter, unless commissioned by one of the three officers of the Chapter, or one of the first four officers of the Grand Chapter. We hold a different opinion to that of the Grand High Priest. We think that any Past High Priest, member of the Chapter, in good standing, by con- sent of the members, may open the Chapter. We will not stop to aigue the question at this time, but will do so at some future time, if the Companions of Maine desire it. His other questions we fully concur in. He says: "The angel of death his entered our ranks, and taken two of the fathers of the Grand Chapter. M." E.\ Samuel Fressenden, Past Deputy Grand High Priest, a venerable and honored citizen, a worthy Mason of " Auld lang syne," and M.\ E.\ John Williams, a Mason of about fifty years standing, a Past Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter, highly esteemed as a man and Mason, have passed away. The Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King and Grand Scribe, each made their annual reports. The Treasurers report shows the amount of funds and property, $3,080,50, and a full set of regalia and jewels for the Grand Officers. We are pleased to find in the Grand Secretary's report, more treasures were found among the rubbish, that escaped the conflagration in 1866, than they had reason to calculate on. Companion A. M. Burton presented his report on Returns, giving each Chapter seperately, which in the aggregate amounts to 345 exaltations, whole number of members 2553—46 non- affilliates, 28 rejections, 1 suspension, 45 demits, 24 deaths. The Committee on jurisprudence, reports the following resolutions, which were adopted. APPENDIX. XIII Rtsolre.d, That the candidates, who are actual Past Masters, must nevertheless take the Past Master Degree in the Chapter. Resolved, That the use of " substitutes" in conferring the Royal Arch Degree, is strictly prohibited; and if any violation of this regulation shall come to the knowledge of the Grand High Priest, it shall be his duty to discipline the offending Chapter. We hold the above resolutions to be right and proper, and strictly in accordanoe with Masonic law and custom, and hope ere long, every Grand Chapter will have a statute to that effeet. Companion Drummond presented report of the Committee on Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of thirty-four Grand Chapters, and the General Grand Chapter of the United States. In his notice of Arkansas; he quotes the remarks of Companion Williams, in reply to what we said in a former report, in regard to the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, receiving the petition of candidates and conferring degrees. He says: "As the practice of this Grand Chapter, of electing candidates and conferring the degrees upon them, has been criticised, we copy his reply—and the more cheerfully, as we hold that his position is correct." Copying in full from Companion Williams, he drops the subject, without g-iving any of our reasons for objecting to Grand Chapters receiving the petitions of candidates, and con- ferring degrees; thus leaving us before the Masonic world as having proved nothing that sustain our position. But we suppose Companion Drummond did not set out to advocate our doctrine, and as lawyers don't take any particular pains to argue against themselves, or advocate the opposite side, we suppose he leaves that for us to do. If he Will read our answer to Companion Williams, which we hope he will, we think he will be convinced we are right. Or if in his next report, he will argue the question, give his views fully, we will meet him in our next, and if he can convince us that we are in error, we will acknowledge the fact. But until we are convinced, we will always approve the receiving of petitions of candidates, and conferring the degrees on them by the Grand Chapters. He quotes a portion of Companion Past Grand High Priest Lusher's address; and the resolutions passed by our Grand Chapter in relation to case reported by Past Grand High Priest Fems, from Vicksburg Chapter. He says: " Companion Wm. 8. Patton presented the Report on Correspondence—to which there is but one drawback; it is printed in so fine type that it Is almost invisible after sunset." Will Companion Heeler, our Grand Secretary, make a note of that, and use larger type, recollect Companion Heeler, that Maine is a long way off to the Eastward, and the sun does not rise until a late hour in the day, and in cloudy, bad weather, sometimes, (it is said,) has to be assisted by prising with a crowbar. But the light that shines in old Maine is effulgent, casting its rays even to the Pacific, and as it passes the sparsely regions of Mississippi, the sound of the Drummond is heard, a thrill of joy and gladness, (like the electric fluid,) prevades the entire brotherhood. Com- panion Drummond quotes our remarks on the General Grand Chapter; and says he gives us his hand on it. Thank you, Companion. In conclusion, speaking of our last report, he says; " It seems that the Companion pre- pared the report of last year, which was credited to Companion Hillyer. All we have to say in excuse, is that it didn't have the Companions mark upon it, nor did we recognize the mark that was upon it, but finding it too valuable to be thrown over among the rubbish, we presented it for the inspection of our Companion in Maine! "Au revoir!" We thank you, Companion, for the compliment, hoping you and I may yet meet, face to face, greet each other at the next Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter, and fully understand each others mark. Companion Jos. Peabson, was elected Grand High Priest. - Companion Iba Bebby, re-eleeted Grand Secretary. Companion Josiah H. Dbummond, Chairman of Committee on Correspondence. XIV APPEIVDIX. MASSACHUSETTS—1868. The stated Convocation of the Grand Chapter was held in the City of Boston, on the 10th day of March, A. D. 1868, A. I. 2398 M.\ E.\ Richard Briggs, Grand High Priest, presiding. A full attendance of other Grand Officers, permanent members, and the Representatives from twenty-two Subordinate Chapters. Companion Chapman presented the following Report which was adopted: " That the Ritual of the degree of Past Master shall be con- ferred to the ceremonies of introduction, election obligation, installation, and lecture, to be conferred without any intermission or interruption in the order of process. And in the Royal Arch Degree, the living arch shall be not less than three and one half feet in height, and remain stationary while being used; and in the remaining ceremonies, the candidates for exaltation shall be under the exclusive control of the proper officers, and without interference by any other person." This is as it should be, and we hope our Massachusetts Companions will adhere strictly to the rule. And we will urge the necessity before our Grand Chapter, to adopt a similar one. Stated Convocation, June 9th, 1868. M.\ E.\ Richard Briggs, Grand High Priest, presiding. Other Grand Officers, and the representatives of sixteen Subordinates. A communication was reeeived from King Solomon's Chapter, asking that the Convocations of said Chapter be holden alternately six months at Ware and Barre. The request granted. It was voted. " That the delegates from this Grand Chapter, at the next triennial meet- ing of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, be requested to use their most earnest efforts to obtain a disolution of said General Grand Chapter; and, failing to obtain such a disolution, to seek a peaceable withdrawal therefrom, agreeable to the obligations of Royal Arch Masons." Annual Convocation, Oct. 13th 1868. M.\ E.\ Richard Briggs, Grand High Priest, presiding. A full attendance of other Grand Officers and permanent members. Twenty-one Subor- dinate Chapters represented. M.\ E.\ Chas. A. Welch made in behaif of the officers who attended the last Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter, made an elaborate report, which was read and ordered to be placed on the record. We find upon record, that the Secretary of the Convention of High Priests, reports to the Grand Secretary the names of all High Priests that have been consecrated to the Order of High Priesthood. This we approve of, and think it should be universally adopted: and further, we hold that no High Priest should be permitted to receive the Order of High Priesthood, until he was enabled to prove to the satisfaction of the Council assembled, that he was competent to discharge the duties of High Priest. The report of the Finance Committee shows a balance in the Treasurers hands, of $1,168:96 other property of the Grand Chapter, increase the amouut to $,468.96. The election of Grand Officers resulted in the choice of M.\ E.\ Henry Chickeng, as Grand High Priest, and the re-election of E.\ Thos. Waterman, Grand Secretary. Stated Convocation, December 8th, 1868. M.\ E.\ Henry Chickering, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present, other Grand Officers, permanent members, and the Representatives of twenty- six Subordinate Chapters. M.\ E.\ James Kimball, submitted suitable resolutions on the death of M.\ E.\ Companion Dr. Jonathan G. Johnson, Past Grand King, which was unanimously adopted. Several charitable donations were made to wives, and daughters of deceased companions. The report on Correspondence, from the pen of the gifted Companion Henry Chickering, examining the proceedings of nineteen Grand Chapters, covering sixty- four pages of the printed proceedings, shows that he did not neglect to perform the arduous duty placed upon him by his Grand Chapter. APPENDIX. XT We exceedingly regret that the name of our Mississippi could not be found among the number. His report is written in that chaste Masonic language, which should characterize all Masonic documents. He speaks out boldly, rewarding all work brought up, provided it can stand the test of the overseers square, if not, no wages will he allow. He gives the statistics of the different Grand Chapters, showing 1543 Subordinate Chap- ters, 81890 members, 12732 exaltations, 1117 admissions 2522 dimitted, 76 expulsions, 298 suspensions, 805 deaths, 476 rejections. Forty-one Subordinote Chapters made returns to the last Convocation. Showing the exaltations during the past Masonic year to be 619. Total membersnip 5005. One Chapter returns 400 members. A table showing the names of the Past Grand High Priests, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, Past Grand Kings, and Past Grand Scribes, from the year 1798, to 1867, which we consider an important item in the history of Royal Arch Masonry, and that it would be to the interest of every Grand Chapter to follow the example. We fully concur with our Companion Chickering, in his concluding remarks, he says: " We wish to suggest tb at their reports, (Grand Chapter proceedings,) in the future be put into the hands of the Committee as fast as received, that they may be reviewed at leisure, thus affording real pleasure to the reviewer, rather than make it such a labor, as it must be, when done under a pressure of time, amid the cares of business which hardly admit of an hour's interruption. By this course, also, the Committee would be enabled to know what proceedings were lacking, in time to open correspondence with the sister Grand Chapter, or their officers, and procure them, which we would recommend that he should do in all cases where he has not received them up to a certain time." We know the difficulty, and have felt the smart, in waiting until the meeting of the Grand Chapter, to get posession of the returns, before we could make a report; then a hurried glance at the different Grand Chap- ter retnrns, is all that can be had, and the cause is bound to suffer in our hands, for lack of time. Companion Henry Chickering, re-elected Grand High Priest. Companion Thos. Waterman, re-elected Grand Secretary. Rev. John W. Dadum, Committee on Foreign Correspondence. MICHIGAN. The Twentieth Annual Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Michigan, was held in the City of Detroit, on the 11th day of January, A. D. 1867—M.\ E.\ Geo. C. Munro, Grand High Priest, presiding. A majority of all the Chapters present. The Grand High Priest read his annual address. The Committee on Correspondence reported on thirty-three Grand Chapters, Mississippi included. The Committee say: " A report on Foreign Correspondence is presented by the Committee, reviewing the affairs of fifteen Grrand Chapters, ours not included." We would say to the Committee, if they will but take the trouble to examine the Grand Chapter Reports of Mississippi, at page 272, we think they will find that Michigan was not overlooked. NEBRASKA—1868. The M.\ E.\ Grand Chapter of Nebraska convened in the City of Bellevue on the 23d day of June, A. D. 1868, A. I. 2398.—M.-. E.\ Daniel H. Wheeler, Deputy Grand High Priest, presiding. Present—other Grand Officers and a constitutional number of Represen- tatives from Subordinates. The Grand High Priest in the commencement of his his address, says : " Through Divine permission, and while the world has been steadily and with all the energy of the nineteenth century, pursuing the varied objects which enlist the devotees of sects, human ambition and pecuniary gain; while those who live exclusively for their personal aggrandizement, and ignore the happiness and welfare of mankind, in general, and have been pursuing the scheme which point to places and stations of honor among their fellow men, we of the holy Royal Arch have been silently, though with effect, (I think,) in this jurisdiction, laboring to XTT APPENDIX. preserve and to disseminate those sacred principles of truth which constitutes the basis and sum of all true honor and all genuine greatness; those moral and catholic excellencies; those religious and social perfections which, when cultivated in accordance with the teach- lags of our sacred Order, our ancient landmarks, hy the assistance of our greater lights, surely return a reward, a complete recompense, constitutes a sums of pleasure far more precious than gold, eminently richer than gems, and surely directs its possessors to pre- eminent seats of honor, far more elevated than the world can hestow; even within the sanetum sanctorum, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe forever reigns, forever dwells, and to freely inhale that pure incense which daily ascends from its holy altar. He says, " Royal Arch Masonry is advancing, thousands have been led by paths they have not known, to the fountain of Masonic light, which crowns our royal attainment. He urges a rigid test of the overseers square, that only ' true' work be received, than to be forced to heave it over among the rubbish as unfit for a place in the edifice." He says, " When morality ceases to be a guiding star, truth the beacon light, and charity the test, by which we measure the faults of our Companions, her office as a benefactor also eeases, and thus may the finger of contempt be righteously pointed to our blind and shameful devotions." He is severe on the profane, the slanderer, the tipler, and all immorality among Royal Arch Masons. The address is short, only occupies two pages of the printed proceedings; but on the two pages, he says more to the purpose, and for the good of Royal Arch Masonry, than we fre- quently find in a volume. "We fully concur in all he said and recommend it to the craft generally. The report of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary shows the amount on hand to be four hundred and twenty-nine dollars and seventy-seven eents. In defining the mode of creating new chapters, the latter clause of the 2d section of Arti- cle 4 of the Constitution reads thus -. " Said petition shall also he accompanied by thedimits of the petitioners." * Section 6 of the same Article says: " The applicants for a dispensation to organize a new chapter shall not be required to file their dimits." We don't exactly understand how to harmonize the two clauses; unless it is necessary for the dimitted Companion to present to the Grand Chapter or Grand High Priest his dimit, that they may be satisfied he is dimitted, and in good standing. Then let him pocket his dimit and return to the new chapter as one of the- petitioners; but in fact a dimitted Companion, not a member of any chapter, no one having control over him except the chapter in whose jurisdiction he resides. How is it, Companions of Nebraska, please explain l The laws governing such eases in our jurisdiction says the dimits of every petitioner shall, accompany the petition and be filed with it by the Grand Secretary. Otherwise the dimitted Companions may he returned as members of two or more chapters at the same time. One may return him in good standing, the other may return him suspen- ded or expelled. We think it best to file the dimits with the petition and let the returns show how and hy whom the new chapter was formed. Then if the Companion desires to , return to his original Chapter; if no objection, he can obtain a dimit from the new Chapter and rejoin the old. The Constitution requires six months residence within the jurisdiction of a Chapter before a petition will be entertained, and that no petition shall be received until the appli- cant has been a Master Mason six months, and made suitable proficiency, except by Dispensation of the Grand High Priest. This is as it should be. Royal Arch Masonry has been too often imposed upon by men not proficient in the lower Degrees; and to-day, throughout the United States, are not able to work their way in a Lodge of Entered Apprentices. The Constitution requires only a two-thirds vote from other Subordinate Chapters, to authorize the conferring the Chapter Degrees by another Chapter. This we think should require a unanimous vote. APPENDIX. XVII The 8th By-Law says: " The work on one or more of the Chapter Degrees shall be exemplified at each Grand Chapter. "We hope our young sister does not jiermit the confer- ring of Degrees by the Grand Chapter,'but only permits it to be done through the Grand Officers in a Subordinate Chapter. One of the standing Resolutions requires that any one residing within the jurisdiction of a Subordinate Chapter, representing himself to be a Royal Arch Mason, and does not affil- liate or visit the same for twelve months, shall be summoned to appear before the Grand Council for the purpose of proving himself as a Royal Arch Mason, and if he fails or refuses to obey the summons, he shall be reported to the Grand Chapter as an imposter, and shall not thereafter be recognized as a Royal Arch Mason. This we think a good rule ; it is frequently the case, especially in communtiies where persons are promiscuously thrown together from different sections, that we find men professing to be Royal Arch Masons, they pay no dues, nor do we ever see them in or about a Chapter, unless they call for charity, or desire.the Companions to aid them in some way, and which they never think of after they leave the Chapter. "We are in favor of the Resolution, and hope every Grand Chapter will adopt similar ones. M.\ E.\ Daniel H. Wheelek, was elected Grand High Priest. M.\ E.\ J. N. Wise, re-elected Grand Secretary. Three chartered Chapters, 1 under Dispensation, 17 Exaltations, 1 Admitted, 10 Dimitted, 2 died, total number of Royal Arch Masons 183. A Resolution was passed, that the next Grand Chapter be held in the City of Nebraska on the 25th October, 1869. ' NEW YORK—1869. The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New York held its Seventy-second Grand Annual Con- vocation, in ahe City of Albany, February 2d, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399—M.-. E.\ Seymouk H. Stone, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present, other Grand Officers, eight Past Grand High Priests, one Past Grand King, one Past Grand Scribe, one Past Grand Secretary, and the Representatives of one hundred and thirty-five Subordinates. A resolution was adopted, admitting all Royal Arch Masons in good standing, as visitors during the session, except during the annual election. The Grand High Priest, in his address, says : "We meet to-day with our official ranks unbroken—another proof of the superintending care which has been over us during the vicissitudes of another year. Complete harmony and unprecedented prosperity have char- acterized Royal Arch Masonry in this jurisdiction since last we met. Sixteen new Chapters have been organized by dispensation during the past year, and ask for warrants at this Convocation; and although a larger number than has been organized in any one year during the history of this Grand Chapter, I know of no reason why a warrant should not be granted in each case. The growth seems natural, vigorous and healthy." He decides that a High Priest may remove from office his appointees. Also, an applica- tion to be restored to the privileges and rights of Royal Arch Masonry must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the applicant is in good standing as a Master Mason. He also decides that an expelled member restored to the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Ma- sonry can only be declared by the Grand Chapter, or a majority vote of the Chapter pro- nouncing the sentence ; but membership in a Chapter can only be regained by petition and unanimous ballot. Your Committee fully agree with the High Priest of New York in his decisions, with one slight exception. It seems to us if the Constitution which requires two-thirds to expel, (Mississippi Constitution) it certainly would require the same number of votes to restore to the rights and privileges. As to membership, it must be by petition and a unanimous ballot. His rules for petitions for Dispensations of new Chapters are very good where there are none better. But we much prefer the rule adopted by the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, which requires not less than nine Royal Arch Masons in good standing, the dimit of each to accompany the petition, the petition to be recommended by the two nearest Chapters; the C XYIII APPENDIX. officers to govern the new Chapter to be examined in open Chapter, and vouched for by the examining officers, as being well skilled in the work and lectures adopted by the Grand Chapter. The Grand High Priest takes a very sensible view in regard to the resolution passed at the last session, inquiring what legislation, if any, was necessary, to merge the degrees of Eoyal, Select, and Super-Excellent Master, with the work of the Grand Council. As elx- officio Chairman of the Committee, he says: " I have to report that in our opinion the initial step in such legislation should be taken by the Grand Council of Eoyal and Select Masters of the State of New York, who are now, and have long been, the acknowledged- custodians of the work of said degrees, and have thus far manifested no desire to be relieved from their responsibilities. Should they at any future time offer to surrender their trust, in our opinion it would be necessary, before said degrees could be merged with our work, to amend the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, which now declares that the Mark, Past, Most Excellent and Eoyal Arch are the only degrees recognized by it, to be conferred in Chapters under its jurisdiction. In view of these improbable contingencies, the subject loses its interest, and the Committee ask to be relieved from its future consideration." His argument, to us is conclusive, and ought to be satisfactory to every rational mind. And we think that hereafter when this question is brought up in any Grand Chapter, the Grand High Priest or presiding officer should rule it out of order, and every thinking mem- ber would support his ruling. "We are truly glad New York has taken the stand, and hope the remarks of the Grand High Priest will in the future be fully sustained. He as all others who were present at the Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter held at St. Louis, speaks in glowing terms. He says: " Those who were present at its last Convoca- tion, and witnessed the truly fraternal greetings, the cordial intercourse and perfect harmony of action which characterized the proceedings of the representatives from all sections of the land, who there met for the first time since separated by war, know the utter fallacy and groundlessness of such a charge—that the G.\ G.*. Chapter is a useless body." In conclusion he says : " Finally, Companions, in surrendering my official trust,' and resuming a place upon the floor of the Grand Chapter, permit me to express the hope that, for years to come, when the frosts of age shall have wrought their inevitable changes, our relations may still continue to be of such a nature that I may inherit a portion of that fra- ternal regard and kindly consideration which we now so gladly accord to worthies of " Auld Lang Syne," a few of whom still linger around our altar." The Grand Secretary's report shows a remainder of $11,373. It seems that the Grand Chapter of New York has taken under her special care and keep- ing, the Order of High Priesthood. The printed proceedings say: " Labor was then sus- pended in Grand Chapter and a Council of High Priests was duly opened—the Grand High Priest presiding. The following named Companions being duly qualified, were anointed, consecrated and solemnly set apart to the office of High Priest, in due and ancient form." # * *■ * «rphe Council of High Priests was declared closed, and labor was resumed in Grand Chapter." "We have just congratulated the Grand High Priest and Grand Chapter in refusing to legislate, or take under their fostering care the Council degrees, for the reason given by the Grand High Priest, that the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter did not recognize any degree save the Mark, Past, Most Excellent and Eoyal Arch." If that is true, which no one will deny, how can the Grand Chapter of New York suspend labor and open, some- thing—say a Council of High Priests to do work, resume labor in Grand Chapter and proceed to business. We know it is customary to open Chapters, transact such business as may come before it, then suspend labor and open a Mark, Past, or Most Excellent Master's Lodge, confer degrees in either Lodge that may require, and when through, close and resume labor in the Chapter. We have been taught (perhaps incorrectly so,) that the Order of High Priesthood was separate and distinct from the Grand Chapters, that none could participate or take part in the work except High Priests or Past High Priests, that have been duly qualified, anointed, and set apart to said office. Now it is not reasonable to suppose that all . the delegates, or representatives to any Grand Chapter are High Priests or P... H.\ Priests! APPENDIX. XIX May not a King, Scribe or Proxy be a representative? Never having filled the office of High Priest, they could not be present. It is true a request could be made for all that were not consecrated and sfet apart as High Priests, to retire. Retire from what, or where ? from the Grand Chapter ? Who has the right to order or request the representatives of the Sub«r- dinate Chapters to neglect their business and protract the meeting of the Grand Chapter from day to day ? Meetings, or Councils of High Priests are generally held after the close of Grand Chapters, so that the work of the Grand Chapter may not be impeded. The Grand Chapter of New York may not claim jurisdiction over the Order of High Priesthood, but suspending labor and opening a Council of High Priests has a little squinting in that direc- tion, taking things in their natural course. Light is all we want, Companions. Appropriate resolutions were adopted and memorial pages were set apart to the memory of M.\ E.\ Benjamin Enos, Past Grand High Priest, and R.*. E.\ Augustus Willard, Past Grand King. A resolution was passed, ordering the printing of five hundred copies of the Transactions of the Grand Chapter, from its organization in 1798 to 1868. A good idea: the money of a Grand Body could not be better expended. The Chairman of the Committee on Correspon- dence for Mississippi would feel himself honored by the receipt of a copy. The question was asked, or propounded, " The petition of a candidate for the degrees having been rejected, the Chapter grants permission to another Chapter to receive a petition from the same candidate, and it is again rejected by the second Chapter—which Chapter has jurisdiction over the petitianer?" The Grand High Priest decided that the second Chapter had jurisdiciion. If the candidate lived or remained within the jurisdiction, or lived nearer the first Chap- ter, according to the ruling of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, it would still hold juris- diction over him. The Committee on Jurisprudence recommended the adoption of the following resolutions, which were presented by the Committee on Correspondence: Resolved, That no Companion being a member of a Chapter shall be suspended for non- payment of dues, until he has been duly summoned to show cause why he has not paid them; and, in the absence of reasonable excuse, charges are to be preferred, and trial had in case of willful neglect." Adopted. We think the same should be adopted by Mississippi. The law now is, if the dues are not paid before the returns are sent to the Grand Chapter, the defaulting member stands sus- pended (or rather under the head of deprivation of membership,) until his dues are paid, which restores him to membership, (if no other charge,) without further action. The sec- ond and third resolutions were recommitted to the Committee, with instructions to prepare an amendment to the Constitution. Your Committee believe the resolutions should be considered by the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, and we copy that you may have the full benefit: Resolved, That hereafter, this Grand Chapter will not demand of any Companion Royal Arch Mason of the age of years and over, any annual dues, and that this Grand Chapter recommends to its Subordinates to release said members from annual dues, unless they voluntarily pay them; and that such release of Grand and Subordinate Chapter dues shall not affect the standing of said members in all the rights and privileges pertaining to mem- bership. We suppose the New York Committee intended the blank years in the resolution to cor- respond with the time or number of years he had been a Royal Arch Mason. Resolved, That any indigent, worthy Companion being a member of any Chapter under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, whom the Chapter of which he is a member shall release from annual dues, this Grand Chapter will not exact annual dues for such Companion. The Committee then say by way of illustration : " A wealthy gentleman donated a beau- tiful church to a community, but suffering severe reverses subsequently, he was refused a seat in the church by the trustees, on the ground that he could not pay the pew rent; we hope the Masonic Fraternity will do better." We cheerfully recommend the above to the serious consideration of our Grand Chapter. XX APPENDIX. The Committee on Finance and Accounts submitted their report, and the recommendations were adopted. The following sums to be appropriated, viz: $725 85 for stationery and printing; $9 for photographs of Companions ^French and Boyd; $100 each to the Grand High Priest and Deputy ; $250 to the Chairman of Committee on Correspondence; $100 to Grand Chaplain ; $900 to Grand Lecturer; $1,000 to Grand Secretary; $65 for postage; $30 to Grand Tyler; $100 for use of room for G.\ Chapter; $250 to widow of Companion "Wads- worth; $25 to widow of Companion Truesdale; $200 to Companion Dickerman, services in settlement of accounts of late Treasurer; $500 to Grand Treasurer ; $50 to Committee on Salem Town monument. In all over thirty-four hundred dollars. [Resolutions were offered, fixing the salaries of Grand Lecturer and Grand Secretary at $1,500 each, Adopted. The reports show the receipts of the Grand Chapter to be $13,570 50; expenditures to be $10,815 49. The report on Correspondence by Companions White, Hoffman, and Wade, takes up twenty-six pages of the printed proceedings, well gotten up, reviewing the proceedings of thirty-one Grand Chapters and also the General Grand Chapter. Mississippi is favorably noticed. They copy a portion of P.'. G.\ H.\ Priest Ferris's address. They say: " Tour Committee have not reported this matter verbatim, for the reason that the objection was evidently a hasty impulse, and no doubt regretted upon subsequent reflec- tion, and should teach us the value of charity." They say: " The report on Masonic Cor- respondence, although not signed, is, we suppose, from the pen of M.\ E.\ Companion W. S. Patton." The Committee quote some half page of our last report in regard to the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, receiving petitions and conferring the degrees on candidates. The Committee say: " Companion Patton puts this question: "Are these parties members of any regular Chapter, or can they be unless they are healed ?" The New York Committee answer the question and say : " We would say, yes, if the consent of the Subordinates had previously been given to the Grand Chapter for the purpose of exemplification." We will have to take issue with you, Companions. Although we look to the Empire State as the Grand East of Masonic light, you must bear with us of the back-woods; if we differ, it is an honest difference, and light is what we want. As we said in our report on Arkansas, in formation of Grand Chapters, certain rights were conceded to the Subordinates; and among those rights, that of receiving petitions of candidates and conferring degrees. We are well aware that degrees are frequently conferred during the Convocation of Grand Bodies. But how, and in what manner ? Not by the Grand Chapter; but to exemplify the work, that all may see and hear, the Subordinate Chapter invites the Grand Officers to visit and do the work in the Subordinate Chapter. If the candidate lives beyond the jurisdiction of tHe Subordinate that confers the degrees, is legally made, and if the Chapter under whose im- mediate jurisdiction he lives had previously given consent, he can if he choose dimit and return to the Chapter near him. But never can we consent to yield our right to the Grand Chapter to receive petitions of candidates and confer the degrees. We have said something in regard to the Order of High Priesthood, which if we had read through the report on Correspondence, perhaps we should have said but little—seeing that the subject has been thoroughly canvassed by other jurisdictions much abler, and better calculated to do so than Mississippi. However, we see that the majority agree with us. We ask pardon of our New York Companions for drawing so liberally on them, but knowing them as well as we do, that they are a whole-souled, generous set of Companions, is our excuse for intruding. Companion John W. Simons, elected Grand High Priest. Companion Christopher G. Fox, re-elected Grand Secretary. Suppose Companions White, Hoffman and Wade were re-appointed Committee on Foreign Correspondence. APPENDIX, xxr SOUTH CAROLINA—1869. The Annual Grand Convocation was held in the City of Charleston, February 9th, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399—Companion Robert Stewarr Bruns, M.\ E.-. Grand High Priest, presi- •ding. Present, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representatives of twenty- three Subordinate Chapters, The address of the Grand High Priest is eloquent, and filled with good Masonic advice and teachings, such as all Companions should take as their rule and guide through life. We cheerfully recommend it to the perusal of every Companion. He says: "We have great reason to xojoice, that so much has been bestowed upon us, even though so much, which we might crave, hath been denied. We have gone through great trials, but we have survived them. We are still troubled with inauspicious clouds that obscure our zenith; but we know, and feel, that the sun still shines to warm and to fructify, for us, all the productions of earth. After the clouds, the sun 3 Let us hail his Eye of shining through the impending clouds which seem to me to be breaking away on every hand. Not that there is yet a perfect day for us; we are still required to bend in humility, but with hope—to struggle with care, for the better strengthening of that moral muscle, upon the due exercise of which all human hopes must depend i and, keeping ever in mind the grand examples of the great men who have gone before us, so work, with such zeal, and faith, and energy, for the realization of each precious providence, as will show us to be worthy of that Divine favor which can alone guarantee our full recuperation, recom- pense and repose." We would be pleased to make further extracts, but our limited space forbids. The report of Companion Thayer, Grand Secretary, is an able document, gotten up with that skill and ability that characterizes the man of learning and goodness of heart. We sincerely wish we could give the entire report. We must copy a little of the gem. He says: *' Masonry has a sublime, august and beneficent mission to fulfil. Originating in the remo- test antiquity, ever raising its voice and exerting its heaven-born energies in the promotion of the glory of Jehovah, and the true welfare of man, it has survived, and will continue to survive, empires, states and kingdoms. Nor will its glorious work cease until the trumpet of the Arch Angel, sounding through earth, sea and air, shall awaken sleeping humanity, summoning all mankind to the great Judgment, causing the buried dead of ages to burst the cerements of the tomb, and descending into mighty Ocean's very lowest caverns, shall rouse myriads sleeping there for centuries , and opening their ears sealed with death's icy signet, before impervious to the orchestral music of briny monsters, rivalling the roar of ten thousand most crashing thunders, they shall suddenly assume their former incarnations, and emerge, to form a portion of the world's congregated multitudes. The great assize completed, the good rewarded, and the vicious punished, then shall be fulfilled what was beheld in Apocalyptic vision—"a new Heaven and a new Earth." Then will its holy mission cease, for then, and not till then, there will not be found a worthy distressed Brother to be relieved, a weeping widow to be comforted, nor a desolate orphan to be fed, clothed and educated." We see in the printed proceedings, that the Grand Chapter of South Carolina has a very summary way of electing its officers. A resolution is passed that some Companion be au- thorized to cast the unanimous vote of the Grand Chapter for some named Companion for Grand High Priest, which was done. Then a resolution authorizing the Grand High Priest elect, to cast the unanimous vote for Companions named for other offices. This, we suppose, will all do very well where it is agreeable; but we must confess we are in favor of the good old Mississippi plan of cast your own votes, Companions." The Treasurer's report shows a balance on hand of $618 88, and the Grand Chapter free from debt. Would that Mississippi could say as much. We find the following resolution : Resolved, That hereafter the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence be sub- mitted to the Grand Chapter without reading. The report on Foreign Correspondence, by Companion James Birnie, covers fifty-five pages of the printed proceedings. The proceedings of sixteen Grand Chapters, together with the XXII APPENDIX. General Grand Chapter, and the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, •were reported on and closely scrutinized. We have to regret that our Mississippi was not among the number. We don't know where nor to whom to charge the blame. We know it can't be charged to our Grand Secretary, for he is always in time, and ever prompt. We hope all our proceedings may reach the South Carolina Committee by the next Grand Convocation. Thirty-four Chapters, 127 exaltations, 8 admitted, 27 dimissions, 25 suspensions, 6 deaths, 776 members. Companion Robert Stewart Bruns was re-elected Grand High Priest. Companion Ebenezer Thaver, re-elected Grand Secretary. Committee on Foreign Correspondence—Companions Montgomery Moses, James Birnie and James A. Bradley. The next Annual Convocation will be held in the City of Charleston, February 15, 1870. TEXAS—1868. It is with pleasure we lay before the Grand Chapter the doings of the Grand Chapter of Texas, which held its nineteenth Annual Convocation in the City of Houston, on the 8th day of June, A. D. 1868, A. I. 2402. We are at a loss to know how our Texas Companions count, or make the date A. I. 2402* We have been taught that Poyal Arch Masons date from the year the Second Temple was commenced by Zerubbabel, Anno Inventonis. That being the case, Royal Arch Masons add five hundred and thirty years to the vulgar era, will be as follows: 1868 added to 530=2398. Two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight is our calculation. Will our Texas Compan- ion please inform us how he gets two thousand four hundred and two 1 Nothing personal, Companion, we may be wrong ourselves. M.\ B.-. F. B. Sexton, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present, other Grand Officers, Grand Visitors, Past Grand Officers, and the Bepresenta- tives of thirty-five Subordinates. The M.-. E.\ Grand High Priest in his opening address, says: " The year that has passed since we closed our last Grand Annual Convocation, is one of sad memories. But little has occurred in the history of Masonry or the country in which we live, especially calculated to cheer or encourage us in the weary pilgrimage of life." Speaking of the epidemic that swept through many of the towns on the Gulf shore> and some of the interior villages. The city of Galveston seems to be the great sufferer while the epidemic prevailed, the teachings of our beloved Order was hourly in the perform- ance of her holy mission, of visiting the sick, relieving the distresses and burying the dead. He mentions the death of Past Grand High Priest Henry R. Cartwell, and pays a handsome tribute to his memory. He admonishes the High Priests of Subordinate Chapters, that it is their especial duty to " correct the vices, purify the morals, and promote the happiness" of the Companions, and not suffer them to fall under the temptations. He advises the Companions generally, tells them the duties and obligations they are under to each other, and in his closing remarks says: " Above all, my Companions, let us live prepared for the summons of death, which no man can escape. We know not when the inexorable messenger may call for us, but we do know that our future hippiness or misery is to be determined by the work we do in the body. It is our work by which we will be tried. Let us present such work as will pass the test of the Grand Overseer's square, as will secure for us admission into the realms of celes- tial light and glory where the ' Supreme Grand High Priest of the Universe forever reigns." We deeply sympathize with our Texas Companions in the heavy afflictions that scourged their land, and the many valuable Companions that were called from time to eternity. Though they may have fallen in the spring or meridian of life, it is to be hoped they did not live in vain; their spirits are immortal, and with our spirits, when we too, shall have passed away from the scenes of earth, it is to be hoped, on that bright resurrecion morn, will be permitted to wing their way to the climes above into the presence of the Great I AM, and with God and angels ever dwell. APPENDIX. xxm The Grand Treasurer's report shows the receipts of $2,939 98, and paid out $2,890 89, leaving a balance on hand of $49 09. The Grand Secretary's report corresponds. The Grand Treasurer has to enter into bond with good securities in the sum of $10, 000, and the Grand Secretary $5,000. The Grand High Priest appoints three Companions as Grand Visitors. Their duty is the same as our Grand Lecturer. The report on Foreign Correspondence takes up twenty-one pages, and was presented by Companion A. S. Rich- ardson. He reviews twenty-five Grand Chapters including Mississippi of which they say: " Tidings from the South," calls us to hear what the Companions of Mississippi have to report, for the good of Capitular Masonry within that jurisdiction. That there was much to do, is evinced by the fact that much has been done, during the past year, to make glad the waste places desolated by the grim-visage of war. That much remains to be done, is dis- closed by the designs laid down for the Work of the Craft during the ensuing year." Yes, Companions, much has been done, and we now feel that we are on rising grounds. The golden^hain of Brotherly love ever should bind the entire Craft—a chain whose links should not become worn or broken by time, but which every wave of adversity brightens and strengthens. In the hands of those who have its best interest at heart, it is a beacon light upon a hill, to direct the benighted, give confidence to the weary, and which estab- lishes the pleasing fact, that we are not Only Masons by name bnt in practice throughout the world. They pay us as a Committee a handsome compliment by saying: " Companion W. S. Patton reviews, with great ability, the .proceedings of fifteen Grand Chapters, and as M.\ E.". Grand High Priest, closes his annual address with the following' eloquent aspera- tion: " May the Grand Chapter of my native Mississippi flourish in renewed youth, usefulness and strength; long may it continue to teach and cultivate the great truths contained in the Sacred Book of the Law; and finally, when the rough and rugged ways on earth shall have ended, may we have our work well done; and when the great throne is set, and our Supreme High Priest shall take His seat to preside in the Council of that Grand Convocation above, and all the nations shall be assembled to be judged by that holy law, may we be in possession of the "signet of truth," and be admitted within the white veil of the holy sanctuary where incense burns continually, into the presence of the Grand Council, and find our names recorded in the book of eternal life. To odr Companions of Texas and throughout tlie world, we would say: as the murmuring brooks that course their way from the mountain side, soon unite and mingle their waters and loose themselves in the ocean, so may we, in the performance of our various duties, be lost to all personal considerations in recognizing that moral obligation which unites us into, a common brotherhood. The report is well written, the extracts good, and to the point, and may Companion Richardson's days of usefulness be extended to a good old age, that we may year by year be edified by the perusal of his reports. The 6 Section of Article 1, says " This Grand Chapter shall not proceed to the election of officers, or to transact any business, unless there shall be a sufficient number at all times, to constitute a quorum for the transaction of busines." The Grand High Priest., Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected by ballot, other Grand Officers to be appointed by the Grand High Priest." "We find a resolution which says : "That no Dispensation shall be granted for a new Chap- ter within twenty-five miles of one previously existing." We think it a good rule. Also, a resolution requiring the Grand Secretary to communicate to all the Subordinate Chapters in the State, all suspensions, rejections, and expulsions, at least once every three months. We approve of this resolution. The Grand Chapter is opposed to Chapter work on the Lord's day, which we also approve of. They make it the special duty of the Investigating Committee to examine and to vouch for the proficiency of the applicant in the lower degrees, as well as of his merits. XXIY APPENDIX. This, we think should he a universal rule, then we would hare bright Masons, " workmen that we needeth not be ashamed of," In our commencement with Texas, we asked the Companion to inform us how he gets twenty-four hundred and two, when we and others use twenty-three ninety-eight 1 We follow up the resolutions of the Grand Chapter of Texas, and find the following: Resolved, That in order to secure uniformity in another important particular, that this Grand Chapter adopts, and only recognizes, as the date proper to be used in all our docu- ments, as the year of our Order, Anno Inventionis 2391, or in other words, add 534 years to the vulgar era. As we previously said, we may be wrong and you right, hut please tell us how and where you get the 534 ? A resolution declares profane swearing, gambling, and the intemperate use of intoxicating drinks, as a sufficient barrier to the applicant that may be guilty of either, to receiving the" Chapter Degrees, "he or they being unfit material for the Royal Areh Temple, whose corner store is Morality, as taught by the Holy Bible, that Great Light in Masonry." This no one can object to. We know, that in some Chapters it is not a hard matter for any one to gain admission, profane gambler, or drunkard; but it is not no easy matter to get rid of them. If they receive them as immoral, profane swearers, drunkards, or gamblers, knowning them to be such, what right have we, as a Chapter, to expel or suspend them? None, our eyes were open to the folly committed, and no one to blame but ourselves. They also agree with us in not conferring the Degrees on none but affiliated masons. We disagree with our Texas Companions as to the control of the Council degrees known as the Royal and Select Master's degrees, should only be conferred by virtue of the authority of a Grand Royal Arch Chapter. The latter clause of the resolution reads thus: " That this Grand Chaptar does now assert its control and jurisdiction thereof, and prohibits the conferring the same in this jurisdiction, except in Councils of Royal and Select Masons, appended to the Subordinate Chapters." Resolution 3d says: " That the degrees of Royal and Select Master shall hereafter be conferred in Council of the Degrees appended to each Chapter in this jurisdiction, after exaltation to the Royal Arch Degree, the officers of the Chapter shall be ex-officio the officers of the Council; and when the said officers have not taken the Royal and Select Degrees, the Select Masters of the Chapter shall seldct their presiding officers and proceed with their work." The 5th resolution says: " That the peti- tion for exaltation shall always include the Council Degrees, and that action thereon shall, in all respects, be the same as for the other degrees." The Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, or Committee on Printing, were required to have the bonds of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary, together with their securities, printed with the proceedings. We know that each State Grand Chapter and Grand Council act for themselves, without the advice of others. Such being the case, we suppose Texas had the right to take control of the Council degrees known as the Royal and Select Master's degrees, whether other juris- dictions recognize the act legal or not. We must confess that we regret the act of the G.\ Chapter and G.\ Council in the transfer they have made; for under existing circumstances, Mississippi and other Grand Councils cannot recognize Council Masons made under and by authority of Grand or Subordinate Chapters. Sixty-one Subordinates made returns. No statistics showing the number of Chapters, or members. They have a Grand Council of High Priesthood, which is separate and distinct from the Grand Chapter. In this we fully agree with our Texas Companions. Companion J. D. Giddings was elected Grand High Priest. Companion Robert Brewster, re-elected Grand Secretary. Committee on Poreign Correspondence—P. C. Tucker, W. B. Botts and Robert Brewster. The next Grand Annual Convocation will be held in the City of Houston, on the Second Monday in June, 1869. APPENDIX. XXV TEXAS—1869. The twentieth annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Texas, was held in the City of Houston, on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2403, according to Texas calculation: but Mississippi and other Grand Chapters say 2399. M.\ E.\ J. D. Giddjngs, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present other Grand Officers, Grand Visitors, and the Representatives of fifteen Subordi- nates. A resolution was adopted, inviting all Royal Arch Masons in good standing, to seats in the Grand Chapter, during the Convocation. The address of the Grand High Priest, is generally local, good wholesale Masonic doctrine. He says : " Another year has passed, with its labors, joys and sorrows. Again we meet, on this, our twentieth annual Convocation, to review the labors of the past year, to correct our errors, and to take counsel together for the future." "Neither famine or pestilence, has been suffered to waste our State, and an abundant har- vest has filled the land with plenty." He further says: "We now have ninety Chapters, and four under dispensation. A few have demised, and the sacred fires no longer burn upon their altars. It will be seen that our numbers are large, but the strength and durability of our temple depends far less upon numbers, than upon the character and polish of its materials. The overseers have charge of the work, should be ever vigilant, and none should be permitted to pass of unknown or doubtful character. The great, and by far too popular vices of drunkedness, profane swearing and gaming, are still practiced in violation of the repeated edicts of this Grand Body, and all the sacred lessons, so forcibly and impressively taught from the threshold of Masonry to the Royal Arch Companions. These things should not be so. Let us admonish and entreat such in kindness and brotherly love, and restore the erring, and reclaim the wayward if possible—if not, cut. them off, and cast them out, and cleanse the temple. Let discipline be promptly and firmly administered without malice, and in the spirit of charity." In this we fully agree with our Companion, the Grand High Priest. He comes out boldly, and calls things by their proper names, so that none through ignorance, may fail to under- stand what he means. One of the first lessons taught in Masonry, to the initiate; that there are three great duties enjoined upon him, and which Masons ought always to incul- cate, viz - To God, his neighbor, and to himself. To God, in never mentioning His name, but with reverential awe, which is from the creature to the Great Creator. To his neighbor) in acting upon the square, or doing as he would wish to be done by, and to himself, in avoid- ing all intemperance, and excess; and to always keep within due bounds, and free from all pollution. These are sacred duties, binding alike on all Masons, and which every one fully under- stands, before he takes the first step. And when men who profess to be Masons, so far for- get the solemn duty enjoined upon them, as to take the name of their Creator in vain, get drunk, gamble, or commit other offences against the laws of God and man; as the Compan- ion Grand High Priest has justly said, if he will not heed the admonition of these brothers; let him be cut off, and the temple kept pure. And as he says in his closing remarks: "May the fear of God be deeply engraved upon every heart, and holiness to the Lord be inscribed upon all our actions. Then indeed shall the glory of this latter house be greater than the former, and an abundant entrance shall be administered unto us in that temple not made with hands eternal in the heavens." The Grand Treasurer and Secretary presented their annual reports, which was satisfac- tory to the Grand Chapter. We find the following resolution adopted. Resolved That any Companion Royal Arch Mason, who may receive the Royal and Select Masters' Degrees from the Committee on Work, of this Grand Body, conferred for the pur- pose of exemplifying the work for the benefit of this Grand Body, during the Grand annual Convocations of the same, shall be required to pay the stipulated fees for the same, to the Chanter of which he is a member, and it shall be the duty of the Committee on Work to report all Council work done by them, to the Chapter of which the recipient is a member. D XXVI APPENDIX. It seems from the above, that the Grand Chapter of Texas countenance the conferring of degrees by that Grand Body. We have, in former reports, given our views as to the powers of Grand Bodies, meeting with and conferring degrees, which right, we believe belongs exclusively to the Subordinates. Texas may be right; but suppose it should so happen, (as nothing is impossible these times,) that the Committee on Work should confer the Royal and Select degrees on an individual, that his Chapter should think not worthy; what would then be done1 We don't believe Chapters have any control over Council degrees, but as Texas has taken charge of them, we only wish to know whether the act of the Committee in the premises would be binding on the Subordinate Chapter, and force them to take to their bosom, a man they could not fraternize. The Grand Visitors made their reports which were satisfactory. The Finance Committee, report a balance on hand of $904 60. A resolution was apopted, making the penalty a forfeiture of Charter, if any Subordinate Chapter should use substitutes in the ceremonies of the Royal Arch degree. This we hold to be right, and hope every Grand Chapter throughout the United States wiU speedily adopt a like resolution. The report on correspondence, by Companions Tucker, Botts, and Brewster, covers thirty- five pages of the printed proceedings, shows the examination of thirty-two Grand Chapters, Mississippi among the number. The report is well gotten up, and in that masterly style, characteristic of the distinguished Committee. They copy a portion of the address of Past Grand High Priest, J. O. Lusher, and comment as follows: " God speed our Companions of Mississippi, in their efforts to keep the fires burning upon their altars. May the renewed flames be more glorious than the first, and may they, who walk the courts of the Taberna- cle, be as pure as the altar's flames. Companion W. S. Patton made the report on Foreign Correspondence. He acknowledges the receipt of the proceedings of twenty-seven Grand Chapters, Texas not included." The Companion then copies our remarks on the report of the Virginia Committee on Cor- respondence. It is true, Companions of Texas, you were not noticed in our last report. We did not receive your proceedings until too late for publication, but we have kept it secure, and have the pleasure of reporting on 1868 and 1869, which we hope wiil reach you in due time to give us a benefit in your next. The constitution of the Grand Chapter rules, and regulations, and resolutions, all of which were noticed in our report for 1868. The list of Subordinate Chapters shows that during the past year, there were exalted 232, affiliated 62, reinstated 30, dimissions 153, suspensions 231, expulsions 8, deaths 67, total num- ber of members 3218. M.\ E.\ G. Veal, was elected Grand High Priest. E.\ R. Bbewstek, re-elected Grand Secretary. Companions P. C. Tucker, W. B. Botts and Robt. Brewster, Committee on Correspon- dence. The next Grand Chapter will be held in the city of Houston, June 13th 1870. VERMONT—1869. The M.\ E.\ Grand Chapter of Vermont assembled in the City of Burlington, June 11th, A. D. 1869—M.\ E.\ Chas. A. Miles, Grand High Priest, presiding. Present, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representatives from twenty-three Subordinates. The Grand High Priest, in his opening, says: " When last we met in the season of " the sere and yellow leaf," the blasted verdure of the hills and fields had sunk into the bosom of the parent earth, and all things seemed to tell us of decay and vanity. How changed the scene; now nature, wreathed in sunny smiles, puts on her gayest dress. The budding for- est, the green mantled plain, the azure sky and balmy air, speak of joy and hope, of growth and glad increase. Let us hail the auspicious omen, and trust that Royal Arch Masonry, APPENDIX. XXVII nurtured by our care, may likewise spread forth her verdant shoots, ever flourishing in glo- rious Summer of success. As the husbandman puts in the seed, expecting a rich return, and without stint expends his toil, till the abundant harvest comes, so may we ungrudgingly bestow our efforts in the cause, certain that our labors will be blessed, and in due season will yield us ample fruit in the increased prosperity of of our Order." Our time and space will not permit us to record all he says, and the good Masonic counsel urged upon the members^ not only of his own jurisdiction, but applicable to the Royal Craft throughout the Masonic world. He then says: " Let us turn our„.thoughts back for a moment to that Council of the olden time, to the majestic three who sat in the inner chamber, behind the incense-burning altar, and humbly asked that some portion of their wisdom may rest upon and abide with us this day." This is the true Masonic spirit that should be nurtured by all Grand Councils of Royal Arch Masons; to endeavor to imitate our three ancient worthies, and at all times, never failing to ask counsel of the Grand High Priest above to direct and guide us in the discharge of every duty. He pays a handsome tribute to the memory of Companions Washburn, Butler, Day, Stebbins, Taft, Davis, Warren, Ruggles and Lowry. He says: "They have completed their daily labors in the quarries, and have doubtless ere this been received and acknowledged in that holy Temple where there is neither day nor night, that is of the pres- ent time, but everlasting light, infinite brightness, steadfast peace, and secure rest. Being in possession of the token of an honorable life and the signet of eternal truth, we may trust that they have safely passed the vails, and now, in the presence of tho Supreme High Priest, enjoy the reward promised to all labor faithfully in the vineyard." He then takes up each name separately, and in conclusion, says: " It is not by speaking of these departed Brethren that we can most nobly honor them, or " sound their praise abroad." No elaborate record of their virtues, though inscribed on the costliest monumental pile, can be so grateful to their memory as the manifestation of our appreciation of their virtues by increased efforts on the part of us, their survivors, to follow in their footsteps and imitate their actions." He urges upon his Grand Chapter to take into consideration the invitation of P.\ G.\ G.\ High Priest Lewis for all Grand Chapters to " return once more to the roof-tree, and cast their lots with them in the coming time." The report on Correspondence, by Comp. Joshua Britton, reviews the doings of twenty- six Grand Chapters, and the General Grand Chapter. His selections are all carefully and Masonically guarded, and his views on different subjects are generally in accordance with ours. Taking it as a whole, we are pleased with it, hoping his Grand Chapter may for years to come have the benefit of his valuable services. He devotes a page and a half to Missis- sippi, which such notices always makes us feel like we could devote our whole time to the good cause. We hope Companion Britton may never have cause to think less of us. Should circumstances be such that we may not again commune with each other in this capacity, we trust that when our earthly labors are closed, we may be enabled to present the " true sig- net," and be welcomed into the presence of the Grand Council on high, and with God and angels ever dwell. In conclusion, he says: " This report has been prepared amidst the pressure of other duties and anxieties, and in concluding it, my fourth and closing one, being about to remove to another jurisdiction, Wisconsin, I will only add that my fraternal intercourse with you at our Annual Convocations, and with members of other Bodies, Subordinate and Grand, of our beloved Order, has afforded me sincere and true gratification and pleasure. It is not without emotion that the thought is entertained that this is my last opportunity that will be . enjoyed of communing with other minds in our several jurisdictions, and of being an hum- ble laborer in your midst; but wherever I may sojourn, an ardent interest in your happiness and Masonic well-being will be most fondly cherished." Companion Chas. A. Miles, re-elected Grand High Priest. Companion John B. Hollenbeck, re-elected Grand Secretary. Companions Joshua Britton, H. Clarke, and R. W. Clarke, appointed Committee on Cor- respondence. X^YIII APPENDIX. WISCONSIN—1869. The Grand Chapter of Wisconsin, held its annual Convocation in the city of Milwaukee, February, 3d. 1869. M.\ E.\ A. V. H. Carpenter, Grand High Priest presiding. Other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the representatives of thirty seven Subordi- nates and delegate from one under dispensation, were present. To the honor of the Subordinate Chapter of Wisconsin, all were represented except one. Wisconsin Chapter No. 7, extended an invitation to the Grand Chapter, to partake of a collation, in the evening, which was accepted. The address of the Grand High Priest com- mences thus: "Standing upon the threshold of our Masonic year, let us return thanks to Him whose name is held in such sublime reverence by the true Mason, for the preservation of our lives, for the blessings of health, and the retentions of our senses; and for all the happiness we have enjoyed, since last we met, and humbly confess our trespasses and omissions, implore His forgiveness of them. And turning towards the future, let us reverently pray for a continu- ance of His mercy toward all the creatures of His creation, but especially all those who have knelt with us around the holy altar of our sacred tabernacle, may He forgive us, as we for- give our brothers and fellows, preserve us from falling by temptation, and deliver us from the power of evil; grant that we may discharge our duties, in this earthly tabernacle, as to be fitted for the rest, promised to all those who love Him to whom our Masonic edifice Is erec- ted, and keep His commandments: And may the God of our fathers be with, and bless all who have suffered affliction—with the bereaved widows and orphans of those of our brethren who have been called hence since our last Convocation, as well as those who have gone before, and fill our hearts with compassion, and our hands with relief, and our feet with swiftness, to go on errands of mercy to all who need." The Grand High Priest says he refused to grant a dispensation to a number of Compan- ions, to hold a Chapter at a certain place, for the reason he had become convinced that the welfare of the Companions, and the honor of Capitular, Masonry did not require it, and that if granted, would weaken other Chapters in the vicinity that were alreadv scant. He says: " I have since learned that the Companion who was willing to sacrifice himself, by serviug as High Priest, has only been exalted to the degree of Eoyal Arch Mason, some four months. Under the circumstances, therefore, I am satisfied that the Order has received no detriment from his being remanded to the quarries. Some degree of experience, or very extraordinary natural ability, should distinguish him who would seek the place, or be selected to preside over, organize and conduct the affairs of a new Chapter. And the Companions who would seek to set themselves up in the world as a Chapter, and entrust the management of the affairs to a mere novitiate, must be wanting in reflection, or that degree of good sense, which should characterize men who have passed through the degrees, to the august one of Eoyal Arch Mason, and who would form a constituency, no capible Companion would select to preside over." This seems to be plain talk, but nevertheless true, every word of it. The Grand High Priest was right, and we commend him for his Masonic firmness, and we verily believe the rejected Companions on second sober thought, will thank him, that he had so much brother- ly feelings for them. Many of us know the difficulties we have labored under, the many sleepless hours and diligent search for the hidden treasures, concealed from our sight, when first chosen to preside over Chapters. And as the Grand High Priest has very justly remarked, not only the one mentioned by him; but many, who, for years that have attempted to preside over and govern Chapters, should be "remember the quarries," until they were enabled to produce such work as would stand the test of the square, then our High Priests would be an ornament to the Order. The Eite of Memphis catches fits from the Grand High Priest, He says: " This pest, which has invested some localities of this jurisdicaion, drawing after it some well- meaning Companions, whose curiosity out weighed their discretion; and others whose ambi- tion led them to wish to distinguish themselves as the leaders of a new system; and others APPENDIX. XXIX still, "whose speculative instincts saw another chance to make some money out of the breth- uen, in accordance with their ideas of the meaning of . the term " fraternal relations," which is, to make all they can out of such relations." He copies over a page closely printed, (we wish we had space to copy the entire,) giving it and its adherents a kick and a thrust in every sentence. He says: "I am quite sure of one thing, and that is, that whoever shall be found wise enough to improve upon the principles and teachings of Masonry, will be possessed of a soul above mercenary or selfish considerations, and will be found aiming at preserving the distinctive features of our time- honored institution, and elevating the standard thereof, in harmony with the grand design of the founders, rather than by revolutionizing the same in order to found a new system on a different theory, for the sake of his own glorification, notoriety, or advantage." " From all such people, good Lord deliver us.". We say amen to what the Grand High Priest has said. Under the head of "remarks," the Grand High Priest says: " In respect of attention to the character of candidates, observance of regulations, proficiency in the work and lectures, and the ratio of increase in membership, the Subordinate Chapters show good progress. There are some weak Chapters, such are entitled to, and should receive our fostering care. Having been invested with their organization by this Grand Body, we should not prove an unnat- ural parent by neglecting them, or showing harshness toward them. But, hereafter, let us imitate the idea of a prudent and humanr man, and not increase our family beyond our capacity to properly support and educate the children." He says: " Masonry is becoming very popular, and moreover there is a great tendency to rush through from the " ground floor" to the summit. Rail road, and almost telegraph speed are demanded, through the different stages. There is great danger in all this, the " outer door" has been always considered the principal post of danger, and we have been warned to " guard it well," from time immemorial. But in this fast age, and with the hot* bed process of growing masons, our inner courts are points of even greater danger, and we must look to their purity, or all our vigilance at the outer door will not save us. If a scamp gets past the outer guards into our lines, the safety of the craft requires that he should not be permitted to stay there. If evils and temptations beset our brethren, and some through weakness fall, it is our duty to endeavor to remove the cause, and to reclaim the wanderer. It becomes us, with an anxious care for the welfare and propriety of our institution and its members, to look these dangers squarely in the face, and not deceive ourselves with any fancied security, on account of our intimate connection, and mutual obligation to assist each other. This instead of proving an element of strength, will be the cause of our destruction, unless mortality and virtue, honesty and sobriety, are the foundation of our ties." We are not yet half way through the address, and it proves better, and better the farther it goes, and what shall we do ? we would like very much to copy it entire, but we have drawn so lib* eral already from Wisconsin, that we fear they may take us for intruders. We will venture a few more extracts. Speaking of hobnobling over the social glass when two or more cas- ually meet, he descants freely, and says in his concluding remarks: " Whitewashing is very useful as an ornamental art, and to obliterate superficial spots, but should never be used to cover up indications of eternal defect, which, if not remedied, will corrupt the whole system. He who would remove the mote from his brothers eye, should first pluck the beam from his own eye, and how can we say to others, be thou pure and temperate, uuless we first become so ourselves V Or how can we attempt a reformation by purifying our ranks, if a majority approve this habit ? Were a brother on trial for drunkness, before his Lodge or Chapter, to turn on his judges, and, in the language of Him who speaks as never man speaks, say : " Let him among you who is without sin, cast the first stone," what answer could be made • We must judge with whatever judgment we would be judged by. Our only response could be: "Go and sin no more," and yet that word would sound strange, unless we were our- selves free from all approaches to the habit of which he stood arraigned. No man probably ever became a Mason, who was a drunkard at the time; and it is as much the fault of our customs and remissness of our duty towards our brethren, that any of them ever became so> as it is their own. We all have a responsibility for our individual characters, and more or less for the character of our brethren, so far as it effects the standing of the Order." I must XXX APPENDIX. be permitted to give his closing remarks, don't be weary, Companions. I am satisfied yot* will forgive my so long trespassing on the address of Carpenter. I am when heard, you will be pleased. He says : " I am now about to lay down the trust committeedto my care, and shall return to the ranks to stand shoulder to shoulder with you, in the work of guarding- the sacred treasures of our Tabernacle, and to take care that none approach it with unclean hands, or gain admission with impure hearts; and within its walls, suffer none to utter or erase a single letter of its legends, or mar or deface a single line of the beautiful tradition, with which it abounds." Companion Wm. H. Norris, jr., from the Committee on Correspondence, made his report on the examination of the reports of twenty-three Grand Chapter, and also the General Grand Chapter. Mississippi comes in for a small share. He quotes the remarks of Past Grand High Priest Companion Ferris, in regard to the appeal from Vicksburg Chapter. He also says: " The pamphlet contains a first rate report of the proceedings of fifteen Grand Chapters, "Wisconsin excluded. The minutes do not mention it, and it bears no name. Halfway through it we read that the Grand High Priest of Mississippi, (also Chairman of Committee on Foreign Correspondence,) is a very modest man." We believe ft, and think he is Companion Wm. D. Ferris. He disputes the right of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas to confer Capitular degrees, or more especially, to exalt only two at the same time. As to his former objection, is " que faceit per alium, facil per se," and if a Grand Chapter may law- fully " facit per alium," why has ft not inherent original authority to " facit per se." ! We do not wish to extract from Companion Ferris, for we know him to be all right, nor. do we wish him to have to bear our faults. It is true, the last report on Correspondence, through accident went out to the world, fathered by no one as to name, but being the regu- lar reporter for the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, for the last several years we are bound to claim it as legitimate production, let it be good or bad. Companion Norris says: "If que facil per alium, facit per se," and if a Grand Chapter may lawfully " facil per alium," why has it not inherent original authority to " facit per se."? We don't pretend to be conversant with Latin, French or any other quotations from for- eign or dead languages, but if we understand Companion Norris to mean: " If what may be done by authority to another—may be done by the one giving the authority," and if the Grand Chapter may lawfully " act through another," (or Subordinate,) why has it not inher- ent original authority to act by or through itself ? Is that your meaning Companion Norris ? if so, then we say; at the formation of all Grand Chapters, of which we have any knowledge, the right to receive petitions for degrees, the balloting on such petitions, the conferring degrees are in every instance some of the reserved rights guaranteed by the Grand Chapter to the Subordinates, and by them sacredly reserved. All powers not delegated to the Grand Chapters by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to Subordinates, are sacredly reserved to the Subordinates. As remarked in a former report on Arkansas, how can one made or receiving the degrees in a Grand Chapter, say on examination that he was made in a legally constituted Royal Arch Chapter, working under authority of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas or any other State. Suppose he visits the State of Wisconsin, and Companion Norris asks him from what Chapter he hails, and the visitor tells you from the Grand Chap- ter of Arkansas, you ask him the name and the number of the Subordinate to which he claims membership? he plainly tells you none; that he was made in and by the Grand Chapter, and still holds his membership in the Grand Chapter, what would Companion Norris do in such a case, what report would he make to his Chapter concerning such a visi- tor? We know Companion Norris to be too good a judge of Masonic law and customs, to heed any such answers, he would say to the Companion: Friend, I wish to do thee no hurt, go thy way for this time, and at some convenient season, when thou hast learned more of the workings of Masonry, we will call on thee, and extend to you the right hand of brother- ly love and affection. A resolution was adopted, requiring the Committee on Correspondence, to transmit their report to the Grand Secretary, before the 31st of December, in each year, who shall cause the same to be printed for distribution at the meeting of the Grand Chapter. This we think should be attended to by every Grand Chapter. APPENDIX. xxxr The Committee on jurisprudence recommend that dispensations to form new Chapters be not granted, unless the three first officers, shall first prove by examination their proficiency in the work and lectures. 38 Subordinates made returns with membership of 2509 members. M.*. E.\ A. Y. H. Carpenter, re-elected Grand High Priest. R.*. E.\ W. T. Palmer, re-elected Grand Secretary. Committee-on. Correspondence, Companions W. H, Nokris jr, J. Hamilton, and C. P. Mead. NEW JERSEY—1869. The Thirteenth Convocation of the Grand Chapter of New Jersey was held in the City of Trenton, September 8th, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399—M.-. E.\ Jesse P. Case, Grand High Priest, presiding. - Present, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representatives of twenty-one Subordinates. It seems from the returns that every Chapter under that jurisdiction, was duly represented—an occurrence rarely met with in the records of the meetings of Grand Bodies. All praise is due to R.\ A.-. M.\ of New Jersey. The address of the Grand High Priest takes up five pages of the printed proceedings. It is indeed, truly a Masonic document, full of wholesome advice and correct decisions, and we can cheerfully recommend its teachings to the Royal Craft. In the opening of his address, he says: " The scythe of time, with its ever glittering blade, has claimed another year. Its blessings, privileges and pleasures, is the obituary left us. The records of the past, whatever they may have been, are now matters of history. Of the three stages of time, we own but one brief moment—the present. The past can never be recalled—the future is un- known. "We have not an eye like the Infinite, to pierce its dark veil and mystic lore, save that All-Seeing Eye which has safely conducted us thus far over the rough and rugged road of life." Again he says: " During the past year I have made the following decisions: 1. It is irregular to expunge from the minutes any that has been before the Chapter. Such motion becomes the property of the Body, and should not be erased or obliterated. 2. Election of a candidate in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, is for the capitular de- grees and membership. 3. A Chapter conferring the degrees on behalf of another Chapter, does not affect the membership of the candidate; he is a member of the Chapter that elected him. The above decisions are, we think, right, and in accordance with true Masonic teachings ; but we would respectfully ask leave to say a few words on expunging. A motion to expunge from minutes of a preceding meeting of a Chapter, any matter properly recorded, is out of order, and should be so declared by the presiding officer. If at a subsequent meeting the members of a Chapter become satisfied they were in error in regard to any matter spread upon the minutes at a previous meeting, and the good of the Order required it otherwise, they may by preamble and resolution briug the matter before the Chapter in proper form, setting forth the page on the minutes; with a full and fair statement of facts, and have the same recorded at the regular meeting, when the matter was investigated or discussed. Again the Grand High Priest says: " Although our mystic labors are veiled m signs and emblems, known only to those who have passed the " veils" and been admitted into the presence of the " Grand Council," still it is incumbent upon us whose names are inscribed upon the banner of the Holy Royal Arch, to search our hearts, that nothing impure may be brought as a sacrifice where incense burns both day and night. Let us draw the veil for a moment, and search the inner Temple—that spiritual casket—and see that the incense therein offered is pure ; that no discordant or impure odors may ascend into the presence of our Great High Priest; let us measure our lives by the teachings laid down in the Book of the Law, found in the Ark, and accept that as a covenant with our God." The Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, and Grand Scribe, each made their report in the form of an address, highly commendable to them. We think it a good rule to require each of the above officers to report to the Grand Chapter. In many Grand Chapters, Missis- sippi not excepted, ^he D.\ G.-. H.\ P.-., G.\ K.\ and G.-. S.\ only fill up the vacant chairs, XXXII APPENDIX. and have nothing- to do unless the G.\ H.-. Priest is absent; then in many instances they are perfectly ignorant of the general routine of business and have to be prompted, or call some one qualified to the Chair. Masonry wants laborers in the vineyard, and every Com- panion elected or appointed to office should be compelled to qualify, and then receive the wages agreed on, that none may go away dissatified. The report of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary shows a balance on hand of $1,391 04. The decisions made by Grand High Priests, on pages 79 and 80, we fully concur in, with the exception of decisions 15 and 18. Decision 15 says: " A Chapter can receive the propo- sition of a rejected caudidate without any specified time having to elapse." If an applicant is rejected at a regular meeting, and is permitted to make application to a subsequent meet- ing, no Chapter will be safe from imposition. The friends of the rejected party can, under such a decision, take advantage of the absent members that may object, elect, and confer the degrees, and receive as a member in good standing, thus creating confusion among the Craft, and perhaps the Chapter broken up by the act. It is almost a universal rule that a rejected applicant for the degrees, cannot again apply short of six or twelve months. But the Chapter may petition the Grand High Priest for special dispensation, and if granted, the petition may at the next meeting be balloted on. The 18th decision says: " When a Constitutional number of Companions desire to make application for dispensation to open and hold a new Chapter, it is unnecessary for them to dimit from their Chapter for that purpose." We must beg leave to differ with our Companions of New Jersey on this point. If mem- bers are permitted to make application at will, for new Chapters, the confusion would be so great that no Grand Secretary could make out a correct list of Royal Arch Masons of his jurisdiction. For instance, in Chapter A, nine members petition for a dispensation to open and hold Cahpter B, nine more of Chapter A ask for and obtain a dispensation to open Chapter C, and so on, until all the members of Chapter A are exhausted. The returns of Chapters A, B and C, go up to the Grand Chapter, claiming the same Companions as mem- bers of the different Chapters, when the returns of the preceding year said they were all members of Chapter A. Bnd if even half of the chartered Chapters in a State were per- mitted to let their members form new Chapters without first dimitting, the number of R.\ A.*. Masons would show on the records, five or perhaps twenty times the real number that it should be. If the Companions desiring a new Chapter are required to dimit, then the returns to the Grand Chapter will go up correct. How can the Grand High Priest or Grand Secretary know anything about the petitions for a new Chapter without their dimits. He may be imposed on by unworthy Companions, suspended or expelled, the dispensation is granted, they meet and go to work, make Royal Arch Masons in good standing, and the appointed officers may not be in good standing. We must say, Companions, that we think the best and surest way to do, is to require each applicant or petitioner to obtain a dimit from his Chapter, and let the dimits accompany the petition and be filed with the petition in the Grand Secretary's office, and that will shew regularity in the proceedings, to the G.*. Chapter. We believe the petitioners are members of the new Chapter; until they again dimit they are members of the latter. We hope our New Jersey Companions, or at least Companion Corson, will not think us dictatorial in this matter, but give his views in full in his next report. The report on Correspondence, from the nimble and witty pen of Companion Corson, cov- ers ninety-four pages, embracing the proceedings of thirty-eight Grand Chapters, and the General Grand Chapter of the United States. Mississippi takes up five pages of Companion Corson's report. He quotes freely from G.\ High Priest Lusher's address. Of our report on Correspondence, he says: " Companion Wm. S. Patton presented one of his genial and kind reports on Correspondence, in which our State receives a very fair share of attention." We are pleased to know he agrees with our views in reference to the action of the General Grand Chapter, which he copies in full. He also says our head is entirely level on the opinion given, respecting army Lodges. Speak- ing of us, Companion Corson says: " This uncircumcised heathen, after quoting our report of the doing of the Reporters, thus spreads himself." He then quotes from my report about APPENDIX. XXXIII the Committee to try him on various charges. At the conclusion, he says: " Well, sooner than be tried by such a jury, we will acknowledge the crime, throw ourselves on the mercy of the court, and adopt the child." In this, old Fel., you have done well. I was fearful that you might prove stubborn, and we would have to summons you to meet the Committee at the G.\ G.\ Chapter to be held in Baltimore in 1871, when Old North Carolina would Send on her famous Carr, With her best products except the Tar, And White, from the State of New York, Would be assisted by Matthews in drawing the cork. He fully agrees with our notice on the Virginia Correspondence, and says we "hit the nail directly on the head." In conclusion he says: " May we not all of us be urged to a more faithful performance of duty and a greater exercise of that sympathy for suffering which causes the great heart of humanity to throb with tumultuous joy, and be incited to more constant deeds of charity." New Jersey has 22 Subordinate Chapters, 1,602 members; and 255 exaltations during the past Masonic year, 29 suspensions and 15 deaths. David S. Battie, elected Grand High Priest. John Woolveeton, re-elected Grand Secretary. CONCLUSION. M.\ E.\ G.\ H.\ Pbiest and Companions of the Gband Chapteb : The work assigned us at your last Grand Convocation is now completed: whether well or ill done is for you to determine. We have to regret that the reports from some few juris- dictions have not been received, which leaves out some links in our report; and we fear the Companions may think they were neglected. It has been our desire, faithfully, to discharge the trust committed to us, without favor or partiality; and in so doing, may have wounded the feelings of some Companion. If so, there is no one more ready and willing to repair the injury than we. To the Reporters of the different jurisdictions, we can truly say that we derived unfeigned pleasure in perusing their interesting reports. May our correspondence long continue, in the unity of love, and the bonds of peace. Firm, and unimpaired by convulsions around us, is the gladsome cement which unites us—distinct as the billows, but one as the ocean. History, we learn, explains the future by the lessons of the past. If such is the fact, how very important for the future, that our reports may be such as will stand the test of the Overseer's Square. Then may we not doubt that whatever may be the vicissitudes of the hour, as we now look back the plane of time to our predecessors, and attest the firmness and stability of our venerable institution, so coming generations yet unbom will gladly, in their day, learn to contemplate its many virtues, and know of a truth, that it is superior to the storms which have strewed the land with fallen empires, the sea with scattered navies, and that it still survives, vital in every function, bright and shining as the morning star, like " Some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, Tho' round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head." How very important that we keep constantly in view the emphatic interrogation so often heard, " "What came ye here to doAnd if the principle involved in the true answer of this question be that on which we, as Reporters shall deliberate and act, each of us will have the satifaction of knowing that he has faithfully acted his part in extending and per- petuating the pure tenets of the Order. We know that we live in a peculiar age—an era marked for tho daily exercise of power by our fellow-men. Everything with which man is connected, whether it be social, moral or physical, to a greater or less extent, is under the influence of tho potent and progressive E XXXIV APPENDIX. power of the age. With what care then should we guard and seek to protect both the teach- ings and objects of our Order, lest we should admit the spirit of the age into the portals of the Chapter, and seek out the adoring novelties, only to mar and tamish ohr system, which has been so long and so successfully preserved through the past. Surrounding creation tells of the greatness of man by subserving his wants and purposes. For his benefit, day and nighi visit the world ; the seasons course their regular round; he is permitted to taste the dainties of festivity, breathe the perfumes of the morning, revel on the charms of melody, and regale his eye with all the painted beauties of vision. He can commune with his Ma- ker, and become conversant with the teachings of Heaven. Bui with all, he is a creature of passion. Uncontrolled, he is more of the fiend than the angel. When aroused to envy or revenge, he knows no bounds to his passion. Nothing can satiate ravenous appetite. In his rage, he spares neither sex, age, nor condition. Like a mighty avalanche turned loose from the mountain side, everything in his way is borne down and crushed. The poor are trampled under foot, the helpless ground to the dust, and all the refined feelings of society are outraged. Honesty stands mute before him ; the cry of the poor falls on deaf- ened ears, the tears of the distressed fall before eyes that never weep, and sympathy's pa- tlietic appeals are urged before a heart hard as adamant, and cold as the frozen region. We would ask, who can calm the angry ocean of passion ? Is it Religion ? Her arm is palsied; for the most horrid butcheries ever witnessed on earth have been perpetrated under her sacred and holy name. Morality is dumb, philosophy powerless, and la^y hangs its head in shameful silence. Masonry alone by her silent but powerful word, can subdue the passions and keep them in due bounds. It is under her teachings, eternal peace sways an undisturbed sceptre, and passion lies a conquered, prostrate victim at her feet. Our building is yet perfect, its walls strong, its pillars upright, its sanctum sanctorum unprofaned; but the Mosque of Omer stands where the master-piece of our ancient brethren stood, and Tyre and her sister cities exist but in name. Kingdoms and empires have risen, gained glory, and have fallen again into ruin and nothingness; new lands have been discovered and peopled, but amid all this changing scene, our glorious and time-honored Order has stood firmly, and yet stands, a monument of the otherwise unrelenting past. But think of Jerusalem as was, and as she is at the present time. Then, the rising sun gilded the lofty pinnacles of the Temple which, by divine command, was erected upon Mt. Moriah to the Great I AM, and his setting rays kissed them as he passed down and disappeared behind the western skies. The Priests swung their censors and chanted the praise of the Most High God, and exhorted the people to Holiness to the Lord. The only tangible relic of the glory of the first Temple is our beloved Order. It has stood the test of time, and quietly overcome the efforts of fanaticism to destroy it, and is yet vigor- ous, although three thousand years have passed since it first assumed shape and-eomeliness. It now stands, a glorious monument of the past, and an ornament of the present. WM. S. PATTON, Chairman. ||n ^emtmbranre OF OSCAR T. KEELER, Secretary of Lowndes Lodge, No. 114, from its organization in 1849 ; Secretary of Columbus Chapter, No. 4; Recorder of Columbus Council, No. 3 ; and Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council; Who departed this Life at his residence in Columbus, Miss., March 14, 1870; Aged 46 years. A KIND, POLITE, OBLIGING, AND EFFICIENT OFFICER. THE APPRECIATION BY THE CRAFT OF HIS WORTH AND USEFULNESS MAY BE ESTIMATED BY HIS UNINTERRUPTED CONTINUANCE IN OFFICE FROM HIS FIRST ELECTION TILL HIS SUMMONS TO THE GRAND LODGE ABOVE. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-THIRD GRAND ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, HELD IX THE OXTY O F YICKSBURG, JANUARY 20,'A.\ I.'. 2401, A.\ D.\ 1871. JACKSON, MISS.: PRINTED AT THE CLARION BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1871. SPECIAL ORDER. It is the order of the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, that the High Priest of each Chapter within said Jurisdiction, immediately upon the receipt of these Proceedings, do cause the same to he read in open Chapter, for the in- formation of all the Companions. THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL CONVOCATION Of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi will be held at the city of Holly Springs, on the Thursday preceding the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, being the 18th day of January, A/. I.*. 2402, A. D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a. M. J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. OFFICERS FOR 1871 CHAS. T. BOND J. L. POWER... W. D. FERRIS.. T. N. MARTIN . New Albany Jackson . Vaughn's Station . Houston Grand High Priest. Grand Secretary. Grand Lecturer. Ch'n Com. on Masonic Law. WM. S. PATTON Meridian Ch'n Com. on For. Correspondence. PROCEEDINGS. At the Twenty-third Grand Annual Convocation of the M. \ E. \ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi, held at the Masonic Hall, in the city of Vicksburg, commencing^on Friday, the 20th day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1871, A. I. 2401, at 3 o'clock p. m., there were Present: M.\ E.\ ROBERT B. MAYES Grand High Priest. R.-. E.-. THOS. S. Ga.THRIGHT as Dep. Grand High Priest. R.-. E.\ RICHARD P. BOWEX . . Grand King. R.\ E.\ MORRIS COOK Grand Scribe. M.*. R.\ J» M. LEWIS as Grand Chaplain. R.\ E.\ A. P. BARRY Grand Treasurer. R.\ E.\ J. L. POWER as Grand Secretary. R.\ E.\ JAMES WATTS Grand Orator. R.*. E.-. E. GEO. DeLAP Grand Captain of Host. R.\ E.\ JOHN C. BIRKHEAD Grand Principal Sojourner. R.-. E.-. JOHN Y. MURRY Grand R.-. A.-. Captain. R.\ E.\ B. B. PADDOCK Grand Master 3d Yail. R.\ E.\ W. L. LOWRY Grand Master 2d Yail R.\ E.-. A. P. SANDERS .. , Grand Master 1st Yail. R.\ E.\ W. II. CARKEET Grand Tyler. R.-. E.\ WM. D. FERRIS Grand Lecturer. PAST GRAND OFFICERS. M.\ E.\ W. S. Patton. . . P. G. H. P. R.\ E.\ Rich'd Cooper P. G. K. M.\ E.-. J. M. Howry " R.\ E.-. Geo. R. Fearn " M/.E.\ Wm. D.Ferris. .. " R.-. E.-. D. Mitchell P. G. S. M.\ E.*. Jos. O. Lusher. . " R.*. E.*. Thos. N. Martin. .. " R.\ E.-.Chas. T. Bond. P. D.G.IL P R.-.E.*. J.H.Mitchell " R.-. E.-. Benj. Springer " R.-.E.-. J. A.Galbreath P. G.C.ofH. R.\ E.\ Dent H. Miles " R.-. E.-. J. J. Birdsong, .P. G. P. S. R.-. E.-. Thos. Hardeman M,.P. G. K. R.'.E.-.L.Liebenfield P. G. R. A. C. R.\ E.-. R. P. Bowen u With E. •. Past High Priest E. T. Henry, and a constitutional number of the Representatives of Subordinate Chapters. The Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present— The M. \ E.". Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi was opened in Ample Form, with solemn prayer by Acting Grand Chaplain J. M. Lewis. The M. *. E.Grand High Priest appointed the following 4 Committee on Credentials—Companions J. L. Power, P. M. Savery, G. A. Spivey— Who, in due time, presented their report, which, as subsequently amended from time to time during the Grand Convocation, is as follows : To the M.-. E.'. Grand Boyal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned Committee on Credentials heg leave respectfully to re- port that they find the following Companions present, entitled to seats in this M.\ E.\ Grand Body, to wit: Natchez Chapter, No. 1—E. Geo. DeLap, proxy for H.\ IV. Clinton, No. 2—John A. B. Jones, proxy forH.*. P.*. Vicksburg, No. 3—John W. Powell, H.-. P.-.; William L. Coakley, Scribe; William French, King. Columbus, No. 4—Nelson Reynolds, King. Wilson, No. 5—H. H. Field, H.-. P.-. Jackson, No. 6—John T. Buck, H.-. P.-. Magnolia, No. 7—J. J. Birdsong, H.\ P.*. Yazoo, No 8—ft. B. Mayes, proxy for H.v P.*. Lexington, No. 9—John C. Birkhead, H.. P.*. Canton, No. 10—J. M. Lewis, H.*. P.*. DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—Thomas Hardeman M, H.\ P.-. Euphemia, No. 13—ft. B. Brannin, H.\ P.*. Fayette, No. 14—B. B. Paddock, Past H.- P.-. Carrollton, No. 15—B. R. Mayes, Representative. Gallatin, No. 17—A. P. Barry, H.\ P.-.; Morris Cook, Scribe. Kosciusko, No. 20—D. L. Smythe, H.\ P.". Quitman, No. 21—J. O. Lusher, H.\ P.*. Houston, No. 23—T. N. Martin, H.*. P.*. Wayne, No. 24—John F. McCorinick, proxy for H.\ P.*. Meridian, No. 25—J. T. Taylor, Scribe. Okolona, No. 27—John S. Cain, H.*. P.-. Washington, No. 29—Samuel McClellan, H.\ P.*. Shongalo, No. 30—T. C. Everett, H.\ P.*. Emory, No. 32—T. C. Parrish, H.*. P.*. Lafayette, No. 33—James M. Howry, proxy for H.\ P.*. Neshoba, No. 34—E. L. Lewis, H.\ P.'. Louisville, No. 30—L. Liebenfield, proxy for H/. P.*. Union, No. 37—Wm. Beachum, Scribe, and proxy for H.\ P.\ Amite, No. 42—David Wilson, proxy for H.\ P.*. Tallahatchie, No. 4—W. H. Fitzgerald, H.\ P.\ Ripley, No. 48—J. E. Rogers, H.*. P.*. New Albany, No. 49—C. T. Bond. H.*. P.\ Mt. Carmel, No. 50—J. A. Bass, proxy for H.\ P.*. George Washington, No. 51—Samuel H. Pryor, proxy for H.\ P.*. Patton, No 52—J. C. Porter, proxy for H.\ P/. Bethesda, No. 55—A. W. Mitchell, H.\ P.*. Wright, No. 56—B. R. Chambliss, H.\ P.*. Baldwyn, No. 57—P. M. Savery, K.\ P.*. Shubuta, No. 59—M. B. Knignt, H.\ P.*. Panola, No. 60—G. G. Nelson, Hv P.*. Eureka, No. 61—D. Mitchell, H.*. P.1. G. W. Perkins, No. 63—J. W. Rutland, H.\ P.'.; W. J. Bynum, proxy for K.\ Dover, No. 64—Y. H. Fugate, H.*. P.*. Chickasaw, No. 65—G. N. Robuck, K.\ Rienzi, No. 66—J. W, Stevens, proxy for H.\ P.*. Rrandon, No. 69—Richard Cooper, H.\ P.*. Scooba, No. 70—H. C. Robinson, H.\ P.-. John Hebron, No. 71—D. A. Cameron, H.\ P.*. Dent H. Miles, No. 72—Dent H. Miles, proxy for H.% P.*. 5 Ward, No. 73—John S. Jones, Representative. W. D. Ferris, No. 74—J. H. Elliott, Kino-. Crystal Springs, No. 77—H. R. Smith, H>. P.*. Winona, No. 78—G. A. Spivey, proxy for H.\ P.*. Tampico, No. 79—James B. Cherry, II.\ P.*. S. H. Johnson, No. 81—J. R. Groome, Scribe. Starkville, No. 82—F. H. Duquereron, H.-. P.-. Summerville, No. 83—Thomas S. Gathright, II.*. P.-. Salem, No. 85—John A. Galbreath, H.\ P.-. Cato, No. 89—John Russell, H.. P.*. Summit, No. 90—Bythel Haynes, Representative. Centre Ridge, No. 93—James Watts, proxy for II.\ P.*. Durant, No. 94—Charles T. Murphy, H.\ P.-. West Point, No. 95—W. F. Franks, proxy for H.\ P.\ McConnico, No. 96—L. M. Lawshe, Representative. Robert W. Paine, No. 97—W. L. Lowrv, Representative. McDonald, No. 98—N. W. Bouton, proxy for H.-.P.-.; J. M. McDonald, King. Attala, No. 100—W. J. Wasson, H.\ P.*. Coffeeville, No. 101—W. R. Spencer, proxy for H.\ P.*. Total Chapters represented, 68. Fraternally submitted, J. L. POWER, P. M. S AVERY, G. A. SP1VEY, Committee. The M. *. E. *. Grand High Priest then presented the following An- nual Address, which was read by Companion T. S. Gathright: ANNUAL ADDRESS. To the Mr. E.'. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Companions—While we unite our voices in thanking Him unto whom belong the issues ot life, for the pieservation of so many of us through the vicissitudes of another year, it behooves me to be especially grateful that I have been spared to participate in your annual labors. When we parted, twelve months ago, many of you were impressed with the belief that you Avould see my face no more in the flesh. And if I could have yielded to the lassitude of sickness, it is highly probable that I would have passed beneath the royal arch which spans the vestibule of the unseen world. But daily toils, to which my strength seemed inadequate, but which my necessities exacted, though an apparent evil, proved a real blessing, in restoring me to the greater blessing of comparative health. Thus, in the dispensation of our Heavenly Father, it frequently occurs that " Behind a frowning Providence He hides a smiling face." If, beneath the primal curse, a merciful Creator had not concealed a bless- ing, the primal blessing would have been a curse ; for why should man de- sire to replenish earth with a posterity foredoomed to eat of it all the days ot their lives, in sorrow and the sweat of the face, if benediction did not fall on earthly toil and temporal affliction ? Accordingly we find that there is purgatory virtue in affliction, and that labor gives health to the body, cheer- fulness to the mind, and zest to repose. 6 All conditions in life, whether prosperous or adverse, have peculiar trials, and those are the most trying which we covet most. While health, riches, joy, are blessings, and sickness, penury and sorrow are afflictions, all of them are trials of our faith; but the trial of every form of affliction is easier to be borne without sin than the trial of its correllative blessing; sickness than health, poverty than affluence, sorrow than gladness. No one will deny that it is far better to be the Lazarus of time than the Dives of eternity; but, lured by the visible enjoyments of property, we forget " how hardly they that have riches shall enter into the kingdom of God," and labor with inces- sant care to obstruct our own way with the great impediment of wealth. " The path of sorrow, and that path alone, Leads to the land where sorrow is unknown," yet no path is trod with such reluctance. A long lease of earthly happiness inclines us to accept the blessings which bloom along the path of life, as things of course. It is those who are chosen in the furnace of affliction, rather than those who bask in the sunshine of prosperity, who learn, in whatsoever state they be, therewith to be content; and to say, with righteous Job, who was tried with the extremes of prosperity and adversity: "Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil ? " They learn to accept the chastisements of the Lord as evidences, not of his dis- pleasure, but his love; for " whom the Lord loveth he correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." When thus accepted, "the light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." It would be a gross error to suppose that the rich man's access to God's kingdom is difficult because it is wicked to be wealthy, or that there is any intrinsic merit in poverty. In the possession of riches lies the temptation, but not the sin; for it cannot be sinful to seek, accept and enjoy any blessing which cometh down from the Father of Lights. Great was the opulence of Job, but he did not make gold his hope. He opened his door to the traveler; he did not see the poor without clothing; he delivered the fatherless and the helpless; and he caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. He was eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, a father to the poor. In all this he sinned not. I commend him as an excellent model for every Companion Royal Arch Mason, for he received and dispensed his wealth as a faithful steward of the Lord. The sin is not in the use, but in the abuse of temporal prosperity; in an idolatrous eagerness of pursuit which disregards other and paramount duties; in consuming God's favors on our own lusts; in failing to commu- nicate to others as the Lord has prospered us, and to render thanks to Him from whom come riches and honor. The cardinal error of the age, great, yet natural in politics, but most un- natural in religion, consists in giving undue prominence to things which are material in kind and temporary in duration. Even among those whose office it is, under God, to bring the blind by a way they knew not, to make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight, too many are "men of the world, who have their portion in this life; " whose labors are for the mortal body, and for fleeting time. A fatuity, which seems like judicial blindness, substitutes license for liberty, and promotes Utopian schemes of freedom 7 that discard the just sobordination which is to true liberty as the soil to the fruit; and a like fatuity regards poverty, which is, in truth, the lightest trial of this probationary state, as an unmixed evil. In want, the cord which binds us to the great Giver seems so short that we can see His hand in every benefit; but in prosperity our tether is s» long that we lose sight of the hand that holds it. His gifts appear to be the mere accretions of our rents or loans, or the just reward of our own vigilance, energy and shrewdness in speculation. It is a great and important lesson to be " instructed both to be full and to be hungry; both to abound and to suffer need;" to enjoy prosperity with gratitude, and endure adversity with resignation; to view the fortunate without envy, the indigent without contempt; to do good to all, and Avhatsoever we do, to do all to the glory of God. So close is the relation between the duties of Masons and the temporal duties of religion, that those who are most faithful to their religious profession are ever most true to their Masonic obligations. The vicious ten- dencies which close our hearts to God, harden them to our fellow-men. Es- pecially does " covetousness, which is idolatry," at once dethrone God, sub- stituting self as the centre of the universal circle, and thrust our fellow-men and fellow-Masons into a circumference too distant for the scope of our con- tracted sympathies. The insatiate hunger and thirst for corruptible and corrupting riches, which pervade all classes of our people, have caused the cooling of Masonic fervency. Let the indigent Mason reflect that poverty is not earth's greatest ill; the affluent Mason, that wealth is not the greatest earthly good. Let both, remembering the counsel of our gi'eat Masonic brother, " gather gear "— " Not for to hide it in a hedge, Nor for a brain attendant; But for the glorious privilege Of being independent; " and, permit me to add, for the blessed privilege of relieving distress. For, to quote from another of Scotland's great intellectual lights, speaking in the character of an humble Scottish maiden: " When the hour of trouble comes * * and when the hour of death comes, that comes to high and low * it is nae what we have done for ourselves, but what Ave have done for others that Ave think on most pleasantly." Companions, how Avill our actions, during the last tAvelve months, bear comparison with the benevolent teachings of our ritual, the several points of our obligation ? Hoav many acts of generosity, of self-sacrifice, of Ma- sonic brotherhood and sympathy, have been performed ? Nay, rather, how many golden opportunities for the exercise 'of Masonic virtue, have we permitted to pass Avithout improvement? This is a more profitable theme for meditation; for the review of the small measure of good Avhich Ave per- form may engender that spirit Avhich says : " God, I thank thee that I am not as other men; " Avhile the contemplation of our shortcomings may incite that better spirit AAdiich causes one to smite upon his breast, saying: " God, be merciful to me a sinner." What must, Avhat can be done, to revive the spirit of Capitular Masonry in this Jurisdiction? To this subject I have devoted many hours of painful thought, and to some of the more experienced Companions I have addressed 8 letters, requesting tliem to suggest some method of re-ldndling the fires of which there seem to remain little more than the cooling embers. The only thing which might have been done by the Grand High Priest was to visit the Chapters in person; but this was rendered impossible by the state of my health and of my private affairs. Something may be hoped from the Grand Chapter, but the great and effective remedy for the evils which we deplore, must be applied by the individual Companions. The Grand Chap, ter may do something for formal Masonry, but it remains for the Compan- ions to revive the true spirit of Masonry. To all the Royal Arch Masons within the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, I say, examine yourselves, Companions; prove your own selves. Compare your actions with your obli- gations, and amend what you find amiss. Without this, we may possibly galvanize Capitular Masonry into a brief semblance of life; but it will be a body without a soul. With this, ritualistic knowledge will gradually in- crease; the meetings will acquire new interest; the breath of life will be breathed into the nostrils of Royal Arch Masonry, and it will become a living soul. The action which I recommend to the Grand Chapter is what they have already done, but what, unfortunately, was immediately undone. I recom- mend that, by constitutional enactment, it be made the duty of the Grand Lecturer, either in person or by his Deputies, to visit all the subordinate Chapters, and put them in possession of the adopted work; and that the Grand Chapter bestow such compensation for his services as will enable the Grand Lecturer to perform this duty without the sacrifice of his personal interests. When every officer thoroughly understands his duty, the work will, by its intrinsic beauty, attract all the Companions, and ensure a prompt attendance. Having endeavored, in the foregoing remarks—I fear at the expense of your patience—to perform one of the most important, but most neglected, duties of my official station, that of giving good and wholesome instructions to the Companions, 1 will proceed to give an account of my few official acts during the last twelve months. February 12. I signed and forwarded the Charter of Toombsuba Chapter, No. 99, and the duplicate Charter of John Hebron Chapter, No. 71, which were granted at your last Convocation. March IS. I received a letter from Comp. J. L. Power, announcing the death of R.-. E.\ Oscar T. Keeler, Grand Secretary, and generous^ offering to attend, temporarily, to the duties of the office, giving the family of the deceased the benefit of his salary for the year. Knowing that Comp. Power was eminently qualified for the position, and that the interests of the Grand Chapter would not be sacrificed to those of the bereaved family, I appointed him Grand Secretary ad interim. The names of other Companions were subsequently suggested to me, any one of whom would, no doubt, have filled the office well, but none making the liberal offer of Comp. Power. The promptness and efficiency with which he has performed his arduous duties leave me no cause to regret his appointment. June 1. An effort having been made by a person signing himself A. Smith, of Detroit, Michigan, to palm off a key purporting to teach the true work, I obtained a copy of the key, and finding, on examination, that it did ' 9 not teach the work adopted by this Grand Chapter, I issued a circular, warning the subordinate Chapters against the " Mnemonical Key." I have since received from the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest of Michigan, a notifica- tion that Czar Jones, P.\ G.\ H.*. P.*. of the Grand Chapter of Michigan, was indefinitely suspended from the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, for violating an edict against the circulation of Keys. June 30. On the application of a M.\ E.\ H.\ P.\, representing that lie could seldom get a meeting of his Chapter, for want of members; that two Brothers had been prepared for exaltation, and that if a class could be ex- alted, the difficulty of securing regular meetings would be removed, I granted a dispensation authorizing a ballot for a third Brother (recom- mended to me by the Companion making the request, as worthy and well qualified), without the delay usually required by the By-Laws for the gov- ernment of subordinate Chapters. December 8. Two other M.\ E.\ High Priests made similar applications, which were refused for reasons assigned. In both instances, the applica- tions were based on some advantage or gratification to accrue to the Broth- ers to be exalted; not on any benefit to Royal Arch Masonry, or to the par- ticular Chapters. In reading the addresses of the Grand High Priests of other Jurisdictions, I notice that dispensations to confer the degrees "out of time," or as they may well be designated, untimely exaltations, are always granted, but that an apology is nearly always deemed necessary for such exercise of power. This circumstance led me to reflect upon the subject, and to conclude that it is better to seem ungracious in refusing to do what can never be done without apology. I therefore determined not to grant such dispensations, unless for the benefit of Chapters. Perhaps it would be better to refuse in all cases, for it is seldom that ill will result from a little delay, while it frequently results from too great haste. I have had quite an extensive correspondence with a Brother who com- plains that he contracted with a Chapter to pay for his degrees by his abor for which, besides the degrees, he was to receive a small pecuniary compen-, sation. He did the work, and received two degrees, but removed before the other two could be conferred. He obtained a letter, however, requesting another Chapter to confer the other two degrees; but the Chapter within whose jurisdiction he removed was not in working order, and he again re- moved without having been exalted. He complains that his letters to the officers of the Chapter in which he was advanced and passed, are not an- swered; that he is unable to get his money, or a certificate which will ena- ble him to obtain the remaining Capitular degrees. I wrote to the M.\ E... High Priest of the Chapter complained .of, and received an answer some- what at variance with the statement of the Brother complaining, and not knowing how better to dispose of the matter, I promised to refer it to you. I submit all the documents in my possession, and recommend that they be referred to a discreet committee, members of one or more neighboring Chapters. A letter from a High Priest, which was intended to reach me before the opening, but was not received until the day after the close of the last Con- vocation of the Grand Chapter, urged the repeal or modification of the rules that Chapters shall not call off from day to day, but close the meetings of 10 each day, and shall not use substitutes in classes for exaltation. As these are questions of interest, I deem it proper to state the reasons for this sug- gestion, and my own opinion with reference thereto, which will be most briefly done by extracting a portion of my letter, dated January 31,1870: " The difficulty of getting quorums in country Chapters, with a small and wideljr dispersed membership, might be obviated by dispensing with the rule that no Chapter shall be opened, " unless there be present nine regular Royal Arch Masons;" but you are, very properly, opposed to any infraction of this rule. The privilege of calling off from day to day would not obviate the difficulty of getting quorum?, arising from the fact that Companions 'have less time than formerly to bestow on Masonry,' but would increase the difficulty by making the meetings more frequent. Besides which, if there be no quorum, how can the Chapter call off? Before doing so, it must open. A quorum to open and call off is a quorum to dispatch business and close. If it be difficult to get a quorum to open and call off, why is it less so to get a quorum to call on and close? Would not Chapters be frequently unable to close at all, for want of quorums ? And what is the advantage of calling off? The ordinai*y business of country Chapters can hardly demand more time than one day; and if they have not time to confer degrees at the stated meetings, the High Priest, without calling off, may ' call such meet- ings as may be necessary for conferring degrees.' (Permanent Rules and Regulations, § 8 ) " You suppose that calling off from day to day is objected to because it might lead to hasty legislation and the introduction of unworthy material, by a few members; to which you reply, that it the duty of every Compan- ion to attend the stated meetings, and prevent hasty action. Do you not perceive that, if every Companion would perform this duty, the difficulty of getting quorums would cease ? " I do not find, in any work on Masonic Law, that any Landmark inhibits Chapters from calling off from day to day; but Lockwood says: 'A stated Communication of a Lodge cannot be called off or continued beyond the day on which the same is held.' (Masonic Law and Practice, p. 49.) For laying this restriction on Lqdges, I can see no good reason which does not apply to Chapters. "A solemn promise is made by every High Priest, before his installation, 'that he will never suffer his Chapter to be opened, unless there be present nine regular Royal Arch Masons.' Of this you approve. But, in the next' breath, the High Priest elect promises ' that he will never suffer either more or less than three brethren to be exalted in his Chapter at one and the same time.' These promises stand on the same footing in the installation cere- mony, and harmonize equally with the Royal Arch ritual and lecture, which impose the like obligations on every Royal Arch Mason. What is there in 'the symbolic and figurative character' of Masonry, which discharges a Royal Arch Mason from one of these obligations rather than the other? If any emergency justifies the violation of the second, why may not the first be disregarded in an equal emergency ? Why not surmount the difficulty of getting quorums of nine by reducing the quorum to a smaller number, if we may, with propriety, obviate the difficulty of getting a class of three for ex- altation, by reducing the class to a smaller number ? And when four or five 11 are ready for exaltation, but "two classes cannot be filled, why not form the class of four or five, if it may be reduced to less than three in any case ? " Substitutes in exaltation are mere lay figures. When one is employed, only two brothers are really exalted; when two are employed, there is but one exaltation. And to me it seems more rational to exalt two, or one, with- out substitutes, than to evade a Masonic obligation by filling a class with persons on whom the degree cannot be conferred. "In fine, I think it obvious that the astriction-of classes for exaltation to three, like the requirement of nine in opening, is an unwritten Landmark; and that, if the Grand Chapter had been silent on the subject, no High Priest could properly permit, no Royal Arch Mason, familiar with the ritual and lecture, sanction by his presence, the exaltation of a greater or less num- her than three at one and the same time. The tendency of your arguments, from the condition of country Chapters, is to prove that Chapters are rnul- tiplied too rapidly, rather than to establish that the rules relative to classes for exaltation, and to calling off, should be relaxed for the convenience of Chapters whose members are few, or neglectful of the stated Communi- cations." In response to a letter of inquiry, I decided that a Royal Arch Mason, whose standing is good, and whose Chapter dues are paid, if suspended by a Blue Lodge for non-payment of dues, is thereby suspended from Royal Arch Masonry, so soon as his Chapter receives authentic information of his sus- pension. Article 7 of the Permanent Rules and Regulations makes no ex- ception in favor of those whose suspension is for non-payment of dues. A letter from the M.*. E \ High Priest of Huntsville Chapter, No. 91, in- formed me that Comp. John S. Holloway, while on his way to the Grand Chapter, as Representative of Huntsville Chapter, had his leg broken, in consequence of which the Chapter was not represented, and the returns and dues were not received. The High Priest, under the impression that the eharter was forfeited, inquired what steps were necessary in order to restore the charter, and to whom the returns and dues should be sent. I decided that a failure to be represented, pay dues and make returns, for less than two years, did not forfeit the eharter; and instructed him to have the dues and returns forwarded to Comp. Power, and proceed to labor as usual. I would suggest that, under the circumstances, Comp. Holloway should be allowed mileage and per diem, notwithstanding his failure to reach the Grand Chapter. I had occasion twice to decide that the rule that " an individual without the use of hands, arms or feet, is not capable of being instructed in the de- gree of Royal Arch Mason," having been stricken from the Permanent Rules and Regulations, by the vote of the Grand Chapter in 1867 (Proceed- ings. p. 14), the Chapters have the authority of the Grand Chapter for ad- vancing maimed brothers who ai*e deemed otherwise worthy and well qual- ified. As to the propriety of conferring the degree in such cases, I expressed a doubt, in my first letter on this subject. My opinion, however, has grad- ually undergone a change. We should be careful to prevent those who are physically disqualified from being made Masons; but when they become our brothers we should not let a subsequent misfortune debar them from any Masonic privilege or promotion. 12 A Chapter having elected a candidate against whom charges were subse- quently preferred in his Lodge, for unmasonic conduct, of which he was guilty (if at all) before his election in the Chapter, but without the knowl- edge of the Chapter, I decided that the Chapter should postpone conferring the degrees until his conduct should be investigated by his Lodge. And that, whatever the result of that investigation, if any member of the Chap- ter should still object to his advancement, the degrees should be withheld from him. A letter from Comp. James Ray, M.\ E.\ High Priest of Gordy R.\ A.\ Chapter, Opelousas, Louisiana, states that Bro. Allen Bridges was exalted in Paulding, in 1865, and having removed within the jurisdiction of Gordy Chapter, desired to become a member, but was unable to obtain a demit, and learned that the Chapter in Paulding had forfeited its charter. I was asked what course should be pursued; to which I replied, that Paulding Chapter, Ho. 26, forfeited its charter in 1859, by failing to pay dues. In 1867 it was allowed until April to pay its dues, but failed, to do so, and must therefore be considered clandestine at the time of the exaltation of Bro. Bridges. My advice was that he should apply to Gordy Chapter to heal him by giving him all the obligations in open Chapter, and then admit him to membership, if found worthy. Owing to the local laws of the jurisdiction of Louisiana, this course was deemed impracticable, but I could suggest no other. I submit the case for your consideration, and refer you to the accom- panying letter from the acting Grand Secretary for further information. In reply to an inquiry, I decided that the High Priest, King or Scribe, with the assistance of eight other Companions, of his own or of othei Chap- ters, may do ail general work—that is, work pertaining to; Capitular Ma- sonry in general. For example, they may open, confer degrees already balloted for, and close. But visitors cannot transact any business which is special to the Chapter; such, for example, as the increase or diminution of its membership, the exercise of discipline, or the disposition of the Chapter funds. Such business requires the presence of nine members of the Chapter; and an election for the degrees, when less than nine members are present, is, in my judgment, irregular and illegal. Application having been made for the Capitular degrees, and it appearing that a member of the Chapter had a difficulty with the candidate, the usual committee reported that they had arranged the difficulty, and the candidate was elected. Subsequently-the objection was renewed. I was askedIs his objection valid ? If not, please send a dispensation to confer the degrees on the Brother." I decided that it is not competent to the Grand High Priest to grant a dispensation to confer the Capitular degrees over the objec- tion of a member of the Chapter. I also decided that under the By-Law which provides that when members neglect or refuse to pay dues for twelve months, they shall stand suspended without action on the part of Chapter; the neglect of the Secretary to make a record of the suspension does not prevent the operation of the law, but the delinquent is under suspension. During my sickness, I received an invitation from Rev. W. W. Lord and his Vestry, to be present and assist at the laying of the Corner Stone of the church of the Holy Trinity, in this city, on the 24th of October. Before I 13 was sufficiently recovered to make a suitable acknowledgment of this cour- tesy, the invitation was mislaid, and it was not found until it was too late to answer it. Hence, I take this method of making amends for an unintentional appearance of discourtesy. I have been honored by an appointment to represent the Grand Chapter of Missouri, near the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, and I herewith submit my credentials for your consideration. The Representative system com- mends itself to my judgment, and I find that it is ably advocated in the addresses of several Grand High Priests. I had set my heart upon the ap- pointment of representatives near each of the Grand Chapters of other Jurisdictions, and the reception of representatives from them ; and to this end I opened a correspondence with several Grand High Priests, and sought interviews, during a temporary absence from the State, with as many Royal . Arch Masons as I could find. But circumstances beyond my conti'ol pre- vented the accomplishment of my purpose. On reflection, I think that it would be better that my successor should have your authority to proceed in this matter, and I recommend that he be vested with authority to make ap- pointments of representatives of this Grand Chapter, and that the Grand Secretary be authorized to have suitable blanks for that purpose. A statement, prepared by the Grand Secretary, and which will be sub- mitted at a proper time, shows that the financial condition of this Grand Chapter is bad. The suggestions of that prompt and vigilant officer are worthy of your serious consideration. The Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter, of the United States will be held in the city of Baltimore, in September next. As you will not be in session again before that time, it is desirable that you express> for the guidance of your representatives, your wishes with reference to the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter. One of these (or rather several, which concur to one end,) proposes to omit the degree of Past Master from the number of Capitular de- grees. Another proposes to make all Past Grand High Priests members of the General Grand Chapter, This, by mistake, has already been inserted as a provision of the Constitution of that body; and I regret that it is not, since, if it were so, I would endeavor to attend the meeting of the General Grand Chapter. Companions, at the opening of this Address I returned thanks to Almighty God for the preservation of so many of us during the last twelve months. But it has not seemed good to him to preserve all who have heretofore par- ticipated in your deliberations. I have already alluded to the death of our R.\ E/. Companion, Oscar T. Keeler, who, for so many successive yeare was an active and efficient participant of your labors, and who was so often and so deservedly complimented in the Annual Addresses of successive Grand Hi^h Priests, for the able manner in which he performed the arduous and important duties of Grand Secretary. It is my painful duty to announce that, just one year ago, on the 20th of January, 1870, Companion John W. Timberlake, Past Grand King, breathed his soul away. This event was communicated to me by Comp. R. B. Brannin, in a letter which contains a high encomium upon the fervency and zeal of the deceased Companion. 14 I trust that the Grand Chapter will give suitable expression to their senti- ments toward our departed friends and Companions. Companions, an apology is due for the perfunctory manner in which, ap- parently, my Address has been prepared. At the time when my attention ought to have been turned to this duty, I was harrassed by occurrences of the most absorbing and distressing kind. It is useless to encumber your records wilh a detail of private misfortunes, but enough will be stated orally to answer your charitable consideration ot an Address which was composed within a few days of your Convocation, and in the midst of various inter- ruptions and distractions. R. B. MAYES, Grand High Priest. On motion of Comp. W. D. Ferris, the Address of the M. \ E. \ Grand High Priest was referred to a select committee, consisting of Companions T. S. Gathright, J. M. Howry aEd J. M. Lewis, to divide and apportion the same among the appropriate committees. The M.'. E. \ Grand High Priest the appointed the following com- mittees : On Masonic Law—J. M. Howry, C. T. Bond, Wm.S. Patton. On Complaints and Appeals—T. N. Martin, J. C. Birkhead, R. P. Bowen. On Dispensations and Charters—D. Mitchell, John A. Galbreath, J. C. Porter. On Subordinate Chapters—H. C. Robinson, James Watts, John Y. Murry. On Finance—E. Geo. DeLap, John T. Buck, R. B. Brannin. On Visiting Companions—W. D. Ferris, J. E. Rogers. Obituaries—E. T. Henry, J. O. Lusher, John S. Cain. The Grand Secretary submitted the following Report and Financial Statement, which, on motion of Comp. Howry, were referred to the Commitee on Finance ; and that portion of the Report relating to sub- ordinate Chapters, to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters : GRAND SECRETARY'S REPORT. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI,) Office of the Grand Secretary pro tem., 1 Jackson, Miss., Jan. 14,1871. J To the M.\ E:. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned, by virtue of the following appointment, to wit: Grand Royal Arch Chapter oe Mississippi,) Office of the Grand High Priest, } Yazoo City, March 18, A.*. I.*. 2400, A. D. 1870.) To whom it may concern, but more especially Comp. J. L. Power: Know ye, That, reposing special trust and confidence in the skill and in- tegrity of our Right Excellent Companion, J. L. Power aforesaid, I have nominated and appointed him to the office of Grand Secretary of the Most Excellent Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, to fill the vacancy caused by the decease of our Right Excellent Companion, Oscar T. Keeler. Given under my hand, the day and date above written. R. B. MAYES, Grand High Priest, Entered accordingly upon the duties of said office. Not having the seal of Grand Chapter, I delayed the forwarding of above to the Chapters, by cir- cular, until the 12th of May, but forwarded a copy thereof to the printer of the Proceedings, which were then in press. I also wrote to Bro. J. A. Mar- 15 tin, who was in charge of Cornp. lveeler's affairs, at Columbus, to mail the Proceedings, as soon as printed, to the several subordinate Chapters, and to the Grand Chapters in correspondence with this Grand Body. This was promptly done, avoiding the delay and expense of shipping them to my office at Jackson, to be mailed from that place. Bro. Martin, in this and other matters pertaining to the affairs of the Grand Secretary's office, has aided me very materially, and I have thought it proper to make this ac- knowledgment of his kindness. A few weeks after my appointment, I visited Columbus, with a view to taking charge of the effects of the office of Grand Secretary, but on my way thither was taken seriously ill, and during the ten days of my stay in the city, way prostrated on a sick bed. It being my first visit to the place, I supposed, when assigned to my room at the hotel, that I was in a city where nearly all were strangers to me. But, on next morning, I found myself surrounded with Companions and brethren anxious to minister to my wants. Their kindness, their unremitting attention, I shall never forget; and the Grand Chapter will excuse me, I trust, in taking advantage of this report to express my gratitude to the noble, the sympathetic, the generous-hearted Masons of Columbus. If I had not loved the Institution before, such an exemplification of its teachings was sufficient to seal it forever in my affections. In July I renewed my visit, and have had since, in my custody, all the books, papers and files of the Grand Secretary's office. When the worthy incumbent of the office was summoned hence, he left his work ready for in- spection. A new ledger had just been opened, balances from the old ledger charged thereon, and the dues for 1869 also charged, and credited where paid. His letter book was written up to the first of March, his last commu- nication being to the Grand High Priest, in which he seemed to anticipate the summons that came for him on the 14th of that month. A distin- guished Companion in the far Morth thus refers to his death: " I was much shocked in further examining the Proceedings of your Grand Lodge, to learn of the death of Comp. Keeler. His death is a serious loss, not only to the Craft in Mississippi, but throughout the country." I find, from a memorandum book of Comp. Keeler, and from his entries on the ledger, that he received on account of the last Grand Annual Convo- cation, the sum of $3,131 70, as will appear by detailed statement herewith, and that he paid over to the Grand Treasurer, as per receipt of that officer, herewith filed, the sum of $2,800 00, leaving a balance against Comp. Keeler of $331 70, which amount he doubtless applied towards the payment of his salary of 1870. The total salary for the year being $600, there remains due the sum of $268 30, which sum I respectfully recommend be paid over to the family of the deceased. I am advised by the Grand Treasurer that his settlement with Comp. Keeler embraced the salary of the latter for 1869, and all other claims of the latter to the close of that year. I am not sufficiently acquainted with the several Chapters to present a de- tailed statement as to the condition of each, but from the records before me* and as the result of considerable inquiry, I respectfully submit the following: In the last published Proceedings, page 311, will be found a list of Chap- ters coming under the provisions of Permanent Rule No. 50, which says that" every Chapter failing to be represented, make returns and pay its dues 16 to the Grand Chapter for two years in succession, shall forfeit is charter." Referring to these Chapters in the order given, I have to report— Mt. Sains, jSTo. 58—Forfeited charter. Garrott, No. 62—Forfeited charter. John Hebron, No. 71—Duplicate charter issued Feb. 9th, 1870. No report since. Walnut Grove, No. 75—No returns since organization in 1861. I recom- mend that charter be declared forfeited. Decatur, No. 31—No returns since 1863. Chapter has ceased to exist. Carthage, No. 46—Made returns for 1869, but owes returns and dues for 1867 and 1868, and dues for 1869. Zenith, No. 54—No report since revival was authorized by last Grand Convocation. Stonewall, No. 87—Owes dues for 1867, 1868 and 1869. The returns for 1866 were received in time for last report! Wilson, No. 5—Paid ledger balance, made returns and paid dues for 1869. Marshall, No. 40—Made returns for 1868 and 1869, but owes dues for both years. Euclid Chapter, No. 69—Paid ledger balance, and made returns for 1869. Monticello, No. 92—Forfeited charter. Harvey Gunning, No. 84—Last returns are those for 1868. Owes dues for 1867,1868 and 1869. In reference to other Chapters in default under the regulations, the follow- ing statement is submitted: Wm. H. Wilkinson Chapter, No. 16, Woodville—No returns since 1867. Dues for 1868 paid. Owes for 1867 and 1869. Shields, No. IS, Tontotoc—Owes returns and dues for 1869 and 1870, and and dues for 1865 and 1866. Repeatedly written to, but no response. Yernon, No. 19—Owes dues for 1869. Cannot hear from the Chapter. Raymond, No. 22—Owes dues and returns for 1869 and 1870. Union, No. 37, Richmond, Itawamba county—Owes dues and returns for 1869 and 1870. Heard from 4th inst—made returns to this Convocation. Patton, No. 52, Lauderdale—Written to Feb. 8th, 1870, and 5th inst. No response. Owes ledger balance $141 00, and dues for 1870. Returns for 1869 received and published. $127 50 x-eceived this date. Tampico, No. 79—Owes dues and returns for 1869. Summerville, No. 83—Owes dues and returns for 1869. (Since re eived.) Meadville, No. S6—Owes returns for 1869 and 1870, and dues for 1870. Huntsville, No. 91—Owes dues for 1868, 1869 and 1870, and returns for 1869 and 1870. A letter herewith filed states why the Chapter was not represented at the last Convocation. Meridian, No. 25—Owes a ledger balance of $41, and returns and dues for 1869. Walker, No. 28, Como, Panola county—Owes returns and dues for 1S69. All the other Chapters seem to make returns and pay dues, and are repre- sented with promptness and regularity. The propriety of summary action against defaulting Chapters is respect- fully suggested, and I recommend that the Grand High Priest be authorized by a Permanent Regulation, to declare forfeited the charter of any Chapter failing or refusing to comply with existing regulations. Continued indul- 17 gence very often encourages indifference to and disregard of law, which I think is the case with some of the Chapters referred to above. There has been but one application for a Dispensation for a new Chapter received during the year, and that was informal in somany respects I deem.ed it unnecessary to forward for the considei*ation of the Grand High Priest. The application was from a number of Companions at Booneville, Tisho- iningo county, for a Chapter, to be named Champlin Chapter. There were no accompanying recommendations from other Chapters, no demits, and no Dispensation fee—of all which the Companions were advised by letter July 13th. Agreeably to action of last Grand Chapter, a charter was issued to Attala Chapter, as No. 100, the said Chapter forwarding the Dispensation to Grand Secretary. I have the pleasure of stating that the several railroad companies have kindly agreed to pass Representatives free on return to their homes. Within the past few days I received from the Excelsior printing office, at Columbus, the second volume of there-print of Grand Chapter Proceedings, embracing a period from 1856 to 1867, and making a volume of 350 closely printed pages—the two volumes, now complete, making an aggregate of 642 pages. In view of the fact that some of the early pamphlet proceedings of the Grand Chapter are not now obtainable, the reprint becomes a work of peculiar value, and will, no doubt, be carefully preserved by all into whose hands it may fall. A very trifling expense would secure the two vol- umes under one substantial cover. A letter from Bro. J. A. Martin, proprietor of the Excelsior office, in refer- ence to the second volume, together with his general account for printing this, the Proceedings for 1870, and other matters (amounting in all to $2,335 10), are herewith presented. 7 In this connection, it may be proper to lay before the Grand Chapter an estimate of present liabilities and of expenses for the current year, which is as follows: Due Comp. Keeler $ 268 30 J. A. Martin's account, as above 2,335 10 Pay roll, on the basis of last Convocation 2,250 00 Printing Proceedings, Grand Secretary's salary, postage, stationary, and commissions to Grand Treasurer 1,500 00 Balance due Grand Treasurer, at last Convocation 191 48 $6,544 8S Reeipts from all sources (estimated) 3,000 00 Deficit $3,544 88 I have received the following sums during the year, and paid the same over to Grand Treasurer, as per his receipt herewith: Attala Chapter -$22 00 Dover Chapter, balance 1 20 Chickasaw Chapter, dues 1869.. 33 00 Total $56 20 All of which is fraternally submitted. j ^ p0WER Acting Grand Secretary. GRAND SECRETARY'S ACCOUNT CURRENT. STATEMENT of Receipts l>y Comp. OSCAR X. KEELER, late Grand Secretary. 1870. Natchez, Chapte Clinton. Vicksburg, Columbus, Wilson, Jackson, Magnolia, 1 azoo, Lexington, Canton, Macon, DeWitt Clinton, Euphemia, Fayette, Carrollton, Gallatin, Kosciusko, Quitman, Houston, AVayne, Okolona, AYashington, Shongalo, Emory, Latayette, Neshoba, Charles Scott, Louisville, A^ernon, Amite, Tallahatchie, Enterprise, Ripley, New Albany, Mt. Carmel, George AVashington Patton, Palo Alto, Bethesda, AVright, Baldwyn, Shubuta, Panola, Eureka, G. AA'". Perkins, Dover, Rienzi, Euclid, Byhalia, it Brandon, Scooba, No. 1. .Dues 18G9 $79 00 2..Dues 1869 33 00 3. .Dues 1869 99 00 4. .Dues 1869 52 00 5. .Dues 1$69 48 00 5. .Ledger balance 53 00 6 Dues 1869 55 00 7. .Dues 1869 36 00 8. .Dues 1869 37 oo 9. .Dues 1869 22 00 9. .Ledger balance 21 0o 10. .Dues 1869 65 00 11..Dues 1869 28 00 12. .Dues 1869 27 00 13. .Dues 1869 27 00 14..Dues 1869 33 00 15. .Dues 1869 42 00 17..Dues 1869 38 00 20. .Dues 1869 52 00 21 .Dues 1899 19 00 23. .Dues 1869 41 00 24. .Dues 1868,1869, and balance 41 00 27. .Dues 1S69 34 00 29. .Dues 1809 32 00 30..Dues 1869 44 00 32. .Dues 1869 37 00 33. .Dues 1869 65 00 34. Dues 1869 33 00 35. .Dues 1869 25 00 36. .Dues 1869 32 50 47 .Dues 1869 21 00 42. .Dues 1869 35 00 44. .Dues 1856 43 00 45..Dues 1869 34 00 48. .Dues 1S69 7)7 00 49. .Dues 1869 50 00 50. .Dues 1869 43 00 51. .Dues 1869 52 00 52. .Dues 1859 60 00 53. .Dues 1869 17 00 53. .Ledger balance 44 00 55..Dues 1869 35 00 56..Dues 1869 00 57. .Dues 1869 Q 00 59..Dues 1869 28 00 60..Dues 1869 JJ ()J 60. .Ledger balance 33 40 61. .Dues-1869 64 00 63. .Dues 1969 27 00 04..Dues 1869 18 80 66 .Dues 1869 42 00 67. .Dues 1869 42 00 67. .Ledger balance 90 00 68. .Dues 1869 31 00 68. .Ledger balance 50 00 69. .Dues 1869 53 00 70. .Dues 1869 25 00 19 GEJPND SECRETARY'S ACCOUNT CURRENT—Continued. Dent H. Miles, " 72..Dues 1869 20 00 Ward, " 73. Dues 1869 80 CO W. D. Ferris, " 74..Dues 1869 51 00 Corinth, « 76..Dues 1869 54 00 Crystal Springs, u 77. Dues 1869 53 00 Winona, k' 78. .Dues 1869 66 00 Brookhaven, k' 80..Dues 1869 33 00 S.H.Johnson, " 81 .Dues 1869 25 00 Starville, " 82..Dues 1869 45 00 Salem, " 85..Dues 1869 22 00 Cato, " 89..Dues 1869 26 00 Summit, " 90..Dues 1869 46 00 Centre Ridge, " 93.. Dues 1869 39 00 Durant, " 94. .Dues 1869 38 00 West Point, " 95 Dues 1869 26 00 McConnico, " 96..Dues 1869 29 00 R. W. Paine, " 97. .Dues 1869 23 00 McDonald, " 98..Dues 1869 40 00 Toomsuba, " 99..Dues 1869 12 00 Coffeeville, " 100. Dues 1869 30 00 Total $3,131 70 CR. January 22, 1870, Paid A. P. Barry, Grand Treasurer 2,800 00 Balance $ 331 70 M. \ E. \ Comp. J. M. Howry, in presenting his credentials as Rep- resentative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Minnesota, submitted the following remarks: Most Excellent Gh'and High Priest: I have the honor to present my credentials as the Representative of the Most Excellent Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Minnesota, at or near the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. It is desired by the Grand Chapter I represent, that a more intimate union and fraternal intercourse shall exist between the Companions of the two Jurisdictions, and that Grand Chapter has expressed the opinion that an in- terchange of courtesies like the present is eminently calculated to promote the growth of friendship, and unite more closely the bond of love between the Companions. In performing this pleasing duty it affords me great pleasure to announce to the Grand Chapter that peace and harmony prevail among the Compan- ions of Minnesota. The undersigned has enjoyed the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with some of the distinguished Masons of that Jurisdiction, and it affords him great gratification to bear testimony to their enlightened zeal in the cause ot Capitular Masonry. There is, perhaps, no State in the Union, of its age, that has made more rapid and subtantial progress in the Royal Art than Minnesota. May the bond of affection between the two Jurisdictions remain unbroken as long as the great Father of Waters flows between them. J. M. HOWRY, Representative, etc. On motion of Comp. Patton, Comp. Howry was received as Repre- sentative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Minnesota, and the remarks made by him ordered to be spread upon the record. M. \ E. *. Comp. William S. Patton presented his credentials as Rep- 20 resentative of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State'of Louisi- ana; and On motion of Comp. Watts, Comp. Patton was duly received and accredited as such Representative. R. \ E. *. Comp. A. P. Barry submitted his Annual Report as Grand Treasurer, as follows: A. 1*. liAISRY, Orand Treasurer, In. account with Grand IS. A. Chapter of Mississippi: Dr. Jan. 22,1870. To cash received from G. Sec1y, O.T. Keeler. .$2,800 00 Jan. 19,1871. " " J. L. Power 5G 20 $2,850 20 Cr. Jan. 22,1870. By balance as per last report $ 191 49 " By interest allowed by Grand Chapter 17 01 " By cash on Pay Roll 1,930 30 14 By cash to W. S. Patton 100 00 25 00 44 " O. T. Keeler, salary 1809 GOO 00 44 44 W. S. Patton 100 00 44 44 W. II. Carkeet 10 50 " 11 50 41 44 J. L. Power 50 20 Commissions on $2,850 20 71 15 $3,119 78 Balance due Grand Treasurer $ 203 58 January 20, 1871. Mr. Er. Grand Br. Ar. Chapter of Mississippi: I herewith respectfully submit the above account, with accompanying vouchers, showing a correct statement of your funds in my hands for the current year. A. P. BARRY, Grand Treasurer. On motion of Comp. Watts, the Report was received, and referred to Committee on Finance. The committee appointed to consider the Address of the M. *. E. •. Grand High Priest, submitted the following report: To the Mr. Er. Br. Ar. Chapter of Mississippi: Your committee, to whom was referred the Address of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest for apportionment, ask most respectfully' to report that they have considered the topics set forth in the Address, and recommend as follows: That-so much as refers to conferring degrees in Royal Arch Chapters, and in reference to the practice of calling off from day to day, and all other matters of a kindred nature, be referred to the Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence. So much as refers to complaints against Chapters, to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters, except in the case of Salem Chapter. So much as refers to Grand Lecturer, to a special committee of three. So much as refers to the High Priest of Huntsville Chapter, to the Com- mittee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence; and so much as relates to Comp. Bridges, to same committee. So much as refers to appointing Representatives near other Grand Chap- ters, to a special committee of three. 21 Your committee cannot close this report without giving expression to their feelings with reference to the Address as a whole. Your committee earnest- ly recommend the great moral principles contained in it, and feel grateful to our M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest for an Address which, for sound and safe doctrine, great beauty of conception, and elegance of expression, has few parallels in current Masonic literature. Yrour committee congratulate the great Masonic family of Mississippi on the improving health of our M.\ E.*. Grand High Priest, and record a prayer to the Great Dispenser of events, to spare him to the interests of humanity for years to come. . Respectfully submitted. THOS. S. GATHRIGHT, J. M. HOWRY, J. M. LEWIS, Committee. On motion of Comp. Savery, the report was received and agreed to. Comp. William S. Patton presented his Report as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, which was received and ordered to be published with the Proceedings of this Grand Convocation. The Committee on Masonic Law submitted the following Report, which was received and adopted : To the Mr. E.\ Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Masonic Law respectfully report, that they have had no questions of Masonic law submitted to them during the last Masonic year, for their adjudication, and if any had been submitted, your committee were not aware that any action of the Grand Chapter was taken defining the duties of said committee. Your committee, therefore, did not deem it their duty to prepare anything on the subject of permanent rules or by-laws for the Grand Chapter in addi- tion to those already existing. The attention of the Chairman of your committee was called to the sub- ject of Masonic law by the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, near the end of the year, but owing to the views which he entertained on the powers of said committee, no report was furnished to him. Your committee supposed that their functions and powers ceased with the action of the Grand Chapter. Respectfully submitted. J. M. HOWRY, Chairman. W. S. PATTOjST. On motion of Comp. Power, that portion of the Report of Grand Secretary relating to Subordinate Chapters, was referred to the Commit- tee on Subordinate Chapters. On motion of Comp. T. N. Martin, it was Besolved, That this Grand Chapter will, at 3 o'clock this evening, proceed to the election of its officers for the ensuing year. fayette chapter, no. 14. Comp. B. B. Paddock offered the following, which was adopted : Whereas, At the election of officers of Fayette Royal Arch Chapter, No. 14 Comn R W. Campbell was elected to the office of M.*. E.-. High Priest, and Comp. B. B. Paddock, the then High Priest, was elected to the office of R.-. A.-. C.*., and Comp. J. B. Fleming to the office of Tyler; and Whereas At the stated meeting for the installation of officers, Compan- ions Campbell, II.\ P.*. elect, and J. B. Fleming, Tyler elect, not being clear of the books, were not installed; and whereas, Comp. Paddock 22 necessarily held over until his successor was duly installed, consequently the office of R.\ A.*. Captain was also vacant—therefore, Be it resolved, That Comp. B B. Paddock, the present High Priest, be au- thorized to hold an election at a stated meeting of Fayette Boyal Arch Chap- ter, No. 14, after giving notice of said election to the members of the Chap- ter, for M.\ E/. H.-. P.*., R.-. A/. C.\, and Tyler, for the ensuing year, and that they be installed at the same, or any subsequent meeting. salem chapter, no. 85. The following Report, from a select committee, was submitted and adopted: To the M.'. JE.\ Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi: Your committee, to whom was referred so much of the Grand High Priest's Address as refers to the complaint of H. Brince against Salem Chap- ter, No. 85, would respectfully report: That they have carefully considered the statements of H. Brince, as con- tained in his several letters, to your Grand High Priest, and also the state- ments of Comp. John A. Galbreath, present High Priest of Salem Chapter, No. 85, made to your committee. They find much discrepancy in the state- ments, and can arrive at no definite conclusion as to the actual merits of the case. Your committee, however, regret to state that they find the language used by II. Brince in his several letters to your G.\ H.\ Priest, of a violent charac- ter, wholly inappropriate when addressed to your Grand High Priest, and unbecoming his character as a Mason. Your committee would withhold any expression of opinion as to the in- debtedness of Salem Chapter, No. 85, to H. Brince; the decisions not being, as they believe, within their province. Your committee are of the opinion that the action of the H.\ P.*. of Salem Chapter, No. 85, in withholding the two last Chapter degrees from H. Brince, and in withholding from Brince a certificate authorizing said Brince to re- ceive the aforesaid degrees in any other Chapter, was correct and proper, the course of H. Brince being such as to deprive him of any right he may have had to said degrees. And now, having discharged this duty, they beg to be discharged. Respectfully submitted. B. B. PADDOCK, E. GEO. DeLAP, J. A. B. JONES, Committee. On motion of Comp. A. P. Barry, it was Resolved, That the proposed amendments to the Constitution of Grand Chapter be made the special order for 4 o'clock this afternoon. On motion of Comp. J. M. Howry, it was Resolved, That the next Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter be held in the city of Holly Springs, on Thursday preceding the Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, at 10 o'clock a. m. The Grand Secretary presented a statement in reference to Walnut Grove Chapter, No. 75. which Chapter has failed to hold meetings since 1865; and several Companions thereof desiring to resume work, upon the payment of all dues, it was, therefore, Resolved, That Walnut Grove Chapter, No. 75, be allowed to resume work on the conditions indicated by Grand Secretary. Sundry resolutions and petitions relative to Subordinate Chapters, were presented and referred to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters, 23 action concerning which will be seen by reference to the Report of said committee. Oomp. A. P. Barry offered a resolution providing for an amendment to the Permanent Rules and Regulations of Grand Chapter, which, On motion of Comp. D. W. Mitchell, was referred to the Committee on Masonic Law. The several amendments to the Constitution, proposed at the last Grand Convocation, were then taken up, and respectively considered. The first and second amendments were adopted, as follows : 1st. Amend Section 1 of Article 2, by striking out the words " together with Grand Orator." (The said section prescribing who shall be the officers of Grand Chapter.) 2d. Amend section 1 of Article 2, by adding "and all Past High Priests; Provided, They are members of Subordinate Chapters within the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter." (Thereby giving to Past High Priests a seat in Grand Chapter, as Past Mas- ters are entitled in Grand Lodge.) The third proposed amendment Avas rejected, being as follows : 3d. Amend Section 3 of Article 2, by adding, "Provided, That the following officers shall be appointed by the Grand Council, to wit: Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch Captain, and the three Grand Masters of Vails." (The said officers being now electee.) The fourth proposed amendment was adopted, as follows: 4th. Amend Article 7, by inserting in lieu thereof: "All amendments to the Constitution of this Grand Chapter, shall be proposed at a regular Con- vocation, and if received and agreed to, shall be published (and notice sent to each Subordinate Chapter for their consideration), for action at the next annual Convocation, before the same shall be fully acted upon; and this Constitution shall not be altered or amended without the approbation of two- thirds of the members present, and they voting by Chapters." The said Article 7, having heretofore read as follows: "All amendments to the Constitution of this Grand Chapter shall be proposed, and if received and agreed to, shall be published at least one Annual Convocation before the same shall be finally acted upon, and the Constitution shall not be altered or amended without the approbation of two-thirds of the members present." The Committee on Finance presented the following report, which was received and agreed to : To the M.\ E.'. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the report and accounts of the R.\ E.\ Grand Secretary and R.-. E.-. Grand Treasurer, respectfully report that they have examined the same and find them correct. In regard to that portion of the Grand Secretary's report, relating to the kindness of the railroad companies in passing delegates at half rates, we recommend the adoption of the following, viz: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter are due and hereby ten- dered to the various railroad companies referred to for their kindness. "We recommend that the account of the Excelsior Printing Office, amount- ing to $2,335 10, be allowed, and the Grand Treasurer instructed to pay the same as soon as possible. We also recommend that the Grand Treasurer be instructed to pay to the family of Comp. Keeler the si;m of $230 30, amount of balance due as Grand Secretary. In view of the depleted condition of the Grand Treasury, we would re- commend that the strictest economy be adhered to, but your committee are unable to devise any means by which the revenue of the Grand Chapter can be increased without amending the Constitution. Your committee reeom- mend the adoption of the following: . Besolved, That the mileage and per diem of delegates to this Grand Con- vocation be ten cents per mile each way, and four dollars per day. Respectfully submitted. E. GEO. DeLAP, JNO. T. BUCK, R. B. BRANNIN, Committee. On motion of Comp. Power, that portion of the Keport of Finance Committee relative to amount due Excelsior Printing Office, at Colum- bus, Miss., was recommitted to said committee, with instructions to de- vise and report some plan for speedy payment. On motion of Comp. J. A. Galbreath, it was Besolved, That.Salem Chapter, No. 85, be allowed until the first day of March, 1871, to pay its dues to the Grand Chapter. The Committee on Unfinished Business submitted the following re- port, which was received and adopted, and the committee discharged. To the Mr. Er. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Unfinished Business beg leave to submit the follow- ing report: That they find, on page 315, printed proceedings for 1870, the following amendment to the Constitution, which was by resolution postponed until this Grand Annual Convocation; that the same, as is printed, be made a part of this Report. The resolution referred to in this Report is on page 319—offered by Comp. G. R. Fearn. Respectfully, J. W. POWELL, J. A. GALBREATH, J. E. ROGERS, Committee. On motion of Comp. William French, the proposed Constitutional amendments relative to Grand Lecturer, were made the first special order after the election of officers. The Committee on Complaints and Appeals presented the following report, which was received and adopted: To the Mr. Er. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Complaints and Appeals beg leave to report: That theji are pleased to be able to represent that no business proper for their action has come to their hands or knowledge. This, in the opinion of your committee, is evidence that the Subordinate Chapters, in their dealings with their members during the past year, have acted fairly and to the satis- faction of all. This, in the further opinion of your committee, indicates a valuable improvement in the condition and business of Royal Arch Ma- sonry within the Jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter. T. N. MARTIN, J. C. BIRKHEAD, R. P. BOWEN, Committee. 25 The Committee on Finance submitted the following supplemental report, which was received and adopted : To the Mr. E.'. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Finance Committee, to whom was referred the indebtedness of this Grand Chapter to Bro. J. A. Martin, of Columbus, have had the subject under careful consideration, and would recommend the adoption of the following: Resolved, That the R.\ E.\ Grand Secretary be instructed to ask from the several Grand Chapters in this Jurisdiction the loan of such sums as they may be able to contribute towards the purpose referred to. Resolved, That Section 1, Article 5, of the Constitution be so amended as to make the fees for exaltations $5, instead of $2, as it now is. E. GEO. DeLAP, J1STO. T. BUCK, R. B. BRANNTN, Committee. The Grand Chapter was then called from labor to refreshment, until 2 o'clock p. m. Friday, Jan. 19, 1871—2 o'clock p. m. The Grand Chapter was called from labor to refreshment. On motion of Comp. P. M. Savery, the following proposed amend- ments to the Constitution of Grand Chapter were taken from the table : Resolved, That the salary of the Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chapter for the ensuing Masonic year be fixed at the sum of two thousand dollars. Resolved, That for the purpose of providing for the payment of said sal- ary, each Subordinate Chapter within this Grand Jurisdiction shall pay into this Grand Chapter the sum of one dollar for each and every member there- of, in addition to the amount now required by law. Comp. James Watts moved to adopt, upon which motion the vote was taken by Chapters, and decided in the negative. Comp. J. 'L. Power offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Whereas, Article VI of the Constitution of the Grand Chapter fixes the per diem of Representatives at three dollars; and the Grand Chapter having adopted the Report of the Finance Committee, providing four dollars per diem for this Grand Convocation; therefore, Resolved, That in addition to the Constitutional allowance of per diem, each Representative at this Grand Convocation .shall be allowed the addi- tional sum of one dollar per day. Comp. J. E. Rogers voted in the negative, and desired to have his vote so recorded. The special order of the day, being the election of Grand Officers, was then taken up, which resulted in the election of the following Companions : 26 Charles T. Bond. Morris Cook — John Y. Murry. . E. Geo. DeLap .. James B. Cherry A. P. Barry J. L. Power H. Denio A. P. Saunders .. B. B. Paddock. .. T. C. Everett .... John T. Buck J. M. McDonald . W. H. Carkeet. .. .New Albany, . Gallatin G.\ H.*. Priest. D/. G.*. H.\ Priest. Natchez. .Tampico . Grand King. Grand Scribe. Martinsville, .Jackson Vicksburg . Grenada, .Fayette. Valden., Jackson. . .Grand Chaplain. .Grand Treasurer. . .Grand Secretary. .Grand C.*. of II.\ .... Grand P.\S.\ .Grand R.\ A. C.\ i huu MX,'. a. v>. . G/i M.\ 3d V.-. G.\ M.\ 2d V.\ .McDonald's Store .Natchez G.\ M/.lst V.*. Grand Tyler. The Committee on Masonic Law submitted the following report, which was received and adopted: To the M.\ E.'. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: The Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, having had under consideration that portion of the M.*. E.*. G.*. H.\ Priest's Address as relates to Allen Bridges, recommend that, by consent of this Grand Chapter, the Chapter in Louisiana, in whose Jurisdiction he resides, has the consent of this Grand Chapter to heal said Allen Bridges, and, if found worthy, re- ceive him as a member. And we would further report, that all other R.-. A.\ Masons made by Paulding Chapter, No. 26, while in a state of suspen- sion, be held and received as members by Chapters, in whose Jurisdiction they may reside. Your committee further recommend that Comp. J. S. Holloway, of Hunts- ville Chapter, No. 91, who had his leg broke, ^ind failed to meet the Grand Chapter in 1870, be allowed mileage and per diem, as though he was present. Your committee are further of opinion, that no Chapter can be opened or closed unless there be present nine Royal Arch Masons, nor can any Chapter elect officers or ballot for candidates unless there be a like number who shall be members of said Chapter, and that no Chapter can be opened unless one of the three principal officers is present. Your committee are of opinion that the existing laws on the subject of phys- ical disabilities seem to be ample to govern the Subordinate Chapters, and they do not deem it incumbent on them to recommend" any change. In re- gard to the point raised by the M.\ E.\ G.\ H.*. Priest in his Address, in regard to a Master Mason becoming maimed after he became such, your committee recomme'nd that the existing laws shall govern the Chapters. On the subject of printed or written rituals, or the use of keys or "nemon- ics," referred to by the M.\ E.\ G.\ H.*. Priest, your committee cordially concur in the views expressed by him in his Address, and they cannot con- demn in too strong language the use of all written matter, which has been prohibited from time immemorial, in the ritualistic part of the degrees, always excepting such as is monitorial. Your committee have considered the question of continuing a regular meeting of the Subordinate Chapters beyond the day of meeting, and they are of opinion that if the business coming before the Chapter is not com- pleted the first day, it may continue in session from day to day until the regular business is disposed of, and may call from labor to refreshment, or close each day. Your committee would advise the Chapters to act on all petitions, and ballot on them the first day of meeting, as this practice will perhaps secure a more full attendance than on any other day. Your committee recommend that in the Permanent Rules and Regulation', section 34, page 157, Proceedings of 1869, all after the words " said court," in the 4th line, be stricken out. The following questions have been submitted to your committee: "What is the status of a member of a Chapter who demits from a Lodge and continues non-affiliated ? 27 Has a Chapter the right to compel a member to join a Blue Lodge ? In answer to the first question : Your committee are of opinion that the Chapter has no jurisdiction over his relation to the Lodge. He is amenable to the Chapter for unmasonic conduct. 2. The Chapter has no right to compel to join a Blue Lodge. Your committee regret that they have been compelled to decide on the questions submitted to them so hastily, and respectfully suggest that if this report is agreed to, they propose to correct and remodel the points herein presented, and embrace them in a report to the next Annual Grand Con- vocation. Respectfully submitted. J. M. HOWRY, Ch'n. C. T. BOND, WM. S. PATTON, Committee. Comp. B. B. Paddock offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the committee appointed by this Grand Chapter to con- sider the propriety of erecting a Masonic Temple and College, be instructed to confer with the committees from the other Grand Bodies, to the end that the joint committees issue a circular letter to the several subordinate bodies of the State, to ascertain the amount of money that can be raised by each, and to ascertain the amount of donations that will be made by the different places desirous of having the Masonic Temple and College located in their midst. On motion of Comp. C. T. Bond it wras Resolved, That the Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi be instructed not to commission any Companion to teach Royal Arch Ma- sonry, unless he is satisfied that he is in possession of the Work and Lec- tures as adopted by the Grand Chapter. The Committee on Subordinate Chapters presented the following report, which was received and adopted: To the Mr. E.'. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Subordinate Chapters beg leave to submit their report: They have carefully considered the matters submitted to the committee, and the applications to them referred. They find that a number of Chapters have failed to send reports or to pay dues for several years past. Others have failed for the last two years, and several ask for time in which to make payment for the past year. Your committee are of opinion, from all they can learn, that the failure to make returns to this Grand Chapter have been, in a great many instance occasioned by the want of meetings of the Subordinate Chapters. These failures are frequently for want of someone skilled in the Work, to open the Chapter. Your committee hope that, after notice to the Subordinate Chapters, they will settle their indebtedness, and suggest the adoption of the following: Resolved, That all Subordinate Chapters who are in arrears to the Grand Chapter for dues to this Grand Chapter be allowed until the next Grand Annual Convocation, to make settlement with the Grand Secretary. Resolved That any Chapter failing to make settlement with the Grand Secretary by the next Grand Annual Convocation, and which shall be two years in arrears, shall not be permitted to work until such indebtedness shall have been cancelled. 28 Besolved, That the Grand Secretary, as soon after the close of this Grand Convocation as convenient, shall notify all Chapters in arrears of the art op- tion of the above resolution, and request a settlement. Said committee would report that they recommend the following re^olu- tion, being in accordance with the prayer of petitioners: Besolved, That Gallatin Chapter, No. 17, and Hazelhurst Chapter, No. H, be allowed to consolidate said Chapters, as agreed upon by said Chapters; and when so consolidated, be allowed to elect and instal their officers for the remainder of the Masonic year. Besolved, That Gallatin Chapter, No. 17, be authorized to change its place of meeting from Gallatin to Hazlehurst, in same county. Your committee would ask the adoption of the following, being prayed for by the Chapter: Besolved, That Dent H. Miles Chapter, No. 72, be authorized to change the time of the stated Convocations from the 2d Saturday of each month to the first Saturday of each month. Your committee would state that several Chapters have failed to elect or install officers for the year, and ask permission to do so. We recommend the following: Besolved, That the Chapters that failed to elect and install their officers at the regular time of election, are authorized to elect and install their officers the present year, and that they be required to do so, and furnish the names of the officers elected, with their returns, to the Grand Secretary, in time to be printed in the proceedings of this Grand Chapter. We, the committee, further recommend that the prayer of the petitioners of Walker Royal Arch Chapter, No. 28, be granted, and recommend the adoption of the following: ♦ Besolved, That Walker Royal Arch Chapter, No. 28, be and is hereby an- thorized to change the place of meeting from Como, in Panola county, to .Sardis, in said county. Your committee further recommend that- the dues of Tampico Chapter, No. 79, for the year 18G9, be remitted, from the fact that the Representative of said Chapter failed to reach the Grand Chapter at the meeting of their Grand Chapter in 1869, and therefore did not receive his mileage and per diem, which he would have been entitled to. J. WALKER, for Committee. On motion of Comp. Watts, it was Besolved, That the Grand Chapter appropriate and pay to Comp. W. 8. Patton the sum of one hundred dollars, in consideration of the services ren- dered as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence. On motion of Comp. B. B. Paddock, it was Besolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter, and of all Royal Arch Masons within this Jurisdiction, are due and are hereby tendered to E. B. Mayes, the M.\ E.'. Grand High Priest, for the courteous, dignified and im- partial manner in which he has presided over the Craft during the past year. Comp. E. T. Henry, from Special Committee to prepare an expres- sion relative to the death of Comp. Oscar T. Keeler, late Grand Secre- tary, asked leave to prepare the same after the adjournment of the Grand Chapter, and transmit it to the Grand Secretary, which was agreed to. On motion of Comp. A. P. Barry, it was Besolved, That hereafter it shall be the duty of the Finance Committee, when they shall have examined and passed upon the vouchers and papers ot Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, to mark upon them " canceled.1' 29 The Grand Chapter was then called from labor to refreshment, until o'clock p. m. Friday, Jan. 19, 1871—7^ o'clock p. m. The Grand Chapter was called from refreshment to labor. On motion of Comp. DeLap, the sum of ten dollars was allowed the R.\ E. *. Grand Tyler, for his services. Comp. Thomas Hardeman M offered the following, and the same was adopted with a view to its reference to the several Subordinate Chapters: Resolved, That the Constitution of the Grand Chapter he amended as follows: Strike out the words " annual meeting " wherever they occur, and insert the words " biennial meeting " in lieu thereof; provided, however, that the Subordinate Chapters be required to make annual returns and pay dues to the Grand Secretary, as heretofore. On motion, Raymond Chapter, No. 22, was allowed sixty days with- in which to make returns and pay accrued dues to the Grand Chapter. On motion of Comp. Power, it was . Resolved, That Subordinate Chapters be required to pay to the Grand Chapter, on account of each member reinstated, the sum of one dollar for each year of suspension for non-payment of dues. Comp. James Watts, in behalf of the committee to prepare an ex- pression relative to the death of Comp. John W. Timberlake, Past Grand King, asked leave to present the same to the next Annual Con- vocation of the Grand Chapter, which was agreed to. The Committee on Charters and Dispensations submitted the follow- ing report, which was received and adopted : The Committee on Charters and Dispensations beg leave to report that no business having been presented to them for their consideration and action, consequently have nothing to report for the confirmation of this Grand Chapter. D. MITCHELL, for Committee. The various officers elect of the M. *. E. *. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi were then duly installed into their respective offices: The M. •. E. *. Grand High Priest announced the following Standing Committees. Foreign Correspondence—Wm. S. Patton, Meridian; D. Mitchell, Goodman; J. L. Power, Jackson. Masonic Law—T. 1ST. Martin, Houston; Charles T. Murphy, Durant; James Watts, Centre Ridge. 30 No other business appearing, the M. *. E.^. Grand Royal Arch Chap- ter of Mississippi was then closed, in due and Ample Form, after the Throne of Grace had been most fervently addressed by M. *. Rev. Jas. B. Cherry, Grand Chaplain. CHARLES T. BOND, Attest: J. L. Powek, Grand High Priest. Grand Secretary. I hereby certify that the foregoing pages contain a true and perfect record of the Proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mis- sissippi, at its Grand Annual Convocation at Vicksburg, in January, 1871. In Witness Wheeeof, I have hereunto attached my official signature and the Seal of the Grand Chapter, this 5th day of March, 1871. Grand RETURNS OF CHAPTERS. NATCHEZ CHAPTER, No. 1—Natchez, Adams County. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—E. Geo. DeLap, h. p.; R. S. Dixon, k.; H. C. Mayer, s.; Clias. Katze, c. of h.; Samuel Ullman, p. s- Alphonse Bahin, r. a. c. ; Gus. Haase, m. 3d v.; Jas. Dixon, m. 2d v.; Himan Silverberg, m. 1st v.; G.J.Bahin, Treas'r; W. G. Benbrook, Sec'y; W. H. Carkeet, Tyler. Past High Priests—Giles M. Hillyer, p. g. h. p., A. Kendrick, F. F. Fowler, C. F. Merrick, W. H. Stewart. Members—John C. Baker, P. A. Barker, C. W. Belcher, George M. Brown, J. W. Charles, A. Y. Davis, G. I. Dicks, William Dix, C. F. Farrar, J. S. Gay nor, Jas. Hardie, John S. Holt, C. H. Kiem, Q. J. King, J. S. King, M. Lemle, Wm. M. Lee, Gus. Lewis, J. Lengsfield, T. W. Leonard, Simon Mayer, W. T. Martin, S. A. Mason, T. Q. Munce, Adolph Meyer, Zenas Preston, J. Q. Profilet, G. B. Rocca, Henry Ray, Daniel Scarffe, J. H. Sharpe, T. H. L. Smith, John Smythe, D. G. Smythe, J. J. Smokey, Samuel M. Stewart, Benj. Wade. * Exalted—C. H. Hiem, M. Lemle, G. B. Rocca—3. Died—William R. Dicks—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. D. Baker, Henry Ballard, K. A. Buell, W. R. Dix, W. H. Forbes, Thomas Grafton—6. Officers, 1871: Robert S. Dixon H. P. Sam. Ullman K. G. I. Dicks S. E. Geo. DeLap C. of H. H. C. Mayer P. S. Charles Katze R. A. C. Himan Silverberg M. 3d V. W. G. Benbrook M. 2d V. C. H. Keim M.lstV. G. J. Bahin Treasurer. Wm. H. Stewart Secretary. Wm. H. Carkeet Tyler. Dues to Grand Chapter $60 00 CLINTON CHAPTER, No. 2—Port Gibson, Claiborne Connly. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—James A. Gage, ii. p.; Philip Bethea, k.; William B. Fulker- son, s., James Wylie, c. of h.; John A. B. Jones, p. s.; C. H. Barrot, r. a.c.; J. 0. Ingram, m. 3d v.; L. T. Newman, m. 2d v.; J. G. Hastings, Jr., m. 1st v.; John G. Jones, Treasurer; J. L. Foote, Secretary; G. W. Naason, Tyler. Members—J. W. Andrews, Thomas J. Aby, J. E. Barrett, C. G. Chappell. R. F. Gordon, William E. Hall, William P. Hughes, A. J. Lewis, Charles McDougall, William C. McCaleb, John V. McPherson, W. D. Sprott; William McD. Sims, J. H. Vaughan, L. P. Williams—Total, 27. Oeficers, 1871: James A. Gage H. P. Louis T. Newman K. Philip Bethea S. James Wylie C. of H. George W. Naason P. S. C. H. Barrot R- A.C. Dues to the Grand Chapter John G. Hastings, Jr M. 3d V. J.O.Ingram M. 2d V. John G. Jones M. 1st V. William B. Fulkerson Treasurer. J. L. Foote Secretary. C. G. Chappel Tyler. $27 00 32 VICKSMURG CIIAPTEK, No. 3—Viclc«fl>nrg, Wsu-reu €o. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—W. A. Fairchild, h. p.; H. Denio, k.; W. L. Coakley, s.; H. E. O'Reilly, c. of h.; David Rice, p. s., Jacob Strauss, r. a. <\; William Murray, m. 3d v.; D. Campbell, m. 2d v.; S. Srein, m. 1st v.; Alex Kulin, Treasurer; C.E. Thomas, Secretary; F. Wood, Tyler. Past High Priests—E. T. Henry, Thomas J. Harper, B. Springer, E. Oram- mer. Members—Jacob Adler, W. W. Allein, John Allen, M. Bodenheim, E. S. Butts, Thomas J. Baker, M. Brown, T. C. Catchings, W. M. Ckamberlin, W. M. Olagw, A. J. Dirr, M. H. Dixon, Charles Eisleffel, John Flanagan, J. E. Forney^ U. French, William French, Thomas J. Finney, H. H. Goodrum, W. L. Goodrmu, K. Holmes, J. L. Herman, Thomas Hackett, L. Hornthall, H. J. Herrick, A. L. Ja- quith, W. C. Johnson, B. Jones, D. W. Kune, Fred Kaizer, C. S. Ivnapp, L. M. Lowenberg, W. W. Lord, N. Levi, Charles Lehman, Simon Lewis, W. Mol). Meg- get, E. J. McGarr, W. V. McCray, John Murphy, D. N. Moody, J. D. Miles, W. G. Sloore, 0. Matthews, A. M. Paxton, John W. Powell, Frank Piazza, Julius Fold, R. Richardson, Thomas Rigby, David Rigby, F. A. Scanlan, J. Shlenker, E. M. Scott, Philip Spengler, Girard Stites, Amos Tappan, J. F. Templeton, G. P. Tlieo- bald, Theo. Tonnella, W. D.Wilson, L.Weil, A. Winstin, E. W. Wallein, U. P. Wilcox, S. II. Young, Joseph Bazinski—Total, 83. Exalted—T. C. Catchings, J. L. Herman, Charles Lehman, W. McD. Meggett, J. F. Templeton, U. F. Wilcox—G. Affiliated—William French, C. S. Knapp, W. G. Moore—3. Reinstated—William Clague, W. S. Goodrum, B. Jones, R. Holmes, E. M. Scott, F. R. Turley—6. Demitted—W. G. Bender, H. Borden—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—C. B. Buckner, Thomas Kershaw—2. Officers, 1871: John W. Powell H. P. William French K. William Murray M. 3d V. D. Campbell M. 2d V. W. McD. Megget M. 1st V. F. R. Turley... Treasurer. C. E. Thomas Secretary. F. Wood, p. h. p Tyler. Dues to the Grand Chapter $98 00—received $9-5 00 Correction—Companions Jacob Rothschild, William Cox, and J. S. Gram- mer are not accounted for. Their names added, makes correct total 8G, and dues $98 00—G. Sec'y. W. L. Coakley, S. J. F. Templeton C. of H. W. M. Chamberlin P. S. Jacob Strauss R. A. C. COLUMBUS CBIA5»TEI8, No, 1—Colmmlms, Lowndes €o. Regular Convocations, 2d Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—George T. Stainback, ii. p.; Ira M. Boswell, k.; N. E. Good- win, s.; L. L. Goodrich, c. of h.; Nelson Reynolds, p. £.; William A. Moore, k. a. o.; Alexander Poleman, m. 3d v.; S. C. Munger, m. 2d v.; R. L. Morris, m. 1st v.; Gid Warren Cox, Treasurer; L. M. Tucker, Secretary; Edward F. Kemp, Tyler. Members—A. H. Barkley, S. A. Brown, William Cacly, Thomas Christian. Jas. II. Curtis, E. C. Eggleston, George Frazee, A. S. Humphries, W. W. Humphries, Sr., Joseph E. Harvey, A. W. Kidd, John P. Krecker, R. E. Lanier, Joseph E. Leigh, B. F. Larrabee, C. Lee Lincoln,J S. M. Meek, John N. Mullin, F. M. Me- Cabe, James W. Pro-well, D. D. L. Quinn, A. G. Ramsey, Gabriel Shirley, Wm. T. Symons, Joseph H. Stevens, James Whitfield, Jones L.IVilliams—Total, 38. Exalted—Joseph H. Stevens, C. Lee Lincoln, A. G. Ramsey—3. Affiliated—B. F. Larrabee, D. D. L. Quinn—2. Demitted—William Henry Cook, Stephen S.John—2. Died—O. T. Keeler, J. M. Knapp—2. 33 Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—George C. Brown, Arthur C. Halbert, G. T. Myrick, Milton Odeneal, A. C. Oxford, Alfred Saville—6. Dues to the Grand Chapter $48 00—received $45 00 Officers, 1871: G. T. Stainback H. P. Nelson Reynolds K. Alexander Poleman S. R. L. Morris C. of H. N. E. Goodwin P. S. "William A. Moore R. A. C. Joseph E. Leigh M. 3d V. S. C. Munger M. 2d V. C. Lee Lincoln M. 1st Y. Gid Warren Cox Treasurer. Joseph H. Stevens Secretary. Edward F. Kemp Tyler. Correction—Thomas E. Cannon, Robert F. Matthews, and Henry E. Cox, in membership last report, are not accounted for. Their names added, makes cor- rect total 42, and dues $48 00. Stephen J. John, demitted, not being in member- ship last report, this return should have stated he had since obtained member- ship in the Chapter.—G. Sec'y. WILSOA CHAPTER, No. 5—Holly Springs, Marshall Co. Regular Convocation, 2d Tuesday in each month. Officers, 1870—E. M. Upshaw, h. p.; B. D. Mathews, k.; J. P. Norfleet, s.; H. Falconer, c. of h.; H. Winborne, p. s.; R. S. Stith, r. a. c.; C. Reed, m. 3d v.; W. M. Compton, m. 2d v.; J. J. Gately, m. 1st v.; U. H. Ross, Treasurer; W. H. Bishop, Secretary; N. B. Munn, Tyler. Members—L. C. Abbott, J. H. Anderson, J. B. Armstead, W. L. Bledsoe, A. M. Barrington, H. C.,Corey, W. R. Cox, W. W. Clayton, Wm. Clark, A. Cunning- ham, S. E. Carey, W. Caldwell, T. M. Ferrell, J. M. Farrington, T. A. Falconer, S. Frank, J. T. Fant, R. M. Glover, Thos. Gregg, Stephen Gregg, W. L. Jones, C. Julian, J. C. Levy, Edward Lea, W. E. Miller, J. S. McRaven, R. McGowan, T. J. Manuel, A. C. McKissack, H. P. Megginson, J. R. McCarrol, J. H. McClauchey, T. B. Barker, S. Werner, R. B. West, W. W. Wallace, H. W. Waller, P. A. Willis, E. J. Wilkerson—Total, 51. Exalted—H. C. Corey, W. R. Cox, W. E. Miller—3. Affiliated—L. C. Abbott, T. B. Parker—2. Died—John McGuirk, Columbus Barrett—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $57 00—received $58 00 Officers, 1871: H. H. Field H. P. E. W. Upshaw K. W. L. Bledsoe S. James T. Fant C. of H. I. C. Levy P. S. E. J. Wilkerson R. A. C. W. E. Miller M. 3d V. L. C. Abbott M. 2d V. Clement Read M. 1st V. J. J. Gately Treasurer. H. C. Corey Secretary. T. B. Parker Tyler. JACKSON CHAPTER, No. 6—Jackson, Hinds County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers 1870—John T. Buck, h. p.; John Nelson, k.; I. F. Harrington, s.; R. n Hardv c. of h.; Jas. R. Yerger, p. s.: Isydore Strauss, r. a. c.; D. P. Porter, M 3d v * H C. Taplev, m. 2d v,; Henry Strauss, m. 1st v.; H. M.Taylor, Treas'r; Edward' Steinberg, Secretary; Henry Levi, Tyler. Past High Priest—Thomas Palmer. Mttmbfrs—Matt. F. Ash, S. P. Baley, P. T. Baley, E. Bloom, John W. Burnett1 Wm J Brown, Sr., Wm. Brown, Jr., Harris Baicksdale, W. C. Crane, B. F. 3 34 Comfort, Oliver Clifton, John M. Cain, Robert Bradley, Robert M. Davidson, John hn H. Echols, Wm. Evans, George S. Green, John A. Galbreath, Jr., William M. Gillaspie, James A. Horne, A. J. Herrod, B. G, Humphreys, E. F. Hatch, J. A. Hackett, B. F. Hull, Christopher Johnson, William H. Johnston, George Lemmon, B. T. Ligon, John Martz, Carter H. Moore, R. F. McGill, Cnarles McDonnell, Austin Neeley, T. N. Norrell, J. L. Power, A. Robbins, Solomon Schwartz, George A. Smythe, R. L. .Saunders, W. J. Seaman, Wm. B. Taylor, W. L. Ware, B. H. Whitfield, George S. Yerger, S. Zehnder—Total, 59. Exalted—P. T. Baley, Harris Barksdale, Wm. J. Brown, Jr., J. A. Cooper, John M. Cain, Oliver Clifton, John A. Galbreath, Jr., George S. Green, William M. Gillaspie, E. F. Hatch. B. F. Hull, J. A. Hackett, J. M. Phillips, R. L. Saun- ders, W. J. Seaman, F. J. Woodson, B. II. Whitfield, Geo. S. Yerger—18. Affiliated—Austin Neeley—1. Reinstated—George A. Smythe—1. Demitted—J. A. Cooper, William French, C. S. Knapp, William B. Lewis, J. M. Phillips, Jacob Ries—6. Died—W. D. Christman—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—Heiman Hilzheim, Howell Hobbs, A. Wizell-4. Dues to Grand Chapter $95 50—received $94 00 Officers, 1871: John T. Buck H. P. Isydore Strauss K. Oliver Clifton S. R.D. Hardy C. of H. J. A. Hackett P. S. Robert Bradley R. A. C. John A. Galbreath M. 3d V. George S. Green M. 3d V. Henry Strauss M.lstV. H. M. Taylor Treasurer. Edward Steinberg Secretary. J. M. Cain Tyler. MAGNOEIA, CHAPTER, No. 7—Brownsville, Hinds County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—Winthrop S. Elkins, h. p.; J. J. Birdsong, k ; J. D. McConnel, s.; Theo. Lamb, c. of h.; M. T. Anderson, p. s.; Munro Hamberlin, r. a. c.; Wil- son H. Trotter, m. 3d v.; J. A. Glover, m. 2d v.; John G. Sparrow, m. 1st v.; G. J. Hulmn, Treasurer; J. B. Robertson, Secretary; John Lorance, Tyler. Members—A. B. Cates, Hezzie Casper, John Cavalier, J. T. Cable, T. C. Eng- land, G. W. Farr, J. W. Finley, J. J. Gold, G. W. Hall, William Klingman, T. A. Mellon, W. T. McClatchy, J. H. McDowell, Charles Roberts, H. T. Sandidge, Tom Taylor, B. W. Trotter, B. R. Wells—Total, 30., Dues to the Grand Chapter $30 00 Officers, 1871: J. J. Birdsong H. P. M. T. Anderson K. G. J. Hulmn S. J. G. Sarrow C. of H. J. H. McDowell P. S. M. Hamberlin R. A. C. J. A. Glover M. 3d V. B. W. Trotter M. 2d V. W. H. Trotter M.lstV. W. T. Elkins Treasurer. J. B. Robertson Secretary. John Lorance Tyler. YAZOO CHAPTER, No. 8—Yazoo, Yazoo County. Regular Convocations, 3d Monday in each month. Officers, 1870—Henry B. Kidd, h. p.; John O. Hunter, k.; Joshua T. Russell, s.; Robert C. Shepherd, c. of h.; Robert B. Mayes, p. s.; Emile Schaefer, R. A. c.; Richard L. Dunn, m. 3d v.; J. O. Mobley, m. 2d v.- William G. Delesdernier, M.lst v.; Henry C. Tyler, Treasurer; W. C. Williams, Secretary; Peter Lander, Tyler. 35 Members—Robert Bowman, Andrew J. Collins, Robert E. Craig, Martin Fri- ley, Francis Garey, Hiram Harrison, Henry Haider, John T. Heth, Isaac H. Hun- ter, M. A. Jenkins, Seth H. Kellogg, David Dunn, L. McLauren, W. W. Mangum, J. W. Purvis, Abe Rosenthal, J. N. Ratcliffe, Gustave Stern, Harmon White, Charles Wesling, John C. Young—Total, 33. Exalted—Robt. E. Craig, David J. Dunn, Henry Haider, William W. Mangum, Gustave Stern, Charles Wesling—6. Affiliated—L. McLauren—1. Reinstated—Robert Bowman, L. D. Langford, Morris Reiman—3. Demitted—W. S. Epperson, S. T. Massey, E. H. Monger, L. D. Langford, Mor- ris Reiman—5. Died—J. H. Wilson, R. F. Johnson—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—F. M. Battaile, John P. Richards, Charles Swaine, E. F. Straine, James D. Taylor, Robert Pierce—7. Dues to the Grand Chapter $45 00—received $44 00 Officers, 1871: H. B. Kidd H. P. John 0. Hunter K. Robert E. Craig S. JohnT. Heth. C.ofH. Richard L. Dunn P. S. William W. Mangum R. A. C. Charles Wesling M. 3d V. Henry Haider M. 2d V. W. G. Delesdernier M. 1st V. H. C. Tyler Treasurer. W. C. Williams Secretary. Peter Lander Tyler. ;LI2XlWGTOW CHAPTER, Wo. 9—ILeximgtoii, Holmes Co. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—John C. Birkhead, h. p.; William A. McMillian, k.; B. M. Sheehy, s.; C. Oltenberg, c. of h.; G. W. Cole, p. s.; William F. Cole, R. a. c.; P. M. M. Alexander, m. 3d v.; T. S. Wright, m. 2d v.; W. D. Johnson, m. 1st v.; M. Levy, Treasurer; J. Marlow, Secretary; Sol. Southeimer, Tyler. Members—Robert Baker, T. T. Bates, William H. Dyson, A. M. Green, J. W. Grace, F. A. Howell, F. C. Mercer, Abram Schield, Jacob Southeimer, N. E. Whitehead, John M. Sargent—Total, 24. Fxalted—N. E. Whitehead, Robert Baker, T. T. Bates—3. Died—William C. Harrington—1. Dues to the Grand Chapter $30 00 Officers, 1871: M. Levy M. 3d V. W.F.Cole M. 2d V. F. C. Mercer M. 1st V. J. M. Sargent Treasurer. J. Marlow Secretary. B. M. Sheehy Tyler. John C. Birkhead H. P. W. A. McMillian K. N. E. Whitehead S. C. Oltenberg C. of H. Robert Baker P. S. T. T. Bates R. A. C. CAWTOW CHAPTER, Wo. 10—Canton, Madison County. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. M. Lewis, h. p.; George R. Fearn, k.; A. M. Gurley, s.; Jas. W. Banghn, c. of h.; John W. Yeargen, p. s.; Ansel Karpe, r. a. c.; D. C. Lan- de'rs, m. 3d v.; Joseph Hart, m. 2d v.; Samuel S. Shipp, m. 1st v.; Morris Bloom- field' Treasurer; Charles L. Gross, Secretary; Samuel f! Witherspoon, Tyler, 36 Members—W. S. Bailey, F. M. Baldwin, Malcolm Cameron, A. H. Cage, John F. Cameron, W. H. Cassell, L. B. Coffee, John C. Cameron, W. E. Dancey, K. C. Divine, C. H. Dinkins, George Ernst, C. B. Galloway, Duncan C. Green, John Handy, T. L. Holliday, M. B. Hesdorffer, Moses Joel, A. Macfarlane, J. H. Mon- fort, T. J. Priestly, William Priestly, J. R. Powell, J. J. Richards, R. C. Sanders, W. B. Stinson, V. Werner, W. J. Cameron—Total, 40. Exalted—T. C. Holliday, W. B. Stinson, D. C. Green, M. B. Hesdorffer, Moses Joel, George Ernst—6. Affiliated—Yal. Werner, L. B. Coffee—2. Demitted—Gus. Wang, T. J. Drane, George H. Tichenor, A. Marshall, A. H. Bilboe, D. E. Burns (since died), George Moorman—7. Died—W. J. Williams—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. N. Archer, Jeseph R. Davis, R. M. Davis, John Dawson, T. T. Dew, C. L. Gilmer, James L. Meek, J. Q. Montgomery, M. J. McKee, Charles C. Shackelford, Noah H. Thompson, William Vincents, W. P. Wallace, C. W. Wood, T. J. Smith—15. Dues to the Grand Chapter $53 00—received $52 00 Officers, 1871: J. M. Lewis II. P. J. T. Cameron K. A. M. Gurley S. W. J. Cameron C. of H. J. W. Baughn M. 3d V. A. Karpe M. 2d V. S. C. Witherspoon M. 1st V. M. B. Hesdorffer Treasurer. C. L. Gross Secretary. V. Werner....: Tyler. Note.—Comp. C. Adams is not accounted for. Correct total is 41.—G. Sec't. J. W. Yeargen P. S. S. S. Shipp R. A. C. MACON CHAPTER, No. 11—Macon, Noxubee County. Regular Convocations, 3d Monday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. H. Mitchell, h. p.; J. C. Williams, k.; William Graham, s.; L. Holbery, c. of h.; J. J. Beauchamp, p. s.; M. B. Edwards r. a. c., C. Baker, m. 3d v.; J. Holbery, m. 2d v.; F. E. Carleton, m. 1st v.; W. F. Eiland, Treasurer; R. E. V. Yates, Secretary; F. M. Sargent, Tyler. Members—C. M. Boyce, G. M. Dillard, H. C. Harris, C. B. Ames, G. W. Clem- ent, E. H. Cogburn, N. M. Gooch—Total, 19. Reinstated—N. M. Gooch—1. Died—Randall Sherrod, H. Dent—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—Jesse Blythe, E. Dismukes, John Cochrane, E. P. Davis, Jesse Morton, W. N. Haynes, Jacob H. Pierce—7. Dues to the Grand Chapter : $19 00—received $18 00 Officers, 1871: (None elected.) HeWITT^CLINTON CHAPTER, Wo. 12—Grenada, Grenada County. Regular Convocations, 1st Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. Coffman, h. p.; Thomas Hardeman, k.; W. B. May, s.; J. G. Gibbs, c. of h.; C. W. Hughes, p. s.; E. L. Hardeman, r. a. c.; Terrell Rose, m. 3d v.j O. B. Rollins, M. 2d v.; J. B. Heath, m. 1st v.; Jacob Poitevent, Treasurer; R. High gate, Secretary; A, P. Sanders, Tyler. 37 Members—R. S. Bowles, W. C. Chamberlain, James Eblin, John Moore, James Hunter, J. S. Payne, Meyer Wile, J. L. Milton, G. W. Williamson, C. C. Glover, W. H. Meador, J. J. Baker, C. T. Wood, F. A. Martin, S. S. Angevine, W. V. Rich- ards, H. C. Ward, W. T. Savage, A. J. Baker, J. A. Binford, T. R. Trotter, J. M. Knox, R. R. Perry, J. B. Crowder—Total, 36. Exalted—W. V. Richards, H. C. Ward, W. T. Savage, A. J. Baker, J. A. Bin- ford, T. R. Trotter, J. M. Knox, R. R. Perry, J. B. Crowder—9. Affiliated—J. L. Milton—1. Reinstated—C. C. Glover, G. W. Williamson—2. Died—James Sims—1. Dues to the Grand Chapter $54 00 Officers, 1871: Thomas Hardeman H. P. W. B. May K. Terrell Ros.e S. C. L. Hardeman . C. of H. E. W. Hughes P. S. R. Highgate R. A. C. J. M. Knox M. 3d V. J. B. Crowder M. 2d V. A. J. Baker M. 1st V. Jacob Poitevent Treasurer. S. S. Angevine Secretary. A. P. Sanders Tyler. EUPHEMIA CHAPTER, IVo, 13—Aberdeen, Monroe County. Regular Convocations, on Wednesday after 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. B. Rrannin, h. p. ; J. M. Green, k. ; , s.; W. S. Vestal, c. of h.; J. W. Walker, p. s.; C. Love, R. a. c.; G.W.Cook, m. 3d v.; Jacob Gtatman, m. 2d v.; Sidney Randle, m. 1st v.; II. D. Spratt, Treasurer; M. Weiler, Secretary; A. R. Webb, Tyler. Members—S. G. Beckham, P. C. Candidus, S. A. Dalton, I. G. Holloway, J. T. Lowe, S. G. McKinney, James Oldshue, A. S. M. Sadler, S. D. Stegall, John B. Sale, W. J. Stephenson—Total, 22. Affiliated—W. J. Stevenson—1. Demitted—Wright Cunningham, John T. Moore, James A. Thompson—3. Died—J. W. Timberlake, p. ii. p.—1. Suspended—Thomas H. Hunt, W. L. Battle—2. Dues to Grand Chapter ; $22 00—received $21 00 Officers, 1871: R. B. Brannin H. P. J. T. Lowe K. S. A. Dalton iVTu W. S. Vestal C. of H. J. W. Walker C. Love K. A. C. •G. W.Cook M. 3d V. Jacob Gattman M. 2d V. Wm. J. Stevenson M.lstV. H. D. Spratt Treasurer. M. Weiler Secretary. A. R. Webb Tyler. FAAETTE CHAPTER, TVo. 14—Fayette, Jefferson County. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—B. B. Paddock, h. p.; M. Eiseman, k.; R.W.Campbell, s.; William Thompson, c. of h. ; Thomas J. Key, p. s. ; Thomas Davenport, r. a. c. ; 38 P. Krauss, m. 3d v.; N. L. Guice, m. 2d v.: J. M. Lowe, m. 1st v.; M. Rubel, Treasurer; Henry Key, Secretary; James McClure, Tyler. Members—Isaac W. Burcb, T. C. Brown, Robert Davenport, John Ducker, John B. Fleming, S. P. Gilbert, T. J. Moore, J. J. Powell, J. M. Ritchie, A. J. Scott, S. W. Scott, M. W. Trimble—Total, 22. Demitted—W. F. Glenn, W. L. Harper—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—S. D. Bullen, W. M. Bullen, A. J. Dar- den, M. C. Dixon, G. W. Shackelford—5. Dues to Grand Chapter $29 00—received $24 00 Officers, 1871: H. P. M. Eiseman K. Thomas Davenport S. William Thompson *. C. of H. T.J. Key P, S. R. A. C. N. L. Guice M. 3d V. H.)B. McClure M. 2d Y. James McClure M.lstV. M. Rubel Treasurer. Henry Key Secretary. Tyler. Corrections—Companions Ely R. Jones, Simon Lehman, Henry B. McClure, E. Scarif and J. W. Moore are dropped from roll of members for 1870, without ex- planation. Their names added, makes the correct total 29. T. J. Moore and J. M. Lowe have been added to roll since last report. Secretary should have stated how they obtained membership.—G. Sec'y. CARROLLTO^ CHAPTER, Wo. IS—Carrollton, Carroll Co. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—A.M.Nelson, h. p. ; W. M. Stansbury, k. ; William Ray, s.; Samuel Moore, c. of h. ; Samuel Hart, p. h. p., p. s.; J. A. J. Askew, r. a. c.; B. R. Mayes, m. 3d v.; Jonathan Durdin, m. 2d v.; T. J. Johnson, m. 1st v.; 0. L. Kim- brough, Treasurer; Benjamin Roach, Seeretary; Peter W. Johnston, Tyler. Past Grand High Priest—William Cothran. Members—Robert L. Bingham, W. H. Curtis, N. A. Clark, M. S. Catron, G. S. Fost, B. Holt, Charles Hill, T. T. Kimbrough, M. M. Liddell, Aaron Lott, John P. Marshall, Pearson Money, T. H. Mathews, Peter McCaskill, Daniel McLeod, J. R. Shackelford, A. G. Smith, John T. Stanford, Stephen Thompson, John L. Fustin— Total, 33. Reinstated—Allen Tye, Thomas D. Smith—2. Demitted—Allen Tye, T. D. Smith, Robert Ettenger, Jos. B. Ettenger, A. A. Stoddard, W. A. Gillespie—6. Suspended—W. F Lipsey, A. J. Johnson, G. N. Smith—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $34 00—received $33 00 Officers, 1871: J. A. J. Askew H. P. W. M. Stansbury K. William Ray S. Samuel Moore C. of H. A. M. Nelson P. S. T. J. Johnson,.., p. h. p., R. A. C. R. L. Bingham M. 3d V. Jonathan Durdin M. 2d V. Aaron Lott M.lstV. 0. L. Kimbrough Treasurer. Benjamin Roach Secretary. Peter W. Johnston Tyler. Correction.—Companion W. C. Eskridge is not accounted for. His name added, makes the correct total 34.—G. Sec'y. 39 GALLATIN CHAPTER, No. 17—Gallatin, Copiah County. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—A. P. Barry, n. p.; George Bea, k.; Morris Cook, s.; Josiah Hester, c. of h. ; M. J. Howard, p. s.; Samuel Wilson, r. a. c.: J. H. McElwee, m. 3d v.; J. D. Howard, m. 2d v.; G. D. Lowe, m. 1st v.; Thos. M. Rea, Treasurer; W. J. Rea, Secretary; (not a member,) Tyler. Members.—H. G. Alford, D. K. Coor, W. M. Haley, S. II. Johnson, W. T. Lam- bright, B. F. Martin, W. P. Poole, A. L. Potter, J. P. Rembert, J.H. Starnes, S. S. Starnes, W. C. Weeks—Total, 24. Reinstated—J. H. Starnes, Andy Ray—2. Demitted—Andy Ray—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—A. L. Allison, S. P. Beacham, L. F. Birdsong, W. M. Crawford, R. K. Coor, J. B. Jones—6. Dues to Grand Chapter $23 00 Officers, 1871: A. P. Barry H. P. George Rea K. Morris Cook S. Josiah Hester C. of H. M. J. Howard..; P. S. Samuel Wilson R. A. C. J. H. McElwee M. 3d V. J. D. Howard M. 2d V. G. D. Lowe M. 1st V. Thomas M. Rea '.... Treasurer. W. J. Rea Secretary. (Not a member) Tyler. KOSCIUSKO CHAPTER, No. SO—Kosciusko, Attain County. Regular Convocations, on Monday night on or after Full Moon of each month. Officers, 1870—D. L. Smythe, h. p. ; S. T. Oldham, k. ; J. H. Alexander, s • M. A. Clark, c. of h. ; Isaac A. Herring, p. s.; J. M. Charpings, r. a. c. ; David Carr, m. 3d v.; J. C. Lucas, m. 2d v.; J. D. Rimmer, m. 1st v.; James N. Taylor, Treas'r; Sam. Young, Secretary; W. G. Aston, Tyler. Members—Richard Bullock, Benjamin A. Clark, J. K. Coffey, James Chesnut, A. F. Dotson, William Dodd, Marshall H. Gregory, George W. Galloway, Rica'd Henry, N. T. Hanna, George J. Hanna, John P. Irving, Henry Jamison, F. H. Jennings, Asa M. Keeth, Wm. E. Meek, Chas. F. Oldecopp, Stephen P.r Rimmer, John Riley, William F. Rimmer, Isaac W. Scarborough, John W. Scarborough, Lazarus Simon, James G. Sallis, Jos. R. Shrock, Reuben C. Stewart, William B. Thompson, Lamkin S. Terry, Robert B. Webb, Stokely White—Total, 42. Reinstated—Stokely White, R. C. Stewart, Benj. A. Clark—3 Demitted—Seaborn J. Durham, Louis Glazier, John J. Roberts—3. Suspended (for non-payment of duos)—Henry T. Burnley, A. J. Boyd, Jacob Chesnut, L. D. Fletcher, Jas. H. Gilliland, Malachi Roby, T. A. Tarbert, F. Zolli- coffer—8. Dues to Grand Chapter $45 00—received $42 00 * John Riley, (elect,) H. P. M. A. Clark K. J. H. Alexander S. Robert B. Webb C. of H. Isaac A. Herring -...P. b. David Carr R. A. C. J. C. Lucas M. 3d V. J. N.Taylor M.2d V. Jas. D. Rimmer M.lstV. D. L. Smythe Treasurer. Geo. W. Galloway Secretary. C. F. Oldecopp Tyler. * Declined to be installed. Comp'n Smythe holds over as H.\ P.*,—G. Sec'y. Correction—Companions S. J. Durham, William Allen and C. H. Dobbs, in membership last report, are not accounted for. Their names added, makes cor- rect total 45. George W. Galloway appears in roll, for first time, without ex- nlanation. Seven of the fifteen names reported as " Suspended for non-payment of dues " had been previously so reported, and are hence omitted by—G. Sec'y, 40 (tUITMAI* CHAPTER, Wo. 21—Hernando, HeSoto County. Regular Convocations, 3d Wednesday in each month. Officers, 1870—j. 0. Lusher, h. p.; R. T. Sanders, k.; A. W. Smith, s.; J. W. Hanes, c. of h.; L. H. Hall, p. s.; W. A. Boon, r. a. c.; J. B. Sanders, m. 3d v.; D. M. Slocum, m. 2d v.; C.P.Oakley, m. 1st v.; R. Temple, Treasurer; R. F. Cook, Secretary; J. D. Nichols, Tyler. Members—T. Y. Coffey, I. C. Dodds, R. E. Doggett, J. B. Morgan, J. T. Moseley, J. S. Oliver—Total, 18. Died—Seth Wollard—1. Due to Grand Chapter -. $17 00 Officers, 1871: J. O. Lusher H. P. R. T. Sanders K. A. W. Smith S. J. W. Hanes C. of H. L. H. Hall P.,S. W. A. Boon R. A. C. J. B. Sanders M. 3d V. D. M. Slocum M. 2d Y. C. P. Oakley M.lst Y. R. Temple Treasurer. R.. E. Cook Secretary. J. D. Nichols Tyler. HOUSTON, CHAPTER, Wo. 23—Houston, Chickasaw Co. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—T. N. Martin, h. p.; Littleton Hill, k.; Isaac Paulk, s., W. W. Wood, c. of h.; R. P. Mitchell, p. s.; James E. Miller, r. a. c.; A. A.Parke, m. 3d v.; J. R. Smith, m. 2d v.; William Hil!, m. 1st v.; D. K. Woodall, Treasurer; J. A. Purkey, Secretary; P. C. Steger, Tyler. Members—D. C. Ausley, Absalom Barton, William Barton, R. N. Dominick, James T. Doss, William Ellis, B. F. Fitzpatrick, Z. K. Flynn, C. C. Gray, J. T. Griffin, William T. Harland, Warren Harrill, Thomas Hague, James L. S. Hill, F. M. James, J. R. Mcintosh, James Martin, B. F. Owen, Thomas U. Pearsall, L. A. Porter, John D. Smith, John Smith, C. E. Taft, R. W. Thompson, W. L. Walker, Samuel C. Williams, J. M. Woodall, F. G. Wood, A. G. Wood—Total, 41. Demitted—B. F. Hargraves, Simon Myers—2. Dues to the Grand Chapter $42 00—received $41 00 Officers, 1871: F. M. James M. 3d V. James E. Miller M. 2d V. William Ellis M. 1st V. D. K. Woodall Treasurer. J. A. Purkey Secretary. P. C. Steger Tyler. Note.—Comp. Allen White, not accounted for, is added. Correct total, 42.— G. Sec'y. T. N. Martin H. P. Littleton Hill K. Isaac Paulk S. W. W. Wood C. of H. R. P. Mitehell P. S. J. M. Woodall R. A. C. WAYWE CHAPTER, Wo. 24-Shul)uta, Clark County. Regular Convocations, 2d Monday night in each month. Officers, 1870—Peter Parker, h. p.; John F. McCormick, k.; Wilson West, s.; Clement L.Watson, c. of n.; David R. Red, p, s.; Jesse W. Lankford, r. a. c.; Morris Greenhood, m. 3d v.; Solomon Myer, m. 2d v.; John F. Wilson, m. 1st v.; James Turner, Treasurer; William J. Minor, Secretary; Thomas G. Sullivan, Tyler. 41 Members—G. C. Bandy, C. F. Goodwin, James A. Heard, James Leget, John M. Brown, John W. Collins, John M. Flood, Angus McDonald, Darius S. Welch, Robert Collins—Total, 22. Exalted—William J. Minor, John F. Wilson, Wilson West—3. Affiliated—John F. McCormick—9. Reinstated—James Turner—1. Demitted—John B. Hawley—1. Dues to the Grand Chapter $24 00—received $23 00 Officers, 1871: (None reported.) MERIDIAN CHAPTER, No. 25—Meridian, Lauderdale Co. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—(Dead) h. p.; Lee Shackelford, k.; J. T. Taylor, s.; A. G. Friedeitce, c. of h.; R. Y. Chadwick, p. s.; D. Rosenbaum, r. a. c.; D. C. Smith,' m. 3d v.; J. H. Gibbs, m. 2d v.; James Eakins, m. 1st v.; John Armstrong, Treas- urer. J. R. Smith, Secretary; James Welch, Tyler. Members—A. L. Burwell, James Holbrook, W. G. Jones, R. E. Harris, N. Feibleman, W. C. Ford, B. T. Bush, Thomas Sullivan, C. H. Williams, A. Wolf, W. H. White, J. W. Young—Total, 24. Affiliated—N. Feibleman, A. Wolf—2. Demitted—James Watts, p. h. p., O. P. Thomas—2. Suspended—G. M. Shedd, S. K. Smith, A. E. Mason, J. Levy, A. J. Puekett, A. Calvert—6. Dues to the Grand Chapter $24 00 Officers, 1871: A. Wolf. H. P. John Armstrong K. J. T. Taylor S. A. G. Friederitce C. of H. R. Y. Chadwick P. S. J. H. Gibbs R.A.C. J.R. Smith M. 3d Y. A. L. Burwell M. 2d V. C. H. Williams M. IstV. D. Rosenbaum Treasurer. D. C. Smith Secretary. James Welch Tyler. OKOLONA CHAPTER, No. 27—Oltolona, Chickasaw Co. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—John S. Cain, h. p.; Anzi Babbitt, k.; H. L. Hill, s.; Charles N. Simpson, c. of h.; J. A. Loughridge, p. s.; John McCurley, r. a. c.; S. W. Townsend, m. 3d v.; J. H. Tucker, m.2d v.; W. M. Buchanan, m. 1st v.; W. G. Arnold, Treasurer; W. A. Bodenhamer, Secretary; J. H. Mauldin, Tyler. Past High Priest—Joseph Betmy. Members—J. D. Blumenthal, A. D. Brooks, W. D. Carr, W. H. D. Crawford, G. G. Horton, William E. Knox, J. R. Mcintosh, J. W. Miller, C. J. Moore, J. R. Non, W. M. Penny, A. Pollard, C. Pollard. H. Rafalsky, T. W. Williams, J. R. Wren— Total, 29. Exalted—J. D. Blumenthal, G. G. Horton, H. Rafalsky—3. Affiliated—W. D. Carr, J. R. Mcintosh (4—see Note.) Demitted—E. B. Buckingham—1. Expelled—A. J. Williams—1. 42 Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—James Betts, A. Buford, H. H. Gray, J. A. Rodgers—A Dues to Grand Chapter $35 00 Officers, 1871: H. P. K. Oscar Pollard M. 3d V. W. M. Buchanan M. 2d V. H. Rafalsky M. IstV. William D. Carr Treasurer. W. A. Bodenhamer Secretary. J. H. Mauldin Tyler. Note.—Secretary should have stated how Companions Oscar Pollard and T. W. Williams obtained membership since last report, in which their names do not appear. It is presumed they affiliated.—G. Sec'y. John S. Cain T. W. Williams John McCurley S. Charles N. Simpson C. of H. Amzi Babbitt P. S. James R. Non R. A. C. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, No. 39—Cayuga, Ctica, Post Office, Hinds County. Regular Convocations, 2d Wednesday in each month. Officers, 1870—Samuel McClellan, h. p.; William M. Wells, k.; Joseph Regan, s.; William D. McClellan, c, of h.; Samuel Hutchins.Jp. s.; C. P. Vaughn, r. a. c.; William J. Lum, m. 3d v.; Thomas J. Hutchins, m. 2d v.; James E. W. Cook, m. 1st v.; James May, Treasurer; Hayward Foote, Secretary; William Taylor, Tyler. Members—William J. Allen, Thomas W. Brown, J. H. Campbell, J. C. Chap- pell, Samuel E. Dudley, John Fisher, Middleton Ford, S. G. Relker, Jacob Mack, William McPherson, Jos. Jacobs, D. A. J. Parker, C. R. Regan, Lorenzo White, Robert White, L. D. Yates—Total, 28. Exalted—Jos. Jacobs, William McPherson, C. R. Regan, Robert White, Eph- raim Wills—5. Affiliated—William J. Allen—1. Died—Ephraim Wills—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues—D. J. Hartzhog, L, G. Johnston, W. W. Johnston, H. J. Sarrett, William C. Terrill—5. Dues to the Grand Chapter $38 00—received $39 00 Officfrs, 1871: Samuel McClellan H. P. William M.^Wells K. Jos. Regan S. S. G. Relker C. of H. Samuel Hutchins P. S. T. J. Hutchins R. A. C. James E. W. Cook M. 3d V. James May M. 2d V. William D. McClellan M.IstV. James C. Ross Treasurer. Hayward Foote Secretary. William Taylor Tyler. SHONGAE© CHAPTER, No. SO—Vaiden, Carroll County. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—T. C. Everett, h. p.; S. C. Bains, k.; J. L. Anderson, s.; J. A. Applewhite, c. of n.; T. C. Harris, p. s.; T. B. Kenedy, r. a. c.; S. Lichenstein, m. 3d v.; S. R. Sproles, m. 2d v.; G. W. Jernigan, m. 1st v.; R. C. Wilson, Treas- urer; S. N. Ely, Secretary; Daniel Adair, Tyler. 43 Members—James Applewhite, Zach Blackmail, Henry Blackman, A. H. Brantly, W. F. Brantly, D. H. Cohran, J. M. Cross, Ben. Forscheimer, T. J. Fulli- love, J. T. Harris, J. H. Haslet; D. W. Humphries, Frank Hawkins, J. B. Dunn, W. S. Myers, W. W. Phillips, Z. Oldham, J. M. Ship, T. C. Ship, A. J. Sanderson, J. J. Tate, W. E. Whittle, A. Wilshire, J. W. Lowery, E. B. Gordon, W. D. Brock, John A. Webb, R. S. Allen—Total, 40. Exalted—E. B. Gordon, W. D. Brock, J. A. Webb—3. Affiliated—J. W. Lowery, J. M. Cross—2. Reinstated—J. J. Tate, Z. Oldham, J. B. Dunn, Frank Hawkins—3. Demitted—John H. Carter, H. P. Turner, E. J. Marshall—3. Died—W. F. Brantly—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—Wiley Kelly, E. L. Wood, J. D. Poin- dexter, Luke Wimberly, John W. Hatcher, Allen Griffin, John S. Wood—8. Dues to the Gaand Chapter $46 00 Officers, 1871: T. C. Everett H. P. S. C. Bains ... K. E. B. Gordon S. J. A. Applewhite C. of H. T. C. Harris P. S. G. W. Jernigan R. A. C. S. Lichenstein M. 3d V. S. R. Sproles M. 2d Y. Ben. Forscheimer M. 1st V. R. C.Wilson Treasurer. J. A. Webb Secretary W. S Myers Ty^er. EMORY CHAPTER, No 33—Black Hawk, Carroll County. Regular Convocations, 4th Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. D. Meek, h. p.; R. C. Jenkins, k.; C. J. Coleman, s.; J. M. Johnson, c. of h.; B. F. Kittrell, p. s.; David Kyle, r. a. c.; H. J. Reid, m. 3d v.; H. S. Wade, m. 2d v.; T. S. Threadgill, m. 1st v.; J. C. Towns, Treasurer; Henry Gilliam, Secretary; Andrew J. Reeves, Tyler. Members—William Anderson, Wm. R. Cade, A. D. Cook, John H. Downer, J. A. Hamilton, J. M. Hill, H. T. Hampton, B. M. Hicks, John H. Johnson, John W. McRea, John H. Porter, J. T. Streater, W. K. Turner, J. R. Young, S. A. Eggles- ton, T. C. Parish—Total, 28. Exalted—John H. Downer, J. J. Hilliard, J. E. Hirsh, John H. Johnson, W. M. McGehee, W. K. Turner—6. Affiliated—T. C. Parish—1. Dimitted—J. R. Stoops, H. M. Hamilton, W. J. Wallace, J. J. Hilliard, J. E. Hirsh—5. Died—V. 0. King, C. M. Bennett—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $40 00 Officers, 1871. T C Parish H. P. I A. J. Reeves M. 3d V. R D. Meek K. | H. J. Reid M. 2d V. C. J. Coleman S. I H. S. Wade M. 1st Y. R* C Jenkins C. of H. | W. K. Turner Treasuurer. B.' F*. Kittrell P. S. I J. M. Johnson Secretary. Stephen A. Eggleston R. A. C. I J. C. Towns Tyler. 44 LAFAYETTE CHAPTER, Wo. 33—Oxford, Lafayette County. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday of each month. Officers, 1870—C. H. Bell, h. p.; William Delay, k.; William L. Lyles, s.; D. M. Smith, c. of h.; James M. Howry, p. h. p., p. s.; John H. McKee, r. a. c.; P. J. State, m. 3d v.; George W. Smith, m. 2d v.; J. H. Howrv, m. 1st v.; T. L. Harris, Treasurer; J. W. McPherson, Secretary; John B. Surprise, Tyler. Memberst—W. E. Avant, Josiah Able, Julius Bernheim, W. S. Burney, S. G. Burney, J. R. Burney, T. J. Chandler, J. D. Delbridge.G. W. Delbridge. J. M. Dooley, J. A. Duncan, F. M. Farrell, A. M. Graham, J. C. Hudgins, B. F. Hous- ton, N. A. Isom, D. W. Jones, M. G. Knight, J. L. Kendel, W. W. McMahon, P. H. McCutchen, E. M. Mathews, W. M. Marshall, W. B. Morris, Charles Myer, W. S. Neilson, H. E. Rascal, A. H. Sanders, M. Sartorious, W. H. Smither, William Thompson, John Thompson, C. M. Thompson, P. B. Thacker, J. H. White, Henry Wooley, Robert AVebster, W. W. Wyatt—Total, 50. Dues U> Grand Chapter $52 00—received 50 00 Officers, 1871: G. W. Smith M. 3d V. W. W. Wyatt M. 2d V. William Marshall M. 1st V. C. H. Myer Treasurer. J. W. McPherson Secretary. J. B. Surprise Tyler. Correction—Companions J. D. Delbride and Jacob Thompson, in membership last report, are not accounted for. Their names added, makes correct total 52.—G. Sec'y. AVm. Delay H. P. T. L. Harris K. W. L. Lyles S. D. M. Smith C. of H J. H. McKee P. S. J. Bernheim R. A. C. WESIIOBA CHAPTER, Wo. 34.—Laurel Hill, Wesboba Co. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—E. L. Lewis, h. p.; Hugh McDonald, k.; A. McKay, s.; W. P. Frazier, c. of h • J. E. Simmons, p. s.; S. E. Steele, r. a. c.; John McMichael, m. od. v.; James Watkins, m. 2d v.; Charles Holland, m. 1st v.; John M. McMil- lan, Treasurer; James S. Lewis, Secretary; J. M. Germany, Tyler. Members—J. G. Deskin, AV. C. Dowd, H. C. Greer, G. J. Hays, John C. McBeath, Thomas B. Richmond, W. D. Richmond, E. D. Gamblin, M. B. Kirk, J. R. Pace, Samuel Williams, L. C. Franklin, W. J. Seale—Total, 25. Exalted—J. W. Anderson, D. O. Anderson, A. G. Amis—3. Reinstated—J. R. Pace—1. Suspended (non-payment of dues)—J. W. Reagan—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $38 00—received $31 00 Officers, 1870: John McMichael M. 3d V. James Watkins M. 2d AV. Charles Holland M. 1st V. John M. McMillan Treasurer. J. S. Lewis Secretary. J. M. Germany Tyler. Correction.—The three Companions Exalted, and the following Companions, In membership last report, and not otherwise accounted for, should have been added to the roll: S. Shoup, William A. Burnside, Zack Booth, D. D. Booth. The correct total is 32.—G. Sec'y. E. L. Lewis H. P. Hugh McDonald K. A. McKay S. W. P. Frasier C. of H. J. E. Simmons P. S. S. E. Steele R. A. C. 45 CHARLES SCOTT CHARTER, IV©. 35—Pleasant Ifill, Olive Branch P. O., HeSoto County. No Returns for 1870. LOUISVILLE CHAPTER, IV©. 36—Louisville, Winston Co. Regular Convocations, 3d Monday niglit in each month. Officers, 1870—E. Foster, h. p.; W. II. Fox, k.; C. H. Cagle, s.; L. Liebenefild. c. of h.; J. D. Davis, p. s.; William Barnes, r. a. c.: N. Woodward, m. 3d v.; J. C. Foster, m. 2d v.; M. A. Metts, m. 1st v.; B. B. Lindsey, Treasurer; G. Y. Woodward, Secretary; H. C. Edwards, Tyler. Members—R. D. Brown, A. Burroughs, J. H. Cornwell, T. M. Bradley, G. W. Fulton, William Harper, H. J. D. Hendricks, John C. Holmes, John Kennedy, John B. Gage, E. Gaston, Hugh McQueen, Rufus Sullivan, J. P. Shaw, J. L. Speakes, Ira Tucker, C. Y. Thompson, J. M. Ware—Total, 30. Exalted—J. H. Cornwell, J. B. Gage, J. M. Ware—3. Affiliated—E. Gaston, Thos. M. Bradley—2. Reinstated—A. McMakin, Hugh McQueen, Ira Tucker—3. Demitted—B. M. Black, A. McMakin, J. W. Patty, T. J. Patty—4. Died—M. L. Edwards, J. G. Alexander—2. Suspended—E. D. Hyde, D. D. Kilpatrick, J. D. McKinley, S. R. Whitten—4. Dues to Grand Chapter 36 00 Officers, 1870: E.Foster H. P. J. D. Davis K. E. Gaston S. L. Liebenfield C. of H. J. B. Gage P. S. Thomas M. Bradley R. A, C. William Barnes M. 3dV, N. Woodward M. 2d V. J. P. Shaw M. 1st V. B. B. Lindsey Treasurer. G. Y. Woodward Secretary. H. C. Edwards Tyler. Note.—Suspensions should not be reported more than once. Of the 28 names which appeared in this return, as suspended, all but three appeared in previous published reports. The gains and losses of one year should not bq confused with those of another,—G. Sec'y. UNION CHAPTER, No. 37—Richmond, Leo Comity. Regular Convocations, 4th Friday in each Month. Officers, 1870—J. M. Armstrong, h. p.; G. W. Stovall, k.; S. Mansfield, s.; George Martin, c. of h.; Edward Martin, p. s.; J. B. Lielle, r. a. c.; Thomas Brooks, m. 3d v.; John Edwards, m. 2d v.; F. M. Threldkeld, m. 1st v.; R. M. Borum, Treasurer; R. S. Thomas, Secretary; A. D. "Martin, Tyler. Members—G. F. Burdine, William Beacham, F. R. BurdinAj R. A. Burton, Cornelius Dowd, W. E. Estes, Martin Cross, W. H. Keys, Meriman Pounds, 46 Bailey Schempert, G. C. Thomason, Owen Williams, A. S. Wear—Total, 25. Exalted—W. R. Burdine, R. A. Burton, W. E. Estes—3. Affiliated—A. S. Wear—1. Reinstated—W. R. Bounds, C. Dowd, J. R. Trulove—4. Demitted—W. R. Bounds, C. A. Marlisall, J. P. Stovall, J. R. Trulove, Thomas Whitesides—5. Suspended—B. L. Owen, H. Steadliam—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $31 00 Officers, 1870: G. W. Stovall H. P. J. M. Armstrong K. William Beachum S. G. Martin C. of H. A. S. Wear P. S. Thomas Brooks R. A. C. W. E. Estes M. 3d V. Edward Martin M. 2d V. John Edwards M. 1st V. R. M. Rorum Treasurer. R. S. Thomas.... Secretary. F. M. Threldkeld Tyler. Note.—Returns for 1869, and dues ($25) received with the above.—G. Sec't. AMITE CHATTER, No. 42~Liberty, Amite County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—Charles P. Neilson, h. p.; Charles E. Davis, k.; John Tebow, s.; Benj. F. Johns, c. of h.; Charles Carroll, p. s.; David Wilson, r. a. c.; Elias Safford, m. 3d v.; William L. Davis, m. 2d v.; Matthew B. Gillespie, m. 1st v.; Charles Carroll, Treasurer; Elijah M.Davis, Secretary; David Jerrett, Tyler. Members—Wm. P. Anderson, James R. Aumock, Marshall P. Bates, Z. P. Butler, Isiah Cerf, Wm. D. Davidson, Sylvester Gardner, Charles C. Germany, James Hinson, James E. Jagers, James A. Jenkins, M. H. McCraine, John &. Morgan, John II. Nunnery, Holloway H. Ratcliff, Thomas Reid, Van F. Swear- ing, Elijah L. Tarver, William A. Tarver, Walter M. Weathersly, Francis C. Wren—Total, 33. Reinstated—William A. Turner—1. Died—Elijah M. Davis, Peter B. Faust, Samuel B. Webb—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $34 00—received $32 00 Officers, 1870: Charles P. Neilson H. P. James E. Jagers K. William P. Anderson S. Benj. F. Johns C. of H. Elias Safford P. S. David Wilson R. A. C. James R. Aumock M. 3d. V. John G. Morgan M. 2d V. William L. Davis M. 1st V. Charles Carroll Treasurer. Charles E. Davis Secretary. David Jerrett Tyler. Correction.—Companions William H. Day and Wilford Z. Lee, in membership last report, are not accounted for. Their names added, makes correct total 34.—G, Sec't. 47 TALLAHATCHIE CHAPTER, No. 44—Charleston, Talla- liatcliie County. Regular Convocations, 3d Monday night in each month. Officers, 1870—W.-H. Fitzgerald, h. p.; G. B. Roberson, k. ; M. F. Holsliouser. s.; S. C. Barnes, c. of h. ; C. J. F. Merriwether, p. s.; R. Quarles, r. a. c.; T. P, Walton, m. 3d v.; J. P. Rhew, m. 2d v.; W. H. Roborson, m. 1st v.; J. W.Buckie}*, Treasurer; J. W. Bellamy, Secretary; W. R. Erwin, Tyler. ' Members—A. Ball, J. L. Bailey, S. Barnes, T. W. Boisclair, A. R. Brown, J. A. Crofford, T. F. Crofford, J. H. Daine, W. W. Finlay, J. H. Julian, B. F. Lester, B. F.A.Lilly, A. G. Murphy, J. J. McBride, James McLean, G. P. Rice, J. A. Ross, R. K. Stevens, J. M. R. Simmons, J. D. Steele, J. W. Tanner, F. A. Wilker- son, J. F. M. Young, J. W. Erwin—Total, 36. Exalted—T. F. Crofford, James McLean, J. J. McBride—3. Reinstated—A. R. Brown—1. Demitted—W. A. Owens, J. H. Rainwater, J. C. Wright—3. Died—A. R. Brown, W. C. Martin—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $54 00 Officers, 1871: W. H. Fitzgerald H. P. G. B. Roberson K, M. F. Holshouser S. S. C. Barnes C. of H. C. J. F. Merriwether P. S. R. Quarles R. A. C. J. M. R. Simmons M. 3d V. W. H. Roberson M. 2d V. J. P. Rhew -...M.lst Y. J. W. Buckley Treasurer. J. W. Bellamy Secretary. W. R. Erwin Tyler. ENTERPRISE CHAPTER, No, 45—Enterprise, Clarke Co. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. M. Hand, h. p.; G. M. Shaw, k.; J. W. Winn, s.; S. IV. Lee, c. of h.; J. A. Andrews, p. s.; F. S. Pickle, r. a. c.; W. K. Flowers, ji. 3d v.- John Kamper, m 2d v.; Jas. Wood, m. 1st v.; C. Kramer, Treasurer; A. G. Levy, Secretary; 1. H. Wilson, Tyler. Members—L. B. Brown, S. Ballard, J. M. Buntyn, C. Corbett, W.P. Davis, B. Easterling, J. S. George, Jacob Hurst, E. E. Hand, H. Harding, G. W. Holden, Alex. McMillian, C. F. Mayerhoff, L. H. Morrow, S. R. Oliphant, A. Y. Woolver- ton—Total, 28. Died—Paul Lee—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $28 00 Officers, 1871: S. W. Lee H. P. H. Harding K- J. A. Andrews S. G. M. Shaw C. of H. A. Y. Wolverton P. S. F. S. Pickle It- A. C. G. W. Holden M. 3d V. Sam. R. Oliphant M. 2d V. John Kamper M.lst V. C. Kramer Treasurer. A. G. Levy Secretary. J. M. Buntyn Tyler. CARTHAGE CHAPTER? No. 4«—Carthage, Leake County. No returns for 1870, 48 RIPLEY CHAPTER, Y«. 48—Ripley, Tippah County. Regular Convocations, 2d Wednesday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. E. Rogers, p. h. p., h. p.; J. H. Buchanan, p. h. p., k.; J. P. Peeler, s.; J. C. Spight, c. of h.; A. C. Rucker. p. h. p., p. s.; J. Y. Murry, r. a. c.; J. T.Martin, m. 3d v.; (Suspended), m. 2d v.; J. A. Crook, m. 1st v.; W. D. Carter, p. h. p., Treasurer; W. W. Robinson, Secretary; E. F. Jordan, Tyler. Members—E. A. Cox, H. T. Counceille, B. W. Dickson, J. A. Fife, R. I. Hill, J. O. Kelly, J. W. Luter, J. S. Laird, M. P. Lowery, C. G. Haynes, C. P. Miller, p. h. p., Moses McCarley, L. S. McCowan, Joseph Pearce, C. C. Rucker, B. B■. Ruth- erford, W. 0. Rutherford, H. A. Stubbs, B. B. Smith, Jr., A. H. Wilson, Samuel White, J. M. Walker, H. F. Wells, J. W. Wilson—Total, 3(5. Demitted—H. T. Webb, A. L. P. Yairen—2. Suspended (for unmasonic conduct)—S. R. Spight—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—W. T. Young, in Ripley Lodge, No. 47—4. Dues to Grand Chapter $35 60 Officers, 1871: J. E. Rogers H. P. W. D. Carter K. J. H. Buchanan S. J. Y. Murry C. of H. A. C. Rucker P. S. J. C. Spight. ; R. A. C. A. A. Stubbs M. 3d V. L. S. McCowan... M. 2d V. J. T. Martin M. IstV. J. P. Peeler Treasurer. W. W. Robinson Secretary. E. F. Jordan Tyler. NEW ALBANY CHARTER, No. 49—INew Albany, Union County. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday in each month. Offigers, 1870—C. T. Bond {p. d. g. h. p/), h. p.; N. J. Mayes, k.; Joseph A. Bobbins, s., William C. Gillen, c. o£ James B. Reaves, p. s., Madison Orr, r. a. c.; James H. Williamson, m. 3d v.; Adlar Beard, m. 2d v.; Nimrod A. Wil- kins, m. 1st v.; Elijah A. M. Coker, Treasurer, Joel A. Hearne, Secretary; Jef- ferson Orr, Tyler. Members—Waddy A. Bacon, John W. Buchanan, John B. Butler, Elisha C. Cleary, Jo. Jeff. Davis. Willis Dean, Giles L. Driver, Jos. Porter DufF, Wiley Martin Ellis, Booker Foster, Ancel H. Ferguson, J. R. Ford, Joseph F. Graham, Wm. H. Harris, Pressly R. Harris, William J. Huston, Stephen A. Heard, James Atwood Hill, Elnathan D. Hogge, Benjamin C. S. McAlister, Norbin Jones Major, W. Martin, Charles G. Mitchel, Wyand Pennebaker, William L. Rey- nolds, J. Harry Roberson, William C. Swindoll, Jr., David D. Stewart, Wm. B. Sandford, J. W. SwotFord, Russel J. Turner, Shadrach S. Tyer, Durant L. Tyer, William C. Tully, T. A. J. Wade, Nat. S. Watson, William West—Total, 49. Demitted—Micajah F. Berry, James B. Reaves—2. Dues to the Grand Chapter $48 00 Officers, 1871: Charles T. Bond H. P. N. J. Mayes K. Joseph A. Robbins S. William C. Gillen C. of H. Booker Foster P. S. Madison Orr R. A. C. James H. Williamson M. 3d Y. Adlar Beard... M. 2d V. Nimrod A. Wilkins M. 1st V. Elijah M. Coker Treasurer. Joel A. Hearne Secretary. Jefferson Orr Tyler. 49 MOUNT CARMEE CHAPTER, No. SO-REount Carmel, Covington County. Regular Convocations, Friday before the first Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—Nathan Barnes, h. p. ; Hambrick Hooker, k. ; Wilson Price, s.; John N. Mclnnis, c. of h. ; Jas. A. Bass, p. s.; Isaac Wiliams, R. a. c.; John C. Freeman, m. 3d v.; Archey Fairly, m. 2d v.; William R. Hooker, m. 1st v.; Louis W. Grey, Treasurer; Henry P. Lewis, Secretary; Jerry Bass, Tyler. Members—Isaac M. Applewhite, M. L. Banks, Harris Barnes, Calvin Barnes, Nathan S.Buckley, Charles C. Brinson, John Buckhalter, A.H.David, Jacob Hollander, E. T. Hudnell, Neil Mathason, Michael O'Rork, William Rutledge, William L. Strahan, W. A. Williams, R. M. Webster, William W. Robeson— Total, 29. Reinstated—Charles C. Brinson, R. M. Webster—2. Died—Calvin Ford—1. Expelled—JeSse L. Fortenberry—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—John L. Beavers, R. T. Berry, Peter Fairly, B. B. W. Lee—I Dues to Grand Chapter $29 00 Officers, 1871: Isaac Williams H. P. Hambrick Hooker K. Wilson Price S. John N. Mclnnis C. of H. Jas. A. Basb P. S. Nathan Barnes R. A. C. John C. Freeman M. 3d V. William L. Strahan M. 2d V. William R. Hooker M.lstV. Jacob Hollander Treasurer. Louis W. Grey Secretary. Jerry Bass Tyler. GEORGE WASHINGTON, No. 51-Chwlahoma, Marshall County. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—B. N. Alexander, h. p.; P. H.Jenkins, k.; E. W. Bloodworth, s., R. P. Bowen, c. of h.; J. W. Stephenson, p. s.; William McKie, r. a. c.; Geo. W. McKie, m. 3d v.; David Lawman, m. 2d v.; N. J. Wilson, m. 1st v.; C. S. Bowen, Treasurer; J. H. Alexander, Secretary; D. M. Davis, Tyler. Members—H. L. Alexander, J. H. Amaker, James H. Brooks, R. T. Bowen, J. D. Collins, S. D. Coyle, J. C. Cooper. W. R. Cooper, J. G. Coleman, J. S. Coleman, Isaac Dotson, Calvin Falkner, J. D. Gordon, A. M. Gordon, W. H. Gant, Albert Hamilton, W. F. Hyer, W. A. Jeffries, J. L. Mabry, B. F. McKie, D. H. Mims, W. R. Moore, J. L. McGowan, S. H. Pryor, W. K. Rogers, Robert Sanders, C. J. Smith, Joe H. Smith, C. C. Stephenson, G. W. Stephenson, James H. Still, J. L. Wilson, W. H. Young—Total, 45. Exalted—J. H. Amaker, G. W. Stephenson, Robert Sanders—3. Reinstated—B. F. McKie—1. Demitted—R. H. Read, William Haynes—2. Died—C. B. Harris—1. Dues to the Grand Chapter $51 00 Officers, 1871: B N. Alexander H. P. George W. McKie M. 3d V. p! H. Jenkins... K. David Lawman M. 2d Y. E*. W*. Bloodworth S. Nich. J. Wilson M. 1st V. R* P." Bowen C. of H. C. S. Bowen Treasurer. T w' SteDhenson P. S. J. H. Alexander Secretary. WiHiamTckie B. A. C. D. M.Davis TyleT 4 50 PATTOI* CHAPTER, No. 52—Lauderdale Station, Lauder- dale County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. McKinley, h. p.; J. C. Porter, k.; J.G. McArthur, s.; (dead) c. of h.; J. L. Simmons, p. s.; Wesley Brown, r. a. c.; J. L. Nunnery, m. 3d v.; W. R. Perkins, M. 2d v.; R. B. Wilder, m. 1st v.; C. G. Miller, Treasurer; W. R. McKinley, Secretary; E. W. Smithwick, Tyler. Past High Priest—W. S. Patton. Members—T. Y. Armstrong, L. D. Belk, E. A. R. Cocke, W. L. Cole, James M. Crawley, J. W. Crawley, John Dove, S. H. Furguson, Elias Moore, Wm. Moore, E. C. Gibbs, C. M. Kelley, S. S. Granbery, Robert Brown, Thomas Simmons, A. D. McCullough, Daniel W. Peace, Reuben Smith, J. L. Cooper, R. W. Miller— Total, 33. Reinstated—R. W. Miller—1. Died—A. M. Bates—1. Exalted—S. S. Granberry, Robert Brown, C. M. Kelley, Thomas Simmons, E. C. Gibbs, J. L. Cooper—6. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—P. P. Cullum, W. C. Day, R. E. Farris, E. J. Palmer, J. G. Bobbett—5. Dues to the Grand Chapter $49 00 Officers, 1871: , R. McKinley H. P. I Thomas Simmons . M. 3d V. J. C. Porter K. | Elias Moore M. 2d V. C. M. Kelley S. I J. L. Simmons M. IstV. R. B. Wilder CofH. | C. G. Miller Treasurer. E. G. Gibbs P. S. I W. R. McKinley Secretary. J. L. Nunnery R. A, C. | E. W. Smithwick Tyler. Note.—Companions S. P. Kennedy and James McCarty are not accounted for. Their names added, makes correct total 35. Names should be in alphabetical order.—G. Sec'y. PALO ALTO CHAPTER, Wo. 53—Palo Alto, Chickasaw County. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday, at 2 o'clock p. m., in each month. Officers, 1870—W. C. Coopwood, h. p.; David Robertson, k.; Henry M. Joy, s.; Daniel B. Hill, c. of h.; Samuel A. Deanes, p. s.; John L. Armistead, r. a. c.; Jehu White, m. 3d h.; James B. Watkins, m. 2d v; Sterling G. Joy, m. 1st v.; Jas. P. Deanes, Treasurer; William H. Hill, Secretary;. Absalom Medlock, Tyler. Members—John K. Allen, R. M. Garvin, W. P- Malone, John C. Miller, W. C. McVey, Clifton St. Clair, C. J. Townsend, J. S. Williams, T. C. Williamson, J.J. McPherson, C. J. Townsend, James S. Williams—Total, 24. Affiliated—R. M. Garvin, T. C. Williamson—2. Reinstated—C. J. Townsend, J. S. Williams—2. Dues to the Grand Chapter $24 00—none recived Officers, 1871: W. C. Coopwood H. P. Henry M. Joy K. R.M.Garvin S. D. B. Hill C. of K. Clifton St. Clair P. S. J. L. Armistead R. A. C. T. C. Williamson M. 3d V. David Robertson M. 2d V. C. J. Townsend M. IstV. J. S. Williams Treasurer. William H. Hill Secretary. Absalom Medlock Tyler. 51 BETHESHA CHAPTER, No. 55—Palmer's Spring, Kosci- usko Post Office, Attain County. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. R. Greer, h. p.; S. W. Land, k.; J. H. Evans, s.; A. W. Mitchell, c. of h.; F. A. Hudson, p. s.; J. W. Gilbert, r. a. c.; H. F. Moore, m. 8d v.; J. N. Richberg, m. 2d v.; W. N. Stucky, m. 1st v.; C. W. Clark, Treasurer; W. F. Skinner, Secretary; S. J. Leinbach, Tyler. Members—Lansford Ayers, J. F. M. Arterbury, S. C. Armstrong, M. J. Beall, J. B. Ellard, G. W. Gunter, T. K. Gaddy, N. G. Hudson, P. Mansfield, S. W. Mitchell, W. W. Moore, R. G. McAfee, A. G. Noah, J. G. Humphreys, R. N. Smith, S. B. Martin—Total,28. Exalted—S. B. Martin, J. B. Ellard, T. K. Gaddy—3. Demitted—F. M. Richburg, G. U. Humphreys—2. Died—J. W. Armstrong—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—T. S. Boseman—1. Dues to the Grand Chapter $37 00—received $34 00 Officers, 1871: A. W. Mitchell H. P. P. Mayfield K. W. W. Moore S. J. R. Greer O. of H. F. A. Hudson P. S. H. F. Moore R. A. C. S. J. Leinbach M. 3d V. T. K. Gaddy M. 2d V. W. N. Stucky M. 1st V. L. Ayers Treasurer. C. W. Clark Secretary. J. B. Ellard Tyler. Corrections.—Companions D. N. Stuckey, Matthew Bell, and S. Leinbach, in membership last report, are not accounted for. Correct total is 31.—G. Sec'y. WRIGHT CHAPTER, No. 56—Independence, BeSoto Co. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—B. R. Chambliss, h. p.; J. W. Bowden, k.; James A. Harrison, s.; J. P. McCrackin, c. of h.; A. J. Wallace, p. s.; J. C. Graham, r. a. c.; James A. Harris, m. 3d v.; W. R. P. Jones, m. 2d v.; Evin Perry, m. 1st v.; Robert Jami- son, Treasurer; Joel Joyner, Secretary; W. F. Wallace, Tyler. Members—D. W. Allen, A. Cathey, A. Caradine, Josiah Daily, W. Pitt Eason, J. L. Graham, W. W. Grady, J. T. Harry, Sampson Key, Thomas Leonard, W. J. Laycock, R. C. Orr, R. B. Peterson, D. J. Perry, W. J. Russwurm, W. T. Rich- mond, John Q. Sandidge, G. R. Sandidge—Total, 30. Exalted—J. L. Graham, J. F. Harry, R. C. Orr, W. F. Richmond, John Q. San- didge, G. R. Sandidge—6. Affiliated—W. W. Grady—1. Demitted—C. J. Callicott—1. Dues to the Grand Chapter $42 00—received $44 00 Officers, 1871: B R Chambliss H. P. James A. Harris M. 3d V. James A Harrison K. W. R. P. Jones M. 2d V. J W Bowden S. G. R. Sandidge M. 1st V. j' P McCrackin C. of H. Robert Jamison Treasurer. W T Richmond P. S. J. T. Harry Secretary. John Q Sandidge R. A. C. W. F. Walker Tyler. 52 BALDWIN CHAPTER, Wo. 57—Baldwyn, Lee County. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—W. R. H. Mosely, h. p.; Abednege J. Taylor, k.; John H. Ste- venson, s.; James H. Kennedy; c. of h.; P. M. Savery, p. s.; And. G. Crockett, r. a. c.; John G. Cole, m. 3d v.; Jos. L. Price, m. 2d v.; D. M. Crockett, m. 1st v.; J. R. Bristow, Treasurer; Lee C. Prather, Secretary; L. L. Harwell, Tyler. Members—J. J. Andrews, R. H. Allen, John D. Bills, Thomas W.Butler, David Johnson, Walker Lynn, W. D. McWhorter, J. C. Oliver, W. Pannel, R. H. Porter, Wal. J. Reeves, J. P. Robinson, A. D. Sadler, B. B. Sanders, A. W. Sandlin, J. H. Steveson, Thomas B. Stubbs, J. R. Wallis, E. J. Williams, W. B. Williams, W. J. WilsOn, William Lee—Total, 34. Exalted—R. it. Allen, John D. Bills, W. H. II. Bonds, A. D. Sadler, B. B. San- ders, A. W. Sandlin—6. Affiliated—R. H. Porter, J. R. Wallis, E. J. Williams—3. Reinstated—Owen Lucas—1. Demitted—W. H. H. Bonds, Owen Lucas, W. J. Walden—3. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—Jacob Clary, T. W. Houston, J. H. Knot, T. F. Parker, F. H. Stubbs, B. W. Stubbs—6. Dues to the Grand Chapter $53 00 Opficers, 1871: D. M. Crockett M.'Sd V. R. H. Allen M. 2d V. Thomas W. Butler M. IstV. J. R. Bristow Treasurer. Lee C. Prather Secretary. Joseph L. Price Tyler. Note.—Companions R. H. Allen and John D. Bills appear in roll for first time without explanation.—G. Sec'v. P. M. Savery H. P. John D. Bills K. A. J. Taylor S. A. G. Crockett C. of H. J. H. Kennedy P. S. J. R. Wallis R. A. C. SIILBITA CHAPTER, Wo. 59—ReSoto, Clarke County. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—M. B. Knight, p. h.; R. D. Weems, k.; John B. Gordon, s.; A. Boy kin, c. of h.; R. J. McLeod, p. s.; John W. Weems, r. a. c.; G. W. Ferrell, m. 3d v.; G. W. Yarborough, m. 2d v.; J. S. Boss, m. 1st v.; S. Scarborough, Treas- urer; John S. Dobby, Secretary; T. C. Berthea, Tyler. Members—J. H. Barber, J. W. Boykin, Sampson Gordon, J. Sanders, S. fl. Terrall, T. Tobias, Jacob Sumrall, J. H. Owens—Total, 20. Affiliated—J. H. Owens—1. Demitted—W. W. Henry, C. A. Stovall—2. Died—W. F. Shanks—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—A. J. Garrant, R. "W. Davis, Berry McCarthy, J. A. Garrard, Elias Hails, A. B. Tardy—6. Dues to Grand Chapter $20 00 Officers, 1871: W. B. Knight H. P. P. H. Napier K. John S. Dabbs S. A. Boykin C. of H. J. S. Bass P. S. R. S. McLeod R. A. C. Sampson Gordon M.3d V. John B. Gordon M.2d V. John W. Weems ..M. 1st V. S. Scarborough Treasurer. G. W. Ferrell Secretary. T. C. Berthea Tyler. 68 IPAKOLA OHAPTEtt, No. 60—Panola, Panola County. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—F. Moore, h. p.; A. R. McWilliams. k.; A. J. Browder, s.; M. N. Phillips, c. of h.; W. M. Marshall, p. s.; R. M. Kyle, r. a. c.; G. G. Nelson, m. 3d v.; J. M. Boyles, m. 2d v.; G. Finch, m. 1st v.; David Butts, Treasurer; J. C. Harrison, Secretary ; W; E. Farmer, Tyler. Members—R. S. Abernathy, B. L. Bullard, F. J. Boyles, D. H. Bowers, J. J. Byers, W. H. Brown, T. P. Brown, J. W. Calaway, John M. Cox, John A. Cooper, John W. Darby, G. W. Deaton, E. V. Dickins, William Dugger, James F. Essary, W. J. Floyd, David J. Goff, H. W. Harris, William S. Harris, Peter Hubbard, T. Hubbard, William B. Johnson, D. A. Kinchloe, J. A. Kuykendall, Simon P. Les- ter, William S. Lester, G. G. Love, P. V. Lester, Samuel Martin, Calvin Miller, W. S. Mills, R. H. Moore, P. W. Perry, M. M. Randolph, S. F. Sorsby, William E. Stone, James R. Taylor, Daniel M. Whitten, Jesse C. Wright, Joseph J. Wright, John M. Wright—Total, 53. Exalted—P. V. Lester, John M. Cox, Wm. A. Brown—3. Affiliated—F. W. Matthews, Thomas P. Brown, J. W. Calaway—3. Demitted—Joseph J. Waldrip, S. Henry Simmons, E. W. Matthews—3. Died—James 0. Harris—1. Dues to#Grand Chapter $59 00 Officers, 1871: G. G. Nelson H. P. Thomas P. Brown K. John C. Harrison S. W. E. Farmer C. of H. William M. Marshall P. S. Moses N. Philips R. A. C. R. M. Kyle M.SdV. Jesse C. Wright M. 2d V. Joseph. J. Wright M. 1st V. B. L. Ballard Treasurer. J. W. Calaway Secretary. A. J. Browder ; Tyler. EUREKA CHARTER, No. 61-Goodman, Holmes County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—William B. Field, n. p.; A. J. Knapp, k.; J. W. Mitchell, s.; S. W. Smith, c. of h.; M. L. Harman, p. s.; C. M. Ashley, r. a. c.; R. G. Phillips, m. 3d v.; M. C. Pankey, m. 2d v.; William S. Henley, m. 1st v.; J. W. Taggart, Treasurer; A. G. Doty, Secretary; R. J. Moody, Tyler. Past High Priests—D. Mitchell, John Falls. Members—J. C. Ashley, J. P. Ashford, S. A. Arnold, J. M. Ball, J. H. Buster, J. G. Cain, J. B. Doty, J. H. Douglass, J. F. McMillan, W. H. Magruder, William A. Pope, Reddick Smith, John Tackett, 0. H. P. Lockett, M. L. McGuire, J. J. Pickens, John T. Shine, B. L. Norvel—Total, 32. Reinstated—Daniel Hart, G. W. Myers—2. Demitted—Daniel Hart, G. W. Myers—2. Died—John Gould, B. H. Wellons—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—B. F. Byrd, R. R. Campbell, James Costillo, L. B. Lipsey, J. C. McCleskey, D. G. Pepper, W. R. Swain, W. J. Taylor, L. J. Zigler, B. L. Taylor—10. Dues to Grand Chapter $32 00 Officers, 1871: D. Mitchell, p. h. p ....■ H. P. J. H. Douglass K. J. T. Shine S. M. L. Harman C. of H. A. J. Knapp P. S. S. W. Smith R. A. C. B. L. Norvel M. 3d. V. C. M. Ashley M. 2d. Y. J. B. Doty M. 1st A. J. W. Taggart Treasurer. J. W. Mitchell Secretary. R. J. Moody Tyler. 54 <». W. PERKINS CHAPTER, No. 63—Horn Lake, DeSoto County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—S. L. Rains, h. p.; W. L. Lundy, Sr., k.; J. W. Rutland, s.; W. D. Davis, c. of h.: (Dead), p. s.; W. G. Elmore, r. A. a; B. Peebles, m. 3d v.; J. C. Clements, m. 2d v.; R. C. Lea, m. 1st v.; Felix Davis, Treasurer; James A. Smith, Secretary; E. S. Nesbitt, Tyler. Members—A. H. Adams, A. F. Bell, S. A. Bell, J. N. Bradford, E. Bowldin, W. J. Bynum, E. A. Edmondson, F. M. Fletcher, L. G. Gabbert, E. R. Gill, W. B. Gwinn, R. P. Harris, L. C. Taylor, S. D. Irwin, S. S. Robinson, J. L. Robinson, J. Robinson, James Jorian—Total, 30. Exalted—J. N. Bradford, S. A. Bell, James Jorian—3. Died—James Turner—1. Dues to Grand Chapter. .$36 00 Officers, 1871: J. W. Rutland H. P. W. L. Lundy, Sr K. W. G. Elmore S. W. D. Davis C. of H. E. R. Gill P. S. Felix Davis R. A. C. James Jorian M. 3d V. J. C. Clements M. 2d V. R. C. Lea M. 1st V. S. A. Bell Treasurer. W. A. Bynum Secretary. J. N. Bradford Tyler. DOVER CHAPTER, No. 641—Dover, Yazoo County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870:—A. M. Hicks, h. p.; B. L. Sandidge, k.; J. G. B. Collins, s.; W. A. Prestridge, c. of h.; T. J. Jordan, p. s.; Thomas Brumfield, R. a. c.; M. P. Cheatham, m. 3d v.; Wiley H. Collins, m. 2d v.; J. W. Kirk, m. 1st v.; John A. Cheatham, Treasurer; L.Rice, Secretary; J. H. Ferris, Tyler. Members.—T. E. Bradsaw, Y. H. Fugate, R. P. Frazier, W. T. Hodge, Isaac W. Martin, S. D. Robertson, W. G. N. Strickland, C. M. White, William F. Gartley—Total, 31. Exalted—C. M. White, W. T. Hodge, Issac W. Martin—3. Affiliated—R. P. Frazier—1 Reinstated—Thomas E. Bradsaw, A. M. Heath—2. Demitted.—A. M. Heath—1. Suspended—A. C. Welburn, Y. A. Wilkerson, J. Q. Page, Claiborn Bowman—4. Dus to Grand Chapter $27 00 Officers, 1871: H. P. K. J. W. Kirk M. 3d V. W. T. Hodge M. 2d V. J. T. Jordan M. 1st V. John A. Cheatham Treasurer. Wiley H. Collins Secretary. J. H. Ferris Tyler. Note.—The name of Wm. M. Moore appears in last year's report as a member of this Chapter, which should have been omitted, as he is not a member of this Chapter; also, A. E. Russell, acting as Secretary, is not a member, but a non- affiliating payer.—Sec'y. V, H. Fugate B. L. Sandidge... R. P. Frazier S. J. G. B. Collins C. of H. A. M. Hicks...: P. S. W. G. N. Strickland R. A. C. 55 CHICKASAW CHAPTER, Wo. 65—Sparta, Chickasaw Co. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday m each month. Officers, 1870—J. H. McLendon, h. p.; G\ N. Robuck, k.; R. A. Nichols, s.; James Griffith, c. of h.; F. M. Robuck, p. s.; A. P. Hasting, r. a. c.; T. W. Eng- land, m. 3d v.; J. M. Paden, m. 2d v.; J. R. Davis, m. 1st v.; J. B. E. Caradine, Treasurer; E. J. Windham, Secretary; S. H. Paden, Tyler. Members—H. C. Avant, R. W. Barton, J. L. Jennings, G. L. Jennings, H. Logan, J. 0. McMullen, F. D. Paden, J. W. Powell, Hue Ponder, L. B. Robuck, J. L. Thomas, James M. Woolard, W. A. Wamack, W. T. Watkms, J. A. White, W.R.Waide.—Total, 28. * Exalted—L. B. Robuck, J. A. White, W. R. Waide—3. Died—H. H. Brinker, M. S. Wamack—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $34 00 Officers, 1871: J. H. McLendon H. P. I T. W. England M. 3d Y. G. N. Robuck K. | J. M. Paden M. 2d V. J. A. White S. I J. R. Davis M. 1st V. R. A. Nichols C. of H. | J. B. E. Caradine Treasuser. W. R. Waide P. S. I E. J. Windham Secretary. James Griffith R. A. C. | F. M. Robuck Tyler. RIEWZI CHAPTER, Wo. 66-Rienzi, Alcorn County. Regular Convocations, 1st Thursday in each month. Offcers, 1870—John F. Arnold, h. p.; John G. Barton, k.; Jesse Johnsey, s. B. F.Williams, c. of h.; J. W. Stevens, Jr., p. s.; B. C. Stanley, r. a. c.; J. W Stevens, Sr., m. 3d v.; William Williams, m. 2d v.; W. H. H. Boone, m. 1st v.; E F. Sorrell, Treasurer; Robert Henderson, Secretary; John C. Johnston, Tyler Members—W. T. Adair, William C. Blythe, E. W. Carmack, Andrew Cathey M. B. Feemster, S. J. Jumper, Pryor Scally, Pat Smith, William A. Taylor, H. S Whiteside, J. N. Whiteside, O. D. Fitzgerald, J. W. Morris, H. H. Isom, C. C Williams, Robert Henderson, John Wilson—Total, 29. Demitted—J. P. Gray—1. Suspended.—Joe M. Anderson, J. S. Britton, Robert Davenport, A. E Reynolds, William Taylor. T. J. Waide, Wm. Gilmer, J. T. Whitehurst—8. Dues to Grand Chapter. 00—received $2 00 Offcers, 1871: J. F. Arnold H. P. J. W. Stevens, Sr K. O. D. Fitzgerald S. B. F. Williams C. of H. J. W. Stevens, Jr P. S. John C. Johnston R. A. C. John G. Barton M. 3d V. H. H. Isom M. 2d V. J. W. Morris M. 1st Y. B. C. Stanley Treasurer. Robert Henderson Secretary. Jesse Johnsey Tyler. EUCLID CHAPTER, Wo. 67—Cock rum, DeSoto County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers 1870—S. O. B. Crocket, h. p.; J. C. Langston, k.; H. B. Manes, s.; ft w Anderson, c. of h.; S. C. Powers, p. s.; J. R. Holloway, r. a. c.; P. Sum- ivf 3d v.; J. G. Edwards, m. 2d v.; J. Thomas, m. 1st v.; J. W. McCall, Treasurer, J. W Lide, Secretary; R. Lee. Tvler. 56 MssiBERS—W. P. Bowen, Jerard Collens, J. C. Culbertson, J. L. Greer, H. K. Hope, A. M. Harwell, J. J. Ingram, P. H. Irvin, J. H. Jean, B. F. Martin, M. B. Peterson, C. Phillips, J. T. Pullem, William Robinson, J. Richardson, P. Riley, Ransom Lee, J. D. Miller, A. F. Powers, J. R. Crumpler, John Riley, Nathan Ingram, C. W. Mobley—Total, 35. Exaited—J. Richardson, P. Riley, J. Pullium—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $41 00—none received. Officers, 1871: S. 0. B. Crocket H. P. J. C. Langston K. H. B. Manes S. G. H. Anderson C. of H. S. C. Powers P. S. P. Riley R. A. C. J. Riley M. 3d V. J. G; Edmonds M. 2d V. J. Thomas M. 1st V. J. W. McCall Treasurer. J. W. Lyde Secretary. J. R. Holloway Tyler. BYHALIA CHAPTER, No. 68—Bylialia, Marshall t'ounty. No Returns for 1870. BRANDON CHAPTER, No. 69-Brandon, Rankin County. Regular Convocations, first Friday night before the Full Moon in each month. Officers, 1870—H. S. Cole, h. p.; James Ware, k. ; T. H. Johnson, s.; W. L. Pickering, c. of h. ; J. W. Patton, p. s.; Benj. Kaufman, r. a. c.; H. Atkinson, m. 3d v.; J. F. Barnett, m. 2d v.; L. A. Runge, m. 1st v.; J. A. Ray, Treasurer; Samuel R. Collier, Secretary; Richard Shields, Tyler. Members—James Baker, Joseph Bennett, E. H. Brinkley, D. H. Brown, J. T. B. Cocke, Richard Cooper, Alex. Chisholm, D. W. Denson, A.J. Frantz, John P. Giles, L. L. Griffin, J. L. Hancock, J. L. Hargroves, T. D. Harris Henry Hoskins, Hiram King, James Marshall A. G. Mayers, J. W. McMaster, C. H. Meadows, W. A. Moore, W. A. Peacher, J. M. Quinn, W. M. Smith, J. P. Starr, J. R. Stevens, Wesley Taylor, H. P. Tinnin, L. Washburn—Total, 41. Reinstated—D. H. Brown, J. F. Chester, J. T. B. Cocke, D. W. Denson, T. D. Harris, James Marshall, J. M. Quinn, J. P. Starr, Wesley Taylor—10. Demitted—J. F. Chester, J. B. Lindsey, J. C. Wallace, David Weile—4. Died—J. S. Antley, John McLauren—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. O. DeCastro, H. Kernaghan, W. B Long, J. F. Seymour, T. S. White—5. Dues to Grand Chapter. $41 00 Officers, 1871: Richard Cooper H. P. A. J. Frantz K. W. L. Pickering S. J. L. Hargroves C. of H. J. A. Ray P. S. Benj. Kaufman R. A. C. Henry Hoskins M. 3d V. L. Washburn M. 2d V. L. A. Runge M.lstV. Treasurer, Samuel R. Collier Secretary. Richard Shields Tyler. 57 S4DOOBA tttAPTER, No. 70—Scooba, Kcmpcf Countyj Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—H. C. Robinson, h. p.; B. A. Calhoun, k.; J. C. Carnathan, s.; J. W. Hardin, c. of h.; W. H. Lipscomb, p. s.; J. T. Webb, r. a. c.; E. A. Jack- son, m. 3d v.; J. C. Dale, m. 2d v.; A. E. Jackson, m. 1st v.; 0. Y. Neely, Treas'r; J. C. Hardin, Secretary; J. Y. Lipscomb, Tyler. Members—J. C. Avery, Ed. Dillard, Geo. Dillard, J. R. Dunlap, J. M. Rambo, R. A. Garner, 0. F. Hadley, John Robinson. W. W. Little, B. H. McElvain, E. H. Nelson, F. G. Nicholson, D. C. Greenwood—Total, 26. Demitted—M. D. Crawford—1. Died—J. Mulholland—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $25 00—received $18 00 Officers, 1871: (None Elected.) JOHN HEBRON CHAPTER, No. 71—Bovina, Warren Co. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—Daniel Cameron, h.p. ; Jas. C. Newman, k.; E. Fox, (pro tern.,) s.; J. H. Newman, (pro tern.,) c. of h. ; J. H. Featherston, p. s.; S. B. Wall, r. a. c. ; G. A. Chappell, (pro tem.,) m. 3d v.; John B. Young, (pro tern.,) m. 2d v.; W. R. Billingslea, m. 1st v.; J. B. Brabston, (pro tem.,) Treasurer; John L.Hebron, (pro tem.,) Secretary; W. M. Bullock, (pro tem.,) Tyler. Members—H. T. Young, Jas. A. Fox, J. W. Finch, G. F. Roland—Total, 16. Affiliated—J. W. Finch, G. F. Roland—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $16 00 Officers, 1871: (None Elected.) RENT H. MILES CHAPTER, No, 72—Satartia, Yazoo Co. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. S. Stampley, h. p. ; Wm. A. Mansfield, k. ; S. H. Childress, s.; Jas. H. Martin, c. of h. ; Thomas R. Holloman, p. s.; Joseph W. Lea., r. a. c. ; W. D. Gibbs, m. 3d v.; John Stampley, m.2d v.; AVilliam W. Wiles, m. 1st v.; Turner Lumbley, Treasurer; Dent H. Miles, Secretary; John Potter, Tyler. Members—Jas. R. Bell, Julius Horn thai, John B. Holloman, J. W. Jones, John H. McCutchen, Claiborne McCalpin, William H. Richardson, Asa Sibley, Robert G. Johnson, Thomas H. White, F. M. Haining—Total, 23. Exalted—C. H. McCalpin, Thomas H. White, William H. Richardson—3. Affiliated—F. M. Haining—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—James H. Bradshaw—1. Dues to Grand ChaDter $29 00 58 John Stampley. F. M. Haining... Thomas H. White. .H. P. K. Jas. H. Martin C. of H. Thomas R. Holloman P. S. J. S. Stampley R. A. C. Officers, 1871; Jos. W. Rear M. 3d V. William A. Mansfield M. 2d V. W. W. Wiles M.lstV. W. H. Richardson Treasurer. Dent H. Miles Secretary. John^Potter Tyler. WARD CHAPTFR, No, 73-Senatobia, DeSoto County. Regular Convocations, 3d Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—M. D. Johnson, h. p.; M. L. Benge, k.; J. M. Veach, s.; L. W-. Pearce, c. of h.; J. E. Mathews, p. s.; H. L. Anthony, r. a. c.; W. W. Gilmore, m. 3d v.; J. Wl Benton, m. 2d v.; J. E. Woolfolk, m. 1st v.; J, S. Jones, Treas'r; J. M. Williams, Secretary; E. C. Townsend, Tyler. Members—T. A. Bailey, W. H. Bounds, John Carlock, R. J. Carter, W. T. Cole, M. A. Douglas, W. A. Embry, Jeptha Evans, A. J. Howard, A. T. Hudson, C. B. Hood, H. HalL F. M. Larimore, J. M. Logan, J. M. Linsey, J. M. Lively, J. A. Miller, B. T. Neighbors, Jas. Pickle, Jas. Ruffin, R. P. Ramsey, Rob. Stewart, A. P. Sage, H. J. Smith, D. H. A. Sanders, A. H. Too*ibs, L. P. Underwood, J. B. Wright, 0. F. West, N. W. Williams, R. P. White, B. B. Waddel—Total, 44. Exalted—J. M. Lively, J. A. Miller, H. Hall, D. T. Neighbors, James Pickle, R. B. Ramsey—6. Died—J. T. White—1. Expelled—J. W. Benton, by Ebenezer Lodge, No. 76—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $56 00 Officers, 1871: M. D. Johnson H. P. M. L. Benge K. J. M. Yeach S. L. W. Pearce C. of H. J. E. Mathews P. S. H. L. Anthony R. A. C. W. W. Gilmore M. 3d V. J. W. Benton M. 2d V. J. E. Woolfolk M. 1st Y. J. S. Jones Treasurer. J. N. Williams Secretary. E. C. Townsend Tyler. W. D. FERRIS CHAPTER, No. 74—Benton, Yazoo County. Begular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—W. D. Ferris, h. p.; Henry Yandell, k.; Jas. H. Elliott, s.; J. A. Sconyers, c. of h. ; D. Bunch, p. s.; W. A. Hendricks, r. a. c.; J. A. Purvis, m. 3d v.; W. F. Watlington, m. 2d v.; Jas. W. Picketts, m. 1st v.; R. McCutchen, Treasurer; W. J. Watlington, Secretary; J. P. Briggs, Tyler. Members—T. B. Alsop, E. Berry, A. R. Blaylock, A. T. Carson, J. M. Chisholmi S. Z. Dixon, J. L. Deason, W. C. Day, J. H. Frazier, John F. Green, B. H. Griffin, W. F. Heard, C. R. Henderson, J. F. Hendrick, William Hewett, A. H. Johnston, L. P. King, A. A. Lomax, R. Ledbetter, E. A. Moore, J. W. Penny, J. H. Pepper, Z. Pepper, Jr., Jas. W. Ricketts, J. M. Smith, W. H. Stubblefield, R. H. Sanders, 59 J. J. Simms, D. W. Thomas, Jas. Vaughan, L. B. Warren, B. P. Williams, G. M. Powell, J. Blalock, R. P. Frasier, W. T. Brister, J. J. Simms, J. W. C. Smith, W. A. Stricklin—Total, 51. Affiliated—D. W. Thomas, Jas. Vaughan—2. Reinstated—A. R. Blaylock, William Ewen, W. P. King, J. H. Pepper, B. F. Williams, J. M. Smith—6. Demitted—T. M. Brister, A. T. Brister, R. Frasier, Wm. Ewen, R. Warren—5. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—F. M. Beall, S. H. Brister, S. L. Dixon, D. Stubblefield—4. Dues to the Grand Chapter $51 00 Officers, 1871: Henry Yandell H. P. Jas. H. Elliott K. G. M. Powell.. S. J. A. Sconyers C. of H. W. A. Stricklin P. S. W. P. King R. A. C. J. H. Burress M. 3d Y. John Blaylock. M. 2d V. W. A. Hendricks M. 1st Y. D. Bunch Treasurer. J. W. C. Smith Secretary. E. Peters Tyler. Note.—This return does not correspond with several previous returns, but ac- companying letter of Secretary sufficiently explains. The last seven names in roll are added by Grand Secretary. They were in membership last report, and not otherwise accounted for.—G. Sec'y. CORINTH CHAPTER, No. 76—Corintli, Alcorn County. Regular Convocations 3d Thursday in each month. No Returns for 1870. CRYSTAL SPRINGS, No. 77—Crystal Springs, Copiah Co. Regular Convocations, 3d Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. W. Brown, p. h.; H. R. Smith, k.; 0. Osburn, s.; J. M. K' Alford, c. of h.; E. N. Sumrall, p. s.; J. W. Mathis, r. a. c.; T. J. Cammack, m. 3d v.; J. W. Didlake, m. 2d v.; J. B. Fields, m. 1st v.; M. W. Eagan, Treasurer; S. D. Robinson, Secretary ; J. W. Bailey, Tyler. Members.—J. C. Alford, p. h. p.; J. T. Alford, J. F. Alford, A. F. Andre, W. S. Alsop, W. P. Barnes, J. Bridges, J. B. Catching, V. L. Coalson, G. W. Clement, O. D. Clement, S. Corlev, E. W. Corlev, 0. P. Holliday, W. M. Keathley, G, W. Lock J. W. Massey, A. Mcintosh, J. H. Mcintosh, J. H. Parsons, S. Reno, J.'C. Smith', W. J. Smith, A. J. Surges, I. N. Tower, D. P. Welch, A. L. Williams, J. N*. Wilson, A.'T. Wolfe, W. A. Wadkins, J. W. Young—Total, 43. Exalted—T. M. Barr, W. D. Carmichael, J. M. Coor, W. G. McLeod, B. A. Smith B F Wilson 6« Reinstated—T. Berkins, S. Corley, J. N. Tower, W. A. Wadkins, J.N. Wilson, W. S. Alsop—7. Demitted—T. Berkson—1.. Died—W. Matheny, T. J. Spencer, W. J. Willing—3. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—A. Hunter, T. M. Scott, C. R. Smith—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $61 00—received $55 00 60 Offcers, 1871 i T. J. Cafflmack M. 3d V. R. W. Brown, p. h. p M. 2d V. S. Reno M. 1st Y. M. W. Eagan Treasurer. J. F. Alford Secretary. J. W. Bailey Tyler. Note.—The six companions exalted should have been included in roll of mem- bers. Correct total is 49. H. R. Smith H. P. J. M. K. Alford, p. h. p K. E. N. Sumrall S. B. F. Wilson C. of H. G. W. McLeod P. S. B. A. Smith R. A. C. WINONA CHAPTER, Co. 78—Winona, Carroll County. Regular Convocations, 2d Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—E. Huntley, p. h.; E. N. Hammond, k.; J. W. May, s.; G. A. Spivey, c. of h.; R. D. Palmer, p. s.; C. A. Arnold, r. a. c.; F. M. Shryock, m. 3d v.. S. C. Stovall, m. 2d v.; R. Williams, m. 1st v.; W. W. Marshall, Treasurer: J. J. Campbell, Secretary ; W. J. Nugent, Tyler. Members—M. H. Allen, C. M. Brooke, Green Bledsoe, J. W. Boothe, A. H. Boothe, T. J. Blackman, T. A. Baskins, J. T. Cain, I. H. Curtis, W. W. Cowan, Jesse M. Doyle, G. C. Everett, B. R. Eskridge, W. G. Gunn, W. W. Gairy, A. R. Gooch, H. J. Gooch, Tip Gamble, H. T. Harvey, Ralph Harvey, W. F. Hamer, H. H. Hudgins, W. H. Hurt, W. H. Johnson, J. Killingsworth, G. P. Lake, C. Y. Marshall, J. Y. Oliver, W'. B. Perry, Nathan Pittman, J. A. Pyron, A. M. Rafter J. P. Thompson, H. P. Turner, J. R. Watson, D. L. Young—Total, 48. Exalted—C. M. Brooke, T. J. Blackman, Tip Gamble, W. G. Gunn, C. Y. Mar- shall, J. P. Thompson—6. Affiliated—W. W. Cowan, W. H. Johnson, H. P. Turner—3. Reinstated—T. A. Baskins, H. H. Morgan, Nathan Pittman—3. Demitted—T. P. Brown, James Collins, H. H. Morgan, 0. J. Moore—4. Died—W. J. McGee—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues.)—J. F. Collins, H. F. McWilliams—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $60 00 Officers, 1871: E. Huntley H. P. Ralph Harvey K. A. C. Stovall S. G. A. Spivey C. of H. C. Y. Marshall P. S. E. N. Hammond R. A. C. Tip Gamble M. 3d V. W. W. Cowan M. 2d V. T. A. Baskins M. 1st V. W. W. Marshall Treasurer. J. J. Campbell Secretary. W. J. Nugent Tyler. TAMPICO, No. 79—Tampico, Oktibbeha. County. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—James B. Cherry, h. p.; Francis M. Gilbert, k.; William H. Ellis, s.; B. E. Pelly, c. of h.; William C. Duke, p. s.; Thomas Carroll, r. a. c.; James M. Randall, m. 3d v.; Lawson L. Miller, m. 2d v.; James E. Miller, m. 1st v.; Silas Cooper, Treasurer; David W. Williams, Secretary; James S. Miller, Tyler. Members—A. N. Hamilton. A. H. Thomas, J. E. Vaughn, C. E. Verelle, C. K. Waker, J. H. Willingham—18. Demitted—A. J. Rife—1. 61 Dues to Grand Chapter $18 00 Officers, 1871: James B. Cherry H. P. Francis M. Gilbert K. Wm. H. Ellis S. Burrell E. Petty C. of H. Wm. C. Duke P. S. Thomas Carroll R. A. C. James M. Randall'. M. 3d V. Lawson L. Miller M. 2d V. James E. Miller M. 1st V. Silas Cooper Treasurer. David W. Williams Secretary. S.Williams Tyler. Note.—Received, also, returns for 1869.—G. Sec'y. BROOKHAVEN, No. 80-Brookhaven, Lincoln County. Regular Convocations, 4th Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—T. F. Rawls, h. p.; James A. Hoskins, k.; E. E. Seavey, s.; P. R. Fleeman, c. of h.; E. Pfeifer, p. s.; H. C. Hoskins, r. a. c.; S. H. Whitworth, m. 3d v.; R. J. Bowen, m. 2d v.; M. J. Whitworth, m. 1st v. (dead); J. W. Martin, Treasurer; A. E. Moreton, Secretary; E. Knapp, Tyler. Members—R. R. Applewhite, B. T. Atkins, Luther Blue, A. 0. Cox, W. G. Ford, Wm. Hobson, Frank Heuck, Charles Heuck, H. Lewenthal, C. Lessing, J. W. Oliver, J. H. Stewart, C. K. Harvey—Total, 25. Exalted—B. T. Atkins, H. Lewenthall—2. Affiliated—J. H. Stewart—1. Reinstated—R. R. Applewhite—1. Died—M. J. Whitworth—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—James Albritton, F. W. East, John M. Hooker—3. Dues to the Grand Chapter $30 00 Officers, 1871: T. F. Rawls H. P. A. O. Cox K. L. Blue S. J. A. Hoskins C. of H. B. T. Atkins P. S. A. E. Moreton R. A. C. A. E. Maxwell M. 3d V. E. E. Seavy M. 2d V. H. Lewenthall M. 1st V. E. Pfeifer Treasurer. J. H. Stewart Secretary. C. Lessing Tyler. S. II. JOHNSON, No. 81—Mazleliurst, Copiah County. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers 1870—J. W. Anderson, h. p.; J. R. Fortenberry, k.; R. D. Middleton, s* D B Low, c. of h.; W. J. Wilson, p. s.; John C. Pitts, r. a. c.; Joseph Price, m' 3dV G w. Kilcrease, m. 2d v.; John Ricker, m. 1st v.; J. C. Groom, Treas- urer- W. W. Miller, Secretary; J. W. Alley (not a member), Tyler. TVTvm'rvrs M. Beasley, M. Faler, J. A. Hull, p. h. p., B. Harris, B. Higdon, A. J Harris, J. B. Middleton, G, Morrison, M. G. Norman, A. Page, G. W. Purnell, T. J. Ramsey—Total, 24. Dues to the Grand Chapter $25 00-received $23 00 62 Officers, 1871: B. Higdon M. 3d V. Joseph Price M. 2d V. G. W. Purnell M. IstV. G. W. Kilcrease Treasurer. J. C. Pitts Secretary. W. T. Lambright (not a memb.) Tyler. Note.—Companions M. J. Massengill and Charmer Price should appear in roll of members. Correct total is 25. Comp. John Bicker was reported demitted, but being an officer in 1870, could not demit during term of office, and should not have been so reported in this return.—G. Sec'y. John A. Hull H. P. M. J. Massengill K. J. R. Groom '. S. D. B. Low C. of H. J. R. Fortenberry P. S. R. D. Middleton R. A. C. STARKVILLE, No. 83—Starkville, Oktibbeha County. Regular Convocations, 3d Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—C. N. Terry, h. p.; Wm, H. Gunn, p. h. p., k.; F. H. Duquercron, s.; L. Rosenfield, c. of h.; W. E. Saunders, p. s.; M. E. Owens, r. a. c.; C. W. Westmoreland, h. 3d v.; Louis Marten, m. 2d v.; T. G. Sellers, p. h. p.; m. 1st v.; H. A. McCreight, Treasurer; W. C. Bishop, Secretary; W. F. Yeager, Tyler. Members—W. B. Aikin, J. M. Brooks, James W. Bell, James W. Butler, W. H. Cross, J. H. Carroll, W. H. Carpenter, J. W. Caldwell, L. I). Friday, H. Fondren, John H. Gay, R. A. Lampkin, J. B. Long, D. F. Montgomery, James Mcllwain, H. C. Powers, J. T. Randolph, J. H. Steel, C. S. Sikes, J. W. Woodward— Total, 32. Exalted—J. W. Butler, H. C. Powers, C. S. Sikes—3. Reinstated—W. B. Aikin, J. G. Carroll, E. Gaston, C. R. Jordan—4. Demitted—L. A. Fort, E. Gaston, W. H. Glenn, C. A. Hogan, C. R. Jordan, G. R. Montgomery, C. F. Miller, R. A. Wilder—4. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—R. W. Ellis, John Henry, J. R. Ham, W. T. Montgomery, B. valentine, P. Valentine—6. Due to Grand Chapter... $38 00 Officers, 1871: T. H. Duquercron H. P. W. E. Saunders K. H. C. Powers S. Louis Marten C. of H. T. G. Sellers P. S. W. H. Cross R. A. C. M. E. Owens M. 3d V. C. W. Westmoreland M. 2d V. J. W. Woodward M. 1st V. L. Rosenfield Treasurer. W. C. Bishop Secretary. W. H. Gunn Tyler. SUMMERYILLE CHAPTER, No. 83—Summerville, Gliolson Post Office, Noxubee County. Regular Convocations, 2nd Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—Thoa. S. Gathright, h. p.; M. Edwards, k.; J. R. Prince, s.; G. D. C. Reed, c. of h.; William Kellis, p. s.; Jordon Moore, r. a. c.; J. C. Van- devender, m. 3d v.; G. Floora, m. 2d v.; G. H. Fain, m. 1st v.; R. Yoe, Treasurer; A. L. Nail, Secretary; J. W. Williams, Tyler. Members—W. H. Eichelberger, F. B. Green, R. J. Hudson, J. R. Larkin, Jo«. Lyle, L. V. Rosser, A. L. Thompson, Z. C. Gathright, R.A.Jackson, E. Edwards— Total, 22. Demitted—Terry Gideon—1. Dues to Grand Chapter 00 63 Officers, 1871: Thos. S. Gathright H. P. Abram Green K. J. R. Prince S. G. D. C. Reed C. of H. Wm. Kellis P. S. Jordan Moore R. A. C. J. C. Vandevender M. 3d V. Gray Floora M. 2d V. E. Edwards M. 1st. V. R. Yoe Treasurer. M. Edwards Secretary. J. W. Williams Tyler. Note—Returns for 1869, and dues ($24 00) received with above—G. Sec'y. SALEM CHAPTER, No. 85—Union Church, Jefferson Co. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—John A. Galbreath, h. p.; R. A. Sibley, k, ; Lewis Cato, s.; F. F. Herring, c. of h. ; N. R. C. Watson, p. s.; A. R. Lum, r. a. c. ; J. F. Cato, m. 3d v.; W. H. Clark, m. 2d v.; E. T. Tucker, m. 1st v.; Hezekiah Short, Treasurer; C. M.Gordon, Secretary; James N. Clark, Tyler. Members—Davis Applewhite, George C. Armstrong, Elijah F. Bailey, R. C. Beatha, Henry P. Bowen, William H. Bowen, J. B. Bowen, John D. Bridgers, Robert Buie, Joseph P. Buie, Henry Cato, Joseph W. Cato, Sterling Cato, John A. Clark, William H Clark, Thomas H. Cleland, Augustus Cobb, W. D. Coleman, John J. Eihory, C. C. Ervin, D. P. Fairly, Ephraim Flowers, James H. Freeman, Thomas J. Furniss, M. A. Galbreath, Levy R. Godbolt, Thomas W. Godbolt, B. M. Godbolt, William N. Davis, Thomas 0. Herring, William N. Havis, Berry F. Jones, Middleton Kelly, Zetus Linton, William N. Maddox, Elijah Miller, A. J. Moore, Thomas J. Mull-ins, John S. McCormick, William A. McLean, John J. McLean, W. G. Millsaps, JohnR. Nevels, Martin Nevels, J. P. Newman, W. R. Newman, R. K. Scott, J. F. Sessions, William J. Smith, Saxson Shaw, Daniel Warren, Joseph J. Warren, William A. Watson, G. W. \V histine, Clark N.Wood— Total, 67. Exalted—J. F. Sessions, Saxson Shaw, W. D. Coleman—3. Reinstated—W. R. Newman—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $72 00—Received$29 00 Officers, 1871: William N. Havis M.3dV. E. T. Tucker M.2dV. Malcom A.Galbreath M. 1st V. Sterling Cato Treasurer. William H. Clark Secretary. D.G. Clark Tyler. J. A. Galbreath H. P. R. A. Sibley K. Lewis Cato S. James H. Freeman .C. of H. Zetus Linton P. S. Hezekian Short R. A. C. 9IEADVILLE CHAPTER No. 86—Meadvillc, Franklin Co. No returns for 1870. STONEWALL CHAPTER No. 87—Sylvarena, Smith County. No returns for 1870. 64 CAT© CHAPTER, No. 89—Cato, Rankin County. (Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—John Russell, h. p.; John Colquhoun, k.; O. L. Corley, s.; P. H. Oygrley, c. of h.; T. C. Clark, p. s. ; Esaw Bass, r. a. c. ; W. L. Manning, M. 3d v.; A. Colquhoun, M. 2d v.; S. H. Mangum, m. 1st v.; S. L. Tucker, Treas- urer; U. P. Dent, Secretary; E. Floyd, Tyler. Members—W. H. Barnett, J. A. Barnett, C. H. Baker, L. J. Coleman, F. H. C. Dent, Sol Dobson, A. L. Daniel, T. J. Franklin, Daniel Giddens, F. M. Martin, John Morrison, Dan Morrison, Alex. Murray, C. R. Norman, J. P. Rainwater— Total, 27. Dues to Grand Chapter $27 00 Officers, 1871: John Russell.. H. P. John ColquBWun.. K. W. H. Barnett S. P. H. Overby C. of H. A. Colquhoun P. S. Esaw Bass R. A. C. C. H. Baker M. 3d V. F. H. C. Dent M. 2d V. S.H. MAngum M.lstV. S. L. Tucker Treasurer. F. M. Martin Secretary. E. Floyd Tyler. SUMMIT CHAPTER No. 90—Summit, Pike County. Regular Convocations, 2nd Friday in each month. Officers, 1870—George T. Gracey, h. p.; Jacob Hart, k. ; H. Hiller, s.; I. Moyse, c. of h. ; C. H. Mogan, p. s.; Sam Hyman, r. a. c.; G. B. May, m. 3d v.; P. C. Quin, m. 2d v.; W. T. Tyler, m. 1st v.; Ben Hilborn, Treasurer; George C. Taylor, Secretary; Chas. H. Lester, Tyler. Members—H. S. Anderson, A. A. Boyd, W. F. Cain, E. W. Flowers, G. P. God- bold, B. Haynes, Solomon Hyman, J. W. Hart, George W. Huffman, P. L. Marsalis, John May, John D. McDowell, William F. McDowell, George Nicholson, H. Nor- man, J. G. Parsons. H. Murray Quin, D. H. Quin, Thomas R. Stockdale, S. Wolf, L. Wolf, N. Williams—Total, 34. Exalted—H. S. Anderson, E. W. Flowers, J. D. McDowell—3. Demitted—John Williams—1. Died—J. T. Lamkin, A. H. Prewett—2. Dues to Grand Chapter, $40 00 Officers, 1871: P. L. Marsalis M. 3d V. George T. Gracey. H. Hiller H. P. K. G. B.May , S. I. Moyse ; C. of H. Ed. H. Mogan P. S. Sam Hyman R. A. C. P. C. Quin M. 2d V. J. G. Parsons M.lstV. W. T. Tyler Secretary. Ben Hilborn Treasurer. C. H. Lyster Tyler. CENTRE RIDGE CHAPTER, No. 93—Eauderdale Springs Post Office, Kemper Couuty. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—T. C. Murphy, h. p.; G. J. Fortner, k.; J. S. Nettury, s.; J. C. Gilbert, c. of h.; J. S. Ross, p. s.; E. E. Spinks, r. a. c.; G. Butcher, m. 3d v.; A. Lilly, m. 2d. v.; R. G. Bitsell, m. 1st v.; N. Grace, Treasurer; R. Fowler, Secre- tary, William Stephens, Tyler. Members—M. J. Rush, L. M. McLendon, J. Moore, J. B. Ramsey, A. Barefield, John C. Spinks, Mc. M. Hudson, Charles Bell,. G. L. Welsh, W. P. Kusee, J. R. Brittain, James Watts—Total, 24. 65 Exalted—L. M. McLendon, John Moore, J. B. Ramsey, J. C. Spinks, Mc. M. Hudson, Charles Bell—6. Affiliated—James Watts, p. h. p—1. Demitted—William Dean—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $36 00—received $37 00 Officers, 1871: G. J. Eortner H. P. J. S. Netturv K. J. C. Gilbert S.. J. C. Spinks C. of H. J. S. Ross P. S. Mc. M. Hudson R. A. C. L. M. McLendon M. 3d V. A. Lilly M. '2d V. R. G. Betsill M. IstV. N. Grace Treasurer. R. Fowler Secretary. C. Bell Tyler. Note.—Return would be more acceptable had roll of mombers been alphabeti- cally arranged.—G. Sec'y. DIJRANT CHAPTER, No. 94-Durant, Holmes County. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—C. T. Murphy, h. p.; S. W. Red, k.; R. M. Murphy, s.; J. Jeff. Cooper, c. of h.; F. M. Glass, p. s.; C. H. Weston, r. a. c.; B. W. Moore, m. 3d. v.; J. R. Heflin, sk 2d v.; James Hays, m. 1st v.; J. S. Weatherby, Treasurer; John Murphy, Secretary; J. W. Cook, Tyler. Members—J. W. Allen, C. A. Crowder, L. Glazier, W. W. Godfrey, James W. B. Sanders, Nicholas Smith, J. W. Sproles, Sr., B. M. Strowd, W. P. Strowd, M. C. Shepherd, S. W. Weems, C. H. Weston—Total, 25. Affiliated—L. Glazier—1. Demitted—T. C. Parish, J. W. Elliott, Joel Gulledge, Wm. Joyce—4. Died—C. C. Sproles—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—W. A. Elmore, J. S. Herbert—2. Dues to the Grand Chapter $25 00 Officers, 1871: C. T. Murphy [H. P. C. H. Weston K. S. W. Red S. J. Jeff. Cooper C. of H. L. Glazier P. S. S. W. Weatherby R.A. C. R. M. Murphy M. 3d V. J. S. Weatherby M. 2d V. W. W. Godfrey M. 1st V. S. W. Weems Treasurer. J. R. Heflin Secretary. B. M. Strowd Tyler. WEST POINT CHATTER, No. 95—West Point Lowndes County. Regular Convocations, 3d Friday in each month. Officers 1870—Ben T. Palmer, h. p.; W. F. Franks, k.; H. W. Henly, s.; Jas. TT Rhiriman. c. of h.;. R. L. Cannon, p. s.; Jerry Troy, r. a. c.; m 3d v^ A. C. Echols, m. 2d v.; D. W. Story, m. 1st v.; P. H. White, Treasurer; J S Carothers, Secretary; John D. Travis, Tyler. ' ' 5 66 Members—Henry Anderson, John K. Allen, John G. Baptist, Geore T. Baber, James A. Cox, Benj. F. Capshaw, John T. Crockett, J. P. Dancer, P. B. Dugan, B. A. Duncan, Isadore Frenkel, F. E. Harris, Robert S. Harris, Con. McCarthy, Wm. W. Robinson, Wm. B. Shelly, P. W. Taylor, W. G. White—30. Exalted—Isadore Frenkel, Con. McCarthy, William G. White—3. Affiliated—John K. Allen, John T. Crockett, P. W. Taylor—3. Demitted—C. P. Savage, James H. Westbbrook—2. Suspended (non-payment of dues)—T. D. Williamson. Dues to Grand Chapter $36 00—received 35 00 Officers, 1871: .H. P. K. W. B. Shelly M. 3d V. J. W. Shippman M. 2d V. John K. Allen M.lstV. L. W. Storey Treasurer. J. Frenkel Secretary. John D. Travis Tyler. Note.—Companion John B. Ellis, in membership last report, is not accounted for. Correct total is 31.—G. Sec'y. Ben T. Palmer P. H. White Wm. G. White S. Wm. F. Franks C. of H. R. L. Cannon P. S. John F. Crockett R. A. C. HcCONNICO CHAPTER, No. 96—Water Valley, Yallobusha County, Regular Convocations, 1st Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—M. D. L. Stephens, h. p.; John H. Wilson, k.; L. M. Lawshe, s.; P. C. Kennedy, c. of h.i T. W. Whitsey, p. s.; H. L. Duncan, r. a. c.; F. H. Green, m. 3d v.; B. R. Harding, m. 2d v.; Wm. Simmons, m. 1st v.; A. J. McCon- nico, Treasurer, W. H. Sthreshly, Secretary; F. Hulihan, Tyler. Members—J. K. Fulson, Henry Gibbon, W. E. Beir, G. W. Fulmer, A. S. Campbell, B. H. Carr, Robert Martin, D. W. Rogers, D. F. Rogers, P. D. Woods, E. C. Davidson, W. Taliaferro, Lewis Marble, J. C. Butler—Total, 28. Exalted—W. A. Crawford, Sam Tate, W. W. Howd, E. Badley, Gus. Bergland, S. B. McConnico, J. O. Hendricks, J. Q. Morrison. George A. Sims, J. H. Roth- well, W. S. Harrison, F. J. West, W. H. Leach, C. T. Hope, W. S. Palmore—15. Demitted—Sam Tate, J. E. Smith, Geo. W. Smith—3. x Died—W. W. Howd—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $69 00—received $56 00 .Officers, 1871: John H. Wilson H. P. P. C. Kennedy K. T. W. Whitsey S. T. J. West C. of H W. S. Harrison P. S. Geo. A. Sims R. A. C. W. A. Crawford M. 3d V. J. O. Hendricks M. 2d V. J. Q. Morrison M. 1st V. Elijah Badley Treasurer. L. M. Lawshe Secretary. F. Hulihan Tyler. Correction—Companions Ben Barr. and A. L. Guntharp, in membership last report, are not accounted for. The 15 Companions exalted, should have been added to the roll, except Companion Tate, demitted, and Companion Howd, deceased. Grand Secretary makes the correct total in membership 39, and dues to Grand Chapter $69 00, instead of $56 00 received,—G. Sec'y. 67 R. W. PAYNE CHARTER, No. 97—Morton, Scott County. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1870—J. F. Pettus, h. p.; A. P. Sims, k.; L. H. Jones, k.; L. R. Moore, c. of h.; D. L. Mitchell, p. s.; W. J. Flanigan, r. a. c.; J. M. Brossell, m. 3d v.; M. Myers, m. 2d v.; H. H. Moore, m. 1st v.; Q. D. Finch, Treasurer; W. L. Lowry, Secretary; W. Jennings, Tyler. Members—John R. Owen, W. Lee Wilkins, S. D. Dudley—15. Affiliated—D. P. Mitchell, W. Lee Wilkins—2. Demitted—G. A. Enis, A. M. Record—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $19 00—received $15 00 Officers, 1871: J. F. Pettus H. P. A. P. Sims K. L. L. Jones S. L. R. Moore C. of H. D. L. Mitchell P. S. W. A. Flanigan R. A. C. J. M. Brossell M. 3d V. M. Myers M. 2d W. H.H.Moore M. 1st V. J. D. Finch Treasurer. W. L. Lowry Secretary. W. Jennings Tyler. Correction.—Companions Andrew J. Windham, Frank J. Mangham, W. P. McBride, and A. A. Switser, in membership last report, are not accounted for. Other irregularities might be noted. Please prepare Return with ink, and when names are introduced on the roll for first time, state in what manner membership was acquired.—G. Sec'v. McDONALD CHARTER, No. 98—Ashland, Benton County. Regular Convocations, 4th Wednesday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. L. Bouton, h. p.; J. M. McDowell, k.; G. N. Dickerson, s.; Benj. Bright, c. of h.; A. J. Jordon, p. s.; J. J. Brown, r. a. c.; S. D. "Bookout, m. 3d. v.; >1. J. Cox, m. 2d v.; J. A. Cox, m. 1st v.; J. H. Prescott, Treasurer; N. W. Bouton, Secretary; J. R. Roberts, Tyler. Members—A. M. Ayres, W. A. Campbell, L. P. Cossett, Lewis Glenn, J. H. Godsey, C. L. Harris, J. J. Hicks, B. T. Kimbrough, H. F. Lipford, W. G. Pegram, A. Gr. Parrott, R. J. Sharp, H. G. Spencer, J. P. Wingate, D. B. Wright—27. Affiliated—B. T. Kimbrough—1. Demitted—C. L. Harris, B. T. Kimbrough—2. Dues to the Grand Chapter $28 00—received 27 00 Officers, 1871: R. L. Bouton H P. B T Kimbrough M. 3d V. J. M. McDonald K. M. J. Cox M. 2d V. G. N. Dickerson 'A'"'?™' ix i? S'I1 ^ Reni C. of H. J. H. Prescott Treasurer. A i: Jordon ■■■■■■ ?■ *■ ?• W. Bouton Secretary J. J. Brown ••••• A- c- J- A- Cox TJler. Correction.—Companion Alfred Freeman is not accounted for. Correct total ip 28.—G. Sec'y. 68 ATTAEA CHAPTER Wo. 100—Liberty Chapel Church, Wells Post Office, Attala County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1870—S. C. Conley, h. p.; C. G. Harris, k.; J. W. Cole, s.; W. W. Adams, c. of h.; J. M. Thompson, p. s.; J. 0. Riley, r. a. c.; M. D. D. Wasson, m. 3d v.; Elijah Treadaway, m. 2d v.; W.,T. Sweat, m. 1st v.; James A. Wasson, Treasurer; W. J. Wasson, Secretary; L. G. W. Harrison, Tyler. Members—John A. Wasson, B. F. Norman, J. T. Mathis, N. C. Wasson, E. A.- A. P. Lucas—Total, 17. Dues to the Grand Chapter $17 00—received $16 00 Officers, 1871: W. J. Wasson H. P. L. G.W.Harris ; K. John A. Wasson S. W. W. Adams C. of H. J. G. Riley P. S. M. D. Wasson R. A. C. Elijah Treadaway M.3dV. J. W. Cole M.2d V. W. T. Sweat M. 1st V. James A. Wasson Treasurer. C. G. Harris Secretary. E. E. A. P.Lucas Tyler. COFFEEVKLLE CHAPTER, Wo. 101—Cofteeville, Yalobusha County. Regular Convocations, 2d Tuesday in each month. Officers, 1870—R. S. Thomas, h. p.; J. H. Kennedy, k.; H. Ray, s.; A. L. Guntharp, c. of h.; J. D. Haile, p. s.; J. A. P. Kennedy, r. a. c.; Samuel Strouse m.3d v.; W. L. Brannon, m. 2d v.; W. D. Yorke, m. 1st v.; J. L. Eskridge, Treas- urer; T. P. Tempel, Secretary; J. J. Melton, Tyler. Members—G. P. Bondurant, J. L. Collins, W. B. Hooper, J. C. Hannah, R. W. Jones, W. J. Melton, E. 0. Perkins, M. A. Perkins, S. M. Ross, E. W. Smith, W. R. Spencer, 0. W. Shipp, John 0. Vann, S. M. Willie, B. C. Wells, B. E. Williams, L. R. Wilson, E. A. Ware—Total, 31. Exalted—J. C. Hannah, J. L. Collins, W. J. Melton, John 0. Vann, E. A. Ware, M. A. Perkins—6. Affiliated—L. R. Wilson, W. R. Spencer, 0. W. Shipp—3. Demitted—C> J. W. Murphree, Swann T. Williams—2. Dues to the .Grand Chapter $43 00 Officers, 1871: R. S. Thomas H.P. J. H. Kennedy K. H. Ray S. A. L. Guntharp C. of H. J. D. Haile P. S. J. A. P. Kennedy R. A. C. W. L. Brannon M. 3d V. W. J. Melton M. 2d V. W. R. Spencer, M. 1st V. John L. Collins Treasurer. F. P. Tempel Secretary. J. J, Melton Tyler. Note—C. J. W. Murphree omitted.—G. Sec'y STATISTICAL SUMMARY. Chapters making Returns for 1870 72 Chapters failing to make Returns for 1870 7 Chapters represented at Grand Annual Convocation 68 Total membership in 72 Chapters 2433 Estimated membership in Chapters not reporting 150 Exalted 167 Affiliated 56 Reinstated 76 Demitted 132 Died .50 Suspended for non-payment of dues 169 Suspended for unmasonic conduct.' 1 Expelled '. 2 Statistical Summary for Preceding Year. Chapters making Returns 76 Exalted 201 Affiliated 47 Reinstated 131 Demitted 156 Died 49 Suspended 203 Expelled 4 Members 2665 REPORT ON FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. To the M.'. E.\ Grand High Priest and Members of the Grand Chapter: Your Committee on Foreign Correspondence respectfully ask leave to submit their report on the proceedings of the following Grand Chapters: Alabama 1869 Michigan 1870 Arkansas 1869 Maine.. 1870 Canada ,1870 Maryland and District of Colum- California 1870 lumbia 1869 Connecticut 1870 North Carolina 1869 Delaware 1870 New Hampshire 1870 District of Columbia 1868 New Jersey 1870 Florida 1870 New York 1870 Georgia 1870 Nebraska 1869 & 1870 Illinois 1869 Nova Scotia 1869 Indiana 1870 Ohio 1870 Iowa 1870 Oregon 1870 Kentucky 1870 Pennsylvania 1868 Louisiana 1870 South Carolina 1870 Maryland 1870 Texas 1870 Minnesota 1870 Vermont 1870 Missouri. 1870 Wisconsin 1870 ALABAMA, 1869. The M.\ E.\ G.*. Chapter of Alabama met in the city of Montgomery, 7th day of December, 1869. Present: Peleg Brown, Grand High Priest, presiding, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representatives of fifty-five Subordinate Chapters. In looking over the list of Representatives our heart is made glad when we read the familiar names that we recognize as social Companions in days gone by. The address of the G.\ H.*. Priest, as usual, is a good production, full of instructive lessons. It is quite lengthy, covering eight pages of the printed proceedings. He says: "There are evils to be corrected, and, in my humble judgment, it can only be done by a correct and uniform dissemination of the work, and that under the immediate patronage of the Grand Chapter. We are apparently in a progres- sive age; our whole country is flooded with what is termed Masonic Literature, and much of it, I am sorry to say, is useless trash, and which, I fear, is doing more to demoralize and destroy the harmony and usefulness of our beloved Oi'der than all things else put together; and what is still worse, much of this trash is found on the shelves of those who profess to be Masons. Such things may serve for the time, to tickle the fancy, and satisfy the curiosity, but in the end will kill and lead their patrons into a Babel, or in the condition of the Lost Tribe, where they will be totally unable to make themselves known, or trace their genealogy." The evils complained of by the G.\ H.\ Priest are prevalent throughout the land. Instead of our sticking to the ancient Landmarks, handed down from generation to generation, and that should remain pure and undefiled, in too many instances we are trying to make improvements on the usages and customs taught us when first introduced into the Order, while at the same time many have solemnly said : "That it is not in the power of any man to make innovations in the body of Masonry." Whenever we attempt to lop off, or add to, it is certainly aii innovation. 72 As to the "Masonic Literature," mentioned by the G.\ H.*. Priest, it is like the decisions of the higher courts. Tlu re can he found decisions and opinions to suit every case, and every side of a case. Proof may be adduced that precisely suits a ca&e, and another authority pfbve just to the contrary. Too much of a good thing frequently spoils the whole matter sought after. From the past we may learn our frailties and lament our tollies. We are all perfectly conversant with this short sentence, " What came ye here to do?" and if the principle involved in the true answer of the question be that on which we shall deliberate and act, each may have the satisfactory evidence in his own bosom that he has faithfully acted his part in extending and perpetuating the pure, unadulterated tenents of the Order. The address throughout is done up Brown, and it is our earnest prayer that the G-.\ H.\ P.'. may live long to enjoy the fruits of his labor ; and when the days of his pilgrimage shall draw to a close, and the curtain of death gently closes around the mortal body, may Heavenly messengers be near at hand to see that the expiring lamp may not receive one rude blast to hasten its ex- tinction. The G.\ Treasurer's report shows a balance on hand of $673 15. The Committee on Finance shows that the increase of the funds of the G.\ Chapter makes the amount now on hand $1,250 00. Companion P. G. Pillans, Chairman on Correspondence, reports the proceedings of thirty- one Grand Chapters, Mississippi included. The report takes up thirty pages of the pamphlet. The report is in that same good old Masonic style which is chai'aeteristic of Comp. Pillans, never fearing to call things by their proper names, nor to tell a Grand Chapter of its faults. His views on Masonic jurisprudence are almost law. They can be relied on. He says: " We by no means agree with our Comp. Patton, when, in conclusion, he says "that peace and harmony prevail throughout the entire jurisdiction in the United States," for assuredly he has forgotten the unsettled condition of Masonic affairs in Maryland and the District of Columbia." No, Compan- ion, we had not entirely forgotten it, but had good reasons to believe the quarrel would soon subside, and so it has proved, to the great joy and satis- faction of all good and true Masons. And so may it ever continue. In conclusion he says: " Companions, the writer is sensible of the obligation under which he has been placed by the kindness of the Companions of the G.\ Chapter; and with the expression of thanks to you for very flattering consideration heretofore, he . now takes leave of you as chairman of your Committee on Foreign Correspon- dence, satisfied that this may be placed in abler hands." But thanks to the G.-. Chapter of Hlabama, Comp. Pillans did not slide out so easy. The G.\ C.\ said we want and must have your services again. Served him right. H. Clay Armstrong, elected G.\ H.\ Priest; Daniel Sayre, re-elected G.\ Secretary. COUNCIL OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD. On the 2nd day of December, 1869, a Council of High Priesthood was duly organized by electing George D. Norris, President; Daniel Sayre, Re- coraer. Twenty-two Companions were elected, introduced and anointed, and set apart to the Order of High Priesthood. No further business, the Council was closed in solemn form. # ARKANSAS. The twentieth annual Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Arkansas was held in the city of Little Rock, on the 28th day of October, 1869. Present: M.-. E.\ Luke E. Barber, Grand High Priest, presiding, other G.\ Officers, and the Representatives from twenty-one Subordinates. The G.\ H,\ Priest says: "Once more this privilege has been granted us, by our Supreme G.\ H.'. Priest above, to meet around our Holy Altar, where we have so often clasped 73 each others hands in the communion of friendship, in the bonds of fraternal love. Once again we greet each other as friends and brothers; and in Masonic Companionship, strengthen each others feeble hands, and each others fainting hearts—renewing each his own strength, reanimating each his own faith and hope, as well for the conflicts of life as for the labors of the Tabernacle. * * * We are in truth but weary sojourners, engaged in rebuilding the Mystic House of the Lord, by §ubduing our passions, purifying our hearts, and preparing our bodies as fit temples for His presence. Time is swiftly passing with all of us, and when a few more years shall have come and gone, many a now familiar face will be seen no more amongst us; many of those now here assembled will have passed through the dark valley of the shadow of death. But may it be to us all a consolation to reflect that, let the hour come when it may, the blessed assu- ranee has been given, that the righteous and pure in heart will fear no evil, for His mercy and loving kindness will follow them." In regard to non-affiliated members receiving the Chapter degrees, we heartily coincide with him. None should be permitted to receive the Chap- ter degrees unless he is a member of some Lodge, and in good standing. W-e do not know of any written law in regard to time in which a brother who has taken a portion of the Chapter degrees shall be required to apply for advancement; and as Comp. Barber has remarked, we think it highly necessary that some specified time should be set by Grand Bodies. We have a law in Mississippi requiring an applicant for the Chapter degrees to apply within six months, or he will have to make a second application before he can receive them. Would it not be well to make six months the limit be- tween each degree, if a brother should fail to present himself at the proper time? We also agree with the G.\ H.*. Priest, in the decision concerning the D.\ G.\ H.\ Priest, that "he has no right to perform official acts, or exercise official authority, except in the absence of the G.-. H.-. Priest from the State, or on his written request." We agree with his notion about the Past Masters degree. We are inclined to be old fogyish as regards Masonry. If any changes are to be made, don't let it come under my administration; it is good enough for me as I received it, and thus I have endeavored to im- part it for twenty-five years. We see that the Grand Chapter still holds to the doctrine of conferring degrees in Grand Chapter. No report on Foreign Correspondence. A memorial page is appropriated to the memory of William Hicks, Grand Scribe of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas. E. H. English was elected G.\ H.\ Priest of the Grand Chapter, and Comp. Luke E. Barber, Grand Secretary. CALIFORNIA, 1870. The Masonic intelligence of the Golden State, so far as the Royal Craft is concerned, informs us that the Grand Chapter of that State held its Sixth annual Convocation in the city of San Francisco, the 5th day of April, A. D. 1870. Upon calling the roll of Grand Officers, we find present the name of M.\ E.\ John W. Harville, G.\ H.\ Priest; R.\ E.\ Lawrence C. Owen, G.\ Secretary, and the entire list of other Grand Officers, and no pro terns. Several Past Grand High Priests, and other P.*. G/. Officers. The Repre- sentatives from twenty-eight Chartered Sabordinate Chapters; delegates from two Under Dispensation, and a number of P.-. H.- Priests of that jurisdiction. The address of the Grand High Priest is short, not exceeding one page; simply giving an account of official doings during the year, suitable to that jurisdiction. The reports of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer show the amount received and disbursed to be $4,776 17. The report on Foreign Cor- respondence is by Companion Laurence C. Oliver. He makes copious extracts from the address of G.*. H.\ Priest J. O. Lusher—which the print makes him say J. O. Gusher. Now, do, Companion Oliver, correct that name * place an L in the place of that G. Lusher is bad enough, but when when you call our P.'. G/. H.*. P.\ Gusher, we don't know—but we may be forced to tease our P.*. G.*. H/. Priest. A suitable and appropriate tribute of respect, by the committee appointed 74 by the G.r. H.\ Priest, on the life, character and death of P.*. G.*. H.\ Priest Isaac Davis, of California. A mourning page is set apart, on which we read: " Honored and loved by the entire Brotherhood for the purity of his life, and for the possession of all those qualities which command respect, he was a living example of the Psalmist's eulogy: "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace. Thirty-six Subordinate Chapters in tne State, with a membership of 1782 members. Comp. George T. Grimes elected G.\ H.*. Priest, and Comp. Laurence C. Owen re-elected G.\ Secretary. order op high priesthood. The Eleventh Convention of the Order of High Priesthood assembled in San Francisco, April 6th, 1870. R.-. E.\ Samuel Graves, Vice President presiding; R/. E/. Thomas D. Smith, Recorder. Fifteen H.\ Priests were elected to receive the Orders, and were solemnly set apart and annointed as members of the Holy Order. The returns show that ninety-six H.*. Priests, within that jurisdiction, have had the Orders conferred upon them. CANADA, 1870. "VVe have before us the proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Canada, held at the city of Quebec, on the 10th of August, A. I. 2400, A. D. 1870. grand council. Present: M.*. E.*. Comp. T. Douglas Harrington, G. Z.*.; R.\ E.\ A. A. Stevenson, as G.'. H.\; R.\ E.\ Henry Robertson, G.\ J.*., On the Throne. The other G.*. Officers of the G.\ Chapter are as follows: Grand Scribe E., Grand Scribe N., Prin. Sojourner, Treasurer, Register, 1st Asst. Sojourner, 2d do., Sword Bearer, Standard Bearer, Dir. of Cer., Organist, Pursuivant, Steward, Janitor. There were present the G.*. Superintendents, P,\ G.\ Offi- cers, Visitors, and G *. Representatives, also the Rep. of twenty-four Sub. Charter Chapters, and two U. D. The G.\ H.\ P.*. says: "So smooth has been the path of Capitular Masonry in and throughout the Dominion, since we last assembled together, that I have no little difficulty to so prepare the usual annual address, as to make it at all interesting." He issued Dispensations for four new Chapters during the past Masonic year. Of " Cryptic" Masonry, he says: "These Degrees would seem to be proper appendages to G.\ Chapters and R.\ A.*. Masonry, and are interesting, if not absolutely necessary." He says: " The Province of New Brunswick has a recognized G.\ Council controlling these Degrees, and I have been appointed Inspector in and for Quebec and Onta- rio. But it would obviously be preferable for G.\ Chapter at once to assume the government and grant warrants—which action, when three or more Subordinate Councils spring into life, will result in the regular organization of a G.\ Council for Quebec and Ontario, and thus place the Degrees on a correct and prosperous footing." As regards Cryptic Masonry, or the Degrees of R.\ and Select Master, your Committee think it far preferable, that Grand Chapters should take no con- 75 trol over them. If there is but one Subordinate Council in a State or Prov- ince, wait until two others are chartered by some Grand Cor ncil: then let the three organize a G.\ Council for themselves. We know that there is always difficulty and danger attending all attempts that are made to sever degrees from the custom first formed or adopted. We hope our Canadian Companions will consider the matter well before they finally act. In conclusion, he asks the G.*. Chapter to relieve him from the duties as G.*. H.\ P/., having continually for seven years presided over the G.*. Body. It is to be hoped if the G.\ Chapter should relieve Com p. Harrington, that they will not forget his former usefulness, btit place him in some other posi- tion that they, and the balance of us, may still be edified by his sound Ma- sonic doctrine. There are eleven Masonic Districts, and each Superintedent of a district is required to make an annual report of the progress and doings of R.\ A.*. Masonry in his district. The report of the G.\ S.\ E.\, (answering to our G,\ Secretary,) shows the number of Chapters on the Roll, 38; members on Roll of Chapters, 1491; receipts for the year, $1,188 05. The report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, submitted by Companiou Henry Robertson, is full and complete. Of Mississippi, he says: "We acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of the first volume of a re-print of the proceedings of this G.\ C/r, from its organization in 1846 to 1855." The Committe speak in high terms of the address of G.\ H.\ P.'. R. B. Mayes, and quote liberally from it. They say: "The report on Correspondence, by Comp. Wm. S. Patton, is one of the best we have seen. His comments are able and impartial, and we have to thank him for a kind and fraternal notice of ourselves for 1869. We accept (D. V.) his cor- dial invitation to meet at the G.\ G.\ C.\ in Baltimore next year, and look for- ward to the re-union with joyous anticipations. We would gladly extract the whole of his concluding remarks, but must content ourselves with the finale. . In conclusion, they say: "We would only call the attention of our Companions to the great and impor- tant duties that we, as R..*. A.*. Masons, are called upon to perform; and that if we would demonstrate to the world the excellence of our Institution, we must be true to the teachings we receive in the S.\ V.-., and let our zeal and fidelity pro- claim our attachmeut to our Ancient and Honorable Society. Then indeed, we can truly say that ours are— The ample views, that, unconfined, Stretch to the utmost walks of human kind: Ours the spirit that, with widest plan, Brother to brother binds, and man to man. When the fleet vanities of life's brief day Oblivion's hurrying wing shall sweep away, Each act by charity and mercy done, High o'er the wrecks of time, shall live alone, Immortal as the heavens, and beauteous bloom In other worlds, and realms beyond the tomb." M.\ E.*. Comp. T. D. Harrington, re-elected G.*.Z.\; R.-. E.\ Comp. Thos. Bird Harris, re-elected G.*. S.#. E.*. CONNECTICUT, 1870. The Seventy-Second Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Con- necticut was held in the City of Hartford, May 10, 1870. Present: M*. E.-. John H Barton. G.\ H.-. Priest, presiding, J. K. Wheeler, G.-. Sec'y, other Grand and Past Grand officers, the Representatives from twenty-seven char- tered Chapters, and Delegates from two Under Dispensation. 76 The address of the G.\ H.\ Priest is one of the Masonic productions that will bear the test of the Square—full ot good teachings, and calculated to impress upon the mind of the thinking Mason the duty he owes to his God, his neighbor, and his country. He says: " From our efficient Grand Secretary, I learn that the proceedings of the Grand Chapter, from its organization up to 1855, have never been printed." He says it is one of the oldest G.\ Chapters, and recommends that all the proceedings be printed for distribution. We can say to our Companions of Connecticut, that nothing would afford us more pleasure than to have an opportunity of reviewing your proceed- ings from its organization. We look upon its publication as living histories, sacred links which connect the present with the past. And as we look back up the plane of time to our predecessor, and attest the stability of our ven- erable Institution, so coming generations yet unborn will gladly, in their day, contemplate the names of the venerable Companions, that seventy years since met in solemn conclave and organized the first Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Connecticut, and perhaps on the American Conti- nent. In the hands of those who have its best interest at heart, it is like a beacon light upon a hill, to direct the benighted, give confidence to the weary, and which establishes the fact that they are not only Masons by name but in practice. We fully agree with his remarks on intemperance and profanity. We would be pleased to copy the address entire. The Report on Correspondence, submitted by one much esteemed and worthy of confidence, Wm. Storer, is just such a report as we expected to find. It is full and a complete revision of twenty-six G.\ Chapters; though we regret that Mississippi is not among the number. We must here express our unfeigned regret, that wTe have to part wite our venerable Companion, Storer, as Reporter of his Grand Chap- ter. We can say that if it must be so, we know, and can testify, that he leaves to future generations a bright record to guide them over the rough and rugged way of life, and if they will but follow his advice, they need not fear any danger. M.\ E.\ John H. Barlow, re-elected G.\ H.\ Priest; Comp. J. K. Wheeler, re-elected G.\ Secretary. ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD. The Grand Convention was held May 10,1870. M.\ E.\ James L. Gould, M.\ E.\ P.-. Eleven elected High Priests were balloted for, elected and admitted to the Order of High Priesthood, and annointed in due form. James L. Gould re-elected M.\ E.\ P.-.; Charles W. Stearns, re-elected Recorder. DELAWARE, 1870. The Second Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Delaware, con- vened in Dover, on the 19th day of January, A.D. 1870. Present: D. C. Godwin, G.\ H.\ Priest, together with other Grand Officers, and the Representatives of four Subordinate Chapters, which we suppose is the en- tire number of Chapters in the State. The Grand High Priest, in his address, said: "Companions, I greet you. We are again assembled in Grand Convocation, with unbroken ranks, and in peace and harmony—thanks to an indulgent Provi- dence. One year ago, around this sacred altar, was organized the Grand Chap- ter of the State of Delaware. Upon the ruins of the old was then laid the foun- dation of the new Temple, our aspirations ascending to the Most High, that the 'glory of the latter house might be even greater than that of the former.'" He informs the Grand Chapter that he had received information that a body of men at Lewes, within the jurisdiction of the G.\ Chapter of Delaware, were conferring the several Chapter degrees, we suppose without authority. 77 If his information is correct, it is highly necessary that other Chapters throughout the United States should he very careful how they receive Royal Arch Masons hailing from Delaware. We think it would be for the good of the Craft, if the Crand Chapter of Delaware, or in the vacation, that the Grand High Priest issue his edict and give each Grand Chapter notice of the fact and some plan by which they may be distinguished and known to be clandestine. If matters are suffered to remain in this way, the true Eoyal Craft of Delaware will have to suffer when they visit other Jurisdictions. In conclusion, he says: " And when our work here is finished, may we be qualified, with the the Signet of Truth, to enter within the White Veil and receive the reward of the faithful at the hands of our Great High Priest above." Comp. Allen V. Lesley presented and read the Report on Foreign Corres- pondence. The report is well written and couched in fine language. Long may the Grand Chapter of the little State of Delaware exist, and may her members shine forth with that zeal and brightness that have ever character- ized the citizens of the State. The returns show 4 Subordinate Chapters and 165 members. Comp. Daniel C. Goodwin, re-elected G.\ H.\ Priest: Comp. Alfred T. A. Torbert, elected G.\ Secretary. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 1868. A special Convocation of this Grand Chapter, was held December 12th, 1868, R.'. E.\ Companion, H. A. Wallon, as G.\ H.*. Priest. The G.'. H.\ Priest stated that the G/. Chapter had been called together to receive the report of the Committee appointed to revise the work of the several Chapters. The Work of the Mark and Past Master's degrees was exemplified and adopted. The G.-. Chapter was then called off, to resume Convocation, December 29th, at which time the work of M.\ E.\ Master's degree was adopted. Semi-annual Convocation of the G.\ Chapter met May 10, 1869, M.*. E.'. Companion B. B. French, G.\ H.*. presidihg. The address of G.-. H.\ P.*. B. B. French, needs no eulogy. His standing as a man and a mason, is sufficient to convince the masonic world of what it contains. We may differ with his views on minor subjects; if so, let that difference pass by; the broad masonic mantle covers it all; the spirit of our Companion French, "has gone to that bourne from whence no traveler re- turns'" If any error was committed by him, we say it was an error of the head, and not of the heart. In peace let him rest. The Annual Convocation was held in the city of Washington, November 8th, 1869. Present: M.*. E.-. B. B. French, G.'. H.\ Priest, N. D. Larner, G.\ Secretary, other Grand and Past Grand officers, and the representatives of six subordinates. The address of the G.'. H.-. Priest is full and complete. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence, reported through their Chair- man, John Edmon Mason, embracing the proceedings of thirty-four Grand Chapters, the G.\ G.*. Chapter of the United States, the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland, and the Grand Orient of France. Sixty-eight pages are taken up by tbe report, four pages exclusively to Mississippi. Our proceedings were not received for 1869, until too late to give tbe views of the Committee. In their present report, they say we gave them a rebuke, which acknowledgement we receive and take back anything we may have said to wound tbe feelings of our worthy Companions. We accept the apology, and extend our hand over half way, to grasp yours in friendship and love. We know when true masonry speaks, the stormy sea of passion is lulled to rest; its angry shoutings hushed to silence, when her shrine is lighted with the holy truthful lamplights, which even grows brighter and purer as years roll by, and it is under her teachings, eternal peace sways an 78 undisputed scepter, and passion lies a conquered victim at her feet. We know our passions run ahead of our better judgment, and feel the gentle rebuke of our District Companion, and hope that our errors past, may make each succeeding report a critic on the last. Six chartered Chapters, numbering from one to six, and Potomac Chapter No. 8, constitute the subordinates, with a membership of 846 affiliated members. FLORIDA, 1870. The Twenty-third Annual Convocation was held in the city of Talla- hassee, January 10th, 1870. Present: M.\ E/. D. C. Dawkins, other G/. officers, and the representatives of thirteen Subordinate Chapters. The address of the G.\H.\ Priest covers over four pages, is well written, and gives sound masonic law. He says of the General Grand-Chapter: "This union being sufficiently consummated for all practical purposes, it be- comes your duty, by proper action, to put in force the provisions of the Consti- tution of the G.\ G.\ Chapter in your Grand Jurisdiction. A resolution passed: " That one hundred dollars be paid to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, for the services he has rendered the G.\ Chapter. A memorial page bears the following superscription: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF M.-. E.-. THOMAS Y. HENRY, P.'. G.\ H.\ P.'. WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE June 1st, A. D. 1869, A. I. 2399. The report on Correspondence by Companion Thomas A. Carrutb, of forty-five pages, reviewing the proceedings of thirty G.\ Chapters, Missis- sippi included, is well written, giving each its portion in due season. Of Mississippi, he says: " Another of our Southern Sisters comes to us most 'gloriously wrought'in her robe of scarlet and jewels of gold, presenting, as she comes forth, with her 'Tidings from the South,' the most handsomely gotten up proceedings of them all." He says of our report on Correspondence: "The report is from Companion Wm, S. Patton, and is just such a report as your Committee would like to be able to prepare. This Patton is a host within himself, if he is not the Captain of the host. * * * And as a favorable notice of our little struggling G.\ Chapter is so very rare, we hope to be pardoned for copying his review of us," 79 We must confess that we feel considerably flattered by the highly wrought eulogy of Companion Carruth's gifted pen. We can truly sa}% may his life be protracted to a good old age of continued usefulness; may his bright light continue to shine in and around the Grand Chapter of Florida; and when his days of usefulness come to a close, as the beautiful gold-capped clouds linger around the exit of the dying day, so may you, Companion Carruth, reel that on earth you have a light to speed you on your way to that sacred, hallowed haven of eternal rest, and with God and angels ever dwell. GEORGIA, 1870. The proceedings from Georgia just in time. The last Convocation of the Grand Chapter was held in the city of Augusta, April 27th, 1870. Present: M/. E.\ Moses P. Kellogg, Grand High Priest, presiding, together with the Representatives from" forty-three Subordinates. From the address of G.-. H.*. Prhst—an address of considerable length and great beauty—we must make some extracts. He says: " Contemplate for a moment what the High Priest of a Chapter should be! Physically, a man without spot or blemish; intellectually, a scholar of no ordi- nary attainments; and spiritually, one who can truly respond with the Psalm- ist, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? Or who shall stand in his Holy Temple? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not sworn deceitfully. " Can a High Priest, honored with such great responsibilities, fail to appre- ciate the sacredness of his office? Can he enter the Sanctum Sanctorum daily at high twelve, offer his adorations to Deity, and then go forth with blasphemy on his lips? Can he accept his daily wages from the Giver of all good—then murmer when the bounties of the Lord of the vineyard are more liberally be- stowed upon others? Can he be made to lie down in green pastures, and be led by the still waters, then turn a deaf ear to the piteous cries of destitute widows and helpless orphans? Can he pass even the rough and rugged road, perform his pilgrimage in meek humility, feeling that he who humbleth himself shall be exalted—then go forth and oppress, aye, crush to the very dust a poor helpless mortal, struggling against poverty and its attendant evils? Can, he, for the paltry price of thirty pieces of silver, betray his benefactor, and prove recreant to his sacred trust, by recommending the admission of a traitor in our midst. My companions, it is incumbent upon those who belong to the Holy Order of High Priesthood to cultivate virtues, so practiced that the hissing serpent may be transformed into a rod of support by our simple touch; that our hearts should be so pure that the leprous hand may be made whole by coming in contact; that our sympathy for a distressed brother, destitute widow, and unprotected or- phans, should be so active that the waters of the river may be converted into life-giving blood by being poured out from our cups of charity. Then, and only then, can we claim to be invested with the Signet of Truth, which alone can qualify us to approach the white veil of the Sanctuary with a reasonable hope of gaining admission to the presence of the Grand Council, where incense burns both day and night. As Masonry recognizes no confessional save the ear of Him who formed the living arch, each one of us must square our own work in quarries, indent with our peculiar mark, and when brought up for inspection, he found good and square work. "If ever there was a time when it behooved a Mason to be a good and true man —to practice the tenets of our Order, that necessity is now upon us. In these days of sudden revolutions, when the old order of things has been broken up— when the very dregs of society are thrown to the surface—when ideas and usages, which had become familiar, are suddenly discarded—when new men, new customs and new theories are in the ascendance—when the low have be- come exalted, and followers, leaders—when beggars of yesterday become the millionaires of to-day, thrusting their unrefined fashions upon society—when there has been developed such an insane struggle for wealth, such ruinous ex- travagance such a delirium for vain show—when taste, refinement, purity and piety have suffered such terrible shocks—when honesty, the only reliable sup- port of social and business relations, has given way before the constant sapping &nd mining of immoral practices and false ambition—when frauds and villain- 80 ies are perpetrated openly, or confessed without shame—when intemperance holds its hideous revels in our halls of legislation, penetrates with its subtle poison the purity of the judicial ermine, leaves its spot of pollution upon the sacerdotal robes, and sweeps like a besom of destruction over the earth, slaying strong men, and flushing the cheek of women and children—when vulgarity vitiates our public amusements, and profanity mars the soul—when the wicked liar rules, and the people mourn—when all the vices of the black catalogue ap- pear in the ascendant; it is with just pride that the Mason can point to the hoary locks of our Ancient Landmarks, and boldly exclaim, "Since the fathers slept, these have changed not." " While such is the situation, all Masons, but the Order of High Priesthood in particular, should stand forth like an irrisistible breakwater in opposition to this flood of vice and immorality that threatens to overthrow Society, State and Church." We fear that we have drawn too largely upon our Georgia Companion; hut we know our Mississippi Companions would not murmur if the entire address was copied into this report. It suits and describes the times and changes, that our beloved Mississippi is destined to endure, and far exceeds any description we would dare to pen. A tabular report shows 59 chartered Chapters, two Under Dispensation, 42 Affiliated, 54 Resigned, 12 Suspended, 2 Expelled, 18 Died; number of members, 2098. Amount due Grand Chapter, $2,635 00. (Note.—We cannot exactly understand the term Resigned; is it Masonic ?) Comp. Samuel Lawrence submitted the report on Correspondence, review- ing the proceedings of sixteen Grand Chapters, in an able manner. We regret that our Mississippi reports failed to reach him. The statistical table foots up for the United States 36 Grand Chapters; 1535 Subordinates; 88,966 members; 80 Expulsions; 197 Suspensions; 1346 Exclusions; 801 Deaths; 743 Rejections. Memorial pages to Companions William L. Rockwell, Sanford Kingsbury, Henry F. Merrill, and S. M. Varnadol. Comp. Moses P. Kellogg, re-elected G.\ II.*. Priest; Comp. J. Emmett Blackshear, elected G.\ Secretary. ILLINOIS, 1869. From Illinois we receive the Report for 1869, the Grand Convocation hav- ing been held in the city of Springfield, October 8th—M.\ E.\ Comp. James II. Miles, Grand High Priest, presiding. In the address of the G.\ H.*. Priest we find the following cheering language: "It gives me much pleasure to be able to say to you at the opening of this, the Twetieth Annual Convocation of this G.\ Chapter, that, so far as I have been able to leaan, peace and prosperity reign throughout all this great Common* wealth; that the banner of our beloved Order still floats out free upon the breeze, despite the aspersions of our maligners and the threats of our enemies, and that a healthy growth in our various bodies denote that we are not as they would have us believe, departing from the faith of our fathers, or building an institution upon the sand, which the first wave of discord and strife will overthrow and destroy; but rather that we are building upon the rock, cementing with the ex- perience of the ages, and with the wealth and integrity of later years." He says: "It has been a law, from time immemorial, that a brother could not demit from a Lodge but for one of three reasons, viz .: to form a new Lodge, to connect him- self with some other Lodge, or for the purpose of removing without the juris- diction of his Lodge. Still, it has always been my opinion that, as a brother enters Masonry of his own free will and accord, that same free will should gov- ern his exit, if he desires to cut himself off from all its rights and privileges; that of visiting excepted." 81 This we hold to he the true doctrine. If he desires to cut himself loose from the Order and travel the pathway of life alone, or, as we would say, with the outside world, we have not the right to force him to remain with us. It is his choice. The first act was free and voluntary on his part, and he has the same privilege to exercise that free and voluntary act in de- mitting. The G.\ Secretary, Ev Com. H. G. Reynolds, presented the Report on Foreign Correspondence, reviewing the proceedings of thirty Grand Chap- ters, and also the G.*. G.\ Chapter, taking up forty pages of the printed proceedings. Speaking of Mississippi, he "thanks our Grand Secretary for a copy of proceedings from the organization in 1846 to 1855. He says : " Some of the most elegant and finished addresses and reports ever given to the Royal Craft are embraced in this report." In conclusion of the report the committee say of the Chairman: "Devoted as he is to Symbolic Masonry, still his fondness and most endearing recollections are connected with his work and associations in R.\ A.-. Masonry. They will be sacredly cherished while life remains. Now, at the age of fifty- nine, wbh a large family dependent upon him, he goes forth penniless to make his way, as best he can, in the world." From our Masonic correspondence with Cornp. Reynolds, knowing his many Masonic virtues, our heart becomes sad at the very thought of his re- tiring from the Committee on Correspondence. We trust it may not be so. May he yet live many days to enjoy the fruit of his labor. On reading a little further, we find the following resolution, which makes us feel better on account of our worthy companion : " Resolved, by the Grand Chapter of the State of Illinois, that the sum of one thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby paid to Comp. H. G. Reynolds, as a slight testimony of our appreciation and regard." This is just as it should be. The Grand Secretary's report shows the receipt of the Grand Treasurer for $5,800 10. Number of working Chapters, 138; members, 7,659; died, 71; demitted, 310; expelled, 12; suspended, 40. John M. Pearson elected G.\ II.-. Priest; James H. Miles elected G.\ Secretary. INDIANA, 1870. The Grand Chapter of Indiana held its Annual Convocation in the city of Indianapolis, Oct. 19,1870—present and presiding, M.\ E.\ Harvey G. Ha- zlerigg, G.\ H.\ P.-. Representatives from sixty-nine chartered Chapters, and delegates from twelve Under Dispensation. The address of the Grand High Priest is full and complete, giving his views on different subjects, in true Masonic style. He dissents from the opinion of some learned Masons, that the presiding officer is sovereign, and fi-om his decision there is no appeal to the Body itself. He says: "If any association is entitled to the name of 'deliberative,' it must be gov- erned by some fixed and known laws, or it will cease to be entitled to the name. It is not important by what name we call these rules; whether by the univer- sally admitted title of "parliamentary" or not, will not change their effect. There are rules governing civil legislative assemblies that won't apply to Ma- sonic bodies ; but I apprehend those rules would be better described by the name of 'constitutional' than that of 'parliamentary.' Motions to amend, refer, postpone, lay on the table, calls for counts, divisions, yeas and nays, are all strictly parliamentary; they are also Masonic, when not engaged in what is exclusively Masonic work; while at that, from the decision of the presiding officer there is no appeal; but when engaged in a legislative or judicial capacity there is." He maintains the right of elective officers to resign, and in this we have Calling off, by motion of a member, is considered unmasonic, because it invades the prerogative of the High Priest. We agree with the G.-. H/. Priest's views on that subject. His views on "the objections of a member, 6 82 even after a unanimous vote, stops further proceedings in the case," we fully endorse. The number of Subordinates runup to 76, and 12 Under Dispensation; 70 now in working order, besides those Under Dispensation. The Treasu- rer's report shows the receipts and disbursements to be $10,702 99. The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence reported on the following questions, which were concurred in : " Should an officer of a Chapter, re- elected to the same office, be re-installed ?" . They report in the affirmative. Although it is not required by the Grand Bodies of Mississippi,* yet we agree with our Indiana Companions, that they should be re-installed. The second question: " Can a R.*. A.-. M.\ sit in a Lodge of Master Masons with one who may stand suspended or expelled from a Chapter?" They answer, very properly, in the affirmative. The third question: " How is a R.\ A.\ M.\, who may have been suspended or expelled by a Lodge of Master Masons, to to be restored in the Chapter ? " They answer that the restoration by a Lodge of Master Masons does not thereby restore to the privilege of R.\ A.*. Masonry. In this we disagree with the Committee. If the suspension by a Lodge suspends the member in the Chapter, it certainly deprives him of all Masonic privileges in each body; it is not, therefore, necessary for the Chapter to re-arraign him and go through the same routine of trial; all that is necessary for the Chapter is, to make a record on the books of the fact, and when action of restoration is had by his Lodge he is, to all intents, restored to the full benefits of both bodies, and should be so noticed on the books of the Chapter. The Blue Lodge is the root and foundation of Masonry; without it the higher Orders could not exist. Fourth question is: " Does the restoration of an officer who stands sus- pended or expelled, thereby reinstate him in his office ? " The committee say that it does not restore to office, and so do we. The fifth question is in regard to "the effect of an appeal." We all agree on that question; that " sentence of suspension or expulsion will be in force from and after the passage thereof." M.\ E.\ Rees J. Chesnutwood, elected G.*. H.\ P.*.; R.\ E.*. John M. Bramwell, re-elected G.\ Secretary. *The new Regulations of Grand Lodge require re-installation.—G. Sec. IOWA, 1870. The Grand Chapter met in Clinton, October 15,1870. Present: Pitkin C. Wright, M.*. E.\ G.\ H/. Priest; W. B. Langridge, G.\ Secretary; other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representatives from thirty-one chartered Chapters, and Delegates from seven Under Dispensation. The address of the G.\ H.\ Priest, in his opening, is eloquent. He takes up the various subjects of dispensations for new Chapters, special dispensa- tions, decisions, discipline, visitations, etc., and discusses them in a masterly way. The G *. Secretary's report shows a balance on hand of $3,014 16. The report on Correspondence, by Comp. U. D. Taylor, shows an exam- ination of thirty-four Grand Chapters, Mississippi included. The report shows that the reporter is well versed in Masonic teachings, and that he has devoted time and patience to his work. Of Mississippi he seems to be much in the fog on account of the smallness of the type in which our proceedings were printed. We hope these proceedings may be, and we will instruct the G.\ Secretary to have at least one copy printed in large type for the special benefit of Comp. Taylor. We must here remark that we were of the opin- ion that Comp Taylor was a young man, in full vigor of life, in possession of all his faculties, and especially his vision. We are rejoiced to know that Comp. Taylor found a young friend ready and willing to assist him with his " double-magnifying, back-action microscopes," and with the assistance of that all-powerful instrument, that he was enabled to find who was elected G.*. H.\ Priest of Mississippi. We hope you w»l not for one moment think that we intended to hide our "light under a bushel." Mot so, dear Compan- ; 83 ion. We are willing, at all times, and under all circumstances, to render you that assistance due from one Mason to another; and as such we will endeavor to send our next proceedings at an early date, and with it a pair of magnifying glasses, made expressly for Comp. Taylor, to read the proceed- ings of Mississippi. Zephariah C. Luse, elected G.*. H.\ Priest; William B. Langridge, R/. E.\ G.\ Secretary. Note.—We had prepared a review of the Grand Convocation of 1869, hut laid it aside on receipt of the proceedings for 1870. KENTUCKY, 1870. The Grand Chapter of Kentucky was held in the city of Louisville, Octo- ber 20th, A. D. 1870. Present: Mr. E.\ E. B. Jones, Gr. H.\ P.*., other Grand and Past Grand officers, and Representatives from seventy-nine char- tered Subordinates, and Delegates from five Under Dispensation. The G.\ Hr. Priest's opening address begins : " Another year, with its hopes and fears, its joys and sorrows, has circled to eternity, and we, through the goodness of the All-wise High Priest of the Uni- verse, are permitted in healh and strength again to assemble in G.\ Communi- cation for the purpose of aiding in the spread of the pure principles of Capitular Masonry." The address is short, but to the point; every word good sound Masonic doctrine. The G.*. Treasurer foots up the total resources of the G.\ Chapter, •$11,730 25. The report on Foreign Correspondence, by Comp. Henderson, reviews the proceedings of thirty-five G.\ Chapters, Mississippi included. M.\ E.\ Henry Bostwick, elected G.\ H.-. P.-.; E.-. D. P. Robb, Grand Secretary. LOUISIANA, 1870. TheM- • E.\ G.*. Chapter of Louisiana met in the city of New Orleans, February 15th, 1870. Present: Samuel Manning Todd, M.\ E.-. G.\ H.-. Priest, presiding; other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representa- tives from nineteen Subordinate Chapters. The G,\ II.-. Priest says: "From every portion of our Jurisdiction come tidings of continued* prosper- ity and the harmonious workings of our Order." He announced to the G.\ Chapter the death of M.*. E.-. Comp. William II. Howard, P.*. G.\ Scribe, and P.-. II.*. Priest: and also Dr. Doric S. Ball, P.*. G.*. Scribe. Be recommends that the Grand Chapter duly consider the matter in regard to a dissolution of the General Grand Chapter. He says: This question is a matter of great importance, and should be care- fully considered, and the arguments for and against a severance of our rela- tions with the Gv. G.*. Chapter duly weighed before final action is taken." He is highly pleased with the Representative system, and so is Comp. Patton of Mississippi, for he has received credentials from the Grand Chapter of Louisiana as representative of that august body, in the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. The Tieasurer's report shows a balance in treasury of $2,760 05. M.-. E.\ J. Q. A. Fellows, from the special committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, made a majority report on the Resolutions respecting the connection of the Grand Chapter with the General Grand Chapter. We give only the concluding paragraph. He says. " Louisiana has ever stood by the G.\ G.\ Chapter, and has reason to be proud of her record in this respect; and your committee do not wish to detract from her honor in this regard by aiding in the actual accomplishment of the design 84 of those who, in 1856 and 1859, did their best to destroy the G.\ G.\ Chapter. We can perceive no possible detriment to the craft in its perpetual existence. We believe that all fears of such a result are groundless; while on the other hand we see much good every way to result from keeping alive the G.\ G.\ Chapter, if for nothing more, for the purpose of having a place or point at which the Chiefs of R.*. A.*. Masonry may tri-ennially meet to hold social if not Masonic intercourse with each other. But we do not believe that its sphere of usefulness is by any means thus limited, and must therefore report against the adoption of the resolutions." In order that all may fully understand the action of the Louisiana G.*. Chapter, we will insert the third resolution adopted at a previous meeting of the G.\ Chapter: "3d. Resolved, That in the opinion of the G.\ Chapter of Louisiana, the or- ganization known as the G.\ G.\ Chapter of R.\ A.'. Masons of the United States of America, has become useless, may become dangerous, and ought to cease to exist. That our Representatives at the next Grand Convocation of said G.\ G.\ Chapter be, and they are hereby instructed to propose and advo- cate the adoption of resolutions providing for the total extinction of said G.\ G.*. Chapter; and that in the event of the non-passage of such resolutions, then that our said Representatives request the the release of this G.\ Chapter from all her obligations to and connection with said G.\ G.\ Chapter." This is the resolution on which the majority report was made. E.\ Comp. J. A. Stevenson submitted a minority report on the same resolution. They say that " they have carefully examined the same, that the conclusions of the committee on Foreign Correspondence, on which it is based, find them sound, and fully concur therein." They then quote the difficulty between the G.*. Chapter of the District of Columbia and the G.\ Chapter of Mary- • land, and say : "Giving further confirmation of the pernicious effects of the interference of the G.\ Grand Chapter of the United States in the con-* cerns of our Companions of tho e Jurisdictions, and showing the utter in- ability of the National Body to enforce its own decrees even by moral power." They also bring to mind the assumption of the G G.\ H.\ Priest in the establishment of the Grand Chapter of Delaware upon his own ipsi dixit. They also bring before the Grand Body the communication of Comp. Langridge, of Iowa, in justification of the report, and in conclusion say: " Your committee are satisfied that the G.\ G.\ Chapter has long ceased to have a mission; that it is incompetent for good, and yet still dangerous; that State G.\ Chapters should be supreme in name as well as in fact; that the time must soon arrive when additional taxation of State G \ Chapters will be necessary' for the support of the National Body; and finally that the nearer the government of R.\ A.*. Masonry is assimilated to that of the Blue Lodge in this country, the greater will be its peace and prosperity, and therefore recommend the adoption of the resolution." A motion was made to receive both reports, and to adopt the majority, which was carried, and the majority report adopted. As we have said, in a previous report, we have tried secession from the G.\ G.\ Chapter, but found that we were wrong, and retraced our steps. "We now say let the question come up at the next tri-ennial session in 1871. Let the vexed question be forever settled. Give the G.-. G.'. Chapter all the power neces- sary for a Grand Body of such magnitude that may be prudent; let those powers be fairly understood by the State G.\ Chapters; hold her strictly to the compact, and all parties act in good faith; or else dissolve the Body, and let it forever be at rest; say all that could be accomplished had been done, and as a unit come up to the support of the National Grand Body, or let it be known no more forever. Pages to the memory of Companions Howard and Doric were set apart and devoted to their memory. It requires twelve months to elapse in Louisiana after the election of a candidate to the Chapter degrees before a new ballot is allowed. In Missis- sippi, six months. Thirty-two Subordinate Chapters, with 1,510 members. During the last year there were 143 Exaltations; 23 Affiliated; 30 Demitted; 33 Died; 10 Stricken from Roll; 2 Suspended; 7 Reinstated, and 6 Rejections. The 3d 85 Section of the Constitution says: " The Representatives of one-fourth of the chartered Chapters working under the Jurisdiction, shall constitute a quorum to transact business, and of one-third of the chartered Chapters to amend the Constitution, and elect officers." Mississippi says three Subordi- nate Chapters constitute a quorum to transact business. The Report on Foreign Correspondence, by Companions Joseph P. Horner, William W. Leake, and William R. Whitaker, takes up forty-two pages of the proceedings, reviewing the proceedings of twenty-seven Grand Chap- ters, Mississippi included. The report is well worthy to be read by all good and true masons. They pitch into our poetry in answer to Comp. Carson, of New York, thusly: " The only thing in the whole paper that we can find any fault with, is that our Companion insists in quoting the outrageous doggerel emanating from the New Jersey machine, and has the further audacity" (mark the word, audacity ), "of violating all sentiments of propriety by adding some verses from a hastily constructed "organ" of his own, which are even worse than Carson's, if such a thing be possible. We trust that our nearest neighbor will imitate the foreigner, and abandon his fearful instrument; if he must resort to verse, let him, like his prototype in his last report, make extracts from some authorized and duly licensed poet." We are truly sorry the "doggerel" is such an eye-sore to our worthy Com- panions of the Crescent City. But they must recollect that all the repor- ters do not live in tlje city of New Orleans. They must recollect that Mississippi is a long way out in the back woods, and we of the committee never had the advantage or the good fortune of an acquaintance of that "authorized and duly licensed poet." Will Comp. Horner please let us know if such can be found in his city ? To our Companions of the committee, in the best of feelings and broth- erly love, we would say: As the murmuring brooks that course their way from the mountain side, soon unite and mingle their waters and lose them- selves in the ocean, so may we, my Companions, in the performance of every duty, be lost to all personal considerations in recognizing that moral obligation which should unite a common brotherhood. And when we feel like harsh judgment of others, specially one less fortunate than ourselves, we should be restrained by the sentiment so well expressed by the poet, which says: "Let us reach into our bosoms For the key to other lives, And with love toward erring nature. Cherish good that still surves; So that when our disrobed spirits Soar t® realms of light again, We may say Dear Father, judge us As we judge our fellow-men." We don't give this as the production of Corson, nor of Patton, but we suppose it is from the pen of one of those " licensed poets " spoken of by Comp. Horner. Hugh Breen was elected Grand High Priest; James C. Batchelor, M. D., re-elected Grand Secretary. MAINE, 1870. We have before us the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of the State of Maine, held in Portland, May 3d, 1870—present, M.\ E.-. Joseph Pearson Gill, G.*. H/. Priest, presiding; R.\ E.\ Ira Berry, G/. Secretary, and all other Grand Officers at their respective stations; also, the representatives from thirty-two Subordinates, and many permanent members of the Grand Chapter. In the decisions made by the G.-. H.*. Priest we find the following: "A candidate was regularly proposed and accepted, and received the first three degrees. A member then objects to his receiving the R.\ A.*. Degree; re- 86 fuses to give his reasons." The G.\ H.\ Priest answers: " The candidate, having received a part of the degrees, the objections must be made known to the Chap- ter, and the case decided by a majority vote." We agree'with the G \ H.\ P.-., and have always contended that it'isdue to the members of a Masonic body that when a portion of the degrees have been conferred on an applicant, and rejected for the succeeding degrees, it is right, just and proper that the members should know the objections. If not, it is treating the members unmasonically to compel them to sit in Lodge in the lower degrees with an unworthy member—one that is unfit to advance— while at the same time the objecting party is equally bound to sit with him, he thinks, and has voted as unworthy. We contend that if objections are made to advancement, and the candidate is unworthy, it is the duty, and in- cumbent upon the objecting party, to warn his brothers of such approaching danger, that they may act accordingly. Harmony must prevail, or we can- not stand. We object to the latter part of the decision, which says, "and the case decided by a majority vote." We must disagree to a majority vote; Ave contend for a unanimous vote in all cases, when degrees are to be con- ferred. If there is one dissenting companion, harmony will be destroyed, and that brotherly love and affection which we claim to be the cement that unites us, will be broken asunder. So far as the jurisdiction of Chapters is concerned, we hold that, should a candidate under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi apply for the degrees in the Stares of Alabama, Tennessee or Louisiana, (adjoining States), they have not the right to confer the degrees until they have first obtained permission from the Chapter in Mississippi, nearest to which the applicant resides. Nor will we confer the degrees on citizens from any other Jurisdiction, no matter hoAV near the dividing line he may live, until Ave have first had the consent of the nearest Chapter to him in his State. We must dissent from the opinion of the G.\ H.\ Priest in regard to sus- pensions or expulsions. He says: " A suspension or expulsion only from membership by a Lodge cannot, how- ever, affect a companion's standing as a member of his Chapter. To be deprived of membership in his Chapter, in such a case, charges must be preferred against him, and a trial had in the usual way." He produces an able argument in support of his views on the subject, one that is calculated to carry Aveight with it; yet Ave must say that Ave think, if that should be determined as the proper course to be pursued in such cases, our vieAvs of Masonry have always been incorrect. We hold that the Blue Lodge, or Symbolic Masonry, is the root and foundation of the Order; upon it are all the higher Orders built. No one can legally knoAv anything about Royal Arch Masonry, unless he has in a legal manner received the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. It he vio- lates any of the laAvs or customs of Masonry, and for such violation is ex- pelled or suspended, Ave all know that it is impossible for him to advance until he has been fully restored to membership, and in good standing in his Lodge. We Avill suppose he is a member of a Chapter, and commits some act that would suspend or expel him—can the Chapter put him on trial, sus- pend or expel, and he still remain a member in good standing in his Lodge? He may be the Worshipful Master of his Lodge, only a member of the Chapter; he is suspended or expelled by the Chapter; the Lodge has no right to try its master ? But we know the argument will be used, there is a remedy for all that; any five members may impeach the W.\ Master, and in vacation of the Grand Lodge, the G.\ Master may suspend him from the functions of office, and the S.*. Warden be placed in charge of the Lodge. That is true, but he is still a member of the Lodge, entitled to visit and sit in Lodge Avith the veiy brethren, members of the Chapter, that suspended or expelled him from the Chapter. Can you sit in Lodge Avith one suspend- ed or expelled, knoAving them to be such ? Can you, as a Royal Arch Mason, permit this to be done in your Lodge ? No, Companions, we must commence at the foundation; cut the root, and the branches must wither. The Lodge is the parent stock, and whilst it is vigorous and healthy, the branch known as the Royal Arch will have no cause to lop off or curtail its sub-branches, and 87 cannot do so without injuring the foundation upon which it was built. If a member of a Chapter has committed an offense against the laws of Ma- sonvy, and is suspended or expelled by his Lodge, it is Masonic usage, law and custom in Mississippi (without any trial in the Chapter) that he stands suspended or expelled in the higher degrees. The fact is placed upon record in the Chapter in which he is a member, and he he has no right, as a sus- pended or expelled Master Mason, to visit any of the higher bodies. The address of the G.*. H.\ P.*. takes up eight pages of the printed pro- ceedings, and we must say, with all candor, that we have never been more edified by any Masonic production. We find the following from the Grand Secretary: " Sixteen years ago, when you placed your records in my care, there were in this Jurisdiction eight Chapters, and they returned 400 members; there are now thirty-two Chapters, with a membership of about 2,800—four times as many Chapters and seven times the number of It.'. A.-. Masons." The Grand Secretary submitted a statement of the Charity Fund of the Grand Chapter, which amounted to $3,802 35, with an income, for charitable use, of $289 89. The Report on Correspondence, submitted by our Most Worthy Comp. Jo- siah H. Drummond, Chairman of the Committee, extends over fifty pages of the printed proceedings, reviewing the proceedings of thirty-five Grand Chapters, Mississippi included. The report is just such as might be looked for, and written in that true Masonic style and chaste language which has al- ways characterized that truly good man and Mason. Although Comp. Drummond and Comp. Patton may at times have some Masonic sparring, good humoredly, " nobody hurt"—we always understood each other. He says: " Comp. Wm. S. Patton presented a fine Report on Correspondence—fine in all respects, even in the type in which it is printed. This last fineness is a draw- back upon the report. In answer to a similar suggestion last year, Com. Patton says: 'Will Comp. Keeler, our Grand Secretary, make a note of that, and use larger type? Recollect, Comp. Keeler, that Maine is a long way off to the east- ward, and the sun does not rise until a late hour in the day; and, in cloudy weather, sometimes, (it is said) has to be assisted by prying with a crowbar.' As it always rises in Maine an hour and a half before it does in Mississippi, Comp. P. must live in a very dark place. This leads them to use microscopes for spec- tacles, and that accounts for their using such small type! " Yes, we did say in our last just what Comp. D. has quoted. We thought it best to advise our Grand Secretary to prepare at least one copy for the benefit of Comp.D., knowing him so well (from our Masonic intercourse), and feel- ing that brotherly interest in him, is the cause of my requesting the Grand Secretary to pay special attention to the kind of type used for Maine. We cannot acknowledge that we live in a very dark place, because Comp. D. says the " sun always rises in Maine an hour and a half before it does in Missis- sippi." The mere theory won't prove the fact; but when we come to the practical workings of nature, which prove to a demonstration that, owing to the fact of the cold and frigid region around " Passamiquoddy " by way of Penobscot, Casco, and on to Winnipeseogee Bay, where ihey sit upon an ice- berg and strike two pieces of ice together to make fire, and the heavy fogs and mists, the genial "rays are obscured; while, at the same time it should ap- pear to the sight of Comp. D., we, of Mississippi, enjoy the blessing of an effulgent sun, that lights up the blushes of the morn, while he has to gaze upon the stars that glitter in the mantle of nUht. "It is not so dark but we can see " and Comp. D., being a good guesser, can tell what can be seen, and I know he never closes his eyes when in sight. But Com p. D., as there are sev- eral kinds of microscopes, or rather glasses, I would like to know, or have a description, of the one you allude to. Now, Comp. Corson, of New Jersey, speaks of " microscopes," and the only one I ever heard of his using is men- tioned in his report for 1870, page 114, where he says; " When last we conferred this " One Hundred and one," Right next to us stood Maine's favorite son ; The brethren assembled, formed into line, Each willing and anxious to show the dear sign. The order was given, upturned was each eye, When, lo and behold! Drummond1 s glass was quite dry /" 88 MARYLAND AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Grand Chapter of Maryland and District of Columbia held its annual Convocation in the city of Baltimore, November 8, 1869. Present: Comp. Charles H. Ohr, M.*. E.4. G.*. H.\ Priest, presiding, other Grand and Past Grand officers, and Representatives from nine Subordinates. M.\ E.\ Comp. James M. Austin, G.-. G.. H.\ Priest of the G.*. G.\ C.*. of the United States; M.*. E.\ Comp. John W. Simons, G.*. H.-. P.-. of the G.\ Chapter of New York, were present. The Grand High Priest says: " The durability and beauty of our Mystic Temple depends more on the qual- ity than the quantity of the Ashlers which may be wrought into it. Let me, therefore, urge upon all the great importance of applying carefully the over- seer's square to every specimen presented, so that what should be cast out among the rubbish may not be found within the walls to mar its beauty or im- pair its durability. Let every specimen be square, sound, and polished ere the cap-stone be placed upon it." This is sound Masonic teaching, and if all our Chapters would only be gov- erned thereby, the troubles that frequently arise in Chapters would be heard no more. So far as his opinion goes as to the Council Degrees, nothing can be said with more truth. His views as to the rights of any R.\ A.*. Mason to visit Chapters, coincide with ours precisely. The G.\ Secretary and Treasurer's account shows a balance of $690' 73. The report on Foreign Correspondence, as submitted by Comp. E. L. Stevens, embraces some ninety pages, reviewing the proceedings of thirty- three Grand Chapters, Mississippi included. The Report is one that Mary- land and the District may well be proud of. Although he rasps us a little, we know he thought we were a little hasty. "We have since received a pri- vate letter from that source, accompanied with a printed document, which we have answered, we hope to the satisfaction of the Companion. And we can say if all the documents had been in our possession at the time, our re- port perhaps would have been somewhat differently worded. But that time is passed. We, as a Royal Craft throughout the Masonic world, can rejoice together, and strike hands as brothers, feeling, as we remarked in a previous report, that the grave of the errors past has been dug full six feet deep; that all the past difficulties, errors, hard feelings and sayings, with that true Masonic spirit that ever characterizes all good Masons, are no.w buried, and nothing left to mark the spot; and that good old mantle of Masonic charity and teaching is spread over it, never to be removed. In all truth and good feeling, we can say, go on Companions. We have heard it said that the darkest hour is just before day; that hour with youis now past; the day has not only began'to dawn, but an effulgent sun has lit up the blushes of the morn, and the day star has been seen throughout the Masonic world, and recognized as one among the brightest lights of the Order. May the lights within your jurisdiction continue to shine that we may all see the good works they can bring forth. The report shows ten Subordinate Chapters, with a membership of 940. Comp. CharlesH. Ohr was re-elected M.-. E.\ G.\ H.\ P.*.; Comp. Wm. A. Wentz, re-elected R.-. E.\ G.\ Secretary. MARYLAND, 1870. The G.\ R.\ A.*. Chapter of Maryland, convened in the city of Baltimore, 14th November, 1870. Comp. Edward T. Schultz, M.vE.\ G.\ H.\ Priest, pro tern; other G.\ Officers, and the Representatives from nine G.\ Chap- ters were present. The address of the. G.\ H.\ Priest, is generally local in its bearing, well gotten up, and will be read with interest by the Companions of that Juris-4 diction. Resolutions recognizing the Grand Chapters of Delaware and Nova Scotia were unanimously adopted. Grand Treasurer's report shows balance, after paying all expenses, to be $368 23. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence report on the proceedings of thirty-eight Grand Chapters. The report was submitted by Comp. Hermon 89 L. Emmons. The report takes up forty-five pages of the proceedings; full and complete. They speak of our D.\ G.*. H.-. Priest's address on various subjects. Of .the Committee on Correspondence thej' say: "Comp. Wm. S. Patton, for the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, pre- sents a report, showing remarkable industry and profound Masonic knowledge in his composition, but ignores Maryland." No, Companions, we do not ignore so old, good and tried Masons as Mary- land has and still produces. We may have alluded to some action.of your G.\ C.*., that we did not agree with; but as to repudiation, far be it from us. We now hold an old book published in Baltimore, in 1826, which we prize as so much gold. May peace and harmony ever prevail within your Jurisdic- tion. Comp. Charles H. Ohr, re-elected G.-. H.\ Priest, and R.\ E.\ William A. Wentz, re-elected G.\ Secretary. MICHIGAN, 1870. The Grand Chapter of Michigan was held in Detroit, January 10th, 1870. M.\ E.\ William L. Webber, G.\ H.\ Priest, presiding. Other Grand officers, and a sufficient number of Representatives from Subordinate Chapters, to proceed with business. The G.*. H.\ Priest delivered several decisions on interesting subjects. The first qustion reads as follows: " A ballot being taken on a petition, one black ball only appears, and the applicant is deciared rejected. At the next regular meeting of the Chapter, a Companion informed the Chapter that the black ball was cast by him under a mistake as to the fact, and he asked leave to withdraw it, and have the Brother declared elected. Can this be allowed?" The G.\ H.\ P.-. decides he must wait six months, and present a new petition, giving his reason why it should be so. Our opinion is, and have so decited, that incases of this kind, that the G.\ H.\ Priest may be informed of the facts in the premises, and a dispensation asked to retake the ballot, and if granted, notice given to all the members that the ballot will be retaken at the next or some regular meeting, in order that none may have to say they were ignorant of the fact. If there should be no application, or the dispensation refused by the G.*. H.\ Priest, then the candidate must wait the next six or twelve months as the By-Laws require: Third question: "A brother residing for more than a year within the jurisdiction of a Chapter in this State, is affiliated with a Lodge in the State where he formerly resided. Can his petition to the Chapter be received." His answer is, "Yes, if affiliated with any regular Lodge, whether within or without this jurisdiction, that is sufficient." In this we agree; provided, that due enquiry concerning the applicant, is made to the Lodge of which he is a member, and the answer is satisfactory. To the fourth question, we think his response correct, in the main. It may come under the same head as the first question decided by him. We hold the same doctrine as the G.-. H.\ Priest. A petition may be received, bal- loted on, declared elected, all necessary preparations made to confer the degree, or he may have actually received a portion of the degrees when ob- jections are made by a Companion; then we say all further proceeding must be stayed until further ordered or agreed upon. Harmony must prevail. We are pleased to see that our Companions of Michigan are in favor of proficiency in the preceding degrees before advancement. That is the way to have bright Masons. Companion J. Eastman Johnson, submitted the report on Foreign Cor- respondence, examining the proceedings of twenty-four Grand Chapters, including Mississippi, which was favorably noticed. He is that same old Companfon Johnson, we read about. Hear him in his opening remarks: 90 "We have received and examined the transactions of' twenty-four Grand Chapters. From such examination, and from information otherwise obtained, we take great pleasure in announcing the all but universal song of harmony and prosperity. In place of war, we have peace; in place of discord, harmony; in place of decay, growth. And were it not for a few faint echoes of past troubles occasionally floating by, little would remain to indicate that the smooth, bright waters over which we are now gliding, had so recently been lurid and tempest- tossed. Thanks, Companions, to the true spirit of Masonry. As constant droppings wear away stones, so does the gentle, constant distilling of the dew of masonic love, dispel the monsters aroused by unholy passion. All have agreed, North and South, to drop and forget hard words." Companion Johnson, here is our hand, and in it our heart. The teachings of Masonry, are not words to be spoken and lorgotten in a day. They are guides and land-marks in the sojuorning probation, like angelic gems, around which cluster a halo of glory, far more precious than the golden fields of Opher. The golden chain of brotherly love binds the entire Craft—a chain whose links should not become worn or broken by time, but which every waive of adversity brightens and strengthens. It is a beacon light upon an eminence to direct the benighted, give confidence the way- ward, and establish the fact that we are not only Masons by name, but by practice. History explains the future by the past. These are living his- tories, sacred and pure links which connect the present with the great good of the past. When we contemplate the stability of our venerable institu- tion, may we, nor the coming generation never witness the decay of its solid basis, its graceful columns, and the lofty dome of the Temple, which is grander and far superior to the tempestuous storms which have strewn the land with kingdoms and empires; the sea with wrecked and scattered navies; but may it still survive, vital in every part, bright as the morning stares; and like— " Some tall clift that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, fho' round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head." He devotes three pages to Mississippi, and speaks in flattering terms of P.-. G.*. II.-. Priest Lusher's address. In regard to Companion G.-. H.\ Priest's decision, concerning exaltations by Military Chapters, he says the decision was simply this: "That a Companion Exalted in a Military Chapter in a Southern State, work- ing under a Charter granted by Illinois, must be healed to be recognized here." No objections, all right; and if we said anything in a previous report that would place Companion Fiske in a wrong position, we take it all back. In Peace, Love and Unity, may Ave ever meet and mingle, firm and unimpaired by convulsions around us in the gladsome cement which unites us, distinct as the billows, but one as the ocean. M.-. E." Charles H. Brown, elected G.-. II.-. Priest. R.\ E.\ J. Eastman Johnson, re-elected G.\ Secretaiy. ORDER OP PRIESTHOOD. The Tenth Annual Convocation of the Grand Order of High Priesthood, fcr the State and Jurisdiction of Michigan, was held at Masonic Temple, agreeably to previous notice. Comp. E. Sprague, M.\ E.\ G.\ President; Comp. D. Burnham Tracy, G.\ Recorder. The petitions of of twenty-five High Priests were received, referred and reported unfavorably. They were then introduced, installed, set apart and solemnly consecrated to the office of High Priesthood in Ample Form. We find the following resolution; "That the Grand Recorder be instructed to forward the Diplomas he may have in his possession, belonging to deceased High Priests, to their widows, provided they are living; and if not, to their nearest relatives or friends. No further business, the G.\ Council closed in ample form. 91 MINNESOTA, 1870. In the proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, of Minnesota, hear- ing date, St. Paul, January 12,1870, we find M.\ E.\ M. W. Getchell, G.\ H.\ Priest, presiding, together with other Grand and Past Grand officers, and the Representatives from sixteen Subordinate Chapters. The address of the G.*. H.\ Priest will compare with many G.*. Chapter addresses of much older dates. When we take into consideration that this is only the ninth Convocation, comparatively speaking, they may be looked upon, as he justly says, "in our infancy." He says : "We have but just laid the foundation on which the 'Symbolic Temple' of R.\ A.-. Masonry, in this State, is to be erected by those who shall come after us. But the foundation has been laid broad and deep, and we trust as its mystic walls continue to rise with each returning year, it shall continue to be a beacon light to all within our borders; pointing us to the fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of man—cultivating a spirit of toleration and charity—leading all to a better appreciation of humanity, and a deeper reverence for God; so as we look back on the past we shall see the fruits of our labor, and perceive that we have not spent our strength for naught." We can truly say to our Companions of Minnesota, that it is our unfeigned desire that they may find true pleasure in meeting and mingling with each other on such pleasant occasions as a Grand Chapter always affords the true Mason. In the unity of love, and the bonds of peace and affection, may they for all time to come, continue their meetings of companionship and broth- erly love. Firm and unimpaired by convulsions around them, may they ever find the gladsome cement which unites the Craft. In regard to the opinion, or rather decision of the G.*. H.'. Priest, as to suspension or expul- sion by the Lodge, consequently the member stands suspended or expelled in his Chapter. "This we hold to be correct. He says : "And while we cheerfully admit that the suspension or expulsion of a Mason, in his Lodge, suspends him in the Chapter, we can conceive of but one way, un- der the Constitution of this'Grand Chapter, in which the membership of a Com- panion, in his Chapter, can be finally terminated, and that is, by a legal trial and conviction, and even then, should the Grand Chapter abrogate or reverse the de- cisions of the Subordinate Chapter, the Companion would be restored to all of his rights, including membership." We must beg leave to differ with our Companion, so far as to restoring to membership. It is a well known fact that our Order is founded on unity, peace and harmony. We must be as a unit on the reception of all candi- dates. Peace and harmony must prevail. Is not the election of candidates left entirely with the Subordinate Chapter ? Is it not a universal Masonic law, when a suspension or expulsion takes place, before he can be restored to membership, a unanimous vote must be had? A Mason expelled or indefi- nitely suspended, wishing to be restored, must apply by petition to the Sub- ordinate Body which passed the sentence, setting forth the grounds for ap- plication; and if that Body should consider them just and proper, notice should be given to all the parties interested, and to every member of that particular body, (if practicable,) of the time when the application will be taken up for consideration; which must be at a stated meeting. And if on a hearing, the consent of the Body is granted, the action of the Body in the case must be reported to the Grand Body governing the Subordinate, for confirmation or reversal. The Grand Body may restore him to his general privileges and rights, but not to membership. If he wishes to affiliate or become a member, he must petition the body for membership. When re- stored, by the Grand Body, to the general rights and privileges of a Mason, he stands to the Masonic world in the attitude of a non-affiliate, and to gain membership must apply and be voted in by a unanimous vote. Harmony must prevail. Seventeen Chapters return 144 exaltations, and $432. 92 Companion A. T. C. Pierson submitted the Report on Correspondence, em- bracing the proceedings from twenty-eight Grand Chapters, Mississippi re- ceiving a brief but complimentary notice. He says he likes the spirit mani- fested in our report. Thank you, Companion. Hope we may meet at Balti- more, in 1871. I want to see what you look like. R.\ E.\ E. D. B. Porter, elected G.\ H.\ Priest; R.\ E.\ Wm. S. Combs re-elected G.\ Secretary. MISSOURI, 1871. We have before us the proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Missouri, which was held in the city of St. Louis, October 6,18G9. Present: Comp'n Oren Root, Jr., Grand High Priest, presiding, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the Representatives from thirty-six Subordinate Chapters. The address of the G.*. H.\ Priest commences by saying: "To the God who has guided us through the twelve months past in safe and pleasant ways, who has brought us here together with such auspicious omens, who hath so abundantly blessed our Order, we owe most reverent and earnest thanks, join we all in earnest prayer thatHis loving favor and watchful'guidance may be with us here and follow us through the months or years to come. Some two pages of, the address are filled with just such beautiful Masonic teachings, and we trust that all may have the pleasure of reading it. He speaks in glowing terms of Royal Arch Masonry in his jurisdiction; tells of his official acts; issued nine Dispensations for new Chapters. We agree with him in the decisions made; except the answer to H.\ Priest of St. Louis, Chapter, jSTo.-S. He says: "I decided that an applicant for affiliation with the Chapter need not be affili- ated with the Lodge." We hold that it is wrong to permit applicants to .affiliate with the Chapter, whilst they are not a member in good standing in some Lodge. If a mem- ber demits from his Lodge, and chooses to travel the pathway of life solitary and alone, or with the outside world, he has cut himself loose from all the benefits that might arise from the Institution, depriving himself from all aid, and more especially does he deprive himself, (by the act of non-affilia- tion,) of being buried Masonically. Who is he, and what is he ? A wanderer, without any Masonic home, now and then permitted to visit a Lodge when he thinks it may be to his advantage. In his passage through the the world a thought strikes him, that to be a Royal Arch Mason will be a passport among the Craft, and I can just as well avail myself of the opportunity. I can then demit and go on my way jejoicing. We have a lawr in Mississippi, forbidding Subordinate Chapters entertaining or countenancing the petition of a non-affiliate. Believing as we do, that Masons that are not members in good standing of some regular Lodge, they are not worthy to be made E.1. A.*. Masons, and we hold the three first degrees in Masonry to be the founda- tion upon which all the higher degrees are built; and when a member chooses to step from that foundation, there is nothing higher for him to claim or hang a hope. Let them be fully able to prove their genealogy before ad- mitting strangers among the true workmen. In conclusion, he says: "Let us now with earnest spirit, filled not only with zeal, but as well with purity of purpose, union of heart, and friendly sympathy and feeling, apply ourselves to our work. May we so labor, that our Royal Craft shall enter upon a year of even increased prosperity; that we ourselves may be strengthened in our love and devotion to Masonry, and made nobler, purer men in companion- ship, and for all our walks and works in life." The Report of the G.\ Secretary shows a balance on hand of $3,892 96, We find the following as a page dedicated 93 TO THE MEMORY of PRIESTLY II. McBRIBE, 2V. G.\ H.'. P.-. of the Grand Chapter, and PAST GRAND MASTER of the Gvaiid Lodge of Missouri. DIED IN COLUMBIA, Boone County, Missouri, May 21st, 1869. The good never die—they but change the mortal for the immortal. Comp. George Frank Gouley presented the Report on Correspondence, em- bracing the proceedings of thirty-one Grand Chapters, Mississippi, for 1869, included. The report is short, for Gouley, (only thirty-eight pages,) hut contains much good Masonic information. How could it be otherwise ? He devotes about half a page to Mississippi, and says the address of the H.-. Priest is a good business paper. He agrees with us in the case of Arkansas, and says "we will help him out." Thank you, Companion—I think we can prove we are right. Speaking of New Jersey, as usual Comp. Corson comes in for a share of the spoils. He says: "The Report on Correspondence was submitted by the 'irrepressible' Comp. T. J. Corson, 'M. D.,' who goes through the foreign proceedings 'like a dose of saltsrasps and tears along the winding way, with a spirit which says, root h—, or die.'" ' He Says: "He joins in condemning the action of Arkansas, in conferring degrees in Grand Chapter. Sound for once." We fully agree with Comp. Gouley's remarks on the California question. He is right, every word. In conclusion, Comp. Gouley says: "In our review we have written with this one impulse of 'brethren.' If We thought for one moment that we could not write and talk as we pleased among those we love, we would tear this manuscript into shreds, and leave the job of Correspondence to somebody who measures words as clerks do tape—by the inch 94 If our friends enjoy our work, it is all we ask; if they get mad at it, it is not our fault, for we do not intend it; as the joker has it, 'if' we have said anything we are sorry for, we are glad of it.' " The tabular statement shows 54 Subordinates, with membership of 2,011, %Clues paid in, $2,124 00. This is the returns for 1808. Comp. John F. Houston, elected G.*. H.*. Priest; Comp. Geo. Frank Gou- ley, re-elected G.\ Secretary. XEBRASKA, 1860. It is with pleasure we hail the prooceedings of Xebraska, in neat pamphlet form, telling to the world the workings of P.*. A.*. Masonry, within her jurisdiction. The Grand Chapter met in the city of Xebraska, October 25, 1S69. Present: M.*. E.\ D. H. Wheeler, G.*. II.*. P.*., other Grand and Past Grand Officers and Representatives from four Subordinates. The G.\ II.*. P.*. delivered his annual address, and a very excellent production it is. Companion George B. Graff, submitted the report on Correspondence in a masterly manner, reviewing the proceedings of twenty-nine G.\ Chapters, Mississippi included. He says of us : "We would with pleasure refer to the very able and excellent report of the Committee on Correspondence, by Companion Wm. S. Patton, Chairman. No report received from Nebraska." It always gives us pleasure to say something for the good and encourage- ment of our sister Grand Chapter, but more especially is it a pleasure to give a cheering account of the young ones, such as Xebraska. The address of the G.*. II.*. P.*. and report on Correspondence, we would feel proud to copy every word in our report; but time and space forbid. In conclusion, my dear Companions, permit me to express the hope that you may live long to enjoy the confidence of the Grand Chapter of the young Xebraska, as well as the Companions throughout the world. 1870. The Grand Chapter convened in Plattsmouth, June 20th, 1870. P.*. E.\ E. A. Allen, D.\ G.*. H.\ P.*. presiding as G.\ II.*. P.*., Grand Secretary, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and a constitutional number of repre- sentatives from subordinates to open and traniact business. The D.\ G.*. H.*. Priest presiding, delivered his address, and read a com- munication from the G.*. H.*. Priest, stating the cause of his absence: that he was about to remove from the jurisdiction of Xebraska. The address is in good style, and speaks favorable for our young sister. There are five Chapters, twenty-one Exaltation*. 2(54 members, ami $208. 02 dues. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence report the re- ception of twenty Grand Chapter proceedings. The Grand Treasurer reports $713,13 balance on hand. Companion E. A. Allen was elected G.\ H.\ Priest, and Companion K. W. Furnas, G.*. Secretary. XEW HAMPSHIRE, 1870. The Grand Chapter of Xew Hampshire, convened in the city of Concord, 17th May, 1870. Present: Daniel E. Martin, M.\ E.\ G.*. H.*. Priest, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, the Representatives of twelve Subordinate Chapters, and many visiting Companions. The G.\ II.*. P.*. says : "In my judgment, the principles of Freemasonry underlie all social progress. Back in the dreary centuries, when cast usurped the place of brotherhood, when privilege ruled where equality had ceased to reign, and when brutal power claimed a divine right to govern, without any responsibility to man for the jus- tice and equality of their acts, Freemasonry taught a different doctrine. Within 95 their walls, under their mystic rose, the emblems of justice, equality and frater- nity met the sight, and their doctrines found acceptance in the heart," In conclusion, he says: "When we shall have passed away, and our records are read by those who fol- low in centuries to come—quoting our actions as precedents—perchance then, could our spirits meet in the asylum, we should realize the fearful importance of every word we write, and every deed we do; and thus should every man so live, realizing that he lives not for himself, or his own generation; for, if this were all, then life is hardly worth living for." We ask pardon for copying so much of the G/. II/. Priest's address; but we were appointed by our Grand Chapter to collect and bring together all the valuable material we could find in our travels through the quarries and avenues leading to and from the Temple. The Report on Correspondence, by Comp. John J. Bell, is prepared on rather a novel plan. He acknowledges that he attempted to deviate from the accustomed method of preparing such reports, "in the hope, by presenting each subject which seemed to be of interest, by itself, a more connected view would be obtained by the Companions of what was transpiring among the Craft, than when the proceedings of each Grand Chapter were separately reviewed." He further says: "If we had fully comprehended, however, how much the labor of preparing the report would be increased, we should, probably, have hesitated some time before assuming the additional labor." NEW JERSEY, 1870. The Fourteenth Convocation of the Grand Chapter of New Jersey, was held in the city of Trenton, on the 14th day of September, 1870. P.esent: M/. E.\ Comp. D. S. Battey, G.\ H.\ Priest, presiding, other Grand Officers, and the Representatives from seventeen Subordinate Chapters. The G.\ H/. Priest of the G/. Chapter of New York, and the G.\ H.\ Priest of the G.\ G/. Chapter of the United States, were also present. The G/. H/. Priest correctly decides, that "The H.\ P.*. of a Chapter is justified in not conferring the degrees upon a candidate, when, by any cause, the candidate renders himself amenable to the laws of the Fraternity, which would involve his suspension or expulsion." We go even further than the G.\ II/. Priest. At any stage of advance- ment, even in the midst of the ceremonies of the degree to be conferred, if it comes to the knowledge of the H.\ Priest, it is right, and he would be de- relict in duty if he did not immediately cause the proceedings to stop until an investigation could be had. Better to delay a few hours—nay even a month, or a year, or if the case justified, to all time—than let the cause of Masonry suffer when it eould so easily be prevented. The address is a well written paper, full of good advice and Masonic teach- ing, and well adapted not only to the Jurisdiction of New Jersey, but throughout the world. Reports were made by the D.\ G.\ H/. Priest, G/. King, and Scribe, giv- ing an account of their stewardship, for the past Masonic year. We approve of the plan, although it is not practiced in Mississippi; yet we believe it right. If a Companion is worthy to be made D.\ G/. II/. Priest, G.\ King, or Scribe, let him have his work assigned him, and make himself useful to the Craft; not sit wrapped in his robe of honor, afraid to open his mouth, lest for the lack ol Masonic knowledge he might say something wrong. No, put them to work, and be sure to select such as are full of Masonic zeal, and who would be an honor to the office. By pursuing this course, we would soon find the offices seeking the right man, and log-rollers and butterfly office- seekers would soon be known no more in the Grand Bodies. The Grand Treasurer reports the sum of $2,597 04 balance on hand. Well here it is ten o'clock at night, and Companion Corson's Report on Foreign Correspondence, staring us full in the face—one hundred and fifteen pages and more poetry than—well, enough to fill a small volume. The pro- 96 ceedings of thirty-seven Grand Chapters are commented on, and among the number Mississippi. Of Mississippi, he says, (after some extracts from the G.\ H.\ Priest's address): "Now, we tremble violently, our knees quake, and our heart sinks in despond- ency, for we come to the Report on Correspondence, prepared by Comp. William S. Patton. It is nearly midnight, and yet the whole of it must be read. But, how can we do it? for, it is in such miserable fine print, that we are afraid to at- tack it, for our microscope is out of order. We are certain that the effort will be sure to provoke internal profanity. 0, Patton ! Patton! as a human man, for the sake of your fellow-reporters, do have this matter rectified, and cause the print to be enlarged." It is true, as Comp. Corson said, the report is in fine print; but how miser- able the print or report is, we leave our fellow reporters to say. None, we belive, have complained of the miserable print except Companion Corson. Yes, Companion Drummond of Maine, made complaint that it was scarcely readable after dark, to which we replied, that Comp. Drummond, perhaps, had a right to complain. Being old and well stricken in years, it is natural to suppose his vision would become impaired; and, further, the State of Maine is situated so far towards sunrise, that it frequently occurs that the sun does not rise until a late hour in the- day, and if the weather is a little frosty, the sun has to be prised up with a crow bar to assist in reading fine print from the far off Mississippi. Now, we know Companion Corson is all right side up. But that miserable small print is what seems to trouble him, if we take his word, which we are bound to do. But suffer me to make a suggestion about that "microscope," which, he says, "is out of order." From what I can learn of Comp. Cor- son's microscope, it is only about four inches in length by two and a half in diameter, made entirely of glass, one end closed by a glass cylinder head, the other open so as to admit of a certain fluid. The instrument is charged with about three fingers of the fluid, then held up before the face, some three inches below the eye, and instead of looking, (as in other microscopes,) the eye is elevated above the cylinder end of the instrument, which is pointing from the person using it, is gradually turned turned up until the fluid gradu- ally disappears, which generally brighten the eye-sight, loosens the tongue for a short time, then the eyes gradually become dim, so as not to be able to read fine print, especially after night-fall, the tongue becomes thick and heavy, refusing to perform its office, and if the microscope cannot be replen- ished, the individual using it will become overpowered, his eyes gradually close, and he becomes almost unconscious of the surrounding objects, and when he arouses, as from a deep slumber, every object to him lpoks doubled and twisted into such shape that it is almost impossible to read "miserable small print." Now, Companions, don't understand that we would in the least intimate that it had such an effect on our worthy Companion Corson; not at all. He is a doctor, and chemist, and we know chemists always have an antidote to prevent certain causes and effects; and we charge nothing wrong on the part of Companion Corson, but that "microscope," being out of order, is en- tirely to blame. Comp. Corson will bring in a few lines of verse occasionally, which we do not object to, for we always had a desire to be a poet, but could never make the lines to suit. Hear him : "Tis strange there should such difference be, 'Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee." Speaking of Illinois, he says: "The Hoosiers and the Suckers, and the Wolverine farmers, All know the right way to carry up the corners." And again: "Every one's a good enough Carpenter, or Mason, To do a little work at old Tippecanoe's raisin'." He deals pretty liberally with Louisiana. He says: 97 "Whew! Here is richness in a concentrated form—mercury at 94° in a far-in- heat thermometer, (shades of Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego, preserve us from deliquescence,) baby rolling around the office floor—wife busy preserving, in immense quantities, in anticipation of a visit from Horner—patients persistently pestering'to be visited—perspiration pouring down our wrinkled cheeks, so that we must literally earn as well as eat our bread in the 'sweat of our face'—flies with red hot feet, inflicting indescribable torments, paying no attention to the urgent request ; 'slio fly, don't bodder me'—gnats innumerable running over our paper—ice-water all gone—and yet here are forty-odd pages of fine print to be examined and commented upon in the shape of a Report on Correspondence by Comp. J. P. Horner." Well, our Companion Corson is certainly in a fix, with all the above calam- ities coming upon him just as he encountered Comp. Horner's report; hut we imagine the worst of all the calamities was the absence of the ice-water after the evaporation of the "microscope fluid." That was certainly more miserable than reading small print after dark. Come down South some time this winter or spring, and we will pay a visit to Comp. Horner, and make him account for all tne plagues visited on you through him. They were far worse than the plagues of "Egypt," and no one to console you but the "microscope." Come down Corson, Horner and Patton will make it all right; if not, let's meet in Baltimore, in 1871, and have a general overhaul- ingof things. What say you? But Corson plays rough and tumble with Horner before he leaves him. Comp. Marcus Higginbotham, elected G.\ H.\ Priest; Comp. John Wool- verton, re-elected G.\ Secretary; Comp. T. J. Corson, Committee on Corres- pondence. After the close of the G.\ Chapter, a convention of High Priests was held. Comp. W. W. Goodwin, Grand President. Several H.\ Priests were elected and annointed into the Holy Order. W. W. Goodwin, G.-. President; T. J. Corson, G.\ Secretary, pro tern. NEW YORK, 1870. The seventy-third annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter of R.\ A.-. Masons convened in the city of Albany, February 1, 1870. Present: M.\ E.\ John W. Simons, G.\ H.\ Priest, other Grand officers, permanent mem- bers,andthe Representatives from one hundred and fifty-five Subordinates. Of the number of Chapters under the Jurisdiction of New York G.\ Chapter, we find twenty-one located in the city of New York. The number of Royal Arch Masons in the State as represented is 14,664; Affiliated during the year 103; Restored 37; Demitted 429; Suspenned for non-payment of dues 334; for other unmasonic conduct 5; Expelled 2; Died 133; Rejected 199; Funds $46,883 10; Dues to G.-. Chapter $13,050 50; Paid Representatives $5,822 89. From the returns in the State of New York only one Royal Arch Mason in every one hundred and ten died. The number of Chapters run up as high as 234. Twelve new Dispensa- tious were issued during the year. The address of the G.-. H.\ Priest is just such a document as might be expected from such a man as Comp. Simons. He is in favor of reducing the number of the Chapters, that the vacancies may be got rid of, so that the printed lists may show the actual status. This question has for a series of years been agitated. There are many good arguments pro and con that may be brought to bear. For instance, Comp. Simon's method at first glance would seem to be right and proper, that the Masonic world may know the true status of the Gv. Chapter as to the number of Subordinates. And we must confess we are rather inclined to his views on the subject. But upon the other hand, we may find Royal Arch Masons from New York, with demits in their possession, stating in so many words that they had been regularly demitted from No. Chapter, under the jurisdiction of the Gv.'"Chapter of New York; and upon examination no such number could be found, or he may state that he had regularly received the degrees in a iust and constitutional R.\ Av Chapter, giving the name and number, and located in a certain town, and on investigation or inqury a Chapter 7 98 bearing the name mentioned is reported to be there located, but entirely a different number. For instance, No. 226 missing, also No. 3, and many intermediate, but we take the extremes. Now if a new Chapter, or an old one, were to take any of the vacant numbers, there would be a conflict by two members abroad chancing to meet, both claiming to be members of Chapter No. , of New York, one claiming that his Chapter, No. , was Jocated in one particular locality of the State, and the other that his Chapter, of the same number, was in a different locality, and both holding Masonic papers showing they were right. How could R.\ A.-. Masons in other jurisdictions reconcile the matter? We don't wish or intend to convey the idea that we are right and you are wrong. We hope the matter throughout the United States may be arnica- bly settled, and so permanently that it may never be agitated again. We must beg leave to differ with our worthy Companion as respects the Order of High Priesthood. He says: " I see no reason why we should not congratulate ourselves upon our acts. Before the adoption of the present regulations, the Order was in irresponsible hands, and it wa& optional with the High Priests of Chapters to be annointed or not. In that shape the Order amounted to nothing. As it is, the G.\ Chapter in assuming its control and making its reception obligatory on all High Priests in this jurisdiction, raises it to its proper and dignified place, and preserves it from the danger of oblivion. Objections have been made that Grand Chapters, being legislative bodies, cannot confer degrees, at which a portion of the mem- bers may not assist; but the fact is, the Grand Chapter does not confer the degree or order, but sanctions its being conferred by those who possess it, and are competent to impart its ritual and instruction. It has b.een further objected that the General G.\ Chapter, while commending the Order to elected H.\ Priests, has not made it obligatory. This in no wise militates against the validi- ty of our action, which is a local measure, believing it to be for the best inter- ests of the Royal Craft in this jurisdiction, and therefore one on which we are entirely competent to pass. While I, for one, would be glad always to have the favorable opinion of our peers, I would not undo a correct action for that pur- pose. It is clear to my mind that in this matter we are right, and that our sys- tern will eventually commend itself to general adoption." It is clear to our mind that G.*. Chapters have no control over the Order of High Priesthood, for the simple reason that every Charter granted to a Chapter especially says that they have the right only to confer the degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch: there it stops. The Order of High Priesthood is a separate and distinct Order, as much so as the Council of Royal and Select Masters, and should, in our opinion, be kept as separate and distinct. For instance, a G.\ Chapter claiming control of the Order desires (as is done by some) to confer the Order, calls to refreshment, opens a Council of High Priesthood, performs the labor of the Order, then resumes labor again in the R.\ A/. Degree; and in the mean time half or perhaps more of the members of the Grand Chapter are forced to leave the Chapter room, when they are sent there to represent them fully in everything that comes before the body. The Rep- resentatives, (as before remarked), may be Kings, or Scribes, or elected or appointed Representatives from their Chapters. Is it right, is it just that they should be excluded and forced to leave the hall for the purpose of— what ? To do something in the Grand Chapter to which they are entire strangers, know nothing about, and then have to return to their Chapters and report that certain transactions were had or done in Grand Chapter, but they were forced to vacate the hall, and therefore could not give them any information as to what was done. Now, we dislike very much to differ with our worthy Companion, knowing him to be far more able to explain, and still farther advanced and learned in Masonic Jurisprudence, and the rights of Masons advanced to certain degrees, and what is right and proper for Grand Bodies to do, than we are. But we will venture to give our opinion, and are willing to let it go for what it may be worth. The Order of High Priesthood, we think, is a separate and distinct organization. And as tne Annual Convocation of Grand Chapters, when the business is through and the G.\ Chapter closed, then is the proper time to call J a convention of the 99 Order of High Priesthood, with their regular or appointed officers, and such members as are entitled to seats in the Body, open regular, receive the petitions of candidates, act upon them, receive and annoint according to custom, keep a true record of the doings, as of other Grand Bodies, keeping them separate and distinct that the world may see what was done in the Council of the Order of High Priesthood. This, Companions 01 New York, is an honest view of the subject. Hoping that we may all obtain the true light and become united as to the proper mode, or the jurisdiction that should have control, we dismiss the subject. The Report on Correspondence was submitted by our able and worthy Comp. Joseph White, reviewing the proceedings of thirty G.-. Chapters, Mississippi included among the number. He gives us about one page of his report, and states that New York was not among the G.'. Chapters reported on. We have to say 'tis true, and we regret exceedingly that it was not re- ceived. We waited until the last moment in expectation and hope that it would come, but-it has never been received by us. We find the following in his conclusion : Thirty-seven Grand Lodges return 6,599 Subordinate Lodges; 375,356 members; $278,8S9 dues received ; $2,74,454 expended. M.\ E.\ John W. Simons, re-elected Gv. H.\ Priest; R.\ E.\ Christopher G. Fox, re-elected Grand Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA, 1869. Begun and held in St. John's Hall, Wilmington, North Carolina, on the first day of December, A. L. 5869, A. 1.2399, A. D. 1869. Present, M.'. E.-. Comp. W. G. Gill, G.*. H.\ Priest, other Grand Officers, and the Representa- tives from ten Subordinate Chapters. The G.\ H.-. Priest's Address is a document breathing the true Masonic spirit, though generally local in its character. The Report on Correspond- ence, submitted by Comp. Alfred Martin, takes up eighty-two pages of the Proceedings, reviewing the doings of twenty-six Grand Chapters and that of the General Grand Chapter. The report reflects credit on our worthy Companion. He devotes nearly three pages to Mississippi. He rather brings our P.*. G.\ High Priest, Lusher, ''to taw " for issuing special dispensations to Subordinates to receive and act upon petitions for degrees out of the reg- ular time. P •. G.-. High Priest Lusher says: "Yet I must confess that I did i-t unwillingly, believing that such dispensations were radically wrong." Comp. Martin then says : " Unless he was required by the Constitution to issue dispenations for such purpose, we are at a loss to conceive of any cir- cumstances that should have constrained or induced him to do what he believed to be radically wrong. He advocates taking that power from the Grand High Priest. This recommendation, however, the Grand Chapter did not concur in. It may be true, and we believe what P.-. G.\ II. . Priest Lusher has said, that he believed such dispensations are radically wrong; and still, under certain circumstances, although the Constitution may not require it, nor forbid the issuing of such dispensations, it is left with the G.\ H.\ Priest to use his own judgment in the premises. He may think it a bad precedent to set, and yet, in his judgment of the facts brought before him (no law prohibiting) and the parties well known as good and true Ma- sons, and are about to leave for some distant land, and preferring to receive the degrees among those with whom they have been intimate from child- hood, than to go among strangers. This we think, of itself, would be suffi- cient grounds to grant the dispensation, though he may be opposed to the principle. Wm.E. Murdoch elected M/. E.\ G.\ H.\ Priest; Thos. B. Carr, E.\ G.\ Secretary. NOVA SCOTIA, 1869. We are pleased to lay before the Gi'and Chapter of Mississippi the pro- ceedings of the formation and organization of the Grand Chapter of the Province of Nova Scotia, which was held at Halifax, Oct. 14,1869, at which 100 time M.\ E.*. the Hon. Alexander Keith was chosen G.\ H.*. Priest, and R.\ E.\ James Gossip elected Grand Secretary. From the proceedings we learn that in the Province of Nova Scotia there are five Royal Arch Chapters, one English, one Canadian and three Scotch. One of each took part in the or- ganization of the Grand Chapter. From a circular received by the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia, by order of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chap- terof Scotland, it appears that.that Body was displeased with the action of Nova Scotia, and the Supreme Body promptly resolved to give no countenance whatever to the self-constituted bodv in Nova Scotia, as they term it. The Companions of the G.- C.\ of Nova Scotia very wisely con- sidered the matter received from Scotland; passed resolutions setting forth the facts in the case, which your committee hope will fully satisfy the Supreme Body of Scotland. We have had similar difficulties in the United States, and we have always found it best to try and reconcile, and heal the breach, acknowl- edge the Companions and endeavor to set the example before them, who can best work and best agree. Your committee would not have you to understand that any ami all attempts on the part of Companions to form Grand Chap- ters in open violation of Masonic law and usages are by us recommended. This Grand Chapter is fully aware of the course taken by us. in case of the District of Columbia, and also of Delaware. Although much was said by eminent Companions, and harsh language used, at last all were reconciled, and the Chapters now move on harmoniously, fully recognized throughout the globe; and so it will be with Nova Scotia in a few months, and we now recommend to Mississippi to receive her as a sister, give her all the aid and comfort we can, and hail her as a bright and shining star in the northeast corner of theMasonic galaxy. A list of correspondence from various G.-. Chapters is appended, showing the recognition of the G.\ Chapter of Nova Scotia. The Report on Correspondence, by Comp. J. Conway Brown, chairman, shows the examination of fifteen G.'. Chapters, Mississippi not among the number, which we very much regret. In conclusion he says, speaking of the Mark degree: "We have Mark Stones evidently very old, and mostly furnished with a Bible in the centre, the letter H, instead of being on the top, is placed where the last S usually stands. We also have a curiously wrought stone, which evidently belonged to the crown of a dome; on it is a mark as above, and the figures near- ly effaced by time—39. From the appearance of these old relics and the pros- pect of gaining access to the records of the past, we hope next year to return to the Sanctuary with discoveries which may possibly prove of service to the Craft. Meanwhile, we continue to pursue our labors in search of them." OHIO, 1870. The Grand Chapter of Ohio was opened, in Cincinnatti, 13th day of Sep- tember, 1870. Present: Comp. Chas. C. Keifer, M.\ E.\ Gv. H.\ Priest, and other Grand and Past Grand officers, and a sufficient number of Representa- tives from Subordinate Chapters. The G.\ H.*. Priest said: "I offer you my congratulations, that, in the good Providence of God, we are permitted to meet again in Grand conclave. We come again in our yearly pil- grimage from all parts of our great State to this the Queen City of the West, and strike hands, while our hearts are thrilled with joyous emotions of real friend- ship. The experience of the past year are still fresh in our memories. And now, before entering upon the discharge of the duties that have called us together, let us approach our altar of prayer, and with heart and voice give expression to our feelings of gratitude for the manifold blessings and mercies of the past, and im- plore Divine Wisdom and guidance in our deliberations. "The Great Preacher has written: ' Be still, and know that I am God.' I am reminded of this admonition from the fact that death has been doing his work, and called away, during the year, several distinguished Masons. Prominent among them was Comp. Howard Mathews, for mamy years a member of this G.'. Body, and for several years Chairman of our Committee on Foreign Correspond- ence, in which position he had acquired an enviable reputation, both at home and abroad." 101 He also mentions the death of Comp. B. B. French. He issued Dispensations for six new Chapters during the past Masonic year. He says: "I would omit the Past Master's degree from the degrees of Capitular Masonry, for the following reasons": He gives five reasons, which we will give in brief: 1st. Its original design was not a degree. 2d. It has no elements of a degree. 3d. It is of no interest to one passing through the Chapter. 4th. The only possible objection to its abrogation is, that the covenant a R.*. A.*. M.\ has taken is in the way. 5th. So modified, with the " P.-. M.\ degree" confined to Masters of Lodges, our American system would be simplified more in harmony wfith itself. Comp. Kiefer gives his views on the five objections in a fair and impartial manner; though we cannot agree with him,'we will drop the question for the consideration of wiser and more experienced Masons than ourself. He is in favor of the Representative system, which suits us precisely. The Report on Foreign Correspondence, by Comp. J. Kelly O'Neal, with his gifted pen, vivid imagination, and sound Masonic judgment, covers fifty- pages of the proceedings. He reviews thirty-four Grand Chapters, Missis- sippi included, giving her a passing notice, that his Grand Chapter may not forget that there is such a G.\ Chapter in existence; that sixty Chapters were represented, two charters were granted, and the G.-. H.\ Priest having died during the year, his death is appropriately referred to in the annual ad- dress, and an eloquent tribute was rendered to his memory by the G.\ Chap- ter. He says: "The Foreign Correspondence Report is from the pen of Comp. fm. S. Patton, and presents a fair and courteous abstract of the proceedings of twenty-one G.". Chapters, Ohio not being of the number." This, my dear Comp. O'Neal, we regret exceedingly. Nothing gives us more Masonic pleasure than to receive in time the proceedings of Ohio, tor then we know a feast is in store, We can take the addresses and reports on correspondence, read from morn till night, then read again,.and always find something interesting. We do hope that you may not soon again have cause to complain of the tardiness of Mississippi. We have a "Power" at the helm, prompt, courteous, and always at his post, ready to serve his friends. In conclusion, he says: "R.-. A.". Masonry throughout the United States, from sea to sea, is in a pros- perous condition, the last "root of bitterness"—the difficulty that lately existed between the G.\ Chapter of Maryland and the District of Columbia—how exists only in Masonic history, and as a bright example of the benign effects of that forbearance and charity which ever has and ever should characterize our Order. And the same kind and fraternal spirit so marked in the bearing of the G.\ G.\ Chapter toward those of the G.\ Chapters which still deny her jurisdiction, must soon be covered with the same happy result. And the entire Royal Craft of our broad land, under a single jurisdiction, as the fraternal band, bow before the same altar in acknowledgment of gratitude to, and dependence upon, the Great I Am. And thus, at all times, by united and common efforts to comfort the needy, strengthen the feeble, and reclaim the wayward, may our lives be a prac- tical exemplification of our faith, end a sure vindication against the attacks of our enemies." Comp. Charles C.Keifer, re-elected M.*.E.\G.\ II.\ Priest; Comp. James Nesbit, elected G.*. Secretary. After the close of the Grand Chapter, the Council of High Priesthood was duly opened, Comp. C. C. Kiefer, President, and other Grand Officers. Peti- tions received, and the Orders were solemnly conferred on thirty-three H.-. Priests. The Council having completed its labors, was closed in Ample Form. 102 OREGON, 1870. This Grand Chapter convened in the town of Astoria, June 17th, 1870. Present: M.\ E.\ Companion, Jas.B. Rayler, G\ H.\ Priest, other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and the representatives from five Subordinate Chapters. The address of the Grand High Priest is short, but to the point. In a very feeling manner, he brings before the Grand Chapter, the death of the Grand Treasurer, John H. Conch, and recommends the usual masonic course to be taken. Says this is the Tenth Annual Convocation, and not one single thing to mar the peace or harmony. Upon which, we congratulate our Oregon Companions. The reports of Five Chapters show the number of Royal Arch Masons to be 190; Exalted, 17; Demitted, 6; Suspended,]; Died,2; Admitted, 2; Reinstated, 1; Grand Chapter dues, $203. We are pleased to see a resolution passed, requiring petitioners or appli- cants for affiliation, to be members in good standing, in some Symbolic Lodge. Royal Arch Masonry has suffered by admitting non-affiliates within the sacred precincts. No one can be a true and faithful Royal Arch Mason, unless he is a member in good standing in the lower Lodge. Companion S. F. Chadwick submitted the report on Correspondence, examing the proceedings of twenty Grand Chapters; we regret exceeding- ly the absence of Mississippi. His report gives a fair and impartial review in as few words as possible. In conclusion he says: " Inasmuch as there are different opinions entertained and expressed by our brethren concerning the G.\ G.\ Chapter of the United States, 'as a useful in- stitution,' State Grand Chapters should become more deeply impressed by the weight of responsibility resting upon them as Grand Bodies. Subordinates should place a higher estimate upon the trust committed to their care ; and a greater interest should be taken by them in, and a more thorough knowledge acquired of, the work and laws of the Order, to the end that this important question may be settled on a just basis." We fully agree with the Companion. M.\ E.*. James R. Bayley, re-elected G.*. H.\ Priest; R.*. E.\ R. P. Ear- hart, reelected G.\ Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA, 1868. A Quarterly Grand Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania was held in Philadelphia, February 6th, one May 7th, one August 6th, and one November 5th, 1868. '•The Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania," Annual Grand Convocation, for St. John' the Evangelist's Day, Philadelphia, Dec. 28th, A. D. 1868. The following named Companions having been duly elected Nov. 5th, 1S68, for the ensuing Masonic year, were this day installed, viz.: Comp. George Griscom, M.\ E.\ G.\ H.*. Priest; Comp. Michael Nisbet, M.\ E.\ G.\ King; Comp. Charles Eugene Meyer, M.\ E.-.G.*. Scribe; Comp. Peter Williams, M.\ E.\ G.\ Treasurer; Comp. John Thomson, M.\ E.\ G.*. Secretary." The Grand High Priest, in his address, says: " Companions of the Grand Chapter, on this auspicious day, which makes the ending of the last and the beginning of a new Masonic year, we are favored again with the privilege to assemble an annual conclave of fraternal Companions, with ample cause for thankfulness to Providence, and joy both in retrospect of the past and the prospect of the future." He says four new Chapters were constituted during the year; sixty-three working Chapters under that Grand Jurisdiction, with a membership of 5,020. There are also three Mark Lodges, with a membership of 2,807. His address takes up fiftten pages of the printed Proceedings. It is a well writ- ten paper, mostly local, but a valuable document for the members of that Jurisdiction. 103 February 4th, 1869.—Another Quarterly Grand Convocation was held, and another Quarterly Convocation, August 5th, 1869; and one November 4th, 1869, at which time Comp. Michael Nisbet was elected M.\ E.\ G.\ H.\ Priest, and Comp. John Thomson re-elected Grand Secretary. THE ANNUAL GRAND CONVOCATION FOR 1869 was held December 27th. G.\ H>. Priest Griseom delivered an interesting ad- dress, fully setting forth the condition of Royal Arch Masonry within his jurisdiction. Comp. Nisbet also delivered a very interesting and learned address. Comp. Chaides E. Meyer submitted the Report on Correspondence, in which he reviews the procedings of thirty-four Grand Chapters, embracing ninety-seven pages. Mississippi is very favorably noticed for 1868-9. He gives our Grand Chapter the benefit of five pages. His report is an able document, giving a short history of the Royal Craft throughout the United States. Affixed to the proceedings we find a statis- tical table showing the name, number, where held, time of meeting, etc., of each Chapter in the State. The number of the Chapters run up to 2 ; there are 6,318 members. There are are also three Mark Master Masons' Lodges, with a membership of 2,646. An amendment to the Constitution says: "No Companion can bo elected High Priest of a Chapter who has not been elected and served a regular term as King or Scribe of a Chapter in this juris- diction, except at the formation of a new Chapter; and no brother can be elected Master of a Most Excellent or Mark Lodge who has not been elected and served as a Warden of a Most Excellent or Mark Master's Lodge, respectively, in this Jurisdiction, except at the formation of a new Lodge. " Fees for warrants to constitute Royal Arch Chapters, Most Excellent Mark Masters'Lodges, as follows, all charges being therein included: For warrant to constitute a R.\ A.*. Chapter, $75; M.\ E.\ Master's Lodge, $50; Mark Master's Lodge, $50." We think the amendment requiring one term of service as King or Scribe, before serving as H.-. Priest, is a good one, and should be adopted by every Chapter throughout the United States. So far as Mark and M.*. E.\ Masters' Lodges are concerned, separate irom a regular Chapter, we know nothing about; but we presume it is all right. Will our Pennsylvania Companion please inform us ? We ask in good faith, for information. We are of the same opinion as Comp. Meyer, in regard to the Council of High Priesthood. Why should the presiding officer be styled President? We are at a loss to know how it originated. SOUTH CAROLINA, 1870. The annual G.-. Convocation of South Carolina of the G.*. Chapter was held in the city of Charleston, February 15th, 1870. Present: Comp. Rob- ert Stewart Bruns, M.\ E.*. G.*. H.\ Priest, and Past Grand officers, and the Representatives of twenty-six Subordinate Chapters. The address of the G.\ H.\ Priest is well written. Dispensations were granted for two new Chapters during the Masonic year. The number admitted, 2; Exalted, 135; Dismissed, 11; Suspended, 40; Expelled, 1; Died, 7: Number of members reported, 808; Dues, $1,153 59. Comp. W. L. M. Burge presented to the G.\ Chapter a Masonic jewel, the Episcopal ring of the G.\ H.*. Priest, saying: " I trust you will find worthy to be worn by that eminent official * * * * and to be kept and worn at all times, in his official capacity, by the M.\ E.\ G.\ H.\ Priest. With the hope that you will receive this humble tribute as an ex- pre'ssion of my kindest feelings for the welfare of the G.\ Chapter, which I trust will be perpetual in experience and great in progress." The report on Correspondence is by Comp. James Birnie, examining the reports of twenty-seven G.\ Chapters, Mississippi not found among the number. We cannot conceive how our report failed to reach our South Carolina Companions; our G.-. Secretary is certainly not at fault. Wq 104 would ask it as a special favor hereafter, that when our reports are not re- ceived, please inform our G.*. Secretary of the fact. The report covers fifty pages. Each report received was closely scrutin- ized with an eye single to the good of Masonry, and we can say that we did receive and read the report with unfeigned pleasure, and trust that his next may come to us in due time, and that ours may never again fail to be received by him. Comp. Montgomery Moses elected G/. H.*. Priest, and Augustine T. Smythe elected G.*. Secretary. After the close of the G.*. Chapter, a Convention of annointed High Priests was called, and eleven High Priests, duly elected and regularly annointed, and received into the Holy Order of High Priesthood. TEXAS, 1870. The twentieth annnal Convocation of theG.\ Chapter of Texas was held in the city of Houston, June 13th, 1870. Present: M.-. E/. W. G. Veal, G.\ H.\ Priest, presiding, other G.\ officers, G.\ Visitors, many P *. G.\ officers, and Representatives from forty-five Chapters. The address of the G.*. H.\ Priest begins thus: " The work of another Masonic year has closed. The sound of the gavel in the East calls us together again. How rapid is the flight of time, and yet how momentous its workings ? The work of the past is sealed and carried up to he reviewed by the Grand Overseer, and is by him to be approved or condemned; and from His decision there can be no appeal. How important, then, that all our work be good, true and trusty." The decision of the G/. H.\ Priest, in regard to conferring the Chapter degrees upon non-affiliated Masons; demits granted; objection to candi- dates after elected to receive the degrees, all we fully endorse. We think his address good. The Grand Treasurer's report shows a balance in treasury of $148 83 cu:- rency; $160 95 silver; $83 gold. No report on Foreign Correspondence. Comp. S. S. Munger elected M.\ E.\ G.\ H.\ Priest; Comp. Robert Brewster re-elected Gv. Secretary; Foreign Correspondence, Companions R.\ W.-. Elgin, F. B. Sexton and Robert Brewster. ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD OF TEXAS. The Council of the Order of High Priesthood of Texas met in the city of Houston, June 16th, 1870. Present: W. M. Taylor, M.\ E.\ H.\ Priest; Robert Brewster, E.\ Secretary; E. W. Taylor, E.\ Master of Ceremonies, and a number of members. Thirteen applicants for the Order of High Priesthood were elected, "introduced and consecrated High Priests after the Order of Melchizedek, in due and ancient form." VERMONT, 1870. The Grand Chapter of Vermont assembled in the city of Burlington, June 17th, 1870. Present: M.-. E.*. Charles A. Miles, G.*. H.\ Priest, other Grand and Past Grand officers, and Represetatives from twenty-three char- tered Subordinates, and Delegate from one Under Dispensation. We doubt if any other State in the Union can show as clear a record as to the prompt- ness of the attention on any Grand Body. There are only twenty-three chartered Chapters and one Under Dispensation, and each and all were represented in the last Convocation. The address of the G.\ H.\ Priest is full of interest to the Craft, written in that masterly style chai-acteristic of such Masons as Comp. Miles. The report on Correspondence from the gifted pen of Companion Squire Marcy, reviewing the proceedings of thirty-one G.\ Chapters, Mississippi receiving a passing notice. He says of Mississippi: 105 " We only have the proceedings of this State Grand Chapter from its organ- ization in 1846 to 1850 inclusive. The succeeding Convocations are promised as soon as they are published, with a view of having them bound by all Grand Jurisdictions which favors them with exchanges." He further says: "We learn from other sources that the twenty-first annual Convocation of the G.\ C.\ was held at Jackson, January 14, 1869. M.*. E.\ Comp. Lusher gave an excellent address." "The report on Foreign Correspondence was submitted by Comp. Wm. S. Patton, and is said to be well written and an impartial report." We cannot conceive how it is that our Mississippi reports failed to reach the Grand Chapter of Vermont; we know that our G.*. Secretary was always very prompt in his exchanges. Ho one took more pleasure than our former G.\ Secretary to keep up a general correspondence with other Grand Chap- ters; and we can say to the Companions of Vermont that no one regrets the failure more than we do, and can assure you that our present Grand Secretary will, without delay, furnish you shortly with the entire numbers Irom 1856 to 1871 inclusive. To the General Grand Chapter the committee devotes eight pages of their report. It seems that the G.\ Chapter of Vermont was established under a grant from Hew York, December 20th, 1804. Although Represen- tatives from the Grand Chapter of Vermont have at sundry times attended the tri-ennial meetings of the G.\ G.\ Chapter, they have now come to the following conclusion: To the G.\ Chapter of Vermont, now in session: "The committee to whom was referred so much of the address of the G.\ H.\ P.*. as relates to the dissolution of the connection of this G.\ Chapter with the G.*. G.*. Chapter of the United States, would respectfully report: That they have given the subject such attention as its importance deserves. Desiring to preserve everything that might be of advantage to our beloved Order, and at toe same time our own rectitude and consistency, your committee have been forced to the conclusion that the G.\ G.\ Chapter has utterly failed to accom- plish any of the advantages sought to be obtained by its founders; that the powers delegated to it by the State Grand Chapters have not been used in such a way as to promote their interest, or in any other way to. subserve any good purpose; that having so failed to use its delegated powers in the manner and to ■the effect for which they were delegated, the G.\ Chapter of Vermont does not consider itself under any obligations to remain an integral portion of the G.\ G.\ Chapter, but its connection is dissolved by the neglect of the G.*. G.\ C.\ to do those things which it was founded to do. Your committee would, therefore, recommend the passage of the following resolutions : 1st. Resolved, That the connection of the G.\ Chapter of the State of Vermont with the G.\ G.\ Chapter of the United States be, and is hereby, dissolved. 2nd. Resolved, That the G.\ Secretary be instructed to transmit to the G.\ G.\ Secretary of the United States a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions and report. (Signed by the committee.) These resolutions were fully discussed by Companions Wilson, Englesby, Heedham and Stevens, and were then unanimously adopted. M.\ E.\ Edward J. Jervitt, elected G.-. H.*. Priest; Comp. W. II. Whit- comb, G. Secretary, Wisconsin, 1870. The proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Wisconsin, now before us, show that the Grand Convocation was held in the city of Milwaukie, on the 18th day of January, 1870. Present: M.-.E.-. A. V. H. Carpenter, Grand HioR Priest, presiding; other Grand and Past Grand Officers, and a constitutional number of Representatives from Subordinate Chapters. The Grand High Priest has done honor to the Craft, in his annual address He has traveled over the various grounds necessary for Chapters to consider' of which we will briefly notice. In the first place we will quote from his address. He says: 106 " May we be enabled to pursue the right path at all stages of our earthly career; and when it is finished, may the work of life have been so done, that we can look back to it with satisfaction; and when our eyes shall be turned for the last time to behold the sun in the heavens, may no regrets at parting with the world's scenes dim the view of the glory that lies beyond, and may we be enabled to look forward with confidence to our condition in that world, to which we are all so fast hastening, with the full assurance that there, our deeds, and not our professions, will be the test of our trial, and the work of this life constitutes the capital with which we begin the next." He then speaks feelingly in regard to to the death, of deceased Compan- ions. He handles "Young America," with gloves off—boys and young, inexperienced Masons setting up their claims and masonic opinions in opposition to old soldiers, who have traveled over rough and rugged ways, and have confined in the harness for years, and are still trudging along the pathway of life, willing to hear the heat and burthen of the day, whether they receive a penny not. We like his style, and hope his remarks may prove beneficial to all "Young America." It would give us more than ordinary pleasure to lay the entire address before the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. Thirty-eight Chapters were represented; only one not reported. The Reports of the Grand Treasurer and Secretary show a balance of $2,595 00. Number exalted, 169; admitted, 20; demitted, 71; suspended, 24; Expelled, 1; rejected, 38; died, 21; number of R.\ A.-. Masons, 2,298; dues, 2,51100. A Past Grand High Priest's jewel was ordered by the Grand Chapter, for the faithful service of Comp. A. Y. H. Carpenter, as G.\ H.\ Priest for the past two years; which is to be presented at the next meeting of the Grand Chapter. This is as it should be: merit should never go unrewarded. M.-. E/. Thomas B.Tyler,elected G.\ H.\ Priest; E/.E.'.Wm. T.Palmer re-elected G \ Secretary. Committee on Correspondence, S. Fallows, Charles H. Allen, and Orlando Foster. order of high priesthood. A Convention of High Priests was held, at Masonic Hall, in the city of Milwaukie, on Wednesday, January 19, 1870. ' Comp. Melvin L. Youngs, President; W. T. Palmer, Recorder, and other Grand Officers. The names of eighteen H.\ Priests were presented, and favorably reported on, elected, and after the payment of one dollar each, they were admitted and severalty annointed to the Order of High Priesthood. M. L. Youngs, elected Grand President; W. T. Palmer, elected Grand Recorder. CONCLUSION. Companions : Our work for the present is done. We have labored for the benefit of the Craft, culling the twelve thousand pages of other Grand Juris- dictions that have come into our hands, copying from them such portions as, in our opinion, would be of interest for our Jurisdiction. From the proceed- ings we have received considerable light in Royal Arch Masonry, and have endeavored to dispense the same to our Companions. It has been our intention to discharge the trust committed to us, without partiality, hoping at the same that the feelings of none of our Companions in other Jurisdictions may, in the least manner, be disturbed. But, as before said, may our Masonic love and affection continue through all time, in the unity of love and the bonds of peace. We would most fraternally ask the consideration of the Grand Chapter to the following, from the Address of G.\ H.*. Priest Mayes, for 1870: 107 "In the investigation of the questions presented for my consideration, I was much embarrassed by the very dim and scanty light cast upon Capitulary Ma- sonry by the works devoted to Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, of which I had obtained all of whose existence I had any knowledge. And on some points I found but little to guide me in the Constitution of the Grand Chapter, Perma- nent Rules and Regulations, and By-Laws of Subordinate Chapters. The valu- able Reports of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence were more hopeful; but of these, during the greater part of my term, I possessed the most recent. In general, the opinions contained in them recommended themselves to my judg- ment, yet their value to me would have been greatly enhanced if they had been acted on by the Grand Chapter; and I respectfully suggest that they be referred to a special Committee, and that hereafter, so far as they relate to Masonic law and usage, they be carefully considered at the Convocation next succeeding their publication. Otherwise they carry only the weight which is due to the opinion of an individual Companion; and though that individual for years has been our M.\ E.\ Companion, Wm. S. Patton, P.'. G.\ H.\ P.*., whose opinion is so strong- ly persuasive as to be, to all who study his reports, prima facie evidence of accu- racy, yet they want the decisive authority which would be derived from the sanction of this Grand Chapter. Nor are we assured that all who make such reports hereafter will be so reliable." Fraternully submitted, WM. S. PATTON, Chairman Committee. f ^jrctote THE HONORABLE MEMORY OF K.#. E/. Companion JNO. W. TIMBERLAKE, GRAND KING OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI, 1861 TO 1864, AND PAST HIGH PRIEST OF EUPHEMIA CHAPTER, NO. 13, At Aberdeen, Monroe County, Miss., THIS PAGE Is Fraternally and Affectionately set apart. Departed this Life January 20th, A. D. 1870., A. I. 2400. " One by one we cross the river, One by one we're ferried o'er; One by one the crowns are given, On the bright and distant shore." JE& E ^ T. Roll of Deceased Companions for the Year 1870. "fob, some have fallen asleep." Wm. R. Dicks Natchez Chapter, No. 1. Oscar T. Keeler Columbus Chapter, No. 4. J. M. Knapp Columbus Chapter, No. 4. John McGuirk Wilson Chapter, No. 5. Columbus Barrett Wilson Chapter, No. 5. Wm. D. Christman Jackson Chapter, No. 6. J. H. Wilson Yazoo Chapter, No. 8. R. F. Johnson Yazoo Chapter, No. 8. Wm. C. Harrington Lexington Chapter, No. 9. W. J. Williams Canton Chapter, No. 10. Randall Sherrod Macon Chapter, No. 11. H. Dent Macon Chapter, No. 11. James Sims DeWitt Clinton Chapter, No. 12. J. W. Timberlake Euphemia Chapter No. 13. Seth Woollard..... Quitman Chapter, No. 21. Ephraim Wills Washington Chapter, No. 29. W. F. Brantley Shongalo Chapter, No. 30. Y. 0. King Emory Chapter, No. 32. C. M. Bennett Emory Chapter, No. 32. M. L. Edwards Louisville Chapter, No. 36. S. G. Alexander Louisville Chapter, No. 36. Elijah M. Davis Amite Chapter, No. 42. Peter B. Faust Amite Chapter, No. 42. Samuel B. Webb Amite Chapter, No. 32. A. R. Brown Tallahatchie Chapter, No. 44. W. C. Martin Tallahatchie Chapter, No. 44. Paul Lee Enterprise Chapter, No 45. Calvin Ford Mt. Carmel Chapter, No. 50. C. B. Harris George Washington Chapter, No. 51. A. M. Bates " Patton Chapter, No. 52. J. W. Armstrong i .Bethesda Chapter, No. 55. W. F. Shanks Shubuta Chapter, No. 59. James 0. Harris Panola Chapter, No. 60. John Gould Eureka Chapter, No. 61. B. H. Wellons. Eureka Chapter, No. 61. James Turner G. W. Perkins Chapter, No. 63. H. H. Brinker Chickasaw Chapter, No. 68. M. S". Wamack Chickasaw Chapter, No. 68. J. S. Antley Brandon Chapter, No. 69. John McLauren Brandon Chapter, No. 69. J. Mulholland Scooba Chapter,' No. 70. J. T. White Ward Chapter, No. 73. W. Matheny Crystal Springs Chapter, No. 77. T. J. Spencer Crystal Springs Chapter, No. 77. W. J. Willing Crystal Springs Chapter, No. 77. W. J. McGee Winona Chapter, No. 78. M. J. Whitiworth Brookhaven Chapter, No. 86. John T. Lamkin Summit Chapter, No. 90, A. H. Prewett Summit Chapter, No. 90. C. C. Sproles .....Durant Chapter, No. 94. W. W. Howd McConnico Chapter, No. 96. Total, 51. PAY ROLL—JANUARY, 1871. (MILEAGE AND ONE DAY'S PER DIEM INCLUDED IN TOTAL.) CHAPTER. NO. AMOUNT. Xatchez .' 1 Clinton 2 Vicksburg 3 Columbus 4 Wilson :. 5 Jackson 6 Magnolia Yazoo 8 Lexington Canton 10 DeWitt Clinton 12 Euphemia 13 Fayette 14 Carrollton 15 Kosciusko 20 Quitman 21 Houston 23 Wayne 24 Meridian 25 Okolona 27 Washington 29 Shongalo Emory 32 Lafayette Neshoba 34 Louisville Union 37 Amite 42 Tallahatehie 44 Ripley 48 New Albany 49 Mt. Carmel .. 50 George Washington 51 Patton 52 Bethescla 55 Wright 56 Baldwyn 57 Shubuta. 59 Panola 60 Eureka 61 G. W. Perkins 63 Dover 64 Chickasaw Rienzi 66 Brandon 69 Scooba 70 John Hebron 71 $ 28 17 4 45 48 13 10 26 27 17 35 21 24 33 13 17 41 23 24 35 10 TO WHOM PAID. E. George DeLap. John A. B. Jones. J. W. Powell. Nelson Reynolds. H. H. Field John T. Buck. J. J. Birdsong. R. B. Mayes. J. C. Birkhead. J. M. Lewis. Thomas Hardeman M. R. B. Brannin. B. B. Paddock. B. R. Mayes. D. L. Smythe. J. O. Lusher. T. N. Martin. John F. McCormick. J. T. Taylor. J. S. Cain. Samuel McClellan. T. C. Everett. T. C. Parrish. J. M. Howry. E. L. Lewers. L. Liebenfield. Wm. Beacham. D. Wilson. W. H. Fitzgerald. J. E. Rogers. C. T. Bond. J. A. Bass. Samuel H. Pry or. J. C. Porter. J. W. Mitchell. B. R. Chambliss. P. M. Savery., M. B. Knight. G.G.Nolan. D. Mitchell. J. W. Rutland. V. H.Fugate. G. N. Robuek. J. W. Stevens. Richard Cooper. H. C. Robinson. D. A. Cameron. Ill chapter. no. amount. to whom paid, Dent H. Miles 72 20 00 Dent II. Miles. Ward 73 47 80 J. S. Jones. W. D. Ferris 74 21 20 J. IT. Elliott. Crystal Springs 77 18 00 H. R. Smith. Winona 78 30 60 G. A. Spivey. Tampico 79 18 00 J. B. Cherry. S. H. Johnson 81 20 00 J. R. Groome. Starkville 82 38 00 F. II. Duquercron. Summerville 83 2. 00 Thos. S. Gathright. Salem .. 85 29 00 John A. Galbreath. Cato 89 19 40 John Russell. Summit .. 90 28 00 Bythel Haynes. Centre Ridge 93 37 00 James Watts. Durant 94 21 60 Charles T. Murphy. West Point 95 35 00 W. F. Franks. McConnico 96 4; oo L. M. Lawshe. Robert W. Paine 97 15 00 W. L. Lowry. McDonald 27 00 N. W. Bouton. Attala 100 16 00 W. J. Wasson. Coffeeville 101 38 40 W. R. Spencer. Grand Scribe 28 80 Morris Cook. Grand King 52 00 R. P. Bowen. Grand Treasurer 22 00 A. B.Barry. Grand Secretary 13 o: J. L. Power. Grand Lecturer 21 20 W. D. Ferris. Grand Tyler, for 1870 and 1871 34 00 YV. II. Carkeet. Gallatin Chapter, No. 17, paid twice in 1870 and refunded 38 00 Morris Cook. Total Pay Roll $2,121 80 REPRESENTATIVES Of Other Grand Chapters at the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. OF TENNESSEE. Richard Cooper, P.*. G.\ H.\ P.- Brandon, Miss. OF MISSOURI. R. B. Mayes, P.*. G.\ H.\ P.* Yazoo City, Miss. OF LOUISIANA. Wm. S. Patton, P.*. G.*. H.\ P.- Meridian, Miss. OF MINNESOTA. Jas. M. Howry, P.*. G.*. H.-. P.*. Oxford, Miss. REPRESENTATIVES Of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi at other Grand Chapters. TENNESSEE. Comp. J. W. Withebspoon Columbia, Tenn. 112 O > . S3 TS © „ •W o g fl ° ftgW d-5 a-s ?s 2^-s^ 02 bcH 5(2^ ®- id•< £aig*? J I • I m °Z* 2 2 g Udf« c3. gp-p»p.^^ ^dddddd©©©©©©©,, d s S g S; g S 2-gc,aftOfift(l g S g g si s I ^ d d d d d d d d d d d d c o o o o o o. ^ ft ft ft ft ft ft jj- .ft ft ft ft ft - ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ^ ^ ^ ^ WWW dddddddd d a d d s tn _ c3 c3 d c3 o3 pp A ftp,ftftft lunddddddddd 0.0,0,0,5." >» >> >> >> >> !>■, . . •OOOOOOOOoSftSftSj^S-i^'^^f' H"-5^ S § § S 5 cs « ApppppAMMW „ „ j ^ k/K* KJ KJ KJ K/K" K * ^ ^000200,3 ••-•,,• •• o o o P"" ^ > > > > > > ►> oA< Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah • * * * Q) d d d1 h H EH d d d d d d d d d pppppappfq go J . mxi » >-ai-ai®0 g^g-'o : a -&2ISJ®. |5 H^pq^ ^02 5-s mm S^'eh g g^W d d^ flOScsr . pppp^^HOO d-g F-s o o 2 '•* r> w A H ."1 M M' k Oq ^g^W d d S. © .rdpi02 d S ® 00 HH * gg^Ww g * 'SmmO^^t-i^dd t^QOOiOi—i(NCOTfiiC< t+I^T^IQIOIOLOUTIIOI OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOI HHHHIHHHHH' ooooooooo :^0pO5g ONGOOSOH^IOCO O'^) >OtOCOCO©OCD 3SSSSSSSS 2252 ®222° ^©NQOdOH^O )00 00 00t» 2 22 CD CO < LIST OF GRAND CHAPTERS, WITH THE ADDRESS OF THEIR GRAND SECRETARIES. GRAND CHAPTER. GRAND SECRETARY. ADDRESS. Alabama Daniel Sayre Montgomery. Arkansas Luke E. Barber Litile Rock. California Lawrence C. Owen San Francisco. Canada Thomas Bird Harris Hamilton, Ontario, Connecticut Joseph K. Wheeler Hartford. Delaware Wm. F. Godwin Milford. District of Columbia Noble D. Larner Washington. Florida W. M. Mcintosh Tallahassee. Georgia J. Emmett Blackshear .Macon. Illinois James H. Miles Chicago. Indiana John M. Bramwell Indianapolis. Iowa William B. Langridge Muscatine. Kansas E. T. Carr Leavenworth. Kentucky Philip Swigert Frankfort. Louisiana James C. Batchelor, M. D New Orleans. Maine Ira Berry Portland. Missouri Geo. Frank Gouley St. Louis. Massachusetts Thomas Waterman Boston. Maryland. W. A. Wentz Baltimore. Michigan J. Eastman Johnson Centerville. Minnesota. W. S. Combs St. Paul. Mississippi J. L. Power Jackson. Nebraska R. W. Furnas Brownsville. New Brunswick D. R Munro...« St. John. New Hampshire Abel Hutchins Concord. New Jersey John Woolverton, M. D Trenton. New York Christopher G. Fox Buffalo. North Carolina Thomas B. Carr, M. D Wilmington. Ohio James Nesbitt Troy. Oregon R. P. Earhart Salem. Pennsylvania John Thompson Chiladelphia. Rhode Island G. H. Burnham Providence. South Carolina Augustine T. Smythe Charleston. Tennessee John Frizzell Nashville. Texas Robert Brewster Houston. Vermont W. H. S. Whitcomb Burlington. Virginia John Dove, M. D Richmond. Wisconsin William T. Palmer Milwaukie. West Virginia T. H. Logan Wheeling.; General Grand Chapter U. S...John D. Caldwell Cincinnati, Ohio] 8 CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. ARTICLE I. This Grand Chapter is subordinate to the General Grand Chapter of the United States. ARTICLE II. Officers, Members, Qualifications, I>nty and Compensation. officers. Sec. 1. The Officers of this Grand Chapter shall be those named in the first Section of the second Article of the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the United States: and also, for work in the Ancient Mysteries, a Grand Principal Sojourner, Grand Royal Arch Captain, three Grand Masters of Veils, a Gand Captain of the Host, and Grand Sentinel. members. Sec. 2. The Members of this Grand Chapter shall consist of the High Priests, Kings and Scribes, for the time being, of the several Chapters over which they shall respectively preside, and of the Past Grand and Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings and Scribes of the said Grand Chapter, and all Past High Priests, provided, they are members of Subordinate Chapters within the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter; and, provided, that when any past Grand Officer shall cease to be a member of a Subordinate Chapter, his membership in this Grand Chapter shall cease. qualifications for officers. Sec. 3. All the Grand Officers shall be elected from the members, for the time being, of the Grand Chapter, except the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer and Grand Sentinel, who may be elected from the members of Subordinate Chapters. duty of grand lecturer. Sec. 4. The Grand Chapter may elect a Grand Lecturer, whose duty it shall be, when called upon by the Grand Council, to give lectures and instructions in Masonry, at each Convocation of the Grand Chapter, and it shall be his duty to visit, either in presence or by his deputies, all the Subordinate Chapters in this jurisdiction, and place them in possession of the Adopted Work. compensation to grand lecturer, Sec. 5. The Grand Lecturer shall receive for his services such compensation as the Grand Chapter, at each Grand Convocation, may determine. compensation to grand secretary. Sec. 6. The Grand Secretary shall receive for preparing a Dispensation or* Charter, ten dollars; and, in addition thereto, the sum of six hundred dollars per annum, which shall be in full, for all recording, copying, and other, official busi- ness done for the Grafid Chapter, and his attendance upon its Convocation. For all copies required by others than the Grand Chapter, the Grand Secretary shall receive a fee of twenty-five cents for every hundred words written, and one dollar for his certificate and affixing the Seal of the Grand Chapter, to be paid by the parties applying for the service. compensation to the grand sentinel. Sec. 7. The Grand Sentinel shall be allowed such compensation as the G. Chapter may deem just and reasonable. ARTICLE III. meetings and quorum. Sec. 8. The Annual Meetings of this Grand Chapter shall be held at such time and place as may be directed at the previous Convocation; and a quorum shall con- 115 sist of the representatives or proxies of at least three Chapters; and if on the day of meeting there be not a quorum present, any one of the first four Grand Officers may adjourn the Grand Chapter, from day to day, until four o'clock of the fourth day following. ARTICLE IY. Election of Officers, Voting and Proxies. election of officers. Sec. 1. There shall be an election of Officers at each Annual Meeting of this Grand Chapter; and should there be a failure of said Annual Meeting, the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, or Deputy Grand High Priest, may call a special meeting for such election, and, in default of such special meeting, the Officers in office shall continue to serve until their successors are duly elected and installed. voting. Sec. 2. On all questions, each Chapter represented shall have three votes, and each member of the Grand Chapter present, other than delegates or proxies of Subordinate Chapters, one vote. The vote at an election shall be by written ballot, and when the yeas and nays are taken on any question, the presiding officer shall vote first; should there be an equal division, the proposition shall be lost; but, in cases where the yeas and nays are taken, the presiding officer will have a casting vote; and the representatives of Subordinate Chapters, vyho have not paid their dues, shall not be allowed to vote. proxies. Sec. 3. Whenever the three first officers of a Subordinate Chapter cannot attend the Annual Meeting of this Grand Chapter, or fail or decline to appoint proxies or a proxy, to represent them or their Chapter, it shall be competent for said Chapter to elect or appoint a delegate or a proxy. No member of this Grand Chapter, as such, has a right to constitute a proxy, but that right is exclusively vested in the three first "officers of each Subordinate Chapter, or in the Chapter itself. A proxy must be a member of the Chapter which he represents. ARTICLE V. contributions and fees. Section 1. Subordinate Chapters shall contribute to this Grand Chapter two dollars for each Exaltation, and one dollar per annum for every member an account and return of which, and payment, shall be made at each Annual Convocation. Sec. 2. The fee for a Dispensation or Charter, for a Subordinate Chapter, is, as prescribed by the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, ninety dollars. ARTICLE VI. mileage and per diem. • The representatives of Subordinate Chapters shall be paid out of the funds of this Grand Chapter, three dollars for every thirty miles going to and return- ing from the Grand Chapter, and three dollars a day for each day's attend- ance on the same : Provided, That not more than one delegate from any Chap- ter be entitled to receive such compensation; and that no representative shall receive out of the funds of the Grand Chapter, a larger sum than that paid in at the same Convocation by his Chapter, on account of the annual dues of said year: Provided also, That a proxy of a distant Chapter, residing at the Seat of Government, shall receive no compensation. ARTICLE VII. amendments. All amendments to the Constitution of this Grand Chapter shall be proposed at a regular Convocation, and if received and agreed to, shall be published (and notice sent to each Subordinate Chapter for their consideration), for action at the next annual Convocation, before the same shall be fully acted upon; and this Constitution siiall not be altered or amended without the approbation of two-thirds of the members present. PERMANENT RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. [Several of the Permanent Rules and Regulations of the Grand Chapter here- tofore in existence, having been repealed, and sundry changes having been made in others, the Grand Secretary has taken the liberty to present herewith, in a condensed form, all the Regulations of the Grand Chapter now in force, in order that the Subordinate Chapters and the Companions generally, may be in pos- session of the same]: 1. The only persons entitled to vote in the Grand Chapter are the following Officers and Members, to wit: Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain, Grand Captain of the Host, Past Grand High Priests, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, Past Grand Kings, Past Grand Scribes, provided they are members of some Subordinate Chapter within this Jurisdiction, and the High Priests, Kings and Scribes of Subordinate Chapters, or their proxies. {Proxies must be members of the Chapters they represent.) Also, all Past High Priests, subject to this Jurisdiction: Provided, That they shall not be allowed mileage or per diem, unless they are representatives of the Chapter in which they hold membership. (1864.) 2. No Companion can be elected to any office in the Grand Chapter unless he be a member thereof, except the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer, and Grand Sentinel, each of whom may be elected from the members of the Subordinate Chapters. 3. The jurisdictional limits of each Subordinate Chapter shall be bounded by a line running equi-distant between it and the nearest Chapter; and no Master Mason shall be allowed to receive the Chapter Degrees in any Chapter other than that within the jurisdictional limits of which he may reside, unless with the recommendation of his said Chapter. 4. In the opinion of this Grand Chapter it is irregular and improper for a Chapter in another State to confer the Degrees upon brethren residing within this Jurisdiction, without the consent of the Chapter within the Jurisdiction o£ which such brethren may reside. (1867.) 5. Representatives composing the Grand Chapter shall wear the appropriate Jewels of their office during its session. 6. Temperance, being one of the "cardinal virtues" in the science of Free Masonry, it should be strictly enjoined upon all the members of the Craft; and it is hereby declared, as the sense of this Grand Chapter, that the rules and principles of the Order impose it as a duty upon the officers of Chapters, to cau- tion, advise, remonstrate and reprimand, in the first instance, any Companion who shall become intemperate or immoral in his habits; and, if necessary, upon due summons and examination, suspend or expel, by and with the constitutional advice and consent of the Chapter under whose jurisdiction such Companion may be. 7. Should a Companion Royal Arch Mason be expelled or suspended by a Blue Lodge, he is thereby e xpelled or suspended, as the case may be, from Royal Arch Masonry, so soon as a uthentic information is made of the fact to the Chap- ter of which he may be a m ember; and should he be afterwards restored to the rights and privileges of a Master Mason, he shall thereby be restored to the 117 rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, by virtue of such restoration in the Blue Lodge. 8. Chapters are strictly forbidden to receive and act upon the application of non-affiiliated Master Masons for the Chapter Degrees. (1866.) 9. The Chapters under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter shall not call off from day to day, but close the meetings each day, and call such meetings as may be necessary for conferring Degrees. (1868.) See No. 53. 10. Chapters Under Dispensation shall not be subject to the payment of any dues, except those for Exaltations. 11. It shall not be lawful for a Chapter Under Dispensation to receive peti- tions and act upon them at one and the same meeting, except in cases of extreme emergency, which emergency shall be made manifest in their minutes. 12. Chapters Under Dispensation are not entitled to representation in this Grand Chapter. 13. The lectures delivered by the Grand Lecturer, Comp. Wm. R. Lackey, are fully approved, and are hereby adopted by this Grand Chapter. 14. In the opinion of this Grand Chapter, it is unconstitutional for any Royal Arch Mason to give lectures for pay, unless duly authorized by this Grand Chap- ter; but this article is not intended to prohibit any Royal Arch Mason, who is not a professional Lecturer, from dispensing the true light of Masonry, by lec- tures or otherwise, without special permission of the Grand Chapter. 15. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, to make their respective reports on or before the second day of each Annual Convocation. 16. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to furnish two copies of Blank Returns to each Subordinate Chapter, a sufficient time before the Annual Con- vocation, for them to make their Annual Returns. 17. The Grand High Priest shall annually appoint a Committee on Foreign Correspondence, whose duty it shall be to examine the Proceedings of other Grand Chapters, and make report to this Grand Chapter at the Annual Convoca- tion subsequent to their appointment. , 18. When a Companion is suspended or expelled by a Subordinate Chapter, and takes an Appeal to the Grand Chapter, the term of his suspension or ex- pulsion shall date from the time of the rendition of the sentence in the Subordinate Chapter. 19. Only those Officers named in the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, to-wit: the Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain, and Grand Captain of the Host, shall be entited to receive mileage and per diem as such ; and then, only in case they are not the Representatives of Subordinate Chapters at the same time. 20. Every Companion who shall have been "exalted" in any Chapter in this State, shall be held a member of the same until he shall have regularly demit- ted, and all Subordinate Chapters in this jurisdiction are required to make their -By-Laws conform to this Regulation. 21. No Dispensation or Charter for the institution of a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons shall be granted, except upon the petition of nine regular Royal Arch Masons, which petition shall be accompanied with the demits of the petitioners, and a certificate from the Chapter nearest the place at which the new Chapter is intended to be opened, vouching for the moral character of the petitioners, and that some one of them is thoroughly versed in the work and lectures adopted by this Grand Chapter; and not until the said petitioners are duly constituted under a warrant, the officers installed, and a return thereof made to the Grand Secretary, will they be recognized as a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, or be entitled to representation in this Grand Chapter. 22 No Subordinate Chapter, in this jurisdiction shall confer the Degrees upon an applicant residing within the jurisdiction of another Chapter, without the unanimous consent of the Chapter within whose jurisdiction the applicant mav reside • and should any Chapter violate this Regulation, said Chapter shall forfeit the fees of said applicant to the aggrieved Chapter, and incur such ad- ditional penalty as the Grand Chapter may inflict; and such application shall take the regular course of laying over until the next regular meeting of the Chapter applied to. * 118 '23. No Subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction shall be authorized to confer the Degrees on an applicant after the expiration of six months from the date of his election, without a second ballot. [But this rule does not apply when the applicant has taken one or more of the Capitular Degrees.—1870, page 304. 24. All Subordinate Chapters within this jurisdiction are required to hold their annual election of officers at the stated meeting preceding the Anniver- sary of St. John the Evangelist, and their Returns shall commence from the 27th day of December, of each year. 25. No Subordinate Chapter within this jurisdiction shall be authorized to confer the Chapter Degrees for a less sum than forty dollars. (1867.) 27. The fee for a Dispensation or Charter for the institution of a new Chap- ter shall be ninety dollars, and the Grand Secretary's fee ten dollars. 26. Each Subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction shall contribute to this Grand Chapter five dollars for each Exaltation, and one dollar per annum for each member, an account and return of which, together with the payment, shall be made to each annual Convocation, and no Delegate from a Chapter in arrears shall be admitted to a seat in this Grand body, until all arrearages shall have been paid. 27. Subordinate Chapters are required to pay to the Grand Chapter, on account of each member reinstated, the sum of one dollar for each year of sus- pension for non-payment of dues.—(1871, page 29.) 28. Each Subordinate Chapter within this jurisdiction is required to procure, at the earliest possible date, the necessary Robes and Jewels for the different officers, it being contrary to the teachings of our sublime Degrees to work with- out them; also, to obtain and keep a "Book of Marks." 29. No high Priest, King or Scribe, has the right to appoint a proxy to repre- sent him in this Grand Chapter, when he or they are present in person, and taking part in its deliberations. 30. In the event of the death of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, the Deputy Grand High Priest shall fill his place, and assume the duties of the Grand High Priest. 31. The practice of dueling and habitual drunkenness are regarded as grossly unmasonic, and should not be tolerated among Royal Arch Masons. 32. Whereas, the irreverent use of the name of the Deity is highly unbe- coming in Masons, and. particularly so in Companions of this Most Sublime Degree, it shall be the duty of every member knowing a Companion to be habitually guilty of acts of wanton profanity, to report the same to his Chapter at a regular Convocation; and any Royal Arch Mason so persisting in such acts, as to be offensive to the Companions, shall be liable to be dealt with as for any other unmasonic conduct. 33. When a Royal Arch Mason stands charged, in a court of justice, in this State, with an offence against the criminal or penal laws, no proceedings touching said offence shall be instituted against such Companion so charged, until after his case shall have been disposed of by said court; but in the mean- time, the Chapter under whose jurisdiction the Companion resides, may tern- porarily suspend him from Royal Arch Masonic intercourse and privileges, until final trial at law; but Should such Chapter refuse to suspend him, he remains entitled to all such Masonic rights. 34. Unmasonic conduct at any any stage of advancement, should constitute a barrier to a brother's receiving the Royal Arch Degree. 35. When difficulties occur between a Companion of the Chapter and an applicant who has been duly elected to receive the Chapter Degrees, the pro- ceedings shall be stayed, and the High Priest shall immediately appoint a Committee of three Royal Arch Masons, whose duty it shall be to investigate the matter, and if found of sufficient magnitude (according to the usages of Masonry,) to exclude him from the benefits of the Order, such objections shall be considered valid. If the objections of the Companion are of such a character that he cannot, with propriety, bring them before the Chapter, then his averment is to be taken as just ground in the premises; and on his averment before the Chapter that he has, in his opinion, objections sufficient to exclude the candidate, the case shall then be feferred to said Committee, whose report shall be final. 119 36. The most practicable land route shall be the criterion in estimating the distance from each Subordinate Chapter to the Seat of Government. 37. No Companion shall be allowed to speak more than once on any subject, without permission of the Grand Chapter. 38. The Grand Treasurer shall be entitled to receive two and one-half per cent, on all moneys he may disburse on account of the G.\ Chapter. (1867.) 39. The Installation of the Grand Officers shall take place at the close of each session, and the old or present Grand Officers shall hold over until that time. 40. Hereafter, Tellers, in counting ballots, shall not read any additions to names, save "Companion." (1859.) 41. One Grand Lecturer shall be elected by the Grand Chapter, who shall hold his office not less than four years. He shall have power to appoint as many as- sistants as he may deem necessary, but no Companion shall teach R.\ A.-. Ma- sonry for pay in this Grand Jurisdiction except such as are commissioned by the Grand Lecturer. (See No. 56.) 42. All resolutions offered, and which, on motion, are laid on the table, or are withdrawn by the mover, shall be omitted in the printed proceedings of this Grand Chapter, (1859.) 43. It is not in accordance with the rules of this Grand Chapter, for any docu- ment to go upon the the records, unless the same has been "received" by a vote of the Grand Chapter. (1860.) 44. Royal Arch Chapters have no right to confer the Past Master's Degree on a Master Mason, merely for the purpose of qualifying him to preside as Master of a Blue Lodge. [I860.) 45. No Chapter, subordinate to this Grand Chapter, shall confer the Degree of Past Master on any person unless he shall have regularly petitioned for the Chapter Degrees of Royal Arch Masonry, and been duly elected to receive the same by the Chapter opened on the Royal Arch Degree, and shall have previously received the Degree of Mark Master. (1860.) 46. That no person shall be recognized by this Grand Chapter, as a Regular Chapter Past Master, or be admitted to visit or be present in any Chapter, under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, when opened on the Degree of Past Mas- ter, who has not regularly received the Mark Master's and Past Master's De- gree. (1860.) 47. Hereafter, should any Subordinate Chapter under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, fail to elect officers, prior to the meeting of the Grand Body, the High Priest, King, or Soribe, shall be admitted as legal Representatives. (1860.) 48. Hereafter, every Chapter failing to be represented, make Returns, and pay its dues to the Grand Chapter, for two years in succession, shall forfeit its Char- ter. (1860.) 49. At the subsequent Convocations of this Grand Body, the Committee on Returns shall be dispensed with, and in lieu thereof, the Grand Secretary shall be required to examine and correct the same before publication. (1860.) 50. Any Chapter ceasing to work for six consecutive months, loses its juris- diction until it resumes work. (1866.) 51. Subordinate Chapters have the authority of the Grand Chapter for advan- cing maimed brothers who are deemed otherwise worthy and well qualified. A regulation to the contrary, adopted in 1865, was repealed by the Grand Chapter, in 1867, (p. 14,) and G.\ H.'. P.". Mayes, in his address, 1871, recedes from a de- cision made by him in 1869, that a Companion who had lost an arm since he was raised, is not eligible to the Chapter degrees." We should be careful, he says, to prevent those who are physically disqualified from being made Masons; but when they become our brothers, we should not let a subsequent misfortune debar them from any Masonic privilege or promotion. (1871, p. 11.) 52. When members neglect or refuse to pay dues for twelve months, they shall stand suspended without action on the part of the Chapter; the neglect of the Secretary to make a record of the suspension, does not prevent the operation of the law, but the delinquent is under suspension. (1871, p. 12.) 53 If the business coming before a Chapter is not completed the first day, it may' continue in session from day to day, until the regular business is disposed of and may call from labor to refreshment; or may close each day. (1871, p. 26.) 120 54. A Chapter has no right to compel one of its members to join a Blue Lodge, or to continue in affiliation therewith. The Chapter has no jurisdiction over the relation of a Companion to the Lodge. He is amenable to the Chapter for unma- sonic conduct. (1871, p. 27.) 55. No Chapter can be opened or closed unless "there be present nine Royal Arch Masons, nor can any Chapter elect officers or ballot for candidates unless there be a like number who shall be members of said Chapter; and no Chapter can be opened unless one of the three principal officers is present. (1871, p. 27.) 56. The Grand Lecturer is instructed not to commission any Companion to teach Royal Arch Masonry unless he is satisfied that he is in possession of the Work and Lectures-as adopted by the Grand Chapter. (1871, p. 27.) 57. The Grand Secretary is instructed to publish in the Annual Returns the names of all Companions suspended for non-payment of dues. (1868.) 58. All dues from Subordinate Chapters shall be paid in the common currency of the country. (1867.) 59. Subordinate Chapters are required to procure proper Seals, and no Proxy, or Certificates of Representation will be recognized by the Grand Chap- ter, unless the same is attested by the Secretary of the Chapter issuing the same, and the Seal of the Chapter affixed thereto. (1865.) 60. Should any Royal Arch Mason within this jurisidction, so far forget himself as to become intoxicated, it shall be the duty of the first three officers, or any member of the Chapter of which he is a member, or to which he is subordinate, to put such Companion on his trial for such offence; and on conviction for the first offence, he shall be reprimanded or suspended, as in the judgment of such Chapter may be deemed right and proper; and, for the second offence, he shall be suspended for a denfinite or indefinite time, or expelled. (1854.) 61. Hereafter it shall be the duty of the Finance Committee, when they shall have examined and passed upon the vouchers of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, to mark upon them "cancelled." BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. op meetings. Section 1. This Chapter shall be known and designated as No subordinate to and under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Sec. 2. It shall meet at on the of each month. Special meetings may be called at any any time by the High Priest or officer performing his duty. 121 of officers and elections. Sec. 3. The officers of this Chapter shall be a M. E. H. P., E. Iv., E. S., C. of H., P. S., R. A. C. and Master of the 3d, 2d and 1st V's, a Secretary and Treas- urer, and a Tyler, who shall be chosen, by ballot, annually, at the stated meeting preceding the 27th of December. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to a choice, and they shall be installed as soon thereafter as convenient. of the duties of officers. Sec. 4. The H. P., or in his absence the presiding officer of the Chapter, may, for purposes of present Masonic Charity, draw on the funds of the Chapter, at any time, for a sum not exceeding ten dollars. He shall appoint all committees of the Chapter. of the secretary. Sec. 5. The Secretary shall, in addition to his traditional duties, make out all reports required by the Chapter, keep a register of all delinquencies, sus- pensions and expulsions, fill up diplomas when directed by the Chapter, keeping a register of the same, and exhibit a statement of the accounts of each delin- quent member at the stated meeting for the election of officers; and, as a com- pensation for his services, shall be allowed dollars per annum. of the treasurer. Sec. 6. The Treasurer, besides his traditional duties, shall report his receipts and disbursements at the stated meetings for the election of officers, and whenever required by the Chapter, shall have his accounts ready for settlement at the expiration of his term of office, and shall deliver to his legal successor all moneys, accounts, vouchers, documents and other property in his possession belonging to the Chapter. of the tyler. Sec. 7. The Tyler shall, besides his traditional duties, summon the members to attend all special meetings of the Chapter, and shall receive the sum of dollars per annum; and the same compensation shall be allowed the Steward. of degrees. Sec. 8. All petitions for the degrees conferred in this Chapter shall be made, in writing, at a stated monthly meeting, the petitioner stating the Lodge of which he is a member, and being recommended by two members of this Chapter. The presiding officer shall thereupon appoint a committee of three members, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the character and standing of the peti- tioner, and report at the next stated meeting, when the petition shall be acted on. balloting. Sec. 9. In balloting for the degrees conferred in this Chapter, or membership, one negative vote shall reject. All candidates shall be balloted for in the Chapter (or R. A. Degree,) and for all the degrees at the same time. of rejection. Sec. 10. After a rejection for the degrees, or membership, no new petition or application shall be entertained within less time than twelve mont hs. Sec. 11. No candidate shall receive any degree in Masonry in this Chapter except he pay for the same in advance, in cash. Sec. 12. No ballot can be reconsidered or renewed after the result has been announced by the H. P. presiding, unless by dispensation from the G. H. P., but upon suggestion before such annunciation that an error may have been commit- ted, the ballot may be retaken once. advancement from other jurisdictions. Sec. 13. Petitions from Brethren, advanced, passed or received and acknowl- edged in other jurisdictions, for further degrees in this Chapter, besides being accompanied by the unanimous recommendation of the Chapter in which the preceding degree was conferred, shall lay over one month, and be referred to a 122 committee of investigation, as in cases of petition for the first or all the degrees, and after report therefrom, a unanimous ballot shall also be necessary for such advancement. admissions to membership. Sec. 14. Every Companion who has been exalted to the most sublime degree of R. A. Mason in this Chapter shall be considered a member thereof. Sec. 15. Any R. A. Mason not exalted in this Chapter, desirous of becoming a member of it, shall make the application, in writing, at a stated monthly meeting, and giving the name of the Chapter from which he hails. A committee of inves- tigatxon shall be raised, as upon petition for degrees, who shall report at the next monthly meeting, when a ballot shall be taken; if elected, the applicant shall pay the sum of five dollars for his membership. fees and contributions. Sec. 16. The fee for degrees conferred in this Chapter shall be dollars. (Must not be less than forty dollars.) Sec. 17. Every member shall pay an annual contribution of dollars at the stated meeting next preceding the annual meeting for the election of officers, or at the election, and before the election is held. suspension for dues. Sec. 18. Any member whose dues shall remain unpaid for over twelve months shall stand suspended, without further action of the Chapter, until said dues are paid, unless excused by the Chapter; but such a suspension shall not work a release from the payment of dues during its continuance. An entry of sueh suspensiom shall be placed upon the minutes of the Chapter, and notice thereof given to the member by the Secretary. re-instatement. Sec. 19. A Companion so suspended shall be restored upon payment of dues, and an entry of restoration in such cases made on the minutes. offences. Sec. 20. Should any member or visitor so far forget his duty as to be guilty of disclosing any of the private transactions of the Chapter, except to a Compan- ion, or to him when the subject of debate or vote, unless in the discharge of official duty; or should any such Companion behave himself in an immoral, disorderly or unmasonic manner, or be guilty of any ignominious crime, he shall be liable to reprimand, suspension, or expulsion, as the Chapter may deem proper. Sec. 21. When a Companion shall be under arrest by the civil authorities, on any criminal charge, no action shall be taken upon his case by the Chapter until after his discharge or conviction by such authorities. The subordinate Chapters have the discretionary right of suspending a member while under criminal prosecution until his case is decided by the .civil authorities,- and then to be acted upon; but in no case shall the action of the Chapter be made public until after the final action of the civil courts in relation to such offence. Sec. 22. In no case shall the judgment of the Chapter be made public unless the misconduct of which the Companion shall have been found guilty has been public, scandalous and dishonorable to the name and character of our belov- ed and cherished institution. committees. Sec. 23. The High Priest shall, on the stated meetings for the election of officers, appoint a standing finance committee, whose duty it shall be to examine all accounts and claims, and particularly the books and accounts of the Secre- tary and Treasurer, and report thereon immediately, or by the next stated meeting. Sec. 24. The H. P. shall appoint a standing committee for each year on com- plaints and offences, whose duty it shall be to prefer charges against offending Companions. 123 demits and diplomas. Any Companion in good standing shall be entitled to a demit from the Chapter, on application, accompanied by the Secretary's receipt for his dues in full. Sec. 26. Every Companion exalted in this Chapter shall be entitled to a diploma upon paying dollars to the Secretary therefor. voting. Sec. 27. In all cases except in ballotings a majority ofvotes shall govern, and in case of a tie the H. P., or presiding officer, shall give the casting vote. RULES OF ORDER. Sec. 1. After opening the Chapter the order of business shall be as follows: 1st. Reading the Minutes of the preceding meeting. 2d. Unfinished business. 3d. Reports of Committees. 4th. Petitions and applications. 5th. Motions and Resolutions. 6th. Reading Minutes of present meeting for the purpose of correction. Sec. 2. Any Companion desiring to speak in the Chapter shall rise and address the H. P., in a respectful manner, and with Masonic form; and no Com- ' panion shall be permitted to speak more than twice on any one question without the consent of the H. P., and all debate shall be courteous and pertinent to the subject. RULES FOR TRIAL OF OFENCES. 1. There shall be appointed by the Grand Council of each and every Subordi- hate Chapter in this State, a Standing Committee, to consist of at least five, to be styled "The Committee on Complaints and Offences," whose duty it shall be to take cognizance of all offences against the laws of Masonry which may come to their knowledge, either from their own observation, rumor, or the information of a Companion or Companions; and said Committee, when any offence shall so come to their knowledge, shall, without delay, investigate the same, and if they think it of sufficient importance, shall report to the Chapter at a regular meeting, with the charges and specifications set forth in full. 2. The Secretary shall, immediately after such report, issue a citation against the'Companion or Companions so charged, citing him or them to appear before the Chapter at its regular Convocation, then and there to answer the charge or charges preferred, as aforesaid—which citation shall be served at least ten days before said meeting. 3 All complaints by one Companion against another shall be laid before said Committee whose duty it shall be to investigate the same, and report as afore- 124 said; and no complaints shall be heard by the Chapter until so reported upon. The complainant shall furnish the Committee with the names of the witnesses, if any, and the grounds of complaint. 4. At the meeting designated in the citation, the accused shall be tried upon the charges and specifications, unless good cause shall be shown for a continu- ance. 5. If the accused shall evade notice, or if the Secretary, after diligent inquiry, shall be unable, after four months, to ascertain his residence, or address, so that notice may be served upon him, the Chapter may proceed to trial as if he had been regularly notified. 6. When the Chapter shall be prepared for trial, such of the charges as have been approved by the Committee of investigation shall be read. The testimony on the part of the prosecution shall then be produced, all of which shall be taken in writing, (if proper,) by the Secretary. The accused will then be permitted to introduce his testimony, which shall also be taken down in writing, (if proper,) with the exception, in both cases, of such as has been filed by said Committee. Each party, the accused and accuser, shall have the right to question all wit- nesses, and to be present at the investigation by the Committee. 7. All investigations by said Committee shall be in private, and no one shall be present except the Committee, the accused, accuser, and witnesses, except at the request of the parties. 8. All testimony, whether of Masons or others, shall be taken on their honor. The testimony of such as cannot be admitted into the Chapter, shall be taken be- fore two disinterested Companions, appointed for that purpose, on due notice given to the parties of time and place. 9. When the evidence is closed, the prosecutor, or any Companion he may ap- point for that purpose, being a member of some Chapter under this jurisdiction, may comment upon the evidence and charges. The accused then, or any Com- panion he, or in his failure to do so, the High Priest may appoint, may be heard in reply. 10. After the comments upon the testimony shall be closed, the accused shall withdraw from the Chapter-room. A vote shall be taken upon each specification of each charge, and upon each charge, in its order, the accused not being per- mitted to vote, and it shall require a majority of the members present to sustain any specification or charge. 11. When the charges shall have been voted upon, if any be sustained, the Chapter shall then proceed to vote upon the punishment, in the following order: Expulsion, Suspension, Reprimand; a majority vote to govern in all cases except expulsion, which shall require a two-thirds vote of all the members present. The accused shall then be admitted and informed of the result. 12. Any member desiring to appeal from the decision of the Chapter on his trial, shall, within six months of the date of the trial, file with the High Priest of the Chapter, written notice of his desire and intention, which notice shall set forth his objection to the action of the Chapter. The High Priest shall thereupon grant the appeal prayed for, and shall send up, directed to the Grand Secretary, a copy of the record of the trial, which record shall be signed by the High Priest, attested by the Secretary, under the Seal of the Chapter, and shall contain a copy of the charges and specifications originally prepared, the report of the Committee of Investigation, a copy of all testimony, for and against the accused, committed to writing at the time of trial, and the originals, or a correct copy of all papers used upon the trial, as evidence or otherwise, together with a copy of appellant's notice of appeal. The Secretary shall append to said record, a de- scripuve list of all the papers sent up. FORMS. proxy of high priest, king or scribe. I, [A. B.] of Chapter, No. —, do hereby appoint Companion [C. D.] my Representative in the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, at its next Annual Convocation to be held in , on the day of January A. D. 18—, empowering him to act on my behalf; hereby ratifying and confirm- ing whatever he may lawfully do in said capacity. , [seal.] Note.—Proxies must be on a separate piece of paper—not written on the Annual Returns. proxy of high priest, king or scribe, or any two of them. We, the High Priest, King and Scribe of Chapter No.—, do hereby appoint Companion [A. B.] our Representative in the Grand Royal Arch Chap- ter of the State of Mississippi, at the next Annual Convocation, to be held in , on the day of January, A. D. 18—, empowering him to act on our behalf: hereby ratifying and confirming whatsoever may be lawfully done in the premises. • Given under our hands and seals, at , Mississippi, this day o January, A. D. 18—. H.\ P.-. [seal.] K.'. [seal.] S.'. [seal.] form of petition for chapter degrees. To the M:. E.'. High Priest, E.'. King, E:. Scribe, and Companions of Chapter, No. —, Royal Arch Masons: The subscriber, a Master Mason in good standing, and a member of Lodge, No.—, A. F. & A. Masons, respectfully prays that the degrees conferred in your Chapter may be conferred upon him, if found worthy. He resides at ; his occupation is that of a . If elected, he promises to yield a cheerful obedience to the By-Laws and Regulations of your Chapter, and here- with encloses $50 for the degrees. Respectfully, A. B. Recommended by C. D. E. F. Committee: | The Committee report: form of petition for membership. To the M:. High Priest, E.\ King, E:. Scribe, and Companions of Chapter, No. —, Royal Arch Masons: The subscriber, a Royal Arch Mason, in good standing, not now a member of any Chapter, is desirous of becoming a member of your Chapter, if found worthy He resides in ; occupation [or profession] . 17' [Signed] A. B. Recommended by Companions, 1 126 form of a traveling certificate. To all R.\ A:. Masons to whom this may come, we send Fraternal Salutation: This is to certify that Companion is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of Chapter, No. , Royal Arch Masons, in good standing, and as such is recommended to the kind attention of all Royal Arch Masons where- ever he may sojourn. Given under my hand, and the seal of the said Chapter, this day of , A. D. , A.-. I.'. . [seal.] , Secretary. form of petition for dispensation for new chapter. To theM.'. E:. 0:. H:. Priest of the G.\ R:. A:. Chapter of Missisippi: The undersigned, Royal Arch Masons, in good standing, are desirous of form- ing a new Chapter at , county, to be named Chapter. Therefore, with the approbation of Chapter, No. —, we respectfully pray for a Dispensation, empowering us to meet as a regular Chapter at , on the of each month. We do nominate and recommend Companion to be the first High Priest, Companion to be the first King, and Companion to be the first Scribe of said Chapter. The prayer of this petition being granted, we promise a strict obedience to the commands of the Grand High Priest, and to the Constitution, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. N. B.—This petition must be signed by nine Royal Arch Masons, accompanied with their Certificate of Demit, and recommendation of the nearest Chapter; also ninety dollars for Dispensation, and ten dollars for Grand Secretary's fee. Form of a Certificate of a Chapter consenting to the Formation of a New Chapter, and Recommending the Petitioners; to be endorsed on the Petition. To the M:. E:. G.\ H:. P.\ of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi; This certifies that the High Priest, King, Scribe and Companions of Chapter, No. —, are satisfied with the proposal of the Companions herein named to form a new Chapter in . 'They recommend them to the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest as Royal Arch Masons, in good standing; and not doubting that they will be more useful in a new Chapter, their petition is approved, and ibis recommended that its prayer be granted. Done at a regular meeting of Chapter, No. —, , A.*. L.\ 586—. A B, High Priest. Attest: G H, Secretary of Chapter, No. —. —- Royal Arch Chapter, No—. To all Royal Arch Masons to whom these Presents may come—Greeting: Know ye, that the bearer hereof, our trusty and beloved Companion has for same time past been a member of our Chapter, and having discharged all the duties of a worthy Companion Royal Arch Mason, he is permitted to demit his membership with this evidence of good standing, and the payment of all dues. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal [seal.] of our said Chapter, at , Mississippi, this day of , A. L, 2401, A. D. 1871. —, Secretary, ' IND E X . A Page. Account of Grand Secretary 18 Ac count of Grand Treasurer 20 Address of G.\ H.\ P.- 5 to 14 Affiliations, 1870 69 Alabama, review of '71 Amendment to Constitution pro- posed 29 Amendments to Constitution, ac- tion on 23 Amite Chapter, return of 46 Arkansas, review of 72 Attala Chapter, return of 68 B Baldwyn Chapter, return of 52 Bethesda Chapter, return of 51 Brandon Chapter, return of 50 Brookhaven Chapter, return of... 61 Byhalia Chapter, address of 56 By-Laws for Subordinate Chap- ters 123 C California, review of 73 Canada, review of 74 Canton Chapter, returns of 35 Carrolton Chapter, returns of 38 Carthage Chapter, address of 47 Cato Chapter, returns of 64 Centre Ridge Chapter, returns of. 64 Chapters, total number of 69 Charles Scott Chapter, P. O. ad- dress .... 45 Chickasaw Chapter, returns of... 5 Clinton Chapter, returns of 31 Coffeeville Chapter, returns of 68 Columbus Chapter, returns of ... 32 Committees, list of special 14 Complaints and Appeals, report on 24 Connecticut, review of 74 Constitution of the Grand Chapterll4 Constitutional Amendments, ac- tion on 23 Corinth Chapter, address of 59 Credentials, report of committee on 4 Crystal Springs Chapter, returns of 59 I> Deaths, 1870 69,109 Decisions of G/. H.\ P,* .., 11 Page. Decisions of Committee on Ma- sonic Law 26 Delaware, review of 76 Demitted, 1870 69 Dent H. Miles Chapter, returns of 57 DeWitt Clinton Chapfer, returns of 36 District of Columbia, review of. >. 77 Dover Chapter, returns of 54 Dues for re-instated members 29 Durant Chapter, returns of 65 IE Election of Grand Officers 26 Emory Chapter, returns of 43 Enterprise Chapter, returns of 47 Euclid Chapter, returns of 55 Euphemia Chapter, returns of 37 Eureka Chapter, returns 53 Exaltations in 1870 69 Expulsions in 1870 69 Fayette Chapter, resolution con- cerning 21 Fayette Chapter, returns of 37 Finance, report on 23 Finance, committee to cancel vouchers 28 Florida, review of 78 Foreign Correspondence, commit- tee on 29 Forms, for general use 125 G Gallatin Chapter, returns of 39 Georgia, review of 79 George Washington. Chapter, re- turns of .. 49 Grand Lecturer, action concerning 25 Grand Lecturer, resolution in- structing 27 G. W. Perkins Chapter, returns of 54 II Houston Chapter, returns of 40 Illinois, review of 80 Indiana, review of 81 Iowa, review of 82 Jackson Chapter, returns of 33 John Hebron Chapter, returns of.. 57 INDEX. K Keeler, Oscar T., death of 8 Kentucky, review of.. 83 Kosciusko Chapter, returns of.... 39 L Lafayette Chapter, returns of 33 Lexington Chapter, returns of.... 35 Louisiana, Representative of 19 Louisiana, review of 83 m Macon Chapter, returns of 36 Magnolia Chapter, returns of 34 Maine, review of 85 Maryland, review of. *88 Main land and District of Colum- bia, review of 88 Masonic Law, committee on 29 Masonic Law, report of commit- tee on 21, 26 Masonic Temple, resolution con- cerning 27 McConnico Chapter, returns of... 66 McDonald Chapter, returns of 67 Meadville Chapter, address of 63 Members, total number of 69 Meridian Chapter, returns of 41 Michigan, review of 89 Minnesota, representative of. 19 Minnesota, review of 91 Missouri, representative of 13 Missouri, review of 92 Mount Carmel Chapter, returns of 49 N Natchez Chapter, returns of. 31 Nebraska, review of 94 Neshoba Chapter, returns of 44 New Jersey, review of. 95 New Hampshire, review of 94 New York, review of 97 North Carolina, review of 99 Nova Scotia, review of 99 O Officers of Grand Chapter since organization 112 Ohio, review of. 101. Okolona Chapter, returns of 41 Oregon, review of 102 Palo Alto Chapter, returns of 50 Panola Chapter, returns of 53 Patton Chapter, returns of. 50 Patton, W. S., appropriation to... 28 Pay Roll 110 Pennsylvania, review of. 102 Per Diem, resolution concerning. 25 Quitman Chapter, returns of 40 R Regulations, of Grand Chapter,. .116 Reinstated, 1870 69 Report of Grand Secretary 14 Report, on G.*. H.*. P's Address... 20 Representatives, roll of 4 Representatives, of other Grand Chapters Ill Rienzi Chapter, returns of 55 Ripley Chapter, returns of 48 R. W. Paine Chapter, returns of.. 67 Salem Chapter, report concerning. 22 Salem Chapter, resolution con- cerning 24 Salem Chapter, returns of 63 Scooba Chapter, returns of 57 S. H. Johnson Chapter, returns of 61 Shongalo Chapter, returns of 42 Shubuta Chapter, returns of 52 South Carolina, review of 103 Standing Committees 29 Starkville Chapter, return of 62 Statistics of 1869 and 1870 69 Stonewall Chapter 63 Subordinate Chapters, report on. 27 Summerville Chapter, returns of. 62 Summit Chapter, returns of 64 Suspensions, 1870 69 T Tallahatchie Chapter, returns of.. 47 Tampico Chapter, returns of 60 Texas, review of 104 Timberlake, John W., death of... 13 Timberlake, John W., memorial page to 108 U Union Chapter, returns of 45 V Vermont, review of 104 Vicksburg Chapter, returns of... 32 W Walnut Grove Chapter, resolution concerning 22 Ward Chapter, return of 58 Washington Chapter, returns of.. 42 Wayne Chapter, returns of 40 W. D. Ferris Chapter, returns of.. 58 West Point Chapter, returns of... 65 Wilson Chapter, returns of 33 Wisconsin, review of 105 Wright Chapter, returns of 51 Y Yazoo Chapter, returns of 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, HELD IN THE CITY OF HOLLY SPRINGS, JANUARY 18 and 19, A,-. I.-. 2402, A.-. D.\ 1872. JACKSON, MISS.: CLARION BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 1872. SPECIAL ORDER. It is the order of the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, that the High Priest of each Chapter within said Jurisdiction, immediately upon the receipt of these Proceedings, do cause the same to be read in open Chapter, for the information of all the Companions. J. L, POWER, Grand Secretary. THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL CONVOCATION Of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi will be held at the city of Canton, immediately after the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge will meet on first Monday in February, 1873. OFFICERS FOR 1872. H. C. ROBINSON Meridian Grand High Priest, J. L. POWER Jackson Grand Secretary. MORRIS COOK Gallatin Grand Lecturer, T. S. GATHRIGHT. .Gholson Ch'n. Com. on Masonic Law. H. W. WALTER Holly Springs. .Ch'n. Com. on For. Correspondence, PROCEEDINGS. At the Twenty-Fourth Annual Grand Convocation of the M. \ E. \ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, held at the Masonic Hall in the city of Holly Springs, commencing on Thursday, the 18th day of January, A. I. 2402, A. D. 1872, at 11 o'clock a. m., there were Present: M.*. E.\ CHARLES T. BOND Grand High Priest. R.\E.\ MORRIS COOK Deputy Grand High Priest. B.*, E,v JOHN Y. MURRY Grand King. R.\ E.\ E. GEO, DeLAP Grand Scribe. M.\ REY. J- E. ROGERS as Grand Chaplain. R,\ E.-. A. P. BARRY Grand Treasurer. R.\ E.-. J. L.POWER Grand Secretary. R.\ E.k. W. D. FERRISS as Grand Captain of the Host, R.-, E.\ R. B. BRANNIN as Grand Principal Sojourner. R.\ E.\ D. MITCHELL .as Grand R. A, Captain. R.-. E.\ T. C- EVERETT Grand Master 3d Vail. R,\ E.*. J. JEFF. COOPER as Grand Master 2d Vail. R*. E.\ J. M- McDONALD Grand Master 1st Yail. R.\ E.\ W. H. CARKETT Grand Sentinel. also present : R\ E.'. W. D. Ferriss Grand Lecturer, and Past G. H. P. Wm. S. Patton M.*. E.\ Past Grand High Priest. J. 0. Lusher M.v E.\ Past Grand High Priest. R. B. Mayes M.\ E,\ Past Grand High Priest. Wm. Cothran M.\ E.'. Past Grand High Priest. James M. Howry M.\ E.\ Past Grand High Priest. Dent H. Miles R.\ E.\ Past Dep. Grand High Priest. R. P. Bowen R.\ Er. Past Grand King. Geo. Fearn 1" R.\ E.\ Past Grand King. Thomas Hardeman R.-. E.\ Past Grand King. D. Mitchell R.\ E.-.Past Grand Scribe. James Watts R.*. E.*. Past Grand Captain of the Host. John A. Galbreath, Sr R.\ E.\ Past Grand Principal Sojourner. H. W. Walter, Past High Priest, several visiting Companions, and a constitutional number of Representatives of Subordinate Chapters. The Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present— The M. \ E. \ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi 4 grand chapter was opened in Ample Form, with Solemn Prayer by Acting Grand Chaplain, J. E. Rogers. The M. \ E. *. Grand High Priest appointed the following Committee on Credentials—P. M. Savery, D. L. Smythe, G. A. Spivey. The Grand Chapter then took a recess until 3 o'clock p. m. three o'clock p. m. Tbe recess having expired, the Grand Chapter resumed labor. The Committee on Credentials presented their report, which, as subsequently amended from time to time during the Grand Convoca- tion, is as follows : To the M.\ E.Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned Committee on Credentials beg leave respectfully to re- port, that they find the following Companions present, entitled to seats in the M.\ E.\ Grand Body, to-wit : Natchez Chapter, No. 1—C. F. Merrick, H.\ P.*. Clinton, No. 2—A. J. Lewis, proxy for H.-. P.\ Vicksburg, No. 3— E. T. Henry, proxy for H.\ P.*. Columbus, No. 4—Nelson Reynolds, K.*. Wilson, No. 5-H. H. Fields, H.\ P.-., E. W. Upshaw, K.\, Jas. T. Fant, proxy for S.\ Jackson, No. 6—John Nelson, H.\ P.*. Magnolia, No. 7—J. J. Birdsong, proxy for H.\ P.*. Yazoo, No. 8—R. B, Mayes, proxy for H.-. P.*., K.\ and S-*. Lexington, No. 9- N. E. Whitehead, proxy forH.\P.\ Canton, No. 10—John T. Cameron, H.\ P,\ DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—R. Coffman, H,\ P.*. Euphemia, No, 13—R. B. Brannin, H.*. P.-. Fayette, No. 14—M. Eiseman, H.\ P.'. Carrollton, No. 15—W. M. Stansbury, K.k. Shields, No. 18—E C. Bolton, H.-- P.*. Kosciusko, No. 20—D. L. Smythe, proxy for H.\ H.*. Quitman, No. 21—J, O. Lusher, H.*. P.fc. Houston, No. 23—R. P. Mitchell S.\ and proxy forH.\ P.'. Meridian, No. 25—A. G. Friederitce, H.#. P.'. Walker, No. 28—D. A. Kinchloe, S.*. Shongalo, No. 30—T, C. Everett, H,\ P.-. Emory, No. 32—C. J. Coleman, S.\ Lafayette, No. 33—J. M. Howry, H.\ P.\ Neshoba, No. 34—W. C. Dowd, proxy for H/. P.-., K.\ and S.-. Louisvflle, No. 36--N- Woodward, proxy for H.\ P.*. Marshall, No. 40—A. Webb, H.\ P.*. Amite, No. 42—David Jewett, proxy for H.\ P.-. Enterprise, No. 45—G. M. Shaw, proxy for H.*. P.\ Ripley, No. 48—J. E. Rogers, H.\ P.*. New Albany, No. 49—Chas. T. Bond, H.*. P.*. Geo. Washington, No. 51—J. H. Alexander, proxy for H.*. P.*. Patton, No. 52—W. R, McKinley, proxy for H.\ P.*. Bethesda, No. 55--A. W. Mitchell, H.\ P.*. Wright, No 56—B. R. Chambliss, proxy for H.*. P.*. Baldwyn, No-. 57—P. M. Savery, H.- P.\, Lee C. Prather, proxy for K.*« Panola, No. 60—M. N. Philips, proxy for H,*. P.*. Eureka, No. 61--David Mitchell, H.\ P.\ OF MISSISSIPPI. 5 Chickasaw, ISTo. 65—G. N. Robuck, H.\ P.*. Rienzi, No. 66—Jno. F. Arnold, H.\ P.*. Euclid, No. 67—S. O. B. Crockett, proxy for H,-. P.\ Dent H. Miles, No. 72—Dent H. Miles, proxy for H.\ P.*,, K.-, and S.\ Ward, No. 73—J. S- Jones, H.\ P.-, W. D. Ferris, No. 74-Jas. H. Elliott, H.\ P.-. Walnut Grove, No. 75—C. F. Gillespie, H.\ P.\, C. M. Edmondson, K,\ Corinth, No. 76—L. M. New, H.\ P.-. Crystal Springs, No. 77—E. N, Sumrall, S.\ Winona, No. 78—G. A. Spivey, H.*. P.*. S. H. Johnson, No. 81—M. J. Massingill, K.\ Salem, No. 85—John A- Galbreath, H.\ P.-. Summit, No. 90—Bythel Haynes, proxy for H.-. P.*. Centre Ridge, No, 93—James Watts, H.\ P.'. Durant, No. 94—J. Jeff. Cooper, H.\ P.\ West Point, No. 95—A. S. Gerdine, H.-. P.*. McDonald, No. 98—R. L. Bouton, H.-. P.*., J. M. McDonald, K.\, G. N. Dickerson, S-\ Attala, No. 100—W. J. Wasson, H.\ P.*. Coffeeville, No, 101—A. L. Guntharp, H.\P.-. Total Chapters represented, 56. In addition to the Grand Officers present at the morning session, your Committee would report as present the following R.\ E,\ Companions: H. DENIO Grand Captain of the Host. A. P. SAUNDERS Grand Principal Sojourner. B. B. PADDOCK Grand Royal Arch Captain, JOHN T. BUCK Grand Master 2nd Yail . Your Committee would further report that the following named Chapters have made the usual Annual Return, for 1871, but are not represented at this Grand Convocation: Macon Chapter No. 11. Dover No. 64. Wayne No. 24. Brandon No, 69. Okalona No. 27. John Hebron No. 71. Washington No. 29. Starkville No. 80, Union No. 37. Cato No. 89. Tallahatchie No, 44. Huntsville No. 91, Yerona No, 47. McConnico No, 96. Palo Alto No. 53. R. W. Paine No. 97. G. W. Perkins No. 63, Toomsuba No. 99. Total, 19. The following named Chapters have failed to make returns and to be rep- resented: Chas. Scott No. 35. Scooba* No. 70^ Carthage No. 46. Tampico No. 79 Mt. Carmel No. 50, Summerville No. 83. Shubuta No. 59. Huntsville No. 91. Total. Byhalia No. 68. Fraternally submitted P. M. SAVERY, D. L. SMYTHE, G. A. SPIVEY. Committee. *Comp. II. C. Robinson was, by motion, authorized to represent Scooba Chapter, No. 70. . The M. *. E.'. Grand High Priest delivered the 6 GRAND CHAPTER ANNUAL ADDRESS. Companions of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi: Having assembled in Grand Convocation to deliberate, counsel, and act together for the best interests of the Royal Craft in our Grand Jurisdiction, it becomes us, first, to return thanks to the Grand High Priest of the Uni- verse, for his care and protection, and kind Providence, in permitting so many of us to come together in health and strength, on this, our Twenty- fourth Grand Annual Convocation. Let us reverently and devoutly invoke His blessing upon our deliberations, and His wisdom in our councils. It is the duty of good and true Masons thus to acknowledge their dependence and trust in God, and to humbly implore His aid in every laudable, import- ant, and praiseworthy undertaking. My dear friends and Companions, one and all, I bid you good cheer- It is meet we should rejoice and be glad of heart, in the journey of lile which, to some of us, has by no means been a short one. We have had vicissitudes ol cloud and sunshine; yet goodness and mercy have followed us hitherto—let us, then, hope on, hope ever, each trusting in Him who will never forsake what is committed to His care, till the sun of this life shall set to rise in the eternal morning of the better life to come. While rejoicing in our own prosperity and thankful for the blessings be- stowed upon us and comforts surrounding us, we should not—we must not —forget the terrible calamities which have fallen upon our Companions in other Grand Jurisdictions. But a few days since, where stood stately build- ings and proud Masonic temples, and prosperity was enjoyed, now desola- lation marks many of those places, and the busy marts of trade and com- merce are swept away, and blackened ruins remain only to show the uncer- tainty of wealth. We must not forget the duty of the hour: the homeless must be sheltered; the hungry fed; the naked clothed; the widow and the orphan must be provided for. If anything can be devised for their relief it should be done; the subject should be carefully considered, and the result which may be arrived at show that we have done all we can in uniting the noble and grand design. Let us act so as to be happy ourselves and en- deavor to promote the happiness of others. Our motto should be: Do unto others as we, under similar circumstances, would wish them to do unto us. In the frightful and terrible desolation of our land, we should exercise a broader charity and a wider philanthropy than has ever heretofore char- acterized our noble Order. We should rise to an emergency without a par- allel in history. The bereaved widows and friendless orphans of our own beloved State and Grand Jurisdiction, should be our special care. The sub- dued wail of sorrow burdens the air, and should find a refrain in the heart of every Companion. Active, earnest usefulness should ever characterize us. We may learn a lesson from our brethren and Companions of this place. Their beautiful and really magnificent Temple of olden time was a heap of ashes at the close of the war. With a noble and praiseworthy energy, the brethren and the Companions have erected this new Temple, OP MISSISSIPPI. 7 which we now occupy for our Grand Annual Convocation, and which is even more lovely than the old; and now, to each member of the various Masonic Bodies of the State, Holly Springs Lodge extends the hospitalities of the city, and makes him an honored guest. With such energy and such liberal- ity throughout the State, our Order would nobly rise to the full measure of its usefulness. Blessed is the man whose tender care Relieves the poor in their distress— Whose pity wipes the widow's tear, Whose hand supports the fatherless. Companions, let us resolve to live for something; thousands of men breathe, move, and live—pass off the stage of life, and are heard of no more, Why ? None were blessed by them; none could point to them as the means of their redemption; not a line they wrote, not a word they spoke; their light went out in darkness, and they were remembered no more. Will you thus live and die, O man immortal ? Companions, let us endeavor to live for something—do good—and leave behind us a monument of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy. Let us write our names in kindness, love, and mercy, on the hearts of those we come in contact with, and we will never be forgotten; good deeds will shine as brightly on the earth and in the hearts of memory as the stars of heaven. We all have our vices, and the best Is he who with the fewest is oppressed. My time during the Masonic year just closed has been so completely occu- pied in the conduct and attention necessary to my own private business, that I have visited but few of the Chapters in this Grand Jurisdiction. It would have been my pleasure, personally and officially, to have visited each one; but from the harmony and good order prevailing throughout this Grand Jurisdiction, it was unnecessary. In no instance have I been called on by my Companions for special dispensations which did not meet my approval, I cannot allow the occasion to pass without announcing the gratifving fact of marked improvement in one of the cardinal virtues of our Order—tern- perance. The united efforts of good and true Companions can and will do much to effect reform in all grades of society, and I sincerely hope that it may ere long be truthfully said that no man who has bowed at the altar of Freemasonry, worships at the shrine of Bacchus. Companions, it is our duty to protect Royal Arch Masonry in this Grand Jurisdiction. Let us see that all candidates for our institution are in char- acter and standing what a man should be. We should be very careful to admit none among us but those who will fully appreciate the sublime teach- ings and principles of the institution. Merit and qualification should be the only test. Better that we have a small, united, true band of faithful Companions, disposed to study Masonry and carry into practice its lessons of philanthropy, than to have a large number ignorant of its work or lec- tures, or indifferent to its teachings. Let us sacredly guard the important trust committed for a brief period to our charge; and when our labors in 8 GRAND CHAPTER these earthly Chapters are over—as they soon will he, with many of us— may it he found that our work has heen such as to meet the approval of the Supreme High Priest ahove. It affords me much pleasure to announce that our eminent, worthy, and distinguished Companions, Dr. Chas. T. Murphy, of Durant, and J. L. Power, of Jackson, have issued a prospectus for a Masonic Tablet, to be printed at Jackson, Mississippi. A Masonic periodical in our Grand Juris- diction is what we very much need, and I hope the enterprise will he liber- ally supported by the Masons of Mississippi. But one application or petition for dispensation to form a new Chapter has been made for the past Masonic year, and, in fact, the only one in two years. The names of petitioners and place of location will be more fully reported by the Grand Secretary. For the financial condition of the Grand Chapter, I refer especially to the elaborate, exposition which will be submitted by the Grand Secretary, Prompt and energetic measures should be adopted at this Convocation for the relief of the Grand Chapter from its heavy obligations. The question of the Masonic Temple and educational institution in con- nection therewith,are to be again considered; but inasmuch as a formal report on this subject is to be submitted to the Grand Lodge by the com- mittee appointed last year, it may be wise to defer any action further than the mere discussion of the subject, until the Grand Lodge takes action. If the project of a Grand Temple should be found impracticable at the present time, I respectfully submit that it would be wise to permanently locate the Grand Chapter at some point. The dignity of the Body, besides convenience and economy, seem to demand this. I have nothing to report from the Grand Lecturer, or any of his assistants, except good order and harmony, wherever they have been. That feeling seems to pervade every part of our Grand Jurisdiction. I desire, before proceeding further, to express the sense of gratitude I feel to our efficient and prompt Grand Secretary, J. L. Power, for the diligent, faithful, and efficient discharge of his duties, by which my own labors have been so materially lightened. It is a work and labor of no small magnitude to conduct all the correspondence of his office, and carefully examine all returns, and noting and correcting all errors, thus avoiding delays in the hours of our session and lessening the work of your committees. I con- gratulate you upon being so fortunate as to have so worthy and so prompt an officer in such a reponsible position. The Grand Treasurer, A. P. Barry, also always has his acoounts and vouchers ready and correct. The appointment of Representatives near other Grand Bodies is a practice which in my judgment is calculated to confer great benefit on the Craft, by bringingusinto closer relationship with each other, and by fostering those reciprocal acts of kindness and courtesy which tend so greatly to endear man to his fellow man. I most respectfully recommend that some action be had during the present session of this Grand Chapter on this subject. The Grand Secretary has prepared beautiful commissions, and I hope that my successor will, at an early day, make appointment of representatives in each Grand Jurisdiction with whom we are in correspondence. OF MISSISSIPPI. 9 flow shall I refer to our dead ? The subject is so solemn, and j^et it is the only sorrow from which we refuse to he divorced; every other wound we seek to heal; every other affliction to forget; but this wound we consider it a duty to keep open. This affliction we cherish and brood over in secret. Where is the mother that would willingly forget the infant that perished like a blossom from her arms, though every recollection is a pang ? Where is the child that would forget the most tender of parents, though to remember be but to lament ? Who even in the hour of agony would forget the friend over whom he mourns? The love which survives the tomb is one of the noblest attributes of the soul. If it has woes it has likewise its delights. We announce the death of G, M, Hillyer, P,\ G.*. M,\, P,\ G,\ H,-. P.*., who died in Vicksburg on the 22d of April, 1871, after along protracted illness. He was distinguished as a writer and orator; his services were always freely devoted to the interests of Masonry. His labors were duly appreciated by his brethren, who delighted in awarding him the highest honors in their gift, I saw him often during his long continued illness, and witnessed his efforts to work and labor, until the angel of death summoned him kindly to a rest not enjoyed here. It affords me pleasure to state that on the 19th of September, 1871, and the two days following, I attended the Triennial Convocation of the M-'. E.-' General Grand Chapter, in the city of Baltimore, Md. The attendance was large, and the occasion was one of great interest. The Grand Chapter of Mississippi was represented by your G.* .H.*-P.\, and R, L. Saunders of Jackson, proxy of Grand Scribe, There were other distinguished Masons of Missis- sippi as representatives to the General Grand Encampment which was also held at the same time, and there were still other distinguished Masons of Mississippi as visitors, and guests; and in fact the entire delegation and visitors of the General Grand Jurisdiction were welcomed in the most fra- ternal manner, and were entertained in the most sumptuous style, and made to feel that they were all honored guests. The recollection of the visit to Baltimore will ever remain fresh and find a green spot in the memory of every Mississippian present, and doubt not it will be so with all others. The next Triennial Convocation will* be held at Nashville, Tenn., on the last Tuesday of November, 1874. The General Grand Encampment will be held in New Orleans 2d of December, 1874. I desire to call the attention of all Royal Arch Masons to Sec, 2, under head of miscellaneous, in General Grand Chapter Constitution. The reading is as follows: CiThe officers of every Chapter under this Jurisdiction, whether chartered or Under Dispensation, before they enter upon the exercise of their respective offices; and also^the members of all such Chapters, and every candidate upon his admission into the same, shall take the following obliga- tion, viz.: I, A. B., do promise and swear, that I will support and maintain the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, for the United States of America." The proposition in the General Grand Arch Chapter to eliminate the P.*. M.*. degree was rejected on a vote, 14 voting for eliminating, and 101 voting to retain. The other proposed amendment to make P.\ G/. H.\ Priests 10 GRAND CHAPTER members of the General Grand Chapter, was adopted, 105 yeas and 7 nays. The following resolution shows the sense of the General Grand Chapter on the subject of Substitutes: Resolved, That this General Grand Chapter decides that the use of substi- tutes is not a violation of the Ritual of Royal Arch Masonry, or the installa- tion charges to a High Priest, and that Substitutes may be authorized by Grand Chapters working under this Jurisdiction. On a vote by Grand Chapters the above resolution was adopted, 91 to 30. Another resolution on the same subject was adopted, which reads as follows: Resolved, That while such is the interpretation of the Ritual and installa- tion Charges by this General Grand Body, Chapters are fraternally and earnestly requested to use full classes of actual candidates, except in cases of emergency for the best interest of Royal Arch Masonry. The General Grand Chapter requests all State Grand Chapters to supply Congressional Library with their proceedings, and send as full a set of pro- ceedings as they can now supply. The General Grand Chapter requests all State Grand Chapters to pay annually to the General Grand Secretary the sum of one cent for each Royal Arch Mason borne upon the rolls of their Subordinates at the date of their annual reports. The following was adopted by the General Grand Chapter: "That it has authority to determine all questions in relation to the work, and that it has never ceased to exist since its organization," Companions, before closing these brief, broken and imperfect remarks, and report of official acts as G.-- H.\ P.\, I sincerely and respectfully ask you to accept my profound thanks for the confidence, co-operation and sup- port which I now and heretofore have uniformally received at your hands. When I accepted this high, important and responsible position, it was with diffidence arising from a distrust of my ability to discharge with satisfaction the varied and important duties of Grand High Priest, and direct with wisdom the affairs of the Craft over which I was called to preside. In the performance of every act affecting the welfare of our Order, I have endeav- ored to press forward in the plain path of duty, never turning aside to win the applause of any, neither to avoid censure in doing what I conceived to be right. And I shall never permit myself to be influenced by personal preju- dices or preferences, but shall have but one object in view, and that to pro- mote the best interest of our cherished and venerable Order, with a proper regard for its prosperity at home and its reputation abroad. And now that I am about to resign into your hands the trust which you confided to my keeping, I with equal pleasure transfer it to my successor, hoping he may be more competent, though he cannot be more zealous. In conclusion, my dear Companions, allow me to express the hope that we may one and all be guided in our intercourse with each other by those great Masonic principles upon which our Order is founded. May we lay aside all malice, envies and evil speakings, and in our Masonic pathway set up as guides to lead us and others, Moral' Rectitude, Uprightness, Truth andlnteg- rity. Then shall we become elevated, purified and exalted and fitted for that Grand Convocation which shall meet in that Temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. C. T. BOND, Grand High Priest. OP MISSISSIPPI. 11 The reading of the Address being concluded, Comp. Jas. Watts offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Address of the M,-. E.k. Grand High Priesc he received and spread upon the minutes of the Grand Chapter, and that the same be referred to a special Committee of three for apportionment of the same to the different Committees of the Grand Chapter. Thereupon the R. \ E. \ Deputy Grand High Priest appointed as said Committee, Companions James Watts, C. T. Murphy, B. B, Paddock. Comp. William S. Patton submitted the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, which, on motion, was received and made the special order for to-night. Comp. J. L. Power submitted his Annual Report and Account Current, as Grand Secretary, as follows: GRAND SECRETARY'S ANNUAL REPORT. To theMEr- Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned fraternally submits his Annual Report and Account Current for the past Masonic year. The receipts from all sources amount to $2885 30; of which sum $2114 60 was applied to the Pay Roll of last Convocation, and the balance to other ex- penses during the year, leaving a deficit for the year of $457 40. Your Grand Secretary performs an unpleasant duty in disclosing in detail the lamentable financial condition of the Grand Chapter—a condition which must result in confusion and embarrassment, unless a prompt remedy is applied. The principal item of indebtedness is on account of the reprinting of the Grand Chapter Proceedings, a laudable undertaking, but to meet the cost of which no provision was made while the work was being executed. I submit the following statement: Due Mrs. O. T. Keeler, salary of O. T. Keeler, Grand Secretary $ 268 30 " J. A. Martin, on account of Grand Cha pter reprint 2095 10 ■" Starkville Chapter, advance to Bro. Martin 20 00 " Jackson Chapter, No. 6, " " " 100 00 " Columbus Chapter, No. 4, " " " 100 00 " Natchez Chapter, No.l, " " " 20 00 " Grand Treasurer, to January, 1871 263 58 " " " " " 1872 72 46 " Grand Secretary, on salary of 1871 457 40 " Comp. Patton, Foreign Correspondence Report 1871 100 00 $3496 84 INote to Grand Lodge, due since Jan. 20,1S60 758 52 " " " " " " " 20,1861 722 05 Total, without interest $4977 41 The two last items are explained in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge for 1860, pasre 27, and in the Report of the Treasurer of the Grand Lodge in 12 GRAND CHAPTER January, 1861, page 26. The Grand Chapter was in debt to Companion Lamkin, and expected to pay him in January 1860, out of "contemplated additional supplies in the Treasury of the Grand Chapterbut it appears by the record that the said contemplated supplies "were nearly all absorbed in the payment of the per diem and mileage of its delegates." And so the Grand Lodge came forward, satisfied the claim of Comp, Lamkin, and took the obligation of the Grand Chapter. The Grand Lodge, under the circum- stances, would no doubt, remit the entire claim ; but certainly the matter should not continue to appear upon the record in its present shape. Agreeably to the resolution of last Grand Chapter (page 25), I called upon the several Chapters for a loan, to be applied toward the payment of Bro. Martin's account. The four Chapters above named responded in the aggre- gate $240 00, which amount has been charged to him and the Chapters credited. An examination of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter from its organi- zation, shows an embarrassed Treasury to be the rule. Either the dues from the Subordinates are not sufficient, or the resources of the Grand Chapter are not economically disbursed. The great annual draft upon the Treasury is the Pay Roll, At the last Grand Convocation for instance, it took $2114 60 to meet this demand, leaving only $771 70 of the total income of the year, to meet all other claims and expenses. The mileage and per diem is excessive, and unless remitted in part, or permanently reduced to the basis of actual expenses of Representatives, the good name of the Grand Chapter must continue to suffer in the failure to meet its obligations. It may not be the province of the Grand Secretary to make these sugges- tions, but he offers them under a sense of duty which he feels thathe cannot conscientiously evade. As a means of relief, or as a method for gradually discharging the indebtedness of the Grand Chapter, he submits the following propositions: 1st, That Representatives to the present Convocation be requested to remit to the Grand Chapter all except actual expenses for per diem and mileage, 2nd, That the Constitution be amended so as to make the mileage five cents each way, instead of ten cents, as it now is. 3d, That for the present Convocation, Delegates who may be Representa- tives to either of the other Grand Bodies, and who will be entitled to per diem and mileage as such, remit to the Grand Chapter the amount they may be entitled to as Representatives herein. 4th. That the Constitution be so amended as to make the fee to the Grand Chapter for Exaltation $3, instead of $2, as it now is; and $1 50 per annum for each member, instead of $1, as it now is. 5th. That the Constitution be so amended as to make the salary of the Grand Secretary $500 00, instead of $600 00, as it now is. 6th. That the Commissions to Grand Treasurer shall be two per cent, on disbursements by him, instead of per cent., as it now is. 7th. That until otherwise ordered, the returns of Subordinate Chapters be not published; but in lieu thereof, the Grand Secretary shall publish with the proceedings a tabular statement, showing the name, number and location of each Chapter, with the statistics of its work for the year; also the name of the High Priest and Secretary. OF MISSISSIPPI. 13 8th- That for a like reason of economy, the usual Report on Foreign Corre- spondence be not published with the proceedings until otherwise ordered by the Grand Chapter; but that in the meantime the Foreign Correspondence Committee will prepare the usual review, and submit the same annually to the Grand Chapter; and that the Chairman of said Committee shall receive for his services the sum of $75 00 per annum. 9th. That the Grand Lodge be communicated with, with a view to an ad- justment of the indebtedness of the Grand Chapter thereto. On the 7th of last month, by due authority, a Dispensation was issued for the formation of a new Chapter at Greenwood, Leflore county, with Comp. Robert Ettinger as High Priest; Com p. A. A. Stoddard, King; Comp. John K. Allen, Scribe, and a Constitutional number of Companions. This is the first Dispensation for a new Chapter which had been applied for within two years. For the year 1870, 76 Chapters made Returns, although several failed to send up dues, and a few were received too late to be included in the published Report. For the year 1871 the Returns are coming in morepromtly than usual; and before the close of the present Convocation the Grand Secretary hopes to be able to complete and submit a statistical summary of the several Subordinate Chapters for the past year, I recommend the adoption of a regulation re- quiring the Subordinate Chapters to transmit the Annual Return to Grand Secretary immediately after the installation of officers, so that it shall reach his office during the first week in January. I have the pleasure to report the reorganization of Walnut Grove Chapter, No. 75, at Monroe, Perry county. Comp. Morris Cook was duly authorized, on 10th February, to supervise the reorganization of this Chapter. The re- turns for 1871 show six Exaltations, and a good membership. The Chapter had held no meetings since 1865, Pursuant to authority of last Grand Convocation, Gallatin Chapter, No. 71, and S- H. Johnson Chapter, No. 81, were consolidated under the name and number of the latter, at Hazlehurst. Walker Chapter, No. 28, at Sardis, from which no tidings had been re- ceived for 1869 or 1S70, sends up a full return for 1871, and proposes to pay all arrearages. The return shows five Exaltations, and seven affiliations during the year- Marshall Chapter, No. 40, at North Mt- Pleasant, which has made no re- turns since 1867, sends returns and dues for 1870 and 1871, and shows twelve Exaltations during past year. Still owes dues for 1868 and 1869—$32. Shields Chapter, No, 18, at Pontotoc, I was informed by letter from Comp. E. C. Bolton, had resumed work, and that all arrearages would be paid. There was $121 due on ledger. I have heard nothing from Comp. Bolton since I sent the statement of indebtedness. Carthage Chapter, No. 46, paid dues for 1867,1868, and 1869 at last Convo- cation, but made no returns or dues for 1870. At the last Grand Chapter resolutions were adopted allowing all Chapters in arrears to make settlements until the present Annual Convocation, and that all Chapters which shall be two years in arrears shall not be permitted to work until their indebtedness is cancelled. The following Chapters are 14 GRAND CHAPTER delinquent, and I recommend that the charters thereof he formally declared forfeited. William H.Wilkinson, No, 17—Woodville. Has ceased to work, and in arrears three years for returns and dues. Vernon, No. 19—Owes returns and dues for three years. Raymond, No, 22—Owes returns and dues for same period, Charles Scott, No. 35, DeSoto County—Owes returns and dues for two years, and in a recent letter from a zealous Companion I am advised that there has not been a meeting of the Chapter for two years. Zenith Chapter, No. 54, Pass Christian, was granted permission, January, 1870, to revive, but has not so done. The Chapter has ceased to exist, Byhalia, No. 68—Owes returns and dues for 1870 and 1871. Harvey Gunning, No- 84, Raleigh, Smith County—Owes returns and dues for live years. Meadville, No. 86—Owes dues and returns for three years, Stonewall, No. 87, Smith County, has made no returns since 1866, with the exception of 1869, and paid no dues for that year. Westville Chapter, No, 88, chartered January, 1866, has never made a return. Huntsville, No, 91, has made no returns since 1867. 1 have again to report that Meridian Chapter, No- 85, owes a ledger bal- anceof $41, and that its returns and dues for 1869 have not yet reached the Grand Secretary. Palo Alto Chapter, No. 53, Euclid, No. 67, and Corinth, No. 76, made re- turns for 1870, but the dues of each for that year still remain unpaid. Salem Chapter, No. 85, was allowed at last Convocation until 1st March, 1871, to pay a balance of $41. The amount has not yet been paid. This, however, is one of the strongest Chapters in our jurisdiction. Its return for 1871 shows a total of 77 members, with 12 exaltations during year. The proposed amendment to Section 1, Article 5, of the Constitution to make the fees to the Grand Chapter five dollars for exaltations instead of two, was transmitted by circular to the Chapters on the 25th of August. The Proceedings of 39 Grand Chapter?, also the Proceedings of the recent General Grand Chapter, have been received and transmitted to Comp. Pat- ton for review. I am also in receipt of two official circulars from the General Grand Sec- retary, which are herewith submitted—the first being a resolution of the General Grand Chapter requesting each State Grand Chapter to cause to be paid annually to the General Grand Chapter the sum of one cent for each Royal Arch Mason borne upon the rolls of the State Chapters at the date of their annual reports. 2d. The adoption of an amendment to the Constitu- tion of the General Grand Chapter making permanent members of that body all Past Grand High Pnests of State Grand Chapters. This Grand Chapter is indebted to R.*. E.*. Comp. James C. Batchetyr, Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Louisiana, for a nearly complete file of the Proceedings of that Grand Body, together with several scarce num- bers of the Annual Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, in- eluding the first Convention in 1846, By way of reciprocating, I forwarded OF MISSISSIPPI 15 to Comp. Batchelor a suitably bound volume embracing all our Proceedings. A similar exchange might be effected with all the other Grand Chapters, and has been partially done with several during the year. I have received two very beautifully printed and bound copies of the Con- stitution of the Grand Chapter of Iowa. Having received occasional calls for copies of the Constitution and Regit- lations of our Grand Chapter, with By-Laws, Rules for Trials, etc., for Sub- ordinate Chapters, I published an edition of the same during the past year, and beg to present the edition to the Representatives present for distribution in their Chapters. In May last I received from Comp. A. J. Wheeler, of Memphis, a Dupli- cate Charter which had been issued to Wright Chapter, Ho. 56, and which had been stolen from the Chapter during the late war, and sent to Comp. Wheeler by a Federal officer and Mason. Through Comp. Jos, C. Baker, High Priest of Courtland Chapter, Ho. 25, Alabama, the original charter of Raymond Chapter, Ho, 22, has also been restored. Comp. Baker writes that he received the charter from Comp. O. H. Cooper, late Captain of Company A, 16th regiment Ohio Volunteers, and that he took the same from one of his men in 1864, and sent it for safe keep- ingto his brother in Mt. Vernon, Onio. An appropriate acknowledgement was made by Comp. G. C.Porter in behalf of Raymond Chapter. During the past year I have issued Grand Chapter certificates to the follow- ing Companions whose Chapters had ceased to exist, thus enabling them to affiliate with other Chapters: Comp. Jas. M. Bradley, of Paulding Chapter, Ho. 26. Comp. C. R. Balfour, of Vernon Chapter, Ho. 19. Thos. Chapman, of Paulding Chapter, Ho. 26. Comp. Geo, Sumrall, of Bay St. Louis Chapter, Ho. 54. Fraternally submitted, J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. GRAND SECRETARY'S ACCOUNT. JT. li. POWER, Or and Secretary, In Account with the Grand Chapter of* Mississippi. 1871. ®r. Hatchez, Chapter Ho, 1..Dues 1870 $60 00 Clinton, " 2. .Dues 1S70 27 00 Vicksburg, 4< 3. .Dues 1870 95 00 Columbus, " 4. .Dues 1870 45 00 Wilson, " 5..Dues 1870 ...58 00 Jackson, " 6. .Dues 1870 94 00 Magnolia, " 7. .Dues 1870 30 00 Yazoo, " 8. .Dues 1870 44 00 Lexington, " 9. .Dues 1870 31 00 16 GRAND CHAPTER 1871. Canton, Macon, DeWitt Clinton, Enphemia, Fayette, Ca'rroliton, Kosciusko, Quitman, Houston, Wayne, Meridian, Okalona, Washington, Shongalo, Emory, Lafayette, Neshoba, Louisville, Union, Amite, Tallahatchie, Enterprise, Carthage, Ripley, New "Albany, Mt, Carmel, George W ashington, Pattern, Bethesda, Wright, Baldwyn, Shubuta, Panola, Eureka, G. W, Perkins, Dover, Chickasaw, Rienzi, Brandon, Scooba, John Hebron, DentH, Miles, Ward Chapter, Crystal Springs, Winona, Tampico, Brookhaven, S. H. Johnson, Starkville, Summerville, Salem, Cato, Summit, Centre Ridge, Durant, West Point, McCounico Chapter No. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 27. 29. 29. 30. 32. 33! 34. 34. 36. 37. 37. 42. 44. 45 46. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 52. 55. 56 57. 59. 60. 61. 63. 64. 65. 66. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73 77. 78 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 83. 85 89. 90. 93. 94. 95. 96. nr. .Dues 1870 52 00 .Dues 1870 18 00 .Dues 1870 54 00 .Dues 1870 21 00 .Dues 1870 24 00 .Dues 1870 33 00 .Dues 1870 42 00 .Dues 1870 17 00 .Dues 1870 * 41 00 .Dues 1870 23 00 .Dues 1870 24 00 .Dues 1870 35 00 .Dues 1870 39 00 .Balance 1869 9 00 Dues 1870 43 00 .Dues 1870 40 00 Dues 1870 50 00 Dues 1870 31 00 .Ledger balance, 4 00 .Due's 1870 36 00 .Dues 1869 25 00 .Dues 1870 31 00 .Dues 1870 32 00 .Dues 1870 54 00 .Dues 1870 28 00 .Dues 1867, 1868, and 1869 42 00 .Dues 1870 35 00 .Dues 1870 48 00 .Dues 1870 19 00 .Dues 1870 51 00 .On account.. 127 50 .On account,equivalent to mileage 37 80 .Dues 1870 34 00 Dues 1870 44 00 .Dues 1870 53 00 .Dues 1870 20 00 .Dues 1870 59 00 .Dues 1870 32 00 .Dues 1870 36 00 .Dues 1870 27 00 .Dues 1870 34 00 .Dues 1870 27 00 .Dues 1870 41 00 .Dues 1870 18 00 .Dues 1870 16 00 .Dues 1870 29 00 .Dues 1870 56 00 .Dues 1870 55 00 Dues 1870 60 00 .Dues 1870 18 00 .Dues 1870 30 00 .Dues 1870 23 00 .Dues 1870 38 00 .Dues 1869 24 00 .Dues 1870 22 00 .Dues 1870 (in part) 29 00 .Dues 1870 27 00 .Dues 1870 40 00 .Dues 1870 3/ 00 .Dues 1S70 2o < > .Dues 1S70 & W .Dues 1870 00 00 OF MISSISSIPPI. 17 1871. Dr. R. W. Paine, Chapter ISTo. 97 Dues 1870 15 00 McDonald, " 98. .Dues 1870 27 00 Attala, u 100. .Dues 1870 : 16 00 Coffeeville, " 101. .Dues 1870 43 00 Shongalo, "• 30. .Balance on 1870 2 00 Columbus, " 4. .Balance on 1870 3 00 Comp, J, Meyer, (non-affiliate) 5 00 Greenwood Chapter, U.D. .Dispensation 90 00 Total receipts $2,886 30 CR. By sundry payments to Grand Treasurer $2,886 30 On motion of Comp. James Watts, it was Resolved, That the report of the Grand Secretary he referred to a special committee of three. The M.*. E. •. Grand High Priest appointed as said committee Comps. James Watts, A. J. Lewis, and John A. Galbreath. Comp. A. P. Barry presented his Report as Grand Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Finance: REPORT OF GRAND TREASURER. A. P. BARRY, Grand Treasurer, Iu Account with Grand Chapter. 1871. DR. April 22—To amount received from Grand Secretary $2,114 60 1873. Jan. 17—To amount received from Grand Secretary 77170 $2,886 30 1871. CR. Jan. 19—By balance due Grand Treasurer, as per last report $ 263 5S April 22—By cash on pay-roll 2,040 60 April 22—By cash to M. Cook 38 00 April 22—By cash to W. H. Carkeet, $20 and $14 34 00 1873. Jan, 18—By cash on postage 67 60 Jan. 18—By cash to J. L. Power (part salary) 141 60 Jan. 18—By cash to Power & Barksdale . 561 50 Jan. 18—Commissions on $2,850 30 72 13—$3,219 01 Balance due Grand Treasurer $333 71 To the M.'. E--. . Gilbert, J. B. Fleming—5. Dues to Grand Chapttr, including $2 balance on 1870 $26 00 G c 3 34 RETURNS OF Office M. Eiseman H. P. R. E. Richardson K. J. McClure S. William Thompson C. of fl. N. L. Guice P. S. Thomas Davenport R. A. C. :s, 1872: H. B. McClure M. 3d V. F. Krauss M. 2d V. M. Rubel M. 1st V. B. B. Paddock .. Treasurer. H. Key Secretary. B. Eiseman Tyler. CAKBSOE^IjTO^T CHAPTER, P¥o. 15—CaiFrelltoia, Carrol! County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—J. A. J. Askew, h. p.; W. M. Stansbury, k.; William Ray, s.: (dead), c. of h.; A. M. Nelson, p. s.; T. J. Johnson, r. a. c.; R. L. Bine;- ham, M. 3d v.; Jonathan Durdin, m. 2d v.; Aaron Lott., m. 1st v.; O. L. Kimbrough, Treasurer; Benjamin Roach, Secretary,' Peter W. Johnston, Tyler. Members—P. II. P., and P. G. H. P., William Cothran, W. H. Curtis, N. A. Clark, M. S. Catron, W. C. Eskridge, Green S. Fox, Samuel Hart. B. Holt, Chas. Hill, T. T. Kimbrough, M. M. Liddell, John P. Marshall, P. Money, Peter Me- Caskill, T. H. Matthews, J. R. Shackleford, G. N. Smith, A. G. Smith, John T. Stanford, Stephen Thompson, G. W. Yasser—Total, 33. Reinstated—G. W. Yasser, W. B. Helm, G. N. Smith—3. Dimitted—Daniel McLeod, W. B. Helm—2. Dtkd—Samuel Moore, B. R. Mayes—2. Expelled—John L. Tusten—1. Dues to Grand Chapter, including Balance on 1870....... . - .,.$33 Officers, 1872: Samuel Hart H. P. W. M. Stansbury JK. William Ray S. J. A. J. Askew C. of II. A. M. Nelson -P. S. G. W. Yasser A. C. R. L. Bingham .... M. 3d V. Jonathan Durdin ... M. 2d V. T. H. Matthews M. 1st V. 0. L.Kimbrough Treasurer. Benjamin Roach ..Secretary, T. T. Kimbrough Tyler. S2IIEUS>$ CHATTER, Ko. 18—Pontotoc, Poistofoc County.- Regular Convocations, 3d Wednesday of each month. Officers, 1871—E. C. Bolton, h. p.; W. L. Souter, k.; W. G. Gibson, s.; C. B. Hood, c. of h.; M. R. Fontaine, p. s.; J. H. Williamson, h. a. c.; J. N. Sloan, m. 3d v.; R. T. Gray, m. 2d v.; A. J. Moore, as. 1st v.; J. A. McNeil, Treasurer; J. H Miller, Secretary; T. J. Price, Tyler. Members—R. H. Bonner, James Bonner, G. K. Cherry, A. J. Clark, S. Daggett, L. A. Ellison, James Gordon, S. E. Melson, S. D. Pinsou, J. T. Pitta, R, A. Pinson F. Souter, Hiram Hood, H. L. Fenley—Total, 26. Reinstated—J. T. Pitts, S. Daggett, S. K Melson—3.. Died—E. W. Rootes—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. G. Huntington, N. A. Lankford, W L. Souter, G. W. Souter—5. Dues to Grand Chapter - — $25 (Xk Officers, IS1^: E. C. Bolton H. P. R. H. Bonner K. A. J. Clark S. C. B. Hood C. of H. M. R. Fontaine P. S. J. H. Williamson R. A. C. James Bonner .. M. 3d V. R. T. Gray... M. 2d V. W. G. Gibson ...M. 1st V. J. A. McNeil Treasurer. J. N. Sloan Secretary. T.J. Price — Tyler, SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 35 KOSCIUSKO CHAPTER, No. $0—Kosciusko, Attala, County. Regular Convocations, Monday night on or beforej Full Moon. Officers, 1871—D. L. Smythe, h. p.; M. A. Clark, k.; James H. Alexander, s.; Isaac A. Herring, c. of h.; R. B. Webb, p. s.; David Carr, r. a. c.; John C. Lucas, m. 3d v.; James N. Taylor, m. 2d v.; James D. Rimmer, m. 1st v.; S. P. Rimmer, Treasurer; G. W. Galloway, Secretary; C. F. Oldecop, Tyler. Members—William Allen, Richard Bullock, James Chestnut, James M. Dodd, A. F. Dot.son, William Dodd, M. H. Gregory, N. T. Ilanna, George J. Hanna, Jno. P. Irving, Henry Jamison, David W. Knox, Asa M. Keith, William E. Meek, John Riley, William F. Rimmer, Isaac W. Scarborough, J. W. Scarborough, Job L. Scarborough, Simon Lazarus, James G. Sallis, Joe K. Shrock, R. C. Stewart, William B. Thompson, T. A. Tasbert, L, S. Terry,. Stokley White, Samuel Young, Benjamin A. Clark—Total, 41. Exaltations—William V. Davis, John B. Davis, W. W. Baccus—3. Dimitted—William G. Aston, Robert B. Cooper—2. Officers, 1872: M. A. Clark H. P. J.H. Alexander K. James D. Rimmer S. D. L. Smythe C. of H. R.B. Webb P ~ W, W. Baccus R. A. C. S. T. Oldham M. 3d V. John B. Davis M. 3d V. James N. Taylor M. 1st V. S. P. Rimmer Treasurer. William Y.Davis Secretary. C. F. Oldecop Tyler. Note.—James M. Hodd and Job L. Scarborough appear in roll for first time, since 1868, when they were published as suspended for non-payment of dues. David W. Knox also appears in roll for first time since 1869, when he was pub- Hshed as suspended for same reason. If they are now' in membership, they Should have been reported as reinstated. The aggregate back dues to the Grand Chapter for the three, amount to $8 00. Robert B. Cooper is reported as dimit- ied. He was so reported in 1868, and has not since been in membership so far as returns show. Why report him again? The three Companions exalted should have been added to roll of members. Companions S. T. Oldham, J. M. Charpings, J. K.Coffey, Richard Henry, and F. H. Jennings, published as members in last return, are not accounted for in this. S. J. Durham and C. H. Dobbs are not yet accounted for. Companions not accounted for must be considered as still in membership, and dues charged accordingly. The return of this Chapter for 1870 was baa enough. This is an improvement—in the wrong direction. The following summary is made : Names, on roll above 43 $43 GO Companions exalted 3 3 00 Companions not accounted for 7 7 00 Dues for three Companions reinstated (Regulation 27) 8 00 Dues of Companion Allen, omitted from return of 1870 1 00 Dues of Companions Durham and Dobbs for 1870 and 1871 4 00 $60.00 The Grand Secretary is always open to explanation, and ready to make cor- rections.—Gr. Seo'y. QUITMAN CHARTER, No. 31—Mcrstamlo, SleSoSo County. Regular Convocations, 3d Wednesday in each month. Officers 1871—J. O. Lusher, h. p.; R. T. Sanders, k.; A. W. Smith, s.; J. W. Hane« c of hL. II. Hall, p. s.; W. A. Boon, r. a. c.; J. B. Sanders, m. 3d v.; D. M. Slocum, m. 2d v.; C, P. Oakley, m. 1st v.; R. Temple, Treasurer; R. F. Cook (dead), Secretary; J. D. Nichols, Tyler. Members—T. Y. Coffey, J. C, Dodds, R. E. Doggett, J. B.Morgan, J. T. Moseley, J. S. Oliver—Total, 18. 36 RETURNS OP Died—R. F. Cook—1. Daps to Grand Chapter .« „ $17 00 Officers, 1872: J. 0. Lusher H. P. J. C. Dodds K. A. W. Smith S. J. W.Hanes .....C.of H. T. Y. Coffey P. S. W. A. Boon R. A. C. J. B. Morgan ~ m. 3d v. D. M. Slocum .... m. 2d v. R. E. Doggett — m. 1st v, R. Temple Treasurer. J. T. Moseley ...... Secretary. J. D. Nichols Tyler. HOUSTON? CHAPTER, No. 93.—Houston, Chickasaw County. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday in each month. Officers, 1871—T. N. Martin, h. p.; Littleton Hill, k.; Isaac Paulk, s.; W. W. Wood, c. of h.; R. P. Mitchell, p. s., J. M, Woodall, r. a. c.; F. M. James, m. 3d va James E. Miller, m. 2d v.; William Ellis, m. 1st v.; D. K. .Woodall, Treasurer; J. A. Purlcey, Secretary; P. C. Steger, (dead) Tyler. Members:—D: C. Ausley, A. Barton, William Barton, Matthew Brown, James T. Doss, R. N. Dominick, J. L. Evans, B. F. FitzpatTick, C. C. Gray, J. T. Griffin, W. T. Harlan, J. L. S. Hill, William Hill, Thomas Hague, William M. Moffatt, James Martin, J". R. Mcintosh, B. F. Owen, A. A. Pack, Thomas U. Pearsall, L. . A. Porter, J. J. Ruff, John Smith, J. R. Smith, John D. Smith, J'. M. Staggs, R.W. Thompson, C. E. Taft, Allen White, F. G. Wood, A. G. Wood, J. B. Wilson, W. L. Walker, C. T. Woodall—Total, 46. Exaltations—Matthew Brown, J. L. Evans, Wm. A. Flynn, J. C. Mooneyhan,. J. J. Ruff, Chas. T. Woodall—6. Reinstated—William M. Moffat—1. Dimitted—Z. K. Flynn, William A. Flynn, John C. Mooneyhan—3. Died—P. C. Steger—1. Suspended, (for non-payment of dues)—S. C. Williams, Jack E. Lyon—2. Dues to Grand Chapter ..,$58 00" Officers, 1872: .T. N.Martin H. P. W. W. Wood K. R. P. Mitchell S. J. M. Woodall C. of H. J.J. Ruff P. S. J. L. S. Hill R. A. C. C. S. Woodall M. 3d Y. Isaac Paulk M. 2d V, L. A. Porter M. 1st V. D. K. Woodall Treasurer. C. E. Taft ". Secretary, F. G. Wood - Tylers Note—'Warren Harrill,in membership last report, is not accounted for.. J. M. Stagg appears for the first time since 1868, and James B. Wilson for the first time since 1869, in which years they were respectively published as suspended for non-payment of dues. This return should show that they were duly rein- stated. Grand Secretary recapitulates as follows : Total in above report, 45 $45 00 Comp. Harrill, not accounted for, J 1 00 Back dues on account of reinstated Companions 2 00* Six Exaltations 12 00 $60 00 WAYNE CHARTER, No. 24-Shubuta, Clarice County. Regular Convocations, 2nd Monday in each month. Officers, 1871—Peter Parker, h. p.; J. F. McCormick, k.; W. West, s.; C. L. Watson, e. of h.; D, R. Red, p. s.; J. W. Lankford, r. a. c.; M. Greenhood, m. 3d v^; SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 37 S. Myer, m. 2d v.; m. 1st v.; James Turner, Treasurer; W. J. Minor, Secretary ; T. G. Sullivan, Tyler. Members.—J. A. Crosby, Robt. Collins, J. M. Floyd, C. F. Goodwin, Jas. Leg- gett, G. 1). McCormick, D. S. Welch—Total, 18. " Affiliated—G. D. McCormick—1. Dimitted—J. M. Brown, J. F. Wilson—2. Suspended—for non-payment of dues—G. C. Bandy, James A. Heard—2. Dues to Grand Chapter , $20 00 Officers, 1872. C. L. Watson H. P. J. W. Lankford K. S. Meyer S. Peter Parker C. of H. J. M. Floyd P. S. W.J. Minor R. A. C. M. Greenhood M. 3d V. J. A. Crosby M. 2d V. M. 1st V. Jas. Turner Treasurer. D. S. Welch : Secretary. T. G.J3ullivan Tyler. "Note—Comps. John W. Collins and Angus McDonald, in membership last report, not being accounted for in this, are hereby added. Correct total is 20, -and dues §20 00.—G. Src'y. MERIJMAM CHAPTER, Mo. 25—Meridian, Eandcrdalc County. Regular Convocations, 1st Tuesday of each month. Officers, 1871—A. Wolff, h. p.; John Armstrong, k.; J. T. Taylor, s.; A. G. Freideritci, c. of h.; R. Y.Chadwick, (dead) p. s.; J. H. Gibbs, r. a. c:; J. R. Smith, m. 3d v.; A. L. Burwell, m. 2nd v.; C. H. Williams, m. 1st v.; D. Rosenbaum, Treasurer; D. C. Smith, Secretary; .James Welch, Tyler. Members.—Charles Beese, J. W. Brooke, Joseph Eakins, W. C. Ford, W. Gas- ton, R. E. Harris, James Holbrook, W. G.Jones, J. D. Klien, G. H. Lesser, A. J.- Peck, B. T. Rush, L. Shackleford, W. H. White, Aaron Weil, J. W. Young—Total •28. * Exaltations—Charles Beese, Julius Elsom, L. C. Elsom, E. V. Early, J. D. Klien, G. H. Lesser, Marx Levy, J. R. Moseley, A. J. Peck, M. Roos, H. W. Wil- son, Aaron Weil—12. Affiliated—W. Gaston—1. Reinstated—J.W.Brooke, G. Henderson—2. Dimitted—N. Feibelman, Thos. .Sullivan—2. Died—R. Y. R. Chad wick, p. h. p., W. J. Berry, ii. p., 1870. Dues to Grand Chapter —f. ..$60 00 Officers, 1872: A. G. Freideritce H. P. G. Henderson K. D. Rosenbaum S. Julius Elsom C. of H. H.W. Wilson P. S. L. C. Elsom - A- C. M. Roos ~.M.3d V. E. V. Early M. 2d V. R. J. Moseley M. 1st V. M. Levy Treasurer. A. Wolff, p. h. p Secretary. James Welch Tyler. Note—The following Companions, Exalted in 1871, should have been added to roll of members: Julius Elsor, L. C. Elsom, E. V. Early, Marx Levy, J. R. Mose- ley M. Roos, H. W. Wilson. Also, G. Henderson, reinstated. The Grand Chap- ter'claims dues for 1870, on the two Companions reinstated—$1 each. Seven names were repeated in roll. Companion Eakin was "James" in last return, but turns up "Joseph" in this. The eorrect total in membership is 34, and dues •$6®—Gr. Sec'y. 38 RETURNS OF ©KOLONA CIIAXTEIS, No. «7 — ©koloua, CJaicli&saw County. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday night of each month. Officers, 1871—John S. Cain, h. p.; T. W. Williams, k.; John McCurley, s.; Charles N. Simpson, c. of h.; Amzi Babbitt, p. s.; James R. Noe, r. a. c.; Oscar Pollard, m. 3d v.; William M. Buchanan, m. 2d v.; Henry Rafalsky, m . 1st v.; William D. Carr, Treasurer; William A. Bodenhamer, Secretary; J. H. Mauldin, Tyler. Members—Joseph Bretney, p. h. p.; Horry L. Hill, p. h. p.; William G. Arnold, Isaac D. Blumenthal, Ambrose D. Brooks, William H. D. Crawford, Jenks J. Hor- ton, Jacob A. Lou^hridge, James It. Mcintosh, James W. Miller, Charles J. Moore, William M. Penny, Austin Pollard, J. Hartwell Tueker, John R. Wren— Total, 27. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—William E. Knox, S. W. Townsend—2. Dues to Grand Chapter ....$27 00 Officers, 1872. T. Wesley Williams H. P. Charles N. Simpson K. J. Hartwell Tucker S. Amzi Babbitt C. of H. John McCurley P. S. Isaac D. Blumenthal R. A. C. William M. Buchanan M. 3d V. Oscar Pollard M.2d V. Henry Rafalsky M. 1st V. William D. Carr Treasurer. W. A. Bodenhamer Secretary. J. H. Mauldin Tyler. WALEER CISAE»XEI2, No. 2®—Sardis, S»»3sola Couuty. Regular Convocations, 1st Monday night in each month. Officers, 1871—E. F. McGehee. ii. p.; John R. Dickins, k.; George R. Hunt, s.; William C. Musgrove, c. of h.; John C. Brahan, p. s.; M. F. Gilchrist, r. a. c.; Jo- siah Allen, m. 3d v.; Robert P. Sorrels, m. 2d v.; William T. McGehee, m. 1st v.; William C. Maxwell, Treasurer; M. W. Shanahan, Secretary; T. J. Carey, Tyler. Members—A. F. Betts, John Bryant, Charles J. Boucher, Thomas F. Brahan, Stephen R. Blann, Adam Brown, S. B. G. Caruthers, C. K. Caruthers, D. L. Childress, L. D. Greenlaw, John I). Hightower, Hiram W. Harris, John C. Har- rison, John W. Jones, John W. Johnson, David A. Kinchloe, Marion A. Myers, Burrel R. Perry, Robert H. Rivers, Robert H. Strauss, Thomas F. Wilson, John Wright, William II. Wall, John H. White, Cornelius B. Young, A. I. Ellis—To- tal, 38. Exaltations—John Wright, Robert H. Strauss, William H. Wall, Adam Brown, Stephen R. Blann—5. Affiliated—L. D. Greenlaw, David A. Kinchloe, Hiram W. Harris, Burrell R. Perry, John W. Johnson, John C. Harrison, A. I. Ellis—7. Dimitted—F. M. White, I. N. Davis, William T. McGehee—3. Died—William C. Maxwell—1. Expelled—John A. Small—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J, W. Scott—1. Dues to Grand Chapter .$18 00 Officers, 1872: Ed. F. McGehee II. P. JohnR. Dickins K. David A. Kinchloe S. John Wright C. of H. R. H. Strauss P. S. Hiram W. Harris R. A. C. Charles J. Boucher M. 3d V. Burrell R. Perry M.2d V. Stephen R. Blann M. 1st V. John D. Hightower Treasurer. John C. Harrison Secretary. Adam Brown .Tyler. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 39 WASHINGTON CHATTER, No. 89-Cayuga, Himds County. Regular Convocations, 2d Wednesday of each month. Officers, 1871—Samuel McCleilan, n. p.; William M. Weils (dead), k.; Joseph Regan, s.; S. G. Relker, c. of h.; Samuel Hutchins, p. s.; T. J. Hutchins, r. a. c.; James E. AV. Cook, m. 3d v.; James May, m. 2d v.; William D. McCleilan, m. 1st v.; James C. Ross, Treasurer; Hayward Foote, Secretary; William Taylor, Tyler. Members—AVilliam J. Allen, Thomas W. Brown, J. H. Campbell, Samuel E. Dudley7, John Fisher, Middleton Ford, D. J. Hartzhog, W. W. Johnston, William J. Lum, William McPherson, Joseph Jacobs, D. A. J. Parker, Charles R. Regan, Lorenzo White, Robert White—Total, 27. Reinstated—D. J. Hartzhog, W. W. Johnston—2. Died—John C. Chappcll, Jacob Mack, William M. Wells—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $28 00 Officers, 1872: Samuel McCleilan H. P. Joseph Regan K. John Fisher S. Samuel Hutchins C. of H. Thomas J. Hutchins P. S. James E. W. Cook R. A. C. William J. Lum M. 3d Y. James May M. 2d V. James C. Ross M. 1st Y. William D. McCleilan Treasurer. Hxvward Foote Secretary7. William Taylor Tyler. Note.—Companions C. P. Vaughn and L. D. Yates, in membership last return, are not accounted for. Their names added, makes correct total 28, and dues $28. —Gr. Sec'y. SHONGAEO CHATTER, No. 30—Vnidcn, Carroll County. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday of each month. Officers, 1871—T. C. Everett, h. p.; S. C. Bains, k.; E. P. Gorden, s.; J. A. Ap- plewhite, c. of h.; T. C. Harris, r. s.; G. W. Gernigan, r. a. c.; S. Lichtenstein, m. 3d v.; S. R. Sproles, m. 2d v.; Ben Forscheimer^m. 1st v.; R. C. Wilson, Treas- urer; J. A. Webb, Secretary; W. S. Myers, Tyler. Members—J. L. Anderson, James Applewhite, Daniel Adair, R. S. Allen, Zac. Blackman, A. H. Brantlv, Henry Blackman, W.D. Brock, W. C. JJellingsly, L. II. Cohron, J. M. Cross, J. B. Dunn, S. N, Ely, J. C. Harris, G. W. Humphries, J. II. Haslitt, Frank Hawkins, S. L. Ilirsh, T. B. Kennedy, B. J. Kopperl, J. W. Low- ery, Geo. Oldham, W. W. Philips. A. J. Sanderson, j. M. Ship, J. J. Tate, W. E. Whittle, Atwood Wilshire, T. J. Fullilove—Total, 41. Reinstated—Wiley Kelly, E. L. Wood—2. Dimitted—S. Weiner—1. Suspended (for unmasonic conduct—J. W. Holman—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. T. Poindexter, T. C. Ship—2. Dues to Grand Chapter.... - $47 00 Officers, 1872: T. C. Evei-ett H. P. S. C. Bains... K. E. B. Gorden S. J. A. Applewhite C. of II. T. C. Harris P. S. B. J. Kopperl - R* A. C. S. R. Sproles M. 3d V T. B. Kennedy M. 2d V- H. C. Blackman M.lst V- R. C. Wilson Treasurer* S. N. Ely Secretary. J. T. Harris.... Tyler- Note. Wiley Kelly and E. L. Wood, reinstated, should have been added to roll of members. Chapter owes dues on each for 1870 and 1871—$4. G. W. Jernigan, and J. T. Harris, in membership last report, are not accounted for, and are hereby added" Chapter owes dues for 1870 on account, of S. L. Ilirsh and B. T. Kopperl, who were omitted in previous return. W. C. Bellingsley appears in roll for first time without explanation. Correct total is 45, and dues to Grand Chapter $47.— Gr. Sec'y. 40 RETURNS OF EMORY CII1PXEK, No. 33-Black Hawk, Carroll County. Regular Convocations, 4th Friday in each month. Officers, 1871—T. C. Parish, h. p.; R. D. Meek, k.; C. J. Coleman, s.; R. C. Jenkins, c. of h.; B. F. Kittrell. p. s.; S. A. Eggleston, r. a. c.; A. J. Reeves, m. 84 v.; H. J. Reid, m. 2d v.; H. S. Wade, m. 1st v.; W. K. Turner, Treasurer; J. M. Johnson, Secretary; J. C. Towns, Tyler. Members—William Anderson, J. C. Burtron, G. W. Comstock, W. R. Cade, A. 1). Cook, W. P. Clement, John H. Downer, I. B. Eubanks, Henry Gilliam, J. M. Hill, William B. Helm, J. A. Hamilton, H. T. Hampton, B. M. Hicks, D. H. Jor- dan, John H. Johnson, B. H. McGee, H. B. McGce, J. W. McRae, R. B. Prince, W. Berry Prince, John H. Porter, J. T., T. S. Threadgill—Total, 36. Exaltations—W. P. Clement., J. C. Burtron, H. B. Prince, D H. Jordan, I. B. Eubanks, W. Berry Prince—6. Affiliated—G. W. Comstock, W. B. Helm, B. H. McGee, H. B. McGee—4. Dimitted—J. R. Young, David Kyle—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $48 00 Officers, 1872: T. C. Parish H. P. I T. S. Threadgill M. 3d V. R. D. Meek K. | ! M. 2d V. C. J. Coleman S. I H. J. Reid M. 1st V. B. H. McGee..., C. of H. | W. K. Turner Treasurer. B. F. Kittrell P. S. I J. M. Johnson Secretary. S. A. Eggleston R. A. C. | D. H. Jordan -..Tyler. LAFAYETTE CHAPTER, No. 33—Oxioi-d, Eafayette County, Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1871—Wm. Delay (deceased), p. h.; T. L. Harris, k.; W. L. Lyles, s.; D. M. Smith, c. of h.; J. H. McKie, p. s.; J. Bernheim, r. a. c.; G. W. Smith, m. 3d v.; W. W. Wyatt. m. 2d v.; Wm. Marshall, m. 1st v.; C. H. Myer, Treasurer; J. W. McPherson, Secretary- J. B. Surprise, Tyler. Members.—C. H. Bel), p. h. p., W. E. Avant, Josiah Abel, Julius Bernheim, W. S. Burney, S. G. Burney, J. R. Burney7, T. J. Chandler, J. D. Delbridge, JA1. Dooley, J. A. Duncan, F. M. Farrell, A. M. Graham, J. C. Hudgins, B.F.Houston, J. L. Kendel, W. W. McMahon, P. H. McCutchen, E. M. Matthews, W. B. Morris, W. M. Marshall,, W. S. Neilson, H. E. Rascoe, A. H. Sanders, W. H. Smither, P.J. Slate, Wm. Thompson, John Thompson, C. M. Thompson, R. B. Thacker, Henry Worley, Robert Webster—Total, 43. Affiliated—W. J. Driver—1. Reinstated—A.J. Buford, F. A. Perry, W. Webster, G. W. Humphreys—4. Dimitted—J. II. Howry, M. Sartorious, M. G. Knight—3. Died—Wm. Delay7, h. p., D. W. Jones—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $57 Oo Officers, 1872. J. H. White M. 3d Y. G. W. Delbridge M. 2d V. J. M. Howry, p. G. h. p H.P. N. A.Isom K. Chas. Myer S. D. M. Smith C. of H. J. H. McKie P. S. G. W. Smith R. A. C. WAV. Wyatt M. IstV. T. L. Harris Treasurer;. J. W. McPherson.... Secretary. J. B. Surprise Tyler. Note.—The four Companions reinstated, and the one affiliated, should have been added by Secretary to the roll of members. General Regulation No. 27 re- quires that where Companions are reinstated upon payment of dues, the Chapter shall pay the usual back dues to Grand Chapter on account of same. The Chapter, therefore, owes $4 on account of the Companions reinstated. Compan- ions Jas. M. Howry, N. A. Isom, G. W. Delbridge and J. H. White are omitted from the roll of members for 1871. Their names appear as officers for 1872, but they should also be included in roll of 1871. Their names included, the correct total is 53, and dues to Grand Chapter $57.—G. Sec'y. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 41 XESIIOBA CHAPTER, !\o.31—Laurel Hill, Neshoba County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday of each month. Officers, 1871—E. L. Lewis, h. p.; Hugh McDonald, k.; A. McKay, s.; W. P. Frasier, c. of h.; J. E. Simmons, p. s.; S. E. Steel, r. a. c.; Jno. M. McMichael, m. 3d v.; James Watkins m. 2d v.; Chas. Holland, m. 1st v.; Jno. M. McMillan-, Treasurer; J. S. Lewis, Secretary; J. M. Germany, Tyler. Members—J. G. Deskin, W. C. Dowd, James Anderson, J. W. Anderson, D. 0. Anderson, A. G. Amis, L. C. Franklin, H. C Greer, E-. D. Gamblin, John C. McBeath, J.R. Pace, Samuel Williams—Total, 21. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—M. B. Kirk, Thos. B Richmond W. D. Riehmond, W. J. Seale—4. Dues to Grand Chapter $24 00 Officers 1S72: (None reported.) LOIIISVILLE CHAPTER, No. 36—Louisville, Winston County. Regular Convocations, 3d Monday in each month. Officers, 1871—E. Foster, h. p.; Jas. D. Dayis, it.; E. Gaston, s.; L. Lieben- field, c. of h.; J- B. Gage, p. s.; T. M. Bradley, R. a. c.; Wm. Barnes, m. 3d v.; N. AVoodward, m. 2d v.; Jas. P. Shaw, m. 1st v.; B. B. Lindsey, Treasurer; G. Y. AVoodward, Secretary; FI. C. Edwards, Tyler. Members—C. H. Cagle, J. II. Cornwell, AV. II. Fox, J. C. Foster, J. C. Holmes, H.J. D. Hendricks, A. Gillis, John Kennedy, G. AV. Fulton, M. A. Metts, Hugh McQueen, J. A. Graham, A. G. Patty, J. C. Shaw, J. L. Speakes, Rufus Sullivan, 11. M. White, J. M. AVard, A. Burroughs—Total, 31. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—Ira Tucker, C. Y. Thompson—2. Dues to Grand-Chapter $41 00 Officers, 1872: J. B. Gage.„ H. P. I James D. Davis M. 31 V. James C.Shaw K. | AVilliam Harper. M. 21 V. AV. H. Fox S. I J. P. Shaw M. 1st Y. L. Libenfield C. of H. | AVilliam Barnes Treasurer. E.Gaston P. S. i G. Y. Woodward Secretary. J. A.Graham R. A. C. | H. C. Edwards Tyler. Note.—R. D. Brown and Wm. Harper, in membership last report, are hereby added. They are .not accounted for. R. M. AVhite was published in 1868 as sus- pended for non-payment of dues, and A. Gillis was dropped from lastreport for same reason. Their names being in roll above, should also appear under the head of reinstated. Chapter owes dues on each for 1870. See Reg. 27. It should have been explained how A. G. Patty, J. C. Shaw and A. Graham are introduced iu the roll for the first time. It is presumed they were Exalted, as three are so reported. Correct total is 33, and dues $41, including $2 arrears on reinstated members. Of the 27 returned as suspended for non-payment of dues, all but two have been heretotore so published. Unless reinstated, hope Comp. AVoodward will not continue to encumber his return with their names. The gains and losses of one year should not be confused with those of another.—Gr. Sec'y. UNION CHAPTER, No. 37—Richmond, Lee County. Regular Convocations, 4th Friday in each month. Officers 1871—G. AV. Stovall, h. p.; J. M. Armstrong, k.; William Beaohum, - s.; George Martin, c. of a.; A. S. AVear, p. s.; Thomas Brooks, r. a. c.; W. E. 42 RETURNS OP Estes, jr., m. 3d v.; Edward Martin, m. 2d v.; Jolin Edwards, m. 1st v.; R. M. Borum, Treasurer; R. S. Thomas, Secretary; F. M. Threlkeld, Tyler. Members—G. F. Burdine, W. R. Burdine, R. A. Burton, Cornelius Dowd, Martin Gross, W. H. Keys, J. B. Little, A. D.* Martin, Sugar Mayfield, Eli Phil- lips, Bailey Schempert, T. B. Smith, G. C. Thomason, Owen Williams—Total, 20. Reinstated—W. F. Hamilton, Eli Phillips, T. B. Smith, J. B. Webb—4. Dimitted—W. F. Hamilton, T. B. Smith, G. C. Thomason—3. Dues to Grand Chapter <£25 00 Officers, 1S72: G. W. Stovall H. P. William Beachum K. R. M. Borum S. George Martin C. of II. T. Brooks P. S. W. E. Estes R. A. C. J. B. Little M. 31 Y. E. Martin M. 2d V. John Edwards M. 1st Y. A. D.Martin Treasurer. A. S. Wear Secretary. J. B. Webb.* Tyler. Note.—Comp. M. Pounds, in membership last report, is not accounted for, and must therefore be considered as still a membei*. Comp. J. B. Webb, reinstated, should have been added to roll. Correct total is 25, and dues $25. Comp. W. F. Hamilton, reinstated and dimitted, was added to roll of members. Name erased by—Gr. Sec'y. MAKSIIAIL.IL, CIIAPTEES, No. AO-Nortli Ml. Pleasant, Mar- shall County. Regular Convocations, 1st Saturday of each month. Officers, 1871—A. Webb, h. p.; J. Albright, k.; D. E. Curie, s.; W. W. Walker, r. of h.; Jackson Steele, p. s.; B. Norris, r. a. c.; T. B. Gatewood, m. 3d v.; G. W. Bowling, m. 2d v.; A. L. Pearson, m. 1st v.; Drury Smith, Treasurer; W.J. Coop- wood, Secretary; R. A. Waid, Tyler. Members—Jeff. Bankhead, J. H. Shoffner, T. C. Jowers, J. M. Cavett, H. S. Rodgers. J. F. Crawford, A. J. Vaughan, T. J. Lockhart, John Lenderman, E. Roach, E. Connor, L. H. Knox, Garrett Parker, J. West., W. R. Crawford, J. E. Walker, R. Baird, John Wilson, W. L. Shaw, G. H. Hale, M. H. Boyd—Total, 33. Exalted—D. L. Cogdell, J. H. Shoffner, J. F. Crawford, Jeff. Bankhead, T. C. Jowers, J. M. Cavett, John Lenderman, H. S. Rodgers, R. Baird, A. J. Vaughan, T. J. Lockhart, L. H. Knox—12. Affiliated—Garrett Parker—1. Reinstated—W. R. Crawford, G. H. Hale—2. Dues to Grand Chapter $57 00 Officers, 1872. A. Webb H. P. H. S. Rodgers K. G. W. Bowling ...,S. W. W. Walker C. of H. Jackson Steele P. S. J. F. Crawford R. A. C. B. Norris M. 3d Y. J. R. Walker M.£d Y. D. E. Curie M. 1st Y. Drury Smith Treasurer. Jacob Albright Secretary. T. C.- Jowers Tyler. Note.—Comp. D. L. Cogdell, exalted, should have been added to roll of mem- hers. Comp. Secretary, will oblige by having his roll of members alphabetically arranged; besides the convenience of the same, it will help to avoid mistakes.— Ge. Sec'y. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 43 AMITE CHAPTER, No. <13—I>ill»erty, A unite County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—Charles P. Neilson, n. p.; James E. Jagers, k.; W. P. Ander- son, s.; B. F. Johns, c. of h.; E. Safford. p. s.; D. Wilson, r. a. c.; J. R. Aumock, m. 8d v.; J. G. Morgan, m. 2d v.; W. L. Davis, si. 1st v.; C. Carroll, Treasurer; C. E. Davis, Secretary ; D. Jewett, Tyler. Members—-M. M. P. Bates, Z. P. Butler, Josiah Cerf, W. D. Davidson, S. Gard- ner, M. B. Gillespy, C. C. Germany, James Hinson, J. A. Jerkins. J. H. Nun- nery, H. H. Ratcliff, Thomas Reed, V. F. Swearingen, E. L. Tarver, W. A. Tarver, John Tebow, W. M. Weatherby, F. C. Wren, A. F. Stravvn—Total, 31. Died—M. H. McCraine—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $32 00 Officers, 1872: C. P. Neilson II. P. C. E. Davis K. E. Safford S. W. P. Anderson C. of H. Charles Carroll... P. S. D. Wilson R. A. C. James Hinson M. 3d V. M. B. Gillespie ...M. 2d V. Thomas Reed M. 1st V. Charles Carroll Treasurer. B. F. Johns Secretary. D. Jewett Tyler. Note.—Comp. A. F. Strawn should have been reported as reinstated. He was suspended in 1869 for non-payment of dues, and in again placing his name in roll, the fact of reinstatement should appear. Chapter oaves $3 on his account for 1870.—Gr. Sec'y. TALSjA EI ATCISBE CHAPTER, No. 4-1—Charleston, Talla- liateliie County. Regular Convocations, 3d Monday in each month. Officers, 1871—W. H. Fitzgerald, h. p.; Geo. B. Roberson, k.; M. F. Holshou- ser, s.; S. C. Barnes, c. of n.; C. J. F. Merriweather, p. s.; R. Quarles, r. a. o.; J. M. R. Simmons, m. 3d v.; W. H. Roberson, m. 2d v.: J. P. Rhew, m. 1st v.; J. M. Buckley, Treasurer; J. W. Bellamy, Secretary; W. R. Erwin, Total. Members—A. Ball, J. S. Bailey, S. Barns, T. W. Boisclair, J. A. Crofford, T. F. Crofford, J. H. Dame, W. W. Finlay, B.F. Lester, J. W. Erwin, B. F. A. Lilley, A.G. Murphy, James McClane, G. P. Rice, J. A. Ross, J. D. Steele, J. W. Tanner, F. A. Wilkerson, J. F. M. Young—Total, 31. Reinstated—J. N. Harper—1. Dimitted—J. N.Harper, J. A. Julian, J. J. McBride, D. A. Richards—4. Suspended—for non-payment of dues—R. K. Stevens, T. P. Walton—2. Dues to Grand Chapter 531 00 Officers, 1872. G.P. Rice M. 3d Y. W. H. Roberson M, 2d Y. J. D. Steele M. 1st V. W. H. Fitzgerald H. P. G. B. Roberson K. M. F. Holshouser S. J. A. Crofferd C. of H. C. J. F. Meriweather P. S. S. C. Barns R- A. C. J. W. Buckley Treasurer. J. W. Bellamj' Secretary. W. R. Erwin Tyler. ENTIRES I*KIS E CHAPTER, No. 415—Enterprise, CSsarlie County. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday of each month. „ iQ7i_s_ -vy. Lee, h. p.: H. Harding, k.; J. A. Andrews, s.; G. M. Shaw, A V Woolverton, p. s.; F. S. Pickle, r. a. c.; G. W. Ilolden, m. 3d v.; Sam. R. Oli- 44 RETURNS OF pliant, m. 2d v.; John Kampe, m. 1st v,; C. Kramer, Treasurer; A. G. Levy, Sec- xetary ; J. M. Buntyn, Tyler. Members—S. Ballard, C. Corbett. I. J. Garter. W. P. Davis, W. H. Hardy, Jacob Hurst, G. W. Holden, C. F. Myerhoff, H. D. Moody, J. U. McCormick— Total, 23. Exaltations—I. J. Carter, W. H. Hardy* H. D. Moody—3. Affiliated—J. U. MeCormick—1. Dimjtted—S. B. Brown, B. Easterling—2. Suspended—for non-payment of dues—J. L. George, Alex. McMillian, L. H. M orrow, E. E. Hand—4. Dues to Grand Chapter $22 00 Officers, 1872; John Kamper M. 3d Y. S. W. Lee M. 2dV. A. G. Levy— M. 1st V. C. Kramer..— Treasurer. J. U.McCormick Secretary. J. W. Winn— Tyler. J. M. Hand H. P. H. D. Moody K. W. H. Hardy - S. F. S. Pickle C. of H. J. A. Andrews - .P. S. G. M. Shaw R. A. C. Note.—Companions Harding, Oliphant and Woolverton, were twice in roll.— Companions J. M. Hand, J. W. Winn, W. K. Flowers, James W«od and T. H. Wilson, are omitted from roll of members for 1871. Deducting three and adding four names, the correct total is 26, and dues $32 00s—Gr. Sec'y. VERONA CHAPTER, No. 47—Verona, Eee County. 'Regular Convocations,'3rd Wednesday in each month. Officers, 1871—R. C. Cunningham, h. p.; P. A. Scales, k.; J. S. Cobb, s.; B. It. McGaughy, c. of H.; R. L. Trice, P. s.; James R. Johnson, r. a. c.; J. H. Gannon, m. 3d v.; —. , m. 2d v.; H. C. Wilson, m. 1st v.; B. S. Trice, Treasurer; A. H. Raymond, Secretary; H. L. Porter, Tyler. Members—B. T. Armstrong, W. C. Bromley, James M. Burton, G. C. Besson- nett, R. C. Clark, James L. Carruth, T. E. Cannon, J. N. Davis, AYilliam Gibson, T, B. Smith, James M. Trice—Total, 22. Affiliated—T. E. Cannon, T. B. Smith, W. C. Bromley, G. C. Bessonett, B. T. Armstrong—5. Reinstated—Wm. Gibson—1. Dimitted—Marion Forbes—1. Died—Sal. Dixon—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $22 00 Officers, 1S72: W. C. Bromley M. 3dV. B. T. Armstrong M. 2d V. R. C. Cunningham H. P. T. E. Cannon K. T. B. Smith .. .• V.S. R. L. Trice C. of H. B. S. Trice - P. S. G. C. Bessonett R. A. C. B. R. McGaugliey M. 1st Y. J. S. Cobb— Treasurer. A. IT. Raymond Secretary. J. H. Gannon Tyler. Note.—Returns for 1870, and dues $18 for same year, received with foregoing. —Gr. Sec'y. RIPLEY CHAPTER, No. 48—Ripley, Tippah County, Regular Convocation, 2nd Wednesday in each month. Officers, 1871—J. IE. Rogers, p. ii. p., h. p.; W. D. Carter, p. h. p., k.; J. H- SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 45 Buchanan, s.; John Y. Murry, cr.of h.; A. C. Rucker, p. n. p., f. s.; J. C. Speight, k. a. c.j H. A. fetubbs, m. Bel v.; L. S. McCown, m. 2d v.; J. T. Martin, si. 1st v.; J. P. Peeler, Treasurer; W. IV. Robinson, Secretary; E. F. Jordan, Tyler. Members—E. A. Cox, J. A. Crook, B. W. Dickson, J. A. Fife, C. G. Haynes R. I. Hill, J. 0. Kelly, J. W. Luter, J. S. Laird, M. P. Lowcry, C. P. Miller, Mose McCarley, Joseph Pearce, C. C. Rucker, B. B. Rutherford, W. 0. Rutherford B. B. Smith, jr., S. R. Speight, A. H.Wilson, Samuel White, J. M. Walker II.' F„ Wells, J. W. Wilson, W.T. Young—Total. 36. ' Reinstated—W. T. Young—1. Dimitted—H. T. Counsceille—1. Dues to Grand Chapter - $3G 00 Officers, 1S72: J. E. Rogers, p. ii. p H. P. W, D. Carter, p. h. p K. A. C. Rucker, p. h. p...,_ S John Y. Murry C. of H. J. H. Buchanan P. S. J. C. Speights R. A. C. J. F. Martin M. 3d Y. C. G. H ay ne s M. 2d V. A.H.Wilson r M. 1st Y. L. S. McCown Treasurer. W. W. Robinson Secretary. E. F. Jordan Tyfer. Rote—S. R. Speight, in roll of members, having been returned in previous re- port as suspended for unmasonic conduct, should have been returned as rein- stated in this report.—Gr. Sec'y. NEW ALBANY CIIAJPTERy No. 49—New Alluuiy, tnloia County. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday in each month. ' Officers, 1871—C. T. Bond, h. p.; Norbin J. Mayes, k.; Joseph A. Robbins, s.; William C. Gillen, c. of h.; BooPer Foster, p. s.; Madison Orr, r. a. c.; J. H. Wil- liamson, m.3d v.; Adlai Beard, m. 2d v.; Nimrod A. Wilkins, m. 1st v.; E. M. Coker, Treasurer; Joel A. Hearne, Secretary; Jeflerso-n Orr, Tyler. Members—Waddy A. Bacon, John W. Buchanan, John B. Butler, Elislia C. Clary, Jo Jeff. Davis, Willis Dean, Giles L. Driver, Joseph Porter Duff, Wiley M. Ellis, Ancil H. Ferguson, J.R. Ford, Joseph F. Graham, Willia„. H. Harris, P.R. Harris, William J. Huston, Stephen A. Heard', James A. Hill, Elnathan D. Hogge, Ben. C. S. McAllister, Major W. Martin, C. G. Mitchell, Wyand Pennebaker. Wil- liam L. Reynolds, William C. Swindoll, Jr., David D. Stewart, William B. Sand- ford, John S. Swofford, Russell T. Turner,. Shadrack S. Tyer, Durant L. Tyer, William C. Talley, T. A. J. Wade, Nathaniel S. Watson, William West—Total, 46. Dimitted—J. Harry Roberson—1. Dues to Grand Chapter •• $46 00 Officers 1872: C.T.Bond H. P. I James H. Williamson M. 3d Y. N.J.Mayes K. | Adlai Beard M. 2d V. Joseph A. Robbins - S. I N. A. Wilkins....... .. M; 1st V„ William C. Gillen - C. of H. | E. M. Coker Treasurer. Booker Foster P. S. | Joel A. Hearne Secrerary. Madison Orr R- A. C. | Jefferson Orr Tyler. GEORGE WASHINGTON CHAPTER, No. «»1—ClBiiIalioinii, Marshall County. Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers 1871—B. N. Alexander, h. p.; P. H. Jenkins, k.; E. W. Bloodworth, R. P. Bowen c. of h.; J. W. Stephenson, p. s.; William McKie, r. a. c.; George W. 46 RETURNS OF McKie, m. 3d v.; David Lawman, m. 2d v.; N. J. Wilson, m. 1st v.; C. S. Bowen, Treasurer; J. H. Alexander, Secretary; D. M. Davis, Tyler, Members—H. L. Alexander, J. II. Amaker, J. H. Brooks, R. T. Bowen, J. D. Collins, J. C. Cooper, W. R. Cooper, J. G. Coleman, J. S. Coleman, Isaac Dotson, Calvin Falkner, J. D. Gordon, A. M. Gordon, W. H. Gant, Albert Hamilton, W. F. Ilyer, W. A. Jeffries, B. F. McKie, D. H. Minis, W. R Moore, J. L. McGowan, S. H. Pryor, Robert Sanders, C. J. Smith, Joe II' Smith, C. C. Stephenson, G. W. Stephenson, James II. Still, T. L. Wilson, W H. Young—Total, 42. Dimitted—S. D. Coyle, J. L. Mabry, W. K. Rogers—3. Dues to Grand Chapter „ $42 0 J. R. Crumpler, Jessie Greer. A. M. Harwell, Nathan Ingram, J. J. Ingram, Phillip Lrvin, Ransom Lee, C. W. Mobley, J. T. Pullen, John Richardson, W. Robinson, John Thomas, J. H.Jeans, J, W, Lyde, H. B. Manes, J. R. Holla way—Total, 30, Dimitted—J. D. Miller, B. F. Martin—2. Died—John Riley—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. C. Culbertson, W. R. Hope, Crockett Phillips—3. Dues to Grand Chapter .. — ,..$30 00 Officers* 1S71: S. O. B. Crockett H. P. J. C. Langston K. H. B. Manes ..S. Geo. H. Anderson C. of H. S.C. Powers ~P. S. P.Riley R. A.C. J. Riley ~...M. 3d V. J. G. Edwards — ,.M. 2d V. J. Thomas — M. IstV, J. W. McCall Treasurer.. J. W. Lyde Secretary. J. R. Hollaway ......Tyler, Note.—Secretary has reversed the order in which the list of officers for each year are usually returned. The officers for 1871 should have preceded the roll of members.—Gr. Sec'y. BRANDON CHAPTER, No. «9—ISrandoiB, Rasbin Coanly. Regular Convocations, 1st Friday, before the Full Moon' of each month. Officers, 1871—Richard Cooper, h. p.; A. J. Erantz, k.; W. L.Pickering, s.; J. L. Hargroves, c. of h.; J. A. Ray, p-. s.; Benj. Kaufman, r. a. c.; Henry Hoskins, m. 3d v.; L. Washuurn, m. 2d v.; L. A. Kunge, m. 1st v.; -.Treasurer; Samuel R. Collier, Secretary; Tyler. Members.—Henrv Atkinson, James Baker, Joseph Bennett, E. H. Brinkley, D. H. Brown, H. S. Cole, J. D. B. Cole, L. L. Griffin, J. L. Hancock, Edward Jack, Hiram King, A. G. Mayers, C. H. Meadows, W. A. P'eacher, W.. M. Smith, J. B2 Stevens—Total, 28. 1 Reinstated—J. D. B. Cole, Edward Jack—2. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J.F. Barnett, Alexander Chisholm, J. T. B. Cocke, D. W. Denson, J. P. Giles, Thos. D. Harris, Thus. H. Johnson, Jamer SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 53 Marshall, J. W. McMaster, W. A. Moore, J. W. Patton, I. M. Quiniji, Richard Shields, J. P. Starr, Wesley Taylor, H. P. Tinnin, James Ware—17. Dues to Grand Chapter: For 26 Officers and Members, at$l each ; $26 00 For back dues on 2 members Reinstated 4.. 2 00 Total $28 00 Officers, 1872: Richard Cooper H.P. | D. H. Brown M. 3d V. A. J. Frantz K. ] W. M. Smith M.2d V. J. R. Stevens S. | L. Washburn M. lstV. J. A. Ray C. of H. j Treasurer. .Edward Jack P.S. j Samuel R. Collier Secretary. J. L. Hargroves R. A. C. ] W. A. Peacher Tyler. JOHNT HEBRON CHAPTER, No. 7I-Bovina, Warren County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—Daniel A. Cameron, h. p.; James C. Newman, k.; E. Fox, s. protem.; J. H. Newman, p. t., c. of h.; J. H. Featherston, p. s.; S. B. Wall, r.a.c.; G. A. Chappell, m. 3d v.; John B. Youug, m. 2d v.; W. R. Billingslea, m. 1st v.; J. B. Brabston, Treasurer; John L. Hebron, Secretary; W. M. Bullock (dead), Tyler. Members—H. Young, J. A. Fox, J. W. Finch, G. Y. Roland—Total, 16. Died—W. M. Bullock—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $15 00 Officers, 1872. Daniel A. Cameron.*. H. P. James C. Newman K. Elisha Fox S. John H. Newman C. of H. W. R. Billingslea P. H. J. L. Hebron R. A. C. S. B. Wall M. 3d Y. John B. Young M. 2d V. J. H. Featherston M. 1st V. J. B. Brabston Treasurer. J. W. Fineh Secretary. G, A. Chappell Tyler, DENfT IS. MLE§ CHAPTER, No, ?3—Satartia, Yazoo County. Regular Convocations, 2d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—John Stampley, h. p.; F. M. Hairing, k.; Thomas H.White, s.; James H. Martin, c. of h.; Thomas R. Holloman, p. s.; J. S. Stampley, r. a. c.; Jos. W. Lear, m. 3d v.; William A. Mansfield, m. 2d v.; William W. Wiles, m. 1st v.; Wiliiam H. Richardson, Treasurer; Dent H. Miles, Secretary; John Potter, Tyler. Members—James R. Bell, W. J. Brigman, William H. Coursey, David Carter, Samuel H. Childress, James Futreal, W. D. Gibbs, Julius Hornthal, John B. Holloman Isaac Hamberlain, Philip G.. Hilderbrand, John W. Jones, Lewis H. Jones Robert G.Johnson, W.W. Lumbley, Turner Lumbley, Claiborne McAlpin, John H McCutcher, George Smith, Asa Sibley—Total, 32. Exalted—William H. Coursey, J. W. Brigman, George' A. Smith, Isaac Hamberlain, W. W. Lumbley, Philip G Hilderbrand-5 Affiliated—James Futreal, Lewis H. Jones, David Carter—6. Dues to Grand Chapter ...$44 00 54 RETURNS Or Officers, 1S72: Thomas H. White H. P. J. S. Stampley K. William W. Wiles S. James H. Martin C. of H. William H. Coursey P. S. Asa Sibley R. A. C. F. M. Haining M. 3d V. David Carter M. 2d V. Isaac Hamberiain M. 1st V. William H. Richardson Treasurer. Dent H. Miles Secretary. William W. Lumbley Tyler. WARD CHAPTER, ?*©. 73-Senatobia, DeSoto County. Regular Convocations, 3d Friday in each month. Officers, 1871—M. D. Johnsohn, h. p.; M. L. Benge, k.; J..M. Yeach, s.; L. W. Pearce, c. of h.; J. E. Mathews, p. s.; H. L. Anthony, r. a. c.; W. W. Gilmore, m. 3d v.; J.W. Benton (expelled), m. 2d v.; J. E. Wolfolk, m. lstv.; J. S. Jones, Treasurer; J. M. Williams, Secretary; E. C. Townsend, Tyler. Members—W. H. Bounds, John Carlock, R. J. Carter, W. T. Cole, M. A) Douglass, W. A. Embry, Jeptha Evans, A. T. Hudson, C. B. Hood, H. Hall, J. M- Logan, J. M. Lindsey, J.M. Lively, D. T. Neighbours, James Pickle, James Ruffin, R. P. Ramsey, R. Stewart, A. P. Sage, H. J. Smith, D. H. A. Sanders, A. H. Toombs, L. C. Underwood, G. B. Wright, 0. F. West, N.M. Williams, R. P. White. B. B. Waddel—Total, 41. • Expelled—J. W. Benton—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—S. A. Bailey, A. J. Howard, S. M. Laramore—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $41 00 Officers, 1872: J.S. Jones H. P. M. L. Benge K. J.M. Yeach S. J. E. Wolfolk C. of H. Robert Stewart P. S. W. W. Gilmore R. A. C. R. J. Carter M.3d Y. W. A. Embry M. 2d V. E. C. Townsend..... .M. 1st V, R. P. White Treasurer. J. M. Williams Secretary. A. T. Hudson Tyler, W. I>. FERRISS CHAPTER, Ao. 74—Benton, Yazoo County. .Regular Convocations, 3d Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—H. Yandell, h. p.; J. H. Elliott, k.; Geo. M. Powell, s.; J. A. Sconyers, c. of h.; W. A. Stricklin, p. s.: W. P. King, r. a. c.; James H. Burrus, m. 3d v.; John Blaylock, m. 2d v.; W. A. Hendricks, m. 1st v.; D. Bunch, Treasurer; J. W. C. Smith, Secretary: E. Peters, Tyler. Members—T. B. Alsop, F. M. Beal, E. Berry, A. R. Blaylock, S. H. Brister* J. P. Briggs, W. T. Brister, A.T. Carson, J. M. C'nisholm, J. L. Deason, W. C- Day, S. Z. Dixon, Wm. Ewing W. D. Ferriss, J. H. Frazier, John F. Green, B. H> Griffin, B. R Grayson, W. F. Heard, C. R. Henderson, J. F. Hendricks William Hewett, A. S. Henderson, H. J. Hanks, A, H. Johnson, L. P. King, R. Ledbetter, L. D. Langford, A. A. Lomax, W. R. McCutchen, E. A. Moore, R. M. Middletom J.W.Penny, J. H. Pepper, Z. Pepper, jr., G. M. Powell, J. A. Purvis, J. W. Ricketts, J. J. Simms, J. M. Smith, D. Stubblefield, W. H. Stubblefield, D. W." Thomas, J. M. Tyler, L. B. Warren, James Vaughn—Total, 60. Exaltations—A. S. Henderson, B. R. Grayson, E. Peters, J. M. Tyler, H. L Hanks—5. Affiliated—R. M. Middleton, L. D. Langford, William Ewing—3. Reinstated—D. Stubblefield—1. Dimitted—J. L. Deason, E. Peters, R. H. Sanders, Rev. Flowers—4. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 55 Suspended—for non-payment dues—W. F. Watlington, W. J. Watlington B. F. Williams—4. Dues to Grand Chapter $68 00 Officers, 1872: Jas. H. Elliott H. P. Jas. A. Sconyers K. Jas. M. Smith S. R. M. Middleton C. ofH. L. D. Langford P. S. A. H. Johnson R. A. C. D. Stubblefield M. 3d V W. H. Stubblefield M. 2d V. W.P. King M. 1st V. D. Bunch Treasurer. J. W. C. Smith Secretary. W. A. Strieklin. Tyler. WALNUT GROTE CMAPTER, No. 75—Walnut Grove, Jones County, Dlonroe I®. ©., !*erry County. Regular Convocations, Thursday before fourth Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—C. F. Gillaspie, h. p. ; Wm. Bayliss, k.; D. M. Carter, s.; Wm. Hood, c. of h.; J. A. Tisdale, p. s.; W. S. Tisdale, r. a. c.; W. P. Tisdale, m. 3d v.; James Edmondson, m. 2d v.; L. L. Bryant, Jt. 1st v.; J. M. Baylis, Treasurer; John Gillis, Secretary ; J. B. Read, Tyler. Members—W. S. Carter, C. M. Edmondson, L. S. Myers, P. J. Myers, A. Mc- Swain, Richard Welch, Stephen Lee, J. H. Tisdale, S. H. Smith, S. V. McManus, G. B. Lee, A. McDonald, Wm. Mclnnon, J. Ingram—26. Exaltations—G. B. Lee, S. V. McManus, A. McDonald, William Mclnnon, S. H. Smith, J. H. Tisdale—6. Affiliated—C. F. Gillaspie—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $38 00 Officers, 1872. C. F. Gillaspie ....H. P. C. M. Edmondson K. D. M. Carter .: S. William Hood C. ofH. J. A. Tisdale P. S. William Baylis R. A. C. S. H. Smith M. 3d V. S. V. McManus M. 2d V. A. McDonald M. 1st V. J. M. Baylis Treasurer. John Gillis Secretary. G. B. Lee Tyler. CORINTH CHAPTER, No. 76—Corinth, Alcorn County. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday in each month. Officers 1871—L- M. New, h. p.; J. W. Dorsey, k.; D. L. Malone, s.; *R. W- Ritchie, c. of n.; W. E. Wood, p. s.; F.E. Whitfield, r. a. c.; E. H. Bradley, m. 3d v.; R. M. Young, m. 2d v.; W. W. Dancer, m. 1st v.; R. J. Fleming, Treasurer; C. F. Sawyers, Secretary ; John Butler, Tyler. Members—W. Y. Baker, Daniel Baum, W. W. Dancer, J. F. Freeman, E. C. Gillenwaters, William Gilbert, Elem Harris, J. H. Howard, D. L. James, T. R. Maury Thos. Mitchell, W. A. Overton, W. S. Reynolds, J. M. Stone, Frank Tobin, T. P. Young—Total, 28. Exaltations—Eugene Allen, J. M. New, B. P. Scrugg—3. Affiliated—W. G. W. Jowers—1. Dimitted—Sam'l Sloss—1. Suspended—for non-payment of dues—J. G. Lowry—1. Dues to Grand Chapter. $38 00 56 RETURNS OF Officers, 1872: L. M. New H. P. D. L. Malone K. J. W. Dorsey S. Daniel Baum C. of H. W. A. Overton P. S. E. H. Bradley R. A. C. J. H. Howard M. 3d M. W.S.Reynolds M. 2d V. R. M. Young M. 1st V. James McAmis Treasurer. R. J. Flemming Secretary. W. G, W. Jowers Tyler. Note—The three Companions exalted,, and the one affiliated, should have been added to the roll of members. Correct total1 is 32, and dues to Grand Chapter $38.—G. Sec'y. CRYSTAL SPRINGS, No. 77—Crystal Springs, Copiah County. .Regular Convocations, 8d Friday of each month. Officers 1871—H. R. Smith, h. p.; J. M. K. Alford, p. h. p., k.; E. N. Sumrall, s., B. F. Wilson,* c. of h.; G. McLeod,* p. s.; B. A. .Smith, r. a. c.; T.J. Cammack, m. 3d v.; R. W. Brown, p. h. p., m. 2d v.; S. Reno, m. 1st v.; M. W. Eagan, Treas- urer; J. F. Alford, Secretary; J. W. Bailey, Tyler. Members—J. C. Alford, p. h. p., J. T. Alford, J. Bridges, T. M. Barr, J.B* Catchings, V. L. Coalson, G. W. Clemment, O. D. Clemment, E. W. Corlev. J. D- Cammack, C. C. Clatworthy, J. W. Didlake, J. B. Fields, 0. P. Holiday, W. M- Keathley, A. J. McKennon,* G. W. Locke, A. Mcintosh, J. H. Mcintosh, 0- Osborn, C. Price,* L. J. Rymes, S. D. Robinson, W. J. Smith, J. C. Smith, A. J- Sturges, J. Terry, A. T. Wolfe, J. N.Wilson, H.L. Williams,R. Barnes*—Total,43- Dimttted—S. Corley, J. II. Parsons—2. Died—T. M. Scott—1. Suspended—for non-payment dues—A. F. Andre, W. S. Alsop, W. P. Barnes, J. W. Massie, J. W. Mathis, I. N. Tower, D. P. Welch, J. W. Young-8. Dues to Grand Chapter Officers, 1872: J. M. K. Alford, p. h. p... H. P. J. D. Cammack- r. K. E. N. Sumrall S. H. R. Smith, p. h. p C. of H. T. J. Cammack P. S B. A. Smith R. A. C. $48 00 J. B. Field M. 3d V. W. M. Keathly M. 2d V. R. W. Brown, p. h. p M. 1st V. S. D. Robinson —...—....Treasurer. J. F. Alford Secretary. J. W. Bailey Tyler. Note—Companions J. D. Cammack, L.J. Rhymes and J. Terry having been dropped from previous return for non-payment of dues, should have been re- ported in this as re-instated. Under Regulation 27, dues are claimed on each for 1870. Grand Secretary is unable t/> determine how the six^ Companions marked thus * obtained membership. Will Comp. Alford please rise to an ex- glanation? W. A. Wadkins, in membership last report, is not accounted for. orrect total is 44.—Gr. Sec'y. WOONA CHAPTER, No. 78—WmURANT CHAPTER, No. 91-1)urant, Holmes County. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1871—C. T. Murphy, h. p.; C. H. Weston, k.; S. W. Red, s.; J. Jeff Cooper, c. of h.; Louis Glazier, p. s.; S. W. Weatherby, r. a. c.; R. M. Murphy, m. 3d v.; J. S. Weatheroy, m. 2d v.; W. W. Godfrey, m. 1st v.; S. W. Weems, Treasurer; J. R. Heflin, Secretary; R. M.Stroud, Tyler. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 61 Members—J. W. Allen, G. W. Bacliman, C. A. Crowder, J. W. Cook, F. M, Glass, James Hays, William Irish, James Meggs, James Moorhead, John Murphy, E. F. Shuler, W. B. Sanders, Nicholas Smith, W. P. Strowd, S. W. Weems— Total, 27. Exalted—Wm. Irish, James Meggs, E. F. Shuler—3. . Affiliated—G. W. Bachman—1. Dimitted—J. W.Sproles, M.C. Shepherd—2. Dues to Grand Chapter, (including 2 names dropped from previous return...":85 00 Officers, 1872: J. Jeff Cooper H. P. S.W. Red K. James Meggs S. F.M.Glass C. of H. S. W. Weatherby P.S. J.R. Heflin R. A. C. R. M. Murphy M. 3d V. E. F. Shuler M.2d V. Nicholas Smith M. 1st Y. B. W. Moore Treasurer. C. T. Murphy Secretary. B. M. Strowd Tyler. Note.—The name of Companion S. W. Weems appears twice in this Return. Correct total is 26. The names of Companions James Moorhead and S. W. Weatherby were not included in the total of previous Return. Dues for each $1. —G. Sec'y.. WEST POINTS' CHAPTER, Nio. 95—West Point, Lowndes County, Regular Convocations, 3d Friday in each month. Officers, 1871—B. T. Palmer, h. p.; P. H. White, k., W. G. White, s.; W. F. Franks, c. of h.; R. L. Cannon, p. s.; J. F. Crockett, r. a. c.; W. B. Shelley, m.3dv.; J. H. Shipman, m. 2d v.; J. K. Allen, m. 1st v.; D. W. Storey, Treasurer; J. . Frenkle, Secretary; J. D. Travis, Tyler. Members—Henry Anderson, J. G. Babtiste, B. F. Capshaw, J. A. Cox, J. S. Carothers, B. A. Duncan, J. P. Dancer, P. B. Dugan, J. B. Ellis, A. S. Gerdine, A. C. Echols, F. E. Harris,"R. S. Harris, J. P. Hampton, H. Henly, G; AV. Hines, S.J. John, AV. N. Killingsworth, L. T. Martin, M. M. McElroy, D. McCarthy, W. W.Robinson, J. C. Symons, Jerry Troy, P. AV. Taylor, J. H. Westbrook, T. D. Williamson B. T. AVilliams—Total, 40. Affiliated—S. J. John, A. S. Gerdine, B. F. AVilliams—3. Dimitted—J. A. Cox, F. E. Harris, J. C. Symons—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $50 00 Officers, 1872: A. S. Gerdine H. P. I B. C. Williams M. 3d V. A.C.Echols K. W.G.White M.2d V. J.K.Allen S. J. Frenkel M.lstV. W. F.Franks C. of H. P. H. AVhite Treasurer; J. H. Shipman P. S. B. T. Palmer Secretary. S. J. John R. A. C. J. D. Travis Tyler. Note.—Several items in this Return not understood. In last Return J. H. Westbrook was reported dimitted. He is again in roll of members, without ex- planation. George T. Baber and Con. McCarthy were in membership last report, but are unceremoniously dropped in this. F. E. Harris and J. A. Cox are reported as having dimitted, and yet their names are retained in roll of members. D. McCarthy and J. C. Symons appear in roll for first time, without explanation. Companions J. P. Hampton, W. N. Killingsworth, L. T. Martin, M. M. McElroy and G. AV. Hines were all suspended in 1869 for non-payment of dues. In order to again bring their names to roll of members they should have been reported as Reinstated and dues for 1869 and 1870 sent up for each to Grand Chapter, in all $10. The actual membership of this Chapter is 40, and dues (including amount for reinstated members) $50—G. Sec'y. G2 RETURNS OF ZUcCOXXICO C3IAI»TE!E, No. OS—Water Valley, Yalobusha County. Regular Convocations, 1st Thursday in each month. Officers, 1871—J. N. Wilson, h. p.; C. P. Kennedy, k.; T. W. Whitsey, s.; Thomas J. West, c. of h.; W. S. Harrison, p. s.; G. A. Sims, r. a. c.; W. A. Craw- ford, M. 3d v.; J.O.Hendricks, M. 2d v.; J. Q. Morrison, M. 1st v.; E. Badley, Treasurer; L. M. Lawshe, Secretary; F. Hulihan, Tyler. Members—J. K. Eulson, Henry Gibbon, W. E. Beir, G. W. Fulmer, A. S. Campbell, B. H. Carr, Robt. Martin, D. W. Rogers, P. 1). Woods, E. C. Davidson, W. Taliaferro, L. Marble, G. Berglund, S. B. McConnico, J. H. Rothwell, W. H, Leach, C. T. Hope, W. F. Palmer, M. D. L. Stephens, p. h. p.; A. J. McConnico, T. J. McFarland, U. D. Payne, T. J. Berry, H. L. Duncan, Wm. Simmons, Sr., F.H. Green, C. Montgomery, J. C. Knight., W. H. Harris—Total, 41. Exalted—T. J. McFarland, U. D. Payne, T. J. Berry, C. Montgomery, J. C. Knight, W. H. Harris—6. Dimitted—W. H. Sthreshley, A. L. Guntharp, in 1870—2. Died—D. F. Rogers—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $55 00 Officers, 1872. L. M. Lawshe H. P. I W. F. Palmer M. 3d Y. T. W. Whitsey K. | T. J. McFarland M. 2d V. T. J. West S. G. Berglund M. IstV. C. P. Kennedy C. of H. | A. J. McConnico Treasurer. J. Q. Morrison P. S. I J. 0. Hendricks Secretary. U. D. Payne R. A. C. | F. Hulihan Tyler. Note.—Companions B. R. Harding and J. C. Butler, in membership last re- port, are not accounted for. Their names added, makes correct total 43, and dues $55. Secretary will oblige by having names of members alphabetically arranged.—G. Sec'y. 12. W. PAYNE CIIA PYEB2, No. 97— Morton, Scott County. Regular Convocations, 3d Thursday of each month. Officers 1871—T. F. Pet.tus, h. p.; L. H. Jones, k.; L. R. Moore, s.. A. P. Sim", c. of h.; H. H. Moore, p. s.; W. A. Flanigan, r. a. c.; Jno. R. Owen, m. 3d v.; W. Lee Wilkins, m. 2d v.; D. L. Mitchell, m. 1st v.; J. B. Finch, Treasurer; W. L. Lowry, Secretary; W.Jennings, Tyler. Member—M. K. Meyers—Total, 13. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—&. D. Dudley—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $14 00 Officers, 1872: John R. Owen M. 31 V. D. L. Mitchell M. 2dV. B. H. Moore M. 1st V, J. D. Finch Treasurer. T. F. Pettus H.P. Mark Meyers K. W. J. Flanigan S. A. P. Sims C. of H. L. R. Moore P.S. L. H. Jones R. A. C. W. L. Lowry Secretary. W. Jennings Tyler. Note.—Comp. J. M. Brossell, in membership last report, is not accounted for. His name added makes correct total 14.—Gr. Sec'y. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 63 McHONAEH CHAPTER, No. 98—9IcI>onaM^ Store, Asli- land Post OiSce, Benton County. Regular Convocations, 4th Wednesday of each month. Officers, 1871—R. L. Bouton, h. p.; J. M. McDonald, k.; G. N. Dickerson, s.; Benjamin Bright, c. of h.; A. J. Jordon, p. s.; J. J. Brown, r. a. c.; B. T. Kim- brough, m. 3d v., M.J. Cox, m. 2d v.; J. J. Hicks, m. 1st v.; J. II. Prescott, Treas- urer; N.W. Bouton, Secretary; J. A. Cox, Tyler. Members—A. M. Ayres, S. D. Bookout, W. P. Bouton, W. A. Campbell, L. P. Cossett, J. M. Finger, Lewis Glenn, J. II. Godsey, William Hudspeth, J.W.John- son, William Katz, H, F. Lipford, D. A. McDonald, J. B. Montgomery, W. G. Pe- gram, A. G. Parrott, J. R. Roberts, Marion Ray, R. J. Sharp, II. G. Spencer, R. W. Tate, J. P. Winget, D. B. Wright—Total, 35. Exalted—W.P. Bouton, J. M. Finger, William Hudspeth, J. W. Johnson, Wm. Katz, D. A. McDonald, J. B. Montgomery, Marion Ray, R. W. Tate—9. Dimitted—Alfred Freeman, in 1870—1. Dues to Grand Chapter $53 00 Officers, 1872: R. L. Bouton H. P. J. M. McDonald K. G. N. Dickerson S. Benjamin Bright C. of H. A. J. Jordon P. S. J. J. Brown R. A. C. B. T. Kimbrough M. 31 V. S. D. Bookout M. 2d Y. J. B. Montgomery M. 1st V. J. H. Prescott Treasurer. N. W. Bouton Secretary. J. A. Cox Tyler. TOO USUI? A CHAPTER, No 99-Tooms«l»a, Lauderdale Co. Regular Convocations, 1st. Saturday in each month. Officers, 1871—J. R. McLaurin, h. p.; M. V. White, k.; D. Kelly, s ; J. T. Wilson, c, of h.; J. G. Knox, p. s.; H. D. Cameron, r. a. c.; W. C. Day, m. 3d v.; W. H. Moody, m. 2d v.; Thomas Graham, m. 1st v.; G. Bancroft, Treasurer; N. Wood, Secretary; J. P. Welch, Tyler. Members—Robert Brown, J. H. Hemphill, W. W. Mitchell, T. S. Pigford, R. F. Pearce, A. A. Pringle, W. A. Sims, S. H. Shannon, J. R. Sayler—Total, 21. Exalted—W. W. Mitchell, J. H. Hemphill, Robert Brown, T. S. Pigford, A. A. Pringle, R. T. Pearce, W. A. Sims, S. H. Shannon, J. R. Sayler—9. Died—John Calhoun—1. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—M. Riffle, Robert Rogers, J. G. Wil- son—3. Dues to Grand Chapter $39 00 Officers, 1872: J. R. McLaurin H. P. Duncan Kelly K. J. G. Knox S. H. D. Cameron C. of H. W. H. Moody P. S. J. R. Sayler R. A. C. R. F. Pearce M. 3d V. W. A. Sims .'. M. 2d V. A. A. Pringle M. 1st V. T. S. Pigford Treasurer. S. H.Shannon Secretary. Robert Brown Tyler. ATTALA CHAPTER, No. lOO—Eil>erty Cliapel, Wells Post Office, Attala County. Regular Convocations, 4th Saturday of each month. n ~ ig7i—W. J. Wasson, h. p.; L. G. W. Harrison, k.: John A. Wasson, s • W W Adams, c. of h.; J. G.Riley, p. s.; M. D. Wasson, r. a. c.; E. Treada- '' ' qj v • J W Cole, m. 2d v.; W. T. Sweat, m. 1st v.; James A. Wasson, Treasurer; c.'G.'Harris, Secretary; E. A. P. Lucas, Tyler. u RETURNS OP SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. Members—S. C. Conly, J. M. Thompson, J. M. Chatman, J. H. Sweat, E. S. Toler, N. C. Wasson, J. G. Carlisle—Total, 19. Exalted—J. M. Chatman, E. S. Toler, J. II. Sweat—3. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—B. F. Normon, J. D. Matkis—2. Dues to Grand Chapter . . $'25 00 Officers, 1872: W. J. Wasson ......— L. G. W. Harrison. J. G. Riley W. W. Adams M. D. Wasson A. P. Lucas... H. P. E. Tredaway M. 3d V. K. J. H. Sweat.; M. 2d V. S. E. fi. Toler M. 1st V. C. of H. J. W. Cole Treasurer. P. S. C. G. Harris...-...'. Secretary. R. A. C. W. T. Sweat - Tyler. .Note.—Return should show how J. G. Carlisle became a member since last re- port.—Gr. Sec'y. COFFEETILLE CMAE»TEIE, No. 101—Cofioerille, Yalobusha County. Regular Convocations, 2d Tuesday of each month. •Officers, 1871—R. S.Thomas, «. p.; J. H. Kennedy, k.; H. Ray, s.; A. L. Gun- lliarp, c. of h.; J. D. Haile, p. s.; J. A. P. Kennedy, r. a. c.; W. L. Brannon, m. 3d v.; W. J. Melton, m. 2d v.; W. R. Spencer, m. 1st v.; John S. Collins, Treas- urer; F. P. Tempel, Secretary; J. J. Melton, Tyler. Members—G.P. Bondurant, R. D Byles, M. P. Durden, J. L. Eskridge, Henry Gaines, W. B. Hooper, J. C. Hannah, R. W. Jones, E. 0. Perkins, R. W. Perkins, M. A. Perkins, S. M. Ross, Samuel Strousc, E. W. Smith, 0. W. Shipp, W. C. Shackleford, John O. Vann, S. M. Willie, B. E. Williams, L. R. Wilson, E. A. Ware, B. L. Wynn, W. D. York—Total, 35. Exalted—B. L. Wynn, M. P. Durden, W. C. Shackleford^3. Affiliated—Henry Gaines, R. D. Byles—2. Dimittep—B. C. W ells—1. Dues to Grand Chapter.— $11 00 Officers, 1872: A. L. Guntharp - H. P. I W. D.York...'. M. 3d Y. H. Ray K. R. W. Jones M. 2d V. W. L. Brannon.— S. I W. C. Shackleford. M. 1st V. F. P. Tempel C. of H. | John L. Collins Treasurer. J. A. P. Kennedy P. S. I J. D. Haile ....Secretary. W. R. Spencer - R. A. C. | J. J. Melton , Tyler. G52EE.YWOOJ) CHAPTER, U. »,*-Grcenwood, Leflore County. Regular Convocations, 2d Thursday in each month. Officers, 1871—Robert Ettinger, h. p.; A. A. Stoddard, k.; John K. Allen, s.; Littleton Upshur, c. of h.; W. Af Gillespie, p. s.; Joseph B. Ettinger, r. a. c.; T. K. Nelson, m. 3d v.; W. W. Wiley, m. 2d v.; J. L. Ball, m. 1st v.; J. T. McNeill, Treasurer; F. W. Goff, Secretary; J. L. Ball, Tyler. Members—John H. Lucas, S. T. East, S. Auter—Total, 14. Exalted—John H. Lucas, S. Auter, S. T. East—3. Dues to Grand Chapter. $6 0) * Chartered January 19, 1872, as No. 102. CHAPTERS FAILING TO MAKE RETURNS. The following Chapters made Returns for the year 1870, but as yet no Returns have been received for the year 1871: Mt. Carmel, No, 50—Mt. Carmel, Covington county. Isaac Williams, H.-. P,*.; Louis W. Gray, Secretary. Last total reported, 29, Shubuta, No. 59—DeSoto, Clarke county, M. B. Kniglit, II.\ P.*.; G. W. Ferrell. Last total reported, 20. Scooba, No. 70—Scooba, Kemper county. II. C. Robinson,II.'. P.-.; J. C. Hardin, Secretarj'. Last total reported, 2G, Tampico, No. 79—Tampico, Oktibbeha county. Jas. B. Cheny, II.'. P,\; David W. Williams, Secretary. Last total reported, 18. Summerville, No. 83—Summerville, Noxubee county. Thos. S. Gath- right, II.*. P.*.; M. Edwards, Secretary. Last total reported, 22. gc5 STATISTICAL SUMMARY. Chapters making Returns for 1871 . 75 Chapters failing to make returns for 1871, but which had made Keturns for 1870 5 Chapters represented at Annual Convocation 59 Total membership in 75 Chapters 2,528— Estimated in Chapters not reporting 135— Total affiliated Royal Arch Masons 2,663 Exalted 186 Affiliated « 65 Reinstated * 75 Dimitted 96 Died * 50 Suspended for non-payment of Dues 156 Suspended for Unmasonic conduct 3 Expelled for Unmasonic conduct 5 STATISTICS OF PREVIOUS YEAR. Exaltations 167 Affiliations 56 Reinstated 76 Dimissions 132 Deaths 50 Suspended for non-payment of dues 169 Suspended for Unmasonic conduct 1 Expelled for Unmasonic conduct 2 PAY ROLL—JANUARY, 1872. (Mileage and Two Days' Per Diem included in Total,) NAME OF CHAPTER, Natchez No, Clinton Vicksburg Columbus, Wilson Jackson Magnolia Yazoo f •Lexington ' Canton DeWitt Clinton Euphemia Fayette Carrollton Shields Kosciusko Quitman Houston Wayne Meridian Walker Shongalo Emory Lafayette Neshoba Louisville Marshall Amite,, Enterprise Ripley. ' New Albany. George Washington Patton Bethseda Wright Baldwyn., Panola Eureka Chickasaw, Rienzi Euclid Dent H. Miles Ward W. D. Ferriss Walnut Grove 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 18 20 21 23 24 25 2S 30 32 33 34 36 40 42 45 48 49 51 52 55 56 57 60 61 65 66 67 72 73 74 AMOUNT. $38 50 25 50 40 65 34 35 6 00 33 90 28 00 30 00 32 40 30 45 17 25 18 00 21 00 23 50 18 20 23 10 17 00 28 05 15 00 44 25 23 35 22 80 25 10 10 35 17 20 33 70 9 00 24 75 24 75 14 95 12 00 9 00 30 50 25 85 22 10 20 55 26 10 26 40 18 00 20 35 22 45 34 35 26 70 31 43 30 00 TO WHOM PAID. C. F. Merrick. A, J, Lewis. E. T. Henry. N, Reynolds. H. H, Field. John Nelson, J, J. Birdsong. R. B. Mayes, N. E. Whitehead. John T, Cameron. R. Coffman. R. B. Brannin- M.Eiseman. W. M. Stansbury. E. C. Bolton. D. L. Smythe. J, O. Lusher. R. P. Mitchell. John F. McCormick. A. J. Friederitce. D. A. Kinchloe. T. C. Everett. C. J, Coleman. J. M, Howrv, W, C, Dowd. N. Woodward. A. Webb. D. Jewett. G- M. Shaw. J. E. Rogers. C. T. Bond. J. H, Alexander. W. R. McKinley. A. W. Mitchell. B. R. Chambliss. P. M. Savery. M. N. Phillips'. D. Mitchell. G, N, Robuck. J. F. Arnold. S. O. B. Crockett. Dent H. Miles. J. S. Jones. J. H. Elliott. C. F. Gillespie. 08 GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. PAY -ROLL—Continued . name op chapter. amount. to whom paid? Corinth No. 7G $ 19 20 L. M. New. Crystal Springs 77 37 G5 E. N. Sumrall. Winona 78" 20 70 G. A. Spivey. Brookhaven 80 16 95 J. S. Hoskins. S.H.Johnson 81 39 15 M. J. Massengill. Salem 85 45 90 Jno, A. Galbreath. Summit 90 22 15 Bythel Haynes. Centre Ridge 93 36 00 James Watts. Durant 94 22 50 J. Jeff. Cooper. West Point 95 30 35 A. S. Gerdine. McDonald 98 11 85 R. L. Bouton. Toomsuba ' 99 30 75 H. V. Cameron. 100 20 25 W. J. Wasson. Coffee ville 101 15 00 A. L. Guntharp. Total $1,455 23 GRAND OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. M. Cook, Deputy G.-. H.\ Priest $ 30 15 John Y. Murry, Grand King 15 60 E. Geo. DeLap, Grand Scribe 65 45 A- P. Barry, Grand Treasurer 40 65 J. L. Power, Grand Secretary 23 90 W. D. Ferriss, Grand Lecturer 26 70 H. Denio, Grand Captain of Host 40 65 . A- P. Saunders, Grand Principal Sojourner 23 55 B. B. Paddock, Grand Royal Arch Captain 59 65 John T. Buck, Grand Master 2d Vail 33 90 J, M. McDonald, Grand Master 1st Vail 9 ft IV". H. Carkeet, Grand Tyler, appropriation, per diem and accounts allowed 43 05 J. M. Howry, Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence 13 35 Chas. T. Murphy, same Committee, as per Resolution (page 25) 25 20 Wm. S. Patton, Chairman, Foreign Correspondence 100 00 Total $ 570 55 Add Representatives' Pay-Roil 1,45a 21 Total $2,025 78 LIST OF GRAND CHAPTERS, WITH THE ADDRESS OF THEIR GRAND SECRETARIES, GRAND CHAPTER. GRAND SECRETARY. ADDRESS. Alabama Daniel Sayre Montgomery. Arkansas— Luke E. Barber Little Rock. California Chas. Louis Wiggin San Francisco. Canada Thomas Bird Harris. Hamilton, Ontario. Connecticut Joseph K. Wheeler Hartford. Delaware Wm. F. Godwin Milford. District of Columbia.. ,C. W. Hancock Washington City. Florida W. M. Mcintosh Tallahassee. Georgia J. Emmett Blacksliear Macon. 'Illinois James H.Miles Chicago. Indiana John M. Bramwell Indianapolis. Iowa William B, Langridge Muscatine. Kansas E.'T. Carr Leavenworth, "Kentucky J. M.S. McCorkle Louisville. Louisiana James C.Batchelor Hew Orleans. Maine Ira Berry Portland. Missouri George Frank Gouley Saint Louis. Massachusetts Alfred F. Chapman Boston. Maryland W. A. Wentz Baltimore. Michigan J. Eastman Johnson Centerville, .Minnesota William S. Combs Saint Paul. Mississippi J. L. Power .Jackson, Nebraska R. W. Furnas Brownsville. New Hampshire Abel Hutchins Concord. New Jersey John Woolverton Trenton. New York Christopher G. Fox Buffalo. North Carolina Thomas B. Carr Wilmington. Nova Scotia James Gossip Halifax. Ohio James Nesbitt Troy. Oregon R« P. Earhart Salem. Pennsylvania John Thomson Philadelphia. Rhode Island Geo. H. Burnham Providence, South Carolina Augustine T. Smytlie Charleston. Tennessee John Frizzell .'. Nashville. Texas V Robert Brewster Houston. Vermont..... . W. H, S, Whitcoinb Burlington. Virginia ... John Dove Richmond. Wisr-nnssin ...William T. Palmer Milwaukie. West Virginia. O. S. Long Wheeling. Gen'l Gr."ChapterU.S. ..Christopher G.Fox Buffalo, N, Y. INDEX. Page, ADDRESS—Of Grand High Priest C AMITE CHAPTER, Ho. 42 43 ANNUAL CONVOCATION—Time and place of next 22 ATTALA, No. 109 G3 BALDWYN, No. 57 48 BETHESDA, No. 55 47 BOND, CHAS. T.—Address as Grand H-\ P.- 6 Resolution of thanks to . 25 BRANDON, No, 69 52 BROOKHAVEN, No. 80 57 CANTON, No. 10 31 CARROLLTON, No. 15 34 CATO, No. S9 59 CENTRE RIDGE, No. 93 GO CHARTERS—Declared forfeited 24 CHAPTERS—not represented and not making returns 5 Delinquent for Returns and Dues 14, 24 CHICKASAW, No, 65 51 CLINTON No. 2 27 COFFEEVILLE, No. 101 04 COLUMBUS, No, 4 28 COMMITTEE—On Credentials 3 On Address of Grand High Priest 11 On Report of Grand Secretary 17 On Complaints and Appeals IS On Finance . IS On Unfinished Business IS On Visiting Companions IS On Order of High Priesthood 20 On Deceased Companions.. 21 On Grand Representatives 21 On Masonic Law and Jurisprudence 20 On Foreign Correspondence 20 CORINTH, No. 76 55 CRYSTAL SPRINGS, No. 77 50 DENT II. MILES, No. 72 53 DeWITT CLINTON, No. 12 32 DOVER, No. 64 5(1 DURANT, No. 94 00 ELECTION—Of Officers 19,22 EMORY, No. 32 40 ENTERPRISE, No, 45 43 EUCLID, No. 57 52 EUPHEMIA, No. 13 33 EUREKA, No.61 ' 40 FAYETTE. No. 14 •. 35 index. 71 FEES TO GRAND CHAPTER—Resolutions to increase 20, 23 FINANCE—Action concerning 23 FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE REPORTS—Action concerning... .19, 20 FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE—Committee on 29 GEORGE WASHINGTON CHAPTER, No. 51 45 GRAND CHAPTERS—Directory of 07 GRAND OFFICERS—In attendance 3, 5 GRAND SECRETARY—Annual Report of 11 GRAND TREASURER—Annual Report of 17 GRAND TYLER—Account in favor of, and apnropriation to 23, 25 GREENWOOD CHAPTER, U. D.—Reference to IS Charter granted to 13 Return of Membership 04 GREENWOOD, No. 102 04 G'. W. PERKINS, No.63 50 HIGH PRIESTHOOD—In reference to organization of 19 HOUSTON, No. 23 30 PALO ALTO. No. 53 40 PANOLA, No, 60 4S PAST GRAND OFFICERS—In attendance 3 PATTON, No, 52 46 PATTON, Wm. S,—Appropriation to 25 OFFICERS—Election of 19,22 OKOLONA, No. 27 3S NATCHEZ, No. 1 27 NESHOBA, No. 34 41 NEW ALBANY, No.49 45 MACON, No, 11 32 MAGNOLIA, No. 7. 30 MARSHALL CHAPTER, No. 40—Duplicate Charter granted to IS MARSHALL, No. 40 42 MASONIC LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE—Committee on 26 McCONNICO, No. 96 62 Mcdonald, no.os 63 MERIDIAN, No. 25 37 McCARMEL, No. 50—Failed to make Return 65 LAFAYETTE, No, 33 40 LEXINGTON, No. 9! 91 LOUISVILLE, No. 36 41 KOSCIUSKO, No, 20 95 JACKSON, No, 6 29 JEWEL OF OFFICE—Representatives not required to wear 19 JOHN HEBRON, No. 71 93 QUITMAN, No. 21 95 REPORT OF—Committee on Credentials 7 Grand Secretary 44 to 47 Grand Treasurer 1 < Committee on Chapters U. D.. .. is Committee on Grand Treasurer's Report IS Committee on Foreign Correspondence 11,19 Committee on Unfinished Business 20, 2.> Committee on Address of G.-, ID..P.- 21 Committee on Grand Representatives Committee on Grand Secretary's Report J| Committee on Subordinate Chapters 24 REPRESENT ATIVES-In attendance 4 Of other Grand Chapters 22 RESOLUTION—For issuance of Duplicate Charter to Marshall Chapter No. 18 72 INDEX. RESOLUTION—In reference to Order of High Priesthood 18 Providing for Amendment to Constitution 20 Abridging Foreign Correspondence Reports 20 To furnish Grand Representatives with Proceedings 21 In reference to next Annual Convocation 22 Authorizing the use of Substitutes 25 Endorsing proposed Masonic Tablet ;. 25 Making an Appropriation to Grand Tyler 25 Of thanks to the citizens of Holly Springs 25 Making an Appropriation to Comp. Wm. S. Patton 25 Of thanks to Past Grand H.\ P.*. Chas. T. Bond 25 In reference to Mileage and Per Diem to Grand Officers 25 Allowing Mileage and Per Diem to Comp. Murphy 25 RIENZI, ISTo. 66... 51 RIPLEY, Ho. 48.. 44 ROBINSON, H. C.—Elected Gr. H.\ P.- .♦ 19 R, W.PAYNE, No. 97 .. 62 SALEM, No. 85 58 SCOOBA, No. 70~Failed to make Return 65 SHIELDS,No. 18 : 34 S. H,p JOHNSON, No 57 SHONGALO No. 30, 39 SHUBUTA, No. 59—Failed to makeReturn, 65 STARKVILLE, No. 82 58 STATISTICAL SUMMARY 66 SUBSTITUTES—Action concerning 24,25 SUMMERVILLE, No. 83—Failed to make Return 65 SUMMIT, No. 99 60 TALLAHATCHIE, No- 44 43 TAMPICO, No. 79—Failed to make Return .65 TOOMSUBA,No. 99 63 UNION, No. 37 41 VERONA, No. 47 44 VICKSBURG, No. 3 28 WALKER,No.28..: 38 WALNUT GROVE, No, 75-Organization of 13 WALNUT GROVE, No. 75 55 WARD, No, 73 54 WASHINGTON, No.29 :.... 39 WAYNE,* No. 24 36 W, D. FERRISS, No. 74 54 WEST POINT, No. 95 v 61 WILSON. No. 5 29 WINONA, No. 78 56 WRIGHT, No, 56 47. YAZOO, No. 8 30 , PROCEEDINGS M.'.E.'.GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER at mississippi, 25TH AND 26TH ANNUAL CONVOCATIONS, HELD AT CANTON, February 7 th, 1873, and February 6th 7th, 1874• PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GRAND CHAPTER. COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI: PRINTED AT THE EXCELSIOR BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1874. GRAND OFFICERS—1874- -75. M.-.E.-. George It. Fearn, * - - Canton, * * - Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-. John Y. Murr*, * - - * Ripley, - - - - - D. G. H. Priest. R.-.E.-. B. S. Trice, - - - - - ■> Verona, - - - Grand King. R.-.E.-. It. L. SatjNdErs, * - - - Jackson, - - * - - Grand Scribe. R.-.E.-. Joftft Nelson, - - G. C. erf Host. - G. P. Sojourner. R.\E.\ W. H. wllburn, - - - - Senatobia, - - - G. R. A. Captain. R.-.E.-. Dent H. Miles, - . •» - Saiartia, - - - - G. M. 3d Vail. R.-.E/. Frank Blrkitt, - - ■» - Houston, - " - G. M. 2d Vail. R.-.E.-. M. Levy, - - - - R.-.E.-. A. P. Barry, - - Gr. Treasurer. R.-.E.-. J, L. Power, - - - - Gr. Secretary. M.-.Rev. J. H. Alexander, - - * Kosciusko, - - * - Gr. Chaplain. R.-.E.-. W. H. Carkeet, • - - Natchez, - - - - - Grand Tyler. The next Grand Convocation will be held at the City of Meridian, on the Thursday preceding the Second Monday in February, 1875, INDEX. Addresses, of Grand High Priests 5, 19 Bond, Chas. T., death of announced 5 Cato Chapter, No. 89, allowed 90 days to pay arrearages 32 Chickasaw Chapter, No. 65, allowed to change place of meeting 15 Committees, Standing and Special, 1873, 1874 8, 15, 24, 35 Constitution, proposed Amendment to . 33 Cooper, Richard, death of announced 20 Debt, of Grand Chapter 10, 25 Election of Grand Officers 14, 31 Eearn, Geo. R., address of as G. H. Priest .» 19 re-elected G. H. P 31 Foreign Correspondence, Report on 35 to 47 General Grand Chapter, assessment for dues to 34 Grand Officers, election of 14, 31 Grand Representatives, report concerning 38 Grand Tyler, allowances to 15, 32 Lusher, J. O., death of announced 5 Meridian, selected for next Convocation 33 Mitchell, John H., death of announced 20 Officers for 1873, '74 2, 14, 31 Order of High Priesthood—Organization and proceedings of 79 Panola Chapter, No. 6—L. D. Nickles installed as H. P. of 34 " " " Return of 65 Past Master's Degree—Special Committee on 34 Representatives, at Convocation of 1873 4 " at Convocation of 1874 18 " at other Grand Chapters 7 " from other Grand Chapners • 7, 8 Report of Grand Secretary 8, 24 of Grand Treasurer 13, 29 of Committee "on Dispensations and Charters 14, 32 of Committee on Law and Jurisprudence 14, 32 on organization of Order of High Priesthood 24 of Committee on Finance 30, 31 of Committee on Complaints and Appeals 30 on Address of G. H. P. in reference to proficiency in preceding symbolic degrees 31 on the system of Grand Representatives 34 on Foreign Correspondence 35 to 50 Returns of Jackson, - - No. 1 31 Clinton, " 2 - 51 Yicksburg, " 3 52 Columbus, " 4 52 5 53 .53 .53 Wilson, Jackson, Magnolia, Yazoo, " 8 54 Lexington, " 9 54 Canton, " 19 54 ii Retubnh ot Chapters Continued Macon, - - No 11 i 54 DeWitt Clinton, " 12 55 Euphemia, " 13 55 Fayette, " 14 5(i Carrollton, " 15 56 Wm. H. Wilkinson, " 16 56, 76 Shields, " 18 56 Kosciusko, " 20 57 Raymond, " 22 57 Houston, " 23 57 Meridian, " .25 J 58 Okolona, " 27 58 Walker, " 28 58 Washington, " 29 59 Shongalo, " 31) - 59 Ernorj, " 32 59 Lafayette, " 33 60 Neshoba, " 34 60 Louisville, " 36 60 Union, " 37 60 Marshall, " 40 61 Amite, " 43 62 Tallahatchie, " 44 62 Enterprise, " 45 62 Yerona, " 47 62 Ripley, " 48. 63 New Albany, " 49 63 Mt. Carmel, ' 50 63 Geo. Washington, " 51 64 Patton, " 52 64 Palo Alto, " 53 64 Bethesda, " 55 64 Wright, " 56 65 Baldwyn, " 57 65 Shubuta, u 59 65 Panola, " 60 65 Eureka, ' 61 66 G. W Perkms, " 63 66 Dover, "64 66 Chickasaw, " 65 66 Rienzi, " 66 67 Euclid, " 67 67 Scooba, " 70 67 Dent H. Miles, " 72 68 Ward, " 73 68 W D. Ferriss, " 74 68 Walnut Grove, " 75 69 Corinth, . " 76 69 Crystal Springs, " 77 69 Winona, " 78 70 Brookhaven, " 80 70 S.H.Johnson, " 81 7(1 Starkville, " 82 71 Summerville, " 83 71 Salem, " 85 71 Cato, " 89 72 Summit, " 90 Huntsville, " 91 73 Centre Ridge, " 93 Ill Durant, No. 94... West Point, " 95., McConnico, " 96.. R. W. Paine, " 97.. McDonald, " 98 Toomsuba, " 99 Attala, " 100 . Coffeeville, " 101.: Greenwood, " 102,, Cherry Creek, " 103.. Bluff Springs, " 104 Hudson, " 105.. Retuiinh of Ohafteks— Continued. 7 ....7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Resolution to apportion address of G. H. P 9, 2 Requesting representatives to relinquish mileage 1 Deferring the printing of proceedings of 1873 1 Recognizing Grand Chapters Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1 Selecting Canton for Convocation of 1873 1 Of thanks to the citizens of Canton 15, 3 In reference to printing proceedings 1873,'74 3 Selecting Meridian for Convocation of 1874 3 In reference to Past Master's Degree 3 In reference to Uniformity of Work 3 Robinson, H. C„ address of as G. H. P Statistics, of other Grand Chapters • . 49, 5 " of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi 7 Uniformity of Work, resolution in reference to 3 Washington Chapter, No. 29, allowed to change place of meeting 1 W. D. Ferriss Chapter, No. 74, removal of confirmed 3 Westville Chapter, No. 88, in reference to revival of 2 TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF THE (grand JLopl %xch Chapter of the of Iferapl PROCEEDINGS. At the Twenty-Fifth Annual Grand Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, held in Odd Fellows Hall, in the City of Canton, on Friday, the 7th day of February, A. D. 1873, A. I. 2403, at 10 o'clock, A. M., there were Grand Officers Present: M.-.E.-.H. C. ROBINSON Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-.J. S. JONES Dep. Grand High Priest. R-.E.-.T. C. EVERETT Grand King. R.-.E.-.JOHN T. BUCK Grand Scribe. REV.-.COMP. C. F. GILLESPIE as Grand Chaplain. R.-.E.-.A. P. BARRY Grand Treasurer. R.-.E.-.J. L. POWER Grand Secretary. R.-.E.-.H. DENIO Grand Capt. of the Host. COMP. WM. FRENCH as .Grand Principal Sojourner. COMP. W. G. PAXTON as Grand Royal Arch Captain. COMP. A. J. LEWIS as Grand Master 3d Vail. R.-.E -.DENT H. MILES Grand Master 2d Vail. R.-.E.-.G. A. SPIVEY Grand Master 1st Vail. R.-.E.*.W. H. CARKEET Grand Tyler. ALSO PRESENT: R.-.E.-.Morris Cook Grand Lecturer and Past Dep. G.-.H.-.Priest. M.-.E.-.Wm. D. Ferriss Past Grand High Priest. Wm. S. Patton " " " " R. B. Mayes " " " " Wm. Cochran " " " " Jas. M. Howry " " " " R.-.E.-.Dent H. Miles Past Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-.R. P. Bowen . Past Grand King. Geo. R. Fearn " " " Thos. Hardeman, M " " " John Y. Murry " " " J. H. Mitchell Past Grand Scribe. John A. Galbreath, Sr Past Grand Capt. of the Host. E. Geo. DeLap Past Grand Scribe. J. W. Patty Past Grand R. A. Captain. Frank Moore Past Grand Orator. Thos. S. Gathright '.. Past Grand Orator. J. Jeff. Cooper Past Grand Master 2d Vail. Together with a Constitutional number of Representatives of Subordinate Chapters. 4 The Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present—■ The Most Excellent Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi was opened in Ample Form, with solemn prayer by Acting Grand Chaplain, Com- panion C. F. Gillespie. The Grand High Priest appointed the following Committee on Credentials—Companions P. M. Savery, W. D. Ferriss, J. B. Ellis, who immediately thereafter presented the following Report, which was received and agreed to : To the M.\ E.\ Or and Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned Committee on Credentials, beg leave respectfully to report ' that they find the following Companions present, and entitled to seats in this M.\ E.\ Grand Body, as the Representatives of the Chapters named: NATCHEZ, No. 1—E. Geo. DeLap, P.*. H.\ P.-., and proxy for H.\ P.-. Clinton, No. 2—A. J. Lewis, proxy for King and Scribe. Vicksburg, No. 3—Wm. French, H.*, P.*,; W. G. Paxton, Scribe. Columbus, No. 4—Nelson Reynolds, H.\ P.\ Wilson, No. 5—R. S. Stith, H.\ P.-.; H. W. Walter, P.-. H.-. P.-. Jackson, No. 6—John A. Galbreath, Jr., H.\ P.-. Yazoo, No. 8—H. B. Kidd, P.1. H.\ P.*., and Representative. Canton, No. 10—Geo. R. Fearn, H.\ P.*.; John T. Cameron, P.-. H.\ P.\ Macon, No. 11—J. W. Patty, Kins:, and P.\ H.\ P.-. DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—A. P. Saunders, H.\ P.-. Eufhemia. No. 13—R. B. Brannin, H.\ P.-. Carrollton, No. 15—Wm. Cothran, proxy for H.*. P.*. Kosciusko, No. 20—W. W. Baccus, proxy for H.\ P.*.; D. L. Smythe, proxy for King; David Carr, P.*. H.\ P.-. Wayne, No. 24—J. F. McCormick, H.\ P.-. meridian, No. 25—Wm. S. Patton, proxy for H •. p.'. (This is improper, as he is not a member of Chapter.) Okolona, No. 27—C. N. Simpson, Representative. Walker, No. 28—David A. Kinchloe, H.\ P.-. Washington, No. 29—H. J. Sarrett, King. Shongalo, No. 30—T. C. Everett, H.-. P.-. Lafayette, No. 33—Jas. M. Howry, P.-. G.\ H.\ P.-., proxy for H.\ P.-. Neshoba, No. 34—W. C. Dowd, Representative. Louisville, No. 36—L. Liebenfeld, P.*. H.\ P.\, proxy for H.\ P.*. Marshall, No. 40—A. Webb, H.\ P.-. Amite, No. 42—Elias Safford, Scribe. Verona, No. 47—G. C. Bessonett, Representative. Ripley, No. 48—John Y. Murry, King. New Albany, No. 49—Joel A. Hearne, H.\ P.-. Mount Carmel, No. 50—James A. Bass; Representative. Wright, No. 56—B. R. Chambliss, P.-. H.\ P.-., and Representative. Baldwyn, No. 57—P. M. Savery, P.*. H.\ P.-., and proxy for H.\ P.-.; J. A Thompson, proxy for King; W. D. McWhorter, proxy for Scribe. . Shubuta, No. 59—R. J. McLeod, King. Panola, No. 60—Frank Moore, H.-. P.'. and P.*. H.\ P.\ G. W. Perkins, No. 63—W. G. Elmore, King. Chickasaw, No. 65—G. N. Robuck, H.\ P.-. Rienzi, No. 66—B. F. Williams, Representative.—No Return. Scooba, No. 70—H. C. Robinson, H.\ P.-. Dent PI. Miles, No. 72—Wm. Richards, H.\ P.-. Ward, No. 73—W. H. Wilburn, King; J. S. Jones, P.-. H.-. P.-. Corinth, No. 76—R. J. Fleming, H.\ P.-. W. D. Ferriss, No. 74—W. D. Ferriss, Representative. No Return, Walnut Grove, No. 75—C. F. Gillespie, H.\ P.*. Crystal Springs, No. 77—A. L. Williams, H.\ P.-. Winona, No. 78—G. A. Spivey, H.\ P.-. 5 S. H. Johnson, No. 81—T. J. Catchings, Scribe; Geo. T. Howard, proxy for K., A. P. Barry, proxy for Scribe—the latter (Catchings) leaving before close of Grand Chapter. Summerville, No. 83—Thos. S. Gathright, H.\ P.-. Salem, No. 85—John A. Galbreath, H. P. Huntsville, No. 9—John Crowder, Representative. Durant, No. 94—J. Jeff. Cooper, H.\ P.-. McDonald, No. 98—G. N. Dickerson, Representative. Greenwood, No. 102—W. A. Gillespie, Representative. Fraternally submitted, P. M. SAVERT, WM. D. FERRISS, JAS. B. ELLIS, (?) Committee. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest then read the following ANNUAL ADDRESS: Companions of the Or and Chapter: Another year has passed, and we are permitted by an overruling Providence to meet in Annual Grand Convocation, to legislate for the good of Royal Arch Masons. Death, the great leveler, has removed hence our beloved Companion, P.-. G.\ H.\ P.*. Chas. T. Bond, one of the purest and best of our great lights. "To know him was to love him." Companion J. 0. Lusher, P.-. G.\ H.*. P.*., has also fallen. I recommend that the Grand Chapter give suitable expression of its fraternal regard for their mem- ory. Others may have fallen; if so, let them be remembered. In accordance with your action at the last Convocation, I have appointed Com- panions to represent you near all the Grand Chapters with which we are in cor- respondence. So far as heard from, they have accepted, with a single exception: the Companion appointed to represent you near the Grand Chapter of Ireland declines, because he is not a member of his Grand Chapter, and for the further reason that said Grand Chapter has not adopted the Representative system. In this I think they are right. If you think best to continue the system, I' suggest that you fix the term of office of Grand Representative, as I have acted upon the principle that I have no authority to extend it beyond my own term, although the Commissions are not limited. So far as I know, harmony prevails throughout our jurisdiction; yet I fear that this harmony is not real, but only apparent. The punishment of Masonic offenses is generally left to the Lodges, and if an offender escapes punishment there, he is continued in good standing in his Chapter, no matter what the offence charged; and if he is expelled or suspended by his Lodge and afterward restored, he is continued in full fellowship in his Chapter. If we claim to be higher in degree, should we not also be higher in morality and virtue? I think we should. If I had the power, I would consolidate, not only the Grand Chapter and Coun- cil, in one body, but the whole of Masonry—Symbolic, Capitular and Cryptic— Under one Grand Lodge and Grand Master, in each jurisdiction. As it is, our funds are squandered in costly charters, regalia, high salaries and printing, and Very little left for the destitute brother and the widow and orphans. I-think that no good results from subordination to the General Grand Chapter, and* recommend that steps be taken to dissolve our connection therewith. I recommend that the regulation prohibiting the subordinate Chapters from 6 conferring the P. M. degrees, except on petition for the M. and P. M. degrees, be repealed. A "Worshipful Master elect is entitled to the degree without fee or reward, and the regulation embarrasses officers of Chapters in uniting with Past Masters in conferring it, and results in no good to the Chapters. During the past year I have granted special dispensations, as follows: To Meadville Chapter to resume work, on condition they paid all dues to the Grand Chapter; to Charles Scott Chapter for the same purpose on same condition; and authorized the Grand Secretary to give authority in my name to revive all Chapters on the same condition, where failure to pay dues to Grand Chapter was the sole cause of forfeiture. I have granted special dispensation to Natchez and R. W. Paine Chapters to ballot and confer the degrees out of the usual order; to McDonald Chapter to remove to Ashland, in Benton county; also to Companions Morris Cooke and W. D. Ferriss to confer the Chapter degrees out of the usual order in Chapters lec- tured by them, for the purpose of exemplifying the work. Early in the year I instructed the Grand Secretary to furnish me a statement of the indebtedness of the Grand Chapter and prepare "a memorial to the Grand Lodge, asking the remission of the debt to that Grand Body. That duty has been faithfully performed, and the memorial presented to the Grand Lodge; and the Grand Lodge has generously remitted the debt. Various plans have been suggested for the liquidation of the debts of the Grand Chapter, but all seemed likely to fail. The Chapters refused to amend the Con- stitution vand increase the dues to the Grand Chapter; the members refused to remit their mileage and per diem; anjd the Constitution requires annual Convo- cations. Under these pressing circumstances, I instructed the Grand Secretary, by circular letter, to call the attention of the Chapters to the absolute necessity of adopting some plan to pay the debts, and suggested that if no quorum an- swered to roll-call, I would not call a special Convocation, and we would save the expense of one Convocation, and by that means be able to pay our debts; or, if only a small number attended, the business could be disposed of in a few hours and effect the same object. Companions, if the mileage and per diem is too high, let us reduce it; but do not censure members for receiving whatever the law aHows, even if members are transported at half fare over the railroads. They have generally been the zealous working officers, who have kept up the Lodges and Chapters, and, I think, are fully entitled to what the law allows them. If the printing bills have been extravagant, reduce them, and adopt some rule by which Grand Secretaries shall let out the printing in future so as to prevent a recurrence of exorbitant charges. In a word, let us economize until we get out of debt, and proceed on a sound basis in future. For information as to the financial condition of the Grand "Chapter, I refer you to the reports of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary; and as to the Work and Lectures to Companion Morris Cook, Grand Lecturer, and Companion W. D. Ferriss, his Assistant. They are all efficient officers, and have, no doubt, dis- charged their duties faithfully. Companions, if the good only were received, the erring reformed, the bad expelled without the hope of restoration, our laws aim- plified and rigidly enforced, we would soon flourish and have no cause to complain of non-attendance at our meetings, and only the good would seek to gain admis- sion into our sanctuaries. 7 Companions, my year's work is done—whether well or otherwise, I leave for others to judge. My time has been almost entirely devoted to the duties of an- other office—so much so that I have been unable to visit the subordinate Chapters. May your labors, now and hereafter, result in good to our beloved Order; and may harmony and brotherly love prevail, is the earnest desire of my heart. H. C. ROBINSON, Grand High Priest. REPRESENTATIVES AT OTHER GRAND CHAPTERS. STATE. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. REMARKS. Alabama David Clopton Montgomery Arkansas Luke E. Barber Little Rock California Geo. R. Grimes San Francisco Connecticut Jas. L. Gould Bridgeport Delaware Dan'l C. Godwin.. . Milford Accepted JulylS, 1872. Dist. of Columbia..Albert Pike Washington City.. " " June 30,'72. Florida David Jones Jacksonville Georgia Sam'l G.. Lawrence. Atlanta Accepted July 17, '72. Illinois ' John M. Pearson... Alton Indiana R. J. Chestnutwood.South Bend Iowa Zephaniah C. Luse.Iowa City Accepted Sept. 11, '72. . Kansas Richard R. Rees. ..Leavenworth Kentucky Henry Hudson Louisville Louisiana J. Q. A. Fellows. . .New Orleans Accepted July 4, '72. Maine Joseph P. Gill Lewistown Maryland John L. Yeates Baltimore Massachusetts Chas. W. Moore.. .. Boston Michigan Wm. L. Greenly. .. Adrian Minnesota E. D. P. Porter St. Paul Accepted July 13, '72. Missouri Geo. Frank Gouley. St. Louis Nebraska H. P. Dewell Omaha New Hampshire. ..Dan'l R. Marshall. .Nashua *.. New Jersey M. Higginbotham.. Jersey City s. New York: John W. Simons. ..New York North Carolina E. F. Watson Graham Accepted July 3, '72. Ohio Jacob Graff Cincinnati " June 29,'72. Oregon Geo. A. Eades Salem 1< July 5,'72. Rhode Island Oliver Johnson Providence " July 8,'72. South Carolina Robert S. Bruns. .. Charleston " " 18,'72. Tennessee A. J. Wheeler Memphis Accepted. Texas W. T. Austin Houston Accepted. Vermont Chas. A Miles Brattleboro July 18,'72. Wisconsin Thos. B. Tyler Sparta Pennsylvania John Thomson Philadelphia Virginia John Dove Richmond Canada Henry Robertson Ireland Chas. Walmsley. .. Dublin Declined Nov. 14, '72. REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER GRAND CHAPTERS AT THE GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI, COMMISSIONED DURING 1872. STATE. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. DATE OP COMMISSION. Alabama Geo. R. Fearn Canton June 28, 1872. • Arkansas W. D. Ferriss Pickens Station.. ..July 2, 1872. California Chas. T. Murphy... Durant October 10, 1872. Florida Chas. T. Bond New Albany July 24, 1872. Indiana Thos. Hardeman M.Grenada June 29, 1872. Maryland Dent H. Miles Satartia July 15, 1872. New Jersey A. P. Barry Martinsville August 10, 1872. Ohio J. O. Lusher Hernando September 7, 1872. 8 REPRESENTATIVES COMMISSIONED PRIOR TO 1872. Louisiana Wm. S. Patton Meridian. Minnesota Jas. M. Howry Oxford. Missouri R. B. Mayes Yazoo City. Tennessee Richard Cooper Brandon. Oregon R. B. Mayes • Yazoo City. The Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Texas says that Grand Chapter has not adopted the Representative system. The reading of the Address being concluded, Comp. Walter offered the follow- ing resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, That so much of the Address of the G.*. H.\ Priest as relates to deceased Companions be referred to a Special Committee of three: so much as relates to Representation in sister Grand Chapters, to a like Committee; so much as relates to Punishment for Offenses to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters; so much as refers to the Past Master's Degree to the Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence; so much as relates to Debt, Mileage, and other matters of Finance, to the Committee on Finance; and so much as relates to General Grand Chapter of the United States, to a Special Committee of three. Resolved, That the Address be spread upon the minutes and published with the proceedings of this Convocation. The M.\ E.\ High Priest announced the following STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Complaints and Appeals—W. S. Patton, Geo. R. Fearn, Wm. D. Ferriss. Finance—John Y. Murry, John A. Galbreath, Jr., John Y. Murry. Unfinished Business—David A. Kinchloe, G. A. Spivey, Nelson Reynolds. Subordinate Chapters—John A. Galbreath, Sr., Jas. T. Fant, (?) W. G. Paxton. Visiting Companions—Morris Cook, W. D. Ferriss, H. Denio. Dispensations and Charters—R. B. Mayes, E. C. Bolton, (?) W. C. Dowd. Deceased Companions—H. W. Walter, W. S. Patton, P. M. Savery. Grand Representative System—Thos. S. Gathright, John Y. Murry, R. S. Stith. General Grand Chapter—Thos. Hardeman, (?) J. S. Jones, R. B. Mayes. The following Companions presented their Credentials as Representatives of the Grand Jurisdictions named, and were fraternally received and welcomed as such: R.-.E.-.Geo. R. Fearn, From Grand Chapter of Alabama. M.,.E.-.Wm. D. Ferriss. E.-.Chas. T. Murphy. R.-.E.-.John Y. Murry. . M.-.E.-.Wm. Cothran. E.-.Thos. Hardeman. R.-.E.-.Dent H. Miles. . R.-.E.-.A. P. Barry M.-.E.-.R. B. Mayes Arkansas. California. District of Columbia. Illinois. Indiana. Maryland. New Jersey. Oregon. The Grand Secretary presented his Annual Report and Account Current, which being read, were, on motion, referred to the Finance Committee. GRAND SECRETARY'S ANNUAL REPORT. To the Mr. Er. Or and Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned fraternally submits his Annual Report and Account Current for the past Masonic year. The receipts, from all sources, amount to $3,143.15, of which sum $144.00 was donated by nine Chapters, in accordance with a recommendation to that effect at the last Grand Convocation. This amount was applied exclusively to the widow 9 of late Grand Secretary, Companion Oscar T. Keeler. The amount still due Mrs. Keeler is $125.50. On the 2d March, I transmitted to the several Chapters the proposed Amend- ment to the Constitution, increasing the fee to the Grand Chapter for each Exal- tation to $3.00, and for each member $1.50. Nine Chapters only reported their action—3 for, and 6 against. At the last Grand Convocation the charters of several Chapters were declared forfeited for failure to make Returns and pay dues to the Grand Chapter. Under Dispensations from the Grand High Priest, the following named Chapters have been revived, and charters restored, during the past year: Wm. H. Wilkinson, No. 17, at Woodville. Raymond, No. 22, at Raymond. Meadville, " 86, atMeadville. Chas. Scott, " 36, at Olive Branch. Yerona, " 47, at Yerona. Huntsville, " 91, at Huntsville. Wm. H. Wilkinson, Raymond and Meadville Chapters, paid all claims against them. Charles Scott and Huntsville Chapters were revived conditionally; but have not complied with the conditions, but still continue to meet and transact business. I respectfully recommend that the charters of Charles Scott and Huntsville Chapters be again declared forfeited.* I would also respectfully raise the point where a Chapter has incurred a for- feiture of charter, and where the same has been formally declared forfeited by the Grand Chapter, that the Grand High Priest, in vacation, has not the consti- tutional right to restore the charter. I suggest that this prerogative belongs alone to the Grand Body. A dispensation to resume labor until the next Grand Annual Convocation, is, I submit, as far as the M.\E.\ Grand High Priest can authorize. Among the Chapters in default in my last Report, and which were allowed ninety days for settlement, I have the pleasure of stating that Meridian Chapter, No. 25, Palo Alto " " 53, Walnut Grove " " 75, Corinth " "76, Have made Returns and paid dues. Meridian Chapter, however, still owes a ledger balance of $41.00, besides Returns and dues for 1869. On the 20th *ilt., I received the petition of Companion Hiram Hood, and eight others, accompanied with dimits, for Dispensation to open a Chapter at Cherry Creek, Pontotoc county. I was notified several months since by the M.\E.\ Grand High Priest that such a petition would be forwarded, .and to issue the Dispen- sation accordingly. In view of the fact that it was received so recently, and that the Dispensation would expire before the Companions would have opportunity to organize, and further that the petition is not recommended by the nearest Chapter,, as is required by Sec. 21 of Permanent Regulations, I respectfully refer the petition to the Grand Chapter, with the recommendation that the Regulation referred to be suspended, and that Dispensation be issued. As a matter of record, and as part of this Report, I respectfully submit the following special Circular which was communicated to the Chapters early in De- cember: * Huntsville Chapter settled in full during Grand Convocation. 2 10 SPECIAL CIRCULAR. To the High Priest and Companions of Chapter, No.—■ At the last Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter, it Was my disagreeable duty to report an aggregate indebtedness of nearly five thousand dollars, inclu- ding two notes to the Grand Lodge due since 1860 and 1861, for $1,480.57. I had the honor to suggest a series of propositions for the payment of this indebt- edness, some of which were adopted, but the most material ones did not meet with favor. This indebtedness was created, it may not be improper for me to say, before I entered upon the office of Grand Secretary. It is a most unpleasant duty to be bringing it forward from year to year in the Annual Reports, and the publication theieof furnishes data for unfavorable comment in other jurisdictions. One chief item of the indebtedness consists in an account of $2,335.00 for the reprinting of two volumes of Grand Chapter Proceedings. The Grand Chapter, by a reso- lution, ordered this work to be done, but failed, it seems, to provide the means for payment. Comp. Keeler, and his partner, Comp. J. A. Martin, done the printing at their office in Columbus, and the above is the bill rendered for same. Only a small amount has been paid thereon, and that was advanced by a few Chapters, and since paid back to the Chapters. Comp. Martin, and other creditors of the Grand Chapter need, and ought to have the money justly due them, and the object of this circular is to suggest a mode of early payment. The receipts of the Grand Chapter from all sources for the present year, (de- ducting $146.50 in loans by Chapters, which were paid as fast as received to Mrs. Keeler, on account of salary due Companion Keeler,) amount to $2,995.65. The" Pay-Roll of last Grand Convocation, which was cashed out of this amount, was $2,025.78. The payment of other bills due, and the current expenses of the present year, take up the balance, and leave the Grand Secretary $25.26 for his services for 1872! Now, inasmuch as the mileage and per diem of Representatives amount to about two thousand dollars for each Annual Convocation, and inasmuch as the total income is under three thousand dollars, it is manifest that the debts cannot be paid unless expenses are reduced or the income increased. A plan has been suggested, that there be no session of the Grand Chapter next year, and the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest has been called upon to issue his order accordingly; but while there are constitutional difficulties in the way of such action on the part of our Grand High Priest, and while it will be his duty to order the roll of Chap- ters called on the day appointed, I have reason to believe that Comp. Robinson would understand and appreciate the absence of Representatives. Should a quo- rum of Chapters (three) be represented, the business of the Convocation could be dispatched in a few hours, and with trifling expense. Now, if the Chapters concur in the propriety of the foregoing, they are request- ed to send up the Annual Return and dues as soon after the 27th inst., as prac- ticable; and where the Grand Secretary has information that the Chapter will not be represented at the next Annual Convocation, the amount Of dues received from the Chapter will be set apart towards the payment of the debt. Fraternally, J. L. POWER, Or. Secretary. I have been officially advised by a large number of Chapters of the approval of the foregoing. Others, however, without concurring in the object, expressed their intention to be represented, at the expense of the Chapters, and hence, on the 22d ult., I notified the several Chapters that there would be a stated Convo- cation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter. The present indebtedness of. the Grand Chapter may thus be stated : On re-print of Proceedings ..$2,074.10 Mrs. Keeler 142.80 Natchez Chapter, advance 20.00 Grand Secretary - .. 574.74 Grand Treasurer 412.26 Grand Lodge, (since 1860) 1,480.5? $4,704.47 11 This indebtedness, which cannot be materially diminished under the present system of compensating Representatives, is a serious drawback to the prosperity of the Royal Craft. The debt should be extinguished at once, and policy inau- gurated that will save the G-rand Chapter in future from financial embarrassment. There are about 2,500 names on the rolls of the subordinate Chapters. Let the fee—and the only fee to the Grand Chapter, be 75 cents for each member, which will make a total income of $1,875.00, and then concur in the following resolu- tion adopted by Carrollton Chapter, No. 36: Resolved further, That it should be adopted as a Permanent Regulation that in future Subordinate Chapters shall pay the actual expenses of their delegates to the Grand Chapter. The said Chapter resolved still further, that a general system of economy and retrenchment should be adopted, and to this end that fees and dues should be reduced. If therefore, the fees cannot be increased so a's to provide for the present mile- age rates, I respectfully recommend the adoption of the following as a substitute for Sec. 1, Art. 5: Sec. 1. Every subordinate Chapter shall contribute to this Grand Chapter the sum of seventy-five cents per. annum for every member, an account and return of which, and payment, shall be made at each Annual Convocation. And also, the following, as a substitute for Art. 6 of the Constitution: Sec. —. Representatives of subordinate Chapters shall be allowed and paid by the Chapters they severally represent, their actual expenses incurred in attending the Grand Chapter, and the elected Grand Officers shall be allowed their actual expenses out of the funds of the Grand Chapter, upon an account made out and duly certified by each. And in order that these Amendments, if accepted and ratified, may go into effect as soon as practicable, I submit the following substitute for Art. 7 : Art. 7. All amendments to the Constitution of this Grand Chapter shall be proposed at a regular Convocation, and if received and agreed to, shall be pub- lished and sent to each Chapter for action. The vote of each Chapter shall be transmitted as soon as practicable to the Grand Secretary, who will advise the M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest of the result; and if two-thirds of the Chapters shall ratify the amendment, the same shall be officially promulgated by the Grand High Priest, and shall take effect without further action on the part of the Grand Chapter. I would also respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That in order to the payment of existing indebtedness of the Grand Chapter, the Representatives and Officers present, remit, for this Convocation, the usual allowance of mileage and' per diem. I would again call attention to the following action of the General Grand Chapter at the Triennial Convocation in September, 1871: Resolved, That the State Grand Chapters throughout the jurisdiction, be re- quested to cause to be paid annually to the General Grand Secretary of this General Grand Chapter, the sum of one cent for each Royal Arch Mason borne upon the rolls of their subordinates at the date of their annual reports; the fund so created to be used to defray the necessary expenses of the General Grand Chap- ter; and the General Grand Secretary be .and hereby is instructed to pay the General Grand Treasurer the amounts so collected, and make report thereof at each Triennial Convocation. At the last Grand Convocation, the report of the Finance Committee was adopted to the effect that owing to our financial condition, it was deemed inexpedient to comply with the request of the General Grand Chapter; but I submit that so long as this Grand Chapter is an integral part of the General Grand Chapter, is 12 represented therein, and avails itself of its legislation, that we should strain a point to comply" with the above very moderate assessment. I earnestly recom* mend it. Fraternally submitted, J. L. POWER, Or. Secretary. GEAND SECEETAEY'S ACCOUNT. J. L. Power, Grand Secretary, In 1872. Natchez Clinton Vicksburg "W ilson Magnolia Yazoo Lexington Canton Macon DeWitt Clinton Euphemia Payette Carrollton Shields account with the Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Dr. Chapter, No. 1....Dues 1871 . $51.00 32.00 Quitman Houston Wayne Meridian Okolona Walker Washington Shongalo Emory Lafayette Neshoba Louisville Marshall Amite Tallahatchie Enterprise Verona New Albany Geo. Washington Palo Alto Patton Bethesda Wright Baldwyn Panola Eureka Chickasaw Rienzi Euclid John Hebron Dent H. Miles Ward W. D. Ferriss Walnut Grove Corinth Crystal Springs Corinth Winona Brookhaven S. H. Johnson Starkville Salem Cato . Summit Centre Ridge Durant R. W. Paine 5.... 7.... 8.... 9.... 10.... 11... . 12.... 13.... 14 15.... 93.00 51.00 28.00 30.00 42.00 65.00 23.00 45.00 23.00 26.00 33.00 18....Dues 1869, 1870 and 1871 77.00 20....Dues 1871 51.00 21.... " 17.00 23.... " 58.00 24.... " 18.00 25.... " 55.00 27.... " 21.00 28.... " .. 48.00 29.... " 26.00 30.... " 41.00 32.... " 48.00 33.... " 50.00 34.... " 24.00 36.... " 37.00 .Dues 1868 and 1869 32.00 -Dues 1871 31.00 40.. 42.. 44.. 45.. " 31.00 .Dues 1870 and 1871 40.00 ....Dues 1871 36.00 47.00 51.... 53.... 52.... 55.... 56.... 57.... 60.... 61.... 65.... 42.00 28.00 30.00 56.00 59.00 43.00 22.00 67.... " #.«■ 71.... " , lf>. 72 " 44. 73.... " 41. 74 Dues 1870 51. ".... " 1871 68, 75... .In full to include 1870 100, "....Dues 1871 38, 76.... " 1870 40 77.... " 1871 43 76.... " 1871 34 78.... " 1871 34 80.... " 1871 29 81.... " 1871 52.00 82.... " 1871 24.00 85.... Balance 1870 43.00 " Account of Dues 1871 45.90 89.... Dues 1871 31.00 90.... " 34.00 93....Account of 1871.. 36.00 94.... Dues 1871 33.00 97.... " 13.00 $2,611.90 13 Amount brought forward . $2,611.90 McDonald Chapter, No. 98....Dues 1871 53.00 Toomsuba " " 99 " 39.00 Attala " " 100 On account ; 20.25 Coffeeville " " 101... .Dues 1871 41.00 Greenwood " " 102 " 6.00 C. r. Balfour of late Union " " 19... .Back Dues io.OO Union " " 37 Dues 1871 24.00 Corinth " " 76... .Balance 1870-71 12.50 Starkville " " 82 " " 1.00 Shongalo " " 30.... " " g.00 "Wilkinson " " 16 Back Dues 121.00 Meadville " " 86....Dues 1871 23.00 Raymond " 22.... " 18.00 Palo Alto " " 53.... Dues 1870 10.00 Salem " " 85 On account 1872 50 ADVANCES BY CHAPTERS. North Mt. Pleasant, No. 40 8.50 West Point, " 95 10.00 Walker, " 28 « 19.00 DeWitt Clinton " 12 20.00 Shongalo, " 30 : 20.50 Yazoo, " 8 15.00 Shields, " 18 10.00 Natchez, " 1 24.50 Carrollton, " 15 16.50 Total Receipts. $3,143.15 Cb. By two receipts from Grand Treasurer 3,142.15 Balance to credit of Grand Chapter $1.00 Note.—Jackson Chapter, No. 6, remitted of previous advance $50.00; Columbus Chapter, No. 4, remitted of previous advance $21.00. A communication from the proprietor of Excelsior Job Printing Office, at Co- lumbus, was presented, and pending the reading of the same, by Grand Secretary, on motion the same was referred, together with the claim of said office, and the correspondence of Grand Secretary upon the subject, to a special Committee of three, with full power to investigate and audit the account. The M.\E.\ Grand High Priest appointed as said Committee, Companions T. S. Gathright, N. Reynolds and D. L. Smythe. Companion A. P. Barry presented his Report as Grand Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Finance Committee : GRAND TREASURER'S REPORT. A. P. Barry, Grand Treasurer, In account with Grand Chapter of Mississippi: 1872. Dr. Oct. 4. To amount received from Grand Secretary .$2,025.78 Dec. 18. " " « 1,116.37 To balance due Grand Treasurer. 412.26 Total $3,554.41 1872. Cr. Jan. 18. By balance due Grand Treasurer last Report .$333.71 Oct. 4. " Cash on Pay Roll 1872 2,025,78 Paid Starkville Chapter . 20.00 " Columbus " . 48.00 " J.A.Martin.. 21.00 " Mrs. Keeler 125.50 " Grand Secretary balance on 1871 457.40 « " 1872 25.20 " Printing Proceedings 312.50 " Postage... 16.71 " W. S. Patton, Foreign Correspondence 90.00 Commissions on $3,142.15... 78.55 $3,554.41 Grand ll.-.Ar. Chapter of Mississippi: Above is a correct statement of your funds in my hands for past year, together with vouchers. All of which is respectfully submitted. ' A. P. BARRY. 14 Companion J. M. Howry offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Officers, and the Representatives of Subordinate Chapters, be requested to relinquish the mileage to which they are entitled at the present Convocation, co the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, to relieve it of its pecuniary embarrassments; and that this rule apply to all except those representatives and proxies who were not such in the Grand Lodge, and received no mileage and per diem from that Grand Body. Companion B. F. Williams offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the proceedings of this Convocation of the M.\ E.\ Grand Chapter be printed with the proceedings of next Annual Convocation, and Committees are instructed to report at said next Annual Convocation. Companion H. W. Walter presented the following Report, as Chairman of Committee on Foreign Correspondence, which on motion was received and ordered published with the proceedings.* To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Dispensations and Charters respectfully report that nothing has been presented for their consideration. They therefore beg to be discharged. N Respectfully submitted, R. B. MAYES, W. C. DOWD. To the M.\ E.\ G.m. H.-. P.*. and Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Comps. A. B. Smith, Hiram Hood, J. W. Roberson, J. P. Pitts, W. L. Souter, R. B. Pitts, Thos. J. Babb, W. F. Ausbrurn and R. W. Saddler, accompanied by their respective Dimits, praying permission to organize a new Chapter, would respectfully report that they have examined and find same correct, and would recommend that the prayer be granted. They have also had before them a petition from Mount Carmel R.-. A.-. Chapter No. 50, representing that they are not now able to pay dues to this Grand Chapter for the year 1871, and asking an extension of time. In view of the fact that they are prepared to pay their dues for the year 1872, the Committee would respectfully recommend that the prayer be granted, and that they be allowed until the 1st day of May next to make the said payment. J. A. GALBREATH, W. G. PAXTON, For the Committee. To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The Committee on Complaints and Appeals have the pleasure to report that no appeal has come before them. W. S. PATTON, Chairman. The Grand Chapter proceeded to the election of Officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows: Geo. R. Fearn P. M. Savery .. Deputy Grand High Priest. D. L. Smythe ... Grand King Chas. P. Neilson Wm. French G. A. Spivey J. W. Yeargain C. F. Gillespie Dent H. Miles J. A. Galbreath, jr... W. G. Paxton A. P. Barry J. L. Power W. H. Carkeet The following reports were presented, and were severally adopted: To the M.\ E.\ Grand R.\A.\ Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, have considered many questions of Masonic usage during the year, but as no new principle has been evolved, your Committee do not think it advisable to encumber the proceedings by the publication of their opinions. Respectfully submitted, THOS. S. GATHRIGHT, Ch'n. R. B. MAYES, C. T. MURPHY. To the Mr. E.\ Grand R.~. A.\ Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence to whom was referred that portion of the M.\ E.-. Grand High Priest's address on the subject of dissolving our present connection with the General Grand Chapter of the U. S. ask most respectfully to report that/they deem any *Omitted pursuant to a resolution offered by Comp. Walter at Grand Convocation, 1874. 15 action on that subject at this time, as inexpedient. They do not deem it necessary to discuss the question of power, upon which they entertain serious doubts. The following Amendment to the Constitution of the Grand Chapter, having been offered at last Grand Convocation, and referred to the Subordinate Chapters, was taken up, considered and duly rejected: Amend Art. 5, Sec. 1, so as to read as follows: Sec. 1. Subordinate Chapters shall contribute to this Grand Chapter Three Dollars for each Exaltation, and One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum for every member, an account and return of which, and payment, shall be made at each Annual Convocation. Companion A. P. Barry offered the following Amendment to the Constitution of the Grand Chapter, which was adopted with a view to the reference thereof to the Subordinate Chapters: Amend Article VI, by striking out all after the words "funds of this Grand Chapter," 1st and 2d lines, and insert in lieu thereof "their actual and necessary expenses." Companion E. Geo. DeLap offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Tyler be allowed the sum of Thirty-Five Dollars tor his expenses and services at this Communication of the Grand Chapter. On motion of Companion —, Companion H. W. "Walter was allowed the sum of Eifty Dollars for preparing the Report submitted by him to this Grand Chapter, as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence. Memorials from Subordinate Chapters were presented, and agreed to, as follows: Washington Chapter, No. 29—Asking permission to change place of meeting from Cayuga to Utica, in Hinds county. Chickasaw Chapter, No. 65—Asking permission to remove from Sparta, to Cumberland in Choctaw County. Companion H. W. Walter offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Chapters of Nova Scotia and West Virginia be, and the same are hereby recognized and welcomed into the Brotherhood of Grand Chapters. Companion W. D. Ferris offered the following, which was adopted; Resolved, That the next Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter shall be held in the City of Canton during the first week in February, 1874, immediately following the adjournment of Grand Lodge. Companion J. Y. Murry offered the following, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the cordial thanks of this Grand Chapter are due, and are hereby tendered, to the Companions and citizens of Canton for the very kind and hospitable manner in which the officers and members of this Grand Chapter have been entertained at its present Convocation. The various officers elect of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter were then duly installed into their respective stations and places—M.\ E.\ H. C. Robinson installing his successor, H.\ E.\ Geo. R. Fearn, and the latter installing the other Grand Officers. " The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest appointed the following Committees, to serve until the next Annual Convocation: Masonic Law and Jurisprudence—'T. S. Gathright, C. T. Murphy, R. B. Mayes. Foreign Correspondence—H. W. Walter, E. Geo. DeLap, J. L. Power. No further business appearing, the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, was then closed, in due and Ample Form, after prayer by THOS. S. GATHRIGHT, Ch'n. R. B. MAYES. the M.". Rev. Grand Chaplain. Attest: J. L. Power, Grand Secretary. GEO. R. FEARN, Grand High Priest, 16 I hereby certify that the foregoing pages contain a true and perfect record of the proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi at its Grand Annual Convocation in the City of Canton on February 7th, A. D. 1873. In Witness Whereof, I have here- unto attached my official signature, and the Seal of the Grand Chapter, this 10th day of February, A. D. 1873. Grand Secretary. TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL CONVOCATION. At the Twenty-Sixth Annual Convocation of the M.\E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter op the State op Mississippi, held at Odd-Fellows' Hall, in the city of Canton, on Friday the 6th day of February, A. D. 1874, A. I. 2404, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the following Grand Officers were Present: M.\E.\GEO. R. FEARN Grand High Priest. R.\E.\P. M. SAYERT Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-.D. L. SMYTHE Grand King. R.-.E.-.E. GEO. DeLAP as Grand Scribe. "R. • E.-.WTTiT.TAM FRENCH Grand Captain of the Host. COMP. R. L. SAUNDERS as Grand Principal Sojourner. R.-.E.'.JOHN W. YEARGAIN Grand Royal Arch Captain. R.-.E.-.DENT H. MILES Grand Master 3d Yail. COMP. JOHN S. CAIN as Grand Master 2d Vail. R.-.E.-.W. G. PAXTON Grand Master 1st Vail. REV. COMP. J. H. ALEXANDER as Grand Chaplain. R.-.E.-.A. P. BARRY Grand Treasurer. R.\E.*.J. L. POWER Grand Secretary. R.-.E.-.W. H. CARKEET Grand Tyler. ALSO PRESENT: R.\E.\Morris Cook Grand Lecturer. M.\E.\Wm. D. Ferriss Past Grand High Priest. M.\E.\Wm. S. Patton.; " " " " M.-.E.-.R. B. Mayes " " " " M.-.E/.Jas. M. Howry " " " " M.-.E.-.H. C. Robinson " " " " R.\E.\Benj. Springer . •. Past Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-.J. S. Jones " " " " " R.-.E.-.R. P. Bowen Past Grand King. R.-.E.-.Thos. Hardeman, M " " " R.-.E.*.John Y. Merry " " " R.-.E.-.T. C. Everett " " " R.-.E.-.J. F. Arnold Past Grand Scribe. R.-.E.*.Jno. A. Galbreath, Sr Past Grand Captain of Host. R.-.E.-.Thos. S. Gathright Past Grand Orator. R.-.E.-. Jas. T. Fant Past Grand Royal Arch Captain. R.-.E.-. J. J. Birdsong Past Grand Principal Sojourner. Also, the following Past High Priests, not representing Chapters: Companions E. T. Henry, John Nelson, Nelson Reynolds, J. Peebles, J. T. Cam- eron, R. B. Brannin, S. C. Conley, G. W. Stovall; Together, with a Constitutional number of Representatives of Subordinate Chapters. 3 18 The following were also present as REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER GRAND CHAPTERS: Alabama—M.-.E.-. Geo. R. Fearn. Arkansas—M.-.E.-. Wm. D. Ferriss. California—Comp. Chas. T. Murphy. Indiana—R.-.E.-. Thos. Hardeman M. Louisiana—M.-.E.-. "Wm. S. Patton. Maryland—R.-.E.-. Dent H. Miles. Minnesota—M.-.E.-. James M. Howry. Missouri—M.\E.\ R. B. Mayes. N#ew Jersey—R.-.E.-. A. P. Barry. Oregon—R.-.E.-. R. B. Mayes. The Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present— The M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi was opened ill Atnple Form, with solemn prayer, by Acting Grand Chaplain, Rev, Companion J. H, Alexander. The M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest appointed the following Committee on Credentials—Companions "Wm. D. Ferriss, Frank Burkitt, Isydore Strauss. On motion of Comp. DeLap, the reading of the Minutes of last Grand Convo- cation was dispensed with. The Committee on Credentials submitted the following Report, which, on mo- tion, was received and the Committee continued : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The undersigned Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they find the following Companions entitled to seats in this Grand Body as Representatives of the several Chapters named. Respectfully submitted, W. D. FERRISS, FRANK BURKITT, ISYDORE STRAUSS, Committee. Natchez Chapter, No. 1—E. Geo. DeLap, proxy for H.- P.-. and P.-.H.-.P.-,, and J. Peebles, P.-.H.-.P.-. and proxy for K.-.& S.-. Clinton, No. 2—Robert F. Gordon, H.\P.\ (?) x Vicksburg, No. 3—Wm. French, H.-.P.-., P.H.P. W. G. Paxton, proxy for S.*. Columbus, No. 4—B. A. Vaughan, K.\ Wilson, No. 5—H. H. Fields, H.-.P.-., J. T. Whitehead, proxy for S.\ Jackson, No. 6—I. Strauss, H.-.P.-., R. L. Saunders, K.\, Matt F. Ash, Scribe. Magnolia, No. 7—J. J. Birdsong, H.-.P.-. Yazoo, No. 8—R. B. Mayes, proxy for H.-.P.-., J. C. Young, S.\ Lexington, No. 9—Wm. Eggleston, proxy for H.-.P.-. Canton, No. 10—J. W. Yeargain, H.-.P.-., C. L. Gross, K,-., A. M. Gurley, S.', Macon, No. 11—J. J. Beauchamp, Scribe, and P.-.H.-.P.-. DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—Thos. Hardeman M., K.\ Euphemia, No. 13—S. T. Sykes, proxy for K.\ and S.\ Fayette, No. 14—Henry Key, proxy for H.-.P.-. Carrollton, No. 15—W. M. Stansbury, H.-.P.-. Shields, No. 18—M. R. Fontaine, proxy for H.-.P.-. Kosciusko, No. 20—J. S. Comfort, H.-.P.-. Raymond, No. 22—Geo. C. Porter, K.\ Houston, No. 23—Frank Burkitt, proxy for H.-.P.-., K.\ and S.\ Meridian, No. 25—Wm. S. Patton, proxy for H.-.P.-., M. Lev}-, K.\ Okolona, No. 27—J. S. Cain, proxy for H.-.P,-. Walker, No. 28—D. H. Kinchloe, H.-.P.-. Shongalo, No. 30—T. C. Everett, H.-.P.-. Emory, No 32—C. J. Coleman, H.-.P.-. 19 Lafayette, No. 33—J. M. Howry, Representative. Neshoba, No. 34—W. C. Dowd, Representative. Louisville, No. 36—N. Woodward, proxy for H.-.P.-. Union, No. 37—G. W. Stovall, K.-. Marshall, No. 40—A. Webb, H.-.P.-. Amite, No. 43—Elias Saff'ord, S.\ Enterprise, No. 45—J. A. Andrews, proxy for H.-.P.-. Verona, No. 47—Barney Trice, proxy for H.-.P.-., K.-. and S.\ Ripley, No. 48—M. F. Rogers, proxy for H.-.P.-., J. Y. Murry, proxy for K.\ New Albany, No. 49—Joel A. Hearne, H.-.P.-., 0. G. Mitchell, proxy for K.*. Mt. Carmel, No. 50—J. L. Beavers, proxy for H.-.P.-. Geo. Washington, No. 51—R. P. Bowen, proxy for H.-.P.-. Patton, No. 52—R. McKinley, H.-.P.-. Baldwyn, No. 57—P. M. Saveiy, Representative. Shubuta, No. 59—O. B. Collins, H.-.P.-. Panola, No. 60—L. D. Nickle, H.-.P.-. Eureka, No. 61—D. Mitchell, H.-.P.-. G. W. Perkins, No. 63—J. W. Rutland, H.-.P.-. and P.-.H.-.P.-. Dover, No. 64—A. M. Hicks, P.-.H.-.P.-. and proxy for H.-.P.-. Chickasaw, No. 65—G. N. Robuck, P.-.H.-.P.-. and proxy for H.-.P.-. Rienzi, No. 66—J. F. Arnold, H.-.P.-. Euclid, No. 67—W. P. Bowen, H.-.P.-. Dent H. Miles, No. 73—Wm. Richards, H.-.P.-. and P.-.H.-.P.-. Ward, No. 73—W. A. Embrey, H.-.P.-., W. H. Wilbourn, K.\ W. D. Ferriss, No. 74—W. D. Ferriss, H.-.P.-. Walnut Grove, No. 75—Jas. M. Bradley, Jr., H.-.P.-. Corinth, No. 76—John E. Young, Representative. Crystal Springs, No. 77—A. L. Williams, P.-.H.-.P.-. and Representative. S. H. Johnson, No. 81—J. A. Hull, H.-.P.-. Starkville, No. 82—C. N. Terry, H.-.P.-. and P.-.H.-.P.-. Summerville, No. 83—Thos. S. Gathright, H.-.P.-. Salem, No. 85—John A. Galbreath, H.-.P.-. Summit, No. 90—W. T. Tyler, H.-.P.-. Centre Ridge, No. 93—J. C. Gilbert, K.\ Durant, No. 94—C. T. Murphy, proxy for H.-.P.*. West Point, No. 95—J. H. Shipman, proxy for H.-.P.-. McConnico, No. 96—M. D. L. Stephens, proxy for H.-.P.-. R. W. Payne, No. 97—T. F. Pettus, H.-.P.-. McDonald, No. 98—G. N. Dickerson, S.\ Toomsuba, No. 99—H. D. Cameron, S.\ Attala, No. 100—L. G. W. Harrison, H.-.P.-. Coffeeville, No. 101—W. R. Spencer, proxy for H.-.P.-. The M.-.E.*. Grand High Priest announced the appointment of the following committees : Subordinate Chapters and Chapters Under Dispensation — B. A. Vaughan, C. N. Terry, Henry Key. Finance—E. Geo. DeLap, J. S. Cain, J. A. Hull. Complaints and Appeals—J. J. Beauchamp, J. F. Arnold, O. B. Collins. The M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest read his Annual Address, as follows: ANNUAL ADDRESS: Companions of the Grand Chapter : The hour appointed by law for our Annual Convocation has arrived, and we are again assembled for the dispatch of such business as shall properly come before us. I congratulate you upon being permitted to meet under circumstances so favor- able. Throughout the broad limits of the country, the utmost peace and harmony 20 prevail, with scarcely an interruption; the tidings from the East, the West, the South and the North reveal the gratifying fact that the glorious mission of the Royal Craft is successfully prosecuted, and the principles of a higher and a nobler morality are being each day and year more fully disseminated. While some of our sister Grand Jurisdictions have been visited by the fearful epidemic, we, by the protecting care of the Supreme High Priest have been spared the ravages of the "pestilence that walketh in darkness, and the destruc- tion that wasteth at noonday." Eor these dispensations of His Providence let grateful incense rise from our hearts to the Great I Am, whose dwelling place is beyond the celestial vails in the eternal Heavens. But our congratulations upon this re-union are not unmingled with sorrow, for Death has since we last met summoued two members of this Grand Chapter from the scene of their labor among us. Companion John H. Mitchell, P.*. G.\ S.-« died 21st March, 1873, and Companion Richard Cooper, the 4th January, 1874. Both of these Companions for many years filled the highest position in their respective Lodges and Chapters. Companion Mitchell was in 1868 your Grand Scribe, and at the time of his death filled the important place of D.\ D.\ G.\ M/. in Grand Lodge. Companion Cooper was for two years Grand Master of Masons in this jurisdiction, and in 1867 was your Grand Bang. As long as health and strength permitted both of these Excellent Companions were prompt and regular attendants upon your Annual Convocations, and took efficient part in your delib- erations; and when disease laid upon them his blighting hand, we may well believe that in spirit they were with us, bidding us God-speed in the great work in which we were engaged. While, with humility we bow to the behests of 'Him who doeth all things well—though beyond our comprehension, let us exer- cise the melancholy pleasure of according to their memory, tributes commen- surate with their merit. The record of such of my official acts as are necessary to be submitted to you, will be brief. Dispensations have been issued to the Constitutional number of Companions authorizing them to open and work Royal Arch Chapters at two places, viz: Long Creek, Attala County, and Evansville, Tunica County; a detailed statement of which will be exhibited by your efficient Grand Secretary. I have granted several dispensations for the election of Officers of Chapters, after the Constitu- tional time had passed; in three instances I allowed the ballot to be spread with- out the usual delay, having been first satisfied in each-Case that the petitioner was well known in the community, and for six months last past was a Master Mason; and in one case authorized the ballot to be re-taken, the objection having been removed, and the objector joining in the petition to that effect. In last, I authorized Walnut Grove Chapter, No. 75, to change its place of meeting\from Leaf River to Evon, Perry County; and in December like per- mission was given to W. D. Ferris Chapter, No. 74, authorizing a change from Benton to Deasonville. I suggest that these changes be made permanent. Complaint having been made to me that DeWitt Clinton Chapter had conferred the degrees upon a Master Mason residing within the limits of Carrollton Chapter, No. 15 ; upon investigation I found that the candidate resided nearer to Carrolton Chapter, but the Lodge in which he held membership was situated within the jurisdictional limits of DeWitt Clinton Chapter, and the High Priest 21 holding that the question should be determined by the location of the Lodge, rather than by that of the residence of petitioner, entertained the petition and Upon his election exalted the candidate. There being no controversy as to the facts, I decided that that Chapter had jurisdiction, within whose limits was sit- Uated the residence of the petitioner, and ordered DeWitt Clinton Chapter to pay to Carrollton Chapter the fees received for the degrees. This has been done, and I suggest that no further action be taken in the matter, as the High Priest acted under a misapprehension of the law, and with no intention to violate the established rule of this G-rand Body upon the subject. Application has twice been made to me to authorize one Chapter to confer the degrees upon a M.\ M.\, residing within the jurisdictional limits of another, but they were both refused ; the Gr.\ H.\ Priest having no power to authorize a Chapter to invade the jurisdiction of another. I decided also that a Companion, against whom charges are pending in the Lodge in which he holds membership, is not thereby disqualified from sitting and Voting in the Chapter. At the last meeting in 1873 of Canton Chapter, No. 10, I directed the Secretary not to enter as suspended those members who were twelve months in arrears for dues. I am aware, Companions, that this order or decision is in direct conflict with a regulation of this Grand Chapter. I do not believe that regulation correctly interprets the will of this Grand Chapter; nor is it in my opinion in accord with the spirit of our Institution. It has been held in the Grand Lodge that no Mason shall be deprived of any of his Masonic privileges until an opportunity has been given him to be heard. Is there any good reason why a departure should be had in the Chapter, from a principle which so heartily commends itself to our every sense of justice and Masonic charity. I am no advocate of those who, having the ability, neglect or refuse to pay their just dues ; such men are not fit to be Masons, and should be debarred the privilege of entering our Chapters. But let them be heard—do not proceed against them without notice ; if they neglect their duty, let us not forget ours. I trust these views may meet your approbation, and that you will so alter that section of our regulation that it will no longer be obnoxious because of such objections. I deem it unnecessary to make mention of any other decisions rendered during the year now closing ; but before dismissing this subject, think it my duty to recom- mend a revision of our Regulations. Those now in force are totally inadequate to the wants of the Fraternity, and are in some cases inconsistent, even unintelligi- ble, the result, I fear, of hasty action in the past. It cannot be said "we are too much governed," unless it be by tjie individual opinions of presiding officers unaided by the utterances of the Grand Chapter, and hence in a great degree, there is confusion among the Craft. In some of our sister Grand Chapters, by special enactment, the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge, are made to apply to the Subordinate Chapters, except where inconsistent and inapplicable. With this brief mention of what I consider a matter of deep interest, I leave it with you. I desire to Gall your attention to the fact that at the Annual Convocation in 1872, steps were taken looking to the establishment of the Order of High Priest- hood in this Grand Jurisdiction, and a Committee was raised for that purpose. There has been no report of that Committee, as appears from the proceed- 22 ings; and I invite your attention to the subject, that some disposition may be made of it. I have made no appointment of Representatives to other Grand Chapters, not that I dissapprove of the system, on the contrary it meets my most hearty appro- bation. But this Grand Body has, by the adoption of the report of a Committee at a previous Convocation, making it the duty of the G.\ H.\ Priest to accredit annually, a Representation to every other Grand Chapter with whieh we were in correspondence, placed me in an unpleasant position, and at a loss to know how to proceed. My predecessors had already appointed able representatives to many other Grand Bodies, and to remove them without just cause, seemed to me to be dis- courteous, to re-issue commission to the same Companions involved a useless expense, which this Grand Chapter could but ill afford. I preferred then to wait an expression of opinion from you, and this I hope you will give for the benefit of my successors. I congratulate you sincerely upon the improved condition of your finances. The large indebtedness which for so long a time has embarrassed the Grand Chapter, and which last year, had reached to nearly the sum of five thousand dol- lars, is now reduced to but little more than one thousand. This happy result is due in a great measure to the prompt and favorable action of the delegates to your last Convocation, and a similar concession at this time—which 1 feel assured will be cheerfully granted—will place the Grand Chapter out of debt. This being accomplished, prudence would dictate the inauguration of a policy by which the receipts should at least equal the disbursements, and your Grand Chapter become self-sustaining. How this can be best done, I leave to your wisdom to determine. The rapid manner in which candidates are hurried through the Degrees of Capitular Masonry is a subject which demands your attention. I am informed that there are many cases in which the seven degrees of Symbolic and Capitular Masonry have been conferred upon the same individuals in less than four months. May we not in this great haste to make Masons, see in a great degree, the causes of that indifference and apathy, and I grieve to say, even contempt for their obligation, manifested by so many who claim to be of the Royal Craft. We are told that Masonry is "a system of morality veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols," to arrive at a proper appreciation of its beauties and excellencies, it must be closely studied, and deeply reflected upon. At the building of the Temple of Solomon, not only was the rough stone carefully selected free from aU defect or flaw, but each was required to be so square as to pass the strict scrutiny of the Overseer. And so Companions, in the.erection of the far nobler temple of which we are in part the builders, should we not be as diligent and careful in the selection of the material, and in their forming and fashioning for appropriate places in the edifiee P I very much fear there is too much anxiety and eagerness to add to our num- bers, rather than to our material and substantial strength; too little scrutiny into the character and fitness of the materials offered for our use; and when the selection has been made—when the portals of our Chapters have been opened, and the candidate has crossed the threshold, he fails utterly, to imbibe the glorious principles concealed beneath our beautiful and impressive system of symbols^ from the hasty, hurried and informal manner in whieh they are imparted; they 23 Vnake no impression upon his mind, they find no lodgment in his heart; he sees, but he does not perceive; he hears but he cannot understand ; the ritual degen- erates with him into unintelligible jargon, and he too often leaves the Chapter room, confused, bewildered and disgusted. "What wonder is it that we have among Us so many indifferent, apathetic mem- bers. Can we be surprised that year after year the roll of dimitted and suspended "Masons, so fearfully increases P Can we expect Companions to love and appre- ciate that they cannot comprehend—and how'can they understand except they be properly taught. I commend this subject to your thoughtful consideration. To the Officers of Subordinate Chapters I would say: when a candidate applies, let there be no haste; make the inquiry into his character, standing and qualifications full and complete; permit no improper consideration to induce you to recommend to an association with the Royal Craftsmen any one whose "abilities and knowledge of the preceding degrees you cannot fully vouch for, and whom you do not firmly and confidently believe will conform to the principles of our fraternity, and fulfil the obligations of Royal Arch Masonry," and when the investigation is concluded, and he is admitted, let not his Masonic education and instruction be hurried or neglected, but so explain and impress upon him the solemn and beautiful lessons of Masonry, that they may be indelibly engraven upon his mind and conscience. To this Grand Chapter I recommend less haste, more care and reflection in its deliberations; for surely if the members of this Body in their great anxiety to dispatch business proceed hurriedly and unadvisedly, may not your subordinates be somewhat excused for following your example in the transaction of their affairs. While legislation will not wholly remove the evil to which allusion has just been made, it occurs to me that more good will result from the adoption of a resolution requiring of every candidate for the degrees conferred in the Chapter, suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees, and a L6dg§ membership of at least six months next before the application. Companions, having placed before you an account of my official acts for the past year, and suggested such recommendations as seem to me right and proper, I desire to thank you for the high honor conferred upon me ; and for the uniform courtesy extended me by the Officers of the Grand Chapter, and to the Companions of this Grand Jurisdiction; and to assure you that while I live I shall carry with me the fondest recollection of your confidence, kindness and generosity. "And now, Companions, may you be so guided by the beautiful precepts of Royal Areh Masonry, and governed by its maxims, as never to deviate from the paths of honor and virtue "—may your Grand Chapter become as beautiful as the Temple—peaceful as the Ark—and sacred as the most holy place; may your hearts be pure as the altar—and your conduct acceptable as the offering; may the appro- bation of Heaven be your encouragement—and the testimony of a good conscience your support. May you be endowed with every good and perfect gift while travelling the rugged paths of life, and finally admitted within the veil of Heaven to the full enjoyment of life eternal. GEO. R. FEARN, Grand High Priest. On motion of Companion William French, the Address of M.\E.\ Grand High Priest was received, and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes. 24 On motion of Companion H. W. Walter, it was Resolved, That so much of the Address of the M.\E.\ Grand High Priest as relates to 1st. Deceased Companions—be referred to a Special Committee of three ; 2d. That in reference to Official Acts and Decisions, Rules and Regulations, to a Special Committee of three; 3d. That in reference to Grand Representatives, to a Special Committee of three; 4th. That in reference to Finance, to the Committee on Finance; 5th. That in reference to Qualification and Proficiency of Candidates, and to the manner of conferring the degrees, to a Special Committee of three. Whereupon, the M.\E.\ Grand High Priest appointed.the following SPECIAL COMMITTEES: On Deceased Companions—R. B. Mayes, R. P. Bowen, J. S. Cain. Rules and Regulations—J. F. Arnold, I. Strauss, W. M. Stansbury. Grand Representatives—H. W. Walter, Jno. A. Galbreath, Sr., Thos. Har- deman M. Qualifications and Proficiency of Candidates—W. D. Ferriss, Morris Cook, R. B. Brannin. ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD. The following Report was presented and adopted: To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee to whom were referred the resolutions presented at your Twenty-fourth An- nual Convocation, by Companion J. F. Arnold, with reference to the organization of a permanent Order of High Priesthood, respectfully report that they found it impossible, during the hurry of business at that Convocation, to consult and deliberate upon the subject as its importance de- mands; but having now carefully considered the subject, they respectfully recommend the adop- tion of the resolutions referred to them, and that they be carried into effect at this Convocation. Respectfully submitted, J. M. HOWRY, W. D. FERRISS, W. S. PATTON, Committee. The Grand Secretary read his Annual Report and submitted his Account Cur- rent. On motion of Companion Arnold, the same were received, and referred to the Committees on Finance and Subordinate Chapters. GRAND SECRETARY'S ANNUAL REPORT. To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: I beg leave to submit my Fourth Annual Report as Grand Secretary. On the 7th February last, by authority of this Grand Body, I issued a Dispen- sation for the formation of a new Chapter, at Cherry Creek, Pontotoc county, styled Cherry Creek Chapter, Companion H. Hood, as High Priest, J. T. Pitt's, as King, and A. B. Smythe, as Scribe, and a constitutional number of other Com- panions. On the 27th May, by authority of the Grand High Priest, I issued a Dispen- sation for the formation of a new Chapter at Long Creek, Attala county, styled Bluff Springs Chapter, Companion F. M. Glass, as H.*.P.\, L. S. Terry, K.\, J. C. Ashley, S.\ On the 6th September, by same authority, I issued a Dispensation for the for- mation of a new Chapter at Evansville, Tunica county, styled Hudson Chapter, C. A. Marshall, as H.-.P.-., A. T. Hudson, as K.\, Jeptha Evans, Scribe. The petitions of these Chapters for a charter from this Grand Body are here- with presented. 25 On the 25th August, I transmitted to the several Chapters, the Amendment proposed at the last Grand Convocation, by Companion Barry, to so change Ar-. ticle VI of the Constitution as that Representatives shall be allowed " their actual and necessary expenses," instead of a fixed rate for mileage and per diem. I also gave notice that final action would be taken thereon at this Grand Con- vocation. In obedience to the action of last Grand Chapter, its Proceedings were not pub- lished. I have had many inquiries from this and other jurisdictions for our usual Annual Report, to all which there was but one reply—our as yet embarrassed financial condition. During the past month I received many applications from Companion Secretaries for the Annual Return of the previous year, or a copy thereof, to aid in the preparation of the Return for 1873—they having heretofore mainly relied upon the Return as printed with the Proceedings. THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF GRAND CHAPTER. The total receipts for 1873, from all sourees, amount to $3,030.75, as will be seen by the Account Current and receipts from Grand Treasurer herewith sub- mitted. The total indebtedness at the commencement of last Convocation, was estima- ced at the sum of $4,704.47. Of the items embraced in that amount, the following have been satisfied or paid during the past year: Remission by Grand Lodge of amount due tbat Body.... .... .... $1,480.57 Payments to Comp. J. A. Martin, on account of claim for Grand Chap- ter Reprint ........ .... 1,600.00 Paid Mrs. Keeler, in full of balance on salary due Comp. O. T. Keeler. 105.30 Grand Secretary, balance on salary for 1872 .... . 574.74 Total $3,760.61 PRESENT DEBT. Balance due Comp. J. A. Martin, to January 31, 1874 $810.00 Due Grand Treasurer to February 1, 1873 412.26 " " " commissions on receipts 1873 76.77 " " Secretary, balance on 1873 420.29 " Natchez and DeWitt Clinton Chapters, loans to Grand Chapter. .. 40.00 $1,759.32 By a statement accompanying this Report, it will be seen that there are Annual Dues and Ledger balances due from Subordinate Chapters to the amount of $1,212.55. To the extent that the same can be collected, will the above debt of $1,759.32 be reduced. Additional legislation seems to be necessary in reference to delinquent Chapters. The present regulation is, that " every Chapter failing to be represented, make returns and pay its dues to the Grand Chapter, for two years in succession, shall forfeit its charter." It will thus be seen that it is necessary that there shall be three distinct delinquencies before the charter becomes forfeited. In lieu of the foregoing, I would respectfully submit the following: Sec 48. Every Subordinate Chapter failing to make return and pay dues for the year preceding the Annual Grand Convocation shall not be entitled to repre- sentation in the Grand Chapter; and if said Chapter fails to make return and pay dues within ninety days aftefr the adjournment of Grand Chapter, it shall k26 thereby be suspended from working; and if it fails within ninety days thereafter to comply, after being first duly notified by Grand Secretary, its charter shall be 'thereby forfeited. In reference to balances now due by Subordinate Chapters, I would recommend that some action be adopted that shall insure their settlement within a reasonable time. Some of the larger amounts are due from Chapters that are in a languish- ing condition Estimating the amount that may be realized from Chapters in arrears, at say $700.00, and supposing an excess of receipts over expenditures for the present year, it is reasonable to presume that the existing debt can be discharged during the present year. This improved condition of our finances is due to the liberal act of the Grand Lodge in remitting an ante bellum loan, and to the Representa- tives at last Grand Convocation, in declining, with few exceptions, their consti- tutional allowance of mileage and per diem. The present allowance of mileage absorbs two-thirds of the innual receipts in the event of a full representation ot Chapters, and the necessity of making the one in due proportion to the other, is respectfully urged. The Committee appointed at the last Grand Convocation to audit and settle the claim of Companion J. A Martin against the Grand Chapter, met in May last The Report of Companion Gathright, Chairman of the Committee, is herewith submitted. The amount found to be due to June 1st, 1873, was $2,382.03. I immediately drew a warrant for $1,000.00, and subsequently for $100.00, as payments thereon. The amount still due is $810.00. I herewith submit a communication from Mrs. Amanda H. Meek, in reference to an appropiiation made by this Grand Chapter to the family of her father, Past Grand Lecturer, Thos. J. Hawkins. The statements contained in this communi- cation are supported by the records of the Grand Chapter. It appears that at the Annual Convocation in 1854, the Grand High Priest, after calling Attention to the decease of Companion Hawkins, " who for six sue- cessive years had ably, faithfully and zealously discharged the duties of Grand Lecturer of this Grand Chapter," stated that the family were in dependant cir- eumstances, aud that " their claims to the care and protection of the Grand Chap- ter would be the more readily acknowledged, when it was known that he had appropriated the earnings of several years to erecting a comfortable residence, which was destroyed by fire as soon as finished." The Grand High Priest there- fore suggested the occasion as "a fit opportunity tor a practical illustration ot the cardinal principles of our institution." Accordingly, a Committee to whom this subject was referred, recommended an appropriation of five hundied dollars, and that Companions L. Y. Dixon and Jno T. Hull be a Committee " to take charge of the fund and appropriate it for the purpose specified, in any manner which to them may seem most proper and bene- fic.ial to said family." The Committee loaned the amount to Mr. Jas. H. Bowman, who paid interest on same until 1863. In the meantime Mrs. Hawkins applied for the principal, having an opportunity for good investment. Mr. Bowman informs me that he paid the amount to Comp. T. W. Caskey, who turned it over to Grand Treasurer, Comp. B. S. Tappan, and in his Report, made to Grand Chapter January 1864, is the following item: " I also annex a special account, showing a balance in favor of the Grand Chap- 27 ter of $500.00, the interest of which is to be appropriated for the benefit of Mrs. Hawkins' family. I have been unable to loan the money out." Mrs. Meek being the only member of the family who needs or claims the amount thus appropriated, I would recommend that the claim be recognized by the Grand Chapter, and that the principal, without interest, be paid in such instalments as the finances of the Grand Chapter may warrant. It will be a timely aid to her, in her efforts to support and educate her children. On the 24th ult., I received the charter of Quitman Chapter, No. 21, Her- nando, which was returned by order of Grand High Priest. On the 17th October^ I made a formal demand for the return of the charter of Chas. Scott Chapter, No. 35, which this (5rand Body had declared forfeited. This demand was made after due correspondence with Grand High Priest, • and by his special authority. No attention was paid to communication, if received. N Brandon Chapter, No. 69, has ceased to exist. There has been no meeting for two years. The whole number of working Chapters in the jurisdiction, is 81 chartered, and three Under Dispensation. The general condition of Capitular Masonry in our Jurisdiction may be esti- mated by the following summary from the Returns of 69 Chapters, received to date. It is to be regretted that less than one-third of the Secretaries complied with the Regulation to have the Annual Return at Grand Secretary's Office by 10th January. As far as Returns were received to 31st January, they were care- fully examined, and corrected where necessary: gains: Exaltations .... .... .... .. 126 Affiliations 31 Reinstatements.... ..... 88—245 dosses: Dimissions .103 Deaths 46 Suspended for non-payment of dues 187 " " Unmasonic conduct 5 Expulsions 4—345 Total membership in — Chapters reporting 2,030 " ' Dues of same . , $2,405.00 Fraternally submitted, J. L. POWER, Canton, Feb. 5th, 1874. Grand Secretary. GRAND SECRETARY'S ACCOUNT. J. L. Powek, Grand Secretary, In account with the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi : 1878. Dk. Natchez Chapter, No. I....Dues 1872 Clinton " Vickshurg " Columbus " Wilson " Jackson Magnolia it Canton " DeWitt Clinton. Euphemia Fayette Carrollton 2 " 56.00 3.... " - 81.00 4....Balance 37.00 5....Dues 1872 65,00 6 " 58.00 7.... " 27.00 " Balance on 1871 1.00 10....Dues 1872 52.00 11.... " 32.00 12.... " 44.00 13 " * ............... 49.00 14.... " 24.00 15.... " 38.00 644.00 28 Amount brought forward W.H.Wilkinson Chapter No. 16... Shields Kosciusko Raymond Wayne Meridian Okolona Walker Washington Shongalo Emory Lafayette Neshoba Louisville Union Marshall Amite Tallahatchie . Verona Ripley New Albany Mt. Carmel Wright Baldwyn- Shubufa Panola G. W. Perkins Dover Chickasaw Rienzi Euclid Scooba Dent H. Miles Ward W. D. Ferriss Walnut Grove Corinth Crystal Springs Winona Brookhaven S. H. Johnson Starkville Summerville Summit Huntsville Durant McConnico R. W. Paine McDonald Attala Coffeeville Greenwood Cherry Creek Hudson 22... 24.., 25.. 27.., 28.. 29.. 33... 34... 36... 37... 40... 42... 44... 47... 48... 49... 50... 56... 57... 60... 63... 64.'.'.' 65... 66... 67... 70... 72... 73... 74... 75... 76... 77... 78... 80... 81... 91... 94... 96... 97... 100.'.'! 101... 102... U. D... U. D... $644.00 Dues *1872''. 55.00 54.00 « 24.00 « 26.00 « 32.00 44.00 57.00 « 29.00 « 39.00 " 74.00 51.00 « 21.00 39.00 25.00 » « 56.00 33.00 « 32.00 35.00 43.00 39.00 21.00 23.00 31.00 23.00 19.00 27.00 17.00 26.00 22.00 24.00 47.00 33.00 Dues 1871 and 1872 45.00 " 1872 36.00 65.00 Dues 1872 in part 33.00 " 30.75 " 1872 51.00 " 1872 and balance 48.00 1871 1872 1871 1872 1872. 36.00 23.00 38.00 47.00 23.00 22.06 32.00 " 1872 " 1872 " 1872 " 1871 " 1872 " In full 76.00 " 1872 61.00 " 1872 57.00 " 1872 31.00 " 1872 43.00 " 1872 28.00 " 1872 48.00 " 40.00 Dispensation fee 90.00 90.00 Companion E. M. Alexander, of late Byhalia Chapter, No. 68, back dues 3.00 Companion B. A. Beeson, of late Monticello " " 92, " 4.00 Bluif Springs Chapter, U. D., Dispensation fee. (Not received.) 90.00 Total receipts $3,030.75 Cb. By receipts from Grand Treasurer, herewith filed $3,030.75 Respectfully submitted, J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. STATEMENT OF CHAPTERS IN ARREARS FOR ANNUAL RETURNS, DUES AND LEDGER BALANCES. Vicksburg Jackson Yazoo Lexington Canton Macon Euphemia Fayette Chapter, No. 3.. •' 6.. 10... 11... 13... 14... Balance on dues of 1870 3.00 Ledger balance to date 7.50 Deficit on dues of 1870, 1871 and 1872 6.00 Dues of 1872, less $1.00 to credit 44.00 Deficit on dues of 1870 and 1871 3.00 " « " 1870 1.00 " " « 1870 and 1872 10.00 " " " " " 10.00 84.50 29- Amount brought forward.. Carrollton Chap Shields Kosciusko Quitman Houston Wayne Meridian Okolona Walker Washington Lafayette Neshoba Louisville Union Amite Enterprise Verona New Albany Mt. Carmel Geo. Washington Patton Palo Alto < $84.50 .Deficit on dues of 1870 1.00 " " " 1872 1.00 " " " 1870 and 1872 18.00 " " " 1872 " " " 1870 and 1871 3.00 .Dues of 1872 34.00 .Ledger balance to date 10.00 " " to 1867 41.00 " " since 5.00 .Deficit on dues 1871 and 1872 7.00 .Ledger balance to 1868 75 .No Returns or Dues for 1869 or 1870 .Ledger balance to date 2.00 .Deficit on dues of 1870 and 1871 9.00 . Ledger balances to date 8.00 " " " 5.00 .Deficit on dues of 1871 and 1872 10.00 " 1870 and 1871..-. 3.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1872 .Deficit on dues of 1872 17.00 1871 1.00 " 1870 10.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1871 .Ledger balance to 1871 25.70 .No Returns or Dues for 1872 .Balance to 1871 16.00 .Dues 1872 28.00 .Deficit on dues of 1870 3.00 .No Return or Dues for 1872 .Deficit on dues 1871 and 1872 2.00 " 1872 46.00 .Ledger balance to date 30.00 .Deficit on dues of 1870 and 1871 4.00 .Dues of 1871 41.00 .Deficit on dues of other years 10.00 .Dues 1871 28.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1872 (Dead) Baldwyn Eureka v Dover Rienzi Euclid Brandon John Hebron W. D. Eerriss Walnut Grove Corinth Tampico Brookhaven S. H. Johnson Starkville Salem Meadville Cato Centre Ridge Durant West Point McConnico Robert W. Paine McDonald Toomsuba Attala Total ascertained balances due Estimated dues of Chapters failing to make Returns 845.00 Total due Grand Chapter $1,212.55 Respectfully submitted, J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. REPORT OE GRAND TREASURER. The R.-.E.'. G-rand Treasurer submitted his Annual Report, as follows: A. P. Barky, Grand Treasurer, ! on dues of 1872 27.00 " " " 5.25 .Balance to 1871, inclusive 22.00 .Deficit on dues of 1872.1 10.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1871 or 1872. .Deficit on dues of 1871 and 1872 _ 2.00 " 1870 2.00 " « 1871 1.00 1872 36.00 .Balance due to date .157.60 .No Returns or Dues for 1872. .Deficit on dues 1871 8.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1872. .Balance to 1871, inclusive 9.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1872. .Deficit on dues of 1871 2.00 1870 1.00 .No Returns or Dues for 1871 or 1872. .Deficit on dues of 1870 3.00 .Dues of 1871 55.00 .Deficit on dues 1870 and 1871 5.00 " " 1870 1.00 " " 1870 1.00 " 1870 4.75 1873. Feb'y- In account with Grand Chapter of Mississippi: DR. To amount received from Grand Secretary $2,811.84 30 Dec'r. 1873. Ck. Feb'y. By balance due Grand Treasurer as per last Report $412.26 " amount paid Grand Secretary, balance salary 1872 574.74 " Excelsior Office » 1,500.00 " " " 100.00 " Mrs. Keeler 105.30 Pay Roll 1873 481.80 " Committee Foreign Correspondence 50.00 " Commissions on $2,811.84 . 70.29 $3,294.39 B alance due Qrand Treasurer 482.55 Mr.Er. Grand Rr.Ar. Chapter of Mississippi: Above is a correet statement of your funds in my hands for past year, together with vouchers. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. P. BARRY, Gr. Treasurer. On motion of Companion Walter, the Report was received and referred to the Committee on Finance.' Companion W. D. Ferriss offered the following, which was laid on the tahle for the present: Resolved', That the next Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter shall be held at the city of on Wednesday after the third Monday of January next, at 12 o'clock, M. The Grand Chapter at 1^ o'clock, P. M., was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock, P. M. THREE O'CLOCK, P. M. The Grand Chapter resumed labor. Companion H. W. Walter, as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Corres- pondence, presented and read his Report. On motion of Companion Wm. French, the Report was received, and ordered to be printed with the proceedings. Companion Thos. S. Gathright offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That Summerville R. A. Chapter, No. 33, be permitted to remove to Shuqualak, Noxubee County, Miss.; retaining the same name and number, and its original jurisdiction. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest appointed Companion A. H. Barkley to fill a temporary vacancy in the Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence. The Committee on Finance submitted the following Report, which was received and adopted: To the Mr. Er. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The Committee on Finance have considered the several matters referred to it, and beg leave to report: That they find the Accounts of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer correct, and sus- tained by proper vouchers. In reference to balances due by Chapters, we recommend that an indulgence of ninety days be granted to all delinquent Chapters, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to ijotify all Chapters in arrear of the balances due, and demand an early settlement of same. We recommend that in view of the as yet embarrassed condition of the Grand Chapter, and the necessity and duty of relieving the Grand Body from debt, that the Representatives in attendance, and especially such as received per diem and mileage from Grand Lodge, be requested to remit so much thereof as may be in excess of actual expenses for attendance. Your Committee further recommend that the claim presented by Mrs. Meek, daughter of Past Grand Lecturer Thos. J. Hawkins, deceased, be recognized, and that the Grand Treasurer be authorized to make payments upon the same in such sums, and at such times as the ability of the Grand Treasury may warrant. E. GEO. DELAP, J. S. CAIN, For Committee. The Committee on Complaints and Appeals submitted the following Report, which was received and adopted: To the Mr. Er. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The Committee on Complaints and Appeals in the case of Companion A. Rollins, an expelled member of the Clinton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 10, applying to be reinstated as a member in the same upon his own application and that of said Chapter. Your Committee, after considers- tion of the premises respectfully submit the following report: Resolved, That the request of Clinton Royal Arch Chapter to reinstate Companion A. Rollins, in said Chapter is hereby granted and the same is authorized by this Grand-Chapter. J. F. ARNOLD, Chairman of Com. 81 Companion 0. B. Collins offered the following resolution, which was unani* mously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks ot this Grand Chapter are due and are hereby tendered to the citizens and the Masonic fraternity of Canton, for the courtesies and hospitality extended to its members during this Grand Convocation. Companion J. F. Arnold offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Chapter proceed instanter to the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year. The M.\ E.-. Grand High Priest appointed as Tellers, Companions John Y. Murry, N. Reynolds, and M. F. Rogers. GRAND OFFICERS ELECTED : Companion Geo. R. Fearn was re-elected to the office of Grand High Priest. Companion John Y. Murry was elected to the office of Deputy Grand High Priest. Companion B. S. Trice was elected to the office'of Grand King. Companion R. L. Saunders was elected to the office of Grand Scribe. Companion John Nelson was elected to the office of Grand Captain of the Host. Companion O. B. Collins was elected to the office of Grand Principal Sojourner. Companion W. H. Wilburn was elected to the office of Grand Royal Arch Captain. Pending the election, the Grand Chapter was called to refreshment until o'clock, P. M. o'clock, f. m. The Grand Chapter was called to labor, and resumed the election of Grand Officers. Companion Dent H. Miles was elected to the office of Grand Master of the Third Vail. Companion Frank Burkitt was elected to the office of Grand Master of the Second Vail. Companion M. Levy was elected to the office of Grand Master of the First Vail. Companion A. P. Barry was re-elected to the office of Grand Treasurer. Companion J. L. Power was re-elected to the office of Grand Secretary. Rev. Companion J. H. Alexander was elected to the office of Grand Chaplain. Companion W. H. Carkeet was re-elected to the office of Grand Tyler. The Committee on Finance presented the following additional Report, which was received and adopted : To the M.\ Er. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Finance Committee to whom was referred the report of the Grand Treasurer, respect- fully submit, that they have carefully examined the same and find it correct. We also find that there has been a balance due that officer each year since 1870 up to and including 1874, as follows, to-wit: 1870, $191.48; 1871, $263.58; 1872, $333.71; 1873, $412.50; 1874, $482.55; and we are of the opinion that simple justice demands the payment to that Officer of a reasonable interest on the money advanced to this Grand Chapter by him, and we therefore recommend that the sum of one hnndred and thirty-four dollars and seventy cents be allowed the Grand Treasurer for that account, making the balance due him $617.25. In this conneotion your Committee take occasion to congratulate the Grand Chapter upon the possession of officers of so much zeal and faithfulness as characterize Companions Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder, evidenced by the first in paying warrants upon the Grand Treasury, out of his own funds, and the latter by the manner in which he has engineered this Grand Chapter through the shoals of bankruptcy. All of which is respectfully submitted. . E. GEO. DELAP. Companion J. F. Arnold, from a Special Committee on Address of M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, submitted the following Report: To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter : Your Special Committee to whom was referred that part of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest's Address relating to the rapid manner in which Candidates are hurried through the degrees, has had the same under consideration, and would heg leave to report that we endorse the recom- mendation of our M.-. E.-. Grand High Priest, requiring candidates for the Chapter Degrees to have been in membership in a Blue Lodge for at least six months preceding the conferring of the said" Chapter Degrees, and not then unless they have made suitable proficiency in all the preceding Symbolic Degrees, to be determined by an examination in relation thereto prior to receiving said Chapter Degrees. j F ARN0LDj Chairman. 32 The Committee on Chapters Under Dispensation, submitted the following- Report, which was received and adopted : To the Mr. Er. Grand Rr. Ar. Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Subordinate Chapters report they have examined the petition, work and records of Cherry Creek and Hudson Chapters Under Dispensations, and while we find some want of due form in work and records, yet upon thorough examination and inquiry we find very good material in both these Chapters Under Dispensation, and know from inquiry that the Officers and Companions have already taken proper steps to procure instruction from Grand Officers of this Grand Chapter, in the work and records; and we therefore recommend the Charters applied for be granted, to Cherry Creek Chapter, No. , and Hudson Chapter, No. . Your Committee have examined the petition for Charter, together with the work, and records of Bluff Springs Royal Arch Chapter, No. , Under Dispensation, and find them in compliance with the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Grand-Chapter of the State of Mississippi, and do recommend the granting of the Charter as prayed for. B. A. VAUGHAN, C. N. TERRY, HENRY KEY, Committee., The same Committee, having considered the memorial of certain Companions of Cato Chapter, No. 89, for indulgence in the payment of two years' dues, recommend that said Chapter be allowed ninety days within which to pay arrearages, and that on payment thereof said Chapter be revived, which was agreed to. The same Committee submitted the following Report, which was received and agreed to: To the Mr. Er. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: Your Committee on Subordinate Chapters, to whom was referred so much of the Grand Secretary's report relative to the non-payment of dues, from Chapters in this jurisdiction, beg leave to report, that the Grand Chapter having acted upon the suggestion of the Grand Secretary, referred to your Committee, when considering the report of the Committee on Finance, askto be discharged from its further consideration. B. A. VAUGHAN, HENRY KEY, Committee. Companion T. C. Everett offered the following, which was adopted: Whebeas, The Masonic Hall at Vaiden, belonging in part to Shongalo Royal Arch Chapter, No. 30, was, on the night of 27th March last, destroyed by fire, with all its contents, and being a total loss to Shongalo Chapter, therefore Resolved, That the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi remit the dues of Shongalo Chap- ter to this Grand Chapter for the year 1873. The Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence submitted the following Report, which was received and adopted: To the Mr. Er. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, to which that portion of the Most Excellent High Priest's Address was referred, which relates to his "direction to the Secretary of Canton Chapter, No. 10, not to enter as suspended those members who were twelve months in arrears for dues," have had the same under consideration, and are clearly of the opinion that the direction of the Most Excellent High Priest and his views touching the hardship which the exercise of the laws of this Grand Chapter, would work to Companions in arrears, are perfectly in accord with the will of this Grand Body, and your Committee would recommend that the regulation governing dues be so altered as to conform to the regulation adopted by the Lodge. Respectfully submitted, R. B. MAYES, A. H. BARKLEY, Committee. The Grand Chapter was called to refreshment until to-morrow morning, o'clook. Second Day. Saturday, Feb. 7th, 1874, 8^ o'clock, A. M. The Grand Chapter resumed labor. . On motion of Companion E. Geo. DeLap, the consideration of the proposed. amendment to the Constitution in reference to expenses of Representatives for attendance on Grand Chapter, was postponed until the next Annual Convocation; An account of the Grand Tyler for fuel, lights, servant hire, etc., amounting to $11.25, was presented, and on motion the same was allowed. On motion of Companion J. S. Jones, the Grand Tyler was allowed the sum of twenty-five dollars for personal services. 88 On motion of Companion R. F. Gordon, the question of the time and place of the next Annual Convocation was referred to a Select Committee. The M.-.E;*. Grand High Priest appointed as said Committee, Companions R. F. Gordon, P. M. Savery, "William Richards. Companion B. A. Vaughan presented a proposition from Companion J. A. Mar- tin, of Columbus, in reference to amount due him, and the printing of the Pro- ceedingsof Grand Chapter, which having been read, Companion Vaughan offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the proposal of Companion Martin, relative to the extinguishing of an interest bearing debt of this Grand Chapter, due Companion J.A.Martin, together with proposal to print Proceedings of 1873 and 1874 of this Grand Chapter, be referred to a Committee of three, one of whom shall be the Grand Treasurer. The M.\E.\ Grand High Priest (subsequently) appointed as the Select Commit- tee to consider the foregoing, Comps. A. P. Barry, J. L. Power, Frank Burkitt. Companion H. W. Walter offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That in printing the Proceedings of this Grand Convocation, the Grand Secretary shall also print with the Returns for 1873, a list of the officers, exaltations, affiliations, dimis- sions, suspensions, expulsions and deaths, for 1872, as were reported to the last Grand Chapter. Companion W. D. Ferriss offered the following Amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted with a view to its reference to the Subordinate Chapters: Resolved, That Article III of the Constitution of this Grand Chapter, be amended by striking out the words " at such time and place" and inserting in lieu thereof, " at the town of , at. such time," so as to read " The annual meetings of this Grand Chapter shall be held at the town of , at such time as may be directed at the previous Convocationand that the blank be filled by inserting the name of the place of meeting after the adoption of the proposed amendment. On motion of Companion T. S. Gathright, the action taken in reference to the removal of Summerville Chapter, No. 83, to Shuqualak, was reconsidered. A communication from the widow of Past Grand Tyler, Almon Robbins, was read. On motion of Companion R. L. Saunders, said communication was referred to Jackson Chapter, No. 6. TIME AND PEACE OF NEXT CONVOCATION. The following Report was presented and received : To the Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The undersigned Commiteee on time and place of next Annual Grand Convocation, respect- fully submit the following Report: That it is deemed expedient that this Grand Chapter, Grand Council and Grand Commandery should convene at the same place and during the same week; therefore • Resolved, That the next Annual Grand Convocation of the Grand Chapter shall be held at Vicksburg, on the first Monday of May, 1875, at 12 M. R. E. GORDON, WM. RICHARDS, P. M. SAVERY, Committee. Companion J. S. Jones moved to substitute Meridian for Vicksburg, and the Thursday before the second Monday in February, 1875, as the time. Companion D. L. Smythe moved to amend by inserting Jackson, which was lost. The question recurring on the substitute offered by Companion Jones, the same was adopted. Companion Morris Cook offered the following, which was adopted: ■ Wheueas, "Westville Chapter, No. 88, was suspended for non-payment of dues, and the Com- panions of said Chapter desiring to resume work, therefore Resolved, That Westville Chapter, No. 88, and all other Chapters in like circumstances, under this jurisdiction, shall be revived on payment of all dues for which they are now in arrears. Companion M. F. Rogers offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the removal of W. D. Eerriss Chapter, No. 74, by dispensation of the M.\E \ Grand High Priest, be and is hereby confirmed by this Grand Chapter. Companion R. B. Mayes offered the following: Resolved, That Chapter Past Masters present when the Past Master's degree is conferred on 34 i he Master elect of a Lodge, as a qualification for office, shall not assist in conferring more of the degree than is necessary for that purpose. Which, on motion of Companion Mayes, was referred to a Select Committee, to report at next Grand Convocation. The M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest (subsequently) appointed as said Committee, Companions H. W. Walter, John A. Galbreath, Sr., Thos. S. Gathright. Companion H. W. Walter offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That this Grand Chapter will pay the one cent per capita dues to the General Grand Chapter of the United States; and the several Chapters in this Jurisdiction are requested to for- ward to the R.-.E.-. Grand Secretary, within six months, an amount equal to three cents for each member. GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. The following Report was presented and adopted : To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: Your Committee to whom was referred that portion of the Address of the M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest, as relates to General Representation, beg leave to report, That the Report on this subject adopted at the Grand Convocation in 1872, be so amended, that Grand Representatives heretofore appointed, and hereafter to be appointed, shall hold their offices until their appointments are revoked, or expire by death or resignation. Your Committee really believe the whole system to be of doubtful utility or value, but as the same has obtained a general recognition, your Committee does not feel authorized, at this time, to advise its discontinuance by this Grand Chapter, and ask time to report to the next Grand Chapter. H. W. WALTER. THOS. HARDEMAN M. JNO. A. GALBREATH, Sr., Committee.' Companion Walter offered the following, wbich was adopted: Resolved, That it is the sincere desire of this Grand Chapter, that uniformity of Work in Ca- pitular Masonry may be attained; and it believes this result can be reached by the advisory action of a Convocation of Representatives from our sister Grand Chapters. This Grand Chapter respectfully invites the attention of Grand Chapters everywhere. to this subject, and hopes some action maybe had by which Capitular Masonry may work the same Degrees and speak the same Masonic language amongst aU nations. The several Grand Officers elect, were then duly installed into their respective stations—the M.-.E.-. Past Grand High Priest, Jas. M. Howry, installing Com* panion Geo. R. Fearn into the office of M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest, and the latter installing the other Grand Officers. The M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest reserved the appointment of the Standing Committees until after the adjournment of Grand Chapter. Companion L. D. Nickles, High Priest elect of Panola Chapter, No. 60, was presented and installed as High Priest of said Chapter. No further business appearing, the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, was then closed, in due and Ample Form, after prayer by the M.-. Rev. Grand Chaplain. GEO. R. FEARN, Grand High Priest. Grand Secretary. 35 STANDING COMMITTEES OF GRAND CHAPTER. Office of Grand High Priest, > Canton, Miss., Feb. 10,1874. 5 The following Standing Committees are announced, to serve until their sue- cessors are appointed, or until relieved by the M.-.E.-.Grand Chapter: masonic Law — Charles T. Murphy, Chairman, Durant; J. J. Beauchamp, Macon; E. Safford, Liberty. Foreign Correspondence—H. W. Walter, Thos. Hardeman M., J. L. Power. Subordinate Chapters and Chapters Under Dispensation—R. B. Bran- nin, John S. Cain, W. M. Paxton. Finance—John W. Yeargain, P. M. Savery, C. A. Marshall. Complaints and Appeals—J. M. Howry, T. C. Everett, P. M. Savery, Credentials and Returns—W. D. Ferriss, G. N. Dickerson, Henry Key. Unfinished Business—E. Geo. DeLap, W. S. Patton, J. A. Hull. Printing—A. P. Barry, J. L. Power, Frank Burkitt. Special Committee on Past Master's Degree—H. W..Walter, John A. Galbreath, Sr., Thos. S. Gathright. GEO. R. FEARN, Gr. High Priest FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. Your Committee on Foreign Correspondence, adhering to the wise rule pre- scribed by you, that it should condense the matter reported to " the smallest practical space—omitting all local references," and reporting only such matters as are of general interest or which require action on your part, beg leave to report that they have carefully examined all Reports submitted to them, and have thus ascertained, that Capitular Masonry exhibits a healthy growth and condition in all countries speaking the English language, and in Chapters subor- dinate to their respective Grand Chapters. ENGLAND Is divided into twenty-three Provinces, with eleven Provinces abroad. Of the three hundred and seventy Chapters in active operation under its jurisdiction, five are in other parts of Europe, three in China, twenty-three in the East Indies, twelve in the West Indies, sixteen in Australia, two in New Zealand, seven in America and five in Africa. With these subordinates scattered over the world, this Grand Chapter can truthfully say that " the sun never sets" on its juris- diction. Venerable with age, and powerful in the number, intelligence and worth of its members, it is nevertheless but nominally independent. It is under the juris- diction of the Grand Lodge of England, with which it maintains the closest and most fraternal relations, and in fact the two may be termed but one Grand Body. Thus constituted, they recognize no degrees save the Entered Apprentice, Fellow 36 Craft, Master Mason, and Royal Arch. By the Articles of Union between the rival Grand Lodges of England in 1818, no other degrees can be worked. The Grand Chapter recognizes the real worth and merits of the Mark, and the beauty of the M.-.E.-. Masters Degrees, but works neither. There is a Chair Degree, (something perhaps a little like our Past Master), with secrets attached, but it is not viewed as part of Ancient Masonry. In 1872 the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Zet* land was the Grand Zerubabel, and Companion Lorner Grand Secretary. GRAND MARK LODGE OP ENGLAND. In consequence of the refusal of the Grand Lodge to. recognize the Mark De- gree, by some means not certainly known, Mark Lodges were established in England. These Lodges, now numbering over one hundred and fifty, have organized the Grand Mark Lodge of England. Powerful in the number of its subordinates, in the intelligence, worth and rank of its members, it has won the admiration of the Masonic world, and has secured a recognition by many of the Grand Chapters of the United States, and we believe of the Grand Chapters of Scotland and Ireland. It fails to obtain any recognition from the Grand Chapter of England. SCOTLAND. Until quite recently, the Grand Chapter of Scotland recognized and worked the Degrees in the following order, viz: Mark, Past, Excellent, Super-Excellent and Royal Arch, the last three in working never being separated; also the side Degrees of Royal Ark Mariner, and the Red Cross Degrees, consisting of the Knights of the Sword, Knights of the East and Knights of the East and West. It has lately abandoned the Past Master's Degree. It however permits its subor- dinate Chapters in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Shanghae to confer this, as a side Degree, so long as the work in America remains as at present, but denies to the recipients of it any rights of the Ancient York Degree, as usually pertaining to the ceremony of installing actual Past Masters. It is a little remarkable that the Grand Lodge of Scotland also recognizes and permits the working of the Mark Degree as part of the Fellow Craft. The Grand Chap- ter has chartered subordinate Chapters not only in Europe, but also in New South Wales, New Zealand, the East Indies, the Cape of Good Hope, Nova Scotia, South America and elsewhere. It refuses to recognize the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia, and persistently retains its jurisdiction over two Chapters in that Province. On this account some unpleasant feeling is exhibited between these Grand Bodies. Of the Grand Chapter of Scotland, the Earl of Roslyn is first Grand Principle, Lord Erskine the second, and Sir Malcom Stewart the third. IRELAND. The Grand Lodge and Chapter of Ireland are, as regards Constitution, more nearly akin to England, but as to the Degrees recognized and worked by their Lodges and Chapters, they more nearly resemble Scotland. The Grand Chapter recognizes the Mark, the Excellent, the Super-Excellent and Royal Arch Degrees. These last three, as in Scotland, form but one cere- mony. The Past Master's Degree, as such, is not worked. Unlike Scotland it does not work the Red Cross Degrees, but leaves them to the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar. The Grand Chapter has as subordinates, two Chapters in Ceylon, one in Peru, three in Canada, three in New South Wales, two in Victoria, two in New Zealand, one in Queensland, two in Tasmania and others attached to 37 Regiments of the army. In 1872 the Duke of Leicester was the presiding officer, (King), R. W. Shackleton G.\H.\P.\, and C. T. Walmsly, Registrar. In this short notice of Great Britain, we find that Capitular Masonry in Scot- land and Ireland differs but little from that in the United States, whilst that in England differs from all. So much is this the case that an English Royal Arch Mason could not enter a Lodge of Mark or M.-.E.'.Masters in either Scotland, Ireland or the United States. In order to remove this difficulty if possible, a committee from the Grand Chapters of Scotland and Ireland met in conference, informally, some of the officers of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Eng- land. The object of the conference was to procure, if possible, uniformity of work, and especially some recognition of the Mark Degree by the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England. These Grand Bodies recognized fully the an- tiquity, beauty and worth of the Degree, but felt restrained by the Articles of Union from taking any action on the subject. It seems that the representatives of the Grand Chapters of Scotland and Ireland believed, if the Grand Chapter of England would recognize the Mark Degree, that uniformity of work in Capitular Masonry might be attained. May we not hope that some General Conference of Grand Chapters will, at no distant period, be assembled,—that the Past Master's Degree be universally recognized as a Side Degree, or remitted to Grand Lodges—the Mark Master be fully worked as a regular Degree, and the M.-.Excellent conferred as part of the Royal Arch,—and that uniformity of work be attained in England, Scotland and Ireland,—in the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, and that thus, through the Grand Chap- ters of these countries and their subordinate Chapters throughout the world, Capitular Masonry may speak the same language and exemplify the same work. ASIA, AFRICA AND THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE Know but little of Capitular Masonry, save as found in subordinate Chapters established amongst them by Grand Chapters of countries speaking the English language. The Grand Orient holds a firm throne in almost every nation speak- ing a different language. Masons holding in sacred veneration its beautiful and sublime Rites and prac- ticing a noble charity, but working in Degrees widely differing from our own, claim us as brethren. Nobly have they won and -long may we continue this sacred brotherhood. BRAZIL. Your Committee have received but one of the Quarterly Reports of the Grand Orient of Brazil. This Grand Body has almost wholly overcome the difficulties occasioned by claims of jurisdiction by other Bodies, and it has now secured the friendly recognition of most of the ablest Grand Masonic Bodies of the world. "We mark, with sincere pleasure, the general prosperity of the Order within its jurisdiction. NOVA SCOTIA. This Grand Chapter complains in forcible but fraternal terms of the refusal of the Grand Chapter of Scotland to recognize it, and denies the claim of the latter to exercise any Masonic rites within its jurisdiction. It has been recognized by most of the Grand Chapters of the United States. It decrees that no Chapter in its jurisdiction shaU be named after a living man. CANADA. We regret to say that we have no report from the Grand Chapter of Canada, 38 We have thus succinctly reviewed the condition of Capitular Masonry in the outside world. THE UNITED STATES. We report with sincere pleasure that the Order is in a most healthy condition in our country. Its growth in numbers for the past year is perhaps not equal to that of any other within the last decade. But the general morale of the Order has been elevated. Fewer Chapters fail to make their annual Returns. Griev- ance Committees have but little to do. Intemperance is less frequent. Bickerings and misunderstandings amongst the Craft are almost unknown. Questions of Masonic law are becoming infrequent, and fraternal kindness everywhere prevails. CHARITY. This virtue is universally practiced. But lately the cry of distress came from the desolated portions of Northern Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan, and the charred cities of Chicago and Boston. Our Order heard the cry, and nobly responded to the call of suffering and distress. During the past year, " the pestilence that walketh in darkness and the sick- ness that destroyeth in the noonday" invaded the cities of Shreveport and Mem- phis. They threw their dark mantle of terror and death over Shreveport first. The cry for relief from our brethren there, was heard by our Order over the whole land, and their Treasury was filled to overflowing. Then came even a darker day to Memphis; but men forgot the terrors of the scourge in admiration of the Godlike charity that relieved its sufferings. Our brethren published again and again that all their wants were supplied; but the flow of charity still continued, and finally our Order of the stricken city of Shreveport, poured from its over- flowing treasury a noble contribution to the suffering brotherhood of the desolated Memphis. Charity was unbounded and sympathy without a limit. Men forgot for a time the desolation which war had left, and the asperities it engendered were softened or removed forever. PHYSICAL DISABILITY. The question of the partial physical disability of a Master Mason when apply- ing for our Degrees, is forcing itself upon the attention of our Grand Chapters. Whether the loss of a hand or a foot is to be regarded, in Capitular Masonry, as more serious than weakness of mind, or of morals, must as a question, be at once decided. GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER OF THE UNITED STATES. Within the past year Kentucky and North Carolina have given their adhesion to the General Grand Chapter. The Grand Chapters that do not recognize its authority are those of Alabama, Georgia, Rhode Island and Texas, which seceded from, and Pennsylvania and Virginia which never did acknowledge its authority. Nearly all have provided for the payment of the one cent dues. Royal Arch Chapters under its immediate jurisdiction, exist at Valparaiso, Chili; Honolulu, Sandwich Islands; Smyrna, Turkey; and in the Territories of Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Montana, New Mexico and Wyoming. STATE GRAND CHAPTERS. Your Committee have received the Reports of the following Grand Chapters, viz: Arkansas, (Jan'y and Oct.), California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Geor- gia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, 89 Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin, for 1873 — and Alabama, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska and Tennessee for 1872. The tables herewith submitted, show the names of- the Grand High Priests, Deputy Grand High Priests and Grand Secretaries, and the times and places of meetings of the several Grand Chapters, as also the growth and present state of the Order under each Grand Chapter. These matters will not again be repeated or referred to. ALABAMA. In saying that the Grand Chapter of this State has permitted the use of sub- stitutes, and has postponed further consideration of the question of union with the General Grand Chapter, we have reported all things of interest in its Pro- ceedings. Peace and prosperity are within its borders. ARKANSAS. The Grand Chapter decides that the Degrees cannot be conferred on one who does not believe in the immortality of the soul. It declares that the belief in the resurrection is a land-mark of Masonry; that a belief in this indestructible " prin- ciple" in man, inspires a hope of reward, for a well spent life, beyond the grave, and this belief is naturally subordinate to the belief in the existence of God. The Grand Chapter by a vote of 51 ayes to 47 nays decided, that affiliation with the Lodge is not necessary to membership in a Chapter. It fosters its noble charity—St. John's Masonic College—and devotes its surplus funds to its aid. A full and valuable digest of all the Edicts of the Grand Chap- ter is published. CALIFORNIA. The Grand High Priest removed the High Priest of a Chapter because he was not a member of any Lodge, and was contributing nothing to any, and this was approved by the Grand Chapter. Companion G. T. Grimes was received and ac- credited as Grand Representative of Mississippi. The Grand Chapter refused to recognize the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia on the ground of its friendly relations with the Order of Scotland, and referred the whole subject to the Committee of Masonic Jurisprudence for future report. CONNECTICUT. The utmost prosperity and harmony prevails in this State. So peaceful is the existence of our Order, that no " questionings" even amongst the " Craftsmen" exist, and consequently nothing of general interest beyond the foregoing, is found to report. The Grand Chapter directed the Grand High Priest to appoint a proxy to visit and instruct the Chapters, and appropriates ten dollars and actual travelling expenses for each visit. DELAWARE. The Grand High Priest decided, (and the Grand Chapter approved), that a member of a Chapter cannot be deprived of the privilege of voting on any sub- ject, except those concerning himself, even though under charges. The Grand High Priest decided that the present Grand Chapter is a new one, and not a restoration of the old. He also wisely suggests, that " the well known aphorism, the world is gov- erned too much, though trite is as true in Masonry as in the affairs of State." The Grand Chapter acted on this suggestion, and we consequently have nothing of general interest to report beyond a healthy and prosperous condition of Ma- sonry in its jurisdiction. 40 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Grand High Priest decides that a Brother elected to the Chapter Degrees in Illinois and then removes to the District, cannot be again elected in a Chapter in the latter place, but that such Chapter may confer the Degrees on the request of the Chapter in Illinois, which made the election. He also decides, that no one except a member of a Chapter electing a candi- date, can enter a protest against the conferring of the Degrees. He notices the high honor conferred upon Lafayette Chapter by the Grand Chapter of Canada, by which the former was invited by the latter to exemplify their work, and the hospitable treatment of the Companions who visited Canada for this purpose, but complains, in kind words, that the invitation was extended directly to this Chapter and not through himself as Grand High Priest. GEORGIA. The Grand High Priest earnestly counsels a return to membership in the Geri- eral Grand Chapter, but the consideration of the question was postponed to the next Convocation. The Grand Chapter has no Committee on Foreign Correspondence, and the Grand High Priest says, he is a " skeptic as to any value to be derived by our members by the long Reports on Foreign Correspondence, which cumber our Min- utes and tax our Treasury." The Grand Chapter is considering the propriety of biennial in lieu of annual sessions. ILLINOIS. The Grand High Priest speaks in touching and sad tones of the frightful con- tiagration in Chicago, and alludes, in a beautiful tribute, to the charity of our Order throughout the world, in relieving the distress of our suffering brethren there. Capitular Masonry is in a most flourishing condition in this State. Harmony everywhere exists and the Proceedings beyond this are devoid of interest. Companion J. M. Pierson was admitted and accredited as Grand Representa- tive from Mississippi. The Grand Chapter decides, that a Royal Arch Mason, everywhere, even out of the State, may object to the advancement of a candidate; and when this objection is made by a member of a Chapter, it holds good during his membership. It holds that the installation of the officers of a Chapter, by proxy, is not proper or legal. INDIANA. The following question was asked of the Grand High Priest, but not decided, viz: " Does the loss of a right foot render a Master Mason ineligible to the De- grees of a Chapter ?" The Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence thinks there is nothing in our ceremonies that the candidate might not comply with in every particular, but in turn ask the question, Does the law of Ancient Craft Masonry in regard to physical defects, prevail in Capitular Masonry to an equal extent ?" The Committee asked time for the further consideration of the subject. The Grand High Priest does not approve of the system of Grand Representa- tion, as he believes but little good is accomplished by it, beyond bringing a few names prominently before the fraternity in the printed Reports. He therefore 41 made no appointments. The Grand Chapter forbids the conferring of Degrees on Ministers of the Gospel "without charge. It devotes $400.00 to the suffering Brethren at Memphis, $100.00 to those at Shreveport, and orders it surplus funds to he invested. Is not this action a " widow's cruse of oil ?" IOWA. The Grand High Priest, in forcible language, condemns the practice of with- drawing from membership in other bodies and retaining it with the Chapter. He believes the practice of laying over petitions for Degrees for one month to he un- wise, and thinks the Chapter as well prepared to act at once, as it would be after this delay. He decides: 1st. The Constitution and Orders of the Grand Chapter of Iowa are the supreme laws, even when conflicting with those of the General Grand Chapter. 2d. Dimission is absolutely necessary to a petitioner for a Dispensation. 3d. If a Royal Arch Mason is present when a Committee of Investigation is appointed and also at the election, and makes no objection, he should not be per- mitted to object to the conferring of the Degrees. 4th. An officer does not forfeit his office by" failing to attend the meeting for installation. He should be installed at the next meeting. The Grand Chapter endorsed these decisions except the third, from which it dissented. Companion Z. C. Luce was received as Grand Representative from Mississippi. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence characterizes as " cool impudence" the action of this Grand Chapter in directing your Committee to condense its Report to the smallest practicable space, &c. Other remarks are made in a tone which is scarcely courteous to this Grand Body. KANSAS. Such is the prosperity of our Order in this State and such its peace and har- mony, that the Committee on Grievances had nothing to do, and therefore but little of general interest to the Craft is reported. Companion R. R. Reese was received as Grand Representative from Mississippi. KENTUCKY. This Grand Chapter is aiding in erecting for itself an imperishable monument of charity in the Widows' and Orphans' Home at Louisville. Its completion is placed beyond question. The Grand Chapter possesses a charity fund of nearly $12,000.00. It resumes its union with the General Grand Chapter and recognizes the system of Grand Representation. It charges its subordinate Chapters no dues for conferring the Degrees, and derives its income wholly from the charge for Dispensation and a fee of a dollar for membership, and not even the latter as to Ministers of the Gospel. LOUISIANA. In the address of the Grand High Priest, he states that he received from Companion My rick, of Natchez Royal Arch Chapter of this State, a letter con- taining a request that authority be granted to confer Degrees on Master Masons living in Concordia Parish, Louisiana, and says that this had been done in several instances under the belief that this privilege had been granted by the Grand Chapter of Louisiana. The Grand High Priest very properly replied, that he had no power to grant the request, and further that he could find no evidence of the previous grant of this privilege. On investigation it was found that only one candidate had been exalted under this mistake. Natchez Chapter promptly gave 6 42 assurance that the irregularity would not again occur. The whole correspondence upon ^he subject is characterized by a manly tone and fraternal courtesy, that does honor to all the parties. The Grand High Priest condemns the practice of appointing Committees of character on petition for Degrees. He holds it a violation of the sacred secresy of the ballot, and says, that if one member of the committee reports unfavorably and the candidate is black-balled, the conviction of all is, that the objecting mem- ber prevented the election. He recommends the old regulation of making the whole Chapter a committee, or if this is not done, then a committee should be appointed by the High Priest and known only to him, (the members not really knowing their fellows), and that the report of each should be made to him. He can announce the result. The Grand Chapter decides that objections can be made by any member of a Chapter against conferring the Degrees, but the reason for the objection cannot be required, and this objection holds during the membership of the objector. It does not hold him as rejected, or that his money shall be returned, as the objec- tion may be withdrawn. It holds that the dimission from a Lodge does not affect the standing of a Companion in a Chapter. MAINE. The question, whether a Chapter could be called without the consent of the High Priest, if in the jurisdiction, or whether a meeting could in any event be held without nine members of the Chapter being present, was presented but not decided. The Grrand Chapter decreed, that no candidate should receive the Royal Arch Degree until he had selected and recorded his Mark. This Grand Body has a large surplus fund, judiciously invested. MARYLAND. The Grand High Priest decides, that a Mason elected by one Chapter and re- ceiving the Degrees, on request in another, becomes a member of the latter; that objections to a dimit must be stated fully ; that a Mason suspended or expelled by a Lodge and subsequently reinstated by it, can only be restored in the Chap- ter by petition and ballot; that objections to advancement should be stated in the Chapter, and finally that a Chapter should not be closed for work in the lower Degrees, but called off. He has traced the history of the Grand Chapter to as early a period as 1797. He says in 1816 Companion Jeremiah L. Cross Came to Baltimore and received the Select Master's Degree, with permission to confer it without charge, but that he violated the confidence reposed in him, did charge for the Degree, and established Councils of Royal and Select Masters inde- pendent of Chapters, and from these originated the Grand Councils in most of the States. On his recommendation, in order to produce harmony and uniformity of work, the Grand Chapter abandons jurisdiction over the Degrees and prevents its Chapters from conferring them. Some Chapters in this State have been disturbed by the visit of a Royal Arch Mason of nonage, on whom the Degrees had been conferred by special dispensa- tion in a foreign country. The Grand High Priest says this is frequently done in favor of persons of royal birth, but the Committee on this part of his address boldly say, that it is wrong, and that it is not in the power of any man to make this innovation. 43 Comp. G-. L. Yates, Past G. H. Priest, was received as our Grand Representative. MASSACHUSETTS. The G.\ H.\ Priest, Companion P. Chapman, on behalf of the Council, in a most able, learned and exhaustive report, treats of the subject of the ' TETRAGRAMMATON. He says it was the subject of discussion at the triennial Convention at Balti- more in 1871, and it was there held to be error to give the Grand Royal Arch Word, together with the name of Deity ; as it h&s hitherto been given in this and many other jurisdictions in the United States and elsewhere. Jah was by all admitted to be the Hebrew name of God, but it was broadly stated, that Baal or Bel was the name of the Devil, whilst On was a city of Egypt; hence the error and hence the impropriety of using them, or of alluding to God under either of these names. He combats the correctness of these conclusions and ably vindicates his position ; that each of these names was used by different nations as the name of the Supreme Deity. He further says that the Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians and Carthaginians all worshipped a Supreme God under the name of Bel, though other names were also employed, and that this conclusion is also reached by James Freeman Clark, after having consulted one hundred and ninety-eight different authorities. He quotes also as authority, amongst others, the Bible, Dr. Oliver, Thos. Bulfinch and Mackey's Lexicon. He proceeds to show by many authorities that On, whilst the name of a city of Egypt, was nevertheless the name of the Supreme Deity of the Egyptians. He quotes from Mackey's Lexicon as follows: 1st. "Jah." This name is found in 68th Psalm, verse 4th : "extol him that rideth upon the Heavens by His name, Jah." 2nd. "Bel" or "Baal." "This word signifies a lord-master or possessor, and hence it was applied by many nations of the East to define the Lord of all things .and Master of the world. Baal was worshipped by the Chaldeans, Moabites, Phoenicians and Assyrians, and sometimes even by the Hebrews." 3d. "On." This was the name by which Jehovah was worshipped amongst the Egyptians. It is the God of whom Plato speaks in his Timaens, when he says: "Tell me of the god, On, which is and never knew beginning." Mackey further says, "I have made these remarks on the three names of God in Syriac, Chaldaic and Egyptian—Jah—Bel—On—in the expectation, that my Royal Arch Companions will readily recognize them in a corrupted form, and thus be enabled to understand a mystery, which I confess, was to me, at first, unintelligible." He then proceeds to show that the "Word complained of by the Convention, had been used for all time within the recollection of the oldest Masons. He proceeds to say that the Indo-European nations—occupying Europe and Asia—originally comprised one pastoral race known as the Aryan, and that the heads of all these families worshipped God under the name of Jah, or Bel or On. But we cannot follow further this interesting philological and historic Report. In conclusion he and the Grand Chapter recommend, that the Chapters will instruct in the Ritual as heretofore, but they may also instruct their members in the way and manner of the change attempted to be made by the General Grand Chapter. We append a letter addressed to the Chairman of this Committee on this sub- ject, by his esteemed and erudite friend, Hon. L. Johnson. 44 The Grand Chapter disapproves of the system of Grand Representation. The G.\ H.\ Priest, in an able address, vindicates the name of Companion Webb against the charge of introducing the American System of Masonry, or the division of one degree into several. MICHIGAN. The Grand Chapter decides, that when a Companion is suspended or expelled from his Lodge, he has a like status in the Chapter without further action. If subsequently restored by the Lodge, he is restored in his Chapter when the fact is recorded. Expulsion or suspension for non-payment of dues cannot be effected without charges in writing, due notice and fair trial. Reports have to be made two weeks before the meeting of the Grand Chapter. MINNESOTA. The Grand Chapter approved the decision of the G.\ H.\ Priest, that a Master Mason, having lost his left hand could not receive the degrees of the Chapter. It disapproves his ruling, that a Master Mason became a member of the Chapter in which he receives the degrees, when requested to do so by a Chapter in which he was elected, but holds him to be a member of the latter. The Order is in a healthy condition in this State. MISSOURI. The Grand Chapter has a considerable surplus fund. It prohibits a Chapter under Dispensation from working until the members provide, or pledge them- selves to provide suitable Regalia. It holds that a Companion on trial is not properly notified thereof by leaving a summons with his wife, nor is he duly expelled, when the charges are vague and uncertain, even where he does not defend. NEBRASKA. Capitular Masonry is in a most healthy and enviable condition in this young State. The Committee of Grievances have had nothing to do for six years. Its proceedings, therefore, like the life of a truly good man, furnish everything to admire, and but little to report. It earnestly commends the scheme of building a grand Masonio Temple at Omaha, and it will accomplish it. NORTH CAROLINA. Capitular Masonry is almost dead in this noble old State. There were only sixteen exaltations within its limits in the last year. Only twelve Chapters make returns. The G.\ H.\ Priest earnestly recommends the recall of the charters of all Chapters which make no reports. He says there are too many drones in the hive, and that it is better to have five living Chapters than the number of idle ones. May a better day soon dawn on the Old North State. NEW JERSEY. The G.\ H.*. Priest decides, that a Chapter can only be opened by one of the Council or by appointment by one of them in his presence, and that a High Priest is authorized to expunge from the minutes that which is improper to be committed to writing, but nothing else, but from this last decision the Grand Chapter dissents. The amended Constitution provides, that a Companion failing for twelve • months to pay dues, may on notification be dropped from the roll by a two-thirds vote, and restored by a like vote. 45 NEW YORK. This Grand Body had before it a resolution that it would not recognize the Grand Chapter of West Virginia, until it had placed itself under the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter, but the subject was postponed until the next Convention. It decided that a subordinate Chapter has the same right to assess a tax on its members for money for necessary Masonic purposes, as it has to impose annual dues ; also that the removal of an elective officer from the State with the intent to remain, creates a vacancy in his office, and his subsequent return does not vary the case. A Committee of three was appointed to furnish a narrative of Royal Arch Masonry since its -introduction into this country, as also a history of the General Grand Chapter and its relation to the several Grand and subordinate Chapters of the United States, and of all matters connected therewith. OHIO. The Grand High Priest says, in his address, that the history of the Order " in Ohio during the past year has been crowned with peace, and our Chapters have enjoyed the results of peaceful labor—prosperity." We expected from this to find in the proceedings of this Grand Ghapter but little' of general interest, and were not mistaken. Discord, delinquency and apathy generally give rise to questions novel in character and difficult of solution. Ohio may be congratulated on the absence of these disturbing elements. We think the Companions must have been actuated in their conduct by the sentiment so beautifully expressed by their Grand High Priest, that " Masonry is an education both of the mind and of the heart." PENNSYLVANIA. The Grand Chapter decided that no subordinate Chapter should receive an act of incorporation from the State, believing a divided allegiance would thereby ensue. In a proceeding in reference to its charity fund, this Grand Body styles itself 1. B. Hesdoffer, M. 3d V.; C. Olston, M. 2d ¥.; Thos. Stewart, M. 1st V.; A. W. Stanford, Treasurer; J. M. Mills, Secretary; Geo. Ernest, Tyler. Members—F. M. Baldwin, Leon Bailey, John T. Cameron, P. H. P., W. H. Cassell, A. H. Cage, L. B. Coffee, W. E. Dancy, C. H. Dinkins, John Errickson, Geo. R. Fearn, G. H. P., C. B. Galloway, D. C. Green, Joseph Hart, Peter Heiser, T. L. Holliday, M>. Joel, A. Karpe, D. C. Landers, Samuel Loeb, R. A. Massey, J. H. Mumfort, J. R. Powell, John Preston, Wm. Priestley, J. J. Richards, S. S. Shipp, W. B. Stmson—Total 39. Affiliated—R. A. Massey. Reinstated—T. T. Dew. Dimitted—G. Hardee, S. A. Berry, T. T. Dew, J. T. Priestley. Died—Malcom Cameron. Total members 39. Total dues $49.00, including $3.00 back dues for Companion Dew, rein- stated. Paid $46.00. Macon, No: 11—Macon, Noxubee County. Officers, 1873—J. C. Williams, H. P.; J. W. Patty, K.; M. B. Edwards, S.; C. B. Ames, C.of H.; G. M. Dillard, P. S.; C. C. Eiland, R. A. C.; E. H. Cogburn, M. 3d V.; W. F. Eiland, M. 2d. 55 V.; John C. Hodges, ML 1st V.; A. M. Bowling, Treasurer; W. F. Ferris, Secretary; C. A. Baiter, Tyler. Exalted—John C. Hodges, C. C. Eiland, W. F. Ferriss. Total members, 24. Total dues, $32.00. Officers, 1874—J. W. Patty, H. P.; J. C. Williams, K.; John J. Beauchamp, S.; C. B. Ames, C. ofH.; G. M. Billard, P. S.; M. B. Edwards, R. A. C.; R. E. Y. Yates, M. 3d V.; Lewis Etheridge, M. 2d Vail.; G. W. Clement, M. 1st V.; John D. Hodges, Treasurer; W. B. Shumaker, Secretary; A. M. Bowling, Tyler. Members—C. A. Baker, A. Buck, C. M. Boyce, John M. Cochran, F. E. Carleton, W. F, Eiland, E. H. Cogburn, C. C. Eiland, W. F. Ferriss, M. N. Gooch, Jacob Holberg, Lou Holberg, H. A. Minor, B. H. Thomas, Thomas H. Sargent. Reinstated—W. A. Buck, (owes dues for 1867, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, $6.00,) John M. Cochran, (Owes dues for 1871 and 1872, $2.00.) Bimitted—J. H. Mitchell, (since dead,) William Graham. Bied—H. C. Harris, and some others who were under suspension for non-payment of dues. Total members 27. Bues $35.00. Convocations 3d Mondays. DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—Grenada, Grenada County. Officers, 1873—A. P. Saunders, H. P.; W. B. May, K.; T. Rose, S.; O. B. Rollins. C. of H.| E. W. Hughes, P. S.; John Moore, R. A. C.; J. M. Knox, M. 3d V.; W. H. Meador, M. 2d V." C. L. Hardeman, M. 1st V.; J. Poitevent, Treasurer; Solon N. Sykes, Secretary; R. Highgate, Tyler. Exat.ted—A. Weigert, John George, Cicero Thompson. Reinstated—John Powell, Solon M. Sykes. Bimitted—W. V. Richards. Bied—J. J. Baker. Suspended for Non-Payment of Bues—J. M. Hunter. F. A. Martin, W. W. Hall, C. C. Glover. Total Members 38. Total dues $50.00. * Officers, 1873, 1874—A. P. Saunders, H. P.; W. B. May, K.; Terrell Rose, S.; O. B. Rollins, C. ofH.; E. W. Hughes, P. S.; John Mo^e, R. A. C.; J. M. Knox, M. 3d V.; W. H. Meador, M. .2d V.; C. L. Hardeman, M. 1st V.; Jacob Poitevent, Treasurer; Solon Sykes, (not installed,) Sec- retary, Robt Highgate, Tyler. Members—S. S. Angevine, A. J. Baker, J. A. Binford, Jr., J. W. Byrne, L. Bodenheimer, R. Coffiman, P. H. P., J. B. Crowder, T. C. Curry, James Eblin, S. H. Green, J. B. Gage, John George, Thos. Hardeman, P. H. P., W. H. Leitz, Richard N. Owens, John S. Payne, R. R. Perry, John Powell, W. T. Savage, B. F. Thomas, T. R. Trotter, Cicero Thompson, Mayer Wile, A. S. Weigert, B. B. Willkins, Geo. W. Williamson, C. T. Wood. W. C. Chamberlain, J. G. Gibbs, P. E. Fitzgerald, omitted, H. C. Horton, affiliated. Exaltations—S. H. Green, B. F. Thomas, W. H. Leitz, R. N. Owens, L. Bodenheimer, James B. Gage. Affiliated—J. W. Byrne, H. C. Horton. Bied—John B. Heath. Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct—R. S. Bowles (in Grenada Lodge, No. 31.) Total Members 41. Bues $59.00, including deficit of $6.00 in last return. Convocations 1st Thursdays. Euphemia, No. 13—Aberdeen, Monroe County. Officers, 1873—R. R. Brannin, H. P.; J. T. Lowe, K.; Jas. Oldshue, S.; W. G. Elkin, C. of H.; J. W. Walker, P. S.; W. G. Sykes, R. A. C.; A. H. French, M. 3d V.; Jacob Gattman, M. 2d. V.; W. J. Stephenson, M. 1st V.; H. B. Spratt, Treasurer; W. S. Vestal, Secretary; A. R. Wehb, Tyler. Exalted—S. H. Beirg, S. H. Buckingham, Baniel Baniel, W. G. Elkin, A. H. French, T. S. Hampton, Chas. Morawsky, W. G. Sykes, W. B. Walton. Reinstated—R. M. Elder, J. B. Tatum. Bimitted—R. M. Elder, J. B. Tatum. Total members 31. Total Bues $58.00. Officers, 1874—R. B. Brannin, H. P.; T. S. Hampton, K.; C. Morawski, S.; W. G. Elkin, C. of H.; J. W. Walker, P. S.; W. G. Sykes, R. A. C.; Samuel Haas, M. 3d V.; S. H. Beirg, M. 2d V.; S. T. Sykes, M. 1st V.; H. B. Spratt, Treasurer; W. S. Vestal, Secretary; G. W. Cook, Tyler. Members—S» G. Beckham. S. H. Buckingham, P. C. Candidus, A. H. French, Jacoh Gattman, J. M. Green, Lee CoIUds, A. M. Kupper, J. T. Lowe, C. Love, C. Morawski, James Oldshue, S. A. M. Sadler H. C .Terrell, W. B. Walton, Marks Weiler, S. A. Balton. Total 29. Exaltations—Samuel Haas, S. T. Sykes, A. M. Kupper, H. C. Terrell ,Gustave Straus. Affiliated—Lee Collins. Reinstated—S. L. Paine. Bimitted—B. Baniel, J. B. Sale, James G. McKinney, Sidney Randle, Gustave Straus, S. L. Paine, Ira W. Holloway. Bied—A. R. Webb. a -rw n Suspended for Non-Payment of Bues—S. B .Stegall. Total members 29. Bues $57.00, including back dues of Companions Elder, Tatum and Paine. Convocations first Wednesday after first Saturdays. 56 Fayette, No. 1^-—Fayette, Jefferson County. Officers, 1873—M. Eiseman, H. P.; Jas. MeClure, K.; F. Krauss, S.; Wm, Thompson, C. of H.; Thos. Davenport, P. S.; H. B. MeClure, R. A. C.; B. Eiseman, M. 3d V.; E. R. Jones, M. 2d V.; J. W. Moore, M. 1st V.; M. Rubel, Treasurer; Henry Key, Secretary; T. J. Key, Tyler. Reinstated and Dimitted—E. L. Guice. Total members 24. Total Dues $28.00. Officers, 1874—"William Thompson, H. P.; Thomas Davenport, K.; E. R. Jones, S.; M. Eiseman, C, of H.; H. B. MeClure, P. S.; Jas. MeClure, R. A. C.; B. Eiseman, M. 3d V.; J. J. Powell, M. 2d V.; M. Rubel, Treasurer; Henry Key, Secretary; E. M. Keyes, Tyler. Members—Robert Davenport, W: F. Higdon, J. M. Lowe, T. J. Key, J. J. Ledden, J. W. Moore, B. B. Paddock, W. C. Nichols, J. M. Ritchie, A. J. Scott, J. W. Scott, M. W. Trimble. Total 23. Exaltations—Edward M. Keyes, J. J. Ledden. Reinstated—W. F. Higdon. Dimittf.d—N. L. Guice, R. E. Richardson. Died—Thomas C. Brown. Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct—A. J. Scott, J. M. Ritchie. Total Members 23. Dues $31.00, including $4.00 back dues Comp. Higdon. Convocations 3d Thursdays. . Carrollton, No. 15—Carrollton, Carroll County. Officers, 1873—W. M. Stansbury, H. P.; Samuel Hart, K.; O. L. Kimbrough, S.; J. A. J. Askew, C. of H.; A. M. Nelson, P. S.; T. J. Johnson, R. A. C.; T. T. Kimbrough, M. 3d V.; W. H. Curtis, M. 2d V.; Jos. H. Lawrence, M. 1st V.; Jas. R. Shackleford, Treasurer; Benj. Roach, Secretary; T. M. Matthews, Tyler. Exalted—H. D. Money, Jos. H. Lawrence, Lee McMillan. Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct—Peter W. Johnston, N. A. Clark, G. W. Yasser. Total Members 32. Total Dues $38.00. ' Officers, 1874—Washington M. Stansbury, H. P.; Samuel Hart, P. H. P., K.; Jonathan Durdin, S.; J. A. J. Askew, C. of H.; T. J. Johnson, P. S.; Geo. W. Vasser, R. A. C.; T. T. Kimbrough, M. 3d V.; W. H. Curtis, M. 2d V.; Wm. Ray, M. 1st V.; James R. Shackleford, Treasurer; Benjamin Roach, Secretary; T. H. Matthews, Tyler. Members—William Cothran, P. H. P. and P. G. H. P., R. L. Bingham, M. S. Catron, Peter W. Johnston, O. L. Kimbrough, Jos. H. Lawrence, M. M. Liddell, Aaron Lott, John P. Marshall, Peter McCaskill, P. Money, H. D. Money, Lee McMillan, A. M. Nelson, John T. Stanford. Total 27. Reinstated—George W. Yasser, Peter W. Johnston. Dimitted—W. C. Eskridge, A. G. Smith. Died—B. Holt, Charles Hill. Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct—Green S. Fox. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Joseph H. Lawrence, G. N. Smith, Stephen Thompson. Total members 27. Dues $27.00 Convocations 1st Saturdays after full moons. Wrn U. Wilkinson, No. 16—-Woodville, Wilkinson Co. Officers, 1873—1. T. Hart, H. P.; Jas. R. Verry, K.; R. S. Brown, S.; R. W. McConnell, C. of H.; Henry Habig, P. S.; N. Leopold, R. A. C.; John F. Therrell, M. 3d V.; E. Aarons, M. 2d V.; John W. Bryant, M. 1st V., E. A. Robinson, Treasurer; E. H. Beaumont, Secretary; Thos. Hickley, Tyler. Exalted—H. L. Davis, M. V. B. Huff, Douglass Embree, N. Leopold, J. P. Lytton, Louis Plitt. Reinstated—L. L. Babers, Jos. Johnson, J. J. Morgan, A. McPhatter, Jas. Redhead, Chas. E. Stewart. Dimitted—Jos. Redhead, A. McPhatter, J. P. Lytton. Died—H. J. Butterworth. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—R. C. Brower, Jno. M. Deloach, Jas. M. Higgins. Total members 33. Total dues $55.00. BSSF"No Return received for 1873. Shields, No. 18—Pontotoo, Pontotoc County. Officers, 1873—E. C. Bolton, H. P.; W. G. Gibson, K.; A. J. Clarke, S.; C. B. Hood, C. of H.5 M. R. Fontaine, P. S.; Jas. H. Williamson, R. A. C.; R. T. Gray, M. 3d V.; J. H. Miller, M. 2d V.; A. J. Moore, M. 1st V.; T. J. Price, Treasurer; J. N. Sloan, Secretary; J. L. Gormon, Tyler. Exalted—J. L. Gormon, W. F. Ausbon, G. W. Johnston, J. W. Roberson, R. B. Pitts, E. M. Sadler. Reinstated—J. W. Drake, Thos. Gorley, R. W. Edmondson, Oliver Williams, J. T. Pitts, T. J. Babb, W. L. Souter, N. A. Lankford, R. B. Scott. Dimitted—H. Hood, J. T. Pitts, T. J. Babb, W. L. Souter, R. B. Pitts, R. M. Sadler, J. W. Roberson, G. W. Johnston, W. F. Ausbun, R.flB. Scott, R. W. Edmondson, S. E. Melson. Total members 26. Total dues, (including back dues of reinstated Members) $75.00. Officers, 1874—E. C. Bolton, H. P.; Jas. W. Drake, K.; A. G. Clarke, S.; M. R. Fontaine, C. 57 0 H, J. H. Miller, P. S.j E. T. Gray, E. A. C.; J. H. Williamson, M. 3d V.; W. G. Gibson, M. 2d V.; A. J. Moore, M. 1st V.; J. A. McNeil, Treasurer; J. N. Sloan, Secretary; T. J. Price, Tyler. " ' Members—Stephen Daggett, L. A. Ellison, H. L. Einley, G. E. Cherry, Thos. Gorley, C. B. Hood, Jas. Gordon, S. D. Pinson, F. Souter, O. Williams, E. H. Bonner, Jas. A. Bonner, N. A. Lankford, (reinstated in 1872, and should have been added to roll.) Total 25. Dimitted—S. E. Melson. Died—E. A. Pinson. Expelled—J. L. Gorman, by Pontotoc Lodge. No. 81. Total members 25. Dues $25. Convocations 2d Wednesdays. Kosciusho, No. 20—Kosciusho, Attala County. Officers, 1873—W. V. Davis, H. P.; J. S. Comfort, K.; W. W. Baccus, S.; David Carr, C. of H.; I. W. Scarborough, P. S.; L. Glazier, E. A. C.: C. P. Oldecop, M. 3d V.; John B. Davis, M. 2d V.; John C. Lucas, M. 1st V.; D. L. Smythe, Treasurer; J. M. Lewis, Secretary; J. N. Taylor, Tyler. Exalted—J. S. Comfort, J. M. Lewis. Affiliated—L. Glazier. Eeinstated—F. Zollicoffer. Dimitted—James Chestnut, F. Zollicoffer. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—C. H. Dobbs, N. T. Hanna, Geo. J. Hanna. Total Members 50 Total dues $54. Officers, 1874—Jas. S. Comfort, H. P.; Wm. W. Baccus, K.; Louis Glazier, S.; J. M. Lewis, C. of H.; David Carr, P. S.; M. A. Clark, E. A. C.; Jno. B. Davis, M. 3d V.; Jno. C. Lucas, M. 2d V.; Jas. D. Bimmer, M. 1st V.; Wm. V. Davis, Treasurer; D. L. Smythe, Secretary; Jas. N. Taylor, Tyler. Members—Jas. H. Alexander, Eichard Bullock, M. J. Bell, Jr., B. A. Clark, Jno. M. Charp- ings, A. F. Dotson, Wm. Dodd, Henry Jamison, D. W. Knox, Asa M. Keeth, W. E. Meek, S. T. Oldham, C. F. Oldecop, S. P. Eimmer, Wm. F. Eimmer, John Eiley, M. Eoby, Jno. W. Scarborough, Isaac W. Scarborough, E. C. Stewart, Eobt. B. Webb, Saml. Young, Jno. P. Irving, W. N. Stuckey, J. M. Dodd, Joab L. Scarborough, J. K. Shrock, F. Zollicoffer, M. H. Gregory. Eeinstated—M. Eoby. Dimitted—Wm. Allen, Jas. G. Sallis, L. S. Terry. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Eichard Henry, Isaac A. Herring, Wm. B. Thomp- son, T. A. Tarbert, Stokley White, J. K. Coffee. Total members 41. Dues $45.00. Convocations Monday night on or before full moons. Raymond, No. 22—Raymond, Hinds County. Officers, 1873—J. J. Dromgoole, H. P.; Geo. C. Porter, K.; C. D. Gillespie, S.; Wm. Goode, C. of H.; D. J. Buckley, P. S.; B. S. Davis, E. A. C.; E. M.-Meacham, M. 3d V.; B. F. Edwards, M. 2d V.; S. B. Thomas, M. 1st V.; J. M. Hawkins, Treasurer; Murray Peyton, Secretary; Newell Bankston, Tyler. Exalted—H. H. Heard, J. D. Bedwell. Affiliated—Wm. K. Douglass, W. F. Fontaine. Total members 20. Total dues $24.00. Officers, 1874—Wm. Thomas, H. P.; Geo. C. Porter, K.; S. B. Thomas, S.; H. H. Heard, C. of H.; D. J. Buckley, P. S.; J. D. Bedwell, E. A. C.; A. B. Sivley, M. 3d V.; B. F. Edwards, M. 2d V.; N. B. Smith, M. 1st V.; A. J. Willis, Treasurer; W. F. Fontaine, Secretary; A. B. McGowan, Tyler. Members—J. J. Dromgoole, p. h. p.; T. C. Austin, B. S. Davis, W. K. Douglass, H. T. T. Eupree, C. D. Gillespie, E. M. Meacham—Total 19. Exaltations—A. B. Sivley, T. C. Austin, N. B. Smith. A. B. McGowan. Affiliated—Wm. Thomas. Dimitted—Henderson Lowry. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Wm. Goode, J. M. Hawkins, N. W. Bankston, J. B. Fairchild. Total members 19. Dues $27.00. Convocations 1st Saturdays. Houston, No. 23—Houston, Ghichasaw County. Officers, 1873—W. W. Wood, H. P.; J. A. Purkey, K.; J. L. S. Hill, S.; E. P. Mitchell, C. of H • A G Wood P S ; C. T. Woodall, E. A. C.; Wm. Hill, M. 3d V.: Isaac Paulk, M. 2d V.; L.A.Porter, M. 1st V.; D. K. Woodall, Treasurer; J. M. Woodall, Secretary; F. G. Wood, Tyler. ■ Eeinstated—J. A. Harrison. Dimitted—Jas. T. Doss. Dn?n—Wm Barton, "Wm. Harrell. _ _ Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—D. C. Ausley, E. N. Dommick, Wm. Ellis, J. T. Griffin C C Grav Wm T Harlan, F. M. Jamesl, Wm. M. Moffatt, J. R. Mcintosh, B. F. Owem Thos. U. PearsaH, J. E. Smith, Allen White. Total members 31. Total dues $34.00. 58 Officers, 1874—W. W. "Wood, H. P.; J. A. Purkey, K.; J. L. S. Hill, S.; E. P. Mitchell, p. h. p., C. of H.; A. G. "Wood, P. S.; C. T. Woodall, E. A. C.; ¥m. Hill, M. 3d"V.; Isaac Paulk, M. 2d V.: L. A. Porter, M. 1st V.; D. K. Woodall, Treasurer; J. M. Woodall, Secretary; P. G. Wood, Tyler. Members—T. N. Martin, p. h. p., M. Brown, Frank Burkitt, J. !L. Evans, Littleton Hill, John Smith, J. B. Wilson—Total 19. Exalted—Frank Burkitt. Eeinstated—B. F. Owen, T. U. Pearsall, S. C. Williams. Dimitted—B. F. Owen, T. 0". Pearsall, S. C. Williams. Died—Absolom Barton. Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues—Wm. Hill, J. A. Harrison, Jas. Martin, A. A. Park, J. M. Stages, E. W. Thompson, C. E. Taft, J. E. Miller, J. D. Smith, B. F. Fitzpatrick, Thomas Hague, W. L. Walker, J. J. Buff. Total members 17. Dues $26.00." Convocations 1st Saturdays, 2 o'clock, P. M. Meridian, JVo. £5—Meridian, Lauderdale County. Officees, 1873—J. D. Kline, H.P.; H. .W. Wilson, K.; M. Levy, S.; Julius Elson, C. of H.; G. Henderson, P.S.; M. Eoos, K.A.C.; A. Wolff, M. 3d V.; E. J. Moseley, M. 2d V.; C. H. Wil- liams, M. 1st V.; G. H. Lesser, Treasurer; L. C. Elson, Secretary; James Welch, Tyler. Dimitted—J. E. Smith, J. T. Taylor. Died—J. W. Brooks. Total members, 32. Total dues, $32.00. Officers, 1874—Granville Henderson, H.P.; M. Levy, K.; E. V. Early, S.; Julius Elson, C. of H.; Joe Eakins, P.S.; H. W. Wilson, E.A.C.; B. T. Eush, M. 3d V.; G. H. Lesser, M. 2d V.; , M. 1st V.; D. Kosenbaum, Treasurer; Louis C. Elson, Secretary; William S. Patton, P.G.H.P., {not a member) Tyler. Members—J. D. Kline, P.H.P., A. L. Burwell, W. C. Ford, John H. Gibbs, E. E. Harris, James Holbrook, W. G. Jones, E. J. Moseley, Lee Shackleford, C. H. Williams, W. H. White, J. W. Young.—Total 22. Dimitted—A. G. Fredritce, A. J. Peck, M. Eoos. Died—William Gaston, James Welch. Expelled—A. Wolff, p.h.p., expelled by Lauderdale Lodge, No. 308. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—John Armstrong, Charles Beese, D. G. Smith, Aaron Weill. Total members 22. Total dues, $22.00. Convocations 1st Tuesdays. Oholona, No. 27—0kolona, Chickasaw County. Officers, 1873—T. W. Williams, H.P.; Jacob A. Loughridge, K.; James E. Noe, S.; Charles N. Simpson, C. of H.; Isaac D. Blumenthall, P. S.; Eobert Leland, E. A. C.; James M. Carter, M. 3d V.; E. M. Walker, M. 2d V.; Eobt. D. Abernathy, M. 1st V.; Jno. McCarley, Treasurer; A. Greener, Secretary; J. Harris Mauldin, Tyler. Exalted—James M. Carter, E. M. Walker, A. Greener, .Eobert D. Abernathy, C. W. Eich- ardson, Eobert Leland. Affiliated—John P. Porter. Eeinstated—John Thornton, A. Buford. Expelled—Charles J. Moore. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Jos. Bretney, p.h.p.; A. D. Brooks, G. G. Horton. Total members, 32. Total dues, $44.00. Officers, 1874—William M. Bodenhamer, H.P.; C. N. Simpson, K.; William M. Buchanan, S.; A. Babbitt, C. of H.; J. S. Cain, P.8.; J. M. Carter, E.A.C.; E. M. Walker, M. 3d V.; John McCurley, M. 2d V.; E. D. Abernathy, M. 1st V.; T. W. Williams, Treasurer; I. D. Blumen- thall, Secretary; J. H. Mauldin, Tyler. Members—J. S. Abernathy, A. Buford, J. A. Bell, H. L. Hill, A. Greener, J. W. Miller, R. C. Leland, J. A. Loughridge, J. E. Noe, O. Pollard, A. Pollard, J. P. Porter, C. W. Eichardson, H. Eafalsky, John Thornton, John E. Wren. Reinstated—J. A. Bell, J. S. Abernathy. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—W. G. Arnold, W. H. D. Crawford, W. D. Carr, William M. Penney, Jr., J. H. Tucker. Total members 28. Dues $28.00. Convocations 2d Thursdays. Walker, No. 28—Sardis, Panola County. Officers, 1873—David A. Kinchloe, H. P.; J. J. Meek, K.; L. D. Greenlaw, S.; John Wright, C. of H.; W. H. Wall, P. S.; C. C. Wilboum, E. A. C.; C. J. Boucher, M. 3d V.; B. C. Kyle, M. 2d V.; Thomas M. Duval, M. 1st V.; John D. Hightower, Treasurer; John C. Harrison, Sec- retary; J. W. Moore, Tyler. Exalted—C. C. Wilbourn, B. C. Kyle, C. W. Duval, J. W. Moore, M. J. Williams, Thomas M. Duval, Jos. R. Jackson, E. C. Balch. Affiliated—John C. H. Rhodes, I. N. Davis, J. J. Meek, W. M. Marshall. Expelled—R. H. Strauss. Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct—W. M. Shanahan, T. J. Cary, A. F. Betts, John W. Jones. 59 Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues—W. C. Musgrove, Marion A. Myers. Total members 41. Total dues $57.00. Officees,- 1874—David A. Kinchloe, H.P.; W. Ovid Mabry, K.; John C. Harrison, S.; John "Wright, C. of H.; William H. Wall, P. S.; C. W. Duval, R.A.C.; S. R. Blann, M. 3d V.; B. C. Kyle, M. 2d V.; Thomas M. Duval, M. 1st V.; John D. Hightower, Treasurer; R. W. Crump, Secretary; Robert Jackson, Tyler. Membees—Adam Brown, C. J. Boucher, R. C. Balch, D. L. Childress, L. P. Cooper, H. C. Cary, A. L. Crumby, John R. Dickins, I. N. Davis, A. J. Ellis, L. D. Greenlaw, John W. John- son, Joseph R. Jackson, William M. Marshall, Ed. F. McGehee, p.h.p., William M. Miller, Jeff.' J. Meek, J. W. Moore, B. R. Perry, C. C. Wilbourn, Thomas F. Wilson, M. J. Williams, C. B. Young. Exaltations—William W. Miller, L. P. Cooper, R. W. Crump, Robert Jackson, H. C. Cary, A. L. Crumby. Affiliated—W. Ovid Mabry. Dimitted—Hiram W. Harris, George R. Hunt, Ro. H. Rivers. Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues—Josias Allen, John C. Brahan, John Bryant, Thos. F. Brahan, S. B. G. Caruthers, C. K. Caruthers, M. F. Gilchrist, J. C. H. Rhodes, R. P. Sorrels, John H. White. Total members 35. Dues $47.00. Convocations 1st Thursdays. Washington, No. 29—Utica, Hinds County. Officees, 1873—Samuel McClellan, H.P.; H. J. Sarrett, K.; Robert White, S.; W. J. Allen, C. of H.; James C. Ross, P.S.; Joseph Regan, R.A.C.; William Taylor, M. 3d V.; Lorenzo White, M. 2d V.; D. J. Hartzog, M. 1st V.; W. D. McClellan, Treasurer; S. E. Dudley, Secre- tary; C. P. Yaughn, Tyler. Reinstated—H. J. Sarrett. Died—William McPherson. Total members, 27. Total dues, $28.00. Officees, 1874—H. J. Sarrett, H. P.; Wm. D. McClellan, K., William Taylor, S.; William J. Allen, C. of H.; John Fisher, P. S.; John C. Nixon, R. A. C.; James C. Ross, M. 3d V.; J. E. W. Cook, M. 2d V.; H. F. Foster, M. 1st V.; D. J. Hartzog, Treasurer; Samuel E. Dudley, Sec- retary; Middleton Ford, Chaplain; C. P. Yaughn, Tyler. Membees--Samuel McClellan, p. h.p., Jacob H.Campbell, G. D.England, Hayward Foote, H. F. Foster, L. Harrel, Joseph W. Jacobs, W. W. Johnston, W. J. Lum, D. A. J. Parker, Jos. Regan, Robert White.—Total 25. Exaltations—G. D. England, H. F. Foster, L. Harrel. Affiliated—Nathan G. Martin, John C. Nix. Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues—Thomas W. Brown, T. J. Hutchins, S. Hutchins, S. G. Kelker, James May, Charles R. Regan. Total members, 25. Dues $31.00. Convocations, 2d Wednesdays. Shongalo, No. 30—Vaiden, Carroll County. Officees, 1873—T. C. Everett, H.P.; J. A. Applewhite, K.; William Joyce, S.; S. C. Bains, C. of H.; T. C. Harris, P.S.; S. Lichenstein, R.A.C.; S. R. Sproles, M. 3d V.; E. B. Gordon, M. 2d Y.; J. T. Harris, M. 1st V.; R. C. Wilson, Treasurer; B. J. Kopperl, Secretary; E. L. Wood, Tyler. Affiliated—S. J. Durham, G. P. Gillaspie, William Joyce. Dimitted—G. W. Jernigan, Frank Hawkins. Died—James Applewhite, J. A. H. Haslett. Suspended foe Unmasonic Conduct—Daniel Adair. Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues—A. H. Brantley, J. B. Dunn. Total members, 39. Total dues, $39.00. Officees, 1874—T. C. Everett, H.P.; J. A. Applewhite, K.; J. J. Tate, S.; J. L. Anderson, C. of H.; B. Foreheimer, P. S.; S. Lichenstein, R.A.C.; S. L. Hirsh, M. 3d Y.; D. H. Cohron,SM. 2d Y.; S. C. Bains, M. 1st Y.; W. E. Whittle, Treasurer; B. J. Kopperl, Secretary; E. B. Gor- don, Tyler. Membees—R. S. Allen, Sr., Zack Blackman, W. D. Brock, W. C. Billingsley, J. M. Cross, S. J. Durham, T. J. Fullilove, D. P. Gillaspie, G. W. Humphries, T. C. Harris, J. T. Harris, Wm. Joyce, J. W. Lowry, W. S. Myers, Z. Oldham, W. W. Phillips, A. J. Sanderson, J. M. Ship, S. R. Sproles, R. C. Wilson, Att Willshire, Wiley Kelly, J. A. Webb, E. L. Wood, S. N. Ely, T. B. Kennedy, H. C. Blackman.—Total 39. Note. -The three last names, omitted and not accounted for, are added by Gr. Secretary. Reinstated—A. H. Brantley. . • ^ ^ ™ -r^ Total members, 49. Dues, (including $1.00 back dues for Companion reinstated) $40.00. Dues remitted. Convocations 1st Fridays. Emory, No. 32—Black Hawk, Carroll County. 0 „ 1873—J. M. Johnson, H. P.; C. J. Coleman, K.; B. H. McGee, S.; R. D. Meek, C. of ' Kittrell, P. S.; S. A. Eggleston, R. A. C.; B. T. Sayer, M. 3d V.; W. P. Clement, M. 2d V.'; G. W. Comstock, M. 1st V.; W. K. Turner, Treasurer; W. G. Ingram, Secretary; D.*H. Jordan, Tyler. 60 Exalted—J. L. C. Pate, L. H. Jenkins, H. H. McGehee, J. B. Garrott, W. G. Ingram, Fred Attneave, J. A. Lundy, A. E. Stone, B. T. Sayer, H. W. Cooley, T. F. C. Hinson, T. H. Bibb. Affiliated—J. M. Fansher, W. M. McGehee. Total members 56. Total dues $74.00. Officers, 1874—C. J. Coleman, H. P.; B. H. McGee, K.; J. B. Ewbanks, S.; R. D. Meek, C. of H.; B. F. Kittrell, P. S.; S. A. Eggleston, R. A. C.; H. W. Cooley, M. 3d V.; W. P. Clem- ent, M. 2d V.; W. R. Baker, M. 1st V.; W. K. Turner, Treasurer; W. G. Ingram, Secretary; D. H. Jordan, Tyler. Members—J. M. Johnson, p.h.p., W. R. Anderson, Fred Attneave, J. C. Bertron, T. H. Bibb, G. W. Comstock, W. R. Cade, A. D. Cooke, John W. Downer, J. M. Fancher, Henry Gillum, J. B. Garrott, T. F. C. Hinson, J. M. Hill, W. B. Helm, J. A. Hamilton, H. T. Hampton, C. A. Hughes, B. M. Hicks, J. H. Johnson, L. N. Jenkins, R. C. Jenkins, J. A. Lundy, H. B. McGee, H. H. McGehee, W. M. McGehee, J. W. McRae, R. B. Prince, W. B. Prince, J. H. Porter, J. L. C. Pate, H. J. Reid, A. J. Reeves, B. T. Sayer, A. E. Stone, J. T. Streater, J. C. Towns, T. S. Threadgill, H. S. "Wade. Exaltations—W. R. Baker, C. A. Hughes. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—T. C. Parrish, p.h.p. Total members 51. Dues $55.00. Convocations 4th Fridays. Lafayette, No. S3—Oxford, Lafayette County. Officers, 1873—D. M. Smith, H. P.; C. H. Bell, K.; C. Myer, S.; George W. Delbridge, C. of H.; J. H. McKie, P. S.; N. A. Isom, R. A. C.; W. H. Smither, M. 3d V.; J. H. McPherson, M. 2d V.; "W. Wyatt, M. 1st V.; J. L. Harris, Treasurer; J. "W. Nabers, Secretary; T. H. Lynam, Tyler. Exalted—R. C. Arnold, A. M. Arnold, George A. Logan. Dimitted—F. M. Ferrill, Julius Bernheim. Total members 45. Total Dues $51.00. Officers, 1874—Donnell M. Smith, H. P.; Thomas L. Harris, K.; Charles Myer, S.; New- ton A. Isom, C. of H.; John H. McKie, P. S.; W. "W. Wyatt, R. A. C.; William H. Smither, M. 3d V.; Thomas J. Chandler, M. 2d V.; George W. Delbridge, M. 1st V.; James M. Howry, p.g.h.p, Treasurer; Edward Carter, Secretary; Thomas H. Lynam, Tyler. Members—Claiborne H. Bell, p.h.p., Josiah Able, William E. Avent, R. C. Arnold, A. M. Ar- nold, William S. Burney, James R. Burney, James D. Delbridge, Isaac A. Duncan, A. M. Gra- ham, Jesse E. Hudgens, B. F. Houston, A. Hayes, James M. Dooley, James L. Kindel, George A. Logan, P. H. McCutchen, J. W. McPherson, E. M. Matthews, William H. Marshall, Wm. S. Neilson, H. E. Rascoe, A. H. Sanders, P. J. Slate, William Thompson, George W. Smith, Jno. Thompson, Richard B. Thacker, Henry Worley, Robert Webster.—Total 42. Affiliated—Edward Carter, Arthur Hays. Reinstated—W. J. Jones. Dimitted—S. G. Burney, J. H. White, J. B. Surprise, W. W. McMahan, W. L. Lyles. Died—C. M. Thompson, W. J. Jones. Total members 42. Dues $46.00, including $4.00 back dues of Companion reinstated. Convo- cations 3d Thursdays. Neshoba, No. 34—Laurel Hill, Neshoba County. Officers, 1873—E. L. Lewis, H. P.; Hugh McDonald, K.; A. McKay, S.; W. P. Frasier, C. of H.; J. E. Simmons, P. S.; S. E. Steel, R. A. C.; John McMichael, M. 3d V.; James Watkins, M. 2d V.; Charles Holland, M. 1st V.; John M. McMillan, Treasurer; J. S. Lewis, Secretary; J. M. Germany, Tyler. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—J. G. Deskins, E. D. Gamblin. Total members 22. Total Dues $22.00. Officers, 1874—E. L. Lewis, H.P.; Hugh McDonald, K.; A. McKay, S.; W. P. Frasier, C. of H.; J. E. Simmons, P.S.; S. E. Steel, R.A.C.; John McMichael, M. 3d V.; Jas. Watkins, M. 2d V.; Charles Holland, M. 1st V.; J. M. McMillan, Treasurer; J. S. Lewis, Secretary; J. M. Ger- many, Tyler. Members—James Anderson, D. O. Anderson, A. G. Amis, W. C. Dowd, H. C. Greer, J. R. Pace, Samuel Williams. Died—J. W. Anderson. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—L. C. Franklin. Total members, 19. Dues $19.00. Convocations 4th Saturdays. Louisville, No. 36—Louisville, Winston County. Officers, 1873—H. J. D. Hendricks, H.P.; J. B. Gage, K.; James D. Davis, S.; L. Lieben- feld, C. of H., J. C. Shaw, P.S.; J. A. Graham, R.A.C.; M. A. Coleman, M. 3d V.; D. W. Metts, M. 2d V.; J. M. Ware, M. 1st V.; E. Foster, Treasurer; G. Y. Woodward, Secretary; H. C. Ed- wards, Tyler. Exalted—J. B. Brown, M. A. Coleman, D. W. Metts. Dimitted—J. C. Foster, in 1871, A. Burroughs. Suspended—R. M. White. Total members, 33. Total dues, $40.00. 61 Officers, 1874—H. J. D. Hendricks, H. P.; J. P. Shaw, K.; J. B. Gage, S.; L. Liebenfeld, C. of H.; J. C. Shaw, P. S.; H. C. Edwards, R. A. C.; N. Woodward, M. 3d V.; M. A. Coleman, M. 2d V.; J. D. Shaw, M. 1st V.; E. Foster, Treasurer; G. Y. Woodward, Secretary; C. H. Ca- gle, Tyler. Members—William Barnes, J. H. Cornwell, J. D. Davis, W. H. Fox, E. Gaston, J. A. Gra- ham, J. C. Holmes, E. D. Hyde, T. B. Hooker, John Kennedy, T. P. M. King, B. B. Lindsey, D. W. Metts, M. A. Metts, G. Y. Metts, T. P. Metts, J. W. Parker, J. B. Poteet, Rufus Sulli- van, J. L. Speakes, J. M. Ware.—Total 33. Exaltations—T. B. Hooker, T. P. M. King, G. Y. Metts, T. P. Metts, J. W. Parker, J. D. Shaw. Reinstated—A. Burroughs, E. D. Hyde, C. Westerfield. Dimitted—A. Burroughs, J. B. Brown, A. G. Patty, C. Westerfield. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—T. M. Bradley, G. W. Fulton, A. Gillis, Hugh McQueen. Total members 33. Total dues $52.00, including back dues of Companions Hyde and Wester- field, reinstated. Convocations 3d Monday nights. Union, No. 37— Richmond, Lee County. Officers, 1872, 1873—G. W. Stovall, H. P.; William Beacham, K.; R. M. Borum, S.; George Martin, C. of H.; Thomas Brooks, P. S.; W. E. Estes, R. A. C.; J. B. Little, M. 3d V.; E. Mar- tin, M. 2d V.; John Edwards, M. 1st V.; A. D. Martin, Treasurer; A. S. Wear, (dead) Secretary; J. B. Webb, Tyler. Affiliated—J. P. Stovall. Reinstated—R. W. Palmer, William Vincent. Dimitted—William Beacham, J. M. Armstrong, William Vincent. Total members 25. Total dues $34.00. Officers, 1874—George Martin, H.P.; G. W. Stovall, p.h.p., K.; M. Pound, S.; J. P. Sto- vafi, C. of H.; T. H. Boothe, P.S.; J. W. Little, R.A.C.; William Blythe, M. 3d V.; H. C. Sto- vail, M. 2d V.; W. E. Estes, M. 1st V.; A. D. Martin, Treasurer; R. W. Palmer, Secretary; J. B. Webb, Tyler. Members—Thomas Brooks, Robert Beene, R. M. Borum, William Cooper, W. H. Keys, Geo. Martin, Edward Martin, G. K. Madry, H. J. Stone, A. C. Tatum, R. S. Thomas.—Total 23. Exalted—William Cooper, G. K. Madry, T. H. Booth, H. J. Stone, William Blythe, H. C. Stovall. Reinstated—Robert Beene, M. Pound, A. C. Tatum, F. Finny. Dimitted—E. G. TUbmas, F. Finny. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—G. F. Burdine, W. R. Burdine, R. A. Burton, C. Dowd, Eli Phillips, F. M. Threldkeld, Sugar Mayfield, Martin Gross, Bailey Shumpert. Total members 23. Dues $67.00, including $32.00 back dues of reinstated Companions. Con- vocations 4th Fridays. Marshall, No. 40—North Mt. Pleasant, Marshall County. Officers, 1873—A. Webb, H. P.; W. W. Walker, K.; H. S. Rogers, S.; W. J. Coopwood, C. of H.; W. W. Tapscott, P. S.; B. Norris, R. A. C.; J. F. Crawford, M. 3d V.; P. M. Teel, M. 2d V.; T. B. Gatewood, M. 1st V.; D. Smith, Treasurer; J. Albright, Secretary. Exalted—G. W. Albright, F. M. Davis, J. L. Edwards, J. M. Oliphant, W. H. Smith, P. M. Teel. Affiliated—W. W. Tapscott. Reinstated—D. F. Bates, James Bates, J. C. Warren. Dimitted—Jeff. Bankhead, J. L. Edwards. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—E. P. Kilpatrick. Total members 44. Total dues $56.00. Officers, 1874—A. Webb, H. P.; M. H. Boyd, K.; G. W. Bowling, S.; W. J. Coopwood, C. of H.; W. W Walker, P. S.; B. Norris, R. A. C.; J. F. Crawford, M. 3d V.; J. W. Morton, M. 2d V.;'J. Albright, M. 1st V.; D. Smith, Treasurer; F. M. Davis, Secretary;. H. W. Smith, Tyler. Members—G W Albright, D. F. Bates, E. Cannon, T. B. Gatewood, A. J. Green, J. P. Ham- ton, T. C. Jowers, L. M. Knox, R. L. Knox, H. S. Rogers, C. Sullivan, J. E. Teel, P. M. Teel, W. W. Tapscott, A. J. Vaughan.—Total 27. Exalted—A. J. Green, J. W. Morton, C. Sullivan. Affiliated—R. L. Knox. Reinstated—E. P. Kilpa-trick. Dimitted—E. P. Kilpatrick. for Non-Payment of Dues—J. Bates, R. A. Baird, W. R. Crawford, D. E. Curl, D L Coo-sdell J M. Cavitt, G. H. Hale, J. Lindermon, T. J. Lockhart, J. M. Oliphant, A. L. Pearson,°G. Parker, E. Roach, J. Steel, W. L. Shaw, J. West, J. C. Warren, J. R. Walker, R. A Wade John Wilson. Total members 27. Dues $38.00, including $5.00 back dues of Companions reinstated. Con- vocations 1st Saturdays. 62 Amite, JVo. ^—Liberty, Amite County. Officers, 1873—Charles P. Neilson, H. P.; Joseph R. Williams, K.; Elias Safford, S.; Charles E. Davis, C. of H.; Charles Carroll, P. S.; David Wilson, R. A. C.; Thomas Reed, M. 3dV.; James R. Aumock, M. 2d V; A. F. Strawn, M. 1st V.; Charles Carroll, Treasurer; B. F. Johns, Secretary; David Jewett, Tyler. Exalted—Joseph R. Williams. Died—John G. Morgan. Total members 31. Total Dues $33.00. Officeks, 1874—Charles E. Davis, H.P.; Elias Safford, K.; Joseph R. Williams, S.; David H. Bryant, C. of EL; Charles Carroll, P. S.; Charles P. Neilson, R.A.C.; William P. Anderson, M. 3d V.; William L. Davis, M. 2d V.; B. F. Johns, M. 1st V.; Charles Carroll, Treasurer; B. F. Johns, Secretary; David Jewett, Tyler. Members—M. P. Bates, Z. P. Butler, Isaiah Cerf, W. D. Davidson, W. L. Davis, S. Gardner, C.C.Germany, M.B.Gillespie, James Hinson, James E. Jagers, James A. Jenkins, JohnH. Nunnery, H. H. Ratcliffe, Thomas Reed, Y. F. Swearingen, A. F. Strawn, E. L. Tarver, W. A. Tarver, W. M. Weathersby, F. C. Wrenn, David Wilson.—Total 32. Affiliated—David H. Bryant. Died—John Tebow. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—James R. Aumock. Total members 32. Dues $32.00. Convocations, Mondays on or preceding full moons. Tallahatchie, JVo. Charleston, Tallahatchie County. Officers, 1873—W. H. FitzGerald, H.P.; J. A. Crofford, K.; G. B. Roberson, S.; S. C. Barnes, C. of H.; C. J. F. Meriwether, P.S.; T. W. Turner, R.A.C.; M. F. Holshouser, M. 3d Y.; W. A. Alcorn, M. 2d V.; W. H. Roberson, M. 1st V.; J. W. Buckley, Treasurer; J. W. Bellamy, Secre- tary; W. R. Erwin, Tyler. Exalted—W. A. Alcorn, J. J. Slack, T. W. Turner. Died—J. M. R. Simmons, J. F. M. Young. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—S. Barnes, F. W. Boisclair, J. EL Dame, W. W. Finley, B. F. Lester, J. W. Tanner. Total members, 26. Total dues, $32.00. Officers, 1874—W. EL FitzGerald, H.P.; T. W. Turner, IE.; J. W. Buckley, S.; W. R. Er- win, C. of EL; C. J. F. Meriwether, P.S.; W. A. Alcorn, R.A.C.; M. F. Holshouser, M. 3d V.; W. H. Roberson, M. 2d V.; J. D. Steele, M. 1st V.; G. B. Roberson, Treasurer; J. W. Bellamy, Secretary; G. P. Rice, Tyler. • Members—A. Ball, J. S. Bailey, John Blythe, T. F. Crofford, J. W. Erwin, B. F. A. Lilly, Jerry Robinson, J. A. Ross, G. B. Roberson, J. J. Slack, N. P. Starke, R. Quarles, F. A. Wil- kerson. Exalted—John Blythe, Jerry Robinson, N. P. Starke. Died—J. A. Crofford, Jan. 1, 1873; S. C. Barnes, Feb. 28, 1873; A. G. Murphey, June 7,1873. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—James McClane, James P. Rhew. Total members, 25. Dues $31.00. Convocations 3d Monday nights. Enterprise, JVo. Enterprise, Clarke County. Officers, 1873—S. W. Lee, H.P.; John Kamper, K.; G. M. Shaw, S.; J. A. Andrews, C. of H.; J. M. Hand, P.S.; J. U. McCormick, R.A.C.; F. 8. Pickel, M. 3d V.; Samuel Ballard, M. 2d A. V. Woolverton, M. 1st V.; C. Kramer, Treasurer; Jas. W. Winn, Secretary; J. M. Buntyn, Tyler. Officers, 1874—J. M. Hand, H.P.; S. W. Lee, K.; F. S. Pickel, S.; J. U. McCormick, C. of H.; J. W. Winn, P.S.; G. M. Shaw, .RA.C.; John Kamper, M. 3d V.; J. A. Andrews,M. 2d Y.; A. V. Woolverton, M. 1st V.; C. Kramer, Treasurer; A. Gusman, Secretary; Samuel Ballard, Tyler. Members—S. J. Bingham, Ira J. Carter, W. P. Davis, A. Gusman, W. H. Hardy, Robert Hanna. Exalted—S. J. Bingham, A. Gusman, Robert Hanna. Dimitted—C. Corbett, a.. G. Levy, T. H. Wilson. Died—H. D. Moody, W. K. Flowers. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—S. R. Oliphant, C. F. Mayerhoff, G. W, Holden, H. Harding, James Woods, Jacob Hurst. Total Members, 18. Dues $18.00. Convocations 3d Thursdays. BK3T Returns or dues for 1872 not yet received. Verona, JVo. 4r?~Ver0Tia> Lee County. Oiffcers 1873—R. C. Cunningham, H.P.; Thomas E. Cannon, K.; T. B. Smith, S.; Robert L. Trice, C. of H.; G. C. Bessonett, P.S.; J. S. Cobb, R.A.C.; Z. T. Trice, M. 3d V.; B. S. Trice, M. 2d Y.; J. R. Johnson, M. 1st V.; B. T. Armstrong, Treasurer; A. H. Raymond, Secretary; J. B. Childers, Tyler. Exalted—Z. T. Trice, J. B. Childers, H. H. Smith. 63 Reinstated—S. C. Robinson, W. M. Cunningham, J. T. Borah, E. F. Jackson, W. J. Norwood. Dimitted—E. F. Jackson. Total members, 29. Total dues $52.00. Officers 1874-R. C. Cunningham, H.P.; Thomas E. Cannon, K.; T. B. Smith, S.; Robert L. Trice, C. of H.; G. C. Bessonett, P.S.; B. S. Trice, R.A.C.; A. H. Raymond, M. 3d V.; J. S. Cobb, M. 2d Y.; C. W. Taylor* M. 1st V.; Z. T. Trice, Treasurer ; T. C. Wier, Secretary; J. B. Childers, Tyler. Members—B. T. Armstrong, W. M. Cunningham, R. C. Clark, J. M. Burton, J. T. Borah, J. N. Davis, J. H. Garmon, J. W. Hunter, J. R. Johnson, J. R. McCanlas, B. R. McGaughey, W. J. Norwood, J. A. Peebles, S. C. Robinson, H. H. Smith, P. A. Scales, Wm. Gibson. Exalted—T. C. "Wier, J. W. Hunter, J. R. McCanlas. Affiliated—J. A. Peebles. Dimitted—J. M. Trice, H. L. Porter, W. C. Bromley. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—H. C. Wilson, J. L. Caruth. Total members, 29. Dues $35.00. Convocations 3d Wednesdays. * Appears in roll for first time without explanation. Ripley, JVo. g8—Ripley, Tippah County. Officers 1873—A. C. Rucker, H. P.; John T. Murry, K.; J. C. Spight, S.; J. E. Rogers, C. of H.; J. H. Buchanan, P.S.; J. T. Martin, R.A.C.; R. I. Hill, M. 3d V.; J. A. Crook, M. 2d V.; J. S. Downen, M. 1st V.; W. D. Carter, Treasurer; W. W. Robinson, Secretary; E. F. Jordan, Tyler. Exalted—B. H. Bounds, J. S. Downen, W. B. Spight. Dimitted—B. H. Bounds, J. P. Peeler. Total members, 37. Total dues, $43.00. Officers, 1874—A. C. Rucker, H. P.; C. L. Harris, K.; J. C. Spight, S.; J. E. Rogers, C. of H.; J. H. Buchanan, P.S.; J. Y. Murry, R.A.C.; S. R. Spight, M. 3d V.; H. T. Counceille, M. 2d V.; J. S. Downen, M. 1st V.; W. D. Carter, Treasurer; W. W. Robinson, Secretary; E. F. Jordan, Tyler. Members—J. A. Crook, E. A. Cox, B. W. Dickson, J. A. Fife, R. I. Hill, J. O. Kelly, J. S. Laird, M. P. Lowrey, J. W. Luter, C. P. Miller, J. T. Martin, Moses McCarley, L. S. McCown, Joseph Pearce, C. C. Rucker, B. B. Rutherford, W. O. Rutherford, B. B. Smith, W. B. Spight, H. A. Stubbs, Samuel White, J. M. Walker, H. F. Wells, J. W. Wilson, A. H. Wilson, W. T. Young.—Total 38. Affiliated—H. T. Counceille, C. L. Harris. Died—C. G. Haynes. Total members 38. Dues $38.00 Convocations 2d Wednesdays. New Albany, No. Jf9—New Albany, Union County. Officers, 1873—Joel A. Hearne, H. P.; Chas. G. Mitchell, K.; Adlai Beard, S.; Wm. H. Harris, C. ot H.; Jo. Jeff. Davis, P. S.: J. H. Williamson, R. A. C.; Geo. W. Dorsey, M. 3d V.; Wm. C. Gillen, M. 2d V.; Jas. A. Hill, M. 1st V.; Norbin J. Mayes, Treasurer, W. Preston Smith, Secretary; Jefferson Orr, Tyler. Died—Chas. T. Bond, Past Grand High Priest, Pressley R. Harris. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Waddy A. Bacon, John W. Buchanan, M. W. Martin, Wm. C. Swindoll, Jr., David, D. Stewart. Total members 39. Total dues $39.00. Officers, 1874—Joel A. Hearne, H. P.; E. M. Coker, K.; F. W. Cullens, S.; J. H. Dalton, C. of H.; N. A. Wilkins, P. S.; J. H. Williamson, R. A. C.; W. C. Gillen, M. 3d V.; J. L. Young, M. 2d V.; G. W. Dorsey, M. 1st V.; A. Beard, Treasurer, C. G. Mitchell, Secretary; Jeff. Orr, Tyler. Members—J. J. Anderson, J. B. Butler, J. H. Crump, J. J. Davis, G. L. Driver J. P. Duff, W. M. Ellis, J. H. Embry, John R. Ford, A. H. Ferguson, G. W. Hall, Wm. H. Harris, W. J. Houston, E. D. Hogge, J. A. Hill, W. M. Love, J. A. MeBryde, B. C. S. McAlister, N. J. Mayes, W. Pennebaker, J. A. Robbins, W. L. Reynolds, J. W. Russey, E. Y. Reaves, J. W. Smith, W. B. Sanford, J. S. Swafford, Isaac Smith, Thos. H. Smith, W. P. Smith, R. J. Turner, W. C. Talley, Wm. West, T. A. J. Wade, N. S. Watson, J. M. Wood, A. F. Yerby, J. W. Douglass— Total 50. Exaltations—J. A. MeBryde, G. W. Hall, J. W. Russe, J. H. Dalton, J. W. Douglas, J. M. Wood, F. W. Cullens, E. Y. Reaves, J. J. Anderson, Thos. H. Smith, J. L. Young, A. F. Yerby, W. M. Love, Isaac Smith, J. H. Crump. Affiliated—J. W. Smith. Dimitted—Willis Dean, Madison Orr. DiED-Booker Foster, D. L. Tyler, J. F. Graham , c, c, m , Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—E. C. Clary, S. A. Heard, S. S. Tyler. Total members 50. Dues $84.00. Convocations 1st Saturdays after 1st Fridays. Mt. Carmel, No. 50—Mt. Carmel, Covington County. 0 RS 1873—Isaac Williams, H. P.; Nathan Barnes, K.; John McRaney, S.; Jas. A. Bass, C of h ; w. r. Hooker, P. S.; J. M. Applewhite, R. A. C.; Benj; Leonard, M. 3d V.; J. L. 64 Beavers, M. 2d V.; W. L. Strahan, M. 1st V.; NeilMatherson, Treasurer; L. W. Gray, Secretary, Jerry Bass, Tyler. Reinstated— J. L. Beavers, Reter Fairley, Benj.'Leonard, John McRaney. Dimitted—Henry P. Lewis. Died—Calvin Barnes, Jacob Hollander. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Harris Barnes, Nathan Buckley, O. H. David, J. C. Freeman, Archy Fairley, E. T. Hudnall, W. W. Roberson, W. A. Williams, R. M. Webster. Total members 21. Total dues $29.00. Officers, 1874—same as for 1873. Members—C. S. Brinson, M. L. Banks, John Buckhalter, Peter Fairly, Hambrick Hooker, J. N. Mclnnis, Wm. Rutledge, Wilson Price, John C. Freeman, Jacob Hollander. Total officers and members 22. Dues $22.00. Convocations, Friday before first Saturdays. Geo. Washington, JVo. 51—Chulahoma, Marshall Co. No Return received for 1872. Officers, 1873, 1874—B. N. Alexander, H. P.; P. H. Jenkins, K.; E. W. Bloodworth, S.; R. P. Bowen, C. of H.; J. W. Stephenson, P. S.; W. F. Hyer, R. A. C.; G. W. McKie, M. 3d V.; L. J. Wilson, M. 2d V.; David Lawman, M. 1st V.; C. S. Bowen, Treasurer, J. H. Alexander, Secretary; D. M. Davis, Tyler. Affiliated—J. C. Offutt. Dimitted—S. H. Pryor, H. L. Alexander, Jos. H. Brooks. Total members 13. Dues $13.00. Convocations 3d Saturdays. Patton, No. 52—Lauderdale Station, Lauderdale County. No Return received for 1872. Officers, 1874—R. McKinley, H. P.; C. M. Kelly, K.; Elias Moore, S.; J. L. Simmons, C. of H.; J. C. Porter, P. S.; L. H. Wedgworth, R. A. C.; Lewis Oches, M. 3d V.; J. L. Nunnery, M. 2d V.; R. B. Wilder, M. 1st V.; John Sanderford, Treasurer; Lewis Klein, Secretary, E. W. Smithwick, Tyler. Members—W. S. Patton, p. g. h. p., T. Y. Armstrong, Robert Brown, J. W. Crawley, John Dove, Charles Hoffman, W. A. Kelley, S. P. Kennedy, R. W. Miller, C. G. Miller, W. R. McKinley, J. G. McArthur, E. R. Perkins, Thos. Simmons, Hyman Yaretzky—Total 27. Exaltations—Charles Hoffman, Lewis Klein, Lewis Oches, E. R. Perkins, John Sanderford, L. H. Wedgworth. Affiliated—Hyman Yaretzky. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—E. C. Gibbs, Wm. Moore, S. H. Furgerson, James M. Crawley, E. A. R. Cocke, W. R. Perkins, James MeCarty, Reuben Smith, A. D. McCullough, N. G. Joiner, Alfred Pace, Wesley Brown, J. L. Cooper. Total members 27. Dues 39.00. Convocations Fridays before 4th Saturdays. Palo Alto, No. 53—Palo Alto, Colfax County. Officers, 1873—D. B. Hill, H. P.; S. A. Deanes, K.; J. B. Walkins, S.; W. C. Coopwood, C. of H.; T. C. Williamson, P. S.; J. C. Hill, R. A. C.; W. A. Ward, M. 3d V.; Jno. M. Coleman, M. 2d V.; W. L. Beall, M. 1st. V.; D. Robertson, Treasurer; Wm. H. Hill, Secretary; A. Medlock, Tyler. Exalted—H. D. Bennett, Jno. M. Coleman, J. C. Hill. Died—Jno. L. Armistead. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—R. M. Garvin, S. G. Ivy, W. P. Malone, Clifton St Clair. Total members 21. Total dues $27.00. Officers, 1874—D. B. Hill, H. P.; Jas. B. Watkins, K.; J. M. Coleman, S.; J. C. Hill, C. of H.; W. C. Coopwood, P. S.; S. A. Deanes, R. A. C.; C. J. Townsend, M. 3d V.; H. D. Bennett, M. 2d V.; John White, M. 1st V.; W. A. Ward, Treasurer; Wm. H. Hill, Secretary; A. Medlock, Tyler. Members—W. L. Beall, H. M. Ivy, T. L. Reid, David Robertson, J. S. Williams, T. C. Williamson—Total 18. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—John C. Miller, W. C. McVey. Total members 18. Dues $18.00. Convocations 1st Saturdays, 2 P. M. Bethesda, No. 55—Palmer's Springs, Attala County, Kos- euisho P. O. No Return received for 1872 or 1873. Companion A. W. Mitchell was High Priest for 1872, and Companion C. W. Clark, Secretary. Last total reported, 32. Charter forfeited. 65 Wright, JVo. 56—Independence, DeSoto County. Officers, 1873—J. P. MeCrackin, H. P.; J. W. Bowden, K.; A. J. Wallace, S.; J. a. San- didge, C. of H.; Jas. A. Harris, P. S.; W. W. Grady, K. A. C.; W. R. J. Jones, M. 3d V.; G. R. Sandidge, M. 2d V.; J. C. Graham, M. 1st V.; Robert Jamison, Treasurer; J. T. Harry, Seere- tary; W. F. Walker, Tyler. Dimitted—W. T. Richmond, Sampson Key, Thos. Leonard. Died—W. A. Russwurm, M. P. Peterson. Total members, 23. Total dues $23.00. Officers, 1874—J. P. McCracMn, H. P.; J. W. Bowden, K.; A. J. Wallace, S.; J. Q. Sandidge, C. of H.; J. A. Harris, P. S.; W. W. Grady, R.A.C.; W. R. P. Jones, M. 3d V.; J. L. Graham, M. 2d "V.; J. C. Graham, M. 1st Y.; Robt. Jamison, Treasurer; J. T. Harry, Secretary; W. F. Walker, Tyler. Members—B. R. Chambliss, p. h. p., J. A. Harrison, D. W. Allen, A. Cathey, A. Carnitine, Josiah Daily, W. P. Bason, R. C. Orr, G. R. Sandidge, D. J. Perry, Exm Perry—Total 23. Total members 23. Dues $23.00. Convocations 3d Saturdays. Baldwyn, JVo. 5 7—Baldwyn, Lee County. Officers, 1873—Jas. H. Kennedy, H. P.; Edward J. Williams, K.; W. D. MeWhoiter, S.; Andrew G. Crockett, C. of H.; Jerry A. Thompson, P. S.; Thos. G. Stocks, R.A.C.; Robert E. Delany, M. 3d Y.; Thos. B. Stubbs, M. 2d V.; Wm. W. Lowry, M. 1st V.; Isham R. Wailis. Treasurer; Lee C. Prather, Secretary; John Stephenson, Tyler. Reinstated—David Johnson. Dimitted—Lynn Walker, R. H. Porter. Died—A. J. Taylor, p. h. p., W. W. Pearson. Suspended for TJnmasonic Conduct—T. F. Parker, by action of Marietta Lodge, No. 188. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—A. W. Sandelin. Total members 31. Total Dues $32.00. Officers, 1874-Robt. H. Allen, H. P.; Jerry A. Thompson K.; L. L. Harwell, S.; A. G. Crockett, C. of H.; B. W. Stubbs, S.; R. E. Delany, R.A.C.; (none installed! M. 3d Y.; J. R Williams, M. 2d V.; T. N. Butler, M. 1st V.; J. R. Wailis, Treasurer; (none installed! Secretary: Jno. Stevenson, Tyler. Members, 1874—W. R. H. Mosely, p. h. p.; P. M. Savery, p. h. p.; J. H. Kennedy, p. h. p.; C. H. Allen, J. J. Andrews, Jno. D. Bills, J. R. Bristow, Jno. G. Cole, S. W. Hankins, J. M. Herring, T. W.Houston, David Johnson, O. Lucas, W. W. Lowry, W. D. McWhorter, E. Oliver, Wm. Pannell, L. C. Prather, J. P. Robinson, W. J. Rogers, B. B. Sanders, A. D. Sadler, B. A. P. Selman, T. G. Stocks, F. H. Stubbs, Thos. B. Stubbs, Jas. Watson, E. J. Williams— Total 38. Exaltations—C. H. Allen, D. F. Ragan, R. J. Rogers. Affiliatd—Owens Lucas. Reinstated—E. Oliver, F. H. Stubbs, B. W. Stubbs, James Watson. Dimitted—D. F. Ragan. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—J. C. Savage, Haven Stidham, J. C. Oliver, W. J. Reeve. Total members 38. Dues $67.00. Convocations third Saturdays. Shubuta, JVo. 59—Shubuta, Clarhe County. Officers, 1873—A. Boykin, H. P.; R. J. McLeod, K.; G. W. Ferrell, S.; O. B. Collins, C. of H.; Jno. W. Weems, P. S.; R. D. Weems, R.A.C.; G. W. Yarborough, M. 3d V.; Jacob Sumrall, M. 2d Y.; Jacob Hurst, M. 1st V.; S. Scarborough, Treasurer; Jno. S. Dabbs, Secretary; T. C. Bethea, Tyler. Exalted—O. B. Collins, Jacob Hurst, L. S. Morrison. Died—J. S. Bass, J. H. Owens, Jno. B. Gordon. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—J. W. Boykin, Jere Saunders, Sampson Gordon, T. Tobias. Total members IS. Total dues $24.00. Officers, 1874—O. B. Collins, H. P.; S. H. Terrall, K.; Jno. W. Weems, S.; J. H. Barber, C. of H.; R. J. McLeod, P. S.; R. D. Weems, R.A.C.; J. A. Garrard, M. 3d V.; S. Scarborough, M. 2d V.; J. Sumrall, M. 1st Y.; A. Boykin, p.h.p., Treasurer; Jno. S. Dabbs, Secretary; T. C. Bethea, Tyler. Members—G. W. Ferrell, M. B. Knight, p.h.p., L. S. Morrison, D. R. Red, S. H. Terrall, G. W. Yarborough—Total 18. Dimitted—P. H. Napier. Died—G. W. Yarborough. Total members 18. Dues $18.00. Convocations 3d Saturdays. Panola, JVo. 60—Batesville, Panola County. n™T„RC, 1873_p. Moore, H. P.; P. V. Lester, K.; M. N. Phillips, S.; L. D. Nickle, C. of H. .IoS cox, P- S.; T. P. Brown, R. A. C.; R. M. Kyle, M. 3d V.; L. J. Ballard, M. 2d V.; W. 66 H. Brown, M. 1st V.; John M. Boyles, Treasurer; J. "Wylie Callaway, Secretary; A. J. Browder, Tyler. Reinstated—S. F. Sorsby. Dimitted—S. F. Sorsby, F. Randolph. _ Died—G. G. Nelson. Suspended fob Non-Payment op Dues—W. E. Farmer, B. L. Ballard, J. J. Wright, J. M. Wright, R. H. Moore. Total members 29. Total dues $27.00. Officers, 1874—L. D. Nickle, H. P.; M. N. Phillips, K.; P. V. Lester, S.; John M. Cox, C. of H.; R. S. Littleton, P. S.; G. W. Thedford, R. A. C.; W. H. Brown, M. 3d V.; J. J. Byers, M. 2d V.; Jos. Simmons, M. 1st V.; John M. Boyles, Treasurer; L. J. Ballard, Secretary; A. J. Browder, Tyler. Members—F. Moore, p.h.p., David Butts, T. P. Brown, J. A. Cooper, W. W. Caldwell, J. Wylie Callaway, Wm. Dugger, D. J. Goff, W. S. Harris, H. W. Harris, W. S. Hudson, C. S. Hentz, Peter Hubbard, H. A. Johnson, R. M. Kyle, Wm. Lester, Sam'l Martin, E. C. Maxwell, W. E. Stone, Isaac Silverstone, M. H. Trantham, D. M. Whitten, J. C. Wright—Total 35. Exaltations—W. W. Caldwell, C. S. Hentz, R. S. Littleton, Isaac Silverstone, Jos. Simmons, G. W. Thedford, Total members 35. Dues $47.00. Convocations 2d Thursday nights. Eureka, No. 61—Goodman, Holmes County. Officers, 1873—D. Mitchell, H. P.; W. M. Wade, K.; B. L. Norvelle, S.; B. L. Taylor, C. of H.; W. H. Magruder, P. S.; W. J. Taylor, R.A.C.; W. D. Young, M. 3d "V.; M. T. Roby, M. 2d V.; J. W. Mitchell, M. 1st V.; John W. Taggart, Treasurer; M. L. Harmon, Secretary; R. J. Moody, Tyler. Exalted—Jas. E. Harman, Jos. W. Stingley, W. B. Turner, M. T. Roby, S. O. Jenkins, W. M. Wade. Dimitted—J. M. Ball. Died—W. A. Pope. Total members 34. Total dues $46.00 No Return for 1873, and dues of previous year not yet paid, (March 20, 1874.) G. W. Perkins, No. 63—Horn Lake, HeSoto County. Officers 1873—J. W. Rutland, H. P.; W. G. Elmore, K.; J. A. Torian, S.; E. R. Gill, C. of H.; W. D. Davis, P.S.; Felix Davis, R.A.C.; J. C. Clements, M. 3d V.; J. A. Smith, M. 2d V.; J. N. Bradford, M. 1st V.; R. P. Harris, Treasurer; W. J. Bynum, Secretary; B. Peebles, Tyler. Dimitted—L. C. Taylor, S. L. Raines. Died—A. H. Adams. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—R. C. Lea, A. F. Bell, F. M. Fletcher, L. C. Gab- bert, S. D. Irwin, S. S. Robinson. Total members 17. Total dues $17.00. Officers, 1874—Not elected at date of making Return for 1873. No change in membership, except— Reinstated—R. C. Lea. Died—J. A. Smith, (M. 2d Y".) Total members 17. Dues, (including back dues of R. C. Lea,) $18.00. Convocations 3d Sat- urdays. Hover, No. 61f—Hover, Yazoo County. Officers, 1873—Y". H. Fugate, H.P.: R. W. Shipp, K.; R. P. Fraiser, S.; A. M. Hicks, C. ofH.; J. G. B. Collins, P.S.; W. G. N. Strickland, R.A.C.; J. W. Martin, M. 3d V.; J. W. Kirk, M. 2d V.; W. T. Hodge, M. 1st V.; John A. Cheatham, Treasurer; W. H. Collins, Secretary; J. H. Ferriss, Tyler. Affiliated—B. L. Mitchell. Reinstated—R. W. Shipp. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—T. C. Bradshaw. Total members 22. Total dues $29.00. Officers, 1874—V. H. Fugate, H. P.; R. W. Shipp, K.; C. M. White, S.; A. M. Hicks, C. of H.; J. G. B. Collins, P. S.; W. G. N. Strickland, R. A. C.; Isaac W. Martin, M. 3d V.; J. T, Jordan, M. 2d V.; W. T. Hodge, M. 1st V.; John A. Cheatham, Treasurer; W. H. Collins, Secre- tary; J. H. Ferriss Tyler. Members—T. E. Bradshaw, Thomas Brumfleld, M. P. Cheatham, R. P. Fraiser, W. F. Gartley, J. W. Kirk, J. R. Mosley, L. Rice, S. D. Robertson, B. L. Sandidge—Total 22. Reinstated—T. E. Bradshaw. Dimitted—B. L. Mitchael. Total members 22. Dues $23.00, (including $1.00 back dues Companion Bradshaw.) Convoca- tions 4th Saturdays. Chickasaw, No. 65—Cumberland, Choctaw County. Officers, 1873—G. N. Robuck, H. P.; J. H. McLendon, K.; H. C. Avant, S.; W. A. Worn- mack, C. of H.; Jas. Griffith, P. S.; W. R. Wade, R.A.C.; W. T. Watkins, M. 3d Y-.; A. P. 67 Hasting, M. 2d V.; Hugh Logan, M. 1st V.; J. B. E. Carodine, Treasurer; E. J. Windham, Secretary; J. S. Thomas, Tyler. Reinstated—Hugh Ponder, W. A. Wommack. Dimitted—L. B. Robuck, Hugh Ponder. Total members 21. Total dues $25.00. Offioeks, 1874—J. H. McLendon, H.P.; W. T. Watkins, K.; H. C. Avent, S.; Jas. Griffith, C. of H.; W. A. Wommack, P.S.; J. M. Paden, R.A.C.; T. W. England, M. 3d V.; Hugh Logan, M. 2d V.; T. 0. Parkerson, M. 1st V.; J. E. B. Carodine, Treasurer; J. A. White, Secretary; W R Wade, Tyler. Members—G. N. Robuck, p.h.p.; J. R. Davis, A. P. Hasting, J. A. White, F. B. Paden, E. J. Windham—Total 18. Affiliated—T. C. Parkerson. Reinstated—F. B. Paden. Dimitted—J. S. Jennings, G. S. Jennings, S. H. Paden, J. O. McMullen. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—J. S. Thomas. Total members 18. Dues $20.00, (including two years back dues of Companion F. B. Paden.) Convocations 4th Saturdays. Rienzi, No. 66—Rienzi, Alcorn County. Officers, 1873—J. F. Arnold, H.P.; J. W. Stevens, Sr., K.; J. G. Barton, S.; C. W. Williams, Jr., C. of H.; J. W. Stevens, Jr., P. S.; J. C. Johnston, R. A. C.; W. M. Ross, M. 3d V.; E. L. Spencer, M. 2d V.; W. C. Sledge, M. 1st V.; I. N. Whiteside, Treasurer; Robert Henderson, Secretary; W. H. H. Boone, Tyler. Exalted—W. H. McDougal, John P. Farris, W. M. Ross, E. L. Spencer, W. C. Sledge, C. W. Williams, Jr. Dimitted—H. H. Isom, H. S. Whiteside. Suspended fob TJnmasonic Conduct—William Gilmer. Total members 35. Total dues $47.00. Officers, 1874—J. F. Arnold, H.P.; J. W. Stevens, Sr., K.; J. G. Barton, S.; C. W. Williams. Jr., C. of H.; B. F. Williams, P.S.; W. M. Ross, R.A.C.; E. L. Spencer, M. 3d V.; W. M. Wil- liams, M. 2d V.; W. C. Sledge, M. 1st V.; J. W. Stevens, Jr., Treasurer; Robert Henderson, Secretary; J. C. Johnston, Tyler. Members—W. H. H. Boone, J. S. Britton, W. C. Blythe, A. Cathey, E. W. Carmack, O. D. Fitzgerald, M. B. Feemster, John P. Farris, W. W. Fertick, John Gordon, S. J. Jumper, J. W. Lowrance, W. L. Martin, W. S. Martin, Randolph Mott, W. H. McDougal, S. A. Nicholson, E. F. Sorell, Pryor Scally, B. C. Stanley, W. A. Taylor, I. N. Whiteside, C. W. Williams, Sr., Jno. Wilson, Pat Smith, J. W. Morris.—Total 38. The two last names are added by Gr. Secre- tary—they having been reported as members for 1872, and not accounted for in Return for 1873. Exalted—W. W. Fertiek, J. W. Lowrance, S. A. Nicholson. Affiliated—S. J. Jumper. Total members 38. Dues $44.00. Convocations 1st Thursdays. Euclid, No. 67—CocTcrum, DeSoto County. Officers, 1873—A. F. Powers, H.P.; S. C. Powers, K.; J. W. McCall, S.; G. H. Anderson, C. of H.; R. P. Riley, P.S.; S. O. B. Crockett, R.A.C.; W. S. Parsons, M) 3d V.; J. J. Edwards, M. 2d V.; J. C. Langston, M. 1st V.; G. W. Fogg, Treasurer; (deceased) Secretary ; J. R. Hoi- loway, Tyler. Exalted—J. W. Beall, J. L. Knight, Marion Dean, John Dean, H. B. Laughter, Jas. Riley Reinstated—C. Phillips. Dimitted—J. P. PuUen, J. R. Crumpler, Phil. Summers. Died—John H. Jean, M. B. Peterson, James Riley. Total members 32. Total Dues $36.00. Officers, 1874—W. P. Bowen, H.P.; J. W. Beall, K.; H. B. Laughter, S.; T. M. Dean, C. of H.; John Thomas, P.S.; C. E. Smith, R.A.C.; A. M. Harwell, M. 3d V.; J. G. Edwards, M. 2d V.; J. A. Dean, M. 1st V.; S. C. Powers, p.h.p., Treasurer; J. W. Lide, Secretary; J. R. Hollo- way, Tyler. Members—A. F. Powers, p.h.p., G. H. Anderson, J. J. Brooks, Jerard Collins, S. O. B. Crock- ett, G. W. Fogg, J. L. Greer, J. J. Ingram, N. Ingram, J. C. Langston, D. H. Lewis, Ransom Lea, G W. McCall, C. W. Mobley, H. B. Manes, H. C. Morehead, C. H. Phillips, J. C. Phillips, W. L Parsons, John Richardson. William Robinson, R. P. Riley, J. B. Shipp.—Total 35. Exalted—J. J. Brooks, H. C. Morehead, J. B. Shipp, D. H. Lewis, C. E. Smith, J. C. Phillips, Dimitted—J. L. Knight. . Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—P. H. Irwin. Total members 35. Dues $47.00. Convocations 2d Saturdays. Scooba, No. 7 O—Scooba, Kemper County. nT,_, 1072. 1873—H. C. Robinson, H. P.; J.- C. Hardin, Secretary. Total members 22. Total dues $22.00. Charter surrendered February, 1873. 68 John Hebron, No. 71—Bovina, Warren County. No Returns or Dues for 1872, 1873. Charter forfeited, in consequence. Dent H. Miles, No. 72—Satartia, Yazoo County. Officebs, 1873—William Richards, H. P.; J. S. Stampley, K.; Isaac Hamberlin, 8.; James II. Martin, C. of EL; James NewbakeT, P. S.; Thomas H. White, R.A.C.; J. R. Bell, M. 3d "V.; T. EL Childers, M. 2d V.; P. G. Hilderbrand, M. 1st V.; C. H. McAlpin, Treasurer; Dent H. Miles, Secretary; W. W. Lumbley, Tyler. Exalted—William Richards, George Jones, James Newbaker. Dimitted—William A. Mansfield. Died—James Futrell, Julius Hornthall, John Potter. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—J. B. Holloman. Total members 30. Total dues $36.00. Officebs, 1874—William Richards, H.P.; J. R. Bell, K.; Thomas H. .White, S.; James H. Martin, C. of H.; Asa Sibley, P. S.; James Newbaker, R. A. C.; P. G. Hilderbrand, M. 3d V.; Charles H. Wilder, M. 2d V.; W. T. Williams, M. 1st V.; C. H. McAlpin, Treasurer; Dent H. Miles, Secretary; Wm. W. Lumbley, Tyler. Membebs—W. J. Brigman, David J. Carter, T. H. Childress, Wm. H. Coursey, W. D. Gibbs, F. M. Haining, Isaac Hamberlin, Thomas R. Holloman, John W. Jones, Lewis H. Jones, George W. Jones, Robert G. Johnson, Turner Lumbley, John H. McCutchen, John Pugh, William H. Richardson, John Stampley, J. S. Stampley, George O. Smith, Wm. W. Wiles.—Total 32. Exalted—Charles H. Wilder, W. T. Williams, John Pugh. Dimrrted—J. S. Stampley. Died—Joseph W. Lear. Total members 32. Dues $38.00. Convocations 2d Saturdays. Ward No. 73—Senatobia, Tate County. No Return received for 1872. Officebs, 1873—J. E. Matthews, H. P.; W. H. Wilburn, K.; P. C. Lee, S.; W. A. Embry, C. of H.; R. Stewart, P. S.; J. S. Jones, R. A. C.; D. T. Neighbors, M. 3d V.; J. A. Moss, M. 2d V.; W. W. Gilmore, M. 1st. V.; R. J. Carter, Treasurer; J. M. Williams, Secretary; E. C. Townsend, Tyler. Officebs, 1874—W. A. Embry, H. P.; W. H. Wilburn, K.; O. F. West, S.; J. E. Matthews, p.h.p., C. of H.; R. Stewart, P.S.; J. S. Jones, p.h.p., R.A.C.; D. T. Neighbors, M. 3d Y.; E. C. Townsend, M. 2d Y.; J. A. Moss, M. 1st V.; R. J. Carter, Treasurer; J. M. Williams, Secretary; R. L. Wait, Tyler. Membebs—H. L. Anthony, W. H. Bounds, M. L. Benge, W. T. Cole, M. A. Duglass, P. C. Lee, W. W. Gilmore, J. C. Miller, J. T. Miller, J. L. Mabry, L. W. Peace, James Pickle, James Ruffin, R. J. Ramsy, A. P. Sage, H. J. Smith, D. H. A. Sanders, O. H. P. Slaton, A. H. Toombs, L. C. Underwood, G. B. Wright, R. P. White.—Total 34. Dimitted—A. T. Hudson, H. Hall, M. D. Johnston, S- M. Larimore, J. M. Logan, J. M. Lively, J. M. Linly, J. A. Miller, C. A. Marshall, N. M. Williams, B. B. Wadell. Died—George Hardin. Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues—Thomas Oglesby, Joe Woolfolk. Total members 34. Dues $34.00. Convocations 3d Fridays. W. D. Ferriss, No. 7Jj-—Benton, Yazoo County. Officebs, 1873—W. D. Ferriss, H.P.; D. Bunch, K.; George M. Powell, S.; J. H. Elliott, C. of H., D. W. Thomas, P.S.; J. H. Burruss, R.A.C.; George W. Johnston, M. 3d V.; W. C. Day, M. 2d V.; J. A. Purvis, M. 1st V.; R. B. Carson, Treasurer; J. W. C. Smith, Secretary ; J. M. Smith, Tyler. Exalted—W. E. Glassey, J. H. Watson, George W. Johnston, B. R. Grayson, S. G. Carra* dine, F. M. Vaughan. Died— E. Berry, June, 1872. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—F. M. Beal, A. R. Blaylock, S. H. Brister, J. P. Briggs, John F. Hendricks, W. P. King, W. R. McCutchen, A. A. Lomax, J. H. Pepper, Z. Pepper, Jr., J. W. Ricketts. Total members 48. Total dues $60.00. Officebs, 1874—W. D. Ferriss, H.P.; Z. Pepper, K.; William Hewett, S.; J. J. Pepper, C. of H.; W. A. Stricklin, P. S.; B. H. Griffin, R.A.C.: W. A. Hendricks, M. 3d V.; L. P. King, M. 2d V.; C. A. Ferriss, M. 1st V.; J. W. Penny, Treasurer; C. R. Henderson, Secretary; A. E. Blalock, Tyler. Membebs—T. B. Alsop, J. H. Burrus, D. Bunch, A. T. Carson, R. B. Carson, J. M. Chisholm, S. G. Carradine, W. C. Day, J. H. Elliott, William Ewing, J. F. Green, W. E. Glassy, B. E. Grayson, D. B. Harris, W. F. Heard, J. F. Hendricks, A. S. Henderson, G. W. Johnston, A. H. Johnston, W. P. King, R. Ledbetter, R. M. Middleton, E. A. Moore, R. McAtee, Geo. M. Pow* ell, J. A. Sconyers, D. A. Stubblefleld, J. W. C. Smith, J. M. Smith, W. Z. Smith, D. W. Thorn* as, J. M. Tyler, James Vaughan, F. M. Vaughan, L. B. Warren, J. H. Watson. Exalted—D. B. Harris, C. A. Ferriss, R. McAtee. 69 ReinstaTfD-W. Z. Smith, A. R. Blalock, J. F. Hendricks, D. A. Stubblefield, Z. Pepper, Jr., J. J. Pepper. Dimitted-J. J. Simms, W. H. Stubblefleld, H. Yandell, John Blalock. Expelled—H. J. Hanks, by Stonewall Lodge, No. 285. Suspended foe Non-Payment of Dues— S. Z. Dixon, J. H. Fraiser, J. A. Purvis, L. D. Langford. Total members 48. Dues $65.00, including $11.00 aggregate back dues of reinstated Com- panions. Convocations 3d Saturdays. Walnut Grove, JVo. 75—Enon, Perry County. Officebs, 1873—C. F Gillespie, H.P.; J. M. Bradley, K.; William Baylis, S.; B. Stevens, C. of H.; A. McDonald, P.S.; William Hood, R.A.C.; A. McSwain, M. 3d V.; T. W. Crandford, M. ■2d Y.; W. M. McKennon, M. 1st V.; J. M. Baylis, Treasurer ; John Gillis, Secretary; G. B. Lee, Tyler. Exalted—T. W. Crandford, William Crandford, B. Stevens, T. J. Roberts. Affiliated—James M. Bradley, Jr. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—W. P. Tisdale, Stephen Lee, J. G. Ingraham. Total members 28. Total dues $36.00. Officebs, 1874—Jas. M. Bradley, Jr., H.P.; B. Stevens, K.; L. S. Myers, S.; A. McDonald, C. of H.; J. A. Tisdale, P.S.; William Hood, R.A.C.; J. H. Tisdale, M. 3d V.; T. W. Crand- ford, M. 2d V.; William Crandford, M. 1st V.; A. McSwain, Treasurer; John Gillis, Secretary ; G. B. Lee, Tyler. Membebs—C. F. Gillespie, p.h.p.. William Baylis, J. M. Baylis, S. V. McManus, P. J. Myers, T. J. Roberts, S. H. Smith, W. S. Tisdale, J. A. Tisdale, Richard Welch.—Total 22. Dimitted—C. M. Edmondson, J. B. Read. Died—James Edmondson. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—D. M. Carter, W. W. Carter, L. L. Bryant, Total members, 22. Dues $22 .00. Convocations, Thursdays before 4th Saturdays. Corinth, No. 76—Corinth, Alcorn County. Officebs, 1873—R. J. Fleming, H.P.; R. W. Ritchie, K.; J. M. New, S.; D. Baum, C. of H.; T. D. Duncan, P.S.; H. C. Smith, R.A.C.; J. W. Stephenson, M. 3d V.; B. Samuels, M. 2d V.; E. H. Bradley, M. 1st V.; James McAmis, Treasurer; John H. Bradley, Secretary; W. G. W. Jowers, Tyler. Exalted—T. H. Brewer, M. M. Sanders, B. Samuels, H. C. Smith, J. W. Stephenson, A. J. Yancey. Reinstated—Thomas Irions. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—D. L. James, T. R. Murray. Total members, 42. Total dues, $61.00. Officebs, 1874—R. J. Fleming, H.P.; A. J. Yancey, K.; W. H. Gilbert, S.; D. Baum, C. of H.; W. S. Reynolds, P.S.; W. L. Martin* R.A.C.; John E. Young* M. 3d V.; W. Lynn* M. '2d Y.; A. J. Morgan, M. 1st V.; James McAmis, Treasurer; J. H. Bradley,* Secretary; G. W. G. Jowers, Tyler. Membebs--E. C. Gillenwaters, p.h.p., L. M. New, p.h.p., Eugene Allen, J. J. Alexander., W. Y. Baker, E. H. Bradley, John Butler, T. H. Brewer, B. H. Bounds,* D. W. Babb, J. J. Collier, T. D. Duncan, J. W. Dorsey, W. W. Dancer, C. Dobbins, C. P. Elgin, J. T. Freeman, Jesse Gurley, J. W. Gooch, E. Harris, J. H. Howard, Thomas Irions, D. L. James, A. E. Joyner,* W. H. Kilpatrick, T. R. Murray, D. L. Malone, T. M. Mitchell, Joseph Marlar, C. McCord, J. M. New, W. L. Overton, W. B. Pannell, T. H. Padgett,* R. W. Ritchie, S. L. Rogers, C. F. Saw- yers, H. C. Smith, J. W. Stephenson, B. Samuels, H. C. Simmons, L. P. Scruggs, M. M. Sanders, J. M. Stone, L. B. Thompson, F. O. Tobin, F. E. Whitfield, W. E. Wood, T. P. Young, R. M. Young.—Total 62. Exalted—J. J. Alexander, D. W. Babb, C. Dobbins, Jesse Gurley, J. W. Gooch, Jos. Marlar, A. J. Morgan, C. McCord, S. L. Rogers. Reinstated—T. R. Murray, D. L. James, W. H. Kilpatrick, W. B. Pannell. Total members reported 62. Return fails to show how or when the seven Companions marked thus * became members. Total dues $87.00, (including $7.00 back dues for reinstated members.) Convocations 3d Thursdays. Crystal Springs, No. 77—Crystal Springs, Copiah County. Officebs, 1873—A. L. Williams, H.P.; T. M. Barr, K.; E. W. Corley, S.; J. W. Didlake, C. of H.; T. J. Cammack, P.S.; J. W. Bailey, R.A.C.; J. B. Field, M. 3d V.; G. W. Loch, M. 2d V.; S. D. Robinson, M. 1st V.; M. W. Eagan, Treasurer; A. J. Sturges, Secretary; B. A. Smith, Tyler. Dimitted—V. L. Coalson, O. D. Clemments, A. J. McKennon, R. F. Barnes, B. F. Wilson. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—G. W. Clemment, L. J. Rhymes, W. J. Smith. Total members, 36. Total dues, $37.00. Offtcfbs 1874—A. J. Sturgis, H.P.; J. C. Alford, K., A. L. Williams, p.h.p., S.; H. R. Smith, C. of H ; T.'j. Cammack, P.S.; E. N. Sumrall, R.A.C.; G. W. Lock, M. 3d V.; D. P. Welch, M, 70 12(1 V., J. D Cammack, M. 1st Y., M W Eagan, Treasurer; John Terry, Secretary; B. A Smith, Tyler. Members—J. F. Alford, J. T. Alford, J. M. K. Alford, James Bridges, T. M. Barr, J. W. Bhi- ley, E. W. Corley, J. B. Catching, W. D. Carmichael, C. C. Clatworthy, J. W. Didlake, J. B Field, O. P. Holliday, M. R. Jones, W. M. Keathley, A. Mcintosh, J. H. Mcintosh, O. Oshurn C. Price, S. Reno, S. D. Robinson, J. C. Smith, J. N. Wilson.—Total 35. Reinstated—M. R. Jones, J. N. Tower, D. P. Welch. Dimitted—J. N. Tower. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—R. W. Brown, W G. MoLeod, A T Wolfe Total members 35. Dues $35.01). Convocations 3d Fridays. Winona, No. 78—Winona, Montgomery County. Officers, 1873—G. A. Spivey, H.P.; R. D. Palmer, K.; W. H. Johnson, S.; E. N. Hammons C. of H.; C. M. Brooke, P.S.; F. M. Shryock, R A.O.; T. A. Baskins, M. 3d Y.; J. T. Harvey, M. 2d V.; R. H. Coleman, M. 1st V.; W W. Marshall, Treasurer; J. J. Campbell, Secretary, W. J. Nugent, Tyler. Affiliated—R. H. Coleman, S. Wiener, J M. Wells Reinstated—A. H. Boothe. Dimitted—C. A. Arnold, J. R. Watson. Total members 36. Total dues $36.00. Officers, 1874—Erastus Huntley, H.P.; R. D. Palmer, K.; W. G. Gunn, S.; G. A. Spivey, C. of H.; W. H. Johnson, P.S.; T. A. Baskins, R.A.C.; R. H. Coleman, M. 3d V.; Ralph Har- vey, M. 2d V.; T. J. Blackmore, M. 1st V.; W. W. Marshall, Treasurer; J. J. Campbell, Secre- tary; W. J. Nugent, Tyler. Members—A. H. Boothe, C. M. Brooke, Green Bledsoe, Isaac H. Curtis, B. R. Eskridge, Tip Gamble, H. H. Hudgins, W. F. Hamer, E. N. Hammons, J. T. Harvey, W. A. Hurt, J. W. May J. A. Pyron, A. C. Stovall, F. M. Shryock, H. P. Turner, S. Wiener, J. M. Wells. Reinstated—Isaac H. Curtis. Dimitted—J. M. Doyle, H. J. Gooch, J. Y. Oliver. Died—J. T. Cain. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—G. C. Everett, 0 Y Marshall, J P Thompson Total members 30. Dues $32.00. Convocations 2d Fridays. Tampico, No. 79—Tampico, Oktibbeha County. No Return or Dues for 1871, 1872, 1873 Charter forfeited. Brookhaven, No. 80—Brookhaven, Lawrence County. Officers, 1873—None reported; officers for 1872 held over Affiliated—J. B. Deason, H. F. Johnson, K. R. Webb. Reinstated—R. R. Applewhite. Died—John W. Oliver. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—P R Fleeman Total members, 23. Total dues $24.00. Officers, 1874—B T Atkins, H.P.; E. Pfyifer, K.; K. R Webb, S.; J. A. Hoskins, C. of H H. Lewenthall, P.S.; J. W. McMillan, R.A.C.; E. Bowsky, M. 3dV.; A. E. Maxwell, M. 2d V." A E. Moreton, M. 1st V.; E. E. Seavey, Treasurer; J. H. Stewart, Secretary; C. Lessing, Tyler Members—R. R. Applewhite, E. R. Applewhite, Luther Blue, J. B. Deason, C. K.Harvey, William Hopson, H. F. Johnson, E Knapp, S. H. Whitworth.—Total 21. Reinstated—R. R. Applewhite. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—A. O. Cox, T. F, Rawls, p.h.p., M. M. Sammit. Total members 21. Dues $23.00, including two years back dues of Companion R. R. Apple- white reinstated. Convocations, Thursdays before 4th Saturdays. S. II Johnson, No. 81—Hazlehurst, Copiah County. Officers 1873—J. A. Hull, H.P.; M. J. Massengill, K.; T. J. Catchings, S.; J. W. Anderson O. of H.; J. R. Fortenberry, P.S.; W. J. Rea, R.A.C.; C. E. Oatis, M. 3d V.; S.T. Rogers, M. 21 V ; D. B. Lowe, M. 1st V ; Geo. Rea, Treasurer; G. T. Howard, Secretary ; D. K Coor, Tyler Exalted—T. J. Catchings, Geo. T. Howard, C E Oatis Affiliated—W. H. Streshley. Reinstated—W. P. Poole, T. J. Ramsey. Died—George W. Jones, Benjamin Harris. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—W. H. Bondurant, H. Hanslow, A D. Harris, Bui Higdon, G. W. Kilcrease, G. D. Lowe, B. F. Martin, W. W. Miller, J. C. Pitts, G. W. Purnell Joseph Price, J. P. Rembert, T. M. Rea, J. H. Starnes, W. J. Wilson, Samuel Wilson. Total members, 30. Total dues $38.00. Officers, 1874—J. A. Hull, H.P.; M. J Massengill, K.; M. Faler, S.; J. W. Anderson, C it H ; J R. Fortenberry, P.S.; W. J Rea, R A C ; W. H Streshley, M. 3d V.; S. T. Rogers, M 71 2d V.; D. B. Lowe, M. lstV.; George Rea, Treasurer; J. L. Ard, Secretary; T. J. Catchmgs, Tyler. Members—A. P. Barry, M. Beaseley, W. H. Bondurant, Morris Cook, H. H. Cook, D. K. Coor, J. R. Groome, Josiah Hester, G. T. Howard, W. M. Haley, T. J. Henry. Allen Harris, S. H. Johnson, G. W. Kilcrease, R. W. Millsaps, J. B. Middleton, R. D. Middleton, B. F. Martin, George Morrison, C. E. Oatis, A. L. Potter, W. W. Poole, Joseph Price, T. J. Ramsey, T. M Rea, Samuel Wilson, W. J. Wilson.—Total 39. Exalted—J. L. Ard, T. J. Henry, R. W. Millsaps. Reinstated—W. H. Bondurant, George Morrison, T. M. Rea, B. F. Martin, G. W. Kilcrease, Allen Harris, Joseph Price, W. J. Wilson, Samuel Wilson. Dimitted—M. J. Howard, T. M. Rea. Died—J. H. McElwee, Erastus Wheeler. Total members 39. Total dues $55.00, which includes $10.00 aggregate back dues of reinstated Companions. Convocations 1st Saturdays. Starkville, No. 82—Starkville, Oktibbeha County. Officers, 1873—C. N. Terry, H.P.; W. E. Saunders, K.; Henry A. McCreight, S.; Frank A. Duquercron, C. of H.; T. G. Sellers, P.S.; L. Martin, R.A.C.; W. F. Yeager, M. 3d V.; M. E. Owen, M. 2d Y.; William A. Hale, M. 1st V.; J. W. Caldwell, Treasurer; H. C. Powers, Secretary; W. H. Gunn, Tyler. Reinstated--James W. Bell, James W. Butler, J. G. Carroll, Robt. A. Lamkin, D. F. Mont- gomery, C. S. Sikes, R. W. Ellis, J. R. Ham, W. F. Montgomery, Paul Valentine, Britton Val- entine, J. L. C. Hutchinson, L. O. Farker, J. H. Embry, Edward Hearon, W. G. Lamkin, W. J. Perkins. Dimitted—W. C. Bishop, L. Rosenfield, C. W. Westmoreland, J. W. Butler. Died—R. C. Love. Total members 48. Total dues, (including $36.00 back dues of reinstated members,) $84.00. Officers, 1374—C. N. Terry, H.P.; W. E. Saunders, K.; Henry A. McCr.eight, S.; Frank H. Duquercron, p.h.p., C. of H.; T. G. Sellers, p.h.p., P.S.; L. Martin, R.A.C.; M. E. Owen.M. 3d V.; J. W. Woodward, M. 2d V.; W. F. Yeager, M. 1st V.; J. W. Caldwell, Treasurer; H. C. Powers, Secretary; J. G. Bell, p.h.p., Tyler. Members—J. W. Bell, W. A. Hale, W. G. Lampkin, R. A. Lampkin, D. F. Montgomery, J. L. Mcllwain, J. H. Steel.- -Total 19. Dimitted—James W. Butler. Died—W. H. Gunn, p.h.p., L. O. Parker. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—Wm. B. Aikin, J. M. Brooks, M. G. Caston, J. G. Carroll, Overton Cotton, W. H. Carpenter, W. H. Cross, C. L. Dismukes, R. U. Ellis, J. E. En- nis, J. H. Embry, L. D. Friday, Herod Fondren, J. C. Griffith, J. L. C. Hutchinson, A. J. Hal- bert, E. Hearon, J. R. Hamm, J. B. Long, W. T. Montgomery, J. A. Martin, J. A. MeReynolds, W. J. Perkins, C. S. Sikes, Britton Valentine, Paul Valentine, G. W. Walker. Total members; 19. Dues $19.00. Convocations 1st Fridays. Summerville, No. 83—Qholson, Noxubee County. Officers, 1873—Thos. S. Gathright, h.P.; Abram Greer, x.; J. R. Prince, S.; G. d. C. Reed, C. of H.; Wm. Kellis, P.S.; Jordan Moore, R.A.C.; J. C.Vandevender, M. 3d V.; Gray Flora, M. 2d V.; E. Edwards, M. 1st V.; R. Yoe, Treasurer; M. Edwards, Secretary; R. J. Shaw, Tyler. Exalted—Absalom Reed, R. J. Shaw, E. A. Pace. Dimitted—J. W. Williams. Died—L. V. Rosser. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—G. H. Fain, Robert J. Hudson, A. L. Nail, A. L. Thompson, J. R. Larkin. Total members 17. Total dues $23.00. Officers, 1874—Same as for 1873, except Wm. Kellis and J. C. Vandevender, suspended for non-payment of dues. Members—W. H. Eichelberger, Z. C. Gathright, A. Reed, R. J. Shaw, E. A. Pace—Total officers and members, 14. Died—F. B. Greer, Jan. 17, 1873. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—R. A. Jackson, Wm. Kellis, Joseph Lyle, J. C. Vandevender. „ „ , Total members 14. Dues $14.00. Convocations 2d Saturdays. Salem, No. 85—Union Chureh, Jefferson County. ovt7tr,t?tici 1871—John A. Galbreath, H. P.; Lewis Cato, K.; J. H. Clark, S.; H. Short, C. of H.; A Cobb P S J S. McCormick, R. A. C.; J B. Bowen, M. 3d V.; Wm. T. McArn, M. 2d V.; T) ft piorV M 1st V : H. B. Trevillion, Secretary; John R. Nevils, Tyler. Exalted—J." W Shelton, Lot Smith, H. B. Trevillion, Jas. P. Meeks, A. M. Woods, R. S. M. Watson. ^ _ pftwctitpti-—A.ndr6W lv. Juum. dimtted-David Applewhite, E. F. Bailey, J. D. Bridger, J. F. Cato, E. F. Flowers, Levy R. Godbold™ J. McLean, A. J. Moore, Sam'l Nesmith, R. A. Sibley, J. F. Sessions, E. T. Tucker, J. J. Warren. „ T XT . Died—Wm. H. Bowen, Jas. N. Clark. TA Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—J. P. Buie, J. W. Cato, T. H. Cleland, D P Fairley, T. J. Furuis, J. H. Freeman, B. F. Jones, T. J. Mullins, J. W. Whitsine. Note.—The name of B. M. Godbold should not have appeared in former Return, not being t member or R. A. M. Total members 60. Total dues $72.00. Officebs, 1874—John A. Galbreath, H. P.; John H. Clark, K.; John R. Nevils, S.; Hesekiah Short, C. of H.; Jas. H. Freeman, P. S.; Hiram B. Travillion, R. A. C.; N. R. C. Watson, M. 31 Y.; David G. Clark, M. 2d V.; Martin S. Nevils, M. 1st V.; Abram Woods, Treasurer; R. H. M Watson, Secretary; Augustus Cobb, Tyler. MEMBEBS--Geo. C. Armstrong, Robt. W. Buie, Henry P. Bowen, John B. Bow en, Henry Cato, Sterling Cato, Lewis Cato, Isaac G. Clark, Jos. W. Cato, C. C. Erwin, Thos. J. Furniss, Malcolm A. Galbreath, Ferdinand F. Herring, Thomas A. Herring, Isaac Hurcom, Zetus Linton, Andrew R. Lum, William G. Millsaps, William A. McLean, Joseph B. McCormiek, John S McCormiek, William T. McArn, John W. McDaniel, Moses F. Mitchell, William H. Matthews, James P. Newman, William R. Newman, James R. Newsom, Samuel Nesmith, Lot Smith, Robert L. Sauls, States M. Travillion, William A. Watson, Clark N. Woods, James P. Wise— Total 47. Exaltations—James R. Newsom, Robert L. Sauls, James B. Wise. Reinstated—Thos. J. Furniss, James H. Freeman, Joseph W. Cato. Dimitted—R. C. Bethea, William H. Clark, William D. Coleman, Thomas W. Godbolt, Mid- dleton Kelley, Thomas J. McMillian, Cornelius R. Nesmith, R. K. Scott, John W. Shelton. Cyrus Tankersley, James P. Weeks, William Wells. Suspended fob Unmasonic Conduct—William A. Havis, Wesley N. Maddox, Daniel War- ren. Total members 47. Dues, $61.(1(1, including back dues of reinstated Companions Convoca- tions second Saturdays. Meadville, No. 86—Meadville, Franklin County. No Returns or Dues tor 1872, 1870. Charter forfeited. Cato, No. 89—Cato, Rankin County. Officebs, 1873—F. M. Martin, H.P.; F. H. C. Dent, K.; W. H. Bamette, S.; John Russell C. of H.; G. W. Barnette, P.S.; W. L. Manning, R.A.C.; T. J. Franklin, M. 3d V.; Esau Bass M. 2d V.; J. M. Dent, M. 1st V.; John Colipihoun, Treasurer; U. P Dent, Secretary: O. L Corley, Tyler < (fficebs, 1874—John Russell, H.P.; John Morrison, K.; F. EL C. Dent, 8.; P. H. Overby, C of H.; John Colquhoun, P.S.; O. L. Corley, R.A.C.; G. W. Barnette, M. 3d V.; T. J. Franklin M. 2d V.; Arehey Colquhoun, M. 1st V.; C. H. Baker, Treasurer; F. M. Martin, Secretary; Esau Bass, Tyler. Membebs—W. H. Bamette, T. C. Clark, J. M. Dent, II. P. Dent, Everett Floyd, S. H Man- eum, W. L. Manning, C. R. Norman,-8. L. Tucker. Total members 21 Dues $21 00. Conventions 4th Saturdays. Summit, No. 90—Summit, Pike County. Officebs, 1873—George T. Gracey, H.P.; Solomon Hyman, K.; S. Wolf, S.; Isadore Moyst C. of H.; E. H. Mogan, P.S.; Samuel Hyman, R.A.C.; H. Hiller, M. 3d V.; E. W. Flowers, II 2d Y ; J. D. McDowell, M. 1st V.; BenjaminHilborn, Treasurer; W. T Tyler, Secretary; Cho H. Lyster, Tyler. Died—G. B. May. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—George C. Taylor Total members 32. Total dues $32.60. Officebs, 1874—W. T. Tyler, H.P.; W. F. Cain, K.; N. Williams, S.; Isadore Moyst, C. ut H.; E. H. Mogan, P.S.; Samuel Hyman, R.A.C.; C. A. Williams, M. 3d Y.; J. J. Englehora M. 2d V.; John McClanahan, M. 1st V.; H. Hiller, Treasurer; A. A. Boyd, Secretary; Chaile- H. Lyster, Tyler. Membebs—George T. Gracey, p.h.p , H. S. Andeison, E. W. Flowers, G. P. Godbold, Ni Greener, W. H. H. Garr, B. Haynes, p.h.p., J. M. Hart, George W. Huffman, Solomon Hymni Benj. Hilborn, Jacob Hart, James N. Hall, James LeFevre, Jehu May, P. L. Marsalis, W. F McDowell, John D. McDowell, H. M. Norman, George Nicholson, J. G. Parsons, H. Murrty Guin, D. H. Gum, P. C. Quin, T. R. Rtoekdale, M. N. Tidwell, Henderson Wallace, L. Wnlt. S. Wolf.—Total 41. Exalted—M. N. Tidwell, Nic Greener, R. M. Aitkin, John McClanahan, W. H. H. Garr, ( A. Williams, James LeFevre, J. J. Englehorn, James N. Hall. Affiliated—Henderson Wallace. Dimitted—R. M. Aitkin. Suspended fob Non-Payment of Dues—J. D Leggett, D. C. Walker P C. Guin Total members 41. Dues $39.06 Convocations 2d" Fridays 73 Huntsville, No. 91—Huntsville, Montgomery County. Officers, 1873—W. C. Staples, H.P.; G. W. Holmes, K.; T. E. Bramlette, S.; W. C. Ridg- way, C. of H.; W. H. Jeffcoat, P.S.; J. Crowder, R.A.C.; W. L. D. White, M. 3d V.; J. H. Ellis, M. 2d V.; J. D. McAtee, M. 1st V.; W. F. Nunn, Treasurer; J. S. Holloway, Secretary; J. W. Bramlette, Tyler. Exalted—T. F. Bramlette, W. H. Jeffcoat, J. L. McAtee. Dimitted—S. J. Atkins, J. M. England, J. H. Grisham, J. L. McAtee. Died—H. H. Fancher. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—F. M. Buffkins, G. S. Bradford, W. E. Dorris, J. H. Dorris, J. W. George, J. J. Hunt, A. Mass, Y. McCafferty, Calvin Philly, C. W. Richards, D. M. Simmons, W. R. Ward, J. F. Wilson, T. C. Young. Total members 21. Total dues $27.00. 1ST Return for 1873 not received. Centre Ridge, No. 93—Daleville P. O, Lauderdale County. Officers, 1873—James Watts, H.P.; A. G. Ellis, K.; E. Roberts, S.; J. C. Gilbert, C. of H.; J. S. Ross, P. S.; McM. Hudson, R.A.C.; R. H. Harmon, M. 3d V.; John White, M. 2d V.; W. J. Flake, M. 1st V.; A. Lilly, Treasurer; R. Fowler, Secretary; C. Bell, Tyler. Dimitted—E. E. Spinks, John C. Spinks. Total members 26. Total dues $26.00. Officers, 1874—G. J. Fortner, H.P.; J. C. Gilbert, K.; A. Saunders, S.; Wm. Flake, C. of H.; J. S. Ross, P.S.; McM. Hudson, R.A.C.; J. C. Carpenter, M. 3d V.; R. H. Harmon, M. 2d V.; R. G. Betsill, M. 1st V.; E. Roberts, Treasurer; R. Fowler, Secretary; C. Bell, Tyler. Members—James Watts, p.h.p., J. R. Brittain, C. C. Creed, A. G. Ellis, N.Grace, W. A. Lampley, A. Lilly, L. McLenden, Wm. J. Rush, Geo. L. Welsh, H. D. White, John White. Dimitted—H. Wells. Died—A. Barfield. Total members 24. Dues $24.00. Convocations 1st Saturdays. Durant, No. 9g—Durant, Holmes County. Officers, 1873—J. Jeff. Cooper, H.P.; S. W. Red, K.; B. W. Moore, S.; J. R. Heflin, C. of H.; C. H. Foster, P.S.; William Irish, R.A.C.; R. M. Murphy, M. 3d V.; J. S. Weatherby, M. 2d V.; D. L. Rogers, M. 1st V.; H. P. Davis, Treasurer; C. J. Hanks, Secretary; B. M. Stroud, Tyler. Exalted—A. G. Lott, A. Hays, D. L. Rogers, B. A. Harper, C. H. Foster, C. J. Hanks, J. T. Lockhart, J. A. Cason, H. P. Davis, S. J. Rowe, R. J. Sallis, H. C. Glass. Dimitted—Louis Glazier, A. Hays. Total members 37. Total dues $61.00. Officers, 1874—J. R. Heflin, H.P.; S. W. Weatherby, K.; J. W. Allen, S.; C. H. Foster, C. of H.; J. Jeff. Cooper, P.S.; William Irish, R.A.C.; J. T. Lockhart, M. 3d V.; R. M. Murphy, M. 2d V.; J. H. Johnson, M. 1st V.; H. P. Davis, Treasurer; J. S. Weatherby, Secretary ; B. M. Stroud, Tyler. Members—G. W. Bachman, C. A. Crowder, J. W. Cook, John A. Cason, J. B. Collum, W. W. Godfrey, James Hays, B. A. Harper, C. J. Hanks, A. G. Lott, W. A. Lockhart, John Mur- phy, C. T. Murphy, James Moorehead, B. W. Moore, W. P. Stroud, W. B. Sanders, L. Simon, Henry Tracy, S. W. Weatherby, S. W. Weems. Exalted—Henry Tracy, J. B. Collum, J. H. Johnson. Affiliated—L. Simon, W. A. Lockhart. Dimitted—D. L. Rogers, E. F. Shuler, N. Smith, JamesMeggs, H. C. Glass, R. J. Sallis, F. M. Glass. Died—S. J. Rowe, C. H. Weston. Total members, 33. Dues $39.00. Convocations, 2d Thursdays. West Point, No. 95—West Point, Colfaoc County. 13®" No Return received for 1872. Officers, 1873—B. T. Palmer, H.P.; A. C. Echols, K.; B. F. Capshaw, S.; W. F. Franks, C. of H.- J. H. L. Gerdine, P.S.; A. S. Gerdine, R.A.C.; J. W. Swinney, M. 3d V.; B. F. Williams, M. 2d V.; H. W. Henley, M. 1st V.; P. H. White, Treasurer; J. H. Shipman, Secretary; John D. Travis, Tyler. Officers 1874—J. H. L. Gerdine, H.P.; A. C. Echols, K.; Benj. F. Capshaw, S.; William F. Franks C. of H.; G. Messerole, P.S.; B. F. Williams, R.A.C.; P. Strider, M. 3d V.; I. Fren- kell M. 2d V.; H. W. Henley, M. 1st V.; P. H. White, Treasurer; J. H. Shipman, Secretary; John D. Travis, Tyler. _ T ^ Members--B. T. Palmer, p.h.p., Henry Anderson, J. K. Allen, G. T. Baber, R. L. Cannon, A."s. Gerdine, P. B. Dugan, R. W. Evans, W. W. Robinson, J. W. Swinney, Jerry Troy, P. W. Taylor. a fftt.tated—G. Messerole, P. Strider. Dimitted—J. S. Carothers, M. M. MeElroy. Died—D. W. Story, September 18, 1873. 10 74 Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—T. D. Williamson, J. G. Baptist, B. A. Duncan, W, B. Shelly, R. B. Miller. Total members, 24. Dues, $24,00. Convocations 3d Pridays. McCoibTiico, No. 96^Water Valley, Yalobusha County. Officers, 1873—C. P. Kennedy, H.P.; T. J. West, K.; C. Montgomery, S.; John K. Fulson, C. of H., J. O. Hendricks, P.S.; U. D. Payne, R.A.C.; W. F. Palmore, M. 3d V.; John Ander- son, M. 2d V.; George Prather, M. 1st V.; P. D. Wood, Treasurer; L. M. Lawshe, Secretary ; F. Hulihan, Tyler. Exalted—John Anderson, J. D. Berglund, J. K. Brown, J. C. Nations, George Prather, S. Swenson. Dimitted—W. A. Crawford, W. H. Harris. Died—C. T. Hope, D. F. Rogers. Total members 45. Total dues $57.00. Officers, 1874—Thomas J. West, H.P.; C. Montgomery, K.; J. B. Hudspeth, S.; J. H. Wil- son, p.h.p., C. of H.; T. W. Whitsey, P.S.; H. C. Goode, R.A.C.; H. E. Wagner, M. 3d V.; John Anderson, M. 2d V.; J. Q. Morrison, M. 1st V.; P. D. Wood, Treasurer; L. M. Lawshe, p.h.p., Secretary; William F. Palmore, Tyler. Members—Gus. Berglund, John D. Berglund, N. W. Berglund, Elijah Badley, Thomas J. Bell, James K. Brown, William E. Bew, J. T. Berry, J. C. Butler, J. E. Becton, A. S. Camp- bell, B. H. Carr, J. W. Copeland, H. L. Duncan, E. C. Davidson, G. W. Fulmer, John K. Ful- son, p.h.p., Henry Gibbon, p.h.p., F. H. Green, Wm. S. Harrison, J. A. Harten, F. Hulihan, C. P. Kennedy, p.h.p., J. C. Knight, W. H. Leach, Lewis Marble, A.JJ. McConnico, S. B. McCon- nico, Robt. Martin, C. Montgomery, J. S. McKay, T. J, McFarland, J. C. Nations, U. D. Payne, D. W. Rogers, M. D. L. Stephens, p.h.p., S. Swinson, George A. Sims, William Talliafero, Hen- ry White. Exalted—J. B. Hudspeth, J. A. Harten, T. J« Bell, H. C. Goode, N. W. Berglund, Henry White, J. S. McKay, J. E. Becton, H. E. Wagner. Affiliated—J. W. Copeland. Died—William Simmons, George Prather. Total members 52. Dues $70.00. Convocations 1st Thursdays. jR. W. Paine, No. 97—Morton, Scott County. Officers, 1873—Tom F. Pettus, H.P.; James A. Chambers, K.; J. D. Finch, S.; A. P. Sims, C. of H.; L. R. Moore, P.S.; Thomas McCaul, R A.C.; H. H. Moore, M. 3d V.; W. L. Lowry, M. 2d V.; Mark Myers, M. 1st V.; W. J. Flannagan, Treasurer; H. O. Pettus, Secretary; W. Jennings, Tyler. Exalted—H. O. Pettus, J. A. Chambers, T. W. McCaul, B. P. Cawthorn, J. D. Ferguson, William Bland. Died—Jabez Brassell. Total members 19. Total dues $31.00. Officers, 1874—Same as for 1873. Members—John R. Owen, B. P. Cawthorn, J. D. Ferguson, D. L. H. Mitchell, Wm. Bland, W. Lee Wilkins. Died—L. R. Jones. Total members, 18. Dues $18.00. Convocations 1st Mondays. McDonald, No. 98—Ashland, Benton County. Officers, 1873—J. M. McDonald, H.P.; R. L, Bouton, K.; A. J. Jordan, S.; B. T. Kim- brough, C. of H.; G. N. Dickerson, P.S.; J. J. Brown, R.A.C.; W. A. Campbell, M. 3d V.; D. W. McKenzie, M. 2d V.; J. W. Winburn, M. 1st V.; William Katz, Treasurer; N. W. Bouton, Secretary; Lewis Glenn, Tyler. Exalted—D. W. McKenzie, J. W. Byrd, J. W. Winburn. Dimitted—Marion Ray. Total members, 37. Total dues $43.00. Officers, 1874—J. M. McDonald, H.P.; R. L. Bouton, K.; G. N. Dickerson,'S.; B. T. Kim- brough, C. of H.; M. J. Cox, P.S.; W. A. Campbell, R.A.C.; J. J. Brown, M. 3d V.; J. W. Win- burn, M. 2d V.; R. F. Swan, M. 1st V.; J. P. Winget, Treasurer ; N. W. Bouton, Secretary; Lewis Glenn, Tyler. Members—A. M. Ayres, Benjamin Bright, S. D. Bookout, W. P. Bouton, J. W. Byrd, J. T. Beck, J. A. Cox, L. P. Cossett, L. M. Carruth, J. M. Finger, J. H. Godsey, J. J. Hicks, William Hudspeth, J. W. Johnson, A. J. Jordan, William Katz, F. T. Leak, H. F. Lipford, D. A. McDonald, J. B. Montgomery, D. W. McKenzie, A. G. Parrott, J. H. Prescott, W. G. Pegram, J. R. Roberts, R. W. Tate, H. G. Spencer, R. J. Sharp, D. B. Wright. Exalted—F. T. Leak, R. F. Swan, L. M. Carruth. Affiliated—J. T. Beck. Total members 41. Dues $47.00. Convocations 4th Wednesdays. 75 Toomsuba, No. 99—Toomsuba, Lauderdale County. Officers, 1873—J. R. McLaurin, H.P.; Duncan Kelly, K.; J. G. Knox, S.; H. D. Cameron, C. of H.; W. H. Moody, P.S.; , R.A.C.; R. F. Pearce, M. 3d V.; W. A. Sims, M. 2d V.; A. A. Pringle, M, 1st V.; T. S. Pigford, Treasurer; S. H. Shannon, Secretary. Officers, 1874—J. R. McLaurin, H.P.; H. D. Cameron, K.; Duncan Kelly, S.; R. F. Pearce, C. of H.; W. A. Sims, P.S.; S. H. Shannon, jR.A.C.; W. E. H. White, M. 3d V.; J. P. Welch, M. 2d Y.; W. W. Mitchell, M. 1st V.; T. S. Pigford, Treasurer; J. G. Knox, Secretary; O. F Hunter, Tyler. Members—George Bancroft, W. C. Day, Thomas Graham, W. H. Moody, A. A. Pringle. Expelled—J. R. Sayler, by Toomsuba Lodge, No. 130. Total members 17. Dues $17.00. Convocations 2d Saturdays. Attala Chapter, No. 100—Wells P. 0., Attala County. Officers, 1873—S. C. Conley, H. P.; John A. Wasson, K.; J. G. Riley, S.; E. Tredway, C. of H.; W. J. Wasson, P. S.; G. W. Harrison, R.A.C.; M. D. Wasson, M. 3d V.; E. S. Toler, M. 2d V.; W. W. Adams, M. 1st V.; Jas. A. Wasson, Treasurer; C. G. Harris, Secretary, J. H. Sweat, Tyler. Exalted—W. J. Adams, J. W. Sweat, W. D. Holt. Total members 22. Total dues $28.00. Officers, 1874—L. G. W. Harrison, H. P.; J. G. Riley, K.; W. T. Sweat, S.; W. W. Adams, C. of H.; E. Tredway, P.S.; W. J. Wasson, R.A.C.; J. N. Sweat, M. 3d V.; E. S. Toler, M. 2d V.; S. C. Conley, M. 1st V.; Jas. A. Wasson, Treasurer; C. G. HaTris, Secretary; M. D. Wasson. Tyler. Members--W. J. Adams, J. M. Chatman, J. G. Carlisle, J. W. Cole, W. D. Holt, E. A. P. Lucas, J. M. Thompson, J. W. Sweat, N. C. Wasson, J. A. Wasson. Total members 22. Dues $22.00. Convocations 4th Saturdays, evening. Coffeeville, No. 101—Coffeeville, Yalobusha County. Officers, 1873—A. L. Guntharp, H. P., J. D. Haile, K.; J. B. Clayton, S.; J. C. McNeil, C. of H.; F. P. Tempel, P. S.; W. C. Shackleford, R. A. C.; J. J. Melton, M. 3d V.; J. W. Seay, M. 2d V.; J. T. West, M. 1st V.; J. L. Collins, Treasurer; B. L. Wynn, Secretary; W. R. Spencer, Tyler. Exalted—W. J. Clarke, J. T. West, J. W. Seay, J. C. McNeil, J. B. Clayton. Affiliated—C. J. W. Murphree. Dimitted—Sam'l Strouse. Suspended—S. M. Willie. Total members 38. Total dues $48.00. Officers, 1874—J. A. P. Kennedy, H. P.; F. P. Tempel, K.; W. L. Brannon, S.; A. L. Guntharp, p.h.p., C. of H.; W. C. Shackleford, P. S.; J. J. Melton, R. A. C.; J. W. Seay, M. 3d V.; J. L. Eskridge, M. 2d V.; B. L, Wynn, M. 1st V.; J. L. Collins, Treasurer; J. D. Haile, Secre- tary; W. R. Spencer, Tyler. Members—R. S. Thomas, p. h. p.; G. P. Bondurant, W. J. Clark, J. B. Clayton, M. P. Dur- den, Henry Gaines, W. B. Hooper, J. C. Hannah, R. W. Jones, J. H. Kennedy, C. J. W. Murphree, E. O. Perkins, R. W. Perkins, M. A. Perkins, S. M. Ross, H. Ray, E. W. Smith, O. W. Shipp, J. O. Vann, T. J. West, B. E. Williams, L. R. Wilson, W. D. York—Total 35. Dimitted—W. J. Melton, R. D. Byles. Died—J. C. N. McNeal. Total members 35. Dues $35.00. Convocations 2d Tuesdays. Greenwood, No. 102—Greenwood, Leflore County. Officers, 1873—Robt. Ettinger, H. P.; A. A. Stoddard, K.; J. K. Allen, S.; L. Upshur, C. ofH.; W. A. Gillespie, P.S.; S. T. East, R.A.C.; Sid. Auter, M. 3d V.; J. P. O'Neal, M. 2d V.; E. D. Bondurant, M. 1st V.; Jacob Yondorf, Treasurer; L. L. Casey, Secretary; Wm. Warmack, Tyler. Exalted—L. L. Casey, Jacob Yondorf, J. P. O'Neal, T. G. Ledbetter, E. D. Bondurant, Wm. Warmack, R. S. McLemore, P. P. McLemore, Wm. T. Jones. Affiliated—J. I. Hilliard. Dimitted—J. L. Ball. Died—Jos. B. Ettinger, October, 1872. Total members 22. Total dues $40.00. Oeet<- m..uv.t s v n Ch \p n us and Chapters- Under Bispensation—R.B. Bran- ' W , -I i ,1?I V M Paxtotl. , , . - i imSi i —J, hn TV" Veargain, P. M. Savery, C. A. Marshall. x " - ' x_",mpj um- \M) Vpp*\I^—J.M.Howry, T.C.Everett, P.'M. Savery. < hj oi< vi i vi s amj Rpti kn» —W. B. Ferries, G. n. Bickerson, Henry Key. i iNi^iu )> Bi GeorBeLap, W. S. Patton, J. A. Hull. i i:i n 11\«. \ V l; ury.'J L iPower, Frank Bixrkitt. -m < m i jit on P\st ■ Master's:Begree—H. W. Walter. John A. • \* 'h 1 ho- »» ii hi luht. . . * * >*i ■. ♦T' ' • * • PROCEEDINGS OF THE M.'.E.'.GBAND BOYAL AKCH CHAPTEB OF THE ||taic of Iftisstssippr, AT JTS Twenty-Seventh Annual Convocation, HELD AT MERIDIAN, February 5th and 6th, 7875. PUBLISHED llY ORDER OF THE GRAND CHAPTER. COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI: PRINTED AT THE EXCELSIOR BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1875. GRAND OFFICERS—1875-76. M.-.E.-. John Y. Murry, - R.-.E.-. John E. Arnold, - R.-.E.-. John A. Galbreath, Sr. - R.-.E.-. Wm. French, - R.-.E.-. John Nelson, R.-.E.-. O. B. Collins, - R.-.E.-. W. H. Wilburn, - R.\E.\ Joel A. Hearne, - R.\E.\ Frank Burkitt, - R.-.E.-. John M. Ware, Rev.-. Comp.-. J. H. Alexander, - R.-,E.-. A. P. Barry, - R.-.E.-. J. L. Power, - R.-.E.-. W. H. Carkeet, R.-.E.-. Morris Cook, ... Ripley, Grand High Priest - Rienzi, - - D. G. H. Priest. Union Church, Grand King. - Vicksburg, - - Grand Scribe. Jackson, - - G. C. of Host. • Quitman, - G. P. Sojourner. Senatobia, G. R. A. Captain. - New Albany, - - G. M. 3d Vail. Houston, - - G. M. 2d Vail. - Perkinsville,- - - G. M. 1st Vail. Kosciusko, - Gr. Chaplain. - Hazlehurst, - - Gr. Treasurer. Jackson, - Gr. Secretary. - Natchez, - Gr. Sentinel. Gallatin, - G. Lecturer, (hold'g over.) STANDING COMMITTEES. masonic Law.—Charles T. Murphy, Chairman, Durant; R. L. Saunders, J. m. Stone. Complaints and Appeals.—J. M. Howry, N. S. Walker, E. J. Hostetter. Credentials.—J. F. McCormick, J. M. McDonald, J. W. Winn. Subordinate Chapters.—R. B. Brannin, W. G. Paxton, P. M. Savery. Finance.—E. Geo. DeLap, M. F. Rogers, J. T. Buck. Unfinished Business.—J. F. McCormick, J. S. Jones, T. C. Everett. Printing.—B. S. Trice, J. L. Power, Frank Burkitt. The next Grand Convocation will be held at the City of Jackson, on the first Monday, the 7th day of February, 1876. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. j^ivetttg=Seventh jftttimtl (£anvaaiUatt. At the Twenty-Seventh Annual Convocation of the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter op the State op Mississippi, held at Bennett's Hall, in the City of Meridian, on Thursday, the 4th day of February, A. D. 1875, A. I. 2405, the following Grand Officers were Present: R.-.E.'. COMP. JOHN Y. MURRY, Dep. Gr. H.'. P.-., Acting Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-. COMP. B. S. T^tlCE Grand King. R.'.E.'. COMP. R. L. SAUNDERS Grand Scribe. R.'.E.'. COMP. JOHN NELSON Grand Captain of the Host. R.\E.\ COMP. O. B. COLLINS Grand Principal Sojourner. COMP. C. LEE LINCOLN Grand Royal Arch Captain, p. t. COMP. JOEL A. HEARNE Grand Master 3d Vail, p. t. R.*.E.\ COMP. FRANK BURKITT Grand Master 2d Vail. R.\E.\ COMP. M. LEVY. Grand Master 1st Vail. R.'.E.'. COMP. MORRIS COOK Grand Lecturer. REV. COMP. J. H. ALEXANDER Grand Chaplain. R.'.E... COMP. A. P. BARRY Grand Treasurer. R.'.E.'. COMP. J. L. POWER Grand Secretary. R.'JE}.'. COMP. W. H. CARKEET Grand Tyler. ALSO PRESENT: M.\E.\ Comp. James M. Howry Past Grand High Priest. M.-.E.-. Comf. Wm. S. Patton Past Grand High Priest. M.-.E.*. Comp. Wm. D. Ferriss Past Grand High Priest.- R.\E.\ Comp. P. M. Savery. ..Past Dep. Grand High Priest. R.\E.\ Comp. T. C. Everett Past Grand King. R.\E.\ Comp. J. F. Arnold Past Grand Scribe. R.-.E.-. Comp. E. Geo. DeLap Past Grand Scribe. R.'.E.'. Comp. J. J. BlRDSONG Past Grand Principal Sojourner. R.\E.\ Comp. J. W. Patty Past Grand Royal Arch Captain. R.'.E.-. Comp. L. Leibenfeld Past Grand Royal Arch Captain. R.'.E.-. Comp. W. G. Paxton Past Grand Master 1st Vail. And Comp. H. W. Walter, P.*. H.-. P.-. Also present, the following Companions as Representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions: Comp. Wm. D. Ferriss, as Representative of Grand Chapter of Arkansas. Comp. Chas. T. Murphy, as Representative of Grand Chapter of California. Comp. A. P. Barry, as Representative of Grand Chapter of New Jersey. Comp. Wm. S. Patton, as Representative of Grand Chapter of Louisiana. Comp. Jas. M. Howry, as Representative of Grand Chapter of Minnesota. Together with a constitutional number of Representatives of Subordinate Chapters. 4 The Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present— The M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi was opened in Ample Form, with solemn prayer, by Rev. Comp. J. H.' Alexander, Grand Chaplain. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest appointed the following Companions to fill vacancies in Standing Committees : Comp. Wm. Richards, on Credentials and Returns. Comps. E. Geo. DeLap and T. F. Pettus, on Finance. Comp. J. W. Patty, on Unfinished Business. Comps. T. G. Birchett and John Wright, on Masonic Law. Comp. J. J. Birdsong, on Subordinate Chapters and Chapters under Dispen- sation. The Committee on Credentials submitted the following Report, which, on motion, was received and the Committee continued : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The undersigned Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they find • the following Companions entitled to seats in this Grand Body as Representatives of the several Chapters named. Respectfully submitted, W. D. FERRISS, HENRY KEY, WM. RICHARDS, Committee. Natchez Chapter, No. 1—E. Geo. DeLap, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-.; Jno. A. Dicks, proxy for Scribe. Clinton, No. 2.—N. S. Walker, proxy for H.\ P.-. Vicksburg, No 3—T. G. Birchett, H.\ P.-.; W. G Paxton, proxy for Scribe. Columbus, No. 4—C. Lee Lincoln, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. Wilson, No. 5—J. T. Whitehead, H.\ P.-. Jackson, No. 6—R. L. Saunders, H.\ P.*.; Gus Asher, Scribe. Magnolia, No 7—J. J. Birdsong, H.\ P.\, P.-. H.\ P.\ Canton, No. 10—A. M. Gurley, Scribe. Macon, No. 11—J. C. Williams, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.*.; J. W. Patty, King and P.-. H.\ P.*. DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—E. W. Hughes, H.\P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-.; A. S. Weigert, King. Euphemia, No. 13—R. B. Brannin, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. Fayette, No. 14—Henry Key, proxy for H.\ P.*. Carrollton, No 15—W. M. Stansbury, H.-.P.-., and P.-. H.\ P.-. Kosciusko, No. 20—David Carr, P.'. H.\ P.\, and proxy for H.\ P.-. Raymond, No. 22—Geo. C. Porter, H.\ P.\, P.-. H.\ P.-. Houston, No. 23—Frank Burkitt, proxy for H.\ P.1. Meridian, No. 25—J. Henderson, H.\ P.\, P.-. H.\ P.*. Walker, No. 28—John Wright, proxy for H.\ P.*. Washington, No. 29—H. J. Sarrett, King, and P.-. H.\ P.-. Shongalo, No. 30—T. C. Everett, H.\ P.-. Lafayette, No. 33—J. M. Howry, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. Louisville, No. 36—L. Liebenfeld, P.*. H.\ P.\, proxy for H.\ P.-.; J. M. Ware, Scribe. Verona, No. 47—B. S. Trice, King. Ripley, No. 48—M. F. Rogers, Scribe. New Albany, No. 49—J. A. Hearne, H.\ P.*., P.*. H.\ P.\ ; E. M. Coker, proxy for King. Patton, No. 52—R. McKinley, H.\ P.-., P.- H.\ P.-. Baldwyn, No. 57—P. M. Savery, King and P.-. H.\ P.-. Shubuta, No. 59—0. B. Collins, H.\ P.-., and P.-. H.-. P.-. Eureka, No. 61—J. H. Douglas, proxy for H.\ P.'. 5 Rienei, No. 66—J. F. Arnold, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. Dent H. Miles, No. 72—Wm. Richards, King, P.-. H.\ P.-. W. D. Ferriss, No. 74—W. D. Ferriss, H.\ P.-., P.\ H.\ P.*. Corinth, No. 76—E. J. Hostetter, P.-. H.\ P.-., and proxy for H.\ P.\ S. H. Johnson, No. 81—A P. Barry, p.-. H.\ P.-., and proxy for H.-. P.- Salem, No. 85—John A. Galbreath, Sr., H.\ P.-., and P.-. H.\ P.-. Cato, No. 89—John Russell, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. Durant, No. 94—C. T. Murphy, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. West Point, No. 95—W. F. Franks, proxy for H.\ P.'., and Representative. Robert W. Paine, No. 97—T. F. Pettus, P.\ H.\ P.-., and proxy for H.\ P.-. McDonald, No. 98—J. M. McDonald, H.\ P.-., and P.-. H.\ P.*. Attala, No. 100—S. C. Conly, p.'. H.\ p.'., and proxy for H.\ P.-. Greenwood, No. 102—W. A. Gillespie, proxy for H.\ P.-. Cherry Creek, No. 103—Hiram Hood, H.\ P.-. Bluff Springs, No 104—E. F. Shuler, Representative. The R.\ E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest read his Address, as follows: ADDEESS OF DEPUTY GEAND HIGH PEIEST. Companions: - - Another year in the history of Capitular Masonry has passed away since, by your partiality and suffrages, I was elevated to the second office in this Grand Body. Five months after I had been installed into said office I was notified by your Grand Secretary that M.-.E.-. George R. Fearn, Grand High Priest, had removed permanently from this Jurisdiction, and henceforth the duties of Grand High Priest would devolve upon me. No one could regret the loss of a superior in office more than I did. I feel it the more keenly because it imposed duties upon me which I feared would not be performed in a manner that would be creditable to myself or beneficial to the Royal Craft. In fact the loss of so good a man, zealous Mason, and able counselor, could not be otherwise than deeply felt and sincerely regretted by all devoted Masons. But in this instance our loss is another's gain. Companion Fearn has gone to Texas, where I have no doubt he will be duly appreciated by his Masonic bretheren. I am not informed of the official acts of your Grand High Priest up to the time of his removal, but suppose you will be furnished with a statement of the same, either by himself or in connection with a report of your Grand Secretary. I deem it right and proper that I should, in conformity to Masonic usage and in the interest of the Royal Craft, render to you an account of my stewardship as acting Grand High Priest, and make such suggestions as in my judgment will promote the best interests of our most honored Institution. When we grasp each other's hands in fraternal greetings on coming together as a band of brothers, let our hearts swell with gratitude to God, the author and perpetual source of all our blessings. Let us acknowledge and thank Him for all comforts and blessing-s in the past, both individually and as a great brotherhood, and implore a continuance of his Fatherly care and keeping in the future. But while we rejoice and offer thanks that it is so well with us, we have to mourn the loss of dear Companions, whose familar faces will be seen no more in our Annual Convocations. Death, that insatiate archer, has laid his icy hand upon them. Deceased Past Grand Officers. M.\E.\ Companion Henry C. Robinson, P.-. G.\ H.\ Priest, was born in Putnam 6 County, Georgia, 1818. He was made a Mason in Philadelphia Lodge, No. 93, and served that Lodge as W.\ M.\ several years. He dimitted from that Lodge, and affiliated with Jefferson Lodge, No. 143, in 1853, and was its W.-.Master thirteen years. His first appearance in the Grand Lodge was in 1850. He was elected Junior Grand Warden in 1862. He was a District Deputy Grand Master continuously for ten or twelve years, and so well did he perform the duties of that position, that on one occasion honorable mention was made of his efficiency by a Grand Master in his address to the Grand Lodge. He was elected Grand Lecturer for the Grand Lodge, in 1868, in which capacity he served with a zeal and efficiency, especially as a ritualist, rarely equalled, and I apprehend never surpassed, until the last Communication of the Grand Lodge, when he voluntarily retired from said office. He was elected Grand High Priest in 1872, and served the Royal Craft in that position with the same fervency and zeal that has always character- ized him as an officer in the mysterious art. He died near Crawfordsville, Miss., the 14th day of November, 1874, while temporarily sojourning at the residence of Mr. J. C. Thompson, and was buried in this city with Masonic honors. He is greatly lamented by the Fraternity throughout this Grand Jurisdiction. Comp. Dent H. Miles, Deputy G.\H.\ Priest in 1861, and a member of Dent H. Miles Chapter, No. 72, died on the morning of the 20th of July, 1874, at Belle Station, Tenn. His remains were carried to Sartartia, Miss., and buried with Masonic honors. He was in his 80th year, and was made a Mason on the 5th day of May 1822, in Concordia Lodge, Baltimore, Md.; came to Mississippi in 1835, attended the Grand Lodge in 1840, and was one of the most punctual attendants upon the Grand Bodies. He was elected Senior Grand Deacon in 1850, and served in that position till 1863, when he was elected Senior Grand Warden. He was again elected Senior Grand Deacon in 1864, and served as such until Feb., 1874. The last Grand Lodge, in view of his age, infirmities and long service, made him a life honorary member, and ordered a Grand Deacon's jewel to be presented him. This jewel was presented at his Lodge prior to his departure to Tennessee, and he seemed to prize it as the best earthly reward of a well spent life. Comp J. C. Monette, a Past H.'. Priest of Bay St. Louis Chapter, No. 54, and R.-.E.'.Grand Scribe in 1856, departed this life November 1st, 1874. He was a useful and honorable citizen, and a zealous Mason. Comp. Wm. M. Wells, Grand Scribe in 1869, (whose death has never been noticed,) died May the 8th, 1871. He was a citizen of Hinds county, residing at Auburn, and was greatly beloved; a devoted Christian and Mason, whose regular attendance at our assemblies attested his zeal. I have but few official acts to report. Dispensations. July 1st. For a new Chapter at Burnsville, Tishomingo county, designated Baker Chapter. In this case a sufficient number of Companions made application in due form, accompanied with a statement from the Grand Secretary to the effect that all'prerequisites had been complied with which govern such cases, and I appointed Comp. W. Y. Baker H.'.Priest; Joseph Marlar, E.\ K.\, and J. J. Alex- ander, E.\ Scribe, and also appointed a Past H.'. Priest to organize the Chapter and put it to work, and make a report thereof to me; since which time I have not 7 heard from the Chapter, but I doubt not that those Companions will be able to satisfy you that they are every way worthy, and entitled to a charter from this Grand Chapter. July 15th. To Walker Chapter, No. 28, to re-ballot on the petition of a candi- date. In this case I was informed by Comp. D. A. Kinchloe, EL*.P.\ of the Chap- ter,*that every Companion present at the time the brother was rejected had voluntarily expressed themselves that the negative vote was put in by mistake. Under these circumstances, I thought there should be as little delay as possible, but still in order that harmony might be preserved, I directed the High Priest to announce to the Chapter at a stated meeting that the ballot would be retaken at the next stated meeting. July 21st. To revive Decatur Chapter, No. 31. In this case twelve Com- panions (including the H.\P.\ and Secretary at the time the records, jewels, and all the effects of the Chapter were destroyed by the United States Army, during the late civil war), made application, and assured me that fourteen mem- bers of the old Chapter resided in the immediate neighborhood of the place of meeting, which application had also the endorsement of Grand Secretary. Sept. 14th. To Vicksburg Chapter, No. 3, to ballot on the petition of a Master Mason, who had not been such the required time, but whose petition by an oversight, had been received and reported upon by the Chapter. In this case Comp. French, High Priest, presented what I considered a case of emergency, and assured me that the petitioner was very bright in the Symbolic Degrees, and in every essential worthy and qualified. I therefore authorized the ballot to be taken at a called meeting. In this case I also directed that every member within a reasonable distance should have due notice. Sept. 30th. To Bethesda Chapter, No. 55, to change its place of meeting from Palmer's Springs to West Station. I was informed that the Chapter at a regular meeting had voted unanimously in favor of the change. The dispensation was mailed to Companion John Riley, Kosciusko, as requested. Dec. 15th. To Jackson Chapter, No. 6, to elect Officers for 1875, on the 4th Monday, and 28th day of December, 1874, this being the regular meeting of the Chapter for that month. According to the regulation on this subject, all elec- tions are required to be held at the regular meeting prior to St. John's Day, 27th December, in every year. I would recommend that you amend the same so as to supersede the necessity for dispensations in such cases. Decisions. July 6th. 1st. That a Chapter cannot ballot on petitions except at regular meet- ings, and then only when the case has been referred to a committee of investiga- tion at one stated meeting, and reported upon at a subsequent stated meeting. I decided also that the Grand High Priest cannot rightfully authorize another officer of the Grand Chapter to suspend the By-Laws and Regulations for Subordinate Chapters for any purpose, or under any ciroumstances whatever, the right of Dispensation resting solely with the Grand High Priest when in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter whose officer he is, and which is to be exercised by him only in special cases. In no case would he be warranted in granting to another a carte blanche to exercise the prerogatives belonging alone to himself. July 8th. 2d. That a Chapter in New Orleans, La., could not entertain the petition of a Master Mason residing in the jurisdiction of a Subordinate Chapter 8 in the State of Mississippi, without first obtaining the consent of such Subordi* nate Chapter. I am willing to extend every Masonic courtesy to a sister Grand Jurisdiction, but in this case it would have been a palpable infringement upon our Jurisdiction. Aug. 10th. 3d. That our laws make no distinction in favor of officers and men belonging to the United States Army, relative to qualifications for the Capitular Degrees. In this case I was applied to by Comp. L. C. Abbott, a mem- ber of Wilson Chapter, No. 5, and W.\ Master of Holly Springs Lodge, No. 35, who stated that sundry Master Masons stationed temporarily at Holly Springs, all of whom were bright in the Symbolic Degrees, and otherwise well qualified, wished to take the Chapter Degrees in Wilson Chapter; and subsequently I received a communication from Companion H. W. Walter corroborating Comp. Abbott's statement. Both of these worthy Companions also stated that in view of the pecuniary embarrassment which was seriously threatening to interfere with their Chapter, they would like to have a Dispensation in this case. In my reply I stated that upon an application in proper form, from Wilson Chapter, I would authorize it to suspend the regulations so far as it related to citizenship, but that I should direct the Chapter to observe the law in regard to the times for receiv- ing and balloting upon the petitions. I never heard any more concerning this matter. Doings. July 30th. I was informed by Comp. J. B. Cherry, the last High Priest installed in Tampico Chapter, No. 79, that this Chapter was in arrears with Grand Chapter on account of dues for more than three years, and had not sent, up any dues for some time, and no prospect of a revival of the Chapter, which statement as to returns and dues being corroborated by Grand Secretary, I directed Comp. Cherry to act as Receiver, and without delay take possession of the charter, records, jewels, and all other effeqts of the Chapter, and forward them to Grand Secretary. Aug. 1st. I received a communication from Comp. W. L. D. White, asking a Dispensation for Huntsville Chapter, No. 91, to change its place of meeting to Kilmichael; this communication did not claim to have the sanction of the Chap- ter, neither was it signed officially. I therefore replied that it would be neces- sary for me to have evidence that the Chapter had voted at a regular meeting in favor of the change, and suggested that a resolution should be introduced and lie over from one regular meeting until the next, upon that subject. Aug. 1st. I received a letter from H. Brince, of Pine Bluff, Ark., complaining of bad treatment from Salem Chapter, No. 85, (and also from Concord Lodge, at the same place,) and more particularly from Comp. John A. Galbreath, High Priest of Salem Chapter. Comp. J. L. Power, Grand Secretary, replied to said- letter, which reply I indorsed and forwarded, believing it to be just the thing to relieve Grand officers in the future of complaint and complainant. Finance. I am very much gratified in being able to report still further improvement touching the financial condition of this Grand Chapter. Its indebtedness, al- though yet considerable, has been very much reduced within the last two years, for which you are indebted in no small degree to the untiring energy, zeal and efficiency of your present Grand Secretary. The details of this department will 9 be furnished you by your Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, to which I invite your special attention. Let me express the hope, however, before dismiss- ing this subject, that delegates to the Grand Chapter will consent to remit one- half their mileage, (that is, when they are members to the Grand Lodge also), until the last dollar of our outstanding indebtedness is extinguished—a consu- mation devoutly to be wished. Recording the Mark. In order that a uniform regulation may be observed requiring every candidate when advanced to a certain degree to choose and record his private mark in a Mark Book, I would recommend that the same be so amended as to require its observance in all cases as a part of the Symbolism of the degree. As it now is, it amounts to nothing more than a dead statute, not being observed, as I suppose, by one out of every twenty who take the degree. The General Grand Chapter. In November last I attended the General Grand Chapter, at Nashville, Tenn., and it is a matter of regret with me that the other members of the Grand Coun- cil did not attend. It was a very interesting occasion ; the attendance was very full, and the business that came before it was disposed of with extraordinary dispatch, and I feel warranted in stating to you that much good was done there— morally, socially, and politically. Therefore, I think this Grand Chapter should be represented at every Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter; and I do earnestly but respectfully recommend that you make provision without delay to contribute to the funds of the General Grand Chapter, the amount which it has very modestly requested at your hands, for the burthens as well as the benefits, should most assuredly be shared by all alike. It would not be expected of me to enter into a detailed statement of what was done there, as it has already been reported in the proceedings and distributed to the several Grand Jurisdictions. No community ever entertained a body of Freemasons in a more hospitable manner than the citizens of Nashville did on this occasion, and it is not to be wondered at—at least by the Delegates to Nashville—that the Masonic Fraternity of that city, yea, of the whole State of Tennessee are proud of M.\ E.\ Comp. John Frizzell, of Nashville, for he is a host in himself. It afforded me very great pleasure in my representative character to report to the General Grand Chapter (as it does now in my official capacity to state to you) that Capitular Masonry is in a prosperous condition in this Grand Jurisdiction. The returns from Subordinate Chapters this year may not show as many Degrees conferred as has been done some years in the past, but if such is the case it is attributable to the stringent state of money matters, which has been unprece- dented in your past history. In conclusion, I desire to extend to every Companion with whom I have had official intercourse my sincere thanks, and in a very special manner is this due to R.\ E.\ J. L. Power, Grand Secretary, for promptness, uniform kindness and courtesy always shown me. And now, Companions, permit me to express the hope that this may be a pleasant, harmonious and profitable meeting—that we ■all may feel that it is good to be here. JOHN Y. MURRY, Deputy and Acting Grand High Priest. 2 10 On motion of Oomp. H. W. Walter, the Address of the R.\ E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest was referred to Committees—the Committees, as named, having been subsequently announced: 1st. So much as relates to Grand High Priest Geo. It. Fearn, to a special Com- mittee of three. Committee—Comps., J. F. Arnold, E. W%Hughes, M. F. Rogers. 2d. So much as relates to deceased Companions, to a special Committee of of three. " Committee—Comps. J. H. Alexander, J. M. Ware, J. M. McDonald. 3d. So much as relates to the revival of Decatur Chapter, No. 31, and to the granting of a Dispensation' for a new Chapter at Burnsville, to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters. 4th. That the decisions of the Deputy Grand High Priest be referred to the Committee on Masonic Law. 5th. So much as relates to the Communication from H. Brince, complaining of Salem Chapter, No. 85, to the Committee on Complaints and Appeals. 6th. So much as relates to finance, to the Committee on Finance. 7th. So much as relates to recording the Mark, to a special Committee of three. Committee—Comps. H. W.'Walter, M. Cook, E. J. Hostetter. The Grand Secretary read his Annual Report, and submitted his Account Current, as follows: GRAND SECRETARY'S ANNUAL REPORT. To the Mr. E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: I beg leave to submit my Fifth Annual Report as Grand Secretary. On the 7th February last, by authority of this Grand Body, I issued charters to the following named Chapters, that had been working Under Dispensation: Cherry Creek, No. 103, Pontotoc County. Bluff Springs, No. 104, Attala County. Hudson, No. 105, Tunica County. On the 20th July, 1874, I issued, by authority of the Grand High Priest, a Dispensation to a competent number of Companions, formerly members of Decatur Chapter, No. 31, to resume work under said name and number, upon the condition of their making application to the Grand Chapter for a restora- tion of their Charter. Companions M. M. Keith, Hamilton Cooper, and W. G. Bart- lett were appointed respectively, as H.'. P.-., K.\, and S.\ of said Chapter. On the 30th June, 1874, 1 issued a Dispensation by authority of the Grand High Priest, for the formation of a new Chapter at Burnsville, Tishomingo County—Comp. W. T. Baker as H.\ P.-., Joseph Marlar as K.\, and J. J. Alex- ander as S.\ An effort is being made to establish a Chapter at Edwards, in Hinds County, and there is also a prospect of a Chapter being formed at Newton Station. Cato Chapter, No. 89, availed itself of the indulgence granted by last Grand Chapter, and paid up arrearages for 1872, 1873, and made a Return for each year. Westville Chapter, No. 88, failed to avail itself of a similar indulgence. On the 30th July, by authority of the Grand High Priest, I addressed a Com- munication to Comp. .J. B. Cherry, appointing him Receiver of the Charter and effects of Tampico Chapter, No. 79—the said Chapter having ceased to exist, and being three years in arrears for returns and dues. Immediately after the close of the last Grand Convocation, I transmitted to .the several Chapters the proposed amendment to the Constitution contemplating the permaraent location of the Grand Chapter at this Convocation. Also, the Regu- lation adopted at last Grand Chapter requiring candidates to have been in mem- bership in a Blue Lodge at least six months preceding the conferring of Chapter Degrees ; also the changes adopted in reference to the payment of annual dues, and the penalties of failure, so as to conform to the Regulations of the Grand Lodge upon that subject. 11 In June last, I called upon the several Chapters for the per capita assessment for the General Grand Chapter of the United States. Only twenty-one Chapters responded. The amount received was $18.40, which was forwarded to Comp. Murry, and by him handed to the Secretary of the General Grand Chapter. The General Grand Chapter having changed the form of this assessment from a " request," into a Regulation, I suggest that each Subordinate Chapter in this Jurisdiction send up with its regular annual dues, one cent for each member on the Return, so as to meet the requirement of the General Grand Chapter. On the 15th July last, the Subordinate Chapters of this Jurisdiction, and the Grand Chapters of other Jurisdictions, were notified by Circular of the per- manent removal of M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, Geo. R. Fearn, from our State, and that the duties of the office had been assumed by the R.\ E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest, Jno. Y. Murry. In my last Report, I submitted a statement of Chapters in arrear for annual dues and ledger balances, estimated at $1,212.55, and suggested that at least seven hundred dollars could be realized from this toward the extinguishment of the Grand Chapter debt. In June last, I sent a statement of account to each Chapter, with a statement of the necessities of the Grand Chapter, and urging prompt action. The whole amount received was $163.00. I now submit a care- fully prepared statement of dues and balances to date, amounting to $1,189.60, exclusive of dues for the year 1874. In most cases, the. balances due are small, and have generally resulted from the correction of Annual Returns after the Representatives had .settled with the Grand Secretary. I would respectfully suggest that the Representatives in attendance at this Convocation settle these balances, and look to their Chapters for reimbursement. These balances have been several times brought to the attention of the Chapters, and, with one or two exceptions, are admitted as due. If the Representatives will act upon the sugges- tion, it will afford the Grand Chapter timely relief. In July last, I was notified by the Secretary of Natchez Chapter, No. 1, that the sum of twenty dollars which had been loaned to the Grand * Chapter in response to a previous call, had since been donated to the Grand Chapter as a contribution toward decreasing its debt. The following Chapters being in arrear for Returns and Dues for two or more years, and they having practically ceased to exist, I recommend that their char- ters be declared forfeited, upon each receiving sixty days notice to make returns, pay arrearages, and express a purpose to actively resume labor. Palo Alco, No. 53—Return for 1874 received—owes dues for three years, $62.00. Meadville, No. 86. John Hebron, No. 71. These Chapters are evidently dormant, as no one seems to feel authorized ' to answer communications addressed to them. In the early part of last year, with the approval of the Grand High Priest, I re-arranged the Regulations adopted by the Grand Chapter from time to time, grouping those pertaining to the Grand Chapter under one head, and those per- taining to the Subordinate Chapters under another. These were added to the pamphlet proceedings at the bare cost of material, and I have the pleasure of presenting to the Companions present, a copy each, in separate pamphlet form of the Constitution, Regulations and By-Laws, as in force at this date. It has been the unpleasant duty of your Grand Secretary since he first entered upon the duties of his office, to recount to you annually the heavy, but steadily deceasing, indebtedness of the Grand Chapter. From a total indebtedness, as detailed in my Annual Report of 1872, amounting to $4977.41, it is now reduced to the sum named in the following exhibit: Due Grand Council, (a temporary loan) to be paid at this Convocation. .. $400.00 Due Mrs. Geo. H. 'Meek, daughter of Past Grand Lecturer, Thos. J. Hawkins ^50. 00 Due Comp. J. A. Martin, printing Proceedings, 1873, 1874 372.50 Due Grand Secretary, on Salary 1874 465.03 Total indebtedness. $1,687.53 12 The allowance to Mrs. Meek was not included in the total stated in 1872. Adding that, as if the amount was then recognized as due, the total reduction to date, is $3,736.86. The remission of a large amount due the Grand Lodge, and the generous remission of mileage in 1873, by most of the Representatives to Grand Chapter, made up the principal part of the reduction. At the last Convocation there was a balance of $810.00 due Comp. J. A. Martin, of Columbus, on account of Grand Chapter Reprint. The proceedings for 1873 had not yet been printed, and Comp. Martin proposed, if he could obtain the balance due him, to print the proceedings for 1873 and 1874, and wait one, or two years if necessary, for his money, without interest, and to do the work ten per cent, less than was paid for printing the proceedings of 1872. On adding up the receipts and disbursements of last Grand Convocation, I found there was not quite two hundred dollars toward paying Comp. Martin. Knowing that there was about four hundred dollars in the Treasury of the Grand Council, and that the Grand Chapter was carrying an interest bearing debt, I applied to the Most Illustrious Grand Master for an order on the Treasurer of the Grand Council for the sum of four hundred dollars, to be refunded at the present time. The Grand Council had refused to lend the amount, and the Most Illustrious Grand Master was consequently reluctant to give his order for the money, but did so, upon the condition stated. Th^ amount was promptly forwarded to Comp. Martin, and the remainder of the account has since been paid him, and his receipts are with the Grand Treasurer. If he can now obtain the amount due him for printing the proceedings of 1873, 1874, he will print the proceedings of the present Convo- cation, and wait until next year for the amount of whatever his bill may be. Mrs. Meek, to whom $450.00 is still due, is very much in need; in feeble health, and with several dependant upon her. I trust a portion of the amount due her can be paid at this time. I have given these details in order that the Grand Chapter may know precisely its financial condition at the present time, and as suggestive of the propriety of a supreme effort to place this Grand Body on as good a financial footing as the other Grand Bodies of our State. The total receipts for 1874, (exclusive of the temporary loan from Grand Coun- cil,) amounted to $3404.20. The receipts for the present year, unless ledger balances are settled, will not exceed $2,600.00. The Returns, as far as examined, show less work than for some years past, which is, of course owing more to a scarcity of money in the country, than to a want of interest in Capitular Masonry. A majority of the Chapters, too, happen to be very remote from the present place of meeting, and with few exceptions the annual dues will be absorbed in mileage, upon the present basis of compensation for attendance. These suggestions are the result of much anxious thought for the financial good name of our Grand Body, and are fraternally submitted for your considera- tion. J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. GRAND SECRETARY'S ACCOUNT. 1874. Dr. J. L. Power, Grand Secretary In Account with the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Natchez Chapter, No. 1 Dues 1873 ,$66.00 Clinton " " 2.... " 37.00 Vicksburg " " 3 " 97.00 Columbus " " 4 " 50.00 Wilson " " 5.... " 56.00 " " " " Ledger Balance 5.00 Jackson " " 6.... Dues 1873 46.00 " " " " Ledger Balance 9.00 Magnolia » « 7.... Dues 1873 20.00 $386.00 13 Amount brought forward Yazoo Chapter, No. Lexington Canton Macon DeWitt Clinton Euphemia Fayette Carrollton ¥m. H. Wilkinson Shields Kosciusko Raymond Houston Meridian Okolona Walker Washington Lafayette ^eshoba Louisville Union Marshall Tallahatchie . Enterprise Verona Ltipley Yew Albany Yt. Camel Lethesda -Haldwyn Shubuta ■fariola gWckasaw -Kienxx Lnclid $£***■ 1V- & Perriss Corinth $K£W rookha,ven Siari^o" l£rrpiIfe 8. 9. 10. ii! 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 22. 25. '27. 28. 29. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 40. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51! 52. 55. 57. 59. 60. 63. 64. 65". 66. 67. 72. 73. 74. 76. 77. 78. 80. 81. 82. 83. 85, Dues 1873,. Ledger Balance. Dues 1873 Dues 1872, $34.00 ; bal. on '70-71, $3.00; dues 1873, $24.00 Dues 1873 .■$386.00 32.00 39.00 46.00 6.00 32.00 59.00 57.00 30.00 27.00 31.00 24.00 44.00 28.00 Balance on 1870, 1872 Dues 1873 On Account of 1872, 1873. Dues 1873 Balance to July 4, 1874.. Dues 1873 Dues 1872, in part, $15.50; on account, $21.30 Dues 1873 and balance ... 51.00 22.00 28.00 47.00 29.00 55.00 47.00 19.00 45.00 67.00 38.00 30.00 18.00 34.00 38.00 81.00 18.00 20.00 12.00 39.00 40.00 67.00 18.00 47.00 17.00 22.00 31.00 18.00 42.00 48.00 38.00 35.00 36.85 71.00 34.00 32.00 21.00 44.00 56.00 16.00 52.00 $2,364.85 14 Amount brought forward $2,364. 8,7 Cato Summit Center Ridge Durant West Point McConnico R. W. Payne McDonald Toomsuba Attala Chapter, No. 89.... Dues 1872,1873, 90 Dues 1873. 98.... 94.... « 95.... "■ 90 «• 97.... " " " 98 " 99 .... Dues 1872, 1873, and bal.. " " 100 Balance on 1871 "....Dues 1873 Coffeeville " " 101 " Greenwood " " 102 " Bluff Springs " " 104 Exaltation fees West Point " " 95 Paid on dues in 1872, and overlooked Raymond " " 22 Back dues of Comp. M. Pey- ton, collected June, 1872, and not before reported.. 15.00 Comp. Hiram King, of late Brandon Chapter, No. 69, back dues 6 00 " Henry Hoskins, of late Brandon Chapter, No. 69, back dues 6 00 " James Humphries, of late Chas. Scott Chapter, No. 35, back dues 5 00 " Chas. W. Willroy, " " " " " 5 00 " Pleasant Black, " " " " " 5 00 Baker Chapter, U. D., dispensation fee 90 00 For per capita assessment for General Grand Chapter United States: Chapter, No. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 10. 11. 14. 15. 29. 36. 40. 57. 64. 75. 81. 89. 100. 101. 104. 42.00 59.00 24.00 39.00 22.00 70.00 18.00 47.00 35.00 4.75 22.00 35.00 21.00 6.00 40.00 Natchez Clinton Columbus Wilson Jackson Canton Macon Fayette Carrollton George Washingtor Louisville Marshall Baldwyn Dover Walnut Grove S. H. Johnson Cato Attala Coffeeville Bluff Springs Total Receipts $3,003.12 Also cash borrowed from Grand Council to pay toward Grand Chap- ter Reprint 400.00 Total $3,403.12 Cr. by receipt from Grand Treasurer for above amount. J. L. POWER, Grand, Secretary. On motion of Comp. J. F. Arnold, it was Resolved, That the Annual Report and the Account Current of the Grand Sec- retary be received and referred as follows: 1.80 1.20 1.38 1.50 1.41 1.17 70 00 81 1.00 81 1.14 1.00 00 1.17 1.50 00 1.05 55 15 1st. So much as relates to finance, ledger balances, Grand Chapter indebtedness, and compensation of Representatives, and all other matters of finance, to the Com- anittee on Finance. 2d. So much as relates to Subordinate Chapters and Chapters Under Dispensa- iion, to the appropriate Standing Committee. BEPOET OF GEAND TEEASUBEE. R.\E.\ Comp. A. P. Barry, Grand Treasurer, submitted his Report, as follows-: A. P.' Barry, Grand Treasurer, In account with Grand Chapter of Mississippi: 1874. Dr. Feb. 7. To cash from Grand Secretary,omitted in last report $218 91 Cr. " " By cash paid Grand Secretary, balance salary 1873. $179 71 " " " Clarion office, printing 18 50 " " " Postage, Grand Secretary 20 70 " " " Commission $218 71, 2^ per cent 5 47 By cash-due Grand Treasurer 5 47—$218 91 " " " Balance due Grand Treasurer, as per last report 482 55 u u Appropriation for int 134 70 Dec. 31. "Cash-on pay roll 1874 $1,356 50 " " Paid J. A. Martin, printing 700 " " " Grand Secretary, balance salary 1873. 420 29 " " " Clarion office, printing fil 50 " " " Express on proceedings 5 90 " " " Mrs. Meek 50 00 " " " General Grand Chapter U. S 18 48 " " " Postage, Grand Secretary 28 00 " " " Clarion office, printing 18 00 " " " J. A. Martin, printing 120 56 " " " Grand Secretary, salary 1874, in part. 134 97 " " " A. P. Barry, accumulated commissions 500 00 " " " Commission on $3,008 12, 2j^ per cent 75 07—4,101 99 Dr. Feb. 7. To cash from Grand Secretary 500 00 Dec. 31. " " " - " " 3,404 20 " Balance due Grand Treasurer 197 79—4,101 99 To theM/.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: I herewith present you a full and just statement of your funds in my hands for the current year. It will be seen that the first part of the account explains the published discrepancy in the accounts of Grand Secretary, and Grand Treas- urer's report last year of $218 91, which amount was handed me, with the vouch- ers, after my account was made up, and after the Grand Chapter was opened, and was therefore omitted. The receipts reported by Grand Secretary were $3,030 75, and $2,811 84 by Grand Treasurer, showing the difference as above of $218 91. This statement is due that most prompt and efficient officer, the Grand Secretary. Respectfully submitted. A. P. BARRY, February 4th, 1875. Grand Treasurer. On motion of Comp. W. G. Paxton, the Report of Grand Treasurer was re- ceived and referred, with accompanying vouchers, to the Committee on Finance. The Grand Chapter, at 1% o'clock P. M., was called to refreshment until %% o'clock P. M., then to resume labor at the Masonic Hall. 16 Afternoon Session—First Day, 3% o'clock P. M. The Grand Chapter resumed labor at 3*4 o'clock P. M. Present as at the morning session, with the addition of R.*.E.\ Comp. J. W. Winn, Past Grand Captain of the Host. ^Enterprise Chapter, No. 45—J. M. Hand, H.-.P.-., P.\H.-.P.\, J. W. Winn, P.\H.\P.\ and King. Comp, Wm. S. Patton, P.*. G.\ H.*. P.*., presented his credentials as Represen- tative of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina, and he was cordially reeeivedvan<3 acknowledged as such by the Grand Chapter. Comp. Barry announced the recent death of Comp. S. H. Johnson, Past Grand High Priest, and paid appropriate tribute to his memory. Comp. Barry stated that he would furnish suitable data to the Committee on Deceased Companions. Comp. J. L. Power offered the following: Resolved, That Section 19 of the By-Laws for the Government of Subordinate Chapters be amended by striking out all after the word " continuance," in 9th line, as follows: " and if, after twelve months have elapsed after being deprived of his membership, he shall refuse to pay, on application, he shall be summoned to appear before the Chapter, and make full satisfaction; and if he still refuses, the Chapter may expel him from the rights, privileges and benefits of Royal Arch Masonry, and publish his name to the world as such." On motion of Comp. Ferriss, the proposed amendment was referred to the Com- mittee on Masonic Law. Comp. E. Geo. DeLap, for the Committee on Unfinished Business, presented the following report, which was received : To the M.-.E.-. Grand Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Unfinished Business beg leave to report the following mat- ters in former proceedings, as yet undisposed of: 1st. On page 15, proceedings 1873—An amendment to the Constitution, Article VI, proposed by Comp. Barry, to strike out all after the words " funds of this Grand Chapter," and insert in lieu thereof "their actual and necessary expenses which amendment was considered at last Grand Chapter and laid over for action at this time. 2d. On page 33, proceedings 1874, the following amendment to the Constitution, proposed by Comp. W. D. Ferriss: Resolved, That Article III of the Constitution of this Grand Chapter be amended by striking out the words " at such time and place " and inserting in lieu thereof " at the town of , at such time," so as to read " The annual meetings of this Grand Chapter shall be held at the town of , at such time as may be directed at the previous Convocation," and that the blank be filled by inserting the name of the place of meeting after the adoption of the proposed amendment. Respectfully submitted. E. GEO. DeLAP, For the Committee. Comp. J. T. Whitehead offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the words " five dollars," occurring in the 16th section of the By-Laws, be stricken out. [Thus leaving the matter of affiiliation fee to be determined by each Chapter.] Comp. H. W. Walter, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, submitted and read his Report. ' On motion of Comp. Patton, the Report was received, and ordered to be pub- lished with the proceedings. After some discussion on the subject of Reports on Foreign Correspondence— Comp. Walter offered the following resolution, which was lost: 17 Resolved, That it is inexpedient to continue the Committee on Foreign Corre- spondence, and that the same be abolished. On motion of Comp. Paxton, it was Resolved, That the election of officers he made the special order for Fridav, at 10 o'clock A. M. On motion of Comp. Walter, a Committee on Leaves of Absence was appointed. The R.-.E.-. Deputy Grand High Priest appointed as Committee on Leaves of Absence—Comps. J. W. Winn, J. M. Hand, R. L. Saun- ders. Leave of absence was granted Comp. David Carr. The R.-.E.-. Deputy Grand High Priest appointed Comps. C. T. Murphy and Jas. M. Howry to fill vacancies in the special Committee on Past Master's Degree, appointed at last Grand Convocation. The Grand Chapter was called from labor to refreshment until to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock. Second Day. Friday, Feb. 5, 1875. The Grand Chapter resumed labor at 9 o'clock A. M. Present as on yesterday, with the addition of the following Grand Officers, Past Grand Officers, and Representatives: Comp. W. H. Wilburn, Grand Royal Arch Captain. Comp. R. P. Bowen, Past Grand King. Comp. J. S. Jones, Past Deputy Grand High Priest. Comp. John A. Galbreath, Sr., Past Grand Captain of the Host. Comp. Wm. French, Past Grand Captain of the Host. Emory Chapter, No. 32—C. J. Coleman, H.-.P.-., P.-.H.-.P.-. Washington, No. 51—R. P. Bowen, H.-.P.-., P.-.H.-.P.-. Wright, No. 56—G. R. Sandidge, proxy for H.-.P.-. Ward, No. 76—W. H. Wilburn, King. Salem, No. 85—John A. Galbreath, H.-.P.-., P.-.H.-.P.-. Summit, No. 90—W. T. Tyler, H.-.P.-., P.-.H.-.P.-. Hudson, No. 105—C. A. Marshall, H.-.P.-., P.-.H.-.P.-. On motion of Comp. Ferriss, the proposed Constitutional amendment in refer- ence to compensation of Representatives was made the special order for 3 o'clock this P. M. On motion of Comp. Arnold, the proposed Constitutional amendment providing for the permanent location of Grand Chapter, was made the second special order for this afternoon. The special Committee appointed to prepare an expression relative to the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest Geo. R. Fearn, presented the following Report, which was unanimously adopted: To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee to whom was referred that portion of the address of the R.-.E.*. Acting Grand High Priest that relates to the removal from this Grand Jurisdic- tion of the M.-.E.-. Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter, Comp. George R. Fearn, beg leave to report that we most heartily indorse the fraternal and well- merited mention of him in said address. The removal of Comp. Fearn from this Grand Jurisdiction is a loss most seriously felt. But while so bright a star has made its Occident from our Masonic firmament, we must not forget that there is one in the ascendant in the Lone Star State. His zeal, intelligence and efficiency have made their lasting impress upon all branches of Masonry in this State, and we deeply regret that one that was such a pillar of wisdom and strength has been 18 removed from our Masonic Temple—that we have lost an accomplished gentle- man, an able counselor, and an eminent presiding officer. May the silken folds of our Royal banners in our sister State o'ershadow one of the wisest heads and purest hearts of our mystic order. The Grand Chapter of Mississippi would fol- low him to his new home with the best wishes for his continued usefulness and personal success and happiness. And your committee would recommend that this expression of its regard be suitably engrossed by the Grand Secretary, and for- warded to the M.\E.\ Companion Geo. It. Beam, under the seal of this Grand Chapter, and that the same be made a part of the proceedings of this Grand Con- vocation. Fraternally submitted. J. F. ARNOLD, M. F. ROGERS, . E. W. HUGHES, Committee. On motion of Grand Secretary, all petitions from Subordinate Chapters for relief, remission of dues, etc., were ordered to be referred, without reading, to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters. Comps. DeLap and French offered the following resolution: Resolved, That section 9 of By-Laws for Subordinate Chapters be so amended as not to require candidates for the Chapter degrees to have been Master Masons six months before making the application. On motion of Comp. Burkitt, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Masonic Law. Past Master's Degree. Comp. H. W. "Walter, as Chairman of a special Committee, presented the fol- lowing Report: To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your committee to whom was referred the following resolution, viz: "That Chapter Past Masters, present when the Past Master's degree is conferred on the Master of a Lodge as a qualification for office, shall not assist in conferring more , of that degree than is necessary for that purpose," beg leave to report: That they cannot conceive by what right a Chapter Past Master can confer the degree of Past Master, or any part of it, on a Master elect. By our Permament Regulations, no Chapter can confer it on any one who has not received the Mark Degree, and been elected to all the degrees of a Chapter. The truth is, the Past Master's degree was unknown to Capitular Masonry by the Ancient Charges and Regulations, and was improperly taken from Symbolic Masonry, to which it belongs as an Honorary Degree. It is wholly unknown to the Grand Chapter of England. It is not worked by the Grand Chapter of Ire- land. It was once worked by the Grand Chapter of Scotland, but it has fey it been returned to the Grand Lodge as a Chair Degree, and the Chapters of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Colonies and Shanghai, working under the Grand Chapter of Scotland, are only permitted to confer the degree as a Side-Degree, so long as the work remains as it now is in America. The Past Master's Degree is a new one, and is worked only in America, and our Chapters must continue to work it until some general change is made. Your cupa- mittee believe that it should then be surrendered to the Grand Lodges, as a Chair or Honorary Degree, to be communicated alone to Masters elect. The Grand. Chapter of Rhode Island, which has not accepted, and is not bound jp work the Ritual prescribed by the General Grand Chapter of the United States, has sug- gested, in an able Report, that the Degree shall not be conferred, but communi-. cated. , ' Your committee can only express the hope that some Grand Convocation of the Representatives of all Grand Chapters may meet at no distant day, and may, in a spirit of mutual 'concession, adopt some Ritual for Chapter Degrees that will • enable Capitular Masonry to work the same work and speak the same Masonic 19 language in every nation. Your committee can see no impropriety in a Chapter Past Master being present at the conferring of the Past Master's Degree on a Master elect as a qualification degree, but no*further. Your Committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution as a sub- stitute for the one submitted to your Committee, viz : * jResolved, That no Chapter Past Master, as such, has any power to confer the Past Master's Degree, or any part of it, on the Master of a Lodge as a qualifying Degree. H. W. WALTER, J. M. HOWRY, CHAS. T. MURPHY, Committee. On motion of Comp. French, the Report was received and adopted. The hour for the special order having arrived, to-wit: the election of Grand Officers, the R.\E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest appointed as Tellers Companions W. G. Paxton and M. F. Rogers. The several ballotings resulted in the election of the following Companions to the offices named: Comp. John Y. Murry .' .'... Grand High Priest. " John F. Arnold Deputy Grand High Priest. " John A. Galbreath, Sr Grand King. " Wm. French Grand Scribe. " John Nelson Grand Captain of the Host. " O. B. Collins Grand Principal Sojourner. " W. H. WlLBURN Grand Royal Arch Captain. " Joel A. Hearne Grand Master 3d Vail. " Frank Burkitt Grand Master 2d Vail. " John M. Ware Grand Master 1st Vail. " J. H. Alexander Grand Chaplain. " A. P. Barry Grand Treasurer. " J. L. Power Grand Secretary. " W. H. Carkeet Grand Tyler. report op committee on the mark. The following Report was presented by Comp. Walter : To the M.-.E.-. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi : Your committee to whom was referred that portion of the address of the R.\E.\ D.\ G.\ H.\ Priest which relates to the selection of a Mark, beg leave to report: That owing to the limited time allowed the Committee, they are not able to notice the contrariety of opinion and rulings by our sister Grand Chapters on this subject, or to give their special reasons for the action of the Committee, but would respectfully submit the following resolution to the Grand Chapter, viz : ■ That no candidate shall be permitted to receive the Degree of Most Excellent Master until after he shall have selected his Mark, and had it recorded in the Mark Book of his Chapter. H. W. WALTER, E. J. HOSTETTER, M. COOK, Committee. On motion of Comp. Bowen, the Report was received, and made the special order for this evening at 3 o'clock. Comp. Galbreath offered the following amendment to the By-Laws of Subordi- nate Chapters: Strike out section 27, and insert in lieu thereof as follows: Sec. 27. Any Companion in good standing shall be entitled to a dimit from the Chapter upon application in writing to the Chapter, accompanied by the Secre- tary's receipt for his dues, and upon his paying the sum of dollars therefor. [The section, as it stands, provides for the granting of dimit without other expense than dues.] On motion of Comp. Bowen, the resolution was laid on the table. 20 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. The Committee on Finance submitted the following Report, which was received and adopted: To the M.-.E:. Gh'and Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The Finance Committee to whom was referred the reports of Grand Secretary and Treasurer respectfully submit that they have carefully examined the same, and found them correct in every particular. Your Committee have also carefully considered the matter of the indebtedness of the Grand Chapter, and can offer no suggestion except to recommend the same action as was had last year in regard to mileage and per diem of delegates, to-wit: that Representatives be requested to remit to the Grand Chapter all their per diem and mileage except what is necessary to cover their actual expenses. Your committee also desire to congratulate the Grand Chapter upon the posses- sion of such zealous and faithful officers as Companions Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary. In our judgment, the thanks—earnest, hearty and sincere—of this Grand Body are due to these officers, and especially to the Grand Secretary, for the untiring zeal and financial ability manifested by that officer in piloting, this Grand Chapter through the shoals of bankruptcy to the haven of comparative prosperity. Your committee recommend that the sum of $15 50 be allowed the Grand. Tyler to reimburse him for expenses incurred for servant hire, coal, drayage, etc., and that he be allowed the usual per diem for his attendance at this Convocation. Your Committee would further recommend that the sum of $60 be appropriated to the R.\ E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest, to reimburse him for expenses inci- dental to his office, including expenses of attendance upon the session of the General Grand Chapter of the United States. Your committee would also recommend the allowance of the account of Comp. J. A. Martin, of Columbus, for $372 50, for printing the proceedings of 1873-4. Respectfully submitted. E. GEO. DeLAP, P. M. SAVERY, T. F. PETTUSS, Committee. The Grand Chapter was called to refreshment until 2% o'clock P. M. Afternoon Session—Second Day. The Grand Chapter resumed labor at 2% o'clock P. M. On motion, the Report of the Special Committee on Selection of Mark was taken up. On motion of Comp. J. S. Jones, the further consideration of the subject was indefinitely postponed. • The proposed amendment to the Constitution providing the substitution of "actual and necessary expenses" for mileage and per diem, was taken up ; and it appearing, upon discussion of the same, that the amendment, as worded, might possibly increase, instead of diminish, the financial embarrassment of the Grand Chapter,— Comp. Arnold moved to indefinitely postpone the proposed amendment; which motion was carried. Comp. Paxton moved to postpone the further consideration of the proposed amendment providing for the permanent location of Grand Chapter until the next Grand Convocation; which motion was adopted, upon the vote being taken by Chapters—there being 115 votes in the affirmative, and 92 in the negative. Comp. Arnold offered the following: Resolved, That the next Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter shall be held at , on the Thursday preceding the meeting of the Grand Lodge in 1876, and at the same place. 21 Comp. Savery moved to amend by making the Grand Chapter to meet imme- diately after the close of the Grand Lodge, and at the same place; which was lost. Comp. "Walter moved to amend so as to meet on the Monday preceding the meeting of the Grand Lodge. Comp. French offered as a substitute for the several motions before the Grand Chapter, the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the next Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter shall be held two days previous (Sunday excepted) to the meeting of the Grand Lodge, in 1876, and at the same place. On motion of Comp. Howry, the hour for meeting was fixed at 10 o'clock A. M. The Committee on Masonic Law submitted the following Report: To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence beg leave to report that the replies we have had occasion to make during the past year, to the numerous .inquiries addressed to us, have not involved any principle of Masonic Law of sufficient importance to justify a record among the proceedings of the Grand Chapter. The decisions of the Grand High Priest which have been referred to us are in perfect harmony with our Regulations, pertinent, and are distinctly and clearly set forth, evincing an accurate familiarity with our system of Jurisprudence and its wise administration. Your Committee have had Under consideration the resolution offered by Grand Secretary proposing a repeal of so much of section 20 of the By-Laws for Subordi- nate Chapters as provides the penalty of expulsion for non-payment of dues. Entertaining as they do very grave doubts as to the expediency of so amending our Regulations as to meet the views of derelict Companions who persist in con- tumacious relations to rightful authority, yet to the end that no appearance of hardship shall remain to hinder a return to their just and due obedience, we recommend the adoption of the resolution as presented. Your Committee also recommend that section 20, By-Laws, be amended by adding after the word " to," at the beginning of the 4th line, the words " nor permitted to receive or enjoy," which will make the section read as follows: Sec. 20. Any Non-Affiliated Royal Arch Mason within the Jurisdiction of this Chapter, who shall neglect or refuse to contribute annually to its funds an amount equal to the ordinary Chapter dues, shall not be entitled to, nor permitted to receive or enjoy, the rights, benefits and privileges of the Chapter—that is to say: The right to visit and associate with the regular members of the Chapter; the right to ask and demand relief and pecuniary aid from the Chapter, or its funds, for himself or his family ; the right to move or join in processions with Chapter. Provided, however, That any Royal Arch Mason, in good standing, unable so to contribute, may be released from this restriction. Your Committee have also had the following under consideration : Resolved, That section 9 of By-Laws for Subordinate Chapters be so amended as not to require candidates for the Chapter degrees to have been Master Masons six months before making the application. Of which they respectfully beg leave to say that, if adopted, it would, in their opinion, tend to widen the entrance to our Royal Household, without that cer- tainty of increasing its strength or real prosperity which would justify the change proposed. We therefore return it without our approval. Fraternally submitted. CHAS. T. MURPHY, JOHN WRIGHT, T. G. BIRCHETT, Committee. Comp. Barry moved to adopt the Report. Comp. French moved to reject so much of the Report as is adverse to the propo- sition to repeal the Regulation adopted at last Grand Chapter, requiring candi- 22 dates for the Capitular degrees to have been Master Masons six months before making application. The vote being taken upon the motion of Comp. French, there were 28 in the affirmative and 28 in the negative. The R.\ E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest, preferring not to decide the question, a second vote was ordered, when there were 34 in the affirmative and 31 in the negative. The motion of Comp. French accordingly prevailed, which repeals sec- tion 9 of the By Laws. The Report, as amended, was then adopted. EEPOET ON SUB OEDINATE CHAPTEES. The following Report was presented and adopted: To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on, Subordinate Chapters and Chapters Under Dispensation respectfully report that they have had under consideration the petition of sundry Companions for the revival of Decatur Chapter, No. 31, and recommend that the Grand Secretary be authorized to issue a charter as prayed for, and that Compan- ion Thomas Keith be admitted as the Representative of said Chapter. In the matter of Baker Chapter, U. D., as all the papers have not yet arrived, we recommend that a charter be granted upon the applicants complying with the law. Sundry Chapters having failed to elect and install their officers for the present year, your Committee recommend that all such Chapters be allowed sixty days to elect and install such officers as have not already been installed. Your Committee also recommend that the suggestions of the Grand Secretary, in relation to delinquent Chapters, be adopted. We have also had under consideration the petition of Comp. J. A. Galbreath, H.\ P.-. of Salem Chapter No. 85, for the removal of said Chapter from Union Church, Jefferson county, to Brandywine Springs, Claiborne county, and recom- mend that it be granted, upon a majority of the members of said Chapter petitioning the Grand High Priest. Respectfully submitted, R. B. BRANNIN, W. G. PAXTON, J. J. BIRDSONG, Committee. Comp. Arnold offered the following: Resolved, That the several Chapters in this Jurisdiction are hereby authorized and empowered, at their own discretion, to suspend the By-Laws of their Chap- ■ ters, and receive and act upon petitions instanter, either at stated or special meet- ings, for the purpose of forming a class for the exemplification of the Adopted Work, and for no other purpose, and only during the presence of "the Grand Lec- turer among them. On motion of Comp. Paxton, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Masonic Law. COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS. The following report was presented and adopted: To the M.\ E.\ Grand Chapter of Mississippi: The Committee on Complaints and Appeals report that the complaint of H. Brince against Salem Chapter, referred to in the address of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, and which was referred to your Committee for an opinion, was examined and reported upon in 1871, and the report of the Committee was adopted. 23 No new facts—and in fact nothing except what they find in the report of the committee of 1871—have come to the knowledge of your Committee, and it is deemed expedient to let the subject rest, unless further and new facts were pre- sented on which to base further action. Respectfully submitted, J. M. HOWRY, P. M. SAVERY, T. C. EVERETT, Committee. bethesda chapter, no. 55. Comp. R. B. Brannin offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the action of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest in authorizing the removal of Bethesda Chapter, No. 55, from Palmer Springs, in Attala county, to West Station, in Holmes county, be and the same is approved. report on deceased companions. The following Report was presented and read by the Chairman of the Commit- tee, when, on motion of Comp. Walter, the same was unanimously adopted by a rising vote: To the Mr. E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The past year, as all former years, has wrought its changes. The faces of several Companions, well known to most members of our Body, will be seen by us no more.' They have served their generation, honored their high profession as Masons, and now entered, as we trust, upon the great reward kept in store for the past. We fondly cherish their memory, and bid them rest in peace. Their names have been brought to our notice in the address of our Most Excellent Grand High Priest, and remarks of the Grand Treasurer. We do little more than give a summary of the particulars and events in their history to which allusions have been made. Comp. Henry C. Robinson, Past Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter, was born in Putnam County, Ga., in the year 1818. He was made a Mason in Philadelphia Lodge, No. 98, and served that Lodge as W.-. Master several years. He'dimitted from that Lodge, and affiliated with Jefferson Lodge, No. 146, in 1853, and was its Worshipful Master thirteen years. In 1850 he was a member of the Grand Lodge, and was elected Junior Grand Warden in the year 1862. He filled the office of District Deputy Grand Master for some ten or twelve years. He was faithful and efficient in performing the duties of that position. He acted in the capacity of Grand Lecturer for the Grand Lodge for a number of years, and gained for himself a well-deserved reputation for zeal in Masonry. In the year 1872 he was elected to the office of Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter and performed the duties of that high and honored position with most commendable zeal. Thus lived and thus acted one of our most devoted and beloved Companions. The work designed for him on the trestle-board by the Grand Architect was completed on the 14th day of November, 1874. On that day his spirit returned to the God who gave it. His mortal remains rest in the cemetery in the city of Meridian. Peace be to the memory of this Most Excel- lent Companion. Comp. Dent H. Miles, Past Deputy Grand High Priest, was, we believe, a native of Maryland. He came from that State to Mississippi, in the year 1835. He was made a Mason in the year 1822, in Concordia Lodge, in Baltimore, Md. From the year 1840 until the day of his death he was a regular and punctual attendant upon the meetings of the Grand Lodge. That Body, placed him in the office of Senior Grand Deacon in the year 1850, which position he held until the year 1863." In that year he was elected to the office of Senior Grand Warden. In the following year he was elected again to the office of Senior Grand Deacon, and served as such until the Grand Convocation of 1874. Having attained to the age of four score years, he died on the 20th day of July, 1874, at Bell Station, in Tennnessee. His mortal remains rest in the grave-yard at Sartartia, Miss. Thus terminated the long earthly career of one who was second to none in his attachment 24 to the Institution of Masonry. "In consideration of his long cherished devotion to Masonry he was honored by the Grand Lodge, at its last Annual Convocation, with honorary life membership in that Body, and the Grand Lodge presented to him a Grand Deacon's jewel as a testimonial of the esteem in which he was held. He was universally beloved, and his name will be long remembered by the Companions of our Grand Chapter. Comp. J. C. Monett, Past Grand Scribe, departed this life on the first day of November, 1874. This beloved Companion had held the position of High Priest in Bay St. Louis Chapter, No. 54. He was a useful and honored citizen, and a most zealous Mason, and has by his death left vacant a place which cannot be easily filled. Comp. Wm. M. "Wells, Past Grand Scribe, died on the 8th day of May, 1871. He was born near Summit, Pike county, Mississippi, June 27, 1808, and removed to Hinds county in 1829, where he resided until his death. The sub- ject of this notice was a man of great worth, and accordingly enjoyed the esteem and friendship of his fellow men. As a Mason he was extensively known and greatly beloved by our fraternity. He was zealous and ever stood ready to vindicate Masonry on all proper occasions against every aspersion of its opponents. He has left a name which will not soon perish from the memory of the Compan- ions of our Grand Chapter. Comp. S. H. Johnson, Past Grand High Priest, was removed from the field of his labors upon earth and entered, as we trust, upon the reward of the faithful, on the 22d day of January, 1875. This Companion stood pre-eminent among the members of our fraternity, as a true and genuine Mason. As a Christian gentle- man, he richly merited the good name which society awarded to him, and which is one of the noblest rewards of a well spent life. As a Mason he was, without exception, an honor to the noble Institution of which he had been a member for fifty-seven years. He Was made a Royal Arch Mason in the year 1819. It is not, therefore, a matter of wonder that he was called to serve the Grand Lodge as Senior Grand Warden; and that he was twice exalted to the office of Grand High Priest in our Grand Chapter, and filled that honored position with great dignity. - He was a working and useful man in the field of Masonry. It is sup- posed that no Mason within our jurisdiction contributed more by personal influence than did he, to relieve the distressed and cheer the disconsolate. And it is probably true that no Mason in our connection has ever been called to officiate so often as he, in performing the ceremony of the burial of deceased Masons. But his labors of love have now ended, and his name will long live in our memory. Your Committee recommend that Memorial Pages be set apart in the proceed- ings of this Convocation, to the memory of these Companions, and that the Grand Secretary transmit a copy of the proceedings to the family of each. Respectfully submitted, J. H. ALEXANDER, j. m. ware, j. m. Mcdonald, Committee. decatur chapter, no. 31. On motion of Comp. Wm. S. Patton, it was Resolved, That all back dues of Decatur Royal Arch Chapter No. 31, which Chapter was revived during the past year, be and the same are hereby remitted by this Grand Chapter. The Grand Secretary offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That Representatives in attendance at the present Convocation of the Grand Chapter, and the Grand Officers mentioned in section 10, Rules and Regu- lations, shall be allowed six cents per mile each way, and three dollars per day, provided no Representative shall be allowed in the aggregate an amount greater than the annual dues of his Chapter for 1874. 25 amendment to constitution. Comp. Walter offered the following amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted with a view to its reference to the subordinate Chapters, and for final action at next Grand Convocation: 'Amendment to Art. VI., Sec. 1, of the Constitution. Strike out the words " three dollars for every thirty miles," occurring in the second line, and insert the words " six cents for each mile." The Grand Chapter, at 6 o'clock, P. M., was called to refreshment until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Third Day. Saturday, Feb. 6, 1875. The Grand Chapter resumed labor at 10 o'clock A. M. A- petition from sundry Companions at Greenville, Washington county, was read, praying for the organization of a Chapter at tha't place. The petition being informal in several particulars, it was referred, on motion, to the Grand Secretary, with instructions to give the Companions all necessary information. resolution op thanks. Comp. W. G. Paxton offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Eesolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter are due, and are hereby ten- dered, to the Companions and citizens generally of Meridian for the fraternal and hospitable reception extended to the delegates to this Grand Chapter. amendment to the constitution. Comp. P. L. Saunders offered the following amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted with a view to its reference to the Subordinate Chapters: Amend section 3, Article I, of the Constitution, so as to read as follows : Sec. 3. The following Grand Officers, to-wit: the Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Sentinel, shall be elected from the members, for the time being, of the Grand Chapter; and the following Grand Officers, to wit: the Grand Royal Arch Captain, Grand Principal Sojourner, and the three Grand Masters of Vails, shall be appointed by the Grand Council, and may be chosen from the members of Subordinate Chapters. Comp. I. R. Greer made a statement in reference to Huntsville Chapter, No. 91, when— On motion of Comp. Ferriss, Huntsville Chapter, No. 91, was allowed sixty days within which to make Returns for the years 1873 and 1874, and that said Chapter be allowed sixty days within which to pay one-half the dues for said years, the residue to be paid within the present year, and upon the forwarding of Returns and one-half the dues as aforesaid to the Grand Secretary, the removal of the Chapter can take place, upon a majority of the members of said Chapter petitioning the Grand High Priest, and upon his approval of the same. Upon the recommendation of Finance Committee, Comp. H. W. Walter was allowed the sum of seventy-five dollars to reimburse him for actual expenses incurred in the preparation of his Report on Foreign Correspondence. On motion of Comp. Arnold, the several Grand Officers elect (except Comp. Frank Burkitt, Grand Master 2d Vail, who was absent) were then duly installed 4 26 into their respective stations—Past Grand High Priest, James M. Howry, officiating as installing officer. Immediately after the installation of the Grand Officers, Companions Walter and Howry addressed the Grand Chapter upon the duty of this Grand Chapter, and Royal Arch Masons generally, addressing themselves to works of charity, education, etc. Their remarks were listened to with profound attention, and were universally regarded by the Companions present as timely, practical, and appropriate. masonic law. Comp. C. T. Murphy, for the Committee on Masonic Law, submitted the fol- lowing Report: To the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Tour Committee on Masonic Law have had under consideration the following resolution, offered by Comp. Arnold : Resolved, That the several Chapters in this jurisdiction are hereby authorized and empowered, at their own discretion, to suspend the by-laws of their Chapters and receive and act upon petitions, instanter, either at stated or special meetings, for the purpose of forming a class for the exemplification of the adopted work, and for no other purpose, and only during the presence of the Grand Lecturer among them. The wisdom of the Ancient Regulations, which this resolution proposes to dispense with, has been well established by immemorial usage, and our matured convictions bring us to the conclusion that the proposed .change is inexpedient and unnecessary. Our Grand High Priest decided, as we think, both wisely and well, that he could not delegate his inherent authority to another—that is to say, while he could rightfully issue dispensations, he could not authorize another to do it at his discretion. "We think dispensations are too frequently sought and granted for mere con• venience, and in cases where no real emergency exists, and as often to the detriment of the Royal Crafthood. If Grand High Priests have in any proper sense lawfully and of right inherited the prerogatives universally conceded as belonging to Grand Masters—we should pluck off our shoes and tread softly and slowly when we would venture upon an assault upon well established immemorial usages. The Committee return the resolution without approval. Your Committee having been requested to define the law as to the office of Grand Lecturer, report that they find the law as it stpod in the Constitution in 1869, to remain without any change as to the duties and compensation of Grand Lecturer. The law is as follows: Sec. 4. The Grand Chapter may elect a Grand Lecturer, whose duty it shall be, when called upon by the Grand Council, to give lectures and instructions in Masonry, at each Convocation of the Grand Chapter, and when thereto called by the Subordinate Chapters, he shall visit them, and give the like lectures and instructions. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES T. MURPHY, JOHN WRIGHT, T. G. BIRCHETT, Committee. Comp. Barry moved to receive the Report and spread it on the minutes. Which was agreed to. Comp. Savery moved the adoption of the Report. After discussion by Companions Murphy, Barry, Howry, Bowen, and a sfcite- ment from the Grand High Priest as to an expression elicited by him from the 27 delegates in attendance upon the General Grand Chapter, the Report of the Com- mittee was adopted. The Grand Chapter was then called to refreshment until 1% o'clock, P. M. Night Session. The Grand Chapter resumed labor at 7^ o'clock, P. M. Present as before, with the addition of Comp. Thos. W. Smith, H.\ P.-. and P.-. H.\ P.'. of Lexington Chapter, No. 24. Comp. Morris Cook, Grand Lecturer, according to verbal notice given by him during the afternoon session, made a detailed oral statement of his labors as Grand Lecturer, and then, upon invitation of the Grand Chapter, rehearsed the work and lectures of the several Degrees. Comp. 0. B. Collins offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the zeal, skill and industry of our R.\ E.\ Grand Lecturer, Comp. Morris Cook, since his election to that important office in 1872, challenges and deserves the confidence of this Grand Chapter. Comp. Howry offered the following amendment to the Regulations of Grand Chapter, which was adopted: Resolved, That Sec. 6, Permanent Regulations, be amended by striking out the word "shall" in the first line, and inserting the word may, and strike out the word " four" in the second line, and insert the word one. Comp. Howry moved the appointment of a Committee on Work, to consist of five members, who shall report at next Grand Convocation. Comp. French moved to amend by requiring the Committee to meet three days previous to the next Annual Grand Convocation, and that for their services they shall be allowed the usual mileage and per diem. Which was adopted, when the resolution, as amended, was adopted. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, (subsequently) appointed as the Committee on Work: Companions J. M. Howry, Morris Cook, R. P. Bowen, W. D. Ferriss, and John T. Buck. Comp. W. G. Paxton offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter are due and are hereby tendered to the M.\ E.. Grand High Priest, Comp. John Y. Murry, for the very able, courteous and dignified manner in which he has performed the grave duties appertaining to his exalted position. The following resolution, offered by the Grand Secretary, was adopted: Resolved, That this Grand Chapter will pay the one per cent, per capita dues annually required by the M.\ E.\ General Grand Chapter of the United States, and that in order to meet this assessment the subordinate Chapters be required to forward with the annual dues, an amount equal to one cent for each member. Standing Committees. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest announced the following Standing Com- miftees: 28 Masonic Law.—Charles T. Murphy, Chairman, Durant; R. L. Saunders, J. M. Stone. Complaints and Appeals.—J. M. Howry, N. S. Walker, E. J. Hostetter. Credentials.—J. F. McCormick, J. M. McDonald, J. W. Winn. Subordinate Chapters.—R. B. Brannin, W. G. Paxton, P. M. Savery. Finance.—E. Geo. DeLap, M. F. Rogers, J. T. Buck. Unfinished Business —J. F. McCormick, J. S. Jones, T. C. Everett. Printing.—B. S. Trice, J. L. Power, Frank Burkitt. No further business appearing, the M.*. E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, was then closed, at 10J^ o'clock, P. M., in due and Ample Form, after prayer by the M.-. Rev. Grand Chaplain. JOHN Y. MURRY, Grand High Priest. Grand Secretary. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. Your Committee on Foreign Correspondence, in obedience to your order, requiring a very condensed Report on the matters referred to them, beg leave to say that they have carefully examined all Reports which have come to. their hands, and find that Capitular Masonry, whilst not increasing very largely in the number of its members, has greatly improved in its material. ENGLAND. We have the Reports of the Grand Chapter of England for 1872 and 1873. In 1872 the Grand Chapter granted charters for twelve Chapters in England, one in Madras, one in Victoria, and one in New Zealand. It invested $3,500.00 in its permanent funds, and gave $500.00 each to the Boys' School, the Girls' School, anil the Benevolent Fund. In 1873 it had returns from 287 Chapters, granted fifteen charters in England, one in Gibraltar, one in Burmah and one in Bengal. It added $4,000 to its permanent fund, and aided the Grand Lodge in paying its debt for the Masonic Temple in London. We find each Subordinate Chapter attached to a Blue Lodge, and this never occurs until three years after the latter has been organized. The Grand Chapter, in some instances, fines its Subordinate Chapters for con- ferring the Degree of the Chapter upon a Master Mason within a year after his exaltation. Of the 385 Chapters in active operation under its jurisdiction, 76 are in its eleveil Provinces abroad, 6 being in other parts of Europe, 3 in China, 2 in the East Indies, 12 in the West Indies, 16 in Australia, 3 in New Zealand, 7 in America, 5 in Africa, 1 in Victoria, 1 in Burmah, and 1 in Bengal. The Marquis of Ripon is the Grand Z.; E. J. Mclntyre, Q,. C., Registrar, and. John Hervey, Secretary. The Grand Chapter still refuses to recognize the Grand Mark Lodge of England. Your Committee acknowledge the courtesy of a kind letter from Comp. Hervey, in forwarding- the foregoing Reports. We regret that we have received no Reports from Ireland or Scotland during the year. Both these Grand Bodies have a number of Chapters scattered through- out Europe, Asia, and Africa, and it would be matter of gratification to the Com- mittee to know the extent of the diffusion of Capitular Masonry by the efforts of these Grand Chapters and that of England. ITALY. We learn from a distinguished Companion now in Italy, that Masonry is spreading with great rapidity through that kingdom; that government prohibi- tion is not only removed, but that King Emmanuel himself is a Mason and warm friend of the Order. Funds are being raised for the purpose of erecting a Temple in Rome—a Masonic Temple in the land of Caesar and Cicero, St. Peters and the Vatican ! From the same source we learn, that the order is in a healthy, progressive con- ditioa throughout the Continent, and hopes are entertained, that the heavy and oppressive hand of the Russian Government will soon be lifted from the Order. 30 BRAZIL. The proceedings of the Grand Orient of Brazil shows a most healthy and pros- perous condition of the Order, and it enjoys the permanency and power, peculiar to the government of the country, the most stable of any of those of South America. Within the last three months it has granted twelve charters for new Lodges. There are subordinate to it 122 Lodges and 68 Capitilos (Chapters), and amongst the former is one York Lodge. Its proceedings contain a full review of our Order in most parts of the world. Joaquin Soldanha Marinho is Grand High Priest, and Alexandrino Freiredo Amaral, Grand Secretary. NOVA SCOTIA. The report of proceedings in this State is devoid of general interest. • The Order is in a most healthy condition. It is growing in numbers and importance. It has received the recognition of nearly every Grand Chapter in the United States—though Scotland strangely withholds hers. UNITED STATES. Whilst we note with pleasure the steady increase of our numbers in this country, we point with peculiar pride to the more elevated morale of the Order. Such has been the harmony amongst our members, such the commendable conduct of Companions, and such the wisdom and justice of our Subordinate Chapters,' that from one hundred and twenty-five thousand Royal Arch Masons, not a single personal complaint or appeal has been made to a Grand Chapter. Amid this harmony, order and justice. Temperance has not only been incul- cated in precept but observed in practice to such an extent, that we can truth- fully say our Order has accomplished more good in the past year for this noble cause than has been effected by all the lectures of all its apostles and all the laws of all the States in our Union. Whilst we sincerely rejoice in this manifestation of harmony and temperance, we are called to mourn the loss of some of the ablest and best of the Craft. Nearly every Report has its tablet of mourning, and contains its tribute of respect to the beloved and venerated dead. GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER OF THE UNITED STATES. We regret that we have not received the Report of the proceedings of this Grand Body. We have seen a part of the Address of Comp. Drummond, General Grand High Priest. We learn from it, that the General Grand Chapter is the oldest Sovereign Grand Chapter of the world. It was organized in January, 1798. The Grand Chapter of England is attached to and under the authority of the Grand Lodge. The General Grand Chapter was organized as the Grand Chapter of the States of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. It provided for the formation of Grand Chapters for each of these States, except New Hampshire and Vermont. Since that time it appears that the Grand Chapter of every State, " except Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia were either created by the General Grand Chapter or formed by Chapters chartered by it and authorized to form a Grand Chapter, solely upon the condition of obedience to the Constitution and Laws of the General Grand Chapter." Comp. Drummond hence infers " that a State Grand Chapter has no more right, legal or moral, to throw off its allegiance, than any Subordinate Chapter has to throw off its allegiance to its Grand Chapter." The General Grand Charter recognizes the Grand Chapters "of Pennsylvania and Virginia, though these two, with Georgia, Rhode Island and Texas, a;£ ^b'm'oss-s'cisc&e. pm.&g£§gg.§gf 'rrss&rb.ib sliisiip'5--8 |5!|.s^ig|p. ►o i-1 >*• s ® sp'.p' ^"wwpww^iti^k®g wmp r'bgw^wpg^ygwppqphwptsa ^igsteiell''' ' """ ' g.s s^r13 *.. ?§§: i gt3 •sjaideqo'on jw^oooo^ g>^ooj-jco^ooo^o;c fepj - -j (ocdwocomoc jcoo^mw oobo^c a> o- < ■s9nq jo suj n jay 5 © Oi co co £3 co - — 'p81r3 00 --j c5 co c7* k ^vissgsggsj k to h c5 oo h w m co 09^ >j-.4xvjtob5cncnqocd^c :g^2§j2sssksss ■djqsjaquiony RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS, For the Year ending December 27, 1874. (The Officers given being for the year 1875.) Natchez, No. 1—Natchez, Adams County. Officers, 1875.—E. Oeo. DeLap, p. h. p., H. P.; E. J. Guice, K.; W. G. Ben- brook, S.; D. G-. Smythe, C. of H.; R. F. Learned, P. S.; Jno. A. Dicks, R. A. 0.; Washington Wier, M. 3d Y.; C. T. Chamberlain, M. 2d V.; F. F. Fowler, p. h. p., M. 1st V.; Gr. J. Bahin, Treasurer; W. H. Stewart, p. h. p., Secretary; Jacob Peebles, p. h. p., Tyler. Past High Priests—A. H. Kendrick, C. F. Merrick, R. S. Dixon, Samll Ullman. Members—T. J. Adams, Alphonse Bahin, J. C, Baker, Henry Ballard, Geo. M. Brown, W. H. Carkeet, Chas. Coleman, A. V. Davis, J. G. Dicks, C. F. Farrar, J. S. Gaynor, Gus. Haase, Jas. Hardie, T. J. HartiganJJ. S. Holt, C. H. Keim, T. W* Leonard, M. Lemle, Gus. Lewis, Wm. Lowry, W. T. Martin, S. A. Mason, H. C. Mayer, Simon Mayer, Leon Meyer, T. Quit. Munce, C. H. Mcllwaine, Wm. Noonan, J. Q. Profilet, G. B. Rocca, C. M. Sawyer, Frank S. Shaw, H. Silverburg, J. H. L. Smith, J. J. Smokey, Jno. Smythe, Sam'l M. Stewart, H. C. Swayze, A. R. Tyler, E. J. Yancourt, Ben Wade, C. C. Walden, F. K. Winchester.— Total 59. Exalted.—C. T. Chamberlain. Dimitted—J. Stebbins King. Died—Q. J. King, May 13, 1874. Dues $60. Convocations 3d Saturday. Clinton, No. 2—Port Gibson, Claiborne County. Officers, 1875—Thomas M. Rea, H. P.; A. J. Lewis, K.; F. Marschalk, S.; James Wylie, p. h. p., C. of H.; N. S. Walker, P. S.; John V. McPherson, R. A. C.; Wm. Brown, Jr., M. 3d Y.; A. Sager, M. 2d V.; C. H. Barrot, M. 1st V.; L. T. Newman, Treasurer; Julian L. Foote, Secretary; F. H. Foote, Tyler. Past High Priests—Jas. A. Gage, R. F. Gordon. Members—J. W. Andrews, Wm. Brown, Sen., Wm. Cahn, H. M. Colson, Wm. B. Fulkerson, Wm. E. Foote, J. G. Hastings, Jr., Wm. P. Hughes, R. Hawkins, J. G. Jones, J. A. B. Jones, Middleton Kelley, J. J. Kirkbride, E. E. Lischer, Wm. B. Lewis, Meyer Levy, F. Langenbucher, J. C. Mclntyre, B. H. Moorehead, G. W. Naason, E. F. Price, A. Rollins, W. D. Sprott, W. McD. Sims, E. H. Stiles, J. M. Sandusky, Stephen Thrasher, Cyrus Tanksley, J. H. Vaughn.—Total 43. Exalted—E. H. Stiles, Wm. E. Foote, F.. Langenbucher, B. H. Moorehead, J. M. Sandusky. Affiliated—J. C. Mclntyre, E. E. Lischer, Wm. B. Lewis. Reinstated—A. Rollins. Dimitted—John H. Gordon. Died—Joseph E. Barrett, Sept. 23, 1874. Deprived of Membership—Thomas J. Aby, L. P. Williams, Wm. C. McCa- leb—all for non-payment of dues. Dues $54. Convocations 3d Saturday night. Vichsburg, No. 3— Vichsburg, Warren County. Officers—T. G. Birchett, H. P.; Frederic Speed, K.; G. M. Klein, S.; M. C. Klein, C. of H.; T. J. Thompson, P. S.; J. L. Herman, R. A. C.; E. C. Carroll, M. 3d V.; W. H. Andrews, M. 2d V.; J. H. King, M. 1st V.; W. A. Fairehild, Treasurer; J. W. Gray, Secretary; W. Murray, Tyler. Past High Priests—B. Springer, T. J. Harper, F. Wood, E. T. Henry, J. W. Powell. W. French. 48 Members—J. Adler, Jno. Allen, F. M. Andrews, D. H. Alverson, J. Bazinsky, E. S. Butts, M. Brown, O. M. Blanton, L. Bear, G. W. Bookout, J. W. Beaty, J. H. Berresford, D. Campbell, W. M. Chamberlin, T. P. Crutcher, C. Eisleffel, J. Elan- nagan, U. French, C. E. Furlong, W. S. Goodman, Thos. Hackett, H. Hendren, L. Hornthal, A. L. Jacquith, W. C. Johnston, E. P. Jones, D. W. Keene, A. Kuhn, N. E. Klein, C. Lehman, L. M. Lowenburg, W. W. Lord, J. D. Miles, W. McD. Meggett, W. G. Moore, W. E. Monette, E. J. McGarr, H. E. O'Reilly, A. M. Paxton, W. G. Paxton, F. Piazza, R. Richardson, Thos. Rigby, J. Shlenker, W. J. Smith, J. O. Stevens, J. M. Smith, G. H. Smith, W. Stanton, E. M. Scott, R. H. Simpson, J. Stevens, C. E. Thomas, F. R. Turley, A. Tappan, T. Tonella, J. D. Tinney, W. D. Wilson, A. Winstin, U. F. Wilcox, S. H. Young—Total 79. Exalted—J. H. Berresford, W. E. Monette, R. H. Simpson, D. H. Alverson, W. H. Andrews, F. M. Andrews, J. H. King, J. W. Beaty, T. P. Crutcher, E. C. Carroll, G. M. Klein, E. P. Jones. Affiliated—T. J. Thompson, Wm. Stanton. Reinstated—E. M. Scott, E. J. McGarr. Dimitted—E. W. Wallin, S. Stein. Died—M. H. Blakemore, O. Matthews. Dues $98. Convocations 2d Saturday. Columbus, No. g— Columbus, Lowndes County. Officers—C. L. Lincoln, H. P.; B. A. Vaughan, K.; J. E. Leigh, S.; Lansing Beman, C. of H.; Henry C. Long, P. S.; Hampden Osborne, R. A. C.; Covington M. Ottley, M. 3d V.; John A. Martin, M. 2d V. ; Rich'd F. Hudson, M. 1st V.; G. Warren Cox, Treasurer; Joe Henry Stevens, Secretary; D. D. L. Quinn, Tyler. Past High Rriest—Nelson Reynolds. Members—A. H. Barkley, H. B. Boude, Ira M. Bos well, Wm. Cady, Wm. R. Cannon, H. E. Cox, H. B. Fields, N. E. Goodwin, L. L. Goodrich, John Gilmer, A. C. Halbert, W. W. Humphries, W. F. Hamilton, J. Phillip Krecker, A. W. Kidd, E. F. Kemp, R. E. Lanier, S. M. Meek, W. A. Moore, R. L. Morris, F. M. McCabe, S. C. Munger, R. F. Matthews, J. W. Merritt, J. W. Prowell, Alex. Poleman, A. G. Ramsey, Wm. E. Rodwell, J. W. E. Soady, L. M. Tucker, James Whitfield.—Total 44. Affiliated—Wm. R. Cannon. Reinstated—Wm. Cady. Died—L. Q. Ayres, January 17, 1874; C. W. Westmoreland, April 23, 1874. Deprived of Membership—M. Odeneal, Isaac B. Tyler—both far non- payment of dues. Dues $46. Convocations 2d Friday. Wilson, No. 5—Holly Springs, Marshall County. Officers—J. T. Whitehead, H. P.; B. D. Mathews, K.; W. E. Miller, S.; R. N. Lawrence, C. of H.; J. R. Denty, P. S.; W. T. Long, R. A. C. ; Rob't Roth, M. 3d V.; Thos. Gregg, M. 2d Y.; T. S. Richmond, M. 1st V.; U. H. Ross, Treasurer; Solomon Baer, Secretary; E. N. Kilpatrick, Tyler. Past High Priests—E. W. Upshaw, R. S. Stith, H. H. Field. Members—L. C. Abbott, H. W. Berkley, J. S. Bernheim, Wm. Clark, S. E. Carey, H. C. Corey, W. R. Cox, Jas. T. Fant, H. Falconer, F. M. Farrell, T. A. Falconer, S. Frank, R. M. Glover, O. Hess, J. C. Julian, T. D. Jones, J. B. John- son, I. C. Levy, B. W. Lea, Jno. Long, J. S. McRaven, R. McGowen, E. P. Meg- ginson, J. H. McClatchey, T. J. Malone, T. J. Manuel, J. H. Morgan, J. P. Norfleet, W. H. Newell, T. B. Parker, J. B. Potts, C. Read, J. M. Rouch, W. W. Wallace, H. W. Walter, P. A. Willis, H. Winborn, E. J. Wilkerson, A. Q. Withers.— Total 54. Exalted H. W. Berkley, J. S. Bernheim, B. W. Lea, W. H. Newell, T. S. Richmond, Solomon Baer, E. N. Kilpatrick, W. J. Falkner. Affiliated—J. M. Rouch. Died R. B. West, Dec., 1874; Warren Caldwell, October 19, 1874. Expelled—W. L. Jones. 44 Deprived of Membership—Chas. Razell, W. W. Clayton—both for non- payment of dues. Dues $70. Convocations 2d Tuesday. Jackson, No. 6—Jackson, Hinds County. Officers—R. L. Saunders, H. P.; Oliver Clifton, K.; Gus. Asher, S.; Johnt Nelson, p. h. p., C. of H.; Wm. J. Brown, Jr., P. S.; E. Steinberg, R. A. C.; Henry Strauss, M. 3d V.; Rob't Bradley, M. 2d V. J Isydore Strauss, p. h. p., M. 1st Y.; H. M. Taylor, Treasurer; Jno. A. Galbreath, Jr., Secretary; J. M. Cain, Tyler. Past High Priests—Thomas Palmer, John T. Buck. Members—Matt. F. Ash, S. P. Baley, P. T. Baley, E. Bloom, Harris Barks- dale, Wm. J. Brown, Sr., W. C. Crane, David J. Cohen, Wm. Evans, W. M. Gil- lespie, F. B. Hull, A. J. Herrod, R. D. Hardy, W. C. Harrell, Chris. Johnson, Geo. Lemmon, C. H. Moore, R. F. McGill, Chas. McDonnell, T. N. Norrell, J. L. Power, Geo. A. Smythe, W. J. Seaman, W. L. Ware, D. H. Wallace, B. H. Whitfield, Jas. R. Yerger.—Total 41. Dimitted—W. W. Bennett, Geo. S. Green, Austin Neely, Jno. P. Norvell, Geo. S. Yerger. Died—J. W. Burnett, July 24, 1874. Dues $43. Convocations 4th Monday. Magnolia, No. 7—Brownsville, Hinds County. Officers—J. J. Birdsong, H. P.; B. W. Trotter, K.; J. H. McDowell, S.; M. T. Anderson, C. of H.; J. D. McConnell, P. S.; A. B. Cates, R. A. C.; G.J. Hulmn, M. 3d V.; G. H. Hall, M. 2d V.; J. A. Glover, M. 1st V.; T. H. San- didge, Treasurer; J. B. Robertson, Secretary; John Lorance, Tyler. Members—J. G. Sparrow, G. T. Underbill, J. J. Gold, Wm. Klingman, Wm. McClatchy, B. R. Wells.—Total 18. Died—W. S. Elkins, Dec., 1874; Wilson H. Trotter, Dec. 1874. Dues $18. Convocations 4th Saturday evening. Yazoo, No. 8— Yazoo City, Yazoo County. Officers—Emile Shsefer, H. P.; M. A. Jenkins, K.; John C. Young, S.; R. E. Craig, C. of H.; R. L. Dunn, P. S.; Charles H. Wesling, R. A. C.; H. Haider, M. 3d Y.; G. Stern, M. 2d Y.; M. G. Delesdernier, M. 1st V.; H. C. Tyler, Treas- urer; W. C. Williams, Secretary; Peter Lander, Tyler. Past High Priest—R. B. Mayes, p. g. h. p. Members—R. Bowman, A. J. Collins, D. J. Dunn, F. Gray, C. M. Gibson, C. W. Greiner, H. Harrison, A. H. Heath, John T. Heth, J. H. Hunter, H. B. Kidd, S. H. Kellogg, L. McLaren, J. O. Mobley, \Abe Rosenthal, J. N. Ratcliffe, R. C. Shepherd, H. M. Thompson.—Total 31. Dimitted—W. W. Mangum. Dues $31. Convocations 3d Monday. Lexington, No. 9—Lexington, Holmes County. Officers—T. W. Smith, H. P.; R. H. Baker, K.; N. E. Whitehead, S.; Geo. C. Phillips, C. of H.; Jno. C. Birkhead, P. S.; Wm. Eggleston, R. A. C.; David Levy, M. 3d Y.; Jacob Southeimer, M. 2d V.; Wm. F. Cole, M. 1st V.; Moses Levy, Treasurer; J. Marlow, Secretary; Sol. Southeimer, Tyler. Members—David Allen, P. M. M. Alexander, J. J. Baker, T. T. Bates, H. W. Brown, J. D. Dabney, A. M. Green, J. W. Grace, W. D. Johnson, Wirt Johnson, W. L. McLean, W. A. McMillian, F. C. Mercer, J. T. Meade, R. H. Montgomery, J. D. Newsom, C. Oltenberg, T. C. Pepper, B. M. Sheeky, J. M. Sargent, A. Schield, W. F. Stigler, Simon Stearn, T. S. Wright.—Total 36. Exacted—J. D. Dabney, George C. Phillips, T. C. Pepper. • Dues $42. Convocations 2d Thursday. 45 Canton, No. 10—Canton, Madison County. Officers—C. L. Gross, H. P.; W. Priestly, K.; A. M. Gurley, S.; B. C. Gough, 0. of H.; J. W. Baughn, P. S.; J. W. Yeargain, p. h. p., R. A. C. ; Joseph Hart, M. 3d Y.; Thos. Stewart, M. 2d V.; V. Werner, M. 1st Y.; A. W. Stanford, Treasurer; J. M. Mills, Secretary ; C. Olston, Tyler. Past High Priests—J. T. Cameron, C. B. Galloway, G. R. Fearn, p. g. h. p. Members—Leon Bailey, L. B. Coffee, Geo. Ernest, J. Erickson, N. K. Gross, D. C. Green, M. B. Hesdaffer, Peter Heiser, A. Karpe, J. H. Lockett, J. H. Mumford, S. S. Shipp, R. A. Massey, W. B. Stinson, L. Schneider—Total 30. Exalted—N. K. Gross, J. H. Lockett, L. Schneider. Died—Samuel Loeb, April 11, 1874; Moses Joel, Dec. 9, 1874. Deprived of Membership—F. M. Baldwin, A. H. Cage, W. H. Cassell, W. E. Dancy, T. L. Holliday, C. H. Dinkins, D. C. Landers, J. R. Powell, John Preston, J. J. Richards—all for non-payment of dues. Dues f 36. Convocations 1st Monday. Macon, No. 11—Macon, Noxubee County. Officers—J. C. Williams, H. P.; J. W. Patty, p. h. p., K.; L. Etheridge, S.; C. B. Ames, C. of H.; C. C. Eiland, P. S.; G. M. Dillard, R. A. C.; N. M. Gooch, M. 3d Y.; C. A. Baker, M. 2d Y.; W. F. Ferriss, M. 1st V.; Jno. D. Hodges, Treasurer; W. B. Shumaker, Secretary; M. B. Edwards, Tyler. Members—J. J. Beauchamp, C. M. Boyce, E. H. Cogburn, A. M. Dowling, J. Holberg, L. Holherg, J. J. Keen, H. A. Minor, J. H. Pearce, D. H. Thomas, R. E. Y. Yates.—Total 23. Reinstated—J. J. Keen, J. H. Pearce. Deprived of Membership—F. E. Carlton, W. F. Eiland, T. M. Sargent, G. W. Clement—all for non-payment of dues. Dues $33. Convocations 3d Monday night. DeWitt Clinton, No. 12—Grenada, Grenada County. Officers—E. W. Hughes, H. P.; A. S. Weigert, K.; Terrell Rose, S.; R. Highgate, C. of H. ; Stephen H. Green, P. S.; J. H. Campbell,* R. A. C.; J. M. Knox, M. 3d V.; Richard N. Owens, M. 2d V.; J. H. Howie, M. 1st V.; Jacob Poitevent, Treasurer; B. F. Thomas, Secretary \ A. P. Saunders, p. h. p., Tyler. Past High Priests—R. Coffman, Thos. Hardeman. Members—S. S. Angevine, A. J. Baker, J. A. Binford, Jr., J. R. Binford, J. W. Byrne, L. Bodenheimer, W. C. Eskridge, J. B. Crowder, T. C. Curry, W. C. Chamberlain, James Eblin, P. F. Fitzgerald, J. B. Gage, John George, J. G. Gibbs, H. C. Horton, C. L. Hardeman, W. H. Leitz, W. B. May, John Moore, W. H. Meador, John S. Payne, R. R. Perry, John Powell, Wm. Powell, 0. B. Rollins, W. T. Savage, S. T. Sykes, T. R. Trotter, Cicero Thompson, Mayer Wile, D. D. Wilkins, Geo. W. Williamson, C. T. Wood.—Total 48. Exalted—J. R. Binford, Wm, Powell, J. H. Howie. Reinstated and Dimitted—Jessee Blue. Dues $62. Convocations 1st Thursday. *Not reported in 1873. Euphemia, No. 13—Aberdeen, Monroe County. Officers—R. B. Brannin,H. P.; R. A. Honea, K.; C. Morawski, S.; W. G. Elkin, C. of H.; J. W. Walker, P. S.; W. G. Sykes, R. A. C.; Jacob Gallman, M. 3d Y.; S. H. Beirg, M. 2d V.; S. T. Sykes, M. 1st V.; H. D. Spratt, Treasurer; W. S. Vestal, Secretary; G. W. Cook, Tyler. Members—S. H. Buckingham, J. W. Eckford, A. H. French, J. M. Green, W. H. Gilmore, Sam'l Haas, T. S. Hampton, A. M. Kupfer, C. Love, J. T. Lowe, S. A. M. Sadler, W. J. Stephenson, H. C. Terrell, Marks Weiler, W. D. Walton.— Exalted—Riley A. Honea, Joseph W. Eckford, Wm. H. Gilmore. 46 Dimitted—S. G. Beckham, P. C. Candidus, James Oldshoe, Lee Collins. Died—S. A. Dalton, July, 1874. Dues $33. Convocations Wednesday after 1st Saturday. Fayette, Mo. 14~Fayette, Jefferson County. Officers—M. Eiseman, H. P.; Thomas Davenport, K.; James McClure, S.; William Thompson, C. of H. ; Ely R. Jones, P. S.; Thos. J. Key, R. A. C.; B. Eiseman, M. 3d Y.; M. Rubel, M. 2d V.; J. J. Ledden, M. 1st V.; H. B. McClure, Treasurer; Henry Key, Secretary; E. M. Keyes, Tyler. Members—Robt. Davenport, W. E. Higdon, J. J. Powell, M. W. Trimble.— Total 16. Reinstated and Dimitted—W. L. Harper. Deprived of Membership—J. M. Lowe, J. W. Moore, B. B. Paddock, W. C. Nichols, J. W. Scott, A. J. Scott,* J. M. Ritchie.*—all for non-payment of dues. Dues $20. Convocations 3d Thursday. *Comps. A. J. Scott and J. M. Ritchie were inadvertently placed by Secretary under the head of suspended for " unmasonic conduct," in the Return for 1873. It was not the mistake of printer.—Gr. Sec'y. Carrollton, Mo. 15—Carrollton, Carroll County. Officers—W. M. Stansbury, H. P.; Samuel Hart, K.; O. L. Kimbrough, S.; J. A. J. Askew, C. of H.; T. J. Johnson, P. S.; George W. Yasser, R. A. C.; Lee McMillan, M. 3d V.; T. T. Kimbrough, M. 2d V.; Peter W. Johnston, M. 1st Y.; Jas. R. Shackleford, Treasurer; Benjamin Roach, Secretary; T. H. Mathews, Tyler. Past High Priest—Wm. Cothran, p. g. h. p. Members—R. L. Bingham, M. S. Catron, W. H. Curtis, Jonathan Durdin, G. S. Eox, M. M. Liddell, Aaron Lott, John P. Marshall, Peter McCaskill, P. Money, H. D. Money, A. M. Nelson, William Ray, John T. Stanford.—Total 27. Reinstated—G. S. Fox. Dues $27. Convocations 1st Saturday after full moon. Wm. H. Wilkinson, Mo. 16—Woodville, Wilkinson Co. Officers—H. S. Yan Eaton, H. P.; R. S. Brown, K.; H. D. Holland, S.; R. W. McConnell, p. h. p., C. of H.; J. T. Hart, p. h. p., P. S.; Henry Habig, R. A. C.; Douglass Embree, M. 3d V.; Jonas Baum, M. 2d Y.; J. F. Therrell, M. 1st V.; E. A. Robinson, Treasurer; Edward Aaron, Secretary ; Thomas Hickey, Tyler. Past High Priest—L. K. Barber. Members—Wm. Stamps, L. L. Babers, J. W. Bryant, E, H. Beaumont, H. L. Davis, Phillip Hahn, T. J. Henderson, Joseph Johnson, D. E. Holt, M. V. B. Huff, Wm. J. Keller, C. F. A. Kellogg, G. Lendesmayer, N. Leopold* J. J. Morgan, G. T. McGehee, Wm. C. Miller.—Total 30. Exalted—Jonas Baum, Phillip Hahn, C. F. A. Kellogg. Reinstated—Wm. C. Miller. Dimitted, 1873—C. E. Keller. Died—Michael Crist. Deprived of Membership—W. D. Allen, T. V. Noland, Louis Plitt, J. B. Sims, C. E. Stewart, J. R. Very—all for non-payment of dues. Dues $35. Time of Convocation not stated. Shields, Mo. 18—Pontotoc, Pontotoc County. Officers—A. J. Clark, H. P.; W. G. Gibson, K ; J. A. McNeil, S.; M. R. Fontaine, C. of H.; James W. Drake, P. S.; J. H. Williamson, R. A. C.; R. T. Gray, M. 3d Y.; J. H. Miller, M. 2d V.; A. J. Moore, M. 1st V.; T. J. Price, Treasurer; Jno. N. Sloan, Secretary; E. C. Bolton, p. h. p., Tyler. Members—G. R. Cherry, Stephen Daggett, L. A. Ellison, James Gordon, C. B. Hood, J. G. Huntington, S. D. Pinson, F. Souter, O. Williams.—Total 21. Reinstated—Jno. G. Huntington. Dimitted—R. H. Bonner, J. A. Bonner, H. L. Finley, Thomas Gorley. Dues $23. Convocations 1st Wednesday. 47 Kosciusko, No. 20—Kosciusko, Attala County. Officers—Daniel L. Smythe, H. P.; Jno. P. Irving, K.; Wm. 0. Lewis, S.; Wm.V, Davis, 0. of H.; Jas. M. Lewis, P. S.; S. P. Rimmer, R. A. C.; Jno. B. Davis, M. 3d Y.; W. N. Stuckey, M. 2d V.; M. A. Clark, M. 1st V.; Jas. D. Rimmer, Treasurer; Jas. S. Comfort, p. h. p., Secretary; Jas. Nixon Taylor, Tyler. Members—J. H. Alexander, Richard Bullock, M. J. Bell, W. W. Baccus, David Carr, B. A. Clark, Jo. K. Coffey, J. M. Charpings, A. F. Dotson, Louis Glazier, M. H. Gregory, Henry Jamison, D. W. Knox, A. M. Keeth, Jno. C. Lucas, Wm. E. Meek, S. T. Oldham, C. F. Oldecop, W. F. Rimmer, Jno. Riley, Jno. T. Riley, Isaac Peeler, M. Roby, I. W. Scarborough, J. W. Scarborough, J. L. Scarborough, R. C. Stewart, Jo. K. Shrock, R. B. Webb, Samuel Young, J. M. Dodd.—Total 43. Exalted—Wm. C. Lewis, Isaac Peeler, Jno. T. Riley. Reinstated—J. K. Coffee. Died—Frederick Zollicoffer, April 26, 1874; Wm. Dodd, August 23, 1874. Dues $50. Convocations Monday night before full moon. Raymond No. 22—Raymond, Hinds County. Officers—Geo. C. Porter, H. P.; J. M. Hawkins, K.; S. B. Thomas, S.; H H. Heard, C. of H.; D. J. Buckley, P. S.; J. D. Bedwell, R. A. C.; T. C. Austin, M. 37 Bluff Springs Chapter, No. 104 61 By-Laws, proposals to amend 16, 18 19, 21, 22, 26 Canton Chapter, No. 10, Return of 45 Carrollton Chapter, No. 15, Return of ;46 Cato Chapter, No. 89, Return of 58 Centre Ridge Chapter, No. 93, Return of 58 Cherry Creek Chopter, No. 103, Return of 61 Clinton Chapter, No. 2, Return of 42 Coffeeville Chapter, No. 101, Return of 60 Columbus Chapter, No. 4, Return of 43 Committees, Standing 2, 28 to fill vacancies 4 on Address of Grand High Priest 1° on Leaves of Absence 17 on Past Master's Degree 17 on Work 27 Complaints, Report of Committee on ! 22 Constitution, proposals to amend 16, 20, 25 Corinth Chapter, No. 76, Return of 56 De Witt Clinton Chapter, No. 12, Return of 45 Directory of Subordinate Chapters 62 of Grand Chapters 67 Dispensations by Grand High Priest 7 Dover Chapter, No 64, Return of ..54 Dues to General Grand Chapter 27 Durant Chapter, No. 94, Return of 58 Election of Grand Officers 19 Emory Chapter, No. 32, Return of 49 ■ Euclid Chapter, No. 67, Return of &4 Euphemia Chapter, No. 13, Return of. 45 Eureka Chapter, No. 61, Return of 54 Fayette Chapter, No. 14, Return of. 46 Fearn, Geo. R., expression complimentary to : .17 Finance, report of Committee on 21 Foreign Correspondence, Report on 29—40 action on report on 16 appropriation to Committee on 25 . General Grand Chapter, Triennial Convocation of 9. Per capita assessment for.. 27 Geo. Washington Chapter, No. 51, Return of 52 3 71 PAUSE. Grand Chapters, directory of 67 Grand Lecturer, Report of 27 Resolution of Confidence in 27 Grand Officers, for 1875—'76 2, 19 Grand Representatives in attendance 3, 16 complete list of 66 /Grand Secretary, Report of 10—14 re-election of : ...; 19 Grand Treasurer, Report of 15 re-election of 19 Greenwood Chapter, No. 102, Return of 60 High Priesthood, Order of 68 Houston Chapter, No.'23, Return of •. 47 Hudson Chapter, No. 105, Return of 61 Huntsville Chapter, No. 91, indulgence granted to 25 Jackson Chapter, No. 6, Return of 44 Kosciusko Chapter, No. 20, Return of 47 Lafayette Chapter, No. 33, Return of 49 Lexington Chapter, No. 9, Return of. 44 Louisville Chapter, No. 36, Return of.. 49 Macon Chapter, No. 11, Return of 45 Magnolia Chapter, No. 7 44 Mark, in reference to recording the 9, 19 Marshall Chapter, No. 40, Return of 50 Masonic Law, Report of Commiitee on 21, 26 McConnico Chapter, No. 96, Return of 59 McDonald Chapter, No. 98, Return of. 60 Meridian Chapter, No. 25, Return of 47 Memorial Page 65 Miles, Dent H.. death of announced 6 Tribute of respect to 23 Monette, J. C., death of announced 6 Tribute of respect to 24 Murry, John Y., Address of 5—9 Election of 19 Resolution of thanks to.. 27 Natchez Chapter, No. 1, Return of 42 New Albany Chapter, No. 49, Return of 51 Non-Affiliates, regulation in reference to 21 Obituaries, report of Committee on 23 Okolona Chapter, No. 27, Return of.. 47 Order of High Priesthood - 68 Palo Alto Chapter, No. 53, Return of 52 Panola Chapter, No. 60, Return of 53 Past Master's Degree, report on 18 Patton Chapter, No. 52, Return of 52 Raymond Chapter, No. 22, Return of 47 Report of Committee on Credentials 4, 16, 17 of Grand Secretary 12—15 of Grand Treasurer... 15 of Committee on Unfinished Business 16 of Committee on Foreign Correspondence 16, 29—40 in reference to Comp. Geo. R. Fearn, G. H. P 17 of Special Committee on Past Master's Degree 18 of special Committee on Selection of Mark 19 of Committee on Finance 20 of Committee on Masonic Law 21, 26 of Committee on Subordinate Chapters 22 72 PAGE. Eeport of Committee on Complaints and Appeals 22 of Committee on Deceased Companions 23 Representatives, in attendance 4, 16, 27 of other Jurisdictions 66 Resolution, to amend Constitution, Regulations, By-Laws 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 in reference to degree of Past Master 19 in reference to place of next Convocation 20, 21 in reference to removal of Bethesda Chapter 23 • remitting back dues of Decatur Chapter 24 in reference to mileage and per diem 24 of thanks to the citizens of Meridian 25 of thanks to Grand Lecturer 27 to amend Regulations as to Grand Lecturer 27 of thanks to Grand High Priest 27 in reference to dues to General Grand Chapter , 27 Rienzi Chapter, No. 66, Return of. . 54 Ripley Chapter, No. 48, Return of 51 Robinson, H- C., death of announced 5 Tribute of respect to 23 R. W. Paine Chapter, No. 97, Annual Return of. 59 Salem Chapter, No. 85, Return of 57 Shields Ohapter, No. 18, Return of 46 S. H. Johnson, No. 81, Return of 57 Shongalo Chapter, No 30, Return of. 4H Standing Committees 2, 28 Subordinate Chapters, Directory of 62 Summit Chapter, No. 90, Return of 58 Tallahatchie Chapter, No. 44, Return of 51 Union Chapter, No. 37, Return of 50 Verona Chapter, No. 47, Return of. 51 Vicksburg Chapter, No. 3, Return of. 42 "Walker Chapter, No. 28, Return of. 48 Walnut Grove Chapter, No. 75, Return of. 56 Ward Chapter, No. 73, Return of 55 Washington Chapter, No. 29, Return of. 48 W. D. Ferriss Chapter, No. 74, Return of 55 Wells, Wm. M., death of announced 6 Tribute of respect to * 23 West Point Chapter, No. 95, Return of 59 Wilson Chapter No. 5, Return of. ....43 Winona Chapter, No. 78, Return of 57 Work, Special Committee on 27 Wm. H. Wilkinson Chapter, No. 16, Return of. 46 Wright Chapter, No. 56, Return of. 53 Yazoo Chapter, No. 8, Return of 44 CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OP MISSISSIPPI. As Revised and Amended to February, 1875. ARTICLE I. This Grand Chapter is Subordinate to the General Grand Chapter of the United States. ARTICLE II. officers. Sec. 1, The Officers of this Grand Chapter shall be those named in the first Section of the second Article of the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the United States; and also, for work in the Ancient Mysteries, a Grand Principal Sojourner, Grand Royal Arch Captain, three Grand Mas- ters of Veils, a Grand Captain of the Host, and Grand Sentinel. members. Sec. 2. The members of this Grand Chapter shall consist of the High Priests, Kings and Scribes, for the time being, of the several Chapters over which they shall respectively preside, and of the Past Grand and Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings and Scribes of the said Grand Chapter, and all Past High Priests; provided, they are members of Subordinate Chapters within the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter; and, provided, that when any Past Grand Officer shall cease to be a member of a Subordinate Chapter, his membership in this Grand Chapter shall cease. qualifications for officers. Sec. 3.* All the Grand Officers shall be elected from the members, for the time being, of the Grand Chapter, except the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer and Grand Sentinel, who may be elected from the members of Subordinate Chapters. duty and compensation of grand lecturer. Sec. 4 The Grand Chapter may elect a Grand Lecturer, whose duty it shall be, when called upon by the Grand Council, to give lectures and in- structions in Masonry, at each Convocation of the Grand Chapter, and when thereto called by the Subordinate Chapters, he shall visit them and give the like lectures and instructions. *The following was offered as a substitute for Sec. 3, at the Annual Convoca- tion, 1875, and was referred, for final action, at the Annual Convocation in 1876: Sec. 3.' The following Grand Officers, to-wit: the Grand High Priest, Dep- uty Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Sentinel shall be elected from the members, for the time being, of the Grand Chapter'; and the following Grand Officers, to-wit: the Grand Royal Arch Cap- tain Grand Principal Sojourner, and the throe Grand Masters of Veils, shall be appointed by the Grand Council, and they may be chosen from the members of Subordinate Chapters. 2 GRAND CHAPTER CONSTITUTION. Sec. 5. The expenses of the Grand Lecturer, while in attendance on the Grand Chapter, shall be paid by the Grand Chapter, and he shall receive no other compensation than such as the Subordinate Chapters may think proper to give him. compensation to grand secretary. Sec. 6. The Grand Secretary shall receive for preparing a Dispensation or Charter, ten dollars; and in addition thereto, the sum of six hundred dollars per annum, which shall be in full, for all recording, copying, and other official business done for the Grand Chapter, and his attendance upon its Convocations. For all copies required by others than the Grand Chap- ter, the Grand Secretary shall receive a fee of twenty-five cents for every hundred words written and one dollar for his certificate and affixing the Seal of the Grand Chapter, to be paid by the parties applying for the service. compensation of the grand sentinel. Sec, 7. The Grand Sentinel shall be allowed such compensation as the Grand Chapter may deem just and reasonable. ARTICLE III. meetings and quorum. Sec. 1.* The Annual Meetings of this Grand Chapter shall be held at such time and place as may be directed at the previous Convocation ; and a quorum shall consist of the representatives or proxies of at least three Chapters; and if, on the day of meeting, there be not a quorum present, any one of the first four Grand Officers may adjourn the Grand Chapter, from day to day, until four o'clock of the fourth day following. ARTICLE IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS, Sec. i. There shall be an election of Officers at each Annual Meeting of this Grand Chapter; and should there be a failure of said Annual Meet* ing, the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, or Deputy Grand High Priest, may call a special meeting for such election, and, in default of such special meeting, the Officers in office shall continue to serve until their successors are duly elected and installed. VOTING, Sec. 2. On all questions, each Chapter represented shall have three votes, and each member of the Grand Chapter present, other than delegates or proxies of Subordinate Chapters, one vote. The vote at an election shall be by written ballot, and when the yeas and nays are taken on any question, the presiding officer shall vote first; should there be an equal division, the proposition shall be lost; but, in cases where the yeas and nays are ta* ken, the presiding officer will have a casting vote; and the representives of *The following Amendment is pending, for final action at Annual Conyoca- tion, 1876: Besoleed, That Article III, of the Constitution of this Grand Chapter, be amended by striking out the Words "at such time and place," and inserting in lieu thereof, "at the town of at such time," so as to read, "The annual meetings of this Grand Chapter shall be held at the town of at such tiitte as may be directed at the previous Convocation," and that the blank be filled by inserting the name of the place of meeting after the adoption of the proposed amendment, GRAND CHARTER CONSTITUTION. Subordinate Chapters, who have not paid their dues, shall not be allowed to yote* PROXIES! Sec. 3. Whenever the first three officers of a Subordinate Chapter Cannot attend the Annual Meeting of this Grand Chapter, or fail, or decline to appoint proxies or proxy, to represent them or their Chapter, it shall be competent for said Chapter to elect or appoint a delegate or a proxy. No member of this Grand Chapter, as such, has a right to constitute a proxy, but that right is exclusively Vested in the first three officers of each Subor- dinate Chapter, or in the Chapter itself* A proxy must be a member of the Chapter which he represents* ARTICLE V* CONTRIBUTIONS and fees—mileage and per diem* Sec* 1* Subordinate Chapters shall contribute to this Grand Chapter two dollars for each Exaltation, and one dollar per annum for every mem- ber, an account and return of which, and payment, shall be made at each Annual Convocation* Sec. 2. The fee for a Dispensation or Charter, for a Subordinate Chap- ter, is, as prescribed by the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, ninety dollars* ARTICLE VI* MILEAGE AND PER DIEM* Sec. 1* The representatives of Subordinate Chapters shall be paid out of the funds of this Grand Chapter, three dollars for every thirty miles* go- ing to and returning from the Grand Chapter, and three dollars a day for each day's attendance on the same; provided^ That not more than one dele- gate from any Chapter be entitled to receive such compensation ; and that no representative shall receive out of the funds of the Grand Chapter, a lar- ger sum than that paid in at the same Convocation by his Chapter, on ac- count of the annual dues of said year: Provided also> That a proxy of a distant Chapter, residing at the Seat of Government, shall receive no com- pensation* ARTICLE TIL AMENDMENTS* Sec. 1* All amendments to the Constitution of this Grand Chapter shall be proposed at a regular Convocation, and if received and agreed to, shall be published (and notice sent to each Subordinate Chapter for their considera- tion,) for action at the next annual Convocation, before the same shall be fully acted upon; and this Constitution shall not be altered or amended Without the approbation of two-thirds of the members present, and they Voting by Chapters* *The following amendment_was offered at Annual Convocation, 1875, and re- ferred, for final action, in 1876: . , Amend Art. VI., Sec. 1, of the Constitution, by striking out the words, "three dollars for every thirty miles," and insert "six cents for each mile*" RULES AND REGULATIONS. Relating Particularly to the Grand Chapter, Officers and Members, WHO AUK ENTITLED TO VOTE AND HOLD OFFICE. Sec. 1. The only persons entitled to vote in the Grand Chapter, are the following officers and members, to-wit: Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain, Grand Captain of the Host, Past Grand High Priests, Past Deputy Grand High Priests, Past Grand Kings, Past Grand Scribes, (pro- vided they are members of some Subordinate Chapter within this jurisdic- tion,) the High Priests, Kings and Scribes of Subordinate Chapters, or their proxies, and all Past High Priests subject to this jurisdiction, provided they are members of Subordinate Chapters within the jurisdiction of thia Grand Chapter. Sec. 2. No Companion can be elected to any office in the Grand Chapter unless he be a member thereof, except the Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer, and Grand Sentinel, each of whom may be elected from the members of the Subordinate Chapters. Sec. 3. No High Priest, King or Scribe, has the right to appoint a proxy to represent him in this Grand Chapter, when he or they are present in per- son, and taking part in its deliberations. Sec. 4. Should any Subordinate Chapter fail to elect officers prior to the meeting of the Grand Chapter, the High Priest, King or Scribe shall be admitted as legal Representatives. Sec. 5. In the event of the death of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, the Deputy Grand High Priest shall fill his place, and assume the duties of the Grand High Priest. GRAND LECTURER. Sec. 6. One Grand Lecturer may be elected by the Grand Chapter, who shall hold his office not less than one year. He shall have power to appoint as many Assistants as he may deem necessary; and no Companion shall teach Royal Arch Masonry, for pay, in this Grand Jurisdiction, except such as are commissioned by the Grand Lecturer, who is instructed not to so com- mission any Companion unless he is satisfied that he is in possession of the Work and Lectures adopted by the Grand Chapter; but this is not intended to prohibit any Royal Arch Mason, who is not a professional lecturer, from dispensing the true light of Masonry, by lectures or otherwise, without spe- cial permission of the Grand Chapter. Sec. 7. The Lectures delivered by the Grand Lecturer, Comp. W. E. Lackey, are fully approved and adopted, and shall be the standard of work in this Grand Chapter.* FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. Sec. 8. The Grand High Priest shall annually appoint a committee on Foreign Correspondence, whose duty it shall be to examine the proceedings of other Grand Chapters, and make report to this Grand Chapter at the annual meeting subsequent to their appointment; and such committee is advised to condense the matter annually presented to them, into the smallest' practicable space, omitting all local references, and as much of the routine business of the Grand Chapters as possible, and report only such matters *Resolved, That the work and lectures, as exemplified by the Grand Lecturer, Wm. D. Ferriss, be adopted by this Chapter.—1869. RULES AND REGULATIONS 5 and questions as are calculated to excite general interest, and demands on Grand Chapter for action or concurrence. And the said Committee is ad- vised to make a tabular statement of the Grand Chapters with which this Grand Chapter is in communication, with the names of the Grand and Dep- uty Grand High Priests and Grand Secretaries, and time and place of their Annual Convocations. Sec. 9. The reports on Foreign Correspondence are to be received and held as the work and opinions of the Committee only, and not to be taken as reflecting the opinions or decisions of the Grand Chapter, especially 011 sub- jects of Masonic Law. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM. Sec. 10. Only those officers named in the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, to-wit: The Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain, and Grand Captain of the Host, shall be entitled to receive mile- age and per diem as such; and then, only in case they are not Representa- tives of Subordinate Chapters at the same time. Sec. 11. Past High Priests shall not be allowed mileage and per diem, Unless representing the Chapters in which they hold membership. Sec. 12. The most practicable land route shall be the criterion in estab- lishing the distance from each Subordinate Chapter to the place of meeting of the Grand Chapter. WHEN GRAND OFFICERS ARE TO BE INSTALLED. Sec. 13. The installation of the Grand Officers shall take place at the close of each session, and the old or present Grand Officers shall hold over until that time. DISCUSSION. Sec. 14. No Companion shall be allowed to speak more than once, on any subject, without permission of Grand Chapter. RESOLUTIONS AND DOCUMENTS NOT TO BE PUBLISHED. Sec. 15. All resolutions offered, and which, on motion are laid on the table, or are withdrawn by the mover, shall be omitted in the printed pro- ceedings of this Grand Chapter; and no document shall go upon the records unless the same has been "received" by a vote of the Grand Chapter. SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF DUES. Sec. 16. The Grand Secretary shall publish in the Annual Returns the names of all Companions suspended for non-payment of dues. REPORTS OF GRAND SECRETARY AND GRAND TREASURER. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer to make their respective Reports on or before the second day of each Annual Convocation. COMPENSATION TO GRAND TREASURER. Sec. 18. The Grand Treasurer shall be entitled to receive two and one- half per cent, on all moneys he may disburse on account of the Grand Chapter. ANNUAL RETURNS. Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to furnish two copies of blank Returns to each Subordinate Chapter, a sufficient time be- fore the Annual Convocation for them to make their Annual Returns. Sec. 20. At the subsequent Convocations of this Grand Chapter, the Committee on Returns shall be dispensed with, and in lieu thereof the 6 regulations relating to Grand Secretary shall be required to examine and correct the same before publication, and he is authorized to include in the printed transactions of the Grand Chapter such returns as may be forwarded to his office after the dose of the Annual Convocations. BLANKS, STATIONERY, POSTAGE. Sec. 21. The Grand Secretary is authorized to have printed a sufficient number of blank Returns for Subordinate Chapters, and to purchase any stationery that may be required for the use of the Grand Chapter, and pre* pay the postage on all documents forwarded by him to the Subordinate Chapters, and to draw on the Grand Treasurer for the amount. VOUCHEES TO BE CANCELLED. Sec. 22. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee, when they shall have examined and passed upon the vouchers of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, to mark them "cancelled." GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. Sec. 23. This Grand Chapter approves the system of fraternal inter* course inaugurated by many of the Grand Chapters in the United States, in the appointment of Representatives to and from each other. This Grand Chapter will receive such Representatives when duly accredited; and the Grand High Priest is authorized and requested to appoint an intelligent Royal Arch Mason as a Grand Representative near each Grand Royal Arch Chapter in the United States and Territories thereof, to be commissioned as such, under the seal of this Grand Chapter and signature of the Grand High Priest, and attested by the Grand Secretary. Sec. 24. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to forward a copy of the proceedings of the Grand Chapter to each of its Representatives near other Grand Chapters. GRAND HIGH PRIEST CANNOT DELEGATE HIS POWERS TO ANOTHER. Sec. 25. The Grand High Priest of this Grand Chapter cannot rightfully authorize another officer of the Grand Chapter to suspend the By-Laws and Regulations for Subordinate Chapters for any purpose, or under any circum* stances whatever, the right of Dispensation resting solely with the Grand High Priest when in the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter whose officer he is, and which is to be exercised by him only in special cases. In no case will he be waranted in granting to another a carte blanche to exercise the pre* rogatives belonging alone to himself. REGULATIONS RELATING PARTICULARLY TO SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. NEW CHAPTERS. Sec. 1. No Dispensation or Charter for the institution of a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons shall be granted, except upon the petition of nine reg- ular Royal Arch Masons, which petition shall be accompanied with the dimits of the petitioners, and a certificate from the Chapter nearest the place at which the new Chapter is intended to be opened, vouching for the moral character of the petitioners, and that some one of them is thoroughly versed in the work and lectures adopted by this Grand Chapter ; and not until the said petitioners are duly constituted under a warrant, the officers installed, and a return thereof made to the Grand Secretary, will they he THE GRAND CHAPTER, 7 recognized as a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, or be entitled to represents- tion in this Grand Chapter, Sec, 2. The fee for a Dispensation or Charter for a new Chapter shall be ninety dollars, and the Grand Secretary's fee of ten dollars. Sec. 8. Chapters under Dispensation shall not be subject to the payment of any Dues, except those for Exaltations. JURISDICTION OF CHAPTERS, Sec. 4. The jurisdictional limits of each Subordinate Chapter shall be bounded by a line running equi-distant between it and the nearest Chapter; and no Master Mason shall be allowed to receive the Chapter Degrees in any Chapter other than that within the jurisdictional limits of which he may reside, unless with the recommendation of his said Chapter, Sec. 5. In the opinion of this Grand Chapter it is irregular and im- proper for a Chapter in another State to entertain the petition of, or confer the Degrees upon brethren residing within this jurisdiction, without the consent of the Chapter within the jurisdiction of which such brethen may reside. Sec. 6, No Subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction shall confer the Degrees upon an applicant residing within the jurisdiction of another Chap- ter without the unanimous consent of the Chapter within whose jurisdiction the applicant may reside; and should any Chapter violate this Regulation, said Chapter shall forfeit the fees of said applicant to the aggrieved Chapter, and incur such additional penalty as the Grand Chapter may inflict. Sec. 7. Any Chapter ceasing to work for six consecutive months, loses its jurisdiction until it resumes work, ANNUAL ELECTIONS AND RETURNS. Sec. 8. All Subordinate Chapters within this jurisdiction are required to hold their annual elections of officers at the stated meeting preceding the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist,' and their Returns shall commence from the 27th of December of each year. Sec. 9, The Annual Returns of Chapters shall be forwarded to the Grand Secretary immediately after the installation of officers, so as to reach his office by the 10th of January, ensuing. Sec. 10. Every Chapter failing to be represented, make Returns and pay its dues to the Grand Chapter, for two years iu succession, shall forfeit its Charter, CERTIFICATES TO MEMBERS OF EXTINCT CHAPTERS. Sec. 11. When a Subordinate Chapter shall forfeit its charter, the Grand Secretary shall have authority to issue certificates to such members thereof as were in good standing at the time the Chapter ceased to exist; or should the members desiring certificates be in arrear to the Chapter at that time, they shall pay the amount of their 'indebtedness into the Treasury of the Grand Chapter; and the certificate issued by the Grand Secretary, in such cases, shall have the force and effect of a dimit. DUPLICATE CHARTERS. Sec. 12. When a Subordinate Chapter shall lose its charter, from acci- dent or otherwise, it shall make immediate application to the Grand Secre- tary for a duplicate, who is authorized to issue the same, FEES FOR DEGREES. Sec. 13. No Subordinate Chapter within this jurisdiction shall be au- thorized to confer the Chapter Degrees for a less sum than forty dollars, which must be paid in advance in cash. 8 REGULATIONS RELATING TO FEES TO GRAND CHAPTER. Sec. 14. Each Subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction shall contribute to this Grand Chapter two dollars for each Exaltation, and one dollar per annum for each member, an account and return of which, together with the payment, shall be made to each annual Convocation, and no Delegate from a Chapter in arrears shall be admitted to a seat in this Grand Body until all arrearages shall have been paid. All dues shall be paid in the common currency of the country. Sec. 15. Subordinate Chapters are required to pay to the Grand Chap- ter, on account of each member re-instated, the sum of one dollar for each year of suspension for non-payment of dues. FEES TO GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER. Sec. 16. This Grand Chapter will pay the one cent per capita dues an- nually required by the M.\ E.\ General Grand Chapter of the United States; and in order to meet this assessment, the Subordinate Chapters are required to forward with the regular annual dues an amount equal to one cent for each Companion returned as a member on the 27th day of December.— [1875. QUORUM—BUSINESS. Sec. 17. No Chapter can be opened or closed, unless there be present nine Royal Arch Masons, nor can any Chapter elect officers or ballot for candidates unless there be a like number who shall be members of said Chap- ter; and no Chapter can be opened unless one of the three principal officers is present. Sec. 18. If the business coming before the Chapter is not completed the first day, it may continue in session from day to day, until the regular bu- siness is disposed of, and may call from labor to refreshment, or may close each day. ADVANCEMENTS. Sec. 19. No Subordinate Chapter in this jurisdiction shall be authorized to confer the Degrees on an applicant after the ^xpiration of six months from the date of his election, without a second ballot. But this does not apply when the applicant has taken one or more of the Capitular Degrees. Sec. 20. The fact of receiving one or more degrees, does not give an indefeasible right to further advancement. In case of unreasonable delay, or absence of the party from the vicinity of the Chapter, it may be proper to retake the ballot. Sec. 21. Any member of the Chapter, at any time after the election of an applicant, and before all the degrees have been conferred, may object to his advancement. It is not necessary to sustain such objections by legal proof. Sec. 22. Unmasonic conduct, at any stage of advancement, should con- stitute a barrier to receiving the Royal Arch Degree. Sec. 23. Subordinate Chapters have the authority of the Grand Chapter for advancing maimed brothers who are deemed otherwise worthy and well qualified.* *A regulation to the contrary, adopted in 1865, was repealed by the Grand Chapter in 1867, and Grand H.\ P.'. Mayes in his address, 1871, receded from a decision made by him in 1869, that "a Companion who had lost an arm since he was raised, was not eligible to the Chapter degrees." *'We should be careful," he says, "to prevent those who are physically disqualified from being made Masons; but when they become our brothers we should not let a subsequent misfortune debar them from any Masonic privilege or promotion." subordinate chapters. 9 THE USE OF SUBSTITUTES. Sec. 24. This Grand Chapter permits the use of Substitutes in the Roy- al Arch Degree, but earnestly recommends that said permission be exer- cised only in cases of emergency, of which the presiding officer of each Chap- ter shall be the judge. OFFENSES. Sec. 25. The practice of dueling and habitual drunkenness are regarded as grossly unmasonic, and should not be tolerated among Royal Arch Masons. Sec. 26. Whereas, the irreverent use of the name of the Deity is highly unbecoming in Masons, and particularly so in Companions of this Most Sub- lime Degree, it shall be the duty of every member knowing a Companion to be habitually guilty of acts of wanton profanity, to report the same to his Chapter at a regular Convocation; and any Royal Arch Mason so persisting in such acts as to be offensive to the Companions, shall be liable to be dealt with as for any other unmasonic conduct. Sec. 27. Temperance, being one of the "cardinal virtues" in the science of Freemasonry, it should be strictly enjoined upon all the members of the Craft"; and it is hereby declared, as the sense of this Grand Chapter, that the rules and principles of the Order impose it as a duty upon the officers and members of Chapters, to caution, advise, remonstrate and reprimand, in the first instance, any Companion who shall become intemperate or immoral in his habits; and if necessary, upon due summons and examination, sus- pend or expel, by and with the advice and consent of the Chapter under whose jurisdiction such Companion may be. Sec. 28. When a Royal Arch Mason stands charged, in a court of justice, in this State, with an offense against the criminal or penal laws, no pro- ceedings touching said offense shall be instituted against such Companion so charged, until after his case shall have been disposed of by said Courts. (See Sec. 23, By-laws.) EXPULSIONS AND SUSPENSIONS BY BLUE LODGE. Sec. 29. Should a Companion Royal Arch Mason be expelled or sus- pended by a Blue Lodge, he is thereby expelled or suspended, as the case may be, from Royal Arch Masonry, so soon as authentic information is made of the fact to the Chapter of which he may be a member ; and should he be afterwards restored to the rights and privileges of a Master Mason, he shall thereby be restored to the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masonry, by virtue of such restoration in the Blue Lodge. WHEN SUSPENSIONS AND EXPULSIONS TAKE EFFECT. Sec. 30. When a Companion is suspended or expelled by a Subordinate Chapter, and takes an appeal to the Grand Chapter, the term of his suspen- sion or expulsion shall date from the time of the rendition of the sentence in the Subordinate Chapter. CANNOT COMPEL A COMPANION TO JOIN A BLUE LODGE. Sec. 31. A Chapter has no right to compel one of its members to join a Blue Lodge, or to continue in affiliation therewith. The Chapter has no jurisdiction over the relation of a Companion to the Lodge. He is amena- ble to the Chapter for unmasonic conduct. NON-AFFILIATED MASTER MASONS NOT ELIGIBLE. Sec. 32. Chapters are strictly forbidden to receive and act upon the application of non-affiliated Master Masons for the Chapter Degrees. 10 REGULATIONS FOR SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. NO DISTINCTION AS TO QUALIFICATIONS FOK CAPITULAR DEGREES. Sec. 33. Our regulations make no distinction in favor of officers and men belonging to the United States Army relative to qualifications for the Capitular degrees. COMPANIONS WHEN "EXALTED" BECOME MEMBERS. Sec, 34. Every Companion who shall have been Exalted in any Chapter in this State shall be held to be a member of the same until he shall have regularly dimitted. DEGREE OF PAST-MASTER. Sec. 35. Royal Arch Chapters have no right to confer the Past-Master's Degree on a Master Mason, merely for the purpose of qualifying him to pre- side as Master of a Lodge. Sec. 36. Nu Chapter, subordinate to the Grand Chapter, shall confer the Degree of Past Master on any person unless he shall have regularly pe- titioned for the Chapter Degrees of Royal Arch Masonry, and been duly elected to receive the same by the Chapter opened on the Royal Arch De- gree, and shall have previously received the degree of Mark Master. Sec. 37. No person shall be recognised by this Grand Chapter as a reg- ular Chapter Past Master, or be admitted to visit or be present in any Chap- ter under the jurisdiction of this Grand Chapter, when opened on the De- gree of Past Master, who has not regularly received the Degrees of Mark Master and Past Master. CHAPTER SEALS. Sec. 38. Subordinate Chapters are required to procure proper Seals, and no proxy or certificate of representation will be recognized by the Grand Chapter unless the same is attested by the Secretary of the Chapter issuing the same, and the Seal of the Chapter affixed thereto. ROBES, JEWELS. ROOK OF MARKS. Sec. 39. Each Subordinate Chapter within this jurisdiction is required to procure, at the earliest possible date, the necessary Robes and Jewels for the different officers, it being contrary to the teachings of our Sublime Degrees, to work without them ; also, to obtain and keep a "Book of Marks." COUNTING BALLOTS. Sec. 40. Tellers, in counting ballots, shall not read any additions to names, save "Companion," BY-LAWS for the GOVERNMENT OF .SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. Note.—These By-Laws are not subjeot to amendment or suspension by Subordinate Chapters. The blanks can be filled as each may determine. of meetings. Sec. 1. This Chapter shall be known and designated as No , subordinate to and under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Sec. 2. It shall meet at , on the of each month. Special meetings may be called any time by the High Priest or officer performing his duty. of officers and elections. Sec. 3. The officers of this Chapter shall be a High Priest, King, Scribe, Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch Captain, and Master of the 3d, 2d and 1st Veils, a Secretary and Treasurer, and a Tyler, who shall be chosen, by ballot, annually, at the stated meeting preceding the 27th of December.* A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to a choice, and they shall be installed as soon thereafter as convenient. of the duties of officers. Sec. 4. The H.\ P.*., or in his absence the presiding officer of the Chap- ter, may, for purposes of present Masonic Charity, draw on the funds of the Chapter, at any time, for a sum not exceeding ten dollars. He shall appoint all committees of the Chapter. of the secretary. Sec. 5. The Secretary shall, in addition to his traditional duties, make out all reports required by the Chapter, keep a register of all delinquencies, suspensions and expulsions, fill up diplomas when directed by the Chapter, keeping a register of the same, and exhibit a statement of the accounts of each delinquent member at the stated meeting for the election of officers; and, as a compensation for his services, shall be allowed dollars per annum. of the treasurer. Sec. 6. The-Treasurer, besides his traditional duties, shall report his jeceipts and disbursements at the stated meetings for the election of officers; and whenever required by the Chapter; shall have his accounts ready for settlement at the expiration of his term of office, and shall deliver to his legal ^Should the stated meeting for December be during the fourth or fifth week in that month, then it may be necessary te have the election of officers at the November meetinar. Otherwise a Dispensation would have to be obtained from the Grand High Priest, should the regular meeting for December be on the 27th or any day thereafter in that month. 12 BY-LAWS FOE SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. successor all moneys, accounts, vouchers, documents and other property in his possession belonging to the Chapter. OF THE TYLER. Sec. 7. The Tyler shall, besides his traditional duties, summon the mem- hers to attend all special meetings of the Chapter, and shall receive the sum of dollars per annum; and the same compensation shall be allowed the Steward. OF DEGREES. Sec. 8. All petitions for the degrees conferred in this Chapter shall be made in writing, at a stated monthly meeting, the petitioner stating the Lodge of which he is a member, and being recommended by two members of this Chapter. The presiding officer shall thereupon appoint a committee of three members, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the character and standing of the petitioner and report at the next stated meeting, when the petition shall be acted on. BALLOTING. Sec. 9. In balloting for the degrees conferred in this Chapter, or mem- bership, one negative vote shall reject. All candidates shall be balloted for in the Chapter, (or R.\ A.-. Degree,) and for all degrees at the same time. OF REJECTION—FEES—RENEWAL OF BALLOT. Sec. 10. After a rejection for the Degrees, or membership, no new peti- tion or application shall be entertained within less time than twelve months. Sec. 11. No candidate shall receive any degree in Masonry in this Chap- ter except he pay for the same in advance, in cash. Sec. 12. No ballot can be reconsidered or renewed after the result has been announced by the H.\ P.'. presiding, unless by Dispensation from the G.\ H.\ P.'., but upon suggestion before such annunciation that an error may have been committed, the ballot may be retaken once. ADVANCEMENT FROM OTHER JURISDICTIONS. Sec. 13. Petitions from Brethren, advanced, passed, or received and ac~ knowledged in other jurisdictions, for further degrees in this Chapter, besides being accompanied by the unanimous recommendation of the Chapter in which the preceding degree was conferred, shall lay over one month, and be referred to a committee of investigation, as in cases of petition for the first or all the degrees, and after report therefrom, a unanimous ballot shall also be necessary for such advancement. ADMISSIONS TO MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 14. Every Companion who has been Exalted to the Most Sublime Degree of R.\ A.*. Mason in this Chapter, shall be considered a member thereof. Sec. 15. Any R.\ A.'. Mason not Exalted in this Chapter, desirous of becoming a member of it, shall make application, in writing, at a stated monthly meeting, and giving the name of the Chapter from which he hails. A committee of investigation shall be raised, as upon petition for degrees, who shall report at the next monthly meeting, when a ballot shall be taken; if elected, the applicant shall pay the sum of dollars for his member- ship. FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. Sec. 16. The fee for degrees conferred in this Chapter shall be dollars. (Must not be less than forty dollars.) Sec. 17. Every member shall pay an annual contribution of by-laws for subordinate chapters. 13 dollars at the stated meeting next preceding the annual meeting for the elec- tion of officers, or at the election, and before the election is held. SUSPENSION FOR NON-PAYMENT OF DUES. Sec. 18. The Secretary shall, on or before the day of election of officers, notify every member of the Chapter of the amount of his dues, and request payment; and should any member allow his dues to remain unpaid for twelve months from such day, the Secretary shall notify him of the fact, and summon him to appear before the Chapter, at the next stated monthly meeting; and such member shall be liable, unless excused by the Chapter, to be deprived of membership therein, until said dues are paid; and such deprivation shall not work a release from the payment of dues during its continuance. Sec. 19. Any non-affiliated Royal Arch Mason within the jurisdiction of this Chapter, who shall neglect or refuse to contribute annually to its funds, an amount equal to the ordinary Chapter dues, shall not be entitled to, nor shall he be permitted to receiye or enjoy, the rights, benefits and privileges of the Chapter—that is to say : The right to visit and associate with the regular members of the Chapter; the right to ask and demand relief and pecuniary aid from the Chapter, or its funds, for himself or his family ; the right to move or join in processions with the Chapter ; provided however, That any Royal Arch Mason, in good standing, unable so to contribute, may be released from this restriction. RE-IN STATEMENT. Sec. 20. A Companion suspended for non-payment of dues, shall be restored upon payment, and an entry of restoration in such cases made on the minutes. . OFFENSES. Sec. 21. Should any member or visitor so far forget his duty as to be guilty of disclosing any of the private transactions of the Chapter, except to a Companion, or to him when the subject of debate or vote, unless in the dis- charge of official duty; or should any such Companion behave himself in an immoral, disorderly or unmasonic manner, or be guilty of any ignominious crime, he shall be liable to reprimand, suspension or expulsion, as the Chap- ter may deem proper. Sec. 22. When a Companion shall be under arrest by the civil author- ities, on any criminal charge, no action shall be taken upon his case by the Chapter until after this discharge or conviction by such authorities. The sub- ordinate Chapters have the discretionary right of suspending a member while under criminal prosecution until his case is decided by the civil au- thorities, and then to be acted upon; but in no case shall the action of the Chapter be made public until after the final action of the civil courts in relation to such offense. Sec. 23. In no case shall the judgment of the Chapter be made public unless the misconduct of which the Companion shall have been found guilty has been public, scandalous and dishonorable to the name and character of our beloved and cherished institution. COMMITTEES. Sec. 24. The High Priest shall, on the stated meetings for the election of officers, appoint a standing finance committee, whose duty it shall be to ex- amine all accounts and claims, and particlarly the books and accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer, and report thereon immediately, or by the next stated meeting. 14 BY-LAWS—RULES FOR TRIALS. Sec. 25. The H.'. P.\ shall appoint a standing comramittee for each year on Complaints and Offenses, whose duty it shall be to prefer charges against offending Companions. DlMlTS AND DIPLOMAS. Sec. 26. Any Companion in good standing shall be entitled to a dimit from the Chapter, on application, accompanied by the Secretary's receipt for his dues in full. Sec. 27. Every Companion Exalted in this Chapter shall be entitled to a diploma upon paying......... dollars to the" Secretary therefor. VOTING. Sec. 28. In all cases, except in ballotings, a majority of votes shall govern, and in case of a tie the H.\ P.\, or presiding officer, shall give the casting vote. RULES FOR TRIAL OF OFFENSES. 1. There shall be appointed by the Grand Council of each and every Subordinate Chapter in this State a standing committee, to consist of at leat five, to be styled "The Gommittee on Complaints and Offenses," whose duty it shall be to take cognizance of all offenses against the laws of Masonry Which may come to their knowledge, either from their own observation, rumor, or information of a Companion or Companions; and said Committee, when any offenses shall so come to their knowledge, shall, without delay, in- vestigate the same, and if they think it of sufficient importance, shall report to the Chapter at a regular meeting, with the charges and specifications set forth in full. 2. The Secretary shall, immediately after such report, issue a citation against the Companion or Companions so charged, citing him or them to ap* pear before the Chapter at its regular Convocation, then and there to an* swer the charge or charges preferred, as aforesaid—which citation shall be served at least ten dajrs before said meeting. 3. All complaints by one Companion against another shall be laid before said Committee, Whose duty it shall be to investigate the same, and report as aforesaid; and no complaints shall be heard by the Chapter until so re* ported Upon. The complainant shall furnish the Committee with the names of the witnesses, if any, and the grounds of complaint. 4. At the meeting designated in the citation, the accused shall be tried upon the charges and specifications, unless good cause shall be shown for a continuance. 5. If the accused shall evade notice, or if the Secretary, after diligent Inquiry, shall be unable, after four months, to ascertain his residence, or ad* dress, so that notice may be served upon him, the Chapter may proceed to trial as if he had been regularly notified. 6. When the Chapter shall be prepared for trial, such of the charges as have been approved by the Committee of investigation shall be read. The testimony on the part of the prosecution shall then be produced, all of which shall be taken in writing, (if proper,) by the Secretary. The accused will then be permitted to introduce his testimony, which shall be also be taken down in writing, (if proper,) with the exception, in both cases, of such as has been filed by said Committee. Each party, the accused and accuser. RULES FOR TRIALS IN SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 15 shall have the right to question all witnesses) and to be present at the inves- tigation by the Committee. 7. All investigations by said Committee shall he in private, and no one shall be present except the Committee, the accused, accuser, and witnesses, except at the request of the parties. 8. All testimony, whether of Masons or others, shall be taken on their honor. The testimony of such as cannot be admitted into the Chapter, shall be taken before two disinterested Companions, appointed for that purpose, on due notice given to the parties of time and place. 9. When the evidence is closed, the prosecutor, or any Companion he may appoint for that purpose, being a member of some Chapter under this jurisdiction, may comment upon the evidence and charges. The accused then, or any Companion he, or in his failure to do so, the High Priest may appoint, may be heard in reply. 10. After the comments upon the testimony shall be closed^the accused tfhall withdraw from the Chapter room. A vote shall be taken upon each specification of each charge, and upon each charge, in its order, the accused not being permitted to vote, and it shall require a majority of the members present to sustain any specification or charge. 11. When the charges shall have been voted upon, if any be sustained, the Chapter shall then proceed to vote upon the punishment, in the follow- ing order: Expulsion, Suspension, Reprimand; a majority vote to govern in all cases except expulsion, which shall require a two-thirds vote of all the members present. The accused shall then be admitted and informed of the result, 12. Any member desiring to appeal from the decision of the Chapter on his trial, shall, Within six months of the date of his trial, file with the High Priest of the Chapter, written notice of his desire and intention, which no- tice shall set forth his objection to the action of the Chapter. The High Priest shall thereupon grant the appeal prayed for, and shall send up, di* rected to the Grand Secretary, a copy of tne record of the trial, which record shall be signed by the High Priest, attested by the Secretary, under the Seal of the Chapter ; and shall contain a copy of the charges and specifica- tions originally preferred, the report of the Committee of Investigation, a copy of all testimony, for and against the accused, commited to writing at the time of trial, and the originals, or a correct copy of all papers used upon the trial, as evidence or otherwise, together with a copy of appellant's notice of appeal. The Secretary shall append to said record, a descriptive list of all the papers sent up, FORMS. PETITION FOR DISPENSATION FOR NEW CHAPTER. To the M:. E.\ G.\ H:. Priest of the G.\ R.\ A.\ Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned, Royal Arch Masons, in good standing, are desirous of forming a new Chapter at , county, to be named Chapter. Therefore, with the approbation of Chapter, No , we respect- fully pray for a Dispensation, empowering us to meet as a regular Chapter at , on the day of each month. We do nominate and recom- mend Companion to be the first High Priest, Companion to be the first King, and Companion to be the first Scribe of said Chap- ter. The pfayer of this petition being granted, we promise a strict obedience to the commands of the Grand High Priest, and to the Constitution, Laws, and Regulations of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. N. B.—This petition must be signed by nine Royal Arch Masons, accom- panied with their Dimits, and recommendation of the nearest Chapter; and also ninety dollars for Dispensation, and ten dollars -for Grand Secreta- ry's fee. CERTIFICATE OF A CHAPTER CONSENTING TO THE FORMATION OF A NEW CHAPTER, AND RECOMMENDING THE PETITION- ERS ; TO BE ENDORSED ON THE PETITION. To the M.\ E.\ G.'. H.'. P.\ of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi: This certifies that at a stated meeting of Royal Arch Chapter, No. , held at , in the of , county of , the day of A.\ I.-. 24 , A. D., 58 , the following preamble and resolu- tions were adopted: Whereas, This Chapter approves the proposal to open a new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons at in the county of , nearer to this than to any other working Chapter, therefore— Resolved, That this Chapter vouches for the moral character of Compan- ions, (name the petitioners) the petitioners for a Dispensation for the insti- tution of such new Chapter, and that Companion is thoroughly versed in the work and lectures adopted by the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi. Given under my hand and the seal of the Chapter this day of [seal.] A. I. 24 , A. D. 18 ... Secretary. FORM OF PETITION FOR CHARTER. To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned petitioners, to whom a warrant of Dispensation was granted by the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, (or Grand Chapter, as the case may be,) bearing date the day of 18..., empowering them to assemble and work after the manner of a Chapter, respectfully represent that they have discharged the duty assigned to them, to the best of their skill and ability; and in accordance with the requisition of this said warrant of Dispensation, CHAPTER FORMS. 17 they herewith return the same to the Most Excellent Grand Chapter, to- gether with the minutes, (or a certified copy thereof,) of all the proceedings had under the same in said Chapter; an account of receipts and disbursement of money up to this date; a return of degrees conferred, together with the fees for same, ($2 00 for each Exaltation,) which are all respectfully sub- mitted for examination ; and if they are approved, we most respectfully pray that a charter be issued, and be duly constituted a regular Chapter, according to the Ancient Usages of Masonry. The prayer being granted, we promise a strict conformity to all the regulations and commands of the Grand High Priest, and to all the Constitutional laws of the Grand Chapter. [Signed.] This must be signed by the petitioners to whom the warrant of Dispen- sation was granted, and the minutes of the Chapter must show that the pe- tition was adopted at a stated meeting. REPORT OF INSTALLING OFFICER. To the M.\E.\ G.\ H..P.\ of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi: This certifies that I have this day installed the officers elected under the charter granted to Royal Arch Chapter No , at , Missis- sippi, pursuant to authority of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, which au- thority is herewith filed. The officers installed are as follows: [Give a list of the same.] , 18 , Past High Priest. FORM OF PETITION FOR CHAPTER DEGREES. To the E.~. High Priest, E.\ King, E.\ Scribe, and Members of Chapter, No , Royal Arch Masons. The subscriber, a Master Mason in good standing, and a member of Lodge, No , A., F. and A. Masons, respectfully prays that the degrees conferred in your Chapter may be conferred upon him, if found worthy. He resides at , his occupation is that of a If elected, he prom- ises to yield a cheerful obedience to the By-laws and Regulations of your Chapter, and herewith encloses $... for the degrees. [The fee cannot be less than $40.] Respectfully, A. B. Recommended by C D Committee. .... | The Committee report (favorablyor unfavorably.) 2 chapter forms. FORM OF PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP. To the Mr. Er. High Pried Er. King, E.\ Scribe, and Members of Chapter No , Royal Arch Masons: The subscriber, a Royal Arch Mason, in good standing, not now a member of any Chapter, is desirous of becoming a member of your Chapter, if found worthy. A dimit from Chapter, No , accompanies this petitioD. He resides in ; occupation [or profession] Recommended by Companions, DIMIT. To all Royal Arch Masons to whom these Presents may come—Greeting: Know ye, that the bearer hereof, our trusty and beloved Companion has for some time past been a member of our Chapter, and having discharged all the duties of a worthy Companion Royal Arch Mason, he is permitted to dimit his membership with this evidence of good standing, and the payment of all dues. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said [seal.] Chapter," at , Mississippi, this ' day of A. I. 24..., A. D. 18.... , Secretary. FORM OF A TRAVELING CERTIFICATE. To all Rr. A.'. Masons to whom this may come, we send Fraternal Salutation: This is to certify that Companion is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of Chapter, No , Royal Arch Masons, in good standing, and as such is recommended to the kind attention of all Royal Arch Ma- sons, wherever he may sojourn. Given under my hand, and the seal of the said Chapter, this.... day [seal.] of , A. D , A. I , Secretary. PROXY OF HIGH PRIEST, KING OR SCRIBE. I, , of Chapter No do hereby appoint Com- panion my Representative in the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, at its next Annual Convocation to be held in '..., on the day of , A. D. 18 , empowering him to act on my behalf; hereby ratifying and confirming whatever he may lawfully do in said capacity. [seal.] Note.—Proxies must be on a separate piece of paper—not written on the annual Returns. PROXY OF HIGH PRIEST, KING OR SCRIBE, OR ANY TWO OF THEM. We, the High Priest, King and Scribe of Chapter, No , do hereby appoint Companion our Representative in the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Mississippi, at the next Annual Convocation, to be held in , on the day of , A. D. 18..., em- powering him to act on our behalf; hereby ratifying and confirming what- soever may be lawfully done in the premises. Given under our hand and seals, at Mississippi, this day of , A. D. 18... H.\ P.- K.\ S.\ seal. seal/ seal. PROCEEDINGS OF THE /. E:. Grand Royal Arch Chapter OF THE j|fate AT ITS TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION. HELD AT JACKSON, January 31st and February 1st, 187(i. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GRAND CHAPTER. JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI: ■PRINTED AT THE CLARION STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1876. GRAND OFFICERS—1876-77. M.-.E.-. Harvey W. Walter, R.-.E.-. E. Geo. DeLap, R.-.E.-. J. L. Finley, R.-.E.-. G. N. Dickerson, - R.-.E.-. R. B. Brannin, - R.-.E.-. D. A. Kinchloe, - R.-.E.-. W. P. Bouton, - R.-.E.-. A. P. Barry, - R.-.E.-. J. L. Power, Rev.-.Comp.-. J. H. Alexander, R.-.E.-. R. P. Bowen, - R.-.E.*. E. F. Shuler, - R.-.E.-. R. J. Fleming, R.-.E.-. N. S. Walker, - R.-.E.-. Jacob Peebles, :o: - Holly Springs, - Grand High Priest. Natchez, 1^. G. H. Priest. Guntown, Grand King. Ashland, - Grand Scribe. - Aberdeen, - G. C. of Host. Sardis, - G. P. Sojourner. - Ashland, G. R. A. Captain- Hazlehurst, - Grand Treasurer. - Jackson. - Grand Secretary. Kosciusko, - - Grand Chaplain. Chulahoma, Grand Lecturer. - Sallis, - G. M. 3d Vail. Corinth. - G. M. 2d Vail. - Port Gibson. - G. M. 1st Vail. Natchez, - Grand Sentinel. STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Masonic Law.—Charles T. Murphy, Durant; R. L. Saunders, W. M~ Stansbury. Complaints and Appeals.—J. M. Howry, Oxford; E. W. Hughes,. James T. Fant. Credentials.—John Y. Murry, J. W. Winn, John A. Dicks. Subordinate Chapters.—W. G. Paxton, P. M. Savery, G. C. Porter. Finance.—J. T. Buck, William French, J. J. Beauchamp. Unfinished Business.—J. F. McCormick, J. S. Jones, J. J. Birdsong. Printing.—J. L. Power, Frank Burkitt, J. A. Hearne. Foreign Correspondence.—Oliver Clifton, J. T. Whitehead, R. C. Cunningham. Committee on Work.—J. M. Howry, R. P. Bowen, John T. Buck, Thos~ Hardeman M, B. N. Alexander. The next Convocation of the Grand Chapter will be held at the City of Yicksburg, on the Monday preceding the meeting of the Grand Lodge, being; Monday, February 5, 1877. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. Twenty-Eighth Annual Convocation. At the Twenty-Eighth Annual Convocation of the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal, Arch Chapter of Mississippi, held at the Masonic Hall, in the City of Jackson, on Monday, the 31st clay of January, A. D. 1876, A. I. 2406, the following Grand Officers were PRESENT: M.\E.\ COMP. JOHN Y. MURRY Grand High Priest. R.\E.\ COMP. E. GEO. DeLAP Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-. COMP. JOHN A. GALBREATH, Sr Grand King. R.-.E.-. COMP. WM. FRENCH Grand Scribe. R.-.E.-. COMP. JOHN NELSON Grand Captain of the Host. REV.-. COMP. J. H. ALEXANDER Grand Chaplain. R.-.E.-. COMP. A. P. BARRY Grand Treasurer. R.-.E.-. COMP. J. L. POWER Grand Secretary. R.-.E.-. CCMP. 0. B. COLLINS Grand Principal Sojourner. R.-.E.-. COMP. W. H. WILBURN Grand Royal Arch Captain. R.-.E.-. COMP. JOEL A. HEARNE Grand Master 3d Vail. R.-.E.-. COMP. FRANK BURKITT Grand Master 2d Vail. R.-.E.-. COMP. JOHN M. WARE Grand Master 1st Vail. R.-.E.-. COMP. JACOB PEEBLES as Grand Tyler. PAST GRAND OFFICERS. M.-.E.-. Comp. Jas. M. Howry Past Grand High Priest. M.-.E.-. Comp. Wm. S. Patton Past Grand High Priest. M.-.E-.- Comp. Wm. D. Ferriss Past Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-. Comp. P. M. Savery Past Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-.E.-. Comp. J. S. Jones Past Deputy Grand High Priest. R.-.E-.• Comp. Thos. Hardeman M Past Grand King. R.-.E.-. Comp. John T. Buck Past Grand Scribe. R • E.\ Comp. R- L- Saunders Past Grand Scribe. R • E * Comp. J- W. Winn Past Grand Captain of the Host. r . e • Comp. J- J- Birdsong Past Grand Principal Sojourner. r'.'e • Comp. L. Liebenfeld Past Grand Royal Arch Captain. R • E * Comp. Jas. T: Fant Past Grand Royal Arch Captain. r'.'e • Comp. W. G. Paxton Past Grand Master 1st Vail. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Also present: Past High Priests H. W. Walter, S. C. Conley, Jno. F. McCormick, C. T. Murphy, R. H. Allen, and a number of visiting Com- panions. Also present, as Representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions, several Companions whose names are included in the foregoing. The Grand Secretary having announced a quorum present— The M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi was opened in Ample Form, with solemn prayer by Rev. Comp. J. H. Alexander, Grand Chaplain. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest appointed the following Companions to fill vacancies in Standing Committees: On Complaints and Appeals—Comp. J. J. Beauchamp, in place of Comp. E. J. Hostetter. On Finance—Comp. John A. Dicks, in place of Comp. M. F. Rogers. On Unfinished Business—Companions Geo. Nicholson and C. H. Keim. Report of Committee on Credentials- The Committee on Credentials submitted their report, which was received and the Commitee continued. The report, as perfected- from time to time during the session of the Grand Chapter, being as follows: To the M:. E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they find the following Companions entitled to seats in this Grand Body as Representatives of the several Chapters named. Respectfully submitted, J. F. McCORMICK, 1 J. W. WINN, [ Committee. E.F. SHULER, j Natchez Chapter, No. 1—E. Geo. DeLap, IT.- P.\, P.*. H.\ P.'.; C. H. Keim, proxy for K.\; John A. Dicks, proxy for Scribe. .Clinton, No. 2—Nelson S. Walker, Representative. •Vicksbtjrg, No. 3—W. G. Paxton, H.\ P.-. Columbus, No. 4—J. E.Leigh, Scribe. •Wilson, No. 5—J. T. Whitehead, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.*. Jackson, No. 6—R. L. Saunders, H.\ P.*.; Oliver Clifton, K.\; Gus Asher, Scribe. Magnolia, No. 7—J. J. Birdsong, H.-. P.*. Yazoo, No. 8—Not represented. Lexington, No. 9—W. F. Stigler, Representative. Canton, No. 10—J. M. Mills, Scribe. Macon, No. 11—J. C. Williams, H.\ P.'., P.-. H.\ P.'. PeWitt Clinton, No. 12—E. W. Hughes, H.\ P.-., P.". H.\ P.'. •Euphemia, No. 13—R. R. Brannin, H.\ P.-., P.-. H.\ P.-. Payette, No. 14—Henry Key, H.\ P.". Carrollton, No. 15—W. M. Stansbury, H.\ P.'., P.\ H.\ P.-. Wm. H. Wilkinson, No. 16—Not represented. Shields, No. 18—M. R. Fontaine, proxy for H.\ P.*. jKosciusko, No. 20—John Riley, P.*. JL\ P.\, proxy for H.\ P.*. Raymond, No. 22—Geo. C. Porter, H.\ P.*., P.*. H.\ P.*. (Houston, No. 23—Frank Burkitt, Scribe and proxy for H.\ P-'-, No. 24—Not represented. jokolona, No. 27—Jas. U. Carter, H.\ P.". GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. 5> Walker, No. 28—D. A. Kinchloe, H.\ P.-., P.-. II/. P.'. Washington, No. 29—Not represented. Shongalo, No. 30—Not represented. Decatur, No. 31—Tlios. Keith, proxy for H.\ P.". Emory, No. 32—Not represented. Lafayette, No. 33—James M. Howry, H.\ P.*., P.'. H.\ P.-. Neshoba, No. 34—Not represented. Louisville, No. 36—L. Liebenfeld, proxy for H.\ P.*., and P.". II/. P.". Union, No. 37—T. H. Booth, proxy for H.\ P.". Marshall, No. 40—M. H. Boyd, H.\ P.-. Amite, No. 42—Not represented. Tallahatchie, No. 44—W. H. FitzGerald, H/. P.". Enterprise, No. 45—J. W. Winn, P.". H.\ P.". and proxy for II.- P.". "Verona, No. 47—R. C. Cunningham, H.\ P."., P.'. H.\ P.'. Ripley, No. 48—John Y. Murry, H.\ P.*. New A.lbany, No. 49—J. A. Ilearne, K.\, P.*. H.\ P.".; E. M. Coker, Scribe. Mt. Carmel, No. 50—J. L. Beavers, proxy for H.\ P.". Geo. Washington, No. 51—Not represented. Patton, No. 52—J. C. Porter, proxy for H.\ P.". Palo Alto, No. 53—Not represented. Bethe3DA, No. 55—Not represented. Wright, No. 56—J. P. McCrackin, P.". H.\ P.*., proxy for H.\ P.". Baldwyn, No. 57—J. L.Finley, II.". P.'.; J. A. Thompson, Scribe; P. M. Savery, P.". H.\ P.'. and proxy for King. Shubuta, No. 59—0. B. Collins, Kv, P.'. H.\ P.". Panola, No. 60—L. D. Nickles, P.". IIv P."., proxy for H.\ P.". Eureka, No. 61—David Mitchell, H/.P/., P.". H.\ P.". G. W. Perkins, No. 63—Not represented. Dover, No. 64—R. W. Shipp, H.\ P.-, Chicka?Aw, No. 65—Not represented. Rienzi, No. 66—C. W. Williams, Jr., proxy for H.\ P.*. Euclid, No. 67—B. F. Lewis, Representative. Dent H. Miles, No. 72—Wm. Richards, II.'. P.*., P.". II.'. P.'. Ward, No. 73—0. F. West, King. W. D. Ferriss, No. 74—W. D. Ferriss, H.\ P.\, P.". II.*. P.". Walnut Grove, No. 75—Not represented. Corinth, No. 76—R. J. Fleming, H.\ P. ., P.". H.\ P.". Crystal Springs, No. 77—A. L. Williams, P.*. H.\ P.*. and Representative. Winona, No. 78—T. C. Parish, II/. P.'., P.". H.\ P.*.; Walter Trotter, proxy for King. Brookhaven, No. 80—Not represented. S. H. Johnson, No. 81—M. J. Massingill, King. Starkville, No. 82—Not represented. Summerville. No. 83—Not represented. Salem, No. 85—Not represented. Cato, No. 89—John Russell, H.\ P."., P.-. II/. P.\ Summit, No. 90—Geo. Nicholson, H. . P.. Huntsville, No. 91—Not represented. Centre Ridge, No. 93—E. Roberts, II/. P.\, P.\ II/. P/. Durant, No. 94—Not represented. West Point, No. No—Not represented. PROCEEDINGS OF THE McConnico, No. 96—L. M. Lawshe, P.'. H.\ P.-. and proxy for H.'. P.*. Robert W. Paine, No. 97—T. P. Pettus, P.". H.'. P.*. and proxy for II.*. P.*. McDonalp, No. 98—Geo. N. Dickerson, proxy for H.\ P.*. Toomsuba, No. 99—H. D. Cameron, Representative. Attala. No. 100—N. C. Wasson, II.'. P.". Coffeeville, No. 101—B. L. Wynn, proxy for II.'. P.'. Greenwood, No. 102—W. A. Gillaspie, proxy for II.'. P.". Cherry Creek, No. 103—J. T. Pitts, King. Bluff Springs, No. 104-r-E. F. Shuler, H. Hudson, No. 105—John A. Mill r, proxy for H.'. P.'. Baker, No. 106—T. M. Miller, II.'. P.'. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest then read his Address, as follows: ADDEES3 OF GEAND HIOH IEIEST- Companions :—By the blessing of the Great High Priest above, we are permitted to meet in this, our Twenty-eighth Grand Convocation, and on coming together, allow me to offer my personal and official greeting. Before we proceed with the business for which we have assembled, coming up as Representatives of Subordinate Chapters from* every part of our Jurisdic- tion, let us, " with one accord," silently return thanks to the Father of Mercies for His goodness and mercy to us while we have.been passing through dangers, "both seen and unseen," during the past year, and for having been permitted to meet in as large numbers as I see present on this occasion. Let us invoke the blessing of " Him who doeth all things well" upon our deliberations here, that much good may result therefrom, both present and prospective. And let us bear in mind the fact " that in the midst of life we are in death." There is not one of us who knows that before another year passes by, we may not be " numbered with that innumerable band that has already crossed the cold river of death." death of grand officers. It is with sad feelings I announce to you the death of Companion Morris Cook, which occurred at Gallatin, Miss., on the 31st day of October, 1875, in the 53d year of his age; He was made a Mason in Gallatin Lodge, No. 25, in 1843; was Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of this State in 1870 ; Deputy Grand High Priest of our Grand Chapter in 1871; Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi in 1873, and was Grand Lecturer of this Grand Chapter at the time of his death, which position he had held nearly four years, per- forming the arduous and responsible duties of the same with a zeal and en- ergy rarely surpassed. It is scarcely necessary for me to recommend a suitable memorial for one so distinguished among us as Companion Morris Cook. Very little business of importance has come before me during the past' year, and I feel warranted in saying that at least one-half of that to which my attention has been called, might have been disposed of by Subordinate Chapters, if Companions were only willing to take the time and perform the labor necessary to understand and apply our Regulations and By-Laws bearing upon the various topics and points which have been submitted. Nevertheless, in conformity to long established usage, I will give a brief account of my official acts touching the business that has come before me. GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. '7 CHARTERS. In accordance with the action of our Grand Chapter at Meridian, in Feb- :ruary last, I have signed the following Charters: Feb. 9. For a new Chapter at Burnsville, in Tishomingo county, named Baker Chapter, No. 106. And on same day, for the revival of Decatur Chapter, No. 31, at Decatur, in the county of Newton. In the case of the former, my proxy, Companion E. J. Hostetter, a P.*. H.\ P.". of Corinth Chapter, No. 76, installed its officers, and put the Chapter regularly to work •on the 9th of March, which was duly reported to your Grand Secretary. DISPENSATIONS FOR NEW CHAPTERS. June 1. For a Chapter at Edwards, in the county of Hinds, and appointed Companions J. G. Sparrow, IT. P., H. Lowry, IT., IV. B. Williamson, Scribe. The petition was signed by ten dimitted R. A. Masons, in proper form, and represented that quite a number of Master Masons in the vicinity of Ed- wards wished to take the Chapter degrees, and the petition had received The approving smile of your Grand Secretary. OTHER DISPENSATIONS. March 26. To Memphis Chapter, No. 95, in the jurisdiction of the Grand R. A. Chapter of Tennessee, to receive and act upon the petition of Brother Chas. L. Wortham, of Friar's Point, Miss., and member of Coahoma Lodge, No. 104. In this case I was applied to by the H. P. of the Chapter, in a very courteous letter, evidently written in the true Masonic spirit, request- ing a waiver of jurisdiction; whereupon I immediately inquired of the nearest Chapter in this State, to the residence of Bro. Wortham (to-wit: Walker Chapter, No. 28), if it had consented, and waived jurisdiction in this case. Companion Kinchloe, High Priest of the Chapter, informed me it had. March 26. To Natchez Chapter, No. 1, to confer the Chapter degrees upon sundry brethren from St. Joseph, La., for a less sum than the usual fees. Companion DeLap, PI. P. of the Chapter, asked, not only that the fees might be reduced, but also for authority to dispense with the usual time for peti- •tions to lie in the hands of committees. He stated that those brethren ex- pected to take dimits as soon as they received the degrees, and organize a Chapter at St. Joseph, La. I did not think this a sufficient reason for relax- ing our very wholesome Regulations as to the time for receiving and manner of acting upon petitions, but I took a different view of the case in regard^ to ' the matter of fees, especially as it was understood that whatever was lacking to constitute full fees in this State should be paid by the brethren into their contemplated new Chapter at St. Joseph, in the State of Louisiana. How- over, I enjoined it strictly upon the H.-. P.-. of Natchez Chapter to procure a waiver of jurisdiction from the G.\ H.\. Priest of Louisiana before the Chapter should take any action whatever in the case.. April 10th, I received • another communication from Companion DeLap, asking for authority to ballot on the petitions of the brethren from St. Joseph, La., at the next regular meeting of the Chapter, without the delay incident to referring to committees until another regular meeting, and stated that he had received ~a waiver of jurisdiction from the Grand High Priest of Louisiana. He also assured me that the brethren from St. Joseph were first-class gentlemen and very bright Masons, and offered many other good and plausible reasons, in his peculiarly business-like and happy style, in support of his application, which forced me to go back on my first decision, but I did it very reluctantly. May 19. To Winona Chapter, No. 78, to confer the degrees upon a candi- date who had a stiff knee. In this case, Companion T. C. Parish, IT.-. P.". «of the Chapter informed me that the brother had been elected to the degrees 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE before the physical defect was discovered, although it had existed prior to* the time he was made a Mason. The High Priest also stated that the can- didate elect was a well-informed Master Mason, and well qualified, morally and intellectually, for promotion. And these statements were indorsed by Comp. T. C.'Everett, H.\ P.'. of Shongalo Chapter, No. 30, in a postscript to Companion Parish's letter. Under these circumstances, I thought I ought not to refuse a dispensation, and thereby prevent the promotion of a worthy brother (for it strikes me that it was virtually a question of advance- ment), upon the sole ground of a bodily infirmity, which had not been considered a sufficient reason for refusing to admit him within the sacred precincts of a Master Mason's Lodge. Had this been the case of a profane knocking at the door for initiation, and my opinion had been asked, it would have been quite different. June 26. To Natchez, No. 1, to elect a Captain of the Host, in the place- of one who was elected at the regular meeting in December, 1874, and subse- quently removed from this State. July 1. To Euphemia, No. 13, to confer the degrees on a brother who had not been a Master Mason six months. Companion Brannin, H.\ P.*. of the Chapter, stated that the brother possessed, in an eminent degree, all other qualifications. In my reply, I said to Comp. Brannin: " If my memory was not at fault, the Regulation requiring six months probation as a Master Mason, before taking the Chapter degrees, had been repealed at the last Convocation of our Grand Chapter." But, inasmuch, as the Proceedings had not been distributed, I had no means of refreshing my recollection upon this point, and, consequently, I issued the dispensation. When the pro- ceedings did come out, they showed that my recollection in regard to what was done by Grand Chapter upon this subject was correct. I now mention this case merely to impress upon your minds the great importance of having" our proceedings printed and distributed among the Subordinate Chapters as soon as possible after the close of Grand Chapter. Aug. 21. To Wilson, No. 5, to ballot upon the petitions of sundry United States Army officers, without the usual reference to committees for one month. In this case, Companion J. T. Whitehead, H.\ P.*. of the Chapter, informed me that these were the brethren who were at Holly Springs, on duty, a short time in 1874, and who at that time petitioned for the Chapter degrees, but were ordered away before the usual course could be taken upon their petitions, and, supposing they would not return, the Chapter failed to take any action in the matter, further than to apply for a dispensation,, which it failed to get. When applied to in this case last year, I was inflexi- ble ; but on being assured by the High Priest this year that they were the- same individuals who had petitioned the Chapter last year, and that they were all very bright Masons, and the cleverest kind of gentlemen ; and all this was corroborated by our distinguished Companion, H. W. Walter, with an appeal from him in favor of petitioners, and for the dispensation, such as few Royal Arch Masons here or elsewhere could make. Under these cir- cumstances, my Companions, is it strange that I yielded? For good and sufficient reasons furnished me from the proper sources, I granted dispensations to elect officers in Subordinate Chapters for the present year, as follows: Dec. 10. To Jackson, No. 6, to elect officers on the 22d, instead of the 27th day of December, 1875. Dec. 21. To Houston, No. 23r to elect and install officers on the 27th December, 1875. Dec. 30. To Union, No. 37, to elect and install officers at a called meeting, time to be fixed by High Priest. Jan. 8, 1876. To Lexington, No. 9, to elect and install officers at a called meeting, time to be set by High Priest. In all these cases, however, I required the High Priests to see that all members within the territorial jurisdiction of the several Chapters, at the time, should have due notice. GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. 9 DECISIONS. Feb. 11. That it is not necessary to re-petition and refer to committee in a case where the Chapter fails to confer the degrees within six months from the date of election; that it is only necessary in such cases to have a second ballot. This case was put by Companion D. A. Kinchloe, H.\ P.-. cf Walker Chapter, No. 28. I advised the High Priest, in the event one member should object to the second ballot without a new petition, &c., for the sake of harmony in the Chapter, to postpone the ballot until the next regular meeting. Aug. 28. The following questions were propounded to me by Companion J. G. Sparrow, H.\ P.-. of Edwards Chapter, U.\ D.\ 1st. Can Royal Arch Masons, who are made such in a Chapter U. D., ballot on petitions before the Chapter is chartered ? 2d. Can a Chapter U. D. entertain applications for membership ? 3d. Can a Chapter U. D. ballot on petitions for the degrees, when there are less than nine of the petitioners for the dispensation present? To which I gave the following answers: To question 1st, Yes. Toques- tion 2d, No. To question 3d, Yes; provided, there are nine members of the Chapter U. D. present, a part of whom, however, may have received the degrees in the Chapter U. D.; with this remark : that members of other Chapters are not to be counted in reckoning the number to constitute a quorum for the election of candidates to the degrees. DOINGS. March 10. I received a letter signed by two Companions, members of Carrollton Chapter, No. 15, stating that that Chapter had exalted a candidate who executed his note for the fees, and the consideration expressed in the face of the note was borrowed money ; and that he refused to pay the note on the ground of failure of consideration, asserting that he was deceived as to the value of the degrees. These Companions asked what ought to be done in regard to the affair. In my reply, I advised that a special committee should be appointed by the Chapter to wait upon the refractory Companion and request him to pay the note, and inform him that it was not in its character like a note given in ordinary transactions, but that it carried with the promise to pay his Masonic word. If he still refused to pay, the committee should summon him to attend the next regular meeting of the Chapter, to render satisfaction for his delinquency and demeanor; and should he still further refuse to pay the debt, and also fail to attend the Chapter in pursuance of his summons, the Committee on Complaints and Offenses should at once prefer charges against him for unmasonie conduct, embracing contumacy. I have not heard anything further from this case, but hope my advice had the desired effect. April 21. Was notified by your Grand Secretary that Palo Alto Chapter, No. 53, had been ^delinquent for dues for five or six years; that he had written several letters to the Chapter upon the subject, and had utterly failed in all his efforts in that direction. He stated that he regretted to make formal complaint against the Chapter, but he regarded it to be his imperative duty to do so, and added that he turned the case over to me for medical treatment. I at once notified Companion D. B. Hill, H.\ P.'. of the Chap- ter, that satisfactory arrangements must be made with the Grand Secretary in 'regard to the indebtedness, within thirty days, and stated that if this should not be done, I would order a surrender of charter. And I informed Companion Power of the kind of pracription I had made for his patient. May 3d, Companion Power wrote me that my prescription had had the de- sired effect. But it afterwards appeared that the good symptoms were of an evanescent character, only lasting a very short time. On the 21st of May, I learned the case needed further treatment, when Companion Hill made a 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE strong appeal for a little more time, stating that he had summoned the mem- mers to meet on the following Saturday to provide the money, and assured me that all dues to Grand Chapter should be met soon. Whereupon I granted a still further indulgence of thirty days, and informed Com- panion Hill, if the dues were not liquidated by the time specified, the charter would be arrested without fail. And I advised your Grand Secretary of this extension, and directed him, it the terms were not complied with, to issue an order arresting the charter, appoint a receiver and summon the High Priest to attend the next Convocation of our Grand Chapter, without waiting tor further orders from me. On the 30th day of June, I received another letter from Companion Hill, praying for still further time, to which I replied as follows: " A further extension would be incompatible with my idea of official duty, and would compromise the rights and dignity of the Grand Chapter. It could not be expected of me to countermand an order a second time, except for the very best of reasons, which your case fails to present. The Grand Chapter, no doubt, will restore the charter upon a satisfactory showing by the Chapter that the interests of Royal Arch Masonry would be promoted thereby, and provided always, all dues to Grand Chapter shall be paid. Yours fraternally, G.\ H.\ Priest." Com- panione, I am not prepared to state whether the several prescriptions in this case met the indications or not; perhaps your Grand Secretary can tell. May 13. The Grand Secretary informed me that Companion J. M. Hand, H.\ P.'. of Enterprise Chapter, Ho. 45, appeared and represented his Chapter at the last Convocation of our Grand Chapter, without bringing up dues or returns. Companion Power stated that he made no objection, supposing dues and returns would soon be forwarded. But since that time he had written two letters upon the subject, one to the High Priest, and one to the Secretary of the Chapter, and had failed to get any response whatever. He also informed me that this Chapter was in arrears for dues for the year 1872. I wrote to Companion Hand, H.\ P.*. of the Chapter, and directed him to send returns for 1875, and all outstanding dues to Grand Chapter, to the Grand Secretary, within sixty days; and also informed him as to what would be the penalty if he did not. I have not heard from this Chapter since, but would fain hope the prescription had a better, "or at least a more permanent" effect than a similar one previously referred to.* Oct. 1. I received a communication from Companion A. H. Barkley, Grand Master of Mississippi, in which he represented that irregularity had been committed by Winona Chapter, No. 78, in conferring the Chapter degrees upon non-affiliated Master Masons. I immediately -wrote to the High Priest of Winona Chapter, to give me a full history of the case, intend- ing to reply to Companion Barkley's letter as soon as I could hear from this Chapter. I failed to hear froln the Chapter until I wrote a second time, on the 13th day of November. And on the same day I replied to Companion Barkley's letter, thanking him for the information contained in it, and stated to him that the case should be investigated and explained. I feel that it is due to Companion Barkley, and also to myself, to state that I would not have postponed a reply to his kind and courteous letter as long as I did, had it not been for the heavy draft upon my professional services during that time, for there was sickness among the people, without a parallel in the history of our town and surrounding country. Companion T. C. Parish, H.\ P.*. of Winona Chapter, promptly replied to my second letter, and I suppose he never received my first. Companion J. J. Campbell, Secretary of the Chapter, also wrote to me in regard to the matter complained of. Both these communications were couched in respectful and courteous terms. They admitted that the Chapter had elected and exalted a class who were only * Since settled in full. GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. 11 members of a Lodge whose charter was in arrest; but they said that, inas- much as those brethren had paid all dues to their Lodge up to the 27th of December, 1874, the Chapter did not regard them as non-affiliates in the sense contemplated by our Regulations. The High Priest stated that if the Chapter had committed a violation of our Regulations, it was not done in a spirit of disloyalty, but it was entirely owing to a misconstruction of our laws and a misunderstanding of duty. He stated, in regard to the moral, social and intellectual qualifications of the brethren, that they were unex- ceptionally good. Companion Parish prayed that the charter might not be arrested, and promised in future to observe not only the spirit, but also the letter, of our Rules and Regulations. To which I replied as follows, sub- stantially: " Your statement and admission supersedes the necessity for further investigation at'this time, especially as it is near the time for the next meeting of our Grand Chapter, when the case can be fully investigated, if it is believed to be necessary. It is a duty incumbent upon me to see that the authority and dignity of the Grand Chapter are upheld and main- tained during my term of office. Therefore, I will administer a reprimand to the Chapter for having violated section 32 of our Regulations, relating to Subordinate Chapters, and I would admonish its officers in future to strictly comply with all our Rules and Regulations. In my official capacity, I will call the attention of the Grand Chapter to this case, and I suggest that the H.\ P.*. of Winona Chapter at that time (January 31st, 1876), should attend said Convocation. Trusting that this case may be finally disposed of, with- out any permanent injury accruing either to Winona or Grand Chapter, I have the honor to be, fraternally, G.\ H.\ Priest." Jan. 28, 1876. I received the following application by telegraph : "Verona, Mjss., Jan. 28, '76.—Send application to elect a brother at a called meeting. Answer. R. C. Cunningham." To which I replied: "Your application is not full enough, neither has it any official sanction. Therefore, I must decline. I cannot grant a dispen- sation touching as important a matter as the election of a candidate to the degrees, without knowing the reasons for it. You fail to give any. Frater- nally, G.\ H.\ Priest." GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. March 12. I appointed M.\ E.\ Alfred F. Chapman, of Boston, Mass., Representative of our Grand Chapter near the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. I wish to state in justice to Companion Chapman that he, as*G.\ H.\ Priest, nominated another Companion for this honor; but, having enjoyed the honor of-a personal acquaintance with Companion Chap- man, and' knowing the very high estimation in which he is held by the Royal Craft in the " Old Bay State," I could not forego the very great pleasure of conferring the appointment upon him, and I hope Companion Chapman will pardon me for not carrying out his real wishes. April 4. I nominated the following Companions for the position of Repre- sentatives in our Grand Chapter for the several Grand Jurisdictions men- tioned: For Florida, R.\ E.\ J. L. Power, vice .Companion Chas. T. Bond, deceased. For Tennessee, M.'. E.*. J. M. Howry, vice Companion Richard Cooper deceased. For Maryland, R.\ E.\ E. Geo. DeLap, vice Companion Dent H. Miles, deceased. For Ohio, R.\ E.\ J. F. Arnold, vice Companion J. 0. Lusher, deceased. For Alabama, R.\ E.\ R. L. Saunders, vice Comp. Geo.R. Fearn, removed from jurisdiction. Dec. 4. I was informed by our Grand Secretary of the death of our distinguished Representative near the Grand Chapter of Maryland, Comp. j l *Yeates, and upon the recommendation of M.\ E.\ J. W. Bowers, Grand High Priest of that Jurisdiction, a commission has been sent to Companion W. T. Adrian as successor to Companion Yeates. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Since the last meeting of our Grand Chapter, I have been honored with commissions as Eepresentative for the G.\R.\ A.*. Chapters of Massachusetts and Kentucky. In my letters of acceptance, I acknowledged the very high honor conferred, and extended to those Grand Jurisdictions the friendly and fraternal greetings of the Grand Chapter of Mississippi. In a letter from Companion Chapman at the time he forwarded my commission, he made the following remark: "You and I had a brief conversation at Nashville, in regard to Representatives. Prompted thereby, I took up the subject in my address to Grand Chapter, and we adopted the system. As Mississippi, through your argument, was the cause of our action, we particularly desire her recognition." RELIEF. April 4. I received a communication from Comp. J. W. Stevens and others, members of Rienzi Chapter, No, 66, asking aid for families of Royal Arch Masons, to relieve their distress caused by a tornado at that place a short time before, I at once directed our Grand Secretary to issue circular letters to the Subordinate Chapters, requesting contributions to be sent to the Masonic Relief Committee at Rienzi, Miss. I also ordered fifty dollars to be contributed from your treasury. Companion Power, knowing the treasury was empty, promptly remitted the money from his private funds, an act which I presume but few Grand Secretaries would have performed under the circumstances; in doing which, however, he has shown that true good- ness of heart and liberality of spirit characteristic of him, and also added another to the already very long list of laurels won by him as a prompt and efficient officer. Rienzi Chapter, in view of the condition of our finances, and having already received liberal aid from Masons throughout this State, returned the money to Companion Power, with kindly expressed sentiments of gratitude, both to your Grand High Priest and Grand Secretary, stating that the Chapter took the act of tender for the deed itself. ARREST OF CHARTER. Sept. 20. I received a letter from your Grand Secretary, inclosing letters to him from Companions G. Henderson. H.\ P.*. of Meridian Chapter, No. 2-5, and W. S. Patton, from all of which I learned that this Chapter was delinquent for dues to Grand Chapter, and that it had failed to have regular meetings the requisite number of times during the preceding twelve months, although the High Priest had made several attempts to have meetings; and, in other respects, the Chapter was far from being m a prosperous condition. Whereupon, I issued an edict to Companion Henderson, H.\ P.-. of the Chapter, arresting the charter, and summoned him to attend the next Convocation of our Grand Chapter. I also appointed Comp. W. S. Patton receiver, and instructed him to have the charter, records, jewels and other property of the Chapter before our Grand Chapter at this meeting. I hope this Chapter will be prepared to make full satisfaction to the Grand Chapter and get its charter restored. CONCLUSION. Companions! From all the information I have been able to command, it strikes me that it may safely be stated that Royal Arch Masonry has not prospered in our Jurisdiction the past year as in some former years, which can but be regretted by us all. There must be a cause for this want of prosperity. Really, it seems that there are several causes for it. Only three of them require special mention here—in fact, I might say two, for the last two that I shall mention are so intimately connected it would not require a great stretch of the imagination to bring them under one head; at any rate, one is but the legitimate consequence of the other. GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. 13 _ As the first cause, I would mention the extraordinary stringency in finan- •rial matters generally, which has been produced, in great part, by the failure of crops in 1874, but not altogether by it. Cnerous and oppressive taxes have had a large share in the matter. I presume there is scarcely a people upon earth who have been subjected to a more unjust, and it might be stated destructive, revenue system, than the people of this State have for the last decade. And Masons, like other men, have noc been exempt from the con- sequences of these things. I apprehend there are hundreds of Master Masons in our Jurisdiction who would have tried to go up higher during the year 1875, had it not been for the scarcity of money. Second cause : Failure upon the part of members to regularly attend their Chapter meetings. And thirdly: Failure to pay dues promptly. The latter cause would rarely exist if the second was removed. The two last mentioned causes are those that more directly concern us as Masons, and for which we also have a remedy; and if what is said above be correct, the remedy will be obtained by regular attendance upon all meetings of Chapters by their members. Therefore, I would admonish the officers of Subordinate Chapters to use all means within their reach to accomplish such a desirable end. The longer a Companion stays away from his Chapter, the colder and duller he gets; while his dues, if not sent in (a thing seldom done), continue to accumulate, and when the amount gets up to ten or fifteen dollars, and he is requested to pay it, he at once talks about a dimit; and in this way the membership of Subordinate Chapters is often reduced. I maintain that just in proportion as the members of Subordinate Chapters regularly attend meetings and pay dues, precisely in the same ratio will Subordinate Chapters (and the Royal Craft generally) prosper, " all other things being equal." (While on the subject of dues, permit me to express the hope that this Grand Chapter will require of its Subordinates the pay- ment of the one centner capita levy for Grand Chapter dues.) Although Ave may not have prospered as much as Avould be desired, yet we have great reason to be thankful for the peace and harmony that has prevailed among the Craft during the year just closing. And although we have had much •distress in our State, on account of floods, tornadoes and " the pestilence that walketh by night and scattereth abroad at noon-day," still Ave have great reason for thanksgiving to the great " I Am that I Am" for the blessings Avhich we see around about us, among Avhich may be mentioned the abundant grain harvest of the year A. D. 1875. And, my Companions, have we not <;ause for congratulating each other for the peace and good order that have prevailed among the Avhole people in every part of our State, with a very few exceptions, during the year 1875, notAvithstanding the fact that Ave were passing through a poAverful revolution in regard to the affairs of State. And may we not entertain the hope, from present indications, that ere long the archives of State may be safely deposited into faithful and patriotic hands, not alone to perpetuate the memory of distinguished characters Avho have gone before us, but also that we and our posterity may enjoy the inestimable blessings of peace and prosperity through all time to come. I now cheerfully surrender the gavel, Avhich by your kindness and par- tiality has been placed in my care, and I beg you to believe if the ermine is not as spotless as when it Avas conferred, that it is not on account of a want on my part of honest effort to make it so. Finally, my Companions, permit me to admonish you not to Aveary in trying to do good. Continue to work for our beloved cause, to the end that it may prosper more in the future than it has ever done in the past, in the noble cause of ameliorating the condition of man upon earth. At the same time look Avith an eye of faith steadfastly fixed on the future, so that when the time shall come when at the sound of the gavel of the Great High 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Priest above, we may all assemble, around His holy altar, where peace and fellowship forever reign, and where He who presides is Love and the Source of all Light. JOHN Y. MURKY, Grand High Priest. On motion of Comp. 0. B. Collins, the Address was received, ordered to be spread on the minutes, and referred to a Special Committee of three for apportionment. The R.\ E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest appointed as said Committee: Companions W. S. Patton, J. T. Whitehead, J. L. Finley. The Grand Secretary read his Annual report and submitted his Account Current, as follows: Grand Secretary's Annual Eeport. To the M.\ E:. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: I beg leave to submit my Sixth Annual Report as Grand Secretary. Immediately after the adjournment of last Grand Convocation, I ti-ans- mitted to the Subordinate Chapters the several proposed Amendments to the Constitution, and the several Amendments to Regulations and By-Laws adopted at the last Grand Chapter. On the 15th of April, I forwarded to the Subordinate Chapters the appeal of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest in behalf of our Companions and brethren at Rienzi, which place had been visited by a tornado on the 15th of March. I also, by direction of the Grand High Priest, forwarded to the distressed Companions, for and in behalf of the Grand Chapter, the sum of fifty dollars; but Rienzi Chapter, No. 66, knowing the impoverished condition of our Grand Treasury, returned the contribution in kind, fraternal terms. By authority of the Grand Chapter at last Convocation, I issued charters to Decatur Chapter, No. 31, revived, and to Baker Chapter, U. D., at Burns- ville, Tishomingo county, taking rank as No. 106. The Proceedings of Grand Chapter were distributed to the Subordinates in June. The bill of Companion Martin, for printing same, amounting to $265 05, is herewith presented. On the 8th June, by authority of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, I issued a Dispensation for the institution of a new Chapter at Edwards Depot, in Hinds county—Comp. John G. Sparrow, as H.\ P.*.; Comp. Henderson Lowry, King; Comp. W. B. Williamson, Scribe. On the 20th of December, I forwarded the Annual Return and percentage of this Grand Chapter to the General Grand Chapter of the United States. The receipt of the General Grand Secretary for $24 50 is filed with the Grand Treasurer. In August last, I received a commission from the Grand Chapter of Florida as Representative at this Grand Chapter. The commission and the letter of the Grand High Priest of Florida, referring to the death of Comp. Chas. T. Bond, who was the Representative of the Grand Chapter of Florida, . are herewith submitted. The total receipts for the year amount to $2805 20, as per detailed state- ment herewith. This was absorbed, as will be seen by Grand Treasurer's Report, in GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. 15 Pay Roll $1656 10 Comp. Martin, printing, 1873, 1874 372 50 Mrs. Meek, on account, due her 200 00 Grand Secretary, balance on 1874 466 05 Sundry other items 210 55 Total $2,805 20 The present indebtedness of Grand Chapter may be stated as follows : Due Grand Secretary, salary of 1875 $ 600 00 Grand Treasurer, balance last report 197 79 " " commissions on receipts, 1875 70 13 Grand Council, money borrowed 400 00 Mrs. Geo. H. Meek, balance due her 250 00 Comp. J. A. Martin, printing Proceedings, 1875 265 05 Total $1,782 97 In my last report, the total indebtedness was then stated at $1,687 53. The Pay Roll of last Grand Chapter was unusually large; the printing of the proceedings of two years has been paid out of the receipts of 1875, and two hundred dollars on the debt to Mrs. Meek. Your Grand Secretary, in 1872, reported the indebtedness of the Grand Chapter, at the Convocation that year, to be $4,977 41. He has been ambitious to relieve the Grand Chapter entirely of this burden—and not only this, but to make the Grand Body self-sustaining, and have something annually added to its Treasury. But while the receipts are so small, and the expenses so large, this cannot be accomplished. In my Report, 1872, I took the liberty of making various suggestions to the Grand Chapter, which, had they been all adopted, would have relieved the Grand Chapter of its indebtedness. I now take the further liberty of repeating them : 1st. That the salary of Grand Secretary and the commissions of Grand Tl?©£lSUX61T lOG rGClllCGCl 2. That the fee to Grand Chapter for Exaltation be $3 00, instead of $2 00. 3. That mileage be 6 cents each way, instead of 10 cents. 4. That Representatives to Grand Chapter, who may also be Representa- tives to Grand Lodge, claim compensation in the latter, and remit to the former. 5. That, until otherwise ordered, the Returns of Subordinate Chapters be not published; but, in lieu thereof, the Grand Secretary shall publish with the proceedings a tabular statement, showing the name, number and location of each Chapter, with the statistics of its work for the year ; also, the name of the High Priest and Secretary. 6. That for a like reason of economy, the usual Report on Foreign Corres- pondence be not published with the Proceedings, until otherwise ordered by the Grand Chapter; but that, in the meantime, the Foreign Correspondence Committee will prepare the usual review, and submit the same annually to the Grand Chapter. It is more creditable to dispense with printing not absolutely necessary, than to indulge in it without the ability to pay for the work when done. The compensation of six hundred dollars allowed the Grand Secretary is somewhat too liberal for the labors he has +o perform. It might be reduced to four hundred dollars. The Constitution, Sec. 6, Art. 2, would have to be pay Boll and other vouchers constitute the " funds" in the hands of the Grand Treasurer each year, and the commissions, which amount to seventy-five or eighty dollars a year, might with propriety be reduced, and the sum of — dollars be allowed the Grand Treasurer as full compensation. 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE For preparing the Report on Foreign Correspondence, I submit that the sum of fifty dollars is the full measure of the ability of this Grand Chapter. During the first week in January, I received the charter of Meadville Chapter, No. 86, and the charter and seal of Meridian Chapter, No. 25—the first from Comp. F. J. Whitley, and the other from Comp. Wm. S. Patton, who had been appointed Receiver. Palo Alto Chapter, No. 53. This Chapter is in arrear for Returns and dues for four years, and although many promises have been made that the Chapter would get itself straight with the Grand Chapter, the Returns and dues are not forthcoming. I notified the H.\ P.'. that, in accordance with the action of the G.\ H.\ P.'., that I regarded the charter as forfeited. I have made frequent applications to the H.\ P.-. of late John Hebron Chapter, No. 71, Bovina, for its charter and effects, but have not succeeded in obtaining them. Huntsville Chapter, No. 91, failed to avail itself of the indulgence granted by last Grand Chapter, for the forwarding of Returns and payment of dues for the years 1873, 1874. The Chapter is now in default for three years' Returns and dues, and I recommend that the charter thereof be declared forfeited. Wayne Chapter, No. 24, is delinquent for 1873, 1874 and 1875, Returns and dues. The Chapter is dormant, but may be revived should the Grand Chapter authorize its removal to Waynesboro. I recommend that the necessary authority for such removal be granted, and that upon the payment of arrearages now due, within six months, the removal may take place ; otherwise, that the charter be then marked " forfeited" on the Register. Neshoba Chapter, No. 34, is in arrear for Returns and dues for 1874, 1875. Union Chapter, No. 37, is in arrear for dues 1874. Enterprise Chapter, No. 45, is in arrear for dues of 1872, 1874, but has promised settlement at present Convocation. Mt. Carmel Chapter, No. 50, owes dues for 1874. Panola Chapter, No. 60, owes dues for 1874—$42 00. G. W. Perkins Chapter, No. 63, owes Returns and dues for 1874. Chickasaw Chapter, No. 65, owes Returns and dues for 1874. Euclid Chapter, No. 67, owes Returns and dues for 1874. Starkville Chapter, No. 82, owes Returns and dues for 1874. The hall of this Chapter having been destroyed by fire, I recommend that its dues to the Grand Chapter, for 1874, 1875, be remitted. Summerville Chapter, No. 83, owes Returns and dues for 1874, 1875. The Chapter is dormant. Salem Chapter, No. 85, owes accumulated dues to the amount of $181 60. Toomsuba Chapter, No. 99, owes Return and dues for 1874. If these arrearages could be collected, the indebtedness of the Grand Chapter would be materially diminished, if not altogether liquidated. I recommend that where Chapters are in arrears for 1874 and 1875, they be allowed ninety days within -which to pay amount due, and that on failure to pay, the Grand High Priest shall suspend them from working; and that where Chapters are more than two years in arrear, they be required to settle within sixty days, and should such settlements not be made, their charters shall then and thereby be forfeited. Fraternally submitted, J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. GRAND CHAPTER OP MISSISSIPPI, 17 Grand Secretary's Account, Chapter, No. -J. L. Power, Grand Secretary, In Account with the 1875, Natche? Clintop Wicksburg Wilson Jackson Magnolia Yazoo Lexington •Canton Macon DeWitt Clinton Euphemia Fayette Carrollton Win. H. Wilkinson Shields Kosciusko ..Raymond Houston Wayne Meridian Okolona Walker Washington Shongalo Emory Decatur Lafayette Neshoba Louisville Union Marshall Amite Tallahatchie Enterprise Verona Ripley New Albany Mt. Carmel Geo. Washington Patton Palo Alto Eethesda Wright Baldwyn Shubuta Panola Eureka G. W. Perkins Dover Chickasaw Rienzi Euclid Dent II. Miles W ard W. D. Ferriss Walnut Grove Oorinth 2 Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Dr. 1 Dues 1874 $ 61 00 ■». 2 " 64 00 3 44 107 00 6 14 70 CO 6...... 44 47 00 7 " and $1 balance 19 00 8 " and $6 balance 37 00 9 Dues 1872, $42 00; dues 1874, $42 00 84 00 10 Dues 1874 36 00 11 " 33 00 12 4 62 00 13...:.. 44 33 00 14 44 20 00 15 44 27 00 16 44 and $13 00 balance 48 00 18 44 21 00 20 44 50 00 22 44 19 00 23.^. " 23 00 24 .fp , 25..T.Dues 1874 26 00 27 " 25 00 52 20 36 00 37 00 49 00 6 00 50 00 78 00 4O0O 33 50 and balance $2?00. 28 29 30 44 32 44 31 44 33 " 34 36 Dues 1874 and balance. 42 Dues 1873 and part balance.. .Dues 1874 32 00 44. 45 47 Dues 1874 and $17 00 balance on 1872 51 00 48 44 49 44 and in full of bal. 50 51 Dues 1874 52...... " 53 55 Dues 1874 and balance 30 00 56 " and 1873 44 00 57 44 -■ and $1 00 balance. 42 00 59 60 61 Dues 1872,1873, 1874 97 00 63 64 20 00 65 66 Dues 1874. 67 72 Dues 1874 and balance 29 00 73. 74. 38 00 51 50 66 00 89 00 46 00 27 00 39 0. 75 .Dues 1872, 1873, 1874 52 25 70 Dues 1874. 63 00 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Crystal Springs Winona Tampico Brookhaven S. H. Johnson Starkville Summerville Salem Meadville Cato Summit Huntsville Centre Ridge Durant West Point McConnico R. W. Paine McDonald Toomsuba Attala Coffeeville Greenwood Cherry Creek Bluff Springs Hudson Baker Edwards Chapter, 81. 82., 88. 8-5.. 86. 89. 90. 91. 93.. 04.. 95.. 96. in part. and bal. on 1871, , 1872 and bal., $15 00, on 1873.. .Dues 1874, in part 30 00- ..Dues 1874. .Dues 1874. 98. 99. 100. 101. and Gen. Gr. Ch. dues and Gen. Gr. Ch. dues and balance. 51 25 104 105 106 U. D Dispensation fee and bal. on 1873... and balance Total receipts $2,805 20 Ce. Ry Grand Treasurer's receipt $2,805 20. J. L. POWER, Grand Secretary. On motion of Comp. S. C. Conley, Resolved, That the Annual Report and Account of the Grand Secretary- be received and spread on the minutes, and referred as follows: 1st. So much as relates to finance, to the Committee on Finance. 2d. So much as relates to Subordinate Chapters, to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters. 3d. All other matters in the Report to a Special Committee of three. The Grand High Priest appointed as said Committee, Companions W. G. Paxton, D. A. Kinchloe, T. M. Miller. R.\ E.\ Comp. A. P. Barry, Grand Treasurer, submitted his Account, as- follows: Account of Grand Treasurer. A. P. Barry, Grand Treasurer, In Account with Grand Chapter of Mississippi: 1875. Cr. Feb. 12.—By balance due Grand Treasurer last report $ 197 79 " cash paid Pay Roll, 1875 1656 19 " dues General Grand Chapter 24 59 " sundry printing 34 09 " Grand Secretary, balance salary, 1874 466 05 " J. A. Martin, printing, 1873 and 1874 372 50 refunded Macon Chapter, No. 11 7 09 GRAND CHAPTER OP MISSISSIPPI. 19 Feb. 12— " '' paid Mrs. Meek 200 CO " " " postage, 1875 20 CO " " " " Grand Chapter Proceedings 18 96 ^ " u Express 5(0 " ccmmissions on $2805 20, at 234 per cent 70 13 Total $3072 63 Dr. 1876.—Cash from Grand Secretary $2805 20 Balance due Grand Treasurer 267 43—$3072 63 .To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: In submitting this, my tenth Annual Report, with accompanying vouch- ers, for your consideration, I trust you will pardon me for making a few suggestions on the subject of our finances. By reference to the Reports, you will perceive that a large indebtedness has been hanging over this Grand Chapter for many years, which we have labored assiduously to over- come, with but little success; and I fear, under our present system, we will never be able to pay it. I therefore suggest that you so amend our Laws and Regulations as to abolish the system of mileage and per diem, and levy dues on each member sufficient to pay our indebtedness, and require the Subordinate Chapters to pay the actual expenses of their Representatives while in attendance on the Grand Chapter. Under our present regulations, about one-third of the Subordinate Chaj)- ters pay the entire funds of the Grand Chapter, while the remaining two- thirds pay not one dollar. This will equalize our burdens and, I think, will in a short time, pay our indebtedness, and leave a surplus in our Treasury. All of which is most respectfully submitted. A. P. BARRY, Grand Treasurer. On motion of Comp. DeLap, the Account of the Grand Treasurer, with accompanying vouchers, was referred to the Finance Committee. On motion of Grand Secretary, a Special Committee of three was raised, to whom shall be referred all credentials received by Companions during the past year as Representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions. The Grand High Priest appointed as said Committee, Companions Chas. T. Murphy, R. P. Bowen and P. M. Savery. durant chapter, no. 94. On motion of Comp. C. T. Murphy, it was Resolved, That Durant Chapter, No. 94, be allowed sixty days within which to pay dues for 1875, and that in the meantime, it be authorized to elect officers for 1876, at its next stated Convocation. The Special Committee to whom was referred the Address of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, recommended— 1st. That so much of the Address of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest as relates to the death of Grand Officers be referred to a special committee of three. 2d. So much as refers to Charters and Dispensations, and to the arrest of the charter of Meridian Chapter, No. 25, to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters. . . . 3d. So much as refers to Decisions and Doings, to the Committee on Masonic Law. Which was received and agreed to. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE The Grand High Priest announced as the Special Committee on Deceased Companions: Companions J. H. Alexander, J. L. Power, A. P. Barry. On motion of Comp. Howry, the consideration of proposed Constitutional Amendments was made the special order for 3J o'clock this p. m. The Grand Chapter was then called to refreshment until 3 o'clock, P. M. afternoon session. The Grand Chapter resumed labor at 3 o'clock. Comp. H. W. Walter, as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Corres- pondence, submitted a partial report, and, on motion of Comp. French, the report was received, and Comp Walter authorized to complete the same and forward it to the Grand Secretary as soon as practicable. The Special Committee to whom was referred the credentials of Grand Representatives, reported that the following Companions were in attendance, and commissioned during the past year, as Grand Representatives of the several Grand Bodies named: Grand Chapter of Alabama—Comp. R. L. Saunders. Grand Chapter of Florida—Comp. J. L. Power. Grand Chapter of Kansas—Comp. E. Geo. DeLap. Grand Chapter of Kentucky—Comp. John Y. Murry.. Grand Chapter of Massachusetts—Comp. John Y. Murry. Grand Chapter of Nebraska—Comp. R. P. Bowen. Who were severally presented to the Grand Chapter, welcomed by Comp. Walter, acting as G.'. H.\ P.-., and greeted with the Grand Honors. Comp. Walter made a brief and appropriate reference to each Grand Chapter represented. The special order, to-wit: the consideration of Constitutional Amend- ments, proposed at last annual Convocation, and referred to the Subordinate Chapters, was then taken up. The first Amendment, being a substitute for Sec. 3, Art. II., in the words following, was adopted, upon a vote by Chapters, there being 156 votes in the affirmative and 45 in the negative: Sec. 3. The following Grand Officers, to-wit: The Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and Grand Sentinel, shall be elected from the members, for the time being, of the Grand Chapter; and the following Grand Officers, to-wit: the Grand Royal Arch Captain, Grand Principal Sojourner, and the three Grand Masters of Vails, shall be appointed by the Grand Council, and they may be chosen from the members of Subordinate Chapters. Comp. W. G. Paxton moved to indefinitely postpone the amendment pro- viding for the permanent location of the Grand Chapter. Comp. J. S. Jones moved to amend so as to postpone until next regular Convocation. Comp. R. P. Bowen moved to lay both motions on the table, which not prevailing, the question recurred on the motion of Comp. Jones, and was decided in the affirmative, and further action accordingly deferred until the next Annual Convocation. grand chapter of mississippi. 21 The next proposed Amendment, to-wit: Amend Art. vi, sec. 1, of the Constitution, by striking out the words, "three dollars for every thirty miles," and insert " six cents for each mile." Was adopted by a nearly unanimous vote, there being only three in the negative. On motion of Comp. G. N. Dickerson, the Grand Chapter proceeded at once to the election of officers for the ensuing year. On motion of Comp. French, it was ordered that after the first ballot the names of all except the three highest candidates shall be withdrawn. The following Companions were chosen: Comp. H. W. Walter, of No. 5 M.*.E.\ Grand High Priest. " E. Geo. DeLap, of No. 1 R.*.E.\ Deputy Grand High Priest. " J. L. Finley, of No. 57 R.\E.\ Grand King. " G. N. Dickerson, of No. 98 R.*.E.\ Grand Scribe. Pending the election of Grand Officers, the Grand Chapter "was called to refreshment until 7:30 p. m. night session. The Grand Chapter was called to labor at 7:30 p. m., and resumed the election of Grand Officers, resulting as follows: Comp. D. A. Kinchloe, of No. 28 Grand Principal Sojourner. " R. B. Brannin, of No. 13 Grand Captain of the Host. " J. H. Alexander, of No. 20 Grand Chaplain. " A. P. Barry, of No. 81 Grand Treasurer. " J. L. Power, of No. 6 Grand Secretary. " Jacob Peebles, of No. 1 Grand Sentinel. The Committee on Subordinate Chapters presented the following report, which was received and adopted: To the M\' E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Subordinate Chapters have carefully examined the petition, return and records of Edwards Chapter, U.\ D.\, at Edwards, Hinds county, and respectfully recommend that a charter be granted as prayed for. Respectfully submitted. R. B. BRANNIN, ) W.*G. PAXTON, >• Committee. P. M. SAYERY, J The Grand Secretary read for the information of Grand Chapter a letter from the son of late Comp. Morris Cook, asking for a settlement of amounts due his father for services as Grand Lecturer, and the Grand High Priest called the special attention of Chapters interested to the same. The Grand Chapter was called to refreshment until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. 22 proceedings of the SECOND DAY. Tuesday, February 1st, 1876. The Grand Chapter was called from refreshment to labor at 10 o'clock a. m. The Committee on Credentials reported additional Representatives in attendance from Chapters Nos. 4, 10, 40, 61, 67, 101 and 103. [Included in report on pages 4, 5 and 6.] The Committee on Masonic Law submitted the following: To the i¥.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence, to whom was referred the decisions of the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, as set forth in his Address, have, with studied care, examined the same, and find them in exact har- mony with our Rules, Regulations and usage, in every particular. Fraternally submitted. CHAS. T. MURPHY, ) R. L. SAUNDERS, ^Committee. J. L. FINLEY, j On motion of Comp. Walter, the report was received and agreed to. Comp. J. S. Jones, for the Committee on Unfinished Business, reported that after a careful examination of the proceedings of last Annual Convo- cation, there was no business not already disposed of. The Report was received and agreed to. Tiie Committee on Finance submitted the following report: To the M.\ E:. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee, to whom was referred the Reports and Accounts of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, respectfully report that they have carefully examined the same and found them correct. They have also carefully considered the several suggestions of those offi- cers for the relief of the Grand Chapter from its burden of debt, and would recommend the following action with reference thereto: That the 1st, 2d and 6th suggestions of the Grand Secretary be approved; and referring to the 3d and 4th, that the adoption of the amendment to the Constitution in reference to compensation of delegates, render any further action unneces- sarv. The 5th suggestion we cannot endorse, because the publication of the names of members of Subordinate Chapters, together with those of the suspended and expelled, materially assists in the detection of the unworthy who solicit Masonic charity. The suggestions of the Grand Treasurer, that the Regulations be so amended as to require the Subordinate Chapters to pay the expenses of their delegates,, would not, in our opinion, result in the relief of the Grand Chapter, but greatly to its detriment. We recommend the adoption of the Grand Secretary's suggestion in reference to compensation, in future, of Chairman of Committee on Foreign Correspondence. Your Committee would also urge upon the Companions of this Grand Jurisdiction the importance of restoring the Grand Chapter to a sound and solvent condition, and ask their cheerful and united co-operation with our zealous and faithful Grand Secretary to that end. Respectfully submitted, E. GEO. DeLAP, JNO. A. DICKS, For Committee. On motion, the Report was received, and the several subject matters therein consecutively considered. The suggestion of iJrand Secretary to reducq the salary of that office from GRAND CHARTER OF ^MISSISSIPPI. 23 $600 00 to $400 00, was adopted, and the Grand Secretary directed to prepare and submit an amendment to the Constitution on that subject, and transmit the same tp the Subordinate Chapters. The suggestion to fix the compensation of Grand Treasurer at $50 00, instead of 2J per cent, commission on receipts, was adopted; also, the sug- gestion to allow the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence $50 00 instead of $75 00; also, the suggestion that, until otherwise ordered by the Grand Chapter, the Reports of the Committee on Foreign Corres- pondence shall not be published with the proceedings, except that so much of the Report of the Committee, submitted on yesterday, including the Decisions of the General Grand Chapter of the United States, shall be pub- dished with the proceedings of the present Convocation. On motion of Comp. Walter, the suggestion to increase the fees to the Grand Chapter, for each Exaltation in a Subordinate Chapter, from $2 00 to $3 00, was laid over for further consideration at next Annual Convocation. Comp. Howry, as Chairman of the Committee on Work, submitted the ^following Report, which was received and agreed to: To the Mr. Er. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: Your Committee on Work, appointed at your last Annual Grand Convo- cation, respectfully report: That on the day appointed, four members of .your Committee met at the City of Jackson, and proceeded at once to per- form the duties assigned them; that they agreed on a report—on a historical part of the R.\ A.-. Degree, most of which they herewith submit in writing. In reviewing the Work now in vogue in your jurisdiction, your Committee are well satisfied that there has existed some differences or discrepancies in the ritual, owing to the fact that we have had, in the last thirty years, several Grand Lecturers dispensing Work, and while all of them supposed they were dealing in good Work, true Work, and just such Work as was authorized and adopted by your Grand Body, yet they did not teach the same Work in every instance, and in consequence thereof, there lias, to some- extent, been confusion among the workmen. Your Committee did not undertake to subvert the Standard Work of the Chapter Degrees as practiced in your jurisdiction. It is beautiful and im- pressive in itself, and their object was to correct slight errors and reconcile discrepancies which had crept into the ritual, and restore the Ancient Work, .which had been approved by the wise and the good so long. In correcting small errors and discrepancies, your Committee were some- times equally divided; but on Monday morning the Committee was full, and, although they were limited as to time, they went over the Work again, and agreed on the Work which is known to all intelligent Royal Arch Masons, especially good ritualists, with some slight changes, which we think makes the Work and Lectures more in accordance with ancient usage. Your Committee report the Work, with such slight changes as they deemed it their duty to make, and if it can be exemplified during this Con- vocation, we ask your concurrence ; if it is inconvenient and impracticable, vour Committee ask that the report be laid over until your next Convoca- .. „ . T TW UOWPV .tion for action. J. M. HOWRY, R. P. BO WEN, J NO. T. BUCK, W. D. FERRISS, THOS. HARDEMAN M, Committee. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE e Comp. Chas. T» Murphy offered the following resolution, which wa& adopted: Resolved, That it is the sense of this Grand Chapter that the .practice of" sending open postal cards, or otherwise giving publicity to the delinquency of members for dues, is irregular, improper, and is hereby forbidden. Comp. A. P. Barry offered the following as a substitute for Sec. 18 of the By-Laws for the government of Subordinate Chapters, which was adopted Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of every member of the Chapter to pay his dues on or before the day of the annual election, and on failure to pay the same, he shall not be entitled to vote or hold office. If said dues are not paid on or before the 27th December, then the Secretary shall immediately notify such delinquent to appear at the regular meeting in March, when, if not paid, the Chapter may suspend said delinquent until all arrearages are: paid; but such suspension shall not work a release from the payment of dues during its continuance. The following report was presented and adopted: To the Grand Chapter: The undersigned, Special Committee appointed to consider matters con- tained in the Report of the Grand Secretary, not pertaining to Finance and. Subordinate Chapters, would respectfully report that they find nothing further requiring the attention of this Grand Body. W. G. PAXTON, ) D. A. KINCHLOE, V Committee. T. M. MILLER, j The Committee on Subordinate Chapters submitted the following report: To the M.\ E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The undersigned, Committee on Subordinate Chapters, would respectfully report that they have examined into the matter of delinquent Chapters, as referred to in the Report of your Grand Secretary, and would recommend the adoption of the following : Resolved, That when Chapters are in arrears for 1874 and 1875, they be allowed ninety days within which to pay amount due, and that on failure to pay, the Grand High Priest shall suspend them from working; and that, when Chapters are more than two years in arrears, they be required to settle within sixty days, and should settlements not be made, their charters shall then and thereby be forfeited. In the matter of Winona Chapter, No. 78, whilst there is no doubt in the minds of the Committee that Sections 29 and 32 (Regulations for Subordi- nate Chapters), have been violated, both in letter and in spirit, but the High Priest of said Chapter having assured your Committee, upon his honor as a Royal Arch Mason, that his action was based upon his best construction of the law, and that he was innocent of any intent to do wrong, even though good should flow therefrom, and with the distinct stipulation that, the action of the Grand Chapter shall not be taken as a precedent in future cases, should any such arise, your Committee would respectfully endorse and ap- prove the action of the Grand High Priest, already had in the premises, and recommend that no further action be taken. Your Committee further recommend that the action of the G.\ H.\ P.*., in arresting the charter of Meridian Chapter, No. 25, be approved and con- firmed; that the charter of said Chapter be forfeited, and Companion Patton continued as Receiver. In the matter of. Wayne Chapter, No. 24, your Committee, having assur- GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. 25 ancethat the proposed change would he of great advantage to said Chapter, and infuse new life into its membership, would recommend that Wayne Chapter be allowed to remoye its place of meeting from Shubuta to Waynes- boro, and that it be allowed six months to pay up its arrearages; and, in case of failure to make settlement within the time specified, that its charter be declared forfeited. In the matter of Starkville Chapter, No. 82, they having lost their Hall and property, by fire, the Committee would recommend that the dues of said Chapter for 1874 and 1875, be remitted. Your Committee have considered the petition of Fayette Chapter, No. 14, asking remission of small balance of eleven dollars due by them—said bal- ance being the accumulation of petty arrearages brought forward from year to year, and said Chapter proposing to pay in full all other dues, your Committee would respectfully recommend that the petition be granted and the said balance of eleven dollars be remitted. R. B. Brannin, 1 W. G. Paxton, V Committee. P. M. Savery, ) On motion, the Report of the Committee was received. On motion of Grand Secretary, so much of the Report as relates to Fay- ette Chapter, was disagreed to; when the Report, as thus modified, was adopted. On motion of Comp. Branniu, the Committee on Work .was requested to proceed at once to exemplify the same. On motion of Comp. Howry, the vote was reconsidered, and Exemplifica- tion was made the special order for 3 o'clock, this afternoon. Comp. J. H. Alexander, from Committee on Deceased Companions, sub- mitted the following Report in reference to the late Comp. Morris Cook: We note the fact, that since our last Annual Convocation, time has con- tinued to work its changes. It is but a few months since official intelligence reached our Subordinate Chapters of the death of our most worthy and esteemed Companion, Morris Cook. To this painful occurrence, our Grand High Priest makes appropriate and touching allusion in his Annual Address. On the 31st day of October, 1875, he closed his eyes in death, at Gallatin, in this State. He was, at that time, in the fifty-third year of his age. It will be seen, then, that while he was in the prime of life, death fixed upon him as an object at which to direct his fatal shaft. The years allotted to him, in which to serve his generation upon earth, embraced a period of comparative short duration; yet a well-spent life won for him a name which will long linger in the memory of the Companions who have, from time to time, taken counsel with him in our Annual Convocations. We ever found him a man of integrity, and of upright character. Principle, and not impulse, was, with him, the rule of life. He stood conspiciously, as an example of one who understands the allegiance which he owes to his God and to his fellow- man. He was pre-eminently a man of temperate habits, having never, in life as we are told, so much as tasted wine or cider. As would be expected of such a man, he was conscientious and high-minded as a Mason. Knowing his rigid adherence to principle and the spirit with which he discharged the duties which were imposed upon him, we felt that we could confide in him us a true and reliable man. We can safely say, that few men in connection with our Order, have manifested such fervency and zeal in Masonry as were constantly exhibited by him in his Masonic life. 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE This most worthy Companion received, while living, most ample testimony of that high appreciation in which he was held by the Masonic fraternity. He was made a Mason in Gallatin Lodge, No. 25, in the year 1843. He sub- sequently filled the office of Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of this State. In the year 1871, he was chosen Deputy Grand High Priest of our Grand Chapter. In the year 1873, he served the Grand Lodge of the-State as Deputy Grand Master. Finally, he received high honor from the Grand Chapter, in being chosen to the office of Grand Lecturer of the State. He discharged the duties of this responsible station with ability and fidelity, until that day in which he was called away from the labors of earth to appear in the presence chamber of Him before whose judgment-seat all must finally stand. Peace be to the memory of this worthy Companion. Your Committee recommend that a Memorial page be set apart in the pro- ceedings of this Grand Convocation, in honor of his name, and that the Grand Secretary transmit a copy of this action to the family of the deceased. J. H. ALEXANDER,) J. L. POWER, > Committee. A. P. BARRY, J On motion of Comp. Conley, the Report was unanimously adopted. The Grand Chapter was called to refreshment until 3 o'clock, p. m. afternoon session. Grand Chapter resumed labor at 3 o'clock, p. m. The Exemplification of the Work being the special order, Comp. Bowen made-a statement of th£ difficulties encountered by the Committee, the limited time at their disposal, and the disagreements on certain points, and asked that the Committee be allowed until the next Grand Annual Convo- cation to submit their report. Comp. Galbreath seconded the request for continuance, and moved that the Committee be increased to nine. Comp. DeLap moved that the Grand Chapter proceed at once to the elec- tion of a Grand Lecturer, and that the Committee on Work be instructed to agree, at as early a day as practicable upon a uniform system of work, and communicate the same to the Grand Lecturer. This motion was adopted; when Comp. W. D. Ferriss asked to be excused from further service on the Committee; and, on motion, he was accordingly excused by the Grand Chapter. The Grand Chapter then proceeded to vote for a Grand Lecturer, resulting in the election of Comp. R. P. Bowen. The Committee on Finance submitted the following additional report, which was received and adopted: To the Grand R.\ A.\ Chapter of Mississippi: Your Finance Committee, to whom was referred the bills of Comp. Grand Tyler, for servants' hire and incidental expenses, amounting to the sum of five dollars, respectfully report that they have examined the same, found them correct, and recommend that they be paid. We also recommend that the sum of twenty-five dollars and per diem be allowed that officer for his services at this Communication of the Grand Chapter. Respectfully submitted, E. GEO. DeLAP, JNO. A. DICKS, Committee. grand chapter of mississippi. 27 Comp. William French offered the following resolution, which was unani- mously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter are due and are hereby tendered to our Companions of Jackson, and to the citizens generally, for courtesies extended to the members of this Grand Chapter. Comp. John A. Galbreath, Sr., made a statement in reference to the con- ditionof Salem Chapter, No. 85 ; when, on motion of the Grand Secretary, the several matters relating to said Chapter, were referred to the Committee on Subordinate Chapters, with instructions to report immediately. On motion of the Grand Secretary, it was Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter are tendered to the New Orleans, St. Louis and Chicago Railway, Memphis and Charleston Railway, Yicksburg and Meridian Railway, Mobile and Ohio Railway, Parisot Line of Steamers, for the favor of reduced rates so promptly and courteously ten- dered in response to the application of the Grand Secretary. Comp. W. S. Patton, P.'. G.\ LI.*. P.*., offered the following, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Chapter are due and are hereby tendered to the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, Comp. John Y. Murry, and his associates in the Grand Council, for the able and dignified manner in which they have presided over the Grand Chapter, during the present Convocation. 'She Committee on Subordinate Chapters, submitted the following Report, which was received and adopted : To the M.". E.\ Grand Royal Arch Chapter: The Committee on Subordinate Chapters, to whom was referred the subject of the removal of Salem Chapter, No. 85, to Brandywine Springs, have had . the same under consideration, and fraternally submit the following report: Whereas, Said Salem Chapter, No. 85, having failed to pay dues to the Grand Chapter until they are indebted to said Grand Chapter in the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, and now desires to remove the location of said Chapter, and the High Priest of said Chapter having assured the Grand Chapter that, in the event of a removal, as prayed for, the said indebtedness will be discharged, and the craft materially benefitted thereby; therefore, Resolved, That said removal be authorized, on condition that a petition therefor be sent to the Grand Secretary, within sixty days, signed by a ma- jority of the members of said Salem Chapter, No. 85; in which event the time for the payment of arrearages be extended until the next Annual Con- vocation of the Grand Chapter. R. B. BRANNIN,} W. G. PAXTON, Committee. P. M. SAVERY, j On motion of Comp. Paxton, it was Resolved, That the next Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter shall be held on the Monday preceding, and at the place to be selected, by the Grand Lodge. The M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest, Comp. H. W. Walter, announced the appointment of Grand Officers, and Standing Committees, as follows : Comp. D. A. Kinchloe Grand Captain of the Host. Comp. W. P. Bouton Grand Royal Arch Captain- 28 proceedings op the grand chapter. Comp. E. F. Shuler.. Comp. R. J. Fleming. Comp. N. S. Walker. .Grand Master 3d Yail. .Grand Master 2d Yail. .Grand Master 1st Yail. standing committees. Masonic Law.—Charles T. Murphy, Durant; R. L. Saunders, W. M, Stansbury. Complaints and Appeals.—J. M. Howry, Oxford; E. W, Hughes, James T. Fant. Credentials.—John Y. Murry, J. W. Winn, John A. Dicks. Subordinate Chapters.—W. G. Paxton, P. M. Savery, G. C. Porter. Finance.—J. T. Buck, William French, J. J. Beauchamp. Unfinished Business.—J. F. McCormick, J. S. Jones, J. J. Birdsong, Printing.—J. L. Power, Frank Burkitt, J. A. Hearne. Foreign Correspondence.—Oliver Clifton, J. T. Whitehead, R. C. Cunningham. Committee on Work.—J. M. Howry, R. P. Bowen, John T. Buck, Thos. Hardeman M, B. 1ST. Alexander. JNo further business appearing, the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest in- stalled into office the M.\ E.\ Grand High Priest elect, Comp. Harvey W. Walter, who then proceeded to install the remaining Grand Officers. Jtfter which, the Twenty-Eighth Annual Convocation of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi was closed in due and Ample Form, after prayer by the M.\ Rev. Grand Chaplain. H. W. WALTER, Grand High Priest. Grand Secretary. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. To the 31.'. E.'. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi: The Committee on Foreign Correspondence begs leave to report. It has received several Reports from foreign countries, but finds so little of anything that was not reported by it a year since, that it but refers to its last Report for a full statement of the condition of Capitular Masonry abroad. In the United States, the Order seems to be flourishing, not so much by the increase of numbers as by an improved and higher tone of morals in our membership. While the increase in numbers is scarcely perceptible, yet offenses and appeals have greatly diminished. Temperance, peace and charity mark our Order everywhere. The proceedings of the General Grand Chapter were marked by the utmost harmony. Twenty-four Grand Chapters were represented. The Grand Chapter of Nevada, organized in 1873, was duly recognized, and had its representatives in the Convocation. The Grand Chapter of West Virginia was recognized, and invited to membership in the General Grand Chapter. Pennsylvania and Virginia are still treated as, and called, Foreign Grand Chapters. Neither ever owed allegiance to or derived power from the General Grand Chapter. Your Committee learns, unofficially, that Georgia has renewed its allegiance to the General Grand Chapter; so that Alabama and Texas are the only two States, that derived their power from this Grand Body, which have severed their connection with it, and still fail to renew that connection. The General Grand High Priest claims truly that " this Body is the oldest Sovereign Grand Chapter in the world." He states further, that all the Grand Chapters in the United States, except Pennsylvania, Virginia and Florida, have been formed under warrants from the General Grand Chapter, are subject to its Constitution and laws, and cannot annul their allegiance. The General Grand Chapter recognized the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia, but continued until its next Triennial Convocation the proposition to recog- nize the Grand Mark Lodge of England. The decision of the General Grand Chapter, in reference to the. Ritual, adopted in 1871, was repealed and the old work restored. Several very important decisions were made by the General Grand High Priest. All were approved by the General Grand Chapter. Inasmuch as they are law to this Grand Body and its Subordinate Chapters, we feel justified in presenting those of a general character intact: 1st Substitutes.—The action of the General Grand Chapter, in relation to substitutes, is not mandatory, but permissive. A regulation of a Grand Chapter permitting their use, or one prohibiting their use, does not conflict 30 report on with the resolution of the General Grand Chapter, and Subordinate Chap- ters are bound by such regulation. 2. Qualification of Candidates.—The General Grand Constitution does not prescribe the qualification of candidates. By the Landmarks, they must be Master Masons, and, therefore, such Master Masons as are legally recognized as such by the other Master Masons of the particular jurisdiction. In other words, they must be Master Masons, in good standing as such. The meaning of the term " in good standing," is determined by the laws govern- ing Blue Lodges in the particular jurisdiction. If, by these laws, an unaf- filiated Mason is "in good standing," he is eligible as a candidate in the absence of any regulation of the State Grand Chapter. But I find nothing in the General Grand Constitution preventing any Grand Chapter from requiring such further qualifications as it deems proper. 3. Effect of Discipline by the Lodge.—The Chapter must give to discipline by the Lodge the same effect that it has under the laws of the Grand Lodge, and the Chapter has no authority to inquire into the regu- laritv of the proceedings of the Lodge; but they must be taken as valid until reversed by competent authority. The Chapter has no part or lot in making or fixing the standing of Master Masons. We take them as made by the Blue Lodge, and their standing as fixed by the Blue Lodge. The effect of the suspension of a member of a Chapter by his Lodge for non- payment of dues, must be determined by the laws of his Grand Lodge. If the suspension (as in some States) is from membership only, his standing in the Chapter is not affected, in the absence of regulations by his Grand Chapter; but if the suspension (as in other States) is from all his Masonic rights, he at once loses his standing as a Royal Arch Mason, whatever may be the Regulations of his Grand Chapter. 4. Effect of Reversal of Action of Lodge by the Grand Lodge. —When the action of the Lodge, in cases of discipline, is reversed or annulled, for any reason, by competent authority, the party at once regains the same status that he had at the commencement of the proceedings, as fully and completely as if none had ever been had. 5. Effect of Restoration by the Lodge.—But when a Companion is restored to his Masonic rights by his Lodge, after a legal conviction by it, the settled law is that he is restored to his rights as a Royal Arch Mason, except membership in his Chapter; though I confess' I have never been able to see the propriety of this rule, nor of the exception, if the rule is adopted. 6. Past Master's Degree.—It is not proper for a Chapter to confer the Past Master's Degree upon the Master elect of a symbolic Lodge, who has not received the Mark Degree. 7. Qualifications of Grand High Priest.—The General Grand Constitution does not provide that a Grand High Priest must be a Past High Priest; but seems to leave it to Grand Chapters to fix the qualifica- tions of their officers. 8. Who May Open a Chapter.—A Chapter cannot properly be opened by a Past High Priest in the absence of the High Priest, King and Scribe. Section 10, of Article 1, of our Constitution provides, that " In all cases of the absence of an officer from any body of Masons, instituted or holden by virtue of this Constitution, the officer next in rank shall oecupy his place, unless, through courtesy, or for other reasons, he should decline in favor oi a Past High Priest." The language of this provision embraces Grand Chap- ters and Subordinate Chapters, and, in terms, seems to authorize the Captain of the Host, or even the Master of the Third Vail, to open the Chapter in the absence of all his superior officers. I cannot believe that such was the intention, but that it was intended to apply only to the officers composing the Council; but if it has a wider meaning, it does not authorize a Past foreign correspondence. 31 High Priest to open a Chapter save under the direction of the highest officer present. The gross income of the General Grand Chapter was $3,122 93, and its expenditures $1,067. This Grand Chapter does not appear to have made any part of this contribution. The following resolution was adopted, viz: "That no Chapter under this jurisdiction shall confer the Capitular de- grees on any candidate previously regularly rejected by any other Chapter, without first procuring the consent of such rejecting Chapter, provided such Chapter be in existence." The following in reference to substitutes was adopted, on the Report of the Committee on Jurisprudence: " That while the use of substitutes was practiced by all the old Chapters, and our fathers in Masonry walked in that way, we regret that a uniformity could not now be observed in this respect. And we disapprove of the legislation of State Grand Chapters, forbidding their use, believing that the whole subject should be left to the several Chapters, to use them or not, as demanded by the occasion." The number of Grand Chapters under the General Grand Chapter is 34, including Alabama and Texas, over which it claims jurisdiction. The number of actual membership in them (exclusive of Nevada and the Terri- tories not returned) is 112,492, while the membership in Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia is 11,287; making a total of 123,779. Comp. E. M. English, of Little Rock, Ark., was elected G.*. G.\ High Priest; John Frizzell, Nashville, Tenn., D.\ G.\ G.\ High Priest, and C. G. Fox, Buffalo, N. Y., General Grand Secretary. The Subordinate Chapters in the Territories, immediately under the Gen- era! Grand Chapter, are 5 in Colorado, 3 in Idaho, 3 in Montana, 1 in New Mexico, 2 in Washington and 1 in Utah; and in foreign countries : one each in Valparaiso, Chili; Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands; Smyrna, Turkey; and Shanghai, China. The next Triennial Convocation is to be heid at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 1st Tuesday of August, 1877. ******* All of which is respectfully submitted. H. W. WALTER. Note.—The Grand Chapter ordered to be printed only that part of the Report on Foreign Correspondence which relates to- the General Grand Chapter. RETURNS OF SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS, For the Year Ending December 27, 1875. ( The Officers given being for the year 187G.) NATCHEZ, No. 1—Natchez, Adams County, Officers for 1876—E. Geo. DeLap, p. h. p., H. P.; Win. G. Benbrook, K.; R. F. Learned, S.; E. J. Van Court, C. of H.; J. A. Dicks, P. S.; C. T. Chamberlain, R. A. C.; H. M. Gastrell, M. 3d V.; R. S. Dixon, p. H. p., M. 2d V., John S. Holt, M. 1st Y.; G. J. Bahin, Treasurer; Wm, H. Stewart, Secretary; J. Peebles, p. h. p., Tyler. Past High Priests—A. H. Kendrick, F. F. Fowler, C. F. Merrick, S. Ullman. Members—T. J. Adams, A. Bahin, J. C. Baker, H. Ballard, G. M. Brown, W. H. Carkeet, Charles Coleman, A. Y. Davis, G. J. Dkks, Wm. Dix, J. L. Douglas, C. F. Farrar, H. A. Garrett, James S. Gaynor, E. J. Guice, James'Hai-die, T.J. Har- tigan, C. H. Keim, C. S. Kinney, E. A. Lawrence, M. Lemle, T. W. Leonard, A. Lewis, Gus. Lewis, Wm.Lowry, Wm. T. Martin, S. A. Mason, H. C. Mayer, Simon Meyer, Leon Meyer, D. Morris, T. Q. Munce, Wm. Murdock, C. II. Mcllwaine, William Noonan, G. B. Rocca, C. M. Sawyer, F. S. Shaw, T. C. Sacliise, T. S. Sheridan, H. Silverburg, J. J. Smoky, D. G. Smythe, John Smythe, Charles E. Steele, S. M. Stewart, H. C. Swayze,* C. L. Tillman, William C. Turner, A. R. Taylor, Benjamin Wade, C. C. Walden, Frank Watson, Washington Weir, E. L. Whitney, F. K. Winchester.—Total, 72. Exalted—H. M. Gastrell, E. A. Lawrence, C. L. Tillman, J. L. Douglas, A. Lewis, D.Morris, E.L.Whitney, William Murdock, Charles E. Steele, Frank. Watson, C. S. Kinney, H. A. Garrett, T." C. Sachise. Reinstated—William Dix, T. S. Sheridan, Wm. C. Turner. Dimitted—Gus. Haase, T. H. L. Smith. Died—J. Q. Profilet, October 12, 1875. Dues, $122 72. Convocations, 3d Saturday. CLINTON, No. 2—Port Gibson, Claiborne County. Officers for 1876—Thomas M. Rea, H. P.; James A.Gage, p. h. p., K.; Wm. B. Fulkerson, S.; James Wylie, p h. p., C. of H.; Nelson S. Walker, P. S.; Wm. Brown, Jr., R. A. C.; William Cohn, M. 3d V.; C. H. Barrot, M. 2d V.; John W. Andrews, M. 1st V.; L. T. Newman, Treasurer ; Julian L. Foote, Secretary; Wm. D. Foote. Tyler. Past High Priest—Robert F. Gordon. Members—Thomas J. Aby, William Brown, Sr., H. M. Colson, F. H. Foote, John G. Hastings, Jr., Richard Hawkins, John G.Jones, Middleton Kellev, J. J. Kirk Bride, A. J. Lewis. Wm. B. Lewis, Mayer Levy, F. Langenbucher, B. H. Morehead, F. Marschalk, John Y. McPlierson, William H. Mathews, G. W.Mason, E. F. Price, A. Rollins, W. D. Sprott, W. McD. Sims, E. H. Stiles, A. Sager, J. M. Sandusky, Stephen Thrasher, Cyrus Tanksley, J. H. Vaughn.—Total, 41, Affiliated—William H. Mathews. Reinstatfd—Thomas J. Aby. Dimitted—Wm. P. Hughes, J. A. B. Jones. E. E. Lischer. Died—John C. Mclntyre, January 15, 1875; James H.Patterson, October 20, 1875; John C. Humphreys, December 5,1875. Dues, $42 44. Convocations, 3d Saturday. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 33 VICKSBURG, No. 3—Viclcsburg, Warren County. Officers for 1876—W. G. Paxton, H. P.; G. M. Klein, K.; T. J. Thompson, S • G. G. Manlove, C. of H.; J. W. Beaty, P. S.; Isaiah Hardy, R. A. CJ. H. Berres- ford, M. 3d Y.; W. H. Andrews, M. 2d V.; T. Tonella, M. 1st V.; W. A. Fairchild, Treasurer; J. W. Gray, Secretary; William Murray, Tyler. Past High Priests—B. Springer, T. J. Harper, T. 0. Birchett, F. Wood, E. T. Henry, J. W. Powell, William French. Members—John Allen, F. M. Andrews, D. H. Alverson, J. Bazinsky, E. S. Butts, M. Brown, 0. M. Blanton, L. Baer, G. W. Bookout, I). Campbell, W. M. Chamberlain, T. P. Cruteher, S. Coate, C. Eisleffol, U. French, C. E. Furlong, W. S.Goodman, Thomas Hackett, W. S.Harris, L. Hornthal, W. C. Johnson,E. P. Jones, D. W. Keene, A. Kuhn, M C. Klein, N. E. Klein, C. Lehman, W. W. Lord. J. D. Miles, W. McD. Meggett, W. G. Moore, W. E. Monette, A M. Paxton, M. R. Payne, F. Piazza, R. Richardson, Thomas Rigby, J. Shlenker, W. J. Smith, J. 0. Stevens, J. M. Smith, G. H. Smith, William Staunton, E. M. Scott, R.'H. Simpson, J. Stevens, J.D.Tinney, U.F.Wilcox, S. H.Young, E. J.McGarr, J.H.King, J. S. Herman, E. C. Carroll, H. Wilkerson, F. Speed.—Total, 74. Exalted—W. R. Payne, II. Wilkerson, 8. Coate, Isaiah Hardy. W. S. Harris, G. G. Manlove. Died—H. Ilendren, March 13, 1875. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. Adler, A. L. Jacquith, C. Pace, H. E. O'Reily, L. M. Lowenburg, Amos Tappan, F. R. Turley, C. E. Thomas, W. D. Wilson, John Flanagan, A. Winston. Dues, $86 73 Convocations, 2d Saturday. COLUMBUS, No. 4—Columbus, Lowndes County. Officers for 1876—C. L. Lincoln, H. P.; B. A. Vaughan, K.; J. E. Leigh, S.: L. Beman, C. of H.; H. C. Long, P. S.; H. Osborne, R. A. C.; C. M. Ottley, M. 3d V.; S. C. Munger, M. 2d V.; C. R. Tucker, M. 1st V.; G. W. Cox, Treasurer; Joseph H. Stevens, Secretary ; D. D. L. Quinn, Tyler. Past High Priest—N. Reynolds. Members—W. C. Bishop, J. S. Billups, A. H. Barkley, Ira M. Boswell, William Cady, W. R. Cannon, George A. Evans, H. B. Fields, J. H. Fulgham, N. E. Good- win, L. L. Goodrich, John Gilmer, A. C. Halbert, W. W. Humphries, W. F. Hamil- ton, R. P. Hudson, J. P. Krecker, E. F. Kemp, R. E. Lanier, S. M. Meek, W. A. Moore, R. L. Morris, F. M. McCabe, R. F. Matthews, J. A. Martin, Julius Nathan, J. W. Prowell, Alexander Poleman, A. G. Ramsey, W. E. Rodwell, J. W. E. Soady, L. M. Tucker, H. M. Teasdale.—Total, 46. Exalted—J. S. Billups, G.A.Evans, J. H. Fulgham, Julius Nathan, H. M. Teasdale, C. R. Tucker. Affiliated—W. C. Bishop. Dimitted—H. E. Cox, H. B. Boude. Died—James Whitfield, June 24, 1875. _ Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—A. W. Kidd, J. W. Memtt. Dues, $58 46. Convocations, 2d Friday. WILSON, No. 5—Holly Springs, Marshall County. Officers for 1876—J. T. Whitehead, p. h. p.. H. P.; B. D. Mathews, K.; U. H. Ross S • R N Lawrence, C. of H.; H. B. Whitehead, P. S.; S. Baer, R. A. C.; Robert Roth, M. 3d V.; W. W. Wallace, M. 2d V.; J. H. Morgan, M. 1st V.; P. A. Willis Treasurer; A. Q. Withers, Secretary; Clem. Reid, Tyler. Past High Priest—R. S. St.ith. ■■ Members—L. C. Abbott, J. F. Butler, William Clark, S. E. Carey, W. R. Cox, w" W Clavton, J. R- Denty, J. T. Fant, Howard Falconer, F, M. Farrell, Thomas m' Paif oner Samuel Frank, W.J.Faulkner, Thomas Gregg, George E. Head, Osra? SSf'W. F. Hyer, T. D. Jones, J. B. Johnson, C. T. Julian, J. C.Levy, AY. T Long, John Long, T. J. Manuel, J. S. McRavcn, H. P. Megginson, J. H. Mc- 3 34 RETURNS OF Clatchey, W. E. Miller, J. H. Morgan, J. C. Norfleet, W. H. Newell, T. B. Parker, T. S. Richmond, J. M. Rouch, DeWitt Stearns, H. W. Walter, Hugh Winburn, E. J. Wilkerson, T. S. Wallace, H. C. Saeger, Robert McGowan, H. W. Berkley, J. S. Bernkeim.—Total, 56. Exalted—DeWitt Stearns, J. F. Butler, H. B. Whitehead, Henry C. Saeger, T. ^8. Wallace, George E. Head. Affiliated—W. F. Hyer. Reinstated—W. W. Clayton. Dimitted—E. W. Upshaw, T. J. Malone, H. H. Fields. Died—J. B. Potts, January, 1875; E. N. Kilpatrick, September 28,1875 ; R. M. Glover, October, 1875. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—H. C.Corey. Dues, $70 51. Convocations, 2d Tuesday. JACKSON, No. 6—Jackson, Hinds County. Officers for 1876—Oliver Clifton, H. P.; Gus Asher, K.; Robert Bradley, S.; John Nelson, C. of H.; J. L. Power, P. S • James Shelton, R. A. C.; D. J. Cohen, M. 3d V.; George C. Eyricli, M. 2d V.; M. F. Ash, M. 1st V.; H. M. Taylor, Treas- urer; John A. Galbreath, Jr., Secretary; J. M. Cain, Tyler. Past High Priests—Thomas Palmer, John T. Buck, I. Strauss, R. L. Saun- ders. Members—S. P. Baley,* P. T. Baley, E. Bloom, Harris Barksdale, William J. Brown, Sr., William J. Brown, Jr., W. C. Crane, William Evans, William M. Gil- lespie, F. B. Hull, A. J. Herrod, R. D. Hai'dy, W. C. Harrell, B. G. Humphreys, Chris. Johnson, George Lemon, C. H. Moore, R. F. McGill, Charles McDonald,, J. M. McKee, T. N. Norrell, Murray Peyton, George A. Smytlie, W. J. Seaman, E. Steinberg. Henry Strauss, W. L. Ware,* D. B. Wallace, B. H. Whitfield, James R. Yerger.—Total, 46. Exalted—James Shelton, George C. Eyrich, J. M. McKee. Reinstated—B. G. Humphries, Murray Peyton. Dues, $56 46. Convocations, 4th Monday. * Since died. MAGNOLIA, No. 7—Brownsville, Hinds County. Officers for 1876—J. J. Birdsong, H. P.; B. W. Trotter, K.; A. B. Cates, S.; M. T. Anderson, C. of H.; D. N. Leavel, P. S.; J. J. Gold, R. A. C.; F. H. Hall, M. 3d V.; G. J. Hulmn, M. 2d V.; G. T. Underhill, M. 1st V.; J. D. McConnell, Treas- urer; J. B. Robertson, Secretary ; J. Lorance, Tyler. Members—J. A. Glover, J. H. McDowell, William Klingman, Wm. McClatchy, T. H. Sandidge, B. R. Wells.—Total, 18. Reinstated—D. N. Leavel. Dimitted—John G. Sparrow. Dues, $24 18—paid $19. Convocations, 4th Saturday. YAZOO, No. 8—Yazoo City, Yazoo County. Officers for 1876—E. Shaefer, H. P.: J. C. Young, K.; J. N. Ratcliffe, S.; C. H. Wesling, C. of H.; H. B. Kidd, P. S.; R. C. Shepherd, R. A. C.; D. J. Dunn, M. 3d V.; H. Haider, M.2d V.; W. G. Delesdernier, M. 1st V.; H. C. Tyler, Treasurer; W. C. Williams, Secretary ; Peter Lander, Tyler. Past High Priest—R. B. Mayes. Members—A. J. Collins, R. L. Dunn, F. Gary, C. W. Greiner, C. W. Gibson, A. M. Heath, J. H. Hunter, S. H. Kellogg, J. 0. Mobley, A. Rosenthal, G. Stern.— Total, 24. Dimitted—R. E. Craig, Died—M. A. Jenkins, March 2,1875. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 85 Expelled (for non-payment, of dues)*—F. W. Battaile, T. C. Gassaway, W. Y. "Gadberry, Jere. B. Horne, Cbarles Swain, W. H. Mangum, J. D. Taylor. Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—R. Bowman, L. McLaren, H. Harrison, John T. Heth, H. M. Thompson. Dues, $24 24. Convocations, 3d Monday. *The Grand Chapter, in February. 1875, having abolished the expulsion pen- .alty for non-payment of dues, the Chapter could only have deprived these Com- _panions of membership. The punishment of expulsion being unauthorized, is void.—Gr. Sec'y. LEXINGTON, No. 9—Lexington, Holmes County. Officers for 1876—John C. Birkhead, H. P.; Robt. H. Baker, K.; J. M. Sargent, S.; George C. Phillips, C. of H.; Jesse T. West, P. S.; James T. Meade, R. A. C.; David Levy, M. 3d V.; Thomas W. Smith, M. 2d V.; William F. Cole, M. 1st V.; M. Levy, Treasurer; .J. Marlow, Secretary ; Sol. Southerner, Tyler. Members—David Allen, P. M. M. Alexander, J. J. Baker, T. T. Bates, H. W. Brown, J. D. Dabney, William Eggleston, J. W. Grace, W. D. Johnson, Wirt John- ston, W. L. McLean, W. A. McMillian, F. C. Mercer, R. H. Montgomery, J. D. New- som, C. Oltenberg, T. C. Pepper, Jacob Sontheimer, B. M. Sheehy, Abram Schield, W. F. Stigler, Simon Stern, N. E. Whitehead, T. S. Wright.—Total, 36. Affiliated—Jesse T. West. Died—A. M. Green. Dues, $36 36. Convocations, 2d Thursday. CANTON, No. 10—Canton, Madison County. Officers for 1876—W. Priestly, H. P.; A. M. Gurley, K.; J. M. Mills, S.; B. C. Gough, C. of H.; L. Schneider, P. S.; C. Olston, R. A. C.; A. Karpe, M. 3d V.; John Erickson, M. 2d V.; C. L. Gross, p. h. p., M. 1st V.; J. W. Yeargain, p. h. p., Treas- ■orer; A. W. Stanford, Secretary; P. Heiser, Tyler. Past High Priests—J. T. Cameron, C. B.Galloway, Geo. R. Fearn. Members—Leon Bailey, J. W. Baughn, George Earnest, N. K. Grose, D. C. 'Green, Joseph Hart, M. B. Hesdoffer, J. H. Lockett, J. H. Mumford, R. A. Massey, S. S. Shipp, Thomas Stewart, W. B. Stinson, Y. Werner.—Total, 29. Died—L. B. Coffee, December 24, 1874. Dues, $29 29. Convocations, 1st Monday. MACON, No. 11—Macon, Noxubee County. Officers for 1876—J. C. Williams, H. P.; J. J. Beauchamp, K.; J.W.Patty, S.; C. B. Ames. C. of H"; J. R. Cavett, P. S.; G. M. Dillard, R. A. C.; L. Etheridge, M. ■3d V.; E. Dismukes, M. 2d V.; N. M. Gooch, M. 1st V.; J. D. Hodges, Treasurer; W. B. Shumaker, Secretary; M. B. Edwards, Tyler. Members—C. M. Boyce, C. A. Baker, E. P. Davis, C. C. Eiland, W. F. Ferris, Jacob Holberg, Louis Holberg, J. J. Keen, H. A. Minor, T. J. Patty, Jesse Blythe, T, Kirk, E. H. Cogburn, R. E. V. Yates.—Total, 26. Affiliated—J. R. Cavett. Reinstated—E. Dismukes, E. P. Davis, J. Blythe, C. T. Kirk. Dimitted—A. M. Dowling (since dead.) Suspended (for non-payment of dues)—J. H. Pierce, D. H. Thomas. Dues, $41 2b. Convocations, 3d Monday. DeWITT CLINTON, No. 12—Grenada, Grenada County. Officers for 1876—E. W. Hughes, H. P.; S. H, Green, K.; Terrell Rose, S.; A. S. Wright, C. of H.; 0. B. Rollins, P. S.; R. Highgate, R. A. C.; J. M. Knox, M. 3d V.; R. N. Owens, M. 2d Y.; John George, M. 1st V.; J. Poitevant, Treasurer; J. H. Howie, Secretary; A. P. Saunders, Tyler. Past High Prif.sts—R. Coffman, Thomas Hardeman M. 36 RETURNS OF Members—S. S. Angevine, J. R. Binford, J. H. Campbell, A. J.Baker, J. A. Binford, Jr., J.W.Bvrne, L. Bodenheimer, J. B. Crowder, T. C. Curry, W. C. Chamberlain, W. C. Eskridge, James, Eblin, P. F. Fitzgerald, J. B. Gage, J. G. Gibbs, H. C. Horton, C. L. Hardeman, W. H. Lutz, W. B. May, John Moore, W. H. Meadow, John S. Payne, R. R. Perry, John Powell, William Powell, W. T. Sav- age. S. M. Sykes, B. F. Thomas, T. R. Trotter, Cicero Thompson, Mayer Wile, D. D. Wilkins, G. W. Williamson/ C. T Wood.—Total, 48. Dues, $48 48. Convocations, 1st Thursday. ETJPHEM1A, No. 13—Aberdeen, Monroe County. Officers for 1876—R. B. Brannin, H. P.; R. A. Honea, K.; C. Morawski, S,: W. G. Elkin, C. of H.; J. W. Walker, P. S.; W. G. Sykes, R. A. C.; S. H. Beirg, M. 3d V.; A. M. Kupfer, M. 2d V.; Wm. E. Howard, M. 1st V.; J. W. Eckford, Treasurer; W. S. Vestal, Secretary; G. W. Cook, Tyler. Members—S. H. Buckingham, A< H. French, J. M. Green, Wm. H. Gilmore, J. Gattman, S. Haas, T. S. Hampton, C. Love, J. T. Lowe, T. A. Lambeth, S. T. Sykes, S. A. M. Sadler, H. D. Spratl, H. C. Terrell, Marks Weiler, W. D. Walton.—Total, 28. Exalted—W. E. Howard, T. A. Lambeth. Dimitted—YV. J. Stephenson. Dues, $32 28. Convocation, 2d Thursday. FAYETTE, No. 14—Fayette, Jefferson County. Officers for 1876—Henry Key, H. P.; E. R. Jones, K.; M. Rubel, S.; M„ Eiseman, C. of H.; W. Thompson, P. S.; J. B. Carpenter, R. A. C.; Thos. Daven- port, M. 3d V.; J. J. Powell, M. 2d V.; T. J. Key, M. 1st V.; Jas. McClure, Treasurer; J. J. Ledden, Secretary; E. M. Keves, Tyler. Members—R. Davenport, B. Eiseman, H. B. McClure, W. F. Higdon, M. W. Trimble, J. H. Shelton, R. E. Richardson, J. M. Lowe.—Total, 20. Exalted—J. B. Carpenter, J. H. Shelton. Affiliated—R. E. Richardson. Reinstated—S. Lehman, J. M. Lowe. Dimitted—S. Lehman. Dues, $30 20. Convocation, 3d Thursday. " CA BE OLLTON, No. 15—Carrollton, Carroll County. Officers for 1876—W. M. Stansbury, H. P.; Samuel Hart, K.; G. W. Vasser, S.; J. A. J. Askew, C. of H.; A. M. Nelson, P. S.; T. J.Johnson, R. A. C.; T. T. Kimbrough, M. 3d V.; William Ray, M. 2d V.; W. H. Curtis, M. 1st V.; James R. Shackelford, Treasurer; Benjamin Roach, Secretary; T. H. Mathews, Tyler. Past High Priest—Wm. Cothran, p. g. h. p. Members—R. L. Bingham, M. S. Catron, Jonathan Durdin, G. S. Fox, Peter W. Johnston, 0. L. Kimbrough, Aaron Lott,^M. M. Liddell, John P. Marshall, Peter McCaskill, Pearson Money, Lee McMillan, John T. Stanford.—Total, 26. Dimitted—H. D. Money. Dues, $26 26. Convocation, 1st Saturday after full mopn. WM. H. WILKINSON, No. 16—Woodville, Wilkinson County. Officers for 1876—Isaac T. Hart, H. P; L. K. Barber, p. h. p., K.; Phillip Ilahn, S.; H. S. Van Eaton, C. of H.; J. R, Verry, P. S.; BLenry Habig, R. A. C;. Nathan Leopold, M. 3d V.; Jonas Baum, M. 2d V.; Douglas Embree, M. 1st V.; E. A. Robinson, Treasurer; Edward Aaron, Secretary; Thomas Hickley, Tyler. Past High Priest—Wm. Stamps. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. 37 Members—J. W. Bryant,.R. S. Brown, L. L. Babers, E. H. Beaumont, H. L. Davis, H. D. Holland, T. J. Henderson, D. E. Holt, C. F. A. Kellogg, J. J. Morgan, W. C. Miller, J. F. Therrell.—Total, 25. Reinstated—J. R. Verry. Dimitted—Wm. J. Keller, G. Lindermayer, R. W. McConnell, G. T. McGehee. Died—M. V. B. Huff, Joseph Johnson. Dues, 26 25. Convocation, 1st Tuesday after meeting of Blue Lodge. SHIELDS, No. 18—Pontotoc, Pontotoc Counii). Officers for 1876—A. J. Clark, H. P.; J. A. McNeil, K.; A.J. Moore, S.; M. R. Fontaine, C. of H.; W. G. Gibson, P. S.; J. H. Williamson, R. A. C.; J. H. Miller, M. 3d V.; R. T. Gray, M. 2d V.; 0. Williams, M. 1st V.; T. J. Price, Treasurer; J. N. Sloan, Secretary; E. C. Bolton, p. h. p., Tyler. Members—G. R. Cherry, James W. Drake, Stephen Daggett, L. A. Ellison, James Gordon, C. B. Hood, J. G. Huntington, S. L. Pinson, F. Souter.—Total, 21. Dues, $21 21. Convocation, 1st Wednesday. KOSCIUSKO, No. 20—Kosciusko, Attala County. Officers for 1876—J. M. Lewis, H. P.; I. W. Scarborough, p. h. p. K.; John C. Lucas, S.; M. A. Clark, p. h. p., C. of H.; R. B. Webb, P. S.; J. S. Comfort, p. h. p., R. A. C.; Isaac Peelei, M. 3d V.; J. B. Davis, M. 2d V.; B. A. Clark, M. 1st V.; David Carr, p. h. p., Treasurer; W. W. Baccus, Secretary; J. N. Taylor, Tyler. Past High Priests—John Riley, D. L. Smythe, W. V. Davis. Members—J. H. Alexander, g. c.; Richard Bullock, Matthew J. Bell, J. K. ■Coffee, A. F. Dotson, Louis Glazier, M. H. Gregory, John P. Irving, Henry Jamison, W. C. Lewis, Wm. E. Meek, S. T. Oldham, S. P. Rimmer, James D. Rimmer, W. F. Rimmer, John T. Riley, W. N. Stuckev, J. K. Shriek, John W. Scarborough, R. C. Stewart.—Total, 35. Died—Samuel Young. Suspended for Unmasonic Conduct—A. M. Keetb. Suspended for Non-Payment of Dues—J. M. Dodd, J. M. Charpings, D. W. Knox, C. F. Oldecop, M. Roby, J. L. Scarborough. Dues, $35 35. Convocation, Monday night on or before the full moon. RAYMOND, No. 22—Raymond, Hinds County. Officers for 1876—Geo. C. Porter, H. P.; J. M. Hawkins, K.; S. B. Thomas* S.; H. H. Heard, C. of H.; D. J. Buckley, P. S.; J. D. Bedwell, R. A. C.; T. C, Austin, M. 3d V.; B. F. Edwards, M. 2d V.; N. B. Smith, M. 1st V.; A. J. Willis, Treasurer; W. F. Fontaine, Secretary; E. M. Meacham, Tyler. Past High Priest—Wm. Thomas. Members—B. S. Davis, W. K. Douglas, C. D. Gillespie, A. B. McGoweu, H. T. "T. Dupree, Geo. H. Pierson, R. A. New,—Total, 20. Exalted—Geo. H. Pierson. Dues, $22 20. Convocation, 1st Saturday. HOUSTON, No. 23—Houston, Chickasaw County. Officers for 1876—T. N. Martin, H. P.; J. L. S. Hill, K.; Frank Burkitt, S.; W W Wood C. of H.; A. G. Wood, P. S.; J. L. Evans, R. A. C.; Isaac Paulk, M. 75. 4- AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION AND REGULATIONS, adopted at the PRESENT GRAND ANNUAL CONVOCATION. Substitute for Section 3, Article II, of the Constitution: Sec. 3. The following Grand Officers, to-wit: The Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Chaplain, Grand Lecturer, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secre- tary and Grand Sentinel, shall be elected from the members, for the time being, of the Grand Chapter, and the following Grand Officers, to-wit: the Grand Eoyal Arch Captain, Grand Principal Sojourner, and the three Grand Masters of Vails, shall be appointed by the Grand Council, and they may be chosen from the members of Subordinate Chapters. Section 1, Article VI, as amended. Sec. 1. The representatives of Subordinate Chapters shall be paid out of the funds of this Grand Chapter, six cents for each mile going to and return- ing from the Grand Chapter, and three dollars a day for each day's attend- ance on the same; Provided, That not more than one delegate from any Chapter be entitled to receive such compensation; and that no representa- tive shall receive out of the funds of the Grand Chapter, a larger sum than that paid in at the same Convocation, by his Chapter, on account of the annual dues of said year; Provided, also, That a proxy of a distant Chapter, residing at the seat of Government, shall receive no compensation. Substitute for Section 18, of the By-Laws for the Government of Subordinate Chapters: Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of every member of the Chapter to pay his dues on or before the day of the annual election, and on failure to pay the same, he shall not be entitled to vote or hold office. If said dues are not paid on or before the Twenty-seventh December, then the Secretary shall immediately notify such delinquent to appear at the regular meeting in March, when, if not paid, the Chapter may suspend said delinquent until all arrearages are paid; but such suspension shall not work a release from the payment of dues during its continu- ance. Section 18 of Grand Chapter Regulations, as amended: Sec. 18. The Grand Treasurer shall receive, as full compensation for his services, the sum of fifty dollars per annum. Amendment to Section 8, Grand Chapter Regulations: That the usual Report on Foreign Correspondence be not published with amendments to constitution, etc. 55 the proceedings, until otherwise ordered by the Grand Chapter, but that, in the meantime, the Foreign Correspondence Committee will prepare the usual review, and submit the same, annually, to the Grand Chapter; and for preparing the Report on Foreign Correspondence, the Chairman of the Committee shall be allowed the sum of fifty dollars per annum. Additional Regulation for Subordinate Chapters, to be inserted as Sec. 36. That it is the sense of this Grand Chapter that the practice of sending open postal-cards, or otherwise giving publicity to the delinquency of members for dues, is irregular, improper, and is hereby forbidden. Delinquent Chapters. Resolved, That when Chapters are in arrears for 1874 and 1875, they be allowed ninety days within which to pay amount due, and that on failure to pay, the Grand High Priest shall suspend them from working; and that, when Chapters are more than two years in arrears, they be required to settle within sixty days, and should settlements not be made, their charters shall then and there be forfeited. Adopted, February 1, 1876. Proposed Amendment to Constitution—Referred to the Subordinate Chapters, and to be finally acted upon at next Grand Annual Convocation: Amend Section 6, Article II, of the Constitution, so as to make the com- pensation of Grand Secretary four hundred dollars, instead of six hundred dollars, per annum. GRAND CHAPTERS, with address of grand secretaries. grand chapter. grand secretary. Alabama Daniel Sayre Montgomery. Arkansas Luke E. Barber Little Rock. California Chas. Louis Wiggin San Francisco. Canada R. P. Stephens Toronto, Ontario. Colorado.. Ed. C. Parmelee .'...Georgetown. Connecticut Joseph K. Wheeler Hartford. Delaware J. P. Allmond Wilmington. District of Columbia L. G. Stephens Washington. Florida DeWitt C. Dawkins Jacksonville. Georgia J. Emmett Blackshear Macon. Illinois James H. Miles Chicago. Indiana. John M. Bramwell Indianapolis. Iowa Wm. D. Langridge Muscatine Kansas Erasmus T. Carr Leavenworth. Kentucky Joseph H. Branham Owensboro. Louisiana ; James C. Batchelor New Orleans. Main e. '. Ira Berry Portland. Maryland Wm. A. Wentz Baltimore. Massachusetts Z. H. Thomas, Jr Boston. Michigan Wm. P. Innes Grand Rapids. Minnesota A. T. C. Pierson St. Paul. Mississippi J. L. Power Jackson. Missouri Geo. Frank Gouley St. Louis. Nebraska Wm. R. Bowen Omaha. New Hampshire John A. Harris Concord. New Jersey Thos. J. Corson Trenton. New York. Christopher G. Fox Buffalo. North Carolina Donald W. Bain Raleigh. Nova Scotia James Gossip Halifax. Ohio James Nesbitt Troy. Oregon Richard P. Earhart Portland. Pennsylvania John Thomson Philadelphia. Rhode Island Geo. H. Burnham Providence. South Carolina. Myer B. Moses Sumter. Tennessee John Frizzell Nashville. Texas.. Robert Brewster.... Houston. Vermont W. H. S. Whitcomb Burlington. Virginia John Dove Richmond. West Virginia Odell S. Long Wheeling. Wisconsin John W. Woodhull Milwaukee. GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER OF THE UNITED STATES. Elbert H. English, Little Rock, Arkansas, General Grand High Priest. Christopher G. Fox, Buffalo, New York, General Grand Secretary. The next Triennial Convocation will be held at Buffalo, New York, on the third Tuesday of September, 1877. GBAND BEPBESENTATIVES. REPRESENTATIVES OP THE GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI AT OTHER GRAND CHAPTERS. STATE. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Alabama David Clopton Montgomery. Arkansas Luke E. Barber Little Bock. California Geo. B. Grimes San Francisco. Canada Henry Bobertson..... Collingwood, Ont. Connecticut Jas. L. Gould Bridgeport. Delaware Daniel C. Godwin Milford. District of Columbia Albert Pike Washington City. Florida David Jones Jacksonville. Georgia Sam'l G. Lawrence Atlanta. Illinois John M. Pearson Alton. Indiana B. J. Chestnutwood South Bend. Iowa Zephaniah C. Luse. Iowa City. Kansas Bichard B. Bees Leavenworth. Kentucky ..Henry Hudson ..Louisville. Louisiana J. Q. A. Fellows New Orleans. Maine Joseph P. Gill Lewistc n. Maryland W. T. Adreon Baltimore. Massachusetts Alfred F. Chapman Boston. Michigan Wm. L. Greenly Adrian. Minnesota E. D. P. Porter St. Paul. Missouri Geo. Frank Gouley St. Louis. Nebraska H. P. Dewell Omaha. New Hampshire Dan'l B. Marshall Nashua. New Jersey M. Higginbotham Jersey City. New York John W. Simons New York. North Carolina E. F. Watson Graham. Ohio Jacob Graff. Cincinnati. Oregon Geo. A. Eades Salem. Bhode Island Oliver Johnson Providence. Tennessee A. J. Wheeler Memphis. Texas W. T. Austin Houston. Vermont Chas. A. Miles Brattlehoro. Wisconsin Thos. B. Tyler Sparta. Pennsylvania John Thomson Philadelphia. Virginia John Dove Bichmond. GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. REPRESENTATIVES OP OTHER GRAND CHAPTERS AT THE GRAND CHAPTER OF MISSISSIPPI. STATE. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Alabama..... R. L. Saunders Jackson. Arkansas W. D. Ferriss Pickens Station. California Ckas. T. Murphy Durant. Florida J. L. Power Jackson. Kansas..... E. Geo. DeLap Natchez. Kentucky John Y. Murrv Ripley. Louisiana Win. S. Patton Meridian. Massachusetts... John Y. Murry Ripley. Nebraska R. P. Bowen Chulahoma. Minnesota Jas. M. Howry Oxford. Missouri R. B. Mayes Yazoo City. New Jersey A. P. Barry Hazlehurst. Oregon R. B.Mayes Yazoo City. Ohio : John F. Arnold Rienzi. South Carolina Wm. S. Patton Meridian. Wisconsin E. Geo. DeLap Natchez. ANNUAL SESSION. CONVENTION ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD OF MISSISSIPPI. Session of 1876, held at Jackson, Miss., during the Convocation of Grand R.\ A.*. Chapter, December 31st to February 1st, 1876. Convention opened with the usual rites and ceremonies. Officers present: M.\E.\ Comp. W. D. Ferriss, Ex. President. " " E. P. Bowen, as Ex. Vice-President. " '• P. M. Sayery, Ex. Chaplain. " " A. P. Barry, Ex. Treasurer. " Wm. Richardson, as Ex. Conductor. " J. W. Winn, Ex. M. of C. " " E. A. Kinchloe, as Ex. Herald. " " E. W. Hughes, as Ex. Steward. " " J. A. Hearne, Ex. Sentinel. The following Companions petitioned, were elected and duly anointed into High Priesthood during the Session, viz: Companion F. A. Miller, Burnsville, Tishomingo county. " J. H. White. Satartia, Yazoo county. " E. Roberts, Center Ridge, Kemper county. " R. W. Shipp, Dover, Yazoo county. " C. F. Nicholson, Auburn, Hinds county. " Jas. L. Finley, Guntown, Lee county. " R. .J Fleming, Corinth, Tishomingo county. " Geo. Nicholson, Summit, Pike County. " E. F. Shuler, Sallis, Attala county. " Jno. T. Buck, Jackson, Hinds county. " Jno. A. Galbreath, Jackson, Hinds county. On motion, the Committee on Rules and Regulations were discharged and a new Committee appointed, as follows : C. T. Murphy, W. D. Ferriss, R. L. Saunders. And said Committee was requested to complete such report in time to he incorporated in the printed proceedings of Grand Chapter of 1876. Convention then closed with usual ceremonies. P. M. SAVERY, M.\ E/. President. Attest: R. L. Saunders, Ex. Recorder.