WITH THE COURTS OF North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee & Florida. TOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD Being the third after Bissextile or Leap-year, and the latter part of the 79th and beginning of the 89th year of THE INDEPENDENCE of the UNITED' STATES of AMERICA. Calculated for the Horizon and Mendian of Augusta, Georgia, By SAMUEL H. WRIGHT. AUGUSTA, GEO. THOMAS RICHARDS & SON. James Egbert, Trinter, 374 Pearl-Street, N. Y. SUN'S RISING AND SETTING. To the Reader.—There are two kinds of time used in common almanacs, for the Sun's Rising and Setting. One .is Clock time, and the other is " apparent" of Stra time. Clock time is always bight, while Sun time4 varies" every day, and is alternately too "Past" or to "Slow." Hence it i# that two al¬ manacs, made by the same calculator, for tlie same year and place, Will give the Sun's rbing and setting very differently, if a different kind of tune is used in each. Persons observing thi$ must not think that either is wrong. Accord-^ ing 'to apparent time,"the sun will always rise and set at 6 o'clock„ at the time op its crossing the equinoctial; but this is never tlie case according to Clock time ! or true time. If the S.un was in the meridian, or at the noon mark, at 12| o'clock every da}', then "apparent" time would he trup, and the Sui* would1; always rise.and set at 6 o'clock, when it was at the equinoxes', People generally suppose it is 12 o'clock when the sun is in mid heaven, or at the noon mark In r.his there is a groat mistake, for the tub is so irregular, that it does not come to 'hese points at 12 o'dock, oftener than four times in a whole year. In this al¬ manac we give the time exact to the nearest second, when the sun is at the meridian, and shadow at the noon mark, for every day in the year. Whrn the sun is at the noon mark it is noon, but not 12 o'clock very often. This variation pf the sun, makes a difference between it and all true time¬ pieces, and produces two kinds of time. The sun cannot, therefore, be depended upon for correct time, without applying to it wha{ is termed the " Equation ofj Time," or the difference between clock and sun. Add to appai ent time when' the sun is "Slow," and subtract when it is "Fast." Many almanacs are calcnla'i ted ii'i sun or apparent time, for the convenience of those who are accustomed to1, it. Such almanacs show the rising and setting of the sun's " centre," without' allowing for the effect of refraction. Almanacs in clock time are the best ones', for they give the rising and setting of the sun's "upper limb," and duly allow for the effect of refraction, which causes the sun to appear on the horizon a short time before he has risen, and afler he has really set. This almanac is all in clock time , except the sun's rising and setting. The Calculator. ECLIPSES FOR THE TEAR 1S55. This year there will be two Eclipses of the Sua, and two of the Moon, I. A total Eclipse of the Moon, in the evening of May 1st, visible. Eclipse begins 8 o'clock, 47 m., total Eclipse begins 9 o'clock, 50 m., end of total Eclipse,' 11 o'clock, 26 m,, end of Eclipse, hi 29 m. past 12 "o'clock, (mid-night) Total duration, 3 h. 42 m. Magnitude IS, 343 digits on the Southern limb. II. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, May 15th, Invisible. III. A total Eclipse of the Moun, early in tlie morning of October 25th, visible Eclipse begins at 17 m. past 12 tfcloctt, or mid-night, total Eclipse begins at 1 o'clock, 18 m., total Eclipse ends at 2 o'clock, 47 m„ end of Eclipse, 3 o'clock,' 18 m. Total duration, 3 h 25 m. Magnitude 17, 568 digits on the Northern} limb. ' * * | IV. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, November 9th, Invisible. ! Chronological Cycles, &c. 1b56.j Moveable Festivals, to. 1855 Dominical Letter,.... j ...t. G I Lunar Cycle or Golden Number, V 'Jewish Lunar Cycle, .... . m |Epacfc (Moon's Age, January l9t,)... 1*2 Solar Cycle, 16 Roman Indiction,. .. „. v 13 Dionysian Period, 184 Julian Period, 6568 Y'r 5616 ofthe Jewish eracom. Sep 13 1855 Y'r 1272 of the Moham. era com.Sepl3 1855 Year of the World (Usher), .. 5859 * (Jews),... 5615 w * (Septuagint), .... 7363 Year A..U. C. ./Building of Rome),. . 2608 Year of tlie Olympiads 2631 " Lrg of Nabonassor^,.. 2§04 Septuagesima Sunday, JjQuinqimgesima Sunday, A»li Wednesday, or 1st of Lent,, Quadra. first Sunday in Lent. Mid Lent Sunday, Palm Sunday,.._y..,.,,......j Good Friday,. ,u... Easter Sunday, Low Sunday, Rogation Sunday, Ascension Bay—Holy Thursday, Whit Sunday—Pentecost,.. Trinity Sunday,...... Corpus Chi'isti,... Middle Day of the Year,.. . Advent Sunday,. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb1. Mat.r Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May. May May June ■I une July | Dec. The Seasons. 1855, Augusta. £>. h. m. Winter Solstice,<1854)Dec. 21. 9 32 eve. Vernal Equinox, March 20.„. 10 4-1 eve. Summer SolsticA, June 21... 7 22 eve Autumnal Equinox, Sept. 23.. 9 33 Into, WaiteE Solstice. Dec 22 3 21 mo Sun in Winter Sign*,*..... 89 1 8 mo, The Seasok3. 1855. I x>. h. SI. Suntn Spring Signs 92 20 41 M Summer Signs 93 14 11 " Autumnal Signs.... 89 17 48 Tropical Year ........365 5 48 Sun North of Equator 186 10 52 " Squth " 178 18 5G Morning" {Stars, 1855. Venus, from October 1st Mars, from April 9th. Jupiter, from January 29th to August 21st. SatUrp, from June 10th to December 18th. Evening Stars. 1855. Venus, until October 1st. Mars, until April 9th. Jupiter, until January 29th, and from. August 21st. Saturn, until June- 10th, ana fi'um December 18th. BISING AND SETTING OF PLANETS. Note.—When the time in the Table is loss than six hours, it is in the mornin g and when greater than pix hours, it is in the evening. DATE—1805. PLANETS. AUGuaTA. DATE—*1855. planets. January 1 Ma rs sets. U 'lit Saturn " *4 2D Venus " Febuary 1 Mars " 10 Venus " 20 Mercury11) March i Saturn M << 10 Venus 11 20 Jupiter vises April 1 Mercury "■ 10 Saturn sets. u 20 Venus M May 1 Saturn " 10 Jupiter rises. Venue sets. June "1 Jupiter rises. 1() Mercury sets. 20 Venus " July lMars rites. «• lOj Jupiter " " SOjVemis sets. August 1 Mercury rises. "• 10 Mars " u 20, Venus jsets. September 1 Saturn rises. ft 101 Mars '* " 20Jupiter sets. October ljSaturn rises. " 10 Mercury Sets. " 20 Mars rises. November 1, Saturn " " 10, V enue " " 20 Mercury " December l,Mars " " 16('Venus ' 20 Jupiter sets. h. St. 3 31 ■y 35 9 24! 3 48 2 51 8 12, 0 U 2 84 3 14 10 15 6 29 1 43 8 1*2 3 U 5 3 0 50 3 11 9 34 TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL BODIES IS THE SOLAR SYSTEK.__ NAMES J MeanDist- MeanDI-j ance from ametej. | the Sua. Tsb Sex. Mercury. Venus... The Ear'h The Muo.v Mars .... Jupiter.. Saturn... U ran us.. Neptune. Miles. 883,246 3,224' 7,68T[ 7,912! 2,180' Miles. 36,814,000 68,787,000 95,103,000 95,103,000 4,"l89f 144,908,000 89,170 494,797,000; 79,042 907,162,00(1 35,1121,824,290,000 41,500 2,854,000,000 Revolu¬ tion ar'd the Sun. Revolu¬ tion on Axis. Veloc¬ ity per m. in orbit. jrrs days <1. h. m. Miles. 25 9 59 ... 88 10 5 1.827 ... 224 .. 23 21 1.338 1 ... .. 23 56 1.138 1 ... 27 7 43 38 1 321 1 0 37 921 11 215 .. 9 56 496 49 167 .. 10 29 368 84 6 1 13 33 259 164 226 208 Size—the Earth being 1 Densi-j ty—* I Light- Ear tlij Earth L b'ng ljb'ag if Note.—There are twenty-five small Planets, or Mars and Jupiter. 1/412,921,101 0.25'21 Infin. 0,053' 1.120| 0.58(1 "0,909, 0,923j 1,91], 1,000' 1.0001 l.OOO,' 0,020: 0.6151 1.000 0,125 0.948 0.431 1,456,000 0.2381 0.037 771,000 0.138 0.011 80,000 0.24i! O.OUv 143,000 0.1401 O.OOl Asteroids, between the orbits or ANATOMY OF A. MAN'S. BODY, AS GOVERNED BY THE TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS. Thi Head and Face. ARIESY-—The Ram. arms. Gemini. Q The Twins. heart. Leo. £|_ The Lion. reins. Libra- -J"*- 1'he Balance. thighs. Sagittarius. J The Bowman. i.egs. Aquarius The Watei- man. keck. Taurus, y Ihe Bull. breast. Cancer. 2jo The Crab. BOWELS. Virgo. 71? The Virgin. SECRETS. Scorpio. H\. The Scorpion KNEES. Capricorn, V$ 1 he Goat. the Feet. PISCES.—^ The Fishes. j 'To Know where the sigh is : First find the* day of the month, and -.gainst it, in the 8ih column,-stands the sign the moon iaiw: then fending the .ignhere, it shows the part of the body it is supposed to govern. explanation oe the signs ysEir in t?iis almanac, ; © New Mooq, and Moon generally. @ First Quarter. © Full Moon I.© Last Quarter. ^ Moon's ascending N"(le, or Dragon's head Moon's 'eseending Nona, or Dragon's tail. Yi Saturn. Q Vepus. A Near together Jupiter. Q Mercury. jfTSO0 apart,

5 SHADOW AT | NOON MARK. 5 44 12 Pises T2 5 2312 6 Is! 12 7 1612 8 12 12 812 412 012 12 12 9 10 11 11 57 morn 57 12 59 12 612 sets 5 49 7 5 8 18 9 27 10 32 U 35 morn 0 37 3 50 v 26 4 18 n 8| 4 46 20 13 22 2 14' 5 40 6 7 26, 6 33,a 8 6 58 20, 7 23 "K 2 7 48, 14| 8 12 27| S 35=2= 10 8 58; 24 9 20 "I 8' 9 42 22| 10 3't 7\ 10 23 22 10 43.V? 8' 11 1 11 19 It 37 11 33 12 9 12 24 12'38 12-51 13 3 13 15 13 26 13 36 13 45 22 s; 23 X 7| 20 T 4- 1 i 29 8 ll| 23 rr 5 17 20! 21 Month.} FEBRUARY has 28 days. [1855. Problem 2. A. and B. pat to interest sums amounting together to $1,290. A.'s rate of interest was 1 per eent. more than B.'s, Ins yearly interest 9-10 of B.'s, and at the end of five years his princi¬ pal and simple interest amounted to § cf B.® What sum was put at interest by each, and at what rate per cent J Problem 3. 4 clock has 6 hands thp-t go round in 1, 6, 12, 1$» 24, and 30 hours, respectively^ They are. together at 12 o'clock, January 1, 1855„ When will they next pe together ? BTOON-'s PHASES FOR AUGUSTA. Full Id, TOh. Uirt. ere. 1 New 16"d, lh. Wm. eve. Last Q.- 9d, 91i. 33ro„ere. | Firsj (4- 23d. flh. 7m. eve. ;i lJD. PHENOMENA, &c.J & A. W 9- ro. h. m. IT 2 F 3S 4fir 5!M CT 7iW T 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 !l6 !i7|s l«|o 19|M 20 T 2l!W 22'.T 23 F 24 25 26 27 28 Moon in apogee. rain\6 $ South 1 13eve. a»d,6 h in 8 this month. 6 Septuagesima-. cold 6 ¥ in V? this month. 6 D on equator, winds. 6 Mars eclipsed by ? |6 ¥ , Mars & ? tog'herfjo f? stationary. tieamj6 Mars in this month, d Uranus in °P this mo. 6 If sou. 11 33mo. frosts & D furthest south. someS St. Valentine's Day. 6 D in perigee. snow. 6 ¥ south 1 15 eve. now 6 9 near Mars & Venus. 6 £ gr. Elongation east. 6 Venus in rain 6 Venus near Mercury. 6 Ash Wednesday. and6 Moon at Ascen. node. 6 D near Saturn, bleak 6 Mercury stationary, 6 h south 6 10 ev. winds. 6 Moon furthest north, 6 Saturn 90» east of © 6 Mars near Mercury. 47 46 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 365 35 35 34 33 32 13 14 14 15 16 17 IS 19 9 6 3 58 55. 50 48 49 20, morn o 5 5 5. 5 31 5 305 29 28 27 26 25 £4 23 22 21 22 23, 24 25 25 26 27 28 291 30 31 32, 33 34 35 36 37 38 52 57 6 12 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ISflg IS 11 sets r 3 8 12 9 19 10 23 11 27 morn 0 29 30 30 24 12 55; 13 53 14 0 14" 7 14 13 14 18 14 22 14 25 14 28 14 30 14 31 14 31 14,31 14 30 J4 2S 14 25 14 22 14 18 14 13 14 14 1 13 54 33 47 13 3§ 13 30 13 J3 10 12 59 12 48 £5 11 23| a 6 17 £9 nK ii; 24 =cs 6| I 19'4 «t 3 t I IB 30 v? lo¬ in. i' 16, X 1 15 29 V12 25 8 20 2 n 14 26 25 8 Mercury will be visible in the weat seem -aftet Sua «et, about February 18th, June 14th, and October 11th f also in the east before Sun rise, about April 2d, August 1st, and November 19th. S. H. WRIGHT, Calculator, 3d Month.] MARCH has 31 days. [1855. Problem 4th.—A thiei having escaped 13 hours before his escape was discovered, went 8 miles the first hour, 7 2-3 the- second, 7 1-3 the third, &c., decreasing in arithmetical progression—when he was pursued by a despatch that went 9 miles the first hour, incieasing half a mile each hour on the preceding one. I wish to know in What time the despatch yvill overtake the thief ? Problem 5th.-—Required the largest cube that can be cut from a cone of 6 feet base and height. MOOPf's TEASES To& AUGUSTA. "Full Moon 3d. 4h. 4tm. eVen, 1 New, 17d. 1 Ih. 18m. even. Last Q. "lOd. lOh. 32m. even. J .First, Q> 25d. 5li. 58m. morns. w. PHENOMENA, &c A.® in, b. i SH ADO W AT 0 pj .VOON MARK. St David, warm rain#, 6 20,5 Mars iti X and 6 18 5 Versus on equator. 6 17(5 Saturn south 5 43 ev. 6 16 5 5 On equator1, again 6 15 5 Mercury inf. d sun. HQ 145 Venus in X changesQ 43 H at Descen. node. 16 12 ¥• south 1 28 eve. to 6 11 Saturn In Taurus, cold 6 10, U south 10 12 mo. $-6 9|5 Jubiter in V? windy 6 8,5 O furth'st sou. wealh'r. 6 7 5 $ near the equinOJi' 6 6 O near Jupiter. IdokQ 5 Modn in-perigee. for 6 St. Patrick's Day ice 6 Mercury stationary, ff Moon near Venus, and 6 Mercury on equator. 6 O at Ascen. perhapr5 40, 42 43 44 45 46 47 5 3512 6 612 rises 6 49 7 45 8 431 9 4S 4810 45 4911 49 50, morn Mars'south 4.37 Ove. Moon near h snoW. Venus South 1 37 eve. Lady day. O high. Saturn sou, 4 23 eve. U. sou. 9 22 mo. iwu ^loon in apogee. Venus sou. 1 40 eve. Mars in X. warm Venus in T agqin 4 3 2 1 0 59 58 57 56 55 54 52 51 50|6 496 486 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 0 0 55 2 0 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 3 312 3-58 12 4 5 27 sets 6 56 8 31 9 9 ilia 13 2jir 17 3, morn 0 19 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 9 10 11 12 4612 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12" 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 8 53 33 8 39 6 II 11 10 1Q 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 37,25 20 24 a 2 12 14 59, 26 4 5 m 8 31 21 16 =£= 3 16 29j HI 13 26 f I0| 25 26 V? 9 24! ~ 9 24| X 9' 23 op 7 20 « 4 16 28 n ll| 23, 25 4 16 28 37a lol is| 22! 4th Month.] APRIL has 80 days. [1855 Problem g.—There is a looking glass whose frame all around is of an equal -width; and it contains as many square inches a3 are in the glass. Its sides are to its ends as 4 to 3 Now a certain number of little ornaments have been procured to decoratd the peripheryof the frame, and if they bd placed 6 inches apart, too few Lave been procured by 2 but if they be placed 8.4 inches apart, too many have been procu¬ red by *2. I demand the width of the framed and the dimensions of the plate of the glass. MOON'S PHAgEfS FOR ,f HOUSTA* Full Moon 2d. 9h. lrn. morp.-r | New Moon 16d. Ph. 38m. mop. Last Q 9d 4h. 9m. even. First Q. 24d, Oh. tJOtn. mor. D. w. 1 G 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 S fto O 9 M 10 T 11 W 12 T 13 F 14 S 15 Cr 16 M 17 T 13 W 19 T 20 F 21 S 22 a 23 M 24 T 25 W 26 T 27 F 28 S 29 G- 30 M PHENOMENA, See. ? in Desc. node.iookS gr* elong. W. 5 Yenus in Aries, for5 Moon at Desc. node. 5 Mars' in Pigces. a 5 Good Friday, change. Venus near Uranus, Easter Sun. i perhaps & Con. Sun* rain Jupiter in V? Moon near 4 V in Taurus, perhaps O in perigee* O on equator. not Low Sunday. cotd. O east of $ rainy O at Ascen. node. $ near 7 stars*. and £ on equator* B enters windy Moon furthest north, ? south 2 2 feve. Jupiter sou. 7 55 mo. ? in TP blustering O in apogee, weather, ? nor. of Aldebaran. 4 sou. 7 42 mo. : on equator. cold. Venus south 2 10 ev. Venus in 8 cold 47 6 466 456 446 436 426 416 406 396 386 376 366 356 34*6 336 32 6 13 14 15 16 17 ^-5-38 3 35 7 35 8 37 9 42 1*10 47 31 30 29 25 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21|6 206 196 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -27 28 29 30 31 32 32 83 34 35 36 371 38 39 40 41 U 54 morn O 57 16 11 12 0 morn 0 43 1 31 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 54,'II 59,11 11 53 42 24 0 32 sets 6 48 7 2 2 3 3 4 Oil 1 4 26'l 1 7 39 8 41 11 11 H 11 11 11 11 II 11 4 -0 3 42 3 24 3 C 2. 4S 2 30 2 13 i 56 1 39 1 .22 L 6 415 C 0 34 & 19 a 4 59- 49 59 34 59 20] 59 7 58 54 5a 41 58 29 58 17 58 6 57 55 57 44 57 34 57 24 57 15 57 7 'p! m 5 47 30 === 13 26 m. 9 23! * i 21 vr 5 19 ■w 4 ~1S 35 3, T® 1 15 28 » 11 24 it 6 19 «! 24 a e 18 n i, IS, 26: Venus will he visibly eclipsed by the Mooft, on the 18th, April, at about 8h. 19m. 5th Month.] MAY has 31 days. El 855 Problem 7. Three men; A, B. and C., engaged to-reap-and Becure a piece of gram in eight days, for the sura of $30. After laboring •awhile, they ascertained, at the rate they Worked, they Would require ten days. Hence they took in D., upon the condition that he should perform- one-quarter more while he worked than •either of therm in order to complete the work. 1 wish to know on which of the eight days D. must commence his labor to exactly fulfil the contract, and what each man is to receive 7 MOON S PHASES FOR AUGUST An "Fu^Mooii l 2 5 136 47 0 40 11 56 18 16 5 126 48 1 2311 56 15 30 5 116 49 2 011 56 12 X,15 5 10 6 50 2 33 U 56 10 29 5 10 6 50 3 4 tl 56 8 X13 5 9 6 51 3 33 11 56 7 26 5 a 6 52 4 3 11 56 6 °P10 5 7 6 53 sets 11 56 6 23 5 >76 53 7 47 U 56 7 8 7 5 66 54 8 52 11 56 -8 19| 5 56 55 9 48 11 56 l0 n 2, 5 5 6 55 10 40 1.1 56 12 141 5 46 56 11 26 U 56 15 261 5 36 57 morn U 56 IS 23 8, 5 36 57 0 5 11 56 22 20 5 26 58 0 39 ll 56 27 Cl 2, 6 26 58 1 9 li 56 32 14 5 16 59 1 35 11 56 37 26 5 07 0 2 1 11 56 43 1 9, 5 0 7 0 2 27 11 56 49 . 21 4 59 7 1 2 53 U 56 56 =c= 4 4 59 7 1 3 23 11 57 3 17 4 5S 7 2 rises 11 57 11 51 -1 4 587 2 7 30 11 57 19 15 7.H ST 9iW 10 XJ 12 13 14 15 16 W 17 T ■18,F 19|S 20 e so w 9lT O eclipsed yisi. now Venus near ^ warm Jupiter enters ? in perihelion, and Moon furthest south. ? in 8's horns, toft Mars near £ j rains, O in perigee, then Saturn in Taurus, a Mercury near Uranus. O on equator, ehange Mercury in S3 node. 9 in Sup. 6 Sun. O at Ascen. node, for # eclips'd inyis. the $ near Uranus, worse Venus furthest north. O furthest north eold, Venus jn n and Jupiter in Aquarius. enters 8 windy Jupiter 90q west of # ? spu. 2 39 eve. rain, Jupiter sou. 6 9 -mo. Saturn near Mercury. O on equator* rain. Pentecost. Mars near its node. Moon at g node, high $ near 7 st{).rs, winds Venus sou. ofPqllux. 6th Month.] JUNE has 30 days. [1855. Problem 8 Three men A- B. and C„ engaged to dig a well for the sum of $20; and to be paid in proportion to the parts which they did-ol' the work. It appeared that A. and B. did .paue- twelfihs, B. and C. seven-twelfths. and A. and C. eight- twelfths- I wish to know how much each is to receive, and the num¬ ber of cqbic feet of earth each throws out allowing, the diameter to be ten feet, and its^depth thirty. „ Problem 9. Required, the largest cube that can be cut froid a globe 2 ft, in diameter. MOOM'S PHASES FOR AUGUSTA. Last Q. 7d- 2h. 2 Im. mbrn. I First Q. 22d. 1 lh 25m. even. New Moon 14d. 9h. Im. morn. J Full Moon 29d. 5h. 46m. evenr o. w. PHENOMENA, &c. m h R. zn k s. zd ® R. ^ m shadow at NOOK MARK h m a ©pi. • near the Sup. very 4 55 7 5 2 6 ii 59 2 HP 6 11 M O at its node. 4 54 7 6 2 36 11 59 14 2o| 12 T Venus in 25's Neh. 4 54 7 6 3 12 11 59 26 8 2 13 W » in n Powerful. 4 54 7 6 sets ll 59 3S J5! 14 T £ greater Elong. E. 4 54 7 6 7 37 11 59 51 28, 15 F O furthest nor. nozb 4 54 7 6 8 32 12 0 3 n 10 16 S O east of Mercury. 4 54 7 6 9 23 12 0 16 23| 17 Cr O near ¥ the heat 4 54 7 6 10 2 12 0 29 25 5, 18 M U in Aquarius. 4 53 7 710 37 12 0 42 17i 19 T Q in apogeee. and 4 53 7 711 912 0 55 28 20 W 4 south 4 28 tno. 4 53 7 7 11 3612 1 8 a io 21 T 0 enters n frain 4 53.7 7 morn. 12 I 21 22 22 F 4 Stationy. makes the 4 537 7 o 212 1 34 ia 4( 23 S 4 south 4 16 mo. 4 537 7 0 2812 1 47 17 24 Cr ? sou. 3 6 even. Corit 4 537 7 0 5312 2 0 29 25 M- O at its node. and 4 54 7 6 1 20 12 2 13 = 12 26 T-. Mars in Taurus. 4 54 7 6 1 51 12 2 25 25 27 W 4 sou. 4 0 mo. Cotton 4 54 7 6 2 29 12 2 38 *1 9 28 T Mercury Stationary. 3 54 7 6 3 15 12" 2 50 23 29 F* Muon Lowest. grou\ 4 54 7 6 rises 12 3 2 t S 30 S ¥ in the Sickle. 4 54 7 -& 8 2^ 12 3 14 23 7tli Month.] JULY has 31 days. [1855. Problem 10. There are three numbers' which possess the fol¬ lowing properties : If the product of the first ahd second be added to the sum of the Second and third, the result is 83. If the product bf the first dnd third be added to the sum of the first and second, the result, is 93. And if the second and third be multiplied, and their product added to the sum of the first and third, the result is 117. What are the numbers? I Problem 11. What is the 50th root of 80? * ! MOON'S PHASES FOR AUGUSTA. i Last Q. 6d 8h. 1m. morn. I First Q. 22d. 2h. 24m. morn. New Moor ,13d. 7h. 34m. even. I Full Moor 29d. ph. 34m. morn. j D. _ ve\ PHENOMENA. &c. m u R. m % h s. m % h ' 1 ' s. SHADOW AT NOWN MARK ll IB A ifp!'. i & O in peTigee. Fine 4 55 7 5 9 18 12 3 26 Y? 8 2 M Moon near Jhpkei\ 4 55 7 5 10 1 12 3 37 23 3 T- Earth nearest the ^ 4 55 7 5 10 37 12 3 48 /w 7 AV f 4 W (5th ? nr. Reg.) seasons 4 557 5 11 9 12 3 59 5 T O on equator. and 4 567 4 U 39 12 4 10 X 6 6 F Saturn near Mars. 4 567 4 morn. 12 4 20 *20^ 7 S rh in 8 light 4 56' 7 4 0 8 12 4 30 8P 3 8 a O at Ascen. node. 4 57 7 3 0 39 12 4 40 16 9 M O nr. Uranus, showers- 4 57 7 3 1 12 12 4 49 •29 10 T Jupiter south 3 7 mo. 4 57 7 3 1 50 12 4 58 8 12' 11 W O east of h and $ 4 58 7 2 2 31 12 5 7 «5 12 T* % Inf 6 Sun. The 4 58 7 2 3 20 12 5 15 n 7' 13 F Moon near Mercury, 4 59 7 1 sets. 12 5 22 19 14 S Venus in Ft heal very 4 59 7 1 8 0 12 5 29 25' l' 15 & Jupiter in 5 0 7 0 8 38 12 5 36 13 16 M ? at the Solstice, 5 0 7 0 9 9 12 5 42 25 17 T O near ? oppressive 5 V1 6 59 9 39 12 5 48 a* 7, 18 W Venus sou. 3 6 even. 5 1 6 59 10 5 12 5 53 49 19 T- $ furthest nor. now 5 2 6 58 10 29 12 5 57 TTJZ I1 20 F If sou. 2 25 mo. very 5 3,6 57 10 55 12 6 1 131 21 s Venus at its ps node. 5 3,6 57 11 20 12 6 5 25 22 d Mercury Station, dry 5 46 56 11 48 12 6 8 ^ 7 £3 M Venus gr. Elong. E. 5 4'6 56 morn. 13 6 10 20 ' 24 T ? sou. 3 3 eve. and 5 56 55 0 22 12 6 11 "1 4 25 W Mats in n Hot, 5 6 6 54 1 3 12 6 12 17 26 T O farthest south* 5 6 6 54 1 53 12 6 13 t 2 27 F VenuS sou. 3 1 ev.toiih 5 7 6 53 2 54 12 6 12 16 28 s 2^ Sou: 1 51 ino. some 5 8 6 52 rises 12 6 12 VJ 2 29 a O in perigee, thunder 5 8 6 52 7 52 12 6 10 «i 30 M ©nr. Jupiter, showers. 5 '6 6 51 8 32 12 6 8 oci 2 31 2 in Si's hind foo$. 5 10,6 50 9 8 12 6 6 17 8th Month.l AUGUST has 31 days. [1855, ■ — —j —; ;—1 r Problem 12. A sheep fold was. robbed three nights jn succes¬ sion f the first night half its sheep were stolen, and half a single sheep urore; the seeond night half the remainder were taken, and half a single sheep more , the third night they took half of what yet re-, mained, and a half a single sheep more ; all ef which was done with¬ out killing any sheep, and there remained at last-20 sheep in the flock. How many were there at first.. MOON'S PHASES FOR AUGUSTA. Last Q. 4d. 3h, 54m, even. t First Q. 20d. 3h. 8m, -evert. New Moon 12d. ih. 27m. eveir. | Full Moon27d.-7h. 43nn morn. B. 1 w, -^..,.^.0... . .. I. „ PHENOMENA, &c m h R. 0 it 8 m #R.' h m SHADOW AT' NOON HARK h m a ®pl. 4 ** 1 W ? 19® 19' W. of0 5 li 6 49 9 4012 6 3 X 2 2. T. 4 sou, 1 29 mo. nov 5 li 6 49 10. 10 12 5 59 16 3 ? sou. 2 55 ev. tht 5 12 6 48 10 4012 5 55 30 4 ¥ on equator, heqi it 5 J36 47 11 1312 5 50 OP 13 ""5 «» '© near Uranus, 5 146 46 U 49 12 5 44 26 6 M 21 sou. 111 men very 5 15(6 45 morn. 12 «5 38 8 9 7 T © near h great 5 15 6 45 0 30 L2 5 32 22 8 w. © furthest north, in 5 166 44 . 1 17 12 5 25 n 4 9 T C east of t the 5 176 43 2 812. 5 17 16 10 B. (9th Yenus at equin.) 5 18 6 42 3 312 5 8 28 11 s •? in 1 J *day > 19,6 41 4 1 12 5 0 2310 12 G y in perihetion. a 20 6 40 set^ 12 5 50 22 13 M- €> in Apogee. time. 5 21 6 39 7 42 12 4 40 £1 4 14 T- $ in n Cool 5 21 6 39 8 9 12 4 30 16 15 W 11 in % ■ 5 22 6 38 . a'33 12 4 18 28 16 T* S) on jsquator. nighh 5 23 6 37 8 58 12 •4 7 t15 -9 17 R If south 0 23 Mq. 5 24 6 36 9 23 12 3 54 22 18 S ® at Desct node 5 25 6 35 9 49 12 3 42 -rw% 4 19 G Venus in TjJJ and 5 26 6 34 10 20 12 3 28 16 20 M If in V? heavy 5 27 6 33 10 56 12 3 14 29 21 T If 180o East of 0- 5 28 6 32 11 40 12 3 0 "112 22 W If south 1156 eve. 5 29 6 31 morn 12 2 45 26 23 T 0 enters 61 dews 5 30 6 30 0 35 12 2 30 } 10 24 F (25th, ? brightest) 5 316 29 I 39 12 2 14 25 25 S £ Sup. 6 Sun. 26tht 5 32 6 28 2 51 12 1 58 mo 26 G Uranus Stationary 5 33 6 27 rises 12 1 42 25 27 M ©in perigee. rain 5 34 6 26 7 2 12 1 25 * 10 28 T Venus west of Spica. 5 35 6 25 t 36 12 t 7 26 29 w © cn equator. 5 36 6 24 8 712 0 50 xu 30 T H sou. 1121 mo, occa- 5 37 6 23 8 38|12 0 32 26 31IJF D at Q nodG-Siov.aJly. O- At h 2>,M .9- 1142 O 14 90 A Oth JMonth-] SEPTEMBER has 50 days. [1855, a Problem 13. Suppose a goose to have six goslins at-year, two •ma^s and four females, and each female to increase in the same pro- ■portion, &c. What would Be the amount of the old goose's progeny ,ut the end of 20 years?" How many males, and how many females? And also, what would bethe amount of the whole stock at twenty-five cents per head ? — moon's phases for august a. Last Q. 3d. 2h. 57 m. morn. New Moon lid. 5h. 26m. mom. First Q. 19d. Ih. 35m. morn. Full Moon 25d. 3h, 69iji. even. w. 1 S ,*2 Cr 3 M 4 T 5. W 6 T X■ 8.S. 9jG 10 M UT 12 W 43 T 14 E* ,15S 16,G- 17 M 18 T 19 W 20 T 21 ft 52 s 23 Or 24 M 25 T 26 W 27 T 28 F 2 ftj rd PHE'NOxMENA, &c.ft Dundee Taken 1651. ? sou. 1 58 ev. o long U sou. 11 3 ev. any © east of tV © furthest north, time Mars in 2p's Neb. to © W. of Mars, begin Venus Stationary; | Moon in Apogee. Venus nr. Spjca. the Mercury on equator ©near Venus. Cotton Saturn in Taurus. 4 in V? poking © at Q node. Loph Jupiter sou. 10 6 eve. Venus near ¥ Jor Venus sou. 0 50 eve. © furthest sou. some south 0 3 mo-. Venus in W rain '(23d h 90<> W.of B) B enters W though Moon in Perigee. © on equator. high (25th ? in Aphelion.) © at Ascending node. © near Uranus, ^nehaelmas Day. ( Venus in"i'j4 ivbn s B 8 • R. h 1ft h 386 39 6 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4? 48 49,6 shadowat noon mark m b • pl, 516 526 536 546 556 566 576 580 59,6 06 5 5 5 5 55 65 7r1 85 22 21. 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 .13 12 11 9 8 1 6 '5 4 3 2 1 0 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 9 47 1.0 27 If 12 morn 0 3 0 1 56 2 43 3 ,50 sets 6 36 morn 0 28 1 42 2 57 4 11 rises 6 34 5711 tl 11 11 11 11 11 a u a n u n a u a a 11 n a a u u n 6 42 £0 2'11 59" 55 59 36 59 17 58 58 58 39 53 19 57 59 57 39 57 18 56 58 56 37 56 16 55 55 55 34 55 13 54 52 54 31 54 9 53 48 53 27 53 6 52 45 52 24 52 3 51 43 51 22 51 2 50 42 50 22 5a T 13 a 6] 18 13 25 7 19 a i 13 25 n. 7 19 1 13 26 til 9' 22j t 5| 19; V* 4 , 19 OX 4i 19| X 4 19l T 3; "i & i, 4 10th Month."] OCTOBER .has 31 days. [1855. Prob£km 14. a'gentleman, for one of his peculiarities,7aid out hie .garden m the form of a right triangle, and on being asked its area, replied; " It# exact contents I pm unable to give you, hut byao, tual measurement from the acute angles to- the centre -of their oppo¬ site sjdes," I found the distances to be 21, 36 and. 13.02117 rods, 1^111 you give him the area? MOON'S PHASES FOR AUGUSTA. ^ Last Q. 2d. 5h. 38nr. even. 1 First 18d. lOh. 12m. morn. """ New Moon lOd. 9h. 58m. even. J Full Moon 25d. 2h Om. mom. o. w. phen6mena, &C , i <81 u jr. # m ; u 1 s. at 9 ik- R. m shadow al* noon mark j» jw. e • pi., 4-} i!m Venus Inf. 6 ® warm 6 9!5 51 16 4 11 49 44 8 27' 2 t Venus sou. 11 28 mo. 6 ro,5 50 10 48 11 49 25 n *10; . 3 w Venus in Virgo, for 6 115 49 11 47 11 49 •6 22 4 t h .sou". 5 10 mo. the 6 12'3 48 morn 11 48 48 25 4' ♦§ fr Saturn enters II 6 13 5 47 0 46 11 48 30 16 '# near Mars. Season. 6 145 46 1 43 11 48 12 28 7 & Venus at the equin. 6 15 5 45 2 "39 11 47 55 a 10 8 M U sou. 8 34 eve. some 6 165 44 *3 36,11 47 38 2i: 9 t # near Venus. rain 6 175 43 4 29 11 47 22 VL 3 10 W Jupiter sou. 8 26 eve. 6 18,5 42 sets 11 47 6 16 11 t £ gr. Elong. E, but 6 19,5 41 5 57 11 46 50 28! 12 F Saturn Stationary, the.6 20 5 40 6 26 11 46 35 ^=10 13 S • east of $ .Sun 6 215 39 6 57 11 46 21 23 14 & Jupiter iij V? is high.6 225 38 7 35 11 46 7 it 6 15 M Mars near Regulus. 6 23,5 37 8 21 II 45 53 19, 16 t © in the south. ewco6 24i5 36 9 16 11 45 41 f 2 17 W Saturn sou. 4 19 mo. 6 255 35 10 19 11 45 28 16 18 t Venus sou. 10 5 mo. 6 26,5 34 11 27 11 45 16 30 19 F Venus & If Sta. hoi.6 275 33 mora 11 45 5 VJ 14' 20 S h in 8 again. 6 285 82 0 39 u 44 55 28 21 e Venus in Leo. note 6 29.5 31 1 53 11 44 45 ~ 13 22 M © in perigee. 6 305 30 2 59 11 44 36 28 23 t Sun enters ^ Look 6* 315 29 4 9 11 44 27 24 VV © Eclipsed, visible. 6 32 5 28 rises 11 44 19 27 25 t © at Q node. for 6 335 27 $ 33 11 44 12 Til 26 F © east of Uranus. 6 345 26 6 11 11 44 6 25 27 S 30 11 43 42 a e 4 cs- % in Ascen. node. 6 42 5 18 1 26 U 43 43 18 ' 5 M ©near Venus. now 6 43 5 17 2 21 11 43 44 730 6 T Venus brightest. 6 44 5 16 3 16 11 43 46 "JZ12 7 W Venus in Virgo, dear,6 45 5 15 4 11 11 43 50 24 8 T <1! at Dese. node. 6 46 5 14 5 14 11 43 53 ^ 7 9 F © Eclipsed, itivis. <§•,6 47 5 13 sets 11 43 58 19 10 S Saturn sou. 2 41 mo. 6 48j •5 12 5 33 11 44 4 rrt 2 11 G Uranus 180° E. of © 6 48 5 12 6 IS 11 44 10 15 |12 M $ at Asc, node. on equator. rainJG 65 5 5 3 0 11 45 47 21 21 VV ® at Ascen. node. 6 56 5 4 4 7 11 46 1 7* 6 22 T © enters ft. ow 6 57 5 3 5 14 11 46 17 20 l23 F Mars sod. 7 16 mo. 6 57 5 3 rises II 46 33 8 3 '24 S Mars in Leo. pleasant 6 58 5 2- 5 30 11 46 51 17 25 G ® farthest north. 6 58 5 2 6 22 11 47 9 30 26 M Venus nor. of Spica. 6 59 5 1 7 2011- 47 27 n 13 27 r Jupiter sou. 5 26 eve. 7 0 5 0 8 2111 47 47 26 28 w h sou. 1 26 mo. toeath- 7 0 5 0 9 2011 48 7 25 8 29 T £ south 7 4 mo. er. 7 1 4 59 10 1911 48 2S 20 30, F St. Andrew's Day. 7 1 4 59 11 15111 48 49 fi 2 12th Month.} DECEMBER has 31 " |>Koat»M 16- The perimeter of a right angled triangle is 216. The difference between the hypoilienuse and perpendicular, is to the difference between the basb and perpendicular, as 2 to 1, And the product of the hypothenuser and base, divided by tbe perpendicular, is 120. What-are tbe sides 1 moon's phases for Augusta. Last Q Id. 8h. 44m. mora. 1 First Q. 16d- Ih. 29m. morn. New Moon 9d 4h. 51m. mora. { Full Moon 23d. 5h. 12m. morn. Last Q. did. 6h. 37in. morn. D. (W. PHENOMENA, &c. 0 K. m *. h u 0 , SHADOW AT |N005 MARK m \ h m 4- 4 58 4 57i 12 W 13 T 14 F 15 S ® Jn apogee^ Cold 7 24.-53 1st Sunday in Advent. 7 2 4 58 ® east of and\7 €) west of ® rainy. 7 ® at node^ Ltock7 3,4 57 Jupiter in \f for o7 4 4 56 Jupiter sou. 4 52 eve. 7 4|4 56 ® near 1? fearm 7 4 4 56 i? sou. 0 39 mo. 7 5,4 55 ® farthest south., 7 5 4 55 ? 46p 49' Wr © spclL7 5 4 55 -7 3 ? in Q, node, «nd|7 64 54 8 19 in perigee. [7 -6 4 54) 9 31 £ near equinox. then 7 6,4 5410 30 Venus in perihelion. 7 ® on equat. Freezing 7 morn 11 49 11 0 1011 49 1 511 49 Venus east of Spica. |7 # at its node, weather. 7 .... W(i8th lSQo E.of ©)7 7|4 53 Tji sou. 6 20 mo. i\Towt7 7|4 53 F S ram. 23 Cr 241M 25 T 26 W Jupiter in •s © enters * 7 @ farthest noft JVbte 7 £ on equator, frost 7 Christmas, Santa Clans. 7 Venus in 25='s square. 7 Mars in rt£ and 7 £ 90« W, of © some! ® in apogee. 7 (31st $ Sup. 6 ©.) Ice.7 Hang up {Stockings, h 34 57] 1 5911 50 2 5611 50, 3 46111 51 4 5311 51 sets 111 52 4 5411 52 6 26,11 52 11 53 11 53 11 54 11 54 II 55 11 55 LL 56 11 56 11 57 11 57 11 58 11 58 U 59 H 59 an 26- m s1 20: 2' 6,4 54 64 54 64 54 74 53j 7 4 53 7 4 53 7.4 53 7 4 53 4 54 4 54 4 54 4 54 4 54 4 54 11 47 morn- ■0 52 1 57 3 2 4 9\ 5 15 rises 5 7 15' 28 «L 11 25' 581* 9 26 23 54 V? 7 22 21 5ip 6 201 20 48.X 4 7 a 9 10 10 55 11 50 4 55 morn 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 T 2 15 29 8 12 25 n 8 ~21 2d 3 16 28 a 10: 22 45'M 31 13' 15 GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED"STATE& ] President-r-FKANKLiN Pierce, of Kew Hampshire. Salary $25,000 President of Senate—D. R. Atchison, of li'ssouri, pro teau. , " 5,000; Secretary of State—Wm. L. Marcy. New York. * 6.O0O! " " Treasury—James Guthrie, Kentucky. " 6,000 " " Interior—Robert McCelland. Michigan* " 6,001 " " Wai^—Jefferson Davis, .Mississippi. " 6/)0; f 44 " Navy—J. C. Dobbin, North Carolina, ■" 6,00' Postmaster General—James Campbell, Pennsylvania. u 4,000 Attorney General—Caleb Cushing,, Massachusetts, *' 4,000 ' | JUDICIARY* Chief Justice—Roger B. Taney, of Maryland. Associate Justices of the Supreme Court—B. R. Curtis, Massachusetts; John. M'Lean, of Ohio; J. Mi Wayne, of Georgia ; Campbell, of Mobile, Alabama ; John Catrcju of Tennessee ; Peter V. jDaniel, of Virginia ; Samuol Nelston, Cooperstowrr, N. Y. ; K. C. Gries, Pittsburg, Pa^ | J. T. Reed, of Washington City, Clerk. Benjashs C. Howard, Reporter. ' I DISTRICT OFFICERS. j For North Carolina.—Henry Potter, Judge. Hiram W. Husted, Attorney. <5. W. I.ittle, Marshal. W. H. Haywood, Sen., Clerk. Clerk of District Courts—At Wilming¬ ton, W. K. Anderson; at Edenton, J. M. Jones ; at Newbern, B. Brown. ■ For South Carolina—Robert B. Gilchrist, Judge. X*C.J£vans, Attorney, X. D. L'ondy, Marshal. Henry Y. Gray, Clerk. I For Georgia.—J. C, Nicoll, Judge. H. Williams, Attorney. J. B. Johnson, Mar- UTial, Win. M, Drown, Clerk. Geo. Glenn, CIRCUIT COURTS. I The United States are divided into the nine following Judicial Circuital in each o which a Circuit Courtis held twice every year for each state within the Circuit, by s ijluftieetof the Supreme Court assigned to the circuit, and by the District Judge o | the State or District in which the court sit, , Presiding Judge, list Cirbuit, Maine, New Hamp., Mass., and Rlifttfe Island, Mr. Justice Curtis. Vermont, Connecticut, ajid New York, Mr. " Nelson. New Jersey a ik| Pennsylvania, Mr 4,4 Grier. Delaware and Maryland, Mr. Chief Justice/Taney. Virginia and North Carolina, Mr. Justice Daniel. South Carolina and Georgia, Mr. 44 Wayne. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, Mr, " M'Lean. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, Mr. '' Catron, f Alabama, Mississippi, Eastern District of! M „ | Louisiana, and Arkansas, f Mr' uvmpDou. TIME OF HOLDING UNITED STATES COURTS. Supreme Court.—Held at the city of Washington on the 1st Monday in December annually. Federal Circuit Court.—For North Carolina; at Raleigh, the 1st Monday in June, and last Monday in November. For South' Carolina—at Charleston, the Wednesday preceding the 4th Monday in March. At Columbia, 4th Monday in Nov. For Geor¬ gia—at Savannah, the 2d Monday in April. At ililledgeville, on Thursday after the first Monday in Nov. Federal District Court.—For North. Carolina—at Edenton, 3d Monday of April and October—at Newburn, 4th Monday of April and October—at Wilmington, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of April and October, annually. For South Carolina.-r—At Charleston, on the 3d Monday in March and September ; 1st Monday in July, and 2d Monday in December—at Laurens Courthouse, the next i Tuesday after the adjournment of the Circuit Court at Columbia. I For Georgia—At Savannah, on the 2d Tuesday in February, May, August, and November. For Florida—North. District—at Tallahassee, on the 1st Monday in January—at. Apalaehicola on the 1st Monday in February—at Pensacola, on the 1st Monday in March—»at St. Augustine, on the 1st Monday in April. Southern District—at Key West, Admiralty Court all the time. Wjp Tim District Judges have power to hold Special Courts in their respective dis¬ tricts at discretion. U. S» DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS.,. United States Commissioners for the District of South Carolina, to take acknowl¬ edgments of Bail and Affidavits in CiwU Cases, &c—Geo. W. Eglksto.Vj H. Y. Gray, and B. Q, GiLCHaisi'. ■* 17 2d d 4th in April & 3d in Oct Manchester, 3d In Feb and August Thursdays after 4th in Feb and August Wdafr 3d ire Feb & AugJ 2d in March and Sept SheUbyville, Winchester, Pikeville. At Gainsboto', Sparta, Lafayette, -Gallatin, Woodbury, Fayetteville, Jasper, Monday. Wed'y after 1st in Feb A Wed after 2d in July Wed af'r 2d In M'h fe Sep'l 1st in Feb & 2d in July 1st in April and October On Thursday after 4th Mon la March and Sept 4th in Feb and August Tuesdays preceding 2d in March and Sept TIME OF HOLDING CIRCUIT COURTS. 1st Circuit—S.J. Lucky, Judge —monday. 2d Circuit—Eb'r Alexander—Judge Greene, 2d in Feb, June and October ! Washington, 4th in Feb, June & October Blount, Carter, * 1st in March, July and Nov| Johnson, 2d in March, July and Nov Knox, Sullivan, 3d in March, July and Nov Anderson, Hawkins, , 4th in January, May & Sept Morgan, Hancock, 1st mon after the 4th mon .Roane, 18 in Jan, May A Sept Monroe? MONDAY. 1st after 4th in Jan May & „. . September oj Fel)> June and Oct -d in March, July and Nov Jd in March, July and Nov 4th in l eto, June and Oet 4th m April, August & Dec I ■3d Circcit- -JCDGB. MONDAY. 1st in March, July and No-[Henry, vember. [Weakley, 2d in March, July and Nov Obion, 3d in March, July and Nov'Gibson, 4th in March, July and Nov Carroll, 2d in Feb, June and October Benton, 2d in April; Aug and Dec " 4th in April, Aug and Dec 1st in Jan, May And Sept 4tli Circuit—John L. Goodall—Jubgb. monday. 1st in Feb, June amd Ocrober 2d in February. June and October 1st in March, July and Nov 4th in March, July and Nov 3d in February, June and Oc¬ tober 3d in April, August and Dec Fayette, Rhea, iBledsoe, I Marion, 'Hamilton, ■Folk, 'M'Mind, [Meigs, Bradley, [White, Fentress, ^Jackson, iSmith, , Overton, jDeKalb, Macon, 3d in March, July and Nov [5th Giacurr—Hugh L. Davidson—J UDSe i monday. Bedford, 1st in April, August, and De¬ cember Wilson, Sd ip January, May and Sept Claiborne-, Cocke, 9th Circuit—William Fitzgerald—.1 cd«k. monday. 3d in Jan. May and Fept 2d in Feb, June and October 4th in Feb, June and Oct - 3d in Marcu, July and Nov 4th in April, Aug and Dec 2d in January, May & Sep* Henderson, 4th in March, July and No\ 10tl» Circuit—John Read—JtmoB. mqnday. 3d in January, May and Sept 1st in Feb, June, & 1st inOci 1st after 4th in Feb, June, and Oetoher 1st in Feb, June and Oct Lauderdale, 3d in Feb, June & October 11th Circuit—J. C. Humphreys—Judgy. monday. Shelby, 3d in Jan, May and Sept 2d in Fob, June and October Dyer, Haywood,' Tipton. Jefferson, Granger, " llovllj UU uwuuavja IH»J OIUU kJC Rutherford, 2d in March, July and Nov Cannon, 2d in Feb, June and October lith Circuit—N. Baxter———Judgb. monday. Williamson, 2d in March, July and Nov Davidson, 2d in January, May and Sept ■Sumner, 3d in February, June and Oct :7th Circuit—W. W. Pepper—Judge, ■ ' monday. r 'Robertson, 2d in Feb, June &,October ! Montgomery, 2<1 in January, May & Sept [Dickson, 4th in Feb, June -and Oct [Humphreys, 1st in March, July and Nov [Stewart, 2d in March, July and Nov •Sth Circuit—Wm. P. Martin—Judgb: i monday. 1st in Jan, May & 4th In Aug 2d in Feb, June and October Maury, Marshall, i files, Hickman, Lewis, Hardeman, 4th in Feb, June and Oct 12th Circuit—R. M. Anderson—Judge. monday. 2d in April, Ang and Dec 4th in April, Angust & Doc 2d in January, May and Sept 1st after 4th m March, J ul.s and Nov 3d in March, July and Nov 1st In January, May and Sept 18th Circuit—A. J. Marchbanks—J cdgie. monday. Grundy, 3d. in May, Sept and January Van Burcn, 4th in April, Aug and Dec Coffee, 1st in May, Sept and Januar;. Warren, 2d in April, August and Dec I.ineoln, let-in March, July and Nov Taylor, letJn April, Aug and Dec 4th in March, July and Nov 14th Circuit—sElijah Walker—Judgb. -monday. 2d in Feb, June and October 1st in Feb, June and October 3d in March, July and Nov i 4th in Feb, June and Oatobei 1st in March, July and No. 2d in March,-July and No-, Held on the Srst[ Sevier,' Campbell, Lawrence, Wayne, Hardin, Perry, Deeatur, M'Nairy, 1st in April, August & Dec 3d in Feb, June and October 3d in March, July and-Nov "Criminal Court of Davidson County—Judge, W, K. TuRNHt. Monday in January, April, July, and 4tb Monday in October. Montgomery.—Time of holding this Court fixed by the Judge. Common Law and Chancery Court Of the City of Memphis—Judge, W. R. Harms Chancery side held 4th Mondays of May and November. Law side held 1st Monday>•{, >f March, July and November. GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. members to congress. Senators—A. P. Butler and J. J. Evans. Representatives—Wm. Aiken, J. McQueen, L Keitt, P. Brooks; J. L E, Orr, and. W. W. Boyee. civil and military officers. Governor and Commander-in-Chief—J. L Manning. Lieutenant Governor—J. H. Irby. Secretary of State—Benjamin Periy. Surveyor General—Wiliiam F. Ervin. Comptroller General—J. D_Ashmore* J rr fin Charleston, William Laval, * . Treasurers-1 m Columbia, JS. P. Jones. 19 I courts er law and equity of south Carolina CHANci'ir.ABS ix Eqimv,—Job Johnson, Benj/imiil T. Dunlin,"^711. "Wardlaw,G W. Dargan. State Reporter-J. S. G. Richard-on. Clerks—Alexander Plerbeinont., and T homa a J.. Gau tt. oommx38iomkjw «( r,k«1stkks» Cha'Ieston District Orangeburg " Barpwetl " Colleton K Beaufort ** Chesterfield v Marlboro Darlington li Marion " Horty Georgetown " Wijjiamshurg. " Sumter ^ " Kershaw 41 4 Jag. Tapper, Master- < J. W. Giay, " { T. I. Gantt Keg. V. D. v- Jamison Johnson Hagood O. P. Williams K- J Davant J. C. Craig E. P. Erwtn 3*. C Evans C. D. Evans J. R. Beatty S. '1' Atkinson H. Th urn W, Haynei worth W D. Workman. .COMMISSIONERS & JtEGISTERa. Richland District, Lexington Newberry * * ElgefieU 14 Abbeville *" Anderson u Pickens u Greenville 4i Laurens " Spartanburg'" Lnion *' York " Lancaster " Chester " Fairfield . " R. C. Pearson H. Ac Meetze J. PL Willians Arthur Siwpkins A. PL Jones A-O, Narris L VV. Ross S. A. Townes B, R. -Campbell T.jO. V'mon D. Goadt lock J. L. Miller J. II. Witlierspootas M. Williams W. PL Robertsorr je2ies of holding courts of equity. 1st Circuit—At Charleston trn the 5th of February, to sit sfit weeks ; and on Dm 4lb of June, to sit four wee k3_ 2d Circuit—At .Orangeburg u -Bitrnweil Walterboro* « Grliison ville 3d Circuit—At Cbe.terfieid Marlboro Darlington I * Marion 5th of Feb, tosil one week. V2ih do lyth dQ' -36th do 6th do Sth do 13th do 16th do dor - do do do do do do -two days, do do do three days do four days. 4th -Circuit—At Sumter Camden Colnmba "• Lexington Newb-rry Sth Circuit— A* Edgefield - Abbeville Anderson Fickena Greenvtllft Laurens &th Circuit—At Spartanburg Union York Lancaster Chester Winnsboro* Conwaybro, for Horry, 22d-Feb, to sit tor three days. Georgetown, for Georgetown, 26th Feb, to sit 3 d»ya. Williamsburg 2d of March, thetV sit tliree days. 4tb of Jane, may sit six davs. lHh do 18th do "25 th do 2d of July. •4th of Juno. Uth do 18ih do iM of Jhly. 9th, do 18th of Juno. 4th do llth do 18th do 25th do 2d of JnljU- 9th do The Chancellors, by consent of parties, may hear causes at chambers, at>d hold Special Courts in any of the districts, when deemed necessary. medical college of the state of, south flADftT.TWA The Course of Lectures begins on the first Monday in November. Faculty—J. E. Holbrook, M D., Prot. of Anatomy. S. H. Dckson, M~ D„ Prof, o the Institutes and Practice pf Medicine. E. Geddings, M. D., Prof of Sur»err Jai Moultrie, M D , Prof, of Physiology. Henry R. Frost, M. D.. Prof, of Materia Medic! T. G. Pnoleau, 1VLD., Psof of Obstetrics. C. U. Shepard, M. D„ Prof, of Chemistrr 9t. Juhen Ravenel, M. D., Demonstrator of Ana-ony. * Dr. D. J Cain, Physician to the Matins Hospital, and Clinical Instructor lectori twice a week on the Diseases of that Institution. instructor, lectori Dr. J F. prioleau, Physician to the Alms House, lectures twW a Week on Disease Demonstrative Instruction-In Medicme knd Surgery at ihe Colleeo Hosnital Wlse,s® HENRY R.FROST, M. D^Dean & U,e Faculty. TIKES 0? HOLDING COMETS OE SESSION & CO&KON PLEAS OF EACH CIRCUIT, CITY CIRCUIT.—Spring Terra commences March 12, at Charleston, fo-rit six weeks. Fall Term commences Oct. 2to sit for r weeks. SOUTHERN CIRCUIT.—Spring Terra com. at Edgefield March 5.—at Barnwell March' 13—at Gilhsonville, for Beanfor, April 2—®:. Wn'terbero', for Col- letOB, Apnl 9—at Orangeburg April-16. V Fall Term com- at Edgefield Oct. 1—at Barnwell Oct. 15—ait Gliisosrvillef for Beanfort, Oet» 29—at WaltetbenF, for Colleton,' Nor, 5—at' Orangeburg, Nor. 12. i WESTERN CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com. at Spartanburg April 2—at Lanreng, April-9—at Abbeville March 5—at Anderson, Alateh 12—at Pickens, March 19—at Greenville March 26. I Fall Term com. at Laurens Oct. 29—at Abbeville Oct. I—at Anderson] Oct. 45—at Piokeiis Oct. 15—at Greenville Oct, 22. ' I NORTHERN CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com. at Union March 5—at Fairfield April -8— 1 at Chester March 26—at York March 12—at Lancaster March 22. Fall Term com. at Union Oct. 1—at Fairfield Oct. 29—at Chester Oct. 22—at York Oct. 8—at Lancaster (Jet. 15. MIDDLE CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com. at Richland March 5—at Nedrbewy March! 19—at Lexington March 26—af Kershaw April 2—at Sumter April 9?; Full Term com. at Richland Oct. 1—at NeWberry Oct. 15—at Lexington Oot. 22—«at Kershaw Oct 29— at Sumter Nov, 5, EASTERN CIRCUIT—Spring Term com. at Che.terlield -March 5—at Msilboro' March 12—at Darlington March 19—at Marion March 26—at Con. yvayboro', for Horry April 2-»at Williamsburg April 16—at George- 1 town April 9« ' Fall Term com. at Chesterfield Oot. 1—art MarlborC Oot 8—at Darling¬ ton Oct. 15—at Marion Oct. 22- at Con waybovo', for Horry Oct. 29- at Williamsburg Nov. 12—ait Georgetown Nov. 5i Associate Judges in the Courts of Law—Thomas W. Glover, J. B. O'Nenll, D. L. Wardlaw, Robert Munto, T, J. Withers# J*. N. Whitner. | Solicitors—Eastern Circuit, Henry M'lver. Western do., J, P. Re id. Middle do., Simeon Fair. Northern do., T. N. Dawkms. {Southern da, M, L. Bonham. Attorney Genera!—Isaac W.'Hayne, to attend the City Circuit. EF* The May Term of the State Court lias been discontinued, and those in the 'Socbthera Crrcuu altered as primed above. I 95* The Court of Appeals in Law and Equity , to be held in Charleston on the 2d; Monday in January, to try'eases for the Districts of Georgetown, Horry, Beaufort,; Colleton, and Charleston. I 95* The Court of Appeals in Law and Erfuity, to he Heldat Columbia,on the 1st Monday in May, and 4th Menday-in November. ( The Judges have power to order -adjourned or extra 'Sessiens in Columbia qt Charles i-n, EQ-" A Court for " Correction of Errors," consisting of all the Chancellors and Judges of the Courts of Law, shall be held at such time, during the sittings 'Of Hie' Courts of Appeal, as the Judges may appoint. | Return Day—Fifteen days before the sitting of each Qo,ur^. City Court i Held 1st Monday-in February, of f do do May, Charleston. / do do July, J 24 do October, I Hon. Wm. Rice, Recorder. * 95* *Return Day, ten dayB| I before* each Court is held Registers of Mesxe ConvByonce.—M- 1, Keith, for Charleston District. W. J; Howard, tot Georgetown District. Registers for the other Districts, the Clerks o •sessions. | COMMISSIONERS OF LOCATIONS—By an Act of the Legislature# passed in, Dec. 1840, the Clerks of Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions, are appointed Ex-Officio for the District in winch they reside, now vacant, or to become vacant. ClVAU OFFICERS OP SOCTTI CAKOLISA. Districts. j Charleston,... (Georgetown, .. (Williamsburg, Horry I Marion.... jSpanfort,»..,,, lColIeton. I Abbeville, .... Artiteredfe, Barnwell, ... Chester, juhestm*field,t. j Darlington,... j&lgekePl,..,... Fairfield....,,,, JGret-nviUe,, j Kershaw, i Lanca-s ier,, ,,., plnrehs*..,.... li'jexin^terij..., I Marrborongh,. j New berry,.... I Jh-arrge'buFg,.. (Pickens,.. i • loli l fit 1' l ,1^1 . . , ■ tlpartanburg, . Sumtear, ...... , Union, (York Sheriffs. ..J. I>7Yates, ' .,E. Waterman, .. J. S. Bradley, ..If. J. Graham, .. E. GodboH, . .\V. Yeomajw, . .Geo. Warren . .S. Hoages, ..J. W. Guyton, . .R. Walker, ..Wm. B. hilly, . .S. Jackson, .. D. S Lavr, , .L. Jones, . .R. E. Ellison, Clerks of Seas, and Com. Pleas. D. Horlback, W. J. Howard, W, R. Neilson, James Beaty. E. B. Wheeler, T. fi-Jiuekuer, J. K. Under, McDonald, Elijah Webb, J as. L. Davis, J. Rose borough, J. C, Craig, E. B. Bronson, T. G Baeon^ O. R. Thompson, Ordinaries. Coroners. GL Buist, E. "Waterman, i' Flagler, James Beatty, E. B. Wheeler, E. F. Morall, J. Wt Burbage, J. G. Splleck, H. Hammond, R, C.. Fcrake, Peter WyHe, J. C. Craig, R. Beasley, John Hill, J, P. Jleveaux, L. Dozief, J. B. McElven, E, B. Sessions, I). J. McDonald. J. S. Branson, Peter Pye, Sen., Win. Means,. J. C. Grilfin, W. J. Mixon, W, Alexander, J. C. Chapman, D. Milling, Daniel White, .. W, A McDaniel, 1>. Hoke, . .J. Ingrain, $L Naudam, ..Joseph Hale, ——Stuman, . 0. Richardson, J. Darlington, .. i ■■ Van Zant, John Fox, .. B. F. McGilvray.P. McColl, ..B. H. Kinard, .Gee. De KjAt, ..A. Bryqe, . .C. Xeither, ,.R. J. I'oole, L. 0. GlOver, "W. L. Keith, J". S. Gnurnarcf, J. B. Tolieson, Cotetnam Iihame.W. J. Singleton, John Gibbs, — M'Kissak, .. Win. S. May. J. 6. Eidoe. f G. Wood war 3». R. Hawthorne, L. MeBee, R. I,oveland, J. R. Joy, A. M. Kennedy, J.H. Wit hers poenJ. R. Connelly War. D. Watts, C. G. Franks, A. H. Fort, £ Harmon, Diistow, J. H. Bolton, £. P. Lake, > W. W. Jfonseal", J. Wolfe, W. J, Parsons, W. J. Gant, J. S. Guignard, D. B. Miller, R. Bowden, G. W. II. Legg, Wm. Lewis, Turn. Davis, "B. Johnson, J. J. Porter, Jtihn M. Ross. J. JIcElwere. BAILROASU I AT fiEORGIAi Name of Railroad* Central (Savaunh to Mae.. Milledgevilleand Gnlon■ ..... Earentou Branch (Miliedgeville to Eatonfun). -T - - , Wayhesb >r<>' (from Milieu on C. R. K. to Augusta) Mac n and Western (Macon to Atlanta). Georgia (Augusta to Atlanta)-..... -•— ft*hens Br. (from Union Point on (3. R. 14. to Alliens) Branch (Camak to Warreuton) Wilkes,Branch (Double Well*. '(gV\ adnugton). Western & Atlantic (Atlantic toCha tnuooga, Jemj. Rome (to Kingst' n on the We-tern <5c Atlantic 14. R.).... E. Tennessee and Ge :rg,ia.(I)ult n L> Kn ^vil!e)._,,. auth ■' estern (Macon to Oglethorpe) Muscogee (Columbus to Fort VjCley i.nS.W.h... Lagrange (Atlanta, iisVV'aiJ Po.iu)..^* _J. PrCfidents. IbOt 17 R1 sr 101 171 All 4 W 133 ao -8:1 CD 71 &7 R. U. Cay er* J. U. If rue Michaet Dennis ,A. 14. Law sou Isaac Scott J- P. King J. P. K>n& .1. P. King Jj P. King Wm. R. Smith C. Walla eo L. O. ReynolJs Dan ij Guffin ■lobnj*. King -itj6i i i -rtiles-r* GOVERNMENT OF FiOKIDA. STATE-HOUSE OFFICERS, Governor James E B-rowae. Secretary of State—FrelericL V^lei>egue. Attorney General—Marianna 1). Pajiv. ComptroHer—T. W. Brevard Tiea.-urer—Charles If. Austin. Register State Lands—D. S. Walker, Clerk of Supreme Cuurt—John P. K. Savage. . JUDICIARY. Supreme Court Judges.—Hon. Tho. Ruhz&ll, Chief Justice, of Tallabasse ; Hon. C. H. Dupont, of Q,ui>tuy ; Associate Judge, Tho. Donglass, of J.v-ksrmvitle, Ass. Justice xTRctiir arbGfcs. Western Circuit—Hon, Jesse J. FkJey, -[rice Hon. 6. g> Hawkins, resigned.! Ma®i- anha. Middle Cir-cuit-r-J. Waylas Baker, Tallahassee- %stern Circuit*— VErn, A Forward, St. Augustine. Southern Circuit—Thos. F. King, Key Weat" SOLICITORS. f Wee'ertiCtrcmt—James Landrum, Marianni, Middle CirCuit—-Samuel B. Stephen#.j Eastern Circuit—I. M. Baker, Qcala, Southern Circuit—James TJettis, Tampa, Westers fciRcrsr. COURTS Bi FliOKlOA. v J Spring Teres. Franklin County, at Apalachieola, 2d Monday in April Caliioukr do Jackson do at Mariaena, Washington do Holmes do Walton do at Euehuaima., Sahta Rosa do at Milton, Fscambia do at Pensacolat, .Middle Circuit. Gadsden County, at Quincy, Leon do 'at Talk basse, Fall Terma 1st Monday in December Thr. after 4th M. Apr Thurs af +th Men in Nov 1st Monday in Hay 2d Monday ia Hon 3d Mon in May Thr af 1st Moa in Nov. Th af 3d Mon in May1 1st Mon in Kov at Newport, at Moiiticello, —.u a^... at Madison, C. H. 3th Mon in April at Jasper, 4th Mon in April Wakulla do Jefferson do Madison do Hamilton do " Eastern Circuit. Wratige fc St. LueiaCo, at Mellon ville. I'utnam County, Marion do at OcaTa, Alachua do at Newmansville, Columbia do at Alligator, Nassau do at Nassau C. H. • Duval do at Jacksonville, St. Johns do at St. Augustine, 4th Moo. in May 1st Mon in June 2d Motrin June 1st Mon. in March 3d Mon in March 1st MOn in April 2d Mon in April 4th Mon in Oct 3d Mon in Oct Z9 Monday in October 1st Thursday in Oct 3d Mon in Oct 1st Mon in Nov 2d Mou in Nov 3d Mon in Nov 4th Mon in Nov 1st Tuesday in April 3d Tues in April 4th Mon in Aprtl 1st Mon in May 2d Mon in May Wed bef 4th M May 4th Mon in May 2d in Jane Southern Circuit. IAvy County, at Sodom, Hernando do-at De Soto Hillsborough do at Tampa, Miuiroe do Key West, 4th Mon in Munch 1st Mon in April 2d Mon in April 1st Monday in May 34 To befo 1st M in Nov last Tu befo 1st M Nov. 1st Mon in Dec 2d Mon in pec 3d Mon in Dec Thur bef 3d Mon Nor '3d Mott in Nov 1st Mon in Nov 2d Mon in October 3d Monday in Oct 1st Mon in Nov 1st Monday in Pec GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. His Excellency David S. Reid, Governor of the State—Salary, $2000 per aannir, and the use of a valuable furnished house. Term expires January 1, 1855. Secretary to the Governor, Samuel V. Adams, Jr. Salary, $300 and ftes William Hill, . " 800 and fes* Daniel W. Courts. " 1600 » Wm. J. Clarke-. " 1000 Stephen Birdaall. 41 600 Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller, Chief Clerk ta Treasurer, Governor's Aids, with the rank of Colonel—J. B. M'Lean, of Guilford ; Th< mas Ruffin, Jr., of Rockingham } Robert Strange, Jr.*. of "Wibniagton ; A. M. Hey don, of Rutherford. The General Assembly commences its session on ihe third Monday of Nov. every Alternate year The next election for members of the Senate and House Of 1W mans anil fur Governor, will be '.eld on tlie first Thursday of August. 1854. TIBEB OF HOU9ISO THE COURTS. [le United States Circuit Court for tl»e. District of North Carolina, is held semi- iimally at Raleigh, on the let Monday of June and last Monday ur November. Judges—Hon, J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Henry Potter, of Fayetteville, Dis- tioit^teAttorney,$H! per annual. Edmund 5. Freeman, of Raleigh, Cterk; Salary 4300, and fees.. Hs, C. Jones,. Reporter ; J. T. C. Wiatt, Marshal. • SUPREME COURT. The Bill to provide for holding a Session of the Supreme Court, once a year, In the Western part of the State, having hecome a Law, we subjoin a synopsis of its, pro¬ visions : Sec. 1st provides that a Session of the Supreme Court shall be held yearly at Mor- ganton, on the 1st Monday in August. Sec. 2d provides that all Appeals taken and causes transmitted, from the Counties of Stokes, Davidson, Montgomery, AnsOn, and all counties lying West of the same, shall be heard and txied at Morganten. Sec. 3d provides for the appointment of a Clerk, who shall keep his Office at "Mor¬ ganton. Sec. 4th makes it the duty Of the Sheriff ofTlurke, to attend the SessioB of said JCourt. ; See. 5th provides that the Reporter for the Court at Raleigh^ shall ^Jso. act as I Reporter to the MorgantOn Session of ft. j Sec. 7th makes it the duty of the Judges to appoint one of the Solicitors within I the region of country specified, to attend said Court at Morganton, as Attorney, for |trie State. The Act does not abolish either of the Terms at Raleigh, hut provides for holding an, additional one at Morganton. Jambs R. Dodge, Clerk. ' SUPERIOR COURTS. Judges—Hon. Thomas Settle, residence Rockingham county ; M. E. Manly, New¬ bern ; John M. Dick, Greensborough ; David F. Caldwell, Salisbury ; John L. Bailey, Hillsborough; John W. Ellis, of Salisbury; R. Ml. Saunders, of Raleigh—salary Attorney General—M. W. Ransom, of Warren County. Solicitors—W. N. H. Smith, of Hertford county ; Geo. Stevenson, of Newbern; Cad Jones, jr., of ©range-county * Robert-Strange, of Fayetteville; M. Lander, of Lincoln ; A. W. Benton, of Cleaveland. FIRST CIRCUIT. Tyrell County, first Monday in March and September. Washington, second " , " " Bertie, third * 0 •" Hertford, fourth *ml K « • Gates, first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, Chowan, 2d " " " « a Perquimons, 3d Mon " u « «« Pasquotank, 4th f" *« «t u Camden, 5th 11 " uw bj « it Currituck, 6th " " <* « i< SECOND CIRCUIT. * r Duplin County, fourth Monday in march awTSeptember. Wayne, first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Greene, 2d " « u si". Lenoir, 3d " b « M Craven, 4th " « « „ 21 Jones, Wednesday next after the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and September. Onslow, -6th Monday after the 4th Monday In March and Sept. Carteret, 7th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept. Beaufort, 6th *' « <* " Hyde, Wednesday next after the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in Hairch and Sept. third circuit. Martin County, on the Monday before the 1st Monday in March inff^Sept Pitt, the 1st Monday in March and. September. Edgecomby 2d* "r ' M M . Nash, 3d " " " Johnstonp, 4th " " r " Wake, the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in March and September. Franklin, 2d. " " '* *' Warren, 34 u « * « Halifax, 4th u f n. « Northampton, 5th w *» *» <* fourth circuit* r Granville County, 1st Monday in March and September. Orange^ 2d Monday in March and Sept, and the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept. Chatham, 3d Monday in March and-Sept. Randolph, 4th " " ,l Davidson, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of March and Sept. Forsyth, 24 " " " " Stokes, 3d *» «" « 4 «* Guilford, 3d & 4th " « ** u Rockingham, 4th " " 11 « Caswell, 6th u " « « Person, 7 th " 11 " *« Alamance, 8th " *" « « fifth circuit, Moore County, Monday before the last in Feb. and August. I Montgomery, last Monday in Feb. and August, Anson, 2d Monday in March .and Sept. Richmond, 3d Monday in March and Sept. Robeson, 4th Monday in March and Sept. Stanley, on the first Monday of March and Sept. Bladen, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in March and September*. Columbus, 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept. Brunswick, 3d Monday after-the 4th Monday in March and Sept. New HanGver, 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept Sampson, 6th Monday after the 4th Monday jp March and Sept. Cumberland, 7 th Monday after the 4th Monday bf March and Sept. sixth circuit. Surry County, first Monday in March and September. Ashe, 2d do do do Wilkes, 3d do do do Davie, 4th do do do Iredell, 1st Monday after, the 4th Monday in March and September Catawba, 2d do do do do Lincoln, 3d ddo do do do GaSrton,., 4th do do- do do Cabarrus, 5th do> do do no Union, 41th, -do do do do Meeklenburgh, 7 th do do do do Rowan, 8th. do do do do Alexander, 9th do do , do do Yodfcin, roth do do * do do seventh circuit. Cherokee County* 1st Monday in March and September, - * - do X"—" Hayvoed, 4th Monday to March and September Henderson, tot Monday after 4th Monday in March hod September. &=*- ? a s. a SSftSVs 2 2 2 % §KS,% 2-2 2 2 Burke, 8th da do do do Rutherford. 9th do * -8c do do Cleaweland,. 10th do M da -do do COURTS OP PLEAS ASD Q,UARTRR SESSIONS. Anson County, .on the second Monday in January, April, July and October Ashe, fourth Monday in February1, May, August and November. *• Alexander, 1st do March, June, September and December. Alamance, 1st do after the 4th Monday of Feb., May, August it November. Beaufort, "3d do * March, Jane, Sept. and Dec. Bertie, 2d do Feb., May, August and Nov. Bladen, 1st do Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. Brunswick, 1st aS Mareh, June, Sept. and Dee. Buncombe, 2d do after the 4th in March, Juue, Sept. and Dec. Burke, 8th do after 4th Monday in March, June, September and December. Cabarrus, 3d Monday in Jan, April", July and Oct Caldwell, 6th do after the 4th Mon. in March, June, September and Dec. C&mden, 1st Monday in Feb. and August, and 7th Monday afterthe 4th Moo. in March and Sept. m Carteret, 3d Monday in Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. Caswell, 1st do after the 4th Monday of March, Jane, Septem- > ber and Dec. Catawba, 2d Monday in June, and 2d Mon. in Dec. Chatham, 24 do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Chowan, 1st do ho do- do- Cleaveland, 10th do* after 4th Monday in Mareh, June, September and December. Columbus, 2d Monday in Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Craven, 2d do Mareh, June, Sept-, and Dec. Cumberland, 1st do do do* do do Currituck, last do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Cherokee, 1st do before the 4th Monday in March Snd Sept., and the 2d Monday before the last Mon. in Jan. J and the 3d Mon. before the last Men. in June. Duplin, 3d Monday in Jan., April, July and Oct. Davidson, 2d do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Davie, 4th do do do Co do Edgecoiab, 4th do do dor do do Frauklin, 2d do March, June, Sept. and Deo. Forsyth, 3d do do do do do Gates, 3d do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Granville, 1st do do- do do Greene, 2d do do do do Guilford, 3d do do do do Gaston, 3d- do Feb. and August. Halifax, 3d dq do May, Aug. and Nov. Haywood, 4th do March, June, Sept. and Dec. Hertford. 4th do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Hyde, 9th do after the 4th Mon. in March and Sept, and UB the 4fh Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Henderson, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of March, Jane, Sept. and' December. Iredell, 3d Monday in Feb, May and Nov. Jackson, 3d do March, June, Sept. & Dee. Johnston, 4th do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Jones, 5th do after the 4th Mon. in March pod Sept, and on the last Mon. in Jan. and July. Leneir, 1st Monday in January and July, and 3d-Monday In March and 26 September. T Lincoln, 1st Monday in June and Dec., and the first Monday after the 4th in Feb. and August. Martin, 2d Monday in Jan., April, July and Oct. McDowell, hth do after the 4th Monday in March, June, Sept. and Dee. Mecklenburgh, 4th Monday in January, July and Oct. Montgomery, 1st do April, July, Oct. and Jan. Moore, 4th do January, April, July and Oct. Macon, on the 4th do March and Sept, and on the Mpn. before the last Mon. of Jan, and 2d Mon. before the last Mon. of June. Madison, 3d Monday after the 4th Mon. in March, June, Sept. and Dee. Nash, 2d do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. New Hanover, 2d Monday in March, June, Sept, and Deo. Northampton, 1st do do do do do Onslow, 1st de do do do do Orange, 4th do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Pasquotank, 1st do March, June, Sept. and Deo. Perquimons, 2d do Feb, May," August and Nov. Person, 3d do March, June, Sept. and Deo. Pitt, 1st do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Randolph, 1st do do do do do ^ Richmond, 3d do January, April, July and Oct. Rowan, 1st do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Robeson, 4th do do do do do Rockingham, 4th do do do do do Rutherford, 9th do after 4tli Mon. in Maroh, June, Sept. & Deo. Sampson, 3d do Feb, May Aug, and Nov. Stokes, 2d do March, June, Sept. and Dee. Surry, 2d do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Stanley, 4th do January, April, July and Oct. TyreU,"4th do do do- do do Union, 1st do do do do do Wake, 3d do- Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Warren, 4th do do do do do Washington, 3d do do do do do Wayne, 3d do do do do do Wilkes, 1st do after 4th Monday in Jan, April, July & Oct. Watauga, 3d do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Yadkin, 1st do Jan, April, July and Oct. Yancy, 4th do after the 4th Mon. in March, June, Sept. & Dec. COURTS OF GEORGIA. Governor—Herscliel V. Johnson, of Baldwin ; Judges of the Supreme Court—Joseph Henry Lumpkin, of Athens; Ebenezer Star- nes.of Augusta ; and Henry L. Benning, of Columbus. * Reporter—Thos -R. R. Cobb, Athens. Clerk—Robert E. Martin, Milledgeviile, TliSES, AND PLACES OE HOLDING. ( Composed of the Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits, alter- Krst District.. < nately at Savannah and Augusta, on the second Monday in U January and June. C Composed of the Southwestern and Chattahoochee Circuits, Second Districts alternately at Columbus and Americas, oil the 4th Monday in (_January and 2d Monday in July. ( Composed of the Coweta, Flint, and Macon Circuits, alternately Third District. J at Macon and Decatur, on the 2d Monday in February and ( August. ( Composed of the Western, Cherokee, and Blue Ridge Circuits. Fourth District < alternately at Cassville and Gainesville, on the 3d Monday in t April and October. i*-m To /• f Composed of the Northern, Qcmulgee and Southern Circuits, at j District.. ^ on the 1st Monday in May and November. . 27 j -■ •* JUDGES Of SVPliBlOH V-OUItTS. Eastern Circuit, William B. Fleming,ofSavannah ; Northern Garnett Andrews, of Waehiagton • Middle, Wm. W. Holt, of Augusta; Western. James Jackson, of Monroe, Ocmulgee Robert V. Hardeman, of Clinton; Macon, Abner P. Powers, of Macon. Southern Peter E. LoVe. of Thomasvilie ; Flint, James II. Stark, of Griffin : Chattahoo- ehee M. J. Crawford, of Columbus ; Cherokee, John II. Lumpkin, of Rome ; ^ Cowela, Obadiah Warner, of Greenville ; Blue Ridge, l)avid Irwin, of Marietta ; S. VVest a.;W. H. Perkins, Cuthbert. Attornbt GBHBftaL. Middle, John T. Shewmake, Waynesboro t. Solicitous, Eastern.Tiros. T. Long, Darien ; Northern, J. B- Weems, Washington Western W J. Pee pies, Lawrenceville ; Ocmulgee. Thos. P. SafTold, Mad'song Macon, Wm. K. DeGraffenreid, Macon ; Southern, John S. Winn, Thomasvilie ; Flint, Joseph A Thrasher, McDonough ; Chattahoochee, Jack Brown, Buena Vista ; Cherokee, John J.'\Vord,CassvdJe ; Coweta, Logan E. Bleckley, Atlanta; Blue Itldge, Edward D. Chishlom, Van Wert; South Western, John Lyon, Albany. Congressional Delegations Senators—William C. Dawson, of Greene; to 4th March, RobertToombs, of Wilkes: A. Iverson, after 4th March. Representatives—IstDistrict, JamesL. Seward, of Thomas; 2d Alfred H. Col¬ quitt, of Dougherty , 3d David J. Bailey, of Butts; 4th Wm, B. W. Dent, of Coweta ; 6th Elijah W. Chastain, of Fannin ; 6th Junius HHIyer, of Walton ; 7th David A Reese, of Jasper; 8th. Alexander H. Stephens, of Taliaferro. TABLE OF COURTS IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Appling, Superior Courts, Monday after Ware court. Inferior Courts, 1st Monday in Feb. and August. Baker, s e 3d Monday in April and OeA i • Tuesday after the 1st Monday in March and Sept. Baldwin, s c 4th Monday in February and August, i e 2d Mon, in May and Nov Bibb, s c 2d Monday in May and November, i c 2d Monday in Jan. and July. J Bryan, s c Thursday after 4th Monday ia April and Nov. i e 4th Monday in January and June. Bulloch, s e Sd Thursday in March, and Thursday before last Monday in October i o 1st Monday in Feb. and July. Burke, s c 3d Monday in May and November, i c 1st Monday in Jan. and July. Butts, s c 2d Monday in March and Sept. i c 2d Monday in Jan. and July. Camden, s e 1st Monday in April, and 8d Monday in November, i e 1st Monday in January and June. Campbell, s e 3d Monday in February and Aug. i c 2d Mon. in June and Dee. Carroll, s c 4th Monday in Feb. and August. i e 4th Monday in May and Nov. Cass, s e 2d Monday in March and Sept. i e 4th Monday in May and Nov. Chatham, s c. 2d Monday in January and May. i e Sd Monday in Feb. and July Chattooga, s c 2d Monday in Feb. and Aug. i c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. Clierokhb, s c 1st Monday in April and Uct. i c 1st Mon. in June and Dec. Clarke, s c 1st Monday in February and 2d Monday in August, i c 4th Monday in April and October. Cobb, s e 3d Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. in June and Dec. Columbia, a c 3d Monday ia March and 4th Monday in September, i c 1st Monday in Feb. and July. Coweta, s c 1st Monday In March and Sept. i e 4th Mon. in June and Dee. Crajrford, s e 2d Monday in March and Sept. i e 3d Mon. in May and Nov. Clineh, s c Monday after Lowndes, i c 2d Mon. in April and Oct. De Kalb, s c 1st Monday in April and Oct. i c 3d Mon. in June and Dec. . Dade, s c 4th Monday in April and October, i c 1st Monday ib June and Dec. Decatur, s c 2d Monday in April and October, i c 1st Monday in April and Oct Dooly, s c 2d Monday in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in June and Dec. Early, s c 4th Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Monday in Jan. and July. Effingham, s c Monday after Bullock court, i c 2d Mon. in Feb. and July. Elbert, s c 2d Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. in Jan. and July. Emanuel, s c 3d Monday in April and Oct. i c 1st Mon. in Jan. and July Fayette, s c 3d Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. in January and June. Floyd, s e 3d Monday in Feb. and August, i c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. Forsyth, a c 2d Monday in April and Oct. i c 2d Monday in Jan. and July. Franklin, s c 4th Monday in March and Sept. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Gilmer, s c 1st Monday in May and Nov. i c 2d Mon. in January-and 1st Monday |fa July. ... , ' j Glynn, s c 2d Monday in April, and 4th Mon. in Nov. i c 2d Monday in January ifwe- Gprdnn, s p 4th Monday in Mprpl? aSd Sept. f a 3d Mon. in Jan. and July. Greene g o 2d Monday' In March and Sept. i p 2d Men. in June and Dec. Gwinnett, s o 2d Mon m March and Sept. i c 2d Mon. in June and Dec. Babcmham, * e 24 Man. In April and pat. i c 2d Mop. in Jan. and July, 28 ' 111 M"rah ttnd *»**'■ « « 4th'Mon. In January and Jul/. I Hancock, s c 2d Mon. in April and Oct, i c 1st Hon. In Feb. and Auk. ] Harris, s c 2<1 Mon. in March and Sept, i c 2d Mon. in June and Dec. I Heard, s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. i c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Henry, s c 3d Monday in April and Oct. 1 c 4th Monday in Jan. and July. Houston, 6 c 4th Mon. m April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Irwin, s c. Thursday after 4th Mon. in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in Jan* and 1st Mon. m July. Jackson, s c 4th Mon. in Feb. and Aug. i c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Jasper, s c 4th Monday in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. , and July00' 8 ° lst Monday in June and 2d Mon* Nov- i c 3d Monday in Jaanary Jones, g c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. 1 e 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. ' Laurens, s c lst Mon. in March and Sept. i c lst Mon. in June and Dec. Lee, 8 c lst Mon. in May and Nov. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Liberty, s c 3d Monday in April and Mon. after 4th. Mon. in November, i c 2d: Monday in Jan. and June Lincoln, s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. I a lst Mon. in Feb. and July. Lowndes, s c Monday after the 4th Mon. in May and Nov. 1 c lst Mon, in Feb. and August. Lumpkin, s c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. 1 c 3d Mon. In June and Dec. Macon, s c 4th Mon. in March and Sept. i c lst Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Madison, s c lst Mon. in March and Sept. i c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Marion, s c 4th Mon. in Feb and June, i c 3d Mon. in May and Nov. Mcintosh, s c Thursday after 2d Mon. in April and Thurs. after 4th Mon. in Nov. i c 3d Mon. in Jan. and June. Meriwether, s e 3d Mon. in Feb. and August. 1 e 4th Mon. in April and Oct. Monroe, s c 4th Mon. in Feb. and Aug. i o 2d Mon. in June and Dec. Montgomery, s c 2d Mon. in April and Oct. i a lst Mon. in Feb and Aug. Morgan, s c lst Mon. in March and Sept. i c lst Mon. in June and Dec. .Murray, s c lst Monday in April and Oct. i c 3d Mon. in Jan. and July. Muscogee, s c 2d Mon. in May and Nov. i c 2d Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Newton, s c 3d Mon. in March and Sept. i c 4th Mon. in June and Dec. Oglethorpe, s c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and June. Paulding, s c lst Monday in March and Sept. i c. 3d Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Pike, s c lst Monday in April, and 1st Tuesday in October. 1 c lst Monday in fanuary and July. Pulaski-, s c 3d Monday in April and October. e 4th Monday in January and 1st Monday in July. Putnam, 8 c 3d Moo. in March and-Sept. i c 3d Mon. in June and Dec. Rabun, s c Thursday after lst Monday In April and Oct. i c 1st Monday InJac. md July. Randolph, s c 2d Mon. In March and Sept. 1 c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Richmond, -s e 2d Morn m Jan, and 2d Monday in June, i e Thursday after 1st Mon. in March and Sept. Scriven, s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. I e 2d Men. in Jan. and July. Stewart, s c 4th Monday in April and 3d Monday in October, i c lst Monday in February and July. Sumter, b c 2d Mon. in Feb. and Aug. i c 2d Mon. in May and Nor. Talbot, s c 3d Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. in June and Dec. Taliaferro, 8 c 4th Mom in Feb. and Aug. i c lst Mon in Juno and Dec. Tattnall, s c Thursday after 2d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 24 Monday in Feb. and liurust. Telfair, s C 4th Mon. in April and Oct. I e 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Thomas, s c 4tli Mon. in May and Nov. i o 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Troup s c 2d Monday in May and Nov. 1 c lst Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Twiggs. 8 c 3d Mon. in March and Sept. 1 e4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Union, s c 2d Monday in April and Oct. 1 e 4th Mon. in June and Dec. Upson's c first Monday in May and November, i.e first Monday m February Walker, s c 3d Monday in April and Oct. i c 3d Monday in Jan. and July. Walton, s c 3d Monday in Feb. and Aug, 1 c 3d Mon. in May and Nov. Ware s e Thursday after Clinch oourt. 1 c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. Warren s c lst Monday in April and Oct. l c 2d Mon. in Feb. and -Aug- j Washington, 8 c 4tli Monday in March and September, i c 4th Monday in January ""wr "no, s c Friday after first Monday in April, and Friday after 3d Monday in Nov 1 ^lke^sTfou^r'Mondifm March and September. I c last Monday in May ' WilUiusonfs'c lst Monday in April and Oct. i C 2d Monday in Jan. and July, . 29 list of newcounties in georgia with the time of ik holding -courisi Polk Co. so 2nd Moulin March. 2nd Moo. In Sap. 11 "2nd Mon. in June and pec. Hart Co. S c 3rd Moo in March and September, i c 3rd Moo. in June and Dec. Clay Co, s c 4th Mon. in March and September, in 4th Mon. Jan. and July. Fulton Co so 1st Mon. in April -and Oct, t c 3d Mon. June and Dec. Taylor Co. is c let Mon in April and-Per. 4 c 2nd Mon. in Jan. and July. Whitefield Co. s e 2nd Mon. in April and Oct. i c 1st Mon. in Jan. »n(l July. Worth Co. s c Srd Mori, in April and Get. j 6 1st Mon. in April mil Oct. Catoosa Co. sc 4th Mon in Aptibmd Oct. i e 1st Mon. in April and Aug. KiachaC onaCo. s c 1st Mon. in May and Nov; i c 1st-Mon. in June November.. " " 1st after the 4th in June, and 2d monday after the July and Feb. ii « July. 14 RusseH, 15 Chambers, ' 3d 2dTnbnday In November. 10 Macon, 1st ** 17 Tallapoosa. 4th a 18 Coosa, Autauga, 1st monday after 4th ' ** 3d monday in November. 19 Dallae, 2d monday after 4th 20 Perry, 3d " " T4th - November. 21 Green, 4th *♦ 4th do. m November. 22 Tuscaloosa, 2d *■ 23 Pickens, 1st H 24 Fayette, Marion, Thursday after 1st *' 25 Walker, Jefferson, " " 2d M " 26 Bibb, «* ** 34 « « Northern Division. 28 Lauderdale, 2d monday in May. 29 Franklin, 1st " " 30 Lawrence, 4th M ApriL 31 Limestone, 4th M May. 32 Madison, 1st monday after 4th " November. 33 Morgan, 2d " " 4th " " 34 Blount, 1st Friday after 2d monday after 4th do. in May. 35 Marshall, 3d monday after 4th monday In May. "**- 36 Jackson, 1st Thursday after 3d mdnday after 4th monday in May. 37 De Kalb, 4th monday after 4th monday in May. 38 Cherokee, Thursday next before 3d menday in February. 39. Benton, 3d monday in February, 8th monday after 4th do. in May. 40 Talladega, 4th monday in February, 8th do. after 4th do. in May. 41 St. Clair, 3d monday in August. 42 Randolph, 2d menday in August. trustees of the sooth caboiiha college. By an Act of the Legislature, passed December, 182d—The Board of TrusUesof the South-Carohna College, consists of the Governor of the Slate, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Rei'reseritaiives, the Judges of the Court of Ap¬ peals, the Oireuit Judges of the Court of Law and the Chancel tors er-ojicw and twenty persons to be elected by the joint ballot of the sena'c and House of Representatives, to yantinue in office tour years. - ' The following Gentlemen Were elected in December 1853." J. Izard Middleto'i. J. H. Adams, Robert W. Barnwell, R. W. Gibbes, M. D. J. Buchanan, T. N.Dawkins, VVm F. Desaussnre, J. Gillespie, Wade Hampton, David Johnson, J, H. Means, C. G Memminger, B. F. Perry, JamesL. Pet'gru, John S. Preston, Thomas Smith, W. C. Preston, I. D. Witherspooit, F. .1. Moses, Jns. Cbesnut, jr. Rev. J H. Thorn well, D. D. President, and Profess crcf Sacred Literature Francis Lieber, L L D. Professor of History and Political Economy, Rev. R. Henry, D D., Professor of Grrek Lirerature, M. Laborde, M. D. Professor of Physiology and Metaphysics. Charles P. Pelham, Professorof Roman Literature. C. F. McCay, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. R. T. Brumby, Professor of Chemistry, Genii gy, and Mineralogy. Rev, J. L. Reynolds, Professor of Belles Lettres and Elocution. J.D. Blanding, Secretary of the Board of Trustees F. W. McMaster, Lih. & Sec. of Fac. | T. Gleave, Bursar. ] C. Loomis, Marshal. BANKS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Farmers and Exchange Bank—Wm M. Martin, President, W. C. Breese, Cashier .Bank of Charleston, B C—AG Rose, President, J K Sass, Cashier. Bank of South 'Carolina—Win Bernie, President, George B Reid, Cashier. State Bank—J5 Sebring, President, H TrescotM'ashier,. Union Bank— H Ravenel, President, A C Smith, Cashier Planters'and Mechanic's Bank—D Ravenel, President, C H Stevens, Cashier. South [Western Rail Road Bank—James Rose, President, I C Cociiran, Cashier. Bank of the State of South Carolina—C M Fntman, President. Thomas T Waring, Cashier. Branch established at Camden—Thomas Salrnond, President, D L Desaussure, Cashier. Branch at Colmnbia—R H Goodwyn. President, J. Fisher, Cashier. Commercial Bank at Col¬ umbia—J A Crawford, President, E Sc -tt. Cashier. Bans of Camden—Wm B Johnston, President, W J Grant, Cash. Bank of Georgetown—D I, McKay, President, J G Henning. Cashier. Bank of Hamburg—H Hutchinson .President, J J Blackwood. Cashier. Mer¬ chant*' Bank Cheraw T Coit,President. W Godfrey. Cashier.—Bank of Chester—James Hemphill, Pres. Cash. Bank ofNewbery* BB Boyd' Pres., K W Holloway Cash Planter's Bauk of Fairfield—J R Aiken, President, "H C Elliott, Cashier. Exchange Bank if Columbia,—J. V.Lyles, President, Ja». S. Scoot, Cashiers BANKS, &c., IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance & Banking Company. Capital $375,000. Wra. M.D'Antig- nac, President— R. Walton, Cashier. ' Bank of Augusta. Capital $600,000. J. Bones, President—J. W, Davies,. Cashier' Bank of Brunswick. Capital $200,000. Edward Thomas, President—John Craig, Cashier. 1 ^ Bank of Milledevillb. Capital $ 500,00% S. GraMland, President—Thomas H. Ilall, Cashier. Bank of tNB State gf Georgia. Capital $750,000. A. Porter, President—j. K. Tefft, Cashier, 1 Branch at Augusta. Capi'al $150,000, 1 —_____ President—i. Henry, Cashier. ' Branch at Athhns. Capital $100,000. Ashbury Hull, Cashier. Do Eatonton. Capital $100,000. D. R. Adams, Cashier. Do Washington. Capital $100,000. A. L. Alexander, Cashier. Agency at Macon. J. H. Washington, Cashier. > Central Rail-Road and Banking Co., of Georgia. Capital $200,000. R. R. Curler, President—Solomon Cohen, Cashier Georgia Rail Roa» «fe Banking Co. Capital $375,000. J. P. King, President- Joseph Milligan, Cashi 'r. I Marine & Fire Insurance Bank. Capital $350,100. E. Padelfoid. President- J.OImstead, Cashier. I Mechanics' Bank. Capital $500,000'. T- S. Matcalf, President-Milo Hatch, Cashier. I Merchants' Bank. Capital $230,000. James Dean, Present-J. Rutherford, Cashier. Plans' Bank. C$plt$l $^5,40Q. Q, W, Andean, Preside^- Yf- Meroer, Cashjep, B«n of savahniif- Capital 200,000- J. Washburn, President—W. B. TirjsJey, Cashier. ANSWERS TO THE PROBLEMS IN LAST YEAR'S ALMANAC. Problem 1.—0,0023028568 of the Earth's surface more than half. ' Problem 2.—9,7329392 inches, diameter of hole. Question.-'-'11 chances in 20, of its being true. Problem 3.—2 1-7 inches. * Problem 4.-7,57772225 acres. Problem 5i—5,6568544, and 5,6568544, and 8. Problem 6.—Transverse diameter 33,903, and con¬ jugate diameter 15,022. Problem 7.—19 feet 3,68 inches length of baud j radius of large wheel 32,311 inches, and radius of small wheel 2,487 inches,, and distance between the tire or circumference of each, is 17,722 inches. Problem 8.—19,102258 inches of diameter under water. Problem 9.—5,6921 minutes. Problem 10.—9131 lbs. Problem 11.—16 and 20 years. Problem 12.-—1,7852. inches, the diameter of the ball. Note.—Mr. William P. Bradford, of Danbury, Georgia, has sent correct solutions to the Question un¬ der Prob. 2, and to Prob. 3, 6, and 11, of last year's Almanac. Dundee, New- York, April 20//i, 1854. S. 11. WRIGHT. GARDENER'S CHRONICLE. I JANTj ART,—Sow peag spinach, lettuce cabbages, radishes* parsley, teete, carrots, cabbages'and" 1 e ttuce"1"''S' a6',a'aSU3- Want horseradish, Irsh Potatoes. Transplant| | ^EBRUaAY.—Sow peas spinach, lettuce, cabbage, rn dishes, corn, beets, carrots salsuty parsnips, turnips, thyme, sage, and other plants. Plant Irish po'atoes. Trans- Iplant cabbages and lettuce. - v 1 | | Remarks^—Tue same varieties of pease Tri&y he sown th is month as were directed for, the last. I he principal oiop of beets and cariois should now be sown. The common; varieties of spinach should be sown in small qunnt'ties onee in ten daya,ssit soon runs to' 'seed. i | MARCH. rSow Carrots, beets, Swiss chard, parsnips', salsafy, cabbage, Spinach, tnr-i jntps, leeks, tomatoes, peppers, Guinea souash. Plant cucumbers, okra squashes, snap beans, cushaws, sewee beans, New Zealand spinach^ Transplant tomatoes, pepp* rs,' .Guinea squasu, eabhage and lettuce. ! I Remarks.—A11 the above vegetable* should be got in at as early a period as possible. .Carrots should now he sown foT a full crop, and fn m English seed. Leltdce should re [main where it is sown. New Zealand spinach should be sown in hills, three feet a pari liach way. Radishes should be sown every ihree weeks. All Irish potatoes should be iplanted this month. | APRIL.—Sow carro's, beets, salsafy turnips, cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, toma- |toe«, peppers, radishes, lettuce, eelery, leeks. Plant okra snap beans squashes, scwee beans, cuenn hers, cushaws, melons. Transplant cabbages, tomatoes, peppers, Guinea 'squashes. Pick out celery. i | Remarks.—The sowing of the main crop of carrots fcr summer and autnmn, r ugnt j« t to be delayed longer than this men h, as they will be easily killed when up. -The sf6d should be from Europe or they will run to seed in the fall. Cucumbers, sqqAsbes, ]and melons, do not succeed well if delayed until now, but a few may be sown. . j MAY.—Sow cabbages, savoys, carrots, beets, turnips, cauliflowers, brocoli,^celery radishes. Plant snap baans. Transplant cabbages. Pick out celery. J Remarks.—There is little, probability of either beets, parsnips, carrots, or ftirnips, .succeeding at this ■season, especially the last; yet if wanted, a few may be ventured—| under very favorable circumstances, they may succeed. If carrots he sown, the ground] should be shaded and keep moist, and-this continued to the plants some time afler they are up, or they will be killed by the hot sun. JUNE.—Sow cauliflowers, brocoli, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes. Plant snapbeans okra. Transplant celery, cabbages, leeks. Pick out caul flowers, brocoli, and celery, j Remarks.—This month isgeneraliy very dry and lsut, and ail the Crops recommended to) :be sown now must be protected from the sun : mi st of them sh,jU d have been sown inj April, and it is only in case of failure or omission that they should now be sown. The! month may be considered bad for the sowing of seeds generally. 1 JULY.—Sow early Hutch turnips, rata bags, carrots, parsnips, cabbage*cauliflowers.■, Ibrccoli, endive, radishes, spinach. Plant snap beans, Irish «potaio«.B» *»»Awns. Transplant 'cabbages, celery, cauliflowers brocoli, t< matoes and leeks. i Remarks.—A few only of carrots, parsnips, soiuaeh, or radishes, should be sown as it is not very probable that they will succeed, unless well protected form the sun for seme I' ngth of tiraey while young- The -early Dutch turnips should also be sown toward the middle and last of the month in small quantities. The Irish potatoes will be.nt for use in October, and the tomatoes, will furnish a supply when the spring grown crop has ce s- ed to bear, and then continue till killed by a frost. . , ! AUGUST.—Sow peas, early Dutch and other varieties of turnips, ruta' cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, black Spanish radishes, carrots, bee , p » .j [lettuce, and endive. Plant snap beans. Transplant cabbages, Cauliflowers, btsco.i "^X-Ioimuclean be expected from peas sown.this month, ae^they WiH be[ .much crippled by the high winds and rain which we usual y 'tt k f t|S wormsJ a few may be ventured. The beets and spinach are liable to the attacks ot the worms, which destioy their leaves ; should they escape theae .t Thos. Richards 4 Son, BOOKSELLERS And Stationers* Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. jOffer fur sale to Country Merchants and others a largt- ind complete assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, | AND Fancy Articles, |On accommodating terms. SCHOOL BOOKS Of every variety, Bibles, Testaments, Blank Books, !Pasteboards, Quills, Steel Pens, Ink, Copy Books, and fin short every article usually kept in Book stores may !be had at THOS. RICHARDS & SON, Broad si, Aua'usta, Geo.