G RENVILLE'S GEORGIA & CAROLINA ALMANAC FOR TIIK YEAR OF OUR LORD Being the third after Bissextile or Leap Year, and the latter part of the 75th and the beginning of the 76th of the Independoao® of the United States of America. Calculated for the meridian and htritton of August*, Oa. THOS. RICHARDS & SON : Auswta, Ga. ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 1851. In the year 1851 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Mcon. I. There will be an Eclipse of the Moon on the 17th. of January,at llh. 4 m. in the morning, invisible. Visible in the opposite hemisphere. Magni¬ tude, 5. 58 digits on the northern limb. II. There will he an Eclipse of the Sun on the 1st. of February, at Oh* 20m. in the morning, invisible in America. The Sun may be seen more or less eclipsed on the couthfrn limb in Australia, at the Cape of Good Hope, and in the southern part of Madagascar, and at New Zealand on ths northern limb. The Eclipse will be central and annular on the meridian in longitude 28d. 22m. east from Greenwich, and latitude 58d. 23m. south. III. There will be an Eclipse of the Moon on the 13tn of July in the morning visible. h. m. Beginning at Augusta Middle End Duration Magnitude, 8.47 digits on the Moon's southern limb. IV. There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 28th of July in the morn¬ ing, visible throughout the United States and territories, excepting only the southern part of Florida. h. m. Beginning at Augusta 6 57 Greatest Eclipse 7 29 End 8 2 Duration 1 5 Magnitude, 1. 59 digits on the Siui's northern limb. This Eclipse will be visible in almost every part of North America. It will also be visible throughout Europe, together with the Northern part of Africa. It will bo central and total on the maridian in longitude 33d. 43m. ■ west from Greenwich, and latitude G9d. 54m. north. 17 48 19 2 BEGINNING OF THE SEASONS, ffpring begins, Mar. 20th, at llh. 19m. afternoon. Summer begins June 2lst, at 8h. 12m. afternoon. Autumn begins Sep. 23d, at lOh. 3lm. morning. Winter begins, Dee. 22st, at 4h. 2m. afternoon. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Dominical Letter, Golden Number, Epact, E. 9 28 Solar Cycle, Roman Indiction, Julian Period, 12 9 6564 MOVEABLE FEASTS OF THE CHURCH. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 16 Shrove Sunday, Mar. 2 Ash Wednesday, " 5 First Sunday in L*m, " 9 Palm Sunday, Apr. 13 Good Friday *' 18 I Eastor Sunday, " 20 | Advent Sunday, Low Sunday, April 27 Rogation Sunday, May 25 Rogation Monday, " 26 Rogation Tuesday, " 27 Holy Thursday, " 29 Whit Sunday, June 8 Trinity Sunday, " Nov. 3u. Spring signs, SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. 1. Aries. 2. y Taurus. 3. u Gemini. ^ 4. 23 CanCer. Summer signs,-? 5. £lLeo. / 6. )7]7Virgo Autumn signs. Winter signs. 7. s2=Libra. 8. TT[Scorpio. 9. $ Sagittarius. 10. YJCapricornus 11. 0CC-Aquarius. 12. X Pisces. names and characters of the signs of the zodiac. T Aries, the Ram. y Taurus, the Bull, n Gemini, the Twins. a> Cancer, the Crab. PI Leo, the Lion. TT£ Virgo, the Virgin. sOs Libra, the Balance, ftt Scorpio, the Scorpion, f Sagittarius, the Archer. V5> Cap- ricornus, the Goat. OX Aquarius, the Waterman. X Pisces, the Fishes. explanation of characters. Planets.—O Sun, Tj Saturn, $ Mars, © Moon, 21 Jupiter, ? Venus, ® -Earth, £ Mercury, fjj Herschel. Aspects.—New Moon, 5 First Quarter, Q Fall Moon, (f Last Quarter, , p "Dragon's Head, £3 Dragon's Tail, d Conjunction, § Opposition, A Trigonus, □ Quadril, ^ Sextile, 0 Sun. Apogee—at the greatest distance from the earth. Perigee—at the least distance. | Aspects.—When two planets are in the same degree, they are in conjunc¬ tion, marked thus, y, Soxtilo when 60 degrees apart. Quartile D, '(ivhen 90 degrees apart. Trine A, when 120 degrees apart. Opposition § , when 180 degrees apart- Q Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. Q Dra- .gouJ, Tail, or Descending Node. CUSTOMARY NOTES. ' I. Venus (?) will be Morning Star until September 30th then Evening, Star nntil J uly 21st 1852. 2. The Moon will run highest this year about the 12th degree of (90) Cancer, and lowest about the 12th degree of (V?) Capricorn. 3. Latitude of Harshel (if) about 31m, south this year. 4. Longitude of the Moon's Ascending Node (p) in the middle of this year, 3 signs 27 degrees. f. &. Mean obliquity of the Ecliptic in the middle of this year, 23' 27' 31' 3" True obliquity at the same time, 23.27' 26. 6'. """ chatta¥owa7"tmne^m The undersigned, in connection with their House at Augusta, have estab¬ lished a Branch at Chattanooga, and are prepared to make purchases of rtRAlN, PROVISIONS, STOCK and other produce for then friends below ' The favorable location of Chattanooga, as a depot for the sale or purchase f the Tennessee Valley produce, renders this one of the best in the United tates and from our experience in business, we can promise every satisfaction > our patrons. Merchants and Planters of Georgia and South Carolina da- dmr information in regard to prices, &c., will have immediate attention, ring imorm s r GRENVILLE & BATTEY. has. E. Grenvillk, Chattanooga,] [Wm. H. Battbt, Augusta. Sentembsr 1, JANUARY, 1851—Begins on Wednesday. MOON'S PHASES. ». H. Hf. N e\v Moon 2 5 13 morning First Quarter 10 10 46 morning Full Moon 17 ll 4morning Last Quarter 24" *2 36 morning EQUATION OF TIME, o . 53 w o iO rH iO ® 01 iO CO CD CM CO t- cc-» CO DC § * w CO ID t- -QO O !-« i FEBRUARY, 1851- MOON'S"PHASES? *•**'ai * New Moon 1 Firs* ^rier 9 Full Moon J5 Last Quarter 22 a. M. 0 20 morning 3 13 morning 9 46 afternoon 3 57 afternoon "Begins on Sammy* jEQUATlUJN OF TIME £ S3 °° CO o> f-H 1—1 CO r-l CO CO 1-1 >o © »-l i—l 21 no !—ilOOJ H rt N J! fl Various Phenomena. Sun rises H. s St. David. Be slow 6 20 S, Shrove Sunday. 6 19 m in choosing a friend,Q 18 t but slower in changing 6 17 0 w, U rises 8 39. him. 6 165 t Ash Wednesday. 6 15 f 2f south 11 16. s Clear weather,6 9 S but rather windy 6 10 m 1st Sunday in Lent. 6 11 t and dusty for & 10 12 w ]) runs high, comfort. 6 9 13 t . Occasional 6 8 14 f showers, causing 6 7 15 s Jackson born, 1767, 6 16 S Moon in Perigee. the 6 17 m St. Patrick's Day. j6 18 t trees and flowers 6 19 w $ rises 3 47. 6 15 20 t O enters to put 6 0 6 21 f Regulus south 9 57. 5 59 6 22 s rapidly.,5 58 6 23 S 3d Sunday in Lent. 5 57|6 24 m D runs lowr Keep 5 56|0 4 25 t Annunciation of B, V, 5 55 6 5 26 w j an eye on the 6 54 6 6 27 t ? rises 3 48, grass. 5 53 6 7 28 f Moon in Apogee. 5 52 6 8 29 s or it will get the 5 516 9 30 S 4th Sunday Lent. 5 50 6 10 31m start of you. 5 49/6 11 n J Moon s M'n's souths. r." Place h. ar. 0-27 11 7 IX 111 51 2 20 aft. 34 3 'TP 2 1 16 4 14 1 59 5 27 2 42 6, a 9 3 27 7 22 4 14 3n *» 5 5 4 3 18 5 58 3 as 1 6 54 15 7 53 I 30 8 53 m 14 9 53 29 10 51 3 WK 14 11 48 29 morn. ^ 14 0 43 29 1 36 ►til 13 2 29 27 3 22 t 10 4 I4i] 23 5 6 r Y9 6 5 57 18 6 48 30 7 37 OC 12 8 25 24 9 11 X 5 9 -56 24 10 36 29) 11 22] Moon I ri.&st.! H. M. 5 40 sets. r r-ay-wajLgatB'JMaflaBgi APRIL, 1851.^Begins on TubsUav. MOON'S PHASES', M. 1 aiWnoon D. JUL. , New Moon 1 1 if First Quarter 9 1 32 morning Full Moon 15 5 7 afternoon Last Quarter 23 1 32 morning EQUATION OF TIME". 2 2 55 °* ® "5 n1 ^ CO (M rt ^ ,«3 w W H (N W D O O! M t" rt K5 © H W (N M' p. l»°f ljM il 1 8 20 8 Moon ri.&st. H. M. 6 51 7 49 8 45 9 41 10^31 11 29 morn. 0 22 15 8 1 54 47 38 27 14 59 8 43 9 26 10 10 51 11 36 sets. 7 14 8 12 9 10 10 11 11 11 morn. 0 10 1 7 2 2 3 4 4 rises 7 34 8 39 9 44 10' 43 11 39 morn. 0 29 1 50 34 16 55 15 55 31 5 37 7 39 10 MAY, 1851.- -Begins on Thursday. MOON'S PHASES. EQUATION OF TIMl New Moon First Quarter 8 Full Moon 15 Last Quarter 22 New Moon 30 d. h. m, 3 37 morning 8 9 morning 2 41 morning 7 41 afternoon 3 22 afternoon 3 ai t- co n n (. (M »o JO rfi OMO co co co co co co co (m Days uj o co t* h o a r-l i—i Oi C} D. of M Various Phenomena. Sun rises, H.M. Sun sets h.m. M'n's Place. Moon souths. h. m. Mooj ri.&st h. ul 21 f s S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 or. 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sts. Philip and James A false grounded hope is a waking 2d. Sunday af. Easier. Napoleon died, 1821. mail's dream Clear, wane Battle of Palo Alto. $ stationary. weather Spica souths 10 8. Moon in Perigee. If souths 9 33. for some days. ? rises 3 29. Now look out for rain, IS. Souths 9 17. 4th. Sunday af. Easter. Spica South 9 33. with 5 Inferior d Q O enters rt. considerable Moon in Apogee. Queen Victoria Born. Rogation Sunday. thunder and lightning, and perhaps some Ascension Day. Alexander Poped. 1744.1 _ If souths 8 19. 7t«t7,|4 19 18 17 16 16 6 15 14 126 12)6 116 d'G 86 76 66 6,6 56 45 "4i6 3d 36 26 16 16 07 07 59 7 59 7 58,7 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 51 531 53 54 S4f V? 55 56 56 57 57 58 59 59 t) 0 1 8 15 aft. 22 ii 28 12 25 8 22 6 20 4 19t 3 17 2 16 30 13 26 9 22 4 16 28 10 22 4 16 28 11 24,11 ,u 1 11 2* 3 2 58, 3 54 4 41 5 48 6 44 7 39 8 32 9 23 10 14 11 11 58 morn. 0 57 45 sets. 9 11 10 n 11 s mom.' 0 K 0 53 1 3^ 2 1 2 5' 3 3i 4 Hi 4 49; rises. 8 31 9 291 3810 23 30J11 11 2111 54 9'morn. 5 5o[ 0 33 6 40 1 7 23 8 5 8 47 9 30 10 16 711 55 sets. 21 (aft 49 8 2 ,■ ig, JUNE, 1851,—Begins on Sunday. MOON'S PHASES. '* th¬ irst Quarter 6 '^11 Moon 13 »iast Quarter 21 lew Moon 29 M, CO 1 afternoon £ 17 afternoon | ^ 5 afternoont? JX EQUATION OF TIME, 0 54 morning Days W O S3 OO © H 05 O ft CI W H rl I-I CI CO lO © W I* H lO OS H il « C! « D. of W s : m t : W t f 1 s im t w t f s S nj t ' w t f s S m t i w t f Various Phenomena. Sunday at*. Ascension. Moon in Perigee. Whit-Sunday, 2f stationary. Saint Barnabas. ? rises 3 10. Trinity Sunday. thunder ant Moon in Apogee. O enters =©=. Nativity, St. John Bapt Prepare U ? riser 3 10. Saint Susan. Madison died, 1836. 2d Sunday after Trinity. Sun Sun Moon Moon rises sets M'n's souths. ri.&st. ii.m. h.m. Place. h. m. h. at. ,4 58 7 2 25 5 1 46 9 2 14 57 7 3 ' 19 2 44 9 59 *4 57 7 3 a 3 3 42 10 51 .4 57 7 3 17 4 39 11 36 4 56 7 4 n 1 5 34 mom. 14 56 7 4 15 6 26 0 18 A 56 7 4 29 7 17 0 57 4 55 7 5 '=-= 13 ' 8 7 1 32 .4 55 7 5 27 8 57 2 8 4 55 7 5 til ii 9 47 2 41 o4 55 7 5 25 10 38 3 21 r4 54 7 6 $ 9 11 31 4 2 ,4 54 7 6 22 morn. rises. 4 54 7 G V? 5 0 24 8 9 4 54 7 6 17 I 17 9 0 ri 4 54 7 G 30 2 8 9 45 .4 54 7 6 coc- n 2 58 10 26 g4 53 7 7 24 3 45 11 1 IA 53 7 7 X 6 4 30 11 34 4 53 7 7 ' 18 5 13 morn. 4 53 7 7 30 5 155 0 5 4 53 7 7 t 12 6 37 0 35 . 4 53 7 7 24 7 19 1 4 .4 53 7 7 -y e 8 3 1 35 /4 54 7 6 19 8 49 2 9 4 54 7 6 n 2 9 38 2 46 4 54 7 6 16 10 31 3 28 4 54 7 6 30 ll 27 4 16 4 54 7 6 25 15 aft. 26 sets 4 54 7 6 28 1 27 8 38 jull, 1 Bo 1.—^Begins on Tuesday. moon's PHASES. D. II. M. First Quarter 5 Full Moon 13 Last Quarter 21 New Moon 28 5 38 afternoon 1 41 morning 5 5 morning 9 6 morning equation of to m Days 10 O OI f—! CC 11 h ^ ci f W^^LdiOffiOj iO O W h h rH i-h cm CD i) D. D. 1 Sun Sun i Moon Mod of of Various Phenomena, .rises' set3 ;M' n's 'souths. ri.A M W F.M. H.M. Place. ii. \ y M. H. 1 1 t Moon in Perigee. 4 54 7 6,£~l 13 2 26 9 ;? 2 w Whatever is well 4 55 7 5 27 3 2310 1 3 t resolved on should 4 55 7 5 nj 12 4 1710 i 4 f Independence. he 4 55(7 5 28 5 911 3i, 5 s quickly per formed. 4 55 7 5 10 6 0 morn 6 S 3d Sunday after Trinity. 4 56 7 4 24 6 49 0 7 m Sheridan died, 1816. 4 56 7 4 Ti| 8 7 38 0 4" 8 t Warm, dry 4 56 7 4 22 8 28 1 ll. 9 w weather 4 57 7 3 X 5 9 29 1 5!' 10 t Columbus born, 1447. 4 57 7 3 18 10 12. 2 3' 11 f to the middle 4 57 7 3 y? 111 Q O tf ( KJ O V 12 s ]) runs low. 4 58 7 2 1411 55 4 2' (• 13! S 4th Sunday after Trinity. 4 58 7 2 26 morn, rises. 14 m * of the ?nor,th. 4 59 7 1 8 0 46' 8 1; t 15 t Superior 6 6 9 • 4 597 1 20 1 34 8 of 16 w ? rises 3 23. 5 0 7 0 >£ o 2 20 9 2P 17 t Moon in Apogee. 5 0 7 0 14 3 4 io : 18 f 21 sets 10 56. 5 16 59 26 3 47 10 3; ii 19 s Refreshing rain, 5 2 6 58 8 4 28 11 o( 20 S 5th. Sunday af. Trinity. 5 2 6 58 20 5 1011 3 f 21 in making the 5 3 6 57 8 2 5 52 morn. 22 t weather very pleasant. 5 3 6 57 14 6. 36 0 t • 23 w Stormy, 5 4 6 56 27 7 23 0 3fi 24 t wvVA considerable 5 5 6 55 n 10 8 14 1 Id 25 f Saint James. wind, 5 5 6 55 24 9 0 2 0 26 s which may bloico 6,6 54 25 810 6 2 5:4 27 S down a good 5 7 6 53 22 11 6 3 52 28 m Small Eclipse of Q. 5 7 6 53 a 7 aft. 7 sets. 29 t Moon in Perigee. ,5 sjo 52 22 1 7 8 3, 30 w Dog days begin. 5 C 8 51 try 7 o 5 8 47 31 t deal of corn.|5 9 6 5] 22 Ot 0 9 27' AUGUST, 1851. MOON'S PHASES. D. H. M. First Quarter 3,11 33 afternoon Full Moon, J.1 4 10 afternoon Last Quarter 19 7 27 afternoon New Moon 26 4 50 afteraoonjDays •Begins on Fkidav. ~ EQUATION OF TIME. sOrKcoococfeooo ^ H tl U! 1(5 KJ lO ©lOiO^WWHO piio©rofc>Htoo) r-4 1-H ©T ©? ©J D. 1). of of M W 1 f 2 s 3 S 4 m. 5 t 6 w 7 t -8 f , 9 s 10 S 11 m 12 t 13 w 1* t 15 f 16 s 17 S 18 m 19 t ,20 w 21 t 22 f 23 s 24 S 25 m 26 t 27 w 28 t 29 f 30 s 31 S Yarious Phenomena, Julien Gumming horn. If you would know 7th. Sunday aft. Trinity. a bad husbanfi, look at Ms wife's Transfiguration, b rises, 10 31. counte 5 runs low. nance. Cloudy, but no Saint Lawrence. rain for days. Clear and warm. Q. Adelaide born, 1782. Moon in Apogee. Bonaparte born, 1769. Occasional rains 0th Sunday aft. Trinity, Yega souths 8 41. making the weather quite plecLsant. 7*s rise, 10 22. O enters rrj7. Saint Bartholomew. Look ontfor a #'s greatest elongation. Moon in Perigee. Saint Augustine. thunder storm. 11th Sunday aft. Trinity, Sun rises H.M. Sun j sets M'n's rr.M.IPlace. Moon i Moon souths, ri.&st. H. M. Bp. M. 5 10 6 50 6 3 5310 3 5 11 6 49 21 4 44 10 40 5 12 6 48 til 5 5 34 11 17 5 12 6 48 19 6 25 11 55 5" 13 6 47If 2 7 16 morn. 5 14 6 46 ib 8 7 0 36 5 15 6 45 28 8 59 1 20 5 16 6 44 Y5 10 "9 51 2 9 5 17 6 43 23 10 41 3 3 5 17 6 43 Cw 5 11 30 3 53 5 18 6 42 17 morn. rises. 5 19 6 41 29 0 17 7 31 5 20 6 40 K 11 1 2 8 4 5 21 6 39 23 1 45 8 34 5 22 6 38 cyj 4 2 ftt 9 3 5 23 6 37 16 3 9 9 33 5 24 6 36 28 3 51 10 4 5 24 6 36 10 4 34 10 37 2 25 6 35 23 5 19 11 13 5 26 6 34 n 6 6 7 11 54 5 27 6 33 19 6 58 morn. 5 28 6 32 23 2 7 53 0 42 6 29 6 31 16 8 51 1 37 5 30 6 30 30 9 52 2 39 5 31 6 29 a 15 10 48 3 45 5 32 6 28 30 11 52 . sets. 5 33 6 27 w 16 aft. 50 7 .25 5 34 6 26, 1 1 46 8 4 5 35 6 25; 16 2 39 8 42 5 36 0 24 30 3 32 9 20 5 37 6 23'nt 15 4 25 9 59 SEPTEMBER, 1851.- MOON'S PHASES. •Begins on Monday, EQUATION OF THEE D. H. M. First Quarter 2 8 25 afternoon Full Moon 10 8 19 afternoon Last Quarter 18 8 6 afternoon New Moon 24 0 52 afternoon Days aO w n M co m ^ rt N w t|HS io rH H lO © CJ Ci CN D. D. Sun1 Sun Moon Moon of of Various Phenomena. rises sets M'n's souths. ri.&st. M. W Place. XI. M. H. ar. 1 w Jfieleive not all you 6 8 5 42 V? 4 5 68 11 6 2 t Andre executed,, 1780. 6 9 5 51 17 6 50 11 59 3 .t hear, and, report not 6 19 5 50 29 7 40 morn. 4 s all you beleive. 6 11 5 49 /vv 11 8 29 0 54 5 S 19th Sunday af. Trinity, 6 12 5 48 23 9 15 1 49 6 m Very pleasant 8 13 5 47 X ,5 9 59 0 44 7 t $'s greatest elongation. 6 14 5 46 16 10 42 3 39 8 w weather. 6 15 5 45 28 11 23 4 33 9 t Saint Denys, 8 17 5 43 cp 10 morn. rises. Iff f 7* south 2 38. Cloudy Lambach's Annivers'ry. 6 18 5 42 22 0 5 6 25 11 8 6 19 5 41 8 4 0 47 0 57 12 s 17th Sunday af. Trinity. 0 20 5 40 17 1 31 7 29 13 m for some days, 0 21 5 39 29 2 17 8 7 14 t and perhaps a 6 22 5 38 n 12 3 5 8 48 15 w b south, 0 43. 6 23 5 37 24 55 9 36 16 t D runs high. 6 24 5 36 23 7 4 49 10 29 17 f little rain. 6 25 5 35 21 5 44 11 28 18 s Saint Luke., 6 26 5 31 a 4 6 41 morn. 19 S 18th Sunday af. Trinity. 6 27 5 33 18 7 38 0 32 3^ 20 m 7* •south^ 2 1. 6 28 5 32 n 3 8 34 1 21 t Char and 6 29 5 31 17 9 29 2 48 22 w pleasant. 8 30 5 30 =£te 2 10 26 3 58 23 t Moon in Perigee. 6 31 5 29 17 11 it 5 8 24 f {Now a change. 6 32 5 28 111 <2 rift. 11 ^e ts. 39 25 s Look o(ut 8 33 5 27 17 , 1 6 6 26 S for frost. 6 345 26 t 2 ' 2 1 7 23 27 m iOU> 6 85|5 20 16 2 57 8 10 28 t Saint,Simon and Jude. 3 36 5 24 29 3 53 9 1 29 w B l'urjt low. 0 375 23 V? 12 4 47 9 55 30 t 7*a south. 0 37 5 23 25 5 39 10 50 31 f b south, 11 33. 6 38|5 22 7X, 7 6 29 11 46 NOVEMBER, 1851—Begins on Saturday. ' MOON'S PHASES. d« h. m. Full Moon 8 6 9 afternoon Last Quarter 16 4 9 morning New Moon 22 -8 52 afternoon First Quarter 30 10 10 morning EQUATION OF TIME. Days oioh^MOHH h h n o iq o n ® to o O « ci H h in os m t- r-i io a r4 H f) « C! Various Phenomena. All Saints. It is better to keep one plough going tha1n two cradles. Moon in Apogee. Powder Plot, 1650. Rainy and 6 44 disagreeable Q 44 6 45 6 46 6 47 6 48 6 49 6 49 weather. 21st Sunday af. Trinity. Milton died, 1674. Now clear and cool D runs! high. Look out 7* south, 0 19. Saint Emily. for a sharp frost, All good farmers Moon in Perigee. 7* south It 50. should now be 23d Sunday af. Trinity, ready to kill D runs low. their hogs. Considerable snow in the mountains, 7*s south 11 16. Saint Andrew. Sun rises H.M Sun sets] n.jr. M'n's Place, 6 39 5 21 6 40 5 20 6 4l|5 19 6 425 28 6 43 5 17 5J6 5 16 5 15 5 14 5 13 5 12 5 11 5 11 J 0 50(5 10 6 515 9 6 52 6 53 6 53 6 54 6 55 6 55 6 56 6 57 6 57 6 58] 6 59 6 59 7 0 7 0 Q 1 cp 4 59 19 1 13 25 7 19 1 13 26 9 21 4 m i 15 29 13 27 12 26 11 25 10 23 7 20 3 15 27 Moon | Moon souths,[ri.&st. H. M.!H. 31. 7 16 morn. 8 1 S 43 9 25 10 7 10 48 11 31 morn. 0 16 1 4 1 54 2 46 3 41 4 37 5 33 0 41 1 36 2 30 f3 24 4 18 5 13 rises. 6 9 6 49 7 34 8 26 b 22 10 24 11 28 6 "27 morn. 7 20 0 34 1 41 2 48 3 55 10 48( 5 2 sets. 8 13 9 4 9 56 11 42 aft. 38 1 34 2 30 3 24 16 5 5 56 6 44 7 37 ■ 8 32 9 29 10 25 4 5 5 51 111 21 6 34morn, aBOHBJS DECEMBER, 1851.—Begins on Monday; "moo.vs phases. equation of time: 16 GOVERNMENT OF THE ¥NITED STATES EXECUTIVE—President and Cabinet. MILLARD FILLMORE, of N. York, President. Salary #25,000 WM. R. KING, of Alabama,President uf the Senate--- " 5,000 DANIEL WEBSTER, of Mass., Secretary of State - - - " 6,000 THOS. CORWIN, of Ohio, Secretary of the Treas. - - - " 6,008 A. H. H. STEW ART,of Virginia Secretary of Interior - - '• 6,000 WM. GRAHAM, of N. Carolina, Secretary of the Naty - " 6.000 CHAS. M.CONRAD, of Louisiana, Secretary of War- " 6.000 BENJ. K. HALL, of N. Y., Postmasier-General " 6,000 JOHN J. CRITTENDEN, of Ky., Attorney-General- » 4,000 Names. Roger B. Taney, John McLean, James M. Wayne, John McKinley, John Catron, Peter V Daniel, Samuel Nelson, Levi Woodbury, Robert C. Grier, Benj. C. Howard, JUDICIARY—Supreme Court. Residences. Appointed. Salary. Baltimore, Md. Chief-Justice, 1836, $5,000 Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate-Justice, 1829, 4,500 Savannah, Ga. do. 1835, 4,500 Louisville, Ky. do. 1837, 4,500 Nashville, Tenn. do. 1837, 4,500 Richmond, Va. do. 1841, 4,500 Cooperstown, N. Y. do. 1845, 4,500 Portsmouth, N. H. do. 1845, 4,500 Pittsburg, Pa. do. 1845, 4,500 Baltimore, Md. Reporter, 1843, 1,300 The Supreme Court is held in the City of Washington, and has one ses¬ sion annually, commencing on the 1st Monday in December. CIRCUIT COURTS. The United States are divided into the following nine Judicial Circuits, ia each of which a Circuit Court is held twice every year, for each State within the Circuit, by a Justice of the Supreme Court, assigned to the Circuit, and by the District Judge of the State or District in which the Court sits. Presiding Judge. 1st Circuit, Maine, N. Hampshire, Mass, and R. I., Mr. Justice Woodbury, 2d do. Vermont, Connecticut, and New York. Mr. Justice Nelson. 3d do. New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, 4th do. Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. 5th do. Alabama, Louisiana, and Kentucky, Gth do. N. Carolina, S. Carolina, and Georgia. 7th do. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, 8th do. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, Uth do. Mississippi and Arkansas, Mr. Justice Gner. Mr. Chief-Just. Taney Mr. Justice McKinley Mr. Justice Wavno. Mr. Justice McLean. Mr. J ustice Catron. Mr. Justice Daniel. The States of Florida, Texas, Iowa and Wisconsin, have not yet been at¬ tached to any Circuit, but the District Courts have the power of Circuit Courts. There is a local Circuit Court held in the District of Columbia, by three Judges specially appointed for that purpose. The Chief-Justice of that Court sits also as District Judge of that District. DISTRICT OFFICERS. FOR NORTH CAROLINA.—Henry Potter, Judge. Hiram W. Attorney. George Little, Marshal. John M. Jones, Clerk. Hua* n GAltOLlNA.—Robert B. Gilchrist, Jud^e. fidwai'd McCrady, Attorney. Thomas D. Condy, Marshal. W. Y. Grav, Clerk. FOR GEORGIA.—John C. Nicoll, Judge. Henry Williams, Attor¬ ney. Wm. M. Brown, Marshal. George Glenn, Clerk, for N. Dist. W H. Hunt, Clerk, S. Dist. FOR ALABAMA. John Gayle, Judge. Jeff. F.Jackson, Attorney for b. Dist. Peter Hamilton, Attorney for N: Dist. Charles Bingham Mar. shal, S. Dist, Benjamin Patterson, Marshall N. Dist. A. A. Gooch Clerk, S. Dist. John Pitts, Clerk, N. Dist. ' Places and Times of holding the Circuit Courts. North Carolina, ... Raleigh—1st Mon. in June, and last Mon. in Nov. South Carolina, ... Charleston—Wednesday preceding the 4th Monday in March;—Columbia—4th Monday in November. Georgia, N. Dist.,.. Marietta—2d Monday in March and September. Georgia, S. Dist.,, .. Savannah—2d Monday in April;—Milledgeville Thursday after 1st Monday in November. Alabama, ......... Mobile—2d Mon. in April, and 4th Mon. in Dec. Places and Times of holding the District Courts. North Carolina, .. . Edenton—3d Mon. in April and October ;—New- burn—4th Mon. in April and October;—Wilming- i ton—1st Mon. after 4th Mou. in April and October. Soeth Carolina, Charleston—3d Monday in March and September, 1st Monday in July and 2d Monday in Dec.;—Laurens Court House—the next Tuesday after the adjourn¬ ment of the Circuit Court at Columbia. Georgia, N. Dist.,.. Marietta—2d Monday in March and September. Georgia, S. Dist.,.... Savannah—2d Tuesday in February, May, August and November. Alabama, N. Dist., .. Huntsville,—3d Mon. in May and 4th Mon. in Nov. Alabama, M. Dist., ..Montgomery—4th Monday in May and 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in November. Alabama, S. Dist., . . Mobile—1st Monday in May and 2d Monday in Dee. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. George W. Towns, John T. Smith, Julius M. Patton, Benj. F. Gullet, Geo. W. Harrison, William B. Tinsley, EzekLnl S. Candler, James R. Butts, Wm. B. Wofford, Luther J. Glenn, John W. Anderson, B. K. Harrison, of Talbot, of Troup, of Cass, of Talbot, of Randolph, of Baldwin, of Carroll, of Sumter, Governor, Salary $3,000 Secretary Exec. Dep't, 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.600 1,600 1,600 1,600 600 Secretary of State, Ti ■easurer, Comptroller-General, Surveyor-General, of Habersham, President of the Senate, of Henry, Secretary of the Senate, of Savannah, Speaker of the House of Rep's. ^ ^ of Stewart, Clerk of the House of " 600 Duncan C. Campbell, of Baldwin, Director of the Central Bank, 1,200 W. W. Williamson, Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary, 1,600 A. M. Horton, Inspector of the Penitentiary, 500 Dr. Tomlinson Fort, Physician do. 400 Br. T F. Green, Supt. and Resident Phy. of the Lunatic Asylum. 1,50® REPRESENTATION OF GEORGIA IN CONGRESS. SENATORS. John MacPherson Berrien, of Savannah, term expires in 1853. William C. Dawson, of Greensboro, term expires in 1855. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. First District.—Jos. W. Jackson. Bulloch Effingham Liberty Scriven Tattnall Wayne Appling Bryan Camden Chatham Emanuel Glynn Lowndes Mcintosh Montgomery Telfair Thomas Ware Clinch. Second District.—M.J.Wellborn. Houston Decatur Early Baker Lee Randolph Stewart Sumter Dooly Muscogee Marion Macon Irwin Pulaski Third District.—Allen F. Owen. Butts Talbot Crawford Twiggs Upson Monroe Bibb Pike Jasper Jone3 Wilkinson Fourth District.—H. A.Haralson. Troup Meriwether Heard Campbell DeKalb Coweta Fayette Carroll Henry Harris Fifth District.—T. C. Hackett. Dade Walker Chattooga Floyd Cass Paulding Murray Gilmer Cherokee Cobb Forsyth Gordon Gwinnett Lumpkin Union Sixth District.—Howell Cobb. Rabun Franklin Hall Jackson Madison Habersham Clarke Newton Walton Seventh District.—A.H. Stephens. Morgan Greene Taliaferro Putnam Oglethorpe Baldwin Hancock Washington Laurens Eighth District.—Robert Toombs. Wilkes Lincoln Columbia Richmond Burke Jefferson Warren Elbert LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. The Legislature of the State consists of forty-seven Senators, (being one from each of the Senatorial Districts named immediately below) and on® hundred and thirty Representatives from the Comities. The Legislature holds its sessions biennially, commencing 011 the 1st Mon¬ day in November. The Governor, Senators and Representative# all hold their offices for two years. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. 1 Chatham 2 Liberty and Tattnall 3 Mcintosh and Glynn 4 Wayne and Camden 5 Ware, Lowndes and Clinch 6 Appling and Montgomery 7 Bulloch and Scriven S Effingham and Bryan 9 Burke and Jefferson 10 Laurens and Wilkinson 11 Telfair and Irwin 12 Decatur and Thomas 13 Early and Randolph 14 Stewart and Miussoge# '5 Lee and Baker 16 Troup and Harris 17 Houston and Pulaski 18 Marion and Macon 19 Dooly and Sumter 20 Twiggs and Jones 21 Washington and Emanuel 22 Richmond and Columbia 23 Warren and Taliaferro 24 Hancock and Baldwin 25 Putnam and Jasper 26 Monroe and Bibb 27 Crawford and Upson 28 Meriwether and Talbot 29 Heard and Carroll SO (Smapbell and Cow«t» 31 Fayette and DoKalb 32 Butts and Pike 33 Newton and Henry 34 Morgan and Greene 35 Lincoln and Wilkes 36 Franklin and Madison 37 Oglethorpe and Elbert 38 Clarke and Walton 47 Floyd, Gordon and 39 Gwinnett and Forsjlh 40 Paulding, arid Cass 41 Cherokee and Cobb 42 Hall and Jackson 43 Habersham and Rabun 44 Lumpkin and Union 45 Gilmer and Murray 46 Dade and Walker Chattooga. JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS. Hiram Warner, Joseph H. Lumpkin, Eugeuius A. Nisbet, T. R. R. Cobb, R. E. Martin, Officers. of Greenville, Judge. Term Expires 1850. of Athens, do. " " 1852. of Macon, do. " " 1854. of Athens, Reporter. Porq. and of Milledgeville, Clerk. Salary. $2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 Fens. Times, and Places of Holding. f Composed of tho Eastern and Southern Judicial First District. < Circuits, alternately at Savannah and Hawkinsville, ( on the 2d Monday in January and 3d Monday in Juno. I Composed of the S. Western and Chattahoochee Cir- Se*ond District. < cuits, alternately at Talbotton and Americus, on the ( 4th Monday in January and J uly. I Composed of the Coweta and Flint Circuits, alter- Third District. < nately at Macon and Decatur, on the 2d Monday in ( February and August. ( Composed of the Western and Cherokee Circuits, Fourth District. < alternately at Cassville and Gainesville, on the 3d I Monday in April and Gctober. ( Composed of the Middle, Northern and Ocmulgea Fifth District < Circuits, at Milledgeville, on the 1st Monday in May I and November. Judges and Solicitors of Superior Courts. Judges. Henry R. Jackson, Ebenezer Starnes, Eli H. Baxter, James Jackson, H.V. Johnson, Aug. IL Hansel!, James II. Stark, Alfred Iverson, John II. Lumpkin, Edward Y. Hill, Lott VVarr#n, Salary. Circuits. Solicitor-Generals. $1,800, Eastern, W. B. Gaulden, 1,800, Middle, A. Colvard, At. G. 1,800, Northern, J. B. Weerns, 1,800, Western, D.H.Walker, 1,800, Ocmulgee, G. T. Bartlett, 1,800, Southern, Thaddeus Sturges, 1.800, Flint, Rufus W. McCune, 1,800, Chattahoochee, C.J.Williams, 1,800, Cherokee, John J. Word, 1,800, Coweta, M. M. Tiuvvell 1,W0#, Si. Wfcfctorn, W. C. Perkins, Ccunties Nine. Nine. Eight. Eight. Seven. Nine. Nine. Five. Eleven, Ten. Bight, A TABLE shewing the times of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts for each County, the Place of Holding and As- Distance from Milledgeville ; also the Clerks of Superior and Inferior Courts, and the Sheriff of each County. Appling. Baker. Baldwin....... Bibb. Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Camden ...— Campbell Carroll Cass Chatham Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Cobb Columbia Coweta Crawford Clinch Dade Decatur Dekalb Dooly Earlv Effingham Superior Courts. Inferior Courts. Court House. '.lie 16 June 9 Feb 24 Jan 20 Apr 24 Mar 20 May 19 Mar 17 Apr 7 Apr 21 Apr 28 Feb 3 Jan 13 Apr 2H Feb 17 Feb 10 Apr 7 Mar 17 Mar 3 Feb 3 June 9 Apr 21 June 2 Mar 17 May 12 Apr 28 Mar 24 June 16 Mar 4 May 12 Mar 17 'Jan 27 3 6 13 6 Dec 15 Dec S Aug 25 July 7 Dec Oct 23 Feb Nov 37iJun Sep 15 Jan Nov 17 Jan Oct 20 Juno 9 Oct 20 Jan 20 Aug 4jMay 26 May 12'Feb 17 Oct 20 Aug 4 Aug 18 June 2 Aug 11 Apr 28 Oct 6(Juno 16 Sep 15 Feb 3 Sep 1 June 23 Aug 'M Vlay 19 D '• bjApr 14 (tefc bbjJune 2 Dec 1 Apr 7 Sep 15JunR23 Nov 10 June 23 Oct 27iJan 13 Oct 27 Fob 10 Dec 15 Sep 2 Nov 10 Sep 15 June 23 July 7 July 7 July 14 June 2 Dec 8 July 21 Nov 24 July 21 Feb 3 Dec 1 Oct 27 Dec 15 July 7 Dec 22 Nov 17 Oct 13 Dec 1 Oct 0 Dec 22 Dec July 14 July 14 Holmesville Newton Milledgeville Macon Eden Statesboro W aynesboro Jackson Jeffersonton C ampbellton Carrollton Cassville Savannah Summcrville Canton Watkinsville Marietta Appling Newnan Knoxvillo Trenton Bainbridgo Decatur Vienna Blakely Springfield Sheriff. Clerk Sup. Court. Clerk Inf. Court. Droll. John S. Abbott James G. Johnson Charles Ennis Thomas Bagby John Vinzant Reddin Denmark Aug. H. Roberts Wm. Andrews Joseph H. Findley Thomas Camp John W. Wood 'Ihomas Booker E. M. Prendergast Jas. D. Black S. T. Kimbell Isaac S. Vincent J. S. Anderson Geo. G. Sturgis R. M. Hackney Morgan Hancock Charles Cowart Z. O'Neal D. Swicord, jr Allen E. Johnson C. R. Taliaferro Edward Gill Ed. Mingledorf Jesse Mobley S. C. Stephens William Steele H. G. Ross Joshua Smith David Beasley Edward Garlick W. R. Bankston Henry R. Fort John A. Hopkins J. F. Tomlinson H.W. Cobb J- F. Guilmartin W. M. Shropsire James Jordan John C. Johnson Thos. II. Moore A. M. Crawford H. R. Harrison James J. Ray J. C. Kirkland John B.Perkins F. J. Chisohn R. M. Brown , R. B. Davies J. B. Brown James Rahn Jesse Mobley S. C. Stephens William Steele Edw. E. Jeffers Joshua Smith David Beasley Edward Garlick W. R. Bankston Ilcnry R. Fort R. O. Beavers A. Boggs Jon. Phillips J. F. Guilmartin Sam'l. Hawkins James M. Daniel John C-. Johnson W. S. Johnson Davis Harriss John G. Morgan James J. Ray J. C. Kirkland Bcnj. M. Wood F. J. Chisolm Alex. Johnson R. B. Davies J. B. Brown James Rahn ad its toM" st- 107 169■ 110 108 168 201 4® 9ft 188. Ill 23- 108 138'. 7® 87 118 87 35- 87 2S 48 120 19® t the times of holding the Summon and Inferior Courts for each County^ fhe" Milledgbvillb^ also the Clerks of Superior and Inferior Courts, and the S Superior Courts. Inferior Courts. Crurt H(Ue Sheriff! Clerk Sup. Court Sep 15 Jan 20 Oct 20 Jan 6 Sep 8 Jan 20 July 21 Mar 10 Aug 25 May 26 Sep 22 Jan 27 Sep 15 Jan 13 Not 24 Jan 13 Sep 8 June 9 Sep 8 June 9 Not 10 Jan 20 Oct 13 Jan 13 Sep 15 Jan 27 Oct 13 Feb 3 Sep 8 Jan 27 Not 3 May 26 Oct 13 Jan 27 Oct 20 Jan 27 Oct 23 Jan 27 Aug 25 Jan 13 Oct 20 Jan 27 Nov 10 Jan 20 Oct 20 Jan 27 Sep 1 June 2 Not 24 Feb 24 Dec 1 Jan 13 July 21 July 7 June 16 S p 8 Not 24 July 23 July 7 June 9 Dec 8 Dec 8 July 21 July 14 July 28 Aug 4 July 28 Nov 24 July 28 July 2u July 7 July 14 July 26 July 21 July 28 Dec 1 Aug 24 Juue 9 Tvilv Elberton Swainsboro Fayetteville Rome Cumming Camesville Ellijay Brunswick Greensboro Laurenceville Calhoun Clarkesville Gainesville Sparta Hamilton Franklin M'Donough Perry Irwinsville Jefferson Monticello Louisville Clinton Dublin' Starkville Riceboro F. G. Stowers E. Burden Abner Coker T. S. Price Robert Williams Jer. Cleveland William Cox M C. B. Wright Har. H. WTatts G. T. Rakestraw David G. Wiley A. Whitehead R. H. Waters L. S. Stewart J. B. Henderson J. J. Hendrick Jordon Johnson Wm. H Talton Joseph.E. Bass J. H. Randolph Isaac L. Parker F. B. Mountain JohnS. Walker T. N. Guyton Wm. W. Gilmore Edward Way T. Eubanks Wm. Johnson G. H. Kennedy Wm.J. Russell Absalom B. Ross James Roberts D. Dumas Ransom Perry Alex. Scranton Vincent Sanford L. F. Wilcox James B. Davis Philip Martin William Sifton Tattle II. Audas N. H. Barden Hngh L. Speer Henry Stokes Wm. H. Miller Jacob Young Pittsfield Hint on J.J. W. Ctrgile Nich. Di»* M. R. lh»j.er Francis Thomas Samuel Lindsay Jas. S. BradweU Alex." Job X TABLE aliewinw ,he time, ot h.Idhw the *««• and Con,T|fol each County, ftePiA®•£""» , AAL.tJbtiuia ihilledcevilije ; also the Clerks of supe^i'lLif.1..'! ^-ekior Courts, and the Sheriff ot earn County. Counties. Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison., Marion Mcintosh Meriwether... Monroe Montgomery., Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton... Oglethorpe.... PauJding Pike Pulaski Putnam Rabun Randolph Richmond Scriven Stewart.... Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall June 2 Mar 3 Mar 24 Mar 10 Mar 3 Apr 17 Feb 24 Mar _ 3 Apr 14 Mar 3 Mar 24 May 12 Mar 24 Apr 21 May 5 Feb 17 Apr 21 Mar 17 Apr 10 Apr 14 Jan 13 Apr 28 Apr 28 May 19 Mar 17 Mar 3 Apr 17 Dec Sep Sep 22 Sep Sep 1 Nov 27 Aug 25 Sep 1 Oct 13 Sep 1 Feb 3 Jan 16 Feb 3 8 Jan 13 May 19 Jan 20 Apr 28 June 9 Feb 3 June 2 Superior Courts. Inferior Courts. Court House. Troupville Dahlonega Lanier Danielsville Tazewell Darien Greenville Forsyth Mt. Vernon Madison Spring Place Columbus Covington Lexington Van Wert Zcbulon Hawkiusville Eatonton Clayton Cuthbcrt Augusta Jaeksonboro Lumpkin Americas T albotton Crawfordville Reidsvillo Sep 22'Jan 20 Nov lO.Feb 10 Sep 22 June 23 Oct 20jJan 27 Nov 3!Feb 17 Aug lsjjuno 2 Oct 20|Jan 27 Sep 15'June 16 Oct 9'jan 6 Oct 13jJan 13 June 9 Mar 6 Oct 20 Jan 13 Oct 20iFeb 3 Nov 17|Feb 17 Sep 15 June 16 Sep 1 June 2 Oct lG'Feb Aug 4 Dec 15 Aug 4 July 14 Nov 17 June 16 Oct 27 Dec 8 Aug 4 Dec 1 July 21 Aug 11 Dec 22 June 23 Aug 18 Dec 1 July 7| Dec 15 July 71 July 14l Sep 4 July 14 July " Aug 18 Dec 15 Dec 1 Aug 11 Sheriff. Wm. D. Griffin A. Howell Thomas Dixon B. J. Meadows C. O'Neal J. M. Wilcher J. W. Redding B. II. Zellner Hugh McNatt Hilliard M. Harris James Buchanan F. A. Jepson Lewis Zaehry W. B. P. Ilaynic B. M. Willingham L. P. Alexander Rich. F. De Lamar Edmond O'Neal itartin Carver Richard Davis Wm. Doyle Wm. W. Oliver John M. Scott G. M. Wheeler A M Brown S Harris Cull in Cowart Duncan Smith Wm. Robinson Wm. W. Corbitt B. M. Thompson Armand Le Fils G. V>r. McDuffio Wm. A. Adams R. J. Pinckard F. McRea John C. Rees Robert McCamey E. J. Harden Aug. W. Evans George H. Lester John Ledbetter John A. Cochran John V. Mitchell James Nicholson James Bleckley Duncan Jordan James McLaws Alexander Kemp Iehabod M. Cox M. M. Guerry Geo. N. Forbes John T. Bristow James B.fSmith Clerk Inf. Court. DtoM. Duncan Smith 140 Allen Barnes "136 Wm. J. Collins 72 Amos Caruthcrs 87 Armand LeFils 88 G. W. McDuffio 190 Abdias M. Webb 108 Willis Curry 5® F. McRae 85 John C. Rees 43 Ralph Ellison 194 Isaac Mitchell 128 Wm. D. Luckie 67 George 11. Lester 64 W. 11. Adair 142 W. E. Maugham 77 John V. Mitchell 66 Wm. B. Carter 27 James Bleckley 156 Wm. II. Barton 136 James McLaws 88 Alexander Kemp 130 Samuel Starr 118 A. F. M'Pherson 100 Geo. N. Forbes 93 Quiiieu O'Neal 45 (James B. Smith 120 5 s to 52 oonnhi^owctnt-offi O © o ^ 33 o o 53 sc! ^ JT" © M W - a S -o s S S ? u2 "c £ a 5°o © J® 13 jS m 5^ J* rA © © . 33 • >"" 'S >d 22 p1-t rn qj ^ .O w ri g£ gW - m © _. c> a w 3 H • $3 O o d fe s fl ■S 5 gi 8 a °hM S . . kT ^ . .§ „a « c£ h £ a £ d d a ra 1-g aS s> of} ® S © !>»: J2 Sa Ja ,e5 £ 2 -r o a la a ta w ® »; ^{J S f -^Sp.^S £ i-'h-f 2 pi K co 9Q ?flD d-ga §d © jj a gj^hgtg 2? d a 2 a-g 33 a a£ '5 ca £ g •3 © a -a PQ&h - .. J g | Pa .a a *-< *■< a £* 2 ■ <3 o a a a a s a M r> j> a > t>- h3 « f? P- cC P-1? i CN CI CM a • i—i oo Oi co -* ( ff< TH ff( C| r-l £»-» bJO C3 ^"» {> s-> bJ) o >-J ~£~5 5 3^ 3 3^ ° 2 3^ 3 fB«t-noooiooot»awn Oi (?1 ^ CM CI M (M H CI Ol rH S 3 5* g.-S ctf ccf *~i rr1-^ ddr^csS^^H r^r ca WH KJ H? H? fa^a 1-5»-5nc raH, O *3 e- CO 00 "O CO 00 i-H CO CM j-H CT 03 CtClrtH MHHH (M CM CM u ► ► « n.*" ■*> W) O *j ft, Et ft, "35 o©©oS^ooa®o ST © © « OK^OaiOO^ROK^aiO I C^CJhhhCM^H OIHW g, a s* g, S g, g/g | g,3 s. jj & .a 2 & §d g c: © § ®5 g ;£ g S .5 cJ fi bjo q o M C ® K^t^l *i4 w 2 © *E -a S.^3 « J" J3 ►? ^ \r ~ JUDICIAL CIRCUITS Eastern Circuit. Wayne, Camden, Glynn, Mcintosh, Bryan, Liberty, Bulloch, Effingham, Chatham. Middle Circuit. Columbia, Jefferson, Scrivcn, Burke, Washington, Tattnall, Mont'ry, Emanuel, Richm'd, Northern Circuit. Elbert, Oglethorpe, Lincoln, Hancock, Warren, Taliaferro, Madison, Wilkes. Western Circuit. Clarke, Gwinnett, Franklin, Habersham, Jackson, Hall, Rabun, Walton. Ocmulgee Circuit. Baldwin, Jasper, Morgan, Greene, Jones, Putnam, Wilkinson. Southern Circuit. Appling, Lowndes, Laurens, Telfair, Irwin, Ware, Clinch, Thomas, Pulaski, Twiggs, Flint Circuit. Crawford, Henry, Houston, Bibb, Newton, Pike, Upson, Butts, Monroe. Cherokee Circuit, Chattooga, Gilmer, Murray, Paulding, Cass, Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Gordon, Union, Walker, Floyd, Dad#. Coweta Circuit. Fayette, Canoll, Dekalb, Meriwether, Troup, Cobb, Coweta, Campbell, Heard. Southwestern Circuit. Randolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Lee, Baker, Dooly, Macon, Early. Chattahoochee Circuit. Stewart, Marion, Muncogoa, Talbot. Harris, fOST OFFICES IN EACH COUNTY IN THE STATE. APPLING BAKER BALDWIN BIBB BRYAN BULLOCH BURKE BUTTS CAMDEN CAMPBELL CARROLL CASH CHATHAM CHATTOOGA CHEROKEE CLARKE COBB COLUMBIA COWETA CRAWFORD DECATUR DADE DEKALB DOOLY EARLY EFFINGHAM ELBERT EMANUEL FAYETTE FLOYD FORSYTH FRANKLIN GILMER GLYNN GREENE GWINNETT HABERSHAM HALL, HANCOCK HARRIS HEARD HENRY HOUSTON JERWm Holinesville, Willis'i Store. Albany, Concoid, Gillion's, Newton, Oak Lawn, Fish Trap. Milledgeville. Echaconna, Macon. Eden. Statesboro, Mil Ray. Birdsville, Brinsonville, Fryer's Ponds, Holcombe, Lester's District, Mblville, Alexander, Sardis, Waynesborough. Cook, Indian Springs, Jackson, Lofton's Store. Centre Village, Jettersonton, Langsbury, Saint Mary's. Campbellton, Cedar Branch, County Line, Dark Coniert Rivertown, Sandtown, Rassclas. Carrollton, Hickory Level, Laurel Hili, Rotlierwood, Tallapoosa, Villa Rica, Bnrrel Stand, Cerro Gordo. Adairsville, Allatoona, Cartersville, Cassville, Free Bridge, Iron Works, Kingston, Oo'hcaloga, Pine Log. Saliquoy. Stilesboro, Little Prairie, Fair Mount, C'old Run. Savannah. Alpine, Chattoogaville, Dirt Town, Zion Factory, Summerviile, Teloga Springs, Broomtown, Melville. Boardtree, Ball Ground, Canton, Harnageville, Hickory Flat, Orange, Social ilill, Troy, Woodstock. Athens, Fannington, Salem, Watlrinsville. Acworth, Golgotha, High Bridge, Lebanon, Marietta, Powder Springs, Mill Grove, Roswell. Appling, Berzelia, Culbreath's, Darby's?. Eubank's, Lombardy, Raysville, Republican, Thompson, White Oak, Wrightsboro. Bexar, Palmet'o, Ilarralson, Kedron, Location, Lodi, Rio, Newnan, Paris, Willow Grove. Francisville, Hammock Grove, Hickory Grove, Hopewell, ICnox- ville, New Agency. Attapulgus, Bainbridge, Cairo, Olive Grove. Trenton, Wauhatcliee, Rising Town. Atlanta, Cross Keys, Decatur, Lithonia, Pantliersville, Stone Mountain, Utoy. Cedar Creek, Drayton, Hollidaysville, Millwood, Traveller's Rest, Vienna. Blakely, Fort Gaines, Pachitta. Reform, Springfield. Amandaville, Cold Water, Cook's Law Office, Eagle Grove, El- berton, Montevideo, Petersburgh, Rnckeisville, Broad River. Swainsborough. Fairburn, Fayetteville, Jonesborough, Rough and Ready,, York. Cave Spring, Hermitage, Missionary Station, Rome, Calipoenia, Coosa, Johnson. Big Creek, Cumming, Hartford, High Tower, Yickery's Cieek Warsaw. i Aquilla, Hudson, Bowersvilie, Bnshville, Carnesville, Fair View Grove Level, Middle River, Parker's Store, Walnut Hill. Ellejay, Prince Edward, Taooah, Talking Rock, Blue Ridge. Bethel, Brunswick, Frederiea. Cracker's Neck, Greensboro, Merrell, Penfield, Public Square, Scull Shoals, Union Point, White Plains. Auburn, Cain's, Choice's Store, Lawrenceville, Orrsviil -, Pinckney- ville, Rock Bridge, Suwanee, Sweet Water, Yellow River. Batesville, Claikesville, Dawson, Hollingsvforth, Mount Yonah Loudsville, Nacoochee, Walton's Ford, Toecoa Falls. Argo, Ohesnut Hill, Gainesville, GiUsville, Hog Mountain, Gailey'i Mill. Devereaux's Store, Long's Bridge, Mount Ziop, Powelton, Rock Mills, Shoals of Ogechee, Sparta. Cochran's Cross Roads, Ellerslie, HamiltonU. H., Mulberry Grove, King's Gap, Piedmont, Waverley Hall, Whitesville. Berrien, Corinth, Enon Grove, Franklin, Houston, McBritle's Mills. Double Cabins, Flat Rock, Forsterville, ^Locust Grove, McDonongh, Sandy Ridge, Tucker's Cabin, White House. Stock Bridge, Buena Vista, Spring. Bateman's Store, Busbayville, Fort Valley, Hayneville, Caiaeville, Minerva, Perry, Wellbom's Mills, Wilna. Adams House ®r»ek, IrwinsviUe. JACKSQM "JASPER JEFFERSON JONES LAURENS. LEE LIBERTY LINCOLN LOWNDES LUMPKIN MACON MADISON Mrf-NTOSH MARION MERIWETHER MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN MURRAY MUSCOGEE NEVyTON •OGLETHORPE PAULDH^f PIKE PULASKI PUTNAM RABUN RANDOLPH-"* RICHMOND SCRIVEN ^ STEWART SUMTER TALBOT TALIAFERRO TATNA.LL, TELFAIR THOMAS TROUP TWIGGS TTNIoy UPSON WALKER WALTON WARE WARREN WASHINGTON WAYNE WILKES WILKINSON fiarber's Creek, Baecobel, Harmoliy ttrove, Jefferson, Mulberry, Marcus, Maysvijle. Hillsborough, Meclianicsville, Monticello, Palo Alto, Shady Dale. Fenn's Bridge, Louisville, Reedy Creek, Sylvan Grove, Wood bum. Blountsville, Clinton, Larksville, Tranquilla. Buck Eye, Dublin, Laurens Hill. Chenuba, Palmyra, Starkeville, Sumterville, Chickasawhatchie. Ilinesville, Riceborough, Walthourville. Double Branches, Goshen, Lincolnton. Alapaha, Okapilco, Piscola, Sharp's Store, Troupville, Flat Creek. Amicalola, Auraria, Barrettsville, Calhoun, Crossville, Dahlonega, New Bridge, Pleasant Retreat, Meehauiesbnrgh. Grangersville, Hamburg, Lanier, Marshallsville. Martin's Store, Horse Head, Newson's Mills, Fredonia. Brookline, Danielsville, Madison Springs. Darien, South Newport. Glenalta, Pea Ridge, Pineville, Poindexter, Tazewell, Trycam. Erin, Farmer's, Flat Shoals, Gold Hill, Greenville, Rocky Mount, Texas, Warm Springs, White Sulphur Springs, Woodbury, Wood House. Culloden, Forsyth, Gulleltsville, Johnstonville, Prattsville, Rus- sellville, Unionville. Boxville, Colquitt, Mount Vernon. Buck Head, Ebenezer, Fairplay, High Shoals, Madison, Park's Bridge, Rehobothville, Double Shoals. Cohuttah Springs, Coosawattee, Dalton, Ilolly Creek. Red Clay, Pleasant Valley, Red Hill, Spring Place, Sugar Valley, Tun¬ nel Hill, Resaca, Twinersville. Columbus, Halloea, Shell Creek, Upatoie, Roland, Bald Hill, Conyers, Covington, Leaksville, Newborn, Oak Hill, Oxford, Newton Factory, Sheffield, Starrsville, Rock Plains. Bairdstown, Bowling Green, Goose Pond, Lexington, Millstone, Philomath, Salmonville, State Rights. Cedartown, Huntsville, New Babylon, Van Wert, Pumpkinpile, Yellow Stone. Barnesville, Griffin, Liberty Hill, Milner, Zebulon, Milner. Hawkinsville. Clopton's Mills, Eatonton, Glades Cross Roads, Rockville. Stan- fordville. Clayton. » Brooksville, Cotton Hill, Cuthbert, Entaw, Georgetown, Lowell Petanla, Pumpkintown. Augusta, Belair, MoBean, Richmond Factory. Armenia, Black Creek, Buck Creek, Jacksonboro, Mill Haven, Mobley Pond, Scarborough. Florence, Green Hill, Hannaliatchee, Lannahassee, Lumpkin, Richland, Searsville, Summerfield, Hard Money. Americus, Danville, Friendship, Plains of Dura, Pondtewn. Bluff Spring, Carsonville, Centre, Daviston, Pine Hill, Pleasant Hill, Prattsburgh, Ctuito, Talbotton, Holt's Shop, Hate's Shop, Mount Pleasant. Crawfordsville, Raytown. Perry's Mills, Reidsville, Surreuey's. Copeland, Jacksonville, Lumber City, Temperance. Duncanville, Grooverville, Thomasville, Boston. Antioch, Cane Point, La Grange, Long Cane, Mountville, Asbur^p Troup Factory, Hoganville, Vernon, West Point. Marion, Raine's Store, Tarversville. BJairsville, Ivy Log, Polk, Shady Grove, Young Cane. Double Bridges, Hootensville, Thomaston, Wymanville. ChesuutFlat, Ringgold, Frick'sGap, Lafayette, Medicinal Springs Rock Springs, Rossville, Snow Hill, Villanow, Wood's Sta tion, Dnck Creek. Cntt Off, Good Hope, Monroe, Social Circle, Windsow. Waresboro. Camak, Double Wells, Mayfield, Warrenton. Curry's Mills, Davisboro. Hebron, Irwin's Cross Roads, ©son Sandersvillc, Tennhle, Warthen's Store, Waynesville. Aonia, Centreville, Danburgh, Mallorysville, Pistol ®reek both, Washington. ©ool IBprin® BiimHt) «er89 220 724 464 392 1014 309 595 457 124 195 307' 097 786 753 974 839 38 128 689 095 344 44; 4?6' 895 681 337 732 540' 10 434 58 243; 146 175 431 589 34< 37." 58' 13? 83, 65! 5: 272 11 So 3 ■ 51 H.S J'l^^arS-S ® 9 s^ST® ' '5"P p p 3 g- a-g^s £■ £ -■•-< L'il llBflHlJils-a'S1'£• IS" -s *8 J-** ss- p*^* v -v b „ *5 * -c, -. ^ a S.S5.S-S.g.^»*S.?i.55.S.»S-»*oJS.S.P'&'c™SS.p'S-ti-B' S2t,clo5Slss'oC5o28 ir5g £ "1c o J" c S 8 '"sapjSssa 5?B a"o e jL-.w-^t3 a (LB ® ® P e S' 5' 5" 5" g- &■ 5' ~ B" H s g" » cr 8 g.» » 5 g- g- ~ B" ~ g- B" ^cracrqcrq % «*■ 1>>^ % *? <:TJ SJ^3 ft rV 59 wg s-® ° o 5-"> a By an act of Congress passed Jauuary 23d, 1845, the Electors ^ are to be appointed in each State on the Tuesday after the first f Monday in November of the proper year. J?l" § w^iSMMCft^owScNik^^aKj^SoHiStnSi^woiii^-4 o g5 QD to ,s _ifr-i(WtUww-*?eotoc«c3Swc>a*tfco«eMt5cDw§->4Scii^Sosc!«c s,s: IS? 10 . C^i [ -~J 03 wc!a*2? Si^MCO Q^SMU ^ p°i^pj^ tOi Cap 00 © ca >-* S3 Ct iSSS W-5S. CntOOt©h-CwXh-iaoC3*OQO-4 ^ ooi-CA^cci-r'vTWCDtOMw ocjiifewoMAecSwc sa'fl y ® '5'? 00 "to u 53 £SKgg£fg&Si*g!?£!3«SiSi3$ Is s¥sgg?¥g£i^gS5 **3>~4 C/»30*»3tOC>t««-lCA3c>cCOQOCCCn 5CCa.OHCtOC;5c03)WX o rMi w ® CO O! W • * ^ W to vO W- w -Uiojo si w txtjcr.-joca^tco - bs ■ h-i S3 ^ ^ ^ M-4CDtG^tS Oi CO » [ osoo o ^ a> - M to ®H*®0Q»-100H*M-^i35i-»JCDCC?0ClCOOi-4t0--Jt0SOi<*CC00© j^j^pppppppppoH-*► we®X^WXO'X^M^>- tl $ ^ w ^ ®sV»wVCiXawcoV^i'to"©"©^® "tooo^o t^5rS5r> S^QOisiwOtCMHwtnocwttwoowctt-Jwcitkvito t9 tO tn *4rf*-fc5^C>',,4-4C»©»-*H-OiiOCe©'^UiVi03^h-i08C©0»4*W m § c 3trW3c n!5H3KwK!3l3^^^>^>i53M>ttS0^8 2MOO i^a2S3,5»t,d pra qq ^3 5 §£ rfS ^ wtB S^§ 13 13 » ,1°"°%* SB IS g % CCUyt« pp p^-4 -il0-q-»-JO-^a>'^S^M<0«C C-.^-JWt^MCCC&tO^-^C^WCxOO© ^ I CO)—J i/{ CO ' ^ —1'"" **» *■1 10 00*» ODJOp M W W Wj^ WpJ*3p 1-1 Ote ^OJ0Qh-»00-«3Ot«aOiW^j00OM OT© to oo w M, 2 ii JOp KJCx W^jW j^KKAJ ppp r--. _ — . w&cfcH-*cn*4M*o«c M w ^-4 c? w © CmlOMpK>©»4-5H*»t*-CiWOT«OaO©-J-4C>10*3 _/„.. gi QTffr- »^C>COCCCJ-*>*». t© -4 OOMO©05MCJ{ l^K)(COO^GC^CC^CQO> «CnCOOJMfrOfcO >£»■ *0 e* ■4pOOJOJOpp^-4^ Crtp>-»j-pp^pJ*pP 50^w^to^.o®ccaoK)o^yiooH^»5cpocotoww^ocw i©ttQOtP00>Se-O-4a&t0©<0<0C" C*J ** t*. a.cj^cn-ao^w -^CnyiiO-tcOdatCrtJ-J"" COtCQ0tO4i'».COrf»>>fr>--ltO * CO CO 00 «4 tD *6 «© ~xcco^yiq)congC33{OCTOo Aitaift.feoi5>4^Hagwwtgoi -4 Vi Ci : cc -J X. •> OODC?H*^! en o mao^acatv^go^Hi^atDcaooo rfq' p&jp; SO BANKS IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Names. Capital. Au. Ins. & Bk. Comp. Bank of Augusta, Bank of Brunswick, Bank of Milledgeville,, Bank of St. Marys, Bk. of the State of Ga. Branch at Augusta, " at Athens, I " at Eatonton, " at Washington, Agency at Macon, Cen. R. R, & Bkg. Co. Geo. R. R. & Bk. Co. Marine & Fire In. Bk. Mechanics' Bank, Merchants' Bank, Planters' Bank, $375,000 600,000 200,000 500,000 300,000 750,000 450,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 205,500 375,000 350,000 500,000 250,000 535,400 President. W. M. D'Antignac R. F. Poe, Edward Thomas, S. Grantland, John G. Winter, A. Porter, G. M. Newton, R. R. Cuyler, J. P. King, E. Padelford, T. S. Metcalf. James Dean, G. W. Anderson, I Cashier. " I R. Walton, Jas. W. Davies, J. Craig, T. H. Hall, ;G. W. Winter, 1 J. K. Tefft, jl. Henry, jAsbury Hull, ID. R.Adams, ' I A. L. Alexander, J. H. Washington, Solomon Cohen. J. W.Wilde, J. Olmstead, . Itl. Hatch, J. Rutherford, H. W. Mercer. COLLEGES IN GEORGIA. Names. Location. President. F ounded. Franklin University, Athens, A. Church, 1785 Oglethorpe University, Midway, S. K. Talmadge, 1836 Emory College, Oxford, Geo. F. Pierce, 1637 Mercer University, Penfield, J. L. Dagg, 1838 Christ College and Episcopal Inst. Montpelier, Bishop Elliott, 1839 Wedeyan Female College, Macon, Rev. W. II. Ellison. Medical College of Georgia. Augusta, C.J. Jenkins, 1830 RAIL ROADS IN GEORGIA. Georgia Rail Road, Branch do. Branch do. Central Rail Road, Macon & W. R. R. W. &. Atlantic R. R. Memphis Branch R. R. Gordon &, Milled'. R. R. Southwestern R. R. Atlanta & La G. R. R. Augusta & W. R. R. Columbus & Macon R. Total length, from Augusta to Atlanta, from Union Point to Athens, from Camak to Warrenton, from Savannah to Macon, from Macon to Atlanta, from Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 from Kingston to Rome, " 17 from Gordon to Milledgeville, 17 from Macon to Fort Gaines, 12S from Atlanta to La Grange, 85 form Augusta to Wayncsboio, 50 from Columhu* to Macon, 100 1041 171 Miles, completed. 39 4 191 101 CITY COURTS. Court or Common Pleas.—Augusta. ~ -~.J°hn W" Wi|dej Judge. D. L.Roath, Clerk. Wm. V. Ker, Sheriff. IL» This Court sits on the 4th Monday in February, May, August, and No¬ vember. Return day, ten days before Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer.—Savannah. E. J. Harden, Judge. Mordant Sheftal, Clerk. Levi S. Russell, Sheriff. George W. Wylly, Deputy Sheriff. Court days, 1st Monday in February, May, July, and November. Return day, fourteen days before Court. A TABLE shewing the POPULATION OP EACH DISTRICT in So, Ca., according to the Census of 1845 ; also the 'COURT HOUSE of the District, and its DISTANCE from the Seat ot Government. Districts. Abbeville.... Anderson Barnwell Beaufort Charleston..., Chester Chesterfield.., Colleton. ~ Darlington..., Edgefield Fairfield Georgetown... Greenville ... Horry Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lexington..... Marion Marlborough.. Newberry Orangeburg... Pickens Richland...... Spartanburg... Sumter. Union Williamsburg- York Total. White. PreeCol'd. Slaves. 13,808 12,772 10,533 5,548 20,922 9,901 5,537 5,772 7,109 15,020 7,550 2,003 12,491 4,154 3,888 5,573 12,502 7,400 8,593 4,288 8,208 4,421 11,548 5.326 17,424 8,644| 10,485 3.327 10,400 323 63 435 464 3,201 126 100 428 93 294 74 188 43 27 250 99 101 25 88 102 238, 204 93 407 58 373 97 32 109 2 39,0841 8,276 15,148 5,058 10,503 29,782 58,538 7,722 2,871 19,348 7,500 17,538 12,535 15,993 5,305 1,574 8,143 4,235 8,921 4,085 5,251 4,018 9,904 12,034 2,715 10,604 5,687 18,875 8,354 6968 7,805 327,038 Total. Name of C. H 29,351 18,493 21,471 35,794 82,661 17,747 8,574 25,548 14,822 32,852 20,165 18,274 17,839 5,755 12,2-11 9,907 21,584 12,111 13,932 8,408 18,350 18,519 14,350 16,397 23,669 27,892 18,936 10,327 18,383 594,389 Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell, Beaufort, Charleston, Chester, Ohesterfieid, Walter borough, Darlington, Edgefield, Monticello, Georgetown, Greenville, Conwayboro, Camden, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, Marion, Rennetsville, Newberry, Orangeburg, Pickens, Columbia, Spartanburg, Sumterville, Unionville, Ivingstree, Yorkville, DtoC 97 327 100 146 124 57 105 99 129 5G 31 152 107 196 33 72 70 12 146 107 40 44 144 98 63 71) 10? 7«9 EXPLANATION OF INTEREST TABLE. On the top column will be found the amount on which the interest is com¬ puted, and on the side column is the time for which the interest has been com¬ puted. The point of intersection of the two columns will be the amount of the interest sought. For instance, to find the interest on $29 for 33 days, first find 23 on the top eolumn, then run your eye down until it meets the line run- kigAtisp 33. and vou will find at this point 18, whioh is tho auraunt in eants. e t V» TP < ;C0 ift < to 00 I m<£' l BO CSS ® i1 cT t—'te *f" iooww i^'jwno >" i-i" rl CO Ct t- OS r-H t— 10 TP R'isi^gSSSSgS »o & t^1^ as ® co c^ctj go co rtcoTpi-TrHtocTsocooj TP *ft Tj| Ov Tf TP ® OS — 10 OS to 00 •"* i-l 00 Q,tJ ^ OS co of of i-t« ( o ^ te § fCO t— t— r-i < 0?O?t> < ® t- CO < p *-tJ . O^S fl 6 .Orfj £ » O O ( 1 frf 00 • 1 Tfr CO i ) o ^ o «£> ^c^CN o " co ©? ) H io o ©* CD CO rf 00 kC ©* co r* ©* ©* CO t^-cowfOi-1 ko ioowcoooHHCd CJO?CV5COO^ T^OOGOC^TF®®^ rH -rj-i r4 r-1 r-1 ©* CO CO ® ©* CO 00 CO CO OJ t-H I-H ©* GO ^ r-H CO > « Co —: a o o o O ifio O O O O CO o ooo«o C^co tffo'ioof" crTcf r-( CO r~i o CO ^ S a13,^ ri — P ^ BJgo ■— sS » o-cw « a> CO 00 to" CO 49,890 - °-2H ,ti Oh o,^ p. €©• iHOi^^HCn^iO^iOCD^iONHOOH iN^ip^CiffON^MW^'OtfOOO^OOiCO i T—i ©* WH phtm ©* wo< H !00(^irtX)Ci i o co cr> r- co «* *5 *2 WO>0«HWOO^HWH«OfQOt-H5flOOOQOiOOOH i0«0(N^C0Off0C0C0l>^4C0i-H00Q0OC0C00,300C0CM00k0*»a Oi CO HN "^CO C^co^co ©* 1-H *(7f *£ co"co i/f ko co 1*~r.-r~c—:Ts-B-. /-^r-r vCO ^C^r-lC^t-voCOCN CO ■ -, rf CO oo cT 00 CO ©* kO 00 co oT ju ^ ,A A, « « ^ C* kO ©} <7* ©i co 0®OODOOC*i-iOOOOOOTf 0. io o w Tf »o c^ o ®®o?crr^cocf^cft^co^c£Taoc^co'»-H'-rGd ^ ® co co 00 CO ® o CO CO^CO^C^ ^crTof ©* o* ©* S ^ OCDCPrtHeO«50C^CiOCONt>Xt-OOOOOiOOOOWH OiC5»ON,^tOCI'tCO^^TfO?iOt^CJrHiOOO^^OC5®^C'{ O 1-^ir^Tf^ r-4 r^r-H O^CO^O^O^CO^CO^C^CO^CO ^ OO N 30 CO* kflT r-T ® ^ t^of ^ t^(?r rfT^acTc^irJcOr-rt^'t®r-^cro|X ©i ©* CO WWOHH»«ClH^rt ^ H ^ •a £ ►I t-Tit>cs5S«csajc>tDtooD"PT,r-i-tNawffioc5a)moc» i-l P5rt rt n «5 H H W CS M CS rt i-l o » ci oo « «(» OJ «HCiOOCOl^cC'-t90 ® 05 o eo • i-H tV CO^IO^CO J5 QO rH . fj OHOPJ erf £""» C0 r-T fl'WNNHgilO^^H r-< rH OJ ^ C* C4 o in io" «P22HOf-u3c> w£It^sv5*^,—' r-! ci co o CI CI CM CO i-H Tfl CO CO CO Aggregates of subjects of Tax- _ ation in Georgia, with th«' gj | amount of Tax raised from each» Tn compiled from the Digests f>f co ; 1849, returned and of file in the ■®l Comtroller's Office. o o o o o m c ta-a W «:i° OA cj 36q S 5i°.a| 3.°"0 53 fojl rfoi«wo>ooon« aociciaocrst-asCTjr-i-t cLl"7,t2,c'l.''t,ci,^a0 P^1""1 ^ascfoot^rocnoiintd •xj< m H LOOT aioo 9*H r-H CO 1 ) 00 CI I Tp TP o* Tp CO CO 0s* CO CO O^OOOt-iOCJOUOOOO t— UOHiOHt-COiOTpOOO ^ C* «-H »-H O r-^ o co O^U?C?cfrHTfc^uf^TpSClfof OH COC4CO C* ^ OOiOl^TPCiOJOOO GOt-»CO«-HTptOt^COO ^ *~L *"1 £"I r"i,ai CO of CO Is-* i> ^jF CO>U,T " H Ct H CO TT CM ! , . 30 iO wo !o i, 2 CO r-H ) ,4> © • Ph aiHinoiOH(Ci ; Quantity. Tax on, '{Polls, No. 83,832 .$32,746,87 , {Professions, " 1,628 8,140,60 ; Slaves, " 333,596 130,310,94 J Free P. of C. " 475 2,375,00 k Oak & liick'y , (land, 1st qual acres 178.592 1.088,77 ' j do 2d " " 4,671,363 14,387,46 do 3d " " 9,586,084 15,527,75 . (Com. pine land " 14,313,711 13,419,10 ! {Pine Id. adjoin- i ling inl. swamp " 152,428 285,80 i /Pine id. within [ (3 miles of water j carriage, " 255.696 1,917,72 iSea Isl'ds 1st ql " 7,705 144,46 do 2d ' " 69,021 733,35 do 3d ' " 55,441 277,20 5 (Salt Marsh, " 45,113 84,58 ! (Tide Swamp ! 1st qal. " 22,175 1,025.59 4 do 2d " " 14,918 428,89 | j do 3d " " 12,755 111,60 1 (Inland Swamp >> 1st qaJ." 8,045 261,46 ; do 2d " " 37,112 649,46 4 do 3d " " 36,883 276,24 (High River Sp. ; 1st qal. " 39,000 472,14 ■ do 2d " " 108,433 825,08 L. do 3d " " 193,556 637,35 [ (Mountain iaad," 8,000 5,00 i (Town Lots, $9,199,800 35,936,71 '.Stock in Trade, $4,889,975 16,601,46 _ j Mon'y at Interest, $9,949,038 9,949,04 ' (Capital of Banks [ 'in other States "0lsed in this, $312,819 257,45 i (Pleasure Carriages, L/2 wheels, No. 523 326,88 ' (Pleasure Carriages, (4 wheels, No.11,899 14,874,00 ! (Factors & Brokers,'' 71 355,00 1 (Wares, &c., sold by Factors, $41,098 103,25 (Stallions, No. 546 2,985,84 t Value of Ferries, : (Bridges, &c., $102,073 127,59 j. BiUiard Tadles, No. 26 650,00 i /Capital invested j 'in Manufactories, ' lover $15,000 $938,535 7 50,82 Total Tax, $309,049,85 : m • d. g(J A s .2° o £ * "3 "Ec : ? 9 i ® gsS h 5 '& ' 5£c«K!BKii3rJ~: i The default tax not included in the -i , above aggregate. The gross amount of -£? (Digests of 1849, including defaults, j $300,090,80 1 'Nett amount, $268,880,98 36 SOUTH CAROLINA. Government. W. B. Seabr«ok, William H. Gist, B. J Henegan, J. B. McCully, Wm. Laval, R. C. Griffin, William F. Arthur, Isaac W. Hayne, John Gibbes, Angus Patterson, Thomas Frean, J. J. Middleton, Tho's. W. Glover, of Charleston, Governor, of Union, Lieutenant-Governor. of Abbeville, Secretary of State, Comptroller-General, of Charleston, Treasurer, Lower Division, of Columbia, do. Upper Division, of Columbia, Surveyor-General, of Charleston, Attorney-General, $1,100 and Fees< Supt. of Public Works, 1,50® of Barnwell, President of the Senate. of Grahamv'Ie, Clerk of the Senate. of Prince George, Speaker of the House. of Orangeburg, Clerk of the House, 1,000 Salary. $3,569 Fees- 2,000 2,000 1,600 Fees, Judiciary. Chancellors in Equity. Appointed Salary. Job Johnson, of Newberry, 1830, $3,000 Benj. Faneuil Dunkin, of Charleston, 1837, 3,000 G. W. Dargan, 1847, S,Q00 J. J. Caldwell, deceased; vacancy to be filled in Dec., 1850. Judges of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. J. S. Richardson, deceased ; vacancy to be filled in Dec., 1850. Josiah J. Evans, of Society Hill, 1829, 3,000 J. B. O'Neall, of Newberry, 1835, 8,000 I). L. Wardlaw, of Abbeville, 1841, 3,000 Edward Frost, of Charleston, 1844, 3.000 T J. Withers, of Camden, 1847, 3,000 James A. Strobhart, of Grahamville, St. Reporter, 1847, 3,000 Alexander Herbemont, Clerk of Court of Appeals. Staf» of the Militia. Brigadier General James W. Cantey, Col. Beaufort T Watts, Lt. Col. Pet«r De La Torre,. Lt. Col. Richard De Treville, Lt, Col James SI. Grimke, Lt. Col. W. E. Haskell, Dr. Henry Boylston, Dr. Thomas D. Starke, Adjutant and Inspector General. Quarter-Master General. Judge-Advocate General. Commissary General of Purchase. Commissary General of Issue. Paymaster General. Apothecary General. Physician and Surgeon General II DISTRICTS, j COM. & RHOISTKM' E§ i 3 ~ I E.R. Laurens, Masfr "on "i J-W.Gray, Com. ( T. Gantt, Reg. Orangeburg V. D. V. Jamison Barnwell A. P. Aldrich Volition D. P. Williams B:avfort Pi, J. Day ant Darrngion Thos. C. Evans Marion C, D. Evans Horry James Beaty Georgetown S. T. Atkinson Williamsburg E. J. Porter Samter Kershaw Richland Lexington Newberry Edgefield Abbeville Anderson Pickens Greenville Laurens J. B. Miller Wm. Shannon A. H. Porcher H. A. Meetze Lambert J. Jones S. S. Tompkins H. A- Jones A. O. Norris Miles M. Norton Thomas P. Butler B. R. Campbell Spartanburg T. O, P, Vernon Vnioy, York Lancaster Chester Fairfield Marlboro* D. Goudelock W, J. Clawson J. H. Witherspoon James Hemphill J. B, McCants E. P, Irvine Chesterfield Jas, C. Craig TIMHS 0* HGLDIKS COUItTS OF BQUTYV. at Charleston, on the 1st Monday in February, to sit six weeks, and on the 2d Monday in June to sit four weeks, at Orangeburg, on the 1st Monday in Feb. to sit one week, at Barnwell, on the 2d do do do do at Walterboro, on the 3d do do do do _ at Gillisonville, on the 4th do do do do ( at Gheraw, for Marlboro and Chesterfield, Qn the Wednesday ( after the 1st Monday in February, to sit 4 days. , at Darlington, on the 2d Monday in February, to sit three days, at Marion, on Friday after 2d Monday in Feb. to sit four days, at Comvaybio, for Horry, on Thurs. af, 3d M. in Feb. to sit3 days, at Georgetown, for Georgetown, on 4th Mon. in Feb. to sit 3 ds. at Williamsburg on the Fri, after 4th Mon. in Feb- may sit 3 ds. 'at Sumter, on the first Monday in June, may sit 6 days, at Camden, on the 2d Monday in June, at Columbia, on the 3d do do at Lexington, on the 4th do do ^ at Newberry, on the 1st Monday after 4th Monday in June, -at Edgefield, on the 1st Monday in June, at Abbeville, on "the 3d do do at Anderson, on the 3d do do at Pickens, on the Thursday after the 3d Monday in June, at Greenville, on the 4th Monday in June, at Laurens, on the Thursday after the 4th Monday in June, rat Spartanburg, on the 1st Monday in June. I at Union, on the 2d do do at York on the 3d do do < at Lancaster on the 4th do do I at Chester, on the 1st Monday after the 4th_ Monday in June. (. at Wiiuisboro on the 2d de de do do do 3d Feb, 9th. June 3th F®"d. 10 th Feb. 17th 24th 5th 10 th 14th 20th 24th 28th Feb. 2d June 9th 16th 23d 30th June 2d June 9th 16th 19th 23d 26th 2d 9th 16th 23d 30h June 7th a O £ > L 8- o © >4 M © ** ► &■ pi 8.3 a ® 3- f 2 I ~ 3 ^ 0 h* 1 ® it ts ■5 S O. m w <§* ® JO ? gw Vp-gn ® p a *4 '*3 4 a ci o f 5 Times of Holding Courts of Sessions and Common Pleas, for each Circuit. Spring Term commences on 1st Monday in May, May 5th 1st Monday in March, Mar 3d 2d do do 10th 3d do do 17th 4th do do i24th 1st Mon after 4th Mon in Mar Ma 31st 2d do do do 7tli 3d do do do 14 th Fall Term commences on 1st Monday in October, Oct 6th 2d do do do 13th 3d do do do 20th 4th do do do 27th 1st Mon after 4th Mon in Oct. Nov 3d 2d do do do 10th 3d do do do Days of month. City ^ Circuit. Charleston to sit six weeks Charleston to sit four weeks Southern, Edgefield, Orangeburg, Barnwell, Walterboro for Colleton, Gillisonvilla for Beaufort, Edgefield, Orangeburg, Barnwell, Walterboro for Colleton, Gillisonville for Beaufort, Western. Spartanburg, Laurens, Abbeville, Anderson, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Laurens, Abbeville, Anderson, Pickens, Greenville, Northern, Associate Judges in ihe Courts of Law JOSIAH J. EVANS, J. B. O'NEAl.L, D L. WAR EL AW, EDWARD FROST, T. J. WITHERS, Attorney General. Solicitors. To attend the Eastern Circuit.— Western do—J. N. WHITNER, Middle do—SIMEON FAIR, Northern do.—T. N. DAWKINS, Southern do.—M. L. BONHAM, I. W'HAYNE, to attend the City Circuit. Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Conway boro for Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburgh, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Conway boro for Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburgh, S"jP° The Court of Appeals in Law and Equity, to be held in Charleston on the 2d Monday in January, to try cases for the Districts of Georgetown, Horry, Beaufort, Colleton, and Charleston. The Court of Appeals in Law and Equity, to be held at Columbia, on the 1st Monday in May, and 4th Monday in November. The Judges have power to order adjourned or extra sessions in Columbia or Charleston. tUgC A Court for CORRECTION OF ERRORS, consisting of all the Chancellors and Judges of the Courts of Law, shall be held at such time, during the sittings of the Courts of Appeal, as Judges may appoint. Return Day. Fifteen days before the silting of each Court. Union, Fairfield, Chester, York, Lancaster, Union, Fairfield, Chester, . York, Lancaster, Middle. Richland, Newberry, Lexington, Sumter, Kershaw, Richland, iSTewberry, Lexington, Sumter, Kershaw, Eastern. Citu Court of Charleston. Held 1st Monday in February, do do May, do do July, do do October, i Hon. William Rise, Recorder. ' Ci5"Return Day, ten days before. I each Court ifi held. 39 GOVERNMENT OF ALABAMA Henry W. Collier, of Tuscaloosa, Governor, (terra of office ex¬ pires on the 1st Monday in December, 1851,) $2,50( William Garrett, Secretary of State, Fees and 1,201 Joel Riggs, Comptroller of Public Accounts, 1,25C William Graham, State Treasurer, 1,200 Marion A. Baldwin, Attorney-General, Fees and 425 James G. Carroll, Adj. and Inspector-General, 200 Carter R. Harrison, of Tuscaloosa, Quartermaster-General, 200 Michael Toumey, of Tuscaloosa, State Geologist, The Senate consists of 33 members, elected for four years, one half of them going out every two years. The House of Representatives consists of 100 members, elected for two years. The Legislature meets biennially in the city of Montgomery, on the second Monday of November. The third biennial session will be held in 1851. The pay of the members of both Houses is $4 a day each. The public records, archives, and offices were removed from Tuscaloosa to Montgomery, in November, 1847. Judiciary. Supreme Court. Salary. Edward S. Dargan, of Mobile, Chief-Justice, $2,250 William P. Chilton, of Tuskegee, Associate-Justice, 2,250 *Silas Parsons, of Huntsville, do. 2,250 Cocke of Tuscaloosa, Reporter Fees. Marion C. Baldwin of Montgomery, Attorney General, Fees and 425 George C. Ball, of Montgomery. Clerk, Fees. The judges of all the courts, and the chancellors, are elected by a joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly, for six years. The sessions of this court are held at the seat of government on the 1st Mondays of Jan¬ uary and June of each year, for hearing and determining points of law taken by appeal or writ of error from the Chancery, Circuit, and County Courts The volumes of reported decisions are upwards of thirty in number. Court of Chancery. Salary- Jos. W. Lesesne, of Mobile, Chancellor of the Southern Div'n, $1,500 Wiley W. Mason, ofWetumpka, do. do. Middle do. 1,500 David G. Ligon, of Moulton, do. do. Northern do. 1,500 The state is divided into forty chancery districts in each of winch a session of the court is held annually, except in Mobile, Sumter, Montgomery, Dal¬ las, Madison, and Barbour counties, where two sess^jnejield^ "♦ AP1Wintc loss 2| per cent, on invoice weight; inclu-j ton, and 5 per cent, one month's storage- ding freight at id. and 5 per cent., storage insurance, all landing charges and commi-s one month, insurance, all landing charges' sions; exchange 108: and commissions; exchange 108: |Iree on board Iu Liverpool. Free on board. 5 cents 54 " 5J " 54 « 6 " 64 » 64 " 6| " 7 " 74 " 74 " 74 » 84 84 9 94 94 94 10 104 104 104 11 114 114 114 In Liverpool. per ,bnett 3 7-16d. per lb. 5 cents 3 9-16d 3 12-I6d • 3 14-16d ' 4d 4 2-16d • 4 4-16d ' 4 7-16d » 4 9-lGd 4 ll-16d 4 13-16d 5d 5 2-l6d 5 4-16d 5 6-16d 5 9-16d 5 11-16d 5 13-16d 5 15-l6d 6 1-I6d 6 4-16d 6 6-16d 6 8-l6d 6 10-16d 6 13-16d 6 15-16d 7 l-16d 7 3-16d per 112 lbs nett. 24s 9d '54 " 25s lid 54 '• 27s Od 154 " 28s 2d .6 " 29s 3d I64 « 30s 4d 164 31s 5d 6| " 32s 7d |7 " 33s 8d |74 " 34s lOd |7* " 35s lid |7J " 37s Od i8 " 38s 2d 184 " 39s 3d |84 " 40s 4d |9 " 41s 5d iCost of Wheat, 11 American bushels calcu¬ lated to nett 70ibs., including freight at 8s. per qr. of 480 lbs., duty 4s. insuranca' one month s storage, all landing charges and commissions; exchange 108. Free on board. per bushel 56 lba. I11 Liverpool. Cost of Indian Corn, 8.J American bushels calculated to nett qr. of 48(1 lbs., including freight 5s. per qr. and 5 per cent., dut Is. per qr., one month Ts storage, insmance all commissions and landin. change 108: charges; ex- Free on board, per 56 lbs. 30 cents, 35 40 " 45 50 55 60 " 65 " 70 75 tl In Liverpool, per qr. 4801bs, 20s 7d. 22s 5d 24s 4d 26s 3d 28s 2d 30s Od 31s lid 33s lOd 35s 9d 37s 7d S9s 6d Cost of Indian Corn Meal, including duty at 4td. per cwt., freight 2s. fid. per brl. and 5 per cent, one month's storage, insurance, all commissions aud landing charges: ex¬ change 108: #1 7s 7d 1,05 7s lOd 1,10 8s 2d 1,15 8s 5d 1,20 8s 9d 1,25 9s Od 1,30 9s 3d 1,35 9s 6d 1,40 9s lOd 1,45 1,50 10s Id 10s 4d Free on board, per barrel 196 lbs. $ 2,50 2,75 3 3,25 3,50 3,75 In Liverpool, per barrel 196 lbs. 15s 8d 16s 9d 17s 30d 18s lid 21s 2d 21s 2d H Members of the LegMkUire will expire October, lo51 « ot Georgia, elected October, tSb!)| &bd whos# tena of otbo# SENATORS. 1st, Dist. 2d Dist. 3d Dist. 4th Di.'t. 5th Dist. titli Dist. 7th Dirt, bth Dist. 9th Dist. )0th Dist. 11th Dist, 12th Dist. 13th Dist. 14th Dist. Kith Dist. 10th Dist. T. Purse, Guaterman, T. T, Long, T. K. Dunham, William .Tones, D. F. McRae, W. H. Uawls, T- R. Mines, James Grubbs, E. J. Blacksheur, S. Turner, J. E. Love, R. H. Clark, James E. Brown, J. Tomlinson, V. Leonard, 17th Dist. IS-'th Dist. ISith Dist. 2 th Dist. 21st Dist. 22d Dist. !3d Dist. ! 1th Dist. 25th Dist. 2lilh Dist. 27th Dist. 281 h Dist. 2.1th Dist. 3l)lh Dist. 31st Dist. J2d Dist. W. B. Bryan, John W. G. Smith, M. Johnston, Js. Napier, James R. Smith, Andrew J. Miller, A. Bell, J. B. Gonder, A. O. Moseley, A. Cochran, James A. Miller, Tra E. Smith, B. 0. Terrell. John Jones, J. D. Slell, D. J. Bailey, 33d Dist. 34th Dist. 35th Dist. 3tith Dist. 37th Dist- 38th Dist. 39th Dist. 4 1 1 ^ a § 55 ^ a ? > * s k a. w ^ 2 ss " El ^ ° W tu Q ^ 2 as W g £ P O *" S! 3 W H . I ei" *-t» % o ® * 5 pa £ 5* m r d 5« g- 2= q 5s s s I .► s. > 01 -3 c. a* **1 I °*o ?> a O o2^ « td O O H * < 2 § nfl r* o a H % 02 " t-1 " w a 58 a is w to- c; M 02 i—i' H. Cfi 02 O 2 ^ o # O 02 O • tei f W »■< 8° o o DRUGS & MEDICINES. white and red lead. litharge, putty, glazier's points, putty knives, paint stones, paint mills, varnishes, brushes, sand pa¬ per, window AND COACH glass, lamp, sperm, lard, tan¬ ner's and linseed oils. -Also- warranted—select POWDERS for physicians use pure medicinal ex¬ tracts, genuine cod- liver oil, physician's improved saddle bags. and a larg e as¬ sortment of surgi¬ cal instruments. _ ALSO Pure Medicinal Wines and French Brandies on hand, selected by a com¬ petent judge. - A large and well assorted Stock of Trusses, Abdominal Sup¬ porters, Shoulder Braces and Suspensory Bandages. ; Warranted FRESH GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, from the best Seed-towers in the country, and every Article usually kept by Druggists, al¬ ways on hand, at wholesale or retail, a few doors below the United States Jlotel, aud near the Post-Office Corner, Broad-et., Augusta. DANIEL B. PLUMB. HENRY BACON, M. D. CLAYTON & BIGNON, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, &C., 10.137, METCALF'S RANGE, BROAD-STREET, Augusta, Georgia. Respectfully inform their friends and customers that they aro constantly weiving, from their Manufactory in New York, a large and well selected as- Mtmeutof fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, which they offerf Yholewle or Retail, at the lowest prices. • CLAYTON, A. P, BIGNON. BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY STO.-IE, THOS. RICHARDS & SOI, Augusta, Ga., Have just received a fresh Stock of School, Classical, Mc •cal Law and Miscellaneous Books, every variety of Bit Books, Port able Desks, Musical Instruments tyc.,