PLMT'S GEORGIA AND CAROLINA ALMANAC, FOR BEING BISSEXTILE, OR LEAP YEAR, And the Latter Part of the Sixty-fourth and Beginning of the Sixty-fifth of the INDEPENDENCE of the U. S. A. Calculated for the horizon and meridian of Augusta, Ga., and will serve for the adjacent states and Florida. The Astronomical Calculations by Robert Grier, Butte County, Ga. AUGUSTA! T. II. PLANT. COLUMBUS: PLANT & NORTON. QSPSold also by the Merchants generally in this state, South Carolina, and Alabama, 2 ECLIPSES, CYCLES, AND FESTIVALS. TO THE READER. . . We have, for the amusement of those who delight to contemplate me beauties of celestial phenomena, set down the conjunctions 01 the moon with the planets, exclusive of parallax. The conjunction is denoted by pre¬ fixing the character of the moon to that of the planet; the time oi conjunc¬ tion being placed immediately before ; thus, on the 27 th of Jan. o (PAf. at 9h. 53m. M., signifies that the moon will be in conjunction with Jupiter, at 9h. 53m. morning, exclusive of parallax. . , _ The moon in all her conjunctions with the planets J upiter and toaturn, will pass several degrees to the south of those planets. There will be no occultations of any of the conspicuous planets by the moon, this year. ECLIPSES of the SUN and MOON, in the year 1840. This year there will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon. The First will be a partial Eclipse of the Moon, on Monday, Feb. 17th, at 8h. 7m. morning, wholly invisible in the United States. This Eclipse will be wholly visible throughout the Pacific ocean and the Island of New- Holland, and the greater part of the continent of Asia. The Second is an Annular Eclipse of the Sun, on Tuesday, March 3d, at lOh. 35m. afternoon. This Eclipse will be visible throughout the great¬ er part of the continent of Asia. The Central Eclipse will commence in the Arabian Sea, pass through the empire of Hindostan, near the city of Delhi, through Thibet, and the Chinese empire, leaving the city of Pekin to the right hand, and finally leave the earth in the Russian possessions in the north-east of Asia. The Third will be a partial Eclipse of the Moon, on Thursday, Aug, 13th, in the morning, visible throughout the United States; Beginning of the eclipse, .... Oh. 28m. morn. Middle, lh. 53m. " End - -- -- -- - 3h. 18m. " Digits eclipsed about 7° on the Moon's north limb. The Fourth will be a total Eclipse of the Sun, on Thursday, Aug. 27th, at lh. 13m. morning, invisible in fire United States. The central Eclipse, which will be total, will commence near Angola, in Guinea, and traverse Ethiopia, Mozambique, and the southern part of the island of Madagas¬ car, and will finally leave the earth in the Indian ocean, to the south-west ©f the island of New-Holland. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Dominical Letter, E & D. Golden N umb er, 17 Epact, 26 Solar Cycle, 1 Roman Indiction, 13 Julian Period, 6553 MOVABLE FESTIVALS OF THE CHURCH. Septuagesima Sund. Feb. 16 Shrove Sunday, March 1 Ash Wednesday, " 4 First Sund. in Lent, " 8 Palm Sunday, April 12 Easter Day, " 19 Low Sunday, " 26 Rogation Sunday, May 2# Rogation Monday, " 25 Rogation Tuesday, " *26 Holy Thursday, " 28 Whit Sunday, June 7 Trinity Sunday, " 14 Advent, Nov. 29 THE ANATOMY. OF MAN'S BODY, AS SUPPOSED TO BE GOVERNED BY THE TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS. V Head and Face. 'LP. Breast. W Bowels. m Secrets. V3 Knees. D^The Feet. TO KNOW WHERIJ THE SIGN IS.—First find the day of the Month, and against it,you have tliefeign or place of the Moon, in the 6th column, then finding the sigh here, it shows the part of the body it is supposed to govern, NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC, f Aries, the Ram. b Taurus, the Bull. HGemini, the Twins. 5BCancer, the Crab. £lLeo, the Lion, Trg Virgo, the Virgin. t^Li- bra, the Balance. OlScorpio, the Scorpion. /Sagittarius, the Archer. V3Capricornus, the Goat. ^Aquarius, the Waterman. }£Pisces, the Fishes. EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS. Planets.—©Sun. Saturn, /Mars. ®Moon 2 Venus 2/Jupiter. J^Herschel. 2 Ceres. 2 Pallas. iNcw Moon. ©First Quarter. ©Earth. £ Mercury. ^ Juno, g Vesta. Aspects.— _ ©Full Moon. ©Last Quarter. £JDragon's Head. ^Dragon's Tail. 6 Conjunction. /Opposition. ATrigonus. DQuadril. jfcSextile. ©Sun. Apogee,—at greatest distance from the earth. Perigee,—at the least distance. Aspects.—When two planets are in the same degree, they are in Conjunction, marked thus, 6• Sextlle >fc, when 60 degrees apart. Quartile □, when 90 degrees apart. Trine A, when 120 degrees apart, Opposition 8, when 180 degrees apart. ^Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. ^Dragon's Tail, or Descending Node. \o\- EQUATION .OF TIME, for each month in the year. m Days Month. 1 § Days Month. i Minutes. Seconds. Days Month. Minutes. Seconds. ©slow © fast. © fast. Jan. 1 3 36 May. 1 3 4 Sep. 1 0 14 5 5 28 5 3 30 5 1 11 9 7 13 9 3 46 9 2 16 13 8 49 13 3 54 13 4 16 17 10 15 17 3 52 17 5 40 21 11 30 21 3 42 21 7 4 25 12 32 25 3 22 25 8 27 29 13 22 29 2 55 29 9 46 Feb. 1 13 57 June 1 2 29 Oct. 1 10 25 5 14 18 5 1 50 5 11 38 9 14 33 9 1 6 9 12 46 13 14 34 13 0 18 13 13 46 17 14 22 17 ©slow 17 14 37 21 14 0 21 1 23 21 15 19 25 13 27 25 2 15 25 15 50 29 12 45 29 3 4 29 16 9 Mar. 1 12 33 July 1 3 28 Nov. 1 16 16 5 11 41 5 4 12 5 16 14 9 10 42 9 4 51 9 15 38 13 9 37 13 5 22 13 15 29 17 8 28 17 5 46 17 14 47 21 7 15 21 6 2 21 13 50 25 6 2 25 6 9 25 12 41 29 4 47 29 6 9 29 ]1 38 Apr. 1 3 53 Aug. 1 5 59 Dec. 1 10 36 '5 2 41 5 5 39 5 8 59 9 1 33 9 5 10 9 7 15 13 0 28 13 4 32 13 5 23 17 fast. 31 17 3 45 17 3 26 21 1 24 21 2 50 21 1 27 25 2 10 25 1 48 25 ©slow 29 2 49 29 0 40 29 2 22 M to] lo) | JANUAllV begins on II'c'litmilay, has 31 days. Moon's Phases. ® 4th day, 3h. 50m. afternoon. I © 18th day, 7h. 25m. morn. © 12th day, 2h. 27m. morn. j (JJ 25th day, 8h. 4rn. morn. S | ft 1 Days | Week, j Various Phenomena. \ 0 rises. @ 1 ®'s sets. \ place. Moon Souths. Moon n.Sfset. l! WedlNew Year's Day. 7 4 4 561/ 5 9 20 4 31 2;Thur 6 © T? 8h. 53m. M. !7 4 4 56 19 10 11 5 30 3 Frid 1 2 rises 4h. 47m. M.I 7 3 4 57, V3 0 11 3 6 20 4'Satu [ Clear and vcry\ 7 3 4 57 11 11 56 ©sets 5 Sun !2d Sund. aft. Christ. 7 3 4 57 23 aft. 49 5 50 6 Mon , Epiphany. | 7 2 4 58 £? 5 1 40 6 53 7 Tues cold for theft 2 4 58 19 2 28 7 53 8 Wed 2 gre. elonga.west. 7 2 4 58 X 2 3 51 8 50 9 Thurj 6 2 £ . 7 1 4 59 15 4 0 9 50 10 Frid 2 rises 3h. 55m. M. 7 1 4 59 29 4 45 10 54 11 Satu season. 7 0 5 0 T 12 5 31 11 46 12 Sun 1st.Sund. aft.Epiph 7 0 5 0 25 6 20 morn. 13 Mon High winds 6 59 5 1 8 10 7 12 0 54 14 Tues 11 rises 2h. 17m. M. 6 59 5 1 25 8 10 2 9 15 Wed may he looked for. 6 58 5 2 n 9 9 12 3 30 16 Thur © in Perigee. 6 57 5 3 21 10 17 4 45 17 Frid Cold nights, 6 57 5 3 5 9 11 21 5 50 18 Satu hut moderate weather 6 56 5 4 23 morn. ©rise 19 Su\ 2d Sund. aft. Epiph 6 56 5 4 a 9 0 22 6 4 20 Mon 21 rises lh. 56m. M. 6 55 5 5 21 1 18 7 5 21 Tues for the season. 6 54 5 6 trK 5 2 9 8 2 22 Wed 6 2 b at 8h. 38m. 6 54 5 6 19 2 55 9 2 23 Thur [near approach. 6 53 5 7 1 3 38 10 3 24 Frid 2 rises 3h. 59m. M. 6 52 5 8 13 4 20 11 6 25 Satu Chilly, 6 51 5 9 25 5 1 morn. 26 Sun 3d Sund. af. Epiph. 6 51 5 9 m 9 5 43 0 59 27 Mon d © 24 9h. 53m. M. 6 50 5 10 19 6 27 1 34 28 Tues and 6 49 5 11 / 13 7 14 2 20 29 Wed d © t> at 1 lh. After. 6 48 5 12 13 8 3 3 10 30 Thur 6 © 2 4h. 58m. M. 6 47 5 13 25 8 54 4 0 31 Frid wet weather. 6 47 5 13 V5 9 9 47 5 30 RECIPES. Remedy for Influenza.—This disorder being one ofob- . structionof perspiration, and of the customary evacuations, the proper remedies ought to be administered without de- . lay on the first appearance of the usual symptoms ; the ac¬ tion of the skin is to be restored by an early application of f. 2. 9} FEBRUARY begins on Saturday, has 29 days. TSI E5 34 day, 8h. 28m. morn. © 17th day, 8h. 23m. morn. « 5 10th day, lOh. 34m. morn. d 25th day, 5h. 20m. morn. % Q Days Week Various Phenomena I „ I rises. © sets. #'s place. Moon Souths. Moon ri. 8fset. J Satu Expect a light snow,6 46 5 14 Itf20 10 40 5 40 2 Sun 4th Sund. ah Epiph. 6 45 5 15 3 11 33 6 20 3 VI on 9 rises 3h. 40m. Mo. 6 44 5 16 15 aft. 23 ©sets 4 Tues or sleet, 435 17 29 1 11 6 50 5 Wed 6 ® $ lb. 53m. Mo. 6 42,5 18 K 9 1 57 7 40 6 Tbur □ © U |G 42 5 18 23 2 43 9 4 7 Frid H rises Oh. 35m.Mo. 6 41 5 19 T 7 3 29 10 37 8 Satu in the up-country, 6 40 5 20 21 4 17 11 12 9 Sun 5th Sund. aft.Epiph.6 39 5 21 a s 5 8 morn. 10 Man and high winds 6 38 5 22 20 6 3 0 25 11 T ues ©in Perigee. ;6 37 5 23 rr 4 7 2 1 25 12 Wed may now he 6 36 5 24 20 8 5 2 22 13 Thur 21 rises Oh. 6m. Mor.,6 35 5 25 S 4 9 8 3 14 14 Frid Valentine. 6 34 5 26 19 10 8 4 10 15 Satu looked for, 6 33 5 27 a 3 11 5 5 0 16 Sun Septuagesima SundJ6 32 5 28 16 11 57 5 40 17 Mon ©eclipsed, in visible. 16 31 5 29 29 morn. ©rise 18 Tues with many black, Q 30 5 30 TTJ2.13 morn. 6 37 19 Wed 9 rises 4h. 6m. Mor.,6 29 5 31 25 0 45 7 40 20 Thur flying clouds.'6 Now look for Q Washington bo. '32.;6 28 5 32 9 1 30 8 50 21 Frid 27 5 33 21 2 13 9 50 22 Satu 27 5 33 til 3 2 55 10 51 23 Sun 6 © H 6 26 5 34 15 3 37 11 37 24 Mon 6 O S Sup. [1 Oh. A. 6 25 5 35 29 4 20 morn. 25 Tues a few days 6 24 5 36 / 9 5 6 0 52 26 Wed 6 © h at noon. i6 23 5 37 21 5 54 1 31 27 Thui of good weather.,6 22 5 38 VS 3 6 44 2 20 28 Frid 21 rises lOh. 55m. A..6 22 5 38 15 7 37 3 10 29 Satu d © 2 9h. 51m. Aft.,6 21 5 39 28 8 29 4 0 the hot bath, or by the use of sudorific diluents, as hot tea, barley broth, treacle posset, mulled and spice wine, or, that which is best of all, a basin of warm gruel at bed time, well sweetened, and containing 20 or 25 drops of antimonial wine, and 10 or 12 drops of laudanum. The bowels to be well attended to ; and all intemperance in eating and drinking, as well as exposure to damp" and night air ought to be carefully avoided. Sweet Apple Pudding.—Take one pint of scalded milk, fob |3f mABCII begins on Sunday, hag 31 days. "!p1 Q i 3d day, 10h. 35m. afternoon. © 17th day, llh. 1 m. after. # 10th day, 5h. 38m. after. 26th day, lh. 11m. morn. S Days Week. Various Phenomena. Strt^ © R ® J Moon Moon C rises. sets. Souths. ri. fyset. 1 Sun QuinquagesimaSun. 6 20 5 40 xrio 9 22 4 50 2 Mon Cold nights and 6 19 5 41 24 10 13 5 50 3 Tues 0 eclipsed,invisible. 6 18 5 42 K 9 11 2 © sets 4 Wed Ash Wednesday. 6 17 5 43 20 aft. 36 6 10 5 Thur If So. 4h. lOin. Mor. 6 15 5 45 T 5 1 24 7 10 6 Frid cloudy days. 6 14 5 46 19 2 12 8 12 7 Satu ©in Perigee. 6 13 5 47 8 3 3 3 9 10 8 Sun 1st Sunday in Lent. 6 12 5 48 18 3 58 10 9 9 Mon o J ? Begin in 6 11 5 49 n 2 4 57 10 54 10 Tues h So.6h.7m.Morn. 6 10 5 50 15 5 58 11 54 11 Wed □ Ob time to pre- 6 9 5 51 S 1 7 1 morn. 12 Thur 11 So.3h.42m.Morn. 6 8 5 52 15 8 1 0 51 13 Frid ■pare for the next crop. 6 7 5 53 28 8 58 1 54 14 Satu [ 2f 4h. 21 m. Mor. 6 6 5 54 SI 1 9 51 2 36 15 Sun 2d S. in Lent. 6 © 6 5 5 55 15 10 39 3 14 16 Mon Many flying clouds, 6 4 5 56 m 9 11 24 4 19 17 Tues St. Patrick's Day. 6 3 5 57 21 morn. ©rise 18 Wed 2f So. 3h. 18m. Mor. 6 2 5 58 =2= 4 0 7 7 2 19 Thur and expect a severe 6 1 5 59 19 0 49 8 2 20 Frid ©en. T.Springcom. 5 0 6 0 rri 0 1 31 9 3 21 Satu [2f 4h. 31m.Morn. 5 59 6 1 11 2 14 10 16 22 Sun 3d Su. in Lent. 6 & 5 58 6 2 23 2 59 11 24 23 Mon ©in Apogee. 5 57 6 3 I 5 3 46 morn. 24 Tues 6 © h 9h. 27m. Aft. 5 56 6 4 19 4 36 0 59 25 Wed Annunc.of'V. Mary. 5 55 6 5 vs o 5 27 1 48 26 Thur blow from the N. E. 5 54 6 6 11 6 19 2 44 27 Frid 11 S.2h. 41m. Morn. 5 53 6 7 23 •7 11 3 26 28 Satu h So. 4h.57m. Mor. 5 52 6 8 dT 5 8 1 4 1 29 Sun 4th Sund. in Lent. 5 51 6 9 l9 8 51 4 30 30 Mon 6 © 2 3h.20m.Mo. 5 50 6 10 9 38 5 0 31 Tues Changeable. 5 49 6 11 *5 10 25 5 30 12k a pint of Indian meal, a tea cupful of melasses, a tea spoon- full of salt, and six sweet apples cut into small pieces— it should be baked not less than three hours—the apples will afford an excellent rich jelley. This is truly one of the most luxurious yet simple Yankee puddings made. For Burns.—Mr. A. Bronson, of Meadville, Pa. says, from fifteen years' experience he finds, that Indian meal \o}~ APBIl begins on fI*etSnestiny, has 3© days. "(pi J 2d day, 9h. 50m. morn, i 9th day, Oh. 51 in. morn. © 16th day, 2h. 25m. after. ® 24th day, 6h. 17m. after. D.Ml Days Week. Various Phenomena. 0 • lises. © sets. <5's | Moon place.] Souths. Moon ri.&fset. 1 Wed A few cool nights 5 48 6 12! ^29 11 13 5 40 2 Thur So. 4h. 34m.Mor. 5 47 6 13; T 1 3 aft. 1 ©sets 3 Frid about the time of the 5 46|6 14 29 0 53 7 55 4 Satu @in Perigee, new 5 45 5 15 » 13 1 48 9 3 5 Sun 5th Sund. in Lent. 5 44 !6 16 28 2 47 10 6 6 Mon moon, followed by 5 43 6 1711113 3 50 11 8 7 Tues 6 © 5 inft'.. pleasant 5 42! S 18 28 4 54 morn. 8 Wed weather. Have your 5 416 19 511 5 56 0 12 9 Thur So. 4h. 10m. Mor. 5 406 20 25 6 54 1 15 10 Fri(l If So. 1 h. 41 m. Mor. 5 396 21 SL 9 7 48 2 12 11 Satu fences repaired, and 5 386 22 24 8 37 3 10 12 Sun Palm Sunday, your 5 376 23 Tt£ 5 9 22 4 6 13 Mon farming tools in or¬ 5 366 24 19 10 5 4 37 14 Tuqs der, and expect a fine 5 356 25 9 10 46 5 0 15 Wed $ rises 4h. 34m. Mo. 5 34 6 26 23 11 28 5 28 16 Thur growing season. 5 33 6 27 ffi 5 morn. ©rise 17 Frid Good Frid. A good 5 32 6 28 19 0 12 7 27 18 Satu 6 © If 7h.51m.Mor. 5 31 6 29 28 0 55 8 27 19 Sun East.Sund. stand of 5 SO 6 30 t 10 1 41 9 30 20 Mon Easter Mond. cotton 5 29 6 31 19 2 30 10 2 21 Tues 6 ® t? 4h.21 m. Mo. 5 28 6 32 28 o J 20 10 53 22 Wed may be expected 5 27 6 33 V3 9 4 12 11 36 23 Thur Saint George. 5 27 6 33 20 5 3 morn. 24 Frid to the industrious. 5 26 6 34 *£7 3 5 53 0 34 25 Satu St. Mark. Showery. 5 25 6 35 14 6 42 1 7 26 Sun 1st S.aft.Eas.LowS. 5 24 6 36 25 7 29 1 51 27 Mon If So. Oh. 26m. Mor. 5 23 6 37 X 9 8 15 2 26 28 Tues $ rises 4h.22m.Mo. 5 22 6 38 23 9 1 3 8 29 Wed Light flying clouds. 5 21 6 39 T 7 9 48 4 6 30 Thur 6 © $ 6h.53m.Mo. 5 20 6 40 2 ll 10 37 4 56 poultice covered over with young hyson tea, softened with hot water, and laid over burns as hot as can be borne, will relieve the pain in five minutes. If blisters have not arisen before, they will not after it is put on, and one poultice is generally sufficient to effect a cure. ' Cure for Felons.—We have been assured by a gentle- ,man who has recently had an opportunity of satisfactorily testing the fact, that a plaster made of soft soap and the ^ ^ MA1T begins on Friday, has 31 days. © 1st day, 6h. 33m. after. ® 8th day, 9h. 2()m. morn. © 16th day, 6h. Om. morn. ; 24th day, 7h. 53m. morn. > 31st day, lh. 44m. inorn. SI Days Week. Various Phenomena. as a fc's I Moon Moon a! rises. sets. ■place. souths. ri.Sfset. l|Frid May Day. A pleasantib 19 6 41 6 7 11 31 ©sets 2 j Satu ©in Perigee, and 5 19 6 41 22 aft. 30 7 50 3 Sun 2nd Sund. aft. East. 5 18 6 42 n 7 1 33 8 50 4|Mon 5" © 11 growing 5 17 6 43 21 2 39 9 55 5 Tues 6 © $ season, 5 16 6 44 35 7 3 44 10 49 6 Wed 2f So. 11 h. 46m. Aft. 5 15 6 45 21 4 47 11 49 7jThur for vegetables. 5 15 6 45 (S~L 6 5 43 morn. 8 Frid h So. 2h. 1 lm. Mor. 5 14 6 46 19 6 34 0 45 9 Satu Thunder showers 5 13 6 47 njz 3 7 21 1 17 10 Son 3d Sund. after East. 5 12 6 48 15 8 4 1 51 11 Mpn in many 5 11 6 49 29 8 46 2 22 12 Tues places, 5 1 1 6 49 =£=10 9 27 2 49 13 Wed If So. llh. 15m. Aft. 5 10 6 50 21 10 9 3 6 14 Tlntr and very pleasant 5 9 6 51 rn 4 10 52 3 35 15 Fuid 6 © 217h.53m. Aft. 5 9 6 51 15 LI 38 4 17 16 S^tu weather, 5 8 6 52 29 morn. ©rise .11 Sun 4th Sund. aft. Easter. 5 7 6 53 t 10 0 25 8 10 •18 Mon 6 © h 7h. 12m. Mo. 5 6 6 54 23 1 15 9 15 19 T ues h So. lh.25m. Mor. 5 6 6 54 Y3 4 2 7jl0 9 20 Wed 5 rises 4h.20m. Mo. 5 5 6 55 16 2 5810 50 21 Thur with much 5 5 6 55 29 3 48 11 27 22 Frid evening lightning. 5 4 6 56 ^rio 4 37 morn. 23 Satu Windy 5 3 6 57 21 5 23 0 40 24 Sun Roga. Sund. Queen 5 3 6 57 X 5 6 8 1 7 25 Mon [of Eng. born, 1819. 5 2 6 58 18 6 53 2 41 26 Tues but 5 2 6 58 T 2 7 38 3 1 27 Wed clear and 5 1 6 59 15 8 25 3 37 28 Thur Holy Thursday. 5 1 6 59 » 0 9 15 4 1 29 Frid pleasant. 5 0 7 0 15 10 10 4 37 30 Satu 6 9 9 2h.55m.Mo. 5 0 7 0 n o 11 11 5 0 31 Sun Sund. af. Ascension. 4 59 7 1 15 aft. 17 © sets strongest lime that can be procured, in equal portions, is a certain remedy for those disagreeable and painful diseases called felons. Hooping-Cough.—It is not generally known, that when a child has this troublesome and dangerous complaint, if the backbone, from the neck downwards, be rubbed with JUNE begins on .Holiday, has 30 days. © 6th day, 7h. 46m. after. © 14th day, 9h. 19m. after. i 22d day, 6h. lm. after. 29th day, 8h. 28m. morn. D.M Days Week. Various Phenomena. m rises. m sets. fit's place. Moon souths. [ Moon ri.8fset. 1 Mon Sultry Weather. 4 59 7 1 S 1 1 24 8 3 2 Tues ©in Perigee. 4 58 7 2 15 2 29 9 29 3 Wed Tp So. Oh. 22m. Mor. 4 58 7 2 a o 3 32 10 33 4 Thur d 9 $ Expect a 4 58 7 2 15 4 27 11 14 5 Frid Boniface. fine 4 57 7 3 29 5 16 morn. 6 Satu refreshing shower. 4 57 7 3 63212 6 2 0 26 7 Sun Whit Sunday. 4 57 7 3 25 6 45 1 37 8 Mon Whit Monday. Very 4 56 7 4 =2= 7 7 26 2 5 9 Tues 8 © b warm, 4 56 7 4 19 8 8 2 30 10 Wed 6 9 0 Superior. 4 56 7 4 28 8 51 3 4 11 Thur d @ If 8h. 6m. Mor. 4 56 7 4 mi 3 9 35 •3 33 12 Frid 24 So. 9h. 5m. After. 4 55 7 5 25 10 22 4 0 13 Satu [Trinity Sund. 4 55 7 5 t 7 11 12 4 30 14 Sun Pulaski lost, 1838. 4 55 7 5 19 morn. ©rise 15 Mon 6 9$ near appr'ch. 4 55 7 5 vc? i 0 3 •8 0 16 Tues with considerable 4 55 7 5 13 0 54 8 53 17 Wed ©in Apogee. 4 55 7 5 25 1 45 9 39 18 Thur thunder and 4 55 7 5 £7 7 2 34 10 19 19 Frid 24 So.8h. 36m. After. 4 55 7 5 19 3 21 10 50« 20 Satu vivid lightning. 4 55 7 5 X 2 4 6 11 24 21 Sun 1st Sund. after Trin. 4 55 7 5 15 4 50 11 52 22 Mon h So.llh.lm.After. 4 55 7 5 28 5 33 morn. 23 Tues Occasional showers, 4 55 7 5 Til 6 18 0 52 24 Wed Nativ.St. John Bapt. 4 55 7 5 25 7 5 1 30 25 Thur with more settled 4 55 7 5 8 9 7 56 2 0 26 Frid 2 rises 4h. 10m. M. 4 55 7 5 23 8 53 2 34 27 Satu weather. 4 55 7 5 n 9 9 55 3 37 28 Sun d • $ 8h. 18m. Aft. 4 55 7 5 24 11 1 4 45 29 Mon St. Peter. Expect a 4 55 7 5 S'9 after 8 ©sets 30 Tues ©in Peri, fine rain. 4 55 7 5 25 1 13 8 20 garlic, previously warmed by the fire, and the patient be¬ ing also placed near it, a cure is effected in a very short time. Cure for Hoarseness.—Horse radish cut into small pie¬ ces and chewed in the mouth, is an excellent remedy for hoarseness, coughs, colds, and cases of incipient consump¬ tion. Several cases of its successful application have been known. (2]i JUIiY begins on Wednesday, has 31 days. 1 ) 6th day, 8h. 23m, morn. a 2"2d day, Ih. 15m. morn. © 14th day, at noon. « i 28th day, 3h. 38m. after. *3 Days Various Phenomana. © © ®'s ■place. Moon Moon Q Week. rises. sets. souths. ri.&rset. 1 Wed Visitat. B. V. Mary. 4 56 7 4 a 9 2 13 9 30 2 Thur Hot wsather, 4 56 7 4 23 3 6 10 33 3 Frid with thunder and 4 56 7 4 vgi 7 3 54 11 3 4 Satu Independence. 4 56 7 4 19 4 40 11 37 5 Sun 3d Sund. aft. Trin. 4 57 7 3 3 5 23 morn. 6 Mon 21 Stationary. 4 57 7 3 16 6 5 0 22 7 Tues rain in many places. 4 57 7 3 29 6 48 1 2 8 Wed 6 ® 21 Oh. 44m. Aft. 4 58 7 2 TTU° 7 32 1 30 9 Thur ©in Apogee. 4 58 7 2 . 20 8 18 2 6 10 Frid Columbus bor. 1474. 4 58 7 2 t 3 9 7 2 47 11 Satu <3 © b lh. 18m. Aft. 4 59 7 1 15 9 58 3 30 12 Sun 4th Sund. after Trin. 5 0 7 0 29 10 49 4 0 13 Mon Sultry weather, 5 0 7 0 ltflO 11 41 4 30 14 Tues H So. 6h. 37m. Aft. 5 1 6 59 23 morn. ©rise 15 Wed with sharp lightning 5 1 6 59 £? 4 0 31 8 10 16 Thur and heavy thunder 5 2 6 58 1 19 8 50 17 Frid Dr.Watts bor. 1674 5 2 6 58 29 2 5 9 27 18 Satu may he looked for. 5 3 6 57 *11 2 49 10 9 19 Sun 5th Sund. after Trin. 5 3 6 57 25 3 32 10 33 20 Mon Margaret. 5 4 6 56 f 8 4 16 10 10 21 Tues Frequent rain, 5 4 6 56 21 5 1 11 30 22 Wed 21 So. 6h. 26m. Aft. 5 5 6 55 8 5 5 50 morn. 23 Thur with sharp thunder, 5 6 6 54 19 6 42 0 34 24 Frid 6 © 9 Superior. 5 6 6 54 n 3 7 40 1 46 25 Satu St. James. 5 7 6 53 19 8 43 2 56 26 Sun 6th Sund. after Trin. 5 8 6 52 S 3 9 {18 3 30 27 Mon Dog days begin. 5 8 6 52 14 10 53 4 20 28 Tues occasionally. 5 8 6 52 a 3 11 55 ©sets 29 Wed 7*s ris.llh.20m.Af, 5 9 6 51 17 aft. 52 8 18 30 Thur b So.8h. 23m. Mor. 5 10 6 50 W 1 1 43 9 18 31 Frid 5 11 6 49 15 2 31 9 35 To take Stains out of Mahogany.—Mix six ounces of spirit of salts, and half an ounce of rock salt of lemons, powdered, together. Drop a little on the stains, and rub it with a cork till it disappear. Wash off with cold water. To prevent wounds from, Mortifying.—Sprinkle sugar on them. The Turks wash fresh wounds with wine, and sprinkle sugar on them. Obstinate ulcers may be cured PI AUGUST begins on Saturday, has 31 days. D 4th day, llh. 44m. after. ( | 20th day, 6h. 47m. morn. © 13th day, lh. 45m. morn. it 27th day, lh. 13m morn. D.M Days Week. Various Phenomena. P rises. m sets. ©'s place. Moon Souths. Moon ri.Sfset. 1 Satu □ OH Wet weather, 5 11 6 49 032.26 3 16 uT 16 2 Sun 7th Sund. after Trin. 5 12 6 48 — 12 4 16 10 46 3 Mon 7*s ri. 11 h.33m. Aft. 5 13 6 47 25 4 43 11 0 4 Tues 6 @ H Oh. 40m. Aft. 5 14 6 46 TTl 7 5 27 11 50 5 Wed with vivid lightning 5 14 6 46 10 6 13 morn. 6 Thur Transfig.of ourLord. 5 15 6 45 t I 7 1 0 44 7 Frid 6 © b 6h. 24m. Aft. 5 16 6 44 13 7 51 1 20 8 Satu ®in Apogee. 5 17 6 43 26 8 43 2 20 9 Sun 8th Sund. after Trin. 5 18 6 42 V3 6 9 34 3 10 10 Mon St. Lawrence. 5 18 6 42 18 10 25 4 2 11 Tues 11 sets Oh. 54m. Mor. 5 19 6 41 AVV J 11 14 4 30 12 Wed and loud thunder. 5 20 6 40 ~~13 morn. 5 0 13 Thur ©eclipsed, visible. 5 21 6 39 26 0 1 ©rise 14 Frid 6 © S Inferior. 5 22 6 38 X 8 0 47 7 29 15 Satu Now clear, but very 5 23 6 37 21 1 31 7 59 16 Sun 9th Sund. after Trin. 5 24 6 36 f 5 2 15 8 25 17 Mon 7*s ri.10h.46m. Aft. 5 24 6 36 18 3 0 9 0 18 Tues warm. 5 25 6 35 a 2 * 3 47 9 30 19 Wed 11 sets Oh. 30in. Aft. 5 26 6 34 15 4 38 10 30 20 Thur Sultry and hot. 5 27 6 33 n o 5 33 11 30 21 Frid Cloudy Sf some rain. 5 28 6 32 14 6 33 0 SO 22 Satu ©in Perigee. 5 29 6 31 28 7 26 1 20 23 Sun 10th Sun. after Trin. 5 30 6 30 S13 8 39 2 10 24 Mon St. Bartholomew. 5 31 6 29 27 9 41 3 0 25 Tues Manyfiying clouds 5 32 6 28 an 10 38 3 50 26 Wed H sets Oh. 9m. After. 5 33 6 27 26 11 31 4 40 27 Thur Hersc'lldi.1822. © 5 34 6 26 rpMO aft. 20 © sets 28 Frid [eclipsed, invisible. 5 35 6 25 23 1 7 6 54 29 Satu and light breezes. 5 36 6 24 6 1 51 7 50 30 Sun 11th Sun. after Trin. 5 37 6 23 19 2 35 8 48 31 Mon 7*s ri.9h.50m. After. 5 38 6 32 fll 4 3 20 9 47 with sugar dissolved in a strong decoction of walnut leaves. Poison.—To cure the poison occasioned by the sting of a bee, wasp, hornet, &c. wash the part affected with the water of ammonia (hartshorn,) and if much diseased, dissolve a piece of carbonated ammonia (the size of a pea) in water and drink it. This remedy has relieved persons when a sting has nearly caused mortification. SEPTEMBER begins on Vuesday, has 30 days. (S ) 3d day, 5h. 7m. after. (||i 18th day, Oh. lm. after. © 11th day, 2h. 17m. after. © 25th day, Oh. 56m. after. S 1 Days Week. Various Phenomena. \ 5 3 © 's place. Moon Moon o| rises. sets. Souths. ri.8(set. 1 Tues d © 2_( lh.7m. After. 5 38 6 22 this 4 610 3 2 Wed ©in Apogee. 5 39 6 21 27 4 5410 46 3 Thur 7*s ris. 9h. 46m. Aft 5 40 6 20 t 9 5 4311 27 4 Frid d © b 2h.24m.Mo. 5 41 6 19 21 6 34 morn. 5 Satu Dog days end. 5 42 6 18 V3 2 7 26 0 14 6 Sun 12th Sun. afterTrin. 5 43 6 17 14 8 17 1 0 7 Mon □ Ob 5 44 6 16 26 9 6 1 57 8 Tues Moderate weather. 5 45 6 15 ^ 9 9 54 2 50 9 Wed $ visible in the eve. 5 46 6 14 21 10 40 3 50 10 Thur Cool winds, light 5 47 6 13 4 11 26 4 52 11 Frid 21 sets 9h. 10m. Aft. 5 48 6 12 17 morn. © rise 12 Satp showers, and some 5 49 6 11 t 1 0 1C 6 25 13 Sun 13th Sun. after Trin. 5 50 6 10 14 0 56 7 25 14 Mon 7#s So. 4h. 6m. Mor. 5 51 6 9 28 1 44 8 10 15 Tues foggy weather. 5 52 6 8 a 12 2 34 9 30 16 Wed ©in Perigee. Be 5 53 6 7 20 3 29 10 30 17 Thur Lambert, temperate. 5 54 6 6 nil 4 28 11 4 18 Frid 21 sets 8h. 50m. Aft. 5 55 6 5 25 5 29 morn. 19 Satu use moderate exercise 5 56 6 4 EH 9 6 32 0 7 20 Sun 14th Sun. afterTrin. 5 57 6 3 .23 7 33 1 14 21 Mon St. Matthew. 5 58 6 2 7 8 30 2 31 22 Tues ©enters=2=. Autumn 5 59 6 1 21 9 24 3 30 23 Wed [commences. 6 0 6 0 m 5 10 13 4 10 24 Thur 21 sets 8h. 30m. Aft. 6 1 5 59 18 10 59 4 50 25 F rid and avoid fevers. 6 2 5 58 2 11 44 ©sets 26 Satu d 0 9 Superior. 6 3 5 57 15 aft. 28 7 0 27 Sun d © ? 3h.56m. Mo. 6 4 5 56 28 1 12 7 29 28 Mon 7*s So.3h. 14m.Mo. 6 5 5 55 TTllO 1 58 8 0 29 Tues d © 216h.25m.Mo. 6 6 5 54 22 2 45 8 50 30 Wed|St.Jerome. Variable. 6 7 5 53 t 5 3 35 9 20 An herb called sweet fern, which grows in fields with the whortleberry, and whose leaf is long and has an un¬ even edge, will cure the poison of the vine usually grow¬ ing on old posts and trunks of trees, sometimes called mer¬ cury. Simple cure for Rheumatism.—Boil a small pot full of potatoes, and bathe the part affected with the water in which the potatoes are boiled, as hot as can be applied, fol OCTOBER begins on tJChitrsday, has 31 days. ® 3rd © 11th day, Oh. 7m. after, day, lh. 44m. morn. 17th day, 6h. 26m. after. 25th day, 2h. 28m. mom. D.Ml Days Week. Various Phenomena rises. m sets. ®'s place. Moon Souths. Moon ri.8fset. 1 Thur d Q h Oh- 52m. Aft 6 9 5 51 t 17 4 25 10 20 2 Frid Andre execut. 1780. 6 10 5 50 28 5 17 11 10 3 Satu 7*s Sh.2h. 55m.Mo. 6 11 5 49 14710 6 8 11 52 4 Sun 16th Sun. after Trin. 6 12 5 48 21 6 57 morn. 5 Mon Gen'l election inGa. 6 13 5 47 AW q and jj. P. RICHARDSON. 9 do. do. of Fairfield, Newberry and Laurens—J. K. GRIFFIN. Times of Holding COURTS OF SESSIONS AND COMMON PLEAS, for each Circuit. Days of the week. 1st Monday in January, 3rd Monday in March. 4th do do IstMon after 4th Mon in March 2nd do do in do 3rd do do in do 1st Monday in May, 1st Monday in October, 2nd do in do 3rd do in do 4th do in do 1st Mon after 4th Mon in Oct. 2nd Mon after 4th Mon in Oct. 3rd Mon after 4th Mon in Oct. May 4th Oct 5th 12th 19th 20 th Eastern. Southern. Charleston, continued for 4 weeks, Richland, Marion, Con way borough for Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburgh, Orangeluirgh, Mam well, Walterboro' tin- Colleton. Giilisonville for Beaufort Charleston, to be continued ditto for 2 weeks, I weeks, Nov ----- Richland. Marion. Orangeburgh, 2d | Conwayborotigh for Horry, |Barnwell, 9th I Georgetown, i Walterboro' for Colleton. 16th Williamsburgh, |Giilisonville for Beaufort. South Western. Abbeville, Edgefield, Newberry, Lexington, Abbeville, Edgefield, Newberry, Lexington, Pickens, Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburgh Lancaster, Laurens, Fairfield, Middle. Union, York, Chester, Pickens, Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburgh Laurens, Union, York, Chester, Lancaster, Fairfield, Chesterfield. Kershaw, Sumter, Darlington, Marlborough, Chesterfield, Kershaw, Sumter, Darlington, Marlborough. dissociate Judges in the Courts of Laiv. Northern Circuit—T. J. Withers, Western " J.N.Whitner, South-western" J. J.Caldwell, Middle « T. T. Player, Southern " J.D.Edwards, R. Gantt, J.S.Richardson, Baylis J.Earle, Josiah J. Evans, A. P. Butler, J. B. O'Neal, Attorney General— Henry Baily,—to attend the Eastern Circuit. (C Appeal Courts of Law to be held by the Law Judges at Charleston on the first Monday in February. At Columbia, on the first Monday in May, and 4th Monday in Nov. Appeal Courts of Equity to be held by the Chancellors at the same time and places. C7.t Court for COSZHECCfOJYof ElZROSSS composed of the Judges of Law and Equity, on all questions where either of the Appeal Courts are divided. (TTReturn Day—fifteen days before thesitting of each Court. City Court of Charleston. Held 1st Monday in January, 16th ^ Hon. Jacob Axson, do do April, |6th i Recorder. do do July, J 6th j EPReturn day, ten days bc- do do Nov'r. |2d j fore each Court is held. SOUTH CAROLINA. COURTS OF LAW AND EQUITY. Chancellors in Equity. "VVm. Harper, Job Johnson, Clerks.—Alex. Herbemont, and Thomas J. Gantt. State Reporter—C. W. Dudley. 23" David Johnson, Benj. F. Dunkin. NKgS^ 3 I 3 5 ffi=33 >o3w 3 IF iif ii i r " ~"jW P-ii ft sill Z* *■11 ll 6th Circuit. Sth Circuit. 4th Cir't. 3d Circuit. 2d Circ't. 1st Cir si S IP r* i j, ! I * 1 I S-S-S-l I »f*w >"i »* r i i Bit t| ffs-s-l S-S-4 Iff Ir| 's S |l fit E H I Etwl II 3" B-s» ggg|gS gggggS gggs 5|| gg I I * The Chancellors, by consent of parties, may hear causes e cial Courts in any of the Districts, when deemed necessary. IIP sg r ir I TTo Ho IPILAKTl3, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 244 Broad-street,. Augusta, Offers for sale, at Wholesale and Retail, a large assortment of School, Classical, Medical, Law, Theological, Historical, and Miscellaneous Works; Blank Books, Paper, Paper Hangings, and Borders. STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Fine Cutlery, Fancy Articles, Jflttsic and JVIusical Instru¬ ments, Prints, Picture Frames, And every article usually called for in a Book-store. Law, Medical, and Theological LIBRARIES furnished on the most liberal terms. Schools, Academies, and Literary Institutions, supplied at the lowest prices. BOOK BINDING, In all its varieties, executed td order, in the neatest manner. ©QJ^CC !B©@[}€i Of every description, ruled to pattern, and manufactured in a superior style, in substantial Russia, Calf, and Sheep Binding/with or without SPRING backs. ills'Booksellers, Merchants, and others purchasing in quantities, will do well to'call, his arrangements being such as will enable him at all times to keep a stock of Goods on hand sufficient to meet the demand. PLANT & NORTON, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, COLUMBUS, GA., Keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of Medical, Law, Classical, and Miscellaneous Books, and a great variety of Stationery, Blank Books, Paper, Fine Cutlery, Fancy Articles, Music, Musical Instruments, Per¬ fumery, Fine Toys, dj-c. SfC 4*c. October, 1839.